• LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF Class On the Curve y m —G[x)~O y and its Associated Abelian Integrals. DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY WILLIAM H. MALTBIE, Baltimore. 1894. • '"of rwt PRESS OF THE FRIEDENWALD COMPANY, BALTIMORE, M D. INDEX. PAGE Introduction 1 I. Bi-rational Transformation of the Curve y m — 6r (x) = 1 II. The Curve y m — B mn (x) = 0. Its Genus. Its Multiple Points AND THEIR EQUIVALENT NUMBER OF DOUBLE POINTS AND CUSPS, 3 III. The most General Rational Function of x and y 8 IV. Integrals Connected with the Curve f=0. Their Reduc- tion to Two Standard Types 10 V. Integrals of the First Kind. Their Number 13 VI. Periods of Integrals of the First Kind. Their Form, and Reductions in their Number 18 Biographical Sketch 26 INTRODUCTION. The well-known work of Clebsch and Gordon on the Abelian Functions assumes that the fundamental curve f(xy) = is such that only two of the values of y permute at each branch point, and that the multiple points are either cusps or multiple points with distinct tangents. There exists, however, a large class of curves included in the form y ™—G(a?) = (where G(x) is a rational function of x) which violate both these hypotheses. They may, it is true, be made to satisfy these hypotheses by subjecting them to a set of bi-rational transformations, but in the process they are deprived of all their simplicity. The purpose of this paper is to make a direct investigation of the integrals associated with these curves and at the same time retain their characteristic simplicity of form. I desire here to express my gratitude and my sincere appreciation of the great kindness and assistance of Professor Craig and of Professor Franklin, not only in the preparation of this paper, but throughout my entire residence at the Johns Hopkins University. I. Bi-rational Transformation of the Curve y m — G(x)=zO. Consider the algebraic equation *,-— G(aO = 0, and write it in the form * m -!t)= o > (1) where B g (x) and B (x) are rational entire functions of x of degree q and r respectively. On this form Osgood * has made the following reduction. Put y' «' and (1) becomes y ,m B r (aft) — t m + r -™B r (x') — (ax/ + b) "+'-«22 ff (a/)=: . (2) Again, let RrW and we have y" m -\B r (x')\'-'B m + r ^) = 0; or, grouping together such factors of the product as occur to the mth degree, y" m — {B l (x')\ m B mir+1) . mi (*) = 0. If finally we put and drop the accents, we have y m — B m{v + 1) (x)=0, (3) where v is an integer >0. This is Osgood's reduction. Examination of (2) will show, however, that when the function B m + r (a/) is no longer entire, and a different reduction must be made for this form. The successive transformations y»' ' -R q {x')' give us the form or as before, if y m -B ml ,_ 1) (x) = 0, (4) * Dissertation, Gottingen, 1890. where fi is an integer ]> 1. All possible curves of the form (1) are therefore reduced by bi-rational transformation to the form y m — B mn (x) = 0. »>0. (5) The important things to note are : 1. That the degree of the polynomial R is a multiple of the exponent of y, and 2. that not more than m — 1 of the linear factors of R can coincide. II. The Cueve y m — R mn (x) = 0. Its Genus. Its Multiple Points and their Equivalent Number op Double Points and Cusps. We write the curve (5) in the form y m — (x — a 1 )(x — a 2 ) . . . {x — a mn ) — 0, (6) where the a's are real or imaginary constants not more than m — 1 of which can be equal. These a's are all branch points of the function, and around each of them all the m values of y permute in one or more cycles, according as the number of coincident a's is or is not prime to m. Moreover, since the a's are mn in number, it follows that the point infinity is not a branch point of the function.