./ A History of Cleveland and Its Environs The Heart of New Connecticut By ELROY McKENDREE AVERY VOLUME I HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATED THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO AND NEW YORK 1918 COPTEIOHT, 1918 BY ELEOY McKENDREE AVEBY PREFACE Ever since my coming, in the sumiuer of 1871, to what is now the City of Cleveland, I have been, from force of early habit, accumulating matter relating to the history of Cleveland and its environs. These accumulations include books, pamphlets, magazines, newspaper clip- pings, etc. ; among these are histories, atlases, etc., of the city, the county, and the Reserve, the Annah of the Early Settlers' Associa- tion, the Tracts of the Western Reserve Historical Society, city direc- tories, blue books, and annual summaries of municipal doings. All of these, together with my personal recollections and the contribu- tions that I solicited from many per.sons, I have combined as well as I could in this historical volume of Cleveland and Its Environs. As a matter of fairness to myself, I cheerfully state that I have made free use of the labors of others who, in advance of me, have trodden the path of Western Reserve historj'. In the preparation of the early chapters of this volume, I had Colonel Whittlesey's Early History of Clevela)id and Mr. Kennedy's History of Cleveland almost constantly at my elbow, with Mr. Orth's History of Cleveland, the Annals and the Tracts previously mentioned within easy reach, and with the files of the Magazine of Western History easily accessible. I have found Mr. Kennedy's work especially helpful and, if at any point I have failed to make acknowledgment of matter quoted there- from, I hope that this may be held as adequate atonement. It is proper, however, to suggest that as Mr. Kennedy and I were continu- ally dipping our buckets into the same wells of information, identity of matter is not conclusive proof of plagiarism. In a few cases, I have corrected errors in works that I have utilized ; to these corrections, I possibly added errors of my own. I hope that such errors of mine have not exceeded the percentage permissible to everybody in every walk of life. For the sake of the reader, I have made very sparing use of foot- notes,* and, for my own sake, I respectfully call attention to the fact * Such notes are necessary in some writings (like law text books), but they are frequently more confusing than helpful to readers of volumes like this. They cannot conscientiously ignore the foot-notes but, if they stop to read them, the continuity of the story is interrupted. Even this foot-note is suggestive of the injunction of the school master to his pupils, to never split an infinitve or use a preposition to end a sentence with. iii 13S7598 iv PREFACE that the initial paragraph of this preface did not begin with the "perpendicular pronoun." Having accomplished so much in defer- ence to the dicta of a certain class of critics, I am inclined to insist upon my right to say " I " instead of " we " whenever I desire to do so. It is, also, only fair to myseK to say that, in many cases, unifonnity in tj-pographical style, and certain rhetorical desiderata (such as "the unity of the paragraph") have been subordinated to the conservation of space and matter demanded by war conditions. To the manj- who have lent a helping hand (they are too numerous for individual mention), I hereby tender my assurances of grateful appreciation. I must, however, make specific mention of the assist- ance given by Mr. H. G. Cutler, the general historian of the Lewis Publishing Company. To enable me to complete the work on schedule time, he came from Chicago to Cleveland and, for several weeks, was my genial and able a.ssistant. Some of the later chapters of this vol- ume were written by him. Cleveland, November 1, 1918. Contents CHAPTER I IN OLD CONNECTICUT Early Events ix Southern New England — Royal Land Grants — Connecticut Cedes Most op Her Western Lands — Sale of Western Reserve to Connecticut Land Company — Persontstel of the Connecticut Land Company 1 CHAPTER II THE QUEST OF THE PROMISED LAND Cleaveland Buys Indian Land Clmms — At the Port of Inde- pendence — "Stow Castle" — ExplorjVTIons of the New Land — The Founding of Clevelaito — The Township op Euclid — Exit General Cleaveland — Seth Pease, Principal Surveyor — Arrival op Judge Kingsbury 12 CHAPTER III IN NEW CONNECTICUT Lorenzo Carter Arrives — Cleveland a General Hospital — Industrial Birth — Cleveland and Ohio in 1800 36 CHAPTER IV THE PIONEERS Historic Conservatism — Pioneer Education and Religion — The Coming of Samuel Huntington — Major Spafford's Resurvey 53 vi CONTENTS CHAPTER V EOUNDING OUT THE FIRST DECADE First Justices of the Pkvce — Le.\ding Business Men — The hocAL. Militia — Clouded Titles to Indian Lands — Early Mails and Postmasters — Beginning of Cleveland's Second Decade — Nathan Perry Comes 62 CHAPTER VI GETTING SETTLED Nathan Perry, Jr. — Cleveland and Huron Highway — Amos Spafford and Stanley Griswold — Levi Johnson — Creation OF Cuyahoga County — First Tanneries — Pioneer Legal Matters — Dr. David Long — Clevelanders of 1811-12 — Kel- ley 's Island 75 CHAPTER VII "CLEVELAND CITY" BECOMES A VILLAGE The War of 1812 at Cleveland — The First Murder and Execu- tion — Capt. Stanton Sholes at Cleveland — Cleveland Village Incorporated 91 CHAPTER VIII FIVE YEARS OF VILLAGE LIFE First Village Legislation — Notable Arrivals of 1816 — First Church Finally Organized — Kelley's L.vrge Stone House — Cleveland's First Bank and Bankers — First School- house Built in Clevel.\nd — Reuben Wood — " Walk-in-tiie- Water" Makes Cleveland — Cleveland Herald Founded. . 100 CHAPTER IX A GOOD BEGINNING AND A BAD ENDING First Presbyterian Church — Old Stone Chuiich — A Pioneer Bridge Subscription — John W. Willey — The Cleveland Academy — Rufus P. Spalding — The Second Courthouse — George Worthington" — Various Impro\t5ments and Hap- penings — The (Cleveland Advertiser Appears 126 CONTENTS vu CHAPTER X GROWTH OF MIND AND BODY The Fugitive Slave Law— Local Anti-Slavery Sentiment— FiKST Baptist Church— Black Hawk and John Stair — FiRK AND Water— Thomas Bolton— First Western Loco- motive Works 1"*" CHAPTER XI THE CANAL AND THE CHARTER William Bingham— William A. Otis— Moses Kelley— The C/isAi^ Era — "Boom" Following the Building op the CjVNAl 162 CHAPTER XII THE CITY OF CLEVELAND AND THE CITY OF OHIO Improvements in Cleveland and Ohio City— The Bridge War Ohio City's First Election— Mayors op the Two Cities — In the City of Cleveland — City Council First Meets- First Board of School Managers l^l CHAPTER XIII THE YEAR OF THE FIRST DIRECTORY Council Approved City Directory — Churches in 1837 — Court- house Described — Associations and Institutions of 1837 — Financlvl Institutions — Newspapers — Industries and Rail- roads — Cleveland Harbor — Leading Cleveland Hotels — Stage Lines — Judges op the Court op Common Pleas — Gov- ernment Officials — Arrival and Departure op the Mails — Rates of Postage — An Ordinance to Provide for the Es- T.VBLISHMENT OP CoMMON SCHOOLS ARRIVAL OF THE PaNIC of 1837 — Ohio Railroad Put to Rest. 184 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER XIV THE BEGINNING OF THE RAILWAY ERA Dr. Jared p. Kirtlaxd — Municipal, Officials op 1839-40 — City Record of 1840-45 — Young IMen's Literary Association Or- ganized — Municipal IVL\tters, 1846-48 — Railway Construc- tion — Water Works Suggested — Plymouth Congrega- tional Church — The C. C. & C. Enters Cleveland — Cleve- land & ilAHONiNG Railroad Completed 205 CHAPTER XV THE UNION OF CLEVELAND AND OHIO CITY Municipal Water Supply — The Cleveland of 1853 — Ohio City OF 1853 — Destructive Fires — The Canal Bank Closes Its Doors — Young Men's Christian Association Organized. . . . 220 CHAPTER XVI ON THE WAY TO CIVIL WAR The Mayors of Cleveland — Municipal Improvements— The Courthouse op 1885— Oberlin-Wellington Rescue Cases — The Hanging of John Brown — Journeys op the Perry Monument — Capture and Return of the Slave Lucy — Lincoln Visits Cleveland 233 CHAPTER XVII AN ERA OF REMARKABLE DEVELOPMENT Cleveland's Trade — Commerce and Manufactures, 1865 — Leading Shipbuilding Port — New Passenger Depot — Edu- cational and Charitable — Founding of Cuyahoga County Agricultural Society — A Projected City Hall — Cleve- land Work House and House of Correction — East Cleve- land Annexed — Organization of Cuyahoga County Medi- cal Society — Origin of the Cleveland Humane Society — Legal Matters op Moment — Newburo ViijLage Annexed — The Panic of 1873 — Improvement of Water Supply — Women's Christian Temperance Union — Harbor of Refuge Constructed — Hotels and Amusement Halls — The Old City Hall 247 CONTENTS ix CHAPTER XVIII ROUNDING OUT THE FIRST CENTURY The First High Level Bridge — The Early Settlers' Associa- tion — Leonard Case, Jr. — Cleveland Music Hall — James A. Garfield — Fi/)od and Firk — The "Blinkey" Morgan Affair — Second High Level Bridge — Largest Shipbltildixo Center in the Country (1890) — Municipal-Federal Plan Adopted — Regulating the Price op Gas — Cleveland Wealth of 1891 — Revolutionary Descendants — Historical Society and Chamber of Commerce — The Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument — Convention of Christian Endeavorers ■ — The Cleveland Postoffice — Cleveland's Centennial Anniversary 268 CHAPTER XIX THE CENTENNIAL YEAR Celebration of Cleveland's Centennial — To the Women of 1996— To Women Unborn 289 CHAPTER XX THE METROPOLIS OF OHIO War Emergency Committees, D. A. K. — Clevelanders Off for Cuba — Mayors McKisson and Farley — Re.\l Queen City op THE Lowt;r Lakes — The Mayor Johnson Era — Struggle FOR 3-Cent Street R.ulway Fare — The Tayler FuiVNCHisE , — Natural Gas, Street Names, Etc. — Belt Line Railway Not Electrified — Moses Cleaveland's Burial Place 310 CHAPTER XXI THE SIXTH CITY County Centennial Celebration — Home Rule Charter Framed — Centennial Celebration op Perry's Victory — Niagara Day — Perry Day — Children's and Women's Day CONTENTS — Conclusion of the Celebration — Mayor Baker Enters THE Wilson Cabinet — First City in American Spirit — Cleveland as a Twentieth Century Pioneer — Increases OF Ten YE.VRS 332 CHAPTER XXII THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF CLEVELAND Under the Board op School Managers — Colored Children — First Plea for High School — The Schools in 1845 — Cleveland's First High School— Greater Interest in the Public Schools — Under the Board op Education — The Mayflower School — West High School — First Elected Board op Education — The Public Schools, 1859-62 — An- drew J. RicKOPP — Public School Record for 1867-72 — East Cleveland Schools Annexed — Much of Newburg Town- ship Annexed — Tax Levy for Building Schools Incre.\sed — Superintendent Hinsd.vle's Administration — Manual Training School Opened — Government of Schools Reor- ganized — Columbus Day Observed — The Schools Under Superintendent Draper — Expansion of School System — First Woman Elected to Public Office in Ohio — Many School Buildings Erected — Conclusion of Superintendent Jones' Term — William H. Elson's Record — The Educa- tional Commission — Superintendent Frank E. Spaulding — Present School Organization — High Schools — Junior High Schools — Elementary Schools — Special Schools.. 341 CHAPTER XXIIl OTHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Western Reserve University — Case School of Applied Science — The University School — St. Ignatius College — Catholic Schools — The Western Reserve Histohicai, Society — The Cleveland I'tdlic Library— The Early Settlers' Associa- tion 395 CONTENTS xi CHAPTER XXIV STORY OF THE CORPORATION'S DEVELOPMENT A City ok the Skcond Class — Water Supply and Protection Against Fire — Trials of the Public Markets — Growth op Fire and Police Departments During the Civil War — The First Waterworks — The Tunnel and Works of 1870- 74 — General Municipal Code op 1870 — Home Rule op the Police Department — ^Iunicipal Government by Boards — Trial of the Federal Form — Decadal Expansion of Police, Fire and Water Departments — The Great Tunnel and iloDERN Water System of Today — Series of Casualties — The W^aterworks as Completed — The Filtration Plant and Other Works — The Baldwin Reservoir — Miles -and Valuation of Water Works — Zones and Are.v op Supply — Progress of the Fire Department — Adoption of the Fed- eral Form op Government — Charters Unconstitutional — Home Rule Agitation — The Fire Department Up to Date — Methods Are Changed — Motor Tractors Bought — Pres- ' ent Fire and Police Divisions — Department op Public Service — Department op Parks and Public Property — De- partment OF Public Welfare — Department op Public Safety — Department of Finance — Department of Public Utilities •. 429 CHAPTER XXV MUNICIPAL MEANS OF COMMUNICATION The Streets of Old Cleveland — Expansion in All Directions — The Bridges and Viaducts — Getting the East and the West Sides Together — First Permanent Bridge Across the Cuyahoga — Other Bridges at the Strategic Point — Direct Communication with Ohio City — A Bridge Story of Mystery — Other Cleveland Bridges — Walworth Run Via- duct — High-Level Bridge Demanded — Building of Old Su- perior Street Viaduct — Formal Dedication op First High- Level Bridge — Greater Viaduct for Greater Cleveland — Centr.vl Viaduct — Kingsbury Run Improvements — Brook- lyn-Brighton Connection with the Southwest — Other xii CONTENTS Bridges and Vl\ducts — Proposed Lorain-Huron Bridge — Street Car and Interurban Service — The Advent op Electricity — Grand Consolidation and Expansion — The Connections Outside of Cleveland — The Public Square AND the Grand Group Plan — Origin op the Group Plan of Public Buildings — Group Plan Commission Appointed AND Plan Accepted — Building Sites Purchased — The Fed- ERAL. OR POSTOFFICE BuiLDING ThE CoUNTY BuILDING ThE Municipal Hall — The City Planning Commission 449 CHAPTER XXVI PARKS AND MARKETS Recreation Parks — Old Clinton Park — Changes in Park AL^nagement — ^Franklin Circle — Early Attempts to Pound East Cleveland Parks — Three City Parks Pro- posed — Miles Park, Newburg — The Old South Side Park — • Lake View Park — Gordon Park — Wade Park — Fairview Park — The Cleveland Park Plan Adopted — Edgewater Park — Brookside Park — Garfield Park — Ambler Parkway Connection — Shaker Heights Park — The Rockefeller Parks — Other Connecting Boulevards — "Washington Park — -Parks in the Making — The Parks Truly Popularized — The Parks Statistically Considered — The City Market Houses 474 CHAPTER XXVII BENCH AND BAR OF CLEVELAND Justices of the Peace — James Kingsbury — Lorenzo Carter Breaches tjie Peace — Samuel Huntington — When Justice Was Young — Dr. Samuel Underihll — George Hoadley, the Elder — John Bare and Other Leading Early Justices — The Court of Common Pleas — First Court, a Strong Body — First Cases Before Court — Daniel in the Lion's Den — Alfred Kelley First Appears as Prosecutor — First Civil Jury Trial — First Session op Supreme Court in Cleve- land — Alfred Kelley, the First Active Lawyer — Court CONTENTS xiii Business During First Four Ye^vrs — Leonard Case, Sr. — Various Presiding Judges op the Court — Harvey Rice — Brilliant, Eloquent and Versatile Sherlock J. Andrews — John W. Allen — Mayor John W. Willey — Henry B. Payne — Samuel Cowles — Samuel Starkweather and Horace Foote — During the Civil War Period — Relief from Over-Crowded Docket— Samuel B. Prentiss — Robert F. Paine — President Garfield's Significant Compliment — Superior Court Established — Court Aboijshed as Insuf- ficient — Seneca 0. Griswold — William E. Sherwood — ■ Now Twelve Common Ple^vs Judges — The Probate Court and Judge Tilden — Henry Clay White — The Circuit Court — Charles C. Baldwin — John C. Hale — The Munici- pal, OR Police Court — Col. 0. J. Hodge — Bankruptcy Courts and Registers — The Insolvency and Juvenile Court — Clevelanders as Judges op the Higher Courts — Chief Justice and Governor Wood — Rupus P. Ranney — Franklin J. Dickman — John H. Clarke— United States Court for the Northern Ohio District — Hiram V. Will- son — President Gabpield and His Sons — John Hay, Diplo- mat, Statesman and Scholar — Nevstton Diehl Baker — Called to the United States Senate — Judge and Governor Huntington — Myron T. Herrick — Governors Loosely Iden- tified WITH Cleveland — Lawyer Congressmen from Cleve- land — Rupus P. Spalding — Richard C. Parsons — The Cleveland Bar Association — Law Library Association — The Cbowell Law School — The Cleveland Law College — The Franklin T. Backus Law School — The Cleveland Law School — Some op the Early Practitioners 494 CHAPTER XXVIII PHYSICIANS AND THEIR INSTITUTIONS First Physician in Cleveland — First Physician of Cleveland — Ple.\sing Tales — Other Pioneer Physicians op Cleveland — Nineteenth Medical District Society — First Prominent Homeopathic Physician — Organization op Cleveland Mewcvl College — College op Physicians and Surgeons — Academy op Medicine — The Medical Library — Cleveland School op Pharmacy — The Pioneer Homeopaths — The Homeopathic Institutions— Cleveland Hospitals — A Few Representative Physicians 539 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER XXIX POLITICAL. PHILOSOPHICAL, SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS Social Work and Writings — Academy of Natural Science and Its Founders — Dr. John S. Newberry — Dr. Theodore D. Garlick — Dr. Elisha Sterling — Pioneer in Lake Superior Mineral Regions — Professors Morley and Michelson — Dr. Cady Staley — Professors Charles S. Howe and John N.- Stockwell — Worcester R. Warner and Ambrose Swasey — Charles F. Brush 553 CHAPTER XXX ART AND ARTISTS IN CLEVELAND Music and Musicians — Cleveland Vocal Society and School of Music — Bringing Music to the Masses — Composers of Music — The Old Bohemians op Cleveland — Cleveland School op Art — The Art Museum — Early Cleveland Painters — Sculptors Matzen and Niehaus — Clara Morris as a Cleveland Girl 561 CHAPTER XXXI AUTHORS AND THEIR INSTITUTIONS First Literary Societies and Lyceums — Dickens Hits Cleve- land Jingoism — The Ark and the Arkites — The Western Reserve Historical Society — The LmiiARiF^s— Contriuutors to General Literature — Benjamin P. Tayu)r — Constance Fenimore Woolson- — Sarah K. Bolton — Edmund Vance Cooke — Cleveland Lawyers as Authors — Educational and Historical — Colonel Wiu-itlesby and Judge Baldwin — Identified with the Western Reserve University — Harvey Rice — Samuel P. Orth — James H. Kennedy — Leading Edu- cators as Writers 568 CONTENTS XV CHAPTER XXXII NEWSPAPERS AND THEIR BUILDERS First Newspaper Not a Sitccess — ('leveland Herald and Eben D. Howe— JosiAH A. Harris— A. W. Fairbanks— Division of the Herald — Founding ok the Plain Dealer — Quaint, Lov.ujle "Artemus Ward" — Benjamin F. Taylor— The West Side Produces Newspai-ers — Young Edwin Cowles Introduced — Joseph Medill and Edwin Cowles Associated —Becomes the Leader Under Cowles — Edwin Cowles, Premier Clevei^and Journalist — Evening News Founded — John C. Covert — The Present Cleveland News — Cleve- land Press and the Scripps-McRae League — Cleveland Newspaper Field, as a Whole 582 CHAPTER XXXIII RELIGIOUS, DENOMINATIONAL, ETC. Distinctive Religious Bodies — Trinity Episcopal Church op Cle\'eland — The Presbyterians — The Congregational Churches — Methodist Organizations — A Summary op Methodism — Baptist Activities — Disciples op Christ, or Christians — United Presbyterians — Lutheran Churches • — Evangelical Organizations — German Baptists and Meth- odists — The Unitarian and Christian Scientists — Catholi- cism IN Cleveland — The Diocese op Cleveland — First Bishop op Cleveland — Homes and Convents — Bishop Gil- mour's Administr.\tion — Last Administrative Acts — Ap- pointment OF Rev. Ignatius Horstmann — Apostolic Mission Organized — Golden Jubilee Observed — Death of Bishop Horstmann — Bishop Horstmann 's Successor and Associates — German Catholic Churches of East and West Sides — Irish Catholics — Other Catholic Churches in Cleveland — Jew^ish Congregations — Making Christian American Citizens — Institutional or Community Churches — Cleveland's Foreign Groups in Figures — The Work of the Federated Churches — Growth Shown in Figures — Charit.vble and Benevolent Institutions — Cleveland As- sociated Charities — The Children's Fresh Air Camp — Other Institutions — The Homes for the De.\d — Social Development in Cleveland — The Cleveland Young Men's Christian Association — The Great War — The Last Year's Record — The Young Women 's Christian Association .... 595 xvi CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXIV MILITARY AND WAR MATTERS Capts. Lorenzo Carter and Nathaniel Doan — Cleveland in THE War of 1812 — Mexican War Organizations — Cleve- land Grays and Cleveland Light Artillery — First Ohio Light Artillery — Company D, First Ohio Volunteer In- fantry (Cleveland Grays) — Other Commands in Which Cleveland Men Served — Toll of Death and Maimed — Women's Relief Work — Originality of Civil War Cam- paigns — From the Civil War to the War with Spain — The Spanish-American War — Military Organization When the World War Opened — Training School for Civilians — Reckless Americanism — Pen Picture of Cleveland's Mili- tary Service — Prominent War Civilians — Big Work in Gener.yl — Individual Home Woricers — First Army Unit to go Abroad — Lakeside Base Hospital — First University War Unit — Consolidation of War Funds — The Y. M. C. A. War Work — Facts About the Victory Chest Campaign — Speclvl Contributions from the Foreign Sections — In- vestments in Government Securities — Municipal War Work — A Hint of the Women's War Work 654 CHAPTER XXXV TRADE, COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY The Ante-Canal Period — The Decade 1827-37 — The Worth- INGTON Interests — Industrial and Ornamental — Origin of Two Great Iron Industries — Three Good Banks — Stabiliz- ing Cleveland's Finances — Other Early Banks op Sta- bility — Panic of 1857 "Gets" but One Cleveland Bank — Cleveland Industries op 1840 and 1860— Iron and Steel Industries Up to the Civil War — Mining and Handling Iron Ore — Marcus A. Hanna in Business — Cleveland Clearing House Association — The Cleveland Federal Re- serve Bank — Coal Mining and Trade — Oils and Paints — The Carbon Industry — Manufacture of Auto Acces- sories — Increase in Manufactured Products, 1904-14 — Fi- nances and Commerce Since 1876 — Comparative Summary, 1907-17 — The Chamber of Commerce — Official Roster, 1848-1918 — The Chamber op Industry — The Standard Oil Company — The Canal Period in Clevet.and's History.... 688 Index Abbey, Henry G., I, 371, 400, 571 Abbev, Seth A., I., 139, 244, 518 Abbott & Jenkins, III, 14 Abbott, David, I. 64 Abbott. II. P. A.. I. 5!)0 Abbott, Russell B.. Ill, 14 Abbott, Williird. Ill, 160 Aborn, Frank H., I, :U>3. 364, 375 Atademy Building (illustration), I, 131 Academy of Medicine, I, 258, 544 Academy of Music, I, 265; (illustra- tion) 264 Academy of Natural Science, I, 555 Ackerman, .loseph N., II, 450 Acklev. Horace A., I, 543 AckleV. H. C, I, 230 Acklev, .lolin A.. I, 98 Acme Machinery Company, II, 433 Adams, Asacl, I, 74. 341 Adams, Asael, Jr., Ill, 185 Adams Bag Company. 111,191 Adams. Charles E.. "l, 677, 680, 709; II. 24 Adams. George D., Ill, 185 Adams. Jarvis M.. I, 533 Adams. K. K. \V.. I. 545 Addams. George S.. I, 521 Addison. Hiram M. (Father), (por- trait, I, 269; 287. 291, 426, 427», 624 Addison .hinior high school, I, 365, 386 Adelbcrt College of Western Reserve University. 271, 398; College Cam- pus (illustration). 397; Main Build- ing (illustration). 396 Admire. E. K.. I. 711; III, 392 Admire. .Tames K., III. 394 Admire. Philomene E.. Ill, 393 Agnew. William. III. 27 Aiken, Samuel C, I, 129, 231; (por- trait). 600 Ajax Manufacturing Company, II, 71 Akers, John M.. HI, 458 Akers. William .J.. I. 287, 346, 581; III. 456 Akron, Bedford & Cleveland road. I. 464 Albl, Edward J.. II, 261 Albl, Michael, II. 260 Alburn, Cary R., Ill, 257 Alburn, John A., I, 723; II, 406 Alden, Charles E., II. 33 Alden. Knapp & Magee, II, 33 Aldricli. C. .1., I, 544 Alexander, Isabelle, I, 315 Alexander. W. D. B., II, 503 Allen. Albert M., Ill, 179 Allen. Dndlev P.. I, 544; II, 124 Allen, John R.. II, 40 Allen, John W., I, 100, 107, 136, 143, 179. 202, 209, 212, 426, 506, 529*, 568, 585 Allen. Luther. I, 709 Allen. Xehemiah. I, 149, 202 Allen. William F., Jr., I, 708, 710 Allison, Robert, I, 702 All-steel boats, II, 470 AUyne, E. E., I, 710 Almira school. I, 388 Along the Canal (illustration), I, 480 Alpers, William C, III, 514 "Ambitious" educational attempt, I, 74 Ambler, Martha B., I, 487 Ambler Parkway, I, 487, 490 Ambler, William E., II, 316 Ambler- Woodland Hills Boulevard, I, 490 American Civic Reform Union, The, II, 462 American Foundry and Equipment Company, II, 557 American Multigraph Company, II, 303; III, 106 "American Notes" (Dickens), I, 569 American Pharmaceutical Association, III, 514 American Protective League, I, 681 American Shipbuilding Company, III, 61 American Steel and Wire Company, I, 691, 694 Ames, C. E., I. 657 Amnion, John H., II, 113 Amnion, Mary J., TI, 113 Anderson, A."D.. Ill, 416 Anderson, Newton M., I, 403 Anderson, P., I, 710 * Whenever a * appears after a numeral in this index, it indicates that a biography of the subject will be found on that page, in Vol. I. XVII xvm INDEX Anderson, Valerius D., Ill, 414 Anderson, V. D. Company, III, 415 Andrews, Benjamin, I, 205, 583 Andrews, Earl J.. II, 363 Andrews, Frank T., HI, 236 Andrews, L. F. W.. I, 542 Andrews, Samuel, I, 700 Andrews. Sherlock J., I, 107: (portrait) 135; 136*. ISl, 250. 368, 506, 509, 529, 532, 555, 568 Angier House, I, 118 "Annals" (of the Early Settlers' As- sociation), I, 58, 87, 114, 119, 132, 133, 141, 145, 154, 220, 428, 452 Annexations to the original village, 1829-1917 (map), I, 256; 257 Annunciation (French) church, I, 614 Anshe Chesed congregation, I, 615 Anti-slavery sentiment (local), I, 149 Anti-Tuberculosis League, I, 624 Apex Electrical Manufacturing Com- pany, in, 305 Applegarth. H. C. I, 55. 153 Apthorp, Henry, II, 154 Architectural League of America, I, 467 Archwood church, I, 601 Archwood Congregational Cliurch, I, 126 Arc light. III, 258 Ark (The), 555, 570 Arkites (illustration), I, 570; 571 Arms, C. C, I, 544 Armstrong, George E., I, 258 Armstrong, William W., I, 275, 586 Arndt. Charles F.. I, 446 Arnold, Caroline T., II, 479 Arnold, Ceorge, I, 500 Arnold, (ieorge J., Ill, 224 Arrivals of 1816, I, 102 Artemus Ward (see Charles F. Browne) Arter, Frank A., II, 66 Arter, Sherman, I. 438; II, 448 Arter, Theodore, II, 447 Art gallery ojiened, 1, 337 Art (ilass "Company, 111. 342 Art iluseum, \V!id'e I'ark, I, 482 Artists, 1, 5(i:i Arthur, Alfred, i, 561 Associated Charities of Cleveland. I, 250, 630, 632; III, 229 Astronomy, II, 551 Astrup, W. C, 1, 713 Asylum for the Insane, I, 547 Atlas Bolt & Screw Company, II. 431 Atwatcr, Amzi, I. 26, 27, 36 Atwatcr (Amzi) .Journal, I, 36, 39 Alwater, Caleb, I, 7 Austin, Eliphalct, I, 51, 202 Auto aeccsHoriea, I, 702 "Autobiography of n Pioneer Printer" (Howe). I. 121 AiMoiMoliile center, 1, 338 Automobile club, I, 702 Automobile industry, III, 474 Auxiliary No. 40, National Red Cross Society. I, 313 Avery, Elrov M., I, 139, 278, 279, 282, 283, 328, 329, 365, 368, 380, 382, 417, 578, 624; IH. 565 Averv, Mrs. Elroy M., I, 290, 296, 306. ' 310, 314, 328, 364, 365, 376, 425; lU, 566 Babcock, Brenton D., I, 233 Babcock, Mrs. P. H., I, 282 Babcock, P. H., I, 412 Babies' Dispensary and Hospital Asso- ciation, I, 634 Bacher. Otto, I, 563 Backowski, Josejjh S., II, 254 Backus, Franklin T. (portrait), I. 162; 163, 337, 230, 337, 413, 533, 534*, 535 Backus, William, I, 658 Backus, William V, 11, 162 Bacon, Helen, I, 685 Bacon, Ralph, I, 26 Badger, Joseph, I, 56. 61, 604 Badin, Stephen, I, 607 Baer, George P., I, 447 Baehr, Herman C, I, 233, 332, 711, 713; 111. 194 Bailey Company, II, 190; department store. III, 77 Bailev, Eugene R., Ill, 330 Bailey. Henry T.. I. 565; II, 398 Baker, A. R.. I, 544 Baker, Edward M., Ill, 553 Baker, Elbert H., I, 283, 587; II, 150 liaker. Newton D., I, 233, 333, 335, 337, 3S0; portrait, 441; 442, 472, 480, 536*, 671 Baldwin. Arthur 1)., 11, 166 Baldwin. Charles C, I, 411, 414, 514*; portrait. 515; 573, 678 Baldwin. Dudley, I, 283 Ualdwin, D. C.."l, 414 Baldwin. ICdwanl. I, ISO, 184, 198, 207, 56S Baldwin. Oliver P., I, 184 Baldwin, Xorman A., I, 658 Italdwin. Norman C., I, 139, 177, 178, 305, 308 Baldwin reservoir, I, 438 Baldwin, S, Prentiss, I, 417 Baldwin, Samuel S., I, 81 Ualdwin, William, I. 542 Hull, Webb C., II, 117 Ball. Wi'bb C. Company. The. II, 117, II'.) Ballard (John) & Company, 1, 693 liancroft, (ieorge. I, 114. 342 Bands. 1, 563 Bangs. F. C. I. 378, 484 Bank Note (illustration). 1. Ill liaid< of Cli'velaiid. 1, lilO. 691 INDEX XIX Bank of Cleveland Note (reproduction of), I, 191 Bank of Commerce, I. 692 Hank street. 1868 (illustration), I, 264 Hanker, Newton S., II, 542 Hankrnptey courts, I, 519 lianks and bankers, first, I, 109; in 1837, 190; in 1848, 211; Canal Rank closes its doors (18541, 229; (nu)d- ern) II, 475; tirst of Cleveland, 111, 330 Baptist Home of Northern Ohio, 11. 393 Baptists, I, 604 Barber, Gershoni JI., I. 200. 510, 532, 660 Barber, .Tosiah, I, 107, 149, 159, 173, 177, 179. 197, 205 Barkwill seliool, I, 388 Barnes, Louis, II, 239 Barnett, C. A., I, 384 Barnett, James, I, 136, 250, 275, 287, 317, 624, 630; portrait, 631; 657, 690 Barnett, Melancthon. I, 136, 205, 211 Barnum, P. T., 1. 265 Barr. F. H., I, 546 Barr. .John. 1. 224, 351, 412, 499, 517, 518. 568. 572 Barris, Mrs. W. H., I, 310 Barron, Amos N., I, 710 Barstow, D„ I, 205 Barstow, H. N.. I, 178 Bartlett. C. 0., & Snow Company, III, 326, 391 Bartlett. .Joseph. T, 658 Bartlett, .losepli B., I, 198, 227 Bartlett, Samuel C. I, 395 Bartley, Mordecai, I, 151 Baskiii, Frank S., II, 204 Baskin. Roland A., II, 175 Bastille Day, I. 684 Bates. Albert H.. II. 240 Bates. Theodore M., I, 278, 280 Bathriek, Harry A., I, 394 Battell, Philip, "l, 200, 344 Battey, h. M. H.. I. 635 Bauder. Walter S.. I, 662 Baxter, Edwin, II, 71 Beach. Clifton B.. I. 531 Beardslev. A. C, I, 220 Beardsley, David H., I, 128, 138, 412 Beardslev, Joseph C. I, 662 Beattle, H. W., 11, 68 Beattie. William D., I, 353, 355, 555 Beck. .Iiihann H., I, 563 Beck. Robert 1... II. 59 Beekerman. Henry A.. II, 373 Beckwith. David "H.. I. 546 Beckwith, Mrs. D. H., I, 311 Beckwith, S. R., I, 546 Beehe, \Vm. B., I, 447 Beeman. E. E., I, 278 Begges, A. J., I, 709, 710 Bclilen, Clifford, I, 210 r.clden, Ceorge W., I, 238 lii-lden, Silas, I, 345 ISell, Alexander G., II, 353 11.11. Augustus W., II. 290 li.llaniv. George A., I, 632 Hellows. Charles C, II. 273 licit Line Railway, I, 328; II, 237 KcMian, Anson \\'., II. 64 It. man, Lamar T., I, 44fi; II, 64 Bench and Bar. I. 449-538; early law suits (1808), 80; court of common pleas organized, 80; pioneer legal matters, 82; Rufus P. Spalding's recollections (1823), 132; Thomas Bolton, 157; Moses KcUey. 166; the .-..uvtliouse of 1885. 234; Oberlin- Wellington rescue cases, 236; case and trial .)f the slave Lucy, 243; Cleveland Bar Association, 260; su- perior court created, 260; "Blinkey" Morgan tragedy and trial, 275 "Bench and Bar of Cleveland" (Kenne- dy), I, 494 "Bench and Bar of Cleveland" (Wal- lace), I, 80 Benedict, George A., I, 208, 210, 221 Benham, Charles K., I, 713; III. 454 Benjamin Rose Institute, The, III, 11 Benko.ski, C. J., II, 280 I'ennett. .lohn A., I, 444. 544, 658 Bentlev. ( harles S., II. 416 Benton", Elbert J., I. 414. 417 Benton, Horace, I, 355, 357, 635 Benton, J. J., I, 247 Benton, L. A., I, 244 Benton, L. W., I, 178 Bi'nton, Stephen, I, 26 B.nton, William, I, 177 B.rea, II, 298 Bergcr, Julia A., I, 366 Bernet, John J.. Ill, 552 Bernsteen, Abraham E.. II, 223 Bcrnstecn. M. L.. II, 238 Bernstein. Ale.x.. I. 446. 447 Bernstein, Joseph M., 11, 358 Bernstein, Maurice, II, 144 Best Foundry Company, II, 495 Bethel Associated Charities, I, 624, 630 Bethel Union, I, 250 Hcthl. hi'in Congregational church, I, 601 Bctz, F. H.. I. 446 Beverlin. John, I, 179, 213 Bicknell, Warren, II, 188 Biiyclc Parade, Cleveland Centennial ('illustration), I, 297 Bierce, Sarah E., I, 289, 306 Biggar, H. F., I. 546, 551* Biggs, Charles L., IT, 417 Big Son, I, 65 Bingham, C. W.. I. 402. 417 Bingham, Flavel W„ I, 179, 211, 213, 214. 513 xs. INDEX Bingham, William, (portrait), I, 163; 164*, 251. 258, 414 Binyon. E. A., I, 532 Birinvi, Louis K., Ill, 272 Bisho'p. Jesse P., I, 508, 532 Bishop, Robert H., Jr., I. 682 Bissell. Clarence R.. II, 180 Black Hawk. I. 154 Black. Herman, III, 190 Black, Louis, I, 278; II, 190 Black, Jlorris A., I, 472, 709; III, 190 Blackett, Howard, II, 67 Blair, Elizabeth, I, 290, 306 Blair, George H., I, 546 Blair, Henry, I, 205 Blair, John, I, 124 Blakeslee, Frank, III, 34, 35 Blakeslee, Frank R., Ill, 35 Blakeslee, John Robert, II, 77 Blakeslee, John RoUin, II, 71 Blakeslee, Raymond F., II, 469 Blandin, E. J., I, 511 Blann, Josephine, II, 114 Blatt, J. M., I, 711 Blee, Robert, I, 233. 484 Bliss, Stoughton, I, 571 Bloch, Joseph C, II. 48 Bloomfield. Sol, III, 440 Blue, Ralph, II, 264 Blvth, L. W., I, 669 Blythe, Walter, I, 254 Board of Education created, I, 353; elected, 357 Board of Elections authorized, I, 275 Board of Fire Commissioners, I, 433 Board of Fire Underwriters, I, 213 Board of Health, first, I, 101 Board of Park Commissioners created, I, 477 Board of School Managers appointed, I, 344 Board of Trade, I, 247, 283, 708 Bciardman, Elijah, I, 7 Boardman, W. J., I, 532 BolT, F. M., I, 614 Bohemians in Cleveland, I, 630 Bohm, Max, I, 563, 565 Bole, F. J., I, 280 Bole, J. K., I, 278 Bolles, Henry, I, 141, 585 Bolles, James A., I, 598 B(dt, Ridiard A., II, 272 Bolton, (liester C, I, 669 Bolton, C. E., I, 637 Bolton. Sarah K. (portrait), I, 574* Bolton school, I, 365, 388 Bolton. TlioniaB, I, 157*; portrait, 158; 210. .108 Boltz, Frederick W., Ill, 63 Bomberger, J. H., I, 623 Bond, 8cth M., HI, 462 Bonds, City, II, 444 Bone, J. If. A., I, 412, 585 Book store, first, I, 116 Boughton, Frank M., Ill, 199 Beughton, J. B., I, 586 Boulevard school, I, 388 Bourke, John T., Ill, 252 Bourne, Edward G., I, 395, 579 Bourne, Henrv E.. I. 579 Bowditch. E. W., I, 484 Bower. Edward, III, 42 Boyd, William H., II, 40 Bovden, Ebenezer, I, 597 Boyle, John J., I, 448; II, 330 Boyle, P. C, I. 714 Boys' school. I, 388 Brace, Jonathan, I, 8 Bradburn. Charles. I, 346, 347, 350, 353, 354, 355, 357, 366 Bradburn, George, I, 589 Bradford, Mary S.. I. 289, 306 Bradley, Alva, I, 400. 710; II, 426 Bradley, Dan F., I, 336, 662, 711 Bradley, Morris A., II, 428 Bradstreet, S. J., I, 129 Brady, Francis A., Ill, 235 Brady, Francis M., Ill, 494 Brady, Harry S., Ill, 236 Brainard, Asa, I, 173 Brainard, Enos, I, 173 Brainard, John, I, 545 Brainard, Mrs. H., I, 189 Brainard, Ozias, 1, 173 Brainard, Scth, I, 603 Brainard, Silas, I, 265 Brainard, Stephen, I, 173 Brainard, \^■arren, I, 173 Brainard. William. I, 603 Brainard's Hall, 1. 265 Brainard's Opera House, I, 265 Brainerd, Charles W., Ill, 152 Brainerd, Jesse K., Ill, 151 Brainerd, Mrs. Charles \V., Ill, 152 Bramley, Matthew F., I, 713; III, 463 Blanch high schools organized, 1, 369 Brand, Carl W.. III. 374 Brand. Fred P.. II, 457 Branson, Charles F., Ill, 139 Braund. Tiuney H., I, 446 Bravton, II. F., I, 151, 259 Breck, Charles A., I, 598 Brcitenstein, Joseph C, III, 399 Brenner, Charles, II, 172 Brethren Congregation, I, 606 Brett, William II.. 1, 423, (portrait) 424; 425*; II. 241 Brewer, A. T., I. 417 Brewer, Clara T.. I. 376, 384 Brickcr, Robert 11., II. 157 Bridges. I, 268, 276; second high level bridge, 276; and viaducts, 451-61 Bridge War (1833), I, 174 Hrier Ilill mines, I, 698 Briggs, .lames A.. I. 317, 351, 355 Briggs, Lansing, I, 545 INDEX XXI Hri{;t;s, Sam, I. 251, 414 Brigliam. Louise, I, 554 Brinsmade, Allen T., I. 268 Britton Iron & Steel Company, I. 694 Broadway market, I, 491 Broiidwav Methodist Kpiscopal ehurcli, I, .618' Broadway Play Ground, I, 490 Broadway soluiol, I, 388 Broekott." Blutord W., IT, 53 Brookway. A. \V., I. 231 ■Brodie, Warren .T., II, 124 Bronson, Edward, I, 178, 205 Brooklyn. I, 75, 98, 17,'), 174, 285 BrooklynBriffhton bridge, I, 460 Buioklyn Heights Cemetery Associa- tion," III, 262 Biooklyn lee Company, The. II, 518 Brooklyn Memorial Methodist Episco- pal church, I, 603 Brooklyn schools annexed, I. 376 Brooklyn Street Railway, I, 461 Brooklyn township organized, I, 173 Brooks". Stratton D., I, 378 Brookside Park, I, 486, 490 Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, III, 176 Brown, A. C, I, 404 Brown, Alexander E., Ill, 533 Brown Auto Carriage Co., Ill, 300 Brown, Charles F., I, 573 Brown, Ephraim, II, 413 Bro\vn, Ethan A., I. 503 Brown, Fayette, II, 416 Brown, Harvey H., II, 414 Brown Hoisting Machinery Company, III, 533 Brown, .John, I, 241 Brown. John W., I, 105, 598 Browne. Charles F.. I, 573, 586, 588 Bro\vnell. Ahner C. I. 179. 220, 224 Brownell junior high school, I, 386 Brownell school, I, 388 Biownell Street school, I, 353 Brudno, Ezra S., I, 576 Brunner, Arnold W.. I, 467, 470 Brunner, .John. I, 453 Brush, Charles F.. I. 267, 435, 559», 56.5. 701. 709; 11. 19; III, 258 Brush electric arc light, II, 19 Brush Electric Company, I, 267; II, 20 Brush, Irene, HI, 11 Brusstar. Benjamin F., II. 464 Bryant. David T, 43, 47, 65 Bryant. Oilman, I. 38 Bryant. Whitman. I. 43. 47 Bryant's distillery. I. 65 Bryce. Catherine T., I. 384 Buck. Ilorenco. I, 607 Bucket shop law in Ohio, HI, 48 Buckeye House (illustration), I, 38; 11, 148" Buckeye Tavern. I, 39 Bucklen, H. E., Ill, 543 Buckler, Ernest C, HI, 380 Buckle"y. Hugh. Jr., HI, 452 Buel, J. C, I, 412, 414 lUillalo Company, I, 174 Builalo road, I, 449 Buhrer school, I, 388 Buhrer, Stephen, I, 233, 253, 268 Huick Automobile Company, II, 441 liulklf'v Boulevard, I, 490 Bulkley, Cliarles H., I, 484 Bulkley, Robert J., I, 404, 671; m, 499 Bull, James, I, 8 Bunts, Frank E., I, 312, 544, 662; III, 550 Burdiek, James, I, 658 Burdick, Russell E., I, 662 Bureau of Ideas, Complaints and Sug- gestions, HI, 525 Burgess, Howard H.. I. 279; II, 234 Burgess, Oliver, II, 233 Burgess, Solon, I, 287 Burk, Sylvanus, I, 70 Burke, E. S., Jr.. I. 417, 710 Burke, Mrs. E. S., I, 687 Burke, Stevenson, I, 532, 535, 565, 699; HI, 417 Burke Ten Per Cent Bill, TI, 258 Burke, Vernon H., II, 257 Burnham. Daniel H., I, 467 Burnham, Thomas. I, 151. 179, 214,215 Burr. Timothy. I. 7 Burrell. Edward P., Ill, 515 Burridge, Carlyle L.. I, 662 Burritt, Alfred H., I, 545 Burrows. Francis A., I, 177, 178, 179, 210 Burrows. George H., H, 41 Burton, Elijah. I, 542 Burton. Erasmus D., I, 258, 544 Burton Law, II, 26 Burton, Theodore E., I, 527*; II, 24 Burton, William, I. 178, 205 Bury, Richard, I, 597 Bushnell, Asa S., J, 289, 291, 292 Bnshnell. Simeon. I. 238 Bushnell, Thomas H., I. 521 Bvisiness men of Cleveland (1802), 1,65 Bustard. William W., IH. 69 Butts, Bolivar, I. 287, 291 Cadwallader, Starr, T, 685; II, 156 Cadwell, Darius, I, 511 CagAvin. Thomas P., IH, 366 Cain. Frank C. II. 54 Caine. Frank C, HL 60 Caldwell. Hugh .J., I, 514, 517 Caldwell, John, I, 7, 8 Caldwell, Perry D.. HI, 246 Calhoun, Patrick, I, 488 Callaghan, Thomas E., I, 520, 521 Calvary cemetery, I, 611 XXll INDEX Calvary Evangelical church, I, 619 Calvert, Henry il.. Ill, 57 Calvert, Robert, III, 55 Campbell. Alexander, I, 65 Campbell. O. B., I, 544 Camp ilo-ses Cleaveland, I, 291 Camp Perry-Payne, Cleveland Centen- nial (illustration) I, 300 Canal Bank, I, 692 Canal Bank of Cleveland, I, 229 Canal "boom,'' I, 169 Canal period in Cleveland's history, I, 723-27 Candv business. Ill, 167 Canfield, Horace, I, 180, 184, 200 Canfield. Lee, I, 157 Cantield. Martha A., IH, 47 Canniff. William H., Ill, 117 Canterbury Pilgrimage, I, 328 Capture and return of the slave Lucy, I, 243 Carbon industry, I, 700 Card, George W., I, 542 Carlisle, Robert H., Ill, 101 Carnegie, Andrew, I, 419 Caron, John J., I, 532 Carpenter. Alfred G., II, 471 carpenter, Robert F., II, 472 Carran. Kdward F., Ill, 182 Carran, Lewis C, II, 365 Carran, Robert, II, 364 Carrere, John M.. I, 467 Car Rider's Car, The, II, 107, 108 t arson, OUie G., I, 384 Carter, Alonzo, I, 98, 171, 173 Carter, Lorenzo, I, 36; (portrait), 37; 52. 54, 61, 67, 68, 69, 75, 77, 98, 171, 495, 496, 655, 689 Carter's log house in ISOl, III, 90 Cartter, David K., I, 537 Cartwright, A. A., HI, 248 Case Avenue Independent Lutheran church, I, 605 Case Block, I, 266 Case, Eckstein, I, 400 Case, Frank C, I, 711 Case, Leonard, Jr., 1, 100, 103, 109, (por- trait) 112; 113. 114, 116, 157, 205, 271, 398, 414, 568, 571, 615; III, 477 Case, Leonard, Sr., I, 398, 504*; III, 328 Case Library, II, 219; III, 478 Case school, I, 388 Case School of Applied Science, 1, 271, 398; Main Building (illustration), 399; 488; III, 280. 477, 478 Case, William, I, 179, 313, 214. 315, 216, 350, 555, 570*, 571 Case (Woodland) school, I, 388 CuHS, Lewis, I, 93 C'asHcls, John L., I, 555, 556 CasHclH, J. ]>ang, I, 543, 695 CasHidv, Janu-s T.. I, 416; II, 293 Castle, William B., I, 179, 226, 227, 233; (portrait) 234; 414, 415, 417 Caswell, J. H., I, 380 Cathan. Oirson, I, 100 Cathcart, Wallace H., I, 414; II, 564 Catholic cemeteries, I, 628 Catholic Church of Cleveland, The, II, S9 Catholic schools, I, 410 "Catholic Universe," I, 594, 611; III, 205 Catholics, L 607; II, 89 Caunter, Aaron, I, 446 Cecil Savings and Loan Association, in, 335 Cemeteries, I, 636 Centaur Lake and Museum of Art (il- lustration), I, 482 Centaur Pond, I, 483 Centennial Anniversary celebration, I, 287, 289-309 Centennial Arch (illustration), I, 295 Centennial Commission of Cleveland, II, 43 Centennial floral exposition, I, 300 Centennial Log Cabin (illustration), I, 392 Centennial Year, I, 389 Center Street Bridge, I, 455 Central Armory, I, 663; (illustration), 664 Central High school. I, 357, 366, 367 Central Highway, III, 91 Central Institut'e, III. 291 Central junior high school. I, 387, 365 Central Manual 'Iraining school, I, 386 Central market, I, 334. 491 Central school. I, 365, 386, 388 Central Senior high school, I, 365 Central viaduct. I. 459 Central viaduct casualty (1895), I, 287 ( luulwick. Cassic. II, 337 thamljerlain, Philo. I, 350. 709 Cliamberlin. Charles D., IT. 131 Cl]aml)er of Commerce. I, 383, 634 Champ. Jose|)]i H., Ill, 307 Cliauipion. Henry 3d. I, 7, 8 ( hampion, Roiben. I, 107 Champion Machine & Forging Com- pany, III, 349 Chamn.iey. Mrs. William P.. I, 653 Cluindler." F. C, III, 470 Chandler, Geo. H., II, 264 Clianuuii, II, 541 Clevolniid Kast liij;li school, I, 304 Cleveland IMoctiic Illuminating Com- pany. The, III, 258 Cleveland Klectric Railway Company, I, 320. 321. 463 "Cleveland Evening News." III. 45 Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank. I. 698 Cleveland Federation for C'Juuity and riiilantlu'opy, I. 638 Cleveland Federation of I.alxir. 111. 5():'> Cleveland Female Orphan Asylum. I, 189 Cleveland Female Seminary. I. 190 Cleveland First Troup, I, 268 Cleveland Foundation, II, 214 CIe\t'land free school, I, 188 Cleveland from Courthouse, 1834 (illus- tration), I, 156 Cleveland's First School-liouse (illus- tration), I, 115 Cleveland Galvanizing Works Company, III, 137 Cleveland Cas Light and Coke Com- pany, I, 213 Cleveland Catling Gun Battery, I, 268 Cleveland Gravs, I, 656, 657, 658, 667, 669 Cleveland, Grover, I, 294 Cleveland harlwr. first improvements, 1825. I, 135; second appropriation, 138; "in 1837. 194; harbor of refuge constructed. 262 Cleveland Heights, II. 54 "Cleveland Herald" founded. I. 131, 583 Cleveland High School of Commerce, m, 539 Cleveland Hippodrome, III, 202 Cleveland Home of the Oil King (illus- tration). I. 715 Cleveland Hotel. I, 265 Cleveland Humane Society, I. 259 Cleveland in 1800 (illustration), I. 46 "Cleveland in 1824" (Rice), I, 133 Cleveland Insurance Company, I, 190 Cleveland Iron Company, I, 690, 696; ni, 41 Cleveland Iron Mining Company. T. 691. 696; III. 2 Cleveland, James D., I. 159, 351, 400. 413. 500. 519, .533, 586 Cleveland Law College. I. 533 Cleveland Law Library. I. 251; III, 105 Cleveland Law Library Association, I, 611 Cleveland Law School, I, 534 "Cleveland Leader." I, 589-93 Cleveland I^eader Company, I, 591 Cleveland Library Association, I. 211, 411, 570 Cleveland Light Artillery, I. 656. 657 Cleveland Lyceum, I. 568 Cleveland Macaroni Company, The, III, 261, 404 Cleveland Maternal Association. I. 189 Cleveland Medical Association 1. 544 Cleveland Medical College. I. 543. 546 Cleveland Jledical Library Association, I. 545 Cleveland Medical School. I. 398 Cleveland Milling Company. Ill, 211 "Cleveland Morning Leader." Ill, 45 Cleveland Mozart Society, I. 189 Cleveland Music Hall. I, 271 Cleveland Museum of Art in Wade Park (illustration), I. 564 Cleveland National Bank. II, 39 "Cleveland News." I. 592; II, 31 Cleveland. Painesville &, Ashtabula Railroad. I, 214 Cleveland. Painesville & Kastern Rail- way. I, 464 Cleve"land Park Plan, I. 483 "Cleveland Plain Dealer." I. 584-89 Cleveland Preparatory School, II, 198 "Cleveland Press," 1.592; II. 224 Cleveland Protestant Orphanage, I, 633 Cleveland Provision Company. III. 403 Cleveland Public Library, I, 250. 417; H. 241; IIL 197 Cleveland Railway Company. I. 323, 334 Cleveland Railway Supply Company, II. 307 Cleveland Reading Room Association, I, 188 Cleveland Real Estate Board, II, 104 Cleveland Rolling Mill Company. I. 694 Cleveland School of Art, I. 563; (illus- tration). 564 Cleveland School of Music, I, 563 Cleveland School of Pharmacy. I. 545 Cleveland Seating Company. II. 204 Cleveland Society for tlie Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, I. 259 Cleveland Sorosis. II, 313 Cleveland State Hospital. I. 547 ' "Cleveland .Sunday Leader." Ill, 45 Cleveland Symj)hony Orchestra. I, 562 Cleveland Tanning Company. III. 277 Cleveland Telegraph Supply Company, I, 267 Cleveland Telephone Company, The, II, 352 Cleveland Township of Trumbull County, I. 53 Cleveland Trolley Supply Company, II, 395 Cleveland Trust Company. Ill, 97 Cleveland Vocal Society, I, 561 Cleveland War Council, I, 678 XXVI INDEX Cleveland, Warren & Pittsburgl] liail- road Company, chartered, I, 183, 19^, 205 Cleveland Water Company, incorpo- rated, I, 153, 221 Cleveland Welfare Federation, I, 630 '•Cleveland Whig," I, 583 •'Cleveland Women," I, 594 Cleveland \\'orkhouse and House of Correction (1871), I, 254 Cleveland Worm and Gear Company, II, 529 Cleveland & Bedford Railroad Com- pany, I, 194 Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Company, II, 425 Cleveland & Eastern Railway Com- pany, I, 464 Cleveland & Mahoning Railroad Com- ])an}' completed, I, 218 Cleveland & Newburg Railroad Com- Danv, I, 194, 461 Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad, I, 218 Cleveland & Southwestern Traction Company, I, 464 Cleveland & Toledo Railroad, I, 213 Cliffs and bridges at Brookside (illus- tration), I, 486 Clinton, DeWitt, I, 168, 169 Clinton Park, I, 255, 471, 490 Clouded Land Titles, I, 50 Clouded titles to Indian lands, I, 68 Clum, Alfred, I, 446; III, 44 Coal, first put on Cleveland market, I, 698 Coates, W. R., I, 713 Cobb. Ahira, III, 52 Cobb, G. W., I, 638 Cobb, Lester A., Ill, 53 Codv, Darwin D., II, 388 Cody, Henry B., Ill, 46 Cody, Lindus. HI, 48 Coe," aiarles W., I, 708, 710 Coe, Eben S., I, 660 Coe, S. S., I, 708, 710 Cdfrm, I. Vincent, I. 292, 293 Collinbcrry, .James M., I, 236, 456, 508 Coit. Daniel L., I, 7 Colahan, Thomas. I. 184, 205 Cole. W. B.. I. 446 College for Women. Western Reserve University, I, 398 College of Physicians and Surgeons, I, 544 (■(■ll.'t. .loshiia. T, 507 (ollinwood ((Bienville Annex) school, I, :is6 (■(illinwood .lunior high school, I, 387 (■(.lliiiwond school, T, 388 Colonnade Company, The. Ill, 449 ('oluml)ia Savings and Loan Company, nr, 316 (■(ihimbia school, I, 388 Columbus Day in the public schools, I, 374 Columbus Street (1833), I, 174; 451 Columbus Street bridge. I, 175, 452, 453; (illustration), 176 Colwell. Joseph, I, 710 Commerce and manufactures (1865), I, 247 Commercial arc lighting. I. 701 Commercial Bank Check (illustration), I, 111 Commercial Bank of Lake Erie, I, 109, 190, 689, 692 Commercial electricity. I. 701 Commercial National" Bank. II, 28, 29 Comnu'rcial National Bank of Cleve- land, II. 383 Common pleas court, I, 503, 504, 507, 508, 510, 511, 512 Common schools (1836) created by ordinance. I. 341 Common School System of Ohio, father of, II, 558 Community churches, I, 617 Comparative summary, 1907-17, I, 706- 10 Conger, James L., 1, 568 Conger, James W., II, 123 Congregational churches, I, 601 Congregationalists, I. 599 Conklin, Edward, I. 177, 178 Connecticut, I, 1-11 Connecticut Land Company, I, 6, 7, 8, 30. 31, 42, 44, 171 Connecticut Western Reserve, I, 6 Connecticut Western Reserve (1796) (Map), I, 27 Council, Thomas F., I, 447 Convention hall, largest in the United States, III, 460 Convents, I, 609 Cook, E. P.. I, 635 Cook, Otis R., HI. 68 Cook, Samuel, I, 156, 184 Cooke, Edmund V., I, 575* Cooking school department opened (1887). I. 372 Cooley, Harris R.. I. 255, 633 Cooley. Lathrop, I, 291 Coon. John, I, 571 Cooper, Silas H. L., II, 474 Cooi)er S])ring Company, II, 300 Copeland, Mark A., H, 366 Corlett. Alvah R.. T, 446; II, 210 Corlett, Harriet E., I, 384 Corlett. John F., II. 410 Corlett school, I, 388 Corlett, Spencer D., II, 231 Corlett, William T., I, 544, 550* Corner, Horace B., I, 414 Corning. Henry W., I, 663; III, 465 Corning, Warren IL, III, 463 INDEX XXVll Corporal punishment in sdiools abol- ished (1886), I, 3G'J "Corporate Birth and Growth of Cleve- land" (Griswold), I, 23 Corrigan, James, I, 699 Couch, J. S., I, 505 Coulton. Geo. A., I, 710 Counts. A. Frank. Ill, 249 County Huiklin-. 1, 470 County centennial celebration, I, 333 County Courthouse, present (illustra- tion), I, 495 Comity Inlirmary at Warrensville (il- lustration) I. 548 Court-house addition of 1875, I, 235 Court-house of 1885, I, 234; (illustra- tion) 235 Court of Common Pleas, I, organized, 80; in 1837, 197; 500 Court of insolvency, I, 520 Courts (See Bench and Bar) Covert, .John C, 1. 287, 591 Cowan, William. I, 224 Cowins. Hattie J. A., II. 116 Cowles, Edwin, I, 589; (portrait), 590* Cowles, Kdwin M., I, 542, 545 Cowles. J. G. W., I, 290, 391, 290, 380, 488, 709 Cowles, Samuel, I, 128, 149, 189, 300, 344, 507 Cowles, Solomon, T, 7 Cox, J. D.. Sr., Ill, 535 Cox, Jacob D., Sr., Ill, 535 Cox, John H., I. 713 Cox, Kenvon, III. 536 Coy. Walter A., II, 270 Cozad. Homer D.. Ill, 463 Crackel. M. U., I. 644 Cragin. Raymond T., II, 155 CraifT, Georpe L.. II. 62 Cramer. Charles F., I, 662 Craw, James A., I, 444 Craw. William V., I. 180 Crawford, John. I, 602 Crawford, J. M.. I. 446 Crawford, Willard. I, 210 Creij;hton. William R., I, 659 Crehore. .John D., I, 413 Crile, George W., 549*, 672, 673; III. 516 Critehfield. Lvman R., I, 260, 532 Crittenden, S. W., I. 188, 189, 570 Croatians in Cleveland. I. 620 Crobau<,'h, Frank L., 11. 208 Crobaugh. S. Chester, II, 208 Cross, D. W.. I, 414, 571 Crosser, Robert, I, 531 Crotty, Arthur B., II, 181 Crouse. J. Robert, I, 671 Crowell, Benedict. I, 670 Crowell, .John. I. 533 Crowell Law School, I, 533 Crura, Phelps, III, 557 Crum, Mrs. X. X., I, 310, 312 Crura, X. X., I, 710 Cukr, h. C, I, 447 Cull. Ihmiel B., I, 447; III, 59 Cummer Products Company, II, 483 Cuniminfis, Herbert C., II, 209 Cummins, Clyde R., II, 179 "Cumulative Index to Periodicals," !, 423 Cunningham, E. W., I, 447 C\irren, Robert G., Ill, 550 Curtis, A. H., I, 205 Curtis, .lames A., II, 56 Curtis, Laura M., I, 366 Curtis. Mat toon M., I, 336, 553* Curtis, Monroe, III, 558 Ciirtiss, Ansel B., II, 58 Curtiss. .]. M.. I, 484, 711 ( urtiss, Lee C, II, 65 Curtiss, S. H., I, 414 Citshing. Erastus, I, 543 Gushing. H. K., I, 544 Cushing. William E., I, 402; III, 552 Cutler, H. G., I, 429, 654 Cutter, Orlando. I, 118, 689 Cuyahoga Agricultural Society, I, 315 Cuyahoga and Muskingum Navigation Lottery, I, 75 Cuyahoga Antislavery Society, I, 189 Cuyahoga County Agricultural Society, L 251 Cuyahoga County Antislavery Society, I, 151 Cuyahoga County Colonization Society, I, 149 Cuyahoga County created, I, 80 Cuyahoga County .Juvenile Court, I, 633 Cuvahoga County Homeopathic Society, i, 546 Cuvahoga County Medical Society, I, 258, 544 Cuvahoga County Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, I, 383 Cuvahoga River Scene (illustration), I, 705 Cuyahoga Savings & I,oan Company, III. 156 Cuyahoga Spring Company, HI, 159 Cuyahoga Steam Furnace Company, I, i59, 691 '■Daily Forest City," I, 589 Dangler, D. Edward, HI, 549 Daoust, Edward C, II, 137 Daughters of the American Revolution, Western Reserve Chapter, I, 282 Davenport. John, I, 3* David, Edward, II, 320 David. Joseph. II, 218 Davidson. Charles A., L 278, 279, 280, 484 Davies, Arthur S., H, 189 XXVlll INDEX Davies, Daniel R., II, 433 Davies, George C, I, 189 Davies, I. R., II, 213 Davies, Sydney A., II, 341 Davis, Emma C, I, 375 Davis. George C, I, 570 Davis; Harry L., I, 333, 337, 445, 680, 684; n, 316 Davis, Llewellyn R., I, 660 Davis, Seth. I, 597 Davis, William E., I, 447; III, 145 Dawning school, I, 388 Day, Frank S., II, 374 Day, Lewis W., I, 362, 363, 371 Day, Luther, II, 97 Day, William, I, 348 Day, William L., II, 120 Day, William R., I, 534; II, 96 Day. Wilson M., I, 287, 388, 289, 436, 7*09 Daylight saving. III, 211 Dayton. Bloomfield H., Ill, 338 Dean. William, I, 68 DeCumbe, J. William. Ill, 355 Deibel, Harry L.. 11, 436 Delamater. John I. 543 Dellenbaugh, Frank E., II, 47 Dempsey, James H., Ill, 549 Denison, Amos, I, 533 Denison sc}iool, I, 388 Dennis, R. B., I, 355, 357, 589 Dental School, Western Reserve Uni- versity, I, 398 Dentist, first. I, 163 Destructive fires, I, 228 Detention Hospital, I, 549 Detroit Avenue .Savings and Banking Company, III, 223 Detroit Junior high school, I, 387 Detroit Road, I, 77 Detroit school, I, 388 Detroit street, I, 451 Detroit surrender, news of, at Cleve- land, I, 91 Dcutach, Ignatz W., II, 246 Deutseh, Louis A., I, 447 Deutscli. Sigmund J., II, 346 Devercaux, J. F., I. 669 Devereau.v, S. H., I, 660 Devcreux. J. H., I, 400 Devney. Richard K., II, 261 Devitt, .lames ()., III. 70 Do Witt. Elijah. L 542 DeWoIf. B. A., I. 709 DeWolf, Homer B., I, 532 Dexter, .lohn H., I, 677 Dibble, Lewis. I, 114 Dick Belt, III, 272 I^ick a)mpany. Ill, 272 Dick, R. & J.; Ltd., III. 372 Dickens, Cliarles, I, 569 Dickenson, John, III, 523 Dickenson, John Sr., Ill, 533 Dickinson, James W.. I. 435. 442. 444 Dickman. Franklin J., I, 531. 532* Dietz, William G., I, 417; III, 234 Dike school, I, 389 Dille, Asa, I, 81 Dille, Charles W., II, 337 Dille, Lewis, I, 93 Hille, Lewis R., I, 149 Dillon, John, I, 608: II. 89 Oilworth. Charles M., Ill, 379 Diocese of Cleveland, II, 91 Directories 183"7 and 1918, L 186 Directory, first of Cleveland (1837), I, 137 Directory of Cleveland and Ohio City, (reproduction of title page), I, 185 Disciples of Christ. I, 604 Dissette, Edward W., II, 355 Dissette, Mrs. T. K., I, 390, 306 Dissette. Thomas K.. I, 511; II, 43, 355 Di Teulada. Orazio S., III. 288 Division of parks and public grounds. I, 477 Doan Brook. Gordon Park (illustra- tion), I, 480 Doan Famil}', III, 90 Doan. John, I, 54. 58 Doan, Nathaniel, I, 43, 60, 63, 67, 70, 77, 81, 655 Doan, Sarah, I, 47. 74. 341 Doan school, I, 365, 389 Doan, Seth. I, 109 Dean, Timothy. I, 58, 60, 63, 64, 75, 80, 105, 496. 500 Doan. William H., I, 371, 373, 634 Doan's Corners, I. 43; III, 90 Doan's Corners Congregational church (illustration), I, 137 Dockstader, C. J., I, 637 Dockstader, Nicholas, 1, 138*, 179, 180, 184. 194. 305. 308 Doctors (see physicians) Dodge, Charles R., Ill, 36 Dodge Family. Ill, 90 Dodge, Fred B., I, 663 Dodge, George C, I, 205. 436; III, 91 Dodge, Henry IL, I, 198 Dodge, Henry W., I. 345 Dodge, Lewis, I, 545 Dodge. Sanuiel, I, 71 ; III, 00 Dodge. Samuel D., HI. 91 Dodge. W. H., 1, 593: III. 531 Dodge, Wilson S., I, 287 Docrller, Samuel, I, 448 Dolman, John. I, 660 Donulu'v, .lames H.. I, 565 Donalu-y, .lohn H., I, ,589 DoMahcV. Mary D., I. 5S0 Donnelly, John J., II, 363 Donnelly. William E.. II, 303 Dorcas Society, 11. 114 Doty, Oiarles' K., Ill, 471 Doty, Edward W., I, 317, 710 INDEX XXIX \ Doulileilny, Cluiilos. I. 059 Dovir Fill' Brick ('om|iiiiiy, II, 399 Uuwliii^', (■('orgc T., I, 554 Draper, Andrew S., I, 373, 375 DullVy. Hernnrd T., II, 350 l)u.\li"pulin, Frmik, I, 599. 023 Dunlin m sihool, I, 305, 389 Dunmore, Walter T.. 111. 55-1 Diitton. Bettie A., 111. 129 Diitton, C. F., I, 303, 544 Eagle school, I, 389 'Early History of t'leveland" (W'liiUle- sey"), I, 32, 34, 148 '"Early History of the Cleveland I'lib lie Schools" (Spanjiler) , I, 115 Early law suits (1808), I, 80 Early mails, I, 71 Early parks, I. 355 Early physicians, II, 381 Early postmasters, I, 70 Early Settlers' Association, I. 430 Early Settlers' Association of Cuya- hoga County. I, 209; 11. 558 Early Settlers at the Log Cabin. Cen- tennial Celebration (illustration), I, 299 Early Settlers' Dav, Cleveland Centen- nial, I, 298 East Boulevard school, I, 389 East Clark (Collin wood) school, I, 389 East Cleveland annexed, I, 258 East Cleveland and Kinsman lines, I, 461 East Cleveland Central school (illus- tration). I. 303 East Cleveland Hospital, III. 299 East Cleveland Railway Comjianv, I, 241 East Cleveland schools (1872), I, 363; (1918), I, 305 East Cleveland Street Railroad Com- pany, I, 463 East Denison school, I, 389 East End Community House, I, 619 East High school, I, 357 East High school (old), I, 365 East junior high school, I, 387; (new) 365 East lladison school, I, 365, 389 East Ohio Gas Company's Building (illustration), I, 327 East school, I, 386 East (new) Senior High School. I, 365 East Technical High School (illustra- tion), I, 385, 386 East Thirty-fifth street viaduct, I, 460 East 37th and East 38th Play (Jround, I, 490 East 39th Play Ground, I, 490 Easterbrook Coal Company, III, 312 Easterbrook. George. III. 311 Eastman, Linda A., I, 425; III, 197 Eaton, Charles A., 11, 446 Eaton, Cyrus S., II, 447 Eaton, .Joseph 0., Ill, 168 Ebcrliard Manufacturing Coni|)any, II, 393 Eberling, Charles M., 111. 8 Fberling, Ruth M., HI, 8 I'Aonomy Building & Loan Company, II. 346 Kddy Koad IIos])ital. I, 549 Edgcrton. \V. P.. 1. 533 IMgewatcr Park. I, 484, 490 l-.dgewater Park Entrance (illustra- tion i. I, 485 i:(li.-.cin. Thomas A., Ill, 358 liiliiicindson, (ieorge II.. Ill, 468 Education. II, 193 Educational Conference, Cleveland Cen- tennial, I, 303 Edwanls. Albert, I, 658 Kilwanls, Clarence R., I, 668* Edwards, .John S., I, 504 ICdwards, Pierpoint, I. 8 Edwards. Ralph W.. I, 447, 533 Edwards. Hodolphus, I, 38, 60, 70, 80, 98. 495, 497 Edwards, Ruth A., I, 629 Edwards William, I, 253, 709 ICells, Dan P., I, 414, 635 Eclls Family, III, :i00 Eells. Howard P., Ill, 301 Eells, Mrs. Dan P.. I, 653 lOlirbar. Alois L., III. 222 Ehrkc, Charles W., III. 405 Eicliliorn, Charles H.. IH, 88 I'Milcn. .John A.. II, 120 i:idredge. A. C, I. 384 Eldridge, David, I, 36, 50 Kldridge, Moses A., I, 305 Electricity, introduction into cities, 11, 417 Electric Railway Improvement C\)in- pany. III, 374 Electrocution, first in Cuyahoga county. III, 48 Eliza .Jennings Home, I, 049 Elliott, Charles R., Ill, 391 Elliott, Harvey E., II, 138 Ellison, Henry C, I, 317, 710; III, 83 Ellsler. .lohn A., I, 205 Ellsworth, David V., Ill, 111 I'llson. William H.. I. 378 Elwell, J. J., 1, 393, 533, 600 lOly, (Jcorgc H., I, 696 Ely. Heman. I. 53, 202 ]',mergency Hospital, I, 549 Emerson. Frank A., I, 389 lOmerson, Henry I., 11, 106 Emerson, Hcnrj' .J., I, 531 lunerson, Oliver F., I, 578* Emerson. Sam W., III. 443 Empire junior high school. I, 387 Kmpire school (illustration), I, 387 XXX INDEX Enamel Products Company, III. 303 Kngeln Electric Company, HI, 103 Engeln. Henry P.. Ill, 103 Engeln Self "Contained Tankless Air and Vacuum Pump, III. 103 Englander, Arthur L., Ill, 112 English Evangelical Lutheran Emman- uel church, I, 605 Episcopal City Mission. I. 621 Epworth Jlemorial church, I, 602 Erie and Ohio Canal, I. 166-170 Erie Canal, I, 168; II, 27 Erlanger, III, 544 Erlanger, A. L., Ill, 544 Erlanger. Mitchell L.. Ill, 545 Ernst & Ernst, II, 400 Ernst, A. C„ II, 399 Ernst, Theodore C, II, 509 Erwin, John, I, 350 lOrwin, William, I, 69 Eshelman, Oriel D., II, 203 Estep, Charles J., I, 512; III, 109 Estep, E. .J., I, 533 Estv, Louis J., II, 155 Euclid avenue, I, 44U, 451 ; II, 104 Euclid Avenue Baptist Church. II, 446; III, 69 Euclid avenue Business Section look- ing West (illustration), I, 463 Euclid Avenue Church of Christ, I, 605 Euclid Avenue Congregational Church, I, 126, 601 Euclid Avenue Opera House, I, 265 Euclid Beach, I, 476 Euclid Beach Park, II, 167 Euclid ( C o 1 1 a m e r ) Presbyterian Church. I, 126; (illustration), 137 Euclid Heights Residences (illustra- tion), L 451 Euclid Park school. I, 389 liuclid Road, I, 449 Euclid township, I, 28 Evangelical Association, I. (JOG; II, 36!) Evangelical churches, I, 606 Evangelical l^utheran Trinity, I, 605 I'.vangelical ilagazine, II, 371 Evans, livron 11.. Ill, 476 Evans. Peter P.. Ill, 313 "Evening Leader," I, 591 '•Evening News," I, 591; HE 45 Everett, Azariah, 1, 351, 255, 484 Everett, Ilenrv A„ II, 508 Everett, Sylvester T.. Ill, 174 Ewers, .Tames E., II, 276 Ewing, Frank H., II, 81 Kwing, Roseoe M,, 11, 168 Exline Company, HI. 378 Exline, D. V., ill, 377 Fackler, .Tohn D.. I, 531 Factory Building Company, II, 236 FnirlmnkH. A. W'.. I, 584 Fairchild, Egbert N., Ill, 210 Fairchild, .lames II., 1, 337 Fairchild. J. C, I, 194 Fairmount Junior High school, I, 365, 387 Fairvievv Park and Play Ground, I, 490 Fairview (Reservoir) Park, I, 483 Fancher, Elvadore R., Ill, 549 fanning, M. A., I, 669 Farinacci, Antonio T., Ill, 400 Farley, Ira C, III, 9 Farley, John H., I, 233. 316 Farmer, Lydia H., I. 398 Farntield. John C, I, 378 Farnsworth, F. M., I, 713 Farnsworth. George B., I, 603 Farnsworth, H. M.. I, 473, 710, 713 Farrell. Thomas S.. I, 447; II. 401 Farrelly, John P., I, 614; II. 90 Fast Stage Line (reproduction of ad- vertisement), I, 196 Faulhaber, Frank J.. Ill, 492 Faulhaber, F. \'., I, 711 Faulhaber, George, III, 225 Fav, William IL, L 713: III, 114 Fay, W, H. Company, The. Ill, 115 Feazel, Ernest A., Ill, 105 Federal (postoffice) building, I, 470; completed, 333; (illustration), 468 lederal Food Administration Bureau, I, 682 Federal form of city government, I, 434, 439 Federal Plan, II, 312 I'ederal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, in, 549 Federal Reserve Banks, III, 25 Federal school plan introduced (1892), I, 372 I'ederal street, I, 450 Federated Churches of Cleveland, I, 616, 621 Fciss, Paul L., I, fiSO, 710 I'cis, Mrs. G. Leonard, I, 635 l''eneslra i)atcnts. III, 308 I'enian raid. Ill, 56 Fenn, Serano P., I, 637, 643; ([lortrait) 643; III, 104 Fenner, Charles W., III. 110 I'Viining. Karl. 11, 343 I'rrencik, John A,, 11, 338 Kcrencik, .lohn P,. II, 339 l''ergus(>n, Archie N., HI, 16 I'erguson, Charles II., III. 446 Ferguson, C. 11. Company, 111. 447 I'erguson. Richard, 111, 305 Ferris Shoe (\)mpany, 11. 449 j.'crry (up and Screw' Company, III, 213 I'erry, Thomas, III. 213 I'ert'ig. Frank J.. III. 58 l''evcr and ague (1798). 1, 43 l''i(ht, Fred W„ HI, 267 Field, Hurry IL, III, 483 I'ifteenlh Regiment, Ohio National (Juard, I, 268 INDEX •X^X^X^ Fiftli Oliio Infantry in tlie Stadium at El I'aso. Texas (ilhistratioii), 1, 6tj3 riltratioii ))laiit, I, 437 I'iiianee di'iiartmeiit, 1, 447 Kiiumcial pro;,'r('ss, 1S87-1917, I, 70C KiiicIli'V. WaltiT T.. ni, 2,S4 Fiiilcv", William F.. II, 453 I in III' V, .lames U.. I. 198, 208 Kinury. J. R. I, 347 Fire and jiolioe divisions, I, 445 Fire boat, first, I, 435 Fire department organized, I, 155; (paid) organized. 247; 431, 433, 435, 439, 443-5 Fire Lands, I, 6, 69 Fire Lands (see SutVercrs' Lands) Fire of 18S3, 1, 374 Fires, L 228; destructive, 435 Fires always waitinf; for the Lumber District "(illustration), L 443 First City in American Spirit, L 337 First Things and Events — Maps, I, 23; Cleveland cemetery, 36; Cleveland wedding, 37; mill, 43; distillery (1800), 47; election in the Reserve, 52; lawyer (Samuel Huntington), 57; town meeting for Cleveland. 60; Cleveland school, 61; frame houses, 61; .Justices of the Peace, 64; mur- der, 65; postmaster, 70; tanneries, 81; Courthouse (illustration), 93; courthouse and jail, 94; murder and execution, 94: village legislation, 100; board of health, 101; fire engine, 101; church organized, 105; banks and bankers, 109; school- house in Cleveland. 115; frame ware- house, 116; printing press, 116; book-store, 116 ; Methodist church, 118; Presbyterian church, 126; Con- gregational church, 126; directory of Cleveland (1837), 137, 175, 184; Baptist church (illustration), 153; Western locomotive works, 159; manufacturing corporation, 159; dentist, 163; city directory (1837), 137, 175. 184; Catholic Church (illus- tration), 187; telegram received, 213: municipal water works, 224; iron ore received (water works), 226; report of Cleveland Board of Trade, 347; iron ship, 250; Board of Park Commissioners, 255 : high level bridge (IS7S). 268; woman lawyer, 275; woman elected to public office in Ohio, 376; fire boat, 435; high level bridge dedicated, 4.57; electric street car. 462; civil jury trial, 303; I'niversity war unit, 674; locomotive manufactured in the West, 691; coal put on Cleveland market, 698; American-built gasoline automobile, 702; village election. II, 11; resident attorney, 11; bank in Cleveland, 13; carriage, 12; train on the Cleveland, Columbus & t:ineinnati, 13; electric motor street car, 20; permanent Catholic (lunch, 89; steam brick plant. 123; fnime building, 146; ship launched at Cleveland. 146; court liouse and jail, 147; steamer, "Knter- prise,'' 148; telephone office, 352; electrocution in Cuyahoga county, III, 48; frame barn, 91; town meet- ing, 91 ; charter for a Cleveland na- tional bank, 383 ]''irst Congregational church, I, 601 First Methodist Kjiiscoiial churches, 1, 603 First Ohio Light Artillery, I, 657 First National Bank, I, 690 First Presbyterian church, I, 600 Fischley, Alfred P., HI. 393 Fish, C'harles L., 11, 83 Fish, Ebenezer, I, 173. 603 Fish, F. Stillman, III, 159 I'ish, ,Iohn. II, 282 Fish, .Julia A., II. 84 Fish, Moses, I, 173, 603 Fisher Brothers Company, III, 407 Fisher, Charles C, III, 179 F'isher, (ieorge E., Ill, 499 Fisher, John F., I, 602 Fisher, Manning F., I, 713; III, 407 Fitch. Jabez W., I, 259, 524 Fitch, Sarah. I, 653 Fitzgerald, .John R., I. 500 I'itzGerald, William S., I, 445, 447; IT, 78 Fitzpatrick. Clarence J., Ill, 300 I'itzpatrick, David, II, 529 Fitzsimons, Thomas G., Ill, 401 Five Points, II, 177 "Flag, The," II, 129 Flag Presentation to Volunteers for Cuba (illustration), I, 316 Flag raising. Cleveland Day, II, 366 Flagler. Henry M., I, 247, 714 Fleharty, .John L., Ill, 384 Fleming. Mrs. .J. N., I, 687 Fliedner. Helen M.. I, 384 Flint, Edward S., I, 233, 657 Flood of 1883, I, 274 h'loyd, Raymond G., Ill, 547 Focrstner, .John A.. Ill, 470 Fogg. William P., I. 250, 357, 412, 414 T'olsom, Ezekiel, I, 177, 178 Ft Isom. Oilman. I. 216 Folsom, Samuel W., Ill, 79 Foote, Asa. I, 178 Foote. A. Ward. II. 396 I'oote-Burt Company. II, 396 Foote, Herschel, I, 116 Foote, Horace, T, 508 Foote, .John A., L 151, 208, 317, 345 Foraker, .James B., I. 466 XXXll INDEX Foran. JIartin A., I. 336, 512*, 537, 554; II, 270 Forbes. Alexander. I, 362. 366, 368 Force, Clayton H.. HI, 279 Force. C. (J., I. 456 Ford, H. Clark, I, 601 Ford. J. M., I, 691 Ford, Lewis W.. 1, 532 Ford, Simpson S.. I, 511; II. 343 Forest City House, I, 265 (1876, illus- tration), 266 P'orest City Lyceum, I. 569 Forest City Oyster Company. II, 373 Forest City Park, I, 489 Forest CMty Railway Company, I, 320 Forest City Savings and Trust Com- pany, III, 314 Foiest economist. Ill, 541 Forest Hill Parkway, I. 490 Forman, Jonathan C., Ill, 563 Forsch, Lawrence H., IH. 495 Forster, C. A., II. 451 Fortnightly Musical Club. I. 563 Forty-sixth street market. I, 491 Foster, Allen M., Ill, 490 Foster. Arthur B.. Ill, 89 Foster Bolt and Nut Company, III. 490 Foster, C. H., Ill, 303 Foster, Hanna, I, 296 Foster, James H.. Ill, 371 Foster. William L., Ill, 86 Four Minute Men, I, 683 Fourth of July (1800), I, 48 Fourth of July (1802), I, 60 Fowler school." I. 389 Fox, Mrs. E. A., I, 364 Francics, William E., III. 429 Francis, John 11., III. 388 Franklin Circle, I, 451, 477. 490 Iranklin Circle Church of Christ, 1, 604 I'ranklin House, I, 212 (1825 illustra- tion) I, 103 I'raiiklii) Thomas Backus Law School, Western Reserve University, 1, 398, 534 "Frankfort Street Handl)ill." I, 5U3 ITantz, Clarence G., Ill, 304 Traser, Archibald R., 111. 398 I'raser, Mrs. (;. O., 1, 311 Frayer, Roland F„ II, 538 Frazec, Henry, I, 662 Frederick, J. M. H., I, 379 Freenuin, J., I, 178 Fieeman, J. F., I, 710 Vr nan, Silas C, I, 107. 597 lice School, I, 344 Frccsp, Andrew, I, 115, 349, 359; (portrait) 354 Kreiberger, Isadore F., HI, 97 Freight movement, 1894. 1904, 1917, I, 705 French, Henry S.. II, 355 French. Jolin'l!., 1, 414 Friebolin. Carl D., I, 520; II, 235 Fritzsche, Alfred L., II, 228 Fritzsche, Henry E., Ill, 196 Fruit land school, I, 389 Fry. James A., II, 394 Fugitive slave law, I, 149 Fuller. Benjamin D., III. 219 Fuller. Clifford W.. I. 062; II. 220 Fuller, Horace A., 111. 108 Fuller. Hubert B., I, 329, 577; III, 471 Fuller, Jeptha L.. Ill, 110 Fuller, Joel H.. Ill, 133 Fuller. Ralph L., I, 709 Fuller, Samuel A., Ill, 39 Fuller. Simeon, I, 197 Fuller, William, III, 133 Fullerton school, I, 389 Fulton Foundry & Machine Company, U, 398 Fulton. John C. I, 662 Furst. Edward \V., III. 520 Futch, William E., II. 441 Gabriel Manufacturing Company, HI, 303 Gage, Benjamin A., II. 211 Gahn. H. C, I, 447 Gallagher. Michael. I, 234. 518 Gallup Farm. II, 215 Gammel. Karl. Ill, 361 Gammel, R. E., I, 380 Gammeter. Harry C. III. 106 Gandola, Attilio D., II, 563 Gandola Brothers M o n u m e n t and Architectural Works, II, 563 Ganson, George H., II. 398 Garber. Aaron. 11, 285 (.'ardner, Burt M., II, 445 (ianlner. George W., I, 233, 709; II, 44:; Gardner, S. S., I, 710 (Jarlield. Harry A., I, 288. 329, 414, 535. 709 Garfield, James A., I, 55, 372*, 509, 524, 604; III. 14S Garfield. James R., I, 417, 525 Carlicld Memorial (illustration), 1, 373 (Garfield Jlemorial Fund. III. 13 Garfield Monunu'ut Interior (ilustra- tion), I, 273 Garfield Park, I. 487, 490 Garfield Savings Bank, If, 409, 533; III. 463 Garfield, 'J'homaa, I. 004 (.arfield's signilicnni compliment, I, 509 (iarlick, Ahel R., I, 689 Garlick. Theodore D., I, 556* (iarretson. (Jeorge A.. I. 315; CMi*, 710 liurrelt, George M., 11. 402 (■arry. Thomas II., II. 56 (;ary. Marco B.. II. 375 (Jury, Marco W.. II. 376 (■'as ordinance, I. 379 INDEX XXXlll fJas, reduction in cost. II, 310 (;as works built (1849), I. 215 (iasoline Automobile, first AmiTican- built, r, 702 (Jates, Alvin S.. Til, 367 (iates. Clark S., I, 657 (.Hwne. V. v.. I. 436 (.awiie, Tluiinas L., II. 429 (iawne. William J., III. 339 iJaylord. Allen. I, 72. 568 liaylord. Mrs. L. C., I. 189 (iaylord. William. I. 116 "tiazette and (.'ommcrcial Register,"' I, 582 (iear. CTiarles, I, 105 (Jefline. Krnest L.. II. 532 (iegenheimer. Albert. III. 411 tjeiselman. William E.. III. 376 (Jeneral I^ducation Board. II. 8 Cent Vending Machine Company, II, 308 Gent, William. II. 308 Centsch, Charles. I. 380 ■c;eographv of Cleveland"' (Gregory), I, 21 Oeometrie Stamping Company. HI, 282 (ierman-American Savings Bank Com- pany. III. 209 German Baptists, I. 606 German Catholics, I, 614 (German Hospital, I, 548 German Methodists, I, 606 I German schools (1870), I, 362 German Society of ("leveland, I, 189 Getzien. Gustave. III. 495 (iibbons. John W.. I. 278 Gibbs, Harley B.. HI, 105 Gibson. Charles D.. II, 461 Gibson-Homans Company. Ill, 253 Giddings. .Joshua R.. I. 53 Giddings school. I. 365, 389 (iilbert, Augustus. I. 80. 500 Gilbert, H. Ellsworth, III, 358 Gilbert. Levi. I. 302 Gilbert school. I, 389 I ilbert. Stephen, I, 39, 52 Gilchrist. H. L.. I. 673 Gill. John. I, 216, 352; III, 81 (iill. John T., Ill, 81 Gill. Kermode F.. IR. 371 Gillen. Mark J.. Ill, 491 Gillett. Harry. Ill, 72 (Jilmour. Richard, T, 405, 610, 612; II, 90 Girl. Christian. I. 671; II. 199 Gladstone Klementary School, I, 394 Glasier. .Jessie C, I, 589 Gleason. William J.. I, 275, 285 i;lenville Hospital, I. 549 Glenville racing track. I, 252 Glenville school. T. 386 Glick. Harry F.. IT. 220 <;lidden Company, The, II, 494 (Jlobe Iron Works, III, 251 (ilobe Theater. I. 265 (iloyd. .lames R., HI. 78 God'dard. Calvin. I. 660 Goddard. George S., I, 329 (iodiiian. Charles A., 11. 483 (Jodman. John X.. II. 483 Goff. Frederick H.. I, 671. 680, 710; HI. 427 Gold. Benjamin, I, 67 (Joldeii jubilee of Catholic diocese, TT 613 Goldhamer. A. K.. II. 202 Goldsword. .Tames. III. 468 (ioUiiiar, Fred G.. II. 469 Goodman. Alfred T.. I. 412. 414, 572 (ioodiiian. .Max P.. II, 288 Goodrich .Social Settlement, II, 157 Goodspeed. W. F., I, 268 (iordon Park. I. 479, 490 (iordon school, I, 389 Gordon, William, I. 336, 531; Til, 467 Gordon. William J.. I. 414. 474. 479, 612. 691 Gormsen. .Tames, II, 374 (ioshorn. William S.. I, 244 Gott, Frank B.. I, 512; III, 73 Gottdiener. Henry. Ill, 321 Gottwald. F. C. I. 563, 565 Goulder. Harvey D., I, 329, 335, 336, 709; II. 44 Goulder. Robert F., Sr., II, 465 Government odicials in 1837, I. 198 Government pier. II, 148 Grabien. Fred, II. 43 Grace Episcopal Church, II, 326 Ciraduate School. Western Reserve Uni- versity, I, 398 firain trade, 1894. 1904. 1917. I. 704 Grand Armj' of the Republic (National Encampment 1901). I, 317 "Grand old lady of the public schools," HI, 129 Granger. Gideon. Jr.. I. 7 • Granger's Hill. I. 171 (irannis. John C. I. 260. 532 (Irannis. -loseph S.. II, 193 Grant, .Tohn, III, 295 Grant. John C, 296 Grant-Lees Gear Company. HI, 305 (;rant. Roderick D., Ill, 556 Grasselli. Caesar A.. I, 414, 417, 529 Grasselli CTiemical Company, II, 105; HI, 499 Grasselli. Thomas S.. H. 104 Graves. Forrest A.. Ill, 315 (iraves. Noah, I, 143 Grav, Admiral N., I, 585 Gray. J. W., I, 585. 586 Grays Armory, T, 663 Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Com- pany. TIL 428 Grebe" Henrv. IIT. 86 XXXIV INDEX Green, David E., II, 382 Green, John P., I, 500 Green, Virginia D., I, 3"6, 384 Greene, Edward B., Ill, 358 Greene, Thomas E., H, 40d Greene, William B., HI. 1^6 Greenlund, W. A., I, j380 Greenough, M. S., I, TOO Gree", Albert S., 11, 463 Gre?S, Frank M., I, 623; III, 403 Grelory, W. M., I, 21 Gribben. William, I, 635 Grief, William, I, 710 (.ries, Moses J., I, 291, 302, 336 (iriese, Clarence E., H, 439 Griese, David C, III, 410 Griese, George G., II, 438 Griess, Justin, HI, 483 Grieve. Edmond, III. 191 Griffin, Mrs. H. A., I, 290, 306 Griffith, David, I, 1T9, 213, 227 Griffith, J. Fremont. Ill, 421 Griffiths. Edwin S., II. 338 Grinnell Automatic Sjjnnkler, 11, ~-» Griswold, A. M., I, 586 Griswold, .Seneca O.. I. 23, 130, lo., 238, 260, 510*, 532 Griswold, Solomon, I, 7 Griswold. Stanley, I. 77*, 526 Griswold, Sylvanus. I, 8 Grittner. John H.. Ill, 342 Groff, Henry R., I, 709 Groll, George C, H, 399 Grombacher, H., I, 711 Groot. George A., II, 406 Gross, Emma E., II, 284 Grossenbacher. Otto, III, 312 (irossman. George, I, 563 Group Plan Commission. I. 467 Croup Plan of public buildings, I, 465- 72- II, 480; HI, 158, 241, 507 Group Plan of public buildings (dia- gram). I, 469 (iuarantco Title & Trust Comi)any, III, 71 Guardian Savings & Trust Company, IT, 17 Guenther, Felix, II, 465 , , . Guide Motor Lamp Manufacturing Comjjany, H, 305 Guilbert, W. D.. I, 289 Guilford, Miss L. T., I, 302 Gun, Anna, I, IB, 42 Gun. Elijah, I, 18, 33, 34. 74. 452 (;undry, John M., HI, 319 Haag, Henry C, IH, 54 llaber, David C, HI, 213 Ilackenberg. Harvey E., I, 713; lll,lo4 Hacket. .lames, I, 26 Hadden, Alexander. T. 438. 448, 514; HI, 125 Ifaeflinger, Henry A., HI, 315 Hafemeister. Fred C, HI, 250 Hafley, George C, H, 419 Hahn", Aaron, I, 531 Hahn, Emil P., Ill, 80 Hahn Manufacturing Company, HI, 80 Hale, Cleveland C. HI. 451 Hale, E. B., I, 400; HI. 451 Hale, E. V., I, 414 Hale, .John C, I, 517*; IH, 504 Hale, Willis B., HI, 376 Hall. Alfred, I, 184, 205 Hall. Francis W.. II, 131 Hall. Lvman W., I, 589 Hall. William B., I, 26 Halle Brothers Company, HI, 234 Halle, Carl, HI, 299 Halle, Samuel H.. HI. 233 Halle school. I. 389 Haller. Jacob, HI, 343 Hallock, Henry, HI, 94 Hamann. Carl A.. I, 544; HI. 52, Hamilton, E. T., I, 511. 533 Hamilton. Harry L., HI. 490 Hamilton. James. I. 26 Hamrael. ilonte C. HI. 224 Hammil. Susannah. I, 74 Hampton. Harry H.. HI. 469 ^ Ilanderson, Henry E., I. 544, 550 Handrick, Franklin A., II, 423 Handrick, Gertrude M., II. 423 Ilandv, Truman P. (portrait). I, HO; 114, 143. 189. 317, 298, 347, 348, 353^ 400, 689*, 692 Hanging of John Brown, I, 241 Hanna, D. R., I, 593 Hanna, Gustave H., HI, 395 Hanna. Howard M.. Jr.. HI, 506 Hanna. Leonard C. II, 53 Hanna Leonard C. Jr.. IH. 500 Hanna. JIarcus A., I, 265, 697*; II, 53, 408; HI, 195 Hanna, Mrs, M. A., T, 290 Hanna (M. A-) & Company, I, 69.; Ill, 500, 506 Hanrattv, Edward .L, I. 448 ; 11,294 Hansen,' Fred E., IH, 94 Hansen, George C, H, 145 Hansen Manufacturing Company, HI, 94 Harbaugh, Aaron G., II. 381 Harbaugh. George E., H, 382 Harbor of Cleveland (1837) (map of |)lans), I, 172 Iliirbor of refuge constructed, I, 26~ Hiirdic. William M., UK ^>>~ Harding, J. H.. I, 151 Hare, William A., IH, 405 Harkness, S. V., T. 714 Harmon, Frank S., IH, 87 Harmon school, 1, 389 Harper. P.. I. 302 Harper, William, H. 374 Huriinglou. Benjamin. I, 205, 210 INDEX XXXV Harrington Electrical Company, III, an Harrington, William t'., Ill, 317 Harris C'alorilic Company, 11, 302 Harris, Charles L., Ill, 2iH Harris. John, I, 542; II, 302 Harris, John K., Ill, 116 Harris, Josiah A., 1, 179, 208, 213, 349, 383, 584 Harris, \V. H., I, 268 Harrison, Ceorgc L., Ill, 279 Harrison, Henry T., II, 349 Harrison, •!. Frank, II, 431 Harron, .liilia S., 1. 417 Hart, Albert B., I, 579* Hart, George F., I, 713; IT, 2G0 Hart, George V., HI. 3.-)0 Hart, J. Wayne. Ill, 503 Hart, Seth, I, 32, 37 Hart, William I, 7 Hartness, William, I. 213 llarty, William M., II. 300 Ilart/ell, -lonas, 1. 604 Harvard (irove cemetery, I, 628 Harvard school, I, 389 Harvey, H., I, 710 Harvey, Mervin C, II, 441 Harvev Kice Monnment, I. 134 Haseail. (ieorge C, III, 99 Hasial! Paint Company, III, 116 Has8, 260, 511, 531, 5,32 ■ Helm, Edwin JI., Ill, 98 Helper. Moses, II, 224 Hemler, Frank J., III. 355 Henderson, John M,, I, 532, 536, 542; II, 141 Hender.son, Seth S., I. 198 Henn. Albert W.. Ill, 107 Henn. Edwin C. I. 710; 111, 394 Henry. Frederick A.. I. 517, 622 HenrV, Peter J., I, 448 Henry, William R., I, 193 Hepburn, Morris, I, 180 "Herald and Gazette," I, 584 Herkonier, Herman, I, 563 Herkomer, John, I, 563 Herr. Donald D., II, 448 Herr. Milton J.. III. 527 Ilerrick. O. E., I. 532 Herrick, H. J., I, 544, 638 Herrick, John F., I, 531, 535*, 659 Ilerrick, Jlyron T., I. 457. 528*, 677, 680, 684," 709, 710; U, 25; III, 560 Ilerrick. Parmley W., I, 671 Herrick, R. R., T, 233, 278 Uerron. .Tames H., Ill, 43 Hertel, Henry, III, 169 Hessenmueller, Edward, I, 500, 519 Hessenmueller, E. L., I, 711 Heward. Thomas A., III. 165 Hewitt. Isaac L.. I, 355 Heydler, William, I, 562 Hickok, Laurens P., I, 395 Hickox, C. V. J., I, 583 Hickox. Carlos I., I, 596 Hickox, Charles, I. 699, 709; II, 99 Hickox, Charles G.. 11, 100 Hickox, Irene P., I, 125 Hickox. Milo H.. I. 139 Hickox. "Uncle"' Abrani (portrait), I, 76; 689 Hickox, Wilson B.. Ill, 510 XXXVl INDEX Hicks school, I. 390 Higbee Companv. Ill, 85 Higbee, Edwin C., II, 94 High-level bridges. I, 45G-59; first ded- icated), 457; new (illustration), 458 High pressure water system, I, 442 High School building "(1851), I, 353 High School, suggested (1844), I, 347; opposed, I. 350; first, I, 349-51 High School of Commerce, I, 386; East branch, I, 386 Higlev. Warren, I, 366 Hill, "diaries K., III. 534 Hill, thristopher E.. I. 177. 178, 205, 210. 211, 213, 216, 220, 226, 227 Hill. Hosea E.. Ill, 277 Hill, Harry N., Ill, 277 Hill, James, I, 444 Hill. Louis E., Ill, 344 Hill. William H.. T, 205 Killer. Frank B., Ill, 337 Hilliard. Richard I. 100, 131", 157, 180, 207, 212. 224 Hills. .James S.. I, 656 Himes, I. X.. I, 544 Hinchliffe. .James R.. Ill, 77 Hinckley, Isaac, I, 173 Hinds, Calvin J., II, 269 Hinkcl. Mathias .J.. Ill, 97 Hinman. Wilbur F., 1, 660 Hinsdale, Burke A.. I, 55, 302, 360; (portrait) 370; 579 Hipp, .John C III, 160 Hiram House, I, 632 Hird. Urbane W., Ill, 79 Hirker, Charles, I, 350 Hirt, John M., I, 711 "History of Cleveland"' (Kennedy), 1, 22, 34, 57, 92, 340 -History of Cleveland" (Orth), 1, 159. 175, 246, 380, 382 "History of Cievelimd Schools in the Xinctecnth Century" (Aki'rsI, 1. 346 "llistorv of Cuyahoga County" (.Iiihn- son|,"l, 31, 41. 173 "History of the United States and Its IVopfe" (Avery). I, 98, 119, 146 '•History of the Western Reserve" (Up- ton)."!. 14 Hitchcock. Mrs. P. M.. I. 290 Hitchcock. Peter, 1. 94. 504. 506 (litclicock. Hcuhcn, I. 400 lloadlcy. f;eorge. I, 139, 179, 212, 348, 497, "498* Hoadliy, George, Jr., I, 529 Hoag. ileorpe B., II, 442 Hoak. Harry O., Ill, .'jSl Hoard, Ilarrv H., III. 8 Ilobbie, JanicH (J.. Ill, 290 Mot>bH. Caleb S., IT. 86 Hobbs. Marv E.. II. 86 HobbH, IVrry 1.., II, 84 Hodell, Fred C. III. 137 Hodell. Henry H., III. 137 Hodell. Howard H.. Ill, 137 Hodge bill, I, 434 Hodge. Mrs. 0. J., I. 290, 306, 310 Hodge, Orlando J., I, 224, 259, 414, 427, 434. 518, 519 Hodge school. I, 390 Hoehn. Henry. I, 275 Hoffman Bronze & Aluminum Casting Company. III. 92 Hoffman. "Earl M., II, 496 Hoffman Ice Cream &. Dairy Company, The. II. 496 Hoffman, R. L., IT, 496 Hoffman, Robert. I. 446 Hoffman. Robert S.. III. 92 Hogen. Frank tJ., I. 384; III, 70 Hogsett. Thomas H., II, 1S9 Holbrook, Daniel I, 7, 31 Holden. E. B.. I, 637 Holden Liberty E.. I. 283, 289, 291, 293, :;39, 364, 412. 414, 436. 584, 586, 587, 709 Holden, Jlrs. Liberty E., I, 483 Hole, Warren W., I, 602 Holland. Henry. II, 395 Hollaway. J. F., I. 456 Hollev. John M., I, 17, 27 Holl.'y. Jlilton. I, 26 Hollev's (John M.) Journal, I. 14, 15, 26 " Holmes, Uriel, .Jr.. I, 7 Holy Name church I, 614 Hoiiians, Albert H., Ill, 253 Home for Aged Protestant Women, I, 649 Home for Aged Women. T. 649 Home Rule charter framed. I. 333 Home Rule government. I. 440 lloMU'opathic College for Women. 1,546 llomcopatliic Hospital College, T, 546 lliinicopiitliic institutions, I, 545 lloTiicopalhic jihysicians, T, 551 llomeo]iaths. I. 545 Hook. Arthur ('.. III. 100 Hopkins. Benjamin F.. II. 343 Hopkins. David H.. II. 198 Hopkins, Evan H.. II, 168 Hopkins, W. R.. I. 336 llopkinson. A. G. (portrait), I, 356 llopkinson. Alan .S.. II. 390 Hii]ikiii>on. .lohn. I, 604 Hopp. L. v.. I. 545 llopwiiod. Erie C, I, 588; II, 440 ll.irn. Joseph. III. 135 Horn. ().scar J., II, 372 Horn, William. I, 606: II. 369 Ilorsburgh Forge Co., III. 420 llorsburgli. Robert, HI. 420 H.irstMiann. Ignatius F., 1, 612, 613; II, 90 llorvath, Mi. III. 365; formal opeiiin<;. III. 366 Houck. G. F., I, 554 Hough, U. W., I, 664 Hough School. I. 365. 390 House, Allan C, HI, 51 House. J. Arthur. I. 710; II, 277 House of the (iood Shepherd, I, 623 Housum, B. W., I. 671 Houtz, Olia A.. I. 364 Hovev. Miss Frank C I, 364 Howard. John .T., II, 394 ••How Did Vou Die?" (Cooke), I, 576 Howe, Charles S.. I, 380, 400, 558», 709; III, 280 Howe, Eben D., I, 131, 583 Howe, Frederick C, I, 553* Howland, .loseph, I, 7 Howland, Paul I. 531, 662, 710 Hoynesite, III, 527 Hoynes Safety Powder Company, III, 528 Hovnes, \V. J., IH. 528 Hovt, Charles, I, 159 Hovt, Colgate. II. 516 Hovt, Daniel ()., I. 545 Hovt, Elton. II, 516 Hoyt. Ceorge. I. 586 Hovt, .lames H., I, 293; H, 515 Hovt, .lames M., I, 630; II, 514 . Hub. .John C, ,Tr.. Ill, 101 Hubbard. Addison T.. MI, 312 Hubbard. Nehemiah. .Jr., I, 7 Hubbeil. Oliver S., Ill, 265 Hubbv. Leander M., I. 212, 220 Hubef, William E.. HI, 274 Hubert V, (Jeorge. Ill, 139 Hubert'v, Peter, HI, 139 Huck School, I, 390 Hudson, Arthur J., H, 206 Hudson, David, I, 47 Hudson, W. N., I, 412 Huggins, Blanche. I. 364 Hughes. Arthur. I, 710 Hughes, Ernest. Ill, 227 Hughes Provision Companv, III, 228 Hughes, Sam T.. HI. 358 " Hughes. William. I. 713 Hulett Car Dumper Machine, III, 131 Hulett George H., HI, 130 Hulett. Ralph M., II, 267 Hull, .lohn B.. H. 419 Hulligan, William H., I, 275 Humphrev. Dudlev S.. Ill, 331 Humphrey. Van R., I, 197 Hungarian Bene Jeshurum, I, 616 Hungarians in Cleveland, I, 620 Hungerford, Florence A., I, 384 Hunt, Chester W., Ill, 303 Hunt. Edward P.. HI, 177 Hunt, Marv R., HI, 178 jhuit. Xatl'ian. I. 453 Hunt. William H., II, 456 lluntiufiton, (ieorge C, I, 205 Huntington, .John, I, 258, 505; II, 8 Huntington, Mrs. John. I, 290 Huntington. Sanuiel. I, 47, 48, 57, 61, 03, 68, 72, 74, 75, 496, 503, 521, 527", 689 Huntington (Samuel) diary, I, 48 llurd. .lov .S.. Ill, 247 llurlbut. 11. B., I, 565 Hurllmt. John E., I, 258 Huron Road Hospital, I, 549 Hussev, Richard, I. 568 Huston, Arthur J., Ill, 441 llutchings. Samuel, I, 129 Hutcliins. John ('., I, 511, 519; II, 57 Hutchinson. Hubbard C, II, 383 Hutson Coal Company, III, 87 Hvatt, Harrv C, I. 446 Hvde, Arthur G., II, 247 Hvde, Elisha, I, 7 Hyde. Wilbur H.. Ill, 297 llvdraulic Pressed .Steel Company, HI, '371 Hvre, Alonzo E., I, 713 Hyre, Sarah E., I, 376, 384 Ice Plant Ordinance, III, 460 Ideal Tire and Rubber Company, The, II, 189, 212 Illustrations (see also Maps and Por- traits) : Moses Cleaveland's Com- mission, I, 13; The Buckeye House, 38; Cleveland in 1800, 46; Judge Kingsbury's House. 71; First Court- house. 93; Franklin House, 1825, 103; Old Trinity Church. 1828-29; 106; .St. .John's Clmrch, 1828-29, 107; Alfred Kelley's Home. 109; Commer- cial Bank C^heck. Ill; Bank Note, 111; Shinplasters, 113; Cleveland's First Schoolhouse, 115; First Num- ber of the "Cleaveland Gazette and Commercial Register." 117; Walk-in-the-Watcr. 120; A Present Day JIamnioth of the Lake, 121; First Number of the "Cleaveland Herald," 122; Old Weddell House, 124; Euclid (Collamer) Presbyterian Church, 127; Doan's Corners Congre- gational Church, 127; Old Stone Church. 128; The Academy Building, 131; Harvev Rice Monument. 134; The Second Courthouse, 1828-1858, 137; First Number of the "Cleveland Advertiser." 140: Runaway Slave Ad- vertisement, 150; Cleveland in 1833, 152: First Baptist Church, 153; Cleveland from Court House in xxxvm INDEX 1834, 156; Columbus Street Bridge, 176; Directory of Cleveland and Ohio City. 185; First Catholic Church, 187; Western Reserve Real Estate Association Notes, 191; Bank of Cleveland Xote, 191; 'The Cleve- land Liberalist," 192; Ohio Canal Packets and Fast Stage Line, 196; First Number of the "Cleaveland Ga- zette and Commercial Register." 117; Ohio Railroad Company Notes, 203; Home of Doctor Kirtland, 207; Stoekley's Pier. 215; Cleveland in 1853, 225; New England House, 238; Northrop and Spangler Block. 231; Strickland Block, 232; The Court- house in 1885. 235; The Perry Monu- ment. 243; Superior Street in 1865, 248; Northern Ohio Fair Grounds, 252; A City Hall that Was Not Built, 254; The Old Workhouse. 255; The 'Old Union Clubhouse. 259; On the Lake Front. 263 ; Bank Street, 1868. 264; Academy of Music, 264; Forest City Hall, 1875, 265; City House, 1876, 266; Moses Cleaveland Statue, 370; Garfield Memorial, 272; Interior of Garfield Monument. 273; Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 284; Old Postoffice, 286; Centennial Log Cabin, 292; Centennial Arcli, 295; Bicycle Parade, 297; Wheel- men's Day Crowd, 397; Early Set- tlers at the Log Cabin, 398; Camp Perry-Payne, 300; Pioneer Parade, 301; Put-in-Bay Memorial, 303; Perry Day Parade, 304; Flag Pres- entation to Volunteers for Cuba, 316; Tom Johnson Statue in the Public Square, 319; East Ohio Gas Company's Building, 327; Moses Cleaveland's Memorial at Canter- bury, 330; The Day Before the Launching, 335; Tlie Niagara Enter- ing Cleveland Harbor, 336; Prospect School, 345; West High School, 359; East Cleveland Central School. 363; New Central High School, 307; East Technical High .School, 385; West Technical Higli School. 3S5; Empire School. 387; llazcldell School, 390; The Main Building, Adelbert College, 390; Adelbert College Campus. 397; Main Building of the Case School of Applied .Science, 399; The Uni- versity .School Building. 403; St. Ignatius College Building. 406; Western Reserve HiHtorical Society's Building on the T'ublic .'8<|uare. 4 111; Historical Society Building of To- day, 416; Library liuilding of 1879. 41 H; Elevation of the Coming Pub- lic Library Building, 420; I'ublic Branch Libraries, 423; The City Hall of Today. 430; Fires Always Wait- ing for the Lumber District, 443; Public Square, Showing Superior and Euclid Avenues, 450; Residences on Euclid Heights. 451; The New High Level Bridge, 458; Superior Avenue, Looking East from the Square. 463; Euclid Avenue Business Section Looking West, 463 ; Rocky River Bridge and Its Concrete Span. 464; The Federal Building. 468; Doan Brook, Gordon Park, 480; Along the Canal, 480; Centaur Lake and Mu- seum of Art, 482; Entrance to Edge- water Park, 485; Municipal Bath House. 485: Cliffs and Bridges at Brookside, 486; West Side Municipal Market House. 492; Present County Courthouse. 495; St. Alexis Hospital. 547; County Infirmary at Warrens- ville. 548; " Saengerfest Hall. 563; Cleveland Museum of Art in Wade Park. 564; The Cleveland School of Art. 564: The Arkites. 570; Trinity Cathedral. 599: In Lake View Cem"- etery. Showing the Garfield Memorial, 627; Perkins Block, 637; Northwest Corner of Superior Avenue and Sen- eca Street, 638 ; Y. M. C. A. Building (1875), 639; Y. M. C. A. Building on Euclid Avenue and East Fourth Street, 640; Y. M. C. A. Building (1891), 641; Y. M. C. A. Building (19J8), 645; Naval Recruits in Y. M. C. A. Building, 646: Y. W. C. A. Building (1918). 650; Dining Room of the Y. W. C. A.. 651; Slimmer Camji of the Y. W. C. A., f.52: Fifth Ohio Infantry in the .Stadium at El Paso. Texas. 663; Central Armory, 664; Lakeside Hospital (War Unit No. 4), 673; Iron Ore Docks of the Present, 695; The Union Club House, 703; Cuyahoga River Scene. 705; (Cleveland Home of the Oil King. 715; The Koikcfcller and Andrews Build- ing, 717; .Standard Oil Works in Cleveland. I. 721. Iiulcpendent Monteliore Shelter Home, 1. 616 Independent Protestant Evangelical Church. I. 005 Indian land claims. I. 15, 69, 171 "Indian Trails" (Whittlesey). I, 171 Indian Treaty. I. 69 Industrial Welfare tympany, III. 182 Inihistries (see also Manufactures): In 1837. 1. 193; of Cuyahoga county in 1840. 209: of 1840 and 1860. 693." Ingersoll. Alvan V.. I. 530; II. 337 Ingersoll. .lonathan E.. II, 336 Ingham. Mary B.. I, 383, 389, 296, 306 INDEX XXXIX Tiisiahnm, Timothy, I, 208 Iiiitintivc ami ri'lcrcnduiii. III, 271 Insolvi'iicy ami juvenile court, I, 520 liiter-dcnoniiiiational exchange of pas- tors. I, 633 Interstate Foundry Co., III. 290 Interurban .service (see Street Cars) Investment Securities Company. II, 385 Investors Mortgage Conipanv, The, 11, 209 Ireland, Joseph, I, 413 Ireland. Mrs. Robert L.. I, 625; HI, 384 Irelanil. Robert L.. Ill, 384 Irish Catholics, I, 614 Iron, in, 40; first shipment. III. 41 Iron and steel industries (1890), I, 377 Iron city of the country. III. 40 Iron ind'ustries (1865). "l, 348 Iron manufacturing center. Ill, 2 Iron Ore Docks of the Present (illus- tration), I, 695 Iron ore, first received, I, 226; trade (1865), 247; traffic, 376; commerce, 338; movements (1876, 1896, 1917), 704. Iron ship, first, I, 250 Iron steamer. III, 38 "Iron Trade Review," I, 693 Irving .Street Society, I, 601 Irwin. Robert B.. I. 384, 394 Irwin. William W., I, 503 Italian Hall, I, 265 Italians in Cleveland, I, 630 Jackson, B. W., I, 378, 380 Jackson Iron Company, II. 415 Jackson. James F.. I." 633; III. 328 Jacobi, Stella Ml. Haves. II, 540 JafTa, Eva L., Ill, 353 Jaglinski, Joseph P., HI, 45 James, David R.. HI, 412 James. Henrv .M.. 1. 362. 363 Jamieson, Frank T.. Ill, 291 Janes, Edwin H., HI, 399 Janes, Julius F., II. 131 Jared, I^uis W., IH, 453 Jasienski, John F., II, 411 Jeavons, Albert N., 11, 435 Jeavons, William R., Ill, 489 Jefferson avenue bridge, I, 455 Jefferson Park, 490 Jenkins, J. Verne. Ill, 14 Jenkins. W. 0.. I. 544 Jennings Avenue Evangelical church, I, 606 .Tennings, David .T., HI. 17 Jennings, John G., I, 710, 711; III, 33 Jennings Sanitary Milk Bottle Com- pany, The. IH, 'l7 Jerka." Joseph P.. HI. 155 Jerome. Frank J.. Ill, 38 Jewett, Cyrus A., III. 93 Jewett, John H., Ill, 272 .lewish congregations. I, 615 .Icwish Orphan Asvluni. 1, 616, 633 ■Mcwish World," 11, 386 .lohns, S. CD., Ill, 361 .Johnson, Crisfield, I, 31 .lohnson, Frank D., IH, 51 Johnson, George C, HI, 301 Johnson, H. H., I, 709 .lohnson, Henrv J., II, 482 .lolmson, John'F.. IH, 440 .Iohns(m. Levi. I. 78», (portrait) 79; 94, 98. 120, 504; II, 146 .lohnson, Levi A., H, 149 .lohnson, L. D.. I. 208 Johnson. M. B.. I, 677 J(.hnson, Mayor, era. I, 317-31 .Johnson, Philander L.. II, 149 .lohnson. Robert C, I, 7 .lohnson, Russell V.. 1, 447 .lohnson, Samuel W., I, 8 .Johnson, Tom L., I, 333, 317, 318, 339, 380. 440. 442. 489; II, 479; III, 461 •lohnston. .lames. I, 7 J(,nes. Asa W., I. 289 .lones Avenue Congregational church, I, 601 Jones, Dave R., HI. 333 Jones, G. J.. I. 546 Jones, George W.. Ill, 383 .Jones, Howard G., Ill, 98 Jones, J. D., I, 544 Jones, J. Horace HI. 310 Jones, J. Powell, I. 384 Jones, James M.. I, 260, 510, 511, 532 Jones, John, I. 333 .Jones, Louis H.. I, 303. 376, 378 Jones. Norton T., HI, 377 .Jones, Paul D., H, 357 .Jones. R. G.. I. 384 .Jones, Ralph J.. HI, 344 Jones, Robert F., I, 378 Jones, .Samuel, I. 70, 94 .Jones. Thomas. .Jr.. I. 258 Joseph. Emil, I, 425 Joseph, Isaac, II, 322 Joseph, Moritz. II. 321 .Joyce. Adrian D.. II. 494 Judd. Bernard A., IIL 317 Judd. J. Frank, .Jr., HI, 197 .Judd, William, I, 7 .Judges (see Bench and Bar) Juncker. H. D., I, 608 .Junction Railroad, I, 313 Junior high schools, I, 383 Justh, Louis G., II, 438 .lustices of the Peace, I, 494 Juvenile court, I, 520, 536 Kaiser, Peter H., I. 532, 536' Kalina, Procop V., HI, 335 Kalish, Abram A.. Ill, 129 Kalsch, .John, Jr., Ill, 446 Karaerer, Edwin A., II, 526 xl INDEX Kane. \V. A., I, 410 ■Kant Krack" products, III, 43 Kassiilker, Paul G., II. 161 Kaufman, Albert H.. III. 321 Kavanagh. Francis B.. Ill, 480 Kayler. George W., II, 563 Kaynee Company, The, III, 134 Kean, .Jeflerson R.. I, 673 Kearns, ilichael F.. III. 419 Keating. Michael C. III. 413 Kedslie, F. T., I, 713 Keeler, Harriet L., I, 344, 363, 379, 581" Keenan, Joseph B., 11, 377 Keep. John, I, 139 .Keese. Philip H., Ill, 378 Keffer, John, III, 296 Keiser, Forrest E., Ill, 283 Keith, Myron R., I, 520 Keller, Henrv G., I, 565 Kellev. Alfred I. 81, 85*, (portrait) 86; 91.' 92, 94, 98, 100, 108, 109, 110, 157, 168, 212, 314, 317, 501, 502. 503, 504, 692: II. 11 Kellev art galleries. I. 565 KelleV, Daniel. I, 100; II. 10 Kellev. Uatus. I. 89*. 149 "Kelley Family History." I. 108 Kelley". Hermo'n A., I. 90; II, 9 Kelley, Horace, II. 8 Kellev, Irad. I, 568 Kelley, Madison, I, 141, 346, 348. 585 Kellev, Moses, I, 157, 163, 166*, (por- tra'it) 167; 208 Kelley-Perkins Play Ground, I, 491 Kellev, Samuel W.! I, 550* ; III, 389 KelleV. Thomas, I, 157, 565 Kelley, Thomas M., I, 568 Kellev's (Alfred) Home (illustration). I. 109 Kelley's Island. I. 89; TI. 9 Kellev's large stone house, I, 108 Kellman. John. Ill, 337 Kellogg, David, I, 74 Kellv. Daniel, I, 55 Kelly. Frank A, II, 340 Kellv, Frank H., I, 519 Kelly. John T.. II. 213 Kelly Springfield Tiro Company, III, 60 Kcls'cv. Lorenzo A.. I, 179, 213 Kendill Mrs. F. A.. I, 372, 290, 310 Kendrick. 0. C, I, 364 Keniian. ('. I.,., 311 Kennard House, I. 341 ; II, 154 Kennard's school, I, 390 Kennedy, diaries K.. I. 425, 587, 592 Kennedy, James, I, 592 Kennedy, James H., I, 580* Kennedy, Thomas M., I. 511, 512; III. 514 Kenney. William A.. I. 446 Kentucky reservoir abandoned, I. 435 Kentucky school, I, 390; III. 129 Kentucky Street school. I. 356 Kerns, Theodore I.. II. ."i.'ll Kerr. Clarence V., III. 137 Kerr. Levi. I. 400 Kerruish, Sheldon Q., II, 161 Kerruish, William S., I, 428; H, 160 Keyes. M. J., I, 336 Kiefer, Henry, I, 711 Kilbourne, George, I. 74 Kilbv. Daniel J., Ill, 389 Kilby, .Joseph F., Ill, 388 Kilbv JIanufacturing Conipanv. 111,388 Kimball. Anna W.. 111. 365 " Kimball. Jlrs. S. H., I, 563 Kimberly. Robert L., I, 659 Kimniel," Daniel D.. III. 115 King, Albert E., Ill, 176 King. David, I, 7 King, Ebenezer, Jr., I, 7 King Iron Bridge Company, I, 459 King. John A., II, 556 King, Ralph. I, 415. 417 Kingsbury. James. I. 33. 43, 51. 60, 63, (portra'it) 64: 67, 74, 75, 98, 495 Kingsbury Run Park, I, 489, 491 Kingsbury Run viaduct, I, 460 Kingsbury's House (illustration), I, 71 Kingsland, ,T. S.. I, 412 Kingsley, Charles W., Ill, 237 Kingsley, George T., I, 188 Kingsley, Henry C, I, 555 Kingsley. Herbert B.. III. 64 Kingsley. Hiram F.. III. 64 Kinney." Frank A., Ill, 430 Kinney, (ieorge W., I, 288, 709. 710 Kinsman school, I. 390 Kinsman street. I. 450 Kinsnutn Street Railway Company, I, 341 Kirby, Ephraim. I. 7. 8 Kirk", (ieorge. I. 180, 184. 305 Kirkpatrick. John H.. 11. 501 Kirtland. Jared P. (portrait), I, 306*; 504. 543. 555 Kirtland (.Tared P.) Home (illustra- tion). I. 207 Kirtland Society of Natural Science, I, 555 Kirtland. Turhand. I, 44. 51. 75 Kirtland (Turliaiul) letters, I, 44 Kiser. Samuel K.. I. 593 Kissani. Wilmot H., Ill, 385 Kitchen, Mrs. H. W., I. 311 Kittredge. Lewis IT., HI, 30 Klaus. Fred R.. ITT. 404 Klaw & Krlanger, HI, 545 Kleinman, S. TI.. Ill, 268 Klemm. Louis R.. I. 362 Kline, Mrs. Virgil I'., I, 310 Kline. Virgil P.. I, 260, 532, 533, 536*; II. 13 Kling. John A., 1, 671 Kling. Louis A., TIT. 44.'> KloBsen. Harry J.. ITT, 19S Klumph, Arcli, T, 684, 685, 710; 11, 481 INDEX xli Kimpp, TIarry B., II, 530 Knight, Thomas A., Ill, 81 Knights of Columbus, I, 625 Knirk. Curl F., HI. 295 Knowlton, \V. A., I, 544 Koch & BacrwaUlc Mauufiicturiiig Company. HI. 318 Koch, Frocl C. Ill, 218 Koch, George H., I, 710 Koch, George D., II, 54fi Koch, George D. & Son Company, 11. 546 Koebler. William. HI. 180 Koelliker. Goijrge 1'.. II, 35" Kohn, Joseph, III, 460 Kohn, iSolomon. HI, 459 Kolbe, George .\.. I. 500 Komlos, Emerv H., HI. 529 Kortan, K.hvanl .1.. Ill, .440 Kramer, Samuel K.. I, 448 Kraus, Alexander S., II. 351 Kraus. J. R.. I, 710 Krause, Frank S., Ill, 524 Krause, Lester L.. III. 170 Krauss, Herman D.. Ill, 348 Kreps, John E., Ill, 324 Kroehle, Albert K.. III. 487 Kroehle. Paul E., IH. 135, KroU, Herman K.. HI, 424 Krug, Joseph, I, 375 Knise, Alfred C, III, 336 Kuhlman, G. C. Car Company, III, 445 Kujaw ski. Leon A.. II, 245 Kundt/., Theodor. III. 406 Kundtz, Theodor. Company, III, 407 Kysela, Frank, HI, 181 Kyscla, Joseph A.. HI. 181 K. & M. Brass and Aluminum Castings Company, III, 441 Lafayette, coach, II. 356 Laganke. Charles F., Ill, 74 Lake Erie Builders Supply Company, in, 155 Lake Erie Telegraph Company, I, 213 Lake Front (illustration), I. 263 Lake Front litisation. II. 83 Lake Front Park. I, 491 Lake Shore Banking & Trust Company, III, 320 Lake Shore Moving and Storage Com- pany. Ill, 343 Lakeside Base Hospital Unit. I, 672 Lakeside Hospital, I, 471, 548 Lakeside Hospital Unit, III, 536 Lakeside Hospital (War Unit No. 4) (illustration), I, 073 I^ke (Watterson Relief) school, I, 390 Lake Superior ore, first cargo of, IH, 2 Lake View Cemetery (showing Garfield Memorial) (illustration), I. 627, 628 Lake View Park. I. 255. 479, 491 Lakewood Engineering Company, III, 375, 555 Lakewood Hospital, I, 549 Lamb. Daniel H.. I, 179, 211, 212 . l.an\oreaux, Fred M., HI, 430 Lamson, Alfred W., I, 511 Lamson. Isaac P.. I. 710 Land. Alfred D.. Ill, 423 Land speculation in 183:!-35. I, 157 Lander. Frank K., I, 458 l.andon. Charles N.. H, 498 LandoM, Joseph, I. 20, 28, 32, 39 Lanilon school, I, 390 l.,ane. Edwin G., I, 662 Lang. Charles F.. Ill, 375 Lang. Lawrence H., HI, 303 Langston, Charles. I. 238 Lanza. Louis R., 11. 356 Lapp. Charles W., I. 713 Laronge. Joseph, IH, 351 Laronge, Joseph, Real Estate Company, HI. 351 Latinu'r. Howard. III. 475 Latimer. Jay E.. III. 553 Laub. Jacob, HI. 369 Lanb. .lacob. Baking Company, III, 369 Law Department, I. 445 Law Library Association, I, 532 Lawn school, I, 390 Lawrence, A. G., I, 519 Lawrence, F. D., I. 713 Lawrence, James, II, 82 Lawrence, James H., Ill, 65 Lawrence. Keith, 11. 83 Lawyers (see Bench and Bar) Lazarus. Myron E.. Ill, 63 Leader Brass Foundry & Manufactur- ing Company, III, 267 Leader Printing Company (The). I, 591 Leading shipbuilding port, I, 249 LeBel, John D.. Ill, 522 LeBlond, C. H., II, 519 Lee, Mrs. H. J., I, 282, 311 Leech. William P.. I. 592 Lefkowitz. Isador. IH, 427 Leggett. Mortimer D.. I, 535* Lehr, Adam. I. 563 Leibel. Jonas. HI. 437 I.einard. H. 0.. II, 483 Leland, C. P.. I, 258 Lemen. Tom. I, -205 Lemperly. Charles M., Ill, 363 Leonard. Bishop. I. 402 Leonard, William A., I, 290, 554, 596, 598 Leopold, A. F., I, 710 Lester, S. F., I. 709 Leutner. Winfred G.. Ill, 556 Leuty. Demaline, I. 710 Levi." Max. IH, 209 Levine. Manuel, I, 512 Levison. Emanuel, III, 416 Lewis, Alfred H.. II, 133 Lewis. Claude C, III, 287 Lewis, E. H., I, 217 xlii INDEX Lewis Family, 11, 132 Lewis, George W., L 709 Lewis, Irving J., II, 134 Lewis Jewelry Company. Ill, 2S8 Lewis. Milford, III. 425 Lewis, Robert E., I, 642, 643, 677 Lewis, Sanford ,J., I. 213, 220, 226, 227 Lewis, Tracy H., 11, 135 Lewis, William E., II, 132, 135 Liberty loans. I, 679 Liberty Trucks, II, 205 Libraries. I. 572 Library Building of 1879 (illustration), I, 4i8 Library Park, I, 489, 491 Library school. Western Reserve Uni- versity. I, 398 Liebich, Arthur K. A., I, 663 Lieghlev. Per Lee A., I, 532; III, 47 Liggett", Clarence V., II, 842 Light Horse Troops, I, 656 Light house built, I, 138 Lighthouse street bridge, I, 454 Lincoln Fire Pioof Storage Company, III, 475 Lincoln high school building, I, 377 Lincoln junior high school, I, 387 Lincoln school, I, 386, 391 Lincoln Square, I, 478, 491 Lincoln visits Cleveland, I, 345 Lind, James L.. I, 446 Linden. Hugo, I, 545 Lindcrman, J. C. W., I, 605 Lindsay, Hamilton L., III. 481 Lingenfelter. Horace D., HI, 113 l.ippincott. Gideon W„ HI, 497 Lister, Walter S., II, 301 Litluumians in Cleveland, I, 631 Little, Bascom, I. 669, 709 Little. Mrs. George W., I. 382 Little Sisters of the Poor (Homo for the Aged), I, 610 Live stock trade (1865), I, 248 Loan sharks. II, 159 Local militia. I. 66 Locher, Milton L.. II, 200 Locke. David R., I. 586 Locomotive Engineers' Mutual Life and Accident Ins\irance Association. II, 442 Locomotive, first maiiut'aclurcil in the West. I, 691 Locomotive works, first western, I, 159 Loeb, Louis, I, 563 Loftus. Donald A., HI, 408 Logan, Andrew, I, 116 Logue, Joseph T., I, 511 Long. Clement, I, 395 Long, David, J, 83* ; portrait 84; 90, urn, 109, 136. 151, 251, 539, 542; II, 321 U)iiK, Mrs. Dr., T, 656 Long. Theodore T.. HI. 103 Longwood High School of Commerce, I, 394 Longwood school, I, 391 Loomis, Elias, I, 395 Loomis, Henry T., II, 476 Loomis, Leroy H., II, 477 Loomis, Luther, I, 7 Loomis, Walter H.. HI. 398 Lorain & Cleveland Railway, I, 465 Loran-Huron bridge proposed, I, 461 Lord. Richard. I, 159, 173, 177, 178, 179. 210, 311 Lord. Samuel P., I. 8, 75, 171, 173 Lorenz, Carl, I, 435 Lougee. William S., II, 30 Love, William. I. 7 Lower, William E., Ill, 509 Lowry, Hugh F., Ill, 513 Loyola high school, I, 409 Luce. Frank W., I. 602; HI, 300 Ludlow, Arthur C, I, 378 Luetkemeyer Company, The, III, 505 Luetkemeyer, Edmund H., HI, 505 Lxietkemever, Gustave W., HI, 333 Luhr. John H., I, 614 Lukens, Mrs. O. A., I, 364 Luna Park, I, 476 Lutherans, I. • 605 Lyceum Theatre, II, 560 Lyke, Fred J., HI. 370 Lyman. William, I, 7 Lynch, Charles P., HI. 496 Lynch. Clara E., I, 394 Lynch, Frank. I, 660 Lynch. John S.. II. 387 Lynch, \'ictor C, II, 387 Lyon, Richard T., I, 348, 708, 709, 710 Lyons. .loseph H., HI, 345 Lyster, William N., I, 597 Lyttle, George II., HI, 270 Al. & M. Cninpany. 111. 301 :\lacCabe. Julius 'P. B., 1, 300 Madi. Henry L.. II, 455 :Macourek, Frank S., H, 514 Mahcr, Thomas K.. Ill, 138 Slail coaches. H. 414 -Mails lu 1S37, r, 198 Main Building, Adelbert College (illus- tration). 1, 396 ^lain street .bridge, I. 455 Malleable iron foundry, first in Cleve- land. 111. 7 .Mallorv. Itonnie L., TIL 339 Malloy. M. C. 1. 379, 280 Malm' Rudolf A., HI, 410 Malone. Mrs. M. J., I, 310 Mammoth of the Lake (illustration), 1, 121 Alanak, Frank C, III, 349 Alanehester, C, E., T. 305 :\Ianchester. Daniel W., f, 383, 414 :\lanheim, Samuel W., Ill, 307 INDEX xliii Mmislield, J. C, I, 446 .MiiiitiT. X. H., I, 542 Miuiual training school opened (188G), I. 372 Mamifiu'tnres, 1904-14. ]. 70;i .Mamitiuturiii^ I'oiporation, lirst in I'levelanil, I, 159 :Many, Frank B., III. I(i4 iiaps: iSoutlu'in New Kiij;lan(l, 1, 2; The Location of New Conneotieut, 4; SpaH'ord's Clevehind (17U0). 24;iSeth Pease Clevehind (1796), 24; Connec- ticut Western Keserve (1796), 27; Windham I Conn.) County hy Town- ships, 29; Oliio Counties in ISOO, 49; Trumbull. County of, 1800, 51 ; Spafford's Cleveland (1801), 59; Cleaveland in 1814, 97; Cleveland and Environs in ISaS. IflO; The Sec- ond Plans for Cleveland Harbor (1837), 172; Cleveland in 1853, 223; Annexations to the Original Village, 1S29-1917, 25fi; Diagram of Grou]) Plan of Public Buildings, 469; The Cleveland Park Svstem, 475 Marble. Henry D.. III. 87 Marine tonnage (1892), I, 283 Marion Play Grouiul, I, 491 Marion school, 1, 391 -Markets, I, 430. 491 Marquette Iron Company, 1, 696 Marshall, George F., I, 287 Marshall. George JI., I, 586 ilarshall, George T., I, 217 .Marshall. Isaac H.. JI, 87 ilarshall. J. D.. I, 446 Martin, Daniel. I, 709 ilartin. Earl E., I, 593; III, 531 Martin, Franklin, I. 686. 687 Martin, George F., Ill, 498 Martin. .John T.. I. 447; HI, 111 Martin Luther National Slovak church. I. 619 Martin. Thomas, I, 607 Marty, Albert H.. III. 281 Marvin, Charles A., II, 140 Marvin. Francis R., II, 140 Marvin, Ulysses L., II, 139 Maska. A. E.. I. 446 Maskell, R. T., III. 189 Mason. James. I. 260. 533 Mason. Owen M., III. 510 Massillon coal district. I, 699 Masten, Blanche C. II, 379 Masten. Frank S., II, 378 .Masters. Irvine U.. I. 233 Maternitv Hospital, I. 549 Mather, Flora S., I, 624 Mather, Mrs. Samuel. 1. 313, 314 Mather, Samuel, I. 402, 436, 677, 710; UI, 1 Mather, Samuel H., I, 353, 354, 357, 635 Mather, Samuel, Jr., I, 7, 8 Mather, .^^amnel L., I, 598, 691 Mather. Samuel L., HI, 543 Jlatlicr. Samuel W., Ill, 275 .Mather. Thos., I, 12 Mather, Wm. (J., I, 417, 472 Matthew Smith Tea, Coll'ec & Grocery Company, HI. 428 Mathews. James A., II, 229 Matzen, Herman N., I, 566 Mauldin, James L., Ill, 66 Maxa. Lewis, HI, 431 May. I). Todd. HI, 135 Mayflower School, I, 354, 391 Maynard. AUeyne, I, 357, 571 Mayor's Advisory War Committee, I, 680 Mayor Johnson era, I, 317-31 Mayor's War Advisory Board, I, 676 ilciiane. Alexander, I, 384 :\IcBride. Herbert, III, 519 McBride, John H., I, 402; III, 518 McBride, Leander, IH, 546 McBride, Malcolm L., I, 402, 671 McCashen, James F., HI, 326 McCausland. Benjamin W., HI, 172 McClure, Joseph C, III, 334 McClure, Samuel G., I. 289 McClure. Walter, II. 106 McConnell, George T., I, 662 McConnell. William. I, 506 McCormack, Frank W., HI, 214 McCormick, C. W., 1, 380 McCornack, Walter R., I, 384 McCowatt. Walter R., I, 599 McCrea, James B., Ill, 188 McDole. Nathan K., I. 220. 226, 227 McDonald. Roy A., HI, 62 McElroy. James, I, 597 McFadden. James A., II, 500 :McFadden. Wayne S., Ill, 133 .Mc(iattin. Alexander, I, 623 McGannon. William H., I, 447, 519; III, 141 McGee, John B., I, 552 McGeorge. Ernest. II, 520 McGcorge. John. II, 520 McGlu'ei Edward W.. II, 142 McGorray, J. V., I, 711 McGowai'i. F. S., I, 648 McGrath. John. H, 484 McHenry, James, I, 380 Mcllratli, Benson, HI, 537 Mcllvaine, Cliarles P., I, 597 Mcintosh, Alexander, II, 16 Mclntosli. Donald. I, 541, 542 Mcintosh. George T., I, 709; II, 17 Mclntosli. Henry P., H, 17 Mcintosh. Henry P., Jr., II, 18 Mclntvre. Seward B., HI, 409 Mclsaac, Frederick H.. Ill, 220 McKay. Edward C, 11, 348 McKay. George A., II, 346 McKav. George R., II, 384 xliv INDEX JIcKay, Robert H., 11, 178 McKearnev, William A., 1, 60, ; HI. 206 McKee. Henry H., II, o33 McKenney, Patrick J.. I, 2.8, 280 MeKinlev, William, I, 293, 294, 466, 659: II, 25 McKinneV. Henry, I, 511 McKinney. Price, I, 417 McKisson, Robert E., 1, 233, 263, 288, •>89 291, 292, 303, 316, 435 McLaren, William EI, 586, 598 McLaiichlan, Mrs. William, I, 313, 314 McLaughlin, Peter, I, 608 AIcLean, David, I, 711 McLean, John C, IH, 300 McLean. John, I, 505 McLean. William, I. 129, 131 McMahon, Walter, I, 447 McManus, Thomas J., I. 428 McMaster, Harry W., HI, 266 McMath, J. H., I, 511 McMichael, Stanley L., II,. 79 McMorris, William H., II, 334 McNairy, Amos B., I, 709 McNamara, Andrew J., Hi. -^o^ McNamara, William J., Ill, 67 McNaughton, William E., II, 239 McNultv Bros. Co., Ill, 237 McQuigg, John R., I, 662. 669'; III, 515 Meacham, Roland T.. II, 48 Meade, Franklin B.. I, 467; III, 507 Meat curing by electricity, 111-67 Mechanical Rubber Company, The, HI, 405 Meckes. John, I, 710 Medill, Joseph. 1, 589 Meier, Louis. I, 713 Melaragno. Olindo G., HI, 318 Mellen, Lucius F., I, 128, 302, 624, 635 Melodeon Hall. I, 265 "Memorial Record of Cuyahoga Coun- ty." I. 10 Memorial school. T, 391 'Memphis schoiil, 1, 391 Mendclson, Albert, 111, 134 Memielssohn Singing Society, 1, 501 Menning, Joseph, I, 448; III, 36b Menompsy, I, 65 Mercantile National Bank, I, 689 Merchant, Ahaz. I, 118. 194, 450, 452 Merchant's Bank, I, C93 Merchants' Bank of Cleveland, I, 692 Merchant, Silas, I, 118, 353 _ Merrell. George B., Ill, 346 Merriam, C. J., I, 657 Merriam, Joseph B.. I, 635. 639 Merrick. Frank J., HI. 171 Mersum, Mrs. George B., I, 220 Merville, Ernest E., II, 477 Merwin, David, I, 104 Merwin, George B., 1, 116. 181, 184 Merwin, Mrs. Noble H., I. 55 Merwin, Noble H., I, 103, 104 Metal Shop Manufacturing Company, HI. 353 Metcalf, C. S., I. 447 Methodist Centenary, I, 603 Methodist church, first, I, 118 Methodist organizations, I, 601 Metropolitan police system organized, I. 250 Mexican war, I, 656 Meyer, Edward S., I. 278 MeVer school, I, 391 Meyer, William, I, 247 Meyer, William L., I, 713 Michael, A. J.. I, 484 Michell, Frank A., HI. 555 Michell. Samuel B., II, 496 _ Michelson, Albert A., I, 557" • Milan State Road, I, 77 Miles and valuation of water works, 1, 438 Miles, Erastus, I, 109 Miles Park, I, 491 Miles Park Methodist Episcopal church, I, 602 ]Miles Park, Newburg, I. 478 Miles Park Presbyterian church, 1, 600 Miles Park school, I, 391 Miles school, I, 391 Miles, Theodore, I, 568 Milford school, 1, 391 Milford, William, I, 194. 208, 707, 708 Military organizations effected (1877), I. 268 Milk bottle, sanitary, III. 17 Mill school. I, 391 Millar, J. Hamilton, II, 524 Miller. Albin J., II, 543 Miller, Asher, I, 7 Miller, Bernard, I, 713 Miller. Burt A.. II, 200 Miller, t'harles H., I, 711 Miller. Charles R., I, 337; HI, 18 :Miller, Cloyd W., Ill, 136 Miller, George II., HI, 173 Miller. Hervey E., II, 297 Miller, Josejih K., I, 184 Miller. Otto, 1. 680 Miller, Pliny, II, 537 Miller. Sampson II.. H, 319 Miller, T. Clarke. I, 544 MillerWells Lumber Company. The, III, 130 Milligan, John R,, HI. 23 Mills. Bert F.. HI, 519 Alills. Charles A., I, 601 Jlills, David W., HI, 1K4 iAIills. Joshua A.. I. 179, ISO, 181, 181, 2(>.-). 207, 210, 543, 543 Alinderliout, Christ, II, 530 Miner. Daniel. I, 502 Miner. George G., I. 660 Miskell. James T., I, 713 Mitchell, William R.. III. 465 INDEX xlv Mizor. Conrad, I, 562 Mizpah ooiigregatioii. I. 018 Mock. Ralph D.. III. 372 Madt'in J^lcthods Si'liool L'oiinianv, II. 436 Modoc Park (Franklin Circle). I. 477 Mohrnian. Edwin JI.. III. 338 Holder, Henry M.. II. 493 Moldovan. Dion. Ill, 439 Monks. Thomas E., II. 39 Monks. Zerah C, II, 38 Monroe, James, III, LW Monroe, William M.. III. 153 Monson. Hugh J.. It. 203 Monumental Park. I. 491 Mocmey. M. P.. 1. 680 Moore, Edward W.. III. 159 Moore. Edward Y., Ill, 214 Moran. Francis T., I, 336, 711 Moran, George F., I. 592 Moran. Joseph W., III. 361 Morgan. Charles. I, 276 Morgan, (^ifford J.. III. 3S0 .Morgan. Elias. I. 7 Morgan. Cilbcrt E.. II, 299 Morgan. Isham A.. I. 88. 92 Morgan. Robert D.. II. 175 Morgan. Robert M.. I. 513 Morgan. Victor. I. 593: II. 224 Morgan, Y. L., I. 87, 604 Morgan, Y'elverton P.. I, 598 Morganthaler. H. ^V., I, 662 Morison, David, I. 278; III, 201 Moritz, Albert. T, 446 Morley, Charles 11.. HI. 272 Morlev. Jlrs. Edward \V.. 1. 563 Morley. William E.. I. 557 "Morning Leader." Cleveland, III, 45 Morrill, Cordon N., Ill, 536 Morris, Clara. I. 566* Morris Coal Company. TI, 274 Mofrow. James B., T. 592 Morrow. Thomas D., Ill, 211 Morse. Aaron P., I. 331 Morse. Frank H., I. 709; 111. 511 Morton. W. A.. I. 224 Mosel, Joseph H.. III. 269 Moses, Augustus L.. II, 186 Moses, Charles W., II, 186 Moses Cleaveland .Statue (illustration), I. 370: 427. 466 Moses Cleaveland's Memorial at Can- terbury (illustration). 1.330 Moses. Louis A.. II. 187 Moses. Nelson. II. 185 Mosher. C. F.. I, 593 Motor-drawn fire apparatus. I. 444 Moulton. Edwin F.. I. 375. 378 Moulton school. I. 391 Mound school, I, 391 Blount Sinai Hospital. I. 616 Mowe. .John V., III. 75 Mower, Samuel. I, 603 .Moylan. David. I. 447 Mt." Pleasant school, I. 391 Mmkley.' Henry C, I. 375 .Mueller. Ernst W., II, 546 Miieller. William C. II. 429 .Muhlhauser, Frank. Ill, 421 ■Muhlhauser, Frederick. III. 420 .Miilholland. Harry H., II. 490 .MuUigraph, III, 106 Municijial hath house, Edgewater Park I. 485; (illustration) 486 Municipal Code of 1870, I, 432 Municipal c(nirt. I, 517 Muiiirlpal government by boards. I. 433 .M\inici|ml halls. I. 333. 470 .Municipal markets. 111. 460 Municipal ollicials of 1839-40, I, 207 Municipal Traction Company, I, 320, 321 Municipal war work. 1. 680 Municipal water works, first. I. 234 Munson. Titus V.. I. 26 Murdock. Marion. I. 306. 607 Murphv. Edmund A.. I. 713; III, 381 Murphy. John G.. Ill, 402 JIurray. Ebenezer. I. 77 Murray. Harvey, I. 92 Murray Hill school. 1. 391 Murray. John E.. III. 231 Murray. William P.. Ill, 35 Museum of Art, IT, 8 Music. I. 561 Musical composers, I. 503 .Musicians, I, 561 Mussun. William (i.. III. 532 Mustcrole Company, III. 173 Muth. W. F., Ill, 193 Myers. Walter C. III. 438 Myers. Walter E.. II. 143 Mygatt. George, I, 412 "Xasby" (see David R. Locke) Xash. Atigustus. I. 643 Xash. William F., 111. 401 National Acme Comi)anj% III. 107, 4(>5 National .Armv. first death in. II. 227 Nat onal Bank Act of 1863. 11. 12 National Rronze & Aluminum Foundry Company. Ill, 193 National Carbon Company. Ill, 154 N^ational City Bank, II, 137 National Commercial Bank, The, II, 194 National Conservation Commission, lit, 542 National ^ilalleable Castings Company, II, 59. 292 National Railroad Men's Christian As- sociation, I, 638 National Red Cross Society, Auxiliary No. 40. I, 313 National Tool Company. II, 195 Native trees. II, 146 xlvi INDEX Natural gas, I, 326 Nau, Carl H., Ill, 264 Naval Recruits in Y. M. C. A. Building (illustration). I. 646 Neal, Arthur W., Ill, 132 Jfeal, Clarence J., I, 447, 713 Xeal Fireproof Storage Company, III, 132 Xeal Institute. Ill, 283 Needs. Samuel H.. II, 368 Netr. Clifford A., II, 80 Neff. Edward W. S.. II. 79 Neff. Elizabeth H., I, 554; III, 146 Neff', Frank H.. III. 131 Neff, Horace. II, 247 Netr, Mrs. W. B.. I, 200, 306, 554 Neff, William A., I, 258 Neff', William B., I. 511, 512; III, 146 Xelan, Charles, I, 593 Nelson, Andrew E., Ill, 238 Nesper, Arthur E., Ill, 161 Nettleship, George M.. Ill, 292 Neuberger, Jno.. I. 713 Nevin. Edwin H.. I. 601 New-, Harry. III. 54 Newark-Trent Play Ground. I. 491 Newberry, Henry, I, 693, 698 Newberry, John S., I, 231, 555'*, 636; II, 295 Newberry. Roger. I, 8 Newberry. Spencer B.. II, 296 Newburg. I, 69, 98; in 1806, 72; vil- lage annexed, 260 Nowburg Literary Society, I, 568 New Central High school building (1878), I. 367. (illustration) 367 New City Hall. II. 20 New Connecticut (map). I, 4, 36-52 Newell, Charles E., II, 381 Newell. Clarence L.. II, 396 New-ell, Harry F.. II, 396 Newell. Lyman 0., I, 446; III. 486 New England House (illustration), I, 228 Ncwhall, Walter S., Ill, 20 New High Level Bridge (illustration), I, 458 Newman. Arthur R.. II. 291 Newman, Charles IL, II, 379 Newman, Edward E., II, 432 Newman. Samuel, I, 477; III, 263 Newman, Thomas F., II. 425 New passenger depot, I, 249 "News and Herald." I. 591 Newsboys' and Bootblacks' Home, I, 639 Newspapers. I. 116. 498, 583; "Cleavc- land (fazettc and Commercial Regis- ter." 116. 120; "Cleveland Herald" founded. 121; "Cleveland Advertiser" appears, 141: in 1837,190; firsl news- paper not a Buccess, 582; "Cleveland Herald" and Eben D. Howe, 583; 'Cleveland Plain Dealer," 584-89; The west side produces newspaper, 589; Young Edwin Cowles introduced, 589: Edwin Cowles. premier Cleve- land journalist. 590; the present "Cleveland News," 592; "Cleveland Press" and Seripps-McRae League, 592; Cleveland newspaper tield as a whole, 594 Newton. Thomas G.. HI. 26 Newton. William H., I, 212, 213. 214, 216 Niagara Day. Perry Centennial cele- bration. I. "334 Niagara Entering Cleveland Harbor (illustration). I. 336 Niagara. The Da.y Before the Launch- ing (illustration). I, 335 Nichols. William M., II, 380 Nicholson. Ezra, HI, 512 Nicholson. E. Louis. Ill, 512 Nicholson Ship Log Manufacturing Company, III. 512 Niedzwiedzki, Henry DuL., II, 231 Niehaus. Carl. I. 566 Nierath. John C, III. 58 Nierman. Robert G., III. 538 Nineteenth Medical District Society, I, 543 Noble. Henry L.. I, 107, 180. 184 Noble. Louis E.. II. 439 Nock. Charles H., II, 432 Noll. Edward A.. I. 662; II, 195 Norbcrg, Rudolph C, II, 445 Nord. Herman J.. II. 316 Normal High school. I, 365 Normal school. I. 366. 384 Norrington. Ralph M.. II. 375 Norris, Harry M.. II. 380 Norris. W. W., I, 446 North. Clare C, II, 207 North Congregational church. I. 618 Xorth Doan school. I, 391 North Electric Company, II, 560 North Highway (St. Clair street), I, 450 North Presbyterian church. I, 619 North Royal'ton. III. 193 Northern Ohio Fair Association. T. 251 Northern Ohio Fair Grounds (illustra- tion), I, 252 Northern Ohio Traction system, I, 464 Northrop & Spangler Hlock (illustra- tion). 1. 231 Norton. David Z.. I. 402. 417; III, 20 Norton, Elisha. T. 65, 70 Norton, (leorgic L.. I. 565 Norton, .Minor G.. I. 289 Nottingham school, I, 391 Xoville. lli^nry. II, 373 Nunn, Isidor C, III, 233 INDEX xlvii Nunn, John I., I; 278, 280 Nunn, John I., Company, III, 234 Nutt, Willard L., Ill, 217 Oatman, W. G., 1, 189, 570 OberlinWt'llington rescue cases, I, 236- 41 O'Brien, Charles C. Ill, 84 O'Brien Hoisting & Contractin;; Com- pany, 111. 84 O'Brien, .lolm, II, 2f..5 O'Brien. John E., Ill, 84 O'Brien, 1». C, I. 378, 280 Observation school, I, 365 Observation (Normal Training) school, I, 391 O'Connor, James P. A., Ill, 366 O'Dwyer, Patrick, I, 608 Ograiii. Edward N., I, 662 "Ohio American," I, 589 Ohio and Cleveland cities incorporated, I, 170 Ohio Association of Remedial Loan Men, II, 346 Ohio becomes a state, T, 63 Ohio Building and Loan Company, III, 84 Ohio Business College, III, 394 Ohio Canal. IL 11, 13; III, 40 Ohio Canal T'ackets (reproduction of advertisement I, I, 196 Ohio City, I, 174. 205; first election (1836), 177: mayors of, 179; elec- tion of 1839, 208; election of 1840. 208: officials, 1841-45. 310; Munici- pal matters (1846-48), 212; Munici- pal officers (1851), 215; municipal officers (1851), 316: municipal offi- cers 1852, 320: in 1853. 236; annexed-, 227; school-houses (1854), 355 ■'Ohio City Argus," I, 589 nliio Counties in 1800 (map), I, 49 Ohio Mutual Savings & Loan Com- pany, III, 84 Ohio National Guard, I. 368 Ohio National Guard Jlilitary Train- ing .School for Civilians, I. 664 Ohio Provision Company. Ill, 188 Ohio Railroad Company Notes (repro- duction of), I. 303 Ohio Kailroad put to rest, I, 202 Ohio Rubber Company, III, 94 Ohio .State Bar Association, first presi- dent, II, 554 Oils and paints, I, 699 Oil refining, I, 700 Old Bohemians. I. 563 Old Postoffice (illustration). I. 286 Old Stone church. I, 126: burned. I. 236: (illustration) 128, 600; U, 561; III. 104 Old Trinity Church, 1828-29 (illustra- tion), I, 106 Old I'nion Clubhouse (illustration), I, 259 Old Weddell House (illustration), I, 124 Old workhouse (illustration), I, 355 olds. Charles H., Ill, 4 Oliver. Raymond B., II, 403 Oliustcad. Frederick L., I, 467 Olmsted. Aaron, I, 8 Olnev. Charles, I, 565 OIncy. Charles F., I. 383, 467 Olstyii. Stanley J., II. 450 O'.Mic murder trial, I, 94 O'Mic sequel. I, 541 One Hundred Fifth street market, I, 491 Ong, Walter C, II. 60 Oppenheim, Leo, II, 320 Oram, John S., II. 305 Oram. Oscar T., II, 306 Orange Avciuie Play Ground, I, 491 Orchard school, I, 393 Ordinance to establish common schools, I, 300 Ore, fiist cargo of Lake Superior, III, 2 O'Reilly, Thomas C, II, 91 O'Rourke Engineering Company, I, 458 Orphan Asylums, U, 262 Orth, Samuel P., I, 383, 580" Osborn, Prank C, III, 554 Osborn, Henry C, II, 303 Osborn, Mrs. H. W., I, 311 Osborne, Archibald L., II, 435 Osmun, George. L 211, 312, 216, 217 Otis & Company, II, 31 Otis, Charles A.. I, 233, 592, 671, 680, 694, 709; II, 31 Otis, Charles A., Sr., H, 29 Otis Steel Company, I, 691; II, 29 Otis, William A.. 'l. 163, 164*; (por- trait) 165; 237, 691, 693; II, 27 Otis, W. F., I, 709 Oul Building and Loan Association, HI, 349 "Our Young Men," I, 641 Outhwaite school, I, 393 Overbeke, Edward A.. Ill, 210 Overseership of the poor not wanted, I, 102 Oviatt, Luther M„ I, 359 Owen Tire & Rubber Company, III, 107 Owen, William C, III, 106 Pach, Oscar, III, 32 Pack. Charles L., I. 329, 709; III, 541 Packard-Cleveland Motor Company, II, 451 Packard, J. W., Ill, 474 Paddock. Martin L., I. 658 Paddock, Thomas S.. I. 657, 658 Paid fire department organized, I, 247 Paine, Charles A., I, 710; II, 137 xlviii INDEX Paine, Charles C, I, 202 Paine, Charles W., II, 1G4 Paine, Edward. I, 29, 52, 62, 688 Paine, Jewett, I, 583 Paine, Robert F., I, 53, 509. 593 Painter, Mrs. Kenvon V.. I, 313, 314 Painter, W. 11.. I," 603 ' Painters, I, 565 Paints, I, 699 Palmer, C. W.. I, 244, 456 Palmer, J. D., I. 247 Palmer, William P.. I. 246. 414, 415. 417; III. 5 Palmers-DeMooy Foundry Company, III. 187 Panic of 1837. I. 201; 11, 11, 12; III, 39: of 1857. I. 236; of 1873. I. 261 Pankhurst. John F.. I. 484; UI. 251 Pardee, James T.. I. 453 Park Commissioners, first board of, I. 255 Parker. Charles. I. 26 Parkman. Robert B., I. 504 Parks, I, 474-91; popularized, 489; sta- tistically considered, 490 Parks and public property department, I, 446 Parks, Horace F., II, 228 Parks, Leonard B., II, 227 Parks. Sheldon. II. 227 Parkwood school. I. 392 Parmely, Benjamin, I. 447 Parsons, Ernest P.. III. 42 Parsons, Fred W., III. 23 Parsons. Richard C, I. 227. 262. 287, 427. 530', 584 Passenger depot. I. 249 Paton. .James L.. III. 316 I'aton. Robert W.. II. 434 Paton. Willis U., HI, 78 Patterson, Charles A.. II. 298 Patterson. William D., I. 255 Paul. Hosea. I, 448; II, 92 Payne avenue, I. 450 Payne, Henry B., I. 141*; (portrait) 142; 181, 212, 217, 224, 258, 350, 400, 507, 527, 531 Paviie, Nathan !>., I. 233, 357 Payne, Oliver 11.. 1, 659 Pearl school, I, 392 Pearson, A. J.. I, 512 Pearson, Eleanor McK. R., III. 447 Pease, Calvin, I, 504, 505 Pease Map of Cleveland (1796), I, 24 Pease, Setli. I. 12, 17, 32, 26, 28, 31. 40 Pease (Setlil Journal. I. 32, 40 Pease (Seth) Survey of 1797, I, 31-33 Pease, Sheldon, I. 157 Peck EnKraving Company. HI. 413 Peck, Eugene C, II, 425" Peck, Frank A.. II. 307 Peck, John A., Ill, 412 Peck. Joseph H., I. 643 Peckham, George G. G., II, 440 Peek, Allen B., Ill, 343 Peerless Motor Car Company, HI, '31 Peet, David, I, 143 Peet. Lewis, I, 568 Pelton, Frederick W., I, 233 Pelton Park. I. 479 Pelton. Thirsa, I. 479 Penfield. Rose. HI. 448 Penfield. Suela. HI. 448 Pennewell. C. E.. I, 533 Pennock, Alvin C III, 558 Pennsylvania Rubber & Supply Com- pany, III. 160 Percy. Frank E., HI. 322 Perfection Spring Company, II, 199 Perkins Block (illustration). I, 637 Perkins, Douglas. I, 414, 417 Perkins. Emma. I, 376 Perkins. Emma M.. HI, 195 Perkins. Edwin R.. I, 412; HI. 15 Perkins, Edwin R,, Jr., III. 16 Perkins. I^noch. I. 8 Perkins. Harry B., HI. 359 Perkins. Henry B.. I. 414. 624 Perkins. .Jacob B.. I. 291. 414. 417 Perkins. Joseph 1, 400, 412, 572 Perkins, Simon. I, 93 Permanent Products Company, HI, 227 Perrin. John W.. II, 219 Perrine, William E.. II. 283 Perry Centennial celebration. I, 334 Perry Centennial parade. 1, 337 Perry. Commodore, II, 147 Perry Day, Centennial celebration, I, 335 Perry Day Parade, Cleveland Centen- nial (illustration). I. 304 Perry, Horace, 1. 98. 100 Perry, Louis A.. II, 142 Perry Monument, I, 242, 465; (illus- tration), 243 Perry, Nathan, I, 18, 72; (portrait) 73; SO. 103. 129. 478, 500. 501, 089 Perry. Nathan. Jr.. I, 75* Perry, Oliver. I. 317 Perry statue, I. 481 Perry Victory Centennial Commission, Hi, 554 Perry's Corners. I. 689 Perry's Victory Day, Cleveland Cen- tennial. I. 302 Peters. Frederick W.. III. 6 Peters, Harry A., I. 402; 11. 430 Peterson. Er'win A.. I. 384 IVttee. Ceorge 1).. 1. 403 I'ettee. Harold F.. Ill, 58 Pettibone. Arthur D., HI. 339 Phare. William G.. II, 222 I'lielps. .Icsse. 1. 73 I'lielps. Oliver. I. 7, 8 I'lielps. Samuel W., I, 504 Phillips, Frank C. 1, 448 INDEX xlix riiillips, Oorpe L.. I, 511, 512 I'liilliiis. Kegiimid G. A.. 111. 74 Phyllis Wlicatlfv Home 11, 393 Phvsiiians. 1. 5:i9-4;i I'iiitt. .Joliii H., 1, 293 I'Kkiimls. lU'iirv S., I. 402; III, 215 riikaiuls, J. D." I. 710 I'iikaiuls, .Tames, III, 216 I'iikaiuls, .lav M., III. 216 Pierce, Robert B., Ill, 77 Pierce, Stephen L., I, 710; II, 449 Pike road, II, 116 Pilgrim Congregational ihurcli, I, 601, 619 Pinkerton. F.. I. 591 Pinkett, William .!„ II, 307 Pinnev, Edwin J., II. 376 Pintner, Charles, III. 349 Pioneer education and religion, I, 55 Pioneer legal matters. I, 82 "Pioneer Medicine on the Reserve" (Dudley Allen I. I. 83 Pioneer ministers of the Western Re- serve. I. 56 Pioneer Parade, Cleveland Centennial (illustration), I, 301 Pioneers, II, 55U; III, 505 "Pioneers of the Western Reserve" (Rice), I, 20, 44 Pioneers of the Western Reserve, I, 53 Pirc, Louis J., Ill, 531 Pitkin, Stephen H., II, 300 Pitts, William E., Ill, 564 Plain Dealer, II, 440 Plain Dealer Publishing Company, II, 150 Plav Grounds for children, I, 490; III, 460 Pleines. Henry T.. III. 486 Plymouth church, I. 126 PIvmouth Congregational church, I, 216 Poe, Adam W., II, 531 Polak. John, III, 548 Poles in Cleveland, I, 621 Police (see Municipal court) Police department, I, 431, 432 Police pension fund, I, 435 Pollock, Wilfred S., m. 386 Pomerene, H., I, 709 Pond, Daniel H., I, 662; U, 345 Pope, Alfred A.. II. 391 Pope, Charles E.. II, 315 Pope, E. C, I, 637 Pope, Henrv F., II, 293 Population. 1825-37. I. 199; of Cleve- land (1840), 209; (1851-52), 218 (1850-60), 243; (1860-70), 252 (1870), 371; (1890-1900). 317 (1890. 1900. 1910). 332; (1860-70) 431: (1890), 435 Port of Independence. I. 16 Porter. Augustus. I, 17. 18. 32. 26 Portraits: Moses Cleaveland, I, 9 Seth Pease. 32; Lorenzo Carter, 37; James Kingsbury, 64; Nathan Perry, 73; "Uncle" Abram Hickox, 76; I^'vi Johnson, 79; Samuel Williamson, 82; David Long, 84; Alfred Kelley, 86; A. W, Walworth, 101; T. P, llandy, 110; Leonard Case, 113; Reuben Wood, 118; Joel Scranton, 123; Rufus P. Spalding, 132; Sherlock J. Andrews. 135; George Worthington, i:!9: Henry B, Payne, 142; Colonel Charles Whittlesey, 147; Thomas Bolton. 158; Franklin T. Backus, 162: William Bingham, 163: William A, Otis, 165: Moses Kellev, 167; Mavor Jolm W. Willcv, 18]'; .lared P. kirtland, 206; William B. Castle, 234; Hiram M. (Father) Addison, 369; Andrew Freese, 354; A. (i. Hop- kinson, 356: Andrew J, Rickoff, 361; Burke A, Hinsdale, 370; Rev, Wil- liam B. iSommerhauser, S. J., 408; William H, Brett, 424; Newton D. Baker, 441; Charles C, Baldwin, 515; Sarah J. Bolton, 574; I'Mwin Cowles. 59(1 : Rev. S. C, Aiken. 600; General .James Barnett. 631; Robert K. Lewis, 642; Serano P. Fenn, 642; Ambrose Swasev, 647 Post, Charles A., I, 710 Post, .Tames R,. HI, 7 Post, Nathan, III, 7 Postage rates in 1837, I, 199 PostofTicc (old) (illustration), I, 386 I'dstoflice (see Federal building) Potts, J. F., T, 446 Poulson. Francis W.. 11. 158 Powell. Albert, I. 336, 327 ; Powell. Homer G.. 513. 544 Powell. William, I, 379, 380 Pratt, Charles W., Ill, 157 Pratt, Clvde H,. IL 468 Pratt, F.B., I, 314, 357 Pratt. George W., I, 189 Prentice. Mrs. N. B., I, 390, 311 Prentiss, Francis F„ I, 329, 380, 415, 417, 425, 472, 709 Prentiss, Loren, I, 231, 635 Prentiss, -Mrs. Francis F., I, 653 Prentiss, Samuel B., 1, 508*, 511 Presbvterians, I, 599 Preseott, Charles H.. HI, 18 Prescott school, I, 393 Preseott, W. H., I, 677 Present County Courthouse (illustra- tion), I, 495" Present War Activities: Y, M, C. A. work. T. 645 Presley. Mrs. George. Jr., I, 389 Press (see Newspapers) Price. John, I, 237 Price, .Tohn H.. TI, 130 Prices for land, I, 45 1 INDEX Primary schools establislied, I, 352 Pringle Barge Line Co., The, lU, 336 Pringle, John C, III, 336 Printing press, first, I, 116 Printz, Alexander, III, 502 Printz-Biederman Company, III, 503 Printz. Michael, ni, 99 Prison Reform, II, 115 Probate court, I, 513 Probeck, Philip J., III. 203 Progressive Building, Savings and Loan Company, III, 349 Prospect School (illustration), I, 345 Prospect street, I, 450 Prospect Street School, I, 347 Proudfoot, George, I, 26 Pruclia. John, I, 446 Ptak, Joseph J., I, 279, 289; II, 387 Public Branch Libraries (illustrated), I, 422 Public institutions (1837), I, 187 Public Library, I, 368; branches, 419; elevation of the Coming Building, 420; building (projected), 471, 572; Open shelf policy, II, 242; Cumula- tive Index, 242 " Public safety department, I, 446 Public School Library (see Cleveland Public Library) Public schools, I, 341-94; 1859-62, I, 358 Public service department, I, 446 Public Square, showing Superior and Euclid avenues (illustration), I, 450 Public utilities department, I, 447 Public welfare department, I, 446 PuUen, Jennie D., I, 384 Pumphrey, Henry B., II, 391 Purdy, Nelson, L 250 Puritas Springs line, I, 465 Pursglove, Joseph, III, 117 Put-inBav Memorial (illustration), I, 303 Quarrie, Bertram I)., I, 384 Quayle, John H., II, 550 Queisser, Robert L., II, 353 Quick, Ivan T., II, 368 Quincy school, I, 365, 392 Quif;ley. Peter D., II, 388 Quimbv, I'-jihraim, I, 64 Quiiin," Arthur II., I, 710 Quintrell, Mary C, II, 242 Race track gambling, III, 563 Railroad Rolling Mill, I, 694 Railroad standard watches, II, 117, 120 Ruilroads: Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati Railroad Company char- tered, T, 183, 194; Cleveland, Warren & PittHburgli Railroad Company char- tered. 182, 193. an.l, 212; Ch'velanil & Newburg Railroad Company, 194; Cleveland & Bedford Railroad Com- pany, 194; Ohio Railroad put to rest, 202; beginning of the railway era, 305: Junction Railroad, 213; Cleve- land & Toledo Railroad, 213; Cleve- land, Painesville & Ashtabula Rail- road, 214; Cleveland Columbus & Cincinnati enters Cleveland (1851), 217; Cleveland & Mahoning Railroad completed. 318; Cleveland & Pitts- burgh Railroad, 318 Railroads abolishing grade crossings, II, 289 Railway strike (1877), I. 268; II, 309 Ramsey, F. W., I, 710 Ranney, Henry C, I, 309, 414, 532 Rannev. Rufus P., I, 400, 521, 522*, 533:" II, 553 Ransom, Albert G., I, 658 Ranson, Walter C, 11, 169 Rappe. Amadeus, I, 608; II, 90 Rapprich, William F.. III. 314 Rattle, William J., III. 493 Rauch, Charles, I, 710 Rawlings school, I, 393 Rawson. Levi, 710 Rawson, L. Q., I, 713 Rawson, Mrs. M. E., I. 313, 314 Ray, Joseph R., I, 446 Reasner, James C, II, 137 Recreation parks, I, 476 Redick, D., I, 504 Redick, H. F., Ill, 337 Redington, J. A., I, 214, 316 Redmond, William T., II, 181 Reese, diaries S., I, 357 Reflex Ignition Company, III, 110 Kegisters of bankruptcy, I, 530 Religious (see Churches) lU'inington, Harold, I, 530 Reveler. Ellen G., I, 375 Reynolds Child Labor Law, II, 110 Revnolds. James A., II, 109 Rhodes. C. S., 1, 337 Rhodes, Daniel P., I, 357 Rhodes. James F., I, 579 Rhodes, Mrs. Robert R., I, 313, 314 Rhodes. R. R., I, 625 Rice, Charles W., I, 384 Rice. Harvey, I, 10, 18. 30, 197, 207, 343. 370, 345, 3.'>0, 413, 436, 437, 506, 507. 580; II, 557; IlL 178 Rice Heights Subdivision, II, 315 Rice, L. L. I, 151, 583 Rice, Olnev, I, 26 Rice, Percival W., II, 558 Rice, Walter P., I, 453; II, 559 Rice. Walter P., Engineering Company, II, 559 lilchard, Francois, HI, 304 liichanls. F. B., I, 669 IJichanlson. Clarence 1''-., II. 197 Richard.-^on, Wesley C, 11, 196 INDEX Kiilimoiul, Tlioinas, I, 347 KiilniioiHl. Warren W., II, 265 Kitkoy. U. N., I, :>'Xi RirkofV. Andrew J.. I. 'AdO, 3G3, 368, 581; (portrait), 361 Kieks, A. J., 1, 534 Kidille. Albert G., I, 237. 244, 529, 577 Kiddle, .lolin. 1, 99 Kieli'V. Charles F., IT, 460 Kielev, Frank, II, 459 Hieley. Oliver R., II, 461 Hiley", Miehael, I, 279, 280 Rise" selniol. 1, 392 Kisley, Luke, I, 159, 177, 17S Kitehie, .lames, II, 421 Kiteliie. Kyerson, I, 709, 710 Hiver iniproveiucnts, I, 75 Kivirside eenietery. I, 628 Koads (early), 1, 76; in Western Re- serve, 44 Roberts. Kdward A., I, 289, 295 Roberts, William V... I, 375, 384, 394 Robertson, .lames. Ill, 342 Robertson I'aint & Varnish Company, The. III. 343 Robertson. Thomas A., I. 593; III, 45 Robinette. Roy B., Ill, 158 Robinson. Harry C, II, 69 Robinson, ,J. P., I. 258 Roby. K. W.. I. 231 Rockefeller. Alice M., HI, 96 Rockefeller & Andrews, I, 700, 714 Rockefeller & Andrews Building (illus- tration), I. 717 Rockefeller, Andrews & Flagler, I, 714 Rockefeller Boulevard, I, 488 Rockefeller Foundation. II, 8 Rockefeller. Frank, III. 95 Rockefeller, Helen R., Ill, 96 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re- search. II, 8 Rockefeller. John D.. I, 247, 355, 414, 417. 419, 474, 488, 604, 624, 625, 699, 714. 718, 719; II. 1 Rockefeller Park North. I, 491 Rockefeller Park South, I, 491 Rockefeller Parks, I, 488 Rockefeller. William, I, 714; III, 476 Rockefeller. William A. & Co., I, 700 Rocker. Henry A.. II, 344 Rocker, .Samuel, II, 386 Rockwell. Samuel. II. 361 Rockwell school, I, 392 Rockwell. William, II, 281 Rockwell, William, II, 362 Rockwood. II. L.. I, 446 Rocky River Bridge and Its Concrete Span (illustration), I, 464 Rodgers, Albert S., II. 537 Rogers. Arthur C. I. 662 Rogers, Ethan, I, 159 Rogers. .Tames II., I, 563 "Roinaniil," HI, 439 Root & McBride Company, II, 33; III, 518, 546 Root, A. 1'., I, 363, 364 Root, Kphraim, I, 7 Root, Frederic P., 11, 33 Root, Paul I'., Ill, 234 Knot. Ralph H., II. 32 Rose. Benjamin, HI, 11, 12 Rose Benjamin Institute, HI, 11 Rose. Mrs. W. 0., I, 390, 306; II, 311 Rose, William G., I, 233. 268, 440, 458, 472. 588; II, 308 Rose, William R., I, 317, 588 Rose. W. Louis, II, 176 Rosedah' school, I. 365, 392 Rosenblatt, Charles, ITT, 5 Rosenburg, Felix, I, 337 Rossiter, William T., II, 244 Rothenberg, William, II, 359 Riithkopf, David R., If, 340 RothschiUl, Klias, II, 251 Rothschild, Isidore .1., II. 251 Rothschild, Julius, II, 252 Roueche, R. C, I. 685 Roumanians in Cleveland, I. 621 Roupp. N., I, 614 Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin, I, 634 Rowland, \'ernon C, II, 542 Royal land grants, I, 5 Royce, Abner, Company, III, 184, 297 Rudd. Frank H.. 11, 498 Rudd, William C, II, 497 Ruetenik, Herman J., I, 291, 606 Itufus Ranney Law School, II, 478 Ruggles, Benjamin, I, 80, 500, 501 Run-away Slave Advertisement (re- production of), I, 150 Rusk, Stephen G., IT, 239 Russel, C. L., I, 177, 178, 316 Russell, Geo. S., J, 710 Russell, Mrs. L. A., I, 290, 306 Russian .Tews in Cleveland. I, 620 Rust, .Tohn P., Sr., IT, 259 Rust, J. Howard. II, 499 Rutherford, George A., Ill, 241 Ryan, Malachi, I. 279, 280 Ryan, William R., .Ir., II, 167 Ryan, William R., Sr., II, 167 Sabin, Julia S., I, 364 Saekett school, I, 392 Sackrider, C. W., I, 412 Saeger, Wilford C, I, 671 .Saengerfest, I, 561 Saengerfest Hall, I, 285, (illustration) 562 SafTold, S. S., n, 143 SafTord, Mrs. William JI., 11, 88 Sage, .T. C. I. 710 Saginaw Bay Company, III, 19 Salem church, T, 606 Salisbury, J. H., I, 414 Salvation Army, I, 625 Salzcr, Cliarles L., I, 447 lii INDEX Samaritau Home, II, 116 Samman, George P., I, 446 Sanborn, Ralph W., 11, 290 Sanders, Fielder, I. 447; II, 137 Sanders, William B., I, 511; II, 335 Sanderson, Frederick M., Ill, 501 Sanderson, Julius C, III, 502 Sanderson, Thomas W., I, 659 Sandusky Cement Company, II, 296 Sanford, A, S., I, 657 San ford, Mrs. Henry L., I, 685, 687 Sanford, Peleg, I, 7 Sanitary milk bottle, III, 17 Sanymetal doors, II, 472 Sargeant, Levi, I, 107, 118 .Sargent, Edwin T., Ill, 311 Saigent, H. Q., I, 289, 373 Sargent, John H., I, 119, 217, 255, 412, 414, 586 Saum, O. C, II, 318 •Save the Babies" campaign, I, 683 Sawicki, Joseph F., II, 98 Sawyer, J. P., I, 544 Sawyer. Jlrs. P, H,, I, 310, 311 Sawyer, P. H,, I, 544 Saxton. Jehiel C„ II, 115 Savles, S. W., I, 178, 205, 210, 311, 312 Schade. Otto M., I, 662 Schaefer, Carl W., II, 430 Schaefer, Gustav, Wagon Company, III, 324 Schaefer, Henry G., I, 713; III, 323 Schauffler, Fred, II, 235, 237 Sehauffler Realty Company, The, II, 235 Schellentrager, E. A., I, 371, 545 Sehmi., I, 395 Seymour, Thomas 1).. I. 395 .Slmker llei^'hts, II. 157; III, 508 SImker Heights Park. 1. 487. 491 Shaker Heights viUago. I. 488; IT, 21 Shaker settlement. I, 488 Shannon. Karl 'B.. II. 194 Sharp Spark I'lug Comi>aiiv, III, 51, 440 Shattuck. Edward. I. 447 ShaufHer, H. A., 1, 601 Shaw, (Jeorjie \V.. II. 151 Shaw. Samuel B.. I. 231. 635 Shaw, William J., II, 151 Shcair. I.anf;. I, 638 Shellield. Henry E.. I. 677 Sheldon. Henjiimin. I. 179, 212, 213, 220, 355 Shepard. Tlieodore, I, 17, 32. 539 She|ilienl, I'hiiu>as, I, 105, 107, 595, 596, Shepherd, Warctiam, I, 26 SherilV street market, I, 491 Sherman, t'harles, I, 524 Sherman, C. T., I, 412 Sherman, H. S., I. 402. 404 Sherman, .John. I. 293. 294 Sherry. Clillord E„ III, 529 Sherwin, Belle, I, 687 Sherwood, Kate B., I, 298 Sherwood. William E., I, 511 Shields. Joseph C. I, 658 Shier. John. I. 181 Shinplasters (illustrations). I. 113 Shipbuilding. I. 276; in 1865. 249 IShiverirk. Asa, III, 85 Wholes. Stanton. I. 95. 541, 546, 655 Sholl. William H., I. 224 Short Creek Coal Company, The, III, 140 Short. Everett J.. IT. 266 Shupe, Henry P., I, 669. 684, 685; II, 383 Shurmer. Edward D.. I, 662 ShurtlcfT, Glen K,, I, 520, 643 Siber, Edward, I. 659 Sibley school. I. 392 .Sickness general (1797). I, 40 Siddall. George B.. II. 37 Sigler, Gilbert L.. Ill, 119 Sigler. Lucius M.. HI. 118 Silbert, Samuel H., I. 447; HI, 71 Silver, Abba H.. I. 677 Simmons. Theo., I. 710 Simon. I^ouis, I, 447 Simons, Jlinot 0., I, 710 Simplex Machine Tool Company, H, 506, Sincere, Victor W.. II, 213 Sinram, Frederick W., Ill, 163 Sir Moses Montefiore Kosher Home for Aged and Inlirm Israelites, I, 616 Skinner. Orville B.. I, 568 Skvrm. .John. 1. 279, 280 Sla'de. Albert, I. 518 Slaght. Edgar, I. 177, 211 Sleeper. D. L., I, 289 Slovaks in Cleveland, I, 620 Slovaninns in Cleveland, I, 620 Smart. John II.. Ill, 170 Smart, .Samuel W.. Ill, 169 Smead. T. H.. I, 589 Smies, Jacob H., I, 412 Smith, Albert W., II, 544 Smith, Allard, II, 354 Smith, Archibald M. C, I, 180 Smith, A. J., I, 694 Smith, Erastus, I, 156 Smith, Frank W.. I, 445. 446; HI, 256 Smith. Hamilton H.. I, 545, 555 Smith. Harry G., Ill, 161 Smitli, Henry A., I, 412, 572 Smith, Jeremiah, I, 303 Smith, .lohn A., II. 165 Smith, John H., Ill, 38 Smith, John H., Sr., Ill, 37 Smith, Matthew, III, 428 Smith, Samuel L., HI, 423 Smith, Stiles C, HI, 423 Smith, W. Arthur, I, 603 Smith, William T., I, 154 Smith, Wilson G., I, 563 Smyth, William. I, 351 Smythe. Alfred B., II, 152 Smythe, Anson, I, 360 Snake meat, I, 40 Snedden. Ricliard. HI. 327 Snider. Martin, II, 500 Snow, Frank K., HI, 391 Snow, Jane E., I. 576; HI, 147 Snow. Karl F.. HI, 335 .Snow, Kandolph, I, 149 Snyder, Harvey R., H, 112 Snyder, John R., II, 111 Social Betterment Committee, I, 622 Society for Organized Charities, I, 624 Society for Organizing Charity, I, 250, 630 Society for Savings, I, 692; II, 485 Society of the Medical Sciences of Cleveland. I. 544 Solders, George B., I, 511. 519 Soldiers' and .Sailors' Mf>nMment (illus- tration). I. 284; II, 391. 409 Somers, Charles W^., II, 249 Somers, J. H., II, 248 Sommerliauser, William B., I, 405, 409; (portrait), 408 Sons of the American Revolution, Western Reserve Chapter, I, 282 Soper, Albert L., II, 226 South Case school, I, 392 South junior high school, I, 387 Uv INDEX South Presbyterian church, I, 143 South school, I. 3S6. 392 South Side Park (Lincoln Square), I, 478 South Side Railroad, I. 461 Southern New England, I, 1; map 2 Southwick, Ernest B., III. 33 Southworth, W. P., I, 352 Sowinski school, I, 392 Spafford, Amos, I, 17, 23, 31, 32, 47, 60, 61, 63, 64, 75, 77, 104, 504 Spatford, Anna, I, 75, 341 Spafford's Map of Cleveland (1796), I, 23 Spafford's Cleveland (1801) (map), I, 59 Spafford's resurvey, I, 60 Spafford's Tavern, I, 104 Spalding, Rufus P. (portrait), I, 132, 133*, 237, 239, 244. 530, 532 Spangler, B. L., I, 224 Spangler, Michael, I, 104, 125 Spangler, Miller M., I, 115, 230 Spanish-American war, I, 661; Cleve- landers off for Cuba, 315; War emergency committees, D. A. R., 310; War Emergency Relief Board, 313 Spargo, Mary P.,' I, 275, 537 Sparks. Stanley W., II, 505 Spaulding, Frank E., I, 383, 384, 670; II, 191 Spaulding, Z. S., I, 660 Special park policemen, I, 490 Spelman, Laura C. I. 355 Spencer, A. K., I, 413, 414 Spencer, Timothy P., I, 143 Spenoerian school, II, 476; III, 171 Spii-akus, Stanley, I, 447 "Spirit of '76," I, 471, 566; III, 353 Sprecher, Samuel P., I, 294 Sprosty, A. B., I, 446, 447 Sproui Herbert R., IL 256 Sproul, Rufus C„ II, 256 Squire, Andrew, I, 680; II, 294 Squire, Eleanor S. S., I, 311 Squire, Mrs. Andrew, I, 312, 313, 314 St. Ale.xis Hospital (illustration), I, 547 St. Ann's Asylum, I, 549 St. Alexis Hospital, I, 548, 611 St. Augustine's church, I, 614 St. Bridget's church. ], 014 St. Clair hospital, I, 548 St. Clair market, I, 493 St. Clair school, T, 392 St. Clair street. I, 450 St. Francis' Orphan Asylum and Home for the Aged. I. 610 St. Ignatius (Jollege, I, 405, (illustra- tion) 406; fill St. Ignatius high school, I, 409 St. John. .lohn R., I, 180, 583 St. .John. Oran, I, 542 St. John, Samuel, I, 395, 543, 555 St. .John's Church, 1828-29 (illustra- tion), I, 107 St. John's Hospital, I, 548, 612 St. John's parish, I, 107 St. Joseph's Asylum, I, 610 St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran church I, 605 St. Luke's Hospital. I. 549 St. JIalachy's church, I, 614 St. Mary's church, I, 60S St, Mary's Church on the Flats, I, 614 St. Mary's of the Assumption, I, 614 St. Mary's Orplian Asylum. I. 609 St. Slarv's Theological Seminary, II, 500 St, Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran chiu-ch, I, 605 St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, I, 605 St. Peter's Catholic church, I, 614 St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran church, I, 605 St. Stanislaus parish, I, 614 St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, I, 609 St. Wencelas (Bohemian) church, I, 614 Stadler, John L., I, 711 Stafford, 0. M.. I, 288 Stafford. Theodore, I, 604 Stage lines in 1837, I. 197 Stager, Anson, I, 660 Stager, Henry W., I, 638 Stahl. Howard A., lU, 231 Stair, John, I, 154 Stalev, Cadv, I, 400, 557 Standard Oi'l Company, I, 247, 699, 714- 2;i; H, 5, 6 Standard Oil Works in Cleveland (illus- tration), I, 721 Standard Parts Company, II, 200 . Standard school, I, 392 Standard Steel Castings Company, II, . 131; HI, 399 Standard Top and Equipment Com- pany, HI, 294 Standart, Henry N., HI. 76 Standart. Needham M., I, 179, 205, 208, 210, 227 Stanford, Vernon L,. II, 136 Stanley, George A., I, 414. 571, 640 Stanley, John J., II, 101 Stanley, William H,, I, 357 Stannard, B. A., T, 571 Slansbury. Clement W., II, 382 Stanton, "Elizabeth, I, 290 Stanton, I'rank W'.. II, 45 Sliuiton, Frederick P., I, 236 Starkey, Thonnis A.. I, 598 Starkweather, Samiud, 1, 179, 184, 198, 211, 233, 348, 353, 412, 507 INDEX Iv Starr. Kpliraim, I, 8 Slato Umiking & Trust Conipanv, III, 30, 206 State Bank of Ohio. I, G92 State Hospital, II, 248 ■Stearns, Arthur A., I, 425; II, 178 Stedman. Uuekley, I, 353, 355 Steel makiniL,' by electricity. III, 43 Stetlen. 1<". William, I, 384; U, 521 Slephan, Kate E., I, 363, 366 Stephens, Mrs. J. A., I, 311 Sterl, Oscar W., I, 659 Sterling & Welch t'onipany. III, 396 Sterling, Elisha, 1, 414, 556, 571 Sterling, Frederick A., Ill, 396 Sterling, ,Tohn JL, I, 188 Sterling Play Ground, I, 491 Sterling school, I, 392 Stetson, fharles, I, 346 Steuer, Alfred L.. II. 289 Stevens, Francis L., II, 171 Stevens, Frank E., I, 513; III, 66 Stevens. Garrett. II. 378 Stevens, J. H., I, 546 Stevenson, R. D., Ill, 237 Stewart, James W., I, 428 Stewart, N. Coe. I, 363. 375 Stewart, William H., Ill, 154 Stiles, .Job, r, 18, 36, 28 Stiles, Tabilha, I, 18, 43 Stillman Witt Home, I, 649 Stilson, S. H., I, 637 Stinchcomb, W. A., I, 44S, 452, 458 Stoeker, Charles L., II, 253 Stocking. Joseb, I, 8 Stockly, John G.. I, 315 Stockly's pier, I. 104; (illustration), 215 Stockwell, John X.. Jr., II, 553 Stockwell. John X., Sr., I. 558; n, 551 Stoddard. ,Iohn, I, 7 Stoddard, Kichard M., I, 17. 36, 32 Stoer. Hcnrv W.. Ill, 330 Stone, Adelbert. I, 398 Stone, Amasa, I, 251, 271, 398, 624. 649 Stone, Carlos H.. I, 511. Stone, Cliisholm & Jones, I, 694 Stone, Ella A.. J I. 52 Stone, Flora, I. 624 Stone, Norman ().. II. 52 Stone, Randolph. I, 138, 139 Stone, Ruth F.. I. 687 Storer. .James, I. 658 Storrs, Charles B., I, 395 "Stow Castle," I, 18 Stow, Joshua. I, 8, 17, 40, 504 Straus, Albert. I, 278, 280 Streator, Worthy S., I, 251, 400 Street cars, T, 461; H, 108 Street illumination, II, 19 Street lights, first, HI, 259 Street names, I, 326 Street Railways, I, 241, 462; three- cent fare, 319 Street, Titus, I, 8 Streets, I, 449, 450 .Strickland, Aaron T., 1, ISO Sfrickland. Benjamin, I, 163 Strickland Block (illustration), I, 232 Strimple, Theodore L., I, 511; II, 160 .Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Company, III. 101. 386 Strong. Charles H., I. 456 Strong. Edgar E., HI. 386 Strong. John H., I, 109, 211, 313 Stmirt, William R., II, 192 Stucky, Albert G., H, 383 Sturgess, .Stephen B., I, 657 Suffrage for Ohio women, II, 109 .Sufferers' Lands (see Fire Lands) Sul/mann, ,Iohn M., Ill, 460 Sullivan. Jeremiah J., I. 709; III, 24 Summer Camp. Young Women's Chris- tian Association ( illustralion), I, 653 Summer school for nurses, 1, 683 Summers, David 0., II, 349 .Sunday Leader, III, 45 Superintendent of markets, I, 434 Superior avenue and Seneca street (Northwest Corner), (illustration), I, 638 Superior avenue. Looking East from the Square (illustration), I, 463 Superior court, I, 501, 509; created, 360 Superior-Luther Play Ground, I, 491 Superior street, I, 450; in 1865 (illus- tration), 348 Superior Street Evangelical church, I, 006 Superior street viaduct, I, 369, 456 Siiiireme court in Cleveland, I, 503 Sutton. Clarence W., I, 384 Swartzel. Charles W.. II, 182 Swasey, Ambrose, I, 329, 417, 559, 647, 648, 709; II, 16 Sweeney, .John S., I, 593 Sweeney, Martin L., II, 163 Tabor. Frank B.. Ill, 26 Tabor Ice Cream Company, The, III, 36 Tadloo, Alfred, III, 417 Taggart, Richmond. I, 153 Taintor. J. F.. I, 208 Talcott. Albert L.. II, 34 Talcott, .John C, II, 36 Talcott. William E.. II, 37 Taplin, Charles G., Ill, 426 Tappan. Abraham. I, 69 Tappan, Benjamin, I. 64 Tavern Club'. The, III. 268 Taxicab Company. II. 375 Tax levy for building schools (1874), I, 366 Ivj INDEX lax School, II, 108 Tax title sales, abolition of, II, 331 Tayler Franchise, I, 322-26, 462 Tayler, Robert W., I, 323 Tavlor & Boggis Foundry Company, III, 380 Tavlor, Alexander S., II, 217 Taylor, Benjamin F., I, 573*. 588 Taylor Brothers Companj^, III, 357 Taylor, Charles, I, 107 Tavlor. Daniel R., II, 103 Tavlor, Elisha. I. 126, 600 Tavlor. Isaac, I, 208 'lavlor, -John E., Ill, 356 Tavlor. Mrs. Benjamin F.. I, 296, 376 Tavlor, Philo. I, 109 Tavlor, Robert W., I, 524 Tavlor, Royal, II, 101 Tavlor, Samuel G., Ill, 263 Tavlor, S. M., I, 289 Tavlor, Vincent A., I, 531 Tavlor, Virgil C, I. 364; II, 46 Tavlor, W. D., I, 690 Taylor. William W., III. 189 Teachers' pension fund, I, 383 Teachout, Abraham, III, 193 Teachout, Albert R.. Ill, 193, 194 Teachout, David W.. III. 194 Teagle, Mrs. John, III, 11 Teare. Elmer E., Ill, 187 Telegram, first received, I, 213 Telephone. 11, 352: growth of, 353 Telc]ihone Company exchange, II, 353 Telling-Belle Vernon Company, The, III, 29 Telling, William E., Ill, 29 Temperance hotel, II, 115 Temperance question. III, 562 Templar Motors Company, The, III, 463 Tenirler, William T.. HI, 352 Terrill. CUirence E.. Ill, 250 Thalheimer. H. S.. I. 592 Thatcher, Peter. I. 412 "The Ice Age" (Wright), I, 22 "The Cleveland Liberalist" (reproduc- tion of), I, 192 "The Spirit of '76," I, 471, 566; III, 353 Theatrical business. Ill, 544 Tliomas. Kdgar B.. Ill, 138 Tliomas, Fred \V.. I. 445, 447 Thomas, Raymond C, 111, 442 Thomas, William K., HI, 192 Thompson, Albert IC, III, 443 Thompson, Carmi A., Ill, 554 Thompson, William A., Ill, 244 Tliomsen, Mark L., I. 383, 384 ThomKon-IIouHton Company, III, 259 Thomson. Tliomas. II, 544 Thome, .1. A., I. 357 Thorp. W. C, III, 208 Thorpe, Thomas 1',, I, 291, 302, Oil Three-cent street railway fare, I, 319; II, 4S0; franchise, II, 400 Thumm, ,T. Martin, III, 125 Thurber, Frank L., Ill, 340 Thurman, Ed, III, 198 Thurston, Edwin L., II, 211 Thwing, Charles F., I, 302, 375, 380, 395, 417; II, 412 Tibbetts, George B.. I. 500 Tifereth Israel congregation, I, 616 Tiffin. Edward. I. 62. 63 Tilden, Daniel, I. 426 Tilden, Daniel R., I, 239, 241, 244, 513* Tjllotson & Wolcott Company, II, 62 Tillotson, Edwin G., II. 62 Tillotson, George H., I, 658 Tinker, Joseph, I, 26 Tinnerman, G. A., I, 711 Tippv, Worth M., I, 622 Tod. David I, 193. 528 Tod. George. I, 61, 504 Tod scliool, I. 393 Tom .Johnson Statue in the Public Square (illustration). I, 319 Tomlinson, Alfred E., Ill, 370 Tonilinson Steam Specialty Company, III. 371 Tomson. John G.. I. 446; III, 357 Torbenscn Axle Company, The, II, 453 Torbensen, Viggo V., II, 453 Toth, Alexander, III, 444 To the Women of 1996, Cleveland Cen- tennial, I. 306 Town. Israel, I, 542 Towner, J. W., I, 519 Townsend, Amos, I, 251, 458, 484, 657 Tozier. Kathleen B.. Ill, 433 Tozier, Mrs. Charles B., Ill, 432 Traeey, Criah. I, 7 Tracy, James J., I, 400, 571 Train Aveiuic Play Ground, I, 491 Training school for nurses, I, 549 Treadway, Lyman H.. I, 709 Tremont scliool, 1, 393 Trinity Bajitist cluirch, I, 619 Trinity Cathedral. 1. 107; (illustration), 599' Trinity Episcopal church, I, 595 Trinity Parish, T, 105 Tro)ii("al Paint & Oil Company, III, 100 "True Democrat," I, 589 Truman, (icorgc ,1., Ill, 488 Trumbull County Court of General ' (.Miarter Sessions (1800), I, 51 Trumbull C siip- jiort of schools. The Connecticut school fund, wliich now amounts to more than !)^2, 000,000, consists wholly of |)roco(>ds of the sale of these western lands and of the capitalized intei'cst thereon. The 1792-95] IN OLD CONNECTICUT 7 time was propitious, for the triumphal march of Gen. Anthony Wayne through the Indian country from the Ohio River to Lake Erie in 179-4 had added new zest to the speculation in western lands. In the followinsT ^^cptenlber (1795), a legislative committee sold these lauds to the Connecticut Land Company which was organized for the purpose of the purchase. This company was not incor- porated; it was simply a "syndicate" of land speculators. The price agreed upon was .$1, 200,000; the sale was made on credit, the purchasers giving their bonds with personal security, and subse- quently supplementing them by mortgages on the lands. The Re- serve was sold without survey or measurement. The committee made as many deeds as there were purchasers and each deed granted all riglit, title and interest, jui'idical and territorial, to as many twelvc- hundred-thousanilths of the land as the number of dollars that the purchasers had agreed to pay. "These deeds were quitclaims only, the State guaranteeing nothing as against such Indian titles as still remained unextinguished." Each purchaser was a tenant in common of the whole territory. The names of the purchasers and the amount of each one 's subscription are as follows : Joseph Howland and Daniel L. Coit .$ 30.461 Elias :\Iorgan 51,402 Caleb Atwater 22,846 Daniel Ilolbrook 8,750 Joseph Williams 15,231 AVilliam Love 10,500 William Judd 16,256 Elisha Hyde and Uriah Tracey 57,400 James Johnston 30,000 Samuel :Mather, Jr .' . . . 18,461 Ephraim Kirbv, Elijah Boardman and Uriel Holmes, Jr. . . 60,000 Solomon Griswold 10,000 Oliver Plielps and Gideon Granger, Jr 80,000 William Hart 30,462 Henry Champion, 2d 85.675 Asher Miller 34.000 Robert C. Johnson 60,000 Ephraim Root 42,000 Nehemiah Hubl)ard, Jr 19,039 Solomon Cowles 10,000 Oliver Phelps 168,185 Asahel Hathawav 12,000 John Caldwell and Peleg Sanford 15,000 Timothy Burr 15,231 Luther Loomis and Ebenezer King, Jr 44,318 William Lyman, John Stoddard and David King 24,730 8 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. I Moses Cleaveland 32,600 Samuel P. Lord 14,092 Roger Newberry, Eiiocli Perkins and Jonathan Brace .... 38,000 Ephraim Starr 17,415 Sylvanns Griswold 1,683 Joseb Stocking and Joshua Stow 11,423 Titus Street 22,846 James Bull. Aaron Olmsted and John "Wyles 30,000 Pierpoint Edwards " 60,000 $1,200,000 The deeds and subsequent drafts by which the lands were dis- tributed were recorded in the office of the secretary of state at Hart- ford and subsequently transferred to the recorder's office at War- ren. For convenience in the transaction of business, the holders of these deeds conveyed (September 5, 1795) their respective interests to three trustees, John Caldwell, John Morgan, and Jonathan Brace. The original of this deed of tiiist is in the archives of the AYestern Reserve Historical Society. Such was the largest sale of Ohio lands ever made. The deeds given by these trustees constitute the source of all land titles in the "Western Reserve. The somewhat elaboi-ate articles of association provided that annual meetings should be held at Hartford in October and that the proprietors were to draM' by townships, receive their deeds, and make their own subdivisions. As a speculation, the purchase proved unfortunate; the survey showed that instead of buying 4,000,000 acres as was supposed, the share- holders had bought not more than 3,000,000; instead of paying thirty cents per acre, they had paid more than forty. The expenses of the survey were heavier than had been anticipated and a jurisdic- tional question caused much vexation iuul peeuniai-y loss. "For a state to alienate the jurisdiction of half its territory to a company of land speculators that never rose to the dignity of a body corporate and politic was certainly a remarkable proceeding." Personnel op the Connecticut L.\nd Comp.\ny The directors of the company were Oliver Phelps of Sufficld ; Henry Champion, 2d, of Colchester; Moses Cleaveland of Canter- bury; Samuel AV. Johnson, Ejihraim Kii-by and Samuel Mather, Jr., of Lynn ; and Roger Newberry of West Windsor. The articles of association authorized the directors "to procure an extinguishment of the Lidian tifle to said Reserve" and "to survey the whole of said Reserve, and to lay tlie same out into tnwiisliips cuntaiiiing General Moses Cleaveland Pirst reproduction from a portrait, by the courtesy of The Western Reserve Historical Society. 10 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. I 16,000 acres each; to fix on a township in which the first settle- ment shall be made, to survey that township into small lots in such manner as they shall think proper, and to sell and dispose of said lots to actual settlers only; to erect in said township a saw-mill and grist-mill at the expense of said company, to lay out and sell live other townships of 16,000 acres each to actual settlers only." In the spring of 1796, the directors sent out a surveying party (fifty pei*sons, all told) under the command of Gen. ]Moses Cleaveland, a man of few words and prompt action, a man of true courage and as shrewd in his tactics as he was courageous. This ]Moses Cleave- land was born at Canterbury in Windham County, Connecticut, on the twenty-ninth of January, 1754, the second son of Aaron and Thankful (Paine) Cleaveland. In the Memorial Record of Cuya- hoga County published in 1894, it is recorded, on the authority of "an eminent antiquarian," (Harvey Rice) that the name Cleave- land or Cleveland appears to be "of Saxon origin and was given to a distinguished family in Yorkshire, England, prior to the Nor- man conquest. The family occupied a large landed estate w-hich was peculiarly marked by open fissures in its rocky soil, styled 'cleft' or 'eleves' by the Saxons, and by reason of the peculiarity of the estate its occupants were called ' Clefflauds, ' which name was ac- cepted by the family." It may be well, however, to remember that, while the art of patronymic derivation is interesting, some of its results are amazingly ingenious. On the same authority it is said that a William Cleaveland removed from York to Ilincklej' in Leicestershire, England, where he died in 1630. This William had a son, Thomas, who became vicar of Hinckley, and another son, Samuel. This Samuel Cleaveland had a son, Moses, who migrated to America in 16;?.5 and became the ancestor of all the Cleavelands and Cleve- lands who are of New England origin. After living several veal's at Boston, he became one of the founders of Woburn, Massachusetts, where he died in 1701. By way of Chelmsford, some of his descend- ants moved to the town of Canterbury where Aaron Cleaveland, the fifth son and (ruth (tliild of Josiali Cleaveland, was born in 1727. In 1748, this Aaron Clcvelaiul married Thankful Paine, and their second .son was the Moses Cleaveland with whom we are the most directly coneenied. .Vai'oii and Thankfid were persons of educa- tion and refinement and decided that their son should have a col- lege education. After the usual preparation, he was sent to Yale where he was graduated in 1777. He then studied law, was ad- mitted to the l)ar, and began the i)ractice of his profession in his native town. In 1779, he became captain of a company of sajjpers 1779-95] IN OLD CONNECTICUT 11 and miners in the scrvii'c of the United States, served as such for several years, and then returned to the practice of the law. He became a prominent member of the Masonic order and served several terms in the state legislature. In 1794, he mari-ied Esther, the daughter of Henry Champion; she is spoken of as "a young lady of rare accomplishments;" by her, he had two sons and two daughters. In 1796, he was commissioned as brigadier-general of the Connecticut militia and, in the same year, was chosen to lead the pioneers of the Connecticut Land Company to the Western Reserve. It is said that in his bearing he was manly and dignified. "He wore such a sedate look that strangei-s often took him for a clergyman. He had a somewhat swarthy complexion, which induced the Indians to be- lieve him akin to their own race. He had black hair, quick and penetrating eyes. He was of medium height, erect, thick-set, and portly, and was of muscular limbs and his step was of a military air." CHAPTER II THE QUEST OF THE PROMISED LAND He whose name our city bears was commissioned to superintend "the agents and men sent to survey and make locations on said land, and to enter into friendly negotiations with the natives who are on said land or contiguous thereto and may liave any pretended claim to the same," and was "fully authorized to act and transact the above business in as full a manner as we oui-selves could do." The journey from Connecticut to the Reserve was toilsome and tedious, but there were some variations from the i-outine. For in- stance, the journal of Seth Pease contains the following: "I began my journey, Monday, May 9, 1796. Fare from Suffield to Hartford, six sliillings : expenses, four shillings, six pence. ... At break- fast, expense two shillings. Fare on my chest from Hartford to Middletown, one shilling, six pence." The trip to New York cost for "Passage and liquor, 4 dollars and three quarters." His recorded expenses for "seeing" the metropolis were "Ticket for play, 75c; Liquor, 14e ; Show of elephants, 50e; shaving and comb- ing, 13e." On the nineteenth of May, General Cleaveland wrote from Albany to Oliver Phelps as follows: "I have in rain and bad roads arrived at this place. I\Ir. Porter loft Schenectady on last Sunday, one man was drowned. I find it inconvenient and at present imi)ossible to ol)tain a loan of money witliout sacrifice, •as our credit as a comiiany is not yet sufficiently known. It must then rest on drafts on Thos. Matlier & Company, dependent on their early being supplied with money from Hartford. . . . Sir. Porter has proceeded, as I ol)t;iiii information, with all the dispatch and attention possible, but we shall all fall short, tho' our exer- tions arc ever so great, without pecuniary aid. I have concluded, without adequate sujiiily, to proceed, and as my presence is miu'h wanted to risque consequences, shall nuike drafts on Thos. Mather and Company, resting assured that you will immediately, if at the expense of a person on ]inr|)(iM' send on the money imniecliately that can be procured, to Messrs. .Mather, who will attend to all orders and dircM-tions you may please to give. A credit once establislied, 12 I //'f (/r,e ^1 /i n •! // , '/, /i j,- /i (. c> // ^/, 1 1 , y ^/ .ii n (f :r,'-- //// ^/^^ ■ ■:■■'■ ^^ /^,'irfft rrj f>7^>^t/. o/^c<.icC fiiy ftcta .f'evi-e'/*c^^ An^ofZt/ny /, . • f , .- / '/. (f^i ' ■■ r • 4 f f r- '< r/ i /^i^e^i /■v/'r/ // <^ r f /^n /i^nr f / /' /^ — /-I I, ' ', /. cri r- t/^/j /t.Ji-^f ■iiAi.'f*^ * OOt^JO t/^i 60^ 1/04^1*. CL ^4tf <-^7v^»!»-^Jil3B /- / f /> f> -If/ e AVv' ^f. tti ^ f.,/i 'f i/fH '/ J, ti f t ., /* ^^.t/tiV*^. a^*\ ./ / ' , ■' '' Cf C^ee/t r< r/t irf^/ cnj f>r\t I ' ' / / f ■ •• r^ ■ f ^f. f fr /r> Ci./^ }/it ■" (e.j /■/ yeit ^f f e 1 ffr< f-frr,- *j0i'i-i '•■■ III r ■ /f- r/ /r ^JtirA. cz-C^c^t^ y f^-^^Cy/i 0-**^ n^ 4/eti-,n>,c/ /a c^^ y /> c^ in. a//t»tft./^cn aet»i /^.i.. '■ -I'l- f rj I' J ^ t // ^ijFf, r/r-t J^rt.^i.'^ K'.'i 1 1" ^ ^^tri 1/ .^fxrC'^ YAjlj^ f . y / J- //ifjf > ■ ^ • f I t f:^ Vji-erfji <^ ^riir^ii'^inlrc^i'.gcC/a'yr.of.ytyfnA* r«fc^M^, 't'.t/t:i7 .1 '/ Jr<, fr.'i f o f.ry^ y^^r lice4t i^^'ti.c/j: J €■*>■£. Vt^r^.^ <*-4jt4 fif\ 4/yjr'^' .-1 /f rfi r 'I /e I rr( 4 " ^c f^ r^ rf a/ t i^-rr /■ r( /■■' '•^Ata^nci/t.fitottit^tAftjmm tJ„i/t,r'ii/j-. '. ■■ ( .J 'o /'cf a/'^i/?'r,r/i^jrt r^-cJ /2 <^a^^y/y/.< ,i/r /I- "i/j-- '• ■■ / •-- 'II "h III ijf/rtr^^,,i •Ji"-' 'ic «•>!&><';' ^-^-^ d Moses Cleaveland's Co^imtsston U CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. II the business eau with great ease and less expense be transacted, but if we shall be obliged to draw orders, and once protested, I am ap- prehensive that consequences will be fatal, at least to the persons employed." The party was at Schenectady early in June. The horses and cattle were driven thence to BuflPalo, while most of the men went in open boats, up the Mohawk River, across the "Great Carrj'ing Place" near Fort Stanwix (Rome, New York), down the narrow, crooked "Wood Creek, through Oneida Lake, down the Os- wego River into Lake Ontario, and around Niagara to Buffalo, a journey of several heavy portages and througli an unexplored wil- derness. The boats were the batteaux common for the navigation of rivers and lakes in those daj-s; each was supplied with oars and paddles and a movable mast and sail. As recorded by Mrs. Har- riet Taylor Upton in her History of the Western Reserve, the "bat- teaux filled with provisions, baggage, and men were heavy and most of the men were unused to river boating. One of them records that ]nilling up the ^Mohawk was as hard work as he ever did in his life. It was a relief when they began going down the Oswego." Fort Oswego and Fort Niagara were then held by the British, but were to be delivered to the LTnited States in accordance w\i\\ the provi- sions of the Jay treaty. Unfortunatel.y, the old orders to the officers at Fort Oswego allowed no Americans to pass and the new orders had not yet arrived from Fort Niagara. But Commissaiy Stow was in a hurry and when, in disobedience of his instructions, he passed the fort with only one of his four boats, the British officers thought that he was simply going to Fort Niagara to get the needed per- mission for the party to go on. The other three boats passed the fort under cover of the night and the party reached Lake Ontario in safety. Then came a violent storm with attendant losses. In his journal, John ^Milton Holley, one of the surveyors, wrote that "on Saturday morning there sprang up in the northwest a storm, and blew most violently on tlie .shore of the lake. This proved fatal to one of the boats, and damaged another very much, though we went a little forward to a safe harbor, and built several fires on the bank of the lake, as a beacon to those coming on. After the disaster had hapijcned, the boat that was safe went on to the Gerundicut [Iron- dequoit] with a load, and left the other three, including the one that was stove, at Little Sodus, encamped near the lake. Among the passengers were two families, one of the women with a little child. . . . All of these misfortunes happened in consequence of not having liberty to pass the fort at Oswego. Such are the effects of allowing the British (jovernment to exist on the continent of Ameriea." 1796] FIWM SCllEXECTAUY TO BUFP^ALO 15 The party finally arrived at Iroiulotiuoit, the port for Rochester, and thcuee moved on to Canaiulaigua and were at Buflt'alo on the seven- teenth of .hine. On Sunday (June 19), Mr. IloUey "left Buffalo in Winney's boat, for Chipi)e\va, had a fair wind down, and arrived about 1 o'clock at Chippewa, dined at Fanning's, found our goods were not at the Gore, in Chippewa, and was obliged to go to Queens- town after them, and as T could not get a horse was obliged to walk. I got to QuccnstowH before night, and lodged at Caleb Ingersoll's; next morning set out for Buffalo. On the way I stopped to look at Niagara Falls. That river a little above Fort Slusher, is two and a half miles wide. Soon after this the water is very rapid, and con- tinuing on, is hurried witli amazing impetuosity down the most stupendous precipice perhaps in nature. There is a fog continually arising, occasioned by the tumbling of the water, which, in a clear morning, is seen from Lake Erie, at the distance of thirty or forty miles, as is the noise also hoard. As the hands were very dilatory in leaving Chippewa, we were obliged to encamp on the great island in the river. We struck a fire and cooked some squirrels and pigeons, and a young partridge. I slept very sound all night, between a large log and the bank of the river. The next day arrived at Buffalo." Cleaveland Buys Indian Land Claims At Buffalo, General Cleaveland bought the Indian claim to the lands east of the Cuyahoga River (June 23d) for 500 pounds (New York currency in trade), two beef cattle, and a hundred gal- lons of whiskey. The Connecticut pilgrims had been "confronted by representatives of the Mohawk and Seneca Indians, headed by the famous Red Jacket, and Joseph Brant otherwise known to fame by his Indian name of Thayendanega, who were determined to use force if necessarv, to oppose the further progress of the expedition toward the West. In the skill and address with which he met this danger and averted it, the General showed himself a diplomat as well as a soldier." In his journal, Surve.yor Holley wrote: "At two o'clock this afternoon, the council fire with the Six Nations was uncovered, and at evening was again covered until morning, when it was opened again, and after some considerable delay. Captain Brant gave Gen- eral Cleaveland a speech in writing. The chiefs, after this, were determined to get drank. No more business was done this day. In the evening the Indians had one of their old ceremonial dances, where one gets up and walks up and down between them, singing something, and those who sit around keep tune by grunting. Next 16 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. II morniiior, which was tlie 23rd, after several speeclies back' and fortli, from Red Jacket to General Cleaveland, Captain Chapin, Brant, etc.. General Cleaveland answered Brant's speech. In short, the business was concluded in this waj'. General Cleaveland offered Brant one thousand dollars as a present. Brant, in answer, told General Cleave- land that their minds were easily satisfied, but that they thought his offer was not enough, and added this to it, that if he would use his influence with the United States to procure an annuity of five hun- dred dollars par, and if this should fail that the Connecticut Land Company should, in a reasonable time, make an additional present of one thousand five hundred dollars, which was agreed to. The Mohawks are to give one hundred dollars to the Seneeas^ and Cleave- land gave two beef cattle and whiskey to make a feast for them." In consideration of payments and promises, the chiefs guaranteed that the settlers upon the Western Reserve should not be molested by their people, an agreement that was faithfully carried out. On the twenty-seventh of June, General Cleaveland and his party left Buffalo Creek in two divisions, one by land and one by lake. On Monday, the Fourth of July, they arrived at the place where the dividing line between Pennsylvania and their "Reserve"' struck Lake Erie. Seth Pease WTote in his journal: '"We that came by land arrived at the confines of New Connecticut and gave three cheers precisely at 5 o'clock, p. m. We then proceeded to Conneaut [Creek] at five hours, thirty uiiuutes; our boats got on an hour after; we pitched our tents on the east side." That evening, the I^ioneers celebrated the twentieth anniversary of American indepen- dence at the mouth of Conneaut C'rcek and christened the place the Port of lnile|)eiHl('iu'e. In liis Jnnnial, (lenrriil Cleaveland wrote: At the Port of Independence On this croek ("Conucaught") in New Connecticut land, Jul.v 4th, ]?!)(), under General Moses Cleaveland, the .surveyors, and men sent by the Connecticut Land Company to survey and settle the Connecticut Reserve, and were the first English people who took possession of it. Tlie day, memorable as tho birthday of Ameriean Independence, and freedom from Bi'itish tyranny, and commemorated by all good fTCcborn sons of America, and memorable as the day on which the settlement of this new country was commenced, and in time may raise hor head amongst tlie most eidightened and improved States. And after many difficidtics perplexities aiul hardships were s\ir- inouiited, and we were on the good and promised land, felt that a .inst tribute of respect 1o the day ouglil to lie paid. Tliere were in all. inc'liiding men, women and children, fil'ly in number. The men, undei' 1796] AT CONNEAUT 17 Captain Tinker ranged flicnisolvcs on the beach, and fired a Federal salute of fifteen rounds, and then the sixteenth in honor of New Con- iieetient. We p-ave three eheers and christened the place Port liide- pendenee. Drank several toasts, viz.: 1st. Tlie I'l-esident of tlie United States. 2d. Tlie State of Xew (^mneefieut. ;Jd. The Conneetieut Land Companj'. 4th. ;May the Port of Independence and the fifty sons and daughters who have entered it this day he successful and prosperous. 5th. May these sons and danijhters multiply in sixteen years sixteen times fifty. tith. Jlay every person havo his bowsprit trimmed and ready to enter every jxii-t that opens. Closed with three eheei-s. Hi'ank several pails of grog, supped and retired in remarkable good ordei-. One of these toasts, thus drunk in "several pails of grog," "May these sons and daughters multiply in sixteen years sixteen times fifty," expressed a hope that was more than made good. Another toast, "The State of New Connecticut," hinted at a notion on the part of the proprietors that they might organize a state as William Penn had done, and govern it from Hartford as the Council of Plymouth had governed New England from old England. If such notions actually existed, the plans all went awry; the United States objected to that way of setting up a state, and, by the famous Ordi- nance of 1787, had included the Western Reserve in the Northwest Territory, an imperial domain bounded on the north by the Great Lakes, on the east by Pennsylvania and Virginia, on the south by the Ohio River, and on the west by the Mississippi. The surveying party that had thus reached the Promised Land was made up as follows : General Moses Cleaveland, Si(prri7itendent. Augustus Porter, Principal Surveyor and Deputy Superintendent. Seth Pease. Aftfronomcr and Surveyor. Amos Spafford, John Milton Ilolley, Richard M. Stoddard, and Moses Warren, Surveyors. Joshua Stow, Commisaary. Theodore Shepard, Physician. Employees of the Company Joseph Tinker, Boatman. Joseph ^M'lntyre, George Proudfoot, Francis Gray, Samuel Forbes, Amos Sawtel, Stephen Benton, Amos Barber, Samiu'l TTungerford, William B. Hall. Samuel Davenport, Asa Mason, 18 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. II Amzi Atwater, Jliehael Coffin, Elisha Ayres, Thomas Harris, Norman Wilcox, Timothy Dunham, George Gooding, Shadraeh Benham, Samuel Agnew, Wareham Shepard, David Beard, John Briant, Titus V. Munson, Joseph Landon, Charles Parker, Ezekiel jMorly, Nathaniel Doan, Luke Ilanchet, James Halket, James Hamilton, Olney F. Rice, John Look, Samuel Barnes, Stephen Burhank. Daniel Shulay, As several of the old manuscripts state that there were fifty in the party, it seems necessary to add the names of Elijah Gun, who was to have charge of the stores at Conneaut; Job Stiles, who was to have a similar position at Cleveland; Nathan Chapman and Nathan Perry, who were to furnish fresh meat and to trade with the Indians. In some of the old records, the names of the men are followed by the words, "and two females." The two women thus referred to, the first who made real homes on the Westeni Reserve, were Mrs. Anna Gun, later of Conneaut, and Mrs. Tabitha Stiles, later of Cleveland. The party had thirteen horses and some cattle. It is said that the organization of the surveyors and employees, "was of the military order, and they were enlisted the same as in the army, for two years, providing it took so long." This Augustus Porter, "principal surveyor and deputy superintendent," had been surveyor of the great "Holland Purchase" in western New York. "Stow Castle" On the fifth of July, laborers began the building of a log cabin, later known as "Stow Ca,st]e," on the cast side of Conneaut Creek; Harvey Rice tells us that its "style of architecture w-as entirely unique, and its uncouth aitpearancc such as to provoke the laughter of the builders and the ridicule of the Indians." A second house was later built for the shelter of the surveyors. It was tlien supposed that Conneaut would be the hea(l(|uarters of the jiarty. On the same day, Captain Tiid^cr was sent with two boats back to Fort Erie for supplies lliiit liiid been left there and General Cleaveland "received a message from the Paqua chief of the Massasagoes residing in Conneaut that they wished a council held that day. I pre]>are(l to meet them and, after they were all seated, tciok niv seat in tlie 1796] TlIK SIKVKYOHS AT WORK 19 micUllo." Tlio tuu'asy natives naturally wanted to know the plans of tlie white strangoi-s and how tlioy would he affected tlierehy. The wise superintendent gave them "a chain of wampum, silver trinkets, and other presents, and whiskey, to the amount of about twenty- five dollars," tofjether with assurances of kind treatment and with gootl advice that "not only closed the business but cheeked their begging for more whiskey." Explorations of the New Land On the seventh of July, the surveyors set out to find the inter- section of the forty-first i)arallel and the Pennsylvania line and thence to run a base line 120 miles westward. From this base line, they were to draw lines, five miles apart, due north to Lake Erie, thus creating twentj'-four ranges that were to be numbered, covinting from the Pennsylvania line. These meridian lines were to be crossed by east and west lines, five miles apart, thus dividing each range into survey townships five miles square to be numbered northward from the base line. Thus Cleveland, before it had a name as a town- sliip, was known at town No. 7 in range 12, it being seven town- ships north of the forty-first parallel and twelve townships west of the Pennsylvania line. The eastern end of the base line was fixed on the twenty-third of July and marked by a chestnut post. About this time. General Cleaveland and a few of his party rowed and sailed westward in an open boat along the shore of Lake Erie until they came to a stream that they thought to be the Cuyahoga. After going as far up this stream as the sand-bars and fallen timber would permit, they found that they had made the mistake of entering a stream not shown on their map and had to retrace their way to the lake. There is a doubtful story to the effect that in his disap- pointment General Cleaveland called the stream the Chagrin River, the name by which it is known today. Still coasting westward, the party entered at the mouth of the Cii3'ahoga on the morning of the twenty-second of July, 1796, a date to be remembered by every .student of the history of what now is the metropolis of Ohio. On an old map, printed in 1760, it is recorded that "Cayahoga, a creek that leads to Lake Erie, which is muddy and not very swift, and nowhere obstructed with falls or rifts, is the best portage between the Ohio and Lake Erie. The mouth is wide, and deep enough to receive large sloops from the lake, and will hereafter be of great importance." At the time of General Cleaveland 's coming, the river flowed into the lake west of its present artificial mouth while, still 20 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. 11 further west, a stagnant pool marked the location of a still earlier bed. Across the mouth of the river ran a sand-bar that, "in the spring and fall, was torn open by the floods, but in summer rose so high that even the small schooners of the day had difficulty in passing in and out. Once inside, a fairly good harborage was found." As already' recorded, the Indian claims to the lands east of the river had been bought by General Cleaveland at Buffalo in June, but their claims to the lands west of the river had not yet been extinguished. In his Pioneers of tlve ^¥cster■n Reserve, Harvey Rice tells us that after reaching the veritable Cuyahoga and advancing a little way up its channel, the party "attempted to land, but in their efforts to do so ran their boat into the marshy growth of wild vegetation which skirted the easterly bank of the river, and stranded her. Here 'Moses,' like his ancient name's sake, found himself cradled in the bullrushes. This occurred near the foot of Union Lane (see map on Page 24), which was at that time the termination of an Indian trail. The party soon succeeded in effecting a safe landing. They thou ascended the precipitous bluff", which overlooked the valley of the river, and were astonished to find a broad and beautiful plain of woodland stretching far away to the east, west and south of them, and lying at an elevation of some eighty feet above the dark blue waters of Lake Erie. The entire party became enamored of the scene." In the party were Commissary Stow and probably Mr. and Mrs. Stiles. They were not the first white persons to visit that region; travelers, missionaries, soldiers, and traders had lieon there long before, but they' were "transients," not settlers. The story of the men, Europeans and autoclitiiones, who lived in what we have called New Connecticut or who had visited it before the coming of Moses Cleaveland and his comiiaiiions, or of its prehistoric changes in geology and occupation, althougli intensely intei-esting, need not long detain us here; a few words will answer pi'rsent uoimIs. AVliile the great ice sheet was i-eceding northward as it slowly melted at its southern margin at the close of the ice age (in'obalily ton thousand years or so ago), and the passage of northward flowing sfi'oams wa.s still blocked so that water from the melting glacier tiiat hail covered the greater part of Ohio could not escape by way of the closed St. Lawrence River, it gathered as a groat lake, known to glacial geologists as I/akc Iroquois. The site of Niagara was beneath the ice or the waters of the lake that bordered the ice; there was no river there. When the glacier withdrew far encnigli f(ir those accu- mulated wafers to flow- out by way of the valley of the Jlohawk, Lake Iroquois was largely drained and cut in twain; the contracted see- 1796] AT CLKVKLAXD 21 tions ai'C now known as Lake Krie and Lake Ontario. Then Niagara was Ixirn and began the Mork of cutting its famous gorge. When Lake Erie was thus expanded and stood far above its present level, it covered a large part of the site of Cleveland.* In gradually falling to its pi-esent limits, the lake stood, at several successive levels still plainly marked by former beach lines or ridges. As the Cuyahoga flowed from the south into the lake, it built up a delta by carrying down sand and silt and depositing it near the border of the water. This delta is roughly outlined as a triangle with a base extending from the present Gordon Park on the east to Edgwater Park on the west and t-aporing to an apex in the valley of the Cuyalioga River. The surface of this delta is practically a smooth plain slightly sloping toward the lake but at a considerable elevation above it. The streams that cross what Professor Gregory has called this area of unconsolidated sand and clay have cut their channels down to the present level of the lake ; thus the Cuyahoga River now divides Cleve- land into "Ea.st Side" and "AVest Side." while :\lill Creek, Big Creek, ilorgan Run and Kingsbury Run form tlistinct physical boundaries that have had great influence in determining the location and direction of streets and the development of their sections of the city. Some of these gullies and their side ravines have long constituted dumping grounds and are now being i-iii)idly filled. "On the smooth, sandy delta and lake plain witli its ridges, excepting the gully regions of Big Creek and Newburg, there is every natural advantage offered for the development and growth of a modern city. The sandy soil offers a splendid natural drainage," and lessens the labor and cost of sewers, conduits, etc. "The floodplains or the flats along the Cuyahoga river are the oidy lowlands in the city. They have an elevation of from ten to fifteen feet above the level of Lake Erie. These flats are the bottom lands in the narrow and steep sided Cuyahoga valley, which was formed by the rapid cutting of the loose delta material by the river. The unusual erosive action of the river was due to the lake level falling, allowing the stream a steep slope upon which to erode the unconsolidated material of the lake plain. "When the bed of the river was lowered to the lake level, the stream could no longer erode vertically, and then it began to meander or wind from side to side back and forth across the valley, forming the great loops in the river in which the cutting is on the outer curve of the bends. This is the present condition of that part * I desire gratefully to acknowledge m_v indebtedness to an able article on the Geooraphfi nf Cleveland, by Professor W. M. Gregory, and printed in S. P. Orth 's history of the city. 22 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. II of the river which lies withiu the city limits. The material carried by the river is deposited along the inner bank of these great bends and forms the river plain, wliich is the rich&st land of this region, and was the tirst cultivated by the early settlers. The Cuyahoga flats lie eighty feet below the general level of the old delta." The reader who is eager for fuller information concerning these matters will find them ably discussed in Whittlesey's Early History of Cleveland (pages 9-164), in Kennedy's History of Cleveland, 1796- 1896 (pages 1-20), and in Pi-ofessor George Frederick Wright's great work, The Ice Age. I yield, however, to the temptation to make a brief and solitary exception to this general elimination. After the ruthless massacre (March, 17S2) at Gnadenhutten, the peaceful and prosperous village established in the Tuscarawas Valley in Ohio by Indians who had been Christianized by the Moravians, a new Mora- vian mission, called New Gnadenhutten, was begun in Michigan. But the new mission was ill placed and unprosperous. On the twentieth of April, 1786, the congregation met for the last time in their chapel at New Gnadenhutten, made their way through swamps and forests to Detroit, crossed Lake Erie in a vessel called the "Mackinaw," and, on the eighth of June, arrived at the mouth of the Cuyahoga. They went about ten miles up the river and settled in an abandoned village of the Ottawa tribe, within the present limits of Independence Town- ship, and called their refuge "Pilgrim's Rest." They did not linger long and soon removed from tlie lianks of the Cuyahoga River to those of the Huron River in what is now Erie County. The coming of the agent of the Connecticut Land Comjiany inaugurated a new order; since that July day thei'e have been white men on the site of the city which, with a more compact orthography, bears tlii> name of the Puritan Moses who had the faith, the courage and thi' wisdom to lead Ihe fir.st colony into the Western Resej've and there to lay the founda- tions of this mighty, ever-growing monument to his niemoi'v. The Pounding of Cleveland General Cleaveland was hack at Coiuieant by the fifth of August and thence sent his first formal report to the eonijiany. After his return to the Cuyahoga, lie made up his miiid tliiit that was the most desirable "])]aee for the ciiiiital." The site of the city was chosen after due delilx-ration, and a survey, a mile square, was then made (if tlw pliitcau at tlic juiictidn nl' the river and the lake. The survey was begun on the sixteenth of Seiitember by Scth Pease and Amos Spaliford under the superintendence of Augustus Porter. 1796] THE FIKST I\IAPS 23 On tlie twenty-second of September, Spafford was detailed for work on the survey of Cleveland Township, but he seems to have made the fii"st map of the eity. This map was drawu on sheets of foolscap paper pasted together and was endorsed in Spaflford's handwriting as "Original Plan of the Town and Village of Cleveland, Ohio, Octo- ber 1, 1796." The map is preserved in the archives of the Western Reserve Historical Society. The official report of the survey was compiled by Scth Pease and to accompany the report he made a map that he endorsed, "A Plan of the City of Cleaveland." The original of this map was long treasured by the Western Reserve Historical Society, but it cannot now (1918) be found. Both maps show the names of fourteen streets, the numbers of the 220 two-acre lots, and indicate the reservation of the Public Square by a blank space, like an enlargement of Superior and Ontario streets at their intersection. Spaft'ord's map shows the changes in some of the street names, and indicates the location of the lots selected by half a dozen persons and later enumerated by Colonel Whittlesey as fol- lows: "Stoddard, lot 49, northeast corner of Water [West Ninth | and Superior streets ; Stiles, lot 53, northeast corner of Bank [West Sixth] and Superior streets; Landon, lot 77, directly opposite, on the south side of Superior street ; Baum, lot 65, sixteen rods east of the Public Square; Shepherd, lot 69, and Chapman, lot 72, all on the north side of the same street. 'Pease's Hotel,' as they styled the surveyor's cabin, is placed on the line between lots 202 and 203, between Union street and the river. Northwest of it, about ten rods, on lot 201, their store house is laid down. Vineyard, Union and ^Mandrake streets were laid out to secure access to the upper and lower landings on the river. Bath street provided a way of reaching the lake shore and the mimth of the river." One of the maps spells the name of the proposed city "Cleveland" and the other spells it "Cleaveland" and Pea.se 's map was drawn up-side-down, i. e., the top of the map is south instead of north. Streets were laid out through the forest, certain of the two-acre lots were reserved for public use, and the rest were put up for sale at $50 each, with a condition of immediate settlement. As these maps and minutes are historically very important and are of determinative legal effect in numerous possible eases, it seems worth W'hile to make the following f|uotation from a monograph on The Corporate Birth and Growth of Cleveland, prepared by Judge Seneca 0. Griswold as the fifth annual address (July 22, 1884) before the Early Settlers' Association, and printed in the Annals of that organization : 3 V If I /lie is^ iSfsy m Ovxo S-r/am yxJisjRAj. 