I BW!l|liJ i )i i ) i ,MII ' .l i y!i|l ! Boy-Stuff is the only Stuff ix the World FROM WHICH Men can be Made BOYOLOGY OR BOY ANALYSIS H, W. GIBSON 'Camping fob Boys," ' Worship," "Qualities that Win," etc. Author of "Camping for Boys," "Services of ASSOCIATION PRESS New York: 347 Madison Avbnub 1922 COPTKIOHT, 1916, BT Thb Intkbnational Committee or YoxTNG Men's Chbistiajj Associations Printed in the United States of America To MY MOTHER 584622 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/boyologyorboyanaOOgibsrich CONTENTS Book I. — The Characteristics of Boyhood PAGX I. Physical 8 The thrill of living. Animal vs. man. The awakening conscience. Decline and acceleration of growth. The teen period. Physical health a mental and moral asset. Bodily cleanliness. Bathing and swimming. Work and sleep. Food values. Normal play life. Danger of overtaxation and over- strain. Sacred power of reproduction. II. Intellectual 29 The servant of the mind. Thought con- trol. Sensori-motor system. The boy's ca- pacity of mental development. Disciplining imagination. Value of pictures. The power of suggestion. Time of decision. Will. Habit. The "ego" period. Doubt and questioning. Disposition and temperament. Cultivation of ideals through music, books, pictures, drama, etc. "Slanguage." The five senses or "Scouts of the Soul." III. Emotional 63 "Hurt feelings." Four great types of temperament. The dominant emotional in- stincts — fear, aversion toward the strange, anger, afifection, positive and negative self- feeling, the sex instinct, inner freedom, the instinct of eflBciency, sympathy, reverence, the sense of dependence, surprise, and won- der. Danger of stifling emotions. The boy needs an interpreter of his emotions. IV. Social 82 The hermit or recluse is an abnormal being. The gang instinct necessary for the proper social education of every boy. Social consciousness. Indiscriminate chumship vs. vi CONTENTS discriminate chumship. Misfits in society. A boy's room. The home a social center. Socializing value of the family meal. Play as a social adjuster. Camping as a socializ- ing influence. The recognition of the social instinct by the Church. V. Moral 100 The proper field for morals or moral sentiment is voluntary human action. Struggle between the higher and lower. The three classes of control. Aim of moral instruction is to teach a boy to know, to live, and to do right. Personality. Moral law vs. civil law. Syllabus of moral in- struction for boys, 12 to 14 years, 14 to 16 years, 16 to 19 years. The high art of liv- ing vs. making a living. VI. Religious 117 The appeal of religion to a healthy, nor- mal, happy boy. Religion a motive power to give up wrong and to do right. A boy's idea of God and duty and religious observ- ance. Religious expression. The instinct of worship. The stages of the evolution of the religion of boyhood. Jesus Christ as the world's greatest hero. Conscience. Conversion. Loyalty to the Church. The function of worship. VII. Vocational 137 "What shall a boy do?" is a problem. Harnessing aptitudes. Fitting a boy to a calling vs. fitting a calling to a boy. Pre- venting misfits. The business of education. Parental personal ambition must often be sacrificed for the salvation of the boy. Dabbling in many things. Value of manual training and technical studies. Danger of neglecting the cultural. The motive of a vocation. The spiritualization of work. Table I. Chabactekistics of Childhood 158 Table II. Charactekistics of Adolescence 162 CONTENTS vii Book II. — General Characteristics AND Observations CHAPTEB PAQH VIII. Taking His Measure 169 It is the unknowable which has always baffled man. The grow time. Two skilled builders — nature and nurture. The con- tents of a boy. His unpurchasable quality. A boy's ideal of a friend. Dangerous "Model" boy. "Penrod." The first pair of long trousers. His first shave. Exit mother, enter father. Well governed cities, eflicient schools, happy homes, vitalized churches of the future, depend upon the boys of today. Will they measure up? IX. The Language of the Fence 185 A piece of chalk in the hands of an evil- minded boy. Fence language is but the reflection of the thought life of the boy. Crimes of manhood begin during boyhood. The impure joke. Results of 288 inter- views. Parental cowardice. Brain impres- sions made through the eye and ear. "Where did I come from?" Mother the boy's first teacher. Father's part in his sex education. Sowing wild oats. Cleaning up the fence. X. Parental Delinquency 204 Ideals of the city, the state, the nation, the school, the church, will never rise higher than the ideals of the home. Intensity of love of home born in man. "Speeding up" of life. Parental control. Parental delinquency re- sponsible for juvenile delinquency. Results of questionnaire sent to boys. Boy barom- eters. Homecoming of father. All homeless boys do not live in the slums. Boys more valuable than carpets. A real home. The cure. XI. Skedaddling from Sunday School 223 "Man am I grown." "Skedaddle" means to run away, to retire tumultuously. Older viii CONTENTS PAoa boys retiring from Sunday school. Statis- tics. Millions growing up in America without definite religious instruction and needing an anchorage. Too big and too old to attend. Not a "kid." Childish songs and "opening" exercises. "Bunch" don't go. "Hedonists." Appeal of service demanding sacrifice. Sabbath irreverence. Modern skepticism. Week-day interests. XII. Stemming the Tide 236 There is a tide in the affairs of the Sunday school if — . Testimony of a judge. Result of questionnaire given to boys. Unprepared- ness. Danger of producing "half-baked" teachers. Sunday attendance a habit. The quality of cheerfulness. "Something to do." Class activities. Inter-church organiza- tions. Community competition must be changed to community cooperation. Sun- day school changed into a Bible school. XIII. The Church, the Preacher, the Sermon, THE Boy 250 A parable. "Morbus Sabbaticus." A diagnosis and the remedy. Churchless boys and boyless churches. Seating capacity of Protestant churches vs. attendance. Fill- ing the pews a problem. Reasons given by boys as to why they do not go to church. Beatitudes for church goers. Instinct of worship in every human being. "How can a minister help a boy?" answered by boys. The kind of sermons boys would preach to boys if they were ministers. Uniting with the Church. BiBLIOGRAPHT 269 Index 281 FOREWORD These studies and observations of boy life formed the material delivered in courses of lectures on "Boyology" or Boy Analysis, before the Young Men's Christian Associations of Boston, Providence, Lawrence, Cambridge, and at Mothers' Meetings, Parent-Teachers' Associa- tions, and Women's Clubs, and are now presented to that larger audience of parents, teachers, and workers among boys, who are interested in this intricate piece of human machinery known as the boy. Twenty-six years of actual contact with many thousand boys has convinced the author that many of the boy's ways remain as yet uninter- preted as well as misinterpreted. He is the original sulphite, keeping everybody awake and interested when he appears upon the scene. He will ever be a new subject for discussion and analysis, and in need of friendly interpreters. May this little volume introduce him to a host of such friends, who will secure for him the inahenable rights of boyhood and genuine sym- pathy dinging the struggles of youth. No attempt has been made to adhere to X FOREWORD technical or scientific terms, but rather to the language of those who may be short in psy- chology, physiology, pedagogy, and sociology, but who are long in conmion sense and "heart- ology." Acknowledgment of deepest gratitude is made to the host of publishers and authors who so generously permitted the use of quoted material. *'Out of the mouths of many witnesses, the truth shall be estabhshed." A bibhography of helpful books and their publishers will be found at the end of the book. Boston, May, 1916. BOOK I THE CHARACTERISTICS OF BOYHOOD CHAPTER I Physical Characteristics "Oh! The joy of the measured strength! To run with the fleet, and leap with the supple. And strive with the strong. To struggle with friendly foes, and to know at length. By measuring strength with strength. Where you stand as a man among men. To reach with body and soul For the wreath of bays, and then To rejoice that the best man wins, Tho' another be first at the goal. Oh! Life is sweet." This description of the physical expression of boyhood quoted from Justin Stern's "The Song of the Boy" is a real experience of every normal boy. Where is the boy who does not feel a new thrill of living as he competes in the sports and the games? Plato, the Greek philosopher, said, "Of all beasts, boys are the most unman- ageable." To a certain extent this is true, for when he starts out to be a boy, he is more like a little beast, and many things that make the difference between a man and a beast make no difference with him. He is, though, a man in the making. We are indebted to medical 3 4' BOYOLOGY science and psychology for a better understand- ing as to how we may help this animal, as his awakening conscience gets hold of the task of controlling him. "The manifold physical hungers and thirsts of the animal are all in his senses and they keep all the sources of supply at work, day and night. Through the wonderful nervous system, the nexus between him and his body, by which he expresses himself and initiates his enterprises, his body is so tied up with the mental and moral that its health and purity require the same care as do the finest elements and essences. His psychical elements are, of course, the same, in number, as in grown people. Some of them are in action, some dormant, some quiescent; some subordinate, while others are in control — such as love and hatred, hope and fear, sense of justice, appreciation of the beautiful, the sublime and the true, and all the powers of thought and will. But even his most active powers are immatiu*e and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish one from another. His power of observation is awake before that of decision, his feelings control earlier than his reason, his reason before his will, and his will before his conscience.*'^ "When the clock strikes his tweKth year, instead of the blind impulses that have been » Kirtley, "That Boy of Yovirs," p. 2. PHYSICAL 5 controlling him, his will power awakens and assumes the control of his career." According to the findings of Professor Tyler, a boy's growth in weight between ten and twelve declines to a minimum, the thirteenth year begins a marked acceleration and lasts about four years, or from the thirteenth to the seventeenth year. The same holds good in height and chest develop- ment. Acceleration begins with the pubertal period. He now has an awakening. He is some- times shocked by what he discovers, sometimes awed, sometimes stricken with fear. If there is any one time in his life when he needs a guide, a counselor, and a real friend, it is now. Up to this time he has been too busy being a boy. From three to thirteen he is an interrogation mark, a sort of combination of dirt, noise and questions, mumps and measles, bumps and broken bones. It is claimed that "between eight and twelve, he is fighting for and adopt- ing his constitution. The rest of the time till he is twenty-five, he is evidently working out his by-laws." In the olden days, twelve years of age was considered the "age of accountability," when a boy was no longer considered a child, but as one who had seriously begun his march man- ward. It was at this age that the boy Jesus was taken to Jerusalem by his parents. With 6 BOYOLOGY all the inquisitiveness of a boy he found his way to the temple, and puzzled the learned doctors with his many questions, as many a twelve-year-old boy has done to this day. The only record we have of Jesus' boyhood is that significant statement — "He advanced in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." After that come the silent years, the years when many a boy gets lost in the "storm and stress," when his questions are ignored or else silenced and unanswered. Though he is but a boy, the instincts of a man are already making them- selves known, and he seeks information from one who has been through the same experiences — a man, naturally his father, but alas! father is "too busy." How few fathers reaUze that it is a serious business to start a soul voyaging toward eternity and then to give up hold on the pilot wheel when nearing the most dangerous shoals in the voyage. A boy's questions are a father's opportunity. **To suppress them is to suppress him, to direct and answer them is to discipline and develop him; to do it in the spirit of co- operation is to enter into a sacred partnership with him."^ The wise saying of Plato, that it was **Better to be imborn than untaught; for ignorance is the root of misfortune," surely is applicable in modern life as in the days of old. 2 Kirtley, "That Boy of Yours," p. 26. PHYSICAL 7 No earthly object is so attractive as a well- ^ built, growing boy. He is truly "fearfully and wonderfully made." The teen period, John Keats says, "is the space between the boy and the man, in which the soul is in ferment, the character undecided, the way of life uncertain.*' Shakespeare puts into the mouth of Malvolio these words concerning this age: "Not yet old enough for a man, nor young enough for a boy; as a squash is before 'tis a peas-cod, or a codling when 'tis almost an apple. "^ He is growing like the proverbial weed, he seems to be all legs, he has a painful sensation of awkwardness. "Up to the age of about fifteen the legs are growing more rapidly than the trunk. After fifteen the upper half of the body gains twenty- five per cent, the lower hardly half as much."* "By fifteen the brain stops growing. The large arteries increase one third, the temperature rises one degree, the reproduction organs have functioned, the voice deepens, the stature grows by bounds and the boy needs more sleep and food than ever before."^ His heart nearly doubles in size; at ten the heart weighs 115 grams, at seventeen it weighs 230 grams. The blood is driven through his veins at double the * Beck, "Marching Manward," p. 46. * Tyler, "Growth and Edu-ation," p. 6 6 Forbush, "The Boy Problem," p. 18. 8 BOYOLOGY pressure. "Chest girth is at birth nearly two thirds of the height. At nine it is almost exactly one half. The ratio diminishes until the thir- teenth or fourteenth year in the boy. After this it rises continually, and at twenty should exceed one half the height.*'® Increased girth is always a sign of increased power. Increase of vigor and decrease of sickness is marked at fourteen and sixteen in the boy, and these years are marked by a rapid increase in girth. Do you wonder why this "new man'* is a revolu- tionist? A new sense of power and self-life calls out for expression. "I must, I must: a voice is crying to me From my soul's depths, and I will follow it." He seeks out boys who are undergoing sim- ilar experiences and feelings, a group or gang is formed for weal or woe, for destructive or constructive purposes, for worthwhile deeds or damnable doings. He must find some form of expression. He is now determining his destiny. Now is the critical time of his life, for "Buoy- ancy and hopefulness of youth accompany the rise in blood pressure. Courage, vitality and the temperature of the body sink together dur- ing the hours before dawn. The tides of religious feeling are at their flood at fourteen and sixteen " Tyler, "Growth and Education," p. 67. PHYSICAL 9 years when the girth and lung capacity have their accelerated increase."^ To help harness this energy so that manhood may be conserved, is the duty as well as the privilege of workers among boys, for as Herbert says, "No sooner is a temple built to God, but the Devil builds a chapel hard by." "The glory of young men is their strength." A wise leader will take advantage of the boy's natural desire for physical struggle and prowess. Instead of frowning upon his enthusiasm for ** things physical, he will direct it along lines of wholesome self-knowledge and help him to under- stand that the things he so much desires may, if not skilfully controlled and directed, prove his greatest peril and unmaking. Recreation does not always re-create. Any form of dis- sipation is a waste of vital material which will be needed in some emergency. Physical health is a mental and moral asset. When Wendell Phillips started off for college, his mother gave him this advice, "My son, keep your linen clean, read your Bible every day, and let plenty of fresh air into your room." "Conservation of ^ bodily strength through cleanliness and fresh air, is the first thing needed."^ Therefore a 7 Tyler, "Growth and Education," p. 201. 8 Kirtley, "That Boy of Yours," p. 10. 10 BOYOLOGY boy should be taught the value of keeping his body clean, that it is important for his mental and moral, as well as physical good, to keep the nasal passages open, to keep his finger nails and toe nails trimmed and clean, and to look after his eyes and ears and especially his throat. The boy should understand that he has about 1,700 square inches of skin, each square inch containing about 3,500 sweating tubes, or res- pirating pores, which must not become clogged and must be given a chance to breathe. It is difficult to make a young boy understand that "cleanliness is next to godliness," for too often he desires to be neither clean or godly. The appeal of a strong, healthy, athletic body grips him quicker than the appeal of moral well being. The value of bathing should be explained to him in such a tactful manner as to create within him a "hankering'* for a bath. To bathe daily with warm water to keep clean, and to follow with a quick cold bath and then a vigorous rub-down will not only increase vitality but do much to keep clean his thought life. "Cold bathing sends the blood inward partly by the cold which contracts the capillaries of the skin and tissue immediately underlying it, and partly by the pressure of the water over all the dermal surface, quickens the activity of kidneys, lungs, and digestive apparatus, and the reactive glow PHYSICAL 11 is the best possible tonic for dermal circulation. It is the best of all gymnastics for the involun- tary muscles and for the heart and blood vessels. This and the removal of the products of ex- cretion preserve all the important dermal func- tions which are so easily and so often impaired by our modern life, lessen the liability to skin diseases, and promote freshness of complexion. "• Swimming is the amusement or sport 'par excellence among boys. This information was secured by testing 322 boys in many cities and towns, through the questionnaire method. They were requested to check off on a card provided them, the amusements named which they liked best and in order of preference. The figures in front of each line of the chart indicate first, second, and third choice and the figures at the end of each line give the number of boys voting for that particular amusement. Several tests and studies made with these same boys will appear in other chapters of this volume, as they represent a type of boy found in every com- munity. Swimming 1 B9 2 44 3 48 Camping 1 57 2 60 ^ 8 84 •HaU, "Youth," p. 105. U BOYOLOGY Baseball 1 44 2 82 8 84 Music 1 87 2 29 3 80 Football 1 28 8 28 Basketball 1 28 « 31 8 26 Track Athletics 1 26 e 20 8 18 Gymnasium 1 19 2 23 8 22 Hiking 1 13 « 15 8 32 Boating 1 11 2 21 8 25 Dancing 1 11 2 12 8 17 Parties 1 9 2 17 8 13 Theaters 1 8 2 11 8 12 PHYSICAL 13 Movies 1 1 2 10 3 10 Ages 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 over 20 4 15 68 99 66 34 19 10 7 "Swimming strengthens the lungs, because it causes deep breathing; it strengthens the nerv- ous system, because it induces natural sleep; it strengthens the spine and enlarges the chest, because it causes the head to be thrown back and the chest out; it strengthens and sets right the pelvic organs, because the body is in motion on the horizontal plane. By the wormhke mo- tion of the trunk characteristic of swimming, all the internal viscera are assisted in their nor- mal functions; hence bowel, liver, and kidney troubles disappear, and the danger from appendi- citis is greatly lessened."^^ Sleep, that great mystery, is most important in the growth of a boy, yet how rebellious he is when it comes to bed time. To sit up late is to him a great privilege, and indulgent parents many times are responsible for the fatigue and nervous restlessness due to irregularity of sleep. Without sleep the brain would soon wear out. Wear and waste always go hand in hand with activity. Sleep helps to renew and rebuild. 10 Corsan, "At Home in the Water," p. 12. 14 BOYOLOGY Warner" thinks the hours of work and sleep should be as follows: Age Hours per week Hours per night of work of sleep Between 8- 9 15 12 9-10 20 11^ 10-11 25 11 11-12 30 lOK 12-14 35 10 14-15 40 93^ 15-17 45 9 17-19 50 8H We grow mostly during sleep, for then the products of nutrition, which during the day are used in replacing the constant waste of the system, are employed in building new tissue. A boy eats and sleeps far more in proportion than the adult; and this surplus of nutrition is expended in building up, or growing. There is a tendency to mouth breathing among boys which should be corrected early. '*The boy who sleeps with his mouth open not only has disturbed sleep but disturbs other sleepers, and lets the enemy in that dries up the saliva of the mouth, injures the teeth, dis- eases the throat and lungs, irritates the nerves, and racks the brain."^ An Indian warrior sleeps and hunts and smiles with his mouth shut, and " Hall, "Adolescence," Vol. I, p. 263. M Green, "Thoughts for the People," p. 239. PHYSICAL 15 with seeming reluctance opens it even to eat or to speak. An Indian child is not allowed / to sleep with its mouth open, from the very first sleep of its existence; the consequence of which is, that, while the teeth are forming, they take their relative natural position, and form that healthful and pleasing regularity which has se- cured to the American Indians, as a race, the most beautiful mouths in the world. The nostrils were made to breathe through, and their delicate and fibrous lining is necessary to remove dust and other foreign substances, to purify and warm the air in its passage, and to stand guard over the lungs, especially during the hours of repose. Note also that Indian mothers do not swathe ^ their children in tight-fitting and uncomfortable garments. They do not put on growing feet, tight-fitting, closely laced shoes, or cover their heads with unventilated hats. The body is given every encouragement to grow in a natural manner. A growing boy, when asked if he could name the three graces, replied: "Yes, breakfast, dinner, and supper." Someone has described the boy as "an appetite with the skin pulled over it.'* The boy very often sums up life in two words of three letters each— "F-U-N" and "E-A-T." Perhaps after all he has the real philosophy of 16 BOYOLOGY material existence, for when the real fun of living begins to wane and our digestive apparatus refuses to function properly, then we become of "all men most miserable." "Growth is a very expensive process, and de- mands the combustion of a large amount of nutriment, more than is consumed by active muscular exercise. . . . The boy needs a liberal supply of food and oxygen during the periods of rapid growth or change. Kind and quality also demand attention. It must be suited to the needs of the epoch."^^ Atwater tells us that the boy of fifteen or sixteen requires ninety j>er cent the food ration of the adult man, engaged in muscular work. A boy at twelve requires seventy per cent. Scientists in making an analysis of the human body find that it is composed of lime, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, and other ingredients, and they all go into the body as food, except what comes in as air, which is mainly oxygen. It is necessary that they be in the right proportion. "If he gets too much lime he runs to bones; or oxygen, he becomes flighty and fighty; or too much phosphorus into a will o' the wisp." Most of our diseases are due in the last analysis to malnutrition or to lack of assimilative power. " Tyler, "Growth and Education," p. 86. PHYSICAL 17 Food has much to do with the boy's mind and character. Chemical changes in the body, due to food, are paralleled by changes in his emotions. The conversion of meat into man, of food into feeling, is an interesting process worth studying. "Food becomes blood and blood builds bones and muscles and nerves and brain tissues and, from that physical basis, we get power to think and feel and will and do." "The boy has a right, then, to have good food and enough of it and to have the wise oversight of those who are over him. The values of the food may be lost by too rapid eating. Haste and nervousness lead to the galloping style of eating. The boy may not Fletcherise, but he may be taught to put himself into his eating, which is next in im- portance to putting the eatables into himself. He should chew as long as he can teach himself to enjoy that particular mouthful. Eating is an art which he must be taught, as he is taught the art of painting or bookkeeping or printing or engineering."^* "A sound mind in a sound body" should be forever the appeal as well as the ideal. Dr. Hall says "Modern psychology sees in muscles, organs of expression for all efferent processes. . . . Muscle culture develops brain centers as nothing else yet demonstrably does. Muscles are the 1* Kirtley, "That Boy of Yours," p. 21. 18 BOYOLOGY vehicles of habituation, imitation, obedience, char- acter, and even of manners and customs. . . . Skill, endurance, and perseverance may almost be called muscular virtues; and fatigue, caprice, languor, restlessness, lack of control and poise, muscular faidts."*^ "Not only is all muscle culture at the same time brain-building, but a bookworm with soft hands, tender feet, and tough rump from much sitting, or an senemic boy prodigy, *in the morn- ing hectic, in the evening electric,' is a monster. Play at its best is a school of ethics. It gives not only strength but courage and confidence, tends to simplify life and habits, gives energy, deci- sion, and promptness to the will, brings conso- lation and i>eace of mind in evil days, is a re- source in trouble and brings out individuality.*'^* The normal play life of the boy is a challenge to the Church. Football, baseball, soccer, and other similar games may become schools of mental and moral training. GuHck holds that the reason why only some seven per cent of the young men of the country are in the churches, while most of the members and workers are women, is that the qualities demanded are the feminine ones of love, rest, prayer, trust, desire for fortitude to endure, a sense of atonement — 16 HaU. "Youth," p. 8. w HaU, "Youth," p. 76. PHYSICAL Id traits not involving ideals that must stir young men. The Church is just beginning to appeal to the more virile qualities, as evidenced in the Sunday School Athletic and Baseball Leagues. Avoid unwise competition, which may spur ^ the boy to overtaxation, and overstrain of heart. "Safety first*' is superseding "take chances" and the risk of sacrificing any boy for the sake of the team, or of advertising himself and the organization which he represents, must be elim- inated from athletics. "To put a young boy who is big and strong for his age, with older boys, who may be no larger, or may be even smaller, but who are much more strongly *knit' and thus able to bear physical strain without harm, may disable the younger boy for life. We must be aware of the fact that a boy who has grown very large and strong for his age, generally has a heart a little small in proportion to his size — a heart which should be given oppor- tunity for normal growth, and which should not be called upon for the great exertion needed in football or in some of the more wearing track sports. In this way many boys are injured."^^ No growing boy should be permitted to play on a football team or engage in track sports without first undergoing a thorough examination ^ Taylor, "The Physioal Examination and Training of Children/I p. 58. 20 BOYOLOGY by a reputable physician. The goal of athletics and sports should be: safe, sane, all-round physi- cal development and fitness, with enough of the competitive to develop that team work so neces- sary in later life, courage, self-control, loyalty, obedience, and, best of all, ability to play an uphill or losing game, and to smile in the face of discouragement or defeat. Teach a boy the seriousness as well as the foolishness of waste. When one takes in liquor he wastes that much money, besides the injury to his body or mind. The very meaning of the word alcohol is interesting. It is derived from the Arabic "al-kahol," which means "something very subtle." Alcohol paralyzes the white blood corpuscles so that they cannot attack disease. Professor RosenufF in his investigations discovered "that one half of the drunkards get the habit before 21 years of age, and one third before 16 years of age, that about 2,000 men die a day who are drunkards, and that one out of every four admitted to insane asylums were brought there by alcohol." Have the boy read several times this Confession: "I am the greatest criminal in history. I have killed more men than have fallen in all the wars of the world. I have turned men into brutes. I have made millions of homes unhappy. PHYSICAL 21 I have transformed many ambitious youths into hope- less parasites. I make smooth the downward path for countless millions. I destroy the weak and weaken the strong. I make the wise man a fool and trample the fool into his folly. I ensnare the innocent. The abandoned wife knows me, the hungry children know me. The parents whose child has bowed their gray heads in sorrow know me. I have ruined millions and shall try to ruin millions more. — I am Alcohol." Longfellow well says: "He that drinks wine, thinks wine, he that drinks beer, thinks beer.'* Teach the boy that to turn down his glass at a dinner or banquet is not a sacrifice, but an evidence of self-mastery, for it is the first glass and not the last glass that makes the drunkard. A wine glass is never right side up until it is upside down. Abstinence has a distinct economic value to a community, as is evidenced in the following statement: Petrograd, Via London, Sept. 30, 1914—10 p. m.— Minister of Finance Bark to-day received an order that the prohibition of the sale of vodka shall be continued indefinitely after the end of the war. This order is based principally on the tremendously improved condition of the country since the Emperor issued the edict prohibiting traffic in this liquor. 22 BOYOLOGY Visitors arriving from Southern Russia say there is such a change in that region that the country is hardly recognizable. Peasants, who before the war had fallen into hopeless indolence and depravity, already have emerged into self-respecting citizens. The eflFect on character is already visible in neatly brushed clothes, instead of the former dilapidated and slovenly attire. Huts which were formerly dilapidated and allowed to go without repairs are now kept in first-class condition. The towns have become more orderly and the peasants indulge in wholesome amusements. These people now save 55 per cent of their earnings, which formerly was spent for drink, and they have increased their earning capacity through sobriety. This extra money is now devoted to the necessities and comforts of life. This startling regeneration of the peasantry is, in the opinion of the Russian authorities, likely to have an important effect on the social and economic conditions of all Russia. A change in the large cities also is noticeable. Liquor still is sold in first-class cafes, but these are virtually empty. The Nevsky Prospect, once famous for its gay midnight life, is now quiet, without a sign of revelry. The Savings Bank reports of Russia show savings in- creased 5,000 per cent (net) in the eight months follow- ing the closing of the drink shops. The United States Government reports on the consumption of liquor show a decided decrease. The consumption of liquor in 1913 was 143,220,- 056 gallons, in 1914 was 139,138,501 gallons, in 1915 was 125,155,178 gallons, a net decrease of 18 million gallons, in two years. One hundred and eight distilleries went out of PHYSICAL 2S business in 1915 and forty-one breweries ceased to brew. The American Bankers Association attribute this decrease to the wave of thrift which seems to be sweeping over the United States. Dr. Dennis of Cornell Medical School says: "The tendency to beer drinking is greatly strength- ened by cigaret smoking because this habit becomes almost constant, causing a dryness of the throat and fauces, and hence irritating the throat." "The cigaret habit with its attendant evils, the saloon and vice," says Mr. E. W. Baines in an article on "The Hopeless Handi- cap,"^® "is sapping the mental and moral stamina of American young men, gnawing at the very vitals of their physical well-being. Teachers throughout the country recognize in the cigaret the school's deadliest foe, and confess without reservation that they find it practically impos- sible to educate a cigaret-smoking boy." He cites from the records of Harvard University the fact that "for fifty years not one tobacco user has stood at the head of his class, although five out of six (83 per cent) Harvard students use the weed. A city magistrate said recently, *Out of 300 boys brought before me charged with various crimes 295 were cigaret-smokers.' Ac- cording to the findings of Dr. Shaw, 80 diseases 18 The Literary Digest, August 8, 1914. U BOYOLOGY are traceable to tobacco, and 25,000 die annually from it.'* It is an economic waste, as declared by Dr. D. H. Kress, an eminent physician, when he cal- culated that the amount spent in the United States alone for tobacco, annually, would enable him to provide thirty thousand families each with the necessities of life. In addition he says: "I could grant an allowance of $5,000 to each of ten thousand other families. To each of ten thousand others I could give $10,000. To each of one thousand other heads of families, I could make a Christmas present of $50,000. To each of another thousand I could give $100,000; and, besides, to each of five hundred of my best friends I could make an annual allowance of $1,000,000. After doing all this, I would still have left each year $200,000,000 to bestow on charitable institutions, and at least $10,000,000 to keep the woK from the door." Give the boy these facts, adding the advice of Robert Burdette: "My son, as long as thou hast in thy skull the sense of a jay bird, break away from the cigaret, for lo, it causeth thy breath to stink like a glue factory; it rendereth thy mind less intelligent than that of a cigar store dummy; yea, thou art a cipher with the rim knocked off." In twenty-seven years of personal friendship PHYSICAL 25 with many thousand boys, the author has yet to meet the boy who did not have a moral let- down in his life the moment he began using tobacco. These are the two great foes of youth, tobacco and alcohol — eliminate these, and you eliminate myriads of other foes. The most serious problem is to guide this ^ coming man through the period when mind begins to have control over body, for "as a boy thinketh so is he.*' "About eight hundred thousand boys come to maturity every year. Every one is born a male animal, gifted by the Author of Life with the germ of the sacred power of begetting children born in His image. The call to this power speaks in the boy so early that it startles him. It finds him fatally ignorant of its meaning. He turns this way and that for guidance and finds anything but satisfaction in the half-amused, half-scandalized confusion of parents over his ingenuous queries. His training consists of a stuffing process that " results too often in an artificial rather than a natural boy.''^^ It is the unnatural, hot-house forcing that is ^ responsible for the highly nervous and sexually passionate adolescents, and there is a great lesson as well as a gleam of humor in these verses of Nixon Waterman: w Wilson, "The Education of the Young in Sex Hygiene," p. 32. 26 BOYOLOGY "Hurry the baby as fast as you can. Hurry him, worry him, make him a man, OfiP with his baby clothes, get him in pants. Feed him on brain foods and make him advance. Hustle him, soon as he's able to walk. Into a grammar school; cram him with talk. Fill his poor head full of figures and facts. Keep on a-jamming them in till it cracks. **Once boys grew up at a rational rate; Now we develop a man while you wait. Rush him through college, compel him to grab Of every known subject a dip and a dab. Get him in business, and after the cash. All by the time he can grow a mustache; Let him forget he was ever a boy. Make gold his god and its jingle his joy; Keep him a-hustling and clear out of breath Until he wins — nervous prostration and death." In how few homes is sex instruction given by fathers and mothers. The boy has the right to be taught God's laws of reproduction and life and those engaged in the business of human culture, whether father or god-father, cannot brush aside lightly this great responsibility. For a parent not to know the boy's physical charac- teristics and possibilities and powers is a kind of negligence bordering on the criminal. Parents should understand that building a clean, whole- some character is much greater than erecting a house of stone and mortar. The rephes from 169 churches received by the Commission appointed PHYSICAL «7 by the International Sunday School Association to study Adolescence, to the questions regarding the physical life of the adolescent,^" reveal a start- ling lack of interest and knowledge concerning the religion of the body and its relationship to the reli- gion of the soul, and the twelve recommendations made by the Commission should be considered seriously by every church worker among boys. Other organizations have for years recognized this relationship, which in part is responsible for their success in winning and holding boys. "The Health Creed" distributed by the Massa- chusetts State Board of Health among boys and girls is proving a most effective method of win- ning boys to self-preservation through the sane observance of the laws of good health. The creed is as follows: "My body is the temple of my soul, therefore, "I will keep my body clean within and without," "I will breathe pure air and I will live in the sun- light," "I will do no act that might endanger the health of others," "I will try to learn and practice the rule of healthy living," **I will work and rest and play at the right time and in the right way, so that my mind will be strong and my body healthy, and so that I will lead a useful life and be an honor to my parents, to my friends and to my country." «> Alexander, "The Sunday School and the Teena," p. 216. «8 BOYOLOGY Through well conducted camps, exhilarating hikes, interesting scout work, exciting games, attractive lectures on health and hygiene, boys have been led to reverence for their bodies and to definite Christian Hving and service. Build- ing boys is better than mending men. The com- pensation for such work is clearly set forth in the following verse: "Who builds in Boys builds lastingly in Truth, And 'vanished hands' are multiplied in power. And sounds of living voices, hour by hour. Speak forth his message with the lips of Youth. Here, in the Home of Hope, whose doors are Love, To shape young souls in images of right. To train frail twigs straight upward toward the Light; Such work as this God measures from above! And faring forth, triumphant, with the dawn. Each fresh young soul a missioner for weal. Forward they carry, as a shield, the seal. Of his example — so his work goes on. Granite may crumble, wind and wave destroy. Urn, shaft or word may perish or decay; But this shall last forever and a day — His living, loving monument — a Boy!" CHAPTER II Intellectual Chaeacteristics "Mind is the master power that molds and makes And man is mind, and evermore he takes The tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills. Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills — He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass Environment is but his looking glass." — Benton. The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether the thought be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful thought the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty; therefore a "sound mind in a sound body" is something more than a maxim, it is a reality. "'Tis the mind that makes the body rich." What is mind.-^ Mind is the feeling, thinking, willing part of man. More exactly, the mind is that which manifests itself in our processes of knowing, of feeling, and of willing. What mind is in itself we do not know. We know only what it does. 29 30 BOYOLOGY The body is the means of communication be- tween the mind and the outside world. The part of the body most intimately connected with the mind is the brain, and it is interesting to note here that, according to the study made by Kirkpatrick, "The weight of the brain of boys at birth is 12.29 per cent of that of the body, while at twenty -five years it is only 2.16 per cent of the weight of the body."^ It is outgrown by other organs. This brain mass bom with the boy betokens his capacity for mental de- velopment and it is this which to so large an extent presents him to us for the making. ''The organs of behavior, if one may use the expression, are nerves and muscles. Acting con- jointly they form the nervo-muscular, or as it is now more often called, the 'sensori-motor* sys- tem.'