* Introducing homogeneous co-ordinates, we have iz=mn f=z mn - m y m —Y[(x — a i z) = 0; (7) and from this form we see at once that no term is of degree, in x and z jointly, less than m(n — 1); i. e., the curve has at x = z-=zO an m(n — l)-ple point, whose tangents, as may easily be seen, are all coincident. Again, the curve (7) has no other multiple points except such as arise from the coincidence of two or more a's. For the necessary and sufficient conditions that the point 0/3/2/ shall be a double point, and therefore the necessary con- ditions that it be a multiple point of higher order, are J-./VyV) = 0, |/( !B 'y*')=o. * Forsyth. Theory of Functions, p. 160. These three conditions are equivalent to the two following, 2 /m(n-l)-iym_.Q j i = mn ^(x — a 1 z)(x — a 2 z) .... (x — a i _ 1 z)(x-—a i ^iz) .... (x — a mn z) == , i = l which can be satisfied only by x'zziz' = (the multiple point at infinity), or when, in connection with an identity of one or more other a's with a we have x! = a^. If then the a's are all distinct, the curve will have only the one multiple point x = z z= , and its genus* will be (mn — l)(mn — 2) ™ , QX 2>= v ^ ; — #, (8) where E denotes the number of double points and cusps to which the m(n — 1 )-ple point is equivalent. The coincidence of the tangents at this multiple point makes the ordinary relation, "A &-ple point is equivalent to J& (k — 1) double points," invalid ; and we must seek other means for the evaluation of E. Assume all the a's to be distinct. The function has then mn branch points at each of which all the values of y permute in a single cycle, and these are the only branch points. The genus of the curve is therefore (m — 1) (mn) — 2m + 2 (m — 1) (mn — 2) , Q >. P— 2 ~~ 2 ' { } and we have E= m(mn— 2)(n— 1) ^ ^ When, however, some of the a's coincide, the resulting multiple points have common tangents, the formula \h (k — 1) again fails, and the method above employed gives us only the total number of double points and cusps to which the two multiple points are equivalent. We must accordingly make a direct investigation of these points, and determine whether the number of double points and cusps to which they are equivalent is variable with the a's. Making y = the line at infinity, and returning to the non-homogene- ous form, the equation of the curve becomes v m(n — 1) — It (x — a ( z) = 0. (11) *The mathematical faculty of the Johns Hopkins University have agreed to use the term "genus" in place of "deficiency." The multiple point is now at the origin, and the line zz=0 is the common tangent. For the evaluation of the multiple point we will follow the method introduced by Cayley,* and form by Newton'sf method the expansion for each branch in the neighborhood of the origin, z=zAx a +Bx^ + , where A, B, . . . . are constants and i<«*-* + **+. § § > _> Q . The term x mn has its exponent independent of a , and none of the following exponents can be made equal to it so long as we have «^>1. Therefore we must have am(n — 1) — mn, n n — 1 and Ip-rri A m *- l *=zl M A^e^^K p=zt,2,&, m(n — 1) . The curve has evidently m(n — 1) branches corresponding tothem(n — 1) values of A. For the farther development of any branch we assume 2p7ri n z z=z e m ( n — 1 > x n — i + Bx$ , and again substitute in (11). The result will be X mn + m(n— 1) B&^^) X^l [m{n ~ l) ~ l] + fi +. . . . + B m{n - 1] X ^{n-\)_ x mn + Z{a i )\J^-^) x mn - l +^r x -\-Bx mn - l ±P\ = 0. Now the term Z{a i )e^{n-\) x mn - 1 + ^r 1 has its exponent independent of ft and none of the following exponents can be made equal to it so long as /9 ^> — — — ^> 1 ; and the least of the preceding expo- * Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. V, p. 520. t As given by Salmon, Higher Plane Curves, p. 44. nen ts is — ^r [m(n — 1) —1] + /5. We have therefore 4pTTt n^+J. - R __ —I{a i )e^^-i) P — n —l' m(n— 1) If, as can easily be shown, the terms of the series all have n — 1 as the common denominator of their exponents, then each of the branches of the curve is an (n — l)-tic branch; i. e., consists of n — 1 partial branches given by the developments 2 (P) _-. e 2ni lm(n-l) + r^IJ x ^=l _ ^ ( a i) ^ [m (n - 1) + ,T=1 J ^T\ -}-...., 1 m(n 1) .r p ■ 2 "I n y , \ f 2p . 4 "| n-fl g (p) e L" 1 (n— 1) **" n— lJ^n — 1 ^ W e Lm(» — l) + n — lJ ^.n — 1 I 2 m(n — 1) * ' * * ' n_1 ra(w — 1) The ensemble of partial branches belonging to the m(n — 1) total branches will be obtained by giving to p in the above system the values 1, 2, 3 ... . m(n — 1) . If now we form all possible differences Z 8 Z 8' t and denote by M the sum of the exponents of their first terms, we may, following Cayley, say that our m (n — l)-ple point is equivalent to }[if — 3m (n — l)(w — 2)] double points and m (n — l)(w — 2) cusps. The evaluation of M, while possible in any particular example, is entirely too complicated to be attempted in the general case. The important thing to notice is that since the expansions for