'St. '*7 ft I jSupsr J^AKJ£ JtlBT Seth Pease Map of 1796 1796J THE F1K.ST ilAPS 25 III the (lid tit'ld map. tlic iiainc of Superior street was first wi-itteii "Broad"", Ontario "•('(iiii't", and iliaiui "Deer", but these words were crossed with ink, and tiie same names written as given in Pease's map and minutes. In Spafl'ord's map, "^laiden Lane," which led from Ontario Street along the side of the hill to Vineyard Lane, was omitted, and the same was never worked or used. Spafford also laid out Superior Lane, Avliieh was not on the Pease map, which has since heen widened, and become that portion of Superior street from Water down the hill to tiic river. " Hatii street " is not described in the Pease minutes, liut is laid out on the inaji, and is referred to in the minutes, and the bountlaries <'ind extent appear on the map. The Stpiarc also is not ilescribetl in the Pease minutes, but is referred to in the descrip- tion of Ontario and Superior streets, and is marked and laid out on the map. In Spatford's minutes the Square is thus described: "The Square is laid out at the intersection of Superior street and Ontario street, and contains ten acres. The center of the junction of the two roads is the exact center of the Square." These surveys, the laying out of the lots bounding on the Square, their adoption by the Land Company, the subsequent sale by said Company of the surrounding lots abutting u])on it, make the "Square" as much land devoted to public ilse as the streets themselves, and forever forbids the same being given up to private uses. The easterly line of the eity was the east line of one tier of lots, beyond Erie street, coinciding with the ]n-esent line of Canfield (East Fourteenth] street. The east line liegan at the lake, and extended southerly one tier of lots south of Ohio street [Central Avenue]. The line then ran to the river, down the river skipping the lower bend of the river to Vineyard Lane, thence along Vineyard Lane to the junction of Water with Superior street, thence to the river, thence dowii the river to its mouth. Superior .street, as the survey shows, was 132 feet in width, the other streets 99 feet. It is hardly possible to fully appreciate the sagac- ity and foresight of this leader of the surveying party. With full consciousness of what would arise in its future growth, he knew the city would have a suburban jiopulation, and he directed the immediate outlying land to be laid off in ten acre lots, and the rest of the town- ship into 100 acre lots, instead of the larger tracts into which the other townships were divided. The next year, the ten acre lots were sur- veyed and laid out. They extended on the east to the line of what is now Wilson avenue [Ea.st Fifty-fifth Street], and on the south to the top of the brow of the ravine formed by Kingsbury Run, and extended westwardly to the river bank. Owing to the peculiar topog- raphy of the place, some of the two acre lots had more and others less than the named quantity of land, and the same occurred in the survey and laying out of the ten acre lots. The flats were not sur- veyed off into lots, and there was an unsurveyed strip between the west line of the ten acre lots and the river, above and below the mouth of the Kingsbury Run, running south to a point west of hun- dred acre lot 278. Three streets were laid out through the ten acre lots, each 99 feet in width to correspond with the city streets called the South, Middle and North Highway. The southerly one 26 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. II becoming Kinsman street, the Middle, Euclid street at its intersec- tion with Huron ; the southerly one received its name from the fact that Kinsman, the east township of the seventh line of townships, was at a very early period distinguished for its wealth and population. The ^Middle was called Euclid, because that was the name of the next township east. The North Highway was a continuation of Fed- eral street, but changed to St. Clair, after the name of the territorial governor, whose name, in the minds of his admirers, was a synonym of Federal. In the summer, a cabin for Stiles was built, -probably on the lot that he had selected, number 53. Other houses were also built, one for the surveyors, "Pease's Hotel," and another for the stores, on lots 202 and 203, near the river as appears on record on Spatford's map. We have only scant record of the laboi's of these pioneers that season, but we may be sure that theii-s were not lives of ease and pleasure. Colonel "Whittlesey tells us that the surveyors "were not always sure of supper at night, nor of their drink of New England rum, which constituted an important part of their rations ; their well provided clothing began to show rents, from so much clambering over logs and through thickets; their shoes gave out rapidly, as they were incessantly on foot, and were where no cobblers could be found to repair them ; every da^y wa.s one of toil, and frequently of discomfort. The woods, and particularly the swamps, were filled with ravenous mosquitoes, which were never idle, day or night: in rainy weather the bushes were wet, and in clear weather the heat was oppressive."' This first survey of Cleveland was finished in a month, for on the seventeenth of October Hilton Hollejf wrote in his journal: "Finished surveying in New Connecti- cut, weather raining.'' On the following day he wrote: "We left Cuyahoga at 3 o'clock, seventeen minutes, for hoinr. We left at Cuyahoga, Job Stiles and wife, and Joseph Landon, with provisions for the winter. William B. Hall, Titus V. IVIunson and Olney Eice, engaged to take all the pack horses to Oeneva. Day pleasant and fair winds; about southeast; rowed about seven and a half miles, and encamped for the night on the beach. Tiiere were fourteen men on board the boat, and never, T ])resumc, were fourteen men more anxious to pursue an object than we wot to go forward. Names of men in the boat. Augustus Porter, Scth {'ease, Richard Stoddard, Joseph Tinker, Charles Parker, Wareham Shepherd, Amzi Atwater, James Ilaeket [Ilalket?], Stephen Benton, George Proudfoot, James Hamilton, Nathan Ciiapman, Ralph Bacon, Milton Holley." The returning pilgrims hoisted sail at three o'clock on tlie following morn- ing (Octo])ei' 1!)) and, continues bni- industrious journalist, "Just 17961 HOMKWARD BOUND 27 iH'fdiv sunrise wo jiMssed tho first scttlenuMit (excci)t those maile by ourselves) tliat is ou the sliore of tlie hilvo in New Coniiei'tieut. Tliis is done by the Canandaigua Association Co., under tlic direction of IMayor Wells and Mr. AVildair." Because of a high wind, they went into cauip about, a mile east of the Chagrin Kiver. They arrived at Conneaut about noon of the twenty-first and "took inventory of the articles left there, and about four o'clock in the morning, that Map op the Connecticut Western Reserve, 1796 First reproduction from the original printed map of the Connecticut Western Reserve en- graved by Amos Doolittle from the drawing of Seth Pease, by the courtesy of The Western Reserve Historical Society. is. on Saturday the 22d, we hoisted sail for Presque Isle," (i. e., Erie, Pennsylvania). They were at Buffalo Creek on the twenty- third and at Canandaigua on the twenty-ninth. We here bid fare- . well to our faithful chronicler, John Milton IloUey. In his sketches of his associates, Amzi Atwater says that Holley "was then a very young man, only alwut eighteen years of age, though he appeared to be older; tall, stout, and handsomely built, with a fair and smiling face, and general good appearance." :Mr. Holley settled at Salisbury, Connecticut, of which state his son, Alexander, became governor, 1857-58. 28 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS 1 Chap. II The Township op Euc-lid In July, at Conneaut, most of the survcj'ors and other employes had asked for compensation greater than that previously agreed upon, and the superintendent, acting for the company, made an "in- formal agreement" with them. The township next east of Cleveland, No. 8, Range 11, was named Euclid in honor of the patron saint of all surveyors, and this township was to be divided among what one of them called "the mutineers." On the thirtieth of Septem- ber, a contract was made "at Cleaveland between JMoses Cleaveland, agent of the Connecticut Land Company, and the employees of the Company, in reference to the sale and settlement of the town- ship of Euclid." General Cleaveland signed for the company and forty-one of the men for themselves. Each of the forty-one was to have an equal share in the township at one dollar per acre and pledged himself to remain in the service of the company until the end of the year. These new proprietors of the to\niship also agreed "to settle, in the year 1797, eleven families, build eleven houses, and sow two acres of wheat around each house — to be on different lots. In the year 1798 to settle eighteen more families, build eighteen more houses on different lots, and to clear and sow five acres of M-heat on each. There must be also fifty acres in grass in the township. In the year 1799, there must be twelve more families occupying twelve more lots, (in all forty-one,) with eight acres in wheat. On all the other lots three acres additional in wheat for this year, and in all seventy acres to be in grass. There must be, in the year 1800, forty-one families resident in the township. In case of failure to perform any of the conditions, whatever had been done or paid was to be forfeited to the company. But the failure of other parties not to affect those who perform. If salt springs are discovered on a lot it is to be excepted from the agreement and other lands given instead." On the same day, the forty-one proprietors held a meeting, Seth Pease acting as chairman and Moses Warren as clerk. At this meeting, it was "determined b,y a lottery wliich of the said i)ro])riet()rs shall do the first, second, and third years the settling duties as required by our i)atent this day exe- cuted." Thus, for example, it was determiTicd that Seth Pease and ten others were "to do said settling duties in 1797," Moses Warren and seventeen others in 1798, and Amos Spafford and eleven others in 1799. About the middle of October, as already stated, tlie sur- veyors set out for their homes in the East, leaving in the embryo Cleveland but three white persons, Mr. and Mrs. Stiles and Joseph 1796] EXIT MOSES CLEAVELAND 21) Laiulon. Landon soon (lisappoarod and his place seems to have been taken by Edward Paine who began to trade with the Indians (Chippewas, Ottawas, etc.) "who made their winter eamps upon the west side of the river and trapped and hunted upon both sides." This Edward Paine subsequently became the founder of Paines- ville, Ohio, and is generally spoken of as "General" Paine. In camp, at the foot of the bhiff that winter were some Seneca Indians, • MASSACHUSETTS Towxsmi' Mm- ok Windham County. Connecticut whose chief, "Old Seneca," was friendly to the whites. These Indians supplied their white neighbors in the cabin on the hill with game, and showed their friendship in various wa^-s. Exit Gener.u, Cleaveland It is not known that General Cleaveland ever revisited tiie Re- serve, but he wrote: "While I was in New Connecticut I laid out a town on the bank of Lake Erie, which was called by my name.* * General Cleavelaml generally (bnt not always) spelled his name witli an "a" in the first syllable, and for more than thirty years the name of the town that he 30 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS |Chublishod in Europe that vessels of those dimen- sions had passed those waters, to aid huid speculation. We passed down ami across the Oneida lake, and past the Oswego Palls into lake Ontario. At Oswego Falls tho boats were unloaded, and were run down a slide into a natural basin, and a pilot employed to steer them to the lower landing. The stream looked dreadful (in my eye) to run a boat. But 1 considered that as we had a pilot who followed the business at fifty cents a trip, 1 would risk myself for once. I belonged to the first boat, and took my station in the bow strictly attending to the pilot's orders. We went quick and safe, and I was cured of all my former fears. 1 went back to attend my own luggage. 1 met the pilot on his return ivom his second trip, who requested me to go down with the other boats, and 1 accordingly did. We passed down to the lake and stayed some time for fair weather, then went on as far as Gerundigut [Irondequoit] bay and up to the landing, where the boats took in provisions. This was a slow and tedious w'ay of conveyance, but it was the way whicli some of the early settlers of this country moved here for want of a better. I was sent with a party of those men who could be best spared from tho boats, to Canandaigua and its vicinity to collect cattle and pack horses for the use of tho company. In a few days I was ordered with those men to drive to Buffalo, and take care of them until Maj. Shepard of the exploring and equalizing committee came on. We drove there and across the creek for safe and convenient keeping. In a few days the Indian chiefs came and demanded of me throe dollars for pasturing the cattle and hoi'ses. I thought it unreasonable as the land all lay open to the common aa I considered it, but I went with them up to Capt. Johnson, the Inter- preter, and plead my case as well as I could, but I was no match for them in pleas and arguments. I concluded to pay their demand with their consent that we might stay as long as we pleased. Arrfval of Judge Kingsbury A month after the beginning of their voyage, the boats were at Buffalo where they waited until the twenty-fifth of IMay for the party that had come by land. On the night of the twenty-sixth of May, they were at Port Independence where "we found fhat Mr. Gun's family had removed to Cuyahoga. Mr. Kingsbury, his vrife and one child were in a low state of health, to whom we adminis- tered what relief we could." Elijah Gun and his wife had left Con- neaut in May, the second family to make a home in Cleveland. Colonel Whittlesey calls Mr. Kingsbury "the first adventurer on 34 CLEVELAND AND ITS EXVIKONS [Chap. II his own account who arrived on the company's purchase." With his wife and three children, one of them an infant, he had come from New Hampshire to Conneaut soon after the arrival of the surveyors in 1796. After the return of the surveyors in the fall, he made a journey back to his old New England home, going on horse- back and expecting to complete his journey in a few weeks. He made the trip eastward without accident or special delay, but at his old home he was attacked by fever. What next happened may well be told in the words of Mr. Kennedy : As soon as he dared mount a hoi'se he set out for home, filled with anxiety for those w'ho were awaiting his return. He reached Buffalo in a state of exhaustion, on December 3rd, and on the following day pushed forward into the snowy wilderness. He was accompanied by an Indian p;uard. For three weeks the snow fell without intermission, until at places it was up to tlie chin. Weak in body, and full of trouble for his loved ones, he pushed on and on, although it was December 2-4th before his cabin was reached. His horse had died from exhaustion, and he was not in a much better condition. Meanwhile the wife and children subsisted as best they could. The Indians supplied her with meat until the real weather of winter came on. She had for company a nephew of her husband's, a boy of thirteen, whose especial cliarge was a yoke of oxen and a cow. Day after day went by, and still her husband did not come; and as if cold and loneliness were not enough, the supreme pain of motherhood was added, and the first white native son of the Reserve became a member of the household. She had regained sufficient strength to move about the house, and had about decided to remove to Erie, Avheu towards even- ing she looked up, and her husband was at the door. Mrs. Kingsbury was then taken with fever; tlie food left by the surveyors was about exhausted: and tlie snow prevent<'d calls upon tlieir Indian friends. Before his strcngtli had fully returned. .Mr. Kingsbury was forced to make a journey to Erie, to procure food. He could not take the oxen, because of the lack of a path through the snow, and so he set forth hauling a hand sled. He reached Eric, obtained a bushel of wheat, and hauled it back to Coimeaut, where it was cracked and boiled and eaten. 'I'bc cow died from the effects of eating the browse of oak trees, and with it gone, the chances of life for the little one were meagre indeed. In a montli it died. l\lr. Kingsbury and the boy made a rude coffin from a pine box wliich the surveyors luul left. The rest of the stoiy is quoted from that indispensable repository of useful knowledge, Colonel Whittlesey's Early History of Cleve- land: As they carried the remains from the liouse, the sick mother raised herself in bed, following with her eyes the lonely party to a rise of ground wliere they bad dug a grave. She fell backward and for two 1191] THE KINGSBURY FAMILY 35 wi'i'ks was scarcely cmiscious of what was passing or of what had passed. Late in February or early in .March, Mr. Kingsbury, who was still feeble, made an cH'ort to obtain something which his wife could eat, for it was evident that nutriment was her principal neces- sity. The severest rigors of winter began to relax. Instead of fierce northern blasts sweeping over the frozen surface of the lake, there were southern breezes which softened the snow and moderated the atmosphere. Scai'cely able to walk, he loaded an old "Queen's Arm" which his uncle had carried in the war of the revolution and which is still in tiie keeiiing of the family. He succeeded in reaching the woods and sat down upon a log. A solitary pigeon came, and perched upon the highest branches of a tree. It was not only high, but distant. The chances of hitting the bird w'ere few indeed, but a human life seemed to depend upon those chances. A single shot found its way to the mark, and the bird fell. It was well cooked and the broth given to his wife, who was immediately revived. For the first time in two weeks she spoke in a natural and rational way, saying, "James, where did you get this .' " When the surveying party of 1797 moved on from Conneaut to Cleveland, the King.sbury family accompanied them. They found a temporary shelter in a dilapidated log house on the west side of the river, said to have been left by some of the early traders with the Indians. There stands today (1918) on Vermont Avenue and Hanover Court a house that is said to be the oldest one in Cleveland and that is claimed to be the one in which, for a time, the King.sbury family dwelt. "Tradition states that it was built by agents of the North- western Fur Company, at the head of the old river bed, for a trading house, manj' years before the arrival of Moses Cleaveland ; that it was moved from place to place, and finally found a resting-place in its present location. It was originally covered with hewn timbers, but as it stands today it has a modern planed covering. It is further claimed that between 178.3 and 1800 it was used as a blockhouse. It was once owned by Joel Scranton, but was purchased, near 1844, by Robert Sanderson, who moved it to its present location." CHAPTER III IN NEW CONNECTICUT Some of the boats from Comieaut arrived at Cleveland on the first of June. The land party and the other boats arrived a few days later. On the way, David Eldi'idge was drowned in trjdng to cross Grand River. The body was brought to Cleveland and buried in its first cemetery on the east side of Ontario Street just north of Prospect Avenue, i. e., on the north parts of lots 97 and 98. (See the Seth Pease map on page 24.) In Pease's journal, under date of Sunday, June 4, it is written: "Attended the funeral of the deceased with as much decency and solemnity as could pos- sibly be expected. Mr. Hart read [the Episcopal] chui'ch service."' In his "statement," from which I have already quoted, Amzi Atwater says : I' was ordered with a party of men to take the horses and cattle to Cleveland. We got along very well until we got to Grand river; we had no boat or other means of conveyance across, except we found an old Indian bark canoe which was very leaky — we had one horse which I knew was a good swimmer. T mounted him and directed the men to drive the others after me. I had got i)erhaps half way when I heard the men on .shore scream — I looked back and saw two men, with horses in the water but had parted from them — one of them got ashore, and the other, David Eldridge made poor progress. T turned my hor.se as quick as I could and guided liim up within reach of him, when 1 very inconsiderately took hold of liis luind, as soon as I could. This turned the h(jrsc over, and we were liotli under tlie water an instant; lint we separated and T again mounted tlic horse, and looked back and saw him just raise his head al)ove the water, but he sunk to rise no more — this was June 3d. We built a raft of flood-wood, lashed together with barks, and placing on it three men who were good swimmers, they with hooks drew up tlie body, but this took some time — perhaps two liours. We took some pains to restore the body to life, ])ut in vain. Two of our boats came up soon after with a large portion of tlie men. They took the body to Cleveland and buried it in tlie then newly laid o)it linrying-ground. Lorenzo Carter Arrives Lorenzo Carter, "quite a Nimrod," a native of Vermont who had spent the preceding winter in Canada, had come in ]May and soon :!6 1796] AT ("LEVELAXD AGAIN 37 iiiade liimself a cunspicuous figure in the pioneer community. About the same time came Ezekiel Ilawley, his brother-in-law. On lot 199, near the river (See the S<^'th Pease map on page 2-1) he built a log cabin "more pretentious than the rude affairs constructed by the sur- veyors, having two ajiartments on the gi'ound floor and a spacious garret."' He soon liuilt a boat, establislicd a ferry at the foot of Superior Street, and kejit a small stock of goods for trade with the Indians. Ilis cabin served as a hotel for strangers and general headquarters for the early Clevelanders, and wa.s the scene of many of their social festivities. The first Cleveland wedding was held Lorenzo Carter there on the Fourth of July, 1797, with Superintendent Seth Hart as the officiating clergyman ; the high contracting parties were Miss Chloe Inches, who was in Carter's employ, and a Canadian by the name of Clement. In 1804, as we shall soon see, Lorenzo Carter was elected to office in the state militia and, after that, was generally referred to as JIa,ior Carter or ''the Major." He is described as being six feet tall, of swarthy complexion, with long black hair, and the muscular power of a giant. "He was brave to the edge of daring, but amiable in temper and spirit; and while he never picked a quarrel, he saw the end of any upon which he entered." It was a common saying that Ma.jor Carter was all the law Cleveland had and he had unbounded influence with the Indians who came to believe that he was a favorite of the Great Spirit and could 38 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. Ill uot be killed. The records of early Cleveland have man.y stories of his dealing's with white men and red men, and the following pages will record many of his doings. Another recruit of that year was Rodolphus Edwards. There is a tradition among his descendants that he was one of the surveyors of the Connecticut Land Company and that the land that he soon recei^'cd was wholly or in part in payment for services rendered. His surveyor's compass is preserved in the collections of the Western 7$ CT'T The Buckkye House Reserve Historical Society. But I have found no definite or circum- stantial account of when, how, or why he came. In a letter to whicli further reference will be made, Gilman IJryant says that "in the fall of 1797, I found Mr. Rodoljihus Edwards in a cabin under the hill, at the west end of Su])ci'i()r Street." He soon secured a tract of ;500 acres of land on Buttcrinit Ridge, later known as Woodbind Hills, and built a cabin just east of the "fever and ague line,"' on what is now Steinway Avenue and about four hundred feet west of Wooilhill 1797] RODOLPHUS EDWARDS 39 Road, lie soon built, at what is now tlio intersection of Woodliill and Buckeye roads, a niueh lai'gcr and more elaborate house, the timbers of whieh were liewcd and the boards of whieh were sawed b^' hand, the long-famous Buckeye Tavern (later called the Pioneer) and favor- ite resort for the dances of two generations of Cleveland society. Here, keej)ing public inn and managing his farm, "Dolph" Kdwards, rough, ready, aud popular, lived until his death in 1836. In 1873, the old inn gave way for public improvements. Kingsbury and his family soon moved to a new cabin near the Public Square, and, in December, settled on a tract of 500 acres on the ridge a short distance south of Edwards and near what is Woodland Hills Pai-k. Elijah Gun went to the same section. Joseph Landon, who had come back, aud Stephen Gilbert "cleared a piece of ground which they sowed to wheat, while a couple of acres giveu to corn on Water street [now West Ninth] showed the agricultural activity of Lorenzo Carter." In the latter part of this season (1797), there was much sickness in the little community, two of the men died of dysentery, and boat- loads of the sick were sent off early in the fall. In relating the experi- ences of that year, Amzi Atwater says: I was taken sick with the ague and fever. Sickness prevailed the latter part of the season to an alarming degree, and but a few escaped entirel.v. William Andrews, one of our men, and Peleg Washburn, an apprentice to llr. Nathaniel Doan, died of dysentery at Cleveland, in August or September. All those that died that season were of my party who came on with me, with the cattle and horses, in the spring, and were much endeared to me as companions, except Tinker, our principal boatman, who was drowned on his return in the fall. At Cleveland I was confined for several weeks, with several others much in the same situation as myself, with little or no help, except what we could do for oui-selves. The inhabitants there were not much better off than we were, and all our men were required in the woods. My fits came on generally every night, and long nights they appeared to me; in day-time. I made out to get to the spring and get some water, but it was a hard task to get back again. My fits became lighter and not so frequent, until the boats went down the lake as far as the township of Perry, which they were then lotting out. The cold night winds and fatigue to which I was exposed brought on the fits faster and harder. T considered that I had a long journey before me to get home, and no means but my exertions, a large portion of the way. T procured a portion of Peruvian bark and took it. it broke up my fits and gave me an extra appetite, but very fortunately for me we were short of provisions and on short allowance. My strength gained, and I did not spoil my appetite by over-eating, as people are in danger of in such case.s. I soon began to recover my health, but soon after Maj. Spafford started with a boat down the lake, with a sufficient number of well hands, and a load of us invalids to the number of fourteen in 40 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. Ill all. We passed on tolerable well down beyond Erie, opposite the rocky shore; there arose a dreadful looking cloud with a threatening, windy appearance ; the wind was rather high, but some in our favor. Maj. Spafford was a good hand to steer and manage a boat, they double manned the oars on the land side to keep off shore, and we went fast till we got past the rocky shore ; few or no words spoken, but imme- diately the wind came very heavy so that no boat could have stood it. There we staid thre^ days without being able to get away. We got out in the evening, went below Cataraugus where we were driven ashore again, where we la.y about two days, still on short allowance of provi- sion. The next time we had a tolerable calm lake and safely arrived at Buffalo. By that time I had so recovered as to feel tolerably com- fortable, and pursued my journey home on foot to Connecticut. Cleveland a General Hospital The headquarters at Cleveland took on the character of a general hospital and the well-written journal of Seth Pease for this period (Augu.st-November, 1797), is an almost continuous record of sickness. But there were snakes as well as "shakes"; in 1883, Colonel Whittle- sey told the members of the Early Settlers' Association that, "in its forest condition this region was very prolific in snakes. The notes of the survey contain frequent mention of them, particularly tlie great yellow rattlesnake. In times of drouth they seek streams and moist places, and were frequently seen with their brilliant black and orange spots crossing the lake beach to find water. Joshua Stow, the com- missary of the survey, had a positive liking for snake meat. Holly could endure it when provisions were short. General Cleveland was disgusted with snakes, living or cooked, and with those who cooked them. They were more numerous because the Indians had an affec- tion or a superstitious reverence for tliem, and did not kill them." In the summer and fall, "the equalizing committee was veiy busy exploring and surveying, comparing notes and arranging the parcels for a draft; fully determined that the work should be closed that season. Clevclaiul was the central point of all operations, and par- ticularly as a general hospital." The survey of the Reserve east of the Cuyahoga having been completed. Captain Tinker, the principal boatman, was discharged. In going down the lake, his boat was cap- sized near tlie mouth of Chautauqua Creek, and Tinker and two of the other men were drowned (October 3). On the twelfth of October, Surveyor Pease left Cleveland by boat; he was at Conneaut on the twenty -second. On the twenty-third he had a fit of ague and fever ; on the twenty-fourth he "sold the roan mare and saddle to Nathaniel Doan and took his note for thirty-two dollars." The Pease journal 1797] END OP THE SECOND SEASON 41 for the twenty-fifth reeords that: "We are short of pork, not having more tliaii three-quarters of a barrel, and receiving none by Mr. Hart's boat, must send one boat over to Chippewa. Accordingly fitted out one under Major Spafford. She took on board all the men, sick and well, except Mr. Ilart, Wm. P>arker and myself. They were Colonel Ezra Wait, Arazi Atwater, Doctor Shepard, George Giddings, Samuel Spafford, David Clark, Eli Kellogg, Alexander and Chester Allen, H. V. Linsley, James Berry and Asa Mason. Major Spafford to wait at Queenstown for the other boat. Ma.jor Shepard started by land, for Buffalo creek, with Warham Shepard and Thomas Tuppcr. Parker agreed with. Mr. Kart to take the Stow lioi-se to Buffalo creek." The journal for the thirty-first says: "jMr. Hart and myself started from Conneaut. after sunset. Our hands were Landon, Goodsel, Smith, Kenney (Keeny), Forbes, Chapman and James and Richard Stoddard, with a land breeze and our oars, got within two miles of Presque Isle." On the afternoon of the third of November they arrived at Buffalo Creek, where they found JIajor Spafford, who had gotten there the day before : the rear guard came on tlie sixth. Mr. Pease, the surveyors, and the committeemen seem to have lingered at Canandaigua "to finish the partition and make up their reports; a work which the stockholders expected would have been concluded a year sooner." Recognizing the needs of the coming suburban population, Gen- eral Cleaveland had directed that the land immediately outlying the surveyed tract should be laid off in 10-acre lots and the rest of the township in 100-acre lots instead of the larger tracts into which the other towniships were to be divided. While the price of the 2-acre town lots was to be $50 each, that of the 10-acre lots was fixed at $3 per acre, and that of the 100-acre lots at .$1.50 per acre. According to Crisfield Johnson's Uistory of Cuijahoga Count]], "the town lots were to be paid for in ready cash ; for the larger tracts, twenty per cent wa.s to be paid down, and the rest in three annual installments with annual interest. It will be seen that even at that time the pro- jectors of Cleveland had a pretty good opinion of its future ; valuing the almost unbroken forest which constituted the city at twenty-five dollars per acre in cash, while equally good land outside its limifs was to be sold for from throe dollars down to a dollar and a half per acre, with three years' credit." The 10-acre lots were now surveyed; they extended eastward to the line of East Fifty-fifth Street (for- merly called Willson Avenue), and southward "to the top of the brow of the ravine formed by Kingsbury Run and extended westwardly tvi the river bank." By August, three streets had been laid out through the 10-acre lots, the South, Middle (or Central) and North highways. 42 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. Ill South Street became Kiusmau Street, the part of the present Wood- laud Aveuue that lies west of East Fifty-fifth Street. Middle Street became Euclid Avenue; in 1816, it was- extended from its junction with Huron at what is now East Ninth Street westward to the Public Square, as is indicated on Spafford's maj). North Street was a con- tinuation of Federal Street and is now known as St. Clair Avenue. In the minutes of the Connecticut Land Compan.y it is recorded that: "Whereas,- The Directors have given to Tabitha Cumi Stiles, wife of Job P. Stiles, one city lot, one ten-acre lot, and one oue- hundred-aere lot; to Anna Gun, wife of Elijah Guu, one one-hundred- acre lot ; to James Kiugsltury and wife, one one-huudred-acre lot ; to Nathaniel Doan, one city lot, he being obliged to reside thereon as a blacksmith, and all in the city and town of Cleaveland. Voted, that these grants be approved." Nathaniel Doan was one of the original surveying party and one of the proprietors of Euclid township. In- duced probably by this gift of a city lot, he brought his family to Cleveland in 1798, and built a cabin in the woods near the river. "The fire of his forge was soon seen arising from a little shop on Superior Street near the corner of Bank [now West Sixth Street] and the ring of his anvil was heard as he sliarpencd the tools and shod the horses of the little community." In January of 1799, he moved eastward to the vicinit.v of Eiiclid Avenue and East One Hun- dred and Seventh Street, a locality long known as Doan's Corners. Here he lived "both beloved and respected until his decease in 1815." In 1798, the fever and ague scourge, common to new western lands, came with viralence. "At one time nearly every memlier of the settlement became a victim to its power and the burden of providing food and the necessaries of life fell upon the few who were equal to it. A mainstay in. many close places was tli'e redoubtalile Carter, whose gun and dogs enabled him to ()l)tain wild game wlien nothing else was to be had." The nine memlicrs of Nathaniel Doan's family were sick at the same time, Avhich fact liad not a little to do witli his removal to Doan's Corners, as already recorded. Tlie numerous removals east- ward reduced the population of Cleveland "to two families, those of Carter and SpafTord. The major and the ex-surveyor kei:)t tavern, dickered with the Indians, and cultivated the soil of their city lots." In this year, Turhaud Kirtland made his fii-st visit to the Reserve, apparently as agent of the Connecticut Land Company. Industrial Birth In 1799, Wheeler W. Williams and Major Wyatt, two newcomei"s, built at the falls of Mill Creek the first grist mill in that neighbor- 1798-99] THE FIRST MILL 43 hood and probalily the third on tlic Kosei'vc. The niillstoiios were made by Da\id l?ryant and his son Wliitniaii. In IS')?, tliis Wliitiuan Brj'aiit wrote a letter I'roni which I freely (|uote, because of its description of this mill and tiie light tiiat it throws on other matters relating: to the history of those days on the Reserve: ]My father, David Hi-yanI, and myself, landeil at ("leveland in June, 1797. There was but one fanuly there at that time, viz.: Lorenzo Carter, who lived in a log eabin, under the high sand bank, near the Cuyahoga river, aud al)out thirty rods below the bend of the river, at the west end of Sui)erior street. I went up the hill to view the town. I found one log cabin creeted by the surveyors, on the south side of SnjjeiMor street, near the place whei'e the old Mansion liouse formei-ly stood. There was no cleared land, only where the logs were cut to erect the cabin, and for tire-wood. I saw the stakes at the corners of the lots, among the logs and large oak and chestnut trees. We were on our way to a grindstone quarry, near Vermillion river. We made two trips that summer, and stopped at Mr. Carter's each time. In the fall of 1797. I found Mr. Rodolphus Edwards in a cabin under the hill, at the west end of Superior street. We made two trips in the sununer of 1798. 1 found ]\Iajor Spatford in the old surveyors' cabin. The same fall ^Ir. David Clark erected a cabin on the other sido of the street, and about five rods northwest of Spafford's. We made two trips in the summer of 1799, and in the fall, father and myself returned to Cleveland, to make a pair of millstones for Mr. Williams, about five miles east of Clevelaiid. near the trail to Hudson. We made the millstones on the right hand side of the stream as you go up, fifteen or twenty feet from the stream, and about half a mile from the mill, which was under a high bank, and near a fall in said stream of forty or fifty feet. . . . The water was conveyed to the mill in a dugout trough, to an under-shot wlieel about twelve feet over, with one set of arms, and buckets fifteen inches long, to run inside of the trough, which went down the hank at an angle of forty-five degrees, perhaps. The dam was about four rods above the fall ; the millstones were three and a half feet in diameter, of gray rock. On my way from the town to Mr. Williams' mill, I found the cabin of ]\lr. li. Edwards, who had left the town, about three miles out ; the next cabin was Judge Kingsburv's, and the next old Mr. Gunn, thence half a mile to Mr. Williams' ndll. The completion of the mill was celebrated with joy and festivity by the ten or more families on the ridge aud, "during the following winter, our citizens enjoyed the luxury of bolted flour, made in their own mills, from wheat raised by themselves." The rivalry between Newburg and Cleveland had been fairly begun. By virtue of her situation on the shore of the lake. Cleveland had an importance that could not be denied, but the town on the higher land farther east took the lead in population. It was not long before Cleveland was 44 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. Ill described as "a small village on the shoi-e of Lake Erie, six miles from Newburg. ' ' ' In those days, it took courage of several kinds to make the west- ward venture. In itself, the jouniey was a veiy serious thing. The springless wagon or the sled, drawn by horses or oxeu and loaded with household goods, farming implements, M'eapons of defense, and food, with wife and children stowed in corners, were the chief vehicles of transportation ; the road was a mere path through the woods or a trail along which room for passage must be cut through the trees. Of course, there were no bridges, and streams had to be crossed by ford- ing if the water was not too deep, or on the ice or on rafts, etc., if it was. The way to the promised land was long and tedious, and sick- ness and suffering were common experiences. In his Pioneers of the Western Reserve, Harvey Rice tells us that the only highways in this part of the country at that time were narrow paths, "which had existed from time immemorial, leading from one distant point of the country to another. One led from Buffalo along the lake shore to Detroit. Another from the Ohio River by way of the portage, as it was called, to the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. They concentrated at Cleveland, where the river was crossed by a feri-y established by the Indians. In this way the principal trading posts erected by the French and English wei'e made accessible, and furnished the early pioneers with the facilities of securing an important commercial inter- course with those distant points of trade." Goods and needed pro- visions were transported by boat or on pack horses. In February, 1797, the Connecticut Land Company appointed a committee to "en- quire into the expediency of laying and cutting out roads on the Reserve. ' ' In the following January, they recommended the building of a road from Pennsylvania to the Cuyahoga. The road was cut out and the timber girdled according to the recommendation of the com- mittee and at the expense of the company. Cleveianp .\nd Ohio in 1800 At this time, the territory that had lieen marked out as tlie City of Cleveland had a population numbering a score or so, including, of course, the families of the pei-sistent Carter and Spafford, "while some sixty or seventy made up the population of the immediate neigh- liorhood. Affairs were not progressing, in a material sense, with the successful push which the managers of the Connecticut Land Com- pany had probably looked for."' Turhand Kirtland made his tliird annual visit to the Reserve. In a letter dated "Cleaveland, Ohio, 17lli 1800] PRICES FOR LAND 45 July, 1800," and superscribed "Gen. JI. Cleavcland, Canterbury Conn., to be left at Norwich, Post Oflice, " he said: Dear Sir: — On my arrival at this place, I found Ma.jor Spaft'ord, Mr. Lorenzo Carter and j\lr. David Chirk, who arc the only inhabitants residing in the city, have been an.xiously waiting with expectations of purchasing a number of lots, Init wlien 1 produceil my instructions, they were greatly disappointed, both as to price and terms. They assured me, that they had encouragement last year, from Col. Thomas Sheldon ; that thcj- would have lands at ten dollars per acre, and from Major Austin at twelve dollars at most ; which they think would be a generous price, for such a quantity as they wish to purchase. You will please excuse me. for giving my opinion, but it really seems to me good policy to sell the city lots, at a less price than twenty-five dollars, (two acres ^ or I siiall never expect to sec it settled. Mr. ('artcr was an early adventurer, has been of essential advantage to the inhabitants here, in helping them to provisions in times of danger and scarcity, has never experienced any gratuity from the company, but complains of being hardly dealt by, in sundry instances. He has money to pay for about thirty acres, which lie expected to have taken, if the price had met his expectation ; but he- now declares that he will leave the pur- chase, and never own an acre in New Connecticut. Ma.i'or Spafford has stated his wishes to the company, in his letter of January last, and I am not authorized to add. any thing. He says he has no idea of giving the present price, for sixteen or eighteen lots. He con- templated building a Ikuisc, and making large improvements this sea- son, which he thinks would indemnify the company fully, in case he should fail to fulfill his contract; and he is determined to remove to some other part of the purchase immediately, unless he can obtain better terms than I am authorized to give. Mr. Clark is to be included in the same contract, with Jla,ior Spafford, but his circumstances will not admit of his making any advances. I have reciuested the .settlers not to leave the place, until I can obtain further information from the Board, and request you to consult General Champion, to whom I have written, and favor me with despatches by first mail. ... I have given a sketch of these circumstances, in order that you may under- stand my embarra-ssments, and expect you will give me particular directions how to proceed, and also, whether I shall make new eon- tracts with the settlers, whose old ones are forfeited. They seem unwilling to rely on the generosity of the company, and want new writings. . . " I have the pleasure of your brother's company at this time. He held his first talk with the Smooth Nation, at Mr. Car- ter's this morning. Appearances are very jjromising. I flatter myself he will do no discredit to his elder brother, in his negotiations with the aborigines. T am dear, sir, with much esteem, yours, &c., ' TURIIAND KiRTLAND. Before long, "city lots which had been held for fifty dollars with down payment were offered for twenty-five dollars with time given. 1800] THE FIRST DISTILLERY 47 The trcasurj' was replenished hy assessments upon the stockholders instead of from proceeds of sales." In fact, the prospects of the venture were rather gloomy. Colonel Whittlesey tells us that by individual exertion, some of the "private ownci's under the previous drafts had disposed of limited amounts of lands, on terms which did not create verj* brilliant expectations of the speculation. In truth, the most fortunate of the adventurers realized a very meagre profit, and more of them were losers than gainers. Those who were able to make their payments and keep the property for their children, made a fair and safe investment. It was not until the next genera- tion came to maturity, that lands on the Reserve began to command good prices. Taxes, trouble and interest, had been long accumulating. Such of the proprietors as became settlers secured an excellent home at a cheap rate, and left as a legacy to their heirs a cheerful future." Early in the spring of 1800, "David Hudson passed here in com- pany with Thaddeus Laey and David Kellog and their. families to settle in Hudson." It is pleasant to note the fact that "a school- house was built this season, jiear Kingsbury's, on the ridge road, and Miss Sarah Doan, daughter of Nathaniel Doan, was the teacher." In spite of their dissatisfaction with the terms offered by Turhand Kirt- land, as recorded in his letter of July, Amos Spafford and David Clark seem to have brought their wives and children to Cleveland before the end of the year. In the fall, David Bryant and his son, who, iu the previous year, had played an important part in building the grist-mill at Newburg, came to Cleveland with the purpose of making it their permanent home. In a letter from which I have already quoted, the son. Oilman, tells us that his father brought a still that had seen service in Virginia "and built a still-house under the sand bank, about twenty rods above L. Carter's and fifteen feet from the river. The house was made of hewed logs, twenty by twenty- six, one and a half stories high. We took the water in a trough, out of some small springs which came out of the bank, into the second story of the house, and made the whiskey out of wheat. My father purchased ten acres of land about one-fourth of a mile from the town plat, on the bank of the river, east of the town. In the winter of 1800 and spring of 1801, I helped my father to clear five acres on said lot, which was planted with corn in the spring. Said ten acres was sold by my father in the spring of 1802, at the rate of two dol- lars and fifty cents per acre. Mr. Samuel Huntington came to Cleve- land in the spring of 1801, and built a hewed log house near the bank of the Cuyahoga river, about fifteen rods south-east of the old sur- veyor's cabin, occupied by Mr. Spafford." By way of illustration 48 CLEVP:LAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. Ill of customs aud costumes of that day, and at the risk of being thought somewhat flippant, I quote, from the same letter, Gilmau Bryant's account of the Fourth of July ball : I waited on Miss Doan, who liad just arrived at the Corners, four miles east of town. I was then about seventeen years of age, and Miss Doan about fourteen. 1 was dressed in the then st\-le — a gingham suit — ray hair queued with one and a half yards of black ribbon, about as long and as thick as a corncob, with a little tuft at the lower end ; and for the want of pomatum, 1 had a piece of candle rubbed on my hair, and then as much flour sprinkled on as could stay without fall- ing off. I had a good wool hat, and a pair of brogans that would help to play "Fisher's Hornpipe," or "High Bettie Martin," when I danced: When I went for Miss Doan I took an old horse; when she was ready I rode up to a stump near the cabin, she mounted the stump and spread her under petticoat on "Old Tib" behind me, secured her calico dress to keep it clean, and then mounted on behind me. I had a fine time ! In this same summer of 1800, i\Ir. Samuel Huntington, of Nor- wich, Connecticut, visited the Reserve. In July, he was at Youngs- town (the whole of which township liad previously been bouglit by John Young), and, in October, left David Abbott's mill at Willougliby and came to Cleveland and "stayed at Carter's at night. Day pleas- ant and cool." For the next few days, his diarj' records the following: "Friday, 3d. — Explored the city and town; land high and flat, cov- ered with white oak. On the west side of the river is a long, deep stagnant pond of water, which produces fever and ague, among those who settle near 'the river. There are only three families near the point, and they have the fever. Saturday, 4tli. — Sailed out of the Cuyahoga, along the coast, to explore the land west of the river. Chainiel at the mouth about five feet deep. On the west side is a prairie, where one hundred tons of hay might be cut each year. A little way back is a ridge, from which the land descends to the lake, affording a prospect indescribably beautiful. In the afternoon went to Wil- liams' gri.st and saw mill (New burg,) which are nearly completed. Sunday, 5th — Stayed at Williams'. Monday, 6th. — Went through Towns 7, 6 and 5, of Range 11, to Hudson." He returned to Con- necticut in the fall and, early in the summer of the following year, moved with his family to Youngstowii and, soon after that, moved to Cleveland, a notable addition to the little community. We shall hear of him again. Ohio was not yet a state. Marietta had been settled on the Ohio Company's purchase in 1787; Losantiville (later rechristened Cinci?i- nati) and one or two other colonies had been planted in the Symmes 1800] IN WHAT COUNTY? 49 purchase in 1788; and in 1796, the year of General Cleavcland's expedition to the Cuyahoga, General Nathaniel Massie and Duncan 5Ic- Arthur founded Chillicothc on the Scioto Kivcr in the Virginia mili- tary lands ; it was to become the first capital of the state that was to be. By 1800, Ohio had a population of a little more than 45,000 and there were twenty or thirty settlements on the Reserve with a total population of about 1,300. But there was no government ; there were no laws or records ; no magistrates or police. The people were orderly and fully competent to govern themselves and yet, in those three or "v.omio counties *-» 1789. Map of Ohio Counties in 1800 four years, the need of civil institutions began to be severely felt. In 1788, General Arthur St. Clair, the somewhat arbitrary governor of the Northwest Territory, by proclamation, had established Washington County, including all of the present state east of a meridian line drawn from the mouth of tlie Cu.yahoga to the Ohio Tliver ; the county seat was Marietta. In 1796, he included the part of the Reserve that lies west of the Cuyahoga in Wayne County, the seat of which was Detroit. In 1797, he included the eastern part of the Reserve in Jef- ferson County, with Steubenville as the county seat. It is not certain whether the relation of the Western Reserve to the Northwest Terri- 50 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. Ill toiy was considered at the time of enacting the immortal Ordinance of 1787, which made no distinction between ceded and unceded lauds, but St. Clair's attempt to exercise jurisdiction emphasized the doubt as to the sufficiency of the original Connecticut claim and, conse- quently, to the validity of the title deeds to the soil itself. The lands ceded and the lands reserved by Connecticut had been claimed by New York and Virginia, and the clouded title was understood at the time of the purchase by the Connecticut Land Companj'. Connecticut had held the soil by the same title that she had held jurisdiction, and both had been quit-claimed by the state to the syndicate. If the juris- diction was in the L^nited States, the ownership of the soil was there too. St. Clair's claim to jurisdiction was a menace to the title by which the settlers held their lands. Therefore, they, with great una- nimity, denied the territorial jurisdiction and simply laughed when the Jefferson County authorities sent an agent to inquire into the matter of taxation. The agent "returned to Steubenville, no richer and no wiser than he came. ' ' Naturally enough, men desiring western lands hesitated about bu3'ing in a district where there was no government and where the titles to the lands were clouded, and the men who owned the lands hesitated to sell when payments could not be enforced. Connecticut was indifferent to the controversy and even refused to assert her jurisdiction when the land company importuned her to do so. The settlers and the shareholders called for help both from the state assembly and from congress. In Febniar^y, 1800, the national house of representatives appointed a committee, with John Marshall as chairman, to take into consideration the acceptance of jurisdiction. The report of the committee stated the dilemma of the company in a single sentence: "As the pui'chasers of the land commonly called the Connecticut Reserve hold their title under the state of Connecticut, they cannot submit to the government established by the United States in the Northwest Territory without endangering their titles, and the jurisdiction of Connecticut could not be extended over Ihcm without much inconvenience." The report was accompanied by a bill for tlie purpose of vesting jurisdiction in the LTnited States and establishing the validity of the Connecticut title to the soil. This hill passed both houses of congress and, on the twenty-eighth of April, 1800, President Adams gave it his approval. The Connecticut general as- sembly promptly complied with the provisions of the quieting act. In July of the same year. Governor St. Clair issued a proclamation con- stituting Trumbull County, which was to include the Western Resen'e. At that time, the govcnior of Connecticut was Jonathan Trumbull, a 1800J IN TKUJMBULL COUNTY 51 son of the original "'Brotlior Jonathaji." The first court sat at Warren, ■■between two eorn-i-rilis" we are told, on the last Monday of August, 1800, at wliieh time the county was organized. In the short Ilistort/ of Cleveland that constitutes the opening chapter of the first city directory (published in 1837), the reader is told that: "To that place [Warren] the good citizens of the then city of Cleveland (for it was even then called a city) had to repair to see that justice was administered according to law, previous to which time, but few of them were aware that they were subject to any other law than the law of God and a good conscience, which, if not in all cases effectual, there were a less number of complaints then, than now, of grievances un- redressed." TRUMBUUl- COUNTY CMBKUiNO AILO' THt wU^t^N «UCRvE *M0 THE TpRE CANOO Trumbull County of 1800 From a synopsis of the record, I quote the following: "Court of General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, begun and holden at Warren, within and for said county of Trumbull, on the fourth Monday of August, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred, and of the inde- pendence of the United States, the twenty-fifth. Present. Jolui Young, Turhand Kirtland, Camden Cleaveland [a brother of Moses Cleave- land], James Kingsbury, and Eliphalet Austin. Esquires, justices of the quorum, and others, their associates, justices of the peace, holding said court." Among the a-ssociate justices was Amos Spaiford. In the hands of the members of this court rested the entire civil jurisdic- tion of the county. Anumg the things done at this five-days' session, the court appointed Amos Spaiford, David Hudson. Simon Perkins, John ;Miuor, Aaron Wheeler, Edward Paine, and Benjamin Davidson a committee "to divide the county of Trumbull into townships, to describe the limits and boundaries of each township, and to make 52 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. Ill report to the court thereof." This committee divided the couuty iuto eight townships — Cleveland, Warren, Youngstown, Hudson, Vernon, Richfield, iliddlefield and Painesville — and the court confirmed the action of the committee. The Cleveland township of Trumbull County thus created included all of the present couuty of Cuyahoga east of the Cuyahoga River, all of the Indian country from the Cuyahoga River to the ivest line of the Reserve, and three of the townships of what is now Geauga County. Constables for each of the eight town- ships were appointed, Lorenzo Carter and Stephen Gilbert being thus named for Cleveland township. In September, Governor St. Clair issued a proclamation in accoi'dance with which David Abbott, the sheriff, caused an election to be held on the second Tuesday of October "for the purpose of electing one person to represent the county in the territorial legislature. ' ' Under the laws then existing, all elections in the territory were to be held at the county seats, and so this first election in the Reserve was held at Warren. Colonel Whittlese.y gives us this description of it : " The manner of conducting the election was after the English mode. That is, the sheriff of the county assem- bled the electors by proclamation, he presided at the election, and received the votes of the electors orally or viva voce. It will readily be conceded, that in a county, embracing as Trumbull then did, a large Territory, only a portion of the electors would attend. The number convened at that election was forty-two. Out of this number General Edward Paine received 38 votes, and was the member elect. General Paine took his seat in the Territorial Legislature in 180L" Thus, on the threshold of a new century, the organization of Trumbull County was completed and civil government was established in the Western Reserve. CHAPTER IV THE PIONEERS The diffiexilties of the journey from the East have been passed over very liglitly in tliis narrative for the reason that they have been described so often that they probably are familiar to most of the readers of this volume. After the weariness of the way came the building of the inevitable log cabin with its improvised equipment, with windows of gi-eased paper, and floor of split logs ; sometimes there was a door made of split boards and with wooden hinges and some- times the door had to wait, as in the case of him who wrote: "We hung up a quilt and that, with a big bull-dog, constituted the door." Bedsteads, seats, tables, etc., were pi'ovided as time and the skill of the pioneers made them possible. Mr. Kennedy tells us that "the first bed on which Heman Ely, the founder of Elyria, slept on his arrival in this section was made of the cloth covering of the wagon in which he came, and filled with straw brought, with the greatest dif- ficulty, from a barn located miles away''; bedsteads made of smooth, round poles and corded witli elm bark were more common. Judge Robert F. Paine says that in liis boyhood in Portage County "we ate on what we called trenchers, a wooden affair in shape something like a plate. Our neighbors were in the same condition as we, using wooden plates, wooden bowls, wooden everything, and it was years before we could secure dishes harder than wood, and when we did they were made of yellow claj'. " But these things have been often described and need not detain us long. The omissions of the menu were numerous and many of the makeshifts were ingenious. The famous and heroic Joshua R. Giddiugs once said: "The first mince-pie I ever ate on the Reserve was composed of pumpkin instead of apple, vinegar in place of wine or cider, and bear's meat instead of beef. The whole was sweetened with wild honey instead of sugar, and seasoned with domestic pepper pulverized instead of cloves, cinnamon and allspice, and never did I taste pastiy with a better relish." Appetite is a good sauce. Salt tiat came from Onondaga, via Buffalo, or from Pittsburgh, sold in Trumbull County for twenty dollars a barrel and many of the pioneers carried kettles to the "Salt Spring Tract," mentioned in 53 54 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. IV the previous chapter, and there made their own supply by boiling down the saline waters. Cane sugar was expensive, but maple sugar soon became a convenient and delicious substitute. Corn bread was a staple article of diet, the appetizing and satisfying qualities of which were rediscovered by many under the pressure of a Mr. Hoover and his potent food administration, to the end that wheat might be sent to "our boys" and our allies "over there." As Lorenzo Carter was not the only one who kept a gun and knew how to use it, an occasional wild turkey or piece of venison graced the rough table and amplified the menu. Prior to the building of a few grist-mills, grain was prepared for kitchen use by pounding — the mortar and pestle process; the mortar was made by hollowing out the top of an oak stump; the pestle was a rude stone dependent from a spring-pole. Soon came the little hand-mills. "There were two stones about two and a half feet in diameter, one above the other, the upper one being turned with a pole. The corn was poured in through a hole in the upper stone." It is a matter of veritable history that young John Doan "had two attacks of fever and ague daily. He walked to the house of a neighbor five miles distant, with a peck of corn, ground it in a hand-mill, and then carried it home. He adjusted his labors and his shakings to a system. In the morning, on the ending of his first attack, he would start on his journey, grind his grist, wait until his second spell was over, and then set out on his return." But above the forty-first parallel clothing is necessary as well as is food. Eastern textile fabrics were beyond the reach of the pioneers of the Reserve, for they had little money and practically no market for their produce. But the hide of the occasional deer was readily available for buckskin garments and before long the cultivation of flax was introduced, looms were set up, and then the industi-y of wife and mother completed the solution of the problem. "Leather was expensive and difficult to ol)tain ; therefore the men went barefoot when they could, while the women carried their shoes to church, sitting down on a log near the raceting-house to slip them on." But, notwithstanding these and countless other hardshijjs and incon- veniences, hospitality was in every home and the stranger seldom found a door wilh flu; latch-string pulled in. Historic Conservatism Much has been written and spoken to einplinsize the fact that the civilized life of tlie Western Reserve has rui'ihmic l>lood in its veins. We often have been told that flic early settlers .nbsorlied and nssimi- 1800] SOMEWHAT NON-RELIGIOUS 55 lated the grand elements of Puritan civilization, land, law, and lib- erty, characteristics well worthy of our admiration and counnemora- tion. Thus, General James A. Garfield has told us that 'these pioneers knew well that the three great forces which constitute the strength and glory of a free government are the Family, the School and the Church. These three they planted here, and they nourished and cherished them with an energy and devotion scarcely equaled in any other quarter of the world. On this height were planted in the wilder- ness the symbols of this trinity of powers ; and here let us hope may be maintained forever the ancient faith of our fathers in the sanctity of the Home, the intelligence of the School, and the faithfulness of the Church." Still, it is no less true, as stated by another, that "it is not our office, in the light of historic truth, to exalt to the stature of heroes all who carried the compass or chain, or plied the settler's axe in the forests of New Connecticut. . . . They did not leave their homes because they were there the victims of intolerance, and could not there follow the dictates of a tender and enlightened con- science. They came here to improve their material condition — to better their worldly fortunes. Like the rest of us, they had an eye to the main chance in life ; but they richly earned and paid a hundred- fold for all they received." Still more to the point, we have the statement of Burke A. Hinsdale, once superintendent of the public schools of Cleveland and editor of the Works of James Ahram Gar- field, to the effect that the first settlers of the Reserve were not as religious and service-loving as we have always supposed them to have been. Dr. H. C. Applegarth assures that "prior to the year 1800, the Western Reserve was a land where might gave right, and where every man was a law unto himself. The tone of public sentiment and morals was veiy low. Even in lSl6, when the population was about one hundred and fifty, there were only two professing Christians in the place, namely. Judge Daniel Kelly and Mrs. Noble H. IMerwin. Moses Wliite, who afterward became a useful citizen, and who died in Cleveland at an advanced age, in September, 1881, long hesitated about settling here because the place was so godless. The religious destitution was so great that he called it a heathen land." The records left by some of the early missionaries agi'ee with these state- ments. Pioneer Education and Religion As already noted, a schoolhouse was built in 1800 "near Kings- bury's on the ridge road." In fact, we have been assured, almost times without number, to the effect that "it was a characteristic fea- 56 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. IV tiire of this transplanted New England life and thought that in the pursuit of material things the church and schoolhouse were not for- gotten. As a general thing, as soon as the things absolutely essential to physical life were provided, steps were taken for the support of the gospel and the instruction of the young. ' ' The superintendent of the surveying party of 1797 was a clergyman, but we have no record of any exercise of clerical offices by him except at the funeral of David Eldridge and at Cleveland's first wedding. Probably the first sermon heard on the Reserve was delivered by the Rev. William Wick at Youngstowii in September, 1799, but in 1800 the Rev. Joseph Badger, a soldier of the Revolution, an orthodox Presbyterian, and the best known of the early preachers, was sent by the Connecticut Missionary Society as a missionary to the Western Reserve. On horse- back he crossed the mountains of Western Pennsylvania in a snow- storm and was at Pittsburgh on the fourteenth of December. After a few days' rest, he pushed on through the woods to Youngstown, where he preached his first sermon on the Reserve. He was at Cleveland on the eighteenth of August, 1801, and lodged at Lorenzo Carter's. As recorded by him on the sixth of September: "We swam our horses across the Cuyahoga by means of a canoe and took an Indian path up the lake ; came to Rocky River, the banks of which were very high, on the west side almost perpendicular. While cutting the brush to open a way for our horses, we were saluted by the song of a large yellow rattlesnake, which we removed out of our way." In this way, says Harvey Rice, he "visited, in the course of the year 1801, every settlement and nearly every family thi'oughout the Western Reserve. In doing this, he often rode from five to twenty-five or thirty miles a day, carrying with him in saddle-bags a scanty supply of clothing and eatables, and often traversing pathless woodlands amid storms and tempests, swimming unbi-idged rivers, and suffering from cold and hunger, and at the same time, here and there, visiting lone families, giving them and their children religious instruction and wholesome advice, and preaching at points wherever a few could be gathered together, sometimes in a log-cabin or m a barn, and sometimes in the open field or in a woodland, beneath the shadows of the trees." In the fall, he visited Detroit and found no one that he could call a Christian "except a black man who appeared pious." A little later, he visited Hudson and there oi-ganized a church with a membership of ten men and six women — the first church organized on the Reserve. Ill October, he returned to New England and made arrangements to take his family to New Connecticut in the following year and there to labor at a salary of seven dollars per week. 1801] LARGE STORIES 57 The Coming of Samuel Huntington As we were told in Gilnian Bnaut's letter, quoted in the preceding chapter, Samuel Huntington came to Clevehmd in this year "and built a hewed log house near the Cuyahoga River." Colonel Whit- tlesey tells us, more definitely, that he "contracted with Amos Spatford to superintend the erection of a well-built block house of considerable pretensions near the blutl" south of Superior Street, in rear of the site of the American House. Huntington was then about thirty- five years of age." He was the adopted son of his uncle, Samuel Huntington, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and gov- ernor of Connecticut. The nephew wa.s graduated at Yale in 1785 and admitted to the bar at Norwich in 1793. Thus Mr. Huntington and Mr. Badger became our "first bodily exponents of the law and the gospel." In illustration of the fact that life and travel in the early days were not without bodily danger, Mr. Kennedy has rehearsed a "reputed experience" of each and, with like purpose, I transcribe them here : It is told of .Mr. Huntington that, while a resident of Cleveland, he came near being devoured by wolves, as he rode in from Paines- ville, on the Euclid I'oad. He was on horseback, alone, in the dark, and floundered through the swamp near the present corner of Willson [East Fifty-fifth Street] and Euclid avenues. A pack of hungry wolves fell upon his traiK and made a combined attack upon horse and man. The former, in desperate fright, made the' best possible use of his heels, while the latter laid about him with the only weapon at com- mand — an umbrella. Between speed and defense, both were saved, and brought up in safety at the log-house down near Superior Street. The experience of Mr. Badger was of a similar character. He was urging his faithful horse through the woods of tlie Grand River bot- toms, while the rain was pouring down in torrents, and a place of shelter was one of the vuicertain i)ossibi]ities of the future. There came to him after a time the knowledge that some wild animal Avas on his trail and, raising his voice, he sent up a shout that would have frightened many of the smaller denizens of the forast. But it had no such effect on the big bear that was on his trail. On the contrary, the brute was aroused to immediate action, and made a rush for the missionary, with hair on end and eyes of fire. The only weapon Mr. Badger had about him. if such it might be called, was a large horse- shoe, which he threw at the bear's nose, and missed. Then he rode imder a beech tree, tied his horsC to a branch, deserted the saddle with eelerit.v, and climbed upward. He kept on for a long distance, found a convenient seat, tied himself to the tree with a large bandanna, and awaited results. The bear was meanwhile nosing about the horse, as though preparing for an attack. The wind came up, the thunder rolled, and the rain fell in torrents. The occasional flashes of light- 58 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. IV nmg showed that the horse was still safe, with the bear on guard. And there the poor missionary clung all night, cold, wet through, tired and sleepy ; and there the bear waited for him to come down. But at daybreak he made for his lair, while Mr. Badger worked his way down as "well as he could, and rode for the nearest settlement. The stories seem to be rather "large," but Mr. Badger's cloth raises a presumption in his favor, while Mr. Huntington, although a lawyer, probably would not take undue liberties with the truth. In the sirring of 1801, Timothy Doan, a brother of Nathaniel Doan, being "seized with the western fever," set out from Herkimer County in New York for the Reserve, accompanied by his wife and six chil- dren. The youngest of these children was John Doan, then three years old; to the sketch of The Doan Family written by this son, John, and preserved in the Aimals of the Early Settlers' Association, w'e are indebted for much interesting and valuable information. They traveled with ox teams and two horses; besides their furniture and household goods, they brought a box of live geese, said to be "the first domesticated birds of the kind ever brought into Ohio." From Buffalo, Timothy and one of his sons pushed on ahead carrying some of their goods on the backs of the horses and oxen; the road from the Pennsylvania line to the Cuyahoga had been surveyed, "but no bridge had been built over the intervening streams. Thej^ pushed through to Uncle Nathaniel's house in East Cleveland and were soon enjoying their first attack of ague." From' Buffalo, the mother and the other children made the trip to the Cuyahoga in a rowboat, assisted by an Indian and several white men engaged for that pur- pose. At the mouth of Gralid River, the boat was capsized and the mother, children, goods, and geese were thrown into the water. But the water was shallow and there were no serious losses. Here the pilgrims were met by Nathaniel and Timothy. Thence the boat was taken on to Cleveland without further adventure, while two horses bore "Uncle Nathaniel," Mrs. Doan, and three of the children overland by way of Willoughby, where 'Squire Abbott had built a mill in 1798, perhaps the first mill in the vicinity of Cleveland. Says John Doan: "We arrived at Uncle Nathaniel Doan's log cabin in April, 1801." For a little more than a dollar an acre, Timothy Doan bought ;i20 acres in Euclid, and there, on the south side of Euclid Road and about six; miles ea.st of the Public Squai-c, he l)uilt a log house into which the family moved in November. In this year also came Sanuu-l Hainillon and family; they settled in Newbnrg. Clevelanders enjoyed unusually good hcnllli lliat season and, Colonel "Wliittlospv tells us, the vear "became uotoi'ious, on account of 60 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. IV a Fourth of July celebration and ball. It was held in one end of Major Carter's double log house, on the hill iiear the corner of Union and Superior lanes. John Wood, Ben Wood and R. H. Blinn were managers. Major Samuel Jones was chief musician and master of ceremonies. About a dozen ladies and twenty gentlemen constituted the company. Notwithstanding the floors were rough puncheons, and their best beverage was made of maple sugar, hot water and whiskej^, probably no celebration of American independence in this city was ever more joyous than this." Major Sp afford 's Eesurvet In November, Major Spafford made a resurvey of the streets and lanes of the city and "planted fifty-four posts of oak, about one foot square, at. the principal corners, for M'hich he charged fifty cents each, and fifty cents for grubbing out a tree at the north-east comer of the Square. ' ' In February, 1802, the Trumbull County Court of Quarter Ses- sions ordered that, the first town meeting for Cleveland should be held at the h(mse of James Kingsbury. Of that meeting, we have the following official report : Agreeably to order of the Court of General Quarter Sessions, the inhabitants of the town of Cleaveland met at the house of James Kingsbury, Esq., the 5th day of April, A. D. 1802, for town meeting, and chose ('hairm(i)i, Toivn Clerk, Rodolphus Edwards. Nathaniel Doan. Trustees, Amos Spafford, Esq., Timothy Doan, Wm. W. Williams. Appraisers of Ilouses, Samuel Hamilton, Elijah Oun. Lister, Ebenezer Ayrs. Supervisors of Tlighivays, Sam'l Huntington, Esq., Nat'l Doan, Sam'l Hamilton. Overseers of tlie Poor, William W. Williams, Samuel Huntington, Esq. Fence Vimvers, Lorenzo Carter, Nathan Chapman. Constables, Ezekiel Hawley, Ricluird Craw. A true copy of the proceedings of the inhabitants of Cleaveland at their town meeting, examined per me, Nathaniel Doan, Town Clerk. 1802] THE LABORER AND HIS HIRE 61 The officers named were chosen viva voce; the election of justices of the peace and militia oftioers had not yet been authorized. In this year, the governor appointed Samuel Huntington one of the justices of the qnorum : he had previously commissioned him as lieutenant- colonel of the Trumbull County militia. At the next term of the Court of General Quarter Sessions (Au- gust, 1802), Lorenzo Carter and Amos Spafford were each licensed to keep a tavern at Cleveland, the fee for each license being fixed at four dollars. At the same session of the court, George Tod of Youngstovvn was appointed ajipraiser of taxal)le i)roi)erty. About this time, Carter and Spafford built, near the western end of Superior Street, the first frame houses in Cleveland, and Anna Spafford opened, in Major Carter's well-known "front room," a school for children — the first in "the city," but antedated by Sarah Doan's school on "the ridge" by two years. Earlier in the .year, the Rev. Mr. Badger loaded his family and household goods in a wagon drawn by four horses and, in sixty da.ys, made the journey back to the Reserve, where he bought a piece of land and put up a log cabin at Aiistinburg, in what now is Ash- tabula County. He soon resumed his missionary labors, and organized many churches and schools, although the raissionarj- society reduced his pay to six dollars a week. That year, he again came to Cleve- land, where, he says, he "visited the only two families there, and went on to Newburg, where I preached on the Sabbath. There were five families here, but no apparent piety. They seemed to glory in their infidelity." Mr. Badger was later in the employ of the Massachusetts Missionary Society and went to work among the Indians at Sandusky, but in 1808 he returned to Austinburg, and subsequently was pastor of churches of several towns of the Reserve. In his old age he was very poor, as appears from the following letter written to Joshua R. Giddings under date of October 4, 1844: "I hope the Ashtabula County Historical Society will not forget the fifteen dollars remaining due to me. I am in want of it to a.ssist in procuring means of daily support. I am an old, worn-out man, not able to do an.vthing to help myself. I hope the society will not wrong me out of this sum. ... I am sure if they could see my helpless condition, unable to get out of my chair without help, they would not withhold that little sum. It's honestly my due." Mr. Badger died at Perrysburg, Ohio, in 1846. CHAPTER V ROUNDING OUT THE FIRST DECADE When Edward Paine took his seat in the territorial legislature in ISOl, he found that body discussing the question of a state govern- ment for Ohio. The opponents of the somewhat arbitrary goveraor, General St. Clair, succeeded in sending Thomas Worthington to con- gress and, largely through his efforts, that body authorized a conven- tion to form a state constitution if the people of Ohio so desired. This enabling act, approved on the thirtieth of April, 1802, provided "that the inhabitants of the eastern division of the territory northwest of the river Oliio be, and they are hereby, authorized to form for themselves a constitution and State government, and to assume such name as they shall deem proper, and the said State, when formed, shall be admitted into the Union upon the same footing with the original States in all respects whatever.'' Tbe act fixed the number of representatives from each count}', elections were to be held "on the second Tuesday of October next," and the delegates then elected were "authorized to meet at Chillicothe on the first ]\Ionday in November next." Sam- uel Huntington was elected as one of Trumbull County's two dele- gates; for nearly half the session he was the only representative that Trumbull County had in that body. The convention met as prescribed on the first day of November, chose as its president Edward Tiffin of Chillicothe, a local preacher and physician and a brother-in-law of Thomas Worthington, and completed its labors on the twenty-ninth. The constitution then and thus framed clipped the veto from the func- tions of the governor — a direct effect of wliat was felt to be an abuse of that power by the territorial governor. The famous Ordinance of 1787 for the government of the territory of the United States north- west of the Ohio River provided that "if Congress .shall hereafter find it expedient, they .shall have authority to form one or two States in that part of the said territory whicli lies north of an east and west line drawn through the southerly lieiid or e.xin'iiic of Lake Michigan," and the enabling act of 1802 designated such a line as the northern l>oundarv of the proposed state. But the convention modified this boundary line by ackling the following: "Provided (diraijs, and it is 02 1802] OHIO BECOMES A STATE 63 hereby fully uiidcrsfood and declared by this convention, That if tlie southerly beiul «r cxtivme of Lake Micliigan should extend so far south that a line drawn due east from it should not intersect Lake Eric, or if it should intersect the said Lake Erie east of the mouth of the Miami River of tlie Lake, thi'u, and in that case, with the assent of the Congress of the United States, the northern boundary of this State shall be established by, and extending to, a direct line running from tlie southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the most northerly cape of the Miami Bay, after intersecting the due-north line from the moutli of the Great Miami Kivcr as aforesaid; thence northeast to tlie territorial, and by the said territorial line to the Pennsylvania line." This important proviso was destined to breed trouble with Michigan and, in fact, three decades later led to an armed invasion of northwest Ohio and the serio-comic incident known in history as "The Toledo War." But, on the whole, the Ohio constitution of 1802 was a workable, sensilile, and satisfactory creation and remained as the organic law of the Buckeye State until the second constitution was framed in 1851. Adopted formally by the body that built it, it was not submitted to the people for ratification. It has never been defi- nitely dctc-rmincd just when Ohio was admitted to the Union, but a congressional act of February, 1803, recognized the fact of her admission in these words: "whereby the said State has become one of the United States of America." A constitution having been adopted and Ohio having taken her place as the seventeenth state in the Union, her first legislature met at Chillicothe on the first of March, 1803. Courts were created and election laws were passed ; new counties were organized and state offi- cers were chosen. Edward Tiffin became the first governor of the new commonwealth, and Samuel Huntington took his seat as one of the first judges of the Ohio supreme court. In the same spring, "the inhabitants of the Town of Cleaveland met at the house of James Kingsbury, Esq., for a township meeting, and proceed and chose, Amos Spafford, Esq., Chairman. Xathl. Doan. Town Clerk. Amos Spafiford, Esq., James Kingsbury, Esq., and Timothy Doan, Truatces. James Kingsbury, Es(i., and James Hamilton, Ocerseers of the Poor. Rodolphus Edwards and Ezekiel Hawley and Amos Spafford, Esq., Fence Vieuers. Elijah Gun and Samuel Huntington, Esq., Appraisers of Houses. James Kingsbury, Esq., Lister. 64 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. V Wm. Elivin. James Kingsbury, Esq., and Tiraothj- Doan, Supervi- sors of Highways. Rodolphus Edwards. Constable." First Justices of the Peace In June, the electors again met at the same place and chose Amos Si>afford and Timothy Doan as justices of the peace. On the eleventh of October, the voters of the township of Cleveland met at the house of James Kingsbury. "When met, proceeded and appointed James Kingsbury, Esq., Timothy Doan, Esq., and Nath. Doan judges, and Rodolphus Edwards and Stephen Gilbert, clerks of the election." Judge James Kingsbury They were "sworn in by Timothy Doan, Jiustice of the Peace." Ben- jamin Tappan was elected senator; David Abbott and Ephraim Quim- by were elected representatives in the general a.ssembly. This Ben- jamin Tappan had come to the Reserve in 1799 and settled where Ravenna now is. According to the mami.script of the Rev. Thomas Barr, as quoted by Colonel Whittlesey, this was "a healthy year, marked by increased emigration." Under date of this year, Harris' Journal of a 'four mentions Cleveland as "a pleasant little town, favorably situated on the borders of Lake Erie, at the mouth of Cuvahoga River." 1802] THE FIRST MURDER 65 LejVding Business Men At this time, the leading business naen of Cleveland, other than Major Amos Spafford, who kept the tavern, were David Bryant, David Clark, Elisha Norton and Alexander Canipboll. The Iniildiug of Bryant's distillery has already been noted; the other three "kejit store" for the settlers and traded with the Indians. Campbell, a Scotchman, "saw that here was a good place to traffic with the stoic of the woods. He biiilt a rude store a little further up the hill, near the spring, but more towards the junction of Union and Mandrake lanes [see Spafford 's map, page 59]. . . . The same spring afterwards supplied the tannery of Samuel and Matthew William- son's establishment, on lot 202, the vats of which were directl.y across River Street." In this little cluster of cabins around the distillery under the hill the principal traffic of Cleveland was carried on. "Here the red man became supremely happy over a very small quantity of raw whisk.v, for which he paid the proceeds of many a hunt. If any- thing remained of his stock of skins after paying for his whisky, the beads, ribbons and trinkets of Mr. Campbell's store absorbed the entire stock. Here the squaws bartered and coquetted with the trader, who in their eyes was the .most important personage in the country. Here the wild hunter, in his dirty blanket, made the woods ring with his savage liowls, when exhilarated with drink." "Whatever one may think of David Bryant's business and commodity, one must judge him and them by the accepted standards of his day and not by those of today. "We have no reason to think that these New England pioneers were dissipated men, and even the Indians, "upon the whole, seem to have been moderately well behaved." Still it is on record that the first murder committed wdthin the limits of this city was caused by over- indulgence in strong drink. The traditional story is to the effect that one Menompsy, a medicine-man of the Chippewa or of the Ottawa tribe, had prescribed professionally for the wife of a certain Big Son of the Seneca tribe, and that the patient had died. In the dusk of an evening in 1802 or 1803 (the exact date is uncertain), Big Son and Menompsy, "somewhat elevated by the fire-water of Bryant's still," had an altercation. Big Son claimed that his wife had been killed and threatened to kill the medicine-man, but the latter claimed that he bore a charmed life and could not be hurt. "Me no 'fraid, " said Menompsy "as they walked out of the store [Campbell's] and took the trail that wound up the bluff, along Union Lane. "The Senecas were encamped on the east side of the river below Carter's and the Chippewas and Ottawas on the west side, partly up the hill. Vol. 1—5 66 CLEVELAND AND ITS EXVTROXS [Chap. V As they went along the path, Big Son put out his hand as though he intended a friendly shake, after the manner of white men. At the same time he drew a knife and stabbed Menompsy in the side. The blood spurted from his body, which Carter tried to stop with his hand, as the Indian fell. 'Nobsy broke now, yes, Nobsy broke,' were his last words. In a few minutes he was dead. The Chippewas took up the corpse and carried it to their camp on the west side. Major Carter knew full well what would happen unless the friends of Menompsy were appeased. During the night, the valley of the Cuyahoga echoed with their savage voices, infuriated by liquor and revenge. The Chippewas and Ottawas were more numerous than the Senecas. In the morning, the warriors of the first named nation were seen with their faces painted black, a certain symbol of war . . . The murder of Menompsy was compromised for a gallon of whisky, which Bryant was to make that day, being the next after the killing. One of the stipulations was that the body should be taken to Rocky River before it was 'covered,' or mourned for, with the help of the whisky. Bryant was busy and did not make the promised gallon of spirits. The Chippewas waited all day, and went over the river decidedly out of humor. They were followed and promised two gallons on the coming day, Avhieh reduced their camp halloo to the tone of a mere sullen murmur. But Carter and his party well knew that in this sup- pressed anger tliere was as much vengeance as iu the bowlings of the previous night. They fulfilled their promise and, upon receiving two gallons, the Chippewas and Ottawas took up the corpse, according to agreement, went to Rocky River and held their pow wow there. Carter did not sleep for two nights, and few of the residents enjoyed their beds very much until the funeral procession was out of sight." The Local MiIjItia Early in 1804, Captain Elijah "VVadswortli of Canfield was made major-general of the fourth division of the Ohio militia, which divi- sion embraced the northeastern part of the state. In April, General "Wadsworth divided his district into two brigade districts, the second of which embraced Ti-umbuU County. This brigade district was sub- divided into two regimental districts, which, in turn, were divided into company districts, the foui'th of which consisted of the townsliip of Cleveland. The several companies were ordered to choose their own officers. That the election of tlie fourth company was not in the nature of a love-feast appears from the report and the consequent remon- strance. The report, with its remarkable orthography, is as follows: 1804] A REGRETTABLE REMONSTRANCE 67 To Elijah Wadswoitli Mnj. Gcnl. ith Division: Agreeable to General orders, the (.Qualified Electors of the fourth Company district, in the second Brij^aile, of the fourth Division of the Ohio -Militia: met at the house of James Kingrsbery, Esc]., at eleven o'clock forenoon, and maid choice of three Jiidges and a clerk, and when duely sworn preceded and made choice of Loranzo Carter Cap- tain, and Nathaniel Doan Lieutenant, and Samuel Jones Ensign for sd Company given under our hands and seals at Cleveland Trunible county ; this seventh day of ^lay one thousand eight hundred and four. James Kingsbery, Nathaniel Doan, Benjamin Gold, Judges of the Election. The remonstrance is as follows: To Elijah Wadsworth, Major General of the 3d Division of Militia of the State of Ohio: Sir: — AYe, the undersigned, hereby beg leave to represent that the proceedings of the company of IMilitia, on Monday, the 7th day of instant I\Iay, in choosing ofificers. in our opinion, illegal and improper. Firstly. By admitting persons under the age of eighteen years to vote, and SeconcJh/. By admitting persons not liable to do military duty to vote. Thirdly. In admitting men to vote who did not belong to the town. Fourthly. By not comparing the votes with the poll book at the close of the election. "We also consider the man who is returned as chosen Captain inelagiblc to the office. Firstly. By giving spiritous liquors to the voters previous to the election. Secondly. On account of having fref|uently threatened to set the savages ag^ainst the inhabi- tants. All which charges we consider proveable and able to be sub- staneiated by good and sufficient witnesses. We therefore beg leave to request that the appointment of officers in the township of Cleaveland may be set aside, and the said company led to a new choice. Thadeus Lacey, William W. Williams, Rodolfus Edwards, Amos Spafford, Joel Thorp, Robert Carr, James Hamilton, Abner Cochran." The fact that Judge Kingsbury's name was misspelled suggests that someone else WTote the report and its signatures, while the fact that the remonstrance ascribed General Wadsworth to the third division of the state militia instead of the fourth, and the general tone of the document seem to indicate an intensity of bitterness that the successors of these early settlers of New Connecticut must regret. There is nothing to show that General Wadsworth made any inves- 68 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. V tigation of the charges. Captain Carter held the office to which he had been elected until the following August when he was made a major of militia. All in all, IMr. Kennedy's comments on this un- fortunate incident undoubtedly contain the essential truth. He says: "Viewing the charges against him [Carter] in the calm light of this later day, and from what is known of the man, we must set down the second charge as the hasty and ill-considered action of disappointed men. That Major Carter may have been a little free among the electors with the pi'oducts of the still across the way — he was an ambitious man, and those were convivial days — ^we do not doubt; if the objectors had drank and voted upon the same side that day, we should have heard nothing upon that point. But that Lorenzo Carter ever, for a moment, held an idea of acting the part of Simon Girty — of inciting the red man to deeds of violence against the white, we cannot for a moment believe." Clouded Titles to Indl\n Lands It will be remembered that Moses Cleaveland, while on his way to the Reserve in 1796, bought the Indian claims to the lands east of the Cuyahoga River, but the titles to lands west of the river, the holdings of the Connecticut Land Company and the Fire Lands alike were still clouded. Negotiations looking to the quieting of the Indian claims to these lands led to an agreement to hold a council at Cleveland in 1805. The council was to be held under the auspices of the United States government. The New York Indians sent an interpreter with' twenty-five or thirty delegates. In June, they were here a.s were also representatives of the general government, the Connecticut Laud Company, and tlie Fii-e Lands Company, but the western Indians, influenced it is said by certain parties in Detroit, failed to appear. After waiting a few days, the commissioners who were in attendance, "being well assured that the Indians would not meet them in treaty there," put their dignity in their pockets and journeyed westward. A formal council was finally held somewhere, perhaps at the Ogontz Place near Sandusky, perhaps at Fort In- dustry on the Maumce, seven or eight tribes being rein'cscnted. On the Fourth of July, a treaty was signed, b,y the terms of wliich the Indians surrendered all claims to all the lands of the Reserve. On the way back from the council, "William Dean wrote a letter that was addressed to "The Hon'l Sam'l Huntington, at the mills near Cleave- land." Judge Huntington had recently "abandoned his hewed log 1805] AN INDIAN TREATY 69 house, the most aristocratic rosideiice in f'leavolaml city and re- moved to the mills he had purchased at the falls of Mill creek." As compared with Cleveland City, Newburg was then much the larger settlement. Mr. Dean's letter was dated "On board the sloop Con- tractor, near Black river, July 7, 1805." It announced the making of the treaty "for the unextinguished part of the Connecticut Re- serve, and on account of the United States; for all the lands south of it, to the west line. Mv. Phelps and myself to pay about $7,000 in cash, and about $12,000 in six yearly payments of $2,000 each. The government pays $13,760, that is the annual interest, to the "Wyandots, Delawares, Munsecs, and to those Seneeas on the land forever. The expense of the treaty will be about $5,000, including rum, tobacco, bread, meat, presents, expenses of the seraglio, the commissioners, agents and conti-actors. " Mr. Dean intimated "some intention of making a purchase of considerable tracts of land, in different parts of the Reserve, amounting to about 30,000 acres; I beg of you to inform me what I should allow per acre, payments equal to cash; and address me at Easton, Pa. From thence, if I make a contract, I expect, with all speed, to send fifteen or twenty families of prancing Dutchmen." According to a statement by Abraham Tappan, the Indians, in making sale of their lands, "did so with much reluctance and, after the treaty was signed, many of them wept. On the day that the treaty was brought to a close, the specie in payment of the purchase money arrived on the treaty ground. The specie came from Pittsburgh, and was conveyed by the way of Warren, Cleaveland, and the lake shore to the place where wanted." It was in charge of an escort of half a dozen, in- cluding Lorenzo Carter, "all resolute men and well armed. The money and other property as presents to the Indians was distributed to them the next day after the signing of the treaty. The evening of the last day of the treaty, a barrel of whiskey was dealt out to the Indians. The consequent results of such a proceeding were all experienced at that time." In the following month, Abraham Tap- pan and a Mr. A. Sessions (Amos, Anson or Aaron) made an offer to measure off for the Fire Lands Company the half million acres at the western end of the Reserve and to survey and lay off into townships the lands between the Fire Lands and the Cuyahoga. The offer was accepted and, at the middle of May of 1806, the work was begun; it was vigorou.sly pushed forward to completion. The annual military election was held in May with Lorenzo Car- ter, William W. Williams, and William Erwin acting as .judges, and 70 CLEVELAND AND ITS EN^aRONS [Chap. V Rodolphus Edwards as clerk. Thirty votes were cast ; Nathaniel Doan was elected as captain, Samuel Jones as "leuf tenant," and Sylvamis Burk as ensign. The captain and the lieutenant received twenty- nine votes each and the ensign twent.y-four ; we have no record of any remonstrance. Early Mails and Postmasters For two yeai's after 1801, a fortnightly mail came via Youngs- town to Warren, the county seat and western terminus of the mail route. Subsequently the route was extended, via Ravenna and Hud- son, to Cleveland and thence along the old Indian trail via San- dusky and Toledo to Detroit. From Cleveland, the route ran via Painesville and Jelferson back to Warren. But in June, 1805, Gideon Granger, the postmaster-general, who was interested in lands on the west side of the river, visited Cleveland and made his famous pro- phecy that "within fifty yeai's an extensive city will occupy these grounds, and vessels will sail directly from this port into the At- lantic ocean." Soon after this, Elisha Norton became the first post- master of the future queen city of the lower lakes and the metropolis of Ohio. In the same year, John Walworth of Painesville, a native of Groton, Connecticut, became collector of the newly established district for the south shore of the lake — the district of Erie it was called. When Postmaster Norton gave up his office and moved into another county, as he soon did, JMr. Walworth was appointed his successor (October 22, 1805), sold his farm on the Grand River, and bought 300 acres in what is now the heart of the city, the region be- tween Huron and Erie (East Ninth) streets and the river. In April, 1806, he brought his family to Cleveland. Colonel Whittlesey tells us that Mr. Walworth "at fii"st occupied the uj)per part of a frame building on the north side of Superior street near Water [West Ninth I .street." In 1809, his family moved from this building to their home on the Walworth farm, Pittsburg street, and a small frame office was erected south of Superior street, where the American House now .stands (Nos. 639-649 Superior Avenue, West), "and was regarded as a novelty with metropolitan suggestions." For the fii-st quarter of 1806, the receipts of the Cleveland po.st-office aggre- gated two dollars and eighty-three cents. For the corresponding quarter of 1918, the receipts of the Cleveland i)Ostoffice amounted to $1,314,893.48. The postmaster and collector was soon appointed by President Jefferson as inspector of revenue for the port of Cuyahoga and, in 1806, Governor Tiffin made him. associate .iudge of the court 1805] END OF THE FIRST DECADE 71 of coniinnii picas for a term of seven years "if he shall so long be- have well." Thus Judge Walworth's little office housed the local authority of the city, the county, and the nation ; it soon accommodated also the solitary attorney and the only physician in tlie place. In this last year of C'levehind's first decade, Samuel Dodge, who had married a daughter of Timothy Doan, Iniilt his log cabin on Euclid Road and was named by the town.ship trustees as a .juryman. Judge Kingsbury put up the frame of a house that was finished in the following year, the luml)er being sawed in a mill newly built for him and the brick for the chimney being made on his own land ; "part of the upper story was finished off in a large room in which dances were held, and also Masonic communications, the Judge being a zealous member of the mystic order." In the same year, David Judge KiNGSBURi's House Clark died, the eleven-year-old son of ^lajor Carter was drowned at the mouth of the river, and the schooner "Washington" cleared at the port and sailed into the lake, the last that was ever heard of ship, cargo or crew. By this time, the unorganized settlement at the mouth of the Cuyahoga, although numericallj- smaller than New- burg, "was becoming a place large enough to be recognized by the world at large." Its further growth being assured, it will not be necessarj' to follow it with the minuteness of detail that has been given to the first germinations of the seed planted by General Cleave- land ten years before. Beginning of Cleveland 's Second Decade A letter written in 1860 by John Harmon of Ravenna gives some interesting glimpses of Cleveland at the beginning of its second dec- ade. ■ He says: "I first visited Cleaveland, that part now called 72 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap.V Newburg, in August, 1806, a boy sixteen and a half years, and spent some ten days, perhaps more, in the family of W. W. Williams. Dur- ing my stay there, I formed some acquaintance with those of the neighborhood, especially with those young men or youths of my age, among whom were the Williams,' the Hamiltons, the Plumbs and Kingsburys, the Burks and the Guns. The Miles' had not then ar- rived. We attended meetings in a log barn at Doan's Corners once or twice, to hear the announcement of a new sect, by one Daniel Parker, who preached what he called Halcyonism — since, I believe, it has become extinct. We bathed together under the fall of Mill Creek, gathered cranberries in the marshes westward of the Edward's place, and danced to the music of Major Samuel Jones' violin at his house, afterwards the residejice of my old friend. Captain Allen Gaylord. Judge Huntington, afterwards Governor, lived then, I believe, at the place afterwards occupied by Dexter or Brastus Miles. Newburg street was opened previously, from the mill north to Doan 's Cornel's, and was then lined with cultivated fields on both sides, nearly the whole distance from Judge Kingsbury's to the mill. But much dead timber remained on the fields. There were some orchards of apple trees on .some of the farms, and Judge Kingsbury's orchard bore a few apples that season, which was probably the first season of bearing. The Judge had a small nursery of apple trees, and there was a larger nursery of smaller trees on Mr. Williams' place." In the "latter part of the same letter, Mr. Harmon reminds us that, even then, Newburg 's rival was known as "Cleave! and City." As indi- cated in this letter, Samuel Huntington was then li\'ing in Newburg. His hewn timber mansion on the rear of the lot on lower Superior Street was too near the malarial "stagiumt pool" and so he bought the Williams' grist and saw mill at Newburg and moved to that vicinity. In the following year, he moved to his large estate near Painesville. In 1808, he resigned as a member of the Ohio supreme court and was elected as governor of the state. Nathan Perry Comes One of the most important arrivals of Ihis year was that of Nathan Peny, Sr., and his family. He had come to Ohio in 1796, and had bought, at fifty cents per acre, a thousand acres of land in what is now Lake County. He also secured five acres in "down-town" Cleve- land, the section bounded by the present Superior and St. Clair avenues and West Sixth (Bank) and West Ninth (Water) streets, and a larger tract, later known as the Horace Perry Farm, near 1806] IN GEAUGA COUNTY 73 the iiitcrecction of Broadway with what was long called Perry Street, the East Twenty-second Strjct of today. He made a further invest- ment at Black River, twenty-five or thirty miles west of the Cuya- hoga. In this year, Geauga County was set off from Trumbull County and included the greater part of what is now Cuyahoga County. The legislative act was dated on tlic thirty-first of December, 1805, and was to take effect on the first day of .Marcii. lcS06. The new county was organized as a civil body by establishing a court of common pleas and a board of county commissioners. The court held its first meeting on the first Tuesday of March, the .judges present being Nathan Perky Aaron "Wheeler, John Walworth, and Jesse Phelps. The first meet- ing of the board of commissioners was held on the sixth day of the following June. Although the Ordinance of 1787 establishing the territory north- west of the Ohio River required that schools and the means of educa- tion should be encouraged, and the Ohio constitution of 1802 reiter- ated the requirement and further declared that "no law shall be passed to prevent the poor in the several counties and townships within this State, from an equal participation in the schools, acade- mies, colleges, and universities within this State, which are endowed, in whole or in part, from the revenues arising from the donations made by the United States for the support of schools and colleges; and the doors of the said schools, academies, and universities shall be open for the reception of scholars, students, and teachers of every grade, without any distinction or preference whatever, contrary to 74 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. V the intent for which the said donations were made," nothing had yet been done for the support of schools by local or general taxation; in other words, the Ohio common-school law had not been enacted and such schools as existed were provided by private means. The schools kept by Miss Sarah Doan and Miss Anna Sijaffoi-d have been men- tioned; now came a more "ambitious endeavor" to teach the young idea how to shoot. Asael Adams, aged twenty, a native of Canter- bury', Connecticut, came to Cleveland and, in October, 1806, entered into contract as follows : Articles of agreement made and entered into between Asael Adams on the one part and the undersigned on the other, witnes.seth, that we, the undersigned, do agree to hire the said Adams for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) a month, to be paid in money or wheat at the market price, whenever such time may be that the school doth end, and to make said house comfortable for the school to be taught in, and to furnish benches and fire-wood sufficient. And I, the said Adams, do agree to keep six hours in each day, and to keep good order in said school. Mr. Kennedy, from whose work I have quoted this contract, tells us that this log school house stood near the foot of Superior Street and that, among its patrons were Samuel Huntington, James Kings- buiy, W. W. Williams, George Kilbourne, Susannah Hammil, Elijah Gun, and David Kellogg. One of the school houses of that period has been thus described: "A log-cabin with a I'ough stone chimney; a foot or two cut here and there to admit the light, with greased paper over the openings: a large fire-i)lace: puncheon floor; a few benches made of split logs with the flat side up, and a well developed birch rod over the master's seat." CHAPTER VI GETTING SETTLED The year 1807 was well marked by the last division of the Re- serve lands, the drawing for which was made at Hartford, Connecti- cut; Samuel P. Lord and others drew the township later known aa Brooklyn which then extended along the west baidi of the Cuya- hoga River to its mouth. The Brooklyn lots were soon surveyed and put upon the market. In the same year, a grand scheme for an improvement of the route that the Indians from time immemorial had followed from Lake Erie to the Ohio River made its appearance. The Cuyahoga and the Tuscarawas rivers were to be cleared of ob- struction and deepened where needed and the intervening portage path was to be made passable for wagons. It was thought that the improvement could be made for about twelve thousand dollars and an appeal was made to the Ohio legislature which authorized "The Cuya- hoga and Muskingum Navigation Lottery" for "improving the navi- gation between Lake Erie and the river Ohio through the Cuyahoga and JIuskingum, " — an easy way, it was thought, for raising the needed funds. At that time, such lotteries were in good repute and very much in fashion. The list of commissioners who were to manage the lottery included the names of such prominent Clevelanders as Lorenzo Carter, Timothy Doan, Samuel Huntington, James Kings- bury, Turhaiid Kirtland. Amos Spafford, and John Walworth. The scheme formulated by the commissioners provided for the sale of 12,800 tickets at five dollars each. The resultant $64,000 was to be dis- tributed in 3,568 prizes varying in value from ten dollars to five thou- sand dollars each, all prizes subject to a deduction of one-eighth. But the public did not buy more than a cjuarter of the tickets offered, the money that had been paid in was returned, the drawing was declared "off," and the scheme was abandoned. Nathan Peery, Jr. When Nathan Perry came to Ohio, his son, Nathan, was placed in the camp of Red Jacket, the famous and eloquent chief of the 75 76 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENA^RONS [Chap. VI Wolf Tribe of the Seueca Indians. Here the boy beeauie familiar with the langruage and peculiarities of the red men. In 1804, Nathan Perry, Jr., opened a trading station at Black River for the purchase of fui"s, etc., fi'om the Indians; in 1808, he moved to Cleveland and built a store and dwelling at what is now the northeast corner of Superior Avenue and West Ninth (Water) Street. He became one of the leading merchants of the city; his daughter married Henry B. Payne, later a member of the United States senate — whence the names of the Periy-Payne building on lower Superior Avenue, and what was, in the seventies, known as "Payne's Pastures," and through which Payne Avenue now runs. In the same year, came "Uncle" Abram Hickox as successor to Nathaniel Doan who had moved "into the country" out Euclid way. The new village blacksmith established 'Uncle" Abram Hickox himself on the north side of Superior Avenue, where the Jolmson House later stood, just west of the Rockefeller Building of today, and "soon become a local celebrity in his way." He afterwards built a small shop at tlie corner of Euclid Aveinie and Hickox (now East Third) Street which was named for him. In 1808, Major Carter built the "Zephyr of thirty tons burthen" for the lake trade, the beginning of the shi])-building industry of Cleveland. In April of the same year, a batteau that was carrying a jiarty on a fishing trip to Black River was upset by a sudden si|uail lialf a mile off the shore near Dover Point and four jxtsohs were drowned. Cleveland and Huron Highway in 1809, tlie Ohio legislalure apjiropriated mori(\v for Iho build- ing of a road from Cleveland to the uioulii of the Huron River and 1809] SENATOR GRISWOLD 77 the work was done under the supervision of Lorenzo Carter and Nathaniel Doan of Cleveland and Ebcnezer Murray of Mentor. This Cleveland and Huron higliway followed the ridge near the bank of the lake, was later called the Milan State Road, and still later the Detroit Road; its initial stretch is now known as Detroit Avenue. The mail between Cleveland and Detroit weighed from five to seven pounds and was carried in a satchel by a man who went on foot and traveled about thirty miles a day. After the beginning of the "War of 1S12, the United States mail between Cleveland and Detroit was carried on horseback until about 1820 wlien the stage-coach sup- planted the pony express. At this time, the eastern mail between Cleveland and "Warren was carried alternately by the two sons of Joseph Burke of Euclid, "on horseback in summer when the roads permitted and on foot the rest of the time." Going, their route ran through Hudson and Ravenna; coming back, it ran via Jef- ferson, Austinburg and Painesville. According to the formal re- port of Collector "Walworth, the value of the goods sent from the port of Cuyahoga to Canada from April to October, 1809, was about fifty dollars; the day of direct exportation from Cleveland to Europe had not yet arrived. Amos Stafford and Stanx,ey Griswold In this year (1809), Amos Spafford was elected as a representa- tive from Cleveland, Geauga County, to the state legislature. He was soon appointed collector of a new port of entry in the spring of 1810, and removed to Perrysburg, a few miles up the Maumee River from Toledo. He held his office until 1818 when he died. Among the additions of the year was Stanley Griswold, a native of Connecticut, a graduate of Yale, a school teacher, and an eloquent popular preacher. He was an ardent admirer of Thomas Jefferson who was then regarded by most of the New England clergy as little less than an atheist and, in 1797, on account of alleged heterodoxy, was excluded from the association of ministers of which he was a member. He soon abandoned the pulpit and became editor of a Democratic newspaper in New Hampshire. In 1805, President Jef- ferson made him secretary of the territory of Michigan under Gov- ernor "William Hull and collector of the port of Detroit; he had some trouble with the governor, removed to Cleveland and took up his residence at Doan 's Corners. "Without loss of time, his familiarity with practical politics led him into public service. "We find him acting as clerk of the township of Cleveland in place of the accus- 78 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENWIRONS [Cliap. YI tomed Nathaniel Doan, and when one of Ohio's senators unexpectedly resigned his seat in the national legislature, Governor Samuel Hunt- ington appointed his friend, Stanley Griswold, to fill out the unex- pired term. On the twenty-eighth of ^lay, 1S09, Mr. Griswold wrote from Somerset, Pennsylvania, to James Witherell, a letter showing that although he had lived here hardly long enough to be called an Ohio man, he had learned something of the possibilities of Cleve- land and the expectations of its leading citizens — expectations that were built on the faith in the future that' has made Cleveland what it is. For such reasons, I here insert the letter as printed by Colonel Whittlesey : Dear Sir: — Passing in the stage to the Federal City, I improve a little leisure to acknowledge j-our letter from Jefferson, Ohio, of the 16th instant. In reference to your inquiry (for a place for Doctor Elijah Coleman,) I have consulted the pi-incipal characters, particu- larly Judge Walworth, who concurs with me, that Cleveland would be an excellent place for a young physician, and cannot long i-emain unoccupied. This is based more on what the place is expected to be, than what it is. Even now a physician of eminence would command great practice, from being called to ride over a large country, say fifty miles each way. There is now none of eminent or ordinary character in that extent. But settlements are scattered, and roads new and bad, whicli would make it a painful practice. Within a few weeks Cleveland has been fixed upon by a committee of the Legislature as the seat of justice for Cuyahoga county. Several respectable characters will remove to that town. The country around bids fair to increase rapidly in population. A A'oung physician of tlie qualifications described by you, will be certain to succeed, but for a short time, if without means, must keep school, for which there is a good chance in winter, till a piece of ground, bring on a few goods, (for which it is a good stand,) or do something else in connection with his practice. I should be happy to see your friend. I am on my way to the Federal City, to take a seat in tlio Senate in place of I\Ir. Tiffin, who has recently resigned. Very truly your obedient servant, Stanley Griswoht. After the expiration of his senatorial term in 1810, Mr. Griswold became United States judge for the Northwest Territory and held that office tintil his death at Shawnectown, Illinois, in 1815. Levi Johnson Another important and a moi'e permanent addition 1o tlic popu- lation of Cleveland was Levi Jolnison. who soon became the master builder of the time and place. lie built for himself a log cabin 1809] LEVI JOHNSON 79 on the Euclid Road near the Public Square, and for others the old court-house and jail on the northwest section of the Square. Ac- cording to an ac'fount published by the Early Settlers' Association, "he built the first frame house in Cleaveland, for Judge John Wal- worth, where the American ITouse now stands." About 1811, lie finished for Rodolphus Edwards, the long famous "Buckeye House" that stood at what is now the intersection of Woodhill and Buckeye roads. This old landmark had been building for several years, most Levi Johnson of the boards being sawed by hand from logs that were supported so that one of the two men who worked the saw stood on top of the log while the other stood under it. The house was torn down in 1872. "In 1813 or 1814, he built the schooner 'Ladies' Master,' near his residence, which was hauled to the foot of Superior street by ox-teams of the country people, where she was launched. In 1817, he built the schooner 'Neptune,' on the river, near the foot of Eagle street, which was altogether in the woods. In 1824, he built the first steamboat constructed in Cleveland, the 'Enterprise,' just below the foot of St. Clair street." He died in 1871. so CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VI Ckeation op Cuyahoga County By a legislative act of February, 1807, the counties of Portage, Ashtabula and Cuyahoga were authorized; under this act, Cuyahoga was to "embrace so much of the county of Geauga as lay west of the ninth range of townships." The boundaries were fixed as fol- lows: "On the east side of Cuyahoga River, all north of town five and west of range nine; on the west side of the river, all north of town four and east of range fifteen." The boundaiy lines of the county have been .several times subsequently changed; it did not acquire its present limits until 1843. As appeai-s from Stanley Gris- wold's letter, already quoted, Cleveland had been fixed upon by a committee of the legislature as the county seat. One of these com- missioners sent to Abraham Tappau, a bill for his pay for services rendered in this matter. As preserved for us by Colonel Whittlesey, this communication reads as follows: Columbiana County, Oliio,) October, 1809. J Deir Sir : — I have called on Mr. Peaies for my Pay for fixing the Seat of Justis in the County of Cuyahoga and he informt me that he did not Chit it. Sir, I should take it as a favour of you would send it with Mister Peaies at your Nixt Cort and In so doing will oblige Your humble Sarvent R. B**r. Abraham Tappin Esq. A Leven Days Two Dollars per day. Twenty two Dollars. The judicial existence of Cuyahoga County dates from May, 1810, when the coiu-t of common pleas was organized with Benjamin Ruggles as presiding judge and Nathan Perry, Sr., Augustus Gil- bert and Timothy Doan as associate judges. The first session of the court was held in June, in a new frame building that Elias and Har- vey Murray had recently built for a store on the south side of Superior Street between the Public Square and Seneca (now West Third) Street. The store had not then been opened, but it soon "became one of the local mercantile features" of Cleveland. In The Bench and Bar of Cleveland, Mr. F. T. Wallace tells us (1889) that at the June session of the court "Alfred Kelley appears in the second case on the docket, on belialf of Ralph M. Pomeroy vs. James Leach. Suit on a note of hand dated October 27, 1808, 'at Black Rock, to-wit, at Cleveland,' for .+80, and in another sum of $150. This case was continued one term, and then discontinued by settle- ment. And now, in the third case, tlic famous old pioneer, Rodolphus 1810] IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY 81 Edwanls, was chosen defendant in tlie suit of one John S. Recde. It was an appealed case from Justiee Erastus ^liles' conrt, by the plain- tiff, the justiec having deeiiled that the plaintiff had no case against Edwards. The plaintiff failed to prosecute his appeal, and the old pioneer was decreed to 'go' with judgment for his costs, $8.54. R. B. Parkman was defendant's attorney." The judges appointed John Walworth as county clerk and "Peter Hitchcock of Geauga" as prosecuting attorney. The prosecuting attorney I'eceived fifteen dol- lars for the term's work ; his successor was soon appointed. A Iwai'd of county commissioners, to which were transferred the fiscal and ad- ministrative duties that liad previously been performed by the court of quarter sessions, a slicriff and other pffieers were elected for a two years' term as provided for by the constitution and the laws of the state. The county commissioners were Jabez Wright and Nathaniel Doan ; the sheriff and surveyor was Samuel S. Baldwin ; the treasurer was Asa Dille. Under the judicial system then in opera- tion, the Ohio supreme court held annual sessions in the several counties; the first session for Cuyahoga County was held in August, 1810. John Walworth was given still another office, clerk of the court, and Alfred Kelley w-as admitted to practice in the said court. At the November term of the court of common pleas, the said Alfred Kelley was, on motion of Peter Hitchcock of Geauga, chosen as prosecuting attorney. The centennial of the organization of Cuya- hoga Comity wa,s the occa.sion of an elaborate six-days' celebration at Cleveland in October, 1910. FmsT Tanneries In 1810, Cleveland had a population of only fifty -seven persons, while Cuyahoga County had about fifteen hundred. About this time. Major Carter built a warehouse on Union Lane (see Spafford map, page .59) "showing that business was gi'owing down in that section of the village; and Elias Cozad built out at Doan's Corners the first tannery operated in Cleveland, and this was followed by a like structure erected by [the brothers] Samuel and Matthew William- son, either toward the end of this year or the opening of 1811." This Samuel Williamson was born in Cumberland County, Pennsyl- vania, came to Cleveland in 1810, and carried on the tanning business until his death in 1834. Having served as an associate judge of the court of common pleas, he was, in later life, called "Judge" Williamson. The oldest of his seven children also bore the name Samuel and was two years old when the family came to Cleveland. 82 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. VI The son was graduated from college iu 1829, studied law in the office of S. J. Andrews (of whom we shall soon hear more), and was admitted to the bar in 1832. He retired from general practice in 1872 to accept the presidency of the Cleveland Society for Savings. He served as a member of the city council, the board of education, S.\MUEL Williamson and the state senate and occupied nian,\- other positions of trust. He lived to be the oldest resident of the eitv and ilicd in 1884.* Pioneer Legal Matters At the November lenu of the cuiirt, (uie Daniel Miner was prosecuted for "not having obtained sucli license or peraiit as the law directs to keep a tavern, or to sell, liaiMcr or deliver, for money * See Biograjiliical Sketch. 1810] THE FIRST PHYSICIAN 83 or other article of value, any wine, rum, brandy, whisky, spirits or strong: drink by less quantity than one quart, did, with intent to defraud the revenue of the county, ou the 25th of October last past, sell, barter and deliver at Cleveland aforesaid, wine, vwm, brandy, whisky and spirits by less qnantity than one quart, to-wit, one gill of whisky for the sum of six cents in money, contrary to the statute, etc. " The defendant pleaded guilty and was fined twenty- five cents. In further illumination of public sentiment oh the liquor question and the irritating iterations of legal phraseology, we are told by Mr. Kennedy that, in its first few years of existence, the court "saw Ambrose Hecox charged with selling 'one-half yard of cotton cambric, six yards of Indian cotton cloth, one-half pound Hyson skin tea, without license, contrary to the statute law regulating ferries, taverns, stores, etc;' Erastus ililes prosecuted for selling liquor to the Indians; Thomas ]McIlrath for trading one quart of whisky for three raccoon skins ; and John S. Reede and Banks Finch for engaging in a 'fight and box at fisticuffs.' The indictment de- clared in solemn form that 'John S. Reede, of Black River, and Banks Finch, of Huron township, in said county, on the 1st day of February, 1812, with force and arms, in the peace of God and the State, then and there being, did, then and there with each other agree, and in and upon each other did then and there assault and with each other did then and there wilfully fight and box at fisticuffs, and each other did then and there strike, kick, cuff, bite, bruise, wound and ill-treat, against the statute and the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio.' " Dr. D.wid Loxg The year 1810 was further made memorable in Cleveland annals by the arrival of several pereons wlio were destined to play import- ant parts in the development of Cleveland and Ohio; among them were a doctor and a lawyer. As indicated in the letter written by Senator-elect Griswold, already quoted, "Cleavelaud would be an excellent place for a young physician and cannot long remain un- occupied." The vacancy did not long endure for now Dr. David Long, who had been graduated in New York City, arrived in June, 1810. There was then no practicing physician nearer than Hudson or Painesville. He "hung out his shingle" on the little frame office that had been built for ^Ir. Walworth and soon secured an exten- sive practice. In an interesting magazine article on Pioneer Medi- cine on the Reserve, Dr. Dudley Allen tells lis that "Dr. Long 84 CLEVELAND AND ITS EN^^ROXS [Chap. VI was a public-spirited man aud interested in whatever concerned the welfare of the eommunity. He was a successful candidate for the office of county commissioner at a time [1826] when the location of the court-house greatly excited the interest of tlu^ eoiuity. One commissioner favored Newburg and another Cleveland, aud the elec- tion of Dr. Long determined its location in Cleveland. He was en- gaged in various business enterprises, but a contract for building Dr. D.wid Long a section of the canal pi'oved to be an unfortunate business ven- ture, though it was of great importance to the commercial interests of Cleveland. In 1836, Dr. Long removed from Superior Street to a farm on what is now Woodland Avenue, but M'as then called Kinsman Street. Here he built the first stone house occupied by the late Erastus Gaylord, and afterward the house still standing [1886] on the corner of Woodland and Longwood avenues, in which house he lived till the lime of his death, September 1. 1851." In 1810] THE FIKST LAWYER 85 1811, Doctor Long married Jiiliauiia, tlic daughter of Jolin Walworth. In 1833, their only daughter, JMary Helen, married Solomon Lewis Severance. She was the mother of Solon L. and Louis H. Severance, two of the most prominent and successful men of later Cleveland. In the year of his marriage. Doctor Long became the first president of au anti-slavery society, the secretary of which was S. L. Severance. It is easy to imagine that in the long evenings of the preceding winter, Mr. Severance and Doctor Long discussed the wrongs and sorrows of the southern slaves until it was time for the doctor to go to bed and leave the young folks to talk over other matters. Although Samuel Huntington was a lawyer, he did not practice his profession in his brief stay here; Cleveland's first active lawyer was Alfred Kellej', magnum nomcn. Alfred, the second son of Daniel Kelley, was born at Middlefield, Connecticut, on the seventh of November, 1789 ; his mother was Jemima, a sister of Joshua Stow, one of the thirty-five original members of the Connecticut Land Company and commissaiy of the surveying party that Moses Cleave- land led to the Reserve in 1796. In 1798, the family had moved from Middlefield to Lowville "in the wilds of New York" (then Oneida, now Lewis County) and thei-e their worldly affairs had pros- pered; in the words of the family historian, "Judge Kelley 's circum- stances came to be what would in those days be called comparatively easy." He was generally called Judge Kelley. This Daniel and Jemima had six sons, the oldest of whom was Datus. "It is not a matter of surprise," says the historian just mentioned, "that the prominent connection of their uncle with the purchase of a vast territory in the far west should engage the j'oung men's attention in the strongest manner. Datus caught the western fever first and, in 1810, made the journey on foot to Cleveland, Ohio, or New Con- necticut as the Western Reserve was then popularly called. He returned to Lowville that year, however, without having decided upon a location. In 1810, Alfred removed to Cleveland. In 1811, he was followed by Datus ; in 1812, by Irad, and early in 1814 by Reynolds," the younger brothers. The parents appear to have given to each of their sons a thousand dollars with which to seek their fortunes in the West and gradually to have disposed of their property in Lowville preparatory to their owti removal to Ohio and the long cherished reunion of the family there. Alfred Kelley had entered the law office of one of the judges of the supreme court of New York in 1807 and there remained until the spring of 1810, M'hen he came to Cleveland on horseback and in company with his uncle, Joshua Stow, and Dr. Jared P. Kirtland, of whom 86 CLEVELAXD AND ITS ENl'IRONS [Chap. VI we shall hear more. At the November term of the newly constituted court of the newly organized county of Cuyahoga, Alfred Kelley was, on the twent.y-first anniversary of his birth and, on the mo- tion of Peter Hitchcock, as alreadj' recorded, made public prose- cutor, an office that he held by successive appointments until 1822, when he resigned to become canal commissioner of Ohio. As we have seen, the promising young man had appeared as counsel at Alfred Kelley the June session of the court; we shall probably hoar of him again. In September, 1814, the father, Judge Daniel Kelley, and his wife, left Lowville and, by land and water, made their way to Cleveland, leaving their son, Thomas, at school in the East. In October, the judge wrote to Tliomas and, referring to "our arrival at Bufl'alow, " added: "We were obliged to stay in lliat uncomfortable place on account of head winds until Tuesday afternoon, the 4tli inst., when we all embarked on board of a schooner and set oil", with a gentle 1811-12] VERBAL 1VLA.P AND CENSUS 87 breeze, for Cleaveland." But the gentle breeze gave way for storm and sickness so that the family landed at- Erie and made the rest of the journey by land. Near the end of the year, he further re- ported to Thomas that "we have been keeping house by ourselves about 12 days, are pretty comfortable as to house room, etc. Irad returned from Buft'alow yesterday with some goods. Their store and house is nearly finished. They move into it this week." Thomas was at Cleveland by June, 1815, but his mother died in the following September, four days after the death of her son, Daniel. After her death. Judge Kelley and his sons, Alfred, Irad, and Thomas made their home with one of the younger brothers, Joseph Reynolds Kelley, until 1817, when Alfred married and his father went to live with him. lie died in 1831.* Clevelandebs op 1811-12 Before passing to the story of more stirring events, it seems worth while to reproduce what Mr. Kennedy calls "a combined verbal map and a census" of Cleveland and Its Environs at this period. In one of the Annals of the Early Settlers' Association, Mr. T. L. Morgan says : The following, to the best of my recollection, are the names of men who lived in what was then Cleveland, in the fall of 1811 and spring of 1812. Possibly a few names may be missing. I will begin north of the Kingsbury creek, on Broadway : The first was Maj. Samuel Jones, on the hill near the turn of the road; farther down came Judge John Walworth, then postmaster, and his oldest son, A. W. Walworth, apd son-in-law. Dr. David Long. Then, on the corner where the Forest City House now stands, was a Mr. Morey. The next was near the now American House, where the little post-ofSce then stood, occupied by Mr. Hanchet, who had just started a little store. Close by was a tav- ern, kept by Mr. George Wallace. On the top of the hill, north of Main street. Lorenzo Carter and son, Lorenzo, Jr., who kept tavern also. The only house below on Water street was owned by Judge Samuel Williamson, with his familv and his brother Matthew, who had a tan- nery on the side hill below. On the corner of Water and Superior stre'ets was Nathan Perry's store, and his brother, Horace Perry, lived near by. Levi Johnson began in Cleveland about that time, likewise two brothers of his, who came on soon after; Benjamin, a one-legged man ; and T think the other's name was John. The first and last were lake captains for a time. Abraham Hiekox, the old blacksmith ; Alfred Kelley. Esq., who boarded with 'Squire Walworth at that time ; then a Mr. Bailey, also Elias and Harvey Murray, and perhaps a very few * See Biographical Sketch. 88 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VI others in town not named. On what is now Euclid avenue, from Monu- mental Square through the woods to East Cleveland, was but one man, Nathan Chapman, who lived in a small shanty, with a small clearing around him, and near the present Euclid Station. [East Fifty-fifth Street.] He died soon after. Then at what was called Doan's Cor- nel's lived two families only, Nathaniel, the older, and I\Iaj. Scth Doan. Then on the south, now Woodland Hills avenvie, first came Richard Blin, Rodolphus Edwards, and Mr. Stephens, a school teacher; Mr. Honey, James Kingsbury, David Burras, Eben Hosmer, John Wight- man, William W. Williams, and three sons, Frederick, William W., Jr., and Joseph. Next, on the Carter place, Philomen Baldwin, and four sons, Philomen. Jr., Amos, Caleb and Rnna. Next, James Hamilton ; then Samuel Hamilton (who was drowned in the lake), his widow, and three sons, Chester, Justice and Samuel, Jr., in what was called Newburg and now Cleveland. Six by the name of Miles — Erastus, Theodore, Charles, Samuel, Thompson, and Daniel. Widow White with five sons, John, William, Solomon, Samuel, and Lyman. A Mr. Barnes, Henry Edwards, Allen Gaylord, and father and mother. In the spring of 1812, came Noble Bates, Ephraim and Jedediah Hubbel, with their aged father and mother (the latter soon after died) : in each family were several sons: Stephen Gilbert, Sylvester [Sylva- nus?] Burk, wdth six sons. B. B. Burk, Gains, Erectus, etc.; Abner Cochran, on what is now called Aetna street. Samuel S. Baldwin, Esq., was sheriif and county surveyor, and hung the noted Indian, John O'Mic, in 1812. Next,"Y. L. Morgan, with three sons, Y. L., Jr., Caleb, and Isham A. The next, on the present Broadway, Dyer Sherman, Christopher Gunn, Elijah, Charles and Elijah Gunn, Jr. ; Robert Ful- ton, Robert Carr, Samuel Dille, Ira Ensign, Ezekiel Holly, and two sons, Lorin and Alphonso, Widow Clark and four sons, Mason, Martin, Jarvis, and Rufus. In another of the ann-als, Isham A. ]\Torgan, one of the three sons above mentioned, helps to fill out the description. He says-. A few houses of the primitive order located along Superior street between the river and the Public Scpiare, with here and there a tem- porary dwelling in Ihe bushy vicinity, gave but a slight indication that it was the beginning of a future large city. I remember when there was no court house in Cleveland, nor a church building in Cuyahoga County, nor a bridge across the river fi'om the outlet to Cuyahoga Falls. The outlet of the river, at that time, was some 120 yards west of where it is now (1881). and was sometimes completely barred across with sand by storms, so that men liaving on low shoes have walked across without wetting their feet. A ferry at the foot of Superior street, consisting of one flat-boat and a skiff, answered the purpose to convey over the river all who desired, for (|uite a numlier of years. . . . The first water supply for extinguishing fires in Cleveland was a public well eight feet "across, with a wheel and two buckets, situated on Bank street near Superior. In those days nearly every family had a well at their back door, of good water for every purpose except wash- 1811-12] DATUS KELLEY 89 iiig. To supply water for washing, when rain water failed, Benhu John- son, a soldier of the war of 18112-14 (who lost a leg in the eampaign and siihstituted a wooden one), with his pony and wagon, supplied as many as needed, from the lake al twenty-live eents a load of two han'els ; and Jahez Kellev furnished the soap at a shilling a gallon, made at his log soap and caiidk' faetory, located on Superior street, near the river. . . . AVliere Prospeet street is now, next to Ontario, was the old cemetery, surrounded by hushes and blaekberry briars. Outside of the cemetery, west, south and east, the forest stood in its native grandeur. On Ontario street, a little south of the old ccmetei-y, was a large mound, supposed to be the work of the IMound Builders of x)rehistoric times. It stood several years after we eanie, before it was made level with the surrounding earth." Kelley's Island In 1810, Datus Kelley, the elder brother of Alfred Kelley, had visited Cleveland and returned to his home at Lowvillc, New York ; in 1811, he came out again, returned to Lowville, and, in August, married Sai-ah Dean. Soon after this he removed to Ohio with his wife and accompanied by one of his brothers and by a brother and a sister of his wife, '"rjike manj^ modern bridal couples, they visited Niagara Falls on their wedding journey, which was made by team to Sackett's Harbor, boat to Fort Erie, team to Chippewa and 'the schooner Zephyr, 45 tons burthen' from Black Rock to Cleveland, where they arrived about the middle of October. Datus and his bride kept house in a new warehouse at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River during the first week or two after their arrival and pending the selection of their farm." The farm that he finally bought cost him .$.3.18 per acre; it lay about a mile west of Rocky River and extended from the North Ridge road to the lake. Here his nine children were born. In 1833, he and his brother, Irad, bought the western half of Cunningham's (now known as Kelley's) Island in Lake Erie at a dollar and a half per acre. Other purchases followed lintil they owned the whole island, about three thousand acres. At that time, the island was covered with valuable forests of cedar. Hither Datus Kelley removed with his family in 1836, and spent the rest of his life in developing the material resources of the island and the social, moral, and civic activities of its inhabitants. He cleared the land of its cedar forests, introduced the cultivation of the grape and peach, opened limestone quarries, and became the patriarch of the community. He died in 1866 and was buried on the island to which he had given his name and the best part of his life work. He merited the obituary eulogy that said : ' ' Few men have been so loved by 90 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKOXS [Chap. VI a whole commuuitj'. A fitting monument has been erected in the hearts not only of kindred, but of many who for years have looked to him as to a father. The island today mourns the founder of its prosperity; it mourns its Pati-iarch who has gone to sleep bj- the side of his beloved wife; it mourns the benevolent patron of liberal institutions; it mourns the father and friend from whose lips have fallen so many words of wisdom and kindness." At the present time (1918), "The Patriarch" is worthily represented in Cleveland by his grandson, Hermon Alfred Kelley, one of the most prominent attorneys of the city, to whom I am much indebted for information relating to Alfred and Datus Kelley. In later years, the island was much sought by scientifie visitors who were interested in the glacial striae grooved in the surface of the limestone rock — a storehouse of "specimens" that were x'emoved by eager collectors. Today it is the chief source of supply of the Kelley Island Lime and Transport Companj% and famous for its vinous product of which Mark Twain once said: "You can't fool me with Kelley Island wine; I can tell it from vinegar every time — by the label on the bottle." At one time, the vats of the Kelley Island Wine Company had a capacity of half a million gallons. CHAPTER VII "CLEVELAND CITY" BECOMES A VILLAGE In 1812, came the seeoiid and last war with England. "Although actual hostilities never touched the city and no force of the enemy appeared at its gates, the center of the war upon the lakes and in the west was near enough to keep it in hourly fear, and to make the port of Cuyahoga an important base for supplies, and a point for the gathering and moving of troops." Of course, "no one could tell at what moment a British warship might anchor off the harbor and knock the little town to pieces, or a baud of Indians creep in by night and give the settlement to fire and death," and so there was no lack of apprehension and turmoil. A small stockade, named Fort Huntington in honor of the recent governor of Ohio, was built on the shore of the lake near the foot of West Third Street and sei'ved nobly "as a guard-house for soldiers who were under ar- rest." Congress declared war in June and, in August, came news of General Hull's disgraceful surrender of Detroit (August 16, 1812). At any moment, the victorious British and their Indian allies might come sweeping along the southern shore of Lake Erie with Hun-like devastation and massacre such as soon fell to the lot of settlers at Frenchtown (now Monroe) on the River Raisin in Michigan. At Cleveland, the excitement rose to fever heat and calls for aid were sent in all directions with the warnings. Concerning the panic caused by the news of the surrender of Detroit, a letter written by Alfred Kelley says : ' ' Information was received at Cleveland, through a scout from Huron, that a large number of British troops and Indians were seen from the shore, in boats, proceeding down the lake, and that they would probably reach Cleveland in the course of the ensuing night. This information spread rapidly through the surrounding settlements. A large proportion of the families in Cleveland, Newburg (then part of Cleveland), and Euclid, imme- diately on the receipt of this news, took such necessary articles of food, clothing and utensils as they could eaiTy, and started for the more populous and less exposed parts of the interior. About thirty men only remained, determined to meet the enemy if they should 91 92- CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VII come, and, if possible, prevent their landing. They determined at least to do all in their power to allay the panic, and prevent the depopulation of the country." In an ai-tiele printed in the Annals of the Early Settlers' Association, Isham A. ]Morgan says: "One day the people at the mouth of Huron River discovered parties com- ing in boats; they were a good deal alarmed, as they supposed them to be British and Indians to be let loose on the almost defenseless settlers. A courier was immediately sent to Cleveland to give the alarm there. Major Samuel Jones, of Cleveland, got on his horee and scoured the country round, telling the people to go to Doan's Cornel's, and there would be a guai-d to protect them as best they could. My brother yoked and hitched the oxen to the wagon, as we then had but one horse. After piitting a few necessary ai-ticles into the wagon and burying a few others, all went to Doan's Cor- ners — East Cleveland, where most of the people in Cleveland and vicinity assembled, ily father had been ill with a fever, and was scarcely able to be about; he took the gim which had beeu brought along, and handed it to my brother, Y. L. Morgan, who was a good shot, and said to him, 'If the Indians come, you see that there is one less to go away!' That night was spent in expectation not the pleasantest. A few men had stayed in Cleveland, to .watch develop- ments there. In the morning. Captain Allen Gaylord was seen approaching the encampment, waving his sword, and saying, 'To your tents, oh Israel! General Hull has surrendered to the British general, and our men, instead of Indians, were seen off Huron. They are returning to their homes.' Thankful were all that it turned out with them to be nothing wor.se than the inconvenience of fleeing from their homes on short notice under unpleasant circumstances." By reason of their dread of the British and their red allies, many families abandoned their homes and returned to the older states more remote from the international line. They who remained be- came accustomed to the din of war-like preparation. The War op 1812 at Cleveland At this time, there were two companies of militia near at hand, one in Cleveland and one in Ncwburg. The Cleveland company had about fifty men ; Harvey Murray M'as captain, Lewis Dillc was lieu- tenant, and Alfred Kclley was ensign. The full company roster is printed in Kennedy's History of Cleveland. "While the refugees were gathering at Doan's Comers as above described, preparations were being made for defense if the enemy made an attack. General Wads- 1812] IX WAR TIME 93 worth called all of the militia of his division into the field and arrived at Cleveland on the twenty-fourth of August, accompanied by a mounted escort. Colonel Lewis Cass, then on parole, arrived at Cleve- land that day on his way to Washington to make his indignant re- port of the surrender of -Detroit. On his way to the national capital, Colonel Cass was accompanied by Samuel Huntington, once a resi- dent of Cleveland but now of Painesville. ^Ir. Huntington bore a letter from General Wadsworth to the war department, stating that he had called out three thousand uu>n and was in need of arms, am- munition, equipment and rations. Later in the month, General Simon Perkins of Warren arrived with additional troops. Most of the First Courthouse troops were soon sent further west to build block-houses and to pro- tect the people leaving only a small guard on duty at Cleveland dur- ing the somewhat quiet winter that followed. The first city directory of Cleveland (published in 1837) says that "During the years of the war there wa^ much bluster, coming, going and parading, ups and downs, anxiety and carelessness in Cleveland. But when the war was over, the city was found not much the better or worse. Jlany, however, became acquainted with its pleasant location and its ad- vantageous situation, which otherwise probably would have remained ignorant of them. ' ' Cuyahoga was now a county and Cleveland won in its struggle with Newburg for the prestige that generally goes with the seat of justice. Therefore, in this year of alarms, the county commis- 94 CLEVELAND AND ITS EmaRONS [Chap. VII sioners made a contract with Levi Johnson, the master builder of that day, for the buikling of a combined court-house and jail on the northwest corner of the Public Square. Tlic building was two stories high, with a jail and a living-room for the sherifif on the ground floor and a court-room above. According to another account, "at the west end, lower story, was the jail, with debtors' and criminals' grated windows in front; east end, upper storj', the court-room. At the landing of the inside staircase a fireplace, sizzling green oak wood, feebly struggled to warm the institution." The building was not completed until 1813; in it. after that date, "justice, according to the high Cuyahoga standard, was administered for some fifteen years. ' ' The court-i'oom also became the scene of many social gather- ings, and to it the annual town meetings for election and other pur- poses were transferred from the residences of citizens in which they had been held — generally "the house of James Kingsbury, Esq." The First Murder and Execution In this j'ear also came Cuyahoga's first trial, conviction, and execution for murder, an incident on which much good ink has been spilled. In brief, there was an Indian whose name is variously given as O'Mic, O'Mick, Omie, and Poecon the son of old O'Mic. What- ever his name, he was implicated with two other Indians in the murder of two trappers near Sandusky, Huron County being then attached to Cuyahoga for judicial purposes. One of the three Indians committed suicide "and another was let go because of his youth." The murder was committed in April aiul, with charming disregard of the law's vexatious delays, the trial was held before the end of the month. The court sat in the open air under the pro- tecting shade of a tree at the corner of Superior and West Ninth streets, with Alfred Kelle.y as prosecuting attorney and Peter Hitch- eoek as counsel for the defendant. The trial was short, the verdict was "guilty," and the sentence was death by hanging on the twenty- sixth of the following June. The gallows M^as built "by Levi Johnson on the northwest section of the Public Square; the grave and coffin were beneath it. Mrs. Dr. Long says that "all the people from the Western Reserve seemed to be there, particularly the doctors," — and the doctors got the body. "After the religious services were over," wrote Elisha Whittlesey who was there, "Maj. Samuel Jones endeavored to form a hollow square so the prisoner could be guarded on all sides. He rode backwards and forwards with drawn sword, and epaulets flying, but ho did not know what order to give." He 1812] THE EXECUTION OF O'MIC 95 finally acted upon the suggestion of someone wlio told him to ride to the head of the line and double it around until tlie front and rear met. Perhaps the major had lingered too long at Lorenzo Carter's tavern. The details of the cxceution were dramatic, O'lMic made %-igorous resistance, "seized the cap with his left hand which he could reach by bending his head in that direction, stepped to one of the posts and put his arm around it. The sheriff approached him to loosen his hold and for a moment it was doubtful whether O'Mic would not throw him to the ground;" Major Carter had to ascend the platform to give his diplomatic aid to Sheriff Baldwin. We have the assurance of Wr. Whittlesey that "finally O'Mic made a proposition that if Mr. Carter would give him half a pint of whiskey he would consent to die. . . . Mr. Carter, rcpresentmg the people of Ohio and the dignity of the laws, thought that the terms were reasonable and the whiskey was forthcoming in short order," w-real old Jlonongahela, we are told. When 0']\lie had finished the beverage, the order was given to go ahead. But the Indian again grabbed the post and demanded more whiskey. This was brought and, as he drank it, the trap was sprung. After the platform had been dropped, it was "doubtful whether the neck had been broken, and to accomplish so necessary a part of a hanging, the rope was drawn down wnth the design of raising the body, so that, by a sudden relaxing of the ropes, the body woidd fall several feet and thereby dislocate the neck beyond any doubt; but when the body fell, the rope broke. . . . The body was picked up, put into the coffin, and the coffin immediately put into the grave." A terrific storm then came up with great rapidity "and all scampered but O'Mic." The sequel of the story was recorded by the wife of Doctor Long as follows: "The Public Square was only partly cleared then, and had man}' stumps and bushes on it. At night the doctors went for the body, with the tacit consent of the Sheriff. O'Mic was about twenty-one years of age, and was very fat and heavy. Dr. Long did not think one man could carry him, but Dr. Allen, who was very stout, thought he could. He was put upon Dr. Allen's back, who soon fell over a stump and 'Mie on the top of him. The doctors dare not laugh aloud, for fear they might be discovered, but some of them were obliged to lie down on the groiind and roll around there, before they came to the relief of Dr. Allen." C^U'TAiN Stajn'Ton Sholes at Cleveland Major Jessup, U. S. A., arrived in the spring of 1813 and took command of military affairs at Cleveland ; in May, came Captain Stan- 96 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENt^/'IRQNS [Chap. VII ton Sholes and his company of regular troops. Probably I cannot do better than to let Captain Sholes tell his story in his own way. In 1858, he wrote to the secretary of the Cuyahoga County Historical Society, saying : Sir: — With a trembling hand I will state to the Society, that about the 3d of May, 1813, I received orders from the War Depart- ment, to march my company (then at Beavertown, Pennsylvania) to Cleveland, Ohio, to aid in the defence of this frontier and "to estab- lish a militaiy post. On the 10th, I, with my company, arrived at Cleveland, and found IMajor Jessup and two or three companies of militia, called out some months before. I halted my company between Major Carter's and Wallace's. I was here met by Governor Meigs, who gave me a most cordial welcome, as did all the citizens. The Governor took me to a place, where my company could pitch their tents. I found no place of defense, no hospital, and a forest of large timber, (mostly chestnut) between the lake, and the lake road. There was a road that turned off between Mr. Perry's and Major Carter's that went to the point, whicli was the only place that the lake could be seen from the buildings. This little cluster of buildings was all of wood, I think none painted. There were a few houses further l)ack from the lake road. The widow Walworth kept the post office, or Ashbel, her son. Mr. L. Johnson, Judge Kingsbury, Major Carter, N. Perry, Geo. Wallace, and a few others were there. At my arrival I found a number of sick and wounded who were of Hull's surrender, sent here from Detroit, and more coming. These were crowded into a log cabin, and no one to care for them. I sent one or two of my soldiers to take care of them, as they liad no friends. I had two or three good carpenters in my company, and set them to work to build a hospital. I very soon got up a good one, thirty by twenty feet, smoothly and tightly covered, and floored with chestnut bark, with two tier of bunks around the walls, with doors and windows, and not a nail, a screw, or iron latch or hinge about the liuildiiig. Its cost to the Government was a few extra rations. In a short time I had all the bunks well st rawed, and tlie sick and wounded good and clean, to their great joy and comfort, but some had fallen asleep. I next went to work and built a small fort, about fifty yards from tlie bank of the lake, in the forest. This fort finished, I set the men to felling the tim- ber along and near the bank of the lake, rolling the logs and brush near the brink of tlie bank, to serve as a breastwork. On the 19th of June, a part of the British fleet appeared off our harbor, with the apparent design to land. When they got within one and a half miles of onr harbor it became a perfect calm, and they lay there till after noon, when a most terrible fliunder storm came up, and drove them from onr coast. We saw them no more as enemies. Captain Sholes further tells ns that, in July, General Harrison vi.sited the station accompanied by "Col. Samuel Huntington, Pay- master of tlie army and cx-Govcrnor of this state," and other mem- 98 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIEOXS [Chap. YII bers of his staff: that after a thi'ee days' inspection, "the General and suite left Cleveland as he found it, to return to the army, then lying at the mouth of the Maumee River. After General Harrison left there was nothing worthy of note." When, in September, Oliver Hazard Perry was winning his famous battle of Lake Erie, the sound of the guns was heard in Cleveland and soon came the cheerful tidings that "We have met the enemy and they are ours." But the battle Avas fought outside the limits of Cleveland and Us Environs and its story is familiar to all Americans. But if the reader of this volume desires full and accurate information as to the details and results of Perry's victory, he can find what he wants in the ninth chapter of the eighth volume of Avery's History of the United States and Its People. Cleveland Village Incorporated In 1814, Levi Johnson built the schooner "Pilot," in the woods near the site of the opera house (Euclid Avenue and East Fourth Street). With rollers under the boat and twenty-eight yoke of oxen on the tow line, the "Pilot" was pulled to the foot of Superior Street and was successfully launched in the not yet oil-smeared water of the Cuyahoga River. In October, Newburg was made into a separate town- ship and thus James Kingsbury, Rodolphus Edwards and other impor- tant persons were taken out of Cleveland. On the twenty-third of De- cember, the Ohio general assembly passed "An Act to Incorporate the Village of Cleveland in the County of Cuyahoga." The new village thus created included "so much of the city plat of Cleveland, in the town.ship of Cleveland and County of Cuyahoga as lies northwardly of Huron street, so called, and westwardly of Erie street, so called in .said city plat as originally laid out by the Cotuiecticut Land Com])any, according to the minutes and survey and map thereof in the office of the recorder of said County of Cuyahoga." At this time, it is said that "the town had thirty-four buildings, one being constructed of brick, and thirty families, including one hundred and fifty persons," and that Brooklyn has six families and a total population of forty. In February of this year. Major Lorenzo Carter died and was buried in the Erie (East Ninth) Street Cemetery. On the first Monday of June, 1815, twelve of the male inhabitants of the village met and, liy unanimous votes, chose officers as follows: President, Alfred Kellcy. Recorder, Horace Perry. TridsKrrr, Aloii/.o Carter. Marslial, John A. Ackley. 1815] TllK VILLAGE ORGANIZED 99 Asucxsors, Ooorp;o AValliU'c aiul Jdliii TJidtllc. 'rnintcts, Siiimu'I Williamson, David Long and Nathan Perry, Jr. The village trustees met in October and, ou petition of a baker's dozen, laid out a number of streets, " to be distinguished, known and failed" St. Clair Street, Bank Street, Seneea Street, Wood Street, Bond Street, Euclid Street and Diamond Street. The last named street ran around the four sides of the Public Square; the others on the list retained for many yeai-s the names thus assigned. St. Clair and Euclid are now called avenues. Bank is West Sixth, Seneea is West Third, Wood is East Third, and Bond is East Sixth. Huron Street is now Huron Road, and Erie Street is now East Ninth Street. CHAPTER VIII FIVE YEARS OF VILLAGE LIFE Having secured an official organization for tlie little village that was to become a mertropolis, we may with propriety quicken our pace as we move on from the then to the now. As stated in the preceding chapter, the first president of the village was Alfred Kclley ; in less than a j'ear he resigned and was succeeded by his father, Daniel Kelley, who held the office, by unanimous elections, until 1819. In 1820, Horace Perry was elected and, in 1821, Reuben Wood ; then came Leonard Case who served until 1825, when he failed to qualify on his election and Eleazur Waterman, the recorder, became presi- dent ex officio. Here the I'ecord becomes defective ; it is probable that Mr. Waterman continued to serve as president and recorder until 1828, when he resigned on account of poor health. In May of that year, Oirson Cathan (a son-in-law of Lorenzo Cai'ter) was elected. Dr. David Long was elected in 1829; Richard Hilliard in 1830 and 1831 ; John W. Allen served from 1832 to 1835. In 1836, came a city charter with a mayor as its chief administrative officer. In 1815, Alfred Kelley received twelve votes ; in 1835, Mr. Allen received 106 — a fair index of the growth of the village. FiHST ViLi.AGE Legislation The following resume of village legislation, chiefly a condensation of the record written by Mr. Kennedy, will probably be sufficient for tiie purpose of this volume: In January, 1816, Ashbel W. Walworth, a son of John and the corporation clerk, was officially ordered not to "issue any amount of bills gi-eater tlian double the amount of the funds in his bands." In 1817, it was ordered that "the several sums of money which were by individuals subscribed for the building of a school-house, in said village, to be refunded to the subscribers." In 1818, the first recorded ordinance provided that "if any person shall shoot or discharge any gun or pistol witliin said village, sueli person so offending shall, upon conviction, lie fined in any sum not exceeding five dollars, nnr nndci- fifty cents. I'nr tlie use of tlie said vil]ag(>." In ion 1815] \ll.l;A(iE AND TOWN 101 1820, ordinances were passed furhiddinji; the running of swine at large, or butchering within the limits of the village except under cer- tain regulation ; prescribing permits for the giving of shows and pen- alties for allowing geese to run at large; forbidding horse racing and fast driving, etc. In 1823, the i)lanting of shade trees in the streets was regulated by ordinance. In 1825, a tax of one-fourth of one per cent was laid on all the property in the village, and Canal Street, Michigan Street, Champlain Street, and a part of Seneca (now West Third) Street were laid out. In 1828, a tax of two mills per dollar was ordered and, when the village trustees appropriated $200 to put the village in proper order, it was earnestly asked "what on earth the A. W. Wat. WORTH trustees could find in the village to spend two hundred dollars on?" In 1829, the first fire engine was bought for $285, a market was established and regulated by ordinance, and the delinquent tax list was rather robust. In 1830, a village seal and a tax of half a mill on the dollar were ordered. In 1831, Prospect Street from Ontario to Erie (Ea.st Ninth) Street was laid out. In 1832, a tax of two mills on the dollar was ordered; Dr. David Long and Orville B. Skinner were made a committee to buy a village hearse, harness and bier; and, in fear of the coming of the cholera, the first board of health was appointed as is set forth in the following record: "At a meet- ing of the board of trustees of the village of Cleaveland, on the 24th of June, 1832. present J. W. Allen, D. Long, P. May, and S. Pease, convened for the appointment of a board of health, in pursuance of a resolution of a meeting of the citizens of the village on the 23rd in- 102 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS LChap. VIII staiit, the following gentlemen were appointed: Dr. [E. W.] Cowles, Dr. [Joshua] Mills, Dr. [Oran] St. John, S. Belden, Charles Deni- son." Subsequently, Dr. J. S. Weldon and Daniel Worley w-ere added to the board. The preparations made in fear of the approaching plague were quickly justified bj^ events, as will appear in the account of the "cholera scares" described in Chapter IX. In 1833, River Street, Meadow Street (West Eleventh Place), and Spring Street were laid out in the section between Water (West Ninth) Street and the river. ^Many new streets were laid out in 1834. While these things were being done, the township of Cleveland, of which the village was a part, was doing well. As was common then, even in the older parts of the country, many persons were notified to leave lest they become a charge upon the public. The trouble of an inade- quate revenue seems to have been chronic, and relief was sought in 1817 by taxing every horse half a dollar and every head of horned cattle twent.y-five cents per year, with the result that by 1821 the township tax had been increased to $86.02. The desire for holding office was not universal; about 1821, Peter ^I. Weddell refused to serve as an overseer of the poor and was fined two dollars for his un- willingness; several j'ears later we find this entry in the records: "Be it remembered that Leonard Case and Samuel Cowles, declining to serve as overeecrs of the poor, after being duly elected for the town- ship of Cleaveland for 1827, paid their fines according to the requisi- tion of the statutes." John S. Clark, John Blair, and Reuben Cham- pion in turn declined the proffered honor and paid their fines. The records also show that the indenturing of apprentices was not in- frequent and throw light upon the details of transactions now little understood. Thus, in one ca.se it was provided that "he will cause the said minor to be taught to read and write, and so much of arithmetic as to include the single rule of three, and at the expiration of said time of service, to furnish the said minor with a new r>ible. and at least two suits of common wearing apiiarel." Notable Arkivals op 181G Having thus briclly (lis])oscil of the chief legislative events of the village era, we turn to a short aci-dunt of other matters not less im- portant. In 1816, the as.sessed valuation of the real estate of "The City of Cleveland" as surveyed in 17!)6 (see Seth Pease map, ])age 24), was $21,065. A visitor to the village that year declared that "Cleaveland never would amount to anything because the soil was too poor," and spent the night at the Newburg tavern "because 1816] VALUABLE RECRUITS 103 it was the most ik'sirablc place for man and beast." Among the. arrivals of that year were Leonard Case, Philo Seovill, and Noble H. Jferwiii, "iiotal>le additions to the popnlation." ]\Ir. Case had come to Ohio with his father, who settled on a farm near Warren in 1800. In the following: year, when the son was about fifteen years of age, a severe illness left him a cripple. Seeing that he could not be a farmer, the lad determined to be a surveyor; in 1806, he became connected with the office of the laud commissioner at Warren and thus gained much knowledge concerning the Western Reserve and the Connecticut Land Company. During the war with England, he was engaged in the collection of taxes from non-residents of the Reserve and thus added to his knowledge of land values, etc. In addition to his regu- X IB 9 ^ IS S S. ■ It AN K I. IN HoTsK 1 SB J ,!!' E ^ If] FRANKLIN HOUSE f. SI IIV II. I.. vi.v;v?.AX?iii'. »\uv. Franklin House, 1825 lar work, he studied law and was admitted to the bar. Why he came , to Cleveland in 1816 will soon appear. Philo Scnvill was the son of Timothy Seoville and came to Cleveland from Buffalo, then the fam- ily residence. The father was a millwright and his son was familiar with the use of tools, in fact, a carpenter and joiner. But in Cleve- land he soon established himself in the drug and grocery business, which proved to be distasteful and unprofitable. Then, in company with Thomas 0. Young, he built a sawmill on Big Creek, a little stream that empties into the Cuyahoga River near the southern limits of the city. After the mill was in successful operation, he branched out as a building contractor, the first competitor of Levi Johnson. Cleveland was growing in population, and ilr. Seovill was busy building stores and dwellings — and prosperous. In 1820, Nathan 104 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VIII Perry sold to Timothy Scoville fifty feet fi'out of lot No. 50 (see the Spafford map, page 97) on the north side of Superior Street for $300. Here Philo Scovill, in 1825, built the Franklin House, the largest tavern that Cleveland had yet seen, a three-story, frame • building, "very- spacious and furnished in a style not surpassed in this part of the state." In addition to managing his hotel, Mr. Sco- vill continued his business as builder and invested his savings in land. One of these purchases consisted of one hundred and ten acres extending along the north side of what is now Woodland Avenue from East Ninth Street to East Twenty-eighth Street. In this year (1816), Noble H. Merwin brought his family from Connecticut. It is said that he had visited Cleveland and built a log warehouse at the comer of Superior and Merwin streets in 1815. For years, Amos Spafford, the surveyor, had kept a small inn on lot 73 (see Spafford map, page 97) at the southeast corner of Superior Street and Vineyard Lane (later called South Water Street and now Columbus Road). In 1815, the lot was sold to George Wallace, and "Spaft'ord's Tavern" became the "Wallace House." Since 1812, W^allace had kept a tavern on the south side of Superior Street west of Seneca (West Third) Street. When he bought Spafford 's tavern, his former place passed to ilichael Spangler who there kept Spangler's Inn until 1824 or later. In 1817, Wallace .sold the "Wallace House" to David :\Ierwin of Pal- myra, Portage County; in 1822, the buyer sold it to Noble H. ]\Ier- win. The Merwins built a new, two-story tavern, the "Mansion House." For more than twenty years "it was Cleveland's favorite hotel and its owner, a popular and progressive man, was a leader in business and civic affairs." In 1822, ilr. ^Merwin hniiu-hed. at the foot of Superior Street, the "Minerva," a schooner of forty-four tons, built l>y him at the corner of Superior and Jlerwiii streets. In this year (1816), the "Cleavcland Pier Company" was iucoriKiratcd "for the purpose of erecting a pier at or near the village of Cleaveland for the accommodation of vessels navigating Lake Eric." The in- corporators were Alonzo Carter, A. W. AVahvorth, David Long, Alfred Kellcy, Datus Kelley, Eben llosincr, l^aniel Kelley, George Wallace, Darius E. Henderson, Samuel Willianisoii, Sr., Irad Kellcy, James Kingsbury, Horace Perry and Levi Joliiison. But storms and quicksand quickly wrecked what tlicy built and the i)rojeet was a failure. No other pier was built into the lake for doekage until the famous Stockly's pier was built at the foot of Hank (West Si.xth) Street, a thii-d of a eeiiturv later. 1S16] THE FIRST CHURCH 105 First Church Organized. The lament of the Rev. .Mr. Badger over the apparent lack of piety in Clevehuul in l.sdl' has hcon already noted in these pages. Whatever the canse. the Clevehuul villagers refrained from doing mueh in the way of organized religious eti'ort for inoi'e than a dozen veal's longer, hut, on the ninth of November, 1816, there was a meet- ing at the house of Phineas Shepherd "for the purpose of nominating ofBeers for a Protestant Kpiseopal Chureh." Timothy Doan was chosen moderator; Charles Gear, clerk; Phineas Shepherd and Abra- ham Seott. wardens ; Timothy Doan, Abraham ITickox, and Jonathan Pelton, vestrymen; Dennis Cooper, reading clerk. The little com- pany then adjourned "till Easter Jlonday next." This Phineas Shepherd (or Shephard) had come from Connecticut in 1815, and soon took up his residence on the west side of the river. His log house, in which this first church organization in Cuyahoga County was tlnis inaugiii-ated was located on Pearl Street, Brooklyn, now called West Twenty-fifth Street, within a few hundred feet of the present St. John's Church, which stands at the corner of Church Avenue and West Twenty-sixth Street. On the second of the fol- lowing March (3817), at a vestry meeting held at the court-house, attended by the church officers chosen at the meeting held at Phineas Shepherd's house in November, and by John Wilcox, Alfred Kelley, Irad Kelley, Thomas i\l. Kelley, Noble H. Jlerwin, David Long, D. C. Henderson, Philo Seovill. the Rev. Roger Seaii of Plymouth, Con- necticut, and others, it was resolved that the persons present were attached to the Protestant P^piscoj^al Church of the United States and that they did unite themselves into a congregation by the name of "Trinity Parish of Cleaveland, Ohio, for the worship and services of Almighty God according to the forms and regulations of said church." A second election was. held a few days later at which offi- cers were chosen for "Trinity Parish of Cleaveland," but the village was small and the church had no house in which to hold its meetings. There was no settled minister, but the services of lay readers were secured, and ^Ir. Searl. who for nine years looked after the struggling parishes in northern Ohio, made occasional visits. In 1818, says Dr. John Wesley Brown, a former rector of Trinity Parish, Cleveland, ^Ir. Seai-1 "organized the Episcopal Chnrcli called Trinity, Brook- lyn," and on that day. Philander Chase, tiie first Episcopal bishop of Ohio, "confirmed a class of ten candidates in Trinity, Brooklyn, among whom was the Hon. George L. Chapman." Then, for a time, there was a Trinitv Parish, Cleveland, and a Trinity Parish, Brook- 106 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VIII lyn, but, in May, 1820, a meeting of the Cleveland vestiy declared "that it is expedient in future to have the clerical and other public services of the Episcopal Church in Trinity Parish, heretofore located in Cleveland, held in Brooklyn ordinarily, and occasionally in Cleve- land and Euclid, as circumstances may seem to require." At the next annual convention of the diocese, Mr. Searl reported that ' ' most of the efficient members of Trinity Church, Cleveland, being residents in the township and very flourishing village of Brooklyn, on the west side of the Cuyahoga River, and directly opposite the village of Cleveland, the Parish was induced at the last regular Easter meet- ^Old Trinity" Church, 1828-29 ing, to vote its permanent Incation and public services in Brooklyn. In consequence of this resolution, the word 'Cleveland" will in future be omitted in the records of that Parish. Their number is small, but the members are res]K'ctal)Ie and they now have the services of the Church regularly performed every Sunday." In 1.S23 and 1825, Bishop Chase "preached in Cleaveland but went over to Brooklyn for confinnation." In 1825, "the (luestion of building a Church edifice having been raised, it was decided to have it located in Cleaveland and hold services on tlie east side of the river from thence- fortli. Conseqnently, at the Ninth Annual Convention of the diocese held June 7, 1826, Trinity Parish was designated as being in Cleave- 18161 A QUESTION OF PKIOIUTY 107 laud." In that year, tlie liev. Silas C. Freeiuaii beeaaie rector of Trin- ity Parish ou a salary of $500 per annum, with the understanding that the eliureh of the .same denomination at Norwalk should employ him one-third or one-half of the time, paying their proportion of the five hundred dollars. Under this arrangement, Trinity Parish reerossed the river and services were held in the court-house. In 1827, Mr. Free- man succeeded in raising funds for a church. A lot was secured at the corner of St. Clair and Seneca (West Third) streets, and a frame church building, "distinctly Gothic as to its details," was put up thereon "at a cost of $3,000.00 which was consecrated the 12th of August, 1829, and was the first house devoted to the worship of God in the present City of Cleveland." In 1828 (August 12), Trinity Parish of Cleveland was incorporated by special act of the general St. John's Ciiuecm, 1828-29 assembly, with Josiah Barber, Phineas Shepherd, Charles Taylor, Henry L. Xoble, Eeuben Champion, James S. Clark, Sherlock J. Andrews, Levi Sargeant, and John W. Allen as vestiymen and war- dens. The first named three of these had taken part in the meeting held at Phineas Shepherd's house in Brooklyn in November, 1816, and later, after Trinity was taken away from Brooklyn, were among the organizers of the still existing St. John's parish. In December, 1835, the Rev. Seth Davis became the first rector of St. John's and, in 1836, a stone church was built at the corner of Church an*! Wall streets, now known a.s Church Avenue and West Twenty-sixth Street. The old church is still occupied as a church by St. John's parish. In 1855, Trinity parish consecrated a large stone church on Superior Street near Bond (East Sixth) Street which became the cathedral and, in its turn, gave way to the present Trinity Cathedral 108 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVlhONS [Chap. VIII at the corner of Euclid Avenue and East Twenty-second Street. Whether Trinity Cathedral .or St. John's Chui'ch is the oldest church organization in Cuyahoga County is still a mooted question, but the matter was prettily stated in the congratulations sent by the church to the cathedral on the occasion of their respective centennials, (November 9, 1916) : "Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland — our twin brother, born in the same log cabin, on the same day and hour, under the protecting roof of the Pioneer of Brooklyn, Phineas Shepherd. We have long since forgiven Ti-inity for leaving our bed and board and changing its name from Trinity, Brooklyn, to Trinity, Cleveland, as it was obliged to do w-hen it set up housekeeping for itself because its members ou that side of the river became weary or afraid of crossing over to Brooklyn on Sundays on a floating bridge which sometimes floated out into the lake." Kelley's Large Stone House Alfred Kelley owned a piece of land extending from Water (West Ninth) Street to the river and overlooking the lake at the north. Here, near the corner of Water and Lake streets (West Ninth Street and Lakeside Avenue), he built a ".somewhat pretentious" house, intending it for his parents, but before it wa.s finished his mother died and the house became his home, for he soon went back to Lowville whence he had come and took thence a bride. Most of the accounts speak of this as Cleveland's second brick house and say that it was built in 1816, but the Kelley Famili/ History says: "In 1814, he began the construction of a stone house on the bluff overlooking Lake Erie, a short distance easterly from the old lighthouse." In the summer of 1817, Mr. Kelley married and brought his bride to his still unfinished house in Cleveland. Some of the incidents of the home-coming are thus recorded by Mr. Kennedy: "He had pur- eha.sed a carriage in Albany, and after the wedding the young couple set out in that vehicle for the new home he had found in the west. They drove to Buffalo, and as the roads had become quite difficult to travel, they decided to come the remainder of the distance on a schooner that was then lying in the harbor. As she was not yet ready to sail, they drove to Niagara Falls, and on the return found that the vessel had taken advantage of a favoring breeze, and gone on without them. They thereupon concluded to continue in their vehicle. Seven days were occupied in Ihe trip, as the roads were in a fearful condition, and for portions of the distance both W'ere compelled to walk. Upon reaching Cleveland they discovered ISHil THE FIRST BANK 1(J<) that tlie scliooner had not yet arrived in port. Their earriage was the first one seen in Cleveland, and was for a long time in demand upon spceial occasions. It was used by the senior L(M)nard Case, when he, also, went forth to bring home a bride." The house was occupied by Mv. Kelley and his wife until 1827 ; in it the fii-st five of their chil- dren were born. Tiie oldri- of these ehiitlren used to play on the Jt<2H..'^".'~ -■■■ : ^ ■ Alfred Kelley 's Home beach of the lake where the so-called "Union Depot'' now (1918) stands. The house was torn uowu about 1850. Cleveland's First Bank and Bankers In this year of Cleveland's first church organization, also came its first bank. A new general banking law, enacted by the general assembly for the improvement of the banking interests of Ohio, in- corporated half a dozen banks, including the Commercial Bank of Lake Erie, and extended the charters of several more. The incor- porators of this pioneer bank of Cleveland were John H. Strong, Samuel "^'illiamson, Philo Taylor, George Wallace, David Long, Erastus Miles, Seth Doan, and Alfred Kelley. The bank was opened for business in a building that stood at the corner of Superior and Bank (West Sixth) streets. The rest of the short stoi-y of its life is told by an entrj' on a fly leaf of the largest of four record books still preserved by the 'Western Reserve Historical Society. The rec- ord runs thus : 110 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VIII This ledger, with the two journals and letter-book, are the tirst books used for lianking in Cleveland. They were made by Peter Burtsell, in New York, for the Commercial Bank of Lake Erie, which commenced business in August, 1816, — Alfred Kelley president, and Leonard Case, cashier. The bank failed in 1820. On the second day of April, 1832, it was reorganized and resumed business, after paying off its existing liabilities, consisting of less than ten thousand dollars due the treasurer of the United States. Leonard Case was chosen ''%:;/j?^^^ '' '^ %. ^ m ■■■V-^^ .i^^pi? ^ P 1 HppfLF "ftv^r - " v "■ • \ ^ ■ 1 ^ ■> \, -^ \ I -^'X \ \ 1 \ . \ T. P. II.\NDY president, and Truman V. Handy, cashier. The following gentle- men constituted its directory: Leonard Case, Samuel AViJIiamson, Edward Clark, Peter ^M. Weddell, llenian Oviatt, Charles M. Gid- dings, John Blair, Alfred Kelley, David King, James Duncan, Kos- well Kent, T. P. Handy, John W. Allen. Its charter expired in 1842. The legislature of Ohio refusing to extend the charter of existing banks, its affairs were placed, by the courts, in the hands of T. P. Handy, Henry B. Payne, and Dudley Baldwin, as special commis- i'ir- /v//> D fOMMKIidVI. 1!\NK (IT r.\Ki; KltlK, j C/liy fi ■ ir . Unrri; iK (y^ ^ Cf^U^ &<2c^ .<^c^ Commercial Ba>jiv Check 4 i«M*«-j-Ti»w . ' *r.*jcn nf Clcvt'land." lie died 1816] MEDIA OF EXCHANGE 113 ill 18(J4, li'uviiig Ills property to his sou, the second Leonard Case who, by his generous contributions to philanthropic work in Cleve- land, and by his ondownn'iit of the Case Library and the Case School of Applied Science, has forever linked the name of Case with that of Cleveland. As Alfred Kelley and Leonard Case were men of integ- rity and of the highest order of financial ability, we may safely assume that the early failure of Cleveland's pioneer bank was due to c: I^JVt -^s -V (>i|i i THE CORl'OR.\TJ«)N OF tI-V;AVKl-\N^\ I'l^iiscs to pay the Ikaici Xi ?-^ f TWKLVE .\XJ) AN ILVLF CENTS. ^| Y-d/^Ti'i'L (■If ■/ "SlIINPL.\STERS" existing conditions and not to any fault of theirs. The local money market was then so cramped that, about 1817, the village trustees, to relieve the needs of the people, issued corporation scrip, popu- larly known as '"shinplasters," ranging in value from six and a quar- ter cents to fifty cents, and "a silver dollar was divided into nine pieces, each pa.ssing for a shilling," i. e., twelve and a half cents. According to 'My. Orth, "the reorganization of this bank, in 1832, 114 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VIII . was due to the distinguished historian, George Bancroft, who was then in Washington where he heard that its charter was good for several years and that the prospects for a bank in Cleveland were of the best. He provided, with others, capital of $200,000, and sent Truman P. Handy, one of Cleveland's ablest and wisest bankers, to be its cashier. Cleveland has thus become a double debtor to this national historian." As we shall see, Mr. Handy served Cleveland in various capacities, and always faithfully and well. At this time, the assessed "value of the real estate within the city, including the entire plat suiweyed in 1796, was $21,065." To this information, add several descriptions that have been preserved for us and we get a pretty clear idea of what the village and its envi- rons then were. In a persojial statement by Captain Lewis Dibble, printed in the Annuls of the Early Settlers Association, we are told that (going west), "on leaving Doan's Corners, one would come in a little time to a cleared farm. Then down about where A. P. Wins- low now lives [Euclid Avenue and East Seventy-first Street] a man named Curtis had a tannery. There was only a small clearing, large enough for the tannery and a residence. There was nothing else but woods until Willson avenue [East Fiftj'-fifth Street] was reached, and there a man named Bartlett had a small clearing, on which there was a frame house, the boards running up and down. Following down the line of what is now Euclid avenue, the next sign of civilization was found at what is now Erie [East Ninth Street], where a little patch of three or four acres had been cleared, surrounded by a rail fence. Where the First Methodist Church [the Cleveland Trust Company's building] now stands, a man named Smith lived, in a log-house. I don't remember any building between that and the Square, which was already laid out, l)ut covered with bushes and stumps." Mrs. Philo Scovill tells us that "many stumps and uncut bushes disfigured the Public Sipiare, its only decoration being the log jail. Tlie land south from Superior Street to the river was used as a cow pasture and was thought to lie of little value." Wo also have the statement of Leonard Case that "the only streets fairly cleared were Superior west of the S(|nare; Euclid road was made passable for teams, as was also part of Ontario street. Water street was a wind- ing path in the bushes; and TTnion and \'ineyard lanes mere jiiitlis to tile river. -Mandrake laiu' and Seneca and Rank streets were prac- tically all woods; while Ontario street noi-lli of the Square, Superior ea.st of it, Erie, P.ond and Wood, were in a stale of nature. ,\ pass- 18171 A VILLAGE SCHOOL-HOUSE 115 able roail van out by (.)iitario street aud the modern Broadway, to Newburg. The Kinsman road (Woodland avenue) was then alto- gether out of town." First Scuoul-House Built in Clevel^\nd In a small grove of oak trees on St. Clair Street near Bank (West Sixth) Street, on the east side of the lot now occupied by the Ken- iiard House, a little school-house had been built by private subscrip- tion, the donors being John A. Ackley, Walter Bradrock, Alonzo Carter, John Dixon, Stephen S. Dudley, J. Heather, D. C. Hender- son, Levi Johnson, Daniel Kelley, T. & I. Kelley, David Long, Edward Cleveland's First School-house MeCarney, T. & D. Mills, Plinney Mowrey, Joel Nason, N. H. Mer- win, Geo. Pease, Horace Perry, J. Riddle, James Root, William Trim- ball, Geo. Wallace. A. W. Walworth, Jacob Wilkerson, and Samuel W'illiamson, the several amounts ranging from two and a half to twenty dollars. In January, 1817, the village trustees voted that the sums given for this purpose by these public spirited citizens should be refunded to them from "the treasury of the corporation at the end of three years from and after the 13th of June, 1817," and that "the cor- poration shall be the sole proprietors of the said school-house." In later years. Miller 'SI. Spangler, who learned to read at one of the schools kept in this building, made a sketch of it which is herewith re- produced. In his Enrhj Ilistorij of the CleveUtnd PiMlc Sclwols, pub- lished by the boaixl of education in 1876, Mr. Andrew Freese, Cleve- 116 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VIII land's first superintendent of schools, says: "No description of this building is needed further than to say that it resembled a country dis- trict schoolhouse, being modeled upon that well-known and j^eeuliarly constructed edifice, w'hicli has suffered no change in a century — one stor^-, the size about 24x30, chimney at one end, door at the corner near the chimney, the six windows of twelve lights each placed high ; it being an old notion that children should not look out to see any- thing. As a school-house of the olden time, some interest attaches to its history, but perhaps more from the fact that it was the first school property ever owned by Cleveland as a corporation. But the schools kept in it were not free, except to a few who' were too poor to pay tuition. The town gave the rent of the house to such teach- ers as were deemed qualified, subjecting them to very few conditions. They were left to manage the school in all respects just as they pleased. It was, in short, a private and not a public school." Ac- cording to the Recollections of George B. Merwin, the school was opened with twenty-four pupils, and "the young men in the town were assessed to paj* the master for the amount of his wages for the children of those parents who were unable to do so. . . . Reli- gious services were regularly held here. Judge Kelley offering prayer, a young man read the sermon, and my mother led the singing ; sing- ing school was also kept here, taught by Herschel Foote, who came from Utica, N. Y., and established the firet book-store in town." In addition to these improvements in educational matters, there wei'e, in 1817, several improvements in commercial circles, "suggestive of an upward trend in business affairs. . . . Captain "William Gaylord and Leonard Case put up the first frame warehouse down by the river, those in existence previously being of logs. Not long afterwards, Dr. David Long and Levi Johnson constructed another, of like character, near the same locality, and still another was built by John Blair." The first printing press set up in Cleveland was brnught from Beaver, Pennsylvania, by its owner, Andrew Logan ; with it he brought such type and outfit as he had. Ujion this hand press was printed a little four-page sheet with four columns to the page. Ac- cording to Logan's prospectus, his paper, Thf Cleaveland Gazette and Commercial Register, was to be issued weekly, a promise that he was not able to make good, although he tried to keep faith with his few subscribers. The first issue of this first Cleveland newspaper bears date of July 31, 1818. Logan's type was so worn ("down to the third nick") that some of the matter printed was illcgilile, and a lack of paper soirietimes delayed the days of publication Miid some- 1818] THE FIRST NEWSPAPER 117 times foivcd tlie issue oi hali" sheets. Oii the eightli of December, Logan told his patrons that they need not expect any more issues of the Gazette and Register until he got hack from a pi'oposed trip mie Cteareland Ga&ei , I ffl AND • iilU li«I*l* l»"M-i«. lUtM H l«» Cwt.ftT»T- — ft-*- ci«»J".i. (m^.i CniI.)-. Jul; II. im. AiiM , .'. ^«.W1-, ■JM -..I , 1... ....-»>» i«. J ■ "*''^.ir\''J"r*rwE .Ttx*r.^'T.*'.'*'.'!.t*.'r,in! i'.tLnr;j ■■•..^ -i.vr,.-:.-.r.^ir;; tBft t(«lrHt-»l>(l&«INI -ffrtf^-—-' r^Sr^'".: The Cleaveland Gazette a.nd Cummercial Register. July 31, 1818 First reproduction from the original copy, by the courtesy of The Western Reserve Historical Society. to the nearest paper supply establishment, and the trij) took two weeks. On the twenty-tirst of March, 1820, the publication of the paper was discontinued ; probably the result of the competition of a better equipped rival that appeared in 1819. 118 CLEVELAXD AND ITS EXVIROXS [Chap. VIII In this year (1818), the first Methodist chureli in what is now Cleveland was organized in what was then Brooklyn. The Centenary of ^Methodism in Cleveland was celebrated (Sunday, September 15. 1918) with a parade of many thousands and two large memorial meetings, one at the Euclid Avenue Opera House and the other at the Hippodrome. Reuben "Wood In 1818, came to Cleveland from Vermont a lawyer, Reuben "Wood. He soon acquired an extensive legal practice, became a member of the state senate, eliief-justice of the supreme court, and in 1849 and 1850 was elected governor of Ohio ; he died at Rockport in Cuyahoga ffS-- Keupen Wood County in 1864. In the same year came Ahaz Merchant, a surveyor who did a great deal of engineering for the city and county prior to the emi)loymcnt of a city cngincci-, laid out the most important allotments in Ohio City, a ])art of tlic original Brooklyn township on the west side of the river, and, in the early railway building era, built the "Angler House," now long known as "The Kcnnard." He was the father of Silas Mcrcliaiit, a famous business man and liii-:d politician of a later generation. The A\\i\/. Merchant map of Cleve- land in 1SI55 ai)pcars on a later i)agc of this vohunc In the same year also came Oi'lando ( 'niter who began business iiere witli a stock of goods valued at .t20.0()(J — a big store for Cleveland in that day. That year also brought by schooner Levi Sargent and his I'amily. His 1818] TIIH FIRST STEAMBOAT 119 soil, John II. Sargent, became a fanious civil engineer, early railway builder, and an active member of the Early Settlers Association, in the Annah of which he has put on record that "Orlando Cutter dealt out groceries and provisions at the top of Superior lane, looking up Superior street to the woods in and beyond the Public Square, and 1 still remember the sweets from his mococks of Indian sugar. Nathan Perry sold dry goods, Walworth made hats, and Tewell repaired old watches on Superior street. Dr. Long dealt out ague cures from a little frame house nearly opposite Bank street at first, but not long after from a stone house, that stood a little back from Superior street. The 'Ox Bow, Cleveland centre,' was then a densely wooded swamp. Alonzo Carter lived on the west side of the river, opposite the foot of Superior lane. He was a great hunter." In April, 1817, Ara Sprague arrived. In the indispensable Annals, he says: "I arrived a few weeks after the first census had been taken. Its popu- lation was, at that time, but one hundred and seventy-two souls; all poor, and struggling hard to keep soul and body together. Small change was very scarce. They used what were called 'corporation shinplasters' as a substitute. The inhabitants were mostly New Eng- land people, and seemed to be living in a wilderness of scrub oaks. Only thirty or forty acres had been cleared. Most of the occupied town lots were fenced with rails. There were three warehouses on the river; however, very little commercial business was done, as there was no harbor at that time. All freight and passengers were landed on the beach by lighter and smaller boats. To get freight to the warehouses, which were a quarter of a mile from the beach, we had to roll it over the sand, and load it into canal boats. The price of freight from Buffalo to Cleveland was $1 a barrel; the price of pas- sage on vessels $10, and on steamboats $20." "W^vlk-ix-the-Wateb" Makes Cleveland The last item in ilr. Sprague 's schedule of prices, just quoted, suggests that there was a .steamboat on Lake Erie at that time — and there was. For nearly a hundred years after the disappearance of "Le Griffon," the short-lived vessel that LaSalle had built, in 1679, on the Niagara River, five miles above the falls,* there were no sail- boats on the great lakes. In 1763, two or three schooners were engaged in carrying the troops, supplies and furs between the Niagara and Detroit. In 1769, the "Enterprise" was built at Detroit, the * See Avery's History of the United States and Its People, vol. ;i, page* 17:!-177. 120 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VIII beginning of a great industry there. As we have seen, shipbuilding was begun at Cleveland early in the nineteenth century. The build- ing of the "Zephyr" by Major Carter and of the "Pilot" by Levi Johnson have been i-ecorded in earlier pages of this volume. Prior to ISIS, the "Ohio" of sixty tons had been built by Murray and Bixby; the "Lady of the Lake," thirty tons, by Mr. Gaylord, brother of the wife of Leonard Case ; and the ' ' Neptune, ' ' sixty -five tons, by Levi Johnson, and several other of less burthen. But now, on the ' ■ W.\LK-1N-T1IE-W.\TKR twenty-fifth of August, in this year. 1818, the inhabitants of the vil- lage of Cleveland got their first glimpse of a now era in tlic naviga- tion of the Great Lakes. On that day, tlic ]»iclur('s(|uc slranilinat. "Walk-in-the-Water," named al'tei' a chief of tlie Wyandot trilie, stopped at Cleveland on her way from l^ulTalo to Dftrnit. 'I'lic inci- dent was thus recorded in Die Gazette and Kegistir i>f \hr first of September; "Tlie elegant sfeaml)oat, ' Walk-in-the-\Vater.' Cai)tain Fish, from P.ufl'alo, arrived in this place on Tuesday last on her way to Detroit. On lier ai'rival she was greeted witli a salute (if sev- eral rounds of artillery from the i>oint. She was visited liy a num- ber of gentlemen and ladies fi-om tlie village, who were treated witli the greatest attention and politeness liy tlie ofifieers and crew. She is caliMilatcil to I'arrv tlii'ee Imndri'd Inns and t-?-.* >*^ '*n-^ y CLEAVEIyAIVD HER.iLD. r\.V^\Mi.ljt\"U, OUIO-H KBllAX, , 'r«"::;«'"i:ra^.v--;:!r». ii £jr-H:r-T:rE;r-v:=::---r«r-/;^^ ^- ;T"-1jiiSij'""^5b;^, Cle.vveland Herald, October 19, 1819 First rp]iroiluetion from the original copy, by the courtesy of Tlie Western Reserve Historical Society. Our mails wei'c then ;ill ciiiM'ird on li(irsc-l>ack. We had one mail a week from IJulTalo, Pittsburfj, Columbus, and Sandusky. The paper, on which we printed, was transported in wagons from Pittsburg, and at some seasons the roatls were in such condition that it was impossi- 1818-191 NEWSPAPER CIRCULATION 12:5 ble to procure it in time for publication days. Advance payments for newspapers at that time were never thought of. In a few weeks our subscription list amounted to about 300, at which point it stood for alx)ut two years, with no very great variation. These were scat- tered all over tiie Western Reserve, except in the County of Trumbull. In order to extend our circulation to its greatest capacity, we were Joel Scranton obliged to resort to measures and expedients which would appear rather ludicrous at the present day. For instance, each and every week, after the paper had been struck off, I mounted a horse with a valise, filled with copies of the 'Herald,' and distributed them at the doors of all subscribers between Cleveland and Painesville, a distance of thirty miles, leaving a package at the latter place ; and on returning diverged two miles to what is knowni as Kirtland Flats, where another package was left for distribution, which occupied fully 124 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. VIII two days. I frequently carried a tin horn to notify tlie yeomanry of the arrival of the latest news, which was generally forty days from Europe and ten days from New York. This service was per- formed through the fall, winter, and spring, and tlirough rain, snow> aud mud, with only one additional charge of fifty cents on the sub- scription price; and as the number of papers thus carried averaged about sixty the profits ma.v be readily calculated." The Herald was, at first, "printed and published weekly by Z. Willcs & Company, di- rectly opposite the Commercial Coffee House, Superior Street." In tlie following year, it was issued from "a building opposite Mowr3''s Old Weddeli. House Tavern and a few rods from the Court House." In 1823, it moved to a new building on Superior Street, "a few steps east of Spangler's Coffee House." In 1821, Mr. Howe sold his interest in the Herald and moved to Painesville where he became editor of the Telegraph. For several years the Herald had no local competitor. In this year (1819), came John Blair and the "picturesque" Joel Scranton. Blair came from Maryland with three dollars in his pocket; a lucky speculation soon increa.sed his capital and he opened a produce and commission store on the river. Scranton was born in Bctchcrtown, ^Massachusetts, in 1793. He brought with him to Cleve- land a schooner load of leather, the basis of his trading and his for- timo. He became one of the pi'ominent merchants of the village and bought the "Scranton Flats" on the west side of the river where 1819-20] BUY LAND 125 Sorauton Road still pcrpcluatus his name, lie liad a rieh and plen- tiful fund of humor, but his opinions were convictions. "He was cool, even calculating and shrewd, yet his heart was kindly and his deeds generous. He was a keen reader of men, and possessed great mercantile abilities. lie judged of the future of the village and judged wisely. He knew how, when and where to buy, when to sell and when to hold. With the growing place he became a substantial man, and as the j-ears went on became a wealthy man." In 1828, he married ^liss Irene P. Ilickox. "P"'ive children were born to them all but one of whom, together with their mother, preceded him to the tomb. Mrs. 'Slavy S. Bradford, of Cleveland, is the only surviving child of Joel Scranton. To her his wealth descended, and through her it has cheered hundreds of hearts, alleviated sui?ering, lightened burdens, and aided many worthy institutions." In 1820, came Peter JI. Weddell and Michael Spangler. "Weddell "soon made himself one of the leading commercial factors of the village" and, a quarter of a century later, built the long-time famous "Weddell House" at the northwest corner of Superior and Bank (West Sixth) streets, where the Rockefeller Building now stands; Spangler 's "Commercial House" was, for some j-ears, one of the landmarks of the village. In this year, a line of stages to Columbus was put in operation, and another line to Norwalk. "In 1821, these efforts were followed by others, and two additional wagons were started, one for Pittsburgh, and another for Buffalo." CHAPTER IX A GOOD BEGINNING AND A BAD ENDING 111 an interesting paragraph. ]\Ir. Orth says that the Congrega- tionalists and the Presbyterians, acting under a certain "plan of union, cooperated to establish churches and missions thi-oughout the Western Reserve. The oldest Congregational church in the limits of the city is the Archwood church in the Brooklyn District, organ- ized in 1819 as a Presbyterian church, while the oldest Presbyterian church in the vicinity is that at the village of Euclid, organized by the Connecticut Congregational Jlissionarj' society, in 1807. I'nder this plan of union, churches organized in this district by Congrega- tional missionary societies were united in a presbytery and were, therefore, counted as Presbyterians. Thus the Euclid Presbyterian church was a member of the Hartford Presbytery, and the Doan's Corners church, which for years occupied the corner of One Hundred and Fifth Street and Euclid Avenue, now the Euclid Ave- nue Congi'egational Church, was Presbyterian until 1862. The pres- ent First Congregational church on Franklin Avenue and the Ply- mouth church were organized as Pi-esbyterian churches, while the Old Stone church, organized in 1820, for so many years the mother of Presbyterian churches, was composed chiefly of Congregational- ists, and organized by Congregational ministers. These facts explain the liberal character of Cleveland Presbyterians as deriving their forms of faith, as well as their leading laymen and clergymen from the Congregational centers of New England. At all events, the early hi.story of these two great bodies of churches is inextricably interwoven." FiitsT Presbyterian Ciiitrcii On the nineteenth of September, 1820, and as the outgrowth of a union Sunday school of which Elisha Taylor was su])ci-iutendent, fifteen j)ersons, namely, Elisha Taylor and Ann, his wife, T. .1. liaiii- liii, P. H. Andrews, Sophia L. Perry, Hcrtiia Jcihiison, Sophia "Wal- worth, Mabel How. Henry l'>aird and Ann. Ills wife, Rebecca Carter, 12(1 Euclid (or Coli.amer) I'resbyterian Church i)i ..;;,'.- ( lUiXERS Congregational Church 128 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. IX Juliana Long, Isabella Williamson, Harriet How, and ]\Iinerva Mer- wiu, gathered in the old log court-house and organized a Presbyterian church, the second church society in Cleveland, and chose the Rev. Randolph Stone as minister. For a time, the meetings were held in the court-house and later in the Academy building on St. Clair Street. The society was incorporated as the "First Presbyterian So- ciety of Cleveland" in 1827; Samuel Cowles was chosen president; Old Stone Cihrcu D. II. Beardsley, secretary; and Peter .M. Weddell, treasurer. In 1828, says Mr. L. F. Mellen of blessed memory, "they worshiped in a hall on Superior street, where now stands the American House. It was rented for five yeai-s to be used on Sunday, but during the Aveek was a dancing hall." Tlie society liaving been incorporated in 1827, plans were adopted, aiul a building begun in 1882. On the twenty-sixth day of February, 1834, the fii-st Presbyterian church 1820-21] CHURCH SUPPLY 129 ill Cleveland was dedicated ; it stood at the northwest corner of the Public Square and Ontario Street, the site of its second successor, the present "Old Stone Church" as it is commonly called. At that time, the number of connnunieants was ninety-four. Hitherto, there had been no settled minister and the supplies had been transient rather than stated. The ministers who supplied were as follows: The Rev. Randolph Stone, 1820-1821; the Rev. William McLean, 1822; the Rev. S. J. Bradstreet, 1823-1830; the Rev. John Sessions, 1831 (a part) ; the Rev. Samuel Hutchings, 1832-1833; and the Rev. John Keep, 1833-1835. The first settled pastor was the Rev. Samuel C. Aiken, who was called from Utica, New York, and came in 1835. A PiONTSER Bridge Subscription That there wa.s a bridge across the Cuyahoga River built or con- templated as earl.y as 1821, is witnessed by a document recently received by The Western Reserve Historical Society. The document is "No. 5" of what probably was a series of such subscriptions. It reads as follows : We the Subscribers promise to pay Samuel Williamson, Nathan Perry, David Long, and Thos 0. Young or order each one severally for hisself and tlioirselvos, the suni by us severally subscribed and which is annexed fo our respective name for the purpose of erecting a free Bridge across the Cuyahoga River ; at the line between the lands of Leonard Case & Noble it. Mei'win. All Cash Subscriptions shall be payable on demand after Said Bridge is finished all work & material Subscription. The work shall be doiK! at any time upon demand after said Bridge is commenced. And all materials shall be furnished after a contract is made for building the Said Bridge on demand & reason- able notice allowing sufficient time to procure the Same. And when the material is not named in the Subscription, the person subscribing shall furnish siich materials as he shall be requested to procure. If any Grain be snbsci-ibed it shall lie delivered at N. H. Merwins Ware House in Cleaveland; or in Brooklyn, at the Ware House of A. Car- ters unless otherwise agreed upon by the holders of the Su])scription. All materials to be delivered on the ground where the Said Bridge is to be erected at the usual Cash jirice where no price is affixed. Cleav Land, Nov. 16th 1821. This li.st bears the names of thirteen subscribers, none of whom promise the payment of money; four promise three days' work each; two promise five bushels of wheat each; one promises four bushels; five promise three bushels each ; and one signs his name without specifying the payment to be made. This document is accompanied by a letter from the late Henry C. White, long the probate judge of Cuyahoga 130 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. IX County, who says that his father, Wileman White, "was the builder of the bridge aud doubtless took this conti-act of subscription in part payment." Wileman White came from Berkshire County, Massa- chusetts, to Cleveland in 1815, entered upon business as contractor and builder, and died in 1841. I find no further evidence that the bridge was actually built. By this time, Cleveland had found itself and was certain of its further development. The increase in popidation soon became marked — the swift influx at hand sounds its warning that the per- sonal era of this municipal history must soon be brought to a close. But before the coming of that close, I crowd in a few more charac- ter who appeared upon the village stage — men who played their several parts so well that the story would be sadly marred by the omission of their names. John W. Willey In 1822, John W. Willey, a native of New Hampshire and then twenty-five years of age, began the practice of law in Cleveland. "He was thoroughly fitted to make his way in a new and growing country. Well learned in the law, of a keen and penetrating mind, a logician by nature, and endowed with great eloquence and wit, he soon became a marked figure at the Ohio bar." He became the first mayor of Cleveland in 1836 and was re-elected in 1837. In speaking of the first city charter. Judge Seneca 0. Griswold says: "It shows, on the part of its author, a clear understanding of municipal rights and duties. The language is clear and precise, and throughout its whole length it bears the impress of an ediicated, experienced legal mind. It was, undoubtedly, the work of the first mayor." Mr. Willey served half a dozen terms in the general assembly of the state, was a judge of the common pleas court of the county, and, at the time of his death in 1841, M'as president judge of tlie fourteenth judicial district. The Cleveland Academy The little sehoolhouse on St. Clair Street that, in 1817, became the property of the village of Cleveland had become inadequate to the demands of the citizens of the coming metropolis of Ohio, in con- sequence of which a new building, about forty-five by twenty-five feet in size, was begun in 1821, on the nortli side of St. Clair Street and about half way between Seneca (West Third) and Bank (West Sixth) 1822] A GRADED SCHOOL 131 streets. It was named the "Cleveland Academy" and, when it was finished in 1822, the Ckavchnid Herald called the attention of its read- ers to "the convenient academy of brick, with its handsome spire, and its spacious room in the second story for public purposes." Late in June, 1S22, the two rooms; on the first floor having been completed, the academy was opened with the Rev. AVilliam McLean as head- master. For readiiifr. writiiifx and spelling, the tuition was .$1.75 per term : geography and grammar might be added for another dollar, while the full curricuhun. including the higher mathematics, Latin, TuE Academy Building and Greek, was offered for $4.00 per term. Before long, as we shall soon seCj "the spacious room in the second story" was needed and used for a senior department of the school. In 1823, Richard Hilliard, a former New York school-teacher, engaged in the mercantile business where the old Atwater building used to stand, and soon built up a large dry-goods and grocery trade. He later built a brick block on Water Street (West Ninth) at the corner of Frankfort, "moved into it, and extended his operations still further. In company with Courtland Palmer, of New York, and Edwin Clark, of Cleveland, he purchased a large tract of land on 132 CLEVELAND AND ITS EmaRONS [Chap. IX the flats, and aided in opening that part of tlie city to manufacturing purposes. In his labor in connection with the creation of Cleveland's system of waterworks, as president of the incoi'poi'ated village, and as one of the promoters of the city's railroad system, he gave a serv- ice of great value." He died in December, 1856. RuFus P. Spalding In ilareh, 1823, Judge Rufus P. Spalding made his first visit to Cleveland. In the Annals of the Early Settlers' Association, he has given us a valuable picture of the village as it then was. He says : I came from Warren, in Ti-umbull County, where I then lived, in the company of Hon. George Tod, who was then president judge of the Rufus P. Spalding third judicial circuit, wliich embraced, if 1 mistake not, the wliolo Western Reserve. We made the journey on horseback, and were nearly two days in accomplishing it. I recollect the Judge, instead of an overcoat, wore an Lidian blanket drawn over his head by means of a hole cut in the center. Wo came to attend court, and ])ut up at the house of Mr. IMcrwin, where we met (|uite a number of lawyers from adjacent counties. At lliis time tlie village of Warren, where I lived, was considered as altogcUier ahead of Cleveland in im]K)rtance ; in- deed, there was very little of Clevelaiul, at that day, east and south- east of the Public Square. The population was estimated at four hundred souls. The earliest burying-ground was at the present inter .section of Prospect and Ontario streets. Some years afterwards in riding away from Clevelaiul, in the stage-eoach, I passed the Erie street cemeterj% just then laid out. T recollect it excited my surprise 1823] A NOTABLE TWO 133 that a site for a l)uryiiiy;-^-i'(nin(l .sIkhiIiI he scloi'tod so iar out of town. Tlie eoui-t tliat 1 attcmlcd on my lirst visit was held in the old eourl- house, that stood on the northwest quarter of the i'ublie Square. The presiding judge was the lion. George Tod, a well-read lawyer and a courteous gentleman, the father of our late patriotic governor, David Tod. The associate judges of the Common Pleas Court Avere Hon. Thomas Card and Hon. Samuel Williamson. Horace Perry was clerk, and Jas. S. Clarke, shcrilf. The lawyei's atteniling court were Alfred Kellej-, then acting prosecuting attorue.\- for the county ; Leonard Case, Samuel Cowles, Keubcn Wood and fjohii W. Willey, of Cleveland; Samuel W\ Phelps and Samuel Wheeler, of Geauga; Jonatlian Sloane, of Portage, Eli.slia Whittlesey, Thomas D. Webb, and R. P. Spalding, of Trumbull County. John Blair wa.s foreman of the grand jury. -Ml". Spalding was born in ]\Iassachusetts in 1798 and was gradu- ated from Yale in 1817. He lived at Wari'en from 1821 to about 1837, when he moved to Ravenna from wliich place he was sent to the st Clcvohind Academy." In 1825, ground was broken at Ijicking Summit for the Ohio Canal, the details of which will be given more fully in Chapter XI, 1825] THE CLEVELAND HARBOR 135 and the national government made its tirst appropriation for the improvement of the Cleveland harbor. At that time the bar at the mouth of tJie river still impeded navigation and, in ]\Iarch, congress appropriated $5,000, all of which was spent in building a pier into the lake from tiie east shore of the river. As the channel still remained precarious or impassable, eongi-ess made a larger appro- priation and the government sent a member of the United States Sherlock J. Andrews _ engineer corps iinder whose direction a second pier was built parallel to the first and still further east. Then the channel was changed and the river made to flow between the pai'allel piere. The work proved successful and resulted in giving Cleveland a good har- bor. By 1828, there were at least ten feet of water in the channel. The canal and the harbor improvements gave the village a new impe- tus and, from that time, there was a marked growth ; the population increased ten-fold in a decade. 136 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. IX From the list of arrivals in 1825, I take the name of Melancthon Barnett, who began life in the village as a clerk in the store of Thomas P. May ; subsequently the firm name became IMay and Barnett. Mr. Barnett served as a member of the Cleveland city council and was a vice president of the City Bank of Cleveland, which was incor- porated in 1845 as an independent bank and, in 1865, developed into the National Citj' Bank of Cleveland. But the chief claim of Melanc- thon Barnett upon the reverent remembrance of Cleveland and Clevelanders lies in the fact that he was the father of Gen. James Barnett. Another notable recruit of 1825 was Sherlock J. Andrews. He was a gi-aduate of Union College and, like IMr. Allen, Connecticut born and a lawyer. He was elected to congress in 1840, and was judge of the superior court of Cleveland in 1848. He was a member of the state constitutional conventions of 1850 and 1873. "A bril- liant advocate, a model judge, a cultured, high-minded gentleman." He died in 1880. In 1825, also came John W. Allen. He studied law with Judge Samuel Cowles and was five times elected village president, the last of that tribe. He served in the state senate and in congress, and, in 1841, was maj'or of the city. He was one of the moving .spirits in the building of our fir.st railways and, from 1870 to 1875, was postmaster; in short, he was "conspicuously useful." He died in 1887. The Second Courthouse Bj^ 1826, it was generally agreed that the old court-house and jail in the northwest section of the Public Square had been outgrown, but when the matter of building a new one was brought i^p for discus- sion the dormant ambition of Newburg Avas aroused and her old claim was again put forward. In tlie opinion of the inhabitants of that town, "tlie decisive time had come when the question ought to be settled for all time and before any more money was expended in Cleveland. The battle was fought out to the end, and was the last one of whicli we sliall hear, in the liistory of these two pUicos that have now become one. There wore llirce county commissioners by whom the qui'stion must be decided. One of them was removed by dcatl), and it was found that the otlier two were equally divided, one favoring Ne\vl)urg, and the other Cleveland. An election was held in 1826 to fill the vacancy. It was one of the hottest and most exciting that had as yet been seen in that section, all other issues being swal- lowed up in this great question. Dr. David Long, the Cleveland nominee, was elected by a sinjill majority, and Cleveland's last str>iggle 1826] A NEW COURT-HOUSE 137 with Newburg was won." It was tU-uidcd to locate the new eourt-house on the southwest section of the Public Square. Plans were adopted and work was begun that year. Tlie building was finished in 1828 and court was held tlierein on the twenty-eighth of October of that year. As described by ]Mr. Kennedy, "it was two stories high, of brick, sur- mounted by a wooden dome, faced the lake, and was entered by a half dozen steps, front and rear. The lower story was divided into offices for use of the county officials, while the upper lloor was used for court pui-jioses. Two or three years later a substantial stone jail was erected in the rear of the court-house and across the .street — a structure that, from its sombre appearance, was usually called 'the 1828— The Second Couki house— 1858 blue jug.' " A description of rare architectural merit will be given in the account of the contents of the fir.st directory of Cleveland and Ohio City (1837) a few pages further on. In this building the public, judicial and administrative business of the county was carried on for nearly thirty years. In this year, Philo Seovill completed the Franklin House and opened its doors for the accommodation of his probable patrons, and a new cemetery was dedicated. This burying ground was then called the City Cemetery and contained two acres. Its area was subsequently enlarged to ten acres and its name changed to the Erie Street Cemetery. For many years it was Cleveland's chief place of burial. 138 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. IX David H. Beardslej- came to Cleveland iu 1826, from Connecticut via Lower Sandusky (now Fremont), Ohio, where he served as a judge and was elected to the state legislature. In 1827, he was appointed collector for the Ohio canal at its northern terminus, a position that he held for a score of years. ' ' Not an error, either large or small was ever detected in his accounts." In the same year came Nicholas Doekstader, bom at Albany iu 1802. He soon went into business and was the leading hat, cap, and fur dealer in the city until his retire- ment from active business in 1858. He rendered valuable service iu the city council after the incorporation of Cleveland in 1836 and was elected mayor iu 1840. He died in 1871. Of him, it is of record, "he was a business man who gave his time freely to the public when he could be of service, but who by no means made office-holding the purpose of his life." In 1827, congress made its second appropriation ($10,000) for the imi^rovemcnt of the Cleveland harbor ; in 1828, the new court-house on the Public Square was completed ; in 1829, the first fire engine was bought as already stated; and, in 1830, a light house was built "on the bluff at the end of Water Street, its lantern being one hundred and thirty-five feet above water level." In 1828, the first mineral "coal was brought to Cleveland and hawked about the streets. A few bushels wei'c purchased for experiment, but the housewives objected to it on account of its blackness, preferring wood, a much cleaner and, at that time, more abundant article of fuel." George "Worthington George Woithiugton was born at Cooperstown, New York, in 1813. After a few years of service as clerk in a hardware store at Utica, he came to Cleveland in 1829 and began business as a hardware dealer on his own account. His first store was on the corner of Superior Street and Union Lane, but thi'oe yeare later he moved to the northeast corner of Water (West Ninth) and Superior sti'eets. A few years after that, James Baniett was admitted to partiuM'ship ; the enlarged finn entered the wholesale trade and soon had a l)usiness of a million dollars a year. The firm of George Worthington and Company is still one of the strong business institutions of the cit.y. Mr. Barnctt became the second president of the company, a major- general in the civil war, president of the First National Bank and of the Associated Charities, and wa,s officially connected with many similar philanthropic organizations. He was often called "Cleveland's Grand Old Man." In 1903, in presenting a certificate designating 1829] THE FIRST IIAJRDWARE STORE 139 liiiii as ail lioiiorary life member of the Children's Fresh Air Camp, Dr. Elroy M. Avery, the president of the camp, said: "It is a matter of eonfrratnlation that it goes to one who, in all the varied walks of a long and honorable life, has played eveiy part well — in war and in peace, in business and philanthropy ; to one who has shown his friends how to grow old beautifully; to one who, by common consent, is ad- George Wortiiington mitted to be what I now formally pioclaim you to be. The First Citizen of Cleveland." Various Improvements and Happenings George Hoadley, Seth A. Abbey, Norman C. Baldwin, and Richard Winslow came in 1830, and Milo H. Hiekox in 1831. IMr. Hoadley had been a tutor at Yale College, a newspaper writer, and had served as mayor of New Haven, Connecticut. From 1832 to 1846, he was a justice of the peace. One of our city historians calls him "one of the marked men of his day" and another says that, as a justice of the peace, "he remains our model. He decided over twenty thousand cases, few were appealed, and none were reversed." lie was mayor of Cleve- land from 1846 to 1848. In 1849, the family moved to Cincinnati, where his son, born at New Haven in 1825 and graduated at "Western Reserve College in 1844, Iw'gan the practice of law. This son was elected gov- ernor of Ohio in 1883. ^\r. Abbey became city marshal and judge of the police court: Mr. Baldwin entered the produce commission busi- ness in partnership with Noble H. ilerwin. In later years, Mr. Baldwin was engaged in banking and real estate business. He became I^'(ei r^rT^u'|g- siijiiri en r>i-!i--sfl:!» '*\mx. "~-^'^ ^cr-i. ■jy.s,t,=KJaiifc . 1831] DOMESTIC DIFFICULTIES 141 the owner of a large tract of land extending from East Ninety-third Street to the eastern limits of Luna Park and fi'om Quiney Avenue to Woodland Avenue. Mr. Winslow brought considerable capital and engaged in the wholesale grocery business. Mr. Ilickox had hard luck at the beginning as appears from a confidential letter that he wrote to a friend and later had the pluck to print in the Annals of the Early Settlere' Association. In this letter he said: Cleveland is about two-thirds as large as Rochester, east side of the river, and is the pleasantost sight that you ever saw. The streets are broad and cross each other at riglit angles. The court-house is better than the one in Kochcster; the rest of the buildings altogether are not worth more than four of the best in that place, and one room of a middling size rents for one dollar per month. Everything that we want to live upon connuands cash and a high price. Mechanics' wages are low. Journeymen get from •'JilO to $20 per month and board; I get nine shillings and six pence per day, and board myself. I have the best of work. Now for the morals. There are between fifteen and twenty grogshops, and they all live. There was one opened here last week by a man from Rochester. There is a temperance so- ciety, with ten or a dozen male members. The Presbyterian church has four male members, Baptist six, Methodist about the same, the Episcopal is small ; they have a house, the others have not. The court-house is used at this time for a theatrical company, and is well filled with people of all cla.sses. My health has not been good since we have been here. About four weeks since, we awoke in the morning and found ourselves all shaking with the ague. I had but one fit my- self. My wife had it about a week, every day, and my son three weeks, every day, and what made it worse, my wife and son both shook at the same time. I spent one day in search of a girl ; gave up the chase and engaged a passage for my wife to Buffalo, to be forwarded to Rochester. She was to leave the next morning. I w^as telling my troubles to an acquaintance, who told me that he would find a girl for me, or let me have his rather than have my family leave, so we eon- eluded to stay. The Cleveland Advertiser Appears In the early part of this year (January 6, 1831), the first number of the Cleveland. Advertiser, a weekly paper, was issued by Henry Bolles and Madison Kelley. Although the proprietors acknowledged no political affiliation, their paper was anti-Jaeksonian and anti- Masonic. The Advertiser became a daily paper in 1836. Henry B. Payne came to Cleveland in 1832 and, as already stated, married the daughter of Nathan Perry, Jr. He ably managed the landed estate that his wife inherited, took an active part in public affairs, serving as a member of the city council and the state senate, as a representative in congress and as a United States senator. He 142 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. IX was a member of the first board of waterworks commissioners, one of the sinking fund commissioners, and one of the congressional commission that settled the dangerous Hayes-Tilden presidential controversy. He was actively identified with the railway interests of the community and did much toward the upbuilding of the city. He died in 1896. In any history of Cleveland the name of Henry B. Payne must be written large. r ^.$S^,ilS^h Henkv B. Pavne When th(» Commercial Bank of Lake Erie was reorganized in 1832, as already recorded, the directors called from Butlalo a briglit young man to act as cashier. In response to the call, Truman P. Handy, then twenty-five years old, came with his young bride and entered upon his long and successful career as one of the great bankers of Cleveland.* He was a member of the board of education, a trustee of Adelbcrt (Western Reserve University) and Oliprlin colleges, and of the Lane See portrait on page 110. 1832] THE CHOLERA 143 Theological Seminary. For more than fourscore years, he was an elder of the Second Presbyterian church and actively interested iu its Sunday school work. He died in 1898. Another arrival of this year was Timothy P. Spencer, one of the founders of the Cleveland Advertiser and, in later years, the Cleveland postmaster. The year also saw the organization of a church in Newburg, "Congregational in form although attached to the Cleveland Presbytery. It came into existence at the residence of Noah Graves, under the direction of the Rev. David Peet, of Euclid, assisted by the Rev. Harvey Lyon. A temporary place of worship was fitted up in a carpenter's shop, and services were held occasionally under the leadership of the Rev. Simeon Woodruft", of Strongaville. This organization became known in later days as the South Presbyterian Church." But there was another arrival in 1832 — far less welcome but, fortunately, a transient. The preparations made at Cleveland on account of the expected Indian cholera, have already been men- tioned. At that time, medical science "had not robbed this east- ern plague of its terrors, so, when the alarm was sent through the west that death in its worst fonn of wholesale slaughter was approach- ing, the people of Cleveland, like their neighbors, were panic-stricken, and ready to resort to any measures for protection. Toward the end of May, an emigrant ship landed at Quebec with a load of pas- sengers, and the cholera aboard. It spread over that city with great virulence; moved up the St. Lawrence River; attacked Montreal, where its effects were fatal in most cases. A feeling of panic spread rapidly through all the lake region, as it was known that the march of the scourge, in that direction, would lie certain and rapid." In a commimication to the newly-created board of health (see page 101), the village president, John W. Allen, said: "At a public meeting of the citizens of this village yesterday to adopt measures in relation to the anticipated arrival of the Indian cholera within our limits, it was determined that a committee of five persons be appointed, whose duty should be to inspect any vessels arriving here from Lake Ontario, or any port on the lake where the cholera does or may exist; to examii>e all cases that may be suspicious in their character, either on the river or in the village; to examine into the existence of, and cause to be removed, all nuisances that may have a tendency to generate or propagate the disease. . . . And, also, that they erect or procure a suitable building for the reception of strangers, or others, who may be attacked, or who have not the proper accommo- dation of their own." The village trustees also passed an ordinance providing for the inspection of vessels and the placing of them in 144 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. IX ciuarantine. The apprehension and dread of the viUagers consti- tuted a veritable ''scare," the story of which Mr. John W. Allen has put on record for us. The Black Hawk war was then raging in Illinois and Wisconsin and "the Indians were all on the war path. The garrison at what is now Chicago had been massacred, and every white man, woman, and child they could hunt out, murdered. With a horrible pestilence threatened in the east and at home, too, and a war of extermination in progress in the west, it may well be in- ferred the popular mind was in a high state of excitement. About June, General Scott was ordered to gather all the troops he could find in the eastern forts at Buffalo, and start them off in a steam- boat in all haste for Chicago. . . . Incipient indications of cholera soon appeared, and some died, and by the time the boat arrived at Fort Gratiot, at the foot of Lake Huron, it became appar- ent that the effort to reach Chicago by water would prove abortive. Genei-al Scott, therefore, landed his men, and prepared to make the march through the wilderness, three hundred miles or more to Chi- cago" and sent the boat, with a number of sick soldiers, back to Buffalo. Befoi-e the boat, the "Henry Clay," arrived at Cleveland, half a dozen men had died and their bodies had been thrown overboard, and others were sick. "Early in the morning of the tenth of June," continued Mr. Allen, "we found the 'Clay' lying fast to the west bank of the river, with a flag of distress flying, and we knew the hour of trial had come upon us, thus unheralded. The trustees met imme- diately, and it was determined at once that everything should be done to aid the suffei-ers, and protect our citizens so far as in us lay. I was deputed to visit Captain Norton and find what he most needed, and how it could be done. A short conversation was held with him across the river, and plans suggested for relieving them. The result was that the men were removed to comfortable barracks on the West Side and needed appliances and physicians were furnished. Captain Norton came ashore and went into retirement, with a friend, for a day or two, and the 'Clay' was thoroughly fumigated, and in three or four days, she left for BufTalo. Some of the men having died here, the.y were buried on a bluff point on the West Side. But, in the interim, the disease showed itself among our citizens in various localities, among those who had not been exposed at all from proximity to the boat, or to those of us who had been most connected with the work that had been done. The faces of men were blanched, and they .spoke with bated breath, and all got away from here who could. How many persons were attaeked is unknown now, but in tlie course of a fortnight llie disease became less virulent 1832] SICKNESS AND SERVICE 145 ami oiidod witliiu a mouth, about lifty having died. About the middle of October following, a cold rain storm occurred, and weeks, perhaps months, after the last case had ceased of the previous visi- tation, fourteen men were seized with cholera and all died within three days. No explanation could be given as to the origin, no others being affected, and that was the last appearance of it for two years. In 1834, we had another visitation, and some deaths occurred, but the people were not so much scared." In the personal statement printed in the Annals of the Early Settlers' Association, from which statement 1 liave already made quotation. Captain Lewis Dibble says : "I was here in the two cholera scares. We had heard a great deal of it, and some marvelous tales were told of men walking along the streets and falling dead, with others of the same character. It was in 1832. I was on the schooner 'America,' and Mr. May asked me whether I would lay up or go on to Buffalo, where the disease was then raging. I replied that I would probably have to face it one place or another, and that it might as well be Buffalo as here. We accordingly went down. We saw a great many hearses going to and fro, and I must confess that things did not look pleasant. When we came back (to Cleveland) we found a guard on the dock, as the people wore determined that no ships with cholera on board should stop here. . . . When the 'Henry Clay' came in here on her way back from carrying troops up to the Black Hawk war, she had a number of cases on board. There was great excitement, and many declared she should not remain, some wishing to go down and burn her. ... On one occasion water was wanted at the cholei-a hospital on Whisky Island, and no one could be got to take it there. My vessel was at the foot of Superior street. We took two casks to a spring near Supei'ior street, filled them, and then rowed them down the river to the point of destination. Word came in from Doan's Cnrnors that Job Doan, the father of W. H. Doan, was down with it and needed help. A man named Thomas Coolihan and I agreed to go out and see him. AVe got a huggy and went to the Franklin House, where we waited a long time before a couple of doctors whom we expected came in. They then mounted another buggy and we drove out, the hour being quite late. We all four went in. The doctors looked at him, shook their heads, and going out returned to the city. He was in great agony. When we, the other two, went up to the bed, he took our hands, and by his look showed that he was in great pain. Captain Stark and a man named Dave Little stood over him, rubbing him all the time. It was no use. We remained about an hour and then returned to the city. An hour after we left, he died." Vol. 1—10 CHAPTER X GROWTH OF MIND AND BODY Charles Whittlesey, now better known as Colonel Whittlesey, was born at Southington, Connecticut, in 1808 ; his father settled in Tallmadge, Ohio, in 1815. In 1827, the son entered the United States Military Academy at West Point. He was g:raduated in 1831 and became a brevet second lientenant in the Fifth United States Infantry and, in November, set out to join his regiment at Maeljinac. At the close of the Black Hawk war, he resigned from the army. About that time (1832) he opened a law ofBce in Cleveland and soon became part owner and co-editor of the Whig and Herald. In 1837, he was appointed assistant geologist of Ohio ; associated with him was Dr. J. P. Kirtland who was entrusted with the natural history work. At the end of two years, the survey was discontinued, but not until it had disclosed the rich coal and iron deposits of eastern Ohio; thus laying the foundations for the vast manufacturing industries that have made that part of the state populous and prospei'ous. In a resume of this work. Professor Newberiy has said that the benefits derived "conclusively demonstrate that the geological sur- vey was a producer and not a consumer, that it added far more than it took from the public treasury, and deserved special encourage- ment and support as a wealth producing agency in our darkest financial hour. ... It did much to arrest useless expenditure of money in the scarcli for coal outside of the coal fields. . . . It is scarcely less important to let our i)eople know what we liave not, than what we have, among our mineral resources." But that is an economic truth that often has proved diiifieult to pound into the understanding of an Ohio legislature. In 1839 and 1840, he made examination of many of the preliistoric works then known to exi.st in the state, including the extensive works at Newark and Marietta.* For several years, he was engaged in surveys of tlie "See Avery's History of the Uiiili-il .S'(<;fc,5 oitd Its People, vol. I, jip. 44-49, .59-62. 14G Colonel Charles Wjuttlesey Historian of Early Clevpland nnd one of the founders and first jiresidpnt of The Western Reserve Historical Society; reproduced from an oil painting by courtesy of The Western Reserve Historical Society. 148 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. X copper and iron-ore regions of iliehigan and Wisconsin, but at the outbreak of the civil war he turned from such employment and soon became colonel of the Twentieth Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He planned and constructed the defences of Cincinnati and was in command of his regiment at the taking of Port Donelson. At Shiloh, he commanded a brigade, soon after which, because of long-continued ill health, he tendered his resignation and retired from the army. General Grant endorsed his resignation thus: "We cannot afford to lose so good an otiReer." Colonel Whittlesey soon turned his attention again to explora- tions in the Lake Superior and Upper Mississippi basins, researches that added to the mineral wealth of the country. But the work for which he is now best known was at liaud. The Western Reserve Historical Society was organized in May, 1867, upon the sugges- tion of Judge Chai'les Candee Baldwin who became its secretary, but Mr. Baldwin says that all looked to Colonel Whittlesey "to lead the movement and none other could iiave approached his efficiency or ability as president of the society." In a memorial notice be- fore the Civil Engineer's Club, Mr. J. P. Holloway said: Colonel Whittlesey will be best and longest remembered in Cleve- land and on the Reserve, for his untiring interests and labors in seeking to rescue from oblivion the pioneer history of this portion of the state and which culminated in the establishment of the present Western Reserve Historical Society, of which for many years he was the presid- ing officer. It will be remembered by many here, how for years there was little else of the Western Reserve Historical Societ}', except its active, hardworking president. For several years before liis death. Colonel Whittlesey was con- fined to his home by rheumatism and other disorders, but if he could no longer travel about the city he could write. His Early History of Cleveland was pul)lislied in 1867; the list of his books and pam- phlets, compiled by Judge Baldwin, enumerates one hundred and ninety-one. In his last few years, the relation of religion to science engaged much of his thought ; his last published work consists of a series of articles on Theism and Atheism in Science. On the morning of Sunday, the .seventeenlli of October, 1886, be was seized witli a chill; he died early in the moi'ning of llie following day.* * III the prpparatioii of thin skofcli, I liave made very full ami free use of a Mrmo-ruil of Colonel Cluirlm Whitllrscii. Idle Prrxirlrnt of Ihr Wculern Fcscrve HistoricM Soeirty, prepared liv .Tmly;r Balilwiii, and ]iriiitc'd in the Society's Tra<4, No. 68. " 1832] OHIO'S BLACK LAWS 149 The Fugitive Slave Law lu 1793, congress passed a fugitive slave law providiug that, ou the owner's giving proof of ownership before a magistrate of the locality where the slave was found, the magistrate should order the slave delivered up to him without trial by juiy. Hindering arrest or harboring a runaway slave was punishable by fine of five hundred dollars. The law was ojien to much abuse and was much abused ; many free negroes were kidnapped from the northern states. In 1804, the Ohio legislature decreed tliat "no black or mulatto person shall be permitted to settle or reside in this state unless he or she shall tirst pro- cure a fair certifieate from some court within the United States of his or her actual freedom and requiring every such person to have such certificate recorded in the clerk's office in the county in which he or she intended to reside." Anj- person who employed a negro or mulatto person not thus registered was subject to a fine. In the same year, the legislature made it a legal offense to harbor or secrete any black or mulatto person and levied a fine of one thousand dollars upon any one who aided the escape of any such person who was "the property of another." Three years later (1807), Ohio law required every such person to give a bond before settling in the state, such bond to be signed by two or more freehold sureties and "conditioned for the good behavior of such negro or mulatto and to pay for the support of such person in case he or she be found within any town- ship unable to support him or herself." For years, while there was little north and south traffic through the state, these statutes were practically dead letters, mere "scraps of paper;" but when the Erie- Ohio "canal was opened and colored people began to pass through Cleveland, then the rigor of the law, particularly of the national fiigitive slave law, aroused the slumbering animosities of the people." Local Anti-Slavery Sentiment The fact that there was an anti-slavery society in Cleveland as early as 1810, has already been noted. In 1827, was organized the short-lived Cuyahoga. County Colonization Society. This was a branch of a national organization that sought the removal of negi-oes from the United States to Africa, hoping thus to secure the voluntary emancipation of slaves by their masters and the gradual abolition of the peculiar institution. Its president was Samuel Cowles; its vice presidents were the Eev. Randolph Snow, Nehemiah Allen, Datus Kelley, Josiah Barber, and Lewis R. Dille. A. W. Walworth was la for the «c« of in-' appran. ,{$0 dol- iry, 24 J, - e for the : (be last doDan. — - lUtbosiscd ; the leii .riDfttaJ-at :icncr of 198 doll=. able, dur- 71 ceots. Implied to 7 i9, »o(h meet Ibe or I8«0,'' it amount The re- :eipl3 aod 1 result of i,000 dol- ark up6a f recom • ly io Iht tb » res- e Udited h plan lu ess, at ils nt black complexion, bin teelh usually yellow from the cbewiogor tobacco, not lal!;* ative, «recl in his appearance, and about 20 years of age. Had on when he absconded, a aew ftir hat, black cloth coatee, white vroulen pantaloons, Stc. SAM is very bhck. 5 feel 9 or 10 inches high, about 30 rears of age, sloop.s in walking, has large while eyes, {ree and easy to talk, aod white l-^lking, blows much, from n phibis- ical complaint, lauf^bs readily, look a quantity of cloathing with him, and wore a while fur hat, blue ami while round-about and panfa- loons. Tliey have made their \ray into the stale of Ohio, at the moulh of Fishing Creek, anri porlMps will be found in Ihp direction of Wooclvilje, Barnsrille. i^Iount Ple.nsant, St- ClairsvilJe, Freeport, Cadiz and Cleaveland; or they will lurn thrviugh Cainbrid;;e, by Co* ^bocton. Mount Vernon. Upper Sandusky, bv {he way of Cn'^en«ville, lo Canada ; or from Sandusky to I'err^'svilie and Detroit, into Canada. The ahore reward of five hundred dollars will be paid lo any person, who will appre- hend and dfliver sai-^ qlave?> to u§, at Clarks- burg, or ibret: hundred dollars wdl be given if Ibey are secured in jail, eo that we may get thera again — or two hundred dollars will be given to any person who will pMticuIarty inforra ua, by letleror otherwise, where (hey are, so that we gel them again ; which infor- mation 6haJI by us he deemed conlidential. In (he event of but one of them beiiig re* covered, one half of the above reward, upon tbe lartDS above mentioned, will be given. EDWARD B.JACK.SOV, JONATHAN JACKSON. A pril lOlb, I 8gO. 3o-3w JL WOOD, Attorney 8c CouiuieUor at Law, the imporli Ibe AUx^en: All kind- livcred by- Eve ry at the subscril bic for acci BYnrt, court and (o mc < po^e for sal ii.yy of Ma^ , o^cIock, A. I house of r Cleaveland 2 Box< 50 pairs, gon, 1 oi pairs Pic Glass, 2 I pounds, ; Beer. Clpavel.1 I N the to- her fori 60 lliirty-five wbich arc quality can orchard, jut | ty lo filly b i»es there i House, twi pan finisbei in e.icli, an' is a franieil with a smai of lire kite cellar, liS Tl ihp kilchcn irciler. i The com nip) can he John Rnple to IVlr. S.iini 1833] ANTI-SLAVERY SENTIMENT 151 treasurer, and .lames S. Clark was secretary. Mordecai Hartley was chosen as delegate to the national society. The Clevelanders of that day who liad given any serious thought to the question of Ameri- can slavery seem to have been divided in opinion. The "Coloniza- tionists" looked to state compensation as a supplement to voluntary manumission; between them and the out-and-out "Abolitionists" there was often heated controversy. The abolitionists gained in num- bers and the Colonization Society soon died out. In 1833, the Cleve- land Antislaveiy Society was organized with Dr. David Long as its president and his son-in-law, Solomon L. Severance, as its sccjretary, as already recorded. J. H. Harding was vice-president and John A. Foote was treasurer. In 1835, Josiah Barber of the "Colonization- ists" presided at a public meeting at which the "Abolitionists" were hotly denounced. But the on-coming tide could not be turned back and, on the fourth of July, 1837, the Cuyahoga County Antislavery Society was formed at a meeting in the Old Stone Church, presided over by John A. Foote. A committee on constitution, consisting of J. M. Sterling, J. F. Hawks, and Solomon L. Severance, reported that "the object of this society shall be the entire abolition of slavery throughout the United States and the elevation of our colored breth- ren to their proper rank as men." Edward Wade was elected presi- dent ; Samuel Freeman of Pal-ma, Asa Cody of Euclid, J. A. Foote of Cleveland, J. L. Tomlinson of Rockport, and Samuel Williamson of Willoughby were vice-presidents; L. L. Rice was corresponding secretary ; II. F. Brayton was recording secretary ; and Solomon L. Severance was treasurer. Among the arrivals of 1833 was John A. Foote,- a son of Governor Samuel A. Foote of Connecticut, and a graduate of Yale. He en- tered into partnership with Sherlock J. Andrews. In addition to practising his profession, he took an active part in reformatory, educational, and philanthropic work and held many public offices. He died in 1891. Another notable accession of that year was Thomas Burnham who had been master of a freight boat running on the Champlaiu canal from Whitehall to Albany. He and his newly married wife came by team from Glens Falls to Saratoga where they took the cars for Scheneetadj-. The cars on that line at that time were fashioned like stage coaches, ran on strap rails, and were drawn by three horses driven tandem. From Schenectady to Buffalo they came by boat on the Erie canal and from Buffalo to Cleveland by the steamer "Pennsylvania" which stopped at all the way stations and took four days and nights to make the trip. Mr. Burnham soon took charge of a school on the west side of the river (in what was still w CO CO (» -id T— 1 o o z u M Q z; a ^r". o ^ iH M CM > 4-3 § o w ^ QJ L„ 1833] CHEERFUL GIVERS 153 Brooklyn township), subsequently entered business, and became mayor of Ohio City after its incorporation in 1836. First Baptist Church The Fii-st Baptist Church of Cleveland was organized in Feb- ruary, 1833, with the Rev. Richmond Taggart as pastor; it became alTiliatcd with the Rocky River Baptist Association in the following September. Dr. II. C. Applcgarth tells us that, in 1833, Cleveland had a population of one thousand three hundred of whom only six or seven were Baptists, and that deplorable darkness pervaded the set- tlement. "The first meetings were held in either that universally First Baptist Church useful place of gatherings, the old Academy on St. Clair Street, or the Court-house, until the erection of their own place of worship on the comer of Seneca [West Third] and Champlain streets. This was a brick structure, the foundations of which were laid in 1834, the dedication occurring on February 25th, 1836. The church cost thirteen tliousand dollars, and was, at that time, considered one of the largest and most attractive in that section of the west." Dr. Applegarth further tells us that by 1834, the population of the town had increased to about five thousand, and that the faithful few "prepared a subscription paper and set about soliciting pledges for a building. The people gave liberally and cheer- fully. Many made great sacrifices in order to be able to help. Deacon Pelton, then living at Euclid, mortgaged his farm for 154 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. X two thousand dollars that he might contribute that amount to the project. His neighbors thought him to be demented, so com- pletely astounded were they at his action. But in the end the Lord blessed him and restored the money many fold. Nor was lie alone in his devotion to the work of the Lord. It was said of John Seaman that he gave more thought to the finances of the church than to his own business. One morning, coming into his store, he said to his partner, Mr. William T. Smith : ' Smith, you go to the meeting tonight and put me down for a thousand, and you put down a thousand, and go to Sylvester Ranney and tell him to put down a thousand.' The thousands were put down and paid. Soon a suitable location was found, on the corner of Seneca and Champlain streets, and there, finally, was finished the meeting house of the First Baptist church." The society gained steadily in strength and usefulness, and, in 1855, purchased of the Plymouth Congregational Chui'ch a brick building, on the corner of Euclid Avenue and Erie (East Ninth) Street, where services were first held on the eighth of April. This building gave way for the Hickox building of today. The church now has a beautiful building on the corner of Prospect Avenue and East Forty-sixth Street. Black Hawk and John Stair Among the ' ' transients ' ' of that year were a famous Red man and an observant Englishman. Harvey Rice tells us that "at the close of the Black Hawk War in 1833, the chieftain. Black Hawk, and several of his band were taken, in the custody of a government offi- cer, to Washington as captives, to be dealt with as the authorities might decide. The captives, instead of being shot as they expected, were kindly received, and lionized by being taken about town, showh its wonders, and then sent througli several eastern cities, with a view to convince them of the invincible power of the white people. They were then returned, under escort, to their homes in the 'far west.' While on their return, the party stopi)ed over a day at Cleve- land, as requested by Black Hawk, in order to give him an oppor- tunity to visit the grave of his mother, who, as he said, was buried on the. banks of the Cuyahoga." From "Ncwburg, county of Cuyahoga, August 16, 1833," John Stair of England, then teach- ing a private .school in Newburg, wrote a letter that has been jire- .served in the Annals of the Early Settlers' A.ssociation. Some of Mr. Stair's impressions recorded in tliis letter were tliat Ckn'ehiiid was "an increasing place," and, "for ibc size of it, the protliest 1833] FIRE PROTECTION 155 town I have seen in America." Tlie postage on a letter to England was twenty-five cents, but large turkeys could be bought for fifty cents each; fowls, a shilling; roasting pigs, twenty-five cents; mutton, beef, pork, veal, etc., from two to four cents a pound; butter, nine cents; and cheese, six cents. No wonder that he added: "This is a poor man's eountry. . . . Many raise all they eat, with few exceptions, such as tea, coffee, etc. They raise their own wool and flax which are spun and woven by the women for clothing, so that a farmer is the most independent person in the country." Chiefly because of its mention of a canal, the following supple- mentary quotations from a letter said to have been written in 1833, are here given : Few places in the western country are so 'advantageously situated for commerce or boast greater population and business. Here is the northern termination of Ihe Ohio Canal, 309 miles in length, by which this village will communicate with Columbus and Cinciiniati, with Pittsburg, St. Louis and New Orleans. . . . An inspection of the map will show that Cleveland has a position of extraoi'dinary advantage, and it only requires a moderate capital, and the usual enterprise of the American character, to advance its destiny to an equality with the most flourishing cities of the west. Two years ago, it had one thousand inhabitants; it has now two thousand, and is rap- idly increasing. The vicinity is a healthy, fertile country, as yet mostly new, but fa.st filling up. An artificial harbor, safe and commo- dious, constructed by tlie United States, often presents twenty to thirty sloops, schooners, and steamboats. Fire and Water The primitive water supply for fire protection at the beginning of the second decade of the century was described in the sixth chapter of this volume. By 1833, the villagers recognized the neces- sity for something more ample and efficient. In June of that year, the legislature incorporated the Cleveland "Water Company for fur- nishing water for the village — it seems that the company did not get much if anything beyond the charter era of development. But the year 1833 saw the beginning of Cleveland's volunteer fire depart- ment in the loosely organized company called "Live Oak, No. 1." In the following year, the "Live Oak" was reorganized as "Eagle, No. 1." Captain MeCurdy was chosen foreman and a new engine was bought. "The organization of a regular department soon followed, and Neptune No. 2, Pha?nix No. 4. Forest City Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, and Hope Hose Company No. 1, were the component parts thereof; there was a No. 3, but it was composed of boys and had 156 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. X no official recognition. In April, 1836, Cataract No. 5 was added. The first chief of the department was Samuel Cook, with Sylvester Pease as first assistant, and Erastus Smith as second assistant." On the seventeenth of May, 1836, the newly constituted city council passed an ordinance providing that "the fire department of the city of Cleveland, shall consist of a chief engineer, two assistant engineers, two fire wardens, in addition to aldermen and council- men (who are ex officio firewardens), and such fire engine men, hose men, hook and axe men as are, or may be, from time to time, ap- pointed by the city council." The ordinance then determined the duties of each of these officers and prescribed penalties for injuring the property of the department or for obstimcting the firemen at Cleveland from Courthouse, 1834 their woi'k. All members of the fire companies were exempted from the i^ayment of poll-tax — an institution now obsolete in this part of the country. A few days before this, the council had established the fire limits for tlie city as follows: "Following Die center of Cuyahoga River from the lake to the center of Huron Ivoad, thence easterly along the center of Huron Road to the center of Erie [East Ninth] Street, thence northerly in Erie Street to Lake Erie, tlience west- erly along the shore of Lake Erie to the Cuyalioga River." This virtually embraced the whole town. Tlie several companies were housed in buildings rented for the purpose ; No. 1 on what is now Superior Avenue just west of West Ninth Street; No. 2, where the Blackstonc building now is (No. 1426 West Third Street) ; No. 4 and the Hook and Ladder Company, on St. Clair Avenue at the corner 1833] LAND SPECULATION 157 of West Fourth Street, wliero a steam engine company and a liook aud ladder company still stand semper parati. The growth of the department and the splendid record of those unpaid firemen until the reorganization of the department in 1863 will receive further attention in a later chapter. As will soon be told in fuller detail, a canal from Cleveland to the Ohio River had been opened and was doing not a little to ad- vertise the village at the mouth of the Cuj'ahoga, the inhabitants of which were dreaming of the dignity and getting i-eady for the responsibilities of an incorporated city. Young men and old were moving from the East into the already-opened but undeveloped sec- tions of the West. Earl_y in 1833, Alfred Kelley made an allotment of land west of Water Street and south of Bath Street (see map on page 160) and, later in the year, James S. Clarke, Edmund Clark, and Richard Ililliard allotted all the land in the first bend of the river, Cleveland Center it was called, laid out Columbus Street from the north line thereof to the river, and offered town lots at immoderately high prices. In 1834, Leonard Case laid out a 10-acre lot at the southeast corner of the old city plat and widened the New- burg Road (Pittsburgh Street) now called Broadway. In the same year, John M. Woolse.y allotted the 2-acre lots south of Superior Street and west of Erie (East Ninth) Street. In 1835, Lee Canfield, Sheldon Pease, and others allotted the 2-acre lots at the northeast corner of the old city plat and dedicated Clinton Park to the pub- lic. In January, 1836, Thomas Kelley and Ashbel W. Walworth laid out the 2-acre lots south of Ohio Street (Central Avenue) and an adjoining tract of land that extended to the river. In short, the fever of land speculation followed close upon the heels of the cholera. Thomas Bolton Thomas Bolton was born at Scipio, Cayuga County, New York, in 1809, and was graduated at Harvard in 1833. In September, 1834, he came to Cleveland where he studied law for a year in the office of James L. Conger. He was admitted to the bar in 1835 and went into partnership with his mentor. In 1836, he bought the interest of Mr. Conger in the firm and sent for his college classmate, Moses Kelley and, with him, formed the law firm of Bolton and Kelley. In 1851, Seneca 0. Griswold, who had been a student in their office and from whom I have already quoted, was admitted to the firm which then took the name of Bolton, Kelley and Griswold. Mr. Bolton was one of the committee appointed to draft the coming city charter of 158 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. X 1836, was elected to the citj' council, and, in 1839, was elected pros- ecuting attorney of the county. In 1841, he declined a renomination on account of the inadequacy of the salary of the county prosecutor and renewed his connection with the city government as alderman. Dissatisfied with the Democratic national platform of 1848, he left that party and served as a delegate to the Buffalo convention of Thomas Bolton the Free Soil party. He was active in the organization of the Repub- lican party iVi 1856 and was a delegate to the convention that nom- inated Fremont and Dayton. In this year, 1856, he was elected judge of the court of common ])leas and retired from the law firm of Bolton, Kcliey and (iriswold. At the ciid'or his second term as judge in 1866, he retired from the bench and hai-. He died in Feb- ruary, 1871. 1834-35] A MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 159 First Western Locomotive Works As recorded by Mr. Orth in his History of Cleveland, the first niamifacturiiitr cdrporation organized in Cleveland under a state eharter was the Cuyahoga Steam Furnace Company (March 3, 1834), with an authorized capital of $100,000, a very large sum for those years. The incorporators were : Charles Iloyt, Luke Risley, Ricjiard Lord and Josiah Barber. The plant was located on tlie corner of Detroit and Center streets. It was prosperous from the beginning. It was the first furnace in this vicinity to utilize steam power instead of horse power for "blowing" the furnaces. It not only did a general foundry business, but early manufactured a patent horse- power device. In 1841, it made cannon for the government. In 1842, Ethan Rogers entered its employ and developed the manufac- ture of construction machinery to be used in building railroads, and later, the manufacture of locomotives. At this plant was built the first locomotive west of the Alleghenies. Here were made the first locomotives used by the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, and the Cleveland and Painesville railways. The first successful lake screw propeller was the "Emigrant," and its machinery was made in this establishment. Thus, Cleveland's first manufacturing corpora- tion abundantly kept pace with the rapid expansion of machine development. James D. Cleveland, "then a sturdy boy," came in 1835. In 1896, he pictured for us "The City of Cleveland Sixty Years Ago." The judge tells us that : As the steamer came up the river, the boy read the signs on the warehouses — Richard Winslow, Blair & Smith. Foster & Dennison, W. V. Craw. Robert H. Backus, Gillett & Hickox, C. M. Giddings, N. M. Standart, :M. B. Scott. Griffith & Standart, Noble H. Mei-win— and passed scores of .steamers, schooners and canal boats, exchanging wheat and flour from interior Ohio for goods and salt to be carried to the canal towns all the way to the Ohio River. Walking up Superior lane, a steep. uni)aved road, you passed the stores of Denker & Borges; Deacon Whitaker's, full of stoves; George Worthington. hardware; at the corner of T'nion lane, where Captain ^IcCurdy had lately re- tired from the dry goods basiness; Strickland & Gaylnrd, drugs, etc.; Sanford & Lott, printing and book-store : and T. W. Morse, tailor. On reaching the top, Superior street, 132 feet wide, spread before you — the widest of unpaved streets, with not a foot of flagged side- walk except at the corner of Bank [West Sixth] street, in front of a bank. It was lined with a few brick, two and three-story buildings. A town puinj) stood at the corner of Bank street, near tlie old Com- mercial Bank of Lake Erie, on the corner, of which Leonard Case was president, and Truman P. Handy cashier. There were three or 1835] AS IT WAS THEN 161 four hotels. Pigs ran in tlio street, and many a cow browsed on all the approaches to it. Ur. Long had a fine two-story residence on the corner of Seneca [West Third] street. Mr. Case, C. M. Giddings, Elijah Bingham, AVilliani Ijcinon, .Toliii W. Allen, and a few others, had residences dotted around the l'ul)lie Square, upon wliieli the old Stone Church occnpicd its present site, and in the southwest corner stood the court-house. The post-office occupied a little ten by fifty feet store-room in Levi Johnson's building, below Bank street, and you received your letters from the hands of Postmaster Daniel Worley, and paid him the eigliteen pence, or twenty-five cents postage, to which it was subject, according to the distance it had traveled. The great majority of the best residences were on Water [West Ninth], St. Clair and Lake [Lakeside Avenue] streets. A few good houses had been built on Euclid avenue, but thd Virginia I'ail fence still lined it on the north side, from where Bond street now is to the Jones residence, near Erie street, where Judge Jones and the Senator (John P. Jones) lived in their boyhood. There were groves of fine black oaks and chestnuts on Erie street between Superior and Pros- l)ect streets, and a good many on the northeast part of the Public Square, and between St. Clair street and the lake. With its scat- tered houses, its numerous groves, its lofty outlook upon the lake, its clear atmosphei-e, as yet unpolluted by smoke, Cleveland was as beautiful a village as could be found west of New Haven. Tol. I— 11 CHAPTER XI THE CANAL AND THE CHARTER One of the histories of Cleveland tells us that "the population of the city had grown in 1835 to 5,080, having more than doubled in two years. There was at this time an immense rush of people to the P"'kanklin T. J5At.Ki;.s West. Steamers ran from Huft'ald lo Ddroit crowded with passengers at a fare of eiglit dollars, the number on board what would now be called small boats, sometimes reaching from five hundred to six hun- 162 1835-36] DESIRABLE RECRUITS 163 dred pei-sons. The line liired steamers and fined tliem one hundred dollars if the I'ound trip was not made in eight days. The slower boats, not being alile to mak- tliat time with any eertainty, frequently stopped at Clevelaiul, discharged their passengers, and put back to Buffalo. It sometimes chaneed that the shore accommodations were insufficient for tlie great crowd of emigrants stopping over at this port, and the steamers were hired to lie oft' the port all niglit, that the passengers might have sleeping accommodations. In that year fire destroyed a large part of the business portion of Cleveland." William Bingham The first dentist to open an office in Cleveland was Benjamin Strickland who came in 1835. In 1836, came Franklin T. Backus, "William Bingham, William A. Otis, and Moses Kelley. Mr. Backus was a lawyer and is remembered as one who won an enviable position among the leading lawyers of Ohio; he took an active part in the consolidation of Cleveland and Ohio Citv in 1854, and was one of 164 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XI the counsel for the defense in the Oberlin-Wellington Rescue case in 1859, probably the most famous trial in the history of Cleveland. William Bingh-IM Mr. Bingham, when twenty years of age, "bade adieu to the home and scenes of his youth [in Massachusetts] traveling west- ward over the old pioneer railroad from Albaii.y to Schenectady," thence by canal packet to Rochester, and then by stage and canal to Buffalo, where he became a passenger on the steamboat, "Robert Fulton," bound for Cleveland. Soon after his an'ival in this city, he secured a position as salesman in the hardware store of George "Worthington ; that his ability and enterprise wei*e soon recognized is indicated in the fact that after two years he was admitted to part- nership. He remained in that connection for another two years, after which he disposed of his interest in the firm and, in 1841, bought the hardware stock of Clark and Murphy, and organized the firm of William Bingham and Company. From the outset the busi- ness prospered and its trade constantly expanded with the growth and development of the city. Mr. Bingham was prominent in financial circles, serving for years as director of the Merchants National Bank and of its successor, the Mercantile National Bank, of the Society for Savings, etc. He was one of the earliest and most active of the promoters of our municipal waterworks system, a member of the city council and the state senate, and for many years a member of the city sinking fund commission. In short, he neglected no opportunity for the promotion of the city's welfare; "in commer- cial and political life his record alike remained unsullied." He died in 1904. William A. Otis Mr. Otis was a native of Massachusetts and the direct descendant of James Otis of Revolutionary fame.* About 1818, he traveled on foot to Pittsburgh where he was employed for two j^ears in an "iron establishment" which he made the depositary of his savings. When • This Williani Aujjiistiia Otis was lioin at Oummingtou, Massachusetts, in 1701. ITis father's iianio w.as William, and lie seems to have liked it very well, for he gave it to each of his six sons, William Augustus, William Oushiu};, William Harrison, William Shaw, William Francis, ami William Lucius. William Francis was the father of Waldcmar Otis. 1836] THE PIONEER IRON MASTER 165 the t'omi)aiiy failed and liis wealth was tlms wiped out, Mr. Otis walked westward to Bloomfield, Triinihull County, Ohio, where ho cleared laud, kept a tavern, and established a primitive mercantile establishment, furnishing the settlers with groods in exchange for ashes, wheat and other produce. The ashes were used in the manu- facture of a crude potash "which was the only strict cash article in the country." But it was difficult to get wheat, flour, or potash to William A. Oti.s the eastern market. Mr. Oti.s, therefore, selected an oak tree and had it cut, sawed, and split into staves from which barrels were made. A few miles from Bloomfield was a custom grist mill. Mr. Otis bought wheat for twenty-five cents a bushel, had it ground into flour, teamed the barreled flour and pota.sh tliirty-five miles to Ashtabula Creek whence it was carried by schooner to Buffalo and thence by canal and river to New York — the first sudi shipment of flour from 166 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XI the Western Reserve. He later added pork and wool to his ship- ments; his business prospered and he served two years in the state legislature. In 1836, he moved to Cleveland where "he was at once given rank with the foremost business men." He still dealt in flour, pork, and potash, but gradually concentrated his energies upon iron manufacture and thus became the pioneer iron-master of Cleveland. His increasing shipping interests naturally turned his attention to transportation facilities and he became an active advocate of rail- way building. He was also active in banking enterprises and served as president of the Commercial National Bank. He was a member of the State Board of Control, was one of the founders of the Cleve- land Society for Savings and acted as its president for thirteen years. He was one of the commissioners that negotiated the union of Cleve- land and Ohio City. He was one of the originators of the Board of Trade from which was evolved the present Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. He died in 1868. Moses Kelley Moses Kelley was born in what is now Livingston County, New York, in 1809. He was of Scotch-Irish descent in tlie patei'ual line and of German descent in the maternal line. He was graduated at Har- vard in the class of 1833 and, in 1836, was admitted to the bar at Rochestei'. As already recorded, he was then called to Cleveland by his college classmate and became a member of the law^ firm of Bolton and Kelley. He devoted himself somewhat closely to the practice of his profession, although he was city attorney in 1839, a member of the city council in 1841, and served as a member of the state senate in 1844 and 1845. In 1849, the state legislature selected him as one of the commissioners to represent the interests of the city in the Cleve- land and Pittsburgh Railroad Company, of which corporation he was one of the directors for several years until the city disposed of the stock that it held. In 1850, he bought about thirty acres of the "Giddings Farm," fronting on Euclid Avenue ea.st of Willson Ave- nue (Ea.st Fifty-fifth Street) and there built the home in which he lived for many years. His professional earnings and the great in- crease in the market value of real estate made him a comparatively rich man. lie died in August, 1870. Ti'E Caxal Era One of our historians has told us that. |u-iiu- to 1800, the world had made little or no iini>niv(>incnt in tlic niciins of travel and trans- 1825-50] THE CANAL ERA 167 portation, but that the iiiiR'tocntli century brought changes that wrought nothing short of revolution in the cominereial and industrial domains and oiiangi'd the face of the civilized world. In the first half of that century, there were three marked stages of improvement ; the era of turnpike construction, then the era of canal digging, and then the era of railways and steam navigation. At an early day congress had provided that five per cent of the net proceeds of the Moses Kelley sale of public lands in Ohio should be devoted to "the laying out and making public roads leading from the navigable waters emptying into the Atlantic to the Ohio." In 1805, a senate committee reported in favor of a road from Cumberland, Maryland, to the mouth of Grave Creek, a little below "Wheeling on the Ohio River. In 1810, con- gress appropriated $60,000 for the work and, in 1818, mail coaches were running over the road from Cumberland to Wheeling. As the Cumberland road was the child of congress so it was the especial 168 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XI object of its care. The original object was to open a waj^ from the Potomac to the Ohio, but the road was extended through Ohio and Indiana bj' way of Zanesville, Columbus, and Indianapolis to Van- dalia in Illinois. The aggregate of appropriations for this road was nearly $7,000,000 and the number of congressional acts was about sixty: the last act was passed in 1838, about which time, and chiefly because of the advent of the I'ailway, the general government turned from turnpikes to the improvement of rivers and harbors — a policy that still persists as a perennial spring of scandal. When the Cum- berland road was abandoned by the national government, it was given over to the several states in which it lies. But the principle of gov- ernmental aid for internal improvements had been well established. The first canal in America was built around the falls of the Con- necticut River at South Hadley, Massachusetts, in 1793. Similar enterpi'ises followed in quick succession and, in a few decades, canal building became almost epidemic. By far, the most important of these early waterways was the Erie Canal, the great advocate and promoter of which was DeWitt Clinton. The first spadeful of earth was turned in 1817. The work was finished in 1825 and, on the twenty-sixth of October, the waters of Lake Erie were admitted to the ditch that linked Buffalo and Albany and gi'afted the Empire State upon the American metropolis. Costly as the canal was, it paid by greatly enhancing the value of land along its route and les- sening the price of everything else; freight rates dropped to a tenth of what they had been, and Rochester, Syracuse, aud Utica rapidly grew from small towns to prosperous cities, and New York City began the wonderful growtli that made it the second city in the world. The great success of the Erie Canal produced a sort of mania for canal building and other states followed in the way that New York had opened. Even prior to this, canal projects had become political issues in Ohio where the struggle for a canal to connect Lake Erie with the Ohio River had begun as early as 1819. In 1814, Alfred Kelley had been elected to the Ohio legislature — and, from that time to 1823, he was almost continuously a member of the house of repre- sentatives or of the senate. He was an enthusiastic believer in the practicability and the importance of canals and tlirew himself heart and soul into the proposition to construct a waterway that should do for Ohio what the Erie Canal has done for New York. He was ap- pointed one of the first canal commissionci-s of the state. After some study and much di.scussion, largely concerning the relative merits of rival routes, the legislature took decisive action and contracts for digging the Erie and Oliio Canal wore let. As lie had been the 1825-32] THE DAWN OP A CITY 169 foremost advocate of the work, so lu' was the Icadinj? member of the board of canal commissioners. "During the construction of the canal, eveiy part of the work was subjected to his supervision. Con- tractors soon learned that no fraud or artifice could escape his vigil- ance. He was inflexibly true to the interests of the state and sacri- ficed both his health and his private interests in his untiring devo- tion to the public." In short, the Ei"ie and Ohio Canal was a monu- ment to the enterprise, energy, integrity, and sagacity of Alfred Kelley.* "While the work was in progress, Mr. Kelley moved from Cleveland, first to Akron, and in 1830 to Columbus where he resided until his death in December, 1859. "Boom" Following the Building of the Can.\l On the Fourth of July, 1825, the year that saw the completion of the Erie Canal, tlic digging of the Erie and Ohio Canal, to extend from Cleveland to Portsmouth, was begun, the first spadeful of earth being lifted by DeWitt Clinton, the lion of the day, and the second by Governor Morrow, at Licking Summit, about three miles west of Newark. The Akron-Cleveland section was completed in two years and, on the Fourth of July, 1827, with much display, the first canal boat arrived at Cleveland, having traversed thirty-seven miles of waterway and having passed through forty-one locks. In July, 1830, the first boat passed from Cleveland to Newark and, in 1832, the route wa.s open from Cleveland to Portsmouth. The village at the mouth of the Cuyahoga quickly felt the powerful influence of the new traffic, a veritable "boom" began, "and the impression sud- denly came into the minds of Clcvelanders that their village had been touched by the wand of destiny." Log houses still lingered, frame structures were common, and brick buildings had begun to break the •wooden monotony. Euclid Street had entered upon its career of splendor (now vanishing) and had one of these brick dwellings near the site subsequently occupied by the T'nion Club, west of East Ninth Street. But the magnificent succession of lawn and mansion on "the avenue" was still a dream; in the prosaic waking moments of even the most enthusiastic dreamer, it was still unbroken forest in which deer and bear were caught — as the.y are unto this day. Fuller details of the cause and of the effect of the boom will be given in a later chapter. Suffice it now to say that the village was ready to become a citj'. In the language of the first directory of Cleveland, "some See Biographical Sketch. 170 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XI 6 to 8 thousauds of inhabitants had come together from the four winds — some wished to do more things, and some wished to-do things better ; and to effect all these objects, and a variety of others, no means seemed so proper as a City Charter in due form and style, which was petitioned for and obtained." On the third of March, 1836, the Ohio legislature passed a bill incorporating the City of Ohio, on the western side of the Cuyahoga and, two days later, passed another bill incorporating the more important "City of Cleveland." The limits of the city thus incorporated on the fifth of March, 1836, were thus described (See Ahaz Merchant map on page 160): "Begin- ning at low water mark on the shore of Lake Erie at the most north- eastwardly corner of Cleveland, ten-acre lot number one hundred and thirty-nine, and running thence on the dividing line between lots num- ber one hundred and thirty-nine and one hundred and forty, num- bers one hundred and seven and one hundred and eight, numbers eighty and eighty-one, numbers fifty-five and fifty-six, numbers thirty-one and thirty-two, and numbers six and seven of the ten- acre lots to the south line of the ten-acre lots, thence on the south line of the ten-acre lots to the Cuyahoga River, thence down the same to the extreme point of the west pier of the harbor, thence to the township line between Brooklyn and Cleveland, thence on that line northwardly to the county line, thence eastwardly with said line to a point due north of the place of beginning, thence south to the place of beginning." The trustees of the village held their final meeting on the twenty-first of March and ordered that the election for city officers under the charter should be held in the several wards (of which there were three) on the second Monday of the following April. It was also ordered that the election in the first ward should be held in the court-house; in the second ward, in the lower room of the Stone Church; and in the third ward, at the Academy. Mr. Kennedy notes that "the new-boni city started off well, holding its first election, as it were, within the visible portals of the law, the gos- pel, and education." CHAPTER XII THE CITY OF CLEVELAND AND THE CITY OP OHIO As already reeortled, General Cleaveland, in 1796, bought the Indian claims to the lauds of the Reserve east of the Cuyahoga River and, on the Fourth of July, 1805, a treaty was signed by the terms of which the Indians surrendered all claims to all the lands of the Re- serve. The last division of the lands by the Connecticut Land Company was held in 1807 at which time Samuel P. Lord and others drew town- ship No. 7 in Range 13, i. c. Hrooklyn ; the lands were surveyed in 1809. At that time, as Colonel Whittlesey tells us, "on the west side of the river, opposite St. Clair street, where the Indians had a ferry, a trail led out across the marshy ground, up the hill pa.st the old log trading house where there were springs of water, to an opening in the forest, near the crossing of Pearl and Detroit streets. In this pleasant space the savages practiced their games, held their pow-wows, and when whiskey could be procured, enjoyed themselves while it lasted. The trail continued thence westerly to Rocky River and Sandusky. An- other one, less fre(|uented, led off southerly up the river to the old French trading post, where JIagenis was found in 1786, near Brighton ; and thence, near the river bank, to Tinker's Creek, and probably to the old Portage path. A less frequented trail existed from the Indian villages of Tawas or Ottawas and Wingoes, at Tinker's Creek, by a shorter route, direct to the crossing of the Cuyahoga at the 'Standing Stone,' near Kent. The paekhorsemen, who transported goods and flour to the northwest from 1786 to 1795, followed this trail, crossing the Cuyahoga at Tinker's Creek." Soon after the survey of the west side lands, the irrepressible Ma.jor Lorenzo Carter, who now was "well to do," and his son, Alonzo, bought land over there near the mouth of the river; the son occupied the land and there kept the Red House tavern opposite Superior Lane. Most of the settlers on the west side lived near the lake in the vicinity of Main and Detroit avenues, but a "squatter" from Canada by the name of Granger had, prior to 1812, found a gras.sy slope running up from the river near the present Riverside Cemetery. This slope was long known as "Granger's Hill ;" when the squatter came I can not tell because I do not know, but, in 171 1812-18] EARLY WEST SIDERS 173 1815, ho moved on to the Maumee country. In May, 1812, James Fish came from Groton, just across the Thames River from New London, Connecticut, the first pennanent settler of Brooklyn town- ship. According to the record made by Mr. Kennedy, he had purchased land from Mr. Lord and his partners, the owners of the township, and, in the summer of 1811, left the old Nutmeg State "with his family stored away in a wagon drawn by oxen. He was accompanied by quite a company of pioneers, and spent forty -seven days upon Ihe road. He passed the winter in Newburg; early in the spring of 1812, he crossed over to Brooklyn, erected a log-house at a cost of eighteen dol- lars, and in May took his family over and commenced house-keeping. In the same year came Moses and Ebenezcr Fish, the last named serv- ing as one of the militiamen guarding the Indian murderer, whose execution in 1812 has been elsewhere recorded. In 1813, came Ozias Brainard, of Connecticut, with his family; while in 1814, six families arrived as settlers within one week — those of Isaac Hinckley, Asa Brainard, Elijah Young, Stephen Brainard, Enos Brainard, and Wan-en Brainard, all of whom had Wen residents of Chatham, Middle- sex County, Connecticut. They had all exchanged their farm lands at home for those placed upon the market in this section of the New West." In his History of Cuyalwga County, Crisfield Johnson tells a story of their reception which, whether wholly authentic or not, is interesting. Thus we ire told that they set out from Chatham on the same day. "The train consisted of six wagons, drawn by ten horses and six oxen, and all journeyed together until Euclid was reached (forty days after leaving Chatham), where Isaac Hinckley and his family rested, leaving the others to push on to Brooklyn, whither he followed them within a week. It appears that the trustees of the township of Cleveland, to which the territory of Brooklyn then be- longed, became alarmed at the avalanche of emigrants just described, and concluding that they were a band of paupers, for whose support the township would be taxed, started a constable across the river to warn the invaders out of town. Alonzo Carter, a resident of Cleveland, heard of the move, and stopped it by endorsing the good standing of the new-comers, — adding that the alleged paupers were worth more than all the trustees of Cleveland combined." Improvements in Cleveland and Ohio Citt Samuel Lord, his son, Richard, and Josiah Barber removed to what is now the "West Side" of Cleveland as early as 1818 and, in June of that year, Brooklyn was organized as a tomiship separate from Cleve- 174 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XII ]aud. In 1831, au orgauizatiou known as the Buffalo Company bought the Carter farm and the boom of Brooklyn was begun. There were expectations of a thriving city there with warehouses on the low lands and stores and residences covering the bluffs. In 1834-35, water lots ou the old river bed had a higher market value than they had three decades later. "In the flush times of 1836-37, land contracts on long lime, became a kind of circulating medium, on both sides of the river, daily passing from hand to hand, by indorsement; the speculation accruing to each successive holder, being realized in cash ; or in promises to pay. The company excavated a short ship canal from the Cuyahoga to the old river bed, at the east end, and the waters being high, a steamboat passed into the lake, through a natural channel at the west end." Early in March, 1836, the City of Ohio was incor- porated, two days ahead of the incorporation of the City of Cleveland, as recorded in the preceding chapter. From the beginning, the City of Ohio was commonly called Ohio City. A few years after its incor- poration, Ohio City made a canal from the Cuyahoga River opposite the end of the Ohio Canal, through the marsh, into the old river bed, above the ship channel. This canal was thus to be made the terminus of the Ohio Canal, and Ohio City was to have a harbor of its own en- tirely independent of Cleveland's and to tlie advantages of which that city could lay no claim. The Bridge War In 1833, James S. Clark and others had allotted the land in the first bend of the Cuyahoga, "the Ox Bow" alias "The Flats," and laid out Columbus Street through it to the bank of the river, as re- lated in an earlier chapter. In 1837, they laid out a large allotment in the Ohio City; "Willeyville," they called it, in honor of Mayor Wil- ley of Cleveland. Through this Willeyville they laid out an extension of Columbus Street to connect with the Wooster and Medina turnpike at the south line of the older and smaller city. The northern end of the Columbus Street in Ohio City was directly opposite the southern end of the Columbus Street in Cleveland. Mr. Clark and his partners spent considerable money in grading the hill to bring their new street down to the river and then spent fifteen thousand dollars more to build a bridge across tlie stream at that point, thus completing a short route to Cleveland for travel and traffic from the south and west with a comparatively easy grade up Michigan Street to Ontario Street. As far as such travel and traffic were conecrned, the bridge and the two sections of Columbus Street practically side-tracked Ohio City which 1833-37] THE BATTLE OF THE BRIDGE 175 lay uearer the mouth of the river, as laay be seen by refcreiiee to the map ou page 160. The first eity directory (of wliieh furtlier mention will be made) was printed in that year; as therein described, the bridge was ' ' supported bj' a stone abutment on either shore and piers of solid masonry erected in the center of the river. Between the piers, there is a draw sufficient to allow a vessel of forty-nine feet beam to pass through. The length is two hundred feet, the breadth, including the sidewalks, thirty-thrw feet, and the height of the piers, above the surface of the water, may be estimated at twenty-four feet. The whole, with the exception of the draw, is roofed and enclosed, presents an imposing appearance, and reflects much credit on the architect, Nathan Hunt. This splendid bridge was presented to the corporation of Cleve- land by the owners, with the express stipulation that it should forever remain free for the accommodation of the public, although the Legis- lature had previously chartered it as a toll bridge." The bridge soon bred trouble between cities that were sisters and almost twins. As re- ported by Colonel Whittlesey, "city rivalry ran so high, that a regular battle occurred ou this bridge in 1837, between the citizens and the city authorities on the west side, and those on the east. A field piece was posted on the low grouinl, on the Cleveland side, to rake the bridge, very much as the Austrians did at Lodi, and crowbars, clubs, stones, pistols, and guns were freely used on both sides. Men were wounded of both parties, three of them seriously. The draw was cut away, the middle pier and the western abutment partially blown down, and the field piece spiked, by the west siders. But the sheriff, and the city marshal of Cleveland, soon obtained possession of the dilapidated bridge, which had been donated to the city. Some of the actors were confined in the county jail. The bridge question thus got into court, and was finally settled by the civil tribunals." The story- of this more- or-less dramatic incident, famous in local histon' as "The Bridge War," is thus told by :Mr. Orth : "The people of Ohio City saw the traffic from Elyria, Brooklyn, and the intervening farming country avoid their town and pass over the new bridge to their rivals on the east side, ileanwhile, the Cleveland city council directed the removal of one half of the old float bridge at Main Street, one half of this bridge belonging to each town. The mandate of the council was obeyed at night, and when the people of Ohio City realized that they were the victims of strategy, they held an indignation meeting and declared the new bridge a public nuisance. Their marshal organized a posse of deputies and the bridge was damaged by a charge of pow- der, exploded under the Ohio City end. Two deep ditches were dug near the approaches, on either side, and the bridge virtually rend- 1836-37] IN OHIO CITY 177 ered useless. Then a mob of west siders with evil intent marched down on tlie bridge, led by C. L. Kussoll, one of tlieir leading attorneys. But they were met by tlie mayor of Cleveland, who was backed by some militiamen, a crowd of his constituents, and an old field piece that had been used in Fourth of July celebrations. There wa.s a niixup ; planks, stones and lists were freely used. But the old cannon remained silent because benevolent Deacon House, of the west side, had spiked it with an old file. The fight was stopped bj' tlic county sherifi' and the Cleveland marshal. The city council, October 29, 1837, ordered tlie marshal to keep an armed guard near the bridge. But the courts soon put a stop to the petty quarrel between tlie two villages. In ten years the old bridge had grown too small, and in 1846 agitation was begun to build a larger one. The towns could not agree an a plan, Ohio City iiiaintaining that Cleveland owned only to the middle of the river. The county promptly settled the dispute and built the bridge. In 1870, Columbus street was still 'one of the leading thoroughfares,' and an iron bridge was built, which was replaced in 1898 by a new bridge at a cost of eighty thousand dollars." Ohio City's First Election The first election held in Ohio City took place in March, 1836, some time before the fii-st election was held in Cleveland, and Josiah Barber was elected mayor. From the old first book of records of the City of Ohio, now carefully preserved in the office of the city clerk of Cleveland, I copy the minutes of the first meeting of the first council of the newly incorporated city on the west side of the river: The Mayor and members elect of the City Council of the City of Ohio assembled at the office of E. Fol.som in said city on the evening of March thirtieth, 1836. The Hon. Josiah Barber, mavor. Messrs. E. Folsom, C. Williams, N. C. Baldwin and B. F. Tyler from the First ward; F. A. Burrows, C. E. Hill, L. Risley and E. Slaght from the Second ward ; R. Lord, William Beuton, H. N. Ward and E. Conklin from the Third ward were present. The oath of otfice having been duly administered, on motion F. A. Burrows was elected clerk of the Council pro tem. The members from the several wards produced their certificates setting forth that they had met in their several wards and determined by lot their respective periods of .service, viz. — in the First ward, Cyrus Williams and E. Folsom each drew the term of two years and B. F. Tyler and N. C. Baldwin each drew the term of one year. In the second ward, C. E. Hill and Luke Risley each drew the term of two years and F. A. Burrows and Edgar Slaght each drew the term of one year. 178 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XII In the Third wax-d, H. N. Ward and E. Coiiklin each drew the term of two years and Rich. Lord and L. W. Benton each drew the term of one year. On motion the Council proceeded to elect by ballot a president of the Council, City Recorder, City Treasurer, and City Marshal. On the first ballot for president, Richard Lord received a majority of all the votes and was duly elected president of the Council for one year. On the ballot for City Treasurer, Asa Foote received eleven votes and was duly elected Treasurer for one year. On the ballot for City Marshal, George L. Chapman received eleven votes and was duly elected Marshal. On the ballot for City Recorder, Thomas "Whelpley received twelve votes and was unanimously elected. On motion of N. C. Baldwin, Messrs. Benton, Folsom and Burrows were appointed a Committee on By Laws and Ordinances with instruc- tions to report at the next stated meeting such ordinances as in their opinion the interests of the city require. E. Folsom offered the Council a chamber in the Columbus Block for the use of the city at an annual rent of eighty dollars, whereupon the following resolution was adopted: Resolved that the City Council accept the offer of E. Folsom of a room in the Columbus Block to be lased as a Council Chamber; Messrs. Benton, Burrows, Conklin, Hill, Lord, Risley, Slaght, Wil- liams, Tyler and Ward voting in the affirmative, and N. C. Baldwin, negative. On motion of L. Risley, N. C. Baldwin wa,s appointed a committee to procure the necessan- furniture and fixtures for the Council Chamber and provide stationery for the use of the Council. On motion of E. Folsom, the City Recorder was added to the Committee on By Laws and Ordinances. On motion the City Council then adjourned to the second Friday in April at six o'clock in the afternoon, to meet in the Council Chamber. F. A. Buri'ows Clerk pro tem. of City Council At the next election, as recorded in the "Directory of the Cities of Cleveland and Oliio, for the Years 1837-38," the municipal govern- ment of Ohio City was vested in the following officers : Hon. Francis A. Burrows, Mayor. COUNCILMEN Ezokicl Folsom, H. N. Ward, S. W. Sayles, Norman C. Baldwin, H. N. Barstow, William Burton, Josiah Barber, Edward Conklin, Edward Broiisou, C. E. Hill, Cyrus Williams, Luke Risley. D. C. Van Tine, Timsurer. C. L. Rnsscll, h'rcordn: Geo. L. Chajuuaii. Marslial. J. Freeman, Inspector. 1836-54] THE SUCCESSION OF MAYORS 179 Mayors op the Two Cities In 1855, the rival cities of Ohio and Cleveland were united under the name of the latter. From the beginning to the end, the list of mayors of Ohio City is as follows : 1836 — Josiah Barber, 1837 — Francis A. Burrows, 1838-39— Norman C. Baldwin, 1840-41— Neodham M. Standart, 1842 — Francis A. Burrows, 1843— Richard Lord, 1844-45-46— Daniel II. Lamb, 1847— David Griffith, 1848— John Beverlin, 1849— Thomas Burnham, 1850-51-52— Benjamin Sheldon, 1853-54— William B. Castle. From the incorporation of the City of Cleveland to the annexation of the City of Ohio, the list of Cleveland mayors is as follows: 1836-37— John W. Willey, 1838-39— Joshua Mills, 1840 — Nicholas Doekstader, 1841— John W. Allen, 1842— Joshua Jlills, 1843 — Nelson Hayward, 1844-45 — Samuel Starkweather, 1846— George Iloadley, 1847 — Josiah A. Harris, 1848' — Lorenzo A. Kelsey, 1849— Flavel W. Bingham, 1850-51 — William Case, 1852-53-54— Abner C. Brownell. At the first election after the annexation, the choice fell, as by previous informal agreement, upon a "West Sider," and so William B. Castle, the last mayor of Ohio City, become the first mayor of the consolidated Cleveland. In the City of Cleveland The new charter of Cleveland ])rovi(led : Sec. 11. That the governnunt of said city, and the exercise of its coi^porate powers, and managemc7it of its fiscal, prudential and municipal concerns, shall be vested in a mayor and council, which council shall consist of three members from each ward, actually resid- ing therein, and as many aldermen as there may be wards, to be 180 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XII chosen from the city at large, no two of which shall reside in any cue ward, and shall be denominated the City Council; and also such other ofScers as are hereinafter mentioned and provided for. See. III. That the said city, until the city council see tit to in- crease, alter or change the same, be divided into three wards, in the manner following, to wit : The first ward shall comprise all the terri- tory l.ying easterly of the centre of the Cuyahoga river, and southerly of the centre of Superior lane, and Superior street to Ontario street, and of a line thence to the centre of Euclid street and of said last mentioned centre. The second ward shall comprise all the territory, not included in the first ward, lying easterly of the centre of Seneca street. The third wai'd shall include all the territory westerly of the centre of Seneca street, easterly of the westerly boundary of the citj% and northerly of the centre of Superior street and Superior lane. On the day fixed for that purpose by the village trustees at their last meeting, the first annual election of the City of Cleveland was held (April 11, 1836) in the several wards as ordered. The charter pro- vided that the election should ' ' be held on the first IMonday in March, ' ' but as the act of incoi-poration did not become a law until the fifth day of that month, the election had to be postponed until a practicable date. In succeeding years, the annual election was held in ]March. The clerks of the said first election were : First Ward: Judges, Richard Winslow, Scth A. Abbey, Edward Clark. Clerks, Thomas Bolton, Henry li. Dodge. Second Ward: Judges. Gurdon Pitch, Henry L. Noble, Benjamin Rouse. Clerks, Samuel Williamson, George C. Dodge. Third Ward: Judges, John Blair, Silas Belden, Daniel Worley. Clerks, John A. Vincent, Dudley Baldwin. The officers elected were: 31 ay or, John W. Willcy. Aldermen, Richard Ililliard, Nicholas Dockstader, Joshua Mills. Marshall. George Kiik. Treasurer, Daniel Worley. Coimcilmen: First Ward, Jlorris TTepburn, Jolin R. St. John, William V. Craw. Second Ward, Sherlock J. Andrews, Henry L. Noble, Edward Baldwin. Third Ward, Aaron 'l\ Strieklaml. Archibald M. C. Smith, Horace Canfield. City CouNCiii First Mkets The first meeting of thr city (Miinicil was h(>l(i on the lifteenth of April, ls:!(l. 'I'he rcrciilly I'lci-lcd oflicci's Iodic tlieir (ifllcial oatlis and 1836] IN THE CITY OF CLEVELAND 181 George Hoadley was sworn in as "a justice of the peace for said county." By unanimous vote, Sherlock J. Andrews was elected presi- dent of the council and Henry B. Payne as city clerk and city attorney. In the following: Auirust, the president of the council ami the city clerk resigned and tiie vacancies were filled by the election of Dr. Joshua A. ]\lills vice Aiulrews and of George B. Mcrwin vice Payne. The gift of the now famous Columbus Street bridge to the city was accepted and a councilmanic committee was appointed to confer with the Philadelphia councils concerning "the nnitual advantages to he ilcrivcd from the building of the proposed Cleveland and Warren Kail- Mayor John W. Willey road to Pittsburgh." Steplien Woolverton and Samuel Brown were appointed wood inspectors. One public stand for the sale of wood was established at the intersection of Water (West Ninth) and Superior streets with Woolverton on duty there or near by, and another at the Public Square with Brown in office not far awaj- ; they were to enforce the just decree that "eaeh cord shall contain one hundred and twenty- eight cubic feet," as prescribed by one of the tables of weights and measures printed in the old arithmetics. Fire limits were fixed and an ordinance was passed establishing a fire department as recorded in an earlier chapter. The fee for a theater license was fixed at seventy-five dollars and the first one issued was granted to Messrs. Dean and Mc- Kinney. John Shier was appointed city surveyor and engineer, the street commissioner was authorized and instructed to procure a ferry- boat suitable for carrying persons and property across the river at such point as the council should direct, and tJie marshal was directed "to 182 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XII prosecute every person retailing ardent spirits coutrarj' to tlie provis- ions of tlie ordinance regulating licenses, after giving such person six daj-s' notice to procure a license, and also to prosecute every person who fails to take out a license within one week after the same has been granted by the council." In this year, chartere were issued to the Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati Railroad Company and to the Cleveland, AVarren, and Pittsburgh Railroad Company, but the quick coming of the panic of 1837 laid tliem on the shelf until a later decade, although, as we soon shall see, the city voted liberal aid to the latter in 1838. FmsT Board op School ]VL\nagers The record of a meeting of the council held in ilay says: "A com- munication was received from the Mayor in relation to common schools." Just what the mayor said on this subject does not appear but on the ninth of June, Mr. Craw introduced the following resolu- tion which was adopted : ' ' Resolved — That a committee be and is here- by appointed to employ a teacher and an assistant, to con- tinue the Free School to the end of the quarter, or until a school system for the city shall be organized, at the ex- pense of the city." The story of this "Free School," as told by Samuel H. Mather, is that "a Sunday School was organized in the old Bethel Church, probably in 1833 or 1834, a kind of mission or ragged school. The children, however, were found so ignorant that Sunday School teaching, as such, was out of the question. The time of the teacher was oljliged to be spent in teaching the children how to read. To remedy this difficulty and make the Sunday School avail- able, a day school was started. It was supported by voluntary con- tributions, and was a charity school, in fact, to which none sent but the very poorest people." As above stated, the management and expense of this previously "missionary enterprise" were assumed by the. city — the first public school of Cleveland. In June, Mr. Dock- stadcr presented an ordinance for the levy and collection of a school tax and, in September, Mr. R. L. Gazlay, the principal of the school, reported that 22!) children had received instruction during the last quarter and that the expense of maintaining the school had been $131.12. In the following month (October, 1836), the council ap- pointed the first board of school managers, the members of which were John W. Willey, Anson Hayden, and Daniel Worlcy. In November, IMr. Baldwin introduced a resolution ordering an enumeration of the vouth of the citv between the ages of four and twenty-one years. In 1836] SCHOOL MANAGERS 183 the following March, 1837, the school managers reported that they had continued the "Common Free School" and that its cost for the quarter then ending had been $185.77, and urged a more liberal outlay for schools and school-houses. Then Mr. Noble introduced a resolution requesting the committee on schools ' ' to ascertain and report, as soon as convenient, what lots may be purchased, the price and tenns of payment, to be used for school purposes — two in the First Ward, one in the Second Ward and one in the Third Ward. " The council had not yet passed an ordinance for establishing a system of schools, but, in that month (March, 1837) about the end of the fiscal year, the mayor was allowed five hundred dollars for his services during the year while each member of the council was awarded one dollar for each session of the municipal legislature that he had attended, a "salary-grab" that seems to have been condoned by the public. CHAPTER XIII THE YEAR OF THE FIRST DIRECTORY The election of 1837 in Cleveland resulted as follows: Mayor, John W. Willey. Treasurer, Daniel Worley. Marshal, George Kirk. Aldermen, Joshiia A. Mills, Nicholas Doekstader, Jonathan Wil- liams. Councilmen: First Ward, George B. Merwin, Alfred Hall, Horace Canfield. Second Ward, Henry L. Noble, Edward Baldwin, Samuel Cook. Third Ward, Samuel Starkweather, Joseph K. ililler, Thomas Colahan. Council Approves City Directory On the twentieth of March, the second council of the City of Cleve- land was organized with Dr. Josliua A. Mills as president and Oliver P. Baldwin as city clerk. This council created a special committee "to inquire into the expediency of lighting Superior street from the river to the Public Square, and how many lamps will be necessary, and the expense of lamps, lamp-posts, oil, etc., and the best method of de- fraying the expense satisfactorily to the citizens." The council also gave its approval to the proposal to publish a city directoiy. Before the end of the year, Sauford & Lott, book and .job printers and book- binders, "17 Superior Street, three doors west of the Franklin House," is.sued a directory for Cleveland and Oliio City, a small book of 144 pages, each full typepage of which measured about 3x514 inches. There were forty-two additional pages of advertisements, some of which have real historical value as will appear from the facsimiles of some of them given in this chapter. As this publication opens wide the front door of Cleveland's municipal life, it seems worth while to enter and to spend a while in taking account of the stock then on liand. This directory names and locates eighty-eight streets, lanes, and alleys in Cleveland and explains the system of numbering the houses thereon. It contains a brief history of Cleveland (eleven of the small pages) and 184 DIRECTORY CLEVELAND AND OHIO CITY, Wm ilk® ¥"©®2g IL©D^=4)§o Comprititg msTOmcAL AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCHES OF EACH PLiCE-AN AtPKABETIC. hi. MST or INHABITANTS, THEla B0S1NE9S AND RE31UENCE— A LIST OP THE MUNICIPAL OPPICERS-EVERY INPORMATION RELATIVE TO THE PUBLIC OF. FICES AKD OPFICERa. CHURCHEg, ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS, SHIP- flNC, rTEAMBOATS, STACES, fe<-,-iLeo. A LIBT OF THE OFFICERS OF THE C0VE4NMENT OP 0«tO-A TABLE OF FOREICN COINS AND CIJRRENCLE3-.VN0 A VARIETJr or OTHER USEFUL INFORMATIOK. BY JULIUS P. BOLZVAJR MAC CABE. CLEVELAND: SANFOKD & LOTT, BOOK & JOB PRINTERS, ia37. 186 CLE VEL ANT) AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIII a copy of the charter of that city. It gives the uames and residences of 1,086 firms and persons, "heads of families, householders, etc., in the city of Cleveland, July, 1837," and of 290 in Ohio City in August, 1837, with addenda for both cities, a total of about 1,400. The Cleveland directory for 1918 is made up as follows : Alphabetical list of names 1984 pages Business Directory 328 pages Miscellaneous Directory 42 pages Street Directory 39 pages Total 2393 pages It is estimated that the alphabetical list contains about 300,000 names. The directory of 1837, also contains, among other things, an account of each of the "eight congregations of Christians in the city of Cleveland, viz. : one Episcopal, two Presbyterians, one Baptist, one Catholic, one Episcopal Methodist, one Reformed Methodist, and one German Protestant." Churches of 1837 The First Presbj^terian church (north side of Public Square at intersection of Ontario Street) held services at 10:30 o'clock a. m., and at 3 and 7 o'clock p. m., on Sundays. The minister was the Rev. Samuel C. Aikin ; the deacons were T. P. Handy, Stephen "Whit- aker, Henry Sexton ; and the elders were F. W. Bingham, A. -D. Cutter, Thos. Davis, William Williams and Jas. F. Clarke. The Second Pres- byterian church held services "until the completion of their new church which is now being erected," in the Commercial Building at the same hours on Sundays. The minister was the Rev. Joseph Whit- ing; the deacons were C. L. Lathrop, L. Ij. Rice; the elders were A. Penfield, H. Ford, J. A. Foote; and the trustees were A. Seymour, S. J. Andrews, F. Whittlesey, S. L. Severance and J. Day. Trinity Episcopal church (Seneca Street, corner of St. Clair) held services at the same hours on Sundays. The rector was the Rev. E. Boydcn ; the organist was H. J. IMould ; the chui'ch wardens were Simeon Ford, H. L. Noble; the vestrymen were the Hon. John W. Allen, Dr. Rol)ert Johnstone, James Kellogg, William Cleveland, William Sargeant, and T. M. Kellcy. The Baptist church (Seneca Street, corner of Cham- plain Street) had "preaching three times every Sabbath." The min- ister was the Rev. Levi Tucker; the deacons were Moses White, Alex- ander Sked, John Bcnncy; and the clerk was William Chard. The Catholic church (Shakspeare Hall on Superior Lane) is recorded thus: 1837] THE CITY DIRECTORY 187 "Under tlie direction of the Bishop of Cincinnati. Minister— None stationed here at present." In this chapel, "the congregation of about one thousand souls," Irish, English, Scotch, American, German, and French, "worshipped God until the death of Jlr. Dillon, which took place sometime in September last. Since then, there has been no Cath- olic priest in Cleveland," but "the Rt. Rev. Di-. Purcell, Bishop of Cincinnati, is expected in this place in a few days to make arrange- ments for the erection of a sjjlendid church for his flock in Cleveland and Ohio City." The Methodist Episcopal church ("meetings at present held at the Court-IIouse") held services at 10:30 o'clock, a. m., and 6 o'clock, p. m., on Sundays. The minister was the Rev. Mr. Low. The Protestant Methodist church ("meetings held in First Catholic Church Read's School-House at present") held services at 10 o'clock, a. m., and 6 o'clock, p. m., on Sundays. Both of the Methodist congrega- tions "are now erecting large and substantial bi'ick churches which •they expect to finish this summer." The Bethel church (corner of Diamond Street) , an off-shoot of the First Presbyterian, held services twice every Sunday. The minister was the Rev. V. D. Taylor. The German church (Protestant) held services at the Academy on St. Clair Street at 10 o'clock, a. m., and 1 o'clock, p. m., on Sundays. The pastor was the Rev. William Stoinmeir; the church wardens were H. Heissel, E. Geneiner, C. Gentsch, II. Schuhmachei', and C. Scher. Courthouse Described Then come descriptions of the court-house on an eminence in the Public Square with its front ornamented with "pilasters of the Dorick 188 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIII order supporting a Dorick entablature ; tlie whole is crowned with an Ionic belfry and dome." The Cuyahoga County prison, a stone build- ing two stories high, was "situated on Champlain Street, convenient to the rear of the court house." The city hospital was "situated upon Clinton Street, in the easterly part of the city and upon the most elevated ground in it. The grounds connected with the hospital are about four acres and consist of part of the land purchased at the public expense and occupied as a public cemetery. . . . The expenses of the institution are paid from the revenue of the city, and for the J) resent year are estimated at from four to five thousand dollars." The Cleveland Free School was established in March, 1830, "for the education of male and female children of eveiy religious denomination and is supported by the city. ' ' Its sessions were held in the basement of the Bethel church. "The average number of pupils in attendance- may be stated at ninety males and forty -six females." Clinton Park, on the bank of Late Erie and half a mile from the courthouse, "altliough a wildei'ness of unsightly stumps and girdled trees two years ago, is already encircled with some suburban villas embosomed in gardens of the most picturesque beauty. . . . It is intended to be laid out in the landscape style of gardening, comprising lawns, shrub- bery, ornamental trees and flowers, which with the Mineral Spring adjacent, will be open to the public." At tbe park was the Spring Cot- tage and Bathing Establishment, "decidedly a summer retreat from the bustle and care of business, of no ordinary character, combining utility and gi'atification with pleasure." Clinton Park still holds its ground on Lakeside Avenue between East Sixteenth and East Eight- eenth streets, but is not living up to the magnificence, actual and prospective, as set forth in the glowing phrases of the eloquent Mr. MacCabe. Associations and Institutions op 1837 Among the other associations and institutions mentioned are the following : The Cleveland Reading Room Association "was fornu-d by the vol- untary subscriptions of a number of gentlemen in the fall of 1835, . . . to furnish Reviews, Pamphlets, and Newspapers from dif- ferent parts of the country on all topics of general interest to the community. . . . The Reading Room is open daily, and is lighted and open in the evening until ten o'clock." Jolin M. Sterling was president; S. W. Crittenden, treasurer; George T. Kingsley, secretary. The Young Men's Literary As.sociation, organized in November, 1837] THE CITY DIRECTORY 189 1836, already had a library of 800 volumes that might be drawn from the reading-room on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Charles Whittlesey was president; George C. Davies, secretary; W. U. Oat- iiian, corresponiling secretary; and S. W. Crittenden, treasurer. The Cleveland City Temperance Society ("on the tetotal plan") was organized in March, 1836. Other temperance societies had been formed, "but this may now be said to be the only one that shows any considerable signs of life." Alexander Seymour was president; Samuel Cowles and David Long wei-e vice-presidents ; Dudley Baldwin was recording secretary ; Samuel Williamson was corresponding sec- retary ; C. G. Collins was treasurer ; and Philip Battel, William Day, B. Stedman, A. W. Walworth, J. A. Briggs, John Seaman, Ahaz Mei'- chant, S. W. Crittenden, H. F. Brayton, and J. A. Foote, were mana- gers. The Cleveland Maternal Association, formed in January,^ 1835, was "composed of benevolent ladies, parents or guardians of children, . . . imited together for the purpose of providing for the reli- gious education of the children under their care." Mrs. L. C. Gay- lord and Jlrs. II. Brainard were directore; Mrs. Lathrop was secre- tary; and Airs. L. A. Penfield was treasurer. The Cleveland Jlozart Society was organized in April, 1837, for "the promotion of ]\Iusieal Science and the cultivation of a refined taste in its members." T. P. Handy was president; J. F. Hanks, vice-president; T. C. Severance, secretary; H. F. Brayton, treasurer; George W. Pratt, conductor; and William Alden, librarian. The German Society of Cleveland was organized in February, 1836, for "benevolence and the diffusion of useful knowledge [kultur?] among its members." G. Meyer was president; Th. Umbstattcr, sec- retary; and J. J. Meier, treasurer. The Cleveland Antislavery Society, organized in 1833, had about two hundred membei"s. Dr. David Long was president; S. J. Hard- ing, vice-president; Solomon L. Severance, secretary; and John A. Foote, treasurer. The Cuyahoga Antislavery Soeiet.v was organized on the Fourth of July, 1837, with officers as already recorded. Of the Western Seaman's Friend Society, Samuel Cowles was president; Alexander Seymour was vice-president; the Rev. V. D. Taylor was corresponding secretary; A. Penfield was recording sec- retan': Benjamin S. Lyman was treasurer; and the Rev. S. C. Aikin, J. A. Foote, Jarvis F. Hanks, the Rev. Levi Tucker, T. P. Handy, William Day, and the Rev. William Dighton were directors. On the third of April, 1837, the "Cleveland Female Orphan 190 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIII Asylum" and the ''Cleveland Female Seminaiy" were incorporated. The trustees of the former were ]Mrs. Laura Willey, Mi-s. Martha Kendall, Mrs. Jane Foster, Mrs. Sophia K. Ford, Mrs. Catherine Kel- logg, ill's. Hoplj- Noble, Mrs. Mary D. Johnstone, Sirs. Mary Boyden, Mrs. Jerusha Foster, jMrs. Helen Maria Woods, ilrs. Mai-y Davis, and Mrs. jNIargaret Sterling. The trustees of the latter were Henry Sexton, Benjamin Rouse, Henry H. Dodge, A. D. Smith, and A. Wheeler. There was also a Young Ladies Seminary at 75 St. Clair Street of which Mrs. Howison was principal. There was a Cleveland City Band with seventeen members; also a newly foi'med volunteer military company with sixty-four members — the City Guards. Financial Institutions The chief financial agencies of the city were two banks and an in- surance company : The Commercial Bank of Lake Erie, No. 53, Superior Street (cor- ner of Bank Street) had a capital of $500,000. Leonard Case was president; Truman P. Handy was cashier; James Rockwell was teller; J. L. Severance was assistant teller; and D. G. Saltonstall was book-keeper. The directors were Leonard Case, John W. Allen, Charles M. Giddings, Edmund Clark, T. M. Kelley, P. M. Weddell, Samuel Williamson, Truman P. Handy, Daniel Worley, S. J. Andrews, Richard Hilliard, John Blair, and David Long. The Bank of Cleveland, No. 7, Superior Street, had a capital of .$300,000. Norman C. Baldwin was president; Alexander Seymour was cashier; T. C. Severance was teller; James J. Tracy was assistant teller ; and H. F. Brayton was book-keeper. The directors were Samuel Cowles, Lyman Kendall. Frederick Wadsworth, John M. Woolsey, Joel Scranton, Charles Denison, Benjamin F. Tyler, D. C. Van Tine, N. C. Baldwin, A. Seymour, and Joseph Lyman. The Cleveland Insurance Company had a perpetual charter and a capital of $500,000. Edmund Clark was president, and Sctli W. Crit- tenden wa.s secretary. The directors were A. W. Walworth, Jas. S. Clai'k, Jolin W. Willey, Thomas M. Kelley, Robert H. Backus, and Edmund Clark. Newspapers The directoi-y further informs us that "four papers arc pnblislied in this city. The oldest is the Daily Ilrrald and Gazette (originally styled tlie 'Herald'), issued by Messrs. F. Whittlesey & J. A. Harris, •i.-«rc«rllr< WESTERN RESERVE REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION «r.-- . .A.I 1^ l.X .1 iTreserve re^v-estate association. JL ^^-c'lL ij ry'^"S^. .\\ Western Ke^ekve Keal Estate Association Notes w9 ^c^l^J^ ^ Bank op Cleveland Note 192 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIII editors and proprietors — James Hull, printer. The Avcekly Herald and Gazette is published at the same ofiSee, and are republications of the Daih". They are Whig in polities. The Cleveland Daily Advertiser is next in succession ; IMessrs. Canfield and Spencer, editors and pi'o- prietors. — A weekly made up from the Daily is published by the same gentlemen. Democratic in polities. These papcre are managed with admirable editorial tact, and have large subscription lists. The third, devoted to the promulgation of the Presbyterian creed, and is called the Cleveland Journal. It is published by ^Icssi's. John M. Sterling, Dr. Saml. irnderluU, Editor. PUBLISHED BYUNDERHILL & SON. DEVOTED TO FREE ENQUIRY, Opposed fo all monopolies— In favor of universal equal opportunities for knowledge in early life for every child ; discourager of all preten- sions to spiritual knowledge; teaches that virtue alone produces happiness ; that vice always produces mise- ry ; that Priests are a use- less order of men ; that school masters ought to be better quahfied, and then should have higher wages ; I ^ inr. ^ ' - - 1 ' V^i. - "^^t *^° producing classes arc'i-njustly fleeced"; that nobles by wealth are as offensive to sound democracy as nobles by birth— both are base coin ;— and it inacrt* the other sido or the question, when furnished in well written articles. Samuel C. Aiken aiul .\. Pcnticld, and edited by the Rev. 0. P. Hoji;— F. B. Penniman, printer. The fourth is the Cleveland Libcralist, pub- lished weekly by Messrs. Ll^nderhill & Son, and edited by Dr. Samuel Underhill." The last named publication was so startlingly "Pro- gressive" that its half-jjage adverti.senient in llic dirci-foi-y is herewith reprodnced in full-size facsimile. Industries and Railro.mis As to manufactories, the dii-eclory tells us that "There are four very e.\tensive Iron J-'ouiidries and Steam I'^nginc maiuifaclories in 1837] THE CITY DIRECTORY 19:3 this cit.y ; also, tlirce suup aiul caiuUc uuuui factories, two breweries, one sash factory, two rope walks, one stoneware pottery, two cai'riage manufactories, ami two Frencli l?iirr millstone manufactories, all of whii'h are in full operation. The l''lourinj? Mill now being erected by 'Sir. Ford, will, when fini.shed, be the largest and most complete establishment of the kind in the state of Ohio."' It devotes five and a lialf pages to the "Cleveland, Warren and I'ittsburgli Railroad" which had been incorporated by the general assembly of Ohio with authority to construct a railroad from Cleveland in the direction of Pittsburgh to the Pennsylvania state line and to unite the same "with any other Road which the state of Pennsylvania may authorize from Pittsburgh, or any other point below the Ohio river, running in the direction of Cleveland, in order that a continuous route may be perfected from Cleveland to Pittsburgh, under the authoritj^ of both states." As a prospectus, the following sample paragraphs are admirable: Piv the rejxirt of the iMisiincer in the service of the com])any, it appears that the whole exi^ense of constructing the Road from Cleve- land to tiic Pennsylvania state line, about eighty miles, is less than $7,000 per mile. In no instance is the ascent or descent more than forty feet to the mile. In no event can statioiuiry power be required at any point. There are no natural obstructions to be encountered. Timlicr, stone, and every necessary material for the construction of the Road are abundant in the immediate vicinity of its location. It passes over a section of country not oidy jjoinilous, but in a high state of ajrricultui'al prosperity, and the interests of those inhabitants are intimately lilended with its completion. This road projioses to form a continuation of that branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, which terminates in Pittsburgh, by extending that road to Lake Erie at Cleveland: making thereby a continued line of Rail Road from Baltimore to the great lakes. It pi-oposes the same bene- fits to the city of Philadelphia by being a continuation of the Penn- sylvania canals and rail roads which lead from Philadelphia to Pitts- burgh by prolontring them in effect to Lake Erie. It jn-oposes when completed, to give to Phibidelpliia aiul Baltimore the same advantages of the western trade which New-York now possesses, with the addi- tional advantage of having the distance diminished three hundred miles. It ]iroposcs to give the whole vast region of the western lakes an opportunity of marketing their products in, and receiving their foreign merchandise from, Philadelphia and Baltimore at least five weeks earlier in the season and at much less expense, than is now accomplished at Xcw-York. The management of the Company is in rlie hands of a board of seven Directors, elected by the Stockholders. In such elociuent style, the reader is led on for four more touching pages that very few possible investors would be able to resist. The oflScers of the company were John W. "Willey, president : Charles ^Vhit- tlesey, secretary; Edmund Clark, treasurer; David Tod, "William R. 194 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIII Heury. and John AV. "Willey, executive eommittee. The directors were David Tod, Elisha Garrett, "WiUiaui R. Hussey, Horace Caiifield, John W. Alien, Edmund Clark, and John W. WiUey. A. C. Morton was principal engineer. Three other railway projects were also in evolution, as appears from the following paragraphs : The Cleveland. Colujvibus & Cincinnati Railroad Company was chartered in 1S36, connecting Cleveland and Cincinnati by the way of Columbus, the seat of government for the state. The con- struction of this road is regarded generally as a work of great impor- tance, as it would connect the two great commercial emporiums of the state, Cleveland and Cincinnati, and traverse two hundred and sixty miles of the rich and populous portions of its soil. It com- prises the most direct route between Quebec, Montreal, the Canadas, Buffalo, and the Ohio and Mississippi valley, which is becoming a great thoroughfare. It is safe to conclude that this road will soon be made. The Cleveland and Newbubg Railroad Company, capital $50,000 was incorporated by the Legislature in 183.5, is now being put under contract, tlie greater part of the route being surveyed ; and it is expected that four miles of the road will be ready for cars the ensuing autumn. This Railroad passes through a section of country abounding with inexhaustible quarries of building and grindstone, and every description of timber necessaiy for ship and house build- ing. It must therefore be of incalculable advantage to the city of Cleveland. The Cleveland & Bedford Railroad Company was incorpo- rated in 1835. to connect Bedford, a thriving village twelve miles south of Cleveland, on the Pittsburgh road, with the Lake and Ohio canal at Cleveland. The officers of the Cleveland and Newburg road were AVilliani ^lilford, president; J. C. Fairchild, secretary; Nicholas Dockstadcr, treasurer; William Milford, Benjamin HarringtoiL C. .M. (liddings, Nicholas Dockstadcr, Reuben Champion, Frederick Whittlesey, Aaron Barker, John W. Allen and Gurdon Fitch were directors. Ahaz Merchant was the principal engineer and the building of the road had been begun. It was a tramway of hewed timbers built from the quarries east of the city to its western termintis near tiic southwest section of the Public Square. The Cleveland, Columbus and Cincin- nati company and the Cleveland and I'l'dTord coinpiiiiy luul not yet chosen their officers. CleveIjAnd IIarhor On page 57 of the directory, we are told tiiat ''Tlie hai'bor of Cleve- land is formed by two piers extentling al)out four IniMdred and twenty- 1837] TIIH CITY DIRECTORY 195 live yanls iuto Lake Erie, ami Wiug eleven feet in width. These piers are, at present, e()mj)osed of piles and eribbing tilled in with stone; but aiTaugements are making to remove the wood work above the water, and snbstitnte substantial stone blocks laid in mason work. The pas- sage into the harbor, between the piers, measures two hundred feet and the depth of water is about fourteen feet — while the Cuyahoga river itself is navigable for steamboats and vessels as far up as the rapids, wliieh, to follow the eonrse of the river, is not less than six miles from its mouth. In 181'.') the general government granted the sum of five thousand dollai-s a.s the first appropriation for the erection of a harbor at this place, since which tiuie various appropriations have been made by congress for the same purpose, amounting in all to seventy-seven thousand five hundred and fifty dollars and fifty-six cents. The dis- bui"sements were made by A. W. Walworth, Esq., as agent for the engineer department." The paragraphs on navigation and commerce are very instructive and ought to be interesting. "Owing to her peculiar and advantageous location at the tennination of the Ohio canal and at a point of Lake Erie the most commanding for commercial operations," the trade of Cleveland had considerably increased within the few years preceding 1837. According to an official statement, in "the year 1836, property to the amount of one hundred and seventeen millions two hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and eighty pounds, arrived by the way of the canal at this port, and was shipped hence for distant markets." The value of this property was estimated at $2,444,708.54. That fiftj'-four hundredths of a dollar forcefully testifies to the pains- taking care with which the estimate was made. The largest items in the detailed statement of the year's exports were 464,765 bushels of wheat valued at $534,469.40, and 167,539 barrels of flour valued at $1,005,- 234.80. Then came 392,281 bushels of com worth $215,764, and 13,495 barrels of pork worth $203,425.40, and 3,851 hogsheads of tobacco worth $192,550. The total shipments of mineral coal were valued at only $3,492.09. During the year 1836, there entered the port of Cleveland, nine hundred and eleven vessels and nine hundred and ninety steamboats, with an aggregate tonnage of four hundred and one thousand eight hundred tons; of these, one hundred and eight vessels were foreign. Within the same period, nine hundred and eleven vessels and nine hundred and ninety steamboats cleared in this port, the aggregate tonnage of the vessels alone being ninety thousand. DAILY LINE OF OHIO CANAL PACKETS Bettrcen Cleveland & PorUiuoulb. DISTANCS 309 MIL3S-THR0TTOH IXT SO E0TTR3. at 9o'clocK A. M. OTIS & CURTIS. Ccn«-a/&ageO>-', <^" ^ .wcjit*. G J LEET. PomnKw/ft. ) NCH, MOOHE ♦ OO.'S 'l.« cr 8«.i to.»CW.,d U.M, r., C.k...»^ ,,. w^u, ..J H.u~- OTB » CURTIS' l;» .f sur. ■<•«' <:i"rf-J "»'» '•■' P''»>»»k "•»'°. """•" ""• «"'■'*• PIONEER FAST STAGE LINE rrom CIXVZXAND to FITTaBCBa, Le«v«« daily at 6 o*clf>ck A. M., via Ji^lfoni. HvdMm. Ka. Goiao, DfitT^ld, Salon and AVie LUbon, to Weltjvill*, where iticy wiD talco Iha 8^22^^ £At£S. WELLSVILLE AND NEW USBON, TO PITTSBBRO. TBuroogh In 30 honn from ClovelaMd* Being (ttp sfanrleat rculv bclwoon the two cttioa, nnij klTattl- iBg 4 p)ea*oj)t trip ihroiiKl) a llourjshinf; p.irt of Ohio, on ■ good road, and in b«llcT Coaches thui aoy lino njomn^ to •aid ploco. Thf" tbove lino i» connected \rith Iho Good Intent Fast Mail Stage^ Pioneer Packet A Rnil-Ronil Linen, For PhUadflphia. Nca-York, BaUimorr, and Wash'iRf^UiR City, in whii.\\; L'lkvei.am) Hotels The pi'iiR-ipal luituls in Cleveland were thus recorded in tlie direc- tory : American Iloiisf. 1. Newton. 42 Superior street. Clcvrlaiid Iluiisr. A. Selover, Public Square. Cleveltnid V( nirv llousr, , Cleveland Centre Hloek. Cifij Hotd. Perry Allen. Seneea street. Clinton Ilonsr. AViUiani Ilarland, Union lane, corner St. Clair street. E(if;lr Tav( rn, Kichanl CiuiUe. Water street, coi'ucr St. Clair street. Franklin Honsc, H. Ilarrinf^ton, 25 Supqrior street. Farmers' and Mcchanirs' Hotel, George W. Sanford, Ontario street, eorner Miehigan street. (ilohr Tavern, Isaac Van Valkenbnrg. Merwin st. ^Vashington House, William ^Martin. 31 Water' st. Stage Lines The list of stage lines were given thus : Buffalo via Erie. — A Stage leaves the office of Otis & Curtis, 23 Superior street, every day at 2 a 'clock, P. ;\1. Pittshurf/h via Bedford, Hudson, Ravenna, Deerficld, Salem, etc. — A Stage leaves the Pioneer Stage Co's office, under the American House. 38 Superior st. every morning at 8 o'clock, A. M. J. R. Cun- ningham. Agent. Pittshurgh.—ThQ Mail Stage leaves at half past 10 o'clock, P. M. from Otis & Curtis' office. 23 Superior street. Pittshurgli. — The Pha-ni.x Line Stage leaves at 8 o'clock, A. M. every day. from Otis & Curtis' office, 23 Superior st. Detroit. — A Stage leaves daily at 5 o'clock, A. M. from Otis & Curtis" office, 23 Superior street. Columbus and Cincinnati. — A Stage leaves every other day, via "Wooster and ilount Vernon, frtmi Otis & Curtis' office, 23 Superior street. The li.st of county officers was given thus: Judges of the Court of Common Pleas Hon. Van R. Humphrey. President Judge. Hon. AVatrous I'shei'l Hon. Simeon Fuller [-A.ssociate Judges. Hon. Josiah Barlier J The Courts of Common Pleas hold three sessions in the year : gen- erall.v in ^yfarch. June and October. The Supreme Court usually sits in August, and holds but one term. Harve.v Rice. Clerk of the Courts. ^ Aaron Clark / t-. * r-i i Henry G. WeldonJ deputy Clerks. 198 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIII Joseph B. Bartlett, County Recorder. Samuel Williamson, County Auditor. James B. Finney, Deputy. Edward Baldwin, County Treasurer. Seth S. Henderson, Sheriff. Theodorick Brooks] H. N. Wilbur E. A. Ward [-Dcputv Sheriffs. H. Beebe J Henry H. Dodge was the commissioner of the insolvent's office for the county. The list of state officers was given thus : Joseph Vance, Governor. Carter B. Harlan, Secretary. John A. Bryan. Auditor. Joseph Whitehill, Treasurer. N. Medbury, Superintendent of the Penitentiary. Judges of the Supreme Court Ebenezer Lane, Chief Justice. Reuben Wood ] Peter Hitchcock Associate Judges. Frederick GrimkeJ Government Officials As to officers of the national government, we are told that the custom house, at No. 39 Superior Street, was "open from 7 to 12 o'clock, A. M., and from 2 to 6 P. M." The officers were: Samuel Starkweather, Collector. David W. Cross, Deputy Collector and Inspector. Clark Warren, Deputy Insjicctor. and Stephen Woolverton was the light-house keeper. The postoffice, at No. 37 Superior Street, was "o]ien on week days from l^U o'clock, A. M. till 9 P. M. On Sundays from S till 9, A. i\I. and from 6 till 71/.. P. M. Daniel Worlcy, Post Master. James Worley, Deputy Post Master. John Tnmlinson ) ^„ , SoK)mon .Sawt('M\ Arhiv.\i< .vnd Di:i'ai(I 1 I!k of thic Maii,s Nortlirrn Mail via Erie, arrives daily by 4 o'clock, A. M. and departs daily at 2 o'clock,. P. M. 1837] THE CITY DIRECTORY 199 Eastern via Pittsburg, arrives dailv liv 6 o'clock, P. ^I. and departs daily at half past 1, P. M. Soiithcni via Coliiinhiis, arrives odd days by 1 o'clock, P. ]\I. and departs oven days at "> P. JI. ^^'fst('r)l via Saxdiisk)/ and Detroit, arrives daily hy 1 o'clock, P. M. and departs daily at 5 o'clock, A. ]\I. Huron via Mouth of liUuk River, arrives^ every Wednesday by 6, P. M. and departs evei'j' ]\Ionday at 7, A. M. Xewburt) via ^YarrensviIle and Oranqc, arrives every Friday at 6, P. M. and departs every Satnrday at 6, A. M. Erie and Pittshurgh Alail doses "daily at 1 o'clock, P. II. Detroit, Huron and Newbury ]\Iail closes daily at 9 o'clock, P. ]M. Rates of Postage On Letters. — 614 cents for any distance not exceeding 30 miles; 10 cents, if over 30 and not exceeding 80 miles; 12Vi; cents, if over 80 and not exceeding 150 nules; 18% cents, if over 150 and not exceeding 400 miles; 'J5 cents if over 400 miles. Double letters are charged double, treble letters, treble, and quadruple letters, quadruple these rates. Postage on heavier packages in proportion. On Xewspapers. — Not carried over 100 miles, or for any distance within the state where they are printed, one cent each. If carried over 100 miles, and out of the state where they are printed, one and a half cents each. Periodicals, Pamphlets and Magazines. — Carried not over 100 miles, one cent a sheet : carried over 100 miles, two cents a sheet. Those not periodicals, 100 miles or less, 4 cents a sheet ; over 100 miles, 6 cents a sheet. No deduction will be made on postage on letters charged double, treble, or quadruple, unless they are opened in the presence of the post master, his assistant, or some one belonging to the office. Some poetic souls are not much concerned with statistics of man- ufactures, commerce, etc., but there are few Clevelanders (or resi- dents in rival cities) who will not "sit up and take notice" of reports concerning the growth of population. If some of my readers have been wearied by some of the preceding paragraphs, I trust that they will find relief in the following final extract from Cleveland's fii*st directory : According to the census taken in the year of 1825, Cleveland con- tained only five hundred souls ; in 1831, the ]iopulati(ni was not more than one thousand one hundred ; in 1832, it amounted to one thousand five hundred: in 1833, to one thousand nine hundred; in Jauuan', 1834, it was found to have increased to three thousand three hundred and twenty-three; in November, 1834, it was four thousand two hundred and fifty; and in August, 1835, it was five thousand and eighty. The number of inhabitants in the city of Cleveland at pres- ent exceeds nine thousand, and judging from the rapid increase of 200 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIII that number, and the flattering prospects of tliis infant city, we an- ticipate its being doubled in less than three years. As we now take leave of this really illuminating little volume, it is only fitting that we take off our hats and send back over the sea of more than fourscore years a grateful salute to that enthusiastic local historian and able editor and compiler, 3Ir. Julius P. Bolivar MacCabe. Nor may we fail to vote our thanks to the Guardian Sav- ings and Trust Companj' which, in 1908, had the public spirit that led them to reprint the work. In this memorable j'ear, 18.37, the Cleveland city council adopted a resolution submitted by Alfred Hall, and declaring that ''for the erection of a market or markets, the purchase of grounds whereon to build school-hoitses and the erection of school-houses, it is expedient for the city to borrow on the good faith and credit thereof, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, for a term of years, at six per cent annual interest, by creating that amount of stock, jn'ovided said stock shall not be sold under par." In April (1837), the Cleveland council appointed the second board of school managers, the members of which were Samuel Cowles, Samuel Williamson, and Pliilip Battell ; they continued the school authorized in 1836, which "was the only one that had any existence by authority; neither did the city own a school house or a foot of ground upon which to erect one.* Cleveland had then a population of about 5,000; and although no records are extant to show it, there must have been in attendance upon the schools, private and public, no less than eight hundred children. But the school maintained by the eity had an enrollment of less than three hundred, so that the Acad- emy and other private schools still furnished instruction to a very large majority of the youth of the city." But, in July, the council passed a school ordinance introduced by Horace Canfield. This step was of importance sufficient to justify the presentation of the docu- ment in full : An Ordinance to Provide for the Est.\blishment of Common Schools Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Cleveland, Thfit the School Committee of the Council is hereby au- * The liUlf Kc-hdol lioiisc oil St. C'liiir Slreot, li.ni^rlil liy (lie villii^'c in 1817, must have ]iiish('(1 away or bocoinp unlit for \iso. Tlic moneys tliat the villape IrusteeB tlien ordered refimded lo inilividnalH amounted to only .$!".),'<. 70, and liad been sifbHcribed "f(»r tlie I)nildin;,r (tf a sdion] lunise;'* tliere was no meniion of the piirehuse of any land. 1837] SCHOOLS AND PANIC 201 thorized to in-dcui-c. hy lease, siiitalile luiiUliiigs or roimis I'or tlie use of tlie city, to he oeeupied as sehool rooms, as lieieinat'tei- ])i'oviileil, uiidei- the authoi'ity of tlie eity; i)rovided, that such huildliiffs or rooms shall he appi'opriated hy the Board of JMaiia^ers of Commou Sehools. The expense of tlie lease of the same shall not exceed oiie- lialf the amount which the City Coimeil is authorized to appropriate annually foi- tlie construction of huildings for school purposes. Sec, '2. The Sciiool Coinmittee of the Council is furthei- author- ized and instructed to provide, at the expense of the cit.v, the needful aj)i)aratus and furniture for the Iniildiufrs or rooms thus provided, and the added exi)ense of which shall not exceed the limits prescribed in tlu' tirst section of this act. Sec, ;!. It is further ordained that the 15oard of Managers of Common Sduiols in the city is hereby authorized to establish, imme- tliately. in the premises pi'ovided aforesaid, such schools of elementary education as to them shall seem necessary, and i)roeure instructors for the same. The term or session of such schools shall connuencc on the 24th of July, instant, and continue four months, to wit : till the 24th day of Novend)er next. See. 4. it lieinpr provided tluit sucli schools are to be supplied from the revenue of the city set aside for said jiurposes, so that the expense of tuition and fuel in said schools shall not be permitted to exceed said sjjecified revenue. Passed July 7th, 1837. The public school system of Cleveland was thus begun ; the story of its development into the great and beneficent institution that it is today is told in the article on the Public Sehools, given in Chapter XXII of this volume. Arrival of the Panic of 1837 Among the important arrivals of 1837 was a great financial panic. President Jackson's famous specie circular, drafted by Senator Ben- ton, had been issued by the secretary of the treasury in July, 1836. It' directed that nothing but gold and silver should be received iii payment for public land.s — Jackson's last financial exploit. This sent a flood of almost worthless western paper to the eastern money centers and, in Jlay, 1837, the New York banks suspended specie pay- ment and a widespread panic followed. It is said that it "brought to ruin nearly every l)usine.ss establishment in the Western Reserve" — doubtless something of an exaggeration, but it certainly hit hard the metropolis of that thriving region. "City lots owned by the land companies of Ohio City and Cleveland, which shortly before had been sold for prices enormously above their actual value, could no longer 202 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIII be disposed of ou any terms. It was a period of purging and of sober- ing from which the city emerged to enter upon a career of substantial prosperity. ' ' Ohio Railroad Put to Rest One of the fantastic schemes that received its quietus in that panic was the famous Ohio Railroad Company of uupropitious memory. In 1S30, the United States had a railway trackage of twenty-three miles, but the fever for railway building soon set in and many wild forms of speculation caught unwise investors. At this time, when '"the sparsely settled southei'n shore of Lake Erie was platted into city lots at every indentation of the coast and one speculator (just a little wilder than the others) predicted a continuous city from the Niagara to the Cuyahoga," came the Ohio Raih'oad project. In April, 1836, R. Harper, Eliphalet Austin, Ileman Ely, John AV. Allen, P. M. Weddell, Charles C. Paine, and others organized the company at Painesville; Nehemiah Allen of Willoughby a member of the state legislature, secured for them a liberal charter that granted banking powers as well as the usrual rights to build a railroad. The banking privileges were used with enterprising freedom and the three or four hundred thousand dollars of currency that were issued could never truthfully say or sing, "I know that my redeemer liveth. " By an act of March, 1837, the mahKloi'ous "plunder law," the legisla- ture loaned its credit to tlie amount of one-third of the capital stock in railroads, turnpikes, and canals, when the other two-thirds luid been subscribed ; the state issued its bond in payment for stock in the company. The company ])lanncd to build a trans-Ohio road witli two great cities at its termini, Richmond on the Grand River and ^lan- hattan on tlie .Maumee. The I rack was ti> rest on a doui)le line of piles or posts, with ties and sti'ingcrs, ami a light strap-iron rail, a flimsy structure that was estimated to cost $16,000 per mile. "The \-isi()nary scheme fitted into the financial fantasies of tlie day, but it vanished b(>fore the hot breath of the panic of 1837;" the road was not built. In 1840, the "plunder law" was repealed and the collapse of tlie Oliici Railroad was quick jiiid cuniplcte. For many years after the collapse, remnants of th." ])iles were visible out Loi-ain Avenue and along the riilge toward Elyria. ]n 1843, the state auditor reported that "the original subscription.s to the stock of the company were one million, nine hundred and ninety-one thousand, seven hundred and sixly-si.x dollars. Of this sum only thirteen thousand, nine liiiiidrcil and eighty dollars bad l)een paid in cash; eight thousand Ohio Railkoad Company Notes 20i CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIII or teu thousand dollai-s in labor or material ; and five hundred and thirt.v-three thousand, seven hundred and seventy-sis dollars in land and town lots. These have been reported as a basis for the credit of the state; also there has been added two hundred and ninety-three thousand, six hundred and sixtj- dollars in donations of lands for right of way, all of which of course are conditional to revert upon failure to complete the work. The lands received in payment for subscriptions were all taken at the most extravagant rates." The state had paid the company $249,000, and its return was ".some sixty- three miles of wooden superstructure laid on piles, a considerable portion of which is already rotten and tlie remainder going rap- idlv to decay." CHAPTER XIV THE BK(ilN\IX(i OF THE RAILWAY ERA In 1838, Joshua A. .Mills was elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldei-mcii were Alfred Hall, Nicholas Doekstader, aud Benjamin Harrington. The conncilnicn were, three from each ward in order, George C. Dodge, Closes A. Eldridge, Herrick Childs, Leonard Case, Renjaniin Andrews, Henry Blair, Tliomas Colahan, Tom Tjcnien, and .Melanctlion Barnett. On the nineteenth of ^larcli, Mr. Doekstader was chosen as president of the eouncil. At a later meeting, A. H. Curtis was chosen as city clerk. Samuel Williamson was treasurer, and George Kirk was marshal. Across the piver, Norman C. Bald- win was elected mayor of Ohio City. The councilmeu were H. N. Ward, C. E. Hill, Cyrus Williams, Charles Winslow, Necdham M. Standart, William H. Hill, George C. Huntington, D. Barstow, E. Bronson, Josiah Barber, W. Burton, and S. W. Sayles. Jlr. Bronson was chosen president of the council. Horace Foote was recorder, D. C. Van Tine was treasurer, and G. L. Chapman was marshal. The state legislature having authorized such action, the Cleve- land council adopted the following resolution, introduced by ]\Ir. Doekstader : Resolved — That the hoard of commissioners designatwl to exe- cute the wishes and directions of the City Council and citizens of Cleveland in regard to the construction of the Cleveland, Warren & Pittsburgh Railroad, be respectfully requested to subscribe for and take up so mucji of the stock subscribed by our citizens, for the pur- pose of securing the charter of the railroad, as will amount to two hundred thousaiul dollars, and that, in conjunction with the direc- tors of said railroad, innnediately take measures to procure a suffi- cient amount of subscription to con.struct said road from Cleveland to the Pcinisylvawia line, and then to borrow the aforesaid two hun- dred thousand dollars on the credit of the cit.v. This progres.sive step, in aid of the tirst railway project that had taken on definite shape shows that the city '"had begun to emerge from the village influences that had hampered it in the first year of nnmicipal rule. " As to the cost of city maintenance at that time, a 205 206 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIV report of the finance comiuittee of the council states that the amount that would probably be required for general purposes for the year was $16,745, exclusive of what would be needed for the support of the poor; that the amount to be collected from licenses and debts Dr. JaRED r. KlRTLANI) due the city would be $4,500; thus Iciivin;,' tlic sum «)f $12,265 to be raised by the tax levy. Dr. J.\bed p. KuiTi.AND Dr. Jarcil P. Kirtland was born in Wallinpfford, Connecticut, in 1795. in 1810, he visited the Reserve coiiiinpr in company with Alfred Kelley and Joshua Stow as already .stated; his father at that 1838-39] 1)K. K I RTLAND 207 tinit' was agent ul' the Connecticut Land Company at I'olaml in Trumbull County. He studied medicine in Philadelphia and, after twenty yeare' praetiee in Trumbull County, lectured for a year at a medical eollewe in Cineimiati and, late in 1838, accepted a i)ro- fessorship in the newly orgranized medical college in Cleveland. His association with Colonel Whittlesey on the first geological survey of Ohio has already been notetl. Soon after his coming to Cleveland, he bought an estate at East Roekport, near Rocky River. Here he established an experimental farn\ and originated many new varieties of fruit. Thence he ilrove dailv to his classes in the city. He was Home op Doctor Kirtland the first president of the Cleveland Academy of Natural Science which was organized in 1845 at his suggestion. He was one of Cleveland's pioneers in scientific work and equally distinguished as naturalist, teacher and physician. He died on the tenth of December, 1877. Municipal Officials of 1839-40 In 1839, Mr. Mills was reelected as mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were Harvey Rii'e. Edward Baldwin, and Richard Hilliard. The councilmen were, three from each ward in order, George Menden- hall. Timothy P. Speoeer, Moses Ross, John A. Foote, Charles M. Giddings, Jefferson Thomas, Thomas Bolton, Tom Lemen, and John 208 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIV A. Vincent. John A. Foote was clio-sen president of the council. Mr. Williamson was reelected treasurer, Isaac Taylor succeeded George Kirk as marshal, James B. Finnej- became city clerk, and Moses Kelley was appointed city attornej'-. A city market house wa.s built on ilichigau Street (Prospect Avenue, N. W.), and L. D. Johnson was chosen as market clerk. Improved school accommodations received proper and encouraging attention and an effort in aid of temperance refoiTu led to a sharp parliamentary struggle over Mr. Barr 's jireamble and resolutions, a proposed "ordinance for the suppression of dram shops," another "ordinance for the suppression or the sale of ardent spirits in less ciuantity than one quart, ' ' together with futile attempts to amend the latter by striking out the words "one quart" and sub- stituting therefor "one pint," "fifteen gallons," and "a pound of bread." The whole matter was then sent back to committee and the "reform" made no further progress that year. In Ohio City, Mayor Baldwin was reelected. The councilmen were C. L. Russell, C. C. AValler, Francis A. Burrows, Samuel H. Fox, H. A. Hurlburt, Daniel Sanford, Needham M. Standart, H. N. Ward, Cliristopher E. Hill, W. H. Hill, Cyrus Williams, and Charles Winslow. Mr. Waller was chosen president of the council and Alessrs. Foote, Van Tine, and Chapman were reelected to their several offices of the previous year. In 1840, Nicholas Dockstader was elected mayor of Cleveland; Timothy Ingraham, treasurer ; and Isaac Taylor, marshal. The alder- men were William Milford, William Lemen, and Josiah A. Harris. The councilmen were, three from each ward in order, Ashbel W. Wal- worth, David Hersch, John Barr, David Allen, John A, Foote, Thomas M. Kelley, Stephen Clary, Charles Bradburn, and .John A. Vincent. William Jlilford was chosen president of the council; J. B. Finney, city clerk; (ieorge A. Benedict, city attorney; and Josiah A. Harris, city printer. In Ohio City, Needham M. Standart was elected mayor. Tlic ((Mincilmeu were C. L. Rus.sell, C. C. Waller, Francis A. Burrows, S. II. I''().\, II. A. Hurlburt, Daniel Sanford, S. W. Saylcs, Homer Strong, Andrew White, Ben.iamin Siieldoii, li. F. 'l\\ler, and Daniel IT, Lamb. Mr. Waller was chosen i)resident of the couiicjl. J. F. Taintor became recorder and Messrs. Van Tine and Cliapniau were again choscii to thcii- i-esjii'ct i\'e positions. CiTV RiCCOKI) OK 1^^40-4') In this year (1840-41), the four .sections of the Pulilic Square wci-i' se|iai'ately enclosed with fences and the street supervisor was insli-nctcil III ■■prrpai'c and seed the Ndnllici'ii iialf ol' the j'ublic 1840-41] TlIK CENSUS REPORT 209 Square in a .suitalilo aiul prapcr iiiaiiiier," to "procure some suitable person to sink the pul)lie wells, so that they will contain at least three and one-half feet of wate'-, proviilod the expense will not exceed thirty-five dollars." The temperance question came np again in May and, after much discussion, "an ordinance to regulate taverns and to prohibit the sale of ardent spirits or other intoxicating liquors by a less (juantity than one (|uart, " and providing further that no licensed tavern keeper should give or sell ardent spirits to any child, apprentice, or servant without the consent of parent, guardian, or employer, or to anj' intoxicated person, was passed. 15efore the end of the official year, annual salaries of some of the city's servants were fixed as follows: .Mayor, $100; marshal, $300; clerk, $400; street supervisor, .$4i)ti; treasurer, $200; clerk of the market, $100. At the end of his term as mayor, Mr. Dockstader retired fom official life. The federal census of this year (1840), in speaking of the manu- facturing enterprises of Cuyahoga County, says that there were two cast-iron furnaces, producing 200 tons, consuming 1,310 tons of fuel, employing 102 men and using a capital of $130,000. The annual value of the stone product was $18,822; twenty-eight men were em- ployed and $2,000 of eai)ital invested. Of pot or pearl ashes, 113 tons were maile during the year. The value of machinery made was $43,600; the value of hardware and cutlery $25,000; and of metals refined $31,500. In the manufacture of brick and lime $12,500 was invested ; twenty -six men employed, and the value of the product $8,540. There were four woolen manufactories, with a capital of $12,400 and an aninud product of $14,400, and eighteen men em- ploj'cd. In the thirteen tanneries twenty-one men were employed ; capital, $6,800; 845 sides of sole leather and 3,680 sides of uppers were tanned. There were manufactured 113,000 pounds of soap and 82,000 pounds of tallow candles, ten men employed and $4,000 of cap- ital. Two distilleries produced 80,000 gallons of w'hiskey, and one brewery 50,000 gallons of beer. There were six flour mills, fifteen grist mills, seventy sawmills, one oil mill, and all of these combined made $183,875 worth of product and employed 104 men. Athough the report is for the county, it is fair to a-ssnme that it is approxi- mately correct for the city. The census of this year credited Cleve- land with a population of 6,071. In 1841, John W. Allen was elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were William iMilford, Thomas Bolton, and Xewton E. Crittenden. The councilmen were, three from each ward in order, Nelson Hayward, Herrick Childs, George B. Tibbets, Moses Kelley, Vol. I— 14 .i j«»JLI 210 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIV W. J. Warner, M. C. Younglove, Pliilo Scovill, Benjamin Harring- ton, and ^liller M. Spangler. Thomas Bolton was chosen as presi- dent of the eouncil. In Ohio City, Mr. Standart was reelected mayor. The couucilmeu were Daniel H. Lamb, Richard Lord, Albert Powell, C. A. Russell, C. L. Russell, Julius A. Sayles, S. W. Sayles, Benjamin Sheldon, Homer Strong, Benjamin F. Tyler, Andrew AVhite, and Ephraim Wilson. Mi*. Lord was chosen president of the council. Christopher E. Hill was recorder, H. N. Ward was treasurer, and Homer Strong was marshal. In this year, the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal was completed, connecting the Ohio Canal at Akron with the Ohio River at Beaver and thus forming a water communication with Pittsburgh. On the twenty-first of September, a charter was granted for Cleveland City Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, the oldest ]\Ia- sonic body in the city. Its first meeting was held a week later and officers were chosen as follows: Clifford Belden, worshipful master; Andrew White, senior warden; W^illai'd Crawford, junior warden; Edmund Clark, treasurer; and Erastus Smith, secretary. In 1812, Joshua A. Mills was again elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were Nelson Hayward. William Smyth, and Benjamin Harrington. The councilmen were, three from each ward in order, William D. Nott, Robert Bailey, Henry Morgan, George Mendenhall, George Witherell, Jefferson Thomas. William T. Goodwin, George Kirk, and Levi Johnson. Benjamin Harrington was chosen president of the council. In Ohio City, Francis A. Burrows was chosen mayor. The councilmen were G. L. Chapman, David Griffith, Morris Ilepliuni, Richard Lord, Albert Powell, C. A. Russell, Julius A. Sayles, S. W. Sayles, Benjamin Sheldon, Horace G. Townsend, D. C. Van Tine, and Ephraim Wilson. Richard Lord was again chosen as president of the council. Christopher E. Hill, II. N. Ward, and Homer Strong became their own successors as recorder, treasurer, and marshal respectively. In 1843, Nelson Hayward \vu.s elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were William D. Nott, Samuel Cook, and Samuel Stark- weather. The councilmen were, three from each ward in order, Rol)ert Bailey, John B. Wigman, James Church, Jr., Stcjihen Clai-y, Alanson H. Lacy, George A. Benedict, William T. Goodwin, John Wills, and Alexander S. Cramer. Mr. Benedict was chosen as i)resident of the council. In Ohio City, Richard Lord became mayor. The councilmen were Thomas Armstrong, Peter Barker, G. L. Chapman. L. L. Davis, David Griffith, ilorris Hepburn, Seth W. Johnson, Albert Powell, C. L. Russell, Julius A. Sayles, S. W. Sayles, and Benjamin Sheldon. S. W. Sayles was chosen president of the council, and Messrs. Hill, 1844-45] CITY OFFICIALS 211 Ward, and Stroiij,' atraiii ln'caine tlioir own successors as recorder, treasurer, and marshal respectively. George Osmuu became street supervisor. In 1S44, Samuel Starkweather wa.s elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were Leander .M. Hubby, Stephen Clary and William T. Goodwin. The councilnien, three from each ward in order, were Thomas .Mell, George F. .Marshall, E. St. John Bemis, Charles Stet- son, Jacob Lowman, John Outhwaite, W^illiam F. Allen, Melancthon Baruett, and John F. Warner. Jlr. Barnett was chosen as president of the council. The United States Marine Hospital, on the bank of the lake, was begun in this year, but it was not finished until 1852. In Ohio City, Daniel H. Lamb was chosen mayor. The conncilinen were Peter Barker, E. R. Benton. L. L. Davis, Enoch Hunt, Seth W. Johnson, G. W. Jones, Richard Lord, Albert Powell, C. L. Russell, Julius A. Sayles, Benjamin Sheldon, and E. T. Sterling. Mr. Lord was chosen president of the council. S. W. Sayles was chosen re- corder; Christopher E. Hill, treasurer; Homer Strong, marshal; and George Osmun, street supervisor. In 1845, Samuel Starkweather was again elected mayor of Cleve- land. The aldermen w'cre Charles W. Heard, George Withercll, and L. 0. Mathews. The couneilmen, three from each ward in order, were Flavel W. Bingham, Peter Caul, Samuel C. Ives, James Gardner, Ellery G. Williams, David L. Wood, Arthur Hughes, John A. Wheeler, and Orville Gurley. Mr. Bingham was chosen as president of the council. In Ohio City, Mayor Lamb was again elected. The couneilmen were Ambrose Anthony, E. R. Benton, L. L. Davis, Enoch Hunt, 6. W. Jones, Richard Lord, Joseph B. Palmer, Albert Powell, Daniel Sanford, Julius A. Sayles, Benjamin Sheldon, and E. T. Sterling. Mr. Lord was chosen as president of the coiincil. S. W. Sayles became recorder; Charles Winslow, treasurer; Edgar Slaght, marshal ; and George Osmun. street supervisor. Young Men 's Literary Association Organized In this year, the Young .Men's Literary Association was organized ; it was incorporated in 1848 as the Cleveland Library Association. From this organization was developed the Case Library of today. Three banks were also incorporated, the ''Commercial" with a cap- ital stock of $150,000; the "Merchants' " with a capital .stock of $100,000: and the "City Bank" with a capital stock of $150,000. In ilarch, the state renewed the charter of the Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati Railroad Company. The new charter authorized the 212 CLEVELAND AND ITS EXVIKOXS [Chap. XIV building of a road from Lake Erie to Columbus, where it might unite with any road that should afterwards be built leading from the capital to the southern boundary of the state. On the board of direc- tors, Cleveland was represented by John W. Allen, Richard Ililliard, John jr. Woolsey, and Henry B. Payne. The city voted its credit to the extent of $200,000, but there was difficulty in negotiating the city's bonds. In 1847, and after prolonged personal effort on the part of the directors, the amount of subscriptions were brought up to about $70,000 and the work of construction was immediately begun under the presidential supervision of Alfred Kellcy, now of Colum- bus. In the same month (March, 1845), the legislature passed an act reviving the charter of the Cleveland. Warren, and Pittsburgh Company to which, in 1838, the city had voted a subscription of $200,000. By the first of November, the line had been completed to Hanover, seventy-five miles from Cleveland. In this year, the Frank- lin House that Philo Scovill had built on the north side of Superior Street in 1825 was rebuilt and Dan P. Rhodes and David Tod opened the Briar Hill coal mine near Youngstowu. Municipal M.\tters, 1846-48 In 1846, George Hoadlcy was elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldei-men were Leander M. Hubby. John II. Gorham, and Josiah A. Harris. The couneilmen, three from each ward in order, were E. St. John Bemis, John F. Chamberlain, John Gill, William Case, William Bingham, John A. Wheeler, William K. Adams, iMarshall Carsion, and Liakim L. Lyon. Mr. Hubby was chosen as president of the council. This William Case was a son of the Leonard Case who came from Warren to Cleveland to act as cashier of the first bank in the city. As we shall see, William Case played a iinniiinent part in the development of Cleveland and was twice elected as its mayor. In Ohio City, Daniel II. Lamb was for the third time elected as mayor. The couneilmen chosen wri'c Ambi'osc Anthony, John Beverlin, G. L. Chapman, L. L. Davis, Oilman Folsom, S. W. Johnson, Jo.seph B. Palmer, Albert Powell. Daniel Sanford, Julius A. Sayles, Benjamin Sheldon, and S. ^\'. 'I'm-ncr. Mr. Sheldon was elected as president of the coinicil and Messrs. S. W. Sayles and Winslow were continued in office a.s recorder and treasurer respectively. George Osinun became marshal, and William II. Xcwtmi, street supervisor. In March of this year, the state legislature incorporated the Junction Railroad. "This act, together with amendments subse- quently pa.ssed, provided for railway construction from Cleveland 1846-48] CITY ()l''Ki('l.\l-S 213 to the west line of the state, Ihe choice of i-oules ami other details, according to the liberal fashion o\' tliat time, being left to the discre- tion of the directors." Another charter was issued creating the Toledo, Norwalk, anU Cleveland road. In 1853, these companies were consolidated under the name of the Clevelaml and Toledo Railroad with a capital stock of -tri.OnO.OOO. In this year (1846), the Cleve- land Ga.s Light and Coke Company was incorporated ; it supplied gas for street illumination three yeare later. The board of Fire Un- derwriters of Cleveland was organized in JunC; J. L. Weatherly was its president; C. C. Carleton was vice president; H. F. Brayton was treasurer ; and George May was secretary. The activities of the board were suspended during the civil war, but a reorganization was effected in 1866. In 1847, Josiah A. Harris was elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were Flavel W. Bingham, William Case, and Pierre A. ^lathivet. The councilmen, three from each ward in order, were David Clark Doan, Henry Everett, John Gill, John Erwin, Charles Hiekox, Henry T?. Payne, Alexander Seymour, Alexander S. Cramer, and Orville Gurley. Flavel W. Bingham was chosen as president of the council. In the summer of this year, the Lake Erie Telegraph Company was authorized to extend its line through the city and the first telegram was received. In Ohio City, David Griffith was elected mayor. The councilmen were John Beverlin, G. L. Chapman, L. L. Davis, Gilman Folsom, S. W. Johnson, Irvine U. blasters, Philo Closes, C. L. Russell, R. L. Russell, Benjamin Sheldon, Homer Strong, and S. W. Turner. ^Ir. Sheldon was chosen as president of the council. Christojjher E. Hill was elected recorder; S. J. Lewis, treasurer; N. D. White, marshal ; and William Hartuess, street supervisor. In 1848, Lorenzo A. Kelsey was elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were Flavel W. Bingham, William Case, and Alexander Sey- mour. The councilmen, three from each ward in order, were Richard Norton, John Gill, Charles ^I. Read, Henry B. Payne, Leander M. Hubby, Thomas C. Floyd, Samuel Starkweather, Robert Parks, and William J. Gordon. Mr. Bingham was again chosen as president of the council. In Ohio City, John Bevei'lin was elected mayor. The councilmen were H. X. Bissett, L. L. Davis, D. S. Degroate, James Kirby, William S. Levake, Thomas Lindsay, Irvine U. Masters, Philo Moses, F. B. Pratt, C. L. Russell, R. L. Ru.s.sell, and Homer Strong. Mr. Strong was chosen as president of the council. Christopher E. Hill was elected recorder; Charles Winslow, trea.surer; Lyman Whit- . ney, marshal ; and William H. Newton, street supervisor. 214 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIV Railway Coxsteuction By this time, railway lines had been built from Chicago to Toledo, from Toledo to Cleveland, and from Erie to Buffalo. The important connecting link of a through route, the Cleveland-Erie line, had not yet been forged, but in this year, under the push and enterprise of Alfred Kelley and William Case as prime movers, a charter was se- cured for the Cleveland. Painesville and Ashtabula Railroad. This corporation was to build a road eastward from Cleveland to the state line and the city pledged its credit for the loan of $100,000 in aid thereof. But the outlay that w^as necessary for construction was so great that "for some time hope of a successful outcome was aban- doned. In this emergency recourse was had to Mr. Alfred Kelley, who was accorded unlimited authority as general agent for the company. It is needless to add that ^Ir. Kelley 's marvelous executive ability, with the tradition of success which had come to be associated with his name, secured for the entei^prise a new prosperity." On the seventh of July, there was a large meeting of merchants at the Wcd- dell House, at which meeting- the Board of Trade was organized. In 1849, Plavel W. Bingham was elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were William Case, Alexander Seymour, and John Gill. The counc'ilmen, three from each ward in order, were David W. Cross, Richard Norton, Henry Everett, Alexander Mcintosh, John G. Mack, James Calyer, Artliur Hughes, Abner C. Brownell, and Christopher Molleii. W^illiam Case was chosen as president of the council. In Ohio City, Thomas Bundiam was elected mayor, and J. Beanson, II. N. Bi.sett, S. C. Degroate, ilark Harrison, James Kirby. Thomas Lind- -say, A. W. Merrick, E. M. Peck, F. B. Pratt, Edgar Slaght, ^Martin Smith, and Uriah Taylor were elected couneilmen. Mr. Pratt was chosen president of the council. J. A. Redington was elected re- corder: Charles Winslow, treasurer: A. P. Turner, marshal; and William II. Newton, street .supervisor. Water Works Suggested In this year (1849), Mr. Ilugiies iiitrciiluccd in the Cleveland city council the rolliiwiiig rcsoliitinn. wliirh was addjilctl: li'caolvcd. That the committee on tii'e and water be and are licreby directed to ascertain the cost of bringing the water from the opposite side of the river, or from any othei" jioint, to some convenient place upon the summit in this city, where a general reservoir may be located; the cost of said reser\(iir, nnd the expense per ivhI i'di- ['rvA- 1849-50] WATER, GAS, PWIRS AND PIER 215 iiig it. FurtluT. that the cliicf ciij^iiiocr of the tire dei)artment be associated with said (•(iiiiinittee, and that they may eall to tlieir assistaiiee a eoni])eteiit i)ors()ii to assist them, and report to the coun- cil as soon as possible. This action probably had its effect iu educating the voters up to the level necessary, but definite action for the establishing of municipal water works was not taken until 18o;3. In this year (1849), the Cuya- hoga Agricultural Society was formed. For several years, it held fairs on Kinsman Street (now Woodland Avenue). In later years, its fairs were held at Newburg and Chagrin Falls. Gas works w-ere built and the city first provided with illuminating gas iu this year. About this time, John G. Stockly built, at the foot of liank (West Sixth) Street, a pier that extended 924 feet into the lake and broke the monotony of "a continuous sand beach, strewn with driftwood" that had existed since the destruction of the fragile and short-lived structure built by the Cleveland Pier Company in 1816. In 185U, William Case was elected ma\or of Cleveland. The alder- men were Alexander Seymour, John Gill, and Leander ^I. Hubby. The councilmen, three from each ward in order, were William Given, George Whitelaw, Buckley Stedman, Alexander Mcintosh, William Bingham, Samuel Williamson, Arthur Hughes, Abner C. Brownell. and Levi Johufson. Alexander Seymour was chosen as president of the council. In Ohio City, Thomas Burnham was again elected mayor, and J. Beanson, E. C. Blish, :\I. L. Hooker, John Kirkpatrick, Thomas Lindsav. A. AV. Jlerrick, E. :\I. Peek, F. B. Pratt, C. L. Russell, Edgar 216 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIV Slaght. ilartin Smith, aud Uriah Taylor were elected eouncilmcii, Mr. Pratt was chosen as president of the council. J. A. Redington was elected recorder; Oilman Folsom, treasurer; George Osmun, marshal; and AVilliam H. Newton, street supervisor. Plymouth Congregational Church In March, the third Presbyterian church was organized with thirty members. Two years later, the church changed its policy aud became known as the "Plymouth Congregational Church of Cleveland." Be- fore the end of the official year, the council adopted (January, 1851) a resolution, introduced b.y William Bingham, constituting the mayor and three others to be appointed by him as a committee to make fur- ther investigation concerning a municipal water supply and author- ized them to employ an engineer. Mayor Case appointed William J. Warner, Dr. J. P. Kirtland, i;nd Colonel Charles Whittlesey as his as- sociates on said committee. At this time, Cleveland had a population of 17,0.34 aud Ohio City one of 3,950. The enumeration "indicated a steady and healthful growth for the ten preceding years. It was a period of present prosperity, and of promise for the future. The lake fleet was at its summit of popularity, and of service as a means of passage, as the railroads had not yet begun to make the destructive inroads of a later day. The stage coaches were kept busy, carrying loads of travelers to and from Cleveland, mamifacturers were reach- ing out and extending, the municipality was in a progressive mood, and Cleveland had earned the right to be called a city in fact, as in name." In 1851, William Case was again elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were John Gill, Leander M. Ilubby, Abner C. Brownell, and Buckner Stedman, four instead of three, as formerly. The cotuieil- men, two from each of four wards instead of three from each of tliree wards, as formerly, were Jabez W^. Fitch, George Whitelaw. Alexander Jlclntosh, Thomas C. Floyd, Stoughton HIiss, ;MiHcr I\r. Si)angler, iWarsliall S. Ciistle, and James B. Wilbur. As authorizi'd liy the third section of the city charter, already ((Udtcd, the coiincil had aildcil a fourth ward to Cleveland. Jolni (iill was chdNcii as iircsidcnt nl' the council. In Ohio City, Benjamin Sheldon was clcricd iiiaym-, and Ambrose Anthony, E. C. Blish, Tliomas llmadiam, William I!, (inylt^, ]\I. h. Ilnoker, John Kirkpalriek, Thomas Lindsay. William II. New- ton, F. B. Pratt, Daniel P. Rhodes, C. L. Russell, and Daniel Sanford were elected councilmen. C. L. Russell was chosen jircsident df the conni'il. Cliristo])h('r ]']. ITill was cliosrn rccurdci' : Gilman {''nlsoni. 1851] HOW TO TTOT.D A CHARTER 217 treasurer; E. H. Lewis, nuiislial; and George Osimiii, street super- visor. The C. C. & C. Enters Cleveland In 1845, Cleveland had voted $200,000 in aid of the Cleveland, Co- lumbus, and Cincinnati Railroad, and now (1851) a train, gaily deeked with flags and streamers, bore the executive and legislative otfieials of the state from Columbus to Cleveland. And the people did laugh to see Their rulers riding on a rail. In illustration of the difficulties that had been overcome and of the pluck and perseverance that had brought success, I quote a passage from A Sketcli of Early Times in Cleveland, written by Mr. George T. Marshall, a Cleveland pioneer whose pen and voice have given us many bright and humorous accounts of the early days : In order to save the charter, which had lain dormant for a time, it was thought best to make a sliow of work on the line already sur- veyed. One bright autumn forenoon about a dozen men got them- selves together near the ground now occupied by the A. & G. W. Rail- way depot with the noble purpose of inaugurating the work of build- ing the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad. Among the number was Alfred Kelley the President, T. P. Handy the Treasurer, J. H. Sargent the Engineer, James A. Briggs the Attorney, and II. B. Payne, Oliver Pen-y, John A. Foote and others besides your humble servant. On that memorable spot one could look upon those vast fields of bottom land and nothing could be seen but unbroken wide meadows ; the brick residence of Joel Seranton on the north, and the ruins of an old mill in the ravine of Walworth Run on the south, were the only show of buildings in all that region round about. These gentlemen had assembled to inaugurate the work on the railway, yet there was a sadness about them that could be felt, there was some- thing that told them that it would be difficult to make much of a railroad without monc.v and labor. Yet they came on pui-pose to make a show of a beginning. Alfred took a sliovel and with bis foot pressed it well into the soft and willing earth, placing a good chunk in the tran(|nil wheelbarrow close at hand, repeating the operation until a load was attained and dumping it a rod or so to the south. We all shouted a good sized shout that the road was really inaugurated. Then ^Ir. Handy did a little of the same work as well as Sargent and Briggs. while I sat on the nearest log re.joicing to see the work going on so lively and in such able hands. The fact was demonstrated that the earth was willing if man would only keep the shovel, the pick and the wheelbarrow moving lively according to this beginning. All that fall and winter one man was kept at work on the great enter- prise, simply to hold the charter with a hope that some thing would turn up to enable the directors to push things with a greater show 218 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XIV for ultimate success. During the winter that followed any one pass- ing up Pittsburgh street [Broadway] near the bluff could see day by day the progress this one man power was making in his work. Foot by foot each day the brown earth could be seen gaining on the white snow on the line towards Columlnis, and hope remained lively in the breast of everyone tliat saw the progress, tliat if tlie physical powers of that solitary laborer held out long enough, he woidd some day be able to go to state's prison bj' rail. There was a serious hin- drance in the progress of the work, which came in this wise. The laborer who had so great a job on his hands took a look and a thought of what he had to do — it was one hlmdred and forty miles to Colum- bus and it was best to hurry up or the road would not be ready for use for quite a spell to come ; he set to work with renewed energy for a while, then threw himself (|uite out of breath on the ground for a brief rest when tlie rheumatism took hold of him and sciatica troubled his limbs so much that the great work was brought to a standstill : he struck for his altars and his fires at home, while the next fall of snow obliterated the line of his progress towards the south, and the directors got together to devise ways and means to keep the work moving onward. It was said that the best thing they could do under this stress of circumstances was to devise a method for drying and warming the ground so that a like calamity would not occur to their workman, wishing to encourage every freak he had to work a little faster, provided he would do so at the same wages. Soon after this calamity befell the laborer and the road, a meeting was called at Empire Hall and it was a jam. Alfred Kelley discoursed on the subject of the railwa.y and telling us that if we did not take hold of this opportunity to make an iron way to the center of the state Cleveland would only be known in the Gazeteers as a small town on Lake Erie about six miles from Newburgh where steamers sometimes stop to wood and water. By a sudden stroke of generalsliip the exit doors of the hall were locked and the audience were held until all were converted to the faith and pooled in enough to secure the road and add a few more men to the work, when, after a reasonabU^ time, the solons of our legislature came up here on the 22d of February and celebrated the completion of tlie Cleveland, Columbus and Cin- cinnati Railroad, and the l)irth(lay of Washington all at once. CleveIjAnd & .Maiion'ing Railroad Completed The Cleveland and .Malmniiig Ixailmad was diai'tered in lliis year (1851). It was comi)leted from Cleveland to Voungstown in ISf)?. This road was later known as the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. The completion of these railways produced great i'i>joicings, for "dm-- ing till' prriiid of llii'ir construction the city had been almost daily ailding to tlie number of its inhaliitants, so that it liad nearly doubled in the last six years, its poinilation being now 21.140, and in the fol- liiwing year flS.")2) it added S7 ]icrs(iiis ])(>r week to its nnmliers. 1851] WOODLAXD rE:\rETEKY 219 being then 25,670." In August of tliis ycai-, (in motion of Mr. Bliss, detinite aetion was taken hy tlie council toward .securing a new cem- etery. Tlu> resolution dii-oetod the mayor to buy a certain sixty aeres of land and authorized him to '"issue in payment for said land bonds of the I'ity of Cleveland in sums of $1,000 . . . for the aggregate sum of .i<13,689.'' The cemetery thus secured was named "Woodland"": it is still used for the piii'[)oses for which it was bought. CHAPTER XV THE UNION OF CLEVELAND AND OHIO CITY In 1852, Abner C. Brownell was elected mayor of Cleveland. The aldermen were John B. Wigman, Leander M. Hubby, Basil L. Spaug- ler, and Buckley Stedman. The eouncilmen, two from each ward in order, were Henrj' Morgan, Aaron Merchant, William H. ShoU, Rob- ert B. Bailey, Stoughton Bliss, John B. Smith, Admiral N. Gray, and Henry Howe. Mr. Hubby was chosen as president of the council. In Ohio City, Benjamin Sheldon was elected mayor, and Ambrose An- thony, E. C. Blish, Thomas Burnham, M. Crasper, William B. Guyles, James Kirby, William H. Newton, Daniel P. Rhodes, Daniel Sanford, Homer Strong, D. C. Taylor, and Charles Winslow were elected as eouncilmen. Mr. Winslow was chosen as president of the council. Christopher E. Hill was chosen recorder; Sanford J. Lewis, treas- urer; Nathan K. McDole, marshal ; and A. C. Beardsley, street super- visor. Municipal Water Supply As town and village, Cleveland had three sources of water supply, springs, wells, and the lake. "There was a fine spring on the hill- side near Superior lane where Lorenzo Carter first built his cabin in IT!)?, and another near the foot of Maiden lane, where Biyaut's dis- tiller_v was built a few years later. It was easy to dig wells through the saudy loam into the gravel, and the town folks had no trouble in finding an abundance of water. A town pump was put up on the corner of Superior and Water streets and one on the Square, and deep cisterns were placed at numerous intervals for storing water to put out fires. A favorite drinking well w-as the spring near the barn of the ClevcJaiul House, on the northwest corner of the Square. On the corner of Pi-ospect street and Ontario, was a ])uiiip aiul a drinking tank or reservoir for horses." In the Annuls (if Ihe Early Settlers' Association, Mrs. George B. JFerwin has told us that "on the south side of Superior street, nearly opposite the City Hall, T should think, there was a spring of soft water, and near it a shelter was Imilt of 220 1851] WATER AND ECONOMICS 221 boughs of trees in suninier, and here many of the women used to eou- gregate for washing:, hanging tlieir eUjthes on the surrounding bushes. The wells, what few there were, eontaining only hard water. The only water carrier for a long time was Beuhu Johnson, wlio with his sister, a JIi-s. White, lived on Euclid street, about where the Vienna Coft'oe House is now [1880]. Henhu with his wooden leg, little wagon and old hoi-se, was in great demand on Mondays, when he drew two barrels of water at a time, covered with blankets, up the long, steep hill from the river, now known as Vineyard street, to parties requiring the element. In fancy I see him now, with his un- painted vehicle, old white horse, himself stumbling along keeping time to the tune of 'Roving Sailor' which he was fond of singing, occa- sionally starting 'Old Whitey' with a kick from the always ready leg, especially if he had been imbibing freely." In 1838, Philo Scovill and others received a charter for the Cleveland Water Company, as already recorded, and, in 1850, an extension of the charter rights was secured and a little of the stock was sold, but nothing more had come of the scheme. But now, the unsanitary condition of the city and the frequent fire losses urged the city to action. Water works had be- come a necessity and public meetings were held to consider the matter ; of course "there was considerable doubt whether the city or private parties should build the water works." In 1850, George A. Benedict and others petitioned the city council to employ an expert to study the various sources of water supply and the probable cost of city water works. In January, 1851, an able committee was appointed by the council with authority to employ a hydraulic engineer. On the twenty-ninth of October, 1852, and after nearly two years of investi- gation, the special committee that was appointed in January, 1851, made a report to the council concerning a municipal water supply. The committee had investigated the Chagrin River, Tinker's Creek, Mill Creek, and Shaker Run, and thought that any one of these might be adequate for the purpose, but their conclusion was that "Lake Erie is the only source to which we can resort for an unfailing supply of pure soft water." * As to control, they agreed that ''all experience shows that such undertakings can be carried on more economically by individuals or companies than by municipal corporations and also better managed after construction," l)ut that, for want of .suffi- cient available capital, private construction of water works for Cleve- land was not practicable. To this, was added the following chunk of wisdom: "One thing is clear to us, the city should by no means * The pollution of the waters of the lake by the sewage of the cities on its borders was nut tlicii a]iprociabU'. 222 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XV allow the power to pass from them of keeping the control, or assum- ing it at such times as they might think proper, upon certain stipu- lated terms.'" As to methods of operation, they recommended the iise of powerful engines to pump the water from the lake, sufficient in quantity for the wants of .seventy-five thousand persons, and that the water be stared in a resei'voir at least a hundred and fifty feet above the lake for distribution over the city. They further recom- mended that the intake should be at least one mile east from the foot of Water (West Ninth) Street and that the suction pipe should extend "some one thousand feet into the lake to avoid the impurities of the shore." They estimated that the two Cornish engines contemplated, the adequate reservoir, distributing pipes, real estate and labor would cost $.353.335.9.5, urged the immediate employment of a compe- tent engineer, and warmly commended ilr. Theodore R. Scowden of the Cincinnati water works as "a gentleman whose science and ex- perience entitle him to great confidence in the planning and execu- tion of such works, and we feel no hesitancy in suggesting his name to the council." This important and interesting report was accom- panied by a not less interesting report of analyses of waters from various springs, wells, and other near-by sources. By way of illus- tration, it was stated that the water from a well between Superior and Center streets, the oldest part of the city, "is used for many pur- poses, but is not much used for drink. Its taste is unpleasant and color yellowish. The water is bad and contains much organic matter. . . . Water from the Cuyahoga River, taken at the time of low water, iu August, at a depth of ten feet at the railroad bridge so as to avoid the impurities of the surface and the slime of the bottom," was found to be "clear and soft and almost limpid and, by standing some days, became entirely limpid with a scarcely- perceptible, light, flocculent .sediment" [!], while water taken "in the calm, sultry eve- ning in .\ugust" from the lake, half a mile off shore and a mile east of the lighthouse, wa.s "limpid, cool, and pleasant to the taste." The report of the committee and that of tlie analyst were referred by the council to a special committee that they aiifhorized to employ com- petent engineers and instructed to "make the necessary survey and draw plans for the work to be suliinittcil In the rouiiril at an early date." Mr. Scowden got llic appiiintiiK'nt as rccnimiicndcd by the committee. The Clevel.vno or 1853 In accordaiu'c with the provisions of a new stale constilutidii. the state legislature pa.ssed a law rejiealing all the municipal chai'tiTs Ihrn l\Ui > o o r > o CO w CO 224 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XV in force and providing new regulations for the organization and gov- ernment of such corporations. In Cleveland, aldermen were dis- peu.sed with; a police court, the duties of which had previously been performed by the mayor, was established, and the number of elected officials wa.s increased. In 1853, Abner C. Brownell was again elected mayor of Cleveland, and two trustees from each of the four wards were elected, viz., John B. Wigman, George F. Marshall, William H. Sholl, James Gardner, William J. Gordon, Robert Reilley, Henry Everett, and Richard C. Parsons. Mr. Sholl was chosen as president of the council. John Barr was elected police judge; Orlando J. Hodge, clerk of the police court ; Bushnell White, prosecuting attor- ney; James Barnett, Onson Spencer, and Alexander W. Walter, di- ' rectors of the infirmary; Alexander Mcintosh, J. ]\I. Hughes, and J. B. Wheeler, commissioners of streets ; Michael Gallagher, marshal ; J. B. Bartlet, auditor; William Hart, treasurer; James Fitch, solicitor; William Cowan, chief engineer of the fire department; C. Stillman, harbor master; James A. Craw, sexton; W. A. Morton, superin- tendent of markets ; .David Shut, sealer of weights and measures; A. Wheeler, weigher; J. W. Pillsbury, civil engineer; W. R. Simmons, John Odell, Barney Mooney, and James Hill, constables; James Whitaker, William Redhead, David Sehub, and James Proudfoot, assessors. In spite of the economic folly of such a scattering of ad- ministrative responsibility, serious mistakes in the choice of men seem to have been generally avoided. If any such mistakes were made, the account was evened up by the choice that the electors made for mem- bers of the city's firat board of water works commissioners or trustees, Henry B. Payne, B. L. Spangler, and Richard Hilliard. Upon this trio devolved the duty of building Cleveland's first municipal water works. Late in the preceding official year (February 28, 1853), Mr. Seowdeii, the water works engineer, submitted a preliminai-y report to tlu; city council. In the following April, the electors voted on a propo- sition to issue water works bonds, with the following result : For Against First ward 365 55 Second ward 285 218 Third ward 423 61 FonHli ward l.')7 265 Total 1,2.30 599 'I'd ilir iirwiy elected board of watci- works trustees. Engineer Scow- don, in June, reported Ihrce jJans. The first ]>lan contcini)lat(>d a o r > CD 03 Vol. 1—15 226 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XV reservoir of 1.000,000 gallons capacity, at the corner of Sterling Avenue and Euclid Street, and a pumping station at the foot of Ster- ling Avenue, at an estimated cost of $431,335.60. The second plan included either the building of an embankment reservoir, with a 5,000,000 gallon capacity, at Sterling Avenue and St. Clair Street, costing $544,807.04, or with the reservoir at Superior Street and Sterling Avenue, costing $670,419.84. The third plan placed the entire works on the west side of the river, a 5,000,000 gallon reser- voir on Kentucky (West Thirty-eighth) Street and Franklin Avenue, with an engine house or pumping station at the foot of Kentucky Street at an estimated cost of $436,698.40. The annexation of Ohio City seems to have been accepted as a foregone conclusion, for the third plan was chosen. In October, the coiuicil adopted a resolution that the water works should be built on the West Side and at once took measures to appropriate the necessary land. The city subse- quently i.ssued and delivered to the water works trustees bonds to the amount of $400,000 and the work was done without exceeding the amount of the appropriation — a rare and commendable perform- ance. Work on the pumping station was begun in August, 1854, and work on the reservoir in the following month, but before the contem- plated protection was afforded came a hot and fiery lesson on the wisdom of timely preparedness — as we shall soon see. In this year (1853), the Cleveland and JIarquette Iron Company landed here the first iron ore brought to the city — half a dozen barrels of it, it is said. Great oaks from little acorns grow. Ohio City op 1853 In the spring of this year (1853), Ohio City had elected William B. Castle as mayor and Plimmon C. Bennett, Daniel 0. Hoyt, A. C. Messenger, Wells I'orter, Albert Powell, Charles L. Rhodes, and D. C. Taylor as trustees. Albert Powell was chosen as president of the council. Christopher E. Hill was elected recorder; Sanford J. Lewis, treasurer ; Nathan K. McDole, marshal and street supervisor. In November, 1853, the council of the City of Cleveland adopted a resolution that provided for the appointment of a committee to confer with a committee from the council of the City of Ohio with a view to "taking initiatory steps toward the annexation of said city to the City of Cleveland," a matter that had long been under serious considera- tion. This committee reported, on the fir.st of February, 18.54, their recommendation that the councils of the two cities pass oi'dinances submitting to the voters thereof the question of uniting the two mu- 1854] ANNEXATION 227 nieipalities. The ordinances consequently passed and the vote was taken on the third day of April, 1854, witli tiie following result: For Against In Cleveland 1.892 400 In Ohio City 618 258 Totals 2,510 658 At this time the ninnieipal government of Ohio City was organized as follows: William 13. Castle, mayor; Plinnnon C. Bennett, Irvine U. blasters, A. C. Messenger, Charles W. Palmer, Wells Porter, Albert Powell, Edward Russell and Frederick Silberg, trustees; Mr. Powell, president of the council; Christopher E. Hill, recorder; Sauford J. Lewis, treasurer; Nathan K. McDole, marshal; and David Grififith, street supervisor. As Mayor Brovvnell had been elected for a term of two years, there was no canvass for mayor of Cleveland at this time, but there was an imderstanding that the next mayor should be taken from the west side of the river. The commissionei's appointed to draft the terms of imion were, on the part of Cleve- land, W. A. Otis, H. V. Willsou, and Franklin T. Backus ; those chosen by Ohio City were William B. Castle, Needham M. Standart, and C. S. Rhodes. The report of the commissioners was adopted on the fifth of June, and provided, among other things, "that the territoi-y now constituted the City of Ohio shall be annexed to, and constitute a part of, the city of Cleveland, and the First, Second, Third and Fourth wards of the former city as now established shall constitute the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh wards respectively of the last named city ; and the present trustees of said wards ... shall hold their ofiSces . . . for the terms for which they have been severally elected." In accordance with this provision, the local legis- lature was constituted as follows : Mayor, Abner C. Brownell. Trustees, two from each ward in order, John B. Wigman, Chai'les Bradburn, William H. Sholl, James Gardner, Christopher Mollen, Robert Reilley, Henry Everett, Richard C. Pai-sons, Chauucey Tiee, -Alathew S. Cotterell, Bolivar Butts, John A. Bishop, W. C. B. Rich- ardson, George W. ^lorrill, A. C. Messenger, Charles W. Palmer, Wells Porter. Albert Powell, Plimmon C. Bennett, Irvine U. Masters, Edward Russell and Frederick Silberg. At the first meeting of the council after the annexation (June 10, 1854), Richard C. Parsons was chosen as president, and "the venerable J. B. Bartlett" was, for the third or fourth time, elected as clerk and auditor. The Daily Express and the Waechter am Erie were made the official papers and, 228 CLEVELAND AND ITS EXVIR0X8 [Chap. XV in Au^st, proceedings were begun to appropriate land for the "West Side reservoir. At this time, there was "not a square yard of stone paving on either side of the river, except on Superior street hUl from Water street to the public landing on the river. Soon followed, however, the paving of Union street, from River street, to its intersection with Superior street hill, while Superior .street from the public square to Water street was a slushing, twisted and rotten plank road, and every other street in the city was a mud road of almost unfathomable depth in the rainy season." Anything like a system of sewers was nonexistent and hardly contemplated : the records of the city show that when, as a sanitary measure to prevent the ravages of cholera, New England House an ordinance was passed prohibiting tlie throwing of dirty water into the streets and alleys, the citizens protested and urged that tempo- rary drains be cut to answer as sewers. Destructive Fires In this year (1854), Cleveland suffered serious losses by lire. In April, an incendiary fire on Seneca (West Third) Street near Superior, destroyed an engine house, a drug store, and two or three other hoases; the sparks set fire to a planing mill on Michigan Street, a paint shop, a cooper shop, a brewery and dwelling house ; the total lo.ss was estimated at if^lS.OOO. On the seventh of October, a fire broke out at noon and destroyed more than a score of buildings, nearly all 1854] FIRE AND FAILITRE 229 that there were on the soutli side of the sciuare; the ohl courthouse eaujrht fire but tlie flames were put out, and tlie old Baptist elmreh, at the corner of yeueea and Champlain streets, dedicated in 1836, narrowly escaped the flames. Twenty days later (October 27), a livery stahle was set on fire and the flames spread disastrouslj-. The New I]nglaud House, at the corner of Superior and ]\Ierwin streets, the Commercial Exchange, a three-story brick building, and the St. Charles Hotel, were burned. Nearly every building on Merwin Street and the entire block enclosed by Superior Lane, James Street, and the railroad were destroyed, and Oviatt's three-story brick block on the north side of Suj)crior Street was gutted. It was the greatest fire that Cleveland had ever experienced ; the lo.sses were estimated at $215,- 000. In the following month, the Episcopal chiireh at the corner of Seneca and St. Clair streets, the oldest church building in the city, suffered. The experiences of the year empha.sized the need of better fire protection and especially a more ample water supply. The Canal Bank Closes Its Doors But the great fires were not the only disasters that had of late huddled on the back of the city. In 1845, the Canal Bank of Cleve- land had been organized as an independent bank. Early in Novem- ber, 1854, the Canal Bank closed its doors, "exploded into thin air" is the phra.se of Jlr. Kennedy, who tells us further that "those were exciting times to men who held the paper money then afloat, and who made haste to get rid of it in fear that it might turn to worth- less paper in their hands." During the day there was a crowd about the door of the bank where a foi'ce of police was stationed to prevent any disturbance. The Plmn Dealer of the ninth of November records the fact that "the billholders who got the gold for their notes were arrayed in smile.s, and contrasted most vigorou.sly with the grim-visaged depositors who got nothing." But not every depositor wa.s willing to let his loss go by with nothing more than sour looks and empty pockets. "On the day preceding the failure, a fresh- water captain named Gummage had deposited one thousand dollars, the result of the season's labor and danger on the great lakes. "When told that his ca.sh was swallowed up, he became desperate, and pro- ceeded to a desperate remedy. Arming himself, he entered the bank and demanded his money. When it was refused, he said: 'It is all the money I ovni in the world, and I will have it or I will kill you ! ' He meant what he said and looked his meaning, and his ca.sh was handed over without parley. No one ever proceeded against 230 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XV him, in law or othei'wise." Then, too, we have the story of Doctor Ackley's raid on the outer and the inner walls of the bank vault. "Dr. H. C. Ackley, who was as determined as he was eccentric, had a personal deposit in the Canal Bank, but laid no claim to it in preference over the other victims. He was, however, one of the trustees of the State Insane Asylum at Newburg, and had placed in the bank nine thousand dollars of the public funds. On the announce- ment of the suspension, he demanded this sum, which he did not get. He hurried to the sheriff's office and swore out a writ of attach- ment. Sheriff M. M. Spangler proceeded to the bank, which was locat- ed on Superior street, near the American House."' When the sher- iff's demand for the keys of the vault was refused, he proceeded to break open the vault. According to the Herald, "the excitement, both inside and outside the bank, wa.s intense while the work proceeded ; but, to the credit of our citizens, no signs of riot were displayed. Dr. Ackkn- has a heavy deposit of his own, but has procured an attachment only on behalf of the State, claiming that unless its money is procured, the asylum at Newburg cannot be opened for more than a year, and that during that time one hundred insane patients will be deprived of treatment." When Sheriff Spangler found that "brick walls and iron doors opposed the entrance of the law, he summoned several stalwart deputies, and. under the guardianship of Dr. Ackley, who is said bj' ancient rumor to have threatened to shoot the first man who interfered, laid down such lusty blows as had not been heard since Richard of the Lion Heart drove his battle-axe against the castle gates of Front-de-Boeuf. Sledge-hammers swung in the air, and came down on the brick work with a crash; clouds of lime and mortar filled the room. The population of Cleveland could almost have been enumerated from those who crowded on the scene. The officers and clerks of the hank looked on, helpless to prevent, and in no position to aid. F. T. Backus, a part owner of the building and the attorney of the bank, rushed in and ordered a halt, on the grounds of trespass. The sheriff replied that he had come for the money, and that it was a part of his official oath to get it. The blows still fell, and at one o'clock the outer wall of the vault was Ijroken, and meas- ures set on foot to break into the burglar-proof safe. Truces were held, from time to time, lawyers rushed here and there, witli mes- sages, advice, and papers; but the sheriff knew no law but that of his writ, and had but one purpose, which was to get at the cash. Finally, late at night, to .save the safe from damage, the assignees gave up the keys, and the hard-earned money was carried away by the sheriff. There were .$400 in gold and $1,460 in I)ills." The liabilities of the 1854] A i\ON-SECTARIAN AGENCY 231 bank were $308,000 and its assets $282,000. In that day, such a failure was a iiKinientous tiiiaiicia! event. Young JLen's Christian Association Organized It is pleasant to turn for a moment from the consideration of tire losses and bank failures to that of an enterprise that has been productive of increasing good through all the years that have since passed. On the evening of ]Monday, the sixth of February, 1854, a meeting was held for the purpose of organizing a Young Men's Christian Association. The Rev. S. C. Aiken was chairman ; Samuel B. Shaw was secretary; and, "on motion, S. II. Matlier, Presbyterian; Loren Prentiss, Baptist; L. M. H. Battey, Congregational; E. W. Roby, Episcopal; and E. P. Young, Methodist," were appointed as Northrop and Spangler Block a committee to draft a plan of operations, a constitution, and by- laws, and to report at as early a date as possible. On the twenty- eighth of February, a second meeting was held in the lecture room of the Fii-st Baptist Church on Seneca (West Third) Street. Sixty names were included in a list of members, the constitution and by-laws were adopted, and officers were chosen: John S. Newberrj-, pi-esident; E. W. Rob}', vice-president; Samuel B. Shaw, recording secretary; Loren Prentiss, corresponding secretary ; A. W. Brockway, treasurer ; Dan P. Eells, R. F. Humiston, James M. Iloyt, J. J. Low, and H. Montgomery, directors; S. W. Adams, G. W. Whitney, F. T. Brown, F. B. Culver, E. F. Young. D. C. Hoffman, T. G. Cleveland, Henry Childs, L. M. II. Battey, :\I. C. Sturtevant, S. L. Severance, and S. P. Churchill, board of managers. The first rooms of the association were in the Northrup and Spangler Block, on the southeast corner of Superior and Seneca (West Third) streets. In 1858, the Associa- 232 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XV tion was housed iu the Strickland Block fronting on the Public Square. In 1871, it was in its own building (the gift of James F. Clark) on the north side of the Public Square. Ten years later, the five-story building on the southwest corner of Euclid Avenue and Sheriff (East Fourth) Street was bought. At the end of another decade (1891), more adequate accommodations were provided in the beautiful building erected especially for it on the southeast cor- STHKKI.AXn Pl.OCK ncr of Prospect Avenue ami East Ninth Street. But Cleveland aiul its Young Men's Christian Association would not stop gi-owing. Tn half of February, 19]0, the members of the Association i)usbed their campaign for half a million dollars and secured more tliau 17,000 subscribers, and an oversubscription of more than forty thousand dollars. The building at the corner of ProspiH't and East Ninth was sold and the present building at No. 2200 Prosjiect Avenue was liuilt. A more extended account of the association will be given in a later chapter. CHAPTER XVI ON THE WAY TO CIVIL WAR When the City of Clevoliuul was incorporated, its offices were first established in the Commercial Building on lower Superior Street. For many years they had no fixed abode but w^ere moved "from pillar to post;" they were not housed in the same building and some- times not even in the same neighborhood. In 1855, John Jones built a three-story brick block on the south side of the Public Square and near the southwest corner thereof; the building is still there. The city leased the two upper stories of the building and established its various offices on the second floor; the third floor was used for the meetin.gs of the city council. The council first met in its new quarters on the fourteenth of November, 1855. Here the municipal govern- ment was housed for two decades. The M.\yobs op Cleveland As stated in the preceding chapter, there was an informal under- standing that the first mayor of Cleveland elected after the annexa- tion of Ohio City should be selected from the citizens of the West Side. This "gentleman's agreement" was made good by the election of AYilliam B. Castle. Thus the last mayor of the City of Ohio be- came the first mayor of the amplified City of Cleveland. The mayoralty lists of both cities complete to the date of the annexation has been given. The mayors of the City of Cleveland since that date are named in the following list: 1855-57— William B. Castle 1857-59 — Samuel Starkweather 1859-61— George B. Senter 1861-6.3— Edward S. Flint 1863-65 — Irvine I'. Masters George B. Senter 1865-67— Herman M. Chapin 1867-71 — Stephen Buhrer 1871-73— Frederick W. Pelton 1873-7.5— Charles A. Otis 1875-77— Nathan P. Pavne l877.7C)_AVi]liam G. Rose 1879-8.3— R. R. TTen-ick 1883-85— John H. Farlev 1885-87— George W. Gardner 1887-89— Brenton D. Babcock 1889-91— George W. Gardner 1891-93— William G. Rose 1893-9.5— Robert Blec 1895-99— Robert E. ]\lcKisson 1899-01— John IT. Farley 1901-10— Tom L. Johnson (Four terms, ending Janu- ary 1, 1910) 1910-12— Herman C. Baehr 1912-16- Newton D. Baker 1916- — Harrv L. Davis. 233 234 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVI Municipal Improvements On the twenty-fourth of September, 1856, the Cornish engines in the municipal pumping station "down by the old river bed sent the welcome waters of the lake dancing more than a hundred feet into the air and filled the little lake on the Kentucky Sti-eet mound [i. e., the West Side reservoir] , and from thence bent on its mission of joy, health, comfort and luxury to the homes of the people. From hence- forth, the wells of hard and milky mineral waters were abandoned, pumps were no longer jerked, cisterns of black and stagnant rain water were closed, and even the pure little spring down in the bottom "^ ia^. William B. Castle of some far off deep ravine soon became forgotten even by children." At this time, much of the marketing was on the streets, principally on Ontario Street and along the south side of the Public Sciuare. In December, 1856, the commissioners j)reviously appointed by the city council reported in favor of the junction of Pittsburgh (now Broad- way) and Bolivar streets as the site for a public market and there the still standing Central Market was begun in the spring of 1857. The Court-house of 1885 With tlie rapid growth of Clevcliuid augmented by tlic ainu'.xation of Ohio City, as deseril^cd in tlu' ju-eceding chapter, came a corre- sponding growth of Cuyahoga County and an incroa.sc of its exooUive, administrative, and legal business. The court-house built in 1828 1857] A NEW COUNTY BUILDING 235 was inadequate for the necessities of tiic new era ami it was decided to build a new structure on a new site. One of the earlier histories of Cleveland states that about this time, the city council "instructed the city clerk to notify the county commissioners to remove tlie old court-house from the public square as soon as possible. It had been abandoned as a place for holding courts, and none of its former official tenants remained within its walls l)ut the county recorder. The new court-house on tlie north side of tlie square was not yet con- The Court-house in 1885 structed, and the ancient Baptist church on the corner of Seneca and Champlaiu streets had been fitted up and was used for court purposes. The commissioners took uml)rage at the civil and courteous notifica- tion, and were not very diplomatic in thoir answer when they reminded the council that they had better confide their labors to their own legitimate business." Land on the north side of Rockwell Street, just across the narrow street at tlie northwest corner of the Public Square was secured, and a contract was let (November 10, 1857) for a three-story stone building thereon at a cost of $152,500. This build- ing (now called "the Old Court House") was supplemented in 1875, 236 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIEONS [Chap. XVI by an additional building extending from it westward to Seneca (West Third) Street. This somewhat stately addition housed the probate court and some other appendages of county government and cost $250,000. In 1884, the old building received two additional stories at a cost of $100,000. The accommodations thus provided gradually wei'e outgrown and, in 1902, the need for something better had become imperative, and the opportane campaign for "The Group Plan" for the civic structures of city and county (elsewhere described) deter- mined the site for the court-house of today. This fine building was completed in 1911, at a cost of $950,000 for land, and of $4,706,343.44 for the biiilding. In 1857, came another panic with consequent refusal of many persons to make new investments and a general stagnation of business. But the Cleveland banks stood the strain without any failures and the storm went by without causing general wreckage like that of 1837. Another unhappy incident of that year (March 8) was the burning of the "Old Stone Church" on the Public Square. The fact that the "Western Reserve was earnestly antagonistic to the institution of negro slavery, one of "the hot-beds of abolitionism," is pretty well known; .Joshua R. Giddings and rare "Old Ben Wade" made "benighted Ashtabula" famous. As already recorded, Cleveland had an anti- slavery society as early as 1810 and, in the fourth decade of that cen- tury (1833-37), such organizations were noteworthily energized. Oberlin- Wellington Rescue Cases In 1858, events in Kansas aroused the North to feverish excitement and, on the twelfth of March, the anti-Lecompton Democrats of Cleveland held in Melodeon Hall a meeting that was addressed by Frederick P. Stanton, lately the secretary and acting-governor of "lilceding Kfiusas." ]\Ir. Stanton had resigned his office on account of the presidential policy, especially as it related to the fraudulent returns of the vote by which the notorious Leeompton state constitu- lion had been "adopted." James M. Coftinbcrrv was chairman of the meeting, and Dan P. Rhodes, Jabez W. Fitcli, and John H. Farley were among tlie vice-presidents. One of the resolutions adopted declared "That the Leeompton constitution, in view of its parentage and histor\% is unworthy of the consideration of the president and congress." It is not on record that President Buchanan enjoyed this practical repudiation by these honest Democrats who had lately voted for him. Tlie iniquities of the fugitive-slave law also piled their bur- den on the conscience of New Connecticut and paved the way for stir- 1858] THE OBERLIN-WELLINGTON RESCUE 237 ring events in Cleveland and its environs. In 1859, the trial of the Oberliu-Wellington rescue cases in the United States court in Cleveland created groat excitement in the city and elsewhere. At that time, Oberlin, Ohio, had a population of about three thousand, exclusive of the twelve hundred or more students at the college which drew no restrictions on the line of color, sex, or creed. The collegiate advantages thus offered brought to the town many free negroes, and the public sentiment thus announced made Oberlin a haven of refuge for enterprising runaway slaves, some of whom had the courage to remain. Here, in September, 1858, a slave-catcher found John Price who had escaped from slavery in Kentucky. John was decoyed from the town, seized, and taken to Wellington nine miles away and on the railway between Cleveland and Columbus. The slave-catcher was intending to take John before the United States commissioner at Columbus. News of the abduction floated into Oberlin, and "was all over town in a flash." From shops, stores, and offices, men rushed into the streets, took the first vehicles found, and drove rapidly toward Wellington. Some of the students started on foot and had a lively race to beat their professors who went by any transportation that could be obtained. The minute men increased in numbers on the way and were further reinforced at Wellington. The four kid- nappers with their victim were behind the closed door of an upper room of the village hotel, awaiting the arrival of the train to take them to Columbus. The excited crowd surrounded the hotel ; the train came and went. While the prudent were parleying and the calm were discussing plans, the door was forced, John was taken down to the street, and driven out into the country before many of the rescuers understood what was being done. The citizens of Ober- lin, having made good their boast that a slave should never be taken from their town, quietly returned to their homes. For several days, John was secreted in the house of James H. Fairchild, professor of moral philosophy and theology, and, subsequently, the president of the college. John was finally shipped in safety to the free land across Lake Erie. For participation in this rescue, twenty-four residents of Oberlin and thirteen of Wellington were indicted (December 7, 1858) under the provisions of an act of 1850, and arraigned before the United States district court at Cleveland. No more respectable prisoners than these ever pleaded "not guilty." They were dismissed upon their own recognizance to appear for trial in the following March. In Jlarch, the trial was deferred another month. Four eminent attor- neys, Rufus P. Spalding, Franklin T. Backus, Albert G. Riddle, and 238 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVI Seneca 0. Griswolcl, volunteered their services for the defense without fees. The district attorney, George W. Belden, was aided by an able associate and both sides put forth extraordinary efforts. The prosecution had the sympathy of the judge; the defense, that of the community. The first to be brought to trial (April 7, 1859) was Simeon Bushuell. The evidence was clear, the law was plain, and the verdict was "guilty." The prisoner was sentenced to pay a fine of six hundred dollars and costs and to be imprisoned in the county jail for sixty days. At the end of the Bushnell trial, the court made a ruling so unfair that the others who had been indicted refused to continue their words of honor to appear in court when wanted. The ruling was subsequently recalled and the prisoners notified that their recognizances would be accepted as before. De- clining to renew their recognizances or to give bail, the indicted men became real prisoners. From the middle of April to July, the Cleve- land jail was the center of an intense and wide-spread interest. "It was a self-imposed martyrdom; but the fact could not be ignored that these respectable people were in prison, and the preaching on Sunday of Professor Peek from the jail-yard produced a remarkable sensation." The second person to be tried was Charles Langston, a colored man. He was found guilty. Before receiving sentence, Langston took advantage of the opportunity generally given and made an eloquent speech, a pathetic description of the negro's disabilities, and a claim that he had not been tried by his peers. When he took his seat, the court-room rang with applause and the court fixed the sentence — a hundred dollars fine and twenty days imprisonment. At the clpse of Langston 's trial, and wlion the remaining cases were about to be continued from the middle of May to the July term, three of the Wellington prisoners entered a plea of nolo contendere and were sentenced each to pay a fine of twenty dollars and cost of prosecution and to remain in jail twenty-four houi's. When "Father Gillette," an old man from Wellington, was entreated thus to leave the jail he replied: "Not until I liavc shrunk small enough to slip through that keyhole." rontiimanee in jail had lieconie a point of honor. Ill the recess of the United States court at Cleveland, Bushnell and Langston were taken, on a writ of habeas corpus, before the judges of the supreme court of Ohio. The case was ably argued for a week, the attorney-general of the state appearing as counsel for the prisoners. The court divided three against two, and the prisoners were remanded. The vote of one man had turned the scale; had it 1859] ANTISLAVERY PROPAGANDA 239 been turned the other way, Dliio might have been brought into armed conflict with the national government and in defense of state rights. "Had tiie party of freedom throughout the North then rallied, as seemed probable, the war might have come in 1859 instead of 1861, with a secession of the nortliei-n instead of the southern States." Dazzling speculation ! The interest excited by these trials was deep and wide-spread. Public meetings were held in all parts of the Western Reserve and an immense mass convention of the opponents of the fugitive-slave law was held (May 24, 1859) in Cleveland. Delegations came from many counties of northern Ohio; they came "by trainload and wagonload. Thei'e were multitudes of bands and banners. A vaSt parade formed and marched by the pi'ison yard cheering the martyrs." A large platform was built in the Public Scjuare so near to the high fence around the jail that speakers could address the crowd from one side of the fence or the other as occasion required. From the inside of the fence, speeches that were free from any attempt to move the passions of the crowd were made by Langston, Professor Peck, Super- intendent Fitch, and other prisoners. On the other side of the fence, there was more fire. Cassius M. Clay of Kentucky wrote: "Are you ready to fight? If you have got your sentiments up to that manly pitch, I am with you through to the end. But if not, I'll have none of your conventions." Joshua R. Giddings, the president of the con- vention, was radical, almost revolutionary. Governor Salmon P. Chase advised patience and dependence upon legal and constitutional agencies, affirming, however, that when his time came and his duty was plain, the governor of Ohio would meet it as a man. Speeches were also made by Daniel R. Tilden, Rufus P. Spalding, and others. The resolutions that were adopted had something of the tone of a state-rights convention, but the crowds that had assembled to denounce one law were not there to break another. Meantime, the men behind the walls of the Cuyahoga County jail were doing propaganda work, writing to the newspapers, issuing pamphlets, and advising the preachers of the North to make sermons on the ease. The fire they started extended throughout all the states in the North. The railways carried relatives and friends to Cleve- land at reduced rates and the prisoners were bountifully supplied with all the delicacies of the market by the sympathizing public. Sheriff "Wightman and the jailor treated the prisoners as guests and friends rather than as criminals. Prisoner Fitch's Oberlin Sunday- school decided to pay a visit to the Cuyahoga jail to see their super- intendent instead of having their usual picnic. "When hopes of a 240 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVI speedy release vanished, the prisoners secured the tools of their several callings, and soon the jail-yard was a busy hive of industry. The professors and students read Latin and Greek and metaphysics, keeping up with their class work at college, and sending to the outside world stirring antislavery epistles. A printing office was established and The Rescuer issued. Religious exercises formed a considerable part of the daily life of this remarkable penal colony. In the meantime, the grand jury of Lorain County, in which were Oberlin and "Wellington, indicted the four men who had abducted the negro in violation of the laws of Ohio against kidnappers. The pen- alty for this offense was imprisonment for three years in the peniten- tiary, ' ' and if there was any one fact in the matter more certain than another, it was that if the indicted men should fall into the clutches of the Lorain County court they would serve the last hour allowed by the law." When, at the end of the second trial, counsel for the defense moved to take up the third case, the United States district attorney indignantly explained that his four witnesses were in the custody of the Lorain County court and that he was obliged to ask for a continuance to the sixth of July. After a skilful and amusing display of thrust and parry between the officials of the United States district court and those of the Lorain County court, in which the latter scored the more points, it became evident that the kidnappers must stand trial with a certainty of conviction, or leave the state and thus abandon the cases against the untried rescuers. The outcome appears in the following paragraph from the Cleveland Leader (July 7, 1859) : Considerable excitement was created in this city by the announce- ment that a proposition had been made by the Kentucky kidnappers to have mutual nollcs entered in their own case and the case of the Oberlin rescuers. The consequence was the most intense anxiety among men, both Black Republicans and Yellow Democrats, to learn the upshot of the whole matter. The negotiations between Judge Belden and the kidnappers on. the one side, and the authorities of Lorain (holding the kidnappers) on the other (the Oberlinites refus- ing to be parties), were consummated yesterday when Marshal John- son called at the jail and ainiounccd to the rescue prisoners that they were free. The news spread rai)idly that the government officials had caved. Huiulrods inunediately called on the rescniers to tender their congratulations at this signal triumph of the Higher Lawites. In tlie afternoon, about five o'clock, one hnndi-ed guns were firetl, and several hundreds of our citizens gathered at the jail to escort the rescuers to the depot. On the other side, the Cleveland Plain Dealer said: "So the gov- ernment has been beaten at last, with law, justice and facts all on its 1859] THE ADVENT OF THE STREET RAILWAY 241 side; and Oborlin, witli its irl)ollioiis lii^hcr-law i-reod, is triomphant. " At Oberliii the whole ooimnuiiity iiiot tlic rescuers with music aud cheers and prayers. A few days hitor, Bnslinell, who had served out. Ids sentence, returned to Oherlin and was received as a conquering hero. The H.\nging of Joirx Rrown Later in the year, Jolm Rrown was hanfied. He had lived in northern Ohio and his pieturestiue career was familiar to the people of that section, many of w-hom sympathized w ith his purposes, con- doned his illegal doings, and now were thoi-oughly aroused. On the twenty-nintli of Xoveml)er (1859), a meeting, presided over by Judge D. R. Tilden, was heUl to make preparation for a proper observance of the day of Brown "s exv''eution. It was recommended "that the bells of the churches in the city be tolled for half an hour from 2 p. m., Tuesday, December 2 ; that a general meeting be held at Melodeon Hall at 7:00 o'clock p. m. on that day to give expression to public sentiment on the occasion of the sacrifice to the Moloch of ■ Slavery by the killing of the body of Jolm Rrown by the common- wealth of Virginia." On the day of the execution, the Herald was printed with black bordei's, tiags were at half mast, and a white ban- ner bordered with black was stretched across Superior Street quoting the famous declaration of "the martyr": "I do not think I can better serve the cause I love so much than to die for it;" words that were made prophetic by the quick intensifying of antislavery senti- ment, one result of which was the election of Abraham Lincoln. In 1859, the East Cleveland Railway Company was organized and, in 1860, it was opened for business between Bank (West Sixth) Street and Willson Avenue (East Fifty-fifth Street). On the sixth of October, on that year (1860), ground was broken at the eastern ter- minus and the president of the company, Henry S. Stevens, "invited the stockholders and patrons present to meet at the other end of the route, near Water (West Ninth) Street, three weeks from that day to celebrate the completion of the first street railroad in Cleveland and in the state." The line was extended to Doan's Corners in 1863. In 1859, the Kinsman Street Railway Company was organized and part of the present Woodland Avenue line was built. In 1863, the West Side Railway Company was formed. These pioneer lines "had a great influence in developing Cleveland, and in placing her business and manufacturing districts in touch with the residence portions. To these lines more than to anything else, perhaps, is it the fact that 242 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVI Cleveland is a city of homes and that somewhere within reach of daily business or employment can be found a location for home-owning and home-building that is not beyond the financial means of the most humble laborer. A city in which the great majority are their own landlords is built upon a rock of stability that nothing can shake." The detailed story of the development of Cleveland's street railway system, including the coming and the doings of the unique Tom L. Johnson, deserves a chapter by itself. Journeys op the Perry Monument In 1860, came the erection and dedication of the Perry Monument, commemorative of the naval victory on Lake Erie in 1813. The idea of such a material tribute to him who wrote the laconic dispatch, "We have met the enemy and they are ours," seems to have originated in 18.57 with Hai-^'ey Rice, then a member of the city council. The council appointed a select committee of five, of which Harvey Rice was chairman, with authority to solicit contributions from the citizens to meet the expenses of the project. The committee entered into eon- tract for the work with T. Jones and Sons of Cleveland, the con- tractors taking on themselves the risk of obtaining the required amount. The five thousand dollars raised by public subscription was supple- mented by a little more than three thousand dollars appropriated by the city council to make up the deficiency. William Walcutt designed the statue, the marble wa,s brought from Italy, and the work was done in Cleveland. The pedestal was of granite from Rhode Island, Perry's native state. The city council ordered that the monument should be placed in the Public Square, at the intersection of the middle lines of Superior and Ontario streets, and there it was originally placed. On the forty-seventh anniversary of Perry's victory, witli elaborate formalities and in the presence of as.sembled thousands including the governors of Rhode Island and of Ohio, the monument was unveiled by the sculptor (September 10, 1860), presented in an address by Harvey Rice, and accepted on behalf of the city by Mayor Senter. A formal oration was delivered by the eminent historian. George Ban- croft, after which tlic nioiTument was dedicated according to the ritual of the Masonic fraternity. The monument was subsequently moved to the southeast section of the Square where the Soldiers' Monument now stands. It was taken thence years later to AVade Park where 'it stood between Euclid Avenue and Iho site of the Art Museum, proudly pointing to the waters of the mimic pond that were occasionally i)lowcd by the prows of skifTs and canoes and smootlied 1860] A MONUMENT AT REST 243 by the Hat bottoms of goiulolas manned by the maidens of the near-by Women's College of the Western Reserve University. Finally, the monument was given a more fitting site in Gordon Park on the bank of Lake Erie. In the last deeade. 1850-60, the population of Cleveland had in- The Pekky Monument creased from 17,034 (plus about 3,950 in Ohio City) to 43,838 and every loyal Clevelander "pointed with pride" to the United States census records. Capture and Return of The Slave Lucy A few months after the conclusion of the trials of the Oberlin- Wellington rescue cases and close on the heels of the election of 244 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVI Abraham Lincohi and in continuation of the barrage fire that went before the fatal "drive'" that the slaveocraey launched at Fort Sum- ter, came the capture in Clevehind of a runaway slave named Lucy and her return to her "■ owner"' at Wheeling in Virginia. Early in the morning of the nineteenth of January, 1861, a deputy United States marshal, Seth A. Abbey, supported by a posse of federal officials, forcibly entered the residence of L. A. Benton on Prospect Street and carried awaj- the young mulatto girl who was there employed as a servant. Lucy was at once contined in the county jail around which a great mob of angry and excited citizens quickly gathered with threats to burn the building and, by force, to set Lucy at liberty. Kufus P. Spalding, A. G. Riddle, and C. W. Palmer promptly offered to act as counsel for the prisoner and made application for a writ of habeas corpus. The application for the writ was acted upon (Jan- uary 21) by Judge D. R. Tilden who held that the sheriff, a county ofSeer, had no right to hold the prisoner and ordered her release. The girl was, however, innnediately taken into custody by the United States marshal and transferred from the court-house to the federal building for a hearing before United States Commissioner White. The r.xoitement of the populace was so great that but little would have been needed to precipitate a bloody riot, to prevent which the marshal employed a hundred and fifty special deputies to guard the unfor- timate prisoner in transitu. It was said that some of the special deputies were men "who have often honoi-ed the records of the police court." The hearing before Commissioner White was held on the twenty-third. But the law was plain, the identity and ownership of the property were beyond question, and, in a fervid plea. Judge Spalding surrendered the girl to the law, the tender mercies of which are cruelties. Recognizing llie return of the girl to her owner as inevitable, he said : I am constrained to say that, according to tlie law of slavery, the colored girl Lucy does owe service to William S. Goshorn, of Virginia. Nothing now remains that may impede the performance of your pain- ful duty. sir. unless I may be permitted to trespass a little further upon your indulgence, and say to this assemblage, we are this day offering to the ma.iesty of constitutional law, a homage that takes with it a virtual sun-ender of the finest feelings of our nature ; the van- (|uishing of many of our strictest resolutions; the mortification of a free man's pride, and. T almost said, the contraventions of a Chris- tian's duty to his God. While we do this, in the City of Cleveland, in the Connecticut Western Reserve, and permit this poor i)iece of humanity to be taken, peaceably, through our streets, and upon our railways" back to the land of bondage, will not the frantic South 1861] LINCOLN IN CLEVELAND 245 stay its parricidal luiiul.' Will luit our compromising Legislature cry : Hold, enough ! Although oft'cred double her market value for the freedom of the girl, Mr. Goshorn refused to sell. Lucy was eseorteil to the train by an armed guard and safely carried back to "Wheeling — the last slave ever returned to the South under the fugitive-slave law. liut war ■ soon drew with the sword its drop of blood for every drop that had been drawn with the lash, and the Great Emancipator's iron pen Freed a race of slaves to lie a race of men. After the war, Lucy went to Pittsburgh where she was married. Later, she came back to Cleveland and, in September, 1904, was intro- duced to the audience at a meeting of the Early Settlers' Association. Lincoln Visits Cleveland A few days after the enforced return of Lucy to bondage, Al)raham Lincoln, president-elect, visited Cleveland (February 15, 1861), on his way to Washington. On the fourth of March, he was inaugurated as president of the United States from which several of the states had seceded. On the twelfth of April, came the first fiery kiss of war at Fort Sumter, followed soon by the call to arms. How Cleveland promptly answered that and subsequent calls and faithfully served the cause of the Union to the end of the civil war is a story that may not be told in detail here. ^Mass meetings were held, troops were hastened toward the front, military and hospital camps and a soldiers' home were established, home guards were organized, and the city took on a truly martial air. The women were as patriotic and self-sacri- ficing then as they are today and the ministrations of the Soldiers' Aid Society and other agencies that they created and administered still awaken grateful memories in the souls of the still surviving "Boys who wore the Blue." New Connecticut did her full duty, Cuyahoga neither failed nor flinched in the day of trial and, in the days of piping peace that came after, testified to her reverent regard for those who came not back in a monument * in the Public Square, built with the proceeds of a county tax that was levied and collected without authority of law but was not resisted by any tax payer. Within the monument, cut in stone tablets, are the names of ten thou- sand Cuyahoga volunteers. Of course, there were alarms, and sorrows, and tears, but the war brought no disaster to the city and business was carried on as of old. The end of the war brought to Cleveland a * See picture on page 284. 246 CLEVELAND AND ITS .ENVIRONS [Chap. XVI great joy aud a great sorrow, wild rejoieiug over the accomplished preservation of the Union quickly followed by deep sorrow for the tragic death of President Lincoln. When on its last journey, the body of the martyred president lay in state in Cleveland's Public Square, the city was draped in mourning and all classes united to do honor to his memorv. Of necessity, we now hasten on, leaving word for the searcher for further facts of Cleveland's war history to consult Col. J. F. Herriek's chapters in ;\Ir. Orth's Hisfory of Cleveland, or to examine the shelves of the Western Reserve Historical Society, where may be found the most extensive collection of material relating to the civil war that has been made — thanks to the zeal aud liberality of Mr. W. P. Palmer, the president of the society. CHAPTER XVII AN ERA OP REMARKABLE DEVELOPMENT About this time (1861), the discovery of petroleum in western Pennsylvania attracted attention and several oil refineries began operation in Cleveland. Among these enterprising adventurers were John D. Rockefeller and Henry M. Flagler who, in 1861, began the business that, in 1870, developed into the Standard Oil Company, the wonderful story of which is given in a later chapter of this volume. The old volunteer fire system of the city had been outgrown and, in January, 1863, the city council constituted J. D. Palmer, J. J. Benton, and William I\Ieyer as a committee on fire and water. In the April following, the council passed an ordinance creating a paid fire department with a force of fifty-three men. From this beginning, has been developed the extensive and efficient department as it exists today. In 1918, George A. "Wallace was chief of the municipal divisions of fire, with secretaries, assistant chiefs, battalion chiefs, etc., fire hj'drants, fire alarm telegraph, fire boats, high pressure pumping-stations and lines, three dozen engine companies, a "baker's dozen" of hook and ladder companies, a few additional hose com- panies, etc. The need of an increased force and additional equip- ment is, of course, perennial and always will be while the city con- tinues to grow, but the efficiency of what is above outlined has com- manded nation-wide commendation. Cleveland's Trade, Commerce and Manufactures, 1865 In 1866, the Cleveland Board of Trade i.ssued its first "Annual Statement of the Trade, Commerce, and Manufactures of the City of Cleveland," the report covering the transactions of the year 1865. According to that report, the amount of coal shipped to Cleveland in the five preceding years varied from 400,000 to 900,000 tons, the total for 1865 being 465,550 tons. The iron-ore trade aggregated $1,179,200 ; pig-iron and scrap, !j)l,051,000. The aggregate sales of manufactured wrought iron, a large part of which wa-s manufactured in Cleveland, 247 248 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVII was more than $6,000,000. The blast furnaces, rolling mills, forges, foundries, etc., employed three thousand men and a capital of three million dollars, and turned out 20,510 tons of railroad iron ; 7,925 tons of merchant iron ; 2,250 tons of forgings ; 705 tons of boiler and tank iron ; and 4,627 tons of bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, nails, etc. The receipts of lumber were 84,038,160 feet; of shingles, 54,744,850; of lath, 14,153,000; and of cedar posts, 50,000. The hide and leather trade was about $1,500,000. There were thirty refineries of crude 1 iS»f s 'm§mi"',*t---^riumii^:^ ^ SuPEBiOB Street in 1865 petroleum with an aggregate capital of more than $1,500,000, and turning out products worth not less than $4,500,000. The boot and shoe sales were put down at $1,250,000; clothing at $2,500,000 or more; and dry-goods "in millions" not numerically stated; banking capital, $2,250,000; deposits, $3,700,000. Some of the other items were : Cattle head, 25,300 Hogs liwxl, 18.850 Copper refined tons, 1,500 Stoves made l'"!."t'0 Barrels made 200,000 Shingles made 15,500,000 White lead made tons, 000 Lard oil made gallons, 50,000 Stearine candles made pounds, 547,000 Flour barrels, 212,000 Gas produced f''''t. 4:!,0()(),()00 Coke 1'hs1h-1s, 90,000 1865] THE BOARD OK TRADE REPORT 249 Powder kogs, 20,000 Bricks 7,0011,000 ^[altiiiy: and brewing $,s()(),(i()0 ^lacliiiK' shops, stock used $7(1(1,000 Furniture ^(idO.ODO Cigars ^(iOO.OdO Bridges, iron and wood $")():"),( )00 Railway ears luanufaetured $r)()0,()()0 .Marble and stoue works $400,000 ^Voolens $:}r)0,000 Paper .$215,0(10 Carriages $200,000 Lightning rods $1;!1,0(I0 Musical instruments $100,000 Burr mill stones $ 75,000 Hats and caps $ 50.000 Leading Shipbuilding Pcjrt As to ships and shipbuilding, tiie Herald said in September, 1865, that "Cleveland now stands confessedly at the head of all places on the chain of lakes, as a shipbuilding port. Her proximity to the forests of Jliehigan and Canada affords opportunity for the selection of the choicest timber, while the .superior material aud construction of the iron manufactures of the city give an advantage. Cleveland has the monopoly of propeller building, its steam tugs are the finest on the lakes, whilst Cleveland-built sailing vessels not only outnumber all other vessels on the chain of lakes, but are found on the Atlantic Coast, in English waters, up the Mediterranean, and in the Baltic." Such was our account of stock three score years and ten after the arrival of General Moses Cleaveland at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. New Passenger Depot In the annual report of the president of the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railway Company for 1866, that official said : The new pas.scnger depot at Cleveland, costing some $475,000, and in which this company has one-fourth interest, was so far eomi)leted as to be opened for use cm the 12th day of November, last. . . . Its erection was indispensable, as the old depot, being erected over the waters of the lake, upon piles, from general decay had become un- safe for the passage onto it of heavy locomotives and trains of cars loaded with passengers. 250 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVII The other railway companies that were co-partners in what was then considered one of the largest and best appointed in the country were the Cleveland and Pittsburgh, the Cleveland and Toledo, and the Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula. The opening of this stately structure of stone and iron, 603 feet long and 108 feet wide, on tlie lake front at the foot of Bank and Water (West Sixth and West Ninth) streets was fittingly celebrated by a banquet given by the four ineorpoi'ated owaiers. Although somewhat changed by design and decay, the venerable structure is still used for its original purpose by the legal heii-s of the original owners. The public is waiting (1918) for something better in tlie belated realization of oft repeated prom- ises. Another notable event of that year (1866) was the organization of a metropolitan police system which was something of a "fad" with the legislators of several states about that time. By a law that went into effect on the fii-st of May, the police powers of the mayor and marshal and city council were transferred to a board of police com- missioners consisting of the mayor of the city and four others who were appointed by the governor of the state. The first board con- sisted of Mayor H. M. Chapin and Citizens James Barnett, Philo Chamberlain, W. P. Fogg, and Nelson Purdy; in their hands all police matters rested. The law was so changed in 1872 that the mem- bers of the board were elected by the people. Educational and Charitable In 1867, came the organization of the Western Reserve Historical Societ}' and of the Cleveland Public Library. The detailed stories of these two beneficent institutions are told in later chapters of this volume. In the same year (1867), the Bctliel Union was incorporated for mission work and the maintenance of the boarding-house for sailors and others in need. In 1882, the Society for Organizing Charity was formed for tlie i)urp()sc of making investigations that would tend to i)revent imposition and decrease pauperism. In 18SG, this society and the Bethel Union were consolidated, forming what is now known as the Associated Cliaritics, the most imi)ortant of our local organizations existing for welfare work. In 1868, the fii-st iron ship built in Cleveland, the little steamer ' ' J. K. AVhite, ' ' w-as launched, and the Young Women's Christian Association was organized. In 1869, Stilhnan Witt gave the association a "II(mie" nn Walnut Street whence the good work was carried on in an cnbii-gcd form. Historical and descriptive sketches of these several organizations ai-e given in 1867-70] AGRICULTURAL FAIRS 251 later chapters of this volume. In 1809, the Cleveland City Hospital began its work in a small frame building ou Willsou Avenue (East Fifty-fifth Street), and the Cleveland Law Library was organized. Founding op Cuyahoga County Agricultub.vl Society In the third decade of the century, the Cuyahoga County Agri- cultural Society was organized and held its first fair in the then new court-house and the Public Square in October, 1829. The ladies' deitartment showed its patch-work quilts, carpeting, woolen fiannels, and other exhibits in the Old Stone Church and the cattle were ar- ranged along the fence that eudosed the four sections of the Square. The wife of Dr. David Ijong received a premium of five dollars for a pair of silk hose that she had "made from the mulberry the present season," Mrs. Mary L. Severance of Cleveland received a premium for "speci- mens of silk twist" and Mrs. Brainard of Brooklyn one for "eight different colors of sewing silk, the silk manufactured by her and colored with dyes derived from the products of the farm." Premiums were awarded "for a ba.sket of cocoons" and for "the best half-acre of mulberty trees. ' ' Evidently, silkworm culture was something of a fad in this community at that time. Of course, there were prizes for crops of wheat, oats, rutabagas, etc., and for cattle, sheep, swine, and brood mares and stallions. For years, the annual county fairs were affairs of importance and popularity. In 1854, the Ohio State Fair was held ou the new fair grounds on Kinsman Street, now Woodland Avenue, "20 acres of land about one mile from the Square," and then "the most complete fair grounds in the state;" there were thirty thousand paid admissions. But when the State Board of Agriculture refused Cleveland's request for the fair of 1870, the Northern Ohio Fair Association was incorporated (Februarj-, 1870) by Amasa Stone, Jeptha H. Wade, Dr. Worthy S. Streator, Azariah Everett, Amos Townsend, William Bingham, and others, for "the promotion of agriculture, horticulture, and the mechanic arts in the northern sec- tions of Ohio," and incidentally to encourage the development of the two-minute trotting horse and the enjoyment that was concomitant with such development. The capital stock of the association was $300,000. A large tract of ground near the lake shore east of the city and extending southward beyond St. Clair Street was bought. For several years, the fairs here held were interesting and made more picturesque and memorable by the omnipresent secretary and general manager, the genial Sam Briggs whom everybody knew and liked. 252 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVII But the fairs were uot financially successful and, in the winter of 1880-81, the association went out of existence. The part of the fair grounds south of St. Clair Street was continued as the Glenville racing track, made famous by the record-breaking performances of ilaude S., Goldsmith Maid. Smuggler, Cresceus, and other horses that bore names that still are familiar in the racing world. Thanks largely to the dominating influouee of Colonel "William Edwards, one of Cleve- land's foremost business men, and the father of a major-general in the United States army, but better known at the track as "Billy" Edwards, the Glenville track was recognized by the fraternity as "a model turf, one of the cleanest and most sportsmanlike ovals in all the circuits." In 1909, the tracks were abandoned and the grounds NoRTiiEiiN Ojuo Fair Grounds allotted. The place- tliat tlic Glenville track so worthily licld was soon worthily filled by the present tracks at North Randall, the home of the amateur driving club and the scene of some of the most brilliant "society" events of each successive year. In the decade just closed, 1860-70, and in spite of war and panic, the population of Cleveland had increased from 43,838 to 92,825 and, as they had done ten years before, all loyal Clevelanders again "pointed with pride" to the census tables. It is an open question as to which they were more vocal, the growth of the city or the magnificence of Euclid Avenue. A Projected City ITali, In this year (1870), a project foi- building a city hall in the southwest .section of the Public Scjuare came 1o an obscure and now 1870] A MUNICIPAL PFASCO 253 uiiiiioiii-iicd ciiil. The iiu'('tiiiy:s of tlu" rity council were tlieii licld in the buililing that it liad leased in 1855 as stated at the beginning- of Chap- ter XVI; tlie biiildiiis: was then called the City Hall. On the twelfth of January. 18()9, ^Ia\(ir Stei)heii Hnhrer sent to the city council a communieation in wliich he said: 1 deem it wise that this council should issue bonds runniuy; such time and eainiiig such rates of interest as may be deemed mcxst ad- vantagfeous to the city, for the purpose of defraying the cost and expense of erecting a new City Hall building, containing the city offices, a council and public hall, and such other rooms as might be thought necessary or expedient for the i)ublic welfare. The council took no action on the subject until a meeting which was held on the twenty-fifth of August of the same year. At that meet- ing. IMr. Rogers introduced a resolution which was as follows: Whereas, The city has gone to a large expense in getting up maps and records of the city, and has no safe place for the keei)ing of these maps and i-ecords, and as at the present they are kept in a jniblic busi- ness building which at any time is liable to take tire and burn all the public papers belonging to the city, therefore, Resolved, That the board of improvements be, and the same is hereby authorized to jirepare a plan for the erection of a city hall on the southwest corner of the Public Square, where the old court house formerly stood, where all the records, maps, and papers can be kept in safety. This resolution was referred to the board of improvements which recommended (October 5) the adoption of the resolution. At the same meeting, Mr. Silas Merchant offei-ed a resolution authorizing and requesting the board of improvements to advertise for plans, specifications, and estimates for a new city hall to be constructed in the southwest corner of the Public Square. His resolution also pro- vided that the council should pay IGOO for the best plan, .i<5nO for the second best, and $400 for the third best. On the first of March, 1870, the board of improvements reported that they had "advertised for plans for a city hall, the cost of which was not to exceed $300,000 unless a fourth story above the basement was added, in which case $50,000 more w-as to be added to the amount. We received in an.swer to our advertisement ten sets of plans, seven from Cleveland and three from abroad, the elevation plans of which are all exhibited to your honorable bodv. The estimated cost varies 254 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENWIRONS [Chap. XVII from $292,000 to $365,000. " Three plans were reported, all by Cleve- land architects, and the three prizes were paid, the first going to Walter Blythe, whose plan was adopted. It is said that no further record of the project can be found in the council proceedings, and no one seems to know just how the matter ended. Five years later, the Case Block was rented as a city hall as will be related a few pages "tr^-nssi t7~M:i-' ^H' A City Hall That Was Not Built further on. About 1894, the project for building a city hall in the Public Square was again agitated by Mayors Blee and McKisson, for the sake of saving the cost (.f needed land, but it met with so much opposition that the uniioly scheme was dropped into the limbo of things that should never be. Cleveland Wokk House and House of Correction In January, 1871, tlie "Cleveland Workhouse and House of Cor- rection" was completed at a cost of $250,000 — a large and well ap- pointed building that still stands (in mutilated form and otherwise 1871] THE CLEVELAND WORKHOUSE 255 used) on Woodlaiul Avi'imo at East Seventy-ninth Street; The first board of workhouse directors consisted of Harvey Kice, J. H. Wade, George H. Burt, S. C. Brooks, and William Edwards. Under the efiSeient and humane administration of Superintendent William D. Patterson, the Cleveland workhouse became famous. The institution was, years later, transferred to the "Cooley Farms" in Warrensville, a monument to the wisdom and large vision of the Rev. Harris R. Cooley who was Jlayor Tom L. Johnson's director of charities and correction. In this year (1871), the city council created its first board of park commissioners, the first serious attempt to give the city a park system. The first members of the board were Azariah Everett, Oscar The Old Workhouse A. Childs, and J. H. Sargent, who began their work by beautifying the Public Square. In 1874, Lake View Park, near the so-called Union Depot and overlooking the lake from which it was and is cut off by railway tracks, was begun. Soon after this, work was begun on "the old and long- forgotten Clinton Park" that had been dedicated to the public in 1835. A few years later came the gifts of Wade and Gordon parks, and the development of a park and boulevard system, pride in which is as characteristic of Clevelanders today as the adulation of Euclid Avenue was in the Seventies. The story of this evolution will be told in a later chapter. In this year (1871), also came the creation of the office of city auditor and the transfer to him of certain duties that had been previously performed by the clerk of the city council. The new department was intended to serve as "a cheek upon extrav- agance and a safeguard against the misappropriation of funds." The - ailt^AVM I/) c O (/) > o UJ 'x: t/) X ,-1 o S '-• a. c < o ^ ^ ^'^ CL c -r J « ::: "a! o > -c _^ c/) U MQ.TK OLMs'rm KEY TO ANNEXATION MAP A. Orlsiiial vllIaKe of ('Icvoland. Iiicorporatect by legislative act of DocomlxT 23. 1811. B. AimexaUoii by net of DixvmtHT 31. IS29. C. Annexation by act of Fvbruary 18, 1834. D. Iiicnrporatwl with A, n ajul C as City of Cleveland, by act of March 5, 1830. E Remainder of Cleveland township annexed by act of March 22, 1850. F, city of Ohio annexed by art of June 5, 1854. Q. Annexation of part of Bmolcljrn township pasM>d by IcglAladvi* act of February 1 1>. IStM. and granted by county commlsBlonera, September 6. 18(1-1. HI I'nrtlPns of Hnniklyn nnd Newhtir« townships annexed by ai'.t of Pebruao' 28. 1867, and approval of county commissioners granted Autrust 0. 1867. K. Aiiiu-xiitltm of part of Xewburg town3hii» irranted by county commissioners August 6. 1867. L. Ordinance to annex East Cleveland vUIaea parsed October 24. 1872. MNO. Annexation of parts of Ilrooklyn. New- bnrg and Kiist Cii'veland tnwn.'«hlj-», granted by comity coramUsloners February 8, 1873. p. .\nni-vaiikI>'n village fixed by passage of ordinance by its council, Junu 15. 1894. W* Portion of village of GlenvlIIe annexed by grant of county commissioners. February 26, 1898. X . Annexation of portion of Glenvillo village granted by county commissioners. November 8. 1902. Y. Annexation of portion of IJnndale village or- dered by county cmimilss loners, December 19, 1903. X. Ordlnnnco to atniex a portion of Brooklyn town- ship reJtH-twl, May 31. 1904. AA. Annexation of portion of Brooklyn township ordered by county commissioners, July 1 1 , 1904. BB. AniM'XHtion of norllon of Xewbunr HelRhts village ordered by county commissioners. Sep- temh.T 25. 1905. CC. Ordinance to annex Glenville city passed. June 19, 1905. DD. Ordinance to annex village of Stjuth Brook- lyn passe*!, December 11, 1905. EE. Secretary of state notified of passage of ordl- nanco to annex Corlett village. December 28, 1909. FF. Se<-retftr>- of state notified of passage of ordi- nance annexing the village of Coltlnwood. January 21, 1910. GG. Secretary of state notified of passage of ordi- nance annexing a portion of Shaker town- ship. Juno 2 2. 1912. HH. Secretary of state notified of passage of ordi- nance annexing the village of Nottlngliajn, January 14, 1913. II. Secretary of state notified of passage of ordi- mincf annevintr the city of Newlmrg, Feb- niary 10. 1913, KK. Secretarj' of state notified of passage of ordlnaJice annexing portion of Euclid vll- lane. AuyusL 27. 1914. LL. Seeretao' ''f state notified of passage of ordi- nance annexing portinn of Kastview village. December 1. 1914. MM. Secretary of state notified of passage of ortilnanr-e annexing portion of Shaker Heights village. February 12. 1915. NN. Scurtoii. Tlie Cleveland Aledical Society was formed in F\^liruary, 1898; in .June, 1902, it and the Cuyahoga Medical Society were united to form the present Academy of Mediciiu' wiiich now (1918) has a total nieniliership of about 700. In September (1872) the Union Cluh was organized "foi- phys- ical training and education" — at least the charter so sets forth its objects. Tlic (irst jn'csiilcnt ot lln' clnli was Willi^ini Uiiifiliani; Henry B. Payne was one of tlie vice-])rt'sid('nts ; C. 1'. Lchuul was secretary; and (leoi'ge E. .\rnistrong was treasurer. Tiic rlnli's (irst home was a comnidilions hnildin;;- (in i'lnclid A\rnuc just w<'st of ()ak rhire, now- East MiLrlitli !~itr('e). This prdpci'ty was Nnliscipu'ntly sold and the 1872-73] COLONEL HODGE'S GOOD WORK 259 present cluliluuisi' nn tlir iKirtlu'iist corner of Eufliil Avenue and lOast Twelfth Street was Imilt ami occupied. Origin- ov tiik Ci.kvki.and Hi'mane Society In Jlan-li, 1873, Orlando J. Ilodoe introduced in the city council a i-esolution invitiner i)ersons interested in the t'oi'niation of a society for the iirotection of dunih animals to meet in the council chamber at a tiuio specified. On the evenins: named, about a dozen men responded and arrangements for a permanent organization were made. On the foui-th of April, the Cleveland Society for the Preven- tion of Crueltv to Aninnds was fully organized with Jabez W. Pitch Tiik Old Union Clubhouse as president and H. F. Rrayton as secretary. The scope of the society was subsequently widened to include helpless children and mothers and its name was changed to the Cleveland Humane Society. The beneficent work of this now great society has been continuous to the present time. As a reward of merit, if for no other reason, it is proper to record the fact that Colonel Hodge had previously introduced an ordinance to prevent and punish cruelty to dumb animals which ordinance was pas.sed by the city council in 1871 — "the first .step taken liy the Cleveland lawmakers in that direction." Subsequently, as a member of the Ohio legislature, he introduced three bills for the better protection of children and dumb animals; all of the bills became laws. At his call, prominent men from various parts of the state met at Columbus and organized a state society for similar purposes. Palmam qui meruit fcrat. 260 CLEVELAND A^D ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVII . Legal jMatters op IMoment In this same month (ilareli, 1873) the Clevehmd Bar Association was organized for the avowed purpose of maintaining "the honor and dignity of the profession of the hiw, to cultivate social intercourse and acquaintance among the members of the bar, to increase our usefulness iu aiding the administration of justice, and in promoting legal and judicial reform." The tirst president was Sherlock J. Andrews; the vice-presidents were James ]\Iason, John W. Ileisley, and John C. Grannis; the i-eeording secretary was Virgil P. Kline; the correspond- ing secretary was L. R. Critchficld ; and the treasurer was Gershom il. Barber. In spite of the almost universal and universally recognized tendency of laymen to "poke fun" at lawyers, it would not be fair to fail to say that the Cleveland Bar As^sociation has lived and labored in close proximity to the lines laid down in the beginning and described iu the quotation above made. In ^May, 1873, the Ohio legislature passed an act for the relief of the chronically overburdened court of common pleas of Cuyahoga County by establishing a "superior court" with jurisdiction limited to civil cases coming from the city of Cleveland. A special election was held in June and Gershom I\I. Barber, Seneca 0. Griswold, and James I\I. Jones were elected as judges of said superior court. But the ex- pected relief was not thereby secured ; in less than two years both of the courts were again overburdened and further relief became im- peratively necessary. In March, 1875, the legislature again came to the rescue and added four to tlie number of the judges of the court of common plea.s and abolished the superior court. In the regular state election in October, Judges Barber and Jones were elected as two of the additional four occupants of thi' bench of the court of coiniiKiii jilcas, ;ui(i -ludge Griswold, who was recognized as one of tlie ablest members of the Ch'vi'land bar, rcsnined tlie practice of his ])rofession. Newburg Village Annexed In August, 1873. the citizens of Newburg village formally resolved that the time had come for .umcxation to the cit.v and K. T. Hamilton, A. Topping, and Joseph Turney were eonstituti'd a coinnnttee to secure favorable action. The Cleveland council met the city's old ri\al hall'wa.v, and named, as its representatives in the matter, John lliiiitingtoM, II, II. Tlioi-pi'. and .\. T. \'an Tassel. The vote was 1873) ANXEXATIOX, I'ANK', AND Tl'XXKL 261 favorable to tlie proposed r.iiiiexatioii and Xuwburg village became Cleveland's Ward Eighteen. Time at last makes all things even. Tin: Panic of 187:5 The year 1S73 was made memorable by an extraordinary finaneial panie. The eonntry had been enjoying an unpreeedented prosperity that caused general speeidation, excessive inflation of business enter- jirises, the projection of railways that were not needed, and similar causes, all lit which combined with the falling of the high prices inci- dent to the civil wai- brought about a sudden and unexpected cheek. On the nineteenth of September, 1873, known in financial history as "Black Friday," the banking firm of Jay Cooke and Company of Philadelphia, the institution that had successfully negotiated the great war loans of the United States government and thereby acquired universal conlidcnce in its stability, suddenly "went to the wall" and ushered in the panic. In Cleveland tlicrc were failures of commercial and manufacturing establishments, and the savings banks allowed withdrawals of money only in limited amounts and after previous notice. Hut the banks weathered the stcnnn without disaster and thus saved the community from much of the loss and general wreckage that were sufl'ered in some other cities. The shock did however throw many out of employment, hit real-estate speculators w^ith a sort of selective severity, flooded the courts with oases and thus probably hastened the abolition of the superior court. The check thus given to the prosperity and importance of the city was recognizable for several years but recovery was gradually made. Improvement of \V.\ter Supply By this time, the Cuyahoga River had become a sort of intercepting sewer and the combination of river outflow and shore washing with other contaminating influences had led to loud complaints concerning the quality of the water pumped by the city from the lake and dis- tributed to the citizens. The remedy that promised most was to draw the water from a point out in the lake and well off the shore. Surveys for a tunnel were made in 1867. In 1869, a shaft was sunk on the sliore near the pumping station. From the bottom of the shaft, about sixty-seven feet below the lake level, a tunnel five feet in diameter was pushed under the lake I'lid outward from the shore. In August, 1870, a crib about eighty-seven feet in diameter was towed to a point 262 CLEVELAND AND ITS EXVIROXS [Chap. XVII about 6,600 feet off shore and there sunk in thirty-six feet of water. Under the interior of this crib a shaft was sunk to the depth of ninety feet below the lake level. From the bottom of this shaft a tunnel was built toward the shore to meet the one coming from the .shore. After conquering quicksand and other difSculties, the work was successfully completed and, on the third of JIarch, 1874, water from the crib was admitted to the tunnel. The crib was outfitted as an intake for the water and with a lighthouse and a domicile for its keeper. The water supply of Cleveland was thus improved at a total cost of $320,351.72. In 1890, a second tunnel, seven' feet in diameter, was constructed from the crib in the lake to the pumping station on the shore. But the city kept on growing, and a larger and still better supply and a higher pressure soon were imperatively demanded. Women's Christian Temper.vnce Union In this year (1874) was the inauguration of the women's crusade against the liquor ti'affie. In response to a call from the Women's Christian Association, six hundred women of culture, social standing, and religious inspiration formed a temperance league of which ^liss Sarah Fitch was president. Pledge books were procured and praying bauds went forth to visit the saloons, four hundred and fifty of which allowed the women to hold services therein. Soon there were five thousand membei-s of the league and many more thousands signed tlie pledge. I^rom this movement sprang a still vigorous agency for religious, sociological, and philanthropic labor, the Women's Christian Temperance Unioii. II.\RBOR OP Refuge Constuicted Owing to the nai'rowness of the entrance to the rix'cr and the ini- l)rotected condition ol" tlie harlxir, it was difficult for vessels to make tiie Cleveland port in lime oi' storm. The ti-ouble was made worse liy the continued inci'ease in tlie size of lake vessels, made necessary by the growing demands of trade. In 1870, tlie city council made an initial effort to secure tlie construction of a harbor of refuge. In 1873, the board of trade and the city council Joincil in urging upon congress the importance of such a refuge. Largely through the efforts of the lion. Richard C. Parsons, the government mail(> another .survey, in llie spring of 1875, congress appropriated $50,000 I'or tlie begin- ning of the work and referred matters of detail to a corps of govern- ment engineers who reported in favor of a harbor of two hundred 1873] THE HARBOR OF REFUGE 263 acres, the estimated cost of whicli wcmlil be $1,800,000. In the fall of tliat year (1875), work was hcfiiiii on tlie western arm of the break- water which was completed in 1883. It soon appeared that increased protection was needed and, in 1886, congress made an appropriation for the construction of an arm eastward from tlie river entrance. From time to time, plans were enlarged, additional appropriations were secured, and the good work went on, making available the long-recog- nized but long-neglected imjiortance of the lake front and relieving the congestion along the river. Among the important benelits already resultant from the builiiing of the breakwater are the city's reelama- I >. « i i>. • ■' (Jx TiiE Lakk Kroxt tion of a part of the usurped lake front and the making of new laud (credit for much of which goes to the Hon. Robert E. 3\IcKisson, for- mer mayor of Cleveland) and an increase of dockage facilities. The possible advantages along this latter line have been already illustrated by the construction of new wharves and buildings for the Detroit and Cleveland, and the Cleveland and Buffalo steamboat lines at the foot of East Ninth Street. Hotels and Amusement Halls The first theatrical performances by professional actors were given in 1820 in the ballroom of the Cleveland Hotel which stood at the Bank Street, 1868 ■^m Academy ok Music 1820-75] i: A THUS, KTC. 265 northeast cornci- of the southwest section of tlic I'ulilii- Sciuarc, where the Forest City House long stood and tiie Cleveland Hotel now is. The tii-st theater was built at the L-orner of Superior Street and Union Lane. Not long later came Italian Hall which occupied the upper tloor of a three-story lii'ick Ijuildinp; on the west siile of Water (West Ninth) Street, north of Superior. In 1840, J. W. Watson built Wat- sou's Hall on the north side of Superior Street, between Bank (West Sixth) Street and the Public S(|uare. In 1845, Silas Hrainard bought it and changed its name to ^lelodeon Hall. It was afterwards known as Brainard's Hall, Brainard's Ojiera House, and the Globe Theater. City Halt.. 1875 It was torn down in 1880: the Wilshire Building now (1918) occupies its site. Early in the sixth decade of the century, the great showman, P. T. Barnum, opened a theater in the Kelley Block on Superior Street, opposite the southern end of Baidv Street. It was later operated on the "varieties" plan. In 1852, the Academy of Music was built on the east side of Bank Street and soon leased to .John A. Ellsler, who made it famous. It was burned in 1892. In 1875, 'Sir. Ellsler formed a stock company that built the Euclid Avenue Opera House which wrecked his fortune. In 1878, the Opera House was sold to M. A. Hanna. It was burned in 1884 but was promptly rebuilt on a grander scale and is today one of Cleveland's choicest homes of the "legitimate" drama. 266 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVII The Old City Hall In February, 1875, the city leased the newly built Case Bloek on the northeast comer of Superior and Wood (East Third) streets for the period of twenty-five years and at an annual rental of $36,000. This block became the "City Hall" and, after the expiration of the lease, was rented from year to year until 1906 when it was bought by the city. The town that Moses Cleaveland planted in 1796 had to wait a hundred and ten years before it had a house that it could call its owTi. Late in 1875, an invitation for the public to attejul an informal midnight reception at the city hall, there to meet the national centennial year, was issued by the mayor and the city council. In FoEEST City House, 187G response, early in the evening of the thirty-first of December, the people began to throng into the streets. The sky was clear and the weather was unusually mild. I think that I can do no better tlian to let ilr. Kennedy tell the rest of the story of that hour: As eleven o'clock appi'Oiiched. a myriad of lights began to sliow around the Pulilic Square, and when the clock struck, all the lower ])art of the city burst into a blaze of illumination. The signal was taken up in all directions, and street after street, clear out to the suburbs, added to the Ijrighlness and enthusiastic efl'cct of the sceiu'. On the stroke of twelve, the steam whistles all over the city broke into one vast chorus of echoing notes. A great cauldron of oil on I he l'ui)lie Square was set ablaze, and the deep boom of the guns was heard. Be- fore the echo died away, a perfect tornado of sound swept in from all (|uarters, aiul made the very foundations of the earth seem 1o shake. The alarm of the fire bells cleft the air vvitli sudden sound, and a dozen church towers gave answer, while the hoarse voices of the 1875-76] . Tin: CENTENNIAL YEAR 267 steam inonstcrs, tli.' Iiaii^-iiisj: nt' liruMrnis, the poppin^j; of fire-craekers, and tlio sliouts of tliousaiuls of excitcil people, were added to the cliorus, wliile every now and then the deep boom of the i-aunon came in as a heavy aeeomiianinient. At daybreak of the foUowing Fourth of July, the steel flag-stat? in the Public Sipiare. the gift of Henry Chisholm in behalf of the Cleveland Rolling Jlill ('omi)any, was formally accepted on behalf of the city by Mayor Nathan V. I'aj'ne. The banner that a hundred years Has waved above our good ship's keel. Upheld by oak or mast of pine, Now proudly floats from staff of steel. At this time, the Cleveland Telegraph Supply Company, Ceorge W. Stockley, president, was occupying rented rooms on the second floor of an old building on the south side of Superior Street, opposite Bank (West Sixth) Street, and was renting power from the company that published the Leader. The company made a business arrange- ment (1876) with Charles Francis Brush which i-esulted in the success- ful solution of a great electric lighting problem, the operation of arc lights in series. The Cleveland Telegraph Supply Company became the Brush Electric Company, the fame of the Brush light spread and brought orders from nearly every part of the world, and Mr. Stockley and :\Ir. Brush became millionaires. CHAPTER XVIII ROUNDING OUT THE FIRST CENTURY In 1877, the Fifteenth Regiment of the Ohio National Gnard, Allen T. Brinsmade, colonel ; the Cleveland Gatling Gun Battery, W. F. Goodspeed, captain ; and the Cleveland First Troop, W. H. Har- ris, captain, and Edward S. Meyer, first lieutenant, and George A. Garretson. second lieutenant, were organized. That was the year of a great railway strike tliat paralyzed travel and transportation. In ('leveland, five hundred meji in the employ of the Lake Shore and ^lichigan Southern Railway Company quit work. The local leaders of the strike strongly urged abstinence from violence, and the men remained quiet until the railways and their employes agreed upon terms, but there was great danger that a mob of the lawless class would take advantage of the strike to destroy property as one did at Pitts- burgh. The city government, under the lead of ^Mayor William G. Rose, undoubtedly, sympathized with the railroad men in some of their demands, and counselled peace and moderation, but they made preparation against possible trouble. "The authorities made no parade of their preparation; not a drum tap was heard, nor a body of troops seen in the streets. Yel, in jioliee stations, in armories and elsew-here, armed police, militia, independent companies, and volun- teer veterans of the war lay for days n]Min their arms, ready to cru.sli at one blow the first sign of violence. When the railroads and their men came to terms, all things moved on as before, and Cleveland had no reason for regi'ct, and no l>ill of danuiges to pay." The First llicii Lkvki. P.RmcE Ever since the first settlement at the inciutli of the Cnyahoga, they who crossed the river by ferry or by britlge had to meet the weariness of the descent and a.scent of stec]) hills and the fre(|uent delays caused by the jja.ssage of vessels up ov down the river. In 1870, Jlayor Stephen Buhrer had urged the construction of a high level bridge ; in 1872, the city council apjiointed a special committee to take into con- sideration the construction of such a Inidge, and the committee re- 268 1877-79] THE SITERIOK VIADTTT .269 ported ill favor of the Suin'i'ini- ami Pearl Street Vdiite. 'I'lien came lejiislatioii at C'oluiiilms iieeehsary I'or the istsiie of bonds, the api)roval of the voters, and an injunction that st()pi)ed progress until 1873. At a special election held in .May, 1S7(>. the voters approved a further issue of lionds and decreeil that the coming bridge shoiilil Ik of the fouiidcf of tlie city tliat stands iit the southwest section of th'^ Public S(|uarc. As the ninety-second anniversary of General Cleavclaiurs first ari-ival at the mouth of the Cuyahoga fell on Sunday, tlie unveiling of the statue took i)lace on Monday, the twenty tliini of .Inly, 1888. 1880-81] POPULATION AND BENEFACTIONS 271 'Tis licre, when Nature reigned suprome, That General (Meaveland trod the wild: And saw an infant in his dream, And with his name haptized the eliild. — Ilarveij Rice. In 1870. ("levehuid's population was 92,825 and that of Buffalo was 117,714; in IS^SO. BulVahi's i)opnlation was 155,134, and that of Cleveland, 1(30,146. As Cincinnati had gained less than thirty-nine thousand while the younger eity on the lake had gained more than sixty-seven thousand, Cleveland ho.soins again swelled with more or less manly jiride and dreams of hecoming the metropolis of Ohio liegan to filter into the brains of the more audacious. Leonard Case, Jk. The younger Leonard Case, the sole heir of his father's large estate, suddenly died on the sixth of January, 1880. Five days later, his confidential agent and personal friend, Henry G. Abbey, filed in the county recorder's ofifice a deed that Mr. Case had executed in 1876. This deed conveyed property, then worth more than a million dollars, in trust for the establishment of an institution to be known as the Case School of Applied Science. The school was incorporated and organized in 1881. A sketch of this high-grade scientific institution will be found in a later chapter. In this same year, Ama.sa Stone, one of Cleveland's growing list of millionaires, offered to give lialf a million dollars to the Western Reserve College on condition that the old and famous institution should be moved from Hudson to Cleveland and that its name should be changed to Adelbert College of the Western Reserve University. The offer was accepted and, in the fall of 1882, Adelbert College began its career in new buildings tliat had been erected on land ad.joining the land of the Case School of Applied Science. By subsequent arrangement, these two schools became essentially sujiplemontary to each other. A brief sketch of the Western Reserve University, kindly prepared forme by the presi- dent of the university, will he found in a later chapter. Cleveland JIusic Hall In 1881. William Halsey Doan, a l)ig-hcarted citizen of Cleveland, took action that resulted in supplying one of the city's great needs, the Cleveland Music Hall. He gave for this purpose land on t'he north side of Vincent Street, between Bond (East Sixth) and Erie 272 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVIII (East Ninth) streets ami to this gift added $10,000 for the construc- tion of a large hall for musieal, moral, and religious gatherings. The title of the property was vested in five trustees, three chosen by himself and two by the Cleveland Voeal Society. At a cost of more than )f;50,000, a hall capable of seating- 4.300 persons was built. The building was subsequently burned. In the same spirit. ;\lr. Doan had previously built the Tabernacle at the corner of St. Clair and Ontario streets where the building of the Brotherhood of the Loco- motive Engineers now stands. It was a large and rather plain brick building, had one gallery, and would seat nearly .3.000 persons. It U.\KFiEi,n .Mi:moui.\l was the home of lectures, concerts, and local festivals of high grade and small charge for admission, the latter being made possible b.v the large seating capacity of the auditorium and the unselHsh purpose of its generous builder. The Tal)crnacle ceasetl to be when the JIusie Hall was built. In the same spirit, Mr. Doan also built the Arnuiry that stood at the corner of ICuclid Avenue and Doan (East One Hundred and Fifth) Street. W. 11. Doan was tiu' snii i)f Job Doan. mentioned in a preceding cluipter. J.MIICS A. G.\RFIi:i.D On the second of .July, 18S1, came news of tlie shouting of I'rcsideul Garticld at Washington; on the ninett'entli of S<'ptemlii'i-. came w(U'd 1881] DEATH OF I'KKSIDHXT GARFIELD 273 that the president was dead. James A. Carfield was really a Cleve- lander. Born in Cuyahoga County, student and eollege president at Ilirani, and later livinf; at Mentor, ho was always in close touch with the Heart of the Western lieserve and now that great heart hied. "When he dii-d, the Cleveland hells tullecl the sad news and, at half- hour intervals, the artillery struck the deep diajjason of the grief- laden dirge. The body was brought home on the twenty-fourth of September and for two days lay in state in a |)aviliiin liuilt in the Interior of Garfield Monument Public Square while thousands passed by in procession. After solemn services on the twenty-sixth, with an escort of honor and a pro- cession five miles long, the body wa.s borne out Euclid Avenue to Lakeview Cemetery and placed in a vault, there to remain under constant military guard until a more stately tomb could be provided. In June, 1882, the Garfield National Monument Association was in- corporated. More than fifty designs for the memorial were sub- mitted and, in July, 188:}. that of George Keller of Hartford was accepted. On the highest ridge in tlie cemetery the beautiful memorial, largely a tower fifty feet in diameter, was built. On the Vol. 1—18 274 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS fChap. XVIII thirtieth of May. 1890, it was formally dedicated in the presence of President Harrison, Vice-president ]Morton, General Sherman, sev- eral members of the president's cabinet, a host of other distinguished persons, and many thousands more than could see or hear what was beinjr done or said. Former President Hayes presided, and former Governor Jacob D. Cox delivered an eloquent address. After several other speeches, all of which were brief, the ceremonies were concluded by the Ohio Grand Commandery with the impressive services of the Knights Templars. The memorial is now daily visited by large numbers of persons from all parts of the civilized woi'ld. The accompanying illustration gives a good idea of the appearance of the exterior of the memorial, but I add the following brief description: "A roman- esque porch supports the tower. Below the porch railing, there is an external decoration, a frieze of historical character, showing in its five panels characteristic scenes from Garfield's life. The great doors of oak open into a vestibule vaulted in stone, and paved with mosaic. From this, spiral staircases ascend the tower, and descend to the crypt. In this crypt is the casket containing the coffin. Opening from this vestibule, is the chamber where the statue, by Alexander Doyle, of New York, stands. It shows Garfield in the House of Rep- resentatives. Over the statue, supported by granite columns, is a dome twenty-two feet in diameter, which is decorated with a marvel- ous frieze of Venetian glass, sliowing an allegorical funeral jn'oces- sion of the dead President. The tower has thirteen magnificent memo- rial windows, from the original thirteen States. ' ' Flood and Fire In February. 1883, came a. great flood and a great fire, the latter literally piled upon the former. Heavy rains raised the level of the Cuyahoga ten feet in less than a day and the rajiid rise of the waters caught many unawares. Three Iniuilred thousand dollars worth of lumber on the "Flats" was svvci)t into the lake; bridges and rail- way embankments were washed away. Then came the fire. A five thousand-gallon tank of oil in the Gri'at Western oil works blew up, the oil was set aflame and in turn set fire to the paral'fine works next below, and spread itself over the rushing watei-s. Some of the works of the Standard Oil Company were burned aiul the acres and acres of stills and tanks of that great plant narrowly escaped ilestruction. "It was a scene that will never be forgotten by the thousands who gazed upon it — the valley under water and the whole expanse lighted by the burn- ing of acres of oil spread nul upon the waters. The loss from flood 1883-87] FLOOD, FIRE, AND CRIME 275 ami tire irailicd nearly three ijuartiTs of a million dollars." Early in 1884, the Park Theater, on the north side of the Pulilie Square and separated from the eoiirt-hoiise only by a narrow lane, was sot on fire by an exi)losioM of jias and nothing luit the outside walls escaped eomplete destruetion. One Sunday evening in the following Sep- temher, disaster again fell )ipon the "Flats." A sujiposedly incendiary tire broke out in one of the great lumber yards and soon secnu'd to be beyond the eoutrol of the loeal fire department. Acres and acres of lumber iiiles and [ilaning mills wore abla/c; then tbc fiery fiend eros,sed the river, quickly devoured a lard refinery, and drove his way toward lower Superior Street as if determined to destroy that great business section. The local militia was ordered under arms and aid was sum- moned and sent from Akron, Youngstown, Toledo and other cities. In the early hours of Monday, the great tire was under control. The loss was more than $800,000. The "Blinkky" JIokg.vx Aff.mr In 1885, .Mary T. Spargo was admitted by the supreme court of Ohio to practise law — the first woman lawyer in Cleveland. In June, 1886, a board of elections, authorized by the legislature in the previous month of 'May, was organized with General James Barnett, Editor William W. Armstrong, J. II. Schneider, and Herman Weber as its first members; and I\Iajor William J. Gleason as its secretary. In 1887, came the greatest criminal tragedy in the history of Cuyahoga County. In January, burglars entered a Cleveland store and took away several thousand dollars worth of furs. The furs were never recovered but one of the burglars was arrested at Allegheny City in Pennsylvania. Capt. Henry Hoehn and Detective William II. Hulligan of the Cleveland police force were sent for the prisoner. On their return with their man tiiey were suddenly attacked by three armed men about three o'clock in the morning, while the train was standing at the station at Ravenna, Hoehn was shot in the leg and Ilulligan's skull was fractured with an iron coupling pin. While Hulligan was unconscious, he was dragged from the car, his keys were taken from his pocket, and the bracelet that bound him to the prisoner was un- locked. The four criminals then escaped in the darkness. Hoehn recovered but Hilligan died. In June, three men were arrested at Alpena, Michigan, after a desperate struggle in which the sheriff was shot : from his wound, the sheriff died. The trio was brought to Cleve- land and its members were recognized by Captain Hoehn as the ones who had made the rescue. Taken to Ravenna for trial, one of the three. 276 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVIII Charles ^lorgan, but better known as "Blinky" ^Morgan, was con- victed and executed. The other two were also found guilty, but they secured a new trial and were finally set free. Second High Level Bridge In December, 1888, came the formal opening of a second high-level bridge, the two sections of wliich ai'e known as the Central and the Abbey Street viaducts, "the great new structure that hung so lightlj' and gracefully across the w'ide valley and so far above the Cuyahoga River," uniting the East Side with the South Side, as the East and West Sides had been united ten yeai's before. This additional bond will be described in a later chapter. In 1880, the population of Cleve- land was 160,146 ; in 1890, it was 261,353. Speaking in Cleveland in 1892, the superintendent of the United States census of 1890 said of Cleveland's iron-ore traffic : An investment of $175,394,985 seems almost beyond the propor- tions of any one closely connected line of commerce, but such are the tigures representing the capital involved, on July 1, 1892, in min- ing and transporting, by lake and rail, the output of the Lake Supe- rior iron mining district. The sale and movement of every ton of ore from this district is conducted by sales agents in Cleveland who are also owners of the mines to a large extent. Here the docks at all Lake Erie ports, excepting Bulfalo and Erie, are controlled, and here is owned fully 80 per cent, of the vessel property engaged in this commerce, which forms the largest single item in the lake traffic. This country consumed, in 1890, 17,500,000 gross tons of iron ore. Of this amount, 1,246,830 tons were imported, and 16,253,170 tons were of home production. Lake Superior mines iiroduced, in the same year. 9,003,701 gross tuns, or more than one-half tlu^ raw ma- terial for a nation that leads the world in the output of pig iron, Bessemer steel and steel rails. This statement is in itself eno\igh to show the relation the city bears to the iron industry, whose ]>rosperity is most often used to serve as a measure of the general business pros- perity of the country. L.\BGE.ST SlIII'BUII-DING CeNTEI! IN THE COUNTRY (1890) The census report for 1890 revealed the fact that Cleveland had become the largest shijibuilding factor in the United States, 'the lead- ing ti'io registering as I'ollows: Cleveland, in gi-oss tons 71,322 Philadelphia, in gross tons 53,811 Bath, Maine, in gross tons 49,830 IHiHl-Dll THE CF.NSUS AND THE FEDERAL PLAN 277 The iTport also showt'tl that ""in goniTul uuuiut'aeturing, heavy t'org- ings, wire nails, nuts and bolts, carriage and wagon hardware, vapor stoves, sewing machines, steel-tired car wheels, and heavy street railway machinery, Cleveland led all the cities of the country." The report of the Board of Trade said that "here are located the greatest shoddy mills in .\merica ; a plant for the manufacture of sewing machine woodwork that has no equal in the world ; a steel bridge works that is represented in massive structures spanning rivers and valleys over the entire continent, and an electric light carbon works having a capacity of ten million carbons annually with a market for its product extending to Jlexico, South America, China and Japan." The blast furnaces, and iron and steel mills had a capacity reported in net tons as follows : Pig-iron 275,000 Bessemer and open-hearth bloom, billets, etc 545,000 Rails 100,000 Wire rods 288,000 Jlerchant bars and shapes 108,500 Plates, axles, t'orgings, etc 210,000 The products turned out were valued at $47,364,764. Municipal-Federal Plan Adopted Events of importance now come in such rapid succession that not many of them may be even mentiojicd, such as the defalcation and flight of a city treasurer, the organization of the Epworth League; the creation of the John Huntington Benevolent Trust, and the several bequests that have resulted, after years of waiting, in our present, beautiful art gallery fittingly placed in Wade Park, another of tiie many benefactions of Cleveland's wealthy men. But a radical change in the foundations of the municipality may not be passed with such scant notice. Such a change came with the adoption of the so-called •'Federal Plan." At that time, Cleveland s government was somewhat closely analogous to an old house; built originally for a small family, and with wings, L's, and lean-to's added as wealth and children in- creased; the whole exhibiting a motley style of architecture not pleas- ing to the eye, convenient for daily use, or economical to maintain. Such was our patched and repatched charter for a town made to do duty for a great and growing city. After much local agitation, the state legislature was induced to enact a bill giving the city a new charter, which went into effect straightway after the election of the sixth of April, 1891. It made a clear cut distinction between executive 278 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XVIII and legislative functions. An elective mayor was the central figure of the executive branch. Appointed by him and confirmed by the municipal legislature, where the six members of his cabinet, each of whom was a director in charge of a department, thus: law, public works, police, fire, accounts, and charities and correction. Each direc- tor made appointments in his department absolutely "without the advice and consent of the council," but firemen and policemen were under the shelter of civil service reform. The municipal legislature consisted of twenty councilmen, two for each of the ten districts into which the forty wards were divided: Other than the selection of its own clerk, sergeant-at-arms. and page, "the council shall exercise no power of election or appointment to any office." The city treasurer, the police judge, the prosecuting attorney, and the clerk of the police court were elected by the people. The mayor was to receive a salary of $6,000 a year; the director of law, .$5,000; and each of the other directors, $4,000. Each member of the city council was to receive five dollars for each regular meeting (weekly) that he attended. The mayor and the directors liad seats in tlie council with the right to take part in its deliberations liut not to vote. A supplementary law pro- vided (April 10, 1891) that in case of the disability or absence of the mayor the duties of his office should devolve upon the directors in the order given above. At the first election under the new plan, William G. Rose was elected mayor: he had had a term in the office fourteen years before. By liis selection, his cabinet was constituted as follows : Director of law. Gen. P^dward S. Meyer. Director of public works, R. R. Ilerrick. Director of police. Colonel .lolm W. (;il)bons. Director of fire, Colonel Louis Black. Dii-ector of accounts, F. C. Bangs. Director of charities and cori-ection, David ^Morison. The mayor and directors constituted tlu> "Boai'd of Control;" the board met twice each week and constitiiti'il one of the most im- portant of the iiiunicii)al agencies. Mv. Bhick soon I'csigncil and his jjlace in the cabinet was liUed by the choice of George \V. (iardnci-, who like Mr. Rose and Dii'cctor llci-rick liad had experience as iiiaytn- of the city. The members of Mie Hi-st " Ketieral Plan Councir" wei-e E. E. Beeman. P.. W. .fackson. Patrick ■]. McKenncy, 1', C. O'llrien, .lolm (', Karnlielil, .1. K. Holi'. ('Iiai-lcs ,\. l)a\iilsoii, Robert I'', .lolies, Albert Straus, .lolm I. Xunn, Tlicmlofe .M. Pates. I'^lroy M. .\very. 1891] MUNICIIWI, LEGISLATION 279 Jolin Sk.\ nil, John Havlicek, IMichael Riley, M. C. Malloy, John Wil- heliii, .Malaclii Ryan, Joseph J. I'tak, ami William Powell. jMr. David- son was ehosen jiri'sident of the eoinu'il and Howard II. Hurgess, city clerk. The first imjiortant legislation by the eonneil was the jtassage of the ordinanees estahlisiiing the several departments and defining their pow- ers and limitation.s. Its most spectacular jterformance was the reduc- tion of the jiriee of artificial (coal) gas. Tlie ofifieial record of the council for the fourth of May, 1891, under the head of Ordinances In- troduced, contains these brief entries: Regul.vting the Price of Gas By Mr. Xunn. No. 1819. To regulate the price which may be charged for gas to be hereafter furnished to the City of Cleveland and to the citizens thereof. Read tii"st time. The rules were suspended — Yeas 18, nays 2. R becdme a member. On the following moniing (Juno 7), the changed sign across the front of headquarters read 1898] DAUUHTKHS OK TIIH AM KKICAX HKVoLWTlOX 31:i The War Kjikrc.ency Kei.iki' Boakd Orgmiizcd by the Daughters of the American Revolution. On the nintli of June, the War Emergency Relief Board appointed the following officers and chairmen of committees, they collectively to constitute an executive committee: President, ]Mrs. Antlrow S(|uire, Vice-presidents: .Mrs. M. E. Kawsoii, .Mrs. Saniucl Mather, Mrs. Elroy M. Avery, Mi-s. J. II. Welistcr, Corresponding secretorij, Mrs. Kenyon V. Painter, Becording secretary, ilrs. William jMcLauchlan, Treasurer, Mrs. Robert R. Rhodes, Assistant treasurer, Mrs. John T. Martin, Ilononin/ Viee-i>reside)its: Mrs. M. A. Ilanna, ^Irs. C T. Dangler, JIi-s. Virgil i'. Kline. :Mrs. W. A. Leonard, Mrs. W. K. Wanier, Mrs. E. II. Seymour, Jlrs. Win. Chisholni, I\Irs. S. A. Raymond, ]\Irs. L. E. Holden, .Mrs. W. 11. Karriss, Mrs, Loe McBride, aiid .Mrs. J, A. King, Cliairman in Charge of Collection, jMrs. Frank Billings, Chairman, in Charge of Distribution, Mrs. S. Preiiti.ss Baldwin, Chairman in Charge of Recommendation of Nurses, Mrs, J. A. Stepliens, Chairman in Charge of Headquarters, Mrs. 0. J. Hodge, Chairman in Cluirge of Transportation, ]\Irs. E. A. Handy, Chairman in Charge of Home Relief, l\Irs, H, D, Goulder. On the following day, the executive committee decided to hold a meeting on each Friday morning and ordered the appointment of a committee on disbursement (with the president as chairman) to decide all matters of expenditure. Mrs. Squire appointed as her assistants on the committee Mrs. Samuel Mather, Mrs. Elroy M. Avery, Mrs. Robert R. Rhodes, Mrs. Frank Billings, and Mrs, Wil- liam McLachlan, A committee on distribution, to determine whither supplies should be sent was constituted as follows : Mrs. Andrew Squire, Mrs. S. Prentiss Baldwin, Mrs. E. A. Handy, and Mrs. Kenyon V. Painter, Subsequently, these two committees were consoli- dated with ;Mrs. ]\Iather as chairman, and with the name changed to The Appropriation Committee. On the fifteenth of June, the headquar- ters were moved from Bond Street to the Lennox Building at the comer of Euclid Avenue and Erie (East Ninth) Street. At the middle of July, the War Emergency Relief Board became also Auxiliary No. 40 of the National Red Cross Society, and it was unanimously decided to drop from the name of the board the words "Organized by the Daughters of the American Revolution." As finally constituted, the organization of the "War Emergency Relief Board, Cleveland, Ohio" was as follows: 314 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XX President, Mrs. Andrew Squire, Regent, D. A. R. Vice-presidents: Mrs. M. E. Raw.sou, Vit-e-chairman Red Cross; Mrs. Elroy M. Avery, in charge of Auxiliary Orgauizations ; Mrs. Samuel blather, in charge of Appropriatious ; Mrs. J. H. Webster, Vice-regent, D. A. R. Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Kenyon V. Painter. Recording secretary, Mrs. Wm. McLauchlau. Treasurer, Mrs. R. R. Rhodes. Assistant treasurer, Mrs. J. T. Martin. Honorary Vice-presidents: Mrs. j\I. A. Hanna, Mrs. W. A. Leonard, IMrs. Win. Chisholm, ilrs. AV. II. Barriss, Mrs. C. I. Dangler, Mrs. W. R. Warner, Mrs. S. A. Raymond, :Mrs. Lee McBride, Mrs. A'irgil P. Kline, Mrs. E. H. Seymour, Mrs. L. E. Holdeu, Mrs. J. A. King, Miss Kate Mather, ilrs. M. B. Schwab, Mrs. Walter Woodford, Mrs. C. S. Van Wagoner. Advisory Cmnmittees: The members of the Sanitary Commission (1861-65), Mrs. Thomas Bolton, Chairman, Mrs. Proctor Thayer, Vice- chairman; and the ililitary Board of the Chamber of Commerce. Appropriation Committee: Mrs. Samuel IMather, Mrs. Andrew Squire, ilrs. Kenyon \. Painter, Mrs. William MeLauchlan, Mrs. Robert R. Rhodes, ".Mrs. Elroy il. Aveiy, Mrs. Frank Billings, Mrs. S. Prentiss Baldwin, Mrs. E. A. Handy. Heads of Departments: Department of Auxiliary Organizations, Mrs. Elroy M. Avery ; Department of Headciuarters, Mrs. 0. J. Hodge ; Department of Collection, Mrs. Frank Billings; Department of Dis- tribution, Mrs. S. Prentiss Baldwin ; Department of Transportation, Mrs. E. A. Handy ; Department of Recommendation of Nvirses, Mrs. J. A. Stephens; Department of Home Relief, 'Sirs. Harvey D. Goulder; Department of Train Relief, .Mrs. F. P. Smith. The rapid succession of American victories in two hemispheres induced the government of Spain to make formal overtures for peace on the twenty-second of July, 1898, the American and Spanish commissioners met in their first official conference in Paris on the first of October, and the treaty of peace was signed on the tenth of December. In the meantime, troops were returning from Cuba, etc., to "God's country;" the fighting had been finished. Soon the transports were landing their burdens of misei'y at the eastern end of Long l.sland and, on the fifth of September, a tele- gram was received asking that graduate nurses be sent to Montauk Point. Five were sent on the following day, and the last one was sent o'u the eleventh. In November, the several departments submitted their reports of their five months' arduous laboi-s. The treasurer reported receipts of $9,222.40; the net balance of $337.11 was divided pro rata among the hospitals to reimburse them in part for the cost of opening new wards upon request for the care of sick soldiers. The i-cport of the 1898] DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 315 vice-president in charge ol' auxiliary organizations takes up twenty- five octavo, printed pages. The 188 auxiliary organizations, many of which were formed by this departm.eut for the emergency work, sent 194 boxes, 33 ban-els, and 101 packages of goods, all of which had to be unpacked, assorted, distributed, repacked, and shipped. The express companies manifested a patriotic helpfulness and liber- ality, and the railway companies cheerfully allowed many a soldier going to the front to cheek as baggage supplies that he later deliv- ered to the officer for whom it was intended, the consignee being notified by mail of the shipment and the agent who personallj' con- ducted it to its destination. The cash donations from the auxiliaries outside of Cleveland aggregated moi"e than a thousand dollars. These outside organizations were well scattered over Northern Ohio, and extended from Akron, Ashtabula and beyond to Sandusky and the River Styx. All honor and enduring gi-atitude for the noble women of Ohio who thus worked for God, countiy, and humanity!* Cm)velanders off for Cub.v In the meantime, General George A. Garretson, the Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, the Ninth Battalion Ohio National Guard, the Tenth Oliio Volunteer Infantry, the first Battalion Ohio Vol- initeer Light Artillery, the First Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, were in the service of the United States, and the men at home were giving active, loyal support in full measure. "There was not the need for the frenzied onrush of recruits that made Cleveland's place in the history of the civil war such a prominent one, but, even at this, it contributed a far greater percentage of Ohio's quota than was its just due. The Cleveland Chamber of Commerce gave a fine stand of colors to every departing detachment." When the "Boys Came Marching Home Again," the women who had given so many hours of wearj^- ing toil to soothe their pains and to mitigate their discomforts met them with joyful acclamations and whole hearted welcome. Con- spicuous among the many were the "White Escort," organized by Mrs. Tsabelle Alexander. Todaj% every camp of Spanish War vet- erans has its Woman's Auxiliary. On each successive Decoration Day, the veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic are supported by the Sons of Veterans and the Spanish War Veterans, with the • Cleveland, Aiiprnst, 1918. I know a native-born "slacker." who, two years ago, vociferously proclaimed tliat women should not be allowed to vote because thev could not so to war and fight! — E. M. A. 316 CLEVELAND AND ITS EXVIRONS [Chap. XX "Wliite Escort still doiiig duty in the comiuemorative exercises of that sacred anniversary. Mayors McKisson and Farley Mayor McKisson was given a second ofScial tenn and, with the support of the city council and the board of control, kept up th.e struggle for better sti'eet-car service, began the work of straighten- ing the channel of the river, and put forth heroic measures for the Flag Presentation to Volunteers for Cuba reclamation of the lake front; he actually opened to the water's edge a street that had long been closed and occupied by the railway companies, and between two days, placed thereon lamp-posts and other symbols of municipal control ; he built a bridge over the rail- way tracks, and began the making of land along the shore just west of East Ninth Street. In short, "Mayor McKisson wasn't afraid." In 1899, he was succeeded in office by John H. Farley, "Honest Jdlui" he was called by many with nobody to deny. Mr. Farley had been mavor in the early Eighties. Real Queen City of tite Lower Lakes The thirteenth census of the United States brought great comfort to the Heart of the Western Reserve. The following table of popu- lation gives adequate explanation: 1900-01] GRAND AK.MV OF TllH HKPrBLIC 317 1890 1900 Detroit 20r),876 285,70-1 Buft'alo 2.)r),()64 352,387 Ciiu'iiiiiati 29(i,908 325,902 Ck'Vi'laii.l 201,35:5 381,768 In 1890, Ck'velaiul hail won the litU' of Queen City of the Lower Lakes; in 1900, Cleveland had become the Metropolis of Ohio. The Mayor Johnson Era In 1901, IMayor Farley was succeeded by the ever-to-be remem- bered Tom L. Johnson. Mr. Johnson, by successive elections, held the office for four terms and during those eight years there was something'- doin* all the time. In Septom])er, 1901, the thirty-fifth National Encampment of the Grand Ai-my of the Republic was held in Cleveland. A committee of one hundred representative citi- zens was formed and from it an executive committee of fifteen was chosen. The chairman of this committee was General James Barnett, by general consent "The First Citizen" of Cleveland; Colonel H. C. Ellison was the treasurer, and the Hon. Edward W. Doty was the efficient secretary. Of course, money would be needed ; of course, the money needed would be procured ; but the method of securing it "was different." It was evident from the first that Cleveland was unitedly and enthusia-stically in sympathj' with the movement, and so it was resolved to give the entire city an opportunity to contribute. ' ' No soliciting committee was foi'med ; not a single personal call was made. The newspapers told of the needs of the Executive Com- mittee — one hundred thousand dollars was the sum it thought de- sirable. A public appeal was followed by circular letters that were scattered broadcast over the city. No one was forgotten or neg- lected. The letter carrier in the 'Triangle' bore as heavy a burden as his fellow on the Euclid Avenue route. Evei-y citizen was invited ; but no one was coerced. He might give or not, just as he chose, and there was no one at his elbow to mollify." The executive committee had safely trxistcd the people and the people responded with patri- otic and grateful generosity. The amount of money sought was raised ; it was raised in an unprecedented time ; it was all done joy- ously. In the same spirit, Cleveland welcomed the thinned and rap- idly thinning ranks of the Boys in Blue, acknowledging her obliga- tion openly and showing her thankfulness gladly. One of the finest manifestations of the univer.sal feeling was the poem written for the occasion by William R. Rose: 318 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XX 1861 Out of the North, the loyal North, They came at the Chieftain's call; On fields of flame in Freedom's name They forced Rebellion's fall. Shoulder to shoulder they pressed along, Tlirilling the land with their marching song; Strident tlie drum with its pulsing beat, Rliythmic the fall of the tramping feet ; Sinews of manhood under the blue. Ready and eager, and fearless and true : Loyalty's tide, with resistless flow, Swept through the mists of the long ago. 1901 Slowly they come with throb of ilrum, The flag with its scars above; Li memory's name the loyal flame The.y feed from the cruse of love. Shoulder to shoulder they come in view, Side by side in the dear old blue ; Halting and bent, and with faltering feet, Onward they plod through the cheering street ; Burdens of age under blouses of blue — Many the dead, and the living so few ! Loyalty's army, remnant of yore. Drifts towards the mists of the silent shore. Tom Loftin Johnson was born at Georgetown in Kentucky on the eighteenth day of July, 1854. From 1869 to 1875, he was a clerk in a street railway office in Louisville. He invented several street railway devices, bought a street railway in Indianapolis, and became a man- ufacturer of iron. He later engaged in building street railways in Cleveland and served two terms (1891-95) in congress. He was an ardent advof-ate of the principles and single-tax theories of Henry George. Having accumulated wealth, he practically retired from active, money-making cfTorts and devoted himself chiefly to taxa- tion questions and official duties. He had a liking and a genius for sociological contention and once said to me: "Some men who can afford it take their recreation in gol f or buy steam yachts ; I find my best fun in politics." In 1901, he was elected mayor and soon thereafter publicly said: "If at the end of my life it shall be found that I have accomjilished any good thing for Cleveland, I want the credit therefor to bo given to Henry George." Tom Johnson certainly loved and sought j)ower and some of his methods were those common 1891-93] THE STREET RAILWAY STRUGGLE 319 to political "bosses," but, I feel sure, he loved power and authority, not for the selfish and senseless enjoyment of mere possession, but rather for the additional ability it gave to do things in which he believed with all his heart. I was not a believer in the principles; that constituted his main motive power and, in several municipal campaigns, took an active part in opposition to liis candidacy. But after the passing of years and witji the advantage of a better per- spective, I feel, in duty bound, to say that Tom Johnson served Cleveland in an altruistic spirit and here developeda civic conscious- Tom Johnson St.\tue in the Public Square ness and energized a public conscience that today are recognized as characteristic of this, the field of his latest and best labors. Struggle for 3-Cent Street Railway Fare The center of Tom Johnson's cyclonic career as mayor of Cleve- land was the memorable struggle for 3-cent street railway fare. The general situation of street railway matters at that time is set forth clearly in a later chapter. It will be enough here to say that nearly all tlie lines in the city were owned and operated by the Cleveland Electric Railway Company. The company's franchise, granted by the city council, was about to exi)irc, and the council that could renew the franchise was dominated by Mayor Johnson. After two years of legal warfare, the city council granted (May, 1893) to the People's Street Railway Company, a second low-fare franchise. No 320 • CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XX intelligent Clevelancler of mature age needs to be told by whom or for what purpose that company was organized. On the twenty -third of September of that year, ground was broken for a 3-cent line on the "West Side and, on the following day, "West Siders said: "It really looks as if we miglit some day ride on a street ear for three cents." The details of the ensuing fight, for it was a fight, cannot be told here although dramatic incidents followed one another in rapid succession. For example, late in 1905, the annexation of the village of South Brooklyn to the city of Cleveland was still incomplete, when Mayor Johnson was informed that the village council was likely to grant an extended franchise to the Cleveland Electric Rail- way Company before the annexation proceedings were completed. Then Peter Witt, the city clerk and staunch lieutenant of the mayor, was sent with a policeman to South Brooklyn to sieze all village records and papers and to take the clerk of the village into the oity and hold him there as long as might be necessary. Then a force of the city police was sent to the village to guard the village hall and to prevent any meeting of the village council until the annexation was a thing accomplished. In the course of time, the People's Street Railway Company became the Forest City Railway Company, and a holding company known as the Municipal Traction Company was formed and leased the prop- erty. The Cleveland council gave this Municipal Traction Company a franchise to lay a duplicating line on the west side of Fulton Road, and, by resolution, ordered (June 11, 1906) the Cleveland Electric Railway Company to move its track from the middle of Fulton Road to make room for the proposed track and to do so within thirty days. Fulton Road was an important bit in the proposed advance of the low-fare lines toward the Public Square, but the order of the council was disregarded by the old company. Mayor Johnson laid his plans for a coup with care and secrecy. On the moniing of the twenty- fifth of July, the mayor, the president of the board of public service, the street superintendent, with other city officials, the president of the Traction Company, and worknien were at Pulton Road by five o'clock and promptly began the work of tearing up the trades that were still in the middle of the highway. When the officials of the Cleveland Electric Railway Company tardily heard of the mayor's move, they applied for an injunction which the compliant court promptly granted. The process server who was rushed to the scene did not find the really responsible party and, as no one else could call off the workmen, the injunction was ignored. For this palpable offense, the maj^or and the president of the board of public service 1906-08] THE STKEirr RAILWAY STRUGGLE 321 were cited for contempt of court. The mayor was exonerated but his subordinate was fined a luindrcd dollars, "which, I am happj^ to say, he never jiaid," Mayor Joluison says in liis autobiography entitled "My Story." On the first of November, 1896, the West Siders deco- rated tlieir houses and made gala day as the first 3-cent car went by with JMayor Johnson acting as motorman. All that now stood between the 3-cent line (the Three-fer it was commonly called) and the coveted center of the city was the lower part of Superior Street from the eastern end of the viaduct to the l*ublic Square, then occupied by four tracks of the old company. For years this had been "free territory" but the court had tied it up with an injunction. In the night following the twenty-sixth of December, 1906, the board of public service held a meeting and authorized the action that quickly followed. Hundreds of men and scores of teams, and the needed material had been assembled in, secluded but convenient parts of the down-town district. At mid- night, the work in hand was begun and morning found a straggling, zig-zag track laid on top of the pavement from the viaduct to the Square. The trolley wire overhead hung loosely from scantling arms carried by trolley poles that were planted in cinder-filled bar- rels that were nailed to weighted wagons to keep them in place. And so the 3-cent fare cars got to the center of the city. The performance was audacious, picturesque, and characteristic. As the council would not renew the expiring franchises of the old company, the best that the Cleveland Electric Railway Company could do was to lease its lines to the Municipal Traction Company, and this they did, making contract provisions that included protection of their employes all of whom had been loyal to the corporation for which many of them had worked for years. The general manager of the Municipal Traction Company, now operating all the street car lines in the city on a 3-cent fare basis, was A. B. duPont, a kinsman of the mayor. One of the red-letter days of the long-drawn- out struggle was the twenty-eighth of April, 1908, on which day all the cars wei-e run free, 3-cent fare having taken eflfeet on all the lines of the cit}^ the day before. It was a day of triumph for Maj'or Johnson ; the crowded cars with their noisy burdens suggested to some an importation of a New Orleans mardi-gras, or "the swarm- ing of some ten thousand swarms of ten thousand moving bee-hives of brown and yellow," and to others the triumphal procession of a victorious Caesar coming back from the wars with captive kings and princes in his train, or the older story of Achilles dragging the body of the slain Hector three times around the walls of the ancient Vol. 1—21 322 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XX Troy. But today, the more fitting historical analogue is the return of the great discoverer from his first voyage to the New World, when Cohirabus and the chivalry of Spain rode through the crowded streets of Barcelona and into the presence of the waiting Ferdinand and Isabella. The glory and barbaric pomp were but for a day ; they never were repeated. And so from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe. And then from hour to hour, we rot aud rot, - And thereby liaiigs a tale. Before long, Mr. duPont began to reward the newly-fledged employes who had been in the service of the Traction Company by giving to them the choicest runs in the service, taking many of them from old employes of the Cleveland Electric Railway Company, in di- rect violation of the terms of the lease above mentioned. A street- railway motorman or conductor has little chance for promotion and, in general, the best for which he can hope is the securing of one of the best runs. F'or instance, a run that consisted of consecutive hours in the daytime was more to be desired than one that began at four o'clock in the morning, ran on for two or three or four hours, laid the man off in the middle of the day, called him back for two or three "rush" hours in the early evening, laid him off again, called him back in time to carry passengers home when the theaters closed, and sent him home at or after midnight. As chairman of a city coun- cil committee. I learned that such runs were not rare and that "swing" runs were worse ; that some of the men could not get four consecutive hours of sleep out of twenty-four, and seldom saw their children when the children were awake. The distribution of the desirable runs was made by the seniority rule ; i. e., the man who had been longest in service took his choice, the next oldest employe took his choice of what was left, and so on. Many of these "plums" were taken from motormen and conductors who had won them by long and faithful service and given, in direct violation of the terms of the lease, to comparatively new employes whose chief merit lay in their loyalty to the Municipal Traction Company in the antecedent era. In consequence of this flagrant wrong and some others of less importance to the men, eighteen hundred of Mr. duPont's employes "went on strike" (May 1, 1908) ; the question of wages was in no way involved. The Tayler Franchise or course, the I\Iunicii)al Traction Companj' needed large, sums of money and capitalists were careful as to security before they 190S-10] THE STREET RAll-WAV l-'K'ANCHISE 323 would iiuiUc tlie ncodiHl loans. Tliuii the city L-ouucil passed an ordi- nance tliat really placed the credit of the city back of the bonds of the ciiinpany. The law under which this was done provided that such an ordinance should be subjected to a referendum vote if peti- tioned for within a certain number of days by a certain number of voters. The number of jictitioners was larfre and the number of uuexpired days was small; it seemed impossible that the work could be done in the time. Tiien came the strike setting free eight- een hundred able-bodied and intelligent men who got behind the petitions and pushed their ball over the line just in time. Mayor Johnson had long been an active advocate of the initiative and ref- erendum, but he did lujt like the turn that things were taking. In spite of the mayor's opposition, the ordinance was put to vote (Octo- ber 22, 1908) and the referendum killed it by the small majority of about 600. The killing of the ordinance made it impossible for the Traction Company to secure the needed loans and, in the end, forced the transfer of all the lines back to the Cleveland Railway Company (^larch 1, 1910) under a new franchise drafted by Robert W. Tayler, United States judge for the Nortlicrn District of Ohio. This remarkable franchise begins with the following preamble: Whereas, The Cleveland Railway Company is the owner of a sys- tem of street railroads within the city of Cleveland ; and Whereas, The Forest City Railway Company, The Municipal Traction Company and The Cleveland Railway Company are parties to litigation affecting the ownerehip of various unexpired street-rail- road grants for lines, all of which lines are now operated by a receiver appointed by the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division ; and Whereas, It is the common desire of the city and The Cleveland Railway Company to have all the grant.s of street-railway I'ights in the city of Cleveland now outstanding surrendered and renewed upon terms hereinafter recited, to the end that the rate of fare may be re- duced, the transfer privileges made definite, and the right of the city as to regulation and possible acquisition made certain ; and Wliereas, It is agreed that a complete re-adjustment of the street- railroad situation sliould be made, upon tei-ms that will secure to the owners of the property invested in street railroads security as to their property, and a fair and fixed rate of return thereon, at the same time securing to the publji- the largest powers of regidation in the interest of public service, and the best street-railroad transportation at cost, consistent with the security of the property, and tlie certainty of a fixed return thereon, and no more; Now, therefore, be it oi-dained by the council of the city of Cleve- land, State of Ohio, etc. 324 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XX This ordinance, No. 16238A, passed December 18, 1909, approved by the mayor, December 18, 1909 ; accepted by the Cleveland Rail- way Companj', December 20, 1909 ; acceptance ratified by the stock- holders of the company, Januaiy 26, 1910; approved at referendum election, February 17, 1910; effective, February 19, 1910, and amended by Ordinance No. 20S90B, passed July 10, 1911 ; approved by the mayor, July 14, 1911; accepted by the Cleveland Railway Company, July 11, 1911 ; approved at referendum election, Novem- ber 7, 1911 ; effective, December 4, 1911, provides that the Cleveland Railway Company be given a renewed franchise for all the street railway lines in the city, from the nineteenth of Februarj', 1910, to the first of ]\Iay, 1934, in consideration of a surrender of all unex- pired franchise rights, and resei*ves to the city the right to grant to any other person or corporation the right jointly to use for street- railroad purposes the central district of the city "upon such rea- sonable terms and conditions as the council may prescribe." For the pui-pose of fixing a basis for the rate of fare, and the price at which the property of the company may be purchased, the capital value of the sj-stem was fixed at $24,091,600. In the matter of munieiiial regulation, the principal agent is a city street railroad commissioner, appointed by the mayor, confirmed by the council, and paid by the company with the expense of the nec- essary "assistants, accountants, engineers, clerks, and other employes to inspect and audit all receipts, disbursements, vouchers, prices, payrolls, time-cards, papers, books, documents and property of the company." The commissioner was made the technical advisor of the council and required to keep infoniied on every phase of the com- pany's business. Plans and estimates of all proposed extensions, etc., had to be filed with the commissioner for examination and appi'oval, the final ajipi'oval to be given by the city council. The com]iany was to pay the commissioner a salary not exceeding .$1,000 a month', fixed from time to time by the council, and to furnish liim office room, furniture, stationery and supplies. The city reserved to itself the entire control of the service, includ- ing schedules, routes, and the character of the cai-s, provided thati the service demanded would, at the maximum rate of fare, produce enough money to meet the ordinance requirements concerning the interest fund. This interest fund was a gauge to determine the rate of fare. The ordinance fixed the amount of this fund at $500,000 and iiicluded all earnings above operating, maintenance, and renewal allowances; interest dividends, and taxes were to be deducted from linO-ll] TlIK STHKKT KAILWAY KUAXCIIISE 325 the fund. The preainhk> of the ordinance gave assurance of a "cer- tainty of a fixed return and uo more," and the ordinance itself lixcd suoli returns as follows: («) 5% per aiuuuu on the total bonded indebtedness of the company. (b) 6% ])er annum on the floating indebtedness. (c) 6% per anniun on the stock, payable quarterly. As the balance in the interest fund weut up or down, the rate o^ fare was changed, according to a prescribed schedule, the maximum rate being 4-cent cash fare, seven ticket!? for twenty-five cents, one cent for a transfer and no rebate thereof. The minimum rate was 2-eent cash fare, with one cent for a transfer, this cent to be rebated to the passengci- wlien the transfer ticket was taken up on the trans- fer line. As the balance in the interest fund weut up, the rate of fare automatically went down, and vice versa. The schedule pro- vided ten different rates of fare ; the first to go into effect was 3-cent cash fare, with one cent for transfer and no rebate; su1)sequently, the rate fell to 3-cent cash fare, with one cent for transfer and rebate. This sliding scale of fares might be changed on demand of the city or of the company; in case of disagreement, the question was to be settled by arbitration. When the unexpired term of tlie franchise became less than fifteen years (i. e., after May 1, 1919), the com- pany may elect to change the maximum rate of fare and to assume complete control of service (subject,' of course, to the city's police powers) on condition that whenever the amount credited to the interest fund (less the proportionate accrued pa.yments to be made therefrom) was $200,000 in excess of .$.500,000, such excess should be applied to the reduction of the capital value of the company, the benefit of such reduction to go as a reduction of the purchase price to the city or its licensee. If the city or its licensee should buy the property before the expiration of the grant, the purchase price was to be the capital value plus ten per cent. ; at the expiration of the grant, this possible ten per cent bonus fell off. If the city or its licensee, as purchaser, should assume the payment of the bonded in- debtedness of the company, the amount of .such indebtedness must be deducted from the capital value before determining the purchase price. Such are the characteristic features of the ordinance which provides for a multiplicity of details, such as free transportation of policemen, fii-emen, and employes; operating and maintenance allow- ances: equipment; extensions, betterments, and permanent improve- ments; accounting system.s, etc. The most prominent of all the fea- 326 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XX tures of the Taj-ler gi-ant are the cominissioner and the interest fund. The ordinance was not amended until August, 1918, when, because of increased expenditures due largely to the war then going on, five additional rates of fare were authorized, the maximum being thus raised to 6-cent cash fare, nine tickets for fifty cents, with one cent for transfer without rebate. The first application of the new fare schedule, now in force (September, 1918) fixed the fare at 5-cent cash fare, five tickets for twenty-five cents, with one cent for transfer and no rebate. Natural Gas, Street Names, Etc. While the long fight for 3-cent fare was largely attracting the attention of the public, the ordinary events incidental to municipal gi-owth were taking place. Thus, the East Ohio Gas Company was organized, secured control of the two companies that were making and selling coal gas, and, in February, 1903, began supplying Cleve- land with natural gas. Most of this supply is piped from "West Virginia fields. The company now (1918) has more than 200,000 consumers with the demand exceeding the supply. After careful study and long continued deliberation, official and unofficial, the system of street nomenclature and house numbering was radically changed (January 23, 1905). Under the present system, the city is divided into four sections, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest. The dividing line bvtwcen east and west is Ontario Street from the lake to the river, and thence southward following the river. On tlie East Side, the dividing line between north and south is West Supei'ior Avenue and Euclid Avenue. On tlie West Side, the divid- ing line between north and south is Lorain Avenue. Highways that run api^roximately east and west are called avenues, and in general bear their old names ; thus St. Clair Street became St. Clair Avenue. Highways that run approximately north and south are numbered consecutively east and west from Ontario Street, the meridian ; thus Willson Avenue became East Fifty-fifth Street and Pearl Street becaiiie West Twenty-fifth Street. Dead-end liigliways (open at only one end) that run ai)pr()xinuitely north and south are called Places and are iiuinbciTd like streets: thus Ilodge Alley became East Thir- teciilli Place. Dead-end highways that run approximately east and west are called Courts and generally bear their old names like llio avenues. Highways that run along lines materially diffei-eiit from iioi'th and south, or east and west, are designated as Iloads, with names sometimes modified or changed as seemed desirable ; thus Woodland Tlills .\veinie lieciime Woodliill Road. The section of tli(> city is gener- 19051 STRKET NAMKS AND NUMBERS 327 ally iiulioated by aililing the initial letters, N. E., N. W., S. E., or S. W., to the name; thus there is an East Fifty-fifth Street, N. E., and an East Fifty-fifth Street, S. E., or, more briefly but just as definitely, Fifty-fifth Street, N. E., and Fifty-fifth Street, S. E. On the avenues, the houses are numbered one hundred to the block, with the even numbers on the right hand side as one goes east or west from Ontario Street (the mei-idian) ; thus the Laurel School, 10001 Euclid Avenue, IE I i B 6 [imia ^ East Ohio Gas Company's Building is on the left-hand (north) side of the street, the first house beyond the line of One Hundredth Street. On the streets, the houses are numbered consecutively southward from the lake with the even num- bers on the right-hand (west) side of the street as one goes in that direction ; thus the Woodward Masonic Temple, 1949 East One Hundred and Fifth Street, is on the left-hand (east) side of a street a hundred and five blocks east of Ontario Street, which, as everyone knows or quickly learns, runs through the middle of the Public 328 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XX Square, from which all distances in the city are generally measured. After one has learned a few fixed facts, such as that Euclid Avenue divides the house numbers of the streets at 2000, one easily per- ceives that the Woodward Masonic Temple is on the east side of the street just a little north of Euclid Avenue. A brief stay in the city soon familiarizes one with these fixed facts and with the plan, and, after that, one will quickly realize the many advantages secured by the change made in January, 1905. For example, even an old resident of the city desiring to find a person who lived at a certain number on Logan Street, might have no idea where that person might be found, but when he is told that the desired person lives at 2035 East Ninety-sixth Street, the mind instantly and with- out inquiry locates him on the left-hand or east side of the ninety- sixth street east of the Public Square, and a few doors south of Euclid Avenue. He therefore takes a Euclid Avenue street car, gets off at the corner of Ea.st Ninety -sixth Street, walks south a few steps, and without doubt or delay pushes the button and rings the bell at the front door of the right house. Belt Ijine Railw^at Not Electrified About this time, the Belt Line Railway scheme was on the anvil. The road was intended to lessen freight traffic through the central part of the city and was generally believed to be promoted by what were called the New York Central Railroad interests (a not very wild guess) . As part of the proposed line was to run through a fine residence section at the East End, there was a loud demand that the road be made an electric road, thus to lessen the noise incident to the passing trains, or, at least, that the locomotives be fed with hard coal or oil, thus to avoid an unnecessary addition to the already costly and offensive smoke nuisance that made Cleveland almost as dirty as Pittsburgh. But the council (i. e., Mayor Johnson) turned deaf ears to appeals and threats and granted the franchise (August 7, 1905) asked for without imposing any such restrictions. This is the solitary act of Mayor Tom L. Johnson that has troubled me to ex- plain in accordance with the altruistic spii-it with which I have already credited him. Moses Cleaveland's Bi-kiai, Place In 1899, i\Ir. and Mrs. Elroy M. Avery made a new "Cantci'bury I'ilgrimagc. " Northward about half a mile from Canterbury Green * they found a small, neglected burying-ground aliont Sec map on page 29. 3899-190G] THE CIJAVK OF MOS^KS CLKAVELAND 329 an acre in area and surronnded by one of the rough fstone walls that, in New England, often serve as substitutes for fences. The wall was much broken and the ii'on gate was dilapidated and difficult to adjust. The acre was separated from the highwaj' by a narrow strip of land, the ripening corn on which concealed it from the view of passers-by. The little cemetery was overgrown with tall weeds through which two sheep led the way to the graves of General Moses Cleave- land and his nearest relatives. The graves were marked by four stone slabs, two standing nearly upright and two lying flat in their original positions. When the gathered moss was scraped away from the up- right slabs, one was found to bear this inscription : Moses Cleaveland Died Nov. 16, 1806 Aged 52 The other upright slab marked the grave of "Esther, Relict of Moses Cleaveland, Esq." She died January 17, 1840, aged 74. The flat slabs covered sandstone vaults in which rested the remains of the pai-ents of the founder of our city. These slabs had to be freed from filth and washed with water before the inscriptions could be read. The story of the quest was told in an illustrated, full-page article printed in the Plain Dealer (October 15, 1899) and the question raised, "What are you going to do about it?" The first satisfactory answer to this query came when, in the summer of 1906, the Cham- ber of Commerce appointed Elroy M. Avery, Tom L. Johnson, Harry A. Garfield, Charles Lathrop I'ack, Harvey D. Goulder, Worcester R. Warner, and Ambrose Swasey a committee to take action in the matter. The land between the buiying-ground and the highway was bought and given to the town, and a contract was let for a simple but sturdy memorial of Connecticut granite. On the centennial anni- versary of the death of General Cleaveland. F. F. Prentiss, president, IVIunsoii Havens, secretary, Ambrose Swasey, Hubert B. Fuller, and Elroy M. Avery of the Chamber of Commerce, and Liberty E. Holden, president of the Western Reserve Historical Society, at the old Canterbury burying-ground, met George S. Goddard of Hartford, the personal representative of the governor of Connecticut. Mr. Swase,y placed floral wreaths on the graves of Moses Cleaveland and his wife, but, owing to the inclemency of the weather, the other 190G1 TllK CAXTKHIU'RV MEMORIAL 331 exercises were lield in tlie church at Canterbury Green. At this meeting in the church, Mr. Aaron P. Morse, of the local board of selectmen, accepted the deed of the land, saying: It is witii i)lcMsure we receive this decil in the interests of the citizens of the town of Canterbury, and I promi.se that they will always endeavor to keep the plot green in memory of the nolile man we have met to honor. CHAPTER XXI THE SIXTH CITY On the first of January, 1910, Tom L. Johnson was succeeded as mayor of Cleveland by Herman C. Baehr M'ho held the office for two years that were weak and colorless as compared with the eight years that had gone before. The United States census of that year still further inflated the vanity of Clevelanders who measure greatness by population statistics. The comparative table, thus amplified was made to read: 1890 Cincinnati 296,908 Detroit 205,876 Buffalo 255,664 Pittsburgh 343,904 Baltimore 434,439 Cleveland 261,353 The greater part of the inflation above mentioned was caused by the fact that, in passing Baltimore, the " ^Metropolis of Ohio" had become "The Sixth City" of the United States. Prom that time to this, the honeyed words, "Sixth City," have been kept as standing matter in the composing room of every Cleveland newspaper and rnlilicd into almost every public or private mention of the city. One of the most nieinoralilc events of Mayor Baehr's administra- tion was his appointment of a city street railway commissioner at the maximum salai-y ($12,000 a year) aufhoi'izcd by tlio Taylor fran- chise. The young man appointed for this important position had lately come to Cleveland from a small Wisconsin town and consofiuontl}' was ill qualified to "act as the technical adviser of the council of the City of Cleveland in all matters" relating to Ihe operation and expenditures of such a liig business as was that of the Cleveland system of street railways. But Mr. Dahl di-ew bis comfortable salai-y for two yeai's and then packed his trunk and abandoned Cleveland. 1900 1910 325,902 363,591 285,704 465,766 352.387 423,715 451,512 533,905* 508,957 558,485 381,768 560,663 * Iiifhidos Allegheny City. 332 1910-13] MAYOR RAKER AND A NEW CHARTER 333 County Centennial Celebration In tlic fall (October 10-15, 1910), came a six days' celebration of the centennial of Cuyahoga County. As in the centennial of the city, held fourteen years before, there were elaborate programs, processions, music, cannon salutes, and speeches galore. Perhaps the event that attracted the gi-eatest public interest and admiration was the parade of automobiles decorated in every conceivable manner, ranging from historieal and serious, through the magnificently beautiful, to tlie commonplace and comic. It was the fitting successor of the Wheel- man's Day of 1896. The present Federal building covering the sites of the old post-office, the block that contained Case Hall, and the intervening street, was completed and ready for occupancy on the first of January, 1911. The cost of land and building was approxi- mately it!4, 600,000. During the erection of the new building, the post-office was housed in the Wilshire building on the north side of Superior Avenue between West Fourth and West Sixth streets. IMayor Baehr was succeeded (January, 1912) by Newton D. Baker* who had been Mayor Johnson's chief political lieutenant and the law director of the city. Of the campaign that lifted Mayor Baehr and a Republican administration into the city hall, Mr. Baker was the sole Democratic survivor. When he came to the chair that his former chief had occupied for eight years, he was accompanied or quickly followed by the still familiar faces of former members of Maj'or Johnson's official familj'. In short, it wa.s the "Henry George Administration" rediviviis. Tom Loftin Jojmson liad been transferred from Time to Eternity, but for the next four years Mayor Baker successfully directed the municipal affairs and marshaled the local Democratic hosts, winning victories in the name of the dead commander much as victories were won in the name of the Cid of Spanish ballad and romance. Home Rule Charter Framed Under authority of a new state constitution that had been framed by a convention and approved by a vote of the people in 1912, the voters of Cleveland elected fifteen commissioners who framed the present "Home Rule" charter for the city. The charter was approved by the voters of the city in July, 1913, and, under its provisions, officers were elected in the following November. The characteristic features of this new city charter are set forth in a later chapter of this volume. ' See portrait on page 441. 334 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXI Centennial Celebration of Perry's Victory In this summer, came the Centennial Celebration (September 14-17, 1913) of Perry's victory on Lake Erie. Centennial celebra- tions had become somewhat common, but the people of the city were quite ready for another. In the official souvenir program, Mayor Baker, as chairman ex-officio of the "Cleveland Perry Centennial Celebration Commission," said: Cleveland during these days is turning aside from her accustomed commercial and industrial activities, and with the same vigor and earnestness that mark her success in them is showing the loj-alty of her people to the best traditions of the Republic. Our aspiration for a finer and higher city civilization in Cleveland will be stinndatod by tlie recollection that it rests upou foundations of so heroic and patri- otic a character. The purpose of the celebration as officially stated was as follows : A hundred years has wrought mighty changes in our country and we celebrate the Centennial of one of the greatest achievements of history. There is something sublime in the roll of centuries measui-ed by the flight of revolving years, but there is something more sublime in measuring the march of progress as it is directed by a wise Provi- dence and achieved by a heroic people to secure the perpetuation of a Republic and the liberties of a suffering people and to bring perpetual peace among nations that once were at war with each other. "We aim in this to show four things : First. The importance of the battles with their victories. Second. The great undertaking of transporting men and the munitions of war across an almost pathless forest for hundreds of miles and to establish naval stations in tlie si)arscly settled regions of tlie Great Lakes. Third. The high character of the fleet, the skill and genius of the men who built and manned it. Fourth. The splendid endowment of Commodore Perry, and the bravery of the men who fought with him and his noble purpose to serve and save his country. NiAOAR.\ Day Henry Watterson, the veteran editor of the Louisville Courier- Journal supplied the story of the battle, and there was an elaborate and lengthy list of committees and the members thereof. Sunday, the fourteenth of Septenil)er, was designated as "Niagara Day," with special services in all tlie churches and a reception on board the government ships in tlic harlior in the forenoon. In the 1913] AXOTIIKR C'ENTENN'IAL CELEBRATION 335 afternoon, a naval pai-ado wont out into the lake to meet the "Ni- agara," Perry's tla^'sliij), rebuilt and refitted after the long sleep of the famous old briy at the bottom of ilisery Bay, Pres(iue Isle Harbor, Erie, Pennsylvania. At four o'clock in the afternoon, there was a reception of the "Niagara" at the East Ninth Street pier, with appropi-iate nuisie and addresses, after which came the "Pre- sentation of the "Niagara" by the lion. Harvey D. Goulder, chair- man of the reeei)tion committee" and its "Acceptance by the Hon. Newton D. Bakei-. maviir of the City of Cleveland." Meanwhile, The D.\y BEKonE the L.\unching there were commemorative exercises at Washington Park and water sports at Gordon Park. In the evening, there was an illuminated motor boat parade along the city front. Perry Day Monday, the fifteenth of September, was "Perry Day" with nnmer- ous exhibitions of relies of the war of 1812, old and new railway loco- motives and trains, fleet tactics bj- the naval militia ships, life-saving drill by the T'nited States Life Saving Crew, and naval target prac- tice, and aeroplane flights. In the evening, came a decorative automo- bile parade (with prizes), and a reception at the Hollenden Hotel by women's organizations, with Mayor and i\Irs. Baker at the head of the receiving line. United States troops were in camp at Edge- 336 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXI water Park aud carnival shows iu full bloom on the lake front at the foot of East Ninth Street. ChejDren 's and Women 's Day Tuesday, the sixteenth of September, was "Children's and Women's Day" with literary and musical exercises iu the forenoon at the Hollenden. In the afternoon, there were exercises at the Perry monument in Gordon Park, Harvey D. Goulder, chairman; music by the Perry orchestra and the Children's chorus, and an address by the Hon. John H. Clarke (now a member of the United States supreme court). In the evening, there were "Perry Patriotic Exer- cises," largely musical, at the Graj's' Armory, William Gordon, cliairnian, and Dr. Mattoon M. Curtis, speaker ; at Brookside Park, W. . ^al The NiAGAiiA Entkring CLEViiLANU Harbor J. Clark, chairman, and the Rev. Dr. Dan F. Bradley, speaker; at Edgewater I'ark, Mayor Baker, chairman, aud the Rev. Francis T. Moran, speaker; at Wade Park, the Hon. Martin A. Foran, chair- man, and Rabbi M. J. Grics, speaker; and at Miles Park, W. R. Hopkins, chairman, and the Rev. M. J. Keyes, speaker. The "Ni- agara" was kept open all day to the school children; eveiy child who visited the ship was given an American flag. The carnival shows were still doing business on the lake front. Conclusion op the Celebration On Wednesday, the seventeenth of September, there were motor boat races off Gordon Park and the annual Work Horse parade (with 1916-17] CLEVELAND IX EPITOME 337 prizes) in the t'luviinoii, and in tlic al'kTiuion tlic j;Tan(l Perrj' Cen- tennial jiarade. .Major CliaiU's K. Miller, grand niai-sluil, and Lien- tenant-eolonel Felix Rosenburg, chief of staff. There were eight divisions, the eighth consisting of industrial and decorated floats. In the evening, there were fireworks in Edgewater, Gordon, and Lakeview parks, with the Ihiited States troops still in camp and the carnival shows still guarding the city's exposed lake front. Mayor Baker Enters the Wilson Cabinet At the end of his second term, Mayor Baker declined a rcnomina- tion and soon became a member of President Woodrovv Wilson's cabi- net as secretary of war. His successor was Harry L. Davis, who is now (1918) serving his second term. Among the events of this ad- ministration may be mentioned the completion and occupancy of the new city hall, the opening of the new art gallery in Wade Park (June 6, 1916), the buihiing of the new high-level bridge, the beginning of a new auditorium building, and the national declaration of a state of war with Germany. These several events, and the noble response of Cleveland and Clevelanders to the calls of the government for men, money, and munitions will be considered in a later chapter. First City in American Hi'irit In 1917, a pamphlet entitled Cleveland was published with the statement that it was issued under the joint auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Industry, the Young Men's Christian Association, the Builders' Exchange, the Real Estate Board, the Federated Churches, and twenty-five other organizations, the sec- retaries of which had prepared its editorial copy. From this authori- tative document, now a year old, I clip and condense the following. This act of mine is not piracy, pillaging, or plagiarism, but rather the commendable taking of useful information for the public good. Sixth in population, fifth in manufacturing, fourth in fiiuiiicial importance, and first in civic attaiiunent, is the proud record that Cleveland holds up to view. By its recent achievements Cleveland ha.s gained the title of "First City in American Sjiirit." It stands first in the country, in proportion to its pn])nlation, in donations to the Red Cross and in enlistments, while it oversubscribed its (piota of the [first] Liberty Loan by nearly 100 per cent. Cleveland is the largest city between New York and Chicago. It had in 1917 a population, within its corporate limits, e>timatcd at more than SOO.OOO, and witliin a five-cent car-zone more than 1,000.000. The Connecticut Land Com- Vol. 1—22 338 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXI pany acquired 3,000,000 acres of land known as the Western Reserve at forty cents an acre; one acre in Cleveland today is worth more than $2,000,000. Cleveland has doubled its population every twenty yeai-s. Sixty years ago, it was forty-third city in the United States. At that time every city that now leads it ranked in the first eight. Cleveland is literallj' the melting pot of the nation. With the discovery of iron ore in the Lake Superior districts in the forties, and the construction of railroads from the East and South in the fifties, Cleveland realized that it occupied a strategic position for bringing together coal from the Ohio and Pennsylvania districts and iron ore from the upper lake regions. A steady and consistent expansion of industrial and business activities took place, which, through all the years to the present day, has continued uninter- ruptetlly. Realizing that destiny pointed to Cleveland as the natural meeting place of iron ore and coal, hundreds of manufacturing plants have sprung up throughout the years until today the city is second only to New York in the diversity of its industries. Cleveland now leads all other communities in the manufacture of nuts, bolts, wire goods, gray-iron castings, paints, varnishes, electiue batteries, twist drills, steel forgings, plumbers' fixtures, vacuum sweepers, carriage hardware, job printers' presses, astronomical appliances, and stands second only to New York in the manufacture of women's ready-to- wear clothing. With the advent of the automobile two decades ago, Cleveland became an important center for the manufacture of motor vehicles. The city now ranks second in the world in the production of automobiles. Cleveland is the home of the largest paint and var- nish factories in the country. Cleveland oM'ns or controls two-thirds of all the shipping upon the great lakes, with 45 steamship lines con- necting with all the ports upon these inland seas. The city has eight ])assenger boat lines, nine interui'ban lines, and is served by seven trunk lines, en.joying unexcelled transportation facilities. Pour of every five steamships carrying iron ore anil coal upon the great lakes are owned or controlled in Cleveland. More than 60 per cent of the 50,000,000 tons of iron ore annually brought down the lakes from the Northwest is received in the Cleveland district. Cleveland is fifth in manufacturing importance in the United States. Owing to its being the most economical place for the pro- duction of iron and steel, a large percentage of these articles secure their basic supply at home. Out of every dollar invested in automo- l)iles in the United States. 30 cents comes to Cleveland factories or shops making parts. Cleveland is fourth city in financial importance in the country. It is the home of the foui'th Federal Reserve Bank, which has the third largest cajiital amonir the twelve Federal Reserve banks— $12,000,000, with deposits of $(;n,0()(),000, which are steadUy increasing. There are 750 banks included in the district of which Cleveland is headquai-ters, and which embraces six counties in West Virginia. Eastern Kentucky, Western Pennsylvania and all of Ohio. Among the largest cities in the distri •! arc Pittsburgh, Erie, Wheel- ing, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and Toledo. 1917-18] CLEVELAND 1\ EIMTOME 3;i'J Cleveland as a Twentieth Century Pioneer Ck'Vfliiiul was lirst to t;liiui)se tlic i'lilurc wiieii it embarked upon a plan to exiwnd ^.'UI.OOO.DOO for its uroup plan of public buildings. Cleveland cIuutIu's were the first to l>e controlled through a central federation. An un|)aralleled educational system has been built up in Cleveland, with its three tine univei-sities, 20 business colleges, 114 public and 57 jiarochial schools. Cleveland, with all its busy com- merce and toiling industries, lias not forgotten aesthetics, for in its beautiful art museum on the border of a picturesque lake is nmch to inspire the soul and please the eye. Cleveland ha.s a renuirkable system of parks and playgrounds, liaving a total area of 2,176 acres. There are free baseball diamonds, children's ]ilaygrounds well equipped, football grounds, tennis courts, skating ponds, and a stadium in IJrookside Park where S(),(H)() have been seated at one time to witness a local amateur baseball game. Cleveland was the first large American city to accept the dayliglit saving jilan and set it in ojiei-ation. The Cleveland ^"'oundation, endowed with more than $40,000,000. is now studying Cleveland's needs with a view to revolu- tionizing city life and activities in years to come. Careful surveys of civic operations are made so that intelligent progress may follow. Increases ok Ten Years Automobiles, bodies and Electrical machinery and parts 4867o sui)plies '. 328% Bread and bakei-y products. 132% Foundry and machine prod- Cars and repairs 195% nets 112% Chemicals 130% Hosiery and knit goods 107% Clothing, men's 220% Paint and varnish 173% Clothing, women's 119% Printing and publishing. . .130% Confectionery 190% Slaughtering and meat pack- Copper, tin and sheet iron. 434% ing 133% Cutlery and tools 201% Stoves and furnaces 187% No. of m'f'g. establishments, from l.fiKito 2,340 45% Capit.al employed $156,321,000 .$312,907,444 100% Salaries and wages 41 ,749,000 92,909,888 123% Value of products 171,924,000 3.52,531,109 105% Avei-age lunnber of factorj- em- ployes 70,917 121.100 71% A new Cleveland is springing into existence — a city in which it is good to live : a city the residents of which believe that "he profits most who serves best :" Cleveland, the city that co-operates: Cleveland, the eity that seeks perfected humanity: Cleveland, the city with a sublime faith in its future; Cleveland, the city of ideas and high ideals; Cleve- land, the city that really has a soul ! 340 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXI In beginuing the seventeenth chapter of his admirable History of Cleveland, published more than twenty years ago, ]Mr. Ken- nedy gives a paragraph that I think worthy of reproduction here: In a record of this character — a history of the creation and growth of a great city, — the individual of necessity disappears as the many appear, and incidents of a personal nature give place to events of sufficient importance to be of interest to all. Generalization, therefore, replaces specitications. Lorenzo Carter, in the Cleveland of 1800, was larger, relatively, than any one man could be in Cleveland to-day. James Kingsbury, sitting with gun in hand, on a log in the snowy silence of the Conneaut woods, waiting for some stray bird or beast, whose flesh could save the life of liis wife, was a picturesque figure, because he was a solitary speck upon a bleak and inhospitable pioneer landscape; — the picture, in all these cases, is striking, because of its setting, and also because of the time that has passed, and the things that have been done since it was drawn. The life of a pioneer village is told in these incidents ; that of a great city by its achievements, and the impress it has made upon the civilization of which it is a part. Although the material results of the first quarter of Cleveland's second century are incomparably greater than were those of the first quarter of her first century, and largely in consequence of that fact, the method of historical treatment necessarily changes; details give way for generalities, individuals become far less important than in- stitutions, and sociological conditions and tendencies dominate domes- tie affairs. In short, as the vision broadens, it takes on more of the characteristics of a bird's-eye view. The succeeding chapters of this volume constitute an attempt to comply with these demands of changed conditions. CHAPTER XXII THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF CLEVELAND The early pages of this volume contain the story of the earliest schools in Cleveland. For instance, it will be remembered that, in 1800, "a school house was built near Kin^bury's on the ridge road, and Miss Sarah Doan, daughter of Nathaniel Doan was teacher," and that, in 1802, Anna Spafford opened a school for cliiklren in Major Carter's well-known front room — the first in what was then called "the city." In 1806, came Asael Adams, aged twenty, and entered into contract "to keep six hours in each day and to keep good order in said school." In 1817, the village trustees voted to refund to certain public spirited citizens the several sums of money that they had paid toward biiilding a little school house amid the oak trees on the east side of the lot now occupied by the Kcnnard House (St. Clair Avenue and West Sixth Street). The resolution provided that the funds for this purpose should be taken from "the treasury' of the corporation at the end of three years from and after the thirteenth of June, 1817," and that "the corporation shall be the sole proprietors of the said school house," — the first school property ever owned by Cleveland. In 1822, came the Cleveland Academy "of brick with its handsome spire and its spacious room in the sec- ond story for public purposes," of which institution Harvey Rice soon became the head-master. In 1836, Cleveland became a city. Its charter contained the following provisions concerning schools, the credit for which probably belongs to John W. Willey, who became Cleveland's first mayor: m Sec. XIX. That the city council be, and they are hereby authorized at the expense of said city, to provide for the support of common schools; and for that purpose each of the wards of said city sliall con.stitutc a school district, iintil such time as the city council may divide each ward into two or more school districts, which they are hereby authorized to do, in such manner as they may decin most con- venient, having due regard to present and future poi)ulation ; and they are hereby authorized to purchase in fee simple, or to receive as a donation for the use of the city, a suitable lot of ground in each school district, as a site for a school hou-se therein ; and they are hereby 341 342 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII authorized to erect in each district a good aud substantial school house, of such dimensions as shall be convenient for the use of the common schools in said city, and to defray the necessary expenses of the building and constructing such school houses, and also to pay the purchase money for the lots of land on which the same shall be erected : it shall be lawful for the city council, annually, to levy, iu addition to the other taxes in said city, a tax, not exceeding one mill on the dollar, upon all property in the city subject to the payment of annual taxes by the provisions of this act, until a sufficient sum shall be raised and collected from such tax to meet all the expenses which shall be incurred, for the purchase of lots of land and the erection of the school houses aforesaid: Provided, It shall be lawful for said city to borrow such sum or sums of money as may be sufficient and necessary for purchasing or building as aforesaid, and to refund or pay the same as the tax aforesaid shall be collected ; and the said tax is hereby made a special fund to be appropriated to no other purpose. Sec. XX. That for the support of common schools in said city, and to secure the benefits of education to all the white children therein, it shall be the duty of the city council, annually, to levy and collect a tax not exceeding one mill on the dollar, upon all the property in said city subject to the payment of annual taxes by the provisions of this act, which shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as is pi-ovided for the collection of the annual taxes : which tax, together with such as may be collected by the county treasurer for school purposes, within such part of the county of Cuyahoga as is within the limits of said city, shall be exclusively appropriated to defray the expenses of instructors and fuel for said schools, and for no other purpose whatsoever; which schools shall be accessible to all white children, not under four years of age, who may reside in said city, subject only to sucli regulations for their government and in- struction, as the board of managers, hereinafter mentioned, nuiy from time to time prescribe. Sec. XXI. That the city (totuicil shall, annually, select one judi- cious and competent person from each school district in the city as a manager of common schools in said city, which managers shall con- stitute and be denominated "The Board of Jlanagers of Common Schools in the city of Cleveland;"' who shall hold their office for one year, and until their successors are ajjpoiiited and i|iialilicd, and shall fill all vacancies which may occur in tlyir own body, during the time for which they shall be appointed. Sec. XXII. That the said board of managers shall have the gen- eral superintendence of all common schools in said city, and from time to time shall make such regulations for the government and instruction of the white children therein, as to them shall a|)pear i)i'o|)er and expe- dient, and shall examine and employ instructors foi- the sanic; and shall cause a school to be kept in each district for at least six months in each year, and shall cause an accurate census to be taken ainiually, in each district, of all the white children therein, between the ages of four and twenty-one years; and require of the several instructors thereof, to keep a record of the names and ages of all persons by them 1836J THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 343 respectively instructed, and tlie time eacli sluill have attended said schools, and return a copy of such record to the board of managers, at the close of each and every current year; and said board shall certify to the city council the correctness of all accounts for expenses incurred in support of said schools, and give certilicates thereof, to the persons entitled to receive the same; they shall, at the close of every current year, report to the city council the state and condition of the several common schools in said city, as well the fiscal as the other concerns in relation thei'cto, and a particular account of their administration thereof; and they shall do and perform all otlier matters and things pertaining to the duties of their said office, which may be necessary and proper to he done, to promote the education and morals of the children instructed in said schools, or which may be I'equired of them by the ordinances of said city, not inconsistent with this act: Provided, That no person shall be employed as instructor in any of said schools who has not first been examined by the board of managers, and received a certificate of qualifications, as to his or her competency and moral character. Sec. XX in. That all moneys which shall belong to the village of Cleveland, or which said village shall be entitled to at the time said city shall be organized under this act, for the use of common schools therein, shall be paid over to and held by the city treasurer, and all moneys hereafter levied and collected within the limits of said city, for the support of common schools, and also all other moneys appropri- ated bj' law for the use of common schools therein, shall be paid into the city treasury as a separate and distinct fund, and shall not be applied, under any pretence whatever, to any other use than that for which it is levied and collected; and a separate aiul particular account of the receipts and expenditures thereof, shall be kept by the treasurer, in a book to be provided for that purpose; and the said treasurer shall not be entitled to receive any percentage, premium or compensation, for receiving or paying out said fund, or for keeping the accounts thereof. Sec. XXIV. That the city council shall fix by ordinance, the com- mencement and termination of the current year of said common schools, and determine the time and duration of all vacations thereof, which shall be the same throughout said city; and said city council may at their discretion, at any time previous to the erection of the school houses provided for in this act, lease on such terms and condi- tions as they may deem proper in the sevci-al school districts of saiil city, and for such times as they shall think necessary, convenient buildings for the use of common schools, therein, to be occupied only till such school houses shall l)e erected and prepared for the reception of such schools: Provided, That the property of black or mulatto per- sons shall be exempted from taxation for school purposes under this act. Under thk Bo.\rd of School Managers The first election under the charter was held on the eleventh of April, 1836, and in May of that year "a communication was received 344 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII from the mayor in relation to common schools." In June, the city council appointed a committee ' ' to employ a teacher and an assistant to continne the Free School to the end of the quarter or until a school system for the city shall be organized at the expense of the city." This "P>ee School" had been organized in 1830 "for the educa- tion of male and female children of every religious denomination." Its sessions were held in the basement of the Bethel Church ; hitherto, it had been supported by voluntary contributions. In October, the council appointed the first board of school managers, consisting of Mayor John W. Willey, Anson Hayden, and Daniel Worley. In November, an enumeration of persons between the ages of four and twenty-one was ordered, and in March, 1837, the council committee on schools was requested "to ascertain and report, as soon as con- venient, what lots may be purchased, the price and terms of payment, to be used for school purposes — two in tlie first ward, one in the second ward, and one in the third ward." In the following July, the city council passed an ordinance introduced by Horace Canfield — An Ordinance to Provide for the Establisliment of PuhUc Sclwols. This memorable instrument is printed in full* in an earlier chapter of this volume ; it constituted the real beginning of the public school system of Cleveland. Tlie scliool managers immediately began the organization of the schools under the provisions of the ordinance. From the passing of this ordinance the history of tlie public schools of Cleveland is the record of the development of pulilic educa- tion adapted to the wants of a small town into that which strives to meet the needs of a great city. The following chronological record, some of which was kindly prepared for this volume by ]\liss Harriet L. Keeler, a former superintendent of tlie Cleveland public schools, marks the successive steps of that development. In the early days, individuals and .small events bulked much larger than tliey do today. In 1838, the school managers, Samuel Cowles, Samuel Williamson, and Philip Battell, reported that, during the preceding winter, eight schools had been sustained witli eiglit teachers, three male and five female, with an enrolment of 840 i>upils and an average attendance of 468. They also reported that "the schools have been wholly free and open to all within their districts legally admitted to their privi- leges. The boys and girls have been entirely separate, the former taught by male and the latter by female teachers. . . . The wages given have been, to female teachers $5 per week, and to male teachers $40 per calendar month." • .See page 200. 1839-40] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 345 In 1839, the school managers, Silas Bclden, Henry Sexton, and Henry W. Dotlgro, roiiorted an iiiiclianged salary schedule for teach- ers, an enrolment of 81215 pn|)ils, and an average attendance of 588, "makiiijr tlic iiivsmt iiuiiiIht atteudiiif; the schools quite too many [for the accoinmodations jn-ovidi'd], and being only about one-fourth of the number of youths in tlie city who are legally privileged to attend." At this time, the city was renting the school rooms that it occupied, and tlie agitation for enlarged accommodations had become ratlicr warm. In the spring of this year (1839), John A. Foote introduced in the city council a resolutinu declaring it expe- ..,;-C^(^g^^ Prospect Street Schoolhouse, Erected in 1840 dient for the city to buy land and build a schoolhouse in each of the four districts. The resolution was referred to a committee of which Harvey Eice was chairman. This committee reported in favor of buying two lots and erecting on each a building for the proper accommodation of two hundred pupils; the council adopted the report. Thereupon a lot on Prospect Street in the iirst ward, and another on Rockwell Street in the second ward were bought and contracts were let for two buildings to cost $3,500 each. Both buildings were completed in 1840. The Academy and the two new buildings could seat abtnit 600 pupils, but nearly 900 were crowded into the three, and some of the rooms previously rented were re-occupied.* The teachers at the * This overcrowdinjr of pupils seems to have been the chronic condition of the Cleveland schools to this day; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak— a common result of rapid growth. 346 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII Prospect Street School were Andrew Freese, Sophia Converse, Emma "Whitney, and Sarah M. Thayer. Those at the Rockwell Street School were N. A. Gray, Elizabeth Armstrong, Abby Fitch, and Louisa Kingsbui-y. Those at the Academy (West St. Clair Street School), were George W. Yates, Louisa Snow, Julia Butler. There were also the ungraded Bethel School, a school at the corner of Prospect and Ontario streets, and a school on Chestnut Street. The total number of pupils was 1,051. In March, 1841, the city council created the office of acting school manager and elected Charles Bradburn, George Willey, Charles Stetson, and Madison Kelley as school managers for the ensuing year; in 1842, the council reappointed them for another year. Charles Bradburn has been called "The Father of Cleveland Schools;" George Willey 's work was of inestimable value. In his History of Cleveland Schools in the Nineteenth Century, Mr. Wil- liam J. Akers saj'S: "The two men worked together. Bradburn looked after the business interests of the schools. He, more than auy- bodj" else, was responsible for the school buildings erected, and the wonderful progress the schools made in the twenty years he gave to them. George Willey had more to do with the educational end of the . schools. ' ' These were years of monetary depression, a new re-valuation of the state diminished the amount collected by tax for the schools, there was a deficit of $1,298.44 for the year 1841-42, and the opposi- tion to the schools became very bitter. The schools were becoming more and more crowded, a proposal to issue bonds for a new school was laid upon the table by the city council, and the wages of teach- ers were cut ; tlie pay of the four male teachers was reduced from $40 a month to $32. .50 and that of the fourteen female teachers from $5 to $4.40 a week; the school year was shortened from ten to nine months to save money for oi)cning two iidditional primary schools in the following year. Colored Children In April, 1843, some of the colored people of the city petitioned for a separate school for colored cliildren. The judiciary committee of the city council reported against tiie proposition and the council adopted the report. In administering the schools of Cleveland, no attention lias ever been paid to the legal disabilities imposed upon colored chihiren by the city charter of 18:!6 or by Ihe latci' legislation of the state. In the words of Mi-. Akers, "Clevihind has never had a 1843-45] TPIE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 347 colored school, and colored children have always been admitted to tlie schools." To tliis may be added the statement that, without any considerable manifestation of Negrophobia, colored teachers in Cleve- land public schools give instruction to white pupils. In other words, "the color line" is absolutelv ignored. First Ple.v for High School In the annual report of the board of school managers for 1844, Mr. Bradburn made his first plea for a high school, saying: "The j)resent classification of our free schools subjects them to the reproach that only the elements of an education are taught. We believe tiiat the best interests of our city require tiiat this objection should be obviated by the establishment of a school of instruction in the higher branches of knowledge." In April of that yi'ar, the school commit- tee of the city council brouglit in a resolution "authorizing the school committee to build three new school houses at a cost not exceeding $1,600 [each?] — one for a high school and two for primary schools," to which they added the statement that "the present classification of the schools is deficient, and that the establishment of a high school for boys, recommended by the Board of Managers, is very much needed." The council laid the resolution on the table. In the pre- ceding month (March 27, 1844), the council had elected Charles Bradburn, Truman' P. Hand}', Thomas Richmond, and J. B. Finury as school managers, designated Mr. Fiuury as acting (or business) manager, and voted to him an annual salary of $200. The next annual report of the board, in i-efereuce to the Prospect Street School, said that "the government of this school is strict and uniform, and through the indefatigable labors of its principal [Andrew Freese] is justly regarded as one of the best in the state." The report also set forth that "the senior male department of the Rockwell Street school is thought to have degenerated both in discipline and instruc- tion. . . . The Council, having directed the Board of Managers to adopt in this school, the system of instruction so successful in the Prospect Street School,* we are not without hopes that vigorous and well directed efforts will soon make it equal to any school in the city." The Schools in 1845 In 1845, the pay of teachers was restored to its former level. In March of this year, the number of children in the city "between * A pleasing shadow cast before by coming events. 348 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII the ages of four and eighteen was abont 2,500. About 1,300 of these attended the public schools, and 400 attended pi'ivate schools, leav- ing about 800 who were not attending any school." With a per- sistence worthy of Cato in re Carthage, Mr. Bradburn closed his annual report by again urging the establishment of a high school. In March, the council elected Charles Bradbum, Madison Kelley, George Willey and R. T. Lyon as school managers and designated Jlr. Kelley as acting school manager. In this year, the two senior sections of the Prospect Street School were united and, "for the first time in the history of the Cleveland schools, senior classes of both boys and girls were organized. The experiment was a success from the start and resulted in great improvement in the deportment of the scholars." Of course! In this school year (1845-46), thirteen schools were in operation with four male and thirteen female teachers. There was an enrolment of 1,500 pupils and an average daily attendance of 936, concerning which the annual report said: "Irregular attendance of scholars continues to be the great obstacle to improvement. The disarrangement of the classes necessarily attendant on this irregu- larity increases much the labor of the teachers and, in some schools, has almost paralyzed all their efforts. Some parents as well as chil- dren seem to think that what costs nothing is worth nothing, and so great has this evil become that it can be obviated only by the pas- sage of some measure that will exclude from the schools all scholars who will not attend with regularity and promptness." Herein the wise Mr. Bradburn put his finger on the sore spot and prescribed the specific remedy. Cleveland's First High School The school managers for the year 1846-47 were Charles Bradburn, Truman P. Handy. Samuel Starkweatlier, and William Day ; Mr. Bradburn was the acting managing director. Of course, Mr. Brad- burn did not relax his labors in I)ehalf of a liigh school. "The poor people of the city and the middle class stood with liim in his demand for tlie scliool, but the very rich, almost witliout exception, bitterly opposed the proposition." In his iniuigural address to the council in the spring of 1846, ]\Iayor George II(ia(lh\v said: I earnestly recommend to yoiir favorable consideration the I'ro- priety of establishing a school of a liigher grade — the Academic department — the schohirs to be taken from our common schools accord- ing to merit. This would present a powerful stimulus to study and good conduct. The poorest child, if possessed of talents and applica- 1846-47] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 349 tion, might aspire to the highest station in the republic. P^rom siieh schools "we might h()])e to issue the riiliirc i^'ranklins of our lain!. On the twenty -seeond of April, 1846, Mr. J. A. Harris, chairman of the council school eonuuittee, introduced a resolution jiroviding that "a boj's' department of a high school be established; that the school committee hire a room for such school at an expense of not exceeding .^lOO per annum, aiul fit it up with desks at a cost of not more than .$1.50." The i-esolutit)n was adopted, rooms were rented in the basement of the I'niversalist Church on Prospect Street, a little west of Erie Street, later occupied by the TTouieopathic I\Tedical College, and Andrew Freese was made principal at a salary of .$500 a year. On the thirteenth of July, 1846, Cleveland's first high school vas opened with thirty-four pupils; before the end of the year, the attendance was eighty-three. Jlr. Akers tells ns that "the rooms occupied were a miserable excuse for school rooms. They were damp, dark, and the health of the pupils and teacher suii'ered in conse(iuence. The main room was heated with a stove, the pipe of which ran the whole length of the basement. Wooden benches and seats were provided. The bottom of the seats were fastened to the backs with hinges, so that the scholars might easily reach their respective seats." In his annual rejiort. made in the spring of 1847, ^Ir. Bradburn said : The establishment of this school was a elierishi'd ol)ject with former IManagers. Expectation was high in regard to it, l)ut it is believed that the most sanguine anticiinitions of the Council, to whose lil)er- ality it owes its existence, have been thus far fully realized. It has enabled the Managers to make a more profitable classification of the scholars, has incited a healthy spirit of emulation, and elevated the standard of education in other schools. Its location is not, in all respects, the most desirable, but it is the best that could be found. The discipline of this si'liool has been strict and unyielding, and effected by an appeal to the minds and hearts of the scholars, rather than to their physical sensibilities. The moral tone of -the school has been highly gratifying to the -Managers. It is not within their knowl- edge that profane language is used by any of the scholars. Tiie instruction in this school is designed to be thorough and substantial. and to be confined to the solid and useful branches of education. No studies are pursued whose ]>ractical value is in any way questioned. The school has thus far had the capacity to meet the wants of all applicants. A female dci)artment in this school is required to extend to the girls the advantages now so profitably enjoyed by the boys. The undersigned would respectfully present to the Council that it is their firm conviction that this system is essential to the success of our public schools, and that it is the only way in which they can be made in truth, what they are in name, common schools; common to all, 350 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII good cnoTigh for the ricli. cheap enough for the poor; siieh schools as tliese will meet the wants of all classes in the comnmnity. As some of the leading men of the city had opposed the creation of the high school, so they now began a "drive" to have it discon- tinued; among the most active were Henry B. Payne, Harvey Rice, and John Erwin. The field marshals on the other side were Mr. Bradburn, George Willey, and William Case. When the opponents of the school raised the ciy of illegality, Bradburn told the teachers to go ahead with the school, and added: "If it isn't legal to have such a school, we'll go to Columbus and get authority to establish a legal one." On the seventeenth of March, 1847, the city council called for information concerning the cost of the high school, and Mr. Payne introduced the following preamble and resolutions: Whereas, it appears from authentic returns tliat about 2,000 chil- dren in the city, over four years of age, are not attending the common schools, or deriving any benefit from said school fund, while at the same time the number of school houses and iustruetors is greatly inadequate for those who do attend (in some cases a single room containing 130 to 180 scholars) ; Therefore, Resolved: That provision ought to be made for the erection of new school houses, and the employment of additional teachers, until an opportunity for obtaining a thorough common school education is furnislied to every cliild in the city over four years of age. Resolved : That until the ob.ject of the foregoing resolution is carried out, it is inexpedient to sustain a select High school at the charge of the common school fund. Resolved : That a select committee of three be appointed to in- quire into and report upon the cxjiediency of providing for the permanent establishment of a Iligli school, by requiring a tuition fee not exceeding .$6 a year, and the appropriation of a sum equal thereto from tlie general fund of tlie city. The resolutions were referred to II. B. Payne, John Erwin, and Charles Ilirker as a select committee. On the third of April, this committee brought in ma.iority and minority reports. Messrs. Payne and Erwin contended that the liigh school was illegally estab- lished for the rea.son that the money raised for schools must be ex- pended in the several school districts in proportion to the number of .school children in the district, and tluit the school managers had no right to expend money on schools that were attended by pupils from all the districts in the city. They also insisted that it was not wise to continue the high school as a charge upon the common scliool fund until every child in the city was given an opportunity to attend 1847-49] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 351 the common sciiools, and that tlu- cost of the higli scliool was very high per capita. They fnrtiicr said: "Everything claimed for the school on ai'connt of its snrpassing excellence and the distinguishing ability of its principal is cheerfully conceded, but, in the opinion of the committee, it is far more desirable that all the chilcjren of the city should receive an education than that a small class should be highly educated." On the other hand, Mr. Hirkcr was of the opinion tliat the power to classify pupils and to designate schools for them to attend was clearly given to the school managers by the city charter. Friends of the school ajipcalcd to the public, great interest in the matter was aroused, the action of the city council was closely watched, and a mass meeting in support of the school was held. At this meeting, some of the addresses were pretty warm, and Mr. J. A. Briggs exclaimed: ""The people are in the move and you can just get out of the way when they speak!" Members of the city council took due notice and governed themselves accordingly. In the following Jlay (1847), Sir. Payne introduced a resolution ordering that, until other- wise directed, girls should be admitted to the high school equally with boys, and the resolution was adopted. T^he legislature was to meet in the following winter and both sides girded up their loins for a fight at Columbus. The legislature finally pa.ssed a bill that required the city council to maintain a high school, and authorized it to levy a special tax for the purchase of land and the erection of .school buildings. The council had been levying a tax of three-fifths of a mill on the dollar for the support of schools and had authority to raise the levy to four-fifths of a mill, and an increase in the levy was necessary to provide for the maintenance of the high school. At the spring election in 1848, the high .schoo" cpiestion was the great, the burning issue. ^Ir. Bradburn became a candidate for mayor, but was- defeated by a small plurality. The high-sehool advocates were generally successful in the election of their candidates for the council, but prior to the election (February 21, 1848), the old council "got even" with Mr. Bradburn by dropping him from the board of school managers. The council then elected James D. Cleveland, John Barr, Samuel ^\'iIliamson, and William Smyth, with George AVilley as acting school manager. The high school was out of danger as to its existence, but not beyond the reach of annoyance by councilmanic failure to appropriate money sufficient for its operating expenses. Until 1852, the total annual expense of maintaining the high school was less than .$900. Li the spring of 1849, the city bought a lot on Champlain Street 352 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII and, in August, let to John Gill and W. P. Southworth a contract to build thereon a two-story brick schoolhouse. Late in the fall, the building was completed and the Vineyard Street School was moved to it. This, "the best arranged and largest school building in the city at that time," cost about .$3,000; the furniture cost about $600. In the .spring of 1850, a eonti'act was let for a three-slory building on the old Academy lot on St. Clair Street, the same to be completed by the first of August. In the meantime, tlie schools of the Academy were cared for in the lately vacated school rooms on Vineyard Street. In the school year, 1849-50, two new primary schools were estab- lished in the first ward and one in the third. The salaries of the principals of the senior schools were raised to $500 per year, and the salary of the principal of the high school to $575. The cost of the schools for the year was $6,736.18. A school census taken in October .showed that there were in Cleveland 4,773 persons between the ages of four and twenty-one: the number enrolled in the public schools in the last term of the year was 2,081 : the average daily attendance was 1.440; and the number of teachers employed was twenty-five. Greater Interest in the Public Schools The beginning of the socoiul half of the century seems to 'have been a period of greater jiublic interest in the public schools and a consequent loosening of the purse strings by the city council. New buildings were erected, school libraries were begun, the schools were l>etter graded, additional teachei's were employed, and the num- ber of pupils increased. The teaching of American histoi-y was begun; "music, under the guidance of professional teachers, begins to be taught as a science; drawing passes from mere linear to perspec- tive," etc. Night schools were opened in the winter term; for two hours on each of five evenings of the week, they were in session for thirteen weeks. The salary of each of the four senior school princi- pals was increased from $500 to $550 aiul that of the high school principal from $575 to $650. The total cost of tho schools for the year was $8,868.08. The high school coui-se of study covered a i)eriod of three years; the coui'se for the third year was as follows: First Tei~m Second I'l rm Third Term Trigonometry & A])- Surveying Surveyiug plications Astronomy Hotany Astronomy Botany Elements nf Crit icism Mental Philosophy Elements of Criticism Logic Book Keeping Cciicral History General llistorv 1850-53] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 353 For the libraries in tlie different school buildings the city gave $500; private contributions did the rest. In the fall and wiuter of 1851, a new school building was erected on Clinton (later Brownell) Street at the cost of $3,500. The school was opened in January, 1852; the attendance increased so rapidly that, in the spring, the board of managers recommended the provision of additional aceonunodations. That summer, another story was added to the building and the council authorized the purchase of an adjoining lot. The location of the building, still known as the Brownell School, is now given as "East Fourteenth Street, corner of Sumner, between Prospect and Central avenues." On the twenty- second of July, 1851, the city council bought a lot on Euclid Street near Erie (East Ninth) as a site for a building for the high school. On the nineteenth of September, the city council authorized its committee on schools to erect on this lot a frame building for the use of the high school, said building to cost not more than $1,200. The building was soon completed and housed the high school until it was replaced by a better one in 1856. For the land thus bought the city paid $5,000; it was subsequently sold for $310,000, and is now occu- pied by the fourteen-story building of the the Citizens and Savings Trust Company. In February, 1852, Mr. Willey resigned as acting school manager. In March, the council elected as school managers, Charles Bradburn, George Willey, James Fitch, Truman P. Handy, and W. D. Beattie, and designated Mr. Fitch as acting manager. The reappearance of the names of Bradburn and Willey in this list is significant of a better disposition on the part of the majority of the council. Under the Board op Education In June, 1853, the city council passed an ordinance that substi- tuted the board of education for the former board of school managers, conferred upon the secretary of the board powers formerly exercised by the acting school manager, and provided for a superintendent of .schools and a board of school visitors. The school year was to begin with the fall term and to end with the summer term. The new board of education consisted of Charles Bradburn, Samuel H. Mather, W. D. Beattie, and T. P. Handy, who were to serve two years ; and George Willey, Buckley Stedman, and Samuel Starkweather, who were to serve one year. This board elected Mr. Bradburn as its president and Jlr. Mather as its secretary. One of the first acts of the board was to elect Andrew Freese as the first superintendent of 354 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII the Cleveland public schools. ]\Ir. Freese was to give part of his time to the work of supervision of all the schools and part to his still con- tinuing duties as principal of the high school. He was also to ex- amine applicants and to grant certificates to such as he found quali- fied to teach. As superintendent, he was to receive an annual salary of $300; as principal, one of $1,000. He at once entered upon the discharge of his new duties. A general increase in the pay of teach- ers soon followed. Heretofore, female teachers had been paid a stipu- Andrew Freese lated sum per week; now they were to be paid according to the grade of the certificate that each one held : for the first class, $300 a year ; for the second class, $275; for the third class, $250. The Mayki.owkk Sciiooi, In 1854, owing to the crowded condition of the little .school on Mayflower Street, a three-story brick building was completed; with fixtures and fiurniture, it cost about $1(),(K)(). In this year, Ohio City became part of Cleveland, adding 2,-l;i8 to the school po|)ulation, about 800 to the attendance ol' the public schools, and eleven to the corps of teachers. Under the new conditions tlic number of the board of education was increased from seven to eleven, and recon- .stituted by the council as follows: Charles Bradburn, Samuel II. 1854-55] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 355 Mather, W. D. Boattic, T. 1'. Haiuly, George Willcy, Buckley Sted- maii, Beii.jaiiiiii Sliclddii. Iloiai'c Bciitoii, R. B. Dennis, A. P. Turner, and Isaae L. Hewitt. .Mi-. Bradlnirn deelined liis aijpointnient as a member of the board of education for the reason tliat he had been elected to the city council. Mr. Bradburn iiad been led to become a candidate for the council by his desire to assist in getting more money for the school buildings and in the luHher development of the school system. When the council coiinnittees were ajipointed f(n" that year, he was made chairman of the committee on schools. In his place, James A. Briggs was elected by the council to the board of education, which completed its organization by the election of Mr. Sheldon as president, and ^Ir. ^Mather as secretary. At the time of the con- solidation of the two municipalities, Ohio City had three school- houses, situated on Penn, Vermont, and Church streets; it also was building three large three-story brick sehoolhouses on Pearl, Hicks, and Kentucky streets, all of which were finished by the enlarged board of education of Cleveland at the cost of about $7,000 each. At the end of the spring term in 1855, the first class was grad- uated from the high school. Though the school had been established nine years, and while a few individuals had completed the prescribed course, no class had yet done so. The names of the graduates of 1855 follow: George W. Durgin, Jr. Emcline W. Curtis Henry W. Hamlen Helen E. Farrand John'G. Prince Julia E. O'Brien Timothy H. Rearden Laura C. Spelman Albert H. Spencer Lucy M. Spelman In Septcnd)er, 1864, ]\Iiss Laura C. Spelman married Mr. John D. Rockefeller, the founder of the Standard Oil Company. At the time of the first high school commencement in Cleveland, the school was still housed in the temporary wooden building on the Euclid Street lot, but .Mr. Bradburn had been at work in and out of the council. On the fourteenth of February, the council committee on schools recommended "tiiat the school committee be authorized to advertise for proposals for the erection of a building on the high school lot in conformity with the plan which is presented herewith and recom- mended by the board of education," and Mr. Bradburn introduced a resolution instructing the committee to advertise for such proposals. On the twenty-eighth of ]\rarch, and on the motion of Mr. Bradl)urn, the committee was authorized to enter into contract for such a build- ing for the sum of $15,400, the amount of the lowest of the fourteen 356 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII proposals that had been received. At the begiiiuiog of the fall term, the high school was removed to the Prospect Street building where it remained until the new building was dedicated on the first of April, 1856.* West High School For several years an Ohio City senior school had been conducted in the building known as "The Seminary;" when the Kentucky Street A. G. IIOPKINSON school building was completed this school was transferred to the upper rooms thereof. When llie East Side got wliat I shall hereafter designate as the Central lligli Scliool, the West Siders, naturally enough, wanted a West High Sfliddl, I'.ut llie special legislation that Mr. Bradbui-n luul soenrcd at Colnmliiis provided for only one high *A picture of the building nuiy Ix' I'ouinl in a later cliaiitcr, "Tlio Pul)lio Library." 1856-59] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 357 school, and so a branch of the Central High School was established in the Kentueky Street huihiing;. This was known as the Branch High School, but other than in name, it was an independent school with a course of study identical with that of the Central High School. The first principal of this school was A. G. Ilopkinson; he held the position until 1S70. Cleveland now had two high schools, the "West and the Central. She did not get a third until 1872, when the annexa- tion of the village of Ea.st Cleveland brought in the East High School. At the end of the seliool year in July, 1856, the city had twenty-three school buildings, good, bad and indifferent; the esti- mated value of land, buildings, and furniture was $150,000. In Jul.v, 1856, the city council appointed a new board of educa- tion : Charles Bradburn, George Willey, Horace Benton, R. B. Dennis, and Samuel H. Mather; the board was organized with Mr. Bradburn as president and Mr. Willey as secretary. An industrial school was established and Greek and Latin were introduced into the course of gtudy of the high schools. The number of pupibs enrolled was 5,750, and the average daily attendance was 3,410. Each of the high schools gi-aduated six pupils. The board of education appointed in April, 1857, consisted of Messrs. Bradburn, Willey, Dennis, T. S. Paddock, and C. W. Palmer. Mr. Bradburn was re-eleetfid president of the board and Mr. Willey as its secretary. The number of pupils enrolled was 6.250; of these, 1,477 were in the high and grammar schools with male teachers and female assistants ; the other 4,773 were in intermediate, secondary, and primar.y schools with female teach- ers. The average daily attendance was 3,714. The number of teachers employed was eighty ; sixty-eight women and twelve men. The total expenditure for the schools in the year 1857-58 was $48,839.68. First Elected Board of Education Early in 1859, the legislature passed a law "to provide for the regulation and support of the common schools in the city of Cleve- land." This law took the election of the members of the board of education from the city council and put it in the hands of the voters. There was to be one member from each ward and the term of office was one year. On the fifth of April of that year (1859), the voters of Cleveland chose their first elected board of education, consisting of Charles Bradburn, Alle.vne Mayna»-d, Charles S. Reese, William H. Stanlt'v, Nathan P. Payne, W. P. Fogg, Lester Hayes, J. A. Thome, F. B. Pratt, Daniel P. Rhodes, and George R. Vaughan. The mem- 358 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Cliap. XXII bers of the board chose Mr. Bradburn as president and Mr. Maynard as secretary. Under the provisions of the new law, the board ap- pointed "three suitable persons of competent learning and ability who shall constitute a board of examinei-s, whose duty it shall be to meet at least once in everj- month to examine the qualifications, competency, and moral character of all persons desirous of becom- ing teachers in the public schools of Cleveland." The high school course of study was revised, its term extended from three to four years, the study of German introduced, and four different courses were provided. Owing to lack of adequate funds, no new buildings were erected, and some special studies (penmanship, music and drawing) were temporarily abandoned or restricted. The Public Schooi^, 1859-62 At the end of the school year, 1859-60, the number of persons of school age was ^ 13,309 There were : In the public .schools 6,100 In private Catholic schools 2.000 In private Protestant schools 200 In private German schools 250 In orphan asylum 50 8,600 8,600 Not attending any school 4,709 The classification of the pupils in tlie |)iiblic schools was very unsatis- factory to Superintendent Freesc ; tlic buildings were too small; tlH> largest would accommodate fewer than 500 pni>ils and sonu' of the others only about 350 each ; the number of jjupils in eacli scliool was too small to enable a jiropcr clii.ssidcation. In the lower grades, boys and girls were taught separately even in the smaller buildings thus making necessary the main1<'nance of two classes doing the same work in a grade, work that conlil be done as well in one. In his annual report, the supei-inteiidenl said: '"I'o establisli. foi" <>xam- ple, two Intermediate schools is i)ractieally to divide classes that should recite together under the same teachei-, into Iwo sections, to recite the same lesson under separate teachers. If three schools of this grade be established, llien tlie same classt^s arc divided into three parts, and each has to recite to a different teaclier. it is even 1860-61] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 359 worse tliau 111 is in dik' or two of our distrii'ts, for we have four schools on an Intermediate grade, when there should be but one, and in no district are there less than two." He favored the redistriet- ing of the city for school purposes and the erection of buildings that would aecomniodate at least 800 pupils each. He further said: "I have no idea that the Hoard will deem it advisable to pull down and rebuild the school houses of the city, or make other radical changes to accomplish the objects which I have named. I think, however, while we are making alterations in oui' buildings from year to year, Old Wkst High School and erecting new ones, it would be well to look towards a more per- fect union school system, such as I have endeavored to give in outline." At his own request, Mr. Freese was relieved of the duties of superintendent and again took up the more congenial work of teaching. After teaching for a time in the Eagle Street School he again became principal of the Central High School. In 1868, be- cause of ill health, he retired from school work. Well done, good and faithful servant. At the beginning of the school year, 1861-62, Mr. Luther M. Oviatt began work as superintendent of schools, in succession to Mr. P'reese. He was a graihiate of the Western Reserve College and for years had been principal of the Eagle Street School. In that year. Dr. Die Lewis's famous system of gymnastics was introduced 360 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII into the schools. In October, a new building at the corner of State (West Thirty-fifth) Street and Ann Court was completed and imme- diately occupied by the West High School. After two years of serv- ice as superintendent, Mr. Oviatt was succeeded, in the summer of 1863, by the Rev. Dr. Anson Smythe who had served for four years as superintendent of the Toledo schools. He introduced a more rigid system of grading the schools that temporarily overcrowded the lower classes and led to much objection from the pupils therein, but it demonstrated the need of more primary schools and secured them. In the two j-ears ending August, 1865, ten new primary and second- ary schools were opened. At the close of the school year 1866-67, Superintendent Smythe retired from the schools. Andrew J. Rickoff Mr. Smythe 's successor was Andrew J. Rickoff who had been superintendent of the Cincinnati public schools and was later at the head of a private school in that city. The coming of Mr. Rickoff opened a new era in the history of the public schools of Cleveland, ilr. Rickoff" had a wonderful power of organization and a remarkable ability to secure the suppoit of his teachers and of members of the board of education. He was a strong, able man, and was fully con- scious of the fact. When he came to the city, Cleveland had two high schools and ten grammar schools. The gi*ammar schools occu- pied the third or upper stories of the larger buildings and most of them had tributary schools located in the smaller buildings. Mr. Rickoff soon made the principal of each grammar school the principal of all the schools from which pupils were received, whether the tributary .schools were in the same building or in some other. The schools were reclassified into three grand divisions, known as Pri- mary, Grammar, and High School. Each division contained four grades designated as A, B, C, and D. Separate divisions for girls and boys were abolished. By consolidation, the number of grammar schools was reduced from ten to seven. The A-Grammar classes were consolidated into four and these were placed in charge of women who were also made principals of the buildings in which they were. Heretofore, these positions had been held by men. The course of study was revised, a copy was given to every teacher, and each teacher was instructed how to do the work of her grade. Under the influence of Superintendent RickolT. ])ett(>r school buildings came into being. Mr. Rickoff had clear ideas on the subject of school con- struction and was al>le to scc\ire Die needed action. On the first nf 1867-70J THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 361 September, 1868, and with appropriate fomialitics, the new school on Sterling Avoniie (East Tliirtieth Street) was opened — "the finest school building in the state of Ohio;" it cost about $45,000. Three similar school buildings were put under contract. The Orchard, Rockwell, and St. Clair school buildings were soon completed. The receipts of the board of education on account of the construction fund were $195,440.01, including $61,1)92.62 realized from the sale of bonds; the expenditures for buildings and equipment were $161,- 005.48. The school census of 1869 showed that there were in the city 27,524 persons of school age, of whom only 11,151 registered Andrew J. Rickofp in the public schools. Male principals of A-Grammar schools were no longer appointed. Instead, the city was divided at first into four, then into three, and later into two districts, each in charge of a supervising principal whose duties were wholly those of general oversight. Public School Record for 1867-72 In 1867, there were 118 teachers in the grade schools and ten teachers in the high schools. In April, 1868, the legislature passed an act "to provide for the support and regulation of the public schools of Cleveland." This act clipped the authority of the city council in school affairs and gave the board of education complete control of the schools, with power to levy taxes without restriction by the city council, except that the city hall still had a voice in the "purchase of proper sites and the erection of suitable schoolhouses 362 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII thereou. "" In May, 1873, the legislature passed a general law that superseded all special enactments pertaining to the management of schools ill town, cities, etc. This left to the city council no voice in school affairs. In 1870, the supervising principals and the principals of grade schools, were : First District Supervising Principal, Henry ]\I. James. Rockwell, Annie E. Spencer; St. Clair, Etta M. Hays; Alabama, Eliza A. Beardsworth; Case, Eliza E. Corlett ; Eagle, H. E. Gillett. Second District Supervising Principal, Lewis W. Day. Brownell, Cornelia H. Saunders ; Sterling, Adda S. Bently ; May- flower, Ellen G. Reveley; Willson, Abbie E. Wood; Warren, Lucy A. Robinson. Third District Supervising Principal, Alexander Forbes. Kentucky, Bettie A. Dutton; Hicks, Lemira W. Hughes; Orchard, Emily L. Bis.sell; Washington, Abbie L. 0. Stone; Wade, Susie L. Plummer; University, Libbie H. Prior. In 1870, there were more than 2,000 children of German parentage attending private German schools. On the first of March, 1870, a committee of the board of education recommended that a German- English department of schools be organized in the fourth, sixth, and eleventh wards, these having the largest German population. This report was adopted. In January, Mr. Louis R. Klcmm was em- ployed to teach German in the high schools and to give his Fridays to supervision of the teaching of that language in the grammar and primary classes. Jlr. Klemm, who was Mr. Rickoff's brother-in-law, was very enthusiastic in his i)ropaganda, and, before long, the study of German was extended throughout the entire city. Mr. Klemm was superintendent of the German department, and parents and pupils were systematically solicited to enter the Gorman classes. In I his year, 1871, the board of education adoi)ti'(i tin- policy of building small frame houses that would accommodale about 240 pupils each. They were called "relief schools," and were intended for temporary use. The rea.son for their being was that some sections of the city were growing so rapidly in population that it was impossible to tell with certainty .just where pei-manent buildings should be erected. To this day, Cleveland schools need aiiij iilili/c sucli "relief."" 1871-72] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 363 The siiporvisiiifj statV in 1S71-72 was as follows: Supcriiitc'iuli'iit, Andrew .1. RickofT. Supervising I'rincipal of 1st District, Henry .M. James. Supervisiii": I'rincipal of 2nd District. Lewis W. Day. Special Superintendent of Primary, 1st Grade, Kate E. Stephan. Special Superintendent of Primary, 2nd and 3rd Grades, Harriet L. Keeler. Special Teacher and Supervisor of Music, N. Coe Stewart. Special Teacher and Su|)crvisor of I'emnanship, A. P. Root. Special Teacher and Supervisor of Drawing:, Frank H. Aborn. East Cun'ELAND Schools Annexed In October, 1872, the annexation of the village of East Cleveland to the city of Cleveland brought the village schools under the control ,1 * m\^ /, -Ml ik \immiM East Cleveland Centb^vl School of the Cleveland board of education and the supervision of Super- intendent Rickoff. The western boundary of the village was Willson Avenue (now East Fifty-fifth Street) and its southern boundary was practically Quincy Avenue. The outlines of the annexed village appear in the map given on page 256. East Cleveland had a high school and the articles of annexation provided that "the high school now existing in the corporation of East Cleveland shall be continued and maintained as now- established, until modified or changed by a vote of three-fourths of the members of the board of education, with the concurrence of one-half of the members from the territory com- prised in tlie sixteenth aiul .seventeenth wards as described in tliis 36i CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII agi-eement. Thus the East Cleveland High School became the Cleve- land East High School. At the time of the annexation, the village school board consisted of Dr. 0. C. Kendrick, Liberty E. Holden, and V. C. Taylor. Mr. Taylor is still (1918) living. In the summer of 1871, this board had employed as superintendent of their schools EIroy M. Avery who had just been graduated at the University of Michigan. The report for the year ending on the eighth of April, 1872, shows the following organization of the teaching force : High School — Mrs. E. il. Avery, principal ; Frank H. Geer, Helen Briggs. Grammar School — Miss Frank I. Mosher, Mi-s. J. W. Lusk. Central Intermediate School — Mary Ingersoll, Florence S. Censor, Dora House. The three schools aboA'c mentioned, occupied the Central (now the Bolton) School building, and were lander the immediate supervision of the superintendent. The other schools occupied separate build- ings. Church Street School — ^Irs. 0. A. Lukens, principal ; Lucy East- man, Ebbie S. Knowles. Euclid Avenue School — Mrs. E. A. Fox, principal; Mary S. Holt. Jladison Avenue School — Blanche Huggins, principal; Nellie S. Burns, Nettie B. House. Garden Street School — Olia A. Houtz, principal ; Lucy Adams, Jennie Cairns. Crawford School — Miss Frank C. Hovey. Dunham Avenue School — Julia S. Sabin. Special Teacher of Penmanship — A. P. Root. Special Teacher of Drawing — Frank Aborn. In his report, the superintendent said : As a general thing, our school buildings are comfortable. Tlicir chief faults are an almost total lack of proper ventilation and respect- able scats. . . . We have hardly a scihool-room in the village that is not over-crowded — some of them two or three fold. While our school-rooms are so crowded and ill-veutilated, we need not go fur- ther to find the causes of the listlessncss and ill-nature, and other more active, tliough ])erhaps not moi-e dangerous forms of disease, wliicli are ever reaching out to take liold of school-children. . . In this connection it mny be jji-opcr to add tliat, at tlie Central i-?uild- ing the measures taken for a ]ierfcct ventilation were fully success- ful. In the matter of seats, most of our old schools arc in a deplorable condition. The rickety, stained, whittled and crowded desks, remnants of an unmourncd past, do little credit to this c\ilturcd and wcaltby community. 1872] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 365 In the first two terms of 1871, the number of pupils enrolled in the village schools was 583; in the fii'st two terms of 1872, the num- ber was 7C4; a gain of thirty-one per cent. In contrast with this showing of the village schools in April, 1872, I give the following statement of the condition of the schools in the territory then an- nexed to Cleveland. This statement bears date of the eighth of April, 1918, and was kindly prepared for me by the Department of Refer- ence and Research of the Cleveland schools: Number of Scliool Teachers Elementary 1. Bolton 31 2. Central 39 3. Doan 21 4. Dunham 22 5. Ea.st Madison 27 6. Giddings 23 7. Hough 24 8. Observation (in connection with Normal School.) 16 9. Quincv 24 10. Rosedale 26 11. Wade Park 20 12. Willson 20 13. Willson School for Cripples 8 Junior High Schools 14. Addison 29 15. Fairmount 33 Senior High Schools 16. Central Senior 43 Junior 32 17. East (new)— Senior 39 Junior 16 18. Normal 16 509 Enrol- ment 1,290 1,254 791 913 975 937 1,037 613 852 1,077 836 776 120 760 580 1,105 827 1,038 466 263 16,510 Valuation, Including Land and Equipment $159,008.66 245,395.74 129,097.84 104,441.47 127,747.69 207,148.41 115,566.94 233,424.83 85,856.74 91,828.30 118,724.31 128,330.45 8,474.07* 172,205.97 90,636.05 365,989.89 j 235,963.75 233,424.83 $2,854,265.94 After the annexation, Mr. Avery .supervised what had been the village schools until the end of the school year, June, 1873. Then he became principal of the Ea.st High School (old) with his wife as his chief assistant, and during that vear acted with Messrs. James * Equipment only. 366 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII and Day as supervising principal, having direct supervision of the East End schools. At this time. 1872, the principal of the Central High School was Samuel G. Williams and the principal of the West High School was Warren Higley. The courses of study and the monthly and annual examinations in the three schools were identical. Died, August 20, 1872, Charles Bradburn Much op Newbueg Township Annexed In 1874, much of Newburg township was annexed, thus adding four schools and 1,269 pupils to the city district. In the fall of 1874, the Normal School was established in the Eagle Street building with Alexander Forbes, a former supervising principal, as the principal thereof. The conditions prescribed for admission to the Normal Seliool were a Cleveland high school diploma or an equivalent prep- aration as shown by examination. As a matter of fact, there were no male pupils. Miss Kate E. Stephan and Miss Julia E. Berger were appointed training teachers for the four primary schools in the building. In these four schools, the "Normal School Girls" were given practical training in teaching with an expert teacher overlooking their work, giving help as needed and correcting errors as they developed. At the end of the year, twenty-six pupils were graduated. All of these graduates were given positions as teachers in the Cleveland public schools except one who was employed in the "Colored High School" at Washington City. The position as special superintendent of the first grade primary schools, vacated by the transfer of -Miss Stephan to the Normal School, was filled by the appointment of Miss Laura M. Curtis. Tax Levy for Building Schools Increased In this year, 1874, the board adopted a new jiolicy in the matter of providing the necessary school buildings, in tlu' three years, 1868-70, the bonds issued for such purposes iiinountcd to .$420,000. The annual rc|)ort for 1875 said that the city had already paid ifiKiO.OOO interest on these bonds, jind that, before the bonds matured, $21.5,000 iuhlitidiial interest would lie required. This total of $:{7r),000 interest from issuo to maturity wouhl have sufficed "to l)uild. furnish, and e(|uip ready for occupancy six such liuildings at the Outliwaite house — the best school ac(H)mnio(lations for seven thousand children — 1874-78] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 367 the entire increase in daily attendance at tlie pnblic schools for the past eight years." The board therefore increasetl the tax levy to raise sufBeient money for the permanent additions for the 1,500 addi- tional pupils that must be eared for each year. The new policy, wise at it was, has not always been followed but it had a good effect. In addition to the buildings made necessary by the rapid growth of the city, some of the old buildings burned and others fell into decay and desuetude and had to be replaced, the combination putting on the board of education a burden enough to press a royal merchant down. The new buildings needed were better than the old and were supplied as rapidly as possible. As most of them are still in New Central High School use, I shall not attempt to mention them in detail, but refer any possible seeker for information to the statistical tables given in the latter part of this article. But mention should be made of one im- portant change. The Central High School had become overcrowded, the advance of business had driven its patrons further eastward, its site had a high market value, the East High School was rapidly growing, and the per capita cost of the high schools was so great that it provoked unfavorable criticism. In 1876, the board of edu- cation bought land on Willson Avenue (East Fifty-fifth Street) and Cedar Avenue preparatory to building a new schoolhouse with ample accommodations for the pupils of the Central and of the East High schools. In 1878, the building was ready for occupancy and the two high schools were consolidated, the conditions of the East Cleveland 368 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII annexation having been satisfied. The new school is still known as the Central High School and the old East High School was dis- continued. It was a good while before there was another East High School. Just then Alexander Forbes retired fi'om school work, thus opening the door for a satisfactory settlement of what had become a rather warmly contested issue; Dr. S. G. Williams was continued as principal of the Central High School, and Elroy M. Avery was made principal of the Normal School. "Previous to the transfer of the Central and East High schools into the new Willson Avenue building, these schools had been seated in common assembly rooms, from whence they repaired to recitation or lecture rooms at times fixed for the school program. When the two schools moved into the Central High school, they were housed in 14 session rooms, accom- modating from fifty to sixty pupils each. The students recited some of their studies in these session rooms, and repaired to other rooms for other recitations." The upper stories of the old Central High School building were fitted up for the use of the public library which had lately been committed to the charge of a library board of seven members chosen by the board of education. This first library board consisted of Sherlock J. Andrews who was made its president, the Rev. John Wesley Brown, W. F. Hinman, William Meyer, John Hay, W. J. Starkweather, and Dr. II. McQuiston. The lower story was fitted up for use as headquarters for the board of education. In the winter of 1877-78, the legislature reduced the maximum of the school levy from seven to four and a quarter mills ; it was subseciuently raised to four and a half mills and. in 1881, the levy w-as up to that maximum. Owing to the consequent decrease in receipts and the simul- taneous increase in the school attendance, the finances of the board were sorely pinched and the scliools were very crowded. In the school year 1881-82, the .scliool enumeration showed a total of 58,026 persons in the city between the ages of six and twenty-one years ; the number of pupils eni'olled in tlie ])ul)lic schools was 2(),f)f)fl ; the average daily at- tendance was 18,696; tlie number of pupils in (he high schools was 1,005 : the number of teachers was 472, of wlioiii only twenty-nine were men; the receipts on account of the school fund were $458,858.50: and the expenditures were $462,768.65. At the nid of tliis year, and after a bitter campaign, Supcrintciidi'nt K'ickoH' rclircil fi-oin tlie (""leveland public schools. One of the most niiirkcd features of Mr. RiekofT's fifteen years of superintendence was the genei-al elimination of male ]>rinci])als and teaeliers and the substitution of women therefor. The argu- ment generally adv;ini'cil in favoi- change was that, out of an equal number of teachers, male aiul female, the greater number of recalcitrants would come from the former class; in other words, that the teacher who had a vote was more likely to feel a "little independent" and to "kick" against what he looked upon as an arbitrary exercise of authority than was the teaclier who had no vote and but little or no political influence. Probably each side had something of right on its side. Although he was somewhat intolerant of a differing opinion, Mr. Kickotf was one of the greatest school superintendents that Ohio has produced ; he may have been imiierious, but he also was imperial. Superintendent Hinsdale's Administration The next superintendent of the schools was Burke A. Hinsdale, who was well-known as president of Hiram College and as a writer on educational and historical sub.iects. He and Mr. Rickoff had lately been engaged in a war of polemic pamphlets relating to the efficiency of the common schools as-eompared with those of earlier years, as manifested by the tests made at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Mr. Hinsdale was a more scholarly man than his predecessor and made good use of his four years in the super- intendency to better the class of teachers employed in the schools and to improve the instruction that they gave. The teachers were allowed a greater exercise of initiative and largely freed from the discouraging restraints and fear of "the office." By that time, the lack of school accommodations had become acute. On the sixteenth of October, 1882, the superintendent reported to the board that there were thirty schools in rented rooms, of which eleven were in churches, nine in saloon buildings, two in a refitted stable, five in dwelling houses, two in store rooms, and one in a society hall. The board immediately began an active campaign for more buildings. In 1884, branch high schools were organized. The night schools had reached such a place of importance that the board authorized the super- intendent to open such schools wherever he found that they were needed. In 1886, corporal punishment, which had for many years been discouraged, was by action of the board of education definitely abolished. In August, 1886, Superintendent Hinsdale retired from the Cleveland public schools and soon became a memlier of the faculty of the University of Michigan, a position that he held until his death. Vol. t— n 370 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII In his last annual report as superintendent of the Cleveland schools, he said: As this is my last report, I deem it but a matter of justice to all parties, and particularly to myself, to put on record a fuller statement than I have hitherto published of tlie leading ideas that have guided my administration of the office of superintendent. My acceptance of the superintendency of the schools of Cleveland, in June, 1882, was by some people construed to mean that numerous and important changes would at once be made in the schools, both in their mechan- ical organization and in methods of instruction. Nor can it be B. A. Hinsdale denied that many citizens were j)repared eagerly to welcome such changes; the sooner they came th(> better, these citizens tlionght. These advocates of sudden and extreme measures made two great mistakes. First, they failed to see that even in case such changes were called for, no superintendent who came to the schools a stranger could at once or quickly tell what they were, or wisely order or recommend them ; also, that no educator who really had any reputation to lose, would risk it on such an experiment. But, secondly, they made a more serious mistake as to the real nature of a school and of a .system of schools. Such a school or system is not a frame work tliat can be torn down and i)ut together again according to another model, or even a machine that can be ])ullc(l to pieces and built over again; it is rather an organism that has been produced by gi'owth or evolu- tion, more or less alive, more or less fruitful, and that nnist be handled in liarmony with its own nattirc and laws. What Sir James ^1,'ickiiitosli sn\s of constitutions is ti'U(> of si'lioo! systems: "Tliey 1886] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 371 are not uiadc, Init <;;ro\v." What the laws of school systems are, neeil not hei-i' lie nuulf tlie subjei't of imiiiiry ; one differs more or less from another: hut this is one law of tlie srliools of any eity that have existed long enough to eall for a liftieth annual report: AH changes, no matter how numerous, how important, or how radical, to be beneficent must be made opportunely and jirudently, and must con- sume time. In the grave words of Hacon, found in his essay on "Innovations," "It wei'c good, tiierefore, that men in tlicir innova- tions wouhl follow the example of Time itself, which indeed iiinovateth greatly, but (|uietly. and by ilegrees scarce to be perceived." Holding these views in 1S8'J as firmly as I hold them today, 1 came to Cleve- land with no revolutionary schemes Vccordingjy, every consideration of sound policy reconimendcd tiie course that 1 adopted from the first : — to visit the teachers and the schools as often as pos- sible ; to observe the organization, the discipline, and the instruction ; to analyze and comjiare the results; and then to direct such changes as seemed called for, remembering that time innovatetb greatly but quietly, and remembering, also, tiiat 1 must succeed in improving the schools, if at all, through the minds of the teachers, — their knowl- edge, views, ideals, and si)irit, and not by the use of mechanical methods. Proceeding in this way, I soon discovered that what the schools most needed was not revolution in external organization and sj"stem, but moi-e fruitful instruction, a more elastic regimen, and a freer spirit. This path ran wide of all sensationalism; it was quiet and unobtrusive; the man who should tread it could look for little in the way of noisy popular approval : ncvertlieless, it would lead to some of the best fruits of education. In this path, I have steadfastly sought to tread. Concerning Superintendent Hinsdale's work in Cleveland, Mr. E. A. Schellentrager, the president of the board of education, said in his annual report : I regard the period of his administration as one of the most beneficent in the history of our schools. (Qualified by thorough and comprehensive knowledge, and enthusiastically devoted to his calling as an educator, he succeeded in inspiring the faculty of teachers with enthusiasm for their difTficuit and responsible work and in inducing them to continue with avidity the development of their own attain- ments. Opposed to all sui)erficiallty of training, he strove indefati- gably against all mere mechanism in school instruction, and though many of his efforts were for the fii'st time apparently fruitless and unsuccessful, yet it is proper to attribute to him the merit of having sown seed which shall certainly spring up and bear beneficent fruit in the future. Manu.vl Training School Opened Mr. Hinsdale's successor as superintendent of the Cleveland public schools was Lewis W. Day who, as teacher or supervising 372 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII principaL had been connected with the schools for many years. In the school year, 1886-87, the tax of cue-fifth of a mill, authorized by the legislature, was collected for the purpose of training pupils in manual and domestic work. In Februaiy, 1886, the Cleveland ilanual Ti'aining School Company opened a school on the north side of East Prospect Street (Carnegie Avenue) between Willson Avenue (East Fifty-fifth Street) and the Cleveland and Pittsburg branch of the Pennsylvania Railway. By arrangement between the manual training school company and the lioard of education, high school pupils were admitted to the school free ; other pupils paid a tuition fee; the difference between the tuition fees I'eeeived and the oper- ating expenses of the school was paid by the board of education. At the opening of the school year, 1887-88, a cooking school depart- ment was opened as a regular branch of the manual training school — one of the first cooking schools organized in the country. About this time, the first truant officer was appointed under the provisions of the state compulsory school law. In his report for the year, 1888-89, Superintendent Day spoke of his efforts to broaden the thought, to cultivate the attention, and to systematize the work of the pupils, and mentioned two serious hindrances to success along such lines. The first was the emploj-ment of teachers "who have had little or no experience or training and who, consequently, are narrow and bookish." The other hindrance was the employment of teachers "who, notwithstanding their experience, are equally narrow and bookish, whose chief aim seems to bo to 'drill' all the work into the little unfortunates committed to their care." Teachei-s of the first class should be "reduced by dismissal as rapidly as better teachers can be found to supply their places; the other class should not be employed." Wise Mr. Day! In September, 1890, the West JManual Training School was opened on the upjier floor of the old W^est High School. At the end of the year (1892), Mr. Day retired from the Cleveland schools. Government of Schools Rf.org.vnized In March, 1892, Die Ifgislaturc |)assed an act that reorganized the government of the Cleveland schools, the Federal Plan it was called. It vested all legislative power in a school council of seven members elected at large, and all executive authority in a sdiool director who was elected directly by the people and whose powers were so great that many called him the school dictator. The council and the director constituted the board of education ; the duties of each lii'J-2\ THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 373 di'i)ai-tnu'iit wcro cloarly doliiK'iL In Ai>ril. Mr. IT. Q. Sargent was eleeti'd as school diroctor, and tlio seven niend)ers of tlio t'ouni'il were chosen as provided hy the luw hiw. As successor to Superintendent Day, Director Sarjrcnt appointed Andrew S. Drai)er, a former seliool commissioner of the state of \ew York, an al)le educator, and a strong- man. ^Ir. Drapei- proiiijitly hegan many changes, prominent among wliich was an enhirgemcnt of the authority of the school principals. As an inheritance from tiie Kickotf reijime, he found (to (piote from his first annual report) tliat "all authority was exercised in the centra! office: none was delegated. The priiicii>als were such only in name. ,\side from transmitting the directions of the super- intendent and collecting and returning reports, they apparently had no higher or different function than had any other teacher. They were not charged with respt)nsibility, nor even with knowledge, con- cerning the management or the methods of tiic teachers in tlicir buildings. All details, no matter how rcmot*', were managed directly from the office. . . . The principals were therefore directed to exercise a general care over their buildings and a general over- sight of all the schools therein ; to keep tlicmselves informed as to all details; to see that all the regulations and the directions of superior officers were fully complied with ; to aid associate teachers with sug- gestions and advice where practicable; and to report to the super- intendent or a supervisor any unbecoming conduct or any inefficient work on the part of a teacher, or any other matter which they could not remedy themselves and to which, in the interests of the schools, the attention of the superintendent's office should be called." For what he considered a needed "energizing" of the teachers, Superin- tendent Draper organized "The Principals' Round Table" for the informal discussion of school work and school problems and framed a schedule of regular teachers meetings, four each year for the whole body of teachers and twice as many for teacliers of each separate grade. These meetings were led by the superintendent or a supervisor and many of them were addressed by eminent educators brought to Cleveland for that purpose. The names of the common school grades from the D-Primary up to the A-Grannnar were changed to first grade, second grade, etc., ni) to the eighth grade, thus avoiding some confusion. Examinations for promotion in these grades were abol- ished. At the beginning of June, each teacher was to prepare a list of the pupils who, in her opinion, were prepared for promotion. Subject to the approval of the principal, the pupils thus recom- mended were advanced to the next higher grade. In the case of a pupil not thus advanced, the parent might a.sk for a written exam- 374 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII illation of the child and, if the required standard was attained, the pupil was thus promoted. Promotions from the eighth grade to the high school were determined by a combination of the teacher's recom- mendation with a written examination, "fifty-fifty.'" In this year, manual training was introduced into the elementary schools and land was bought for a manual training school building on Cedar Avenue near East Fifty-fifth Street. Columbus Day Observed The four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America (Columbus Day, October 21, 1892), was fittingly observed by the pupils of the Cleveland public schools. The celebration was described by Superintendent Draper in his annual report as follows: At nine o'clock in the morning the children were assembled in the yard at their several buildings and participated in unfurling the flag, and with uplifted hand all pledged loyalty and devotion to it. This was performed with a felicitous ritualistic ceremony and with the assistance of committees of the Grand Army of the Republic, Immediately after the flag raisings the several schools, in their sepa- rate rooms, held exercises apjiropriate to the occasion which were o!" deeper interest because of the study all the schools had given to the life and character of Colundjus and the history of his voyage and discovery during the previous weeks. The parents were invited to these exercises. At 12 o'clock, the students of the High schools and the children of the four ui)|)ei- grades of the Elementary schools assembled and either marched, or were lirought on the street railway lines, to the center of the city, where great meetings were held in .seven of the public halls and churches and addressed by prominent public speakers. At these meetings the children occupied the main part of the Iiuildings, prominent citizens occupied the ])latforins, and the music and addi'esses were of a (character calculated to enforce patriotic lessons suggested by tile day's celebration. At the close of these meet- ings there was a mammoth street ])arade by idl tlie boys of the High schools and the four upper grades of the Klementary schools. l']aih school was represented by a beautiful banner, and many wore unifoi'ms specially prepared for the occasion. All carried flags. Jlusic was plentiful and inspiring. The marching was so soldierly as to win the enthusiastic applause of siich a multitude as Cleveland never saw on her streets before, and parlicnlarly of the veterans of the Crand Ai'iny whose efficient aid in preiKiring for and supervising the notatile jjarade will be long and gi-atefuUy renu'mbered. At the close of the parade the column was reviewed in front of the (^ity Hall by Mayor William G. Rose, the grand marshal of the day. General M. H. Lcggett and liis staff, and by the school officials. 1892-94] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 375 Tlio larjicst oi' these luectinjjs was at .Miisie Hall, on Vineent Street, wliere were assembled the teachers and pupils of the Normal School, the Central High School, the West High School and the pupils of the grammar grades from the following schools: Broadway, Miles Park, Outliwaite, Sibley, South Case, Sterling, and Woodland Hills. The program was as follows: Chairman, the Rev. Charles F. Thwing, D. D., President of West- em Reserve University. Prayer The Rev. Lewis Burton, D. D. Music " America. ' ' Address President Thwing. Music "Columbus! Columbia!" Address The Hon. George H. Ely. Music " Star Spangled Banner. ' ' Address Dr. Klroy M. Avery. ((. "Red. White and Blue." h. "Battle Hymn of the Re])ublic." ^lusical Director, Prof. N. Coe Stewart. Music The Schools Under Superintendent Draper An elaborate revision of the course of study was made, simple science was introduced into the lower grades, and a school for deaf mutes was opened in the Rockwell Street School. In 1899, this school was transferred to a leased building on East Fifty-fifth Street. In two years. Superintendent Draper retired nearly a hundred teachers for incompetency with the inevitable consequent criticism. In May, 1894, the supervisory staff was constituted as follows: Superintendent, Andrew S. Draper. Supervisor of 1st District, Edwin F. Moulton. Supcn-isor of 2nd District, Henry C. iluckley. Special Supervisor, Ellen G. Reveley. Special Supervisor, Emma C. Davis. Supervisor of German, Joseph Krug. Supervisor of ^Manual Training, W. E. Roberts. Special Teacher and Supervisor of Music, N. Coe Stewart. Special Teacher and Supervisor of Drawing, Frank Aborn. Special Teacher and Supervisor of Penmanship, Ansel A. Clark. In that month (May 10, 1894), Suj)erintendent Draper tendered his resignation to take efifeet at the end of the school year; he hai: the rij^lit to oceiipy the buikliiiy; until liiUl Contracts for two high school buildings (East and Lincoln) were let; the buildings were completed in the fall of 1900. In the jjreceding decade, many school buildings had been erected but the schools were still very crowded. In June, 1900, Superintendent Jones made a special report giving his best judgment as to the location of ten build- ings needed in the inunediate future. "The exact location will be made more definite by the indications that will come to us on the opening of schools next September." Attention was directed to chil- dren who had defective eyesight and it was recommended that "the department of physical education and school hygiene be put upon a firm foundation." The enumeration of children of school age iu 1900 showed a total of 106,453, with twenty-one more boys than there were girls. The number of pupils registered in the schools was 58,105 and the average daily attendance was 45,700. The number of teachers was 1,250, of whom 164 were teachers of Gennan. The total value of school buildings was $4,61i),676, and the bonded in- debtedness of the board of education was $1,195,000. Conclusion op Superintendent Jones' Term An attempt to exclude from the Normal School several young ladies who had nearly completed the prescribed course, on the ground that they were not likely to make successful teachers, aroused great public interest. Some of these pupils had been given a few weeks' practice under training teachers and had been unfavorably reported upon by said training teachers, and were therefore dismissed from the school. There was no question as to the scholarship of any of them and, in at least one case, the brief practice had l>een taken under unfavorable physical conditions. When the present writer, by request of the girl's parents, brought this case to the attention of the super- intendent with the request that she be given another two weeks' trial in the training .school and with an assurance that, if she failed to .secure a favorable report from her training teacher, no further effort would be made in her behalf. Superintendent Jones curtly remarked that the dismis-sal must be accepted as "a closed incident." The caller departed with the remark that sometimes a closed incident was torn open. The cases were cartied into court and the court re- instated the pupil in the .school. In the next campaign, one of the .young ladies spoke in many of the meetings, aroused much sympathy, and contributed largely to the defeat of Mr. Sargent as school direc- tor and to file election of his competitor, a gloomy omen for Super- 378 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII iiitendent Jones. Soon after this, one of the daily newspapers pub- lished (September, 1901), a series of six articles on "Frills and Feathers" in the public schools; these articles did much to intensify the opposition to the superintendent who was held to be largely re- sponsible for the conditions of which complaint was made. The authorship of the "Frills and Feathers" articles was an open secret, the paper that printed them kept pounding away with argument, ridicule and cartoon, and other papers followed more gently, until in 1902, Mr. Jones accepted the presidency of a ilichigan state normal school and left Cleveland. It is only fair to add the statement that Mr. Jones was recognized, even by those who longed for his leaving, as a very able man with a very satisfactory familiarity with up-to-date pedagogical methods, but it was felt that his disposition was unfortunate and that he had not the tact that is necessary in the position that he held. Since the departure of Mr. Jones in 1902, the changes in the super- intendency of the Cleveland public schools have been so frequent and accompanied by so many unpleasant differences and, in some cases, by such bitter feeling, all of which are so recent that not all of the soreness caused thereby has yet disappeared, that it will be well to pass over them with little more than mere mention. IMr. Jones was succeeded by Mr. Edwin F. Moulton wlio had been assistant superintendent. On the first of January, 1906, came Stratton D. Brooks from Boston ; on the tifteenth of March, Mr. Brooks went back to Boston, ostensibly and probably because he was luiwilling to endure for more than ten weeks the interference and attempted dic- tation of school board officials in mattere that he felt belonged to him. From ^larch to tlie middle of May, ]\lr. Moulton was again in the superintendent's office, and then lie gave way for Mr. William IT. Elson who had been called from the .superin tendency of the schools of Grand Rapids, Michigan. In .laiiuai-y. 1912, Mr. Elson retired. WiLMA.M 11. I']|,S()N 'S RK((M{|) Before going further down tlie line, I auticijiate events for tlie sake of doing partial justice to a very able educator who deserved a better fate than was allowed by the adherents of an insubordituiti' teacher and the weak-kneed and uiiappreciative members of the board of education. In the Cleveland I'IoIh /yraler (September 3, 1918") is printed a communication entitled " I'Mucational Prophets," signed by the Rev. Arthur C. Ludlow, a former member of the school iioaid. Ill tills article, Mr. Ludlow says: 1902-12] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 379 Who can estimate tlio iHliu-ational losses due to repeated eruci- fixions of edueatioual propliets.' Forty years a.; Frank Hatfield, plate roller, Cleveland Steel Company ; Charles S. Howe, Ph. D., S. C. . D., President Case School of A])plied Science; Thomas L. Johnson, attornc.v ; C. W. MeCormick, assistant secretary Cleveland Stone Com- pany: James McIIenry, dry goods merchant; F. F. Prentiss, Presi- dent Cleveland Twist Drill Company, and President Chamber of Commerce; and Charles F. Tlnving, LL. D., President Western Re- serve Cniversit.v. On March 1st the Connnission organized by selecting ]\Ir. Cowles as ehairnuui. R. E. Gammcl, serrctary of tlie director of schools, acted as Secretary for the Commission. A comj)rchcnsive program was adoi)tcd, comjirising eight groups of inquiry, each assigned to a committee. The committees made a very thorougli study of their assigned sub.iects, and the commission held stated meetings at wiiich their findings were discussed in great detail. On Jul.y 24, 1906, the last meeting was held and tlieir report transmitted to the board of education. 'I'hus for a year and a half the problems of i)ublic educii- tioii in (;ieveland were carefully studied by an al)le aiul reiiresentative liotly of citizens, repi'esenting not alone the tax payer, but every phase 1904-06] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 381 of business and professional life. Their report comprises a volume of one humli'ed aiul, twenty pages and outlines an edueational i)r(israiii based upon the faets observed that would make the ])ul)lie schools uot merely an edueatioiuil niaehine, hut a vitalizing force in our indus- trial civilization. The rejiort at once became a document of peda- gogical value and was sought for by all the larger cities in the country. Many cities have since followetl Cleveland's example and have had their schools studied by citizen conunissions. The recommendations for changes were numerous, too niuuerous to be even outlined here. Many of them were on minor matters, but some of them were of the greatest imi)ortance. Among them are the following: That high school functions be differentiated and sejiarate nuuiual training an'd commercial high schools lie established ; that the elementary course of study be entirely revised, eliminating nuuiy of the decorative appendages; that there be more ell'ective supervision in writing; a reorganization of the drawing depai'tment and better correlation of the physical culture work in the elementary schools; that the night school be reorganized and that the schools be utilized as neighborhood centers ; that a complete system of medical inspection be inaugurated under the supervision of a medical expert ; that radical changes be made in the [/romotion of teachers, not on the basis of length of serv- ice, but upon nu'rit aiul that the salaries be raised and th(> inefficient teachers be droi)ped ; that the nornuil school be reorganized, the course lengthened to three years, a new and ami)ly equipped building be erected and the faculty strengthened, but that it would be more ideal if Western Reserve University would establish a Teachers' College and the city send its pupils thither; that the superintendent be given full executive powers in educational matters; that the method of super- vision be changed and that the principals be given more supervisory authority; that German be discontinued in the lower grades; that textlKJoks be adopted only on the recommendation of the educational depai'tment; and that there should be an extension of cooking and manual training in the seventh aiul eighth grades. Increased effi- ciency and the readjustment of the schools to the problems of the breadwinners were the heart of the commission's findings. Many of the minor suggestions were immediately made effective by the board of education, ami the larger problems were promptly attacked. The committee on the elementary course of study consisted of Jlessrs. Avery, liaker, and Gentsch. When the appointment was made, Chairman Cowles addressed Dr. Avery saying: "'You have the butt end of the log" — and so it proved. The entire teaching force in the elementary schools was interrogated under assurance that their rei)lies would be held by the committee as confidential, and much valuable, first-hand information was thus secured. Written exam- inations in spelling, arithmetic and one or two other of the "essen- tials" ^vere conducted in the seventh and eighth grades and the results tabulated. The report of the committee was approved by 382 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Cha}). XXII the eomniission, printed in full in the Cleveland Plain DeaUr and several educational magazines, and in abstract by many others. The publishers of the Webster dictionaries ])rinted thousands of copies for gratuitous circulation at teachers' institutes and other educational meetings, and Mr. Orth wrote the following hitherto unpublished letter (probably one for each member of the commission) : Bo.\RD OF Education Cleveland, Ohio, August 8, 1906. Mr. Elrov :\I. Averv, City. Dear Mb. Avery : As President of the Board of Education, I appointed you last year a member of the Educational Commission, and inasmuch as that Commission has now completed its work I feel that I ought, personally, to thank you most sincerely for the earnest, faithful and efficient work which you have done as a member of the Commission. You have done a real service to the city. Your reward will be twofold ; the appreciation whicli the thoughtful people of the community bestow upon unselfish and efficient public service, and also the quickening of the life of our ])ublic schools by infusing into them new and vitalizing energy. As you know, already a number of the suggestions of the Com- mission have been carried into eft'ect, and the Board is giving their thoughtful consideration to all of the suggestions you have made, and we hope, before our term expires, to have pretty well covered the new work which the Commission has outlined. It is the sympathetic cooperation of men of high ideals that make public service worth while, and it has been a very great pleasure to me personally to be associated in some measure with the Commission in their investigation, and I beg of you hereby to accept my sincere thanks for your generous gift of time and thought to the work of our public schools. Very truly yours, S-'VMUEL P. OhTII. Ill his History of Cleveland. 'Sir. Orth further says that "with chararteristic energv' and courage, the new superintendent fElson] set himself the task of solving the greater problems i)resented by the commission. Of tlu^ many results already achieved [1910], five may be taken as indicative of the new forward movement in educa- tion." These he enmnerates thus: 1. Tlie estalilishment of tlie Tecliiiicaj llifili School. 2. The estaliiisliment of the Commercial High School. 3. The reorganization of the Noi-inal School along the lines sug- gested by the Educational Connnission. 1906-17] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 383 4. An eiitiro rovisioii of the course ol' study in the eU'iueutary schools. 5. The establishment (If 10) of a vocatioiuil school foi- boys under the high-school age, the " Kleinentary Industrial Scliool." The teachers' pension fund was established in 1906, antl the first dispensary with nurses was opened at the Murray Hill School. Dental clinics were inaugurated in 1910, semi-annual promotions were, re- established and a second technical (West) high school was estab- lished in 1912. In 1915, "Junior High Schools" were provided for pupils in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades. In 1918, the teach- ing of German was abandoned, the teaeliing force was combed for disloyalty, and military training for all high school l)oys was pre- scribed. Superintendent Frank E. Spaulding In September, 1917, Mr. Frank E. Spaulding, lately superin- tendent of schools at ]\ninieapolis, became snpcrinteinlcnt of the public schools of Cleveland. Ilis election followed extensive inquiry of prominent educators in all parts of the country and numerous "junket trips" by committees of the board of education. Mr. Spaulding knew his worth and wants and so his salary was fixed at $12,000 a year (the largest salary paid to any school superintendent in the United States) and he was given full assurance that he should be superintendent in fact as well as in name — a very important compliance with one of the recommendations of the commission of 190.")-06. At this, the close of his first year in Cleveland, it is only truth to say that Superintendent Spaulding treated the teachers and the public with courteous consideration and full fairness and that they, in return, gave their confidence and support. The long continued friction between the office force and the schoolroom force and the heat generated thereby disappeared, and the almost chronic wrangling in the board of education came to an end. The latter elim- ination had long been devoutly wished by all friends of the schools, and the credit for it mu.st be -shared with the president of the board, ^Ir. ]\Iark L. Thomsen. At the end of the school year, there was a revivified era of good will and the superintendent might justifiably have written on the cerebral tablet assigned by phrenologists to "Self Esteem." the C\Tsarian legend, veni, vuli, vici. At all events, the verdict of the general public was that though he was high priced he was the right man in the right place and that he was worth what they had to pay for him. In the summer of 1918, Mr. Spaulding was 384 CLEVELAND AXD ITS EN\aRONS [Chap. XXII given leave of absenee, he having been ehosen chairman of a com- mission of tliree to take charge of the education of American soldiers in France in preparation for their return to civic life after demobili- zation at the end of the great World war. Present School Organization In the fall of 1918, the members of the board of education were ilark L. Thomsen, president ; Mrs. Virginia D. Green, F. W. Steffen, Jlrs. Clara Tagg Brewer, E. M. "Williams, Robert I. Clegg, and Bertram D. Quarrie. Jlrs. Sarah E. Ilyre was clerk and treasurer of the board; Frank G. Hogen was director of schools (chief executive offi- cer) ; headquarters in the old school building on Rockwell Avenue at the corner of East Sixth Street. Here also were the offices of mem- bers of the educational department: F. E. Spaulding — Superintendent. R. G. Jones — Deputy and Acting Superintendent. A. C. Eldredge — Assistant Superintendent. F. E. Clerk — Assistant Superintendent. Catherine T. Bryee — Assistant Superintendent. Jennie D. Pullen — General Supervisor. Florence A. Hungerford — General Supervisor. Eva T. Seabrook — General Supeiwisor. Olive G. Cai-son — General Supervisor. Clarence W. Sutton — Director of Division of Reference and Re- search. William E. Roberts — Supervisor of Manual Training. Adelaitle Laura Van Duzer — Supervisor of Domestic Science. Helen ^1. Fliedner — Supervisor of Art. J. Powell tlones — Supervisor of Music. C. A. Barnett — Supervisor of Penmanshi]i. R. B. Irwin — Supervisor of the Blind. Alexander ^IcBanc — Truant Officer. F. E. Spaulding, llai'rict K. Corlctt, Chirenco W. Sutton, and Charles W. Rice — Board of School Examinci's. Dr. Ervin A. Petei'son — Assistant Supcrintciuliiit in Charge of Medical Inspection. Walter R. McCornack— Chief Architect. In the following list of schools, the enrolment given is that for June, 1918: Normal School — Stearns Road, S. E. and Boulevard. >\mbrose Tj. Suhrie, principal; 17 teachers. Eni-olmcnt, 263. (See Observa- tion School.) East Technical, High School West TECHNicAii High School 386 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII High Schools Central— East Fifty-fifth Street, near Cedar Avenue. Edward L. Harris, principal; 45 teachers. Enrolment, 1,102. (See Central Junior High.) East — East Eighty-second Street, cor. Decker Avenue. Daniel W. Lothman, principal ; 42 teachers. Enrolment, 1,041. (See East Junior Hisrh.) Glenville — Parkwood Drive cor. Everton Avenue, N. E. H. H. Cully, principal ; 40 teachers. Enrolment, 1,065. Lincoln — Seranton Road, cor. Castle Avenue, S. W. James B. Smiley, principal; 27 teachers. Enrolment, 600. (See Lincoln Junior High.) South — Broadway opposite FuUerton Avenue, S. E. I. Franklin Patterson, principal; 25 teachers. Enrolment, 584. (See South Junior High.) "West — Franklin Avenue, cor. West Sixty-ninth Street. David P. Simpson, principal ; 28 teachers. Enrolment, 666. East Technical — East Fifty-fifth Street, cor. Scovill Avenue. Charles H. Lake, principal ; 102 teachers. Enrolment, 2,301. "West Technical — "West Ninety-third Street, cor. "Willard Avenue. E. "W. Boshart, principal; 52 teachers. Enrolment, 1,044. (See "West Technical Junior High.) High School of Commerce — Bridge Avenue, cor. Randall Road, N. "W. Solomon Weimer, principal; 41 teachers. Enrolment, 1,071. High School of Commerce (East Branch) — East One Hundred and Twentieth Street, cor. Moulton Avenue. Solomon "Weimer, prin- cipal ; 11 teachers. Enrolment, 244. Collinwood (Glenville Annex) — St. Clair Avenue and Ivanhoe Road, N. E. Prank P. "Whitney, assistant principal in charge; 11 teachers. Enrolment, included in that of Glenville High School. Central Manual Training— 5805 Cedar Avenue, S. E. "W. H. Lambirth, director in charge. This is a branch of the Central High School. Junior High Schools Addison — Hough Avenue and Addison Koad, N. E. B. W. Tay- lor, principal; 21 teachers. Enrolment, 765. Brownell — East Fourteenth Street, cor. Sumner. George E. Whitman, principal; 30 tcacliers. Enrolment, 603. (See Brownell Elementary.) 1918] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 387 Central— East Fil'ty-lifth Street, near Cedar Avenue. Edward L. Harris, principal; 32 teachers. Enrolment, 833. CoUiuwood — St. Clair Avenue and Ivanhoe Road, N. E. Frank P. Whitney, principal ; 28 teachers. Enrolment, 707. Detroit — Detroit Avenue cor. West Forty-ninth Street. Anna M. Christian, principal ; 21 teachers. Enrolment, 498. East — East Eighty-second Street, cor. Decker Avenue. Daniel W. Lothmau, principal ; 16 teachers. Enrolment, 466. Empire — Empire Avenue, near East Ninety-tliird Street. Clay- ton R. Wise, principal ; 36 teachers. Enrolment, 869. W&<*S8SRr__ Empire School Fairmount — East One Hundred and Seventh Street, north of Euclid Avenue. J. A. Crowell, principal; 31 teachers. Enrolment, 579. Lincoln — Seranton Road, cor. Castle Avenue, S. W. James B. Smiley, principal ; 23 teachers. Enrolment, 572. South — Broadway, opposite Fullerton Avenue, S. E. I. Frank- lin Patterson, principal ; 12 teachers. Enrolment, 323. West — Franklin Avenue, cor. West Sixty-ninth Street. D. P. Simpson, principal ; 16 teachers. Enrolment, 523. West Technical — West Ninety-third Street, cor. Willard Avenue. E. W. Boshart, principal; 26 teachers. Enrolment, 672. Elementary Schools Alabama — St. Clair Avenue, cor. East Twenty-sixth Street. Hanrahan, principal ; 10 teachers. Enrolment, 404. Mary 388 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Cliap. XXII Almira — -Almira Avenue, between West Ninety-seventh Street and "West Ninety-eighth Street. Ida M. Deightou, principal; 28 teach- ers. Enrolment, 803. Barkwill — Barkwill Avenue, cor. Dolloff Road, S. E. M. Emma Brookes, principal ; IS teachei-s. Enrolment, 64:5. Bolton — East Eighty-ninth Street, near Carnegie Avenue. Har- riet A. Hills, principal ; 31 teachers. Enrolment, 1,296. Boulevard — Kinsman Road, cor. East Boulevard, S. E. Eva E. Sheppard, principal; 24 teachers. Enrolment, 1,026. Boys' — ^West Twenty-ninth Street, cor. Clinton Avenue. H. 0. Merriman, principal ; 14 teachers. Enrolment, 740. Broadway — Broadway, cor. Worley Avenue, S. E. Mary G. Strachan, principal ; 22 teachers. Enrolment, 772. Browuell — East Fourteenth Street, cor. Sumner. George E. Whitman, principal ; 16 teachers. Enrolment, 687. Buhrer — Buhrer Avenue, near Scranton Road, S. W. Hattie E. Walker, principal; 17 teachers. Enrolment, 735. Case — East Fortieth Street, cor. Cooper Avenue. Jennie A. Glee- son, principal ; 21 teachers. Enrolment, 804. Case — Woodland (Training School) — Woodland Avenue, cor. East Fortieth Street. Annie J. Robinson, principal; 26 teachei-s. Enrolment, 896. Central — Central Avenue, cor. East Sixty-fifth Street. Lora Henderson, principal; 37 teachers. Enrolment, 1,052. Chesterfield — Chesterfield Avenue, cor. East One Hundi-ed and Twenty-third Street. Christine A. Ringle, principal; 21 teachers. Enrolment, 781. Clark — Clark Avenue, cor. West Fifty -sixth Street. Sarah Raines, principal ; 19 teachers. Enrolment, 799. Collinwood — East One Hundred and Fifty-second Street, cor. School Avenue. Clara Stewart, principal ; 16 teachers. Enrolment, 663. Columbia — Columbia Avenue, near East One Hundred and Fifth Street. Alia C. Sloan, principal; 33 teachers. Enrolment, 1,500. Corlctt — Corlett Avenue, cor. East One Hundred and Thirty-first Street. Charlotte Norton, principal; 15 teachers. Enrolment, 829. Dawning — Dawning Avenue, near West Thirty-fifth Street. Anna Clans, principal ; 26 teachers. Enrolment, 1,051. Denison — Denison Avenue, near West Twenty-fifth Street. Katherinc Lang, principal; 27 teachers. Enrolment, 1,106. Detroit — Detroit Avenue, cor. West Forty-ninth Street. II. E. 1918] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 389 Beatley, principal; .Vuiia M. Christian, co-principal; 5 teachers. En- rolment, 201. Dike — East Sixty-fourth Street, eor. Outhwaite Avenue. Bessie M. Corlett, principal ; 27 teachere. Enrolment, 1,100. Doan — East One Hmulrcd and Fifth Street, cor. Boulevard Court. Laura K. Collister, principal; 19 teachers. Enrolment, 797. Dunham — East Sixty-sixth Street, cor. Lexington Avenue. Martha A. Stewart, principal ; 20 teachere. Enrolment, 920. Eagle — Eagle Avenue, near East Ninth Street. Sara E. Slawson, principal ; 23 teachers. P^nrolment, 770. East Boulevard — East Boulevard, cor. Woodland Avenue. Effie A. Van ]\Ieter, principal; 31 teachers. Enrolment, 1,111. East Clark (Collinwood) — East One Hundred and Forty-seventh Street, north of St. Clair Avenue. Elizjiheth L Corris, principal; 22 teachers. Enrolment, 1,043. I'^ast Denison — Denison Avenue, near "West Fifteenth Street. Bridget L. Gafney, principal ; 22 teachers. Enrolment, 842. East Madison — Addison Road, corner Carl Avenue, N. E. Mary A. Whelan, principal; 29 teachers. Enrolment, 999. Euclid Park — Stop 4. Euclid Avenue. Edna G. Connolly, princi- pal ; 4 teachers. Enrolment, 121. Fowler — Fowler Avenue, near Broadway, S. E. Eva Venderink, principal ; 20 teachers. Enrolment, 607. Fruitland — West One Hundred and Sixteenth Street, cor. Locust Avenue. N. W. Ella B. Money, principal; 11 teachers. Enrolment, 42G. Fullerton — FuUerton Avenue, near East Fifty-seventh Street. Florence E. McEachren, principal; 25 teachers. Enrolment, 824. Giddings — East Seventy-first Street, between Cedar and Central Avenues. Mary A. Morrow, principal; 32 teachers. Enrolment, 952. Gilbert — West Fifty-eighth Street, near Storer Avenue. Nelie L. Coleman, principal ; 31 teachers. Enrolment, 1,264. Gordon — West Sixty-fifth Street, south of Lorain Avenue. Lucia C. Wilcox, principal; 13 teachers. Enrolment, 654. Halle — Halle Avenue, near West Eighty-second Street. Carrie E. Broadwell, principal ; 17 teachers. Enrolment, 710. Harmon — Woodland Avenue, cor. Ea.st Twentieth Street. Lena C. Albinger, principal ; 19 teachers. Enrolment, 732. Harvard — Harvard Avenue, near East Seventy-first Street. Eliza- beth Messenger, principal : 22 teachers. Enrolment, 827. Hazeldell — East One Hundred and Twenty-third Street, south of St. Clair Avenue. Emma L. Shuart, principal ; 38 teachers. Enrol- ment, 1,733. 390 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII Hicks — West Twent.y-fourth Street, between Bridge and Lorain Avenues. Belle Bolton, principal; 28 teachers. Enrolment, 1,111. Hodge — East Seventy-fourth Street, between St. Clair and Supe- rior Avenues. Augusta C. Thompson, principal ; 26 teachers. Enrol- ment, 860. Hough — Hough Avenue, near East Eighty-ninth Street. Annie E. Salter, principal ; 24 teachers. Enrolment, 1,059. Huck — East Forty-ninth Street, cor. Chard Avenue. Nellie D. Knight, principal; 13 teachers. Enrolment, 478. Kennard — East Forty-sixth Street, south of Scovill Avenue. Co- \ delia L. 'Neill, principal ; 34 teachers. Enrolment, 1,158. JSS sSiSis WimM I is II H Bill HazeldeIjL St:i 101)1, Kentucky — West Thirty-eighth Street, near Franklin Avenue. Emma K. Hinckley, principal ; 20 teachers. Enrolment, 741. Kinsman — Kinsman Road, cor. East Seventy-ninth Street. Ellen R. Scrogie, principal ; 37 teaehei-s. Enrolment, 1,471. Lake (Watterson Relief) — Lake Avenue, near West Kiglity-third Street. Elizabeth Whitney princii)al ; 2 teachei-s. (See Watterson.) Landon — West Ninety-sixth Street, lietween Dcti'oit mid West Madison avenues. IMay French, principal ; 18 teachers. l<',nroliiieiit, 741. Lawn — Lawn Avenue, between West Seventy-third anil West Seventy -sixth streets. Estelle B. Orr, principal; 1-( teachers. En- rolment, 591. 1918] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 391 Lincoln — East Eighty-third Street, near Piatt Avenue. Jennie R. Horton, principal; 25 teachers. Enrolment, 1,009. Longwood — East Thirty-fifth Street, between Scovill and Wood- land Avenues. Selda Cook, principal; 23 teachers. Enrolment, 743. Marion — Marion Avenue, cor. East Twenty-fourth Street. Chris- tine F. Walker, principal ; 23 teachers. Enrolment, 833. Mayflower — East Thirty-first Street, cor. Orange Avenue. Mor- ton L. Dartt, principal ; 38 teachers. Enrolment, 1,147. Memorial — East One Fluiidred and Fifty-second Street, near Lucknow Avenue. Anna E. Latimer, principal ; 31 teachers. En- rolment, 1,374. Memphis — Mempliis Avenue, cor. West Forty-first Street. Es- telle M. Pinhard, principal; 17 teachers. Enrolment, 761. Meyer — Meyer Avenue, cor. West Thirtieth Street. Relief for Mill; 2 teachers. Miles — Miles Avenue, cor. East One Hundred and Eighteenth Street. Hettie J. Davis, principal ; 24 teachers. Enrolment, 1,091. Miles Park — Miles Park Avenue, cor. East Ninetv-third Street. Bertha RL Kolbe, principal ; 20 teachers. Enrolment, 827. Milford — West Forty-sixth Street, cor. Eichorn Avenue. Clara Mayer, principal ; 35 teachers. Enrolment, 1,403. Jlill— Walton Avenue, cor. West Thirtieth Street. Cathrine D. Ross, principal ; 17 teachers. Enrolment, 617. Moulton — Bosworth Road (West One Hundred and Twelfth Street) south of Lorain Avenue. Flora McElroy, principal; 9 teach- ers. Enrolment, 351. Mound — Mound Avenue, opposite East Fifty-fifth Street. Jus- tine M. Ansman, principal ; 22 teachers. Enrolment, 728. Mt. Pleasant — Union Avenue, cor. East One Hundred and Six- teenth Street. Lillian S. Newell, principal; 33 teachers. Enrolment, 1,493. Murray Hill — Murray Hill Road, near Mayfield Road, S. E. Lil- lian T. Murney, principal ; 57 teachers. Enrolment, 2,282. North Doan — East One Hundred and Fifth Street, north of St. Clair Avenue. Zula L. Bruce, principal; 21 teachers. Enrolment, 929. Nottingham — Nottingliam Road, cor. Waterloo Road, N. E. Dora M. Nourse, principal ; 18 teachers. Enrolment, 811. Observation (Normal Training) — Steams Road, near University Circle, S. E. Georgie Clark, principal; 16 teachers. Enrolment, 605. 392 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXII Orchard — Orchard Avenue, opposite West Forty-second Street. Harriet Reichert, principal ; 31 teachers. Enrolment, 1,069. Outhwaite — Outhwaite Avenue, near East Fiftieth Street. Julia Mulrooney, principal; 48 teachers. Enrolment, 1,677. Parkwood — Parkwood Drive, cor. Tacoma Avenue, N. E. Bessie Perley, principal; 18 teachers. Enrolment, 774. Pearl — Pearl Road, opposite IMemphis Avenue, S. W. Myrtle L. Benedict, principal ; 10 teachers. Enrolment, 463. Prescott — West One Hundred and Fifth Street, near Lorain Ave- nue. Relief for Moulton School ; 2 teachers. Quincy — Quincy Avenue, near East Seventy-seventh Street. Net- tie J. Rice, principal ; 22 teachers. Enrolment, 862. Rawlings — Rawlings Avenue, near East Seventy-fifth Street. Clara E. LjTich, principal ; 24 teachers. Enrolment, 907. Rice — Buckeye Road, cor. East One Hundred and Sixteenth Street. Helen A. McHugh, principal ; 45 teachers. Enrolment, 1,958. Rockwell — Rockwell Avenue, cor. East Sixth Sti'eet. Fannie Mar- shall, principal ; 2 teachers. Enrolment, 65. (Also school headquar- ters.) Rosedale — East One Hundred and Fifteenth Street, between Wade Park and Superior avenues. Elizabeth Sprague, principal; 25 teachers. Enrolment, 1,081. St. Clair — St. Clair Avenue, near East Twenty-first Street. Margaret A. Mulhern, principal ; 20 teachers. Enrolment, 848. Sackett — Sackett Avenue, near Fulton Road, S. W. Martha A. House, principal ; 29 teachers. Enrolment, 1,167. Scranton — Scranton Road, cor. Vega Avenue, S. W. Ida M. Edgerton, principal ; 23 teachers. Enrolment, 731. Sibley — Carnegie Avenue, near East Fifty-fifth Street. Emily Shaw, principal; 23 teachers. Enrolment, 953. South — St. Clair Avenue and Tvanhoe Road, N. E. Frank P. Whitney, principal; 8 teachers. Enrolment, 304. (See Collinwood Junior High.) South Case — East Fortieth Street, cor. Central Avenue. Maude Burroughs, principal ; 28 teachers. Enrolment. 986. Sowinski — Sowinski Avenue, near East Seventy-ninth Street. Margaret McCarthy, principal; 28 teachers. Enrolment, 890. Stanard — Stanard Avenue, near East Fifty-fiftli Street. Jennie R. Wilson, principal ; 22 teacher.s. Enrolment, 822. Sterling — Cedar Avenue, cor. Ea.st Thirtieth Street. Laura A. Johnston, principal ; 21 teachers. Enrolment, 804. 1918] THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 393 Tod — East Sixty-til'th Street, cor. Watcrmau Avenue. Mary E. Howlett, principal; 16 teachers. Enrolment, 561. Tremont — Trcniont Avenue, cor. West Tenth Street. Hannah Handler, principal ; 44 teachers. Enrolment, 1,834. Union — Union Avenue, near Broadway, S. B. Ida B. Malone, principal ; 26 teachers. Enrolment, 925. Wade — Wade Avenue, cor. West Thirtieth Street. Kclief for Mill School; 3 teachers. Wade Park — Wade Park Avenue, near Addison Road, N. E. Harriet E. Chase, principal; 20 teachers. Enrolment, 845. Walton— Walton Avenue, cor. Fulton Road, S. W. Mary I. Wal- ker, principal ; 22 teachers. Enrolment, 886. Waring — East Tliirty-first Street, near Payne Avenue. Kath- erine M. Grayell, principal ; 19 teachers. Enrolment, 760. Warner — Warner Road, near Jeffries Avenue, S. E. Eva L. Banning, principal; 17 teachers. Enrolment, 739. Warren — Warren Avenue, near Dille Avenue, S. E. Lena M. Bankhardt, principal; 26 teachers. Enrolment, 1,064. Wasliiiigton Park — Aljjha Aven\ie, near Washington Park Boule- vard, S. E. May G. Swaine, principal ; 10 teachers. Enrolment, 359. Wattoi"son- — Detroit Avenue, cor. West Seventy-fourth Street. Elizabeth Whitney, principal ; 16 teachers. Enrolment, 563. Wavcrly — West Fifty-eiglith Street, near Bridge Avenue. Eliza- beth Keegan, principal; 17 teachers. Enrolment, 615. Willard — Willard Avenue, cor. West Ninety-third Street, N. W. Eva ITutehins, principal ; 19 teachers. Enrolment, 738. Willson (Training School)— East Fifty-fifth Street, near White Avenue. Harriet E. Corlett, principal ; 19 teachers. Enrolment, 791. Woodland — Buckeye Road, near Woodliill Road, S. E. Sara M. Horton, principal ; 35 teachers. Enrolment, 1,414. Woodland Hills — East Ninety-third Street, cor. Union Avenue. Emily G. Wheatley, principal; 25 teachers. Enrolment, 1.056. Wooldridge — Grand Avenue, cor. Kinsman Road, S. E. Rose L. McCoart, principal; 37 teachers. Enrolment, 1,346. Special Schools School for the Deaf — East Fifty-fifth Street, opposite Quincy Avenue. Grace C. Burton, principal; 15 teachers. Enrolment, 122. School for Crippled Children— at Willson School, East Fifty- fifth Street. Alice Christianar, principal ; 6 teachers. Enrolment, 118. These pupils are carried to and from school at the expense of the Hoard of education. 394 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. XXII In addition to the special schools just mentioned there are manual training and domestic science classes (William E. Roberts, supervi- sor) at forty schools; classes for the blind (Robert B. Irwin, super- visor) at eleven schools; classes for defectives at twentj^-five schools; classes for backward children at nineteen schools ; a class for tubercu- lar children at the "Warrensville Farm (city) sanatorium; open air classes at six schools; one school at the Children's Fresh Air Camp and Hospital; one for epilei:)tics at Brownell Scliool; "steamer" classes for foreign-born pupils beginning English at four schools; and "kindergartens" at eighty-nine schools. The number of persons employed by the board of education in the educational department (superintendent, supervisors, teachers, etc.) in June, 1918, was 3,198; the value of property owned, including lands, buildings, and equipment, was approximately .$17,000,000. In September, 1918, the Longwood High School of Commerce was opened in the building of the Longwood Elementary School on East Thirty-fifth Street, between Woodland and Seovill avenues, with Harry A. Bathriek as principal. In a new building on East Forty- ninth Street, between Gladstone and Wellesley avenues, the Glad- stone Elementary School was opened with Clara E. Lynch as princi- pal. The continued growth of the Cleveland public schools, in spite of the great demand for labor occasioned by the World war, is shown in the enrolment for the opening month (October) of 1918 as com- pared with that of the corresponding month of 1917. The increase is shown in the following official report : 1917 1918 Elementary scliools 77.022 76,G13 Kindergartens 7,511 8,002 Special elementary classes 2,343 1,513 Special schools 550 584 Junior high schools 4,757 10,335 Senior high schools 8,959 9,619 Normal schools 270 196 Totals 101,412 106,862 The falling off in tlie elemcntaiy schools was only apparent, it being due to the transfer of seventh and eighth grade classes to junior high schools. The only decrca.sed attendance was in special clas.ses and at the Normal school. There w'cre, in October, 1918, 4,904 pupils in academic high schools, 1,459 in commercial high schools, and 3,256 in technical high schools. CHAPTER XXIII OTHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Broad as are the activities and strong as are the influenees of Cleveland's public schools, there are other educational agencies in operation to meet the needs and aspirations of many of her citizens. Thus we have private and parochial schools ; colleges and universities ; public, professional, and other libraries; historical and scientific so- cieties, etc., all opening wide their doors and persuasively inviting to participation in the opportunities that they offer. Institutions of tliis character are so numerous in Cleveland that not all of them may be mentioned in these pages. This chapter is devoted to a brief consid- eration of some of the most important. Western Reserve University By Dr. Charles Francis Thiving, President Western Reserve University had its origin in the foundation made in the year 1826, at Hudson, Ohio. This foundation represented what became known as Western Reserve College. It was laid to give educational facilities, under the auspices of the Congregational and Presbyterian churches, to the young men of Northern Ohio. The history of the college for the next years following its founding was the history of most home missionary colleges — high scholarly ideals hampered in their attainment by the lack of pecuniary resources. But the high scholarly ideals wei-e, in the old Western Reserve, higher than in most institutions of its character. For the college numbered among its teachers, Charles Backus Storrs, of whom Whittier wrote some noble verses, Laurens Perseus Hickok. Samuel C. Bartlett, Cle- ment Long, philosophers and theologians, Elias Loomis, the mathe- matician, Nathan Perkins Seymour, Thomas Day Seymour (father and son), the Hellenists, Charles A. Young, the astronomer, Samuel St. John, the scientist, and Edward G. Bourne, the historian. All these scholars arc dead, but their places have been taken by worthy suc- cessors. 395 The Main Jjnii.DiNci. Adei.hkrt College 398 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIII lu this period, the Cleveland Medical School, situated in Cleve- land, became connected with' the college largely for the purpose of granting degrees. In the year 1882, however, the college was moved to Cleveland. In 18S0, Amasa Stone of Cleveland offered the college $500,000 upon the condition that the institution be transferred to Cleveland, that it occupy a suitable site to be given by the citizens, and that its name be changed to "Adelbert College of Western Re- serve University." This name represented a memorial to Mr. Stone's only son, Adelbert Stone, who had been drowned while a student at Yale College. The offer was accepted. In 1882, Adelbert College received its first students in Cleveland. The new campus consisted of twenty-two acres, opposite a park which had been given to the city by Jeptha H. "Wade. Two buildings were erected. One build- ing served for the purposes of instruction, with central offices, chapel, library and museum, the other for a dormitory and refectory. In 1884, a formal charter was granted to Western Reserve Uni- versity. With the grant of that formal charter, a new and enlarged era for the university obtained. To the univei-sity thus established there have been added, in the successive years, the following departments : The College for Women, established in 1888 ; The Graduate School, established in 1892 by the Faculties of Adelbert College and the College for Women ; The Franklin Thomas Backus Law School, established in 1892; The Dental School, established in 1892 ; The Library' School, established in 1904 ; The School of Pharmacy, established in 1882 as the Cleveland School of Pharmacy, and made a part of Western Reserve Univereity in 1908: The School of Education : Summer Session, established in 1915 ; The School of Applied Social Sciences, established in 1915. The amount of property, real and invested, of the University now amounts to ten million dollars. The number of all former students and graduates is about twenty tliousand. The ninnial enrolment of students is thirty-five hundred. Case School of Applied Science By Professor A. S. Wright, Case School Case School of Applied Science was founded in 1880 by Leonard Case, Jr. In the year 1864, he had enter/^d upon the inheritance of the estate of his father, Leonard Case, Sr. A graduate of Yale and 400 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIII of the Cincinnati School of Law, a man of letters, widely traveled, and regarding his inheritance as a trust, he resolved to devote the major part of it to the establishment of a school of science. On April 6, 1880, in accordance with deeds of trust pi'eviously executed, Case School of Applied Science was duly incorporated under the laws of Ohio. The following names were attached to the original articles of incorporation : James D. Cleveland, R. P. Ranney, Levi Kei-r, Reuben Hitchcock, J. H. Devereux, A. Bradley, Henry G. Abbey, W. S. Streator, Samuel Williamson, T. P. Handy, J. H. Wade, E. B. Hale, H. B. Payne, James J. Tracy, and Joseph Perkins. These men represented the best citizenship of Cleveland, and the success of the school from the beginning has been largely due to the loyalty and wisdom of the governing boards who have administered its funds. The corporation, which now numbers twenty-two, elects seven trustees who hold monthly meetings and shape the policies of the institution. The immediate management of the finances is in- trusted to the president of the board of trustees and a treasurer. During the thirty-eight years of its existence only two men have tilled this position — ]\Ir. Ileniy G. Abbey and Mr. Eckstein Case. To them has been largely due the unity of policy resulting in the marked increase of the funds of the original endowment, pennitting a corre- sponding widening of the scope of instruction. The institution has had two presidents — Pi'esident Cady Staley and President Charles S. Howe. Their long administrations have made possible definiteness of plans in a scheme of education which now embraces all the main branches of engineering. The coui-ses of instruction include civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mining engineering, metallurgical engineering, and chemical engineering, and physics. The policy of the institution has been to limit its instruction to strictly engineering sub- jects, thereby giving its diploma a definite value. The growth of the scliool lias been rapid, though a high standard of scholar.ship has been sought rather than an increase of inimbers. The class of 1885, the first graduated, luunbered five; that of 1895, twenty-seven; that of 1905, eighty-two, and that of 1915. one liundred and two. Of recent years the entering clji.s,ses average about one hun- dred and eighty, and the total number of students reaches 550. The faculty has fifty regular instructors, l)esides a staff of lecturers. The total inunber of alumni is 1,498, of wliom 584 reside at present in Cleveland. The various courses are arranged so as to maintain a just balance between theory and practice. Each course gives a Ihoi-ougli and prac- 1885-1918] CASE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE 401 tical training in its liold and requires four years for its completion. For proficieney in any course the degree of Bachelor of Science is conferred. During the lirst year, llie work is tiic same for all regular students. At the end of this j'ear, the student is expected, with the advice of the instructors, to select one of the regular courses of study to be pursued for the following three yeai-s. The work of the second year begins with preparatory studies related to the special subject selected ; as the course develops, it becomes increasingly specialized, so that, toward the close of the course, the student's entire time is devoted to one department. The distinguishing feature of the work is the stress laid upon practical training as a source of mental discipline as well as a prep- aration for active pursuits. Practically one-half of each day is spent in the laboratory, in the drawing room or in field work. p]very candi- date for a degree must present a thesis upon some technical or scien- tific subject, selected by him with the approval of the professor in charge of the department in which tlic degree is sought. In accordance with an agreement between Adelbert College and Case School of Applied Science, students entering Adelbert College may, under certain conditions, complete the courses in both institu- tions within a period of five j-ears. The first three years are spent at Adelbert College, the last two at Case School of Applied Science. On the successful completion of the work, the student is awarded the degrees of Iwth institutions. The spirit of this ari'angcment is observed in the admission of men from other colleges. In each graduating class there is a consid- erable number of men who are either gi-aduates of other institutions or have pursued part of their stvidies in them. The institution has alwaj^s laid emphasis upon research work and the trustees have made generous appropriations for the equipment of laboratories for this purpose. The ends in view have been to stimu- late a spirit for original investigation among the students, to render practical assistance to the industries, and to add to the world's knowl- edge in the various fields of scientific investigation. In the domains of both pure and applied science results have been obtained which have received wide recognition in our own and foreign lands. In view of the thoroughness of its equipment and the scope and quality of its instruction, Case School of Applied Science was one of the first group of institutions to receive recognition by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The world war has made serious inroads upon attendance, but the Vol. I— J« 402 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIII institution, as a school of science, has been able to render signal service to the country. During the first year of American participa- tion in the war, about five lumdred of the alumni and under-graduates were engaged in government service, ililitary instruction was made compulsory for all students, new courses introduced under govern- ment direction, changes made in tlie curriculum to meet the needs of the hour and the entire ecjuipment of the school placed at the dis- posal of the government. Case School has made valuable contributions to the civic and indus- trial life of the community. As officials of the city, as active par- ticipants in the work of the Chamber of Commerce, as members of commissions in charge of engineering enterprises, as managers and superintendents of great industries, its graduates have rendered dis- tinguished services. The influence of the school is growing and, as the efficiency of its training increases, a closer co-ordination of its work with that of the industries is being effected. The city of Cleve- land justly takes pi-ide in its school of engineering. Its founders builded more wisely than they knew. To Leonard Case, Sr., whose business acumen made the foundation possible, and to Leonard Case, Jr., who dedicated his fortune to the cause of education, the city, the state and the country owe a lasting debt of gratitude. The UNivERSiTy School Bij Harry A. Peters, Principal University School was estalilished in 1890 liy a group of Cleve- land's leading men, witli a view to keeping their sons at home during college preparation. The officers and executive committee then were Judge Samuel Williamson, president; Samuel Mather, vice-president; AV. E. Cushing, secretary; D. Z. Norton, treasurer; J. IT. l\IcBride, H. S. Sherman, C. W. Bingham, E. P. Williams, and P. P. Whitman. The school has had three principals: Newton M. Anderson (18!)0- 1900), a graduate of Ohio State Cniversity and former principal of the Cleveland ]\Ianual Training Scliool ; George I). Tettee (1900-1908). Yale, '87, for a time connected with Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; and Harry A. Peters (1908- ), Yale, "02, a memlicr of the University School faculty for si.\ years prior to 1908. Among the present trustees are the following meiul)ers of the original board : ^Messrs. Samuel Mather, Bishop Ijconard, Prof. F. P. AVhitman and D. Z. Norton. The foHowing five members of the pres- ent board are sons of first members : Malcolm L. McBride, H. S. 404 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. XXIII Piekands, H. S. Sherman, R. J. Biilkley and A. C. Brown, all being graduates of the school. The equipment in buildings and grounds comprises a main build- ing, a dormitory, an elementary scliool, an athletic cage, and a field of about seven acres. The main building contains an assembly hall with pipe organ, recitation rooms, library, three manual training shops, gymnasium, swimming pool, instrumental music rooms and dining rooms. Milden Hall, the dormitory, provides accommodations for forty boys whose homes may be too far away to permit day attend- ance only. The Lower School meets the needs of boys from six to twelve years of age. The equipment for outdoor athletics includes football and baseball fields, quarter-mile and 220-yard straightaway cinder tracks, and seven tennis courts, which are flooded for skating in the winter. Throughout its history, the institution has been an all-day school of the Unpe of the Country Day School. The aim has been, and is, to occupy boys all day in academic, manual and physical activities. The academic training has lieen directed primarily at college prep- aration. Practically all of the school's graduates enter college. Among the list of over 600 have been many names famous in college activities of every kind. Successful achievement in business life, too, has been the record, and many of Cleveland's most prominent younger men are graduates of University School. The manual work consists of drawing and construction work in the early grades. This is fdllowed by woodshop from gi-ades V to IX for all boys, and above that by nuichine tool and forge work, and by mechanical drawing for boys going to engineering schools. Physical training is especially emphasized because of the very important bearing of a man's vitality on his work. Every form of outdoor sport is participated in by the boys, and the field is alive with activity for almost all of even' day. Boxing, wrestling, swim- ming, and basket ball hold fortli indoors, together with gymnasium exercises for special correction and develoinnent. Setting-up exer- cises, along the lines of the army training, are given eonstantlj^ to all the boys from the first grade to the twelfth. Kemarkable results are secured not onlj- for Varsity teams, but for the ordinary boy wlio is usually overlooked elsewhere. A troop of boy scouts has been established and military drill is given to boys in the ujiper four classes. These matters and a par- ticipation by the .school in a jiractical way in the Tjiberty Loan. Y. M. C. A. and Red Cross campaigns of the great war, indicate its present intimate contact with life. The presence iu the country's 1880-1918] A JESUIT COLLEGE 405 senice during the fii-st six months of 180 of University Scliool grad- uates shows that their training has been real and effective. St. Ignatius College By th< llcv. ^yilUam B. Sommerkauser, S. J. St. Ignatius College, for more than thirty years Cleveland's in- stitution of highor learning for Catholic youth, owes its origin to the Rt. Kev. Richard Uilmour, D. D., the second bishop of the Cleveland diocese. A great champion of education, he had an intimate knowl- edge of the various systems followed by schools both at home and abroad, and of these he felt a special preference for the educational system of the Jesuits ; for he was aware of its long trial and proverbial success. The system is guided by the principles set forth in the Ratio Studiarum, a body of rules and suggestions outlined by. the most prominent Jesuit educatoi-s in 1599, revised in 1832, and att<>ndcd up to the present day with unfailing success. The educational system in use at St. Ignatius College is substantially the same as that em- ployed in two hundred and twenty-seven educational institutions con- ducted by the Society of Jesus in nearly all parts of the world. Truly psychological in its methods, and based upon the very nature of man's mental processes, it secures on the one hand that stability so essential in educational thoroughness, while on the other it is elastic and makes liberal allowance for the widely varj'ing circum- stances of time and place. While retaining, as far as possible, all that is unquestionably valuable in the older learning, it adopts and in- corporates the best results of modern progress. It is a noteworthy fact, however, that many of the recently devised methods of teaching, such as the Natural, the Inductive and similar methods, are admitted- ly and in reality mere revivals of devices recommended long ago by the Ratio Studiontm. As understood by the Jesuits, education in its complete sense is the full and harmonious development of all those faculties that are distinctive of man. It is more than mere instruction or the com- munication of knowledge. The requirement of knowledge, though it necessarily pertains to any recognized system of education, is only a secondary result of education itself. Learning is an instrument of education which has for its end culture, and mental and moral devel- opment. Consonant with this view of the purpose of education, it is clear 406 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIII that onh' such means as science, language and the rest, be chosen both in kind and amount, as will effectively further the purpose of edu- cation itself. A student can not be forced, within the short period of his school course and with his immature faculties, to study a multiplic- ity of the languages and sciences into which the vast world of knowledge has been scientifically divided. It is evident, therefore, that the purpose of the mental training given is not proximately to fit the student for some special employment or profession, but to give him such a general, vigorous and rounded development as will enable k ii II li lii s I \\\iV St. Ign.vtius Com.kc.k Buiij)Ing liiiii to cope sncccsst'ully even with tlic unforeseen emergencies of life. While afl:'ording mental stability, it tends to remove the insular- ity of thought and want of mental elasticity which is one of the most hopeless anil dislieartening results of specialization on the part of students wlio have not brought to their studies the uniform mental training given by a systematic high school course. The stuilies, there- fore, are .so graded and classified as to be adapted to the mental growth of the student and to the scientific unfolding of knowledge. They arc so chosen and communicated that the student will gradu- ally and hfirinoniously reach, as nearly as may be, that measure of rullurc of which he is capable. 1918] A JESUIT COLLEGE 407 It is fundamental in the Jesuit system that different studies have distinct educational values. Mathematics, the natural sciences, lanjifuage and history, are eomi)leineiitary instruments of ed\ieation to wliie-li the doctrine of e(|uivaleiits can not be applied. The s[)ecific training given by one can not be supplied by another. The best educators of the present day are bcfrinning to realize more fully than ever before that ju-esciMiied curricula, embracing well-chosen and co- ordinated studies, aH'ord the student a nu)re efficient means of mental cultivation and development. This, however, does not prohibit the ottering of moi-e than one of such systematic courses, as for instance, the classical and the scientific, in view of the future career of the indi- vidual. While recognizing the importance of mathematics and the natural sciences, the Jesuit system of education has unwaveringly kept language in a position of honor, as an instrument of culture. Mathematics and the natural sciences bring the student into contact with the material aspects of nature and exercise the deductive and in- ductive powers of reason. Language and history effect a higher iniion. They are manifestations of spirit to spirit, and by their study aiul for their acquirement the whole mind of uuin is brought into widest and subtlest play. The acquisition of language especially calls for delicacy of judgment and fineness of jierception, and for a constant, keen and quick use of the reasoning powers. Furthermore, the Jesuit system does not share the delusion of those who imagine that education, understood as an enriching and stimulating of the intellectual faculties, has of itself a morally elevat- ing influence in human life. . While conceding the effects of educa- tion in energizing and refining the student's imagination, taste, un- derstanding and power of observation, it has always held that knowl- edge and intellectual development, of themselves, have no moral efficacy. Religion alone can purify the heart and guide and strengthen the will. This being the case, the Jesuit system aims at developing side by side the moral and intellectual faculties of the student, and sending forth into the world men of sound judgment, of acute and rounded intellect, of upright and manly conscience. It maintains that to be effective, morality is to be taught continuously; it must be the underlying base, the vital force supporting and animat- ing the organic structure of education. It must be the atmosphere that the student breathes; it must suffuse with its light all that he reads, illuminating what is noble and exposing what is base, giving to the true and the false their relative light and shade. In a word, the purpose of Jesuit teaching is to lay a solid sub-structure in the whole mind and character for any superstructure of science, professional 408 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIII and special, as well as for the upbuilding of moral life, civil and religious. Fully convinced of the excellence of the Jesuit system of educa- tion and its good results, Bishop Gilmour, who had long desired the erection of a college for the education of the Catholic youth of Cleveland, earnestly pressed the Jesuit Fathers in 1880 to undertake TlIK l\i;v. WllJ-IAM 15. SOMMERllAUSEU, S. J. the new enterprise. Having purchased a site on West Thirtieth Street and Carroll Avenue, the Jesuits at once began the erection of a temporary but substantial frame building. When its doors were opened in September, 1886, tlie numljcr of eager students that flocked to register for the first session made it evident that the temporary 1918] A JESUIT COLLEGE 409 strui^turu would soon prove inadequate. Accordingly, they imme- diately began the coustruetion of a stately five-story brick building at the cost of $150,000. At its opening in 1888, the number of students had more than iloubled, and the ever increasing numbers necessi- tated the erection of the spacious western wing of the present edifice, the graceful tower of which forms the center of the future building. The college was now incorporated with power to confer such academic degrees and honors as are confen-ed by colleges and univer- sities in the United States. Eventually the standard of studies was raised still higher by the addition of a two-year course of philosophy. To meet the high requirements of the national and state associa- tions that regulate the conditions for entrance into the professional schools, and for admission to state examinations, the physical, chem- ical and biological departments, with their respective laboratories, were enlarged and equipped with the most modern appliances. Well furnished meteorological and seismological departments were also added. In 1912, a spacious gymnasium was erected, and near by a commodious conservatory of music. The students' reading rooms contain a select library of 6,000 volumes, and near at hand is a ref- erence library of 20,000 volumes. It is one of the decided advantages of the system followed in St. Ignatius College that the student may begin his studies in the prepar- atory- school connected with the college, and then pass on through the college coui-se to graduation. In addition to the moral influ- ence thus gained, this secures a uniform and homogeneous course of teaching and training. The results of such a course of study are a continuous and normal development of the mental faculties along well defined lines and the possession of a clear and coherent system of principles upon which any special course may afterwards safely rest. There are two of these preparatory schools: St. Ignatius High School, connected with the college, and Loyola High School, situated at 10,620 Cedar Avenue. Throughout its whole career, St. Ignatius College has been guided by a succession ot men who united in a rare degree great intellectual gifts and scholarly attainments with a breadth of view and worldly wisdom which spell success. Since August, 1915, the Rev. William B. Sommerhauser, S. J., the eighth president, has been at the head of the institution. Under his management, various college activities, such as orchestral and dramatic, literary, scientifie and athletic soci- eties were given new impulse. The college magazine, Lumina, wa-s established to promote a taste for journalism and literary excellence among the students. 410 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIII Very satisfactory results have crowned the label's of the Jesuit Fathers in their educational work at St. Ignatius College. Thousands of students liave gone through its classic halls since its foundation thirty-two years ago. Its alumni are to be found in the most varied walks of life, holding honorable and distinguished positions in the ministry, in the professions, in scientific and mercantile vocations. More than two hundred of St. Ignatius' sons are now in our country's service ; among them are ten of the thirteen chaplains who joined the colors from the Cleveland diocese. Military training is this year (1918) being introduced into the college. At present there are 520 students under the care of the Je.suit Fathers in Cleveland. C.vTHOLic Schools B;/ W. A. Kane, Superintendent of Parish Schools Early in the history of Cleveland vi'e find it recorded that Catholics began a separate school system. The Cathedral opened a school in 1848. This was a frame building erected on the site now occupied by the bishop's residence, 1007 Superior Avenue. A few j^ears later, the present Cathedral School building was finished. In the mean- time four other schools were opened, St. Patrick's and St. Mary's on the West Side, and St. Joseph's and St. Peter's on the East Side. The progress of Catholic education during these early years was rather slow. The number of Catholics was few and they were scattered. However, as the city grew, the increase in population made possible the establishment of additional schools and, at the close of 1910, there were fifty-four parochial schools with an attendance of 15,000 pupils. At present, there are fifty-nine schools with an enrolment of 82.799. The expenses entailed by the erection of elementary schools did not prevent consideration of higher education. As early as 1850, the Li^rsulincs established an academy for girls in a building located on Euclid Avenue. The present location of the academy is East Fifty-fifth Street and Scovill Aveiiuc. The Sisters of Notre Dame in 1874 opened an academy at the corner of Superior Avenue and East Eighteenth Street. A third academy was opened on Starkweather Avenue in 1889 by the Sisters of St. Joseph, and a fourth on Lorain Avenne in 1891 by the Sisters of the Humility of Mary. The I'ormer is now located at West Park, and the latter on Franklin Av<'nne. In 1916, the Catholic Latin Schonl I'di- lioys was established on l>]uclid Avenue, near Walicatious have been issued, 1<)18|TIIE WESTERN RESEK\H HISTORICAL SOCIETY 415 bringiii": the tracts or publications of the society up to ninety-eight in all. The newspaper collections liavo largely increased and tlic society today has several thousand volumes of rare Ohio ne\vsi>apcrs aud others in its collections. President Palmer jjrcsented to the society what is known a.s one of the largest, it' not the largest, collection on the civil war in any public lilii-ary in America. This collection is especially rich in the publications of both the North and the South. It also includes a large collection of rare manuscripts, ])i)rtraits, nuijis, and about 30,000 issues of the iu'wsi>ai)ei's of that period. The numisnuitic collections of the society have been largely in- creased through the gift of the Swasey collection of Greek, Roman and Chinese coins. Two of the outstanding collections of medals are those of the Washington medals presented to the society by J. D. Cox, and that of the Lincoln medals which came in the Wm. P. Palmer collec- tion. The paper money collection of the society is very extensive, and the collection of maps, which was fomied by Judge Baldwin, has been opened up and made ready for the use of those interested. The librarv' of the society is estimated to contain about 125,000 books and pamphlets. From a small institution, local in its scope, the society has grown to be one of the most active organizations in the preservation of American history that there is in the United States. The costume collection of the society is recognized as one of the most extensive of its kind in America. This was received as a gift from Ralph King in memory of his brother, Charles 6. King. The collection has been placed in a separate room where the rare and costly volumes have been especially provided for. The collection of books on the Shakers which was presented to the library by W. H. Cathcart is the most definitive collection that has ever been brought together of this old communistic society more than one hundred years of age. At one time, the Shakers had four different settlements in the state of Ohio. Through the courtesy of J. II. Wade, the genealogical collection of the society has been largely increased until now the department in that line consists of nearly 3,000 distinct genealogies. For the last few years, by the aid of V. F. Prenti.ss, systematic collections of books bearing on the state of Ohio have been made and many rare items have been added to the already large collection brought together in that historical field. For thirty years, the society occupied its home on the Public Square, in the old building of the Society for Savings, the site of which is now 18tii)-l!)18j TllK PUBLIC LIBRARY 417 occupied by the Cliaiiil)er of Commerce building; then the society secureil title to the property through a generous public subscription headed by John D. Rockefeller. Later, the property was sold to the Chamber of Conunerce and a site on the University Circle (Euclid Avenue and East One Hundred and Seventh Street) was secured. Here a handsome fireproof building was erected, the society first occupying it in the winter of 1897-98. The present officers of the society are: President, William P. Palmer; vice-president and director, Wallace H. Cathcart; honorary vice-presidents, J. D. Rockefeller, Jacob P. Perkins ; secretary, Elbert J. Benton ; treasurer, A. S. Chisholm ; tru.stees, Elroy M. Avery, S. Prentiss Baldwin, C. W. Bingham, A. T. Brewer, E. S. Burke, Jr., W. H. Cathcart, A. S. Chisholm, J. D. Cox, Wm. G. Dietz, James R. Gar- field, C. A. Gra.sselli, Webb C. Hayes, Ralph King, Wm. G. Mather, Price McKinney, D. Z. Norton, Wm. P. Palmer, Douglas Perkins, Jacob B. Perkins, F. F. Prentiss, John L. Severance, Ambrose Swasey, Charles F. Thwing, J. II. Wade, and S. S. Wilson. The Cleveland PubI/IC Library By Mrs. Julia S. Harron, Library Editor The nucleus of the present great public library system of Cleve- land, now the third largest in the country, was a collection of 2,200 books provided for the Central High School by the school-library law of 1853. It was established as a fi'ee public library under an act of 1867 authorizing the levy of one-tenth of a mill tax for library pur- poses, and opened in 1869, occupying rooms in the Northrup and Harrington Block on Superior Street, over what was later the Higbee Company's store. Although known as the Public School Library, it was free to the public ; in 1883, it adopted the title of The Cleveland Public Library. In the ten years following the opening of the library, two removals were necessitated by its rapid gi'owth. In 1879, it was removed to the second and third floors of the former Central High School build- ing where it was, for twenty-one years, the guest of the Board of Education, the offices of which occupied the first floor. This building, on Euclid Avenue near East Ninth Street, was torn down in 1901 to make room for the present Citizens' Building. After a short sojourn in the City TTnll. the lilirai'y was moved to its first separate Vol. I— JT 418 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIII building, the temporary Main Library at 1443 East Third Street. The work burst the bounds of these quarters and overtiowed into two or three neighboring buildings; so, in 1913, the library made its fifth hegira and now occupies the fifth and sixth floors of the Kinney & Levan Building, 1375-1385 Euclid Avenue, whence the next remove will be into its permanent home, a dignified and beautiful Central Li- JlUiAliV Jli:iLl>l.\(.; OF 1879 brary, as yet unlmill. hur jinivided for by the $2,000,000 bond issue voted by the citizens of Cleveland in 1912. The building of this Central Library has necessarily been post- poned probably until the terrniiuition of the war, for the reason that the $2,000,000 appropriation on which the plans of Walker & Weeks, the successful competing architects, were based, is now inadecjuate to cover 1!)181 Till-: PUBLIC LliiKAKY 419 tlio cost of the proposed Imililiiifr. This library building is to he a part of the eity's group plan, and will be loeated on the site of the old City Hail on Superior Avenue at East 'i'hinl Street, on a line with the Federal Hnildiiiir and loliowing the same general arehi- teetural style. The present Main Library, with its eollection of nearly :i()().000 volumes, is the direet outgrowth of the little I'nblie Seiiool Librai'y of 12,200 volniues, but it is only the main trunk of a great system with a total of more than 600.000 volumes, the eireulation fi^ires of which, f(n- irtlT, wei-e more than 3,400,000; which has more than fi.^O agencies including branches and smaller liraiiches, high-school, grade-school, and class-room libraries, and stations in business and industrial plants; and in which at least ten of the larger branches serve from five to forty thousand boi-rowers each, i. v., a public ranging in size from the population of a town like Painesville, Ohio, to that of a city nearly the size of Canton. The first branch of the Clevelaml Public Library was opened in the spring of 1892 on the second floor of a business block opposite the old market house on Pearl Street, now West Twenty-fifth Street. Since that date, largely through the generosity of ^Ir. Andrew Car- negie, the material growth of the library has been phenomenally rapid. Today, thirteen of the fifteen larger branches are in buildings provided by the Carnegie fund, a fourteenth, the Alta House, a combined library and social settlement building, being the gift of Mr. John I). Rocke- feller. The Woodland Branch, the first of these dignilied Carnegie build- ings, was completed in June, 1904; the East 79th, the first of a new type of smaller branch buildings, was opened in the fall of 1915. Two other Carnegie branches of the same size and general plan as the East 79th were completed in ilay, 1918, and are ready for the installation of furniture and fittings. These are the Trcmont, born of a little portable library in Tremont School yard which, in 1916, did the second largest amount of children's work in the entire system, and the Brooklyn, at ]\[apledale and West Twenty-fifth Street, the work of which has rapidly been outgrowing the double-store building in which it is housed. The plans are also completed for a building for the Superior Branch, to be erected on T<]ast One Hundred and Fifth Street opposite Dean School. To write about the Public Library merely as an example of phenomenal growth would be to do it an injustice ; a true account should represent it, first and foremost, as one of the most vigorously cs z H pq CO D o 63 ►iiltt! 1918] THE PUBLIC LIBRARY 421 ami lu'lpi'iilly i'uiK-liouiny; parts (if the city's social organism. In a recent address on tlio phu'e of tin- lilirary among the recreative institutions oftlic city, Mr. Allen Burns, tlicn of the Cleveland Founda- tion, pointed out that the library's claim to social service docs not rest solely upon its free distribution of books but on its constructive pioneer work in the organization of leisure for pleasure and profit. In doing this work, the library has allied itself with parents, schools, industrial and business houses," charitable institutions, clubs and so- cieties, and the departments of the city goverinnent. The schools teach reading as an art. The libraries teach not only the use of books as tools for inci-easing efficiency but as sources of happiness — as the most-worth-while and least-taxing I'csource of leisure hours. It is the library's work, tlien, not only to provide books but to educate its public in taste and appreciation. When its work is with the adult whose attitude tow'ard books is, at the best, negative and whose appreciations arc limited, the problem is ditficult and the results not always remarkable, hut when the library has a chance to begin with the children and, through its story-hours, literary and debating clubs, and attractive children's rooms, to ally its work with that of the schools, then, at every stage of the individual's growth, it can provide something definite toward the enrichment of his life. About three-fourths of Cleveland's population is foreign-born or of the first generation ; the library recognizes that it owes a large measure of service to these people. Fortunately, it is not so necessary that the foreigner be caught young. However narrow his actual read- ing experience, he has behind him generations of reverence for books — perhaps his book tastes are already formed. So in this country of free books his love for them gi'ows by that on which it feeds, and they play a vital part in both his work and play. The library takes a particularly active part in the Americanization of the foreigner, giving its club rooms for the use of naturalization and English classes, furnishing special instruction to the newcomers to this country in the privileges of the library, and sending books to the training camps for the instruction of the selected foreign-born. On account of the fullness of its book collections, especially along technical and sociological lines, and the special knowledge of the librarians who have the several departments in charge, the library is able to give exceptionally satisfactory reference service to business and professional men, manufacturers, teachers, and students in the arts. The fact that its periodical sets arc unusually complete is a further aid to this efficient reference work. I'l ill.lC liltAxcil l.iniiAHIKS 1918] Till'; IMl'.IJC LIBRARY 423 To the librarian of tlio Cleveland I'uMic Lil)rai-y, tlie profession owes the "Cunuilative Index," an invaliial)le library tool, and the "Open Shelf," an improved method of library service as applied to the larg:e public library, botli of which gave library science a marked forward impetus. In 1896, Mr. Brett conceived the plan of the Cumu- lative Index to Periodicals and. durin}>; 1897 and 1808, it was publi.shed in the Cleveland Public Lil)rary under his direction. The design of this undertaking was to furnish, once a month, an index to the material in a hundred selected periodicals, the index appearinp; as soon as pos- sible after the publication of the periodicals and cunmlating from month to month, that is, including in each number all material previ- ously jiublishcd, arranged in a dictionary catalog of authors, subjects and titles. Tliis was the first application of cumulation l)y the use of the linotype to indexing, and, its possibility and importance once demonstrated, it was taken over by a publishing bouse and is now the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature which has done much to lighten the labors of librarians and other literary workers. In 1890, the Cleveland Public Library adopted the "open .shelf" plan — the fii"st large pulilic libraiy in the world to give free access to its shelves. The plan had been much discussed by American libraries and generally voted impracticable on the ground that the loss of books would be so great as to offset any increase of circulation and lessening of necessary service which might result. The librarian's re- port for the following year, 1891, noted an increase of nearly fifty per cent in the circulation and a loss of books smaller than that of any previous year, a large proportion of those mi.ssing being from fiction, the only cla.ss to which free access was not allowed. The open shelf i)lan was gradually- adopted by other libraries all over the country until now the chief connotation of the term "imblic library" is the idea of free access to books. The adoption of the name "Open Shelf," for the monthly annotated bulletin of the library, is a slight concession to its pardonable pride in having blazed the trail along this now much traveled line of public service. Besides its own collection of reference and circulating books, the library^ is the custodian of several special collections amounting in all to about 75,000 volumes. The most notable of these is the John G. "WTiite collection of Orientalia and Folk-lore, numbering about 40,000 volumes and including many rare and valuable books representing more than one hundred and forty languages. The collection has recentlj- been put into such order as to make it available for reference use, and scholars in all parts of the eountrj- are consulting it. "William H. Brett 1918] THE ITI'.LIC LIBRARY 425 The affairs of the lilirary an' adiiiinistcred liy a lioard of seven inenibers, I'hoseti 1iy the board of education. Tiu' only woman wIkj ever was a uienilier of this board was ]\lis. Klroy M. Avery. At the present time (litl8) tiie Library Board consists of John G. White, president; F. V. Prentiss, vice-president; Carl Lorcnz, secretary; Emil Joseph, Charles K. Kennedy, A. A. Stearns, and E. TI. "Whitlock. An article about the Cleveland Public Library would be incomplete without a brief characterization of its librarian and vice-librarian. William Howard Brett became librarian in 1884 and has gjuided its policies during a period of thirty-four years of steady progress and of activities ever multiplying and broadening in scope. When he took charge of the library there were ten persons employed. Now^ there are more than 500 persons on the pay roll, all united in bonds of loyalty to their chief, and inspired by his vision and enthusiasm to give their best service to the institution. For twenty-two years, Linda A. East- man has been the efficient associate of the chief librarian and, second in authoritj', has borne an important part in the development of the system. She combines rare idealism with iniusual ability to develop and realize ideals in practical working methods. She is the good friend and wise counseller of every member of the staff. Almost at the moment of going to press comes the tragic news of ]\Ir. Brett's siidden death on the twenty-fourth, of August, 1918. Mr. Brett was born in Braceville, Ohio, the first of July, 1846, but his early years were spent in Warren, Ohio. He fought in the Union army in the civil war. He was a student in the medical department of the LTniversity of Michigan, 1868-69, and at Western Reserve University, 1874-75. He received an honorary degree, M. A., from Hiram College, in 1894. He first became known to Clevelanders as a salesman in the book- store of Cobb, Andrews and Co. In 1884, he was appointed librarian of the Cleveland Public Library and, at the time of his death, had nearly completed thirtj'-four j-ears of continuous and devoted sen-ice. In this long period, Mr. Brett made many real contributions to his profes- sion. On the bibliographical side were the printed catalog of the Cleveland Public Library, long a model of dictionary catalog, and the "Cumulative Index to Periodicals," now known as the "Reader's Ouide to Periodical Literature" and the pioneer in this field. In 1903, he helped to found the Western Reserve University Library School and was dean of the school to the time of his death. He was one of the founders of the Ohio Librarv Association and served as its 426 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIII first president. He was president in 1897 of the American Library Association, one of its oldest members and always one of the most valued. After the beginning of the war with its opportunity for libraries of supplj'ing books to the soldiers, Mr. Brett, whose own service flag bore four stars, had given himself untiringly to this enterprise. He served on the American Library Association War Service Committee, on its Finance Committee and had charge of the very important over- seas work, conducted from the Newport News Dispatch office, as well as of the service to some twenty-five or thirty camps in the immediate vicinity. His great work, however, was tlie lunnanizing and the socializing of the public library. The record of his achievement may be partially read in the history of the Cleveland Public Library, but no written account can ever be given of his services to his fellow workers throughout the country. He was a wise and kindly counsellor and an inspiring leader. His devotion to his work was of a quality rarely seen. He was devoid of personal ambition, undauntedly optimistic, constructive always in his thinking and planning, and ever the simplest and most lovable of men. The Early Settlers' Assoclvtion • As stated in chapter XVIII, this organization was formed in November, 1879, largely through the personal efforts of "Father" IT. ^r. Addison, wlio liad urged in numerous articles in the newspapers the assend)ling of the eai'ly settlers to bring about "an intimate acquaintance with each other . . . and to secure the preservation of nuich unwritten history of our country and vicinity." The first meeting of which we have any account was a conference held in the office of George C. Dodge in his residence at the corner of Euclid avenue and Seventeenth street at which TTarvcv Kice, Judge Daniel Tilden. H. M. Addison and IVfr. Dodge were present. Tlioy discussed the project at length and decided to call a public meeting to which were' invited many of our prominent citizens. On the nineteenth of November, 1879. the meeting was held in the probate court-room, and the a.ssociation organized with Ilarvcy Rice, president; Sherlock J. Andrews and John W. Allen, vice-presidents: George C. Dodge, secre- tary and troa.surer; and R. T. Tjyon, Tliomas Jones. S. S. Coe. W. J. Warner, David L. Wiglitman, executive committee. 1879-1918] Till-: KAIJl.V SKTTLKRS' ASSOCIATION 427 Its first luiiiual lueoting was held on the twentieth of May, 1880, in the Euclid Avenue Pros])yterian church. Meetings have been held an- nually since that date, hi 1883, the association began the collection of a fund for erecting a monument to Moses Cleavcland, the founder of the city. The statue is now standing in the Public Square. As the ninety-second anniver.sary of General Cleaveland's first arrival at the mouth of the Cuyahoga fell on Sunday, the unveiling of the statue took place on Jlonday. the twenty -third of July, 1888. 'Tis here, wliun Nature reigned supreme. That General Cleavelaud trod the wild ; And sa-w an infant in his dream. And with his name baptized the child. — Harvey Rice. In 1896, during the Centennial celebration, the association bore a leading part. The old log cabin in the square, center of great interest, was the suggestion of '"Father"' Addison and the work of his col- leagues in the association. It was dedicated on the twenty-first of July, by an appropriate "house warming." The twenty-ninth of July was "Early Settlers" Day." The association met in Army and Navy hall and listened to reminiscences of the pioneer days. The Annals of the society contain invaluable historical material. The earlier num- bers, especially contain the narratives of the pioneers wdio relate, in their own forcible manner, the story of the beginnings of the county. The Annals also contain valuable biogra]iliical notices of the early set- tlers; and the later inimbers are a valuable record of the early mar- riages in the county. "Father" H. ^M. Addison was born in Euclid township in 1818. In 1856, he came to Cleveland, where he engaged in .iouiMialism. Tie was the founder of the Children's Fresh Air Camp and was active in many other worthy enterprises. He died on the fourteenth of January. 1898. Harvey Rice continued to serve as presi- dent until his death in 1892, when he was succeeded by the lion. Richard C. Parsons. After the d<>ath of ]\Ir. Parsons, Orlando J. Hodge became president and served as sucli until his death in 1911. The society holds an all-day meeting every year on the tenth of September, the anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie. For the last few years, the meetings have been held in the Chamber of Commerce Auditorium. The morinng session is usually given up to an address by a prominent speaker with a vital message. During the noon hour, a luncheon is served and a social reunion enjoyed. The afternoon session is given over to talks and discussions pertaining to local life. The membership of the society now mnnbers nearly six hundred. 428 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIII The requirements for admission ai-e forty years' residence upon the Western Reserve and the payment of a nominal sum for annual dues which payment covers the cost of the annual meeting and furnishes a copy of the Annals, a pamphlet of nearly one hundred pages. It is the desire of the society that as many eligible persons as will come into the organization in order that it may serve the purposes for which it was founded as stated above, and for the further reason, as expressed in the eloquent address of Judge Kriehbaum last year wherein he said : "It is a mighty fine thing to perpetuate the memory and deeds of our ancestors — it has its roots in the first Commandment with promise." The officers of the society for 1919 are: President, The Hon. Alex- ander Hadden ; vice-presidents, James W. Stewart, "W. S. Kerruish ; secretary, Sherman Arter ; treasurer, Thomas J. McManus ; Chaplain, The Rev. J. D. Williamson, D. D. CHAPTER XXIV STORY OF THE CORPORATION'S DEVELOPMENT By H. G. Cutler Cleveland's municipal evolution has been no more trying or per- plexing than that of any other great western city, the affairs of which have been conducted by intelligent and progressive men, desirous of working tlu'ough well defined forms of government. The various changes in its body corporate were brought about through the con- flicting views of those who desired not only Cleveland, but the other cities of Ohio, to be brought under the systematic control of the general laws of the commonwealth, and those who championed a distinct municipal type even at the expense of systematic action and smoothness of operation. Under the first state constitution, Cleveland City of 1836 was, like all her sisters of Ohio, chartered by special act; and, as this was a period of city-making, a flood of such special acts poured through the legislature. The common council, which comprised three membei's from each of the three wards, was all-in-all, and the mayor was little more than a head magistrate. The marshal, with his deputy or deputies, and the city treasurer, were the other execu- tives who were elected annually. A CiTT OF THE Second Class Then those legislators who were weary of the confusion attendant on special acts of regulation got the upper hand and, in 1852, passed the general state act for the incorporation of cities and villages. Twenty thousand inhabitants constituted the dividing line between cities of the first and second classes, and Cleveland fell in the minor division. But its municipal afifairs had expanded and multiplied, so that a board of city commissioners was created to have charge of the streets and bridges and, in addition to the marshal, treasurer and city .solicitor, a superintendent of markets was elected and a civil engineer and auditor created, as well as a complete police court, including a judge, clerk and prosecutor. 429 430 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. XXIV Watee Supply and Protection Against Fire At that time, as has been learned from the narrative history, flavor Abner C. Brownell and a special committee had just made a preliminary report on the advisability of providing for a municipal wator supply. The city was protected from fire by half a dozen volunteer companies, with as many hand engines and a hook and ladder. The water supply was drawn from street comer cisterns, The City IIai.l op Today often nearly empty or clogged with mud. iunl, if the fire happened to be near the river or canal, all the better for the final quenching of the flames. Trials of Tiiii Public ]\Iarkets The public markets had been established for years. There was even an open wood market at the foot of Water Street and as early as 1839 the city built a market house on ]\Iichigan Street. When Cleveland was incorporated under the general law of 1852 the feeling was bitter between the proprietors of the markets and the hucksters and grocers. The hucksters were dlteii thorns in the sides of both markotmen and grocers, as they would sally out into tli(> district of the truck gardeners at unearthly hours in the morning, liny up the fresh produce and unload it on their customers before the luarket- nien and grocers bad o|i('neil their doors. The (luai'rel soon after- 1918 J MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT 431 ward became very rampant, and was finally assuaged by the building of large munieipal market iiouses and their promotion as city institu- tions. This important movement, the advantages of which to the retail buyer became more and more evident, was fairly placed on its feet by the creation of the superintendeney of markets as an elective office in 1852. Growth of Fuie .\nd Police Dep.\rtmbnts Diking the Civil AVar Not long afterward Cleveland passed into the cities of the lirst class, by 1860, it had reached a population of 43,000, and, in 1870, had over 92,000 inhabitants and was just on the verge of the 100,000 mark. In the meantime the measures taken to secure adequate tire protection for the city were multii)lying in number and broadening in scope. The volunteer fire department was abandoned in 1863, soon after the city's purchase of its first steam fire engine, and in the same year three others were added, so that on the Fourth of July the "spick-and-span" new department, with its four gleaming and decorated "modern" engines, made a grand display in town. In 1864, a fifth steamer was purchased, and there was an engine house for each steamer. The last years of the civil. war, when the losses in Cleveland by fires had reached over $260,000, were eventful, both for the fire and police departments. The alarm telegraph system was established in 1864 and, in 1865, the metropolitan police act was put in force. It created a board of police commissioners consisting of the mayor and four gubernatorial appointees. The arrangement proved cumbersome and loose-jointed, but was the commencement of the era when the citizens realized the necessity of a strictly managed police department as a brancii of the munieipal service. At tiiis time, also, when the fire department was taking shape, an efficient police force was considered as its necessary co-worker, especially in times of large conflagrations viheii officious citizens were prone to forget that the volunteer firemen had been legislated out of existence. The First Waterworks By 1870, the modern system of water supply and distribution had also been founded. Compared with the present waterworks, its basis was small, but a solid foundation had been laid. In the fall of 1856, the first waterworks had been completed on the West Side. Their main features were the 5,000,000-gallon reservoir at Kentucky and Prospect streets, and the engine house at the foot of the former 432 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIV thorouglifare. The cost of installing the pioneer water system of Cleveland was about $526,000 and the formal opening of the works, on the twenty-fourth of September, 1856, involved a grand jubilee and jollification, as have been described more in detail elsewhere. The water was taken from the lake about 300 feet west of the old river bed, 300 feet out and at a depth of twelve feet. The boiler-plate inlet pipe was fifty inches in diameter. Water was conveyed from the inlet pipe to the pump well on the lake shore through a brick aqueduct about four feet across, and the standpipe, encased in a look-out tower, was 148 feet high. The Tunnel and Works of 1870-74 But within a decade these works were far behind all public re- quirements and, in 1867, surveys for a new tunnel were made, on the recommendation of Prof. J. L. Cassels, the eminent scientist and mineralogist of Cleveland Medical College. After numerous financial and mechanical delays, on the seventeenth of August, 1870, the first great lake crib was sunk in forty feet of water 6,600 feet from shore, and the two sections of the new tunnel commenced to be pushed toward each other. They met and formed a whole in October, 1872, and the entire work was completed and the water first drawn through the new tunnel on the third of March, 1874. Upon the completion of the new tunnel, the old intake was abandoned. A new engine house was built near the old one, other engines installed, and total expenses of .$320,000 incurred in constructing the new works. Seven lives were lost in the progress of the improvements. The old Kentucky reservoir continued in service for many years, even after it was hopelessly outgrown. General Municipal Code of 1870 When it is remembered that the streets and parks, the bridges and viaducts, the local transportation lines, and all other public util- ities were rapidly expanding and extending with Cleveland's popu- lation by tlie commencement of the '70s, it is little wonder that the legi-slators busied themselves to see what could be done to simplify the municipal government. In 1870, the state legislature attempted to put upon the statute books a general code of laws applicable to all cities of the first class, in which Cleveland had long rested securely. It provided for the election of a mayor, solicitor, treasurer, street commissioner, police judge, police prosecuting attorney and police court clerk, and for the appointnioiit l)y the mayor (with the consent 191SJ -ML'NR'U'AL DHVKLOi'MEXT 433 of tho I'oniiiioii (HMiiicil) of the civil enginoor, fire engineer, supcrin- teniUnt of markets and chief of police. The code went to ruin over the complex, vexatious classification of cities, the simple test of population being overwhelmed by a multitude of minor considera- tions. Tile mayor of the city had become little more than a figure- head of the municipal government. ITi>MK Klle of the Police Department In 1872, the chief executive regained control of, at least, the police department, through the jiassage of the legislative act replac- ing the members of the board of police commissioners appointed by the governor with local representatives elected by the people. Tiiis distinctively home commission consisted of ^layor Charles A. Otis, Dr. J. C. Schenck, John M. Sterling, Dr. J. E. Robin.son and George Saal. Under the new plan tiic city was divided into seven police precincts. Municipal Government p,v Pxiakds In 1873, also, the municipal management of the fire department was reorganized, as the legislature of that year created a board of fire commissioners, comprising the mayor and chairman of the council committee on fire and water, and three citizens appointed by the head of the city government. The mayor was coming into his own pi'oper authority, and the government by boards, primarily respon- sible to him, or to the people as a body of electors, was getting well under way. It was first crystallized under the comprehensive code of May, 1878. Fnder its provisions the mayor, councilmen, treasurer, police judge and prosecutor were elected by the peo])le, and the auditor, city clerk and civil engineer appointed by the common council. The following boards were created: Board of police com- missioners, compo.sed of the mayor, and four commissioners elected by the people ; board of directors of the house of refuge and cor- rection, appointed by the mayor; board of health, comprising the mayor and other members appointed by the council; board of in- firmary directors, elected; board of improvements (its establishment optional), the diief functions of which were to keep the .streets clean and in repair, comprising the mayor, civil engineer, street commis- sioner, chairman of the council committee on streets and one member appointed by the common council ; board of park commissioners, appointed by the mayor with council consent ; board of waterworks trustees, elected by popular vote; board of fire commissioners, com- 434 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIV posed of four elected members and the chairman of the council com- mittee on fires : board of cemetery trustees, elected ; board of revision, a general body of review covering the operations of all the municipal departments and boards, comprising the mayor, president of the city 'council and the city solicitor. A superintendent of markets was also appointed by the mayor, subject to the approval of the city council. The council was authorized to appoint inspectors of various foods and other products. Nearly all the boards mentioned in the code of 1878 served without pay, which, while it might be economical in outward show of dollars and cents, had the effect of providing a general basis of e.xcuses for inefficiency or carelessness in the performance of prescribed duties. You cannot hold a man very closely to his job when you pay him nothing for his work. A number of changes were made in the municipal government in the period 1878-91, the most radical of which was the division of the council into two bodies — the lower one being a board of alder- men from the several aldermanic districts, and the upper, a council comprising a member from each ward. The plan corresponded to the house of representatives and the senate of the state legislature. Trial of the Federal Form As time went on, it became evident that there were many ways by which the various boards and subdivisions of the city government could be consolidated, classified and simplified, according to well estab- lished business methods and the modern principles of municipal government. Under the board plan, also, it was found that independ- ent offices had multiplied beyond reason. Finally, in 1888, Col. John M. Wilcox suggested that the municipality be founded on the Federal form of government. Two years later, after much discussion, the Ilodge bill, looking toward that end, was introduced to the legisla- ture, but so amended as to be ainoriihous and necessarily rejected as a monstrosity. The colonel (0. J. Ilodge) was not to lie discouraged, and appeared with an acceptable measure, which liecame a law on the sixteenth of March, 1891. Although that was eventually thrown out by the highest state court, it was really the basis of the nnuiicipal form of government under which Cleveland now prospers. Decadal Expansion of Police, Fire and AVatvu Departments The decade 1881-91 was one of remarkable expansion in all those divisions which are now included in the city departments of public 1918] MUNlCll'AL DEVELOPMEiNT 435 safety and inililic utilities. Tn the forinor deiiai'tiiieiit are tlie great divisions of police and lire, and in the latter tiiat of water. Tho year 1881 marks the creation of the police pension fiuul and the reorganization of the lire department into three battalions, each in coniniand of an assistant chief. This, and inueh else, was the w'ork of James W. Dickinson, one of Cleveland's best chiefs. In the fall of 1883, after the city had suflFered from several very disastrous fires, five new engines were bought and an extension ladder truck was introduced, while a few years afterward Cleveland Imilt and placed in conunission its tirst fire boat, the "Joseph L. Weatherley," so named in honor of the old chief of the volunteer department and the first president of the board of trade. The water service, so closely coordinated with the efficient woi'k- ings of the fire department, had also greatly improved, and partially advanced in an effort to keep pace with the city's population. In 1890, Cleveland had 261.000 people within its limits. The old Kentucky reservoir, by 188,"), was served onl.y by the antiquated pumps originally used for that piirpose, while several new pumps sent tlie l)ulk of the water supply directl.v into the service mains. Tn the year named, two reservoirs were built on the eastern heights of the city ; the low-pressure reservoir being Fairmount. on Fairmount Street, near "Woodland Hills, and that for high-pressure or fire service, on Kinsman Street in Woodland Hills Park. With the opening of these reservoirs in 1885, the Kentucky reservoir was abandoned and its site con- verted into a park. In 18^3, after a year of the most destructive (ires which Cleve- land had suffered (loss 'in 1892, $1,482,000), a program was adopted for the largest increase of equipment yet made. It comprised six engines, three trucks, a water tower to be placed on Engine IIou.se No. 1, St. Clair Street; a new fire boat, subsequently built and sta- tioned at the Lower Seneca Street Bridge, and named after ]\[ayor John II. Farley, and three new engine houses. The expenditures amounted to $147,000. The Great Tunnel A^•D Modern Water System of Topay At this time, or at least soon after, there was a general awakening over the poor quality of the water supply and the inadequacy of the service. The result, which was not fully realized until nearly the passing of a decade, was the building of Cleveland's great lake tunnel. The basis for the long-extended work was laid by the sjjccial citizens' committee, appointed by Mayor R. E. JIcKisson in 1895 and consisting 436 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIV of Samuel Mather, C. F. Brush, L. E. Holdeu and AVilson il. Day. As the result of their investigation and the urgency of their recom- mendations, the bonds were issued and work was commenced, under the superintendency of W. J. Gawne, the contractor, on the eighth of October. 1896. Series of Casualties The sinking of the .shore shaft commenced on that day and, under air pressure, the excavations progressed through the soft clay, with- out accidents, until the eleventh of May, 1898, when a distance of 6,280 feet had been completed. On that day, an explosion occurred in the heading, which so badly burned the eight men in the tunnel that they all died within a few da3"s. On the eleventh of July of the same year, before the tunnel had been pushed through another 300 feet, a second explosion occurred, caiLsing the death of eleven men. After recovering the bodies of all the men from the debris which had caved in from the clay roof, the heading was closed and no more tunneling was at- tempted from this fatal drift. The work was prosecuted from the intake shaft, or lake end of the tunnel, and the junction made with the shore section on the ninth of July, 1899. The permanent intake crib had been placed in position a year before. By 1901, while prepa- rations were being made to join all the sections of the work as a whole. and celebrate its completion, another terrible accident overtook the enterprise. On the fourteenth of August, the superstructure of the crib was entirely burned, five men perishing in the flames and five others being drowned. Rebuilding at once commenced, but within less than a week the shaft at the intake crib broke off at the bottom of the lake and the inrushing water and soft clay wrecked the structure and smothered and di'O'uiied five men. It was an appalling scries of casu- alties, and the record was not to end with August, 1901 ; for on the fourteenth of December. 1902, after the two drifts had been connected and the tunnel completed for its entire length, an explosion of gas occurred in the west section by which four men were killed or died of their injuries; and, besides the lives lost in these accidents, a number of men died from what was known as cai.sson disease, brought about by the dead air and noxious gases in which they were obliged to work. Before the works were completed it was necessary to rebuild por- tions of the tuiniel which had been weakened by quicksands and enormous pressure, so that it was not uiilil the clcvcntli of February, 1904, that watei' was first pumped through tlie tunnel into the mains from the new Kirtland Street station. On the sixth of the following 1918] MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT 437 April, all pumping through the "West Side tunnels was discontinued for city use and they were held in reserve solely for fire protection. In the same year, a high-pressure service for the higher altitudes of the city, especially the heights to the east was installed. So that the present water system of Cleveland may be said to date from 1904, especially from April of that year. The Waterworks as Completed The great intake or lake tunnel, which is the backbone and head of the system, is nine feet in internal diameter, beginning at the shaft on the grounds of the Kirtland Street pumping station and running northwesterly 26,048 feet, or a trifle less than five miles, to the intake shaft. The latter is sunk inside of a steel and concrete crib 100 feet in diameter, located approximately four miles from shore. The posi- tion of the crib was selected so as to bring the intake as far west of the mouth of the Cuj'ahoga River as possible and place it out of the path of the sewage discharge which is easterly down the lake. The tunnel lining consists of three rings of shale brick laid in natural cement mortar, the walls being about thirteen inches thick. The Filtratiox Plant and Other "Works In 1914, the Division Avenue plant was dismantled, witli the exception of three vertical expansion engines and the new plant, including buildings, boiler equipment and the addition of two Allis- Chalmei-s vertical expansion pumps for low pressure work and one of the same type for high pressure work, were installed, together with new boiler equipment and buildings. At the same time the construc- tion of the Di\nsion Avenue filtration plant was started adjoining the Division Station groiinds. with a capacity of 150.000,000 gallons per day. The filtration building, coa^lation basins, mixing chambers and chemical house were constructed east of the station and the clear water basins located just west of it. "Work was also begun on the extension of the two tunnels leading from the old Division Avenue station to the old crib, located about a mile from the shore, by the construction of a ten-foot concrete tunnel 16.000 feet northerly from Crib No. 4 to the submerged crib located about three-quarters of a mile westerly from the intake of the east side tunnel. The rebuilding of the Division Avenue station and the construc- tion of the filtration plant were finished in 1917. The latter was put 438 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIV in operation and the first water filtered on a small scale in November of that year : in JIarch, 1918, the plant was in complete working order. The Baldwin Reservoir In 1914, the excavation for the Baldwin reservoir, which is located on the heights just east of Baldwin Road, was begun. The elevation of this reservoir is 225 feet above city datum. Its capacity will be 130,000,000 gallons. It is planned to finish this reservoir in 1920. This will replace the present Fairmount reservoir, which has a ca- pacity of 80,000,000 gallons, and its high water elevation is 170 feet above city datum. The object of the Fairmount reservoir is to give increased storage capacity as well as increased pressure, on what is known as the low service district. Miles and Valuation of Water Works On the first of January, 1918, the total mileage of all sizes of pipe in use in tlie eitv was as follows: Size 48- ineh 42- inch 36- inch 33- inch 30- inch 24- inch 20- inch 16- inch 12- inch 10- inch 8- inch 6- inch 4- inch 3- incli Miles ... 7 ... 6 ...16 . 31 . 19 . 5 . 42 . 68 . 67 .130 .548 . 44 . 1 Feet 918 238 2,934 985 2,892 5,121 4,883 3,244 1,332 849 4,524 1,319 2,119 2,968 Total 990 miles, 2,644 feet. The approximate valuation of the water department on the first flf January. 1918, was $30,000,000. Zones and Area of Supply On account of the various elevations of the city, the city is supplied through four zones. The first zone, known as the low service dis- 1918] MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT 439 trict, comprises that portion of tlie city below 120 feet elevation. The second zone, known as the first high service district, comprises that portion of the city between 120 and 250 feet elevation. The third zone, known as the second high service district, forces the water to that portion of the city and suburbs between 250 and 375 feet eleva- tion. The fourth zone, known as the third high service district, sup- plies the buildinfrs known as the Coolcy Farm Colony. The area supplied from (he Cleveland Water Works system com- prises an area extending from Rocky River on the west to Wil- louglihy on the east and southerly as far as Bedford, including the suburbs of East Cleveland, Bratenahl, Cleveland Heights, Shaker Heights, East View Village. Boechwood Village, Maple Heights Vil- lage, South Ncwhurg Village, Brooklyn Heights Village, West Park and Lakewood and Newburg Heights. Progress of the Fire Department In the meantime, the fire department had materially progressed. Commencing with 1868, when it became a paid city institution, vari- ous measures were adopted to protect and relieve firemen and their families. Some were purely co-operative and private, such as the Cleveland Firemen's Relief Association, and others were public and supervised by trustees elected by the department. The most impor- tant of the latter is the Firemen's Pension Fund, established in 1881. In this year also the "sliding pole" was introduced to the depart- ment ; before that epochal year, the firemen tumbling down stairs to get to the ground floor and their apparatus, in case of fire. The year 1891 was a memorable one for those interested in munici- pal reform and in the safeguarding of their properties against the growing perils of fire, for in that year the city shuffled off the com- plex board plan in favor of the federal form of government and, principally through the insistent abilities of Chief Dickinson, of the fire department, the high-pressure idea was conceived and partially executed. Adoption of the Federal Form of Government The salient features in these general and special reforms are so well presented by the Cleveland Plain Dealer in its diamond jubilee number of 1916 that the writer makes no apology for devoting con- siderable space in this chapter to the exposition of these subjects by that newspaper. "In 1891," it says, "the Legislature gave the City 440 CLEYELAXD AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIV of Cleveland the authority to drop its boards and to assume the Federal form of government. The mayor, under this plan, became the real executive head of the City Government, and was given the authority to appoint six directors to head six departments of the government. William G. Rose was the first mayor of Cleveland under the federal plan of government and this form remained in effect until it was attacked in the courts during the administration of Tom L. Johnson. Ch.vrters Unconstitutional "In June, 1902, the supreme court ruled that Cleveland's federal form of government and every municipal charter in the state were unconstitutional and a special session of the legislature was called to prepare a new municipal code that could be generally and uniformly applied. Citizens of Cleveland thi*ough their representatives fought for the estalilishment of the federal plan of government and the code as finally adopted did contain certain of the elements that had caused the federal plan to make its wide appeal. "Under the new plan of government, the mayor named the members of the board of public safety. Three members of the board of public service, the city solicitor, the city treasurer and the city auditor, were elected. The council contained one member from each ward and four members were elected at large. This plan of government re- mained in effect until 1910, when the Paine law making further im- portant changes in the government of cities of Ohio became operative. This law permitted the mayor to name a director of public service and this officer, together with the mayor and a director of public safety, made up the board of control. Tlie Paine law also established a civil service commission. Home Rule Agitation "Home rule agitation i]i the large cities of the state and the demand for other changes in the Ohio constitution led to the recent constitutional convention, at which forty-one amendments were agreed to. Included in these were the much discussed home rule provisions enabling cities of the state to adopt their own charter and to assume all powers of local self-government. These were submitted to popular vote on Sept. 3, 1912. and shortly afterwards Cleveland elected its charter commission. The commission at a series of public meetings framed a charter that was based on the federal form of government. Newton D. Baker 442 CLEVELANT) AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIV The mayor was given power to name all eit.y department heads, including the finance director and the director of law. As under the federal form of government, the mayor and his six department heads constitute the board of control. This board passes on con- tracts and on minor and routine niattere of legislation. "The new city charter was approved by voters of Cleveland in July, 1913, and became effective Jan. 1, 1914. Newton D. Baker was the first mayor elected under this home rule form of government. Certain phases of his public career had been strangely like the activ- ities of another young attorney of eighty years before, who was Cleveland's first mayor. Both were active in the framing of city charters and the fight for home rule govei'nmcnt. "Written into the newly amended constitution of the state of Ohio are provisions that bear the impress of Cleveland's beliefs and policies. The long struggle for home rule from the days of the young mayor of the early 'SOs to the day of Newton D. Baker is there written, the struggle for municipal ownership of public utilities led for ten years by former ]\Iayor Tom L. Johnson is there written." The Fike Department Up to Date There is no branch of the city service of which Cleveland is more proud than its fire department, which, although officially a division of the department of public safety, is now, as always, directly man- aged by a responsible head. Its development since its great feature of high-pressure of the water service was introduced is thus de- scribed by the Plaiii Dealer: "Water in huge (piantities at high pressure became an increasingly important necessity as Cleveland annexed adjacent territory and be- gan to erect tall buildings in its business sections. Prior to 1891 the ordinary steam fire engine was the only fighting agency. "In that year occurred a disastrous |ire at the building of Short & Forman. Sui)erior avenue N. W. Difficulty was being experienced in reaching the upper floors with the steamer streams when Fire Chief James W. Dickinson ordered large lines laid out from the fire- boat Weatherley in the river at the foot of Superior avenue. The powerful streams of water produced by the lioat's big pum])s com- pletely dwarfed the steamer streams, (lesjute llie distance between the boat and the fire. "In tliis incident the modern high pressure system had its incep- tion. Chief Dickinson conceived tlie idea of laying in tlie East and West Side Imsincss districts a .scries of liigh pressure water n\ains 1918] MUNICH' AL DEVELOPxMENT 443 connected with 'lieadcrs' at the river. The fireboat, hitching up at eitiicr 'header" wouKl furnish liigh pressure for the Kast or West Side as the case migiit he. "The East Side 'header' and mains were laid first. They were admittedly an exporinient and. for the reason that the pipes were only three feet below the earth's surface, it was necessary 1o drain them in winter to prevent freezing. "The principle was right, however, and Detroit and Philadelphia Fires Always "W.mtixg for the Lumber District follow^ed it. In 1901 a 'header' and mains for West Side high pres- sure were laid. Methods Are Changed "From Chief Dickinson's experiment at the Short & Forman fire grew the big high pressure pumping station on Lakeside avenue N. E., and a ccmipletc change in fire fighting methods. This plant, costing $200,000, went into service in 1!)13. It is erpiipped witii four sets of pumps capable of supplying a total of 10,000 gallons of water a minute. The downtown East Side and flats districts ai-e honey- combed with high pressure mains and each year sees them extended. "Cleveland's growth brought still another change — the coming 444 CLEVELAND AND ITS EN\aRONS [Chap. XXIV of the motor drawn appai'atus and the passing of the galloping tire horses of time honored memory. The first piece of motor apparatus installed in Cleveland was Engine No. 34 which went into service in 1912. "In 1913 twentj--two pieces of apparatus were motorized. These included tractors for Hook and Ladder Trucks Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11 ; a motor truck for Hook and Ladder No. 12 ; a motor truck for the newlj' organized Hook and Ladder Company No. 13, motor hose wagons for High Pressure Hose Companies Nos. 1 and 2 ; tractors for Engines Nos. 16 and 28 ; an auto pumping engine for Engine Com- pany No. 31; a combination auto pumping engine and hose wagon for Engine Company No. 35; two 'flying squadron' wagons; a motor hose wagon for Engine Co. No. 11 and twelve roadsters for chief oiificers. Motor Tr.\ctors Bought "In 1914 motor tractors for engines Nos. 4 and 17 and combina- tion auto pumping engines and hose wagons for Engine Companies Nos. 9 and 24 were installed. This year a new tractor drawn steam pumping engine and motor hose wagon for Engine Company No. 14 went into service. Fire Chief George A. Wallace recently asked for .$401,000 to motorize the remainder of the department and install 'several new companies. "Only five chiefs have held office since Cleveland's paid depart- ment was formed. James A. Craw was the first. He was succeeded in February, 1864, by James Hill. Chief Hill retired in February, 1875, and John A. Bennett was promoted from first assistant to chief. "Chief Bennett was succeeded Dee. 22, 1880, by James W. Dick- inson. Chief Dickinson's fii-st general order was for the formation of the dilTerent companies into battalions. "Chief Dickinson retired Feb. 9, 1901, and March 4 of the same year George A. Wallace was made chief, whicli office he holds today. "A history of Cleveland's paid department and a history of George A. W^allace would be almost identical. As Cadet Wallace, the present chief went into the fire service of Cleveland June 1, 1869, six years after the formation of the paid department. From cadet to leading hoseman, jumping the rank of lieutenant to a captaincy, then to fourth assistant chief, third assistant chief, second assistant chief, first assistant chief and now chief — this is the forty-seven-year record of Cleveland's chief, who is probably the best known fire fighter in the United States. 1918] MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT 445 "When on duty Chief Wallace has a knack of 'getting the jump' on the most stubborn blaze and his personality has inspired the same virtue in the officers and men under him. As a result of this depart- mental quality Cleveland's annual lire loss is surprisingly low wiicn compared with that of other cities of similar size." Present Fire and Police Divisions The present municipal divisions of fire and police are now in- cluded in the Department of Public Safety. The fire system com- prises one chief, one secretary, one assistant secretary, two assistant chiefs, nine battalion chiefs, one surgeon, one veterinary surgeon, one superintendent of machinery and one chief of the fire alarm telegi-aph. It is divided into thirty-five fire engine companies, thirteen hook and ladder and four hose companies. Within the division of fire is also the Bureau of Fire Prevention, and connected with its plant are also a veterinary hospital and a training stable. The division of police consists of one chief, one inspector, one chief of detectives, one surgeon, ten captains, forty-two lieutenants, forty detectives, eighteen mounted policemen, sixty-nine connected with the regulation of street traffic and 800 patrolmen. The present chief of police is Frank W. Smith. The prevailing home rule of municipal government, based on the Federal sj'stem, seems to be easy of comprehension and works with practical smoothness. It may even be of sufficient elasticit.y to be extended over the proposed coordination of the county and the city governments. As it will take little longer, with the recent rate of expansion prevailing, for the territory of the City of Cleveland and the County of Cuyahoga to be coextensive, that problem will undoubtedly have to be met in the near future. As the municipal body now exists, its executive head is the mayor, under whom are seven departments, each with its director and divided into various divisions, superintended by special com- missioners. The roster of the principal executive officials, in 1918, is as follows: Executive Mayor — Harry L. Davis. Mayor's Secretary — Fred W. Thomas. Department of Law W. S. FitzGerald, director. 446 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENWIRONS [Chap.XXlV Assista)it Directors — Alfred Cliuii, James T. Cassidy, J. C. Mans- field, J. D. Marshall, W. B. Cole. CJiief Prosecutor — James L. Lind. Chief Clerk— J. M. Crawford. Department of Public Service Alex Bernstein, director. Director's Secretary, Alva R. Corlett. Division of Streets — John G. Tomson, commissioner : Street clean- ing, street repairs, paving permits. Division of Engineering and Construction — Robert Hoffman, com- missioner: Paving, sidewalks, sewers, bridges and docks (rivers and harbors), sewage disposal, plats and surveys, street signs and house numbers. Division of Garbage — Aaron Gaunter, superintendent of collec- tion. Department of Parks and Public Property Floyd E. Waite, director. Director's Secretary — Joseph R. Ray. Division of Parks — Lyman 0. Xewell, commissioner of parks; Harry C. Hyatt, city forester. Division of Recreation — J. F. Potts, commissioner of recreation. Division of Markets — George P. Samman. City Architect— F. H. Betz. Street Lighti)ig — Albert ^loritz. superintendent. Department op Puhlic Welfare Lamar T. Bciiian, director. Director's Secretary — A. E. Maska. Division of Health — Dr. H. L. Roekwood, commissioner. Division of Employment — Charles. F. Arndt, commissioner. Bureau of Immigration — John Prucha, chief. Bureau of Outdoor Eclief — William A. Keuney. suporintondent. Parole Officer — Turney H. Braund. City Chemist— \Y. S. Wliite. Department ok Pim!lic Safety A. B. Sprosty, director. Division of Police — Frank W. Smith, chief, Conlral Police Sta- tion; secretary of police depavtmcnl, W. W. Xon-is. 1918] MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT 447 Division of Fire — George A. Wallace, chief; fire prevention bu- reau, Thomas F. Connell, chief warden. Division of Bidldings — E. W. Cunningham, commissioner; Samuel Hatcher, commissioner of division of smoke. ])ei-artmknt of Finance Clarence J. Ncal, director. Division of Accounts — C. S. Metcalf, commissioner. Divisian of Treasury — Russoll V. Johnson, city treasurer. Division of Assess))ients and Licenses — L. C. Cukr, commissioner. Divisio-n of Purchases and Supplies — Edward Shattuck, commis- sioner. Department op Public Utilities Thomas S. Farrell, director. Director's Secretary — Stanley Spirakus. Division of Water — J. T. Martin, commissioner. Division of Light and Heat — W. E. Davis, commissioner. Board of Control — Mayor Davis, president, and directors Fitz- Gerald, Bernstein, Bcman, Sprostj', Neal, Waite and Farrel. Fred W. Thomas, secretarj'. Civil Service Commission — Louis A. Dcutsch, president; Ralph W. Edwards and Benjamin Parmely, commissioners; Louis Simon, secre- tary. Sinking Fund Commission — Mayor Davis, president; Clarence J. Neal, secretary, and president of city council H. C. Gahn. Board of Revision of Assessments — ]\Iayor Davis, president; Clar- ence J. Neal, secretary ; directors FitzGcrald and Bernstein, and president of city council IL C. Gahn. City Street Railroad Commissioner — Fielder Sanders. The legislative branch of the municipal government is represented By tlie city council, composed of one mpml)er from each of Cleveland's twenty-six wards, the president of which is Harry C. Gahn, member from the Eighteenth Ward. Tlie local .judiciary, or municipal court, is divided into civil and criminal branches. The chief justice of the civil brancli is William n. ]\IeGannon. He has seven associates, simply designated as judges — Messrs. Daniel B. Cull, Wm. B. Beebe, George P. Baer, Samuel H. Silbert, David IMoylan, W^alter McMahon and Charles L. Salzer. The 448 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIV two judges on the eriminal bench are Samuel E. Kramer and Frank C. Phillips. Peter J. Henry is clerk of the municipal court. There have been no radical changes in the county government for many years, except in the composition of the various courts which are identified with it in various degrees of intimacy, and such trans- formations are treated in th(; chapter devoted to the Bench and Bar and professional matters in general. The government now in opera- tion is composed of the following officials: auditor, John A. Zangerle; county clerk, E. B. Haserodt: sheriff, E. J. Ilanratty ; recorder, Hosea Paul; surveyor, "\V. A. Stinehcomb; treasurer, John J. Boyle; presi- dent of board of county commissioners, Joseph Menning; probate judge, Alexander Hadden; prosecuting attorney, Samuel Doerfler. Tlie terms of the sheriff, prosecuting attorney and coroner expire on the first ilondav in Januarv, 1919; the term of the countv clerk, tlie first Monday in August of that year : the terms of the president of the board of county commissioners, treasurer, recorder and surveyor in September, 1919, and the term of the probate judge in Febi'uary, 1921. "With this general tracing of the development of the "ounty and municipal systems of government, and the sketching of several public departments and institutions which are inseparable parts of their fundamental life, other topics are now taken up, the details of which have occupied the minds and ])hysical activities of all progressive Clcvelanders during the periods of tlieir residence in the Forest City. CHAPTER XXV MEANS OF COilMUNICATION By 77. G. Cutler The center of the Public Square is where Superior Street, running from northeast to southwest, and Ontario Street, running from north- west to southeast, intersect. From this point, distances in Cleveland are generally measured. With the elaboration and progi'cssive com- pletion of the gi'oup plan by which all public buildings, whether city, county or federal, are being massed around the Public Square, along the proposed mall to the lake front and along that district almost to Lake Erie itself, Cleveland has established even more than ever before a grand down town center. It corresponds to the head or brain of the body, from which its diverse and elaborate activities radiate. The Streets of Old Cleveland The streets of the original village were Ontario, Erie, Miami and Water, running generally from northwest to southeast, and Superior, Huron, Ohio, Lake, Bath and Federal, running virtually in opposite directions. By 1815, when new streets were added to the original plat, the only thoroughfare really clear was Superior west of the square. In the year named, St. Clair, Bank, Seneca, Wood, Euclid and Diamond streets were added. Diamond Street bounded the square or diamond. It was during that year (1815), that Warren surveyed the highway which followed the ridge from the Public Square to Huron Street and connected the lands located in Cleveland township with those selected in Euclid. Those old time surveyors and promoters were scholars and had an especial admiration for the ancient mathe- matician, Euclid ; hence the name they bestowed upon the township and the road. As the years passed, Euclid Road became a most pop- ular thoroughfare between Cleveland and Paiuesville, P]rie and Buf- falo, and was also known as the Buffalo Road as late as 1825. Thus Euclid Avenue came to be. The "208 and '30s, witnessed considerable development of the street 449 Vol. I 2 9 450 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV system of young Cleveland and, by 1835, nearly all tlie thoroughfares of the original town, as mentioned, with those added in 1815, were cleared and established. Of the radial streets, St. Clair, the northern- most was opened in 1816. It was called the North Highway and Fed- eral Street was subsequently merged into it. St. Clair became the fashionable lake shore drive and led to the Northern Ohio fair grovinds and race track near Glenville. Superior Street was early planned to be Cleveland's leading thoroughfare ; its principal retail business street down town and the chief link between the central Public Square and the great resident '■'""'Mat.i e nni-ir'--i-fl-Ti- II iA-,- - ' - > If,*; -aV-v •• I *i •i Public Squ.\re, Siiuwixg Supekidr anu Euclid Avenues district pro.iected toward the east. Until a comparatively I'ecent period it was the backbone of the city's principal retail district, but the great residence territory which was to be developed along Payne Avenue, which was opened in 1853, was invaded by industrial smoke and unsightliness before the property came into the hands of builders and home-seekers. The result was to crowd the handsome homesteads of the city further to the soutli in East Clevelaiid. I'rospect Street, which had been su'i'veyed by Aliaz iMcrciiant in 1831, and during civil war times, as well as later, was a fashionable residence street. Kinsman Street, the Old South Highway, laid out as early as 1797 and in the '60s called Woodland Avenue, also had its day when it was lined with stately homes and was one of the fashion- able drives into a bcautifn! sulmi-liaii district. 1918] MEANS OF COMi\IUNICATION 451 Expansion in all Directions But all of these thorouprhfares, including: Euelid Avenue, have been invaded by tlm neeessary expansion of retail business areas, although the latter, especially beyond Wade Park, has come the nearest to retainingr its oriprinal fame as an avenue of lieautiful homes of any Cleveland hitjchway. The development of Euclid Avenue in that re- gard, has been rapid since the annexation of East Cleveland to the city in 1872. The village of West Cleveland was absorbed liy the city in 1894. At that time, the leading street connecting the two divisions was Colundnis which passed over an iron bridge, the most substantial Residences on Euclid Heights structure of the kind then spaiuiing the Cuyahoga River. Through Columbus Street, communication was made with the State Road to Lorain, later called Lorain Avenue, and with the Wooster Pike. De- troit Street, another leading West Side avenue was vii'tually a con- tinuation of ?"uclid. It followed a lake ridge to the westward and merged into the State Road to Toledo and Detroit. Franklin Circle, to be hereafter described, was the center of the West Cleveland street system, such as it was. The Bridges and Viaducts As the streets multiplied, and various settled sections were received into the corporation, the problem of adequately bridging the Cuyahoga 452 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV River and its tributaries, other streams which flowed into the lake and the numerous ravines and valleys which cut the site of the municipality — the question of how best to bind together the city's territory so as to make communication between all its sections most convenient, with- out disfigiiring its beauties, was a problem which tried the capabilities of the best engineers and citizens, and it is still a living issue. From the days of Ahaz Merchant, who laid out most of the original thoroughfares of Cleveland, to the time of W. A. Stinchcomb, whose labors in street improvements and bridge and viaduct building are woven into the latest great developments in these lines, the efforts of the founders and promoters of the city have been faithful and untiring closely to unite the people of its diversified physical terri- tory. Getting the East and the West Sides Together The origin of this series of great works goes back to the infancy of Cleveland as a settlement and a village. The initial problem, which has been fully solved only within recent years, was how best to bring the settlers on the east side of the Cuyahoga River in convenient com- munication with the West Siders. It is known that the feri-y at the foot of Superior Street, operated by Elijah Gunn, was for some years the only public means of getting to the west side of the river. It was then impossible to build a stationary bridge at that point, as it would obstruct navigation. Some years later, a compromise between the landsmen and the marines was effected by which a floating bridge of whitewood logs was built much further south, at a point where the Center Street bridge now spans the river. In the Annals of the Early Settlers' Association it is stated: "When vessels wished to pass, the logs were floated to one side and were brought back into place by means of ropes. This was tlic first bridge across the Cuyahoga." First Permanent Bridge Across the Cuyahoga But something more substantial materialized during the mayoralty of John W. Willey, Cleveland's first mayor. James S. Clark and others platted a strip along the east side of the river which lliey called Willeyville. Clolumbus Street bisected it, and on the opposite side of the Cuyahoga rdiiimcnrrd llic Woostcr and Medina turnpike. A bridge was the logical connection; and Columbus bridge was l)uilt. It was the first sulistantial structure to span the stream, was built In- :\Ir. Clark and liis associates and cost $15,000. The bridge was 200 1918J :\IEANS OF COMMUNICATION 453 feet long, with a' draw suffieient to allow. a vessel of forty-nine foot beam to pass throup:li. It was an old time covered bridge, twenty-four feet above the surface of the river, but a contemporary print states that it "presents an imposing appearance and reflects much credit on the architect, Nathan Hunt. This splendid bridge was presented to the corporation of the City of Cleveland by the owners, with the express stipulation that it should forever remain free for the accommo- dation of the i)ul)]ic, although the Legislature had previously chartered it as a toll bridge." The bridge thus made over to Cleveland diverted so much of the ti-ade to the East side which had formerly come to Ohio City, or "West Cleveland, that the "West Siders openly rebelled, especi- ally after the Cleveland council directed the removal of the east half of the old float bridge, which, legally, it had a right to do as that structure was the joint property of the two cities. The Bridge "War which was the physical culmination of the quarrel, was fought over the Columbus span, and is described in the early portion of the narrative history. Other Bridges at the Strategic Point The quarrel was still on when, in 1846, the towns agitated the build- ing of a larger bridge. Ohio City said "No; and we stand on your old ground (addressing the City of Cleveland). You own only to the middle of Cuyahoga River." So the county stepped in and built the second bridge; in 1870, the third was completed and in 1898, the fourth. The present structure, built at a cost of ,$80,000, is operated by electricity. It is at the apex of the westernmost bend or horseshoe of the river, across which it was thrown south for the express purpose of diverting the trade of the southern country towns from Ohio City to Cleveland, and until the two were consolidated the hostility between the East and "West sides was bitter and always rampant. The Columbus Street bridge is worthy of special comment, which has already been well made in the following words : ' ' One of the most original and novel bridges in the city and the first of its kind ever built, as far as we are awai'e, with the exception of a contemporary built at some government arsenal in Spain, of which the details were never given in American periodicals, is the double swing bridge at Columbus Street, designed by Walter P. Rice, chief engineer, assisted by James T. Pardee, city bridge engineer, and John Brunner, of the Blount "^'eriioii Bridge "Works, the latter rendering important sei-\'ice in the development of the shop drawings. This bridge is of special 454 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV type as its name implies, and was the outgrowth of special conditions. Its construction saved the City of Cleveland about $60,000, as against the proposed plan, and has proved one of the quickest moving and most satisfactory bridges on the river. This type does away with the old characteristic center pier, affording a clean opening of about 113 feet in the center of the stream — a necessity, as the location is at one of the worst bends in the river and every inch of channel is needed for the passage of large freighters. The two separate spans are designated as 'bobtails;' that is, one arm licing shorter than tlie other and countei'weighted. The roadway, when the bridge is closed, has a grade of about three feet per hundred feet and has a length of 279 feet total, the shore ends locking into anchorage and forming a cantilever. The motive power, another innovation at that time, being a combination of electricity and compressed air; the oper- ation of diaphragm gates at approaches, latching of bridge, and raising and lowering of ajiron at center, being controlled by the latter power, while the actual swinging of the two spans is done by electric motors. This type was later duplicated in Canada." Direct Communication with Ohio City In the days when Cleveland was centered around tlie mouth of the river and the public square, the most direct means of communication with Ohio City and the west generally was by way of Division and liighthouse (Willow) streets. In the '50s, therefore, bridges were l>uilt across the river at tliose crossings. The wooden structures were subsequently replaced by iron bridges. The marine interests fought the building of the old Liglithouse Street bridge, liut opposi- tion calmed down somewhat when, in 1856, its construction was authorized by the city and the State Board of Public Works. In 1897, a new bridge, operated by electricity, replaced the old. A Bkidge Story of iMysteky Seneca Street bridge was aiiotliei- of ihc pidiicrr bi-idges designed to bring trade to Cleveland before Uie railroads had proved themselves an fi.xed and dependable. It was .so overloaded with cattle upon a certain occasion in 1H57 that it eollajiscd and fell into the river. Tlie fate of the cattle is unrecorded, 'i'lic bi-idge wliicli rej^laced tlie wrecked concern was a liaiid dfjiwbridgi' ; an iron iin(^ followed; in 1918] MEANS OF COMMUNICATION 455 1888, a hridfjo of two spans, iioarly 300 feet in length was constructed, and, in 1903, the city built its first Sherzer roller lift bridge, known as the Middle Seneca or Middle West Third Street bridge. Its operating power is electricity. Other Cleveland Bridges The Main Street bridge, which was one of the first iron structures of the kind in the city, was originally built in 1869. It was recon- structed in 1885 and the draw is operated by steam. The old wooden drawbridge at Center Street antedated the iron structure at Main. It was completed in 1863, although the truss iron draw was not built until the early '70s. This, in turn, was re- placed by the bridge of 1900, operated by electricity. When the Jefferson Avenue bridge, over the river and canal, was finished in 1872, it was the finest structure of the kind in Cleveland. It was built by the King Iron Bridge Company. The river span was 150 feet long and that crossing the canal 117 feet. Cost nearly $40,000. In 1907, a double rolling lift bridge was built over the new channel of the river, and a fixed span was thrown over the old channel where the oi'iginal swing span had been, at a total cost of $182,000. The lift span is operated by electricity. In the year that the first Jefferson Avenue bridge was completed, was opened the Central Way under the tracks of the Cleveland and ■ Wheeling Railway. At once it became the heavy traffic highway, the principal outlet of the refineries and the iron manufactories. The bridge across the river was an old wooden affair and. in 1883, was swept away by a flood. A suitable iron bridge nearly 200 feet long replaced it the same year, and electrical power was installed in 1917. The structure is now known as the Upper West Third Street bridge. W.VLWORTH R[JN Vl\DUCT The first of the largo viaducts to be built by the city was that over Walworth Run and the Big Four tracks, at what was then the southern outskirts of the city. It was built of iron, and compri.sed three spans with a total reach of 260 feet. The cost was nearly $80,000. The Walworth viaduct was rebuilt of iron and steel in isss. In 1911, it was reconstructed in connection with the grade- crossing work of the New York Central and St. Louis railroads. 456 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV High-Level Bridge Demanded But the city realized more and more, as both the East and the West sides expanded in area, increased in population and their busi- ness and ci\nc demands for ready intercommunication became in- sistent, that some radical work must be accomplished by which the physical difficulties of the municipal site might be overcome as a whole. Small bridges to cross various streams and minor viaducts to bridge ravines and little valleys must be put aside in favor of some grand high-level structure which should be thrown from the high- lands of East Cleveland to those of West Cleveland, so far above the river that its navigation could freely progress beneath. The dis- cussion of this grand radical project commenced in the '60s, was placed in the background by civil war matters which would not be suppressed by any others, and definitely and strongly revived in 1870. Building op the Old Superior Street Viaduct Both "sides" of the river now saw the vital necessity of the move- ment, and, if there was any preponderance of enthusiasm and initia- tive, local historians now generally place it to the credit of the West Siders. Of the latter champions none were more persistent or in- fluential than Henry W. S. Wood and Belden Seymour; and when West Cleveland was incorporated as a village, in 1872, they and other champions of their section redoubled their efforts to secure this most natural connection and one which had been so early advocated and partially realized. The story of the final construction of the old Superior Street viaduct is long and involved, and it would not serve any good purpose to enter the multitude of details composing the account ; for, as the peace-loving LPnclc Toby said in the immortal Tristram Hhandy, "much may be said on both sides of the ques- tion." The assertion may be ventured, however, that among those most prominent in the construction of the old viaduct, besides those already mentioned, were George Willcy, C. W. Palmer, Judge J. M. Coffinberry, J. P. Ilollaway and others. These gentlemen not only were pei-sisleiit in furthering the enterprise during its initial stage, hut continued to give it their best efforts until the viaduct was an assurance. At this time, Charles H. Strong was city engineer with C. G. Force as his assistant, and u])on tliem fell the practical details of construction from first to last. In March, 1872, a special committee of llie Cleveland city council, appointed to consider the high-level bridge problem in all its licarings, 1918] MEANS OF COMMUNICATION 457 reported in favor of the route from the corner of Merwin and Su[)e- rior streets to the iiiterseetion of I'earl (West Twenty-fifth) Street and Detroit Avenue. Afterwards, the general assembly granted the authority to construct the viaduct along that line, the voters of Cleveland gave it their sanction and the work was placed under prac- tical licadway. At a cost of more than half a million dollars, the Big Foui- Railroad tracks '.verc lowered ; the canal was vacated for three miles, virtually from Superior Street to the southern city limits, and the city made a new river entrance to the lake about a mile east of the old one, the moving of the old locks and vacating the canal bed being accomplished at an additional cost of $360,000. The usual number of suits and vexatious delays arose before the entire right-of-way was secured and it was not until the twenty-seventh of December, 1878, that Messrs. Wood and Seymour, representing the most prominent citizen high-levelites of the East and West sides, met at the middle of the Superior viaduct draw and clasped hands in token of a united Cleveland. The great undertaking had l)een made a notable engineering reality at the expenditure of administrative and executive talents of the highest order, represented in mere dollars by $2,170,000. It was a free bridge, although the original act allowed the collection of toll. It was 3,211 feet long, the draw being about a tenth of the total length and seventy feet above high water mark. In the foundation, 7,270 piles were used, 8,508 perch of stone and 15,500 yards of gravel tilling; and that same foundation supported over 150,000 tons of stone and iron. FoRM.\L Dedication op First High Level, Bridge On the day following the informal meeting of Messrs. Wood and Seymour, the viaduct was formally dedicated to the public. The Cleveland Light Artillery fired the federal salute at daybreak and at 10:30 A. M. there was a parade through the down-town streets by military and civil orders, the fire department and citizens generally participating in it. Of the local militaiy organizations the old time "Cleveland Grays" were favorites. Many of the brightest and most able young men of the city had joined its ranks at some time or other, and one Myron T. Herrick, was a member of it on that eventful winter da.v, fort.v years ago, when the united towns cele- brated the completion of the first Superior Street viaduct. At 12:30 a ma.ss meeting was held in the old Tabernacle, corner of Ontario and St. Clair streets, at which addres-ses were delivered by 458 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV Mayor William G. Rose and Governors Bishop, of Ohio, and Mathews, of "West Virginia. In the evening a banquet was given at the Weddell House, at which Amos Townsend, a former member of con- gress from the Cleveland district, presided. On the twenty-ninth of December, 1878, the bridge was opened for the public use, and well fulfilled its functions for more than thirty years, or until a greater Cleveland demanded a greater viaduct. Greater Viadiict for Greater Cleveland This splendid structure, officially designated as the High Level Bridge, has been open for traffic since Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, 1917 ; the upper deck was opened to vehicles on the former day, and the lower deck to street cars on the latter day. It is of double-deck steel and reinforced concrete construction and was built under the general superintendence of Frank R. Lander and W. The New High Level Bridge A. Stinchcomb, county surveyors respectively: Mr. Wood is given the credit for being the father of the double-deck plan, which was ailopted by the county commissioners after the holding of several stormy meetings. The plans were then prepared by Mr. Lander, under whom the work progressed for two years, being completed under Mv. Stinchcomb. The first actual consti-ndion work was started by the O'Rourke Engineering Company, on the fourth of June, 1912. The k'tigth of the viaduct from the intcr.scci ion of West Twenty-fiftli and Detroit Avenue to the center line of West Ninth Street is 3,112 feet; from Superior to West Ninth, 475 feet ; in West Twenty-fifth south of Detroit Avenue, 958 foct, and in Detroit, west of West Twenty-fifth Street, 1,085 feet. Total 5,C30 feet, or over one mile. There are twelve concrete arches and one steel arch, which spans the river, for a length of r)91 feet and 190 feet abovi' the sui'face of the water. The total cost 1918] MEANS OF COMMUNICATION 459 ot" the viaduct, inehuiins subways, has been approximately $3,601,000; of the land acquired for riglit of way, $1,683,000. Grand total, for land and structural work, $5,284,000. County Engineer Stinchcomb has nuido the following interesting estimates, and thereby deviated from the typical atmosphere of the dry-}is-dust statistician : One hundred and twcuty-four thousand eight hundred cubic yards of concrete were used in construction of the piei-s, foundations, arches, floors and subway approaches. If this concrete were made into a wall 6 feet high and 18 inches thick, it would be approximately 70 miles long. The eai'th excavation for bridge and approaches was 199,500 cubic yards. This would make a trench 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep, 110 miles long. If the earth were all thrown to one side, a splendid mili- tary trench could be made. Concrete piles 147,840 lineal feet were used under the piers. If placed end to end they would extend 28 miles. If these piles were made into a concrete walk 6 feet wide and 4 inches thick, it would extend from Kocky River to Euclid Beach. The steel used for reinforcing the concrete weighed 9,850 pounds. This amount of steel would make a fence 5 feet high, about 19 miles long. Central Viaduct Until this last and greatest of the city viaducts was completed, the Central Viaduct, which crosses the Cuyahoga River at its next pro- nounced horseshoe bend southeast of the Columbus bridge, as well as Walworth Run which enters the main stream at this point, was the longest structure of its kind in Cleveland. It was built in answer to the demands of the South Side for more convenient communi- cation with the central districts of the city. The agitation com- menced in the common council in the spring of 1879, but the route from Ohio and Hill streets to Jennings Avenue was not adopted until the summer of 1885, and ground was not actually broken until the fifth of May, 1888. In December of that year, the l)ridge was opened to the public, with appropriate ceremonies. The King Iron Bridge Company did the bulk of the structural work. The Cuyahoga River span of the bridge is 2,839 feet, and the Wal- worth Run span (Abbey Avenue branch) 1,092 feet; total length, 3,931 feet. The entire cost of the Central Viaduct was $885,000, although the amount authorized was $1,000,000. From the first, i60 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV both the public and the eiigiiieere have viewed this work with some apprehension, especially after it was discovered, a few years subse- quent to its completion, that the hillside on the west bank of the river was slowly slipping against the piers and threatening their stability. They were strengthened, but still the settling and pro- gressive pressure continue, a.s in other ways of nature, slowly but surely. It was at the Central Viaduct, also, that the terrible accident occurred, on the sixteenth of November, 1895, by which an electric car plunged into the valley through the open draw and killed seventeen persons. So that the Central viaduct is in some respects, another name for a "creepy feeling" in the constitution of the average Clevelander. KiN^GSBURY Run Improvements King.sbury Run Viaduct (now East Thirty-fourth Street bridge) was built in 1SS4-S6 over the Run and the Erie tracks for the accommo- dation of southeastern Clevelanders. The bridge is over 800 feet long and the Kingsbuiy Run trestle nearly 500 feet. The cost of the improvements was $147,000. Brooklyn-Brighton Connection v^'ith the Southwest But a much more important and far more recent viaduct connec- tion ha.s been made far to the southwest. It is a handsome and sub- stantial structure completed in 1916 and already widely known as the Brooklyn-Brighton bridge. It crosses the valley of Big Creek, connecting West Twenty-fifth Street with Pearl Road and making it practically one thoroughfare throughout its entire length. In other words, it connects that portion of Cleveland known as Old Brooklyn with South Brooklyn, now entirely within the city limits. The Brook- lyn-Brighton bridge was built by tlie Bates & Rogers Construction Company, of Chicago, and, with right-of-way, cost approximately $800,000. It is of reinforced concrete coiislruction and is 1,726 feet long. Other Bridges .vnd Viaoucts East Thirty-fifth Street viaduct, at the New York Central & St. Louis Railroad (formerly Willson Avcinie) was com])letcd in 1898; approximate cost, $94,000. Willett Avenue bridge (now l<'iilton Koad) sjianning Walworth Avenue; completed in IflOI. 1918] MEANS OF COMMUNICATION 461 Clark Avenue viaduct. Length of steel work, 5,992 feet. Weight of steel work, 11,173 tons. Approximate cost, $1,398,000. Com- pleted in 1917. Total length, iiichuliiif; intervening fill.s, 6,687 feet. Proposed Lob.\in-IIukon Bridge Another bridge over the Cuyahoga River is proposed; it is to be located between Columbus and Central and is to be known as the Lorain-IIuron Bridge; its construction w-as authorized by popular vote in 1914. Surveys, plans and estimates have been made but nego- tiations are still pending to acquire the right-of-way. The proposed route is from Ontario Street at Huron Road to Lorain Avenue near "West Seventeenth Street, and the plans call for a double-deck rein- forced concrete bridge, like the Detroit-Superior viaduct, 3,600 feet in length. Street Car and Interurban Service The topography of Cleveland makes numerous bridges and via- ducts necessary in order to bind the city together as a united commu- nity ; and with the improvement of its streets as continuous thorough- fares came the introduction of various forms of local transportation. It is a long step from tlie days of the Cleveland & Newburg Railroad, operated in the '30s along Euclid Road on a wooden track, by a tandem team of horses, and running from the stone quarries in New- burg township to the Public Square, to the complex and complete system of electric cars looping, by the hundi-eds, through that same locality. Omnibuses began to appear and multiply along Euclid, Superior, Prospect, St. Clair, Kinsman, Detroit and other trunk thor- oughfares in the late '50s and early '60s, connecting Cleveland also with Collamer, Chagrin Falls, Chardon, Medina and other neighbor- ing towns. In 1859, the street car history commenced with the author- ization of the East Cleveland and Kinsman lines by the City Council. In the following year, the East Cleveland line was put in operation between Bank Street and Willson Avenue. It proved to be the father of the great East Side system toward the north, just as the Kinsman line became the backbone of the southeastern system. The line along St. Clair was chartered in 1863 and during that year the West Side Street Railway Company was organized. The Brooklyn Street Rail- way was chartered in 1869. and a few years later the South Side Rail- road commenced to extend its lines southeast toward Seranton, Jen- nings and the citv limits. 462 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV The Advent op Electricity The '80s were marked by a consolidation of various independent street car lines, and on the twenty-sixth of July, 1884, the East Cleve- land Street Railroad Company placed in commission the first electric ear ever run in America. The Bentley-Knight underground system was adopted. The route of this historic ear, which was to be the fore- runner of the deadly enemy of the cumbersome cable car, was from Garden (Central) Street, two blocks west of Willson Avenue, to New Street, and thence into Quincy. The tracks of this first electric line were strap rails laid on wooden stringers about eight inches deep. The power was generated from a Brush arc light machine in the Euclid Avenue car barns. Gr.\nd Consolid.vtion and Expansion The grand consolidation of Cleveland's car lines took place in 1893, when the Superior, St. Clair, Woodland Avenue and West Side cable roads were all merged into the Cleveland City Railway Company, and the Broadway, Newburgh, East Cleveland and South Side companies were consolidated as the Cleveland Electric Railway Company. In 1900, electricity finally ti'iumphed and virtually the entire city system was united under the ownership and management of the Cleveland Electric Railway Company. Followed then the historic street car war, led by Mayor Tom Johnson and continuing through his four administrations. It was fought in tlie courts, in the streets and in countless political contests, and finally wa.s decided, according to Mayor Tom's ideas, in the United States District Court. Since 1910, when the referendum backed up the court, no city has had a better street ear service at a cheaper rate than Cleveland. Seven tickets for a quarter, with an additional penny for a transfer, can hardly be beaten ! Since the foregoing was written, in August, 1918, the amendment to the Tayler franchise was passed, putting in force new rates of fare, during and for six months after the war. The entire matter is fully set forth in Chapter XXI. The Connections Outside of Cleveland Tlic Public Square is also the center of not only the street car lines which penetrate Cleveland's entire city area, but of a widely extended suburban oi- iiitciMirVian system. The pioneer fril>utarv line, and one Superior Avenue, Looking East from the Square Erci.iD Avenue Business Section Looking West 464 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV of the fii-st iiiterurban roads to be chartered in Ohio, was the Akrou, Bedford & Cleveland, in November, 1894. The first ears over the line were run on the twenty-sixth of October, 1895. It was over twenty- seven miles long and extended from Akron, through Cuyahoga Falls, to Newburg, where it connected with the Cleveland Electric Railway. Its present route in Cuyahoga County is by way of Sagamore, Bedford Village, Rockside and Garfield Park, where it connects with the Cleve- land system. As a whole, it is part of the Northern Ohio Traction system, which places the city in close connection with Canton, Kent, Ravenna and Barberton. . The Cleveland & Southwestern Traction Company is the consoli- l-iocKY River Bridge and its (J heat Concrete Span dation of a number of old roads, the principal of which were the Cleveland & Bcrea Street Railway (1876) and the Cleveland & Elyria Electric Railway. The consolidation of these and other lines under the name of the Cleveland & Southwestern was effected in 1902. Its points include Berea, Elyria, Oberlin, Norfolk, Medina, Bucyrus and Mansfield. Into Cuyahoga County its line runs from the southwest and west, by way of the Beroa Road and Lorain Avenue. The Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern Railway was opened on the Fourth of July, 1896, and operates from East (.leveland to Painesville. The interurban route .ioins the Cleveland system through two lines — the main one at Euclid Avenue and the shore line at St. Clair. The Cleveland & Eastei-ii Railway Company was incoi'i)ot'ali'il in 1899 and oiierates two lines — tlie Chagrin l^'alls linr, wliicli cDnni'i'ts 1918] MEANS OF COMMUNICATION 465 with the city system at Kinsman Road and rims to the place named, fourteen miles, by way of Warrensville ; and the Gates Mill line, run- ning throufrh the piotinvsqiie Chajjrrin Valley to the point indicated. In 1897, the Lorain & Cleveland Railway was opened from Rocky River westward to Lorain, nineteen miles, and with other interurban lines organized chiefly in Sandusky, Toledo and Norwalk, was absorbed by the Lake Shore Electric Railway Company. The last named was incorporated in 1901, and in that year commenced to operate through cars from Toledo to Cleveland. It ha.s continued to be a growing system, and joins up with the local lines at Clifton Boulevard. The Puritas Springs is a line of comparatively late construction, built from the .southwest. Grayton. this county, is the end of the line, and it joins the Cleveland system by way of the Lorain route. The Public Square and the Grand Group Plan Cleveland is bound together by well-improved thoroughfares, great bridges and viaducts, by bands of iron and steel and currents of elec- tricity. Fortunately, the nucleus of its business, civic and corporate life was in such a condition as to make feasible a grand grouping plan which should present an impressive illustration of its eiilture and progress. Other great cities had erected massive, magnificent and costly public structures in scattered districts, often separated by mountainous blocks of business houses and office skv'-serapers. What for years had seemed like disgraceful eyesores on the face of Cleve- land's downtown, proved to be a blessing in perfect disguise. Out- grown, dirty and shabby tenements and stores lined a prospective mall which was to connect the historic and magnificent Public Square with the grand Lake Front, so alive with artistic and architectural possibilities. Although the first two court-houses were built on the Public Square, for a period of sixty years the ten-acre heart of Cleve- land has been dedicated to art and patriotism, or to the purposes of a vast distributing and receiving center of the city's populace. It ha.s always remained the people's commons, open to all, and in the early days the citizens rather rebelled at placing a simple fence around to keep out the four-legged live stock. In 1856, a fountain was placed in the center, at the intersection of Superior and Ontario, and some fifteen years later the lily fountain wa-s transferred to the Square from Franklin Circle, West Cleveland. The Perr\' monument was erected in 1860, and commemorated the forty-seventh anniversary of the bat- tle of Lake Erie. It was shifted several times within the Public Square before being moved to Wade Park in 1894. In the meantime Vol. 1—30 466 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV (1890), the last of the beautiful elms which so loug upheld the luanie of the Square as a park had been moved away, and hotels, banks, churches and residences had been built around it. Carts and express wagons lined its boundaries and it was anything but a beautiful lieart. At this period of its decadence, the "city hall," on its southwest corner, and the court-house on the north side of the Square near the old stone church, were its promises as a public centei-. Several years after the civil war, the Sgciety for Savings erected a banking house on the site now occupied by tlie Cliamber of Commerce at the north- east corner of the Public Square, not far from the postoffice. The ]\Ioses Cleaveland statue was unveiled in 1888 and on the Fourth of July, 1894, the grand memorial to the soldiers and sailors of Ohio was dedicated. The orations were delivered by Governor William Mc- Kinley and United States Senator James B. Foraker. That memorial is the central architectural feature of the Public Square. The anti- quated little field piece, spiked to the pavement on Ontario Street near the monument, represents a civil war capture from the Confed- erates who surrendered it to the Cleveland Light Artillery Company at Laurel Hill, Virginia. The real rejuvenation and worthy improvement of tlie Square commenced in 1900, when the street railway and the city- joined forces to erect shelter houses and comfort stations for the people and to lay out what remained of the grounds into attractive designs. This center has become so congested that the next union of the railway and munici- pal corporations will eventuate in the building of a great subway under the Public Square, after which the latter may be transformed into a really beautiful Central Park with real trees and expanses of sward and flower beds, with other landscape auxiliaries worthy of Cleveland's taste and artistic achievements. Origin of thk Group Plan of Piht-ic Brn.mNC.s But first the plan of grouping the city, county and fedei-al build- ings into a grand civic center — in short, the Group Plan — must be fully developed. Its origin is credited to the Cleveland Aicliitcctural Cliil), whicli, in 1895, instituted a competition Tor "tlu' groujjing of Cleveland's public buildings." AUhougli the county courl-housc fac- ing on Seneca Street was fairly creditable, it was twenty years old; the municipality had never erected a city liall and had liecn occujiy- ing Case block for the same length of time. So the proposal of the Arcliitectural Club fell on fertile soil and llic plan, which was evolved after several years of discussion, stood Inr I lie first prc;irrai ii"'('(l 1918] JIEAXS OF COMMUNICATION 467 groupiiior of puMii' Iniiklings in America. Professor diaries F. Oliiey, owner of the Oliiey Art (lallery, was one of the .judges in the compe- tition inaugurated hy tiie t'levelaml Arehiteetural Club. He was also a leading niemher of the Chamber of Comnieree, to which he intro- duced a resolution in January, 18!t!). i)roviding for a s])ceial committee to consider and report upon the Group I'ian. The Architectural League of America, which met at Cleveland in the following June, also considered the innovation with much interest. GRorp Pi-Ax Commission Appointkh and Pi, an Accepted Two bills were finally prepared for legislative action — one by the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects ami the other by the Chamber of Commerce. The latter was the bill which pa.ssed the Ohio legislature and under which Governor Nash created the Group Plan Connnission on the twentieth of June, 1902. It is no secret that the ambition to create autl work out this group plan had its inspir- ation in the magnificent grouping of the World's Fair buildings at Chi- cago, especially those around its superb Court of Honor. The appoint- ment of Daniel II.Buridiam.the director-general of public works for the World's Columbian Exposition, as a member of the Cleveland Commis- sion, aroused general satisfaction and enthusiasm. The other members were John M. Carrerc, of New York, who had made a tlioi-ough study of .such groupings in European cities, and Arnold W. liruniu>r, a national expert on the planning and erection of public buildings. There was no change in the personnel of the Group Plan Com- mission as originally formed uiitil 1911, when Frank B. Meade, of Cleveland, and Frederick Law Olmstead, of Brookline, ^lassachusetts, succeeded Daniel II. Burnham and John ^I. Carrerc, both deceased. The report of the Group Plan Commission was presented to Mayor Johnson and the director of public service on the seventeenth of Au- gust, 1903, and was formally accepted by them for the city. The plan, in general terms, provided for a great plaza and esplanade running from the Public Library and postoffice at one end to the Union Pas- senger Station on the Lake Frf)nt at the other extremity. In the lake section were also to be the sites for the new county court-house and the city hall. The proposed Federal Building was to be the structural connection between the mall and the Public Square, the northern side of which was the massive Chamber of Commerce. The court-house was to front on Ontario Street, the city hall on Bond Street, and the federal building and library on Superior. 468 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV Building Sites Purchased Promptly after the adoption of the report, the city, count}- and federal authorities commenced to negotiate for the purchase of the required sites. Such transactions always consume much more time than is anticipated, and although, as a rule, property owners were reasonable and public spirited, decisive condemnation proceedings had to be resorted to at times. Being a civil project, these steps were legally taken, as a matter of course. The fii-st parcels of land purchased (in 1902) were on Lakeside and Summit avenues, along the lake front, and between these thoroughfares, along East Sixth Street. The Federal Building In 1906, the Case property was purchased, including the city hall block bounded by Lakeside and Summit avenues and Third anil Ninth streets; the site for the federal building liad alread,y been bought and ground broken for that structure. The payment for the entire purchase from the Case estate amounted to $1,900,000, and up to 1910, when the sites for the three main structures planiu'd in the civic group had been bought, over $3,655,000 had been expended on these items — for the court-house site, 5.65 acres, $1,095,675 ; the city hall site, 4.50 acres, $404,899; the nuill, 5.06 acres, $2,155,180. Total 15.21 acres, at a cost of $3,655,754. It is estimated tliat about $1,500,000 of property along the mall is yet to be acquired before the group jjlan will be practically com- pleted. o o o o 2! •Jl o 2; 470 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. XXV The Federal or Postoffice Building The federal building, on the east side of the Public Square and fronting on Superior Avenue, was the first of the Group Plan struc- tures to be completed. It was designed and erected by Arnold W. Brunner, New York, the only one of the original plan commissioners now living, and was dedicated in ^larch, 1911. The cornerstone was laid in 1905. It is a massive, modern government building of granite with interior corridors of marble. The north and south facades are ornamented by Corinthian columns forty-two feet high; on the east and west facades, pilasters take the place of columns. The archi- tectural impression made is typically American, conveying the idea of grace as well as strength. Two groups of statuary, representative of "Jurisprudence" and "Commerce," adorn the Superior Avenue front. The cost of the building was $3,2.30,000. The County Building The county court-house on the lake front was completed later in the year 1911. Its cost was over $4,.500,000. and it is undoubtedly one of the finest structures devoted to county purposes in the country. It is of the classic style, Iniilt of pink granit<-\ its interior decorations of marble being superl). When one is told that tliey were placed there in all their beauty at a cost of half a nuUion dollars, no wonder whatsoever follows the information. The court-house contains eighteen liandsomely appointed courtrooms and spacious and elegant ac- commodations for the county officials, grouped around a superb court. The corridors on tlie .second fioor, upon which are situated all the court appointments, are approached liy a series of broad marble staircases, the eastern recess lieing graced witli a beautiful stained- glass window, representing Justice and bearing the names of famous American jurists. The walls are richly frescoed and the oval panels in the north and south walls, on the sccoiul floor, are devoted to finely executed paintings representing tlic lending figures in the signing of the Dwlaration of Independence, and a well-conceived classical and syml)olic subject. On either side of the nuiin entrance to the county liuilding are seated, in their hi.storic chairs of state, the striking figures (if 'i'lionuis Jeffer.son and Alexander IlMinilton. The Municipal Hall The city hall, i-unipanioii liuilding In the coiirtdiouse on tlii' lake I'rdiit at the foot of Kast Sixth Street, is somewhat smaller and less 1918) MEANS OK COMMUNICATION 471 t'xpoiisivf. liut. iioiu- the loss elegant oi- apiiroiiriate. It eiist. with l'iiriiisluiij:;s, more tlian $2,(JU0,0()(), and is a nninieipal liall well wortii the waitiiif^ all those years. The city hall is tiiiely planned for its l>iir|)()ses, and oeeupies a superh site. The massive and iini)()siiig armory is opposite the building, and on the lake front, east of the grounds, are the United States Marine and Lakeside hospitals. The iut^M'ior finish of the numieipal hall is chastt' and elegant, and when the visitor enters its handsome court he is greeted from a northern recess with one of the nu)st inspiring works of art ever executed in America — "The Spirit of 76." Everyone is familiar with it; its veteran author-painter, A. M. Willard, a Clevelander, recently died; the origiiuil of the sturdy youth who nuirches for the third gen- eration of the Revolutionary patriots, is yet living in the Forest ("ity. The building occupied for years as a city hall and the one formerly used for public library purposes at East Third Street and Rockwell Avenue were wrecked in l!)lS;'on their site it is planned to erect a public library which shall be a worthy companion to the federal build- ing opposite. The architectural beauties of the new public library, which is to be so noteworthy an expression of Cleveland's higher life, are set forth in an illustration on page 420. In the minds of many the group plan is so involved with details as to be nebulous. But the matter should readily be cleared t)y a reference to the simple outline diagram presented with this narrative. With this diagram liefore him, the reader may also follow the writer in simply considering what has been accomplished in the working out of the group and what is still planned, but yet to be accomplished. Three buildings of the five originally planned have been com- pleted. At the east of the Public Square, with its main front on Superior Avenue, stands the federal building. It occupies the site of the old post-office and Case Hall. On the western portion of the Lake Front tract is the county building, its central facade looking south on Ontario Street, with a northern view extending over Lake Erie; on the eastern portion, its central facade looking south on Ea.st Sixth Street, with a northern lake view, is the city hall. The proposed jail and criminal court building, west of the court-house, will cost $] ,250,000 and is designed to harmonize with the other structures in the group plan. The original site for the TTnion Depot comjirised thirty-five acres of land, and wa.s turned over to the railroads by the city for :iil.400,- 000, with the understanding that this sum was to be used for depot approaches and the acquiring of additional right-of-way for the mall. This, therefore, is a reserve fund which will go far toward the ulti- 472 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXV mate completiou of the group plan. Other public buildings have been suggested as appropriate structures to grace the mall, such as a board of education block, a criminal court building and a munici- pal emergency hospital. When the main features have been per- fected, such projects will also enter into an even greater group plan than the present. Since the foregoing was written and after the diagram of the group plan was engraved, an ordinance was introduced in the common coun- cil proposing to locate the passenger station at the southwest corner of the Public Square near the new Hotel Cleveland. In November, 1915, the voters of Cleveland approved the lake front location, but matters connected with the solution of freight and transportation problems brought about its reconsideration. The proposed change of location to the Public Square will be finally decided by popular vote. The new passenger station will not be completed until after the war, but when its site is determined the foundation for the building will be laid and due provision made for trackage area. The City Planning Commission There is also a City Planning Commission of Cleveland, not to be confounded with the Group Plan Commission. "In .1912," says the magazine. City Planning Progress, "following the enactment of a state law permitting home rule to Ohio cities, tlie Cleveland Chapter of the American Institute of Architects undertook to secure a pro- vision for a City Planning Commission in the new city charter which was then being drafted. The chapter, by the grace of the mayor, the Hon. Newton D. Baker, now secretary of war, was permitted to write the actual law governing the appointment of the commission. As prepared by the chapter, the law provided for the appointment of a commission of citizen members only, and it was so written into the charter adopted by the electors in 1913. This provision was not accept- able to the city officials as a whole, and the charter was amended to provide for official members only. In this form the charter amend- ment was criticized, and eventually redrafted to provide for a com- mission composed of official and citizen members. In that form the charter amendment has been adopted and the commission appointed. "In 1916, the mayor named as the members of the city planning commission five citizens — F. F. Prentiss (chairman), Morris A. Black, H. M. Famsworth, William G. Mather and 0. P. Van Swcringen— and six directors of city departments — Messrs. Beeman, Bernstein, Farrdl, FitzGerald, Neal and Sprosty. William G. Rose is secretary. 1918] MEANS OF COMMUNICATION 473 The city council, in its biulget for 1917, appropriated $20,000 for the work of the city planning commission, which is now engaged in the selection of experts to advise them in the preparation of a com- prehensive city plan." Always prominent in the final preparation and adjustments of any far-reaching municipal plan is the subject of its parks and boulevards ; and with Cleveland the subject has been growing in vitality and importance since the vei'j' infancy of the village. CHAPTER XXVI PARKS AND JIARKETS By H. G. Cvtler Although of slow growth, there is no feature of Cleveland's his- toiy which is more worthy of enthusiastic conunent than the parks and the park system of what was long known as the Forest City. The molding of its parks into a system, connected by boulevards and parkways and distributed wisely with reference to the sectional needs of the city, really dates from the creation of its first board of park commissioners in 1871. Fortunately, such wealthy and old-time citi- zens as Jeptha PI. Wade, William J. Gordon and John D. Rockefeller had not only accpiired propert\- of rare natural beauty within the city limits, but were posses.scd of a civic pride and a far-sightedness as to the needs of the people for recreation and rest and outdoor refreshment which were indeed rai-e among men of large means. Some would date the origin of Cleveland's present system from the year 1882, when Mr. Wade deeded to tlie city more than sixty acres in the picturesque valley of Doan Brook, which dances and sparkles through a series of rocky, wooded glens and ravines, meandering through the central sections of eastern Cleveland to Lake Erie. Mr. Wade had planned the park which bears his name as early as 1872 and had spent many thousand dollars of his private fortune in beau- tifying it before it became city pi-operty. Its nuigniticent groves of forest trees and stretches of open land, bnuiul together liy the charm- ing courses of the brook, had nuule Wade i'ai'k a jiopidar I'csort from the first. It naturally became the nucleus for the creation of the continuous stretch of parks and cnnnectiug ways wliicii Ims made Ea.st Clevelaiul famous. That scries rrnm Sliakci' Heights Pai'k to Lake Eric, including Ambler i'arkway, K'dcki'lVIIci' Park, Wade Park and Gordon Park, is not excellc(l in i lie country as an illustfatiim of skilful and artistic combinatii)ii of Nature's contributions and mati's modifications and .so-called iinpi-ovrnicnts. In fact, tiicre is no city in the United States which has retained in its richly developeil residence districts so nuuiy natural beauties as lias Cleveland, espe^ ciallv in this eastern chain of seven miles, strung together by Doan «1i o 'j; tS = i - i'^^ F^ e^ ^3 = ^ -a ^ — •=. c: '-" c s= CO ^ ^^ 55 s ^ =3. rn ^"^ S" 3" i c^ - a 17;^ §QBI s —3 476 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVI Brook. AVlien the park system has been fully developed, the city will be decked with one of the most beautiful necklaces of the kind in the world, connected by the brook and various parkways. The jewels pendant on the south are Garfield, AVashington and Brookside parks; along the lake shore, Edgewater Park, the grounds surround- ing the county court-house and the city hall and Gordon Park. The maguitieent Public Square and the mall of Cleveland are scarcely to be classed as parks, although the former was originally the mother of them all ; but ground in that part of the city has long since become too valuable to be devoted solely to green grass or trees. Recreation P.\rks There are smaller parks within these belts, or this necklace — as it will be when perfected. Woodland Hills Park, on Woodliill Road, is a natural park of forest trees about a mile south of Ambler Parkway. At the corner of "Woodland Avenue and Woodhill Road is Luna Park, one of the recreation centers of Cleveland, and given over to all the novelties and some of the well-worn features of amusement parks. The largest and most pretentious of the recreation or amusement parks is Euclid Beach, in the extreme northeast corner of Cleveland on the lake shore. It covers nearly 150 acres and furnishes not only the usual forms of amusements, but bathing and swimming accom- modations, as well as cottages and tents for those who ^vish to spend the season, or portions of it, upon the gi-ounds. Old Clinton Park Clinton Park, now in the crowded railroad district of the lake front, was, after the Public Square, the first plat of gi-ound to be set aside for public purposes within the city limits. One of the tirst real estate plats filed in Cleveland, while it was still a village, was recorded by Messrs. Canfield, Dennisou, Foster and Pease, in 1835. It set aside the following described tract for public purposes: "Clin- ton Park, 364 feet, 8 inches, by 198 feet, the north line being the .south line of Park Place, and the east line is 314 feet distant from the west line of 10 A, lot No. 137, the south line being the north line of Lake Street, and the west line being 314 feet distant from the east line of 10 A, lot No. 136. Lots Nos. 1 — 33 arc subject to a taxation for the improvement of said park under the directions of the trastees, or a committee appointed by the owners of said lots, and each of the said lots to enjoy every privilege and accommodation 1918] PARKS 477 of said park as a pnuiiciuulo or walk." The plan of the village was to make Clinton Park the nucleus of a fine residence district, and, for a time, it seemed to exinuul favorably, but the railroads came in, stores and industries encroached upon the residences, and the homes and dwellers therein were crowded to the east and the west. The park fell into decay, although in 1853 it was fenced and slightlj" improved. For a number of yeai"s past it has been one of the playgrounds for children which have been established in the congested districts of the city, and which have become such a credit to the good heart and humane instincts of Clevelanders. Changes in Park Management With other public grounds which were laid out, Clinton Park was controlled by the village board of trustees and the city council until August, 1871, when a board of park commissioners was created. That body was in control for twenty years, when, in 1891, the director of public works was placed in charge of the constantly expanding system. In 1893, the legislature again created a board of park commissioners, the duties of which were superseded by those given to the department of public works in 1900. Under the home rule form of government, the parks are under the immediate control of the division of parks and public grounds (Samuel Newman, chief engi- neer) , in the department of public service. Franklin Circle Another park which was laid out in very early days was known as Franklin Circle, or Franklin Place, and was platted by the county sur\'e.vor in October, 1836. It was dedicated to public uses by the original proprietor of Brooklyn township, who then controlled the property. Until 1857, it was an open market place for neighboring farmers, but in that year the city council fenced its central section leaving a street around the outer circle. A pavilion and a fountain were placed in the park proper, the latter being moved to the Public Square in 1872. Then Franklin Street was pro.jected through the Circle and other improvements followed, including the erection of a .stone pavilion to replace the old wooden one. It was nicknamed "]\rodoc Park" and became quite a political center, William McKinle.y, among others, holding forth therein when young as a congressman. But Modoc Park and Franklin Circle received its death-blow when the common council authorized the Forest City Railway, in 1907, to extend its line through the grounds. 478 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVI Early Attempts to Found East Cleveland Parks It took years before the citizens of Cleveland, as a ma,ss, became fnlly alive to the sanitary and elevating necessity of public parks, as breathing places for the public. The city authorities, in 1853, spurned Nathan Perry's offer of seven acres on Euclid Avenue near Periy Street at $2,000 per acre, and later the proposal of Philo Scovill to sell the municipality twenty acres bounded by Green- wood, Perry, Scovill and (jarden streets for $3,000 per acre. In 1856, a third attempt to secure a park in East Cleveland failed. A special committee of the council recommended the purchase of Williams Park, bounded by Ca.se, Willson. Kcnnard and Garden aveniics, but its members could not obtain the united support of that body. Somewhat later, a movement to purchase a park for each side of the river was smothered, and then the park enthusiasts rested for ten years. Three City Parks Proposed In September, 1865, the agitation was renewed and in November the special committee of the city council appointed to examine the question made an illuminating report in which was earnestly recom- mended the purchase of three parks — one on the lake front, another in the east and near Willson Avenue, and a third on the west side on Detroit Street. The greatest stress was laid on the necessity of providing for a lake-front park. Miles Park, Newbitrg Ncwburg Village, adjoining the city limits on the south, thi'ougli the county surveyor of 1850, Ahaz Merchant, set aside a public s<|uare, or commons, from Gaylord Street (East Ninety-third Street) to Wal- nut (Sawyer) Street. Theodore Miles, the original owner of the commons, a Newburg pioneer, gave his name to it in 1877, after iiis village had been annexed to Cleveland for several years. At that time, the old town hall became a iinblic library and, in 1S!)4, the library board leased I\Iiles Park fi'om tlic park commissioners for a term of years. In 1907, a new library Imilding was completed on that site, thus almost iililitrrnt ing the park rcatiire of it. The Old South Sidk Park Wliat was known as llic old Smitli Side I'ark lias liccii railed Liiii-oln Scpuire since 1897, when I lie park ciinniiissioners changed 1918] PARKS 479 iiKinv names of tlu' public firouiiils. The original name was I'clton Pai'k; it comprised nearly seventy aeres purchased by ]\li-s. Tliirsa Pelton, in ISfiO, as tlie g-roiuuis for a girls' school. Her death, in 18r)3, ended both her school and her private pnvk schemes and the grounds were fenced in and tlic gates locked. Tbc people thought it .should be reserved for i)uli!ic purjioses, the gates were torn down several times, and for a decade the disj)ute was also fought out in the courts. In 1879, the city i)urchased the property and it was tlirown oi)en as a indilic jiark. It has since had rather a varied career. Lake Vikw Park On the twenty-second of Januar.y, 1867, the common council reeom- nu'uded the purchase of lands on Seneca, Wood, Ontario and Erie stre<'ts. The land thus bounded was covered by an un.sightly collection of huts called Shantytown. The ground was purchased and put under the control of the board of park commissioners in 1873, but, with the growth of railroad tratfie, the improvements made were innuaterial. The founding of Lake View Park marks an important advance in the nnmicipal and public support of the park system, as during 1873, the tirst general tax (two tenths of a mill) was levied for the pur- chase of Lake View Park and the improvement of the Public Square and Franklin Circle. Gordon Park In the meantime, William J. Gordon, a wholesale grocer and citizen of large and clear vision, had been purchasing groves ravines and stretches of pasture land along the lake shoi-e and on both sides of Doan Brook for a quarter of a mile south. He had commenced this noble work as early as 1865, and when he died in 1892 he had laid out the grounds with such rare skill that when they pa.ssed to the city from his estate, in the following year, there was little to change in their basic filatures; before Mr. Gordon's hand and artistic taste commenced to mold them, the lines of the varied landscape, cut by Doan Brook, had been sharply drawn. The conditions im- posed by his will were that the city should maintain the grounds under the name of Gordon Park: that the shore on the lake front should be pi'otected from encroachments; that the drives and ponds should be maintained ; that no fence should obstruct the land view DoAN Brook, Gordon Park Along the Canal 1918] PARKS 481 and tliat the city slioulil ()r('serve tlio Imrial lot of the Goriloiis. These provisions luive been faithfully observed. In 1894, a tract of thirty acres adjoining the park and known as the "|)ienic grounds" was purchased from the Gordon estate and added to the original gift from Mr. Gordon. Wading pools for children were made in tlie brook and a large batlihouse and pavilion erected in 1901. The bathhouse wa.s burned in 1918. In the way of arti.stie embellish- ments, provided within the past decade, was the Perry lueniorial. The Perry statue proved to be quite a wanderer. A noble conception, as it originally stood in the Public Sqiuire the dignity and effective- ness of the figure representing the naval hero of the Lake Erie en- gagement were somewhat modified by its ostensible earnestness in directing the attention of the spectator to the well-known frog pond in the immediate vicinity. In 1894, the statue was moved to Wade Park, then the only plat of ground worthy the name ; in 1913, when ground was broken for the Art Museum there, it was again shifted to Gordon Park and appropriately placed where Commodore Perry eould overlook Lake Erie. Of late years, the improvements and attractions added to Gordon Park have been numerous. Its flower gardens and conservatory are leading features. Within the past few years several tennis courts have been added to those already provided and, as late as 1915, the shallow portions of Doan ]?rook north of the viaduct were dredged so as to make that portion of the stream available for harboring motor boats. Thousands of city- weary people in the open season have cause to bless the generosity and forethought of William J. Gordon. Wade P.vrk As already stated, Jeptha H. Wade, in 1872 had planned a park in the central districts watered and beautified by Doan Brook. After ten years of individual work he decided to deed the tract to the city, the condition of the transfer being that the municipality should expend at lea-st $75,000 in improving the park. The deed was executed in September, 1882, and the city council formally accepted the gift, under the condition stipulated, on the twenty-sixth of the month. Thus the bulk of the land constituting Wade Park became pub- lic property eleven years before Gordon Park w^as transferred to the city ; for that reason the former is usually considered the pioneer of the modern city parks, although Mr. Gordon conceived and partially created the gem which bears his name seven years before ]\lr. Wailc Vo) 1 -81 482 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVI entered the work of niakiug Cleveland a City Beautiful. The orig- inal donation was about seventy-five acres ; eleven aei'es have since been added. The $75,000 first expended on Wade Park was applied to the construction of the Centaur Pond and the laying out of walks and drives. In 1889, a zoological collection was begun and, for twenty- five years, the birds and animals there, including a fine herd of Centaue Lake and Museum ok Aut American deer and a good collection of bears, were the delight of crowds of Clevclauders. In ]!)14, the last of the "Zoo" was moved to Brookside Park, the proper dens foi' I'.iiiin having liccn completed. The building of the massive, imjjosing mid heautilul Art i\luse>uni in Wade Vark hail made necessary a reari-aiigcnuMit and excision of sev- eral of its older features. Considering Unit the nniscum was first open to (he |iublii- in June, imfl. rcmarkalilc pfngrrss has liccii mndc in 1918] • PARKS 483 jratlipriiijr its collei'tions of Ainericaii, Frpucli, Eiifjlish, Italian and otiier European paintings; its tapestries, anti(|ues, and speeiincns of middle-age armor and weapons; and the founding of its beautiful eonservatory at one extremity of the eentral eourts. Ono large see- tion is given up to a striking eolloetion of mediaeval aecouternients of war, now very interesting as material for eoniparison with the weapons of defense and offense introdueed by the World War. .Most note- worthy of any single attraction of the museum is the graml memorial room presented to the public, with its magnificent decorations and rare old paintings, by Mrs. Liberty E. IToldtMi. Notable niomniieiits on the grounds of Watlc Park arc the statues of Harvey Rice and of (Jocthc and Schiller, ojiposite the museum, and of Kosciusco and JMark Ilanna. The last named stands on an imposing elevation at the southern extremity of the i)ai-k. lioating on the Centaur Pond — so called froTii the figure which rears itself from the center of the pond — has always drawn many to Wade Park, and, during the American participation in the World War, its com- mons made ideal drill grounds for training the citizen .soldiery. In short, Wade Park has always been among the most p()])ular, as well as beautiful, of the city pleasure grounds, but being in the heart of a cultured resident district its attractions have become more a^nd more of an elevating nature, and the location of the Art Museum at its present site was especially appropriate. Directly southeast of the park is the picturesque group of buildings represent- ing the Western Reserve University and the Case School of Ai)|ilic(l Science. F.UHViEw Park After "Wade Park, the next tract to fall into the hands of the city was the site of the old Kentucky Street reservoir. It was aban- doned for water works pitrposes in 1890, was transferred to the park commissioners and named Reservoir Park. In lS!t7 it was given the more eiiphonious title F'airview Park. The Clevei/And Park Plan Anoi-Tpm The early "90s form an eventful period in the creation of a real park system, as well as in its actual development. From the year 1893 dates what is known as the Cleveland Park Plan which orig- inated in the definite ambition of the park advocates to make Doan 484 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVI Brook tlie backbone of an enchanting bod}' of pleasure grounds stretching through East Cleveland. Ten years before the passage of the park act, such men as J. H. Wade, J. ]\I. Curtiss and A. Everett, as park commissioners, had advocated such a move, but they seemed to have been ahead of public sentiment and failed of adequate support. But in the spring of 1893 (April 5), after much previous agitation and many public conferences of citizens, an act passed the legislature providing for a board of five eoimnissioners, composed ■ of the mayor, the president of the city council and three other mem- bers to be appointed by the trustees of the park sinking fund. The fir.st board consisted of Robert Blee (mayor), A. J. Michael (presi- dent of the council), Charles H. Bulkley, Amos Townsend and John F. Pankhurst. Charles A. Davidson soon succeeded Mr. ^lichael. and F. C. Bangs was appointed secretary. The plan finally adopted hy the board included "a large park on the outskirts of the city in each of the seven main sections, the same to be so located that in case the future should so determine and the needs of the city so require that such outlying parks could be readily united and con- nected by a broad, smoothly paved boulevard enclosing the city." E. W. Bowditch, the Boston landscape architect, was engaged to cari'v out the plan, or such features of it as were feasible at that time. The special park commission soon issued bonds to the amount of $800,00(1 and proceeded to acquire the primitive valley of Doan Brook and sites for Edgewater, Brooklyn (Brookside) and New- burgh (Garfield) parks and Ambler Parkway. The upper drive was also laid out to connect Gordon and Wade parks and bridges con- structed at Wade Park, Superior and St. Clair avenues. Tn 1897, many of the parks, including Brooklyn and Newburg, were renamed as indicated. Edgew.\tf,r Park Edgewater Park, most of which was ])iirchased in 1894, is the most extensive, beautiful and elaborately ini|)i-()vc(l of the publie grounds lying along Jjakc Erie, it I'ninpr'ises over one hundred acres, is aliout three miles west of the downtown distrirt and stretclies along the lake front for six thousand feet, with its bathing iMMches, massive lircakwaters. boat landings, great batiiliouse and (iiniiii!; i)avili()n, and, further iidand, tennis courts, i)icnic grounds, groves aiul ravines, flower beds, shaded walks and broad drives. Tn 18!)6, work was com- menced on the boulevard that skirls tiie bike and connects Edgewater EntraiNce to Edukwatkk Pakk MuNicii'Ai. I!atii House 486 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVI «"itli Detroit Street. The first of its bathhouses and pavilious were completed in 1902. Witliin late years, the most noteworthy improve- ment realized was the completion of an immense bathhouse, capable of accommodating, with rooms and lockers, nearly a thousand men, women, girls and boys. It was opened in July, 1914. The upper story of the building is occupied by a refreshment and dining room. In- cluding the construction of the bathhouse, equipment and grading of the grounds, and the building of more than 800 feet of jetties and other stone shore-protection, $157,000 was expended in the com- I)letion of these improvements. In the following year (1915), a new boat landing was built and Edgewater Drive laid out between Lake Cliffs .\nd 15ridges .\t Hkookside Aveniu- and Lai tiiiio iiicliult'd in tlio liarkcr, I'oc ami (^iiii'k farms. Aside from its natural attractions along Big Creek, whicli is s])anned In- a massive eotii-rete l)ri(lge, Hrooksitle I'ark presents tlic "Zoo" as its most popular feature. The deer park and bear dens occupy well chosen ground on the Iieights. The nucleus of the collection was transferred from Wade Park in 1913-14, the finishing touches to the hear dens and the deer runs, with their sui-rouiulings, being given in tlie hitter year. In l!)Ii), the ac(|uatic fowl were treated to a fine new pond and lumse, and the jjuhlic was provided with another entrance from West Twenty-fifth Street. Rrookside is a gem of the i)ark lu^cklace. Garfield Park Garfield, at the southeastern extremity of tlie encircling system, is one of the largest of the city parks, comprising more than 180 acres ilill Creek breaks it into numerous ravines, some of which stand out in the open and others wind between wooded heights. A pretty lake for boating was constnicted in 1915 between the old lake and ]\Iill Creek. Tliere are tennis courts, picnic grounds and countless walks and drives, winding through the woods, along broad stretches of meadow, and over hills. The car line enters the heart of (larfiekl Pai-k, and it is one of the most extensive, popular and naturally varied of all the city parks. It adjoins the grounds of the Cleve- land State Hospital to the northwest, that portion of the park having been purchased from the institution mentioned. The original tracts, bought by the commissioners in 1896, were the Carter, Rittberger and Dunham farms. Ambler Parkway Connection Ambler Parkway connects Rockefeller Park south with Shaker Heights Park, which is the southeastern extremity of the chain stretching across East Cleveland from Lake P]rie. The original tract was a gift from Mrs. Martlia 15. Ambler, made in 1894, and lying be- tween Cedar Avenue and Ambler Heights, the balance to complete the parkway being i)urchased. Its striking natural feature is a deep ravine l)ordered with some of the finest forest trees in Cleveland. Shaker Heights Park The Shaker Heights Park, the site of which was doimted by the land company thus named, in 1895, comprises the largest area of any 488 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVI of Cleveland's public grounds. It includes the site of the old Shaker settlement, founded in Warrensville township in 1823. For years, it was quite flourishing as an industrial coniinunity, Init declined after the civil war and, in 1892, was purchased of the colony, or what re- mained of it, by a land company. Shaker Heights Village, whicli surrounds the park, has since developed into a district of handsome residences. It is at Shaker Heights Park that Doan Brook expands into a series of small lakes, the largest of which are known as ITpper and Lower Shaker lakes. The canoeist finds a fair scope for his paddle in that region and a large canoe house has been liuilt on the lower lake for his accommodation. It is the only natural lake region of considerable extent in the Cleveland svstem. The Rockefeller Parks But the climax to the persistent and often discouraging activities of those who had so long been working for a continuous park system, e.speciallj' in Ea.st Cleveland, came in 1896. At a meeting held on the twenty-second of July of that year, President J. G. W. Cowles, of the Chamber of Commerce, made the announcement that John D. Rocke- feller had given to the city for park i)nrposes 275 acres along Doan Brook, valued at $270,000, as w^ell as .1;300,0G0 to improve the tract. Thus was completed the broad band of parks and ways on both sides of Doan Brook from its source to its mouth, some seven miles in extent. Below Wade Park the tract is known as Rockefeller Park North and above it as Rockefeller Park South ; • it embraces respectively, over two hundred, and nearly seventy acres. At the southern extremity of North Rockefeller Park a broad artificial waterway has been formed of considerable length which is a great source of pleasure for lovers of boating, and from that point north for several miles to St. Clair Avenue there is a constant succession of picturesque walks, picnic iind play grounds and winding driveways. Other Co.n'nivC'I'ino Boi'lev-vrds In onh'i' to complete the dcvcloiimcnt of RockctVller IJoiUcvard near its junction with Euclid Avenue, the Case School of Applied Science, J. II. Wade and Pati-ick Calhoun gave strips of land on Euclid Avenue, Doan Street (East One Hundred and Fifth Street), Cedar Avenue and in Cedar Glen. In 1904, surveys were made for the connecting lioulevard l)etween Edgewater and Hrooksidc ]);n-ks ;iiid liroiul ptirkways have liccii 1918] PARKS 489 plaiuu'il. Iiiiulint,' Brooksido with Washiiifrtoii, Washington with liar- field, aM year lie built a spacious block- house on the high blufl' overlooking the river valley and lake in tlie rear of the pi'csent American House, tlie amjilc grounds of which fi'oiiti'd on Supcridi- Street, it was consiih'red a liarnnial establish- ment among the half dozen neigliboring log cabins of the paper city. He had visited, the jjrevious year, a few settlements and had nuide the acquaintance of Governor St. Clair at Chillirothe. and soon after his .settlement in Cleveland the governor- appointed him lieutenant colonel of the Ti'umbnil County militia and in 1802 one of the justires of the Quoi'inii. and iniority was cniicedid to liiin on the liciirh of 1802-24] BENCH AND BAR 497 Quarter Sessions. lie was elected a delegate to the convention to form a state constitution in 1802. lie was elected a senator from the then County of Trumhull and on the meeting of the Legislature at Chillieothe was made president of that body. He was appointed a judge of the Supreme Court in 1803, his commission, which was signed by Governor TitTfin, being the first issued under the authority of the State of Ohio. In 1807 Judge Huntington was elected gov- ernor, succeeding the first governor, TitYin, who became a senator of the United States. Thus the legal and judicial history of onr city and county had an honorable and auspicious beginning in the person of Samuel Huntington, tlie first lawyer, judge and governor of the state from among the pioneers of the last years of the eight- eenth centurv on the shores of Lake Erie." When Justice Was Young After the county was organized civilly and politically, in 1810, and its first court of record, known as the court of common pleas, was established, various justices of the peace continued to sit and adjudicate. Rodolphus Edwards, a friend and neighbor of Squire Kingsbury, a pioneer surveyor and sturdy citizen, naturally became a justice. He was not educated in the law, but was ingenious, and when he could not find an official form of summons originated this one: "In the name of God, amen. Take notice that We, Rodolphus Edwards, a Justice of the Peace by the Grace of the Almighty, do hereby summons you to appear before Us, under dread of Dire pen- alties and Severe tribulations." Later Harvey Rice, then a young man of twenty-six, was elected; and by that time (1824) the office carried real duties with it, especially in the activities of drawing marriage covenants and performing the necessary ceremonies. Jus- tice Job Doan, a sturdj' representative of that family which is so closely linked with the rise of the county, was also a member of the legislature for one term and died at the first visitation of the cholera to Cleveland in 1834. Dr. Samuel Underbill Two of the most noted justices of the peace of the early period were Dr. Samuel Underbill and George IToadley, tlie latter tlie father of the governor. They are thus graphically sketched: Dr. Samuel Underbill, justice and publisher, was one of the most original characters of that day. He was a man of considerable educa- 498 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII tioii aud delighted to be considered in advance of his age. He called himself a free-thinker and edited a small semi-weekly paper, The Liher- alist, which was devoted to the spread of atheistic doctrines and ar- guments.* The name of the paper he afterwards changed to The Bald Eagle, a journal noted for plunging its talons promiscuously into people, without regard to consequences, and it proved to be the Doctor's last journalistic venture. He said some harsh things about City Clerk Curtis and that official, without waiting for the tedious process of the law to right his wrongs, seized a sledge-hammer and, rushing to the Doctor's office, proceeded to effectually reduce the primitive hand-press to metallic fragments. The Bald Eagle never recovered from the shock. Dr. Underhill kept well abreast of the new ideas of his time. "When Mesmer's experiments were made known, he at once became an enthusiastic mesmerist and talked very learnedly on the subject. He was also deeply interested in phrenology. At the time of the Canadian rebellion the doctor warmly espoused the cause of the rebels and would gladly have plunged this countrj' into war on their behalf at a moment's notice. As a justice, the Doctor has handed down to posterity one learned decision which offers a most remarkable precedent. A citizen of Cleveland, a worthy man of CVrman birth desiring to visit the father- land, placed all his earthly treasures, including his wife, in the care of a dear and trusted friend, and hied away across the ocean with a light heart. TMien he returned after a six months' sojourn he found, to his intense astonishment and grief, that the trusted agent had settled down on the property left in his care and, worst of all, had also assumed a proprietorship in the unobjecting wife. Astonish- ment and grief gave way to anger, and the injured husband sought Justice LTnderhill and began proceedings against the false friend. Sherlock J. Andrews, Esq., appeared for the plaintiff, and the defense was represented by Attorneys ]\Ioses Kellcy and Hiram V. Willson. The case was bri.skly contested and then submitted to the justice. That astute official carefully summed up all the evidence and finally gave a verdict for the defendant. He said that as the prin- cipal had clothed the agent with absolute authority over all his be- lonprings, desiring him to take his place in every particular, he (the justice) could not see that the agent had exceeded bis authority in any respect. He therefore discharged the defendant. Not long before liis death Dr. Underbill, in 1850. renounced his atheistic belief. In person, the Doctor was a man of very large frame, stout, and with strongly marked features. For many years he was one of the noted characters pointed out on Cleveland streets. (lEORGE HOADT/EY. THE Et.DER On April 1."), 1836, a tall man with spare features, of quiet, yet dignified appearance, stood u\) liefoi-c Hie first city council of Cleve- • See page 192. 1831-46] BENCH AND BAR 499 laud ami adiiiiiiistered to them the oath of ofifice. This was George Hoadley. justice of the peace, a remarkable man in all respeets. Had not the horizon of his chosen home been so circumscribed ; had he sougrht other and wider tields, he could have won the respect and love of a nation instead of a strugfilinir hamlet. He was of a stu- dious habit, a profound lover of books and gifted with a singiUarly retentive memory. He had beeu a tutor at Yale and was for some time in his early years a writer on a prominent eastern journal. He served as a justice from 1831 to 1846, and during the fifteen years he tilled the position he passed upon over twenty thousand cases, very few of his decisions being appealed and not one reversed. When not engaged in the business of his court he devoted himself assiduously to his books. He had, for the times, a very fair library, and this was a constant source of entertainment for him. Lawyers often came long distances to consult with him and to ask for precedents. "Justice," they would say, "did you ever hear or read of a case sim- ilar to this one of mine?" 'Squire Hoadley would quietly listen to the details and then, after a moment's reflection, would point to his row of books and say: "There, in that third row of books, the second volume from the right, you will find all the precedent you require." There was one form of business, however, that 'Squire Hoadley did not want. He disliked to have the dignity of his court interrupted by seekers after the connubial link. Not that he was hard-hearted — no man possessed a more kindl.y disposition — but he looked upon performing the marriage ceremony as something quite removed froiri the legitimate business of the court, and he was very willing that the fees from this source should fall to his brother justices. In 1846 George Hoadley was elected mayor of Cleveland and made as good a chief municipal officer as he did a justice. He was an ideal office holder, prompt in business, dignified, courteous, of sterling integrity, and with Ids whole soul wrapped up in his duties. There was a widespread feeling that the community had suffered a serious loss when, a few years later, he removed his home from Cleve- land to Cincinnati. Almost forty years after the inauguration of Mayor George Hoadley as chief municipal officer of a city of a dozen thousand inhabitants, his son, another George Hoadley, a man closely resembling his revered father in many respects, was inaugurated governor of the great Commonwealth of Ohio. As an expansion of the latter comment on Governor George Hoadley, it may be added that Ohio's former chief executive, the son of a distinguished father in a more circumscribed field than his, earned his honors as a lawyer and a public man in the City of Cincinnati. When the family moved to that citv in 1847 he had just been admitted to the bar. He died in 1902. JoHX Barr .\Nn Other Le.vding E.\rly Justices Among other rare 'squires who .served Cleveland township for twenty -five or thirty years after George Hoadley 's time were: 500 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII John Barr, elected in 1841, an old settler, editor and valued writer of local history, as well as ex-sheriff and clerk of the courts, who served three terms; Edward Hessenmueller, who was a justice from 1843 to 1861 and afterward sat upon the police court bench; James D. Cleveland, almost too young to be a 'squire, but who matured rapidly and was also elected police judge in later years: George B. Tibbetts, a mild-mannered Democrat who "held over" so many times (1849-61) that it got to be considered as a matter of eoui-se that only death could pry him away from the office; John R. Fitz- gerald, an Irish newspaper man and classical scholar, who covered about seven years during the civil war and before ; George A. Kolbe, who served the township in 1864-76 ; Major George Arnold, a Union soldier, who received a bullet wound in his back at Shiloh and spent many hours afterward in explaining how it happened, and John P. Green, a Central High School graduate, a good lawyer, the only colored man elected to the office up to that time (1873) and after- ward a member of the Ohio legislature. In 1886, a bill passed the legislature giving the justices a salary, instead of authorizing them to depend upon fees for their compensation. The law still applies, under tlie present constitution of the state. As justices of the peace w-ere the first judicial representatives to be introduced to the public of Cleveland township, although they have not always had the benefit of a legal education, they are given the place of honor at the head of this chapter. History is I'eally only an orderly chronological narrative, with an occasional "moral" drawn from the facts. In succeeding pages the courts, with the judges and practitioners identified with them, are taken uj) in the order of their establishment. The Court of Common PiiE.\s This is the oldest judicial body of the county; in fact, Cuyahoga County began its iiidcix'iideut existence in May, 1810, by holding the first term of the court of common pleas. Cleveland had then about fifty persons. Under the terms of the constitution of 1802, and by appointment of the state legislature, the conimon i)leas court of Cuyahoga County was I'eprcsented at that sitting by the Hon. Ben- jamin Ruggles, presiding juiige, and Nathan Perry, Sr., A. Gilbert and Timothy Doan, a.ssoeiate judges. At that time, Huron County was attached to Cuyahoga for judicial jiufposes. This tirst court was held at the newly erected store of the Murrays. just finislicd Init unoccu- pied, standing where llic Alwater, or old Forest City l?lock, was after- 1810] JJENCH AM) HAli 501 ward erected. The latter was torn down in 1855. Tlie locality may be more 'clearly fixed in the minds of a late generation liy describinj;- it as at the entrance to the Detroit-Superior viaduct. Fn;sT Cot'RT, a Strong I'ody Benjamin Kusr^rles is a name familiar to tiiose who have followed the narrative deserihing the founding of Cleveland, and Nathan Perry, as has already appeared, liecanie Cleveland's great pioneer mer- chant and land owner, and lived for more than half a century after "ascending the bench" as associate .iudge of the court of "common pleas. Jlr. Perry's only child became the wife of United States Sen- ator Henry B. Payne. John Walworth, the clerk of the new court and county recorder, had, like Nathan Perry, been in Cleveland only about four years, and had already served as justice of the peace and postmaster at Paincsville, inspector of the port of Cuyahoga and collector of the District of Erie (1805-06), associate judge before Cuyahoga County was organized, and postmaster of Cleveland. He was serving in the capacity last named at the time of his death in 1812. John Walworth was so popular that he had only to ask for an office to receive it, and his popularity was at its height during the War of 1812, and the last year of his life, when his courage, vigilance and energy did much to dispel the panic among the villagers at the news of Hull's uu-American surrender of Detroit to the British. Under the constitution, the court of common pleas had common law and chancery jurisdiction, and the legislature elected all the judges. It was rec|uired only that the presiding judge should be "learned in the law," but his associates were, as a rule, prominent citizens of broad common sense in whom the people had confidence. Such conditions were fully met in the organization of the first court which met at Cleveland in May, 1810. First C.\sk.s Before the Cocrt "The business of the June term embraced the consideration of five civil suits and three criminal prosecutions. Thomas D. Webb is recorded as the attorney who filed the first pra'cii)e for a summons, being the suit of Daniel Humason against William Austin; action, trespass on the case for eleven hundred white fish of the value of $70, which came into the hands of the defendant by 'finding,' but who refused to give up on demand and converted them to his own use. Alfred Kelley appeared for the defendant, denied the force and 502 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII injury, etc., the plaintiff joined issue and 'put himself on the county.' " The plaintiff failed to appear at the next terai of court and had to pay the costs of the suit. Mr. Kelley also appeared in the second case, a civil suit for the collection of money on a note. It was dis- continued and finally settled out of court. Daniel in the Lions' Den The history of criminal jurisprudence opened at the November term, 1810, by the presentation through the grand jurj' of the first "true bill" of indictments, the State of Ohio vs. Daniel Miner. '"Dan- iel," as the jurors on their oath declared, "not having obtained such license or permit as the law directs to keep a tavern, or to .sell, barter or deliver, for money or other article of value, any wine, rum, brandy, whiskey, spirits or strong drink by less quantity than one quart, did, with intent to defraud the revenue of the county, on the 25th of October last, sell, barter and deliver at Cleveland aforesaid, wine, rum, brandy, whiskey and spirits by less quantity than one quart, to-wit. one gill of whiskey, for the sum of six cents iu money, contrai-y to the statute," etc. Being arraigned, he plead guilty and "put himself upon the mercy of the court." The court was surely merciful, as it imposed a fine of twenty cents; perhaps not so merciful, either, as twenty cents came about as hard from a poor man in those days as five dollars do in these times. And Daniel was not yet out of the lions" den; for there was another prosecution against him, in which he was charged with like intent to defraud the county out of its just revenue. Without first obtaining a license, he did, on the same day of the former offense, ferry diverse men and horses over Rocky River. Again he craved the mercy of the court, which, however, had become hard-hearted and fined him five dollars and costs for this second ofl'ense. Alfred Kelley First Aith.^rs .\s Prosecutor Another instance of the negligence of merchants, traders and other enterprising men, in the matter of observing statutory I'cquircmcnts, may lie found in the first judicial nn'ord of the county, wherein Alfred Kelley appears for the (irst tiiiic ;is piMsccut ing attorney for the county, to mainlain an indictment against Ambrose TTccox, rliarged with selling "onc-lialf yai-d of cotton cambi-ic, six yards of Indijiii cdttori cldtli. (iiic-lijiir iKiunil Ihson sUin tea, witlniut license, con- 1810-11] BENCH AND BAR 503 trai'v to tho stalutr law ri'j,'ulatiii School. 'IMic father of the first 1810-13] BENCH AND BAR 505 Leouard Case brought his family from I'l'iiusylvaiiia to TruiiibuU County ill the spring of 1800. Leonard was then fourteen years old. Before he was twenty-one he was clerk of the supreme court for Trumbull County, or the entire AVcstern Reserve, and a fast friend of General Simon Perkins, in whose employ he remained for many yeaiN, even after he had comnienced practice. Upon the advice of John D. Edwards, then county recoi-der, Mr. Case studied law and, soon after being admitted to practice, appeared as an attorney of record at Cleveland. His long and close connection with the Connecticut Land Company made him authority on all real estate matters. In 1816, he was appointed cashier of the Commercial Bank of Lake Erie, then just organized at Cleveland, and from that time until his death, in De- cember, 1864, was a local power in the development of city, county and state. He was agent of the Connecticut Laud Company from 1827 to 1855. In 1821-24 he was president of the village and started Cleve- land on the road to earning and upholding its popular name, the Forest City. Mr. Case was the fii-st auditor of the county ; was a member of the legislature in 1824-27 and a champion of the Ohio canals ; accomplished much in the way of systematizing land taxes and was altogether a broad and admirable character. At first, the Case family lived in a frame house at the corner of Bank and Superior streets, the family residence also accommodating the Commercial Bank, of which he had become president. The site of his home was later occupied by the Mercantile National Bank, and there was born the son, Leonard Case, who founded the school which is honored by the family name. In 1826, when the latter was six years old, the family moved to the beautiful homestead on the east side of tho Public Square, now occupied by the Federal building. The foregoing is a digression from the main flow of the story, but is justified by the importance of the subject, Leonard Case. Various Presiding Judges op the Court In 1819, J. S. Couch was the presiding judge and Reuben Wood first appeared as attorney in a case. There was never a more dis- tinguished, forceful or beloved gentleman connected with the bench and bar of Cleveland than Governor Wood, and his personality is introduced more distinctly when the writer deals with the Cleveland lawyers who have been advanced to the state supreme bench and the gubernatorial chair of Ohio. Calvin Pease became presiding judge in 1820. followed, in 1821, by John :McLean, afterward a judge of the United States supreme 506 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII coui't. Judge Pease again occupied the bench in 1822, followed by Judge Burnet in 1823 and Peter Hitchcock in 1825. In 1826, William MeConncU, John W. Allen, Harvey Rice and Sherlock .J. Andrews were admitted to the bar. Harvey Rice At least two of the foregoing became great men in the annals of Ohio history. Harvey Rice, friend and relative of Governor Wood, a scholarly member of the profession, a finished writer, a legislator and father of the common school law of the state, his noble statue in Wade Park fittingly expresses the sti-ength and paternal nature of his char- acter. Brilliant, Eloquent and Versatile Sherlock J. Andrews Sherlock J. Andrews, who was in active practice or public service from the time of his admission to the bar at the age of twenty-five until the day of his death (February 11, 1880), was, without dispute, the most eloquent, polished and versatile member of the Cleveland profession. Ilis activities embraced more than half a century and included a term in congress, commencing in 1840, membership in two constitutional conventions, those of 1849 and 1873, and the judgeship of the superior court of Cleveland from 1848 to 1853. One of his friends and professional associates, writing in 1889, says: " Altliough nearly ten years have elapsed since his death, it seems but as yester- day when, with dignity and grace, he stood before court or jury, delighting all around him by the logic of his argument, spiced with the aroma of his hnmor, or made pungent with a few grains of healthy sarcasm. ' ' Joii.N W. Allen John W. Allen, admitted to the bar with Judge .Andrews and Harvey Rice, did by no means mea.sure up to their stature in years to come, although he was a leading railroad promoter wlien Cleveland sadly needed the iron ways, went to congress and subsequently served both as postmaster and mayor of the city. He dietl in 1887. ]\Iay()u John \V. \Vii,i,ev Joliii W. Willey, Clcvelaiurs liist mayor, was an al)le attorney for many years and early a judge of the circuit court. He first appears on the ciiiiiiiiDii pleas records in 1827. 1826-34] BENCH AND BAR 507 I'P to 1835, tlie Cuyahogra bar was not burdened with an excess of lawyers, but there were i)r()bal)ly enough to care for the business on the doeliets. In that year, the term of the supreme court opened with Joshua ("oUet and Reuben Wood on the bench. Harvey Rice was appointed clerk, acting also in that capacity for the court of CDiiiinoii |)leas. Henry B. Payne Of those who had entered practice in Cleveland shortly before, none made a higher record in public service than Henry B. Payne. He became a Cleveland lawyer in 1834 and soon thereafter formed a partnership with his early friend, Hiram V. "Willson, formerly of Painesvillo. The latter afterward wa.s appointed judge of the United States district court for the Northern District of Ohio. The pro- fessional [Kirtnership between Messrs. Payne and Willson continued for twelve years. Jlr. Payne was one of the most active and promi- nent citizens of Cleveland, while his health allowed him to work. He was a member of the city council, on the first board of water com- missioners, was a sinking fund commissioner and city clerk, a state senator in 1851, a congi-essman for the term commencing 1874, served on the Hayes-Tilden Commission and, in 1884, was chosen United States senator. He died in Septemlier, 1896. Samuel Cowles Samuel Cowles, a partner of Alfred Kelley, who practiced in Con- necticut some fifteen years before he came to Cleveland (1820), died the year of his appointment as .judge of the court of common pleas, in 1837. His mansion on Euclid Avenue, which he erected in 1833, was one of the notcworthv early laiulmarks of that thoroughfare. Samuel Starkweather and Horace Foote The constitution of 1851 made a radical change in the common pleas judicial system. The state was divided into nine districts, each of which, except Hamilton County (which was made one district), was to be subdivided into three parts and presided over by a judge elected by the people. Cuyahoga County was made the third sub- division of the fourth district. Samuel Starkweather, who had prac- tised at the local bar since 1828, was elected the first judge under the constitution of 1851, his term ])oing for five years. Subsequently, he was mayor of Cleveland. 508 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII Horace Foote, who occupied the bench for twenty yeajre, was elected under the act of March 11. 1853. He was severe, tenacious and honest, and, although not a man to whom the bar became affectionately attached, no lawyer failed to respect him. During the Civil War Period Thomas Bolton, long- in partnership with Moses Kelley, served on the common plea.s bench for some years before the civil war until about a year afterward, altogether a decade. At an early period, he was prosecuting attorney of the county. Jesse P. Bishop, a partner with Franklin T. Backus, was also an incumbent of the bench during a portion of the period. James M. Coifinberry, who came from Hancock County, served the five years' term, 1861-65. Early in his practice he had served as prosecuting attorney for Lucas County, and previous to his election to the common pleas bench of Cuyahoga County had practiced for a decade in Hancock County. It is said that none of his decisions was ever reversed by a higher court. Judge Cotfinberry obtained consider- able distinction during his last year upon the bench by his charge to the jury, December, 1865, in the trial of Doctor Hughes for the murder of Tamzen Parsons of Bedford. Relief From Over-Crowded Docket During the civil war there were but two judges of the Cuyahoga County court of common pleas, who were able to meet the demands upon them, as the energies of the people were then absorbed almost wholly by military matters of vital concern. After the war, when the commercial and other enterprises of tlie country began to recuper- ate, the business of the courts so increased that the existing judicial force was entirely inadequate. Samuel B. Prentiss Samuel B. Prentiss, who sat on the bench from 1867 to 1882, for three consecutive terms, was one of the most al)le and industrious judges of the court, and did all in his power to relieve this dire pressure upon its working cajiacities. lie was the worthy son of that great Vermont judge, Sanuiel Prentiss, who long sci-ved as chief justice of the supreme court of his state, as United States senator and finally, until his dealli in 1S57, as United States district 1861-7-4J BENCH AND BAR 509 J[udge. Judge Samuel B. Prentiss was educated in the schools of the Green Moiuitaiu State and under his father's thorough training, iuid when he opened a law ofiSce in Cleveland in 1840 his abilities were apparent even in a group of strong and aggressive lawyers. For twenty-seven years, he was an active and progressive practitioner in the city before ascending the bench in 1867, but upon his retire- ment from the common pleas court in 1882, at the age of seventy- five years, he withdrew from professional activities also. Robert F. Paine In 1S69, the legislature passed an act providing for one addi- tional .iudge, which place was filled by Robert F. Paine until the expiration of his term in February, 1874. Mr. Paine had previously served as clerk of the court of common pleas and as United States district attorney for the Northern District of Ohio. He was a humane, genial and able gentleman and judge, but throughout his judicial career proved that strict justice was his governor. President Garfield's Significant Compliment In Judge Paine 's chai-ge to the jury, in the case of the State vs. Gallantine, for the murder of Doctor Jones, in which the defendant set up the plea of insanity. Judge Paine sharply drew the lines of culpability to be tested by the evidence, and among the many complimentary notes received by him was the following from James A. -Garfield (dated February 6, 1871) ; it is significant in view of the fate which was to overtake the president: "The whole eountry owes you a debt of gratitude for brushing away the wicked absurdity which has lately been palmed off on the country as law on the sub- ject of insanity. If the thing had gone much further, all that a man would need to secure immunity from murder would be to tear his hair and rave a little, and then kill his man.", Superior Court Established Before the conclusion of Judge Paine 's term in 1874, it became evident that even three judges could not overtake the business piling up on the dockets of the court of common pleas. The plan adopted was to revive the old superior court of Cleveland, established in 1847, and presided over during the five years of its existence, by its first and only judge, Sherlock J. Andrews. The new body was 510 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII to try the civil cases covering the city ouly. So on the tilth of May, 1873, the legislature passed an act establishing the superior court of Cleveland, "to consist of three judges, who would hold their offices for five years and should have jurisdiction of civil cases only in the City of Cleveland, concurrent with the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, and should not have jurisdiction in any criminal or bastardy cases, nor in applications for divorce and ali- mon.y, nor of applications for the benefit of the insolvent laws, nor of appeals of error from justices of the peace, Police or Probate court, nor to appropriate land or assessment of damages in behalf of municipal or other corporations." The act of 1869, increasing the number of common pleas judges to three, was repealed, thus leaving only two members of that court. The term of the three judges of the new superior court was to commence in July, 1873, and the "people's candidates," Seneca 0. Griswold. James M. Jones and Gershom ISl. Barber went into office. Court Abolished as Insufficient But the superior court of Clevelajid did not ease the county dockets, especially a.s the panic of 1873 and the hard times which followed brought an appalling addition to civil procedures. Then in ^Maroh, 1875, an act was passed by the legislature abolishing the superior court, the measure to take effect on the first of July fol- lowing. Its business was to be transferred to the court of common ])leas, the memliership of which body was to be increased by four judges to be selected at the succeeding October election. At that election, two of the judges of the recently abolished superior court were chosen for the new court of common pleas, James M. Jones and G. M. Barber; the third member, Seneca 0. Griswold returned to practice and, until his health failed, was recognized as one of the ablest members of the Cuyahoga County bar. Seneca 0. Griswold Judge Griswold. who was elected to the bench of the superior court in 1873, was a leader of the bar and a public man of promi- nence. He came to Ohio from Connecticut when eighteen years old and after graduating from Oberlin College returned to his native town of Suffield ; after teaching there for a time, he located perma- nently in Cleveland to study and practise law. He was admitted t(j tlic l)ar in 1847; was sent to the legislature in 1861 and, while 1873-92] BENCH AND BAR 511 a member of that body, assisted in organiziufj the railroad sinking fund commission and Cleveland's paid fire department. During tlie year of his election as a superior court judge both Democrats and Republicans united upon him as a member of tlie eonstitutidnal convention. Judge Griswold was instrumental in establishing the Cleveland Law Library Association, of which he was piTsident for many years. His last position of public trust was as a mcudicr of the city council. He retired from practice in 1888, after having been honorably identified with the profession for more than forty years. The personnel of the successive judges who have occupied the common pleas bench has been of a compai'atively high order, as is evident from those already introduced through this narrative: and this superior standard has been maintained. For a period of twenty years following the election of Darius Cadwell, who succeeded Samuel B. Prentiss in 1873, there were successively upon this bench G. ^l. Barber, J. M. Jones, E. T. Hamilton and J. H. ilc^Math, all in 1875 ; S. B. Prentiss, Darius Cadwell and E. T. Hamilton, all re-elected during ] 876-80; Henry JIcKinney, 6. M. Barber, S. E. Williamson and James M. Jones, 1880-83 ; John "W. Heisley and E. J. Blandin, 1883; E. T. Hamilton, Henry McKinney, Carlos IM. Stone, Alfred W. Lamson, George B. Solders, Wm. B. Sanders, E. T. Hamilton (re- elected), Carlos ]\L Stone (re-elected), Alfred W. Lamson (re-elected), W. E. Sherwood, John C. Hutehins, from 1883 to 1802. WiLLi.xM E. Sherwood Judge Sherwood, whose term commenced in 1889, was born in Cuyahoga County. In 1874, two years after being graduated from the Columbia Law School in New York City, he located in Cleveland. At various times before ascending the bench he had served as a member of the city council, clerk of the board of improvements and first assistant city solicitor, and there were few members of the profes- sion whose knowledge of municipal law was more thorough than his. This alone, had be no other good qualities, would have given him prestige on the common pleas bench. For the succeeding twenty years, or until the adoption of the constitution of 1912, the following were perhaps the best known, having served for more than one term : Alfred W. Lamson, Carlos M. Stone, Thomas K. Dissette, William B. Neff, Joseph T. Loguc. Thomas M. Kennedy. Theodore L. Strimple, George L. Phillips, Simp- son S. Ford and Willis Vickery. 512 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII Now Twelve Common Pleas Judges According to the amendment to the state constitution adopted in September, 1912, "the judicial power of the state is vested in a supreme court, courts of appeals, courts of common pleas, courts of probate and such other courts inferior to the courts of appeals as may from time to time be established by law." Four sessions are held annually in Cleveland, in January, April, July and September. The judges of the court of common pleas are still elected for six- year terms and are paid salaries. An increase in their number depends upon the concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the legislature, and their removal is subject to the same action. From time to time, forced by the growing business of the court, the number of common pleas judges has been increased until it is now a dozen. Those serving upon the bench in the fall of 1918, with the dates when their terms expire, are as follows: Charles J. Estep, Martin A. Foran and Homer C Powell, Decem!)er 31, 1922; Thomas M. Kennedy, Manuel Levine, W. B. Neff and Willis Vickery, December 31, 1920; Robert M. Morgan, February 8, 1919; F. B. Gott, A. J. Pearson, George L. Phillips and Frank E. Stevens, Decem- ber 31, 1918. Judge Estep was prosecuting attorney of the police court, first assistant director of law and first assistant city solicitor before he was first elected to the common pleas bench in 1906, serving xmtil June, 1909. He was re-elected in 1910 and 1916. Judge Estep was a county commissioner at the time of the letting of plans for the new court house. Judge Vickery taught school and studied law under private tutors in his native Ohio before he went east and finished his legal studies in tlie law department of the Boston liuiversity. Ho was admitted to the Oliio bar in 1885, but did not locate at Cleveland for practice until 1896. He was elected one of the judges of the common pleas court in January, 1009, and is still oji the bench. Judge Vickery is also head of the Cleveland Law School, wliich was consolidated with the Baldwin University Law School, of which he was one of the founders. Outside of his i)rofession, he has a nation-wide reputa- tion as an authority on Shakespeare, his library devoted to the English dramati.st now numbering more than 3,500 volumes. It has been forty-five years in collecting, as his studies in Ihis Held commenced in his early youth. Judge Martin A. Foran was elected to llie lioiich of the court of common plea.s in 1910. His jircvious record of public service com- 1892-1918] BENCH AND BAR 513 prised his membership iu tlie constitutional eouveutiou of Ohio in 1873, prosecuting attorney of Cleveland, 1875-77, and member of congi-ess representing the Twenty-first district, then the city of Cleveland, 1883-88. He has either practised law, engaged in public affairs or sat upon the bench in Cleveland since. He was admitted to practice in the state courts iu 187-1 and to the supreme court of the United States in 1885. Judge Walter D. jMeals, of the court of appeals for the Eighth Ohio District, received his non-professional education in his native Pennsylvania. In 1892, he was graduated from the law school of the University of Michigan and soon afterward commenced practice in Cleveland. Before ascending the bench, he held the office of county solicitor. Judge Meals 's term expires in 1920. The Probate Court and Judge Tilden Under the constitution of 1802, the common pleas court had "jurisdiction of all probate and testamentai-y matters," but the con- stitution of 1851 created a separate body to adjudicate such affairs. Under its provisions, the probate court was to consist of one judge elected for three years. The constitutional amendment of 1905 ex- tended his tei-m to four years. P'lavcl W. Bingham was the first probate judge. He was elected in 1852 and served his term. Daniel R. Tilden succeeded him in 1855, and held the office by an unbroken succession of triennial elections for thirty-three years, when at the age of eighty-two he retired. His forceful, yet balanced and benevolent character, made him a valued, dependable and beloved jurist and an active and useful citizen. Judge Tilden was a pronounced abolitionist, but even in the days when intensely bitter quarrels over politics were the rule, he retained his hold upon the general esteem and affections of the public as long as he lived. The widows and orphans of a generation looked with con- fidence to Judge Tilden for s^Tiipathy and security in the hours of their bereavement and were never disappointed. Before coming to Cleveland, he had studied law with Judge Rufus P. Spalding at "Warren, Trumbull County, and, at his admission to the bar, moved with his preceptor to Ravenna. He was elected to congress in 1844 and served two terms in that body, but his most enduring monument for posterity slowly and surely arose during his long and unobtrusive service at probate judge of Cuyahoga County. ^ Henry Clay White Judge Tilden 's successor, Henry C. White, served on the probate bench eontinuovisly from 1887 until his death in January, 1905. 514 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII Judge White 's record was also long and houorable. Outside the legal and judicial field his studies and activities had extended into a literary specialty, and be became widely known as an authority on polar ex- plorations. The collection of "Ai-cticaua" which he bequeathed to the "Western Reserve Historical Society is unusually rare and com- plete. At the death of Judge Wliite in February, 1905, Governor Herrick appointed Alexander Hadden to the probate bench. His record has been so good that, by successive reelcctions, he is still upon the bench, the term which he is serving not expiring until Februar.y, 1921. Judge Hadden commenced practice in Cleveland in 1875, and previous to his service on the probate bench had held the office of prosecuting attorney for a number of years. He has also been on the law faculty of the "Western Reserve University as a lecturer on criminal law, in which specialty he is high authority. The Circuit Court By legislative act the fourteenth of April, 1884, the state district courts were abolished and the circuit court was substituted. In Octo- ber of that year the first judges were elected, and on the ninth of February, 1885, the first sitting began. Under the first districting, the sixth judicial circuit of Ohio comprised Cu.yahoga, Huron, Lorain, Medina, Summit, Sandusky, Lucas and Ottawa counties, and the judges represented in the first sitting of 1885 were as follows : Charles C. Baldwin, of Cleveland; "William H. Upson, Aki-on, and George R. Haynes, Toledo. In March, 1887, the sixth circuit was subdivided, and Cuyahoga, Summit, Lorain and Medina counties were fonued into the eighth. There are three judges in each district, elected for six years, and while the constitution gives them "like original jurisdic- tion with the supreme court and such appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by law," tlie time of the circuit court is occupied almost entirely in hearing appeals. "When the redistricting of the state occurred in 1887 Hugh J. Caldwell, of Cleveland, was elected to succeed Judge Ilayncs of Toledo. So that Judges Baldwin and Caldwell are of especial in- terest to Clevelanders. Charles C. Bai.dvpin Judge Charles Candee Baldwin was one of the most substantial lawyers, broad-minded judges, deepest historic and pre-historic 1884-1918] BENCH AND BAR 515 scholars and useful citizens that ever honored the city of Clevelahd. That he was a man of wonderful system, as well as of untiring energy, is evident when the reader of his record considers what he accomplished in the sixty years of iiis life. He was a reiirispiitative of one of those Charles C. Baldwin fine old English Connecticut families who sent so much good blood to Cleveland. AVhen Charles C. Baldwin was five months old his parents moved to Elyria, Ohio, and there the fatlier continued to labor as a respected merchant from 1835 until his death in 1847. The family then returned to Connecticut where the son completed 516 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII bis education, being graduated from tbe Harvard Law Sebool iu 1857. As a student be showed the qualities which marked him iu his subse- quent career; high intellectual attainments, balanced by moral sta- bility, not unmixed with a quiet humor which made him, to his inti- mates, a delightful companion. In March, 1857, soon after being graduated by Harvard Law School, the youug man of twentj'-two entered the law office of S. B. and F. J. Prentiss, Cleveland. The training he there received, both be- fore his admission to the bar and afterward as a member of the firm, was invaluable. The firm of Prentiss (S. B.) & Baldwin, which con- tinued from 1861 to 1867, was dissolved by the election of the senior member to the common pleas bench. Judge Baldwin afterward formed partnerships with F. J. Prentiss and Charles W. Prentiss, he having married the daughter of the latter in 1862. All three were sons of the famous judge and LTuited States senator, Samuel Pren- tiss, of Vermont. Mr. Baldwin never was a candidate for any political or public office until he was elected circuit .judge in 1884. The nominating convention was held in Elyria, his old boyhood home. During his practice he had become identified with such large 'corporations as the Cleveland Board of Underwriters, of which he served as presi- dent from 1875 to 1878. At different times, he was chosen director of four banks and was twice offered the presidency of a leading hank in Cleveland. Such connections, brought about by his unusual business and financial abilities, served him well when he ascended the bench, and there was probably never a circuit .judge who was more thoroughly prepared, by previous training and experience, to liandle intelligently the practical problems of the day. Judge Baldwin had nuide a name for himself as a scholar and a writer long before his deatli in 1895 concluded his tenn as a circuit judge. As early as 1866, while vice-president of the Cleveland Library Association, he plainied the founding of the Western Reserve His- torical Society, which was formally organized in 1SG7. For many years he was its secretary, acting in close harmony witli its presi- dent. Colonel Charles "Whittlesey, a warm friend and a brother-spirit. At the colonel's death in 1886, Judge Baldwin was elected president of the society, which he was holding at the time of his death, in Feb- ruary, 1895. The deceased was a member of manj' learned societies, historical, genealogical and archaeological. He was also Doctor of Laws (Wcsleyan University, 1802) and luid been otherwise honored by various degrees; but his broad reputation and his real memorial rest on his fine recoi'd as a judge, his work as the founder of the 1884-lfll8] BENCH AND BAR 517 "Western Reserve Historical Soeiety, his eoutributions to liislorieal and scientitie literature, and his splendid character as a man. Judge Hugh J. Caldwell was a Truinbull County man, but he was graduated by tlie Cleveland Law College, and soon after his ad- mission to the bar in 1871 began the practice of his profession in Kansas. He moved to Cleveland in 1875. At different times he was in partnership with William ^Mitchell and \V. E. Sherwood and as- sumed his duties as judge of the eighth circuit in February, 1888. He occupied the bench until 1893. Since Judge Caldwell's term, the following members of the Cleve- land profession have occupied the Circuit l)ench : John C. Hale, Ij. H. AVinch and Frederick A. Henry. John C. H.\le Judge John C. Hale came to Cleveland in 1S57, soon after being graduated from Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, taught school, studied law in Judge Prentiss' office and, after being admitted to practice in 1861. located in Elyria. There he became prominent in his profession and as a public man. In 1872, he served as a member of the constitutional convention and, ni February, 1877, commenced his first term as a judge of the court of common pleas from Lorain County. After serving a year and a half of his second term, he resigned from the bench in 1883 and formed a partnership with W. W. Boynton. another prominent member of the bar from Lorain County who had already served several years on the state supreme bench. This connection continued for many years. In 1893, Judge Hale's solid abilities were recognized by his elevation to the bench of the circuit court, in which capacity he served for two terms, or until 1905. Judge Frederick A. Henry had been in practice at the Cleveland bar since 1891 when he succeeded Judge Hale in 1905. He resigned from the bench in 1912. The Municipal, or Police Court Under the first city charter, which went into effect in 1836, the mayor enforced the ordinances against miscreants and the few crimi- nal cases were generally tried by the justices of the peace, l^ut Cleve- land waxed in wickedness, as in other ways, and when the municipal government was reorganized in 1853 the police court was one of its most important creations. In April of that year, John Barr, Whig, 518 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XX"\T:I was elected its judge, Bushiiell White, on the same ticket, prose- cuting attorney, and 0. J. Hodge and Michael Gallagher, both Demo- crats, police clerk and city marshal, respectively. The officials named, considered as a body, composed the tirst police court of Cleveland. On the seventeenth of the month, Judge Barr took his seat behind a little low desk in the Gaylord block on Supei'ior Street and rapped his court to order. At his right, with another small desji before him, sat Clerk Hodge, while a modest s(|uare table in front of the judge held the books and papers of Prosecutor White. City jMarshal Gallagher hovered near; he was supposed to be on his feet, alert, as the active representative of law and order. In a stern voice, the judge announced the formation of the municipal court, and tlic election and presence of all its officers. Considerable business came before the court. Five men were charged witli "getting up a false alarm of fire" and four of them were fined, and half a dozen more were adjudged guilty of fighting, drunkenness and disorderly conduct and also punished by the im- position of fines. At other sessions, a variety of perplexing matters were brought before Judge Barr such as "selling unwholesome meat," "abusing his wife," "soliciting guests drunk," "forestalling market," "fast driving." "kicking little girl," "abusing watchmen" and "breach of the i)eace by disturbing a ball at Kelley's Hall." Within a few months after the police court had been organized in the Gaylord block, a new station house had been liuilt on Johnson Street near Water, and a second story added for the accommodation of the court; and there its business was conducted for eleven years, or until the completion of the central station. With the gi'owth of business an additional judge was elected. Before Judge Barr had completed his first tci'm lie became a can- didate for county clerk aiul, in the fall of 18.54, was elected to that position. Bushnell White, the pi'osccuting attorney, was elected by the city council to succeed him. In 18,55, the Citizens, or Know Nothing ticket elected as members of the police court, Seth A. Abbey, judge; Albert Slade, prosecuting attorney, and David L. Woods, city marshal, .ludge Abbey served a second term ten years later and a third in 1873-75. ^Ir. Woods proved the most efficient as well as the most un- popular marshal Cleveland ever had — iiot "enjoyed;" for he arrested every oflfender, rich or poor, high oi- low in the social or political .scale. There was an ordinance forbidding the village fire "nuichinc" to use the sidewalks in its deva.stating rush for conflagrations. AVliilc Woods was in office, this necessary law wa.s rankly, violated to the great grief of the sidewalks and the righteous indignation of Ihc 1853-1909] BENCH AND BAR 519 city luiii-shal, who haled halt the lire coiupuuy into court and had them fined. As most of the best young men in town belonged to the volunt«er fire brigade, the honest oiScial strucli at the pride of Clevehmd right and left and everywlierc. lie was honest but not diplomatic. Colonel 0. J. lIoodE Colonel 0. J. Hodge, the first clerk of the police court, lived to a venerable age and was highly respected. As late as April, 1909, he was writing to a friend: "I am now nearly eighty-one years of life and feel it is time to take a rest. Here I am president of the Early Settlers' Association, as I have been for the past six yeai's, president of the Sons of the American Revolution for the third time, and the past week was made president of the Cleveland Humane Society. Truly I am still in the harness — not rusting out!" To this modest statement may be added that Colonel Hodge served in the Mexican war, going from Buffalo, New York. During the later years of his life, he was identified with the building and loan business as president of one of the large Cleveland companies. In the new station on Johnson Street the police court was made quite comfortable. On the ground floor, in front, was a general reception room used to ''book" offenders, while in the rear was the lock-up. There were two large rooms on the second floor, the front one occupied by the clerk of the court and the back room given .over to the judge. The latter, and the city marshal also, had private quarters elsewhci'C. When Cleveland and Ohio City were consolidated, in 1854, the jurisdiction of the police court was extended over four more wards. The new police station on Champlain Street, completed in 1864, was required by the general expansion of territory, increase of population and the normal accompaniment of lawlessness. The next station erected was on Detroit Street, West Side. Others fol- lowed and Anally a second police judge was elected. Among the early judges not yet mentioned were Isaac C. Vail, A. G. Lawrence, E. He.s.senmueller, J. D. Cleveland and J. W. Towner. Later came P. F. Young, George B. Solders (afterward judge of the common pleas court), John C. Hutchins and Frank H. Kelly. Cleveland's municipal court now comprises a chief jastice (William H. ]\IcGannon) and nine judges. Bankruptcy Courts and Registers During periods of financial stress or panic the bankruptcy courts have been active and important adjuncts to the federal system ; at 520 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII othei* times they have been quiescent and have almost died of inani- tion. Undei" the bankruptcy measure of 1867, Myron R. Keith served as register for the Northern District of Ohio until the repeal of the act in 1878, and during that period settled the estates of about one thousand banki-upts. Many interesting and not a few romantic cases came before him, and, at times, he had to play the part of a detective, in order to uncover concealed assets or other evidences of fraud. In the prosecution of one of these eases he was obliged to take a long night ride through the woods in midwinter, lying on the straw in a rough sled with ^Morrison R. Waite, one of the attor- neys in the case who afterward liecame chief justice of the United States supreme court. Mr. Keitli liimself had studied law in Cleve- land, and practiced in partnership with Ilai'vey Rice, and alone, for twenty years before being appointed register. He was therefore well qualified for the office. But when the act was repealed and he resigned, both the United States district judge and the chief justice of the United States supreme coTirt declined to receive his resigna- tion, on the ground that neither was legally authorized to do so. As each of these high officials was humorously stubborn, Mr. Keith may be said to have had a life-tenure of the office. Under the national bankruptcy act now in force, Harold Reming- ton was appointed by the federal district judge in 1898. He resigned in 1909 and Judge Robert W. Taylor appointed A. P. Ingersoll. In 1916, Mr. Ingersoll was succeeded by the present incumbent, Carl D. Friebolin, a lawyer who had already sei'ved in both houses of the Ohio legislature. The Insol\tency .\nd Juvenile Court Through the efforts of the late Judge Thomas E. Callaghan, the useful, reformatorv' and beneficent work of two judicial bodies were \inited under one head, with the title given above, in 1902. The main steps leading to it have thus been described : The Juvenile Court is the latest development in our judicial system, and the Cleveland Court was the second to be establislied in the United States. It owes its existence, like so many of our tine civic enterprises, to the forosiglit and interest of Glen K. SliurtlcfT, for many years the general secretary of tho Young Men's Christian Association. In 1901 lie studied the conditions of the cliildi'en in the jails of the county and began a movement througli the Social Service Club and the Bar Association for tlic cstablislimciit of a separate court for children. When in the fall of 1901 Thomas E. Callaghan was elected judge of the Court of Insolvency he became interested in 1867-1918] BENCH AND BAR 521 the juvenile luovcinent. Witli the added interest ol! tlie Chamber of Commerce a bill was drawn by Col. J. F. Ilerrick, then represent- ing the cit}' in the Senate, introduced the measure and guided it througli the Legislature. Under the provisions of the act tlie judge of the Insolvency Court acnuired jurisdiction over juvenile offenders. The tirst court was held on the Friday following the day on which tile law went into effect. "With tlie cooperation of numerous civic organizations and the enthusiasm of Judge Callaghan, the court im- mediately more than justified its establishment. Finding employment for the boys, the appointing of special guardians, the opening of a boarding home in 1903, the establishment of the boys' farm at Hud- son (1903), the opening of a special detention home in 1906, have all been steps toward the perfection of the woi-k of this useful court. A comprehensive law was passed Aiu-il 24, 1908, incorporating a num- ber of provisions from the Colorado law. Judge Callaghan, whose wise and enthusiastic interest did so much to properly cs1al)lish the court, died November 29, 1904. Judge Thomas H. BushncU was appointed by the governor as his successor, and he served until No- vember. 190n, when George S. Addams, the present incumbent, was elected. As slightly and outwardly indicative of the importance of this court, it may be added that as a body, headed by Judge Addams, it comprises eight clerks, one court constable, and one chief probation officer, with twenty-two assistants. Clevelandeks as Judges op the Higher Courts Such higher courts as the United States and the Ohio supreme courts and the Federal judiciary have included a number of Cleve- land citizens who compare favorably with the judges drawn from anv other cities in the countrj'. Chief Justice and Governor Wood As judges of the supreme bench were Samuel Huntington, 1 SOS- OS ; Reuben Wood, 1833-45; Rufus P. Ranney, 1851-56, 62-65, and Franklin J. Dickman, 1886-95. Samuel Huntington has already figured in these pages. Judge and Governor Reuben Wood was a native of Rutland County, Vermont, bom in 1792, and when he came to Cleveland, in 1818, Alfred Kelley and Leonard Case were the only lawyers in the village. He was energetic, able and ingenious and from the first took rank as a successful jury lawyer. He was very direct both in his speech and address, but was honest and popular. After studying law in Connecticut and marrying, he came direct to Cleve- 522 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII land. In 1825, he was first elected to the state senate and served altogether three terms. He was elected presiding judge of the Third Judicial District in 1830 and three years afterwards was elevated to the state supreme bench, where he served until his resignation in 1845, the last three yeai-s as chief justice. Chosen governor in 1850, by 11,000 majority, ou the Democratic ticket, the new constitution legislated him out of office, but he was reelected by more than twice his former majority. President Pierce ap- pointed him consul to Valparaiso in 1853, and on his return from that mission he retired to his beautiful estate in Eockport township, where he died on the second of October, 1864. RUFFTS p. RaNNET RufiLS p. Rauney was among the lawyers of distinction who practiced before the higher judicial bodies, in the eai'lier period of the Cleveland bar. He had gained a liigh reputation and held judi- cial office before locating in Cleveland. Judge Ranney was a resi- dent of Warren when he sat in the constitutional convention of 1850 and was the last judge elected by the legislature under the constitution of 1802. In the following October, after the adoption of the constitution of 1851, in the formation of which he was so promi- nent, he was elected to the state supreme court by the people. He resigned from the bench in 1856 to enter a larger professional field in Cleveland. In 1862, while nssociatecl with Backus & Noble, he declined the candidacy for the supreme bench but was nevertheless jilaced on the Democratic ticket and elected. He resigned in 1865. In 1856, he was candidate for governor against William Dennisou, but was defeated, although making a remarkably brilliant canvass. He was one of the founders of the Case School of A]iplied Science, and, during the bust years of his life, held not only a firm place in the ad- miration and affection of his profession, but was esteemed one of Cleveland's leading citizens. Franklin J. Dickman Justice Dickman was a Virginian, educaled and admitted io the bar in Rhode Island. In 1858 he moved to Cleveland. He M'as elected to the Ohio legi.slafure liy the ITnion party in 1861, and was associated with Judge R. P. Spalding in practice from 1863 to 1875. Judge Dickman served as United States district attorney in 1867-69, and as a member of the Ohio supreme court commission in 1883-85, In 1853-1918] BENCH AND BAR 523 1886, Governor Foraker appointed liiiu a jiulge of the state supreme court ami in tlie followiug year he was elected to that bench to fill out the unexpired term of Judge W. W. Johnson. In 1889, the llepublieans re-nominated hiiu by aeclamation and elected him to the six yeai's' term whieh he completed. John H. Clarke Judge Clarke, who is now sitting on the bench of the United States supreme court, is in his sixty-second year. Prom 1897 to 1914, he wa.s a leader of the Cleveland and Ohio bar, his earlier years as a practitioner, after his admission to the bar in 1878, having been pa.s.sed in his luitive town of Li.sbon and in Youngstown, Oliio. In 1903, he was a candidate for the United States senate against Mark Hanna. Judge Clai-ke served as United States district judge for the Northern District of Ohio in 1914-16, and in the latter year was called to the United States supreme court. United States Court for the Northern Ohio District For nearly half a century, or from the adoption of the first state constitution in 1802 until 1855, the circuit and district courts of the United States for the state of Ohio held their sessions at Colum- bus. It was primarily the great expansion of the lake commerce and the growth of the admiralty business, with necessary long and fre quent journeys to the state capital, which made this arrangement unbearable both to lawyers and litigants. In 1855, Ohio was ofS- eially divided by congressional enactment into two districts ; the line of division following county bounds as nearly as possible through the center of the state. Cleveland was designated as the judicial seat of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, and in March, 1855, President Pierce appointed Hiram V. Willson, of Cleveland to preside over it. HiR.VM V. "Willson- Judge "Willson sat upon the Federal bench for more than a decade and during that period ably served the public in his judicial capa- city, and also figured, as a strong and earnest citizen, in all the gi'eat questions which agitated the country. The court's docket immediately began to fill with a multitude of admiralty cases, while the counter- feiters who flourished along the canal furnished much business for the 524 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII grand jury. Cases arising out of the Fugitive Slave Law caused wide- spread excitement and, in 18.59, the historic " Oberlin-Wellington case" * was tried before Judge Willson. Judges Tilden and Spalding were on opposite sides of the case. During the stirring times of the civil war he was one of the most powerful of the Union leaders and, with Jndges Tilden and Spalding, could always be depended upon to support his patriotic principles to the limit. Judge Willson died in 1866. Bushnell White, who had been police prosecutor, was appointed by Judge Willson one of the first two United States commissioners, and Jabez W. Fitch, another resident of Cleveland, was the first United States marshal. After Judge Willson came Judges Charles Sherman, Martin W^elker, William R. Day, A. J. Ricks, Francis J. Wing, Robert W. Taylor and D. C. W^esthaver. Of that gi'oup, only Francis J. Wing was a graduate from the Cleveland bar. He is a Harvard graduate, sei'ved on the common pleas bench in 1899-1901 and as judge of the LTnited States Court for the Noi-thern District of Ohio from the latter year until his resignation in 1905. D. C. Westenhaver was appointed to the district judgeship on the fourteenth of March, 1917. President Garfield and His Sons The Forest City has been the residence of a number of lawyers whose public services have so far overshadowed, or rather illumined, their professional attainments that they could hardly be enrolled in this chapter without applying to them some such explanatory phrase as the above. The lamented President Garfield had a legal education, and althougli he never practised in Cleveland, and his recognized home was mostly in Portage County, he was such a familiar figure in the Forest City that he was always claimed as one of its sons. His per- sonal and political support was always so strong in the city that he was often referred to as "Cleveland's President," and it seemed eminently appropriate that his magnificent memorial sliould be located at Lake View cemetery. Mentor, his old home, is now a suburb of Cleveland, llii-am, where he was president of the college, is con- nected with the city by trolley. In Cleveland the citizens gave to his widow a brick mansion on Prospect Street. Here were his political ' See page 236. 1866-1918] BENCH AND BAR 525 headquarters during the presidential cainpaiyu and here in a stately mausoleum he lies buried. But it is extremely difficult to class Presi- dent Garfield as a lawyer, although he was admitted to the bar in 1859. But not long after he resigned the presidency of Hiram College to take his seat in the Ohio state senate, and thereafter the people returned liiiu to the public service so continuously that he never had an opportunity to enter the practice of the legal profession. President Garfield's two sons, however, Hai'ry A. and James R. Garfield, actively practised law for a number of j-ears in Cleveland. James R. Garfield lias served in the Ohio senate, as secretary of the interior under President Roosevelt, and previous to that time as a member of the United States civil service commission and United States department of labor. He lives at the old ilcutor home, although his professional and business interests are in Cleveland. Harry A. Garfield, wiio practised law in Cleveland for about fifteen years, was long identified with Princeton and Williams colleges, and has been president of the latter for some years. As war fuel admin- istrator under President Wilson he is showing great ability as an executive. John Hay, Diplomat, Statesman and Scholak Besides James R. Garfield, Cleveland lias furnished another cabi- net member to the country; a character whose public and literary fame has obscured the realization that he ever delved in legal lore or mastered the prmciples of law. John Hay, the polished and learned diplomat, the able statesman, the original author and the warm friend and biographer of Abraham Lincoln, was a resident of Cleveland from 1875 to 1885. He was famous even among the Indiana coterie of noted men. Soon after be- ing graduated from Brown University, he commenced the study of law at Springfield, Illinois, where he became the friend and associate of Lincoln. He ardently supported him during his first campaign for the presidency and, in 1861, after being admitted to the Illinois supreme court, became assistant secretary of state in the national administration. Mr. Hay was also identified with the Union military service and attained the rank of brevet colonel. For a number of years after Lincoln's death, he was prominently identified with the diplomatic embassies at Paris, Vienna and Madrid and, for some time before coming to Cleveland, was associated with Horace Greeley on the New York Tribune. During that period, however, he was first assistant secretary of state under -Mr. Evarts and editor-in-chief of 526 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. XXVII the Xew York Tribune wliile Whitelaw Keid was absent in Europe. He also took a leading part, both as a writer and speaker, in the presi- dential canvasses of that period. Later, as ambassador to Great Britain, under McKinley and as secretary of state to succeed William R. Day he became an international figure. His name is most closely linked with the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, the "open door" policy in China, and the leader of the Occident against dismemberment of the Chinese Empire on account of the outrages perpetrated during the Boxer rebellion. As a literary man, he has earned a substantial and a varied reputation, his Castilian Days, Pike County Ballads, Jim Bludso, Little Breeches and Life of Abraham Lincoln (in collabora- tion with John G. Nicolay) marking him as an author of humor, in graphic character etching, and of solid attainments — the latter qual- ities being taken for granted. He has also been accredited with the authorship of a novel called the Bread Winners. While attending a reunion of his class at Yale, Mr. Hay was killed by an accidental fall, on the twentj'-third of June, 1901. * Newton Diehl Baker President W^ilson's secretary of war, Newton D. Baker, who has been one of his cabinet leaders and a prominent international figure since the LTnited States entered the world's war, is a West Virginian in his forty-ninth year. He commenced practising law at Martins- burg in 1897, moved to Cleveland in a few years and served as its city solicitor from 1902 to 1912. Secretary Baker was recognized as a deep student and thinker and a successful lawyer of high ideals and yet .sound business talents, and his record in the Wilson cabinet since he entered it in ilarch, 1916, has been an open book. He has been criticized, as have all progressive men in high public life, but his work as secretary of war. past and future, will be the final reply to bis critics. Called to the United St.\tes Senate Three of the four citizens of Cleveland who have been called to the United States senate have been lawyers. In 1805, Stanley Gris- wold was appointed secretary of the Territory of INIichigan under Governor Hull, as well as collector of the Port of Detroit. He came from Connecticut. Several years afterward he resigned and located ' See portrait on pa^c 441. 1900-18] BENCH AND BAR 527 near what was then Doan's Corners, Cleveland township, now well within the city. When Edward 'I'liVm resigned his seat as United States senator in 1800, Jlr. Griswold was appointed to serve his unex- pired term, a portion of one session. The Hon. Henry B. Payne, who served in the United States senate from 1884 to 1891, has already been mentioned in this chapter. From 1883 to 1893, Cleveland was the Twenty-lirst Ci)nj!;rfssional District, and the portion of Cuyahoga County ouisidc its limits was assigned to the Twentieth District. The city was represented dnring that period by Jilartin A. Foran and Theodore E. Burton. The Hon. Theodore E. Burton, long one of the leading public men of Ohio, but since January, 1917, president of the Merchants' National Bank of New York, was a lawyer and a resident of Cleveland for more than forty years. That period includes, of course, his service as a member of congress from the Twenty-firet Ohio District, in 1889-91 and 1895-1909, and his term as United States senator, in 1909-15. He was a Republican of national leadership, and the Ohio delegation sup- ported him for the presidency in 1916. Mr. Burton's writings have naturally dealt with public and political problems and include the following: Finaiicial Crises and Periods of Industrial and Com- mercial Depression, Life of John Sherman and Corporations and the State. Judge and Governor Huntington The Cleveland bar has furnished three governors; only two, if Samuel Huntington is barred from the group. Judge and Governor Huntington held many offices and lived in several localities, his most permanent home being on his farm at Painesville. He came to Cleve- land in 1800, having located his family at Yonngstown. In 1803, Amos Spafford built him a residence of hewn timber on his lot on Superior Street. It overlooked the river valley, and during the few years he lived in it was the most pretentions ''mansion" in town. But it was too near the "frog pond" and, in 1806, he purchased the mill at Newburg and lived in that locality about another year. He also had acquired a fine estate at Painesville; so that it was sometimes diffi- cult to determine exactly where Mr. Huntington's "voting place" was. He represented Trumbull County in the first constitutional convention and the first state legislature ; in 1803, he was appointed the first member of the first state supreme court, and resigned from the bench in 1808 to become governor and served in that office one term, 1809-10. He then retired to his Painesville estate, where he died in 528 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII 1817. So that the claim to classing him as a Cleveland lawyer rests upon the years of his residence at Doan's Corners and Newburg, 1803-07. With Reuben Wood, the third lawyer to settle in Cleveland, the reader has become acquainted. He was governor under two constitu tions in the early '50.s, and was a resident of Cleveland for more than thirty years. Myron T. Herrick Myron T. Herrick has been both governor and diplomat. He comes of an old Jlassachusetts family transplanted to Lorain County, Ohio, where he was born. Educated in Ohio, he was admitted to the bar in 1878, and, after practising for eight years, retired to become con- nected with the Society for Savings, of which he was elected president in 1894. He has been at the head of its affairs continuously since, except that during his tenn as governor of Ohio he occupied the spe- cially created position of chairman of the board. Since 1888, he has been a member of all the national Republican conventions except those of 1900 and 1912, when he was in Europe. In 1900, he was a presi- dential elector-at-large, and in the same year was appointed a mem- ber of the Republican national committee from Ohio. He refused the secretarj'ship of the treasury in President McKiuley 's cabinet, and the ambassadorship to Italy, tendered by both Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt. In November, 1903, he was elected governor of Ohio, and in Februarj^ 1912, President Taft appointed liim ambassador to France. On his departure from Paris in December, 1914, several months after the outbreak of the world's war, he was decorated b,y the French government with the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. None wlio know Oliio need be told that Governor Herrick has been one of the most stalwart of the home leaders in the su])port of the World's war, liis S])eecli at Cleveland, upon the occasion of tlie observ- ance of I^astile Day, being as eloquent and impressive as anytliing of the kind which has marked his public career. Governors Loosely Identified with Cleveland David Tod, the second war governor, was a lawyer and lived in Cleveland in 1864-6.5. In 1863, he purchased the llillinrd mansion, eoiMier of I'.ond and St. Claii' streets, and lived tlierein for more than a year. Altlioiiuli a nuMnber of the ])r()fession, Governoi- Tod ]iractised little, and none at Cleveland, as his time dni'ing the iicriixl of his 1864-1918] BENCH AND BAR 529 family's residence there was absorbed in his pressing gubernatorial duties connected with tlie civil war, and his official residence was at Columbus. The Cleveland residence was purchased by Ctesar Gras- selli, the chemical manufacturer and haulier, and iuis long been known as the Grasselli mansion, although more recently occupied by the Asso- ciated Charities. Even in times of peace, Governor Tod was not a general practitioner, but devoted most of his time to his large busi- ness interests, including the Briar Hill coal mines at Youngstown. He died in that city on tlie tliirtoentli of November, 1868. Governor George Hoadley was the son of tluit fine old 'squire and mayor of the same name and passed liis youth and early manhood in Cleveland. Tn 1849, the family moved to Cincinnati, soon after the senior George Hoadley had concluded his term as mayor. In that city the future governor commenced the practice of the law. Lawyer Congressmen from Cleveland It was not until 1837 that the people saw fit to call upon the Cleve- land bar for a congressional representative ; and he was worthy of the selection. John W. Allen had been a resident of the city for twelve years, having come from Litchfield, Connecticut, in 1825. Having studied law w-ith Judge Samuel Cowles and been admitted to the bar, his energy, refinement and honorable character soon won him a firm place in the confidence of the home community, which his two terms in congress strengthened and extended. Before going to Washington, he had served as president of the village board of trustees and as a member of the Ohio senate and, in 1841, sooji after his return, was elected maj'or of the city. He served one term. Mr. Allen was one of the first bank commissioners of Ohio and active in building the first railroad, and in the early '70s served two terms as Cleveland's post- master. He died in October, 1887, more than fifty years after the commencement of his first congressional term. In 1837, Cuyahoga County was in the Fifteenth Congressional District. The learned, polished and eloquent Sherlock J. Andrews was the congressman from Cuyahoga County in 1841-42. Edward "Wade, a prominent member of the local bar and member of the firm of Willson, AYade & Wade, served from 1853-60, Cleve- land then being in the Twentieth District. The year after Mr. Wade entered congress. Hiram Y. Willson, senior member of the firm, was appointed United States .iudge for the Northern District of Ohio. Albert G. Riddle, who ranked with such as Rufus P. Spalding, Franklin T. Backus and D. R. Tilden among the strong Cleveland Vol. 1—34 530 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. XXVII lawyers, succeeded Mr. Wade as congressman from the Twentieth District. He served in 1861-62. During tlie following decade, Cleveland was in the Eighteenth District, and in 1863-68 was represented by Rufus P. Spalding. The city was then returned to the Twentieth District, in which it remained during 1873-83. During that period, Cleveland's representatives in congress, who were members of the bar, were Richard C. Parsons and Henry B. Payne. Rufus P. Spalding Rufus P. Spalding was one of the masterly men and lawyers who at an early day, and especially during the civil war period, made Cleveland noted as a progressive and patriotic city throughout the United States. He was a graduate of Yale College and enjoyed thirty years of distinction at the bar of Connecticut before he came to Cleve- land, his professional honors culminating in the East by his elevation to membership in the supreme court of that state. Judge Spalding was, as a matter of course, a leader in all professional and public matters from the time he settled in Cleveland, in 1852, as a partner with Richard C. Parsons. In 1862, at the age of sixty-two. Judge Spalding was elected to congi-ess, where he served for six years in the troubled periods of the rebellion and reconstruction, with ability and patriotic ardor. In his Cleveland home city he was an unfaltering and eloquent supporter of Free-soil principles and Unionism. He was a terse and graceful writer, as well as a polished and powerful orator and an earnest and energetic citizen of two states far separated by distance but quite similar in the characteristics of their people. RiCHAED C. Parsons Richard C. Parsons, who was in congress bi 1873-7;'), who had been practicing at the Cuyahoga bar for more than twenty years, had served in various municipal positions and two terms in the legisla- ture as a pioneer Republican. He had also been consul to Rio de Janeiro in the first Lincoln administration, collector of internal rev- enue and marshal of the supreme court of the United States. "While in congress, he was directly instrumental in securing the life-saving service at Cleveland and its liglithouse, and in inaugurating the im- provement of the Cleveland breakwater. Soon afterwards lie ven- tured, with indifferent success into the newspaper field, as editor and principal owner of the Cleveland Herald. For a number of later 1852-1918] BENCH AND BAR 531 years he creditably lieKl tlie position of bank cxainincr and eontinned his practice. ' The masterful abilities of the Hon. Henry B. Payne, congressman in 1875-76, have been noted. The portion of Cuyahoga Countj' outside of Cleveland which was in the Twentietli District was represented in congress by Vincent A. Taylor in 1891-92. Among the Cleveland lawyers who represented the city west of the river in the Twentieth District after 1893 were Clifton B. Beach and Paul Howland. The county is now divided into the Twentieth. Twenty-first and Twenty-second congressional districts, which are all represented by lawyers — William Gordon, Robert Crosser and Henrj' J. Emerson. Mr. Gordon was formerly in practice at Oak Harbor, served as prose- cuting attorney of Ottawa County and, as a leading Democrat, has been a delegate to one national convention and been for years a mem- ber of the state central committee. Robert Crosser, Democrat, is a Scotchman, who has practiced in Cleveland for abcmt seventeen years, and while a member of the state house of representatives became the author of the Municipal Referendum Bill, passed by the legisla- ture of 1911. He was also a member of the fourth constitutional con- vention of Ohio, held in 1912. Congressman Emerson, Republican, who is serving his second term, has practised in Cleveland since his admission to the bar in 1893. He served one term in the citv council. Of the ten delegates from Cuyahoga County to the state constitutional convention of 1912, besides Congressman Crosser, two were Cleveland lawyers — John D. Facklcr and Aaron Hahn. Both of the Democratic congressmen, Gordon and Crosser, were defeated for renomination in 1918. The Clevel.\nd Bar Associ.\tion In even some of the larger cities the organization composed of the members of the local bar stands for little more than a loose as.soeia- tion, the meetings of which arc held only to pass resolutions of eulogy or condolence ; but the Cleveland Bar Association has always been an active body, upholding the high standard of its membership, which now numbers about seven hundred practising lawyers. It was formed on the twenty-second of March, 1873, at the law library room of the old court-house, and John W. Heisley, then a leading lawyer of nearly twenty yeare standing, and a former city attorney, was chosen chair- man. Mr. Heisley served as common pleas .judge in the '80s, and was a popular official as well as a good Democrat. Among the well known lawyers who then and there signed the call which resulted in the 532 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII formation of the Cleveland Bar Association were S. J. Andrews, G. E. Herrick, James Mason, H. C. White, John J. Carrou, R. P. Spalding, S. 0. Griswold, John C. Grannis, John W. Heisley, P. H. Kaiser, E. J. Estep, J. M. Henderson, Virgil P. Kline, Lyman R. Critchfield, Henry C. Ranney, James M. Jones, Stevenson Burke, Homer B. De "VVolf, Samuel E. Williamson and Lewis W. Foi'd. Its first officers were : President, Sherlock J. Andrews ; vice-presidents, James Mason, John '\V. Heisley and John C. Grannis ; recording secretary, Virgil P Kline ; corresponding secretary, L\^nan R. Critchfield ; treasurer, G. M. Barber. The present officers of the Cleveland Bar Association are : P. L. A. LieghleJ^ president : Ralph W. Edwards, treasurer, and E. A. Binyon, secretary. Law Library Association The Law Libx'ary Association was completely organized in Janu- ary, 1870, more than three years befoi'e the Bar Association was formed. The movement started a year before, the necessity of gather- ing a professional librar.y open to all members of the local profession having long been recognized. S. 0. Griswold was elected first presi- dent of the Law Library Association and W. J. Boardman vice-pres- ident, the first contributions of books being made by President Gris- wold R. P. Spalding, Loren Prentiss, W. S. C. Otis, John C. Grannis, Benjamin R. Beavis, E. J. Estep. Samuel Williamson, S. E. William- .son and I. Buckingham. In 1872, through Judge Griswold 's efforts, the legislature passed a bill by which .$500 was annually drawn from the police court fund for the benefit of the library. This measure was a great aid to the enterprise in its early years, as was the pro- vision in Die constitution liy which those who contributed .$500 either in books or money should lie entitled to life mcmliership. In the '70s, both Judges Griswold and J. P. Bisliop took advantage of the pro- vision. At a later period, G. ^1. Barlier, who was seci'ctary and treas- urer for many years, proved a skilful and induslrious buyer of books for the library in eastern markets, and, in 1885, his invalualile services also ])rought liiin a life membership in the as.sociation. In 1888, the library of tjie late Franklin T. Backus was presented to the asso- ciation by his widow and, in the following year, the collection of tlie late Judge H. V. Willson was added by purchase. Other accessions wei'c made from tiiiic to time, until the lilirary now numbers 38,000 volumes. 1870-1918] BENCH AND BAR 533 TuE Crowell Law School The legal profession of Cleveland is proud of its schools, which have been established for the education of the fraternity. Attempts were made in 1843 and 1851 to establish law schools in Cleveland, and, in 1857, the Union Law College, which had been organized at Poland, Ohio, was moved to this city under the leadership of Judge Chester Hayden. J. J. Elwell and W. P. Edgerton assisted him as instructors. At the opening of the civil war, the latter went into the army and left Judge Hayden to carry on the college alone. This he did successfully for several years, but his age prevented him from sustaining the continuous and increasing burden of responsibilities, and, in the early '60s, he disposed of the enterprise to General John Crowell. The latter earned his title by a faitiiful service and steady advancement in the Ohio militia, rising to the i-ank of major-general. He liad practiced law and been identified with the Western Reserve Chronicle at Warner, Trumbull County, had served in the state senate and later in congress. He was a strong Whig and his Demo- cratic opponent in the campaign of 1850, which carried him into the congress, was R. P. Ranney. After his retirement from congress, he resumed his law practice and continued it until he became the head of the Ohio State and Union College at Cleveland. It became best known, however, as the Crowell Law School and reached a high stand- ard. When failing health and old age compelled General Crowell to relinquish his work in 1876, the scliool was closed. Its sessions were held ill the Rouse block. The Cleveland Law College The Cleveland Law College was incorporated on the fifth of Janu- ary, 1882, and its first board of trustees consisted of Rnfus P. Ranney, president; Amos Denison, secretary and treasurer; E. T. Hamilton, S. E. Williamson, C. B. Pennewell, George T. Chapman, J. D. Cleveland, ^'irgil P. Kline and Jarvis ^I. Adams. The college did not actually open — that is, the preliminaiy course of lectures — until the winter of 1885-86, Avith Judge E. J. Blandin as dean. R. P. Ranney delivered the course on constitutional law; S. 0. Gris- wold, on pleadings, common law and equity; W. W. BojTiton, on domestic relations ; G. M. Barber, on corporations, and General M. D. Leggett, on patent law. A mock court was held weekly, students having access to the law library. The Cleveland Law College thrived for a number of j-ears. 534 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII The Franklin T. Backus Law School In 1892, a law department of the Western Reserve University was organized. In the following year, on the promise of Mrs. Backus, the widow of the old and honored member of thfe Cleveland bar and lead- ing citizen, to endow the school with $50,000, the name was changed to the Franklin T. Backus Law School of Western Reserve University. After some years in temporary quarters in the Ford House, at the corner of Euclid Avenue and Adelbert Road, and in Adelbert Hall, the school was moved, in 1896, to the present building on Adelbert Road. The Franklin T. Backus Law School is honored by its name. Doe- tor Backus was a graduate of Yale and one of the most cultured of the pioneer members of the bar. What is more, he was earnest, straightforward and forceful. When he came to Cleveland from the East, in 1836, he had not been graduated in law, but from the classics of Yale. For a number of j'ears he conducted a preparatory school for boys which earned a high reputation, as its principal had both the facult\' of imparting instruction and of instilling a sense of the importance of chai'acter in the earning of success. When he entered the practice of law, he had already acquired a substantial standing in the community, and in the pursuance of his long legal career he never lowered his standard as a fine gentleman, a thorough scholar, a learned law.yer and a Christian. In 1854, he was placed on the Cleve- land commission which was appointed to arrange the consolidation with Ohio City, and within the few years M'hicli preceded the civil war arra^'ed himself with the Free sellers and the founders of the Republican party. In 1859, he was one of the group of leading Cleve- land lawyers who defended the Obcrlin rescue party in the famous slave case, and was always foremost in all the movements which sus- tained the patriotic name of the city. No lawyer has ever practised at the Cleveland bar whose abilities were more solid, whose mind was broader or more judicial, and whose character was purer, than Frank- lin T. Backus. The Clevtiland Law School The Cleveland Law School, of which Judge Willis Vickery, of the common pleas court, has been dean since its inception, is the out- growth of two institutions. In the summer of 1897, was established the Baldwin University Law Scliool, at Berca, Ohio, Judge Vickei-y being identified with its founding also. About the same time, the Cleveland Law School was incorporated, F. J. Wing, wlio was elc- 1836-191S] BENCH AND BAR . 535 vated to the Federal beuch a few years afterward, beiug among its founders. In the summer of 1899, the two institutions were consoli- dated under the name of the Cleveland Law School of Baldwin Uni- versity, with M'illis Vic'kery as dean. Some of the Early Practitioners Stevenson Burke had been a judge of the court of common pleas in an adjoining county for several jcar.s before coming to Cleveland. In 1869, he located in the city and formed a partnership with F. T. Backus and E. J. Estep. "Sir. Backus died in 1870, and Judge Burke subsequently formed other partnersliip connections. He was one of the most successful corporation lawyers who ever practised at the Cleveland bar. General Mortimer D. Leggett was one of the leaders of the Cleve- land bar who had earned a national fame before he became one of its honored citizens. He commenced the practice of his profession in New York and in the late '40s located at Akron, Ohio, and organized there the first system of free graded schools west of the Allegheny Mountains, under what became known throughout the West as the Akron school law. For a number of years, he also practised in "Warren, Trumbull Count}'. During the civil war, he advanced through all the officers' grades to the rank of major-general, and was afterward appointed by President Grant commissioner of patents, as he had for years been gradually getting into patent law. At the conclusion of his four years' service in Washington, he located in Cleveland, where he was acknowledged as one of the foremost patent lawyers in America. Colonel John F. Herrick, for seventeen years a prominent mem- ber of the the Cleveland bar and an honored Union soldier and public character, was identified with some phase of Ohio history throughout his life. A native of Lorain County, he passed six years in the inspiring atmosphere of Oberlin College, from which he was graduated in 1862. He at once added to the fame for sturdy patriotism which that institution had ali-cady earned, by the part which he took. As a captain of infantrj' he was captured by the Confederates at Harpers Ferry; paroled, he came to Cleveland, studied law and was admitted to practice in 1863 ; was notified that, by oxcliange of prisoners, his parole had been canceled, and he was again free and finished the war as a major and lieutenant-colonel of cavalry. Afterwards he entered into practice with his brother, G. E. Herrick, and formed other con- nections with leaders of the bar, earning a high reputation as a trial 536 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap.XX^ai and corporation lawyer. In the fall of 1901, lie was elected state senator by a large majority, and among other important bills which he fathered and had the satisfaction of seeing placed on the statute books was that establishing the juvenile court of Cleveland. What volume of good that institution has brought to the lives of parents and children alike can never be adequately measured. Naturally, the colonel was deeply interested in all matters of a military and patriotic nature. He was commander of the Brough Post, No. 359, G. A. R., for many years prior to his death and always active in the Loyal Legion. He also wrote much on Ohio military matters. His lamented death occurred on the fifth of July, 1909. John G. "White has practised continuously in Cleveland since May, 1868. He is a native of the city, born in 1845, was educated at the Cleveland high school and the Western Reserve University ; studied law with his father, Bushnell White, and was admitted to practice in 1868. Mr. White is therefore a real Cleveland product. He has been prominent as a corporation lawyer and is one of the best in- formed men in the profession. Mr. White is also widely Imown for his interest in and his knowledge of Oriental literature, of which he has presented several thousand volumes to the Cleveland Public Library. John M. Henderson's practice dates from 1864, and he has passed his entire professional life in Cleveland. He has been associated with several leaders of the bar and is now senior member of Henderson, Quail, Siddall & Morgan. Mr. Henderson is prominent in business and financial institutions, as well as in his own profession, and is also serving as president of the board of trustees of the Case School of Applied Science. A more extended personal sketch of this veteran of the bar, who materially contributed to the correctness and com- pleteness of this chapter, will be found in another volume of this history. The late Virgil P. Kline, whose death occurred in January, 1917, was also of the veteran class of practitioners. He was an Ohio man, born in Wayne County in 1844, and in his young manhood a stanch Douglas Democrat. Mr. Kline prepared for college at the Eclectic Institute, in Hiram, and was graduated from Williams College. During several subsequent years he served as superintendent of schools nt Cuyahoga Falls and was admitted to the Ohio bar in 1869. After his admi-ssion, he was in active and successful practice in Cleveland for nearly half a century. He never abandoned his Democratic principles, and was several times mentioned by his party in connection with the governorship. Peter H. Kaiser is one of the veterans of the Cleveland bar. Tie 1868-1918] BENCH AND BAR 537 is now in his seventy-ninth year and coiuiuenca'd practice in Cleve- land in 1869, then in his twenty-ninth year. Mr. Kaiser is of a prominent Swiss family of Menuouites, and liis parents were mem- bers of the liistorie ^loraviau Church at Cnadenhutten, Pennsylvania, and in that neighborhood he taught school before he had reached his majority. He then moved to Oberlin and, in Angust, 1867, was grad- uated from tlie college there, he having paid his living and educational expenses by teaching. Mr. Kaiser had entered Oberlin College in the spring of 1S60, bnt like all its best young men, joined the Union amiy and did his part in upholding the Union. As stated, in 1868, about a year after his graduation from college (having during an intervening period served as Elyria"s superintendent of schools) he located in Cleveland. He then .studied law, was graduated from the Cleveland Law College and, in 1869, was admitted to the Ohio bar. Since that year he has practiced continuonslJ^ The only public positions he has held in Cleveland were those of assistant prosecuting attorney in 1881- 82 and county solicitor in 189-4-1902. He has served as trustee of Ober- lin College and lectured before the law department of the Western Reserv-e University. Mr. Kaiser has been honored with several degrees by his alma matei", Oberlin College, and the State and Union College of Law, at Cleveland. In 1901, he was admitted to the bar of the supreme court at "Washington, upon motion of James R. Garfield, son of the former president. This occasion called him to the national capital for the first time since 1864, when he was a private Union soldier assisting in the defense of Washington against the attack of Early's Confederate army. Mr. Kaiser believes that the Cleveland bar was at its zenith when he came to the city in 1868, and that at no time since Judge Samuel B. Prentiss and Horace Foote constituted the active judges of the common pleas bench has its average been as high. David K. Cartter, who came to Cleveland from the interior of the state a few years before the civil war, was a rather successful jury lawyer for some time. Early in Lincoln's first administration he was appointed judge of the supreme court of the District of Columbia and was still on that bench at the time of his death in 1887. A number of women lawyers have successfully practised at the Cleveland bar, the professional pioneer of her sex being Miss -\Iary P. Spargo. Siie is a native of Cleveland, born in 1856; a desultory course of reading in which Blackstone figured awakened in her a desire seriously to adopt the law as a profession. In 1882, she entered the office of Morrow & [Morrow, Cleveland lawyers, at their sugges- tion, to carrv- out that ambition. Even forty years ago, the prejudice 538 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVII against receiving women into the ranks of the profession was strong. In the earlier period of her practice the principal drawback to her practical advancement was the impossibility of obtaining a commis- sion as notary public, the statute allowing the appointment of women to that office having been declared unconstitutional. In 1885, she was admitted to practice by the supreme court of Ohio and opened an office in Cleveland. In the following year she married W. D. Eraser, of Cleveland. In speaking of her experiences, Mrs. Eraser once said to a friend: "I have spoken of difficulties, and there have been such, but I believe they have been only those that are incident to pioneer work in any direction, and could not have been avoided. Certainly they have not been the result of any lack of cordiality and courtesy on the part of the Cuyahoga County bar. For the interest, encouragement and confidence in which my fellow workers have never failed toward me, I am heartily grateful. I count myself fortunate, also, in having the confidence of my women clients, both personally and professionally. It is a good thing to have the confidence of good women." CHAPTER XXVIII PHYSICIANS AM) THt:iK INSTITUTIONS By 11. G, Cutler The physicians and surgeous of Cleveland have fixed a high standard for their fraternity everywhere. It is often difficult to determine which is cause and which is effect ; the two are often so blended that there really is no sharp division. The local fraternity has always been noted for a hearty co-operation through various socie- ties, educational institutions and charities, whicli has had a charac- teristic tendency to make them progressive and broad. Their liber- ality, their professional and often literarj' education, their scientific attainments, often gained from contact with the greatest American and European masters, first led to the establishment of such agencies, and, once founded, manj' of them have so expanded in usefulness and educational power as to become, in turn, real character-builders for all who have participated in their development. To illu.strate these points, it is but necessary to review briefly the public work of some of the leaders of the profession in Cleveland, a large and vital part of which has been the founding of the societies, the schools and col- leges, the hospitals and other institutions which have given the city a high standing among American municipalities. First Phtsici.\n in Cleveland First of his profes.sion upon tlie local scene was Dr. Theodore Shepard, who accompanied 1he Cleaveland surveying parties of 1796 and 1797, attended to the ailments of its meml)ers and the few vil- lagers, during the few months that he was in town, and then re- turned to the East. The fine distinction has been made that Dr. Shepard was the first physician in Cleveland, although not the first physician of Cleveland. First Physician of Clev'eland That distinction rests with Dr. David Long, who received his medical education in New York City, located in the village in 1810, 539 540 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. XXVIII opened an office in a little frame building on the site of the future American House, and in the following year — such had been the good impression he had created — married the daughter of Postmaster and Collector of Revenue John Walworth, one of the most popular men in Cleveland. Dr. Long, perhaps, took his cue from his father-in- law, for wJiile he continued to be the leading physician of the place for years after other members of his profession arrived, he became broadly prominent in public affairs. Before 1820, he had been elected a member of the first village board of trustees, had assisted in found- ing the Commercial Bank of Lake Erie and the Cleveland Pier Com- pany, and, although a Presbyterian, had joined in the organization of Trinity Episcopal parish — all pioneer institutions. Afterward, he served as county commissioner and president of the village corpora- tion, was a strong promoter of the Ohio Canal, became president of the Anti-Slavery Society in 1837, and at his death, on the first of Sep- tember, 1851, no citizen of Cleveland had become more honored than Dr. Long. In all matters connected with his professional work, such as the fierce campaigns against cholera and the general sanitation of the young town, it was assumed, as a matter of course, that Dr. Long would lead. Pleasing Tales Many "pleasing" anecdotes are told regarding the doctor's early experiences in Cleveland, and some of the old settlers always insisted that his professional identification with the Indian murderer O'Mic was in that class of stories. The details of the murder and execu- tion have been given * and would, in any event, be passed over to reach the point in the narrative where Dr. Long comes into the tale. The Indian criminal was only twent.y-one, but very fat and heavy, and the rope which was to hang him broke in the midst of a storm which swept the public square. The crowd dispersed and at night Dr. Long, Dr. Allen and some other doctors wlio had been drawn thither, picked their way among the stumps and hushes, having obtained per- mis.sion of the sheriff, fully to investigate the bod.y and be sure that no life remained in it. Convinced of the Indian's death, the next problem was how to remove the body. As Dr. Allen was the strong ma7i of the party, he allowed the corpse to be placed on his back, and the procession started for the banks of the lake where tlie body was to be deposited. But Dr. Allen was hardly thus saddled when he fell over a stump, willi flic bulky liody on f()]i of him. The doctors See page 94. 1812] PHYSICIANS, ETC. 541 dared not laugh outright, as, although the shoritf knew of their mis- sion, the villagers did not, and such an infoiiual proceeding was in- tended to be kept secret. It was, but only after inueh painful self- repression. But Dr. Allen was relieved and the Indian's corpse was left on the banks of the lake well out of town. There the soft parts were allowed to decompose and the bones were collected and articu- lated by Dr. Long. That was in 1812. Does this pleasing narrative end here? Hardly. In the folhiw- iilg year a number of the sick and wounded troops of Hull's unfor- tunate command were sent to the stockade on the lakeshore at Cleve- land, called Fort Huntington. Capt. Stanton Sholes, who was in command, was stricken with fever and ague and called at Dr. Long's house for treatment. While waiting for him he had an attack of the "shakes" and Mrs. Long requested him to go upstairs and lie down. The captain stumbled up, slipped off his coat and boots and fell on the bed. Captain Sholes himself wrote the sequel: "When 1 awoke and came to myself, I smelt something very sickening. Turning my face to the wall, mj^ face partly on the bed, I was struck almost senseless by an object on the tloor between me and the wall, my face partly over it. It was a human skeleton, every bone in its place, the flesh mostly gone. I gazed at the bones till I verily thought I was dead, and that they had buried me bj' the side of .someone who had gone before me. I felt very sick which aroused me from my lethargj^ and I found that I was alive and had been sleeping along- side a dead man. As soon as I recalled where I was, I reached the lower floor in quiek.step, giving Mrs. Long a fright to see me come down in such haste. She very politely apologized for her forgetful- ness. The season before there had been an Indian hung for the murder of a white man, and I had the luck to sleep side by side with his frame, not fully cleaned." Other Pioneer Piitsiciaxs of Cleveland Dr. Donald Mcintosh, the second physician to locate at Cleveland, is said to have been skillful, but is known to have been too convivial to uphold a substantial reputation either in his profession or the community. He was also proprietor of the Navy House. From all accounts he was popular and, in 1828, was elected president of the District ^fcdical Society, comprising the professional membership of Cuyahoga and Medina counties. Six j-ears afterwards, he was fatally injured in a moonlight horserace on Buffalo Road, now Euclid Avenue. 542 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVIII In 1820, Dr. Elijah Burtou settled in the adjoining town of Euclid, and he and his son and his grandson made the family name honored in the community for at least three score years and ten. Most of the early physicians, like Dr. Israel Town and Dr. L. F. AV. Andrews, were also proprietors of drug stores, and at times announced through the local press that they would donate their professional services if prospective patients would buy the neces- sary drugs at their places of business. Nineteenth Medical District Society The history of this pioneer organization of the physicians and surgeons of Cuyahoga, ]\Iediiia and other counties may be traced for about twenty years. On the fourteenth of Januaiy, 1811, the legisla- ture divided Ohio into five medical districts, each district being eutitled to three censors. In 1812, the state was divided into seven medical dis- tricts, with Cuyahoga in the sixth, and in the following year the two measures were combined in one act. From 1813 to 1824, the number of districts and of censors was changed from time to time. In the latter year, the state was divided into twenty medical districts, each district society to elect from three to five censors who were to act as examiners, or licensers, to pass upon the applications of those who desired to practice in their territory. The counties of Cuyahoga and Medina were made to constitute the Nineteenth Medical District. I'p to that year Drs. David Long, N. H. Manter, George W. Card, Be] a B. Clark, John M. Henderson and Donald Mcintosh appear to have been the leaders in the affairs of the medical societies. In. May, 1824, the society of the Nineteenth Medical Di.strict was or- ganized by the election of the following officers: David Long, presi- dent; Bela B. Clark, -vnce-president ; William Baldwin, secretary; John M. Henderson, treasurer; George W. Card, John Harris and William Baldwin, censors. Prom 1824 until 1832, Doctors Long, Clark. ;McIntosli, Elijah De Witt and Joshua Mills served as presi- dents of the society, but after the latter year, or about the time that Asiatic cholera swept through the Cleveland district, tlie or- ganization sinks from historic observation. First Prominent IIoMEorATiiic Physician Tlie physicians on tlic local board of health organized to fight the epidemic comprised Drs. E. W. Cowles, Joshua Mills, Oran St. John and S. J. Weldon. Doctor Long, then a member of the village board, was a leader in the movement. When, in 1832, the steamboat 1832-44] PHYSICIANS, ETC. 543 "Ilciiry Clay"' arrived at Cleveland, ou lu-r way to Buffalo, loaded witli c'holera-strickc^n, it is said that Doctor Cowles not only attended its victims in port but accompanied them to their destination. In a few days he returned to C'icveland, greatly to tlie relief of his friends, who had looked upon his departure as his death warrant. Although Doctor Cowles practised for a few years in Detroit, he was a practising physician and surgeon in Cleveland for more than twenty years, and was higiily respected. He was among the first of his profession to embrace homeopathy. Dr. Joshua ilills had been a resident physician about a year when he was chosen a member of this first board of health to combat the plague and unsanitary conditions at Cleveland. He was after- ward president of the city council and twice mayor, and died in 1843. Dr. Erastus Cushiug, a Massacliusetts physician, arrived in 1835, and for fiftj' years was a healer and a household comforter to hun- dreds of Clevelanders ; and several generations have since continued his fine family name and professional reputation. Org.vnization of Cleveland Medical College In 1844, the medical department of Willoughby (Ohio) Uni- versity was moved to Cleveland. Drs.' Jared P. Kirtland, John Dela- mater and J. Lang Cassels, who had been members of its faculty resigned their chairs, came to the Forest City and organized the Cleveland Medical College. Two or three years afterward the build- ing was completed on the corner of St. Clair and Erie streets, known as the Farmers' block. About the time the Cleveland Medical College was opened here Professor Ackley, in a surgical case, admin- istered ether to a patient, which was the first time it was used in Northern Ohio as an anaesthesia. Although the patient shouted and struggled as his leg was being amputated he stated, after the opera- tion, that he had not suffered. The original faculty of the Cleveland ^Medical College comprised the following, embracing most of the physicians of that period who were noteworthy leaders in the profession: Drs. John Delamater, professor of midwifery and diseases of women and children; Jared P. Kirtland, professor of the theory and practice of .medicine; Horace .\. Ackley, profes.sor of surgery; John Lang Cassels, profes- sor of materia mediea ; Noah Worcester, professor of physical diagnosis and diseases of the skin; Samuel St. John, professor of chemistry; Jacob J. Delamater, lecturer on physiologj'. 544 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVIII College op Physicl^ns and Surgeons The old Cleveland Medical College rau along' as a united insti- tution until 1863, when Dr. Gustave C. E. Weber, who, several years before had succeeded Doctor Ackley as professor of surgery', resigned his chair and organized the Charity Hospital IMcdieal College. lu 1869, this became the medical department of the University of "Wooster. In 1881, when the Western Reserve University was organized at Cleveland, an effort was made to unite this medical department with the former Cleveland Medical College which had been consolidated with the Western Reserve University. The effort was unsuccessful and in 1896 the school severed its connection with the University of Wooster and became the medical department of the Ohio Wesleyan Univei-sity, under the title of the Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons. The building now occupied was completed in 1900. Academy op Medicine In the meantime the members of the profession in Cuyahoga County had again organized. In April, 1859, they had formed the Cuj'ahoga County Medical Society, which appears to have been dissipated by the wholesale exodus of its members during the civil war times. Then in 1867 the Cleveland Academy of iMediciue was organized, which was absoi-bed by the Cleveland Medical Associa- tion, and which, in turn, was consolidated in 1874 with a second Cuyahoga County IMedical Society. A list of its presidents for the period of its independent existence will include many of the leading physicians of 1874-1902. It follows: Dre. John Bennett, T. Clarke :\Iiller, Frank Wells, C. F. Dutlou, P. II. Sawyer, W. J. Scott, C. C. Arms, W. 0. Jenks, E. D. Burton, 11. K. Cushing, T. N. Himes, H. II. Powell, J. D. Jones, Dudley P. Alh-n, Wm. T. Corlett, A. R. Baker, II. J. Ilerrick, II. E. Ilanderson, 0. B. Campbell, W. A. Knowlton, P. E. Bunts, C. J. Aldrich, C. A. Hamann and J. P. Sawyer. In May, 1902, the Cuyalioga County Medical Society was merged with another Cleveland Medical Society to form the present Academj^ of Medicine of Cleveland. 'i'liio ilEDicAL Library The Society of the Medical Sciences of Cleveland, organized in 1887, was established largely to found a medical libraiy. Dr. H. K. Cushing was its president during most of its life. In 1804, it turned 1S5U-U)0S] PHYSICIANS, ETC. 545 over $2,000 which remained in its treasury to the recently formed Cleveland iledieal Library Assoeiation, and that fund laid tlie foundation of the library to whieii various societies have since con- tributed. For more than twelve years the medical library has been in its own building. Cleveland School, of Pharmacy The Cleveland School of Pharmacy was the outgrowth of a movement inaugurated in 1882 by the Cleveland Pharnuieeutical Societ}-. To arrange a course of lectures for the benefit of drug clerks and apprentices, a committee of three of its members was appointed consisting of E. A. Schellentragor, Edward Classen and Hugo Linden. The lectures proved so popular that a regular facultj' and school were soon organized. The school was incorporated in 1886, but did not commence to confer the regular degi-ee of Ph. C. upon it graduates until 1896, when it was completely reorganized with Mr. Schelleiitrager as president. In 1904, it was again reorgan- ized, when E. A. Schellcntrager, its founder, resigned, and was succeeded by L. C. Hopp. The School of Pharmacy became affiliated with the Western Reserve University in 1908, and has since been known as its pharmaceutical department. The Pioneer Homeopaths The homeopaths obtained an early foothold in Cleveland and numbered some able and popular representatives of the profession. The brave services of Dr. Edwin I\I. Cowles during the cholera epi- demic of 1832 have be«n noted. Dr. R. E. W. Adams, Dr. Daniel 0. Hoyt and Dr. John Wheeler were also pioneer practitioners of that school. The Homeopathic Institutions By the year 1850, they had become so strong that they organized the Western College of Homeopathy at Cleveland, with the following faculty: Drs. Edwin C. Wetherell, professor of anatomy; Lansing Briggs, professor of surgery; Charles D. Williams, professor of insti- tutes of homeopathic medicine; Alfred H. Burritt, professor of gjniecologA' and obstetrics; Lewis Dodge, professor of materia modica; Hamilton H. Smith, professor of chemistry; John Brainard, pro- fessor of physical science. 546 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVIII Lectures were first held in a building on the southeast corner of Ontario and Prospect streets, and it was there, in 1852, that the college rooms were raided by an ignorant mob who had been led to believe that a dissected subject had met with foul play in the tlesh. The institution purchased a large building on Ohio Street known as the Belvidere and, after remodeling it, occupied it for sixteen years.. In 1857, the name was changed to the Western Homeo- pathic College; in 1868, the College purchased the Humiston Insti- tute and added a hospital to its facilities, reorganizing as the Homeo- pathic Hospital College. In 1890, the Cleveland Medical College split from the parent body, which occupied its large new home on Huron Road in 1892. In 1897, the breach was healed, as it had been many years before between the mother bodj^ and the Homeopathic College for Women. The homeopaths also organized the Cuyahoga County Homeo- pathic Society as early as 1848 and among its presidents appear such well known names as Drs. S. R. Beckwith, T. P. Wilson, George H. Blair, H. F. Biggar, H. B. Van Norman, G. J. Jones, J. H. Stevens, David H. Beckwith, F. H. Barr, and A. L. Waltz. Cleveland Hospitals The hospitals of Cleveland, which now number about twenty, are maintained by the city, the state, and the general government, by private corporations and by various religious denominations. They are both benevolences and professional educators, affording vital relief to the suffering and means of clinical investigations to the physicians and surgeons of the community. The first hospital on the site of Cleveland was erected by Capt. Stanton Sholes in 1812, when he was placed in charge of the sick and incapacitated American soldiers who were sent to tliis point from Detroit. It was dignified by the title of "military hospital," as was the shack on Clinton Street, erected by the yo\ing municipality of Cleveland in 1837, called the "city hospital." The latter was grad- ually transformed into a city infirmary for both the insane and in- firm poor, furnishing also clinical instruction to the physicians of the day. As early as 1837, a site of nine acres, at Erie and I^akc streets, was purchased by the United States government for a marine hospital. Con.struction was not begun until 1847, and tin- liospital was not opened until 1852. In 1875, tlie hospital was leased to the City Hospital Association for twenty years, although certain wards were 1852-!)6J PHYSICIANS, ETC. 547 reserved for the use of the goveniineiit. With the expiration of the contract in 1896, the ailministration of tlie atlairs of the Marine Hos- pital was resumed under the direction of the government surgeons. In 18;V2, the leveral editions, is Surgical Diseases of Children, first issued in 1909. Dr. Henry E. Ilandcrson, one of the veterans of the profession, and, since 190f), pi-ni'cssoi- ciiicritns at tlie Cleveland College of Phy- 189;Mr>lS] PTTYSICIANS, ETC. 551 sicians and Surgeons, saw active and leading service in the Confed- erate army, serving thronghout the war eitiier as captain or assistant adjutant general in the army of Northern Virginia. After the war, he was graduated as an IM. D. from the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. Fi-om 1893 to 1!)06, Doctor Ilandcrson held the chair of hygiene and sanitary science in the Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons. In 1895, he served as president of the Cleveland Academy of Medicine and wa.s president of the Cleveland Medical Library Association during 1895-1904. Doctor Ilandcrson has made numerous contributions to medical literature, some of a technical and others of an hist(n'ical nature. In the preparation of this paper, his Medical Cleveland has been found reliable and valuable. The most pretentious work with which his name is connected is as editor of Bass's Outlines of the Uistonj of Medicine. The late Dr. II. F. Higgar was amcmg the leading homeopaths of Cleveland. Born in Canada in 1839, he was graduated from the Cleveland University of IMcdicine and Surgery in 1866 and at once entered practice. For man.y years he served, at various times, as pro- fessor of anatomy and clinical surgery at the Homeopathic Hospital College, as surgeon-in-chief of the Surgical Institute, or as dean of the Training Si'liool for Nurses, of which he was the founder. He was elected honorary president of the American Institute of Homeopathy and a delegate to the International Homeopathic Congress which met at London in 1911. He died in 1913. Doctor Biggar wrote much and well on professional, as well as on general subjects, his publications in book form ranging from T^velve Months of Surgery to Loiferings in Europe. Among the leading homeopathic physicians of Cleveland mention is also due Dr. James C. Wood and Dr. A. B. Schneider. Dr. Wood is a graduate of the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College and has practised in Cleveland since 1894. His specialties are g^-necology and obstetrics, with diseases of children, and he has held chairs coveritig them in his alma mater and (gynecology) the Cleveland-Pulte Medical College. Dr. Schneider was graduated from the Cleveland Medical College in 1894, since which he has practiced in the Forest City with the exception of the periods abroad when he has been engaged in post- graduate work. His educational duties in connection with his pro- fession have been performed as domon.strator and professor of anat- omy in the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College (1894-1904) and as professor of clinical medicine, in that institution, from 1904 552 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXVIII to 1915. Dr. Schneider is now acting president of the college board of trustees. Of the older allopathic practitioners of high standing is also Dr. John B. McGee, a Bostonian by birth, but a graduate of the Western Reserve University in the medical department, class of 1878. He was formerlj' professor of therapeutics and secretary of the Cleve- land College of Physicians and Surgeons and associate .professor of therapeutics in the Western Reserve University. CHAPTER XXIX POLITICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS By H. G. Cutler Tlu- abow classification is certainly broad in its scope. Some of the scholars who have ventured into these fields have entered them in various combinations. Dr. Mattoon M. Curtis, who has held the chair of philosophy at the "Western Reserve University since 1891, was educated for the Pres- byterian ministry. lie was graduated from Hamilton College and t^niou Theological Seminary and held pastorates at Hastings-on-the- Hudson, New York, and in Cleveland (Beckwitli Memorial Church), from 1883 to 1888. During the two years following he pursued ad- vanced philosophical studies at the University of Leipzig, which con- ferred upon him the degree of Ph. D. in 1891. Since that year he has been identified with the Western Reserve University faculty and its managing board, and with the ])roceedings of many learned societies and allied literature. Particularly, he is the author of Locl;e's Ethics, Philosophical and Physical Science, aiul Philosophy in America. Dr. Curtis has also served as vice president of the Cleveland School of Art and was superintendent of the thirteenth federal census for Cuj-a- hoga County. Frederick C. Howe, one of the most scholarly of Cleveland law- yers, received his preliminary higher education at Johns Hopkins University and abroad, and his legal education at the University of Jliehigan and the New York Law School. Admitted to the bar in 1894, he practiced in Cleveland until 1909. during which time he also served in the city council and the state senate, was sent to Great Britain as special United States commi.ssioner to investigate municipal ownership therein, and also occupied the chair of law at the Cleve- land College and lectured on legal matters for the LTniversity of Wis- consin. His writings, which are a natural outgrowth of his practical investigations, include Taxation in the United States, 1791-189'>; The City, the Hope of Democracy.- The British City; The Confessions of a Monopolist; Privilege and Democracy in America; Wisconsin, an Experiment in Democracy ; European Cities at Worl\ and Socialized 553 554 CLEVELAXD AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIX Germany. He has been honored with several learned degrees, the last being Ph. D. from Johns Hopkins in 1892. Dr. Howe has been com- missioner of emigi'ation for New York and director of the People's Institute since becoming a permanent resident of tlie metropolis in 1911. Judge Martin A. Foran, of the Cleveland common pleas bench, has also written considerably on political and social questions. Per- haps his best known paper was the Other Side, an answer to The Labor Prohlem, an exposition of the question often attributed to John Hav. Social Work and Writings Elizabeth Hyer Nei¥ (I\Irs. William Byron Neft") is known as an authoress of talent, with .such books to her credit as Altars to Mam- mon and Miss Wealthy, Deputy Sheriff, and a social settlement worker of much earnestness and efficiency, especially as president of tlie Board of Central Friendly Inn. She has also been president of the Women's Centennial Commission and president of the Woman's Civic Club of Cleveland Heights, as well as founder of the Conserva- tion of the Home department of the D. A. R. Mrs. Neif holds an hon- orary degree of M. A. from the Ohio Wesleyan University. Louise Brigham (Mi"s. Henrj' A. Chisholm) has been long interested in child welfare work, and her Bool,- on Furniture is an ingenious and instructive etifort to teach the children of the poor how to make chairs, tables and other furniture out of dry goods boxes and other homely material which often goes to waste. Several representatives of the church in Clovchiiul have made worthy contributions to religious literature. The Rt. Rev. William A. Leonard, bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Ohio since 1889, is widely known as an author. He was educated in the east and spent the earlier years of his ministry in Brooklyn, N. Y., and Wash- ington, D. C. MHiile thus engaged in the former he served, for a number of years, as chaplain of the Twenty-third Regiment of the National Guard of New York. Bishop Leonard's literary works in- clude: Via Sacra, or Footprints of Christ; Ilistory of the Christian Church; A Faithful Life; the Bedell lectures on Witness of American Church to Christianity and numerous essays and published sermons. TheRt. Rev. Mgr. G. F. Houek has published History of the Cleve- land Diocese, and a work of more scholarly nature, Memoirs and Labors of Amadcns Rappe, First Bishop of Cleveland. Tlie Rev. George T. Dowling, a Cleveland niinislor of the Bajitist 1845] PODTTICAL. PHILOSOPHICAL, ETC. 555 Chmvh who is no loiij^cr a irsiilnit of tlie city, was tlio autlior of several writings on social topics which are wortiiy of mention. AC.VDEMY OF X.VTURAL SCIENCE AND ITS FOUNDERS From the unsystematized organization of the Ark, and the sub- stantial Arkites wlio looked upon science as something greater than a pleasant pastime, came the Cleveland Academy of Natural Science. It was organized in 1845 at the suggestion of Dr. Jared P. Kirtland, the learned physician, geologist, horticulturist, Ix)tanist and zoolo- gist of Clevelaiul Medical College, who, for more than thirty years was to make himself honored and beloved as a scholar, an author, a worker and a man. The details of his remarkable scientific career and his nnnided life have been already introduced, in part. To list all the titles of Dr. Kirtland 's writings on scientific subjects would produce a booklet ; which is the sole excuse for not going further into the matter. Tlie fii-st meeting of the Cleveland Academy of Natural Science was held on the twenty-fourth of November, 1845. Dr. Kirtland wa-s elected president; Sherlock J. Andrews, first vice-president; Charles W. Heard, second vice-president; William D. Beattie, third vice-presi- dent. The curators were William Case, Hamilton L. Smith, Samuel St. John, Henry C. Kingsley, Rufus K. Winslow, Jared P. Kirtland, J. L. Cassels, and Charles Whittlesey. The academy first met in the building of the Cleveland Medical College, where the museum was installed and the winter lectures delivered by the meml)ers. In 1869, the academy was reorganized as the Kirtland Society of Natural Sci- ence, which, in 1870, became identified witli the Cleveland Library Association. After Dr. Kirtland 's death on the tenth of Deceml>er, 1877, all the geological, zoological and botanical collections were given to the Case School of Applied Science, which was then taking form, but which was not to be incorporated until the death of Leonard Ca.se, Jr., in 1880. Dr. John S. Newberry Of the founders of the Cleveland Academy of Natural Science, besides Dr. Kirtland, Judge Andrews and Colonel Whittlesey, Dr. John S. Newberry attained perhaps the widest distinction as a scientist and an author. He was born in Cuyahoga Falls, and when the academy was organized was a senior student at the Western Re- serve Collcj^e. In 1848. he was graduated from the Cleveland Medical 556 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIX College, and after practising medicine in the Forest City until 1855 accepted the appointment of assistant surgeon and geologist of the expedition sent by the war department to explore tlie wild regions between the Columbia River and the Paeitie Ocean. After his return, Dr. Newberry became geologist of Ohio and of tlie United States Geo- graphical Survey and professor of geolog>' in the Columbia Univer- sity School of Mines. His studies and his writings covered every phase of geological researcli, but lie will be longest remembered for his work in paleontology. Dr. Theodore D. Garlick Dr. Theodore D. Garlick was the universal genius of this pioneer group of Cleveland scientists. He came to the village as a Vermont youth, was a stonecutter for a time and studied and practiced medi- cine both at Youngstown and Cleveland. He was a pioneer in the artificial propagation of fish, which, althougli repeatedly rebuffed, he persistently urged upon the government. Dr. Garlick 's book upon artificial fish propagation, issued in 1854, remained the standard work for many yeai's. He was also a widely known botanist, and possessed great skill as a modeler of clay. In the museum of the Western Reserve Historical Society are a numl)er of specimens of his handicraft as an anatomist and an artist, among the latter being a .bust of his great and ardent friend. Dr. Kii'tland. Dr. EiJ.'iii.v Sterling Dr. Elisha Sterling, an Ai'kite and one of the founders of the academy, was the naturalist of tlic 1855 government expedition to the Pacific Coast, his appointment being obtained through the friend- ship of Dr. Newberry. lie was then thirty years old, a grailuate of Cleveland Medical College, a student at the great Paris museums and scliools and a traveling naturalist, l)(itli at lionu' and aln'oad. He was an adept taxidermist, an ex{)ert on fisli cuHurc, a contributoi- to scientific journals, an eminent surgeon and a fine man. He died in Clevehuid all too soon, in 1890, then only in his sixty-sixfh year. Pioxeer lx Lakk Sri'EiiiOK Mixi;i!ai. Ixiooiox.s Ih-. .Juhn L. Cassels was jn'iifessor of chemistry on the faculty of Cleveland Medical College, and a friend and as.sociate of Dr. Kirt- land. He was one of tlir loundci-s of the acadeniv aiul soon after- 1869-1902] POLITICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, ETC. 557 wards investigated the niineral regions adjacent to Lake Superior. He was one of the tirst white men to exph)re that part of the coun- try and his prophecies as to its undeveloped wealth were received with incredulity by many; others who lielievcd, and acted accord- ingly, reaped most substantial rewards. Professors JIorley .\nd Michelson Of a later generation was the distinguished chemist. Professor William E. ^lorley, who hold that chair on the Western Reserve Col- lege and University faculty from 1869 to 1906. He afterward en- gaged in research work at Hartford, Connecticut, and became world- famous for his investigations and publications on the atomic weight of oxygen. Associated with Professor Morley for some years was Professor Albert A. ]Michelson, who, from 1883 to 1889, held the chair of physics at the Case School of Applied Science. When he came to Cleveland he was thirty-one years of age, with a record of ten years passed as student, midshipman and instructor in the naval service, and as a master of various j)Ost-gra(luate courses in leading German and French universities. From 1886 to 1911, he received half a dozen learned degrees from various American and German institutions of learning, the last being Ph. D. from Gffttingon. Since 1892, Dr. Michelson has served as professor and head of the department of physics. University of Chicago, and his researches in that capacity have brought him fame and formal honors from every part of the world. His contributions to scientific literature have been numer- ous and always original and weighty. Dr. Cady St.vley Cady Staley, one of tlie great civil and sanitary engineers of the country, with a broad reputation for both practical work and edu- cational ability, Ea.st and West, served as president of the Case School of Applied Science from 1886 to 1902. A native of the Em- pire state, he was graduated as C. E. from Union College in 1866 and was one of the engineers in the constrnetion of the Central Pacific Railroad. lie was professor of engineering in Union College in 1868- 86, and during the last decade of that period was dean of the faculty. Since resigning the presidency of the Case School, Dr. Staley (Union College, Ph. D.. and Ohio We.sleyan, LL. D.) has been a traveling member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and has done 558 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIX much in the way of observation and investigation to increase a repu- tation which was already national. As president, he was noted for his energy, impartiality and breadth of views upon all questions of administration and education. Profs. Charles S. Howe axd John N. Stockweel Dr. Staley was succeeded by Prof. Charles S. Howe, a New Hampshire man first educated in ilassaehusetts and at Johns Hop- kins University, and obtaining his experience as a teacher at Albu- querque, New Mexico, and Buchtel College, Ohio. In the latter in.sti- tution he held the chair of mathematics and astronomy in 1883-89, and the same professorship in the Case School of Applied Science from the latter year until he succeeded Dr. Staley as acting president in 1902 and as president in the following year. The learned degrees conferred upon him are Ph. D., from the University of AVooster ; Sc. D., from Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, and LL. D., from Mount Lhjion College and Oberlin College, Ohio. He is a member of many leading astronomical societies and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Ro.yal Astronomical Society. Dr. Howe has written much as an astrono- mer, but since becoming president of the Case School of Applied Science has been compelled to relinquish much of his active scientific work. Prof. John N. Stockwell is widely known for his original investi- gations in astronom.y. Although he received little more than a com- mon school education his work along these lines has been so note- w'orthy that the Western Reserve l^niversity has honored him with the degrees of A. M. and Ph. I). He has largely contributed to the literature of the Smithsonian Institution as well as to American and foreign scientific journals, and is the author, among other works, of Eclipse Cycles and Theory of the Mutual Perturbations of Planets Moving at the Same Mean Distance from the Sun. Dr. Stockwell is a permanent resident of Cleveland. AVoRCESTEK R. Warner and Ajiisrose Swasev At least three old-time citizens of Cleveland have so applied their scientific learning to practical purposes that their handiwork and their names have spread all over the world. IIow the astronomy of modern times has been advanced by the Warner & Swasey telescopes, •and how the wonderful efficiency of American gunnery has been 1918] I'OLITR'AL, I'lIlLOSOl'lllCAL, ETC. 55!) promoted by tlieir rangre ami i)o.sitioii finder, are fully known to scientists and the experts of the United States Government. Jiotli Ambrose Swasey and Worcester R. Warner are practical machinists and educated scientists. Tiiey are of nearly the sanu- aj^e (both born in 1846) and established the industry which has brought them fame and fortune wlu-n they were in the middle '30s, energetic, far-seeing, determined young men. Their individual careers, as well as the steps by which they have advanced to the front as among the leading manufacturers of scientific instruments in the world, are fully de- scribed elsewhere. If they had done no more timn to produce the gigantic and delicate Lick, the Naval and the Yerkes telescopes, they would have become famous. Besides they have originated and manu- factured an exceptionally accurate dividing engine; the Swasey range and position finder, adopted by the United States government; ma- chine tools and optical instruments, combining strength and preci- sion; field telescopes, now used by the thousands in the armies of Europe, and scores of other special appliances requiring superior workmanship and scientific adjustment. Both Dr. Warner and Dr. Swasey (for they have been honored with the degrees of Doctor of Mechanical Science and Doctor of Engineering) are members of numerous learned societies in America and Europe, but have written little for the scientific or engineering press. Dr. Swasey 's Fefi.neMents of Mechanical Science is, however, to be mentioned in this con- nection. Charles F. Brush None of the scientists who have been identified with Cleveland's his- tory have gained a more cosmopolitan fame, or have applied their attainments to more practical and developmental uses than Charles Francis Brush, the great electrician. He was born in Euclid town- ship in March, 1849, has a dozen scientific and collegiate degrees, and is the universally accredited father and perfecter of the electric arc lighting system. He was one of the incorporators of the Case School of Applied Science, and has also been identified with the growth of the Western Reserve University, the University School, the Cleve- land School of Art and other educational institutions. In 1909-10, he sen-ed as president of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Brush (LL. D., both from Western Reserve University and Kenyon College) was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France, in 1881 ; received the Rumford Medal of honor from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1899; and was awarded the Edi.son 560 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXIX Medal iu 1913. He is a member of numerous American and European seientifie societies. When he was presented to the president of the French Republic, that official said: "I liuow not which to admire the more, the phj-sique of the man or the genius of the inventor." Dr. Brush has continuously resided in Cleveland for nearly half a cen- tury, commencing his remarkable career as a chemical expert. That was iu 1870, when he had just reached his majority. Cleveland, therefore, considers Dr. Brush in an especiallj' intimate sense one of her gi'eat sons who has plentifully demonstrated the practical value of applied science. CHAPTER XXX ART AND ARTISTS IN CLEVELAND By H. G. Cutler One of the favorite questions of debate brought before the old-time literary societies was "What is tlie difference between an art and a profession?" In the earlier periods of American society the ques- tion was more easily answered than it is today; but, by general consent without any too much reason, editorship and authorship, legal and medical matters, have been relegated to the professions, while painting, etching, sculpture, music and the drama, have been retained as among the legitimate arts. Viewing the subjects from these standpoints, Cleveland claims her full quota of geniuses who have lingered with her, briefly or at length as their lives were made pleasant, full or unprofitable. Music and Musicians The large German element in early Cleveland caused music and musicians to make the first strong stand in the cause of art and artists. That was in the early '50s, in the days when Jenny Lind, Ole Bull, Adelina Patti and other celebrities were making the rounds of the brisk young western cities, naturally including Cleveland. In 1851, the Mendelssohn Singing Society was formed, and a "gesang- verein" was organized even before that year. Oratorios were given and singing festivals organized which made Cleveland famous for years. The great "saengerfest" was that of 1874, it being the nine- teenth of the North American Society and a national affair. The last singing festival held by the local society was in 1893, and Gov. "William McKinley attended the opening concert. Cleveland Vocal Society and School op Music The Cleveland Vocal Society was founded in 1873, and during the thirty years of its existence under Alfred Arthur accomplished much in elevating musical taste and keeping it to a high standard. 561 Vol. 1—36 562 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXX Professor Arthur founded the Cleveland School of Music in 1874, and many well known musicians received their training there. The Cleveland Conservatory of Music was organized by William Heydler in 1871, and various members of the family have been leading local musicians for several generations. The Fortnightly Musical Club was formed in 1894, through the initiative of Mrs. J. H. Webster. Its first president was Mrs. Edward W. Morley, and the club has flourished from the first. ft ri-f ■ p P3 :^]l u Au*> . . . -"llj. -/■ n The Saengeepest Hall* Other schools of music and societies have been established, as in all large cultured cities, until now tliere are some twenty-five. Bringing Music to the Masses The city has also been foremost in the popularization of music bj- which its refining influences are brought to the masses. Such bands as Heckler's, Leland's and Kirk's have been blessings to the people of Cleveland, and there also gradually developed from this democratic movement the Cleveland Symphony orchestra of the modern period. In Edgewater Park is a monument to the memory of Conrad Mizer, the Cleveland enthusiast who, in 1896, started the movement of giving band concerts on Sunday afternoons at the dif- ferent parks. They were at first paid for by private subscriptions. • See page 285. 1876-1900] ART AND ARTISTS 563 engineered by Mr. Jlizcr, but, later, under ilayor Johnson's regime, the city supported them. No one movenuMit has created more i)leasure of a high grade to Clevelanders, and tlie inoimiuent to Conrad Mizer was justly conceived and placed. Composers of ilusic Cleveland has produced a number of comijoscrs within late years who have attained good standing. Wilson G. Smith was among the most versatile, putting forth not only compositions which were won- derful reproductions of the Gernuui masters, Imt piano and vocal music which was fresh, unique and purely American. As the musical critic of the Clevchnd Press, he has become famous for his wonderful and inimitable vocabulary. James H. Rogers is the author of about 150 compositions, including songs, piano selections, anthems and can- tatas. Johann IT. Beck, a native of Cleveland who has been director of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra since 1900, wa.s highly educated in music abroad, and has produced, since 1886, much noteworthy orchestral music. His productions have been rendered by such or- ganizations as the Boston Symphony and the Thomas orchestras. The Old Bohemians of Cleveland Artists struggling with the brush and the sculptor's knife had resided in Cleveland sometime before 1876, but that year marks the time when a brave thirteen assembled and formed a club, the mem- bers of which in after years were known as the Old Bohemians. Then they were young men — George Grossman, F. C. Gottwald, John Semon, Adam Lehr, Louis Loeb, Herman Herkomer, John Herkomer, 0. V. Schubert, Daniel WchrsQhmidt, Emil Wehrschmidt, Otto Bacher, Arthur Schneider and ilax Bohm. Within the succeeding few years the original Bohemians and other artists who .joined them at the invitation of the city fathers, gradually occupied the top floor of the new mxniicipal building, the large east room being reserved for club meetings. In 1884, the club founded the Cleveland Art School, which was also opened in the top floor of the city hall. Cleveland School of Art In October, 1882, :\rrs. S. H. Kimball founded the Cleveland School of Art, and it soon so expanded that it had to move from a private residence to the art center in the city hall. From 1888 to The Cleveland Museum op Akt in Wade 1'auk The Cleveland School of Art 1882-1918] ART AND ARTISTS 565 1891, it was a department of tlie Western Reserve University. In the following year, after it liad again beeome independent, it moved from the city hall to the old Kelley residence on Willson Avenue. But tlie enterprise soon outgrew sueh accommodations and, through the liberality of Stevenson Burke and wife and .1. II. Wade, tiie money and site were provided for the large building at Juniper Road and Magnolia Avenue, which was completed in 1906. In 1908, through the donations of Thomas II. Wiiite, the school was enlarged by adding a studio for the development of sculpture. In the meantime, the original art school had disappeared from local history, the last of the Bohemians liaving departed from the city hall in 1898. The present Cleveland School of Art has a well organized faculty of twenty teachers, with Henry Turner Bailey, of Boston, as dean and Jliss Georgie L. Norton as director. Mrs. Stevenson Burke is president of the board of trustees. Art, design and craftsmanship con- stitute the main divisions of its course. The Art Museum The last, and in some respects the most important development of local art, was the founding of the Kelley art galleries, and the building of the great museum in Wade Park, a few years ago. This has been fully described in the section devoted to the parks. Several art loan exhibitions had been held, such wealthy and cultured citi- zens as Prof. Charles Olney, Charles F. Brush and W. J. White having contributed of their private treasures to make them successes, and finally the large bequests from H. B. Ilurlbut, Thomas Kelley and John Huntington made possible the erection of a beautiful mu- seum building in Wade Park. Early Cleveland Painters Not a few of the original Bohemians joined the teaching force of the Cleveland Scliool of Art. F. C. Gottwald and Henry G. Keller became especially well known, both as teachers and as painters of Italian scenes in water and oil. James H. Donahey, the famous car- toonist of the Plain Dealer, is also a prominent member of the faculty. ^lax Bohm is among the early Cleveland painters who re- turned to England. He is noted as a strong marine painter and dec- orative artist, and some of his bold and rich handiwork is seen on the walls of the county court-house. A. M. Willard, long a resident veteran of the brush, had become famous, the world over, as the 566 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXX painter of that inspiration to patriotism, "The Spirit of 76." Even after passing his four-score yeare, he was still busy with his brush and the fire in his eye was little dimmed. He died in 1818. Sculptors Matzen and Niehaus Herman N. Matzen, the Cleveland sculptor, has made himself famous in the twentj'-five years of his artistic activities and creations, lie is a native of Denmark and has all the strength, yet grace and balance of the great northern artists. To illustrate Mr. ilatzen's leadership as a sculptor it is only necessary to mention the following, as among his works, to carry conviction to the minds of all well in- formed men and women: "War and Peace," Indianapolis Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument; Schiller Monument, Detroit; Burke mauso- leum; and "Moses" and "Gregory," Cleveland court-house; and •"Law and Justice," Akron court-house. Carl Niehaus, or, as he now writes Charles Henry Niehaus, had a studio on the top floor of the city hall in the late '80s, but he soon joined the New York Bohemians. His fame as a sculptor is now inter- national. Clara Morris as a Cleveland Girl All the great aetoi-s and actresses have at one time or another ap- ■ peared before Cleveland audiences, but the only artist in that class whom the city can claim as a resident was Clara Morris. She was bom at Toronto, OntarH, in 1849, but when an infant was brought to Cleveland where she was educated. She was a very precocious child and when twelve years old became a member of tlie ballet in the old Academy of Music. She rapidly advanced to be the leading lady and, iti 1869, was called to Wood's Theater, Cincinnati, in that capacity. In 1870, she became a member of Daly's Fifth Avenue Company, New York, and while thus connected developed into the leading emo- tional actress of America. She also wrote numerous books, some of which showed marked litei'ary ability. Her start in Cleveland and the dramatic world is thus described: "It is generally supposed that Clara Morris, long retired and generally accepted as the best emotional actress this country has produced, made her first appear- ance on the Academy of Music stage. That, however, is erroneous. Her real name was Clara Morrison and, in 1861, I. H. Carter brought a company to play at the Tlieater Coniique. Carter boarded with a ^frs. Miller, where Clara Morris' mother also lived. Clara was stage 1861] ART AND ARTISTS 567 struck and was anxious to see real actors back of a real stage. This heightened lier ambition and slie was given a few minor parts to play. Shortly thereafter John Ellsler opened the Academy of Music and gave Clara Morris an opportunity to shine in very small parts in a good company." CHAPTER XXXI AUTHORS AND THEIR INSTITUTIONS By H. G, Cutler The temptation to write, to record one's thoughts or classified facts on paper and in print, is sometimes normal and at other times acquired, inspired by contact with others who have entered the field from one cause or another. In the old days those who became authors were generally led to the work because they honestly liked it, or thought that they could do more good by following that calling than any other. With the multiplication of newspapers, magazines and other ephemeral agencies of publication, with stories current of easy fortunes made by the pen and pencil, authorship has become either more commercial or something to be adopted as a matter of fashion. In not a few quarters, it is becoming "stylish" to write for the press or to be known as the author of books, and snug fortunes in money have made not a few names in literature. First Literary Societies and Lyceums The first local evidence of a strong literary or intellectual bent on the part of Cleveland's people was the formation of the New- burg Literary Society in 1827. It received its charter from the Ohio legislature on the fourteenth of December of that year and its trustees were Lewis Peet, TheodoreJMiles and Allen Gaylord. There had been other inconsequential debating societies, but the Newburg Literary Society had considerable stability and was the first of its kind to be dignified as an incorporated society. The second thought worthy of that honor, the Cleveland Lyceum, was incorporated in February, 1833, by Sherlock J. Andrews, John W. Allen, Orvillc B. Skinner, James S. Clark, Irad Kelley, John Barr, Leonard Case, Edward Baldwin, Richard Hussey, James L. Conger and Thomas M. Kelley — all leading citizens. Several years afterward the Cleveland Lyceum had over one hundred mcmliere, with John Barr as its president and Charles Whittlesey a.s eorrc- 568 1842] AUTHORS, ETC. 569 spondiug secretary. It established a Icfturo course, held debates and for some time maintained a reading room. Dickens Hits Cleveland Jingoism This lyceum was in existence when Charles Dickens visited Cleve- land in May, 1842, and left the following imprcs.sion of the little town in his American Notes: "After calling at one or two flat places with low dams stretching out into the lake whereon mere stumpy light houses like windmills without sails, the whole looking like a Dutcii vignette, we came at midnight to Cleveland, where we lay all night and until 9 o'clock next morning. I entertained quite a curiosity in reference to this place from having seen, at Sandusky, a specimen of its literature in the shape of a newspaper which was very strong indeed upon the subject of Lord Ashburton's recent arrival at Wash- ington to adjust the points in dispute between the United States Government and Great Britain ; informing its readers that as Amer- ica had 'whipped' England in her infancy and 'whipped' her again in her youth, so it was clearly necessary that she must 'whip' her once again in her maturity ; and pledging its credit to all true Amer- icans that if Mr. Webster did his duty in the approaching negotiations, and sent the English lord home again in double-quick time, they should, within two years, 'sing "Yankee Doodle" in Hyde Park and "Hail Columbia" in the scarlet courts of Westminster.' I found a pretty town and had the satisfaction of beholding the outside of the office of the journal from which I quoted. I did not enjoy the delight of seeing the wit who indicted the paragi-aph in question, but I have no doubt he is a prodigious man in his way and held in high repute by a select circle." The allusion to the arrival of Lord Ash- burton and the jingo sentiment expressed by the Cleveland paper have an interesting local flavor coming from the future great novelist; and the Webster-Ashburton treaty of the following August blocked the suggestion of the Cleveland editor (perhaps J. W. Gray) that Web.ster send the English lord home again in "double-quick time." After the Cleveland Lyceum came the Forest City Lyceum of the '50s, which numbered among its members many young men who afterward became prominent in business, financial and professional life. Through these lyceums, at one time and another, some of the most famous men of the country lectured in Cleveland — Emerson, Bay- ard Taylor, Henry Ward Beecher, Salmon P. Chase, John G. Saxe, 570 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXI ]ilark Twain, John G. Dana, James Whiteomb Riley, John B. Gough, Robert G. Ingersoll and others. The Young Men's Literary Association, which was organized in 1836, for the express purpose of founding a circulating library, and reorganized ten years later to join the Cleveland Librai'y Association in furtherance of that object, also wielded a strong litei'ary and edu- cational influence on the community. Its first ofReers were : Charles Whittlesey, president; George C. Davis, secretaiy; S. W. Crittenden, li'easurer; W. G. Oatman, corresponding secretary. The Ark and the Arkites But the organization which in early times was considered most select, the verj^ name of which has come down to the literati and (a) tJppor row: Dr. Elisha Sterling, Capt. B. A. Stanarcl, James .T. Tracy, Dr. A. Maynaid, Rushnell White, Leonard Case, E. A. Scovil, George A. Stanley, Rufus K. Win- slow and John Coon. (b) Lower row (all seated) : William Cise, D. W. Cross, Stoughton Bliss and Henry G. Abbey. scientists of today through a bright and mellow light, was unincor- porated, and so informal that, so far as known, it flourished for years without officers or government of any kind. There are few of mature years in Cleveland, especially if they at all are informed as to the earlier literary movements of their city, who have not heard of the Ark and its choice .spirits, the Arkites. Its real founder was William Case, brother of the Leonard Case who founded the Sdiool of Ap- 1858] , AUTHORS, ETC. 571 plied Science, but of such unstable licaltli tiiat he adopted an outdoor life to build it up to normal. From a hunter throughout Ohio, Wichi- gan and the Northwest he expanded into an enthusiastic and learned naturalist, a delight and a valued assistant even to the great Audu- bon. Long after the Ark had been abandoned, William Case com- menced the erection of a building which should accommodate the Young IMen's Library Association and the Kirtland Society of Nat- ural History, but he died of consumption, in 1862, before it was com- pleted. The following is as complete a consecutive account of the building and gradual dispersal of the Arkites as has been published: "In connection with the early literary life of the city may be remembered the Ark, the most noted club in our scientific and literary annals. It was not an organization, but just a group of kindred spirits brought together by the Case brothers, "William and Leonard, in the little one-story ofifice that stood wliere the imposing Government building now looks upon the square. When Leonard Case, Sr., abandoned this modest office in the '30s his son William, of scientific bent, built a small addition to it, where he stored his collection of birds and mam- mals. And there, graduallj' and naturally, the bright young men of the town of similar scientific bent, met in the evening for dis- cussion, or reading, or other diversion; and so eventually the Ark became populated with a group of the finest congenial spirits, the Arkites. They were William Case, Leonard Case, Dr. Elisha Ster- ling, Stoughton Bliss, Col. E. A. Scoville, George A. Stanley, Bushnell White, Capt. B. A. Stannard, Dr. A. :\raynard, D. W. Cross, Henry G. Abbey, R. K. Winslow, J. J. Tracy and John Coon. These were the original Arkites whose portraits are shown in the painting of the group ordered by William Case in 1858 and which now hangs in the Historical Society. "The building of the po.stoffice compelled the Ark to journey across the street ea.stward. The building of Case Hall necessitated an- other movement ea.stward, and finally the building of the City Hall (old City Hall — Editor) caused the demolition of the little Ark. Its wood was made into chairs, tables and other fixtures for the new rooms pro- vided in Case Library building. William Case deeded the free use of these rooms to the following gentlemen : Charles L. Rhodes, Seneca 0. Griswold, David W. Cross, Herman JL Chapin, Edward A. Scoville, William Sholl, James J. Tracy, Stoughton Bliss, Levi P. Scho- field, Rodney Gale, Jabez W. Fitch, Henry G. Abbey, Bushnell White, Benjamin A. Stannard and John Coon. "The restless city demanded yet another sacrifice of the Arkites. When the new postoffice was proposed Case Library building was 572 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXI needed as part of the site. Only three members of the Ark were left — James J. Tracy, John Coon and Levi Sehofield, and to these the court awarded 'damages.' James Tracy and John Coon have since passed away and General Sehofield remains the only survivor of the famous group." The Western Reserve Histokical Society For more than half a century tlie Western Reserve Historical Society has been the rallying point around which the historical and, to a large extent, the literary and scientific men and women of Cleveland have gathered. There is certainly no one body which is so representative of its intellectual activities as this. It was the direct outgrowth of the Cleveland Libi'ary Association and was or- ganized in April, 1867, as a branch of the association named. The prime movers in the enterprise were Judge C. C. Baldwin, Col. Charles Wliittlcsey, Joseph Perkins, John Barr, Henry A. Smith and A. T. Goodman, all prominently identified with the Library Association. The special acts of its creation and growth, mainly propelled through the earnestness and abilities of Judge Baldwin and Colonel Whittlesey, are given in detail in another paper. The foregoing paragraph is written simply to record the existence of the leading society now in existence typical of the higher intellectual activities of the scholarlj' men and women of Cleveland. The Libraries The Public Library, of which the whole city is proud, appeals not so much to special investigators as to the people en masse, thereby realizing the primary purposes for which it was founded. When to the Public Library, and the library and museum con- nected with the Western Reserve Historical Society, are added the collections housed under the corporate titles of the Western Reserve University, the Case School of Ajjplied Science, St. Ignatius College, the Case Library, and others with those specially founded for the lawyers and doctors, the historians, the educators, the political econo- mists and sociologists, the scientists, and the legal and the medical fraternities need not go afield thoroughly to pursue what special in- vestigations they may desire to make. In the light of such privileges, it is not too much to expect tlic evolution of noteworthy individual talent, even genius, from the ranks of the men and women of Cleve- land who have striven to express and to live their higher thoughts and ideals. Happily it is not too much to expect; and even the follow- ing imperfect record .shows that such expectation has been realized. 1860-87] AUTHORS, ETC. 573 Contributors to Genehai. Litkhattjre On the carlioi- getu'ratioii of (Mevelaiulers who hecamo famous out- side of newspapei" work, with which they were also ideiitiliod, none would precede Charles F. Brown ("Artemus Ward") and Benjamin F. Taylor — the former dying in the late '60s and tlie latter in the late '80s. Their connection with the press of Cleveland has already been described. Aside from his humorous writings, Artemus Ward was most widely known as a lecturer, and of his lectures those whicb dealt with the ''Mormons," and the "Shakers" were the most noto- rious. As a side-splitting lecturer of dry humor and individual man- nerisms he lias had but two equals on the platform, and they were, of course. Josh Billings and Jlark Twain. Benjamin F. Tavi-ok Benjamin F. Taylor, or B. F. Taylor, as he preferred to be called, was one of the most versatile writers who ever went forth from Cleve- land ; and he returned to die in the city he loved. In the civil war he was a newspaper correspondent at the front and, as a result, left such graphic and enduring pictures as Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain and Pictures of Life in Camp and Field. There never were more exquisite sketches of nature penned than Summer Savory, Jan- uary and June and November Days. For a character etching read Theophilus Trent; and Taylor's Poetical Works mark him as among the most graceful of American versifiers. He died in 1887. Constance Fenimore Woolson Several Cleveland women have reached a high plane in the field of general literature within the memory of the present generation. Constance Fenimore Woolson 's novels and poems were read and praised on two continents, and as careful a literary critic as Edmund C. Stedman has placed on record his judgment of her, as follows: "No woman of rarer personal qualities, or with more decided gifts as a novelist, figured in our own generation of American writers." Mrs. Woolson, who was a granddaughter of James Fenimore Cooper, was bom in New York but educated in Cleveland and at the famous French School in New York City. After residing continuously in the Forest City from 1873 to 1879— from her twenty-fifth to her thirty- first year — she commenced those travels to Florida, to Washington, to England, to Italy and other parts of the United States and Europe, which enabled her to write novels and descriptive works of such 574 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXI realistic force. Her Anne, Old Stone House, Castle Nowhere, Lake County Sketches, Dorothy and Other Italian Stories, East Angels, Jumper Lights, and The Transplanted Boy, with Tivo Women: A Poem, may be instanced as illustrations of the range and variety of her works. Sarah K. Bolton Sarah Knowles Bolton, one of the most prolific and able writers among the distinguished women of Cleveland, was born in Connecti- ' "* Sakah K. Bolton cut and educated in the widely known school conducted by Catharine Beecher at Hartford. Siie published a mimlicr of poems in her very young womanhood, but became more widely known al'tci- licr mar- riage to Charles E. Bolton, not long after the civil war. Mr. Bolton had been prominent in the relief work of the Christian and Sanitary Commission, and at the conclusion of peace located in Cleveland, en- lDOO-18] AUTIIOKS, ETC. 575 tered business and afterward beeanio widely known in eonneetion with the edueational bureau of the Young Men's Christian Association. He traveled widely and illustrated his descriptive lectures most superbly, his means and taste onablinf;: liini to aeeomiilish this work. Mrs. Bolton thus gathered much valua))le material for lior later works, although she first came into notice as a writer by licr contributions to Ilarpir's Basar, the Independent, the Congrecjationalist and other Eastern publications while she was a resident of Cleveland. Such juvenile works as How Success is Won, Lives of Poor Boys Who Be- came Famous and Girls Who Became Famous had a wide circulation and were classed as among the most wholesome literature of the day. The reputation of the late Sarah Chauiicey Woolsey (Susan Coolidge), who died in 1905, rests upon her notable contributions to juvenile literature. She was the author of What Katy Did, Eye Bright, Cross Patch, A Round Dozen, Just Sixteen and other books for the young. Lydia Hoyt Farmer w-as the author of a number of works wiiich stand well as works of graceful instruction which appealed l)otli to the young and mature readers. She died in 1903. Among her pub- lications were Boys' Book of Famous Rulers, Girls' Book of Famous Queens, A Story Book of Science, What America Owes to Women, and a Short History of the French Revolution. Ezra F. Kendall, who resided on his farm outside of Cleveland, and is deceased, was long known as a lecturer and writer of pro- nounced humor. He also wrote several plays. His Good Gravy, Spots of M'lt and Humor and Tell It to Me will be remembered by many. Edmund Vance Cooke Edmund Vance Cooke is a well known Clevelander of early middle age who has given himself almost exclusively to literary matters, in- cluding the writing of poems and stories and lecturing, with lecture entertainments. His Patch of Pansies, Impertinent Poems and Little Tot, stories are widely read. Mr. Cooke has served as president of the International Lyceum Association and of the Cleveland Single Tax Club ; is a charter member of the American Press Humori.sts and has been chairman of the Progressive Constitutional Leagiie of Cuyahoga County. It is evident that he is a thinker and reformer, as w-ell as a poet. He is widely known to the Cleveland reading public, both to those who are newspaper readers and those who seek more permanent literary collections. Mr. Cooke's most widely admired single poem, a peculiarly healthful inspirational for these times, is 576 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXI "How Dm You Dm?" Did yoii tackle tliat trouble that came your way With a resolute heart and cheerful? Or hide your face from the light of day With a craven soul and fearful? Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce, Or a trouble is what you make it. And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts, But onl}' how did you take it? You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what's that? Come up with a smiling face ! It's nothing against yoii to fall down flat. But to lie there — that's disgrace. The harder you're thrown, why the higher you bounce, Be proud of your blackened eye ! It isn't the fact that you're licked that counts; It's how did you fight and why? And though you be done to the death, what then? If you battled the best you could, If you played your ]iart in the world of men. Why, the Critic will call it good. Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce. And whether he's .slow or spry. It isn't the fact that you're dead that counts, But only how did you die? Mrs. Jane Elliott Snow has done considerable literary work of a high order and is widely known as one of the most active and bril- liant women of Cleveland, who has wonderfully retained her elasticity of spirits and mentality while gracefully descending the western slopes. Her Women of Tennyson and Life of William McKinley are among her representative books. Cleveland Lawyers as Authors Several Cleveland lawyers have branched out into general litci'a- ture to such purposes that to the public at large they are better known as authors than in the profession for which they were seriously trained. Ezra S. Brudno is a native of Lithuania, so foully overrun by Ger- many, and his Jewish stories, many of which are founded on the ex- periences of his childhood and boyhood, are strongly and tenderly written. Mr. Brudno is highly educated, being a graduate of the Western Reserve University and Yale's law school. He has practised his profession in Cleveland since 1001, and has served also as as- 1900-18] AUTHORS, ETC. 577 sistant district attoruoy, but it is as the autlior of The Fugitive, Lit- tle Comcript, One of Us, Scribes and Pharisees that he is known outside of his home city and state. Hubert B. Fuller has practised law in Cleveland since 11)03. lie is a Yale College graduate, from which ho ha,s received two degrees, and Columbian (now George Washington) University has conferred two more upon him (LL. B. and LL. JM.). For a number of years he was also secretary to United States Senator Theodore Burton. Doe- tor Fuller is the author of several works on history and law : Th'. Purchase of Florida, The Speakers of the House, and llie Law of Accident and Employers' Liability Insurance. Charles W. Chesnutt is a practising law.yer of Cleveland, who in his early manhood was an educator in North Carolina and a news- paper man in New York City. He is the author of a number of works such as The Conjure Woman, The Wife of His Youth, Life of Frederick Douglass, The House Behind the Cedars, The Marrow of Tradition, and The Colonel's Dream. A man well past middle age before he commenced his literary career, Albert Gallatin Riddle, the able lawyer and legislator, who died in 1902, at the age of eighty-six, has left a series of strong de- scriptive and historical works, including Bart Ridgely, The Portrait, House of Boss, Anselm's Cave, Life and Character of Garfield, Life of Benjamin F. Wade, and Recollections of War Times. There are few writers who have more graphically dealt with scenes, incidents and characters connected with Cuyahoga County and the Western Reserve than Mr. Riddle. Educational and Historical Many of Cleveland's most prominent men and women have left their impress upon the educational and historical fields of literature. It is impossible for the practical workers and builders in an expand- ing community to do otherwise than to promote, through the printed column and page, the vital causes which are nearest their hearts and to which their minds go forth with such fervor. Colonel Whittlesey and Judge Baldwin Colonel Charles W^hittlcsey's list of historical writings, dealing largely with Western Reserve subjects, make a tract by itself. His Early History of Cleveland is still standard. He also made numer- ous scientific contributions to the publications of the Smithsonian In- 578 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXI stitution, and whatever he wrote, or performed, had for its ultimate object the enlightenment and education of the people with whom his lot was east for so many years. The early literary societies, the early press, the early scientific organizations, the early explorations in geologj' and archaeology' were all identified with his name and pen. He was a mining engineer of great distinction, a member of the first geological sur^-ey of Ohio, and one of the founders of the Cleveland Academj' of Natural Sciences and the Western Reserve Historical Soeiet}', so that his doings far outstripped his writings, voluminous as they were. The same may be said of Judge Charles C. Baldwin, whose fame as a member of the bench and bar was so pronounced that it is detailed in the record devoted to the legal profession, and yet his historical and scientific writings are so numerous and valuable as to be in a class by themselves. Elroy McKendree Avery, the author of this volume, has written largely on the subjects of physical science and American history. His wife, Catherine H. T. Avery, was a member of the Woman's Press Club of Cleveland and, for a dozen years prior to her death, was editor of The American Monthly Magazine, the official organ of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. Biographical sketches of both of them will appear in a later volume of Cleveland and Its Envirmxs. Identified with the Western Reserve University A number of those who have become prominent in educational and historical literature have been identified, more or less closely, with the Western Reserve University. Dr. Oliver F. Emerson, who has been professor of English since 1896, is a native of Iowa still on the sunny side of sixty, and received his first degree, A. M., from Iowa College, in 1882. He was superintendent of schools of two large cities in the Hawkeye State and principal of Iowa College Academy before he commenced his service of eight years with Cornell University as a teacher of English and rhetoric. Iowa College has conferred A. M. and Lift. D. upon him and Cornell, Ph. D. Doctor Emerson is the author- of several histories of the English language and the Middlf Eiicjlish Header, and has edited such genei'al literary works as John- son's Ra^sclas, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Edward Gibbon, and Poems of Chaucer. iy00-18J AUTllUUS, ETC. 579 Edvvavcl G. Boiinie, who died in 1908, was a Yale graduate and connected with the faculty of Adclhert College in ISSH-Df). He iiuule a fine recunl Koth as an antlioi- and an educator and after leaving (Jlevehuul was prdniiuently idciititied with Yale University. Prof. Henry M. IJourne, U'ading educator and historical writer, and since 1892 at the head of the historical department in the Western Reserve Univei'sity, was born in New York and is a Yale graduate and fellow. Before coming to Cleveland he vvas associate editoi' of the Congregatiotialist, Boston, and taught history and psj-ehology in Connecticut. Besides holding the chair of history in the Western Reserve University, Professor Bourne was its registrar in 189;M!)01. He is the author of Teaching of History and Civics, Mediceval and Modern Tlistory and B evolutionary Period in Europe, has edited Lecky's French Uevolution and is a constant contributor to standard reviews. Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart is well known to the faculty of the Western Reserve and to Cleveland students and wi'iters of history, and one of his LL. D.'s came from the home institution. The son of a Cleveland physician, for twent\-Hve years past he has been identified with the faculty of Harvard and his numerous works on American history, which have earned him a high reputation, have been issued by eastern houses. He was the editor-in-chief of the American Xation, a cooperative histoiy in twenty-seven volumes, issued in 1903-08. Doctor Hart has also served as president of the American Historical Association. Dr. James Ford Rhodes, much of whose reputation as a historical scholar, writer and lecturer has been made in the East of the United States and in Europe, is a resident of Boston. He was born in Cleve- land seventy years ago and was educated in Xew York, Chicago and abroad. He has received learned degrees from the We.stern Uni- versity, Harvard, Yale, the University of Wisconsin, New York University, Princeton, O.xford and others, and has membership in numerous learned societies. Like Doctor Hart, he has also been hon- ored with the presidency of th(; American Ilistoi'ieal .Association. His largest publication is the History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850, in eight volumes. Burke A. Hinsdale, a leader in educational work, was a personal friend of James A. Garfield and edited his works, which were pub- lished in two volumes. He was also the author of President Garfield and Eduratian, The Old Northwest, TIow to Study and Teach Tlis- tory and The American Government. His death occurred in 1900. 580 . CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXI Harvey Rice Harvey Rice, whose gi-eat, personality has Wen repeatedly pro- jected on these pages, was one of the first of Cleveland's prominent citizens to place on record some of the historical matters connected with the "Western Reserve which had come into his life. What the writers of Cleveland history would have done without his Founder of City of Cleveland, Pioneers of Western Reserve, Incidents of Pio- neer Life and Sketches of Western Life, it is impossible to say, for, like the poor, ' ' we have them always with us. ' ' Samuel P. Orth Samuel P. Orth was active in Cleveland for several years, as a lawyer, lecturer, educator and historian. lie was born in Micliigaii, graduated from Oberlin College and subsequently from the University of Michigan, his course in the latter being law and political science. He held the chair of political science and public law at Buchtel Col- lege, Akron, Ohio, and afterward took a post-graduate course and became a fellow in these branches at Columbia University, from which he ol)tained the Ph. D. degree. Doctor Orth practistxl law in Cleve- land from 1903 to 1912, during wliich he was also president of the board' of education, assistant United States attorney, and lecturer on the branches in which he had been educated for the Western Re- serve Univei-sity, the Case School of Applied Science and Oberlin College. During that period he also became the author of several historical works, the most valuable of which was .1 Bistory of Cleve- land, to which the writer of this chai)ter, with pleasure, acknowledges his indebtedness. In 1912, Doctor Orth left Cleveland to a.ssume the chair of political science at Cornell University, which he still holds. Since his departure from the Forest City he has published a work of considerable scope. Socialism and Democracy in Europe, 1913. James H. Kennedy James II. Kennedy, who was educated in Clcvclaiiil :iii(l was for years on the Leader, also contributed much valuable local history to permanent literature. His History of Cleveland. Bench and Bar of Cleveland and many contributions 1o 1lie Magazine of Western His- tory, with works of a more general luiture, such as Early History of Mormonism, gave him a good standing while he resided in Cleveland. From 1889 to 1902, he was editor of the Magazine of Western History, li)00-18J AUTHORS, ETC. 581 and for ten years after lie moved to Xew Yoi-k acted as correspondent of the I'laiii Dealer, ^h: Kennedy was a member of the Cleveland Public Library Board and has served in the same capacity in the na- tion's metropolis. He lias also edited the Aiucrican Nation series of three volumes, and in the larger city continued his Cleveland career of reliable abilitv. Leading Educators as Writers Andrew J. RickolT, Cleveland's p:reat suporiiiteiident of schools, was too absoi'bed in the practical work of molding an cducalioiial system, and giving it elastic life, to do much in the way of authorship. But his Appleton's Scries of Readers, which he prepared with "Wil- liam T. Harris, afterwards United States commissioner of education, are still recalled as among the most satisfactory school text books ever placed on the market. Harriet L. Keelcr, one of the veteran educators of Cleveland, and a writer of considerable note, obtained .her A. B. from Oberlin Col- lege in 1870, in the days when such distinction was rare. Miss Keele'r was superintendent of primary instruction in the Cleveland public schools in 1871-79, teacher in the Central High School from 1879 to 1909 and superintendent of schools from January to September, 1912. Her writing of books has been along lines of English coinjiositioii and botany, especially of the latter. Wild Flowers of Early Spring, Our Native Trees, Our Northern Shrubs and Our Garden Flowers were valuable contributions to that class of literature. "W. J. Akers, an old settler, an early member of the board of edu- cation, and otherwise "a part of which he wrote," has made a valu- able contribution to local history in his Tlistory of the Cleveland Public Schools; Clara A. Urann, as a writer for the local press, is also to be listed with credit, and ^Irs. Gertrude Van R. Wickham's Early History of Cleveland has been drawn upon to some extent. CHAPTER XXXII NEWSPAPERS AND THEIR BUILDERS Bxj H. G. Cutler Cleveland, like other great cities of the Eastern West — the Mid- dle West no longer applies — has been honored with ably conducted newspapers, and brilliant and influential newspaper men and women, furnishing powerful agencies and agents in the development and con- stant inspiration of the home community. Public men have used the local press as the medium of their thoughts and aspirations, and passed to other fields of accomplishment. Men and women who have subsequently became famous authors have first tried their literary wings in the columns of the home newspapers. Others, whose ambi- tions were even confined to the daily and hourly fascinations and neiTfe- wearing rush of metropolitan journalism, have gone forth to even broader fields than are covered b_y Cleveland; while still others have striven through long years of honorable and able efforts to ad- vance the best interests of their home city and the nation at large. The call upon man or woman to produce a successful editor is serious and imperative. It means prompt thouglit and action and per- sistent work and alertness. Yet tliose who have never been straining in the traces imagine that "anyone can run a newspaper." Raise a little money, buy .some type, hire a printer if you are not one your- self, light a pipe or cigar, put on your thinking cap, dash off a lot of copy, set the world on fire, and make a good living and a name for yourself and posterity ! Before the men and women of training and stern stuff arrive, every community has therefore its experimenters in tlie making of newspapers. First Newsp.\i>kr Not .\ Success Cleveland's first newsiuiper, the Gazette and Commercial Reg- ister* appeared on Friday, the thirty-first (if July, 1818, and sus- pended, after many trials and tribulatioMs. on the twenty-first of .March, 1820. It wa.s edited \>y one Andrew Logan, who is said to have * See page 117. 582 1818-37] NEWSPAPERS, ETC. 583 been a descendant of the noted IMin^o ehiff and who, to try his Cleve- land experiment, brought a rickety hand press and some worn-out type from Pennsylvania. C. V. J. Hickox was associated with Logan. Cleveland Herald and Eben D. Howe But the forceful men had already entered the local newspaper field and planted an institution which was to be the foundation of a substantial and progi-essive press. On the nineteenth of October, 1819, appeared the first luiiuber of the Cleveland Herald * which ex- isted as a vigorous independent newspaper for some si.xty years. L. Willes, who had lately established the Erie Gazette, was induced by his old friend, Ehen D. Howe, to come to Cleveland, and he brought with him his press and type. The two thus founded the Cleveland Her- ald, weekly, which was first issued from a little one-storj' cabin directly opposite the Commercial Coffee House on Superior Street. In October, 1820, it was moved to a location opposite Mowry's Tavern and a few rods from the courthouse. Mr. Howe, in his autobiography, gives a few details of his uj)- hill, cross-country fight, to work up the Herald circulation. The circumstantial evidence goes to show that Mr. Willes kept things in order at home, while Mr. Howe hustled hard on the outside. Evidently the strain upon Mr. Howe was too severe, for in 1821 he sold his interests in the Herald and moved to Painesville, where he edited the Telegraph. Meanwhile the Gazette and Commercial Heg- ister had surrendered to circumstances and Mr. Willes' paper liad the local field to itself. Ill health compelled him to sell the plant and good will of the Herald to Jewett Paine, in 1826 ; Mr. Paine, who died in 1828, was succeeded by John R. St. John and he, in turn, by Ben- jamin Andrews. The last named was a prominent local politician and was for a time postmaster of Cleveland. JosLMi A. Harris In August, 1834, L. L. Rice began the publication of the Clcvk- land Whig, a weekly that became a semi-weekly in March of the fol- lowing year. In May, 1836, Mr. Rice also founded the Daily Gazette, which on the first of January, 1837, he sold to Whittlesey (Charles) & Bliss (Stoughton). In the spring following Whittlesey & Harris (Josiah A.) purchased both the Gazette and the Herald and combined * See page 122. 584 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIEONS [Chap. XXXII them under the name of the Herald and Gazette. Colonel Whittlesey sold his interest in 1838 and Mr. Harris became sole editor and pro- prietor. Under his management, in 1845, the office was moved to the Merchants' Exchange and a steam power press was installed, as an unquestioned and novel evidence of progress and solid prosperit.y. The name became plain the Herald in 1843 and, early in 1850, A. W. Fairbanks of the Toledo Blade joined ilr. Harris in its publication, as well as in a printing and bookbinding business. The establishment moved into a building of its own in January, 1851. This Herald Building, at 60 Bank Sti-eet, was the first stone-front business block to be erected in Cleveland, the raw material for its construction being taken from the sandstone quarries nine miles up the canal. The post- office was located on the first floor of the new building. A. W. Fairbanks In 1857, Josiah A. Harris, after a continuous and honorable serv- ice of twenty years, retired from the Herald, and for the succeeding two decades his old and faithful associate, A. W. Fairbanks, was captain of the enterprise. Therefore, it cannot be stretching the truth to assert that Messrs. Harris and Fairbanks made the Herald, for years the leading newspaper of Cleveland. In 1872, ^Ir. Fair- banks became sole proprietor of the concern by purchasing the Bene- dict interests. Five years later, or in the autumn of 1877, Richard C. Parsons, who had served a term in congress, and William P. Fogg, a business man, purchased the paper of Mr. Fairbanks and organized The Herald Publishing Company. Mr. Pai'sons assumed the editor- ship and Mr. Fogg the business management. But it soon became evident to the reading public that the Herald was lacking in gen- eral vitality and that something which makes a readable and influen- tial newspaper. Division of the Herald The final result was that in 1SS5 its mechanical i)lant was juir- chased by the Plain Dealer, which had been buffeting along for over fifty years, and its subscription list and good will went to the Leader, which had been developing for about two-score years. Much of that period, however, it had labored in the rough seas of journalism sadly deficient in financial power. So Ihat, despite the brilliant editorial administration of J. W. Cray, from 1841 to 1861, the Phin Dealer was somewhat nnrcrtain mi its feet unlil 1S85, when L. V). lloMrn 1831-45] XKWSi'Al'EKS, ETC. 585 secured control, the llcrahl plant was added to its equipment, J. 11. A. Bone became ideutitied with its editorial stall" and other events combined to stabilize the enterprise. Founding op tiik Plain Dealer But to return to the birth of the Plain Dealer. On the sixtli of January, 1831, was issued the first number of the Cleveland Adver- tiser, edited and published by Henry BoUes and Madison Kelley. Within the succeeding four years it passed through a number of hands, and in January, 1835, its office was over the postoffice. The Advertiser was originally a whig organ and John W. Allen was one of its editors, but evidently the patronage from the party was not encouraging, for, in 1834, two young democratic printers from Chagrin Falls became its proprietors. Soon afterward they moved their plant to "over the postoffice." They stugglcd with it through the panic of 1837 and the hard times which followed, but in December, 1841, sold the Ad- vertiser to Admiral N. and J. W. Gray. From that time commences the history of the newspaper under the strikingl.y appropriate name the Plain Dealer. The new owners took formal possession on the first of January, 1842, and on the seventh of January tlie first issue of the re-cliristened Plain Dealer made its entry into newsj)aperdom. The Gray brothers were Vermonters; J. W., a young lawyer then soliciting practice, and neither of them editors nor practical newspaper men, but hard work- ers, clever and canny. In 1845, A. N. Gray witlidi-ew from the part- nership, leaving J. W. Gray in undisputed possession; "and from that year, through the seventeen years the paper was under his con- trol, the Plain Dealer was J. W. Gray and J. W. Gray was the Plain Dealer." Continuing the story, its diamond jubilee edition of 1916, says: "In one of the early issues of the paper the editor sets out to explain why he gave the Plain Dealer the unusual name it bears. In his whimsical fashion he calls it a simple title, straightforward, readily understood and 'warranted not to frighten the ladies.' \o doubt the choice of the name was largely due to the editor's familiar- ity with English literature, its plays and colloquialisms. "It was during the administration of J. W. Gray that the Plain Dealer became an evening daily, a daring and even reckless change. But it weathered the threatening winds and waves, and .iust a little later felt so sure of its course that it contracted for a share in the use of the first steam printing-press brought to the city. It was brought by 586 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXII Closes C. Younglove, a job printer with progressive ideas and the neces- sary capital. "The decade, 1851-60, proved an awakening period for the Cleve- land dailies. The electric telegraph, introduced to the city in 1849, became a necessaiy factor. The steam railways, dating from the opening of the Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati line in 1851, mate- rially increased business and opened new fields of \isefulness. "During this ten-year period Editor Gray's staff at various times included a number of writers who were destined to achieve unusual fame. Among them were J. B. Bonghton. afterwards and for many years a distinguished editorial writer on one of the New York dailies ; David R. Locke, who became editor of the Toledo Blade, and author of the 'Na.sby Letters;' William E. McLaren, afterwards a bishop of the Protestant Episcopal chnreli ; James D. Cleveland, a leading lawj'er; A. M. Griswold, journalist, humorist and lecturer; George Hoyt, journalist and artist; Charles Farrar Browne, who gained world wide fame as Artemns Ward. It was while Browne was on the Plain Dealer staff — which he joined in the autumn of 1857 — that he adopted his nom de plume and be^an the publication of his inimitable letters. "The riain Dealer columns were further enriched during this period by letters from abroad written by two leading Clevelanders, J. H. Sargent and George M. Marshall, both trained writers and in- telligent observers. "J. W. Gray, founder, promoter and editor of the Plain Dealer, died on May 26, 1862. " 'His life,' to quote from the tribute of one of his associates, 'af- fords another example to the rising young men of the day, of the l)ower of will to triumph over all obstacles, when to an indefatigable industry is added those exemplary virtues, strict integrity and tem- ]>crance. ' "The paper suffered from the loss of tlie guiding haml, and for sev- eral years its progress was not satisfactory. "In 1865 it passed into the control of William W. Armstrong, a journalist and politician, whose newspaper career had commenced wifli the editorship of the Tiffin Advertiser. "Twenty years later Liberty E. Ilolden liecame the Plain Dealer 'fs owner and editor, and a little later bought the moribund Herald and merged the two. The Plain Dealer had been an evening paper since its inception. Mr. lloblcii retained th(> evening odilioii and founded the morning and Sundav issue. 1885-1918] XKWSl'Al'Eli.S, ETC. 587 "The first morniiisi Plain Dealer appeared March 16, 1885, and carried this declaration of principles at its masthead: " 'We shall endeavor to discuss all pulilic measures fairly and honestly, granting to others, as we ask for ourselves, confidence in the sincerity of our convictions. We shall at all times be watchful of the rights of man, holding that man is superior to party, and that all governnu^nt should he for the g(K)d of the governed. To these ends we solicit the patronage of our fellow citizens.' "When Mr. Holden bought the Plain Dealer he removed the plant from its Seneca Street location to the corner of Bank and Frankfort streets. Here it renuiined until 18i)6, when it was removed to the corner of Superior Avenue and Bond Street, now East Sixth Street, the [irescnt site. On the second of Feburary, 1908, the building was destroyed by fire, but not an issue was missed. In November, 1911, the Plain Dealer celebrated the 70th year of its existence and its occu- pancy of its model new home, though the newspaper had been issued from the building a year earlier. "The change in ownership proved a desirable stiumlus, and the Plain Dealer went its way with fresh vigor. In the meantime Mr. Holden had extended his activities into many other fields, and, in 1898, leased the Plain Dealer for a period of nine years to Elbert H. Baker and Charles E. Kennedy. Mr. Baker was already at that time a man of ripe experience in newspaper work. Mr. Kennedy also was trained to the business. "At the expiration of the contract, in 1907, ]Mr. Kennedy withdrew, and Mr. Holden made a like contract with Mr. Baker as lessee and general manager. Mr. Holden died August 26, 1913. "The Plain Dealer became the property of the Holden Estate, and Mr. Baker was made president and general manager of The Plain Dealer Publishing Co." As stated at the head of its editorial page: "The Plain Dealer and Daily Leader. The PMn Dealer was established as the Evening Plain Dealer in 1841. Morning and Sunday editions founded in 1885 by L. E. Holden. Published every day in the year by the Plain Dealer Publishing Company." Elbert II. Baker, president and general manager, had twenty years' experience and advancement in connection with the Herald and the Leader before he became identified with the Plain Dealer as described. In 1912-14 he served as president of the American Newspaper Publishers Association. 588 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXII Quaint, Lovable "Aetemus Ward" To the foregoing brief reference of Artemus Ward a few words may be added, in view of the world-wide fame as a humorous writer and lecturer, which he earned after he had graduated from the Plain Dealer. His newspaper column, through which the Maine Yankee first came into public notice, was headed "Artemus Ward's Sayings." After Mr. Brown had passed three years with the paper, more or less industriously, he bids farewell to Cleveland in its issue of the tenth of November, 1860 : ' ' The undersigned closes his connec- tion with the Plain Dealer with this evening's issue. During the three years that he has contributed to these columns he has endeavored to impart a cheerful spirit to them. He believes it is far better to stay in sunshine while he may, inasmuch as the shadow must of its own accord come only too soon. He cannot here in fit terms express his deep gratitude to the many, including every member of the press of Cleve- land, who have so often manifested the most kindly feeling toward himself. But he can very sincerely say that their courtesy and kindness will never be forgotten. "The undersigned may be permitted to flatter himself that he has some friends among the readers of newspapers. May we meet again. "Charles F. Brown." It is to be noted that the card in the Plain Dealer is signed Brown, although most of Artemus Ward's biographies spell the family name Browne. His most famous lecture on "The Mormons" he de- livered all over the English-speaking world. While on one of his lecture tours, at Southampton, England, a little over seven years after bidding his Cleveland friends farewell, the lovable humorist died of consumption. Benjamin F. Taylor Benjamin F. Taylor, the i)oe1 and Inimorist, who was a rare com- bination of both temperaments, contributed to the Plain Dealer and other Cleveland i)a])ers. Like Ai'tcinus Ward he also traveled and lectured. He died in Cleveland on the twenty-fourth of February, 1887. Of late years the paper has numbered many talented men and women among its editors, feature writers and conlributors. Its man- aging editor, Eric C. no|)\\()(iii. is a leading journalist. William (i. Rose, widely known as an expert business counselor, was for a mnnl)er of years dramatic critic of tlie Plain Dealer, and William R. Rose is well known in its daih' cijlnniiis :is the author ol' ".Ml in the Hiix's 1852-1918] NEWSl'Al'KIJS, KTC. 589 \Vork." Among the I'lain Dealer woineu whom recent years have brought to tlie front may be mentioned Jessie C. Glasier and Mary D. Donahey, pithy and instruL'tive writers on domestic and social topics. Of the cartoonists permanently connected with the I'lain Dealer none has become more widely admired and his productions absorbed and laughed over than John II. Donahey, "Uncle Biff." The West Side Produces Newsp.m'krs It early became evident to those who had tlic progress of the West Side at heart that tlu-y nnist have a live newspaper at their command. Bo on the twenty-si.\th of May, 1836, T. H. Smead and fjy- man W. Hall commenced the i)ublication of the Ohio (Jity Argus. Although Mr. Smead was a fine printer, he was not an expert editor and, although he continued to issue the paper alone for a numlier of years after Mr. Hall's withdi-awal, was obliged to suspend its publica- tion. Young Edwin CIowles Introduced Then R. B. Dennis, in 1844, founded the Ohio American on the West Side. It is said that Edwin Cowles was one of his "devils." At all events when the youthful printer was but eighteen (in 1845) he took over the Ohio Americwn as publisher and associated himself with L. L. Rice^ editor. In the following year, M. W. Miller assumed its publication and so continued until 1848. In the meantime, it had been absorbed by the True Democrat, a newspaper which had been transplanted from Lorain County, and the Ohio Americwn had relin- quished its name to its captor. Several changes in proprietorshiji occurred before 1851, when its owners, Vaughn & Thomas, imported a strong Boston editor, George Bradburn, and made the True Demo- crat popular throughout the Western Reserve. Joseph Medill and Edwin Cowles Associated In 1852, Joseph Mcdill came to Cleveland and established the Daily Forest City. It absorbed the True Democrat and Edwin Cowles joined Mr. Medill as partner and business manager. Messrs. Medill and Vaughn were the editors. Becomes the Leader Under Cowlks In ^March, 1854, the newspaper became the Leader, on the in- sistence of Mr. Cowles, who in the ffillowing year imrchascd the inter- 590 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXII est of Messrs. Medill and Vaughn, and proceeded to substantiate its new name. His former partners, with Alfred Cowles, a brother of Edwin, then went to Chicago to make the Tribune a great news- paper. Edwin Cowt^es, Premier Cleveland Journalist There have been many able and brilliant newspaper men in Cleve- land, but never one so masterly in every detail of the profession, from Edwin Cowles mechanical to editorial, from practical earning capacity to the con- ception and execution of broad national canij)aigns through the col- umns of his journal, as Edwin Cowles. From the time he assumed control of the Leader in 1855, for a period of thirty-five years, or until his death on the fourth of March, 1890, he was among the two or three great western editors and publishers who towered in the field of journalism and made his paper a power for honorable progress. Ohio had cause to be j)roufl of hci- son. Cleveland especially claimed him, {US he learned Ihe pi'inlrr's tiMdc wliilr a boy in the ol'lice of 1855-1918] NEWSPAPERS, ETC. 591 the old Ohio American, sprouted as an editor and publisher in the Forest City, and, while the driving power and the very soul of the Leader, assisted iu the organization of the Republican party, was post- master of Cleveland during and after tiie civil war, was twice a del- egate to Republican national conventions (1876 and 1884), in 1877 was an honorary coniinissioiicr to the Paris Exposition, and in every way, at home and abroad, evinced a balanced activity, a brave and broad mentality, granite determination, ami a hif^li-mindcil as well as a practical conception of tlie great prol)lcnis which lie was calleil ujion to consider and solve. Such a luastcr-biiihlcr natui'ally drew to liim- self, as associates and friends, brilliant ami faithful workers who con- tributed of their energies and talents in the upbuilding of the Lcaeler. For some years F. Pinkerton was Mr. Cowles ' partner and business manager, and the Leader was owned and conducted by Cowles, Pinkerton & Company. In 1856, that firm was succeeded by E. Cowles & Company and, in 1861, an evening edition was added to the morning paper. It was called tlie Evening Leader. The Cleveland Leader Company, the stock of which was largely owned and entirely con- trolled by Mr. Cowles, was organized in July, 1865, and in April, 1867, the name of the operating corporation was changed to The Leader Printing Company. Evening News Founded The afternoon edition of the Leader became the Evening News in 1868, and in 1885, when the subscription list and business of the Herald were purchased by Mr. Cowles and added to its own, the style was changed to the News and Herald. The Sunday edition of the Herald was established in 1877. It is claimed for the Leader that it was the tirst newspaper in Ohio that was printed on a rotary press, which delivered the sheets pasted, with leaves cut. all in one operation ; and that it installed the first electrotype plates iu Ohio. John C. Covert For a time after Mr. Cowles' death in 1890, the Leader was edited by John C. Covert. He was a forceful writer and (luitc a remarkable linguist, as well as a practical printer and e.xperiencd editor. lie served in the 'Ohio legislature for two terms and in 1897 was appointed United States consul to Lyons, France. Since then 592 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXII he has corresponded for various newspapers and lectured consid- erably, with that city as his headquarters. He has been decorated by the French minister of public instruction and is an officer of the French Academy. James B. Morrow followed Mr. Covert as editor. James H. Ken- nedy was also on the editorial staff. In 1909, the Leader was leased to Charles E. Kennedy, Nat C. Wright and H. S. Thalheimer. Mr. Wright was editoi"-in-cliief from 1905 to 1913 and had previously served as managing editor. From 1907 to the latter year he was president of the Cleveland Printing Company, which controlled the two newspapers. Mr. Wright has also been publisher of the Toledo Blade since 1908. The Present Clevel.\nd News The present Cleveland News, of which the Leader is the Sunday edition, is the result of a complex amalgamation effected in 1907. In that consolidation were represented the Cleveland Daily World, the Evening Star, the Sunday Sun and Voice, the Evening Sun and the Morning Times, all founded in 1889. The Star and the Sun and Yoi-ce were absorbed by the \yorld, which ran along for eighteen years un- der various proprietors and editors, including one receiver, until 1907. In that year, Charles A. Otis, the banker, purchased the World, together with the afternoon edition of the Plain Dealer, and the Netcs and Herald of the Leader. These were all amalgamated under the financial direction of Mr. Otis and came forth as the Cleve- land Netvs. Since then the Leader as a whole has been absoi'bed by the Cleveland Company, Inc., which now issues both that publication on Sunday and the New.s as an afternoon daily. The present officers of the Cleveland Company are D. R. Ilainia. president; William P. Leech, vice ])resident ; George F. Jloran, as- sistant general manager, and T. A. Robertson, managing editor. Mr. Robertson obtained his education in l\ncliigan and his newspaper training previous to beconiing editor of the Leader and News, on the St. Louis Republican and the Houston Post. Cleveland Press and 'i-iii: SciniM's-MrRAi; LEAorE The Cleveland Press, established as the Penny Press and firr.t i.ssued on the second of November, 1878, is the most important of the chain of newspapers, the telegi-aphic news' of wliieh is supplied by the Seripps-'McRae League of Newspapei's. James E. Scripps and 1878-1918] NEWSPAPERS, ETC. 593 Johu S. Sweeuey, of the Detroit News, were the promoters of the little trenchant condensed four-page folio issued from Frankfort Street, which, in turn, excited ridicule, mirth, interest and respect. Its early popular name was the Frankfort Street IldndbiU. It ha.s de- veloped from a handbill to a metropolitan afternoon daily (except Sunday). Mr. Scripps, founder of the Cleveland Press, in 1878, was also the originator of the a.ssoeiation, or league, of newspapers, \\>hich combined to furnish tcl('}?rai)hic news and general co-operative vitality to those composing it.s meiiil)crsliip. He had established the Detroit Evening Neirs in 1873, and subsequent to the founding of the Cleve- land Press added the St. Louis Chronicle and the Cincinnati Post to his proprietoi"ship. He was of English birth and had received years of training on the Detroit Tribune before he ventured into what proved a remarkably successful newspaper enterprise. He died in 1906, having been one of Detroit's leading citizens for many years. R. F. Paine, a native of Cleveland, was then editor of the Press for about twenty years (1883-1902) and during 1897-1905 was gen- eral manager of the Scripps-McRae Press Association. H. N. Rickey was the active editor during the latter period and then succeeded Mr. Paine as general manager of the entire chain. Mr. Rickey was succeeded in the editor.ship of the Press by Earl E. Martin, who re- mained in that position from 1905 to 1914. Victor Morgan, who had been identified with the "league" for about eight years, then became editor of the paper and Mr. Martin assumed the position of editor-in- chief of the Scripps-McRae League of Newspapers, now comprising the following: Clevelamd Press, Cincinnati Post, Toledo Netvs-Bee, Columhus Citizen, Akron Press, Kentucky Post, Des Moines Neivs and Oklahoma Netvs. The headquartere are in the Union National Bank, Cleveland. The present officers of the Scripps Publishing Company are \V. H. Dodge, president; C. F. Mosher, secretary and treasurer, and James G. Scripps, chairman of the board. Among those who were early connected with the Cleveland Press and subsequently became prominent may be instanced Charles Nelan, the cartoonist ; John Vandereook, deceased, who was general manager of the United Press Association, and Samuel E. Kiser, who ran the gauntlet in Cleveland as telegraphic operator, reporter and sub-editor, contributing sketches both to the Press and the Leader before he ob- tained a wider reputation. Mr. Kiser now resides in Evanston, Illinois. Vol I— s« 594 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXII Cleveland Newspaper Field, as a "Whole The foregoing are but sketches of the prominent dailies and weeklies of Cleveland. But there are more than a hundred of lesser caliber, but many none-the-less indispensable in their special fields. Catholics and Protestants and Jews are all represented by flourishing publications, ably and earnestly conducted. The publishing house of the Evangelical Association, which issiies a number of periodicals, was moved to Cleveland as early as 1854, and the different denomina- tions have their organs of dissemination. The Catholic Universe, one of the most influential magazines of that church in the West, was founded by the Rt. Rev. R. Gilmonr in 1874. The Italians, the Slavs and the Hungarians have their organs in the Cleveland press. Cleveland Women has represented the sex in the Forest City since 1917. Art, music, automobiles, machinists, railroad men, the medical fraternity, iron merchants and manufac- turers, the marine interests, the socialists, those addicted to outdoor and indoor sports, the bankers, and every other class, or movement, or practical activity, or speculative reform, or patriotic impulse or re- ligious sentiment, not peculiar to Cleveland, but common to every characteristic American city, finds expression in the press of Cleve- land. CHAPTER XXXIII RKLKilOrs. DENOMINATIONAL, ETC. By II. a. Cutler Chui-fhes aiul otlier religious institutions have taken such deep root in Cleveland, and spread into every section of its territory with such vigor, that the eity has often been caUed tlie Brooklyn of the West. There has always been this diffei'ence, iiowev(»r, between the eastern and the western eity of cliurclies. From times beyond the memory of living men aJid women Brooklyn was rather an exclu- sive suburb of Greater New York, set aside as a beautiful region of residences and houses of worship, away from the bustle of liusiiiess and the hum of industry. Cleveland, especially in the earlier jieriod of its life, brought religion to the very doors of its stores and woi'k- shops. Distinctive Religious Bodies There have always been z( alous and adventuresome missionaries of Christ who have preached and labored wherever two or three could be gathered to listen to the Word. So without detailing the move- ments of these brave Christian pioneers — Baptist, Episcopal, Presby- terian, Congregational, Catholic, Jlcthodist and others — wlio ven- tured among the struggling settlers at the mouth of the Cuyahoga dur- ing the first twenty years of the community's history, the writer will commence the local religious record with tlie beginnings of distinctive religious organizations. Trinity Episcop.vl Church of Cleveland Trinity Episcopal church was the first religious body boi'n in Cleve- land and one of the first of that denomination to a|)pcar west of the Allegheny mountains. The parish was foundetl* on the ninth of No- vember, 1816, at the house of Phineas Shepherd, a resident of Brook- lyn village. In the following spring, the Rev. Roger Searle. of Con- necticut, visited the infant pari.sh and reported eleven communicants. • See page 105. rif).> 596 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS LCliap. XXXIII III September, 1819, Bishop Philander Chase visited it, but ]\Ir. Searle considered Trinity his special child and kept it under his watchful care for a number of years, until it could walk alone. In 1820, the parish headquai'ters were moved to Brooklyn but, in 1825, re-established in Cleveland village, the societj' erected therein a home of its own. More than a score of Episcopal parishes have branched out from old Trinity ; the Rt. Rev. William A. Leonard, D. D., has been bishop of the diocese in which they are included since 1889. Being the veteran of Cleveland churches and the actual mother of more than a score of Ejiiscopal parishes, a large space in this chapter is cheerfully accorded to historic Trinit.v, even at the risk of being charged with a little repetition.* Trinity parish was not only the first parish of the cliurch in Cleveland, but the first religious organization. It was founded on the ninth of November, 1816, in the house of Phineas Shepherd, a resident of Brooklyn village. In 1828, Trinity church was incorporated, this lieing eight years before Cleve- land was made a city. At this time the church was almost unknown west of the Allegheny mountains. There was no diocesan organization, nor even missionary societies, coiniected with the church within the state of Ohio. In the spring following the organization of the parish. the Rev. Roger Searle, from Connecticut, visited the infant Trinity j)arish, and reported thirteen families and eleven communicants. For nine years thereafter, Mr. Searle made the parish the ol)ject of his watchful care, visiting it almost every year, and to his pioneer work its permanent foundation must be largely attributed. In September, 1819, Bishop Philandei- Chase made the first epis- copal visitation to Trinity parish, confirming ten persons and cele- brating the Holy Communion. Trinity parish had thus far been lo- cated in the village of Cleveland, but on Easter JMonday, 1820, it was resolved to remove it to Brooklyn, giving an occasional service to Cleveland and Euclid. Mr. Searle, reporting this fact to the conven- tion of that .year, describes Trinity's numbers as small, luit its mem- bers as earnest workers. In the same year is found the name of the first delegate to the diocesan convention, Carlos I. Ilickox. A little later, Trinity was combined with St. Paul's parish, Jlcdina, and St. John's, Liverpool, forming a cure under the charge of Mr. Searle, an aiTangcnii'iit which Bishop Chase cordially ai)i)rove(l of in his conven- tion address. Up to this time, the services had been held in the old log court- hou.se, in the academy, and in the Ma.sons" hall liut, in 182;'), the parish had increased sufficiently to warrant the ]iro.iect of erecting a church • See Chapter VIII. 1825-46J KELUilOU.S, ETC. 5117 building for its worship, aiul it was finally di'tiTiuincd, after some rivalry between tiio two villages, to place the new ediliee in Cleve- land, instead of in Brookl\ii, ami to move tlie parish hack to its former loeation. The money was raised l)y tiie liev. Silas C. Kreeman, who now sueeeeded ^Ir. Searle in his woi'k, and who obtained liberal douatioiis from Bostou and western New York. Tlie new cliini li was duly built on the eorner of St. Clair and Seneca streets* and was tlie first house of worship in Cleveland. This building was consecrated by Bishop Chase in August, 1829. Trinity at this time seems to have been joined under Mr. Free- man's care with Grace church, Chagrin Falls, and St. James' clnircii, Painesville. This work re(|uircii him to travel 228 miles every month, by slow and laborious means of transit. At the end of the year he resigned and removed to Virginia. The parish was tiu'n placed for a time uiuler the charge of the Rev. William N. Lyster, a deacon, who opened a SundaA- school with about thirty pupils. In 1830, the Rev. James -McElroy became "minister in charge" of Trinity, devoting three-fourths of his time to the parish, and receiving a salary of $450.00. In 183.3, the Rev. Seth Davis, a deacon, took charge of the parish, and during his ministry the church was enlarged to accom- modate the growing congregation. Mr. Davis was ordained to the priesthood in Trinity church in September of 1833. The Rt. Rev. Charles P. Mcllvaine, D. D., was now the bishop of the diocese, and he says in his convention address at this time that "few places in the diocese can vie with Cleveland in its claim for energetic efforts in the promotion of the Gospel." Mr. Davis was succeeded in 1835 by the Rev. Ebenezer Boyden of Virginia. In September, 1836, the diocesan convention assembled in Trinity church. In August, 1839, the Rev. Richard Bury succeeded to the rectorship. Under his ministrations the number of members in- creased to such a degree that the establishment of a second parish was warranted, and in 1845 Mr. Bury organized Grace church in the parlor of his rectory. .Mr. Bury resigned in 1846. He was much be- loved by his people, and greatly revered for his sincere and un- affected piety. There was also another offshoot from Trinity about this time. In 1846, a number of the congregation separated and or- ganized St. Paul's parish. The Rev. Lloyd Wiiulsor took uj) the work in the fall of 1846, and remained seven years. Before the close of his service it was deter- mined to sell the old property and build a larger church. The lot upon which the old church stood Wius sold, but before the building ' See picture on page 106. 598 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII could be disposed of, it took fire, and was entirely eousumed. Tlie subscription for the new church was started with a gift of $1,000 from "T. A. W." Mr. Windsor laid the cornerstone of the building, on Superior Street, near Bond (now East Sixth), which was completed in the beginning of the ministry of the following rector, the Rev. James A. Bollcs, D. D., who succeeded Mr. Windsor in January, 1854. This second church building was consecrated on the seventeenth of May, 1855. Dr. Bolles remained five and a half years, and probably no other rectorship in the long history of Trinity parish has left a deeper and more lasting impression than his. The Church Home, founded in 1856, is one monument to his zeal and devotion. A free chapel was also consecrated. Dr. Bolles was followed by the Rev. Thomas A. Starkey, the late bishop of the diocese of Newark, with the Rev. William C. Cooley as assistant minister. In 1865. the In-ick chapel was erected south of the church by the generosity of Mr. and ilrs. Samuel L. blather. This achievement encouraged a number of the parishioners to undertake the erection of a rectory, and the lot west of the church was pur- chased for that purpose. ilr. Starkej'^s pa.storatc extended until Easter, 1869. The Rev. Charles A. Breck took charge of the parish in October of that year, and was the first incumbent to occupy the new rectory. He was suc- ceeded in 1872 by the Eev. William E. McLaren, who also remained but three years, his work in Trinity being brought to a close by his election to the episcopate of Chicago. During his pastorate the Chil- dren's Home was started, and the chapel of the Ascension was built on the Detroit road. The Rev. John Wesley lirown assumed the rectorship of Trinity in 1876. In 1878, occurred the fifticlh anniversary of the incorpora- tion of the parish. In this administration, besides the Chapel of the Ascension, St. James' and St. Peter's were made definite missions of Trinity. Trinity, indeed, is the mother, or gran(hnother. of all Epis- copal churches in Clevclaml. St, I'aurs, I-^ast Cleveland, l)eing licr eldest daughter. The Rev. Yelverton Peyton ^lorgan took the i)iai'(> of Dr. Urnwii in 1882. During his rectorshij) the following events occurred : The Rev. Dr. Bolles was elected to the office of rector emeritus; a site for a new cliui-ch was bought on Euclid Avenue and Perry Street (now East Twenty-second) ; and Trinity Cinirch Home was removed to more commodious (puirters. Early in 1S!)0, Trinity church was ottered to and accej)ted by llic new bislu)]) nf the diocese, the Rt. Rev. William Andrew Lconai'd. 1), I)., I'm his cathedral, and llic rc'tDr was in- stituted as (lean, willi Dr. I'.olli's as senior canon. 1893-19181 RELIGIOUS, ETC. 599 The Rev. Charles D. Williams ln'ciuno iloaii and rci-tor in hS!):!. lie resigned at tlie end nt' .Ianuar\-, 11106, to accept election tci the epis- copate in the dioce.se of ^Michigan. Durint? his term of office the Cathedral house was huilt. Services and parish work were main- tained at both Trinity clinn-li, dnwiitown. and at the Cathedral house, until -June 29, 190'J, when the last service in Old Trinity was held. The Rev. Frank Dn.Moulin aci'ei)tcil a call extended in Octohcr, 1906, and was inducted into office as dean on tiie first of March, 1907. Tlie remainint; indchtedness on the new cathedral was removed, and the interior of the building sufficiently completed to permit its conseera- Old Trinity C.\tiiedr.\l tion, on Tuesday, the twenty-fourth of September, 1907. In the fall of 191:5, Dean Dn.Moulin wa.s eh'cted coadjutor bishop of the diocese of Ohio, and wa.s consecrated to this office on the eighth of Januarj^ 1914, in the cathedral. From this time until September of the same j'ear, the parochial work of the cathedral was carried on under the supervision of the Rev. Walter H. .Mc* owatt, acting as minister in charge. The Rev. H. P. Almon Abbott entered ujion his ministry as dean of the cathedral in Sei)tcmber, 1914. The Presbyterians The Presbyterians and Congregationalists established themselves at a very early day within the present limits of Cleveland. Sume of the 600 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIIl societies organized as Presbjteriau became Congregational, and vice versa. In the latter class was the society organized at the villa<^e of Euclid (afterward East Cleveland) by the Connecticut Congrega- tional ilissionary Society in 1807. The first Presbyterian, known as the Old Stone church,* was the outgrowth of a Union Sunday school established in 1820 with Elisha- Taylor as superintendent. It was in- corporated in 1827. After occupying rented quarters for more than a dozen years, the society erected its house of worship on the square. It was opened in 1833 and in the following year came its first resident pastor, the Rev. Samuel C. Aiken. The Rev. S. C. Aiken The Second Presbyterian cluii-cli was an offshoot of the Old Stone society and was founded in 1S44. 'I'lic only i'rcsbyterian church of substance which did not spring from the Old Stone organization was the Miles Park church, which was founded in 1832 in what was then the village of Newburg. Dr. Hiram C. Haydn was for many years foremost in Presbyterian activities in Cleveland and nortliern Ohio. He assumed the pastorate of the Old Stone church in 1872, became secretar.y of a Congrega- tional missionary society in 1880, and returned to the pastorate of the church in 1884, which he continued to srrvc for more than a score of years. Dr. Haydn's death occurred in July, 1913. It was mainly through his work and influence that the Presbyterian Union was formed for the extension of denominational activities in Cleveland. ' Seo picturo on page 128. 1819-1918J KELIUIOUS, ETC. tiOl Tin: C()A\'iiiii:(iATioNAi. Ciikrciies The Arcliwooil cluirch was orjrariized in tin; lirooklyii district by the Presbyterians iu 1819. This afterward joined the ("oiigrega- tionalists. But what is known as tiie First Congregational ( Inii-ch was an otl'shoot of the First Presbyterian, or Old Stone cinireh, whieh oc- curred in 1834, to accommodate the jieoplc of the West Side. Jn No- vember, 1917, the vigorous First clnirch, ovei- four score years of age, laid the cornei-stone of a magnificent liome soon now to be occupied. The Euclid Avenue Congregational church* sprung from a Sunday school held in a schoolhouse on Euclid road; and Plymouth church, of 1850, had its oi-igin in a revival held by Rev. Edwin IF. Nevin in the Old Stone. church. The Irving Street Society was organized in 1852, also as a Presbyterian body. Of the existing Congregational churches the first to step forth as a member of that denomination was the Jones Avenue, or Welsh church of Newburg. The nucleus of the organization, which was effected in 1858, was the Cleveland rolling mills. About 1854, a Sunday school was started as a mission to the little brick schoolhouse on the site of the present Tremont ))ublie school. Two years later, it blossomed forth as the University Heights Union Sabbath school. Gradually the adult element strengthened and the Pilgrim Congregational church was the evolution. In 1892, undei' the leadership of Dr. Charles A. Mills, a beautiful and nuissive edifice was completed at a cost of $150,000. In that year was also organized the Cleveland Congregational City Missionary Society, which under the long and energetic presidency of H. Clark Ford, the lawyer and banker, accomplished much in Congregational extension work. Largely through the labors of the Slavic missionary, the Rev. H. A. Shauffler, in 1882-94, the Congregational ists have also accomplished much educational and relief work among the Bohemians and allied people of Cleveland. Bethlehem church was founded in the Bohemian colony on Broadway, a missionary school was established among the young women, and a department organized at Oberlin college, of which Mr. Ford is a trustee, for the training of ministers designed to serve as missionaries among the Slavic people in America. Methodist Obqaniz.\tions There are tales of Methodist circuit riders having appeared in Brooklyn, Newburg and other localities now in Cleveland city prior • See page 126. 602 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII to 1818, in which year the chureli at Brooklyu was organized, as ex- plained more fully on pages 602 and 603. In that year was established the first official organization of the ilethodist church in old Cleve- land and in the summer of 1827, about the time its log meeting house was completed, the society organized a Sunday school, with Ebenezer Fish as its first superintendent. But these, as well as other interest- ing and well authenticated facts, in connection with the pioneer Meth- odism of Cleveland, may be read by a perusal of John E. Heene's ' ' Summary. ' ' The Miles Park church, Newburg, originated in a Methodist class of nine members formed in 1832, and in the following year the Frank- lin Avenue church was modestly bom at a residence on Pearl Street. Epworth Memorial church represents a long series of transforma- tions. Originally P]rie Street church, it split off from the First in 1850. When its house of worship was transferred to the corner of Prospect and Huntington, in 1875, the organization became Christ M. E. church, and in 1883, after its consolidation with Cottage mis- sion, it was rechristened Central church. Finally, in May, 1889, to commemorate the founding of the Epworth League within the walls of its building, it a.ssumed its present title ; but the plain structure of the Central church gave place to an impressive and beautiful modern edifice at the corner of Prospect Avenue and East Fifty-fifth Street. On the fifteenth of September, 1918, the Methodists of Cleve- land to the number of seven thousand celebrated the centenary of the founding of their church in the Forest Cit.y. The parade formed at the First M. E. church, Euclid Avenue and East Tliirtieth Street, marched down the former tlun-oughfare to the Public Square and assembled for the formal exercises at llie Opera House and the Hipi)0- dronic. Fifty-tliree Methodist churclics were represented in the pro- cession, wliicli iiiaiTlied in a i"iiii storm, its iiicmhers gathering at their rendezvous with uiialiatcd ardor, ixcprescntatives of the Brooklyn .Moiiioi-ial cliui'cl), at the corner of West Tw<'nty-fifth Street and Arch- WDiid Avenue, S. \V., I'liuiidcd a ceiitiiry pi-cvious, held the place of lionoi- in the line, ami the First Methodist cliurch. oi'gauizcd in 1827. was second. Most of the marchers, wlio included many Sunday school i-hildrcn. cai'ricd American flags. 'i'li('i-(> were six bands and a ninii- hcr of jilacai-ds bearing facts of local Methodist history. Hishop Wilson S. Lewis, residential bishoji of Foochow, Cliina. and former Judge Warren \V. Hole, president of the Methodist I'nion of Cleve- land, were the pi'incipal speakers at both the Hippodrome and 0|)era House. 'I'he IJev. Dr. Frank W. Luce, suix'rintendent of the Clev,- land district, Noi'theast Ohio Conference, jiresided at the IJippci- dromi' meeting and .Inlin !•'. I'^islier. head of the Children's Aid So- 1818-l!n.si l^KLKIlors, 1-:T('. 603 fiety, was the Opera House chairman. Secretary of the Navy Josephiis Daniels was to have been the cliief speaker, but his im- perative official duties bound him to Washington. Hundreds of American fla?:s were in eviilence at both meetings, and the over- whelming spirit of the entire centennial celebration was a rousing pledge by Cleveland Methodists to uphold the Holy War. A Summary of Methodism Tiu' following, written by John E. Heene, historian of the Brook- lyn Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church and sui)erintcndent of its Sunday school, is an authoritative summai-y of local Methodism, or, as Mr. Heene states, comprises "notes which are accepted as authen- tic by Cleveland Methodism": In 1811, James Fish, Moses Fish, and Ebene/.er Fish and families came to Brookl.\'n from Groton, Connecticut. In 1814-1"), the Hrainards came to Brooklyn from lladdam, Con- necticut. The.v wei'c Dennis, Stei)hen, Warren, William, Asa, Enos and Seth Brainard. The Fish and Brainartl families were Methodists and held reli- gious services in their homes previous to the organization of a church society. In 'Miiy. 1818, a Methodist circuit rider organiz<'d the first official Methodist Ejiiscojial Church societ.v consisting of the following eight persons: Seth Brainard and wife; Closes Fish and wife; William Brainard and wife, and Ebcnezer Fish and wife-. This society in- creased in luimbers year by year and, in Januar.v, 1827, had a mem- bership of fifty-s(>ven. They built and finished the first log church in June, 1827. This log church was located on the northeast corner of what is now West Twent.v-fifth Street and Denison Avenue. A Sunda.v school was also organized in June, 1827, with twent.v-one members, with P]benezer Fi.sh as the first superintendent. This log church was built by Joseph Storer and Geoi-ge Storer, who were carpenters and came to Brooklyn and joined the church in Jainiarv, 1827. In 1849. the second churcli building was ci-ccted by O/.ias Fish, a frame building 35 by 50 feet. The location was the same as that of the log church. The corner stone for the third chnrch l)uilding, the old two-stoi\v brick structure, was laid in September, 1881, Rev. Sanniel I\lower, preacher in charge. Dedicated in the fall of 1882. Rev. W. II. Painter, pastoi-, and Rev. F. M. Searles, presiding elder. Dr. George B. Fariisworth, Sunda\- school superintendent. Bishop Simpson dedicated the clnirch. Grouiul for the fourth home of the Brooklyn Memorial ^Methodist Episcopal Church was broken on the fifth of September. 1911, and the corner stone was laid on Sunday, the twent.v- sixth of November, of that .rear. Rev. W. Arthur Smith was the pastor: John E. Heene, Sunda.v school superintendent. 604 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Baptist Activities The Rev. Joseph Badger, a Baptist missionary, preached the first sermon on Cleveland soil, in 1800, but as far as denominational work was coucerued he was many j^ears ahead of the times, for it was not until 1833 that half a dozen Baptist families got together and organ- ized a society. Througli what, at the time, was considered the astound- ing liberality of Brewster Pelton, John Seaman and William T. Smith, a church building* was erected at the comer of Seneca and Champlain streets and fully occupied in 1835. A Sunday school mission wa.s begun on Erie Street in 1846. In 1871, the pre.sent edifice on Euclid Avenue and Ea.st Eighteenth Street was built and the society adopted the name by which it has since been known^ the Euclid Avenue Bap- tist churcli. In 1883, one of the trustees of the church was John D. Rockefeller; he and various members of the family have been useful and prominent in both its immediate and missionary work. Since its establishment, it has been the acknowledged center of the strong- est of Baptist influences. The score or more of Baptist churches also do mucli active exten- sion work among the foreign industrial classes, such as the Poles, Hungarians and Bohemians. Disciples of Christ, or Christi.\ns The Disciples of Christ, or Primitive Christians, as they are often called, are strong in Cleveland and established themselves early, but not without determined struggles. Nevvburg was the center of their work in the pioneer period, and William Hayden is said to have gained the first convert to the faith in 1832. But the pillar of the local church from that year until his death in 1874 was John Hopkinson. After many efforts and discouragements the Miles Avenue Church of Christ was organized under Brother Jonas Ilartzcll. in 1842, witli twenty- one charter iiieml)ers. John Ilopkinson and Tlieodore Stafford were elected elders and David L. Wightman and John Healy, deacons. In 1851, the little frame church, wliich was })uilt into the later struc- ture, was comi)]('ted under tlie direction of Thomas (iarlield, John Hopkinson and V. L. Morgan jind. in 185!), the society was under the ministry of James A. Garfield. The Franklin Circle Church of Chi-ist was organized in 1842, and its first house of worship was built four years later at Franklin Ave- nue and the Circle. From this trunk clun'ch subsequently branched •See picture on page l.'j.'i. 1835-95] J{ELl(jlOU8, ETC. 605 out the Euclid Avenue, West Madison Avenue, .Tenninprs Avenue ohurelies and otlier Cliristian organizations. Tiie Euclid Avenue Church of Christ wa.s establishctl in 1843 and soon afterwards a num- ber of its members withdrew to orpranize a society at Doan's Cor- ners. The Eucliil Avenue society held its earlier meetings in private fesidenees and the old stone sehoolhouse, and in 1849 a little frame chapel was completed on the north side of I'^uclid between Doan (East One Hundred and Fifth) ami Republic streets. Sixty years afterwards the handsome church edifice now oecupied was built on the corner of Euclid Avenue and East One Hundredth Street. The Disciple churches of Cleveland are formed into a union for church extension, one prominent feature of its work being the development of its Bible classes organized for the special traininpr of Sunday school teachers. United Presbyterians The first United Presbyterian church was organized in 1843, and the society, composed largely of Scotch people, erected a small build- ing for worship on Erie Street near Bolivar. The money for it was raised through snuiU cash sub.scriptions ; othei-s gave their labor, or lumber, stone and other building materials. In these days, it was said by one of the pioneers, "Not a man in East Cleveland had a bank ac- count." There are now five churches of this denomination in the citv. Lutheran Chihiches The first independent Lutheran church was organized by the Ger- mans of Cleveland in 1835, aiul was known as the congregation "'Zum Schifflein Christi," The Ship of Christ. Its meeting house was orig- inally on the corner of Hamilton and Erie, being completed in 1842. In 1875, a large church was built on Superior Street. In 1875, the Case Avenue Independent Lutheran church was organized and in 1879, the Independent Protestant Evangelical church. Nearly all the Evangelical Lutheran churches in Cleveland are outgrowths of Zion church, founded in 1843, and still growing. The Rev. David Schuh was its first pastor. This society was formed by families who seceded from "Schifflein Christi." The first organiza- tion on the West Side, the Evangelical Lutheran Trinity, was founded in 1853, with the Rev. J. C. W. IJiidci-uian as its pastor. In 1873, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran I'hurcli was founded; in 1880, the English Evangelical Lutheran Emmanuel church ; St. Peter's, in 1883; St. Matthew's, in 1884; Chri.st church, 1889, and St. Luke's, in 1895. 606 CLEVELA^'D AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Evangelical Organizations The pioneer Evangelical Protestant churches were the First, or- ganized under the name of the "United German Evangelical Prot- estant Church of the West Side," and founded in 1853; St. Paul's church, 1858, and Ziou, 1867. Tlie mother church of the German p]vangelical Reformed societies was called the Brethren Congregation, a number of families com- mencing to meet for prayer in a small chapel on Tracy Street in 1848. This congregation was incorporated in 1858, Dr. H. J. Ruetenik was engaged as pastor and a new church was soon afterward erected on the "corner of Penn and Carroll streets. The oldest church of the Evangelical Association in Clevehuul is the Salem church on Linden (East Thirty-third) Street, founded as a mission in 1841. The Superior Street church was organized in 1854 and the Jennings Avenue, in 1863. Cleveland was chosen as the denominational headquarters in 1876 and a large publishing house organized for the dissemination of church literature. Both in min- isterial and literary works Bishop William Horn, a Clevelander, was, for many years, both tireless and widely influential. German Baptists and Methodists The pioneer of the German Baptist churches was the First, or- ganized in 1866, when a house of worship was built on the corner of Front Street and Scovill Avenue. Other bodies have been since cre- ated, and since 1877 Cleveland has been the recognized head(iuarters of the denomination. Since that year its oificial house of publica- tion has been located in the Forest City. The German Methodists have also organized a number of societies since 1846. The Unitaiuans and Christian Scientists Of hiter oi'igin than liie Protestant organizations already spccilied are the establishment of the Unitai-ian ami tiie Clii-istian Science churches, which have drawn their membership from some of tiie most intelligent and cultured circles in Cleveland. The tirst rnitarian organization, the Churdi nf the Unity, worshiix'd in various lialls for twenty years before a home edifice was erected. During that ])eriod, the Rev. F. L. Hosmer, who was jiastor from 1878 to 18!)2, became a notable figure in Unitarianism. Even many years previous in the assembling of the small band of I'liitarians in Case hall during the "60s, there had been preaching by the ministers of the denoniinatiou. It is recorded that as early a.s 1836, the Rev. George W. Hosmer, then of HufTalo, visited and piTni'lird In several of the New England I'^inn- 1826-1918] KELIUIOUS, ETC. 607 lies then settled in Cleveland who were adherents to Unitarian ism. Tlie l\ev. F. L. lIosMier I'omnienced his ministry in 1878. In IS.SO, tiie Church of the Unity dedicated its tirst house of worship on Prospect Street near Eric. For several years it had, as ministers, two women, the Kev. Mi.ss Marion ^Murdock and the Rev. Miss Florence Buck. In 1904, was completed tlie handsome church Iniildiufz: on Euclid Avenue and East Eighty-third Street. The Christian .Scientists, who have six distinct organizations, es- tahlished themselves in Cleveland by the organization of the First Church of Christ, Scientist. They are progressive, both in numbers, good works, high character, and influence. C-VTUOLicis-M IN Cleveland The earliest records of the Catholic Church in iiortiiei-n Ohio were made by the -lesuit fatiiers among the Ilurons and otlirr Indian tribes, Sandusky being long the center of their work. Then the whites eom- inenced to occupy the land and missionaries were sent to them I'l'om the diocese of Quebec. The Rev. Edmund Burke, who left his charge in 1796 and afterward was sent to Halifax, was the last priest to be sent from that diocese and the tirst Englisli speaking Catholic father in northern Ohio. From Ids (h'parture until 1817, that part of the state was without Catholic ministrations. Father Edward Fenwick, the Dominican, eonuneneed to make visits to northeastern Ohio in the year named, and in 1820, at Dungannon, was built the first Cath- olic church in the northern part of the state. The first secular priest to do missionary work in northern Ohio was the Rev. Ignatius MuHoil who, in 1824-34, was stationed at the cathedral in Cincinnati. The Diocese op Cleveland In 1826, many Catholic Irish were induced to come to Cleveland to labor in the construction work of tiic Ohio canal, and the Rt. Rev. Kd- ward Fenwick, bi.shop of Cincinnati, was informed that they were without the ministrations of a priest. Tiiaf fact became the germ of the diocese of Cleveland, as narrated by William A. ]\lcKearney, of the Catholic Universe. As Mr. McKeamey writes: "He (Bishop Fen- wick) therefore directed the Dominican Fathers, stationed in Perry countj', to send a priest to Cleveland, whose duty it should be to visit them at .stated intervals and attend to their spiritual wants. The Rev. Thomas Jrartin. a member of the Dominican order, was sent, his first visit being made during the autumn of 1826. Later on he was suc- ceeded by the Very Rev. Stephen Badin (the first priest ordained in the T'nited States). 608 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII "The first resident pastor sent to Cleveland was Rev. John Dillon, who a.ssumed his duties in the early part of 1835. He, as his prede- cessors, said Mass in private houses, a.s there was no other place to be had then. Shortly after his arrival, however, he succeeded in securing a large room, known as Shakespeare hall. Father Dillon died October 16. 1836, at the age of 29 years. His death was a severe blow to his little flock. "P^or eleven months the Catholics of Cleveland were without a resident pastor. Rev. H. D. Juncker came occasionally from Canton. In September, 1837. Rev. Patrick O'Dwyer, a recent arrival from Quebec, was sent as Father Dillon's successor. Father O'Dwyer at once set to work to iucrea.se the building fund secured by the lamented Father Dillon, and to begin the much needed and long looked for church. In a few months a building was erected at the corner of Columbus and Girard streets. This building remained uncompleted for lack of means. Meanwhile, Father O'Dwyer left Cleveland. The church stood unfinished for months, until Bishop Purcell, coming to Cleveland during September, 1839, remained three weeks and had it so far pushed to completion that ]\Iass was said in it for the finst time in October, 1839.* '"The church was dedicated to 'Our Lady of the Lake,' but by popular usage the name was soon changed to St. Mary's on the 'Flats,' that part of the city being so called. In October, 1840, Rev. Peter Mc- Laughlin was appointed to succeed Father Dillon. With a shai-p eye for the future growth of Catholicity in Cleveland, and with a view to locating a church in the upper and better portion of the city, Father JIcLaughlin purchased four lots, fronting on Superior and Erie streets, the site of the present cathedral. First Bishop op Clevel.vnp ''With the (-onstant and rapid growth of ('atholicity in his large diocese, comprising the entire state of Ohio, Bishop Purcell found the territory too large and the burden of his episcopal duties too great for his pereonal attention. Bishop Purcell therefore petitioned the Holy See for a division of his jurisdiction. Cleveland was considered as the most fit city in the northern part of the state for an episcopal see, and hence was so designated. Father Anuidcus Rappe, the zealous ini-ssionary of the Maumce, was chosen as the firet bishop of this new diocese. Altliough the Papal Bulls to this effect were issued April 23, 1847, they did not reach Cincinnati until the following August. The territory assigned to the new diocese was 'all that part of the state of Ohio lying north of forty degrees and fm-ty niinulcs.' l^'atliei- Ha|>pe * Sec picture on \'HHO 1H7. 1847-51] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 609 was oonsccratecl at CiiiL-iniiati, October 10, 1847, by Bishop Purcell, assisted by Bishop Whelaii of Kiehmond, Va. ' ' The Right Reverend Bishop took possession of the diocese of Cleve- land as its first bishop a few days after his consecration. The Catholic population of the diocese was then estimated at about 10,000. l^'or some mouths the bishop resided in a rented house near the Hay- market. In 1S4S lie bought several lots on Bond Street, corner of St. Clair, on which were located a large brick building and several frame bouses. The brick building was fitted up as his residence. "In September, 1848, Bishop Rappe opened a snuill seminary in a one-story frame building back of his residence. Father DeGoesbriand was its first superior. Among the young men first to apply for admis- sion as seminarists were ilcssrs. James Monahan, August Berger, Peter Kreusch, Thomas J. Walsh, I\Iichael 'Sullivan, E. W. J. Lindesmith, Francis McGann, Nicholas Roupp, William O'Connor, and Felix M. Bolf. In 1849 Rev. Alexis Caron succeeded Father DeGoesbriand as su- perior of this humble seminary. "Shortly after the establishment of the diocese the Catholic popu- lation of Cleveland rapidly increased. The bishop therefore found it neeessarj- to build a second church for the accommodation of his grow- ing flock. He determined tc make the new church his cathedral, to locate it at the corner of Erie and Superior streets, and after its com- pletion to assign St. I\Iary's on the Flats to the Germans. Sunday, October 29, 1848, the cornerstone of the present cathedral was laid. It was consecrated and opened for divine service November 7, 1852. "Between 1848 and 1857 twenty-six churches were built within the limit of the diocese of Cleveland. While directing and encouraging the organization of missions and congregations, Bishop Rappe also pro- vided for the care of orphans and the education of the young, all under charge of devoted Sisters. Homes And Convents "To this end he authorized the founding of a convent of Sanquinist Sisters at Glandorf, in 1848. During the bishop's absence in Europe in 1850, .Judge Cowlcs' home on Euclid Avenue was bought for the Ursuline Sisters. For over forty years it was the mother house of the Ursulines. The Sisters took possession of their new home on their arrival in Cleveland, and almost immediately opened a select school and academy. "In 1851 the Ladies of the Sacred Heart of Marj- established St. Mary's Orphan Asylum for girls. The first building used for the pur- pose was located on St. Clair Avenue, near Bond Street. "In the same year Bishop Rappe opened St. Vincent's Orphan 610 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Asj-lum for boys on ]\Ionroe Street and placed it in charge of the Sis- ters of Charity of St. Augustine, a community he had established, with the assistance of ^Mother M. Ursula, of sainted memory. He also es- tablished an Ursuline community and academy at Toledo in 1854. Thus the most pressing needs of the diocese were supplied. "In September, 1850, the bishop purchased a property on Lake Street known as 'Spring Cottage.' The building was fitted up as a seminary, which was opened in November of the same j'ear, with Father Caron in charge. During the summer of 1853 the north wing of the present building was erected, and in 1859, owing to the rapidly in- creasing number of seminarists, the central portion of the seminary was built. "In 1862 St. Joseph's Asylum for orphan gii-ls was opened on Woodland Avenue to relieve the crowded condition of St. JIary's Asylum on Harmon Street. "Bishop Rappe introduced into the diocese in 1864 the Sisters of the Humility of ilary, and l\v special agreement with Bishop 'Con- nor of Pittsburgh, located them on a large tract of land near New Bedford (Villa Maria), Pa., where they founded a convent and an orphan asylum. "St. Francis' Orphan Asylum and Home for the Aged was estab- lished at Tiffin in 1867, under the direction of Rev. Joseph Bihn. "The bishop established St. Louis' College at Louisville, Stark county, in 1866, to replace St. Mary's College and preparatory semi- nary in Cleveland. The following year its management was trans- ferred to the Basilian Fathers of Sandwich, Canada, but the college was elo.sed in 1873 for want of support. "Bishop Rappe invited the Sisters of the Good Shejihcrd, of Cin- cinnati, to establish a house of their order in Cleveland. The invita- tion was accepted in 1869. Their convent was a frame building on Lake Street. Their .silent, saving work in behalf of fallen, erring woman has resulted in untold good. "The paternal heart of good Bishop Rappe next prompted him to provide for a class of unfortunates — the aged poor. To give them shelter and needed care he had the Little Sisters of the Poor establish a Home for them on Perry Street, in 1870. Bishop Gilmotir's Administration "The Rt. Rev. Richard GiJmour, second bishop of the dioeese of Cleveland, was consecrated at Cincinnati on April 14, 1872. "Within two weeks aft-er his consecration he took possession of his episcopal see. His first pastoral letter, published P^'ebruary 26, 1873, caused 1872-S7J RELIGIOUS, ETC. 611 luuoli furore amonrr noii-C'atluilics and he was attacked by pulpit aud press. He auswered these attacks through the papers. "Bishop Gilmour was a stanch supporter of the Catholic pre.ss aTid as a result of his efforts the Catholic Universe was established, its first number appearing July 4, 1874, with Rev. Tliomas 1*. Thorpe as its editor. '"Between 1877 and 1887 the following institutions were establislied in the diocese : 1877, Cojivent of tlie Poor Clares, Cleveland, and the Ursuline Academy, at Villa Angela; 1884, St. Alexis' Hospital, Pro- tectory for Girls, in charge of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Cleveland; Louisville, St. Louis' Orphan Asylum for boys; 1885, Toledo, Little Sisters of the Poor. The Jesuit Fathers, to whom had been entrusted, in 1880, the pastoi'ate of St. Mary's church, Cleveland, opened St. Ignatius' College in a frame building opposite their church, at the corner of Carroll and Jersey streets, September, 1886. At this time, also, the Ursulincs opened an institution at Nottingham for the edu- cation of boys under twelve jears of age. It is known as St. Joseph's Seminary. "Between 1877 and 1891 thirty-five churches were built and as many new congregations establislied, which fact showed that generosity and activity were as strong as ever in the diocese, in spite of the finan- cial panic which for over five years during this period had depressed the country at large. "Bishop Gilmour began in 1887 to systematize the routine and business affairs of his diocese by estal)lisliiiig a chancery office. In 1878 the collecting of historical data of every congregation and institution in the diocese was begun. "At the Diocesan Synod, held in 1882, the following statute was published : ' Cities, where there is more than one church, shall, after the present cemeteries are filled, have but one common cemetery.' A few years later it was found necessary by some of the Toledo parishes to secure additional land for burial purpcses, as their parish ceme- teries had been nearly filled and the supply of burial lots was ex- hausted. Bishop Gilmour felt that now the time had come to put into effect in Toledo the above quoted statute. In this he was sec- onded by all of the local pastors. Accordingly, in 1887, he bought several adjoining parcels of land fronting on Dorr Street, quite near the city limits and easy of access. During at least three years he made frequent trips to Toledo, whenever his duties permitted, to superintend the laying out and beautifying of the new cemetery. To- day, thanks to Bishop Gilmour 's untiring efforts, the Catholics of Toledo have in Calvary cemetery a convenient and attractive burial ground. 612 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Last Administrative Acts "On September 12, 1890, Bishop Gilmoiir purchased a parcel of land on Detroit Avenue for a much needed hospital, to sei've the Catholic population on the west side. This purchase was made pos- sible by the gift of $5,000 from W. J. Gordon, now deceased. "For nearly two years, prior to 1891, Bishop Gilmour had been a sufferer from intestinal troubles. In March, 1891, his physician urged him for a while to go to the milder climate of Florida. Before leaving he approved the plans for St. John's Hospital and for the mother house of the Sisters of Charity, at Lakewood. These were his last ad- ministrative acts as Bishop of Cleveland. On April 13, 1891, he died. His remains were brought to Cleveland, where an immense concourse of people awaited them at the union station and accompanied them to the cathedral. Funeral services were held April 21st. Appointment of Rev. Ignatius Horstmann "The appointment of Rev. Ignatius F. Horstmann, chancellor of the diocese of Philadelphia, was made November 29, 1891, and pub- lished December 14, 1891. The consecration took place in the cathedral at Philadelphia, February 25, 1892. Bishop Horstmann arrived in Cleveland on tlie evening of March 8 and on the following morning his installation as the third Bishop of Cleveland took place in the ca- thedral. "Familiar as Bishop Horstmann was with the routine work of gov- erning a diocese while chancellor of the Philadelphia diocese, he very soon familiarized himself with his new surroundings. Churches were established, others dedicated, confirmation administered and the large and varied interests of the diocese, both spiritual and temporal, admin- istered by him with the greatest zeal and self-sacrifice. "It was found in 1892 that St. Joseph's and St. John's cemeteries in Cleveland were filling rapidly and Bishop Horstmann sought with a committee of city pastors a new tract of land for a cemetery. Finally the Leand farm in Newburg township was considered the best possible site, because located equi-distant between East and West Cleveland. Apostolic Mission Organized "One of the wi.shes expressed by Bishop Gilmour before bis death was to inaugurate in this diocese the evangelization of non-Catholics. Owing to his long illness nothing could be done and it was resexwed for his successor. Bishop Ilorslniaun, to put into effect this movement. As 1894-1908] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 613 the eelebratwl Paiilist missionary, Fatlier Elliott, was engaged in similar work, a.ud therefore hail e.xperienue, perhaps such as no other priest in the country had. Bishop Horstmann invited him to come to Cleveland and train one or more priests for that purpose. This he readily did. lie came in September, 1894, and associated with himself the Revs. William S. Kress, John H. Muehlenbeck, E. P. Graham, and I. J. Wonderly. Missions were given to non-Catholics in various parts of the diocese with much success. A special feature of the missions was the 'question box,' which soon became very i)()i>ular. In Sep- tember, 1895, the present Cleveland Apostolate was organized and is continuing the great work so well begun by Father Elliott. Golden Jubilee Observed "The year 1897 marked an epoch in the annals of the diocese of Cleveland — its golden jubilee as a diocese. Toledo having lieen Bishop Rappe's first field of missionary labor, and St. Francis de Sales' his first parish, the golden jubilee services, ordered by Bishop Horstmann, had special significance there. The occasion was one of grand and in- spiring solemnity. Splendid as was Toledo's tribute to Bishop Rappe, and its observance of the golden jubilee of the diocese, they were eclipsed by Cleveland, for twenty-two years the oificial home of the prelate. "Wednesday, October 13, 1897, will ever be a red-letter day in the Catholic annals of Cleveland, for on that day merited honor and due praise were given him, whose unselfish labors and ajiostolic zeal had made it possible for the diocese of Cleveland to take front rank with the dioceses of the country in point of Catholic life and vigor, in mat- ters spiritual as well as temporal. The religious celebration of the jubilee took place in St. John's Cathedral, which was packed to over- flowing. The Rt. Rev. Bishop Horstmann pontificated, and the Rt. Rev. Jlsgr. T. P. Thorpe preached the sermon, which was eloquent and impressive. Death op Bishop Horstmann "On the morning of May 13, 1908, the diocese of Cleveland was stunned by the announcement of the sudden death of Rt. Rev. Bishop Horstmann, which occurred at Canton, where he had gone to confirm a number of classes. Without warning the diocese was shephcrdless, and its first sensation was a kind of paralysis which left feeling nutnb and sorrow voiceless. "The funeral services of Bishop Horstmann were attended by officials of the city for which he had done so much. Two archbishops, eighteen bishops and over 400 priests were also in attendance. 614 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Bishop Horstmann's Successor and Associates "On Suuday morning, June 13, 1909, Rt. Rev. John P. Farrelly, fourth Bishop of Cleveland, was installed at St. John's Cathedral. The address of welcome was delivered by Rev. J. T. O'Connell, LL. D. In the afternoon the Right Reverend Bishop reviewed a parade in which everj- parish in the city was represented. One-third of Cleve- land's population witnessed the celebration." German Catholic Churches op East and West Sides Fi-om October, 1847, until the seventh of November, 1852, St. Mary's Church on the Flats sei'ved as the first cathedral of the dio- cese and as the only Catholic church in Cleveland. On the latter date, the cathedral at the corner of Superior and Erie streets was conse- crated. St. Mary's was then assigned to the Germans, who were placed in charge of the Rev. N. Roupp, until the advent of the Rev. John H. Luhr in February, 1853. He was their first resident pastor. In November, 1854, the Germans living west of the river were organized into a church under the title St. Mary's of the Assumption and those ea.st of the river established St. Peter's congregation. The "West Side German Catholics occupied the "church on the flats" until the dedication of their new house of worship, corner of Carroll and Jer- sey streets, in 1865. From 1865 to 1879, old St. Mary's gave birth to the following Catholic churches: St. Malachy's, 1865; St. Wencelas (Bohemian), 1867; Annunciation (French), 1870. The Poles of Cleveland were the last to occupy St. Mary's on the Flats, from 1872 to 1879; in the latter year, the.v organized St. Stanislaus parisli, which is now the strongest in membership of any Catholif churrh in tlie city. They completed their present massive house of worship in 1881. The last services lu'ld in tlu> historic edifice known as St. ]\Iary's on the Flats were conducted l)y the Rt. Rev. Mons. F. M. Bofif, vicar general of the diocese, on the feast of the Epipliany, tlie sixth of January, 1886. Irish Catholics In 1854, Bishop Rappo establi.sbcd St. Patrick's Chni-di, for llic accommodation of the Irish Catholics residing in Ohio City, and two years later another Irish congregation was organized in tlie east- em section of the city known as the Churdi of I he Immacuhite Con- ception. St. Bridget's Church was established in 1858; St. Augus- tine's in 1860 and Holy Name in 1862. The last named was founded for the Eiiglisji speaking Catholics of Newburg. 1839-1900] RELIGIOUS, ETC. ^15 Otiier Catiiouc Churches in Cleveland The Catholic churches of Cleveland multiplied so rai)idly from the early '60s, especially in the foreign sections of the city, that it is possible only to mention some of the leading organizations now inoluded in the list of seventy-Hve or more Catholic cuiigrogations which are found in every section of the Forest City. In 1862, from old St. Peter's Church, developed St. Joseph's; in 1865, St. IMalachi's was formed by the English speaking Catliolies of the West Side; the Bohemians founded St. Weneelas in the same year; St. Stephen's, by the Germans west of the river, in 1869; St. Proeop's, by the Bohemians, 1875; Holy Trinity and St. Michael's, both German Catholic churches, in 1880 and 1882, respectively; Italian Catholics organized in 1887 and the Slovaks in 1888, while within the following three years the Poles formed three congregations; in 1893, the Slovaks organized a second parish, St. Martin's and in the same year the Catholic Hungarians formed St. Elizabeth ])ai-ish. The United Greek Catholics lirst organized in 1894, and since then the multiplication of churches and Catholic institutions engaged in re- ligious and benevolent work has progressed without intermission. Besides the American born, at least thirteen nationalities are repre- sented in the Catholic parishes of Cleveland — German, Slovak, Polish, BohemiaJi, ]Magyar, Slovenian, Greek, Italian, Lithuanian, Crnatian, Roumanian, Kuthenian and Syrian. Jewish Congregations Like other members of the religious faiths in Cleveland, the Jews made numerous faithful efTorts in the community before they estab- lished a permanent congregation. In 1839, when there were prob- ably not a dozen Hebrew families in the city, the Israelitic Society was formed. In the following year, it purcha.sed a burial ground in Ohio City, but in 1842 the Anshe Chesed congregation was formed from it. After worshiping separately until 1846 they were reunited under the name of the Israelitic Anshe Chesed Society of the City of Cleveland. This marks the beginning of the oldest Jewish Congrega- tion in the city. Although Leonard Case presented a building lot on Ohio Street to the congregation, the synagogue, the first in Cleve- land, was erected on Eagle Street at a cost of $1,500. 'I'liis was en- larged and rededieated in 1860, and the congregation has since erected two new and attractive temples at different periods, the first completed in 1887 on Scovill Avenue and Henry (East Twenty- fifth) Street, and the second, more than twenty years later, at Euclid Avenue and East Eighty-second Street. 616 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII The Tifereth Israel congregation first worshiped in a house on Lake Street. Other temporary quarters were occupied until Decem- ber, 1855, when, through the bequest of Judah Touro, tlie temple on Huron Street was completed. The original house of worship was re- peatedly enlarged until the dedication of the handsome new temple, at WiUson (East Fifty-fifth Street) and Central avenues, in 1894. This is pronounced the firet "open temple," or institutional church, ever established by the Jewish people in the history of the world. Among its other democratic institutions is a free public library, opened in 1898. The oldest of the Orthodox Jewish congregations is that known as the Hungarian Bene Jeshuiiim, organized in 1865 and reorganized in 1886. In 1905, it completed its new temple at the corner of Will- son and Scovill avenues. Altogether there are a score of Hebrew con- gregations of the Orthodox type, mainly Hungarian, Russian and Pol- islL Strictly speaking, the Jewish community has no parochial schools, the secular instruction of its children being supplementary to the public school system. The Jewish- charities are numerous and well organized, and com- prise the Hebrew Relief Association, organized in 1875; the Inde- pendent Montefiore Shelter Home, founded in the '80s, for the special care of Russian Jewish immigrants and now housed in a large building on Orange Street ; the Jewish Orphan Asylum, founded in 1868 and now one of the great benevoleneies of Cleveland, with its magnificent property fronting on "Woodland Avenue; the Sir Moses Montefiore Kosher Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites, estab- lished in 1881 and the Mount Sinai Hospital, opened by the Jewish Women's Hospital Society in 1903. Making Christian American Citizens Both the Catholic and Protestant churches are doing their utmost both to Christianize and to Americanize the large foreign elements which have filtered into Cleveland, especially during the four yeare of war activities and industries which have evinced remarkable local expansion. In this work, the organization known as the Federated Churches of Cleveland has been very active, and has made the most complete survey of the situation which has been accomplished, or, at least, which is accessible. Its Comity Committee was designated to study the foreign speaking pnpuliitioii of the city, its composition and distribution ; to ascertain the cstaltlishcd methods of religious and social work carried on in foreign .speaking communities, and to propose a program which slinuld piiablo flic cliurches more adequately to meet 1918] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 617 the situation in greater Cleveland. The L-ommittee appointed several commissions to carry out these objects, and they made careful investi- gations accordingly in all the foreign districts of the city, compiling invaluable figures and also platting the results of their work on a large map. Such statistics and plattings constitute an absolutely unique presentation of the belts and patches of the diverse national- ities which are included in Cleveland's limits, with a statement of the churches and missions, whether Protestant or Catholic, which are ministering to these foreign groups. Examination and report have also been made of the service rendered by foreign speaking enterprises and community work carried on by Christian associations, community houses and social settlements. Institutional or CoMMUNriY Churches While recognizing the need, for some time to come, of church services and society transactions being conducted in the foreign languages, best understood by the various nationalities, the Federated Churches hold that there should be no relaxation in the determination to educate the foreign young in the English language and to Ameri- canize both young and adults. For this purpose the members of that body would use as their prime agency the Institutional Church. This feature of the situation is so vital that an extract is here made from a "report of the commission appointed to propose a program for work among the foreign speaking people of Cleveland." It reads r The second form of church service upon which wp lay especial em- phasis is the Institutional Church. We believe there can be no better investment for the churches of Cleveland than to maintain large institutions in strategic centers with a view to carrj-ing on all the ministrations of the church in the English language and supplement- ing this work by such foreign speaking services as are necessary to reach the adult population. The war has emphasized with appalling intensity that any organization which tends to continue the foreign spirit and foreign allegiance is detrimental to the Kingdom of God in America. Patriotism and Christianity must not be separated. To perpetuate alien ideals, as the perpetuation of a foreign speech necessarily tends to do. is, of course, not to be approved any longer. We must, so far as pwssible, prevent the foreign group from holding its integrity as such, and we must seek to have it absorbed as rapidly as possible in an American public. We use this term, the Institutional Church, in a very general sense. By it we do not mean that any particular existing form of church organization should be rigidly followed. We have in mind an enterprise with a large, attractive, well-cf|uipped building, adapted for any ministry which the particular needs of the neighborhood challenge the church to render, wath a capable staff of workers, and 618 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Avith a spirit that is willing not only to hold to the abiding principles of the ministry of the church, but is perfectly ready to adapt methods to any conditions. The fii-st community to be considered is the district liounded by Kingsbury i-un, East Fifty-fifth Street and north and south of Broadway. In this large tei-ritory is a population of 80,000 persons, eighty-five per cent of whom are Bohemians, with a few representa- tives from other Slavic nations. This is the oldest and largest Bohemian communitj' in the city, and it is interesting to note that the Bohemian language is being perpetuated through five private schools and four Bohemian newspapers. The Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church is about to erect a large institution in the center of this Bohemian community, and it is planned to invest between $200,- 000 and .$300,000 in the enterprise. Three units are projected: (1) The auditoriiun for worship and Siuiday school purposes; (2) a social hall to minister to the needs of the young people; (3) a lodg- ing house where comfortable rooms may be secured at a nominal rental. When these three units are erected and equipped, Cleveland will have one of the strongest Americanizing, Christianizing and socializing institutions in the country. Altogether this district embraces six Catholic and five Protestant missions. The leading Bohemian Catholic church is the Mizpah con- gregation. Another foreign section is that bounded by East Thirtieth Street, East Seventieth Street, Scovill Avenue and the Nickel Plate Railroad. About 70 per cent of its population is Jewish, although the Italians and negroes are pressing the Hebrews eastward. Woodland Avenue Presbyterian Church is the natural institutional center of this com- munity. Within tliis district are also the Willson Avenue Baptist Churcli and a lunnbcr of Jewish temples. 'J'lie third pronounced foreign district may be described as a parish extending from .just east of East Fifty-fifth Street to the boulevard and from Superior Avenue to the lak(\ Fully 85 per cent of the people in tliis section are foreign, including 19,000 Slovenians, 6,000 Croatians, 10,000 Poles and a number of Lithuanians and Slovaks. It is one of the most densely jjopulated portions of the city. There arc half a dozen Catholic churches established in the district named, the North Congregational being the proposed Protestant com- munity center. There are 50,000 Poles in Clcvclaiul from Union Street soutli to the city limits, and within that district are eleven Catholic churches 1918] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 619 and Baptist and Episcopalian missions. These fignres may be too high on aueoniit of tiie recent drains of lighting man power. In the district bounded by East Fifty-fourth Street, the C. & P. Railroad, Union Avenue and the city limits, are .some 25,000 Poles, among ulioni very little Protestant work is being carried on. In fact, the mission in connection with Trinity Baptist Church, at Broadway and Fullorton Road is the oidy Protestant center. The Poles, like many other foreign groups, have a special fondness for their own language and customs. Their fraternal, religious, musical athletic and military organizations perpetuate their language, litera- ture, traditions and ideals. Therefore, it is that this Polish district is considered fine soil in which to sow the seed of sturdy American- ism and faithfully to cultivate the growing plants. Anotlier extensive manufacturing district, the futin-e of which is somewhat uncertain, extends from about East Sixtieth Street to Payne Avenue to Ea.st Fortieth Street to Superior Avenue to East Twentieth Street to the lake. The population is nearly all foreign and is composed largely of Slovaks, Croatians, Slovenians and Rou- manians, with the first named predominating and numbering nearly 20,000. AVithin this area are the North Presbyterian Church, which is the natural Protestant institution, a Lutheran church and several Catholic congregations. The Martin Luther National Slovak Church is very strong. The Pdgrim Congregational (Imnli, corner of West Fourteenth Street and Starkweather Avenue, is the comnnuiity center of much active work among the Slovaks, Poles and Lithuanians of the South Side. Fully 85 per cent of the district bounded by East Seventieth and East One Hundred and Thirtieth streets, and Quincy Avenue and Kinsman Road are foreigners, mostly Hungarians, Bohemians and Slovaks. Among all the foreign communities the Protestant churches seem to be strongest in this district. Three Catholic clHirches are active also. The Hungarian Baptist, the Lutheran, the Presbyterian and Congregational churches are all re])resented in the Protestant work, as well as the East End Community House. The Calvary Evangelical Church, at the corner of Woodhill Road and the Shaker Boulevard, is the community center of the Federated Churches. Some of the methods .suggested by the Federated Churches by which this transfonnation may be best accomplished have been thus formulated : 1. That in every foreign speaking church in the city an oppor- tunity shall be given in the Sunday school for English speaking 620 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII classes and that, as soon as conditions shape themselves, an increasing number of English classes shall be added. 2. That the foreign speaking pastors themselves consider it a privilege and an opportunity to become naturalized American citi- zens; that they encourage the members of their congregations to take out naturalization papers ; and that they deliver addresses from time to time upon the requirements, duties and privileges of American citizenship. 3. That the editors of the foreign speaking newspapers of the city and the editors of foreign religious papers, be requested to pub- lish from time to time biographical sketches of American statesmen and a history of the development of democracy in this country. 4. That all the national holidays of this covuitry be fittingly ob- served by patriotic meetings in the churches ; that addresses be given by the pastors or by some visiting speaker, either layman or clergy- man, upon some phase of American life. Among the holidays pro- posed for special observance ai'e : Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day, Lincoln 's birthday and Washington 's birthday. 5. That the committee prepare a list of topics for addresses upon the fundamental principles of democracy as it has been developed in this country, and secure the names of outstanding laymen in Cleveland who, upon call, will respond to an invitation from any one of the foreign speaking churches to speak upon these subjects. 6. That community conferences, attended by the pastors of both English and foreign speaking churches, be held from time to time with a view to talking over the social conditions in that part of the city, such as: housing, amusements. Sabbath observance, recreational op- portunities, poverty, labor and charity. Cleveland's Foreign Groups in Figures A resume of the census taken by the Federated Church as to the foreign groups in Cleveland is suggestive of the magnitude of the work to be accomplislied in this matter of Americanization alone. The figures are : Bohemians 46,296 Italians 23,000 Hungarians 31,628 Russian Jews 30,000 Croatians 6,000 Slovenians li),000 Slovaks 18,977 1918] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 621 Poles 49,000 Lithuanians 5,6-10 Roumanians 2,456 221,997 The Work op the Federated Cuuuciies Tlie union liuown as the Federated Churches of Gleveland repre- sents full}' 95 per cent of the 225 Protestant churches within the limits of the city, and since it was organized in 1911 has been the most pronounced general force in the work of unifying Christian activities in the Forest City. In other words, since its creation the municipal territory has been divided with a view to systematic extension of social, benevolent and religious work; the organization of new churches has been determined by a fraternal consideration of adaptability and the greatest good to the greatest number; friction and jealousies between the various sects have been reduced to a minimum, and long steps have been taken toward real comity and union of the Christian forces thus associated. Early in the work of the Federated Churches, their Comity Committee came to believe that no new church enter- prise should be established either in new resident communities, or in foreign speaking districts, without first consulting its members. The principle of comity thus developed into what became known as the Cleveland plan to guide in the selection of sites for new mission en- terprises. The plan has resulted not only in liarmonizing what other- wise might have become disagreeable differences, but in safeguarding investments in church properties by preventing duplication and over- lapping. As to the Cleveland plan of evangelism, a significant feature of it is the organizing of a group of at least twelve laymen in each church to engage in parish visitation in the community under the di- rection of the pastor on one or two evenings a month. The religious work in the public institutions and hospitals of the city has been carried on by the ministers of the Federated Churches under the superintendency of the Episcopal City Mission. Several national missionarj' campaigns have been conducted in Cleveland under the auspices of the Religious Work Committee of the Federated Churches. In 1912, the Woman's Council was organized and, in 1915, the Woman's Missionary Union of Cleveland, which for twenty years had held regular meetings in the interest of home and foreign missions, was merged into the Council. The year 1914 resulted in great steps toward harmony and unity being taken by the Federated Churches, 622 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII since, on the eightli of February of that year, occurred the first annual inter-denominational exchange of pastors who all preached on "The World's Challenge to a United Church," and in November, 1914, the young people's religious societies of Protestant Cleveland met through their delegates, and organized the Young People's Council of the Federated Churches. The Educational Committee of the federation has taken up the work of Bible study in the public schools ; the Civic Committee has consistently urged upon citizens their dutj' to judge at least local measures from a nonpartisan standpoint and has rec- ommended specific measures ; and the Social Betterment Committee, in cooperation with the Civic Committee, was one of the strongest agencies which forced the closing of the segregated vice district of Cleveland in 1915. The Social Betterment Committee has also been closely associated with such institutions as the Juvenile Court, Con- sumers League, The Cleveland Welfare Federation and the Cham- ber of Commerce, and has accomplished much in the way of regulating dance halls, pool rooms, variety theaters and motion picture shows, so as to bring them into the class of healthful recreations and amuse- ments. With the spread of the World's war to the United States, the War Relief Committee has also assumed a place among the leading activi- ties of the Federated Churches. It has systematized and promoted Red Cross work, and has been especially active in furnishing relief to the stricken Armenians, Syrians and other far-eastern sufferers. The Church Women's War Committee of thirty members was selected from all the leading churches in greater Cleveland, and was called into existence to unify and systematize the war work in the churches. It represents an executive committee of a larger group of 300 women who are chairmen of patriotic committees in the individual churches. Each of the patriotic committees named has charge of the Red Cross work, war savings stamps, food con.servation, baby saving and child welfare, the collection of books and magazines for the soldiers and sailors in cantonments and overseas and providing hos- pitality and entertainment for the American boys stationed in Cleve- land whenever desired by the local authorities. The Committee of Thirty recommend to the patriotic committees from time to time cer- tain features in the war program Ihat are deemed specially worthy of emphasis so that there may be a unity of interest and concentration of effort in all the churches. Since the organization of the Federated Churches in 1911, the fol- lowing have served a,s presidents: The Very Rev. Frank DuMcmlin, the Rev. Worth M, Tippy, D. D., Judge P. A. Henry, the Rev. Dan 183()-1!)18] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 623 F. Bradley, D. D., the Rev. J. II. Bombei-fier, the Rev. Alexander Me- GaflSn, D. D., and Frank ^I. Gregg. Edward R. Wright has been executive secretary since the organization of the federation. Growth Shown in Figures The growth of churcii iiiflueiife and tiic real spread of Christianity are not truly measured by the increase of the religious bodies of Cleveland. Local Christian expansion can thus be gauged only super- ficially ; and yet this is one of the many ways to convey the idea. "With only three or four churches in Cleveland in 1830 there were ten times that many twenty years later. The thirty churches of 1850 had doubled in 1870, and a decade later the total had reached to more than 160, Protestaiit, Catholic and Jewish. By 1900, there were fully 300 churches of all sects and this number is now close to the 400 mark. Of these the Catholic congregations probably comprise 75 or 80, and the most numerous of the Protestant denominations are thus approximately represented: Methodist, 44; Evangelical Lutheran, 36; Presbyterian and Congregational, 30 each; Protestant Episcopal, 27 ; and Hebrew, 25. Charitable and Benevolent Institutions The private charities of Cleveland have always been active, among their earliest organized manifestations being the Western Seamen's Friend Society founded in 1830. Later came the planting of orphan asylums by Catholic, Protestant and Jew, and often the cooperative support of each by all. The Children's Aid Society of 1858, the aid and charitable organizations which sprung from civil war activities, and the various hospitals of Cleveland, made a benevolent list in the earlier period which called for constant care in the systematizing of charitable work aJid the conservation of good labors. In fact, that consummation, so devoutedly to be wished, by earnest men and women who had the good of the city deep in their hearts, was not to be accomplished for many years. The Young ilen's Christian Associa- tion was to be revived after the civil war and, in 1869, the boarding house for young women on Lake Street was to be planted as the kernel of the Young Women's Christian Association. The Jewish Orphan Asylum and the House of the Good Shepherd, both estab- lished in 1869, and both Catholic and Jewish homes for the aged, with other charities numeroiis and worthy, sprung from fertile Cleveland soil and flourished in spite of the lack of coordinated efforts. 624 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Clevkland Associated Charities But in 1881, relief appeared in the form of the organization known as the Society for Organized Charities. In 1884, it was consolidated with the Cleveland Bethel Union under the title of the Bethel Asso- ciated Charities. A wayfarer's lodging house and wood yard were established on Spring Street, but the most decided advance in organ- izing the city charities so that they should not overlap each other, was the founding of a system of registration and investigation by which the cases of those applying for relief or work could be ex- peditiously investigated and the measure of assistance justly deter- mined. In May, 1900, the society was incorporated as the Cleveland Associated Charities, and purchased the Bethel Union Building for its headquarters. In all of this foundation work of the Associated Charities, as well as in its later development, the influence of the late General James Barnett was strong and constant. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rouse, Amasa Stone, Mrs. Flora Stone Mather (daughter of Amasa Stone), John D. Rockefeller, William H. Doan, Lucius P. Mellen and others may also be classed as founders of the Associated Charities. Also, as a body, the Chamber of Commerce was largely influential in formulating a plan by which the unworthy were sifted from the worthy objects of charity and practical regen- eration. Prom the work of United Charities have also grown such organizations of widespread usefulness as the Visiting Nurses' Asso- ciation, the Workingmen's Loan Association, the Babies' Dispensary and Hospital Association and the Anti-Tuberculosis League. The Children's Presh Air Camp In the spring of 1889, "Father" H. M. Addison, the quaint pio- neer who was the founder of the Early Settlers' Association and rich in good works, began the Children's Fresh Air Camp on "Woodland Hills. The two or three acres that it occupied, practically rent free, belonged to Henry B. Perkins of Warren ; the site is a part of the Luna Park of today. Nominally, he had a board of directors but in practice he was the sole manager, soliciting and spending money without any dictation or interference. In 1895, the camp was in- corporated and Elroy M. Avery was elected president. Gradually the camp grew strong in public confidence and sujijiort and on the eighth of May, 1902, it received a gift of $100,000 from J. H. Wade. A tract of about twenty acres was bought on Buckeye Road and a model administration and hospital building w < w o n S SI 02 p m T9 iii 1 \fl '>^ Bba^i^ fHiil ^^^^^^B i^ .-.'r-'n^rs ''»'.<% '^VT^ 628 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Lake View Cemeterj^ comprises 200 acres on Euclid ridge bor- deriug on Euclid avenue; it was purchased in 1869 by the associa- tion for that purpose. Originally the land cost $148,000, and in- eluded twenty acres of natural forest and a living stream of water. The surface of the grounds was rolling in places and culminated in a noble rise, upon which was erected the stately Garfield mausoleum and memorial. It is of gra}- granite and rises 180 feet above the natural elevation, and from the summit of the tower a view of Lake Erie, the City of Cleveland and the surrounding country may be enjoj-ed of unsurpassed beautj- and grandeur. The entire cost of the memorial was $225,000. The remains of the beloved president are deposited in a vault built into the massive foundation of the memorial structure, and beside his catafalque is the waiting. coffin of his widow. j\Iany other distinguished men are buried at Lake View, as, bear witness, the im- pressive Wade, Hanna, Burke and Hay memorials. The Riverside Cemetery which overlooks the Cuyahoga Valley, near Scranton Avenue and Columbus Street, contains more than 100 acres and was opened with centennial services in November, 1876. Among the distinguished guests present were Governor Rutherford B. Hays who, with others, planted various trees which have since matured into things of beauty and joy to the living, who come thither to commune with the souls of their departed. Two other general cemeteries maj- be mentioned — Monroe, at the foot of Thirty-second Street, opened in November, 1841. Harvard Grove Cemeteiy, at Lansing Avenue and East Fifty-seventh Street. The latter is the outcome of the old Axtell Street Cemetery of New- burg, sometimes called the Eighteenth Ward Cemeterj'. It is said to have been first opened as early as 1800, about a quarter of a mile nortli of Broadway, and many of the j)ioneer families of Newburg were buried in the cemeteiy during the succeeding seventy or eighty years. In 1880, seven years after the village had been absorbed by Cleveland, the city sold the land comprising the Eighteenth Ward Cemeterj' to the Connoton Railroad Company. In the following year that corporation laid out the IIai-\'ard Grove Cemetery and more than 3,000 bodies were transferred from the old resting place to the new. Among the Catholic cemeteries are St. Joseph's on Woodland Avenue, beyond East Fifty-fifth, founded in 1849; St. John's, near Holy Trinity and St. Edward's churches, opened in 1858; St. Mary's, Burton Street and Clark Avenue, platted in 1861, as well as St. Mary's Polish Catholic; and Calvary, on Leland Avenue, established in 1893. The Hebrew cemeteries are the An.sbc Chesed, Pulton Road, corner of Bailey; Jewish, Fulton Road and Siam Avenue; Obed-Zedeck, 1918] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 629 Ridge Avenue in South Brooklyn, and United Jewish, Mayfield Road east of tlie city limits. Besides these are the following: Broadview, Brooklyn Heights, Denison Avenue, East Cleveland, German Lutheran, Highland, Hun- garian, beautiful and spacious Knollwood, Mayfield, and West Park. Social Development in Cleveland' By Ruth Agiies Edwards, of (he Associated Charities Because of her eonceni for the development of an efficient citizen- ship, Cleveland has eome to be known as a leader in social movements — as a city with a vision of democracy. The history of how that leadership came to be will never and can never be written. Countless persons, through the gift of money, their time and themselves, have helped to make this possible, and are today in every part of Cleve- land, as professional and volunteer workers, sharing in many forms of collective undertaking, thus striving toward a goal the location of which is becoming visible as the city is made conscious, as never be- fore, of its problems and possibilities. Co-operation, the basic element of all community endeavor, has reached a high state of development in Cleveland, the most striking evidence of which was perhaps the inauguration in Cleveland in 1913 of a federation of social agencies, whereby greater efiSciency with wider social benefit is sought to meet the problems of human welfare as it presents itself in the acute form incidental to the modern big city. The Cleveland Federation for Charity and Philanthropy came into being as the result of the adoption by the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce of the recommendations of its committee on Benevolent Associations, which for years had been making an intensive study of local social problems and the way of meeting them. In its earliest period, much emphasis had to be placed on securing funds for carrj'- ing forward the work of the agencies united in the Federation. "For the institution, for the donor, and for the citizen the plan is pro-' posed," to quote Chairman ]\Iartin A. Marks of the committee. "For the institution, it should mean a larger life because of larger gifts, more givers and broader and deeper public interest ;' for the donor, a broader social knowledge and larger satisfaction ; for the citizen, a better Cleveland because a better informed and a more unified Cleve- land." The years of effort following the inception of the Federation were crowned with success — more funds became available to advance 630 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII social work, the community programme became more unified and more practicable, while the city as a whole came to sliare more in- tensively the ideals of social reconstruction. In 1917, the Federation and the Welfare Council merged into the Cleveland Welfare Feder- ation, coming into the larger function as the active clearing house for all kinds of welfare work, public and private, in the city. Sixty- one philanthropies are thus aided in securing funds for their work while the entire social fabric is more firmly knit together and made efficiently to serve the needs of a great city. In the city every evil of modern society presents itself, while every material and spiritual resource is there available also. The organization of a city's resources to overcome these evils has, in the past, been chiefly the task of private philanthropy, which has been the pioneer in seeking out and ministering to social needs and then presenting them to the community until a full appreciation of their significance should bring about the assumption of these particular burdens by the municipality itself. The social activity of the gov- ernment has thiis been ever widening, while private philanthropy has been freed for further pioneering. Such focusing of a com- munity's intelligence and humanitarianism upon community pi'ob- lems has become perhaps the most dominant note in modern social effort. As early as ISSl, there had appeared an outward expression of Cleveland's spirit of working together toward a common end in the formation of the Society for Organizing Charity. No relief was to be administered by this society which was to be an investigating and eo-ordinating agent for all relief societies, to the end that dui)li- cation of effort might be prevented. As one of the promoters de- scribed it — "this was to bear the same relation to the charitable societies of the city a.s a clearing house bears to the banks." As an integral part of co-operative effort, the Associated Charities in 1905 established a central registration bureau for all social agencies, which later became the Charities Clearing House, where sixty organiza- tions record names and salient facts, identifying 150,000 Cleveland families and assuring a maximum of accoin|ilishment to all social effort. General James Barnett, Cleveland's "fii-st citizen," was a leader in social progress as in other civic lines. He was the chairman of the relief committee of the Bethel Mission, the earliest charitable society in Cleveland and an outgrowth of the Western Seamen's Friend Society. In 1884, the Ciiarity Organization Society and the Bethel Mission united in the Bethel Associated Cliarities, which car- General James Babnett 632 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII ried forward the aims of both societies. This further crystallized in 1900 into the Associated Charities, dedicated to family rehabilitation and the conservation of normal living. All through this period of evolution and until his death in 1908, General Barnett was president. In so brief a sketch of Cleveland 's social development, no adequate mention can be made of even the leaders therein. The trends of social progress originated from certain springs of thought and these only can be named here. Under the leadership of Superintendent James F. Jackson, the efforts of the Associated Charities of Cleve- land for the development of normal family life have assumed magni- tude and achieved results such as were undreamed of twenty-five years ago. Through its staff of more than sixty highly trained visitors, working from eight district offices, located at strategic points throughout the city, the Associated Charities deals annually with thousands of families in distress, aiding each individual to realize the best that lies in him, as life and health are conserved, as child- hood is safe-guarded, and character, industry and initiative are de- veloped. Its social treatment involves the securing from the com- munity for all full opportunities for health, education, mental hygiene, home economics, work, play and spiritual influence, accom- panying mass reform in seeking large opportunities for all, but realiz- ing that the "essence of justice lies in treating as unequal things which are unequal." Hence, its effort is to secure unusual opportunities for the weakest members of society whose need is for something larger, more personal than an "equal opportunity." Under George A. Bellamy, Hiram House has become known nationally for its work for neighborhood betterment through the de- velopment of the settlement. Tlie local work of both the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. has been noteworthy of late years especially and has not been exceeded anywhere in the United States. Both organi- zations within the past years obtained fine buildings and excellent equipment for their work. Following the evangelistic work of the earlier years of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A., there has come a renaissance in scope combining with the spiritual emphasis the educational and the recreational. "Father" Addison, who founded the Cliildren's Fresh Air Camp in 1889, far in advance of his time, npijrcciated the vahu> of outing and recreation work for children, as a forerunner to the more modern work in playgrounds, vacation camps, and community recreation activities. The camp was incorporated in ]893, and as it,s work became better known, secured poj)ular support and several wealthy 1918] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 633 benefactors. It now has large and beautiful grounds and constantly increasing equipment and usefulness. A notable work of child earing and child protection was carried on in Cleveland even in the early days. The Cleveland Protestant Orphanage, founded in 1852, was a pioneer in home finding lot orphans and friendless children and in following up the children placed in homes. It inaugurated a progressive move that later was accepted as a standard in America. Through the recent gift of a country estate, the long desired cottage plan for the Home may be realized, approximating as nearly as possible the normal home and providing an opportunity for studying intensively the needs of all types of children. The Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court was one of the early ex- pressions of the realization that delinquent children .should be dealt with by the state not for punishment but for the purpose of cor- rection, training, and education. Individualization of treatment made possible through the probation system has from the first been carried on. Accompanying this treatment of .iuvcnile delinquency, there have come the suppression of causes and conditions which make for delinquency and the provision of adequate facilities which make for wholesome juvenile life and education. The development of municipal charities and correction in Cleve- land along the lines of institutional care has been noteworthy. The Warrensville Farms of 2,000 acres, including the Tuberculosis Sana- torium, the Infirmary, and the House of Correction, when built were among the most advanced of any similar institutions in the United States. The emphasis on "land and more land" and the results al- ready achieved have given nation-wide publicity to the Rev. Harris R. Cooley, its promoter, and to Cleveland. Outdoor Relief by the munic- ipality and the care of families in their homes has, however, never been attempted with any adequacy but has been left largely to private philanthropy. Along the lines of disease prevention and health education, the city has achieved perhaps its greatest work, aided however by private agencies. The City Ho.spital group, with its faculties for general hospital work as well as for the care of tuberculosis, contagious, and venereal diseases, has a progressive program which will be carried on more adequately as the new buildings are completed. Of the eighteen .special or general hospitals in Cleveland, two are municipal, and the remaining sixteen are operated "not for profit." Out-patient hospital social service is carried on in certain of these hospitals meeting the necessity for follow-up work on behalf 634 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII of the patient himself and for its educatioual value and reaction on the entire community. The City Department of Health and other hospital health agencies, aided by the social service departments, has carried on an aggressive campaign toward the prevention of disease. A large plot of gi'ouud adjacent to the Western Reserve Univer- sity building has been secured, and on this will be erected a new Lakeside Hosijital, a Babies' Hospital, a I\Iaternity Hospital, and a new Medical School Building. The number of hospital beds in Cleveland, now below the number needed, will be iuci'eased, and bettor facilities for teaching and study will be available. The Visiting Nurses' Association, founded in 1902, in its earlier years provided bedside nursing service to those otherwise unable to secure skilled assistance in time of illness, but it later took on a broader activity in making its services available to all groups of society. As an outgi-owth of this work, the assumption by the city of a large public health teaching force illustrates the evolution of private agencies into the activities of the Department of Public Wel- fare, after quality of service had been attained and a high standard set. The knowledge of the community need as revealed through various social and medical agencies in the home brought about the conception by the city of the public responsibility for the environ- ment of all its citizens. The great and varied business activities of Cleveland, its rapid growth and cosmopolitan population, with its efficient fabric of social organizations working for the common welfare led to the establish- ment of a School for Applied Social Sciences as a graduate school of Western Reserve University to train workers for efficient social serv- ice in municipal administration, family welfare, and public health work. This articulation of social work as a science and as a pro- fession, indicates the new value and emphasis put upon training as essential to the solution of our various social problems, numerous, varied and complex. The distinctive feature of this school is that it insists that an appreciable portion of the training be had in tield work under the skilled supervision of local social agencies. With the entrv^ of the United States into llie world war, there Iku come a quickening of the social consciousness — a more searching analysis of our national life as an expression of the democracy we are seeking 1o plant throughout 11i(> world. ITow may we best retain and develop this democracy at home we ask and in answer there comes the remoulding toward higher ideals of all our industrial, social and religious life. And so Cleveland pushes on — a city organ- ized as never before to work toward tlie solution of its comi)lex problems. 1844-54] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 635 Tub Cleveland Young Meosi's Christian Assocution By Mrs. G. Leonard Pels Prior to the civil war, there existed a Young Men 's Christian Asso- ciation in Cleveland, lutlueuccd b}' the woi'k of the London Associa- tion, foiuided in 1844, and of the Boston Association, 1851, a number of Cleveland men started a young men's undenominational prayer meeting in a law office in the Kelly Block on Sujjerior Street. No records of tliese early meetings have been preserved and what knowl- edge we have is the result of interviews with a few of the founders who were still living at the beginning of the present centuiy. The participants in these early prayer meetings were: Horace Benton, Dan P. Eells, Joseph B. Merriam, Solon L. Severance, E. P. Young, L. F. Jlollcn. Loren Prentiss, S. P. Churchill, L. M. H. Battey, E. P. Cook, and Wm. Gribben. A majority of these men were then clerks and their meetings were held after nine o'clock on Wednesda.y eve- nings. The working hours for clerks in those days were from the earliest at which the men could get to the stores until late in the evening, usually until nine o'clock and often until midnight. As a result there was little time for reading and recreation. After these young men's meetings were fairly well established, the town was divided off among the men for work in the interest of the poor. One of these men was the originator of what was then known as the Ragged School for the benefit of the poor children living in the region of Champlain and South Water streets. Supervision over this school was maintained for a number of years. In the Evening Herald and in the riain Dealer of Tuesday, the seventh of February, 1854, we find recorded a meeting, the purpose of which wa.s to organize a Young Men's Christian Association. S. H. Mather, Loren Prentiss, L. M. H. Battey, E. "W. Roby and E. F. Young were appointed a committee to draft a plan of operation and a con- stitution and by-laws. In the Herald of the twenty-eightb of Feb- ruary, of the same year, we find this notice : Young Men's Christian Assoclvtiox The Association will meet on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock in the lecture room of the First Baptist Church, on Seneca Street, for the election of officers and other business. The young men, and others interested in Cleveland and Ohio City are invited to attend. S. 13. Shaw, Secretary Pro Tern. The records of the secretaries of this early organization are lost, but a copy of the first constitution is preserved among old pamphlets 636 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII in the library of the Western Reserve Historical Society. Sixty- names are included in the list of officers and committeemen. The first president was Dr. John S. Newberry, although we find that due to the frequent absence of Doctor Newberry, James M. Hoyt acted as president. The regular committees named were : Librarj^ and Rooms ; Lectures ; Publication ; and Finance. The standing committees were : Relief of Sick : Boarding Houses ; Employment ; Semi-Annual Social Gathei'ing: and the Church Committee. The first meetings were held in the lecture rooms of various churches. How soon after organization the association rooms were secured is not definitely known. The first available record of a perma- nent location is contained in the Herald of Monday evening, the tenth of July, 1854: | Young Men's Christian Association The monthly meeting of the managers will be held at the rooms of the Association in Spangler and Northrup's Block, on tomorrow, Tuesday, evening, at 7i/^ o'clock. The block mentioned stood on the southeast corner of Superior and Seneca (West Third) streets.* In' an issue of the Young Men's Magazine for November, 1858, is recorded : Our Association is prospering finely. Last week we got into our new rooms, which are fitted up in the most tasteful and attractive manner. They are very accessible, and everything is so inviting that we do not believe the young men will stay away. Those rooms comprised the second floor of the Strickland Block,* the sixth store froilt west from the Public Square. The rental was $250 per year. A festival was given in the Chapin Block on the corner of Euclid Avenue and the Public Square to defray the expense of furnishing. The last home of the old association was in the Perkins Block on the west side of the Public Square where the American Trust Building now stands. This was in 1861. During these last years wc find that there was some dissatisfac- tion among members in regard to the amount of outside work being done by the a.ssociation. The constitution defined the object of the organization to be "the improvement of tlie religious, moral, intellec- tual, and social conditions of the young men by means appropriate and in unison with the spirit of the Gospel." An effort, therefore, was put forth to induce the churches to take over the responsibility for * See pictures on pages 2.'J1 and 232. 1861-79] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 637 the "Rago-cd School" and the riiioii Missionary Sunday school. The early association maintained a library of 1,000 voliinies and supported a course of lectures each year. Among the lecturers we find the names of Bishop Potter, Henry Ward Beecher, Bayard Taylor, Bishop Mc- Ilvaine, George AV. Curtis, Cassius M. Clay, and Andrew U. White. There are records to show that the men of the as.soeiation and the women of the Ladies' Christian Union met in tliese days to pack liooks and newspapers I'or the soldiers. 1867-1879 After the close of the civil war, the population of Cleveland in- creased with great rapidity. Young men from all over the country Pkukins Bh)ck were locating in the city. Among these was C. E. Bolton, who soon formed a circle of acquaintances among the young men of the church with which he was connected. These men became interested in the work of the Ydung Men's Christian Association of other cities. With the approval of the ministers of the cit.y, they formed a new Young Men's Christian Association in Cleveland. Prominent in this group were C. E. Bolton, J. W. Walton, E. B. Holden, J. W. Clarke, J. J. Wilson, S. P. Fenn, S. H. Stilson, C. J. Dockstader, and E. C. Pope. In May, 1867, a constitution was approved and later rooms were se- cured in a brick building on the corner of Superior and Seneca (West 638 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Third) streets. The first meeting was held iu October of the same year. In January, 1868, a man was employed to keep one room open daih". In September, constitutional provision was made for an ex- ecutive board, consisting of officers of the association and chainuen of the standing committees, they to have the general management and supervision. Mr. H. J. Herrick was the first president. During 1868 and 1869, the advisability of an association building was discussed, and, in 1870, the frame dwelling of J. F. Clarke on the north side of the Public Square east of Ontario Street was secured for that purpose. In 1871, Mr. Lang Sheaff became the first general secretary. The underlying spirit that promj^ted the activity of the Northwest Corner of Sitekior Avenue and Seneca Street workers in this period of the association, was a great desire to uplift mankind. This missionary spirit prompted the members to broaden their field of activity. The Missionary Labor Committee had as objec- tive points for work: "The County Jail, "Wilson Street Hospital, Monumental Park, West Side Market, etc." As a result of the open air meetings, the Nalidnal Railroad Men's Christian Association movement was founded in Cleveland. After attending one of these meetings, Henry W. Stager, a Lake Sliore and Michigan Southern Railroad train dispatcher, asked that the associa- tion conduct a similar i)rogram in the Union Depot. These informal meetings thus begun in 1870, were continued i'or some time and ex- tended to other railway depots and shops. Mr. G. W. Cobb became 1870-89] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 6;{9 the first railroad secretary. During the great railroad strike of a few yeare later, it is claimed that only the influence of this movemeut prevented the sacking of Euclid Avenue by a group of strikers. In January, 1875, the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern shops were moved to Collinwood. Thereafter, the Sunday aftei'uoon meetings were held there and, in consequence, the Railroad Branch in due time was established in that locality. The spii-it of moi'al uplift was further carried on in the founding of the Newsboys' and Bootblacks' Home, in the rear of the association headquarters. Objection by the city authorities to the use of the Y. M. C. A. Building, 1875 Public Square for missionary meetings led to tlie opening of the On- tario Street Tabernacle. Successful action against the indecent shows that were menacing the morals of the young men of the city was carried out by the association. 1879-1889 This period differed from the preceding in that its energies were devoted to the formation rather than the reformation of character. The association home on the Public Square had become a rendezvous for indolent and dissipated Jramps, who sought the building not as a place for character betterment, but simply as a lounging place. The respectable members could find no home there. In order to get away from this disagreeable atmosphere. President J. B. Merriam insisted 640 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII that new headquarters should be sought. The residence of G. A. Stan- le.y, on Euclid Avenue a little above Bond (East Sixth) Street was con- sidered. The property was not purchased because it was thought to be "too far up town." Later option on the Windsor and Waverlj' blocks on the corner of Euclid Avenue and Sheriff (East Fourth) Street was secured. The purchase was reported at a board meeting in October, 1880. Through the personal efforts of Mr. Merriam, the Building on J'jIci-ii> A\i>m k .\mi E.vst Fourth Street $25,000 necessary in addition to the $20,000 received from the sale of the old building, were secured; and he advanced from liis own pocket the sum necessary to have the remodeling of the building completed for the International Convention in the^pring of 1881. In the spring of 1883, the "Young Men's Christian Association of Cleveland" was incorporated for "the improvement of the spiritual, moral, mental, social, and physical condition of young men by means 1883-1900] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 641 ill harmony with the spirit of the Gospel." Other events of this period wei-e the appointment of the first superintendent of gymna- sium; the organization of educational classes; the rental of two rooms on Euclid Avenue for an East Cleveland branch; the formation of the Alabama Street Railroad branch ; the formal organization of a junior department in 1887; the beginning of Our Young Men, the association paper ; and tlie organization of the Broadway branch. 1889-1900 At the close of the last period, land was purchased on the corner of Prospect and Erie (East Ninth) streets as the site of a new building. ^JJlW; , Y. M. C. A. Building, 1891 The corner stone of this structure was laid in 1889 by Gov. J. B. Foraker. The building was formallj^ opened in 1891. The addresses were given by Governor Campbell, S. A. Taggart and J. R. Mott. This period wa.s marked by development from a simple organization into specialized organs necessary to satisfy the needs of a rapidly in- Vol. 1—41 o < m H OS w n o 1892-1918] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 643 creasing and diversified membci-sliii). In 1S92, tlio presidency of Mr. Scraiu) P. Fenn began. Jlr. Fcnu served in tliis rapacity, generously and wisely, for the next twenty-five years, a pci'iod of service and use- fulness unparalleled in association history. On retirement, he did not sever his connection with tlie association, but became the honorary president. TJie recent period of Cleveland Association history may be considered as dating from the appointment in 1893 of Mr. Glen K. Shurtlcff, as general secretary. "A broadness of policy, a lessening conservatism, an earnest liberalism, effort for an attractive presenta- tion of religions interests, and a development of the Association for those who need wliat it can give," mark this period. In 1899, a Re- ligious Work Secretaryship was established and the selection of the best available man for the office was made. Mr. Augustus Nash began work in the department this same year. In this same year, began the support of a general secretary for the woi-k in Siiangliai, China. Mr. Robert E. Lewis held the office at that time. In October, 1899, Mr. Joseph PI. Peek w-as appointed auditor of bookkeeping for all depart- ments to secure a uniform system of accounts. In 1900, Robert Wal- lace presented the building that made possible a home for the West Side Boys' Branch. A Broadway Branch, a new St. Clair Street building, and a railroad building at Ijindale were opened at this time. Due to the efforts of Mr. Shurtleff, greater emphasis was placed upon the better organization of the junior department and a special secretary was appointed. 1900-1918 The social spirit evei'ywhere pervades the association, in every de- partment, in every activity. It predominates in the class rooms, read- ing rooms, recreational departments, and in the restaurants of all buildings. All sorts of clubs and classes, religious, educational, recrea- tional, indoor and outdoor, are maintained for the social betterment of men and boys. It has always been the policy of the association to connect its members, especially young men coming as strangers to the city, with some church. Every department enters into this important work. IVIaturc business men have been enlisted to hold personal inter- views with young men in regard to their life problems. In 1909, Mr. Robert E. Lewis, who had been general secretary in Shanghai, China, for ten years, became general secretary of the Cleveland Association. Under his influence, the expansive policy of the association took on new growth and. as a result of its increased activities, gained a greater hold upon the community than it had ever had in its previous history. 64-4 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Among the many lines of communitj- and social service, in which the officers of the association have been called upon to play an important and leading part, have been the following: (1) Sex Hj-giene Campaign. (2) Dance Hall Ordinance for the control of the 130 public dance halls of the city. {3) The executive responsibility for organizing the movement which has culminated in tlie Reserve iMission. (4) The inauguration of two successful apprenticeship and higher accounting schools. (5) The executive promotion of the Laymen's Missionary Move- ment. (6) Leadership in the unique Boys' Exposition. (7) Factory Men and Religion Movement. (8) English for Foreigners. (,9) Co-operative apprentice schools. '(10) Vocational advice. The years 1910-1912 might be styled the era of new buildings. Early in 1911, ground for the East End Boys' building on East One Hundred and Fifth Street near Euclid Avemie was broken. The tuilding was dedicated in December of the same j'ear. The new West Side Boys' building on the corner of Franklin Avenue and West Thirty-second Street was begun in the same year and completed in the spring of 1912. Ground for the new Central building, Prospect Avenue and East 'Twenty-second Street, was broken on the twentieth of April, 1911. The building was dedicated on the twenty-ninth of December, 1912. In 1911, a camp of forty-eight acres and a lake at Centerville Mills were purchased. It is an ideal spot for a boys' camp, well away from the city. The problem of housing large numbers of men and boys in the Central and the West Side buildings was one of deep concern, but after several years of practice and experience, the result is reassuring. The percentage of rooms filled has reached pi-actieally 100 per cent. Preference has been given to young men, particiilarly to those just coming to the cit}'. The apartments are conducted upon a self-gov- erning basis. With the erection of the West Side and the East End Boys' build- i)igs, and the establishment of boys' departments at the Central and the Broadway buildings, and under the expert leadership of Mr. M. 1). Crackel, the junior work of the association has made great progress. Summer camps and long hikes have all'ordcd opportunity for sharing life with the boys. The secretaries are called upon to serve as foster 1891-1918] RELKMOUS, ETC. 645 fathers to youths who luive not been suitably fathered at home. Xeiyhborhood elubs for street and working boys have been organized. By the promotion of 'the "Father and Sous" movement, more busj' fathers luive been persuaded t« fake greater interest in the problems of the boys. In 1891, the student department was established, "at the request of the nuHlieal students in reference to a more intimate connection with the Young Men's Christian Association Work." In April, 1900, an iiiter-eollegiate department was organized iiiul a <'Ounnittee of man- agement appointed; in lf)18, it was IVdcrated as a hram-h of the City ^^.^^ .. si " .. ' i; ] : ': :; ;; " '1 ;; . ^ « • ' 1 f "":... . Iff: si ^1 iii. -^ !ii ill^ ill! ill! 'f I'lV The V. :J. C. A. Biilding, 1918 Association. In the following year, the Railway Young lien's Chris- tian Association became a part of the general Association of Cleve- land. The Gre.\t War With a program seemingly full to overflowing, the question arises, "What is the work of the Y. il. C. A. in the Great War?" The answer is, "Boundless and Limitless." The immediate work of the o 1918] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 647 local association has been to give more than 2,000 members to tlie nation's army and still to keep the membership up to the usual number of eight or nine thousand ; to increase the scope of the already' fully occupied educational tlcpartmcut ; to include subjects valuable to army, navy, and signal service men ; to prove the ability of the well organized physical department in caring for the thousands of Ambrose Swasky soldiers and sailors who cagerlj- seek its comforts; and to tax the commissary department of the association to provide meals for the men in sei-vice. A soldier's uniform is his membership ticket and secures all privileges. Aside from this, club rooms have been estab- lished in local camps. Every train carrying recruits out of Cleveland has been accompanied by Y. M. C. A. secretaries. Business men have been sent to Camp Shennan to interview soldiers, ilore than 100 volunteer workers have been recruited by the association to aid the district selective ser\'ice board. Forty -four men have gone from 648 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII Cleveland into association war work at home and overseas. Invalu- able aid has been given to the war fund campaign. At present, the Central building is being used as a recruiting center for men for over- seas association work. In April, 1917, Mr. Ambrose Swasey was chosen as president of the association, and Mr. F. S. McGowan as treasurer. The Last Year's Record I. Membership: 8,203 members, March^, 1918. 12,493 men and boj^s have held membership in the association dur- ing the year. 282 clubs, groups and teams. II. Educational: 1,651 students enrolled. 40 different subjects taught. 75 instructors. III. Employment: 1,479 positions secured. IV. Restaurants: 968 daily average number of meals served. 355,956 total number of meals served. V. Apartments: 418 daily average in use. 2,947 different men cared for in year. VI. Physical: 46 different gymnasium classes. 6,123 men in Central Branch using department. 6,092 class sessions. 238,5f)6 total gymnasium attendance. VII. Religious: 108 different Bible Classes for Central men. 1,519 boys in Bible Classes. 2,878 Bible Class sessions. 68,818 Bible Cla.ss attendance. 454 other religions meetings. 39.148 attendance at other meetings. 11.") business and pi-ofessional men interviewing young men about personal and religious problems. 2,358 religious interviews. 516 referred to churches. 1868-76] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 649 VIII. Miscellaneous: 63 Father and Son's banquets. 115 lectures and popular talks. 104 receptions and social affairs. 7,054 attendance at paid entertainments. 944 used association camps. 141 men on association hikes. 778 other events. The Young Women's Christian Assocution By Margaret C. iVeddell The Young "Women's Christian Association of Cleveland was the sixth association of its kind to be organized in tlie United States and today stands in the front rank among the 261 eitj^ a.ssociations of the country. The organization had its beginning in Cleveland in 1868 when a group of far-seeing women realized the growing need for a co-operative, democratic organization for women and established the Women's Christian Association which .subsequently 1)ccamo tlio Youjig Women's Chi'istiau Association. The first undertaking of the new organization was the building and furnishing of a boarding home for working' girls of the city. Fifty years ago wlien women were .just beginning to take a place in industry and while the community was not yet alive to the peculiar need created by this move, the establishing of such a home was a progressive and ditlieult step, but through tlie generosity of Mr. Still- man Witt a boarding home for girls was opened in 1869, the pred- ecessor of the present Stillman Witt Home at Prospect Avenue and East Eighteenth Street, which accommodates two hundred and thirty- five girls at a time. The second endeavor of the Association was no less important — the founding of a Retreat for unfortimate girls which was opened in 1873 and has given shelter and a friendly hand to thousands of girls. In 1876, by the gift of Mr. Amasa Stone, a third branch was added, the Home for Aged Protestant Women, now the Home for Aged Women, at 2206 East Forty-sixth Street ; in 1887, the Eliza Jennings Home, named for its donor, was dedicated for the comfort of invalid women. These four homes, ministering to needs among women and gii'ls who had not been provided for before, were established in the first twenty years of the Association's life in Cleveland. ITnder the foster- ing of the Association during the same period. The Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union of Cleveland, the Day Nurserj- and Kinder- 650 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII garten Association, and the Educational and Industrial Union were organized. With the phenomenal demand for women in the business and industrial world and the initiation of every kind of activity for the city girl, the work of this exclusively woman's organization ^^'^ ■"^"^ Y. \V. C. A. Building, 1918 expanded rapidly until today the Association has three Branches with a membci'ship of 5,000 girls and women ; incorporates ten depart- ments ; administers $176,000 a year ; and touches directly an average of 25,000 women yearly. The present building winch opened eleven years ago as a board- ing home and class center now includes, besides the rooms for guests, 1918] RELIGIOUS, ETC. 651 a gyiiiiui.siniii, hydroiiatliic department, two diniiij? rooms, private parlors, club rooms, library, and olKices. The Annex, added in 1917, contains the offices and club rooms of the International Institute, a school for foreifin-born and foreign-speaking women of Cleveland, and the studios of the ilusic Department. The building has lately proved quite inadequate to the increasing activities and funds are in hand and plans made for an enlargement of the structure at the close of the present war. Two Branch Association buildings, one at 8321 Broad- way, and one at 3117 Franklin Avenue on the West Side accommodate Thk Dixixg Kdom the girls in these districts. In 1913, the Association purchased the Mary Eells Vacation Farm, one of its most prized possessions. It is an 80 acre tract of land on the Lake front at Madison, Ohio, and is equipped with bungalow, recreation hall, dining room, shop ,nnd sleeping cottages to accommodate 125 girls. At the present time the Association offers clubs with recreational and educational advantages to (1) young business women; (2) in- dustrial girls; (3) high school and grade school girls; it offers to all women day and night classes under expert instructors, in commercial 652 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIII courses, eooking:, dressmaking and millinery ; it provides gymnasium traiuing, outdoor athletics, folk dancing and military drilling; it manages a hydropathic department with Turkish and electric-light baths at moderate rates for business women ; it sustains a first class school of music with instruction in piano, voice and stringed instru- ments: and it provides instruction in English to foreign-speaking women of twelve nationalities. In the planning of these activities, especial thought is given to the limited time of the girl who works eight or nine hours a day, six days in the week. As a result the Association building at East Eighteenth Street and Prospect Avenue Si'MMER Camp is most alive after 5 o'clock at night when gym classes, study groups, millinen- and dressmaking clubs, cooking classes, and club meetings arc in full swing. A (lci)artiiK'nt deserving of special note, because it is rather unique among associations and is a valuable factor in a city of such a large foreign popnlatidn as Clcvclaiid's, is the Tntcrnalional Institute which exists to aid foreign-l)orn women in every possible way. The four secretaries, speaking twelve languages, visit homes in the foreign districts, inviting the w-orkiug girls to ICiiglish night classes, the mothers to classes in cooking and nursing and care of tlic liome, direct- ing the families to reliable lawyers in ca.se of legal diflicultics, explain- ing American customs, and giving a.ssistance wherever it is wanted. 1918J KELIGIOUS, ETC. 653 This dopartment, sinec the outbreak of the war, lias been called upon by the city authorities to aid in interpreting at the draft boards and in canvassing the homes in the search for available rooms for war workers. In a city of lai'ge foreign population, the value of an in- stitute of this sort is patent. The developing of a sense of leadership and responsibility in high- school age girls by the fomuition of self-governing clubs; the pro- vision of an attractive and inexpensive home for girls working in the city; the supplying of wholesome and healtliful recreation and fun to girls of all ages and circumstances; the offering of vocational, educa- tional and religious training to any who seek it — in .short the filling of every need that is felt by the young women of our city to-day, is the motive of the Young Women's Christian As.soeiation of Cleveland. In tlie accomplishment of this purpose, great credit is due to the five women who have led the Association through its first fifty years: Miss Sarah Fitch, Mi-s. Dan P. Eells, Mrs. Levi T. Sehoficld, Mrs. William P. Champncy and Mrs. Francis F. Prentiss. CHAPTER XXXIV MILITARY AND WAR MATTERS By H. G. Cutler It would almost seem as if Providence since this universe was created has been keeping America in reserve to lead the waj' to international justice, democracy and eventual brotherhood; and this small section of it called Cleveland may fitlj- be advanced to illustrate the text. It M'as founded by hardy, intelligent, educated men and women, who sought more freedom of movement and more elastic circumstances than they had in their old homes, just as the first New Englanders sought a freer life and broader acres across the ocean. As a protection against the Red Man, the yeomanry of Britain, and even its gentlemen and gentlewomen, learned the use of firearms, mastered all the wiles of Avoodcraft, and soon met the Indians on a fearless eciuality. So a nation of wonderful marksmen and soldiers was raised up, each trained to rely upon his personal ingemiity as well as his hardihood to circumvent any foe whom he should meet who threatened his life or the security of his home. Then there came the time when young America was opposed by a great nation, powerful on sea and land. But the British of those days were not used to fighting in the forests of New England, or the swamps of the South. The American boys were, and they asked nothing better than to have before their trusty rifles the massed redcoats of Great Britain. This advantage, with the invaluable assistance brought by France, preserved America so that in the thirty years to come the ■ nation might develop into a ship-building and a naval power able to cope with Great Britain upon Ihe water. As the states ever stretched westward and the means of the government increased, forts were founded upon the lake frontiers both to oeeu])y military points of strategy, in case of war, and to protect the settlers from Indian uprisings. The civilian population thus still breathed a military atmosphere, which was intensified in every community by the pi'osence of retired Revolutionary officers, who .still preached preparedness for another war with Great Britain. Thus for two buiidrcd years and more, or niilil the completion of the 1796-1812] MILITARY AFFAIRS 655 last war with Great Britain, the Unilcil States was virtually a nation in arms. Captains Lorenzo Carter and Nathaniel Doan It was during the later years of that period, when the Cleveland reirion was a section of the lakes frontier, that the villages at the mouth of the Cuyahoga commenced to get into military training for what might come. In ilay, 1804, a military company was organized with the doughty Lorcn/.o Carter captain, and in the following year Nathaniel Doan was elected to head the "Seventh Company of the Second Battalion of the First Regiment of the Fourth Division of the Ohio Militia." Elijah Wadsworth was major-general of this division. The officers of the companies were elected, and some of the campaigns were very heated.* When Captain Carter was elected in 1804 it was charge,d that he was ineligible because some of the voters had been under age, others were not residents of the town and, moreover, he had given spirituous liquors to the voters previous to the eleetioti" and had "frequently threatened to set the savages against the inhabitants." Nathaniel Doan, who was elected lieu- tenant, was chosen captain in 1805. The organization appears to have remained intact until the war of 1812 when it was absorbed by larger movements. Cleveland in the War of 1812 During that period of general warfare and military activity, Cleveland was an important military station for the lake region and was a rallying point for northea.stern Ohio. General Wadsworth was still in command of the district. A month before war had been declared on Great Britain, Capt. Stanton Sholes, of the I'nitcd States army, had marched a company of regulars to Cleveland and estab- lished Fort Huntington, at the foot of Seneca Street. Major Jessup was afterwards placed in command of the garrison. There wore also several local companies of militia, who patroled the shore and the interior on the alert for either British or Indians. In June, 1812, a part of the British fleet appeared off the harbor, but the ships were first becalmed and then dispersed by a heavy storm. Then in the following month. Gen. William Henry Harrison, commander of the northwestern army, visited Fort Huntington and remained for three • See page 66. 656 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV days. News of Hull's surrender reached Cleveland in August * and General Wadsworth gathered the troops of his division at Cleveland in anticipation of a British-Indian attack. The local militia com- panies also anxiouslj' scouted along the lake shore and in the neigh- borhood of Doan's Corners, and the families were sent further in- land, although Mi-s. John Wadsworth, Jlrs. George "Wallace and ]\Irs. Dr. Long remained at the front to act as nurses, should their services be required. Colonel Lewis Cass had also arrived from Detroit, indignant at Hull's surrender. There were no hostilities at Cleve- land, but several resident soldiers came in wounded and one Cleve- land soldier, named James S. Hills, was killed near the Huron River in the battle of the Peninsula. In the following year, through Com- modore Perry's operations, the war was brought to the very doors of Cleveland. Two of his boats which helped win the battle of Lake Erie were built on the Cuyahoga River, they were fitted out at Cleveland, the commodore anchored his fleet off the Cuyahoga on his way to Put-in-Bay ; Clevelanders heard the cannon boom which heralded the historic victory and, after all was over and the enemy were his, with General Harrison and staff, he w-as banqueted in what was soon to become the little village at the mouth of the Cuyahoga. So, two centuries and five years after the founding of Jamestown, both the professional soldiers and sailors and the civilian populace • were still being fed and electrified by warlike deeds of American prowess. Mexican W.\r Organizations The moi-e tlian twenty years of peace which followed covered a l")criod of marvelous western exjiansion, some of which was visionary and nuich of which was substantial. But, although dormant, the American military instinct was vital and only awaiting a spark to coax it into flame. Even before the Texas-Mexican quarrels solidi- fied into a national war issue, Cleveland village was organizing her Light Horse Troops, tlie City Guards, Cleveland Light Artillery, and the Cleveland Grays and, when the war witli IVIcxico became a certaint}^, tliey shot up like muslirooms or asparagus — over night. Of the special war ci-o)) the Hibernian (iuards maintained its organ- ization the lonijest. and of all the local military bodies cstablislied previous to the Mexican war the Cleveland Grays and the Cleveland Light Artillery were tlie most stable and famous. As organizations tlipy did not serve in the Mexican war, although sevei'al of its mem- bers did, but not a few leading officers of the civil war received ' See page 91. 1848-61J JULITAKY AFl-'AiliS 657 their training in them, and they were absorbed as a whole, by otlier units of the Union army. For the ilexioan war, Clevehuid and Cincinnati together raised Company H, Fifteenth United States Infantry. It participated in most of the leading engagements on Mexican soil, suffered a nuiiihcr of deaths and was mustered out of service and returned to Ohio in August, 1848. Cleveland Grays axd Cleveland Light Artilleby Tlie Cleveland Grays had been organized in 1837, with Timothy Ingraham as their first captain, and in all parades, and banquets, and public occasions of whatever nature, they were in the front. They were presented with flags and other numerous evidences of local admiration, and finally proved their true metal when they be- came the first Union soldiers to leave Cleveland. But they changed their uniforms, which had become so familiar and so much admired, from gray to blue and were lost as an independent company in the Union ranks. Their gun squad, which was formed in 1839, developed into the Cleveland Light Artillery. Both furnished their own uniform,s as long as they were independent comi)anies, and the artillery gladly met the additional expenses of hiring horses and equipment, whenever required. The membership of both was drawn from the best families. Captains A. S. Sanford and T. S. Paddock are recalled a.s popular ante-civil-war commanders of the Grays, and among the well known members of the Cleveland Light Artillery were James Barnett, E. S. Flint, W. H. Hayward, Amos Townsend, C. J. Merriam and Edward A. Scovill. In 1859, under legislative enactment, the four Cleveland companies of artillery and those formed in Brooklyn and Geneva were organized into a regiment, under the following oflficers : James Barnett, colonel ; Stephen B. Sturgess, lieutenant-colonel ; Clark S. Gates, major ; Dr. C. E. Ames, surgeon; Amos Townsend, quartermaster. Of these two noted organizations, the Grays were the first to leave for the front, on the sixteenth of April, 1861, but the Light Artillery were first in battle and in its ranks was killed the first Cleveland man. FiBST Ohio Light Artillery On the twenty-second of April, 1861, Colonel Barnett with his six companies of artillery reported at Columbus and went into the service as commander of the First Ohio Light Artillerj'. Its three-months' service was in West Virginia and at the engagement of Laurel Hill, Vol. I— 4S 658 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV on the seventh of July, George H. Tillotson was killed, the first soldier from Cleveland thus to offer up his life. It was at Carrick's Ford, a week later, that the First Ohio Light Artillery made the captures of men and materials which enabled Colonel Barnett to present his home city with the Confederate cannon which still is featured on the Public Square. After the regiment was reorganized for three years' service, its former colonel became General Barnett, chief of artillerj^ on the staff of General Rosecraus, a leading figure of the civil war. David L. Wood, sergeant of the old Graj-s and major and one of the founders of the Cleveland Light Artillery, was quarter- master-general when the civil war broke out. As he requested active service he was soon commissioned captain in the Eighteenth regi- ment of the regular armj", was wounded at Stone River and died at Cleveland in 1881. In the three-years' service the batteries of the regiment, with their captains, were A, Charles W. Scovill ; B, Norman A. Baldwin ; C, James Storer; C, Albert Edwards; E, Albert G. Ransom; G, Joseph Bartlett ; K, Louis Heekman ; I, John A. Bennett ; L, William Walforth, and M, Martin L. Paddock. Independent batteries: Nineteenth Ohio, Captain Joseph C. Shields; Twentieth Ohio, Captain William Backus. Harrison B. York was also captain of the Ninth Battery, Ohio Light Artillery, and James Burdiek, captain of the Fifteenth Battery. So the artillery was well represented by men from Cleveland and vicinity. Its service was principally in Ken- tucky, Tennessee and Georgia. Company D, First Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Cl.evel.and Grays) The Cleveland Grays started for the defense of Washington via Columbus on the sixteenth of April, the day following Lincoln's call for volunteers, and was mustered into the service as Company D/ First Ohio Volunteer Infantry. On the seventeenth of June, it repelled a Confederate attack on the train which was carrying them toward Bull Run, in which it participated. Soon afterward, the Grays re-enlisted for three years and l)ocaine Company E, Thomas S. Paddock, captain. Its members at tin- front pai'ticipated in all the l>loody engagements in Tennessee and Georgia, and its incuibers at home raised two companies for the Eiglity-fonrtli Ohio Infantry and five companies for the One I Inmli'i'd ;iiid I'MfticlIi and I'lirnislied nearly all the reg- imental offi('(>rs. The latter regiment was i)ra('tically a Cleveland command. The Cleveland Grays, first and last, furnished to the T'nion armies eightv commissioned officers. 1861-65] :\IILITARY AFP^AIRS 659 Other Commands in Which Cleveland Men Served In the Seventh Ohio Infantry were 610 Cleveland men, with William R. Creighton as colonel. The Twenty-third, with which Rutherford B. Hayes and William McKinley were identified, drew 341 of its soldiers from the Forest City. Company A, Capt. Eugene Clark, wa-s entirely recruited from Cleveland. The Thirty-seventh, a German regiment, of which Edward Siber was colonel, had 152 Cleveland men. More than 400 Clevelanders went into the Forty- first and its oflficers number many prominent men of the city. Captain William B. Ilazeu of the regvilar army was made its colonel, and he afterwards became a notable figure, being one of the stand- bys of the rugged Thomas, the Rock of Chiekamauga. The One Hun- dred and Third Infantry, Col. Philip C. Hayes, drew 461 Cleveland men, and made one of the brilliant Union charges of the war at Resaca. Oliver H. Payne, colonel of the One Hundred and Twenty- fourth, had 567 Cleveland men under him. It lost heavily at Chiek- amauga, where its colonel was wounded and won special honors at Missionary Ridge under Phil Sheridan. The One Hundred and Twenty-eighth was a development of the old Hoffman battalion and their main duties were to guard the Confederate prisoners in the camp at John.son's Island. It contained about 300 men from Cleve- land. There were 801 residents of the Forest City who joined the One Hundred and Fiftieth Regiment of veterans, organized as one hundred day men to guard the defenses of Washington. They were in one engagement against Early's troops in July, 1864. The One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment comprised 399 Clevelanders and its commander was Colonel Arthur T. Wilcox. Cleveland was largely represented in the Second Ohio Cavalry, of which Charles Doubleday w-as colonel. It is a branch of the service which is supposed to be in rapid motion, liut the Second had an luuisual record for both fighting and traveling. It fought under twenty-three generals, including Custer, Sheridan and Grant. Tts horses drank from twenty-five great American rivers. It campaigned through thirteen states, traveled 27,000 miles and fought in ninety- seven battles. The local representatives in the Si.xth, Tenth and Twelfth Ohio Cavalry were small in number, altliougb Thomas W. Sanderson was commander of the Tenth and John F. Ilerrick was lieu- tenant-colonel of the Twelfth. Numerous Cleveland men were also officers in other regiments. The following were colonels : Charles Whittlesey, of the Twentieth Infantry ; Oscar W. Sterl, of the One Hundred and Fourth, and Robert L. Kimberly, of the One Hundred 660 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV and Ninety-first. The lieuteuant-eolouels from Cleveland were as follows: Frank Lj-ncli and Z. S. Spaulding, Twenty -seventh In- fantry; Thomas Clark, Twenty -ninth ; Wilbur F. Hinman, Sixty- fifth; John J. Wiseman, Eighty-fourth; George L. Hay ward, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth ; Mervin Clark, One Hundred and Eighty-third; LlewelljTi R. Davis, One Hundred and Eighty-seventh; Eben S. Coe, One Hundred and Ninetj^-sixth ; Gershom M. Bar])er, One Hundred and Ninety -seventh Infantry, and George G. iliuor, Seventh Ohio Cavalr^^ The leading staff officers from Cleveland included: Brigadier- general S. H. Devereaux, superintendent of military railroads ; Brevet- Brigadier-general J. J. Elwell, A. Q. M. ; Brevet-Brigadier-general Anson Stager, A. Q. M., and superintendent military telegraph ; Colonel Calvin Goddard, A. A. G., and Lieutenant-colonel John Dol- man, paymaster. Toll of Death and Maimed When the toll of civil war casualties had finally been condensed for tliis section of the state, it vv^as found that 1.700 men and youth who went from Cuyahoga County had died, either outright on the battlefield, of wounds there suffered or in Confederate prisons, while 2,000 had returned crippled and disabled for life; which about equaled the ratio of casualties to the total number of Union soldiers in service, 1 to 3. Women 's Relief Work Tlie woi'k of llie Ladies' Aid Society, wliich Iiecame a branch of the United States Sanitary Commission before the end of the first year of the war, was but a repetition of what women have alwaj'S done in an emergency. The Cleveland society was one of the first relief organizations to get into working order, being ready for what- ever might be, on tlie twentieth of April, 1861. Among other note- worthy enterprises which its members established and maintained were the .soldier's' home and the military hospital near the Union depot, and at the conclusion of the war they ajipropriated .1<.''),000 toward the erection of the Ohio State Soldiers' Home at Columbus. OinciXAi.iTV OF Civil, War Campaigns The cami)aigns of tlie civil war asloniided tlie military leaders of ]']ur()pe by the l)rilliaiiicy, dash and originality with which they 1861-65] ]\11L1TAKV AFFAIRS 661 were eoiuliieted on hotli sides, ami for years afterward they studied the literature dealing with such uiovements with care and ealhusi- asni. A great military nation had heen born from the efforts of men and women who luid known only jieaee for more than a dozen years. But the fighting spirit and the military genius were in the l)lood of the ranks and did not require years of training to make them avail- able. It is said that not a few of the movements in Prussia's wars against Austria anil France were founded ujxjn i)liases of the eivil war campaigns. From the Civn. "War to the "War with Sp.vin But the fearful deeinuition of man-power in the "United States caused by that unhappy war, witli the after work of political, com- mercial and industrial reconstruction, was such a lesson as to cause a naturally aggressive spirit to recoil from the repetition of such horrors. For many years, the militarj' spirit was almost dormant, and the memories of the war were revived only so far as they tended to relieve and honor those who had fought and often suffered. G. A. R. posts were formed, supplemented by the "Women's Relief Corps. Loyal Legions were organized, and the Sons of "Veterans came into being. Soldiers' and sailors' monuments, soldiers' and sailors' homos and hundreds of other like evidences that the community mourned its brtfve dead were on every hand. That the eivil war had given birth to the armored ship and the submarine and that, in the after years, American genius and science were taking the first flights toward the mastery of the air, were events which seemed to have little bearing on military prestige or the wars of the future. The Gatling giui had also been invented late enough so that its possibilities were not tested in our eivil war. The Spanish-American "War Over thirty years of peace gave the countrv an opportunity not only to heal its own wounds and develop its internal resources enormouslj', but to become so indispensable to the comfort and pros- perity of other countries of both homis|iheres, that they said "Come join us." But the United States was fearful of war; not fearful for its own territorial integrity, but it recoiled before bloodshed, excepting when some great and vital principle was involved. The nation had become the strong brother of Soiith American republics and their protector as against the territorial ambitions of strong 662 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV European eoimtries. Thus when a weak people were oppressed and many of them enslaved at her very doors by a covetous mon- archy overseas, she protested, and might even have gone to war with- out the sinking of tlie Maine. With tlie unparalleled expansion of the national wealth and resources there arose an uneasy sentiment that our small standing aimy and navy were quite inadequate for their protection in case of foreign wars; for against civil war we had long since closed the door. Ohio, like most of the other states of the Union, revived her old militia laws and organized a state national guard, comprising about a hundred companies of infantry, two batteries of artillery, two troops of cavalry, a corps of engineers and two divisions of naval reserves. The regulars and the national guard, which were sworn into the service of the United States as a national army, were what the United States threw against Spain on the land, a country sup- posed to be a military nation. We felt that our navy was prepared. This is no place to review the Spanish-American war; but Cleveland did what it could to give America the victory. About 1,000 volunteers went from the Forest City. The principal officers from Cleveland who served in Cuba were General George A. Garretson, Majors Charles F. Cramer and Arthur K. A. Liebich, Adjutant Fred B. Dodge, and Captains Joseph C. Beardsley, Daniel H. Pond, Cliarles X. Zimerman, Edwiu G. Lane, Edward A. Noll and Walter S. Bauder, of the Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; Captain John C. Fulton, Company D, Ninth Battalion, 0. N. G. ; ^Major Otto M. Schade, Quartermaster H. W. Morganthaler, and Captains John R. McQuigg, Edward N. Ogram, Henry Frazee, Clifford W. Fuller and Edward D. Shurmer, Tentli Ohio Infantry; Captain George T. McConnell, Fii-st Battalion, Ohio Light Artillery; Major Webb C. Hayes, Adjiitants Arthur C. Rogers and Paul Howland, Surgeon Frank E. Bunts and Cajitains Russell E. Bnrdick, Carlylp L. Burridge, Henry W. Corning and William 31. Scolield, First Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. The late Brigadier-general George A. Garretson was a native of Ohio, a graduate of West Point (1867), and a civil war veteran. For several years after the War of the Rebellion he served as a lieutenant in the United States Artillery and was a captain in the Oliio National Guai'ds. When the Sijanisli-American war oi)ened, he was president of the Bank of Commerce, Cleveland, and in May, 1898, was commis- sioned brigadier-general of volunteers, serving thus until bis honor- able discharge in November. General Garretson died in 1917. The result of the Spanish-American war, especially our acquisi- ISOS-lDll MILITARY AFFAIRS 663 tion of the Fhilippiues, brought the Uuited States territorially into the international comity. Our shipping interests revived, our navy expanded, the Panama Canal commenced to mean more to us than ever, and yet, after Europe had been engulfed in blood for nearly three years, it seems almost inconceivable that the covetousness and cold-bloodedness of a great .military nation across the Atlantic could draw the United States into the vortex. And when long-suffering threatened to become national humiliation, if not suicide, the United States acted as she always liad when resolved upon a course. Military Org.\nization AViien the World "War Opened In 1917, when President Wilson declared that a state of war existed with Germany, Cleveland liad a number of efficient military Fifth Ohio Infantry in the Stadium at El Paso, Texas organizations whicli had been largely maintained by legislation supporting and developing the National Guard since the conclusion of the Spanish-American war. Two armories had been built and faithfully used. The Grays, which had never died, had their head- quarters on Bolivar Road southea.st, and the Central Armory, a fine building at East Sixth Street and Lakeside Avenue, northeast, was the grand drilling center and the nucleus of local military activities in general. The naval militia had its armory on Carnegie Avenue southeast and Troop A Cavalry on East Fifty-fifth Street. Training School for Civilians Even before the war clouds broke, Cleveland had commenced systematicalh- to prepare for the coming storm. In the fall of 1915 66-i CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV was organized the Ohio National Guard J\'Iilitary Training School for Civilians, which was conducted by officers of the National Guard. Over 700 responded on the opening night, the second of December. In the spring of 1916, it was stated in the Plain Dealer, regarding this first civilian military school organized in the United States, and military matters in general: "Most of the men have conscientiously remained at their weekly drills. The course of twenty-five lectures and drills will be concluded in June, and the men will be taken to camp early in Juh*. National guard officers all over the state have donated their services and have given lectures to the school. Adjt.- Gen. B. W. Hough has promised state aid, and Governor F. B. Willis, CENTBiVL Armory who lias inspected the class, enthuses over the project. Out of this school grew several similar schools in many parts of the state, all based on the Cleveland plan. And branches in Cleveland were formed, too, consisting of classes in signal corps work, hospital corps, artillery and engineering. Schools have taken up the work, and hundreds of boj's are getting military training. "Later came organization of the Women's Auxiliary of the Oliio National Guard Military Training School. Over 200 appeared for the first night of this school, and women are continuing to prepare to do their part if war should come. This was the first class formed in the country. "Interest in military afTairs in Cleveland in the past year ex- 1917-18] .MILITARY AFFAIRS 665 ceedcd records since the Spanish war and here, in time of peace, this city is diligently prejiariny;. Congressional consideration of a preparedness program leads military men of Cleveland to feel Cleve- land will have still more militia than at present." Reckless Americanism With the coming of the spring of IHIT. and the taking of the momentous national step which inad(> the United States the real leader of democracy, repuhlicanism and everything else which stands for universal faii'-play, events multiplied in Cleveland with such rapidity that they could not then, and never can be, recorded in every detail. ]\Ien, women and children rushed to every known center of organization to recruit for service. No one imagined when war was first mentioned as a certainty that there would be any dangerous number of slackers, but the response was so overpowering and, in some cases, so devoid of a reasonable caution in the protec- tion of the weak, dependent and helpless, that the selective plans were put in force bj' the government. The situation was much like that of the fresh, intrepid fighting Tanks when they joined their wearied allies overseas to go "over the top" with them. They in- sisted on leading them "over the top," in recklessly throwing away their lives if they could gain a foot of ground or inspire in any way to victory. Unlike the Germans, they were not driven into battle before the revolvers and sabers of their officers, but often had to be driven back by those in command who valued their properly eon- served strength and their eager, hard.y young lives more than they did themselves. It has ever been so. America aroused in a good cause is a goddess who must be restrained by wise keepers in order that her strength may be put forth best to accomplish the ends for which she wages war. ^fany volunteered before the selective drafts were organized and enforced. Not a few men, repeatedly rejected as volunteers, were finally selected and trained. The Regulars, the National Guard, the civilian volunteers, the selected men were soon merged into a grand national army, so uniform in spirit of self- sacrifice that when a year had passed all distinction as to military sources of supply were formally blotted out by the government. So that now all are proud to be simply known as soldiers of the United States army. Pex Picture op Cleveland's Military Service Passing over the details bj' which Cleveland has accomplished such marvels of war work in the raising of man-power and the organ- 666 CLEA'-ELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV ization and application of every material, inspirational, moral and spiritual resource at its command, the writer presents, with thanks, in this late autumn of 1918, a summary of several vital phases of the situation as prepared for hira by Harold T. Clark, one of the prom- inent Cleveland workers in the war activities at home. In some por- tions of the statement his language is used; in other cases, made to fit the case; but, at all events, the facts and salient features of his well-drawn picture are retained. It is impossible to state at this time (autumn of 1918) the exact number of men who have entered the military or naval service of the United States. The Cleveland War Service is endeavoring to compile such a record and indeed, to have preserved in one place, a per- manent card catalog giving the most important facts in regard to each man and his family. Much progress has been made but there have been so many channels through which men and women from Cleveland have entered the service, not only through enlistments at home but elsewhere, that the problem of gathering the scattered in- formation is a tremendous one. The complexities will be somewhat appreciated when it is known that men and women from Cleveland have entered and are constantly entering service through some or all of the following channels : Twenty draft boards in various parts of the city. Ohio National Guard. Ohio Naval ililitia — the Dorothea Company. Reserve Officers Training Camps. Regular Army. Navy. Marine Corps. United States Naval Auxiliary Reserve. United States Shipping Board. Military Training Camps Association. Lakeside Unit (hospital). Westei-n Reserve i\nil)ulance Company. Red Cross. Y. M. C. A. Knights of Columbus. .Y. M. II. A. Again, the various recruiting .stations accept mon regardless of their place of residence, so that it is necessary to pick out from their records men coming from Cleveland. Taking into consideration all the facts, one is safe in saying that 1918] MILITARY AFFAIRS 667 up to the first of September, 1918, Cleveland sent at least 35,000 men and women into the service of the United States. If one wishes to consider also those who are serving in the ranks of our allies, another 5,000 siiould be added to cover those who have gone through the following channels: British and Canadian Re- cruiting mission, Italian reservists, Polish army in France, Czecho- slovak army, Jugo-Slavs (Croats, Serbs, Slovenes), and Jewish legion. The camps to which the largest number of Cleveland men have been sent have been : Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama, for the Ohio National Guard men. Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio, for the selective service men. Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Indiana, for the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. Allentown, Pennsylvania, Western Reserve Ambulance Company. Considerable numbers of Cleveland men have also been sent to Camp Upton. Yaphank, Long Island; Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ar- kansas; Camp Nichols, New Orleans, Louisiana; Camp Stuart, New- port News, Virginia; Columbus Barracks (for regular army re- cruits) ; Paris Island, South Carolina (for Marine Corps recruits) ; and Great Lakes Training Station, Chicago, for men in the Navy and United States Naval Auxiliary Reserve. In addition to the foregoing, Cleveland men have been sent as individuals or in groups to camps and training stations in every part of the country. The most typically-Cleveland military organizations in existence at the present time are believed to be : (1) The One Hundred and Forty-fifth United States Infantry Regiment of the Thirty-seventh Division. This includes several companies drawn chiefly from the Fifth Regiment Ohio National Guard. (2) One Hundred and Twelfth U. S. Engineers Regiment of the Thirty-seventh Division. This includes several companies drawn chiefly from the First Regiment Ohio National Guard. (3) One Hundred and Thirty-fourth U. S. Field Artillery of the Thirt.y-seventh Division. This includes Battery A of the First Ohio Artillery. (4) One Hundred and Thirty-fifth U. S. Field Artillery of the Thirty -seventh Division. This includes several companies from the Second Ohio Field Artillery. (5) One Hundred and Forty-eighth U. S. Infantry, Company F. This includes part of the Cleveland Grays. 668 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV (6) Three Hundred aud Thirty-first U. S. Infantry of the Eighty-third Division; includes a large number of the selective service men who went to Camp Sherman. (7) Three Hundred and Forty-eighth U. S. Infantry of the Eighty-seventh Division, included several hundred Cleveland men. (8) One Hundred and Sixty -sixth U. S. Infantry, "The Rain- bow Division," includes fifteen men taken from each company of the Fifth Regiment, 0. N. G. (9) Three Hundred and Seventy-second U. S. Infantry, in- cludes many colored men from Cleveland. (10) U. S. Base Hospital No. 4; the Lakeside Unit. (11) Western Reserve Ambulance Company No. 4. "Your request," writes Mr. Clark, "for the names, present ad- dresses and rank of the most prominent officers who were residents of Cleveland, is a difficult one to answer. The i^resent addresses are in most cases unknown. Take for example the large number of men who received commissions at the first and second officers' training camps ; they have been distributed among many organizations and ai-e constantly being shifted. Again, I hardly know who should be included among 'the most prominent officers,' and I fear that no record is yet available which would make it possible to get a com- plete list of those holding even the highest ranks. The problem is an extremely complex one because a considerable number of men have been given commissions in order to secure their services in some branch necessary for the prosecution of the war, but not in the strictly fighting line. "The number of captains and even majoi's among Cleveland men is large. Many of these men attended an officers' training camp and, being men of education and standing, are apt to become prom- inent before tlie war is over, but speaking as of the first of September, 1918, I do not see how you could safely pick out part of them. Tak- ing the higher ranks at the present time I can give you a partial, but not a complete list: "Major-general Clarence R. Edwards, who w«s boi-n in Cleveland, and is a brother of Harry R. Edwards of the Wm. Edwards Company, and of Mrs. Charles A. Otis, is undoubtedly the most prominent Cleveland officer now in the war. He was in connnand of tlie Twenty- sixth Division of New England troops that has already made an excellent record in France." As General Edwards was born on New Year's day of 1860, he is a few inouths older than General Pershing. He has gradually advanced in militarj' rank since he wa.s graduated from the "West Point 1918] :\IILITARY AFFAIRS 669 Military Academy in 1883 until he became a brigadier-general in the United States Army in 1906 and a major-general in May, 1917. General Edwards was with the brave General Lawton in the Philip- pines campaign, and when the World war broke out was in com- mand of the United States troops in the Panama Canal Zone. He was one of Pei-shing's bowers in the wonderful hand now held against the Huns by the American Expeditionary Force. Because of ill-health, he was recalled for service in America, in October, 1918. Brigadier-general Charles X. Zimerman is serving in France as commander of the Seventy-third Infantry Brigade, which includes the old Fiftii Regiment of Cleveland, of which he was colonel. Colonel John R. ilcQuigg, a former Cleveland lawyer, obtained his first military experience in Company A, of the Fifth, and the Cleveland Grays. He was identified with the latter for seven years, organized the engineer battalion for service in the Spanish-American war, of which he was commissioned major. During the first of the war he was a captain in the Tenth Ohio Infantry. Three years be- fore he became identified with the war activities of the present he was named chief engineer officer of the state with the rank of lieu- tenant-colonel. After organizing an engineer regiment for service abroad he was commissioned its colonel, his command being desig- nated as the One Hundred and Twelfth U. S. Engineers. In July, 1918, after several moriths of training at Camp Sheridan, Illinois, the engineers under Colonel McQuigg arrived overseas and have since given a fine account of themselves. The Cleveland Grays, Company F, One Hundred and Forty- eighth U. S. Infantry, arrived about the same time. The regiment was in command of Colonel George Wood, form<»r adjutant-general of the state. Among those who have made fine records in the artillery service are Lieutenant-colonel Ba.seom Little, who is on the staff of Major- general C. C. Williams, chief of the ordnance department of the Ameri- can army "over there." Among the Clevelanders who have become lieutenant-colonels may be mentioned ]\I. A. Fanning, Chester C. Bolton, F. B. Richards and L. W. Blyth. Captain J. F. Devereaux is in service and is well known as a major of artillery, and Lieutenant Daniel Willard, of the One Hundred and Second Field Artillery, has been decorated with the Croix de Guerre. Captain H. P. Shupe, formerly the commanding officer of the Cleveland Grays, is one of the leading military veterans of Cleveland. For several vears he has served as chairman of the militarv com- 670 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV mittee of the Chamber of Commerce and has held the same position under the mayor's Advisory War Committee. Prominent War Ch'ilians Cleveland has furnished many prominent officials and civilians who are specially identified with war work. The name of Newton D. Baker, secretary of war, and foi*merly mayor of Cleveland, will at once occur. When he reaches his forty-seventh birthday in Decem- ber of the year 1918, he will have the satisfaction of knowing that what the American army has done on the western front is one answer to those who doubted his abilities at an earlier period of this stu- pendous game of war. Benedict Crowell, Secretary Baker's assistant, is a native of Cleveland and was long connected with the iron ore business before he became a member of the General Miinitions Board of the govern- ment which had charge of the work of steel production as it related to the World war. Upon his appointment as assistant secretary of war in November. 1917, he resigned his commission of commanding major of the Engineer Reserve Corps, in charge of the Washington office of the Panama Canal, which he had held since the preceding August. Major Crowell has special charge of industrial matters coming before the war department, and is designated officially as director of munitions. Dr. Frank E. Spaulding, who had been superintendent of schools for varioTis cities, both East and West, for more than twenty years before he assumed a like position in Cleveland, in 1917, assumed in August of that year one of the most important duties in connec- tion with the educational acfivitics of the war period. He was ap- pointed head of the commission organized by the Y. M. C. A. which, in cooperation with General Pershing, is to establish war zone schools for the benefit of American soldiers at the front. Doctor Spaulding is admirably fitted for the great task. Big Work in General What Cleveland and Clevelanders have been doing at home to win the war is so much and involves so many details that it is im- possible completely to cover tlie subject. It is estimnti'd lliat since 1914 Ihc diirerent war industries have turned out $750,000,000 worth of munitions. Tliou.sands of tons of iron ore and coal have been transported by Cleveland ships, and the old days have been revivecl wlicn the city was one of the gi'catest shi])building centers in the United States. Large ship.s are being l)uilt in Cleveland to carry the 1918] JIILITARV AFFAIRS 671 tinislicd product of its irou and steel industries to Berlin by way of Lake Erie and Welland Caiuil, and freighters, originally built for lake service and too long to pass the canal locks are being sawed in two and put together on the Atlantic I'oast. At this writing (.the fall of 1918) Cleveland is making $300,000,000 worth of munitions of war from shells to gas. Behind its war industries are 175,000 workmen, wlio ai-e making thousands of motor trucks and tools for munitions; 120,000 uniforms; tractors for artillery, range and i)0si- tion finders, submarine chasers, cannon and shell forgings, shrapnel cases and time fuses, chemicals for explosives and rifles, airplanes, army shoes and hats, tents and farm tractors, bayonets and revolvers. Individual Home Workeks As to individual workers among the strong and patriotic men and women of Cleveland, the list is so long as to forbid all but. mere men- tion of some of them, and even, at that, many worthy names will be omitted. Charles A. Otis, the banker, has been a leader in the work of increasing the production of local factories engaged in war in- dustries. Muuson Havens, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and since September, 1918, county fuel administrator, has been a home pillar in war and peace. Christian Girl has done much to aid in the development of the Liberty Motor truck. F. H. Goff, member of the Capital Lssucs committee; B. W. Housum, of the Food Admin- istration ; ]\Ialeolm L. McBride, in the movement organizing recre- ations at army camps; Samuel Seovil, in connection with the local War Industries board; George A. Schneider, as an inspiring speaker at factories, mines and shipyards; J. Robert Grouse, as director of the first great W. S. S. campaign, which ended in December, 1918; John A. Kling, Robert J. Bulkley, Wilford C. Saeger, Parmely W. Herrick and a host of other good Cleveland citizens have put their shoulder to the war wheel, which never had so many spokes in it as has tha one of 1917-18. First Army Unit to Go Abroad None of the civilians, and certainly none of the professions, have done so much pioneer war work as that accomplished by the local physicians and surgeons. In fact, to Cleveland belongs the proud distinction of sending to France the first unit of the United States army to go into active service after the declaration of war. In a recent statement. Secretary of War Baker says: "The first ship bear- ing military personnel sailed May 8, 1917, having on board Base Hospital Unit Number Four." Base Hospital No. 4 is more gener- 672 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV all}- known as the Lakeside Base Hospital Unit. It was organized in accordance with a plan conceived by Dr. George W. Crile as a result of his experience and observations in the war zone during three months' service in the American Ambulance in Paris during the fii-st year of the war. Upon his return, he presented the unit plan of organization to the surgeon-general, with certain modifica- tions. The plan presented by Dr. Crile was adopted by the surgeon- general's department, and all over the country base hospitals were organized from existing civil hospitals. Lakeside Base Hospital In an article by Colonel Jefferson R. Kean, in the Militari) Surgeon of May, 1916, occurs the following statement: "Nowhere do I re-' call prior to the appearance of Doctor Crile 's article on surgical units, a few months ago, the conception of an organization drawn from an existing civil hospital M'hose personnel embraces the best medical and surgical talent in the country, and is able from the start to work together by reason of their association in civil life. When we add to this conception a complete standard equipment stored and ready for shipment, so tliat there will be no delay, the result is an organization of transcendent value such as no army, except perhaps Germany's, has been to my knowledge blessed with at the beginning of a war — certainly no American army." In accordance with this plan, the organization of the Lakeside Base Hospital L^nit, the personnel of which for the most part consisted of doctors and nurses connected with the staff of Lakeside Hospital, was started in the early part of 1916. The full personnel of profes- sional, nursing and civilian staff was complete in the summer of that year. Recognition of tlic inception of this idea by a Cleveland sur- geon was given by the surgeon-general when Base Hospital No. 4,. the Lakeside Unit, was a.sked to mobilize on Pairmount Field, Phila- delphia, in connection with the Clinical Congress of the Surgeons of North America in .session there in October, 1916. Surgeons, nurses and oi'derlies were ready in a remarkably short time after the request for mobilization was received, and within twenty-four hours from the time they left Cleveland they wore on duty at Pairmount Pield, and. had there been patients to be received, could have cared for them. This mobilization was viewed by regular army officials, surgeons and Red Cross officials. Criticisms and suggestions were asked for, and crystallized by a special committee aiipointed for that purpose, in order that the base hosjiital idea might be perfected 1918] -MILITARY AFFAIRS 673 in the sliortest possible time, since tlie war clouds were drawing nearer and it became increasingly obvious that war with Cienuany would not be long delayed and that hospitals might soon be called for. On the twenty-eighth of April, 1917, Dr. Crilo, the profes.sional director of Base Hospital No. 4, received instructions from "Washing- ton ordering the immediate mobilization of this ba.sc hospital for serv- ice abroad. ]\Ia.inr IT. L. Gilchrist of the ^fodical Corps, United States Army, was appointed commanding officer of the unit, and came at onee Lakeside Hcspital (War Unit No. 4) to Cleveland to assume charge of tlie mobilization of the lio.spital, and it is a matter of proud record that on the sixth of April, the eighth day from the receipt of the mobilization orders, the personnel ready for foreign service entrained in Cleveland to sail from New York two days later. In England, this Cleveland unit was welcomed by high officials of the English army, the cordial reception culminating in a reception to the officers and nurses at Buckingham palace, when the king 674 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV made the following address: "It is with the utmost pleasure aud satisfaction tliat the queen and I welcome you here to-day. We greet you as the first detachment of the American army which has landed on our shore since the gi-eat republic resolved to join in the world-struggle for the ideals of civilization. "We deeply appreciate this prompt aud generous response to our needs. It is characteristic of the humanity and chivalry which have ever been evinced by the American nation that the first assistance rendered to the allies is in connection with the profession of healing and the work of mercy." This base hospital, with five from other cities which followed it at short intervals, was assigned to service in English base hospitals, thus releasing medical officers and members of the Koyal Army Medical Corps for much needed other service. The record of service of members of this unit up to the present time has been cause for great pride. First University War Unit Even earlier in the war, Cleveland offered service to the allies by sending from Western Reserve University a unit the identification of which with the American Ambulance in Paris was made possible by the generosity of residents who were trustees of Lakeside hospital. This was the first university unit to render such service in the country and was followed by similar organizations. The University unit idea also originated with Dr. Crile, who was requested by Ambassador Herrick to serve for a time at the American Ambulance. He then conceived the idea of tlie University unit by which such service was greatly extended. Tluis was Dr. George W. Crile the pioneer of Cleveland and America in bringing vital assistance from the United States to the hard-pressed allies overseas, going thus abroad, as tlie personification of tlie national spirit of huinanity and chivalry, on his mission of healing and mercy. Consolidation op War Funds Wilh the progress of tlie war, after the United States became a party to the conflict, one war fund after another was pressed by various organizations, such as the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus and the Jewish War Relief. All presented worthy objects for consideration, but as there was no cooperation between tlie associations which solicited the support of the patriotic public, the lines of the difTercnt interests necessarily crossed and there was 1918] MILITARY AFFAIRS 675 much conflicting: work. The organizers, promoters and workers con- nected with the numerous funds which were purely charitable, there- fore got together to form a general body of control with a single head and siiu'c that time, like the aifairs of the allies, the activities connected with the raising of the local war funds have progressed with system, smoothness and increased force. To borrow an ath- letic sporting term, "the team-work" has been wonderful. In the spring of 1918, sixteen Cleveland organizations agreed to combine and raise a grand war fund which should be apportioned according to a prearranged plan. The War Council of Cleveland and Cuyalioga County was thus formed, and the $6,000,000 origin- ally proposed to be raised, to cover the war contributions of that section for the last seven months of 1918, was duly apportioned ac- cording to the following anuouneeraent : "Red Cross, $2,500,000— Of this amount, $625,000 will be spent in Cleveland to supply materials to workers on knitted garments and hospital essentials; and lo relieve needy families of soldiers and sailors. The balance will be spent in America and Europe to build and maintain hospitals, to carry on ambulance service and to aid distressed families. "Army Y. M. C. A., $1,200,000— To provide facilities for soldiers and sailors in camps and bases and trendies, in the United States and overseas, and in the armies of our Allies. "Knights of Columbus, $300,000~To carry forward activities similar to those of the Army Y. M. C. A. Open to soldiers of all religious denominations. "Y. W. C. A. War Work, $150,000— Much of this money will be spent for the building and maintenance of 'hostess houses' at camps and cantonments. At the 'hostess houses' accommodations for wuves and mothers of soldiers are provided and places are afforded where women can meet tlieir .soldier sons and brothers. "War Camp Community Service, $150,000 — To aid the Posdick commission in its efforts to provide clean moral conditions in towns and cities near the camps, and to make camp surroundings whole- some. "Jewish War Relief and Soldiers' Welfare — Cleveland's quota of the $10,000,000 National Fund to relieve Jews in devastated war areas of Russia, Poland, Palestine and other sections — $300,000. Welfare work for American soldiers in camps and cantonments, $30,- 000— total $.330,000. "Armenian Relief, $100,000— The city's portion of a national 676 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV contribution to bring succor to hundreds of thousands of Armenians who, according to former President Taft, are suffering greater agonies than those visited upon the Belgians. "Serbian Aid Fund, $15,000 — Cleveland's quota of a national fund, much of which will be used to provide physicians and otiier professional men vitally needed in Serbia. "Allied Prisoners, $10,000 — To be the city's contribution to a national fund which the American commission for the relief of such prisoners who are interned in Switzerland will spend. Many such prisoners are lame and blind and must be fitted for vocations. Salvation Army, $25,000 — The city's share of the nation's dona- tion for the regular Salvation Army work among soldiers and sailors. "Camp Libraries, $40,000 — To provide transportation and dis- tribution of books to soldiers and sailors; and to purchase for them technical volumes treating of modern warfare methods. "Camp Sherman Community Building. $30,000 — To furnish and maintain a camp building for the accommodation of civilian visitors to the camp. "Mayor's War Advisory Board, $250,000 — To be expended for various local war relief activities, especially those of an emergency nature, and for co-ordination of the city's war work. "Thrift Stamp Educational Campaign, $100,000— To carry for- ward the Thrift Stamp campaign in Cleveland and immediate vi- cinity. "Cleveland Welfare Federation, $150,000 — To make good a cor- responding deficit created In' use of the federation's funds for wair relief work, and to enable the federation to carry forward its custom- ary charitable work. "Undesignated War Relief, $650,000— From this sum, to ])e held in reserve, worthy and approved rociuirements for unela.ssified relief funds will bo met, as such needs develop during the balance of the year. "The budget of the campaign has been worked out by a very able investigation committee, imder the leadership of M. B. Johnson, chairman, and Paul Feiss, vice-chairman. The amount listed for the Cleveland Welfare Federation does not take the place of their regular sub.scriptions, but is to provide for the deficit in local char- ities due to war conditions. The public is urged to continue its regular gifts to all local charities and philanthropies and churches. "It is too early to talk about the possibilit.v of oversubscribing the Six IMillion Dollar Viclorv Fund, but if bv hard work and united 1918] MILITARY AFFAIRS 677 co-operatiou there should be a surplus, it will be held in Cleveland by the \Yar Council to apply upon the next call." Samuel Mather, Chairman. W. H. Prescott, Chairman Campaign Committee. Robert E. Lewis, Campaign Secretary." The campaign licadqnarters were fixed at the Chamber of Com- merce on the twentieth of May and the special "drive" for subscrip- tions continued for a week. The Cleveland war fund has been pop- ularly christened a.s the Victory Cliest fund, and the War Council which controls it and has raised it, is officered as follows: Samuel ilather, chairman : Charles K. Adams, vice-chairman ; ]\lyrou T. Her- riek, treasurer; John H. Dexter, assistant treasurer, and Henry E. Sheffield, secretary. The several cliairmcn of the leading committees are : C. E. Adams, Executive committee ; Myron T. Herriek, Budget committee; M. B. Johnson, Investigating committee; W. H. Prescott, Campaign committee. The all-imx)ortant cooperation of the churches and temples with the work of the War Council was arranged by the Rev. E. R. Wright, secretary of the Federated Churches; Dr. W. A. Sci;llen, chan- cellor of the Catholic diocese, and Rabhi Abba H. Silver, of the Temple. The Y. M. C. A. War Work All the bodies which had merged their interests to the extent indicated in the War Council of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County • retained, of course, their separate organizations for the winning of the war. The following concise statement prepared by Robert E. Lewis, general secretary of the Cleveland Young Men's Christian Association, is complete and to the point: "The Cleveland Y. M. C. A. has, up to September 1st, 1918, sent over 2,000 of its members into the armed forces of the United States. "The Cleveland association is headquarters of the State War Work Treasury, there having been raised in the state Y. M. C. A. campaign of November, 1917, $4,268,91.5, for the work among the American armed forces. This work was carried on with the com- plete approval and direct connection of the armj^ and navy. 678 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIKONS [Chap. XXXIV "The Cleveland Y. M. C. A. campaign in November, 1917, raised $1,321,433, $100,000 of which was paid over to the War Camp Com- munity Recreation Association with headquarters at Washington, and $75,000 of which was paid over to the national treasury of the Y. M. C. A. "The Cleveland association is headquarters of the Ohio Recruit- ing Committee for war service where, during the past year, over 2,000 Ohio candidates have been sifted and several hundred of thera recommended for the association's war service iu France, Italy, England, Russia and the home camps. The Central Association building is headquarters of the War Mothers of America, Cleveland Chapter. The West Side branch is the draft board headquarters for that district and the Broadway branch buildiug is the head- quarters for the draft board of the south end. "The first preparation for the Victory Chest campaign which took place in IMay. 1918, was made by joint action of the Cleveland Y. M. C. A. trustees and the Cleveland Red Cross Council, both of whom voted to co-operate in creating the Cleveland War Council and they merged their campaign teams and campaign organizations into one united body. . . . The balance from the previous Red Cross campaign and the War Y. M. C. A. campaign in Cleveland, about equally divided nnd amounting to over $600,000. was handed over to the Cleveland War Council to be disbursed by it. P.\cTs About tue Victory Chest Campaign "The result of the Victory Chest campaign of May, 1918, was a total of $10, Gl 6,032. A i)lieiiomcnal factor iu the campaign was the .subscriptions made by tlio industrial wage earners who pledged $2,671,461 to be collected out of their pay checks and turned over b}^ their various employing offices on eacli pay day during the seven months to tlic Cleveland War Council. The house-to-house division collected from the i-esidences and rural districts $280,668. The reg- ular team organization secured from the persons who had been rated upon the 'Grateful Quota' basis, ,$7,024,902. "A study of the number of subscribers gives an indication of the high patriotism of Cleveland; 99,328 persons who, for the most part, wonld be said to be in the salaried and employed class, sub- scribed to the Victory Chest; 30,586 other persons subscribed through the house-to-house visitation. No cash was taken at the residences ; only signed pledges were taken. But the wage earners of Cleveland capped the climnx. Not counting cnsh colloctions on the streets and 1918J .MllJTARY AFFAIRS 679 in various ways, 203.000 wage earners subscribed. In 1,400 i'ac- tories and other larsre establishineuts, every single employee sub- scribed to the Victory Chest. No factory turned in its pledges un- less 100 i)er pent of its employees particijiatcd in the patriotic giving. "In the Victory Chest campaign, Cleveland rose to a high posi- tion of leadership. The campaign had a great spiritual effect in binding our people of all cla.sses and occupations and race-stocks together in the great undertaking of winning tlic war." Speci.\l Contributions from the Foreign Sections The Poles of Cleveland have raised over $200,000 for the 500 or 600 men whom they have sent to France; the Czeeho-Slovaks have raised a substantial sum to supplement the allowances paid to the wives and ciiildrcn of the 300 men who have gone from Cleveland to fight for liberty, and the Croatians, Serbs and Slovenes have done likewise to support the families of their soldiers (about the same number) who have left the Forest City for service in the Balkan area. Investments in Government Securities In the foregoing, no account has been taken of the enormous sums raised in Cleveland for the support of the war through investments in such golden securities as are represented by the Liberty loans and War Savings stamps. The contributions to the other funds mentioned stand for pure patriotism and benevolence, for sym- pathy and heartaches, unsoiled by the dollar mark. It is impossible to go into details as to the complex organization of the effective local machinery employed in the four Liberty loan campaigns which have so stirred Cleveland and its tributary territory. The general results were to raise from these sources, for the conduct of the war. the following amounts : First loan, $68,711,350 ; .second loan. $101,724,100 ; third loan, $112,106,550. The third loan was especially notable for the number of its subscribers (252,000). A similar statement held true throughout the United States and was an overwhelming indica- tion of the popular confidence in the stability of the government and its current administration. Cleveland's quota for the fourth loan was $113,000,000. The campaign for funds (September 28 to October 19, 1918) was very vigorous and had a whirlwiiid finish that put the city "over the top" and on schedule time, with a total of about $225,- 000,000. All of the loans were similarly over-subscribed in char- acteristic Cleveland style. 680 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV Municipal "War Work The nninicipal work in eonnectiou with the war is conducted by the Mayor's Advisory War Committee, of which Myron T. Herrick is chairman and Harry L. Vail executive secretary. It occupies ex- tensive quarters in the city liall and is one of the busiest depart- ments of the municipal government. Its history and its accomplish- ments cannot be better presented than through Secretary Vail's re- port presented at the committee's general meeting, held on the tif- teenth of July, 1918, as follows: "Three days after war was declared, Mayor Harry L. Davis appointed what is known as the Mayor's Advisory War Committee for the purpose of taking care of any extraordinarj- mattei"s which might arise during the period of the war. This committee imme- diately organized and selected an executive committee, of which the Hon. Myron T. Herrick was chairman, and of which Mr. Charles A. Otis, Mr. M. P. Mooney, Mr. Charles E. Adams, Mr. Paul L. Feiss, Mr. Andrew Squire, Mv. Otto Miller, Mr. F. H. Goff, Mr. W. A. Green- limd, Mr. Muuson Havens and Mr. Warren G. Hayden are members. Sub-committees were immediately appointed such as the Women's committee, the Military committee, War Garden committee, Com- mittee on Patriotism and Aliens, the Americanization committee, Fuel Supply committee, Committee on Labor Employees, Committee on Recreation for Training Camps, etc. "In order to effectively carry out the objects for which these com- mittees were appointed, it was agreed that in the Red Cross campaign the sum of $2.50,000 should be set aside for the purpose of financing the activities that might come naturally to these committees. There immediately arose many demands upon the committee. "When the troops were mobilized here last June and July no arrangements had been made to take care of them. The result was that the Military committee of the war board, at its own expense, installed sewer and water connections and electric lighting and a number of other important features necessary for the care and comfort of 1lie officers and men in the new camps that were estab- lished in the parks of this city. They purchased several thousand blankets for the soldiers, as the government was unable to furnish soldiers with this equipment. They financed and managed advertis- ing and publicity campaigns for enlisted men and draft registration. "Tliey purchased 2.700 suits of warm flaniiclcttc pa.iamas for Cleve- land ])oys stationed at Camp Slieridan, which the government had also failed to provide for the soldiers. The committee furnished box 1918] MILITARY AFFAIRS 681 lunches for every drafted man going to Camp Sheridan and for many a eontiiigent of volunteers for whom no provisions had been made for food while enroute to cantonments. Forty-five men of military expciienee distjualified for active service are daily drilling selective service men \n-\ov to their departure for cantonments: has committees that attend all funerals of men who have died in service, and furnishes; flowers and proper military escort. Committees from the war board investigated, through proper military agencies all situa- tions in camps for tlie health and comfort of Cleveland soldiers, and secured in every case, proper attention on tlie part of the authorities. In all .$30,000 has been appropriated for this committee. "The war board financed the American Protective League, an es- sential part of the Department of .Justice, in which 1,.570 business and professional men reporting at all hours of the day and night are inves- tigating the cases of desertion, slackers, food profiteers, food hoarding, etc. To date, there has been 35,000 of these ca.ses before this Protective League of which 25,000 were slackers, 4,500 pro-German, 1,400 L W. W. and Socialists, and 875 wireless stations investigated. Six hundred dollars a month has been set aside for this particular work. It estab- lished a central draft board for the purpose of assisting not only the drafted men, but the parents, and wives of drafted and enlisted men. For this work $500 a month was set aside. It underwrote the salaries for the clerks of the provost marshal's department. "The war board financed and managed with experts, the war garden campaign which resulted last year in the cultivation of 3,100 acres of city backyards, alone, and it is estimated that the war garden produced $.^50 000 worth more of food than would have been raised had this committee not been in existence. For this, $10,000 was set aside of which $4,800 still remains in the treasury to help carry on the work this year. "The "Women's committee was also organized. This committee, representing 60,000 women in this city, has some fifteen diflPerent departments of work and is federated with the diffei-cnt women's clubs and organizations in Cleveland engaged in war work. This committee has sub-committees on food production, food conservation, child welfare, care of infants, women and children in industry, nurs- ing, public health, providing nurses and encouraging young women to encas'e in the nursing profession and maintaining four social agencies in .'ichools in the city that are located where there are a great manv foreigners. "Thpse centers are open, not only to the children, but to the parents. Entertainments are given with a lecture on food eonserva- 682 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV tion, food saviug. care of home, and lessons on patriotism. It is esti- mated that 35,000 women and children have attended these centers. The war board set aside the sum of $3,000 to be used as a summer school for nurses, now being maintained at Western Reserve Uni- versity, and the further sum of $2,500 for the purpose of establishing scholarships of nursing so that the girls ■\\ho were unable to attend on account of any expense, could be helped by the War Board. Fif- teen thousand dollars has been appropriated for the Women's com- mittee. "The board is financing and managing all the Americanization work in this city and county. This committee has 33 evening schools in English, 24 in factory schools, 4 in churches, 3 in public halls, 1 in foreign schools, 5 in libraries, and 5 in social centers. It conducts two Americanization Information bureaus, one in connection with the County Draft board and the other at the court house for the benefit of foreigners seeking naturalization. The appropriation for this committee is approximately $23,000. "It is financing the Federal Food Administration Bureau, under the supervision of Dr. Robert H. Bishop, Jr.* This committee has entire charge of the food situation in Cleveland, carries out the in- struction of the federal government in regard to food substitutes and food conservation, and has also taken charge of cars of perishable food, flour, sugar and cereals that are shipped into Cleveland. "This committee has full governmental authority to move freight, prevent hoarding and to take such action against those violating the food laws, as the head of this department considers necessary. This department in conjunction with the Women's committee has divided the city into zones or districts in which food centers have been established where the women of the neighborhoods may take advantage of expert advice on food conservation, canning, prepara- tion of food substitutes, etc. It is teaching the people of these par- ticular centers to appreciate the two most important things that the national administration is now interested in — the elimination of waste and the conservation of food. "This department has recently organized a bureau for fixing the price of all Foods and vegetables, a most essential thing for the con- sumer. Salaried and volunteer inspectors are sent into every section of the city to see that the list of prices are observed by all grocers and dealers. TTndcr the supervision of this committee a milk survev was •Dr. Bisliop, nt ii later date, went (o Tialy as a moiiibor of tlio .Aiiti- tuberculosis commission. 1918] MILITARY AFFAIRS 683 recently taken to determiue what justification there was for tive raise in price of this very essential product. The appropriation for this committee is $2,000 a month. "It has nnanced the Committee on Patriotism and Four Minute Men. This committee is under the direction of the authorities at Washington and is the medium for presenting throughout the city in the different picture houses, messages that are being sent out by the president and the membei's of his cabinet. In tlie last Liberty Loan, tlie members of the Four Minute Jlen's organization spoke to 720,000 people. "It is financing the three boys' camps in the county where city boys are given tlie benefit of life in the country and the farmers are given the benefit of their service in farm work. These boys live in camps under a director who watches over their health and their com- fort, and are sent out to the farms in the immediate neighborhood for the purpo.se of helping the farmers husband their crops. "It has donated the sum of $5,000 for the purpose of making a housing survey in Cleveland. In some of the congested districts the situation is so appalling that the government is going to be asked to set aside one million dollars for the purpose of providing homes in Cleveland for the people to live in and for the purpose of doing away with this congestion. "It has set aside $15,000 for the purpose of making a 'Save the Babies' campaign. A census will be taken of all the babies in the city between the ages of on'? and two months and five years. The mothers of these children will be taiight the proper care and protec- tion of their infants. It has been arranged to give proper medical attention to all the mothers and families, who by reason of lack of funds, might neglect their babies. An automobile dispensary, prop- erly equipped with a nurse and physician, will go into these districts where dispensaries have not been established. "Last October the national administration requested this com- mittee to finance a campaign for food con.servation. The campaign was immediately organized— food shows and exhibitions held in dif- ferent sections of the city. This campaign of practical food conserva- tion cost this committee $14,000. It was the first time that the fact had been brought home to our people what conservation of food meant in this war. "This committee also financed the pageant recently held in Wade Park, the great patriotic demonstration held on the Fourth of July, and the most appropriate and beautiful ceremony held yesterday in commemoration of our alliance and la.sting obligations to France — 684 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV Bastille Day, was also financed by this committee. It also provided for the entertainments of the Serbian commission and the Blue Devils, and has agreed to advance the money to purchase 10,000 tons of coal to be stored in Cleveland and disposed of through the eitj' adminis- tration the coming winter, to provide for any coal shortage that might occur. It also furnished a fund to Librarian Brett to conduct his campaign, 'Books for Soldiers.' ;'The Mayor's Advisory War Board has become a center not only for the financing of all those activities that are es.sential for the health, safety and welfare of our people but is the one great agency of Cleveland that the national administration looks to to carry out its policies and enforce its regulations, a bureau of information which all may come to for advice and information, for the whole support of the organization is one of sympathy and helpfulness. "I was elected executive secretary' on the fourteenth of last Feb- ruary. Since that time the work of the office has increased 75 per cent. The office is now on a strictl,y business basis. All our bills ai"e dis- counted and the Cleveland Trust Co. allows us 3 per cent on all our daily balances. The books are audited by a firm of expert auditors each month. Among the different sub-committees there is a great har- mony and I cannot speak too highlj^ of the services of Drs. Bishop and Roueche, Mrs. Sanford, Mr. Harold Clark, Capt. Shupe, ]\Ir. Archie Klumph, Mr. Geo. Schneider, Mr. Knirk, Mr. Marks, Mr. Cad- wallader and all the efficient members of the organization. There is a splendid co-operation between the Mayor's Advisory War Board and other local and governmental agencies in the city, the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A.. Cleveland War Council, tlio Army and Navy Recruiting Office, the different offices of the Federal Government, Chamber of Commerce, and Chamber of Industry, man_y organizations among our foreign born citizens. Mayor Harry L. Davis, and the city adminis- tration. All onr combined energies are devoted to one single purpose — the winning of the war. "There arc one hundi-ed and ten salaried ciniiloyees and there are twenty-eight Inuulred and twelve men and women directly connected with a part of your connnittee, whose services are available at any time and who are giving their services without any compensation, and I take this occasion to thank all these volunteer workers for their efficient and patriotic services." At the meeting where the foregoing report was I'ead, Myron T. Herrick, chairman of the War committee, made the statement, which is worthy of record, that until the fifteenth of February, I PI 8. that bodj'' emploj'ed an executive secretary at $4,000 per aninim, but that 1918] MILITARY AFFAIRS 685 Mr. Vail, his successor, refused to accept tlie position except upon the condition that he should receive no compensation for his services. Lack only of space, not of inclination, prevents the publication of the very niteresting and instructive reports presented by the fol- lowing: chairmen of the sub-committees : Captain Henry P. Shupe, Military Atl'aii's; George Schneider, War Gardens; Miss Helen Bacon, Americanization; Mrs. Henry L. Sanford, Women's Committee; Archie Klumph, American Protective League ; Dr. R. C. Roueche, in behalf of ciiainnaii of Cuyahoga County Food Administration; Starr Cadwallader, Central Draft Board ; J. C. Marks, Patriotism. A Hint of the Women's War Work Mrs. Henry L. Sanford, chairman of the Women's committee of the flavor's Advisory War Board, represented the presidents of all the women's organizations in the city, fraternal, religious, patriotic and philanthropic, or some 60,000 women of Cleveland. Its cam- paign of education in food conservation composed the great ex- hibit; the study on food subjects projected through all the clubs of the Women's Federation and tlie establishment of bureaus of food facts and cla.sses in various sections of the city; the publication of a patriotic cook book and demonstrations of various recipes in foreign neighborhoods. The committee co-operated in its work with sm h exist- ing social agencies as the city division of health, the outdoor relief department and the hospital council and training courses in social service were given at the Western Reserve University. Another im- portant work undertaken by the committee was the stabilizing of in- dividuals, families and neighborhoods which the war had tended to disintegrate. Four community centers were established, under the supervision of the school board, and thousands (nearly 35,000) joined the classes for instruction and fraternization. Among the most in- teresting results in this experiment was that in a very pro-German community the women became so interested that they canva.ssed enthusiastically for thrift stamps, liberty loans and the war chest, and that in another neighborhood where there had been great warring of nationalities a complete reconciliation was effected. Says the com- mittee on the subject of "Women in Indu.stry": "This committee aims to enable women to fill the places of men called to war from factories and shops, to see that they fill these places adequately, and to assure them the proper working hours, wholesome working conditions, adequate wages and safeguards for health which will insure their fullest working capacity. Thus the 686 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXIV committee is immediateh' working for tlae highest possible war pro- duction. The first work of the committee was to discover violations of the existing labor laws, and to work towards their better enforce- ment. The committee is constantlj* studying tlie entrance of women into industry and into new and unusual occupations. There has been a particular study of women in the messenger service and in elevator work, in the hardware business and as taxi drivers. Detailed studies of women at work in hazardous occupations has been made, and the information so collected will be furnished to the U. S. Public Health Service. The committee has done a great deal of work on the enforce- ment of the Child Labor Law, and has found that the violations of this have greatly increased during the last year." The speaker's bureau was active, as was the endeavor to supply the demand from "Washington for expert stenographers and typists, the calls exceeding the supply 2 to 1. The recruiting of nurses both for war work and in co-operation with the child welfare department has been vigorously prosecuted. In this connection: "The attention of the country is at present focused on the section of nursing of the "Women's Conunittee of the Mayor's Advisory "War Board of Cleve- land, because of several points in which we are leading at this time. For example, the Mayor's Ward Board Scholarship Fund for pupil nurses has aroused great interest elsewhere, and much favorable com- ment. "Washington has written us for further particulars on our plan by means of which we provide, tlirough co-operation with the board of education, for the necessary training for desirable applicants who are without the required amount of schooling. The chairman of our nursing section was chosen as the cluurman of a national committee to secure a hcai'ing before the secretary of war, and to discuss a plan for army nurse schools, at which hearing the plan was approved, and is already being put into effect. The National Cotuicil of Defense, by direction of Dr. Franklin Martin, has written to the nursing sec- tion of the Cleveland "Women's Committee, asking that, under tlieir direction, Cleveland should undertake an experiment in community nursing, with the idea of reducing the amount of unnecessary nurs- ing, care and work now being done by trained nurses, and at the same time provide for all the nur.sing care really needed in the community. The results of this experiment in Cleveland will be, if found satis- factory, used as a plan throughout the country. The nursing section has gallantly accepted this challenge and has already started a sur- vey to collect accurate information as to the unnecessary nursing by trained and registered nurses in the various fields, and to make plans for the installation of volunteer or paid service to supplant the work 191S] .MII.ITAKV AFFAIRS 687 of the nurse in those directions that do not require professional skill. Dr. ^lartin replies as follows to this plan which was presented in "Washington: 'Your letter was presented to the Committee on Nursing and was received with great appreciation and gratification. The com- mittee is convinced that Cleveland is again inaugurating an extremely important and forward looking piece of work, which is almost certain to be the basis of a nation-wide effort." But women's activities are so many and complex that they cannot always be distinetlj- separated from those conducted by the men. As stated by Harold T. Clavk: "For several months after our en- trance into the war, Jliss Belle Sherwin was chairman of the Women's Committee of the Cleveland Branch of the Council of National De- fense. She was succeeded by Mrs, Henrj^ L. Sanford. Miss Ruth F. Stone is secretary of the committee. There have been many activi- ties of women wholly outside of tho.se conducted by the Council of National Defense, and it is impossible to find any one woman who is familiar with more than a portion of the entire field. Mrs. J. N. Fleming, who has been president of the Federation of Women's clubs, is well informed and helpful. Mrs. E. S. Burke is well posted in regard to the Red Cross, although the work of that organization alone is so far-reaching tliat it is difficult for any one person to have an intimate knowledge of all its departments." CHAPTER XXXV TRADE, COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY B;j n. G. Cutler The details involved in the material' development of Cleveland are so numerous as, in some ways, to defy classification. During the ear- lier period of its growth in ti'ade, commerce and industry, the record was wholly personal, but as the city increased in business, manufac- tures and transpoi'tation facilities, and secured a broader contact with outside communities, states and countries, the individual was gradu- ally absorbed by the store, the factory and the great movements of commerce. But through all these pi-ocesses of development, the foun- dation necessity stood forth of providing adequate means of com- munication and transportation as a prerequisite of expansion. It was obviously iiseless to build large stores and factories, wharves and ware- houses, unless means were provided to liaudle the goods which were required both by home and distant communities. At fir.st Cleveland depended on slow and defective transportation by lake and ovei'land. Then came the canal and that was succeeded by the railroad. Tiiere- fore, the chronological divisions of this chapter are not entirely arbi- trary. The Ante-Canal Period A period of more than forty years passed from the time local traders erected a small hut near the spring at the foot of .Main Street, in 1786, until the Ohio canal was pronounced completed from Cleve- land to Akron in 1827. It was a sea.son of struggles in a \^ilderness by hardy and intelligent Yankees to make it blossom into a fruitful abiding place. Came Edward Paine, the pioneer merchant, the Bry- ants, as distillers, and others to furnish both the essentials and the non-essentials to the settlement at the mouth of the Cuyalioga River. The log distillery utilized the fine living spring at the foot of Superior Street in the manufacture of its fire water for both the r-d ;iiid the white men of the neighborhood. It seemed to attract some local trade in furs and other articles and, without much thought as to other re- sults, was pronounced good. Previous to 1812, the el'" iMile of 688 1796-1827] COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 689 Cleveland, wliieli could not then be digrnificd as "commerce," cov- ered salt and furs from the southwest and the upper lakes region, and flour, pork, whiskey and wines from Pittsburgh. Much of the latter was re-shipped to Detroit. Nathan Perry, who located in 1808, was the first Cleveland merchant of broad caliber. He erected a large store at the corner of Superior and Water streets and previous to the canal era his transactions covered the old Western Rcsei've. In the town itself the business virtually revolved around "Perry's Cor- ners." During the later portion of the ante-canal period, Major Lorenzo Carter commenced to cut a large figure, with his big log warehouse and his Rod Tavern, his energy, blunt honesty and prac- tical ability. Still later, in the early '20s came Orlando Cutter, an- other merchant, with his vast capital of $20,000, and good "Uncle" Abram Hickox, the first blacksmith. In the meantime, several industries had taken root along Mill Creek, at and near Xcwburg. The first was the flour mill of W. W. Williams, which he built in that locality in 1799 and which passed to Samuel Huntington a few years afterwards. Other industries were established in that portion of the Cleveland area; and in 1817 Abel R. Garlick commenced to manufacture burr millstones which were quarried from the Mill Creek region. This wa.s the first of the local industries to ship its products abroad in commercial quantities. The only bank yet established was the Commercial Bank of Lake Erie, founded in 1816, but the local transactions were not yet suffi- cient to maintain it, and the enterprise went under in 1820. It was reorganized in 1832, and the directors offered the position of cashier to a bright young man who was then a teller in the Bank of Buffalo. Truman P. Handy — for such he was — then settled in Cleveland, bring- ing his young bride with him. When the charter of the bank expired in 1842 he had made the Commercial Bank of Lake Erie a solid insti- tution and entrenched himself in the confidence of all Clevelanders. Mr. Handy carried on a private banking business until 1845 when, under the new state law, he organized the Commercial Branch of the State Bank of Ohio and became its cashier. In 1861 he was elected president of the Merchants' Branch, and continued its head when it was organized as a national bank and, in 1885, as the Mercantile National Bank. Until his death, he wa.s considered one of tJie great bankers of the middle West. The Decade 1827-37 The opening of the canal in 1827, with the famous celebration at Cleveland, has been fully described in preceding pages. For a dozen 690 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV yeai-s, tlie local benefits of this imperfect addition to Cleveland's means of communication and transportation were quite evident. Some of the increased facilities were real and some were hoped-for, but the psychological effect was advantageous and spelled advance- ment in both instances. As time passed, the advantages developing from the canal and the entire scheme of internal improvements did not materialize to the extent anticipated, and this widespread and profound disappointment was largely responsible for the collapse of 1837. During that period, shipbuilding and chandlery made Cleve- land a leading lake port. As to local aspects, Superior Street had become the division between the bxisiness and the residence districts, and so continued for years afterwards. The Worthington Interests The oldest business house in Cleveland, which has been in unin- terrupted existence, is represented by the George "Worthington Com- pany, dealers in hardware. The founder of the business,* whose name is retained in the corporate title, was a New Yorker who, in 1829, brought $1,000 worth of hardware from Utiea and opened a little store at what is now Superior and West Tenth street. The business was a success from the first, for George Worthington always care- fully studied the needs of the local community and then supplied them. In 1849, with others, he formed the Cleveland Iron Companj^, which manufactured bar iron and sold its products through the Worthington store, thus making the house an industrial as well as a selling institution. He also organized the First National Bank of Cleveland, of which he was president until his death in 1871. Gen- eral James Barnett succeeded Mr. Worthington as president of the company, and served until his own death in 1911, when he was suc- ceeded by W. D. Taylor, its present head. Since the fire of 1874, which destroyed the 1868 building at the corner of St. Clair Avenue and West Ninth Street, eleven warehouses and other buildings have been erected to accommodate the expanding business, and today the Worthington Company occupies in its opei-ations more than twenty acres of floor space, and is a leading factor in making Cleveland one of the greatest hardware centers in the country. This represents an expansion of nearly ninety years. The year 1834 is noted in the industrial and financial antials of Cleveland a.s marking the incorporation under state laws of the Cuy- • See page 138. 1834-53] COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 691 ahoga Steam Furnace Company and the cstablislimcut of tlie Bank of Cleveland. The latter was flattened by the panic of 1837, but the industry developed and remained stable for manj' years. It was the first manufactoiy to be incoi-porated by the state, was Cleveland's first steam furnace and general foundry, and at its plant, at the corner of Detroit Avenue and Center Street, was fabricated the first locomotive west of the Allegheny mountains as a portion of the rolling stock of the Cleveland, Cohimbus and Cincinnati Railroad Company. iNDUSTRIiVL AND ORNAMENTAL After the panic of 1837, and the business and industrial depres- sion following, another period of activity ensued which continued until the early '50s. At that time the most impressive outward evi- dence of Cleveland's business prominence was the Atwater block. This era of prosperity also happened to be the period when the foun- dation was laid to make Cleveland one of the most attractive cities in the United States. What were then the residence streets, including the lower stretches of Euclid Avenue, were planted with elms, oaks and maples, which, added to the natural growths, suggested the name which has clung to her, the Forest City. Origin op Two Great Iron Industries Earl3- in this period, Whittaker & Wells established a furnace near the. lake pier and, late in it (1853) was organized the Cleveland Iron ^Mining Company, with W. J. Gordon as president and Samuel L. Mather as vice-president. The latter had been chartered four years previously. With the passing of years, it has developed into the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company. In 1852, two iron industries were established which developed into gi-eat enterprises. Henry Chis- holm founded the firm of Chisholm, Jones & Co. to manufacture railway and bar iron ; the small 1852 plant has expanded into the great works of the American Steel and Wire Company. Wil- liam A. Otis and J. M. Ford founded the foundry for the manufac- ture of iron castings on W^liiskey Island which has become the two immense establishments of the Otis Steel Company. The father of these gi'cat industries, which were born in 1852, was the pioneer rail- road which first connected Cleveland with the remainder of the United States in 1851. Five years later there was a general awaken- ing of the leading men of Cleveland over the great possibilities of the city as a center of iron and steel mannfacturcs. Cheap ore and cheap fuel were at its threshold. What more could be asked ? 692 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV Three Good Banks Three banks were also in operation to finance enterprises in that line. The Commercial Bank of Lake Erie had weathered the finan- cial storms and depressions of 1837-39, and the City Bank of Cleve- land and the Merchants' Bank of Cleveland had been in operation since 1845. The latter was especially prosperous and occupied the finest banking rooms in Clevelan4. Stabilizing Cleveland's Finances This is a good place and year at which to pause, since they mark events which accomplished much toward stabilizing the finances of Cleveland and logically, all its commercial and industrial interests. No Clevelander did more to bring aboiit this important reform than Alfred Kelley, the city's first permanent lawyer, president of its pio- neer bank and grand promoter of everything best for Cleveland. Chiefly through his efforts in the legislature, a comprehensive bank- ing law was passed in 1845, and the banks chartered under it pros- pered until 1857. Under the law of 1845, the State Bank of Ohio was founded with independent branches in various Ohio cities. The Commercial branch was organized in Cleveland with a capital of $175,000, with Truman P. Handy as cashier. A few j^ears later he was elected president. The Merchants' Bank was also a branch of the state institution, but the City Bank was incorporated as an inde- pendent concern. The latter continued in business for twenty years, or until it joined the ranks of the national banks. The Canal Bank, another institution of 1845, suspended within less than a decade. Other Early B.vnks of Stability In 1849, the Society for Savings received a special charter from the legislature, and opened for business in a room twenty feet square at the rear of the Merchants' Bank, corner of Superior and Water streets. In 1867, it occupied new quarters on the Square where the Chamber of Commerce is now located, and twenty years later moved into its present brown-stone palace. The Bank of Commerce was organized in 1853, in 1864 it sur- rendered its .state charter and became the Second National Bank of Cleveland and, when its national charter was renewed in 1884, it assumed the name National Bank of Commerce. 1828-57] COlVaiEECE AND INDUSTRY 693 P^VNic OP 1857 "Gets" but One Cleveland Bank In the panic of 1857, banks throughout Ohio, as elsewhere, began to close their doors, and this period of financial and business uncertainty continued for some six years, or until the general gov- ernment came to the rescue with the passage of the national bank- ing act. In that period there were sixty-five bank failures in Ohio, only one of which occurred in Cleveland. Cleveland Industries of 1840 and 1860 In 1840, which marked the commencement of tlie industrial re- vival succeeding the panic of 1837, the leading manufactories of Cleveland included two cast-iron furnaces, four woolen mills, two distilleries, six flour mills and fifteen grist mills. The panic of 1857 was also followed by several years of business and industrial depression, which was beginning to be fairly overcome by 1860. In that year, there were 27 clothing factories in Cleveland and the value of their product was .$621,000; 19 boot and shoe plants, with an output of $222,000; 21 flour mills, $1,008,000; 13 furniture factories, $111,000; 6 grindstone plants, $58,000; 50 lumber mills, $158,000; 17 shops for tlie manufacture of machinery and engines, $318,000 and 9 soap and candle factories, $230,000. Iron and Steel Industries up to the Civil War Most of the Cleveland industries of importance have developed since 1860, and a general review of the founding and growth of its iron and steel interests up to the civil war period seems necessary to bring the record to that time. It is supplied, as follows, by the Iron Trade Review, of Cleveland: In 1828, John Ballard & Company started a little iron foundry, and somewhat later Henrj' Newberry shipped from his land near the canal a few tons of coal. An attempt was made to introduce coal as the fuel of Cleveland. A wagon load was driven from door to door, and its good qualities explained. "No one," says one chronicler, "wanted it. Wood was plenty and cheap and the neat housewives of Cleveland especially objected to the dismal appearance and dirt- creating qualities of the new fuel." Following a period of inflation and financial disaster, Cleveland emerged and looked hopefully to the future in 1840, when her popu- lation was about 7,000. In that year, William A. Otis established 694 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV an iron works, the fii'st of any importance in the city, and thus encouraged local manufacturing. Coal mining had developed some- what and Cleveland had become something of a market for that prod- uct. A more important development in the iron business was inau- gurated in 1857, of which Charles A. Otis, son of AVm. A. Otis, long a prominent iron manufacturer of Cleveland, has written: "The first rolling mill at Cleveland was a plate mill, worked on a direct ore process, which was a failure. It went into operation in 1854 or 1855. The mill is now (1884) owned by the Britton Iron & Steel Company. The next miU was built in 1856, bj' A. J. Smith and others, to reroll rails. It was called the Railroad Rolling ilill, and was later owned by the Cleveland Rolling Mill Company. At the same time, a man named Jones, witb several associates, built a mill at Newburg, six miles from Cleveland, also to reroll rails. It was afterward operated by Stone, Chisholm & Jones, and is now owned by the Cleveland Rolling ^lill Company. In 1852, I erected a steam forge, to make wrought iron forgings, and in 1859, I added to it a rolling mill, to manufacture merchant bar, etc. The Union Rolling Mills were built in 1861 and 1862, to roll merchant bar iron." The service of Henry Chisholm was indeed very gi-eat and he occupies a foremost place in the history of the iron industries of Cleveland. He was a sturdy Scotchman, born in the land of the heather in 1822, and came to America when twenty years of age. He was a carpenter and followed that trade in Montreal. In 1850, he was employed in Cleveland, and soon after settled permanently in this city. His start in the manufacture of iron was made in the old town of Newburg, where he engaged in the manufacture of bar iron and established the foundation of what became the great Cleveland Rolling Mill Company, which in time came to employ a large number of men and to turn out annually 150,000 tons of finished product. The plant is now a part of the property of the American Steel & Wire Company. Speaking of Mr. Chisholm, one who was thoroughly familiar with his career has said: "He was among the early ones to see that steel rails would entirely take the place of iron, and one of the first to make a commercial success of the Bessemer process in this country. But where his signal ability most completely displayed itself was in recognizing the fact that, for the highest prosperity, a steel mill should have more than 'one string to its bow,' and that to run in all times, under all circumstances, Bessemer steel must be adapted to other uses than the making of rails. Holding tenaciously to this idea, he was the first to branch out into the manufacture of wire, 1846-54] COMJMERCE AND INDUSTRY 695 screws, agricultural and inerclumt shapes, from steel. To the pro- gress iu this clircetion must be imputed a large share of the success of his eorapauy, and it further entitles Mr. Chisholm to be regarded as one of the greatest, if not the greatest man, who has been engaged in the Bessemer steel manufacture iu this country. It is rare, indeed, that mechanical skill and business ability are united in one and the same individual and it was to this exceptional combination of talents that IMr. Chisholm owed his more than splendid success. A Scotch- man by birth and nature, and loving the poems of his nation's bard with an ardor that only a Scot can fciO, he became as thorough an Iron Ore Docks of the Present American citizen as if he had drawn his inspiration from Plymouth Rock, and he performed his civic duties with an ever-serene confi- dence in the merit of our institutions." Although the auspicious beginning in the manufacture of iron was made under the direction of Mr. Chisholm, it was not until ore shipments were started from the Lake Superior regions that the in- dustry began to assume large proportions. It was in 1846 that Cleveland parties appeared on the scene and opened the way for the immense business that has grown up between that region and this city. Dr. J. Lang Cassels, of Cleveland, visited Lake Superior in 1846, and took ".squatter's possession" in the name of the Dead River Silver & Copper Mining Company of Cleveland — an enterprise in which were many of the men afterward found in the Cleveland Iron 696 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV Company. He was guided to the desired location by an Indian, and made the journey thereto and return, from the nearest settled point, in a birch bark canoe. In the following year, he left that country and returned to Cleveland, where he made a mild prophecy as to the mineral wealth of the Superior region, which was received with general incredulity. The Cleveland Iron Company was formed in 18-19, but did lit- tle business in the Superior country until 1S53. Its first organization was under a special Michigan charter, but on the twenty-ninth of March, 1853, it filed articles of association under the name of the Cleve- land Iron Mining Company, with a capital stock of $500,000. The in- corporatore were John Outhwaite, Morgan L. Hewitt, Selah Chamber- lain, Samuel L. Mather, Isaac L. Hewitt, Henry F. Brayton and E. M. Clark. The office was located at Cleveland, and some of the lands of which it became possessed now comprise the principal part of the city of Marquette. In 1854, the Cleveland company mined 4,000 tons of ore, which was made into blooms at the diiferent forges in the vicin- ity, and sent to the lower lake points, some of it coming to this city. This company, from the daj^ of its origin, was looked upon as one of the most solid and important of the commercial concerns of Cleve- land. It had much to do with creating and fostering the iron intei'- ests of Ohio and western Pennsylvania. The first cargo of ore to this point was brought in 1856, and sold in small lots to such parties as were willing to give it a trial. It should also be said in this connection that the first ore from that section was shipped to Cleveland in 1852, by the Marquette Iron Company, in a half dozen barrels, aboard the ship "Baltimore." The low estimation in which the ore was held by this business com- munitj' during the experimental stages is illustrated by the follow- ing incident related by George H. Ely. He was living in Roches- ter, N. Y., where he held the position of president of the Lake Supe- rior Iron Company. A small cargo of ore had been shipped to a Cleveland party who was unable to pay the freight and so little com- mercial value was attached to the iron that the whole cargo was not considered sufficient security for the freight charges and ]\Ir. Ely was drawn on before they could be paid. Mining and Handling Iron Ore For many years, Cleveland has been noted not only for its iron and steel manufactures, but for its companies which mine and sell the ore. In this connection the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company has 1857-1904] C0:MMERCE AND INDUSTRY 697 beeu mentioned, and other large interests in this field were also de- veloped, such as Pickards, Mather & Company, E. N. Breitung & Companj-, Oglebay, Norton & Company, Tod-Stambaugh Company and M. A. Hanna & Company. The last named is especially familiar to residents of Cleveland, because of the great public prominence at- tained by its senior partner. The details of his public career are re- served for his general biography, found on other pages of this work. Marcus A. Hanna in Business In the development of mining and shipping of Lake Superior ore, one of the most conspicuous figures was Marcus Alonzo Hanna. While the political career of Senator Hanna, who died in Washington on the fifteenth of February, 1904, was one of the most remarkable in the his- tory of the eountrj', the story of the development and progress of the great firm of M. A. Hanna & Company, of which he had been the senior member for nearly thirty years, is not less interesting. It is a narration of modest beginning, steadj- progress and adaptation to new conditions such as have seldom been witnessed in the business world. While the properties and business of the firm have undergone many changes, each change has brought greater strength, until today it is a more important factor in the commercial and industrial affairs of the cen- tral west and of the Great Lakes than ever before. Mr. Hanna 's business career began in 1857 when he became an employe of the wholesale grocery house of Hanna, Garretson & Company, of which his father was the senior member. In 1867, when the pioneer iron and coal firm of Rhodes & Card retired from business, Mr. Hanna became the senior member of the succeeding firm, Rhodes & Com- panj', dealers in coal and iron. The firm was dissolved in 1885 and was succeeded by that of M. A. Hanna & Company, the members then being IM. A. Hanna, L. C. Hanna and A. C. Saunders. In 1872, Mr. Hanna with other capitalists organized the Cleveland Transpoi-- tation Company, which owned and operated a line of steamers in the iron ore trade. He was for several years general manager as well as a director of the company, and throughout his active busi- ness career he was a powerful factor in the lake transportation busi- ness. During the last ten years of his life, Mr. Hanna devoted his attention almost exclusively to politics. Cleveland Clearing House Association The year after Marcus Hanna broke into Cleveland business cir- cles (in 1858), the different local banks organized under the name 698 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV of the Clearing House Association, but for maiij^ years that body was little more than a social gathering and had weak financial in- fluence. In fact, until it was reorganized under a new constitutiou, in 1902, it did not lose its inconsequential character But since then it has been growing in importance, year by year, and is recognized as one of the prime safeguards for local financial stability. In 1907, especiaUj-, the cooperation of the local banks, through the Clearing House Association, went far toward averting the embarrass- ment of the financial situation. The Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank On the sixteenth of November, 1914, under the new national laws, the Fourth Federal Reserve Bank, with Cleveland as its headquar- ters, was established by the United States Federal Reserve Board. There are more than 760 banks included in the division of which the Forest City is the center. The territory embraces all of Ohio, parts of western Pennsylvania and eastern Kentucky and six coun- ties in West Virginia. Besides Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Columbus and Toledo are among the larger cities in the distri'it. Supervision of the banks by a local examiner has also added to the safety of the system. It is believed that, with these safeguards thrown around the banks, such currency panics as those of 1893 and 1907 are virtually impossible. Co^vL, Mining and Trade The coal industry and trade — the mining and sale of coal — are responsible for many large fortunes made by Cleveland men. It is said that the first coal brought to the city was accorded the chilly reception which is the lot of all unobtrusive but important pioneers. Henry Newberry brought the first coal to Cleveland in 1828 from the Tallmadge banks, just after the completion of the Ohio canal. New- berry tried for a whole day to dispose of the coal to the villagers, but wood was cheap and no one would use the novel fuel. Pliilo Sco- vill, at that time proprietor of the Franklin House, was induced to try some of it. The first coal to be offered for sale in Cleveland was displayed at the woodyard of George Fisher in 1829. As lato a.s 1851, "Tallmadge coal" sold for $2.50 a ton. All coal came to Cleveland by way of the canal. The Brier Hill mines were opened in 1845. Mahoning coal later came in great quantities, because the completion of the Cleveland & 1845-65] COJBIERCE AND INDUSTRY 699 Mahoning Railroad oftVrcd cheaper transportation. The completion of the Cleveland & Pitt-shurg Railroad in 1852 opened the Columbiana county and other adjacent mines. The Massillon district was opened in 1860, and the coal was brought to Cleveland by canal until the Valley Railroad was opened to traffic. Later, the building of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Rail- road opened the fields further south. The history of the coal ti-ade has kept the pace set by the consoli- dation of big industries and the growth of trade in this section. Three names which stand out with particular prominence in the early coal trade of Cleveland are those of Charles Hiekox, Steven- son Burke and James Corrigan. Judge Burke made Cleveland known as a coal center before the iron ore industry came into promi- nence. Cleveland's position on the lakes makes her a prime factor in the coal industry, it has been said, but this fact cannot be appreciated until tlie general trend of the coal movement in recent years is shown. The invention by Clevelanders of automatic car dumps has helped to put Cleveland in the center of the coal map of the coun- try. Cleveland's first coal men in the very early days of the expan- sion of Cleveland capital invested in coal land south of Columbus and formed a company to develop it. As there were no railroad facili- ties, they consolidated three companies into the Hocking Valley Coal Company and built the Hocking Valley Railroad, the first instance in the history of railroading when the railroad espoused any other interest. Oils and Paints For many years, the interests of Cleveland capitalists in these specialties have given the city a high standing throughout the world. As early as 1865, there were thirty refineries along the banks of Walworth and Kingsbury runs. Cleveland in 1869 received more crude oil for refining than any other city in the country, even sur- passing Pittsburgh, up to that time regarded as the natural oil cen- ter of the country. Cleveland at that time had about .$4,000,000 invested in the refining business and an annual output of petroleum products valued at about $15,000,000. As stated in a more detailed account of the Standard Oil Com- pany given in a later portion of this chapter, John D. Rockefeller entered the oil industry in 1865, selling his share in the commission firm of Clark & Rockefeller to enter the oil refining business with 700 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV Samuel Andrews. After five j^ears of phenomenal gi-owth, the firm of Rockefeller & Andrews, then the largest in the city, combined ■with the firm of William A. Rockefeller & Co., which John D. Rocke- feller had also organized and of which he was later president, and formed the Standard Oil Company, with a capital of $1,000,000. Since that time, the Standard Oil Company has grown to enor- mous proportions, with a sales system that now encircles the globe. Kerosene oil and other petroleum products are sold to the natives of far-away China, India and the Poh-nesian Islands. In the matter of petroleum production, Cleveland's share is in- significant and of purely local interest. The twelve or fifteen wells in "West Park and Berea produce between ten and fifteen barrels a daj' each. Estimating on the basis of an average price of two dollars a barrel, the petroleum produced annually is worth about $85,000. In the refining of oil, Cleveland occupies an important place, although the marketing of petroleum products far surpasses even this branch of the business. There are about six refineries, in the strict sense of the term, in Cleveland at present. These refineries utilized 2,312,000 barrels, or 97,104,000 gallons, of crude oil last year and predictions are current in refining circles that more than 100.000.000 gallons will be refined this year (1918). In the marketing branch of the oil industry, there are one hun- dred and thirty firms in the city now engaged principally in selling to the local trade. Many of these firms maintain plants for com- pounding and blending specialty products in accordance with the demands of their patrons. These marketers or jobbers sell everything produced from petro- leum, including gasoline, benzine, naphtha, illuminating oils, tar, fuel oil, paraffin wax, paraffin lubricating oils, greases of great variety, pitch, roofers' wax and coke. The best grade of petroleum will produce 19 per cent, residue, 15 per cent, lubricating oil, 50 per cent, kerosene oil and 16 per cent, gasoline. It is claimed that about 25 per cent, of all the paints and varnishes made in the world are manufactured either in Cleveland, or in plants owned by Cleveland capitalists. Although the industry is of early origin, the Forest City has been its national hub for only about twenty years. The Carbon Industry For a period of more than forty years, the manufacture of car- bon into definite shapes for industrial purposes has assumed special 1858-76] COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 701 interest. Its birth and growth have been coincident with the inven- tion and perfection of the arc s.vstem of lighting by Charles F. Brush. Carbon in the form of slabs had been used for battery purposes many years prior to the use of carbon for lighting purposes, and at first these slabs were sawed out of gas retort carbon. In 1858, a United States patent was granted to DeGra.sse B. Fowler of New York for a method of making carbon plates for bat- tery and other purposes by the mixing of coal tar or other bituminous or gummy substances with pure pulverized coke, charcoal, bones, sawdust, lampblack or any other carbon, carbonized or carbonizable material, then subjecting the mixture to pressure in molds and after- wards packing it in lime and heating slowly in air-tight fireproof re- torts or ovens to drive off the volatile matter. This is the first patent covering the manufacture of carbon into definite shapes from pre- pared plastic materials, and it is interesting to note that the process is fundamentally the same as that used today. Charles F. Brush of Cleveland, the inventor of the method of generating electricity by mechanical means and a lamp in which the arc was controlled by the current, entered the field of practical and commercial electricity in 1876. A practical demonstration was made in the summer of 1876 on the Public Square in Cleveland and after- ward in the fall of the same year the apparatus was set up at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia. The exhibition on the Square had been extensively advertised in the newspapers and on the even- ing when it took place there were thousands of pei"son,s assembled, nearlj' everyone carrying a piece of colored or smoked glass so that his eyes might not be affected by the intense rays which were ex- pected to rival those of the sun. Prior to 1876, a demonstration of commercial arc lighting was installed on one of the streets of Paris; the current being furnished bj' wet cells and the lamps were said to be practically devoid of reg- ulating mechanism. The electrodes were made of gas retort carbon sawed into narrow slabs, the positive and negative carbons being arranged parallel to each other and held apart by a layer of plaster of paris. The wires were fastened to one end of the carbons and the arc, after being formed, usually by personal attention, played acro« the other two ends. This lamp was very far from a commercial suc- cess, but was a meritorious demonstration of what was to come. Immediately after this, thorough investigations were made to find a material best suited, and at the same time cheap, for forming by some other method electrodes for arc lamps. 702 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV It is interesting to note that this material was finall}' found in Cleveland in the form of petroleum coke, a residue of oil refining. The carbons first made from this material cost about two dollars each, but the process used was crude, and improvements in the method of manufacturing soon reduced the price to twenty-four cents each. j\Iodern manufacturing methods and extensive laboratory research have reduced this price, until today a carbon for this same lamp can be purchased for one cent, and this carbon is gi-eatlj^ superior to the old crude ununiform product. Since then also great improvements have been made in the sj'stem of electric lighting, the old system of open arc lamps being almost entirely replaced by the new system of inclosed and flaming arc lamps. These new types require a different and more expensive kind of carbon, but these carbons under the impi'oved methods of manu- facturing are produced and sold at less prices than the common coke carbons for open arc lamps were produced in the early days. Another product which has been so essential to the development of the electrical industry has been the manufacture of brushes for motor and generator work, and it has been stated that the success of power for transmission purposes has been largely due to 'the devel- opment of the carbon brush. Manufacture of Auto Accessories The greatest specialized industi-y which has been developed in Cleveland, and in whicli the city leads the world, is the making of auto accessories; and the manufacture is less than twenty years of age. On the twenty-fourth of March, 1898, the first American-built gasoline automobile was sold in Cleveland and appeared on its streets. It was sold by its inventor, Alexander Winton, to Robert Allison, mechanical engineer of Port Carbon, Pennsylvania. Within the two following years were formed such companies as the Winton, the Peerless, the Stearns and the White, in the gasoline field, and the Baker and the Ranch & Lang concerns in electric vehicle manufacture. Other cities, notably Detroit, have passed Cleveland in the number and value of entire automobiles placed upon the market, but the city is supreme in the manufacture of auto springs, frames, spark plugs and other accessories, literally "too numerous to mention." It is also believed that there is no city of its population in the country, the citizens of which own so many high-grade machines as Cleveland. It has the largest automobile club in the United States. The roads in and around Cleveland are finely improved, and mem- 1876-1918] COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 703 bers of such cluhs as the Union and the Country not only take con- stant advantage of tlicin, but liave a widespread reputation for the liberalitj- with which they share the pleasures of their machines with residents, especially children, of the congested districts. The benefits of the great accessories industry and trade, therefore, are not shared by the Cleveland wealthy alone. As to actual figures, according to the United States census no important industry in Cleveland shows such a large percentage of increase for the decade 1^^ iMSWiiiW '■jr'^Pw^ tt!:|^^2F -'4!fe:-'-t -^ i»^»»* The Union Club House 1904-14 as the manufacture of automobile bodies and other parts. The value of these products in 1914 was $27,117,000, an increase of 486.4 over the output of 1904. Increase in Manuf.a.ctured Products, 1904-14 The showing of other leading industries was as follows: Iron and steel $58,752,000 82.0 Foundry and machine shop products 50,951,000 112.0 Slaughtering and meat packing 24,737,000 133.0 Women's clothing 16,243,000 118.7 Printing and publishing 14,099,000 129.6 Electrical machinery, supplies, etc 11,858,000 328.1 Paints and varnishes 10,093,000 172.8 704 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV The number of industrial establishments of all kinds, in 1914, was 2,346; capital invested, $312,967,000; salaries and wages paid, $92,909,000; cost of materials used, $198,515; value added by man- ufacture (products less cost of materials), $154,016,000; value of products manufactured, $352,531,000; average number of wage earn- ers employed during 1914, 103,334. Finances and Commerce Since 1876 For various periods since 1876, the Cleveland Chamber of Com- merce has been collecting and preserving statistics covering numer- ous subjects showing the material growth of the city. Such figures, ■with those compiled by the United States census experts, are con- sidered authoritative. The most complete continuous record prepared by the Chamber of Commerce is that showing the movements of iron ore through the Cleveland district (including Cleveland, Ashtabula, Couneaut, Fair- port and Lorain). The following comparison is made by years, some two decades apart: Receipts Shipments Years Gross tons Gross tons 1876 309,555 992,764 1896 6,166,236 9,934,828 1917 34,200,642 62,498,906 The grain trade of Cleveland has, on the whole, declined, in com- parison with the great growth of its manufactures and increase in population and wealth. Everybody who reads and obsei'ves knows that the trade has gravitated to the west and northwest. The re- ceipts of flour, wheat, corn and oats, and the total reduced to bushels (including liarley, rye and other cereals), were for the years men- tioned as follows: Grand Total Flour Wheat Corn Oats of all cereals Years barrels bushels bushels bushels bushels 1894 568,130 2,527,105 831,996 2,002,456 8,712,850 1904 680,800 1,057,026 9,532,215 8,815,461 23,389,623 191Y 804,039 2,094,953 2,023,555 4,575,497 13,037,254 lOliSl CO.M.MKKCE AND INDUSTRY 705 Tlie grain sliipiuciits fur tlie siune years were: Flour Years barrels 1894 016,660 1904 269,520 1917 262,084 Grand Total ^Vllcat Corn Oats of all cereals bushels bushels bushels bushels 377.066 28,750 150,937 2,978,828 297,383 4,763,262 3,002,947 9,297,362 598,595 1,226,335 1,888,681 5,190,256 Cuyahoga Kivkr sScexe The total freight movement at Cleveland, in net toas, is indicated below. The j-ears selected for comparison being the same as given for the commerce in grain: Received Forwarded Total Yeai-s by rail and lake by rail and lake Movement *1894 5,276,501 2,91.5,955 13,720,445 1904 15,654,908 11,013,201 26,668,109 1917 24,964,223 12,342,036 37,306,259 * The movement by lake was not reported until 1896. In that year the receipts were 3.474,479 net tons, and 2,053,510 were forwarded. Adding these figures to movements by rail, as given in 1894, makes the total approximately, 13,000,000 tons. Surplus and Undivided Profits Deposits Total Clearings $ 3,508.216 7,399,872 19,510.315 31,470,863 $ 36,276,731 87,272.585 230.737.583 522.229.391 $ 48.297.947 110.331,707 272.242.411 580.682,591 % 163.043.775 317.454.607 897.170.783 3.730,204,000 706 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap, XXXV The wonderful financial progress made by Cleveland during the past thirty years is shown by the following comparative table, which covers the items indicated for the national and savings banks: Years . Capital 1S87 $ 8,515.000 1S97 15.659.250 1907 21.994.513 1917 26.982.337 Comparative Summary, 1907-17 The Chamber of Commerce has recently prepared a comparative summary, covering numerous subjects which have given Cleveland high standing as a typical American community, and which is pub- lished with no commentary other than that a few of the items have already appeared in special tables: 1907 1917 Population to April 15th (1)472.368 (1)687.475 Area (square miles) 41,16 56.65 Assessed valuation, real property (4)$176,819,230 (5)$747,785,510 Numl>er of establishments (2)1,616 (3)2,346 Capital invested in manufarturlng (2)5156,321,000 (3)$312,967.444 Value of manufactured products (21$171,924,000 (3)$352,531,109 Factors- payroll (2)$41.749,000 (3)192,909,888 Ret-eipts of iron ore (Cleveland district)., (6)24,9.i2.468 (6)34.21)0.642 BanktnB capital $21,994,513 $26,982,337 Banl< deposits $230,737,583 $522,229,391 Banks, surplus and undlvidwl proHts $19,510,315 $31,470,863 Bank clearings (Cleveland Clearing House Association ).... $897.170.7.53 $3,730,204,000 Building ci-nstniction (estimated cost) $15,888,407 $30,483,750 Street railway — nuratjer of passengers car- ried 136.252.501 398,378,894 Street railway— miles of track operated., 245.05 384.36 Number of trunk line railroads 7 7 Numlier of interurban railroads 5 6 Public schools — number 88 116 Pul^lic wliools— teacliers 1.823 3.017 Public schools — scholars (elementary) 63.064 91,983 Public schi»il4—iHwt of instnictlon $1„582.773 $3,213,805 Senior High Si-hooi pupils (including Normal School) 5.253 10.191 Junior Higli Scliool pupils 5.236 PariK^hial sc1i«>1b 45 58 Parochial ScliooI pupils 18.711 32,181 Number of parks, playgrounds and boule- vards 29 52 Acreage of jmbllc parks and pIayground.s. . 1,692 2,420 Mlies of strocta 651 917 Mll(« of paved streets 328 603 Miles of sewers 507.79 791.93 Water— dally capa/'lty of pumps (gallons) 115,000.000 150,000,000 Water — daily arerago consumption (gal- lons) 58,880,350 103,882,227 (1) Estlmatod by U. S. Census Bureau Method. (4) 607o basis. (2) 1904. (5) 100% basis. (3) 1914 (Last U. S. Census of M(r». 1. (6) Gross tons. The Chamber of Commerce The ('levclaiid Cliaiiilier of Commerce is more than seventy years old and it was never more vigorous or prosperous. For more than a quarter of a century, this representative body of business and profes- sional men ha.s stood for all that was most ti'uly ])rogressive in iiiiinicipiil life and civic sjiiril. The coniiiu'rcial and industrial inter- Per Cent. of Increase Increase 215.107 45.5 15.49 37.6 $570,966,280 322.9 730 45.2 $156,646,444 102.1 $180,007,109 105.1 $51,160,888 122.5 (619.248.174 37.0 $4,987,824 22.6 $291,491,808 126.3 $11,900,548 61.3 $2,833,033,217 315.7 $14,595,343 91.9 262,126,333 192.4 139.31 56.8 1 20.0 28 31.8 1.194 65.5 28.919 45.9 $1,631,032 103.0 4.9.38 94.0 5.236 13 28.S 13.470 72.0 23 79.3 728 43.0 266 40.9 275 83.8 284.11 55.9 35,000,000 30.4 45,001,877 70.4 1848-1918] CUMMEKCE AND INDUSTRY 707 ests of the city liave lieeii pi-dtei'ted and developed, reformatory and benevolent movements encouraged and a broad civic pride and lib- eral American patriotism propagated from it as a powerful radial eenter. Its committee on labor disputes lias done whatever it could to mediate between employer and employe. Through its committee ou agricultural development much momentum has been given the very commendable movement throughout the state tending toward the a]>|)oiiitment of expert agents who cooperated with the farmers and the schools in educating both young and old in advanced agri- eultural methods. Cuyahoga, Summit, Ashtabula, Huron. Lake, Lorain, Medina and Trumbull counties, in the immediate sphere of Cleveland's influence, have received particular benefits in this direc- tion. :Milk investigation, home gardening and many other matters were handled to advantage by this committee. The military committee has been among the busiest bodies of the Chamber and cooperated to the utmost with the mayor's War Coun- eil and other associations connected with the home conduct of the war. The committee on city finances concerns itself with state legislation, advises with similar bodies of the common council, and makes its recommendations as to public school finances and street improvements. There are also special committees on education, in- dustrial welfare, and public safety, on transportation and annexa- tion, housing and sanitation, river and harbor improvements, industrial development and even on foreign trade. A mere reading of these titles indicates the wide scope of activities attending the work of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. In a word, it is the most repre- sentative body of men which exists in the Forest City, although it was not always so. The early records of the old Board of Trade, from which the Chamber was developed, were destroyed by fire. It is known, how- ever, that it was founded on the seventh of July, 1848, and various doings of the early body have been recorded. The formal record of organization is thus published: Ata large meeting of the merchants of this citv. iield pursuant to notice at the Weddell House, on Friday evening, 7th inst.. Wil- liam Milford, Esq., was called to the chair' and S. S. Coe api)ointed secretary. After a statement from the chair of the object of tiie meeting, it wa.s on motion of Joseph L. Weatherly, Esq., Resolved: that the merchants of this city now organize them- selves into an a.s,sociation, to be called the Board of Trade of the City of Cleveland, and that we now proceed to the election by bal- lot of officers therefor. 708 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV Whereupon, the following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year : President, Joseph L. Weatherly. Vice President, William P. Allen, Jr. Secretary, Charles W. Coe. Treasurer, Richard T. Lyon. A committee, consisting of Richard Hilliard, John B. Waring, William Milford, Jona. Gillett and L. il. Hubby, were appointed to prepare and report at a subsequent meeting a constitution, by-laws, etc., for the aissociation and call a meeting when ready to report. E. il. Fitch, William P. Allen, Jr., and A. Handy were appointed a committee to procure a suitable room for the purposes of the asso- ciation, and report at same meeting. William Milford, President. S. S. Coe, Secretar\'. Cleveland, July 7th, 1848. The incorporation of the Board of Trade dates from the fifth of April, 1866, when the certificate was ofScially approved by the sec- retary of state. On the previous day, twenty leading citizens of Cleveland appeared before J. F. Freeman, in the Atwater block, and acknowledged that they signed the certificate of incorporation, which read as follows : We, the undersigned citizens of the State of Ohio, and residents of the City of Cleveland, do hereby associate ourselves together as a Board of Trade, under the name and title of the "Board of Trade of the City of Cleveland," to be located and situated in the City of Cleveland, County of Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, where its busi- ]iess is to be transacted. The objects of said Association are to promote integi-ity and good faith; just and equitable princij)les of business; discover and correct abuses; establish and maintain uniformity in commercial usages; ac- quire, preserve and disseminate valuable business statistics and information : prevent or adjust controversies and misunderstandings which may arise between persons engaged in trade; and generally to foster, protect and advance the commercial, mercantile and maiuifac- turing interests of the city, in confonnily with an act of the Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Oliio entitled "An Act to authorize the iiicorjxii-ation of boards of trade and cliambcrs of commerce," passed April .3rd, 1866. The incorporators were Philo Chamberlin, R. T. Lyon, J. C. Sage, A. Hughes, C. W. Coe, II. S. Davis, J. E. White, J. H. Clark, S. W. Porter, IT. D. Woodward, A. V. Cannon, E. D. Childs, W. F. Otis, M. B. Clark, W. Murray, S. F. Ijcster, A. Quinn, (ieorgc W. Gardner, E. C. Hardy, Geo. Sinclair. The iricorpoi'ation and resuscitation of the old Board of Trade in 1866 comprised the second distinct step in the history of the organization. 1892-1918] COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 709 The tliird .stfj), aiul tliat wliirli k'tl directly to the Chamber of Commerce as an epitome of the city of Cleveland, was the appoint- ment of tiie Board of Trade of the CM.iniiiittec on the Promotion of Industry, of which Wilson M. Day was chairman, L. E. Holden, vice-chairman and George T. Mcintosh, secretary. That event oc- curred in 1802 and from it dated the birth of a new and broader spirit within the body of the Board of Trade. Light dawned upon the business men of Cleveland, at first shed abroad by a chosen few, that a business organization may appropriately concern itself in matters which are not directly tied to dollars and cents. On the sixth of Febniarj-, 1893, at a special meeting held by the Boai'd of Trade, its name was changed to the Cleveland Chamber of Com- merce. Three days afterward, the secretary of state approved such action, and that body has .since been known under the name indi- cated. A revised constitution had l>ecn adopted and a complete reorganization effected. At tiiat time, the membership of the Cham- ber of Commerce was about one thousand ; it has now an active mem- bership of three times that number. In June, 1893, the new rooms in the Arcade building were occupied, and the land had already been purchased on the north side of the Public Square >(the site of the Western Reserve Historical Society) for the erection of the pres- ent Chamber of Commerce building. From that time on, the rule of the Chamber has been progress without a set-back. Official Rostek, 1848-1918 Presidents: 1848, Joseph L. Weatherly; 1864, S. F. Le.ster; 1865, Philo Chamberlin; 1867, W. F. Otis; 1868, George W. Gardner, 1869, R. T. Lyon; 1870, A. J. Begges; 1871, Thomas Walton; 1872, Chas. Hickox; 1873, B. H. York; 1874, F. IT. Morse; 1875, H. Pomerene; 1877, B. A. DeWolf; 1879, Daniel Martin; 1886, William Edwards; 1888, George W. Lewis; 1889, William Edwards; 1893, Henry R. GrofF; 1894, Luther Allen; 1895, Wilson M. Day; 1896, John G. W. Cowles; 1897, Worcester R. Warner; 1898, Harry A. Garfield; 1899, M. S. Greenough; 1900, Ryerson Ritchie; 1901, Charles L. Pack; 1902, Harvey D. Goulder; 1903, J. J. Sullivan; 1904, Amos B. Mc- Nairy; 1905, Ambrose Swasey; 1906, Francis F. Prentiss; 1907, Ly- man H. Treadway; 1908, Charles S. Howe; 1909, Charles F. Brush; 1910, George W. Kinney: 1911, Charles E. Adams; 1912, H. H. John- son ; 1913, Warren S. Ila.vden ; 1914, Morris A. Black; 1915, Ba.s- eom Little; 1916, Ralph L. Fuller (resigned in office); 1916-18, Charles A. Otis ; and 1918, Myron T. Herriek. 710 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV From 1848 to 1865, inclusive, the following served as vice presi- dents: 1848, Wm. F. Allen, Jr.; 1849, P. Anderson; 1851, Levi Rawson; 1854, Arthur Hughes; 1860, Levi Rawson; 1862, M. B. Scott; 1S64, H. Harvej'; 1865, R. T. Lyon. Commencing with the reorganization of the old Board of Trade and the incorporation of the Chamljer of Commerce in 1866, there were six vice presidents in annual service until 1889, and since the latter year, two. Treasurers: 1848, R. T. Lyon; 1865, J. H. Clark; 1867, J. F. Freeman: 1870, J. D. Pickands; 1871, A. Wiener; 1872, S. S. Gard- ner; 1879, Theo. Simmons, Sec.; 1844, X. X. Crum, Sec.; 1887, A. J. Begges, Sec; 1893, A. J. Beggs;1894, Geo. S. Russell; 1896, Samuel ilather ; 1897, Geo. W. Kinney ; 1898, Joseph Colwell ; 1900, Thos. H. Wilson ; 1901, H. C. Ellison ; 1903, Geo. A. Garretson ; 1904, Chas. A. Post; 1905, Demaline Leuty; 1906, F. A. Scott; 1907, Charles A. Paine; 1909, Charles E. Farnsworth; 1911, Stephen L. Pierce; 1912, Geo. A. Coulton; 1914, J. A. House; 1916, J. R. Kraus; and 1917— Secretaries: 1848, Charles W. Coe; 1849, S. S. Coe; 1854, H. B. Tuttle; 1860, C. W. Coe; 1862, H. B. Tuttle; 1864, Arthur H. Quinn ; 1865, J. C. Sage ; 1879, Theo. Simmons ; 1884, X. X. Crum ; 1887, A. J. Begges; 1893. Ryerson Ritchie; 1898, F. A. Scott; and 1905, Munson Havens.. The officers and dircctoi>< of tlie Cleveland Chamber of Commerce for the term 1918-19 are as follows: ^Myron T. Herrick, president; F. W. Ramsey, first vice president ; Paul L. Feiss, second vicQ presi- dent; P. H. Goff, treasurer; Munson Havens, secretary; E. E. Allyne, Amos N. Barron, Alva Bradley, E. S. Burke. Jr.. Alvah S. Chis- holm, E. C. Henn, John 6. Jennings, Arch C. Klumph, J. R. Kraus, and Minot O. Simons, directors ; Ho.vt, Dustin, Kelley, McKeehan & Andrews, legal counsel. The Cll.VMHKR ok i.NDrSTKY The Cleveland Chamber of Industry was iueorjxjrateil on the twenty-eighth of January, 1907, with the following charter members: Isaac P. Lamson, president of the Lamson & Sessions Comiiany ; the Hon. Paul Ilowland, attorney and congressman-elect : Chas. Ranch, president of the Rauch & Lang Carriage Company; William Grief, president of the Grief Bros. Company; the IIoii. Thomas P. Schmidt, attorney and memlier of Ohio senate; the Hon. E. W. Doty, clerk of Ohio house of representatives; George B. Koch, of Koch & Henke, fui'iiiture dealers; John Meckes, dr.v goods merchant; A. F. Leo- 1907] COMJMERC'E AND INDUSTRY 711 jxiUl, president ol' tlir llt'ury Leopdld l''ui'iiiturc Company; David McLean, president of the Herrraan-MeLean Company; John G. Jen- nings, treasurer of the Lainson & Sessions Company; the Rev. Dr. Francis T. Moran, pastor of St. Patrick 's Church ; the Rev. Dan F. Bradley, pastor of the Pilgrim Congregational Church; J. V. IMcGorray, sheriff; Herman C. Baelir, county recorder; E. Wie- benson, secretary of the United Banking and Savings Company; J. M. Curtiss, president of the Curtiss-Ambler Realty Company; E. E. Admire, president of the ^Metropolitan Business College; Frank C. Case, vice-president of the Lanison & Sessions Company ; H. M. Farnsworth, secretary of the Brooklyn Savings & Loan Com- pany ; Chas. IT. ^liller, president of the Cliampion Steel Range Company ; G. A. Tinnerman, president of the Lorain Street Sav- ings Bank Company; Henry Kiefer, secretary of the People's Sav- ing.s Bank Company ; John M. Hirt, secretary of the Lincoln Savings & Banking Company; J. M. Blatt, real estate dealer; H. Grombacher, secretary of the Ohio Savings & Loan Company ; John L. Stadlei-, president of the J. L. & IT. Stadler Fertilizer Company; F. V. Faul- habcr, of the F. V. Ilaulhaber Tn.surance Company ; E. L. Hes- senmueller, attorney, etc. ; and J. V. Chapek, of the Cuyahoga Ab- stract Company. This organization came into existence to foster and promote the general interests of the part of the City of Cleveland that lies west of the Cuyahoga River. Ever since the days of Ohio City there had remained a sort of Chinese Wall between the east and the west shores of the Cuyahoga River and it was evident that this barrier should be broken down and a more cordial feeling established if the city as a whole was to prosper as it should and especiall.y the "West Side." Public improvements west of the river had fallen behind those of the rest of the city and even those that had been begun lan- guished. Under these conditions the leading citizens of the West Side recognized the necessity for combined effort to make their sec- tion of the city as desirable as a place of residence and of business as was the East Side. AVith this as the master motive the organiza- tion was formed and in a sane, but insistent manner set about its work. It has lived up to the motto on its seal, "Industry, Progress, Achievement." The Chamber has been fortunate in having for its officers and directors, men with broad and progressive ideas. It has been ani- mated with the constructive spirit, rather than with one of carp- ing criticism over conditions which were bej'ond the control of the various city admini.strations. If a large improvement involving a 712 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV great expenditure was needed, and a bond issue was proposed, the Chamber set about educating the public and securing its cooperation and support. In this work, the Chamber found it very important and useful to have an organ of publicity. From its incorporation, the Chamber has issued a weekly newspaper. The Enterprise, which has become a power in the community and promotes all of the best interests of the city. The Chamber of Indiistry is truly democratic in its form of gov- ernment and in its methods. Its territoi'y is divided into nine geo- graphical districts, with two directors elected, one each year from each district, and for a term of two years; i. e., nine new directors are elected each year. The eighteen district directors elect one di- rector-at-large. This form of government is perhaps unique among civic bodies, but it prevents "the tail from wagging the dog" at any time. Officers are elected by the board from their own number. For three years, the organization maintained its offices and general headquarters on tlie fourth floor of the United Banking & Savings Company's building. West Twenty-fifth Street and Lorain Avenue. These were tlie acid test years. Many spasmodic "improvement" associations, leagues, etc., had led the West Side public to look with distrust upon such efforts. However, never before had so many influ- ential business and industrial interests banded together for the gen- eral welfare of all, rather than for tlie special purposes of the few. The organization began to achieve success and its future was assured. It.s member.ship was rapidly augmented by the best citizens and ex- pansion for the Chamber as well as the West Side was demanded. The completion of the Carnegie West Branch of the public library gave the Chamber the opportiuilty to secure the substantial build- ing formerly occupied by the library on Franklin Avenue. This property was purchased and altered to meet tlie requirements of the organization, the dedication taking place on the twenty-fifth of Octo- ber, 1910. Additions have since been made, giving today a complete plant, consisting of ample room for the executive offices, an audi- torium with a seating capacity of 600, a stage well stocked with scen- ery, a large restaurant rooni and kitchens completely equipped, a billiai'd room with seven tables, and an additional room containing four bowling alleys. The Chamber occupies the entire linilding. The membership has grown to 1,200 and is of the solid and enthusiastic character that counts when called upon to jjush. While the membership is limited to residents of the West Side, the policy of the Chamber has been to give its hearty support to all great city movements, and that aid is often asked. The Chamber 1918] COMJMERCE AND INDUSTRY 713 eiuleavors ami siu'ci-cds in living up to its uaiiie, The Cleveland Cham- lier of Industry. In a work of an historical character it is certainly proper to men- tion the presidents who have thus far guided the organization. In chronological order they are: Thos. P. Schmidt, attorney; Hei-- man C. Baehr, former mayor; Capt. C. E. Benham, marine surveyor; H. M. Farnswortli. attorney; II. E. Ilackonberg, vice-president of the National Carlwn Company; E. A. Murphy, president of the Cleveland Union Stock Yards; P. D. Lawrence, auditor of the Na- tional Carbon Company ; C. J. Neal, treasurer of the Neal Fire- proof Storage Company; L. Q. Rawson, attorney; M. F. Fisher, president of the Fisher Bros., grocers. Mr. A. E. Hyre, whose en- ergy brought about the incorporation of the Chamber, has annually been elected its secretary and still enjoys the usufruct of that posi- tion. The present officers (1918) are: President, Henry G. Schaefer, vice-president of the Gustav Schaefer Wagon Company; Vice-presi- dents, John H. Cox, attorney, and M. F. Bramley, president of the Cleveland Trinidad Paving Company ; Treasurer, Chas. L. Wasmer, president of the Cleveland Wrought Products Company; Secretary, Alonzo E. Hyre. The Directors are W. C. Astrup, W. R. Coates, F. M. Farnsworth, W. H. Fay, Geo. F. Hart, R. C. Heil, Wm. Hughes, F. T. Kedslie, Chas. W. Lapp, Louis Meier, Wm. L. Meyer, Ber- nard Millei-, Jas. T. Miskell, Dr. Jno. Neuberger, and Henry Waibei. The things accomplished by the Chamber of Industi-y range from the simplest affairs of every day civic housekeeping to great bridge projects involving millions of dollars. Among the more important and outstanding achievements may be mentioned the Detroit-Supe- rior high level brige, the Denison-Harvard bridge, the Brooklyn- Brighton bridge, the Lorain-IIuron high level bridge; the Clark Ave- nue bridge: the West Sixty-fifth Street extension and the street car belt line; the removal of the Lake Avenue "Double Tunnels," the Bulkley and the West boulevards ; the encircling county boulevard ; the completion of the monumental West Side market house ; three large industrial expositions; the increase of fire and police protec- tion: the elimination of grade crossings; the extension of street rail- way lines; an improved mail delivery and collection; the West Technical high school and athletic field ; the completion of branch library buildings; with better paved and liglited streets, etc., etc. The work of the Chamber is carried on by committees, regular and special, the labors of which are never ceasing; results follow. Finally, while concrete achievements of great value and benefit 714 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV may be "pointed to with pride," the gi-eatest and most valuable result of the life and labors of the Chamber has been the arousing of the proper eivie and unselfish spirit of the people, a spirit demo- cratic in the wide scope of its sympathies and cooperation for what- ever goes to make a bigger, better and brighter city for the comfort, convenience and progress of its inhabitants. The Standard Oil, Company Bij P. C. Boyle, Editor of the Oil City (Pemia.) Derrick The Standard Oil Company was incorporated in January, 1870, with $1,000,000 capital, ilr. John D. Rockefeller, the leading spii'it in the interests comprising the corporation, was elected its president. This was the parent corporation, and the nucleus of the vast aggrega- tion of interests and capital known as the Standard Oil Company. At the time of its incorporation, the Standard was the largest single manufacturing concern in the oil business. Its ti'ade position naturally was a leading one. Before any consolidations had taken place, its capital was increased to $3,500,000. From its beginning, the Standard was an industrial leader. Its corporate fonu of organi- zation was made necessary by a rapidlj' developing world-wide trade. A manufacturing corporation from the outstart, it soon became neces- sary to create ways aiid to provide means for the prosecution of its large business. The .sale and distribution of its products involved transportation, and called for facilities of a nature unknown to com- merce. These in due course were devised and provided. The production of crude petroleum by artesiau process began in 1859. Ill the following year, Mr. John D. Rockefeller made his first investment in oil. By 1862 he was trading under the firm name of Rockefeller & Andrews. In 1865 the firm was e.xpantlcd by the accession of Mr. William Rockefeller. A connecting house in New York being desirable, it was established, and Mr. William Rockefeller was placed in charge. The Standard by this step was the first anu)ng the western refiners to locate permanently in New York. Success crowned the efforts of the young firm. To secure addi- tional capital, in 1867 Mr. S. V. Ilarkness and Mr. II. M. Flagler were admitted as partners, and the firm style became Rockefeller, Andrews and Flagler. Mr. Flagler proved to be a fortunate accjui- sition, not only to his firm, but to the trade at large. For the rapid and wide expansion of the oil trade much is due to Mr. Flagler. The growing demands of the firm's business making additional capital Entrance to Forest Hill Summer Home of f\r. John D. Rockefeller Cleveland Home of the Oil King (Destroyed by fire in 1917) 716 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV imperative, having reached the reasonable limit for safety of a busi- ness conducted as a partnership, it was decided as the next step to incorporate. The lai-ge profits secured by refineries in the early days of the industry attracted capital and stiuuilated enterprise. Oil com- manded high prices, and the business as a whole was prosperous and profitable even as then conducted by wasteful methods. But overproduction was slowly yet surely reducing the value of the crude oil at the wells, and a refining capacity had gi'own thi'ee times as great as was necessary to supply the demand. Ruinous com- petition was depressing refiners' profits to the vanishing point. The railroads were competing sharply for the oil trade without profit. Tills was the condition in 1872, soon after the Standard was incor- porated. The situation was one demanding immediate relief. In its extremity, the industry sought relief through combinations to effect economies and to place the trade on a paying basis. Producers had considered the desirability of a combination to restrain the output to regulate prices. Pipe lines on the verge of bankruptcy were easting about for some form of combination that would stop rate cutting and rebates, which had proved destructive to profit. Refiners were enter- ing combinations to regulate the trade. Railroads were seeking means for an agreement upon a division of the freight on a basis that left some profit to the carrier for the service. Previous to the reorganization of the industrj- in the later 70s, the Rockefeller interest was confined to manufacturing. Necessities forced it into other branches of the business, such as the operation of pipe lines and steamships. The ownership of oil wells followed in due course of time. When the Standard Oil Trust was formeil in 1882, forty persons had associated themselves as stockholders in fifteen eoi'porations, be- sides holding stock in a number of others. They were the men who, through their individual enterprise, had come to the front by sheer merit in the va.st body of those who had engaged in the industry. The actual cost of refining was reduced from 1872 to 1892, about sixty-six per cent. "This has been accomplished," said Mr. S. C. T. Dodd, "partly by the discovery and use of l)ctter processes and better machinery, partly by the elimination of tlie waste once incident to the business, and partly by the refiners manufacturing for their own purposes, and cheapening tlie cost of the nuiterials used in manufac- turing oils." When the Standard Oil Trust was formed in 1882 it was cajiital- ized at .1;70,()00,000. Later the capilal was increased to .$i)r),O()O,00(). and within seven or eigiil years the (rust canic into ixissessidii ol' the 1870-92] COJOIERCE AND INDUSTRY 717 companies controlling tlio greater part of the i)etrnl('uin leliniiitj busi- ness in the United States. Ill ]\rar('h, 1892, the supreme court of the state of Ohio decitled that the Standard Oil Trust was illegal, and it was dissolved, the business being conducted by the separate companies that had com- posed the trust. From 1870 to 1880 was the period of regulation and combination, and bringing of the chaotic conditions which surrounded the oil indus- trj' into something systematic. It reqviired an immense amount of detail work to accomplish this. The pipe lines which took the crude iiiK Rockefeller .\nd Andrews Building petroleum from the tanks of the producers had different systems and different methods; producers were not satisfied that they received all they should, and refiners were not always satisfied with the condition of the oil when it was received. It might contain residuum, or part of tlie run miglit be water. There was tiieii no way of safeguarding oil in transit. When the oil reached the pipe lines a record was made at once. But when the oil was transported by teams it was possible by collusion for a dis- honest teamster to appropriate by wagonloads. With the crude sys- tem of checks and balances it was not possible to keep track of the oil, as a smgle shipper might have scores of teams on the road at one time. If there was a shortage, it was supposed the team had not yet reached its destination. The quotation of the dump men not infrccjucntly 718 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV made the market, precisely as the speculative operations of the brokers subsequently made prices in the oil exchange. When the seller was in doubt about values and the buyer unwilling to enlighten him by naming a price, the nearest "dump" man was appealed to, and his quotation made a price governing the transaction. The same process was repeated again and again in the course of a business day. The purchasing agents of the refiners were migratoiy. They would meet on the cars or in hotel lobbies and discuss trade conditions. That out of all this a system was finally developed which has stood the test of time and been adopted in the oil fields over the whole world, is a credit to John D. Rockefeller and his associates. Confidence was restored in pipe line certificates, and they were accepted at their market value by the banks, and were available for collateral. This assured the pi-oducers that they were being given a square deal by the pipe line transportation system, and they soon became content to accept the statements as shown on the books of the pipe lines. It has always been the claim of the Standard that it has spared no expense in securing the best resiilts in the conduct of its business. The elements of economy that have entered into the production, trans- portation and marketing of petroleum and its products are numerous. Sufficient skill and capital to develop new markets, and to adopt any form of improvement in manufacture and transportation in seiw- ing the trade, are among the chief factors in securing and maintaining a steady market for petroleum. A steady market has encouraged the production of crude oil on a basis of a fair return on the capital invested. The thousands of producers need only raise their oil to the earth's surface to sell it at a remunerative price at the tanks into which they pump it. From that moment until it is delivered at the door of the consumers all over the woi'ld, the most economical methods are used in its handling. The Standard Oil ('ompaiiy has not claimed any exclusive credit as an inventor of devices for chcai)ening the processes incident to its business, but it has fostered inventive genius by adopting any device that involved an element of economy or an improvement of commer- cial value. Above all, it has placed oil at the door of all the inhabi- tants of the globe, and made it so clicai) that few are unable to pur- chase it. Others might liave done the same tiling, but others did not do it. So wofld-wide an industrial organization liad never before been formed. The best evidence that if has served tlie |)ul)lic well is the volume of its business. It has won its way to its present ti-ade position because of the quality and ))rice of its ])roduct. The wortli of its methods is attested bv the i'aci tliat its (lunoncnts have aban- 1870-19001 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 719 doned tln'ir fdi-iiicr Imsiiu'ss iduas and, as far as i)(>ssil)k>, have i'ailli- fully copied the organization and distributing system of the Standard. In this connection, tiie words of John I). Rockefeller in the Report of the Industrial Commission (WOO, vol. 1, p. 7!»6), are illuminating as revealing the idea which was uppermost in the mind of the founder of the Standard Oil Company. lie said : I ascribe the success of the Standard to its consistent policy to make, the volume of the business large through the merits and" the cheapness of its products. It has spared no expense in finding, secur- ing and utilizing the best and cheapest methods of manufacture. It has sought for the best superintendents and workmen and paid the best wages. It has not hesitated to sacrifice old machinery and old plants for new and better ones. It has placed its manufactories at the points where they could supply markets at the least expense. It has not only sought nmrkets for its principal products, but for all possible by-products, sparing no expense in introducing them to the public. It has not hesitated to invest millions of dollars in methods for cheap- ening the gathering and distribution of oils by pipe lines, special cars, tank steamers and tank wagons. It has erected tank stations at every important railroad station, to cheapen the storage and delivery of its products. It has spared no expense in forcing its products into the markets of the world among people civilized and uncivilized. It has had faith in American oil, and has brought together millions of money for the purpo.se of making it what it is, and holding its market against the competition of Russia and all the many countries which are pro- ducei-s of oil. and competitors against Amei'ican Oil. When at times the overproduction of crude petrolemn caused prices to decline until they reached a very low figure, the producers attempted to regulate the supply by shutting down pumping wells and stopping the drill. The first of these was in 1862. This was followed by another in 1866. Neither of these was successful. In 1872 the producers agi- tated a .suspension of operations, and this had some slight effect, but in 1873 flowing wells had so reduced the price that small wells were abandoned. In 1874 a local shut-down originated in Clarion County, but the region at large did not join. In 1876 a plan for pooling sur- plus oil was started, but this failed because conditions improved so rapidly that the price reached $4 by the end of the year. This advance caused such rapid development that again the market was flooded and the price dropped. In 1877-1879 the Producers' Protective Union was started, and maintained its efforts to control the output for two years. Similar movements occurred in 1881-82 and 1884, but were only partially successful. Then came the shut-down of 1887, the most successful movement of the kind undertaken in the oil regions, yet it failed to realize the expectations of the producers. Natural causes 720 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV contributed to that failure, such as flowing wells and the uueoutrol- lable energj' of the producers. This movement was assisted by the Standard Oil Company, which at the request of a committee of the producers, set aside 6.000,000 barrels of crude oil at 62 cents a barrel, to be sold at the highest prices to result from the shut-down, and the proceeds to go for the benefit of the producers, drillers, pumpers and othei-s who became idle as a result of the shutting down of the wells. The first contract, on November 1, 1887, between the producers' com- mittee and the Standard, called for 5,000,000 barrels, of which the profits on 4,000,000 barrels were to go to the producers; the profits on 1,000,000 barrels were to be distributed to the drillers, pumpers, etc. Later the Standard agreed to set aside an additional 1,000,000 barrels for the workers. The action of the producers in bringing about a shut-down indi- cated their realization of the fact that the price of oil was dependent upon the law of suj^j^ly and demand. Their action did increase the price from 62 cents when they signed the contract to 90% cents. At the same time the Standard, in providing a cheap distribution of oil throughout the world, made possible the disposition of the enormous production, and prevented it from being clogged in the oil region and disorganizing the market. It was in 1888 that the Standard Oil Company first began to purchase oil properties, as it found the pro- ducers were inclined to deny the company tlie petroleum necessary for their refineries. The shut-down movement of 1887 was largely instrumental in showing that the speculation on the oil exchanges was detrimental to the producer. This speculation was op]iosed by the Standard and by the large body of pi'oducers who desired good prices for their product, and were embarrassed by the speculative movements. The Standard found it necessary to protect itself from the manipulations of the market, and on January 22, 1S95, there was posted in the various offices of the Seep Purchasing Agency tliroughout tlic oil region the following notice : The small amount of dealings in certificate oil on the exchanges renders the ti'ansactions tlicre no longer a reliable indication of the value of the product. This necessitates a change in my custom of buying credit balances. Hereafter in all such juirchases the price paid will be as high as the markets of the world will justify, but will not necessarily be the price bid on the exchange for certificate oil. Daily quotations will be fui-nished rroni this office. — Joseph Seep. This closed the exchanges within a I'cw months, and there came a more licalthv coiiditioii foi- llir IimcIc. Ici tlir advantage of both tlic 1870-1918] COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY 721 producers who were interested in securing a stable i)rice and to the refiners who had the. same purpose in view. Previous to 188!), the Standard's intere.st in the production of crude oil was small. When it was decided to extend its activities to production, that branch of the industry had been long suffering from low prices, extending jiraetically from 1872. The depression had been relieved temporarily in 1876, when prices recovered, only to resume a downward course at the clo.se of that year, and go lower than ever before. The depression contiinied with little variation for twenty veal's. It was the result of increasing activities on the part St.vxdard Oil Works in Cleveland of the producers, diligently maintained throughout the long period, and the successive discoveries of new fields of supply, while the older fields, still productive, were far from being exhau.sted. These condi- tions culminated in the discovery in 1891 of the rich ilcDonald pool, which added for a limited period 80,000 barrels daily to a production already unwieldy and topheavy. The operations of the Standard being small, were without special bearing on values, and prices being fixed by open transactions in the oil exchanges, it was without influ- ence on the market. In 1890, the Standard produced 24.44 per cent and, in 1894, 28.21 per cent of all the crude petroleum of Pennsylvania and Ohio. Its production in 1890 was chiefly in Ohio, although in 1894 it was about the same in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Vol. 1—46 722 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV From the time the Standard acquired a considerable interest in production territory the tendency of prices was downward. In 1889 the average price of Pennsylvania oil was 94 cents per barrel. The Standard's interest in oil was then insignificant. In 1890, when it produced 8.71 per cent of the oil of Pennsylvania grade, the price went to 87 cents. In 1891 its interest had increased to 13.74 per cent and the average price fell to 67 cents. The year following it went down to 56 cents. In 1895 its interest was 21.45 per cent of the Penn- sylvania production, yet oil maintained an average price of but 64 cents. In 1894 the Standard's production was 23.49 per cent, and the price was 84 cents. These were lower average prices than in the preceding five j'eare. In 1894, the petroleum production of the United States was 49,- 344,516 barrels. In 1916 it was 302,000,000 barrels, and in 1917 it will exceed that figure and probably reach over 320.000,000 barrels. These figures show a remarkable growth of the producing industry; one which can hardly be appreciated, since the amounts are so large and beyond the grasp of the ordinary human mind. A better idea can be obtained by saying that from less than a million barrels a week in 1894, the output has reached nearly a million barrels a day, or that for each one barrel bi-ought to the surface in 1894 there are now seven barrels recovered. It must be evident, therefore, that the refining, transporting and marketing facilities must have also been increased more than seven times, since they have had to care for the surplus of 1894, as well as the increased production. This has been accomplished through , following the system inaugurated by the Standard at its inception, a system which has been imitated by all its competitors. The Standard canned into the producing branch of the industry the same careful attention to details that it applied to the other branches. It entered new fields, and followed the trend of production towards the West, until it i-eached the Pacific. And in each field it took its part in adding to the world's supply. At the same time it was extend- ing the markets for petroleum products everywhere over the globe. But for the Standard's persistent development of fresh territories for consumption, the energy of the producers would have swamped the market again and again with crude oil. The low prices which followed the opening of gusher fields helped to enlarge the market for the refined products, and to this the Standard contributed by having agents in all parts of the world. The same energv-, the same carefully considered system that estab- lished the great corporation and made it the wonder of the business world, is still maintained. Its methods arc praised by others through 1825] COJIMERCE AND INDUSTRY 723 their imitation of them, and its conservative yet energetic business policy shows no change except such as is called for by the increasing demands of the business. The Canal Pkriod in Cleveland's History l>ij John A. Alburn, Formerly Attorney for the Public Works of Ohio While it seems preposterous today to sugp;est that Die great City of Cleveland has been aided in its growth and development by the old canals constructed by the State of Ohio about a century ago, an investigation into the history of our city and state will convince us that Cleveland owes much to this ancient mode of transportation, which was of vital importance to our conuuunity during the first half of the last centurj'. When we recall that in 1825, when the building of canals was undertaken in Ohio, the total real estate of Ohio amounted to only $45,000,000 and the total personal property to less than $14,000,000, while almost $10,000,000 was spent by the state upon the construction of the Ohio Canal and the Miami and Erie Canal, we can appreciate the relatively tremendous undertaking in those early days of small things when canal transportation at three to four miles an hour was the predecessor of the great railway transportation systems which have, since 1850, succeeded the older and slower modes of transpor- tation. "When Ohio was admitted to the Union, she had a population of only 50,000, widely scattered and almost without means of communica- tion. Agriculture was the main and practically the sole occupation, but access to markets was so difficult that farm products were neces- sarily consumed locally and, for like reasons, few products of manu- facture were sold to our people. As late as 1820, Cincinnati, Ohio's largest city, contained 9,642 inhabitants, while the population of Cleveland in 1820 was only 606. Cleveland's rapid gi'owth from 1830 to 1860, was due in a great measure to its being the terminus of the Ohio Canal. The attention of Ohio people was first called to the matter of canals by the creation of the Erie Canal Commission in New York in 1810, with DeWitt Clinton at its head. New York attempted to pro- cure federal aid for the construction of the Erie Canal. Failing in this, she sought co-operation from Ohio and Ohio thus became in- terested in a public way in this question. While Ohio urged federal 724 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV aid to New York as to the Erie Canal, she soon came to the con- clusion that Ohio as well as New York needed better means of trans- portation; and, after the completion of the Erie Canal, legislation began to take form in Ohio, resulting in the pa.ssing of an act of the legislature in February, 1825, committing the state to the construc- tion of canals. The reasons why Ohio entered upon this great enterprise, in view of her small wealth and population, were many. Ohio was logically situated for- better means of transportation than oxen and teams of horses. IMany canal routes were available. Land was cheap, miich of it worth only .$1 per acre. The Federal government was generous with its donations of hundreds of thousands of acres for such pur- poses. On the other hand, roads were poor and infrequent, railroads and steam locomotives undreamed of. The cost of transporting crops or products of manufacture was so great as to be prohibitive. For example, it cost $3 to haul a cord of wood twenty miles and $5 to transport a barrel of flour 150 miles, and other costs were in propor- tion. The only important market for Ohio products at this time was New Orleans and by the time our products reached this market, prices for such products were so reduced as to make their sale un- profitable. In view of this and other conditions, we can readily see why the people of Ohio in these pioneer days were so intent upon, creating arteries of communication which would develop the agricul- ture and commerce of our people locally, and also give them access to the eastern markets and the benefits to be derived from the products of the eastern states. With these ideas in view, the constraetion of the Ohio Canal, extending from Cleveland, through what is now Akron (a city that was founded by the laborers on this canal), thence through Newark to Columbus, and down the Scioto River to Portsmouth, was begun in 1825. Two years later the northern section of this canal from Cleveland to Akron was completed and the first canal boat ar- rived in Cleveland from Akron on the fourtli of July, 1827. How important tliis event was to our early citizens is set out in a descrip- tion of the event in Govei'iior Trunibcll's message to the general as- sembly the following December, when he states that his boat "was cheered in her j)assage by thousands of dur delighted fellow-citizens who had assembled from the adjacent country at different points on the Canal to witness the novel and interesting sight." In 1833, 400 miles of the Oliin Canal, including its branches, had been comjileted and it was not long after that date when the Ohio Canal had a length of over .'")00 miles and it was possible to luivigate it from Cleveland to Columbus and Portsmouth. 1827-1850J COJNDIERCE AND INDUSTRY 725 After the I'onstruetiou of the Ohio Canal was well under way, the state began at Cineinnali to construct the Miami and Erie Canal tliroiiirh niiytim to Tok'ilo ; this canal was later built to a length of 300 miles, while, during the same period of canal development, about 200 miles of private canals were constructed in Ohio. The net receipts above expenditures fi-om the Ohio canals from tolls, whicli were relatively small, rose from $800 in 1828 to $227,000 in 1838, and to a half-million dollars in 1848; these figures reflect the general growth ami develoimient of the state along its canal systems. By 1850, however, tlie competition of the railroads began to be felt and, in 1856, for tlie first time since the construction of the canals, the receipts fell below the expenditures. At the time of the civil war, the competition of the raili-oads had become so great and the state had become so intensely interested in the ])rosecution of the war, that lack of public confidence in the canals caused the leasing of them to private parties for a period of ten years, which lease was subse- quently renewed. The lessees, operating the canal solely for private profit, failed to maintain their efficiency, and abandoned their lease about the year 1877, at which time the state took back the canals in a dilapidated condition, in which they continued initil 1904, when a great public movement resulted in the appropriation of large sums of money to rebuild the Ohio and the Miann and Erie canals. After the expenditure of several million dollars upon this work and at -a time when both canals were nearly ready for navigation, political issues, railroad competition, and other causes resulted in preventing their completion in such a way that canal boats could be operated upon them or the public could feel justified in building canal boats ajid making business arrangements for their operation. The question before the state during the past few years with reference to the canals has been whether the canals should be completed for navigation pur- poses, or wliether the canal system should be maintained for the pur- pose of providing water facilities for mills and manufacturers, or whether canal lands, with the exception of the reservoirs, which are now used as public parks, should be abandoned and sold. Coming now to some of the more important influences of these canals upon the City of Cleveland, we should consider first the gen- eral benefits to the state, which were shared in a large measure by the City of Cleveland. The state gained in the first instance by the energy and enterprise required in the construction and management of a transportation system of such relative importance, compared with the other property of the state. The state gained further in the abolish- ment of sectional- feeling and in the more frequent exchange of 726 CLEVELAND AND ITS ENVIRONS [Chap. XXXV products and ideas, by reason of the increased transportation facili- ties. Whereas it had been impossible for Ohio to exchange its agri- cultural products for the products of other states, this exchaaige readilj- increased upou the development of the canal system, and Ohio benefited in this increase in a financial way, because its people were enabled to receive larger net prices for their products, and, on the other hand, to buy products of other states, at much less than their previous cost. This resulted in stimulating local industry-, raising the value of Ohio real estate, and making Ohio more desirable for settlement. Such influences to some extent were responsible for the growth of population in Ohio from 900,000 in 1830 to 1,500,000 in 1840, and to 2,000,000 in 1850, during the period of greatest canaJ activity. During a like period, from 1826 to 1859, the real estate of thirty-seven canal counties in Ohio increased in value from $25,000,000 to .$350,000,000. That a large part of this increase in wealth and population was due to the canals is indicated by the fact that, during the canal period, hundreds of flour mills were erected along the canals, that canal water and water power were used by hundreds of small manufacturing plants, that such canal cities as Cleveland, Akron, Dayton, Columbus, Toledo and Cincinnati increased in wealth and population far in excess of other cities of the state, and that thei beginnings of these cities, as centers of importance, are largely due to the influence of the canals in making such cities terminals for the receipt and shipment of the various products of the farm on the one hand and the manufacturing and mining industries on the other. With more particular reference to our city, we find that Cleve- land was the most favorably located of all the cities on the canal sj-.stem, with the possil)le exception of Cincinnati, which was at the southern terminus of the Miami and Erie Canal and an important transhipment city with reference to Ohio Uiver navigation. Cleve- land, on the other hand, was the most important city upon the Ohio Canal, wliii-h extended for over 500 miles through the state; thai terminus of the Ohio Canal, at a point in the Cuyahoga River only a few feet from the site of the Supei'ior Avenue viaduct, was exceed- ingly advantageous in connection willi lake transportation and trans- portation facilities by tlie Eric Canal to New York City. No little of Cleveland's growth in popidation from 1830 to 1850 was due to the facilities afforded Cleveland as an important transportation terminal connected with the canal system. Cleveland derived considerable revenue as a place for the interchange of products of the farm, the iiiinc, and llir factory. Further than this, the accessibility of Cleve- land 1o the agricultural and mining districts of Ohio, as well as to the 1850-79] COl^EMERCE AND INDUSTRY 727 manufacturing sections of other states, made it a favorable city iu which both products for manufacture and products for home con- sumption coukl be had at reasonable prices as compared with other localities, and these advantages had much weight in increasing the industrial growth of the city. Among tlie products arriving in Cleveland via the canal. as early as 1833, were 387,000 bushels of wheat, 75,000 bushels of corn, 49,000 bushels of coal, 98,000 barrels of flour and 23,000 barrels of pork. On the other hand, there were shipped from Cleveland on the canal, in the same year, 28,000 barrels ol' salt and 10,000,000 pounds of mer- chandise. In later years, the shipments to Cleveland rose as high as 3,000,000 bushels of wheat, 1,500,000 bushels of corn, 4,000,000 bushels of coal, 750,000,000 barrels of Hour, and 50,000 barrels of pork, while the exports of salt in 1839 amounted to 110,000 barrels. It is interesting to note that in the period from 1833 to 1860, Cleveland received by canal forty times as much wheat as Cincinnati and shipped more than twice as inucli nierchandise, whereas, Cincin- nati far outdistanced Cleveland in the nuiiiber of barrels of whiskey received. After the decadence of the canal systems, Cleveland received a railroad, largely by the reason of the abandonment of a part of the Ohio Canal extending from the Superior Avenue viaduct about three miles up the riglit bank of the Cuyahoga River. This part of the canal was deeded to the City of Cleveland for certain purposes and was, in 1879, leased by the city to the Valley Railway Company, later the Cleveland Terminal and Valley Railway Company; this railway property is now a part of the Baltimore and Ohio system. Whatever the future may be as to the Ohio Canal, whether it shall be abandoned, or sold, or transformed into a deeper canal, we may rest assured that Cleveland owes many of its beginnings and much of its strength to the various influences of this old canal system, which laid the foundations of her commercial and industrial supremacy. L 005 485 641 4 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY D 001 080 567 9 mmmlMiili .11111, iniini:nnivir.i..',-.:riiunuiH