*^ The brain is the chief part of the nervous system. A brief presentation of the nervous system will help us imderstand the workings of the boy's mind, for we are rapidly retreating from the old mistaken idea that "children's heads are hollow," and the following verse taken from the London Post is a bit of irony in favor of the more progressive educational movement, which believes in natural and visualized methods in- 1 Erkpatrick, "Fundamentals of Child Study," p. 19. * Mark, "Unfolding of Personality," p. 48. INTELLECTUAL SI stead of the ready made and automatic methods so much in vogue. "Ram it in, jam it in, Children's heads are hollow; Slam it in, cram it in. Still there's more to follow. Hygiene and history- Asiatic mystery. Algebra, histology. Botany, geometry, Latin, etymology, Greek and trigonometry. Ram it in and cram it in Children's heads are hollow. Scold it in, mould it in. All that they can swallow; Fold it in, hold it in. Still there's more to follow. Faces pasty, pinched and pale Tell the plaintive, piteous tale; Tell of hours robbed from sleep. Robbed from meals for studies deep; All who 'twixt these millstones go Tell the selfsame tale of woe; How the teacher crammed it in. Rammed it in, jammed it in. Crunched it in, clubbed it in. Pumped it in, stumped it in. Rapped it in, slapped it in. When their heads were hollow.'* 32 BOYOLOGY Someone has said, "You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink; you can drive a boy to school, but you cannot make him think." All real education consists in the use of facts rather than their accumulation, for **The mind is not a garner to be filled. But a garden to be tilled." The nervous system consists of two parts: the cerebro-spinal system and the sympathetic sys- tem. The nervous tissue of the cerebro-spinal system is of two kinds: white matter, consisting of nerve fibers, and grey matter, consisting of nerve fibers and nerve cells. The brain is en- closed in the cranium or skull. It consists of several parts, the chief of which are the cerebrum, or the seat of sensation, reasoning, emotion, and volition (these powers seem to reside in the grey matter) ; the cerebellum, the regulator or co- ordinator of muscular movement, and really the servant of the cerebrum; and the medulla ob- longata, or prolongation of the spinal cord, serv- ing as a conductor between the spinal cord and the cerebellum and cerebrum. Maturity, or more properly great increase of eflBciency, is marked by the appearance of the medullary sheath or spinal marrow, surrounding the nerve fibers in the centers. "At birth, there is little medullation in the cerebrum, or upper INTELLECTUAL 33 part of the cranium. Here the sensory centers mature first; first those of smell, then of sight, last of all, those of hearing. The centers in the cortex which preside over voluntary motion seem to mature later. The child is at first sen- sory and receptive; later an active, motor, pur- posing, and voluntary being, "^ then these two stages become united. During the period of growth and of early development every organ is plastic and easily modified. Then these mod- ifications set and become permanent. The brain forms no exception to the rule. There is a time when it is easy to learn and acquire. If we de- lay too long, we learn and acquire with diflBculty. "It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks," and "as the twig is bent the tree's inclined," are old sayings, in perfect accord with deductions of science. The sympathetic system is situated on each side of the backbone or vertebral column. Branches from this system ramify to the heart, stomach, etc., and do much to control these organs. The sympathetic system is concerned more closely with the body than with our mental life. The nervous system has thus been explained in detail in order that the wonderful unfolding of the boy's personality may be better understood. "The mind of a young boy is apparently a picture gallery of experiences, observations, and * Tyler, "Growth and Education," p. 72. 84 BOYOLOGY products of the imagination. When very young he wishes to handle everything. His eyes and ears are wide open. His usual question is, 'What is it?' There is much in a name to him. We give him things to see what he will do with them. He is really experimenting with himself and the world, which is wonderfully fresh and fascinating to him. These characteristics of the sensory I>eriods last from infancy to perhaps the eighth year. The second period, from seven to thir- teen, is one of coordination of motion and emo- tion. The sense organs are still improving, but this is chiefly a motor epoch, when his interest is in plays calling forth the use of the muscles of the legs and arms."* Aroimd thirteen is the age when boys begin to examine their evidence critically, and when the reasoning power of the mind appears as a dominant factor in the mental life of the boy. Imagination is a marked characteristic in the mental development of a boy. Before thirteen years of age, to him toys are symbols; a chair becomes a horse, a car, or a boat; placed across the corner of the room it forms a house, a cave, or a wide field. As he grows older, imagination becomes constructive. In the museum he sees a knight's suit of armor; he calls up images of man and horse, places the man, as it were, in- * Tyler, "Growth and Education," p. 76. INTELLECTUAL 35 side the armor and spurs the horse, and begins to unagme a knight ready for the tournament. Here is activity involved in imagination, com- bined with parts or whole of memory images, made through reading or by looking at pictures. His power of imagination plays an imp)ortant part in mind development. Clear images can be built up upon a sensory basis only. "Seeing things at night" is tame compared with the way a normal boy sees things with his eyes wide open, things that are not — day dreaming, some call it. It is not wrong either, for Alden says "genius is creative imagination and ingenuity is its power of insight." The Wrights, Curtiss, Ferris, Edison are the product of imagination. "Imagination gives wings to his hope, feet to his reason, force to his decision and vivid- ness to his memory. It furnishes him invisible armor and victorious arms for his battle against the false and vicious and vulgar; for he can picture to himseK the ideal, true, and virtuous •and good and then make them real. It enables him to secure control of himself at the time when he is becoming acquainted with his own volatile and mysterious powers, for he can be made to see the vast benefit to come from such self-control. "5 Imagination is the means of bringing in sug- » Kirtley, "That Boy of Yovirs," p. 39. S6 BOYOLOGY gestions from the outside and taking them out again into the life. We cannot estimate the power of suggestion. It is putting the idea into the mind of another which becomes an action. This servant of the mind, is also capable of playing havoc with a boy's life. A speaker, when talking to a Sunday school class about the fixedness of habits, said that if they would write their names in the cement sidewalk while it was soft, the writing would last as long as the walks. Of coiu*se the boys did the writing without any loss of time. Someone has said, "the boundary line between virtue and vice is situated in the imagination." If the imagination is not disciplined, its very power becomes the boy's weakness. Much of the injury to boyhood is to be traced to an out- raged imagination. In adolescence the boy longs for comradeship which he can "idealize," and therefore he affords his parents and men a rare chance to help him transform ideas and ideals into things, and change the golden dreams of boyhood into the worthy deeds of manhood. Too much stress cannot be placed upon the educational value of pictures, such as Watt's "Sir Galahad" with its impelling message, "My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure"; Hofmann's "The Boy Jesus," with purity of life gleaming from the eyes and every INTELLECTUAL 37 line of the face; and "Washington in Prayer at Valley Forge,'* a reproduction of the bronze tablet on the Sub-Treasury in Wall Street, New York, which made such an impression on a Boy Scout as he stood looking at it, that a writer has immortalized the scene in the following verses : "Wall Street rang and echoed with its traflSc; A brown Boy Scout stood in his khaki there Before the bronze which showed his Nation's father Kneeling in anguish to his God in prayer. The trim boy, hustled by the rushing thousands. His bright eyes still kept fastened on That Face; His lips, soft parted, like a sweet flower trembled; He seemed exalted in his boyish grace. He turned, his tanned cheek flushed with noble fervor. While his brave eye with resolution flamed; If Washington could kneel in supplication. Then why should I, a mere boy, feel ashamed! Whenever dangers in my life surround me, I'll ever think of that bronze gleaming there! Great Washington, who led our mighty Nation, Shall be the leader of one boy in prayer." Roark in his "Psychology in Education" says: "Parents and teachers should set before boys and girls the best characters in literature, his- tory, and biography; not in any goody-goody way, not with too much stress upon the de- sirabihty of imitating them, but in a frank, cordial, rational way. . . . What the imagination 88 BOYOLOGY habitually contemplates that will it form into the ideals in whose image we make ourselves. *'• It was a clever, actively thinking, handsome boy of sixteen who said, "I sometimes think, I often think, that perhaps it would be a good idea for a fellow to be buried when he was fif- teen and not dug up again until after he was twenty. It's so hard for a boy to know just exactly what is best to do." He had to come to the point where he must begin to decide. He is now battling his way through a chaos of developments. "Before him stretch all the long years of life, years of thought, of work, of attain- ment, or years of blighted hope, of struggle, and failure, and useless despair. Those years may hold so much! Behind him lie his poor young sixteen birthdays, more than half of them the birthdays of a child, and his experience is all that hes between them."' He must now decide. Here is where most of life's tragedies are enacted. Blessed is that parent or friend who can so in- terpret the mind of the boy that he can sug- gest a "way out." Modern economic conditions have weakened the power of the will. Luxury, over-heated houses, rapid transportation, have produced a physical laziness which is a disease of the will. » Roark, "Psychology in Education," p. 216. 7 Bok, "Before He is Twenty," p. 35. INTELLECTUAL 39 In the olden days "will culture" was acquired through authoritative direction of the parents. Respect for authority must be a part of the boy's mental development. "To obey is liberty." Directing his will is better than breaking his will. Outwardly the will manifests itself in actions and deeds; inwardly it controls the thoughts. There is nothing that will help de- velop and strengthen the will hke responsibility for given tasks or work. The boy's love of activity, coupled with the joy of achievement, may be the means of his mastering the secrets of a strong will and prepare him to face his fu- ture with increasing strength. Moral deteriora- tion results from a weak will, which may be explained partly by defective imagination and partly by weakness of motive. Get the boy to see that work brings pleasure, skill, approbation, promotion, and the consciousness of increased power. There are about 13,000,000 young men in the United States of the teen age. Were they to march ten abreast, twelve feet apart, they would form a column 2,800 miles long, almost the dis- tance from New York to San Francisco. They could start with the raw material and build the Brooklyn Bridge in three hours. They could build the Chinese Wall in five days. They could build a railroad from New York to San 40 BOYOLOGY Francisco between the rising and setting of the sun. The problem of saving them from habits that wreck, from idleness, from atrophying lux- ury, from misdirected energy, and helping them to form habits that build character and that make for efficiency and good citizenship, is enormous. Nearly all habits, mental and personal, are formed before twenty years of age. "All authors agree that habit has a physiological basis; that the sensation which the nerve carries to the brain for the first time cuts a path, speaking figuratively, through the brain, and that the same sensation, if repeated, and not prevented from doing so, will follow the same path. When this has been done so many times as to be re- peated unconsciously, habit has been formed."* The plasticity of the living matter of our nervous system, in short, is the reason why we do a thing with difficulty the first time, but soon do it more and more easily, and finally, with sufficient practice do it semi-mechanically, or with hardly any consciousness at all — for example, the wind- ing of one's watch, dressing and undressing, etc. It is unfortunate that the word habit has been popularly associated with evil rather than with good. As James says: "We talk of the smoking- habit, and the swearing-habit, and the drinking- 8 See, "Teaching of Bible Classes," p. 147. INTELLECTUAL 4l habit, but not of the abstention-habit, or the moderation-habit, or the courage-habit. But the fact is that our virtues are habits as much as our vices. "^ Habit is character. Ex-President EHot re- cently said: "I have seen for thirty years a steady stream of youth coming to the University, eight- een or nineteen years of age. In almost every instance the character of the youth is determined before he goes to college. He has determined the way he faces before he is eighteen years old." "A character," says J. S. Mill, "is a completely fashioned will." The Bible recognizes the im- portance of the habit of right thinking. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee." "Think on these things." "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Thought determines character. "Sow a thought and reap a deed. Sow a deed and reap a habit, Sow a habit and reap a character. Sow a character and reap a destiny." Gladstone said: "What is really wanted is to light up the spirit that is within a boy. In some sense and in some effectual degree there is in every boy the material of good work in the world; in every boy, not only in those who are » James, "Talks to Teachers," p. 64. 42 BOYOLOGY brilliant, not only in those who are quick, but in those who are stolid, and even in those who are duU." As the boy reaches the seventeenth and eight- eenth years, his receptive powers quicken, and there comes that period when the ego is at its height, the time of self-assertion, self-sufficiency, self-feeling, and braggadocio. Up until this period he accepted things because he was told» but now he begins to think for himself. It is the period when doubts and questionings arise. But remember that doubt is not the same as unbelief; doubt is canH believe, unbehef is wonH believe. Doubt often impUes intellectual strength. He wants to go it alone. Here is where parental authority and self-control, or rather freedom from the control of parents, clash. If we under- stand the individual dispositions of boys, we may have a more correct idea of their motives. Dis- position involves temperament, and both are factors in the will. While many of the motives of early boyhood are still present, yet those which dominate now are those of vigorous im- pulse and self-sufficiency, love of activity, love of power, love of fame, seK-importance, and the like. A wise parent or leader will seek the good in each emotion and utilize it as a motive force. Discipline is necessary in the formation of char- acter, but it is only an aid, and requires other INTELLECTUAL 4S forces to assist it. When penalties are inflicted, their guiding principle should be their influence on character. Physical compulsion is not moral discipline. Love and confidence are the great restraining factors. "Love means patience when the boy slips backward, appreciation when he steps for- ward . . . and forgiveness for his stubbornness, indifference, and ingratitude. Love substitutes commendation for condemnation, prevention for pimishment, and cooperation for coercion. "^° It means the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians in action. Consciously or unconsciously we have been placing too much stress upon material things rather than upon ideals, until the boy has a confusion of ideas regarding life, instead of in- spiring ideals. There is such a thing as a boy growing into his ideal. Music, books, pictures, help to create his ideals. Observation, imagina- tion, discrimination, and judgment are all in- volved in the cultivation of ideals. The re- ceptive are far ahead of the creative and expressive powers in boys of the teen age. As time goes on, the desire for expression will grow and should be encouraged, but with wisdom and tact. It is at this point that memory comes to his aid. Memory is not a special faculty, but a general 10 Raffety, "Brothering the Boy," p. 6. 44 BOYOLOGY condition of the mind. Without memory and attention mental oj>erations would be impossible. "When the mind acts in such a way that it records, retains, and restores the ideas gained by its own activity, it is said to perform an act of memory." Memorizing passages in literature, formulae in mathematics, definitions of important terms in science is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but as Ruskin says, is adding to the storehouse which the boy is filling for future use. What a wonderful language is music! It has been called the "universal language of mankind." "There is no feeling, perhaps, except the ex- tremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music — that does not make a man work or play better." To hundreds of boys, however, music is an unknown language. The boy*s sensitive ears, capable of recognizing from forty to thirty-eight thousand sounu vibrations per second, will just as easily make a brain record of the best as it will of the trash, and should be trained early in life to distinguish the differ- ence between the kind of music which exists but for a day and that which abides in the soul forever. The short life of a popular song or tune is in itself an evidence of its worth lessness. Compare with this the virility of the great oratorios, symphonies, and hymns of the church. Take for instance "The Messiah," written by INTELLECTUAL 45 Handel in 1742, increasing in beauty each time it is sung, and enjoyed by thousands at the Christmas festival season, or those old melodious airs like "Home, Sweet Home," "Swanee River," and scores of others that are not only melodious but full of meaning, the words finding a response in heart and soul, as the strains of melody and the words come through the wide open doorway of the ear. Joseph Cook says: "Attention is the mother of memory, and interest the mother of attention. To secure memory, secure both her mother and her grandmother." How many audiences to-day can sing through two verses of "My Country! 'Tis of Thee" without getting the lines mixed, or sing more than one verse of the "Star Spangled Banner," without hesitation or uncertainty.'^ It is because we do not think out the thing to be remembered. Better thinking means always a better memory. Getting a thing by heart as well as by head will make a boy remember for- ever, for he always remembers the thing his heart is in. Hubbell says: "Too little emphasis is placed on memory as a treasure house. The wear and tear of daily life tends to rob one of so much of the joy and beauty and freshness of youth, that if in age he may lay under tribute the treasures stored in a well-spent youth, he is not only rich for all his life, but finds these 46 BOYOLOGY treasures developing new degrees of excellence and reinforcing his mind in the hour of sorest need. There comes a great temptation — ^and an inspiring quotation, whether poetry or Scripture, comes to make him strong. There comes a time of discouragement — and the ray of hope bursts through the clouded sky of his Ufe. There comes an hour of doubt — and the high faith which has been stored in the mind and heart is brought back again, so that he mounts up as an eagle, can run and not be weary, can walk and not Mint."" Language is the vehicle of thought, and the necessary channel for both impression and ex- pression, and yet, owing to the love for the sensational and the desire to be original, "Slan- guage" and not "language" is the modern boy's vehicle of expression. Conradi some years ago made a very interesting study of the origin and use of "slang," and the results are printed in Hall's "Adolescence," Vol. II. It appears that between 14 and 16 years of age is when its use is greatest. The reasons given were that slang was more emphatic, more exact, more concise, convenient, relieved formality, was natural, manly, etc. Only a few thought it was \iilgar. A somewhat striking fact is the manifold variation of a pet typical form, for u HubbeU,-"Up Through ChUdhood," p. 188. INTELLECTUAL 47 instance, "Wouldn't that you?" the blank be- ing filled in by jar, choke, rattle, scorch, get, start, etc., or instead of you, adjectives are devised. Conventional modes of speech do not satisfy the youth, so that he is often either reticent or slangy. Conradi goes on to say that weak or vicious slang is too feeble to survive and what is vital enough to live fills a need. The final authority is the people, and it is better to teach youth to discriminate between good and bad slang than to forbid it entirely. Emerson calls it "language in the making, its crude, vital, raw material. It is often an effective school of moral description, a palliative for profanity and expresses the natural craving for super- latives." The antidote to the excessive use of slang is to furnish opportunity and incentive for the reading of good English through "a gener- ous diet of books abounding in ideals, informa- tion, adventure, incident, told in strong, accurate, and appropriate language."^^ In answer to the question, "What is your favorite slang expression"? 349 boys representing the Young Men's Christian Association and the churches of 80 different cities and towns in Massachusetts and Rhode Island gave the fol- lowing replies. The slang expressions are grouped " Burr, "Adolescent Boyhood," p. 17. 48 BOYOLOGY under the ages of the boys and arranged in order of greatest prevalent usage. "Gosh!" "Good Nightr "Oh Gee!" "Gee Whizr "Doggon it!" "Hey yep!" "Cheese it!" "Darn it!" "By goUy!" "By jingles!" Under 15 Yeabs "You saphead!" your pageful, turn the worst is yet to You said over." Cheer up, come!" For the love of Mike!" Ain't no sich thing, by heck. Bub!" Mein Gott in Himmel!" AoE 15 Yeabs "Oh gee!" "Good Night!" "Gee Whiz!" "Gosh!" "For the love of Mike!" -^'Golding it!" "Ding Bust it." "Hang the luck!" "Ge-e-e-e!" "HuUy Gee!" "Great Guns!" "Gee Christmas!" "Gosh Hang it!" "Doggone it all!" "Doggone it!" "Ding all the luck!" "Cheese it!" "You go Fish!" "Tough Cheese!" "You poor ^sh!" "All right!" "Watch Out!" "Come Across!" "Ain't Cha!" "Lie dead!" "Cut it out!" "Ar the dickens!" "Oh lu lu!" "Oh joy!" "You bet!" "You win!'* "That's different!" "You're full of coke!" "You're foolish anyway!" "You've got a fat chance!'* "Yeal!" "Coises!" "Shoot!" "Yah!" "Jinks!" "Glory be!" "Fine dope!" "Fat chance!'* "Carnsarn it!" "Jimminy Crickets!" "Son of-a-gun!" "Hang the luck!'* "What the heck!" "I should worry!" "Rats, go to grass!" "Hear yer, oh yes!" "Run up a tree and branch off!" "Hurry up, you're wasting time!" INTELLECTUAL 49 "Oh shovel!" "Oh Ham!" "Oh Bull!" ;'Can it!" "Darn it!" "Oh you goup!" "What are you selling now, I pass!" "Do you like fruit? have an onion!" "Say for the love of Pete, have a heart!" Age 16 Years "Good night!" "Darn it!" "Gosh!" "Gee Whiz!" "Cut it out!" "For the love of Mike!" "Bull!" "Au fish!" "Gee! you've got me!" "Gosh!" "Gosh ding it!" "Gosh hang it!" "Gol ding it!" "Oh Baby!" "Oh Shucks!" "Oh heavens!" "Oh thunder!" "Oh can it!" "Oh the devil!" "Oh what a Ham!" "Oh cuss it all!" "Oh man, oh boy!" "Blamed!" "Bugger!" "Whoops!" "Ischkabibble !" "Confound it!" "Go to it!" "Ruin did it!" "The deuce!" "The devil!" "What the dickens!" "Masser, Masser!" "S'matter Pop! "Lay dead!" "Hey John!" "Au crap!" "She did!" "Hey guy!" "Great Scott!" *' Believe me!" "Tough cheese!" "Nothing stirring!" "Holy mackerel!" "Fiddle sticks!" "Whee doddy!" "Whe-e-e-ee, Po-o-oo!" "50-50!" "Go and Hang!" "For crab's sake!'* "Hang it all!" "Have a lemon!" "Pass the pickles!" "Cut the raw stuff!" "Quit your kidding!" "Forget the hot air!" "Good night shirt!" "Well, I'll be darned!" "Go to the bugger!" "Get, some pep in it!" "You're full of coke!" "For the love of Mike!" "That's your tough luck!' "Ain't it a great 'un!" "Godfrey MacmuUen!" 50 BOYOLOGY Age "Gee whiz!" "Gosh!" "Good night!" "Gee!" "For the love of Mike!" "The deuce!" "Gee, that's tuff!" "Golly!" "Golly Moses!" "Bugger!" "Heavens!" "Bull!" "Darn it!" "Damm it!" "Confound it!" "Daugonit!" "Oh, hang it!" "The deuce with it!" "By jove!" "By George!" "Oh, blue jay!" "Oh, hake!" "Oh, Murder!" "Oh. Thunder!" 17 Years "Oh, Christmas!** "Tough luck!" "Nothing doin*!" "Nobody Home!" "Doan, no!" "Awfully nice!" "Hi! Jack!" "Cut it out!" "Rackems up!" "What the deuce!" "ril be darned!" "Son of a gun!" "Thunder and Ice!" "Good night, nurse!" "For Gory sake!" "Oh, hire a hall!" "Have a heart, kid!" "What do you mean, kid!" "Au, cut your kiddin' !" "That's nice, don't fight!" "Slide your cow along!" "You're so bright your mother calls you son!" Age 18 Years "Oh War!" "Damm it!" "Ain't!" "Whoa Bess!" Have-a-heart!" Fiddlesticks!" You're full of coke!" It's more gosh darn fun!" •Good night!" •Darn it!" •Cut it out!" •Gosh!" •For the love of Mike! •Gee!" •Gee Whiz!" •Gol ding it!" 'Oh Craps!" Age 19 Years •Gee!" •'The Hell with it!" •Darn it!" ''Crackie!" 'For the love of Mike!" "Believe me Xantippe!* 'Gosh!" ••Jimminy Whiskers!" •Believe Me!" **Good night!" INTELLECTUAL H **Have a heart!" "Get your goat!" "Gosh darn it!" "I should worry!" "Gol darn it!" "What gets my goat!" "Damm it!" "O, come on, cut it out!" "Hang it!" Age 20 Yeabs and Oveb "Gosh!" "Oh Hell!" "Gee Whiz!" "What's the idea!" "By Chowder!" "You poor Simp!" "Gosh hang it!" "Stop, you're kidding me now!'* "Gee!" "Darn it!" It will be noticed that as the boys approach the later teens, the expressions grow bolder and border pretty close, in fact altogether in some phrases, to accepted "swear words." In the early ages of twelve and thirteen, in- terest centers in story telling. "A camp fire, or an open hearth with tales of animals, ghosts, heroism, and adventure can teach virtue, and vocabulary, style, and substance in their native unity. "^^ As the boy grows older he becomes interested in books of information and it is encouraging to note how "Everybody's Library," "The Book of Knowledge," "Popular Mechanics" is rapidly displacing the "thriller." Guard against too much reading, excessive use of slang, and too great expenditure of nerve force in the "ab- sorbing" book, and skilfully direct his language and his reading so that he will enrich his mind M HaU, "Youth," p. 258. 52 BOYOLOGY and store away rich and varied knowledge for the future years. In order to get first-hand information regard- ing the kind of books and magazines boys ac- tually read and enjoyed most, 326 boys were asked the following questions: "Of all the books you have ever read which two or three do you like best?" and "What magazines do you enjoy best?*' The repUes are surprising as well as interesting. They are classified according to the age of the boy and in the order of the greatest preference. The largest proportion of the boys were between 15 and 17 years of age. Favorite Books and Magazines Age 13 books magazines Dan Monro Youth's Companion The Boys of '76 Boys' Life Two Little Savages Electrical News The Cruise of the Cachalot Up from Slavery- Riders of the Purple Sage The Best Man Age 14 BOOKS Double Traitor Pilgrim's Progress The Sea Wolf The Phantom Ship The Book of Knowledge Sherlock Holmes The Merchant of Venice Kidnapped The Prince of the House of Campmates David College Days A Whaleman's Adventure INTELLECTUAL 5$ Treasure Island The Lost Gold Mine Ivanhoe Boy Scouts Books Top Notch Library- Lone Star Rangers The Rainbow Trail The Little Shepherd Kingdom Come of MAGAZINES Popular Mechanics American Boy Youth's Companion Boys' Life Scientific American Life Literary Digest Agb 15 BOOKS Ivanhoe Treasure Island Les Miserables Tom Sawyer The Last of the Mohicans A Tale of Two Cities A Man Without a Country The Trail of the Lonesome Pine The Horseman of the Plains The Spoilers The Doctor Ben Hur The Rosary Knights of King Arthur Stover at Yale Tennessee Shad Around the World in 80 Days The Shepherd of the HUls Red Pepper Burns David Harum Kadet Kit Karey Sir Nigel The Spy The Boss of Wind River Lincoln Corporal Cameron Dave Darrin Series at An- napolis The Scarlet Letter Captain Eric Winning His Way Silas Marner Black Beauty Tom Brown's Schooldays Pollyanna Dave Porter Books Mr. Pratt Kasan Julian Mortimer The Heritage of the Desert The Amateur Gentlemen Kim The Call of the Wild 54 BOYOLOGY Freckles The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come The Story of a Bad Boy Sherlock Holmes Only an Irish Boy Nicholas Nickleby A West Point Yearling Campus Days The Sky Pilot Ward Hill Series Lorna Doone Don Quixote The Head Coach Uncle Sam's Boys as Re- cruits Story of Panama Canal Western Stories Marvels of Modern Me- chanics Robinson Crusoe Gold Camping for Boys Rolf in the Woods The Blazed Trail The Turmoil The Count of Monte Cristo The Three Musketeers Rise of Roscoe Paine By Right of Conquest History of U. S. As You Like It Rover Boy Series Hector's Inheritance Riders of the Purple Sage The Stroke Oar Captains Courageous Scottish Chiefs Planting the Wilderness Alger Series The Sea Wolf Life of Washington Up from Slavery The Talisman Jane Gray Ready Money Truth MAGAZINES Popular Mechanics American Boy Life Youth's Companion Boys* Life Cosmopolitan Literary Digest World's Work Saturday Evening Post St. Nicholas Boys' World Outlook American Judge Motion Pictures Baseball Review of Reviews Popular Electricity Everybody's Illustrated World / INTELLECTUAL 55 Age 16 BOOKS Treasure Island Ivanhoe Freckles The Last of the Mohicans Silas Marner The Prospector The Perfect Tribute The Twisted Skein Prince of Graustark White Fang Tim and Roy in Camp Little Sir Galahad Laddie The Lay of the Last Min- strel Bob, Son of Battle Blindness of Virtue David Harum O. Henry's Works As You Like It Julius Caesar The Sky Pilot Donald MacCrae Tommy's Remington Bat- tle Pilgrim's Progress Camp in the Foot Hills Prescott at West Point Campus Days Dickens' Works Rover Boy Series Dave Porter Series - Sea Wolf V A Tale of Two Cities Harry Watson's High School Days Beltare the Smith The Varmint Boy Scout Series The Mansion Ramona Leadership Life of George Washington Dorymate History of U. S. The Vicar of Wakefield Hans Brinker Captains Courageous The Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail Macbeth Crofton Chums Robinson Crusoe The Maid of the Whisper- ing Hills College Life (Dean Briggs) Tom Swift Series The Shepherd of the Hills The Inside of the Cup The Master of the Inn Near to Nature's Heart The Blazed Trail The Spy PoUyanna Overland Red Lorna Doone Michael O'Halloran 56 BOYOLOGY A Final Reckoning Ben Hur Paul Leonard's Sacrifice The Call of the Wild Travels with a Donkey Ninety-Three The Lost Prince Compelled Men The Other Wise Man Glengarry School Days Life of Benjamin Franklin The Merchant of Venice A Man Without a Country The Lure of the Labrador Wild The Winning of Barbara Worth Les Miserables The Valley of Fear Riders of the Purple Sage On Your Mark The Head Coach The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come Puddin'head Wilson White Fang The Girl of the Limberlost Ungava Bob The Talisman Frank Hunter's Peril Penrod Winning His Way Wolf Hunter The Three Musketeers Tom Sawyer The Harvester The Golden Hope Sheridan's Memoirs Lookout Island Campers Sherlock Holmes Kim On the Wings of the Morn- ing Fighting in Flanders MAGAZINES Popttlar Mechanics American Boy Boy Life Literary Digest Youth's Companion Scientific American Saturday Evening Post Popular Science Monthly Outlook Top Notch Popular Baseball Everybody's Atlantic Monthly World's Work Review of Reviews Collier's Geographic St. Nicholas House and Garden Photoplay Pictorial Review Outing INTELLECTUAL 57 Natural Sportsman Automobile Trade Journal Leslie's Life All Story Age BOOKS Ivanhoe Silas Marner The Call of the Wild Treasure Island The Last of the Mohicans A Man Without a Country The Trail of^the Lonesome Pine The Golden Silence The Girl of the Limberlost Winning His Way The Last Days of Pompeii The Merchant of Venice Lorna Doone Boy Pilot of the Lake Tom the Telephone Boy The Blazed Trail The Heritage of the Desert A Tale of Two Cities Henry Esmond David Harum Julius Caesar Oliver Twist Freckles The Christian The Harvester Lone Star Rangers Cosmopolitan Physical Culture Farm Journal Technical World Home Journal 17 Scottish Chiefs Motor Boat Series Sherlock Holmes Robinson Crusoe Stover of Yale The Speedwell Boys Black Rock White Fang Boys of Lakeport Series The Deerslayer Captain Carey Desert Gold Hiawatha The Lady of the Lake Tom Afloat The Turmoil Tom Sawyer 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea The Riders of the Purple Sage Rover Boys' Series Boy Aviator Series Bruce Douglas David at Oak Hill Following the Ball Gulliver's Travels The Vagabond 58 BOYOLOGY The Chambered Nautilus The Two Gun Men Kidnapped Kasan The Shepherd of the Hills The Virginians Captain Eric In the Valley of the Moon The Talisman MAGAZINES Popular Mechanics American Boy Youth's Companion Boys* Life Scientific American National Sportsman Cosmopolitan Munsey*s St. Nicholas Outlook Moving Picture Hearsfs Photoplay All Story Everybody's Saturday Evening Post Top Notch Architectural Record Short Stories Literary Digest Inland Printer Popular Science Monthly AoE 18 BOOKS Treasure Island The Call of the Wild Silas Marner Freckles The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come Spoilers Happy Hawkins The Steering Wheel Winning His W^ay Sink or Swim How the Other Half Lives Tramping with the Tramps The Shepherd of the HiUs King Spruce John Halifax, Gentleman Penrod Laddie Tom the Bootblack The Landloper The Harvester Big Tremaine The Inside of the Cup Pollyanna The Birds' Christmas Carol At the Home Plate Ivanhoe The Trail of the Lonesome Pine The Merchant of Venice Williams of West Point INTELLECTUAL 59 The Cricket on the Hearth Dickens' Works Les Miserables The Count of Monte Cristo Oliver Twist Lorna Doone The Crisis The Light that Failed The Three Musketeers Quo Vadis The Manhood of the Master Overland Red David Copperfield The Virginian Satan Sanderson Jack Hall A Man Without a Country MAGAZINES Popular Mechanics American Boy Literary Digest Photoplay Independent Collier^s Youth's Companion Motion Pictures Outing Top Notch Sportsman McClure's Cosmopolitan Physical Culture Life Baseball Age 19 BOOKS Treasure Island The Call of the Wild Lorna Doone The Virginian Two Years Before the Mast The Mansion The Other Wise Man The Efficient Life Acres of Diamonds Gene-Stratton P,o r t e r' s books Freckles Life of Abraham Lincoln Ivanhoe Hamlet The Deserted Village The Bishop's Shadow The Man in the Iron Mask Plain Tales from the Hills Up from Slavery The Three Musketeers The Shepherd of the Hills Macbeth Ben Hur MAGAZINES Popular Mechanics Literary Digest American Scientific American 60 BOYOLOGY St. Nicholas Association Men Century Everybody's AoB 20 BOOKS Dynamic Sociology The Last of the Mohicans The Half Back The Making of an Ameri- can Ivanhoe The Trail of the Lonesome Pine The Manhood of the Master The King Behind a King The Shepherd of the Hills A good history of the World Adam Bede The Efficient Life Penrod Two Little Savages In His Steps How the Inner Light Failed The Man Christ Jesus Some Epochs of Life Life of Christ Boys' Life Youth's Companion American Boy World's Work AND Over The Meaning of Prayer The Man from Glengarry The Choir Invisible MAGAZINES World's Work American Life Pictorial Review Personality Everybody's Popular Mechanics Independent McClure's Top Notch Successful Farming Association Men Collier's American Youth Outing Century National Sportsman The camera, magnifying glass, plays, manual training, travel, all have their value in the development of the mind, so that the boy may- know himself. The power the mind has for knowing itself, its own acts, states, and pur- INTELLECTUAL 61 poses, is called "consciousness." Consciousness is the ultimate fact of mental life. It is a charac- teristic of the mind. "Consciousness also in- cludes the power of the soul to know itself as the knower. This is the great central fact of the mind. Indeed it is so fundamental that it is often regarded as being synonymous with the mind itself. It is this that gives me my sense of personal identity, that gives me the knowledge that I am I, without which there would be no basis for other mental operations. Consciousness is the general name for all mental operations. The soul gains knowledge through the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. One sense helps another. At a railroad crossing we read, *Stop, look, listen.' The senses have been called *Scouts of the soul.' "" They are the windows through which the mind looks out on the material world. Sensations crowd in upon the boy's experience and the range of his utter- ance is constantly enlarging. In genuine man- hood, manhood of the largest measure, there is a longing of the soul for knowledge, an intel- lectual trend, positive and intense, that is cease- less in its pursuit of truth. It is our privilege to open up to youth the world of truth and reality in which he dwells, so that he will see beauty where there is beauty, his heart will 1* See, "The Teaching of Bible Classes," p. 93. 62 BOYOLOGY respond to all that is pure and noble, his sym- pathies be aroused by every wail of distress, he will delight in all that is good and spurn all that is evil, he will be keenly alive to the moral qualities of every act, he will realize that every violation of the moral law gives pain — ^he will be the complete man, considerate of the feelings of others and responsive to all the calls of hu- manity. "Know thyself as the Lord of the chariot. The body as only the car. Know also the reason as driver. The horses our organs are. "There's always a lower, a higher choice. And it's thine to choose, to shun; To list to the tempter or hear the voice. With cheer in its tones, *Well done.' Your loss or your gain, and 'tis yours to say. Which voice you shall hearken from day to day. **The safe course? Need I repeat the thought? The higher your choice, 'tis plain. The clearer the vision the mind has caught. The sweeter the song's refrain. And upward mounting the soul's sure flight Is bathed in the grander celestial light. "For what is all that time can give. Unless in tune we truly live? And what at end is human gold. Unless when life's full story's told. Some soul's been purged because of touch Of our life's gift." CHAPTER m Emotional Characteristics "For there are moments in life, when the heart is so full of emotion. That if by chance it be shaken, or into its depths like a pebble Drops some careless word, it overflows, and its secret Spilt on the ground like water, can never be gathered together." Longfellow — The Courtship of Miles Standish — Part VI. There are some people who think that a boy has but little feeling and they trample upon many of the things which he deems holy as if they were mere bubbles. A careless word, an unsympathetic attitude, an unfortunate laugh has caused a kind of grief to the boy which time itself has failed to heal. Boys call it "hurt feelings." Failure to understand a boy's feel- ings or emotions, often accounts for the in- ability of older people to "hold" him during his "storm and stress" period. "Feeling," says H. Thiselton Mark, "is the quality of pleasurableness or painfulness which attaches in some degree to practically all our 64 BOYOLOGY experiences." We feel hungry, feel tired, feel rested, feel well, feel angry, feel afraid. "To say that we are born with definite capacities for feeling is but another way of saying that we are bom with one of the first essentials of con- scious personality."