the partial branches differ only in the exponents of e , the exponents of the first terms of the differences z { 8 r) — 2#" } will be independent of the relative values of the a's ; and therefore that the number of the double points and cusps to which the m(?i — l)-ple point is equivalent is unchanged when two or more of the a's coincide. If then this number can be found when all the a's are distinct, it is found for all cases. But this has already been done. We can therefore now affirm that the m(n — l)-ple point is equivalent to — ± ^ ' ordinary double points and cusps. If h (k < m) of the a's coincide, the method of page 4 gives us the com- bined equivalence of the two multiple points; and the permanence of the equivalence of the first enables us to find at once the equivalence of the second. In particular, if B mn (x) has a factor of the form (x — a*)*, where k is prime to m , we will denote its equivalence by JS^ . Then P (mn — l)(mn — 2) m(n — l) (mn — 2) ™ But the function has now mn — k + 1 branch points, around each of which all the values of y permute in a single cycle. Its genus is therefore P __(m — l)(mn — & + !) — 2 m + 2 __ _ . „ (m -!)(&- 1 ) M V 2 ' (12) On the other hand, if k is not prime to m, let k=.lp , m=zXp , where I is prime to X, Then the function will have mn — k branch points at which all the values of y permute in a single cycle, and one where they permute in p cycles. Its genus will therefore be (m — l)(mn — k) + m — p — 2m + 2 and we have *= 2 E, = (fn-m-l) + P -l > (13) Moreover, a second Newton expansion will show that the equivalence of a { is unaffected by the relative value of the remaining a's. We are therefore able to find the equivalence of all the multiple points of ym _ (J,. __ a ^k x ^ __ a2 )* 3 fa __ a ^fc a = } (14) where S? k { ss mn i=l III. The Most General Rational Function of x and y. The most general rational function of x and y, when they are connected by the relation (5), is of the form A'tf*- 1 + B'y m - 2 + +I/y + M' Ay" 1 ' 1 + By m ~ 2 + + Ly + M ' (15) where A', E, .... M', A, B, . . . . if, are arbitrary rational entire func- tions of x. The first reduction to be made is to render the denominator a function of x alone. When m = 2 we have the hyperelliptic case. When m=3, Thomae* makes the reduction by multiplying both numerator and denominator by (Atfr* + Byv + 0)(Ayh + Byz* + C) , where 2ni „ 3 In dealing with the general case we may either extend this method of Thomae's, or follow the method used in the general theory of Abelian Func- tions. For this denote y m — R mn {%) by /and Ay™- 1 + By m ~ 2 + + Ly + M by

and the product d(p are functions of # alone. 10 IV. Integrals Connected with the Curve /=z0. Their Reduction to Two Standard Types. All possible integrals connected with the curve /=. may now by the use of the multiplier J %- be reduced to the form dy { A l3 r^+A^r^+....+A mdX9 (16) J rf dy where A t and X are rational entire functions of x. From this point we have two analogies to follow. The curve y m — B mn (x)=z0 evidently occupies a middle ground between the hyperelliptic curve y 2 — Ri(x)=zQ, on the one hand, and the general Abelian curve F(xy)=z0 on the other. We will follow first the analogy of the hyperelliptic integrals and reduce the general integral (16) to integrals of two more simple types. The theory of decomposition of rational fractions enables us at once to reduce (16) to a sum of integrals of the two forms f P * (%>**, and f-J2lM*!L dy dy where P x and cp x are rational entire functions. These in turn by simple separa- tion of their terms and use of the relations f~0, and §£- = my™- 1 , are reduced to the two forms [ Q{x)y a dx m) f and by means of this and/=zO we can put the integral in the form [ lQ(x)-mLi{x)R{x)-(a+\)L{x)R>(x)-\y« ^ J my™— 1 If now we take I = q — mn + 1 > the last two terms in the bracket become a polynomial in x of degree q. We can now so determine the q — mn -f- 2 arbitrary constants in this polynomial that the entire expression in the brackets becomes a polynomial in x of degree q — q-\-mn — 2 = mw — 2 . If now we separate the terms of this polynomial, we shall reduce all the integrals of the form (17) to the form [x^y a dx /3(x) = (x — af-^G^x), and this fraction becomes [g(g + 1) ^ (a?) - where R 2n (x)hsiS no multiple factors. The curve has therefore no multiple points except the 2(n — l)-ple