^berkeley\ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ^ CALIFORNIA^ / < 1. " SCHOOL ARCHER TAYLOR NOTES ON THE Catfcetiral libraries OF ENGLAND 9 NOTES ON THE CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES OF ENGLAND BY BERIAH BOTFIELD LONDON .849 LIBRARY SCHOOL, o ,- t j w c S3 TO THE RIGHT REVEREND i CHARLES THOMAS, LORD BISHOP OF RIPON, THE INSTRUCTOR OF HIS EARLIER, AND THE FRIEND OF HIS MATURER YEARS, THESE NOTES ON THE Catyetiral Jtfftrarie* of CnglanU ARE RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY HIS SINCERELY ATTACHED PUPIL AND SERVANT, BERIAH BOTFIELD. Z1H H /IS n 73 preface* HE Hiftory and Antiquities of the Cathedral Churches of Eng- land have been fo often de- fcribed, and fo profufely illuf- trated that little remains to be accomplifhed in that direction, But thefe de- fcriptions are in many inftances ancillary to the illuftrations, and while the minuteft de- tails are given of the Church itfelf, little or no mention occurs of the literary treafures contained within its precincts. The reafon of this is obvious. The Antiquarian would na- turally dwell with complacency on thofe ftately fabrics which, thanks to the piety of earlier years, ftill adorn the cities of our land. The Hiftorian will recount with fatisfaclion thofe venerable foundations by which the light of knowledge and the bleffings of religion were diffufed in a lefs enlightened age than that in which we have the happinefs to live. viii PREFACE. Moreover thefe Collections, though belonging to public bodies, are, ftri&ly fpeaking, of a private character, being of limited accessibility and reftricted ufe. The Library of the Dean and Chapter is chiefly available for the ufe of the Clergy of the Cathedral Churchy and under proper re- gulations becomes a convenient place of ftudy for the clerical ftudent or the lettered divine. The Libraries thus preferved have, as might be expected, great Similarity of character. They often combine in a peculiar manner the learning of the middle ages, with the litera- ture of a later date. Chiefly embracing theo- logical fubjects, they contain no fmall amount of clafflcal lore, and a large proportion of his- torical refearch. Among much that is obfolete there is more that is valuable, and amid much that is trifling there is more that is important. The contents of thefe Libraries have hither- to been known only to thofe who have had accefs to their Shelves, but thanks to the courtefy of thofe entrufted with their cuftody, I have in every inftance carefully perufed the Catalogue, and minutely examined every vo- lume which I have ventured to defcribe. This I have done at various times and different in- PREFACE. ix tervals, occafionally revifiting the fame Col- lection whenever the opportunity of doing fo occurred, but often hurried in my examination from unwillingnefs to encroach upon the time or avocations of thofe to whofe kindnefs I have been indebted for the profecution of thefe enquiries. No one can be more fenfible than myfelf of the imperfections and omiffions of a work compiled under fuch circumftances, and I mall feel deeply indebted to any one who will undertake to correct the one or to fupply the other. None but thofe who have been accuftomed to exact the moft fcrupulous accuracy from themfelves can rightly eftimate the difficulty of its attainment by others. Juft as thofe who are moft fenfible of their own deflciences moft readily make allowance for the failings of others. " There is a philofophy in the aridity of " Bibliography which few bibliographers have " difcovered ; there is a chronology of ideas " as well as facts, and the date of an opinion " is far more interefting than any on the Co- " lophons."* This may be fafely admitted, provided the date can be afcertained with fufficient accu- # D'Ifraeli's Commentaries, n. 317, 318. x PREFACE. racy to render permanent the intereft it may infpire. But this it muft be conceded is a point of no fmall difficulty, fince " opinions " and feelings are long filently propagated " before they can affume the kiting form of " published works." " Thofe revolutions in public opinion which " are filently operating, without yet manifeft- " ing any overt ads, can only be detected in " thofe hiftories of mankind which are fur- " nifhed by themfelves — Books ! Thefe are " the precurfors or the recorders of whatever " is paffing in Europe."* Thofe who laudably endeavour to refufci- tate the defunct literature of a paft age may bed defend their purfuit in the language of the ingenious and lamented Leyden. " How- " ever injudicious our ancient authors may be " reckoned in the felection of their materials, " and the arrangement of their topics ; how- " ever defective in the arts of composition or " polifh of ftyle, they can never diveft them- a felves of the manners and habits of thinking " familiar to the age in which they lived. It " is this circumftance which (tamps a real * D'lfraeli's Commentaries, n. 328. PREFACE. xi " value on the rudeft compofitions of an early " period ; a value which continually increafes " with their antiquity." If the true teft of the value of a book be, where can you learn what it will teach you ? and if the anfwer be nowhere, then we may fafely concede both merit and value. Such I am far from prefuming to be the charac- teriftic of the prefent work ; but affuredly no where elfe can be found any collected account of the Eccleflaftical Libraries, attached to the Cathedrals of England, and forming not the leaft interefting portion of their feveral Capi- tular pofTeffions. The Anglo-Saxon Manufcripts in poffeffion of the Dean and Chapter of Rochefter, Exe- ter, Wells, Lichfield, Durham, Worcefter, Weftminfter, are enumerated in the third volume of Hickes' Thefaurus, entitled Antique Litteraturas Septentrionalis liber alter, feu Humphredi Wanleii Librorum Vett. Septen- trionalium, qui in Anglian Bibliothecis ..extant, necnon multorum Vett. Codd. Septentriona- lium alibi extantium Catalogus Hiftorico-Cri- ticus, Oxonii, 1705, folio. In the fame author's Catalogi Librorum Manufcriptorum Anglias et Hiberniae in unum xii PREFACE. collecti, &c. Oxonian, 1698, folio, we find Catalogues of the Manufcripts preferved in the Chapter Houfes of York, Durham, Car- liile, Worcefter, Salifbury, Weftminfter, Win- chefter, Lichfield, Hereford, Exeter, and Can- terbury, affording abundant evidence of the diligence and accuracy of Humphrey Wan- ley. In Clarke's Repertorium Bibliographicum there is fome account of the moft celebrated Britifh Libraries, London, 1 8 1 9, 8vo. including Notices of the Archiepifcopal Library, Lam- beth Palace, the Cathedral Library of Can- terbury, the Chrift Church Library at Oxford, and the Manufcripts in the Chapter Houfe at Weftminfter. I have purpofely omitted from this Work all mention of the Parochial Libraries of Eng- land, fuch as thofe of Wimborne Minfter in Dorfetfhire ; Halifax in Yorkfhire ; Caftleton in Derbyfhire; Langley in Buckinghamfhire ; Tong and Whitchurch in Shropfhire. The latter in particular is a beautiful Library, pur- chafed by a former Countefs of Bridgewater from one of the Preftons, and left as an heir- loom to the living. The late Francis Henry, Earl of Bridgewater, left all his books in aug- PREFACE. xiii mentation of this Library, and alfo bequeathed feveral funis of money for founding other Libraries of a fimilar kind at Middle, Ellef- mere, and other places. I have reluctantly excluded the Library at Bamborough Caftle, in Northumberland, fo interefting as containing a vellum copy of the Book of Troy, by Pyn- fon ; as well as the Libraries of Sion College ; Archbifhop Tenifon's ; the Diffenters, in Red Crofs Street; and the Baptift Mufeum, at Briftol. To go beyond thefe would be to de- fcribe the Libraries of the Britifh Mufeum ; the London and Royal Inftitutions, the London Library, and thofe of the different learned and Scientific Societies, and of the Clubs of London. All thefe are foreign to my purpofe, which embraces only Libraries of a ftrictly ecclefiaftical character. I have introduced the Archiepifcopal Library at Lambeth as belonging to the Primate, and the Library of the Dean and Chapter of St. George's, at Windfor, as appertaining to the Sovereign Head of the Englifh Church. I have chofen to defignate thefe Collections as Cathedral Libraries, becaufe with the above exception, the only Capitular Library de- fcribed in this volume which is not at prefent xiv PREFACE. in connection with a See, is the venerable foundation of the Dean and Chapter of Weft- minfter. This from its connection with the ancient Palace of Weftminfter muft always be regarded as claffic ground in the Hiftory and Antiquities of England. I have added no index to this book, be- caufe the work itfelf is little more than an index to the contents of the Collections which it profeffes to defcribe, and a mere repetition of proper names would have added to the bulk without increafing the utility of the volume. Hafty as thefe notes may have been, and confeffedly imperfect as they are, they may yet ferve to excite if not to fatisfy the awakened intereft in the Curiofities of Eng- lish Literature. " Without doubt," fays Richard de Bury in his Philobiblon, tranflated by Inglis, quot- ing Seneca in his Epiftles, " Leifure without " letters is death, and the Sepulture of the " living man ;" fo we juftly conclude from a converfe meaning, " that to be employed with " Literature and Books is life." Norton Hall, 5 March, 1849. L CONTENTS. Page IBRARYofBriftol i Library of Canterbury 5 Library of Carlifle 49 Library of Chefter 55 Library of Chichefter 74 Library of Durham 89 Library of Ely 124 Library of Exeter 132 Library of Gloucefter 159 Library of Hereford 172 Library of Lambeth Palace 189 Library of Lichfield 259 Library of Lincoln 268 Library of London 297 Library of Manchefter 328 Library of Norwich 330 Library of Chrift Church, Oxford 348 Library of Peterborough 369 Library of Ripon Minfter 384 Library of Rochefter 390 Library of Salifbury 405 Library of Wells 417 Library of the Dean and Chapter of Weftminfter .... 430 Library of Winchefter 465 Library of Windfor 484 Library of Worcefter 491 Library of York Minfter 502 CORRIGENDA. 43, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 128, 138, 263, 286, 14., for militare, mz^militari. 6, /or obtineti, reWobtinet. 17, for Attica, read Attici. 2.%, for coronis, r^W corona. 2 1 , _/or Barrow 5 r^W Barrow's. 1 9, for Mircse, read Mireae. 10, for Periphis, read Periplus. 1 9, for Livelise'SjTVtf^Livelie's. 29, for Ariftidii, read Ariftidis. 32, for Commeline, read Com- melini. 23, for Horologia,r^WHeroo- logia. 1, for polift, read philift. 8, after whereof, infer 7 the. 1, omit and. .286,1. 13, after Church, infer t are. 317, 27, after man's infer t Villare. 319, 10, for Anglia, read Anglica. 322, 8, for rum, readxu%. 324, 1 3, for heorici, readheio\c\. 352, ult. for Rhetoris,mz^Rhetores. 3 54, ult. for Zonoras, read Zonaras. 356, 7, for du, read des. 357, 11 )f or Anglianae, read Angli- canae. 360, 1 5, for Varillais', r^WVarillas'. 361, 1 7 , for rum, r of Canterbury. HE Library of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury is kept in a long and lofty room adjoining the Cloifters, which in olden time was the Cha- pel of the Prior. The books are arranged in claries upon open fhelves, in projecting cafes, which are diftinguifhed by letters of the alpha- bet, and occupy the fpaces between the windows ; the end of the apartment neareft the Baptiftery, containing the manufcripts in clofed cafes; and the other end of the room, having a light gallery, with open fhelves above and below for the reception of printed books. The Dean and Chapter have it in contemplation to alter this arrangement entirely, by placing the folios and quartos upon open fhelves all round the room, with a light gallery for the octavos above, and to light the apartment by a fkylight in the roof, inftead of the prefent windows ; and to remove the damp, which at prefent pervades the Library to a very injurious extent, by the addition of fuitable fire-places. This alteration, the expenfe of which is eftimated at nearly ^iooo, though tending to impair the ve- nerable appearance of this " antique oratory," cannot fail to be beneficial to the books, many of which have been recently rebound by Mr. Gough of London, and 6 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. fome of the older volumes having been repaired and gilt. The whole collection has a frefhened afpect. The books are chiefly bound in calf, and are gene- rally in very good condition, though only warmed oc- caiionally by a ftove. From a fmall fund pofTefTed by the Dean and Chapter, they are enabled to employ from five to fix hundred a year in the purchafe and reparation of books. Their Library is alfo continually augmented by the cuftomary donation of each Prebend upon his inflallation ; and by a gift of forty pounds from the Archbiihop of Canterbury, who once in every four years holds a vifitation in his Cathedral, being fumptuoufly entertained at the Deanery, and leaves that fum, according to ancient ufage, for the ufe of the Library. It is creditable to the Curators of this Library that two Catalogues of its contents have already been print- ed, once in 1743, and again in 1802, and that another is in contemplation : fo that I truft the Rev. John Stratton, the prefent Librarian, upon whom the tafk devolves ex officio, will render this new Catalogue more complete than either of its precurfors. The Catalogue at prefent in ufe in the Library is that printed in 1802, inlaid and interleaved in two volumes quarto, and bound in rough calf. There is alfo a regifter kept, of books borrowed from the Li- brary. The Catalogue which was printed for the ufe of the members of the Church in 1802, is an octavo volume of two hundred and thirty-nine pages, entitled a " Catalogue of the Books, both Manufcript and " Printed, which are preferved in the Library of Chrift " Church, Canterbury, 1802." It is divided into two CANTERBURY. 7 parts, of which the firft is an alphabetical index of the books both manufcript and printed, with reference to the (helves upon which they were placed when the Catalogue was compiled. The fecond part contains the Catalogue of the printed books only, being the contents of the Cafes from A 1. to LL iv. fpecifying the titles, imprints, and dates of each work. But as the prefent Librarian has entirely changed the arrange- ment of the books in thefe cafes, they having been formerly arranged according to their fize, but now ac- cording to their fubjects, the utility of this Catalogue, as affording facility of reference, is entirely gone. The third portion of this Catalogue contains an enumeration of the manufcripts in the order in which they occur in the clofed cafes, A to E, in which they are kept. I mall be excufed for tranfcribing the introductory remarks to this Catalogue, fince the book itfelf is folely circulated among the members of the eftablifh- ment, and the matter is moft pertinent to the fubjedt of the prefent notice ; fo here it is : — " Of this Library, a Catalogue, as it was called, ap- " peared in 1743 ; but it is merely an alphabetical lift " of printed books only, without any ftatements of the " place or year in which the books are printed, and " without any guide to the fhelves on which they had " been placed. The prefent Catalogue, by its two- " fold arrangement, is intended to inform the- reader " of moft particulars relating to the books, to point " out to him their lituation in the Library, and at the " fame time to preferve them in their refpecliive " claries. " The Dean and Chapter, defirous to promote the " utility of their Library, lately caufed it to be care- 8 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " fully examined, as well as confiderably enlarged ; " and in confequence of the examination, feveral ma- " nufcripts were found concealed under a heap of rub- " bifh in a private clofet. Thefe Manufcripts, having " been investigated by fome of the members of the " Church, are now depolited, (as the fubjects of them " required,) partly in the Chapter-room, and partly in " the Library. To the prefTes in the latter an addition " is thus made of twelve volumes fince the publication " of a Catalogue of the Manufcripts in this Library, " by a member of the Church, in 1793. Other Ma- " nufcripts alfo, fince that period, have been prefented " to the Dean and Chapter. This Library, it may " be obferved, is rich in Manufcript materials relating " to the Civil and Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of the coun- " try, and to Saxon literature in general ; as the ar- " tides under Records, Regifters, and Somner, will " evince." I may add, that this Library fuffered feverely from fire in former ages, and was defpoiled of fome of its fair- eft treafures during the Cromwellian Ufurpation. It cannot confequently boaft of many tomes of the olden time, but it contains many valuable and ufeful works, which will more plainly appear when we come to analyze its contents. The books are marked by the armorial bearings of the Dean and Chapter of " Chrift " Church Canterbury," engraved and parted within the covers. This precaution, however, proved inef- fectual againft the carelefTnefs of fo many perfons to whom books had been lent fome years ago, that the Reverend Guardians of this collection have of late years exercifed draconic vigilance in the prefervation of their literary treafures. CANTERBURY. 9 Many indeed of the clergy of Canterbury, who are unufually numerous, would gladly avail themfelves of accefs to this Library; an indulgence which methinks might be granted under fuch regulations as mould enfure the integrity, while extending the ufefulnefs of the collection. It is matter of great congratulation to the Dean and Chapter, that fo many valuable Manufcripts relating to Saxon literature in general, and the County of Kent in particular, mould be contained within the walls of this Library. Whoever wifhes rightly to eftimate the labours of the indefatigable Somner, mould examine this collection, where will be found two copies of his excellent Dictionarium Saxonico-Latinum, from one of which, as appears by the fignatures of the Compo- fitors, his valuable work was printed in 1659. The Title, Recommendatory Verfes, Dedication, Preface, Lift of Subfcribers, and Errata, are here carefully pre- ferved. Here alfo are kept with equal care, his " Trea- " tife of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent," folio, a work which was publifhed in 1693, W1 ^ his remarks upon the Goodwin Sands, and a life of the Author, by White Kennet, afterwards BilLop of Peterborough. Somner's " Difcourfe of Portus Iccius, wherein the late " conceipts of Chiffletius in his topographicall dif- " courfe thereof are examined and refuted; the judg- " ment of Cluverius concerning the fame port arTerted " and embraced ; and the true fite thereof more clearly " afcertained." This work was tranilated into Latin, and publifhed at Oxford, in 1694, by Dr. Edmund Gibfon, afterwards Bifhop of London. Somner argues for Boulogne, Chifflet for Mardyke. His " Littus " Saxonicum per Britanniam," the delign of which io CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. treatife was, to overthrow the opinion of Selden in his Mare Claufum, and to vindicate the opinions of Cam- den, Cluverius, Merula, and Ortelius, concerning this more. His emendation of the Concilium Bergham- ftedenfe, A.D. 697, as given by Spelman, vol. 1, p. 194, exhibiting at one view the textus RofFenfis, ejufdem exemplaris correclio, D. H. Spelmanni verfio et verfio nova. A fpecimen of the attentive correc- tion which Somner was accuftomed to beftow ; and of which his manufcript notes in feveral of the printed books in this Library afford additional proof. His " obfervations upon the CommifTary of Canterbury's " Patent," which Mr. Battely in his Preface to " the " Antiquities of Canterbury," where a great part of this difcourfe is printed, fuppofes to have been the nrft fruits of thofe labours which Somner devoted to the fludy of Antiquity. To which I may add, his " Scholia " et Animadverfiones in Leges Henrici Primi," folio. " In Dni Henrici Spelmanni Eq : Aurat. GlofTarium " Adverfaria ; Item, in Watfii GlofTarium ; et in " eximii viri Gerardi Johannis Voffii de vitiis fer- " monis et Tra&atum Adverfaria." and his Mifcel- lanies ; confirming chiefly of Letters relating to the af- fairs of the Cathedral, and the Diocefe of Canterbury ; and containing fome curious remarks upon the cha- racters, refidences, &c. of many Incumbents in the Diocefe. To the unwearied pen of Somner we are indebted for the tranfcription of the following Works. " Orolius, Saxonice ;" tranfcriptus e pervetufto Li- bro illo MS. Bibl. Cottoniana, in quo Chrono- logia Saxonica invenitur exarata. " Caxlmonis Paraphrafis Saxonica." Tranfcriptus CANTERBURY. n e pervetufto Libro MS. in Bibl. Deuvefiana cha- racter Saxonico exarato. " Medicinalis Anglicus Saxonice." Tranfcriptus e pervetufto Libro MS. in Bibliotheca Regia. apud S. Jacobum. " Pentateuchus et Liber Jofua? Saxonice." Folio. Tranfcriptus e pervetufto Libro MS. in Biblio- theca Cottoniana. " Statuta Eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. ab Henrico octavo " fundatore." " Chartae Odonis Prions, Eccl. Chr. Cant, anno " 1 1 67." " Chronica Gervafii de combuftione et reparatione " Eccl. Cantuar. 1 174." This Chronicle was pub- lished in the Decern Scriptores, the joint labour of Twyfden and Somner, in 1652, and was tranflated into Englifh, and publifhed in the Hif- torical Defcription of Canterbury Cathedral in 1783- But, befides the entire tranfcription of the above- mentioned Works, which are carefully preferved in this Library, the diligence of Somner has made copious extracts, which are alfo kept here : — " Ex Chronicis " Will. Thorne." — Fol. " Ex Gotcelini libro de tranf- " latione S. Auguftini Anglor : Apoft : et Sociorum ejus '* in Bibliotheca Deuvefiana." -f- " Ex Regiftro Manu- " fcripto S. Auguftini Monaft : coiled: : a Thorn :. Tha- " neto." " Ex veteri Libro MS. olim Ecclefis Chrifti " Cant : modo in Bibliotheca Comitis Arundell. cui " titulus, ' Regiftrum live Martyrologium Ecclefia3 f Vide Praef. ad partem fecundam Whartoni Angliae Sacrae, con- 12 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " Chrifti Cant :"— " Ex veteri Libro MS. fc. Regiftro " (ut infcribitur) temporalium Ecclefiae et Epifcopatus " RofFenfis abbreviatio, et circa tempora (i3i9)Hai- " monis de Slethe, 46. ejufdem Sedis Epifc : (ut opinor) " qui in Epifcoporum ibi memoratorum catalogo ulti- " mum locum obtineti." " Ex libro Roffenfi in 41.0." — & " E pervetufto libro MS. in Bibliotheca Cottoniana, " Orofii hiftoriam continente, manu Saxonica, cui titu- " lus, * Chronica Saxonica Abingdonias ad annum " 1066." Folio. If to the above we add fome Papers concerning Chrift Church Yard, and an Account of what was laid out on the Church from 1660 to 1662, together with feveral Tranfcripts from ancient records, chronicles, and regifters, relating to Canterbury, Kent, and Saxon lite- rature, we mall have gathered a very fair idea of the contributions of Somner to the literature of his country, and be difpofed to affign the Cantian Antiquary a place in the fame temple with Dugdale and with Hearne. I have already mentioned that Manufcripts in this Library relating to the Cathedral and City of Canter- bury are very numerous ; fo voluminous indeed that I rnuft. requeft. the reader to accept the following account rather as exemplary than defcriptive. Firft then, among the Manufcripts relating to the county of Kent, we have a Table or playne Particular of the whole Shyre ; the Cuftoms of Sandwich and Lydd ; fome Particulars refpecting the Monaftery and Town of Faverlliam ; the Rentals of Godmermam and Cher- tham ; the Rents of Affize at Marden, and Milton ; an Index to the Ledger-book of the Priory of Dover, &c. De Monafterio et Prioribus S. Martini de Dovor. An Account of Lands in the Manor of Wingham CANTERBURY. 13 paying rents, &c. to the Archbifhop of Canterbury ; and of the Lands of the Bifhoprick of Rochefter. To which I may add the Regiftrum Monafterii S. Auguf- tini, a large quarto volume, upon vellum. This curious Manufcript was purchafed by the late Dr. Farmer, formerly a Prebend of Canterbury, at a book-ftall in London, and by him prefented to the Cathedral Li- brary, which contains alfo the " Regiftrum Dommi " Willim Sellyng, Praecentoris, a decimofexto die Apri- " lis Anno Dni millefimo quingentefimo vicelimo pri- " mo, tempore Thomas Hampton abbatis hujus loci, " necnon anno regni regis Henrici octavi duo deci- " mo." 4to. This Manufcript, which is partly on vellum and partly on paper, was the Regifter of St. Auftin's Monaftery, and is believed to be the laft ; the eftabliftiment having been diflblved 30 Henr.VIII. Its ancient Library of courfe fhared the fate of the Monaftery, and was difperfed. Some few, however, of its manufcript volumes were transferred to the adjacent Cathedral, where are now preferved, " S. Auguftini Sermones de Verbis Domini, cum " Indice praefixo," folio, infcripti fuper membra- nis. " Evangelium Sancti Matthaei, Latine, cum larga '* expofitione cujufdam Anonymi," folio, optime confervatum. " Vetus Logica ; Liber de Articulis Fidei ; Prifci- " anus de Conftructionibus ; Liber de Accenti- " bus ; Donati Barbarifmus," folio, in membranis; and a volume containing " Correclorium totius Biblias Roberti Grofthead " Epifc : Lincoln." " Tabula fecundum ordinem " alphabeti, in lib. exemplorum Sacrae Scripturae." i 4 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " Liber Exemplorum S. Scripturae Fratris Nicol " de Hanapis;" & " De orbis fitu." All of which originally formed a part of the library of the Monaftery of St. Auguftine, the ruins of which ftill arreft the attention of the pafting ftranger. Thofe who feel an intereft in what once compofed Monaftic Libraries, will rejoice to perufe, in the ac- count-book of fome officer of the Monaftery, the " Reparationes circa Libros in Libraria fuper Capel- lam Domini Priori," and to be informed that a lift of books formerly in this Library is given by Dart in the Appendix to his Hiftory of the Church of Canterbury. To return from this digreftion to the Manufcripts relating to the Church, See, and City of Canterbury ; I may enumerate 1. Redditus Eccl : Chrifti Cantuar : in membranis. 2. Relevia recepta anno fecundo et fequentibus poft reverlionem Conventus ab exilio, 1215, in mem- branis.* 3. Nomina Monachorum Eccl. Chrifti Cant: a tempore exilii eorum 1207, ad annum 1533. 4. Obituarium Monachorum Eccl. Chr. Cant, ab 1286 ad 1507. 5. Gablum de diverfis terris. 6. A Receiver's Book of Church Rents in the time of the Monaftery. Liber Redituum Locabilium * The Prior of Chrift Church Canterbury, and his Monks, fixty- four in number, were banifhed by King John, in 1207, on account of the oppofition which they made to his nomination of an Archbifhop. Their places were filled with Monks from the Monaftery of St. Aus- tin. After feven years' banifhment they were reftored j £1000 was given them as a recompenfe for all detriment, and they received a char- ter of Reftitution. CANTERBURY. 15 Prions Ecclefias Cant. Epifcoporum in Provincia Cant. Decimae. 7. Spiritualium et Temporalium fecundum Regif- trum Papae et Regis. An account of certain Manors taken into Queen Eli- zabeth's hands, from the Archbifhop of Canterbury, and what recompenfe me made out of Lands, of Ab- bies, Rectories, impropriate Rents, Tithes, &c. 8. Part of a Regifter of the Archbifhop's Manors. 9. De Praerogativis Archiep. Cantuar. written upon vellum about 1334. 1 o. A lift of Authors, with references to their Works, who have written concerning the Archbifhops of Canterbury ; firft, of thofe who have treated of the Archbifhops generally, and fecondly, of thofe who have compofed fingle or particular lives ; by the late learned and celebrated antiquary, Dr. Sa- muel Pegge. 4to. Thefe valuable papers were in the pofTeffion of John Nichols, Efq. F.A.S. by whom they were given to the Rev. Mr. Todd, and by Mr. Todd have been prefented to this Library. To thefe may be added the " Statuta Curia? Cantuar. edits per Rob.Winchelfea, " Archiep. Cant." and the " Fafti Cantuarienfes ; " or the Hiftory of the renowned Cathedral and " Metropolitical Church of Chrift in Canterbury ; " a Poem in five Books ; by John Boys of-Hode " Court." Folio, 104 pages. This Poem appears by the Preface to have been in- tended for the prefs. It is dedicated to Gilbert (Shel- don) Abp. of Canterbury. The Author, it feems, was the intimate friend of Somner. At the end is a prin- ted " Panegyrick to his Sacred Majefty" Charles II. 16 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. in verfe, by the fame author, dated 1662. Other pub- lications by Mr. Boys are there alfo noticed. This volume was purchafed at the fale of the late Dr. Of- mund Beauvoir, Mafter of the King's School, Canter- bury, by Thomas Park, Efq. F.A.S.; by whom it was prefented through the Rev. Mr. Todd to this Li- brary. Laftly, as relating to the City of Canterbury, I may add to the Manufcripts already mentioned, the Charter of King Edward IV. granted to the City of Canterbury in 1460. Nomina 161 Majorum Civitatis Cantuarias ab anno 1449. Fundatio et Statuta Hofpi- talis Sancti Laurentii juxta Cantuariam, et Regiftrum Chartarum de terris ejufdem ; folio, in membranis ; and the Anfwers to the Articles of Enquiry, made by the Commiffioners of Henry VIII. concerning the eftates, goods, revenues, &c. of certain Hofpitals in and near Canterbury ; the fir ft and laft of thefe documents form- ing part of the valuable collections of Somner. Of Manufcripts relating to the Hiftory and Antiqui- ties of England, I noticed a Catalogue of the Religious Houfes within the realms of England and Wales, with their orders, founders, and values ; both fuch as were fuppreffed by King Henry VIII. and fuch as were left ftanding, or have been lince erected. Several grants of Henry IV. V. and VI. and Edward IV. to feveral monafteries, abbies, &c. Conftitutiones Othonis et Othobonicum Gloria Johanni de Acton, folio, in mem- branis. A Volume of Letters concerning State Affairs in the time of Queen Elizabeth, from 1569 to 1596. A curious volume in folio, containing : — 1 . " The Names and Armes (emblazoned) of the " Principall Captains as well of Noblemen as of Knights " that were with the victorious Prince, King Edwaid " the Thi«-d, at the Siege of Callys. 1 346." CANTERBURY. 17 2. " An Account of how many Ships and Mariners " every Port fent throughout England to that Siege. " Alfo the fupply of Ships and Mariners from Bayon, " Spayne, Ireland, Flaunders, and Gelderland." 3. "An Account of all the Princes and Noblemen, " Foreigners, that ferved at that Siege, with their " pay, and of the whole charge of that Siege." 4. " The Titles and Armes (emblazoned) of all the " Noblemen that flourifhed in each King and Queen's " Reign from William the Conqueror to Queen Eli- " zabeth." 5. " An Account of the Precedency of the Nobility " in feveral Proceffions of Queen Elizabeth and King " James." 6. " The Order of Precedency of the Nobles, both " Men and Women, by Jafper, Duke of Bedford, (Uncle " to Henry VII. and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland) at " the appointment of Henry VII." "The Armes and " Names of all the Nobilitie, Privi-Councelers, and " Chiefe Officers of England in 1588." Certain Difpu- tations in point of Law concerning the Kings of England's right to their Succefiion in the Kingdom of France ; from an ancient MS. copied by Sir Peter Manwood in 161 5, folio.* Fragmentum Hiftoria? * " Of the original," fays Sir Peter, " the fearmer weare partly con- " fumed, and the letters dimmed, and allmoft worne out by time, the " devourer of all things. In which Booke I found contayned the prin- " cipall pafTages of affaires betweene the two lcingdomes of England " and Fraunce under the reignes of King Edward the Third and King " Henry the ffifth." . . " Out of this I intreated a fpecial friend to " extract Certain Difputations, &c." . . "It may be remarked that " in the arguments employed by the ambafTadors of both countries, " the circumftance of King of England's ufing the title and arms of " France is particularly and minutely difcufTed." C 18 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Saxonies manu recenti, 4to. which formerly be- longed to Somner, who has written on the firfl page " Florentius Wigorn. optimus hujus hiftor. interpres. " W. S." Canuti Regis Leges Saxonies, 4to. Ve- terum Statutorum Regni Colle&io, cum Indice pras- iixo, 8vo. To the above may be added Erdefwick's Antiqui- ties of Staffordmire, folio, 84 pages ; and a Rentall of all the lands, rents, and pencions in the Cytie of Wor- ceftre, and fuburbes of the fame, belongyng to the Ca- thedrall Churche of Worceftre, &c. folio. I come now to the mention of a very interesting Work, being no lefs than " Ifaaci Cafauboni Epheme- " rides,'' folio. This is the Diary of the Life of that eminent fcholar and critic, Ifaac Cafaubon, Prebendary of this Church, written in Latin with his own hand, commencing in the 39th year of his age and in the year of our Lord 1597. He died in 1614. The curious and learned reader will be highly gra- tified by feveral circumftances recorded in this volume refpecling claffical authors, in the illuflration of whom Cafaubon had been engaged. Bentley, it has been faid, was indulged with the ufe of this volume. It was probably the gift of Meric Cafaubon, fon of Ifaac, and alfo a Prebendary of this Church. From a pa/Tage in this Diary we learn that Ifaac Cafaubon, being a lay- man, received the royal difpenfation to hold this Pre- bend. Of Claffic Authors I may notice a beautifully written Manufcript of M. T. Ciceronis Epiftols, in folio, pre- fented to the Library by Dr. Kingfley, Archdeacon and Prebendary, in 1663. At the beginning of this MS. is the following note : — "This Booke I Edmund CANTERBURY. 19 " Witherpoll found in the Lybrary off owre Ladye's " Churche in Bulleyn the xxv day of Sept. AnnoDomini -' 1544." Edmund Witherpoll probably accompanied Henry the Eighth in his expedition againft Boulogne, and brought away this literary treafure with him. Of Theological Manufcripts I mutt content myfelf with enumerating the Biblia Latina Thomas de Banchefter, cui prasfigitur Tracliatus Moralium fuper Genefin, qui dicitur Solatium fidelis animae, folio, in membranis. Stephani (Langton) Archiep. Cant. Moralia in Ifai- am, Jeremiam, et Ezechielem Prophetas, folio, in membranis. Ejufdem Moralia in libros Jofuas, Judicum, Ruth, in quatuor libros Regum, in Tobiam, Hefter, Efdram, et duos libros Maccabaeorum, folio, in membranis. Ejufdem Moralia in XII Prophetas Minores, folio, in membranis. Joannis Duns Scoti Queftiones Theologicas, folio, in membranis. Ejufdem, in quartum lib. Sententiarum, folio, in membranis. Expofitio five Gloria Regulae S. Beati Benedidli, 4to. Ephrem Syri Preces, Grasce, i2mo. moil beauti- fully written. Teftamenta duodecim Patriarcharum. Narratio e libro qui Grasce vocatur Suda.* Meditationes beati Bernardi, 8vo, in membranis. A Volume which formerly belonged to the Mo- naftery of St. Mary Overy, Southwark. * Suidas. 20 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. I may conclude this notice of the Canterbury Ma- nufcripts with the mention of the Chronicon ab origine Mundi, cui prafigitur Tabula fubfequentis operis fecun- dum ordinem Alphabeti, folio, which ends in 1338 ; and a Chronographye of the moft notable things from the beginning of the world to the year 1592, by John Nettleton, gent, my Mafter, and writ by me Wm. Byrche ; together with the Stimulus Confcientias, or Pricke of Confcience, an Englim Poem, by Richard Hampole,* an eremite of the order of St. Auguftine, who flourished in 1349, 4-to. ; and another curious Volume of Englim Poetry in 4to., entitled Epi- gramma Satiron ; or " The times whittle, or a newe " daunce of feven Satires, whereunto are annexed di- " vers other poems comprifing things naturall, morall, " and theologicall, compiled by gent." " Septem compa&a cicutis « Fiftula." The name of the compiler is in this firft title erafed. He announces the deiign of thofe Seven Satires in a long Introduction. " From the Rhamnufian goddefle am I fent, On Sinne t'inflicT: deferved'punimment : All-feeing Sunne, lend me thy fearching eye, That I may finde, and fcourge impietie ;" &c. &c. &c. To thefe Satires are added " Certaine Poems, com- " prifing things naturall, morall, and theologicall. " Written by R. C. gent."f * See Warton's Hiftory of Englifh Poetry, vol. i. p. 256. t From an addrefs prefixed to the Satires, and from another pre- fixed to the Certaine Poems, it is evident that they were intended for, CANTERBURY. 21 In proceeding to give fome account of the printed books contained in the Library of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, I will firft notice the imprefiions of the Holy Scriptures which are contained therein, namely, the Biblia Maxima, Joannis de la Haye. Lutet. Paris. 1660, in 19 vols, folio. Biblia Polyglotta per Ariam Montanum. Antver- pias, 1569, in 8 vols, folio. Biblia Polyglotta per Brianum Waltonum. Londini, 1657, in 6 vols, folio, cui Caftelli Lexicon Hep- taglotton, Londini, 1669, accedit. Biblia Hebraica cum Commentariis Rabbinicis, per Danielem Bombergum. Venetiis, 1 515, in 4 vols, folio. Biblia Hebraica, per Kennicott. Oxonii, 1776, in 2 vols, folio. Biblia Sacra, cum Glofla ordinaria, Parifiis, 1590, in 6 vols, folio. Biblia Sacra Vulgatas Editionis. Romas, 1592, folio. Bafilea?, 1591, 8vo. Lugduni, 161 8, 8vo. and Antverpia?, 1629, in 5 vols. i6mo. Biblia Latina Tremellii et Junii. Hanovias, 1602, in 2 vols. 4to. — Hanovias, 1603, folio, and Genevas, 1 617, in 4 vols, folio. if not committed to, the Prefs. The former appear, from various al- lufions to Marfton's Scourge of Villanie, publifhed in 1598, to have been written near that period. Probably they might be fupprefTed, in confequence of the order towards the clofe of Elizabeth's reign, figned by the Archbimop of Canterbury and the Bifhop of London, that Marfton's Pigmalion's Image and Certaine Satyres, Hall's Satires, Snarlinge Satires, &c, fhould be burnt, and " that no Satyres or Epi- " grams be printed hereafter." 22 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Biblia Septuaginta, Romas, 1587, folio; Londini, 1653, in 2 vols. i2mo. ; et edita per Grabe, Oxonii, 1707, dupl. edit, in 2 vols, folio, and in 8 vols. 8vo. Biblia Belgica. Leydas, 1596, 4to. Biblia Efpanola. Amft. 1661, 8vo. La Biblia Traflatata in lingua Italiana da Giov. Diodati, 1607, 4to. The Great Englifh Bible, published by order of Henry VIII. London, November, 1540, folio. Englifh Bible. London, 1551, folio. The Holy Bible of 1 585, the Bifhops' Verfion, in fol. The Bible printed at Doway in 1609, in 3 vols. 4to. The Bible printed by Barker at London, in 1640, folio; by Bafkett at Oxford, in 1717, folio; and by Bafkerville at Cambridge, in 1763, folio. To which I may add the Bible edited by D'Oyley and Mant, and the Welch Bible printed at London in 1630, 8vo. I may here notice the Pfalter edited by Baber, and the Liturgia Anglicana Octoglotta, printed by Bagfter. Of editions of the New Teftament feparately pub- lifhed, we find The Nov. Teft. Polyglottum Elias Hutteri. Norim- bergae, 1599, in 2 vols, folio. The Nov. Teft. Grascum, Rob. Stephani. Lutet. Paris. 1550, folio. The Nov. Teft. Grascum, Joannis Gregorii. Ox- onii, 1703, folio. The Nov. Teft. Grascum, Joannis Millii. Oxonii, 1707, folio. The Nov. Teft. Grascum, Joannis Leufden. Amft. 1698, i2mo. CANTERBURY. 23 The Nov. Teft. Gracum, J.J. Wetftenii. Amftel. 1 75 1, in 2 vols, folio. The Nov. Teft. Graecum, Griefbachii. Oxonii, 8vo- The Nov. Teft. Arabicum. Londini, 1727, 4to. The Nov. Teft. Copticum a Dav. Wilkins. Ox- onii, 171 6, 4to. The Nov. Teft. Gallicum. Genevas, 161 8, i2mo. The Rhemifh NewTeftament. Rheims, 1582, 4to. The Doway New Teftament. Antwerp, 1600, 4to. Evangelia Gothica et Anglo-Saxonica. Franc. Ju- nii. Dordrechti, 1665, 4to. The Saxon Gofpels, by John Foxe. London, 1571, 4to. To this I may add the Pfalterium Latino-Saxonicum Vetus Johannis Spel- manni. Londini, 1640, 4to. and u The whole Pfalter tranflated into Englifh Metre, " which contayneth an hundredth and fifty *' Pfalmes. Imprinted at London by John Daye, " dwelling over Alderfgate, beneath S. Mar- " tyns. " Cum Gratia et Privilegio " Regiae Majeftatis per " Decennium.' , 4to. with the device of the Printers, whofe Colo- phon I have tranfcribed above, as it feems to militate againft the fuppofition entertained by Warton,* that the Work was never published, but that the- Arch- bifhop permitted his wife to prefent the Book to fome of the nobility. " This copy, very curioufly bound, was probably " given by her to the Church of Canterbury," fays * In his Hiftory of Englifh Poetry, vol. iii. p. 182, &c. 24 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. the compiler of the Catalogue of its Library ; but I know not on what grounds beyond mere conje&ure ; and I regret to add that the ancient binding has been replaced by a modern fuit of morocco, the colour of which has been fo much impaired by damp that I could fcarcely believe it had once been purple. Thefe Pfalms, tranflated into Englifh Metre by Archbimop Parker, were finifhed in 1557, and a few years afterwards printed. The Book is extremely fcarce, excepting in public libraries. Strype, the ec- clefiafKcal hiftorian, relates that he could never obtain a light of it. At the fale of the Books belonging to the late Dr. Farmer in 1798, a copy of this Work was fold for three pounds fix millings ; and in Mr. Bright's fale, in 1845, f° r f° r ty pounds ten (hillings. Of Works of Divinity in this Library, the number is fo confiderable that I muft content myfelf with no- ticing the Magna Bibliotheca Veterum Patrum et antiq. Scrip- torum Eccleiiafticorum per Margarinum de la Bigne et alior. Colon. Agrip. 1618-22, in 16 vols, folio. Bibliotheca? Grascorum Patrum Auctarium per Franc. Combefis. Paris. 1672, in 3 vols, folio. SS. Patrum Barnabas, Herman, Clementis, Igna- tii, et Polycarpi Opera, per Jo. Bapt. Cotelerium. Lutet. Paris. 1672, in 2 vols, folio. SS. Patrum Opera, Gregorii Neoca^farienlis, Ma- carii ^Egyptii, et Bafilii Seleuciae Epiftolas, folio. Parifiis, 1622. SS. Patrum Opera, Amphilochii Iconienlis, Me- thodii Patavenfis, et Andrea? Cretenfis. Parifiis, 1644, folio. CANTERBURY. 25 Ambrofii Opera. Paris. 1586, in 2 vols, folio. Athanafii Opera, Gr. et Lat., edita a Petro Nannio, 2 vols, folio. Auguftini Opera. Bafileae, 1569, in 7 vols, folio; and Paris. 1679, in 8 vols, folio. Bafilii Opera. Parifiis, 161 8, in 3 vols, folio. Bernardi Opera. Bafil. 1566, folio. Bellarmini Opera. Colon. Agrip. 1620, in 5 vols. folio: et Difputationes, Lutet. Paris. 1620, in 4 vols, folio. Bonaventuras Opera. Moguntias, 1609, in 4 vols. fol. Calvini Opera. Geneva?, 1583, in 11 vols, folio. Chamieri Panftratia Catholica. Genevas, 1626, in 4 vols, folio. Chryfoftomi Opera, Gr. et Lat. Ducasi. Parifiis, 1636, in 11 vols, folio: and Grace, per Hen- ricum Savilium, Etonas, 161 3, in 8 vols, folio. Clementis Alexandrini Opera; Sylburgii. Lutet. 1629, folio. Cypriani Opera, per Fell. Oxonii, 1682, folio. Cyrilli Alexandrini Opera. Paris. 1638, in 7 vols. fol. Cyrilli Hierofolymitani et Synefii Cyrenenfis Opera. Lutet. Paris. 1640, folio. Two 8vo. editions of the Rationale of Durandus of 1580 and 1592. Epiphanii Opera per Petavium. Parifiis, 1622, in 2 vols, folio. Epifcopii Opera. Amflel. 1650, in 2 vols, folio. Erafmi Opera. Lugd. Bat. 1703, in 11 vols, folio. Eufebii Prasparatio et Demon ftratio Evangelica. Paris. 1628, folio. Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera. Lutet. Paris. 1609, in 2 vols, folio. 26 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Gregorii NyfTeni Opera. Paris. 1638, in 3 vols. fol. Hieronymi Opera. Paris. 1609, in 3 vols., and Francof. 1684, in 4 vols, folio. Hilarii Opera. Paris. 1652. Hofpinianus de origine ac progrerTu Monachatus. Tiguri, 1588, folio, and his other works. Ignatii et Polycarpi Epiftolae, Jac. UrTerii. Oxonii, 1644, 4to. Ignatii et Barnabas EpiftoLe. Ifa. VorTii. Amftel. 1646, 4to. Ignatii Epiftolae, per Tho. Smith. Oxonii, 1709, 4to. Irenasi Opera. Parifiis, 171 o, folio. Ifidori Epiftolas. Lutet. 1638, folio. Ifidori Hifpalenfis Opera. Colon. Agrip. 1 617, fol. Juftini Martyris Opera. Paris. 1 55 1 and 1636, fol. Lactantii Opera. Bafileae, 1563, folio, and Oxonii, 1684, 8vo. Lanfranci, Archiep. Cantuar. Opera et Vita. Lutet. Paris. 1648, folio. Lutheri Opera. Witebergas, 1582, in 7 vols, folio. Melancthonis Opera. Bafileae, 1541, in 2 vols. fol. Many pieces of Du Moulin's. CEcumenii Comment. Lut. Par. 1630, 2 vols, folio. Origenis Commentaria. Rothom, 1668, in 2 vols. folio. Petavii Dogmata Theologica. Lutet. Paris. 1644, in 5 vols, folio ; with his Do&rina Temporum, and other Works. Philonis Judasi Opera, Balilea?, 1526, Paris. 1640, and Londini, 1742, a Mangey. Procopii et Ribera? Commentaria. Suarez Opufcula Theologica. Lugd. 1600, 4to. CANTERBURY. 27 Tertulliani Opera. Paris. 1634, folio. Theodoreti Opera Sirmondi. Lutet. Paris. 1642, in 4 vols, folio. Theophylacti Opera Varia. Toftati Opera. Col. Agrip. 161 3, in 12 vols, folio. Vincentii Sermones. Antv. 1572, 3 vols. 8vo. Whitakeri Opera Theologica. Geneva?, 1610, 2 vols, folio. Zanchii Opera. Hanovias, 1507, in 2 vols. 4to. To which I may add the Critici Sacri. Londini, 1660, in 9 vols, folio. Poli Synopfis. Londini, 1 669, in 5 vols, folio. Bibliotheca Polonorum Fratrum. 1656, in 8 vols, folio ; and Walchii Bibliotheca Theologica and Suiceri Thefau- rus Ecclefiafticus. Thofe who have perfevered in perufing this long Catalogue of early Divinity, will have obtained a very good idea of the nucleus around which moft of our Cathedral Libraries have been formed, and may figure to themfelves a long array of ponderous folios, attired in the dufky calf of the feventeenth century. Of the more recent theological writers, the lift being lefs co- pious, may alfo prove lefs fatiguing ; including numer- ous Sermons by Blair, Home, Sherlock, Seeker, South, and other writers ; the Hulfean Lectures, and the Works of Andrews, Barrow, Benfon, Bull, Beveridge, Bingham, Chillingworth, Samuel Clarke, Cofins, Hall, Hammond, Hooper, Horfley, Jackfon, Jones, Jewel, Lardner, Lightfoot, Leflie, Lowth, Newcome, Paley, Pococke, Potter, Prideaux, Skelton, Shuckford, Stan- hope, Stillingfleet, Jeremy Taylor, Tillotfon, U flier, Warburton, and Waterland. 28 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. This department alfo embraces Butler's Analogy ; Campbell on the Gofpels ; Sale's Koran ; Chappelow on Job ; Daubeny's Guide to the Church ; Dwight's Theology ; Faber on Pagan Idolatry ; Hey's Theologi- cal Lectures ; Kett on Prophecy; Home's Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures ; Macknight on the Epif- tles ; Marfh's Michaelis ; Pearfon on the Creed; Por- teus's Lectures ; and Stackhoufe's Hiftory of the Bible. To which I may add, Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible; the Commentaries of Arnald, Grotius, Hammond, Lowth, Patrick, Taylor, Wetftein, and Whitby ; with the Concordances of Buxtorf, Cruden, Kircher, New- man, Stephens, &c. In Ecclefiaftical Hiftory this collection is particularly rich ; both as relates to the affairs of the Church in general, and to the Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of England in particular. In proof of this alTertion I may adduce Echard and Collier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. Conciliorum Collectio Maxima, per Labbeum et Coftartium. Lutet. Paris. 1672, in 18 vols, folio. Concilia per Binium. Col. Agr. 1606, in 5 vols, and Lut. Par. 1636, in 10 vols, folio. Concilia Gallia? Narbonenfis. Paris. 1668, 8vo. and Spelmanni Concilia Magna? Britannia?. Lon- dini, 1639-64, 2 vols, folio. Wilkins's Concilia Magna? Britannia?. Londini, 1737, in 4 vols, folio. Le Cointe Annales Ecclefiaftica Francorum. Paris. 1665, 8 vols, folio; and his Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of Great Britain. Broughton's Dictionary of all Religions. London, 1737, in 2 vols, folio. CANTERBURY. 29 Picart's Religious Ceremonies of all Nations. Lon- don, 1733, in 6 vols, folio. The Acta Sanctorum, per Dacherium et Mabillo- nium. Lutet. Paris. 1668-77, in 6 vols, folio. Anaftafii Hift. Eccl. et Vitas Paparum. 1602, 4to. and 1649, folio. BaleiActaRomanor. Pontificum. Bafileas, i558,8vo. Baronii Annales Ecclefiaftici. Antv. 1612-29, in 12 vols, folio. Bower's Hiftory of the Popes. London, 1748, 5 vols. 4to* I. Cafauboni Exercitationes ad Baronii Annales. Genevas, 1654, 4to. Pagi Critica in Annales Baronii. Lut. Par. 1 689, fol. Cave's Scriptorum Ecclef. Hift. Lit. London, 1688, in 2 vols, folio. Cave's Antiquitates Apoftolicas. Lond. 1 677, in 2 vols. folio; and Primitive Chriftianity. Lond. 1675, 8vo. * As connected with this fubject, a foot note may not unappropriated be devoted to " Alexandri VII. Papas, et Cardinalium Effigies per Joan. "Jacob, de Rubeis. Romae, 1658," folio. This volume being one of the many curious and valuable prefents made to their Library by Dr. John Bargrave, of the Cathedral. He had been a great traveller, and lived chiefly in Italy during Cromwell's ufurpation. On the margins and backs of the engravings he has written many curious remarks from printed books and manufcripts, and has added feveral pleafant and in- terefting anecdotes, the fruits of his own obfervation. On the margin of the Pope's picture he has remarked that " this picture, and all the " reft following are extraordinarily like the perfons, drawn and cut by " excellent hands ; I knowing them all by fight (and fome by difcourfe) " as well as I knowe any of my brethren the Canons of Chr. Church, " Canterbury." Dr. Bargrave's Cabinet of Antiquities and other Curi- ofities, together with an Account of his Benefactions to the Library, in manufcript, is preferved in the Library with due care. 3 o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Centuriatorum Magdeburgen- fium. Bafileas, 1624, in 3 vols, folio. Codex Theodofianus, 1665, 4 vols, folio. Gibfon's Codex, in 2 vols, folio. Corpus Juris Canonici. Taurini, 1620, 3 vols, folio. Durandi Speculum Juris. Francof. 1592, folio. Ecton's Thefaurus. 1766, 4to. Howell's Synopfis Canonum. Geddes's Church Hiftory of ^Ethiopia and Malabar. Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity. The Legenda Aurea. Colonic, 1485, folio. Mofheim's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. Ofiandri Epitome Hift. Ecclef. Tubingae, 1607, in 4 vols. 4to. Spondani Annales Sacri. Lut. Par. 1660, 5 vols. fol. Tornielli Annales Sacri. Antv. 1620, in 2 vols, folio. UrTerii Annales. Lond. 1650-54, 2 vols, folio. Waddingi Annales Minorum. Lugd. 1625, in 4 vols, folio. Warner's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. London, 1756, 2 vols, folio. The Annals of Scottifh Epifcopacy. Alfordi Annales Ecclef. Britan. Leodii, 1663, in 4 vols, folio. Bedae, Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica. Lovanii, 1566, i2mo. Cantabrigian, 1644, folio. Burnet's Hiftory of the Reformation. London, 1679, in 3 vols, folio. Concertatio Ecclefiae Catholicas in Anglia. Aug. Trev. 1588, 4to. Cofins' Ecclefiae Anglicans Politeia. Oxonii, 1634, 4to. Churton's Life of Dean Nowell. CANTERBURY. 31 Fiddes' Life of Wolfey. Dugdale's Monafticon Anglicanum. Lond. 1655, &c. 3 vols, folio. Fox's Acts and Monuments of the Church. London, 1632, in 3 vols, folio. Godwin, de Prasfulibus Anglias. Cantabrigian, 1743, folio. Gough, Ecclefia? Anglicanas Threnodia. Londini, 1 66 1, 8vo. Harpsfeld, Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica. Duaci, 1622, folio. Heylin's Hiftory of the Reformation. London, 1 66 1 , folio. Inett's Origines Anglicanas. Lyndewode, Provinciale. Antv. 1525, and Oxon. 1679, folio. Mac Crie's Life of Knox. Parker De Antiquitate Britannicas Ecclefiae. Hano- vias, 1605, folio. Parker De Archiep. Cantuar. Londini, 1729, folio. Reyner's Apoftolatus Benedi&inorum in Anglia. Duaci, 1626, folio. Skinner's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of Scotland. Spotifwode's Hiftory of the Church of Scotland. London, 1668, folio. Southey's Life of Wefley, and Vindicias Ecclefia? Anglicanae. Stillingfleet's Origines Britannica?. Lond. i685,fol. Strype's Annals of the Reformation. London, 1709, 4 vols, folio. Strype's Ecclefiaftical Memorials. London, 1721, 3 vols, folio. Tanner's Notitia Monaftica. Londini, 1744, folio. 32 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. UfTerii Ecclef. Britan. Antiquitates. Eblanas, 1639, 4to. Walker's Hiftory of Independency. London, 1661, 4to. Whartoni Anglia Sacra. Londini, 1 69 1 , in 2 vols. fol. Wordfworth's Ecclefiaftical Biography. Of Foreign Hiftory in general this Library porTeffes few works of any importance ; the principal works being Bayle's Dictionary; Banduri Imperium Orien- tale ; Brabantias Monumenta Sepulchralia ; Hiftoria? Byzantine Scriptores per Phil. Labbeum, Parifiis, 1648-50, in 21 vols, folio; Cluverii Italia, Sicilia, et Germania Antiqua ; Freheri Rerum Germanicarum Scriptores, Francof. 1600, folio; Grimftone's Hiftory of the Netherlands ; Du Halde's Hiftory of China ; Guicciardini, Belgicae Defcriptio ; Gyllii Conftanti- nopoleos Topographia ; Herreras, Defcriptio India? Oc- cidentalis; Heylin's Cofmography; The Univerfal Hif- tory, in 7 vols, folio ; Laurenbergii Graxia Antiqua ; Graevii Antiquitates ; Montfaucon's Antiquities, and other Works ; Marfden's Sumatra ; Maurice's Indian Antiquities ; Mitford's Hiftory of Greece ; Pocockii Specimen Hiftorias Arabum ; Pontani Bohemia pia ; Purchas' Pilgrimes, London, 1625, in 5 vols, folio, a very fine clean copy, bound in calf ; Robertfon's Hif- tory of America, and Charles V. ; Watfon's Philip II. ; Hallam's Middle Ages; Robinfoni Annales Mundi; Rycaut's Ottoman Empire ; Sandys' Travels, and Eu- rope Speculum ; Stuart's Athens, incomplete ; The Ionian Antiquities, and Wood's Ruins of Palmyra; Six volumes of De Bry's Voyages ; Simfoni Chronicon Catholicum, & Wormii Monumenta Danica. To the above may be added, Churchill's collection of CANTERBURY. 33 Voyages and Travels in 6 vols, folio. Bruce's Travels. Pinkerton's, and other works of Geography, and the Chronological refearches of Beverigius, Bucherius, Carion, Cary, Calvifius, Fulcius, Helvicus, Ifaacfon, Marfham, Petavius, Pezron, Newton, Perizonius, Pa- ludinus, Robinfon, Scaliger, Simfon, Strauchius and Uffher; with Hale's Analyfis of Ancient Chronology; all of them very material " helps to hiftory." To which I may add Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, and Brady's Clavis Calendaria. Of Works relating to the Hiftory and Antiquities of Great Britain, I have much pleafure in being enabled to afford the reader a pretty copious feleftion ; com- mencing with the Records of the Kingdom published under the authority of the Parliamentary Commimon; and the Hiftories of England by Brady, Echard, Hume, Macauley, and Rapin. To thefe may be added, Polydori Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana. Bafileas, 1 555, folio. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores poft Bedam pra?cipui: edente Savile. 1596, folio. Matthsi Weftmonafterienlis Flores Hiftoriarum. Francof. 1601, folio; & Londini, 1570, folio. Florentii Wigornienfis Chronicon. Francof. 1601, folio. Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, &c. a veteribus fcripta, e Bibliotheca Gulielmi Camdeni. .Fran- cof. 1603, folio. Eadmeri Hiftoria Novorum. Londini, 1623, folio. Matthasi Paris Hiftoria Anglicana per Wats. Lond. 1640, folio. Hiftoria? Anglicanas Scriptores Decern per Rogerum Twyfden. Londini, 1652, folio. 34 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Rerum Britannicarum Scriptorcs Vetuftiores. Hei- delb. 1587, folio. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores Veteres, a Fell. Ox- onii, 1684, folio. Hiftoria? Britannica? Scriptores XX, a Tho. Gale. Oxonii, 1698, in two vols, folio. Buchanani Rerum Scoticarum Hiftoria. Edinb. 1582, folio. Camdeni Annales. Londini, 161 5, folio. Baker's Chronicle of the Kings of England. Lon- don, 1674, folio. Bates, Elenchus Motuum in Anglia. Londini, 1663, 8vo. Brand on Popular Antiquities. 2 vols. 4to. Burnet's Hiftory of his own Times. London, 1724, in 2 vols, folio. Burton's Commentary on Antoninus's Itinerary. London, 1658, folio. Camdeni Britannia, 1586 and 1607, with his Re- mains. Campbell's Survey of Great Britain. London, 1774, 2 vols. 4to. Carte's Life of Ormond. London, 1736, in 3 vols, folio. Clarendon's Hiftory of the Great Rebellion. Ox- ford, 1702, 4 vols, folio. Coxe's Life of Sir Robert Walpole. London, 1798, 3 vols. 4to. Coxe's Memoir of Marlborough. De Lolme on the Englifh Conftitution. London, 1790, 8vo. Defiderata Curiofa Hibernica. Dublin, 1772, in 2 vols. 8vo. CANTERBURY. 35 Drayton's Polyolbion. London, 1622, folio. Du Chefne's Hiftoria? Normannorum Scriptores. Paris. 16 1 9, folio. Du Chefne's Hiftoire d'Angleterre, &c. Paris. 1634, folio. Dugdale's Origines Judiciales. London, 1666, fol. Dugdale's Hiftory of the Troubles in England. Ox- ford, 1 68 1, folio. Dugdale's Hiftory of Imbanking, &c. London, 1662, folio. Evelyn's Memoirs. Enderbie's Cambria triumphans. London, 1661, folio. Franklin's Annals of James I. and Charles I. Lond. 1 68 1, folio. Granger's Biographical Hiftory of England. Lond. 1769, 5 vols. 4to. Gifford's Life of Pitt. Hardyng's Chronicle. London, 1543, 4to. Heylin's Life of Laud. London, 1668, folio. Holinfhed's Chronicles of England. London, no date, folio. Ingram's Saxon Chronicle. Oxford, 4to. Kennett's Regifter and Chronicle. London, 1728, folio. Biographia Britannica. Lond. 1747, in 7 vols. fol. Laud's Hiftory of his Troubles. London, 1 69.5, fol. Atkyns' Hiftory of Gloucefterfhire. London, 17 12, folio. Battely's Antiquities of Canterbury. London, 1703, folio. Bentham's Hiftory of the Church of Ely. Cam- bridge, 1 77 1, 4to. 36 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Boys' Hiftory of Sandwich. Canterbury, 1792,410. Burton's Leicefterfhire. London, 1622, folio. Caius, de Antiquitate Acad. Cantabr. Lond. 1574, 4to. Chiffletius de Portu Iccio. Antverpias, 1627, 4to. Dart's Church of Canterbury. London, 1726, fol. Defcription of York and Canterbury Cathedrals. London, 1755, folio. Dugdale's Warwickfhire. London, 1656, folio. Dugdale's Hiftory of St. Paul's. London, 17 16, fol. Fowler's Mofaic Pavements. Goftling's Walks about Canterbury. Canterbury* 1777, 8vo. Gough's Sepulchral Monuments. London, 1786, &c. 5 vols, folio. Gutch's Collectanea Curiofa. Halfpenny's Fragmenta Vetufta. Harris's Hiftory of Kent. London, 17 19, folio, with fome manufcript notes by M. Norris, for- merly Auditor of this Church. Hafted's Hiftory of Kent. Canterbury, 1778, &c. in 4 vols, folio. Horiley's Britannia Romana. London, 1732, folio. Jacob's Hiftory of Feverfham. London, 1774, 8vo. Kennett's Parochial Antiquities. 4to. Kilburne's Survey of Kent. London, 1659, 4to. Kilburne's Brief Survey of Kent. London, 1657. King's Vale Royal. London, 1656, folio. Lewis's Hiftory of the Ifle of Tenet. London, 1723, 4to. Lewis's Hiftory of Faverfham, &c. London, 1727, 4to. Loggan's Oxonia et Cantabrigia illuftrata, folio. CANTERBURY. 37 Magna Britannia. Lond. 1720, in 6 vols. 4to. Maitland's Hiftory of London. 1772, in 2 vols. fol. Leland's Hiftory of Ireland. London, 1773, in 3 vols. 4to. Lloyd's Hiftory of Wales, by Powell. London, 1584, 4to. Lhuyd, Britannicas Defcriptionis Fragmentum. Col. Agr. 1572, 8vo. Mc Crie's Life of Knox. Madox's Firma Burgi. Lond. 1726, folio. Madox's Hiftory of the Exchequer. London, 171 1, in 2 vols, folio. Nalfon's Collections. London, 1682, in 2 vols. fol. Neubrigenfis, Guil. Rerum Anglicarum Libri V. Antv. 1567, 8vo. NicholFs Original Letters addrelTed to Oliver Crom- well. London, 1743, folio. North's Life of the Lord Keeper North. London, 1742, 4to. North's Life of Sir Dudley North. Lond. 1744, 4to. North's Enquiry into Kennett's Hiftory. London, 1740, 4to. Parker, De Rebus fui Temporis. London, 1726, 8vo. Pepys' Memoirs, edited by Lord Braybrooke. 2 vols. 4to. Robertfon's Hiftory of Scotland. Lond. 1762, 2 vols. 4to. Ruding's Annals of the Coinage. 3 vols. 4to. Rufhworth's Hiftorical Collections. London, 1682, &c. 8 vols, folio. Rymer's Foedera. Lond. 1727, in 20 vols, folio. 8 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Sidney State Papers. London, 1746, 2 vols, folio. Slayter's Pals-Albion. London, 1619, folio. Somner's Treatife of Gavelkind. London, 1726, 4to. Speed's Hiftory of Great Britain. London, 1623, folio. Spelman's Vita iElfredi. Oxon. 1678, folio. Spencer's Life of Archbifhop Chichele. London, Strype's Lives, Annals of the Reformation and Me- morials. Stuart's Hiftory of Scotland. Thurloe's State Papers. London, 1742, in 7 vols, folio. Twinus de Rebus Albionicis. Londini, 1590, 8vo. Manning and Bray's Hiftory of Surrey. Miller's Account of Ely Cathedral. 8vo. Morton's Northamptonmire. London, 171 2, folio. Newcourt's Repertorium Londinenfe. Lond. 1728, in 2 vols, folio. Packe's DifTertation on his Chart of Eaft Kent. London, 1737. The Chart itfelf being alfo in the poffemon of the Dean and Chapter. It is both curious and important. Peck's Defiderata Curiofa. Londini, 1732, in 2 vols, folio. Peck's Annals of Stamford. London, 1727, folio. Philipott's Villare Cantianum. Lond. 1659, f°h°- Plot's Nat. Hift. of Oxfordshire. Oxford, 1 667, fol. Somner's Portus Iccius Caefaris, per Edm. Gibfon. Oxon. 1694, 8vo. Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury. London, 1 640, 4to. This copy contains the manufcript addi- CANTERBURY. 39 tions of Somner himfelf, which Battely afterwards incorporated with his Antiquities of Canterbury, publifhed in 1703. Speed's Profpect of the moft famous places in Great Britain. London, 1 631, folio. Spelman's Villare Anglicanum. London, 1656, 4to. Stow's Survey of London. London, 1633, folio. Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiofum. Lond. 1724, fol. Tanner's Notitia Monaftica. London, 1744, folio. Thorpe's Regiftrum RorTenfis. Lond. 1769, folio. Turner's Hiftory of the Anglo-Saxons. Twinus de Antiquitate Academic Oxonieniis. Oxon. 1608, 4to. Wright's Hiftory of Rutland. London, 1684, fol. Verftegan's Reftitution of decayed Intelligence. Antwerp, 1605, 4to. Wallis's Hiftory of Northumberland. Weever's Funeral Monuments. London, 1631, fol. Wood's Athens & Antiquitates Oxonienfes. Lon- don. 1 72 1, 2 vols, folio. Wild's Defcription of Canterbury Cathedral. Willement's Heraldic Notices of Canterbury Ca- thedral. White's Natural Hiftory of Selborne. Wilfon's Hiftory of Merchant Taylor's School. Walker's Hiftory of Independency. London, 1661, 4to. Viti Bafinftochii Hiftoria Britannia?. 1602, 8vo. Wilkins's Leges Anglo-Saxonicas. London, 1721, folio, and Wood's Inftitutes of the Laws of England. London, 1724, folio. How tedious foever may be this long feries of Works 4o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. upon Britifh Hiftory and Antiquities to the general reader, the Bibliographical Antiquary will thank me for the enumeration of many rare and valuable Illus- trations of Englifh hiftory, as well as for keeping as diftinct as poffible the Hiftorical and Topographical departments. I forbear to mention the Tracts and other obfolete Works chiefly polemical, which remain on the fhelves of this Library ; neither are the Works on Natural Hiftory or Science deferving of a feparate enumera- tion ; unlefs we may except the Aldine Galen of 1 525, in 5 vols, folio ; the Abridgment of the Philofophical Tranfactions ; Palladio's Architecture ; the Hiftory of Plants, by Theophraftus, Gerard, and Ray; and Shaw's Zoology, in 17 volumes. In Englifh Literature and Poetry it will be fufficient to mention the names of Addifon, Burke, Bacon, Ben. Jonlbn, Boyle, Cowley, Chaucer, Dryden, Locke, Milton, Newton, Sterne, Selden, Spenfer, Shakefpeare, and Swift, to fhew the general character of this de- partment of the Library. But, as ufual in all Cathe- dral Libraries, the great mafs of Englifh works are of a facred character. There is indeed a ftrong refemblance between the Collections which, dating from the earlieft dawn of literature in England, have been augmented by fuccef- five additions, and now form the Libraries annexed to the Ecclefiaftical Eftablifhments of our own time and country. In addition to the voluminous and important works of the Fathers of the Church, and of the earlier Di- vines of this country and of the Continent, which have been already enumerated in their proper place, this CANTERBURY. 41 Library embraces other Theological Works of Englifh writers, among whom it may be fufficient to mention the names of Bramhall, Gifborne, Home, Jortin, Per- kins and Wake. To thefe may be added Pierce on the Epiftles ; Prideaux and Shuckford's Connection ; and Cudworth's Intellectual Syftem. But the true character of thefe Collections will, in every cafe, be moil correctly underftood by a particular enumeration of their feveral contents. In Claffical Literature this Collection comprehends many of the principal Authors, but few of the moft important editions. In illuftration of this remark, I may adduce many works which have no other claim to a place in this notice ; fuch as iEliani Varias Hiftoriae. Lugd. Bat. 170 1, in 2 vols. 8vo. JEnex Sylvii Opera. Bafil. 1 57 1 , folio. iEfchylus Tragaedias, per Henr. Stephanum. 1557, 4to. Sophocles Tragoedias, per Henr. Stephanum. 1568, 4to. Euripides, Barnefii, Cantabr. 1 694, et Canteri. 1 602, 2 vols. 4to. Euripides, Glafgua?, 1821, in 9 vols. 8vo. in green morocco. Apollonii Argonautica,per H. Stephanum, 1 574, 4to. Arrianus de Expeditione Alexandri, per H. Stepha- num. 1575, folio. Sidonii Apollinaris Opera. Paris. 1652 & 1609. Ammianus Marcellinus, Du Vail. Paris. 1681, fol. Ariftotelis Opera. Paris. 1654, 4 vols, folio, & Venetiis, 1562, 10 vols. 8vo. Archimedis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Bafilea?, 1 544, folio. 42 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Ariftophanes. Genevas, 1607, folio, et Lugd. Bat. 1625, i2mo. Ariftophanes Kufteri. Amffc. 171 o, folio, in red morocco. Athenasi Deipnofophiftas. Lugduni, 161 2, folio. Arrianus de Venatione, per Holftenium. Paris. 1644. Aulus Gellius. Amftel. 1665, i2mo. Caefaris Commentarii per S. Clarke. Lond. 171 2, folio. Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius. Lutet. 1604, fol. Celfus de Medicina. Lugd. Bat. 1665, i2mo. Ciceronis Opera, Lambini. Paris. 1566, 4 vols. folio, & Gronovii, Lugd. Bat. 1692, 11 vols. 8vo. Demofthenis et iEfchinis Opera. Francof. 1640, folio. Dio Caftius. Leunclavii. Hanov. 1606, folio. Diodorus Siculus. Rhodomani. Hanoviae, 1 604, folio. Dionyfius Halicarnafteus. Sylburgii. Francof. 1586, folio. Diogenes Laertius. Londini, 1664, folio. Dionis Chryfoftomi Orationes. Lutet. 1604, folio. Epiclietus. Cantabr. 1655, & Am ft. 1683, with Carter's tranflation. Horatius, edited by Bond, Baxter, and Bentley. Homeri Ilias. 1689, 4to. et Odyftea, 1567, i2mo. cum Euftathii Commentariis. Bafiles, 1559, 3 vols. folio. Herodotus, Francofurti, 1608, folio. Herodotus WefTelingii. Ami 1763, folio, Ch. max., in vellum. CANTERBURY. 43 Juflini Hiftoria. Lond. 1609, i2mo. & 1701, 8vo. Juvenalis Lubini. Hanoviae. 1603, 4to. Livius, Gronovii. Lugd. Bat. 1634,321110. Clerici. Amft. 1 710, 10 vols. 8vo. Colonic, 1525, folio, & Francof. 1628, folio. Luciani Opera. Lutet. Paris. 1615, folio. Luciani Opera. Hemfterhufii. Amft. 1743, 4 vols. 4-to. Livius Drakenborchii. Ludg. Bat. 1738-46, in 7 vols. 4to. Longinus, a Pearce. Lond. 1624, et a Langbaine. Oxford, 1636. Lucanus Oudendorpii. Ludg. Bat. 1728, 4to. Lucretius Wakefieldii. Lond. 1796, 3 vols, folio. Lycophron, Potteri. Oxonii, 1697, folio. Martialis. Amft. 1670, & Genev. 1623. Oratores Attica, Bekkeri. Berol. 1823, 5 vols. 8vo. Ovidius, Burmanni. Amft. 1727, in 4 vols. 4to. Perfius Cafauboni. 1647, 8vo. & Hanov. 1603, 4to. Pindar, edited by Potter and Stephens. Platonis Opera, Serrani. 1578, 3 vols, folio. Platonis Opera, Bekkeri. Berol. 181 5, 8 vols. 8vo. Plautus, Lambini. Aurel. Allobr. 1605, 4to. Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis. Venet. 1 571 , Francof. 1599, &c. Plinii J unions Epiftolas. Geneva?, 1625. Poets Grasci Principes, Stephani. Paris. 1566, folio. Plutarchi Opera. Stephani. Paris. 1572, 6 vols. 8vo. Plutarchi Opera. Rualdi. Paris. 1624, 2 vols, folio. Paufanias, Xylandri. Hanoviae. 1613, folio. Polybius Cafauboni. Paris. 1609, folio. Polybius Schweighaeuferi. Lipfias, 1789-95, 8 vols. in 8vo. 44 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Ptolemaei Geographia. Baiileas, 1545, folio. Quintiliani Opera. Colonic, 1521, folio. Salluftius, a Wafle. Cantabr. 1710, 4to. Haver- camp's excellent edition. Seneca. Paris. 1626, folio. Lugd. Bat. 1640, 4 vols. i2mo. Strabonis Geographia, Cafauboni. 1587, folio. Suetonius, Pitifci. Leovardias. 17 14, 4to. 2 torn. Suetonius. Paris. 1610, folio, Lugd. Bat. 1647, ^ v0 - Tacitus Variorum. Paris. 1608, folio. Terentius Variorum. Lugd. Bat. i675,8vo. & Bent- leii. Cant. 1726, 4to. Theocritus, Heinfii. 1604, 4to. Hudfoni. Thucydides. Francof. 1694, & Oxonii, 1696, folio, et Dukeri, Amft. 173 1, folio. Valerius Maximus. Lutet. 15 17, folio. Vegetius de Re Militari. Lugd. Bat. 1592, 8vo. Virgilius, Servii. Paris. 1600, folio. Variorum. L. Bat. 1680, 3 vols. 8vo. with Heyne's excellent edition. Vitruvius de Architeclura. Amftel. 1649, folio, and Xenophon Leunclavii. Francof. 1596, folio. Oxonii, 1703, 5 vols. 8vo. This Library is alfo endowed with various Works upon Etymology, deferving of fome mention in this place. Among which, the valuable addition of the Saxon Tongue in Somner's own handwriting, induces me to mention firftly, Minfheu's Guide into Tongues. London, 1627, fo- lio ; and next, Somneri Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum. Oxon. 1659, folio. Spelmanni GlofTarium Archaiologicum. Lond. 1664, folio. CANTERBURY. 45 Skinner, Etymologicum Lingua? Anglicana?. Lond. 1 67 1, folio. Hickes' Thefaurus Septentrionalis. Oxon. 1705, 2 vols, folio. Davies' Dictionarium Britannico-Latinum. Lond. 1632, folio. Cotgrave's French and Englifh Dictionary. Lond. 161 1, folio, and C. Kiliani Dufflaei Etymologicum Teutonics Lin- gua?. Antv. 1599, 4to. To which may be added the Greek and Latin Glof- faries of Du Frefne, the Lexica of Scapula, and Sui- das. Stephani Thefaurus Lingua? Gra?ca? et Latins, with Valpy's recent edition of the former. Calepini Dictionarium octolingue. Hoogeveen Doctrina Parti- cularum. Voffii Etymologicum Lingua? Latina?. Syl- burgii Etymologicum Magnum. Vigerus de Idiotif- mis Graecis ; with French, Italian, Spanifh, Englifh, Hebrew, and iEthiopic Dictionaries ; Hebrew, Greek, Samaritan, iEthiopic, Saxon, and Italian Grammars; from which a very fair eftimate may be formed of this important portion of the Library. In conclufion, I have ventured to enumerate fome of the Works on Bibliography, chiefly of an early date, which are found in this Library, giving precedence to the Bibliotheca Grasca, Hamburgi, 1705, 14 vols. 4to. and Latina, Hamburgi, 1708-12; with the Bibliogra- phia Antiquaria of Fabricius, Hamb. 171 3, 4to. ; to which I may add the following : Balei Scriptorum Britannia? Catalogus. Bafil. 1559, folio. Beughem, Bibliographia Critico-Curiofa. Amftel. 1689, 2 vols. 8vo. 46 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Beughem, Bibliographia Hiftorica, Chronologica et Geographica. Amft. 1685, 8vo. Beughem, Incunabula Typographic Amft. 1688, 8vo. Le Long, Bibliotheca Sacra. Paris. 1723, 2 vols. folio. Joh. Lomeierus de Bibliothecis. Ultrajecti. 1680, 8vo. Gabr. Naudaei Bibliographia Militaris. Jenae. 1683, 8vo. Nouvelle Bibliotheque choifie. Amft. 17 14, 2 vols. 8vo. Bibliotheque Curieufe et Inftructive. Trevoux, 1704, i2mo. Lift of the various Editions of the Bible. Lond. 1778, 8vo. Frifii Bibliotheca Philofophorum Chronologica. Tiguri, 1592, 4to. ? Gefneri Bibliotheca. Tiguri, 1 574, folio. Marrier's Bibliotheca Cluniacenfis. Lutet. Paris. 1 614, folio. Photii Bibliotheca, cura Hoefchelii. Rothomagi. 1653, folio. Pitfeus, de Scriptoribus Anglic Paris. 161 9, 4to. Reading's Catalogue of Sion College Library. Lon- don, 1724, folio. Tanner's Bibliotheca Britannico Hibernica. Lond. 1748, folio. Wormii Literatura Danica. Hafniae, 1636, 4to. Hiftoire de PImprimerie, et de la Librairie. Paris. 1689, 4to. Bibliotheque des Auteurs de PHiftoire de France. Paris. 161 8, i2mo. CANTERBURY. 47 The Catalogues of various Libraries come next in order. Firft, let us take thofe of Manufcripts, among which we find James's Catalogus Librorum MSS. Oxon. et Can- tabr. Lond. 1600, 4to. Catalogus MSS. Anglian, et Hibernian Oxon. 1697, folio. Catalogus Librorum MSS. a Matthaso Parker, Col- legio C.C.C. legatorum. Lond. 1722. Catalogue des MSS. de la Bibliotheque du Sequier. Paris. 1686, i2mo. Among the feveral Catalogues of printed books we find James's Catalogus Bibliotheca^ Bodleianas. Oxon. 1620, 4to. Hyde's Catalogus Bibliotheca? Bodleianas. Oxon. 1674, folio. Bibliotheca? Cordefiana? Catalogus. Paris. 1643, 4 to - Bibliotheca? Scarburghiana? Catalogus. 8vo. fine loco aut anno. Bibliotheca? Colbertina? Catalogus. Paris. 1708, 8vo. Bibliotheca? Thuana? Catalogus. Paris. 1679, 2 vols. 8vo. Bibliotheca? Sequieriana? Catalogus. Paris, 1685, 8vo. Bibliothecae Bultelliana? Catalogus. Paris. 171 1, 2 vols. 8vo. Bibliotheca? Chethamenfis Catalogus, a Radcliffe, 2 vols. 8vo. Bibliotheca Telleriana. Paris. 1693, folio. Bibliotheca Heinfiana. Lugd. Bat. 1682, i2mo. Catalogus Librorum Joannis Giraud. Paris. 1707, 8vo. Catalogus Librorum Joannis Galloys. Paris. 17 10, 8vo. 48 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Catalogue of Charles Bernard's Library. Lond. 171 o, i2mo. Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Joach. Faultrier. Paris. 1709. 8vo. Roberti Scott Catalogus Librorum. Lond. 1674, 4to. Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, in 4 vols. 4to. Works of Bibliography are not abundant in the Ca- thedral Libraries of England, and it is becaufe in this collection they are unufually numerous that I have mentioned many books now but feldom met with, and fome defervedly forgotten. If to any of my readers this account appear unnecef- farily prolix, I muft remind them that my object is to give them fuch full information as to the contents of each Cathedral Library, as may enable them to judge for themfelves of its character. If again this object can only be effected by a dry catalogue of books, the enthuliafm of the genuine bib- liographer will carry him through the tafk, and in the prefent inftance, it is hoped, may render him more in- timately acquainted with the literary treafures of the Metropolitan Library contained within the walls of Chrift Church, Canterbury. 3Ubratp of Catitde* HE Library of the Dean and Chap- ter of this Cathedral is placed in a fmall room immediately adjoining the Chapter-houfe, which ftands in the quiet clofe contiguous to the Ca- thedral. The books are all arranged upon open fhelves, and labelled at the back in accordance with the feveral Ma- nufcript Catalogues which have from time to time been made of this collection. Of thefe the firft is a fmall folio, in the handwriting of one perfon, entitled " Catalogus Librorum in Bib- " liotheca Carliolenfi repofitorum ordine alphabetico " digeftus. Georgius Fleming, LL.D. Decanus Car- " liol." The next confifts of two larger folios, whereof the firft is entitled, " Catalogus Librorum in Biblio- " theca Carliol. ordine alphabetico digeftus ;" and the fecond " Catalogus Librorum fecundum Claries (Lite- " ris Capitalibus lignatas, numeris ordinalibus notatas) " difpofitorum." The laft Catalogue, compiled in 1 82 1, is alfo in folio, and arranged in alphabetical order, the references to the books being copied from the preceding Catalogues ; but the imprints and dates of the books are not given in this laft enumeration of their titles. 5 o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The principal feature of this Library is theological, ponderous folios of obfolete divinity in dark, unlettered calf, and fmaller controverfial treatifes, now defervedly forgotten, occupying a large fpace upon thefe dully fhelves. In all this mafs of Divinity the works of St. Anfelm, St. Chryfoftom, Tertullian, St. Athanafius, Juftin, Origen, Lactantius, the Gregories, and TheophylacT:, with Eufebii Prsparatio and Demonftratio Evangelica, printed at Paris in 1628, in 2 volumes folio, and other Fathers of the Church, form prominent features. But perhaps the moll correct idea of this department may be formed by a curfory furvey of its component parts : — the Polyglott Bible of Walton, with a defective copy of Caftell's Lexicon. Biblia Latina Caftalionis, printed at Bafle, in folio. Coverdale's Englifh Bible of the date of 1553. (G. 111. 1.) and the Catalogue mentions another " old Englifh Bible, temp. Henry VIII." which I could not find, though numbered A. vi. 18. a Spanifh and an Italian, and a fmall quarto Hebrew Bible. Bagfter's Latin Bible of 1824, in i2mo. calf. Novum Teftamentum Gr: Millii. Oxonii, 1707, in 2 vols. fol. Geddes' Tranflation of the Scriptures, printed at London, in 2 vols. 4to. in 1792. Poli Synopfis and the Critici Sacri. Canones et Decreta Concilia Tri- dentini. Concilia Generalia et Provincialia. Paririis, 1636, in folio. Quick's Synodicon in Gallia Refor- mat^. Biihop Overall's Convocation Book. London, 1690, in 4to. ; and Grabe's Septuaginta Interpretum. Oxonii, 1707, in 2 vols, folio. Turning from Chamieri Controverfias, Geneva?, 1526, in four thick folios, to Lutheri Opera, Jenas, 161 2, alfo in folio ; and from the works of Cardinal Bellar- CARLISLE. 51 mine, and of Calvin, to the works of Grotius, Melanc- thon, and Erafmus, it is refreshing to find the works of Jeremy Taylor, Barrow, Hammond, and Tillotfon, of Hooker, Mede, Hall, and Prideaux, preferved on the fame fhelves with Lardner's Teftimonies, in 4 vols. 8vo. and his Gofpel Hiftory, the latter in 17 volumes 8vo. ; Jewel's Apology, Pearfon on the Creed, Camp- bell on the Gofpels, Paley's Moral Philofophy, and Watfon's Theological Tra&s, in 6 vols. 8vo. To the above may be added, the Homilies of the Ve- nerable Bede, the Works of Andrews and Baxter, with the Prefervative againft Popery, and other treatifes of like nature, too infignificant for detail. As connected with Ecclefiaftical affairs, I may here notice, U flier's Antiquitates Ecclefiae Britannicae, Stil- lingfleet's Origines Britannicae, and Inett's Origines Anglicanae, Spotfwood's Hiftory of the Church of Scot- land, and Bower's Hiftory of the Popes, in 7 volumes 4to. In Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, we alfo find Wilkins's Con- cilia, E&on's Thefaurus, Spelman's Concilia, Dug- dale's Monafticon, and Burton's Monafticon Ebora- cenfe. In Britifh Hiftory, we have the pleafure of record- ing : — Daniel's Hiftory of England ; Kennett's Regifter, or Hiftory of England; Buchanan's Hiftory of Scotland ; Sanderfon's Hiftory of Mary Queen of Scots ; a com- plete fet of Rymer's Fcedera, 20 volumes, folio, in old calf, gilt ; Mattbasi Weftmonafterienfis Flores Hiftori- arum ; Gulielmi Neubrigenfis Hiftoria Rerum An- glicanarum; Langhorn's Chronica Regum Anglian; Madox's Formulare Anglicanum, Firma Burgi, and Ba- ronia Anglicana ; Gwillim's Heraldry, 1638 ; Dugdale's 52 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Baronage, and antient ufage of bearing Arms ; Macken- zie's Royal Line of Scotland ; Rerum Anglicarum An- nates ; Jones's Hiftory of the Stuarts ; Bates' Elenchus Motuum nuperorum in Anglia; Rumworth's Hifto- rical Collections ; Hacket's Scrinia Referata, or De- fence of Archbimop Williams ; Laud's Troubles, the Mercurius Ruflicus, and a large collection of Tracts relating to the troublefome times of the great civil war, when the adjacent Cathedral fuffered fo feverely. As the beft companion to the above Works, I may add a very nice Copy in calf, in 4 vols. 8vo. of Bifhop Nicolfon's Englifh, Scotch, and Irifh Hiftori- cal Libraries, printed at London, in 1696-7, &c. I may add too, that this Library, like all others at- tached to Cathedral foundations, porTefTes a complete fet of the records, and other documents publifhed by authority of the Parliamentary Commiffioners. In Britifh Topography, I remarked Camden's Bri- tannia, Annales, and Remains ; Somner's Hiftory of Canterbury, of the Portus Iccius, and of the Ports in Kent, with his Treatife on Gavelkind ; Wood's Athe- ns Oxonienfes, in folio ; Willis's Cathedrals, in 2 vols. Ridpath's Border Hiftory ; Burn's Weftmoreland ; Leigh's Lancashire and Chefhire ; Dugdale's Hiftory of St. Paul's, and of Warwickfhire, and his Treatife on Imbanking and Draining the Fens; Loggan's Oxonia illuftrata ; Weever's Funeral Monuments ; and Stowe's London. To which may be added, Boate's Natural Hiftory of Ireland. As a corollary to the Hiftory of England, Wilkins' Leges Anglo-Saxonicas Ecclefiaftica? et Civiles, the Sta- tutes at large, and feveral Law Reports, including thofe of Vaughan and Noy, claim to be confidered equally with Kippis's Biographia Britannica. CARLISLE. 53 In Etymology, I am enabled to record, Cotgrave's French Dictionary ; Spelman's Gloffary ; Somner's Diclionarium Saxonicum ; Lluyd's Archasologia ; Skin- ner's Etymologicon Anglicanum ; Hickes' Thefaurus Septentrionalis ; Buxtorf's Hebrew Lexicon, and Sca- pulas et Schrevelii Lexica Graeca. As tending to elucidate the dark parlages of anti- quity, I may add Aftle on the Origin and Progrefs of Writing, and two important Works in very fine condi- tion, bound in old calf. Anderfoni Diplomatum et Numifmatum Scotia? Thefaurus, Edinburgi, 1739, folio, and I. L. Waltheri Lexicon Diplomaticum. Ulmaa, 1756, alfo in folio. In Geography, I noticed Bochart's Geographia Sacra, Nicolfon's Engliih Atlas, in 2 large folio volumes, printed at Oxford in 1681, and Pitt's Atlas, of equal bulk. In Foreign Hiftory, I only noticed, Davila's Civil Wars of France, the book which Hampden and Charles I. are both faid to have ftudied. Thuani Hiftoria fui Temporis. Rycaut's Hiftory of the Turks, &c. &c. Jofephus Hudfoni. Oxonii, 1720, 2 vols, folio. Of Clarlic Authors, the editions which this Library contains are of little or no confequence, though it can- not be deemed entirely deficient in this clafs, porTeffing various editions of the works of Livy, Martial, Lucan, Lucian, iEfop, Velleius Paterculus, and Aulus Gellius ; with the Varia3 Hiftoria? of iElian, Ariftotelis Opera, Du Valli, Pariiiis, 1654, in 4 vols, folio; Farnaby's Ovid ; Hudfon's Thucydides ; and Hobbes' Tranfla- tion of the latter author; and Dryden's Virgil. To thefe I may add Photii Bibliotheca, Rothomagi, 1653, and Galeni Opera, Bafileae, 1533, both in folio. 54 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. In Natural Hiftory, I may mention Grews' Anatomy of Plants, and the Theatrum Infectorum of Wotton, Gefner, and Penn, printed at London in 1634, in folio. I may clafs at once under the fame category, Ra- legh's Hiftory of the World ; Heylin's Cofmography ; Grews' Cofmologia Sacra; and Burnet's Theory of the Earth : and as connected with Science, 37 vols, of the Philofophical Tranfactions, recently bound in calf. In Englifh Literature, we have the Works of the two Royal Authors, the unhappy Charles, and the pedantic James, as originally publifhed in a collective form ; and of the two great philofophers, Bacon and Boyle, as originally publifhed in detached pieces, or feparate volumes. The Works of Chaucer and of Hobbes, Brown's Vulgar Errors, Stuart's Political Economy, and the Legend of St. Cuthbert, may alfo ferve to afford fome idea of the mifcellaneous contents of this ancient Library. It only remains to notice, in Bibliography, the Cata- logue of the Harleian Manufcripts, and Hyde's Cata- logue of the Bodleian Library. I may add, that in this Library, which is under the care of the Treafurer of the Cathedral, a very falutary regulation exifts, by which all borrowers of books gua- rantee the fafe return of all volumes lent to themfelves " in good plight and order ;" and feveral declarations to this effect, properly fubfcribed and attefted, may be feen in the old Regifter, commencing on November 23rd, 1703, which is ftill kept for that purpofe. 3Ubrar?> of CtjelJer. HE Library of the Dean and Chapter of Chefter is kept in the Chapter- houfe annexed to the Cathedral. This apartment is entered from the cloif- ters, through an outer door and in- ner fcreen, over which, on each fide the doorway, hang the flags of the 22nd Regiment, raifed in Chefhire, prefented to the Cathedral by General Finch. The fides of the room are ornamented by elegant and flender pillars, rifing between the tall and narrow windows, up to the vaulted roof of ftone. The books are contained in oak preffes with folid doors, which occupy three fides of the Chapter-houfe, with the exception of the fpace occupied by the two fire-places. The fcreen fills the fourth fide entirely. In a thin folio volume of 53 leaves, entitled "A " Catalogue of certain Books belonging to Chrifr. " Church, at Chefter. Folio, mdcclxviii." we find this fatisfactory affurance : — " In the month of June, " mdcclxii. every volume mentioned in this Cata- " logue, appeared to be in the Library, except thofe " volumes only which were duly entered in the note " book as borrowed books. " T. C." 56 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The fame authority proceeds to inform us that " There is a large folio Bible (not mentioned in the " Catalogue) printed by Bafkerville, prefented to the " Governors of the Cathedral, by the Rev. Mr. Hench- " man, Sacrift of Chefter Cathedral, and Vicar of St. " Ofwald's, within the fame. " In the Chapter Library," it is added, " the folios " are ranged on the loweft fhelves in the feveral " preffes, the quartos on the fhelves juft above them, " the fmaller fized books extend from the quartos to " the top of the prefs. Every prefs which contains " books hath the letter initial of the title, together with " the fize of every volume therein, written on the " inner fide of the folding doors ; moreover every let- " ter is fingly parted on each fhelf where it begins. The " back of every fingle book, and of the firft volume in " every fet, is marked with the letter, and number of " that letter to which it belongs. Blue paper is ufed " for marks, not through affectation of Angularity, but " becaufe when it grows dufly through time it has a lefs " fordid appearance than white." Then follows an ex- planation of thefe marks, very ufeful to all frequenters of the Library, fo long as the excellent order above defcribed was preferved. That is however no longer the cafe, the labels having been removed from the books, and the lifts taken off from the doors. The books neverthelefs are readily to be found, as new lettering pieces have been added to all which re- quired fuch reparation. They ftill retain the dark calf in which they were originally bound, and are de- fcribed in the Catalogue according to their fizes, from the folio downwards. Under thefe heads the order is alphabetical, and titles CHESTER. 57 are given with fuflicient fulnefs, and the names, places, and dates of each work fatisfactorily recorded in this Catalogue. The books themfelves are not numerous ; in facl, I fhall proceed to notice all except a few of the moft obfcure. I will firft difpofe of the few manufcripts which, having been preferved from the wreck of the Monaftic Library, are thus recorded : " Libri MSS" i. Ceftria Sacra, etc. 2. De Ceftriae rebus antiquis. Thefe two volumes are bound in parchment in fmall 4to. 3. Prifca et Catholica Fides de reali prefentia Chrifti in Sacramento Euchariftis, una cum refutatione Tranfubftantiationis, 1655, per Dr. J. C. Dm. P , large 4to. fewed. " Fr: Cholmondely ex dono Autoris." 4. Four folio Books of writing paper, written in fome parts, of which two only now remain. 5. A fhort Account in the Latin language of a cer- tain Roman Altar, lately found by digging a cellar in the houfe of one Tyrer, in Chefter. This interefting piece of antiquity is preferved in the cafes of the Library which are not filled by books, where I alfo obferved a Roman ftone of the 20th legion, a ftone infcribed with C O HI C R A II M A X I M I a I MP 58 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Here is alfo moil appropriately depofited the head- ftone of the coffin of Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chefter. I now turn to the printed books, which form this ancient collection, and in fo doing cannot but remark the abfence of Walton's Polyglott Bible. The other editions of the facred volume which I noticed were the Biblia Grasca. Francofurti, 1598, folio. Montani Biblia Interlineari. Antverpis, 1584, folio. The Bible in French, printed at London, 1688, 4to. Biblia forma minori, i. e. textus Hebraicus Veteris Teftamenti fine punctis Maforeticis, et Novum Teltamentum Graxum verfibus in margine nota- tis, capitalibus autem literis Grscis notatis. This fmall Hebrew Bible is bound up with an im- perfect Greek Teitament in 8vo. and Septuagint, ac- cording to the Vatican copy, Cambridge, 1665, 8vo. Of the New Teftament, printed feparately, I noticed the Novum Teftamentum Bezas, 1598, folio. Nov. Teft. Graecum, Oxonii, 1700, 8vo. ; and the Nov. Teft. Latine et Italice, printed at Lyons in 1558, 8vo. I may here notice a recent addition to the collection, in the fhape of Waltoni Prolegomena, in Biblia Poly- glotta, edente Wrangham, Cantabrigian, 1828, in 2 8vo. volumes, with this infcription : " Bibliothecas Ecclef. Cathedr. Ceftriens. hunc librum 11 cui quafi inter moenia ejus coronis eft impofita, ea " qua par en: obfervantia humillime offert." " Fran- " cifcus Wrangham, Ebor. Orient. Archdiaconus." " Kal. Jan. 1829." Of Commentators I obferved Ainfworth's Annota- CHESTER. 59 tions on the Pentateuch, in folio ; Erafmi Paraphrafis Novi Teftamenti, 1541, folio; Hodius in Bibl. S. S. Oxon. 1705, folio ; Hammond on the New Tefta- ment, in folio; Mayer's Commentaries on the Bible, in folio ; Whitby on the New Teftament, in folio ; Le Clerc on the N. T. 4to. ; Heinfius on Nov. Tell. 4to. ; Fe41 on St. Paul, in 8vo. ; Knatchbull on the New Teftament ; Patrick on the Pfalms, and Slade's Annotations on the Epiftles and Gofpels, in 8vo. and UfTerii de LXX Gr. in 4to. Of the Fathers of the Church this Library contains, Auguftini Opera. Parifiis, 1635, in 9 folio volumes. Chryfoftomi Opera. Grasce, Etonas, 16 12, in 8 vols. folio. Cypriani Opera. Pamelii, 1593, folio. The Works of Clement of Alexandria and S. Cyril, both in folio. Epiphanii Opera, Petavii. Parifiis, 1622, folio. Hieronymi Opera, Erafmi. Bafileae, in 9 folio vo- lumes, much injured by damp. The Works of Irenasus, edited by Grabe, in folio. JufKnii Martyris Opera. Parifiis, 161 5, folio. Lacliantii Opera, Sparke. Oxonii, 1684, 8vo. Synefii Opera Petavii. Paris. 163 1, in folio. Theodoreti Opera, Sirmondi et Garnerii. Parifiis, 1642, in 5 folio volumes. Tertulliani Opera, Rigaltii. Parifiis, 1675, folio. The Works of Origen, Gregory Nazianzen, and Theophylact, fome Traces of S. Chryfoftom, Philo Judasus, the Epiftles of Ignatius, edited by Vof- fius in 1680, and by Smith in 1709 : both in 4to. To thefe may be added Cotelerii Patres Apoftolici, Amftelod. 1724, folio, and Grabe, Spicilegium 60 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Veterum Patrum. Oxon. 1700, in two 8vo. vols. Of Concordances there is one in Latin printed at Hanover in 161 8, and another in Englifh printed at Cambridge in 1672 : both in folio. I alfo noticed the Alcoran and a Life of Mahomet (not Sale's) of the date of 1688, in folio; Reeves's Tranflations of the Apologies of the Primitive Fathers, 1709, in 2 volumes 8vo. ; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible ; Poli Synoplis ; Limborch Theologia Chrif- tiana ; Polani Syntagma Theologian ; and Willet's Sy- nopfis Papifmi; all in folio, are found on thefe fhelves. Among the various writers on Theology I may men- tion a few pieces by Erafmus and Grotius, the works of Thomas Aquinas, Col. Agr. 1604, in folio, Dal- lasus de Cultibus, in 4to. ; the Works of Pope Gregory, in 4to. ; Outram de Sacrificiis, in 4to. ; Arnobius ad- verfus Gentes, Antverpia?, 1582, 8vo. ; Dodwell in Irenasum, and Joannes Sarifburienfis Policraticus, live de nugis Curialium. Lugd. Bat. 1595, 8vo. The collection of Englim Divinity is very refpect- able, including Barrow ; Works edited by Tillotfon in 1683, in 2 folio volumes; Chillingworth's Religion of Protectants, and Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity, both in folio ; Biiliop Hall's Works, London, 1628, fo- lio ; Mede's Works ; Nicholls on the Common Prayer, 161 3, and Pearfon on the Creed, all in folio, with the Pofthumous Works of the latter in 4to. ; Perkins's Expofition, London, 1728, folio; Sherlock on the Trinity, on Death, and other Works ; Stillingfleet's Origines, on the Proteftant Religion, on the Trinity, and the Antiquity of the Britim Churches ; Tenifon on Idolatry ; Thorndike on Religion ; Waterland on the Creed ; Wollafton's Religion of Nature delineated, and Wall on Infant Baptifm : all in 410. CHESTER. 61 Bennet on Schifm; Baftwick's Controverfial Tracts; Barrow on the Trinity ; Clarke on the Attributes ; Cockburn on the Chriftian Faith ; Derham's Phyfico- Theology ; Ditton on the Refurrection ; Edwards on Providence, London, 1696, 8vo. ; Ellis on the xxxix. Articles ; HartclifTe on Virtue ; Howel on the Pontificate ; Jenkin on the Chriftian Religion ; Kenn on the Catechifm ; Lloyd on Church Government ; Maurice on Epifcopacy ; Nicholls on Contempt of the World ; Prideaux's Connection ; Turner on the Mefiiah ; Thorndike on Religious AfTemblies ; Wake on Swearing ; Whitby on Election and Reprobation, and on the New Teftament ; A Vindication of Mi- racles againft Woolfton by the Bifhop of Lichfield, London, 173 1 , in 2 vols. 8vo. ; and a Defence of Chriftianity from the Prophecies, by Edward, Bimop of Lichfield, London, 1725 ; an imperfect copy of Tillotfon's Works ; Kenn's Crown of Glory ; Kettle- well's Difcourfes ; Calamy's Sermons ; Bimop Clea- ver's Sermons, Oxford, 1808, prefented to the Library by Dr. Trevor ; and feveral Mifcellaneous Sermons and Tracts, moftly in 4to. including the Funeral Ser- mon of Margaret, mother of Henry VII. and Foun- drefs of Chrift's and St. John's Colleges at Cambridge, 1768; Bingham's Scholaftical Hiftory ; Dupin's Ec- clefiaftical Hiftory ; Brent's Hiftory of the Council of Trent, 1676, folio. The Works relating to Ecclefiaftical affairs in this Collection are not numerous. They include, Eufebii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, et Ecclefiaftical Hiftoria? Auc- tores a Froben. Bafilea?, 1544, folio ; Howel's Synop- fis Canonum Rituale Graecar. Ecclef. Orient. Paris. 