* "Feelings which have a basis in intelligence are generally called emotions, and are sometimes sub-divided and designated passions^ emotions^ and sentiments. With this classification, emo- tions occupy the middle ground, as medium in intensity, while passions are violent emotions, emotion which has passed beyond restraint, and sentiments are emotions of a mild type. Pas- sions are the whirlwind of feelings, sentiments are a gentle breeze, while emotion is a word which stands for the general body of feelings, capable of passionate excess on the one hand or a gentle flow on the other. "^ The emotional life of boys between thirteen and eighteen years of age undergoes great and sudden changes, a series of paradoxes. These peculiarities may be the better understood if we have a definition of the four great types of tem- perament. First the weak motor temperament, formerly called the sanguine. This is the lively, excitable, enthusiastic, "red headed" or "tow 1 Mark, "The Unfolding of Personality," p. 82. * Fiak, "Man Building," p. 134. EMOTIONAL 65 headed** boy with blue eyes, fair skin, and animated face, a boy with respiratory and cir- culatory system well developed, requiring very little stimulation to exertion, but, unfortunately, the eflPects of stimulation soon die away. He depends largely upon his feelings, a sort of "Georgie Giveup." Second, the strong motor temperament, or the choleric, the intense, hot- tempered boy of action, energetic, full of deter- mination, self-reliance, and confidence, with the will generally uppermost; a boy with well-de- veloped muscular system, hair and eyes dark, complexion sometimes sallow, face impassive. He has slower reaction and is more enduring than the boy of sanguine temperament. Third, the strong sensor temperament, or sentimental or perhaps better still "reflective*' type, usually a boy of thought, reflection, and sentiment, who has great love of poetry, music, and nature; not very practical, the dreamer, a boy with slender figure and delicate, motions quick, head large, eyes bright and expressive. Fourth, the weak sensor temperament, or phlegmatic, a slow-and- steady, patient, self-reliant boy, somewhat slug- gish, with mind heavy and torpid, sometimes stupid; a boy with face round and expression- less, lips thick, abdomen large, body generally disinclined to exertion, ready for the "eats'* at all times and hours. While boys generally 66 BOYOLOGY may be classified into these groups, you will find that probably no boy has a temperament purely weak motor or strong motor, or weak sensor or strong sensor. This is particularly true as boys reach maturity. During adolescence, however, temperamental differences assert them- selves with full vigor, and there is a broad and readily traceable distinction between the "motor" and "sensory" or the "active" and "sensitive" boy. Having before us these four general types of boys let us trace some of their emotional in- stincts. Ribot in his "Psychology of Emotion" gives the following dominant emotional instincts: Fear, aversion toward the strange, anger, affec- tion, positive and negative self-feeling, the sex- instinct, inner freedom, the instinct of efficiency, sympathy, reverence, the sense of dependence, surprise, and wonder. "Our emotional instincts are at the very heart of our personality; accom- panied, as they are, by instincts to behavior and intellectual impulses, they are the motive forces within us tending to make us what we are."^ Fear is an emotional instinct which manifests itself very early in a boy's life — ^fear of noises, strange people, the darkness, solitude, etc. That great interpreter of child life, James Whitcomb » Mark, "The Unfolding of Personality," p. 104. EMOTIONAL 67 Riley, senses this emotion in his "Little Orphant Annie" : **Onc't they was a little boy wouldn't say his prayers — An' when he went to bed at night, away up stairs. His Mammy heerd him holler, an' his Daddy heerd him bawl. An' when they turn't the kivvers down, he wasn't there at all! An' they seeked him in the rafter-room, an* cubby-hole, an' press. An' seeked him up the chimbly-flue, an' ever'wheres, I guess; But all they ever found was thist his pants an' round- about! An' the Gobble-uns'U git you Ef you Don't Watch Out!" At this awful threat you can see the tiny listeners crouch with fear as they inwardly re- solve to say their prayers for fear of the "(xobble- uns." The hardest fears to control are the fears that are purely of the imagination. Have you ever whistled when you were afraid? What we consider foolish fears are in reality very serious to a child and are the gift of heredity. Even weaker animals have this sense of fear; when one faces a danger it cannot overcome, it flees for safety. As the boy grows older and becomes wiser and stronger, fear becomes a 68 BOYOLOGY great educational factor in his life. During the teens, fear becomes a reasonable guide because of knowledge and experience. Fear of being lost passes over to fear of losing the points of the com- pass; fear of great animals and "Gobble-uns" diminishes. Fear becomes increasingly less physi- cal and more social, and manifests itself in shyness, blushing, giggling, chewing the nails, awkwardness, twisting, trembling. At this period the relation between parent and boy should be of the closest character. Fear of being misunderstood has kept many a boy from confiding to his parent the secret things of his life. A father's stem face and angry voice has caused more than one boy to lie, for fear that if the truth were told imjust punishment would be meted out to him. For a boy has his fail- ings, and, if sympathetically guided, they will disappear as do warts and freckles and childish features. Discipline is necessary in directing a boy's life, and he should be made to imderstand the meaning of "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." Then fear becomes a positive force in his moral development, such as the fear of giving pain or disappointment to those whom he loves or esteems, and the kind of fear that begets respect. Remove fear of wrong doing from the world and you would have pande- monium. Fear begotten of knowledge is the EMOTIONAL 69 great moral safeguard of youth and should al- ways be encouraged. Aversion toward the strange is a deep- rooted instinct or emotion. It is the dislike to the unaccustomed or the strange, and has much to do with the "tribal" or "gang'* con- sciousness. It is the "do not feel at home" element in the boy. "We do not like a man 'whose character is such that we may reasonably expect injuries from him or in whom there is such an element of the unknown that we cannot be sure of ourselves in his presence. This emo- tional instinct shows itself in the framing of codes of conduct whereby men somewhat sternly ostracize those who do not conform to standard."* This instinct wisely directed will help a boy choose the right sort of companions, but if un- directed will make him a snob of the worst sort. In "Forward Pass" Dan Vinton's father gives him this advice on the night before he starts for a preparatory school in the east. "Don't make your friendship too cheap; if a fellow wants it, let him pay the price, if he has the making of a real friend, he will do it." It is the definite standing aloof from anything which is unworthy, or behavior not based upon high standards of living, which should be encouraged in every boy during this period of adolescence. Egotistic * Mark, "The Unfoldimj of Personality," p. 86. 70 BOYOLOGY emotions have a place in the life of a boy, espe- cially in connection with his personal desires and ambitions, such as the pursuit of scholarship, satisfaction in the duty performed, feeling of esteem based on right living and acts of unself- ishness, but unworthy egotistic emotions, such as pride, vanity, love of approbation, jealousy, self-conceit, haughtiness, should at their first appearance in a boy, be stifled. Anger is one of the first emotional instincts to manifest itself in a boy. Its legitimate purpose is defense. Anger which degenerates into un- controlled brutal passion is criminal. G. Stanley Hall says, "Anger should be a great and diffused IX)wer in life, making it strenuous, giving it zest and power to the struggle for survival and mounting to righteous indignation."^ The rapid growth of a boy's body coupled with lack of poise and judgment seems to account for the develop- ment of the fighting instinct. In his great desire to "show off" his physical powers he makes state- ments regarding his achievements which arouse resentment in his hearers. Then comes the battle of words followed by the battle of fists, for like his savage ancestry he settles his dis- putes in the primitive physical fashion. Arbitra- tion has not yet come into his vocabulary or understanding. The boy in the grammar grade * HaU, "Adole8oenoe,'^VoL I, p. 355. EMOTIONAL 71 is a natural scrapper and squabbler, who carries a chip on his shoulder most of the time, inviting "some boy his size" to knock it off. Anger is generally explosive and brief. Teasing and tanta- lizing a boy to excess during these years is often the cause of irritability and a hysterical condi- tion. A boy's anger is sometimes aroused by a sense of injustice in being over-punished for minor wrongs, or it may be aroused through indulgence. When he can't have what he wants, temper — "high spirits joined to nerves and will" — ^ goes off guard and then follows a scene of anger which is really passion, for which the boy is after all not to be blamed. "Fathers, provoke not your children to anger," or, as Wey- mouth translates it, "Fathers, do not fret and harass your children or you may make them sullen and morose" (Colossians 3:21) is an ancient biblical admonition still applicable to parents of today. Usually at about sixteen years of age the boy begins to win real victories over bad temper and uncontrolled anger. "The attainment of full growth and of large muscular power, the large heart and lungs, the well oxygenated blood driven at high pressure, the activity and young vitality of all the tissues and organs give buoy- • Mrs. Chenery. 7« BOYOLOGY ancy and courage and a sense of power. "^ The fighting instinct now becomes a strong impulse to do great things. Thomas M. BaUiet says: "If you crush the fighting instinct you get the coward; if you let it grow wild, you get the bully; if you train it, you have the strong, self- controlled man of will." A boy attending a preparatory school caused his father considerable surprise when his report card reached home, by having under "deport- ment" the mark "good-plus." It was somewhat unusual, in fact, so much so that the father visited the school to ascertain the reason for this unexpected outburst of goodness. Upon reaching the school, the father went to the office of the Head Master. After exchanging greetings, the father said, "Won't you frankly tell me how my boy got *good-plus' in deport- ment?" "Gladly," said the Head Master. "The other afternoon your boy was with a group of boys on the campus and one of the group started in to tell a dirty story. Almost immediately your boy walked up to him and said, *Look here. Bill, if you keep on telling that story I'll knock you down.' Bill thought he was joking and continued to tell the story, when your boy made good his promise. He not only knocked Bill down, but gave him a good thrashing as 'T Tyler, "Growth and Education," p. 183. EMOTIONAL 7S well. Naturally the news of the fight reached my office and I sent for your boy. When he came I requested him to tell me all about the affair on the campus and he told what I have been telling you, only he added this, *I'll knock down any fellow who tries to tell me that kind of a story, for I have too much love and respect for my mother and sister to permit that kind of filth to be poured into my ears.' When the report card was made out I felt that your boy deserved *good-plus' in deportment, and. Sir, I would like to have about one hundred boys like your boy in my school." This boy was never told in his early boyhood, "You must never fight, only naughty boys fight," but, on the contrary, he was instructed that it was the proper thing to defend the pure name of mother and woman. Righteous indignation or anger controlled is often a manifestation of chivalry. If the fighting instinct aroused by righteous anger is cultivated in a boy we have the de- fender of home, church, and country. Fifty years ago the Union was saved by an army of boys. The prayer of every youth should be: "When from the field of mimic strife. Of strength with strength, and speed with speed, We face the sterner fight of life As still our strength, in time of need, God of our youth, be with us then. And make us men, and make us men!'* 74 BOYOLOGY '"The instinct of affection," says Ribot, "im- plies spontaneous attachment to its object and often the rendering of spontaneous forms of service, as is seen most clearly in maternal affection. ... It is an unbreakable thread of gold running through and through our social life. It is the very soul of home-life and the family relationship. It is the root-element in friendship, loyalty, patriotism, comity of na- tions, the enthusiasm of humanity."* Love is a social feeling, a desire for others, a "chmnminess." Did any boy ever run away from home who enjoyed the privilege of a father- chum? Affection or love is the greatest of the emotions. There is no other feeling that is of equal force in the development of a boy*s char- acter. **The heart of a boy — God made it and made it like Himself, and when we locate it," says Dr. Lilburn, "we shall find, I think, that it is the largest part of the boy."® You cannot measure its affection, therefore "Seek to shape it outwardly. Whatever moves the heart of a child Because even the child's love can decay If not nourished carefully." The love of a boy is to be tested always by its effect upon the will. It most shows itself * Mark, "Unfolding of Personality," p. 88. • Lilburn, "Winning the Boy," p. 36. EMOTIONAL 75 in deeds aroused by a capacity for doing. Love without service becomes a sentimental bubble. There is great danger lest parents, blinded by foolish love, encourage selfishness by doing too much for the boy. Selfishness is the great sin of the world, sacrifice its antidote. "There is a physical love which expresses itself in the mere kiss and hug, and word of endearment. This is not the all-purifying, all-glorious love, so elevating to every life; it is but the door or entrance to that other higher form of love which manifests itself in service and self-sacrifice. "^° There comes a time when there is a great danger of love becoming "mushy" sentimental- ism, the period when "spells are frequent and fleeting, furious and funny. Mumps and measles and whooping cough may be evaded, but sweet- hearts never."" This is the time when heart trouble comes frequently, when Marys and Marthas, and Susies and Sallies pass m pro- cession until one day "she" comes along; then oh! how the boy longs to talk with some one about this new experience! Blessed is that boy whose father and mother have always shared in his every experience and who can go to them for that help, of which at this critical time of his life he is so much in need. w Mrs. HarriBon, "A Study of Child Nature," p. 77. " Kirtley, "That Boy of Yours," p. 109. 76 BOYOLOGY Positive and negative self-feeling is a dis- tinguishable emotional instinct, which reveals to the boy two dispositions, sometimes buoyant and sometimes diflSdent. Each form of self- feeling has its place and meaning in the develop- ment of character. Adult guidance and influence is needed to give him balance and to protect him from excess in either direction. He needs the right kind of activities and experiences. The sex-instinct is an emotion which will require more space than the limits of this chapter permit, and it will therefore be discussed in a future chapter. ' -— "— -- '^^v.^;..! Inner freedom is the longing within a boy to do great things. Courage is perhaps a better definition. "I am Youth, I can do all things!" cries Peter Pan. It is the breaking out of the shell into a large life of freedom. It is the oppo- site of cowardice. The coward is the unfree man. Inner freedom says to a boy "function, do something worth while." This emotion is at its height during the later teens. It is the con- sciousness of mission. "One of the great acts in the drama of youth," says McKinley, "is the discovery of life. Going forth master of himself and of his own affairs, the youth makes trial of life on his own responsibility. He *sees life,' he discovers what life is, and his first discovery is tragic, for while none can be a man until his EMOTIONAL 77 soul has achieved its freedom, yet none is wise enough to make faultless use of freedom when secured."*^ The boy who has been taught to think great thoughts and be ready to function or act them out when the time comes, becomes the Washington, Lincoln, Gordon, and Grenfell of tomorrow. Efficiency or perfection is the presence within the mind of the demand for adequacy. "Growth," says Herbert, "is the child's natural destiny." Coming to this fulness of being, a boy some- times forgets and we reprove him, when really what he lacks is self-control and he needs read- justment. As he grows older there should come that impulse within himseM to remedy defects, to make up for shortcomings. "Inner freedom" says "function" — "Efficiency" says "function to the full." The boy calls it "doing your best" and "making good." This is the emotional in- stinct which can be used in arousing his am- bition for an education, counteracting his desire to leave school and go to work, in creating in him a respect for his body and its proper care, in molding his moral and religious life, so that he may enjoy an all-round, efficient manhood. Sympathy is the emotion or instinct which enables the boy to understand and enter into . J2 McKifiiey, "Educational Evangelism," p. 30. 78 BOYOLOGY the feelings of others, and for the benefit of others, even at the expense of personal pain. Evidences of sympathy manifest themselves very early in the life of a child. An infant two months old will smile at his mother's face. A child of two years is capable of feeling pity. Later there comes a consciousness of his relation to others. **I'* becomes "we." This emotion may also be called the "altruistic feeUng." "Unselfishness and active kindness," says E. P. St. John, "is stirred by the realization of another's need."^^ At six- teen or seventeen years of age this feeling of unselfishness or altruism may become a strong motive in helping him to determine the choice of a life work, especially the altruistic professions such as those of the physician, the minister, the missionary, the social worker, the teacher, the Association Secretary. There is great danger in arousing sympathy unless there is a corre- sponding opportunity for expression. Give the boy a chance to do a kind act, a chance to re- heve suffering, or to bestow a gift. Teach him to put himself into his giving and doing. Service is an essential in the salvation of a boy. Reverence, because of the higher ideas with which it is associated, is an emotion which affects us most profoundly. The highest instinct in man is the religious. A boy's most tangible " E. P. St. John, "Child Nature and Child Nurture," p. 68. EMOTIONAL 79 conception of God the Father is his own father. The love of a heavenly Father is best understood when he sees evidences of love in his own earthly father. Justice, mercy, kindness, truth, and other attributes of God the Father are best comprehended when his own flesh-and-blood father exemplifies these attributes in his daily life and conduct. Hero worship in a large degree is the boy's reverence. Regard for a leader, a friend, a parent, always manifests itself by an attitude of respect. A boy, however, demands of his hero something worthy of his respect and reverence, for there comes a time when mere physical power or a "stunt act" no longer appeals to him. A boy would rather be interested than amused. He demands heroism born of moral or religious principles. Livingstone dying in the heart of Africa; Gordon on his knees in China; Stanley, the explorer, reading his Bible daily, although lost in darkest Africa; Washington in prayer at Valley Forge; Jesus Christ upon the Cross, God's visible love for the world — these are the heroes who satisfy his ideals, and call from him the deepest reverence and devotion. The lack of expression of this emotion is the failure of adults to respond to his needs. Exam- ple speaks louder than precept. When parents themselves set the example of reverence for that which makes for nobility of character, such as 80 BOYOLOGY worship, prayer. Sabbath observance, and the sacred things of life, then the boy will not be found wanting. The other three emotions: sense of dependence, surprise, and wonder are somewhat minor emo- tions, and are embodied to some degree in those already discussed. Stifled emotions lead to coldness, barrenness, and hardness in living. The parent who tries to help the boy interpret and organize his emo- tions will have his reward. This will require much patience, prayer, and perseverance as well as tact and activity. Keep before the boy God's great heroes, those who were all-round men, emotion-controlled men, representatives of the world's greatest hero — Jesus Christ, men such as Chinese Gordon. ** 'I want a hero' — well, that wish is wise; Who hath no hero lives not near to God; For heroes are the steps by which we rise To reach His hand who lifts us from the sod. I'll give you one. You've heard of Chinese Gordon, Who laid the hot-brained Mongol low. Strong, shod with peace or with sharp-bladed sword on. To gain an ally or to crush a foe. And reap respect from both. How came it so.?* He used no magic, and he owned no spell. But with keen glance, strong will, and weighty blow. Did one thing at a time and did it well; And sought no praise from men, as in God's eye. Nobly to live content or nobly die. EMOTIONAL ai 'Some men live near to God, as my right arm Is near to me, and thus they walk about Mailed in full proof of faith, and bear a charm That mocks at fear, and bars the door on doubt. And dares the impossible. So Gordon, thou. Through the hot stir of this distracted time Dost hold thy course, a flaming witness how To do and dare, and make our lives sublime As God's campaigners. What live we for but this. Into the sour to breathe the soul of sweetness. The stunted growth to rear to fair completeness. Drown sneers in smiles, fill hatred with a kiss. And to the sandy waste bequeath the fame That the grass grew behind us where we came." — J. S. Blacblie. CHAPTER IV Social Characteristics "There are hermit souls that live withdrawn In the place of their self-content; There are souls like stars, that dwell apart. In a fellowless firmament; There are pioneer souls that blaze their paths Where highways never ran — But let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man." — Sam Walter Fobs. The hermit or recluse is always regarded as an abnormal being, for it is a law of nature for bees to go in swarms, cattle in herds, birds in flocks, fishes in schools, and boys in gangs. "This gang instinct is absolutely necessary for the proi>er social education of every boy. There is no other way . . . whereby he must be saved from narrowness of mind, selfishness and self- conceit.'*^ "The gang instinct itself,'* says Dr. Hall, "is almost a cry of the soul to be influ- enced." Up until about eleven years of age the boy is still self-centered and must be dealt with individually. While he likes to be with other 1 Forbush, "The Boy Problem," p. 63. 82 SOCIAL 8S boys, yet the competitive motive is strong, and he has no adequate conception of subordinating self for the good of the group. As he enters the teen period this form of selfishness gradually disappears, and a new social consciousness takes its place. It is the desire for fellowship. The most interesting thing to a boy is another boy. Homesickness is a universal disease for which there is no better medicine than a sympathetic friend, a father, or a mother. In the preceding chapters we traced the boy through his physical, intellectual, and emotional changes and developing instincts until, through the senses, he awakens to the consciousness of being an integral part of human society. He is now becoming acquainted with the world out- side himself. His life is widening out. Indis- criminate chumship is beginning to wane and gives way to the gang. After the gang days chumship sets in again and has in it the element of endurance and discrimination. This main chum period is usually at the age of fifteen or sixteen. G. E. Johnson has called attention to the fact that a very large part of our life is spent in pre- paring to live. He says that a cat is a kitten for about half of its life; a dog is a puppy for about one tenth of its life; it takes a horse one seventh of its life to come to maturity; but it 84 BOYOLOGY takes a human being almost one third. Why this one third? And if there is a Divine purpose in it, should not more attention be given to the way these years are spent? Misfits in society are the result of neglected and, many times, abandoned boyhood. Human derelicts are products of a misguided youth. Rosenkrantz says that moral culture is the essence of social culture. The moral idea grows out of the social. According to Prof. James, "By the age of fifteen or sixteen the whole array of human instincts is complete." Unless the boy is con- sidered as a part of society now, as a boy, and as a citizen in the making, to be related later to social facts, he is hable to get lost in the midst of conflicting social conditions. Many social forces are pressing in upon him which make it imperative that an adult come to his rescue, before the destructive social forces claim him as their prey. "The social instincts are those concerned with relations to other persons. This class includes sociability, shyness, sympathy, affection, altru- ism, modesty, secret iveness, love of approbation, rivalry, jealousy, envy."^ Desire for sociability, or the friendly instinct, is the link that binds man to man, the fire that warms an otherwise dead and cheerless world. * Weigle, "The Pupil and Teacher," p. 67. SOCIAL 85 It is this instinct which decides the choice in the exercise of the "pairing" tendency. "The choice of friends," says Hugh Black, "is one of the most serious affairs in life, because a man becomes moulden into the likeness of what he loves in his friend," for " 'Tis thus that on the choice of friends Our good or evil name depends.'* —Gat. He who tactfully guides a boy in the selection oi his chums or intimate friends is his benefactor. It is not only sociability which creates within a boy a desire for chumship, but the confiding instinct is also developing, and he is now grow- ing secretive. He is the possessor of newly awakened powers and he is not sure of himself. Another boy discovers he is in the same con- dition. The two come together and they under- stand each other. The things they talk about are naturally the things of their daily life, sports, ambitions, and — ^girls. They have a peculiar whistle, mysterious signs, and even a code lan- guage with each other. After awhile, this chum- ship emerges into the larger combination of congenial spirits and becomes the "gang." It is as natural for gangs to come into being and as much a part of boy nature, as is the •desire to swim or play baseball. "It is safe to 86 BOYOLOGY say that three boys out of four boys," declares Puffer, **belong to a gang," and in a study which he made of one hundred and forty-six boys of the Lyman Industrial School he found one hundred and twenty-eight were in gangs. "Boys organize," says Swift, **because it is their nature to herd together. Self-protection was probably the incentive to gregariousness in the lower animals, and with the app)earance of man this same impulse to unite in bands gained increased strength from his helplessness against the fierce animals by which he was surrounded."^ Dr. Sheldon's study of spontaneously organized "gangs" to the number of six himdred and twenty-three, which he fully described, revealed the fact that 1}^ i>er cent were philanthropic, 3}^ per cent secret, 434 P^r cent social (for "good times"), 434 per cent devoted to literature, music or art, S}/^ per cent industrial, 17 per cent predatory (for hunting, fighting, building, camp- ing, etc.) and 61 per cent athletic. It will be noted that physical activity is the keynote of by far the larger number — 863^ per cent, if we add the industrial to the predatory and athletic clubs. To capture the gang and not work against it, is to use it in the boy's social education, for some of the greatest lessons in loyalty, the » Swift, "Youth and the Race," p. 258. SOCIAL 87 brotherhood of man, and idealism he learns in the school of the gang. A wise parent will pro- vide a place for the gang to meet. "He needs a room of his own,'* says Kirtley, "in his business of being a boy. If he does not get it at home he always wants to establish headquarters some- where else — on the street corner, or a vacant lot, or in another boy's home. His self-respect and social standing require that he have a place where he can bring his friends; if he brings them to his home, they will be in a respectable place and not be apt to get their relatives in trouble. He will be proud to have his parents become honorary or sustaining members of the Club; that will give those parents a chance to take the sting out of all mischief and renew the joys of long ago. His room is a social center, training him for life."* In the October, 1914, issue of the Mothers* Magazine is told a true story of how a boy of well-to-do parents was literally driven to evil companionship, because his parents refused to welcome his friends to their home. Several paragraphs are here quoted from the story. "When I was a boy of ten, my playmates were sons of well-to-do families in my little home city. Like myself they had their bicycles, their tennis courts, their ponies and dogs, and their parents dressed them in clothes of good quality. < Kirtley, "That Boy of Yours," p. 190. 88 BOYOLOGY In my outdoor sports I had plenty of chums, but in mdoor amusements it was different. This was not my fault. I loved fun and study, and I liked to be with my boy friends and have them with me. Outdoors we were all chums, but we seldom met indoors, because my mother refused to let my boy friends visit my home, and, natu- rally enough, my invitations grew fewer and farther between, and finally vanished almost altogether. "My mother was opposed to parties, because, she said, they made too much work. They al- ways disturbed her furniture. . . . My mother's idea of the proper place for boys to play was on some vacant lot or in the barn — anywhere except in her house. She sacrificed me and my whole life on the altar of her painful neatness, and condenmed me to become an outcast and a criminal, rather than run the risk of having my boy friends and me scratch the varnish on some precious chair, or leave dust from our boots on her treasured carpet. "Home conditions were such that I gradually dropped out of the company of my earlier boy chums, and I began to go with boys of a lower grade in society, for I could not with relf-respect keep the company of boys who invited me to their homes and expected to be invited to mine.'* Then follows a tale that is heart-breaking. SOCIAL 89 He and his new found gang were found guilty of stealing. He was sent to the State Reform School until he should be eighteen years of age. In stating the case the father said to the Judge: "For six months or more Jerry has been unman- ageable and wild; we have given him every oppor- tunity at home and done everything we could for his good, but I am convinced that strict discipline is all that can save him. We have given him the best of homes and he has had a nice room, good clothes and good books. We have read the Bible with him and tried to keep him home, but he hasn't shown a bit of appre- ciation. I came here to ask you to send Jerry to the Reform School until he is eighteen." "I have hated my father and mother since that moment." "During a wakeful, remorseful night at the police station, I had made up my mind that my father would pay my fine, that I would leave school, give up my bad companions, go to work and behave myself. My father's hard words, and the hard face he turned to me turned my heart to stone." This is a terrible indictment against house-keeping instead of home-making. When home becomes more than a house with four walls and a roof, and is a genuine social center, then there will be fewer true tales like this to tell. 90 BOYOLOGY Have you ever thought of the family meal as a great socializing factor? At no one time does the family really come together except at the dining table. The gravest peril confronting our American homes is the passing away of the family life that had a place in its daily program for three meals, when there were not only good things to eat but also an opportunity to talk over current events and family interests. It is this inner social environment which shapes very vitally a boy's character. Luxuriously furnished hotel dining rooms and restaurants, quick lunch counters, and boarding houses can never be a substitute for or even meet the social needs to be found only in a home, be it ever so humble. Play forms a very large part in the social adjustment of boyhood. Van Dyke says, "If I can teach these boys to study and play to- gether, freely and with fairness to one another, I shall make them fit to live and work together in society.'* Play is not only the most vital thing about the boy, but also the most normal. It is a preparation for life. One of the laws in a social group in play is, "If I want to share with the rest I must do my share." Social initiative begins when a boy first feels his help- fulness in a common play or task, and it assumes constantly larger control with the coming of SOCIAL 91 adolescence. It begins in games and with rules and plays that call for team work. If boys are "taught to submit to laws in their playing, love for law will enter into their souls." "The effect of play upon the boy's social nature is perhaps of even greater significance than its effect upon either his intellect or his body. It is the socializing instinct of the boy. By it he is perfectly revealed, for it shows his true self not only to those around him, but it is the best method of revealing to himself his own inner disposition and ability. By his play you shall know the boy, and through his play he comes best to know himself."^ Play teaches a boy loyalty, team work, co- operation, the philosophy of sacrifice, humility, respect for the rights of others, promptness, self-mastery, subordination to leadership, courage, and many other virtues necessary to make him a useful and worthy member of society. Lessons learned on the playground prepare for the serious- ness of the greater game of life itself, one phase of which is so vividly described by Henry New- bolt in his "Vital Lampada": "There's a breathless hush in the Close tonight — Ten to make and the match to win — A bumping pitch and a blinding light. An hour to play and the last man in. * Beck, "Marching Manward," p. 70. 92 BOYOLOGY And it's not for the sake of a ribboned coat. Or the selfish hope of a season's fame. But his Captain's hand on his shoulder smote — *Play up! play up! and play the game!' "The sand of the desert is sodden red — Red with the wreck of a square that broke — The Gatling's jammed and the Colonel dead. And the regiment blind with dust and smoke. The river of death has brimmed his banks. And England's far, and Honor a name. But the voice of a schoolboy rallies the ranks: Tlay up! play up! and play the game!' **This is the word that year by year. While in her place the school is set. Every one of her sons must hear. And none that hears it dare forget. This they all with a joj'ful mind Bear through life like a torch in flame. And falling fling to the host behind — 'Play up! play up! and play the game!' " Play and work are team mates in the business of socializing the boy. Altruism is no longer a vague ideal. The boy comes to a period in his life when he seeks definite forms of social service and wants to see results. "Give him respon- sibility; couple him up to the real work of social betterment; make him feel that he is a worker along with you toward the same ends, instead of being himself the object of your endeavor SOCIAL 9S — and you need not work to make a man of him. He will make a man of himself."® This new desire to be of service has given him a new sense of power. He has now definite recognition of social values. He feels the worth of unselfish- ness. He is glad to endure hardships and to make sacrifices for the sake of others. The secret of the success of the Phi Alpha Pi Fra- ternity which the author founded in 1903 is the following Covenant: "We believe the best and happiest life is the one spent not for self, but for others. With this for our ideal, we pledge our hearty loyalty to our fraternity and to its principles. We will be earnest seekers after truth, we will be friends not only to each other, but to all, and we will do our utmost to advance in true Christian man- hood. We will stand everywhere and always for purity and manliness, and strive to make our fraternity a power among the boys of (name city or town)." "Helping the Other Fellow," the motto of the fraternity, is the boy's definition of altruism. However, the natural esoteric instinct of adoles- cence, unless wisely directed, may become a dan- gerous social motive, as exhibited in many of the secret fraternities and sororities which have crept into the public high schools. Exclusiveness, « Weigle, "The Pupil and the Teacher," p. 63. 94 BOYOLOGY snobbery, cliquishness seem to be marked charac- teristics of these social organizations. It is a perversion of the gang spirit, for, as somebody has said, "If you suppress a bad fraternity, you still have a bad gang/' The fact that a number of states have legislated these fraternities out of existence, and college fraternities have voted to exclude from membership those who were mem- bers of high school fraternities, is in itself a con- demnation of the principles upon which they are organized. High school fraternities and purely social organizations are responsible for what an educator calls "social inebriety" and parents are to blame for allowing boys and girls to take part in social affairs that destroy health and nerve force. When the social motive expresses itself in service for others, then society is made better and humanity receives an uphft. "No man liveth unto himself'*; we are indeed "Every one members one of another." The conscience of the older boy must be awakened to the duty of social betterment. To be doing something is the pas- sion of youth. One of the fundamental law^ of scouting is "To do a good turn each day." Baden- Powell writes: "The boy has a natural instinct for good if he only sees a practical way to exer- cise it, and this 'good turn' business meets it and develops it, and in developing it brings out SOCIAL 95 the spirit of Christian charity toward his neighbor."^ Sociologists tell us that the highest form of cooperation is choral singing. It is perfect team work. Only as the members cooperate with each other will there be harmony and the product be beautiful. Glee Clubs may become an effective means of developing social cooperation among boys. "Singing is the most universal language, because it is the language of feeling. Piety, patriotism, all the social and domestic senti- ments and love of nature can be thus trained. Teachers of singing have drifted very far from the intent of nature in this respect. Love, home, war, religion, country, and rhythm generally, it is their first duty to perform in the heart. The merely technical process of reading notes is a small matter compared with the education of the sentiments. Their function is to direct a gymnastics of the emotions, to see that no false feelings are admitted, to open the soul to sympa- thy and social solidarity. . . . Melody, harmony, the dynamism of soft and loud, quality and cadence, are the purest epitome and vehicle of the higher moral qualities. . . . Song should ex- purgate every evil passion and banish care and fatigue. Even the Chinese call their crude music the science of sciences, and think harmony con- 7 Scouting, November 1, 1914. 96 BOYOLOGY nected with the function of government and the state; as Plato said, *a reform in music would mean a political revolution,' and Melanchthon called it the theology of the heart. . . . Aristotle said music molded character as gymnastics do the body."« Narrow-mindedness in a boy is sometimes due to shyness or drawing away from the society of others, sometimes to devotion to a few fellows of his own temperament. What he needs is social broadening, the meeting of people in vari- ous walks of life, of varying religious and political views, travel, and the experience of camping with other boys. A summer in a well-conducted boys' camp will do much to broaden his social horizon. By being placed among strange boys and men who do not look after his selfish comfort and cater to his whims as his mother often does, he is thrown upon his own resources and forced to become self-reliant and considerate of others. Scores of boys have returned home from camp, new men in every sense of the word. Life's real problems are social, its true values are those of personal relationship and leadership, for "It takes a soul To move a body; it takes a high-souled man To move the masses, even to a cleaner stye: It takes the ideal to blow a hair's breadth o£F 8 HaU, "Adolescence," Vol. II, p. 31. SOCIAL 97 The dust of the actual. Ah, your Fouriers failed Because not poets enough to understand That life develops from within." — Mbs. Browning — "Aurora Leigh," Book II. The social instincts bring a new sense of law. Conscience awakens. Right is conceived, no longer as from an external authority, but as resting upon inward grounds of obligation. Leadership of the gang becomes the stepping stone to leadership of the masses. Boys' ideals of altruism develop into service for country, home, and the church — Whence the great need of wise adult guidance during the plastic period of youth. Choice of companions, choice of books, choice of pictures, choice of music, choice of sports — all share in determining ideals which be- come the realities of manhood. Low ideals mean a low plane of living. High ideals mean a high plane of living. Society needs the leader- ship of men who have lofty ideals. These leaders are now in the making. Social instincts and impulses of boyhood must be harnessed to altru- istic service and worth-while action. The Church, as well as the home and the school, must realize that it is dealing with the future citizen who must be related to the ends of social endeavor, as well as a soul to be saved for eternity, for 98 BOYOLOGY the only stuff in the world out of which you can make a man is boy stuff. "Give us men! Men from every rank! Fresh, and free, and frank; Men of thought and reading. Men of light and leading. Men of loyal breeding. Men of faith and not of faction. Men of lofty aim in action. Give us men — I say again. Give us men! "Give us men! Strong and stalwart ones; Men whom highest hope inspires. Men whom purest honor fires. Men who trample self beneath them. Men who make their country wreathe them. As her noble sons. Worthy of her sires! Men who never shame their mothers. Men who never fail their brothers. True, however false are others, Give us men — I say again. Give us men! "Give us men! Men who when the tempest gathers. Grasp the standards of their fathers. In the thickest fight; Men who strike for home and altar, (Let the coward cringe and falter,) God defend the right! SOCIAL 99 True as truth, though lorn and lonely. Tender — as the brave are only; Men who tread where saints have trod. Men for country and their God; Give us men! I say again, again. Give us such men!" Bishop of Exetbb. CHAPTER V Moral Characteristics "life's more than breath and the quick round of blood; *Tis a great spirit and a busy heart. We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not figures on a dial. "We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best." — Bailey. Action is one of the major laws of boyhood. The proper field for morals or moral sentiment is voluntary human action. Unwilled action has no moral quality. Activity is, to a very large degree, the test of intelligence. Morality is a growth from within, rather than anything that can be put on from without. Development is an uphill process. The strug- gle between the higher and the lower is a war- fare in which every boy must engage. "When the fight begins within himself, Man's worth something. God stoops o'er his head; Satan looks up between his feet. Both tug: He's left himself the middle; the soul awakes and grows." — Browning. 