point at x=zz=zO. At this the integrals remain finite, and therefore the hyperelliptic integral which remains finite for x very great remains finite throughout the entire plane. In our case, if x — a is a multiple factor of R mn (x) , the expression — \^_ x is, in general, infinite of an order \1 at the point xz=a; and the corre- sponding integral is therefore not of the first kind. If, however, R mn (x) has no repeated factors, we have * — ' ^ ~^—L integrals of the first kind, and this is equal to the genus of the corresponding curve /=0 . If a is a root of R mn (x)=zO of order k, we take the general integral of the first type ( Q(x)y a dx . (21) J my" 1 ' 1 ' v ; 14 and subtract from it At ,{x — a) d ( (¥ +1 \ C( a + l)y(x— a) d -ldx — 0(k— l)y« + 'dx (XX (x — af _ y [(7(g + 1) (x — a) R'— Cm (k — 1) #] da; ~" (a?— aYmtf*- 1 ' which, if we define (xt and 6r 2 as before, is equal to y" \_C(a + 1) & 2 (a?) — Cm {h — 1) G t (x) ] cfc If now C be defined by the relation Q (a) - and an immediate extension of the above-mentioned theorem gives us \ = m — 1 yp| (24) 2 where %E t is the sum of the double points and cusps equivalent to those multiple points of f=.0 which result from repeated factors of R(x), The number of integrals of the first kind is therefore in all cases equal to the genus of the curve. We have now formed p integrals of the first kind, and they are evidently linearly independent. But if we ask for the most general form of an integral of the first kind, and whether there may or may not be more than p of them, we must turn our attention to the more general theory of Abelian Functions 16 and follow the analogy which it presents. We know that the most general integral connected with the curve fz=. is of the form f JMT-'-Mar >+■ -+A, _.*,. (25) (x — a^i (x — a 2 ) ? a . . . . (x — a v ) l vmy r What are the conditions under which this will always remain finite ? Consider the point x=na i . The integral is evidently infinite at this point unless the numerator vanish also. Two cases arise corresponding to the two conditions R («J zfz , and R (a t ) ss . When R {a t ) zfzO , y has for xzzL^m values all different and all different from zero. In order then that the integral remain finite when x-=.a i it is necessary and sufficient that the numerator, a polynomial in y of degree m — 1 , vanish for m different values of y. Its coefficients must therefore all vanish, i. e. the A's must all have a factor x — a t ) and the integral reduces to the form Atf*- 1 + .... + 4 I (x — a^ ....(# — 0-i) li ~ l .... (a? — a„) l vmy- m — 1 dx . A repetition of the argument will evidently remove from the denominator all the factors (x — a t ) , where R (a { ) :£ . When a t is a root of R (x) = of order k , we write R(x) = (x—a i ) k G(x) ) and put for y its value (R (x)) m =z(x — a t ) m ( G {x)) m . The integral now becomes k(m — 1) tn — 1 fc (m — 2 ) m — 2 f ^l(g — «,) » (G(x))m + A 2 (X—0. 1 ) rn (g fr)) m + J (x — aj* (x— «,) i+ ^ - ; ....(a? — a,)V(0(aO) " In order that this remain finite for x=za i it must reduce to the form (

0,t * Jordan, Liouville's Journal, Series 2, t. XI (1866). f Klein. On Rieman's Theory of Functions. Section 8 of Miss Hardcastle's transla- tion. JPicard, Traits d' Analyse, Tome 2, pp. 405-409. X-\-iY is an integral of the first kind. iT is the contour made up of the p cuts through the holes, the p cuts around the holes, and the p — 1 cuts joining these into a continuous contour. 19 we note that, in the region of the branch points, -=- is no longer of the order - — , but of the order ^-r in the case of a simple branch point : and of the order »7~i (* * The value of U along the straight line from u to the small circle about a t will be denoted by A t . The inverse function y will have as periods the values of U s along any contours which return y to its original value. Among such contours we choose the following, «1 «2 > a l «3 9 a l « 4 , . . . . «i a mn , 20 and denote the corresponding periods by co 2 , w s , . . . , w mn . Consider the first of these. We have evidently ( o 2 =:A 1 {l—^ m - 1 ^)+A 1 (^- 1 ^ — ^ m -^) + +A 1 (X*—l)+A 2 (X—l). If now we multiply this by X s , we have a new period X s w 2 to which corresponds the contour af -2 ^^. In the same way we have X 28 co 2 corresponding to af _8 «2«i, etc. Treating the other co's in the same way, we have the following table of