1647, f° n °; Spencer de Legibus Hebrasorum, Can- tab. 1685, folio; Uiferii Annales, 1650, folio ; Pla- 62 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. tina's Vitas Pontiiicum, Col. Agr. 1610, 4to. ; Refor- matio Legum Ecclef. Regis Phil. Nat. Elzevir, 1661, 4to. ; Cunaeus de Republica Hebrasorum, Durandi Rationale divinorum officiorum, 1592, 8vo. ; The Rights of the Englifh Convocation, 1700, 8vo. ; Ry- caut on the Greek and Armenian Churches, 1679, 8vo. ; Richerii Hiftoria Concil. General. Col. 1683, in 3 8vo. volumes ; and Lewis's Hebrew Antiquities, London, 1724, in 2 vols. 8vo. The Hiftorical department of this Library embraces Bayle's Hiftorical Dictionary, printed at Rotterdam in 1 697, in 4 folio volumes ; Cary's Palaeologia Chro- nica ; Collier's Hiftorical Dictionary, in folio ; the Chronicle of Eufebius, Europas Speculum, Lond. 1637, 4to. ; Jofephus's Hiftory of the Jews, printed by Froben at Bafle in 1 540, folio, a copy which is de- fective in the title ; and the works of that author pub- lifhed at Geneva in 1635, folio; Daniel and Larrey's Hiftories of France ; Mircae Chronica multorum Auc- torum, Antv. 1608, folio; Montfaucon's Antiquities, tranflated by Humphreys, in 7 folio volumes ; Thu- ani Hiftoria fui Temporis, cura Buckleii, Lond. 1733, in 7 folio volumes ; Seldeni Marmora Arundeliana, Lond. 1728, 4to.; BofTuet Hiftoire Univerfelle; Fleet- wood's Infcriptiones Antiquas, Grascia Vetus illuftrata a. Frifio, Lugd. Bat. 1626, 8vo. ; Manutii Antiqui- tates Romanas, Col. Agr. 1570, 8vo. ; Memoires du Due de Rohan et de Due de Guife ; Malalas hif. Chron. Chilmead, Oxon. 1691, 8vo. ; Onuphrii Rep. Rom. Comm. Venet. 1558, 8vo. ; Roma Sacra antica, e moderna, figurata, Romas, 1687, 8vo. ; Turfellini Epitome Hift. Col. Agr. 1629, 8vo. ; and Zozimi Hiftoria, Gr. and Lat. Oxon. 1679, 8vo. I alfo noticed Doleman's celebrated Conference with CHESTER. 63 refpect to the Succeffion to the Crown of England, 1 68 1, 8vo. ; Burton's Commentary upon the Itine- rary of Antoninus, 1658, folio; Camdeni Annales Elizabeths, &c. Lond. 161 5, in two folio volumes, and his Epiftles, London, 1691, 8vo. ; and Temple's In- troduction to the Hiftory of England, 1695, 8vo. The Geographical Works in thefe Preffes compre- hend the Geographic Veterii Scriptores Minores. Ox- onii, 1698, in 2 vols. 8vo. ; Ortelii Thefaurus Geogra- phicus et Sylacis Periphis Caryandenlis, Voffii, 1639, 4to.; Vareni Defcriptio Japonic et Siam. Cant. 1673, and his Vet. Geographia generalis, 8vo, ; Well's Geography, Oxford, 1701, 8vo. ; and Wright's Tra- vels, London, 1730, 4to.— " a prefent from the Au- " thor to the Library." The Chronological feries includes Browne's Fafci- culus Temporum, Lond. 1690, folio; Beveregii In- ftitutiones Chronologies ; Dodwell de Vet. Cyclis, Oxon. 1 70 1, 4to. ; Livelic's Chronology, London, 1597, 8vo. ; Shickardi Horologium Hebraicum, Lond. 1639, 8vo. ; Strauchius Chronology in Englifh, 1699, 8vo.; Scaliger de Emendatione temporum, in folio; and Whifton's Chronology of the Bible, in 4to. I now approach the moil copious and interefting department of this Library, and proceed to enumerate the editions of the Greek and Roman claffics, com- mencing with A large paper copy of iEfopus, Alfopii. Oxon. 1698, 8vo. Andronicus Rhodius, Heinfii. Lugd. Bat. 16 17, 8vo. Apollonius Rhodius, Elzevir. Lugd. Bat. 1641, 8vo. iEfchylus,Tragcedice, Ed.Pr.Aldi. Venet. 15 18, 8vo. a clean and perfect copy, bound up with Oppiani 64 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Halieuticon, Phil. Junta. Florentine, 15 15, 8vo. Dionyfii Orbis Defcriptio, Arati Aftronomicon, and Procli Sphasra, cum Scholii Ceporini. Ba- fileas, apud Joannem Bebelium, 1523, 8vo. ; mea- furing fix inches and three-eights by four inches, in old calf binding. There is another edition of iEfchylus printed at Paris, in 1552, 8vo. iEfchinis et Demofthenis Orationes a Foulkes. Oxon. 1696, 8vo. iElianus Fabri. 1668, 8vo. Anacreon, a Barnes. Cantab. 1705; and Faher, 1660, 8vo. Ariftophanis Comoediaa. Aurel., 1607, in folio, and Lugd. Bat. 1625, 8vo. Ariftotelis Opera Sylburgis. Francof. Wechel, 1584-7, in 4 4to. volumes. Ariftotelis Ethica, Viftorii, 1584; Rhetorica, Gr. & Lat. Lond. 1619; Phyrica, Francof. 1 596 ; De Hiftoria Animalium, 1585 ; Rhetorica & De Arte Poetica, 1584, all in 4to.; and another edition of the latter Treatife, printed at Cam- bridge in 1696, 8vo. ; Athenasus Dalecampii, Lugd. Bat. 161 2, in folio; and Arrianus Ste- phani, 1575, folio. Appiani Hiftoria, Gr. & Lat. Tollii. Amftel. 1670, 8vo. Aurelius Viclor. Lugd. Bat. 1670, 8vo. ; and Aulus Gellius, Gronovii. Lugd. Bat. 1687, 8vo. Ariftidii Orationes. Canteri. 1604, i2mo. Ariftasneti Epiftolas. Paris. 1639, 8vo. Aufonii Opera, 1608, 8vo. Apollodori Bibliotheca Commeline. 1599, 8vo. Athenagoras, edited by Humphreys. 17 14, 8vo. CHESTER. 65 Arati et Eratoflhenis quasdam, cum Dionyfii Hym- nis. Oxon. 1672, 8vo. Antoninus, edited by Gataker, Dacier, and Stan- hope, in 1697, folio, and the Edition printed at Oxford, 1680, i2mo. Caefar. Amft. 1650, 8vo. Ciceronis Opera, Lugd. Bat. 1642, in 8 volumes 8vo. ; Ciceronis Epiftoke, 1549, and Paris, 1557, both in folio ; Cicero de Oratore, Aldi, Venetiis, 1564, 8vo., a cropt copy, in the original calf meafuring five inches and three quarters by three inches and five-eighths, with " 10. R. A. " ftamped on the fides ; Orationes, Delphini, Cant. 1692, 8vo. ; Quintus Calaber, Hanoviae, 1604, 8vo., and Quintus Curtius, Wetftein. Amftel. 1687, 8vo. Callimachus ; Stephani, in folio. Catullus, Vofiii. Brunfvig. 1658, 8vo. Diogenes Laertius. Stephani, 1570, 8vo., and Kuhnii. Amft. 1692, in two 4to. volumes. Dionyfius Halicarnafieus. Oxonii, 1704, in 2vols.fol. Dion Caflius, Leunclavii. Hanovia?, 1606, folio. Dionis Chryfoftomi Orationes. Lutetias, 1604, fol. Dionyfii Alexandrini et Pomponii Melas, Orbis De- fcriptio, 1557, folio. Demofthenis et/Efchines Orationes, Wolfii. Francof. 1604, folio, and by Foulkes. Oxonii, 1696, 8vo. Ennii Fragmenta, Hefielii. Amft. 1707, 4to. Euripidis Tragcedias a Barnes. Cantab. 1694, folio, & Canteri. Amftel. 1571, 8vo. Euclidis Elementa a Barrow. Lond. 1659, 8vo. Epictetus & Cebes. Cantab. 1655, 8vo. Euftathius de Ifmenie Amoribus. Paris. i6i8,8vo. 66 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Eutropius. Bafilea?, 1546, 8vo. Eratofthenes. 1590, 8vo. Falifci Cynegeticon, Johnfon. Lond. 1679, 8vo. Florus. Amftel. 1664, 8vo. Frontini Opera. Amftel. 1661, 8vo. Galeni Opera. Bafileae, 1538, in 3 folio volumes, and the fifth part only of the Aldine edition of 1525, in folio. Herodotus, Aldi. Venet. 1502, folio. This copy of the firft edition of this Hiftory is much defaced by fcribbling, and has been cropt by the binder, meafuring only eleven and a quarter by feven and a half inches. There is another edition printed at Frankfort in 1608, folio. Herodiani Hiftoria, Stephani. 158 1, folio. Hefiodus, Grasvii. Amur. 1667, 8vo., and another edition of 1537, in 4to. Hippocrates Opera. Bafileas, 1538, folio. Horatius, Schrevelii. Lugd. Bat. 1663. Homerus. Bafilea?, 1535, Caftalionis, 1567, and Lugd. Bat. 1656, all in folio. Heliodorus. Francof. 163 1, 8vo. Hierocles. Lond. 1654, in two 8vo. volumes. Hiftorias Augufta? Scriptores, Cafauboni. Paris. 1620, folio. Hiftoria? Poetics Scriptores Antiqui, Gr. & Lat. Paris. 1675, 8vo. in old red morocco with gilt leaves. Iamblichus, Commelini, 1598, and Kufteri, 1707, both in 4to. and by Gale 1678, in folio. Ifocrates, Wolfii. Bafileaa, 1570, in folio. JufKnus Variorum. 1659, 8vo. Juvenal, Hennini. Ultraj. 1685, 4to. and Schrevelii, Lugd. Bat. 1664, & Hanovias, 16 19, both in 8vo. CHESTER. 67 Livii Hiftoria. Francofurti, 1552, 8vo. Longinus, Faber. Sal. 1663, 8vo. Lucian, Voffii. Amft. 1687, in two 8vo. volumes. Lycophron, Meurfii. Lugd. Bat. 1599, 8vo. and Canteri, 160 1, in 4to. Manilius, Scaligeri. 1600, 4-to. Ammianus Marcellinus, Valefii. Paris. 1636, 4-to. Mufasus, Mofchus and Bion. Whitford. Lond. 1655, 4to. MenandrietPhilemonisReliquias. Cantab. i7i3,8vo. Macrobii Opera, in 8vo. Martial. Lond. 161 5, 8vo. Nicander. Colonic, 1530, 4to. Cornelius Nepos. Amft. 1665, 8vo. Oppianus, Ritterhufii. Lugd. Bat. 1597, 8vo. Ovidii Opera. Lond. 1656, 8vo. Panegyrici Veteres. Antv. 1599, 8vo. Perfius, Cafauboni. Lond. 1647, 8vo. Paufanias, Xylandri. Hanoviae, 16 13, folio. Platonis Opera Ficini. Francof. 1602, in 3 folio vols. Plutarchi Opera. Francof. 1620, folio. Plotini Opera. Bafileae, 1580, folio. Phasdrus, Forbes. Salmur. 1657, 4to. Pompeius Feftus, Dacier. 1699, 4to. Petronius Arbiter. Lond. 1693, Paris. 16 18, & Lipiias, 1666, all in 8vo. Plautus, Gronovii. Lugd. Bat. 1664. Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis, Gronovii. Lugd. Bat. 1669, in 3 8vo. volumes. Plinii Junioris Epiftolas et Panegyricus. Oxon. 1703, 8vo. Porphyrius de Vita Pythagoras. Romas, 1630, 8vo. Phalaris Epiftolas. 16 14, 8vo. Velleius Paterculus. Oxon. 1693, 8vo. 68 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. A Copy of the firft Edition of Pindarus, Aldi, Venet. 15 13, 8vo. with Callimachi Hymni, Dio- nyfii Periegetes, and Lycophronis Alexandra, in one volume, interleaved throughout, meafuring fix inches by three inches and five-eighths, and bound in old calf. There is alfo the Oxford edi- tion of Pindar, 1697, in folio. Quintilian. Francof. 1629, 8vo. and by Gibfon, Oxon. 1693, 4to. Rhetores felecti Gvxci et Latini, a Gale. Oxon. 1676, 8vo. Senecarum Opera. Amft.. 1659, 8vo. Seneca? Tragcedias. Lugd. Bat. 161 1, 8vo. Sophoclis Tragcediae, Camerarii. Steph. 1603, 4to. & Lugd. Bat. 1593, 8vo. Suetonius, Cafauboni. Argent. 1497, 4to. and Eraf- mi. Paris. 1527, 8vo. Stobasi Sentential. Aur. All. 1609, folio. Stephanus de Urbibus. Bafil. 1568, folio. Strabonis Geographia, Cafauboni. Paris. 1620, fol. Suidas Lexicon. Froben. Bafil. 1545, folio. Salluft, by Maittaire. Lond. 171 3, 8vo. Symmachi Epiftolas. Neapoli, 16 17, 8vo. Sidonii Apollinarii Opera, Plantin. Par. 1599, 8vo. Tacitus & Paterculus. Lipfii, Amft. 1668, folio. Tacitus. Amft. 1664, 8vo. Terentius. Lugd. Bat. 1669, & Amft. 1641, both in 8vo. and by Hare, Lond. 1724, 4to. Thucydides. Francof. 1594, folio. Themiftoclis Epiftolas. Roma?, 1628, 4to. Themiftii Orationes, Petavii. Paris. 16 18, 4to. Themiftii Opera, Aldus. Venet. 1534, folio; a clean and perfect copy, meafuring twelve and a CHESTER. 69 quarter by eight and a half inches, in half bind- ing ; the title mended. Theocritus. Oxon. 1699, 8vo. TheophrafU Characteres, Cafauboni, 1631, and by Needham, 171 2, both in 8vo. Theonis Mathematica. Paris. 1644, 4to. Valerius Maximus. Delphini, 1679, 4to. Virgilius, Servii. Paris. 1532, folio. Xenophon, Leunclavii. Paris. 1625, folio. I have been thus minute in detailing the editions of the Claffics in this Library, as of like nature are moft of thofe works of antiquity which I have in other col- lections omitted to notice. This tedious detail may therefore have its ufe in mewing of what the great mafs of claffical literature depofited in our Cathedrals confifts, and faving needlefs repetition of titles which have not fufficient intereft to invite perufal. I may here take occafion to notice French Verfions of Casfar and Tacitus, by D'Ablan- court. A Translation of Tacitus into Englifh, by Richard Greenway. London, 1622, folio, in calf. Creech's Tranflation of Lucretius, in 8vo. Salmafii Exercitationes Plinianas, in folio. Artemidori et Achmetis Oneirocritica Rigaltii. Lu- tet. 1603, 4to. Duport's Homeri Gnomologia. Cantab. 1660, 4to. Machiavelli's Difcorfi di fopra la prima deca di Tito Livio. Maximi Tyrii DifTertationes. Oxon. 1667, 8vo. Politiani Opera. Ant. 1565, 8vo. Voffius de Sybillinis Oraculis. Manuelis Mofchopuli de ratione examinandas Ora- jo CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. tiones libellus. Lutetias, Stephanus, 1545, 4-to. a fine clean copy, in old calf binding. The Etymological Works in this Collection embrace Bellarmine's Hebr. Gram. Antv. 1686, 8vo. Beveregii Linguar. Orient. Gram. 1658, 8vo. Bythneri Hebr. Gram. Lond. 1675, 8vo. BuxtorPs Lexicon Hebr. and Chald. Baf. i6i5,8vo. Fauchon's French Grammar. Harpocrationis Did;. Maufiiei. Par. 16 14, 4to. Hefychii Lexicon. Lugd. Bat. 1668, 4to. interleaved with manufcript annotations. Julii Pollucis Onomafticon. Francof. 1608, fol. & Bafil. 1536, 8vo. Linacre, de Emendata. Structura Latini Sermonis. Lipf. 1573, 8vo. Miege's French Dictionary, 1677, 4to. Porti Diet. Doricum. Francof. 1603, 8vo. Putfchii Auctores Grammatici. Hanovias, 1695, 4 t0 - Phavorini Diet. Gr. Bafil. 1538, folio. Scapulas Lexicon. Lond. 1652, folio. Sylburgii Etymologicon. Commelini, 1594, folio. Stephani Lexicon Ciceronianum, 1557, 8vo. Torriano's Italian Grammar, 1673, 8vo. Vigerus de Idiotifmis. Lond. 1678, 8vo. I muft here notice a monument of literary diligence of very rare occurrence, which exifts in a copy of Hefychii Lexicon, Aldi, Venetiis, 1524, folio, which is quite perfect, but defaced by writing on the firfr. leaf, among which I found this curious memorandum by an unknown hand : "Hefychii integru primo perlegi. MDCLV. Oct. " xv." " Iterum MDCLXVII. Mart, xxvi." The prefent copy meafures twelve inches by eight and one-eighth, and is in old calf binding. CHESTER. 71 The Works relating to Literary Hiftory and Biblio- graphy in this Library include Bellarmine de Scriptor. Ecclef. Col. Agr. 1631, fol. Cave, Script. Ecclef. Lond. 1688, folio. Fabricii Bibliotheca Grasca. Hamburg, 1705, 4to. & Bibliotheca Latina. Lond. 1703, 8vo. Jonfon's Script. Hift. Philof. Francof. 1659, 4to. LabbedeScriptoribusEcclefiafticis. Paris. 1660, 8vo. Photii Bibliotheca. Genev. 1 611, folio. Raynaudus de bonis et malis libris. Lugd. 1653,^0. Voflius de Hiftoricis Grascis, Philofophis, &c. and other Works in 4to. The Latin Mifcellanies on the Shelves comprehend Afchami Epiftolae. Oxon. 1703, 8vo. Helvici Theatrum. Oxon. 1 651, folio. Juliani Imperatoris Opera, folio. Dicla Septcm Sapientium. 8vo. Hemelarii Romanorum Imperatorum Numifmata Aurea. Ant. 1627, 4to. Dictionarium Medicum. 1564, 8vo. Heinfii Orationes. Lugd. Bat. 161 5, 8vo. Meurfii Elegantias. Lugd. Bat. 1628, 8vo. Petrarcha de remediis Fortunse. Gen. 1628, 8vo. Miltoni Defenfio pro Populo Anglicano. Salmafii Refponfio ad Miltonum. Scioppii Gram. Philof. Amft. 1659, 8vo. Sennerti Epiftolae Scient. Nat. Oxon. 1664, 8vo. Sulpicii Severi Opera, Elzevir. Amft. 1665, 8vo. Some Tracts by Cafaubon. Of Mathematical Works I only obferved Oughtred, Clavis Mathematica, in 8vo. Galbruchii Mathematica. Cant. 1668, 8vo. Of Law Books I noticed Dalton's Juftice. Lond. 1677, folio. 72 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Keble's Statutes at large. Lond. 1 676, in 2 folio vols. Ridley on Civil Law, in /j.to. In Englifh Literature this Collection is poor indeed. I only remarked An incomplete Copy of Collier's EfTays, in 8vo. Hobbes's Leviathan. London, 1 651, folio. The Natural Hiftory of Animals. London, 1702, fol. Bacon's EfTays. The Poll for Yorkfhire in 1807, 8vo. Pemberton's View of the Newtonian Philofophy. London, 1728, 4-to. The French and Italian Works include thofe of Boi- leau, Ariofto's Orlando Furiofo, Venet. 1566, 8vo. Boccaccio's Decameron, i552,8vo. Dante, 1 55 1, 8vo. Tafib's Gierufalem liberata, Ferrara, 1580, 8vo. The Publications of the Record Commiffioners are prefented to the Chapter Library as they appear, and are therein depofited with the Reports of the Commif- fioners ; the Acts of the Parliament of Scotland ; the Catalogue of the Harleian Manufcripts in the Britifh Mufeum ; and the Population Returns. There is a Copy of the Common Prayer in the Caf- tilian language, in this Collection, and a fmall 4-to. vo- lume, containing, " A Regifter of Books borrowed " from the Chapter Library, 1826," is conftantly kept there for the ufe of thofe who frequent it. Thefe are not numerous, for the place wears the afpect of neglect, and a beggarly account of empty cafes difappoints the ardent enquirer for intellectual food : he feeks for Books, and in fome Prefies finds only a ftone. Bifhop Keene, it appears, pitying the forlorn condi- tion of the Chapter Library, and having fome tomes too ponderous for removal, upon his own tranflation CHESTER. 73 from Chefter to Ely gave the following volumes to the Dean and Chapter of Chefter. Folio. Brent's Cone. Trent, 1676. Bayle's Dictionary. 4 vols. Ciceronis Epiftoke. Par. 1557. Life of the Due d'Efpernon. Par. 1655. Homer, Caftalionis. Baf. 1567. Montfaucon, by Humphrys. Lond. 1721. Poli Synopfis, 5 torn. Lond. 1673. Ca?far, in French, by D'Ablancourt. Par. 1658. Daniel, Hift. de la Milicie Francaife. Par. 1728. Felibien's Principles of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, in French. Par. 1697. Quarto. The Hiftory of France to the death of Louis XlVth, in French. Par. 1749. Leger's Country Houfe, in French. Amft. 1701, 2 torn, in 1 vol. Miege's French Dictionary. Lond. 1677. Tacitus, in French, by D'Ablancourt. Par. 1665. Wicquefort's Ambafladour, in French. Col. 171 5, 2 torn. In Forma Minori. Boileau's Works in French. Amft. 1735, 4 torn. Batteux, Les Beaux Arts. Par. 1747. Daniel's Hiftory of France, Fr. Par. 1724, 9 torn. Fauchon's French Grammar. Cam. 175 1. Larrey's Hiftory of Lewis XIV. Rotter. 1718,910111. " Aprilis Menfe, 1771, Libros hos " Reverendus admodum Edmundus Keene, S.T.P. " Epifcopus Ceftrienfis " Nunc Elienfis " D.D." 74 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. JLtbrarp of Ci)tci)efter. HE Library of the Dean and Chapter of Chichefter is preferved in the Chapter Houfe, which forms the Eaftern termination of the Cathedral. This room, of very fair proportions, is lighted by feveral large windows, and adorned with Portraits of George I. and the Dukes of Richmond and Newcaftle oyer the fire-place at the eafl end, and of William and Mary, in one picture, over the door- way at the other. Upon the defk lie fome Epifcopal relics which have been of late years found in the Cathedral, and which have been engraved in one large plate for the benefit of the curious. The Books are placed upon open fhelves in tall cafes of ftained wood, with cornices, ftanding againft the wall, three marked R. T. Y. being on one fide, and three marked S. W. Z. on the other fide of the room. The contents of thefe cafes are alphabetically enu- merated in a thin folio volume in an old hand, the fizes of the Books being omitted, but reference being made to their pofition on the fhelves, whereby the eye may be made to fupply this deficiency. To this Cata- logue, which bears the title of " Librorum in Biblio- " theca Ecclefias Cicefhrenfis Catalogus Alphabeticus," CHICHESTER. 75 interfoliary additions have from time to time been made. In another Book are entered the Books which may be borrowed from the Library. This Collection is very refpectably attired, being chiefly bound in old calf, occafionally gilt, and confifts chiefly of Theological and Hiftorical Works, in tole- rably good prefervation. The impremons of the Sacred Volume comprehend The Biblia Polyglotta Waltoni, 1657, with Caftell's Lexicon. Biblia LXX, per Holmes Sc Parfons. Oxonii, v. a. 6 v. folio. Biblia Graca, Bafil. 1545, Sacra Biblia, Junii, 1593. Biblia Latina Vulgata. Parifiis, 1691. Biblia Latina. Hanoviae, 1605, & Bafileas, 1579, 2 vols, folio. Biblia Hebraica, per Kennicott. Oxon. 1776, 2 v. fol. Biblia Hebraica & Chaldaica, per Buxtorf. Bafilea?, 1 61 8, 2 vols, folio. Biblia LXX, per Grabe. Oxonii, 1707, in 4 v. fol. Biblia LXX, per Bof. Francof. 171 9, 2 vols, folio. The Bible in Englim by Field. Cambridge, 1669. The Bible in Englifh, by Bafkett. Oxford, 171 5. The Novum Teftamentum Syriace, et Grasce, apud Stephanum. The Codex Beza?. Cantab. 1793. Evangelium Matthasi, per Barrett. Dublin, 1801, 4to. in blue morocco. The New Teftament by Griefbach, Wetftein ; and by Kufter, Lipfias, 1723; Millii, Oxon. 1707, 2 vols, folio, Vratiflavias, 1782. In Divinity, the Works of S. Bafil, Bernard, Bing- j6 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. ham, Bochart, Bramhall, Chryfoftom, Clemens Alex- andrinus, Le Clerc, S. Cyprian, S. Cyril, Cudworth, Epiphanius, Epifcopius, Gregory, NyrTen, and Nazi- anzen, S. Hilary, Hofpinianus, Home, Jackfon, Jewel, Juftin Martyr, S. Ifidore, Juftinian, Lightfoot, Lim- borch, More, Patrick, Pearfe, Philo Judaeus, Paley, Pococke, Porteus, Stillingrleet, Sherlock, Tertullian, Theophylact, Jeremy Taylor, Wake, Whitby, Wells, may be feen in conjunction with Ambrofii Opera. Bafilea?, 1567, 3 vols, folio. Anfelmi Opera. Colon. Agrip. 161 2. Athanafii Opera, Colon. 1686, 2 vols, folio. Auguftini Opera. Parifiis, 1555, in 7 vols, folio. Beverigii Pandects Canonum. Boyle's Theological Works. Bulli Opera Theologica. Londini, 1703, folio. Burkitt on the New Teftament. Burnet on the XXXIX Articles. Calvini Opera. Geneva?, 1589, 10 vols, folio. Calvin's Inftitutes. Caffiodori Opera. Venetiis, 1729. Chamieri Controverfias. Chillingworth's Works, 1684. Here I may remark that in the Cloifters of this Ca- thedral, according to a plain mural tablet, " Hie reducem expectat animam Gulielmus Chillingworth, A.M. Coll. Trin. Oxon. Socius, &c. omni literarum genere celeberrimus, Ecclefia? Anglicans adverfus Romanam Propugnator invictirTimus." To return, however, to the department immediately under review, I may proceed to notice CHICHESTER. 77 Cave's Primitive Christianity & Lives of the Fathers. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. Several Concordances, by various hands. The Works of Samuel Clarke, in 4 vols, folio. Collyer's Sacred Interpreter. Cotelerii Patres Apoftolici. 1724. Critici Sacri & Pole's Synopfis. Du Pin's Hiftory of the Canon of the Old and New Teftament. Erafmus in Nov. Teft. Bafil. 1522, and other Works, with his Life by Jortin. Eufebii Praparatio et Demonftratio Evangelica. Fabricii Codex Pfeudigraphus Veteris Teftamenti. 2 vols. 8vo. Forbes on Religion. Faber on Pagan Idolatry. Irenasi Opera, per Grabe. Oxon. 1702, folio. Grabe's Spicilegium. Oxon. 1698, 8vo. Gray's Connection. Grotii Opera Theologica. Londini, 1679, 4 v. fol. Hammond's Paraphrafe and other Works. 1684, 4 vols, folio. Heylin's Theological Tracts. Hieronymi Opera per Victorium. Parifiis, 1609, 3 vols, folio. Howel's Synopfis Canonum. Hyde's Religio Veterum Perfarum. Lactantius cura Sparke. Oxon. 1684. Lardner's Credibility. Lowth's Ifaiah. Maltby's Works. 1803. Melancthonis Opera. Witebergas, 1580, 4 vols. fol. Norris on the Beatitudes. 78 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Page's Harmonia Sacra. Pearfoni Opera Pofthuma. Petavii Dogmata Theologica. Prideaux's Connection. Schleufner's Lexicon Novi Teft. Shuckford's Connection. Stockii Clavis Nov. Teft. Stradas Prolufiones. Suiceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticus. Tillotfon's Sermons. 1700, 14 vols. 8vo. Wall's Infant Baptifm. Zanchii Opera Theologica, together with the Ser- mons of Andrews, Barrow, Coneybeare, Fyfher, Hoadly, Horfley, Sanderfon, and Saurin. As connected with the Church Service I may add to thefe Henry the VIII. 's Primer, 1545 ; the Litur- gia Anglicana Octoglotta, 1821 ; Bafkett's edition of the Common Prayer, London, 1754; and a beautiful large paper copy of the Common Prayer, printed by Bill and Barker at London in 1662, folio, bound in green velvet and ruled with red lines ; the gift of the Rev. Thomas Baker to the Cathedral Library ; alfo " the Sealed Copy " of the Common Prayer of the fame date, fo called from its containing the original Letter Patent of Charles II. upon vellum, " for lodg- ing a corrected and authentic copy of the Common Prayer Book in this Cathedral." "N.B. The great Seal attached to thefe Patents is preferved in the Chap- ter Houfe." This interefting volume is unpretend- ingly attired in dark calf. To thefe I may add the Breviarium Romanum. Antverpia?, 1594, and the Miffale Romanum. Antverpias, 16 14. CHICHESTER. 79 The principal Works relating to Ecclefiaftical Hif- tory in this Collection are Allix's Albigenfes ; Whar- ton's Anglia Sacra ; Baronii Annales & Martyrologium Romanum; Brandt's Hiftory of the Reformation in the Low Countries; Bedas Opera, Bafilea?, 1583; Bedford's Scripture Chronology, 1730 ; Bower's Lives of the Popes ; Burnet's Reformation ; Codex Theo- dofianus Gothofredi ; Corpus Juris Civilis et Canonici, Lugd. Bat. 1624-7 > Cotelerii Ecclefia? Gra?ca? Monu- menta ; Concilia Generalia, Colon. Agr. 1567; Con- cilia Magna? Britannia? a Wilkins, Lond. folio ; Strype's Annals, Lives, and Memorials ; Du Pin's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Cave's Hiftoria Literaria Scriptor. Ecclef. ; Echard's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Ecton's Thefaurus ; Eufebii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica ; Le Neve's Fafti Angli- cani; Fleury's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, by Adams, 1727, 5 vols. ; Fuller's Holy War, and Church Hiftory of Britain ; Gibfon's Codex and Synodus Anglicana ; Godwin de Pra?fulibus Anglia?, Cantabr. 1743, 2 vols, folio ; Gratiani Compendium Juris Canonici et Ci- vilis, Venetiis, 1580, 3 vols, folio; Heylin's Hiftory of the Reformation ; Lyndewode's Provinciale, Oxon- 1 679 ; Inett's Origines Anglicani ; Mofheim's Eccle- fiaftical Hiftory; Reyneri Apoftolatus Benedictinorum in Anglia, Duaci, 1626; Ribadeneira, Vita? Sanctorum ; Rycaut's Lives of the Popes ; Sanderus de Origine et progrefiii Schifmatis Anglicani, Parifiis, 1610 ; Spel- man's Concilia ; Spotfwode's Church of Scotland ; Polano's Hiftory of the Council of Trent ; Quick's Synodicon in Gallia Reformata ; Tornielli Annales ; Ufferi Annales & Antiq. Eccl. Britt. ; Walker's Suf- ferings of the Clergy ; Warner's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory; and Wordfworth's Ecclefiaftical Biography. 8o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Of Works connected with Englifh Hiftory and An- tiquities, the fhelves of this Library may fupply the curious enquirer with Adams's Index Villaris, and fixty volumes of the Acts of Parliament, the gift of Bifhop Buckner to the Chichefter Cathedral Library; Afh- mole's Order of the Garter, 1672 ; the Englifh Baron- etage, 1 74 1, in 5 vols. 4to. ; Barwick's Life ; Battery's Antiquities of Canterbury ; Crawfurd's Memoirs of Scotch Affairs, Edinburgh, 1726; Dart's Weftminfter Abbey; Echard's Hiftory of England; Dugdale'sMonaf- ticon Anglicanum, 1655, 3 vols, folio; Warwickshire, Coventry, 1 6y 5 ; Baronage, and View of the Troubles ; Kippis's Biographia Britannica; Borlafe's Cornwall and Scilly Iflands ; Buck's Hiftory of Richard III. ; Bu- chanani Hiftoria Scotorum, Edinburgi, 1583; Craw- furd's Peerage of Scotland ; Burnet's H iftory ofhis own Times; Carte's Hiftory of England; Davies's Celtic Re- fearches ; Dallaway's Weftern SufTex, and Cartwright's Rape of Bramber; Winfton Churchill's Divi Britannici, 1675; Clarendon's Rebellion, Oxford, 1702, 3 vols, folio; Fabian's Chronicle, 1542; Fiddes' Life of Wol- fey; Fuller's Worthies ; Holinfhed's Chronicle, 1586, withGiraldusCambrenfis's Hiftory of Ireland, and Hec- tor Boethius' Hiftoria Scotorum; Grafton's Chronicle, wanting the Title; Harding's Chronicle, 1543; Hacket's Life of Archbifhop Williams ; Grew's Rari- ties of GrefTiam College ; Hanway's Travels ; Lord Herbert's Life of Henry VIII. ; Journals of the Lords and Commons ; Johnfton on the Englifh Mo- narchy, 1636; Icon Bafilike, 1649; Rennet's Paro- chial Antiquities, with his Hiftory of England and other Works, and North's Examination of Rennet's Hiftory of England ; Laud's Life ; Leland's Itinerary, CHICHESTER. 81 edited by Hearne, Oxford, 1745, 8vo. ; Lyttelton's Henry II. ; Lloyd's State Worthies ; Mackenzie's Scot- tifh Writers, Edinburgh, 1708 ; Madox's Formulare Anglicanum, Baronia Anglica, and Hiftory of the Exchequer ; Maitland's London ; Maurice's Rich- mond Hill; Monafticon Hibernicum, 1723; Nicol- fon's Historical Library ; North's Lives of the Norths; Peck's Memoirs of Oliver Cromwell ; Higden's Poly- chronicon, printed by Wynkyn de Worde at London in 1495, a P er f e ft copy in old calf; Nalfon's Collec- tions ; Price's Salifbury Cathedral ; Parker's Hiftory of his own Times; Rapin's Hiftory of England; Thorpe's Regiftrum and Cuftumale RorTenfe, both half-bound ; Robertfon's Hiftory of Scotland ; Roffi Warvicenfis Hifloria Regum Anglian, edente Hearne, 1745; Rufhworth's Hiftorical Collections ; Slayter's Hiftory of Great Britain, 161 9; Speed's Chronicle, Hiftory of Great Britain, Theatre and Maps ; Stow's Chronicle, 16 15 ; Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiofum ; Tanner's Bibliotheca Britannica ; Pitfeus Catalogus Scriptorum Anglian, Parifiis, 161 9; Triveti Annates, et Adami Murithmenlis Chronicon, cura Hall, Ox- onii, 1722, 8vo. ; Ward's Grefham College ; Wee- ver's Funeral Monuments ; Whitelocke's Memorials, 1709 ; Willis's Cathedrals ; Wood's Athenae Oxoni- enfes ; A few Political Tracts ; Several Laudatory Verfes from both the Univerfities to feveral of the Stuarts, and the Records of the Kingdom. To the above I have pleafure in adding a few of the foundations upon which the Hiftory of Britain is built. Bakei Centuria Scriptorum Britannia?, Bafileas, 1557; Hiftoriae Anglicanas Scriptores Decern a Somner & G 82 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Twyfden ; Du Chefne's Hiftoriae Normannorum Scrip- tores ; Eadmeri Hiftoria fui Temporis, edente Selden, Londini, 1623 ; Matthasi Paris. Hiftoria Anglicana, edente Wats, Londini, 1740, folio ; Matthaei Weft- monafterienfis Flores Hiftoriarum ; Rerum Anglica- num Scriptores poft Bedam, edente Savile ; Florentine Wigornenfis Chronicon ; Polydore Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana, Bafileas, 1534, folio; Camdeni Anglica, Normannica, &c. a veteribus Scripta. Of Law, the only books which met my obfervation were : AylifFe's Canon Law, London, 1734 ; Reports upon the Criminal Code, 1821, &c. in 7 vols. 4to. ; Barrington on Ancient Statutes; Blackftone's Commen- taries ; Jacob's Law Dictionary ; Lambard de Prifcis Anglorum Legibus ; Wottoni Leges Wallica?, 1730; Leges Antiquias Francorum, per Lindenbrogium, 16 14 ; Wilkins's Leges Saxonicae, 1721 ; Viner's Abridgment of Law and Equity, in 23 folios, new in calf, gilt. Of Numifmatic Works, I am happy to record a beautiful copy of the Numifmata Pembrochiana, 1746, upon large paper, bound in calf, richly gilt, with the leaves gilt upon the marble, the donation of Dr. Jo. Wickins, Rector of Petworth in 1763, to the Cathe- dral Library. The appearance of this Work in the folio form is very far above the ufual dimenfions of the ordinary 4to. To this I may add, Banduri Numifmata, Parifiis, 171 8, in 2 vols, folio; Clarke's Coins; Eve- lyn on Medals ; Folkes's Coins ; Harduini Nummi Antiqui, Parifiis, 1684; Landi Numifmata Selecla, Lugd. Bat. 1695; Wilde, Numifmata Antiqua Se- ledta, 1682; Wife Nummi Bodleiani, 1750; Num- mophylacium Regina? Chriftinae, per Havercampium, Hagas, Com. 1742 ; Vaillant Numifmata, Paris. 1695. CHICHESTER. 83 Of Publications relating to the Hiftory and Descrip- tion of different countries, and the world in general this Library cannot boaft any Collection more copious than that constituted by, iEmilii Hiftoria Francorum ; Pighii Annales Romanae Hiftorias, Antverpia?, 1598; Stuart and Revett's Antiquities of Athens ; Anfon's Voyage, 1756 ; Aftley's Collection of Voyages, 1745, 4 vols.; Atlas Geographicus, London, 171 1, in 5 vols, folio ; Churchill's Voyages ; Robert's Atlas ; Birch's Heads ; Bezonii Hiftoria India? Repertas, Francofurti, 1 694 ; Maffei Hiftoria Indica, Brixias, 1660 ; Blair's Chronology ; Collier's Hiftorical Dic- tionary ; Du Halde's China ; Byzantinas Hiftorias Scriptores, Venetiis, 1729, in 23 vols, folio ; Hales's Analyfis of Ancient Chronology ; Chardin's Travels ; Flud Hiftoria utriufque Cofmi, Oppenheim, 16 17; Freheri Rerum Bohemicarum Scriptores, Hanov. 1602; Gualteri Tabula Chronologica ; Colonic, 1 6 1 6 ; Geo- graphici Minores Grasci, cura Hudfoni, Oxonii, 1698, 4 vols. ; Grasvii Thefaurus Antiquitatum, 1 2 torn, folio ; Gruteri Infcriptiones, 2 vols, folio ; Heylin's Cofmo- graphy; Hughes's Natural Hiftory of Barbadoes, Lon- don, 1750, folio; Mariana and Molina's Hiftories of Spain ; Maundrell's Journey ; Montfaucon's Antiqui- ties, with his Palasographia Graeca ; Moreri Diction- aire, 10 vols, folio, in French calf; Norden's Egypt; Potter's Greece ; Newton's Chronology ; Puffendorf's Law of Nations; Raleigh's Hiftory of the World ; Re- rum Belgicarum Annales, Francof. 1583; Jovii Rerum Turcicarum Hiftoria, Lugd. Bat. 1569 ; Keyfteri An- tiquitates Septentrionales, Hanovias, 1720; Rhenani Rerum Germanicarum Commentarii, 1 55 1 ; Rycaut's Hiftory of the Turks ; Robertfon's Charles V. ; Pa- 84 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. ruta's Hiftory of Venice ; Shaw's Travels ; Perrault's Hommes Illuftres ; Pococke's Defcription of the Eaft; Poftlethwayt's Dictionary of Commerce ; Sully's Me- moirs ; Thuani Hiftoria fui Temporis, 6 vols, folio, in calf; Watfon's Philip II. and it may be added Vof- fius de Hiftoricis Grascis ac Latinis. Several Maps of North and South America, Egypt, Portugal, and the Pyrenees are alfo placed within this Library. Of Etymological Works, there are few indeed, at leaft I only remarked, Calderini Lexicon Latinum et Italicum, Venetiis, 1 587 ; Calepini Dictionarium La- tinum, Lugd. Bat. 1559, in 2 vols. ; Cooper's Dic- tionary ; Du Cange's GlofTary; Facciolati Lexicon ; Hederici Lexicon ; Hickes's Thefaurus Septentrio- nalis ; Johnfon's Englifh Dictionary ; Junii GloiTarium edente Lye ; Spelman's Gloftary ; Julii Pollucis Ono- mafticon, Amftelod. 1706 ; Suidae Lexicon ; Kufteri Cantabrigian, 1705, in 3 vols, folio. Of Works relating to Natural Hiftory or Science, the number is ftill lefs. Aldrovandi Ornithologia ; Franzii Hiftoria Animalium, Wittembergas, 161 3; Gerard's Herbal, by Johnfon ; Johnftoni Hiftoria Quad- rupedum, &c. ; Mantell's Geology of SurTex ; New- ton's Optics and Principia; and fome Tracts by Leib- nitz, being the only works of this character which attracted my obfervation. Of Claffic Authors, I have made a copious felection, that the reader may judge for himfelf of the value of this department of the Library by a curfory review of its contents. It is, in fact, only by thus defcending into particulars that the true character of any Collec- tion can be obtained. Hence it is that whenever in CHICHESTER. 85 thefe pages a dry catalogue of books appears to be ex- tended to an unufual length, the candid reader fhould look complacently upon the attempt to enable him to form his own judgment even at the rifk of exhaufting his patience. I may begin with the Anthologia Grasca edited by Owen in 161 2, and continue in nearly alphabetical order, as the fimpleft and moil intelligible method of reference, the lift of Claffics in this Collection. Antoninus, Gatakeri. Londini, 1697, 4to. Appianus. Amftelodami, 1670. Apuleius, Pricasi. Athenaeus, Cafauboni. Lugd. Bat. 1657. Aulus Gellius : Aufonius : Hiftoria Augufbe Scrip- tores. Lugd. Bat. 1 67 1. Corpus Poetarum Latinorum a. Maittaire. Cornelius Nepos. Oxonii, 1697. Catullus Tibullus & Propertius, per Arthurum. Can- tabrigian, 1702. Ciceronis Opera Variorum, in 17 vols. 8vo. — Bafi- leas, 1534; Parifiis, 1539, in 2 vols, and 1654. Demofthenes. Cantabrigian, 173 1 . Diodorus Siculus, by WefTeling. Amfterdam, 1746, folio. Diogenes Laertius, by Menage. Amfterdam, 1692, 2 vols, folio. Dio Caffius, Reimari. Hamburg. 1750, 2 vols. fol. Dionyfius HalicarnarTenfis, Hudfoni. Oxonii. 1704, in 2 vols, folio. Euripides, by Markland. Euftathius in Homerum. Roma?. 1542, in 4 vols. fol. Fabulas iEfopicce, per Camerarium. Lugd. Bat. 1564. 86 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Pompeius Feftus, Delphini. Amftelfd. 1699,410. Jamblichus, Galei. Oxonii, 1678, folio. Galeni Opera, per Linacrum. Lugd. Bat. 1559. Herodianus. Oxonii, 1699. Herodotus, Weffelingii. Amftelod. 1763. Hefiodus, Grace. 1540. The Horace of 151 1, and that by Bentley, 1713, and among other editions of leffer note, Horatius, Lambini. Francofurti, 1596. Homeri opera a Barnes. Cantabr. 171 1, et ejufdem Ilias cura Clarke. Londini, 1729, 4 vols. 4to. Jofephus, Hudfoni. Oxonii, 1702, 2 vols, folio. Juftini Hiftoria apud Stephanum. Parifiis, 1 543, fol. Longinus, Hudfoni. Oxonii. 17 10. Livius. Parifiis, 1735, & Gronovii, 1679. Lucanus, Oudendorpii. Lugd. Bat. 1728, 4to. Lucianus. Salm. 1619. Maximi Tyrii DirTertationes. Oxonii, 1677. Martialis, Schrevelii. Lugd. Bat. 1670. Ovidius, Antverpias, 1587; Burmanni, Amftelod. 1727, 4 vols. 4to. ; and Heinfii, Amftelod. 1661. Paufanias, Kuhnii. Lipfias, 1696, folio. Petronius, Burmanni. 1709, 4to. Photii Bibliotheca Hoefchelii. Rothomagi, 1 563, fol. Platonis Opera, Serrani. 1578, in 3 vols, folio. Plautus, Lambini. 1576. Plinii Senioris Hiftoria Naturalis, Dalecampii ; Au- relias Allobrogum, 1606; and Harduini, Parifiis, 1723, in 3 vols, folio. Plinii Junioris Epiftoke. Amftelodami, 1659. Plutarchi Vitas, edente Bryant. Londini, 1729, in 5 vols. 4to. Plutarchi Opera, Xylandri. Francof. 1599. CHICHESTER. 87 Polybius, Cafauboni. 1609, folio. Quintus Curtius, Erafmi. Parifiis, 1543. Qujntilianus, Burmanni. Lugd. Bat. 1720, 4to. Salluftius. Parifiis, 1504, and Cantabrigian, 171 o. Seneca, Gothofredi. Seneca Lipfii. Silius Italicus, Drakenborchii. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1 7 17, 4to. Strabo, Almeloveeni. Amftelodami, 1707, .2 vols, folio. Suetonius, Graevii. Tacitus, Variorum. Terentius, Delphini. Terence, by Hare. 1724. Thucydides, Hudfoni. Oxonii. 1696, folio. Valerius Flaccus, Heinfii. Amftelodami, 1680. Velleius Paterculus ; Vegetius. Parifiis, 1535. Virgilii opera, per Jacobum Zachon. Venetiis, 1499, folio; in Roman Character, with a com- mentary. Virgilius Delphini. 4to. and by Bafkerville. Xenophontis Opera, by Wells, with his Anabafis & Cyropasdia, by Hutchinfon. It will be feen from this rapid furvey of the claffical department of this collection that none of the nrft, though feveral of the beft editions are here to be found. I may here mention the ' Schola Salernitana. Parifiis, 1553. Erafmi Adagia. Hanoviae, 1617. Gefneri Bibliotheca. Tiguri, 1545; and Joannis Sarifburienfis Polycraticus feu de Nugis Curialium. Lugd. Bat. 1495. In Englifh Literature, I have much pleafure in men- 88 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. tioning the Works of Bacon, Locke, and Temple, in 4to., uniformly bound in old calf; Tonfon's Shake- fpeare, London, 1725, in 6 vols. 41:0. in old calf, gilt; Barclay's Argenis, London, 1622; Bryant's Mytho- logy, 1775; Spence's Polymetis ; Cowley's Works, 1684; Digges' Compleat AmbafTadour ; Chamber's Dictionary ; Blair's Lectures ; Buchanan's Poems ; Chaucer's Works, in black letter, by Robert Toye, London ; Hayley's Poems ; Hutchinfon's Works, 1749, 12 vols.; the Works of James I. and Samuel John- fon ; Milton's Works, by Bafkerville and by Newton ; Prior's Works ; Selden's Works, by Wilkins, London, 1726, in 3 vols, folio; Shaftefbury's Characterises, in 3 vols. 8vo. ; Spenfer's Faery Queen; and I may add, Smith's Catal. MSS. Cotton, et MSS. Oxon. Ox- onii, 1696-7, with 3 vols, of Ofborne's Catalogues. In conclufion, I may notice the Works of Petrarch ; Voltaire's Henriade, and Chamber's Architecture, in 2 vols, folio; Bayle's Dictionary, London, 1735; Mac- pherfon's Fingal, 1762 ; Thoma? Mori Opera Latina; Watfon's Hiftory of Halifax; and Nott's Odes of Hafiz. The only two Manufcripts which occurred to me on infpecting this Library, were the Statutes of Peter- houfe College in Cambridge, and an Account of the Foundation of Chrift Church at Oxford. It is right to notice, what all chartered or collegiate bodies who poffefs Libraries, would do well to imitate, that all the volumes in this Collection are diftinguifhed by a book plate, reprefenting the facred figure, above whofe head is w r ritten " Decan. et Cap. Ciceflr." and below whofe feet is infcribed " Liber Monumenti co- " ram eo." SUbratp of 2Dur!)am HE Library of this Chapter is preferved in a fpacious and luminous apartment more than one hundred feet in length, and of proportional width, occupy- ing one fide of the fpace above the Cloifters. It was, in former times, the Refectory of the Monaftery,and the walls which once refounded with the crafh of monadic maftication, now echo the footfteps of the cafual vifiter or cloiftered ftudent. A Portrait of Dean Sudbury, the founder of the Library after the Reftoration, is at the end of the room ; and on the floor are feveral Roman Altars, difcovered in the vici- nity of Durham. The Books are well arranged upon fhelves of eafy accefs, and appear remarkably free from damp ; the cafes projecting from the wall on either fide into the room ; with due intervals for ftudy. In the fouth alley of the Cloifters is a large hall, called the Frater-houfe, finely wainfcotted on the north and fouth fide, by Thomas Caftell, Prior, a. d. 151 8. Within the door on the left hand, at entering is a ftrong Almery in the wall, wherein the Grace Cup, the Grace Major, called the Judas's Cup, and St. Bede's Bowl, did ftand. In that Almery lay all the beft plate 9 o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. that ferved the Convent in the Frater-houfe on Feftival Days ; and there was a fine work of carved wainfcot before, and a ftrong lock on the door, fo as none could perceive there was any Almery at all, the key-hole being made under the carved work of the wainfcot. In this Frater-houfe the Prior, and the whole Con- vent of the Monks held their great feaft of St. Cuth- bert, in Lent, having their meat ferved out of the dref- fer-window of the great kitchen, into the Frater-houfe ; and their drink out of the great cellar. At the eaft end of the Frater-houfe ftood a fair table with a fkreen of wainfcot over it, being kept all the reft of the year for the Mafter of the Novices, the Elects, and the Novices, to dine and fup at, having their meat ferved to them in the fame manner. At thefe times one of the Novices, appointed by the Mafter, read fome part of the Old and New Teftament in Latin, during dinner, having a convenient place at the fouth end of the high table, within a fair glafs window, encomparTed with iron, and certain ftone fteps with iron rails to go up to an iron defk, whereon lay the Holy Bible, which reading being ended, the Mafter tolled a filver bell, hanging over his head, thereby giving notice to one of the Novices to come to the high table and fay grace, and that ended, they de- parted to their books. This fabric retained the name of the Petty Canons' Hall, till Dr. Sudbury, Dean of this Cathedral, gene- roufly erected a beautiful Library in its place, which he, not living to finifh completely, by the following claufe of his laft will, binds his heir, Sir John Sud- bury, to the due execution thereof. " Item, whereas I have lately contracted with feve- DURHAM. 91 " ral workmen for the building of a Library in the " place commonly called the Petty Canons Hall in the " College of Durham, for the ufe of the Dean and " Prebendaries of the faid Cathedral Church. And if " it mould pleafe God that I do not live to finifh the " fame, my will and pleafure is that my executor, " hereafter named, (hall pay out of my perfonal eftate " all fuch fum or fums of money as mall be necefTary for " the finifhing thereof, according to fuch form or modell, " or in fuch manner as I mail leave directions for under " my hand, attefted by two or more good and fufficient " witnerTes. This will is dated Jan. 11, 1683."* The books were removed to their prefent fituation by Dean Sudbury, in the feventeeth century, up to whofe time they had been kept in the room adjoining the Chapter-houfe, and alfo over the Cloifters. This Library contains from feven to eight thoufand volumes, of which five hundred and twenty are in Ma- nufcript. The printed books amounting to feven thoufand two hundred and fifty-nine volumes, at the time of this prefent writing. Three Catalogues of the printed books remain in this collection ; the firfl compiled about the time of Charles II. in one folio volume, bears the following title : " Catalogus Librorum Eccleiis Cathedralis Dunel- " menfis difpofitus exaratus, adornatus a dodiffimo " ornatiffimoque viro Joanne Milner, A.M. ejufdem " Ecclefias Precentore et Bibliothecario digniffimo." The fecond is a folio on vellum, compiled in the time of Bifhop Cofin, the title whereof runneth thus : * " Durham Cathedral as it was before the diflblution of the Monas- tery," edited by Dr. Chr. Hunter, Durham, 1733, pp. 92-96. 92 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " Bibliotheca Ecclefias Cathedralis Dunelmenfis a " Decano et Capitulo ejufdem Ecclefia? inftaurata anno " dni mdcxxviii. et ab eifdem exinde per annuales " eorum expenfas aliaque benefactorum donaria ornata " adaucta et bonis libris inftructa." The third is the Catalogue now in ufe, accurately arranged in alphabetical order, by the Rev. James Raine, the prefent Librarian. It is to be hoped that this gentleman may be enabled to ileal a few hours from his antiquarian refearches, to prepare this Cata- logue, with appropriate notices of the rarer articles, for the prefs, to which I truft it will ere long be committed by the liberality of the Dean and Chapter. There is alfo a Catalogue of GlofTes and Commen- tators in this collection, compiled by Elias Smith, during the period of the Great Rebellion. Thomas Rud has alfo left behind him a very curi- ous Catalogue of the Books bought in his time, with their prices, a work which has been very properly continued by the fucceeding Curator of this Library. A book is alfo kept upon the table for the entry of all volumes borrowed or taken away from the Library, with the name of the perfon fo taking them and the date when taken. This precaution has happily been adopted in this as in other Cathedral Libraries, but not until after much inconvenience, and in fome inftances ferious loffes had been fuftained from the want of this or a fimilar regu- lation. The latitude which fo long prevailed in this refpecl, has of late years been exchanged for rigorous cuftody, and none but prebendal keys can now unlock the cham- ber wherein the literary treafures of the Dean and Chapter are depofited. DURHAM. 93 Of the printed books in this collection I will pro- ceed to give fuch an account as the opportunities af- forded me, enabled me to collect, during a curfory fur- vey of this ancient Library. A great part of this, as of moft ancient Libraries, confifts of Gloffes, Decretals, and Pandects, with other early and almoft forgotten Works of Divinity, and the obfcurer authors of the middle ages. Paffing by thefe, I firft directed my attention to the earliest impreffion of the Holy Scriptures in the Eng- lish language, being that printed by Christian Ege- nolrT, at Franckfort, in 1535, folio, and known as Co- verdale's Bible. The prefent copy wants the title, and two leaves of the Prefatory matter, beginning with the laft leaf of the Prologue. It is alfo defective in all the leaves of the Revelations, which follow fignature t.t. iii. The three lafh leaves are much torn, but the book is found in the middle, and in very ordinary calf bind- ing. By fome unaccountable error it has been lettered on the back " Grafton's Bible. 1541." I alfo noticed an imperfect copy of Matthew's Bible of 1549, reprinted from the edition of 1537, in folio ; the fecond edition of the Bifhop's Bible, printed at London, by Richard Jugge, in 1572, folio, with a double vernon of the Pfalms ; a copy of the Bible of 1 64 1, in folio, and the Bible printed at Cam- bridge in 1663, 4to. ; the Bible printed at Oxford, by J. Bafkett, in 17 17, in 2 volumes, folio, in forrel bind- ing, with clafps ; Bafkerville's elegant folio edition of the Scriptures ; the Bible, with Notes by Bifhop Wil- fon, printed by Cruttwell at Bath, in 1785, in 3 vo- lumes, 4to. ; the Manfe Bible, printed at Whitehaven in 1775, 4to., in calf binding; and the Bible, with 94 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Notes by D'Oyley and Mant, printed at Oxford in 1 8 17, in 3 vols. 4-to. ; and Reeves' Bible, in nine 4to. volumes. I alfo remarked fine copies of the Hebrew Bible, by Van der Hooght, Houbigant, Buxtorf, and Kennicott, in calf binding; the Biblia Graeca, of Grabe ; the Ve- tus Teftamentum juxta LXX, edited by Holmes and Parfons, at Oxford, in 5 volumes, folio ; the Biblia Polyglotta complectentia textus originales Hebraicum, cum pentateucho, Samaritanum,Chaldaicum, Grascum, &c. cum apparatu appendicibus tabulis, &c. ex editione Briani Waltoni, Londini, Thomas Roycroft, 1655-57, in 6 folio volumes, with the indifpenfable and cuf- tomary adjunct of Caftelli Lexicon Heptaglotton, He- braicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, &c. cui acceflit brevis grammatics delineatio, Londini, Th. Roycroft, 1 669, in 2 folio volumes, all uniformly bound in calf; the Biblia Polyglotta cura Bened. Aria? Mon- tani, Antverpiae, Plantinus, 1569-72, wanting one vo- lume, in folio. I may here mention the Heptateuchus : — Liber Job, et Evangelium Nicodemi, Anglo-Saxonice ; Hiftoria Judith, Dana-Saxonice, edited by Edward Thwaites, at Oxford, in 8vo. ; Codex Theodori Bezas, Cantabrigi- enfis, Evangelia et Acta Apoftolorum complectens, quadratis Uteris, Grasco-Latinis, adumbravit, expref- fit, edidit, &c. Thomas Kipling, S.T.P. Cantabrigian, 1793, in 2 volumes, folio; Wetflein's Edition of the Greek Teftament; the Evangelia Gothica, edited by Junius ; and Pfalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum Vetus, a Johanne Spelmanno editum e vetuftirlimo Exemplari manufcripto, et tribus aliis collatum, Lon- dini, 1640, 4to. DURHAM. 95 There are alfo Bibles in the Spanifh and French lan- guages ; and many Latin Bibles, the earliefl of which appeared to be that printed at Venice in 1484, by- Herbert de Selgenftat, a German, in double columns of fmall Gothic letter, in a quarto form, bound in red morocco, with a cover, originally appertaining unto John Cade, whofe illustrative propenfities are difplayed by a coloured reprefentation of the Virgin, patted on the back of the firft leaf of this book. The paffion of this defunct collector for illustrating books is faid to have been fo ftrong as to have led to the expansion of his copy of Dugdale's Works to no lefs than one hundred volumes. On viewing the literary remains of polemical con- troverfy, and the duft-covered rows of obfolete divi- nity, one is tempted involuntarily to exclaim — " Hi motus animorum atque haec certamina tanta Pulveris exigui jactu comprefTa quiefcant." Of thefe writers, over whofe voluminous works the modern eye fo coldly glances, fome occupied no fmall (hare of the public attention in their time, and of a few might be faid, " He knew what's what, and that's as high As metaphyfic wit can fly ; In fchool Divinity as able As he that hight Irrefragable, A fecond Thomas, or at once To name them all, another Dunfe ; Profound in all the Nominal And Real ways above them all ; For he a rope of fand could twin: As tough as learned Sorbonift." Butler's Hudibras^ Part 1. Canto 1. v. 149. It is remarkable that two-thirds of the eminent 96 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. fchoolmen were of Britifh birth, a circumftance which renders the prefervation of their labours in the Cathe- dral Libraries of England a matter of fome confequence to thofe who love to trace the fcintillations of the Englifh mind through the Cimmerian gloom of the fchools. In thefe repofitories we alfo find the marvellous le- gends of thofe great and good men whom the Church delighted to honour. The prefent collection offers feveral editions of the once popular Legenda Aurea, the firft bearing the date 1475, in 4to. ; the fecond having been printed at Cologne in 1483, in folio; and the third by Wynkyn de Worde at London, in 15 16, in folio, in double co- lumns of Gothic character. Both the laft are in excel- lent prefervation. Among the multitude of fchoolmen and divines of the earlier ages, it is difficult to felect thofe which may convey an adequate impreffion of the extent of this col- lection. Here the eye repofes on the Works of Ser- mundus, in brilliant condition, on large paper. There it meets with the Works of Pope Benedict the XlVth, and a long array of the Fathers and other pillars of the Church. Coleridge conceived Origen, Jerome, and Augufiine to be the three fathers in refpect of theology, and Bafil, Gregory Nazianzen, and Chryfoftom in refpect of rhetoric* Of the truth of this afiertion the fiudent may here convince himfelf, for this Library contains thefe authors, forming part of a good collection of the Fathers of the Church. * Table Talk, i. 84-5. DURHAM. 97 In this Library are depofited the Works of the Fa- thers of the Church, including thofe of SS. Ambrofe, Athanafius, Auguftine, Bafil, Bernard, Chryfoftom, Cle- mens Alexandrinus, Cyprian, Cyril, Epifcopius, Epi- phanius, Eufebius, Gregory, Jerome, Hilary, Ignatius, Irenaeus, Ifidore, Juftin Martyr, Lactantius, Peter Mar- tyr, Origen, Polycarp, Tertullian, and Theophylacl ; with the Bibliotheca Maxima Patrum, &c. Among the earlier Divines I noticed the Works of Anfelm, Bellarmine, Calvin, Erafmus, Grotius, Tho- mas a Kempis, Lanfranc, Socinus, and Zanchius. The Divines of the Englifh Church, whofe labours are found within thefe walls, are Abbot, Allix, An- drews, Barrow, Beveridge, Chillingworth, Samuel Clarke, Comber, Doddridge, Hall, Hammond, Hoad- ley, Hopkins, Jackfon, Jewel, Jortin, Kennicott, Lard- ner, Leighton, Lightfoot, Mede, Ogden, Paley, Pa- trick, Pearce, Porteus, Reynolds, Sherlock, South, Stillingfleet, Jeremy Taylor, Tenifon, Tillotfon, Ufher, Warburton, Waterland, and Whifton ; with numer- ous publications of other theologians of the olden time, the greater portion of which has been either prefented or bequeathed to the Library by the Prebendaries of Durham. In the Divinity clafs are alfo found the Difcourfes of BofTuet and Saurin ; the Bampton Lectures ; Elf- ley's Annotations ; Faber on Idolatry, Prophecy, and other Works ; Hey's Lectures ; Macknight's Har- mony of the Gofpels ; Pearfoni Opera Pofthuma ; Prideaux and Shuckford's Connection ; Routh's Reli- quiae Sacrae ; Slade on the Epiftles ; Stackhoufe's Body of Divinity ; Wake's Genuine Epiftles of the Apofto- 98 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. lical Fathers ; Wall on Infant Baptifm ; and Whitby's Paraphrafe. In this place I may enumerate the large aflemblage of Canons, Concordances, Councils, Synods, Glories, and Commentators, collected within thefe walls. Bing- ham's Antiquities of the Chriftian Church ; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible ; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Po- lity ; Hyde's Religio Veterum Perfarum ; Howell's Synopfis Canonum ; Limborch Theologia Chriftiana ; Nicolai de Lyra Commentaria in S. Biblia ; the Bib- liotheca Maxima Patrum ; Spencer de legibus He- brasorum ; Suiceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticus ; Suarez de Legibus ; and many other Works of Divinity too numerous for particular mention in this curfory furvey of this valuable and extenfive collection. In Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, this Library contains many valuable Works, including Alfordi Annales Ecclefias Britannicae, in 4 vols, folio ; Baronii Annales Eccle- fiaftici ; Beds Venerabilis Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefi- aftica, cura Smithii, Cantabrigian, folio ; a beautiful copy upon large paper in blue morocco, a moft appro- priate ornament to this Collection. Brandt's Hiftory of the Reformation in the Low Countries. Burnet's Hiftory of the Reformation in England. Davies' Ancient Rites of the Cathedral of Durham. Dod's Church Hiftory. Dugdale's Monafticon Anglicanum. Ecton's Thefaurus. Gibfon's Codex Juris Eccleliaftici et Civilis. Harpsfeld's Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica. Inett's Origines Anglican^. DURHAM. 99 Parker de Antiquitate Ecclefias Britannicae. Hano- viae, 1605, folio. Reyner de Apoftolatu Ordinis Benedictinorum in Anglia, Duaci. 1626, folio. Soame's Hiftory of the Reformation. Spotifwood's Hiftory of the Church of Scotland. Strype's Ecclefiaftical Memorials, and Annals of the Reformation, both in folio. Wharton's Anglia Sacra. Wordfworth's Ecclefiaftical Biography. The latter Work leads me to mention Fiddes's Life of Wolfey ; McCrie's Life of Knox ; Laud's Trou- bles ; Southey's Life of Wefley ; Strype's Lives of Cran- mer, Grindall, Parker, and Whitgift. I may here add the Hiftories of the Jews by Baf- nage and Jofephus ; and the entire feries of the valua- ble Acta Sanctorum, compiled by the Bollandifts, in 52 folio volumes. Connected with the above, I may here notice Foxe's Acts and Monuments of the Church, in 3 volumes, folio; the Concilia of Spelman, in folio ; and Collier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. The Hiftorical department of this Library embraces the long feries of the Byzantine Hiftorians ; the valu- able Collections of Grasvius and Gronovius, relating to the Hiftory and Antiquities of Greece and Italy, with the fupplementary Lexicon of Pitifcus, and the In- fcriptions of Gruter; the Rerum Italicarum Scrip- tores, edited by the indefatigable Muratori ; the anti- quarian labours of Montfaucon relating to France ; and Freheri Theatrum Virorum Clarorum. It alfo contains Banduri Antiquitates Conftantino- ioo CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. politanas ; Burgefs' Antiquities of Rome ; Collier's Hiftorical Dictionary ; Coxe's Memoirs of the Kings of Spain, of the Houfe of Bourbon, London, 1813, in 3 volumes 4to. ; Kasmpfer's Hiftory of Japan ; Knol- les's General Hiftory of the Turks ; Marfden's Hiftory of Sumatra ; Maurice's Indian Antiquities, or DirTer- tations relative to the Geography, Theology, Laws, &c. of Hindoftan, London, 1793-1800, in 7 octavo vo- lumes ; Mitford's Hiftory of Greece ; Niebuhr's Hif- tory of Rome ; Ockley's Conqueft of Syria, Perfia, and Egypt, by the Saracens ; Orme's Hiftory of the Military Tranfaclions of the Britiih Nation in Indof- tan ; Pococke's Defcription of the Eaft ; Pontoppi- dan's Natural Hiftory of Norway ; RufTelPs Modern Europe ; Sandy's Europas Speculum ; De Thou's Hif- tory of his own Time ; Southey's Hiftory of Brazil ; Watfon's Hiftory of Philip II. of Spain ; and Robert- fon's Hiftorical Works ; and fome old Latin Chroni- cles. This Library is alfo adorned by the Antichita d'Er- colano ; the Mufeum Florentinum ; Hamilton's Vafes ; Gell's Pompeiana; Stuart's Antiquities of Athens ; and Young on the Hieroglyphics of Egypt. The Travels of Clarke, Chandler, Shaw, and others ; Coxe's Account of the Ruffian Difcoveries between Afia and America ; the Conqueft of Siberia, and Ruf- fian Commerce with China ; Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerufalem ; the Voyages of Cook, Parry, Peroufe, Taverner, and other Navigators, with the Petits Voyages of De Bry, are found on thefe well- ftored fhelves, accompanied by the requifite addition of Janfon's Atlas. The Hiftory of the Peninfular War, by Southey and DURHAM. 101 the Marquis of Londonderry, are alfo found in this Collection. The books relating to the Hiftory of Great Britain in this Library, include the collection of fifteen Hif- torians, by Gale and Fell, and of ten by Twyfden, Camdeni Anglica Normannica a veteribus fcripta ; Af- fer Menevenfis, edited by Wife ; Simeon of Worcef- ter, edited by Nafmyth, 1778, 8vo. ; Matthew Paris' Hiftoria Anglicana, edited by Wats, London, 1684, folio, upon large paper, in calf binding ; Matthew of Weftminfter's Flores Hiftoriarum, folio ; and William of Malmefbury, 1596, folio. The Hiftories of England, by Brady, Carte, Daniel, Echard, Hallam, Lingard, Mac Pherfon, Rapin, Tin- dal, and Sharon Turner. The Chronicles of Grafton, Holinfhed, and Froif- fart ; the latter tranilated and printed by Mr. Johnes at Hafod ; Duchefne's Hiftoire d'Angleterre ; Poly- dori Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana, Bafilea?, 1526, folio ; Forduni Scoti-Chronicon ; Chaloner de Republica Anglorum reftauranda ; Sheringham de Anglorum Gentis origine ; Robert de Aveibury's Hiftoria Edvardi III. edente Tho. Hearnio, Oxon. 1729, 8vo. ; Gildas de excidio et conqueftu Britannia? ; Gibfon's Chroni- con Saxonicum ; & Eadmeri Hiftoria Novorum. The Hiftorical Collections of Rufhworth and Nal- fon ; the State Papers of Clarendon and Thurloe ; the Sidney Papers ; the State Trials, edited by Hargrave and others ; Somers' Collection of Tracts ; the Har- leian Mifcellany ; Lodge's IUu fixations of Britifh Hif- tory; the Journals of the Houfe of Commons; and all the publications ifTued under the authority of the Re- cord Commiflion. io2 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Burton's Diary of the Cromwellian Parliaments ; Clarendon's Diary and Hiftory of the Great Rebellion; Coxe's Memoirs of John Duke of Marlborough ; Ellis' Letters, illuftrative of Englifh Hiftory ; Evelyn's Me- moirs ; Fenn's Letters of the Pafton Family ; Lyttel- ton's Hiftory of Henry the Second ; North's Examen of Kennet's Hiftory ; Pepy's Memoirs ; Ridpath's Border Hiftory, and Nicolfon's Border Laws ; with Temple's Hiftory of the Rebellion in Ireland, and Thorefby's Diary. Illuftrative of Scottiih Hiftory, I remarked Aber- crombie's Martial Achievements of the Scots' Nation ; the Hiftories of Scotland, by Keith, Robertfon, and Stuart; Sanderfon's Life of Queen Mary ; Johnftone's Antiquitates Celto-Scandicas. This Library is peculiarly rich in Works relating to the Topography and Antiquities of Great Britain, em- bracing the entire Works of Pennant, all the Antiquities of Grofe ; Gough's Sepulchral Monuments ; Britton's Architectural Antiquities, and Picturefque Illuftrations of the Englifh Cathedrals ; Horlley's Britannia Ro- mana ; Lyfons' Magna Britannia ; Buck's Views of Cities, Caftles, &c. in Great Britain ; Camden's Bri- tannia, edited by Gough, in 3 vols, folio ; Speed's Theatre of Great Britain ; Strutt's Horda, and his Regal and Ecclefiaftical Antiquities ; and Leland's Itinerary, edited by Hearne, Oxford, 1768 ; and Lewis' Topographical Dictionary of England. The County Hiftories which enrich this Collection are, a large paper copy of Aubrey's Hiftory of Surrey ? in old calf binding ; Afhmole's Berkshire ; Atkyns's Gloucefterfhire, London, 171 2, folio ; Bridge's North- amptonfhire ; Burton's Leiceftermire ; Borlafe's Corn- DURHAM. 103 wall ; Chauncey's Hertfordfhire ; Collinfon's Somer- fetfhire ; Dugdale's Warwickfhire, edited by Thomas ; Hafted's Kent, in 4 volumes, folio ; Hutchinfon's Northumberland and Durham ; Jones' Brecknock- fhire ; Leicefter's Chefhire ; Leigh's Natural Hiftory of Lancashire ; Morton's Natural Hiftory of North- amptonshire ; Nam's Hiftory of Worcefterfhire ; Pole's Collections for the Hiftory of Devonfhire ; Plot's Natural Hiftory of Oxfordfhire and StafFordfhire ; Raine's North Durham; Surtees' Durham; Thoro- ton's Nottinghamihire ; and Wright's Rutland. The Local Hiftories which I alfo noticed, were Ben- tham's Ely ; Batteley's Antiquitates Rutupins, ap- parently on large paper ; Charlton's Whitby ; Dart's Hiftory of Canterbury Cathedral, and of Weftminfter Abbey, both in folio ; Drake's York ; Halfpenny's Go- thic Ornaments in York Cathedral ; Izaacke's Exeter ; the original edition of Kennett's Parochial Antiquities ; Loggan's Oxonia and Cantabrigia Illuftrata ; Lyfon's Environs of London ; Newcourt's Repertorium Eccle- fiafticum Londinenfe, upon large paper ; Maitland's Edinburgh; Milner's Hiftory of Winchefter ; Peck's Annals of Stamford ; Shaw's Account of Hartlepool ; Stow's London ; Somner's Canterbury ; Thorefby's Leeds ; Whitaker's Loidis and Elmete ; White's Na- tural Hiftory of Selborne ; Widmore's Weftminfter Abbey ; Wood's Hiftory of the Univerfity of Oxford ; and Willis's Cathedrals. Allan's Collections relating to Sherburn Hofpital, and other places in the County of Durham ; and Raine's Account of the Remains of St. Cuthbert are moft ap- propriately placed upon thefe fhelves. In this Collection I alfo remarked Carter's Speci- io 4 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. mens of Gothic Architecture ; Ducarel's Anglo-Nor- rnan Antiquities ; Madox's Formulare Anglicanum, and Hiftory of the Exchequer ; and Archdall's Monaf- ticon Hibernicanum ; the Archasologia, or Mifcellane- ous Tracts relating to Antiquity, publimed by the Antiquarian Society of London, at various times, in 4to. ; Dugdale's Monafticon Anglicanum, Origines Judiciales ; Summons of the Nobility to Parliament ; and his Baronage of England, in folio, are alfo depo- fited within thefe walls. The Heraldic Works which adorn thefe fhelves are, Afhmole's Order of the Garter; Collins's Peerage and Baronage ; Gwillim's Heraldry ; Sandford's Genealo- gical Hiftory of the Kings of England, &c. ; and others of lefs note. The Chronological Works which met my eye, were, Bedford's Scripture Chronology .; Blair's Chronology and Hiftory of the World ; Petavii Rationale Tempo- rum ; and Hale's valuable Analyfis of Chronology ; " in " which an attempt is made to explain the hiftory and " antiquities of the primitive nations of the world, and " the prophecies relating to them, on principles tending " to remove the imperfection and difcordance of pre- " ceding fyftems." The Numifmatic Works I noticed, were, Folkes' Coins ; Vaillant's Numifmata ; and Ruding's valuable Annals of the Coinage. There are feveral Mythological Treatifes, of which Spence's Polymetis is the chief. In Works of Natural Hiftory, this Collection is en- riched by the Works of Bacon and Evelyn, and the quarto feries of Buffon's Natural Hiftory, in old French calf binding. DURHAM. 105 In Geology, Buckland's Reliquiae Diluvianas; Co- neybeare's Geology ; and the Tranfactions of the Geo- logical Society are found on thefe fhelves. The Philofophical Tranfactions of the Royal Society of London ; Watfon's Chemical EfTays ; Albin's Na- tural Hiftory of Birds and Infects ; and Wood's Index Teftacealogicus, alfo enrich this department of the Library. In Botany, I obferved Miller's Gardener's Dictionary and Figures of Plants ; Morifon's Hiftoria Plantarum ; Raii Hiftoria Plantarum ; and the Tranfactions of the Linnasan Society. In Medicine, the Works of Hippocrates and Diof- corides may be mentioned. Of Works relating to the Arts and Sciences, I no- ticed Horfley's valuable edition of Newton's Works ; Wallis's Mathematical Works ; Burney's Hiftory of Mufic ; Chamber's Dictionary ; the Marmora Oxoni- enfia ; Vitruvius de Architectura, Venetiis, 1 497, folio ; Walpole on Painting; and others of lefs note. The Bibliographical department of this Library in- cludes Aftle on Writing ; Catalogues of the Bodleian Library, of the Harleian Collections of the Manu- fcripts bequeathed by Archbifhop Parker to Corpus Chrifti College at Cambridge ; and the general Cata- logue of Manufcripts in England, Scotland, and Ireland ; Chevillier's Origine de l'lmprimerie a Paris ; Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, and Introduction to the Clafhcs ; Dupin's Ecclefiaftical Authors ; Fabricii Bibliotheca, &c. ; Herbert's edition of Ames' Typo- graphical Antiquities of Great Britain ; Todd's Cata- logue of the Manufcripts at Lambeth Palace ; Mait- io6 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. taire's Annales Typographici, Stephanorum Hiftoria, and Hiftoria Typographic Parifienfis ; Memoirs of Literature ; Maderus de Bibliothecis, &c. ; Nicolfon's Englifh Hiftorical Library ; Stanley's Hiftory of Phi- lofophy ; Thuani Bibliotheca, and the Bibliotheca MS. Stowenfis, edited by Dr. O'Conor; Watt's Biblio- theca Britannica ; and Wood's Athens Oxonienfes. The Etymological Works which enrich this Li- brary are, Cotgrave's French and Englifh Dictionary ; Davies Dictionary of the Welfh Language ; the Ety- mologicum Magnum, Calliergi, Venetiis, 1499, f°li°> Facciolati Lexicon ; Gebelin's Monde Primitif, in 4to. ; Hefychii Lexicon ; Hickes's Thefaurus Septentrio- nalis ; Jamiefon's Scottifh Dictionary ; Johnfon's En- glifh Dictionary, edited and enlarged by Todd ; Lhuyd's Archsologia Britannica; Morel's Dictiona- rium Profodiacum ; Moreri Dictionarium ; Nares's GlofTary ; Scapulae Lexicon ; Skinner's Etymologicum ; Somner's GlofTary and Saxon Dictionary; Spelman's GlofTary ; Stephani Thefaurus Linguae Grscas ; Suidae Lexicon apud Frobenium, 1544, folio; Wolfii Curae Philologies et Critics ; and the GlofTary of Du Frefne. In Englifh Literature this Collection contains fo much that is valuable as to preclude minute enume- ration of each feparate Work. In it the labours of Addifon, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Selden and Swift are blended with the lays of Pope, and Dryden, the latter edited by Scott ; the Philofo- phical Works of Harris, the Hiftorical Works of Ra- leigh, the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, and of William Shakefpeare, form one inftructive and har- monious whole. DURHAM. 107 The Memoirs of the ancient Earls of Surrey, Bof- well's ever-amufing Life of Johnfon, Evelyn's Me- moirs, Pepys's Memoirs, Thorefby's Diary, Spelman's Alfred, Kippis's Biographia Britannica, Birch's Heads of Illuftrious Perfonages, and Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary, form one of the moft popular branches of this ancient Library. Scott's Minftrelfy of the Scottim Border, and his delightful Lay of the Laft Minftrel, and Walpole's Works, are alfo found on thefe fTielves. This Library contains the Koran or Mahommedan rule of Faith, feveral forms of Prayer and Liturgies of the Romifri and Reformed Churches, including the Pontificate Romanum of 1664, Durandi Rationale Divinorum OfBciorum, and Picart's valuable Account of the Religious Ceremonies of all Nations. The Statutes at large, and Viner's Abridgment, Wilkins's Leges Anglo-Saxonicas, Gibfon's Codex Ju- ris Ecclefiaftici et Civilis, Nicolfon's Border Laws, and Coke's Institutes of the Laws of England, were the only legal works that arretted my attention. In General Literature I can only particularife Bayle's Dictionary, and Lowth de Sacra Poefi Hebrasorum. The literary remains of Cafaubon, Cave, Le Clerc, Dodwell, Fabricius, Gataker, Gefner, Jahn, Meurfius, Orofius, Parkhurft, Petrarch, Rollin, Scaliger, and Voflius. Of learned Bodies, the Tranfactions contained in this Library, in addition to the Philofophical, Linnasan, and Geological Tranfactions, include the Memoirs of the Manchester Society and of the Irim Academy, the Memoires de l'Academie Franf aife, and the Academie des Infcriptions, both in 4to. the latter retaining its io8 , CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. original binding of red morocco, mellowed by the hand of time. The Claffical department of this Library is both valuable and extenfive, containing editions of the Works of iElian, iEfchylus, Anacreon, Apollodorus, Appian, Apuleius, Ariftotle, Arrian, Ariftides, Athe- nasus, Aufonius, Caefar, Catullus, Demofthenes, Diof- corides, Diodorus Siculus, Dion Camus, Dion Chry- foftomos, Ennius, Epic~t.et.us, Euripides, Eutropius, Aulus Gellius, Herodian, and Herodotus. Of Horace, Iamblichus, Ifocrates, Juftin, Juvenal, Lucan, Lucian, Lucretius, Lycophron, Manilius, Mar- tial, Pomponius Mela, Orpheus, Ovid, Vellius Pater- culus, Petronius Arbiter, Phasdrus, and Plato. Of the elder and the younger Pliny, Plutarch, Po- lybius, Procopius, Propertius, Prudentius, Pythagoras, Quintilian, Sedulius, Seneca, Sidonius Apollinaris, So- linus, Statius, Suetonius, Symmachus, Terence, The- ocritus, Tibullus, Virgil, and Xenophon. This brief enumeration may fuffice to mew the ex- tent of this clafs ; while in proof of its value I may adduce many of the bell: editions of the Claffics, in- cluding Alciphron, Bergleri, Ammianus Marcellinus, Gronovii, 1693, folio; Ariftophanes Kufteri, Cicero- nis Opera, Minutiani, Mediolani, 1498, folio, and Oli- veti, Parifiis, 1748,410.; Claudianus, Barthii, Butler's iEfchylus, Beck's Euripides, Homer by Clarke and Heyne, Plato by Serranus and Bekker, Dionyfius HalicarnarTenfis by Hudfon, Paufanias, Kuhnii, Silius Italicus, Drakenborchii, Sophocles, by Brunck, and many others too numerous for particular notice. I may here, however, notice Flaxman's elegant II- luftrations of Homer and of iEfchylus, the fumptuous DURHAM. ' 109 folio containing Maii Fragmenta Homeri, and Mid- dleton's Life of Cicero. Of the earlier Impreffions of the Clarlics it is now high time to fpeak, left the impatient reader mould imagine fo important a branch of every collection had efcaped attention in this inftance. I haften then to prefent to his notice three valuable fpecimens of the Spira Prefs. Firft, then, in rarity as in worth, we have a perfect Copy of the Firft Edition of Tacitus, with the well- known Colophon of Vindelin de Spira, but without date. It is fuppofed, however, to have been printed in the year 1470. The prefent copy is found and fair, meafuring eleven and a half inches by feven and a half, and is bound in old Ruffia. Then follows the Firft Edition of Livy, with a date, it having been printed by Vindelin de Spira in 1470. This noble folio is ap- parently in its original binding, and having feveral rough leaves, we may conclude it never to have been morn of its fair dimenfions. It meafures, in fact, fix- teen inches by ten and a quarter, but it has been mournfully ftained in the beginning, where is written " D. D. Joannes Tempeft. Arm:" The interior is, however, remarkably found and fine. Next we have, from the fame printer, a Latin ver- fion of Strabo, a very found copy with fome illumi- nated capitals. It bears the date of 1472, with an intimation at its clofe, in Latin verfe, that its characters were " ImprefTos digitis Vindelianis." It meafures fifteen inches by ten and a half, and is bound in old calf. By the fide of the foregoing is appropriately placed a Latin Verfion of Herodotus, having the Pre- face at the end : according to the Colophon it was no CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. printed Venetiis, per Jacobum Rubeum, 1474, folio. It meafures eleven inches and three fifths by eight, and is bound in calf. We may next notice a very fine and found copy of the Etymologicum Magnum, from the Prefs of Calliergus at Venice, of the date of 1499. This noble folio meafures fifteen inches and a quarter by ten and feven eighths, and is bound in dark calf. A beautiful copy of the Aldine Plutarch of 1509, in two volumes folio, meafuring eleven inches and three fifths by feven and a half, bound in light calf; and a copy of Boethius de Confolatione Philofophia?, printed by John Koelhof of Lubeck at Cologne in 1482, folio, as frefh as if it had juft iffued from the prefs, next de- mand our attention. The latter Work is bound with an old Manufcript of fome portion of Thomas Aqui- nas, but there is another edition of 1481, in 4to. from the fame prefs, alfo in this Collection, though not in fuch " crackling " condition as that I have juft men- tioned. I proceed to notice a Latin tranflation of Ariftotle's Ethics, printed by Conrad Braen in the Univerfity of Louvain, in 1476, folio. This volume is in very fine condition, but is unfortunately imper- fect at the end. Alfo a thick folio volume, containing the following pieces : — 1. Diodori Siculi Hiftoriarum Libri VII. Latine Poggio Florentino Interprete, per Bartholomaeum Me- rula Venetiis, per Joannem de Tridino, 1496. 2. Ovidius de arte amandi, et de remedio amoris. Venetiis, per Barthol. Merula, 151 6. 3. Horatius cum Commentariis Acronis, &c. Ve- netiis, 1494. Imperfect at the end. 4. Perfius cum Commentariis, &c. Brixiae, per Johannem Britannicum, i486. DURHAM. in 5. Francifci Philelphi Epiftola?. XVII. Venetiis, per Joannem de Tridino, 1498. Having thus furveyed the earlier efforts of the Ita- lian prefs, it remains to notice the productions of the firft. Englifh printers, preferved in this Collection. Thefe rude and curious pieces are all contained in one fmall thick 4-to. volume, bound in old calf, and lettered merely " Caxton." The bookbinder feems in this inftance to have milled the accurate Thomas Rud, who from his manufcript notes contained in the volumes, evidently feems to confider all its contents as the work of the Father of the Englifh Prefs ; a mif- take which the adoption of Caxton's typographical infignia by his immediate fucceifor, Wynkyn de Worde, would naturally induce in one unacquainted with all thofe myfteries of black letter which the nineteenth century has developed. The Author of the Biblio- graphical Decameron has not failed to remark, III. 422, the difference of the type, and has correctly re- corded its contents ; his only inaccuracy confifting in the affertion that the fecond piece from the prefs of Caxton is perfect. The Volume itfelf contains five Treatifes ; three from the prefs of Caxton, originally published toge- ther, and two from that of Wynkyn de Worde, for- merly printed feparately. The Caxtonian morceaux occupy the firft portion, whereof : 1. "The firft treatyfe is named Orologium Sapi- ential ; " confifting of feven chapters, and concluding thus : " Thus endeth the Treatyfe of vii poyntes of " true love, and everlafting wifdom drawen of the " boke that is wryten in Laten named Orologium Sa- " piencie." " Emprynted at Weftmynfter." " Qui ii2 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. *' legit emendet, lprefforem non reprehendat." "Wyl- " lelmum Caxton cui Deus alta tradat." This firft Treatife wants three fheets out of twelve ; viz. K J (they are fo mifplaced, and J wants three leaves) and M. In the place of L there is put A, the firft lheet of the fecond Treatife. This firft Treatife begins upon fign. J iii, all the preceding pages having perifhed. 2. The fecond Tract commences with thefe words : " Here beginneth a little fhort treatife, &c," and con- cluding with, " Thus endeth the treatife fhewing the " vii Proffites of tribulacyon." On the reverfe of the laft leaf is the large device of Caxton. This Treatife contains XII. Chapters, but it wants two leaves in D, and meet A is bound up with the preceding Treatife of the Orologium Sapiential. 3. " The thyrde treatife fheweth the holy rule of " Saynt Benet which is right neceffary to be knowen " to al men and wymen of religion that underftonde no " laten which fheweth XXXIII poyntes to be ob- " ferved." "Emprinted at Weftmynftre by defiring of " certeyn worfhipfull perfones." The firft two leaves of this third Treatife are wanting. All thefe three Tracts of " divers fruitful and ghoftly matters," are in the fame rude Gothic type which was frequently ufed by Caxton. The two following Tracts are printed from a fount of black letter quite diffimilar to the preceding, but correfponding with that which is feen in the earlieft productions of Wynkyn de Worde. The firft Treatife, reprinted verbatim from Caxton's edition, is : 1. Of the four laft things, Death, Judgment, Hell, Heaven, tranflated from the French by Antony, Earl DURHAM. 113 Rivers, &c. " Regiftrum quaterno fy. "abcdefghikl m." Below the fubfcription juft quoted is the fmall device of Caxton as ufed by Wynkyn de Worde ; and on the following leaf is the wood-cut fubfcribed " Memorare Noviffima," by which name this Tract is commonly known. The Work itfelf confifts of eighty-eight leaves, numbered i to lxxxviii. exclufive of the two containing the table and the Prologue, and of the title and laft leaf. It is printed in double columns of black letter, and the prefent copy is defective only in the title. 2. The fecond Treatife in the Gothic character of Wynkyn de Worde is " The Rote or Myrrour of Confolation and Comforte," commencing with a Wood-cut of the elevation of the Hoft on fign. A i. This Book unfortunately lacks its latter half; " for " whereas the author propofes to fpeak of twenty fruits " or Confolations of Tribulation, the laft ten, with " part of the eleventh, are wanting," remarks Thomas Rud in his moft neat and legible Manufcript Notes, and it is with a figh that fucceeding librarians concur in the accuracy of his obfervations, feeing that this Tract is one of the moll: uncommon productions of De Worde's Prefs. Of other early printed Englifh Books I remarked a copy of Lydgate's Bocace, printed by Richard Tottel, without date, bound up with Gower's Confeffio Aman- tis, printed by Berthelet in 1554, both in folio, and in their priftine ftate, albeit a little fcribbled on. Apropos of fcribbling, this Library contains Ton- ftall's own copy of Budasus de Affe, printed at Paris in 1508, folio, with his autographic mark of owner- ship, " Sum Tonftalli," being the very book he ufed 1 ii4 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. in compofing his Treatife, De arte Supputandi, and containing the manufcript notes made by him on its perufal. This interefting copy is, however, unfortu- nately, imperfect at the end. There is alfo another edition of the Works of Budaeus, with the Commen- taries of Afcenfius, bearing date 1529, alfo in folio; and TonftalPs own Work, De Arte Supputandi, 1522, 4to. In this Collection is a copy of the celebrated French Teftament by the Theologians of Louvain, in which "The Mafs" is interpolated in Acts xiii. and "Purga- tory," in 1 Cor. iii: printed at Bordeaux, 1686. I remarked a fine old folio, Lyndewode's Provin- ciate, with the date of M.CCCCXXXIII, inflead of 1483, the numeral L having evidently lapfed through the carelefTnefs of the printer, as in the famous De- cor Puellarum of Nicolas Jenfon. By the fide of this ftands another copy of the Provinciale, with the date of 1 50 1, alfo in folio. In General Literature, I can only particularife Bayle's Dictionary, Gruter's Infcriptions, Picart's Religious Ceremonies, Chandler's Marmora Oxonienfia, and Vaillant's Numifmata, recommending to thofe who wifh for further information, ocular infpection of the books themfelves. The 520 Manufcripts in this Collection are all which remain of that ancient Library, whofe foundation is coeval with that of the Cathedral itfelf, and whofe treafures were augmented with the power and influ- ence of the Church of Durham. The monotonous exigence of the monk was enlivened by the diligence of the fcribe, whofe marginal drolleries and quaint de- DURHAM. 115 vices relieve the weary eye, and remind us of the re- creations of the Cloifter. The volumes thus accumulated muft have been of effential fervice in diffufing over the wide diftricl: of Northumbria the light of knowledge and the bleflings of religion. The feven Cells of Durham, at Holy Ifland, Wearmouth, Jarrow, and the Farn Iflands, at Litham in Lancashire, and Stamford in Northampton- fhire, appear to have partaken largely of thefe advan- tages. Upon the fuppreffion of the Monasteries whofe revenues were under 200/. a-year, by the 27th of Henry the Eighth, many of the books which belonged to the Church of Durham were removed by royal command, and are now to be found in the Britifh Mu- feum. The mod valuable of thefe fpolia "opima" appears to have been St. Cuthbert's Copy of the Gof- pels, now in that vaft repofitory. Of the Manufcripts which remain at Durham, Thomas Rud, fometime Librarian of that Cathedral, compiled a moil: accurate Catalogue, which has been ably edited by the Rev. James Raine, the prefent Li- brarian. This Impreffion was taken off for the ufe of the ecclefiaflical body to whom the Manufcripts be- long, only fifty copies being expofed for public fale. As the volume is not in everybody's hands* although eafily attainable, I have given its title, as it runneth, thus : " Codicum Manufcriptorum Ecclefice Cathedralis " Dunelmenfis Catalogus Clafficus, defcriptus a Tho- " ma Rud, ejufdem ecclefias bibliothecario ; cum Ap- " pendice eos Codices continente qui poffc Catalogum n6 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " confectum diverfis temporibus comparati funt. Dun- " elmias, excudebat F. Humble, proftat venalis apud " G. Andrews, venit etiam Londini apud Payne and " Fofs, 1825." The Appendix of Manufcripts purchafed by the Dean and Chapter of Durham at different periods lince Mr. Rud compiled his Catalogue is entirely from the pen of Mr. James Raine, and renders this workman- like folio a moft ufeful companion to the Library. There are two ancient Catalogues of the Manufcripts preferved in this Library ; the one entitled, " Vetus " CatalogusLibrorum qui in Armariolo Eccleiice Cathe- " dralis Dunelmenfis olim habebantur."* The other was compiled in 1391, continued in 1395, and con- cluded in 1 41 6, with a note at the end of a few books fent in 1422 to Stamford for the ufeof the Cell there. This volume is written upon vellum, in folio, and is bound in calf. Its title is as follows : — " Le Spendement." " Ifti libri infrafcripti inventi fuerunt in comuni Ar- " mariolo Dunelm. infra SpendimentuminrecerTu ffra- " tris drii Roberti de Langfcheff ' ab officio librarie ad " offic' fferetrarie. Et liberati ifatri WilPmo de Ap- " pelby circa feftum purific' beate Virginis Marie Anno " dni Mileffimo. ccc. nonagefimo primo."*f' Of this volume feventeen leaves appear to have been written in 1391, fixteen in 1395, and the remaining eleven in 1416. Its contents are extremely intereft- ing, as fhewing in what the literature of that period confifhed, and affording abundant evidence of the in- * Cat. Codd. MSS. Dunelm. p. 204, and 210-14. t Appendix in Cat. p. 430-5. DURHAM. 117 terchange of information which then fubfifted not only between Durham and its dependant Cells, but alfo between that place and Oxford, and other feats of learning. Thefe confiderations induced the author of the pre- fent work to fuperintend the publication of this docu- ment by the Surtees Society, whofe object is to throw light upon the literary hiftory of Northumbria, and to facilitate the ftudy of antiquity from the Humber to the Tweed. In this Catalogue the firft word of the fecond leaf are fpecified as certain indicia by which different tran- fcripts of the fame Codex may be diftinguifhed from each other ; and it is pleafant to find at this diftance of time, a Membranaceous Evangeliftarium, feu "Qua- " tuor Evangelia de manu Bede ii fo. Baptizatus," anfwering with the firft word of its fecond leaf " Bap- " tizatus " to the indication in this ancient Catalogue. Partly in the fame handwriting alfo appears, " Caffi- " odorus fuper Pfalterium de manu Bedas," whereof the heft account I can give will be in the ipiiffima verba of the fagacious Thomas Rud : " Pulchre fcrip- " tus eft hie Codex lineis divifis, Uteris mediocribus " Saxonicis ; et quidem ipiius Venerabilis Beda? manu, " fi fides habenda eft huic nota? in fronte libri pofita? : " * Cafliodorus fup. Pfalterium de manu bede.' Eft " quidem hasc nota libro ipfo multo recentior ; neque " fcripta, ut videtur, ante annos 400 : Sed indicat fal- " tern quodnam fuerit Monachorum Dunelmenfium " eo tempore de hoc Codice judicium : quidquid illis " de ea re traditum fuit. Neque fane temere rejici- " enda eft hujufmodi traditio. Dunelmenfes enim " Monachi, qui Girvenlium (e quorum numero Beda n8 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " fuit) propago fuere, quique fumma veneratione il- " lius memoriam colebant, melius quam ulli alii Vitas " ejus hiftoriam refcire poterant. " Et quidem ipfa Codicis Scriptura ad earn aetatem '■' alTurgere videtur." And after giving his reafons for this opinion, adds, " Si autem a Beda defcriptus " fit, fecit id ille proculdubio Juvenis adhuc ; priuf- " quam accingeret fe ad libros (quos plurimos fcripfit) " fuo Marte componendos. Itaque alTurgere videtur " hie Codex ad initium fasculi octavi ; mortuus eft " enim Beda, fexagenario major, a. d. 735. Habet " itaque minimum mille annos." * It may be imagined that, under the impreffion that the handwriting of the Venerable Bede was a&ually before my eyes, I turned over the leaves of thefe an- cient volumes with little lefs veneration than that with which I handled the Codex Bezae in the Public Li- brary at Cambridge. Among the other ancient Manufcripts of this Mo- nastic Library, are found feveral Latin Bibles, particu- larly one by St. Jerome in four large volumes, many portions of the Holy Scriptures, feveral Pfalters, Ka- lendars, and a MiiTal, together with numerous Glories, Concordances, Commentaries, and Homilies, by va- rious authors. It may be here remarked that the oldeft Manufcript in the Library is a Latin Ritual, A. iv. 1 9,+ written, according to Wanley,J by the fame hand which penned St. Cuthbert's Copy of the Gofpels, now in the Britifh Mufeum.§ There is alfo a copy of John, * Cat. Codd. MSS. Dunelm. p. 128-9. t Ibid. p. 71. £ Antiq. Litt. Septentrion. p. 295. § Among the Cottonian MSS. marked " Nero, D. IV." Confult Raine's St. Cuthbert, pp, 34, 35, 46, 47, 78, and 229. DURHAM. 119 Luke and Mark, A. II. 17,* of nearly equal antiquity, which doubtlefs formed a part of the original Monaf- tic Library of Lindisfarne. The mafs of Theological Literature is necerTarily great, but a few of the leading names will fuffice to indicate its importance, finding as we do in this truly venerable Collection, the Works of St. Ambrofe, St. Anfelm, Thomas Aquinas, St. Athanafius, St. Auguf- tine, Bede, St. Chryfoltom, St. Cyprian, Eufebius, St. Jerome, Gregory, Ifidore, Origen, Tertullian, and of many other Heads and Fathers of the Church. A Copy of fo much of Lyra's Commentary as refer, to the Pentateuch, and other hiftorical books of the Old Teftament, from Genelis to the beginning of Job, written by William de Stiphel in the year 1 386,-^- affords decidedly the beft fpecimen of what could be done in Durham in the way of Illumination at that period. The remaining part of Lyra's Commentary forms a feparate volume, A. I. 4, and was written by a Monk of the name of Borrowby. Of Claffical Literature the lift is not fo copious. It can, however, boafl of the names of Ariftotle and Plato, the former accompanied by the Commentaries of Averrois, alfo of Boethius and Prudentius, of Galen and Hippocrates, together with all the Epigrams of Martial, the Proverbs of Seneca, Suetonius de Vita Casfarum, C. III. 18, which has been collated by Mr. Rud in the Claffical Journal, Vol. ix. pp. 143 and 386, ; and a few pieces of Cicero. There is of courfe much interesting matter relating * Cat. Codd. MSS. Dunelm. pp. 18, 19. f Ibid, pp. 3, 4, A. I. 3, and Raine's St. Cuthbert, p. 131, where a fac-fimile of one of the Initial letters is given. i2o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. to Englifh Hiftory, and efpecially to that of the Pala- tinate and Church of Durham, in thofe Manufcripts, to fay nothing of original Charters, and other valuable documents. There are alfo fome Ecclefiaftical and Scholaftic Hiftories. To a particular account of the Benedictine order may be added the Lives of Gildas and St. Ofwald, and among other illuftrations of early Englifh Hiftory, may be mentioned Nennii Hiftoria Britonum ; Genealogia? Regum Saxonicorum in Britannia; Series Chronologica cum brevi Hiftoria Epifcoporum Anglias and the Cro- nica Britannie a Bruto ad annum 1 347. The Works of Jofephus are the laft of thefe ancient Manufcripts I now propofe to notice, and proceed to confider the additions made by the Dean and Chapter to this their moft ancient Library, efpecially as thefe happen to include a work of lingular intereft with re- lation to the Church of Durham. The title of this Manufcript runneth thus, " Reginaldi Monachi Du- " nelmenfis Libellus Autograph, de admirandis Beati " Cuthberti Virtutibus qua? novellis patratas funt tem- " poribus, fcilicet poll; Bedam ; fcriptus ad iEtheldre- dum Abbatum Rhievallenfem." circa annum 1170. The entire Work contains 140 Chapters, a complete abftract of which may be feen in Appendix to the Ca- talogue of the MSS. of the Dean and Chapter, p. 399-411. "The publication of Reginald," obferves Mr. Raine, " notwithftanding his abfurdities, would " throw much light upon the hiftory of the northern " counties, connected with a period, relative to which " the fources of information are fo few." It has been with great propriety felected as one of the earlieft publications of the Surtees Society. DURHAM. 121 The Manufcripts purchafed by the Dean and Chap- ter confifts chiefly of Tranfcripts by Dr. Hunter, of Records relating to the See of Durham, and of Col- lections relating to the Churches of Northumberland, by the fame hand. Thefe, together with Dr. Bafire's Letters, and other original and mifcellaneous documents, chiefly relating to Durham, collected and indexed by Dr. Hunter,* as well as the copy of Reginald already mentioned ; and fome other papers of leiTer note were purchafed of the Executors of Dr. Hunter, in 1756, for 40 guineas. To thefe were added in 1823, the Hiftorical, Heraldic, and Topographical Collections relating to Durham, formed by the late Mr. Allan, of Grange, which were fold by his fon to the Dean and Chapter for ^150, together with the " Collectanea ad Statum Civilem et " Ecclefiafticum Comitatus Dunelmenfis, &c. fpectan- " tia," formed by the Rev. Thomas Randall, and by him bequeathed to the late Mr. Allan, of Grange. -j- If to the above be added a Collection of the Statutes of feveral Colleges and Cathedrals, a tolerably correct idea may be formed of all the additions made to the ancient Manufcripts belonging to the Church of Dur- ham. The curious reader will learn with pleafure, that in the private Library attached to the Epifcopal Palace will be found a valuable Manufcript of the Poems of Chaucer. * For fome account of this Dr. Hunter, fee Nichols' Literary Anec- dotes, and Surtees' Hijiory of Durham, iii. t Some amufing literary chit-chat concerning this gentleman, the productions of whofe private prefs are familiar to moft topographical collectors, will be found in Nichols' Literary Anecdotes. 122 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. In conclufion, I may be forgiven for mentioning ano- ther book, though not immediately connected with the Library. I mean, " Saint Cuthbert, with an account " of the ftate in which his remains were found upon " the opening of his Tomb in Durham Cathedral, in " the year 1827, by the Rev. James Raine, M.A. Rec- " tor of Meldon, Principal Surrogate of the Confiftory " Courts of Durham, and Librarian of Durham Ca- " thedral. Durham, printed by F. Humble, 1828," 4to. Of this Work fifty copies were taken off upon large paper, fome of which Mr. Thomfon, an ingeni- ous upholfterer of Durham, is now engaged in illu- minating after the original Lawfon MS. Life of St. Cuthbert, by Bede, and the relics of that Saint now preferved in the Library. Much of the preliminary matter of this Work might have been fpared, being already incorporated in the Hiftory of North Durham, upon which Mr. Raine has been for fome time engaged, and of which the firfi: portion is already before the public. Undoubtedly Mr. Raine has given to the world the moft rational account of Saint Cuthbert which has hitherto appeared, and has completely exploded the fuperftitious tale of the incorruptibility of his body. In an age remarkable for credulity, it was not fur- prifing that a ftory, however contrary to experience, mould be generally believed; but the prefent admirable illuftration of the writings of Reginald and Bede has traced the mortal remains of the Patron Saint of Dur- ham through all their feveral ftages, and thrown the cleareft light upon all the doubtful points connected with the hiftory of Saint Cuthbert. It is much to be regretted that the interefting invef- DURHAM. 123 tigation Mr. Raine has fo minutely detailed, was con- dueled with fo much precipitancy, and without pre- vious information obtained from the Manufcript of Reginald. This moft valuable document, of which Mr. Raine has fubfequently made fuch good ufe, is, I think, in his narrative rather too far feparated from the corro- boration which the actual examination fo happily af- fords it ; for the ordinary reader, bearing in his mind the interesting parTages in italics, looks forward fo im- patiently for the opening of the tomb as to wifh the accumulation of relics at St. Cuthbert's fhrine had been fomewhat lefs, and be tempted to fkip at once from page 117 to 171. Valuable to the local anti- quary as are the details furnifhed by thefe pages, I cannot help fo far concurring with the ignorant im- patience manifefted above, as to fuggeft that a very confiderable portion of the records relative to the fhrine of St. Cuthbert might have been transferred to the Appendix, without any chance of diminifhing the popularity of the Work itfelf. 124 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. JLtbrarp of €!?♦ HE Library of the Dean and Chapter of Ely is contained in a commodious and well lighted apartment, formed by the enclofure of the eaft aifle of the Cathedral for that purpofe in 1 8 1 4. The books are all placed upon open fhelves, and are chiefly attired in the dufky garb of former years, with paper labels on their backs, and are protected from damp by the heat of a ftove. This Collection is placed under the care of the Rev. George Millers, one of the Minor Canons of the Cathedral, whofe diligence is attefted by a printed Catalogue, under the following title : " Catalogus Li- " brorum qui in Bibliotheca Cathedralis Elienfis ad- " fervantur. 18 15." In this volume the books are briefly, yet correctly enumerated under the feveral departments of know- ledge to which they relate. That of Theology is, as might naturally be expected, the moft copious, occu- pying 69 pages, out of the 138 of which the entire volume is compofed. With this important feature in the Library, I will commence my account of its con- tents, giving precedence to the impremons of the Sacred Volume, the moft remarkable of which are ELY. 125 Walton's Polyglott, with Caftell's Lexicon. Kennicott's Hebrew Bible. Vetus Teftamentum Gr. e Codice Alexandrino, cura Grabe. Oxonii, 1707-19, 2 vols, folio. Vetus Teftamentum Gr. LXX, ed. Holmes, &c. Oxon. 1804, &c. 6 vols, folio. Novum Teftamentum, e Th. Beza. Cantab. 1642, folio. Novum Teftamentum, Millii. Oxonii, 1707, folio. Novum Teftamentum, Wetfteinii. Amft. 1751, 2 vols, folio. Novum Teftamentum, e Codice Alexandrino, cura Woide. Lond. 1786, folio. Biblia Latina, Caftalionis. Bafil. 1 551, folio. Biblia Latina, Tremellii & Junii. Hanov. 1624, fol. with feveral Englifh verlions of the Bible, of little note, and none earlier than 1607. I muft not however omit to mention the Acta Apof- tolorum Gr. et Lat. Uteris majufculis e Codice Laudi- ano, edente Thoma Hearne, Oxonii, 171 5, roy. 8vo. Of Biblical Commentators, the number is very great - ; but the names of Le Clerc, Erafmus, Prideaux, Kid- der, Patrick, Lowth, Whitby, Pococke, Michaelis, Pearce, Stanhope, and Macknight, may be felecled as fit reprefentations of the crowd from which they have been taken. The Critici Sacri and Pole's Synppfis are of courfe included in this department. Of Concordances it may be fufficient to mention thofe of Buxtorf, Stephens, and Taylor ; and of Litur- gies there are feveral examples, from the Romifh Ri- tual to the Englifh Common Prayer. Of the Fathers of the Church, this Library may boaft of a copious and valuable felection, including the 126 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Works of SS. Ambrofe, Athanafius, Auguftine, Bafil, Benedict, Bernard, Chryfoftom, Clement, Cyprian, Cyril, Epiphanius, Eufebius, the Gregories, Jerome, Irenaeus, Ifidore, and Juftin Martyr, together with thofe of Lactantius, Origen, Philo Juda?us, Tertullian, and Theodoret. To which may be added, Cotelerii, SS. Patrum Apoftolicorum Opera, edente Clerico. Amft. 1724, 2 vols, folio. Grabii Spicilegium, SS. Patrum, &c. Oxon. 1699, 8vo. Wake's Epiftles of the Apoftolical Fathers. Lond. 17 10, 8vo. Cave's Lives of the Primitive Fathers, &c. Lond. 1683-4, in 3 vols, folio. Of Theological Writers during the later ages, the Works contained in this Library are fo numerous, and many of the names of fo little note, that I will not fatigue the reader by attempting to recount them. Among the Latin Authors, I may mention Thomas Aquinas, Bellarmine, Bochart, Bull, Calvin, Grotius, Limborch, and Pearfon ; and among the Works of Englim Divines, may give precedence to thofe of Bar- row, Bingham, Bramhall, Chillingworth, Clarke, Fleetwood, Hall, Hammond, Jackfon, Jewell, Leflie, Lightfoot, Mede, Jeremy Taylor, and Tillotfon. Of the other Theological Works, I may adduce thofe of Addifon, Allix, Balguy, Bentley, Boyle, Burnet, But- ler, Conybeare, Hervey, Hoadley, Hooker, Hooper, Jewel, Kettlewell, Leland, Lowth, Patrick, Sherlock, Stillingfleet, Uiher, and Warburton, as a fair fpecimen of the whole. In conclufion, a few French Works on Divinity, and a formidable phalanx of Sermons by various authors, bring up the rear of this fedtion of the Library. ELY. 127 In this place it may be right to mention the Synop- fis Canonum of Howel, and Beveregii Pandecta? Ca- nonum, together with the Concilia Generalia of Labbe, &c. the Concilia Britannica of Spelman, and the Concilia Magna? Britannia? et Hibernian of Wilkins. Thefe three laft-mentioned Works naturally lead us to the Works connected with Ecclenaftical Hiftory, which are found in this Collection. Among thefe I may enumerate Baronii Annales Ecclefiaftici. Paris. 1609-59, 12 vols, folio. Beds Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Anglicana. Cantab. 1722, folio. Eufebii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica. Paris. 1678, folio. Gibfon's Codex Juris Ecclefiaftici. Lond. 171 3, 2 vols, folio. Godwin de Pra?fulibus Anglian. Cantab. 1743, fol. Jofephi Opera Omnia. Geneva?, 161 1, folio. Le Neve, Fafti Ecclefia? Anglicana?. Lond. 17 16, fol. Parker de Antiquitate Ecclefia? Britannica?. Lond. 1729, folio. UfTerii Britannicarum Ecclefiarum Antiquitates. Lond. 1687, folio. Whartoni Anglia Sacra. Lond. 1691, 2 vols, folio. Stillingfleet, Origines Britannica?. Lond. 1685, fol. Burnet's Hiftory of the Reformation. Lond. 1679- 171 5, 3 vols, folio. Strype's Annals of the Reformation. Lond. 1709- 25, 2 vols, folio. And Fox's Acts and Monuments of the Church. Lond. 1684, 3 vols, folio. Which with The Church Hiftory of Britain by Creffy, Collier, Fuller, Inett, and Lloyd ; the Ecclefiaftical Hiftories 128 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. of Du Pin, Echard, Milner, and Moiheim, together with Spotifwood's Hiftory of the Church of Scotland, form the principal features of this department. In Works of General Hiftory this Collection is not rich. It porTerles, however, Heylyn's Cofmography, the Hiftory of the World by Howell, and Raleigh, the Ancient and Modern Univerfal Hiftory, Mitford's Hiftory of Greece, the Roman Hiftories of Hooke and Fergufon, Maurice's Hindoftan, and Indian Antiqui- ties, Du Halde's China, and the Turkifh Hiftory by Knolles and Rycaut. As helps to Hiftory, I may notice the Chronology of Newton, and Playfair, and the Geography of Cel- larius, Cluverius, Strabo, and Wells, together with the travels of Chandler, Pennant, Ray, and Spon. As important adjuncts to Hiftory, I may alfo men- tion feveral works of Antiquities, but none of fufficient importance to merit particular enumeration, and a few Numifmatic Works, including Arbuthnot's Tables of Coins, and Fleetwood's Chronicon Preciofum ; alfo the following Biographical Works : — Strype's Lives ; Kippis's Biographia Britannica; Walton's Lives ; Ful- ler's Worthies; Holland's Horologia Anglica; Wood's Athenas Oxonienfis ; Wordfworth's Ecclefiaftical Bio- graphy ; Bowers's Lives of the Popes ; and the Gene- ral Biographical Dictionary. In Works relating to the Hiftory and Antiquities of England, this Library is fortunate in pofTefting the Hif- tories of England by Milton, Kennett, Rapin, Hume, Smollett, and Adolphus, Rufhworth's Hiftorical Col- lections ; Whitelocke's Memorials ; Clarendon's Re- bellion; Baker's Chronicle; Lyttelton'sHenrylL; Her- bert's Henry VIII. ; Carleton's Letters ; Davies's Celtic ELY. 129 Refearches ; Triveti Annales Sex, cura Hall, Oxon. 17 1 9, 8vo.; Matthasi Weftmonafterienfis Flores Hif- toriarum, Francof. 1601, folio.; Matthasi Paris Hifto- ria Anglicana, edente Wats, Lond. 1684; Gale and Fell, Hiftorias Anglicanas Scriptores XV. Oxon. 1684- 91, 3 vols, folio; Sheringham de Anglorum gentis origine, Cantabr. 1670, 8vo. ; Bates, Elenchus Mo- tuum, Lond. 1663, 8vo.; and the Fructus Temporum, with the Chronycles of Englonde, Imprynted at Lon- don by Wynkyn de Worde, 1 520, folio ; together with the following valuable Pieces, edited by the indefati- gable Thomas Hearne : — Gulielmi Neubrigenfis Chronica Rerum Anglica- rum. Oxon. 171 9, 3 vols. 8vo. Hearne's Textus Roffenfis. Oxonii, 1720, 8vo. Roberti de Avefbury, Hiftoria Edvardi III. Oxon. 1720, 8vo. Thorns Sprotti Chronica. Oxonii, 171 9, 8vo. Joannis de Fordun. Scoti Chronicon. Oxonii, 1722, in 5 vols. 8vo. upon large paper. Titi Livii Foro-Judienfis Vita Henrici V. Oxon. 1726, 8vo. To which may be added all the works publifhed under the authority of the Record Commiffion, which are pre- fented as they appear to every Cathedral Library. Among the Works relating to Britifh Antiquities, thofe mod deferving of notice are, Verftegari's Resti- tution of decayed Intelligence ; Hearne's Difcourfes, Oxford, 1720, 8vo. ; Willis's Mitred Abbies and Ca- thedral Churches ; Tanner's Notitia Monaftica by Na- fmith, 1744; Dugdale'sMonafticonAnglicanum, Lond. 1755-61-73, in 3 vols, folio; Camdeni Britannica by Gibfon ; Sammes's Antiquities of Ancient Britain ; K i 3 o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Stukeley's Palaeographia Britannica; Battely's Anti- quitates Rutupinas ; Stow's London ; Morton's Nor- thampton fhire ; Gunton's Peterborough Cathedral ; Dart's Canterbury Cathedral ; Bentham's Ely, both editions : Millers' Ely Cathedral, both editions ; Maf- ters's Corpus Chrifti College, Cambridge; Lewis's Ifle of Tenet ; and Borlafe's Cornwall. In Engliih Literature this Collection does not pre- fent anything worthy of notice. It contains, however, the Works of Pope, Swift, Addifon, and Goldfmith, the feries of Britifh EfTayifts in 1 2mo. the Plays of Shakefpeare, Beaumont and Fletcher, Congreve and Dryden, the Poems of Chaucer, Cowley, Milton, Prior, Spenfer and Waller, and Butler's Hudibras. Of Claffical Literature, however, the Collection is much more copious, embracing all the moil: efteemed authors, though it can boaft none of the firft, and few of the beft editions, unlefs Hierocles, Gr. & Lat. Cur- terii, Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis Harduini, Athenseus Cafauboni, Demofthenes Taylori, Stanley's iEfchylus, Barnes's Euripides, & Potter's Lycophron, be confidered as exceptions to the latter part of the above remark. Of the principal Works in Claffic Literature, the following feem to me chiefly deferving of notice. Antoninus, Gatakeri. Cant. 1652, 4to. Ariftotelis Opera, Du Valli. Paris. 1629, 2 vols. fol. Ciceronis Opera, Lambini. Lutet. 1572-8, 8 v. 8vo. Ammianus Marcellinus, Gronovii. Lugd. Bat. 1693, 4*0. Homeri Opera, cum Comment. Euftathii. Bafil. 1559, 3 vols. fol. Demofthenes, iEfchines et Ifocrates, Wolrii. Fran- cof. 1604, & 1593, folio. ELY. 131 "Longinus, Toupii& Ruhnkenii. Oxonii, 1778, 4to. Platonis Opera, Serrani. Paris. 1578, 3 vols, folio. Thucydides, Hudfoni. Oxonii, 1696, folio. Salluftius Hiftoria? a WafTe. Cantab. 17 10, 41:0. Poets Gra?ci Principes a Stephano. Paris. 1566, fol. Corpus Poetarum Latinorum a Maittaire. Lond. 171 3, 2 vols, folio ; and a confiderable number of the Delphin ClarTics. Of Etymological Works, fo clofely connected with the preceding department, this Collection contains Buxtorf's Hebrew Lexicon, the Greek Lexica of Sca- pula, Hederic, Hefychius and Suidas, Stephani The- faurus utriufque Lingua?, Hickes's Thefaurus Septen- trionalis, the GlofTary of Du Frefne, Cotgrave's French and Englifh Dictionary, Lluyd's Archasologia Britan- nica. Oxon. 1707, folio; Spelmanni GlorTarium Ar- chceologium, Lond. 1664, folio; Skinneri, Etymolo- gicum Anglicanum, Lond. 1671, folio; with feveral Grammars of various languages. In conclufion, I may remark that a few Works on Mathematical Science, and Moral Philofophy, feveral Works of Jurifprudence, including the Statutes at large, with a few Works on Bibliography, including Fabricii Bibliotheca Grasca et Latina, and a fair propor- tion of mifcellaneous authors, make up the comple- ment of the Library attached to the Cathedral of Ely. It will be feen, therefore, from the foregoing re- marks, that this Collection is chiefly of a Theological character, and that it alfo contains many valuable Hif- torical Works, particularly fuch as relate to Englifh Hiftory, and a fair proportion of Claffics ; though the faftidious Bibliomaniacs will here look in vain for any Editiones Principes, or for any other of the earlier ef- forts of the Prefs. 3 2 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. JLtbrarp of <&xtttv< -~HIS venerable Collection was formerly fuffered to remain in the Lady Chapel, expofed to the inroads of idle curiofity, and fubjecl: to the chilling influence of damp and neglect. The Dean and Chapter however at length became fenfible of the duty of affording due protection to the literary property committed to their care for the benefit of pofterity, and with commendable difcretion configned their Ma- nufcripts to the care of their Chapter Clerk, and de- pofited their printed books in the Chapter-houfe. Of thefe Manufcripts it will be my province firft to fpeak, both on account of their curiofity and high an- tiquity ; and for the gratification of the curious reader have much fatisfaction in prefenting to him a literal copy of " A Catalogue of the Manufcripts in the Li- " brary of the Cathedral Church of Exeter. Taken " from Dean Lyttelton's and Mr. White's Memoranda, " examined with the books. September, 1 8 1 1 . " RALPH BARNES." i . Mifcellanea Leofrici, &c. Charadere Saxonico. 2. Rabanus Maurus de Computo, de variis rebus aftronomicis. Charadere Saxonico. Ifidorus Hif- palenfis de rerum natura. EXETER. 133 3. Legenda Joan. Grandifon. Ep'. Exon. in ufum Eccl. Cath. Exon. vol. i. 4. Legenda Joan. Grandifon. 1328 to 1370, vol. ii. 5. Euclidis eleganter fcriptus, continens Elemen- torum Libri xv. Latine cum figuris Gordani. 1235, Arith. Libri X. Boetii de Mufica Lib. v. definit Lib. v. Cap. 19. 6. Mi/Tale Vetus, Uteris illuminatis. 7. Hiftoria Polychronica. 8. Sermones Dominicales, et Fell;' flip' Evang', p. circul' an' per Jac.' archiep' Januenfem. 9. Epiftola? Decret' Roman' Pontificum a Clemento I mo . ad Gregorium I mum . 10. Pfalterium Vetus Romanum, cum Calendario, et rerum memorabilium Cronicio. 1 1. Collectanea (Lib. Gallicus) anonyma, Boccaccio de Geneal' Deorum. Lib. xin. 12. Pontificale Edmundi Lacy, Ep. Exon. 1420. 13. Ricardi Ullerftoni Defenforium. 14. MiiTale Vetus. 4to. 15. Mifcellanea, Methodius Martyr de fine feculi Genealogia ab Adamo ad Edw. fil. Hen. Reg. De Adventu Anglorum in Britanniam, cum ge- nealogia Regum. De Sancto Ofwaldo. De Ge- neal' Reg' Franc'. De Traniitu Ven' Bedae Speculum Mundi Geneal' ab Adamo ad Bru- tum et ad Cadwalled. ultim' Reg' Britan'. Et Geneal' afcendens a GrifTorio ad Adam, Et a Cyprio ad Brutum. Et Anglo' et Normannos. De Longitudine et Latitudine. De Reg' a Bruto ad Cadwalled. De Concordia Maris et Lunas. 16. Anfelmi Traclatus de Veritate et de libro Ar- 34 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. bitrio. De Cafu Diaboli et EpirV de Incarna- tione. Cur Deus Homo ? Lib. 2. De Conceptu Virginali et originali Peccato. De Sacrificio Arymi et Termentati. Quomodo Grammaticus fit fubftanter et qualiter. Abbatis cujufdam EpifV ad Sanctum fub cujus nomine regit Ecclefiam. Oratio Monachorum ad S. Benedictum. S. Abro- fias de myfteriis Lanfranci. Dial' cum Berca- gario Lib. Guimundi de corpore et fang' Do- mini. Explicatio fidei Xtianas. 4to. imperfect. 17. Joannis Scogardi ludicra poemata, cum Epift. ac univers. Oxon. De Eccles' B. Mar' Ottery facta Collegiata. Statuta Eccl. S.Crucis Crediton, per Tho' Button, Jo. Grandifon, Ed. Lacy. Exon. Expos, adjut quaedam de re medica. 18. Anonymus de re medica. 19. Liber Obitualis Cuftodis et Collegii Vicariorum Eccles' Cath' Exon. Temp. Hen. VI. 20. Qusftiones Theologies, cum Refponfis. 21. Liber Obitualis Ecclef Cath' Exon. Martyro- logium Romanum. Imperfect. 22. Anonymus de Pharmacis, et re medica. Breve Compendium xip. 8 Lib. Phyfic m . Ariftotelis. 23. Liber Chartarum et formarum Indent' adjecta quasdam de re Heraldica. 24. Treatife of the Power of Godlinefs, &c. by Jo- feph Lee, of Antigua. 1654. 25. Leicester's Commonwealth. (This has been printed.) 26. Sermons in Italian, Latin, and Spanifh. 27. A Brief Collection of Armory, efpecially of Cornwall and Devon. 28. Calendarium Hifpanicum. EXETER. 135 29. Paraphrafa fopra lo' Ecclefiaftes de Salomoni par Giovan. Antonio Thenice. 30. Statuta Collegii Baliolens' Oxon. 31. A Moderate Examination of the Hugonots' Doctrine. Caen. 1590, Tranflation. 32. Mifcellanea. Speech delivered to the King by Sheriffs of London ; the Poor Man's Petition to the King, 1 604; the Catholics' Supplication to the King ; a Speech in French, by Monf. Fontaine, in behalf of foreigners, with the King's anfwer ; Certain Objections anfwered by Ho. of Com. in behalf of Francis Godwin ; Outlin'd Copy of the King's Letter to the Parliament ; Objections againfl: changing the ftyle of England to Great Britain ; Sir W. Raleigh's Letter to the King ; Letter to the King, by Burgefs, Prifoner in y e Fleet ; Letter from Inhabitants of y e Citye ; Pe- tition of Northamptonshire Gentry ; Petition of Twenty-two Preachers in London, 1605 ; King's Letter to Archbifhop of Canterbury ; Lord Keeper Ellefmere to Effex ; Earl Marshall's An- fwer ; King's Speech in Parliament, 1605; Ad- vertifements ; Paper fet up at Warwick, by Pa- pifts, on Execution of Everard Digby ; Articles of Peace between England and Spain, 1605. So far numbered by Mr. White. ( 33. Conftitutiones Synodales facto anno 1287, per Petrum de Quivil Exon' Epifcopum, cum In- ftrumento confirmationis per Archiepifcopum. N. B. This book in Dean Lyttelton's time was miffing, and was rejhred to the Church (not given as faid in the firfl leaf thereof) by Chanter Snow. There is a duplicate in the Exchequer Chamber. MSS. of little value. 136 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 34. Pii Secundi Bulla, cum MSS. additions. 35. Quintilianus de Oratore. 36. Geographia. 37. QuaefHones Theologies cum Refponfis. 38. Tyrocinium logico Ariftotelium. 39. Geometrical Notes on Euclid, &c. 40. Liber Triftram Rifdon, being fome account of the chief families in Devon, Dorfet, Somerfet, and Cornwall, with their Coats of Arms, &c. Books mentioned in Dean Lyttelton's Catalogue taken from that printed at Oxford, of the MSS. in the kingdom, p. 55, feq. and which Lyttelton fays were miffing at the time he made the Catalogue, circa 1752, one only of them, QuiviPs ConfKtutions, was reftored in 176- by Chanter Snow. 3. Dictionar. feu Gloffarium Latinum, mutilum. 5. Ciceronis Rhetorica Liber elegantiffime fcriptus. 7. Cicero de fato. fomnium Scipionis ; Macrobius in fomnium Scipionis ; Tima?us Platonis adjici- tur; Tract.' de mort. apoftol' ceu de Porno. 10. G. G. Biblioru' Lat' ex verf B. Hyeronimi. eheu ! Volumina mutilata. 16. Genealogia Reg' AngF et de Gul' Baftardo et cet' Regibus Angl' fuccedentibus. 17. Dares Phrygius de Hiftoria Trojanorum. 18. Hiftoria Britonum tranflata e Britannica lingua in Latinam. 19. Henrici Archidiaconi de Huntingdon Hiftoria Anglorum. 20. Hiftoria Ricardi dicti fine timore ducis Nor- mannie, et cet due' fucc'. 44. Judge Hales' Speech concerning the Succeffion of the Crown in Parliament, on behalf of the Line of Suffolk. Temp. R. Eliz. EXETER. 137 45. Willielmus Wydford contra conclufiones Joan- nis Wycklyff. 2$. Conceflio de Stoke Jf. Reg. Adelftano Cha- racl:.' Saxon.' et Latino. Membrane. MSS. books removed from the Library into the Ex- chequer Chamber by Lyttelton, not in the printed Ca- talogue above referred to. 14. Johannes Grandifon. Ep. Exon. Ordinale, a Decano et Capillo approbat.' 1337, fol. 36. Ordinationes Walteri Exon. Epifc. fuper ftatum Scholarium de Stapeldon Hall in univerf.' Oxon. per eundem Epium facia, et per eofdem Scho- larios approbata, 13 16. This is contained in the end of the book called Or- dinations and Statutes, fo. 178 to 182. 37. Statuta et Confuetudines Ecclef' Exon. cum Calendario Veteri. fol. 39. A Tranfcript of Domefday for Cornwall, De- von, and Somerfet. 2 vols. 4to. 40. Inventarium Jocalium omnium Bonorum Li- brorum Ecclef. Cath. Exon. anno 1506. MSS. books removed from the Library to the Ex- chequer Chamber by R. Barnes, 181 1. 1. Mifcellanea Leofrici, &c. Charactere Saxonico. 2. Saxon MSS. 3. 4. Legenda. Grandifon. 2 volumes. 19. Liber Obitualis Vicariorum Eccl. Cath. Exon. 21. Liber Obitualis Eccl' Cath' Exon. 6. MirTale Vetus Literis illuminatis. I need fcarcely remind any reader at all converfant with matters of high antiquity, that the principal por- tion of thefe Manufcripts are written upon vellum ; but I may add for the information of the curious bib- 138 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. liopolifh that many of them retain their priftine cover- tures, whether of parchment or of wood, and that fome are adorned with elegant illuminations. Much as I regretted to notice how much thefe valu- able documents have been injured by previous neglect, and are frill fuffering from the dampnefs of the cham- ber in which they are kept ; it afforded me abundant confolation to difcover that of the Manufcripts men- tioned by Lyttelton, as miffing in his time, the moil interefting and moft valuable were ftill extant. Thefe are in the order of the Catalogue. 16. Genealogia Reg' Angl' et de Gul' Baftardo, et cet' Regibus AngP fuccedentibus. 17. Dares Phrygius de Hiftoria Trojanorum. 18. Hiftoria Britonum tranflata e Britannica lingua in Latinam. 19. Henrici Archdiaconi de Huntingdon Hiftoria Anglorum. 20. Hiftoria Ricardi dicti fine timore ducis Nor- mannia?, et cet due' fucc\ All which are contained in a fingle volume, which Mr. Petrie efteemed among the moft important in the Collection. Exceeding thefe documents both in antiquity and importance, the venerable, and undoubtedly original tranfeript of the Domefday Book relating to the coun- ties of Cornwall, Somerfet, and Devon, demands the peculiar attention of the literary antiquary and of the profefled hiftorian. This General Survey was taken locally, and of the original inquifitions fo made, no copies are believed to exift. In the Exeter Domefday, the lands of each perfon, wherever fituate are entered, occafionally in EXETER. 139 different hands, under his name, and where the pof- femons of an individual were large he appears to have had a libellus wholly allotted to himfelf. Three fcribes appear to have been employed in the tranfcription of this ancient record, in which it is very remarkable, entries are invariably made of the flock of deer, fheep, oxen, 6tc. upon the lands defcribed. Now as thefe particulars are omitted in the Exchequer Domefday, probably as much for the fake of brevity as on account of the perimable nature of the animals themfelves, and as this minute enumeration could only have refulted from an actual furvey, it appears to me that this por- tion of the Domefday Book may boaft of at leaft as high antiquity as the entire record depofited in the archives of the Exchequer at London. In arranging the fafciculi of the Exon Domefday in their proper order, Mr. Barnes had the mortification of obferving that at p. 233, a fingle leaf had been ab- stracted, which he recorded in 1810. Subfequent to this period Mr. Trevelyan called to fee the Domefday, and upon the book being opened, produced from his pocket a leaf, which exactly fupplied the previous hiatus in the record. This leaf it appeared came into the pof- fefiion of Mr. Trevelyan, by defcent from his anceftor, Dean Willoughby, who in the time of Henry the Eighth was the Dean of Exeter, and doubtlefs he it was who abstracted this identical leaf, either from cu- riofity, or a lefs venial motive. That muff however be efteemed a moft fortunate accident, whereby a leaf loft in the time of the Reformation, has thus been re- ftored in our own, having the effect moreover of ren- dering perfect one of the moft interefting hiftorical documents in exiftence. i 4 o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. To preferve this volume in its primitive integrity, it has been clad in a rough coat of red ruffia, confined by a leather ftrap. The book thus bound is exceffively thick, but meafuring ten inches and a half by fix and a half, it wears the afpect of a fmall folio tome. It only remains for me to add that the whole of this ancient volume was faithfully tranfcribed by Mr. Ralph Barnes, and fubfequently publifhed under the autho- rity of the Commiffioners of the Public Records. Of the Saxon Manufcripts which may claim the higher! antiquity, I would mention a volume of Saxon Poetry, diftinctly written upon vellum, and in excel- lent prefervation, the gift of Leofric, the firfl Bifhop of Exeter, to his Church. Another Saxon Manu- fcript, equally well preferved in its original coverture, contains the Etymological and other Works of Raba- nus Maurus. Among the other Manufcripts it may fuffice to dif- tinguifh the Rofa Medicinas of John Gadfden, com- mended by Geoffery Chaucer; and referring to the Catalogue for the remainder, to notice that all thefe Manufcripts are kept in deal prefTes, under lock and key, in an upper chamber attached to the Cathedral. The Library of printed books in the pofTeffion of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, is now depolited in their Chapter-houfe, a well proportioned and well lighted room, with a fire-place at one end, and gal- lery at the other, over the entrance door. The chim- ney-piece is handfomely carved in ftone, and the painted ceiling harmonifes well with the antique af- pect of the room, which is alfo adorned with a view of the adjacent Cathedral. The books are all well arranged upon open (helves EXETER. 141 around the room in the following order, viz. A and B. Englifh Theology, 1600- 1700, two cafes; C and D. Bibles and Commentators, two cafes ; E. Fathers, and Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, one cafe ; F. Mifcellaneous Theology ; G and H. Claffics ; I and J. Hiftory and Biography; K. Poetry and Oratory; and L. Mifcel- laneous Theology. The gallery is alfo appropriated to books placed upon open (helves, the entire Collection probably amounting to between five and fix thoufand volumes. The books are chiefly bound in old calf, and the volumes have been relettered, fo as to inform the ftranger of their contents, and relieve the fombre uni- formity of their attire. The moft ancient Catalogue in this Library, is a tall folio, containing a brief enumeration of the books in the Library, fpecifying their titles and lizes, as well as the place and dates, with reference to the fhelves on which they were then placed. This volume is enti- tled " Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca Ecclelias Sti " Petri Exon." is lettered on the binding, " Catalogus Librorum, 1683." From a later hand we have alfo a Catalogue of fe- veral duplicates in the Library of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter's, Exon. Some indolent Librarian has fubfequently interleaved Hyde's Catalogue of the Bodleian Library, in two vo- lumes, folio, and has inferted therein fuch books of the Chapter Library as are not already contained in its printed pages, with references from the latter to the fhelves. The only complete Catalogue extant of this Library is that written by order of Dean Lyttelton, but com- piled in the moft carelefs manner, all mention of the 142 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. places, dates, or names of the printers, or fizes of each Work, being uniformly omitted, and their titles given in the moft fummary and unfatisfactory manner. This volume — a tall and narrow folio, in coarfe clothing, bears the title of " A Catalogue of the Books in the " Library of St. Peter's, Exon, taken as they now ftand " on the fhelves, under each Alphabet, 1752. To remedy the want of a more perfect Catalogue, feven Fafciculi, embracing the Theological Depart- ment of the Collection, have been written in enume- ration of the titles, dates, and imprints of the feveral Works therein contained, but without any fpeciiication of the fizes of the books. But of the remaining por- tion of the Library, no other Catalogue whatever, ex- cept a rough Index to the fhelves, has been made. A complete Catalogue, therefore, of this Library, is, even in manufcript, greatly to be defired ; but, for facility of reference, its arrangement mould be alphabetical, as a feparate Index to the different cafes might eafily be added. It would be alfo defirable that each Work mould be defcribed with that attention to bibliogra- phical minutenefs which may enfure the accuracy of the Catalogue, and render it worthy of being perpetu- ated by the power of the prefs. The book plate whereby the volumes of the Dean and Chapter are marked as their own, is an engraving of an Ecclefiaftical Seal, reprefenting the Bifhop on his throne, having a model of the Cathedral in his left hand, and holding a key in his right hand, the motto being : " The Cathedral Library at Exeter, Anno " Dom ni , 1749." This plate has been re-engraved with the date " An. Dom. 1822." The character of this Library is principally Theo- EXETER. 143 logical, rather more than one-half of its entire con- tents being compofed of Works of Divinity. It has alfo fome refpectable Claffics, and fome curious vo- lumes relating to the Hiftory of England. The Typographical antiquary will find little to in- tereft him in this Collection ; for if religious, he may figh in vain for " The Seuen Penetencyall Pfalmes," or if only curious, will fruitleflly feek " The Merry " Gefle of how the Plowman learned his Pater " Nofter." Works of Divinity occupy fo large a fpace upon thefe fhelves, and fo many of them have long ago fallen into merited oblivion, that, without attempting " to drag reluctant dulnefs into day," I will proceed at once to the fuccinct enumeration of the principal features of this department. Among the Imprefiions of the Sacred Text, I no- ticed a very fine copy in calf of Plantin's Polyglott, published at Antwerp by that excellent printer between the years 1568 and 1572, and one of the ufual copies of Walton's Polyglott, with Caftell's Lexicon. I alfo remarked copies of the Biblia Hebraica, Vander Hooght. Amft. 1705, fol. Biblia Hebraica, Houbigant. Lutet. Par. 1753, 4 vols, folio. Biblia Hebraica, Kennicott. Oxonii, 1776, 2 v. fol. Biblia Grasca. Francofurti, 1597, folio. Biblia Latina. Lutetian, 1545. Biblia Latina, Tremellii et Junii. Londini, 1685. Biblia Latina Caftalionis. Bafileas, 1573. Biblia Sacra Pagnini. Londini, 1 541 . Biblia Vulgata. Antverpis, 1599. Biblia Sacra Diodati. Genevas, 1641. H4 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Biblia Virginiana. Cantabr. Nov. Angl. 1 66 1 . The Bible in Englifh, printed at Oxford in 1680, folio, uniformly bound with the Common Prayer of the fame date in coeval red morocco, and the Bible with Notes by D'Oyly and Mant, in 3 vols. 410. Of detached portions of the Scripture, I may men- tion the Oxford Septuagint, fuperintended by MeiTrs. Holmes and Parfons, and that edited by Breitenger at Zurich. Novum Teftamentum Grascum. Amft. 1735. Novum Teftamentum Graecum, Bezas. Cantab. 1642. Novum Teftamentum Grascum Millii. Oxonii, 1707, folio. And the Impreflions of Wetftein and Stephens. The New Teftament of Bowyer. London, 1783, with his " Conjectures," in 3 volumes 4to. Fulke's Rhemim Teftament. London, 1633. The Pfalms by Thomas Ravenfcroft. London, 1633. The Pfalms in Metre. Edinburgh, 1635. Pfalterium Latino-Saxonicum. An imperfect Copy of the Pentateuchus Hebraicus. Ulyflip. 1 49 1, folio, from the collection of De Rofli at Parma, recently attired in the plaineft calf. The Heptateuchus Saxonicus, edente Thwaites. Oxonii. I may here alfo notice the Common Prayer Book of Edward the Sixth, 1552, folio, and the authorifed Veriion of Common Prayer, 14 Car. II. 1662, to which the original Seal is ftill appended. Thefe two Volumes are kept with the Manufcripts in the upper chamber alreadv defcribed. EXETER. 145 I may alfo add MifTale Romanum. Antverpia?, 1657. Breviarium Romanum. Lutet. 1688. Durandi Rationale Divinorum Officiorum. L'Alcorano di Machometto. 1547. Paffing by a cloud of obfcure Commentators on the Pfalms, and other portions of the Sacred Volume, it may fuffice to mention the Critici Sacri, and Pole's Synopfis, Leigh's Critica Sacra, Kidder on the Penta- teuch, Bythneri Lyra Prophetica, Newcome's Minor Prophets, Campbell on the Gofpels, Blayney on Jere- miah, and the Commentaries of Whitby, Patrick, &c. of Calvin and Beza, of Pococke and Lowth. Among the Fathers of the Church, I may particu- late the Works of St. Jerome, Ambrofe, Cyprian, Athanafius, Cyril, and Chryfoftom, the Gregories, S. Hilary, Auguftine, Bafil, Origen, and Juftin Martyr, of Athenagoras, TheophylacT:, Lactantius, Tertullian, Epiphanius, Ilidore, and Theodoret. Irenaei Opera cura Grabe, folio; Eufebii Praeparatio et Demonftratio Evangelica, in 2 folio volumes ; Suiceri Thefaurus Ec- clefiafticus ; the Bibliotheca Patrum ; Cotelerii Patres Apoflolici, 2 copies; Grabe's Spicilegium Patrum, and Wake's Genuine Epiftles of the Apoftolical Fathers, with Cave's Primitive Chriftianity, and Lives of the Fathers. This laft Work naturally leads us to the confidera- tion of Eccleliaftical Hiftory, in which branch of learn- ing the following Works occur in this Collection : Eufebii Hiftoria Ecclehaftica, folio ; Eutychii An- nates ; Tornielli Annates Sacri ; UfTerii Annates ; Spondani Epitome Baronii ; Baronii Annates Eccleii- aflici, and Martyrologium Romanum ; Cotelerii Ec- 146 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. clefia? Gra?ca? Monumenta, folio ; Bower, Rycaut and Platina's Lives of the Roman Pontiffs ; Binii Conci- lia GeneraliaetProvincialia; The CenturiatoresMagde- burgenfes ; Natalis Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, in 8 vols, folio ; Canones Concilii Tridentini. Duaci, 161 8, folio ; and Polani Hiftoria Concilii Tridentini ; Ged- des's Church Hiftory of /Ethiopia ; and Allix's Hif- tory of the Churches in Piedmont. Of Books relating to the Ecclefiaftical affairs of Great Britain, we find the following : Wilkins's Concilia Magna? Britannia?, in 4 vols. fol. Beds Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica. Parifiis, 1 68 1, and Londini, 17 14. Whartoni Anglia Sacra, 2 vols, folio. Parker de Antiquitate Ecclefia? Britannica?. Hano- via?, 1605, and edited by Drake, London, 1729, fol. Ufferii Antiquitates Ecclefia? Britannica?. Londini, 1687. Harpsfeld, Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica. Godwin's Prasfules Anglicani, and Catalogue of Bi- fhops. Le Neve's Fafti Ecclefia? Anglicana?. Inett's Origines Anglicana?. Fuller's Church Hiftory. Dugdale's Monafticon Anglicanum. London, 1 655- 73, 3 vols, folio. Tanner's Notitia Monaftica, by Nafmyth. London, 1744. Spotfwode's Hiftory of the Church of Scotland. Burnet's, Heylin's and Strype's Hiftories of the Re- formation, with the Lives and Memorials of the latter. Fox's Martyrs. London, 1684, in 3 volumes, folio. EXETER. 147 Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy. Twyfden's Vindication of the Church of England. 4*0. Wordfworth's Ecclefiaftical Biography. London, 1 81 8, 6 vols. 8vo. Newcourt's Repertorium, or Survey of the Diocefe of London. Thefaurus Eccleiiafticus Provincialis ; or Survey of the Diocefe of Exeter. Exeter, 1782, 4to. Ellon's Thefaurus Eccleiiafticus, 4 to. Gough, Ecclefia? Anglicanae Threnodia. Londini, 1661. Symeon, Hifforia Dunelmenlis Ecclefiae. Londini, 1732, 8vo. Calderwood's Church of Scotland. The earlier Theologians in this Library are repre- fented by the Works of Grotius and Erafmus, the Controverfial Writings of Le Clerc, Leufden, and Bel- larmine, Chamieri Controverfiarum Corpus, Limborch, Theologia Chriftiana, the Works of Epifcopius, Peter Martyr, Melancthon, Zanchius, and Bochart, to which may be added, the once popular Treatife aicribed to Thomas a Kempis, the prefent copy having been printed at Antwerp in 1607. Of the earlier Divines of England, the Works of Lightfoot, Bramhall, Barrow, Mede, Hoadley, Jewel, and Chillingworth ; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity, Cudworth's Intellectual Syftem, and Lloyd on Church Government, are familiar as houfehold words to every educated Briton. Among the Theological Writers of the feventeenth century, we rind the Works of Allix, Baxter, Barrow, Atterbury, Comber, Claggett, Dodwell, Gaftrell, An- 1 48 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. drews, Sanderfon, Hall, Hammond, Hopkins, Hody, Bull, Leflie, Peirce, Edwards, Long, Pearfon, Rey- nolds, Rutherford, Stillingfleet, Sherlock, Tillotfon, Jeremy Taylor, Wake, Wilkins, Whifton, and Wef- ton ; Norris on the Beatitudes, Pearfon on the Creed, Burnet on the Articles, and Gale's Court of the Gen- tiles, Oxford, 1672. I mould be wanting in attention to the Engliih Theology of this Collection were I to pafs over the Works of Boyle, Hoadley, Lardner, Jortin, Horfley, Beattie, and Farmer, or Burton's TefUmonies of the Anti-Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Chrift. Connected with the Theological department, I may here mention Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible; Hyde's Religio Veterum Perfarum, Oxonii, 1700; Davy's Syftem of Divinity, Luftleigh, Devon, 1795, 1807, " printed by himfelf, 14 copies only." In thefe 26 vo- lumes the corrections have all been made by the infer- tion of flips of printed paper in the places requiring emendation. Davy on Divinity, with Portrait, Exe- ter, 1825, m 3 v °l s - 8vo. " Prefented by the Author " to the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, 20th Auguft, " 1825." And Ifaac de la Peyreyre's Men before Adam, which was rigidly fuppreffed on its firft publication ; Harmer's Obfervations on Scripture ; the Prefervative againft Popery, published by order of Dr. Gibfon, in 3 volumes, folio ; and fome French Works of Divi- nity, including, however, no author of fufficient note to require diftinct enumeration. The Works illuftxative of Hiftory in general, con- tained in this Library, are : Bayle's Historical Dic- tionary ; Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary, in 32 vols. 8vo. ; Collier's Hiftorical Dictionary, in 2 vols. EXETER. 149 folio ; Simfoni Chronicon ; Heylin's Cofmography ; Raleigh's Hiftory of the World : Ifaacfon's Chronolo- gical Tables ; Baudrand, Lexicon Geographicum ; Speculum Hiftoriale Vincentii ; Boffuet, Hiftoire Uni- verfelle, 8vo. ; Thuani Hiftoria fui temporis ; Car- ionis Chronicon, and Pitt's Englifh Atlas, Oxford, 1680, in 4 gigantic folio tomes. Of particular Hiftories of various countries, the lift is rather more copious, comprehending Freheri Scrip- tores Rerum Germanicarum, folio ; Hottingeri Hifto- ria Orientalis ; Bafnage's Hiftory of the Jews ; Ry- caut and Knolles's Hiftory of the Turks ; Ogilby's China and Japan ; Bembi Hiftoria Veneta ; China II- luftrata; Verona Iliuftrata; Echard's Hiftory of Rome; Mezeray's Hiftory of France ; Serres, Hiftoire de la France ; Davila's Civil Wars of France ; Meterani Hiftoria Belgica ; PufFendorf de rebus Suecicis ; Bon- finius de rebus Hungaricis ; Molefworth's Denmark ; Crantz's Greenland, Scheffer's Lapland, and Fowler's Poland. As valuable helps to Hiftory, I may here mention, Montfaucon's Antiquities, tranflated by Humphreys; Montfaucon's Palsographia Grasca ; Mabillon, Iter Italicum ; Ciampini Monumenta Vetufta ; Fleetwood's Infcriptiones Antique ; Reinelii Infcriptiones ; Liceti et Pierii Hieroglyphica ; Bianchini, .Infcrizioni Se- pulcrali ; Noris' Cenotaphia Pifana ; Bertoli's An- tichita d'Aquileia ; Arlinghi's Roma Subterranea ; Rofmi's Antiquitates Romans ; Prideaux's Marmora Arundeliana ; Spanheim's and le Vaillant's Numif- mata ; Occonis Numifmata ; Patini Numifmata Fa- miliarum Romanarum ; Pitifci Lexicon ; and Dod- well's Traces relating to Antiquity. 150 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. To the above may be added, Churchill's Voyages ; the Travels of Pococke, Thevenot, Sandys, and others ; Freheri Theatrum Virorum Clarorum, & Jovii Elogia Virorum Illuftrium. Of Works on Heraldry, which may moil: properly be termed " the Key of Hiftory," this Library con- tains Favine's Theatre of Honour ; Hopingius de Jure Inflgnium; Milles's Catalogue of Honor ; Gwil- lim's Heraldry; Selden's Titles of Honor; Dugdale's Baronage ; and Afhmole's Hiftory of the Order of the Garter. Of Works relating to the Hiftory and Antiquities of Great Britain, this Collection embraces many Traces of great curiofity, and fome Works of great importance. Among the latter may be mentioned Eadmeri Hif- toria Novorum; Twinus de rebus Albionicis ; the valuable Collection of Francorum Scriptores Coetanei, edited by Duchefne, in 5 volumes, folio, a copy in old vellum, which has fuffered feverely from damp ; Mat- thasi Paris, Hiftoria Anglicana ; Gale and Fell's im- portant Collection of early Englifh Hiftorians ; Cam- deni Anglica, Normanica, &c. a veteribus fcripta ; Polidori Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana ; Matthsi Weft- monafterienfis Flores Hiftoriarum ; Florentii Wigor- nenfis Chronicon ; Sheringham de Anglorum Gentis Origine ; Triveti Annales fex Regum Anglias, 1 vol. 8vo. ; Rofti Warvicenfis Hiftoria Regum Anglias, edente Hearnio, Oxonii, 1716, 8vo. ; Gibfon's Saxon Chronicle ; Mufgrave's Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicas, 4 vols. 8vo. very neat in calf; Prynne's Records of John, Henry III. and Edw. I. London, 1670, folio; and the Records of the Kingdom, published under the authority of the Parliamentary Commiflion. EXETER. 151 The remaining Works of Englifh Hiftory will be found to embrace many Tracts, interesting as con- nected with the great Rebellion. This Library con- tains the General Hiftories of England, by Daniel, Carte, Speed, and Kennett ; Baker's Chronicle ; Cla- rendon's Hiftory of the Rebellion, with his State Pa- pers ; Rufhworth's and Nalfon's Collections of State Papers ; Whitelocke's Memorials ; Welwood's Me- moirs ; Godwin's Annals; Herbert's Henry VIII.; Lloyd's Memoirs ; Fuller's Worthies ; Winftanley's Englifh Worthies ; Lyttelton's Henry the Second ; Heylin's Life of Laud ; Walton's Lives ; Camden's Elizabeth, with his Remains ; Darcie's Annals of Queen Elizabeth ; Chamberlayne's Anglias Notitia? ; Winfton Churchill's Divi Britannici, Salmafii Defenfio Regia ; Bond's Scutum Regale ; Mackenzie's Jus Regium ; Bates' Elenchus Motuum nuperorum in Anglia, a work which Warburton thought worth reading ; War- wick's Charles I. ; Vie de Cromwell, in 2 vols. 1 2mo. ; Ludlow's Memoirs, in 2 vols. 8vo. ; D'Orleans, Revo- lution d'Angleterre, Paris. 1695, 3 vo ^ s - I2mo - 5 Dug- dale's View of the Troubles ; Gregorio Leti Teatro Britannico, Amft, 1684, in 5 vols. i2mo. ; Entuv Bcc- (rtXtxvi : Memoires du Marechal Berwick ; Mercurius Britannicus Jofephi Hall ; and Fuller's Ephemeral Parliament. In addition to 27 volumes of Political Tracts, and 20 volumes of Puritanical Sermons, the overflowings of men's minds under the high excitement of the Re- bellion, I obferved an octavo volume, which never be- fore occurred to me, being "I. G. de rebus Caroli I. Commentarius fub imperio ; Jacobi Marchionis Mon- tifrofarum, anno 1644, et duobus fequentibus prasclare 152 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. geftis. Intcrprete A. S. Paris. (Johan. Berlin.) 1648. This volume is upon large paper, and is bound in red morocco, its fides covered with fleurs de lis, whence it might be conjectured to have belonged to the Queen Henrietta, then refident in France, at all events as a con- temporary record of the exploits of the Chivalric Mon- trofe, its hiftorical intereft is far from inconfiderable. Among the other Works relating to Englifh Hiftory may be noticed Annales de la Grande Bretagne ; Par- kerus de rebus fui temporis ; Dugdale's Origines Ju- diciales ; Pepys on the Navy ; Mainwaring's Defence of Amicia ; Wood's Athenas Oxonienfis ; Kippis' Bio- graphia Britannica ; Heylin's Help to Englifh Hiftory, a work ftill held in eftimation ; and a copy of Speed's Maps, 1627, in an oblong duodecimo form. Among the books of Scottifh Hiftory I remarked the Hiftory of Scotland by Drummond and Buchanan, with the latter's pretended " Dete&ioun of the duinges " of Mary Queen of Scots ;" Major de Geftis Scoto- rum ; and Hume's Houfe of Douglas ; Cox's Hiftory of Ireland, and Ware's Hiftorical Works concerning Ireland, Dublin, 1739, in 2 vols, folio, deferve brief mention in this place before we proceed to enume- rate the Works illuftrative of the Topographical Anti- quities of England. The Archasologia, or Collection of Mifcellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, in an annually increafmg feries of quarto volumes, published by the Society of Antiquaries, forms a prominent feature in this depart- ment of the Library, the prefent feries being refpecta- bly clad in modern calf. To the Antiquarian Society we are alfo indebted for Plans, Elevations, and Defcriptions of the Cathedral EXETER. 153 Churches of Durham, Exeter, and Gloucefter, the Abbey Church at Bath, and St. Stephen's, Weftmin- fter ; the prefent copy being handfomely bound, in one volume, folio, in ruflia, and bearing the following au- tographic infcription : " This book was prefented to the Dean and Chap- " ter of Exeter, the 22nd of December, 18 13, as a " token of gratitude for their kind patronage, and as a " mark of affection for their Cathedral Church, by " their obliged and faithful Servant, " RALPH BARNES, " Chapter Clerk" To fuch a dedication as this, the ftudent who turns the ample pages of this noble folio tome, can only re- fpond, ex imo corde, " Grati Memorifque animi hocce volumen monumentum efto !" No works of inftruction are more calculated to pleafe the eye than Topographical refearches, embel- lifhed like Britton's Account of Exeter Cathedral, of which a copy is very properly depofited in this Library. The remaining Works of Englim Topography, which deferve particular notice, are Verftegan's Refti- tution of decayed Intelligence refpecting Englim An- tiquities ; Anthony a Wood's Hiftoria Univerfitatis Oxonienfis, Oxonii, 1674, in one volume, folio; Sa- vage's Balliofergus, or fome Account of Baliol College, at Oxford, Oxonii, 1668, 4-to. ; Caii de Antiquitate Academic Cantabrigienfis ; Howel's Hiftory of Lon- don and Weft.rninft.er ; Roll's Account of the Rebuild- ing of London after the Great Fire, of which fome ac- counts are alfo contained in this Collection ; Stow's Defcription of London ; Lambarde's Perambulation of i 5 4 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Kent, 1656; Dugdale's Hiftory of Warwickfhire ; Borlafe's Natural Hiftory and Antiquities of Cornwall ; Milner's Winchefter ; Polwhele's Devonshire ; Prince's Worthies of Devon, " the gift of the author ;" Plot's Natural Hiftories of Oxfordfhire and Stafford fhire ; Kennet's Parochial Antiquities; Webbe and Inigo Jones's Defcriptions of Stonehenge ; Carliile's Endow- ed Grammar Schools ; Leycefter's Chefhire ; Ben- tham's Ely ; Oliver's Hiftory of Exeter ; Camden's Britannia, edited by Gibfon, London, 1772, 2 vols, folio ; and fome Account of St. Neot's Church in Cornwall, with plates of the ftained glafs Windows therein, by Meftrs. Hedgeland and Davies Gilbert, London, 1830, folio, prefented by the former to the Cathedral Library of Exeter. To the above I may add the Geological Tranfac- tions of Cornwall, prefented by the Rev. John Rogers, one of the Canons of the adjacent Cathedral. Though Geology has not yet attained the full fta- ture of a fcience, yet the mention of thefe interefting volumes recalls to my mind thofe older treatifes on the more exact. Sciences which are contained in this Library. Among thefe, Newton's Principia holds the firft place, to which I may add Kepler's Optics ; Boyle's and Bacon's Works on Natural Philofophy ; Hobbes' Opera Philofophica ; Hevelii Selenographia ; Hooke's Micrographia ; Wallis's Algebra ; Maferes' Scriptores Logarithmici ; a few volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and of the Philofophical Tranfactions, with Sprat's Hiftory of the Royal Society. Of Botanical Works it may be fufficient to particu- late Ruellius de Natura Stirpium ; Raii Hiftoria Plan- EXETER. 155 tarum; Grew's Anatomy of Plants; and Gerarde's Herbal, to which I may add the fingular Collection of Aldrovandus, and Gefner de Animalibus. I may here alfo mention Vitruvii Architettura, and Kendall on Architecture ; together with Culpepper's Englifh Phyfician ; Cardani Medicinas ; and other fanatory treatifes now obfolete, which form the com- panions of the Mufeum Wormianum. The Law Books contained in this room may be very foon enumerated, as there is no intereft whatever at- tached to the Codex Theodofianus ; Corpus Juris Ci- vilis Gothofredi ; Oughton's Ordo Judiciarum, in 2 vols. 410. ; Burns' Ecclefiaftical Law ; Blount and Ja- cob's Law Dictionaries ; Lambard de Prifcis Anglo- rum Legibus ; Durandi Speculum Juris ; Spencer de Legibus Hebraeorum, Cantab. 1685; Gibfon Codex Juris Civilis, &c. in 2 vols, folio ; and an old edition of Blackftone's Commentaries. It is refreming to turn from fo uninviting a topic to thofe great authors of antiquity, the dread of our ear- lier!:, and the delight of our lateft years, efpecially when we can look upon fome of the moil valuable editions of their Works. In proof of this affertion, thofe fhelves furnim me with the Oratores Grasci, and the Plutarch of Reifke, Ifocrates, and Lyfias of Auger ; the Pindar of Heyne ; Plinius Harduini ; Paufanias Kuhnii ; Livius Dra- kenborchii ; the Horace of Bentley ; Duker's Thucy- dides ; the Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus of WefTel- ing ; Reimar's Dion Caffius ; Jofephus Havercampi ; Xenophon, by Wells ; Brunck's Sophocles ; and Barnes' Euripides ; Longinus, Toupii, and Athenasus Cafau- boni. i 5 6 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Among the other editions of the Claffics, I noticed Platonis Opera Serrani ; Quintus Curtius Pitifci ; Lu- cretius Havercampi ; Spanheim's Callimachus ; Arif- totelis Opera Du Valli ; and feveral of the Delphin editions, including thofe of Prudentius, Plautus, Eu- tropius, Cornelius Nepos, Velleius Paterculus, Quin- tus Curtius, Manilius, Juvenal, and Lucretius. I alfo noticed fome pieces of Cicero, and various editions of iEfchines, Boethius, Florus, Macrobius, Martial, Ariftophanes, Quintilian, Petronius Arbiter, Seneca, Salluft, Suetonius, Statius, Phaedrus, Tacitus, Valerius Maximus, Terence, Homer, Demofthenes, Casfar, Xenophon, and the Hiftorias Auguftas Scrip- tores, whofe importance would fcarcely juftify more particular fpecification. The earlieft editions of the Claffics comprifed within thefe walls, are indifferent copies of Casfar, printed by Jenfon, at Venice, in 1471, folio, meafuring twelve inches by eight and a quarter, and bound in calf; and Virgilius Servii, 1475, folio, where the Commentary ends with the Mneid, and the Minor Pieces, with va- cant margins, follow. Of Tranflations of the Claffics, I obferved Dryden's Virgil and Juvenal ; Hobbes's Thucydides ; Rofs's Si- lius Italicus ; Ogilby's iEfop ; and Dacier's Horace. Of Lexicons and Dictionaries, and other Etymolo- gical Works, the elTential accompaniments of the Claf- lic page, to every youthful ftudent, I have the pleafure of enumerating feveral, which will be found very ufe- ful in the ftudy either of Claffic or of Gothic Litera- ture. For the firft, it may fuffice to mention Suida?, Hefv- chii, et Scapulas Lexica, Hoffmanni, et Phavorini Lex- EXETER. 157 ica, Stephani Thefaurus, Calepini Dictionarium, Julii Pollucis Onomafticon, Voffii Etymologicon, Cooper's Thefaurus, and Du Frefne's GlofTary. For the latter, the Saxon Dictionary of Hickes ; Skinner's Lexicon ; Junii Etymologicum Anglicanum ; Somneri Dictionarium Saxonicum ; Lye's Saxon Dic- tionary ; Cotgrave's French Dictionary ; and Menage Dictionaire Etymologique. To which may be added, the Englifh Dictionaries of Cole, Howel, and John- fon, with Buxtorf's Chaldaic and Hebrew Lexicon. In Englifh Literature this Library is manifestly deficient. We do indeed meet with the Works of Locke and Bacon ; of Addifon and Swift ; Spenfer's Faerie Queen; the Poems of Chaucer, Milton, and Cowley ; Shakefpeare's Works too, with the Portrait coloured, may be after the Stratford Monument, Lon- don, 1632, folio, in a volume, which being quite per- fect, richly deferves rebinding, as it is now in a very infecure and tattered condition. But I can only add to thefe, Sir Thomas More's Works, 1 559 ; Warton's Englifh Poetry ; Conybeare's Anglo-Saxon Poetry ; Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy ; Smith's Wealth of Nations ; Wootton's Remains ; and other Works of much lefs reputation. Of Italian Works there are editions of TafTo, Pe- trarch, and Ariofto, with a copy of Boccaccio, Genea- logia di Gli Dei, Venet. 1588, which the compiler of the unfinished Catalogue has clailed under the head of " Mifcellaneous Theology." It only remains for me to notice Photii Bibliotheca et Epiftola?, and Stuckii Antiquitates Conviviales, a work whence much curious information may be ob- tained refpecting the " noctes ccenasque" of the olden time. 158 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. As " Book openeth Book," I cannot conclude this brief notice of the Exeter Cathedral Library more appropriately than by adding to it, the Bibliographical Works contained within its precincts. Among thefe I particularly noticed, Maittaire, An- nates Typographici ; Wolfii Monumenta Typogra- phica ; Watts' Bibliotheca Britannica ; Blount's Cen- fura Literaria ; Balei Scriptores Britannia? ; Nicolfon's Englifh, Irifh, and Scotch Hiftorical Libraries, in 4 volumes, 8vo. ; Cooper on the Public Records ; Le Long's Bibliotheca Sacra, Hals, 1778; Dupin's Bib- liotheque des Auteurs Ecclefianuques ; De Roffi's An- nates Hebraso-Topographici, Parmae, 1795 ; Fabricii Bibliotheca Grasca, and Bibliographia Antiquaria, in 4to. ; Cave's Scriptores Ecclefiaftici ; Baillet's Juge- mens des Scavans ; La Bibliotheque Choifie, 1703 ; and Le Clerc's Bibliotheque Univerfelle, in i2mo. ; a Ca- talogue of Englifh Writers on the Old and New Tef- taments ; Clarke's Bibliographical Dictionary and Mif- cellany ; Marchand's Dictionnaire Hiftorique ; Gef- neri Bibliotheca, and feveral volumes of the Acta Eru- ditorum, in quarto. Upon the table in the Chapter-houfe is very pro- perly kept a book " For the entry of books taken out tf of, and returned to the Chapter Library ;" a regu- lation which ought to be religioully obferved by all perfons having accefs to any corporate Library. JLfbrarp of dMoucefter. HE ipacious and airy Chapter-houfe, warmed by a ftove, is the meet recep- tacle of the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Gloucefter. The books are arranged upon open fhelves, in dwarf cafes of oak, which fkirt the walls of the room, and form two lines down the centre. They are briefly enumerated in an old alphabetical Catalogue, but are placed on the fhelves according to a new Catalogue which is now preparing by Mr. Hough, the book- feller of Gloucefter. There are alfo a lift of books borrowed, and " a Lift of Benefactors to the Library of the Cathedral Church of Gloucefter." Folio. This Collection contains much obfolete Law and Divinity ; but the latter department poflerTes alfo many valuable Works, which I will proceed to fhow, com- mencing with the impreffions of the Sacred Volume. Biblia Polyglotta. Waltoni. cum Caftelli Lexicon. Biblia Hebraica. Montani. 1619, folio. Biblia Hebraica, Kennicott. Oxonii, 1776, 2 vols. folio. Biblia Latina, S. Hieronymi. Norimbergse, 1478, folio. Biblia Latina, R. Stephani. Parifiis, 1532 and 1 557. Biblia Germanica, Lutheri. Magdeburg, 1 560, fol. 160 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Biblia Italica, Diodati. 1807, folio. The Bible in Welfh. London, 1769, 4to. The Bible in Englifh, dedicated to Henry VIII. London, 1536, folio. The Bible in Englifh, Tyndale's. London, Jo. Ta- verner, 1549, folio. The Bible in Englifh, Field's. Cambridge, 1680, 2 vols, folio. The Bible in Englifh, dedicated to James II. Ox- ford, 1685, folio. The Bible in Englifh, Bafkett. Oxford, 17 17, 2 vols, folio. The Bible in Englifh, Geddes. London, 1792, 3 vols. 4to. Fulke's Rhemifh Teftament, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth. The Novum Teftamentum Hutteri, 2 vols, folio. To which I may add the Codex Bezae, by Kipling, in old calf; the Novum Teftamentum Grascum, Kufteri. Lipfia?. 1723, folio. I may here alfo mention the Book of Common Prayer, by R. Barker, London, 1634, 4to. ; the Bre- viarium Romanum ; and MifTale Romanum. Antv. 163 1, folio; and proceed to enumerate the Fathers of the Church, whofe Works are found in this Collection. Ambrofii Opera. Parifiis, 1603, 2 vols, folio. Auguftini Opera. Parifiis, 1637, 11 vols, folio. Anfelmi Opera. Parifiis, 1559, folio. Bafilii Opera. Parifiis, 161 8, 3 vols, folio. Chryfoftomi Opera. Etonas, 16 12, 8 vols, folio. Clementis Alexandrini Opera. Oxonii, 1725, folio. Cypriani Opera. Colonic, 1617, folio. Eufebii Prsparatio et Demonftratio Evangelica. Colonic, 1688, 2 vols, folio. GLOUCESTER. 161 Eufebii Thefaurus temporum. Amftelodami, 1658, folio. Eufebii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica. Cantabrigiae, 1720, 3 vols, folio. Hieronymus in Evangelia. Antverpia?, 1579. Lactantius. Venetiis, 1472, folio. Origenis Commentarii. Rothomagi, 1668. Origenis Opera. Pariiiis, 1733, 2 vols, folio. Philonis Judasi, Opera. Londini, 1742, 2 vols. fol. Tertulliani Opera. Pariiiis, 1664, folio. Tertulliani Opera. Bafileas, 1528, folio. Theophylact. Comment. Parifiis, 1635, 2 vols, folio ; with the Works of S. Cyril, Epifcopius, Epi- phanius, of S. Gregory Nyfleni, et Nazianzen, and the Bibliotheca Patrum. Paris, 1644, in 15 vols, folio. In a later asra of the Church we find the Works of Bede, Thomas Aquinas, Calvin, Cranmer, Barrow, and Beveridge. Bernardi Opera. Antverpiae, 1609, folio. Bingham's Works. London, 1729, 2 vols, folio. Bulli Opera. Londini, 1703, folio. Bellarmini Controverfias. Colonic, 1628, folio. Archbiihop BramhalPs Works. Dublin, 1677, folio. Bifhop BlackhalPs Works. London, 1723, 2 vols. folio. Bochart, Hierozoicon. Londini, 1663, folio. Buchanani Pfalmorum Paraphrafis. 1624. Bythneri Lyra Prophetica. Clarke's Works. London, 1738, 4 vols, folio. Hodius de Textibus Bibliorum. Oxonii, 1705, fol. Hofpiniani Opera. Genevas, 1 678, 4 vols, folio, calf. Joannes de Imola Opera. Venetiis, 1480, duplicate. M 162 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Leland on the Chriftian Revelation. 1764, 2 vols. 4to. Lutheri Opera. Jena?, 161 2, 4 vols. 4to. Leufden Comp. Bibl. Lugd. Bat. 1685, 12010. Melancthonis Opera. Witebergae, 1580, 4 vols. folio. Mori Opera Theologica, 1675, et Opera Philofo- phica, 1679, 3 vols, folio. Nicolai de Lyra Comment. Bafileae, 1507, 6 vols. folio. Orton's Expofition of the Old Teftament. Salop. 1788, 6 vols. 8vo. Raynaudi Opera. Lugd. Bat. 1665, 19 vols, folio. Rofenmuller Scholia in Nov. Teft. Norimbergas, 1785, 5 vols. 8vo. Suiceri Thefaurus Eccleliafticus. Antverpiae, 1682, 2 vols, folio. Spanheim Opera. Lugd. Bat. 1702, 3 vols, folio. Synge's Works. 1740, 4 vols. 1 2mo. Taylor and Cave's Antiquitates Chriftiana?. Londini, 1685, folio. Venn's Tracts. London, 1740, 8vo. Zanchii Opera Theologica. 1613, 3 vols, folio. To which may be added, the Prefervative againft Po- pery, in 3 vols, folio; Baxter's Saints' Reft; Alci- phron, or the Minute Philofopher, by Bifhop Berkeley ; Burnet on the Articles ; Blayney's Jeremiah ; Butler's Analogy ; Balguy's Tracts ; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, London, 1708, 3 vols, folio ; Concordantia? Bib- liorum, Hanovia?, 161 8, 4 vols, folio; Cave's Scrip- tor. Ecclef. Hiftoria literaria ; Cudworth's Intellectual Syftem ; the Works of Chillingworth and Conybeare ; Campbell on the Gofpels, and on Miracles ; Dupin GLOUCESTER. 163 Bibliotheque des Auteurs Ecclefiaftiques, Paris. 1693, 10 vols. 8vo. ; Derham's Aftro Theology, Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum,Irenop. 1639, 6 vols, folio; Tracts on the Bangorian Controverfy, London, 1739; Critici Sacri, Londini, 1660, 10 vols, folio; Poli Synopfis, Londini, 1669, 5 vols, folio ; Crutwell's Concordance ; Fleetwood's Works, 1737; Bifhop Fell on the Epif- tles ; Faber on Pagan Idolatry and on the Prophecies ; feveral Tracts by Grotius ; Graves on the Pentateuch, 1807, 2 vols. 8vo. ; the Works of Hammond, Hop- kins, Hooker, Hurd, and Hoadley ; Horiley on the Pfalms, and other Works ; Hey's Lectures ; Hutche- fon's Moral Philofophy, and ElTay on the Paffions ; Hales on the Trinity ; Jackfon's Works ; Jones's Canon of the New Teftament, 1726 ; the Works of Lightfoot ; Marih's Michaelis on the New Teft. 1 802, 6 vols. 8vo. ; Newton's Prophecies and Sermons ; Newcome's Ser- mons; Oftervald's Arguments ; Pearfon on the Creed ; Prideaux's Connection ; Patrick and Lowth's Com- mentaries ; Lowth's Ifaiah ; Leighton's Works ; Mede's Works, 1664, 2 vols, folio; Macknight's Harmony; Pyle's Paraphrafe ; the Works of Paley, Porteus, Seeker, and Stillingfleet ; Stackhoufe's Hiftory of the Bible, London, 1742, 2 vols, folio; Sanderfon's Ser- mons ; Sale's Koran ; Saurin's Sermons ; the Works of Sherlock, Stanhope, Seed, and Tillotfon ; Jeremy Taylor's Ductor Dubitantium ; the Works of War- burton, Wake, Whifton, and Waterland ; Watfon's Apology, and Theological Tracts ; Weft on the Re- furredtion ; feveral volumes of the Bampton Lectures ; the Bibliotheca Maxima Verfionum, &c. Parifiis, 1666, 19 vols, folio; and Bibliotheca Magna Comment. Pa- rifiis, 1644, 5 vols, folio, in calf. 164 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. In Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, I may mention Lynde- wode's Provinciale, Paris. 1502, folio, & Oxonii, 1699, folio ; the Centuriatores Magdeburgenfes, Baiileas, 1 624, 3 vols, folio ; Baronii Annales, Antverpiae, 1 6 1 o, 1 2 vols, folio, in vellum covers, with the Epitome of Spondanus, in calf; Wilkins' Concilia Magnas Britan- nias, Lond. 1737, 4 vols, folio; Gratiani Decretum, Codex Theodofianus, cum Comment. Gothofredi, in 6 vols, folio ; Juftiniani Pandectas, Parifiis, 1504; Du- randi Speculum Juris, folio, in old black letter, imper- fect; Bafnage's Hiftory of the Jews, London, 1708, fol.; Burnet's Hiftory of the Reformation ; Bower's Hiftory of the Popes, London, 1748, 8 vols. 4to. ; Collier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, London, 1708, 2 vols, folio; Crefly's Church Hiftory of Brittany ; Edon's Thefau- rus ; Gibfon's Codex ; Jofephus, Havercamp, Amft. 1726, 2 vols, folio; Whifton's Jofephus, 1745, 8vo. 6 vols. ; Mofheim's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Strype's Annals and Memorials ; Quick's Synodicum in Gallia Reformata, Londini, 1692, folio; Rycaut's Hiftory of the Popes; Laval's Hiftory of the Reformation in France, London, 1737, 7 vols. 8vo. ; Sleidan Hiftoire de la Reformation a la Haye, 1767, 3 vols. 4to. ; UfTeri Annales, et Antiq. Eccl. Britt. ; Wharton's Anglia Sacra; Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy ; and Fox's Martyrs, London, 1632, 3 vols, folio. Of Englifh Hiftory, I remarked Brady's Introduc- tion thereto, London, 1 685, folio, as well as his Hiftory of England, London, 1720, folio; Baker's Chronicle, London, 1674, folio; Camden's Britannia; Camp- bell's Survey of Great Britain, London, 1774, 2 vols. 4to. ; Colquhoun on the Refources of the Britifh Em- pire ; Dugdale's Monafticon, and View of the Trou- GLOUCESTER. 165 bles ; Fofbroke's Britifh Monachifm ; Henry's Hiftory of England ; Hiftory of the Wars in Ireland, London, 1653, folio; Harris's Life of Cromwell, London, 1772, 8vo. ; Baker's Hereditary Right, London, 171 3, folio, for which he was imprifoned ; Martin's Hiftory of England, London, 161 5, folio; Matthasi Weftmonaf- terienfts Flores Hiftoriarum Rer. Angl. ; Norden's Bri- tannia? Speculum ; Scriptores poft Bedam edente Savile ; Sprigge's Anglia Rediviva, folio ; Stow's Chronicle, London, 1631, folio; Drayton's Poly-Olbion, folio; Webb's Metrical Hiftory of Richard II. originally publifhed in the Archaeologia, 4to. ; Rapin's Hiftory of England ; feveral Diurnalls of PafTages in the Great Civil War, 4to. ; Stafford's Pacata Hibernia, 1633; Rufhworth's Historical Collections ; Sawyer's Memo- rials of Affairs of State, London, 1725, 2 vols, folio; Wallace's Peerage of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1785, 8vo.; Yarranton's England's Improvement, London, 1677, 4to. ; Twini Commentarii de rebus Albionicis, Lon- dini, 1590, i2mo. ; the Parliamentary Hiftory of England, London, 1751, &c. 23 vols. 8vo. ; the Pub- lications of the Record Commimon, and the Statutes at large. Of Englifh Topography, I remarked Verftegan's Reftitution of decayed Intelligence, 410. ; an Act for the Incorporation of the Gloucefter Workhoufe in 1 703 ; Bigland's Gloucefterfhire, London, 1791 , folio ; Fofbroke's Gloucefterfhire, 4to. ; Britton's Gloucef- ter Cathedral ; Rudder's Gloucefterfhire ; Bentham's Ely ; Drake's York ; Pennant's Tour ; Raftall's South- well, 1787; Plot's Oxfordfhire ; Stow's London, im- perfect ; and Speed's Great Britain, alfo imperfect ; Sammes's Britannia; Lyfons' Magna Britannia, in 9 1 66 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. vols. 4to. ; Wood's Antiquitates Oxonienfes ; and Willis' Cathedrals, London, 1727, 3 vols. 4to. ; with the Welfh Cathedrals, viz. thofe of St. Afaph, Ban- gor, St. David's, and Llandaff. Of General Hiftory, the Works are moftly obfolete, being BofTuet Hiftoire Univerfelle ; Churchill's Voy- ages ; Delices des Pays Bas ; Euftace's Italy ; Fuller's Paleftine, 1650, folio; Gillies' Hiftory of the World, 2 vols. 4to. ; Davila's Civil Wars of France, folio ; Harris's Voyages ; Hughes' Barbadoes ; Hooke's Ro- man Hiftory ; Hakluyt's Voyages, London, 1 600, fo- lio; Knolles's Hiftory of the Turks; Rycaut's Otto- man Empire ; Knox's Campaigns in North America, 1769, 2 vols. 4to. ; Norden's Egypt, London, 1757, folio ; Potter's Greece ; Moryfon's Itinerary, London, 1 617, folio; together with Purchas' Pilgrimes, Lon- don, 1625, 5 vols, folio; Ralegh's Hiftory of the World ; Heylin's Cofmography, folio ; Robertfon's Works ; Symfon's Chronicon Catholicon, Oxonii, 1652, folio; Thuani Hift. mi temporis ; Tournefort's Voyages ; Grimftone's France ; Shute's Venice ; War- cups' Hiftory of Italy, London, 1660, folio; and the Univerfal Hiftory. It is pleafant to be able to add to thefe, a very fine copy of the valuable Collections of Grsvius and Gronovius upon large paper, in old calf binding, with a border of gold on the fides ; the Infcriptions of Gruter ; Pitifci Lexicon ; Montfaucon, TAntiquite Expliquee, Paris. 1 7 t 9, in 15 vols, folio, a fine copy in old calf, gilt ; with Humphrey's Tranflation of Montfaucon, London, 1722, 7 vols, folio ; to which I may add D'Anville's Atlas, London, 1797, folio; and Buckingham's Travels in Paleftine, London, 1821, 4to. GLOUCESTER. 167 Of Law Books, befides the Statutes at large, and Pickering's Statutes, I noticed, among much obfolete matter, AylifFe's Roman, Civil and Canon Law, Lon- don, 1734, 2 vols, folio; Corpus Juris Civilis Jufti- niani ; Seldeni Opera, Londini, 1726, 3 vols, folio; Selden's Mare Claufum, edited by Needham ; Spencer de legibus Hebraeorum, Cantabr. 1727, 2 vols, folio. Of Etymological Works the lift is not much more copious, confifting of Johnfon's Englifh Dictionary ; Ainfworth's Latin Dictionary ; Buxtorf's Hebrew Lex- icon ; Calepini Dictionarium Octolingue, Lugd. Bat. 1663, folio; Cooper's Dictionary, London, 1573, fo- lio ; Cotgrave's French and Englifh Dictionary, Lon- don, 1 6 1 1 , folio ; a Welch Grammar, printed at Caer- marthen in 1727, i2mo. ; Dictionarium Linguas Japonicae, Romas, 1632, 410. ; Golii Lexicon Arabico Latinum, Lugd. Bat. 1653, folio; Hickefii Thefau- rus Linguarum Septentrionalium, Oxonii, 1705, 2 vols, folio ; HofFmanni Lexicon ; Stephani Thefaurus, 1 527, 5 vols, folio ; Spelman's Gloftary ; Tooke's Diver- fions of Purley, 1798, 2 vols. 4to. ; and Voflii Opera, Amftelod. 1701, folio. Of Claffical authors, the editions contained in this Library are neither the firft nor the beft ; the molt cor- rect idea, however, of their true character may be ob- tained by peruiing the following brief enumeration of them : iEginetae, Pauli, Medici, Opera, Gr. Bafilea?, 1538, 4to. Ariftotelis Opera. Parifiis, 1 561 , 2 vols. 4to. Aratus et Sigonius. Parifiis, 1561, 4to. Athenasus, Cafauboni. Lugd. Bat. 161 2, folio. Arriani Expeditio Alexandri. Lugd. Bat. 1704, fol. 168 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. iEfchyli Tragoedias. Londini, 1664, folio. Ciceronis Opera, Oliveti. Parifiis, 1740, 9 vols. 4to. bound in old French calf. Callimachus. Lugd. Bat. 1761, 2 vols. 8vo. Caefaris Commentaria. Lugd. Bat. 171 3, 8vo. Catullus, Tibullus, & Propertius. Francof. 1621, 8vo. Diodorus Siculus. Hanoviae, 1604, folio. Demofthenis Orationes. Parifiis, 1570, folio. Dionyfius HalicarnafT. Francof. 1586, folio. Aulus Gellius. Lugd. Bat. 1706, 4to. Herodotus. Francof. 1608, duplum. Homeri Opera. Clarkii, 1729-40, 4 vols. 4to. Homeri Ilias. Heynii, 1802, 8 vols. 8vo. ; with Tranflations by Chapman and Ogilby, folio. Hefiodus. Amftelodami, 1701 et 1757. Juftini Opera. Parifiis, 161 5. Iamblicus a Gale. Oxonii, 1778, folio, calf. Juvenalis. Amftelodami, 1684, 8vo. Ifocratis Orationes. Rothomagi, 1662. Lucianus Oudendorpii. Lugd. Bat. 1728, 4to. Lucretius. Parifiis, 1625 et 1560. Libanii Orationes. Geneva?, 163 1-4, 2 vols. 4to. Livius Variorum. Amftelod. 1679, 3 vols. 8vo. Manilii Aftronomicon, apud Plantin. 1610, 4to. Oratores Grasci Veteres. 1575, folio. Ovidius, Burmanni. Amftelod. 1727, 4 vols. 4to. Photii Bibliotheca Hcefchelii. Rothomagi, 1 563, fol. Pomponius Mela. Venetiis, 1482, 4to. Plutarchi Opera. Francof. 1620, 2 vols, folio. Plutarchi Vitas. Londini, 1729, 5 vols. 4to. Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis. Lugd. Bat. 1563, folio. Ptolomasi Geographia. Amftelod. 161 8, folio. GLOUCESTER. 169 Paufanias. Hanoviae, 161 3, folio, duplum. Paufanias. Lipfias, 1696, folio. Pindarus, Weft & Welfted. Oxonii, 1697, folio. Phaedrus, Burmanni. Lugd. Bat. 1728, 2 vols. 8vo. Poetas Minores Grasci. Londini, 1728, 8vo. Quintilianus. Parifiis, 1542, 4to. & 1725, folio. Strabonis Geographia. Amftelod. 1707, 2 vols. fol. Seneca? Tragcedias, Delphini. Paris. 1728,410. Senecae Opera. Amftelodami, 1672, 3 vols. 8vo. Salluftius, Havercampi. Amftelod. 1742, 2 vols. 4to. Suetonius, Grasvii. Trajedt. ad Rhen. 1703. Stobasus, Gr. et Lat. Genevas, 1609, folio. Tacitus, Gronovii. Trajecl. 1722, 2 vols. 4to. Thucydides. Genevas, 1609, folio. Terentius. Amftelod. 1686, 8vo. Theocritus. 1804, 4to. Virgilius Variorum. Lugd. Bat. 1680, 3 vols. 8vo. with Ogilby's Tranflation. London, 1660, folio. Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Parifiis, 1625, fol. To which may be added, the Works of Diofcorides ; Petrus de Crefcentiis ; Euclid, Plautus, and Plato ; Melmoth's Letters of Pliny; Vigerus de Idiotifmis Grascis, Londini, 1678, i2mo. ; Barthelemy's Voyage d'Anacharfis, Paris. 1790-7, 8vo. atlas; Falconer's Voyage of Hanno, London, 1797, 8vo. ; and Vincent's Voyage of Nearchus, London, 1797, 4to. Of Britifti daffies, this Library contains the Works of Bacon and Locke ; Newton's Works, edited by Horfley, London, 1779, in 5 vols. 4to. ; Du Bartas' Divine Works and Weeks ; Brown's Vulgar Errors ; Burney's Hiftory of Mufic ; Chaucer's Works, by Urry, London, 1602, folio ; Charles the Firft's Works ; Dryden's Works, London, 1693, 4 vols. 4to. ; Har- 170 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. rington's Works, London, 1747, folio; Heywood's Fall of Lucifer, a Poem, London, 1635, 8vo. ; John- fon's Works; Phillips' Poems, 1609, folio; Shake- fpeare's Works, printed at London, 1685, folio, and at Oxford, 1744, in 6 vols. 4to. ; Spenfer's Works, 1589, 4to. ; Shaftefbury's Characlierifticks, and Temple's Works ; to which I may add Tomline's Life of Pitt, and Monk's Life of Bentley; Markham on War; Spence's Polymetis ; Webb on the Beauties of Painting, 1760 ; Bentham's Fragment on Government ; Nichol- fon's Encyclopaedia, 1 809, 6 vols. 8vo. ; a large paper copy of Whitcombe's Letter to the Prince Regent ; the Edinburgh Review ; and Literary Hiftory. Of Works relating to Bibliography, I obferved only Bruckeri Hift. Crit. Philof. 4to. D'Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orientale. Paris. 1697, folio. Bibliotheque Univerfelle. Amft. 1687, 7 vols. i2mo. Bibliotheque Choifi. Amft. 1703, 14 vols. i2mo. Bibliotheque Ancienne et Moderne. Amft. 171 6, 6 vols. i2ino. Fabricii Bibliotheca Graeca. Hamburg. 1708, 14 vols. 4to. Journal des Sfavans. Bruxelles, 1681, 18 vols. i2mo. Montfaucon's Palaeographia Grasca. Paris. 1708, fol. Stanley's Hiftory of Philofophers, folio. Thuani Monumenta Literaria. 1 640, 8vo. In Natural Hiftory, I noticed only Aldrovandi Opera, Romae. 1638, 12 vols, folio. Burnet's Theory of the Earth. Ruellius de Natura Stirpium. With the following mifcellaneous articles I will clofe my account of the Gloucefter Cathedral Library. GLOUCESTER. 171 Bartholomaeus de Proprietatibus Rerum. Parifiis, 1480, folio. Bayle's Di&ionary. Chambers' Dictionary. Campbell on Rhetoric. Corneilles' Works. Libavii Alchymia. Francof. 161 1, 2 vols, folio. Maferes Scriptores Logarithmici. Lond. 1791, 5 vols. 4to. PufFendorf's Law of Nations. London, 1729, folio. Studio di Architecftura, folio. Tonftall de Arte Supputandi ; and fome portions of the Works of RourTeau ; only remarking that the greater portion of the Divinity is arranged in old calf, whofe fombre appearance has been relieved by the addition of new lettering pieces ; and that all the books appear remarkably free from damp, being all in open cafes, except a few which are in the locked cafes at the upper end of the Chapter- houfe, where ftand the Bufts of Edward the Firft, and of Handel. 172 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. JUbratpof ^ereforD. HE Library of this ancient Cathedral has been happily preferved in its ori- ginal ftate, affording a moft excellent fpecimen of a genuine Monaftic Li- brary. The Chapel of our Lady too, in which this intereft- ing Collection is depofited, deferves in itfelf the tribute of a parting remark for its fretted roof and tefTelated floor, its beautiful windows, and its facred character. The adjacent oratory of Bifhop Audley, tranflated from this See to Salifbury, whofe gilt and painted roof faintly indicates its priftine fplendour, as well as the tomb of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, 1330, muft alfo attract the notice even of the moft incurious ftranger. Such a one will not pafs unheeded the fhrine of Saint Ethelbert, and the effigy of the Juvenile Martyr; or the Head of the Crofier, the Papal Seal, or the Epif- copal Rings, the relics of John Trillich, the forty- eighth Bifhop of Hereford, a.d. 1360, found in the Choir in 181 3. The books are placed in projecting cafes upon open fhelves, to which they are attached by chains, more monachorum, which chains are fattened to a bar coex- HEREFORD. i 73 tenfive with each fhelf, and confined by a lock at the end of each cafe. Of thefe the Canons in refidence poifefs the keys ; even the Catalogue of the Library is rivetted to the defk on which it ftands, and all additions made to the Collection are chained befide their elder brethren. Thefe fetters are very injurious to the binding of the books, when that is of any confequence ; and by caufing all the volumes to have their fore edges turned outwards, are by no means calculated to invite the be- holder; indeed it would appear that thefe manacles were in ufe long before lettering pieces came into fafhion, and of thefe helps to the enquirer few indeed are to be found in this ancient Library. The books are chiefly attired in the original calf, though fome retain their wooden bindings, and are arranged in claffes in the feveral cafes, which are num- bered in the following manner : i. S. Biblia. Concord. Lex. S. Patres. ii. S. Patres. Concil. Eccl. Hift. Comment, in S. Biblia. in. Hift. Eccl. Lexicogr. iv. Hift. Civil. & Lib. Claffic. Lib. Reformator. & Theolog. v. Lib. Scholaftic. & Artium. Lib. Jur. Canon. & Civil. & Statut. vi. Lib. Antiquar. & Mifcell. Liber Pontificior. vii. and vin. Codd. MSS. Thefe projecting cafes are placed on each fide of the Chapel, in a feries defcending from what was once the altar to the wooden fcreen, which divides the part ap- propriated to the Library from the lower portion of the Chapel. 174 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. On entering the Library, the Manufcripts confe- quently are the firft to attract attention, and, being both curious and valuable, fhall be here defcribed in the firft place. One of the moft important is a manufcript copy of Wickliffe's Bible, folio, imperfect at the beginning of Generis, and the end of the Apocalypfe, written upon vellum, and recently bound in calf. There are alfo very beautiful Manufcripts, upon vellum, of the Biblia Latina, S. Hieronymi, in folio, with illuminations, the gift of Stephen Boughton, afterwards Canon of Wor- cester; and of the Decreta Gratiani, cum apparatu, alfo illuminated, and in its priftine coverture of oak, bearing on the fide under horn, the following infcrip- tion in Gothic characters : " Decreta. Ex dono iii Olkeym Lloid legum docloris." There is alfo a very ancient Manufcript upon vellum, in the Roman character, of the " Eplae S. Pauli," in quarto, bearing this Infcription, indicative at once of its antiquity and its worth : " Liber fa Guthlaci de prioratu Herefordie." I will next proceed to fpecify the mod: remarkable of thefe Manufcripts without flopping to indicate the fubftance upon which each has been written, it being unneceffary to premife that the more ancient, and in this cafe the greater number, are upon vellum. Befides the S. Biblia Veteris et Novi Teftamenti per Hieronymum, Latine, folio, and, Evangelia Quatuor Latine verfa, quarto, there are manufcripts of various portions of the Bible, and Homilies by feveral of the Fathers. HEREFORD. 175 I alfo noticed folios, containing the Works of Saints Auguftine, Chryfoftom, Bernard, Eufebius, and Je- rome, together with many Glories and Poftilla?, Decre- tals and Pandects. I alfo obferved the Hiftoria Scholaftica of Comeftor, and Sermones Petri Comeftoris in folio. A curious volume in quarto, containing — "Vita Chrifti per Bonaventuram ; Vita S. Fran- " cifci, et Vita? Inclufarum Anglice per Ricardum de " Hampul. Item, The Way of Perfection by Henry " Chambernon," and Guilielmi de Sancto Amore Col- lectio, &c. quarto, more interefting from the tradition connected with it, than from its contents, as every one will readily admit, who reads within it : — " Hie liber " pertinuiffe videtur ad Hugonem Latimerum. Epifc. " et Martyrem." As connected with the early Hiftory and Ordi- nances of the Church, we have the well known Con- ftitutiones Clementina? glonata? a Joanne Andrea, folio ; the Infritutiones et Codex Juftiniani-Chronica Mar- tini Papa?, &c. folio ; Sylloge Conciliorum Ecclefia- rum Orientalium et Occidentalium, a Martino Braca- renfi Epifcopo facta, folio ; Acta et Statuta quasdam de Fratribus Mendicantibus, &c. folio ; Eufebii Ca?fa- rienlis Hiftoria Eccleliaftica, Latine per Rufinum, cum Supplemento ad obitum Theodora Magni, folio ; Lu- dovici de Padua, Tabula in Jus Canon, et Civil, folio ; Joannes de Bromyard Tractatus Juris Civilis et Cano- nici, folio ; and the Conftitutiones Provinciales et Le- gatina?, cum Commentariis in eafdem. Independently of AuguftinideCivitate Dei, Sermones et Epiftolas, and Hieronymi Epiftola?, et Tractatus varii, there are the Works of Saints Anfelm and Gregory ; 176 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Joannis Damafceni Opera ; Caffianus de Collationibus Patrum; and Nicolai de Lyra fuper V. Libros Moyfis, &c. folio ; together with Petri de Capua Dictionum Biblicarum Explanatio ordine Alphabetico, folio. In the Theology of the middle ages we meet with the fubtleties of Thomas Aquinas, and Joannes Duns Scotus fuper IV Sentent. folio, as well as with Ad- helmus de Virginitate, &c. 4to. ; Nicolai de Gorram Diftinctiones Rerum Theologicarum, a. d. 1400, folio ; Roberti Crickladenfis, Cognomine Canuti, (Knight) de Connubio Jacobi Patriarchal, 4to. ; Jofe- phi De Burgo, Cancellarii Cantabrigienfis, Liber qui dicitur Pupilla Oculi, folio ; Alcwini Diaconi Specu- lum Morale, 4to. ; iEgidii Romani, Eremitae Augufti- niani, Liber de Regimine Principum, folio ; and Hu- gonis de Sancto Victore Liber de Clauftro animas, folio. As connected with Britifh Hiftory, I may mention the following interesting volume : Bedae, Venerabilis, Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica Libris V. cum Epilogio de Obitu Bedas ; et Chrono- logia Archiepifcoporum Cantuarienfium ab Auguftino ad praefens tempus ; i. e. Thorns de Arundel. Archiep. Cantuar. folio. Of Claffical Authors, the Manufcripts are few, yet amid fuch a mafs of obfolete divinity, it is pleafant to recognife the following : * Ciceronis liber de Inventione Rhetorica cum Gloria, et Fulberti Epifcopi de Differentia Rhetoricae & Dia- lectical Item, Liber de Officio Oratoris ad Herennium, 4to. ; Boethii de Confolatione Philofophiae cum Comm. 4to. ; and Petri de Crefcentiis, Civis Bononienfis, de Ruralibus Commodis, folio ; to which I may add the HEREFORD. 177 celebrated Catholicon Januenfe, folio ; Ifidori Hifpa- lenfis Etymologiarum Liber, folio ; and Ofberni Mo- nachi Glouceftrenfis, Panormia ; feu Linguae Latins Dictionarium ; fcilicet, Vocabula, Derivationes, 6tc. folio. With thefe and the mention of the once popular Bar- tholomasus de Proprietatibus Rerum, 4to. ; and Jacobi Januenfis Aurea Legenda, folio ; I mail conclude my account of the Manufcripts, which form the moft ancient portion of the Hereford Cathedral Library, the contents of which are briefly enumerated in the order in which the volumes themfelves ftand upon the fhelves, for being all chained, this order cannot be materially difturbed. This lift occupies nine leaves at the end of the folio volume, which contains the Catalogue of the printed books, and bears the following title : " Catalogus om- " nium Codicum Manufcriptorum in Bibliotheca He- " refordenfi." I obferved, lying upon the table 93 pages of a printed Catalogue of the Manufcripts in the poffemon of Sir Thomas Phillipps, at Middle Hill in Worcefterfhire, arranged according to the Collections, or under the names of the bookfellers from which they had been purchafed, with this general title : Catalogus Libro- rum MSS. in Bibliotheca Philippica,. folio ; which I regarded as a temporary expedient to affift the recol- lection of their owner, for a Collection fo valuable and extennve ought to receive fuch a detailed defcription as that given by the accurate and indefatigable O'Conor of the invaluable Manufcripts at Stowe. Let us there- fore hope that the " Bibliotheca Philippica " may one N 178 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. day be rightly fet forth juxta exemplar " Bibliothecae " MS. Stowenfis." We come now to the remaining and moft extenfive department of this venerable Library, which includes the printed books, which are briefly enumerated in a thin folio volume, entitled " Catalogus omnium im- " prerTorum Librorum Bibliothecae Ecclefias Cathedralis " Herefordenfis juxta ordinem alphabeticum digeftus." The true bibliographer, (Spirit of envy, fay not bib- liomaniac), will imagine with what pleafure I turned from the vague indication of* Legenda Aurea' in this Catalogue, to its correfponding number on the fhelves, and found it to be the veritable Golden Legende of William Caxton. To thofe who in Dibdinian phrafeology are familiar with this " thumping folio," I need fay no more than that it is very found in the middle, though much ftained at the end ; and that it is preferved in its ori- ginal binding of ftamped calf, with the brafs knobs and clafps. This copy is however unfortunately de- fective at the end, wanting all the leaves after " folio cccc.xxxix." It alfo wants the Prologue and Table, five leaves, beginning with folio i. and continuing en- tire to folio cccc.xxxix. inclufive. As a meet companion to this noble fpecimen of the early Englifh prefs, I may cite a very fine early Te- rence, in a rude Roman type, without any diftinction of verfes, or name of printer, place, or date. This in- terefting volume confifts of 246 leaves, and has 2 5 lines in a full page. It commences with the life of Publius Terentius Afer, having the firfl: letter illumi- nated, and ends with thefe verfes : " Qui cupit obtrufam frugem guftaffe Terenti Donatum querat nofcere grammaticum." HEREFORD. 179 It is bound up with a Manufcript of Terence, entitled, " Pars Comoed. P. Terentii, partim MS. cum Expof. " Florii," &c. apparently in an old Englifh hand ; and at the end of the volume, in Gothic character, is this infcription : " Liber eft fui Olkeym Lloid." The book retains its original wooden binding, covered with calf, and confined by clafps. On the centre of its right fide, under a plate of horn is the following in- fcription upon paper, in the Gothic character : " Terenci us cu donate Ex dono m. Olkeym Lloyd, qudam Canonum huj' Ecclie. — " Whilft on the fubject of early printed books, I may mention Higden's Polychronicon, printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1495 ; Lyndewode, Provinciale, in dou- ble columns, of Gothic letter, with the date of 1433, doubtlefs by a lapfe of the numeral and intended for 1483, folio; Bartholomasus de Proprietatibus Rerum, Argentorati, 1485, folio; and the Commentaries of Nicholas de Lyra, printed at Venice in 1485, in 5 vo- lumes, folio ; Breydenbach, Peregrinationes in terram fan&am, Antverpias, 1490, fol. ; Ptolomaei Geographia, Ulmas, 1 486, fol. ; and though laft, not leaft, a very fine and found copy of Nonius Marcellus de Proprietate La- tini Sermonis, printed at Venice by the unrivalled Nico- las Jenfon in 1476, folio. This beautiful copy has the firft letter illuminated, and the arms of fome former, probably its earlieft, pofiefibr, printed at the foot of the firft page. It is preferved in its priftine coverture of wood, and is quite perfect, having the table at the end. Of impreflions of the Holy Bible, the ftudent of the Scriptures will perufe with fatisfaclion the following fuccint enumeration thereof: 180 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Biblia Polyglotta, Montani. Antverpiae, 1568, folio, 8 vols. Biblia Polyglotta, Waltoni. Londini, 1657, folio, 6 vols, cum Caftelli Lexicon. 2 vols. fol. Biblia Hebraea, cum Rabbinorum Comment. Bafil. 4 vols, folio. Biblia Hebraea, per Munfter. Bafileae. 1543, 2 vols. folio. Biblia Hebraea, per Kimchi. Parifiis, 1543, 5 vols. 4to. Biblia Graeca, per Wechel. Francofurti, 1597. Biblia Graeca, per Grabe. Oxonii, 1707, 2 vols. fol. Biblia Latina, per S. Hieronymum, Norimbergae. 1 501, folio. Biblia Latina, per Jo. Caftalionem. Bafileae, 1556, folio. Biblia Latina, per Pagninum. Parifiis, Stephani, 1557, folio. Biblia Latina, per Lovanium. Antverpiae, 1570, fol. Biblia Latina, per Junium et Tremellium. Hano- viae, 1596 et 1624, folio. 'Barker. London, 161 1, folio. Norton and Bill. London, 1629, folio. John Coufturier, " permirTu fu- " periorum at the College of " Doway." 1635, 4 t0 * .Field. Cambridge, 1660, folio. Novum Teftamentum Gr. Millii. Oxonii, 1707, folio. Novum Teftamentum Gr. Erafmi. Bafileae, 1527, 1555 & 1570, folio. Pfalterium Hebr. Gr. Arab, et Chald. 151 6, folio. As connected with the Church Service, I may men- tion — ■ The Bible in Eng- lish, printed by HEREFORD. 181 Breviarium ad ufum Sarum. Londini, 1556, 4to. Manuale ad ufum Sarum. Londini, 1554, 4to. Miilale ad ufum Sarum. 1531, folio. MifTale Romanum a Concilio Tridentino inftitutum. Lugd. Bat. 1685, folio. Durandi Rationale divinorum officiorum. Lugduni, 1592, 8vo. Of the Fathers of the Church, in addition to the Works of Saints Ambrofe, Cyprian, Cyril, and Epi- phanius, and of La&antius, Clemens Alexandrinus, Origen, Philo Judaeus, Peter and Juftin Martyr, Ter- tullian, Theophylact, Toftatus and Theodoret ; I re- marked the Works of Saint Anfelm, printed at Cologne in 1573, folio. Athanafii Opera Gr. et Lat. Coloniae, 1686, 2 vols. folio. Auguftini Opera per Erafmum. Bafileae, 1529, 10 vols, folio. Bafilii Magni Opera. Parifiis, 161 8, 3 vols, folio. Chryfoftomi Opera per Erafmum. Bafileae, 1530, 5 vols, folio. Eufebii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica. Moguntiae, 1672, folio. Eufebii Praeparatio Evangelica. Parifiis, 1628, folio. Hieronymi Opera per Erafmum. Bafileae, 1524, 5 vols, folio. Irenaei Opera per Erafmum. Bafileae, 1 548, folio, and The Bibliotheca Sanctorum Patrum. Defcending to a later period, befides the Works of Thomas Aquinas, Jewel, Calvin, Lowth, Lightfoot, Hammond, Pearfon, Prideaux, Stillingfleet, and Je- remy Taylor, Chillingworth, Patrick, Knight, and Tillotfon ; I noticed 182 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The Syntagma Opinionum. Lugd. 1608, 3 vols. folio. Lutheri Opera Omnia. Witebergse, 1582, 7 vols. folio. Grotii Comment, in Vet. & Nov. Teft. Parifiis, 1644, 5 vols, folio. Suiceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticis. Amftelod. 1682, 2 vols, folio. Zanchii Opera Theologica. Genevas. 16 19, 3 vols. folio. Zuingeri Theatrum Vitas Humanas. Bafileas, 1571, 3 vols, folio. To which I may without impropriety, add Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. London, 1732, 3 vols, folio. Broughton's Dictionary of all Religions. London, 1742, folio. Bibliotheca Polonorum Fratrum. Bibliotheca Hebraea per Wolnum. Bochart, Geographia Sacra. Cadomi, 1651. Bochart, Hierozoicon. Londini, 1663. Suarez Theological Tracts, and feveral of the Con- troversial Writings of Bellarmine. In Ecclefiaftical Hifhory, I obferved many valuable Works upon the Ihelves, of which I may felecl: the Conciliorum Collectio Maxima per Labbeum, Sec. Paris. 1672, in 18 vols, folio. Hardouini Conciliorum A&orum Collectio. Parifiis, 171 5, in 12 vols, folio. Concilia Magnas Britannia? per Wilkins. London, 1726, 4 vols, folio. Bingham's Antiquities of the Chriftian Church. Picart's Religious Ceremonies. London, 1733. HEREFORD. 183 Godwyn's Prasfules Anglicani. Londini, 1616, 2 vols, folio. Godwyn's Englifh Prelates. London, 1601. Mofheim's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. Wharton's Anglia Sacra. Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity. Burnet's Reformation. Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy. Baronii Annales Ecclef. Parker's Antiq. Eccl. Brit. Hanovias, 1605, folio. Sanderi Vera Hiftoria Schifmatis Anglicanae. Colon. 1628, 8vo. Brandt's Hiftory of the Reformation in the Low Countries. London, 1720, 4 vols, folio. Beds Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica. Antverpiae, 1550. Bedas Hiftoria per Smith. Cantabrigiae, 1722, folio. Fox's Book of Martyrs. London, 1610, 2 vols. fol. Strype's Annals and Memorials. Juftiniani Codex, and the Decreta Gratiani, are the moil: worthy of commemoration. Before quitting entirely the fubjecl: of Divinity, I may add that this Library contains feveral old con- cordances. Gefneri Bibliotheca per Simlerum. Tiguri, 1574, folio. Fleetwood's Sermons and Tract. The Critici Sacri. Leigh's Critica Sacra. Lond. 1646, 4to. Erafmi Opera Omnia. Lugd. Bat. 1703, 10 vols. folio. Gibfon's Codex Juris Canon, et Civil., in 2 vols. fol. Martin Bucer de fcriptis Anglicanis, &c. Of which Cave's Scriptor. Ecclef. Hift. Liter. Lon- 184 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. dini, 1688, folio; and Dupin's Hiftory of Ecclefiafti- cal Writers, London, 1697, 7 vols, folio, may very properly conclude the notice. Of General Hiftory it may fuffice to fpecify, the Dictionary of Bayle, the valuable Collections of Gras- vius and Gronovius, with the Lexicon of Pitifcus and the Infcriptions of Gruter. Guicciardini Hiftoria fui temporis. Bafileas, 1556, folio. Krantzii Saxonicae Gentis Origo. Francof. 1580, folio. Krantzii Regnorum Aquilon. Chronica. Francof. 1583, folio. Olai Magni, Hiftoria Gentium Septentrion. Bafileas, 1567, folio. Mariana? Hiftoria de rebus Hifpanicis. Toleti, 1592, folio. Montfaucon's Antiquities, tranflated by Humphreys. Blair's Chronological Tables. London, 1756, folio. Collier's Hiftorical Dictionary and the Atlas de Lille. Of Englifh Hiftory, it is pleafant to record fuch valuable Illuftrations as Dugdale's Monafticon, by Ste- vens, and Tanner's Notitia by Nafmith ; Dugdale's Baronage ; the Publications of the Record Commif- iioners. Scriptores Rerum Anglicarum poft Bedam, edente Savile. Britannicarum Rerum Scriptores vetuftiores ac pra- cipui. Heidelberg^, 1587, folio. Camdeni Anglica, Normannica etc. a veteribus fcripta. Francofurti, 1603, folio. Camden's Britannia, edited by Gibfon. London, 1753, folio. HEREFORD. 185 Brooke's Difcovery of Camden's Errors. London, 1660, 4to. Polydore Vergil, Hiftoria Anglicana. Ricardi Viti Bafinftochii Hiftoria Britannia?. 161 1, 8vo. Matthasi Weftmonafterienfis Flores Hiftoriarum. Francof. 1601, folio. Matthad Paris Hiftoria Anglicana. Londini, 1 571, folio. The Chronicles of Harding. London, 1543. The Chronicles of Fabian. London, 1559. The Chronicles of Cooper. London, 1560. The Chronicles of Holinfhed. London, 1574, 2 vols, folio. Rufhworth's Historical Collections. London, 172 1, 6 vols, folio. Clarendon's Hiftory of the Rebellion. Oxford, 1707, 2 vols, folio. Thurloe's State Papers. Kippis's Biographia Britannica. Gibfon's Home Lacy, &c. Oxon. 1674. Borlafes' Cornwall. Wood's Antiquitates Oxonienfes. 1674. Wood's Athens. Oxon. 1691. Sandford's Genealogical Hiftory of the Kings of England. To which I may add, as the mod: proper fequel, Bakei Scriptores Britannici. Wefalias, 1 548, 4to. and Nicolfon's valuable Hiftorical Library. Of Law, it will be enough to mention the Statutes at large ; Blackftone's Commentaries ; Cunningham's Law Dictionary ; Spencer de legibus Hebrasorum, Can- tabrigiae, 1685; Durandi Speculum Juris, Bafilea?, 1574, folio. 186 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Of Claffical Authors, in addition to the Works of Ariftotle, I may enumerate, Ariftophanes, Stephani. Bafilea?, 1547. Ciceronis Opera, Lambini. Genevae, 1584. Demofthenes, Taylori. Cantabrigian, 1748, 4to. Euripides, Barnefii. Cantabrigiae, 1694. Horatius. Bafileas, 1580, folio. Livii Hiftoria. Parifiis, 1573, folio. Paufanias. Bafileas, 1550. Plato, Ficini. Francof. 1602, folio. Plinii Sen. Nat. Hift. Seleftadii, 1531, folio. Plutarchus. Bafileae, 1535, folio. Polybius, Cafauboni. Parifiis, 1609, folio. Strabonis Geographia. Bafileae, 1523, folio. Thucydides, Hudfoni. Oxonii, 1696, folio; with NycolFs Tranflation of Thucydides. London, 1560, folio. Valerius Maximus. Parifiis, 1 517, folio. Virgilius. Parifiis, 1532, folio; with Trapp's Tranf- lation, and Xenophontis Opera, Stephani. Parifiis, 1 581, folio. To which may be added, the Jofephus of Hudfon. Poeta3 Grasci Heroici. Aurel. Allob. 1 606, folio, and Maittaire Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Londini, 171 3, 2 vols, folio. I may here alfo moft properly introduce the Acta Eruditorum cum Suppl. Lipfiae, 1683, et feq. 4to. ; the Bibliographia Antiquaria ; Bibliotheca Grasca, Latina, and Ecclefiaftica of the learned Fabricius ; Photii Bib- liotheca, cura Hoefchelii, Rothomagi, 1563 ; and Bib- liothecas Bodleianas Catalogus, Oxonii, 1574, folio; Bibliothecas Thuani Catalogus, Hamburg, 2 vols. HEREFORD. 187 i2mo. ; Thuani Monumenta Literaria, Lut. Par. 1639, 4to. With Etymological Works this Library is well fur- nifhed, as the following fpecimens may ferve to mow. Cooper's Thefaurus. London, 1584, folio. Davies' Dictionarium. Colonise, 1624, 4to. Hefychii Lexicon. Hoffmanni Lexicon. Hickes' Thefaurus Septentrionalis. Oxonii, 1705, folio ; cui accedit Wanleii Antiq. Litt. Septentr. Oxon. 1705, folio. Johnfon's Englim Dictionary. Lexicon Arabicum per Erpenium. Leida?, 161 3. Lexicon Chaldaicum per Eliam Levitam. Colon. 1560. Lexicon Hebraicum per Mercerum, &c. Lugd. l S7S- Lluyd's Archaslogia. Lye's Saxon and Gothic Dictionary. Perotti Cornucopia. Bafileae, 1526, folio. Phavorini Lexicon Grascum. Suidas Lexicon. Venetiis, 15 14, folio. In Englim Literature this Collection is remarkably deficient, for the Works of Bacon and Locke, of the Royal Authors, James and Charles ; Merlin's Prophe- cies, printed at Frankfort in 1 608 ; -and Chambers' Cyclopaedia, alone arretted my attention. I muft not however omit Hawkins's Hiftory of Mufic, and a complete Collection of Handel's Mufic, the munificent donation of his late Majefty George IV. to the Cathedral of Hereford. Though not connected with the Library, I may be pardoned for introducing to the reader's notice an old 188 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Saxon Map of the World, preferred in the Treafury. Jerufalem is its centre, and the names of the places are indicated in black letter, which appears to have been inferted fubfequently to the original Saxon cha- racters. At the corner of the Map is this infcription : " Exiit edictu ab Augufto Casfare ut defcriberetur hie " univerfus orbis " — ligned by " Richard de Halding- " ham," and " e de lafford." The Antiquary will learn with pleafure that a copy of this Map has been made by the direction of the Royal Society, and that confequently this interefting relic of antiquity will become much better known than any obfervations of mine could poflibly make it. 3Uftrarp of lUnftety palate. N the princely habitation of the head of the Englifh Church, no place could have been found more fuitable for the reception of the valuable Library of printed books, attached to the See of Canterbury, than the ancient Juxonian Hall, rife with hiftoric recollections, and now replete with comfort. This noble room has been fo beautifully reftored under the tafteful fuperintendance of Blore, that all its furniture is in perfect accordance with the ancient vaulted roof, which hangs above it. The modern oaken bookcafes entirely furround the room, and projecting at ftated intervals from the walls, make as it were a little book-room in each recefs; fo vaft are the dimenfions of this antique hall, which is however completely warmed at pleafure by two grand fire-places, one at each end of the room. The books, thus carefully protected from damp, amount in number to nearly five and twenty thoufand volumes, arranged in fymmetrical order upon the open fhelves of the oaken cafes. Some of the choicer articles however are kept in the adjacent muniment room, of which the Librarian religiouily keeps the key. 190 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The two Coverdale's, and other early Englifh Bibles, fome of the Caxton's,and Cicero's offices, with the Nea- politan Pentateuch, both upon vellum, will be found repofing in this chamber, of whofe principal contents I have already fpoken. Previous to the judicious adaptation of the Juxonian Hall to the Archiepifcopal Library, that Collection was depofited in four galleries over the cloifters, where it had probably remained ever fince the Reftoration. Its previous hiftory is however worthy of notice, as a remarkable inftance of the mutations to which literary property is fubject in times of popular commotion. This Library is believed to have been founded by Archbifhop Bancroft, in the reign of James the Firft, but during the civil wars, thefe printed books were all feized by the Parliament, and by it fubfequently be- ftowed upon the puritanical eftablifhment of Sion College. In times of great political excitement, men it would feem have no leifure to attend to nice diftinctions be- tween meum and tuum : many of thofe volumes con- fequently got into private hands ; and the Library was in danger of being difperfed, when the learned Selden fuggefted to the Univerfity of Cambridge their right to the Collection under Archbifhop Bancroft's will. This demand, it appears, was no fooner made than complied with ; for in February, 1 647, we find, that purfuant to an order of Parliament, this Collection was delivered into the pofleflion of that Univerfity. The Archiepifcopal Library however was not long fuffered to remain feparate from its parent See, for upon the Reftoration it was demanded by Archbifhop Juxon, and was accordingly reftored to his fuccefibr. LAMBETH PALACE. 191 Since the period of its foundation, though the Li- brary may have fuftained fome lories, yet thefe I fuf- pect have been more than counterbalanced by the numerous benefactions of fuccefiive Prelates. Archbifhops Abbot, Laud, Sheldon, and Tennifon were diftinguifhed benefactors. Archbifhop Seeker enriched it by the bequeft of his entire Collection ; and the late Archbifhop Manners Sutton conliderably aug- mented the theological clafs. The firft Catalogue of the printed books was com- piled by Bifhop Gibfon, in two fmall folio volumes, each containing a full alphabet, and bearing the fol- lowing title : — " Catalogus librorum quos fumma cura " propriifque fumptibus Richardus et Georgius nuper " Cantuariae Archi-Epi. Bibliotheca? Lambethance, " comparunt : eofq. fuccefforibus fuis Cantuarien " Archi-Epif. fupremis Tabulis in Perpetuum relin- " quendos ftatuerunt." The title of the books, with their dates and references to their places on the fhelves are in this Catalogue correctly given. Thefe two vo- lumes are bound in what Dr. Dibdin would call " a " kiver of parchmente." This Catalogue was afterwards tranferibed in a fair hand by Dr. Wilkins, and continued by his fucceffors to the prefent time. The arrangement of this Work is alphabetical, and the titles, dates, and places are cor- rectly given to each book, with references to their places upon the fhelves, or rather to a correfponding numeral and letter parted on each volume. This Catalogue is comprifed in three folio volumes, each having a feparate title page, which is fuperfcribed with " Catalogus Bibliothecas Lambethanas." The firft volume bears the date of 17 18, and con- 192 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. tains 725 pages regularly numbered from the begin- ning, comprifing letters A to F. The fecond volume, bearing the title and date, contains pages 729 to 1393, and letters E to O. The third volume, bearing the fame date and title, contains pages 1397 to 2068, and letters P to Z. All thefe volumes are in calf binding; but they do not contain all the treafures of this extenfive Collection ; for in another folio volume, alfo bound in calf, we find " A Catalogue of the Books bequeathed " by the late Archbifhop Seeker to the Archiepifco- " pal Library at Lambeth, a.d. 1768." This Catalogue, compiled in alphabetical order, contains 244 pages, exclufive of feven leaves at the end, containing " an Index of the Names of the Au- " thors, whofe Works are fcientifically placed in this " Catalogue." In both thefe Catalogues, though the arrangement is ftrictly alphabetical, yet Works relating to different fubjedts, countries, or fects, &c. are enu- merated under thofe heads as well as under the names of their refpective authors. There are yet three other calf-bound volumes in folio, defcriptive of the contents of this Library. Two of thefe contain " A Catalogue of the Tracts and Pam- phlets in the Archiepifcopal Library at Lambeth, drawn up by Dr. Ducarel, F. R. and A. S. Lambeth Librarian." The firft volume, dated 1773, contains 285 leaves, and letters A to N, preceded by the foregoing title, and a dedication to Frederick, Archbifhop of Canter- bury, by the compiler. The fecond volume, bearing the fame date and title, contains letters O to Z, and has leaves, numbered from 286 to 596, after which the pages are numbered, fo that the final number is LAMBETH PALACE. 93 6 1 8, although the actual number of leaves in the Work be only 609. It alfo bears the date of 1773. The third volume comprehends an " Index to the " Catalogue of Pamphlets and Tracts in the Lambeth " Library, drawn up by Dr. Ducarel, 1773," being an alphabetical index of the names contained in the two preceding volumes. To all thefe three volumes a por- trait of Dr. Ducarel, the hirtorian of Lambeth Palace, as well as the keeper of its Library, is prefixed. In attempting to convey to the reader fome notion of the multifarious contents of this extenfive Collec- tion, I would firfl beg to direct his attention to facred fubjects, for Biblical Literature forms one of the moft important features of this valuable Library. Here are two copies of the nrft Englifh Bible, being that tranflated by Coverdale, and printed in all proba- bility by Christian Egenolph at Francfortin 1535, folio. The firft of thefe copies, with the dedication to Queen Anne Boleyn, wants the title, but is perfect, though damaged at the end. It does not poffefs the Map, which is fo often wanting. This volume mea- sures twelve inches and a half by feven inches and feven-eighths, and is in old calf-binding. The fecond of thefe copies, has the dedication to Queen Jane Seymour, belonging to the edition 1536, wants not only the title, but the whole of the New Teflament. It porTeiTes however a gratuitous addition at the end, of thirteen leaves, being " a table of the " principal Matters conteyned in the whole Bible," printed in the ordinary black letter of the early part of the lixteenth century. This volume meafures twelve inches and a quarter by eight inches, and is alfo in calf-binding. i 9 4 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. In purfuing the other editions of the Englilh Bible, I will obferve as clofely as I can the order of time, beginning with the joint labour of Coverdale and Tyn- dale ; The Bible, by Thomas Matthew, at the expenfe of R. Grafton and E. Whitchurch, without indica- tion of place, but printed at London in 1537, fo- lio.* The prefent copy retains its original bind- ing of calf. Cranmer's, or the Great Bible. London, by Richard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch, nnimed in April, 1539, folio. Cranmer's Bible. London, by Edward Whitchurch, Apryll, 1540, folio. The Bible, overfene by Cuthbert, Bifhop of Durefm, and Nicolas, Bifhop of Rochester. London, by Edward Whitchurche, 1541, folio. The Bible, by Thomas Matthew, reprinted from the edition of 1537, with fome alterations, and pub- limed by Edmund Becke. London, by Thomas Raynaldes and William Hyll, 1 549, folio. * The copy of this Bible, which fucceffively belonged to Tutet and Bindley, is remarkable as being the identical copy which one Thorn- ton, by an artful counterfeit, fold to the Duke of Lauderdale, for feven- teen guineas, pretending that the Epiftle to the Romans began with " Paul an Kneawe," &c. which, as Mr. Wanley has informed us, was effected by the erafure of the true words, " the fervaunt " — and the infertion of the falfe reading, effacing alfo Matthew's Preface, and all the dates except one, of which he erafed the numerals xvii. at the end of m.dxxxvii. whereby the date flood thus, m.dxx. which is earlier than that of any Englifh Bible. As it does not appear the above falfe reading was ever printed, it is not of much confequence, though no- ticed by Lewis, p. 47 ; Cotton, p. 4 ; and by Clarke, p. 30. See alfo the Bibliotheca Harlelana, 1. No. 154. LAMBETH PALACE. 195 Taverner's Bible. London, by J. Daye and W. Seres, 1549, folio. Coverdale's Bible. London, for Andrew Hefter, 1550, 4to. ; the body of this book is in Zurich type, but the preliminary pieces were printed at London. The Bible, by Thomas Matthew, with fome varia- tion, and an addition of the third book of the Maccabees by Edmond Becke. London, by John Daye, 1551, folio. The Bible. Printed at London by Nicholas Hyll, for Robert Toye, 1551, folio. The Genevan Bible. At Geneva, printed by Rou- land Hall, 1560, 4to.* Cranmer's Bible. Lond. by John Cawood, 1561,410. Cranmer's Bible. Rouen, by C. Hamillon, at the coil and charges of Richard Carmarden, 1566, folio. -f- The Bible. Printed at London, with Cawood's Mark, in 1569, 4to. * The firft edition of this verfion, was for many years the moll popular one in England, as its numerous editions may teftify. After the appearance of King James's tranflation, the ufe of it feems to have declined: yet a fondnefs for its notes ftill lingered ; and we have feve- ral instances of their being attached to editions of the royal tranflation, one of which kind was printed fo lately as 17 15, but without place or name of printer, f From the peculiar rendering of the text in Genefis iii. 7, the editions of this tranflation have been commonly known by the name of Breeches Bibles. The copy at Balliol College is an exceedingly fine one, printed upon large paper. See Cotton's Lift, p. 14, and Appendix. f A copy of this edition is in the All Souls' Library at Oxford. 196 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The Bifhop's Bible. London, by Richard Jugge, 1572, folio. This is the fecond edition of the well-known Bifhop's Bible, and the laft in which the three copper plates of Elizabeth, Leicefter, and Cecil are found. It has a double verfion of the Pfalms. Cranmer's Bible. London, by Richard Jugge, 1573, 4to. The prefent is the prefentation copy of this book, painted and richly bound in five volumes. The Genevan Bible. London, by Chriftopher Bar- ker, 1578, 4to. This edition has two verfions of the Pfalms ; the Genevan, printed in Roman letter, and that of the Great Bible, printed in Gothic, limilar to the reft of the volume. The Genevan Bible. London, by Chriftopher Bar- ker, 1583, folio. The Bifhop's Bible. London, by Chriftopher Bar- ker, 1585, folio. The Bible, the Bifhop's, except the Pfalms, which are according to Cranmer's Bible. London, by the deputies of C. Barker, 1595, folio. The Genevan Bible. London, by the deputies of C. Barker, 1595, folio. The Genevan Bible. London, by the deputies of C. Barker, 1599, 4-to. Dr. Cotton remarks that probably this impreffion was a very large one, as it appears to be the moft common of all the Ge- nevan editions.* The Genevan Bible. London, by R. Barker, 161 1, folio; alfo in 4to. by R. Barker, 1611. * This may be accounted for, as there are at leaft feven different editions bearing this date ; one in black letter, one in Roman type, with black lines round each page, and five others printed in the ufual Ro- man type, without the lines. LAMBETH PALACE. 197 The Bible, translated by Royal Authority. London, by R. Barker, 161 1, folio.* The Bible. Printed at London by R. Barker, 161 2, 4to. The Bible. Printed at London in 1617, folio. The Bible. Printed at Cambridge, 1629, folio. The Bible. Printed by Buck and Daniel, at Cam- bridge, in 1638, folio. The Holy Bible. Printed at Cambridge in 1 657, fol. The Bible. Printed at London in 1660, 8vo. The Bible, printed by Field at Cambridge, in 1663, folio. The Bible, with Notes, and a Preface by John Canne. London, by C. Bill, and the executrix ofT. Newcomb, 1700,410. The Bible, commonly called Bifhop Lloyd's, con- taining additional marginal references. London, by C. Bill, and the executrix of T. Newcomb, 1701, folio. The Royal Bible, with Genevan Notes. London, without name of printer, 1708, folio. The Bible, tranflated by Anthony Purver, with Notes. London, by Richardfon, 1764, in two fo- lio volumes. Having thus briefly enumerated the Englifh Bibles in this Collection, I proceed to notice, in-' chronological * This is the firft edition of the new tranflation by Royal Autho- rity, made in the reign of James the Firft, and commonly called King James's Bible. Its rarity in a perfect ftate is very great, the engraved title prefixed to the Work, being frequently wanting. To fettle the controverfy refpecting the genuinenefs of the text of the authorifed ver- fion now in ufe, this edition of the Bible has been literally reprinted with the greateft care at the Oxford Univerfity Prefs. i 9 8 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. order, thofe copies of detached portions of the Scrip- tures which have been feparately publifhed, commenc- ing with the New Teftament, by William Tyndale, 1536, i2mo. being his third and laft revifion. The Pyftles and Gofpelles for every Sonday and holydaye in the yere. Paris, no name, 1538, 8vo. The fame. Printed at Rouen, without name of printer, 1538, 8vo. St. Matthew, chapters v. vi. vii. with an expofi- tion by William Tyndale, printed abroad, 1538, i6mo. The New Teftament, in Latin and Englifh, after the Vulgate, by John Hollybufhe [Myles Cover- dale.] Southwark, by J. Nicolfon, 1538, 4-to. This copy is of the fecond edition, which is lefs rare than the firft. The Epiftles and Gofpels of every Sunday and holi- day. London, by Robert Redman, 1539, 4-to. The Epiftles and Gofpels, with PofHlls by divers learned men, recognized and augmented by Rich- ard Taverner, 1540, i2mo. very narrow page. The prefent copy is imperfect. The New Teftament, tranflated from the Latin of Erafmus. London, by R. Grafton and E. Whit- church, 1540, 4to. The New Teftament. London, by William Powell, 1548, 4to. Apocrypha. London, by J. Day and W. Seres, 1549, i2mo. The Canticles, or Balades of Solomon, in Englym metre by William Baldwin. London, 1549,410. The New Teftament in Latin and Englifh, the La- LAMBETH PALACE. i 99 tin by Erafmus. London, by Thomas Gualtier, for J. C. 1550, 8vo.* The New Teftament, by Myles Coverdale. Lon- don, by Reynold Wolfe, 1549, i2mo.-f The New Teftament. London, by Richard Jugge, 1552, 4to. The firft fourteen chapters of the Acts of the Apof- tles, tranllated into Englifh metre by Chriftopher Tye : with Mufical Notes. London, by William Seres, 1553, i2mo.J The prefent copy was pre- * " This edition has been commonly reported to be by Sir John " Cheke, but upon what authority I know not : certain it is that he did 14 tranflate the Gofpel of St. Matthew into Englifh, a few verfes of which " were printed by Strype in his Life of Sir John : but that tranflatron " varies confiderably from the prefent. Strype, after mentioning this " proceeds to fay, c Cheke alfo tranllated the New Teftament into " Englifh, with Annotations ; which was printed both in octavo and " decimofexto, but this laft without the Notes ; which copy Chrifto- " pher Barker, Queen Elizabeth's printer, gave to the Company of " Stationers, anno 1583, with fome others, for the relief of the poor of "the faid Company, &c. &c.' p. 172, of the Oxford edition, 1821. " N.B. This account is not contained in the former edition of " 1705." — Cotton Lift. p. 10. f A portion of this edition, beginning with the Epiftle to the Gala- tians, in the Chrift Church Library, Oxford. X This little volume is fo rare and fo curious as to merit more par- ticular defcription. The title which is fupplied by manufcnpt runneth thus : " The Actes of the Apoftles, tranllated into Englifh meter, and de- " dicated to the Kynge's moft excellent Majeftye by Chriftofer Tye, " Doctor in Mufyke, and one of the Gentlemen of hys Graces mofte " honourable Chappell, with notes to eche Chapter, to fynge, and alfo " to play upon the Lute, very neceflarye for ftudentes after theyr " ftudye to fyle theyr wyttes, and alfo for all Chriftians that cannot " fynge to read the good and godlye ftoryes of the lyves of Chrift hys " Appoftles. 1553." Then followeth the Dedication. "To the " vertuous and godlve learned Prynce Edwarde the VI. by the Grace 200 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. fented to the Lambeth Library, by Sir John Haw- kins, on June 21 ft, 1777. " of God, King of Englande, France and Irelande, the Supreme head, " your grace's humble lovynge, and obedient fervaunte Chriftofer Tye " wyfheth the continuance of God hys feare to dwell in your grace's " heart, longe to reygne in muche honoure, healthe, wealthe, and viclo- " rye." Then followeth a metrical Preface, confifting of 25 ftanzas, and beginning thus : — " Confydrynge well, moft godly kyng, The zeale and perfect love Your Grace doth beare to eche good thyng That geven is from above. &c. &c. The text, with mufic for four voices, meane, tenour, counter-te- nour, baflus : beginneth in this wife. " In the former Treatyfe to thee Dere frend The o phi lus I have written the verite Of the Lord Chrift Jefus. " Whiche he to do and eke to teache Began until the daye In whiche the Sprite vp hym did feache To dwell above for aye." The concluding ftanza of chapter the fourteenth and laft runneth thus : " Howe he the doore of fayth untyde, The Gentyls in to call, And there longe tyme they dyd abyde With the difciples all." Hereafter followeth the Colophon : " Imprinted at London by Nycolas Hyll for Wyllyam Seres." " Cum privilegio ad imprimendum folum." This rare volume is a fmall duodecimo, printed in black letter ; but the prefent copy has un- fortunately feveral leaves fupplied by Manufcript. It is in old calf- binding. LAMBETH PALACE. 201 The New Teftament. London, by Richard Jugge, i553> 4to. The Epiftles and Gofpels, 6cc. Rouen, by John Preft, 1555, i6mo. The Genevan New Teftament, tranflated by W. Whittingham. Printed at Geneva, by Conrade Badius, 1557, i2mo.* The Genevan New Teftament. Printed at Geneva, but without name of printer, 1560, i6mo. The New Teftament. London, by Richard Jugge, 1561, i2mo. * This rare and beautiful volume is the firft edition of the Genevan verfion of the New Teftament. It is alfo the firft in which the verfes are diftinguifhed. It is to be obferved, that the translation differs from that which three years afterwards was printed at the fame place, toge- ther with the Old Teftament. This book is in a fmall and beautiful Roman character, with the marginal Notes in a fmaller Roman letter ; but the heads of the chapters and fcripture references are in italics. The verfes are divided by figures as at prefent ; and this is the firft edition in which fuch a divifion occurs. A full page contains 37 lines. The title, ornamented by a neat wood-cut reprefenting Time drawing Truth from a cave, runneth thus : " The newe Teftament of our " Lord Jefus Chrift, conferred diligently with the Greke, and beft " approved translations. With the arguments, afwel before the chap- " ters as for every Boke & Epiftle, alfo diverfities of readings, and " mofte profitable annotations of all harde places : wherunto is added " a copious table." " At Geneva, Printed by Conrad Badius, " M.DLVII." On the reverfe of the title appears V The order of the " bookes of the New Teftament." Then follows " An Epiftle de- " daring that Chrift is the end of the Lawe by John Calvin," occu- pying eight leaves. The addrefs " To the reader," which follows upon two leaves, is fucceeded by " The argument of the Gofpel," one leaf. St. Matthew and the other Evangelifts, &c. occupy the leaves numbered from i. to ccccxxx. The table and fupputation of the years from Adam to Chrift, fol. ccccxxxi. — ccccli. On the laft leaf is the Colophon. " Printed by Conrad Badius," 4 ' M.D.LVII. this " X of June." On the reverfe are the Errata. 202 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The Epiftle to the Ephefians, with an Expofition of St. Chryfoftom. London, by H. Bynneman, 1 581, 4to. The New Teftament, by William Allen and others. Rhemes, by John Fogny, 1582, 4to. This is the firft edition of the Rhemiih or Roman Catholic verfion. The Proverbs of Solomon, with an Expofition by T. W. (Wilcocke.) London, by T. Orwin, 1589, 4to. The New Teftament, London, by the deputies of Chriftopher Barker, 1589, i2mo. The New Teftament, Beza's, tranflated by L. Tom- fon. London, by the deputies of Chriftopher Barker, 1596, 4to. Jonah, with an Expofition by J. Abbott, S.T.P. London, by R. Field, 1600, 4to. The New Teftament, by the Rhemifh-Douay Col- lege. Printed at Antwerp by Daniel Veruliek, 1600, 4to. The Old Teftament, by the Roman Catholic Col- lege of Douay. Printed at Douay by L. Kellam, in 1609 and 16 10, in two quarto volumes. The Rhemifh New Teftament, with Annotations. Antwerp, by James Seldenflach, 1621, i2mo. The Defign of part of the Book of Ecclefiaftes in verfe, by W. W. London, by J. Knapton, 1691, 8vo. This book is the production of William Wool- lafton, author of " the Religion of Nature deli- neated ;" but not being altogether fatisfied with his Work, he ufed his endeavours to fupprefs it, with fuch effect, that copies are now with diffi- culty to be found. LAMBETH PALACE. 203 The New Teftament, tranfkted from the Latin Vulgate by Cornelius Nary, without name of place or printer, but fuppofed by Dr. Geddes in his Profpectus, p. no, to have been printed at Dublin, 171 8, 8vo. The Rhemifh New Teftament, without place or name of printer, 1752, 8vo. Divers parts of the Holy Scriptures done into Eng- lish, chiefly from Dr. Mill's Greek copy, with Notes. London, for T. Piety, 1761, 8vo. The New Teftament, by Dr. Doddridge's tranfla- tion revifed. London, for Rivington, 1765, in two volumes, i2mo. The New Teftament, and a liberal tranflation byE. Harwood. London, for T. Becket and others, 1768, in two octavo volumes. Among the different verfions of the Pfalms, this Li- brary pofTefTes The Pfalter in Metre, with an Argument and Col- lect to each Pfalm, printed at London by John Daye, without date, but referred to the year 1 561, by Dr. Cotton, in 4to.* The Pfalms in Metre, by T. Sterneholde, &c. Lon- don, by John Daye, 1573, 4-to. The Pfalms in Metre, by Sterneholde, &c. London, by T. Vautrollier, 1587, 1 2mo. An Expolition of the Pfalmes, by Thomas Wil- * This volume is ufually attributed to Archbifhop Parker, and its rarity is fo great that it has been generally maintained that the book was not printed for fale, but that the few copies of it which are now found were prefents from the Archbifhop to his friends. Copies are in the Bodleian and other College Libraries. 2o 4 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. cocke. London, by T. Orwin, 1591, 4-to. ; the title whereof is wanting. The Pfalms in Metre, with profe in the margin, for the ufe of the Church of Scotland. Middleburgh, by Richard Schilders, 1602, i2mo. The Pfalter, after the Great Bible. London, for the Company, 1606, 32010. The Pfalms, by Sterneholde, with the Tunes. Lon- don, for the Company, 1607, 4to. The Pfalms, in Profe and Metre, by Henry Ainf- worth. Amfterdam, by Giles Thorp, 16 12, 4to. The Pfalms in verfe and profe ; with the Songs of Mofes, Deborah, &c. tranflated by H. Dod, with- out place or printer's name, 1620, 8vo.* Pfalms and Hymns, with the mulic, in four parts, by Thomas Ravenfcroft. London, for the Company, 1621, 8vo. Certaine Pfalmes in Verfe by Francis, Lord Veru- lam. London, for Hannah Barrett, and R. Whit- taker, 1625, 4to. The Pfalms contained in this rare volume are the i. xii. xc. civ. cxxvi. cxxxvii. and cxlix. The Pfalmes by Sterneholde, &c. London, for the Company, 1626, 8vo. The Pfalms, tranflated by king James, with the profe. Oxford, by William Turner, 1631, i2mo. * This volume has much the appearance of having been printed in Holland. At the end of this edition of the Pfalms is found " An Act " for a publique Thankfgiving to Almighty God every yeare on the " fift daye of November, enacted 5 Nov. 1605, compofed into eafie " meeter, a fonge meete for yong and old." This metrical Act of Parliament is inferted at full length in the Appendix to Cotton's Lift of Editions of the Bible, pp. 151 — 156. LAMBETH PALACE. 205 The Pfalms, in Profe and Metre, with the notes. Edinburgh, by the heirs of Andro Hart, 1635, 8vo. The Pfalmes by Sterneholde, &c. London, by G. M. for the Company, 1638, folio. The Pfalms in Metre and Profe, with Annotations by H. Ainfworth. Amfterdam, by Thomas Staf- ford, 1644, 8vo. The Pfalmes by Sterneholde, &c. London, by A. M. for the Company, 1655, 8vo. The Pfalmes by Sterneholde, &c. Cambridge, by John Field, 1657, 8vo. An Effay towards a metrical verlion of the Pfalms, by Samuel Leigh. London, by Thomas Milbourne, 1661, 8vo. The Pfalms paraphrafed. London, by Thomas Garth- waite, 1664, 8vo. The Pfalms in Metre by Bifhop King. Second edi- tion. London, for S. and B. Griffin, 1671, 8vo. A Paraphrafe on the Pfalms, by G. Sandys, fet to new tunes. London, by W. Godbid for A. Ro- per, 1676, 8vo. The Pfalms in Metre, by S. Woodford. Second edition. London, for J. Martyn and others, 1678, 8vo. The Pfalmes, by Sterneholde, &c. London, by J. Macock, for the Company, 1682, 8vo. A Century of Seledt Pfalms, by J. Patrick. Third edition. London, for R. Royfton, 1686, 8vo. Pfalms, or Pfalm-hymns in Metre, by William Bar- ton. London, by J. Heptinflall, 1688, i2mo. Pfalms in Metre, by William Barton. London, by F. Collins, 1 69 1, i2mo. 206 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The Pfalms by Sterneholde, &c. London, by John Leake, 1693, 4to. The firft Twenty Pfalms in Verfe, by N. Brady and N. Tate. London, for the Company, 1695, 8vo* The Pfalms by Brady and Tate, the firft edition of this authorized verlion. London, by M. Clark, 1696, 8vo. The Pfalms in Metre, by Brady and Tate. The fecond edition of this verlion. London, by T. Hodgkin, 1698, 8vo. The Pfalms, newly tranilated, in Metre. London, by Thomas Parkhurfte, 1700, i2mo. The firft Fifteen Pfalms, in Lyric Verfe, by Dr. J. Gibbs. London, by J. Matthews, 170 1, 4to. The Pfalms, with the Argument of each Pfalm, by Dr. Allix. London, by John Taylor, 170 1, 8vo. Holy David, and his Englifh Tranilators cleared, being the Pfalms explained by J. Johnfon. Lon- don, by R. Knaplock, 1707, 8vo. The fecond edition : the firft having been published anony- moufly in the preceding year. The Pfalms in Metre, by King James. Edinburgh, by J. Watfon, 17 12, 8vo. * Printed as a fpecimen of this new Tranflation. There was alfo another fpecimen, containing only the firft eight Pfalms, probably- printed a little before the prefent. Of this feveral paffages differ, both from the fecond fpecimen and the adopted verfion. Copies of each are in the Bodleian ; the earlier, a meet and a half, has no title. The whole verfion was licenfed to be fung in churches, and the firft edition of it printed in the next year. It is to be obferved that the verfion of the fpecimen above recorded differs in many places from that which was afterwards adopted, as may be feen in the Appendix to Cotton's Lift of Editions of the Bible, pp. 150, 151. LAMBETH PALACE. 207 The Pfalms in Metre, by Sir R. Blackmore. Lon- don, by J. March, 172 1, 8vo. Ruddiman's Vindication of Buchanan's Pfalms. Edinburgh, 1745, 8vo. The Pfalter in its original form, by G. Fenwick, containing alfo a tranflation of " the laft words of " David." London, by T. Longman, 1759, 8vo. The firft Book of David's Pfalms in heroic Verfe, by Robfon. London, for W. Sanby, 1761, 8vo. The Pfalms, tranilated from the Hebrew, in mea- sured Profe, with critical Notes by W. Green, M.A. Cambridge, by J. Bentham, 1762, 8vo. Pfalms and Hymns in Metre, by C. Bradbury. London, by M. Lewis, 1763, i2mo. Pfalms in Verfe, by James Merrick, M. A. The firft edition. Reading, by J. Carnan, 1765,4^0.; and many other editions of the Englifh Pfalter of more recent date. To this copious Collection of Pfalmody I am ena- bled to add " A Lift ofPfalters, Pfalms, &c. prefented to the Archiepifcopal Library at Lambeth by the Right Reverend Dr. Thomas Percy, Lord Bifhop of Dromore, April 29th 1782/' wherein the Books are arranged according to their fizes. Folio. The Pfalms in Profe, tranflated by Alexander Top. Amsterdam, by Jan Fred. Stam. 1629. The Afcents of the Soul on David's Mount towards God's Houfe ; being paraphrafes in verfe on the fifteen Pfalms of Degrees, from the Italian of Loredano, by Henry, Lord Coleraine. London, printed by A. G. and J. P. for Robert Harford, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1681. 208 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Quarto. Sacred Hymns, being Fifty Select Pfalms, paraphraf- tically turned into Englim Verfe by Sir Edwin Sandys;* and by Robert Tailour fet to be fung in five parts. London, printed by Thomas Snod- ham, 1615. Pfalm cxix. paraphrafed in Verfe by George At- wood, B. D. London, for W. Innys, 1730. Offavo. The Book of Pfalms, in Profe and Metre, with an- notations by Henry Ainfworth. Amfterdam, by Thomas Stafford, 1644. The Pfalms of David, paraphrafed by Miles Smyth. London, for Thomas Garthwaite, 1668. Davideos, or a Specimen of fome of David's Pfalms in Metre, with remarks on the Latin tranflators by Mr. John Phillips. London, for W. Keble- white, with the date of 1798 erroneoufly put for 1698. An ErTay towards a paraphrafe on the Pfalms, in Englim Verfe ; with a paraphrafe on Proverbs, chap. xxxi. and Revelations, chap. iii. by Bafil Kennet. London, for B. Aylmer, 1706. The Pfalms in Metre, by the Hon. Sir John Den- ham. London, for J. Bowyer and others, 1714. The whole Book of Pfalms, with Hymns, and all the ancient and proper tunes compofed, &c. by John Playford. London, for the Company, 171 5. Select Pfalms, paraphrafed in Metre by Dr. Rich- ard Daniel, Dean of Armagh. London, for Ber- nard Lintot, 1722. * See Wood's Athenae Oxonienfes. Edit. 1815, 4to. vol. 11. p. 474. LAMBETH PALACE. 209 Hymns for Chriftian Worfhip, by Robert Seagrave. London, 1742. A Poetical tranflation of the Pfalms of David, from Buchanan's Latin into Englifh Verfe, by the Rev. Thomas Cradock, of Maryland. London, for Mrs. A. Cradock, of Wells, 1754. The Pfalms of David, tranflated into heroic Verfe, by Stephen Wheatland and Tipping Sylvefter. London, for S. Bink, 1754. Duodecimo. The Pfalms of David, by Sterneholde and Hopkins, with Notes. London, in black letter by John Daye, 1570. The Pfalms of David and other Holy Prophets, by R. B. (query Brathwaite). London, for Francis Conftable, 1638. This book has two titles, one of which is engraved, and contains a portrait. The Pfalms of David in four languages, namely Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Englifh ; fet to tunes by W. S. (William Slatyer). London, by Tho- mas Harper, 1643. The whole book is engraved on copper. Some of the Pfalms of David in Metre, by I. Pa- trick, N. Brady and N. Tate. Cambridge, for the ufe of the Univerfity, 1699. In which is a table relating to Prince Arthur, and a Paraphrafe of Job. Samuelis Primitias, or an ErTay towards a metrical verfion of the Pfalms, by Samuel Leigh. London, by Thomas Milbourne, 1661. A Century of Select Pfalms, by J. Patrick. Third edition. London, for R. Royfton, 1686. A new Verfion of the Pfalms, with Hymns, in p 2io CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Metre, by Simon Ford, D.D. London, for Brab. Aylmer, 1688. The Pfalmes of David in Profe, tranflated from the Vulgate by Mr. Carryll, created Lord Dartford by the pretended Prince of Wales, fince James the Second's death. Without place or name of printer, but printed at Paris in 1700.* This copy formerly belonged to Bifhop Kennet. The Book of Pfalms in Metre, by William Barton, as left finifhed in his lifetime. London, for the Company, 1705. Pfalms, and Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, by the late Rev. Daniel Burgefs. London, for John Clarke, 1714. The Pfalms in Metre, by J. Patrick, D.D. London, for John Churchill, 171 5. This is the whole Pfalter. Pfalterium Americanum ; the Pfalms in blank verfe yet printed as profe, with illuftrations, and an appendix. Bofton, in New England, byS. Knee- land, 171 8. The Pfalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Teftament, by J. Watts. London, for John Clarke and others, 171 9. A new Verfion of the Pfalms of David, by Sir * Dr. Cotton remarks that " The book was probably printed " either at Paris or St. Germains. By the approbations prefixed, it " appears that this verfion was intended to fuperfede that in the Douay " Bible, which was now confidered to be too antiquated for general ufe. " It mould be obferved that there are two kinds of title pages to the " volume ; fome copies have a vignette, for which in others a blank " fpace is left. Some alfo are without the errata at the end." Lift of Editions, &c. p. 74. LAMBETH PALACE. 211 Richard Blackmore, knt. M.D. London, by J. March, 172 1. A new Verfion of the Pfalms of David, by N. Brady and N. Tate. London, for the Company, 1728. Pfalms and Hymns, a Moravian Collection, by the Rev. John Gambold. London, no name, 1738. The Book of Pfalms in Metre, that is, in lyric mea- fure without rhyme, by Mr. Pike. London, by H. Kent, 1751. A Select Collection of the Pfalms in Verfe from the mofl eminent Poets, published, with fome ori- ginals by Henry Dell, bookfeller. London, for the editor, 1756. The Pfalms in Metre, the common Scottim verfion, with annotations by Mr. David Dickfon. Glaf- gow, for John Tait and James Brown, 1769. 24/7/0. The Pfalms of David, truly opened by paraphrafes in profe from the Latin of Beza, by Anthonie Gilbie. London, by Henrie Denham, 1581. All the French Pfalm tunes, with Englim Words, according to the verfes and tunes ufed in the reformed Churches, &c. London, printed by Thomas Harper, 1632. The Pfalms of David, in lyrick verfe,,.with an argu- ment to each Pfalm by George Withers. Im- printed in the Netherlands by C. Gerrits Van Breughel, 1632. The Book of Pfalms in Englim Metre. Anony- mous. Printed for Henry Tutill, bookfeller at Rotterdam, 1638. A Book of Pfalms, in Englim Metre, clofe and pro- 212 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. per to the Hebrew, with mufical notes by Wil- liam Barton. London, by Matthew Simmons, 1644.* The Pfalms in Metre, by William Barton, M.A. London, printed by Roger Daniel and William du Gard, 1654. The Pfalms in Metre, tranflated by Luke Mil- bourne. London, printed for W. Rogers and others, 1698. The Pfalms in Metre, allowed by authority of the Kirk of Scotland. Edinburgh, by James Watfon, 1712. The Pfalms in Metre, allowed by the Kirk of Scot- land. Glafgow, by W. Duncan, 1734. The laft article in the Lift of Books prefented by that accomplished Prelate Dr. Percy is a Lift of Bibles and Pfalters from 1526 to 1776. London, 1778, 8vo. Of portions of the Sacred Scriptures in the original tongue, this Library contains two very interesting fpe- cimens, printed upon vellum, which are kept in the record room with the manufcripts. The firft. of thefe is the Pentateuchus, Hebraice, Neapoli, 1491, folio ; a perfect, though flamed, copy, meafuring nine and a half by feven and a half inches, and bound in blue Morocco, in the fame volume with an Account of the Naples Pentateuch, printed at Rome in 1780. This volume has alfo been defcribed by De Roffi, A. H. T. p. 52. The fecond is that portion of the Bible, * This firft edition was afterwards much altered by its author. See a fpecimen of it in Cotton's Lift of Editions of the Bible. Appendix, pp. 148-9. LAMBETH PALACE. 213 in Hebrew, denominated the Prophets Priores, fcili- cet, Jofue, Judices, libri Samuelis ac Regum, cum Commentario Kimchi, folio. Soncini, anno ab orbe condito v. ccxlvi. Chrifli 1485. This volume is quite perfect, though in half binding, and richly de- ferves a more appropriate garment. Its dimenfions are thirteen inches by nine inches and a quarter. It is copioully defcribed by De Roffi at p. 60 of his An- nates Hebraso-Typographica?. To thefe rare and precious tomes may be added the Biblia Hebraica Stephani. Parifiis, 1 543, in 6 vols. 4to. and the Biblia Hebraica, Hutteri. Hamburgi, 1587. The verfions of the Scriptures in various languages, next invite our attention to the truly magnificent vo- lumes of the Biblia Sacra Polyglotta complectentia tex- tus originates Hebraicum Chaldaicum et Grascum, Pentateuchum Samaritanum, cum apparatu appen- dicibus tabulis, &c, ftudio et opera Briani Waltoni ; Londini, Roycroft, 1657, folio ; with the dedication to King Charles the Second. The prefent copy is upon large paper, meafuring nineteen and a half by twelve inches and three eighths, and is bound in 12 volumes in the original calf. In the estimation of the faftidious bibliomaniac, it may detract from the value of thefe volumes to be told that they are not uniform either in fize Or appearance with their indifpenfable adjunct, Caftelli Lexicon Hep- taglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Sama- ritanum, &c. Londini, 1669, folio. This work is alfo upon large paper, meafuring twenty inches by fourteen, and bound in three volumes, in calf. In this place may be recorded the Biblia Sacra Poly- glotta, cura Arias Montani. Antverpia?, apud Plantin, 214 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 1569-72, folio.; and the Biblia Hebraica, Grasca, et Latina, Vatabli, Heidelbergae, 1599, folio. I will next proceed briefly to enumerate the different verfions of the Bible in this Collection, beginning with the Biblia Graeca. Argentorati, 1526, folio, and ano- ther edition of the fame place and year, in 3 vols. 8vo. Biblia Grasca, Romas, 1587. Biblia Grasca, Grabii. Oxonii, 1707, folio. Kennicott's Hebrew Bible, in 2 folio vols, omitting other Greek verfions too numerous for mi- nute fpeciflcation. The Latin Bible of 1 550, in 6 quarto volumes. The Biblia Latina. Tiguri, 1563, folio, Francofurti, 1579, and Londini, 1585. The Biblia Latina Tremellii et Junii. Londini, 1593, and Hanovias, 1596. form only a few fpecimens of a numerous feries, em- bracing alfo The Biblia Latina Caftalionis. Francofurti, i697,fol. The Biblia Vulgata. Parifiis, 1534; Londini, 1535; Francofurti, 1585; Bafileas, 1 591 ; Venetiis, 1583; Romas, 1598 ; Antverpias, 1631, 4to. and many other editions of the Vulgate. To thefe may be added two editions of The Biblia Gallice, printed at Geneva in 1588, and at Amfterdam in 1700. The Biblia Italice. Diodati, 1607, 4to. The Biblia Hifpanice. Amftelodami, 1602, folio. The Biblia Mofcovitice. Oftrobias, 1581, folio. The Biblia Wallice. Londini, 1620, folio. Of detailed portions of the Bible in various lan- guages it may fuffice to mention LAMBETH PALACE. 215 The Pentateuchus Arabicus, Erpenii. Lugduno-Ba- tavorum, 1622, 8vo. The Pentateuchus, Latine, Stephani. Parifiis, 1541, 4to. Casdmon, Paraphrafis Poetica Genefios Anglo-Sax- onice. Amil. 1655, 4to. Among different verfions of the Pfalter we find The Pfalterium Hebraicum of Plantin. The Pfalterium Quintuplex. Parifiis, 151 3, fol. The Pfalterium, Hebraicum, Graecum, Arabicum & Chaldaicum. Genua, 15 16, folio; alfo that of Tremellius et Junius, and the Welfh Pfalter of 1588 in 4to ; and Buchanan's Pfalms. Of the New Teftament, Editions in the Syriac, Arabic and Armenian tongues, in the French, Spanifh, Italian and Portuguefe languages, are contained in this Library, where we alfo find Novum Teftamentum xn. Linguis, Hutteri. No- rimbergs, 1599. Novum Teftamentum Grascum, Stephani, Parifiis, 1550; Erafmi, Bafilea?, 1535; Millii, Oxonii, 1707, folio, and Edinburgi, 1740, i2mo. Novum Teftamentum Arabice. Leydae, 161 6, 4to. and Gallice, 1567; at Lyons, 1682, 8vo. and at Rochelle, 1623, i2mo.* In this place it may not be irrelevant to mention Comeftoris Hiftoria Scholaftica. Arg. 1500, folio. Bibliorum utriufque Teftamenti Icones. Francofurti, 1751, 8vo. ia * The Evangelia Gothica Junii. Dordraci, 1615, 4to. Evangel iv. Armenice. Amftelodami, 1698, 4to. : and the Gofpels in Saxon and Englifh, by John Fox. London, 157 1, 4to. may here claim ap- propriate notice. 216 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Elenchus Theologorum in S. Biblia. Colonise, 1558, 410. Vigerii Decacordon Chriftianum. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. The Critici Sacri, and Pole's Synopiis. The Rituals of the Englifh Church in this Collec- tion are very numerous, including the Books of Com- mon Prayer, published in London, of the dates of 1549, 1552, 1603, 1613, 1636, 1637, 1662, 1664, 1680, 1683, 1686, 1692, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707, and 1768, with many other of more recent date. Alfo the Book of Common Prayer, printed at Edin- burgh in 1637. The Irifh Verlions of 1608 and 171 2. The Welfh Prayer Books of 1586, 4to. 1599, 1621, 1664 and 1709. The Greek Prayer Books, printed at Cambridge in 1675, 8vo. The Latin Verlions of London in 1574 and 1669. The Prayer Book in Englifh and Low Dutch, printed at Amfterdam in 171 1. The Prayer Book in Italian, London, 1685; in Dutch, London, 1704; and in Portuguefe, Ox- ford, 1693. To thefe may be added Chriftennlich ordnung und bruch der Kilchen. Zu- rich, 1535, 4 to - The Chriftian Common Prayer Book, or Univerfal Liturgy. London, 1761, 8vo. and various other Forms of Prayer, ufed in the Re- formed Churches at Geneva and elfewhere, as well as Manuals and Prayers fuited to different occafions. Rituals of the Church of Rome alfo occur plenti- LAMBETH PALACE. 217 fully in this Collection, many Romifh Breviaries of early date, and feveral Miflals ; but none fo early as the fifteenth century. Some editions of the Pontificale Romanum, feveral books of Hours and Offices, and various Forms both of Private and Public Prayer being contained therein. I may here alfo notice Durandi Rationale Divino- rum officiorum ; the Talmud Babylonicum, Franco- furti, 1 72 1, in 12 folio vols., the bequeft of Sir Gil- bert Dolben, in 1724 ; and two editions of the Koran, of 1543 and 1550. The Theological department of the Archiepifcopal Library is fo extenfive, that were I to enter into mi- nute detail I mould weary the patience of the reader ; but were I to notice its general features fuperficially, I mould fail to convey ajuft idea of its contents. The ben: editions of the Works of the Fathers of the Church form a prominent feature in this Collec- tion, including thofe of S.S. Ambrofe, Athanafius, Auguftine, Bafil, Bernard, Chryfoftom, Cyprian, Cyril, Epiphanius, Epifcopius, Eufebius, Fulgentius, Grego- rius, Nazianzenus, NyfTenus and Neocaefarienfis ; S.S. Jerome, Hilary, Ignatius, Irenasus, Ifidore, Juftin Mar- tyr, Origen, Philo Judseus, Theophylact, Theodoret, Polycarp, and Tertullian by de la Bigne, Paris, 1575, in 9 vols, folio. To which I may add the Bibliotheca Patrum, Cotelerii Patres Apoftolici, Dodwell, Differ- tationes Cyprianicaa, Wake's Epiftles of the Apoftolical Fathers, &c. Among the multitudinous Works of the earlier Di- vines, the Authors moft deferving of mention appear to be, Anfelm, S. Barnabas, Bafilius Magnus, Bellarmine, Theodore Beza, Thomas Aquinas, Petrus Blefenfis, 218 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Bonaventura, Martin Bucer, Bullinger, Calvin, Caf- fiodorus, Camerarius, Clemens Romanus, Alexandri- nus, Joannes Damafcenus, Drexelius, Drufius, Eraf- mus, Ficinus, Joannes Gerfon, Grelferus, and the Popes Gregory I. XIII. and XIV. Cornelius Janfen, Grotius, Hemingius, Hofpinianus, Junius, Thomas a. Kempis, Lanfranc, Lactantius, Ludovicus Vives Mai- monides, Peter Martyr, Procopius, Prudentius, Sava- narola, Duns Scotus, Socinus, Spanheim, Stapleton, Suarez, Joannes de Turrecremata, Whitakerus contra Bellarminum, Udalricus Zuinglius, and many other more or lefs obfcure writers on Controverfial Di- vinity. It may fuffice to mention Chamieri Controverfial, Zanchii Opera Theologica, Vitalis Speculum Morale, Venetiis, 151 3, 4-to. and to notice feparately the two great lights of the Reformation, Lutheri Opera, Wit- tebergas, 1550, &c. folio, 2 vols.; and Melancthonis Opera, Witteberga?, 1601, in 5 vols, folio, with fome other Tracts by that illuftrious Scholar and Divine. Of the Works of Englifh Divines, I have much plea- fure in enumerating thofe of Abbot, Allix, Lancelot Andrews, Atterbury, Bancroft, Barlow, Barrow, Beve- ridge, Bramhall, Bull, Calamy, Charnock, Chilling- worth, Clagett, Samuel Clarke, Comber, Cranmer, Drelincourt, Hall, Hammond, Hoadly, Hody, Hooper, Henry More, Kettlewell, Leflie, Lightfoot, Lowth, Jofeph Mede, Perkins, Prideaux, Reynolds, Sanderfon, Sherlock, Stillingfleet, Jeremy Taylor, Tenifon, Til- lotfon, Whifton, Whitgift, and Roger Widdrington. In this place I may molt opportunely notice copies of Henrici VIII. Affertio VII. adverfus M. Lutherum, Roma?, 1543, 4to. ; Fifheri Epifcopi RorTenlis, Opera, LAMBETH PALACE. 219 Wittebergas, 1597, folio; with fome other tracts by that eminent divine ; and Juelli Opera, Genevas, 1585, and his Works, London, 1609, folio; to which may- be added, Bedas Venerabilis Opera Omnia, Bafileas, 1563, in 8 folio volumes; Barclay's celebrated Apo- logy for the Quakers ; and Hyde's Religio Veterum Perfarum. I may alfo notice Bowyer's Conjectures on the New Teftament ; Tyndall, Frith, and Barnes' Works, Lon- don, John Daye, 1573, folio; La Trobe's Unitas Fra- trum, Lond. 1780, 8vo. ; Bythneri Lyra Prophetica ; Cofin's Canon of Scripture ; Derham's Phyfico- and Aft.ro -Theology ; Fell's Paraphrafe ; Field of the Church ; Gaftrell's Chriftian Inftitutes ; Soame Jenyns on the Evidences of the Chriftian Religion ; Kiddes on the Pentateuch ; Limborch, Theologia ChrifUana ; Nelfon's Festivals ; Norris on the Beatitudes ; Ofter- wald's Arguments ; Outram de Sacrifices ; Pearce and Patrick's Commentaries ; Pearfon on the Creed ; Pococke on Joel ; Scott's Chriftian Life ; Watfon's Apology ; Whitby's Paraphrafe ; Wilkins on Natural Religion, and other Tracts of his ; the Muggletonian Controverfy refpecting the Quakers, and various Tracts relating to the Jefuits and Popery, Proteftantifm and Puritans. Of French Divines, this Collection- embraces the Works of Bourdaloue, Fenelon, Fontenelle, Male- branche, and Du Moulin, to which may be added, Baf- nage, Hiftoire des Juifs. Of Sermons, thefe (helves bear an enormous load, among which are found thofe of Donne, Latimer, Leighton, and Porteus, with his Lectures and other Tracts; and of South and Wake, with many fingle 220 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. fermons on various occafions, and the collected dif- courfes of other divines too numerous to mention. The Liturgical Works in this Library may be re- prefented by the Liturgia Ecclefias Anglicanas, Latine, 1594 and 1703. The Homilies are alfo numerous, including Elftob's Anglo-Saxon Homily, London, 1709, 8vo. ; and the theological treatifes of obfcure writers which have rarely furvived the events which called them forth, are here found preferved, like infects in amber. I may clofe this brief and imperfect notice by the mention of De Roffi, Varias Lectiones Veteris Tefta- menti, 1784, in 4 volumes; fome Tracts by the cele- brated Laud ; Davenant's Praslectiones Theologicae ; and Alexandri de Ales Summa, &c. Norimbergas, 1482, in 4 volumes, folio. I may here alfo notice the copious Collection of Ca- techifms, of Forms of Confeflion, of divers Ceremo- nials of the Church, various Concordances, numberlefs Tracts upon Church Difcipline and Ecclefiaftical Af- fairs, and fome curious publications of, and concerning Martin Mar- Prelate. In Works connected with Ecclefiaftical Hiftory in general, this Collection abounds ; and of thefe I would felect for efpecial notice, Baronii Annales Ecclefiaf- tici, and Martyrologium Romanum ; Socratis Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, per Vorlefium, folio ; the Lombardica Hiftoria, Bafileae, i486, folio; Voragine Legenda Au- rea, Lond. 1501, and 1507, folio; the Codex The- odofianus ; Raderi Bavaria Pia ; Ribedeneira, Vita Ign. Loyola ; Platina, Vitas Pontificum Romanorum ; Bingham's Antiquities of the Chriftian Church ; Col- lier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Echard's Ecclefiaftical LAMBETH PALACE. 221 Hiftory ; Geddes' Church Hiftory of Malabar and ^Ethiopia ; Rycaut's Armenian and Greek Churches ; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity; Orofius; Cotelerii Ec- clefia? Grscas Monumenta ; the Centuriatores Magde- burgenfes ; and Crefty's Church Hiftory of Brittany. Of Works relating more particularly to the Ecclefi- aftical Affairs of Great Britain, we find in this Library, Alfordi, Annales Ecclefiaftici, in 4 vols, folio. Bale's Englifh Votaries, Vita Thorns a Becket. Parifiis, 1495, 4 t0 - Beds, Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Gentis Anglorum. Burnet's Hiftory of the Reformation. Capgrave's Nova Legenda Anglia?. Londini, Wyn- kyn de Worde, 1516, folio. Ecton's Thefaurus. Foxe's Martyrologie. London, 1 596-1632, folio; with an Abridgment of the fame, 1589, 8vo. Fuller's Church Hiftory. Godwin's Prasfules Anglicani, and Catalogue of Eng- lifli Bifhops. Harpsfeld, Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica. Duaci, 1622, folio. Inett's Hiftory of the Englifh Church. Lyndewode Provinciale. S.S. Martyrum in Anglia Pafliones. Romae, 1584, folio. Martyrologium Proteftantium. Hanovis, 8vo. Parfons's Three Converfions. 1603-4, 3 vols. i2mo. Card. Poli, Reformatio Anglias. Roma, 1562, 4to. Reyneri Apoftolatus Ordinis Benediclinorum in Anglia. Spotfwode's Church of Scotland. Sanderi, de Origine ac progreftu Schifmatis Angli- cani. 222 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Spelman's Concilia Britannica. Strype's Annals of the Reformation. 1709, folio; and Life of Archbifhop Parker, &c. and the Hif- tory of the Convocation of Canterbury, 1702, 8vo. Twyfden's Vindication of the Church of England. Ufterii Antiquitates Ecclefia? Britannica?, with his Annals and other Works. Wharton's Anglia Sacra, in 2 folio volumes. A copious Collection of Councils relating to the affairs of the Church, forms a valuable fupplement to this clafs of books, embracing as it does the Concilia Generalia, Surii. Col. Agrip. 1567, in 4 volumes, folio. Concilia Generalia Nicolini. Venetiis, 1585, in 5 volumes, folio. Concilia Generalia Binii. Colonic, 1606, in 4 vo- lumes, folio. Canones et Decreta Concilii Tridentini. Gibfon's Synodus Anglicana, and Codex Juris Ec- clefiaftici et Civilis. Gothofredi Codex Theodofianus, and Articuli Synodi Londinenfis, Sec. Of Works relating to Hiftory in general, I am en- abled to notice the feries of Byzantine Hiftorians ; the Speculum Europe of Sandys ; Freheri, Rerum Bohe- micarum Scriptores ; the Hiftoria Belgica ; Chronicon Regum Francorum ; Freculphi, Chronicon ; Leun- clavii, Annales Turcici ; Rycaut's Turks, the feries of Refpublicas Variae ; Reuberi, Piftorii, et Lindenbrogii Rerum Germanicarum Scriptores ; Emmius, Rerum Frifcianorum Hiftoria ; Herrera, Defcription des Indes ; Ligon's Barbadoes ; Sloane's Jamaica ; Smith's Virgi- nia ; Rerum Hifpanicarum Scriptores, Francofurti, LAMBETH PALACE. 223 1579-81, in 3 vols, folio ; Ornhielms, Hiftoria Sueo- num, 1589; Krantzii, Chronica Danica, Norvegica, &c. Aug. 1546; Loniceri, de rebus Turcicis, 1578, folio ; Knolles' Turks ; Olaus Magnus Hiftoria Gen- tium Septentrionalium, Roma?, 1555; Mezeray, Hifto- rie de France, abrege, Amftel. 1673-96, in 7 vols. 8vo. ; Molefworth's Denmark, Rerum Mofcovitica- rum Auclores, &c. Francof. 1600, folio ; Polonia? Hif- toria? Corpus edente Piftorio, Bafilea?, 1582 ; and Vul- canii Scriptores Rerum Gothicorum. The books which relate to the Hiftory of Great Britain are deferving of particular notice, as well for their number as for their value, flnce we here find co- pies of the Hiftoria? Anglicana? Scriptores, XV. edited by Gale and Fell at Oxford, in 1684, and the X. Scriptores, edited by Twyfden, in 1652, both in folio; Reium Anglicanarum Scriptores poft Bedam edente Savile, Londini, 1596, and Francof. 1602, folio; Com- melini, Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores vetuftiores, Heidelberga?, 1587, folio; Commentarioli Britannica? Defcriptionis Fragmentum a H. Lhuyd, Col. Agr. 1572; Duchefne, Hiftoria? Normannorum Scriptores, and the Hiftoria? Francorum Scriptores Coetanei, edente B. Pitha?o ; Camdeni, Anglica, Normannica, &c. a. veteribus fcripta ; AfTerii Vita iElfredi ; Baker's Chronicle, 1670; Bale's Chronicle of Sir John Old- caftle ; Brady's Hiftory of England ; Majoris Hifto- ria Britannica, 1521, 8vo. ; the Hiftory of Great Britain, 1606, 4to. ; Birch's Elizabeth ; Camdeni Annales Elizabeths ; Carleton's Letters, 1757-75-80, 4to. ; Chaloner de Republica Anglorum ; Chamber- layne's Anglia? Notitia ; Churchill's Divi Britannici ; Oclandi Anglorum Praelia, 1 377-1558, Lond. 1580, 224 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 4to. and his Elizabethe'i's, London, 1589, 4to. ; Du- chefne Hiflorie d'Angleterre, &c. Paris. 1604, folio; Clarendon's Hiftory of the Great Rebellion ; Coo- per's Chronicle, London, 1560, 410. ; Daniel's Hif- tory of England ; Doleman's Conference refpecting the Succeffion to the Crown of England, 1594, 8vo. ; Danyel's Battle of Agincourt, 1631, 8vo. ; Dugdale's View of the Troubles, and of the Office of Lord Chan- cellor ; Eadmeri Hiftoria Novorum edente Selden ; Echard's Hiftory of England ; Barnes' Edward III. ; Fabian's Chronicle, London, 1533, folio; Fleetwode, Elenchus Annalium EdvardiV. &c. 1597, folio; Flo- rentii, Wigornenfis Chronicon, Francofurti, 161 1, folio; FroifTart's Chronicle, Paris, 1505; Galfredi, Monume- tenfis de Geftis Regum Britannias, Pariiiis, i5o8,4to. ; Gildas, de excidio ac conqueftu Britannia?, Lond. 1568, 8vo. ; Godwini, Annales Henrici VIII. and Charta Regia, 161 6, &c. Gulielmi Neubrigenfis, Hifloria Re- rum Angl. Parifiis, 1610, 8vo. ; Hall's Chronicle, London, 1550, folio; Hayward's Hiflorie of Edward the Sext; Hearne's Textus RorTenfis, Oxon. 1720, 8vo.; Lord Herbert's Henry VIII. ; Sir Thomas Herbert's Memoirs of Charles I. ; Sir Philip Warwick's Me- moirs; Holinfhed's Chronicle, London, 1587, in 2 vols, folio ; Denzil Hollis' Memoirs ; Howel's Epiflolae Ho- Eliana? ; Langhorne's Elenchus Antiquitatum Albio- nenfium, 1673, 8vo. ; Laud's Troubles ; the Life of Sir Henry Vane ; Lilii, Chronicon Regum Anglias, Fran- cof. 1565, 4to. ; the Cuftumary of London ; Lud- low's Memoirs, in 3 oc~tavo volumes ; Martin's Hif- tory of the Kings of England, 16 15 ; Matthasi Paris, Hifloria Anglicana, Londini, 1571 and 1686, folio; Matthaei Weflmonafterienfis, Flores Hifloriarum, Lon- LAMBETH PALACE. 225 dini, 1570, folio; Sir Walter Raleigh's Hiftory of William the Conqueror; Sir E. Walker's Hiftorical Difcourfe, London, 1705, folio ; Rufhworth's Histo- rical Collections ; Rymer's Foedera ; the Records of the Kingdom ; Sammes' Britannia Antiqua ; Prifei, Hiftoria? Britannicas Defenlio, Londini, 1573, 4-to. ; State Tryals, 1776-9, in 5 vols, folio; thofe by Har- grave, 1776-81, in 6 vols, folio ; Smith, de Republica Anglorum, i2mo. ; Sancroft's and Sacheverell's Tryals ; Speed's Theatre and Hiftory of Great Britain, in red morocco ; Stow's Annales, 1 592, and his Annals edited by Howes, 161 5; Toland's Anglia Libera, Lond. 170 1, 8vo. ; Twyne, de rebus Albionicis ; Tyrrell's Hiftory of England ; Polydori Vergilii Hiftoria An- glicana, Duaci, 1603, 8vo. ; Pontici Virunnii Hiftoria Britannica, Lond. 1585, 8vo.; Whitelocke's Memo- rials, 1682 and 1709, folio, and a Catalogue of the Reges, Regina? ac Nobiles alii fepulti in Ecclefia Weft- monafterienfi, Londoni, 1603, 4-to., and the Popula- tion Returns ; Wake's Rex Platonicus ; Walfingham, Hiftoria Anglorum ab Edv. I. ad Henr. V. Londini, folio; Warner's Albion's England, London, 16 12, 4to. ; Weldon's Memoirs of James I. and Welwood's Memoirs, 1700, 8vo. Among the books relating to Scottifh Hiftory, I no- ticed Buchanan's Hiftory of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1593, folio ; and the rare Tract, entitled Maria Scotorum Regina Vindice, Oberto Barneftapolio, Ingoldftadii, 1588, 8vo. ; Brand's Defcription of Orkney and Zet- land, Edinburgh, 1703, 8vo. ; Wallace's Account of the Orkney Iflands, London, 1700 ; Drummond's Hif- tory of Scotland from 1423 to 1542, London, 1655, folio; Hiftoria Orcadenfis, 1780; Johnftone's Anti- Q 226 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. quitates Celto-Scandicae et Normannica? ; Patten's Ex- pedition of the Duke of Somerfet into Scotland, Lon- don, 1548, i2mo. ; Rochette, Hiftoire de Marie Stuart ; Martin's Weftern Iflands of Scotland, London, 1703, 8vo. ; Sir James Melvil's Memoirs; the Life of Wallace, Edinburgh, 1620; Pezron's Antiquities of the Celtic Nations; and Torfaei Orcadum Hiftoria, Havnias, 1697, f° no - Of Welfh Hiftories it may fuffice to mention Ca- radoc's Hiftory of Wales, edited by Wynne, London, 1696, 8vo. ; and Powell's Hiftory of Wales, London, 1584, 410. I may here notice, Merlin's Prophetia Anglicana La- tine, a Galfredo Monumetenfi, Francof. 1608, 8vo. Of Works relating to the Hiftory and Antiquities of Great Britain, the moft remarkable are, Abingdon's Worcefter Cathedral ; Burleigh's State Papers, by Murdin, London, 1759, folio; Battely, Antiquitates Rutupina? ; Birch's Lives of Bacon, Tillotfon, and Ra- leigh ; Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, and other Works; Bearcroft's Hiftory of the Charter Houfe ; Bertrami, Britannicarum Gentium Hiftoria? Scriptores tres, Hau- niae, 1757, 8vo.; Borlafe's Cornwall; Carleton's Letters, 1757, 4to. ; Carte's Hiftory of England, with his Life of Ormonde; Chamberlayne's Anglian Notitia; Claren- don's Life, State Papers, and Mifcellaneous Works ; Ducarel's Anglo-Norman Antiquities, Anglo-Gallic Coins, and Tour through Normandy ; Deering's Not- tingham ; Green's Worcefter, 1764, 8vo. ; Dugdale's St. Paul's, 17 16; Doddridge's Life of Gardiner; Burnet's Life of Rochefter ; Harris' Lives of Charles I. and II. and of Cromwell; Harris' Kent; Rofli Warvicenfis Hiftoria Regum Anglias, edente Hearne. LAMBETH PALACE. 227 Oxon. 1745, 8vo. ; Leland's Itinerary, edited by Hearne, Oxford, 1745, in 9 octavo volumes ; the Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury ; Philipot's Villare Can- tianum, London, 1659, folio; Lewis' Hiftory of Fa- verfham, 1727, and of the Ifle of Tenet, 1736; Ech- ard's Hiftory of England, and of the Revolution of 1688; Macaulay's St. Kilda, and Macqueen's Obfer- vations thereon ; Mallet's Life of Bacon ; Hume's Hif- tory of England, London, 1756, 8vo.; Morant's Hiftory of Colchefter, 1748, and of Eftex, 1763, folio; the Parliamentary Hiftory of England, 1762, in 24 octavo volumes; and the Debates of Parliament, 1739, in 16 vols. 8vo. ; Plot's Natural Hiftory of Oxfordshire ; fome of Prynne's pieces ; Rapin's Hiftory of England, by Tindall ; Robertfon's Hiftory of Scotland ; Stuke- ley's Account of Richard of Cirencefter, London, 1757, 4to. ; and Thorpe's Regiftrum Roffenfe ; Wal- pole's Life of Richard III. ; Ward's Grefham Col- lege ; Willis' Cathedrals, 1737, in 3 vols.; his Hif- tory of Buckingham, 1755, 4to. ; and his Notitia Parliamentaria, 1750, in 3 vols. 8vo. ; and Wren's Parentalia, 1750, folio; Wood's Athens Oxonienfes, Lond. 1 72 1, in 2 vols, folio; the Stemmata Chiche- leana, Oxford, 1765, 4to. ; the Lettres Hiftoriques, Edin. 1759, i2mo. ; and Sir William Temple's In- troduction to the Hiftory of England, London, 1695, 8vo. The Works relating to the Topography and Anti- quities of England, embrace, Adams' Index Villaris ; the complete feries of the Archasologia ; Atkyn's Glou- cefterftiire, 1712, folio; Ayliffe's Oxford; Battely's Antiquitates Rutupinas; Bentham's Ely; Blount's Fragmenta Antiquitatis ; Bray's Bibliotheca Parochia- 228 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. lis; Britannia Illuftrata, Lond. 1707, folio; Camden's Britannia, London, 1607, and edited by Gibfon, Lon- don, 1695, folio; Brooke's Difcovery of Errors in Camden's Britannia ; Camden's Remaines concerning Britaine ; Charleton's Stonehenge ; Chauncey's Hert- fordiliire; Ducarel's Account of St. Catherine's Church, London, 1782, 4-to., and of Lambeth Palace, London, 1785, 4to. ; Dugdale's Monafticon Anglicanum, 1655, in 3 vols, folio ; Hafted's Kent ; Howel's Hiftory of London ; Lambarde's Perambulation of Kent ; Leigh's Natural Hiftory of Lincolnshire, 1700, folio; Ken- nett's Parochial Antiquities, 1695, on large paper; Loggan's Oxonia et Cantabrigia Illuftrata, 2 vols, fo- lio ; Madox's Formulare Anglicanum, and Hiftory of the Exchequer; Morgan's Roads, 1689, 8vo. ; New- court's Diocefe of London, 2 vols, folio ; Paterfon's Pietas Londinenfis, 17 14; Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury, 1703, folio, and his Account of the Ro- man Ports and Forts in Kent ; Gibfon's Portus Iccius, Oxon. 1694, folio; Spelman's Villare Anglicanum; Stow's London, 1603, 4to. ; Tanner's Notitia Monaf- tica, 1695 ; Webbe's Stonehenge reftored, 1665 > Ver- ftegan r s Reftitution of decayed Intelligence ; Wittie's Scarborough Spaw, 1660; Whitworth's Regifter of the Trade of the Port of London, 1777, 8vo. ; and Wood's Hiftory and Antiquities of the Univerfity of Oxford, 1674, folio, and the Statuta Univerfitatis Ox- onienfis, 1638, 8vo. Numerous are the Hiftorical Tracts relating to fome of the moft eventful periods of Englifti Hiftory con- tained within thefe walls. Under this head may be clafted the famous Emm BoitriXticv] ; the Defenfio Regia ; the Royal Martyr, 1684, 8vo. ; Carolus Redux, Oxon. LAMBETH PALACE. 229 1629, 8vo. ; Douglas's Account of the Coronation of Charles II. London, 1660, 4-to. ; and the complete feries of the London Gazettes from November 7, 1665, to December 31, 1768, in 50 folio volumes, which have been continued from September, 1769 to the year 1783, by Archbifhop Cornwallis, whofe fucceffors will doubtlefs continue to preferve the chain of thefe ephe- meral productions unbroken to the prefent day. The legal Works relating to the Hiftory of Eng- land which I noticed, are the Magna Charta, edited by Blackftone, with fome Legal Tracts by that great lawyer; the Acts of Parliament, from the 8th to the 30th of George II. in 23 vols, folio, and from the 31 ft of George II. to the 10th of George III. in 12 vols, folio; the Acta Regia, London, 1726, in 3 vols. 8vo. ; Dalrymple on Feudal Property, London, 1758, i2mo. ; the Trial of Lord George Sackville, 1760, 8vo. ; the Trial of James Annefley, and Richard, Earl of Anglefey, 1744, folio; and Wood's Inflitutes of the Laws of England. There are alfo feveral Tracts of a Mifcellaneous Nature, chiefly relating to Political Events from 1697 to 1 72 1, contained in 22 octavo, 16 quarto, 5 i2mo. and 2 folio volumes; the Gazetteer, from 17 14 to 1760, in 28 quarto volumes; Political Pamphlets, from 1702 to 1766, in 38 volumes 8vo. ; the State of Great Britain, from 171 1 to 1740, in 59 volumes, 8vo. ; and the Old Whig, London, 1739, in 2 vols. 8vo., all tending to elucidate an anxious and event- ful period in England's Hiitory. Of Works relating to the Hiftory of Ireland, I no- ticed Cox's Ireland ; Pauli Jovii Defcriptio Magna? Britanniae et Hibernian, Venetiis, 1549,410.; a Geo- 2 3 o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. graphical Defcription of Ireland, 1642, 8vo. ; Hifto- rical Memoirs of the Irifh Rebellion of 1641, London, 1767, 8vo. ; Mac Geoghegan, Hiftoire d'Irlande, Pa- ris, 1758, 4to. ; Sir William Petty's Political Anatomy of Ireland, London, 1691, 8vo.; Stanihurft, de Rebus Hibernicis, Antv. 1584, 4to. ; Temple's Hiftory of the Irifh Rebellion of 1646; Waraei Difquifitio de Hibernia, Lond. 1654, 8vo. ; Ware's Hiftory of Ire- land, London, 1705, folio; and Warner's Hiftory of the Rebellion in Ireland. The Hiftorical Works in this Collection compre- hend feveral Pamphlets, and Works relating to Ame- rica, together with Anderfon's Greenland. Paris, 1750, in 2 vols. i2mo. Campbell's Balearic Ifles. Crantz's Greenland. Hughes' Barbadoes. Froelichii Annales Regum Syria?. Vienna?, 1744. Hooke's Roman Hiftory. Kennett's Antiquities of Rome. Lewis' Parthian Empire, 1728, 8vo. Ockley's Saracens. Shaw's Travels. Raymond's Hiftory of Guftavus, 1761, 8vo. Townfend's Conqueft of Mexico, and The Univerfal Hiftory, Ancient, 1745-54, in 21 vols., and Modern, 1759, in 13 vols. 8vo. I cannot quit the Hiftorical department of this Li- brary without a brief and pafting notice of thofe Works which, however remotely, bear upon the fub- jecl:. Thefe are, the Illuftrations of America, by De Bry, printed at Franckfort in 159 1, in 8 folio volumes, and the Icones Ducum, published at the fame place in LAMBETH PALACE. 231 the preceding year, in 4to. by the fame indefatigable compiler; the Effigies Theologorum, by Verheiden, Hags-Corn. 1 602, folio ; Thuani Hiftoria fui temporis, Aurel. 1620, in 5 folio volumes ; Annales Caroli Mag. per Anon. Helmft.. 1594, 4to. ; Dempfter's Antiqui- ties of Rome ; Davila's Hiftory of the Civil Wars of France ; the Works of Guicciardini ; Jofephi Opera Omnia, and Antiquitates Judasorum ; Pauli Jovii Opera Omnia; the Mercure Francois, from 1605 to 1644, in 25 octavo volumes ; Overbeke, Reliquiae Urbis Romas ; Italia Illuftrata, Francofurti, 1600 ; Juftiniani Inftitu- tiones, folio ; Du Frefnoy's Methode d'etudier Hif- toire ; the valuable Illuftrations of Grecian and Ro- man Antiquities, by Grasvius and Gronovius, with the Infcriptions of Gruter, and Supplementary Lexicon of Pitifcus ; Potter's Antiquities of Greece ; Heylin's Cofmography ; Puffendorf's Law of Nations, &c. ; Mi- cylli Icones Imperatorum, 1544, 8vo. ; Montfaucon, Diarium Italicum and Palasographia Grasca ; Munfteri Cofmographia ; Palladio's Antiquities of Rome, Ox- ford, 1709, 8vo. ; Raleigh's Hiftory of the World; Wheari Methodus legendi Hiftoriam ; a Collection of Royal Wills, London, 1780, 4to. ; and Vincentii Spe- culum Majus, Venet. 1 59 1, in 4 folio volumes. In Sacred Philology this Library is peculiarly rich, the collection of Critical and Philological Writers on the New Teftament alone, occupying in alphabetical order, the fpace in the Catalogue of this Collection in- cluded between pages 210 and 216. It alfo embraces Wolfii Cura? Philologicae et Critical in Quatuor Evan- geliaet Acta Apoftolorum,Hamburgi, 1739, in 5 quarto volumes ; and Wall's Critical Notes on the New Tef- tament, 1730, in 3 vols. 8vo. ; Leigh's Critica Sacra; 232 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Leufden's Philologia Hebraica ; Lowth, de Sacra Poefi Hebraaorum ; Schultens' Origines Linguas Hebraicas ; Wetftein's Canones Critici in Novum Teftamentum, Amftel. 171 1, i2mo.; and Wernfdorffde Fide hiftorica Libror. Maccabaeorum, Uratiflavia?, 1737, 4to. ; and Beaufobre on the New Teftament. Of Impreffions of the Holy Bible in this Collection, the moft remarkable are The Hebrew Bibles of 1630 and 1705, printed at Amfterdam in 8vo. The Hebrew Bible, printed at Oxford in 1730, in 2 quarto vols. The Biblia Graca. Wechelii. Francof. 1597, folio. The LXX Millii. Amftelodami, 1735, in 3 vols. i2mo. The Biblia Latina. Rennis, 1743, and Sabatier, in 3 vols, folio. The Englifh authorized Verfion of 1 61 2, in quarto, wanting the title. Another Old Englifh folio, without date, and the folio Impreffion of 1 540. Dr. Samuel Clarke's Family Bible. London, 1760, folio. I may here introduce the beft edition of Sale's Koran. London, 1734, 4to. The Verfions of the Pfalms, by Barton, in 1688 ; by Simon Ford, in 1688; by J. Johnfon, in 1707; by Bifhop King, in 1707; by Will. Green, in 1762 ; and by Bradbury, in 1763; together with Sandys Para- phrafe of 1 676 ; and fome French Verfions, are found in this Collection. Of the New Teftament, the editions moft worthy of notice appear to be thofe by Beaufobre and L'En- LAMBETH PALACE. 233 fant, at Amfterdam, in 1741, in 2 vols. 4to. ; by Doddridge, London, in 1765, in 2 vols. 8vo. ; and by Harwood, in 1768; alfo the Manks Teftament, of 1763, 8vo. ; together with the Novum Teftamentum Grscum, Bengelii, Tubings, 1734, 4to. ; Clerici, Francof. 17 14, folio; and Stephani, Francof. 1601, folio; and Wetftenii, Amftelod. 1751, in 2 folio vo- lumes ; Evangeliarium Quadruplex Latine a Jofepho Blanchino, Romae, 1749, in 4 folio volumes; and iEthiopice, Perfice, et Latine a Ch. Aug. Bode. Hals Magdeb. 1749, 4to. ; Junii Evangelia Gothica, and Maittaire's edition of the Greek Teftament, London, 1728, 8vo. ; and the New Teftament, by the College of Rhemes, Antwerp, 1621, i2mo. I may here properly introduce, Jones on the Canon of the New Teftament ; Walchii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Novi Teftamenti. Jens, 1744, 4to. ; Wells on the Old and New Teftament; Taylor's Hebrew Concor- dance ; Cruden's and Pilkington's Concordances ; Doddridge's Family Expofitor; Calovii Biblia Illuf- trata. Drefdae, 17 19, in 3 vols, folio; and Calmet's Commentaries. Paris, 1724, in 9 folio volumes. Of Common Prayer Books, I remarked thofe printed at Cambridge, in 1663, 4to. ; at Edinburgh, in 1712; at Oxford, in 1739; and at London, in 1768, 8vo. ; the Manx Prayer Book, London, 1765, 8vo. ; and the Chriftian Common Prayer Book, 1761, 8vo. ; the Miflale Ecclefiae Sarifburienfis, Duaci, 1604, 4to.; together with Nichols on the Common Prayer ; feve- ral Tracts upon the Liturgy, and a Copious Prepara- tion for the Sacrament; and of Collections of Catechifms and Forms of Prayer for Fafts, &c. from 1740 to 1796, inclufive, in 4to. 234 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. I may here take occalion to notice, Hume's Natural Hiftory of Religion ; Adams' Anfwer to Hume's Eflay on Miracles ; Wollafton's Religion of Nature deline- ated, London, 1724, 4to. ; Rutherforth's Syftem of Natural Philofophy, and Inftitutes of Natural Laws ; Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments ; Bifhop Taylor's Antiquitates Chriftiana?, London, 1703, folio ; Price on Morals ; Prieftley on Education ; Reid on the Human Mind ; Edwards on the Will ; and Jones on Natural Philofophy. In Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, the Works moft worthy of notice appear to be, Barwick's Life of Dean Barwick ; Bower's Lives of the Popes ; Bull's Life ; Brandt's Hiftory of the Reformation in the Low Countries. Dodd's Catholick Hiftory of the Church. Bruffels, 1737, in 3 folio volumes. Echard's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory. Eufebii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica a Reading. Cantab. 1720, in 3 vols, folio. Laval's Hiftory of the Reformation in France, 1737, in 6 vols. 8vo. Gibfon's Synodus Anglicana. Godwin's Prasfules Anglicani. Heylin's Hiftorical Tracts. The Hiftory of the Prefbyterians. Oxford, 1670, fol. Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity. Jenning's Jewifh Antiquities, and Lyndewode's Provinciale. Jortin's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, and his valuable Life of Erafmus. Knight's Life of Colet. Laud's Labyrinth. Paris, 1658, folio. Lowth's Life of Wykeham. LAMBETH PALACE. 235 Miller's Hiftory of the Church. Edinburgh, 1730, folio. Mofheim's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, by Maclaine. Neal's Hiftory of the Puritans, London, 1732, in 4 vols. 8vo. ; with Grey's Examination of that Work, London, 1736, in 3 octavo volumes. Le Neve's Fafti Ecclefia? Anglicana?. Oughton's Ordo Judiciorum. Ecton's Thefaurus. Parker, de Antiquitate Ecclefia? Britannica?, edente Drake. Lond. 1725, folio. The Life and Letters of Cardinal Pole. Sleidan, Hiftoire de la Reformation par le Courayer, a la Haye, 1767, in 3 quarto volumes. Suiceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticus. Symeonis Dunelm. Hiftoria Ecclefia? Dunelmenfis a Bedford. Strype's Ecclefiaftical Memorials. Tanner's Notitia Monaftica a Nafmith. London, 1744, folio. Warner's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of England. Wilkins' Concilia Magna? Britannia?. Lond. 1737, in 4 folio volumes. Willis' Thefaurus Rerum Ecclef. 1744, 4to. and Wodrow's Church of Scotland. In this place I may conveniently record.. Calderwood's Altare Damafcenum, feu Ecclefia? An- glicanas Politeia. Lugd. Bat. 1708, 4to. Oertilii Theologia iEthiopum. Witteberga?, 1746, i2mo. Relandi Antiquitates Sacra? Hebra?orum, 1741, 4to. Reynolds on Englifh Church Government, 1743, 8vo. 236 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Richardfon's Praslectiones Ecclefiafticas. Schoettgenii Hora? Hebraic^. Drefda?, 1733, in 2 vols. 4to. Vitringa, Commentaria in Efaiam, and his Archifyn- agogus. Francqueras, 1685, in 3 quarto volumes, with fome other of his pieces, and Wyttenbach, Tentamen Theologias Dogmatics. Francof. 1747, in 3 vols. 12 mo. I may here alfo notice Saurin's Difcourfes, Amft. 1720, in 1 1 octavo volumes ; and the Sermons delivered at the Boyle Lecture, London, 1739, in 3 folio volumes ; BorTuet's Difcourfes, Jeremy Taylor's Sermons, and Cooper's Sermons on Predeftination, and thofe of South, Skeeler, Smalridge, Smith, Stebbing, Stevens, Straight, Tebeck, Wake, Walker, Warburton, War- ren, Wefton, Waterland, Whichcote, Wifhart, Whitby, and Zirlzendorff. Alfo Mifcellaneous Sermons from 1690 to 171 3, in 13 volumes, from 1709 to 17 14, in 9 volumes, from 1708 to 1763, in 26 volumes, all in octavo, and ano- ther Collection of Occafional, Funeral, and Mifcella- neous Sermons, in 23 quarto volumes. To thefe may be added a copious Collection of Theological Tracts in 72 octavo volumes, of which the 19th appears to be miffing; and a Series of Tracts on the Bangorian Controverfy from 171 7 to 1723, in 12 volumes octavo. Before quitting the fubject of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, it affords me great fatisfaction to notice three editions of Parker, de Antiquitate Ecclefias Britannicas, the firft printed at Lambeth by John Daye, in 1572, the fecond at Hanover, in 1605, and the third, augmented by Dr. Drake and printed at London in 1729, all in folio. Of thefe, the firft edition, published under the Arch- LAMBETH PALACE. 237 bifhop's own eye, is on every account highly valuable. The prefent copy is rilled with notes in the hand wri- ting of John Parker, fon of the Archbifhop, and con- tains feveral ancient deeds, defcribed in a letter from Dr. Ducarel to Archbifhop Seeker, dated July 15, 1758. At the end of the Life of Archbifhop Parker a fine portrait of him by Hogenberg, is parted at the end of the volume. According to Dr. Ducarel this book was miffing from the MS. Library at Lambeth, from 1720 until 1757 ; when Trevor, Bifhop of Durham, having had the good fortune to recover it, reftored it to its original and proper repofitory. To this I may add the tranilation from this edition of the Lives of LXX Archbimops of Canterbury, 1572, 1 2mo., made, according to Hearne, by John JorTelin, with marginal notes by fome Puritan. " It is a very " great rarity," adds the indefatigable Antiquary of Oxford. Of Works relating to Civil and Canon Law, I may here notice merely Montefquieu, Efprit des Lois ; Gothofredi Corpus Juris Civilis ; Gibfon's Codex ; Juftitiani InfKtutiones ; Spencer de legibus Hebras- orum ; Puffendorf's Laws of Nature and Nations ; Cay's Statutes at large, London, 1758, in 5 vols, folio, with Obfervations on the Statutes, by Daines Barring- ton, 1766, 4to. ; and the Corpus Juris Canonici, Boehmeri, 1747, in 3 vols. 4to. ; and Watfon's Clergyman's Law. Of Works relating to Antiquity in general, this Col- lection embraces Sallengre, Novus Thefaurus Anti- quitatum Romanarum ; the Marmora Arundeliana, edited by Selden, London, 1628, 4to. ; the Mar- mora Oxonienfia, 1763, folio; Arbuthnot on Coins; 238 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Clarke's Coins, 1767, 4-to. ; Wife, Catalogus Num- morum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana, 1750, folio; Jame- fon's Spicilegium Antiquitatum Egyptiacarum, Glaf- guas, 1720, octavo. The Works of Science and Natural Hiftory include, Celfius de Plant. S.S. 1748; Ray's Synopfis ; Stir- pium Britannia? ; Emerfon's Mathematical Works ; Euclid's Elements ; Keill's Agronomical Works ; Mac- laurin's Account of his Difcoveries ; the Philofophical Tranfactions abridged, London, 1749, in 9 vols. 4to.; Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, London, 1742, in 5 octavo volumes; Ronayne and Simpfon's Algebra ; Sprat's Hiftory of the Royal Society ; Well's Elementa Arithmetica; Watts' Logic, and other works; Whifton's Elements of Euclid, and Theory of the Earth, with his Life, &c. ; Lettres fur l'Hiftoire Na- turelle de Buffon, &c. Hamburgh, 175 1, in 5 volumes, i2mo. ; and Woodward's Theory of the Earth, 1723, 8vo. In Works of Natural Hiftory, this Collection, though not rich, pofleftes the Works of Aldrovandus and Kepler ; Evelyn's Sylva ; Gefneri Hiftoria Ani- malium ; Grew's Anatomy of Plants, and Mufeum of the Royal Society ; Hooke's Micrographia ; Martin Lifter's Hiftoria? Animalium Anglia? tres Tractatus, Londini, 1678, 4to. ; Eduardi Luidii Lithophylacii Britannici Iconographia, Londini, 1699, 8vo. ; New- ton, Optics and Principia ; Raii Catalogus Plantarum Angliae, and his Methodus Plantarum, &c. ; Van Rheede, Hortus Malabaricus ; Scheuchzer, Itinera Al- pina, and Herbarium Diluvianum ; the Mufeum Wor- mianum, 1655, folio; Warren, Geologia, Lond. 1690, 8vo. ; Sprat's Hiftory of the Royal Society, and the LAMBETH PALACE. 239 Philofophical Tranfactions from 1665 to 1774, com- pleted by Archbifhop Cornwallis, and continued to the prefent day. The Medical Works which occurred to me were thofe of Boerhaave, and Dr. R. Mead; Collins' Ana- tomy, London, 1685, in 2 folio volumes ; the Phar- macopoeias of Amfterdam and London ; and Sydenham Opera Medica Univerfa ; Culpepper's Englifh Phyfi- cian ; Flud, Opera Medica varia ; Harvey, de Motu Sanguinis, Lond. 1628, 4:0.; Pharmacopoeia Londi- nenfis, and the Works of Galen. Among the Foreign Mifcellanies I would merely mention the Works of Bochart ; fome Philofophical Tra&s by Buxtorf, and Kufter ; the Works of Le Clerc ; RoufTeau's Letters ; fome Pieces by Voltaire ; and Zimmermanni Opufcula, Tiguri, 1751, in three quarto volumes. Among the Geographical Works, I found thofe of Ptolemy, Baudrand, and Cluvier ; Ortelii Thefaurus Geographicus, and Wells' Geography. Of Voyages and Travels I obferved Maundrell's Journey, Dampier and Frobifher's Voyages ; Hakluyt's Voyages, 1598, in 3 volumes folio ; Lithgow's Travels, London, 1632, 4to. ; Breydenbach, Peregrinationes in Terram Sanctam, Moguntia?, i486, folio ; Marco Polo, Travels, 1579, 4to. ; Purchas' Pilgrimes, 1625-6, in 5 volumes, folio ; and Wheler's Greece, London, 1682, folio. The Heraldic Works in this Collection embrace Afhmole's Order of the Garter ; Collins's Peerage ; Dugdale's Baronage, folio ; and his Ufage of Arms, in 8vo. ; Favine's Theatre of Honor, London, 1623, folio; Gwillim's Heraldry, London, 1632 and 1660, both in 240 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. folio ; Hemminges' Theatrum Genealogicum ; Milles's Catalogue of Honor, London, 1610, folio, a noble copy upon large paper, in calf binding ; Norden's Mirrour of Honour, London, 1597, 4-to. ; Philipot on Heraldry, London, 1672, 8vo. ; Sandford's Genealogical Hiftory of the Kings of England, by Stebbing, London, 1707, folio, upon large paper; and the Genealogy of the Kings of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1603, 4to. ; Douglas' Peerage of Scotland, and the Englifh Baronetage, Lon- don, 1 741, in 5 octavo volumes. In this place I may briefly mention Lelandi Geneth- liacon, Lond. 1543, 4to. and his ArTertio Arturii, Lond. 1544, 4to. The Chronological Works in this Collection com- prehend Blair's Chronology ; Beveridge's Inftitutiones Chronologies ; Jackfon's Chronological Antiquities ; Kennedy's Aftronomical Chronology, London, 1762, 4to. ; Newton's Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, amended ; Bimop Squire's ErTay on Greek Chrono- logy ; Wife's Hiftory and Chronology of the Fabulous Ages; and a Collection of Almanacks from 1695 to 1714; the Chronicon Alexandrinum, 161 5, 4to. ; the Perfian Chronology, by Livelie, London, 1597, 8vo. ; the Englifh Chronology, Oxford, 1696, i2mo. ; Chro- nologia Sacra, Parifiis, 1652; the Fafciculus Tem- porum, Lovaniae, 1476, folio, and Norimberga?, 1481, folio ; Petavii Doctrina Temporum ; and Jackfon's Chronological Antiquities. The conlideration of ancient time leads the mind naturally back to the great authors of Greece and Rome, of whofe immortal Works many grace the fhelves of this great Collection. The Archiepifcopal Library includes various edi- LAMBETH PALACE. 241 tions of the Works of Ariftotle, Arrian, Aulus Gellius, Bion, and Mofchus, Cicero, Columella, Cornelius Ne- pos, Dion Caffius, Dionyfius Halicarnaffenfis, Florus, Horace, Plato, Plautus, Pindar, Quintilian, Seneca, and Thucydides. The fcholar will here find editions of the Works of iElian, JECop, Arrian, Athenagoras, iEmilius Probus, Aufonius, Boethius r Csefar, Quintus Calaber, Celfus, Catullus, Claudian, Quintus Curtius, Dictys Cretenfis, Diodorus Siculus, Diogenes Laertius, Dionyfius Areo- pagita, Dionyfius Periegetes, Ennius, Eutropius, Pom- peius Feftus, Valerius Flaccus, Florus, Herodotus, Hefiod, Hierocles, Hippocrates, Homer, Iamblichus, Ifocrates, Silius Italicus, Juftin, Lucan, Lucretius, Macrobius, Martial, Ammianus Marcellinus, Valerius Maximus, Menander, Mofchus, Mufasus, Cornelius Nepos, Oppian, Orpheus, Ovid, Paufanias, Perfius, Petronius Arbiter, Phasdrus, Philoftratus, Pliny the Younger, Plautus, Propertius, Quintilian, Salluft, Se- neca, Solinus, Stobaeus, Strabo, Suetonius, Symma- chus, Tacitus & Terence, Tibullus, Terentius Varro, Vegetius, and Virgil. We alfo find on thefe fhelves, Burton, Tragoediarum Grascarum Delectus ; Carter's Epictetus ; Creech's Lucretius ; Fawkes' Theocritus ; Whifton's Jofephus ; Veteris Geographiag Scriptores Minores,- a Wells. Ox- onii, 1698, in 4 octavo volumes ; Cellarii, Geographia; Gally's Characliers of Theophraftus ; Gale's Opufcula Mythologica ; and Melmoth's Cicero. Among the editions of the Clarlics, I obferved Arif- totle, by Du Val ; Anacreon, Stephani, Lutet. Par. 1556, 4to. ; Antoninus, Gatakeri; Apicius, 1541,410.; Appian, Par. 1592, folio; Apuleius, 161 o; Ariftides, R 242 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 1593 ; Ariftophanes, Kufteri, Amft. 17 10, folio; Arif- totelis et Theophrafti Opera, Venetiis apud Aldum, 1495-8, in 5 volumes, folio, with numerous editions of detached pieces by the Stagyrite; Athenasus Cafau- boni, Aurelius Victor, 1596, i2mo. ; Callimachus, Spanheim ; Casfar, by Clarke, on large paper, in red morocco, folio ; Ciceronis Opera Lambini, with vari- ous editions of his Works feparately published ; Dares, Phrygius, Xylandri ; Demofthenes, Wolfii ; Dio Caf- fius, Xylandri ; Dionyfius Halicarnaflenfis, Hudfoni, Epictetus, Colonic, 1 594 ; Euripides, Barnefii ; Fron- tini Stratagemata, Lugd. Bat. 1633, folio; Herodian, Gr. Bafileas, 8vo. ; Horatius Bentleii, et in ufum Del- phini ; Libanii Orationes ; Livius, Gruteri, et Clerici ; Lucianus, Bafileas, 1563, in 4 octavo volumes ; Lyco- phron Potteri ; Phalaris Epiftolas ; Philemonis Re- liquiae ; Photii Bibliotheca Hcefchelii, et ejufdem Epiftolas; Panegyrici Veteres, Duaci, 1585, 8vo. ; Pindarus Weftii, Oxonii, 1697, f°li° > Plato, Ficini, et Serrani ; Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis, Dalecampii ; Plotini Opera Philofophica ; Plutarchus, Xylandri & Rualdi ; Sappho, 1568; Polybius, Cafauboni, including the Treatife De Toleranda Oblidione of iEneas Tacticus ; Statius, Calderini, 1600; Stephanus de Urbibus ; Theophrafti Characteres a Needham, Lond. 171 2, 8vo. ; Thucydides, Hudfoni; Tyrtasus, Antv. 1568 ; and Xenophontis Opera, Leunclavii. The editions of the Claffics which fell more parti- cularly under my obfervation, were iEliani, Hiftoria Animalium; Gronovii,Anacreon,Glafguas, 1744, i2mo. Ariftophanes, Bergleri ; Aurelius Victor, Pitifci ; Cal- limachus, Ernefti ; Casfar, Delphini ; Claudianus, Bar- thii ; Diogenes Laertius, Cafauboni ; Diodorus Siculus, LAMBETH PALACE. 243 WerTelingii; Epictetus, Uptoni; Euripides, Marklandi, cum Exercitationibus, Mufgravii ; Herodotus, Weffe- lingii; Herodiani Hiftoria, Oxonii, 1678, 8vo. ; He- fiodus, Robinfoni ; Homerus, Clarkei & ErnefK ; Jofephus, Havercampi; Ifocrates, Battie; J uftini Hif- toria, Delphini; Juvenalis, Delphini; Livius, Draken- borchii ; Libanii Epiftolas, Wolfii Longinus a Pearce, & Lucanus, Burmanni ; Demofthenes & Lyfias, Tay- lori ; Lucianus, Hemfterhufii ; Lucretius, Delphini & Havercampi ; Manilius, Bentleii ; Martialis, Del- phini; MaximusTyrius, Marklandi; Orpheus, Gefneri; Ovidius, Burmanni; Plutarchi Opera, Stephani; Plu- tarchi Vitas, Bryani ; Plinii Junioris Epiftolas, Longolii; Salluftius, Gronovii; Sophocles, Johnfoni, Oxon, 1705, in 3 octavo volumes; Stobasus, Aurel. Allob. 1609, folio ; Tacitus, Ernefti ; Terentius, Gronovii & Del- phini; Theocritus, Martini; Theocritus, Chr. Porzch- bergeri, Drefdas, 1744, 1 2mo. ; and Xenophontis Ana- bafis, &c. Hutchinfoni. I may here notice the critical labours of Bentley, Theodore Gaza, Heinfius, Meurfius, Scaliger, and Gerard Voffius ; the Anti-Lucretius of Card. Melchior de Polignac ; Dawes, Mifcellanea Critica ; Dodwell, Praelectiones Academics ; Gatakeri Opera Critica ; Stradas, Prolufiones Academics; Toupii Emendationes in Suidam; and Sulpitii Severi Opera, .Elzeviri, 1643, i2mo. I have referved for the clofe of this curfory review of the Claffics, fome account of a little tome upon which I put my hand very unexpectedly among the Manufcripts in the Record Chamber. " Then felt I like fome watcher of the fkies, When a new planet fwims into his ken, 244 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Or like ftout Cortez, when with eagle eyes He flared at the Pacific — and all his men Look'd at each other with a wild furmife, Silent, upon a peak in Darien." Thefe fine lines occurred to John Keats, " on firft " looking into Chapman's Homer," and furely the en- thuliaftic Bibliophilift may be allowed to participate in the feeling they fo eloquently pourtray, when he firft beholds Cicero's Offices, printed upon vellum by Fufl and SchoefFer, thofe famous typographers. The prefent volume bears the date of 1466, and is confe- quently the fecond edition printed at Mayence. This fmall but precious folio, meafures eight inches and three quarters by fix inches and a quarter, and is in calf binding. It contains 87 leaves, of which the 1 ft and 58th are much ftained. This volume which appears to have been clafled among the Manufcripts from the refemblance of its type to the handwriting of the middle ages, derives additional intereft from a manufcript notice of Joannes Temporarius in 1460, refpecting the origin of the truly divine Art of Printing. " Chronogr. lib. 1. ad an. 1460." " Typographia donu Dei praeftantiflimu Quo Deus extremis temporib 9 no folum Antichrifti potentia evertit, fed et uni- verfu orbem inexcufabilem reddit. Quia jam non ex reru creataru confideratione fed fuo ipfius verbo in omnes terrarum partes, in oes familias, omniumq; populo- ru Unguis transfufo fe patefecit. " Joan. Temporarius." I have tranfcribed this curious entry at the end of the volume, with literal accuracy, as it fhews the high eftimation in which the infant prefs was held, and the LAMBETH PALACE. 245 direction fought to be given to its gigantic power by the learned of that day. Animated by the fame feeling to which I have al- ready alluded, I purfued my fearch for the tomes of early time in the archives above, and in the hall below, with unabated ardour. Great was my fatisfaction at finding the following productions of the legitimate father of the Englifh prefs. The Dictes and Sayinges of Philofophers, tranflated out of Frenfhe, by Antoine Erie of Ryvyers. Weft- meftre, 1477, folio. This edition bears Caxton's large mark on the nrft page, and has 31 lines in a full page, with fignatures. On the recto of the laft leaf we are informed that " Caxton me fieri fecit." The prefent copy of this rare volume is apparently perfect, and is preceded by the Book of Good Man- ners, from the French of Le Grand, printed the xi of Maye, 1487, in folio, which wants all the leaves pre- ceding the fignature B 1 . Three leaves of the book called Cathon have alfo been inferted in this volume, which meafures ten inches and a half by feven inches, is bound in calf, and lettered, limply " Caxton." The Cronycles of Englond. Weftmynnxe, 1480, folio. The prefent is a found and perfect copy, meafuring ten inches and three quarters, by eight inches, and bound in calf. It unfortunately wants the Defcrip- cion of Britayne, which 29 leaves were printed, though now but feldom found, with the Chronicle of Cax- ton.* * The archives of Lambeth Palace contain a curious Manufcript of 246 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Liber Feftivalis, or Directions for keeping Feafts all the Year. Weftmynfter, by Wyllyam Caxton, 1483, folio. The prefent copy is perfect, having the Quatuor Sermones of 30 leaves at the end ; but the firft, and fome other leaves are pieced, and much fcribbled over. The volume meafures eleven inches and one-eighth by feven inches and three quarters, and is in calf binding. It is the firft edition of the work. Gower, John, Confeffio Amantis, the Confeflyon of the Louer. Weftmeftre, by Willyam Caxton, with the date of 1483, for 1493, folio. This firft edition of one of the moft popular works of the middle ages, is of extreme rarity in a ftate fo perfect and fo defirable as the prefent. This copy is in fact quite perfect, found, and clean, meafuring twelve inches by eight inches and a half, and bound in calf. Speculum Vitas Chrifti, or the Myrroure of the blefied Lyf of Jhefu Chrift. Folio, no date. This lingular volume, ornamented with grotefque wood-cuts, commences with the words — " Incipit Speculum Vite Crifti." Caxton's Chronicle, from Brute to the beginning of the reign of Henry VI. in folio, preceded by a portrait of that monarch, and bearing at the end the date of 1460, followed by thefe words : " An after that ther " bred a raven at Charyng Croffe at Londen. And never was feen " noon brede there before. And after that came a gret dethe of pef- " tilence that lafted iij yer. And peple dyed myhtely in every place, " man woman and chylde. On whofe foulys God have mercy. Amen." The text of this Manufcript differs greatly from the Chronicle of England, printed by Caxton in 1480, and is much more diffufe, but it appears never to have been completed. LAMBETH PALACE. 247 concluding with the fimilar line of " Explycit Speculum Vite Crifti." and having Caxton's large mark on the reverfe of the laft leaf. The prefent copy is quite perfect and in found con- dition. It is alfo very large, meafuring eleven inches by eight inches and a quarter. It retains its original boards, covered with ftamped calf, affording a beauti- ful and unfophifticated example of the Caxtonian prefs. While on the fubject of early Englim Literature, I may remark that here are to be found the Works of Roger Afcham, Boyle, Cowley, Hobbes, Milton, Locke, Addifon, James the Firft, Dryden, Bacon, Sel- den ; Swift's Tale of a Tub; Spenfer's Faery Queen, London, 1611; the Shepherd's Kalendar, London, 1556, B. L. 4to. ; Barclay's Argenis ; Beaumont's Pfyche, or Love's Myftery ; Butler's Hudibras, and Chaucer's Works of 1542 and 1598, in folio, both printed in London ; Dives et Pauper, London, by Richarde Pynfon, 1493, folio. This compendious ex- pofition of the Commandments is the firft book known to have been printed by Pynfon with a date. The pre- fent copy is unfortunately imperfect at the beginning. In the department of Englim Literature I noticed fome Pieces by Bolingbroke ; Burke's celebrated ErTay on the Sublime and Beautiful ; fome Political Tracts, by Jonas Hanway ; Hartley on the Millenium ; Home's Elements of Criticifm ; Middleton's Life of Cicero, and other works ; Locke on the Human Un- derftanding, and other works ; an Efiay on the Wri- tings of Pope, 1756, 8vo. ; Dodfley's Preceptor; Richardfon's Sir Charles Grandifon ; Savage's Letters 248 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. of the Ancients, London, 1703, 8vo. ; Shaftefbury's Characteri flicks ; Shakefpeare, edited by Hanmer, Oxford, 1744, in 6 quarto volumes; Sir Henry Spel- man's Pofthumous Works ; fome Pieces by Swift, with his Life by Lord Orrery ; Thyer's Remains of Samuel Butler ; Tucker's Commercial Traces ; Milton's Pa- radife Loft, edited by Newton ; Spenfer's Faery Queen, edited by Upton, London, 1758, 4to. ; Sir Henry Wootton's Remains, 1685 ; and Sir John Davies' Poem on the Immortality of the Soul, 17 14, 8vo. I may here alfo mention, Miltoni Opera Omnia Latine. Amft. 1698, folio. Seldeni Opera, edente Wilkins. Londini, 1726, in 3 folio volumes, upon large paper. Maittaire's Senilia. Lond. 1742, 4to. Coryat's Crudities, London, 161 1, 4to. Digge's Compleat AmbafTador. Donne's Poems, Letters, and Sermons. Glanvil, de Proprietatibus Rerum. London, by Thomas Ea ft, 1582, folio. Gower, de Confemone Amantis. London, by Tho- mas Berthelette, 1554, folio. Harrington's Works. London, 1770, folio. Ben Jonfon's Works. London, 1692, folio. Thomas Mori Opera Latina. Lovaniae, 1566, folio. Sir Thomas More's Englifh Works. London, 1557, folio. Pierce Plowman's Vifion. London, 1 505, 4to. Shaftefbury's Characterifticks. Algernon Sidney's Difcourfe on Government. Sir William Temple's Memoirs. Waller's Poems. London, 1668. and many pieces of fugitive poetry, both in Latin and Englifh, of an early date. LAMBETH PALACE. 249 Among the Englifh Mifcellanies it may fuffice to notice fome Gratulatory and Funebrial Verfes from Univerfities ; Epicedia and Epithalamia, from Cam- bridge ; feveral Tracts relating to the Univerfity of Oxford; Spence's Polymetis ; Dr. Thomas Black- well's Letters concerning Mythology, 1 746 ; Wefley's Hymns ; Obfervations on the New Teftament, and on the Doctrine of Original Sin ; fome Tracts relating to Witches in Devon, 1682, &c. to DhTenters, and to Divinity. The Etymological Works in this Library, moft de- fending of notice, appear to be various Grammars of the Hebrew, Arabic, and other Oriental tongues, of Latin, French and Englifh, with the Port Royal Greek Grammar ; Baxter's Gloffary ; Buxtorf's Hebrew and Chaldaic Lexicon ; Du Frefne's Gloffary ; Hederici Lexicon Grascum ; Hefychii Lexicon ; Johnfon's Dic- tionary, 1755, in 2 vols, folio; Junii Etymologicum Anglicanum ; Littleton's Latin and Englifh Dictionary ; Lye, Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico Latinum ; Morelli Lexicon Grascum ; Parkhurft's Lexicon ; Pike's Hebrew Lexicon ; Schrevelii Lexicon Graxum ; Stephani Thefaurus Linguas Grascas ; and Vigeris de Idiotifmis ; Budasi Lexicon Grasco-Latinum ; Buxtorf, Hebrew Lexicon ; Calepini Dictionarium ; Cotgrave, French Dictionary ; Davies, Dictionarium Lingua? Wallicae et Latins, and his Linguas Cambro-Britannicae Inftitutiones ; Du Cange's Gloffary ; Hefychii Lexi- con ; Hickes' Thefaurus Septentrionalis, with Woot- ton's Confpectus of that invaluable work ; Hoffmanni Lexicon ; Hoogeveen, Doctrina Particulorum, and the Catholicon Januenfe, Rothomagi, 1 5 1 1 , 8vo. ; the Dic- tionarium Pauperum, Parifiis, 1498, 4to. ; Samuel 250 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Johnfon's Engliih Dictionary, edited by Todd, Lon- don, 1818, in 4 volumes, 4-to. ; Lhuyd's Archasologia Britannica, Oxon. 1707, folio; Lilii Lexicon Graeco- Latinum, Londini, 1540, 4to. ; Linacer, de emendata Structura Latini Sermonis, Lutetian, 1550, 8vo. ; Lye, Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico Latinum, a Man- ning, Lond. 1772, in 2 volumes, folio; Menage, Dic- tionnaire Etymologique de la Langue Francaife, 1694, folio ; Minfheu, Ductor. in Linguas XL Lond. 1617 ; and his Vocabularium Hifpanico-Latinum et Angli- cum, 1 617, folio; Pagnini Lexicon Hebraicum ; Julii Pollucis Onomafticon ; Putfchii Grammaticorum Cor- pus ; Scapula Lexicon ; Skinner's Etymologicon Lin- guae Anglicanas ; Somner, Dictionarium Anglo-Saxo- nicum, with his Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum ; Spelmanni Gloffarium Archasologicum ; Stephani The- faurus Linguae Grascae ; Suidas Lexicon, Kufteri, &c. ; Woide, Lexicon Egyptiaco-Latinum, Oxonii, 1775, 4to. ; and his Grammatica Egyptiaca, Oxonii, 1778, 4to. ; Elfrici, Grammatica Latino-Saxonica ; Elftob's Saxon Grammar, and other Grammars of different lan- guages. The Bibliographical Works in this Collection, al- though not numerous, embrace the Scriptorum Hifto- rias Britannicae Catalogus a Pitfeo ; the voluminous Acta Eruditorum of Leipfic ; Antonio, Bibliotheca Hifpana Vetus et Nova ; Beughem's Incunabula Ty- pographica; the Bibliotheca Thevenothana, Lutet. Par. 1694, 8vo. ; Mongitori Bibliotheca Sicula; the Catalogus Univerfalis Librorum, Lond. 1699, in 2 octavo volumes ; Catalogus MSS. Anglian et Hibernian, Oxonii, 1697, folio; Catalogus Librorum MSS. in Bibliotheca Cottoniana, Oxon. 1696, folio; Catalogus LAMBETH PALACE. 251 Bibliotheca? Traje&inas, 1 607, 4to. ; Catalogus Libro- rum Francofurti, 1564-92; Cave, Hiftoria Literaria ; Altamura, Bibliotheca Dominicana, 1677; Catalogus Librorum MSS. in Bibliotheca Tenifoniana, et Dug- daliana, Oxonii, 1692, 4to. ; Dupin, Bibliotheque des Auteurs Ecclefiaftiques ; Le Long, Bibliotheca Sacra ; Fabricii Bibliotheca Grasca, et Latina ; Bibliographia Antiquaria, and other fmaller pieces ; Gefneri Biblio- theca ; Hallervordii Bibliotheca Curiofa ; D'Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orientale ; Three Indices Expurgatorii ; Kufter, Bibliotheca Librorum Novorum, Traj. ad Rhen. 1691, in 5 duodecimo volumes; Labbe, Bib- liotheca Librorum MSS. Paris, 1657, in 2 volumes, folio; Llewellyn's Welfh Verfion of the Bible, 1768, 8vo. ; Mabillon de Re diplomatica; Maittaire, Stepha- norum Hiftoria ; Memoirs of Literature for 171 2 and 17 1 3, folio; Morhof's Polyhiftor Literarius, Lubecae, 4to. ; Neftelii Catalogus MSS. Vindobonenfium, folio ; Nicholfon's Englifh, Irifh, and Scotch Hiftorical Libra- ries; Sixti Senenfis Bibliotheca Sancta ; Stanley's Hif- tory of Philofophy ; the Journals des Scavans, &c. ; and a Lift of Bibles and Pfalters from 1526 to 1776, Lon- don, 1778, 8vo. Of Works relating to Literary Hiftory and Biblio- graphy, I obferved the Acta Eruditorum ; Ames' Ty- pographical Antiquities ; Bayle's Dictionary ; Cata- logus Codd. MSS. in Bibliotheca Taurinenfi, 1749, folio ; Bibliotheca Librorum novorum a Neocoro, Utrecht, 1697, m 5 vo ^ s - 8vo. ; Catalogus Biblio- theca? Coll. Reg. Medicorum, Londini, 1757, 8vo. ; Bruckeri Hiftoria Critica Philofophia? ; Catalogus Bib- liotheca? Bodleianae ; a Fyfher, Oxonii, 1738, in 2 vols, folio ; the Harleian Catalogue ; ..Cave's Hiftoria 252 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Literaria ; Fabricii Bibliotheca Grasca and Latina, with his Bibliographia Antiquaria; Le Clerc, Bibliotheque Ancienne et Moderne, Haye, 1730, in 29 vols, 1 2mo. ; De Bure, Bibliotheque Instructive ; the Journal des Scavans, from 1742 to Dec. 1768, in 149 vols. i2mo. and from January 1769 to March 1770, in 17 vols. 1 2mo. ; Lewis' Account of the Englifh Tranflations of the Bible, 1739, 8vo. ; and the Memoirs of Li- terature, London, 1722, in 8 vols. 8vo. ; Cafimir- Oudin de Scriptoribus Ecclefiafticis ; Tanner's Biblio- theca Britannico-Hibernica, 1748; the Nouveau Traite de Diplomatique, Paris, 1750, in 6 vols. 4to. ; Reading's Catalogus Bibliothecas Collegii Sionenfis, London, 1724, folio; Profper Marchand Dictionnaire Hiftorique ; Schelhorn, Amoenitates Literaria? ; Wal- theri Lexicon Diplomaticum, and the Defcription of the Ratcliffe Library at Oxford, 1747, folio. The Law Books are few and unimportant, compre- hending Durandi Speculum Juris ; Sir Edward Coke's InfKtutes ; Fitzherbert, Natura Brevium ; Littleton's Tenures ; Manwood's Foreft Laws ; Nicholfon's Bor- der Laws ; various Law Reports, and Statutes, with other works on Civil and Canon Law. Of Works relating to the Arts, I obferved only Evelyn on Medals ; the Medailles de Louis XIV. 1691 ; Vaillant, Nummi Antiqui. Rom. Amft. 1703, in 2 vols, folio; Wallifii Opera Mathematica, Oxonii, 1699, in 3 vols, folio; Wootton's Elements of Archi- tecture ; and Barrow's Euclid. In French and Italian Literature, the Works of Bayle, Boileau, Fontaine, Machiavelli, Petrarch, and TarTo, are among the mofr. important ; to which I may add copies of Don Quixote and Telemachus. LAMBETH PALACE. 253 Among the Mifcellaneous Volumes may be noticed the Reliquiae Bodleianas, Lond. 1703, 8vo. ; the Reli- quiae Spelmanniana? ; Camden Infignia, a Whear, Oxon. 1624, 4to. ; Camdeni Epiftoke, et Vita a Smith, Lond. 1 69 1, 8vo. ; Bryant's Mythology; many gra- tulatory as well as funebrial Verfes from Cambridge and Oxford ; Joannis Sarifburienfis Polycraticus, 1 5 1 3, 4to. ; two pieces by Cuthbert Tonftall ; Jones's Jour- ney to Paris, 1777, i2mo. ; Phillips on the Navy, 1775 ; Sir Walter Raleigh's Life of Mahomet, Lond. 1637, I2mo «; Juliani Imperatoris Opera; Spinofa Opera Pofthuma ; and Capt. Siden's Hiftory of the Levarites, Lond. 1675, i2mo. I will conclude my notice of this ancient Library, by the mention of Macaber, Speculum Marticinium, 1 61 3, 4to. ; and a French Tranllation of La Dance Macabre, printed upon vellum, in the Gothic types of A. Verard, or Guyot Marchand, at Paris. The Illuf- trations, thirty-five in number, defcriptive of each dia- logue between Death and the character he addreffes are highly finimed, and very curious. This volume is kept in the Manufcript Library. I may here alfo notice two volumes preferved in the fame repofitory, as of peculiar intereft, being the Booke of Chriftian Prayers, printed at London by John Daye, in 1569, 4to. containing a portrait of Queen Eliza- beth at the back of the Title, and ornamented with wood-cuts, from deiigns of the belt mailers, having the Dance of Death, after Holbein, coloured. The prefent was Queen Elizabeth's own copy, and was afterwards in the pofTemon of Queen Anne. This in- teresting volume has been rebound in blue morocco, gilt and tooled in the antique ftyle. Alfo, 254 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The Works of King Charles the Firft, 1672, folio, containing, in a curious manufcript note in the begin- ning, its own fingular hiftory, attefted by one who ap- parently was a competent witnefs. " This being feized on board an Englifh fhip was " delivered by order of the Inquiiition of Lifbon to " fome of the Englifh priefts to be perufed and cor- " reeled according to the rules of the Index Expurga- " torius. Thus corrected, it was given to Barnaby " CrafFord, Englifh merchant there, and by him it " was given to me, the Englifh preacher refident there " in 1 670 ; and by me, as I then received it, to the " Library at Lambeth to be there preferved." " Ita teftor, ZACH. CRADOCK. " November 1, 1678." The volume itfelf fully corroborates this interefKng account, being disfigured throughout by rapid ftrokes of the pen through the Monarch's prayers, and every expreffion relating to the advancement of the Protec- tant religion, difplaying Inquifitorial criticifm in its full vigour, to the enquiring eyes of the nineteenth century. I may alfo mention here, fome Tracts collected by Bowyer on the Kalendar, and a Collection of Political Tracts from 1682 to 1733, in 3 folio volumes; the donation of Mr. J. Nichols, printer in Fleet Street, Dec. 7, 1776, which afford me an excellent opportu- nity of alluding to the contents of that voluminous feries of Tracts, thus defcribed by Dr. Ducarel in the Memorandum prefixed to his accurate and copious Catalogue of their Contents : — " This is a Catalogue of a great number of very LAMBETH PALACE. 255 " fcarce and valuable Tracts, and Pamphlets, from the *' time of Henry VIII. to that of Queen Anne, which " having for many years lain undigested in this Li- " brary were by order of his Grace Archbifliop Corn- " wallis, methodized and bound in the year 1773." Thefe Tracts are both hiftorical, and theological, political, and mifcellaneous, and in number fo great that I only advert to the principal fubjects to which they refer. Thefe are Church affairs in general. The Clergy, Penal Laws, and Tefts, &c, Tithes, &c. The 39 Ar- ticles, Baptifm, Catechifm, ChrifUanity, Englifh Di- vinity, Jews, Liturgy, Marriage, Methodifts, Miracles, Prayers, French and Englifh Proteftants, including fome againft Popery, Quakers, Sacheverell, Sacra- ments, Trinity, the Bangorian, Socinian, and Anti- Socinian, Popifh and Whiftonian Controverfies, War- burton, Waterland, and both the Univerfities. Alfo numerous Sermons. There are alfo Politics in general, including Ame- rican Tranfaclions, Irifh Affairs, Laws, London, Ox- fordshire, Parliamentary Affairs, the Pretender, Scot- land, Shakefpeare, State Tryals, and others, Wales, Pamphlets of 161 1-44-49, 1696- 17 16, 1646-58, 1705-26, 1700-17, and 1637-1707. There are moreover of mifcellaneous nature, em- bracing Almanacks, the Kalendar, Biography, Botany, and Phyfic, Trade, Englifh Poetry, and many other fubjects, in Latin, Englifh, and French. This Catalogue alfo includes an account of the Pamphlets and Tracts bequeathed to this Library by Archbifhop Seeker, which begin in 171 5 and end in 1768, and refer principally to the events of that period. 256 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. This circumftance leads me to notice in detail the component parts of that munificent bequeft, his entire Library, which Archbiihop Seeker bequeathed to the See, whofe higheft honours he had enjoyed. I have deemed it expedient to give a feparate account of this portion of the Lambeth Library, diftinct from that of the original Collection, being of opinion that the imprefs of the owner's mind is in fome degree ftamped upon his Library, and that, viewed by this reflected light, the Prelate's induftry and judgment as a collector, enhance the fenfe of his munificence as Archbiihop. A Library of fuch extent and importance, bequeathed entire, amply deferves feparate and particular defcrip- tion. As might naturally be expected the Theological department of this Collection is that which has received the moft attention from its pious founder. It contains among the earlier Divines, the Works of Anfelm, Arnobius, Bafilius, Cyprian, Epiphanius, Gregory, Irensus, Grotius, Polycarp, Juftin Martyr, Philo Judasus, and other pillars of the Church. It alfo embraces, Chryfoftomi Opera, a Montfaucon. Parifiis, 171 8, in 1 3 folio volumes. Hieronymi Opera, Vallarfii. Verona?, 1734, in 11 vols, folio. Origenis Opera, de la Rue. Paris, 1733, in 4 vols, folio. Tertulliani Opera, Rigaltii. Parifiis, 1675, folio. Lactantii Opera, Du Frefnoy, 2 vols. 4to. Reeves' Apologies of Tertullian, &c. London, 1709, in 2 vols. 8vo. LAMBETH PALACE. 257 Wake's Epiftles of the Apoftolical Fathers. Among the Works of the Englifh Divines I par- ticularly noticed thofe of Andrews, Bingham, Black- all, S. Clarke, Chillingworth, Colin, Farmer, Forbes, Fordyce, Hooper, Kennicott, Kettlewell, Jofeph Mede, Pococke, Prideaux, Seeker, Seed, Thomas Sharp, Squire, Sherlock, Stebbing, Jofeph Stennett, Stillingfleet, Sykes, Synge, Taylor, Warburton, Waterland, and Whitby. Here alfo are found, Addifon's Evidences of the Christian Religion ; Barclay's Apology for the Quakers ; Butler's Analogy ; Campbell on Miracles ; Chappelow on Job; Durrell's Remarks on Job, Oxford, 1772; Dodwell on Marriage, with fome other Tracts relat- ing to the fame fubjects ; Fiddes' Body of Divinity ; Hutchefon's Moral Philofophy ; Jones on the Trinity ; Lardner's Testimonies ; Lavington's Enthufiafm of Methodifts and Papifts, 1749 ; Lowman's Paraphrafe ; Lowth's Commentaries on the Prophets ; Macknight's Harmony ; Oftervald's Arguments ; Parker on the Scriptures ; Patrick's Commentaries ; Peters on Job ; Phillips on Sacred Literature ; Poole's Annotations on the Bible, and Tracts againft Popery ; Pyle's Para- phrafe, &c. ; Le Chevalier Ramfay's Philofophical Principles of Religion, Glafgow, 1749, in 2 quarto volumes ; Univerfal Restitution, a Scripture Doctrine, London, 1761, 8vo. ; Stevenfon on the Gofpel Mi- racles, with other Tracts on the fame fubject; Dr. Gregory Sharp on the Prophecies ; Shuckford's Con- nection ; Smalbroke and Sykes on Miracles ; Tenni- fon's Guide of a Chriftian ; Trapp on the Gofpels, and on the Church of England; Turnbull's Chriftian Philofophy; Venn's Whole Duty of Man ; Wall's In- fant Baptifm ; Webfter on Prayer ; Welchman on the s 258 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Thirty-nine Articles ; Weft on the Refurrection ; Wef- ton on Miracles ; Whitby's Paraphrafe ; Witherfpoon's Effays ; Whifton's various Works ; White, Bifhop of Ely, on the Sabbath Day, 1635, 4-to. ; Stackhoufe's Expofition of the Apoftles' Creed, and his Body of Divinity, London, 1729, folio, a book which was loft, but replaced by Archbifhop Manners Sutton, in March 1798. Of Pulpit Eloquence, the Archbifhop feems to have been a warm admirer, fince we here find the Sermons of Abernethy, Atterbury, Blair, Balguy, Bull, Butler, Bedford, Bellamy, Bennet, Bentley, Berriman, Bifcoe, Brown, Brakenridge, Bundy, Burton, Calamy, Chand- ler, Carter, Conant, Crowe, Dalton, Dawfon, Delany, Dodd, Dorman, Duchal, Elliott, Emlyn, Felton, Fleetwood, Forfter, Franklin, and Free. Of Gough, Green, Harveft, Herring, Hickes, Hoadly, Hopkins, Jeffrey, Jennings, Jephfon, Jones, Kennicott, Knowles, Lardner, Mangey, Morris, Mofs, Mudge, Newcombe, Newton, Reay, Ridley, Rogers, Romaine, Rotheram, Seeker, Sacheverell, Seed, Shepherd, and Sherlock. Since the foregoing pages were written, a Lift of fome of the early printed Books, in the Lambeth Li- brary, by the Rev. S. R. Maitland, London, 1843, pp. 464, has been privately printed, and been followed by the publication of an Index of fuch Englifh Books, printed before the year MDC as are now in the Archiepifcopal Library at Lambeth, by the Rev. S. R. Maitland, F.R.S. London, 1845, PP- I2 °- % vo - 3Ubratj> of 3Urt)fielo. HE Library of the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield is preferved with great care in an upper Chamber of the Chapter Houfe adjoining the Cathe- dral. The Manufcripts are kept under lock and key in brafs-wired cafes at the one end of the room. The Printed Books are arranged in claffes upon open fhelves, and have in many inftances been rebound or rebacked, though the greater portion of them retain their original binding of calf. This Library retaining but few of its monaftic trea- fures, was munificently endowed by Frances, Countefs of Somerfet, whofe portrait very well painted in the coftume of that period adorns the upper end of the room. In a cafe beneath was formerly depofited the famous Gofpel book of St. Chad; the doors of this receptacle bearing the following Infcription : — " Sanctifs. Liber qui intus reconditur ficut in area eft collocatus Thefaurus fuit olim et delicia? IlluftriflimjE Doming Domical Francifcas Devereux 2 6o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. DucifTas Somerfetenfis Cujus pulcherrimam Imaginem Aufpice Ledor et Venerare. Hoc Immerito Clariffimi enim heroici " Gemmam hanc cui aurum eft vile" Una cum prope mille aliis Volumen Dilectag fua? et femper memo : Ecclefia? Cathedral : de Lichfield Majorem Dei Gloriam et bonarum Literarum ubertatem D. D. F. This precious volume has, however, been trani- ferred to the glazed cafe in which the other Manu- fcripts are kept. Its fcription is undoubtedly of very high antiquity, and the uncial letters and other orna- ments of the volume alike atteft this fact. This vo- lume is written in Latin upon vellum, and is bound in rufiia, lettered " Evangelia Sancti Ceaddas. dccxx."* It contains 236 pages, according to the numeration of fome modern hand. The date of the year 720, though conjectural, is probably near the mark; and the follow- ing remarks of Mr. Nares in his Manufcript Catalogue may ferve to elucidate the literary hiftory of this an- cient volume. " Tradition reports it to have been the hand writing " of St. Gildas, but when it is obferved that it abounds " with grofs errors both in orthography and grammar, " it becomes impoffible to believe it the work of any * Vide Hickefri Thefaurus Septentrionalis. II. 289. LICHFIELD. 261 " learned fcribe. The characters are round and fair, " having a ftrong affinity to the Saxon letters, and the " Saxon words and names occurring in the margins " plainly mow that the book had been in much ufe for " adminiftering oaths under the Government of that " people." The fize of the volume is large quarto apparently, though truly I think it is in folio. A beautiful and valuable Manufcript of the Poems of Chaucer, written upon vellum in a noble folio volume, contains 292 leaves, but unfortunately wants thatwhich ought to intervene between the 209th and the 210th of Mr. Nares' enumeration. It would be a cu- rious tafk to compare the text of this venerable Manu- fcript with the firft printed editions of the Canterbury Tales, &c. from the prefs of Caxton. This book has alfo been protected by a ruffia furtout, and it contains fome elegant illuminations. I alfo remarked the Manufcript Poems of William Kingfmyle, Knight ; Archdeacon Smalbrooke's Com- mon Place Book; the Codex Juftiniani ; Taxatio Paps Nicolai ; Scire Mori ; A Pricke of Confcience ; A Tract of St. Anfelm, and feveral volumes of Adverfaria Theologica, bound in calf. This Catalogue, given in vol. 11. p. 32 of the Ca- talogus MSS. Anglian et Hibernian, Oxon, 1672, folio, attributed to Humphry Wanley, contains all the books at prefent in the Library, with the exception of Nos. 1389, 1396, 1399, 1404, 1406. Many of the Manufcripts were in the old Monadic Library, but others were part of the bequeft of the Countefs of Somerfet in 1672. A Catalogue of the entire Collection bequeathed to the Cathedral by that noble lady is preferved among the Manufcripts. An 262 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. old borrowing book too, ufed by Samuel Johnfon in 1774, is there alfo preferved. In this cafe is preferved the rnoft brilliant Gem of this Collection, being no lefs than Caxton's Hiftory of King Arthur, folio, whofe well known colophon run- neth thus : " Thus endeth this noble and joyous book entitled " La Morte Darthur ; notwithstanding, it treat- " eth of the birth, life, and acts of the faid King Ar- " thur, of his noble Knights of the Round Table, their " marvellous conquefts and adventures, the atchieving " of the Sangreal, and in the end the dolorous death " and departing out of this world of them all. Which " book was reduced in to Englifh by Sir Thomas Ma- " lory, Knight, as afore is faid, and by me divided in " to xxi books, chaptered and imprinted, and finifhed " in the Abbey Weftminiter the laft day of July, the " year of our Lord M.cccclxxxv. " Carton me fieri fecit." This is one of the rareft. of Caxton's productions, a perfect Copy is in the Library of Lord Jerfey at Ofter- ley, formerly in the Harleian Collection, which I be- lieve is the only other copy known. The prefent copy is elegantly bound in olive coloured Venetian morocco with gilt leaves. This volume which I had a fubfequent opportunity of examining, I found to be an imperfect copy of the Life and Actes of King Arthur, folio, bound in Vene- tian Morocco with gilt leaves. It is printed in double columns of black letter, entwined by fome barbarous wood-cuts, with the chapter-numbers on the head line in italic character. It is imperfect both at the begin- LICHFIELD. 263 ning and the end, commencing with the " Prologus " on fign . T . ii. and ending with a leaf of " The xxift booke," having the catchword " now." on the recto, and " were " on the reverfe. This volume meafures ten inches and a half by feven inches and three quarters. The oldeft Englifh Bible in this Library is the Bible by Cranmer, printed at London by Edward Whyt- churche in 1540, whereof title, which is encadred in wood cuts, runneth thus : {[ The Byble in Englyfhe, that is to faye the contet of al the holy fcrypture, both of y e olde, and newe tef- tamet, with a prologe therinto, made by the reuerende father in God, Thomas archbyfmop of Cantorbury. 41 This is the Byble apoynted to the vfe of the churches. The prefent Copy has the title inlaid, and is bound in the original calf with plain brafs clafps. Next to this ftood the two irately folios of Ogilvie's Bible of 1660 in red morocco. Buck and Daniel's Bible of 1638, divided into five thin folio volumes, bound in old blue morocco. Field's Bible, printed at Cambridge in 1660, in 2 volumes, folio, attired in crimfon velvet, with filver clafps. Buxtorf's Hebrew Bible, printed at Bafle in 161 8, in folio. Novum Teftamentum e Codice Alexandrino cura Woide. Lond. 1786. Novum Teftamentum Stephani. Lutet. Paris. 1500, folio, and The Oxford Septuagint, under the editorial care of Holmes and Parfons, recently bound in 5 vols, folio, in calf. To which may be added 264 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Walton's Polyglott of 1657, with Caftell's Lexicon. The Biblia Polyglotta Montani, printed by Plantin, at Antwerp, in 1569, in 5 volumes folio, the three laft named articles being bound in calf; and a pretty correct eftimate may be formed of the Bib- lical treafures of the Lichfield Cathedral Library. In Divinity there are numerous Works, many of which are too infignificant, and others of too common occurrence to mention ; but to give fome idea of the value of the Library in this its moft important depart- ment, it may fuffice to enumerate, The Bibliotheca Maxima and Bibliotheca Patrum, printed at Paris in 1624, in 5 vols, folio, all in calf. Bingham's Works, in 2 vols, folio. London, 1726, a fine copy in old calf. To which may be added the Works of Eufebius, Newton, Ufher, Erafmus, Mofheim, Grotius, War- burton, and Calvin ; Pole's Synopfis, and the Critici Sacri. In Ecclefiaftical Hiftory we find the valuable Works of Echard and Dupin ; Bafnage's Hiftory of the Jews ; Crefiy's Church Hiftory of Brittany ; Wilkins' Con- cilia ; Strype's Annals; Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy ; the Ecclefiaftical Annals of Baronius ; Ful- ler's Church Hiftory ; the Hiftoria Martyrum of Fox, Bafileas, 1559, folio; and Fox's Hiftory of Martyrs, London, 1641, folio; and Beds Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica, Antverpia?, 1550, folio. In relation to the Hiftory of England, we find the following valuable and interefting W'orks, Dugdale's Monafticon Anglicanum ; Hiftory of St. Paul's, and of Warwickshire, and View of the Troubles ; Cam- LICHFIELD. 265 den's Britannia ; Clarendon's Hiftory of the Rebellion ; Burnet's Hiftory of his own time ; Daniel's Hiftory of England ; Rufhworth's Hiftorical Collections ; Speed's Chronicle; Baker's Chronicle, London, 1679, folio; Holinfhed's Chronicles, in folio; Gul. Neubrigenfis Hiftoria Rerum Anglicarum curante Thoma Hearne, 3 vols. 8vo. ; Virunnii Hiftoria Britonum ; Bracton de Legibus Anglian ; Lyndewode's Provinciale ; Ken- net's Hiftory of England, together with the Domefday Book, and the whole Series of Records and other Do- cuments published under the authority of the Parlia- mentary Commiftion. Add to thefe Buchanan and Drummond's Hiftories of Scotland ; Wynne's Hiftory of Wales ; and in Britifh Topography, Stow's London; Willis' Cathedrals ; Plot's Oxfordshire ; Dart's Canter- bury Cathedral ; Grew's Rarities ; and Bentham's Ely. In General Hiftory the valuable collections of Gras- vius and Gronovius, with the indifpenfable Supple- ments of Poleno and Sallengre ; Thuani Hiftoria fui Temporis ; Puffendorff's Works ; the Englifh verfion of Montfaucon, by Humphries; the Chronicles of FroifTart and Monftrelet, and Bayle's Dictionary, are the moft confpicuous features of this Collection. Kasmpfer's Japan, and Norden's Egypt, alfo adorn this department of the Library. In Heraldry, a few valuable Works may be here enumerated, Guillim's Heraldry, 1660; Milks' Cata- logue of Honor ; and Afhmole's Hiftory of the Garter, London, 1672, all in folio. In Philology, it is a pleafure to recount fuch Works as Ducange's Gloftarium ; Photii Bibliotheca ; Hickes' Thefaurus ; Spelman's Works ; Stephani Thefaurus, and Junii Etymologicum Anglicanum. 266 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. In Geography, Cluvierii Geographia Antiqua, in folio, and Cook's Voyages, in 4to. alone met my ob- fervation. In Poetry, I merely noticed the Works of Spenfer, of 1679, and Da Bartas' Divine Works and Weeks, whence Milton is faid to have borrowed fundry ideas of his immortal Work. Of Clarlic Authors, the editions contained within thefe walls are generally fpeaking neither the nrft nor the beft, with the exception of the Editio Princeps of Appian, printed by Stephens at Paris, in 1551, folio; and Butler's iEfchylus, in 4to. In Mifcellaneous Literature, I may notice the Works of Addifon and Bacon, of Swift and Fielding, with divers other modern authors of leiier note, including the long feries of the Gentleman's Magazine, the veritable " Old Parr of Periodicals." I may alfo mention Selden's famous Treatife of the Mare Claufum, written in reply to the Mare Liberum of the juftly celebrated Grotius ; and Drelincourt on Death, a book which, if I recollect rightly, was often mentioned with refpect by Samuel Johnfon, the nrft. edition of whofe Life, by Bofwell, in 2 volumes, 4to. is appropriately placed in the Capitular Library of his native town. I alfo noticed Digges' Compleat AmbalTador ; Plu- vinel's Horfemanihip, both in folio ; and Burney and Hawkins' Hiftory of Mufic, both in 4to ; together with Reading's Catalogue of Sion College Library, London, 1724, as books not often to be found within the precincts of any Cathedral. The Catalogue of this Library is a manufcript vo- lume, written apparently fome time ago, wherein the LICHFIELD. 267 Books are enumerated in alphabetical order, the fub- fequent additions to the Library being entered on the oppofite pages which have been left blank for this purpofe. A ClafTed Catalogue appears to have been in con- templation, but never to have been continued beyond a few pages. A Book of the names of the Books taken out of the Library by the Dean and Chapter, who alone have the right to ufe it, the Canon in refidence always keeping the key, is very properly laid upon the fame table with the Catalogue itfelf. 268 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 3Uftrarp of 3Uneoin- ■* HIS ancient Library, which fuffered much from conflagration about the middle of the feventeenth century, was munificently reftored to more than its priftine fplendour by Michael Honey wood, then Dean of Lincoln. The portrait of this eminent divine, by Cornelius Janfen, with that of his grandmother, adorns the room which contains what remains of his once extenfive Collection, which the ruthlefs hand of the unlettered fpoiler has deprived of fome of its brighter!: ornaments. The Manufcripts are now carefully lettered and ad- mirably arranged, though, as formerly a few (hillings were fufficient to induce the verger to allow the exci- fion by any " curious ftranger" of the illuminated ca- pitals, many of the volumes are lamentably mutilated and defective. Latin Bibles, Pfalters, Glories & PofHllas, upon vel- lum and on paper, form the principal features of the Manufcript Library, which is depofited in the ante- room over the Cloifters adjoining the Cathedral. On thefe fhelves I alio obferved a Manufcript of Comeftor's Hiftoria Scholaftica ; and of Bartholomeus de Proprietatibus Rerum ; together with an interefting Diurnall of Proceedings in Parliament kept in 1640. LINCOLN. 269 But the mofl: curious and valuable Manufcript in this Collection, is a volume upon paper of Old Englifli Romances, of the date of 1430-40, collected by Ro- bert de Thornton, who was Archdeacon of Bedford in 1450, and lies buried in Lincoln Cathedral. This in- teresting volume has been enriched by a table of con- tents, and fome elucidatory notes by Sir F. Madden, of the Britifh Mufeum, and adorned with a coating of red ruflia, which may bid defiance to decay. The Library of Printed Books, all of which are labelled on the back, is contained in a fpacious Gallery one hundred and four feet by feventeen, being the whole length of one fide of the Cathedral Cloifters, and having the books on open fhelves on the right hand, and a range of windows on the left ; but no conve- nience for producing artificial heat. The Manufcript Catalogue, which lies on the table, appears to have been copied verbatim from another of older date, and to have been continued by the entry of fuccefiive additions. On turning to the father of the Englifli Prefs,Ifound a Poefy of moft pungent odour, the true ' Lincolne Nofegay,' which any Roxburgher might be proud to wear in his button-hole at the yearly feftival of thofe true lovers of black letter. I give the entry exactly as I found it in the Catalogue ; but, grievous to relate, neither high nor low were thefe gems feen to fparkle on the fhelves of this fadly bereaved Repofitory. " Caxton, Chronicle & Defcription of Britaine, " 1480, folio. " Scala Perfectionis, 1494, fol. " Chefie Play, 1474, fol. " Cato, 1483, fol. " Quaere. Di&es & Sayinges of Philofophers, 1500, 270 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " Reynard the Fox, 4to. " Tranf. of Hift. of Jafon, 1481, 4to." I own this laft article puzzled me considerably ; for could it be the true Jafon with this recent date ? but the well known initials ' T. F. D.' attached in pencil to the Cato, and the queried Dictes and Sayinges led me to hope that they at leaft might yet be in existence; and imagining that they might be preferved among the Curiofities which the Dean and Chapter had taken, as I was informed, under their efpecial protection, I addrelfed a note of enquiry to the Librarian, ftating my reafons for believing that, as fome of the Caxtons appeared to have been infpected by Dr. Dibdin fo late as 1 81 6, they muft ftill exift, though I could not find them. The obliging anfwer which I in confequence re- ceived from the prefent Librarian of Lincoln I give exactly as I received it, that thofe wbo are anxious for the integrity of thofe great Collections which the wife and the good of former ages have handed down to us, may learn from hence the neceffity of deviling means whereby fuch treafures may be preferved unim- paired and intact for pofterity, more effectual than thofe which the venerable confort of Michael Honey- wood, happily in no wife prefcient of the future fate of thefe literary treafures, deviled. But let us have the fact from the pen of Mr. Garvey. SlR, Lincoln, June 17, 1833. I am forry it is not in my power to give you any information that you will deem pleafing, on the fubject of the early prints which you feem to delight in. The fact is, fince Dr. Dibdin's vifit to this Library, the LINCOLN. 271 Dean and Chapter thought it expedient to fell all the Caxtons and other early prints, and to replace them with more modern works of which they flood in need; and this is the reafon that we had nothing of that fort to offer to your notice more than what my fon fhewed you. If it were in my power I mould be happy to gratify every intelligent ftranger ; and I am forry I have no better information to give you on your favourite pur- fuit. I am, Sir, your obedient fervant, R. GARVEY. This candid ftatement is fully confirmed by the fol- lowing entry in the Library Catalogue of the books fold, namely, " Amores Troili et CrefTeidas. Oxonii, 1635. " The Worlds of Heiwood. London, 1598. " Virgidemiarum. London, 1602. " Brome's Songs. London, 1664. " Several pieces of Poetry bound together. " Sternhold's Pfalms. London, 1553. " Sir W. Raleigh's Letters to his Son. London, 1632. " De Affliclione Captivorum fub Turcis. " Poetical Works of James VI. Edinburgh, 1 59 1 . " Six Treatifes on Cookery. " Bifhop Earl's Characters. " Seven different Poetical Pieces bound together. " Pfalms fet to Mufic, in 4 books. London, 1563. " Poetica Stromata, by R. C. [Ric. Corbet, Bp. " Norwich.] 1648, i2mo. " Poems by Michael Drayton. London, 16 — . " Martial'sEpigramsby Fletcher. London, 1656, 8 vo. 272 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " Ten Different Pieces bound in one volume. " Vita et Obitus Henrici VIII. & Caroli Brandon, " &c. " Virions of Peirce Plowman, by R. Crowley. Lond. "i 55 o. " Befides the above, fome books were purchafed by " the Rev. T. F. Dibdin." The books thus omitted to be more particularly mentioned were among the choiceft treafures of the Honey woodian Collection. The praclifed hand of Roficrufius, extracted the ore from the drofs, and con- verted it into gold. The guardians of the temple flept, and Mammon prevailed. The flowers thus culled were wreathed into a garland, quaintly denominated the Lincoln Nofegay, which I have transferred entire to thefe pages, as, although furreptitioully reprinted, its circulation was originally limited to the author's immediate circle. " The Lincolne Nofegay." " London. Printed by W. Bulmer & Co. Cleveland " Row. St. James's." " Here begyneth a Littel Tome and hathe to name " The Lincolne Nofegay :" " beynge a brefe table of certaine Bokes in the po- " feffion Maifter Thomas Frognall Dibdin Clerk, " which bookes be to be fold to him who dial gyue " the mode for y e fame." " The Lincolne Nofegay." I. The Dictes and Sayinges of Philofophres. En- prynted by me William Caxton at Weftmeftre the yere of our lord, m cccc lxxvjj. Folio. Ye fhal perufe a full accounte of this boke in y e new imprint of our Typographical Antiquities, vol. i. p. LINCOLN. 273 60, 72. This exemplar apereth to be y e Fyrfte Edi- tion : and hath at y e end " Et fie eft Finis." II. The Cronicles of Englond ; (wherunto is join- ed) The Difcripcion of Britayne. Fynyffhed by me William Caxton, the xviii day of Auguft the yere of our god m.cccc lxxx. &c. Folio. See y* aforementioned werk : vol. i. pp. 85-100. Thefe be perfait and meruelouflye clene copies of thefe mode rare bokes, and are bounde in one tome. III. The Booke called Cathon. Tranflated oute of French into Englyffh by William Caxton in thabbay of Weftmyflre the yere of our lorde mcccclxxiii. &c. Folio. A parfaite and beauteous exemplar. IV. The Newe Cronycles of Englonde and of Fraunce. Emprynted by Richarde Pynfon, prynter unto the kyng3 noble grace. The yere of our Lord God a. m. cccccxvi. The vii daye of the moneth of February. Folio. Ye fhal gader y e aboue from y e imprynte of the boke, inafmuch as there be no title to y e fame in the fyrft page or frontifpiece : whyche page containeth only the cote armor of the then kynge, and hath fign. H i be- neath it. In my werke, begunne by Maifters Ames and Herbert, at vol. ii. p. 466, &c. ye fhal finde a full and truft-worthye accounte of this prefent boke ; the exemplar of whiche, here offered, is of grete bulke and beautie. It is, moreouer perfait — with fome of the leauves flamed — but the cunning fkil of Maifter Lewis, our knowinge binder of bokes, fhal quickly clenfe the fame. I maruel where another fuche exem- plar of this rare werke fhall be founde for y e pur- chafinge ? V. The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteined in the T 274 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Olde and Newe Teftament. Tranflated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the befte tranflations in divers languages, &c. Printed in Edinburgh. By Alexander Arbuthnet, Printer to the Kingis Maieftie, dwelling at y e kirk of feild. 1579. Folio. This moche-to-be-coueted boke is perfaite, fauinge two leaves in the O. Teftamente and three leaves in the N. Teft. : whiche be wanting. The begynninge and end therof are true and perfait. Ye {hall perceiue, on looking at Maifter Herbert's labors, vol. iii. p. 1 50 1. that he had no knowledge of the fame: ne Maifter Lewis, in his werke upon Tranflations of the Bible. Hereafter folowethe fundry fmal werkes in metre mooft rare and of efpeciel note : whiche be bounde in a kiuer of parchmente. Sundrie Smal Werkes in Metre. VI. The title thus : Here begynneth a treatyfe how y e hye fader of heven fendeth dethe to fomon every creature to come and gyve a counte of theyr lyuves and this worlde, and is in maner of a morall playe. The imprint thus : Thus endeth this moral playe of every man. Imprynted at London in Poules Churche yarde, by me John Skot. 4to. In Rhymes. Sixteen leaves. Ye llial perceaue how Maifter Her- bert maketh mention of this very exemplar : but which, it apeareth manifeft, he had never fene. The colophon thus : Thus endeth the comunycacyon bytwene god and man. LINCOLN. 275 Emprynted at London in Flete-ftrete at y e fygne of y e Sonne by me Wynkyn de Worde. 4to. This lytyle piece of rhymes lacketh the title : but the text therof begynneth right truely on y e fignature A. ij. thus : " Deus." " Our gracyous god mooft in magnyfycece His mercyful eyen cafteth fro heuf on hi Seynge his creatures in deedly vyolence Hym felfe complayneth by pyte full ruefully," &c. &c. Sec. Ye fhal finde no account of this lytel tome in my editing of Maifter Herbert's werke upon Ye Hyftorye of oure Pryntinge. It hath 1 2 leaves if you include the title. VIII. The title as foloweth : Here is a mery jeft of the mylner of Abyngdon, with his wyfe and his doughter, and two poore fcho- lers of Cambridge. 4to. In Rhymes. A fragment of 7 leaves whiche femeth to be im- prynted by W. de Worde. Unto this fragment is joined IX. A Romaunce, in verfe, ycleped Ipomydon ; Emprynted at London in the Flete ftrete, at the fygne of the Sonne, by wynkyn de worde, 4to. This lacketh y c 3 fyrfte leaues of texte, and the title; but it is parfaite from thence (fign. B. i.) to y c ending therof, and is meruelouilye fcarce and curious ; no mention beynge made of it in the aforefaid werke. This exemplar hath 33 leaves: fign. 1 having 5, the reft 4 leaves. X. The title thus : A Dyalogue defenfyue for women agaynft malycy- ous detractoures. 4to. Colophon : Thus endeth the 276 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Faucon and the Pye. Anno dni. 1542. Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, for Richard Bancker. Cum privi- legio regali ad imprimendu folii per feptem annum. Beneath is the device of Robert Wyer, the Prynter. 4to. Ye fhal fynde a briefe notice of this curious Dya- logue, in metre, uttered by a Falcon and a Pie, in Herbert's Werke, vol. iii. p. 273. XL [A Romaunce, in metre, entytled Syr Bevis of Hampton] Colophon : Imprynted at london in the vinetre upon the thre Crane wharfe, by William Cop- lande. 4to. Herbert hathe no knowlege of this mofte precious boke. This copy lacketh only the title page ; the text be- gynnynge on A ii. thus : " Lyften lordinges I holde you ftyl Of doughty men tell you I wyl." &c. &c. &c. XII. The Title as foloweth : Elynor Rummin, The famous Ale-wife of England. Written by Mr. Skelton, Poet Laureat to King Henry the egiht.* Beneath a portraiture of y e faid Eleanour : " When Skelton wone the laurel crowne My Ale put all the Ale-wives downe." 4to. The fame portraicture on the back-ride of this Title. Nine leaves : containing alfo the Tunning of Eleanour of Rumming. Grete will be thy joy, O Reader, when thou know- * Thus. LINCOLN. 277 eft that thou mayft here beholde the original and only exemplar of this cunning and efpecial werke ; for a fight wherof, men do report, that Maifters Stevens and Ritfon, with painful travail, left their peacefull homes in London. Greter ftill will be thy contentment, gen- tle reader, if thou poifefs this cunning trefure. Ye fhal fee fomething appertaining hereunto in rny werke ycleped Bibliomania at p. 585. XIII. The Title commenceth thus : Here begynneth the Egloges of Alexander Barclay, Prieft, &c. &c. Colophon as foloweth : Thus endeth the thyrde and laft Eglogue of the Mifery ofCourte and Courtes, Compofed by Alexander Barclay, Preeft, in his youth. Imprinted at London by Humfrey Powell. 4to. Fifty-eight leaves. Mention is made of this fyrfte Imprint of the Eg- logues of Alexander Barclay in Maifter Herbert's werke on Pryntinge, in vol. ii. p. 751. It appereth from the fame authority that the yere of the imprint could not be later than y e yere of our Lorde 1551. XIV. The Title is after this fafhion : An Interlude, called Lufty Juventus. Lively de- fcribyng the frailtie of youth : of nature prone to vyce : by grace and good councell traynable to vertue. The imprint thus : Imprinted at London in Paules Churche yeard, by Abraham Vele, at the fygne of the Lambe. 4to. Eigh- teen leaves. Ye dial perceive a flight damage in the 7th leaf of thys fcarce and curious tome, which feemeth to differ from the edition noticed in Maifter Beloe's Anecdotes, &c. pp. 349, 350. 278 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. XV. The title appereth thus : The Churle and the Byrde. The imprint is as folows : Imprented at London in Lothburi over againft SaincT: Margarytes church by me Wyllam Copland. 4to. Eight leaves. The cunning reder dial eafily mete out y e mefure of y e worth of this precyoufe lytel boke. Maifter Ritfon maketh no mention of it. A rude image of the Churl and the Byrde is graved upon the title. XVI. The title runneth thus : A treatyfe, mewing and declaring the pryde and abufe of women now a dayes. It beginneth in this wife : " Bo pepe what have I fpyed, a bug I trow, devyfing of proud knacks For wanton lafTes and galant women, and other lewde noughty Jackes." &c. &c. &c. The imprint thus : Imprinted at London in Paules Church yearde, at thee* Sygne of the Starre. By Thomas Raynalde. 410. This curious and mooft rare werke is parfait in four leaves. XVII. Hereafter followeth the title : A Myrrour for man where in he mail fee the myfe- rable ftate of thys worlde. It concludeth thus : Finis quod Thomas Churfchard.-f- God fave the Kyng. Imprynted at London by Roberte Toye, dwel- lynge in Paules Church yarde at the fygne of the Bell. Cum priv. &c. 4to. This brefe morall traclate of only three leaves, advifeth thus towards the ende therof : * Thus. t Thus. LINCOLN. 279 " Here have fet forth, after a playne forte The ftate of thys worlde, in fentens ryght fhorte For the thou blynde man, that goeth aftraye I lyghten thys lampe, to learne thee thy waye." Ye may number this lytel piece of metre among the tomes of efpecial rarity. XVIII. The title thus informeth us : The Flyting betwixt Montgomery and Polwart. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heires of Andro Hart. 1629, 4to. There be here 13 leaves of mervelouily barbarous metre : the whiche Maifter Allan Ramfay, of efpeciale fame, caufed to be reimprinted in his werke entitled The Euergreen. This tome containeth the original text, and is gretely defyred by the lerned in Scotim poefie. It concludeth thus : " Blind brock, loofe dock, bord block, banifhed townes, Alace, thiefes face, na grace, for that grunzie, Beld biffet, marmifTed, lanfprezed to the lownes, Deid dring, dry'd fting, thou wilt hing but a funzie, Lick butter, throat cutter, fifh gutter, fill the fetter, Come bleitand, and grietand, faft citand, thy laidley letter. Finis." XIX. The title : A briefe Defcription of the Toune of Tottenham Highcrofle in Middlefex : &c. The Turnament of Tottenham, &c. 1 63 1 . The latter written long fince in verfe, by Mr. Gilbert Pilkington, at that time as fome have thought Parfon of the Pariih. 4to. Thefe pieces ye mail finde to contain 21 leaves; of the whiche, 4 leaves belong to the " Turnament." A boke moche to be delired. London ; printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland Row, St. James's. 2 8o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The lofs thus fuftained by the ancient Library of Lincoln Cathedral by the fale of the volumes thus in- considerately, and in my opinion unjuftifiably, detach- ed, was compenfated in fome degree by the purchafe of other books with the proceeds, and the addition to the original Collection of the books thus purchafed. Many people will of courfe think the exchange was advifable, and that ufeful volumes were judicioufly fubftituted for the antiquated lumber, to which the Roxburghe mania at that time gave a fictitious value. Certainly if any proof were wanting of the advantage- ous terms offered to effect the difmemberment of the Chapter Library, it will be found in the nature and extent of that Collection which was formed from the proceeds of that fale. Much as I am inclined to difallow the right of any corporate body to alienate the property bequeathed to it by any fuch procefs of commutation, I think it right to annex a full account of the books purchafed, that the reader may be enabled to form his own judgment upon the literary difcretion of the Dean and Chapter. The books thus permanently added to the Lincoln Library, are Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, in 32 octavo volumes; Warton's Hiftory of Engliih Poetry; the Biblia Hebraica by Boothroyd, in 2 volumes, 4to. ; Bacon's Liber Regis ; the reprints of the Chronicles of Monftrelet, Grafton, Fabvan, Arnold, Harding, and Raftell, in 4to.; Sharpe's William of Malmeibury, on large paper ; Tyrwhitt's Chaucer ; Baker's Chroni- cles ; Sparke's Hiftoria? Anglicans Scriptores ; Cam- deni Annales ; Wilkins' Concilia Magna? Britannia? ; Du Cange, Lexicon Grascum ; Forcellini Lexicon La- tinum ; Rymer's Fcedera, in 20 folio volumes ; the LINCOLN. 281 Art de verifier les dates, in 3 folio volumes ; the Anti- quities, &c. of Montfaucon, in 15 folio volumes; Lyfon's Magna Britannia ; Peck's Stamford ; Kennet on Impropriations ; Peek's Defiderata Curiofa ; Mo- relli Thefaurus ; Fuller's Worthies ; Gough's Britifh Topography ; Madox's Firma Burgi, Baronia Angli- cana, and Hiftory of the Exchequer ; Cave's Hifto- ria Literaria ; Beds Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, edited by Smith ; Dupin's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Strype's An- nals, and Lives of Cranmer, Parker, Grindall, and Whitgift ; and his Ecclefiaftical Memorials ; Rapin's Hiftory of England, by Tindal ; Gale and Fell, Llif- toria? Anglicanag Scriptores ; Herbert's Henry VIII. ; Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiofum ; the Gentleman's Magazine from its commencement in 1 73 1 to 18 17, the time when this commutation was effected ; Hickes's Thefaurus Linguarum Septentrionalium; Stow's Chro- nicle by Howes ; Somner's Canterbury ; Forduni Sco- ti-Chronicon, in 2 volumes, folio ; Collyer's Hiftori- cal Dictionary ; Wren's Parentalia ; May's Hiftory of the Long Parliament ; the Rerum Hibernicarum Scrip- tores, in 4to. ; Walker's Hiftory of Independency ; Inquiry as to Charles the Firft ; Collins's Peerage ; Locke's Works ; Kennet's Regifter ; Whitelocke's Memorials ; Burnet's Reformation ; Drake's York ; Echard's England; Willis' Cathedrals; Harmer's Errors of Burnet's Reformation ; Roper's Life of Sir Thomas More ; Theriaque ; Holinfhed's Chronicles ; Hall's Chronicle ; FroifTart's Chronicles ; Gough's Sepulchral Monuments; Dickinfon's Southwell ; Beaufobre, Hift. du Manicheifme; Dugdale on Imbanking; Fiddes' Life of Wolfey ; Jamiefon's Scottifh Dictionary ; Llif- toria Veterum Perfarum; Lingard's England; Walker's 282 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Sufferings of the Clergy ; Spelman's Englifri Works ; Cotton's Abridgment of the Records in the Tower ; Heylin's Life of Laud ; Callis on the Laws of Sewers ; Sir Philip Warwick's Memoirs ; Du Cange's Lexicon media? et infimas Latinitatis, cum Supplemento Car- pentierii ; La Bible par le Cene, folio ; and the Beau- ties of England and Wales. Such is the rough entry in the Catalogue of the ad- ditions, made by the Dean and Chapter to this Library, but obtained only by the facrifice of books which it is nearly impoffible to replace. Of the books above mentioned, many would do ho- nour to any library, and if a certain fund were appro- priated to the augmentation of this Collection from the ample revenues of the Dean and Chapter, many more fuch might be yearly added. From the fame fource I have the fatisfaction of add- ing a lift of " Books prefented to this Library by Dr. " Bayley, late Subdean. September 23, 1828." " Ciceronis Opera, Oliveti, Oxon. 1783, in 10 vo- " lumes, 4to. ; Partheniffa, a Romance, by Lord Or- " rery ; Abernethy's Difcourfes, 2 vols. ; Sermons, " 2 vols, and Tracts, 1 volume ; Biblia Sacra Junii & " Tremellii, in 1 volume ; Treatifes on the Sabbath " Day, in 1 volume ; Chillingworth's Religion of " Protectants, in 1 volume ; Stillingfleet's Sermons, in " 1 volume ; Pemble's Works, in 1 volume ; Whif- " ton's Primitive Chriftianity, in 2 volumes ; Cunasus " de Republica Hebrasorum, 1 volume ; Kennicott's " Collections, 1 volume ; and Reflections upon Learn- " ing, in 1 volume. In all 28 volumes. " Rd. GARVEY, Librarian." LINCOLN. 283 This donation, however fmall, from one of the ecclefiaftical body who violated the literary remains of Michael Honeywood, may be looked upon as an expiatory facrifice to the manes of that worthy divine, and may I hope ferve as an example to others who may be defirous of feeing the Lincoln Library reftored to its priftine magnitude and worth. The Library of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln confifts of four thoufand four hundred and fifty-one volumes, relating to theological, claffical, and hiftori- cal fubjects, carefully enumerated in a folio volume, containing the names, dates, and fizes of the books in alphabetical order, with reference to the fhelves on which they are placed. The Englifli verlions of the Bible in this Collection, include Coverdale's Bible. Southwark, by James Nicolfon, 1537, folio. The Bible, of Tyndale and Coverdale, by Thomas Matthew, at the expenfe of R. Grafton and E. Whitchurch, 1537, folio. Cranmer's Bible. London, by Edward Whitchurch, 1 540, folio. Cranmer's Bible, reprinted from the edition of 1 541 . London, by Edward Whitchurch, 1549, folio. Matthew's Bible, reprinted by the order of Edward VI. from the edition of 1537. London, by Tho- mas Raynaldes and William Hyll, 1549, folio. Tyndale's Bible. London, by J. Day and W. Seres, 1549, i2mo. The Biihop's Bible, commonly called Queen Eliza- beth's. London, by affignement of Chr. Barker, 1578, folio. 284 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The Genevan Bible. London, by the deputies of Chriftopher Barker, 1597, folio. The Five Books of Moies, the Pfalms, and Canti- cles, tranflated by H. Ainfworth. London, by M. Parfons, 1639, folio. The Bible, with Chorographical cuts by John Ogil- by. Cambridge, by John Field, 1660, folio. The Bible, with vignettes by Vander Gucht, vul- garly ftyled the Vinegar Bible. Oxford, by J. Barker, 1717, in 2 vols, folio. Of the Scriptures in various languages, I noticed the Biblia Polyglotta, Briani Waltoni. Londini, 1657, in 6 folio volumes, with Caftelli Lexicon Hepta- glotton. The Biblia Polyglotta Elias Hutteri. The Biblia Hebraica, Graca, et Latina. 1587, in 2 vols, folio. The Biblia Hebraica Pagnini, and of Plantin. The Biblia Hebraica, by B. Boothroyd. Pontefracl, 1 8 10-16, in 2 quarto volumes. The Vetus Teftamentum, cura B. Kennicottii. Ox- onii, 1776-80, in 2 vols, folio. The Biblia Sacra Tremellii et Junii. Londini, 1 58 1, 8vo. The Biblia Latina Caftalionis. Bafilea?, 1554. The Biblia Sacra. Bafileas, 1514, and the Codex Theodori Bezas. Luther's German Bible, printed at Straiburgh in 1630. The Welfh Bible, printed at London in 1620, folio. The Dutch Bible, printed at Amsterdam in 1643, and The Indian Bible, by Elliott. Cambridge, 1663. LINCOLN. 285 Vetus Teftamentum Grascum, ed. Holmes et Par- fons. Oxonii, 1798- 1827, in 5 folio volumes. Verfions of the New Teftament by Beza, Fulke, Mill, and others, too numerous to mention. I may here notice the Pfalterium Sarifburienfe. Londini, 1555. The Pfalter by Whitchurch, 1535. The Seven Penytencyall Pfalms of Bifhop Fyfher. London, by Wynkyn de Worde, 4to. and The Pfalterium Saxonico-Latinum Spelmanni. Lon- dini, 1640, 4to. Connected with the fervice of the Church, are the Book of Common Prayer of Edward VI. London, 1552, folio; and of Charles II. London, 1662, folio; the latter having the broad feal of England appended to it. Copies of this firft edition of the Common Prayer now in ufe, thus certified to be correct, appeared to have been diftributed by authority to every Cathe- dral in England, though few copies now retain the official feal annexed. This " fealed book" is the laft form of Prayer in which any alteration was made by public authority. A fimilar copy of this book, with corrections in manufcript, and the great feal of Eng- land appendant, certified to be a correct copy, is pre- ferved in the Tower of London. Several Works relating to the Liturgy are alfo de- pofited upon thefe {helves. In the Ritual of the Romim Church I noticed the MifTale Eboracenfe, Rothomagi, 1517, folio, and the MifTale Sarifburienfe, Parifiis, 1533, with Durandi Rationale Divinorum Officiorum. In early Divinity there are many fcarce tracts, among which the moft captivating to my eye were a 286 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. genuine crackling copy of Turrecremata, and Expofitio in Pfalmos, printed in the gothic letter, by SchoyfTer, at Mayence in 1476, folio. The Fathers of the Church, whofe Works adorn this venerable Library, are, S.S. Ambrofe, Anfelm, Athanafius, Auguftine, Bafil, Bernard, Chryfoftom, Cyprian, Eufebius, Gregory, Jerome, Hilary, Iiidore, Irenasus, Juftin, Origen, Tertullian, Theodoret, and Theophylact, to which I may add Cotelerii Patres Apoftolici, the Bibliotheca Maxima Patrum, Pole's Synopfis ; the Critici Sacri ; and Wilkins' Concilia. Among the Works of the earlier Divines of the Chrifrian Church, fome Tracts by Thomas Aquinas, Bellarmine, and Bonaventura ; Petri Blefenfis Opera, Moguntia?, 1680, folio; the Works of Martin Bucer, Calvin, Erafmus, Grotius, Hofpinianus, Luther, Me- lancthon, Salmaiius, Duns Scotus, Toftatus, and Tho- mas a Kempis. To thefe may be added Lactantii Opera by Sparke, Limborch, Theologia Chriftiana ; Lyra Commentaria in S. Biblia, Baiilea?, 1598, folios. I may here notice fome well preferved copies of Vincentii Speculum Hiftoriale, Colon. Agrip. 1494; Morale, Colon. 1493; Doclxinale, Venet. 1494; and Naturale, Colonic, 1494, in folio; fome Tracts by Gerfon, Scaliger, and Voffius, and Zanchii Opera The- ologica, Bafileas, 1569, folio. The Englim Divines, whofe Works are found in this Collection, are, Andrews, Bancroft, Bramhall, Chillingworth, Hall, Hammond, Hooper, Jackfon, Jewel, Lardner, Macknight, Mede, Paley, Pemble, Perkins, Prideaux, Reynolds, Ridley, Stillingfleet, Je- remy Taylor, Tonftall, Whitgift, and Wickliffe. In the Theological department I alfo remarked LINCOLN. 287 Bale's Ymage of both Churches, the Myftery of Ini- quitie, and Actes of Englifh Votaries ; Bingham's An- tiquities of the Christian Church ; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible; Campbell on the Gofpels ; and Cover- dale's Letters of the Martyrs, London, 1564, 4to. Field of the Church ; Kett on the Prophecies ; Tur- ner's Huntynge of the Romifh Wolfe ; Twyfden's Vindication of the Church of England ; Watfon's The- ological Tracts ; and many other Pamphlets, Religious, Political, and Mifcellaneous. Of Sermons, this Library contains feveral preached at St. Paul's CroiTe, and many others by different au- thors, and upon various occafions. Among thefe it may fuffice to notice the Thirty-fix by Robert Sander- fon, Biihop of Lincoln, than whom Anthony a Wood remarks, " the Church of England could not lofe a " greater pillar, a better man, and more accomplifhed "divine;" and the Sermons of Latimer, remarkable for the quaint expreffion of forcible truths. The Theological department alio embraces fome pieces by Theodore Beza ; Outram de Sacrificiis, Lon- dini, 1677, 4to. ; and Whitby's Paraphrafe ; with other Works of the Divines of the fixteenth and feventeenth centuries, too numerous for minute enumeration in this place. A copy of the Koran of Mahomet, and of the Ruf- fian Prayer Book are alfo found upon thefe fhelves. The Collections relating to Englifh Hiffory com- prife thofe of Clarendon, Rufhworth, Nalfon, Echard, Sparke, Rapin, and Tindal, with the valuable labours of Strype, and an extenfive collection of Tracts relat- ing to the eventful period of the great Rebellion. In this clafs are alfo found Winwood's Memorials ; 288 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Stow's London; Sammes' Britannia; and Prynne's Records, 1657, in one vol. folio. Connected with thefe occur Tanner's Notitia Mo- naftica ; Camden's Britannia ; Ogilby's Topographical Works; and Dugdale's Imbanking ; all, it may be remarked, upon fmall paper. In Heraldry I remarked Guillim's Heraldry; Yorke's Union of Honour; Sandford's Coronation of Charles II.; Afhmole's Order of the Garter; and Dugdale's Baronage. Of County Hiftories, a fine copy of Thoroton's Not- tinghammire ; and Surtees' Durham, apparently on large paper, were the moft remarkable. Among the Mifcellaneous volumes, a fair copy of Hudfon's Jofephus ; Lye's Saxon Dictionary ; Thu- anus, Hiftoria fui Temporis, in 6 vols, folio ; Bayle's Dictionary ; the Gentleman's Magazine ; the Philofo- phical Tranfactions ; and the Works of Spelman ; moft forcibly arretted my attention. In hunting * Reynard the Fox' I ftumbled upon a dufty folio in the Gothic letter, adorned with rude wood cuts, but fadly mutilated by excifion in the mid- dle, containing the Dialogus Creaturarum, printed by Gerard de Leeu at Gouda, in Auguft 1480. The types of this little volume avowedly publifhed " in opido goudenfi," feems to my eye fo much to refemble thofe of the hitherto unknown Recueil des Hiftoires des Troyes depofited in the Library at Norton Hall that I feel myfelf ftrengthened in the original fuppofition that that Work alfo was the production of Gerard de Leeu before he removed his prefs from Gouda to Ant- werp, though the refemblance of the wood cuts is not fo ftriking as that of the type ; but here be it remem- LINCOLN. 289 bered I am fpeaking only from recollection. This edition of Dialogus Creaturarum has been fully de- fcribed in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana in vol. vi. p. 120. The Claffical department of this Library is enriched by the Works of JEfop, Anacreon, Apuleius, Athe- nagoras, Ariftasnetus, Ariftophanes, Aulus Gellius, Caefar, Epictetus, Ennius, Euclid, Euripides, Florus, Hierocles, Hippocrates, Horace, Ifocrates, Juvenal, Livy, Lucan, Lucian, Lucretius, Macrobius, Martial, Ovid, Velleius Paterculus, Perfius, Plautus, Plutarch, Procopius, Quintilian, Salluft, Seneca, Suetonius, Si- donius Apollinaris, Sophocles, Symmachus, Terence, Tacitus, Vegetius, and Virgil. It alfo contains Apicius de arte Coquinaria, of 1542, Ariftotle's Works, edited by Erafmus, and feve- ral editions of the Stagyrite's detached pieces ; Cice- ronis Opera, Oliveti, Oxonii, 1783, in ten 4to. vo- lumes; Quintus Curtius, Pitifci ; Longinus, by Pearce; Phasdrus, Burmanni ; Platonis Opera, Serrani ; Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis ; Plinii Junioris Epiftola? ; Silius Italicus, Drakenborchii ; Theophrafti Characteres, by Needham ; Valerius Flaccus, Burmanni ; Xeno- phontis Opera, Leunclavii ; and Cyropaedia, by Hutch- infon. Of Tranflations, I remarked Ogilby's JEfop, Ho- mer, and Virgil — heard Chapman fpeak out loud and bold in deep-browed Homer's Iliad — and refted my eyes on Rofs's fumptuous folio verfion of Silius Ita- licus. The Etymological department includes various Dic- tionaries of different languages, Buxtorf's Lexicon Hebraicum ; Calepini Lexicon Octolingue ; Davies's u 290 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Linguas Britannicas Rudimenta ; Du Cange's Glof- farium; Catholicon Januenfe, Lugd. 1520, folio; Ju- nii Gloflarium Archasologicum ; Forcellini Lexicon Latinum ; Morelli Thefaurus ; Linacre, de emendata Structura Latini Sermonis ; Littleton's Latin and En- glifh Dictionary ; Jamiefon's Scottifh Dictionary ; Hickes's Thefaurus Linguarum Septentrionalium ; Lye's Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum, a. Manning, Londini, 1722, in two folio volumes; Pag- nini Thefaurus Lingua? Sanctas ; Scapulas Lexicon ; Skinner, Etymologicum Anglicanum; Somner's Saxon Dictionary ; Stephani Thefaurus ; and Suidas Lexicon Graecum. The Bibliographical fection of this Library includes Andreas Bibliotheca Belgica ; the Bibliotheca Lauren- tiana; Gough's Britifh Topography; Catalogue of the Library of Sion College in London ; Cave's Hif- toria Literaria ; the Bodleian Library Catalogue ; Holmes's Catalogue of his own Library, prefented by himfelf ; Gefneri Bibliotheca ; the Index Expurga- torius ; and Maunfell's Catalogue of Englifh Books, London, 1595, folio, which Thomas Hearne ftyles " a very fcarce and yet a very ufeful Book." In it are certainly recorded the names of various authors, and the titles of many books, long fince defunct and forgotten. In the branch of Englifh Literature, this tree of knowledge, though lopped by rude hands, ftill bears delectable fruit. The Mons Perfectionis, or Hyll of Perfection by Gallicantus Alcock. London, 1501. Barclay's Shippe of Fooles. London, 1508. The Boke of Wyfdome. London, 1532. LINCOLN. 291 The Mirrour of Good Manners, by Pynfon, 4to. quite perfect, and Hylton's contented and active life, may content the lover of black letter. The Workes of our ancient and learned Englim Poet Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed, London, 1602, folio; Gower de Confeffione Amantis, London, by Tho- mas Berthelet, 1554, folio; Hales' Remains; Haw- kins's Origin of the Englifh Drama, Oxford, 1773, in three 8vo. volumes; the Philofophical Writings of Bacon, Hobbes, and Locke ; Butler's Hudibras ; Ben Jonfon's Works; the Works of Milton; Sir Thomas More's Works, London, 1517, folio; Spenfer's Faery Queen, London, 1596-7, folio; Spelman's Englim Works; Suckling's Poems; and Warton's Hiftory of Englifh Poetry, may give to the general reader fome foretafte of the intellectual banquet continually pre- fented in the cloiftered retirement of Lincoln. The Historical department of this Collection em- braces Bayle's Dictionary ; Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary, in 32 vols. 8vo. ; the Memoirs of Philip de Comines ; Collier's Hiftorical Dictionary; Heylin's Cofmography ; Maurice's Indoftan ; Montfaucon's Works on the Antiquities of France ; The Polychro- nicon of Ranulph Higden ; Southwerke, by me, Pe- ter Treveris, 1527, folio; Robinfoni Annales Mundi ; Rycaut's Ottoman Empire ; Simfon's Chronicon Ca- tholicum ; Thuani Hifloria fui Temporis ; and other Works of lefs note. Of Works relating to EcclefiafHcal affairs, this Li- brarv contains various collections of Councils, Canons, and Decretals ; Pandecta? Canonum, SS. Apofiolorum et Conciliorum ab Ecclefia Grasca receptorum, &c. per Gul. Beveregium, Oxonii, 1672, in two folio vo- 292 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. lumes ; Cotelerli Ecclefia? Grascas Monumenta ; Col- lier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Crefly's Church Hiftory of Brittany; Dupin's Ecclefiaftical Writers ; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity ; the Ecclefiaftical Annals of Baronius ; Jofephus's Hiftory of the Jews ; Spel- manni Concilia; and Wilkins's Concilia Magnae Bri- tannia^ The Books relating more particularly to the Eccle- fiaftical Hiftory of England are, Bacon's Liber Regis ; Beds Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, cura Smithii ; Barwick's Life of Dean Barwick ; Burnet's Hiftory of the Re- formation, with Harmer's Remarks on the Errors therein ; Capgrave's Nova Legenda Anglian, Londini, in domo Winandi de Worde, 151 6, 4-to. ; the Legend of St. Cuthbert; Dempfteri Menologium Scotorum, Bononiae, 1622, 4to. ; Dugdale's Monafticon Angli- canum, folio ; Fiddes's Life of Wolfey ; Fuller's Church Hiftory of Britain, 1655, folio; Godwini Prasfules Anglicani, in two folio volumes ; Harpsfeld, Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica ; Heylin's Life of Laud ; Kennet on Impropriations ; Knox's Hiftory of the Church of Scotland ; Lyndewode, Provinciale ; Reyneri Apoftolatus Benedictinorum in Anglia, Duaci, 1626, folio; Parker de Antiquitate Ecclefias Britan- nica3 ; Spottifwode's Hiftory of the Church of Scot- land ; Strype's Ecclefiaftical Memorials, Annals of the Reformation, and Lives of Parker, Grindal, Whitgift, and Cranmer; Tanner's Notitia Monaftica, 1744, folio; UfTerii Antiquitates Ecclefia? Britannics ; Walker's Hiftory of Independency ; and Wharton's Anglia Sa- cra, in two folio volumes. This Library is peculiarly fortunate in poftefting many valuable Works relating to the Hiftory and An- tiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. LINCOLN. 293 Of thefe I will proceed to enumerate the Scriptores poft Bedam, edente Savile ; the Scriptores Decern, edited by Twyfden ; the Scriptores XVI. edited by Gale and Fell ; Camdeni Anglica Normannica a vete- ribus Scripta ; Du Chefne, Hiftoria? Normannorum Scriptores coetanei ; Sparke's Scriptores ; and the Re- rum Anglicanarum Annales of 1635, and of 161 6, folio ; the Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores of O'Conor, in 410. ; Blount's Jocular Tenures ; Bates's Elenchus Motuum nuperorum in Anglia ; Camden's Britannia by Holland, 1637, Gibfon, 1772, and Gough, with his Annals of Elizabeth, and Remains concerning Britain ; Cooper's Chronicle ; Daniel's Hiftory of the Civil Wars ; Daniel's Hiftory of En- gland; Dickenfon's Southwell; Doleman's Conference about the next Succeffion to the Crowne of England, the joint production of Cardinal Allen, Robert Par- fons, and Sir Francis Englefield, in fupport of the title of the Infanta againft that of James the Sixth, after the death of Elizabeth, a Work which was fo rigor- oufly fuppreffed, that to poftefs a copy was, in the merry days of good Queen Befs, high treafon. The Chronicles of Arnold, Fabyan, FroifTart, Grafton, Hall, Harding, Monftrelet, and Raftall, all in 4to. Dug- dale's Hiftory of St. Paul's, and of Warwickshire ; Drake's York; Echard's Hiftory of England ; Eadmeri Hiftoria Novorum, edente Selden ; Fuller's Worthies ; Forduni Scoti-chronicon, in folio ; Fleetwood's Elen- chus Annalium Edvardi V. Richardi III. and Henrici VII. and VIII. ; Galfredi Monumetenfis Chronicon Rerum Anglia? ; Godwin's Annales of England ; Gough's Sepulchral Monuments ; Habington's Hif- torie of Edward IV. London, 1640, folio; Haywarde's 294 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Lives of the three Norman Kings, London, 1613, 4to.; Holland's Heroologia Anglica, folio ; Lord Herbert's Life and Reign of Henry VIII. ; and Holinmed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Lon- don, 1577, in two vols, and 1586-7, in three vols, folio, being the firft and fecond editions of that work ; Illingworth's Topographical Account of Scampton in Lincolnshire ; Jovii Defcriptio Britanniae, Scotia?, Hi- bernias et Orcadum, Venetiis, 1548, 4to. ; Lambarde's Perambulation of Kent; Lyfons' Magna Britannia; Lingard's Hiftory of England ; Lhuyd's Commenta- rioli Britannicas Defcriptionis Fragmentum ; May's Hiftory of the Long Parliament ; Madox's Firma Burgi, and Hiftory of the Exchequer ; Gul. Neu- brigenfis Hiftoria Regum Anglorum, Parifiis, 16 10; Ogilby's Coronation of King Charles II. ; Oclandi Anglorum Praslia ; Matthcei Paris Hiftoria Anglicana, edente Wats, Londini, 1640, folio; the Hiftorical Collections of Nalfon and Rufhworth, and Patten's Expedition into Scotlande of Edward, Duke of So- merfet, London, by Richarde Grafton, 1548, 8vo. ; Rymer's Fcedera, in 20 vols, folio ; Peck's Deiiderata Curiofa, and his Antiquities of Stamford ; Philipot's Villare-Cantianum ; Prynne's Records, 1657; San- derfon's Hiftory of Mary Queen of Scots, London, 1656, folio; Sheringham de Origine Gentis Anglo- rum; Sharpe's William of Malmefbury; Rapin's Hif- tory of England, with the Continuation by Tindal ; Skenasi Regia Majeftas Scotorum, Edin. 1609, folio; Smith de Republica Anglorum ; Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury ; Slater's Hiftory of Great Britain ; Spelman's Life of Alfred ; Spelman's Villare Angli- canum ; Speed's Chronicle ; Stanihurft de rebus Hi- LINCOLN. 295 bernicis ; Stow's Chronicle, by Howes ; Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiofum ; Surtees' Hiftory of Durham ; Thomas' Hiftory of Worcester; Thoroton's Hiftory of Nottinghamshire ; Tumor's Hiftory of Grantham ; and Twinus de Rebus Albionicis ; Udall's Hiftory of Mary Queen of Scots ; Verit egan's Reftitution of de- cayed Intelligence relating to Englifh Antiquities ; Warasus Scriptores de rebus Hibernicis ; Warwick's Memoirs of Charles I. ; Wake's Rex Platonicus ; Winwood's Hiftorical Collections relating to Scotland, London, 1637, folio; Weever's Funeral Monuments, London, 163 1, folio; Whitelocke's Memorials; Wren's Parentalia ; the Beauties of England and Wales, London, 1802-16, in 25 octavo volumes ; and Willis's Cathedrals. This Library alfo contains feveral Ads of Parlia- ment, and of Legal Works ; the moft remarkable are Blackftone's Commentaries; Burn's Ecclefiaftical Law; Coke's Inftitutes ; Fortefcue de Laudibus Legum An- glian ; Gibfon's Codex Juris Ecclefiaftici & Civilis ; Callis on the Laws of Sewers ; and fome State Trials. The Records of the Kingdom, publifhed by the authority of Parliament, are placed upon thefe fhelves as foon as they appear. They are accompanied, in the prefent inftance, by Cooper's Account of the Public Records, and Cotton's Abridgment of the Re- cords in the Tower. The Heraldic Works in this Collection are unufually numerous, including Leigh's Accidence of Armoury, London, 1591, 4to. ; Afhmole's Order of the Garter; Brooke's Heraldry ; Collins's Peerage ; Dugdale's Ba- ronage ; Fern's Blazon of Gentry, London, 1586,410.; Guillim's Heraldry ; Carter's Analyfis of Honour 296 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Jones' Heraldry, 1590, 4to. ; Madox's Baronia Angli- cana; Milles' Catalogue of Honor, London, 16 10, folio ; Selden's Titles of Honour ; and Yorke's Union of Honour. The Geographical fe&ion of this Library embraces, Bruce's Travels ; Hakluyt's Voyages ; and Purchas' Pilgrimes, London, 1625-6, in 5 folio volumes. I may here notice Petavii Doctrina temporum ; the Art de verifier les Dates ; and Green's Numifmatic Atlas, 1829, as the fole reprefentations of what ought to be the Chronological and Numifmatic portion of this Library. A deficiency but poorly fupplied by Agrippa de occulta Philofophia, and the lucubrations of Albertus Magnus. Among the Foreign Mifcellanies, I noticed the works of Ariofto, Cafaubon, Petrarch, and Tafib ; Bembo Lettere, 1 502 ; Barthelemy's Travels of Ana- charfis ; the Decameron of Boccaccio ; Photii Biblio- theca, 161 1 ; and his Epiftola? Montacutii. Among the Englifh Mifcellanies, I remarked the Works of Donne; James the Firft ; and Inigo Jones; Afcham's Toxophilus; Roper's Life of Sir Thomas More ; Lord Orrery's Romance of ParthenirTa ; the Reliquiae Wottoniana? ; and the long feries of the Gen- tleman's Magazine; Dugdale on Imbanking and Drain- ing the Fens and Marfhes ; and feveral gratulatory and funebrial Verfes from the clafiic fountains of Oxford and Cambridge ; the Philofophical Tranfaclions from 1797 to 1807, from 1808 to 1826, and from 1828 to 1 83 1 ; and Sprat's Hiftory of the Royal Society. 3Ubrarp of JUnfcom HEN the Metropolitan Cathedral rofe like the fabled Phoenix from its allies, and its beauteous dome, riling in un- rivalled grandeur over the fmoky city, indicated the renovated altar of the living God, it contained but a few ifolated Works of human learning. Among thofe books which in all probability fur- vived the great conflagration, I may here notice a very curious manufcript volume, containing the Rules and Ceremonies of the Monaftery of Syon at Ifleworth, founded by Henry V. in 141 4. The book commences with a Table of four leaves, followed by a blank. Then follow the Rules and Ceremonies of the Mo- naftery of Syon, and the Additions to the Rule in fifty chapters, occupying fifty leaves. A blank leaf pre- cedes the ceremonial Calendar, which ends on the recto of the thirteenth leaf from its commencement. A Table of Signs ufed by Sifters during the hours of enjoined fllence commences on the reverfe of the thir- teenth leaf, and is continued as far as the flxteenth. (Two blank leaves fucceed.) The Rule of our Saviour occupies the ten following leaves, ending on the recto of the laft, the reverfe being blank. The Rule of St. Auftyne contained in four leaves clofes the volume, 298 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. which is a membranaceous folio, recently rebound in olive morocco. It was originally prefented to the Li- brary by Richard Hare. A curious relic of the old Monadic Library, is a fmall folio upon vellum in the original ftamped calf, with the chain, whereby it was fecured to the fhelf, {till attached to it. It is entitled " Liber vocatus Re- mediarium," and is written in double columns of gothic letters, very fairly rubricated. A MifTal in its original binding, an imperfect manufcript ; and a Me- dical Work of Avicenna, in folio, written in double columns of gothic letter upon vellum which has been rebound in calf, may alfo be noticed as having efcaped the flames. The Library of printed books attached to the Ca- thedral Church of St. Paul, was the munificent en- dowment of Henry Compton, Bifhop of London, whofe portrait adorns the walls of the apartment in which they are preferved. This noble room is placed on the fouth fide of the ftupendous fabric of the Cathedral, and has a gallery all round it, the books being placed on open fhelves in oaken cafes both above and below. The pilafters on the walls are moft exquifitely carved in (tone, by Grinling Gibbons. The floor is beautifully inlaid with polifhed oak, and the room is warmed by a fpacious fire place, over which hangs a fmall print of John Egerton, Bifhop of Durham. The books amounting in number to between five and fix thoufand, are all attired in the vituline integu- ments of their founder's time ; but many have had their joints as well as their leaves loofened through the united influence of time and neglect. They are LONDON. 299 fymmetrically arranged in open cafes, numbered con- fecutively from 1 to 54, and placed all around this large and lofty apartment. The afpect of this Library, and a clofer infpection of its contents both imprefs upon the mind its cotem- poraneous formation. The distinguishing feature is the impreffions of the Sacred Scriptures, and its gene- ral character is theological, with a considerable admix- ture of claffical and historical lore. The additions to the collection of the founder are by no means nume- rous, fo that it appears as the faithful indication of his literary habits, and bearing the Stamp of individuality, poSTeSTes, in my humble estimation, the greater in- terest. The chief ornament of this Collection is the noble monument of Biblical learning and typographic fkill, afforded by the large paper copy of Walton's Polyglott Bible, and Caftell's Lexicon Heptaglotton. Of thefe gigantic volumes, meafuring nearly twenty inches by fourteen, twelve comprehend the Bible, with the De- dication to King Charles the Second, and two the Lexicon. They are all uniformly bound in old red morocco ; but the firft volume of the Bible having been formerly Shewn as the largeSt book in the Library has fuStained confiderable damage, from the idle curiofity of its nu- merous vifitors. Upon large paper this work is of the greateft. rarity, efpecially when comprising the valua- ble addition of CaStell's Lexicon.* * " This grand work was attended with moft injurious confequences " to the learned author ; it coft him the affiduous labour of feventeen " years, and ruined both his health and fortune. " Some pafTages in his dedication to Charles II. moft affectinglv 3 oo CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Concerning this latter work I may be allowed to extract the following manufcript note by Mr. Barham. " This Work is extremely rare being a L. P. Copy. " I know but of one other, which is in the Library " at Salifbury, it is faid however that there is a third " at Lambeth. Its very exiftence has been doubted " from its rarity, and Van Praet when in England " would not believe there was one till he law it. " Both Charles X. and George IV. were anxious to " obtain a copy, but never could fucceed. " R. H. B. July 22. 1830." To this I am enabled to add, that in addition to the large paper copy of this Lexicon attached to Walton's Polyglott, in the Archiepifcopal Library at Lambeth, the Prefentation Copy to King Charles the Second is depofited in the Britiih Mufeum at London, and ano- " reprefent the calamities he had endured ; and which he appears to " have borne with moil exemplary refignation. His library, houfehold " furniture, and three hundred copies of the Lexicon periihed in the " fire of London. l Magna pars Bibliothecas mes, cum mulra fu- " pelleclile et trecenis Lexici Heptaglotti exemplaribus, in flammis " periit Londinenfibus.' To this misfortune were added feveral pri- " vate accidents, ' membrorum confracliones, luxationes, contufiones;' " and from incefTant ftudy an almoft total blindnefs, * oculorum lumen, " perpetuis atque indefeflis vigiliis tantum non ademptum.' The pub- u lication of his work procured him no compenfation for his large " expenfes, and his indefatigable diligence. At the time of his death, " in 1685, about five hundred copies were unfold ; thefe were placed " by Mrs. Crifp, his niece and executrix, in a room of one of her " tenants' houfes in Surrey ; where for many years they lay at the " mercy of the rats, who made fuch havoc among them, that when " they came into the pofTeflion of this lady's executors, fcarcely one " complete volume could be found out of the remainder, and the whole " load of learned rags only fetched feven pounds." — Clarke^ Rep. Bibl. PP- 33> 34- LONDON. 301 ther large paper copy divided into three volumes, and bound in morocco, is contained in the Library of St. John's College, Cambridge, both being attached to fimilar copies of the Bible. The affecting circumftances detailed in the previous note will fufficiently account for the greater rarity of the Lexicon than of the Bible, though it is reafonable to fuppofe that as twelve copies of the Polyglott are faid to have been taken off on large paper, the fame number of copies of the accompanying Lexicon were executed in a fimilar manner. This Library alfo contains a fmall paper copy of Walton's Polyglott, and Caftell's Lexicon. Rivalling the Britifh Polyglott in fize and fplendour we find alfo in this collection the " Biblia Hebraica, " Samaritana, Chaldaica, Grasca, Syriaca, Latina, Ara- " bica, quibus textus originales totius Sacras Scriptural " quorum pars in editione Complutenfi, deinde in " Antverpienfi regiis fumptibus exftant, nunc integri " ex Manufcriptis toto fere orbe qusfitis exemplaribus " exhibentur. Lutetian Parifiorum, excudebat Anto- " nius Vitre Regis Regince Regis et Cleri Gallicani " Typographus, 1645," f°li°> m ten magnificent vo- lumes on large paper, bound in old calf, having the book plate of " Thomas Mangey, Canon. Dunelm. " S. T. P." parted within the covers. . Thefe volumes are in equally fine prefervation with the beautiful Lexicon of Caftell. To the above may be added the Polyglott Bible, mentioned in the title of the preceding article, being that printed at the expenfe of Philip of Spain by Plan- tin at Antwerp, in fix volumes, folio, in the years 1569-72, under the editorial care of Arius Montanus. 3 o2 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. I now approach the Englim verfions of the facred writings, and firft in point of time and of importance, have much pleafure in recording the firft edition of the New Teftament, tranflated by William Tyndale, and printed at Antwerp in 1526,* i2mo. The prefent * Of this valuable and highly interefting volume, the firft-fruits of an attempt to print the Scriptures in the Englifh tongue, and the chief caufe of the perfecution and fubfequent death of the tranflator, a fingle copy only was fuppofed to exift. Of the manner in which this found its way into the Harleian Library, and of the value fet upon it by Lord Oxford and Mr. Ames, a fhort but interefting account is given in the following extract from a letter preferved in the Bodleian Library. It is in the hand-writing of Ames, is addrefTed to Mr. George Ballard, and dated Wapping, June 30, 1743. " I cannot forbear telling you " of my good fuccefs in buying at Lord Oxford's fale the Phoenix of " the whole library ; I mean the firft Englifh Teftament that ever was " printed in the year 1526. It has been thought no perfect one was " left from the flames. My lord was fo well pleafed in being the pof- " fefTor of it, that he gave the perfon (Mr. John Murrey) he had it of, " ten guineas, and fettled an annuity of twenty pounds a year during " the perfon's life, which is yet paid him. The particulars are too " many to commit to a letter ; the old hiftorians, and Fox, give a good " account of it." Herbert's account, given in a note at p. 1535, ma 7 f° rrn a fequel to this : " This firft edition was in the pofleflion of Mr. Ames, who " bought it for fifteen (hillings out of the Harleian Library, No. 420, "fold by T. Ofborne, 1743. Mr. John White purchafed it for " 15/. 45, bd. at the auction of Mr. Ames's books, No. 1252, fold by " Langford, 1760, and fold it for 21/. to Dr. GifFord, who at his de- " ceafe bequeathed it, with many others, to the Baptift Mufeum, " Briftol." Unfortunately this otherwife perfect copy wants the title page. " But it has been my fortune, in examining the Library of St. Paul's " Cathedral, to difcover a fecond copy. Unluckily it is imperfect, both " at the beginning and end ; and its former owner, as if afraid of a fecond " Bifhop Tonftall, has contrived moft ingenioufly to difguife and disfi- " gure it, by intermixing the leaves of the Gofpels and Epiftles with u each other in the ftrangeft manner. The volume is in half-binding, " lettered (for what reafon I know not) ' Lant's Teftament.' Surely LONDON. 303 copy of this little volume is unhappily imperfect both at the beginning and at the end, but its leaves have been placed in their proper order, and it has been re- cently rebound in ruffia. It begins with folio iiii. on fign. A. v. and continues perfect up to folio cccx. Then follows a hiatus of three leaves, fucceeded by folios cccxiiii. and cccxv. which latter has the iignature of pp. v. the laft which is obfervable in this copy, the end being unluckily deficient. But the Dean and Chapter have very properly determined to adopt the judicious advice of the Rev. Henry Cotton, given in the note below, and if this tranfcript be executed in facfimile by the fkilful hand of Harris, this little tome will be rendered as complete as circumftances will allow. By the fide of the preceding volume is rightly placed " it well deferves to be carefully taken to pieces and examined : the de- " ficient parts mould be fupplied by a tranfcript from the Briftol copy, " and inferted in their proper places, left an unhappy accident mould " deprive us of either of them ; the volume mould then be rebound, " and placed under lock and key, and under the fpecial fuperintendence " of the librarian." — Cotton's Lift of Editions of the Bible, &c. Oxford, 1821, pp. 1, 2. The prefent ftate of this precious little tome will fhow that fome of thefe recommendations have already been adopted, and the following collation may be acceptable to the inquiring bibliographer :— Title wanting. Text fol. i. — cccliii. Addrefs to the' Reader, 3 pages. Errata, 3 pages. St. Matthew begins on folio i. St. Mark on folio xliii. b. St. Luke on fol. Ixxi. b. St. John on fol. . Acts on fol. cliii. b. Romans, on fol. cxcix. Ephefians on fol. ccliii. b. St. James, on cccxv. and the Revelations on cccxxi. b. A full page contains 33 lines. The fignatures run in eights, and the folios are confecuth'ely numbered. There are no marginal notes, and no wood- cuts, except the initial letters. The following words are thus fpelt : " Corrinthyans, Romayns, Galathyans, CollofTyans, Teflalonyans, " Hebrues." 3 o 4 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. the fecond edition of the New Teftament, tranflated by William Tyndale, with a Preface againft George Joye,* dated November, 1534. Printed at Antwerp by Martin Emperour in i2mo.-j- The prefent copy is imperfect, but it has the autograph of Humphrey Wanley, librarian to the book-loving Earl of Oxford. Next in order we find Tyndale's third and laft edi- tion of the New Teftament in Englifh, i2mo.j of which the prefent copy is unfortunately imperfect both at the beginning and the end. To the three preceding editions may be added an- other edition of Tyndale's New Teftament, printed at Antwerp by Matthew Crom, 1538, 121110. I cannot difmifs this brief notice of the labours of one of the earlieft and molt efficient of our Reformers, without recording the fecond edition of the Pentateuch, tranflated by William Tyndale, revifed and corrected by himfelf, without name of place or printer, but in all probability printed at the fame place with the former * In this addrefs Tyndale complains heavily of George Joye, for having in his previous impreflion of the fame year, altered Tyndale's translation in many important inftances, particularly in rejecting the word refurreclion, and, concealing his own name, ftill uttering it as Tyndale's genuine tranflation. He alfo gives at length the Colophon of Joye's edition, in order that it might be diftinguifhed from his own. f A copy of this book was bequeathed by Dr. GifFord to the Baptift Mufeum at Briftol, and another was in the pofTemon of the late Mr. Herbert. " The copy in Exeter College, at Oxford, a very fine one, " is printed on yellow-ftained paper. The Britifh Mufeum has three " copies, one on white paper, one on yellow, and a third moft fplen- " didly printed on vellum with illuminations. This laft, formerly be- " longing to Anna Boleyn, was bequeathed to the Mufeum by Mr. " Cracherode."— Cotton's Lift, p. 3. \ Copies of this laft edition are in the Archiepifcopal Library at Lambeth, and in the Baptift Mufeum at Briftol. LONDON. 305 edition, namely, Marlborow,that is, Marpurg in Heffia, in 1534, i2mo. The title of this little volume run- neth thus : " The firfte boke of Mofes, called Genefis, " newly correctyd and amendyd by W.T. md.xxxiiii." and is placed between four wood cuts. Next follow- eth, " Unto the Reader. W. T. xi pages." The Book of Genefis begins on the laft leaf of the Preface, and the next leaf is paged i. It ends on fol. lxxxi. b. At the end is, " The end of the firft boke off Mofes, called " Genefis." The other four books are identical with the edition of 1530. There are a few marginal notes. It is printed in the Roman character. It is fitting that I mould here mention the joint labour of Tyndale and Coverdale, being the Bible, by Thomas Matthew, at the expenfe of Richard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch, without name of place, but printed at London in 1537, folio,* in calf. This Library alfo contains the fecond edition of the New Teftament in Latin and Engliih, after the Vul- gate, by Myles Coverdale. Southwark, by J. Nicolfon, 1538, 4to. Copies of this edition are alfo contained in the Libraries of Chrifl Church and All Souls at Oxford, and in the Archiepifcopal Library at Lam- beth. It appears that Coverdale was much difTatisfied with the former edition of the fame year, printed by Nicol- * The Bridgewater copy of this Bible is printed upon yellow-ftained paper, an occurrence which Dr. Cotton has fhewn to be by no means fo uncommon, as it has ufually been confidered. There are copies of this Bible in the Bodleian, and in the Libraries of Chrift Church, All Souls, and Baliol, at Oxford. Mr. Bindley's copy, formerly in the Harleian Library, contains a remarkable but felf evident forgery men- tioned by Lewis in his lift of Editions of the Bible, p. 47. X o6 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. fon of Southwark, and fet this forth as being more cor- rect ; endeavouring at the fame time to call in the copies of the other ; in this he feems to have amply fucceeded, as one is now fcarcely to be found. Lewis had never feen it, and Herbert defcribes it as being very fcarce. A copy however is depoiited in the Bodleian Library, though it is unfortunately imperfect . In the fame year alfo the New Teftament, in Latin and Englifh, was printed in Paris by Fraunces Reg- nault for Grafton and Whitchurche, 1538, i2mo. of which a perfect copy in calf is contained in this Col- lection. In this edition the Latin is after the Vulgate, and the Englifh Coverdale's. Next in order of time occurs a copy of Cran- mer's, or the Great Bible, London, by Richard Graf- ton and Edward Whitchurch, finiihed in April, 1539, folio. The numerous editions of the Bible in Englifh which enrich this repofitory, I will enumerate as briefly as poffible in chronological order : Cranmer's Bible. London, by Thomas Petyt and Robert Redman, for Thomas Berthelet, 1540, folio. Bible, overfene by Cuthbert, Bifhop of Durefm, and Nicholas, Bifhop of Rochefter. London, by Richard Grafton, 1541, folio. The Bible, by Matthew, reprinted from the edition of 1537- London, by Thomas Raynaldes and William Hyll, 1549, folio. Bible. London, by Edward Whitchurch, 1550, 4to. The Bible, Coverdale's. London, for Andrew Hef- ter, 1550, 4to. The body of this work is un- quefHonably of foreign typography, and was pro- LONDON. 307 bably executed at Zurich. The preliminary pieces in ordinary black letter, were probably printed in London. The prefent copy however is very im- perfect. The Bible, Matthew's, with fome variation, and an addition of the third book of the Macabees, by Edmond Becke. London, by John Daye, 1551, folio. The Bible. London, by Nicolas Hyll for Robert Toy, 1 55 1, folio. The Bible in Englifh, that is to fay, the contente of the holy Scriptures, &c. revifed by Cranmer. Im- prynted at London by Edwarde Whitchurche. Cum Privilegio ad imprimendum folum. 1553, folio. This edition Dr. Cotton conjectures to have been copied from the firft edition of 1539, iince here as in that, the Apocryphal Books are entitled Hagiographa. A full page has 58, fome- times 59 lines. The date of 1553 occurs at the beginning of the New Teftament. The prefent is a found and perfect copy in old calf binding. Coverdale's Bible. London, by Richard Jugge, 1553, 4to. This is in fact the Zurich edition of 1550, with a new title page, almanack, &c. The preliminary pieces, being in the ufual black letter of that period, were probably added after the arrival in London, of the body of the work, whofe typographical afpect is of the houfe of Frofchover. The prefent copy being defective at the end, has been made up by 3 leaves from Barker's Bible of 1580. Cranmer's Bible. London, by Richard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch, 1553, 4-to. 308 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The Bible, Cranmer's. London, by John Cawood, 1 56 1, 4to. Imperfect. The Bible, Cranmer's. London, by Richard Harri- fon, 1562, folio. Cranmer's Bible, printed at Rouen by C. Hamillon, at the cofl and charges of Richard Carmarden, 1566, folio. The Bible. London, by W. Seres, 1567, 4to.* The Bible, Parker's, or the Bifhops' Bible. Lon- don, by Richard Jugge, 1568, folio. -f* The Bible, Bifhops'. London, by Richard Jugge, 1573, 4 to. The Bifhops' Bible. London, by Richard Jugge, 1577, 4to. Bible, Genevan. London, by the deputies of Chrif- topher Barker, 1589, 4to. The Bible. London, by the deputies of Chr. Barker, 1596, 4to. The Bible, by Buck and Daniel. London, 1637, folio. The Bible, by Field. Cambridge, 1660, folio. All mention of this and the preceding edition is un- accountably omitted in Dr. Cotton's Lift. The Whole Bible, with Notes, publifhed by John * The prefent copy is wrongly lettered, 1553, and no mention whatever is made of this edition in Dr. Cotton's Lift of Editions of the Bible. t The firft edition of this tranflation, rarely found in a perfect ftate. Of the fix copies at Oxford, the Bodleian only is perfect. It contains portraits, engraved on copper, of Queen Elizabeth, Lord Leicefter, and Secretary Cecil. For the difference between this edition and the reprint of 1572, fee the Appendix to Cotton's Lift of the Editions of the Bible in EngUJh, pp. 123-126. LONDON. 309 Canne. London, by C. Bill, and the executrix of T. Newcomb, 1698, i2mo. clofes this copious Collection of early Englifh Bibles, which cannot fail to be duly appreciated by every true lover of the biblical literature of this country. Next in order of time occurs a copy of The New Teftament, by Taverner. London, by Thomas Petyt for Thomas Berthelet, 1539, 4to. The New Teftament, in Latin and Englifh from Erafmus. London, by William Powell, 1 547, 4to. New Teftament. London, by Richard Jugge, 1552, 4to. Imperfect. New Teftament, by Jugge, in i2mo. Imperfect. The New Teftament, Beza's, tranflated by L. Tom- fon. London, by the deputies of Chriftopher Barker, 1596, 4to. The New Teftament, with notes. London, by the afligns of R. Barker, 1605, i2mo. Of detached portions of the facred writings in Eng- lifh, this Library contains the following pieces, which may be interefting to the curious : The fruytful fayinges of Davide, in the feven peni- tential Pfalms, by Bifhop Fyfher. London, by Wynkyn de Worde, 1508, 4to. The five books of Solomon. Southwark, by J. Ni- colfon, 1537, i2mo., and an imperfect copy of the fame in i2mo. London, printed by R. Redman, 1540. St. Jude, with an expofition. London, John Gowghe, 1538, 8vo. The Epiftles of St. John, with an expofition. Printed at Southwark by J. Nicolfon, 1538, i6mo. The Pfalter in Latin and Englifh, the Englifh tranf- 3io CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. lated from the Vulgate. London, by Richard Grafton, 1540, 8vo. The Epiftle to the Ephefians, with a Commentary by Lancelot Ridley. London, by R. Redman, 1540, i6to. Pfalms li. and xxx. with an expofition, &c. London, by W. Bonham, 1542, 4to. St. Matthew, chap. v. vi. vii. with Tyndale's expo- fition. London, by W. Hyll, without date, but afcribed by Dr. Cotton to the year 1546, i2mo. The Pfalter, translated from the Latin Verfion of Feline, that is Martin Bucer. Printed by Ed- ward Whitchurch, without place or date, but placed by the fame authority under the year 1549, i2mo. St. Jude, with an expofition. London, by William Copland for R. Kele, without date, but referred to the fame year by the fame author, 1 549, i2mo. The Epiflles and Gofpels. London, by Thomas Raynalde, 1550, i2mo. Jonas, with an expofition by Bifhop Hooper. Lon- don, by John Tifdale, no date (1550), i2mo. The Seven Penitential Pfalms by Bifhop Fifher. London, by Thomas Marfhe, 1555, i6to. Pfalmes or Prayers taken out of holy Scripture. Lon- don, without name of printer, 1556, i6to. The prefent copy is prefixed to Cuthbert Tonftall's Prayers in Latin and Englifh. Pfalmes, in Metre, with Notes. Geneva, by Zacha- rie Durand, 1561, i6to. The whole book of Pfalms, by Sterneholde, &c. conferred with the Hebrew, with Notes. Lon- don, by John Daye, 1 579, 4to. LONDON. 311 The fame. London, by John Daye, 1580, 4to. The fame. London, by John Daye, 1582, 4to. The Pfalter, according to the Great Bible. London, the affignees of W. Seres (1583), 4to. The third Part of the Bible. London, by Chriftopher Barker, 1583. The Song of Solomon, in Metre, with a Comment by Dudley Fenner. Middleburg, by R. Schilders, 1587, 8vo. The Epiftle of St. James, with an expofition by R. Turnbull. London, by John Windet, 1 59 1, 8vo. The Pfalms by Sterneholde, &c. London, for the Company of Stationers, 1605, i2mo. The fame, for the fame. London, 1608, i2mo. The fame, for the fame. London, 16 14, 4to. The fame, for the fame. London, 1622, i2mo. The fame, for the fame. London, 1629, 4to. The fame. London, by E. G. for the Company, 1639, 4to. Pfalms in Profe and Metre, with Notes. London, by R. C. for the Company, 1643, i6to. Pfalms and Hymns, by William Barton. London, by T. Parkhurft, 1668, i2mo. and the Pfalms in Metre, by Brady and Tate, the fecond edition. London, by T. Hodgkin. In concluhon of this department, I, .may notice the Common Places of Scripture, printed by Johan Byd- dell, 1538, i2mo., and Sparrow's Rationale of Com- mon Prayer, 1657, i2mo. There alfo deferves to be recorded an interleaved copy, with copious annotations throughout of the No- vum Teftamentum Gracum, cum Notis Manufcriptis, et Lectionibus Variantibus collectis a A.T. Mangey, 3i2 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. in 3 volumes, folio, infcribed with the following MS. note : " Thefe valuable Collections of the Reverend and " learned Dr. Mangey, in three volumes, folio, were " prefented to the Library of St. Paul's by his worthy " fon, the Rev. Mr. Mangey, one of the Prebendaries "of the Church. Nov. 10, 1780. " THOS. BRISTOL, D." The mention of this valuable monument of clerical labour leads us naturally to the confideration of the other impreffions of the facred writings contained in thefe cafes. Among thefe, the firft in order of time, is The Biblia Hebraica. Parifiis, 1645, folio ; Vatabli, 1599, folio; Houbigant, 1753, folio; and Ken- nicott. Oxonii, 1776, in 2 vols, folio. Biblia Latina Cratandri. Bafileas, 1526, 8vo. Biblia Belgica. 16 16. Biblia Efpanola. 1553, 4-to. Biblia Germanica, Lutheri. 1586, 4to. Of editions of the New Teftament, I may mention the Novum Teftamentum Grscum : Erafmi, Stephani, Scaligeri, Cafauboni, Millii, Wetftein, Grabe, Tre- mellii, Theodori Bezas. Novum Teftamentum e Codice Alexandrino cura Woide. Londini, 1786, 4to. Evangelia Gothica, Junii, Dordraci, 1665, 4to. To which may be added various editions of the Pfal- ter in Latin, Syriac, and Saxon. From thefe, we pafs by eafy gradations, to the theo- logical department of the Library. LONDON. 313 Among the Fathers of the Church, we find S. Am- brofe, S. Athanafius, S. Auguftine, S. Bafilius, Chry- foftom, S. Cyprian, Cyril, S. Ignatius, Epiphanius, Epifcopius, Eufebius, Fulgentius, Gregory Nazianze- nus, Neocasfarienfis, and NyiTenus, S. Jerome, Hilary, Hofpinianus, Irenasus, S. Ifidore, Peter and Juftin Martyr, Lactantius, Nicephorus, S. Origen, Philo Judasus, Polycarp, Tertullian, Theodoret, Theophylact, reprefented by their Works in this Library. Of Englifh Divines, this Collection embraces the Works of Allen, Allix, Andrews, Atterbury, Bancroft, Barrow, Bennet, Baxter, Beveridge, Bramhall, Bull, Calamy, Chillingworth, Claggett, Samuel Clarke, Comber, Conn, Cranmer, Davenant, Goodman, Hall, Hammond, Hoadley, Hody, Hooper, Jackfon, Lard- ner, Leflie, Lightfoot, Lowth, Mede, Bifhop Morley, Montague, Nelfon, Nye, Norris, Pierce, Pococke, Prideaux, Archbifhop Sharpe, Sanderfon, Sherlock, Stillingfleet, Jeremy Taylor, Tenifon, Tillotfon, To- land, Waterland, Watfon, Wake, Whitby, White, Whitgift, and Wilkins. To thefe names may be added Bingham's Antiqui- ties of the Chriftian Church ; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible ; Cave's Primitive Christianity ; Cudworth's Intellectual Syftem ; Derham's Phyfico-Theology ; Dodwell's Theological DifTertations ; Fell on St. Paul's Epiftles ; Henrici VIII. AfTertio Septem adverfus M. Lutherum, 1562, 8vo. ; Field of the Church ; Seven Sermons on the VII. Penitential Pfalms, by Fifher, Bifhop of Rochefter ; Nicolas Fuller's Theological Mifcellanies ; Gaftrell's Chriftian Inftitutes ; Hey's Lectures on Divinity ; Hackett's Sermons ; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity ; Wake's Genuine Epiftles of the 3H CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Apoftolical Fathers ; Jones on the Trinity ; Jewell's Works, 1609, folio; Kidder on the Pentateuch; La- timer's Sermons ; Muggleton's Writings againft the Quakers; Oftervald's Arguments in French ; Pearfon on the Creed, and his Pofthumous Works ; Twyfden's Vindication of the Church of England ; Wheatley on the Common Prayer ; Wall on Infant Baptifm ; and Offer's Annals. The Foreign Works on Divinity, which are found upon thefe fhelves, are far more numerous than im- portant. It may fuffice therefore to mention the Works of Thomas Aquinas and Theodore Beza ; Petri Blefeniis Opera Omnia ; the Works of Bochart and BorTuet; Buxtorf and Calvin ; Chamieri Controverts ; Dallaeus' Theological Works ; Durandi Rationale Di- vinorum Ofliciorum ; the Works of John Gerfon ; and of Defiderius Erafmus ; Cotelerii Patres Apofto- lici ; Grabe's Spicilegium Veterum Patrum ; the Works of Popes Gregory I. II. and IX. ; Howell's Synopfis Canonum ; Limborch, Theologia Chriftiana ; the Works of Lanfranc, Luther, and Melanclhon ; Methodii Opera ; Riveti Opera Theologica ; Saurin's Sermons ; Sirmondi Opus Patrum et Opera reliquaria ; Socini Opera ; Spencer de legibus Hebraorum ; Sui- ceri Thefaurus Ecclefiarticus ; Vitringa in Jefaiam ; Zanchii Opera Theologica ; and the Bibliotheca Ve- terum Patrum, cum Auctario. Of Commentators the number is considerable, in- cluding thofe of Patrick, Whitby, &c. ; Bythneri Lyra Prophetica, and Pyle's Paraphrafe. Of Confeffions there are alfo divers forms. Of Concordances there are feveral in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Englifh, of which it may be enough to LONDON. 315 mention that of Downame ; and Schmidii Concordan- tia Novi Teftamenti Graece, Wittebergas, 1638, folio. Canons and Decretals, including thofe of Gratian's Synods of the Catholic Church ; Tracts relating to the Liturgy, Church Difcipline, and to the Difienters, and Jefuits, occupy a coniiderable fpace upon thefe fhelves. Among the Works of Devotion I noticed feveral Offices of the Virgin, a fmall volume of Hours, printed by Robert Wyer, in i2mo. ; and the Horae ad ufum Ecclefias Sarum, 1524, 410.; a large folio, Graduale Romanum, with Mufical Notes, lying in a very tat- tered condition upon the table ; feveral Breviaries and Miflals, with the Pontificale Romanum, but none of early date; the Book of Prayer for Scotland, 1637; the Directory for the Public Worfhip of God, Lon- don, 1644, 4to. ; and Englifh Prayer Books, of 1566, 1577, 1608, 1679, and other years. There are alfo books of Homilies and Sermons by Seed, Seeker, and others of minor reputation, including a very curious volume of " Sermones difcipuli de tem- " pore et de Sanctis, Argentorati, 1495," f°li°> m which the following remarkable entry has been made by an ancient hand : — " Orate charitative pro alma " Ths Tyndalle qui dedit hunc librum coventui de " Grenewych fra minoru de Obfuancias die profemo- " nis fui filii frls Willmi. Anno dni. 15.08." In this Collection, the Critici Sacri ; the Biblio- theca Polonorum fratrum ; the Bibliotheca Sacra of Le Long ; Leigh's Critica Sacra ; Pole's Synopfis ; Du Pin's Bibliotheque des Auteurs Eccleliaftique ; Trithemii Catalogus Scriptorum Ecclefiafticorum and Nicolas de Lyra, Commentarii in Biblia, Lugd. Bat. 1629, in fix volumes folio, bring up the rear of the 3 i6 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. heavy divifion of the theological array, we have juft pafTed under review. Turning our attention to Ecclefiaftical Hiftory we find a voluminous mafs of Councils ; the Concilia Ge- neralia compiled by Labbe, CofTartius, Delaland, and Baluzius ; the Concilia Magna? Britanniae by Wil- kins and Spelman ; the famous Council of Trent ; Lyndwode's Provinciale ; Conftitutiones Legating An- glias, Paris, 1504, folio; Baronii et Saliani Annales Ecclefiaftici ; and Tornielli Annales Sacri. Independently of many tracts relating to Ecclefiaf- tical affairs, this Library contains within its walls the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandifts in 53 volumes, fo- lio ; the Martyrologium Romanum of Baronius ; Co- dex Theodofianus ; Collier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Cotelerii Ecclefia? Graecas Monumenta ; Eufebii Hif- toria Ecclefiaftica; Echard's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory; Geddes' Church Hiftory of Malabar ; Haymonis Hif- toria Ecclefiaftica per Maderum, Helmftadii, 1671, 4to. ; Centuriatores Magdeburgenfes ; Neuftria Pia Rothomagi, 1663, folio; Platina, Vitas Pontificum ; Rycaut on the Greek Churches ; Gallia Chriftiana Roberti Claudii ; and Sleidan's Hiftory of the Re- formation, tranflated by Bohun ; with Lloyd, Potter, and Reynolds on Church Government. Of Works more immediately relating to the Church Hiftory of England, I may here notice the well-known Work of Thomas Fuller; Barwick's Life of Dean Barwick ; Bacon's Liber Regis ; Bede's Hiftoria Ec- clefiaftica Gentis Anglorum ; the Legend of St. Cuth- bert, 1663, i2mo. ; The Life of John Egerton, Bifhop of Durham, 1798 ; Davies on the Church of Durham, London, 1672; Godwyn's Prasfules Angli- LONDON. 317 cani, and his Catalogue of Bifhops ; Gough's Ecclefia: Anglicanas Threnodia, 1661, 8vo. ; Harpsfeld, Hif- toria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica, Duaci, 1 62 1 , folio ; Hey- lin's Hiftory of the Reformation in England; Knox's Church of Scotland ; Nichols, Defenfio Ecclefiae An- glicana? ; Parker, de Antiquitate Ecclefiae Britannicas, 1605, folio; Parr's Life of Ulher; Sanderus de Schifmate Anglicano ; Spotfwode's Church Hiftory of Scotland ; UiTerii Britannics Ecclefias Antiquitates ; Wharton's Anglia Sacra ; Dugdale's Monafticon An- glicanum ; and Tanner's Notitia Monaftica, London, 1744, folio. The familiar names of the two laft-mentioned Works, lead us to the confideration of Englifh Topo- graphy and Antiquities, in which department we meet with Battely's Antiquitates Rutupina?, the Britannia Romana, of the learned Horfley, printed at London in 1732, folio; Adam's Index Villaris ; Camden's Britannia; Charleton's Stonehenge, London, 1663, 4to. ; Ifaacke's Exeter, London, 1677, 8vo. ; Kil- burne's Survey of Kent, London, 1659, 8vo.; Lam- barde's Perambulation of Kent, London 1596, 4to.; Lyfons' Environs of London; Peck's Stamford; Pen- nant's London ; Plot's Natural Hiftories of Oxford- shire and StafTordfhire ; Somner's Canterbury, and his account of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent ; Spel- man's Anglicanum ; Stow's London ; Thorefby's Leeds ; Verftegan's Reftitution of Decayed Intelli- gence relating to Englifh Antiquities ; and Weever's Funeral Monuments, London, 1631, folio. Of County Hiftories, I noticed only Burton's Lei- cefterfhire; Dugdale's Warwickshire ; Morant's ErTex; Thoroton's Nottinghamfhire ; and Wright's Rutland. 318 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Of Works illuftrative of the adjacent Cathedral, we find the original edition of Dugdale's Account of St. Paul's Cathedra], together with " An Hiftorical, De- " fcriptive, and Critical Account of the Cathedral " Church of St. Paul, London, by John Gwilt, Ar- " chitecT: : Read at the Architects' and Artifts' Club, " March 4, 1823, and ordered to be printed by the " Committee. Not Publifhed. 8vo." Of this vo- lume, the gift of Richard Harris Barham, 5th of April, 1827, to the Chapter Library, only 25 copies were printed. It has a few illuftrative plates. Of Hiftorical Works relating to Great Britain, this Collection embraces the Rerum Anglicanarum Scrip- tores XV. a Gale and Fell ; Camdeni Anglica, Nor- mannica, &c. a veteribus fcripta ; Matthaei Weftmo- nafterienfis Flores Hiftoriarum, Francofurti, 1601, folio ; Rerum Anglicanarum Scriptores poft Bedam ; Matthaei Paris, Hiftoria Anglicana, edente Wats, Lon- dini, 1640, folio, bound in three volumes; Polydori Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana, Duaci, 1603, folio; and Gibfon's Saxon Chronicle. It alfo contains Ponticus Virunnius Hiftoria Bri- tonum, 1587, and Brady's Hiftory of England; Bur- net's valuable labours ; Bates' Elenchus Motuum nu- perorum in Anglia ; Affer's Life of Alfred the Great ; Camden's Annales Rerum Anglicanarum, with his Remains concerning Britain, and his Memoirs of Eli- zabeth ; Chamberlayne's Notitia Magnas Britannia?, 1729; Heath's Chronicle of the Civil Wars; Da- nyel's Hiftory of England ; Dugdale's Summons ; Eadmeri Hiftoria Novorum, edited by the learned Selden ; Gulielmi Neubrigenfis Hiftoria Anglicana, Antverpia, 1567, 8vo. and Lugd. Bat. 1587, folio; LONDON. 319 Medulla Hiftoriae Anglicanas, Londini, 1694, 8vo. ; Fuller's Worthies of England ; Galfredi Monume- tenfis De Geftis Regum Britannia?, Lugd. Bat. 1587, folio ; Gildas de excidio et conqueftu Britanniae, Lugd. 1587, et Oxonii, 1691 ; Godwyn's Annales Rerum Anglicanarum Henrico VIII. Edvardo VI. et Maria regnantibus ; Herbert's Life of Henry VIII. folio; Hiftory of the Rebellion, London, 1647, ^ vo - ; Hiftoria Anglicana, 1653, folio; Holland's Heroo- logia Anglia, London, 1620, folio; Langhorne's Chro- nicon Regum Anglia?, Londini, 1679, 8vo. and his Elenchus Antiquitatum Albionenfium, 1675, 8vo. with his Introduction to the Hiftory of England, 1676, 8vo.; Leland's Genethliacon Edvardi VI. 1543; Leflaeus de Succeffionis Jure Regum Anglicanorum in caufa Maria? Scotorum Reginas, Rheims, 1580, 4to. ; Gulielmus Malmfburienfis de geftis Regum An- glorum, Londini, 1596, folio; Sir Roger Manley's Hiftory of the Rebellions from 1640 to 1685, Lon- don, 1 69 1, 8vo. ; Nalfon's Historical Collections; Nevyllus de furoribus Norfolcenfium, Ketto duce, 1575; Parker, de rebus fui temporis, Londini, 1726, 8vo. ; Skynner's Elenchi Motuum in Anglia Pars tertia ; Smith, de Republica Anglorum ; Speed's Hif- tory of Great Britain; Spelman's Life of Alfred, and his Reliquiae ; Stow's Annals by Howes ; Apologia pro Twyne Antiquitata? Academic, Oxonienlis, 1608 ; Whitelocke's Memorials, and the Hiftoria Numif- matis Oxonienlis with the Athenas Oxonienfes of An- thony a Wood, a name dear to every lover of Britain's Worthies. To the above may be added the Records of the kingdom publifhed by the Parliamentary Com- miffion, and the Population Returns; various Political 32o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. and Polemical Tracts, too unimportant to deferve mi- nute fpecification, are found on thefe fhelves, which alfo bear Warasi Scriptores Hibernicani et Rerum Hi- bernicarum Annales ; Carte's Life of Ormonde ; as well as Lloyd's Hiftory of Wales, edited by Powel, London, 1584, 4to. ; Boethius's Hiftoria Scotorum, Parifiiis, 1575, folio; and Falle's Jerfey, London, 1694, 121110. Of Works relating to the Laws of England, fo in- timately interwoven with its Hiftory, we find, Coke's Inftitutes; Fortefcue de laudibus legum Anglias; Glan- ville, de legibus Anglias, 1673 ; and Sir George Mac- kenzie on the Law of Scotland. To which may be added Gothofredi Corpus Juris Civilis ; Heineccii Jur. Civile, & Juftiniani InfHtutiones. Of Englifh Hiftorical Writers, the Catalogues com- piled by Bale, and Pits, and Nicolfon's Englifh Hifto- rical Library, are found in this collection. I may here alfo notice as introductory to the larger department of Foreign Hiftory, the well-known Works of Puffendorf & Du Frefnoy ; Whear's Method of reading Hiftory, and Rawlinfon on the Study of Hif- tory; Beughem, Bibliotheca Hiftorica; Bayle's Dic- tionary ; and Moreri, Dictionnaire Hiftorique. Of the Hiftorical Works themfelves, I noticed the body of Byzantine Hiftorians, collected by Labbe and Du Frefne ; Freheri Rerum Bohemicarum et Ger- manicarum Scriptores ; and his Theatrum Virorum cla- rorum ; Froiffart's Chronicle, Lyons, 1559; Guicciar- dini, Hiftoria Italia? ; Heliodorus, iEthiopicorum Hif- toria; the Nuremberg Chronicle of 1497, folio; Hermoldus, Chronicon Sclavorum ; Chronicon Fre- culphi, Heidelbergas, 1597, 8vo. ; the Chronicon Ori- LONDON. 321 entale Beccenfe, & Pafchale, Helvici Theatrum Hifto- ricum et Chronologicum ; Eutychii Annales, edited by Selden and Pococke ; Meibomei et Reuberi Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum ; Godefredi Annales ; Jovii Elogia Virorum illuftrium ; Olaus Magnus, Hiftoria Gentium Septentrionalium ; Mariana de Rebus Hif- panicis, Francof. 1603, folio; Ludolphi Hiftoria iEthiopica ; Mariani Scoti Chronicon ; Naucleri Chronicon Univerfale : Piftorii Hiftoricorum Corpus Polonorum ; Robinfoni Annales Mundi ; Sigifmundi Rerum Mufcovitarum Commentarii ; Saxo Gramma- ticus Hiftoria Danica, Bafileas, 1534, & Sorae, 1644, folio ; and his Commentarii Regnorum Aquilonum, Lug. Bat. 1622, i2mo. ; the Hiftorical Works of Reinecius and Sigonius ; Thuani Hiftoria fui tempo- ris ; Flavii Vopifci Romanorum Imperatorum Hif- toria ; Rerum Sicularum Scriptores ; Zonaras Annales & Zofimi Hiftoria a Leunclavio edita ; Hiftoria Fran- corum, Francof. 1596; the Effigies Regum Franco- rum, 1622, 4to. ; Jofephus, Hudfoni & Bafnage, Hif- tory of the Jews. Among the helps to Hiftory may be mentioned, Cluvierii Geographia ; Ortelii Geographia ; Hudfoni Geographiae Veteris Scriptores Minores, Oxonii, 1698- 1703; Marfham's Chronological Works; Petavii Opera Chronologica ; Heylin's Cofmography ; and Tournefort, Voyage de Levant. Of Heraldry, which has with the ftricteft propriety been ftyled the key of Hiftory, this Library contains, Gore's Catalogus Aucl:orum de re Heraldica, Oxonii, 1674, 4to. ; Milles' Nobilitas Politica et Civilis, Lon- dini, 1608, folio; Philipot's Heraldry, 1672; and Selden's Titles of Honour, London, 1631, folio. Y 322 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The ftudy of Antiquities, whereby fo many dark paflages of Hiftory have been elucidated for the be- nefit of pofterity, follows naturally in this place. Among the Works of this defcription we find Demp- fter and Kennet's Antiquities of Rome ; Fleetwood's Sylloge Antiquarum Infcriptionum ; Major's Ruins of Pasftum, London, 1768, folio; Gorlasi Daclyliotheca; De Wild's Numifmata Antiqua ; Grasvius, Thefaurum Antiquitatum Romanorum; Gronovii Thefaurus An- tiquitatum Grascarum; Gruteri Thefaurus Criticus ; Mabillon, Mufasum Italicum, &c. ; Montfaucon, Dia- rium Italicum, & Pala?ographia Graeca ; Prideaux, Marmora Oxonienfia; & Selden, Marmora Arunde- liana. The mention of thefe enduring monuments of the braveft, the wifeft, and the politer! nation of the an- cient world, recalls the mind to Clafiical Literature, the dread of our earlier!:, and the delight of our ma- turer years. Within the walls of this Library repofe the Works of iElian, iEfchines, Appian, & Apuleius ; Antoninus Gatakeri, with Dacier's Tranilation ; and the Works of Apollonius Rhodius ; Ariftides, Ariftophanes, Ar- rian, Aufonius, Athenagoras, Athenasus & Arifte- naetus. Here too is the iEfchylus of Stanley and the Anacreon of Barnes. Here alfo are Spanheim's editions of Callimachus ; the Works of Quintus Curtius ; Demofthenes ; Dictys Cretenfis ; & Diogenes Laertius ; Ariftotelis Opera Sylburgi, with many of his feparate Pieces ; Diodorus Siculus, 1604, folio; Dio Caffius, Reimari ; Diony- fius Halicarnaffenfis, Francofurti, 1586, and Oxonii, 1704, folio; Dionyfius Periegetes, by Hill, Lond. LONDON. 323 1658; & Ennii Fragmenta, Lugd. Bat. 1620, 4to. ; Ciceronis Opera, Lambini, et Daviiii, with various detached pieces of his Works ; Claudianus Barthii ; Epictetus Uptoni ; Euripides, by Barnes ; Euclid, by Barrow ; and the Noctes of Aulus Gellius ; with the Works of Herodian, Herodotus, Hefiod, Hippocrates, and Galen, form integral parts of this collection. Here alfo are Homerus Didymi, Amftelodami, 1656; and by Barnes, Cantabrigias, 171 1; Homeri Ilias, Clarkei; Euftathius in Homerum, Bafileae, 1560, folio, 4 vols. ; Hierocles, Cafauboni ; Horatius, Del- phini, et Bentleii, with the Tranflation of Francis ; Ifocrates, Wolfii ; Juftinus, Oxonii, 1674, 8vo. ; Li- banii Orationes ; Livius, Freinfheimii ; Lucanus, Ou- dendorpii ; Lucanus, Hemfterhufii ; Lycophron, Pot- teri ; Lyfias, Taylori ; Manilius, Scaligeri ; Ammianus Marcellinus, Gronovii; Menander, Clerici, 1709, 8vo.; Pomponius Mela, Gronovii ; Cornelius Nepos, Del- phini ; & Orapollinis Hieroglyphica, Merceri ; Perfius, Cafauboni; Phocylides, Cantabrigiae, 1652, 8vo. ; Pla- tonis Opera, Serrani, folio ; Plauti Comoediae, Lam- bini ; Plotinus, Ficini ; Plutarchus, Rualdi, with Bry- ant's edition of Plutarch's Lives ; Plinius, Harduini, in 3 volumes, folio ; Julii Pollucis Onomafticon, Hemfterhufii ; Polybius, Cafauboni ; Pythagoras Aurea Carmina ; Salluftius, Delphini ; Seneca, Farnabii ; Si- donius, Apollinaris, Sirmondi ; Solinus, Salmafii ; Sta- tius, Barthii; Stobasus, Grotii ; Tacitus, Gronovii; Terentius, Delphini ; Thucydides, Dukeri ; Virgilius, Burmanni; and Xenophon, Hutchinfoni; form no inconfiderable features in this department of the Li- brary. If to thefe we add different editions of the Works 324 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. of Iamblichus, Juvenal, Rutilius Lupus, Macrobius, Martial, Mufasus ; Mythographi Latini per Muncke- rum ; the Works of Nicander, Orpheus, Ovid, Vel- leius Paterculus, Paufanias, Petronius Arbiter, Pliny the Younger; Pindar, Prifcian, Procopius, and Pru- dentius ; of Eutropius, and the Hiftoriae Augufbe Scriptores; Ptolemy, Quintilian, Silius Italicus, So- phocles, iElius Spartianus, Suetonius, Strabo, iEneas Sylvius, Achilles Tatius, Symmachi Epiftolas ; Theo- critus' Idylls ; the Characters of Theophraftus ; Vege- tius de re militari ; Zenobius, Epitome Proverbiorum Tarrhaei, &c. Haganoae, 1535, 8vo. ; and the Poe'tae Graeci Veteres heorici et minores, we muft confefs that Claffic lore occupies an important pofition within thefe walls, albeit the earlier! editions of thefe great authors of antiquity may be there fought for in vain. Etymology, whereby the ftores of ancient literature are opened, next invites our attention to the Lexica of Hederic and Scapula in Greek ; Stephani Thefaurus Lingua? Grascas ; Cooper's Thefaurus Linguae Latinas ; and Buxtorf's Hebrew Lexicon ; Suidag Lexicon Kuf- teri, in 3 volumes folio ; Hefychii Lexicon Grascum ; Du Frefne's GlofTary; Etymologicon Magnum, Syl- burgii ; Martinii Lexicon ; ParkhurfVs Lexicon to the New Teftament ; Phavorini Lexicon Graecum ; Skin- ner, Etymologicum Linguae Anglicanas ; Benfon's Lexicon Anglo-Saxonicum, Oxonii, 1701, 8vo. ; and Littleton's Dictionary, 1678, 4-to. make up the com- plement of this ufeful divifion. I may here alfo notice fome Philological Traces by Voffius, Robortellus, Scaliger, Labbe, and Cafau- bon; Wolfii Curas Philologies et Criticas; Putfchii Auctores Grammatici, 4to. ; Gatakeri Adverfaria ; Sal- mafii Exercitationes Plinianas; and Perotti Cornucopia. LONDON. 325 In Englifh Literature, I noticed upon the fhelves of this Library Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy ; the Works of the Royal Martyr, with the Life of Charles I. and the < Entuv BoktiXixvi ;' Sir Dudley Carleton's Letters; Chaucer's Works, 1 561, folio; Cowley's Works; Cudworth's Intellectual Syftem ; Drayton's Polyolbion ; Doddridge's Life of Colonel Gardiner ; Dryden's Abfalom and Achitophel, i682,4to.; Gower's Confeffio Amantis, 1554, folio; Hales' Remains; Hervey's Meditations ; Langbaine's Englifh Dramatic Poets ; Locke on the Human Underftanding ; Mil- ton's Controverfial Pieces ; Matthew Parker's Works and Life ; Upton's Obfervations on Shakefpeare ; Waller's Poems ; Walton's Lives ; and Sir Philip Warwick's Difcourfe of Government. Of Scientific Works, this Collection cannot boafr. of more than Stanley's Hiftory of Philofophy ; Sprat's Hiftory of the Royal Society ; Maferes' Scriptores Lo- garithmici ; Whifton's Praele&iones Aftronomicae ; Gerarde's Herbal, 1636, folio; Raii Hiftoria Planta- rum ; Grew's Rarities of Grefham College ; a few volumes of the Philofophical Tranfactions ; Watts' Logick ; and Winman de Arte Natandi, Lugd. Bat. 1638, i2mo. may be noted here. Of Bibliographical Works, this Library embraces Antonio, Bibliotheca Hifpana, Vetus- et Nova, folio ; D'Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orientale, 4to. ; Clavel's Catalogue of Englifh Books from 1666 to 1674, Lon- don, 1775; Catalogus Manufcriptorum Anglian et Hibernias, Oxonii, 1697, folio; Catalogue of Englifh Writers on the Old and New Teftament, London, 1668 ; Catalogus Librorum, R. Smith, Londini, 1682, 4to. ; Spencer, Catalogus univerfalis Librorum in Bibliotheca Collegii Sionii apud Londinenfis, Londini, 326 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 1 60 1, folio; Bibliothecas Cleri Londinenfis in Colle- gio Sionenfi Catalogus a Gulielmo Reading, Londini, 1724, folio; Catalogus Bibliothecae Publicae Lugduni Batavorum ; Catalogus Bibliothecas Academic Lipfi- enfis ; Catalogus Bibliothecas Ducis Norfolcias, 1681, 4to. ; Catalogus Bibliothecas Thuanas ; Catalogus Bib- liothecas Barberinas ; Catalogus Bibliothecas Cottonianas a Smith ; Catalogus Librorum venales apud Elze- veros ; Cave's Catalogus Scriptorum Ecclefiafticorum ; Draudii Bibliotheca Claffica ; Du Pin, Bibliotheca Hiftorica ; Fabricii Bibliotheca Grasca, Latina, & Medias et Infimas iEtatis, with his Bibliotheca Eccle- fiaftica, and Bibliographia Antiquaria ; Hallervordii Bibliotheca Curiofa ; Index Librorum Expurgatorum; Mabillon de Re Diplomatic;* ; Morhof, Polyhiftor Literarius, &c. ; Naudasi Bibliographia Politica ; Pho- tii Bibliotheca cura Hoefchelii ; Scott, Catalogus Li- brorum ex variis Europas partibus advectorum, Lon- don, 1674, 4to. ; Toppi, Bibliotheca Napoletana, Neap. 1678, folio; and the Bibliothecas Regias, Georgii III. Catalogus, with the Supplementary volume of Maps and Prints, 6 vols, folio, the gift of George IV. Of general literature, the Works contained in this Collection are not important. I may here enumerate however a copy of Joannis Sarifburienris Polycraticus, Lugd. Bat. 1595 ; the Koran; the Work of Agape- tus ; Epiftolas Variorum Auctorum ; Hobbes' Opera Philofophica ; Fenelon, Telemaque ; Voltaire, Hen- riade ; the Works of Grotius and Heinfius, of Julian the Apoftate, Thomas Magifter, Thomas a Kempis, Meurfius, Meibomius, and Muretus ; the Works of Petrarch and Machiavelli ; Picus of Mirandula, edited by Pierce ; of Moliere, Porphyry, Rabelais, LONDON. 327 Ruinart, & Rufinus ; Photii Epiftolas Montacutii ; Re- landi Paleftina illuftrata ; Annales Rabbinorum, et de Religione Muhammetenfi ; Stapletoni Opera ; Sy- nefii Opera ; Maximus Tyrius, DifTertationes, Davifii ; and Boethius, de Confolatione Philofophias, 1656. But if the curiofity of the reader extend to the pro- ductions of fuch names as Albertus Magnus, Alyaco, Lucas Holftenius, Hottingerus Launovis, Maimoni- des, Jonas Shlichlingius, and Fridericus Schererzius, Duns Scotus, Suarez, Stuchius, Paulus Vindingius, and Ludovicus Vives, Granville Sharp, or Seth Ward, and Euftratius, Zialowfki ; together with numerous other obfcure writers of the fixteenth and feventeenth centuries ; for all thefe he may be fafely referred to the Manufcript Catalogue preferved in the Library, a thick folio volume, very carefully compiled, and con- taining a very fufficient and correct enumeration of all the books contained in the Library, in regular al- phabetical order, with reference to the fhelves on which they ftand. Each volume of this Collection has the book plate of the Chapter parted within its cover. This engra- ving, in the form of an ecclefiaftical feal, reprefents St. Paul feated, with a glory around his head, having in his right hand a fword, and in his left the facred volume. The following motto encircles the whole — " Liber Ecclefia? Cathedralis Sancti Pauli." 328 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. JUbrarp of S^antytfttv. HE See of Manchester having been created during the compilation of thefe Notes would naturally occafion me to notice any Library which might have exifted in connection with that eftablifhment. There is however no Library attached to the Collegiate Church, now the Cathedral of Man- chefter. There were a few books fold about twenty or five and twenty years ago by the Churchwardens of that time, which confifted chiefly of Divinity ; Jewel's Apology ; Hooker's Works ; Fox's Book of Martyrs, &c. ; many of them in a dilapidated ftate, and very few perfect among them. They appear to have been books placed in the Church for the ufe of the congre- gation at large, rather than a Capitular Library. It is probable that Humphrey Chetham, when he founded his Hofpital, in what was formerly the College or Capitular buildings belonging to the Collegiate Church of Manchester, intended the Library which he eftabliihed there to fupply the deficiency of a Chap- ter Library. This Collection is remarkable as the moft eafily acceflible in the United Kingdom. Any perfon, however humble in Station, or homely in ap- pearance, whencefoever he may come, has a right to MANCHESTER. 329 demand a fight of any book in the Library. This rare facility of accefs has not been without its abufes, lince fome volumes have been mutilated, and in fevere wea- ther, as in the National Gallery of London, many per- fons come and afk for a book of light reading for the fake of a warm and comfortable apartment. A well arranged Catalogue of this Collection under the title of Bibliotheca Chethamenfis feu Bibliothecas Publics Mancunienfis ab Humph. Chetham Arm. fundata? Catalogus, was edited by John Radcliffe in 1 79 1, in 2 vols. 8vo. to which a third volume edited by William Parr Greflwell was added in 1826, with a copious index to the whole Collection. 33° CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 3Ubratp of iRortotrt). HE Library of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich is depolited in the fmall yet commodious apartment which ad- joins one of the Prebendal houfes in the clofe, and is placed under the care of the Rev. W. F. Drake, one of the minor Canons of the Cathedral. The collection comprifes three thoufand volumes, labelled and arranged upon open fhelves, which are briefly enumerated in alphabetical order, in a privately printed octavo volume, entitled " The Catalogue of " the Norwich Cathedral Library, 1819," London, printed by G. Auld, Greville Street, pp. 1 20, chiefly compiled by its prefent Curator. The books principally relate to Divinity, Englifh Hiftory, and Claffical Literature, and are chiefly of recent donation, the greater portion of the exifting Collection having been prefented to the Library by Frank Sayers, M. D. It is pleafant alfo to notice the judicious additions of ftandard Theological and Hif- torical Works, by purchafe from time to time as the funds of the eftablimment permit. Among the defirable additions to the ancient foun- dation, I remarked the Works of Strype and Bull, NORWICH. 331 with other valuable productions of the Collegiate Prefs at Oxford. The Publications iiTued under authority of the Re- cord Commiffion are here feen in long and increafing array, for by a liberal and comprehenfive policy, a copy of thefe public Records is depofited in every Cathedral Library of Great Britain. Among the more ancient volumes, the typographi- cal antiquary will feek in vain for any veftige of a Caxton, or of early Englifh printers; but he may recognize with pleafure, Boetii viri celeberrimi de Confolatione Philofophia? liber cum Optimo commento beati Thome, which hath the following colophon : — " Libri quinque de confolatione phie Boetii Rho- " mani confulis ac oratoris fplendidimmi una cum " commentaria editione per me Jacobum de Breda in " Daventria diligenter elaborati finiunt anno gratis " Millefimo, quadragintefimo, nonagefimo primo, die " fabbati ante Judica." Then follows a new title page, at the top of which is, Boetii de difciplina fcholarium cum notabili com- mento. Then the colophon thus : — 41 Finit Boetius de difciplina fcholarium cum com- mento. optime bene necnon diligenter Impreflus Da- ventria per me Jacobum de Breda. * Anno Domini m.cccc. nonagefimo fexto. xv. menfis Maii. This volume which is in old ftrong binding, with wooden boards, contains " Ariftotelis Ethica, Latine " reddita a Leonardo Arretino — printed 1479 at Ox- " ford," which begins Incipit preffacio leonardi arre- tini in libros ethicorum. Ending with the colophon, Explicit textus ethicorum Ariftotelis per leonardum 332 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. aretinum lucidiffime tranflatus cor recti ffimeque. Im- preiTus oxoniis anno dm. M.cccc.lxxix. This book formerly belonged to Dr. Sayers. Alfo the fecond edition of Statius, printed at Paris, by Jehan Petit, 1499, 4to. The general reader will find much both of intereft and inftruction in the feveral departments to which I fhall briefly direct his attention. I only paufe to remark that the only manufcript in this Library is one of the Pfychomachia of Prudentius with delicate illuminations, probably of no greater an- tiquity than the middle of the fifteenth century. The body of Divinity depofited in this place, is compofed of the Works of Thomas Aquinas, Armi- nius, Athanafius, Auguftine, Bernard, Bellarmine, Calvin, Chamier, Cyprian, Epifcopus, Erafmus, Juftin Martyr, S. Jerome, Ignatius, Irenasus, Lactantius, Me- lancthon, Origen, Rivetus, Tertullian, Theodoret, & Zanchii Opera Theologica, Genev. 161 9, in 3 vols, folio; Suarez, Difputationes Theologicas, Moguntia?, 1629, folio; and Surius de Vitis San&orum, Venetiis, 1 58 1, in 8 vols, folio. Of Barrow, Beveridge, Ben- net, Boys, Bramhall, Chillingworth, Clarke, Cony- beare, Edwards, Hammond, Hall, Hody, Hoadley, Horfley, Howe, Jackfon, Jewel, Lightfoot, Locke, Lowth, Lowman, Patrick, Paley, Prideaux, Reynolds, Rogers, Sherlock, Stillingrleet, Tillotfon, and Jeremy Taylor, various works are here found. I alfo noticed Abbot's Defence of the Reformed Churches, 161 1, in 2 vols. 4to. ; Ainfworth on the Pentateuch ; Allix on the Old Teftament ; Barclay's Apology ; Browne's Religio Medici ; Brightman on the Revelations ; Butler's Analogy ; Burnet on the NORWICH. 333 Articles ; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible ; Campbell on the Gofpels ; Cave's Primitive Christianity ; Anti- quitates Apoftolicae, and Lives of the Fathers ; Clark- fon's Primitive Epifcopacy ; Cofin's Canon of Scrip- ture; Cudworth's Intellectual Syftem; Derham's Aftro- Theology ; Evans' Sketch of all Religions ; Faulkner on the Liturgy; Fell and St. Paul's Epiftles; Field of the Church ; Fleetwood on Miracles ; Forfter on the Chriftian Revelation ; Fulke on the New Tene- ment ; Gaftrel's Chriftian Inftitutes; Gale's Court of the Gentiles ; Gregorii de Valentia Opera Tfeeologica, Ingoldft. 1592, in 4 volumes, folio; and Gregory's Obfervations on Scripture ; Gray's Key to the Old Teftament ; Gurnall's Chriftian in Armour ; Grabe, Spicilegium Veterum Patrum ; Harmer on the Scrip- tures ; Heylin's Chriftian Theology ; Hey's Lectures ; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity ; Kennicott's DirTerta- tions ; King's Lectures on Jonas ; Kidder on the Pen- tateuch ; Knatchbull's Annotations ; Lardner's Gofpel Hiftory ; Leigh's Critica Sacra ; Lewis' Origines He- brew ; Le Clerc on the Pentateuch ; Marfh's Mi- chaelis, and his Lectures ; and Magee on the Atone- ment ; Macknight on the Epiftles and Gofpels ; New- ton on the Prophecies and Apocalypfe ; Newcome on Ezekiel, &c. ; Newman's Concordance ; Nilbet on the Epiftles; Outram de Sacrificiis-; Owen on the Trinity ; Pearfon on the Creed ; Pierce on the Epif- tles ; Poli Synopfis ; Rofs' View of all Religions ; Shuckford's Connection ; Trapp on the New Tefta- ment ; Wake's Epiftles of the Apoftolical Fathers ; Waterland's Vindication ; Warburton's Divine Lega- tion ; Ufher's Body of Divinity ; Watfon's Apologies; Welchman on the Articles ; Whitby on the New 334 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Teftament ; Wilkins' Natural Religion ; Wollafton's Religion of Nature ; and the Works of the author of the Whole Duty of Man, Oxford, 1704, folio. The impreffions of the Sacred Volume found upon thefe {helves are, The Bifhops' Bible, in folio. The Biblia Hebraica, Montani, 1571, folio. Walton's Polyglott, with Caftelli Lexicon, 1657, in 8 vols, folio. But the moft fumptuous volumes of Holy Writ are thofe»printed by Field, at Cambridge, in 1666, folio, which, richly embellifhed with engravings of that period, and bound in 2 volumes covered with purple velvet, and protected by lilver clafps, ufually adorn the Sacramental table of the Cathedral itfelf. The impreffions of the New Teftament are more numerous than thofe of the Bible, including thofe edited by Beza, Caftalio, Hammond, Maittaire, Ste- phens, and Tremellius. To which I may add the Hep- tateuchus Anglo-Saxonice a. Thwaites, 1798 ; and the Pentateuchus Copticus of Wilkins, 17.31, 4-to. There are alfo imperfect copies of the Book of Com- mon Prayer of 1634; and of Kennicott's Hebrew Bible ; Wickliffe's Teftament, by Lewis, London, 173 1, folio ; Henry the Eighth's Primer, 1546, 4to. ; the Common Prayer Book of 16 19, in folio, with Prayers in Latin, Spaniih, and Greek, and the Liturgia in ufum Eccl. Angl. i2mo. may here find appropriate mention. This Library alfo contains Pole's Synopris, and How- el's Synopfis Canonum ; feveral Theological Tracts and Sermons, by Alleftree, Berriman, Clarke, Fleetwood, Goodman, Horton, Hickman, Houghton, Horfley, NORWICH. 335 Jeffery, Knight, Leightenhoufe, Newcome, Need- ham, Parr, Rogers, Saurin, Sanderfon, Sherlock, South, Stoughton, Jeremy Taylor, Waterland, and Whaley ; Bourfe's Difcourfes ; Seeker's Charges ; and a fmall collection of Sermons by different authors. The Hiftorical department of this Library includes the Ancient and Modern Univerfal Hiftory, Abdollati- phi Hift. Egypt, a Pococke, Oxon. i8oo,4to.; Butler's Revolutions of the Germanic Empires; Chroniques de Nicole Gilles, Paris, 1536, folio; Chronicon Chronico- rum, 1493, folio; Cumberland's Phoenician Hiftory; Davila's Hiftory of the Civil Wars of France ; Echard's Roman Hiftory, 1699, in 4 vols. 4to. ; Gaft's Hiftory of Greece, 1782, 4to. ; Gillies' Hiftory of the World, 1807, in 2 vols. 4to. ; Gothicarum Rerum Scrip- tores, 16 18, i2mo. ; Heylin's Cofmography ; Hel- vici Theatrum Hiftoricum ; the Hiftory of Modern Europe, 173 1, in 4 vols. 8vo. ; Hiftoria Gentium Septentrionalium Olai Magni, Romas, 1555, 4to. ; Howell's Hiftory of the World ; Le Compte's Me- moirs of China, 1697, ^vo. > Matthias Theatrum Hif- toricum ; Mariana's Hiftory of Spain; Mitford's Hif- tory of Greece ; Ockley's Saracens ; Oufeley's Epitome of Perfian Hiftory ; Potter's Antiquities of Greece ; Pococke's Defcription of the Eaft ; Pounall's Roman Antiquities ; Raleigh's Hiftory of the World, 1 6 1 4, fol. ; Rycaut's Ottoman Empire ; Sketches of the Hindoos, 1792, in 2 vols. 8vo. ; Thuani Hiftoria fui temporis, 1733, in 7 vols, folio ; Vertot's Revolutions in Portugal and Sweden ; Whitaker's Courfe of Hannibal over the Alps ; and the abridgment of Rollin's Ancient Hiftory, published at Berne in 1763, in 5 duodecimo volumes. The books relating to Ecclefiaftical affairs in this 336 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Collection are, an imperfect copy of Alford's Annals ; Au&ores Hift. Ecclef. Bafil. 1535, folio; Butler's Lives of the Saints, Edinburgh, 1798, in 1 2 vols. 8vo. ; Baronii Annales, Antv. 1589, in 12 vols, folio; Beda? Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, cura Smithii, 1665, folio; Binii Concilia, Colon. 1618, in 5 vols, folio; Bower's Lives of the Popes, 1748, in 7 vols. 4to. ; Brent's Council of Trent ; Burnet on the Reformation, with his Vin- dication of the Church of Scotland ; Ecton's Liber Valorum ; Eufebii Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, Moguntia?, 1677, in 3 vols, folio; Fox's Martyrology, 1684, m 3 vols, folio ; Fofbroke's Britifh Monachifm ; Fuller's Church Hiftory, 1565, folio; Hift. Ecclef. Script. Gr. Colon. 161 2, folio; Howell's Synopfis Canonum ; Jofephus, Hudfoni ; Jennings' Jewifh Antiquities ; Jortin's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Lardner's Gofpel Hif- tory ; Labbei Concilia, Par. 1 672, in 1 8 folio volumes ; Lewis' Life of Pococke ; Lewis' Origines Hebreas ; Le Neve's Fafti Ecclefia? Anglicans ; Lingard's Hif- tory of the Anglo-Saxon Church ; Lucius, Hiftoria Ecclef. Magdeb. Baf. 1624, in 3 vols, folio; Mafoni Vindiciae Ecclef. Angl. 1625, folio ; Mofheim's Eccle- fiaftical Hiftory ; Nicephori Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica ; Oughton's Ordo Judiciorum ; Platina de Vitis Ponti- ficum; Reyneri, de Ant. Ord. Benedict. Douay, 1626, folio; Saliani Annales Ecclefiaftici, Par. 1641, in 3 vols, folio; Stillingfleet's Origines; Strype's Lives of Cranmer, Grindal, Parker, and Whitgift; Steele's Account of the Roman Catholic Religion ; Sympfon's Hiftory of the Church ; Ufher's Annals and Antiqui- ties ; Walker's Hiftory of Independency, and Wilkins' Concilia Magna? Britannia?, 1737, in 4 vols, folio; the Neuftria Pia of Du Monftier, Rothom. 1663, NORWICH. 337 folio; Lyndewode, Provinciale, Oxonii, 1679, folio; Gibfon's Codex, and the Codex Theodofianus, 1665, in 4 folio volumes. The Works illustrative of Britifh Hiftory in this Library, are the Annales iElfredi Magni, a Wife, Oxon. 1722, 8vo. ; Anglorum Prcelia, Nevyllus de furoribus Norfolcenfium, 1582, i2mo., Andrews' Hiftory of England ; Bacon's Henry VII.; Baker's Chronicle, 1665, folio; Barnes' Edward III.; Blome's Britannia, 1673, folio; Burnett's Hiftory of his own Time ; Brady's Hiftory of England, with his. In- troduction to Englifh Hiftory ; Camden's Britannia, by Gibfon, with his Elizabeth, and Remains ; Claren- don's Rebellion, and his Life ; Daniel's Hiftory of England, 1685, folio; Eadmeri Hiftoria Novorum, 1623, folio; Fuller's Worthies, 1662, folio; Gibfon's Chronicon Saxonicum, Oxon. 1692, 4to. ; Granger's Biographical Hiftory of England ; Habington's Ed- ward IV. ; Hayward's Regal Biographies ; Lord Her- bert's Life of Henry VIII. ; Henry's Hiftory of Great Britain; Holinftied's Chronicles, 1577, folio; How- ell's Hiftory of England, 17 12, 8vo. ; Horfley's Bri- tannia Romana, 1732, folio; Jeffrey's Britifh Hiftory, Edin. 1 71 9, 2 vols. 8vo. ; Kelham's Doomfday Book, 1788, 8vo. ; Leicefter's Commonwealth, 1641, 4to. ; Ludlow's Memoirs, Vevay, 1698, in 2 vols. 8vo. ; Madox's Formulare Anglicanum ; Hiftory of the Ex- chequer, and Firma Burga ; Milton's Hiftory of Bri- tain, 1670, 4to. ; Noble's Biographical Hiftory of England and Houfe of Cromwell ; Oldmixon's Hiftory of England ; Parker, de rebus fui temporis, 1 726, 8 vo. ; Matthasi Paris Hiftoria Anglicana, 1684, folio; Ra- pin's Hiftory of England, in 28 octavo volumes, two z 338 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. copies; Rufhworth's Hiftorical Collections, 1721, in 8 vols, folio ; Sammes's Antiquities of Ancient Britain, 1676, folio; Speed's Hiftory of Great Britain, 1632, folio; Stowe's Annals, by Howes, 1631, folio; Tem- ple's Introduction to the Hiftory of England, 1699, 8vo. with his Memoirs, 1705, 3 vols, in 2, octavo ; Turner's Hiftory of the Anglo-Saxons, Lond. 1807, in 2 vols. 4to. ; Sir Philip Warwick's Memoirs of Charles I. 1701, 8vo. ; Walpole's Hiftoric Doubts, 1768, 4to. ; and Polydore Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana, Bafileae, 1570, folio. The Works relating to the Topography and Anti- quities of England in this Collection embrace Battely's Antiquitates Rutupina?, and his Antiquities of Canter- bury ; BeatnirTe's Norfolk Tour, 1808, i2mo. ; Ben- tham's Ely, by Stevenfon, Norwich, 18 12, 4to. ; Blomefield's Norwich illuftrated, 1745, 2 vols, folio; Browne's Norwich Cathedral, 1807, 8vo. ; Brand's Popular Antiquities ; Richard of Cirencefter's Defcrip- tion of Britain ; Burton's Leicefterfhire ; Carew's Sur- vey of Cornwall; Dart's Canterbury; Darell's Dover Caftle ; Degges' Staffbrdfhire, Lond. 1723, 8vo. ; Dickinfon's Nottinghamshire, 1801, 4to. ; Ducarel's Anglo-Norman Antiquities ; Dugdale's Hiftory of St. Paul's ; Fitzftephen's Survey of London ; Gardiner's Hiftory of Dunwich ; Heme's Charter Houfe ; Ken- nett's Parochial Antiquities ; King's Munimenta Anti- qua ; Kirby's Suffolk Traveller ; Lambard's Perambu- lation of Kent ; Lewis' Antiquities of Faverfham, and Hiftory of the Ifle ofThanet; Mafters' Hiftory of Cor- pus Chrifti College, Cambridge ; Millers' Ely Cathe- dral; Mallett's Northern Antiquities ; Maiden's King's College Chapel ; Norden's Middlefex and Hertford- NORWICH. 339 mire; Plot's Staffordfhire and Oxfordfhire ; Salmon's Surrey; Seymour's Survey of London; Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiofum ; Stowe's Survey of London ; Strutt's Antiquities • and Verftegan's RefUtution. The lover of Britim Antiquity will readily join to thefe, Britton's Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, and fome of his beautiful Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England ; Ladbrooke's Li- thographic Views of Churches in Norfolk, oblong quarto, in numbers ; Mr. Naflau's carefully illuftrated copy of Blomefield's Norfolk, bound in ruffia ; Ives's Garianonum, 1774; Taylor's Harwich and Dover- court ; Wood's Hiftory and Antiquities of Oxford, 1674, folio ; the Antiquitates Oxonienfes, 1726, folio; and Weever's Funeral Monuments, 1631, folio. The principal works connected with Scottim and Irifh affairs, are Bofwell's Journey to the Hebrides ; Chalmer's Caledonia ; Dalrymple's Scotland ; Moni- penny's Abridgment of the Scottim Chronicles, 161 2, 4to. ; Spotifwode's Hiftory of Scotland ; and Ware's Antiquities of Ireland, 1705, folio. The Claffical department of this Library includes, iEfchylus. Glafgua?, 1794, in 2 vols. 8vo. iEfopus, 1684, i2mo. Anacreon a Barnes. Cantab. 1705, i2mo. and Fif- cheri, Liplias, 1776, 8vo. Antoninus, Gatakeri, 1697, 4to. Appianus, Stephani. Paris. 1572, folio. Ariftophanes, Burmanni. Lugd. 1760, in 2 vols. 4to. Ariftotelis Opera, Du Valli. Par. 1654, folio, in 4 vols. Athenasus, Cafauboni. Lugd. 1597, in 2 vols, folio. 340 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Aulus Gellius, Elz. Amft. 1665, i2mo. Aufonius, Scaligeri. Heidel. 1588, i2mo. Boethius, Char. Goth. Oxon. 1479, 4to. Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius. Cantabr. 1702, 4to. Caefar, Aldi. Venet. 1519, 8vo. Ciceronis Opera Omnia, Verburgii. Amft. 1724, in 16 octavo volumes, and the Oxford edition of 1783, in 10 quarto volumes. Claudiani Opera, Gefneri. Lipfiae, 1759, 8vo. Epicteti Enchiridion. 1 554, and Oxon. 1702, i2mo. Euripides a Barnes. Lipfiae, 1778, in 3 quarto vo- lumes. Eutropius, Delphini. 17 16. Florus, Grasvii. 1680, 8vo. Horatius, Bentleii. Cantab. 171 1 ,4to. and 1713^0. Homeri Opera, Barnefii. Cantab. 171 1, 2 vols. 4to. Homeri Ilias, Didymi, Cant. 1689, 4to. ; Heynii, Lipf. 1812, 8 vols. 8vo. Jofephus, Hudfoni. Oxon. 1721, in 2 vols, folio. Ifocrates a Battie. Cantab. 1729, 8vo. Juvenalis et Perfius, Farnabii. 163 1, i2mo. Juvenalis, Ruperti. Oxon. 1808, 8vo. J uftinus, Variorum. Amft. 1669, 8vo. Livius, Aldi. Venetiis, 1521, folio. Longinus a Pearce. Lond. 1725, 8vo. Lucan. Elz. 1591, i2mo. Lucretius, Lambini. 1583, 8vo. Lucian. 1619, 2 vols. 8vo. Lycophronis Fragmenti, Hermanni. 1788, 8vo. Macrobius. 1694, 8vo. Orpheus. 1689, i2mo. Orphica, Hermanni. 1805. NORWICH. 341 Ovidius, Delphini. Lond. 1778, i2mo. Paufanias, Facii. Lipfis, 1794, in 4 vols. 8vo. Plutarchii Moralia. Francof. 1620, 2 vols, folio. Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis. Colon. 161 5, folio. Plinii Epiftola, Gefneri. 1770, 8vo. Plato, Ficini. 1602, folio. Pomponius Mela, Gronovii. 1685, i2mo. Polybius, Wechelii. 1609, folio, and Ernefti, 1764, in 3 vols. 8vo. Propertius. 1702, 4to. Quintus Curtius, Gryphii. 1 5 5 1 , i2mo. Quintilian. Oxon. 1693, 4to. Salluft. Lugd. 1665, 8vo. and Cantab. 1679, i2mo. Seneca? Opera. Par. 1607, in 2 vols, folio. Sophocles, Brunckii. 1808. Statius. Par. 16 18, in 2 vols. 4to. Tacitus, Ryckii. Dublin, 1730, in 3 vols. 4to. Terentius, Erafmi. Par. 1541, 4to. and Bentleii, Cantab. 1726, 4to. Theocritus, Bion, and Mofchus. Lugd. 1781, 4to. Thucydides, Hudfoni. Oxonii, 1696, folio, and Glafguas, 1759, 8 vols, in 4, quarto. Tibullus. Amft. 1708, 4to. Valerius Maximus. Plantin, 1574, i2mo. Valerius Flaccus. Amft. 1680, i2mo. Velleius Paterculus. Oxon. 1693, ,8vo. Vegetius de re Militari. 1592, 4to. Virgilius. Delphini, 1695, and Heynii, 1767, in 4 octavo volumes. Xenophontis Cyropaedia, 1765, 8vo. and Anabaiis Hutchinfoni. Cantab. 1785, 8vo. The Etymological Works which met my obferva- tion were, the Englifh and Welfh Dictionary, printed 342 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. at Shrewsbury in 1737, i2mo. ; Bailey's Etymological Dictionary; Buxtorf's Chaldaic Lexicon; Calvin's Lexicon ; Elftob's Englifh and Saxon Grammar ; Er- nefti Lexicon ; Fabri Thefaurus ; Grant's Lexicon ; Harris' Hermes, and Philological Enquiries ; Hefy- chii Lexicon ; Hederici Lexicon ; Hickes' Lingua- rum Septentrionalium Thefaurus, with Wotton's Con- fpectus ; Hoogeveen de Particulis Grascis ; Junii Ety- mologicum Anglicanum, a Lye, 1743, folio; Chap- pelow's Arabic Grammar ; Lamberti Bos Ellipfes ; Johnfon's Englifh Dictionary ; Dammii Lexicon Ho- mericum et Pindaricum ; Minmew's Dictionary ; Parkhurfl's Hebrew Lexicon ; Robertfon's Thefaurus Lingua? Grascas, and Hebrew Grammar ; Ruddiman's Latin Grammar ; Schrevelii Lexicon, by Hill ; Spel- man's Gloffarium Archa^ologicum ; Suidas Lexicon Graecum, Bafileas, 1 544, folio ; and Graece et Latine, Kufteri, Cantab. 1705, in 3 volumes, folio; Somneri Dictionarium Saxonico-Latinum, 1659, folio; Valpy's and the Port Royal Greek Grammar ; Vigerus de Idio- tifmis and Laurentius Valla de Lingua Latina, Cantab. 1688, i2mo. The Heraldic Works in this Collection confift of The Baronetage of England, by Kimber. Betham's Genealogies, 1795, folio. Blome's Heraldry, 1684, i2mo. Clarke's Heraldry, 1794, i2mo. Collins' Peerage, 1768, in 7 vols. 8vo. Dugdale's Ufage of Arms, 1682, i2mo. Edmondfon's Heraldry, 1780, in 2 folio volumes. Guillim's Heraldry, 1660, folio. Sandford's Genealogical Hiftory, 1677, folio. Selden's Titles of Honour, 1672, folio. NORWICH. 343 Porney's Heraldry, 1795, 8vo. The Bibliographical department includes fifty-three volumes of the Acta Eruditorum ; the Bibliographical Dictionary ; the Bibliotheca Britannica of Watts ; the Bibliotheca Reediana ; the Hiftory of Philofophy, by Stanley, 1656, folio; the Bibliotheque Ancienne et Moderne, Amft. 1714, in 28 vols. i2mo. ; the Hif- tory of Englim Poetry, by Warton, 1775, 3 vols. 4to. ; Blount's Cenfura Literaria ; Bruckeri Hiftoria Critica Philofophia? ; the Royal and Noble Authors of Wal- pole; Catalogus MSS. CC.C. Cant. 1722, folio; Ca- talogus Bibliotheca? Bodleiana?, Oxon. 1674, folio ; Cave's Hiftoria Literaria ; Dibdin's Introduction to the Claffics ; Fabricii Bibliotheca Graeca et Latina ; Hartf- horne's Book Rarities of Cambridge ; Lewis' Tranf- lations of the Bible, 1739, 8vo., and Life of Caxton ; Leland, de Scriptoribus Britannicis, 1709, 2 vols. 8vo. ; Memoirs of Literature, 1722, in 8 vols. 8vo.; Nichol- fon's Englifh Hiftorical Library ; Hearne's Ductor Hiftoricus ; Renouard's Hiftorie de l'lmprimerie des Aides; and Wood's Athenas Oxonienfes, 1721, in two volumes, folio. The Chronological Works in this Library include Baker's Chronology, 1726, folio ; Brady's Clavis Ca- lendaria ; Marfhall's Chronological Tables, Oxford, 171 2, folio; Newton's Chronology; Scaliger de emendatione temporum, Genevas, 1594 & 1620, in 2 vols, folio ; Trufler's Chronology ; and UlTerii Chronologia Sacra, Oxon. 1660, 4to. The Geographical Works coniift of the Atlas Geo- graphicus, 171 1, in 4 vols. 4to. ; The Thefaurus Geographicus, 1695, folio; Brookes's Gazetteer; Cel- larii et Cluvierii Geographia Antiqua ; D'Anville's 344 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Ancient Geography ; Dionyiius de fitu Orbis ; Guth- rie's Geographical Grammar ; Hexham's Atlas ; Mi- chaelis Geograph. Hebr. Gotten. 1769, 4to.; Michel's Geography of France ; Morfe's American Geography; Adams' Geographical and Historical Summary, 1797, 8vo. ; Mercator's Atlas, Amft. 1638, in 2 folio vo- lumes ; Wells' Geography ; and Falconer's Strabo, 1807, 2 vols, folio. I may here alfo mention the Voyages and Travels, confirming of Browne's Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, 1779, 4to. ; Chandler's Travels, 1779, 4to. ; Chardin's Travels, 1686, folio; Keyfler's Travels; Denon's Egypt, 1803, 4to. ; Montfaucon's Travels through Italy; Moritz's Travels in England; Nie- buhr's Travels in Arabia ; Sparmann's Cape of Good Hope, Perth, 1789, in 2 octavo volumes ; Maundrell's Journey to Jerufalem, 1707, 8vo. ; Sharpe's Voyage to the South Sea, 1684, 8vo. ; Shaw's Travels, 1757, 4to. ; Tavernier's Travels in Turkey, 1684, folio; and Wheler's Journey into Greece, 1682, folio. The Scientific Works in this Collection embrace many fubjects, but few Works of importance. Thofe I noticed were Bacon's Novum Organum ; Bartholini Anatomia ; Philofophia Naturalis ; Blumenbach In- ftitutiones Phyfiologicas, &c. ; Boerhaave's Virtue of Medicine ; Boyle's Experiments on Air ; Burnet and Whifton's Theories of the Earth ; Clare's Motion of Fluids ; Cullen's Phylic ; Euclid, by Simpfon ; Fergu- fon's, Gordon's, and Keil's Treatifes upon Aftronomy ; Fourcroy and Freind's Chemical Works ; GarTendi In- ftitutiones Aftronomica?, &c. ; Harris's Aftronomical Dialogues ; Haller's Phyfiology ; Keil's Anatomy ; Kerfey's Algebra ; Kirby and Spence's Introduction to NORWICH. 345 Entomology; Haggitt, Milner, and Whittington on Gothic Architecture ; Ozanam's Mathematics ; Quin- cey and Salmon's Pharmacopeia ; Reeve on the Torpi- dity of Animals ; Riolani Anatomia ; Rickman on Architecture ; Rion's Grecian Architecture ; Smith's Introduction to Botany; Tauvry's Anatomy; Verlingii Anatomia; Wilkins's Vitruvius ; Willis's Anatomia Cerebri ; and Withering on the Fox Glove. Among the Mifcellaneous Volumes depofited upon thefe fhelves, I obferved the Antiquarian Difcourfes ; the Voyage of Anacharlis ; Arbuthnot on Ancient Coins ; Nummi Britannici Hiftoria, 1626, 8vo. ; Fleetwood's Chronicon Preciofum ; Numifmata Imperatorum Ro- manorum, Milan, 1683, folio; Pinkerton on Medals; Atkinfon on Navigation ; Blackwall's Claffics ; Boch- art's Hierozoicon; Bofwell's Life of Johnfon; Sir Tho- mas Browne's Pofthumous Works, 171 2, 8vo. ; Bry- ant's Plagues of Egypt ; Buchanani Poemata ; Calli- graphia Grasca, Lond. 1 807, folio ; Charles the Firft's Works, London, 1 662, in two volumes, folio ; Clarke's Greek Marbles, and Tomb of Alexander ; Dawes, Mifcellanea Critica ; De Pauw, Recherches Philofo- phiques ; Defgarde's Buildings of Rome ; Diderot's Theatre ; Digges' Compleat AmbafTador ; Gilda? Epiftola?; Godfrey of Boulogne, by Fairfax, 1624, folio ; Gunn's Manner of Military Array ; Holmes's Art of Rhetoric ; Landmann on Fortification ; Mat- thias, Canzone Tofcane ; Montaigne's ErTays ; Mon- boddo's Ancient Metaphyfics ; Montefquieu's Works ; the Mufas Cantabrigienfes ; Opie's Lectures on Paint- ing ; Offian's Poems by Macpherfon ; Parival's Iron Age ; Palmerin of England, 1 807, in four vols. 1 2mo. ; Pinkerton on the Goths ; Porfon's Letter to Travis ; 346 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Rawlinfon on Hiftory ; the Republic of Letters, Glaf- gow, 1728, in 17 vols. i2mo. ; Rouffeau's Works; the Spectator; Suckling's Works; Sydenhami Opera; Temple's Letters, &c. ; Voffii Opera ; Wilfon's Orna- ments of Churches; Windham's Speeches; and Wright's Help to Hiflory. The Law Books in this Library comprehend Blount's, Cowell's and Jacob's Law Dictionary ; Burn's Juftice of the Peace, and Ecclefiaftical Laws ; Burlamaqui's Principles of Natural Laws ; Coke's Inftitutes, Lon- don, 1684, in three folio volumes; Corpus Juris Ci- vilis, 1663, folio; Corpus Juris Canonici, 1618, in three folio volumes ; Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium ; Fortefcue de Laudibus Legum Anglian ; Ryley's Pla- cita Parliamentaria; Shaw's Juftice, and Parifli Laws; Spencer de Legibus Hebraeorum, Cantab. 1727, in two folio volumes ; and Wilkins' Saxon Laws, 172 1, folio. In Englifh Literature this Library may boaft of the portion relating to the Arms and Blazon of the Reprint of the Book of St. Albans, published by Wynkyn de Worde at London in 1496, 4to. ; of the Workes of our ancient and lerned Englifh Poet, Geffrey Chau- cer, newly-printed, Londini, impenfis Georgii Bifhop, anno 1597-8, folio, in the rude black letter of Adam Iflip ; and of the Pylgrimage of Perfection, London, 1526, 8vo. alfo in the Gothic character. This Library contains the works of Armftrong, Beat- tie, Bloomfield, Bowles, Dryden, Gay, Addifon, Ba- con, Berkeley, ,Bolingbroke, Boyle, Browne, Butler, Burke, Collins, Cowley, Evelyn, Gray, Harris, Hobbes, Johnfon, Locke, Marvel, Mafon, Milton, Newton, Pope, Prieftley, Prior, Scott, Sterne, Tem- ple, Thomfon, Young, and Warton. NORWICH. 347 I alfo remarked GifTord's Baviad and Maviad ; Hales' Golden Remains ; Herbert's Temple ; John- fon's Lives of the Poets ; Glover's Leonidas ; the Rol- liad ; Harington's Mufze Antique ; the Afiatic Re- fearches ; Hartley on Man ; Headley's Beauties of Ancient Englim Poetry; Heron's Letters of Litera- ture ; Hearne's Ductor Hiftoricus ; Ben Jonfon's Works, 1640, in two folio volumes; Thomas Mori Opera Omnia, Lond. 1675, in three vols, folio; the Purfuits of Literature, with a tranflation of the Quota- tions, 1799, 8vo. ; Relics of Ancient Poetry, 1794, in three volumes, 8vo. ; Richardfon's Analyfis of Shakefpeare, 1739, in three vols. 8vo. ; Thurlow's Poems, 181 1, 4to.; Tooke's Diverfions of Purley ; Walton's Lives ; and Spenfer's Faerie Queen, Lon- don, 1 75 1, in three vols. 4to. In this unpretending yet ufeful Collection, which the mere bibliomaniac may pafs by with difdain, the general reader will find much both of intereft and in- ftruction in the feveral departments to which I have endeavoured to direct his attention. I ought not indeed to clofe this curfory review of the Norwich Cathedral Library without beftowing the tribute fo juftly due to the inftance it affords of laudable attention to the prefervation of conventual volumes, neither diftinguifhed by excerTive rarity nor remarkable for uncommon worth. 348 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 3Ubrarp of Cijrtft Cljurci), £>;cforD. HIS Collection confifts of an ancient Theological Library in the Cloifters, under the peculiar care of the Regius ProfeiTor of Divinity, and of a more extenfive and mifcellaneous Library depofited in a fuitable building in Peckwater, and acceffible, under certain regulations, to the members of the College. The chief features of this Library will be beft underftood by the following detail of its contents. The department of Theology is of confiderable value, containing the Works of Athanafius, Auguftine, Ambrofe, Anfelm, Bafil, Clement of Alexandria, Chryfoftom, Cyprian, Cyril, Jerome, Irenasus, Tho- mas Aquinas, and other Schoolmen : the Works of Allix, Andrewes, Atterbury, Baxter, Benfon, Bent- ley, Balguy, Ball, Barlow, Bellarmine, Bernard, Beve- ridge, Beaufobre, Bancroft, Barnes, Blondell, BofTuet, Bragge, Bramhall, Brett, Bucer, Bull, Barrow, Bates, Bennet, BifTe, Calamy, Calafius, Calixtus, Calvin, Ca- merarius, Campanella, Capellin, Carleton, Cartwright, Cafaubon, CafTander, Caffianus, Caffiodorus, Chilling- worth, Clarke, Clagett, Cockburn, Comber, Coney- CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 349 beare, Corbet, Cheney, Chandler, Colin, Cranmer, Cudworth, Cumberland, Chiffletius, Chytraeus, Cor- derius, Claude, Coverdale, CrorTet, Dallaeus, Damaf- cenus, Damafus Papa, Damiavius, D'artis, Delany, Dodwell, Doddridge, Donne, Dorington, Drelincourt, Du Moulin, Davifon, Dawfon, Durell, Edwards, Epi- phanius, Erafmus, Eufebius, Eutychus, Faber, Fene- lon, Fergufon, Fiddes, Field, Fifher, Fleetwood, Fleury, Fletcher, Fontenelle, Ford, Gardiner, Gaftrell, Gata- ker, Gregory Nazianzen, Gregory NyfTen, Gregory the Great, Geddes, Gerfon, Fulgentius, Franck, Gual- ther, Hale, Hall, Hammond, Hare, Harmer, Hay, Herbert, Heylin, Hickes, Hickman, Hill, Hoadley, Hody, Hofpinianus, Hoornbeek, Hopkins, Home, Horfley, Hottinger, Houbigant, Huet, Hulfius, Hunt, Hurd, Hutchinfon, Hyperius, Ignatius, Innocent IV., Jackfon, Janfenius, Jenkins, Soame Jenyns, Jewel, Jortin, Jurien, Juflin Martyr, Thomas a Kempis, White Kennett, Ken, Kennicott, Kettlewell, King, Knatchbull, Knight, Labbe, Lactantius, Lake, Lan- franc, Lardner, Larroque, Latimer, Laud, Launoyier, Laurentius, Law, Lawfon, Leighton, Leigh, Leland, Leflie, L'Eftrange, Leufden, Lewis, Lightfoot, Long, Lorimer, Lowth, Lubinus, Lucas, Luther, Mabillon, Macarius, Macknight, Mackenzie, Magee, Maim- bourg, Maimonides, Malebranche, Marfhall, Martin, Mede, Melan&hon, Merrick, Mefue, Methodius, Mi- chaelis, Miller, More, Morinus, Mornay, Nares, Nel- fon, Newcome, Nolan, Norris, Newell, Nye,CEcolam- padius, Optatus, Origen, Orofius, Ofborn, Oforius, Oftervald, Owen, Outram, Paley, Pallavicinus, Par- ker, Pafcal, Patrick, Pearfon, Peirce, Penn, Peter Martyr, Philo Judaeus, Pictet, Pierce, Pococke, Car- 350 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. dinal Pole, Porteus, Potter, Powell, Prideaux, Proco- pius, Randolph, Relandus, Reynolds, Ridley, Rivetus, Richelieu, Rogers, Rollocus, Rufinus, Sacheverell, St. Evremond, St. Real, St. Victor, Salmafius, San- chez, Sancroft, Sandtius, Sanderus, Sanderfon, Sandius, Sandys, Saunders, Saurin, Shickard, Schultens, Scul- tetus, Scott, Seeker, Sharp, Sheringham, Sherlock, Shipley, Simon, Smalridge, Smith, South, Spanheim, Stackhoufe, StarTorde, Stanhope, Stapleton, Stebbing, Stillingrleet, Sykes, Sulpicius, Synefius, Jeremy Tay- lor, Tertullian, Themiftius, Theodoret, Theophyladt, Thomafius, Thorndike, Tillotfon, Toland, Tomline, Toplady, Toftatus, Toulmin, Townfon, Trapp, Tucker, Turner, Turretinus, Twifden, Tyndall, Ugo, Ufher, Vandale, Vitringa, Vofiius, Vorftius, Wake, Wakefield, Walker, Wall, Warburton, Ward, Water- land, Watfon, Wells, Whifton, Whitaker, Whitby, White, Whitfield, Whitgift, Wilkins, Willet, Wil- liams, Wilfon, Wife, Wollafton, Wolfeley, Woodford, Woodhoufe, Woodward, Zanchius, Ziegler, Zimmer- man, Zuinglius, and Zwinger. I alfo noticed Cave's edition of the Fathers; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity ; Limborch, Theologia Chriftiana; Ifidori Hifpalenfis ; and Leonis Magni Opera ; the Works of Bede, Julian, and Jofephus. The Englifh Verfions of the Bible comprife thofe by Field, Whitchurch, Jugge, Barker, and Wilfon ; Walton's Polyglott ; feveral Hebrew, Greek, and La- tin Bibles ; Luther's German Bible, printed at Wit- tenberg in 1557; Biblia Polonica of 1563; the Bo- hemian, Spanifh, Italian, French, Hungarian, and Arabic Tranflations ; the Doway Bible; Pentateuchus Hebraicus ; Grave's Pentateuch ; Grabe's Septuagint ; CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 351 Codex Bezae; Wiclif's New Teftament ; and Evangelia Gothica. There are feveral Books of Common Prayer, Rituals, and Offices of the Church, Greek and Latin Teftaments of Edward VI. 1552, &c, Pfalms, Cate- chifms, Decretals, Breviaries, MifTale in ufum Sarum, Liturgies, and Homilies, alfo Durandi Rationale Divi- norum Officiorum ; Thefaurus Sacrorum Rituum ; Sparrow's Rationale of Common Prayer ; and Wheat- ley on Common Prayer. The Works relating to Ecclefiaftical Hiftory include Bede's Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica ; Baronii Annales Eccle- fiaftici ; Bingham's Origines & Antiquitates ; Brandt, Burnet, and Soames' Reformation ; Calderwood and Cook's Church of Scotland ; Carwithen's Church of England ; Echard and Collier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Rolandus and Benedict, Acta Sanctorum; Concilia Generalia Trident. ; Dupin's Hiftory of the Church ; Dod's Church Hiftory ; Fox's Acts and Martyrs ; Godwin's Bifhops ; Harpsfeldt Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica ; Inett's Origines Anglicana? ; L'Enfant Concilia, Conftance ; Leti's Lives of the Popes ; Creny's Church Hiftory of Brittany ; Gallia Chrif- tiana ; Monafticon Anglicanum & Hibernicanum ; Mofheim's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Schotani Bibl. Hift. Sacrae; Sixti Bibl. Sanctorum ; Socrates, Hiftoria Ec- clefiaftica ; Southey's Book of the Church ; Spondani Annales Ecclef. ; Strype's Memorials, Annals, and Lives ; Neuftria Pia ; Le Cointe, Annales Eccleli- aftici Francorum ; Symfon's Church Hiftory ; Sarpi, Council of Trent ; Tillemont, Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica; Parker and Ufher's Ecclefias Britannicas Antiquitates, and other Works ; Capgrave's Legenda Anglias ; Wharton's Anglia Sacra ; Knox, Wodrow, and Spot- 352 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. tifwoode's Church of Scotland ; Le Neve Fafti An- glicani ; Sleidan's Reformation of Scotland ; Short's Church of England ; Saliani Annales Eccleiiaftici ; SaufTay' Martyrum Gallia?; Wordfworth's Ecclefiaftical Biography; E&on's Thefaurus ; Liber Valorum ; and Warner's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of England. In connection with Theology may be mentioned the Bampton Le&ures ; Bafnage's Hiftory of the Jews ; Bibliotheca Patrum and Fratrum Polonorum ; Ugolini Thefaurus Antiquitatum Sacrarum ; Blair's Sermons ; Ciaconi, Vita? Pontificum Romanorum, 1 677, 4 vols, folio; Cotelerii Patres Apoftolici ; Crantz' Moravians ; Dupin Bibliotheque des Auteurs Eccle- fiaftiques ; Pole's Council of Trent ; Anaftafii Vita? Romanorum Pontificum ; Reyneri Apoftolatus Bene- dictinorum in Anglia ; Elftob's Homilies ; Hyde, Re- ligio Veterum Perfarum ; Kircher, CEdipus Egyptia- cus ; the Legenda Aurea ; Lyndewoode, Provincial ; Newman, Cruden, and Schmid's Concordances; Schoen- mann Bibliotheca Patrum Latinorum ; Pole's Synopfis; Brooke and Neal's Puritans; Sewell's Quakers; Sui- ceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticus ; Synge's Gentleman's Religion ; Mafon on Self-knowledge ; Walchii Bib- liotheca Theologica ; and the Whole Duty of Man. The Clamcal department of this Library embraces various editions of Greek and Latin authors, more remarkable for ufefulnefs than for rarity. Among the earlier editions may be noticed Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis, Parma?, 1476, folio; and the Al- dine editions of Ariftophanes, 1498, folio; Ariftotle, 1498, folio; Cicero, 1512-54, in 10 volumes, 8vo. ; Demofthenes, 1504, folio; Euripides, 1503; Homer, 1 52 1 ; Horace, Ifocrates, 1534 ; Rhetoris Graeci, 1 5 1 3 ; CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 353 Sophocles, 1502; Strabo Geographia, 1516, folio; and Lafcaris Grammatica Graca. To thefe may be added the Junta Cicero of 1537 ; the Xenophon of 1 5 1 6, folio ; and the Ariftides of 1 5 17, folio ; the Roman edition of Euftathius of 1 549 ; the Appian of 1551 ; the Bafle editions of Diodorus Siculus, and of Diogenes Laertius, 1533; Diofcorides, 1529; Hippocrates, 1538, and Plutarch, 1533; the Poets Grasci Principes of Stephens ; Dionyfius Hali- carnarTenfis of 1 546 ; Dionyfius Alexandrinus, 1 547 ; Dion Caffius, 1 548 ; Herodian, 1 544 ; and Horace from the Parilian prefs. There are alfo various editions of the Works of Achilles Tatius, iEgidius Romanus, iElian, iEmilius Paulus, iEfchenes, Demofthenes, Agapetus, iEfchylus, iEfop, Alciatus, Anacreon, M. Antoninus, Apicius, Apollodorus, Apollonius Rhodius Alexandrinus, Apu- leius, Aratus, Ariflenetus, Arrian, Athenasus, Aulus Gellius, Archimedes, Aufonius, Aurelius, Bion and Mofchus, Caefar, Callimachus, Catullus, Cebes, Cella- rius, Celfus, Cenforinus, Cauffinus, Cicero Oliveti, and the feparate Works of the latter author. Add to thefe, editions of Claudian, Cornelius Ne- pos, Quintus Curtius, Dictys Cretenfis, Dares Phry- gius, Epictetus, Florus, Galen, Harpocration, Hie- rocles, Horace, Iamblichus, Juftin, Lyfias, Juvenal, Perfius, Lyfias, Longinus, Lycophron, Lucan, Lucian, Lucretius, Macrobius, Martial, Manilius, Nonius Marcellus, Maximus Tyrius, Pomponius Mela, Minu- cius Felix, Cornelius Nepos, Ovid, Oppian, Velleius Paterculus, Paufanias, Petronius Arbiter, Phasdrus, Pindar, Plato, Plautus, Plotinus, Politian, Polybius, Pomponius Mela, Prifcian, Prudentius, Qmntilian, Sal- A A 354 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. luft, Sidonius, Silius Italicus, Statius, Suetonius ./Eneas Sylvius, Tacitus, Terence, Theocritus, Theophraftus, Thucydides, Tibullus, Valerius Flaccus, Virgil, and Valerius Maximus. I may here notice the valuable editions of the Lexi- con of Suidas, the Enchiridion of Hephasftion ; the Poetas Minores Grasci; and of Stotxeus, by Dr. Gaif- ford, the prefent Dean of Chrift Church; the Rei Ruftica? Scriptores, 1529; Oratores Attici ; Seneca's Tragedies of 1563, and his Works by Lipfius, 1573 ; the Commentaries of Alexander, Ammonius, Simpli- cius, and Porphyrius upon Ariftotle ; Cato de Re Ruf- tica; Euclid, Venet. 1508; Heliodorus, 1534; Wef- feltng's Herodotus ; Hefiod, Ven. 1537, and by Robin- fon ; Clarke's Homer ; Galeni Opera, Paris. 1679, in 9 folio volumes ; Hiftorias Augufbe Scriptores ; Julius Pollux; Drakenborch's Livy; Libanii Orationes; Panegyrici Veteres; Photii Bibliotheca & Epiftola?; Ptolomaei Geographia; Sapphus Wolfii; Stephanus Byzantinus de Urbibus ; Stradas Prolufiones ; and Solini Polyhiftor. The Grammatical Works include thofe of Aldus Manutius, Clenard, Voffius, and Turfellinus ; Laur. Valla de Lingua Latina; Stephani Thefaurus; Lumf- den's Perfian Grammar ; Lennep, Etymologicum Gras- cum ; the Etymologicum Magnum of 1 549 ; Carpen- tier's GlofTary ; Du Frefne's GlofTary ; Skinner's Ety- mologicum Anglicanum. The Dictionaries include thofe of Calepinus, Caftell, Johnfon, Littleton, and various Greek, Latin, German, French, Gaelic, Spanifh, Italian, Perfian, and Ruffian Dictionaries ; the Lexicons of Buxtorf, Facciolatus, Hefychius, Pagninus, Scapula, and Zonoras ; Boyer's CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 355 French Dictionary; Dymot's Tartar Dictionary ; Bul- let's Celtic Dictionary; Cafiri Bibliotheca Arabico- Hifpana ; Canes' Dictionarium Efpano-Arabicum ; De Caftro Bibliotheca Efpanola ; D'Herbelot Bibliotheque Orientale; Hickes' Thefaurus and Saxon Grammar; Ihre GlofTarium Saxonicum ; Jamiefon's Scottifh Dic- tionary ; Lye's Saxon Dictionary; Meninfki Lexicon Orientale; O'Reilly's Irifh Dictionary; Richardfon's Perfian Dictionary ; Ruffian Dictionary, in 6 vols. 4to. 1789; Schaaf Lexicon Syriacum ; Schroeder Biblio- theca Armenica ; Schneider's German Dictionary ; Scholtz Lexicon Egyptiacum ; Somner's Dictionarium Anglo - Saxonicum ; Spelman's GlorTary; Walter's Welfh Dictionary ; Wachter's German GlorTary ; Schleufner's Lexicon of the Old and New Teftaments. The Works illuftrative of Englim Hiftory are both numerous and important, comprifing the Domefday Book ; Gale and Fell's Collection of Englim Hifto- rians ; Fofbrooke's Britifh Monachifm ; Gibfon's Saxon Chronicle ; a fine fet of Hearne's Works, on large paper ; Ethelwerdi Chronicon ; Anderfon's Mary Queen of Scots ; Rerum Anglicanarum Scriptores port Bedam ; Adolphus' Hiftory of England ; Baker's Eng- lifh Chronicle; Bale, Scriptores Britannici, 1559; Bale's Chronycle ; Brady's Englim Hiftory ; Buck's Richard III. ; Boetii Hiftoria Scotorum ; Burleigh's State Papers ; Burnet's Own Time ; Carte's Hiftory of England ; Chamberlayne's Great Britain ; Churchill's Divi Britannici ; Clanricarde's Memoirs ; Clarendon's Rebellion and State Papers ; Cobbett's Parliamentary Hiftory and Debates ; Cox's Hiftorical Works, Life of Marlborough, &c. ; Cox's Ireland ; Cooper's Chroni- cle ; Daniel's Hiftories of England and France; De- 356 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. lolme's Englifh Conftitution ; Dodridge's Wales ; Drayton's Polyolbion ; Dalrymple's Scotland; a fet of Dugdale's Works ; Eadmer, Hiftoria Novorum ; Echard's Hiftory of England ; Enderbie's Cambria Triumphans ; Oldmixon's England ; Evelyn's Me- moirs ; Fox's James I. ; Bouquet and Brial Recueil des Hiftoriens du Gaules ; Godwin's Commonwealth ; Cavendifh, Fiddes', and Grove's Lives of Wolfey ; Grafton's Chronicle; Guthrey's Charles L; Habington's Edward IV. ; Hacket's Life of Archbifhop Williams ; Hall's Chronicle; Hallam's Conftitutional Hiftory; the Harleian Mifcellany ; Hay ward's Lives ; Heath's Chronicle of the Civil Wars ; Henry's Hiftory of Great Britain; Holland's Heroologia; Higden's Polychroni- con ; Holinfhed's Chronicle ; Horfley's Britannia Ro- mana; Hoveden's Annales ; Howell's State Trials; Hume's Hiftory of England ; Life of Colonel Hutch- infon; Innes' Scotland; Jefrreyof Monmouth's Hiftory; Keating's Ireland ; King's Munimenta Antiqua ; Kip- pis' Biographia Britannica ; Jeffrey of Monmouth, and Richard of Cirencefter ; Leflaeus de Origine Scotorum ; Lhuyd, Archasologia Britannica ; Lingard's Hiftory of England ; Ludlow's Memoirs ; Madox's Formulare Anglicanum ; Hiftory of the Exchequer and Baronia Anglicana ; Macpherfon's Original Papers ; Chronicon de Mailros ; Major Hiftoria Britonum, Jebb, de Vita et Geftis Maria? Reginae Scotorum; Martin's Chronicles ; May's Hiftory of the Long Parliament ; Nalfon's Collections ; Nauntons' Fragmenta Regalia ; Nennius, Hiftoria Britonum; Nicolfon's Englifh, Irifh, and Scotch Hiftorical Libraries ; Oclandi, Anglorum Praslia ; O'Conor, Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores ; Ogilby's Britannia; Orford's Memoirs; Memoirs of CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 357 the Duke of Ormonde; Pepys' Memoirs ; Polydori Virgilii Hiftoria Anglicana ; Powel's Wales ; Prynne's Records, 3 vols. ; Ralph, Rapin, and Tindal's Hif- tory of England ; Rufh worth's Hiftorical Collections ; Rymer's Fcedera, 20 vols, folio; State Trials and Papers; Sammes' Britannia Illuftrata; Sanderfon's Lives ; Sandford's Genealogical Hiftory of England ; Slezer, Theatrum Scotia? ; Scott's Hiftory of Scotland, 1727; Sheringham, de Origine Gentis Anglorum; Sibbald, Scotia Illuftrata ; Smith, de Republica Angli- cana ; Somers' Traces ; Sparkes' Hiftoria? Anglianas Scriptores ; Speed's Chronicle and Hiftory of Great Britain ; Spelman's Concilia and Life of Alfred ; Sprigge's England's Recovery ; Stoddart's Scotland ; Stowe's Chronicle; StrarTorde's Letters and Hibernia Pacata; Stuart's Scotland; Stukeley's Itinerarium Cu- riofum ; Tanner's Bibliotheca Britannico Hibernica ; Thorefby's Diary; Thurloe's State Papers; Triveti Annales; Turner's Hiftory of England; Twyfden's Hif- toriae Anglicans Scriptores; Verftegan's Reftitution of decayed Intelligence refpecling Englifh Antiquities; White, of Bafingftoke, Hiftory of Britain; Walpole and Waldegrave's Memoirs ; Ware's Ireland and Scriptores Hibernicanas ; Warwick's Charles I. ; Wilfon's James I. ; Wynne's Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins ; William of Malmefbury's Hiftory; and Winwood's Memorials. The Topographical Works moft deferving of enu- meration are, Adams' Index Villaris ; the Archaeolo- gia; Ayliffe's Oxford; Baker's and Bridge's Northamp- ton (hire ; Battely's Antiquitates Rutupinas ; Bentham's Ely; Borlafe's Cornwall; Bray and Manning's Sur- rey ; Britton's Oxford Cathedral ; Burton's Leicefter- fhire ; Camden's Britannia ; Campbell's Vitruvius 358 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Britannicus ; Carew and Gilbert's Cornwall ; Carlifle's endowed Grammar Schools ; Chalmers' Caledonia ; Charleton and Jones's Stonehenge ; Chauncey's Hert- fordfhire ; Clarke's Hundred of Wanting ; Coates' Reading ; Cokers' Dorfet ; Collinfon's Somerfetfhire ; Cordiners' Views in Scotland ; Dalrymple's Scotland ; Dart's Canterbury Cathedral and Weftminfter Abbey ; Drake's York ; Duncombe's Hereford ; Gunton's Pe- terborough ; Halfpenny's Fragmenta Vetufta ; Harris and Hafted's Kent ; Hoare's Wiltfhire ; Howel's Londinopolis ; Izaackes and Oliver's Exeter; P. Jovii Defcriptio Britannia? ; Kennett's Parochial Antiquities and Roman Remains ; King's Vale Royal ; Lewis' Ifle of Thanet; Leycefler's Chefhire; Lodge's Illustrations; Loggan, Oxonia et Cantabrigia Illuftrata ; Lyfons' Magna Britannia, and Environs of London ; Mailer's Corpus Chrifti College, Cambridge; Milner's Win- chefter ; Morant's EfTex ; Morton's Northamptonshire ; Nam's Worcefterfhire ; Newcourt's Repertorium ; Ormerod's Chefhire; Pennant's Works; Plot's Ox- fordshire and Staffordshire ; Raftall's Southwell ; Rocque's Survey of London; Salmon's Hertfordfhire ;' Seymour's London ; Shaw's Staffordshire ; Smeaton's Eddyftone Lighthoufe ; Somner's Canterbury and Ro- man Ports ; Suttees' Durham ; Tanner's Notitia MonafUca; Thoroton's Nottinghamfhire ; Wallace's Orkney; JEdes Walpoliana ; Warner's Glaflonbury ; Whitaker's Leeds ; Williams' Oxonia Depicta; Willis' Mitred Abbies and Cathedral Churches ; and Wood's Antiquities of Oxford. Of the Works on General Hiftory it may fuffice to mention Bayle and Chaufepie's Dictionary ; the Ancient and Modern Univerfal Hiftory ; Ellis and Du CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 359 Halde's China; D'OhiTon's Empire Othman; By- zantine Historians ; Cramer's Greece, Italy, and Afia Minor; Biographie Univerfelle ; Connor's Poland; Cox's Auftria; Craven's Naples; Crevier's Roman Empire; De Bry, India Occident et Orient; De la Vega, Hiftoria Efpanola ; Du Chefne, Hiftoria Fran- corum; Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; Gillies's Greece; Giannoni's Hiftory of Naples ; Gratian, Hiftoria Veneta ; Grimftone's Ne- therlands ; Gualteri Chronicon ; Guicciardini Storia d'ltalia ; Guizot's Hiftory of France ; Hallam's Mid- dle Ages, and Literature of Europe ; Hooke's Roman Hiftory; Hugo's Siege of Breda; Muratori Rerum Italicarum Scriptores ; Hungaricarum Rerum Scrip- tores ; Ginguene, Hiftorie Litteraire d'ltalie ; Hifpana- rum Rerum Scriptores ; Hiftorical Regifter ; P. Jovii Leonis X. Vita; Kasmpfer's Japan; Koch's Revolutions of Europe; Kollarii Monumenta Vindobonenlia ; Lin- denbrogii Scriptores Germanici ; Leake's Athens, Afia Minor, and the Morea ; Inghirami Monumenta Etruf- ca ; Hughes' Barbadoes ; MarTei's Verona Illuftrata ; Malcolm's Periia ; Malta Illuftrated ; Mariana's Spain; Mayer's Ottoman Empire; Meibomii Rerum Germa- nicarum Scriptores ; Mezeray's Hiftory of France ; Memoirs of the Hiftory of France ; Mitford's Greece ; Moreri, Di&ionnaire Hiftorique ; Muratori, Annales Rerum Italicarum ; Niebuhr's Rome ; Norden's Egypt ; Ockley's Saracens ; Orme's Indoftan ; Pafh- ley's Crete ; Percival's Ceylon ; Planta's Helvetic Confederacy ; Poggio, Hiftoria Fiorentina ; Poloni Chronicon ; Putter's Germanic Empire ; Ralegh's Hiftory of the World ; Rankes' Lives of the Popes ; Robertfon's Works ; Rollin's Roman Hiftory ; Rof- 360 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. iini Antiquitates Romanas ; Rofcoe's Lorenzo di Me- dici; Rycaut's Ottoman Empire, and Lives of the Popes; Salifburieniis Monafterii Chronicon; Sallengre, Thefaurus Antiquitatum Romanorum ; Sandoval's Wars of Spain ; Sarpi, Hiftoria Veneta ; Savage's Germany ; Savary's Egypt ; Saxonis Hiftoria Danica ; Scheffer's Lapland ; Schilter, Thefaurus Antiquitatum Teutonicarum ; Scriverii Antiquitates Germanics ; Shaw's Barbary; Shirley's Perfia; Sigonii Hiftoria Italica; Memoires.de St. Simon; Sifmondi's Italian Republics, and Literature of Europe; Staunton's China; Stevens' Spain and Bavaria; Sully's Memoirs; De Thou's Memoirs ; Tornielli Annales ; Trithemii Opera Hiftorica ; Triveti Annales, the Ancient and Modern Univerfal Hiftory ; Varillais' Hiftorical Works ; Ver- tot's Revolutions of Europe ; Wanley's Wonders of the Little World ; Warcupp's Italy ; Warren's Surinam ; Wentworth's Auftralafia ; Wilkinfon's Egypt ; Wil- fon's Egypt ; Wood's Palmyra ; and Wormii Monu- menta Danica. While on this fubject, I may notice the Voyage d'Anarcharfe ; Harris' Voyages ; Churchill's Voyages ; the Voyages of Anfon, Cooke, Dampier, Drake, Hak- luyt, Hacke, Pallas, Parry, Peroufe, Rofs, Spon and Wheler, Tavernier, Thevenot, Tournefort, and Van- couver ; the Travels of Bruce, Lord Herbert of Cher- bury, Sandys, Sonnini, Volney, Weld, Chardin, and Maundrell ; Belzoni's Egypt ; Bembo, Rerum Vene- tarum Hiftoria ; Crantz' Moravians ; Burton's Rome ; Graevius and Gronovius, Thefaurus Antiquitatum Gras- carum et Romanarum ; Flinder's Auftralia ; Foppens' Bibliotheca Belgica ; Freher's Hiftorical Works ; Gell's Greece, Pompeiana and Rome ; Gruteri Infcriptiones ; Hall's Loo Choo ; Hamilton's Afia Minor ; Houel et CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 361 Saint Non ; Voyage Pittorefque en Sicile ; Ludolf s /Ethiopia ; Major's Pasftum ; Norton's Germany ; the Countefs of Sutherland's Views in Orkney ; Purchas' Pilgrims ; Roy's Roman Antiquities ; Rous, Archaso- logia Attica ; Salt's Abymnia ; Santos' Efcuriale ; Stan- hope's Olympia ; Stuart's Athens ; Symes' Ava ; Vyfe's Pyramids; and La Borde's Voyage Pittorefque en SuhTe. The Works on Heraldry include the Hiftory of the Earldom of Sutherland ; ArchdalPs Irifh Peerage ; Carter's Analyfis of Honor ; the Stemmata Chichele- ana ; Collins' Peerage ; Crawford's Scottifh Peerage ; Edmondfon's Heraldry ; Guillims' Heraldry ; Holmes' Academy of Armory; Leigh's Armory; Madox's Ba- ronia Anglica ; Morgan's Sphere of Gentry ; Afhmole's Order of the Garter ; and Selden's Titles of Honor. The Geographical Works comprife Cluverii Geo- graphia Antiqua ; Ortelii Thefaurum Geographicus ; Peutingeri Tabula ; Rennell's Geography of Herodo- tus ; Sanfon's Geographical Works ; Wells's Geogra- phy ; Wilde's General Atlas ; and D'Anville and Pinkerton's Geography. The Works on Aftronomy include thofe of Blun- deville, Delambre, Galileo, Copernicus, Bonatus, Bon- nycaftle, Lalande, Laplace, Leibnitz, Mafkelyne, Newton, Tycho Brahe and Bailey ; Herfchel's Cata- logue of Stars ; Hevelii Machina Cce-leftis ; Vince's Aftronomy ; and the Hiftoire de l'Aftronomie Anci- enne et Moderne of Bailly. The Mathematical department includes the Works of Archimedes, Kepler, Lacroix, Laplace, Lanoy, Ley- bourn, Maclaurin, Oughtred, Schooten, Schott, Saun- derfon, Simfon, Wells, Wallis, and Ward; Waring's Algebra ; and Hutton's Mathematical Dictionary. The Numifmatic Publications comprife Hirfch, 362 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Bibliotheca Numifmatica ; Numifmata Pembrochi- ana, & Imperatorum & Pontificum Romanorum of Bonanni ; Arbuthnot's Coins ; Budsus de Afle ; Palin, Eckhel, and Gefner, Numifmata ; Harduini Numif- mata ; Ducarel's Anglo-Norman Coins; Ruding's Coinage ; Lord Liverpool on Coins ; Snelling's Coin- age ; Vaillant, Numifmata; Pinkerton's Medals; Stukeley's Medallic Hiftory of Caraufius ; and the Medallic Hiftory of England. This Library was greatly enriched by Dean Aldrich, efpecially in works of Architecture, and Archaeology, including the Fine Arts. Of thefe it may fuffice to mention Bartoli, Antiquitates Romans ; Hamilton's Vafes ; Galeria Farnefe, Mufeum Florentinum ; the Marlborough Gems ; Herculanenfium Voluminum, Neapoli, 1793-1809, folio; Chandler's Ionian Anti- quities ; Marmora Arundeliana ; Montfaucon's Anti- quities ; Gorii Mufeum Etrufcum ; Vifconti, Mufeo Pio-Clementino ; Mufeo Fiorentino, & Pifano ; Pal- ladio's Architecture ; Cefio, Palazzi di Roma, folio ; Antiquities of Palmyra ; Rubens, Palazzi di Genova, folio ; the Architectural Works of Scamozzi and Vi- truvius, and thofe of Winckelmann ; Caylus's Egyptian Antiquities, and the Antiquitate d'Ercolano. The works on Natural Hiftory and Philofophy comprehend thofe of Aldrovandus, Borellus, Gefner, Keill's Natural Hiftory ; Alton's Hortus Kewenfis ; Clufii Plants Rariores ; Bocconis Plants Sicilis ; Gerard's Herball ; Grew's Anatomy of Plants ; Dil- lenii Hiftoria Mufcorum ; Dodonsi Hiftoria Stirpium; Haller, Bibliotheca Britannica ; Hortus' Eyftettenfis, 1 640, folio ; Houfton, Plants Americans ; Hudfon's Flora Anglica ; Loudon's Arboretum ; Morifoni Hif- CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 363 toria Plantarum ; Parkinfon's Herbal ; Ray's Catalo- gus Plantarum, and other works ; Rouffeau's Botany ; Withering's Botanical Arrangement, 1796; Bewick's Quadrupeds ; Block's Ichthyology ; Bochart's Hiero- zoicon : Buffon's Natural Hiftory ; the Encyclopaedic des Sciences, 33 vols, folio, 1751 ; Gravefande's Na- tural Philofophy; Defcartes, Du Hamel & Hobbes, Opera Philofophica ; Donovan's Birds, Infects, Shells, Fifties, and Quadrupeds ; Jonftoni Hiftoria Naturalis ; Lacepede's Natural Hiftory ; Latham's Birds ; Mark- ham's Hufbandry ; Miller's Gardener's Dictionary ; Salvianus de Pifcibus ; Shaw's Zoology ; Thomfon's Chemiftry ; Vefalii Opera Anatomica ; Willughby's Ornithology ; Shaw and Nodder's Naturalift's Mif- cellany ; Buckland's Reliquiae Diluvianse ; Kidd's and Kirwan's Mineralogy ; Rafhleigh's Britifh Minerals ; Waller's Mineralogy ; Whifton and Woodward's The- ory of the Earth ; and the Tranfactions of the Linnsean Society. Of Medical Works we find thofe of Avicenna, Bac- cius, Boerhaave, Cardanus, Harvey, Hoffmann, Lifter, Mead, Quincy, Schenck, Sydenham, Willis, and Zahn; alfo Medicae Artis Principes, by the Stephens. The Law Books as might be expected are few in number, among which I may notice Burn's Eccleli- aftical Law ; Bracton de Legibus ; the Corpus Juris Civilis & Canonici ; Corvinus de Jurifprudenta Ro- manorum ; Coke's Inftitutes ; Comyn's Digeft ; Black- ftone's Commentaries ; Blount's Law Dictionary ; Gefner's Pandects ; Sir Matthew Hale's Works ; Hei- neccius de Legibus ; Jacob's Law Dictionary ; Keble's Statutes ; Noy's, Vefey's, and other Reports : Puffen- dorf's Works ; Reeves' Englifh Law ; Spencer de 364 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Legibus Hebrasorum ; the Statutes at large ; Suarez de Legibus ; Tomlin's Repertorium Juridicum ; Vat- tel's Law of Nations ; Wottoni Leges Wallicas, and Zouch, de Jure Civili. The Mifcellaneous Literature of England is well reprefented in this Collection ; in proof of which I may enumerate the works of Addifon, Bacon, Boyle, Beattie, Buchanan, Burke, Burnet, Chaucer, Cowley, Darwin, Harrington, Sir William Jones, Locke, Lord Lyttleton, Milton, Otway, Pope, Sir Charles Sedley, Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, Sir Philip Sidney, Swift, Sir William Temple, Taylor the Water Poet, Walpole, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Charles the Firft, Sir Simon D'Ewes, Du Bartas, Sir Thomas More, and Lord Herbert of Cherbury ; Gower's Confeffio Aman- tis, by Berthelet, 1532, folio; Blount's Cenfura ; Berkeley's Minute Philofopher; Bochas' Tragedies, by Lidgate ; Bofwell's Johnfon ; Butler's Analogy ; Butler's Hudibras ; Davies' Celtic Refearches ; Dod- dington's Diary ; Gladftone's Church and State ; Hales' Remains ; Heber's Journals ; Life of Jeremy Taylor ; Heywood's Plays ; Howard Earl of Surrey Works, by Nott ; Howel's Letters ; Ben Jonfon and Maffin- ger's Plays, by GirTord ; Lydgate's Poems ; Mack- enzie's Scots Writers ; Maurice's Indian Antiquities ; Malcolm's Life of Lord Clive ; Napier and Southey's Peninfular War ; Nichols' Literary Anecdotes ; North- umberland Houfehold Book; Nicolas' Teftamenta Vetufta ; Otter's Life of Clarke ; Parival's Iron Age ; Pegge's Curialia ; Percy's Englifh Poetry ; Prior's Poems ; Rowley's Poems ; Sanderfon's Lives ; Shaftef- bury's Chara&eriftics ; Shakefpeare's Plays, the fourth edition of 1685, folio, and Malone's edition; Moore's CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 365 Life of Sheridan; Spenfer's Works, 1679, folio; Sprat's Hiftory of the Royal Society; Stanley's Hif- tory of Philofophy ; Dugald Stewart's Philofophical ErTays ; Tooke's Diverfions of Purley ; Todd's Life of Walton ; Tomline's Life of Pitt ; Twifs' Life of Eldon; Walton's Angler ; Warton's Englifh Poetry ; Willis' Notitia Parliamentaria ; Wood's Athena? Oxonienfes ; Wren's Parentalia ; Yarranton's England's Improve- ment ; Yorke's Tribes of Wales ; Young's Night Thoughts ; Evelyn's Sylva ; and Harris' Hermes. In Foreign Literature the lift is much lefs exten- five, comprifing the Works of Aretus, Ariofto, Boi- leau, La Bruyere, Corneille, Grotius, Quevedo, Ra- belais, Racine, and Machiavelli, Brumoy, Theatre du Grecs ; Guarini, Paftor Fido ; Heinfii Poemata ; D'Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orientale ; Rollin, Belles Lettres; Sevigne's Letters; Taflb by Fairfax; Fene- lon's Telemaque; Voltaire's Henriade; and Cervantes' Don Quixote. Of Bibliographical Works I noticed, Cotton's Ty- pographical Gazetteer ; the Blandford, Spencer, and Sion College, Cotton and Bodleian Catalogues, and thatofHeinfius ; the Bibliotheque du Roi; Bibliotheca? Regias Catalogus ; Yaleniis Collegii Catalogus ; Re- nouard's Annales des Aides ; Barbier Diclionnaire des Anonymes ; Bandinii Catalogus Codicum, &c ; Baillet, Jugemens des Scavans ; Aflemanni Bibliotheque Ori- entale ; Fabricii Bibliotheca Ecclefiaftica ; Brucker, Hiftoria Critica ; Catalogue of Manufcripts at Lam- beth, and in the Vatican ; and Ebert's Bibliographical Dictionary; De Roffi Annales Hebraso-Typographici; Orme's Bibliotheca Biblica ; AudifFredi, Catalogus Romanarum Editionum ; Brunet's Manuel ; Debure, 366 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Bibliographic Inftructive & Catalogue de la Valliere ; Harles, Notitia Litteraria ; Maittaire and Panzer, Annales Typographici ; Marfden's Catalogue of Dic- tionaries ; Peignot's Bibliographical Works ; Bouter- wek's Spanifh Literature ; Dunlop, Roman Literature ; Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, and Library Com- panion ; and Vogt, Catalogus Librorum. The Chronological Works include Bedford's Scrip- ture ; L'Art de verifier les Dates ; Blair's, Hales' and Cary's Chronology ; Corfini, Fafti Attici ; Peta- vii Doctrina Temporum Funcii ; and Strauchii Chro- nologia. This Collection alfo contains Muficas Antiquas Auc- tores ; the Afiatic Refearches ; Burney's Hiftory of Mufic ; Hartley on Man ; Hatfell's Precedents ; Par- liamentary Hiftory, 24 vols. 8vo. ; Journals of the Lords and Commons ; Bartfch, Peintre Graveur ; Bromley's Catalogue of Engraved Portraits ; James' Schools of Painting ; Mabillon de Re Diplomatica ; Anderfon's Diplomata Scotiae ; Marten's Traites de laPaix; Morhof, Polyhiftor ; Ottley's Hiftory of En- graving ; Pilkington's Dictionary of Painters ; Stofch, Peintre Graveur ; Strutt's Dictionary of Engravers ; Vafari Vite di Pittori ; Mufas Etonenfes ; Carmina Oxonienfia Quadragefimalia ; Sannazarii Poemata ; Anthologia Grasca ; and the Nugae Metrical. The Tranflations from the daffies are chiefly thofe of Dacier, Pope, Chapman and Ogilby's Homer; Ogilby, Gawin Douglas's Virgil ; Middleton's Cicero ; and Flaxman's Homer. We alfo find on thefe melves Poliphili Hypneroto- myomachia, 1545, folio; Schola Salernitana ; Selden's Works by Wilkins ; Sirmondi, Concilia Gallica ; Spi- CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD. 367 nofa Opera Pofthuma ; Sylloge Epiftolarum ; Vege- tius de Re Militari ; Vincentii Speculum ; Boethius de Confolatione Philofophias ; Critici Sacri ; Bos Ellip- fes ; Orphica, Orphei Argonautica ; Juftiniani Infti- tutiones ; and Wolfii Bibliotheca Hebrasa. It only remains to notice the works of Abulfeda, Agricola, Agrippa, Albertus, Aldrich, Alcuin, Barto- lious, Bernaldus, Beddoes, Black, Blaeu, BoirTardus, Bonaventura, Brevint, Bridge, T. Brown, Buchanan, Burfcough, Bullinger, Cantarenus, De la Valle, Emer- fon, Allatius, Apianus, Archimedes, Cleomedes, Phi- loponus, Theognis, Arian, Barnabas, Davenant, Fer- gufon, Canifius, Urlinus, Turnebus, Aurelius Victor, Victorius, Vigorius, Muretus, Gyraldus, Hornius, Hu- genius, Mercator, Meurfius, Semler, Johannes Sarif- burienfis, Pontanus, Puteanus, Procopius, Ruhnken, Scarron, and Scudery, Catalogues of the Hunterian and Britim Mufeums ; Bohun's Dictionary ; Lettres Edifiantes et Curieufes ; Bergier, Grands Chemins Romains; Vitruvius Britannicus; Chandler's Marmora Oxonienfia ; Chambers' Cyclopaedia ; the Nuremberg Chronicle ; Chronicon Alexandrinum ; CrerTwell's Geometry ; the Letters of Junius ; Lavater's Phyfi- ognomy ; Zofimi Hiftoria ; Talmud Babylonicum ; Sale's Koran ; Scriptorum Veterum Collectio Vaticana, 4to. ; Zabarella, Opera Logica ; Weaver's Funeral Monuments ; the Annual Register ; Barclay's Argenis ; Barruel's Memoirs of Jacobinifm ; Bryant's Mytho- logy ; the Publications of the Record Commimon ; Enchiridion Theologicum ; Gale's Court of the Gen- tiles ; VavafToris Opera Critica ; Mythographi Latini ; the Historical Works of Olaus Magnus ; the Works of Offian ; Horapollonis Hieroglyphica ; Inman's Na- 368 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. vigation ; Malleus Maleiicarum ; Struvii Bibliotheca Selecta ; Sanderi Bibliotheca Belgica ; Saxii Ono- mafticon Litterarium ; the Works of Lipfius ; Scali- ger's Critical Works; Porfoni Adverfaria ; Potter's Grecian Antiquities ; Pezron, Antiquitates Celticae ; Pharmacopeia Londinenlis ; the Quarterly Review ; Reid on the Human Mind ; the Hiftorical Works of Reineccius ; Pole's Synopfis ; Scholtz, Lexicon Egyp- tiacum ; and Helvici Theatrum Hiftoricum. The Gift Book kept in this Library is dated 1614. The principal donors appear to have been Aldrich, Morris, Nicholfon, Orrery, Stratford, and Wake, with many others who, by donations of books, have teftified their grateful remembrance of the place of their com- mon education. JUftrarp of #eterftorougl)* CHURCH having been dedicated to St. Peter by the firft Christian kings of Mercia at Medefhamftede, that place was thenceforward called Peter- borough. The Monastery there begun in 655-6, and completed in 664, was utterly deftroyed by the Danes in 870, but re-edified in 870 by S. Adel- wold, Bifhop of Winchefter. From this time the Abbey continued in great magnificence till the general difiblution of the religious houfes, when, happily es- caping, it was converted into a Cathedral Church, and all its buildings were preferved. It is faid that Henry VIII. was induced to fpare this church for the fake of his Queen Catherine, whofe mortal remains lie within its walls. By this means it continued entire till the fecond havoc of religious ftructures in the Great Rebellion, when the Cloifters, Chapter Houfe, Library, Bifhop's Hall and Chapel, formerly belong- ing to the Abbot were utterly demoliilied ; and the Chapel of our Lady adjoining to the Abbey, being much out of repair, was taken down by the townfmen, who prevailed to have the reft of the building made pa- rochial, which for that end, they had repaired with great expenfe.* * Willis' Mitred Abbies in Leland's Collectanea, 1774. VI. 145, &c. B B 370 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. John Chambers was the laft Abbot of Peterborough. He furrendered the Abbey to the king a.d. 1539, and had a penfion of 266/. 13X. \d. per annum affigned him. Soon after, king Henry VIII. made the Abbey an Epifcopal See, appointed by dotation dated 4 Sept. a.d. 1 541 : the faid John Chambers, the firft Bifhop, who was confecrated 23 Oct. a.d. 1541. He died about the month of December a.d. 1556, and was buried in this Cathedral.* The Library of the Dean and Chapter of Peter- borough occupies a fmall chapel, with a carved oaken ceiling, over which is a ftone roof, and around which are open fhelves rifing to the height of the room. This little chapel is faid to owe its erection to an endeavour on the part of the architect of this elegant fabric, to conceal the defect of the middle arch in the facade of the building being fmaller than the lateral ones. This expedient appears to fatisfy the eye, while its fituation-in the portico of the temple, makes it an appropriate repofitory for the treafures of human learning. It appears, however, that the Library was not always kept in this place, for in a Journal of a Tour through the North of England and Scotland in 1704,^- the author, fpeaking of this Cathedral fays, " In the eaft. end beyond the altar is a good library." That our traveller's epithet was not altogether mif- applied it will be the object of the following pages to mow, though of courfe the theological works of * Willis' Mitred Abbies in Leland's Colle&anea, VI. 154, ed. 1774. f This interefting though brief Journal, was written by an Eng- liftiman unknown, and was firft publifhed from the original manu- fcript in the Hafod Library, by Mr. Blackwood at Edinburgh in 1818. PETERBOROUGH. 371 the fathers, and early controverlialifts muft form a prominent feature in this hafty fketch. An interleaved copy of the Catalogue of the Bod- leian Library of 1674, in 2 folio volumes, lettered on the fides " Catalogus Bibliotheca? Ecclefias, Cathe- dralis Petroburgenfis," wherein the books of this Col- lection are marked with reference to the fhelves, and the additions thereto inferted on the blank pages, is the only Catalogue at prefent extant of this Library. At the end of the manufcript additions to this Cata- logue is the date of 1726. This clumfy expedient may probably be foon abandoned, as feveral lifts of the books compiled by the late Librarian indicate an ap- proach to a better method, though I regret to add this plan is ftill purfued in the noble Library of Trinity College in Cambridge. Among the Works of Divinity in this Collection, thofe of the Fathers of the Church lay firft claim to our notice. Thefe are the works of S.S. Ambrofe, Auguftine, Athanalius, Bernard, Chryfoftom, Cyprian, Jerome, Hilary, Ifidore, Irenasus, Theodoret, and Theophylact. Among the earlier Theologians, we may mention the Works of Anfelm, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Bu- cer, Bullinger, Calvin, Bellarmine, Theodore Beza, Le Clerc, Erafmus, Gregory Nazianjzen, Thomas a Kempis, and Pope Gregory ; of Grotius, Luther, Melancthon, Peter Martyr, Origen, Socinus, Philo Judasus, Lactantius, Wolfius, and Zanchius, to which may be added, Arminii Opera Theologica, and Bulli Opera Omnia. Of Englifh Divines this Library pofferTes the Works of Bifhop Andrews, Bilfon, Boys, Bramhall, Barlow, 372 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Baxter, Samuel Clarke, Cranmer, Hall, Hacket, Ham- mond, Hody, Hoadley, Hooper, Hopkins, Kettlewell, Jackfon, Pierce, Leflie, Reynolds, Stapleton, Sander- fon, Jeremy Taylor, Tillotfon, Waterland, Whifton, Whitaker, White, and Whitgift. To which may be added, Jewel's Works of 1609 in folio ; Burkitt's Ex- pofition of the New Teftament; Pearfon on the Creed ; Mede on Daniel , Scott's Chriflian Life ; Ni- chols and Sparrow on the Common Prayer ; Wake's Catechifm, and Epiftles of the Apoftolical Fathers ; Wilkins on Natural Religion ; Warburton's Divine Legation ; and the Whole Duty of Man. The editions of the Sacred Scriptures in this Li- brary comprife the well-known Polyglott Bible of Walton, with the important adjunct of Caftell's Lexi- con ; the Englifh Verfions of 1540, 155 1, and 1578, all in folio, together with the Englifh Bible of 1599, interleaved, in three folio volumes ; the Oxford Edi- tion of 1685, in folio, and the Cambridge Edition of 1679, in 4to. Of Latin Bibles I may here mention the Biblia Latina, Caftalionis. Bafileas, 1573. Biblia Latina, Junii. 1596, 4to. and 161 8, 4to. & Biblia Latina. Antverpis, 1569, & Parifiis, 1528. I alfo noticed the Biblia Hebraica, Grasca, et Latina. Heidelbergas, 1599, folio. The Biblia Hebraica. Venetiis, 1525. & The Biblia Gra?ca, juxta LXX, edente Grabe. Oxo- nii, 1707, in 2 volumes folio. To which I may add, among other Editions of the New Teftament, that edited by Mill at Oxford in 1707. PETERBOROUGH. 373 In this place it is right to notice the various Con- cordances, Harmonies, and Commentaries upon the Scriptures, as well as Confeffions of Faith, found in this Library ; though to fpecify them minutely would fatigue the reader. It may fuffice to mention more particularly Leigh's Critica Sacra ; Limborch's Theologia Chriftiana ; the Commentaries of Lyra ; Cave's Primitive Chriftianity; Cotelerii Patres Apoftolici ; Du Pin's Bibliotheca Ve- terum Patrum ; the Works of Ramus, Raynaudus, and Rivetus, and Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible. To Books of Homilies, and Catechifms, and various Rituals, may be added the Graduale Romanum, Pa- rifiis, 1640; Durandi Rationale Divinorum Officio- rum ; MifTale Romanum, Antverpiae, 1686, cum figuris pulcherrimis, in folio, being a noble volume from the Prefs of the illuftrious Plantin ; and the Book of Common Prayer printed at Cambridge in 1669, in 4to. ; to which may be added various edi- tions of the Pfalter. In Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, Reports of the various Councils, including the Acta Synodi, Dordracenfis, and Brent's Hiftory of the Council of Trent, are here found in juxta-pofition with Gibfon's Codex Juris Ec- clefiaftici et Civilis ; the Codex Canonum of Beve- ridge ; the Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of Eufebius by Hanmer ; Brandt's Hiftory of the Reformation in the Low Countries ; the Codex and Inftitutiones of Jufti- nian ; the Legenda Aurea ; and Hooker's Ecclefiafti- cal Polity. Of Books relating to the Church affairs of Bri- tain, this Library embraces Parker's Antiquitates Ecclefiae Britannic^, Hanovias, 1605, folio; Bedas 374 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Gentis Anglorum ; Fox's Acts and Monuments, London, 1583, 4to. ; Godwin, de Prasfulibus Angliae, and the Catalogue of Bifhops ; Burnett's Hiftory of the Reformation ; Durell, Ec- clefias Anglicanas Vindicias ; Heylin's Hiftory of the Reformation ; Inett's Origines Anglicanas ; Stilling- fleet's Origines ; UrTer, Britannicas Ecclefiae Antiqui- tates, Eblanas, 1639, and Wharton's Anglia Sacra. Of General Hiftory there are but few volumes in this Collection : of thefe the firft in point of time and curioiity is the well-known Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493, m folio ; t0 which Dibdin has devoted fixteen pages of the Spencer Catalogue. Next in point of intereft as to time is the St. Albans' Chronicle, printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1520. To thefe may be added, Carionis Chronicon, and Robinfoni Annales Mundi. Of Hiftories of different Countries we find on thefe melves Afheton's Turkiih Chronicle ; Blount's Por- tugal ; Grimfton's Netherlands ; Howel's Germany ; Mariana's Hiftory of Spain ; SchefFer's Lapland ; and Danett's Hiftory of the Low Countries. Of Voyages and Travels we find only thofe of San- dys, Thevenot, and Drake; Hakluyt's Voyages, 1599, folio ; Sir Thomas Herbert's Travels in the Eaft, 1630, folio; and Chardin's Travels in Perfia, 1686, and feveral Atlaftes. Chronological Works, which afford the moft ma- terial aid to the hiftorical ftudent, occur lefs fparingly in this Collection, fince it is found to contain only Cary's Palasologia ; Chronologia; Marfhall and Lloyd's Chronological Tables ; and Helvici Chronologia. I may here mention Bayle's Dictionary ; Cluvierius, PETERBOROUGH. 375 Geography ; and Prideaux's Marmora Oxonienfia, as all affording helps to Hiftory. Of Heraldry, whofe language though limited is diftinct, we find in this Library, Leigh's Accidence of Armoury, of 1597 ; Bolton's Elements of Armories, 1 610, 4to. ; and Bofwell's Accidence of Armory, 1672, 4to. ; works which were all written when the art of Blazon was extenfively cultivated as a fcience. A large paper copy of Sparke's Hiftoria S. Ccenobii Burgenfis Scriptores, Londini, 1723, folio, and a copy of Gunton's Peterborough Cathedral, enriched with the Manufcript Notes of Bifhop Kennett, are taken under the efpecial protection of the dean and chapter of that fee. In the Library, however, is left a fmall paper copy or Sparke's Collection, which leads me to mention Twyf- den's Hiftoriae Anglicans Scriptores Decern, and other works relating to the Hiftory of England. Among thefe we find the Chronicles of Baker and Cooper; Echard'sHiftoryof England, and three editions of Camden's Britannia, by the author in 1590, 8vo., by Holland in 1610, folio, and by Gibfon in 1695, m folio; Blome's Britannia, 1673; Ogilby's Britannia; Whitelock's Memorials, 1709, folio; Clarendon's Hif- tory of the Great Rebellion ; Weldon's Life of Charles I. ; May's Hiftory of the Parliament of 1647 ; Bates' Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia, edited by Skinner, referring to the fame period in Dugdale's View of the late Troubles, 1681, and Leycefter's rare Commonwealth, alfo depofited in this chamber. To thefe may be added Daniell's Hiftory of Eng- land, including his graphic account of the Wars of the Rofes ; Wyat's Rebellion, by Proctor ; Barnes' Hif- 376 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. tory of Edward III. ; Herbert's Life of Henry VIII. 1 649 ; Cox's Hiftory of Ireland ; Lloyd's Hiftory of Wales; Kennett's Hiftory of England, London, 171 9, in 3 volumes folio, and his Hiftorical Regifter of 1728, in folio;* Stafford's Pacata Hibernica ; Sheringham, de Origine Gentis Anglorum ; Polydori Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana ; Tyrrell's Hiftory of England ; and Sir William Temple's Introduction to the Hiftory of England. I may here alfo notice Warner's Albion's England ; Camden's Remains concerning Britain ; and Yarran- ton's England's Improvement by Sea and Land, &c. Of Local Hiftories of England, this Collection com- prehends, Bentham's Ely; Bridges' Northamptonshire; Peck's Stamford ; Ayliffe's Oxford ; Gunton's Peter- borough ; Bentley's Halifax ; Hill's Hereford Cathe- dral, London, 17 17, 8vo. ; Lewis' Ifleof Thanet; Fitz Stephens' Survey of London ; Lambarde's Peram- bulation of Kent ; Morton's Natural Hiftory of North- amptonshire ; Somner's Roman Ports and Forts in Kent; Some Account of the Scarborough Spaw in 1667; Willis' Cathedrals; and Wright's Rutland. Connected with Engliih Hiftory, and therefore deferving of a palling remark are, Barwick's Life of Barwick ; Knight's Life of Colet ; the Life of Wal- lace ; and Le Neve's Monumenta ; Fafti Anglicani, and Lives of P — Q^- ; Nevyllus de furoribus Nor- * The remaining Works of this learned Prelate contained in this Library are, Hiftory of Impropriations, 1704, 8vo. ; and of Eccle- fiaftical Synods, 170 1, 8vo. ; and the Bibliothecae Americanae Pri- mordia, London, 1718, 8vo. ; to which may be added the Synodus Anglicana, edited by Bifhop Gibfon, in 1701, 8vo. PETERBOROUGH. 377 folcenfium Ketto duce; Bernard's Life of Ufher; Sacheverell's Tryal ; Sir Philip Warwick's Difcourfe of Governments ; and the Records of the Kingdom publifhed by the authority of Parliament. Purfuing the path of Englim Literature we meet with the Philofophical and Theological Works of Sir Thomas More, including the edition of his Englim Works in 1557, and the folio tome of his Latin pro- ductions. To thefe I may add Baconi Opera Omnia, Franco- furti, 1660, folio; Boyle's Works, abridged by Boul- ton ; Barclay's Apology ; the Remains of Parfons, Bifhop of Peterborough ; the Works of Charles the Firft, together with the famous Eixov (3cccvi ; and Coverdale's Letters of the Martyrs, 16 14. Of Englim Poefy the chaplet to be woven is but fmall; the curious reader may however cull fuch flowers as the Works of Chaucer and of Milton ; Heywood's Spider and Flie, 1536; Churchyard's Challenge ; and the Virion of Pierce Plowman, may yield. He may alfo derive innxuction from Puttenham's Art of Englim Poetry, publifhed in 1589 in 4to. a work of which the original is ftill the moft efteemed edition. Herbs, which favour of the Phyfic Garden next invite the hand of the Collector, who may here be- hold Arnoldi Herbolarium, in 4to. ; Afcham's Herbal of 1550, in 8vo. ; Andrew Borde's Breviary of Health, &c. ; Culpepper's Phyfical Directory ; Lite's Hiftory of Plants; and Tufler's Hufbandry, with that of Bar- naby Googe. I may here notice a copy of Bartholomasus de Pro- 378 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. prietatibus Rerum, printed at London in 1635, in folio. The Claffical authors contained in this Library are not remarkable either for their rarity or value. I remarked however a very fine copy of Cafaubon's Polybius ; the Works of Ariftotle, edited by Du Val and Erafmus ; Ariftophanis Comaediee, printed at Bane in 1542, and at Franckfort in 1544; Antoninus, Gatakeri ; Athenasus, Dalecampii ; Epictetus, Uptoni ; Barnes' Euripides ; Florus, Grasvii ; Galeni Opera, Venetiis, apud Aldum, 1525 ; Geoponica, by Need- ham ; Hefiodus, Robinfoni, Oxonii, 1737, 4-to. ; Herodotus, edited by Stephens and by Gale ; Quintus Curtius, Bafilea?, 1545 ; Diogenes Laertius, Meibomii; and Dionyiius HalicarnarTenfis, Hudfoni. I alfo noticed Longinus, by Pearce ; Homerus Spon- dani, Bafileae, 1583; Horatius, Delphini ; Iamblicus, edited by Gale; Ifocratis Epiftolae, Venetiis, 1499, folio; Juvenalis Satyrs, Venetiis, -1548, folio; and Antverpise, 1552, 8vo. ; Planti Comcediae, 1530; the Aldine Statius; Thucydides Hudfoni; Xenophontis Opera Stephani; and the Corpus Poetarum Latino- rum, printed at London, in 1603. If to the Works already enumerated, be added va- rious editions of Caefar, Cicero, iEfop, Catullus, Ti- bullus, and Propertius, of Demofthenes, Hippocrates, Jofephus, Ovid, Perfius, Philoftratus, Plutarch, Lu- cian, Lucretius, Lucan, Livy, Quintilian, Salluft, and Silius Italicus, of Seneca, Sophocles, Suetonius, Tacitus, Terence, Virgil, and Valerius Maximus ; the claf- fical fcholar may form a tolerably correct notion of the value of this department of the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. PETERBOROUGH. 379 In this place I may venture to infert the Englifh verfions of the daffies which alfo find a place on thefe fhelves. Of thefe, Appian in Englifh, London, 1578, 4to. ; Phaer's Virgil ; and Chapman's Homer, are the moft remarkable. I may here briefly enumerate Buxtorf's Hebrew Lexicon ; Du Frefne's GlofTary ; Eliot's Bibliotheca, 1 545 ; Hickes' Thefaurus Septentrionalis ; the Lexica of HorTmanni and Scapula; Littleton's, Rider's, and Stephens' Englifh Dictionary ; with fome other Works of like nature, as conftituting the Etymological riches of this Collection. Here alfo it may be proper to notice Bentley's Dif- fertation on the Epiftles of Phalaris ; Whittinton's Grammatical Tracts ; fome Pieces of the learned Voffius, and the Works of Picus of Mirandula. In Bibliography, the only works which fell under my obfervation were the Acta Eruditorum ; Balei Scriptores Rerum Britannicarum, Bafileas, 1559; Fa- bricii Bibliotheca Latina ; Cave's Hiftoria Literaria ; Catalogus Librorum ab invent! Typographic ad an- num 1500, excuforum, Amflelodami, 1688, 4to. ; Clavel's Catalogue of Englifh Books from 1660 to 1680; Sixti Senenfis Bibliotheca Sancta; and Stan- ley's Hiftory of Philofophy. In Englifh Literature, this collection is lamentably deficient, though it pofleffes the Works of Locke, Ifaac Barrow's Mathematical Works ; Cumberland's Origines Gentium, &c. ; Hale's Remains : the Works of Cartwright, Ridley, Hobbes, and Rogers ; Sprat's Hiftory of the Royal Society ; Numerous Sermons, and many political as well as polemical Tracts. Of Law Books, I only remarked Bracton de Legibus 380 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Anglorum ; Fortefcue de Laudibus Legum Anglian ; Suarez de Legibus ; and a few of the Statutes them- felves. Of Mifcellaneous Literature, there only remains for me to notice the Works of Agricola, Ariofto, Petrarch, Machiavel, and TafTo, of Buchanan, BorTuet, and Puffendorf, together with Boezio, della Confolazione Filofofie, Florence, 1584; Hyde, Peligio Veterum Perfarum ; Jovii Vita? Virorum Illuflrium ; and Pla- tina, Vitas Pontificum. In conclufion I would direct the attention of the bibliopolift to a fpecimen of a printer but little known, being the Provinciale of Lyndewode, printed at Lon- don by Andree Brocard, in 1597, folio, in double columns of the gothic letter; though the fortuitous fimilarity of name may ferve only to remind the vo- tary of fafhion of the bright illufion of the dance, while ftill before his mental eye " Soft fparkling like a ftar Floats on her filver wing Brocard." — May Fair. The important changes effected at the Reformation, were by no means fo difaftrous to exifting interefts as is now commonly imagined, fince, in many inftances the abbot of the ancient hierarchy became the bi- fhop of there formed church. At Peterborough, the beneficial effects of the fweeping meafures of eccle- fiaftical reform under our Eighth Henry, were felt in fo efpecial a manner, that the town was at once elevated to the rank and importance of a city in con- fequence of the converfion of the ancient monaftery into the cathedral fee. The remains, however, of the Conventual Library probably fuffered more from the rude hands of Crom- PETERBOROUGH. 381 well's foldiery, than from the previous tranfition from the defies of the monks to the fhelves of the clergy. The books are chiefly theological, confifting of the fathers and early controverfialifts, and adorned by a folio MifTal from the prefs of Plantin. On the (helves of the Library of this Cathedral, there ftill remain fome interefting memorials of the Monaftic Collection. Among thefe I particularly no- ticed the Bible in Manufcript, finely illuminated, and the Four Gofpels, by Clement of Lanthony in 4to. To thefe may be added, Manufcripts of the Works of Saints Auguftine, and Bernard; fome Books of Ho- milies ; the Liber Sententiarum Latine, in 4to. ; and the Conftitutiones Provinciales, in 8vo. The moft valuable and interefting Record connected with the Church of Peterborough is the Lieger Book of the Church, a Chronicle compofed by Hugo fur- named Candidus, a Monk of that Monaftery, but ufually afcribed to Robert Swapham,* a Monk of the fame Church. This book was refcued from deftruc- tion by the foldiers of Cromwell's army April 22, 1643, by Mr. Humfrey Auftin, then chaunter of the Church, who redeemed it by the help of ten millings " for that old Latine Bible," as he called it, given to the ruffian who was carrying it away.-f* The Books which had furvived the diftblution of the Monaftery, perifhed in the Great Rebellion, and but few of them have been preferved to our own # See Selden's Preface to the Decern Scriptores, p. 46. t In the beginning of the Book Mr. Auftin has entered the ac- knowledgment given upon that occafion in thefe words : " I pray let this Scripture Book alone for he hath paid me for it, " and therefore I would defire you to let it alone. By me Henry 382 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. times. The Catalogue printed in Gunton's Hiftory of the Church of Peterburgh, London, 1686, in folio, under the title of "Matricularium Librarian Monafterii " Burgi Sancti Petri, paucis libris non examinatis," is therefore of much importance, as (hewing the na- ture and extent of the monaftic Library of Peterbo- rough in its original ftate. " I mall here prefent," fays our author, " an An- " cient Catalogue of a Library in this Monaftery, " which, having no date annexed to it, mufl be left " to conjecture when it might be taken. The mar- " ginal illuftrations I have taken out of Bellarmine " Pitfeus, and Trithemius, and affixed them there- " unto." This Catalogue occupies 26 leaves, extending from pp. 173 to 224 of the Appendix. Its contents are chiefly the moral and devotional writings of the fa- thers, commentators, and early fchoolmen, the canon- law, the Latin Claffics, with fome pieces of Ariftotle, a few chronicles, and legends. Leland's Notice of the Library of this Houfe, in his Collectanea, is either very imperfect, or it mufl: " Topclyffe Souldier under Captain Cromwell, Colonel Cromwell's " fon, therefore I pray let it alone." " Unto which godly Warrant for its Security," adds Dean Patrick, " the fellow figned his name." The foldiers alfo deftroyed the Records in the Chapter Houfe, miftaking them for Papal Bulls. " A fhort and true narrative of the " Rifling and defacing of the Cathedral Church of Peterburgh in the " year 1643," which occupies pp. 333 to 340 in the Appendix to Gunton's Hiftory of that Church will amply repay perufal. Dean Patrick, the editor of that Work, has devoted his Preface to a parti- cular Account of " the Book called Swapham," and its reputed Author. PETERBOROUGH. 383 have loft many of its books previous to his vifitation. He enumerates only fifteen works, of which the fol- lowing only are hiftorical ; Paffio Sanctorum Wolfadi et Rufini filiorum Regis Wolpheri; Vita S. Euftachii carmine heroico ; Liber Epiftolarum Gulielmi de Semperingham ; Vita Gifleni Epifcopi Grsci ; Vita Felicis eleganti carmine fcripta ; and Freculphi Hif- toria. The laft article in the Catalogue printed by Gun- ton, after an enumeration of fome works in the ro- mance language, is a " Computatio annorum ab initio " mundi ufque ad tempore Edwardi filii Regis Ed- " wardi;" probably Edward the Second ; in which cafe the compilation of this Catalogue could not have been earlier than 13 17. Dr. White Kennett, Dean and afterwards Bifhop of Peterborough, contributed fifteen hundred volumes to form an antiquarian and hiftorical Library for his Cathedral Church. The Catalogue of this Collection is entitled " Index Librorum aliquot Vetuftorum quos in commune bonum congeffit W. K. Decan. Petriburg. mdccxii/' * * See Britton's Cathedrals, v. 5. 3^4 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 3Ubrarp of l&tpon ^tnfler* HE Library of the Dean and Chapter of Ripon affords a pleafing inftance of the proper appreciation of " the "tomes of olden time;" for the Books, which were long fuffered to lie neglected in the Church, are now preferved with commendable attention under the hofpitable roof of the Deanery. Many volumes, indeed, were fo much decayed, from the dampnefs of their former repofitory, that their mouldering fragments were not worth removal; but other volumes, including probably fome claffic au- thors, may ftill remain in the Library, and upon fome future investigation may be reftored, but little injured, to their companions, wherefore it is not poffible to af- certain the exact amount of its contents. I may add, however, my beft willies that the laud- able defire manifefted by the prefent Dean for the reftoration of the ancient Library in the Church, may be gratified at no diftant period, feeing that this is all that is wanted to render the reftoration of that facred edifice, under his judicious direction, full and com- plete. RIPON MINSTER. 385 I may here alfo remark how much the fkill of Mr. Blore has contributed to adorn the fcreen and the choir of this ancient Minfter, and it only remains for him to give the world one of his own beautiful repre- fentations of the fcene to convince any one that I am not exaggerating its renovated appearance. But to return to the " dear bokes " now comfor- tably repoling in the Dean's own ftudy. The Collection was formed by Anthony Higgins, Dean of Ripon in 1608, and confifts chiefly of Works which in his time were new publications, and as it happens to have been preferved entire with but little admixture of any fubfequent donations, it affords an interefting fpecimen of the literature of that period. That this Library was not large is no reproach to the worthy donor, whofe autograph, accompanied oc- cafionally by the price of the volume, frequently appears on the titles of his books, for he gave to his church all the literary treafures he porTerTed, and, as Moore fings, " he could no more." I (hall proceed to give thofe fpecimens of the early Englifh Printers which mod forcibly arretted my at- tention, and am moft happy to begin with the Father of the Englifh Prefs. The firft is of almoft unpa- ralleled rarity, the only other copy of which I am at prefent cognifant being that in the noble library of Earl Spencer. This is the famous " Book for Tra- " vellers," whofe Eureka may be heard in the gofiiping pages of the Bibliographical Decameron. This Book for Travellers in Frenffhe and Englifh, is printed in double columns of the fmaller Gothic type employed by Caxton, but without any indication of date, place, or name of printer. It is complete in 25 leaves, in c c 386 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. folio, as frefh and found as if they had but juft iffued from the prefs. It meafures exactly eleven inches and a quarter by eight inches and a quarter, and is appro- priately bound in olive Venetian morocco, with joints, apparently by that cunning Bibliopegift Charles Lewis. The fecond fpecimen from Caxton's Prefs is the well-known and extremely rare " Boecius de Confo- latione Philofophie," folio, in the fame type as the Dictes and Sayinges, and other Works of that Printer. It lacks, however, all indication of place, date, or ty- pographer, concluding with the Latin verfes written by Surigonus, the Poet Laureat of Milan, entitled the " Epitaphium Galfridi Chaucer." The Caxtonian peroration is very interefting, and may be feen at large in the Typographical Antiquities of Dibdin, vol. i. p. 303. The prefent copy wants only the 75th leaf, which is at prefent clumfily fupplied by manufcript. It appears to contain about 90 leaves, and though not entirely free from ftain, is in very found condition, mea- furing eleven inches and a quarter by eight inches and a quarter. It is bound in dark blue morocco, with gilt leaves. Having failed in difcovering any Work of Wynkyn de Worde, I proceed to notice a fmall Volume by Richard Pynfon, which I never faw before. It is the Magna Charta, in a fmall Gothic letter, with an In- dex prefixed, at the end of which is the Colophon, — " Londini per Ricardus Pynfon, &c, 15 14." It mea- fures five inches and three-eighths by two inches and a half, and is bound in fmooth ruffia. Reginald Wolfe is the next early Englifh Printer to be noticed, on account of a fine and perfect copy of RIPON MINSTER. 387 " The Cattle of Knowledge, Imprinted at London by " Reginalde Wolfe, a. d. 1556," 4-to. bound in plain calf. There are three fpecimens of the Prefs of Binne- mann, the moft beautiful of which is the well-known Trad: " Alexandri Nevylli Angli de furoribus Nor- " folcenfium, Ketto duce, &c." " Londini, ex officina " Henrici Binnemann, 1575," bound in olive mo- rocco, The next is " Crifpini Lexicon. Londini " apud Binnemann, 1581," 4to. whofe title bears the autograph of its former pofferTor, Anthony Higgins. The third is a " Defenfe of the Tranflations of the " Scriptures by W. Fulke, London, Henrie Bynne- " mann, 1583," 4to. bound in calf. Richard Tottel next claims attention to a fmall 1 8 mo. volume, entitled " An Expoficion of the termes " of the Lawes, London, Richard Tottel, 1567." I mail next mention the treatife of " Thomas Cha- " loner de Republica Anglorum inftauranda Londini, " excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius, Typographus, " 1579/' 8vo. bound in ruffia; and the Englifh Se- cretorie, by Angel Day, London, 1592, 8vo. bound in calf; concluding my notices of thefe old Englifh Books with the French and Englifh Dictionary, com- piled by Claudius Hollyband, and printed by Thomas Woodcock at London in 1593, 4-to.' The prefent is a very fine and perfect copy, bound in fmooth ruffia. Of the productions of Foreign PrefTes, the firfh which attracted my obfervation was a very found copy of " the Cronycles of the londe of Englonde, printed " by Gerard de Leeu at Antwerp, 1493," folio, where- of a full defcription will be found in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, IV. p. 229. CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. It is certainly ftrange, as Dibdin has remarked that the compiler of the Magliabecchian Catalogue mould have regarded this as the firft book printed in the Englim language. But it muft be remembered that he fpoke only from his own obfervation, and that book certainly is the earlier!: Englim book in that Collec- tion. Palpable however as the miftake is, it may well ferve to mow how limited is the knowledge even of the mod accurate bibliographer; for the Catalogue, whofe index this lapfus deforms, is one of the mon: valuable hitherto given to the world, and is in fact quite a model in its way. The Chronicles under notice have the title parted on another piece of paper, and the volume itfelf, meafuring eleven inches by feven and three quarters, is well bound in fmooth ruflia. The next book, whofe bright coverture of red mo- rocco caught my eye, was a fine and perfect copy of Nicandri Theriaca, cum Scholiis, Colonic, Joannes Soteris, 1530, 4to. To which I may add Tentacula Nov. Teft. alfo printed at Cologne in 1526. I may next mention Saunders' Supper of our Lord, printed at Louvain in 1566. Speculum Sapientias Cirilli, and Opufcula Theologica, in a fmall volume of Gothic character, by Jaumar, at Paris, in the early part of the fixteenth century. In conclufion I may briefly advert to the Hebrew Grammar printed by Froben at Balle in 1522, which is bound in the fame volume with a Compendium of the Greek Grammar, and the Opera et Dies of Hefiod, printed by Chriftopher Frofchover, at Zurich, in 1526. I may add among the recent donations to this Li- brary, the new edition of Stephens' Thefaurus. RIPON MINSTER. 389 This Library is alfo entitled, equally with the Ca- thedral Libraries, to copies of all the Works publifhed under the authority of the Parliamentary Record Com- miffion. To feveral of the rarer articles mentioned above, are appended bibliographical notices tranfcribed from the Spencer Catalogue and other fources in the time of the late Dean, whom the opportune vifit of Dr. Dibdin in 1 81 6, had apprifed of the value of the treafures which till then lay dormant in his cuftody. 90 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 3Ufcrarp of i&od)eftet . > HE Library of the Dean and Chapter of this Cathedral is kept in the Chap- ter Houfe, a well proportioned, and well lighted room, adjoining the Choir of the Cathedral, and the re- mains of the ancient Chapter-houfe ; being placed immediately over part of the ancient crypt, and ap- proached by a mofr. beautiful doorway, having fome finely preferved ftatues in its niches. The books are arranged upon open fhelves, in open cafes placed againft the walls of the room, which is very dry, being warmed by a ftove, which " Buzaglo " fecit. 1768." The walls of this apartment are hung with portraits of King James I. and of Sprat Bifhop of Rochefter, a view of the Nave of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dub- lin, and an engraved Plan of Jerufalem. The Library is kept up by the donations of fuccef- five Prebends, who upon their inflallation are expected to make the cuftomary donation thereto. The Manufcript portion of this Library is kept in clofed cafes, which are kept locked, in the Chapter- houfe, and contains the original Regiftrum and Cuf- tumale Roffenfe, edited by Thorp, together with feve- ROCHESTER. 391 ral old charters and other documents relating to the Church, many of which have the original feals, fome of which are very curious, appended thereto. Among the Manufcripts I noticed, Bibliandri Lec- tiones, in 7 quarto volumes, bound in old calf, and a folio volume, written upon vellum, and lettered Quaef- tiones Theologies, upon a vellum cover, the nrft leaf whereof exhibiteth thefe words: "Liber de Clauftro " Roffenfi per Dominum Johannem ejufdem loci " Priorem," fo that this at leaft is a fpecimen of the original Monaftic Library. Among the printed books is a considerable quantity of obfolete Divinity, and fome Englifh as well as foreign Works which have defervedly fallen into oblivion. Upon thefe the worms feem tacitly permitted to feed, for I found no lefs than three of thofe fmall white grubs, fo well known as book-worms, and yet fo feldom feen, greedily devouring a black letter folio. It is really aftonifhing how fo minute an animal, with no apparent power of perforation, can drill holes through paper, wood, and leather, fubfifting at the fame time upon the havoc which it makes, and it is at lean: fatif- faclory to have caught them actually engaged in the full gratification of their bibliophagiftic propenfities. I cannot conceal the pleafure with which I difco- vered Coverdale's Bible, folio, " Pry.nted in the yeare " of oure Lorde, mdxxxv. and fynifhed the fourth " day of October," concealed between " the Booke of " Common Prayer, Imprinted at London by Bonham " Norton and John Bill, 1629, folio, and the Whole " Booke of Pfalmes. London, 1629," folio, being alfo difguifed by the binder who has lettered the volume, "Holy Bible, 1629." 392 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. This miftake appears to have milled the compiler of the Catalogue, who being unacquainted with the myf- teries of black letter has fimply entered this precious volume as " Holy Bible, with the booke of Common " Prayer prefixed, fol. Lond. 1629." The alphabetical enumeration of the books in this Collection was indeed made before the ftudy of biblio- graphy was cultivated to any extent in this country, being entitled the " Catalogue of the Library of the " Dean and Chapter of Rochefter, 1776." This thin folio volume is bound in calf, lettered, " Libri Eccl. " Roff." To revert however to the firft Englifh Bible, I was pleafed to obferve that the prefent copy thus protected and concealed by its ancient binding of calf, upon which the brafs faftenings of the clafps ftill remain, was perfect:, with the fole exception of the title, and the map. It meafures nearly twelve inches, by feven inches and feven-eighths, and is in very tender condi- tion at the beginning and the end, the natural confe- quence of the repeated thumbing it doubtlefs received from our pious forefathers. Some one however has fo determinedly erafed the name of the Queen, in the Dedication, that it cannot now be deciphered. I have next the fatisfaction of noticing a perfect copy, in double columns, of black letter, bound in old calf, of " the Byble in Englyme, &c." " Prynted " by Rychard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch. Cum " Privilegio ad Imprimendum folum. 1539, Folio," at the conclufion of which we read. " The ende of the " New Teflament, and of the whole Byble fynifhed "in Apryll, Anno mcccccxxxix." "A dno faftum eft iftud." ROCHESTER. 393 This book was prefented to the Library, " Eccl. " Cath. Roffenfis ex Dono E. Barrell, 1745." There are fome curious documents in the State Paper Office relating to this Bible, which was printed in Paris, wherein the copies upon vellum, taken off for Henry VIII. and now in the Britifh Mufeum, (April 1540) and for the Lord Keeper Cromwell, now at St. John's College in Cambridge (April 1539) are men- tioned. Next in order of time comes the Holie Bible, with Cranmer's Preface, " Imprinted at London in powles " Church yarde, by Richarde Jugge," (1568.) Folio. In double columns of black letter. The prefent copy is perfect, though torn at the end, and is bound in dark calf. Then comes the Holy Bible, Imprinted at London by Chriftopher Barker, 1584, folio, which unfortu- nately lacks all the leaves fubfequent to folio 572. It is bound in old calf, with brafs knobs, &c. and red leaves. I may here mention The Bible in Englim, by John Cawood. Imperfect at the beginning and the end. The Holy Bible, printed by Robert Barker, and the Affignees of John Bill, London, 1639, folio, ruled with red lines, and bound in'crimfon velvet. The Bible in Englifh, printed at London in 1684. The Bible, printed by Bafkett, at Oxford in 171 5, folio, bound in calf, and two other impreffions of the facred volume, published at the fame place in 1717 and 1739. The Bible, printed by Bafkerville, at Cambridge, in 1763, folio, bound in calf, gilt. 394 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The Bible, edited by Bifhop Wilfon, and printed at Bath in 1785, in three volumes, 4to. The Holy Bible, edited by D'Oyly and Mant, in three volumes, 4to. Merely obferving that thefe Englifh verfions of the Holy Scriptures may fafely be left to fpeak for themfelves. It was with feelings of no ordinary gratification that I found upon the fhelves of this Library the firft. Poly- glott Bible, being that commonly known as the Com- plutenfian, published in Spain under the aufpices of Cardinal Ximenes in 15 17. The prefent copy is very fine and found, meafuring fourteen inches and a quar- ter by ten inches. It is bound in fix volumes folio, in old mottled calf, apparently of foreign extraction. Few of our ecclefiaftical foundations are endowed with a copy of this moft important work, though nearly all of them poffefs the Polyglott of Walton, which in the prefent inftance ftands befide its elder brother. Here we have alfo the Biblia Hebraica, Hutteri, Hamburgi, 1588, folio ; the Biblia Hebraica Montani, 1609, folio; the Biblia Hebraica, Forfteri, Oxonii, 1750, in two vols. 4to. ; and the Biblia Hebraica, Kennicottii, Oxonii, 1776, in two vols, folio; alfo the Biblia Latina cum pleno apparatu, &c. " Impref- " fum Lugduni per magiftrum Jacobum Sacon X die " Novem. 1509," folio, in double columns of Gothic character. It has a large wood-cut on the firft leaf, and the title in red ; with the device of the printer at the end, followed by the " Interpretationes Nominum " Hebrasorum." This volume is bound in calf. The Vet. Teft. LXX, cura Grabe. Oxonii, 1707, folio. The Biblia LXX, apud Holmes et Parfons. Oxonii, 1798, et feq. in fix vols, folio. And ROCHESTER. 395 The Codex Bezas, edited by Kipling, in two vols. folio, bound in calf. Of feparate editions of the New Teftament, I ob- ferved The Novum Teftamentum Syriacum, Hebrasum, Grascum, et Latinum, per Eliam Hutterum. Norimbergas, 1599, in three vols, folio. Novum Teftamentum Grascum, Millii. Oxonii, 1707, in 2 volumes, folio. Nov. Teft. Gr. Wetftenii. Amftelodami, 175 1, in 2 vols, folio. Nov. Teft. Grascum et Anglicum. Londini, 1729, in 2 vols. 8vo. The New Teftament in Englifh, by Wiclif, printed at London in 1732, folio. Benzelii Evangelia Gothica. Oxonii, 1750, 4to. & Junii Evangelia. Dordraci, 1665. I will proceed to notice the Church Service Books contained within this Library, and cannot commence more appropriately than with a bibliographical defcrip- tion of the " MirTale ad ufum Ecclefie Sarifburienfis. " md.xxxiiii." folio. Printed in double columns of black and red letter. This interefting volume com- mences with the title as given above, which occupies the firft leaf, followed by fix leaves of Calendar, and one of Benediciio. The MirTal then commences, oc- cupying folio i. — clvi. inclufive, numbered in regular fucceflion. Then follow the Ordinarium, Prasfationes, and Canon, occupying fifteen leaves not numbered. Of thefe however the 7th, 8th, and 9th, containing the " Prefa de fcta cruce," et " de b. Maria/' the " Pre- fatio quotidiana," and the firft part of the Canon, are all three upon vellum. It may be noticed, that facing the large wood cut 396 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. of the Crucifixion, which occupies the whole reverfe of the leaf containing the Prasfatio quotidiana, one leaf of manufcript in Gothic character, upon vellum, has been inferted, apparently in the olden time. At the end of thefe fifteen leaves laft mentioned, commence the Prayers for the Saints, Vigils, &c. occupying lixty leaves regularly numbered from fo. i. to fo. lx. Then follows the " Accentuarium cum Prologo," confiding of twelve leaves, undiftinguifhed by any numerals ; but upon the recto of the laft leaf occurs the Colophon, informing us that this like many other of the earlier Service books of the Englifh Church was the produc- tion of a foreign prefs : " JT Explicit MifTale ad ufum ecclefie Sarum tarn in " cantu quam in litera diligentiflime recognitum. Mar- " ginalibus annotatiunculis ac Uteris alphabeticis evan- " geliorum, epiftolarum gradalium offertorium origi- " nem indicantibus abunde locupletatum. Imprejfum " Parifiis in vico fcli Iacobi in edibus Francifci Reg- " naidt librari jurati alme univerfitatis Parifienfis." I may add to this feveral editions of the Common Prayer Book, beiides that of 1629, which I have already mentioned ; the Common Prayer, London, 1662, folio, bound in crimfon velvet ; and that printed at Oxford in 1681 ; with that edited by Bifhop Mant. I may here mention Wheatley on the Common Prayer; and the Pfalmorum Davidis, per Ioannem Campenfem, Bafiles, 1553, i2mo. ; and proceed at once to enumerate the component parts of the theo- logical department of this Library, beginning with the Bibliotheca Veterum Patrum per M. de la Bigne. Colon. Agrip. 16 18, in 16 volumes, folio, bound in calf. ROCHESTER. 397 Cotelerii Patres Apoftolici, in 2 volumes, folio, in calf. Bibliotheca, S.S. Patrum, edente Clerico. Amftelod. 1724, in 2 vols, folio. RurTell's Patrum Apoftolicorum Opera. 1746, 8vo. Balilii Opera. Parifiis, 1737-8, folio. Cypriani Opera, edente Fell. Oxonii, 1700, folio. S. Cyrilli Opera. Oxonii, 1703, folio. Chryfoftomi Opera. Etonae, 161 2, in 8 vols, folio. Eufebii Praeparatio et Demonftratio Evangelica. Paris, 1628. Fulgentii Opera. Bafileae, 1621. Irenasi Opera. Parifiis, 1710. Lactantius. Cantabrigiae, 1685, 8vo. Origenis Opera. Parifiis, 1 51 9, vols. 3 and 4 only. Philonis Judasi Opera, a Mangey. Londini, 1742, in 2 volumes, folio. Tertulliani Opera, Colon. Agrip. 16 17, folio, and Epifcopii Opera Theologica, with the Works of S.S. Auguftine, Ambrofe, and Ignatius. Of Concordances and Commentators I may mention, Calaiio Concordantias Hebraicas in 4 vols, folio, and Cruden's Concordance. Roberts' Clavis Bibliorum. London, 1648, 8vo. Hodius de Bibliorum textibus. Oxonii, 1705. Leigh's Critica Sacra. Londini, 1650, folio. Pole's Synopfis, in 5 vols, folio. Pearce's Commentary. Caryl's Expofition of Job, in 2 vols, folio. Chappelow on Job. Grey's Verfion of Job. London, 1742, 8vo. Horfley on Hofea. Lyra, Commentarii in Biblia. Lowth on Ifaiah. 398 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Vitringa in Iefaiam. Leovardia?, 1724, folio. Patrick's Commentary. Whitby's Paraphrafe. Macknight's Tranflation of the Apoftolical Epiftles with notes. Edinburgh, 1795, in 4 vols. 4to. Macknight's Harmony of the Gofpels. London, 1763, 410. Elfley's Annotations on the Epiftles. Bifhop Cofins's Hiftory of the Canon of Scripture. Dupin's Canon of the Old and New Teftament. Hawkins on the Hiftorical Scriptures of the Old Teftament, and Schleufneri Lexicon Novi Teftamenti. Among the works of Divinity I may mention thofe of Barrow and Beveridge ; Allix's Reflections ; Bur- ton's Teftimonies of the Anti Nicene Fathers to the Divinity of Chrift. ; Butler's Analogy ; Baxter's Chrif- tian Directory ; Bonaventuras Opera Theologica ; Bingham's Works, in 2 vols, folio ; Bulli Opera, Londini, 1703, folio; Bochart, Opera Omnia; Bedas Opera, Parifiis, 1520, folio; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, London, 1732, in 3 vols, folio; Gill's Philofophy of Scripture, London, 1635, folio ; Cople- ftone on Predeftination ; Chandler's Life of David; Grotii Opera, Londini, 1679; Erafmi Opera, Lugd. Bat. 1703 ; Home's Introduction to the Study of the Holy Scriptures ; Hickes's Hiftory of Montanifm, London, 1709, 8 vo.; Jewel's Apology, 1570 ; Light- foot's Works, London, 1684, in 2 vols, folio; Lard- ner's Teftimonies, 1764, in 2 vols. 4to. ; and his Cre- dibility, 1741, in 17 volumes, 8vo. ; Magee on the Atonement ; Mafoni Vindicia? Ecclefias Anglicanae, Londini, 1625, folio; Prideaux's Connection, 1720, ROCHESTER. 399 folio. ; Paley's Works ; Pearfon on the Creed ; Stack- houfe on the Creed ; Stebbing's Polemical Tracts ; Rogers on the Thirty Nine Articles ; Jeremy Taylor's Ductor dubitantium, 1696, folio; Wollafton's Reli- gion of Nature, 1722, 4to. ; Wilkins on Natural Re- ligion ; and Wake's Catechifm ; and laftly, the Sylloge Confeflionum, Oxonii, 1804, 8vo. ; with Prefervative againft Popery, London, 1738, in 3 volumes, folio. Of Sermons I noticed thofe by Sherlock, Rogers and Conybeare ; the Difcourfes of Charnock ; and the Sermons preached at Boyle's Lecture, and pub- limed in 1739, in 3 volumes, folio. This copy is in old calf. I may here notice Cave's Scriptorum Ecclef. Hif- toria literaria ; Boethii Opera ; and Beattie on Truth, with fome pieces by Luther. Of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory the fhelves of this Library are well filled with Burnet's Hiftory of the Reforma- tion ; Bacon's Liber Regis ; Ecton's Thefaurus ; Bray's Bibliotheca Parochialis, London, 1707; Burn's Ec- clefiaftical Law ; Cave's Lives of the Apoftles ; and his Primitive Chriftianity ; Fox's Martyrs, London, 1684, in 3 vols, folio; Gibfon's Codex; Godwyn, de Prsefulibus Anglian, Cantabrigian, 1743, folio; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity; Hiftoire de Concile de Trent, Londres, 1736, in 2 vols, folio ; Eufebii Hiftoria Ec- clefiaftica, 1668; Du Pin's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory of the Sixteenth Century ; Jofephus, Hudfoni ; Jortin's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Kaye's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Lanfbergii Chronologia Sacra; Middleburg, 1625, 4to ; Knight's Lives of Erafmus and Colett ; Mo- lheim's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Nelfon's Life of Biihop Bull ; Spotfwode's Church of Scotland, 1 677, folio ; 4 oo CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Stillingfleet's Origines ; Spencer de Legibus Hebrae- orum, Cantabrigias, 1727, in 2 vols, folio; Spondani Epitome Annalium Ecclef. Baronii, Lugd. Bat. 1660, folio ; Suiceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticus, Amftelodami, 1728, in 2 volumes, folio; Wharton's Anglia Sacra, 1 69 1, in 2 vols, folio; Wilkins' Concilia Magnae Bri- tannia?, &c. in 4 vols, folio, in calf gilt ; to which I may add Dugdale's Monafticon Anglicanum, 1682, folio; and 171 8, folio; with Stevens's Continuation, 1722-3 ; Tanner's Notitia Monaftica, edited by Naf- mith, 1787, folio; and Gwillim's Tithe Cafes. Of Works tending to elucidate Hiftory in general I may enumerate, Blair's Chronology ; Hales' Analyfis of Chronology ; Helvici Theatrum hiftoricum et chro- nologicum, Oxonii, 1662, folio; Marfhami Chron. Canon. Egypt. Londini, 1672, folio; Marfhall's Chronological Tables ; Newton's Chronology ; and Bryant's Enquiries into Ancient Hiftory, 4to. in calf. Of Hiftorical Works I noticed the Univerfal Hif- tory, whereof the ancient portion published in 1 747- 54, occupies 21 volumes, and the modern of the date of 1759-66, 44 vols, in 8vo. uniformly bound in calf; the General Dictionary, London, 1734-41, in 10 vols, folio; Puffendorf's Law of Nations, 1729, folio ; Grasvii Antiquitates & Gruteri Infcriptiones ; Ralegh's Hiftory of the World, 1677, folio; Robert- fon's Hiftory of Charles V. ; Harris' Voyages ; the Hiftory of the Saracens, by Prideaux and Ockley ; Norden's Egypt, London, 1757, folio; Sandys' Eu- rope Speculum ; Petri Kaerii Germania inferior a Petro Montano, Amft. 1622, folio; and the Biogra- phical Dictionary, London, 1798, in 15 vols. 8vo. Of Works relating to the Hiftory and Antiquities, ROCHESTER. 401 I may mention, in addition to Dugdale's Monafticon, and Tanner's Notitia ; Blackftone's Commentaries ; Burn's Juftice of the Peace ; Birch's Life of Queen Elizabeth, 1754, in 2 vols. 4to. ; Burnet's Hiftory of his own time; Clarendon's Rebellion, Oxon, 1702, in 4 vols, folio. ; Cooper on the Public Records ; Dal- rymple's Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland ; Davies' Celtic Refearches ; Hume's Hiftory of Eng- land ; Holinmed's Chronicles, the reprint ; Kippis' Biographia Britannica ; Kennett's Complete Hiftory of England, London, 1719, in 3 vols, folio, in calf ; Lloyd's State Worthies ; Speed's Theatre of Great Britain, London, 1676, folio; Spelman's Life of Alfred, 1678, folio; Nalfon's Collections, 1682, folio; Rufh worth's Hiftorical Collections, 1659, folio, in 6 vols. ; Robertfon's Hiftory of Scotland ; Popula- tion Returns ; and the Records of the Kingdom, pub- lished under the authority of the Parliamentary Com- miftion. Of Topographical Works I noticed, Hafted's Hif- tory of Kent, in calf gilt ; Harris' Hiftory of Kent ; Thorpe's Cuftumale and Regiftrum Roffenfe ; Maf- ter's Hiftory of Corpus Chrifti College in Cambridge, 1753, 4to. ; fome Poll Books for the City of Rochef- ter; Wood's Antiquitates Oxonienfes; Twyne de Anti- quitate Academic Oxonienfis, 1608, 4to. ; and Young's Hiftory of Whitby. I may add to thefe, The Statutes at Large, by Keble, 1681, folio. Balasi Scriptorum Britannicorum Catalogus, Bafileas, folio ; and Tanner, Bibliotheca Britannico Hibernica, 1748, folio, D D 4Q2 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The other Bibliographical Works which met my obfervation were, The Catalogus Bibliothecas Bodleianas, 1738, in 2 vols, folio. A Catalogue of the Books belonging to the King's School at Rochefter. Cafley's Catalogue of the Manufcripts in the King's Library, London, 1734, 4to. Bibliographia Mathematica a Cornelis Beughem, Amftelodami, 1688. Le Long, Bibliotheque Sacre ; and Warton's Hiftory of Englifh Poetry. Of Scientific Works I noticed only, Chambers' Dictionary, in 4 vols, folio, with a fe- parate volume of plates. Hill's Britifh Herbal, 1756, folio, in calf. Miller's Gardener's Dictionary. Newton's Principia, Cantab. 171 3, 4to. Newton's Optics, by Clarke, London, 171 9, 8vo. Oughtred, Clavis Mathematica, Oxonii, 1652, 8vo. Wallis's Mechanica, 1670, 4to. and Several volumes of the Philofophical T ran factions. Of Etymological Works I obferved merely Buxtorf's Hebrew Lexicon ; Hickes' Thefaurus Septentrionalis, Oxonii, 1705, in 2 vols, folio; Du Cange's Gloflary, Francof. 17 10, in 3 vols, folio; Scapulas Lexicon; Junii Etymologicum Anglicanum, Oxonii, 1743, fol. ; Calepini Dictionarium, Lugd. Bat. 1681, folio; HorT- manni Lexicon Univerfale ; Samuel Johnfon's Englifh Dictionary ; Stephani Thefaurus Linguas Grascas ; and Nizolii Thefaurus Linguas Latinas. The editions of the Claffics contained in this Col- ROCHESTER. 403 lection are not numerous ; but of thefe I mention two volumes only of Ciceronis Opera, Stephani. Parifiis, 1539, folio. Ciceronis Opera, Oliveti. Oxonii, 1783, in 10 vols. 4to. Euclidis Opera. Venetiis, 1505, folio. Epictetus Uptoni. Londini, 1741 , in 2 vols. 4-to. Homeri Opera. Bafileas, 1535, 4to. Hefiodus, Robinfoni. Oxonii, 1737, 4to. Livius, Drakenborchii, in 4 vols. 8vo. Plutarchi Apophthegmata. Londini, 1741. Pindarus. Romae, 4to. Quintilianus. Londini, 1641, 4to. Tacitus, Brotierii, in 5 vols. 8vo. Terentius, Bentleii. Cantabrigias, 1726, 4to. Virgilii Opera, cum X. Comment. 1528, folio. I may here mention, Bryant's Mythology ; Spence's Polymetis ; Copleftone's Praelectiones Academicae ; and Arbuthnot's Tables of Ancient Coins, 1754, 4to. Of Englifh Literature this Library cannot boaft a copious felection, the principal Works which occurred to me, being only Bacon's Works, London, 1753, in 3 volumes, folio. The Works of Locke and Mede. Seldeni Opera per Wilkins, 1726, in 3 vols, folio. Shakefpeare, edited by Johnfon, Stevens and Reid, London, 1803, in 21 volumes, 8vo. Butler's Hudibras, edited by Grey. Laftly, as a fpecimen of the lamentable prejudice which our forefathers entertained againft Witches, I may mention Glanvil's Saducifmus triumphatus, 1681, 8vo. From this curfory furvey of the contents of the 404 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Rochefter Cathedral Library, it will appear that its character is chiefly theological, and its intereft centred in thofe impremons of the Sacred Scriptures, and Church Service Books which I have already fo care- fully defcribed. It is alfo refreshing to think that from the prebendal donations, a conftant fupply of frefh literature is pro- vided for the fupport and ornament of the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Rochefter. 3Ubratj> of £>altf tour?, HIS Library affords a pleafing inftance of the proper appreciation of the tomes of olden time, having been re- ftored by the exertions, and preferved by the care of its prefent Librarian. The books it is true have fuffered feverely from paft neglect, and fome valuable manufcripts have been mu- tilated or loft, but thofe which remain are now trea- fured as they deferve, and to many of the printed books, fubftantial coats of calf fkin have been given, the manufacture of a Salifbury Bibliopegift. The volumes themfelves thus judicioufly preferved are kept upon open (helves, in cafes which are placed againft the walls of a very dry and well lighted room, over the cloifters adjoining the Cathedral. The volumes are from four to five thoufand in number, and in winter have the advantage of ftove heat. The Library itfelf was built by" Bifhop Jewel, whofe portrait is appropriately placed over the fire place, but the books which it contains were principally given to the Dean and Chapter by Bifhop Gheaft. The old Catalogue of this Collection had been mif- laid at the time of my vifit, but the Librarian very properly keeps a duplicate, which he compiled himfelf in alphabetical order. 406 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The oldeft portion of this Library of courfe confifts of the Manufcripts, which have fuffered much from time, but more from neglect. They embrace a great quantity of controverfial divinity, with the ufual pro- portion of Decretals and Glories, Homilies and Pfalters, including fome curious illuminated MirTals, among which the " MifTale ad ufum iniignis et prasclara? " ecclefias Sarum," is alfo found. The moft rare manufcripts in this Collection are, Juftiniani Inftitutiones Juris Civilis, cum GlofTa jAc- curfiana, which has been recently collated by the Ger- man editors of that work. Galfridi Monumetenfis Hiftoria, a very valuable inedited manufcript of the eleventh century ; and the Gregorian Liturgy in the Saxon tongue. Among the other manufcripts I noticed the Works of Saints Ambrofe, Athanafius, Auguftine, Jerome, Iiidore, and Eufebius ; Caffiodorus fuper Pfalterium ; Rabbani Lyra Commentarii ; Epiftola? Patrum et alio- rum ; Gulielmi Monachi Meldunenfis de Miraculis Beats Virginis Marias ; Adhelm de laude Virginitatis ; Beda de ratione temporis, torn at the corners ; and fome pieces by Thomas Aquinas. To thefe I may add the Biblia Sacra ; the Works of Boethius ; Ariflotle de Animalibus ; the Chronicon Freculfi; and the Legenda Sanctorum. The mention of this laft work calls to my mind the once popular tranflation thereof, whofe firft appearance in the Englifh language took place under the aufpices of William Caxton. The copy of Caxton's Golden Legend, in this Li- brary, is unfortunately imperfect both at the beginning and at the end, containing only the text from folio ii to folio ccccxiiii, inclufive. It has been very much SALISBURY. 407 cropt, meafuring only ten inches and three quarters by feven and one eighth. It has been recently bound in calf fo as to refemble as nearly as poflible coeval binding. This Collection alfo contains the " Lombardica hif- " toria quae a plerifque Aurea Legenda Sanctorum ap- " pellatur ; imprefia. Argentine, 1496, folio," in double columns of Gothic letter, half bound. I will proceed to notice the other early printed books in this Library, beginning with the well known, but feldom feen Apollonius Rhodius, printed in capital letters by Francis de Alopa, at Florence, about the clofe of the fifteenth century, in 4to. This copy un- fortunately wants the greater portion of the laft leaf, but is found throughout, meafuring very nearly nine inches and a quarter by fix and three quarters, and is bound in old calf with red leaves. Let us next take a fpecimen of the Milan Prefs : " Synonyma Simonis Genuenfis Opus Imprefium Me- " diolani per Antonium Zarotum parmenfem anno " dni. m cccc lxxiii. Die Martis in Augufti," folio. This volume printed in double columns of Roman character is bound in ruffia. Continuing our refearches into obfolete divinity, we meet with Duns Scotus, Imprefium per Ioannem de Colonia, et Nicolaum Jenfon, 1481, 4to. in double co- lumns of gothic letter, half bound. Duns Scotus, Liber Reportatorum, folio, in double columns of gothic letter, half bound. " Summa que Deftructorium viciorum appellat," Norimberga?, per Koburger, 1496, folio, half bound, in double columns of gothic letter. " Thomas Aquinas fuper IV Sententiarum, impen- 408 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " dio Ioannis de Colonia, Nicolai Jenfon, focio- " rumque, 148 1," folio, in double columns of gothic letter, bound in calf. Auguftus de Ancona, de Ecclefia? Poteftate, folio, in double columns of gothic character, in ruffia. Catho Moralizatus, Lugduni per Ioannem de Vingle, 1497, folio, in the Roman character. Aureum Opus de Veritate contritionis, 8vo. Parifiis, per Francifcum Regnault, in the gothic character, bound in calf. Inventarium Generale, &c. Bafileae per Jacobum Pfortzen, folio, in double columns of gothic cha- racter, half bound. Speculum Moralis Vincentii, Norimbergas per Ko- burger, 1485, folio, in double columns of gothic letter, imperfect at the end, and bound in calf. In addition to the above I may mention, the Duytfche Pfalter, printed at Delfte in 1478, although the date by the lapfe of the numeral l is printed 1428, a manifest error. This i8mo volume is bound in vellum with brafs clafps. And two Church Service Books of Salifbury ufe, but of uncommon occurrence ; the nrft being " MirTale ad ufum ac confuetudinem Sarum " Parifiis " Ex officina libraria fpectabilis viri Ni- " colai Prevoft. Impenfis vero fideliffi- " mi mercatoris Francifci Byrckman, " MDXXVII." folio. In the beginning is the Kalendar occupying vii leaves, followed by the MiiTal containing folia cliiii, fo numbered regularly, up to this place, where two unnumbered leaves of vellum intervene, the nrfl of SALISBURY. 409 thefe is entitled Prasfatio quotidiana, having the large wood cut of the Crucifixion on the reverfe ; and the fecond which is diftinguifhed by the fignature v. iiii, comprifes the rirft portion of the " Canon." The following leaf is numbered fo. clvii, being upon paper, and at folio clxx the MirTal ends. The Sanctorale of 69 leaves then follows, and is fucceeded by the Com- mune Apoftolorum, whofe leaves are regularly num- bered fo. i-lxiii, with the following fubfcription at the conclusion : " mdxxvii. tertio Calendas Martias." This noble folio is printed in double columns of bold gothic character, in very black ink occafionally enli- vened with red. The prefent copy meafures very nearly thirteen and a half by nine inches, and is bound in calf. The fecond Service Book is the " Graduale ad " veram et integram preclare ecclefie Sarum confue- " tudinem nuper Parifiis excufum. Venundatur Lon- " donii a. Francifco Byrckman apud cimiterium divi " Pauli, m.dxxviii," folio. This volume is printed in double columns of the fame bold black and red letter as the preceding, and is half bound in calf. To thefe I may with much propriety add a noble fpecimen of the famous Junta Prefs, " Pontificate no- " viter impreffum perpulchrifque characteribus diligen- " tiffime annotatum." Florentias, Lucantonii de Giunta, 1 5 10, folio. This volume is printed in double columns of Roman character, in black varied with red, and is bound in old calf; to which may be appended the Bre- viarium Romanum & the MirTale Romanum, 1670. Let us now turn our attention to thofe impreffions of the Sacred volume which are found within thefe 410 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. walls, including, Walton's Polyglott Bible, with two copies of Caftell's Lexicon, one of which is very fine. The Holy Bible in Englifh, of the date of 1539, in folio, in double columns of black letter, but want- ing the title, and bound in primitive calf. Biblia Hebraica, Aurelia? Allobrogum, 1509, folio, bound up with the New Teftament of the fame date, in calf. Biblia Hebraica Munfteri, Bafileae, 1534. Biblia Latina Caftalionis, Bafileas per Oporinum, printed in double columns of Roman character. Biblia Latina, 1528, 4to. in double columns of Roman character, bound in ruffia ; and the Biblia Latina, Hanovias, 1624, folio, to which I may add The New Teftament, by Erafmus, and the Novum Teftamentum Bezas, 1588, in 4to. In the Theological department, this Library con- tains among much that is valuable a great deal that is obfolete, a remark that may be extended to the other ancient collections attached to our Cathedral Efta- blimments. In the Divinity of the earlier ages we find the Works of feveral Fathers of the Church, namely, Athanafii Opera, Bafilea?, 1514, folio, and Pariliis, 1627, in 2 vols, folio; Auguflini Opera, Bafileae, 1586, in 5 vols, folio; Bafilii Magni Opera omnia, Pariliis, 1638, 3 vols, folio; Chryfoftomi Opera om- nia, 1624, in 6 vols, folio, and edited by Savile, Etona?, 161 2, 8 vols, folio; Eufebii Opera, Bafileas, 1559; the Works of S.S. Ambrofe, Cyprian, Cyril, Epiphanius, Jerome, and Origen, with his Homilies ; SALISBURY. 411 Tertulliani Opera, Bafilea? apud Joannem Frobenium, 1 52 1, folio ; and the Works of Philo Judasus, Gregory Nazianzen, and Juftin Martyr ; Theodoret and Tbeo- phylac~L Defcending to a later period we have the Works of Calvin and Melanclhon, of Grotius and Erafmus ; UiTerii Quasftiones de Ecclefias Chriftianas, Hanovias, 1658; Lutheri Opera omnia Jena?, 1612, in 4 vols, folio; Voffii Opera Sacra, Haga?, Com. 1661 ; many early Commentators, and fome Controverfial pieces by Chamier and Bellarmine. To thefe may be added the Critici Sacri, and Pole's Synopfis ; the Bibliotheca Polonorum Fratrum ; Vi- tringa, Commentarius in Iefaiam ; Leigh's Critica Sacra, London, 1650; the Commentaries of Nicolas deLyra; Zanchii Mifcellanea Theologica, 1682; and Thomas Aquinas, Commentarii in Biblia, Parifiis, 1657, in 3 vols, folio. I may here alfo mention the Works of Bifhop An- drews, Allix, and Alifon ; Chillingworth's Religion of Proteftants ; and a very fine copy of the Works of Bifhop Jewel, London, 1565, here moft appropriately placed. Alfo the Works of Barrow, Bifhop Bramhall, Cudworth, Hall, Hammond, Jackfon, Lowth, Light- foot, Mede, Paley, Stillingrleet, Sherlock, and Water- land. To which may be added, Jortin's Difcourfes ; Wat- fon's Apology ; Routh's Reliquiae Sacra? ; Archdeacon Daubeny's Works ; Twyfden's Vindication of the Church of England ; Bifhop Douglas's Works ; Pear- fon on the Creed ; Hey's Theological Lectures ; Fa- ber on Pagan Idolatry ; and a " Syflem of Divinity by " the Rev. W. Davy in a courfe of Sermons ;" Luft- 4 i2 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. leigh, Devon, printed by himfelf, fourteen copies only, 1803, in 25 volumes 8vo. bound in calf. The cor- rections of the prefs being made by pafting in flips of printed paper between the leaves which require them. This fingular and uncommon performance was prefented to the Library by Bifhop Burgefs. I may here mention Stackhoufe's Hiftory of the Bible ; Bochart's Geographia Sacra ; Hales' Chro- nology, in 4 vols. 4to. ; and many Tracts relating to the Popifh Controverfy. In Ecclefiaftical Hiftory this Collection is fo for- tunate as to contain the Annals of Baronius, with the Supplement of Tornielli; the Concilia omnia, Colo- nic, 1538, in 2 vols, folio ; and the Concilia Maxima in 15 vols, folio; Spelman's Concilia; Wharton's Anglia Sacra ; Suiceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticus ; Bedas, Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, Colon. Agrip. ; Brandt's Hif- tory of the Reformation in the Low Countries ; Bur- net's Hiftory of the Reformation ; Conibere's Church Hiftory ; Crefly's Church Hiftory of Brittany ; Dug- dale's Monafticon Anglicanum ; Fuller's Church Hif- tory ; Field's Book of the Church ; Fox's Martyrs ; the Martyrologium Romanum, Antverpia?, 161 3; Harpsfeld, Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica, Duaci, 1622; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity; Jofephi Opera omnia, Genevas, 1634, folio; Eufebii Hiftoria Eccle- fiaftica, 1659; Gilpin's Lives of the Reformers; Parker, de Antiquitate Britannia? Ecclefias, Hanoviae, 1605, folio; Reformatio Legum Ecclefiafticorum, 1640, 4to. in which no mention is made of Queen Elizabeth's reforms ; Reyner, de Apoftolatum Ordinis Benedictinorum in Anglia ; Strype's Memorials ; Wordfworth's Ecclefiaftical Biography ; Hiftoria? Ec- SALISBURY. 413 clefiafticas Centuriatores Magdeburgenfes ; and the Codex Theodofianus Gothofredi. Of General Hiftory the lift is exceedingly meagre, including Orofii Hiftoria, Martini Chronicon, 1638; Mezeray's Hiftory of France ; De la Valle's Voyage to Perfia, 4to ; Pococke's Hiftoria Arabum ; Doufas, Annales Metrics Hollandias ; Lendener, Tabula Hif- torica, Chronologica, &c. ; Grotii Annales de rebus Belgicis ; Wheler's Greece, 1682 ; Fuller's Paleftine ; and Pitt's Atlas. Of Works relating to the Hiftory and Antiquities of England the Catalogue is much more copious, com- prifing, Viti de Antiquitate, Britannia?, 1597, two parts only in calf; Brady's Englifh Hiftory ; Baker's Chro- nicle, London, 1643, f°li° » Daniel's Hiftory of Eng- land ; Eadmeri Hiftoria Novorum, edente Selden, London, 1623, folio, in calf; Camden's Britannia; Matthaei Paris Hiftoria Anglicana, edente Wats, Lon- dini, 1740, folio; Matthasi Weftmonafterienfis Flores Hiftoriarum ; Bates' Elenchus Motuum ; Clarendon's Rebellion; Melvil's Memoirs, 1683; Milles' Cata- logue of Honour; Wake's Rex Platonicus, 1663; Waraeus de rebus Hibernicis ; Wilfon's Great Britain, 1653 ; Polydore Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana; Several Tracts relating to the time of Charles the Firft ; and the Parliamentary Records of the Kingdom. The Topographical Works include, Adam's Index Villaris ; Calthorpe's Ufages of the City of London ; Clarke's Parochial Topography of the Hundred of Wanting in the County of Berks, Oxford, 1824, 4to. ; Marmora Oxonienfia, Oxonii, folio; Dodfworth's Salifbury Cathedral, 18 14, 4to. ; and Somner's Can- terbury. 4H CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Of Law Books I found only the Corpus Juris Ci- vilis, Lugd. Bat. 1652, folio; Dalton's Juftice of the Peace ; Coke upon Littleton ; Coke's Inftitutes ; Sel- deni Fleta, feu Commentarius Juris Anglicani, 1 647 ; Blount's Law Dictionary, 1670 ; and Selden's Mare Claufum. In Etymology this Collection embraces Buxtorf's Hebrew Lexicon ; Cotgrave's French Dictionary ; Du Cange's Gloffary, 1678, in 3 vols, folio; Golii Lexi- con Arabicum ; Hickes' Thefaurus Septentrionalis ; Stephani Thefaurus, Scapulas Lexicon ; Voflii Etymo- logicum, Amftelodami, 1662; Wallis' Grammatica, Oxonii, 1653 ; and Merceri Thefaurus Lingua? Sanctae. I will now proceed to enumerate the editions of the Claffic Authors contained in this room, that the reader may be enabled to judge for himfelf of the value of this portion of the Salifbury Cathedral Library. Ammianus Marcellinus. Parifiis, 1687. Apollonius Rhodius, Stephani. Parifiis, 1754. Apthonii Progymnafmata. Lugd. Bat. 1526. Ariftotelis Opera Bafileae, per Joannem Bebelium, 1 531, in 2 vols, folio, half bound. Archimedes. Bafileae, 1544, folio. Athenaeus. Bafileae, 1535, folio. Ciceronis Opera omnia, 1654. Demofthenes. Bafileae, 1532. Diodorus Siculus. Parifiis, 1644, folio. Euclid, 1678. Euripides. Bafileae, 1544. Herodotus, 1524, folio, in the original binding. Horatius cum Commentariis. Venetiis, 1495, in the Roman character, folio. Hippocratis Opera. Bafileae, 1501. SALISBURY. 415 Lucretius. Francofurti, 1631. Manilii Aftronomicon, 1590. Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis. Genevas, 1631. Plutarchi Opera. Lutet. Paris. 1624, 2 vols, folio. Photii Bibliotheca, Hoefchelii. Rothomagi, 1563. Photii Epiftolas. Londini, 1651. Polybius Cafauboni, 1610. Prudentius. Hanovias, 161 3. Pindarus Stephani, 1599. Plautus. Neapoli, 1 519. Quintilianus, 1548. Quintus Curtius. Parifiis, 1668. Seneca. Bafileas, 1595. Suetonius. Bafileas, 1673. Themiftii Opera. Venetiis, 1533. Theophraftus. Lugd. Bat. 161 3. Vitruvii Architectura. Antverpias, 1624. To the above I may add, Scaligeri Opera, Parifiis, 1610; Draudii Bibliotheca Clamca, 1625,410.; Lip- fii Opera ; Avicennas Canones Medici, Venetiis, 1595, in 2 vols, folio ; Pauli iEginetas Medici Opera, Ba- fileas, 1 55 1, 8vo. ; and the Works of Galen and Epictetus. Of Englifh Literature, the fhelves of this Library prefent us with Bacon's Novum Organum ; King James's Works ; Ifaac Barrow's Optics and other Works; Spenfer's Faery Queen, 161 1; Cowley's Works ; Brown's Paftorals in two parts, with the third in Manufcript, as yet, I believe, unpublifhed. The printed portion of this interefKng folio tome is dated at London in 161 3. It is bound in calf. Donne's Letters ; Walton's Lives ; Digges' Complete Ambaf- fador ; Evelyn's Sylva ; Harris's Works ; Moryfon's 416 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Works, 1 6 17, folio; Nott's edition of Howard and Wyatt's Poems; and Symmons' edition of Milton's Works. . Of Scientific Works I obferved merely Tycho Brahe ; and Kepler's Aftronomy ; Raii Hiftoria Plan- tarum ; and Napier on Logarithms. And laftly of Bibliographical Works I noticed only Clavel's General Catalogue of Englifh Books ; the old Catalogue of the Bodleian Library ; and the Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca Sionenfi, 1650, folio. Here are alfo many volumes which belonged to Izaak Walton, the father of Anglers, and were pro- bably prefented to this Library by his fon Canon Walton. Twenty of the volumes bear his autograph, a lift of which may be feen in Nicolas's Life of Wal- ton, App. p. civ. The reader will not have failed to perceive the ab- fence of works printed during the eighteenth century from this Library, and he may attribute the circum- ftance to the long interval during which this ancient Cathedral was furTered to remain in the raoft neglected ftate. From this it has been refcued by the proper feeling of the exifting Dean and Chapter, aided by the un- remitting exertions of their prefent Librarian. Many volumes, however, ftill remain buried in duft, and when the cobwebs of the laft century have been brufhed away, fome works may probably be found not undeferving of notice. Kibvaxv of mtlls. HE Library of the Dean and Chapter of Wells is kept in a very dry and fufficiently commodious apartment over that fide of the cloifters which immediately adjoins the Cathedral. For many years it was very much neglected ; and the office of Librarian remained in abeyance for the laft fifty years, when it was recently revived in the perfon of Mr. Aldrit, the Mafter of the Collegiate Chapter Grammar School. The books confirming of about 5000 volumes are arranged upon open fhelves in projecting cafes, with ample defks below each for the convenience of ftudents. The chains they once wore are now thrown afide, though the rings whereby they were attached ftill remain upon many of the volumes. It cannot be de- nied that where the prefervation of the binding is of any confequence, thefe manacles mufr. do mifchief ; and when a Collection is kept under proper regulation, this injurious mode of protection may very well be dif- penfed with. There is only one Catalogue in manufcript of this Library, written apparently about a century ago, in which the books are enumerated in alphabetical order, with a tolerably particular defcription of each book, E E 418 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. and though the dates, imprints, and fizes of books are molt, unpardonably omitted, occafionally the contents of fuch Collections as Wharton's Anglia Sacra are fpecified feparately. This Catalogue is contained in two folio volumes, in vellum covers, with this common title : Catalogus Librorum in Bibliotheca Wellenfi. The additions made to the Library fince this Cata- logue was written are neither numerous nor important, confirming chiefly of the ponderous volumes ifliied un- der the authority of the Record Commiffion. But a new Catalogue is now preparing by Mr. Aldrit, who has recently cleanfed all the books from the accumu- lated duft of the laft half century. The firft volumes which attracted my attention were a very fine fet of Walton's Polyglott Bible, with the Republican Preface, ruled with red lines, and bound in blue morocco, full charged with gilt tooling on the back, and bearing this fuperfcription, " E dono Thoma? " Hole, Eccl. Wellenfis Cancellarii et Canonici." The rings, by which the chains were formerly fattened, remain attached to thefe portly volumes. Befide thefe flood Caftell's Lexicon in calf, and the Biblia Polyglotta Philippica per Ariam Montanum, in 8 volumes, folio, bound in calf; and of the other im- preffions of the facred volume I noticed the Biblia Hebraica Wolfii, and per Joannem Leufden ; Bux- torf's Hebrew Bible, in a vellum cover ; the Septua- gint Verfion irTued under the authority of Pope Sixtus V. and that printed at London, juxta exemplar Vatica- num, in 1543, 4to., together with that edited by Grabe in 4 volumes, folio, printed at Oxford in 1720. Biblia Latina Vulgata, Parifiis, 1545 and 1552, both in 4to. ; the Englilh Bible, London, by J. Bill, 1633, WELLS. 419 folio, with the Common Prayer of 1569, uniform in red morocco ; Evangelia Gothica et Anglo-Saxonica ; Novum Teftamentum Gracum et Latinum Erafmi, Bafil. 1539, and Gracum Millii, Oxon. 2 vols, folio, and Grascum Cantabrigiae, 1632; Nov. Teft. Hebr. Arab, et Syriac. ; the Holie Bible, printed at Doway in 1609, in 2 vols. 4-to; the New Teftament, Antwerp, 1 600, 4to. ; to which I may add the impreffions of the Common Prayer, in Englifh, of 1552 and 1669; and in Welch and in Scotch, with the Proceffionale ad ufum Ecclefiaa Sarum. Works of Divinity form a large portion of this Library ; the moil important of which are the Works of S. Ambrofe, S. Anfelm, S. Athanafius, Thomas Aquinas, Atterbury, Allix, Allen, Andrewes, Abbot, S. Bafil, Barrow, Beveridge, Bingham, BoiTuet, Boyle, Bramhall, Burnet, Martin Bucer, Edmund Campion, Samuel Clarke, S. Cyril, 6 vols, folio; S. Cyprian, edited by Fell ; Erafmus, Duns Scotus, Grotius, Fleet- wood, Geddes, Gregory Nazianzen, Hooper, 1757 ; S. Hilary, Home, Hammond, in 4 vols, folio ; Irenasus, Lightfoot, Lactantius, Lowth, Patrick, Mede, Melanc- thon, Newton, Origen, Paley, Philo Judaeus, Prideaux, Sancroft, Sherlock, Spanheim, South, Stillingfleet, Jeremy Taylor, Tillotfon, with his Life by Birch; Tertullian, and Tennifon. I alfo remarked the Com- mentaries of Abarbanal, Alexandri Alenfis Univerfas Theologiae Summa, in 4 torn, folio ; Auguftini Opera, per Erafmum, in 10 vols, folio; Bellarmini Difputa- tionum de Controverfiis fidei Chriftianae, torn. iv. fo- lio ; Bochart's Geographia Sacra, and Hierozoicon ; Bulli Opera, per Grabe ; Bythneri Lyra Prophetica ; Butler's Analogy ; Calvin's Inftitutions ; Cafaubon's 420 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Annotations and Commentaries ; Chillingworth's Re- ligion of Proteftants ; Chryfoftomi Opera, per Savile, 8 vols, folio; and in 13 vols, folio, in old calf; de- mentis Alexandrini Opera, Gr. & Lat. per Heinfium et Sylburgium ; Comber on the Liturgy ; Newman's and various other Concordances ; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, in dark old calf; Critici Sacri per Cornelium Bezam, in 9 vols, folio ; Pole's Synopfis ; Jewel's Apology ; Davenant, Praelectiones Theolo- gies ; Doleman's Converfions, Book the Third ; Epi- phanii Opera, per Petavium, 2 vols, folio ; Farmer on the Demoniacs of the New Teftament ; Southey's Book of the Church ; Eufebii Hift. Ecclefiaftica ; Prasparatio et Demonftratio Evangelica ; Jortin's Sermons ; Boyle's Lecture Sermons, 3 vols, folio, in calf; Hey's Theological Lectures, 4 vols. 8vo. Juftini Marty ris Opera, Gr. & Lat. Sylburgii ; Juf- tiniani Inftitutiones, cura Harris ; Kett on the Pro- phecies; Bifhop Ken's Sermons and Tracts, with his Life ; Lardner's Teftimonies and other Works ; Lef- lie's Theological Works, in 2 vols, folio ; Leland on Deifm and the Chriftian Revelation ; Leigh's Critica Sacra ; Lloyd's Church Government ; Sanderfon's Sermons, and other Works ; Bartholoma?i de Saxofer- rato Commentarii ; Scott's Chriftian Life and Ser- mons ; Simon, Hift. Crit. Vet. Teft.; Sleidan, Com- mentarii de ftatu Religionis et Reipublicas ; Bibliotheca Patrum, a fine fet in calf; Calafio Concordantiae He- brew, 4 vols, folio, in calf; Newcome's Harmony and Minor Prophets ; Toftati Opera Theologica, Venetiis, 1596, 13 vols, folio; Petavii Opera Theologica, Pari- liis, 1550, 5 vols, folio, in old calf; Chamieri Contro- verfias; Petri Martyris Loci Communes; Pearfon on the Creed ; Hooper's Works, in old calf, gilt ; Joan- WELLS. 4 21 nis Damafceni Opera, 2 vols, folio, in old calf; Clerici Comm. in Hagiographa, et Prophetas, &c. ; Vitringae Comm. in Iefaiam ; Gale's Court of the Gentiles ; Biftiop Kidder on the Pentateuch; Pococke on Malachi, Micah, Joel, and Hofea, 4 vols, folio, old calf; Cote- lerii Patres Apoftolici, cura Joannis Clerici, Amftelod, 1724, 2 vols, folio, in calf; Petavii de do&rina tem- porum, Antverpiae, 1703, in 3 vols, folio, in calf; U frier's Annales Vet. Teft. and other Traces ; Twyf- den's Vindication of the Church of England from Schifm, &c. ; Wall on Infant Baptifm ; Warner's Illuftrations of Common Prayer; Warburton's Divine Legation, 1765, 5 vols.; Zanchii Mifcellanea Theo- logica ; Suiceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticus ; and Hodius de Bibliorum Textibus, 4 vols, folio. Of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, the principal Works which I noticed were the Conftitutiones Legating; Regionis Anglicans; Scripture Atlas, 1812; Othonis et Othoboni, cum annotationibus Joannis de Athona ; Cave's Lives of the Primitive Fathers ; Baronii Anna- lium tomus primus, et Martyrologium Romanum, cum ejufdem Annalibus in Epitomen redactis, per Sponda- num, 1639; Bedae Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica; Bower's Hiftory of the Popes; Uffer de Antiq. Eccl. Britt. with his Life by Parr and Smith ; Burnet's Reforma- tion ; Concilia Generalia Ecclefoe Catholicae ; Quick's Synodicon in Gallia Reformat! ; Sacrofancta Concilia per Labbe et Coffard, in 17 vols, folio, in old calf; Edon's Thefaurus ; Fox's Martyrs, in 3 vols, folio ; Godwin's Englim Bimops ; Gothofredi Comment, in Codicem Theodofianum, in 4 vols, folio; Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica, per Magdeburgenfes ; Hooker's Ecclefi- aftical Polity ; Howell's Synopfis Canonum, in 2 vols, folio ; Jenning's Jewifh Antiquities ; Jofephus' Hif- 422 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. tory of the Jews, tranflated by Lodge ; Jofephus Ha- vercampi, 2 vols, folio, and Hudfoni, 1720, in 2 vols, folio ; Bafnage, Hiftory of the Jews ; Spencer de Le- gibus Hebrasorum ; Jortin's Eccleiiaftical Hiftory ; Corpus Juris Canonici, Paris, 161 8 ; Codex Juftiniani; Lyndewode's Provinciale feu Conftitutiones Anglian; Annales Ordinis Benedictin. per Mabillon, Parifiis, 1703, 5 vols, folio, in French calf; Strype's Memo- rials, Lives, and Annals ; Tornielli Annales ; Whar- ton's Anglia Sacra ; Wilkins' Concilia Magna? Britan- nicaa, in 4 vols, folio ; and Saliani Annal. Ecclef. V. T. Paris. 1 64 1, folio. It will be feen from the foregoing enumeration, however brief, that a very large portion of this Library is theological; indeed no lefs than thirteen pages of the Catalogue are occupied by Tracts on the Popifh Controverfy, four by the fubject of Toleration, and three by that of Tranfubftantiation. There are alio many other Tracts relating to the Reformation and the Revolution, and alfo to the Quakers. This Collection alfo contains the Alcoranus Mu- hammedis, Arabice, 1694, and Sale's Koran. Of General Hiftory I noticed but few works, the chief of which were Alftedii Thefaurus Chronologias ; Baudrand, Lexicon Geographicum ; Davila's Civil Wars of France ; Dodwell's DirTertations ; D'Anville's Geography, 1 8 1 2 ; the Collections of Grasvius, in old calf; Corpus Juris Civilis Gothofredi ; Lipfii Politi- corum Libri VI. ; Mezeray's Hiftory of France ; Heylin's Cofmography ; Howell's Hiftory of the World, in old calf; Pococke's Defcription of the Eaft, 2 vols, folio ; Potter's Greece ; PurTendorf's Law of Nations ; Robertfon's America, and Charles V. ; WELLS. 423 Rofcoe's Lorenzo di Medici ; Rycaut's Hiftory of the Turks and of the Ottoman Empire ; Scaliger de Emen- datione Temporum ; & Chronicon, Amftel. 1758, fol. calf; Simpfon's Chronicon Catholicon ; Thuani Hif- toria fui temporis, folio ; the Univerfal Hiftory, in 2 1 vols. 8vo. ; Wheler's Greece ; Shaw and Pococke's Travels ; Fofter's, Cook's, and Hawkefworth's Voy- ages ; Browne's Travels in Hungary and Germany ; Park's Travels ; Wilfon's Pelew Iflands ; Webb's Hif- torical EfTay upon China ; Ximenes, Archiep. Tolet. Hiftoria Arabum. Lugd. Bat. 1625 ; Zofimus, Hiftoria Novorum, libri duo ; and Gillies' Greece. Of Englifh Hiftory and Antiquities, the lift is rather more copious, as the following felection will teftify : Adam's Index Villaris ; Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores Decern a Twyfden ; and the firft volume only of Gale and Fell's Collection ; Bates' Elenchus Motuum ; Commentarii de Rebellione Anglica, 1640-85, per R. Manilium, Eq. Aurat. ; Sir Robert Atkyns's Hiftorical Tracts ; Baker's Chronicle, folio ; Chandler's Life of Bifhop Beckington ; Bentham's Ely ; Bofwell's John- fon ; Brady's Englifh Hiftory, and Introduction to the fame ; Britannia Rediviva ; Epicedia Acad. Oxon. in obitum Henrici ducis Glouceftrenfis ; Notitia Acade- mic Oxonienfis ; Buchanan, Hiftoria Scotorum ; Cam- den's Britannia, the firft edition as well as that by Gibfon ; Somner's Canterbury ; Charlton's Chorea Gigantum, 1663 ; Webb's Vindication of Stonehenge reftored; Inigo Jones's Stonehenge ; Clarendon's Re- bellion, 3 vols, folio ; Daniel's Hiftory of England ; Drayton's Polyolbion ; Davies' Celtic Refearches ; Dugdale's Baronage ; Origines Judiciales, Summons ; Catalogue of the Lord Chancellors, and Troubles, 424 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Warwickshire, edited by Thomas, with an Epitome of his MonaSKcon Anglicanum, edited by Stevens ; Aikin's Elizabeth and James I. ; Rymer's Foedera, a fine fet of the original edition in old calf; Gibfon's Codex, and Chronicon Saxonicum ; Guillim's Heral- dry ; Kennett's Parochial Antiquities ; Langhorne, Elenchus Antiquitatum Albionenlium ; Heylin's Life of Laud; Lyttelton's Henry II.; Loggan, Oxonia et Cantabrigia Illuftrata ; Mackenzie's Royal Line of Scotland; Cox's Memoirs of Marlborough, in 6 vols. 8vo. with the Atlas in 4to. ; Matthaei Paris Hiftoria Anglicana ; Matthasi Weftmonafterieniis Flores Hif- toriarum ; Milton's Defenfio pro Populo Anglicano ; Mufgrave, Antiquitates Britanno -Belgica? praecipue Romans, 4 vols. 8vo. ; the Harleian Mifcellany, 8vo. in calf; Lord Herbert's Life of Henry VIII. ; Holin- Shed's Chronicle, with Vowell's Continuation ; Hume's Hiftory of England ; Hutchin's Dorfet, the firSl edition ; Journals of the Lords and Commons ; Re- cords, and Population Returns ; Maitland's London ; Nalfon's Collections ; Guil. Neubrigenfis de Rebus Anglicanis ; Plott's Oxfordshire ; Prynne's Concordia Difcors ; Rufhworth's Historical Collections ; Rerum nuper in Scotia Geftarum Hiftoria, 1641 ; Vifcount Tarbet's Ads of Scotland, from 1685 to 1702, 4 vols, with many other Tracts relating to the Hiitory of the Scottim Nation and Church ; Spotfwode's Church of Scotland ; Sheringham, Difceptatio de Gentis An- glorum origine ; Spelman's Concilia, and Life of Al- fred, with the Reliquiae Spelmannianas by Gibfon ; State Trials, by Cobbett, 1 1 vols. 8vo. ; the Statutes at large; Cromwell's Memoirs of Oliver Cromwell, 2 vols. 8vo. ; Madox, Baronia Anglica, Firma Burgi, Formulare Anglicanum, and Hiftory of the Exche- WELLS. 425 quer ; Scriptores poll Bedam, edente Savile ; Tanner's Notitia Monaftica; Sir Wm. Temple's Memoirs; Speed's Hiftory of Great Britain ; Polydore Vergil ; Urbinas, Archidiaconus Wellenfis, Hiftoria Anglicana, Libris XXVII. with his other Works; Verftegan's Ref- titution of Decayed Intelligence relative to Englifh Antiquities ; Cox's Memoirs of Walpole ; Walton's Lives of Hooker and Sanderfon ; Whitelocke's Me- morials ; Vita Guil. de Wickham Epifc. Winton ; Wood's Athens, et Antiquitates Oxonienfes ; Mait- taire, Marmora Oxonienfia, Londini, 1732, folio, in calf; and Francifci Wife, Nummorum Antiq. Bodl. Catalogus; to which may be added a Genealogical Chart of the Houfe of Stuart, 1779, which hangs upon the wall of this Library. Of Law Books, the chief appeared to be Black- ftone's Commentaries ; Coke's Reports in Law French ; Dalton's Country Juftice; Durandi Speculum Juris; Coke upon Littleton ; Fitzherbert, Natura Brevium ; Blackftone's Magna Charta, Oxford, 1759; Braclon de Legibus Anglia?, Londini, per Ricardum Tottel, 1569, folio; and Robinfon's Admiralty Cafes, 1806, &c. 6 vols. 8vo. with the Statutes at large. Of Etymology, this Collection comprehends Bax- ter's Account of Llhuyd's Archasologia ; Du Cange, GlofTary ; Buxtorf's Hebrew Lexicon ; Cole's Englifh Dictionary ; Cooper's Theiaurus ; Cotgrave's French and Englifh Dictionary ; Harris' Hermes ; Hickes' Thefaurus Septentrionalis, cum Wanleii Hift. Lit. Septentr. Oxon. 1705, 2 vols, folio; Giggeus, The- faurus Arabicus ; Golii Lexicon Arabicum ; Hoff- manni Lexicon Univerfale; JuniiGlofTariumGothicum, Dordraci, 1665, and his Etymologicum Anglicanum, 1743, folio ; Llhuyd's Archsologia ; Scapula? et Schre- 426 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. velii Lexica; Skinner's Etymologicum Linguae Angli- cans; Somneri Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Angli- canum, and his Gloffary ; Spelman's GlorTary ; Ste- phani Thefaurus, in 4 vols, folio ; Suidas Lexicon, Kufteri, Cantabr. in 3 vols, folio; Voffius, Etymol. Ling. Lat. to which may be added feveral Greek, Latin, Italian, French, and Englifh Dictionaries not requiring particular fpecification. I now come to the great Authors of Antiquity, and mail be as concife as poffible in my account of them, begging "the thorough-bred Bibliomaniac" to ima- gine the pleafure I felt in difcovering a beautiful copy of the Aldine Ariftotle, the firft edition of the Works of that great philofopher in his own tongue, as found and immaculate as when it firft ilTued from the prefs at Venice. The five volumes have been rebound in the dark calf of the preceding century, with red lettering pieces; and within four of them is pafted the well known autograph of the celebrated Erafmus, " Sum Erafmi Roterodami," from which we may reafonably conclude that this very fet of books once appertained to that eminent fcholar : a fuppofition which is ftrengthened by the circumftance of the donor of this Work having written in the third volume, immedi- ately beneath the autograph juft quoted, the following commemorative diftich : " Hsec ego dona dedi Wellenfi Bibliothecre Turnerus nomen cui gulielmus erat." the altitude of thefe volumes is rather more than twelve inches, by eight inches and a quarter. " The ruler-carrying Bibliomaniacs " will thank me for being thus particular. The other editions of the ClarTics being of leffer WELLS. 427 note, the names of the authors fhall be fuccinc~tly given in alphabetical order : iEneas Taciicus Gr. Ca- fauboni ; Alciati Paradox. Lib. VI. ; Athenagoras, Hiftoria Auguftas Scriptores VI.; Ariftophanes ; Casfar, Delphini, Catullus, Cicero, Lambini, Geneva, 1624, 4 vols, folio ; Dares, Phrygius et Dictys Cretenfis ; Demofthenes, Dionyfius HalicarnarT. iElius Lampri- dius Rom. Imp. Hift. ; Hierocles Facetias & Verfus Aurei ; Herodiani lib. VIII. per Angelum Politianum ; Homer, by Barnes ; Horace, by Bond ; Ifocrates Stephani, 1604; Juvenalis Farnabii; Livius Gelenii et Thomas Hearne ; Longinus, Manilii Aftronomicon ; Macrobius Pontani ; Martialis Raderi ; Photius, Bibliotheca Hoefchelii, Rothomagi, 1563,6! ejufdem Epiftolas per Ricardum Montacutium, 1651, folio, in a vellum wrapper; Plinii Hift. Nat. Dalecampii ; Plautus Lambini ; Philoftrati Opera Omnia, Lipfia?, 1709, folio, in calf; Poetas Minores Grasci ; Julii Pollucis Onomafticon ; Polybius Cafauboni ; Procopius Hoefchelii ; Propertius ; Quintilianus Gibfoni ; Seneca Lipfii ; iElias, Spartianus ; Strabo Cafauboni ; Sueto- nius Cafauboni; Tacitus Lipfii ; Tibullus, &c. Opera Cantabr., Theophraftus, Virgil, Minellii & Cantabr. 1 701; & Bafkerville's edition; Flavii Vopifci Rom. Imp. & H. Boxhornii, to which I may add the Cam- bridge editions of Horace, Catullus, Tibullus, Pro- pertius, Terence, & Virgil, 1 70 1, 4to. ; and Didymus in Homerum, accurante Schrevelio, Amftelod. ap. Elzevir, 4to. Here I may alfo mention Lloyd, Dictionarium Hif- tor. Geograph. et Poeticum a Stephano, Oxonii, 1671, folio ; Allwood's Literary Antiquities of Greece, Lon- don, 1779, 4to. ; Middleton's Cicero, Melmoth's Pliny; Gefneri Bibliothecas Epitome per Simlerum, 428 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Plutarch's Lives, by North ; Spence's Polymetis ; Sal- mafii Exercitationes Plinianas ; Ovid's Metamorphofes, by Banier, illuftrated by Picart, Amfterdam, 1732, folio, in old rufha ; VolTius de Hiftoricis Graecis et Latinis. Of Bibliography indeed, the Works I found here are fo few, that I am almofr. amamed to record merely the Acta Eruditorum, Lipfias, 1682 ; Blount's Cenfura Literaria; Cave's Scriptor. Ecclef. Hift. Literar. ; Du Pin's Ecclefiaftical Writers ; Hyde's Catalogue of the Bodleian Library ; Nicolfon's Hiftorical Library ; Ca- talogus Libror. MSS. Angl. et Hibern. Oxonii, 1697 ; and " a Catalogue of fuch unlawful books as were found in the ftudy of John Stowe of London, 1568." It only remains for me to notice fuch mifcellaneous works as met my eye, in roving about the antique gallery in which they are depofited. To begin with the moft obfolete, I may mention Petrus de Albano Heptameron, feu Elementa Magica ; Agrippa de oc- culta Philofophia ; Blome's Gentleman's Kecreation; Thomas Mori Opera Latina ; Johnftoni Hiftoria Na- turalis de Quadrupedibus, &c. 2 vols, folio ; Jovii Illuftrium Virorum Vitas, in 2 vols, folio ; Joannis Sarifburienfis Polycraticus et Metalogicus, and the Theory of the Earth, by Woodward and Burnet; Thomas Willis, M. D. Opera Omnia, 2 vols, folio ; and Wifeman's Chirurgical Treatifes. In Englifh Literature I remarked Chaucer's Works, by Urry ; Bacon's Works, 1730, &c. in 4 vols. 4to. ; Blacklock's Poems ; Beattie on Truth ; Sir Thomas Browne's Works ; Sir Robert Cotton's Works ; Cham- bers' Dictionary ; Cowley's Works ; Evelyn on Me- dals ; Grew's Anatomy of Plants ; Butler's Hudibras, edited by Grey ; Locke's Works ; Maundrell's Jour- WELLS. 429 ney ; Milton's Poems, edited by Newton ; Harring- ton's Oceana; Herbert's Steps to the Temple; Hum- boldt's Works, 8vo. calf; Orrery's Letters ; the Philo- fophical Tranfactions, in 4 volumes ; Prior's Poems ; Pope's Works, by Warburton, in 9 vols. 8vo. ; fome Tracts by Selden ; Algernon Sydney's Difcourfe con- cerning Government ; Smollett's Travels ; Spenfer's Faery Queen ; Stewart's Political Economy ; the Afi- atic Refearches, 12 vols. 8vo. very neatly bound in calf; Pennant's Britifh Zoology ; Sullivan's View of Nature, 6 vols. 8vo. ; and Hartley on Man. I may add what is very deferving of imitation in other places, that a tabular index of the contents of each cafe is hung at the end thereof, the books being fpecified exactly in the order in which they are placed on the fhelves : a method which affords great facilities both to the cafual vifitor and the proferTed ft udents. The books are generally in excellent prefervation, and chiefly in the fombre calf of the two laft centuries, with fome in vellum covers. And there is very properly a fmall book for the names of books borrowed from the Library, to be entered by thofe who have occafion for them. Of the manufcripts formerly attached to this foun- dation I have made no mention, becaufe they have chiefly perimed through the united agency of time and neglect. I may however cite, as an exception, an ancient Vulgate Bible, prefented to the Cathedral by one of its Bifhops, and add that a Chinefe Manufcript is alfo extant, though the curiofity of flrangers has greatly impaired both its integrity and appearance. 43° CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Htbrarp of ti)e SDean anD Chapter of ameftminfter, HIS ancient and extenfive Collection of Books is preferved in a room over the cloifters adjoining the time-ho- noured fabric of Weftminfter Abbey. The true lover of the typographic art muft here feel the full influence of the " Religio Loci," recollecting that within thefe facred precincts, William Caxton erected his Prefs, and beftowed on benighted England the benefits of the Art of Printing. It may be remarked that the only fpecimen of our earliefr. printer here preferved is a fingle leaf inferted at the end of Pynfon's Dives and Pauper, 1493, whofe authenticity has been thus attefted, " This appears to "be a leaf from Caxton's Chronicle, 1480. T. F. " Dibdin." But to give the general reader fome idea of the locale of this Library, I muft borrow the defcriptive pages of a tranfatlantic pen. " There are certain half- " dreaming moods of mind, in which we naturally " fleal away from noife, and glare, and feek fome quiet " haunt, where we may indulge our reveries, and " build our air-caftles undifturbed. ' In fuch a mood,' WESTMINSTER. 431 " fays Wafhington Irving,* ' I was loitering about the " old gray cloifters of Weftminfter Abbey, enjoying " that luxury of wandering thought which we are apt " to dignify by the name of reflection ; when fuddenly " an irruption of madcap boys from Weftminfter " School, playing at foot-ball, broke in upon the mo- " naftic ftillnefs of the place, making the vaulted " paftages, and mouldering tombs echo with their " merriments. I fought to take refuge from their " noife by penetrating ftill deeper into the folitudes of " the pile, and applied to one of the vergers for ad- " million to the Library. He conducted me through " a portal rich with the crumbling fculpture of former " ages, which opened upon a gloomy pafTage leading " to the Chapter Houfe, and the chamber in which " Doomfday Book is depofited. Juft within the paf- " fage is a fmall door on the left. To this the verger " applied a key ; it was double locked, and opened " with fome difficulty as if feldom ufed. We now " afcended a dark narrow ftaircafe, and parling through " a fecond door, entered the library. " I found myfelf in a lofty antique hall, the roof " fupported by maffive joifts of old Englifh oak. It " was foberly lighted by a row of gothic windows at " a confiderable height from the floor, and which ap- " parently opened upon the roofs of the cloifters. An " ancient picture of fome reverend dignitary of the " Church in his robes hung over the fire place. " Around the hall, and in a fmall gallery were the " books, arranged in carved oaken cafes. They con- * In his Eflay on the Mutability of Literature, in the firft volume of the Sketch Book. London, 1823, pp. 227-9. 432 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " lifted principally of old polemical writers, and were " much more worn by time than ufe. In the centre " of the library was a folitary table, with two or three " books on it, an inkftand without ink, and a few pens " parched by long difufe. The place feemed fitted " for quiet ftudy and profound meditation. It was " buried deep among the maffive walls of the abbey, " and fhut up from the tumult of the world. I could " only hear now and then the ihouts of the fchool " boys faintly fwelling from the cloifters, and the " found of a bell tolling for prayers, that echoed fo- " berly along the roofs of the abbey. By degrees the " fhouts of merriment grew fainter and fainter, and " at length died away. The bell ceafed to toll, and " a profound filence reigned through the duiky hall." I will not follow the lively American in his day dream among the dufty tomes, inafmuch as it is fome- what " lengthy," and not fufficiently entertaining to warrant its tranfcription. I muft here, too, venture a proteft againft the un- grateful fentiment of our author, who " could not but " confider the library a kind of literary catacomb, " where authors, like mummies, are pioufly entombed, " and left to blacken and moulder in dufty oblivion." Dropping the pencil of Geoffrey Crayon, I proceed with great fatisfaction to examine the venerable re- mains enfhrined within the " literary catacomb" of Weftminfter Abbey. The Library of the Dean and Chapter of Weft- minfter at prefent confifts of eleven thoufand volumes, but was formerly much more extenlive, as many works, which appear in the old Catalogue, and are not found in the new, lamentably attefts. WESTMINSTER. 433 The old Catalogue of this Collection, arranged in alphabetical order, with titles, places, and dates, and with references to the fhelves, bears the following title : " Catalogus Librorum in hac Bibliotheca Wefrmonaf- terienfi. Oclob. 22mo. 1726," folio. It is bound in vellum, and has the armorial bearings of the Deanery ftamped upon the cover. The new Catalogue was compiled by Dr. Dakin, the precentor, and contains the titles, places, dates, and fizes of the books, with reference to the (helves on which they are placed, very carefully arranged in alphabetical order, and clearly written by Mr. Marquet, in a large folio volume, fecured by clafps. For this labour, completed in the year 1798, the Dean and Chapter, with a moft com- mendable zeal for the prefervation of their treafures of ancient learning, paid the fum of one hundred pounds. The Library was originally depofited in one of the chapels, within the Abbey, but was removed to its prefent fituation by the celebrated Williams, Arch- bifhop of York, in the time of James the Firft. Within the deep receffes of this venerable pile, " where all the air a folemn ftillnefs holds," the mind is naturally inclined to religious contemplation, and turns inftinclively to the Book of Life. Here too the Bibliographer may point with fatif- faction to a very fine found copy of the famous Com- plutenfian Polyglott, 151 5, in 6 volumes, folio, which though llightly ftained, retains its original binding of ftamped calf, and nearly its priftine dimenfions, mea- furing fifteen and a quarter by ten and a half inches. Meet companions of the firft Polyglott Bible are, F F 434 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. The Biblia Polyglotta, Montani. Antverpiae, apud Plantin, 1572, in 8 vols, folio, & The Biblia Polyglotta, Waltoni. Londini, 1657, in 6 vols, folio, accompanied by the indifpenfable adjunct of CaftelPs Lexicon, in 2 fimilar volumes. To thefe may be added, The Biblia Sacra Quadrilingue, Wolderi. Hamburgi, 1596, folio. Biblia Hebraica et Latina, Munfteri. Bafileas, 1546, in 2 volumes, folio. Biblia Hebraica, Leufdenii. Amftelod. 1667, folio. Biblia Hebraica, Houbigantii. Paris. 1753, 4 vols. folio. Biblia Hebraica, Stephani. Paris. 1 565, 7 vols. 24to. Biblia Hebraica, Kennicottii. Oxonii, 1776, 2 vols, folio. The Bomberg Hebrew Bible, printed at Venice, but without date, in 3 volumes, folio ; and ano- ther Impreffion of the Scriptures in the Hebrew tongue, in 10 volumes, folio. This Library alfo contains, The nrfl edition of the Scripture, in the Greek language, being the Biblia Graeca, Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi, 151 8, folio. The Biblia Graeca, Hervagii. Bafileas, 1 545, folio, & The Biblia Graeca. Francofurti, 1597, folio. Among the Latin Bibles, may be noticed the Biblia Latina, Caftalionis. Bafileas, 1556, folio. Biblia Latina, Stephani. Parifiis, 1557, folio. Biblia Latina, Vulgata. Parifiis, 1558, folio. Biblia Latina, Vatabli. Parifiis, 1584, folio. Biblia Latina, Vatabli. Romas, 1592, folio. Biblia Latina, Vatabli. Antverpice, 1605, folio. WESTMINSTER. 435 Biblia Latina, Tremellii et Junii. Genevas, 1630. Biblia Latina. Antverpias, 1645, 8vo. Biblia Latina. Londini, 1653, i2mo. Biblia Latina, Theod. Bezas. Amftelod. 1669, i2mo. To which may be added, Grabe's Septuagint, printed at Oxford, 1707, fol. and the Septuagint, edited by Holmes and Parfons at Oxford, 1798, &c. in 10 vols, folio. The Biblia Sacra, Diodati. Geneva?, 1641. The Biblia Arabica. Romas, 1593, 4to. & The Biblia Francois. Amfterdam, 15 16, folio. Of Englifh Bibles, I noticed more particularly Cranmer's Bible of 1540, in folio. The firft and fecond editions of Parker's, or the Bifhop's Bible. London, by Richard Jugge, 1568, and 1572, folio. The Bible of 1 55 1, folio. The Bible of 1617, folio. The Bible of 1706, 4to. ; together with King James's Bible of 1640, folio. The Welch Bible, printed at London in 1588, folio; and in 1600; at Oxford in 1723 ; and at London in 1746, 8vo. here claim a paffing notice. Of editions of the New Teflaments in Englifh it may fuffice to allude to thofe printed at London in 1706, 1708, 171 1, 8vo. ; and at Oxford in 1770, 8vo. ; The Novum Teftamentum Arabicum, 4to ; the Novum Teftamentum Syriacum, per Leufden. Lugd. Bat. 1717; the Novum Teftamentum Grascum, per Fell, Oxonii, 1675, 8vo. ; et Millii, Oxonii, 1707, folio; together with Kipling's facfimile of the Codex Bezas, Cambridge, 1793, folio; and the edi- tions of Beza, Erafmus, Wetftein, and Stephens, 436 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. 1549; the Coptic Verfion of Wilkins ; and feveral French tranflations by Beaufobre and others ; Fulke's New Teftament, London, by the deputies of Chr. Barker, 1589; and the fame, printed at London, by Auguftine Matthews, 1633, both in folio. I may add to the above the Evangelia IV. Graece Theophylacti, Romas, 1 542 ; Evangelia Gothica Junii, 4to. : Wilkins' Pentateuchus Copticus, Lond. 173 1, 4to. ; Pfalterium Monafticum, Samueli, 161 6, folio; Pfalterium Quintuplex ; Pfalterium Antverpia?, Plan- tin, 1608; Pfalterium Hebraicum Gracum et e Co- dice Alexandrina, Oxonii, 1678, i2mo.; and many other editions of the Pfalms of David. Of Rituals and Forms of Prayers, I noticed the Welch Prayer Book of 1664, in folio; the Scotch Prayer Books of 1637 and 1661 ; and the Englifh Prayer Books of 1549, 1552, 1616, 1661, 1683, and 1702; with Wheatley on the Common Prayer; and the Offices of the Church of England, Cambridge, 1751, 8vo. ; Liturgia Latina Anglicana, Londini, 1574, 1688, and 1727, i2mo. ; Liturgia Grasca per Pinellum, Venetiis, 1603-1628, in 14 volumes, 4to. ; MifTale Romanum, Lugd. Bat. 1625 ; and Antverpias, 1625, 8vo. ; feveral Roman Breviaries; a Parifian edi- tion of the Horas B. M. V. without date; and the Pontificale Romanum, 161 1, folio. Among the earlier Theological writers may be enu- merated the Works of S.S. Ambrofe, Anfelm, Atha- nafius, Auguftine, Bafilius, Bernard, Chryfoftom, Cy- prian, Cyril, Epiphanius, Epifcopius, Gregorius Eu- febius, Byzantinus Nazianzenus, et NyrTenus, &c. Jerome, Hilary, Ignatius, Irenasus, Ifidore, Laclantius, Tertullian, Theodoret, TheophylacT:, and others too numerous to mention. , WESTMINSTER. 437 It may be permitted me, however, to fpecify the Works of Alexander de Ales, Arnobius, Bede, Bellar- mine, BefTarion, Beaufobre, Bonaventura, BofTuet, Bourdaloue, Theodore Beza, Bochart, Bullinger, Cal- vin, Clemens Alexandrinus, Chytrasus, Dalkeus, Dru- fius, Le Clerc, and Duns Scotus ; of Erafmus, Ful- gentius, John Gerfon, Grotius, Hofpinianus, Juftin Martyr, Lanfranc, Luther, Melanclhon, Peter Martyr, Origen, Socinus, Suarez, Turretinus, Turrianus, and Zanchius. To which may be properly added, Caffiodorus in Pfalmos, Bafiles, 1491, folio ; Nicolai de Lyra Com- mentarii, editio antiqua, fine loco aut anno, liber man- cus, and another edition printed at Venice in 1603, folio ; Bythneri Lyra Prophetica ; Damafceni Opera Theologica ; Lactantii Opera, Cantabrigian, 1686, i2mo.; Lutheri Opera, Witteburgae, 1557-83, in 7 vols, folio ; and thofe of Melan&hon. Among the Works of Englifh Divines, I think it right to record thofe of Bifhop Andrews, Atterbury, Barrow, Baxter, Bennet, Beveridge, Bingham, Bicker- ftaff, Bramhall, Bull, Calamy, Chillingworth, Clag- gett, Clarke, Coneybeare, Bifhop Cofin, Dodwell, Edwards, Fifher, Hall, Hammond, Hoadly, Hooper, Hopkins, Jeremy Taylor, Jackfon, Jebb, Jenkins, Jewel, Jortin, Kennicott, Kennett, Lardner, Leflie, Lightfoot, Lowth, Bp. Oftervald, Outram, Pearce, Pierce, Perkins, Pocock, Prideaux, Archbp. Potter, Reynolds, J. Rogers, Seeker, Sherlock, South, Stan- hope, Stillingfleet, Sykes, Venn, Waterland, Whifton, Whitaker, White, Wilfon, and others of minor note. Here too may be noticed, Cave's Primitive Chrif- tianity ; and Lives of the Apoftolic Fathers ; Bowyer on the New Teftament ; Butler's Analogy ; Burnet on 438 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. the thirty-nine Articles ; Collier's Sacred Interpreter ; Coneybeare on Revealed Religion ; Cudworth's In- tellectual Syftem ; Cruden's Concordance ; Derham's Aft.ro- and Phyfico-Theology; Davenant on the Pfalms; Drelincourt on Death ; Fiddes' Body of Divinity ; Field of the Church ; Duncan Forbes on Incredulity; Fulke on the New Teftament ; Gale's Court of the Gentiles ; Edwards on the Old and New Teftament ; Gaftrell's Inftitutes ; Hall's Meditations ; Home's In- troduction to the Scriptures ; Jebb's Theological Lec- tures, Cambridge, 1772 ; Ireland's Popery and Pa- ganifm compared, London, 1809, and 1825 ; alfo his Nuptial Sacrae, 1821, 8vo. ; Ken's Manual; Leland on Deifm ; Lloyd on Church Government; Mack- night's Harmony of the Gofpels ; Mede on the Altar; Newman's Concordance ; Patrick's, Pococke's and Whitby's Commentaries ; Pearfon on the Creed ; Pri- deaux and Shuckford's Connection ; Scott's Chriftian Life, and other Works ; Seeker's Lectures, Sermons, and Charges ; Tenifon on Idolatry ; Tillotfon's Works, London, 1707-20, and 35, in folio; Woolfton on Miracles ; Trapp's Theological Works ; Tyndale, Frith, and Barnes' Works, London, 1 573, fol. ; U flier's Annals, 1658, folio; Wake's Genuine Epiftles of the Apoftolical Fathers ; and his Work on the State of the Church ; Wall on Infant Baptifm ; Warburton's Works by Hurd, 1788, 4to. ; Weft and Littleton on the Refurrection ; Whifton's Primitive Chriftianity, and other Works ; Venn's Whole Duty of Man ; Wilkins on Natural Religion. This Collection alfo embraces a variety of Sermons by different authors; among the moft noticeable of whom are Bifhops Gibfon, Fleetwood, Hoadly, Atter- WESTMINSTER. 439 bury, and Sharpe ; Waterland, Wilkins, Gataker, Vin- cents, Coneybeare, Stanhope, and Sanderfon. To the above I may add, Blackwall's Sacred daf- fies ; various Concordances by Schmidius, Kircher, & Buxtorf; Barwick's Life of Dean Barwick ; Birch's Life of Tillotfon ; Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible ; Stackhoufe's Hiftory of the Bible, and his other Works ; Barclay's Apology ; Ofterwald's Arguments, in French; and Pyle on the Epiftles ; Ioannis de Turrecremata, Summa Theologian, Lugduni, 1496, 8vo. ; Limborch, Theologia ChrifKana ; Leigh's Cri- tica Sacra ; Junii Opera Theologica ; Vincentii Spe- culum Do&rinale, Venetiis, 1494, folio ; Sixti Senenfis Bibliotheca San&a ; Hulderici Zuinglii Opera ; Zo- naras Canones et Annales ; Petri Blefenfis Opera Omnia; Thorns Aquinatis Opera, Antverpias, 161 2, folio ; Stapletoni Opera, & Whitakeri Opera, Genevas, 1 610, folio; the Bibliotheca Veterum Patrum, Colon. Agrip. 1618, in 14 volumes, folio; the Bibliotheca, S.S. Patrum, Col. Agr. 1622, in 15 folio volumes ; Cotelerii Patres Apoftolici ; Dacherii Spicelegium ; the Critici Sacri ; Pole's Synopfis ; Eufebii Praeparatio et Demonftratio Evangelica ; Boethii Opera, Bafileas, 1 570, folio ; Martin Bucer, Scriptores Anglicani ; the Works of Buchanan ; Lyndewoode's Provinciale of 1557, & Oxonii, 1679; Outram de Sacrificiis ; and other Works of the earlier' ecclefiaftics, of which the felection I have made may ferve as very fair fpecimens of the whole. I may here notice Day's Service Book, 1565, with mufic; the Tenor, Morning and Evening Prayer, imperfect, but of which only three or four copies are known ; Barnard's Cathedral Mufic, only found elfe- 44o CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. where at Berlin ; and feveral Englifh Mufic Books of great rarity ; Boyce and Arnold's Cathedral Mufic ; alfo that of Arne, BafTani, Corelli, Fiocco, Gafparini, Handel, Pergoleli, and Scarletti ; Madrigals by Co- lonna, Foggia, Gratiano, and Marenzio, forming a very valuable Collection of Church Mufic ; here alfo is preferved the MirTal of Nicolas Litlington, Abbot of Weftminfter in 1362; together with the Pupilla Oculi of John de Burgh, a work of which every prieft poiTefTed a copy. There are alio in this Library a Collection of Tracts, formed about the year 1760, fo numerous that the brief enumeration of them occupies ninety-one pages and a half of the great folio Catalogue, compiled in 1798. Of thefe fugitive pieces very many relate to the Controverfial Divinity of the early part of the laft century ; others treat of Popery, the Muggletonians, the Tefl: Acts, and the Miracles of the Gofpel ; War- burton on the Alliance between Church and State ; with his Remarks on Pope's Efiay on Man ; Whit- field's Journals, 1740 ; Weftley's Appeal, 1745 ; Bent- ley on the State of Trinity College, Cambridge, 171 o; Addifon's Cato, and the Publimer, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, 1745, 8vo. alfo form part of this Series of Tracts. Here alfo are many Political Pieces, efpecially fome relating to the laft Rebellion, fuch as German Poli- ticks, 1744; the Highlander delineated, 1745; the complicated Guilt of Rebellion, 1745 ; and the Hif- tory of two importers, Lambert Linne and Perkin War- beck, 1745 ; to which I may add the IterSurrienfe et Suffexienfe, 1752, 8vo. ; and other Tracts much too infignificant for notice. The mention of the preceding articles leads us at WESTMINSTER. 441 once into the interesting region of Hiftory, and directs our obfervation to thofe works which in this Collec- tion are found to illuftrate the Hiftory of England. Among thefe the moft remarkable are, Bacon's Hiftory of King Henry VII, London, 1622, folio; the Lives of William the Third, London, 1703, 8vo. ; and of Queen Anne, London, 1707, 8vo. ; Baker's Chronicle ; Bates' Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia, which Warburton thought defervingofperufal; Bucks' Richard the Third, London, 1647; Burnet's Hiftory of his own Time; Eadmeri Hiftoria Novorum, 1623; Camden's Britannia, Annals, and Remains; Chamberlayne, Anglia? Notitia?, 17 16; Clarendon's Hiftory of the Great Rebellion ; Daniel's Hiftory of England; Davies' Athena? Britannica? ; Echard's Hif- tory of England ; Jovii Defcriptio Britannia? ; Madox's Formulare Anglicanum ; Gibfon's Saxon Chronicle: Grafton's Chronicle, 1569, folio; Gutch's Collectanea Curiofa; Heylyn's Help to Englifh Hiftory, and his Life of Laud; Hiftoire d' Angleterre, 1706, i2mo. ; Holinfhed's Chronicles of 1587 and 1523, in folio; Hobbes on the Civil Wars, 1679, i2mo. ; Fabian's Chronicle, London, 1559, folio; a fine and perfect copy of Higden's Polycronycon by Peter Treveris, 1527, folio; Martin's Hiftory of England, from Wil- liam the Conqueror to Henry the Eighth, 1638, folio ; May's Hiftoria? Parliamentaris Breviarium, 1651, i2mo. ; the Mercurius Politicus, published during the Civil Wars ; Oclandi Anglorum Pra?lia ; Rufhworth's Hiftorical Collections, London, 1659, in 6 volumes, folio; Rapin's Hiftory of England, 173 1 , 8vo. ; and Tindal's valuable edition of that Work, London, 1733, in 3 vols, folio; the original edition of Rymer's Foe- 442 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. dera, printed at London in 1704, &c. in 20 folio volumes; Lediard's Life of the Great Duke of Marl- borough ; an Account of Sacheverell's Tryal ; Smith, de Republica Anglorum, Lugd. Bat. 1625, i2mo.; Speed's Hiftory of Great Britain, London, 1 623, folio; Spelman's Life of Alfred the Great, Oxford, 1678, folio; Stow's Annals, London, 16 14, folio; Strutt's Antiquities, 1773, &c. 4to. ; Stukeley's Medallic Hif- tory of Carauiius, 1759, 4to. ; Whitelocke's Memo- rials of Englifh Affairs, London, 1682, 8vo. ; State Trials, 1730, folio; The Trial of the Earl of Straf- ford, 1680, folio; Thurloe's State Papers, and Wel- wood's Memoirs, 1718, i2mo. ; the Biographia Bri- tannica, by Kippis, London, 1747, folio ; Holland's Heroologia Anglica ; and Wood's Athena? Oxonieniis; together with Boethius Hiftoria Scotorum, Paris, 1575, folio; Stanihurft de Rebus Hibernicis ; Staf- forde's Wars in Ireland ; Sir James Ware's Works concerning Ireland, Dublin, 1739, in 2 volumes, folio; Carte's Life of Ormonde ; Lhuyd's Defcription of Cambria, London, 1584; and Davies' Celtic Re- fearches ; augment the ftores of this department. The Records of the Kingdom, publimed under the authority and fuperintendence of the Parliamentary Commiifioners ; and the Population Returns ; the Scriptores poll: Bedam, edited by Savile ; the valuable collection of the Hifforia? Anglicanas Scriptores, edited by Gale and Fell at Oxford, in 3 volumes, folio ; the Anglica Normannica, &c. a VI Veteribus fcripta, edita, a Camdeno, Francof. 1603, folio; Hiftoriae Anglicans Scriptores Decern, edente Twyfden, Lon- dini, 1652, folio; Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores VI Vetuftiores, Heidelb. 1587, folio; Matthsi Paris WESTMINSTER. 443 Hiftoria Anglicana, edente Wats, Londini, 1640, folio; Matthsei Weftmonafterienfis Flores Hiftoriarum, Francofurti, 1 601, folio; Nennii Hiftoria Britonum, edente Bertramo, Hafniae, 1757, 8vo. ; Viti Baiin- ftochii Hiftoria Britonum ; Pontici Virunnii Hiftoria Britonum, Lond. 1585; Polydori Vergilii Hiftoria Anglicana, Bafileas, 1555, folio, and 1570, alfo in folio ; and the Normannorum et Francorum Scriptores Coetanei, edited by Duchefne, 161 9; tend greatly to increafe the value of this Library. Tanner's Biblio- theca Britannico-Hibernica, 1748 ; Balei Scriptorum Illuftrium Majoris Britannia? Catalogus, Bafileas, 1559, folio ; Pitfeus, Scriptores de Rebus Anglicis, 4to. ; and Nicholfon's Hiftorical Libraries, in one volume, folio, here deferve to be recorded. Of Works relating more particularly to the Eccle- fiaftical Affairs of Britain, this Collection embraces the Legenda Nova Anglian, Londini, per Winandum de Worde, 15 16, folio; Bedae Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Gentis Anglorum ; Bray's Bibliotheca Parochialis ; Brent's Council of Trent ; Parker de Antiquitate Ec- clefias Britannicae, Londini, 1562, folio, being the ori- ginal edition of this fcarce and valuable Work. The prefent copy is happily complete, though it wants the Portrait of the Archbifhop ; containing the Title, Pre- face, and Plate of Arms, with the index preceded by three blank leaves. It is however in very tender con- dition, and its leaves meafure eleven inches and a quarter by feven inches and five-eighths. It ftill re- tains its original binding of wood, covered with ftamped calf, to which clafps were originally attached. This Library alfo contains two other editions of this Work, that printed at Hanover in 1608, folio, and that 444 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. edited by Drake, London, 1725, folio; together with Burnet's Hiftory of the Reformation ; Ecton's The- faurus ; Fox's Martyrs of 1596, 1641, and 1684, in folio; Godwyn, Pra?fules Anglicani in 2 volumes, fo- lio; Harpsfeld's Hiftoria Anglicana Ecclefiaftica,Duaci, 1622, folio; Inett's Origines Anglicani; Le Neve's Fafti Ecclefia? Anglicana? ; Newcourt's Repertorium Ecclefiafticum Londinenfe ; Oughton, Ordo Judicio- rum, 2 vols. 4to. ; Reyneri Apoftolatus Ordinis Bene- dictinorum in Anglia, Duaci, 1626, folio; Spelmanni Concilia, Londini, 1639, folio; Spotfwode's Church of Scotland, 1677, folio; Statuta Ecclefias Chrifti, Cantuarieniis, Londini, 1703; Walker's Hiftory of Independency ; the original editions of Strype's valuable Lives, Annals, and Eccleiiaftical Memorials ; Synodi Anglicani; Tovey's Anglia Judaica, Oxonii, 1738, 4to. ; UrTeriiBritannicae Ecclefias Antiquitates, Dublin, 1639, 4to. and London, 1687, folio ; Wharton's An- glia Sacra ; and Wilkins' Concilia Magna? Britannia?, Londini, 1733, in 4 volumes, folio. Here alfo are depofited the editions of Dugdale's Monafticon Anglicanum of 1655, anc ^ °^ 1 ^93 > ar *d of Tanner's Notitia MonafHca of 1744, and that edited by Nafmith, both in folio ; works which form a con- necting link between the Ecclefiaftical Hiftory and Antiquities of our country. Of Works relating to, or illuftrative of Englifh To- pography, this Library contains feveral here deferving of notice. Thefe are, the Hiftories of Weftminfter Abbey, of the Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, and of the Public Schools of England, published with abundant illuftrations by the late Rudolph Ackermann, in 7 WESTMINSTER. 445 vols. 4to. ; Battely, Antiquitates Rutupinas ; Blore's Monumental Remains ; Carew's Survey of Cornwall ; Carter's Cambridgeshire ; Bray's Bibliotheca Parochi- alis ; Britton's Architectural Antiquities, one of the moft valuable and interefting Works of that enter- prifing archasologift ; Burton's Leicefterfhire ; Dodf- worth's Salisbury Cathedral, 18 14, 4to. ; Hoare's Giraldus Cambrenfis' Itinerary of Bimop Baldwin through Wales, London, 1806, 4to. ; Dugdale's War- wickshire, and St. Paul's ; Dart's Antiquities of Can- terbury Cathedral, 1703, folio; Goftling's Walks through Canterbury, 1777, 8vo. ; Hafted's Hiftory of Kent, 1788, folio, in 4 volumes; Heath's Account of the Scilly Iflands, 1750, 8vo. ; the Hiftory of Ro- chefter, 1782, i2mo. ; Hoare's Ancient Wiltfhire, fo- lio; Howel's Perluftration of London, 1657, folio; Hutchins's Hiftory of Dorfet, London, 1784, folio; Ifaacke's Exeter, 1724, 8vo. ; A Journey through England, 1724, 8vo. ; Lambeth Palace Illuftrated, London, 1806, 4to. ; the London Guide, 1752, i2mo. ; Nafh's Worcefterfhire, in 2 volumes, folio ; New- court's Repertorium Ecclefiafticum Londinenfe ; Ni- cholfon and Burn's Hiftories of Cumberland and Weft- moreland, in 4to. ; Ogilby's Britannia, 1675, folio, with Maps of the roads ; Parker de Antiquitate Uni- verfitatis Cantabrigienfis, 1721 ; Paterfon's Pietas Lon- dinenfis, 17 14, i2mo. ;' Peck's Annals of Stanford ; Plott's Natural Hiftories of Oxfordshire and Stafford- mire ; Rawlinfon's Englifh Topographer ; the Roads of England delineated, 1756, i2mo. ; Salmon's Natu- ral Hiftory of Hertfordshire, 8vo. ; Stow's London, 1633, folio; Thorpe's Regiftrum Roffenfe ; Thoro- ton's Nottinghamshire ; Twyne de Antiquitate Aca- 446 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. demise Oxonienfis ; Villare Anglicanum, by Adams, London, 1736, folio; Willis' Cathedrals, 1721-30, with his Parochiale Anglicanum, 1733, 4to. ; fome Account of Winchefter Cathedral, in i2mo. ; Verfte- gan's Reftitution of decayed Intelligence relating to Englifh Antiquities ; and Wright's Hiftory of Rut- land, in folio. Of Works illuftrative of the venerable fabric under whofe roof thefe books are fheltered, we here find Harding's Weftminfter Abbey, London, 1825, folio; Dart's Antiquities of the Abbey of Weftminfter, Lon- don, 171 1, folio; Keepe's Monuments of Weftminfter Abbey, London, 1683, 8vo. ; Widmore's Weftminfter Abbey, London, 1751 ; and Smith's Antiquities of Weftminfter, London, 1807, 4to. ; befides the Work of Ackermann already mentioned. To which may be added the Portraits of the Deans of Weftminfter, London, 1823, folio, and the various Ceremonials of Coronation. The Coronation Books of George III. in 1761, of George IV. in 1821, and of William IV. in 1831, quarto, form a peculiar feature in this Collection, which alfo contains Ogilby's Coronation of Charles II. 1662, with an Account of his Entertainment and Pro- grefs through the City of London, to the place of that Ceremony ; and Sandford's Coronation of James II. 1687, 8vo. Maps of England, by Speed, folio, by Philip Lea, 1695, 4to. by R. Morden, 410. with a Chart of St. George's Channel, by Morris, 1748, may be here no- ticed as natural acceftbries to the Topography of Eng- land. Of Works upon the Civil and Ecclefiaftical Laws WESTMINSTER. 447 of England, and of other Nations, it may fuffice to notice in this place, Bracton de Legibus ; PufFendorf's Law of Nations ; Burn's Ecclefiaftical Laws ; Coke's Institutes ; and Hammond's Criminal Code, 1825-29 ; the Acta Generalia ; the Statutes at large ; the Con- cilia Generalia et Hifpanica ; Bracton de Legibus An- glian ; Gothofredi Corpus Juris Civilis ; Gibfon's Co- dex Juris Ecclefiaftici et Civilis ; Howel's Synopfis Canonum ; various editions of the Codex and Inftitu- tiones Juftiniani; the Codex Theodofianus, Parifiis, 1586; Law Cafes, from 17th Edward III. to Henry VII. London, 1576 ; Beverigii Pandecta? Canonum et Juris Civilis; Reformatio Legum ab Henrico VIII. inchoata, Londini, 1641,410. ; Woottoni Leges Wal- lica?, 1730, folio; Wilkins, Leges Anglo-Saxonica?, 172 1, folio; together with the Synodus Dordracenfis, Ephefina, Grsca, Anglica, & Florentina. The nature of the Historical department of this Collection will be beSt underftood by the following feleclion from its contents. We may here notice Banduri Imperium Orientale ; Bodini HiStoria Univerfalis ; Carionis Chronicon ; Collier's Historical Dictionary ; Cumberland de Ori- gine Gentium ; Doufa? Annales Hollandias ; Froiifardi Hiftoria, Hanovia?, 1606; HiStorias Francorum Scrip- tores, Francof. 1596; Eufebii Chronicon ; Guicciar- dini'-s Hiftory of Italy ; Hearne's Ductor Hiftoricus ; Antonio de Herrera, Defcriptio India? Occidentalis, Amflelod. 1622, folio; Hooke's Roman HiStory ; Jo- fephus, Havercampi, and Bafnage's Hiftory of the Jews ; Davila's Civil Wars of France, folio ; Knolles' Hiftory of the Turks ; Krantzii Chronica Danica et Suecica ; Annales Belgici ; Leunclavii Annales Sulta- 448 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. norum ; Ligon's Barbadoes ; Maffei Hiftoria Indica ; Mariana de Rebus Hifpanicis ; Memoires de Comines, de Cardinal Rohan, de Retz, de Philip du Pleflis, Mornay, et de Montmorency ; Mezeray Abrege Chro- nologique de l'hiftoire de France ; Moreri, Didtionnaire Hiftorique ; and the fecond and third volumes of Monftrelet's Chronicles, printed at Paris in 1572. We alfo find on thefe fhelves feveral of Byzantine Hiftorians, fuch as Nicephorus, &c. ; Niceta? Annales, &c. ; Naucleri Chronicon ; Ockley's Hiftory of the Saracens ; Olaus Magnus Hiftoria Gentium Septen- trionalium ; Orme's Indoftan ; Pontoppidan's Nor- way ; Raleigh's Hiftory of the World ; Reineccii Chronicon Sclavorum ; and his Origines Brandenbur- gicas ; Reuberi Rerum Germanicarum Scriptores ; Sir Thomas Roe's EmbafTy to Turkey, 1740; Sandys' Europe Speculum, with his Travels ; Salmon's Chro- nological Hiftorian ; Scheffer's Lapland ; Shaw's Tra- vels in Barbary and the Levant; Spon's Hiftory of Geneva, 1687, folio; the Memoirs of Sully ; Symfon's Chronicon Catholicum ; Saxonis Grammatici Hiftoria Danica, Francofurti, 1 576 ; Thuani Hiftoria fui Tem- poris, Paris, 1606 and 1620; Tillet, Recueil des Rois de France, leurs Couronnes, &c. Paris, 1586, folio; Vertot's Hiftoire de 1'Ordre de Make ; Turfellini Epi- tome Hiftorias Romanas ; and the Univerfal Hiftory of 1736, in folio. Of Works relating to Ecclefiaftical affairs in gene- ral, independently of the Councils, Synods, and Decre- tals of various periods, this Library comprehends Ba- ronii Annales Ecclefiaftici ; Tornielli Annales Sacri ; Baronii Martyrologium Romanum ; Cedreni Annales ; the Concilia Generalia, compiled by Labbe and Kuf- WESTMINSTER. 449 ter ; Brent's Hiftory of the Council of Trent ; Bower's Lives of the Popes, in 4to. ; Platina de Vitis Pontifi- cum, in folio ; Brandt's Hiftory of the Reformation ; Collier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Crefly's Church Hif- tory of Brittany ; Du Pin's and Fleury's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; the Centuriatores Magdeburgenfes ; Hiftoria? Ecclefiaftical Scriptores Generales, Valerii, Parifiis, 1668-78, in 3 vols, folio, and Bafileas apud Oporinum, 1564-70, in 8 vols, folio ; Suiceri Thefaurus Ecclerl- afticus ; Echard's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity ; Hyde's Religio Veterum Perfa- rum ; Jortin's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Gratiani Decre- talia ; Mofheim's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Nicephori Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica ; Quick's Synodicon in Gallia Reformata ; Relandi Antiquitates Hebrasorum ; Sigo- nius de Republica Hebrasorum ; two copies of Spencer de Legibus Hebrasorum, Cantabrigian, 1685, folio; SchlufTelburgii Haereticorum Catalogus, Francofurti, 1597, 8vo. ; Sleidan's Reformation, a. la Haye, 1767, 4to. ; Tillemont, Ecclefiaftical Memorials ; and Bing- ham's Antiquities of the Chriftian Church. Among the helps to Hiftory are Chronology and Geography, of which the former prefents us with Blair, Behm, Newton, Ifaacfon, and Jackfon's Chro- nological labours ; Helvici Chronologia ; Marfham, Chronicon Canon Egyptiacus ; Petavii Rationale tem- porum ; Straucii Breviarium Chronologicum ; Re- landi Fafti Confulares ; and Clinton's Fafti Hellenici ; and the latter with Baudrand's Lexicon Geographicum; the Geographical Works of Cellarius and Cluvier ; Spanheim's Geographia Sacra ; Heylyn's Cofmogra- phy ; Ortelii Geographia ; and Relandi Paleftina Illuftrata, which is efteemed by Mr. Orme, as one of G G 450 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. the mod elaborate Works on Biblical Geography ever published, together with the General Atlas, by Senex, London, 1721, folio. In this place I may appropriately introduce, Arch- bifhop Williams's own copy of Purchas' Pilgrimes, London, 1613-24, in 5 vols, folio ; in the original calf with his arms on the fides ; Hakluyt's Voyages, 1599, folio ; Harris' Collection of Voyages and Travels ; Pococke's Defcription of the Eaft ; Vincent's Voyage of Nearchus, London, 1807, 4to. ; with another copy corrected by the author, with additions by that learned Dean of Weftminfter. Of Works relating to Antiquities, this Library can boaft the valuable Collections of Granvius and Grono- vius, relating to thofe of Greece and Rome ; Gruteri Corpus Infcriptionum & Thefaurus Criticus ; Mont- faucon, Palasographia Grasca ; Mabillon, Diarium Itali- cum ; Prideaux's Marmora Oxonienfia ; and Taylor's Marmor Sandvicenfe, Cantabrigian, 1743, 4to. Of the Antiquities of Rome, we here find Boif- fardi Urbis Roman Topographia, 1 597-1602, with figures by De Bry ; Rofini Antiquitates Romans, Am- ftelodami, 1685, 4to. ; and Roffi Teatro delle Fabriche di Roma, 1 665, 4to. ; to which I may add the Hiftory of Palmyra, 1696, 8 vo. The Heraldic Works in this Collection occupy very little fpace, being only Brooke's Heraldry ; Gwillim's Heraldry of 1632, and 1724, folio ; Edmondfon's He- raldry ; Afhmole's Order of the Garter, 1726, folio; Selden's Titles of Honor, London, 1672, folio. The Numifmatic Works occupy a fpace equally inconfiderable, being, Arbuthnot's Coins ; Clarke's Connection of Coins ; Fleetwood's Chronicon Pre- WESTMINSTER. 451 ciofum; Steuart's Bengal Coins, 1772, 4to. ; Braei Numifmata Imperatorum Romanorum; and Stukeley's Medallic Hiftory of Caraufius. From thefe minute monuments of ancient time, we pafs to thofe equally enduring Records of Antiquity, which are familiar to every one under the common appellation of the Claffic Authors. In Claffical Literature we meet in this Collection with different editions of the Works of either iElian, Anacreon, Antoninus, Appianus, Apuleius, Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius, Quintus Curtius, Sidonius Apollinaris, Petronius Arbiter, Dictys Cretenfis, Dio- dorus Siculus, Diogenes Laertius, Dionyfius Periegetes, Epictetus, Eutropius, Herodian, Hierocles; Iambli- chus, Juvenal and Perfius, Macrobius, Nicander, Op- pian, Ovid, Salluft, Statius, Maximus Tyrius, iEneas Sylvius, Syneiius, Valerius Maximus, and Aurelius Victor, together with the Anthologia, and the Hiftoriae Auguftae Scriptores. This Library alfo comprehends various editions of the feparate pieces of Ariflotle and Cicero, as well as of their collected works, but none of the fifteenth cen- tury ; Stanley's iEfchylus ; iEfopus, Venetiis, apud Al- dum, 1505; Alciati Emblemata, Agathias, Paris, 1660 ; Aphthonii Commentarii, Venetiis apud Aldum, 1509, folio; Archimedes, Bafilea?, 1544, folio; Ar- rianus, Gronovii ; Ariltophanes, 1 500 ; Athenasus, Ba- fileas, 1535; Aufonius, Burdigla?, 1580, folio; Api- cius, 1705; Casfar, Delphini & Clarkei; Callimachus, Grasvii ; Ciceronis Opera, Oliveti, and various editions of 1639-59, i2mo. ; Claudianus, Heinlii ; Demof- thenes Wolfn et Taylori; Dion Chryfoftomus, Lu- tetian, 1604, folio; Diofcorides, 1598; Dionyfius 452 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. HalicarnarTenfis, 1546; Epictetus, Wolfii ; Euclidis Elementa, Bafilea?, 1533; Arabice, Romas, 1594; Grace, Parifiis, 1598 ; and his Opera Omnia, Oxonii, 1703, folio. Upon thefe (helves we alfo find Euripides Mark- landi, Oxonii, 1756, 41:0. ; and Barnefii, Cantabrigiae, 1694, folio ; Florus, Grasvii ; Aulus Gellius, Gronovii, andapudElzeviros; Grammatici Grasci,Venetiis, 1495, folio, and 15 27, folio; Herodotus, Gronovii: Hefiodus, Robinfoni; Hippocratis Opera Omnia, Venetiis, 1525, folio ; Homerus, Clarkei ; Euftathius, Commentarii in Homerum, Roma?, 1542, in 4 volumes, folio; Mait- taire's Reprint of the Batrachomyomachia of i486, London, 1721, 8vo., in red and black letters. Here alfo are feveral editions of Horace, by Bentley, Bond, and the Delphin editors ; Iamblichus by Gale ; Ifocrates, Venetiis, 1 5 1 3 ; and the editions of Battie and Wolf ; Silius Italicus, Venetiis, 1523; Juftinus, Graevii; Libanii Orationes, Paris, 16 16 ; Livius, Aldi, 1555, folio ; with Crevier's and other editions ; Lon- ginus by Pearce and Smith; Lucanus, Oudendorpii, Lucian, 15 17; Lucretius by Tonfon, 171 2; Lyco- phron, Potteri; Manilius, Bentleii ; Martialis, Venetiis, 1 5 10; Moguntias, 1527; and Farnabii, &c. ; Me- nander, Clerici & Orofius, Havercampi ; the Pane- gyrici Veteres de la Baume ; Velleius Paterculus, Delphini ; Paufanias, Kuhnii ; Phasdrus, Burmanni, andDelphini; Pindarus, Stephani, 1586, and Oxonii, 1697, folio ; Plato, Ficini, 1602, folio ; Plautus, Lam- bini, Plinii, Hift. Nat. Dalecampii ; Plinii Epiftolas ; Plotinus, Bafileas, 1580, folio; Plutarchi Opera, Ba- lileas, 1573-4; Plutarchi Vitas, Bryani, Londini, 1729, 4to. ; Poeta? Graeci Veteres heroici Carminis, Parifiis, apud Stephanum, 1566, folio; Corpus Poetarum La- WESTMINSTER. 453 tinorum a Maittaire, Londini, 1725, folio; Polybius, Latine, Bafilea?, 1529 ; et Grasce, Parifiis, 1609 ; Pom- ponius Mela, Venetiis, 151 8; Proclus de Sphasra, Bafileas, 1585; Procopius, Graece Hoefchelii, 1607; Prudentius, Parifiis, 1562, et Amftelodami, 1625; Ptolemaai Geographia, Argentorati, 1622; Quintili- anus Burmanni, Sabellici Opera, Bafileae, 1538; Sap- phus, Wolfii ; Seneca, Farnabii, and various editions befides, but none earlier than 1555 ; Solini Polyhiftor ; Sophocles, Stephani, 1603, folio; Cantabrigian, 1669; and Londini, 1722, i2mo. ; Stephanus de Urbibus, Bafilea?, 1568, folio ; Stobasus, Gefneri, Tiguri, 1543, folio, with other editions ; Strabonis Geographia, Xylandri, Bafilea?, 1571, folio, and Cafauboni, Am- ftelod. 1707, folio; Suetonius, Cafauboni, & Pitifci, 1714, 4to. ; Suida? Lexicon Graecum, Aldi. 1514, folio; & Kufteri, 1705, in 3 vols, folio; Symmachi Epiftolas, Lugd. Bat. 1653, 8vo. ; Achilles Tatius, 1601, 8vo. ; Tacitus, Gronovii ; Terentius, Bentleii, with many other modern editions ; Themiftii Opera, Aldi, Venetiis, 1534, folio ; Theocritus, Roma?, 151 8, and Oxonii, 1699, 8vo. ; Theognis, Sylburgii, Heidel- berga?, 1597; Theophrafti Characleres, Camerarii et Heinfii ; Thucydides by Hudfon and Duker ; Virgilii Opera, Venetiis, 1510, folio ; Delphini, Parifiis, 1600, 4to. ; and feveral other editions of little note, includ- ing the Elzevirian Imprefiion ; and the Eclogues printed at Florence in 1 504, 1 2mo. ; to which may be added Xenophon, Leunclavii, and Xenophon's Anabafis by Hutchinfon. Such and fo numerous are the claf- fical volumes of this venerable Collection, many of which it may be feen are of the belt, editions, and feveral of which are from the prefs of Aldus. To that eminent printer we are alfo indebted for 454 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. the firft edition of the Works of Plato, printed at Venice in 151 3, folio, of which the prefent copy is upon vellum. This noble volume has been moft cruelly treated, all the leaves following the table and as far as the blank leaf preceding " Platonis Dialogi" have been cut out, and though the concluding part of the book is entire, its leaves have been mod foully ftained in that part. Its dimenfions are eleven and a quarter inches by fe ven and three eighths ; and its original binding of calf, upon whofe fides Greek characters were imprerled, has been replaced by a covering of dark olive morocco by that eminent bibliopegift Charles Lewis. A perfect copy of this interefting book upon vellum forms one of the higheft ornaments of the Hunterian Mufeum at Glafgow. I have here alfo the pleafure of recording the firft. editions of Ariftides, Florentiae, 1517, folio; and of Lucian, printed at the fame place in the fame year, and in the fame form, by the fame printer, Philip Junta, of typographical renown. Two Claffic tomes of olden time next invite our notice ; firft, a well-preferved copy of Suetonius cum Commento, folio. The Commentary here occupies the margin. The preface of M. Ant. Sabellicus, with his Life of Suetonius follow the title. At the end of the volume is the Regifter, and this colophon : " Venetiis per Baptiftam de tor- tis M. cccc lxxxx die xv Februarii." beneath which are the initials " B. T." This volume meafures eleven and three quarter inches by eight, and retains its old vellum covering. WESTMINSTER. 455 Secondly, the Lexicon of Suidas, in folio, preceded by the editorial preface, and concluding with the verfes of Joannes Salandus addreffed to D. Demetrius Chal- condylas. At the end of the volume appears the fol- lowing colophon : " Anno ab incarnatione M.CCCC Ixxxxviiii. die xv Novembris, Impreflum Mediolani impenfa & dexteritate D. Demetrii Chal- condyli Ioannis Biflbli Benedi&i Mangii Carpenfium." Succeeded by the printer's mark, with the initials "I. B. B. M." and the motto, " Sudavit et Alfit." The prefent is a very fine, found and perfect copy, mea- furing twelve and a quarter inches by eight and three quarters, and bound in old calf. Among the books printed in the fifteenth century, I alfo noticed the Medical Works of Avicenna, Lug- duni, 1498, folio; Campani Opera, Venetiis, 1495, folio ; and Theapoli Academics Contemplationes, Venetiis, 1490, i2mo. In concluding this extended notice of this intereft- ing department of the Library, I may allude to the Anthologia Graeca, and Pontani Poemata, and point out the Works of Paulus Egineta, Venetiis apud Al- dum, 1528, folio; and of Vitruvius de Architecture, printed at Venice in 1 567 ; together with the elegant edition in folio, which irlued from the Elzevirian Prefs at Amfterdam in 1649. Of Etymological Works elucidating the ftructure of various languages, this Collection affords, in addition to thofe already noticed, both the old and the new editions of the ineftimable Thefaurus of Stephens; Gaif- ford's Edition of Suidas' Lexicon ; Buxtorf, Lexicon Chaldaicum ; Caftell's Lexicon Heptaglotton; Pagnini 456 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Thefaurus Lingua? Sancta? ; Kircheri GEdipus Egyp- tiacus ; Baxter's GlofTarium Archaiologicum Britan- nicum ; Skinner's Etymologicon Anglicanum, Lon- dini, 1 66 1, folio; Somneri Dictionarium Saxonico- Latino-Anglicum, Oxonii, 1659, folio; Spelman's GlofTary, London, 1626 and 1787, both in folio; Hickes' Thefaurus Septentrionalis ; Junii Etymologi- cum Anglicanum ; Buda?i Lexicon Gra?co-Latinum ; Calepini Dictionarium Octolingue ; Cooper's The- faurus Lingua? Latina? ; Curionis Thefaurus Lingua? Latina?; Du Cange's GlofTary ; Julii Pollucis Onomaf- ticon ; Dufrefne's Hefychii Lexicon ; Hoffmanni Lexicon ; Pagnini Thefaurus Lingua? Sancta? ; Porti Lexicon Ionicum ; Scapula? Lexicon ; Stephani The- faurus ; Sylburgii Etymologicum Magnum, Heidel- berga?, 1594 ; and Laurentius Valla de Lingua Latina. Of Grammatical Works we find one peculiar to this vicinity, the Grammatica Bufbeiana, Londini, 1754, and 1762, 8vo. an appropriate memorial of the re- nowned pedagogue whofe name it bears ; Lafcarii Grammatica Gra?ca, Venetiis, Aldus, 1557, 4to. ; Hoogeveen de doctrina Particularum ; Ruddiman, Inftitutiones Gr. Lat. Edin. 1740, 8vo. ; with fome critical pieces by Scaliger, Voffius and Cafaubon. As connected with Claffical Literature I may here notice, Bentley's Phalaris, 171 8, 8vo. ; Photii Bib- liotheca ; Toup, Emendationes in Suidam ; Salmafii Exercitationes Pliniana? ; Gatakeri Adverfaria ; and Wolfii Cura? Philologica? et Critica?. Among the tranflations of the Claflics, I may notice Carter's Epictetus ; Creech's Lucretius ; Fawkes' Ana- creon, 1760; Melmoth's Pliny; Ogilby's Homer; Rowe's Lucan ; and Trapp's Virgil. WESTMINSTER. 457 The Bibliographical Works contained in this Repo- fitory, are the Acta Eruditorum of Leipfic ; Apollo- dori Bibliotheca ; Gefneri Bibliotheca ; Photii Biblio- theca, 1 60 1, folio ; Haym's Notize di libri rari, 1726; Brunet's Manual ; Baillet, Jugemens des Sf avans ; Cave's Hiftoria Literaria ; Le Long, Bibliotheca Sa- cra; Lewis' Editions of the Bible, and Bibliotheque Hiftorique ; Du Pin, Catalogue des Auteurs Eccle- iiaftiques ; Draudii Bibliotheca Claffica ; Fabricii Bibliotheca Gra?ca? et Latina ; D'Herbelot, Biblio- theque Orientale ; Sanderus Bibliotheca Belgica, In- fulis, 1641,4^. ; and TeifTerii Catalogus Auctorum, qui Librorum Catalogos, Indices, Bibliothecas, &c. fcriptis confignarunt, Genevas, 1705, folio; Morhof. Polyhiftor Literarius, Lubeca?, 1689, 4to. ; and Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. Of Catalogues of various Libraries thefe fhelves bear feveral of much intereft, fuch as the Bibliotheca? Re- gis Georgii III. Catalogus, in folio ; the Catalogus Bibliotheca? Thuana?; the Bibliotheca Heinfiana ; the Harleian Catalogue ; the Catalogue of Dr. Mead's Library; the Bibliotheca Coifliniana, 17 15; Hyde's Catalogus Librorum Joannis Bridges; Catalogus Bib- liotheca? Bodleiana? ; Catalogus Bibliotheca? Medii Templi, a Shower, Londini, 1700, 8vo. ; Reading's Catalogue of the Sion College Library, London, 1724, folio ; Catalogus Librorum'MSS. quos Collegio Chrifti Cantabrigia? legavit Mattha?us Parker, 1722, 4to. ; Bibliotheca? Cottoniana? Librorum MSS. Catalogus a Smithio, Londini, 1696; Lambecii Commentarii de Bibliotheca Ca?farea Vindobonenfi, 1 670, folio ; Nef- felii Catalogus Codicum MSS. Bibliotheca? Vindobo- nenfis, 1690, folio; Tanner, Catalogus MSS. Anglia? 458 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. et Hibernian ; and Wolfii Bibliotheca Aprofiana, Ham- burg. 1734, 8vo. To thefe works may be added, Mabillon de Re Diplomatica ; the Memoirs of Literature, 1722-25, folio; the Bibliotheca Cluniafenfis, 16 14; and a Ca- talogue of Books printed in England fubfequently to 1666, London, 1700, i2mo. ; and Lewis' Hiftory of the Englim Tranflations of the Bible, London, 1732, 8vo. Of Mathematical Works it may fuffice to enume- rate the Mathematici Veteres, Parifiis, 1693, folio; Maferes' Scriptores Logarithmici, London, 1796-1807, 4to. ; Newton's Principia ; Wallis' Opera Mathema- tica, Oxonii, 1699, folio. Of Medical Works, in addition to the Works of Hippocrates and Diofcorides already mentioned, I may add thofe of Celfus, 1657 ; and Galen, Bafileae, 1538 ; Sennerti Medica Praclica; and Mead's Medical Works. Of Scientific Works, the number is fo fmall that by mentioning Newton's Principia ; Firmici, Aftro- nomicon, Bafilese, 1 55 1 ; Keill's Aftronomy ; Ray's Ornithology ; Raii Hiftoria Plantarum ; Willough- beius de Pifcibus edente Raio, Oxon. 1686, folio; Willoughby's Ornithology ; Lee's Botany ; Dodonaei, Hiftoria Stirpium ; Gefneri Hiftoria Animalium ; Grew's Mufeum of the Royal Society, 1681, folio; and feveral volumes of the Journaux des Scavans ; with the 10th, 13th, 14th, 30th, and 38th volumes of the Philofophical Tranfactions, I mail convey to the reader the molt correct idea of their iniignificant and mifcellaneous character. Under the head of Mifcellaneous Literature, I may proceed to enumerate the Works of Albertus Magnus, WESTMINSTER. 459 the Epiftles of Abelard to Heloife ; the Poems of Tafio, Camoens ; the Works of Dante and Petrarch, Fon- taine and Boileau ; the Decameron of Boccaccio, Venice, 1552; Bayle's Dictionary; Bartholomaeus de Proprietatibus Rerum, Argentorati, 1505; Gefneri Bibliotheca Univerfalis ; Gruteri Thefaurus Criticus ; Fairfax, Godefroy of Bulloigne, 1687; Fenelon's Te- lemaque, and Hawkefworth's Telemachus ; the Works of Fontenelle, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Racine, Rabe- lais, Moliere, Montaigne, and of Montefquieu by Nugent; Juliani Imperatoris Opera; the Poems of Grotius ; the Mufas Anglicans ; Carmina Gratulatoria et Funebria on various occafions ; Prioris R. Lufus Weftmonaflerienfes, Weftm. 1730,410.; Rochefau- cault's Maxims; Sibyllinae Oracula, Parinis, 1607, 8vo. ; Cuthbert Tonftall de Arte Supputandi ; and Vauban on Fortification. In the department of Englifh Literature, this Li- brary comprehends the Works of Addifon, Afcham, Bacon, Boyle, Locke, Thomas Brown, Thomas Fuller, Davenant, Cowley, Pope, Spenfer, Swift, and Sir William Temple. Here alfo we find Barclay's Argenis ; Beaumont's Pfyche ; Baxter's Works, with his Reliquiae ; Cart- wright's Comedies ; Bolingbroke's Letters ; Cham- bers' Dictionary ; Chaucer's Works by Thynne, 1521- 47, folio; the London editions of 1602, folio, and 1687; with that edited by Urry, 1721, in folio; Cooper on the Public Records ; Cumberland's Ori- gines Gentium ; Donne's Poems ; Hales' Remains ; Grey's Memoria Technica ; Harrington's Oceana ; Helvetius' Hiftory of Man ; Hobbes' Leviathan; Ire- land on the Plague of Athens, 1832, 8vo. ; the Works 460 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. of Samuel Johnfon; Ben Jonfon's Works, London, 1640, folio; with his Plays, 161 1, i2mo. ; the Works of King James the Firft, 161 6, folio; and of King Charles the Firft, 1662, folio; with the Eixuv Bcco-iXixvi, 1649; Melmoth's Life of Cicero, and other Pieces; Milton's Paradife Loft, 1669, 1674, i2mo. ; 1688, folio; and 1732, 4to.; Milton's Works, edited by Newton, 1749, 4to. ; and his Treatife de Doctrina ChrifUana, edited by Sumner, Cambridge, 1825, 4to. ; Sir Thomas More's Works, London, 1557, folio ; & Thomas Mori Opera Latina, Lovania?, 1566, folio; Mrs. Anne Killigrew's Poems, 1686, 4to. ; Prior's Poems ; Randolph's Poems ; Selden's Works, London, 1726, in 6 volumes, folio; Shake- fpeare's Works, edited by Rowe, and by Johnfon ; Shaftefbury's Characleriftics ; Somerville's Chace ; Sprat's Hiftory of the Royal Society, 1702, 4to. ; to which may be added the Diplomata et Statuta Regis Societatis, 1752, 8vo. ; Stanley's Lives of the Philo- fophers ; Steele's Chriftian Hero; Tickell's Mifcel- laneous Works, 1726; Toland's Life of Milton ; Rid- ley's Life of Ridley ; Fitzherbert's Book of Hufbandry; and TufTer's Husbandry, 1744, 8vo. ; together with the original editions of the Tatler, 171 o; and numbers 1 to 289 of the Spectator of 171 1 ; and the 8vo. edi- tion of that Work, 171 2; to which I may add Ray's Englifh Proverbs ; Richardfon's Pictures in Italy ; and a Collection of Poetical Tracts, printed at London, in 1722, folio. Of the early Monaftic Library I can only comme- morate a fingle volume, being a copy of the Works of St. Ambrofe, written in a fair gothic hand, in double columns, upon vellum. This venerable manufcript WESTMINSTER. 461 is quite perfect, and retains its original binding of calf, folio. Though this Library has fuffered much from neg- lect, and many of its choicefl treafures have been carried away in troublefome times, it yet retains a volume, which would do honour to any collection, however curious or however vaft. This precious book is one of thole few printed at Oxford during the fifteenth century, and to the typographical antiquary, pofTefTes the additional recommendation of being printed upon vellum. It is the only copy which has been difco- vered of this nature, and for a knowledge of its ex- igence in its prefent lituation I am indebted to the excellent Typographical Gazetteer of the Rev. Henry Cotton ; a work which will be duly appreciated by every fincere enquirer into the ftatiftics of bibliography. The Work under defcription is that of Johannes Latteburius In threnos Jeremie, Capitulis cxv. folio, Oxonii, Anno dni, 1482, ultima die menfis Julii. This book confifts of 290 leaves, whereof two are blank. Each page contains two columns, and each column 40 lines. The character is of a rude femi- gothic form, and there are no catch-words or paginary numerals. The fignatures run in regular order from a. ii. to O. v. throughout the volume. The numbers of the feveral chapters are placed on the head line of each page. The commencement of each chapter is diftinguiihed by types larger than thofe of the body of the work, but fpaces of the initial letters are left blank, in order that they might be filled in by the Rubrica- tor, at the pleafure of the owner. In the prefent in- ftance, however, they remain blank. Some former pofTefTor of this volume, which in its time mud have 462 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. feen as well as fuffered fome ftrange mutations, will find no favour in the eyes of the bibliomaniac, when he obferves that the margins have in feveral places been wantonly cut and disfigured. But on the firft. leaf of the book, which has been left blank by the printer, are fome curious memoranda, illuftrative of its early hiftory. From thefe we learn that this volume was formerly " Liber diis Thomas Sackomb. 1563." " Ex emptione dni Joannis Avyngton Monachi nee no fcholaris " et baccalaurei Ecclefias Cathedralis Sancti St. Wythum Wyntonie, " et nunc facrae theologiae profeflbr." On the firft column of the firft. page of the fecond leaf, the Work of Lattebury commences thus : " In nomine patris et filii et fpiritus fancli Amen. Mathei ultimo." " Juxta mo£ moderno^ necn5 pa- tru antiquog ad emendatione5 pm pneipii et facre fcripture ac li- bri legendi pelegatur & pfigant

of gorfe £©tnaer* -" HE lpacious and luminous apartment wherein the valuable Library of the $ Dean and Chapter of York is depo- sited, was formerly the private Chapel annexed to the Archbifhop's Palace, long fince deftroyed, and was reftored to its priftine fplendour, and appropriated to its prefent ufe by Dean Markham in 1806. The beauty of the weft window is only equalled by the comfort of the interior, warmed by a fire-place, and furrounded by a light gallery af- fording accefs to the upper ranges of books. " Near the church is a very pretty Gothic Library, " the arrangements of which appeared to me very well " contrived. Every book has three numbers on the " back. At the top, that of the fhelf, then that of " the compartment, and below, its own number ; Co " that it can be found in a moment. The numbers " are on pretty little labels, and do not at all deform " the books. In one corner is a very light and con- " venient ftaircafe leading to the gallery, which runs " midway round the room. The alphabetical Cata- " logue is arranged as follows : YORK MINSTER. Page 20. 5°3 Form. Letter C. Edition. Shelf. Compart- ment. Number. 8vo. 4to. Folio. i2mo. Cofmo,&c. Cavendifh. Colley. Corneille. Verona, 1591. London, 1802. London, 1760. Paris, 1820. II. I. XL X. 7 5 3 6 189-192. 52-55. 1080-1082. 920-930. " This will fuffice to make it clear to you ; and as I " know by experience what a difficult matter the ma- " naging of a Library is, and how many are the ways " of doing it, I fend you this fcheme, as very well " fuited to a fmall collection of books. " I could not get a fight of any of the rare books or " manufcripts kept here, as the Librarian was abfent. " In a corner I found a very curious drawing of the " proceffion at the great Marlborough's funeral. It is " almoft incredible how totally the dreffes and cuftoms " have altered ever lince that time. The aged clerk " who conducted me about, faid he remembered, when " a boy, to have {een foldiers with long bag wigs, like " thofe in the picture." This locality has been fo minutely defcribed by the lively pen of a continental writer, that I have made the foregoing extract from a " Tour in Germany, Holland, " and France in the years 1826, 1827, and 1828, with " Remarks on the Manners and Cuftoms of the Inhabi- " tants, and Anecdotes of diftinguifhed Public Cha- " rafters, in a feries of letters, by a German Prince " (Puckler Mufkau). " In four volumes, London, " Effingham Wilfon, Royal Exchange, 1832," vol. iv. 169-170. The Catalogue, though careleflly written, is alpha- betically arranged, and the books are not disfigured by 504 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. printed labels on their backs, indeed this Library has very much the afpect of a private collection, and may vie with many in the value of its contents. The valuable body of Manufcripts including thofe of Mr. Torre on Ecclefiaftical affairs ; Bracton de le- gibus Anglias ; and two Manufcripts of Cicero, col- lated by Hearne for the Oxford edition ; the three latter, attired in crimfon velvet, are preferved with all the care which their intrinfic worth demands. The printed books are alfo adorned in many in- ftances with ruffia and morocco, indicating a becoming fenfe of the true value of thefe literary treafures. But the gem of this Collection is molt affuredly the vellum copy of the fecond edition of the New Tefta- ment, edited by Erafmus, and printed by Froben, in 2 volumes, folio, at Bafle in 15 19. The beauty of the prefs work, the luftre of the ink, and the purity of the vellum muff excite the admiration of every true lover of ancient typography. Thefe refplendent volumes retain their original coverture, and are protected by loofe cafes, but have been rebacked ; and as they are rather choked in the binding fhould be attired in blue mo- rocco with white filk infides, whereon mould be ftamped in letters of gold, " york minster library/' and enclofed in locked cafes of ruffia, lined with vel- vet. Let us be particular in defcribing the contents of thefe precious tomes. The recto of the firft leaf of the firft volume pre- fents us with the Title of the New Teftament, fur- rounded by a wood-cut border, and on the reverfe is the Pope's licenfe fimilarly encadred. Then immedi- ately follow the Preface, Paraclefis and Prolegomena occupying, together with the title, 120 pages regularly YORK MINSTER. 505 numbered. The New Teftament, printed in two columns, the right of Latin, and the left of Greek text, in Greek and Roman letter, follows this prelimi- nary matter, having a feparate title prefixed, and occu- pies 566 pages exclusive of the laft leaf, containing the Errata, Index, Terminorum, and the following Colo- phon : " BASILEAE IN AEDIBUS IOANNIS FROBENII " ANNO SALVTIS HVMANAE M.D.XIX. MENSE MARTIO. On the reverfe is the ufual device of Froben. The fecond volume contains the Annotations of Erafmus on the New Teftament, and are preceded by a title encadred as in the preceding volume, and con- cluded by the " Index Terminorum " on the recto, the laft leaf numbered p. 579. The paginary figures are confecutive, and include the title. On the reverfe of the laft leaf appears the well-known device of Fro- ben, and immediately beneath it the following Colo- phon : " BASILEAE APVD IOHANNEM " FROBENIVM MENSE MARTIO. M.D.XIX. The clear Roman character of both volumes is pre- cifely fimilar, and the Greek remarkably diftinct. Marginal references occur throughout both volumes, which are alike diftinguimed by fignatures, catchwords, and paging figures, and have many of the initial letters cut in wood. Of equal intereft with reference to Englifh typo- graphy are the fmaller pieces of Caxtonian literature, 506 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. which here exift in the fhape of two fmall works in metre, moil rare and of efpecial note which were dif- covered by Mafter Thomas Frognall Dibdin Clerk, in the year of our Lord 1 8 1 6, of which fame marvellous difcovery he pleafantly difcourfeth in the Bibliographi- cal Decameron, v. III. p. 416-19. The firft of thefe curious Metrical pieces confifts of 9 leaves in 4to. concluding on the reverfe of fign. f. g. with thefe words : " Explicit the Chorle and the birde." It has been reprinted by the Roxburghe Club, and a manufcript note by Dr. Dibdin informs us that another copy exifts in the Public Library at Cambridge. The fecond of thefe Metrical pieces owns Lydgate for its author, beginning with thefe words : " The hors the fhepe and the ghoos" It is alio in 4to. confiding of 15 leaves, and conclud- ing with the word : " Explicit." Both thefe little tomes are executed in the rude Gothic type ufually afcribed to Caxton, and are bound in blue morocco. I next opened three tranflations from the Works of Cicero, all from the prefs of Caxton. The firft has a gratuitous MS. title of " Cicero on Honour," and con- fifts of 7 leaves. It begins thus on the reclo of the firft leaf: " Here maketh the Argument of the declamacyon " which laboureth to fhewe wherin honoure fholde " refte." On the reverfe of the feventh and laft leaf, we read the conclufion thus : " Thus endeth this lytil book." Beneath fome one has added in red ink MS. capitals : YORK MINSTER. 507 " EXPLICIT PER CAXTON " MCCCC LXXXI." This thin folio is very fhabbily half bound. The two next tractates of Cicero are bound in one volume in folio ; the firft being entitled, " Tullyus de Senectute." preceded by two leaves of table, and ending with the word " Explicit," immediately beneath which is this Colophon : " Thus endeth the Book of Tully of Old Age, " tranflated out of Latin into French, by Laurence de ft Primo-Facto, at the commandment of the noble " prince Louis, Duke of Bourbon ; and enprinted by " me fimple perfon William Caxton, into Englim, at " the pleafure, folace, and reverence of men growing " into old age, the xii day of Auguft, the year of our " Lord M.cccc.lxxxj." The fecond tractate commences with thefe words : " Here followeth the faid Tullius de Amicitia." and endeth thus, " Explicit per Caxton." The iignatures run from a 1. to f 4. and both pieces appear to be perfect, though Dibdin who mentions only the firft, affirms the contrary in his Decameron, but probably opening the volume in his lucernal exa- mination, and turning to the end thereof, without remarking that it contained two feparate pieces, and miffing the well-known colophon quoted above, might have concluded the volume from thence imperfect. The next and lafb Caxtonian production which occurred to me in this Library was, " The Booke of the Fayttes of Armes and of Chy- " valrye, which Chriftine of Pyfe drew out of Vegetius 5 o8 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " de re militari." This work written in French under the title of " Le Livre des faits d'Armes et de Che- " valrie par Chriftine de Pifan," was delivered to Caxton by king Henry the Seventh " in his palais of " Weftmeftre the xxiii day of Januyere the iiii year " of his regne, who defyred and wylled him to tranf- " late this faid booke, and reduce it into our englifh ?' and natural tongue and to put it in prynte, which " Tranflacion was finifhed the viiith day of Juyll the " fayd year and emprynted the xiiith day of Juyll next " following and full fynyfhed " in 1489. The prefent copy bound in forry calf, and lettered " Chriftian of Pifa," is unfortunately imperfect at the end, wanting all from fign. S. i. to the end. It has however the Table of two leaves which precedes the text. Among the other early printed Books I noticed, " The Ordynary of Chryften men " printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1506, 4to. which a manufcript note by Dibdin fays is " not quite perfect." It is bound in blue morocco with gilt leaves. The Polychronicon of Ranulph Higden, tranflated out of Latin into Englifh by John Trevifa, and re- printed from Caxton's edition by Peter Treveris at London in 1527, folio. It is bound in pale ruffia, and is perfect. And the Dives and Pauper, printed by Pynfon at London in 1537, 4to. Hitherto I have only fkimmed over the furface of this valuable Collection, felecting fuch relics of the olden time as faftidious bibliomaniacs efpecially de- light in. The beft editions of the Claffics, and of the Fathers form a considerable portion of this Collection, though YORK MINSTER. 509 I fought in vain for any firft editions of the Claffic Authors. The value of this Collection demands a particular account of its component parts, and I commence ac- cordingly with the Sacred Writings. Of Impreffions in the original Hebrew I remarked the Bomberg Hebrew Bible, printed at Venice in 1 618, in two folio volumes; and the Hebrew Bibles edited by Kennicott and Vander Hooght; Walton's Polyglott Bible is alfo found here. In Greek the Aldine Pfalter, the Alexandrine Codex, edited by Woide ; and the Codex Beza, edited by Kipling chiefly merit notice. The Latin Verfions are numerous, in- cluding that printed at Venice in 1498 ; and the Biblia Latina Junii, Francofurti, 1589. The Englifh Ver- fions are alfo numerous. Of thefe the Doway Bible of 1609; the Oxford Bible of 1680; an imperfect copy of Matthews' Bible of 1549 ; and another Lon- don edition in 1602; the Cambridge Bible of 1682; Wilfon's Bible of 1783 ; a Bible printed at York in 1789; and D'Oyly and Mant's Bible with Notes, &c. are the moft remarkable. I alfo noticed the Ger- man Bible printed at Nuremberg in 1541; French and Indian Bibles ; and the Rhemiiri Teftament by Fulke. The Commentaries, Concordances, and other illuf- trations of Holy Writ in this Library form a valuable part of this Collection. This Library can alfo boaft a very excellent col- lection of the beft editions of the Fathers of the Church. The labours of S.S. Ambrofe, Anfelm, Athanafius, Auguftine, Bafil, Chryfoftom, Clemens Alexandrinus, Cyprian, Cyril, Epiphanius, Eufebius, 5 io CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Fulgentius, Gregory Nazianzen, Hilary, Jerome, Irenasus, Ifidore, Lactantius, Origen, Philo Judasus, Tertullian, Theodoret, Theophy]a<£t, and other pillars of the Faith here exift for the edification of the theo- logical ftudent. The mafs of Catholic Divinity is confiderable, in- cluding the Works of the Venerable Bede, Cardinal Bellarmine, Bernard, Theodore Beza, Bonaventura, Caffiodorus, Gregory, Lanfranc, Duns Scotus, Hugo Victor, and Zanchius ; Zuinglii Opera Omnia ; with many others of lefTer note. This Collection of Theology alfo embraces, Mont- faucon, Collectio Nova Patrum ; the Bibliotheca Pa- trum ; Cotelerii Patres Apoftolici; the Critici Sacri ; and Pole's Synopfis ; Cruden's Concordance ; De Roffi Varias Lectiones in Vetus et Novum Teftamen- tum ; Limborch, Theologia Chriftiana ; Michaelis' Introduction to the New Teftament ; Outram de Sacrificiis ; the Commentaries of Patrick, Pearce, &c. ; Suiceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticus ; Vincentii Speculum Majus ; and Walchii Bibliotheca Theologica et Pa- triftica. In this Library are found Cafaubon's Erafmus of 1 5 14; the Works of Calvin, Grotius, Luther, Me- lancthon, and other Divines of that age. In Englifh Divinity this Collection includes the Works of Lancelot Andrews, Alifon, Barrow, Biihop Berkeley, Archbifhop Bramhall, Chillingworth, Sa- muel Clarke, Hacket, Hammond, Hoadly, Jackfon, Jewel, Lardner, Lowth, Macknight, Mede, Ogden, Paley, Perkins, Porteus, Prideaux, Sherlock, Stack- houfe, Stillingfleet, Jeremy Taylor, Tillotfon, War- burton, Waterland, Watfon, Whitaker, and Whitgift. YORK MINSTER. 511 I alfo obferved the feries of Bampton Lectures ; the Bridgewater Treatifes ; Sermons by Blair, Saurin, Seeker, and many others; Bingham's Antiquities of the Chriftian Church ; Burnet on the Thirty-nine Articles; Butler's Analogy ; Cudworth's Intellectual Syftem ; Gale's Court of the Gentiles ; Hey's Lec- tures ; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity ; Kett on Pro- phecy ; Pearfon on the Creed ; and the Works of Archbifhop Ufher. I may here notice the Hiftories of the Jews by Bafnage, and Jofephus ; and Spencer de legibus He- brasorum. In Ecclefiaftical Hiftory this Library pofierTes the Ecclefiaftical Annals of Baronius ; Tornielli Annales Sacri ; Bacon's Liber Regis ; Brandt's Hiftory of the Reformation in the Low Countries ; Burnet's Hiftory of the Reformation in England; Concertatio Ecclefia? Catholics, &c. 1588; the Acts of the Ecclefiaftical Councils and Conferences, &c. ; Dupin's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Fuller's Church Hiftory ; Harpsfeld, Hif- toria Ecclefiaftica ; Jortin's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Lyndewode's Provinciale ; Mofheim's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; Parker de Antiquitate Ecclefias Britannica? ; Sanderus, de Schifmate Anglicano ; Spotfwode's Hif- tory of the Church of Scotland ; Strype's Ecclefiaftical Memorials; and Symeon Dunelmenfis de exordio et procurfu iftius Ecclefias, edente Thoma Bedford, 1732, 8vo. The Hiftorical department of this Collection em- braces the great body of Byzantine Hiftorians, edited by Labbe ; Bouquet, Recueil des Hiftoriens des Gaules, of which the firft 1 3 volumes are in red morocco, the remaining 5 in boards. Muratori Thefaurus Antiqui- 512 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. tatum, &c. Mediolani, 1723, in 22 folio volumes, with the Corpus Infcriptionum, by Gruter, in 5 volumes in folio ; Pitifci Lexicon ; and the ponderous folios of Bayle. I alfo noticed Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Ro- man Empire ; Hooke's Roman Hiftory ; Maurice's Indoftan ; Mezeray, Hiftoire de France, Paris, 1643, in 3 folio volumes ; Mitford's Hiftory of Greece ; Ro- bertfon's Hiftorical Works ; Thuani Hiftoria fui Tem- poris; Wilkins' Magna Graeca ; and Zonaras Annales. This Library is embellimed by Whitaker's Illuftra- tions of the Topography of Yorkmire ; Gough's Sepul- chral Monuments ; and the Bibliothecas Regias Cata- logus, all in folio. Of books relating to Britifh Hiftory, thefe fhelves contain many, both curious and important. I may mention the Scriptores poft Bedam ; Camdeni An- glica, Normannica, &c. a. veteribus Scripta ; Annales Henrici VIII. ; Boetius and Buchanan Hiftoria Scoto- rum ; Brady's Hiftory of England ; Burnet's Hiftory of his own Time ; Clarendon's Hiftory of the Rebel- lion, and his State Papers ; Daniel's Hiftory of Eng- land; Dalrymple's Memoirs; Eadmeri Hiftoria No- vorum; Fabian's Chronicle ; Fiddes' Life of Wolfey; Florentii Wigornenfis Chronicon ; Holinfhed's Chro- nicle of 158 1 ; Grafton's Chronicle; Galfridi Monu- metenfis Hiftoria Britonum ; Matthsi Paris Hiftoria Anglicana; Matthaei Weftmonafterienfis Flores Hif- toriarum ; the Polychronicon of Ranulph Higden ; Rapin and Tindal's Hiftory of England; Rymer's Fcedera, 20 folio volumes ; Smith de Republica An- glorum ; Speed's Hiftory of Britain ; Strafford's State Papers ; Todd's Lives of Walton and Cranmer ; YORK MINSTER. 513 Twine de Rebus Albionicis ; Verftegan's Reftitution of decayed Intelligence ; Polydore Vergil, Hiftoria Anglicana ; Welwood's Memoirs; Whitelock's Me- morials ; Winwood's Memorials ; the Parliamentary Hiftory of England, in 24 odlavo volumes ; and the Records publifhed by the Parliamentary Commiffion. The Topography and Antiquities of England are illuftrated by the valuable feries of the Archasologia ; Atkyns' Gloucefterfhire ; Britton's York Cathedral ; Burton's Monafticon Eboracenfe ; Burton's Hiftory of Leicefterfhire ; Camden's Britannia, edited by Gough ; the Defcriptions of the Englifh Cathedrals, publifhed by the Antiquarian Society ; Davies' Celtic Refearches; Drake's York ; Gent's Hiftories of York, Ripon, and Hull, with fome Account of the Eaft Window of York Minfter ; Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, in 5 folio volumes ; Grofe's Antiquities of England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland; Halfpenny's Fragmenta Vetufta; Horfley's Britannia Romana ; Kennett's Parochial An- tiquities ; Leland's Collectanea de rebus Britannicis ; Loggan's Oxonia et Cantabrigia Illuftrata ; Nam's Views of St. George's Chapel at Windfor ; Nicolfon's Hiftories of Cumberland and Weftmoreland ; Peck's Deliderata Curiofa ; Raine's North Durham ; Sander- fon's Durham Abbey ; Tanner's Notitia Monaftica ; the Hiftory and Antiquities of York, 1785, in 4 vo- lumes, 8vo. ; Torr's York ; Whitaker's Hiftory of Craven, and his Ducatus Lancaftrias ; and Willis' Hif- tory of the Cathedrals. I may here mention the long feries of the Philofo- phical Tranfactions of the Royal Society of London ; the Memoirs of the Manchefter Philofophical Society; the Harleian Mifcellany ; Harris' Life of Charles the L L 5H CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Firft ; Nichols' Progreffes of Queen Elizabeth, and Collection of Royal Wills ; the Somers Tracts ; and Kippis' Biographia Britannica. The Bibliographical Works I noticed, were Bale, de Scriptoribus Britannicis ; the Bibliotheca Matri- tenfis ; Bibliotheca Chethamenfis ; Bibliotheca? Regime Catalogus ; Catalogus MSS. Anglias et Hibernias, &c. ; De Bure, Bibliographic Inftructive ; Dibdin's Biblio- graphical Decameron, Typographical Antiquities, and Introduction to the Clamcs ; Fabricii, Bibliotheca Grasca Ecclefiaftica et Latina ; Gefner's Bibliotheca ; Gough's Account of Works on Britifh Topography; Le Long, Bibliotheca Sacra ; Photii Bibliotheca ; and the Roxburghe Library Catalogue. To thefe may be added, Mabillon de re diplomatic;! ; Waltheri, Lexicon Diplomaticum ; and Montfaucon's Palaeographia Grasca. The Claffical department of this Library embraces the productions of iElian, iEfchylus, Apuleius, Archi- medes, Appian, Ariftotle, Athenagoras, Athenasus, Ariftophanes, Aufonius, Catullus, Demofthenes, Dio- nyfius HalicarnaiTenfis, Diofcorides, Epictetus, Euclid, Euripides, Aulus Gellius, Hippocrates, Homer, Ho- race, Juftin, Juvenal, Livy, Macrobius, Ammianus Marcellinus, Ovid, Paufanias, Philoftratus, Propertius, Quintilian, Salluftius, Seneca, Silius Italicus, Sopho- cles, Suetonius, Tacitus, Terence, Thucydides, Tibul- lus, Valerius Maximus, Vegetius, Virgil, and Xeno- phon. Of none of thefe authors did I obferve the nrft edi- tions, but many good and fome indifferent imprerlions occur throughout. I noticed particularly Anacreon, Fifcheri; Ariftides, YORK MINSTER. 515 Jebbii; Aurelius Victor, Delphini; Bion and Mofchus, by Wakefield ; Ciceronis Opera, Aldi, Venetiis, 1592-3, and Lambini, and by Victorius, the Sofpitator Ciceronis, and others ; Quintus Curtius, Snakenburgii ; Diodorus Siculus, Wetftenii ; Herodotus, Gronovii ; Hefiodus, Robinfoni ; the Glafgow Homer, printed by Foulis ; Lucianus, Hemflerhufii ; Lucanus, Ouden- dorpii ; Lucretius, Havercampi ; Lycophron, Potteri ; Martialis, Aldi, Venetiis, 1501, 8vo. ; Mythographi Veteres, by Van Staveren ; Orphica, edita ab Herman- no ; Velleius Paterculus, Ruhnkenii ; Platonis Opera, Serrani ; Pindarus, Heynii ; Plautus, Lambini ; Plutar- chus, Xylandri ; Plotinus, Ficini ; Poets Graeci, Ste- phani; Ptolomaei Geographia, Venetiis, 1562, 4to. ; Prudentius, Arevali, Romae, 1788-9, in 2 quarto vo- lumes ; Oratores Graeci, Aldi, Venetiis, 151 3, 2 vols. folio; Rhetores Latini Antiqui, Paris. 1599, 4-to. ; Rei Rufticae Scriptores Gefneri ; and the Characters of Theophraftus. The Etymological Works in this Collection are Cooper's Thefaurus ; Facciolati Lexicon ; Gefneri Thefaurus ; Hederici Lexicon ; Hickes' Thefaurus Linguarum Septentrionalium ; Jamiefon's Scottifh Dictionary; Johnfon's Englifh Dictionary; Junii Ety- mologicum Anglicanum a Lye ; Linacre de emendata Structura Latini Sermonis, Londini, 1524, 4to. ; Pag- nini, Thefaurus Linguae Sanctae; Schleufner's Lexi- con in Novum Teftamentum ; Skinner's Etymologicon Anglicanum ; and Suidas Lexicon. In Englifh Literature this Library contains the Works of Boyle, Evelyn, Locke, Milton, Purchas' Pilgrims; Shakefpeare, 1685; Spelman, and others. Alfo Hakluyt's Voyages ; James the Firfl's Book of 516 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Sports, London, 1618; Lyndfay's Poems in Scotch; Horfley's edition of Newton's Works ; Quarles' Em- blems ; Scott's Life of Napoleon ; and Tyrwhitt's edi- tion of Chaucer's Works. In Italian Literature this Collection embraces the Works of Ariofto, Aretino, Dante, Guicciardini, Ma- chiavelli, and Ubaldino. Alfo Sannazaro' Arcadia, and TarTo, &c. Vinegia, 1581, &c. In French Literature will be found the productions of Bafnage, BofTuet, Corneille, Dacier, Drelincourt, and others. As well as Dacier's Horace ; the Romant de la Rofe, Paris, 1531 ; Scudery, Les Femmes Illuf- tres ; and a French Bible of 1535. The Geographical Works which occurred to me were D'Anville's Ancient Geography ; Heylin's Cof- mography ; Pitt's Englifh Atlas ; and Vincent's Peri- plus of the Erythraean Sea. I alfo noticed Blair's Chronology ; Bryant's Mytho- logy; and Spence's Polymetis. The Heraldic Works in this Collection include Bofwell on Armorie ; Collins' Peerage ; and Dugdale's Baronage. The Works on Natural Hiftory which I noticed were Buffon's Hiftoire Naturelle in 45 vols. 4to. ; Ellis' Zoophytes : Gefneri Hiftoria Animalium ; and Pennant's Britifh Zoology. The Mifcellaneous Books include many too obfcure for notice ; and others fuch as Oughtred, Clavis Ma- thematica ; Bartholomasus de Proprietatibus Rerum ; the Aurea Legenda of 1493 anc ^ I 5 1 ^; Hawkins' Hiftory of Mufic ; a copy of the Koran ; the Mar- mora Arundeliana ; Murphy's Church of Batalha ; YORK MINSTER. 517 Rofini, Antiquitates Romans ; Puffendorf and Saxo- Danicus ; deferve fuccincT: enumeration. Rituals of the Romifh and Reformed Churches are here found in various forms. Of the former I ob- ferved the MirTale Romanum, printed at Antwerp in 1577 and 1590, and at Paris in 16 16. Of the latter the Common Prayer published in 1605, 1625, and 1640, the laft a plague year. The Library of the Dean and Chapter of York derived its chief treafures from the munificence of Bifhop Matthews, whofe Collection was formed in the feventeenth century. It was ftill further enriched by the Library of Dr. Fothergill, bequeathed by him to the Cathedral in the commencement of the eigh- teenth century. Subfequent additions have been made to the Collection, chiefly from the widow of the Rev. William Burge, D.D. The number of printed books in this Library, when augmented by thofe of Bimop Matthews, amounted to four thoufand one hundred and fixty-two volumes. Dr. Fothergill's books, in number one thoufand five hundred and twenty, increafed the fum to five thou- fand fix hundred and eighty-two, which fubfequent donations and additions have augmented to nearly eight thoufand at the prefent time. The Catalogues of this Library are both copious and accurate. The firfr. is a large folio volume, con- taining the Alphabetical Catalogue of Books, and hav- ing at the end the following " Memorandum. The " Books were new claffed, lettered and numbered by " the Rev. Mr. William Richardfon, one of the Vicar's " Choral, and Minifter of St. Michael Le Belfry, and 518 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. " this Catalogue was tranfcribed by the Rev. Mr. " John Coulthred Minifter of Hickleton in the Weft " Riding of the County of York." " York, January 12th, 1775." " The Catalogue when tranfcribed contained about " four thoufand one hundred and fixty-two volumes." It is alfo added : " This Catalogue which is as accurate " as the nature of the thing will admit of, was begun " in the year of our Lord 1774, and finished in the " year 1775-" This volume is bound in calf, lettered on the fides, " Cat. Libr. in Bibl. Ecclef. Cath. Ebor. &c. 1774." The fecond Catalogue was compiled in alphabetical order by the Rev. James Dallin, the prefent Librarian, with reference to the {helves on which the books are placed. This work is comprifed in 4 folio volumes with ample interpaginary fpaces for additions. Vol. I. containing fhelf I to XVII. A to H. II. I to VIII. I to O. III. IX to XV. P to Z. IV. Dr. Burge's Books on Divinity. The third Catalogue is a fmall 4to. volume, con- taining the lift of Dr. Fothergill's Books, whereby I have been enabled to preferve the individuality of that Collection, although its component parts are now merged in the greater Collection which they have contributed to enrich. But as I wifh the labours of each Collector, where poffible, to fpeak for themfelves, I have referved this portion of the York Minfter Li- brary for a feparate notice. I will commence with the Theological department of the worthy Doctor's Collection. Here are the Works of Bifhop Andrews, Beveridge, Bramhall, Goodman, YORK MINSTER. 519 Hall, Hammond, Jackfon, Kettlewell, Leflie, Light- foot, Louth, Oftervald, Pierce, Prideaux, Sanderfon, Sherlock, Jeremy Taylor, Tillotfon, Uiher, Wake, Waterland, Whitaker, and Whitgift. Of the Fathers, we have S.S. Auguftine, Cyprian, Cyril, Eufebius, Ifidore, Juftin Martyr, Origen, Ter- tullian, Theodoret, and Clementis Alexandrini Opera Grace, Florentine, 1550, folio. I alfo noticed Atterbury's Sermons ; Bingham's Origines Ecclefiafticas, Londini, 1708, in 11 vols.; Burnet on the Thirty-nine Articles ; Bythner in Pfal- mos ; Cave's Primitive Chriftianity, and Lives of the Fathers ; Fiddes' Body of Divinity ; Field on the Church, Oxford, 1635 ; Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Po- lity; Howel's Synopfis Canonum ; Jewel's Apology; Leigh's Critica Sacra ; Pearfon on the Creed, and his Opera Pofthuma ; Pole's Synopfis Criticorum, &c. ; Sparrow on the Common Prayer ; Stanhope on the Epiftles and Gofpels ; Stillingfleet's Origines and other Works ; Tenifon on Idolatry ; Twyfden's Vindication of the Church of England ; and Wilkins on Natural Religion. To thefe may be added the Works of Bellarmine, Bernard, Erafmus, Heylin, Thomas a Kempis, Laud, Melancthon, and Thomas Aquinas. Of Bibles, the Polyglott of Walton, like fome other duplicates in the Fothergill Library has been iince exchanged for other books which the Minder Library did not previoufly contain. I noticed a copy of Cran- mer's Bible ; and the Bible printed at Cambridge in 1663; alfo a Latin Bible of 1527; I alfo noticed Hearne's Acta Apoftolorum, Oxonii, 171 5, 8vo. Of Rituals this Collection prefents fome of great 520 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. intereft with relation to the Church to which they are now annexed. Thefe are the Breviarium Eboracenfe Hyemale, Paris. 1525 ; Horae B. M. V. in ufum Eboraci, and Sarum, Paris. 1527 ; and the Pica Ebo- racenfis in 4to. commencing with the Prologue of " Thome Hanibal legis doctoris ac canonici Ebor. i " Pica Ebor. nup a difcreto viro dno Thoma Hothyrfal " Ecclefias Ebor Vicario Chorali revifa et emendata " pludium." Then follows the " Tabula incipiens " Anno m dcccc lxxxxvii." fucceeded by the " Pica " feu directorium Sacerdotum ad ufum Eboracenfe," a work which is unfortunately imperfect at the end. This volume is bound in calf. I alfo obferved the Common Prayer Book of 1662 ; the Breviarium in ufum Sarum, Londini, 1555; the Manipulus Curatorum of 1495 > tne Martyrologium Romanum ; and the Pontificale Romanum, Antverpiae, 1627; alfo Alcoran, London, 1649; and Genevas Catechelis, Genevas, 1609. As connected with Ecclefiaftical affairs, I may here introduce Bedas Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica Anglicana, Lo- vanii, 1566; and Cantabrigias, 1722; Burnet's Re- formation ; Collier's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory ; the Hif- tory of the Reformation in Scotland, London, 1646; Synodus Anglicana & Parochial Vifitations ; Godwin's Lives of the Bifhops ; Le Neve's Fafti Ecclefias An- glicanas ; Lyndewode's Provinciale ; Parker, de Anti- quitate Ecclefias Britannicce, 1729, folio; Platina de Vitis Pontificum ; Spencer de Legibus Hebrasorum ; Strype's Annals of the Reformation ; Walker's Suffer- ings of the Clergy ; and Warton's Anglia Sacra, &c. The Hiftorical department of this Collection in- cludes Carionis Chronicon ; Cluverius, Germania An- YORK MINSTER. 521 tiqua; Jofephus, Hudfoni, Oxonii, 1720, in 2 folio volumes ; Simpfon's Chronicon Catholicon ; Thuani Hiftoria fui temporis ; and Whear's Methodus legendi Hiftoriam ; but is more particularly rich in works relating to the Hiftory of England. Of thefe I feel pleafure in recording Barnes' Life of Edward the Third ; Barwick's Life of Dean Barwick ; Bates' Elenchus Motuum nuperorum in Anglia ; Bedford's Hereditary Right to the Crown of England ; Claren- don's Rebellion ; Daniel's Hiftory of England ; Gale and Fell's Scriptores XV Hiftoria? Britannicas, in 3 vols, folio ; Gibfon's Chronicon Saxonicum ; God- win's Annals ; Madox's Formulare Anglicanum and Hiftory of the Exchequer ; Polydore Vergil's Hif- toria Anglicana ; Prifei Defenfio Hiftoria? Britannia? ; Oclandi Anglorum Pra?lia, Londini, 1582; Rufh- worth's Hiftorical Collections ; Sacheverell's Tryal ; Sheringham de Origine Gentis Anglorum ; Spelman's Life of Alfred, and his Reliquiae ; Rofli Warvicenfis Hiftoria Regum Anglian, Oxonii, 17 16, 8vo. ; Hearne's editions of T. Livii Vita Henrici V. printed at Oxford in 17 1 6, 8vo. ; Warner's Albion's England, London, 1 61 2 ; and Wood's Athena? Oxonienfes. The Works on Englifh Topography and Antiqui- ties which fell under my notice were, Battely's Anti- quitates Rutupina? ; the Itinerary of Antoninus, edited by Burton and by Gale ; Camden's Britannia and Re- mains concerning Britain ; Dugdale's Monafticon An- glicanum, Lond. 1655, in 3 vols, folio; the Hiftory and Antiquities of Hereford, London, 17 17 ; Kennet's Parochial Antiquities ; Rifdon's Devon ; Ogilby's Roads in England; Gunton's Peterborough Cathedral; Somner's Canterbury; Thorefby's Leeds ; Verftegan's 522 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Restitution of decayed Intelligence relating to Englifh Antiquities; Willis' Account of the Cathedrals of St. Afaph, Bangor, LlandarT, and St. David's, with his Notitia Parliamentaria ; the Antiquities of Weftmin- fter, London, 171 1, and London, 1722 ; and the An- tiquities of Winchester Cathedral, London, 171 5. The Heraldic Works in this Library include Guil- lim's Heraldry of 1660, folio; Leigh's Accidence of Armorie ; Philipot's Origin of Heraldry, London, 1672; Segar's Catalogue of Honour, Military and Civil, London, 1602 ; and Yorke's Union of Honour. In Etymology I was chiefly interefled by Benfon's Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum ; Buxtorf's Hebrew Lexicon ; Calepini Dictionarium, Balileae, 1 542 ; Caf- tell's Lexicon ; Munfter's Dic~tionarium Trilingue ; Morel's Latin Dictionary ; Dufrefne's GlorTary, Latin and Greek ; Hickes' Thefaurus and Anglo-Saxon Grammar; Lhuyd, Archaeologia Britannica ; Mont- faucon's Palasographia Grasca ; Pagnini Thefaurus Lingua? Sanctas ; Scapulas Lexicon ; Spelman's Glof- fary; Stephani Lexicon; and Suidas Lexicon, Canta- brigian, 1705, in 3 folio volumes. The ClafTical department includes the Works of iElian, iEfop, Agapetus, Appian, Ariflotle, Aulus Gellius, Aufonius, Casfar, Callimachus, Claudian, De- mofthenes, Eutropius, Herodian, Hefiod, Ifocrates, Juvenal, Lucian, Lucretius, Lycophron, Macrobius, Martial, Nicander, Ovid, Paufanias, Perfius, Plautus, Plutarch, Quintilian, Salluft, Sophocles, Suetonius, Tacitus, Terence, Theocritus, Vegetius, Velleius Pa- terculus, Virgil, and Vitruvius. I alfo noticed Apollodori Bibliotheca, Romas, 1555 ; Athenasus Cafauboni ; Barnes' Euripides ; Ciceronis YORK MINSTER. 523 Opera Omnia, 1646; Diodorus Siculus, Ed. Pr. Graece, Bafileas, 1539, 4to. ; Dionyiius Halicarnafleus, Lond. 1658, and Lipfia?, 1691 ; Epicteti Enchiridion, Lugd. Bat. 1640; Herodotus, Francofurti, 1608, folio; Homeri Opera, Venetiis, 1527; the Delphin Horace, with the editions of Bond and Bentley; Ogilby's JEfop; Plinii Hiftoria Naturalis, 1593, in 3 folio volumes; the Epiftles of Pliny the Younger ; the Bafil Editions of Pomponius Mela, and of Seneca ; the Geography of Ptolemy, Thucydides, Francofurti, 1594, folio ; and Xenophontis Opera, edente Wells, Oxonii, 1703, 8vo. The Bibliographical books comprehend Blount's Cenfura Literaria ; Catalogus MSS. Coll. CCC. Can- tab, a Nafmith, in 4to. ; Leland's Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Oxonii, 1709; and Nicol- fon's Historical Libraries. The Works on Natural Hiftory include Culpepper's Englifh Phyfician ; Evelyn's Sylva of 1664 ; Grew's Rarities ; Morifon's Catalogue of Plants in the Botanic Garden of Oxford, &c. ; the Phytologia Britannica, London, 1650; Raii Hiftoria Plantarum, Compen- dium Plantarum Anglias ; & Methodus obfervandi Plantas. Of Legal Works I noticed only the Corpus Juris Civilis ; Gibfon's Codex Juris Ecclefiaftici, &c. ; Ful- wood's Leges Anglian ; Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium ; Wilkins' Leges Anglo-Saxonica? ; and Wottoni Leges Wallica?. In Chronology and Geography I obferved Ifaacfon's Chronology & Petavii Rationale Temporum ; Ortelii Thefaurus Geographicus ; and Wells' Geography. In Mathematics thefe (helves are equally deficient, having only the London Euclid of 1666; and the Opera Mathematica of Wallis. 524 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. In English Literature this Collection contains the Works of Bacon, Boyle, King Charles the Firft, Cow- ley, Locke, Milton, Mede, Speed, and other authors of lefs reputation ; Chaucer's Tales, in black letter, by Pynfon, a copy which had formerly belonged to Tho- mas Pope Blount, the author of the Cenfura Literaria ; the Life of Dugdale, 171 3 ; Butler's Hudibras, London, 1678; and Ben Jonfon's Works, London, J 640. The Mifcellaneous volumes afford fome pieces of Dodwell and Selden ; the Works of Dante and Guic- ciardini & Machiavelli ; Politian, Scaliger, and Ken- nett's Antiquities of Rome ; Leland's Collectanea de rebus Britannicis, Oxonii, 171 5, in 6 volumes 8vo. edited by Hearne ; Lyrani Rep. Lugd. Bat. 1528, in 5 folio volumes ; Polydore Vergil de Rerum Inven- toribus ; and fome pieces of the learned Voffius. The Catalogue of this Collection, formed by Dr. Fothergill, was compiled by the Rev. John Coulthred, of Hickleton, in a 4to. volume, which has this me- morandum at its clofe. " This Catalogue when tran- " fcribed (by the Rev. John Coulthred) contained " about one thoufand five hundred and twenty vo- " lumes." It will be perceived, in looking over the preceding pages, that the addition of Dr. Fothergill's books to the York Minfter Library, caufed feveral duplicates in that Collection ; but I have preferred incurring tedi- oufnefs by repetition, to impairing the integrity of the Library by the omiffion of thefe volumes. It only remains for me to notice the Manufcripts in the porTerTion of the Dean and Chapter of York. Thefe interefting remains of the Monaftic Library of YORK MINSTER. 525 York include many copies of the Sacred Scriptures in the Latin Vulgate then in ufe, one bearing date a. d. 692, and various portions of the Sacred Writings. Of thefe I particularly noticed, S.S. Bibliorum Pars. viz. Regum libri IV. Ifaiah, Jeremiah, Efekiel, Daniel, Ofea, Joel, Amos, Abdia, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Abacoc, Zepha- niah, Hagga?, Zacchariah, Malachi, Job, Pfalmi, folio. Pars altera Bibliorum, viz. Proverb, Ecclefiait.es, Cantica, Sapientia, Ecclus. Paralipomena, Efdras, Either, Tobias, Maccabees. S. Jerome's Verfion of the Old and New Teftament, Ezechiel, and Paralipomena. A Fragment of the Book of Ruth, and other por- tions of Holy Writ. Of the Fathers I noticed Auguftine and Origen. Of Theological Writings I obferved thofe of Bellar- mine ; Boetius de Trinitate ; Groftefte, Manuel de Pe- cheur ; Fothergill on Liturgies, in 8 volumes ; Jewel's Tracts againft. DifTenters and Papifts ; and Grofthead's Sermons. I alfo noticed the Legenda Sanctorum, and the Spe- culum Spiritualium, formerly a Reliquary to the Priory of Mount Grace. The Hiftorical Manufcripts here preferved are a Collection of PafTages of State under Queen Eliza- beth and King James ; Sir John Harington on the King of Scots' Right of Succefiion ; the Life of Car-, dinal Wolfey ; Thomas de Eccleton de Adventu Mino- rum in Anglia ; and Fabian's Chronicle. Of the Manufcripts relating to the Antiquities of York, I obferved a Regifter of the Lands of St. Mary's 526 CATHEDRAL LIBRARIES. Abbey, York ; Hutton's Antiquities of York ; Drake's Hiftory of York ; and Torr's Manufcripts on the fame fubjec~t, in 8 volumes, now depofited in the Record Room of the Dean and Chapter of York. The only Claffical Manufcript which occurred to me was Cicero, Rhetoricorum ad Herennium. Of Rituals I noticed the Breviarium Eboracenfe ; the Miffale Eboracenfe; the Rituale Eboracenfe; the Pfalterium Eboracenfe ; and the Manuale Sacerdotum de Kirkftal. Among the mifcellaneous volumes I noticed the Methodus Nova Plantarum ; Bradton de Legibus ; Nalfon's Heraldry ; and fome Manufcripts which for- merly belonged to Rievaulx Abbey, brought hither at its dirTolution. Four old Catalogues of the York Minfter Library are preferved among the manufcripts of the Dean and Chapter of York. Thefe Manufcripts are all preferved with great care in cafes under lock and key. In this room I alfo found a cafe of Sir Edward Tho- mafon's Series of Medals illuftrative of the Scriptures, of which the author has prefented a fet to every crowned head in the world, and received fuitable pre- fents in return from each of them. The care and attention bellowed upon the Library is highly creditable to the tafte and liberality of the Dean and Chapter. I believe the credit of converting the ancient Epifcopal Chapel, which had for many years been ufed as a ftable below, and a hay-loft above, into the prefent Gothic Library, is due, as I have already faid, to Dean Markham, and greatly muft every tafteful antiquary rejoice in the restoration of this ele- YORK MINSTER. 527 gant building. The large Gothic room is arranged with every attention to comfort, and is adorned by portraits of Toby Matthews, and of Dr. Fothergill. The ante-room is appropriated to the reception of Dr. Burge's Books of Divinity, and numerous political and polemical Tracts, chiefly the fcum thrown up by the troubled waters of the Englifh mind during the Great Rebellion. THE END. PRINTED BY CHARLES WHITTINGHAM, CHISWICK. 1849. JUL 14 1960 ^23 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. K-'l i I