100 MORAL ioi "As soon as the activities of any being be- come acts for ends, they have moral quality. Non-moral action is action on the plane of mere instinct or impulse, where consideration plays no part." "It is the consideration, or the end aimed at, that makes an act morally good or morally bad. An act directed toward a bad end is im- moral, though ignorance of its badness on the part of the boy may modify our judgment of his character. Similarly, action for any good end is moral action, though the character of the boy be only partly expressed therein.'*^ Early childhood is especially the period of sensuous growth, and early adolescence the period of deep moral and religious questionings. "To train a boy in the science of numbers, and not to teach him that he is not to make false combinations; to train him in the art of writing and not to teach him that he is not to forge his employer's name; to train him in the secrets of chemistry and not to train him to respect his hidden and mysterious power over the life and welfare of his fellows; to give him intellectual judgment only, and not to train moral judg- ment,'* says Robson, "would be an abomination and curse to the world. "^ 1 Coe, "Religious Education," Vol. Ill, p. 161. « Robson, "Religious Education," 1905, p. 239. 102 BOYOLOGY Early boyhood, say from eight to twelve years of age, is really the formative period in the acquirement of moral distinctions. When the boy reaches the turning point, the teen period, profound changes in mental as well as physical functions take place and he enters the final * 'finishing period, ' ' that precedes maturity. Moral sensibiUties are now quickened, and moral con- trol is needed. When he was a child, fear kept him many times from doing wrong, because of the i>enalty; this was negative, but as he grows older, observation teaches him that there are not only bad acts attended with pain, but that good acts are expected and recognized or ap- proved. In this way feelings are aroused, and moral sentiment formed, as well as moral judgment. Moral character can be interpreted in terms of tendencies to conduct, and to develop char- acter means to develop the various capacities that control or govern conduct. These controls may be roughly grouped in three classes: First, instinctive control, or inborn tendencies toward certain types of conduct. The moral instincts are indefinite and modifiable. They impel boys to form ideals and to feel obligations, but what particular ideals they shall have or what obliga- tions they shall feel is left to be determined by ex- perience. Conscience needs to be educated. Second, \ MORAL 103 habit-control, or automatic tendencies that are consciously acquired and then through repetition reduced to an automatic or unconscious basis. It is here where emphasis must be laid. Third, Judgment-control, or ideas, standards, and prej- udices that consciously direct human conduct in situations to which habit and instinct are inadequate. This period is during the age of from sixteen to nineteen years. Harold Begbie in "Twice Born Men" says, "Life without conscience becomes a destroying animalism, and conscience without religion has neither force nor justification for its restraint." Granting that religion is the basis of all morals, we will confine ourselves, however, in this chap- ter to a presentation of the moral characteristics of boyhood and leave the religious characteris- tics for a future chapter. The aim of moral instruction is to teach the boy to know, to live, and to do right. Character is organic. The virtues must be built into our very system. "Sometimes eyestrain reacts upon the moral nature, and, if not relieved, may re- sult in a permanently perverted disposition. Boys become irritable, capricious, obstinate, bad, because of physical weakness. A pair of glasses may often prove a means of grace. "^ Many moral weaknesses are traceable to physical » Fisher, "Physical Education," Vol. IV, p. 397. 104 BOYOLOGY causes. Health is wholeness or holiness of body. Flabby muscles usually make for flabby morals, for muscles are definitely related to feelings. Muscles are the organs of the will. Poise, control, and deep feeling are intimately related with strong muscle. Moral energy has its root in feeling, and without this a boy is not stirred to action. When a boy loses control of himself, you have an exhibition of anger and passion which leads to abuse and intolerance, pathways of control are established through the nervous system and a bad habit is formed. Long continued action of the right sort will result in controlled im- pulses, instincts, and emotions. "A moral ad- vance is only made when a thing is actually done," says Prof. Butler, "and a new pathway of discharge made in us." "We learn to swim by swimming, not by studying charts and dia- grams and mathematical demonstrations. We learn the Ten Commandments by keeping them, not by committing them to memory." Stand- ards of right doing are not established by pre- cept but by right living. Rugby boys in the day of Dr. Arnold were known by their moral thought- fulness. Personality is woven into the very fiber of morals, and it was Dr. Arnold*s own life of sympathetic thoughtfulness, rather than his pre- cepts, which really inspired the boys of Rugby to be and to live their best. MORAL 105 While all boys have a moral conscience, yet what is right and what is wrong must be taught to them the same as other facts. The best place to teach morals is in the home, but unfor- tunately modern home conditions are such that the moral training of boys is complex and diflS- cult. Moral obligation or "oughtness'* is essential in creating moral sentiment. Moral law, unlike the law of the state and other laws, is not im- posed upon us by external authority, but by self. It is internal and is expressed by "be this" and not "do this." Thus a boy becomes the agent of his own conduct. "Moral law is distinct from civil law. It is wider in its application and loftier in its aims. Many things may be legally right which are morally wrong. . . . The moral law deals with motives or intentions, the civil law with actions. You can enforce physical actions by physical compulsion, but you cannot thus compel conviction and belief. The civil law in days gone by compelled a man to go to church, but it could not compel him to believe."* It is during the middle teen period of boy- hood, when thoughtfulness and reasoning are maturing, that there is often a serious break between the ideals and beliefs of childhood and those of approaching maturity, as well as serious breaks between the boy and his parents. Morals * Dexter and Garlick, "Psychology in the Schoohoom," p. 270. 106 BOYOLOGY can no longer be "driven" or "nagged" into him, they must now express themselves from within outward. He now becomes the general manager of his own moral conduct. The moral nature, which is inborn, is now coming to its own, and the boy recognizes not only a personal standard of morals, but a common standard of morals as well, and that there are obligations which he cannot lightly brush aside. "The adolescent period brings a greater sensitiveness to social relations, which gives the basis for a more direct interest in moral relations." While parents and teachers may instruct, yet the boy must by experience work out his own ideas and translate them into self-governing laws. The initiative must come from within. Knowledge of a moral law is non-effective unless there is energizing power or driving force within the boy to enforce and obey it. "The function of desire in the moral life," says John Dewey, "is to arouse energy and stimulate the means necessary to accomplish the realization of ends otherwise purely theoretical or esthetic." If the early training of the boy has been sane and whole- some, the appeal of conscience, which has been defined as "reason concerned with moral issues," will be obeyed. "When I was a child, I talked like a child, felt like a child, reasoned like a child : when I became a man, I put from me childish / MORAL 107 ways." (1 Cor. 13:11.) Becoming a man, or crossing the threshold into the long-desired Canaan or "Manland" is a period which every boy longs for and eagerly anticipates. During this period respect and affection will serve as powerful restraints against wrong con- duct, rather than "nagging," "scolding," or even rewards and prizes. Appeal constantly to his highest motives and ideals. Obedience may be taught without a code of "don'ts" and pro- hibitions, for a boy is not a "sort of croquet ball that must be forced through certain wickets by the insistent use of the mallet of authority, which expresses itself in Don't."^ Let a father share the life of obedience with his boy. The firm of "Father and Son" should now be estab- lished upon a definite basis, a firm dealing in everything that equips for physical, social, men- tal, moral, and religious manliness. This new situation of cooperative partnership in life making, may mean a serious readjustment in living on the part of the senior member of the firm, for the junior member will require skilful handling, but the father who can keep in step with his boy will never experience the pain of the ever- widening gap which many fathers find between themselves and their boys. Wundt classifies standard regulations, moral 6 Beck, "Marching Manward," p. 92. 108 BOYOLOGY principles, or maxims, into three groups, as follows : I. Principles relating to self — (1) So act as to preserve thy self-respect. (2) Fulfil all thy duties to others. n. Principles relating to Society — (1) Respect thy neighbor as thyself. (2) Serve the community in which thou livest. m. Principles relating to humanity — (1) Feel thyself to be an instrument in the service of the moral ideal. (2) Sacrifice thyself for the end thou hast recognized to be thine ideal task. "Out of these unchanging imperatives there grow all minor rules and maxims of life; from them we can deduce the relative validity of each, and explain all duties, ends, and mottoes. Here we can find the true meaning of the advice of Polonius to his son: "To thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day. Thou canst not then be false to any man " for the self of every man is a social one, getting its significance from its relation to others. To be true to self, then, is to be true to the social self that society has created. Even the lower MORAL 109 aspects of moral life are therefore dependent on the higher."® The youth always demands a rational basis for morality and it is the business of his home and his teachers to give him that basis. Throttled investigation and shackled thought have caused moral atrophy in many boys, particularly older ones. Work out carefully with the boy these principles of Wundt and help him to understand the reasonableness of living a moral life. This may be accomplished by instruction such as is suggested by the Moral Education League, London, England, which the author has taken the liberty of adapting to needs of boys. BOTS FROM 12 TO 14 TEARS: Cleanliness in person and clothing, in home, school and street, disease caused by uncleanliness, bad air, impure water, etc. Manners. Courtesy and respect toward all, decency and refinement of speech, sincerity in manners — avoidance of mere formality, thoughtfulness toward others, respect- fulness toward the aged, women and girls, table etiquette, politeness, punctuality, etc. Truthfulness in speech, in exactness, promises, con- fidence, love of truth for its own sake, danger of com- promising with error, its injurious eflFect on character, living for truth, readiness to receive new truths. Courage. Moral courage in speaking the truth, in enduring ridicule, and in being true to one's convictions, chivalry, devotion of the strong to the weak, manliness, heroism in the duties of every day life. Follow good example and resist bad example. Honesty in judging one's own conduct, in giving others their due, preserving and protecting property at home» « DeGanno, "Religious Education," 1904, p. 145. 110 BOYOLOGY at school, in public parks, etc. In work: restoration of lost property, etc. Thrift. Money: its uses and abuses. Importance of economy in little things, time, energy, etc. Avoidance of extravagance, and wastefulness. Temperance a form of thrift. Order. The value of system. "A place for everything and everything in its place." Value of punctuality and prompt- ness. Evils of disorder in the home, school, and street. Perseverance. In work: hard and distasteful tasks, mastery gained in perseverance. In play: in fighting out a lost game. In forming good habits and overcoming bad ones. In self-improvement. In well-doing. Justice. The love of justice; the resolve to be just to others, even when public opinion is against us. Mercy. Just and unjust relations between employers and em- ployed; between government and peoples. The rights of animals. Generosity. Forgiveness, remembering our own faults. Forbearance. Charitableness in thought. Rejoicing at another's success. The Family. What we owe to the home. Duties to- ward parents. Relations between brothers and sisters. *'Give and take." Mutual service in the home, politeness and consideration in dealing with servants. Social Organization. Individual and collective owner- ship. Responsibilities of ownership. Care of our clothes, books, etc. Respect for the rights of others. Coopera- tion in the home, in trade, in professions, between citi- zens, etc. Patriotism. Love of country; national emblems. Duty we owe to our country; how we may serve our country. Law and order. Work. Pride in thorough work. Use of leisure time. The value of work in overcoming difficulties, etc. Boys fhom 14 to 16 years: Self-respect. Honoring the best that is in us. Impor- tance of self-respect in act, word, and thought. Self- respect undermined by servility and eye service. Regard for self-respect of others. Moral dangers that follow any loss of self-respect. "Toadyism" and snobbishness. The need for a higher standard of self-respect. MORAL 111 Justice. In judging others to make allowance for temperament, and for their ignorance, temptations, and prejudices. To redress wrongs and champion the right. A knowledge of magistrates, their duties and respon- sibilities. Courts of justice: their constitutions, value, and limitations. Equality of all before the law. Work. The necessity for and dignity of labor. Hum- drum work. Systematic and strenuous labor, its bracing effect — physical, intellectual, and moral; the demoraliz- ing effect of idleness. Earning a living; responsibilities and social value of different pursuits. The wealth of the country: how it is produced. Work as a sure expression of the worker's character. Thrift. Forethought enables us to provide for unfore- seen events and difficulties, strengthens independence, promotes self-improvement, and enables us to advance worthy causes. The Will. The training of the will. The right to be done intelligently. Moral laziness, indecision, putting off, gradual deterioration. Patriotism. The vote, its nature and responsibilities; the ballot. The machinery of government and the duty of the individual citizen. True patriotism, devotion to our country's highest interests. America's greatness and her obligations to other nations. Peace and War. Duty of citizens when war threatens: control of passions and avoidance of panic. War, when justifiable; self-defense against aggression. In support of oppressed peoples. The evils of war. The value of peace. Recreation. The need for recreation and pastimes. Games as an outlet for friendly rivalry and emulation. Value of play as a socializing factor. Hobbies. The development of the body and its powers. **A sound mind in a sound body." The value of athletics in developing character; playing the game. Danger of giving too much thought to athletics. Sports, beneficial and injurious; avoidance of cruelty. The Development of Personal Relationships. Children and parents, brothers and sisters, other relatives. Friendship, choice of friends, loyalty and candor in friendship, com- radeship. The duty of understanding those outside our own circle. 112 BOYOLOGY Temperance in Drink. Physiological effects of alcohol. Effects of intemperance on the body, character, and career. Effects of intemperance on the home, on society — e. g., lunacy and crime. Value of temperance in all things. The same treatment in regard to tobacco. Honesty. In business: mutual confidence essential. In social and public life. Bribes and secret commissions in commercial life. Honest service for wages paid; fair pay for honest work. Profession and practice. Conscience. The claim of conscience, individual and social. The enlightenment of conscience; the letter and the spirit of the moral law. The development of conscience. Humanity. Personal obligation to help the old, young, weakly, unfortunate, oppressed. Love for mankind; its inspiring power, self-sacrifice. Boys fbom 16 to 19 tears: The Family. How the separateness of the family has intensified human feeling; joy and sorrow in the home. Restraints of the home, their wholesomeness and obliga- tions. Family pride and family honor; love of home. The duties which members of the family owe to their wider community, e. g., neighbors, locality, state. Social Organization. Economic necessity for industrial combinations; collective bargaining. Responsibilities of industrial combinations. Origin and usefulness of capital. Trades unions: scope and work, power and danger. Im- portance of a high standard in public opinion; what each can do to secure it. Municipal and state ownership and enterprise. Cleanliness. As a type of moral purity — thought, word, deed. Honor. Pledges, promises, confidence, fidelity. False ideas of honor: duelling, menial work, etc. Acting honor- ably under the influence of anger, in the midst of heated contest, and while engaged in competition. Peace and War. Aggression: its injustice and evil con- sequences. International relations; how nations can help each other. The value of arbitration. Patriotism. The sacrifice of individual to national interests; national heroes and reformers. Respect for the nationalities of other peoples. The evolution of so^ ciety; the ideal state. MORAL 113 The Development of Social Relationship. The instinct of sociability in insects, birds, and animals, leading to — mu- tual protection, social services. Exemplified by tribal savages, barbarians, village communities, ancient and medieval cities. How tribes and states coalesced into nations. International Brotherhood: the interdependence and solidarity of the human race. Self-regard and Social Service. The two fundamental instincts in animal and human nature: self-preservation and mutual aid. Duties of self-regard and self -develop- ment. Dependence of the state on the character of its individual citizens. The value of social service to the individual who performs it. Dependence of individual welfare on the prosperity and good order of the community or State; the existence and security of private property dependent upon protection by the State and laws. The Will. The duty of educating the will; the value of self-denial in little things. Persistence in right-doing; firmness in resisting temptations. Devotion to noble aims; strength, beauty, and nobility of character. Recreation. The use and abuse of social entertain- ments, dancing, theaters, etc. The enjoyment of the beauties of nature, music, and the arts. The pleasure of reading. The recreative study of science. Making the means of enjoyment generally accessible. Toleration. Respect for the opinions and religious be- liefs of others. Respect for all sincere opponents. The duty of examining into the views of others. Distinction between toleration and indifference. The growth of toleration. Magnanimity. Betting and Gambling. Factitious excitement. Dis- honesty of gaining money without giving real value. The demoralizing effects of betting and gambling on character. The disastrous effects of betting and gam- bling on sports, the home, and national life. Responsibility of Older Boys. To prevent bullying or teasing. To put down evil talk. To organize games, recreations, etc., for younger boys. To enforce school rules, moral laws, etc. Example of older boy more in- fluential than precepts of adults. The far reaching future effects of the influence of older boys for good or for evil. Ideals. The value of an ideal for life; the choice of a calling. The danger of accepting the average standard 114 BOYOLOGY of good as the best. The growth of our ideal; childhood, youth, etc. Perfection of character. Growth of social ideals; a perfected humanity. Growth of religious ideals; a perfected life. The retrospect of a noble life. This syllabus of moral instruction can only be of value in helping the boy in developing moral characteristics, when used in a tactful and wise manner, and not in a dry, mechanical manner. Moral color-blindness, and low moral admirations, can only be eliminated from boys through the "expulsive power of a new afiFection." Character depends partly upon moral perception or insight, partly upon habit. "Doth not the soul the body sway? And the responding plastic clay Receive the impress every hour Of the pervading spirit's power? "Look inward if thou wouldst be fair: To beauty guide the feelings there. And this soul-beauty, bright and warm. Thy outward being will transform." — Bertha Hasseltine. An act of good moral character should receive its return of honor. "Humanity," says Colin A. Scott, "is almost instinctively ready to oblige, to serve and to receive honor from those really felt to be on a higher level. And . . . when those who are looked up to by others receive a service without returning honor and admira- MORAL 115 tion . . . they are meanly and proudly attempting a fraud upon human nature. If the Good Samar- itan cared nothing for the feelings that would be awakened in the traveler to Jericho, but was only serving God, he missed the point." It is this failure of recognition of the good within the boy on the part of older people which has discouraged many older boys and made them indifferent to the appeal of the best. "The responsiveness of the soul and body in the domain of morals is a law of our nature, in which are consequences of the greatest moment. The soul can be corrupted by the body and the body by the soul." As a boy thinketh in his heart so is he, therefore the mental association with everything that is pure and wholesome, means living up to one's best. Dr. Philip S. Moxom in his "Moral Education" says: "It is a greater and more difficult thing to live, in the true, deep sense, than it is to get a living. Boys must be made to feel and then to see that honesty is better than brilliancy, that integrity is more than riches, that good character is a prize val- uable beyond the power of all material means to measure. ... A clever intellect without a ten- der conscience makes a Mephistopheles. We are seeking to make men who shall know their duty to the world, and have the will to do it. That is an end to call forth our deepest wisdom and 11« BOYOLOGY our strongest endeavors. On the achievement of that end depends the soundness and permanent prosperity of the nation." Let us see the man in the boy. "In the acorn is wrapped the forest. In the little brook, the sea; The twig that will sway with the sparrow today Is tomorrow's tree. There is hope in a mother's joy. Like a peach in its blossom furled. And a noble boy, a gentle boy. And a manly boy, is king of the world. **The power that will never fail us Is the soul of simple truth; The oak that defies the stormiest skies Was upright in its youth. The beauty no time can destroy In the pure, young heart is furled; And a worthy boy, a tender boy, A faithful boy, is king of the world." — Geoeqe Shepabd Bubleigh. CHAPTER VI Religious Characteristics "You hear that boy laughing? You think he's all fun; But the angels laugh, too, at the good he has done." — Oliver Wendell Holmes — The Boys. Underneath the fun and mischief, noise and dirt of a boy, beats a heart that responds quickly to the appeal of religion, especially if the appeal is in the form of doing rather than being. Re- ligion to a boy means motive power to give up wrong and do right. The Sunday school was singing, *T want to be an angel and with the angels stand," when Billy's teacher discovered that he was not singing. "Why aren't you singing, Billy.^" asked the teacher. "I'm sing- ing the way I feel," responded honest Billy. Being an angel did not appeal to Billy, and he refused to tell an untruth even in his singing. What Billy wanted to be was a man, a red- blooded man of heroic action, and not a cherub. Rehgion to a boy is not sitting still and being good, it is doing worth-while deeds. Somehow a boy resents being called good, and many times he is the other kind of hypocrite in that he 117 118 BOYOLOGY would have you believe he was bad when really not bad. He is the victim of modern discus- sions, in which people seem to feel sorry for the boy who is not a tough or a delinquent. The delinquent seems to get the attention, the kind words, and the flowers, while the really first-class boy who lives a normal wholesome life of right doing is passed by. It is the "lonely" age when the religious emotion instinct is at its height. His heart is hungry for the best, but he doesn't always know when or how to find it, and therefore he attracts attention by bluffing badness. The eariy adolescent age, be- tween the ages of twelve and sixteen, is the period of misunderstanding, the time when sym- pathy, love, patience, hopefulness, and firmness are required from those who are responsible for him. "Ideas of Gk)d and duty and religious ob- servance have been external to the child during his eariier days, but now they take root in his life and have a vital significance. Heretofore they have been embodied in precept or custom in his own playful imagination. Now they have begun to be his own."^ His "clarification," as Starbuck terms it, occurs around thirteen years of age when rehgious "forms" begin to lose attraction and the desire 1 Starbuck, "The Psychology of Religion," p. 196. RELIGIOUS 119 for spiritual life deepens. The religious awaken- ing seems to supplement puberty. Stature in- creases, "then muscular strength increases; new interests, new passions arise, new dangers, of course; and it is the time of greatest prevalence in the line of crime. Later statistics show that before the close of the years of adolescence most of the crimes are committed — not the deepest and darkest crimes, but the most. So that it seems as though good and evil struggle together for the mastery of the human soul at no other time of life so much as at this time."^ Statis- tics also show that if conversion has not occurred before twenty, the chances are small that it ever will be experienced; that the age of deepest religious conviction is between twelve and four- teen years; the age of conversion between sixteen and eighteen years and the age of imiting with the Church is around sixteen years. When we know that eleven men imited with the Church between the ages of ten and twenty- five to every one that united with the Church outside these years, when we know that hardly thirty per cent of the Sunday school enrolment is made up of boys and young men in their teens, then we begin to recognize the need of giving our best thought and effort to discover- ing the cause of these conditions, and earnestly * Hall, "Principles of Religious Education," p. 182. 120 BOYOLOGY seeking a remedy. One way of changing this condition is by the establishment of higher standards of teacher requirements which will enlist men who will pay the price of this par- ticular kind of leadership, for leadership of this type costs more than a mere desire and a sym- pathetic attitude. The standard set by G. Stanley Hall is not beyond reach when he says "our churches are coming to realize now as never before that ... it requires higher talent, greater capacity, more genius, more full mastery of knowledge to teach children than adults. . . . Mastery in the knowledge of religion, sympathy with Christ, that makes us reaUy interested in His mind and will, is best tested by capacity to lead and minister to childhood."^ K reUgion, as Dr. Liddon defines it, is "personal communion with God, yielding fruit in action, or the bringing spiritual sanction to bear on ordinary life," then we cannot begin too early to teach reUgion as a motive power in a boy's life. This cannot be done in the phraseology and formulas of the pulpit, but through tact and sympathy which will see instuictively how to catch the impressionable moments in a boy*s life, and then in a few words, to engrave upon the mind the thought of a high ideal and the greatness of living a Christ-controlled life. "Boys 3 Hall, "Principles of Religious Education," p. 189. RELIGIOUS 121 and grandmothers,'* says Kirtley, "have the same religion, even as they may eat the same food at the same table. But in her that food reappears in a bent body, soft, babylike flesh, beautiful grey hair, and extensive wrinkles, while in him it becomes an erect body, knotted muscles, stubby hair, and smooth skin. They get their religion in the same way — the same loving Father, the same gracious Saviour, the same instructing and inspiring Bible, but in one it reappears as grandmother, in the other as boy."^ Too long we have been looking for an adult type of religious expression in the boy instead of a natural boy expression. A boy has a hunger for God as he has for food and friends and fun, but he does not always know what it means or how to express himself. Objective righteousness is the thing he is looking for and which we must help him find. Religion to him is a life rather than a philosophy. Boys are the greatest radicals and at the same time the greatest conservatives on earth. The instinct of worship is inherent in the instincts of the human race. Oiu* ancestors worshipped and we inherit, by a race impulse, a powerful tendency toward religion. All men from the lowest to the highest have been seekers after God. Plutarch says: "I have seen people * Kirtley, "That Boy of Yours," p. 240. 122 BOYOLOGY without cities and organized governments or laws, but people without shrines and deities I have not seen," and Ratzel says: "We cannot analyze a single race on its spiritual side with- out laying bare the germs and rootfires of re- ligion. Ethnography knows no race devoid of reUgion.** A boy passes through three stages in the evolution of religious expression. The first stage, up until about twelve years of age, is the im- pressionistic period. Grod is a venerable man seated in the clouds or upon a great throne, and heaven is a beautiful garden or a golden city. He has definite ideas of that which later becomes vague and mystical. It is the period when he unquestionably accepts statements by those whom he trusts. His faith in the great- ness and goodness of God, and his dependence upon Him is unshakable. His religion is pure, simple, and real. His first impression of prayer which came to him as he kneeled by his mother's side in the quiet of his bedroom and as he saw her bowed head, and heard her reverent tone of voice, never can be erased from memory's page. Here the training of faith begins. It is the mother's opportunity to begin to impress upon him the great truth that behind all visible manifestations of life is a great invisible Power. "Science may call it Force; Art may call it RELIGIOUS 193 Harmony; Philosophy may call it World Order; various religions have called it God, but Chris- tianity calls it *Our Father.' " Says Mrs. Harri- son: "This is an important moment in his life, the first groping after the unseen. Are not the great, the powerful, the lasting things of life all invisible? Turning to nature for illustra- tions, we find the great attractive and repulsive forces have thrown up the vast mountain ranges and cleft them in twain; gravitation has settled their crumbling fragments into level plains, and caused the water courses to sweep in given directions; capillary attraction has drawn the water up into the seed cells and caused plant life to germinate and vegetation to cover the plains; chemical action and assimilation have changed vegetable and animal food into human blood; appetites have caused the human being to seek food and shelter and the opportunity to propagate his kind; parental instinct has given rise to family life; public sentiment has maintained the sanctity of the marriage tie and the safety of family possessions; business credit has made trade life possible; patriotism has banded these communities of civic life into national life; religion is yet to unify the nations of the earth into one common brotherhood. All these are invisible forces. What is the tribute paid to character over and above wealth and beauty, but 124 BOYOLOGY a tribute to the unseen? Without friendship, sympathy, love, aspiration, ideality, what would life be worth?"^ "First impressions are the root- fibers of the child's understanding, which is developed later," says Froebel. The boy naturally evolves from the first stage into the second, the p>eriod when through nature he learns to find God as the ever-living Creator and Ruler of the Universe. The very beauty and grandeur of nature reveal the character of God, for, says Martin Luther, "God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but in trees and flowers and clouds and stars." At Camp Becket, the writer's laboratory, is a "Chapel- by-the-Lake," "A Cathedral, boundless as our wonder. Whose quenchless lamps the sun and moon supply. Its choirs the winds and waves, its organ thunder. Its dome the sky," where hundreds of boys have experienced the nearness of God through the mysterious touch of the wind, or through gazing at the towering mountains with their suggestion of strength, or in the very quietness of the eventide. A camp fire becomes a mighty factor in the development of a boy's rehgious life. Not only may great moral lessons be taught as boys, with the charm of fire-gazing in their faces, sit around * Mrs. Harrison, "A Study of Child Nature," p. 194. RELIGIOUS 125 the crackling wood, but through the fire is symbolized the purification and refining process of life. "Tried as by fire." Fire was the emblem of the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the stim- ulant of the imagination. Camping should have as its great objective that of leading boys "through nature to nature's God." "Nature worship," says Prof. Fiske, "is often an important stage in the natural religion of early boyhood. The growing love for the beau- tiful in form and color, added to the sense of the mystical, centers the child admiration in the world of nature which God has made so beau- tiful. Particularly strong is this religious im- pulse in early springtime in normal childhood in the country. As the miracle of the spring resurrection returns, the healthy boy often finds keen delight in his real communion with nature. Daily he consults her oracles, listens to her secrets, and worships at her shrine. The Heav- enly Father has many wonderful lessons to teach the growing boy just at this time, and unless the boy has a chance to learn them, his imagination is never again so strong, his sense of the beautiful dwindles and with it much of the aesthetic power which should enrich his heart life with the poet's vision and the artist's per- spective and proportion. Just now with a mi- croscope you may help the boy to find God. 126 BOYOLOGY The larger aspects of nature, as well as the more minute, have their grand messages for the boy soul. Renan has reminded us that the clouds and the thunder and the mountains had a vast influence in shaping the religious ideas of the Hebrews. ... It is from the grandeur of nature that we learn the majesty of God. While the clouds lure the boy's imagination through sky pastures of riotous fancy and suggest to him the boundless riches of space, it is from the mountains he learns his littleness and from the thunder he learns his weakness. Both suddenly teach him to be humble in the presence of their sublimity."* Around fourteen years of age he evolves into the third stage, which, for the want of a better term, may be called the ethical stage. There now comes a great longing for a larger spiritual life, which must find its expression in aspira- tions, longings, adoration, service, the Knights of King Arthur or the Sir Galahad period. He is beginning to outgrow his egoism and selfishness and his interests broaden. We must be careful now that religion does not become a mere habit, or automatic, or a dead formalism. Personal loyalty and hero worship are in the ascendency. He is searching for a great leader. "The only religion which will appeal to him is " Fiflke, "Boy Life and Self Government," p. 249. RELIGIOUS 127 one of heroism, endurance, and of powerful, lofty, and masterful personality." "His king," says Prof. Tyler, "must be presented to his mind as stronger as well as better than he, and as altogether worthy of his unswerving loyalty, obedience, and service. He will have no other. "^ Here is the supreme opportunity of the teacher as well as parent to encourage the boy in his natural decision to yield his loyalty and devo- tion to Jesus Christ, the world's greatest hero. His religious awakening is natural, and should not be repressed but given opportxmity for ex- pression. Conscience is now becoming his guide. To make conscience robust instead of morbid and hypersensitive is the real problem. Help him develop a healthy outward glance, take advantage of his undaunted courage and ambi- tion. The very audacity of his faith and the belief in his ability to do big things should be recognized as an asset rather than a liability. Now is the time for him to harness to worth- while activities, this inner feeling for functioning and this desire for expression in service. "It is the epoch of the reign, not of cold judgment, but of feeling and of the heart, 'out of which are the issues of life.' Paul, places love, with faith and hope, far above knowledge, which Vanisheth away, for we know in part.' Perhaps 7 Tyler, "Growth and Education," p. 185. 128 BOYOLOGY Paul was right after all. The heart is often fully as wise as the head. Do not undervalue or curb too closely his generous impulses."® Naturally conversion follows his spontaneously religious awakening, as statistics show conclusively that "storm and stress" and conviction are close kin. "If there is no resistance to the great expenditure of the new energy, then results a burst of life, fresh consciousness and apprecia- tion of truth, a personal hold on virtue, joy and the sense of well being; but if there is no channel open for its free expression, it wastes itself against imyielding and imdeveloped faculties, and is recognized by its pain accompaniment, distress, unrest, anxiety, heat of passion, groping after something, brooding, and self-condemnation. This stage of adolescence is the j>eriod of most rapid physiological readjustments, and consequently is characterized by great instability."^ The wonderful narrative of the facts concern- ing the Welsh Revival by the late W. T. Stead, who was at the time the editor of the London Review of Reviews is significant. In it he gave to the public for the first time the account of his own conversion in 1859 at the age of eleven years. He tells how one night in bed he was seized 8 Tyler, "Growth and Education," p. 187. 