periods associated with Us , co 2 , X s w 2y X™ which corresponds to both the contours «f _1 «;> and aj^a^y enable us to replace the last loop of any contour by any other loop. 1°, 2°, 3°, and 4° being granted, let it be required to form from the periods (30) an arbitrary period corresponding to a contour, denoted by 2), consisting of km + 1 positive and / negative loops. (The argument will 21 be the same for hm-\-l negative and I positive loops.) To do this repeat the contour corresponding to co 2 k times ; and from this, by the introduction of the proper nugatory contours «f«7"*> we g e * a new contour A which has the same number of positive and negative loops as D and in the same order. By successive cyclic permutation of the loops of A ; and the addition, after each permutation, of the proper one of the periods deduced in 4°; A becomes identical with D ; and the corresponding period is given as a linear homogeneous function, with integer coefficients, of the periods (30). The system (30) is therefore complete. There are, however, certain reductions among the periods (30). We know that the value of Us along a contour composed of all the loops is zero. But this contour, by a process entirely analogous to that used in the case of D and A y may be reduced to the contour corresponding to io 2 repeated n — 1 times and followed by w i . Moreover, the periods used in this reduction are none of them derived from o) t . We may therefore express co t in terms of the other periods, and strike out from the table 30 the row of periods a) iy X 8 o) if X 2S o) iy A<« 1)8, The remaining mn — 2 periods in the first column of (30) are in general distinct, since each of them contains an A that does not appear in any of the others. If d is prime to m , the table (30) , by virtue of the relation x m = 1 , and by a permutation of the columns, takes the form > 2 , Xco 2 , Fw 2 , t m Jo>2, >s , *co 3 > ^3 f . . . . A m ^3 , (0 mn-l> ^ w mn-\y * ^mn-1 y • • • «* m ^r (31) (We have chosen the last row as the one to be dropped.) If m is odd, we have between the periods of any row the one relation k = m — 1 Oh >£p = fc=0 We may therefore strike out any column (say the last). The remaining periods are in general distinct; and the integral has, under the hypotheses made above as to d and m, the maximum number of independent periods, i. e. (mn — 2) (m — 1) = 2p . 22 If m is even (d still prime to m) we have the relation /12- = _1 A 2 = — A«. ?/i When -g is odd, we can express all of the even powers of X in terms of the odd powers; and the table of periods (31) may be replaced by the table Xto 2 , Xco z , X z co 2y Xho B , .•.'.* CO i) ~) ^°mn-li A C0 mn _ ly (32) m, But X is now a primitive — th root of unity, and therefore 2 x+x B +x 5 + +>- i =yA»+i == o 1 k = We may therefore drop the last column of (32), and the integral has now only (mn — 2) I — — 1 ) periods, which are in general distinct. (We note that this is m twice the genus of the curve y* — R /m-v 2n (a;) ■=. , all the factors of B being distinct.) If, on the other hand, - is even, we can drop half the columns of (31) ; but we know of no relation connecting those which remain. The integral has in this case (mn — 2) =- periods which are in general distinct. If d is not prime to m , put S=zs/j. and m = ?y* , where s is prime to r . We have then the relation X rS = 1 , and from this the relation k=m—'l k = r — l 2>l M = ;/£>>. fc=0 fc=0 The table of periods (30) accordingly takes the form co 2 , X s co 2 , X 28 co 2 , ^"^Vo 1 ':;> X S (D* \0 2 «>mn-l, ^V mn — 1 f >a> mn — 1 > . ..AC- 1 * . . Ji'- 1 )** 'mn — 1 • J (33) «F^ 2niS But /I 5 = e"»»~ = e" = /5 8 , where /? is a primitive rth root of unity. Since r is prime to s and /9 r = 1 , (33) may, by use of this value of ^ and proper permu- tation of the columns, be put in the form co 2 CO 3> (0 mn — 1 k=r — 1 >{>< 'mn — 1) F fr- x m. mn — 1 (34) When r is odd, 2J* k ~ , we strike out the last column, and have in general fc = (mn — 2)(r — 1) independent periods. (We note that this is twice the genus of the curve y 2 — B rt , n (x) = , all the factors of B (x) being distinct.) If r is even, a discussion exactly analogous to that made in the case when m was even and d prime to m shows that we have in this case (mn — 2) f -^ — l) or (mn — 2) independent periods, according as ^ is odd or even. We may tabulate all these results as follows : m odd, the no. of periods is (mn — 2)(m — 1). d prime to m and d = sfi. m = r/u. s prime to r and odd, even, r odd, " "oodd, « 2 even, (mri _2)g_l). (mn-2)g). (mn— 2)(r— 1). ( TO »_2)g-l). (mn-2)(0. The meaning of a portion of these reductions is very evident. When d=zs/jt and m=.r/jt y the integral x^dx m(R mn (x)} m y x^dx s ' m (B mn (x))' r which last is an integral connected with the curve y r — B mn (x)=zO. I am able at present to offer no satisfactory explanations of the other reductions. We 24 have said that the periods, after the above reductions have been made, are in general distinct. It is evident that the only farther reductions which can arise, so long as the factors of R(x) are distinct, must come from relations among the a»'s themselves. It may be possible to so choose the roots of R (x) = that some at least of the integrals connected with the curve shall have less than ran — 2 distinct co's. For example, the integral of the first kind, [x n ~Hx connected with the curve y m — (x n —a^)(x n — a^) (x n — a%) = reduces to the integral [dx connected with the curve y rn_^_ a n )(x _ Q n ) _ (*_<) = 0, when we take x 11 as our new variable ; and the new integral has only ra — 2 w's. A similar case is the reduction of the integrals connected with the sextic y^ — (x i — al)(x 2 — ai)(x 2 ~(4) = to elliptic integrals.* It is evident, however, that no farther reductions can take place among the periods derived from anyone co , so long as the factors of R(x) are distinct. Therefore, while in the case of the hyperelliptic integrals we can only say that there are at least two periods, we are able in the present case to say that the integral (xPdx d=zs/i has at least (ran — 2) ( ^ — 1 ) distinct periods. We have limited ourselves so far to the case where all the factors of R (x) are distinct. The case where some of them are the same presents no insuper- able difficulties, but introduces a great deal of complexity. We shall limit ourselves to a simple case. Suppose h (k<^m) of the factors of R (x) to be of the form (x — a } ), the others remaining distinct. We shall have in this case mn — 2 — h co's corre- *Picard, Traits' d' Analyse, Tome I, p. 217. 25 sponding to contours of the form «f _1 «o and one, coj , corresponding to a contour of the form aj* _1 «f . If k is prime to ra , the point a t will accordingly give rise to m — 1 periods and we have in all (ran — k — l)(ra — l)=z2p periods. If k is not prime to ra , put k = lp and m-=.Xp , and by the argument used when d was not prime to ra we see that the point ctj gives rise to X — 1 periods, and we have in all (ran — k — 2) (ra — 1) + ^ — 1 « The number of periods is in this case therefore (/> — 1)(X — 1) less than the maximum 2p . The number of periods in both these cases will of course be subject to reduction when ra is even or when d is not prime to ra . We have been speaking so far of curves reduced to the standard form y m — B mn (x)=zO, but similar relations exist among the periods associated with the curve, y m —R s {x) = 0, where R is rational and entire and s is any integer. The difference in the discussion will arise from the fact that the point infinity is now a branch point where all the values of y permute in one or more cycles. We will have then a similar complete system of periods co t , and their multiples by rath roots of unity. In particular, if we make ra zz: 3 and s = 4 , we have for the three integrals connected with the curve y z z=.x(x — a)(x — b)(x — t) , the periods given by Picard,* ho[, Xco{ f , ho[", Comptes Rendus, Tome 93, p. 835. Biographical Sketch. The author, William H. Maltbie, was born in Toledo, Ohio, August 26, 1867. He was under the care of private instructors and in various elemen- tary and high schools until 1885, at which time he entered the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio, from which institution he received the degree of A. B. in 1890, and of A. M. in 1892. In 1890 he was appointed Professor of Mathematics in Hedding College at Abingdon, 111. In 1891 he entered the Johns Hopkins University as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philo- sophy, selecting Mathematics as his principal subject, with Astronomy as first and Physics as second subordinate. In January, 1893, he was appointed University Scholar, and in June, 1894, Fellow in Mathematics. un rv OF V J /