9 Starbuok, "The Psychology of Religion," p. 227. RELIGIOUS 129 with an appalling sense of his own sinfulness. He sobbed and cried in the darkness over his wrong-doing. Then there came to him a pas- sionate longing to escape from condemnation and be forgiven. At last his mother overheard him, took him into her arms, and told him comfort- ing things about the love of God, and how it was made manifest by Jesus Christ, who had suffered in our stead, to save us from condemna- tion and make us heirs of heaven. Mr. Stead says: "I have no remembrance of anything be- yond the soothing caress of my mother's words. When she left me the terror had gone, and I felt sufficiently tranquil to go to sleep." A year later when he was twelve, his experience at Silcoates Hall, a private boarding school, is interesting, when a half dozen of the boys met each day in a summer-house in the garden, to read a chapter, and pray. Again, quoting his words, he says: "Suddenly one day, after the prayer-meeting had gone on for a week or two, there seemed to be a sudden change in the at- mosphere. How it came about no one ever knew. All that we did know was that there seemed to have descended from the sky, with the suddenness of a drenching thunder-shower, a spirit of intense, earnest seeking after God, for the forgiveness of sins, and the consecration to his service. How well I remember the solemn 130 BOYOLOGY hush of that memorable day and night, m the course of which forty out of the fifty lads pub- licly professed conversion." A few days after reading this account there came in my mail a letter from a boy who had just reached his sixteenth birthday, a boy who had tasted sin in all its hideousness, even, for a few hours, behind prison bars. He was at a meeting which I conducted in the city where he lived, and after a struggle he made the decision to accept Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Friend. For about ten days he succeeded nobly but in a moment of weakness he sought the old gang and was back in the old ways. On his birthday I wrote him a letter. This was his reply: "My dear Friend: I was much surprised and very pleased to hear from you today. Your letter came just in time to strengthen the decision I had come to last week. Being inspired by the conference meetings to win the fight and become one of Jesus Christ's own boys. . . . You ask me in your letter to go to my room, think the thing over, and then get down on my knees and pray to the only One who knows every thought in my heart. I have already done this. I have lain in my bed night after night, thinking the matter over and despising myself because I could not come to a firm decision. Then I would get out of bed and pray God, through the Saviour, to RELIGIOUS 181 give me strength. And now I feel that my prayers have been answered, as I have come to a decision, and that decision is to lead hence- forth a true Christian life. I have told my father and mother of this, and they were very much pleased, and promised to do everything in their power to help me. . . . This is the first letter I remember having written to anyone except my parents and I may not have ex- pressed myself as I should wish, but I feel that you can understand my feelings when I say I have won the great fight and intend to remain a winner." This boy, forty-seven years after the experience of Mr. Stead, was led into a decision for Chris- tian living in practically the same way — an illustration of what is meant by the psycholog- ical moment, and the great opportunity for an adult to render the needful service. Parent and teacher should be on the alert to discern this critical moment in the boy's deep religious struggle. To help a boy to win this struggle for religious expression and to decide for his loyalty to Jesus Christ and His standard of living, is a form of life-saving service fully as important as pulling him out of a whirlpool of angry waters. Loyalty to Jesus Christ should naturally lead to uniting with the Church. Through careful guidance and instruction, the boy during the age period of fourteen to seventeen years should 132 BOYOLOGY be led to make a public confession of his alle- giance to Jesus Christ. This should be in a normal manner, not by some outburst of enthu- siasm, but by an act of the will. Decisions are made in adolescence. Expanding life compels a youth to come face to face with many issues. It will include either uniting with the Church or postponement until a more convenient time. To refuse to decide is in itself a decision. The attitude of the youth toward church mem- bership will to a large degree be determined by the attitude of his parents, and older people with whom he is acquainted. Many boys have come to this important stage of their religious life, only to find a barricade to church membership erected by over-cautious parents who believe he is "too young'* or that "he does not understand what he is doing," or "that he may not hold out." Here is the cause of the down grade of many a boy, as well as the heartaches of scores of pastors. No matter what the human mis- takes of the Church have been in the past, the boy needs the Church and the Church needs the boy. Prof. Votaw puts it in this manner: "I wish to say that the boy needs church mem- bership from the age of twelve on. It is one of the greatest expedients devised for helping a boy through the storm and stress period of life. BUs church membership may be, in many RELIGIOUS 133 cases it has been, a sheet anchor to windward holding him off the rocks. Belonging to the Church during the adolescent period, holding oneself to the pledge of membership, standing out positively for the Christian life, seems to me the most important social, moral, and religious relationship a boy can enter upon. The essential thing is that in the adolescent years he assume the individual responsibilities of his life, put his trust in God, commit himself to God*s ideal for men, take up such work as he can do, enter into the larger relationships that now open to him, set himself to achieve the finest manhood, to render the highest service, and to make his life as great a success as possible. He will no- where find so high an ideal as the Christian ideal; he will nowhere find so much companion- ship and help in his course as among Christian people."^*^ Never criticize their church, the pastor or the members in the presence of boys, but encourage them to love their church, to be loyal and full of faith, ready to answer to its great call for service. The function of worship is somewhat over- looked in the development of a boy*s religious life. "In worship, as an expression of the re- Hgious state of mind," says Hartshorne, "the ^ Hartshome, "Worship in the Sunday School," p. 22. 134 BOYOLOGY highest values are symbolized and sought. They are here brought clearly to consciousness and renewed in vitahty. Worship thus becomes a means of social control, for it serves to cultivate and revitalize in the individual the appreciation of objects which in its best moments society has come to regard as of the highest value." The Church is beginning to recognize the necessity of adapting its services to the needs of childhood and youth. The musical features, the responsive readings, the prayer, and the spoken word all appeal to him, especially when they are so ar- ranged that action and right living will result rather than mere formalism. When the youth enters into his eighteenth or nineteenth year, there comes over him a mental turmoil. Doubts of beliefs and ideals are com- mon. He is now thinking, as well as working out his own salvation with fear and trembling. He is no longer a boy. The struggle for man- hood is now on and he is finding out that the conflict between good and evil is no summer's play. It cannot be evaded. It is now difiicult to keep him in the Sunday school and in church. "He feels a revulsion from all sorts of religious emotionalism and you cannot touch him with a year of prayer meetings, even of the quiet, modern type," observes Prof. Fiske. Boyhood visions have been disillusioned — ^he is tinctured RELIGIOUS 135 with a certain kind of cynicism and doubt. It is during this terrific struggle for character — Christian character — that he needs friendship, constant, abiding, sympathetic friendship, rather than criticism. He is now looking for the real thing, and honors above everything else real nobility of character that is devoid of sham. He is usually silent about it, for he is afraid of being misunderstood. He has his own ideas on religion and plenty of doubt as well. Again quoting that master interpreter of boy-life. Prof. Fiske: "He needs a rational basis for his life creed, and he needs it soon, or he never will get it. It must be proved to him in some natural, undogmatic way (or better, flashed upon his intuitions) that the well-rounded manhood which he covets needs culture on the spiritual side to complete its symmetry. In short, he needs, not the effeminate sort, but a man's religion, which will appeal to his whole manhood. For the young man is not all spirit. He has a body to keep strong and well, and he welcomes any means which will help him in his life problem. He needs the right kind of fellowship, the heart of good friendship and the moral backbone of upright comradeship. . . . Above all he needs to be on friendly terms with Jesus Christ. Give him the great protection of the Christ love, the high incentive of the Christ ideals, the mighty 186 BOYOLOGY impulse of the Christian purpose, the Christ loyalty — with the brotherly comradeship of the Christian Church; and you have armed him with all the panoply of God. He will win his fight."" **A creed is a rod. And a crown is of might; But this thing is God: To be man, with thy might; To stand straight in the strength of thy spirit And live out thy life as the light." — Pbesidbnt William DeWitt Htob. 11 Fiake, "Boy Life and Self Govenunent," pp. 268, 269. CHAPTER VII Vocational Characteristics **The world has work for us; we must refuse No honest task, nor uncongenial toil: Fear not your feet to toil nor robe to soil Nor let your hands grow white for want of use." — Allen Palmer Alleeton. What shall a boy's life be? This is a most serious problem with both the boy and his parents. "As the twig is bent the tree is in- clined," goes an old saying. Judging from the large number of vocationally "bent" individuals in the world, one is led to believe that much of the bending was inclined downward during the moldable period of their youth or else, like Topsy, "they just growed," whithersoever in- clined. "As the boy is started so the man prob- ably will be." Many of the failures in life as well as much of the unhappiness and discontent, and shall we say crime, is traceable to our ap- parent inability to harness the aptitudes in the boy to definite vocations. Ask the boy of today, "What do you want to become?" or "What 137 188 BOYOLOGY are you going to do?" and invariably you get the reply, "I don't know,'* or, "Oh, anything that comes along," or else they plan to capture a job with big pay and little work. In answer to the question: "What occupation or profession are you going to follow as a life work?" 375 boys gave the following replies: Undecided 107 Electrical Engineering 42 Young Men's Christian Association Work S6 Business 29 Farming or Forestry 19 Chemistry 15 Machinist 14 Law 14 Civil Engineering IS Medicine 13 Ministry 7 Draughtsman 7 Architecture 6 Art 4 Dentist 4 Textiles 4 Mechanical Engineering 4 Jewelry Trade 8 Musician S Accountant 8 Journalism 2 Carpenter 2 Navy 2 Army 2 Stenography 2 Banker 2 Insurance 2 Cotton Manufacturing 1 Wool Manufacturing 1 English Professor 1 Private Secretary 1 Detective 1 VOCATIONAL 139 Teacher Printer Mining Engineer Geologist Plumber Civil Service Clerk Embassy Work Marine Architect 107 were undecided. 268 chose forty professions, trades and occupations. Ninety per cent of the boys were over sixteen years of age and attending high school. They were the representative boys of 86 different cities and towns in two states. One reason why so large a number were considering the work of the Young Men's Christian Association, was that they were Association boys and in attendance at a conference of older boys con- ducted by the Association. Forty different professions, trades, and occupations were named by the boys. The fact that 107 of the 375 had not yet decided is evidence of the need of voca- tional guidance and advice by parents and schools, so that boys may be steered away from "blind alley" jobs and "any old thing that comes along." Aptitude comes as much from special training as from natural gifts. Inclination is largely a matter of desire and of the will; it is habituated desire. 140 BOYOLOGY "Give the boy a hammer and A pocketful of nails. Turn him loose at making things — Soon there will be wails. Sobs, then sniffles — then he's out Trying it anew; That's the thing that counts in life — Grit to see it through. "Guess we're boys most all our lives; Only sometimes we Lay our hammers down too soon. Wishing we could be Smooth at things as some one else. Folks are mighty few Who are born all- wise; the rest Stuck, and saw it through." — Chicago News. To make things is a natural desire. Working with tools is common among boys. A jack- knife is a valuable p>ossession to be found in the pK)cket of every normal boy. If this desire or aptitude for working with tools is encouraged or wisely directed, nothing else will so clearly demonstrate the difference between right and wrong as constructive work, which enables the boy to discover for himself any error which he may make. He learns to test the result of his own work and to despise inaccuracy. It encour- ages neatness, accuracy, and honesty. A lie in wood can be seen. Jacob Riis once said: "When I first saw the Viking Ship dug out in VOCATIONAL 141 Norway, the thing which most impressed me was the mark of a lazy carpenter's axe upon the prow of the ship. He had been too lazy to grind his axe and the record was there plain to be seen after a thousand years." The "playing store" of early chDdhood soon changes into the bartering and trading of boy- hood. A boy's pockets are the index of his wealth. Fifty-seven varieties of articles traded or "swapped" with other embryo merchants, or tradesmen, may be foimd in this wonderful treasure house of the boy — ^his pockets. Whether he will become the honest tradesman or a tricky merchant of the future is determined very largely by the busmess ethics of boyhood. Honesty, genuineness, fairness, and the square deal are business virtues first learned in the school of youth. A newspaper route has been not only a financial asset but a means of developing in the boy the habits of promptness, accuracy, perception, and honesty. Every boy should be studied and watched. Analyze each action and inclination and apti- tude. It will be a great mistake to force him or hurry him to decide upon his life work. "Do not fit him to a calling," says Fowler; "find a calling that fits him. There are a thousand means of livelihood. The boy has but one prominent ability. Discover that ability, and 142 BOYOLOGY feed it with the kind of food it needs, that it may develop into a good thing for the boy and a good thing for the community.*'^ "Physically and mentally the human offspring begins at the lower stratum of animal hfe. What he will be, not what he is, gives him the right of consequence. K he has characteristics, he does not show them. If he thinks, he does not know what he thinks, and therefore he presents little perceptible indication of mind — capacity. His only marked characteristic, or rather, his one display of instinct, is a continual desire for food. He can eat, if food be given him. He doesn't know enough to forage for it. Unkept and unfed, he dies. To eat is the substance of his ambition, and when he is not eating, or trying to eat, he is doing nothing, or is smiling, or crying, or sleeping. He is of importance, not for what he is, but for what he may be, or is likely to be, or it is hoped he will be. He is a Kttle, round, helpless, thin-skinned lump of ex- pectation; entirely helpless, completely dependent, and in a present state of total worthlessness. Yet the maiden aunt and sentimental mother may think that they see in the just-born boy every conspicuous trait from every branch of two family trees." "When the boy is a few years old, family 1 Fowler, "The Boy— How to Help Him to Succeed," p. 13. VOCATIONAL 143 pride and parental conceit, correctly and in- correctly, and often dangerously, discover in him everything they desire to discover." "Up to the tenth or twelfth year-point, the boy's physical condition deserves the first attention with, of course, the absorption of the *Three R's* of school." "The boy now begins to show some permanent likes and dislikes. The keen observer . . . may discover the beginning of some definite charac- teristic, or some particular ability, or some specific tendency." "At the age of ten years, the boy is old enough, and mentally strong enough, to begin to appre- ciate and to be materially influenced by his surroundings. . . . He is mature enough to reason, he is old enough to choose his associates and he does. He is beginning to travel upon the high-road of his life."^ It is just here that many times he is left with- out intelligent guidance to sink or swim. For at about fourteen y^rs of age there is a great outpouring of boys from school to go to work. Then follows the sad tale of "from one job to another" like the rudderless vessel upon the great ocean of life. Do you wonder why? "The time is coming," says Everett W. Lord, "when we will not allow a near-sighted boy to become 2 Fowler, "The Boy— How to Help Him Succeed," p. 18. 144 BOYOLOGY a chaufiFeur, a dull-eared girl to become a stenog- rapher, a chronically careless youth to become a druggist, or an intellectual lightweight to be- come a preacher," but on the other hand, some effort will be made to guide the boy of construc- tive mind, artistic bent, and mechanical skill into something which will afford him a wider range for his powers than the clerical position in a candy shop or as a soda water dispenser, which may happen to be the first opening he finds."^ The home and the school must cooperate in helping the boy become adjusted to his new unfolding environment. The power of self- control and self -propulsion called "will*' is now in process of formation. **The positive dislike for book-study which comes at the age when it is the tendency of the boy to doy and not to study, coupled with the ineffectiveness of the school to meet the natural demand of the boy," is the cause of the boy's hunting a job. This is the reason why there are 16,000,000 boys and girls in the elementary schools of America and only 776,000 in the high schools. "If moral education is to prepare for life," says Edward Howard Griggs, "it must train both the desire for earnest work and the habit of its performance. . . . Hard effort is the one » Lord, "Vocation Direction," p. 10. VOCATIONAL 145 path to a self-control, positive, not negative, that makes it possible for us to trust ourselves and to utilize all our forces for the ends we consider worth while."^ A boy needs help in the choice of a vocation along these three lines: first, he should have a clear understanding of himself, his aptitudes, interests, ambitions, abilities, resomrces, and lim- itations; second, he should have a knowledge of the requirements and conditions of success, the advantages and disadvantages, the compen- sation, opportunities for advancement, social standing, and peculiar demands of different lines of work; third, he should be clearly taught the spiritualization of work, the joy of service, to make the best always the goal, not for self, but for the good of humanity, to believe the mind of the worker must be set eternally upon the attain- ment of a high spiritual goal. A boy is capable of being reasoned with, and the observant parent or teacher will watch for every opportunity to talk with him about the prospect of a life work. It is the boy that finally must make the decision and not his parents. Parental personal ambitions for their boy must often be sacrificed if the boy is to succeed. Forc- ing a boy to take up a business or profession 4 Griggs, "Moral Education," p. 86. 146 BOYOLOGY if he has no inclination or aptitude for it, is sure to end disastrously. Close friendship and confidence will reveal sooner or later, that which "in response to inner nerve growths and new features of his environment, will lead him to assert himself most positively in the direction of some kind of useful occupation." What he needs at this time is encouragement and not criticism. Put into the boy's hands to read, especially when he reaches fifteen or sixteen years of age, such books as "Choosing a Career," by Orison Swett Harden, "What Shall Our Boys do for a Living?" by Wingate, "Profitable Vocations for Boys," by E. H. Weaver, or some sanely written book which will stimulate as well as direct his thinking. Benjamin Franklin in his autobiography says of his father "that he there- fore sometimes took me to walk with him, to see the joiners, bricklayers, turners, braziers, etc., at their work, that he must fix my inclina- tion, and endeavor to fix it on some trade or other on land." Freedom is needed as well as flexibility in helping a boy decide his life work. If the boy enjoys working with the soil and outdoors, better than any other kind of work and has a desire to be a farmer, let him be one, only im- press upon him the advantage of being a good VOCATIONAL 147 fanner, and not a mere drudge; show him that being a graduate of an agricultural college will enable him to work the land much more intel- ligently and successfully. With this natural tendency to the soil, endeavor to arouse within him a desire for increased education, so that he may become a master of the soil instead of its slave. A boy who has an inclination toward business should be told of the need of uprightness and sterling character in business life, how an educa- tion is essential to success, how psychology, soci- ology, scientific salesmanship, and economics all enter into business efficiency, how personal effi- ciency largely determines business efficiency. If he is a student and loves study, show him the differ- ence between memorized learning and thinking out a subject, how a good sound body must accompany a well-developed intellect, how knowledge combined with health gives power and wealth. The boy who has a decided prefer- ence for some profession, should be helped to understand the status of that profession, its advantages as well as disadvantages; tell him the bad as well as the good, how an education is absolutely necessary if he is to become some- thing more than a mere member of the profession. The boy's ability and desire for building, the instinct of workmanship or love of machinery 148 BOYOLOGY may cause him to look favorably upon the trades as a life work. If so, point out to him the differ- ence between a mere worker and one who understands the scientific asp>ects, such as the application of physics, chemistry, etc., to the trades and industries. By this reasoning process direct his decision and conclusion rather than force him to become what you want him to be. Help him to see the value of education, and that no matter what may be his future voca- tion, with an education his earning capacity will be more than doubled and his chances for success trebled. In a study of former pupils of the Pittsburgh schools made by Mr. Burroughs, he gives the following findings: Those leaving school below the eighth grade, average age 14 years 6 months, started to work at a weekly wage averaging $4.96; at the end of four years were earning $10.79, and after eight years $13.25. Those graduating from the eighth grade but not going to high school started to work at $5.96 a week; four years later were making $13.86, and after eight years $16.23. Their ages averaged 15 years and 4 months when they started to work. High school graduates, average age 18 years and 3 months, started at an average pay of $10.73 weekly; after four years it went up to $17.77, and after eight years to $23.44. Give these facts to the boy, and help him see VOCATIONAL 149 the force of such a statement. A great weak- ness in youth is the spirit of discontent, or the habit of moving aimlessly from one thing to another, the unwillingness to take time to ,work out a life plan, or to stick to a given task until something is accomplished. The wise parent or teacher will endeavor to get the boys to see the value of "this one thing I do" instead of "these many things I dabble in" as being the only way to develop concentration. Perhaps this dabbling may be due to adult insistence upon a boy's do- ing something for which he has no inclination and intuitively knows he is not adapted, and therefore he starts out on a term of experimenta- tion hoping to find the one thing of absorbing interest to demand his life, or he may be the victim of a system of education which insists upon the boy being fitted to the school rather than fitting the school to the boy. The attempt to develop concentration or will-power through arbitrary requirements has proven not only a failure, but is largely responsible for dishonesty in studies and truancy. Interest and aptitude are the prime factors in the development of concentration. Marietta L. Johnson, who is work- ing out a most interesting experiment in educa- tion in her school at Fairhope, Ala., holds that an institution has no right to ask, "What do you know?" "Where are your credentials?" 160 BOYOLOGY It should require instead, "What do you need?'* "How may we serve you?" The "standards'* of an institution are thus measured by its ser- vices, not by its requirements. "Mrs. Johnson's standards are a healthy body, an alert and active mind, and a sweet spirit. . . . For the health of the body there is an out-of-door activity adapted to the development and the strength and the needs of the child. For the mind there are the acquaintance with nature at first hand, the solving of problems in the making of things, the controlling of forces and of materials, the mastery of quantity in the measuring and weighing and calculating, the learning of stories from history and from literature, with their instinctive dramatization. There is constant translation of words into thoughts and actions. Finally the health of the spirit is ministered to by the provision of 'sincere experiences' in relation to other children and in relation to the forces and materials of nature and industry. There is joy in the work because the work has meaning. Mrs. Johnson sees very clearly that half-hearted work is insincere."* Netta M. Breckenridge interprets this desire for freedom in education in her poem, "The Child Ciy:" "I am a child — oh, do not tie me up To schools, and desks, and books misunderstood. When I am yearning to run out a-field. To search the quiet of the dim, sweet wood. "And — oh — sweet Mother — do not set me sums. And those stiff, staring copies of some word. Let me count meadows full of clover blooms. And learn the sweet, free singing of a bird. » The Scientific American Supplement, Nov. 14, 1914. VOCATIONAL 151 "For I have found a Teacher to my mind. She whispers sweet instruction when at rest I stretch brown arms — bare feet in cool, deep grass That feels the heart throb 'neath her great warm breast. "Then when the trees, the flowers, the sky, the birds. Have taught their true, strong lessons, I'll come in With eager, hungry questioning, and say, 'The books — sweet Mother — quick, I must begin!' " "Spontaneity is absolutely necessary to orig- inality," says Dr. Harden. "The enterprising side of his nature, the enthusiastic, natural side, is absolutely crushed in many a youth before he reaches his majority.'*** Naturalness and self-expression should be en- couraged instead of being repressed. If a boy does not show interest or enthusiasm in his studies there is something wrong, for these char- acteristics are as natural to a boy as play is to a young dog or song to a bird. It is a very easy thing to crush ambition and interest and enthusiasm in a boy. This may be done through a lack of sympathy, through indifference, or through neglect. He is hungry for encourage- ment, for direction, and for leadership. It is the duty of the parent and the teacher to en- deavor to understand the boy, his natural ex- pression and his bent, and then let him know your interest and willingness to help achieve his heart's desire and purpose. • Marden, "Chooeing a Career," p. 4. 152 BOYOLOGY Statistics show that about five out of every 100 boys go from the public schools to college, yet we compel the other 95 who do not or camiot go, to prepare for college just the same. This blundering process has caused many misfits in life. Cities are beginning to feel the drain of the unemployed, many of whom are the products of this inefficient system of education. Recently some of the thoughtful citizens of Memphis made a careful study of their school system and discovered that Memphis invited every youth in the city to become a teacher or lawyer, a doctor or minister, but she encouraged none to prepare in school for efficient service in her hundreds of factories and thousands of offices. They became convinced that Memphis needed more skilled workers in her shops, fac- tories, and homes instead of university grad- uates, some of whom were prepared for nothing more than holding down an engineering job tending a peanut roaster. They respected the peanut vender who sells honest measures at fair prices, provided he was unprepared to render more useful service to the community; they also agreed that a man who received from twelve to sixteen years of schooling at public expense should make a greater return to society than is possible as a street vender. When a boy leaves school, the world wants VOCATIONAL 153 to know what he can do, how well he can do it, and how soon he can get it done. This means that the school must adapt its course of study to the needs of the boy, as well as to changing conditions. By their overcrowded enrolment, manual training schools, technical schools, and schools of applied art reveal the appreciation of the home and the boy. In these schools a boy sees a chance for self-expression, or at least an opportunity for a "try-out." The public schools of tomorrow will incorporate many of the ideas being tried out today by private schools such as the Interlaken School at Rolling Prairie, Indiana, and by courageous municipalities, as at Gary, Indiana. The future method of impart- ing instruction will be through vizualization; it wiU be more human and natural and less book- ish and artificial; it will be individual instead of class work; it will be made so interesting that boys will look upon education as something to be desired and school a place of delight instead of something to run away from; it will teach boys how to live. "Educational experts contend that our schools should be made still more efficient in preparing the youth of the community for citizenship, and many are reaching the conclusion that this may be done by devoting more time to subjects which prepare students for entering upon some 154 BOYOLOGY remunerative pursuit," says John W. Curtis, in a recent article on vocational education.^ "It is certainly desirable that our future citizens be better workers, and that future workers be better citizens.'* All are agreed that every boy should become a useful worker and a reliable citizen and many believe that manual training is aiding materially in securing this result. It has afforded a means of stimulating the dormant creative instinct with which most boys are en- dowed and has aided in developing it into cre- ative genius, which may be defined as the ca- pacity for hard work or, as Edison says, is com- posed of "2 per cent inspiration and 98 per cent perspiration." This may mean less Latin and more civics, less of the non-essential and more of the essential, fewer elective and more selective studies. In this demand for a newer type of vocational education there is the danger of neglecting the cultural side of education. Dr. David Snedden in his book, "Problems of Educational Readjust- ment," divides education into two parts, namely, vocational and liberal, and defines them briefly as follows: '^Vocational education is designed to make of a person an efficient producer; Ub- eral education may be designed to make a person an efficient consumer or user." The great task 7 Ctirtis, Manual Training Magazine, Dec, 1913, p. 89. VOCATIONAL 155 of the school authorities is so to harmonize the vocationalizing and liberalizing materials that all will work together in developing the strongest possible type of individual and the best kind of a citizen. "We are learning that work and in- dustry are not inconsistent with culture," writes William A. McKeever, "but that they are a necessary part of it; cultured artisans as well as cultured artists constitute a part of this new age of progress." Motives are incentives to the will. Love of activity, love of power, love of fame, are mo- tives which may be appealed to in shaping a boy's future motives vocationally. Make clear to him the difference between a right and wrong motive. Many methods are being used in dis- covering the motives of a boy, such as the "Know YourseK" campaigns and personal interviews with men who have the ability of winning the confidence of boys and to whom they will re- veal their problems. Methods used in dealing with large numbers of boys are always in danger of becoming formal and automatic, and there- fore ineffective. The method should always be a means to an end, namely, the arousement within a boy of that spirit which will lead him into a larger life of usefulness, happiness, and service. Hanging upon the walls of my library is a 156 BOYOLOGY framed photograph of Edwin Markham, and underneath in his own handwriting this sentence: "WTiile we are making a living let us not fail to make a life." WTiatever the life call may be to a boy, make sure that he understands the imp>ortance of reverencing his work "to make of it a way of life.'* Vocation then becomes something more than a means of getting a liv- ing. It is this spiritualization of work, the joy of service that makes the livelihood of life worth while. A boy cannot be impressed too early in life with the glorification of work, whether mental or muscular. "Seek ye therefore the motive with its associating results and all the rest shall be added unto you.'* "Vocations are then 'higher* or 'lower' only as they express more or less of the ideal and consecration of the spirit, and any honest voca- tion may express it all. Shoes into which a man has sewn character are worth wearing; they will keep the water out. A house into which a man has built character is good to live in; it wiQ be weather tight. Books into which a man has written character are worth reading; they will contain sound thought.**^ This was the spirit of Moses whose prayer to God is re- corded in the 90th Psalm, especially verses 16 and 17. "Let thy work appear unto thy ser- 8 Grigga, "Self Culture through the Vocation," p. 71. VOCATIONAL 157 vants and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it." To prevent greed and avarice and selfishness, so much in evidence in the money making of to- day, the bo^ must be taught from the very start the joy of serving or doing some work for no other pay than that of gratitude and love, ser- vice to be given freely, out of the heart's de- sire, gladly, without money and without price. There is a saying in the Koran, that when a man dies the people say, "What has he left behind him.^" but the recording Angel says^ "What good deeds has he sent before him?" "Let me but do my work from day to day. In field or forest, at the desk or loom. In roaring market-place or tranquil room Let me but find it in my heart to say When vagrant wishes beckon me astray, 'This is my work; my blessing, not my doom: Of all who live, I am the one by whom This work can best be done in my own way.* "Then shall I see 'tis not too great, nor small: To suit my spirit and to prove my powers; Then shall I cheerful greet the laboring hours. And cheerful turn, when the long shadows fall At eventide, to play and love and rest Because I know for me my work is best." — Henry van Dyke, -< a g Slow growth in height and weight. Brain growth slow. Restlessness — energy. Coordination of muscles — play out of doors. An energy storing period for use of next period. Memory at its best. Attention weak. Perception strong. Imagination of practical turn. Reasoning developing rapidly. , Imitation of adults — with a purpose to be like them. Suggestibility strong. Will stronger. g Rapid growth of brain and muscle. Peculiarly liable to disease. Impulsive. Memory increasing. Perception keen. Curiosity — the "why" "how" stage. Imagination active. Will begins to develop. Imitation of adults strong. Suggestibility. •< H » g Very rapid rate of growth. Skin highly sensitive — learns much by touch. No coordination of powers. Restlessness. Invests inanimate things with life. Perception of concrete objects keen. Memory for concrete things. Curiosity — the "what" stage. Imitation unconscious. No real thought power. Fanciful imagination. Open to suggestion. fux>*^^^<^ ^IZiHWHJHJWUHP^hJ 158 g Imaginative "fears." Sympathy, love, affection. Crude sense of humor. Shyness. Social impulses increasing. Pugnacious nature. Sense of right of property de- velops. Altruism prominent. Less selfishness. Love of order increases. g CO Fears prominent and are im- aginative, increasing. Sensitive "feelings." Anger, pride, jealousy. Desire for company grows rap- idly. Pugnacious. Disregard for dress. Love of order. Rebels against restraint of any kind. 1 g on Fear — anxiety for right. Anger, jealousy. Sympathy begins at close to three. Instinctive emotional feeling. Many emotions imitative. All emotions superficial. Fears are imaginative. Fear prompts desire for com- pany. Selfishness common. Generosity sometimes found. Imitates unconsciously. wSoh-«o;z;^hj viO^^<^ 159 'a "o o O S *o ^ OQ . 3 < ais 1 ^1 -2 2 § i g* sis ill eg O-v- O §11 1-5 a ^ y.ti'S^ .a a 1 1 1 J ^ s T3 «n f a < CJ eg mi IS "T" O 3 Si'S OS g 3 y S.2 CO . o "2 o o lip I'l ■ till |3 g3S| S 3 5 si a> 00 §► 'V § - 1 1. o i 1 •g a o- H to — 3 M)"S— 2 g oil g .li^lli y. -o:^ 93 Ox-i B OJ ^,£3 w • cS"^ 3 «u S *j « S5 K£o ^opi<^ BiWiJ"0"00ai 160 -3 ii. a s 8 S S oj'S o d a ^ £ d -^ o o « «« o >• ^ ."tJ fl . fl o? 03 -d -tf -r t! «j -^ > X s « '" _43 .s ® ^a a .2 .•1 S|§ ^1 i s ^ g •S ifiS ' "S ago oa ^-» r^ M >H 02 ill 3 i >> « oj 60 •c o ° s •3 " o o § 2 fl o o3«V 6 §•■3 s g^ |.s pi 2 ^ J s fl a c3 <^^'^^B Q<;;z:owtfc» h-(;z;HWpHWcnHcn 161 g GO < Strength and agility cultivated. Body normally under mental control. Height is attained, but devel- opment continues to end of period. Ripening of powers. Vigor of will power manifest strong. Logical memory still broaden- ing. Reason predominates over all things. Doubts strong — climax. Great readjustment in thinking. Mental powers very keen. < 00 g CO Q Q Body nearly grown. Mind begins to have control over body. Bodily impulses growing stronger. Logical memory growing stronger. Reason leads to independent thought. Doubts strong — increase later. Imitation on decline. Greater activity in thinking. Receptive powers quick. CO g I— t Very rapid growth — bones may outgrow muscle or vice- versa. Awkwardness. Boisterousness. Change of features. Vitality and energy alternates with languor. Health better in most cases. Heredity asserts itself. Creative imagination. Verbal memory but logical. Reason. Doubt growing stronger. Suggestibility. Imitation — becomes like ideal. Great intellectual energy wants outlet. Power of influence strong. ;^X>im^^<^ HH;z:HaiJ>JHQHP-^:;§ o V Ilia •§ l< i|2 a.9 I O ^ ^^ fa 1 t: o) /-I ^ §1^ 5 g d H •S-S-ol " 9^.2 a 1-^11 111 S*OT .2 s 2^ i:5»-s S o~-% a ^S Ctt ^i^ op,"*) .•5b m o d*43 s en wJ3ohhho:z: « •m o Consci Consci exac Cond agar Age o nent Questit 1 1 ^ 1 u « o CJ 03 o S '-' s d 9 quickened, keen and exact t se of period. r moral law. attra piritu ural. convi y aft sion. g CO 'forms" lose desires for s ase. motions nat ;heological g of theolog atest conver ? I Sensibilitiei Conscience ward clo Respect foi eligious *' tion and life incre eligious e efinite t tions. uestionini 14 years, ge of gre years. 1 tf «Q C < 5 '^OP^<^ P5 W »J "-^ O ►-^ O S c« S 1 164 d I -a S AT) ^ a a 5^ o o ^ K^ d 2^ fe -S-^a o J- o SP . d-S 3| a ^ w .9 tJ d 5 « "^ o ,d ^ -5 '3 o ** o •a .J2 a >> 3 i V to o.S O 0) 4-> d '2 s CUD—, 2: o d J 4^ OQ a) 00 w rs 43 D :3 ^ o d _ o O J^' 06 O Q. SP'-S -2^ o d g'.S 2 •^ g— — 2 o s a o ^-o-g d M b S ID a; a ^ o &^ d en ^_i '^.*' ft o o « 05 d d (D as I— (C^ "w *t5 *j d ® d OJ CO d J« ^•' &0 (U ^^ f ;2;h Qonsibilities during boyhood, in the home, in the Sunday school, in the public school, in the camp, in the Association, on the play- ground. When the appeal of the larger loyalty and responsibility comes, he will measure up to the best that is in him. "Every boy who comes to maturity," says T. A. Craig, 'Tias cost the state — that is you and me TAKING HIS MEASURE 183 — one thousand dollars. Some boys go wrong. When a boy goes wrong, we not only lose our thousand dollars, but we have to spend another thousand to protect ourselves against him." Responsibihty inspires a boy to measure up to his best and naturally prevents wrong doing. Standards of right doing are established also by a knowledge of evil, just as the value of fresh air is taught by being told something of the evil of the lack of it. Ignorance of the dark and seamy side of life is not always a help to boys who are on the edge of a world in which good and evil are mixed. If boys are to be equipped with permanent standards of productive- ness and to measure up to their potentialities, they must be given hard things to do, they must be saved from the sin of selfishness through service for others, and the parent or friend who can guide them into paths of right doing will ever be remembered. Memory never forgets the friends of boyhood. "I had a friend*' is the secret of the manly, virile character of many men. "Earth's future glory and its hopes and joys Lie in the hearts and hands of growing boys. The world is theirs, to do with as they will; The world is theirs, for the good results or ill. We soon must give into their outstretched hands The mighty issues of our changing lands. 184 BOYOLOGY In Earth's large house they soon shall take their place, A menace or a glory to the race. Tremendous issues on Time's threshold wait; We need strong men to guide the Ship of State Into the harbor of the next decade. Look to the boys from whom strong men are made." CHAPTER IX The Language of the Fence "There was a child went forth every day and the first object he looked upon, that object he became, and that object became part of him for the day or a certain part of the day, or for many years or stretching cycles of years." — Whitman. The language of the fence speaks more effec- tively in the molding of sentiment and morals among boys than does the eloquence of the pulpit. A piece of chalk in the hands of an evil-minded boy will cause the fence, side wall of a house, and even the pavement to blossom forth in pictures and language which the law forbids tongue to utter or artist to paint. This language is but the reflection of the thought life of the boy. As the boy grows older these thoughts become actions and society receives a shock. Frequently a school house may be located by the language chalked on nearby fences, and walks. It is appalling how thoroughly even immature boys and girls understand this lan- guage. It is a language not printed in books 185 186 BOYOLOGY but passed on from community to community in about the same way as marble playing, and the games of youth. The only difference in each community is the degree of vileness. Coun- try villages frequently exhibit more shocking drawings and sentences of filthy verse than the congested sections of the city. A traveler from Maine to California will not find a community where "the language of the fence" cannot be seen and read. The preponderance of its influence is evidenced by the records of the Juvenile Courts. The crimes of manhood begin during the habit-making period of youth. A mental photograph of the fence language was made through the lens of the eye, thought was stimulated, and action determined. Through a succession of uncon- trolled thoughts, habits were strengthened and hardened, until the mature criminal was pro- duced. Why are parents so blind and com- munities so self-centered upon material progress and success that they cannot read the language of the fence, or see its effect upon these citizens of tomorrow? Why are boys and girls per- mitted to be taught by others the vile names given to parts of their body before first learning their real names from their Grod appointed teachers — ^Mother and Father.? With a view to verifying these statements I THE LANGUAGE OF THE FENCE 187 interviewed 288 boys, all of whom were fifteen years of age and over and who represented good homes — ^homes of culture and education — in about forty different cities and towns. The answers to my first question, "How old were you when you were first told by anyone about sex mat- ters?" is shown in the following tabulation and chart. Age 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 No. boys 2 10 5 1 25 13 40 26 56 29 37 21 7 2 2 My second question, "From whom did you first receive such information?" revealed the fol- lowing: From Mother 75 " Father 9 " Other adults 45 " boys 144 " Girls 15 288 My third question, "What was the character of the information, pure or impure?" brought out the fact that whenever the parent was the first teacher in the boy's school of life, the in- formation was naturally pure, but when the "other boy" was the instructor the information was of the vilest sort. It was only after twelve years of age, when older boys of the right sort 188 BOYOLOGY A6E,4 5 e 7 6 9_I0JI 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The age when boys received first information on matters op sex 288 boys replied to the questionnaire THE LANGUAGE OF THE FENCE 189 became Big Brothers, and saw the need of cor- rectional advice that the information given by boys was pure. The adults and parents came into the boy*s life too late. His mind was al- ready poisoned and his habits formed. One boy said, "When I was hardly out of the kinder- garten all kinds of impure jokes and information began to pour into my ears from the mouths of other boys. My father, when he found out my condition, informed me in a very direct and emphatic, though kindly way about the true facts and taught me to abhor rigidly even the slightest suggestion of impurity, but he came into my life too late." The schoolyard was the place where a ten-year-old boy found out the wrong side of life. A farm hand was the in- structor in evil for an eleven-year-old boy. An- other boy said, "My honest opinion is that the parents of today do not give the necessary information to their boys about such a vital matter. I know of many fellows who have fallen into immoral habits because their parents have not told them." The Young Men's Christian Association in one of our American cities, desiring to be of service to the parent as well as the boy, in the matter of sex instruction, sent the following letter to one thousand parents inclosing ad- dressed reply envelope: 190 BOYOLOGY To the Fathers of our Boys. Subject ! — Sex Education. Dear Sir: The Educational Committee of the Boys' Division is desirous of obtaining the opinions of the parents on the subject of Sex Education. The CoHMnittee realizes that many parents are reluctant about giving their boys instruction in this subject and it is anxious to help them over- come this reluctance if possible. If the replies received on cards similar to the one inclosed, indicate that the parents are will- ing to give this instruction, the Committee may arrange to give a course of talks or readings to assist the parents. If, however, the returns indicate that the parents prefer to have their boys instructed by those who are thoroughly famiUar with every phase of the subject, the Committee will plan a course of talks and read- ings for the boys, dividing them into groups according to their physical development. It is the Committee's intention that all instruc- tion shall be based upon the sacredness of God's laws as exemplified in nature through reproduc- tion in plant, bird, fish, and animal life. Wher- ever the boy, through right thought, is led to make analogies in human life, his questions will be truthfully answered. All morbid details will be avoided in answering these questions and the boy's curiosity will be thoroughly satisfied. THE LANGUAGE OF THE FENCE 191 We hope you will be prompt in filling in the inclosed card and in mailing same in the addressed envelope provided. The Educational Committee Boys' Division. A card was also inclosed upon which was printed the following: Please answer the following questions by marking an (X) in either column under Yes or No. 1. Do you prefer to give all the Sex In- struction to your boy yourself? 2. Are you willing to have your boy given Sex Instruction in accordance with the intentions of the Committee? 3. Would you be willing to meet with other parents to discuss this subject? 4. Do you feel that your boy knows all he ought to know about the subject? Yes No After a lapse of one week 105 replies were received or about 10 per cent of the number of parents addressed. The replies were as follows: To question No. 1 "yes" 7 "No" 90 8 made no reply " 2 " 99 " 6 * 3 " 60 " 21 24 made no reply «( <« tf ^ t( ^ « Q^ J t< « « The replies received tell the same sad story 192 BOYOLOGY of parental willingness to shift responsibility uix)n other shoulders for the instruction of their boys in matters of sex. The replies to No. 3 reveal an attitude of indifference that is stag- gering, as well as appalling. In talking with parents upon this subject they exhibit an attitude of fear lest their boy be not old enough to understand. It is better for parents to tell the facts to their boy two years too early than ten minutes too late, for if the wrong boy comes into the boy's life ten minutes before father or mother becomes his confidential adviser it is too late. Already the author of the "language of the fence'* has poisoned his mind. The fact that one hundred and forty-four boys received their first information in sex matters from other boys instead of their parents is a serious indictment against parenthood. **0h, why didn't my parents tell me!" is the pitiful wail of the habit-boimd boy. "Ah, how for- tunate for me!" is the satanic reply of the quack who harvests a rich crop of unfortunate students of this fence language. Who is the real sinner, the boy or his parent.' "The City Beautiful" agitation has aroused civic conscience to such an extent that even if the bill board has not been done away with, it is at least better censored. In many cities or- dinances forbid the posting of vulgar show bills THE LANGUAGE OF THE FENCE 193 or scenes depicting murder, but the "language of the fence," in the terms of advertising, is not yet as clean or as honest as it should be. False statements concerning food products and liquids are attractively presented on bill boards which the boy reads on his way to school or work. In many cities the bill board is still the corrupter of morals. Thrilling lithographs in front of moving-picture shows excite scores of boys to criminal acts. These are but other forms of "the language of the fence," greatly influencing the morals of every boy who stands and reads. Many sermons and heart-to-heart talks will be required before the boy will forget the language lesson of the fence. How can we abolish this school of "fence language.'^" The destruction of chalk or the voting of bill-board ordinances "won't do the trick." It can only be done through the boy himself. A movement for clean speech, clean sport, and clean living has been quietly influencing thousands of boys in our public schools. Just as boys are responsible for the existence of the language of the fence, so must they be made responsible for its abolishment. Already in many towns the "fence" has received a thorough scrubbing through a very simple process. A boy leader in the school gets another boy to stand with him on the following platform: 194 BOYOLOGY I resolve to stand for clean speech, clean sport, and clean living, and will endeavor to spread these principles among my companions, and try to help my fellow students in every other possible way. Signed. Witnessed by. Date Wherever a group of determined boys have stood together upon this platform, the entire school has felt its influence, and where teachers, school directors, and city authorities have failed, the boys have succeeded in accomphshing a "clean up." The Japanese very cleverly teach three im- portant truths to their boys through the use of three monkeys known as "The Three Wise Monkeys.'* One monkey has covered his eyes with his hands and is called "See no evil," the second monkey is holding his hands over his ears and is called "Hear no evil," the third has his hands placed over his mouth and is called "Speak no evil." In this unique manner boys are taught the seriousness of mental photography and brain impressions through the lenses of the eye, and the recording power of the ear, as well as the lesson of controlled speech. What a wonderful thing is the eye! According to the findings of Prof. Tyndall, light analyzed THE LANGUAGE OF THE FENCE 195 is compounded of the colors of the rainbow; the length of the longest light wave, the red, is thirty- nine one-thousandth of an inch. Light travels at the rate of 192,000 miles a second. Multiply the length of the wave of red hght by the rate of miles traveled by light in a second and you have 474 trillions of red waves that strike the eye every second. This wonderful as well as powerful lens is making brain impressions that eternity alone can erase. A very young child will follow a moving light with his eye, thus showing the early (perhaps the instinctive) tendency to connect sight proper and the muscular sensation. Pictures have always had an appeal. The child mind is able to understand pictures long before words. The words he hears are instinc- tively formed into internal pictures. "Let the eye have something to rest upon and his mental powers are relieved from the task of internal picture making."^ Here is the pedagogical value of the "Three Wise Monkeys." Boys have a great interest in pictures of human beings. Ninety-nine per cent of the drawings of very young children are of people, crude in detail, just a few strokes of the pencil. Adolescents pay much attention to details. This is evidenced in the drawings made by boys and girls of the high-school age seen in popular mag- 1 Freeman, "The Use of lUustration," p. 16. 196 BOYOLOGY azines and in the "Young People's Column" of metropolitan newspapers. Style is depicted in minutest detail, such as the latest collar, cut of coat or dress, combing of hair, etc. Imagination plays an important part in these iUustrations. "Adolescence is the golden age for picture-study." In these days of idealism it is Dr. G. Stanley Hall's opinion that "Art should not now be for art's sake, but for the sake of feeling and char- acter, life and conduct,"^ "such an opportunity for infecting the soul with vaccine of ideality, hope, optimism, and courage in adversity, will never come again. Art is the chief regulator of the heart, out of which are the issues of life." Those who would destroy boyhood know how to use pictures. A picture reaches to a boy's depths; and what he sees is very apt to repro- duce itself in an action. It is dm-ing the develop- ment of the sex instincts that the language of the obscene picture speaks in siren-like tones. The currents of new impulses may sweep him off his feet with wrong doing. Sane instruction in matters of sex cannot be- gin too soon. The questions of the child are the mother's opportunity. What to say, and how to say it, is the concern of both mother and father. "Secrecy," says Dr. Chadwick, "witJb its companion, prurient curiosity, is the cause 2 Hall, "Adolescence," Vol. I, p. 186. THE LANGUAGE OF THE FENCE 197 of much unrest and sin in later life." "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he" is particularly true of sex life, inasmuch as the sex organism is so peculiarly under the influence of the sym- pathetic nervous system, that system which re- sponds so strongly to thought and emotion. "Where did I come from?" is a racial question every boy repeats in various stages of his de- velopment. Too long the stork myth and the policy of repressing this vital question has prevailed, and in the boy's growing desire for a definite, honest answer, much misinforma- tion is gotten from those who are not squeamish, which is the cause of unnecessary sorrow and perpetual pain to the seeker after truth. Parental hypocrisy in sex matters has caused much wreck- age of boy life. The boy has the right to know the truth, for verily the truth shall make him free. The first teacher in the boy's school of life must be his mother. "Where have I come from, where did you pick me up?'* the baby asked its mother. She answered half crying, half laughing, and clasping the baby to her breast — "You were hidden in my heart as its desire, my darling. "You were in the dolls of my childhood's games; and when with clay I made the image of my god every morn- ing, I made and unmade you then. "You were enshrined with our household deity, in his worship I worshiped you. "In all my hopes and my loves, in my life, in the life of my mother you have lived. 198 BOYOLOGY "In the lap of the deathless Spirit who rules our home you have been nursed for ages. "When in girlhood my heart was opening its petals, you hovered as a fragrance about it. "Your tender softness bloomed in my youthful limbs, like a glow in the sky before the sunrise. "Heaven's first darling, twin-born with the morning light, you have floated down the stream of the world's life, and at last you have stranded on my heart. "As I gaze on your face, mystery overwhelms me; you who belong to all have become mine. "For fear of losing you I hold you tight to my breast. What magic has snared the world's treasure in these slender arms of mine?" — The Crescent Moon by Rabindbanath Tagobe. It is a mother's privilege to translate the poetic into the scientific fact. Much publicity and discussion upon this question has produced a literature of available books written in terms readily understood. One of the best books to read to very young children is "Blossom Babies," by M. Louise Chadwick, M.D. Through the story of reproduction in flowers, insects, and animal life, the way of approach to later in- formation is made easier and as puberty ap- proaches the boy is ready to receive the biological facts. It is most unwise to put books which deal with sex life into the hands of a growing boy. Much of the value of such books is destroyed by "Prefaces," "Forewords to Parents," "Bibli- ographies," and advertisements of other books. THE LANGUAGE OF THE FENCE 199 Nine times out of ten, the boy reads this informa- tion before he reads the book itself. A careful study of scores of books and hundreds of pamphlets revealed the truth of this statement, and a book for boys, free from everything except the message itself, is yet to be produced. It is much better to read the book yourself and then by word of mouth tell the truth and the facts in your own language, face to face, and eye to eye. When the story has been told, don't repeat it. Repetition makes the boy blase and hardened and sophisticated. I hope the time will never come when sex instruction will be incorporated in the curriculum of the public school. Sex instruction, if placed in the same curriculum with Latin, Algebra, and other school studies, will lose its effectiveness. Knowledge alone is not enough. Responsibility must be stirred and noble emotions must be aroused. The routine of the school system does not lend itself to this sympathetic, vital, and spiritualizing type of instruction. The home is the God appointed school for sex instruction. God, who holds the parent responsible for bringing the boy into the world, will hold that parent equally respon- sible for the boy's instruction as to how he came into the world. Parents who feel their inability to impart this important knowledge should learn 900 BOYOLOGY how; it is a part of their business of being a parent. Mothers' Congresses, parent-teachers' associations, women's clubs and medical socie- ties are providing the way for parental instruction. It is too sacred a matter for parents to shift to the shoulders of another person or an institu- tion. Mother love must be explained to a boy by his father or his god-father. Tell him how for months he was a part of mother, how every morsel of food she ate helped to feed him, how in every step she took great care was exercised, how every book and picture was read and looked upon with relation to his well-being, for she was anxious that he come into the world without a spot or blemish. Tell him how there came a time when he was to be delivered, how mother's hfe hung in the balance, and how joy followed the pain of deUvery, as she looked upon his face for the first time and heard the cry that escaped from his hps, and there came into her heart and life a love that only mothers experience, a love that never leaves nor forsakes, a love that never lets go, a love that leads her to speak to her son in the following language of motherhood: "Do you know that your soul is of my soul such part That you seem to be fibre and core of my heart? None other can pain me as you, dear, can do; None other can please me or praise me as you. THE LANGUAGE OF THE FENCE 201 •'Remember the world will be quick with its blame If shadow or stain ever darken your name. 'Like mother, like son,' is a saying so true. The world will judge largely of mother by you. "Be yours, then, the task, if task it shall be. To force this proud world to do homage to me. Be sure it will say, when its verdict you've won, 'She reaps as she sowed. Lo! this is her son.' " Love of this sort awakens within the boy a kind of chivalry or knightly devotion, which is a sure anchor in the whirlpool of sex consciousness. He should be taught to ignore the literature of the quack and to refuse books upon the sub- ject unless given to him by his parents. He should be taught the danger of stimulation of the sex hunger through certain forms of social pleasure such as "animal dances,*' "high-keyed" amusements and other types of harmful pleasure. He should be taught to look forward to the time when he will become a home maker, and shown how purity of life determines future happiness. A seventeen-year-old boy was traveling with Prof. John B. DeMotte in Germany. When they arrived at Heidelberg they climbed to the top of the cliff to view the ruins of the old castle. As they sat upon the castle wall, facing the setting sun, the boy, who was unusually quiet and thoughtful, turned to Prof. DeMotte and ex- claimed, "Right over there, where the sun is 202 BOYOLOGY going down, is the girl I love, and I am keeping pure for her sake." Unless this kind of instruction is given, the influence of the "fence language" will cause the boy to "sow more wild oats in one night than he can reap in a life time, and his children will continue to reap the crop to the third and fourth generation." The boy in his teens needs to realize how his future is largely determined by his present deeds, so that when the temptation comes to "sow wild oats," he may hear the plea of the future child, so vitally given by Angela Morgan to the man of pleasure: "At the terrible door of your beautiful sin I am standing within; Your portal of rapture is fated for me In the harvest to be. Do you hearken my cry? It is I; it is I; I who suffer and weep For the revels you keep; I who struggle and plead For the body I need — Strong, splendid, and whole And fit for my soul! I plead that my blood may be cleanly and red; I plead that my tissues be cherished and fed. Wherever you enter, or early or late, There am I at the gate. Wait— think. On the brink THE LANGUAGE OF THE FENCE 203 Of your perilous pleasure! What will it measure? What will it garner of anguish for me In the future to be? Don't you see, don't you know I must reap where you sow? You may revel tonight; But the poison, the blight. The terrible sorrow Are mine on the morrow."* • The Cosmopolitan, January, 1915. CHAPTER X Parental Delinquenct "At night returning, every labour sped. He sits him down, the monarch of a shed; Smiles by his cheerful fire, and round surveys His children's looks, that brighten at the blaze: "While his lov'd partner, boastful of her hoard. Displays her cleanly platter on the board." — Goldsmith — The Traveller 1. 191. The ideals of the city, the state, the nation, the school, and the church will never rise higher than the ideals of the home, for the home is the foundation of society as well as the most ancient of all God-ordained institutions. "No creature is so gregarious as man, and we can hardly conceive him except as a member of the family. . . . One of the best measures of domestication in animals or of civilization in man is the intensity of love of home. This is a very complex feeling and made up of many ties, hard to dissect, or even to enumerate. Kline attempts to analyze the factors of love of home, in order of their intensity, as follows: love of parents, scenery, house, familiar ways, freedom of opinion and conduct, relatives and friends, animals, pleasant memories, sympathy^ 204 PARENTAL DELINQUENCY 205 etc. We also find specified the room, articles of furniture, the garden, hills, trees, rocks, meadow, streams, frankness of expression, leisure to do as one pleases, liberty to arrange things to one's taste. All these make up the content of that magic word, home, of which the hearth with its altar-fire is the heart. It inclines to settled habits of life, is the converse of the rov- ing instinct, and is largely woman's creation."^ The great problem demanding a satisfactory solution is the problem of maintaining the whole- some home ideals which make the American home the nation's bulwark. Life today is speeded to the eight-cylinder capacity, whether the scene of action be Fifth Avenue or the East Side. The ceaseless pursuit of wealth at the sacrifice of honesty, and at the expense of health and real happiness, the lowering of the morals of society through a double standard of morality, the false ambition of parents to force their children into maturity before the charm of childhood has even manifested itself, the struggle of pov- erty, overcrowded housing conditions in the modem cities, are all the evidences of a wrong standard of living and largely responsible for the spirit of imrest in human society. "Parents control the bodies and minds, the hearts and souls of their children, not so much 1 Hall, "Adolescence," Vol. II, p. 375. 206 BOYOLOGY by what their ancestors were as by what they themselves do and think," says Oppenheim. An- cestor worship will not vitally affect the present or the future generation unless the spirit of the past remains alive and is a dominating in- fluence in home making and character building. The spirit of the home maker who is conscious of responsibility will manifest itself in a kind of happiness and contentment found only in a real home, whether humble or pretentious. Somebody has said that homes are workshops into which God sends little babies for parents to fashion into men and women fit for His ser- vice in the great world's work, and yet how many home methods invite fatal disaster, as \he countless number of half-built human taber- nacles testify. "The three 'Modern Furies* are insanity, suicide, and divorce," says John Horace Lockwood. "The appalling rapid rise of the divorce rate is due to faulty training of children, morbid and unnatural views and habits of life, and exaggerated sex-consciousness. This is clearly shown by the uniformity with which insanity and suicide keep pace with the divorce court. Here are the figures: Suicide Persons divorced Insane in per 100,000 per 100,000 Institutions Population Population In 1890 74,000 4.19 144 In 1910 187,791 15. 216 PARENTAL DELINQUENCY 207 "The population of the United States in 1910 was 46.77 per cent greater than in 1890, but the divorce rate had increased 50 per cent, the suicide rate 258 per cent, and, while there is no means of knowing the increased insanity rate, the number of inmates of institutions for the insane had jumped up 152 per cent."^ Accord- ing to recent statistics, fifty-one per cent of the boys in the reformatory schools of California have come there through the breaking up of homes by divorce. Many believe that this is due to the lack of fixed ideals and obedience in the bringing up of children, to fathers and mothers who have been delinquent in their respon- sibility, to a lack of "home" spirit, and the failure of parents to recognize the child of today as the home maker of tomorrow. Juvenile delinquency is a by-product of parental de- linquency. Juvenile Courts would be unneces- sary if parents would stop letting out the training of their children to others. Parental delinquency does not always mean the failure to provide clothes, food, shelter, and an education, but rather the failure to recognize the rights of boyhood and girlhood as well as their potentialities; the failure to give sympathetic companionship; to give time to answering the serious questions; and to give love to heart- 2 The Mothers' Magazine, May, 1914, p. 9. 208 BOYOLOGY hungry adolescents. "It may be true that *man is the architect of his own future,' yet the parent is the architect of the child's character, and society is coming more and more to hold the parent accountable."^ Fathers cannot have a vital part in the business of building their boys into right kind of men by the use of the "absent treatment" method. There is much truth, even if written in the vein of satire, in the following verses printed id the London Sunday School Times: "He was a dog But he stayed at homep And guarded the family night and day. He was a dog That didn't roam. He lay on the porch or chased the stray — The tramps, the hen away; For a dog's true heart for that household beat At morning and evening, in cold and heat. He was a dog. "He was a man And didn't stay To cherish his wife and his children fair. He was a man. And every day His heart grew callous, its love-beats rare. He thought of himself at the close of day. And, cigar in his fingers, hurried away To the club, the lodge, the store, the show. But — he had a right to go, you know! He was a man." » The Mother*' Magazine, October, 1914, p. 7. PARENTAL DELINQUENCY 209 Much could be said also in criticism of mothers who become so absorbed in the uplift of other people's children and humanity in general that they wofuUy neglect their own flesh and blood. Remembering Robert Burns' line, "A > chiel's amang you taking notes," a questionnaire was sent to a number of boys, requesting frank replies to the following questions: 1. What one thing do you hke best about your father? 2. What one thing would you like to have your father do that he does not do? 3. What one thing do you like best about your mother? 4. Wliat one thing would you like to have your mother do that she does not do? The replies from 259 boys from good homes are significant of the way a boy "takes notes." The replies to question Number 1 were as follows: "Honesty.;' "That he is a Christian man." "Interest in my doings." "He treats me good." "His generosity." "His cheerfulness and kindness at times." "His fatherly love for the children." "His willingness to give me advice on any subject." "Shows me things that will help me in life." "His help and knowledge in my work." 210 BOYOLOGY "His purity in talking." "He is like an older brother." "His temperance." "Anxious to give me the best of education." "He never si)eaks disrespectfully of any woman." "Patience." "He is such a good comrade ^ "He is my best friend and chum." "He treats me as a brother." "He lets me do anything that I want that is good and clean." "He is a home-loving man." "He gives me a square deal." "His clean living." "He gives me money." "His help to support me." "He does not smoke or drink." Comradeship, cheerfulness, interest in the boy's doings — in short it was the way father lived rather than his preaching which made the deep- est impression upon the boy. The replies to question Number 2 were: "I would like to have him go to church." "Not to do any different because I have the best father a fellow can have." "Stop smoking." "I would like to have him play games with me." **To be a father to me in all ways." "Join the church." "Hold the family to better religious attitude." "Talk with me." PARENTAL DELINQUENCY 211 "Give his heart to Christ." "Be home Sundays." "Enter into social Ufe." "Not to be so close with his money and be a little more broad minded." "Pay more attention to the Y. M. C. A." ^^ "I would like to have him take a vacation." "He drinks intoxicating liquors at times and I wish he would do away with it." "Help me understand something of his business and teach me to transact business as he does." "Be more of a chum." "Take more interest in athletics which I love." "He's all right as far as I know." "Be able to hold his temper better." "Be more industrious." "Show more interest in me." Actions, the right kind of living, form the basis of the boy's desire for his father. "Watch your step" would be an excellent cautionary signal for fathers. The replies to question Number 3 were as follows: "Her loving care for me." "Her interest in everything I do." "Her unfailing care and kindness." "She is a good mother." "She is a good Christian." "Her tireless working for the uplift of the home." "Knows how to care for us when sick." "Her love and a person to confide in." "Forgiveness." 212 BOYOLOGY "Her loving example." "Knowledge." "That she brought me into the world to find the love and happiness of the fellowship of Jesus Christ." "Her self-sacrificing manner." "She is modest yet modem." "She confides in me." "She tries so much to please me." "Her patience and loving-kindness." "Her love for us kids." "Good natured." "She is so thoughtful." "She tries to make home what it should be." "Kindness." "She has good common sense." "Her devotion toward me." "Kind, the best mother any boy would want." "She is not in society.^' ' **Her never-failing faith in God" (father dead). **That she is not cross." "She stands up for me." **Her hospitaUty." These are the silent ways in which a real mother guides her boy to manhood, and because "She has taught him matters of honor his part. Her influence gentle is deep in his heart." DOLSON. The replies to question Number 4 were: "Nothing; I have the best mother any boy can have." "Go to church." PARENTAL DELINQUENCY 213 **To be a mother to me in all ways." "I would like to have her belong to the King's Daughters in my church." "A better religious attitude in the home." "Join the church." "Think more of herself." "Give her heart to Christ." "Take more part in mid-week prayer meeting." "To rest Sundays and do no work." **To go out to see some of her friends." "Npt pay so much attention to trivial things." "To have her not work so hard." "Be just a trifle more equal in her attention to my brother and me; she favors the younger boy slightly in many ways." "Stop worrying." "Recognize the faults of her family." "Let me have a little more freedom in the evenings." "Be less industrious in cleaning." "Not be so nervous." "Be a better housekeeper." "Take more time for herself." "Get out into the air more." "Be more thoughtful in her ways toward us as children." "Be neater." "Treat me as if I was not a baby." If mothers would only give their boys an opportunity for ^Tieart-to-heart" confession, not fault finding, but expressions of genuine love and interest, many anxious moments would never happen. 214 BOYOLOGY •*0h the years we waste and the tears we waste. And the work of our head and hand, Because of the mother who did not know (And did not care that she did not know) And did not understand." The moral standard of boys may be improved by improving the moral standards of parents, for as Judge John H. Mayo of the Manhattan Children's Court says, "Once operated, the prin- ciple will automatically work out its own salva- tion — child bettering parent, parent bettering child — and in turn will extend its influence to the next possible circle or combination of child and parent, or in other words, the home, which is in fact, the *circle' figuratively and literally." The incivility and discourtesy too often dis- played by boys is but the reflection of home life. Boys are clever imitators. Perhaps father does not always extend to mother the courteous con- sideration which a father would naturally expect of others toward his wife. Oral teaching is non- effective unless backed up by example. The occasional family "scene" does much damage, but the daily "call down" breeds discontent which destroys the ideal home life. As the sensitive film fastens the picture exposed upon it by the camera lens, so the boy's eyes drink in every action, and it is most difficult for him to understand why father and mother should PARENTAL DELINQUENCY 215 not be fair and just and considerate of each other. "As a barometer gauges the pressure of at- mosphere so do boys display to the outside world all the elements that characterize the more in- timate family life,*' says a social writer. "Com- pany manners are an ill-fitting garb when a healthy young body is not accustomed to such a garment for every day wear, and for that reason boys are often embarrassing to their parents." The little or big barometer has displayed the fact that politeness is not the ordinary rule of the family life. How easy it is to point out the "only child," the "bully," the "spoiled boy." "Respect thy father and mother" is an injunc- tion for parents as well as for children. "Old- time courtliness and graciousness of manner have been gradually disappearing before the brusque way of our modern life," says Hope Hammond. "Family ties are dissolving, and it seems we are leaving behind us the sweetest thing that this old world has given us — fellowship — and fellow- ship, in its deepest sense, is a relation between mothers and fathers and their own children." Sometimes I think that a healthy, normal specimen of a boy is made up of fifty per cent noise and fifty per cent dirt. The boy who is never noisy and never gets dirty is abnormal, and should be taken to a physician at once. 216 BOYOLOGY From the moment of his entrance upon the stage of life until the final exit, noise is a part of man's normal makeup. Observe a group of small boys playing baseball — three fourths of the time is sp>ent in noisy scrapping. The indi- vidualistic instincts are in control. Team work is a dormant quality. The high school boy has organized his noise into a school yell, which he uses to spur the team on to victory. Individual- ism is here merged into the larger group of humans. What would the Harvard- Yale football game be without noise, without its cheering sections, without its battery of cheer leaders? Noise is psychologically necessary to the success of the game. If, however, a nervous, grouchy father comes home in the evening, and this small edition of noise has on hand an unexpended surplus and gives even as much as a "yip," at once there is an explosion on the part of father and the boy is suppressed. Again, if the boy should happen to be in one of his rare moods of quiet, mother anxiously inquires, **What is the matter, Charlie, you're so quiet? Don't you feel well?" If he is noisy, he is called down; if he is quiet, he causes anxiety! What is a boy to do? Why, he instinctively seeks the gang, that coterie of sympathetic souls, who have many secrets, nu- merous codes of mysterious signs and calls, and PARENTAL DELINQUENCY 217 whose loyalty is the admiration of all social service experts and church workers. More opportunity at home for sane expression and less insane repression would save many boys from the evil influence of misled gangs. When the home-coming of father becomes an event to be looked forward to with delight, in- stead of anticipated with fear, on the part of the boy, there will take place a wonderful change in our rapidly deteriorating American home life. Making a Hving has become so problematic that many fathers are failing to take enough time to make a life, either for themselves or their boy. Will the time ever come when a father will close his oflSce door at night and say: "Good night, business, you can't go home with me. I have a boy who needs me tonight more than you do. So long until morning;" or the industrial worker lay down his tools at the close of the day's work and say: "Good night, old pard, here's where we part. The kids at home are looking for their dad. I'll see you in the morn- ing"? When that time does come, home, be it ever so humble, will then become in fact, the sweetest place on earth, instead of a place of jars and contentions. Not all homeless boys live in the slums. The most homeless boy in the world is the boy who, from the moment of his birth, is put into the 218 BOYOLOGY hands of a nurse, from a nurse goes to a gov- erness, from a governess to a private tutor, from a private tutor to a private school, from a pri- vate school to a private camp, then on to college; he has plenty of houses to live in, but no home. Money can buy him luxm-ies and conveniences and a following, but can never buy genuine heart-love which only a father and mother can supply. A philanthropic trustee of a well-con- ducted foundling asylum told me that ninety per cent of the babies who die in the asylums, die not from the want of food and careful nursing, but from the lack of "mothering," that peculiar something which mothers, alone, can furnish their babies. Boys and dirt have an affinity for each other. The short-trousered boy looks upon soap as an oppressor. He will never be accused of wearing out doormats, for he is an expert in doormat evasion. Mothers worry much over the dirt he brings into the house, and cari>ets will show the effect of his hard usage — but boys are more valuable than carpets, and if the latter wear out they can be replaced or done away with; not so with a lost boy; he is a different proposi- tion and not so easily handled. Many a boy has been driven away from home because of the continual war waged with broom and duster. This is not a plea for a slovenly, dirty boy or PAEENTAL DELINQUENCY 219 a slovenly, dirty home, but for sane sanitation that saves boys, even if it does ruin carpets. This dirt period lasts but a short time in a boy's life, for almost in the twinkling of an eye he merges into the fastidious period. It usually occurs on a Saturday night when he evolves from the short pant stage into the realm of long trouserdom, and on Sunday morning he appears in the garb of a real man — long trousers and all the "fixings." Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these long-trousered adolescent youth. It is at this period that the boy confuses mannishness with manliness. He is inclined toward the vices rather than the virtues. Father should now be his chum and deftly steer him clear of the shoals of life. "It is a wise father that knows his own boy" is an old saying containing much truth, but conditions have changed in such a conspicuous way that today it is a wise son that knows his own father, intimately, lovingly, and with ac- curacy. Too often the boy is compelled to go to others outside the home for advice. A boy wanted to talk with someone about a life problem, so he sought the Boys' Work Secretary of an Association in the Middle West. Before the secretary suggested a way out, the question was asked, "What is thought of the matter at home?" 220 BOYOLOGY "Well, Mamma thinks thus and so, and Papa don't give a darn." Very little poetry but much truth. It would be well for fathers to keep the following in mind: "It is good to have money And the things that money can buy. But it's good, too, to check up once in a while And make sure you haven't lost The things that money can't buy." For father "not to care" is the rankest kind of injustice to the boy as well as a glaring form of parental dehnquency. Hugh Latimer once said, "He who cannot give justice to a child will never be just with himself." No institution can ever take the place of home. The boy's first and foremost need is the sym- pathetic companionship of fathers and mothers. He should not be "servantized," for no hireling, however high-priced and discreet, can be as good a companion as father or mother. Enter into his feelings, respect his "crazes," share his enthusiasm over sports, listen seriously to his troubles, enjoy the out-of-doors with him, treat him with respect, give him a distinct place and part in the family life, encourage team work, trust him. An eminent divine said in an address: "The boy wants to find in his home, not a dor- mitory, or club, but a place where all the home sentiments are blessed and dominant. He also PARENTAL DELINQUENCY 221 wants consistency. No deception need to be tried on him. He also looks for piety in his home, also simplicity; that is, he wants it to be simply a home. He looks for the kind of piety which means the recognition of that Other One who is called the great Father, through grace said before meals and the observance of the old- fashioned virtue — family prayers." Dean Bosworth hopefully writes: "I believe we are on the eve of a great revival of family wor- ship, not the old type, perhaps, formal and per- functory, but simple, brief, frank, and natural. It's a great thing for children to hear their fathers pray." Here is the cure for parental delinquency — a return to a normal home life, where love rules supreme, where mutual sharing of joy and sorrow is recognized, where family worship is natural, and where parental honor and respect is paid by children and the rights of children are honored and respected by parents. The Family "Two great, strong arms; a merry way; A lot of business all the day; And then an evening frolic gay. That's Father. A happy face and sunny hair; The best of sweetest smiles to spare; The one you know is always there. That's Mother. 222 BOYOLOGY A bunch of lace and ru£By frocks; A Teddy-bear; a rattle-box; A squeal; some very wee pink socks. That's Baby. A lot of noise; a suit awry; A wish for candy, cake and pie. My grammar may be wrong, but, my! That's me!" — B. E. W. CHAPTER XI Skedaddling from Sunday School "Man am I grown, a man's work must I do. Follow the deer? follow the Christ, the King. Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King — Else, wherefore born?" — Tennyson. Thus spake Gareth of old. The twentieth century youth, however, seldom gets beyond the first four words — "Man am I grown," for the ideals of life have somewhat changed, and he is inclined to follow the crowd in its mad search for pleasure and financial success. Gareth 's ideals are still the ideals of the Sunday school and they clash with worldly ideals, so he "skedaddles." Skedaddle means to run away. It is taken from the Greek word "skedannumi" meaning to retire tumultuously. In Scotland "skedaddle" is used in the sense of spilling. If we are to take seriously the reports which come from what are considered reliable sources, older boys are liter- ally retiring from Sunday school — if not tumul- tuously, they are at least "spilling" out. One of the largest Protestant denominations recently reported a loss of thirty-one thousand children 223 224 BOYOLOGY from the Sunday school in one year. This start- ling statement raised the query — Why? Accord- ing to the findings of the Commission for the Adolescent Period appointed by the International Sunday School Association the proportion of boys between 13 and 16 years of age, and that of girls of the same age who dropped out of Sunday school was 62 per cent, from 17 to 19 years of age, 77 per cent. In other words, 62 out of every 100 younger boys — 13 to 16 — and 77 out of every 100 older boys— 17 to 19— "skedaddle" from the Sunday school at the time when they need this anchorage most. Since the banishment of definite moral and religious training from our public schools and higher schools of education, particularly those supported by state funds, the only remaining institution for definite religious instruction is the Sunday school. Pres. W. H. P. Faunce makes this significant statement: "In the exclusion of religious instruction from the public schools and the failure of the church to meet the consequent demand upon it for religious education, I see a problem, the gravity of which it is impossible to exaggerate. Our National peril is that the supremely important task of our generation will fall between the church and the state and will be ignored by both. Mil- lions are for this reason growing up in America today without any genuine religious training. If TOO BIG FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL 225 the home and the church shirk their responsi- bility, our people will be in fifty years, a nation without religion, i. e., a nation disintegrating and dying. "^ It is therefore important that the cause of this "spilling" should be located. To get first-hand information the following question was put to several thousand boys in conferences of older boys, held in connection with the Men and Religion Movement: "Why don't boys be- tween 15 and 20 years attend Sunday school?" Their answers, in the order of the largest number of replies, were as follows: "Too big and too old to go." "Sunday school not interesting." "Lessons uninteresting." "Sunday school too *kiddish.' " "Other attractions like *moving pictures.' " "Not interested." "Nothing to do." "Only for girls." "Other boys make fun of them." "Indifference." "Feel it unnecessary." "Don't like women leaders." "Too lazy to go." "Not required by parents." "No older boy classes." "Not invited to go." "Too tired." "Parents don't go." Faunce, "Religious Education Association" address. 226 BOYOLOGY *T)on't want to go." "Good enough now." "Know it aU." **Teacher too strict." "Old-fashioned ideas taught." "Church service enough." 'Teachers don't understand older boys." "They outgrow it; teachers leave them." "Absence of social life." *The *rest of the bunch' don't go." "Boys' sentiments are choked by teachers." **Teachers irregular in attendance." The majority of boys seemed to think that they were too old and too big to attend Sunday school. An elder in a Presbyterian church once said, **We have lost a generation of men from our church." "How do you account for it.'^" "Years ago we let the boys that are now men slip out of our Sunday schools." The big boy is a problem and for that reason is all the more interesting. Sunday schools which have tackled the problem intelligently and in a statesmanlike manner have found that, like all problems, it has a solution. No "big" boy wants to be classified with the "kids." It is not because of a lack of interest in religion that he drops out, but largely because of misclassi- fication. Childish songs do not appeal to him, and there are op>ening exercises which cause TOO BIG FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL 227 irritation, so he usually waits on the outside until the agony, as he terms it, is over. This waiting outside usually makes his real exodus from the school easy. "The average boy is short on long prayers, long sermons, and long faces," and he tires, as well as retires, quickly when these "virtues" are prominent in services and worshipers. Another "Why" is, that the "gang" or the rest of the "bunch" don't go. If Sunday school attendance is unpopular with his gang, his loyalty to the standards of the gang is stronger than his loyalty to the school. The gang, as a rule, are hedonic; that is, they regard enjoyment as the chief good in life. They are not passive but active during this period of "hedonhood"; the motto "Have a Good Time" governs their actions. This is the reason why trouble is always brewing in the older boys' class. Their inter- pretation of a good time is different from that of the teacher and superintendent. "Hedonists" are made up of two parts impulse to one part reason, and therefore go in the direction of the strongest pull. If the gang says, "Let's go fishing," why fishing they go. To capture the gang and line them up for active service is the solution. Inefficient teachers is another "Why." A teacher who is irregular in attendance soon dis- covers he has no class to teach. A boy quickly 228 BOYOLOGY loses interest and is gone. Some teachers treat a boy as if he were a machine rather than a hfe. True, he is fearfully and wonderfully made, but he is not an automaton. "Boys will not be mechanically filled on Sundays from a teacher's big *hopper-head.' " The boy soon tires even of talking machines. A carelessly prepared lesson is easily recognized by a wide-awake boy. He is an X-ray machine and he can i>enetrate into the very depths of a teacher. Nothing escapes his eyes. A teacher who loses his temper will soon lose his boys. "A misfit teacher ere long means a missing boy." Boys are attracted by a personality rather than by an institution or an abstract principle, and as some one has wisely said, "The teacher who does not enter in spirit the strange *Big Boy world,' see there what he sees, and feel, as nearly as possible, what he feels, and then try to interpret to him the mean- ing all these things hold for him, will lose him." Much depends upon the teacher if older boys are to be kept in the Sunday school. The irrehgious atmosphere and indifferent re- ligious influence of some homes is another "Why." Father and many of the business men do not go to Sunday school, why should he.'* "Stepping in the steps of father" is not so much a fancy as a fact. When father says "Come" instead of "Gro," more boys will step in the path to the TOO BIG FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL 229 Sunday school blazed by fathers, instead of skedaddling away in the opposite direction. "How shall we keep our older boys?" was once asked at a conference. "Build a wall of men be- tween them and the door'* was the reply. If this wall be made up of fathers, so much the stronger. Criticism or active opposition is another pa- rental "Why'* that is responsible for scores of boys leaving the Sunday school. Criticism of minister, church, Sunday school, superintendent or teacher which some boys hear in some homes loosens the boy's grip on all things religious. Church gossip in home conversation paralyzes many a Sunday school's chance to hold and help the boy." Lack of definite things to do is another "Why." The Sunday school that is a "society for sitting still" will soon find many vacant chairs which were once occupied by growing boys. Youth is a period of "doing things." There is a lack of the appeal for service demanding sacrifice. The boy is an earnest seeker after goodness, but despises the "goody-goody." To come Sunday after Sunday and hear about the "good, the beau- tiful and the true" does not find a ready response in the heart-blood that is coursing through his veins and in the tremendous energy stored up in his body throbbing for some definite form of expression. 230 BOYOLOGY Irreverence for the Sabbath is another reason "Why." One of America's greatest sins is irrever- ence; irreverence for the Bible, the Church, the ministry; irreverence of children for parents, of younger for older, of Christians for sacred things. "No Sabbath, no worship; no worship, no religion; no religion, no morals; no morals, then — pandemo- nium" is the deduction made by an observing writer. The "Automobile" Sunday is a poor substitute for the Puritan Sabbath, for while the latter was perhaps devoid of joy, the former is surely not a day of rest. Boys are whirled away by parents in automobiles to some pop- ular resort or distant parts, stuffed with food and excitement, and brought back late at night physically, mentally, and morally "tired out." Only one experiment with this new form of Sunday excitement is required to make the Sunday school seem tame ever after. Modern sensationalism is an irresistible pulling force. The bulky, ill-smelling, poorly printed Sunday paper invades the home at an early hoiu*, and the boy is soon lost in the mess, for it is indeed too often a queer "conglomeration of hideous colors, crude drawings and cheap humor." "They are the unfunniest pictures ever conceived by the mind of man," says Lind- sey Swift. "It is impossible to describe the vulgarity and inanity of these drawings and TOO BIG FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL 231 colorings." "These pictures," says The Nation, "are more tragic than comic and more barbaric than either." A Kbrarian says: "They are a cheap travesty of real fun. The chief motifs are physi- cal pain and deceit. They make fun of old age, physical infirmities, of other races and religions and undermine respect for law and authority." G. Stanley Hall says that the Sunday news- paper causes those who read it to "strike" the key note of the day on a very low level. The publicist, the journalist, the educator, the min- ister, all agree that pictures of this sort produce a low standard of life values. Cheap motion picture entertainments on the Sabbath attract many older boys into a kind of environment which dulls all the ideals taught in the Sunday school he may have attended earlier in the day and takes the edge off any zest he might otherwise have for things religious. It is hard to throw off the spell of the "Movies" and easy to cast away the influence of the Sun- day school. Industrialism which robs a boy of his Satur- day afternoon of recreation and forces him into Sunday pleasure is another "Why." Many older boys are literally worn out at the end of the week because of the grind of office, store, or factory, and Sunday is the only time they have to re-create and regain vitality. Sunday also BOYOLOGY is a profitable day for the soda fountains, and hundreds of older boys are lost to the Sunday school because of their engagements to dispense liquid refreshments to the tired and thirsty "rest- seekers." A "day of rest" is a misnomer to the victims of Sunday industrialism. Another "Why" is a peculiar kind of modern skepticism which blatantly derides everything that is religious. The older boy who is just beginning to be independent in his thinking hears this cheap, street-corner scoffing at religion and sacred things and his whole view of life becomes poisoned. His reasoning faculties have not yet matured sufficiently to determine for himself the difference between intellectuality and slander. With this kind of conversation pouring into his ears six days of the week, his attitude toward the Sunday school is not friendly, and it requires a strong personality and a program full of sane intellectualism to counteract this vicious influence. Failure to understand the older boy is per- haps the greatest "Why." A superintendent tactlessly separated a class of fifteen older boys into two classes, without consulting them, with the result that the enrolment of the school was reduced by fifteen. After considerable persuasion of friends and some coercion of parents five of the boys returned to the school. A sympathetic TOO BIG FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL 233 man teacher succeeded in interesting and holding the class and it grew to ten boys. Just when this class reached its height a second time this same superintendent repeated his action and separated the class. It took a conference between the pastors, the teacher, and the ten boys to win them back to the school. Gangs refuse to be separated and a failure to understand this by-law of boy life is fatal. InsuflScient time during the Sunday school period for the study of the lesson is another "Why." Older boys enjoy a discussion, but the time given does not permit of this interest- holding method. In the Child Welfare Exhibit held in New York several years ago, the follow- ing statement printed upon a huge standard impressed me very much: "Thirty minutes a week for religious instruction in Protestant churches, whereas in the day school the instruc- tion in mathematics would be equivalent to forty-one years of Sunday school instruction." When the significance of this statement is realized we wonder that so few boys have "skedaddled" instead of so many. Even this thirty minutes is often frittered away and many times seems difficult to occupy fully. If the boy has added to this thirty minutes an hour's study of the Bible in a Young Men's Christian Association, as compared with the time spent in the secular 234 BOYOLOGY schools, he is receiving but a small proportion of the religious education which will fit him to live not only upon this earth, but for eternity. "Only thirty minutes.** How many teachers look upon this thirty minutes as a supreme opportunity? Many Sunday schools are not yet aware of the seven days a week hold upon the boy and therefore make no provision for his week-day interests. There are one hundred and one varie- ties of activities for boys which may be legit- imately developed by the Sunday school. While church vestries and Sunday school rooms were not erected to abuse, yet their efficient use re- mains to be demonstrated. How to stem the out-going tide of boys from the Sunday school will be discussed in the next chapter. There are many problems to consider. The youth looks forward. What he shall do in life is a question of vital concern to him. The Sunday school must give him that inspiration and counsel or else he will seek elsewhere. If a boy is lost to the Sunday school he is lost to the Church and to society. BROTHER, SAVE THE BOY "Brother, save the boy — The boy of the early teens. Thirteen on to sixteen years. TOO BIG FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL 235 Land of strange, foreboding fears, Land of heartaches, sighs, and tears — Save the boy. "Brother, save the boy — The boy of the early teens. Boy no longer, boyhood gone, Now approaching manhood's dawn. Adolescent brain and brawn — Save the boy. "Brother, save the boy — The boy of the early teens. Immature, emotions rife. Choppy waves on lake of life. Time of stress and storm and strife — Save the boy. "Brother, save the boy — The boy of the early teens, Growing fast and faster still. Stomach like a sausage-mill. Lack of judgment, stubborn will — Save the boy. "Brother, save the boy — The boy of the early teens. Love for freedom, love of might. Love of justice, 'honor bright,' Love of food and fun and fight — Save the boy.'* — Raffety. CHAPTER Xn Stemming the Tide "There ia a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries." — Shakespeare. Just as truly there is a tide in the affairs of the Sunday school, which, if taken at the flood, will permanently hold the boy, but if omitted, the older boys, at least, will silently pass out into life's ocean like ships without rudders. In eight years 11,000,000 scholars passed through the Sunday schools of the United States without manifesting any definite decision for the Chris- tian life.^ While we do not believe that every scholar who gave up Sunday school attendance had a moral decline, yet it is safe to say that they were unable to resist the waves of tempta- tion, which buffeted them from every side, with the same spirit of confidence and faith as in the days when they were supported by the moral strength of Sunday school attendance. A Brook- 1 Statistics 12th Int. S. S. Con., Louisville, Ky., 1908. 236 STEMMING THE TIDE 237 lyn judge in sentencing a young man of nineteen to a term in Elmira for burglary said: "Of all the undesirable professions, that of burglary is the worst. No matter how good a burglar you may be, you will be caught and sent to prison sooner or later. I have seen your friends who wished to speak to me about you and I find that all attempts to have you go to Sunday school have failed. In the five years I have been sitting on this bench I have had two thousand seven hundred boys before me for sentence, and not one of them was an attendant of a Sunday school. Had you gone there I am sure you would not be before me today." In 1910 appeared a statement by a social worker, regarding the chances of a boy's going astray under modern living conditions, which challenges not only attention but thought. His deductions were as follows: Penitentiary 1 to 240 Tramps 1 to 300 Drunkards 1 to 13 Vicious 1 to 17 Couple these deductions with the experience of those who come daily in contact with the misery and crime of life as seen in the police courts, and you have presented for serious con- sideration a condition and not a theory, which «38 BOYOLOGY religious organizations cannot ignore nor lay on the table for future palaverings. The same boys who were questioned as to the excuses and reasons older boys give for not attending Sunday school, were asked the ques- tion, '*Why do older boys go to Sunday school and remain there?" From hundreds of replies written and verbal we give the following: "Personality and attachment for teacher." "Got the habit." "Cordial greeting." "Was given something to do." "Organized classes." "Athletics." N "Interesting discussions." "Parents' wish." "Desire for religious teachings." "Meets their ideals." "Socials." "Because of nice girls." "Because of music." "Employment Bureau." "Graded lessons." "Men teachers." "Loyalty to the class." "Attendance rewards." "Clubs." "Like it." "Driven to it." "Interesting talks." The Sunday schools which considered the above in their policy and program of work succeeded in STEMMING THE TIDE 239 stemming the outgoing tide of boys to the extent of 43 per cent of boys between thirteen and six- teen years, and 44 per cent between seventeen and nineteen years. A serious effort is being made to understand the boy better and to pro- vide intelligently for his moral and religious growth through the Sunday school. The returns to the Church made by the Sunday school are all out of proportion to the investment made by the Church in the Sunday school. 75 per cent of all churches, 95 per cent of all preachers, 95 per cent of all church workers, 85 per cent of all church members, have come up through and are products of the Sunday school. These are marvelous results when we remember that: pastors give it not over ten per cent of their time; parents give it not over ten per cent of their time; theological sem- inaries give it not over one per cent of their time; religious papers give it not over one per cent of their space and the Church gives it not over one per cent of its money. In other words, for about five per cent of its investment of time and money, the Church gets about ninety per cent of its highest and best results from the Sunday school. The answers received from the boys reveal how personality proves to be the great staying 240 BOYOLOGY force. Whenever a man of character and virility is selected as a teacher of boys between twelve and nineteen, eighty per cent of the difficulties in holding boys to the Sunday school are re- moved. Never has the call for strong, forceful. Christian men of education to invest their per- sonality in teaching a class of boys in the Sunday school, been sounded so loudly as today. Boys have demonstrated their willingness to follow this kind of leadership. Religious education is now left completely to the Church and the home. The awakening to the responsibility of this great task is seen throughout the various branches of the Church. The unpreparedness to measure up to her opportunity is causing Institutes for Teacher Training to spring up almost as rapidly as the proverbial mushrooms and with about as much stability. There is great danger of producing "half baked*' teachers who have a book knowledge or Correspondence Course cer- tificate, but who are void of heart and a genuine desire to win the boy to the Master, and lacking most in that fine quality of life called balance. "Of all subject matters," says Prof. Home, "re- ligion is both the most important and the worst taught: most important because it brings men into relations with the most real Being; worst taught, perhaps both because least understood and requiring most from the teacher. The STEMMING THE TIDE 241 opportunity confronting the Sunday school is unique among educational institutions." If the answer of the boy "Personality of and attachment for teacher'* which was given as the reason for remaining in the Sunday school was analyzed, the summing up would be, "His in- terest in me." "Where the teacher's life is guided by the idealism of a true Christian faith," says Franklin McElfresh, "where Christ himself is the object of the heart's deepest loyalty, this inner life will be felt and appreciated by the boys, though they will seldom express it. These are the days when life comes to climaxes, when the will makes its great decisions. ... If the teacher fails to win the boy to Christ, to the Church, to the clean life, and to a noble purpose, he has lost the days of richest opportunity; for never again will the boy be so free from prejudice or influence from without."^ Without this interest, teaching will be non- productive. "To call forth the native powers of the soul into the world of action" is the pur- pose of education. "We teach and teach. Until like drumming pedagogues, we lose The thought that what we teach has higher ends Than being taught and learned." If what is taught is the Gospel, then will the 2 McElfresh, "The Training of S. S. Teachers," p. 143. 242 BOYOLOGY soul respond, for the words of Jesus are spirit and are life. Lifeless teaching cannot produce action and desire for service. "Got the habit" was another answer by the boys. Someone has said that habit is very hard to get rid of, for if you rub out the **h" you still have "abit," and if you rub out the "ab" you still have "it." "How did you form the Sunday-school-going habit.''" was asked a number of boys by the writer, and the following answers are typical of the large number of replies: "Parents taught me to go." "The habit was formed when a Sunday School Indoor Baseball League was started by the Y. M. C. A.; a rule was that only one Sunday could be missed out of every three. I go now with- out missing one if I can help it." "A certain man asked me to come one Sunday, so I went, and I have been pretty steady ever since." "Kept going until I enjoyed it." The boy who has the Sunday-school-going habit should be encouraged to keep it healthy and vigorous and not be permitted to have "it" be- come weak and anemic through the non-attend- ance of a teacher or the lack of interesting les- sons. By some strange process of nature good habits die much younger than bad habits, and yet some good habits live to a good old age. STEMMING THE TIDE 243 It was the habit of the Master to go regularly to the Synagogue. First impressions are always lasting impres- sions. A cordial greeting has proven to be the best kind of a holding attraction. To be re- ceived by a human icicle results in a "freeze out." A hearty, warm handgrasp, coupled with a straight look in the eye of the stranger, has won many to the Sunday school and Church. The reason why a boy went to a Sunday school several miles from his home in preference to the one located on the block near his house was, he said, "Because they Uke a fellow down there." Beware of the man who greets strangers with the "clammy" handshake, and a bromidic phrase. He can do much harm. Put the cheerful man in front, the man who, as Addison says, has "a cheerful temper, which, joined with innocence, will make beauty attractive, knowledge delight- ful, and wit good natured." The Sunday school should be a cheerful place. "Cheerfulness is an excellent wearing quality; it has been called the bright weather of the heart." "Be of good cheer" was a favorite expression of Jesus Christ, and worthy of emulation by His ambassadors. "Was given something to do" has been the salvation of thousands. What are some of the things Sunday school classes are doing? A popular way to describe class activities is known 244 BOYOLOGY as the fourfold type of activities: physical, such as athletics, games, camping, lectures on hygiene, etc.; social, such as home and church socials, entertainments, game tournaments, exhibitions, musicals, etc.; mental, such as practical talks, life-work talks, educational trips, citizenship, etc.; spiritual, such as organized Bible classes, church membership, cooperation in church activities, winning others, etc., etc."^ Service was the great appeal of Jesus Christ. It was His definition of greatness. "He that would be greatest among you, let him be servant of all." The kind of service which challenges, especially older boys, is that which demands sacrifice. "Self-seeking brings chaos." "Jealousy is nitrogen," and "Service saves from self," are sentences which should be reiterated until they become dynamic in the lives of men and boys. Inter-church organizations promote fellow- ship and strengthen the Brotherhood idea. "No man liveth imto himself"; neither should a church be self -centered. Community competi- tion should be changed into community coopera- tion. This does not always mean federation, but it does mean unity and harmony in work that promotes righteousness and community betterment. « Alexander, "The Boy and the Sunday School" — list of activities, pp. 107-109. STEMMING THE TmE 245 This can best be done through the organized class. Boys are enthusiastic "joiners." Numer- ous buttons displayed on coat lapels or on vests are the sign of belonging to something. It is easier to organize boys than to organize any other kind of business. Micawber-Hke, they are waiting for some new organization to turn up. The boy is the patron saint of many industries which are kept busy turning out celluloid buttons, watch fobs, fraternity pins, society stationery, scout suits, camping outfits, and the hundred and one things needed in equipping his many organizations. Some time ago I made a study of the various organizations of boys and discovered forty-four to be in existence. Many of them have three degrees, each of them having insignia and ritual. Some were educational, some altruistic, some semi-reHgious, and a large proportion religious. The "get-together" instinct demands expression and the Sunday school which wisely and tact- fully encourages organized classes and week-day societies will find them to be a great ally in holding boys. Every organization should lead to the building up of Christian character, for after awhile, the uniform regalia and scout cos- tume loses its attraction, and the little button on the coat lapel or watch fob is the extent of his outward identification of membership. His 246 BOYOLOGY work now should mean more to him than his uniform. If he is tied up to an organized Bible class, he has something permanent and which he cannot outgrow. At fifteen scouting and knighthood cease to interest him, and at eighteen or twenty he is usually through with fraternities and orders, or else he is in college, where the fraternity means something of a different nature. He outgrows this type of organization as he out- grows a suit of clothes. Graduation from these orders very often means graduation from the Sunday school and Church. All kinds of activ- ities may be injected into an organized Bible class, and the class organization kept flexible enough for an adjustment to every stage of boy development and all its physical, social, mental, and spiritual needs. Many Sunday schools are finding that the organization of a Boys* Department is another method of holding boys. The idea originated some years ago in Holyoke, Mass., and is known as the Holyoke plan. It is the grouping to- gether of organized classes for the sake of imity and team work among the adolescent boys. The classes are composed of boys between twelve and eighteen years of age, and meet as a separate department of the school, having its own superin- tendent, its own opening and closing services and those activities in which boys would naturally STEMMING THE TIDE 247 be interested. In some Sunday schools the department meets once a month with the com- bined departments and participates in the pro- gram. Wherever this plan has been tried it has increased the attendance of boys and created a genuine interest and enthusiasm for the entire church Hfe. The Boys' Department is not merely a system of sex segregation, although a good many educators are urging the segregation of the sexes in public education; it is a clear under- standing of the gang principle which clamors for club or organization. The neglect of the Sunday school to recognize the organizing or "joining" instinct was the reason why so many boys' organizations sprang into existence outside the Church. The adolescent period of life cannot be treated as a unit, for "As each new life is given to the world. The senses — like a door that swings two ways — Stand ever twixt its inner waiting self And that environment with which its lot Awhile is cast. A door that swings two ways: Inward at first it turns, while nature speaks. Then outward, to set free an answering thought." "Childhood learns the world and conforms to it. With adolescence comes the consciousness 248 BOYOLOGY of a new self within the soul. The mysteries of his own personality now challenge him to search them out. He finds himself occupied with the problems of a free person. Toward persons he begins to act as a person, no longer imitatively, but freely, independently. Later he discovers that he is a member of society. The self-centered life is being transformed into the socialized life of the man and the claims of the social order are one by one enforced upon him. The long and passionate struggle of a youth's restless years is to get a correct adjustment of personal and social relations with the persons who make up the human world about him and the Supreme Person above. On correct adjustment here, the blessedness or the perdition of life depends; the burden of responsibility cannot be shifted; each must make his own adjustment, with fatal re- sults, for weal or woe; and that is why," says McKinley, "the hopes of youth are such bound- ing hopes, the sorrows of youth such poignant sorrows."* It is here that the graded lessons prove so helpful, and so effective in stemming the tide of outgoing boys from the Sunday school. What was good for them two years ago, is now full of barren platitudes, mere goody- goodiness, because their souls are ready for a deep)er, and a more personal religion. Such * McKinley, "Educational Evangelism," Chap. VII. STEMMING THE TIDE 249 courses as "The World: A Field for Christian Service," "The Problems of Youth in Social Life," "The Books of Ruth and James," a series prepared by Sidney A. Weston, Ph.D., of the Pilgrim Press, and "Athletes of the Bible," by Brink and Smith (Association Press), and other similar courses, have in them the service appeal, and afford opportunity for discussion. "There are four chief instruments of education," says McKinley — "impression, instruction, asso- ciation, and self-expression. These answer in a general way to the four principal forms of re- ligious exercise, worship, disclpleship, fellowship, and service: and from the use to be made of these instruments to promote the religious ad- justments of the soul to God, the primary prin- ciples governing the agencies and methods of religious work for youth may be deduced."^ When the Sunday school becomes the Bible school, with its carefully planned and graded departments, with its services of worship, then a new respect will be shown by the older boys and a loyalty, not even dreamed of, will be evidenced. • McKinley, "Educational Evangelism," p. 227. CHAPTER XIII The Church, the Preacher, the Sermon, THE Boy A PARABLE "Two men went up into the Temple of God. One went to listen to the music critically, as he would listen at a concert, and to see if the preacher would be able to say some new thing that day. The other went to wor- ship God, and the music seemed to him fitted to help the soul rise as on eagle's wings; and the simple word of the preacher seemed to him the word of God coming from the Father through a brother's heart. And all the week God seemed nearer to him because of that hour in the Father's House." — From a Church Calendar. "Morbus Sabbaticus, or Sunday sickness," de- scribed by an unknown author, "is a disease peculiar to the male portion of the conununity. The symptoms vary, but it never interferes with the appetite. It never lasts more than twenty- four hours. No physician is ever called. It always proves fatal in the end — to the soul. It is becoming fearfully prevalent, and is destroy- ing thousands every year. "The attack comes on suddenly every Sunday; no symptoms are felt on Saturday night; the patient sleeps well and wakes feeling well; eats 250 THE CHURCH AND THE BOY 251 a hearty breakfast, but about church time the attack comes on and continues until services are over for the morning. Then the patient feels easy and eats a hearty dinner. In the afternoon he feels much better and is able to take a walk or a motor ride, and read the Sunday papers; he eats a substantial supper, but about church time he has another attack and stays at home. He wakes up Monday morning refreshed and able to go to work, and does not have any symptoms of the disease until the following Sunday.'* The spread of this peculiar disease — "Morbus Sabbaticus'* — has been so prevalent that the Church has become alarmed and has instituted a campaign to stamp it out, known as the "Go- to-Church" Sunday; also stereopticon pictures, moving pictures, religious dramas, augmented music, and other devices of drawing power, have been used with varying effect, the patient rally- ing for a time only to relapse into a state of innocuous lassitude. Easter and Christmas are hypodermic injections, stimulating church at- tendance for the day only. There comes a time in the treatment of chronic cases when heroic measures must be resorted to if the life of the patient is to be saved. A thorough diagnosis is made of the patient and the disease. After consultation between the attending physicians a decision is reached. This decision may mean to 252 BOYOLOGY operate or to send the patient away for a change of environment, or the use of auto-suggestion to release the patient from the power of hallucination. This analogy between physician and patient may not be absolutely the same as between Church and people, yet there is a similarity, for today there exist too many churchless boys and boy less churches. There was a time when parents not only attended church but took the children with them, when the family pew was occupied by the family, when the Sabbath was looked forward to as a day of worship and rest, when the preparation for the Sabbath began on Saturday by the doing of many things on that day which would free the Sabbath from even household cares, in order that the spirit of rest might envelop the home. According to the figures of H. K. Carroll, the seating capacity of the Protestant Churches in the United States in 1910 was 40,082,237, while the total communicant membership was 14,229,- 940. This leaves room for 25,852,297 additional men, women, and children who may care to attend worship on Sunday without disturbing the communicants."^ The average increase since 1913, for all religious bodies, great and small. Christian and non-Christian, is 2 per cent.^ 1 Carroll, "The Religious Forces of the United States," p. 393. * "Churchmen Afield," Boston Transcript, February 13, 1914. THE CHURCH AND THE BOY 253 In order to find out why the older boys don't go to church, 243 older boys were questioned. These boys were Sunday school attendants in some 70 cities and towns. The replies and the number giving them were as follows: 49 "Services not interesting." 26 "There is nothmg to do." 24 "Not interested." 23 "Don't understand the sermons." 13 "Appeal of other influences." 12 "Companions don't go." 12 "Don't feel the need." 9 "Sunday amusements." 8 "Outside attractions." 8 "Too big." 7 "Don't get up early enough." 7 "Not welcomed." 6 "Not encouraged to go." 6 "Parents don't go with them." 4 "Other boys laugh at them." 3 "Not invited." 3 "Too tired." 3 "Only for women." 2 "Sunday school enough." 2 "Services too dry." 2 "Preacher not friendly." 2 "Because parents urge." 2 "Ignorance of the service." 2 "Too lazy." 2 "Stay home and read." 2 "Rather be out of doors." 1 "Unable to sit still." 1 "For old people." 254 BOYOLOGY 1 "So few men attend." 1 "Feel out of place." 1 "Not started right." The instinct of worship is inborn in every human heart. Everybody worships something, a dog, a black pipe, a stone god — something. Christians worship the triune God — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To keep worship alive and make it a vital factor in the everyday life of the individual is the supreme function of the Church. "Instincts and desires and tenden- cies, it is found, do not educate without the appropriate materials for their satisfaction. Nor is it enough that there should be materials with- out instincts." Reverence is one of the regulative instincts. Worship is the reverence and homage which is, or ought to be, paid to God and should include adoration, sacrifice, praise, prayer, thanks- giving, song, and silence. Worship should mean something more than mere forms and ceremonies. "Let us Pray" too frequently means "Let him Pray," to congregations who sit with eyes wide open, head erect, and in a non-participating atti- tude. Many times the collection plate is given the vacant look instead of a cheerful gift. These are acts of worship now in great danger of atrophy. Personally, I am a firm believer in the family pew system. With the going out of the family pew, also went the family. Free pews do not THE CHURCH AND THE BOY 255 seem to attract great audiences of staying quality. Boys and girls worshiping with their parents at the morning service on Sunday are a rare sight today, except in churches which have come to beUeve that the service should be made to appeal to the children as well as adults. In the Central Congregational Church of Worcester they have a Go-to-Church band. While it originally was started for children, it has broadened out. The band is divided into two classes, i. e., thirteen years old and younger, and fourteen years old and older. It is not considered anything un- usual to have at a morning service a hundred children. In England they have what is called a League of Worshiping Children which has revolutionized church attendance. In reply to the question, "What is your Best Habit; how did you form it?" Eighty-six replied "Going to Church." The answers they gave to the second part of the question are interesting. "By going to the boys' club and meeting boys who went to church, and who I was very intimate with and went around with, therefore, I started going to church and attend fairly regular." "My parents took me to church and Sunday school as long as I can remember. I am now sufficiently interested in church to attend of my own wish." "By attending Sunday school and Young People's meetings." 256 BOYOLOGY **Most of my friends went and they induced me to go. I went, liked it, and have joined." "By beginning when I was young. Many Sundays I ahnost hated to go, but my parents made me go when younger; now I enjoy it and can hardly wait for Sunday. I also teach a class of five boys of 12 years average age in the Sunday school." *'My father was janitor and I always went with him." "Through being a member of the choir." "By continued going and because of the minister." "By the *Go to Church Band.' " "My father is a minister." "I made up my mind to go." "When I joined the church two years ago, the minister said in taking us into the fellowship of the church that it was our solemn duty to be present at as many meetings as possible, so from that have fallen into the habit of going to church every Sunday." "From my early childhood I was taught to go to church but was not forced. I used to hate to go, but as I grew older I enjoyed it more, therefore I get more out of it." "By joining it and becoming active in its work." "At the death of my mother I went to no church. Shortly after that I was asked by a boy to go to Sunday school with him. I did and continued to go steady now for about six years." "I started one Sunday when the Boy Scouts had exercises and then about one year after that I joined the church." "Well, I just like it." THE CHURCH AND THE BOY 257 "My experience in forming this habit was strange enough. I got so grouchy about home that my mother and father sent me to church every Sunday, to get rid of my grouchiness. So this way I got the habit formed, so now I like to go." "By attending Older Boys' Conference." "Will power." "Through my Sunday school teacher." "Through the Knights of King Arthur." The attendance of boys and girls at the morn- ing service may mean the rearrangement of the family plans for Sunday morning. One pastor found it necessary to publish in the church calendar the following: BEATITUDES FOR CHURCHGOERS "Blessed are those who rise early Sunday morning, for they get to church on time." "Blessed are those who get to church on time, for they arrive in the spirit of worship.'* "Blessed are those who are never late, for they cause the minister and choir to love them." ■ ''Blessed are those who must be late, who do not enter during the Scripture lesson or prayer." "Blessed are those who come even at the eleventh hour, but church begins at quarter before eleven." It is unnecessary to add that the number desir- ing to be classified with the first "blesseds" be- came increasingly large. In answer to the question, "What is keeping 258 BOYOLOGY you from joining the Church?" a few of the many replies given by boys are as follows: "Not old enough." "Not ready to join." "Bashfuhiess." "Too much responsibility." "Nothing." "Because the other boys have not." "I want to see if I can live up to it first." "I am too young." (He was sixteen years old.) "My parents think I am too small to under- stand what I am doing." "No reason." "Haven't had time to consider." "I do not think I am good enough." "My parents prefer that I should wait." "Some of the pleasures of the world which I am undecided about giving up." "I am not sufficiently instructed in things as I should be." "Good enough outside the Church." "Because I cany Sunday morning papers." **The pastor at the church my parents attend has been there forty years, and is a little bit stale. I would join another one but I know they would like to have me join that one, so I am waiting to see if he won*t resign or do something else." In the chapter on the religious characteristics of boyhood we dealt very thoroughly with the "why" a boy should join the Church, making it unnecessary to enlarge upon the subject in THE CHURCH AND THE BOY 259 this chapter, except to add that "to make a Sunday school boy instead of a church boy is a net loss." The Church must provide in its services of worship a place for the boy and it is here where the minister has an important task to perform. In the struggle for the body and soul of a boy there is no aid that is comparable with religion. "Thousands of honest, serious- minded men frankly confess that in modern conditions they see little hope of this battle being won without religion as a sanction of right conduct. The boy needs God, a God to whom he can pray in the hour of temptation. He needs to regard his life with all its powers as God's investment, which he must not squander or pervert,*' says Prof. Hoben. To reach a boy, the minister must not depend alone upon the formal work of the pulpit. He must understand boys. Not every minister real- izes the value of a boy. Well-governed cities, efficient schools, happy homes, vitalized churches of the future, depend upon the boys of today. The boy is the key to the future and the chief problem before the minister is the winning of the next generation for Christ and his Church. "Boys' work then," says Prof. Hoben, "is not providing harmless amusement for a few trouble- some youngsters; it is the natural way of cap- turing the modern world for Jesus Christ. It 260 BOYOLOGY lays hold of life in the making, it creates the masters of tomorrow; and may preempt for the Kingdom of God the varied activities and star- tling conquests of our titanic age."^ Again, going to the "source of wisdom" — the boy — for an answer to the question of "how a minister can help a boy," the following replies were given: "Have confidence in him." "By doing what is right." "By sticking to him and tell him when he does a wrong thing." "To pray for him." "By writing him helpful letters." "Encouraging him to do right." "Teaching him the difference between right and wrong." "Being kind to him." "By being a boyish man with the boys and making the boys manly boys." **Taking interest in the things that the boys are interested in." "By example and advice." "By keeping him away from bad companions." "When a boy is in trouble tell him what to do." "By teaching the Bible to him." "Be a true Christian friend to him." "By not doing anything in front of a boy that the boy ought not to do." "Don*t holler at him when he does wrong, but speak kindly." » Hoben, "The Minister and the Boy," p. 5. THE CHURCH AND THE BOY 261 "By gaining his confidence." "By answering a boy*s questions." "By realizing that he was a boy once and sympathizing with him." How quickly the boy analyzes the make-up of a grown man. He has no time for shams, make-believes, and mask-wearers. "To be 'rev- erend' means such character and deeds as compel reverence and not the mere *laying on of hands.* Work with boys discovers this basis, for there is no place for the holy tone in such work, nor for the strained and vapid quotation of Scripture, no place for excessively feminine virtues, nor for the professional handshake and the habitual inquiry after the family's health. In a very real sense many a minister can be saved by the boys; he can be saved from that insidious class- ification of adult society into *men, women and ministers,' which is credited to the sharp insight of George Eliot."' The minister who schools himself in the art of leading others into paths of service is the minister who will not only fill the pews of his church but save souls from a sordid selfishness. On a church calendar appeared the names of four "Minister's assistants." This was so un- usual, especially as the church was located in a small town of less than five thousand inhab- * Hoben, "The Minister and tlie Boy," p. 9. 262 BOYOLOGY itants, that inquiry was made of the pastor at the close of the service; and it was found that these assistants were four boys who stood ready to do whatever the minister required. Their names on the church calendar helped to impress upon them their responsibility and the boys considered it a great honor to be selected for such a position of service. On the last page of the calendar was printed this paragraph: THE WORK OF THE CHURCH There is a place and work for everyone in the many departments of our church activity. Each one is there- fore earnestly invited to share in the responsibility as well as in the joy and privilege of this work. In another church the minister used the Sun- day school class organizations by making them responsible for the Wednesday evening services. One night the Baraca class led the meeting; another the Philatliea class conducted it; another night the older boys' class discussed Cabot's book "What Men Live By— Work, Play, Love, Worship"; another night the Dorcas class as- sumed the responsibility for the service; and on another occasion the Choir was in charge and discussed the Ministry of Music. This minister had learned the art of using others in conducting services, as well as in rendering service. "What do You Like Best About Your Minister THE CHURCH AND THE BOY 263 and His Sermons?" was a question put to a large group of boys. A few of the replies are here given: "Ability to tell stories and to illustrate truth." "Interesting sermons." "Unique presentation." "Special sermons to older boys." "Minister who was a man, human being, not too holy — holier than thou attitude." "Short sermons — not over forty minutes." "Power as speaker. Oratorical." In answer to the question as to what kind of sermons they would preach to boys if they were ministers, these replies were received: **The Church and Its History." '*The Church and Its Principles." "Boys and the Church." "Bible as History." "The Boy and His Opportunity." **Temptations of Boyhood." "Benefits of Church attendance." "Why join the Church." "Bible characters applied to older boyhood." "What boys can do for the Church." "Lives of Great Men." "Bible Cities." To sum it up in the words of Charles E. Mc- Kinley: "We must deal with youth in vital, not formal, ways. They are to be regarded, not as factors in the parish organization, but as actors 264 BOYOLOGY in its life. The very first thing required is that the Church itself shall take cognizance of its, youth; as a worshiping body, it must be aware of them, sensitive to their presence, responsive to their needs. Youth should be in our congre- gations as in our homes; their place is not the nursery, but the family hving-room. There is no call to order either the church or the home life entirely to suit them, for they are only a part of the family, but it is a righteous demand that they shall not be ignored." "It would be natural to say, in the next place, that the church services should be adapted to youth; but this has been already done. No violent reconstruction of our methods of worship, no radical change in the style of preaching, is required by the interests of youth; all that is necessary is to be true to the ideals now cher- ished. The nearer we come to the ideal church service, the nearer we come to what youth wants. Dull sermons, tedious prayers, ^ballooning' by the choir, are no more profitable for age than for youth. But the perennial freshness of the gospel imparts a youthful spirit to the very na- ture of Christian worship. We all go to church to have renewed in us the hopefulness and con- fidence, the courage and assurance, the fresh enthusiasm and glad anticipations, that are youth's own property. Surely if this atmosphere THE CHURCH AND THE BOY 265 is in the service, youth will feel at home there. And when it comes to the teaching, the doctrine, the sermon, there is hardly a greater homiletic mistake than to suppose that the best thought of a mature mind presented in the most effective way to reach earnest men is not the proper food for the youth. Children's sermons may be very well for children now and then, but they are an abomination to boys in long trousers; what they need is the preacher's best thought, put in his most business-like way. If a sermon is pre- pared for those who are fond of some special type of thought or method of discourse, it is hkely to miss the youth; but not if it is a vital utterance of substantial truth addressed to serious men and women. That is all youth asks, for it is what youth loves. "^ * McKinley, "Educational Evangelism," p. 193. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX BIBLIOGRAPHY Here is a Six Foot Shelf of 103 books and pamphlets written about boys or subjects analo- gous to boy life. There are scores of other books printed upon the subject equally good, but the author found these to be especially helpful and can therefore commend them to students of "Boyology" and parents. Books op a General Character for Parents Kirtley, James S. "That Boy of Yours." New York: George H. Doran Co., 1912. A series of sympathetic studies of boyhood. Beck, Frank Orman. "Marching Manward." New York: Eaton & Mains, 1913. A plea for the boy, not simply a chronicle of his doings. Forbush, William Byron. "The Boy Problem in the Home." Boston: The Pilgrim Press, 1915. ort of the Commission on Adolescence authorized by the International Sunday School Association. Contains the latest findings as to how to deal with adolescents. McKinney, A. H. "Our Big Boys and the Sunday School." New York: Fleming H. Revell Co.. 1910. Particularly helpful to teachers. Weigle, Luther A. "The Pupil and the Teacher." New York: George H. Doran Co., 1911. A text-book for teacher training classes. Mark. H. Thiselton. "The Teacher and the Child.'* New York: Fleming H. Revell Co.. 1903. A rare and stimulating combination of theory and practice. McCormick, William. "Fishers of Boys." New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1915. Written by a newspaper man who has given years of service to boys' work. It is written in an informal and interesting manner. Richardson and Loomis. "The Boy Scout Movement Applied by the Church." Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915. A handbook for Scout Masters of Church boys' troops- A real contribution toward the solving of a deUcate church problem. Quin. Rev. George E. "The Boy-Saver's Guide." New York: Benziger Brothers. 1908. A book of methods used by a successful Catholic priest in his work among the boys of his parish. BIBLIOGRAPHY 277 Hoben, Allan. "The Minister and the Boy." Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1912. A book of practical value to ministers who are really desirous of understanding and helping the boys of their parish. Foster, Eugene C. "The Boy and the Church." Phila- delphia: Sunday School Times Co., 1909. One of the best books upon this subject. Forbush, William Byron. "Church Work with Boys." Boston: Pilgrim Press, 1910. Designed as a text-book for classes of men who are preparing to be of service among boys. Hartshorne, Hugh. "Worship in the Sunday School." New York: Teachers College of Columbia Uni- versity, 1913. A comprehensive and thoughtful study of the theory and practice of worship. Hartshorne, Hugh. "The Book of Worship of the Sunday School." New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915. Meant to be used by the Sunday school as a book of worship. Contains responses, prayers, hymns, etc. Hartshorne, Hugh. "Manual for Training in Worship." New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915. For pastors, superintendents, organists, and those who are desirous of making the "opening exercises" of the Sunday school more devotional and inspiring. Gibson, H. W. "Services of Worship for Boys." New York: Association Press, 1914. A book of topically arranged services of hymns, prayers, and Hunting, Harold B. "The Story of the Bible." New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915. Fascinatingly written and sure to hold the attention of boys. Gives the story of how we got oxir English Bible. Plat and Games Johnson, George E. "Education by Play and Games." Boston: Ginn & Company, 1907. Discusses the meaning of play and gives a suggestive course of plays and games graded from infancy to the middle teens. 278 BOYOLOGY Lee, Joseph. "Play in Education." New York: The Macmillan Co., 1915. A true picture of the child and youth in play, written by a sym- pathetic observer and champion of child liie. Hoffman, M. C. "Games for Everybody." New York: Dodge Pub. Co., 1905. Full of choice games for all occasions. Baker, G. Cornelius. "Indoor Games and Socials for Boys." New York: Association Press, 191S. Contains hundreds of roUicking good games and socials espe- cially adapted for boys. Heath, L. M. "Eighty Good Times Out of Doors." New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1902. Attractive and easy games for playing out of doors at all seasons of the year. (Out of print; may be seen in libraries.) Chesley, A. M. "Social Activities for Men and Boys." New York: Association Press, 1910. Two hundred and ninety-five interesting suggestions and •'stunts" for the relief of those who are searching for things to do. Gibson, H. W. "Camping for Boys." New York: Asso- ciation Press, 1911. Contains chapters on "Rainy Day Games," "Campus Qsmes," "Water Sports," etc. Cheley-Baker. "Camp and Outing Activities." New York: Association Press, 1915. The best book of its kind for camp leaders and Scout Masters who have active boys in search of fun and harmless sport. Miscellaneous Hyde, William DeWitt. "The Quest of the Best." New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.. 1913. An original and stimulating discussion upon boy ethics. Johnson, Franklin W. "The Problems of Boyhood." Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1914. A course in ethics for boys of the High School age. * Pearson, Edmund L. "The Believing Years." New York: The Macmillan Co., 1911. A book of recollections of boyhood. Full oi humor and re- freshing in style. BIBLIOGRAPHY 279 White, William Allen. "The Court of Boyville." New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1910. Hiunorous stories of happenings to boys in a country town. Travis, Thomas. "The Young Malefactor." New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.. 1908. The best study published in juvenile delinquency, its causes and treatment. Addams, Jane. "The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets." New York: The Macmillan Co., 1909. A plea for the social claims and needs of youth for wholesome recreation. Clopper, Edward N. "Child Labor in the City Streets." New York: The Macmillan Co., 1912. A discussion of a neglected form of child labor, its conditions, its causes, and its effects. Buck, Winifred. "Boys' Self Governing Clubs." New York: The Macmillan Co.. 1903. A very practical treatise upon the organization of clubs among boys of the streets. McCormick, William. "The Boy and His Clubs." New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1912. Written out of a rich experience with all kinds of boys' clubs. He tells the "why" and "how" in as few words as possible. Stelzle, Charles. "Boys of the Streets." New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1904. The author was niimber "8" in the famous St. Mark's Boys' Club of New York City, and is therefore qualified to champion the claims of this type of imperiled boy. Russell and Rigby. "Working Lads' Clubs." London: The Macmillan Co., 1908. A presentation of the management of English Lads' clubs. Merrill, Dr. Lilburn. "Winning the Boy." New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1908. A plea for misunderstood boys. Taylor, Charles K. "Character Development." Phila- delphia: John C. Winston Co., 1913. A practical graded school course correlating lessons in physical training, general morals, vocational guidance, etc. 280 BOYOLOGY Taylor, Charles K. "The Physical Examination and Training of Children." Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1914. A handbook for physical directors, teachers, parents, and medical inspectors, giving in minute detail the physical train- ing work outlined in "Character Development." The Personal Service Bureau conducted by the Mothers* Magazine, Elgin, 111., is a clearing house under the direc- tion of Prof. M. V. O'Chea, of the University of Wis- consin, for modern mothers. Programs and loan papers upon every phase of child study and child training have been prepared and will be furnished free to interested parents and Mothers' Clubs. "A Key to Child Training" is a valuable pamphlet issued by the Bureau. INDEX PAGE Ability 141 Abstinence 21 Acceleration of growth 5 Achievement 39 Action, a law of boy- hood 100 Adolescence, Report of Committee on 27 Adolescence and com- radeship 36 Advice to smokers .... 24 Affection, Instinct of . . 74 Age of accountability. . 5 Age of conversion 119 Age of deepest religious conviction 119 Aim of moral instruc- tion 103 Alcohol 20,25 Altruism 92, 97 Altruistic feeling 78 Amusements 11 Amusements, Q u e s- tionnaire on 11 Analysis of human body 16 Analyzing a boy 170 Ancestor worship 206 Anger 70,71,73,104 Animalism 103 Appeal of conscience . . 106 Appeal of religion 117 Appendicitis 13 281 PAGE Aptitude 139 Arbitration 70 Art and adolescence. . . 196 Arteries 7 Assimilative power. ... 16 Athletics, Dangers of.. 19 Athletics, Goal of 20 Attention 45 Attitude of boys to- ward Church mem- bership 132 Authority, Parental ... 39 Authority, Respect for 39 Aversion toward the strange 69 Awakening conscience . 4 Baraca classes 262 Bathing 10 Beatitudes for church goers 257 Beautiful, Apprecia- tion of 1 Beer drinking 21 Beer drinking among students 23 Betting and gambling . 113 Bible study, Y. M. C. A 233 Big boys and the Sun- day school 226 Blood pressure. . .8, 71, 173 Boarding houses 90 282 INDEX PAGB Body, Anatomy of. . . . 172 " Constituent ele- ments of 171 " Muscular energy of 171 " the servant of the mind .... 29 Books, Questionnaire on 47,52 Books on vocational subjects 146 Books, Sex instruction through 198 Bones 172 Bowels 13 Boyhood of Jesus 6 Boyless churches and churchless boys 252 Boys and literature ; . . 37 Boys and vocational decision 38 Boys* Department in the Sunday school . . 246 Boy's philosophy of life 15 Boy's room in the home 87 Boy Scout on Wall Street 37 Boy's trousers pockets 141 Brain impressions 195 Brain, Racking of 14 Brain, Weight of 30 Breathing, Deep IS, 27 " during sleep 15 " through the mouth. ... 14 through the nose 10 " through the pores 10 Business ethics of boy- hood 141 Busy fathers 219 FAQB Buying the b o y's clothes 180 Camp fires 61,124 Camps help Christian living 28,96,124 Carpets and boys 218 Cerebellum and cere- brum 32 Cerebro-spinal system . 32 Characteristics of ado- lescence . 162, 163, 164, 165 Characteristics of child- hood. ..158,159,160,161 Character and food. .. 19 Cheerfulness 243 Chest, Enlarging the . . 13 Chest, Girth of 8 Chewing of food 17 "Children's heads are hollow" 31 Chivalry. . 201 Choral singing 95 Choosing a vocation 78, 145 Chumminess 74, 219 Chumship, Indiscrim- inate 83 Church and adoles- cence 27, 97, 239 Church attendance. . . . 252 Church, Criticizing the 133,229 Church membership. . . 113, 119, 132, 239 Church, Play life a challenge to the .... 18 Church services 264 Churches, Seating ca- pacity of 252 Churchless boys and boyless churches. . . . 252 INDEX 283 PAGE Cigarets and educa- tion 23 Cigarets and moral decline 24 Cigaret smoking among students .... 23 Cigaret smoking and crime 23 Citizens in the making 84 Civil law vs. moral law 105 Civil war fought by boys 182 Cleanliness of body . . 10, 27 Cleanliness, Moral. 109, 112 Clean speech campaign 193 Codes of conduct 69 Cold bathing 10 College, Boys who go to 152 College yell 216 Companions 69, 85, 97 Company manners. . . . 215 Community competi- tion vs. community cooperation 244 Competition in sports and games 3 Concentration 149 Conduct, Tendencies to 102 Conscience .... 97, 103, 106, 112, 115, 127 Consciousness 61 Constituent elements of the body 171 Constructive imagina- tion 34 Control, Habit of 103 Control, Instinctive. . . 102 Control, Judgment and 103 Conversion 119, 128 PAGE Cooperation, Highest form of. 95 Coordination of mo- tion and emotion. . . 34 Correspondence course in Sunday school teaching 240 Cost of wrong doing. . . 182 Courage 109 Creation of ideals 43 Creative powers .... 43, 154 Crime, Time of great- est 119 Cultural side of educa- tion 154 Dabbling 149 Dangers of athletics. . . 19 Decision 4 Decision for Christian living 127 Decrease of sickness. . . 3, 8 Defective imagination . 39 Delinquent boys 118 Dependence, Instinct of 80 Desire for fellowship . 83, 84 Desire, Function of . . . 106 Digestive apparatus. . . 10 Dirt and noise . 117, 215, 218 Dirty stories 72 Discipline 2, 68 Discipline, Moral 43 Discipline and charac- ter formation 42 Discontent, Spirit of.. 147 Discourtesy 214 Disease and mind 12 Disease and tobacco, . 23 Dissipation 9 Divorce and the home. 206 Doing a good turn .... 94 284 Es[DEX PAGE Dominant emotional instincts 66 Dreams 15 Drunkards 20 Dust hunters vs. home makers 218 Ear, The 194 Eating 15 Eating, The art of 6, 17 Economic waste through smoking ... 24 Education, Cultural side of 154 Education and cigarets 23 Education, Progres- sive 12,30,77 Education, Social 86 Education, Value of. . . 148 Education, Visualized . 150, 153 EflSciency, Instinct of . 77 Ego period .42,69 Emotional characteris- tics 63 Emotional instincts ... 65 Emotion-c ontrolled men 80 Emotions 64,80 Energy, Harnessing of. 4 Energy, Moral 104 Energy, Physical 172 Esoteric instinct 93 Esteem 70 Ethical period 126 Ethics taught through play 18 Example, Power of . . . . 79 Exit mother and enter father 181 Eye, The care of the . . 4 Eye, Wonders of the . . 194 PAGE Faith 122. 127 Family, The 110,112 " meal. The so- cializing val- ue of 90 pew 252,254 " quarreling. . . . 214 " worship 221 Father and son. Firm of... 107 Father's opportunity , . 6, 26, 181 Fatigue 13,18 Fear 66 Fear an educational factor 68 Feeling. . . 29, 63, 64, 70, 127 Feelings, Hurt 63 Fighting.. ...70,72,78,100 First impressions . . 124, 243 First shave. The 179 Food and character. . . 17 Food, Chewing of 17 Formation of habits . . 40 Fraternities, Value of 93,94 Freedom to decide 146 Finger nails 10 Fresh air 9 Friendships 69, 85, 124, 146, 175, 183 Functioning 77, 127 Fun and mischief 117 Fun of living 15 Function of desire. ... 106 Function of worship. . . 133 Gambling and betting . 113 Gang leadership 97 Gangs 8,68,82,85, 97, 226, 233 Gangs, Study of 86 INDEX 285 PAGE Generosity 110 Generous impulses..!" 128 Genius 35 Glee clubs 95 Goal of athletics 20 God, A boy's concep- tion of 79 God and nature 124 Go-to-Church band . . . 255 Go- to-Church Sunday . 251 Gregariousness 86 Growth, Accelerat ion of 6 in chest 5 in height 5,71 in legs ....... 7 in weight 5 and nutrition. 16 and sleep 13 Grow time 169 Habit 242 " control 103 ** and character . . 41 " Formation of. 40, 486 Habits, Mental and moral 40 Harnessing energy .... 9 Health creed 27 Heart hunger 118 " as a pump 173 " strain 19 " Weight of 7 Hedonists 227 Heroism 117, 127 Hero worship 79, 126 High School fraterni- ties 93 Holyoke plan 246 Home a school of morals 105 Home a social center . . 89 PAGE Home and public schools 144, 199 Home life 74,87, 205,206,220 H o m e-making vs. house-keeping 89, 218 Home, Peril of 90,205 Home sickness 217 Home the foundation of society 204 Homeless boys 217 Honesty 109,112,115 Honor 112 Hotel vs. home 90 Hours of sleep 14 Hours of work 14 Hot house forcing of boys 25, 38 Humanity, Obligation to 112 Hurt feelings 63 Ideals ..97,113,177 Ideals, Creation of ... . 43 Idealism 15 Ignorance of badness . . 101 Imagination 34, 35, 1 18 Imagination, Defective 39 Immature powers 1 Impressionistic period. 122 Impulse, Blind 2 Impulses 128 Incivility 214 Increased girth 8 Indiscriminate chum- ship 83 Individuality 18 Indulgent parents .... 13 Industrialism, Sunday . 231 IneflScient Sunday school teaching 227 Injustice 71 286 INDEX PAGE Insanity 115 Insanity through drink 20 Instinct of afiFection ... 74 Instinct of aversion to- ward the strange. ... 69 Instinct of dependence 80 Instinct of efficiency . . 77 Instinct of fear 66 Instinct of inner free- dom 76 Instinct of positive and negative self feeling. 76 Instinct of reverence . . 78 Instinct of sex 76 Instinct of surprise. ... 80 Instinct of sympathy. . 77 Instinct of wonder .... 80 Instinct of worship .121, 254 Instinctive control .... 102 Instincts, Emotional . : 66 Integrity 115 Intellectual character- istics 29 Inter-church organiza- tion 244 Interpretation of morals 102 Interpreters of boy- hood 17 Inward rebellion 176 Irregularity of sleep. . . 13 Irreverence 230 Jesus, Boyhood of ... . 6 Judgment control 103 Justice 11, 110 Juvenile courts 186, 207 Juvenile delinquency. . 207, 237 Kidneys 10, 13 Kneepante 177,218 PAGE Knights of King Arthur age 126,257 "Know Yourself Cam- paign" 155 Language the vehicle of thought 46 Laziness 141 Leadership 96, 176 Leadership of gang. ... 97 "League of Worshiping Children" 255 Leaving school 152 Likes and dislikes 143 Liquor, Decrease of consumption of 22 Liver 13 Lonely age 118 Long sermons and long prayers 227 Long trouser period. . . 177. 179 Love a social feeling. . . 74 Love in action 43 Love of home 204 Loyalty 126, 182 Lungs 10, 13, 173 Lying 140 Making a living vs. making a life 156, 217 Making things 140 Manland 106 Manners 109, 215 Mannishness vs. man- liness 219 Maxims of life 108 Meal, The family 90 Medulla oblongata. ... 32 Medullary sheath 32 Memory 43, 104, 183 Memorizing 44, 45 INDEX 287 PAGE Mental habits 40 Mental photography . . 194 Mental turmoil 134 Mind, a picture gal- lery 33 Mind, Reasoning power of 34 Minister, Assistants to the 261 Ministers and the boys 259 Ministers' sermons to boys 263 Mischief and fun 117 Misfits on society. . . 84, 136 Misunderstood boys, . 118, 232 "Model" boy 177 Modern sensationalism 230 Modern skepticism. . . . 232 Moral characteristics. . 100 " colorblindness.. 114 " culture 84 " destruction. . . . 101 " deterioration ... 39 " discipline 43 " energy 104 ** instruction. Aim of. . 103 ** instruction for boys 12 to 14. 109 ** instruction for boys 14 to 16. 110 " instruction for boys 16 to 19. 112 " judgment 101 " law vs. civil law 105 ** qualities 62 ** teaching. Home as the school of 105 Morality, A growth from within 100 PAGE Morality, A rational basis for 109 Morals, Religious base of 103 Morbus Sabbaticus . . . 250 Mother and her oppo- sition to boy friends. 88 Mother and uplift so- cieties 209 Mother buying the boy's clothes 180 Mother love 200 Mothers' Congress. . . . 200 Mother's opportunity. 122 Motion pictures 231 Mouth breathing 5, 14 Muscle and morals. . . . 104 Muscular virtues and faults 18 Muscles, Involuntary. 11 Music 43, 44, 95,97 Nagging. 106,107 Narrowmindedness. ... 96 Nasal passages 10, 15 Nature and God 124 Nature and nurture . . . 170 Nature worship 125 Neglected boyhood. ... 84 Need of vocational guidance 139 Nervo - muscular sys- tem 30 Nervous fathers 216 Nervous system 4, 13, 14, 30, 32, 33, 173 Newspaper route 141 Noise and dirt 117,215 Number of young men in U. S . 39 Nutrition 14 Nutrition and growth . / 16 288 INDEX PAGE Obedience . 7 . . .t. 107 Objective righteous- ness 121 Observation, Period of 4,102 Older boys. Responsi- bility of 113 Open hearth 51 Order. . 110 Organization for boys . 245 Organized Sunday school classes 245 Oxygen 16 Pairing tendency 85 Parental ambition . 145, 205 Parental authority. . . , 39, 42, 89, 207 Parental delinquency.. 88, 192, 204, 207, 214, 220 Parental respect 215 Parents, Indulgent. ... 13 Parents and sex in- struction. . .187, 190, 197 Parents and the Sun- day school 228 Parent-Teacher Asso- ciation 200 Passions 64 Patriotism 110, 111. 112 Peace and war. . . . Ill, 112 Pelvic organs 13 Peril of the home. . .90, 205 Period of doubt 42 Period of misunder- standing 118 Perseverance 110 Personal habits 40 Personal relationship to others Ill Personality, The boy's. 33, 248 PAGE Personality of leaders. 104, 228, 239, 241 Phi Alpha Pi fraternity 93 "Phrenometer" 173 Physical examinations . 20 Physical laziness 38 Physical struggle and prowess 9 Physical weaknesses. . . 103 Pictures, The appeal of 195, 196 Pin feather age 179 Plato 3,6 Play a school of ethics 18 Play a social adjuster. 90 Play and work 92 Play life a challenge to the Church 18 Playing store 141 Pleasure of work 89 Pores 10 Power of example .... 79 Power of observation. . 4 Power of suggestion. . . 36 Prayer 122,254 Preparation for life . . 83, 90 Principles relating to self, society, and hu- manity 108 Progressive education. 30 Prohibition of the sale of vodka 21 Protestant Sunday schools 223 Psychical elements. ... 4 Public schools and the home 144 Public schools and sex instruction 199 Public schools and re- ligious instruction. . . 224 Punishment 68, 71. 105 INDEX PAGE Quacks 20 Questionnaire on amusements 11 Questionnaire on books and magazines 52 Questionnaire on father 211 Questionnaire on habit 253 Questionnaire on how a minister can help a boy . . 260 Questionnaire on join- ing the church 258 Questionnaire on mother 209 Questionnaire on sex instruction 187, 189 Questionnaire on slang 47 Questionnaire on Sun- day school attend- ance 225 Questionnaire on vo- cational desire 138 Questionnaire on why boys don't go to church 253 Questionnaire on why boys go to Sunday school 238 Questions, A boy's .... 6, 14, 207 Rapid eating 17 Rational basis for mor- ality 109 Reasoning power of mind 34 Rebellion, Inward .... 177 Recreation 1, 111, 113 Reform schools 207 Regulative principles.. 108 Religion as motive power 117,120 PAGE Religion the base of morals 103 Religious awakening. . 119, 128 Religious characteris- tics 117 Religious clarification. 118 Religious expression. . . 121, 122 Religious feeling 8 Religious instruction . . 233 Religious instruction and the public schools 224 Religious observance . . 1 18 Religious questionings. 101, 135 Reproductive organs . . 7 Respect for authority. 39 Respect for others .... 108 Respect jfor self. 108, 110, 113 Responsibility 39, 92, 113, 182 Restlessness 13 Reverence, Instinct of . 78 Right thinking 41 Room, A boy's 87 Sabbath observance . 80, 230 Sacrifice 108 Saliva 14 Savings banks in Rus- sia 22 School, Boys' leaving. . 143, 148, 152 School yell 216 Self centered boys .... 82 control 144 expression 152 feeling. Instinct of 76 government 106 respect. . .108,110,113 Selfishness 75,183 290 INDEX PAGE Sensitiveness to social relations 106 Sensori-motor system. . 30 Sensory centers 33 Sensuous growth. Pe- riod of 101 Sentiments 64 Sentimentalism 75 Service 75,76,108. 127, 229, 244 Servantized boys 220 Services of worship. . . . 249, 259, 264 Sex instinct 76 Sex instruction .... 25, 26, 187, 189, 196 Shave, The first 179 Sickness, Decrease of. . 3, 8 Singing, a universal language 95 Singing, Church 95 Skedaddling from Sun- day school 223 Skepticism, Modern. . . 232 Skin ..10,11,173 Slang expressions .... 46, 47 Sleep and growth .... 13, 14 Sleep, Breathing dur- ing 13,15 Sleep, Hours of 14 Sleep, Irregularity of . . 13 Smoking and beer drinking 23 Smoking and economic waste 24 Social center. The boy's room a 87 Social characteris- tics 82 Social education 86 Social initiative 90 Social instincts 84, 97 PAGE Social organizations. . . 94, 110, 112 Social relationships. . . 113 Social service. . .92, 113, 114 Socializing value of the family meal 90 Spinal cord and mar- row 32 Spirit of discontent , . . 149 Spiritualization of work 156 Spontaneity 151 Stages of religious ex- pression 122, 240 Stemming the tide 236 Stifled emotions 80 Strong motor and sen- sor temperaments. . , 65 Struggle for manhood . 134 Storm and stress pe- riod 63, 128 Spine 13 Study of gangs 86 Suggestion, Power of . . 36 Suicide 206 Sunday newspaper . . . 230 Sunday school activi- ties 243 Sunday school and adolescence. . 27, 119, 134, 152, 223, 233 Sunday school and big boys 226,236 Sunday school and parents 228 Sunday school and week day activities. 234 Sunday School Ath- letic League 19, 242 Sunday school Boys' Department 246 Sunday school indus- trialism 231 INDEX 291 PAGE Sunday school lessons . 233 Sunday school teachers 120 Surprise, Instinct of. . . 80 Sweating tubes 10 Swimming 11, 13 Syllabus of moral in- struction 109 Sympathetic system.33, 197 Sympathy 124 Sympathy, Instinct of . 77 Teacher training insti- tute 240 Teachers, Inefficient Sunday school 227 Team work 91 Teasing 71 Teeth 14,15 Temper 228 Temperature of body. . 7, 8 Temperance in drink . . 112 Temperament, Weak and strong motor . . 64, 65 Temperament, Weak and strong sensor ... 65 Tendencies to conduct. 102 The Church, the preacher, the ser- mon, and the boy. . . 250 The greatest criminal in history 20 The language of the fence 185 The three modern furies 206 The teen period 7 Thinking right 41,176 Thought life of a boy. . 25, 115, 185 Three wise monkeys of Japan 194 Thrift 110.111 PAGE Throat 10,14 Tight fitting clothing. . 15 Time of conversion. ... 119 Time of crime 119, 186 Time of uniting with the church 119 Tobacco and disease . . 23 Toenails 10 Toleration toward others 113 Truthfulness 109 Unfolding of personal- ity 14 Uniting with the Church 131,119,258 Unselfishness 78 Value of an education . 148, 154 Vertebral column 33 Virile qualities 7 Virtue and vice 15 Visualized education . . 153 Vocation, Choosing a. . 78, 144 Vocational characteris- tics . 137 Vocational schools .... 152 Voluntary human ac- tion 100 Vulgar show bills 193 War and peace. . . .111, 112 Waste 13,14 Willculture....39, 111, 113 Will, The 139,155 Wine drinking 21 Wonder, Instinct of . . . 80 Work 110,111,140,155 Work and play 92 Work, Hours of 14 292 INDEX PAGE Work. Pleasure of. .39, 157 Work, Spiritualization of 156 Worship, Family 221 Worship, FunctioQ of. . 133 PAGE Worship, Instinct of. 121, 154 Worship and nature.. . 124 Wrong doing 102 W u n d t ' 8 regulative principles 108 Index of Authors PAGE Addison, Joseph 243 Alexander, John L . . . . 245 Baden-Powell. Sir Rob- ert S. S 94 Baines. E. W 23 Beck, F. 7.91,107 Begbie, Harold 103 Black, Hugh 85 Bok, Edward 38 Bosworth, E. 1 221 Burdette, Robert 24 Burr, H. M 47 Butler, Prof 104 Carroll, H.K 252 Chad wick. Dr. M. Louise 196 Coe, George A 101 Cook, Joseph 45 Corsan, George H . . . . 13 Craig, T. A 182 Curtis, John W 153 De Garmo, Charles. . . 108 De Motte, John B 201 Dennis, Doctor 23 Dewey, John 106 Dexter and Garlick . . . 105 Eliot, Charles W 41 PAGE Faunce, W. N 224 Fisher, George J., M.D. 103 Forbush, William Byron 7,82 Fosbroke, Gerald E . . . 176 Fowler, Nathaniel, Jr. . 141, 143 Freeman, James M. . . . 195 Gladstone, William E. . 41 Green, Reuben, M.D.. 14 Hall, G. Stanley 11, 14, 18, 46, 51, 71, 96, 119, 196, 205 231 Hoben, Allan 259, 261 Home, H. H 240 Hubbell, George Allen . 45, 46. 170 James, William. . .40, 41, 84 Johnson, G. E 83 Johnson, Marietta L. . 149 Kirkpatrick, E. A 30 Kirtley, James S . . 4, 6, 10, 17, 35, 75, 87, 121 Kress. D. H.. M.D.... 24 INDEX dOS PAGE Latimer, Hugh 220 Lockwood, John Hor- ace 206 Longfellow, Henry W. 21 Lord, Everett W 143 Luther, Martin 124 McElfresh, Franklin . . 241 McKeever, William A . 155 McKinley, Charles E. . 76, 248, 263 Harden, Orison Swett. 151 Mark, H. Thistleton . . 30, 63, 66, 69, 74 Markham, Edwin 156 Mayo, Hon. John W . . 214 Merrill, Lilburn, M. D. 74 Mill, John Stuart 41 Moxom, Philip A 115 Oppenheim, James. . . . 206 Puffer, J. Adam 86 Raflfety, W. E 43 Ribot, Th 66,73 Riis, Jacob E 140 Roarke, Prof 37 PAGE Robson, Frank 101 Rosenkrantz, Dr 84 Rosenufif. Dr 20 Ruskin, John 44 St. John, E. P 78 Scott, Collin A 114 See, Edwin F 40 Sheldon, D 86 Snedden, David 154 Starbuck, E. D.... 118, 128 Stead, W.T 128 Swift, Edgar J 86 Tarkington, Booth 177 Taylor, Charles K 19 Tyler, J. M 7,8,9, 33, 34, 72, 127, 128 Tyndall, John 194 Van Dyke, Henry 90 Votaw, Prof 132 Warner, Francis 14 Weigle, Luther A ... .84, 93 Werner, Carl 181 Wilson, R. N., M.D... 25 Wundt, W. M 107 FiBST Lines of Poetby PAGB 'A Cathedral, boundless as our wonder" 124 'A creed is a rod." Hyde 136 'As each new life is given to the world" 247 *At night returning, every laborer sped." Goldsmith 204 *At the terrible door of your beautiful sin." Morgan 202 'Brother, save the boy." Raffety 234 •Doth not the soul the body sway" 114 'Do you know that your soul is of my soul such part" 200 'Earth's future glory and its hopes and joys" 183 'Flower in the crannied wall." Tennyson ... * 169 294 INDEX PAGE "For there are moments in life when the heart is so full of emotion." Longfellow 63 **Give the boy a hammer." Chicago News 140 "Give us men." Bishop of Exeter 98 "He was a dog, but he stayed at home." London S. S. Times. 208 "How beautiful is youth! how bright it gleams." Longfellow 181 "Hurry the baby as fast as you can." Waterman. . . 26 "I am a child — oh, do not tie me up to schools." Breckenridge 150 "It is good to have money" 220 "It takes a soul." Mrs. Browning 96 "I want a hero." Blackie 80 "Know thyself as the Lord of the chariot" 62 "Let me but do my work from day to day." Van Dyke 157 "Life's more than breath." Baily 100 "Man am I grown." Tennyson 223 "Mind is the master power that moulds and makes." Benton 29 "Mum always makes me mad clean through." Daly 180 "Oh, the joy of measured strength." Sterns 3 "Oh the years we waste and the tears we waste" .... 214 "Onc't they was a little boy." Riley 67 "Ram it in, jam it in." London Post 31 "Seek to shape it outwardly" 74 *'Sow a thought and reap a deed." Hale 41 "There are hermit souls that live withdrawn." Foss 82 *'There is a tide in the affairs of men." Shakespeare 108 "There's a breathless hush in the Close tonight." Newbolt 91 "The world has work for us." Allerton 137 **To thine own self be true." Shakespeare 108 "Two great, strong arms; a merry way." B. E. W. . 221 "Wall Street rang and echoed with its traffic" 37 "We teach and teach" ^ 241 "When from the field of mimic strife" 73 "When the fight begins within himself." Browning.. 100 "Where have I come from." Tagore 197 "Who builds in boys builds lastingly in truth" 28 "You hear that boy laughing" 117 RETURN TO the circulatbn desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AUG 7 1995 JAN 1 9 200? ftUG ?> 5 ?no2 YB 07435 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD3flS715ME 584322 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY