Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflibraOOmercrich CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY a mmiik ^Mm^ AnHkii^ OF §AN FRANCISCO. PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATION. SAN FRANCISCO : FRANCIS Ss VALENTINE, PRINTERS, 517 CLAY STREET. 1874. ••:.••:'..' •;:.,:/.\.,.^\ tiEQ 0Fsa»* ^733 r LIBRARY tCHOCH^aM' INTRODUCTION. The first Catalogue of the Association was published in 1854. There were then in the Library less than three thousand volumes. The second followed in 1861, and con- tained nearly fourteen thousand volumes. The present (or third) Catalogue represents the books in the Library on Feb. 1, 1874, numbering over thirly-sia; thousand volumes. It is prepared upon what is commonly termed the ' Dictionary plan,' which consists of an alphabetical arrangement of author, title, and subject, with subdivisions of the latter, when deemed of "sufficient extent and importance. The system adopted is the same, with modifications, as that inaugurated by the Boston Public Library, and followed, with a few variations, by the principal libraries of our own country and England. Its simplicity is its great recommendation. No previous study of an elaborate and complex system of classification is required to avail one's self of its contents : its copious refer- ences and cross-references render it an index to itself, and guide the inquirer, step by step, through the entire range of subjects kindred to the one sought. To insure a more ready and complete understanding of the system, with its modifi- cations — which latter, of necessity, vary more or less in different Catalogues — a few general rules, to which we have endeavored to conform, are here subjoined. Books are entered — 1. Under the name of the auihor. This forms the principal entry. Here, and here only, can be found the complete imprint of the work, to wit : as exact and complete a transcript of the title-page as its importance demands, the date and place of publica- tion, and the size of the book. One unusual and important exception to this rule is made in the case of Biographical treatises, where the imprint is placed under the sub- ject-matter or name of the character of the Biography, instead of vmder the author. This innovation, it is thought, will prove a decided advantage, since the subject of the Biography is the sole centre of interest and the direct object of search. Collections in Biography, with few exceptions, follow the same rule. For examples, see the headings Men, Orators, Queens, Statesmen, etc. 2. Under the subject-matter. By means of this entry are brought together, in alpha- betical order, all works on any given subject. They are here arranged by authors, with an abbreviated title of the book, since the primary object of these entries is to inform the reader as to who have written upon the given topic rather than what has been written. They serve to direct one to the principal, or author's entry, where the full description Si805530 VI INTRODUCTION. is to be found. When the last word or words in these abbreviated titles are the same as the ones used for the subject-heading above, they are omitted. Specific subject titles, in place of the more general, have been chosen for these entries, with copious cross-references from the latter. Thus, works relating to Birds, Fishes, Insects, etc. , are placed under these respective titles throughout the work, instead of in a complex sub-classification under Zoology. Treatises on the Horse will be found under this name, and not under Animals or Quadrupeds. Numerous subjects, as America, Cali- fornia, United States, and the names of many countries, states, and cities, by reason of the number and variety of publications relating thereto, have been arranged in subdi- visions, as calculated to simplify and facilitate the labor of reference. 3. Under the running or papular title — i. e., under the first word of the title, not an article. Though this rule applies more strictly to novels, which require but two entries, viz., by author and title, it is scarcely less serviceable in every other department of literature, and has been used in all cases where the title, from its peculiarity, is likely to be remembered or inquired for. Anonymous works are entered, for the most part, under the leading word of the title; publications of societies, associations, etc., under the name of the society, etc.; government, state, or municipal documents under the particular country, state, or city. Biographies of authors, and all references to them, are arranged after the works of such authors. See, e. g., Lamb, C, page 475. Parentheses, immediately following the names of authors, inclosing dates, denote the years of their birth and death ; inclosing j,italicized words, indicate pseudonyms, honorary titles, or explanations ; inclosing Christian names (or initials), signify that they are not ordinarily used by the author, and are rarely found in his works ; e. g., Dumas, Alexandre (Davy), Collins, (W.) W. Brackets denote that the matter embraced is introduced by way of explanation. Capital letters have been made use of only for proper names, adjectives derived from them, and the initial titles of each sentence. 'Although,' says the Catalogue of the Libraiy of Congress, ' this is a depai-ture from a very general usage in printing the . German and some other languages, it secures a uniform and elegant typography ; and as the capitalization of substantives was not practiced in the early days of German typography, and is recently abandoned by Grimm and other philologists, the innovation is not without high authority.' Accordingly, in the French language as well, to avoid what might be to the general reader an apparent inconsistency, proper adjectives have been capitalized. The Catalogue has been printed from new type, and, with the several distinctive kinds of letter, presents a neat and characteristic page. The first word of the main entries is in light antique ; subject-headings, when there are two or more titles, are de- noted by a separate line in the same ; and, in the entries ujader a subject, authors' names are placed in small capitals. Subdivisions are prominent in a distinctive bold- faced type. The body of the work is in brevier, and the contents in agate. INTRODUCTIOjST. Vll The dash ( — ), commonly made use of to denote the repetition of authors' names or subject-headings, has been omitted except in three classes of entries : 1st, under a subject-heading when there are two or more treatises of the same author {see Botany — Mueller, F. von, Torrey, J., page 98) ; 2d, when two or more works of joint authors are brought together, to indicate the repetition of both («ee Morton, T. and J. M., page 575) ; 3d, after double columns which come outside of the range of the titles (see page 297). The word Same is used to avoid a repetition, and includes both title and author of the preceding work. Books are described as 12mo, 8vo, 4to, etc., from their apparent size, and not strictly in accordance with printers' classification, derived from the folding of the sheets. Attention is invited to the fullness and detail which have been carried out in cata- loguing the various collections of Voyages, Essays, and miscellaneous writings in general. Among those subjects which are deserving of special notice may be men- tioned the extensive list of Dramas by titles ; America ; the Arundel, and Chaucer soci- eties ; California ; Lacy's Plays ; Rare, old, and curious books ; Sainte-Beuve ; Shake- speare ; Smithsonian Institution ; the Pacific Railroad Reports, and the United States. While the Catalogue has been going through the press a large number of books have been added to the Library, and some omissions discovered. When possible, this new matter has been inserted in the body of the work ; but much of it has, of necessity, been used to form a Supplement, and placed at the end of the voliime. In some few cases, an author will be found in the body of the work and the subject in the Supple- ment, and vice versa. On the following page are given a few 'Rules for Alphabetizing,' consisting princi- pally of those set forth in the ' Class list for English prose fiction ' of the Boston Public Library. They are based upon Professor Jewett's rules, laid down in his ' Con- struction of Catalogues,' and, as they have been our guide in the arrangement of titles, are inserted that they may serve the use of interpretation. A list of Abbreviations used in the titles of Dramas, etc., will be found under the heading ' Dramas by titles,' page 237. Those in general use throughout the work, for the most part, require no explanation. A few of the more uncommon are given on the next page. The Association has been fortunate in having employed upon the work so compe- tent and thorough a proof-reader as Mr. Jos. Evans. His judgment and experience have been a constant aid, while his interest in the labor and close ax^plication thereto have rendered his assistance invaluable. Thanks are also due Mr. E. A. Pesoli for the great service voluntarily rendered by him during the continuance of the work, in revising the French and Italian portions of our proofs. A. E. WHITAKER, San Francisco, Feb. 1, 1874. Librarian. RULES FOR ALPHABETIZING. 1. Authors' names should precede titles of books, or names of subjects. Thus, Homes, H. A., should precede 'Homes, works, and shrines of English artists.' West, B., precedes West, The. 2. Surnames should precede names of places when they are Identical. Thus, Washington, G., should take precedence of Washington, Jy. C. 3. Christian names, used as headings, should precede sur- names. Thus, Francis ii. should go before Francis, C. S. 4. The name of an author whose initials only are known precedes the same letters with a full Christian name. Thus, Brown, T. Allston, is placed before Brown, Thomas. 5. Proper names beginning with Mc or M' are arranged as if spelled Mac, and must be looked for under those letters. 6. A hyphened word is to be alphabetized as if the last part were a word by itself, though the whole word is printed [n the antique letter. Thus, ' Happy-thought hall ' should be placed after ' Happy home ' and before ' Happy thoughts.' 7. The possessive case singular should follow the nomfna* tive singular (whatever the adjunct of the latter may be), and should precede the nominative plural. Thus, 'Margaret's choice ' should follow ' Margaret Eussell's school,' and ' Bride's fate ' should precede 'Brides and bridals.' The same princi- ple applies to the possessive plural. 8. Abbreviations (as Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.) are to be treated as if spelt out (Mister, Mistress, Doctor, etc.). 9. Compound names of persons— as De Morgan , Des Vceuar, Du Chaillu, La Motte-Fouq,u6, Las Casas, Le Sage, Van Buren —are to be treated as single words, and printed in antique letter. In the alphabetical arrangement, therefore, Demon- ology would precede, and Demosthenes fbllow De Morgan ; and similarly in like cases. iB. Compound names of places, as New York, Nova Scotia, etc., are to be treated as separate words. Hence New Hamp- shire and New York precede Newark, and Nova Scotia comes before Novalis. ABBREVIATIONS. Ab About. Abp Archbishop. Am America ; American. Am. ethnol. soc American ethnological society. Ann. cat. Am. coll Annual catalogues of American colleges. App Appendix. Aus Ausgewiihlte. Aust Australia. Bait Baltimore. Biblioth Bibliotheca. Biog .'. Biographical ; biography. Bost Boston. Bp Bishop. Br. British. Cal California. Camb Cambridge. Chr Christian. Class Classical. Coll Collections ; colleges. Coll. voy Collected voyages. Comp Compiled; compiler. Domes t Domestic. Dr. Drama ; dramatic. Ed Edited ; edition ; editor, Edin Edinburgh. Encycl Encyclopaedia. Ethnol Ethnological; ethnology. Geog Geographical. Geol Geological. Ges Gesammelte. Gott GOttingen. H. F. lib Harper's Family library. Hist Historical ; history. Impf. Imperfect. Lange's Com Lange's Commentary. Lib Library. Lond. London. Md Maryland. Melb Melbourne. Mis Miscellaneous; miscellany, N.d No date. N. E. h., g. s New England historic, genealogi- cal society. N.t.p No title-page. N. Y New York. Nat. lib Naturalist's library. No Number. Nouv. 6d Nouvelle edition. Obi Oblong. Oxf. Oxford. P.— pp Page— pages. Paris univ. expos Paris universal exposition. Phil Philadelphia. Prov Providence. Pseud Pseudonym. Pub Published ; publisher. Rept.._ Eeport. Rev Review ; revised. S. F. San Francisco. Siimm Sammtllche. Script. Grsec. biblioth Scrlptorum Grsecorum bibliothe- ca. Sm Small. Soc Society. Sq Square. Tr.— Trans Translated ; translation ; trans- lator. Trans. Transactions. V Volume. Valpy's Script Lat Valpy's Scriptores Latini. Vitse excell. imp Vitse exceUentum hnperatorom. Wash Washington. Wore Worcester. CATALOGUE. A. A., M. (a Pruss. artil. officer). War of 1870-71, The. Tr. from the German, by C. H. Fair- fax. Lond. 1873. IT. A. L. O. E. (pseud.). See Tucker, Miss C. A, quoi tient I'amour, etc. Secokd, A. A travers chants. Berlioz, H. Abailard. See Ab^lard. Abbe, Cleveland. Dorpat and Poulkova observ- atories. [In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Abb6 * * *, L' (pseud.). See Delton. Abbey, R. City of God and the church-mak- ers : an examination into structural Chris- tianity. N. Y. 1872. 12° Abbot, Ezra. See Alger, W. R. Abbot, Henry Larcom. Report upon explora- tions from Sacramento valley to the Colum- bia river, made by R. S. Williamson, 1855. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explora- tions, etc. See also Humphreys, A. A. Abbot, The. Scott, Sir W. Abbotsford. Irving, W. (In Crayon mis.) Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the south, during the years 1864-5. N. Y. 1865. 12? Abbott, Austin (6, 1831). See Abbott, B. V., et al. Abbott, Benj. V. (b. 1830), A., and L. Matthew Caraby. By Benauly. N. Y. 1859. 12t Abbott, Edwin Abbott. Shakespearian grammar: an attempt to illustrate some of the differ- ences between Elizabethan and modern En- glish. Lond. 1869. 16? R. English lessons for En- Bost. 1872. 12? D. Mexico and the United States : their natural relations and common interests. N. Y. 1869. 8? Abbott, Jacob (6. 1803). Aunt Margaret ; or, how John True kept his resolutions. N. Y. 1856. 16? (2 cop.) Florence's return. N. Y. 1864. 16? Force. (Science for the young.) N. Y. 1873. 16? Franconia stories. N. Y. 1852. 10 v. 12? and Seeley, J. glish people. Abbott, Gorham Contents : Agnes. Beechnut Caroline. Ellen Llna Malleville. Mary Bell. Mary Ersklne. Roflolphus. Stuyvesant Wallace. Abbott (continued) — (£d.) Harper's story books : a series of nar- ratives, dialogues, biographies, and tales, for the instruction and entertainment of the young. N. Y. n.d. 12 v. 12? Contents : Alcove, v. 8. Aunt Margaret, v. 9. Bruno, v. 1. Carl and Jocko, v. 10. Congo, V. 12. Dialogues, v. 8. Elfred, v. 6. Emma, v. 2. Engineer, v. 7. Franklin, v. 4. Gibraltar gallery, v. 8. Great elm, v. 9. Harper establishment, v. 4. Jasper, v. 11. John True, v. 6. Judge Justin, v. IL Lapstone, v. 10. Little Louvre, v. 2. Little Paul, V. 12. Minigo, V. 11. • Museum, v. 6. Orkney, the peacemaker, v. 10. Prank, v. 2. Rambles among the Alps, V. 7. Story of American history, V. 5. Story of ancient history, v. Story of English history, v. Strait gate, v. 1. Studio, V. 4. Three gold dollars, v. 7. Timboo and Fanny, v. 3. Timboo and Joliba,v. 3. Vernon, V. 9. Viola, v. 12. Virginia, v. 3. Willie and the mortgage, v. Heat; with numerous engravings. (Science for the young.) N. Y. 1871. 12? History of Alexander the great. History of Cleopatra. History of Cyrus the great. History of Darius the great. History of Hannibal. History of Julius Ca3sar. History of King Charles the second of En- gland. History of Marie Antoinette^^ History of Mary, queen of Soots. History of Peter the great. History of Pyrrhus. History of Queen Elizabeth. History of RomiUus. History of William thie conqueror. Juno stories. N. Y. n.rf. 16? Contents .• Hubert, v. 4. Juno and Georgie, v. 1. Juno on a Journey, v. 3. Mary Osborne, v. 2. Light ; with numerous engravings. (Science for the young.) N. Y. 1872. 12? Little learner, The : learning about common things. Illustrated. N. Y. 1857. 16? Revolt of the American colonies. N. T. 1864. 18? ABBOTT ABOO-BEKR-IBN-TOFAIL Abbott (continued) — RoLLO books. N. Y. 1863. 14 V. 16? Contents : {New rev. ed.) BoUo at play. Kollo at school. Kollo at work. BoUo learning to reag. Kollo learning to tatia Rollo's correspoiulenfce, Bollo's experiments, — Rollo's t^ar';i9' 12? ^■' ■' Bollo's museum. Rollo's philosophy(alr). Rollo's pljUo,saphy (fire). R6llo's {ihilMophy (sky). RoHo's 'plilfosop^hj' ( water). Bolfo's trdvels. 4unstitution of the United States, Three letters on, v. 6. Correspondence, General, v. 9, 10. Davlla, Discourses on, v. 6. l">ebates in the continental congress, 1775-6, v. 2. Diary, v. 2, 3. Dissertation on canon and the feudal law, v. 3. Essays, v. 3. Government. Four letters on, v. 6. Government, Thoughts on, v. 4. Instruction of the town of Boston to their repre- sentatives, 1768-9, V. .3. Instruction of the town of Braintree to their rep- resentative, 1765, V. 3. Judiciary, On the independence of the. Contro- versy between J. Adams and W. Brattle, 1773, v. 3. Letters to John Taylor, of Caroline, Va., in reply to strictures on the defense, v. 6. Life. By C. F. Adams, v. 1. Notes on debates in senate of the United States, v. 3. Novanglus. A history of the dispute with Ameri- ca, from 1754, v. 4. Official letters, messages, and public papers, v. 7-9. Keport of a constitution for Massachusetts, 1779, v. 4. Keview of Mr. Hillhouse's propositions for amend- ing the constitution, v. 6. GiBBS, G. Memoirs of the administrations of Adams and Washington. Wood, J. Suppressed history, The, of the administration of John Adams, from 1797 to 1802. See also — American eloquence, "v. 1. Lives of the presidents. Orators of the American revolution. Parker, T. Historic Americans. Signers to decl. of indep., v. 8. Adams, John {mutineer), {d. 1829). Account of the mutiny of the ship Bounty, and the fate of the mutineers. {In Beechey 's Narrative, V. 1, p. 66.) ADAMS Adams, John (of Waltham abbey). Voyage to South America ; describing, at large, the Spanish cities, towns, provinces, etc., of that extensive continent, undertaken by com- mand of the king of Spain. By Don George Juan and Don Antonio de Ulloa. Tr. from the original Spanish, with notes, and an ac- count of the Brazils. {5th ed.) Lond. 1807. 2 V. 8° Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848). Duplicate letters ; the fisheries ; and the Mississippi. Documents relating to transactions at the negotiation of Ghent. Wash. 1822. 12= Jubilee of the constitution. A discourse delivered at the request of the New York historical society, in the city of New York, on Tuesday, the 30th of April, 1839 ; being the fiftieth anniversary of the inauguration of George "Washington as president of the United States, on Thursday, the 30th of April, 1789. N. Y. 1848. 8^ Letters on the masonic institution. Bost. 1847. 8°. Letters to his son on the study of the bible. See Adams, Mrs. A. (S.) Quincy, J. Memoir of the life of. Bost. 1858. 8° (2 cop.) Seward, W. H. Life and public services of. Auburn, 1853. 12? See also American eloquence, v. 2; Jefferson, T. ; Lives of the presidents. Adams, John T. Lost hunter, The. N. Y. 1860. 12? {2 cop.) Adams, Nehemiah (b. 1806). Broadcast. Bost. 1863. 12? Sable cloud : a southern tale, with northern comments. Bost. 1861. 12? South side view of slavery. (4seMrf.). Scriptores rerum Al- exandri magni. {Gr.et Lat.) [Bound with Arrianus.] Didot's Script. Gr«c. biblioth. Curtius Kufus, Q. Kebus gestis Alex, magni, De. — History of the wars of Alexander. Tr. by J. Digby. Freeman, E. A. Historical essays, 2d ser. Plutarchus. Life of. (Jw Lives.) — Vie de. {In Vies des Grecs illustres.) — Vita. {Gr. et Lat.) {In Vitse, v. 1.) KoLLiNS, C. Alexander: history of. {In his Ancient history, v. 1.) Williams, J. Life and actions of. H. F. lib., V. 7. See also Captains of the old world. Alexander i. {of Russia), (1777-1825). Choi- SEUL-Gouri'iER(comtosc de). K^miniscenc€s sur I'Empereur Alexandre i., et sur I'Em- pereur Napoleon i. Alexander vi. {Pope), (1430-1503). Dumas, A. (D.) Kodrigo Lenzuoli Borgia. {In Crimes celebres, Les.) Alexander {bp. of Alexandria), {d. a.d. 326). Writings of. Tr. by J. B. H. Hawkins. {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v. 14.) Alexander {bp. of LycopoUs). Writings of. Tr. by J. B. H. Hawkins. {In Ante-Ni- cene Chr. lib., v. 14.) Alexander, Archibald (1772-1851). Evidences of the authenticity, inspiration, and canon- ical authority of the holy scriptures. Phil. 1836. 12° History of the Israelitish nation, from their origin to their dispersion at the destruction of Jerusalem by the Komans [ab. 2000 B.C. to A.D. 70]. Phil. 1853. 8? Outlines of moral science. N. Y. 1852. 12° Alexander, C. A. Origin and history of the Koyal society of London. {In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) Alexander, Henry Carrington. Life of Joseph Addison Alexander. Alexander, Sir James Edward. Passages in the life of a soldier ; or, military service in the east and west. Lond. 1857. 2 v. 12° (2 cop.) Salmon-fishing in Canada. By a resident. Lond. 1860, 12° Transatlantic sketches, comprising visits to the most interesting scenes in North and South America and the West Indies ; with notes on negro slavery and Canadian emi- gration. Phil. 1833. 8? Alexander, James Waddell (1804-1859). See Man of business. Alexander, John Henry (1812-1867). Univer- sal dictionary of weights and measures, an- cient and modern, reduced to the standard of the United States of America. Baltimore, 1850. 12? Alexander, Joseph Addison (1809-1860). Acts ofthe apostles, explained. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. TOO Alexander {continued) — Psalms, translated and explained. {Qth ed.) N. Y. 1864. 3 V. 12° Alexander, H. C. Life of. N. Y. 1870. 2v. 8° Alexander, Stephen {b. 1806). Lecture on the vastness of the visible creation. [In Smith- sonian rept. 1857.) Relations of time and space. (In Smithson- ian rept. 1861.) Alexander, W. {dean of Emly). Lecture on Victor Hugo as a poet. {In Afternoon lect- ures, V. 2.) Matthew Arnold's poetry. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 4.) Specimen of a translation of Virgil. [In Af- ternoon lectures, v. 5.) Alexander, Sir William. See Stirling. Alexandra Feodorowna, etnpress of Russia. Grimm, A. Th. von. Tr. by Lady Wallace. Edin, 1870. 2 v. 8° Alexandre, A. Beauties of chess. The : a col- lection of the finest chess problems extant, including upwards of 2,000 curious positions won or drawn by brilliant coups. Lond. 1846. 4° Alexandria {Egypt). See Egypt. Alexandria ( Virginia). See Washington (D. C.) directory. Alexandria canal. Turnbull, W. Reports on the construction of the aqueduct of the Alexandria canal across the Potomac river at Georgetown, dist. of Columbia, 1835-40. Alexandria herald. The. Vol. 3, No. 311 (July 21, 1813). Sm. f°. [Bound in Alta California for 1851.] Alfieri, Vittorio^ (1749- 1803). Autobiography of. Tr., with an essay on his times and genius, by C. Edwards Lester. N. Y. 1845. 12° Memoires Merits par lui-mSme, et traduits de I'ltalien par M * * *. Paris, 1862. 12° Contents : Vie de Alfieri. La. Virglnie : trag6die. Hayward, a. Biographical and critical es- says, V. 2. Headley, J. T. Miscellanies. See also Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Alflo Balzani. Minelli, J. Alford, Henry {dean of Canterbury), (1810-1871). Book of Genesis, and part of the book of Exodus : a revised version, with marginal references and explanatory commentary. Lond. 1872. 8? Eastertide sermons ; preached before the university of Cambridge on four Sundays after Easter, 1866. Lond. 1866. 12° Contents : Expediency of the Lord's removal, The. Fact of the resurrection, The. Great shepherd, The. Shepherd and his sheep, The. How to study the new testament. The gospels; the acts of the apostles. Lend, and N. Y. 1865. 12? Letters from abroad. {2d ed.) Lond. 1865. 12? Life, journals, and letters. Ed. by his wid- ow. Lond. 1873. 8? ALFORD 16 ALISON A.lford. (continued) — Plka for the queen's English : stray notes on speaking and spelling. (2fi.ed.) [Repub.from 'Good words,' v. 4, 1863.] Lond. 1864. 12° Poetical works. (4-1836. Post-office, 1 v., 1789-1823. Public lands, 8 v., 1789-1837. American turf register : a correct synopsis of turf events in the United States, embracing running, trotting, and pacing, for 1870. N. Y. 1871. 8° American wit and humor. (From Harper's mag.) Illustrated by J. McLennan. N. Y. 1859. 8° (2 cop.) American woman's home. Beecher, C. E., and Stowe, H. (E.) B. American wonder-land. Bache, R. M. American's guide ; comprising the declaration of independence, the articles of confedera- tion, the constitution of the United States, and the constitutions of the several states composing the union. Phil. 1850. 12^ Sa7ne. Phil. 1859. 12? American's own book. Bigelow, J. E. Americanisms — Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of. De Verb, M.S. Americanisms : the English of the new world. Elwyn, a. L. Glossary of supposed. Americans — DuYCKiNCK, E. A. National portrait gallery of eminent. Gaskill, E. National portrait gallery of dis- tinguished. Livingston, J. Portraits of eminent Amer- icans now living, with biographical and his- torical memoirs of their lives and actions. N. Y. 1853-4. 4 v. 8° AMERICANS 25 AMPERE Americans in Eome. Leland, H. P. Ainerjque devant 1 'Europe, L'. Gaspaein, A. E. DK. Ames, Fisher (1758-1808). Works of; with a selection from his speeches and correspond- ence. Ed. by his son, Seth Ames. Bost. 1854. 2v. 81 Contents : Iietters. v. 1. Memoir, by KIrkland, J. T., v. 1. Miscellaneous essays, v. 2. Political essays, v. 2. Speeches, v. 2. Speech on the British treaty (April 28, 1796). (In Moore, F. American eloquence, v. 1.) Speech on Madison's resolution (January 24, 1794). (In Moore, F. American eloquence, V. 1.) Speeches of Fisher Ames in congress (1789- 96). Ed. by P. W. Ames. Bost. 1871. 8° [250 copies printed.] MooKE, F. Sketch of the life of. (/ra Amer- ican eloquence, v. 1.) See also Golden age of American oratory; Ora- tors of American revolution. Ames, Mary Clemmer. Eirene ; or, a woman's right. N. Y. 1871. 8° (4 cop.) Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Gary ; with some of their later poems and portraits. N. Y. 1873. 12° Outlines of men, women, and things. N. Y. 1873. 12° (2 cop.) Contents : Arlington in May. Bread-making. Caste in sex. Charles Sumner's home. Fallen man, The. Fanny Fern. French journalist, A. Grand duke Alexis in New York. Horace Greeley and Edwin Forrest. Indian summer in Virginia. Instinctive philosophers and statesmen. Let us live. Lola Montez. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Newport in September. Northern Vermont in Au- gust. Our kitchens. Phj'sical basis of statesman- ship. Pin-money. Rainy morning in the coun- try, A. Things gone by. Una and her paupers. Women suffrage. — Victoire. N. Y. 1864. 12? Amherst, J. A. Invasion of Kussia. (Equest. spect.) Lacy's Plays, v. 13. Ireland as it is. (Dr. in 3 acts.) Mod. stand. dr., V. 15. Ireland as it was. (Dr. in 2 acts.) Lacy's Plays, V. 81. Amherst college (Mass.) — Catalogue and reports (1869-72). [Bound together.] 8° Contents : Catalogue (annual), 1869-70, 1870-71, 1871-2. Catalogue (triennial), 1869. Catalogue (triennial), 1872 Isemi-centennial]. Obituary record, July, 1872. Physical culture in Am. coll. By Nathan Allen. Koll of honor. Semi-centennial exercises, July 12, 1872. Walker building : laying corner-stone of, June 10, 1868 ; and opening of, Oct. 20, 1871. Catalogue of books added to the library (July, 1855, to July, 1871). Amherst, 1871. 12° Catalogues of (1866-7, 1867-8, 1868-9). (In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 1.) Catalogus eorum qui munera et officia aca- demica gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in coUegio Amherstiensi, Amherstise, in republica Massachusettensi. Am.herst coll. (continued) — Springfleldise, 1866. (In Triennial cat. Am. coll., V. 1.) Obituary record of Amherst college, for years ending July 11, 1867, and July 9, 1868. Roll of honor. (In Ann. cat. Am. coll. , v. 1.) Cutting, G. E. Student life at. Tyler, W. S. History of [1821-1871]. Ami des enfants et des adolescents, L'. Berquin, A. Aminta. Tasso, T. (In Quattro poeti Italiani, I.) Ammosoff, Nicholas. Benefit of free trade. Part ii. St. Petersburg, 1817. 8° (Russian.) Ammunition. iSee Patents, Abridgments of Britr ish, V. 12. Among my books. Lowell, J. R. Among my books. World essays. Reed, W. B. Among the Arabs. Napheqyi, G. Among the brigands. De Mille, J. Among the Goths and Vandals. Blaikie, J. Among the guerrillas. Gilmore, J. R. -Among the hills ; and other poems. Whittier, J. G. Among the Isles of Shoals. Thaxter, C. Among the pines ; or, the south in secession time. Gilmore, J. R. Among the trees. Lorimer, M. Amoor river — Atkinson, T. W. Travels on the upper and lower Amoor. Collins, P. McD. Voyage down the. Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. Ravenstein, E. G. Russians on the Amur. Sauer, M. Geographical and astronomical expedition, 1785-94. Amos, Sheldon. Difference of sex as a topic of jurisprudence and legislation. Lond. 1870. 16° Amour, L'. Michelet, J. Amour dans I'avenir, Un. Mery, J. (In (Euvres, v. 28.) Amour des levres et 1 'amour du cceur, L'. Goz- LAN, L. (In (Euvres, v. 8.) Amour d'un esclave, L'. Comettant, O. (In Nouveau monde, Le : scenes de la vie Am6- ricaine.) Amour en mer. Comettant, O. (In Nouveau monde, Le : scenes de la vie Am^ricaine.) Amoureux des Catherine, Les. Erckmann- Chatrian. Amouroux. See Armengaud. Amours de Claire et de Marcellin. Rousseau, J. J. (In (Euyves et correspondance incites.) Amours de voyage. Clough, A. H. (In Poems.) Amours des bords du Rhin, Les. M]ery, J. (In (Euvres, v. 38.) Amours of Daphnis and Chloe, The. Longus. Tr. by R. Smith. (In Greek romances.) Ampere, Jean Jacques Antoine (1800-1864). C^- sar: scenes historiques. Paris, 1859. 8° Histoire Romaine a Rome, L'. (2e M.) Paris, 1863. 4 v. 8? Promenade en Am^rique, 1851-2. Paris, 1860. 2v. 8° Canada, v. 1. Cuba, V. 2. Contents : I fitats-TJnis, v. 1. I Mexique, v. 2. See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. AMPHIBIANS 26 ANCIENT Amphibians — Hamilton, K. Amphibious carnivora, wal- rus, etc. (In Jardine's Nat. lib., v. 25.) Sw AINSON, W. Natural history of fishes, am- phibians, and reptiles. See also Keptiles. Amphibious carnivora. See Amphibians. Amphion. Kiehl, "W. H. {In Culturgeschicht- liche novellen.) Ampies, Juan de. Kobinson, C. Voyage to Coriana, 1517. {In Early voyages to Amer- ica.) Amputation. Lister, J. Treatise on. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 3.) Amusements — Elliott, A. Play-ground and the parlor. Evening amusements. Henshaw, a. B. Amusement for invalids. Hone, "W. E very-day book and table-book. Magician's own book. The. Smith, H. Festivals, games, and amuse- ments, ancient and modern. See also Dramas (amateur) ; Games ; Gymnas- tics ; Sports. Amy Herbert. Sewell, E. M. Amy Wier. Einggold, G. H. {In Fountain rock.) An der grenze. Hoefer, E. {In Erzahlende schriften, v. 1.) Anabasis ; or, expedition of Cyrus. Xenophon. Anacharsis. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. { Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. bib- lioth. Anacharsis {the younger), Barth^lemy, J. J. Travels of Anacharsis in Greece. Anacreon {ab. 560 b.c). Odes. Tr. by Thomas Moore; with fifty-four illustrative designs, by Girodet de Koussy. Now first produced in England. Lond. n.d. Sq. 16^ Anaesthesia. Simpson, J. Y. Anaesthesia, hospitalism, etc. Anaesthetics. Lister, J. Treatise on. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 3.) See also Chloroform ; Ether ; Nitrous oxide. Anales de la propagacion de la f6. Coleccion periodica. Leon, 1843. Tom. xv. 8^ {In Pamphlets, v. 1.) Contents : Misiones de Abislnla. Misiones de America. Misiones de Ctiina. Misiones de India. Misiones de Oceania occidental. Analogy of religion, natural and revealed. But- ler, J. Analyse raisonn^e de I'histoire de France [987- 1793]. Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Analysis, Chemical. See Chemistry. Analysis, Mathematical. See Calculus. Anastasis. Bush, G. Anastasius; or, memoirs of a Greek. Hope, T. Anatomy — Draper, J. C. Anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. Gothe, J. W. von. Osteologie. ( Jn Samm. werke, v. 5.) Gray, H. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. Anatomy {continued) — Hassall, a. H. Illustrations of the micro- scopic anatomy of the human body in health and disease. Hitchcock, E. Elementary anatomy and physiology. Hooper, K. Lexicon medicum; or, medical dictionary. Jones, C. H., and Sieveking, E. H. Man- ual of pathological. Le Pileur, a. Corps humain, Le. — Wonders of the human body. LoGORSKY. Anatomy. {Russian.) QuAiN, J., and Wilson, W. J. E. Series of anatomical plates ; with comments. Eokitansky, C. Manual of pathological. Swedenborg, E. Animal kingdom, The. — Economy of the animal kingdom. Todd, R. B. Cyclopaedia of anatomy and physiology. Wilson, W. J. E. See Quain, J. {above). See also Comptes rendus ; Nervous system ; Osteology; Physiology; a/«o the names of va- rious organs and members of body. Anatomy and philosophy of expression. Bell, Sir C. Anatomy of melancholy. Burton, R. Anatomy of suicide. Winslow, F. Anaxagoras. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Anaxarchus. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Anaximander. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Anaximenes. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Ancient classics for English readers. Ed. by W. Lucas Collins etal. Phil. 1872-3. 122 Contents: Aristophanes. Ed. by W. L. Collins. Caesar. Ed. by A. Trollope. Herodotus. Ed. by G. C. Swayne. Hesiod. Ed. by J. Davies. Homer. (Iliad.) Ed. by W. L. Collins. Homer. (Odyssey.) Ed. by W. L. Collins. Pliny. (Letters.) Ed. by A. Church and W. J. Brodrlbb. Virgil. Ed. by W. L. Collins. Ancient faiths embodied in ancient names. In- MAN, T. Ancient history. See History (ancient). Ancient mariner. The. Coleridge, S. T. {In Dana's Household book of poetry.) Same. {In Poet, and dram, works, v. 1.) Ancient monuments of the Mississippi valley. Squier, E. G., and Davis, E. H. ANCIENT 127 ANDERSON Ancient songs and ballads. Kitson, J. Ancient Spanish ballads, historical and roman- tic, LOCKHART, J. G. Ancient states and empires. Lord, J. Ancient stone implements, weapons, and orna- ments of Great Britain. Evans, J. Ancients — Bacon, F. Wisdom of. (In Essays.) CooLET, "W. D. Commerce of. {In Mari- time and inland discovery, v. 1.) — Geography of. {In Maritime and inland discovery, v. 1.) See also History (ancient). Andagoya, Pascual de. Narrative of the pro- ceedings of Pedrarias Davila in the provin- ces of Tierra Firme or Castilla del Oro, and of the discovery of the south sea and coasts of Peru and Nicaragua. Tr. and ed., with notes and introduction, by C R. Markham. (In Hakluyt soc, v. 33.) Andalucia (Spain). Maximilian, F. Reise- skizzen, 1851. (In Aus meinem leben, v. 2.) Anderdon, W. H. Antoine de Bonneval: a tale of Paris in the days of St. Vincent de Paul. Bait. 1867. 12^ Andersen, Hans Christian (b. 1805). Every- thing in its right place ; and other stories. Tr. from the Danish, by H. "W. Dulcken. Lond. n.d. 16? Gesammelte werke. Leipzig, n.d. 5 v. 12° Contents ; Agnette und der meermann, V. 3. Aliasverus, v. 3. Besuch bel Dickens, v. 4. Bilderbuch ohne bilder, v. 4. Eines dichters bazar, v. 3. Gedichte, v. 3. Glilcksblume, Die, v. 3. Improvisator, Der, v. I. In Sehweden, v. 4. In Spanien, v. 4. Miirchen meines lebens, v. 4. MSrcben und historian, v. 5. Mulatte, Der, v. 3. Nur ein geiger, v. 2. O. Z., V. 2. Kagaz, V. 4. Rapliaella, v. 3. Reiseschatten, v. 4. Seln Oder nicht sein, v. 1. Sillieborg, v. 4. Slca^en, v. 4. Zwei baronessen, Die, v. 2. — Goloshes of fortune ; and other stories. Lond. n.d. 16? Contents : Buckwheat, The. Five out of one shell. Goloshes of fortune, The. Neighboring families, The. Rose-elf, The. Snow queen, The. — Ice maiden, The ; and the Story of my life. Tr. by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. n.d. 16? Same. Tr. by Fanny Fuller. N. Y. 1863. 16? Improvisatore, The ; or, life in Italy. Tr. from the Danish, by Mary Howitt. Lond. 1857. 16? Same. Lond. 1869. (3 cop.) In Spain, and a visit to Portugal. N. Y. 1870. 12? Marsh king's daughter ; and other stories. Lond. n.d. 16? Contents : Bottle-neck, The. I Shadow, The. Marsh king's daughter, The. Story of the year. The. Phcenix bird, The. | Twelve by the mail. — O. T. A Danish romance. N. Y. 1870. 12? (6 cop.) Old church bell ; and other stories. Lond. n.d. 16? Contents : In Sweden. Last dream of the old oak-tree. Old church bell. Story from the sand-dunes. Only a fiddler. N. Y. 1870. 12? (6 cop.) Andersen (continued) — Out of the heart. Translated from the Danish, by H. W. Dulcken. Lond. 1868. 18? (2 cop.) Pictures of travel in Sweden, among the Hartz mountains, and in Switzerland, with a visit to Chas. Dickens's house. N. Y. 1871. 12? Poet's bazaar, A : pictures of travel in Ger- many, Italy, Greece, and the orient. Au- thor's edition. N. Y. 1871. 12? Silver shilling ; and other stories. Lond. n. d. 16? Contents : Daisy, The. Emperor's new clothes. Hardy tin soldier. The. Little Claus and great Glaus. Little Ida's flowers. Naughty boy, The. Princess on the pea, The. Silver shilling, The. Snail and the rose-tree. Story of a mother. Thumbelina. Traveling companion. Stories. Translated from the Danish, (n.t.p.) 16? Contents : Bell, The. Elder-bush, The. Memoir of H. C. A. Picture-book without pict- ures. The. Shoes of fortune, The. Snow queen. The. Swineherd, The. Watchman's adventure. — Stories and tales. N. Y. 1871. 12? Story-book ; with a memoir, by Mary Howitt. Tr. from the Danish. N. Y. 1855. 3 v. in 1. 16? Contents : Fir-tree, The. Leap-frog. The. Memoir of Hans Christian Andersen. Miscellaneous stories. My boots. Picture-book without pict- ures. Real princess. The. Shoes of fortune. The. Snow queen. The. Swineherd, The. — Story ofmy life, The. N. Y. 1871. 12? (2 cop.) To BE or not to be. Tr. by Mrs. Bushby. Lond. 1857. 16? Under the willow-tree; and other stories. Lond. n.d. 16? Contents : Psyche, The. Stone of the wise men. Under the wlUow-tree. Uttermost parts of the sea, In the. Anne Lisboth. Bell-deep, The. Bishop of Borglum and his warriors. Charming. My boots. — Wild swans, The ; and other stories. Lond. n.d. 16? ' WiLL-0 '-THE- wisp is in the town;' and other stories. Lond. n.d. 16? Contents : Athens. Bird of popular song. Bosphorus, The. Carnival at Rome, The. Days in the Mediterranean. Golden treasure, The. Graveyard at Scutari, The. In the nursery. Legend of Nurnberg castle. Mahomet's birth-day. Night in the Apennines, A. Storm shakes the shield. The. 'Will-o'-the-wisp Is in the town.' WindmlU, The. — See also Self-made men. Anderson, Adam (1690-1765). Historical and chronological deduction of the origin of com- merce, from the earliest accounts; containing a history of the great commercial interests of the British empire. Revised and continued to 1789, by Mr. Coombe. Dublin, 1790. 6 V. 8? Anderson, ^^neas. Narrative of the British em- bassy to China in the years 1792-4. Lond. 1796. 8? ANDERSON 28 ANECDOTES Anderson, Alexander Caulfield. Dominion at the west: a brief description of the province of British Columbia, its climate and resour- ces. Govt, prize essay, 1872. Victoria, B. C. 1872. 12° Anderson, Florence. Zenaida. Phil. 1858. 12° Anderson, James. Ladies of the reformation : memoirs of distinguished female characters in the xvi. century. Lond. 1855. 12? Anderson, James {tragedian). Cloud and sun- shine. (Dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 87. Anderson, John. Strength of materials and structures. Lond. 1872. 12? Anderson, Joseph. Bible light from bible lands. N. Y. 1856. 12? Anderson, Martin B. Inaugural address, deliv- ered July 11, 1854, before the university of Rochester, on the end and means of a liberal education. (7n Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 5.) Sketch of the life of Prof. Chester Dewey. [In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Anderson, Robert. Lifeof Tobias Smollett. {In Smollett's Works, v. 1.) Anderson, Rufus (6. 1796). Foreign missions: their relations and claims. N. Y. 1869. 12? (2 cop.) Hawaiian islands: their progress and condi- tion under missionary labors. With illustra- tions. Bost. 1864. 12? (2 cop.) Anderson, W^illiam. Practical mercantile let- ter-writer : collection of modern letters of business. N. Y. 1854. 12? Andersonville prison {Georgia). Spencer, A. Narrative of Andersonville prison ; from evi- dence elicited on the trial of H. Wirz. See also Prisons ; Roll of honor ; U. S. (war of 1861-5). Andersson, Charles John (1827-1867). Lake Ngami; or, explorations and discoveries in south-western Africa. N. Y. 1857. 8? Lion and the elephant. Ed. by L. Lloyd. Lond. 1873. 8? Notes on the birds of Damara land, and the adjacent countries of south-west Africa. Ar- ranged and edited by John Henry Gurney; with additional notes by the editor, and a sketch of the author's life. Lond. 1872. 8? Okavango river: a narrative of travel, ex- ploration, and adventure. N. Y. n.d. 8? (2 cop.) Andes (nats.) — Bishop, N. H. Pampas and Andes, The. Orton, J. Andes and the Amazon. Scarlett, P. C. South America and the Pa- ♦ cific : a journey from Buenos Ayres to Val- paraiso. See also America (South) ; Chile ; Peru. Andr6, John {Maj'.), (1751-1780). Proceedings of a board of officers respecting. [Fac-simile.] {In Boynton, E. C. Hist. West Point.) Sargent, W. Life and career of. Bost. 1861. 12? (2 cop.) Andre. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Andr6 Ch6nier. Mery, J. {In (Euvres, v. 24.) Andrea Delfin. Hetse, P. {In Novellen, v. 6.) Andreas Hofer. Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) Andree de Taverney. Dumas, A. (D.) Andreevsky, Ivan. Manual of health for do- mestic animals. Parts i., iii. Moscow, 1793. 2 V. 8? {Russian.) Andrew, John Albion (1818-1867). Browtne, A. G. , Jr. Sketch of the official life of. Bost. 1868. 8? Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Men of our times. Andrews, Alexander: History of British jour- nalism, from the foundation of the newspa- per press in England to the repeal of the stamp act in 1855 ; with sketches of press ce- lebrities. Lond. 1859. 2 v. 12? Andrews, Christopher C. Hints to company officers on their military duties. N. Y. 1863. 16? History of the campaign of Mobile, includ- ing the cooperative operations of Gen. Wil- son's cavalry in Alabama, 1864. N. Y. 1867. 8? Andrews, E. B. Report of progress in the sec- • ond district. (J« Newberry's geological sur- vey of Ohio.) Andrews, Ethan Allen (1787-1858), and Stod- dard, S. Grammar of the Latin language. (lOO^A ed.) Bost. 1867. 12? Andrew^S, G. H. Rudimentary treatise on agri- cultural engineering. V. 1, buildings ; v. 2, motive powers. Lond. 1852. 2 v. 16? Andrews, Garrett {Dr.). See Men of the day. Andrews, Israel de Wolf. Report on the trade and commerce of the British North Ameri- can colonies, and upon the trade of the great lakes and rivers ; also, notices of the internal improvements of each state, of the gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. Wash. 1853. 8? (4 cop.) Andrews, Lorrin. Dictionary of the Hawaiian language ; to which is appended an English- Hawaiian vocabulary, and a chronological table of remarkable events. Honolulu, 1865. 8? Grammar of the Hawaiian language. Hono- lulu, 1854. 8? Andrews, Miles Peter. Better late than never. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 12. Andrews, Sidney. South since the war. The ; as shown by fourteen weeks of travel and observation in Georgia and the Carolinas. Bost. 1866. 12? Andrews, Stephen Pearl {b. 1812). Discoveries in Chinese ; or, the symbolism of the primi- tive characters of the Chinese system of writing. N. Y. 1854. 12? Andromeda; and other poems. Kingsley, C. Ane mort, L'. Janin, J. Anecdotal and descriptive natural history. Ro- MER, A. Anecdotes — Barker, E. H. Literary. B ELCHER, J. Anecdotes of the clergy of Amer- ica. Beloe, W. Anecdotes of literature and scarce books. BiGELOW, L. J. Bench and bar. Byerley, T., and Robertson, J. C. Percy anecdotes. Chambers, R. {Ed.) Book of days. Clark, L. G. Knick-knacks. Fenn, J. Paston letters. Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. Hood, E. P. World of moral and religious. Jackson, T. Curiosities of the pulpit. ANECDOTES 29 ANIMALS Anecdotes (continued) — Keedie, W. Cyclopaedia of literary and scientific. KiBKLAND, F. Cyclopaedia of commercial and business. MooRE, F. Anecdotes and incidents of the war. Morris, F. O. Anecdotes in natural histo- ry. Murray, W. H. H. Adventures in the wil- derness ; or, camp life in the Adirondacks. Pegge, S. Anecdotes of the English language. Percy anecdotes. See Byerley, T. (above). Smith, S. C. Chile con came. Smith, Sol. Theatrical management. Spence, J. Books and men. Valerius Maximus. Dictorum factorumque memorabilium libri novem, ex editione J. Knappi. Valpy's Script. Lat. Walpole, H. Anecdotes of painting in En- gland. See also Facetiae. Anemometer. Description of the anemometer at the Smithsonian institution. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1860.) Aneurism — Hart, E. Treatise on. (/k Holmes, T. Sys- tem of surgery, v. 3.) Holmes, T. Treatise on. (In his System of surgery, v. 3.) Hunter, J. Treatise on the cure of popliteal. (In Works, v. 3.) Anfangr und ende. Heyse, P. (In Novellen, V. 7.) Ange Pitou. Dumas, A. (D.) Angel and the demon. Arthur, T. S. Angel in the house. The. Patmore, C. (K. D.) Angel voices ; or, words of counsel. (New and enlarged ed.) Bost. 1864. 12° Angelico da Fiesole. See Fiesole. Angelina Gushington's thoughts on men and things. N. Y. 1872. 12° Angelo, M. , and Carli, D. de. Voyage to Congo, 1666-7. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Angelo, Michel. See Buonarroti, M. A. Anglais et I'Inde, Les. Valbezen, E. de. Angling. Blakey, K. Hints on. See also Fish and fishing. Anglo-American literature. See American literature. Anglo-Latin satirical poets and epigrammatists of the XII. century. "Wright, T. (Ed.) Anglo-Saxon chronicle. See Bede, the venera- ble. Anglo-Saxon language and literature — March, F. A. Anglo-Saxon reader. — Comparative grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. Skeat, W. W. Moeso-Gothic glossary ; with a list of Anglo-Saxon and old and modern English words. See also Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Anglo-Saxons. Strutt, J. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of En- gland, etc. V. 1, from the establishment of the Saxons to the present time. Illustrated. See also England (history). Angouleme, Marguerite d'. See Marguerite d'Angouleme. Angouleme, Marie Th^rese Charlotte (duchesse rf'). Challice, Mrs. A. E. Illustrious women of France [1790-1873]. Angus, Joseph. Hand-book of English literature. Lond. n.d. VT. Anichnofif. On fortifications. Moscow, 1766. 8? (Russian.) Animal creation. Jones, T. R. Animal economy. Hunter, J. Observations on certain parts of the animal economy. (In "Works, v. 4.) Animal kingdom — CuviER, G. L. C. F. D. Animal kingdom, The. SwEDENBORG, E. Animal kingdom, The. — Economy of the. Animal life — Agassiz, L. (J. R.) Structure of. Lewes, G. H. Studies in. Animal mechanism and physiology. Griscom, J. H. H. F. lib., V. 85. Animal physics. Lardner, D. Animal physiology. See Physiology. Animalcules. See Infusoria. Animals — ^LiANUS, C. De natura animalium. Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Agassiz, L. (J. R.) Natural history of the animal kingdom. (In Overland monthly, V. 9.) BuFFON, G. L. L. Histoire naturclle des ani- maux. (/n Histoire naturelle, v. 17, 18.) Clark, H. J. Mind in nature. Goodrich, S. G. Illustrated natural history of the animal kingdom. Huxley, T. H. Introduction to the classifi- cation of. Jones, T. R. General outline of the organ- ization of the animal kingdom. KiRBY, W. Animals: their history, habits, and instincts. (Bridgewater treatise.) Lankester, F. Uses of animals in relation to the industry of man. Leidy, J. Ancient fauna of Nebraska. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 6.) — Flora and fauna within living. (In Smith- sonian contrib., v. 5.) Leroy, C. G. Intelligence and respectability of. Marey, M. Phenomena of flight in the ani- mal kingdom. (Jn Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Menault, E. Intelligence des animaux,L . — Intelligence of. Ogilvie, G. Master-builder's plan. Pickering, C. Geographical distribution of animals and plants of "Wilkes'sU. S. explor- ing expedition, 1838-42. 4° SwAiNSON, "W. Animals in menageries. — Habits and instincts of. — Treatise on the geography and classifica- tion of. TiMBS, J . Eccentricities of the animal creation . — Strange stories of the animal world. Watson, J. S. Reasoning power in. Wild animals in freedom and captivity. Wood, J. G. Bible animals. — Strange dwellings ; being a description of the habitations of. See also Domesticated animals; Veterinary art; and the names of animals. ANIMALS 30 ANSON Animals and plants. Darwin, C. (R.) Varia- tion of. Anjou, L. A. History of the reformation in Sweden. Tr. by H. M. Mason, from the Swedish. N. Y. 1859, Anna Clayton ; or, the inquirer after truth. DiMMICK, F. M. Anna Maylie : a story of work. Tarman, E. Annales antiquitatis. Chronological tables of ancient history, synchronistically and ethno- graphically arranged. Compiled from the best authorities. Oxf. 1835. f° Annales des mines. Journal des mines, pub- lic par I'agence des mines de la r^publique. Paris, 1796-1806. V. 1-19. 8° Recueil de lois, d6crets, arr&tfe, etc. (6e gSr.) Paris, 1863-6. V. 2-5. 8° Recueil de m^moires sur Sexploitation des mines, et sur les sciences et les arts qui s'y rattachent. RMig^es par les ing^nieurs des mines, et publi^es sous I'autorisation du mi- nistre des travaux publics. {6es6r.) Paris, 1862-9. V. 3-19. 8° Same. {7e s6r.) V. 1. Paris, 1872. 12°. Annals of a quiet neighborhood. MacDonald, G. Annals of America [1492-1826]. Holmes, A. Annals of Annapolis. Ridgely, D. Annals of British legislation. Levi, L. Annals of industry and genius. Brightwell, C. L. Lond. 1863. 12° Contents : Heyne, Christ. Qottlob. Hoi berg, Louis. Hutton, Wm. Jones, Sir Wm. Ludwlg, John. Moiitgolfler, Jos. and Ste- phen. Murray, Dr. Alex. Niewland, Peter. Strange, Sir Kobt Annals of philosophy. Thomson, T. Annals of the army of the Cumberland. Pitch, J. Annals of the congress of the United States ; containing the debates and proceedings of the same, with an appendix, containing im- portant state papers and public documents, and all the laws of a public nature, from Dec. 1793 to April, 1814, incl. Wash. 1849- 54. 12 V. 8° Annals of the English stage. Doran, J. Annals of the Pacific press. {In Pioneer, The, V. 4.) Annals of the parish. Galt, J. Annals of the west. Albach, J. R. Annandale, Thomas. Malformations, diseases, and injuries of the fingers and toes, and their surgical treatment. The Jacksonian prize essay for the year 1864. Phil. 1866. 8? Annapolis [Md.). Ridgely, D. Annals of. Anne {of Austria). BusH, Mrs. A. F. Memoir of. {In Mem. queens of France, v. 2.) MoTTEViLLE, F. B. {Mme. de). M^moires sur. Anne {of Great Britain). Jameson, 3frs. A. M. Memoir of. {In Mem. female sovereigns.) Strickland, A. Life of. (ire Lives of queens, V. 11,12.) See also England (history). Anne de Pons. SouLi:^!, M. P. {In CEuvres, v. 12.) Anne Furness. Tkollope, Mrs. T. A. Bacon, John. Belzoni, Giovanni B. Brahe, Tycho. Britton, Tom. Cervantes. Ferguson, Jas. Franklin, Benj. Giflford, Wm. Gooch, Robt. Hahn, Phil. Mathew. Anne of Geierstein. Scott, Sir W. Annee a Florence, Une. Dumas, A. (D.) Annee terrible, L'. Hugo, V. (M.) Anneken von Seedorf, Das. Hoefer, E. {In Erzahlende schriften, v. 1.) Annette; or, the lady of the pearls. Dumas, A. {Jils). Annette Delarbre. Irving, W. {In Brace- bridge hall.) Annette Lais. Fi:vAL, P. {In (Euvres, v. 1.) Annina. Heyse, P. {In Novellen, v. 6.) Anno zwei und neunzig. Hoefer, E. {In Er- zahlende schriften, v. 7.) Annuaire des deux mondes. Histoire g^n^rale des divers ^tats, 1860. Paris, 1861. 8= Contents : AmCrique centrale. Amfirique du sud. Autriche. Belgique, La. Brfeil. Cabinets en 1860, Les. Chine. Confederation Germanique, Danemark, La. Empire ottoman. Espagne, L'. Etats-Unis, Les. France, La. Grande Bretagne, La. Grfece. Histoire dea 6tats Europfi- ennes. Italie. Mexique, Le. Pays Bas, Les. Portugal, Le. Prusse, La. Russie, La. .Sufede et Norvfige, La. Suisse, La. Annual catalogues of American colleges. [Col- lected, arranged, and bound.] 6v. 8°. See the names of colleges. Annual cyclopaedia, American. See Am. ann. cycl. Annual of scientific discovery; or, year-book of facts in science and art. Edited by D. A. Wells, S. Kneeland, et al. Bost. 1850-71. 21 V. 12° Same. 1858, 1861, 1865, 1866-7, 1871. 5 v. Annual record of science and industry for 1871. Ed. by Spencer F. Baird. N. Y. 1872. 12? Annual register. The : a review of public events at home and abroad, for the year 1872. {New ser.) Lond. 1873. 8° Contents : Chronicle of remarkable occurrences. English history. Foreign history. Obituary of eminent persons. Public documents and state papers. Remarkable trials. Retrospect of literature, art, and science. Annual register, The. A view of the history, politics, and literature for the year. V. 1 (1758) to 55 (1812). Lond. 55 v. 8? Annual reports. See the names of societies, places, etc. Annuities. See Life insurance. Annus mirabilis: the year of wonders [1666]. Dryden, J. {In Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1.) Same. {In Poems, v. 1.) Same. {In Works, v. 9.) Anotaciones & la historia del Peru independi- ente de Don Mariano F. de Paz-Sold4n. MarijCtegui, F. J. Anquetil, Louis Pierre (1723-1808). Summary of universal history, exhibiting the rise, de- cline, and revolutions of the different nations of the world, from the creation to the pres- ent time. Lond. 1800. 9 v, 8? Anson, George {Lord), (1697-1762). Voyage round the world, 1740-44. {In Bumey's Voy., V. 5, pp. 38-89.) Same. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) iSame. {In Harris, J. Coll. voy., v. 1.) ANSON 31 ANTIQUITIES Anson (continued) — Bajot, M. Voyage de, 1740. (In his Abr^g^ historique et chronologique des principaux voyages de d^couvertes. ) Barrow, J. Life of. Lond. 1839. 8° See also Walter, E. Anson, Lancelot. Travels through Italy and Switzerland, 1699. (/» Drake's Coll. voy.) Anspach, F. K. Two pilgrims. The ; or, the Israelite and the Christian on their journey to the earthly and heavenly Canaan. Phil. 1857. 12? Ansted, David Thomas. Applications of geology to the arts and manufactures. Lond. 1865. 12". Geology and physical geography. (In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 4.) Great stone -book of nature, The. Phil. 1863. 12° (2 cop.) Ansted, David Thomas, Smith, E., et al. Nat- ural history of the inanimate creation : a guide to the scenery of the heavens, the phe- nomena of the atmosphere, the structure and geological features of the earth, and its botan- ical productions. With illustrations. Lond. 1860. 12° Anster, John. German literature at the close of the last century, and at the commence- ment of the present. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 2.) Ans'wering waves. Carter, A. B. Antarctic regions — Cook, J. Account of various obstructions met with from the ice, and the methods pursued to explore the southern Pacific ocean. [In Voy., v. 1: 2d voy., bk. ii.) PoRSTER, G. Voj'age round the world, 1772-5. Hooker, J. D. Natural history of the ant- arctic voyage of Capt. J. C. Boss, 1838-43. Ross, Sir J. C. Voyage of discovery in ant- arctic regions, 1839^3. Wilkes, C. Antarctic cruise. (7n U. S. exploring expedition, v. 2, pp. 297-383.) Ante helium. Lennox, M. Ante-Nicene Christian library. Translations of the writings of the fathers down to a.d. 325. Ed. by Alex. Roberts and James Donaldson. Edin. 1867-71. 24 v. 8° Contents : Acts, tr. by A. Walker, v. 18. Alexander of Alexandria, tr. by J. B. H. Haw- kins, V. 14. Alexander of Lycopolis, tr. by J. B. H. Hawkins, V. 14. . Apocryphal gospels, tr. by A. Walker, v. 18. Apostolic fathers, tr. by Roberts et al., v. 1. Archelaus, tr. by Salniond, v. 20. Arnobius, tr. by Byrce and Campbell, v. 19. Athenagoras (Athenian), tr. by Dods p.t al., v. 2. Clement of Alexandria, tr. by Wilson, v. 4, 5, 14. Clement of Rome: Apostolic constitutions, tr. by Donaldson, v. 2.3. Clement of Rome Smith, V. 23. Clement of Rome by Smith, v. 3. Commodianus, tr. by Wallis, v. 17. Cyprian, tr. by Wallis, v. 12, 13. Dlonysius of Alexandria, tr. by Salmond, v. 20. Fragments of the in. century, v. 8. Gregory Thaumaturgus, tr. by Salmond, v. 20. Hippolytus, St., tr. by McMahon, v. 7, 8. Irenaeus, St., tr. by Roberts and Rambaut, v. 6, 8. Justin Martyr, tr. by Dods et al., v. 2. Lactantius, tr. by Fletcher, v. 21, 22. Liturgies, Early, tr. by Roberts and Donaldson. V. 24. Methodius, tr. by W. R. Clark, v. 14. Municius Felix, M., tr. by Wallis, v. 13. Kovatian, Jr. by Wallis, v. 13. Clementine homilies, tr. by Clementine recognitions, tr. Ante-Nicene (continued) — Origen, tr. by Crombie, v. 10, 11. Peter of Alexandria, tr. by J. B. H. Hawkins, v. 14. Revelations, tr. by A. Walker, v. 18. Syriac documents of first three centuries, v. 20. Tatian, tr. by Pratten, v. 3. TertuUian, Q. S. F., tr. by Dods, v. 3. TertuUian, Q. S. F.: Five books against Marcion, tr. by Holmes, v. 9. TertuUian, Q. S. F: Writings, tr. by HoUnes, v. 15- 17. Theophilus of Antioch, tr. by Dods, v. 3. Victorinus, tr. by Wallis, v. 17. Antediluvian history, and narrative of the flood. Eendell, E. D. Antelope. Jardine, Sir W. Deer, antelope, etc, (In his Nat. lib., v. 21.) Anteros. Lawrence, G. A. Anthem Dulcimer. Woodbury, I. B. Anthon, Charles (1797-1867). Classical diction- ary ; containing an account of the principal proper names mentioned- in ancient authors. N. y. 1850. 8? Anthon, John (b. 1784), American precedents of declarations; collected chiefly from man- uscripts of Chief Justice Parsons and oth- er accomplished pleaders in Massachusetts, digested and arranged under distinct titles and divisions, with a prefixed digest of rules and cases concerning declarations, etc., etc. Fourth ed., with considerable additions. West Brookfield, Mass., 1848. 8° Anthropological society (Paris). Broca, P. History of the transactions of, 1865-6. (In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) Anthropology — Darwin, C. (R.) Queries about expression for anthropological inquiry. (In Smithson- ian rept. 1867.) Dates and data relating to religious. Rauch, F. a. Anthropology. See also Ethnology ; Life ; Man ; Races ; Spe- cies. Anti-masonry. See Free-masonry. Anti-slavery, See Slavery. Antidote to the 'Gates ajar.' W., J. S. Antilles. See West Indies. Antipodes, and round the world. Clerk, Mrs. G. Antiquary, The. Scott, Sir W. Antiquitates apostolicse. Cave, W. Antiquities — BoRLASE, W. C. Nsenia cornubiae: primitive sepulchres of the county of Cornwall. Brand, J. Popular antiquities of Great Britain. Brinton, D. G. History of the antiquities of Florida. (In Notes on Floridian peninsula.) Early Christian numismatics. EccLESTON, J. Introduction to English. EscHENBURG, J. J. Classical. EsTEs, L. C. Antiquities on the banks of the Mississippi river and Lake Pepin. (In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) EwBANK, T. Description of Indian antiquities brought from Chile and Peru. (In Gilliss's TJ. S. naval astron. exped., v. 2.) — History of the antiquities and arts of the Indian tribes on the route of the 35th paral- lel, explored by Lieut. Whipple, 1853. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc. , V. 3. Fowler, J. Paper on shell heaps. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) ANTIQUITIES 32 APHORISMS A-n t.iqnitiftH {continued) — Gkll, Sir W., and Gandy, J. P. Pom- peiana. GuNX, D. Indian remains near Ked river settlement, Hudson's bay territory. {In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Harwood, a. a. Some account of the sar- cophagus in the national museum now in charge of the Smithsonian institution. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Hawks, F. L. Monuments of Egypt. HiGGiNS, G. Celtic druids. Historical magazine. Hough, F. B. Notice of several ancient re- mains of art in Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties, N. Y. {Bi 3d ann. rept. of re- gents of univ.) /See New York. Jones, C. C, Jr. Antiquities of the southern Indians, particularly of the Georgia tribes. Keller, F. Lake dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe, The. KiDD, S. China. KiNGSBOROUGH, E. K. {Lord). Antiquities of Mexico. Layard, a. H. Nineveh and its remains. McPherson, D. Antiquities of Kertch. MCller, F. Max. Cornish. {In Chips, v. 3.) Nicholas, T. Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales. Keports of secretary of war ; with reconnais- sances of routes in Texas and New Mexico. RiVERO, M. E., anrfTscHUDi, J. J. von. Pe- ruvian . SiTGREAVES, L. Ecport of expedition down the Zuni and Colorado rivers, 1852. Smith, R. M., and Porcher, E. A. History of the recent discoveries at Cyrene. Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman. Stuart, J., and Revett, N. Antiquities of Athens. Tennent, J. E. Ceylon: an account of the island, with notice of its antiquities, etc. Wilkinson, J. G. History of the ancient Egyptians. Wilson and Warren {Capts.). Recovery of Jerusalem. Wright, T. Uriconium: historical account of the ancient Roman city. See also — Archaeology. Heraldry. Arms and armor. History (ancient). Coins. The names of countries Costumes. and places. Antiqmty — Morlot, a. Introductory lecture to the study of high. {In Smithsonian rept. 1862.) — Study of high antiquity in Europe. {In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Antiquity of man. Lyell, C. Antisell, Thomas. Hand-book of the useful arts. N. Y. 1852. 12= Manufacture of photogenic or hydro-carbon oils, from coal and other bituminous sub- stances capable of supplying burning fluids. N. Y. 1859. 8° Report on the geology of the explorations un- der Lt. J. G. Parke, from San Francisco bay to Los Angeles, Cal., west of the coast range, and from the Pimas villages on the Antisell {continued ) — Gila to the Rio Grande, near the 32d paral- lel, 1854-5. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 7. Antisthenes {Atheniemis), {ah. 400 B.C.). Di- ogenes LAJiRTius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1088, v.l.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. { Gr, et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. bib- lioth. See alsojjewes, G. H. Biographical hist, phi- losophy. Antoine de Bonneval. Anderdon, W. H. Antonia. Dudevant, A.. L. A. D. Antonina; or, the fall of Rome. Collins, (W.) W. Antonine. Dumas, A. {fils). Antonini, The. Ottley, J. B. Literature of the age of. {In History of Roman litera- ture.) Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius (a.d. 121-180). Commentarii. {Gr. et Lat.) Paris, 1840. 8° [Bound with Theophrasti characteres.] Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Conversation with himself; together with the preliminary discourse of the learned Ga- taker ; as also, the emperor's life, written hy Monsieur D'Acier. Tr. into English from the respective originals, by Jeremy Collier. {2d ed.) Lond. 1708. 12? Thoughts of. Tr. by George Long. Bost. 1864. 12? PiRANESi, G. B. and F. Colonna Antonina. {In Opered'architettura prospettiva antichi- ta, v. 14, 15.) Antonius, Marcus {Mark Antony)., (83-30 B.C.). Plutarchus. (Par a. Feillet.) Viede. {In Vies des Romains illustres.) — Vita. {Gr.etLat.) (J« Vitae, v. 2.) Antonius Diogenes. Libri xxiv. de incredi- bilibus quae ultra Thulem insulam sunt. {Gr. et Lat.) {In Erotici scriptores.) Di- dot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Antony, Mark. See Antonius, M. Antonyms. Smith, C. J. Synonyms and. Ants. Moggridge, J. T. Harvesting ants and trap-door spiders. Antwerp archaeological congress, Programme of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Anus. See Rectum. Apaches — Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country. Cremony, J. C. Apache race, The. {In Overland monthly, v. 1.) — Life among the. Smart, C. Notes on the (Tonto) Apaches. {In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Apeleutherus ; or, an effort to attain intellectual freedom. In four parts, i. On religious and moral instruction, ii. On public and social worship, iii. On supernatural reve- lation. IV. On a future state. Lond. : Sold by R. Hunter, 1819. (To which is added, ' Cursory remarks on a work entitled Ape- leutherus; or, an effort to attain intellectual freedom.' In a letter to a friend. Lond. 1800. 12?) Aphorisms. See Proverbs. APNCEA 33 APPRENTICES Apnoea. Harley, G. Treatise on. (Jn Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Apocalypse. See Bible. Apocalyptic gnomon. Points out eternity's di- visibility rated with time pointed at by Gno- mon's sidereals. Phil. 1745. 12i Apocalyptic sketches. Gumming, J. Lectures on the book of Kevelations. {1st ser.) Apocryphal gospels: Acts and Kevelations. Tr. bv A. Walker. {Iti Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v^ 18.) Apollonius Khodius {ab. 235 B.C.). Argonaut- ics, The. Tr. from the Greek, by Fr. Pawkes. Also, a translation of Coluthus's Greek poem on the ' Kape of Helen, or the origin of the Trojan war ;' with notes. Lond. 1780. 8: Argon AXJTicoRrM. Libri quatuor. {Gr. et Lat.) [Bound with Hesiod.] Didot's Script. Grfec. biblioth. Apollonius Tyanaeus. Newman, J. H. Sketch of. {In Historical sketches.) Philostratus, F. Two first books of the life of. — Vita ApoUonii. {Cfr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Priaulx, 0. de B. Indian travels of Apol- lonius Tyana. Apollonius Tyrius. Erotica febula. {Gr. et Lat.) ( J« Erotici scriptores.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Apologia pro vita sua. Newman, J. H. ApKilogy for professing the religion of nature, in the xviii. century of the Christian era ; addressed to the Right Reverend Dr. Wat- son, lord bishop of Landaff. Lond. 1789. 12^ Apology for the Christian divinity. Barclay, R. Apology of Socrates. Plato. Apostles — Miscellanea sacra; or, history of the. Renan, (J.) E. The apostles. Apostles of our Saviour ; also, lives of the two evangelists, St. Mark and St. Luke ; St. Clemens, St. Ignatius, and St. Polycarp. Cave, W. With introductory essay, by Rev. Henry Stebbing. Lond. 1845. 2 v. 12? Contents : St. Andrew, v. 2. St Bartholomew, v. 2. St. Clemens, v. 2. St. Ignatius, V. 2. St. James the great, v. 2. St. James the less, v. 2. St. John, V. 2. St. Jude, V. 2. St. Luke, V. 2. St Mark, v. 2. St Matthew, v. 2. St Matthias, v. 2. St Paul, V. 1. St Peter, v. 1. St Philip, V. 2. St Polycarp, v. 2. St Simon the zealot, v. 2. St Thomas, v. 2. Apostolic church. Schaff, P. History of the. Apostolic fathers — Wake, W. Genuine epistles of the apostolic fathers: St. Barnabas, St. Clement, St. Ig- natius, St. Polycarp. Writings of the apostolic fathers. Tr. by Drs. Roberts, Donaldson, and F. Crombie. {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v. 1.) Apostolic succession. Goode, W. {In Divine rule of fi\ith and practice.) Apostolos Valerianos. See Fuca, Juan de. Apotheosis. Prudentius, A. C. {In Opera omnia, v. 1.) Apparitions — Brierre de Boismont, a. J. F. History of. Crosland, N. Apparitions : an essay. Ennemoser, J. History of magic ; with au- thenticated stories of. See also Spiritualism. Appianus, Alexandrinus. Romanarum histori- arum quae supersunt. {Gr. et Lat.) Paris, 1850. 8= Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Apple, The — Todd, S. E. Apple culturist. Warder, J. A. American pomology : Ap- ples. Apple moth. Trimble, I. P. Treatise on the insect enemies of fruit and fruit trees. Appleton, D. & Co. {N. Y.). {Pub.) Amer- ican annual cyclopaedia, and register of im- portant events of the years 1861-72. 12 v. 4° CrcLOPiEDiA of biography: a series of origi- nal memoirs of the most distinguished per- sons of all ages. {Am. ed.) By Fr. L. Hawks. N. Y. 1856. 4° Cyclopedia of drawing. Ed. by W. E. Worthen . Dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine- work, and engineering. Illustrated with 4,000 wood engravings. N. Y. 1851. 2 v. 8e Same. New ed., with appendix. 1869. Hand-book of American travel. Northern tour ; with descriptive sketches and maps, by E. H. Hall. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Hand-book of American travel. Northern and eastern tour. N. Y. 1870. 12? Contents : British dominions. Connecticut Maine. Massachusetts. New Hampshire. New Jersey. New York. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. Vermont. — Hand-book of American travel. Western tour. Eighteen through routes to the west and far west. Tours of the great lakes and rivers. 1871. 12? Hand-book of American travel. Pt. ii., southern and western states and territories. 1857. 12? Illustrated railway and steam navigation guide, containing the time-tables of the rail- ways of the United States and the Canadas, and one hundred railway maps. Comp. by G. T. Thomas. 12? Journal of literature, science, and art. V.l". (April, 1869) to 8 (June, 1872). 8 v. 4? New American cj^clopaedia. Ed. by G. Bjp-^ ley and C. A. Dana. See Ripley, G. Northern and. eastern traveler's guide. Edi by W. Williams. 1854. 12? Appleton, Miss E. H. Half-life, and half adife.. {In Atlantic tales.) Appleton, Nathan (1779-1861). Life, of ' AJ)r bott Lawrence. {In Hunt, F. Lives of." American merchants, v. 2.) Appleton, Samuel (1766-1853). Pb4!Bod-k,.E,. Life of. (T» Hunt, F. Lives af AmericaPi merchants, v. 1.) Appleton's. S'>e Appleton, D. «&? Co. Apprentices' library company o£ New Yor.lii See New York (libraries). APPRENTICES 34 ARCADIE Apprentices' library company of Philadelphia. See Philadelphia (libraries). Appuleius. See Apuleius. April fools. Hawthorne, N. {In Memoir, by Page.) Apuleius, Lucius (Madaurensis), (ab. 150). Op- era omnia. Ex ed. Oudendorpiana, cum no- tisetinterpretationeinusumDelphini, Lon- dini, 1825. 7 v. 8° Valpy's Script. Lat. Contents : Apologia, stve de magia, v. 3. Deo Socratis, De, v. 3. Dogmata Platonis, De. I.lbrl tres : De phllosophla naturale, morale, et rationale, v. 3. [ ,, Elenchus codicum mss. ; quibus Apuleli opera con- ! tinentur, v. 7. Florida, v. 2. i Fragmenta, v. 4. Index, V. 7. Metamorphoseon, v. 1,2. Mundo, De, v. 3. Noise variorum, v. 4-6. Notitla Ilterariade scriptis de Apuleius, v. 7. Testimonia de Apuleius, v. 1. Vita et scripta Apuleius, v. 1. Metamorphoses, or golden ass ; and philo- sophical works. Tr. from the original Latin, by Thomas Taylor. Lond. 1822. 8° Metamorphoses, or golden ass ; god of Soc- rates ; Florida ; his defense, or a discourse on magic. New tr. To which are added, metrical version of Gurney's Cupid and Psyche, and Mrs. Tighe's Psyche. Lond. 1853. 12? Bohn's Class, lib. Aquarium — Butler, H. D. Family. GossE, p. H. Aquarium, The. Jones, T. R. Aquarian naturalist, The. SowERBY, G. B. Popular history of the. Aqueducts — King, C. Memoir of Croton. TuRNBULL, W. Reports on the construction of the aqueduct of the Alexandria canal across the Potomac river at Georgetown, dist. of Columbia, 1835-40. See also Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 8 ; and the names of cities. Aquinas, Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas {S.'.). Arabella Stuart. James, G. P. R. Arabia — Account of the king of Mocha and his coun- try. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 6.) Bryant, "W. C. Letters from the east. Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in. Burton, R. F. Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. CooLEY, W. D. Arabians, The. (In Mari- time and inland discovery, v. 1.) Drummond, W. Origin of. (In Origines, v. 3.) Dumas, A. (D.) Arable heureuse, L'. (Voy- ages par Hadji- Abd-el-Hamid Bey.) Janovsky, J. Asia and Arabia, from Bish- ingoif's geography, 1778. (Russian.) Lenormant, F., and Chevallier, E. His- tory of. (In Manual of ancient history of the east, V. 2.) Notes of travel. Palgrave, W. G. Narrative of a year's journey through central and eastern. Stephens, J. L. Travels in Arabia Petrsea, Egypt, and Holy Land. Tayeor, (J.) B. Travels in. See also Hedjaz; Sinai. Arabian days' entertainments. Hauff, M. Arabian nights' entertainments. Lond. n.t.p. 16? Same. Tr. from the Arabic. New ed., with 100 illustrations on wood, by S. Graves. N. Y. n.d. Roy. 8°. • Same. Edin. 1870. Roy. 8? Arable heureuse, L'. Dumas, A. (D.) Arabs — Cond:6, a. J. Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. RoBBiNS, A. Arabs : an account of their manners, customs, and habits. (In his Jour- nal.) Viardot, L. Historia de los Arabes y de los Moros de EspaHa. Arabula; or, the divine guest. Davis, A. J. AragO, Dominique Francois Jean (1786-1853). Aeronautic voyages for the advancement of science. (In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) Biographies of distinguished scientific men. [For contents, see Scientific men.] Biography of Wm. Herschel. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1870.) Comet, The : scientific notices of comets in general, and in particular of the comet of 1832, whose revolution is of six years and three quarters' duration.. Translated from the French, by Charles Gold. Lond. 1833. 16? Eulogy on Thomas Young, 1832. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1869.) History of my youth: an autobiography. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Life of James Watt. Edin. 1839. 12? See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. AragO, Etienne (b. 1803). Aristocrates, Les. (In Theatre Fran(;ais mod., 2e s6r.) , Ararat. Parrot, F. Journey to. Aratra Pentelici. Ruskin, .J. Aratus (ab. 300-250 B.C.). Phaenomena et prog- nostica. A poem. (Gr. et Lat.) (7n Poetae bucolici etdidactici.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Plutarchus. Life of. (In Lives.) — Vita. (In Vita}, v. 2.) Araucanians. Smith, E. R. Travels among the. Arbitration. See Geneva tribunal. Arboretum et fruticum Britannicum. Loudon, J. C. Arbouville, Sophie de Bazancourt (comtesse d'). Tales. Tr. by M. B. Field. N. Y. 1853. 12? Contents : Christine van Amberg. Keslgnatlon. Village doctor. The. Arbuthnot, — (Capt.). Africaine, L'. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 67. Arc, H. Perron d'. Aventures d'un voyageur en Australie: neuf mois de s^jour chez les Nagarnooks. Paris, 1869. 12? Arc de triomphe de I'^toile. SouLifi, M. F. (In CEuvres, v. 27.) - Arcades. Milton, J. (In Complete poetical works, V. 2.) Arcadia. Sidney, Sir P. Modernized by Mrs. Stanley, 1725. Arcadie, L'. Saint -Pierre, (J. H.) B. de. I (In (Euvres choisies.) ARCESILAUS 35 ARCHITECTURE Arcesilaus (316-241 B.C.). Diogknks Laer- Tius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. bib- lioth. Arch, The. Woodbury, D. P. Treatise on various elements of stability in the well- proportioned arch, etc. Archaeolog'ia Americana. See Am. antiq. soc. Archaeologiae philosophicse. Burnet, F. Archaeology — Aktwekp archaeological congress. Programme of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America, in notes on American. — Pre-historic nations. Barker, W. B. Lares and penates. Barrandt, a. Ancient earth-works on the upper Missouri. ( In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Evans, J. Ancient stone implements, weap- ons, and ornaments of Great Britain. Fergusson, J. Kude stone monuments in all countries. GiNSBURG, C. D. Moabite stone, The. Guest, W. E. Ancient Indian remains near Prescott, C. W. {In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) International archaeological congress. See Smithsonian rept. 1866. Jewitt, L. Grave -mounds and their con- tents : a manual of archaeology. Jones, J. M. Account of kjcekken-moedding, in Nova Scotia. {In Smithsonian rept, 1863.) Keller, F. Lake dwellings of Switzerland, Lubbock, Sir J, North American archaeol- ogy: a review. {In Smithsonian rept. 1862.) — Pre-historic times. MoRLOT, A. General views of. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1860.) — Lacustrian settlements. {In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) Pile-work antiquities of Olmutz. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1866.) Kafn, C. C. Guide to northern, Kau, C. Drilling in stone without metal. {Ill Smithsonian rept. 1868.) Sharpe, S. Rosetta stone. The. Simpson, J. Y, Archasological essays. Tkoyon, F. Lacustrian cities of Switzerland: discovery of a lost population. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1861.) "Waring, J. B. Stone monuments, tumuli, and ornaments of remote ages. Weale, J. Dictionary of terms. See also Antiquities ; Peabody museum ; and the names of countries and places. Archbald, John. Contact of races ; considered especially with relation to the Chinese ques- tion. S. F. 1860. {In Pamphlets, v. 28.) "Why ' California ?' {In Overland monthly, V. 2.) Archelaus {bp. of Caschar). "Writings of. Tr. by S. D. F. Salmond. {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., V. 20.) Archelaus {of Miletus), {ah. 450 B.C.). Dioge- nes LAiJRTius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, V. 1.) Same. Tr. by C, D, Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Archelaus {continued) — Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm v. (1741-1812). Geschichte des siebenjahrigen krieges in Deutschland, 1756-63. (9^A ed.) Berlin, 1867. 12? , Archer, E. M. Christina North, N, Y. 1872. 8°. (5 cop.) Aj*cher, Thomas, Asmodeus, the little demon. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 46. Inundation, The. (Dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 5. Marguerite's colors, (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 47. Three red men. (Rom. dr.} Lacy's Plays, V. 41. Archer, "William Henry. {Comp.) Abstracts of English and colonial patent specifications relating to the preservation of food. Melb. 1870. 8° Archibald. Blossom, bachelor. Trowbridge, J. T. (Jn Coupon bonds, etc.) Archie Lovell. Edwards, Mrs. A. Archiraedes and Franklin. A lecture. Win- THROP, R. C. (J?i Pamphlets, v. 7.) Architect, The: a weekly illustrated journal of art, civil engineering, and building. V. 1 (Jan. 1869) to 8 (Dec. 1872). Lond. 1869- 72. 8 V. 4'^ Architect's text-book of useful information. Rogers, F. Architects — Spooner, S. Lives of eminent. {In his Biog. hist, of fine arts.) Vasari, G, Lives of the most eminent. Walpole, H. Notices of English. {In An- ecdotes of painting in England.) Architectural review, and American builder's journal. V. 1 (July, 1868) to 3 (Nov. 1870), Phil. 8° Architecture — Adam, R. and J. "Works in, Allen, L, F. Rural. Architect, The. Architectural review, and American build- er's journal. Barnard, H. School. BoTTA, M. P. E. Monument de Ninive. Bowen, J. H, Report on buildings, etc. {In Paris univ, expos, of 1867, v. 6.) Britton, J. Architectural antiquities of Great Britain. — Cathedral antiquities. Brown, R. Domestic. Builder, The. BuRROWES, T, H. Pennsylvania school. Civil engineer and architect's journal. Cleaveland, H. "W., and Backus, "W. Village and farm cottages. Cummings, M. F., and Miller, C, C, Archi- tecture: designs for street fronts, suburban houses, and cottages. — Modern American, Daly, C, Architecture priveeauxix. siecle. Discovery of secret arts. Moscow, 1786. 8: {Russian.) Downing, A. J. Architecture of country' houses. — Cottage residences. Eastlake, C. L, History of Gothic revival . ARCHITECTURE 36 ARCTIC REGIONS Architecture {continued) — Examples of the architecture of the Victorian age, and monthly review of the world's archi- tectural progress. Lond. 1862. Sm. f? Ferguson, S. Our. {In Afternoon lectures, V. 2.) Fekgusson, J. History of. — Illustrated hand-book of. Field, M. City. Fletcher, B. Model houses for industrial classes. GiLPiK, "W. S. Practical hints upon land- scape gardening, with some remarks on do- mestic architecture. Grammar of house-planning. GwiLT, J. Encyclopfedia of. Hammokd, J. H. Farmer's and mechanic's practical architect. Harney, G. E. Barns, out-buildings, and fences. Hunt, T. F. Architettura campestre. — Designs for parsonage houses, alms-houses, etc. — Exemplars of Tudor. Jackson, T. G. Modern Gothic. Jarves, J. J. Art-hints. Kerr, K. Gentleman's house, The. Lafever, M. Architectural instructor. Lef^vre, a. Merveilles de 1' architecture, Les. — Wonders of. , Letarouilly, p. Edifices de Kome modeme, Les. NiccoLiNi, Fo. and Fe. Case ed i monu- ment! di Pompei. PiRANESi, G. B. and F. Opere d 'architettu- ra. Potter, E. T. World pictures in capitals. Kepton, H. Landscape gardening and land- scape architecture. EicAUTi, T. J. Sketches for rustic work. KoBiNSON, P. F. Designs for farm buildings. — Kural. Rural church architecture ; comprising a se- ries of designs for churches, exemplitied in plans, elevations, sections, and details. By Upjohn, Renwick, Wheeler, Wells, Austin, Stone, Cleaveland, Backus, Reeve, etc. N. Y: n.d. Obi. f^ RusKiN, J. Essay on. {In True and beau- tiful.) — Lectures on architecture and painting. — Seven lamps of. — Stones of Venice. Sebastian, C. Rules on. {Russian.) Sloan, S. City and suburban. — Constructive. — Model architect. The. Smith, J. Panorama of science and art, etc. Street, G. E. Architecture in the xiii. cent- ury. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 4.) Stuart, R. Dictionary of architecture. Vaux, C. Villas and cottages. ViGNOLA, G. B. di. Illustrate. Waring, J. B. Remarks on the early archi- tecture of Ireland and Scotland. {In Stone monuments, tumuli, and ornaments of remote ages.) — cfrtfi? Macquoid, T. R. Examples of archi- tectural art in Italy and Spain. Architectiire {continued) — Weale, J. Rudimentary dictionary of terms used in. Wheeler, G. Homes for the people. — Rural homes. Woodward, G. E. Architecture and rural art. — Country homes. — National architect. See also — Alhambra, The. Mechanical arts. Bridges. Naval architecture. Building. Ornament. Light-houses. Strength of materials. Architettvira campestre. Hunt, T. F. Archytas. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. bib- lioth. Arch3rta8, Charondas, et al. Political frag- ments. Also, ethical fragments of Hierocles, preserved by Stobaeus. Tr. from the Greek, by Th. Taylor. Chiswick, 1822. 8; Arco triumphal disceno politico. Godinez, J. de B. Arctic regions — B., D. W. Thirty years in the arctic regions ; or, the adventures of Sir John Franklin. Babinet, J. Northern seas. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1869.) Barrow, Sir J. Voyages of discovery and research within the arctic regions, from the year 1818 to the present time. Abridged and arranged from the official narratives. Beechey, F. W. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Behring's strait, to cooper- ate with the polar expeditions, 1825-8. Belcher, Sir E. Last of the arctic voyages. Expedition in H. M. S. Assistance in search of Sir John Franklin, 1852-4. Bradford, W. Arctic regions ; illustrated with photographs taken on an art expedition to Greenland. Cook, J. First voyage along the coast of North America to Cape North, 1778. {In Voy- ages, V. 2, bk. iv.) — Second voyage vid Kamschatka, with gen- eral observations on the impracticability of a north-east or north-west passage from the At- lantic ocean, and a comparative view of the progress made in the years 1778 and 1779. Also, remarks on the sea and sea-shore north of Behring's strait. {In Voy., v. 2, bk. vi.) CoRTAMBERT, R. Voyages en Am^rique arc- tique. {In Peuples et voyageurs contempo- rains.) Edmond, C. Voyage dans les mers du nord. Ehrenhalm, a. Travels, 1741. {In Pin- kerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Ellis, H. Voyage to discover a north-west passage to the East Indies. {In Drake's Coll. voy^ Everett, E. American expeditions to the Arctic sea. {In Orations, etc., v. 4.) Franklin, Sir J. Journey of. {In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery, v. 3.) — Narrative of second expedition to the arc- tic regions, 1825-7. ARCTIC 37 ARCUS Arctic regions {continued) — Frohishkr, Sir M. Three voyages in search of a passage to Cathaia and India by the north-west, 1576-8. [In Hakluyt soc, v. 370 — Voyages. (In Hakluyt's Coll. voy.) Gatonbk, J, Voyage to the north-west pas- sage, 1612. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 6.) Hall, C. F. Arctic researches in search of Franklin, 1860-62. Hartwig, G. Polar world, The. HAYEf, I. I. Arctic boat-journey. — Land of desolation. — Lectures on arctic explorations. {In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) — Open polar sea. The. — Physical observations in the. {In Smith- sonian contrib., v. 15.) Herv6, a., et Lanoye, F. de. Voyages dans les glaces du pole arctique, 1818-35. Holmes, L. Arctic whaleman. Hudson, H. Voyages to arctic regions, 1607- 9. {In N. Y. hist. soc. coll., v. 1.) — Voyages and northern discoveries, 1607-9. {In Hakluyt soc, v. 25.) Jameson, K. See Leslie, J. {below). Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations, 1853-5. — Arctic explorations. Second Grinnell ex- pedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-5. — Astronomical, magnetical, meteorological, and tidal observations in. {In Smithsonian • contrib., v. 10-13.) — U. S. Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. KERGUELEN-TRiiMAREC, Y. J. de. Voyage to the North sea, 1867-8. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 1.) Knights of the Frozen sea. Lamont, J. Seasons with the sea-horses : sport- ing adventures in northern seas. Lanoyj:, F. de. Mer polaire. La. Voyage de I'Erebe et de la Terreur, et expMitions a, la recherche de Franklin. Leslie, J., Jameson, K., and Murray, H. Discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions. H. F. lib., v. 14. McClintock, F. L. Discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. — Meteorological observations in the. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 13.) M'DouGALL, G. F. Voyage of the Kesolute in search of Franklin, 1852-4. Maupertius, p. L. M. de. Journey to the polarcircle, 1737. (in Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 1.) — Travels to determine the figure of the earth at the polar circle. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) MuLGRAVE, C. J. P. Voyage to arctic regions, 1773. See Bajot, M. Abr^gd historique et chronologique des principaux voyages de decouvertes. Murray, H. See Leslie, J. {ahove). Northern regions ; or, Uncle Eichard's rela- tion of voyages for the discovery of a north- west passage. OsBORN, S. Stray leaves from an arctic jour- nal. Our phantom ship among the ice. {In World here and there.) Arctic reg'ions {continued) — Outhier, K. Journal of a voyage to the north, 1736-7. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Parry, Sir W. E. Journal of first voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years 1819-20. — Journal of second voyage, 1821-3. — Appendix to journal of second voyage, and North Georgia gazette. — Journal of third voyage, 1824-5. — Narrative of an attempt to reach the north pole in boats, in 1827. — Voyages. {In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery.) Same. {In Herv^, A., and Lanoye, F. de. Voyages dans les glaces du pole arctique, 1798-1813.) Pavy, O. See "Walker, D. {beloic). Phipps, C. J. Voyage towards the north pole in 1773. Same. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Rafn, C. C. View of the ancient geography of the arctic regions of America, from ac- counts contained in old mss. {In Am. ethn. soc. trans., v. 2.) EiCHAKDsoN, Sir J. Arctic searching expe- dition. Eoss, Sir J. Voyages. {In Cooley, W. D. 31aritime and inland discovery.) Same. (JnHerv^, A., anrf Lanoye, F. de. Voy- ages dans les glaces du pole arctique, 1798- 1813.) EuNDALL, T. Narratives of voyages toward the north-west in search of a passage to Cath- ay, etc., from 1496 to 1681. {In Hakluyt soc, V. 4.) St. Jchn, p. B. Sea of ice. Sauer, M. Geographical and astronomical expedition, 1785-94. ScoRESBY, W. Voyage to the northern whale fishery, 1822. Seemann, B. Three cruises in search of Sir John Franklin. {In Voyage of H. M. S. Herald, 1845-51.) Smucker, S. M. {Ed.) Arctic explorations and discoveries during the xix. century. Stephens, C. A. Left on Labrador. A ro- mance. Thirty years in the arctic regions ; or, advent- ures of Sir John Franklin. Tytler, p. F. Historical view of progress of discovery on the northern coasts of America. H. F. lib., V. 53. Veer, G. de. Three voyages by the north- east toward Cathay and China, 1594-6. {In Hakluyt soc, v. 12.) Walker, D. Capt. Hall's arctic expedition. {In Overland monthly, v. 7.) — Pavy's expedition to the North sea. {In Overland monthly, v. 8.) Wrangell, F. v. Expedition to the polar sea, 1820-23. H. F. lib., v. 148. S:e also — Baffin's bay. Jan Mayen. Franklin, Sir J. Lapland. Greenland. North-west passage. Iceland. Spitzbergen. Arculf, — {Bp.). See Early travels in Palestine. Arcus senilis. Canton, E. ARDEN 38 ARISTOTLE Arden, H. T. Belle of the barley - mow, The. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 78. Princess Charming. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, V. 70. Areopagitica. Milton, J. (In Prose works, V. 2.) Argall, iSir Samuel (1572-1639). Belknap, J. Life of. (In Am. biog., v. 2.) Argenis ; or, the loves of Poliarchus and Ar- genis. Barclay, J. Argens, Jean Baptiste de Boyer (marquis cf), (1704-1771^. Chinese letters ; being a philo- sophical, historical, and critical correspond- ence between a Chinese traveler, at Paris, and his countrymen in China, Muscovy, Persia, and Japan. Lond. 1741. 16° Jewish spy ; being a philosophical, histori- cal, and critical correspondence, by letters, which lately passed between certain Jews in Turkey, Italy, France, etc. Translated from the originals into French. Lond. 1739. 5 V. 16° See also Thi^bault, D. Souvenirs, v. 2. Argenson, Een6 Louis de Voyer (marquis rf'), (1696-1757). See Sainte-Beuve's CEuvres, V. 25, 27 ; Staal-Delaunay, M. J. C. von. Memoires. Argent de change, L'. SouLiii, M. F. (In ffiuvres, V. 32.) Argentine republic — Macrae, A. Keport of a journey across the Andes and pampas of the Argentine prov- inces. See Gilliss, J. M. U. S. naval as- tron. exped. to south, hemisphere, v. 2. NuSez Cabeza de la Vaca, a. Commen- taires, durant sa demeure a Kio de la Plata. (In Ternaux-Compans's Voy., v. 7.) Page, T. J. Explorations of La Plata, the Ar- gentine confederation, and Paraguay', 1853- 6. Sarmiento, D. F. Life in the. Sarsfield, D. D. V. Codigo civil de la re- publica Argentina. Stewart, C. S. Brazil and La Plata. S.ie also Buenos Ayres ; Parand. Argonautic expedition. Apollonius Rhodi- us. Argonauticorum. [Bound with Hesi- od.] Didot's Script. Graic. biblioth. Same. Argon autics. Argosy, The: a magazine for tales, travels, es- says, and poems. Lond. and N. Y. 1866. 12° Argument at Geneva. See Geneva tribunal. Argyle, Archie. Cupid's album. N. Y. 1866. 12° Argyll, — (duke of). See Campbell, G. D. Ariente, Sabadino Degli. Novels. (In Eoscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 2.) Ariosto, Ludovico (1474-1533). Orlando Furi- oso. Tr. by William Stewart Rose ; with notes. (New cd.) Lond. 1858. 2 v. 12° Roland furieux. Tr. par Phil, de la Made- laine. Paris, 1844. 8° See also Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal; also Quattro poeti Italiani, I. Aristid.es (d. 468 b.c). Nepos, C. Vita. (In Vitie excell. imper., v. 1.) Plittarchus. Life of. (In Lives.) — Vita. (In Vitifi, v. 1.) Aristippus. Diogenes Laijrthjs. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. SjLme. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Aristocracy in America. Grund, F. J. Ariston. Diogknes Laertius. Life of. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. Aristo. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Aristophanes (444-380 ? b.c). Clouds, The. With notes, by C. C. Felton. Camb. 1841. 12° Comedies. Tr. by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. (In Brumoy's Greek Theatre, edition 1759.) V.3. Contents : Acbarneases. Birds. Clouds. Feasts of Ceres. Female orators. Frogs. — Comedies. New and literal translation, with notes and extracts from the best metrical versions, by Wm. James Hickie. Lond. 1853. 2 V. 12° Knights. Lysfstrata. Peace. Plutus. Wasps. Acharntans, v. 1. Birds, V. 1. Clouds, V. 1. Ecclesiazuste, v. 2. Frogs, V. 2. Knights, V. I. Contents : Lysistrata, v. 2. Peace, v. 1. Plutus, V. 2. Thesmophoriazusae, v. 2. Wasps, V. 1. — CoMOEDiiE. Oxon. 1866. 2 v. 16? Contents : Pax, V. 1. Plutus, V. 2. Banse, v. 2. Thesmophoriazusae, v. 2. Vespae, v. 1. Acharnenses, v. 1. Aves, V. 2. Ecclesiazusse, v. 2. Equites, V. 1. Lysistrata, v. 2. Nubes, V. 1. — CoM(EDi^ et deperditarum fragmenta, ex no- va recensione Guilelmi Dindorf. Accedunt Menandri et Philemonis fragmenta auctiora et emendatoria. (Gr.etLat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem. (Gr. et Lat.) Paris, 1855. 8? Didot's Script. Graec, biblioth. Collins, W. L. (Ed.) Aristophanes. Phil. 1872. 16° (Ancient classics for English readers.) Symonds, J. A. Studies of the Greek poets. Aristotle (384-322 b.c). Opera omnia. (Gr. e^t Lat.) Cum indice nominum et rerum absolutissimo. Paris, 1850-62. 4 v. 8° Didot's Script. Gnec. biblioth. Contents : Anima, v. 3. Aiiimalium motione, v. 3. Audibllibus, v. 3. Coelo, V. 2. Coloribus, v. 3. Divinatione persomnum, v. 3. Ethica, V. 2. Generationeanimalium, V. 3. Generatione et corruptione, V. 3. Gorsia, v. 3. Historia? animalibus, v. 3. Insomniis, v. 3. Juventute et senectute, de vita et morte, v. 3. Lineis insecabilibus, v. 4. Longitudine et brevltate vi- tse, V. 3. Mechatiica, v. 4. Memoria et reminlscenUa, V. 3. Metaphysioorum, v. 2. Meteorologicorum libros quatuor, v. 3. Mirabilibus auscultatloni- bus, V. 4. Mundoad Alexandrum, V. .3. Naturalem auscultationem, V. 2. Organon, v. 1. Partibus anlmalium, v. 3. Physiognomonica, v. 4. Plantis, V. 4. Poetica, v. 1. Politica, V. 1. Problemata, v. 4. Problemata inedita, v. 4. Respiratione, v. 3. Rhetorica, de arte, v. 1. Sensu et sensili, v. 3. Somno et vigilia, v. 3. Spiritu, V. 3. Xenophatie (Melisso), v. 3. ARISTOTLE 39 ARIZONA .Aj"istotle {continued) — Ethica Nicomachea. Oxon. 1867. 16° Metaphysics. Tr. by J. H. McMahon ; with notes, analysis, and questions. Lond. 1857. 12° Metaphysics. Tr. from the Greek, with co- pious notes, and a dissertation on nullities and diverging series, by Th. Taylor. Lond. 1801. Roy. 4i Nicomachean ethics. The. Tr. from the Greek, by R. W. Browne ; with notes, etc. Lond. 1850. 12^^ Same. Lond. 1853. 12? Organon ; or, logical treatises. With the in- troduction of Porphyry. Tr. by O. F. Ow- en; with notes. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 12° Politics, and Economics. Tr. by E. Wal- ford. Lond. 1853. 12° Treatise on rhetoric, literally translated from the Greek ; also, the Poetic of Aristotle, lit- erally translated, with a selection of notes, an analysis, and questions, by T. A. Buck- ley. Lond. 1857. 12° Diogenes Laertius. Life of. (/m Lives, erf. 1688, V. 1.) Same. Tr. by CD. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Gr.etLat.) Didot's Script. Graec. bib- lioth. Grote, G. Aristotle. Ed. by Alex. Bain and G. C. Robertson. Lond. 1872. 2 v. 12° Contents : AnalyticaposterioraCi.). v. 1. Analytica posteriora (n.), v. 1. Analytica priora (r.), v. 1. Analytica priora (ii.), v. 1. Aristotelian oanon, v. 1. Aristotle, Life of, v. 1. Categorise, v. 1. De Anima, v. 2. De Ccelo, v. 2. De Interpretatione, v. 1. — Plutarch. Vie de. (Par A. Feillet.) {In Vies des Grecs illustres.) Bapin, p. Comparaisonsdes grands homines de I'antiquit^. {In (Euvres, v. 1.) Swift, J. Character of. {In "Works, Lond. ed., V. 2.) Same. {In Works, N. Y. ed., v. 5.) Sfe also Naturalists. Arithmetic — Arithmetic. St. Petersburg, 1838. 8° {Rus- sian.) ^ Byrne, O. Practical model calculator. Chambers, W. a«rf R. {Eds.) Introduction to. — Key to. Henxer, J. F. Lehrgang des richen-unter- richtes in volks-schulen. Lardner, D. Treatise on. ■Sanford, S. p. Common school arithmetic, on the analytic system. ^ee also Mathematics. Arizona — IeacrI|>tlon and travel: Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country. — Reisen und aventeuer im Apachenlande. Emory, W. H. Extract from a report of a military reconnaissance, from the junction of the San Pedro and Gila to the Gila and Colorado of the west, 1846-7. {In Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 2.^) ARIZONA 40 ARNOLD JirizOTdSl, (^continued) — McClellan, K. G. Golden state. MowRY, S. Geography and resources of Ari- zona and Sonora. Parke, J. G. Narrative of an exploration for a railroad route between Dona Ana, on the Rio Grande, and the Pimas villages on the Gila. {In Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 2.) PuMPELLY, R. Across America and Asia. Raymond, R. W. Mines of the west. — Statistics of mines and mining. Resources of Arizona ; with a description of the Indian tribes; ancient ruins; Cochise, Apache chief ; Antonio, Pima chief ; stage and wagon roads; trade and commerce, etc. S. P. 1871. 8° {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Roberts, H. M. Itineraries of routes in Arizona and southern California. Simpson, J. H. Report of an expedition into the Navajo country. See U. S. (explorations and surveys); Repts. sec. war. Wheeler, G. M, Preliminary report con- cerning explorations and surveys in Nevada and Arizona, 1871. "Whipple, A. W. Narrative of an explora- tion of the route near the 35th parallel. Fort Smith (Arkansas) to Los Angeles (Cal.). See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., V. 3. Arizona miner, The (March 9, 1864, to Dec. 28, 1864). Fort Whipple, Arizona. Sm. fi Ark of Elm island. Kellogg, E. Arkansas, Constitution of. {In American's guide, The,) Ark"wright, Sir John. See Self-made men. Arkvrright, Sir Richard. See Northern worthies, V. 2 ; Self-made men. Arlin court — {vizconde de). Tres reinas, Las. Bare. 1844. 8° Arlington. Lister, T. H, Arlot, M. Complete guide far coach painters. Tr. from the French, by A, A. Fesquet.. Phil. 1871. 12° Armadale. Collins, (W.) W. Armageddon — Baldwin, S. D. Armageddon ; or, overthrow of Romanism and monarchy. Pitts, F. E. Defense of. Arme Heinrich, Der. Schwab, G. {In Die Deutschen volksbiicher.) Arme invisible, L', ou le secret des habits-noirs. Feval, p. {In OEuvres, v. 2.) Arme spielman, Der. Grillparzer, F. {In SUmm.'werke, v. 8.) Armengaud, C, and Amoiiroux, — . Practical draughtsman's book of industrial design, and machinist's and engineer's drawing companion ; rewritten and arranged by W. Johnson. Phil. 1864. 4? Armenia — Chamich, M. History of. [2247-1780 B.C.] CuRZON, R. A year at Erzeroom. Layard, a. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. SouTHGATE, H. Narrative of a tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, etc. Armes et les armures, Les. Lacombe, P. Armies of the great powers. Wraxall, L. Armored vessfils, IReport of sec. of the navy. Arms, Coats of. See Heraldry. Arms and armor — BoTJTKLL, C. Arms and armor in antiquity and the middle ages. Demmin, a. Weapons of war ; being a his- tory of arms and armor, from the earliest pe- riod to the present time. Lacombe, P. Armes et les armures, Les. See also AvtWXevy ; Ordnance; Rifle; Sword. Armstrong, George Francis. Tragedy of Is- rael. (Pt. i., King Saul.) Lond. 1872. 12° Armstrong, John. Notices of the war of 1812. N. Y. 1840. 2 V. 12° Armstrong, John {M.D.), (1709-1779). Art of preserving health : a poem, in four books. {2d ed.) Lond. 1745. (In Mis. poems.) Armstrong, T. See Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1. Army and navy handy-book. Wells, J. G. Army and navy pocket dictionary. Webster, W. G. Army and navy stories. See Adams, W. T. Army chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Flatz. RiCHTER, J. p. F. Army life in a black regimenL Higginson, T. W. Army life on the Pacific. Kip, L. Army of the Cumberland. See U. S. (war of 1861-5). Army of the North German confederation. New- DIGATE, E. Army of the Potomac. See U. S. (war of 1861- 5.) Army officer's pocket companion. Craighill, W. P. Army pay digest. Webb, E. Army register, U. S. See TJ. S. (army and navy). Army regulations, U. S. iSee U. S. (army and navy). Arnault, A. V., Jay, A., Jouy, E., Norvins, J., et al. Biographic nouvelle des contem- porains, ou dictionnaire historique et raisoa- ne de tons les hommes qui depuis la revolu- tion Francjaise ont acquis de la celebrite. Paris, 1820. 20 v. 8° Arnault, M. See Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Arndt, Ernst Moritz. Gedichte. Vollstiindige sammlung. 2te ausgabe. Berlin, 1865. 8° Arne. Bjornson, B. Arnim, Mme. Elizabeth {called Bettine von). See Gcithe, J. W. von. Correspondence with a child. Arnobius Afer. Seven books of Arnobius adver- sus Gentes. Tr. by A. H. Byrce and H. Campbell. {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v. 19.) Arnold, Aug. C. L. Signet of King Solomon; or, the Templar's daughter. To which are added a memoir of Eliz. Aldworth, and a masonic prologue. Illustrated. N.Y.1860. 12° Arnold, Benedict (1740-1801). Conspiracy of Arnold and Sir Henry Clinton against the United States and Gen. Washington. {In American register, v. 2.) Sparks, J. Life and treason of. {In Lib. of Am. biog., V. 3.) Thacher, J. Biographical sketch of. {In Military journal.) Arnold, Edwin. Poets of Greece. Lond. 1869.. ARNOLD 41 Arnold, F, Farm on the mountain. Bost. n.d. 12° (3 cop.) Arnold, Frederick. Turning-points in life. N. Y. 1873. 12? Contents : Philosophy of life. Risii.g nu'ii. Statesmfn. Successful lawyers. Taking holy orders. Theories in life. Travel. TurniitK-points in life. Turning-points in national history. University careers. Choice of a profession. Christian merchant, The. Criticiil moments in life. Force of adverse circum- stances. Habit. Life : a school of faculties to be trained. Literature, science, and art. Marriage. Patient continuing in well- doing. Arnold, George (McArone), (1834-1865). Drift: a sea-shore idyl. And other poems. Bost. 1868. 12? Poems. Complete edition, including — i. Drift, and other poems ; ii. Poems, grave and gay. Bost. 1871. 12? Poems, grave and gay. Bost. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Why Thomas was discharged. (In Atlantic tales.) Arnold, Howard Payson . Great exhibition , The ; with continental sketches, practical and hu- morous. N. Y. 1868, 12? Arnold, Isaac N. History of Abraham Lincoln, and the overthrow of slavery. Chicago, 1867. 8? • Arnold, Matthew (b, 1822). Culture and anar- chy : an essay in political and social criti- cism. Lond. 1869. 8? Essays in criticism. Bost. 1865. 12? (Scop.) Contents : Academies, Literary influence of. Antoninus, M. Anrelins. Criticism. Function of, at the present time. French Eton, A. Gnfirin, Eugenie de. Gu^rin, Maurice de. Heine, Heinrich. Homer, On translating. (3 lectures.) Homer, On translating. (Last wordis.) Joubert Pagan and mediseval religious sentiment. Spinoza. New poems. Bost. 1867. 12? On the study of Celtic literature. Lond. 1867. 12? Poems. {2d ser.) Lond. 18.55. 16? Same. (3rf ed.) Lond. 1857. Schools and universities on the continent. Lond. 1868. 8? Alexander, W. Poetry of. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 4.) FoRMAN, H. B. Our living poets. See also Men of the day. Arnold, K. Arthur. From the Levant, the Black sea, and the Danube. Lond. 1868. 12? Arnold, Samuel Greene. History of the state of Ehode Island and Providence plantations, 1636-1790. N. Y. 1859. 2 v. 8? Arnold, Thomas (D.D.), (1795-1842). Frag- ment on the church. {Bd ed.) Lond. 1863. 12? History of Kome to A.TT.c. 548. N. Y. 1851. 8? Introductory lectures on modem history, de- livered in Lent term, 1842 ; with inaugural lecture, delivered Dec. 1841. Ed., with pre- face and notes, by H. Keed. N.Y.1854. 12? Life of Hannibal. ARRIANUS Arnold [continued) — Miscellaneous works ; collected and repub- lished. {2ded.) Lond. 1858. 8? Contents : Christian duty of conceding the Homan Catholic claims. Discipline in public schools. Divisions of knowledge. (Lecture.) Essay on the social progress of states. Extracts from ' The Englishman's register.' Letters to ' Hertford reformer.' Letters to ' .Sheffield courant.' Preface to 'Poetry of common life.' Preface to the third volume of the edition of Thu- cydides. Principles of church reform. Rugby school : use of classics. Sermons, chiefly on the interpretation of script- ure. Lond. 1859. 8? Stanley, A. P. Life and correspondence of. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. 12? Same. Bost. 1860. 12? See also Brief biographies; Thucydides. Arnold, Thomas {M.A.). Manual of English lit- erature, A: historical and critical. {2ded,) Lond. 1867. 12? Arnold, Thomas James. Reynard, the fox. Af- ter the German version of Gothe. With il- lustrations. Lond. 1855. 8? Arnold, Thomas Kerchever (1800-1853). First Hebrew book. (3c? ed.) Lond. 1866. 12? Second Hebrew book. Containing the book of Genesis, together with a Hebrew syntax, and a vocabulary and grammatical commen- tary. Lond. 1853. 12? Greek grammar. {2d ed.) Lond. 1848. 8? Arnold, W.H. Woodman's hut. Lacy's Plays, V. 36. Arnot, William. Laws from heaven for life on earth. Lond. 1865. 12? Parables of our Lord. Lond. 1865. 12? Arnott, George A. Walker. See Hooker, Sir William Jackson. Arnott, Neil. On the smokeless fire-place, chim- ney valves, and other means, old and new, of obtaining healthful warmth and ventila- tion. Lond. 1855. 8? Arnould, Joseph. Treatise on the law of marine insurance and average, with reference to the American cases and the later continental au- thorities. 2d ed., with annotations, by J. C. Perkins. Bost. 1850. 2 V. 8? Arosemena, Justo. Examen sobre la franca comunicacion entre los dos oceanos por el isimo de Panama. Bogota, 1846. 8? Around a spring. Droz, G. Around the pyramids. Ward, A. Around the world : sketches of travel. Prime, E. D. G. Arrah Neil. James, G. P. R. Arria Marcella. Gautier, T. {In (Euvres, v. 17.) Arrian. See below. Arrianus, Flavius {ab. a.d. 130). Anabasis et indica ex optimo codice Parisino emendavit et varietatem ejus libri retulit, Fr. Diibner. Reliqua Arriani, et scriptorurh de rebus Alexandri M. fragmenta collegit, Pseudo- Callisthenis historiam fabulosam ex tribus codicibus nunc primum edidit, interarium Alexandri et indices adjecit, Carolus Miiller. Parisii, 1846. 8? Didot's Script. Grsec. bib- lioth. ARRIANUS 42 ART-JOURNAL Arrianus {continued) — History of Alexander's expedition. Trans- lated from the Greek, with notes, historical, geographical, and critical, by Mr. Kooke. To which is prefixed Mr. LeClerc's criticism upon Quintus Curtius ; and some remarks upon Mr. Perizonios's vindication of that author. (iVew ed.) Lond. 1814. 2 v. 8° Arsace et Ism^nie. Montesquieu, C. de S. de. {In (Euvres, v. 5.) Art— Afternooit lectures on literature and. Allston, "W". Lectures on. American art-union. Transactions. Art-journal, The. Art, pictorial and industrial. Bouillet, M. N. Dictionnaire universel des sciences, des lettres, et de» arts. Brande, "W. T., and Cox, G. W. Diction- ary of science, literature, and. Cousin, V. Du beau (De Part). {In Du vrai, du beau, du bien.) — Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good; increased by an appendix on French art. DiDRON, A. N. Christian iconography. Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste in furniture, etc. First proofs of the universal catalogue of books on art, compiled for the use of the National art library and the schools of art in the united kingdom. GoTHE, J. W. von. Bemerkungen iiber ge- makle, kiinste, u. s. w. {In Werke, v. 39.) — Diderot's Versuch iiber die malerei. {In Werke, v. 44.) . — Hackert. {In Werke, v. 37.) — Kleinere schriften iiber kunst. {In Werke, v. 44.) — Laokoon. {In Werke, v. 38.) — Theorie der bildenden kiinste, u. s. w. {In Werke, v. 38.) — Winckelmann. {In Werke, v. 37.) — Essays on. Grimm, H. Studium der modernen kiinste. Hamerton, p. G. Thoughts about. Harris, G. Theory of the arts. Harris, J. Treatise concerning. {In Works.) Hazlitt, W. Criticisms on. Hebbel, F. Theorie der kunst. {In Samm. werke, v. 9.) Herder, J. G. von. [Critical essays on.] {In Samm. werke, v. 15-25.) Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Legends of the mo- nastic orders. — Sacred and legendary. — Sketches of. Jarves, J. J. Art-idea, The. — Art-studies: the old masters of Italy; painting. King, C. W. Antique gems, as illustrative of. Lacroix, p. Arts au moyen age, Les. Lardner, D. Popular lectures on science and. LiJBKE, W. History of. Mason, G. C. Application of art to manu- factures. Miller, S. Ketrospect of the xviii. century , V. 2. Art {continued) — MoNKHou8E,W. C. Masterpiece of English. Montesquieu, C. de S. de. Essai sur le go6t en Part. {In (Euvres, v. 5.) MuLLER, C. O. Ancient art and its remains ; or, a manual of the archaeology of. Otis, C. N. Sacred and constructive art : its origin and progress. Palgrave, F. T. Essays on. KusKiN, J. Modern painters. — Political economy of. — Pre-Kaphaelitism. — Select writings. — Two paths. ScHLEGEL, A. W. von. Malerei bildende kiinste, theater. {In Samm. werke, v. 9.) ScHLEGEL, F. von. Esthetic and miscella- neous works. Scientific American, The. Smith, W. Education, scholastic and indus- trial. Taine, H. (A.) Art in Florence and Venice. — Art in Greece. — Art in Italy. — Art in Rome and Naples. — Art in the Netherlands. — Philosophy of. Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art and sym- bolism. Urbino, Mme. L. B., et al. Art recreations. Urbino, S. R. Princes of. ViARDOT, L. Wonders of European. — Wonders of Italian. Waagen, G. F. Galleries and cabinets of. — Treasures of. Wallace, H. B. Art and scenery in Eu- rope. J Watts, A. M. H. Art-student in Munich. We ALE, J. Rudimentary dictionary of terms used in early. Winkelmann, J. J. Histoire de I'art chez les anciens. WiNTHRop, R. C. Lecture on the applica- tion of science to. {In Pamphlets, v. 7.) Wiseman, N. Identification of the artisan and the artist. [Lecture.] {In Smithson- ian rept. 1870.) See also — Architecture. Fine arts. Design . Galleries of art. Ecclesiastical art. Industrial arts. Engraving. Useful arts. See also National academy of design. Art: a dramatic tale. Reade, C. [Bound with ' Clouds and sunshine.'] Art and mystery of curing, preserving, and pot- ting all kinds of meats, game, and fish ; also, the art of pickling, and the preserva- tion of fruits and vegetables. By a whole- sale curer of comestibles. Lond. 1864. 122 Art and nature under an Italian sky. Lond. 1860, 8° Art de connaitre les hommes par la physionomie, L'. Lavater, G. J. Art de dire non, L'. SoULi^, M. F. {In (Eu- vres, V. 32.) Art-galleries. See Galleries of art. Art-journal, The (1847-71). Lond. 1847-72. 25 V. 4" [1847-8, called r.). Progress of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) Astronomy — Alexander, S. Lecture on the vastriess of the visible creation. {In Smithsonian rept. 1857.) American association for the advancement of science. Proceedings. American ephemeris, and nautical almanac. Astronomical and barometric observations, taken on the explorations for a Pacific rail- road route. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 4, 6. Bache, A.d. Astronomical discussions: Gi- rard college. (Pts. i.-vi., vii.-xii.) {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 13, 14.) Blunt, C. F. Beauty of the heavens. Bouvier, H. M. Familiar. Breen, H. Practical. (In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 5.) Burr, E. F. Ecce coelum. Caswell, A. Lectures on. (i« Smithsonian rept. 1858.) Chambers, G. F. Descriptive. Chaucer, G. Treatise on the astrolabe, ad- dressed to his son Lowys, a.d. 1391. {In his Works.) Same. {In Chaucer soc. pub., no. 29.) Chauvenet, W. Manual of spherical and practical . De Morgan, A. de. Book of almanacs. Dick, T. Celestial scenery. Same. H. F. lib., v. 83. — Practical astronomer. — Sidereal heavens. Same. H. F. lib., v. 99. — Solar system . DowNES, J. Occultations visible in U. S. dur- ing 1851. {In Smithsonian contrib., v, 2.) DuFOUR, C. Directions for observing the scintillation of the stars. {In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) DuNKiN, E. Midnight sky. Ellert, E. L. J. Observations at the Mel- bourne observatory, 1861-8. Estes, D. Spectrum analysis discoveries : i;s application to the movements of the heavenly bodies. ASTRONOMY 47 ATHENS Astronomy {continued) — Everett, E. Uses of. (JwOrations, etc., v. 3.) Gauss, K. F. Theona motus. Gautier, — {Prof.). Recent researches rela- tive to the nebulae. {In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) GiLLis, J. M. U. S. astronomical expedition to Chile. Grant, R. History of physical. Hayes, I. I. Astronomical observations in the arctic seas. (Jn Smithsonian contrib., v. 15.) Herschel, Sir J. F. "W. Familiar letters on scientific subjects. — Outlines of. — Treatise on. Hind, J. R. Solar system, The. Jones, G. Observations on the zodiacal light. {In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 3.) JouRDAN, A. J. L. Dictionnaire des termes. Kane, E. K. Astronomical observations in the arctic seas, 1853-5. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 12.) KiRKWOOD, D. Meteoric. Kurtz, J. H. Bible and. La Place, P. S. System of the world. Lardner, D. Hand-book of. Lee, — {I^r.). Progress of astronomical pho- tography. {In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) Lespiault, M. G. Remarks on the small planets situated between Mars and Jupiter. {In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) LooMis, E. Recent progress of. — Treatise on. — Zone of small j)lanets between Jupiter and Mars. {In Smithsonian rept. 1854.) MIDLER, J. H. Latest researches relating to the general movement of the stars around a central point. {In Smithsonian rept. 1859.) Manilius, M. Astronomicon. Ex editione Bentleiana. MiLNER, T. Gallery of nature. MiTCHEL, O. M. Astronomy of the bible. — Planetary and stellar worlds. — Popular. PoNTON, M. Material universe. The. Proctor, R. A. Essay on. — Half-hours with the stars. — Light science for leisure hours. — Orbs around us. — Saturn and its system. — Star atlas. ScHELLEN, H. Nebulae, comets, meteoric show- ers, and the revelations of the spectroscope re- garding them . — Spectrum analysis , in its application to the physical substances of the heavenly bodies. Smith, J. Panorama of science and arts, etc. Smyth, C. P. Astronomer's experiment in Teneriffe. Snell, E. S. Lecture on planetary disturb- ances. {In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) Somerville, M. Mechanism of the heav- ens. Stockwell, J. N. Secular variations of the elements of the orbits of the eight principal planets. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 18.) "Wales, W., and Bayly, W. Observations made in the course of a voyage toward the Astronomy {continued) — south pole and round the world in his maj- esty's ships Resolution and Adventure, 1772- 5. "Walsh, J. Benn. Astronomy and geology compared. "Whiston, "W. Astronomical principles of re- ligion. "WiDDUP, J. Essay on the physical constitu- tion of the celestial bodies. iSee also — Almanacs. ISTautical astronomy. Astrology. Planets. Comets. Plurality of worlds. Comptes rendus. Spectrum analysis. Heavens. Stars. Meteors. Sun. Moon. Also the names of planets and of stars. Astrophel and Stella. Sidney, Sir P. Asylums. See Hospitals. At anchor : a story of our civil war. N. Y. 1865. 12? At his gates. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. At home and abroad. Kennedy, J. P. Journal in Europe in 1867-8. At home and abroad. OssoLi, M. F. At home and abroad, Taylor, (J.) B. At last. Terhune, 3Irs. M. V. H. At odds. TAUTPHffius, I. von. At the altar. "Werner, E. At the back of the north wind. MacDonald, G. Atala. lUustr. by Dor6. Chateaubriand, F. A. DE. Atalantis. Simms, "W. G. Atar-GuU. Sue, E. Atcheen. Forrest, T. Account of. Athanasia; or, foregleams of immortality. Sears, E. H. Atheism — CuDWORTH, R. True intellectual system of the universe, wherein all the reason and phi- losophy of atheism are refuted. Lewis, T. Plato against the atheists. Sallet, F. von. Atheisten und Gottlosen un- sererzeit, Die. {In Prosaische schriften.) See also Infidelity ; Skepticism. Athelings, The. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Athenseum, Boston. See Boston (libraries). Athenaeum, The : a journal of literature and the tine arts. (Oct. 1832 to Mar. 1833.) Lond. 8? Same. (Jan. 1860 to Dec. 1871.) Lond. 24 V. 4° Athenasus. Deipnosophists; or, banquet of the learned. Tr.by CD. Yonge. Lond. 1854. 3 V. 12: Athenagoras {Athenian). "Writings of. Tr. by M. Dods et at. {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., V. 2.) Athenian oracle. The. Dunton, J. Athens — BoECKH, A. Public economy of the Atheni- ans. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Athens: its rise and fall. CoLTON, "W. Land and sea in the Bosphorus and ^Egean. Freeman, E. A. Athenian democracy. {In Hist, essays, 2d ser.) — Historians of. {In Hist, essays, 2d ser.) ATHENS 48 ATLASES Armitage, Edward. Brown, Ford Madox. C'alderon, Philip H. Huglies, Artliur. Jones, Edward Burne. Leigliton, Fredericli. Atkinson, J. C. Athens (continued) — Leakk, W. M. Topography of Athens, and demi of Attica. Stuart, J., and Kevett, N. Antiquities of. "Wordsworth, C. Athens and Attica. Xenophon. Athenian government. (In Mi- nor works.) — Improving the revenues of. (In Minor works.) iSee also Greece. Athern, Anna. Here and hereafter. Bost. 1867. 12i Atherton, Maria. Centzontli; and other poems. Lond. 1872. 12° Atkinson, Henry George, and Martineaxj, H. Letters on the laws of man's nature and de- velopment. Lond. 1851. 125 Atkinson, J. Beavington, Colvin, S., et al. En- glish painters of the present day ; with twelve photographs after original drawings. Lond. 1871. Sm. f° Contents : Leslie, George D. Marks, H. S. Poynter, Edward J. Solomon, Simeon. Walker, Frederick. Watts, G. F. Sketches in natural history ; with an essay on reason and instinct. With 82 illustrations. Lond. 1861. 12° Atkinson, Mary Ellen. Ivy leaves. Phil. 1870. 12: Atkinson, Thos. Witlam (1799-1861). Orien- tal and western Siberia. Narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Sibe- ria, Mongolia, the Kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of central Asia ; with a map. Lond. 1858. 8° (2 cop.) Travels in the region of the upper and lower Amoor and the Kussian acquisitions on the confines of India and China. N. Y. 1860. 8? (2 cop.) Atlantic almanac ; with illustrations by Darley, Gilbert, e< aZ. Bost. 1871. 4° {'i cop.) Atlantic essays. Hiqginson, T. W. Atlantic monthly, The : a magazine of litera- ture, art, and politics. V. 1 (Nov. 1857) to 31 (June, 1873). Bost. 31 v. 8? Same. [For circulation ; v. 28 and 29 wanting.] Atlantic ocean — Bailey, J. W. Microscopical examination of the soundings off the Atlantic coast of the U. S. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 2.) Delesseet, J. Voyages dans les deux oceans. Gould, B. A. Transatlantic longitude, as de- termined by the coast survey, 1866. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 16.) Lee, S. p. Cruise of the Dolphin, 1851-2, OsBORN, S. Geography of the bed of the At- lantic and Indian oceans, etc. {In Roy. geog. soc. journal, v. 41.) Atlantic steamer. Colman, J. P. {In Boston book.) Atlantic tales : a collection of stories from the Atlantic monthly. Bost. 1866. 12° {4: cop.) Contents : Denslow palace. .T. D. Whelpley. Diamond lens. Fitz James O'Brien. Elkanah Brewster's temptJition. C. Nordhoff. Friend Eli's daughter. B. Tavlor. Half-life, and half a life, A. Miss E. H. Appleton. Life in the iron mills. Miss R. B. Harding. Atlantic {continued) — Man without a country. E. E. Hale. Miss Luclnda. Miss Rose Terry. My double, and how he undid me. E. E. Hale. Pursuit of knowledge under difflculties. Gail Ham- ilton. Queen of the red chessmen. Miss L. P. Hale. Kaft that no man made. K. T. S. Lowell. Victor and Jacqueline. Mi.ss Caroline Ohesebro'. Why Thomas was discharged. Geo. Arnold. Atlantic telegraph — Briggs, C. F., and Maverick, A. Story of the telegraph, and history of the great Atlan- tic cable. Field, H. M. History of the. MuLLALY, J. Account of the three Atlantic telegraph expeditions of 1857 and 1858. {In his Laying of the cable.) — Trip to Newfoundland ; with an account of the laying of the submarine telegraph cable. EussELL, W. H. Atlantic telegraph ; illus- trated. Atlantic to the Pacific, The. Lester, J. E. Atlases, charts, maps, etc. — Bancroft, H. H.,& Co. Map of the Pacific states, 1868. [In frame.] Berghaus, H., and Stulpnagel, F. von. Chart of the world on Mercator's projection. [In frame.] Black, A. and C. (Pub.) Atlas of Austra- lia ; with all the gold regions. A series of maps from the latest and best authorities. Bryce, J. Student's atlas of physical geogra- phy- Butler, S. Atlas of ancient geography. Clarke, C. R. New school geography. Cochran, W. Scholar's guide to a practical knowledge of sacred geography. CoLTON, G. W. Atlas of the world. N. Y. 1856. 2 V. — General atlas. N. Y. 1856. Same. N. Y. 1873. Doolittle, A.J. Township and county map of the central part of California. [In frame.] Froiseth, B. a. M. New sectional and min- eral map of Utah, 1871. [In frame.] Gage, W. L. Modern historical atlas. Holt, W. Map of California and Nevada ; compiled by Von Schmidt, Keddie, and Gibbe, 1869. [In frame.] Hughes, W., and Long, G. Atlas of classi- cal geography. Humphreys, "W. P. Official map of the city and county of San Francisco, 1870. [In frame.] Johnston, A. K. Atlas to Alison's History of Europe. — National atlas of geography. — Physical atlas of natural phenomena. — Eoyal atlas of modem geography. Kohl, J. G. Die beiden altesten general kar- ten von Amerika, ausgefuhrt in 1527 und 1529, auf befehl Kaiser Karl's v. La Place, C. P. T. Voyage autour du monde, pendant les ann^es 1830, 1831, et 1832. LiiGENDES, — . Atlas portatif, notamment pour la vie de Napoleon par Jomini. Lloyd, H. H., & Co. Washington map of thelJ. S., 1868. [In frame.] Map of the territory of the U. S. from the Miss, riverto the Pacific ooean; to accompany the explorations for a Pacific railroad route, 1865-8. [In frame.] ATLASES 49 AUDUBON Atlases {continued) — Mercantile map of the world on Mercator's projection. Pacific coast charts. P^RousE, J. F. G. de la. Voyage autour du monde, 1830-32. Petermann, a. H. Atlas of physical geog- raphy. Proctor, K. A. Star atlas. Rappleye's map of Oregon, Washington, Ida- ho, and part of Montana, 1868. [In frame.] SiBORNE, W. Waterloo. Smith, W., and Grove, G. Historical atlas of ancient geography, hihlical and classical. Part i. Lond. 1872. f ° Smithsonian isothermal lines. [In frame.] Stanford's large scale map of the seat of war, 1870-71. [In frame.] Stieler, a. Hand-atlas, 87 karten. U.S. survey of the northern and north-western lakes. Whitney, J. D. Map of the region adjacent to San Francisco. State geol. survey, 1867. [In frame.] Same. [Revised.] 1873. f? Atlee, Washington L. General and differential diagnosis of ovarian tumors, with special ref- erence to ovariotomy ; 39 illustrations. Phil. 1873. 8^ Atmosphere — Fox, C. B. Ozone and antozone. Janin, J. Vegetation and the. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1864.) Recltis, E. Ocean, atmosphere, and life. /See a^so Aerostation ; Air; Climatology; Wind. Atomic theory. Otto, F. J. Relation of the volumes of bodies in the solid state to their equivalents or atomic weights. {In Graham's Chemical reports and memoirs.) Atoms. (Dialogue.) Herschel, Sir J. F. W. {In Smithsonian rept. 1862.) Atonement — Beecher, C. Redeemer and redeemed. An investigation of the. BusHNELL, H. God in Christ. — Vicarious sacrifice. The. Giles, H. Lectures on the. Malcom, H. Extent and efficacy of the. PusEY, E. B. Doctrine of. {In Sermons.) Atrocious judges : lives of judges infamous as tools of tyrants and instruments of oppres- sion. Hildreth, R. Attache ; or, Sam Slick in England. Hali- burton, T. C. Atterbury, Francis. See Macaulay, T. B., in Encycl. Brit., v. 4 ; also in Essays. See also New biographies of illustrious men. Attic philosopher in Paris. Souvestre, E. Attica. Leake, W.M. Demi of. (Jft Topog- raphy of Athens, v. 2.) See also Greece. Attorney, The ; or, the correspondence of John Quod. Irving, J. T. Attorneys-general. Hall, B. F. Official opinions of. At"water, Caleb (1778-1867). Description of the antiquities discovered in Ohio and other west- ern states. {In Archseologia Americana, V. 1.) Atys. Catullus, C. V. {In Opera omnia.) Au jour le jour. SouLii:, M. F. {In CEuvres, v. Auber, Daniel Fran9ois Esprit (1784-1871). Di- amants de la couronne. (Ital. and Eng. words.) Lond. n.d. 8° Fra Diavolo. (Ital. and Eng. words.) Lond. n.d. 8= Masaniello. (Ital. and Eng. words.) Lond. n.d. 8i Auber, Peter. History of the rise and progress of British power in India. Compiled from official and unpublished documents in the possession of the Hon. East India company. {2d ed.) Lond. 1846. 2 v. 8°. Auberge de I'ange-gardien, L'. Si:GUR, — {Comtesse). Auberge de Sainte-Gabelle, L'. SouLii;, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 27.) Auberge rouge, L'. Balzac, H. de. {In (Eu- vres completes, v. 34.) Auberlen, C. A., Gess, W. F., et al. Founda- tions of our faith : ten papers read before a mixed audience of men. Lond. 1863. 12° Contents : Christ's atonement for sin. By W. F. Gess. Future, The. By E. Stahelln. Holy Spirit and the Christian church. By S. Prels- werk. Justillcation by faith, The doctrine of. By I. Stockmeyer. Nature or God ? By W. F. Gess. Old testament dispensation and the heathen world. By Prof. Auberlen. Person of Jesus Christ, The. By Prof. Riggenbach. Kesurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. By Prof. Auberlen. Sin : its nature and consequences. By E. Stsihelin. What is faith ? By Prof. Kiggenbach. an'. Turkojuans, Les. Turquie. Audubon, John James (1780-1851). Birds of America, The ; from original drawings., Lond. 1827-30. 4 v. Eleph. f? Ornithological biography : an account of/ the habits of the birds of the Unitad States. of America. Interspersed with delineations.; of American scenery and manners., Edin>. 1831-49'. 5v. Roy. 8^ (2 coja.); AUDUBON 60 AURELIUS Audubon (continued) — Brightwell, C. L. Komantic incidents in the lives of naturalists and celebrated travel- ers. Life of. Ed. by his widow. Introduction by J. G. Wilson. N. Y. 1869. 12° and B ACHMAN, J. Quadrupeds of North Amer- ica, The. N. Y. 1854. 4? See also Brief biographies. Auerbach., Berthold. Gesammelte schriften. 2te ausgabe. Stutt. 1863. 22 v. in 11. B° Contents : Barfilssele, v. 9. Befehlerles, v. 1. Brosi und moni, v. 6. Deutsche abende, v. 19. Dichter und Kaufmann, v. 12, 13. Dlchtung aus dem volke, Die, v. 20. Dichtung fUr das volk, Die, v. 20. Edelweiss, v. 22. Eigen haus, Ein, v. 8. Erdmuthe, v. 8. Feindlichen briider. Die, v. 1. riorian und Creszenz, v. 2. Frau professorin, Die, v. 3. Geigeiier, Der, v. 8. Geschlchte des Diethelm von Buchenberg, Die, v. 5. Hopfen und gerste, v. 8. Ivo der Hajrle, v. 1. Joseph im schnee, v. 21. Kranz auf Hebel's haupt, Ein, v. 20. Kriegspfeife, Die, v. 1. Kunst und literatur, Zur, v. 19. Lauterbacher, Der, v. 2. Lehnhold, Der, v. 7. Lucifer, v. 4. Neues leben, v. 14, 15, 16. Rudolph und Elisabetha, v. 19. Schatzltastlein des gevattersmanns, Das, v. 17, 18. Schlossbauers vefele, Das, v. 1. Schrif t und volk. Grundztige der volksthUmllcben literatur, v. 20. Spinoza : Ein Denkerleben, v. 10, 11. Straflinge, v. 3. Tolpatsch, Der, v. 1. Tonele mit der gebissenen wange, v. 1. Vierecklg, Der, v. 6. Waldschiitzen sohn, Des, v. 19. "Was 1st gltick ? v. 19. Black-forest village stories. Tr. by C. Goepp. N. Y. 1869. 16° (4 cop.) Edelweiss. Tr. by E. Erothingham. Bost. 1869. 16° i^cop.) Germak tales. Tr. by C. C. Shakford. Bost. 1869. 16° (4cojo.) Little Barefoot. Tr. by E. B. Lee. Illus- trated. Bost. 1867. 12° (2 cop.) On the heights. Tr. by Fannie Elizabeth Bunnett. Bost. 1868. 16? (4 cop.) Same. 1871. 16? (2 cop.) Same. Leipzig, 1867. 3 v. 16? Villa Eden : country house on the Khine. Tr. by C. C. Shakford. Bost. 1869. 8? (4 cop.) Villa on the Khine. Tr. by Bayard Taylor. N. Y. 1869. 2 V. 16? (2 cop.) Auersperg, Anton Alexander von (Anastasius Grun), (b. 1806). Last knight. The. Tr. from the German, by J. O. Sargent. N. Y. 1871. 12? Auf der Aim. Heyse, P. (In Novellen, v. 6.) Auf der Diihne. Spielhaqen, F. von. {In Ges. werke, v. 4.) Auf der universitat. Hoefer, E. (ire Erzah- lende schriften, v. 1.) Auferstanden. Heyse, P. (In Novellen, v. 2.) Aufruhr. Hoefer, E. {In Erzahlende schrif- ten, V. 7.) Aufruhr in den cevennen, Der. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, v. 26.) Augenblick des glUcks, Der. Hacklander, F. W. {In Werke, v. 21.) Aughey, J. H. Iron furnace ; or, slavery and secession. Phil,, 1863. 12? Augier, Emile {b. 1820). (Euvres. Paris, 1859. 7 V. (six 12° and one 8"). Contents : Aventuri6re, L' : com6dle, v. 1. Beau mariage, Un : comfidie, v. 1. Ceinture dorSe : comfidie, v. 6. Cigue, La : comfidie, v. 2. Contagion, La: comfidie, v. 1. Diane : drame, v. 3. Effront6s, Les : comfidle, v. 3. Fils de Glboyer, Le : comSdle, v. 3. Gabrieile : com6dle, v. 4. Gendre de M. Poirier, Le : comfidie, v. 4. Habit vert, Le : proverbs, v. C. Homme de bien, Un : comCdie, v. 2. Jeunesse, La : comCdie, v. 4. Llonnes pauvres, Les : pifice, v. 5. Lions et renards : comedle, v. 5. Mattre Gu6rln : comCdie, v. 5. Mariage d'Olympe, Le: pl6ce, v. 6. M^prises de I'amour, Les: com6dle, v. 2. Paul Forester : comfidie, v. 7. Philiberte : comfidle, v. 2. Pierre de Touche, La, v. 6. Post-scriptum, Le, v. 5. Diane. Theatre Frangais mod., 1st s^r. GooDforevil; or, a wife's trial. (Domesticdr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 43. Augu, Henri. Zouaves de la mort, Les: Episode de 1 'insurrection Polonaise de 1863. Paris, 1864. 8? Augustine {Saint). See Augustinus, A. {St.). Augustinus, Aurelius {Saint). Confessions of. Bost. 1843. 12? De civitate dei cum commento. Basle, 1490. 4? [Imperfect.] Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. von. Sanct. Au- gustinus. {In Bilder, v. 4.) Augustus, Caius Julius Ciesar Octavianus (63 B.C. to A.D. 14). Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Life of. {In Lives of the twelve Caesars.) — Vita. {In Opera omnia, v. 1.) Valpy's Script. Lat. Auldjo, John. Journal of a visit to Constanti- nople and some of the Greek islands, in the spring and summer of 1833. Lond. 1835. 8? Aumale, Henri Eugene Philippe Louis d'Orleans {due «£'). Histoire des princes de Cond6 pen- dant les XVI. et XVII. siecles. Paris, 1863. 2 V. 8? Contents : Henri i. de Bourbon, prince de Cond6 [1552-1588], V. 2. Henry n. de Bourbon, prince de Condfi [1588-1646], V. 2. Louis de Bourbon, prince de Condfi [1530-1569], v. 2. Aunet, L^onie d'. See Biard, Mme. L. d'A. Aunt Carrie (pseud.). See Smith, Mrs. C. L. Aunt Jane's hero. Prentiss, E. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. Alcott, L. M. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. (V. 2, shawl-straps.) Al- cott, L. M. Aunt Kip. Alcott, L. M. (In Three proverb stories.) Aunt Madge's story. Clarke, K. S. Aunt Margaret. Abbott, J. Aunt Kebecca's charge; and other stories. New- ton, Mrs. A. C. Aurelian ; or, Rome in the iii. century. Ware, W. Aurelius Antoninus. See Antoninus, M. A. Aurelius Augustinus. See Augustinus, A. {St.}, Aurelius Victor, Sextus (a.d. 350-400). His- toria Eomana. Ex. edit. Th. Chr. Harlesiu AURELIUS AureliuB (continued) — Cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphi- ni. Lond. 1829. 2 v. 8^ Valpy's Script. Lat. Contents : Hlatorla de Cresaribus, v. 1. Liber de vlrls illustrlbus urbis Romje, v. 1. Liber de vita et moribus imperatorum Romano- rum, V. 1. Origo gentis Romanse, v. 1. Aureola. Mackenzie, Mrs. A. S. Aurora. Bohme, J. Aurora borealis — Directions for observing. (In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) Force, P. Kecord of auroral phonomena ob- served in higher northern latitudes. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 8.) LooMis, E. Aurora borealis : its phenomena and laws. (In Smithsonian rept. 1865.) Olmstead, D. Kecent secular period of the. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 8.) See also Meteorology. Aurora Floyd. Braddon, M. E. Aiirora Leigh. Browning, Mrs. E. B. Aus dem freiheitskriege. Hoefer, E. (In Er- zahlende schriften, v. 7.) Aus dem tagebuche eines componisten. KiN- kel, G. and J. (In Erzahlungen.) Aus einer familie. Hoefer, E. (In Erzahlen- de schriften, v. 1.) Aus meinem leben. Maximilian, F. J. Auscultation. Hoppe, C. Percussion and. Ausge'wahlte romane. Schijcking, L. Ausgewahlte romane und novellen. Storch, L. Ausge'wahlte schriften. Saphir, M. G. Ausonius, Decimug Magnus (a. D. 310-394). Op- era omnia ; ex editione Bipontina, cum no- tis et interpretatione in usum Delphini. Lond. 1823. 3 V. 8° Valpy's Script. Lat. Contents : Commemoratio professorum Burdigalensium, v. 1. Dissertatio de vita et scriptis Ausonii, v. 1. Diversorum epistolse ad Ausonium, v. 2. Eclogarlum, v. 2. Edyllia, v. 1, 2. Eorundem septem sapientum, Sententise. Ephemeris, v. 1. Epigrammata, v. 1. Epistolffi, v. 2. Epitaphia heroflm qui bello Troico interf uerunt.v. 1. Gratianum Imperatorem discipulum gratlarum ac- tio pro consulato, v. 2. Index, v. 3. Ludus septem sapientum, v. 1. !Not« variorum in Ausonii opera, v. 2. Ordo nobilium urbium, v. 1. Parentalia, v. 1. Periochse In Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam, v. 2. Prsefatiunculie,Tres, v. 2. Recensus editionum Ausonii, v. 3. Souchaii animadversiones in tetrasticha de mensl- bus, V. 2. Tabula genealogica. Ad hornm parentalium car- mlnum intelligentiam ex Elise Vinetl commen- tariis, v. 1. Testimonia et judicia diversorum de Ausonii, v. 1. Tetrasticha Ausonii, v. 1. xu. Csesaribus per Suetonlum TranquiUum scriptis, De, V. 1. Austen, Jane (1775-1817). Emma. Bost. 1864. 12? Same. Lond. 1870. 12? Mansfield park. Lond. 1870. 12? Same. Bost. 1870. 12? Same, (n.t.p.) 12? Same, (n.t.p.) 12? NoRTHRANGER abbey; and Persuasion. Lond. 1870. 12? 51 AUSTRALIA Austen (continued) — Pride and prejudice; and Northranger abbey. Bost. 1870. 12? Same, (n.t.p.) 12? Same. Lond. 1870. 12? Sense and sensibility. Lond. 1833. 12? Same. Lond. 1853. 12? Same. N. Y. 1856. 12? Same. Bost. 1866. 12? (3 cop.) Austin, Estevan F. Exposicional publico sobre los asuntos de Tejas. Mejico, 1835. 12? (In Pamphlets, v. 6.) Austin, James G. Practical treatise on the prep- aration, combination, and application of cal- careous and hydraulic limes and cements. N. Y. 1871. 16? Austin, Jane G. Cipher. Bost. 1869. 8? (2 cop.) Outpost. Lond. n.t.p. 16? Shadow of Moloch mountain. N. Y. 1870. 8? (4 cop.) Austin, James Trecothick (1784-1870). Life of Elbridge Gerry; with contemporary letters to the close of the American revolution. Austin, John (1797-1860). Lectures on juris- prudence ; or, the philosophy of positive law. Third edition, revised and edited by R. Campbell. Lond. 1869. 2 v. 8? Austin, Sarah Taylor. Characteristics of Gothe. From the German of Falk, Von Miiller, et al. Lond. 1833. 3 v. 12? Fragments from German prose writers; with biographical notes. N. Y. 1841. 12? Austin (Nev.). Harrington's directory of the city of Austin for 1866. Austin, 1866. 8? Austin Elliot. Kinqsley, H. Australasia — Blake, J. L. View of the world. Fairfax, W. Hand-book to. Martin, R. M. History of Austral- Asia. See also — Australia. Tasmania. Malay archipelago. Voyages. New Zealand. Australia — Description, history, and voyages: Arc, H. p. d'. Aventures d'un voyageur en Australie : neuf mois de sejour chez les Na- garnooks. Black, A. and C. (Pub.) Atlas of Australia, with all the gold regions. Bowman, A. Kangaroo hunters. (Historical fiction.) BuNCE, D. Travels with Dr. Leichhardt in Australia, Tasmania, and Victoria. Capper, J. Emigrant's guide to Australia. Clact, Mrs. C. Lady's visit to the gold dig- gings of Australia in 1853. — Lights and shadows of Australian life. Clerk, Mrs. G. Antipodes, and round the world. Cole, C. Speech on the Australian mail line, in U. S. senate, July 9, 1870. (In Pam- phlets, V. 27.) CooLEY, W. D. Coasts of. (In Maritime and inland discovery, v. 3.) — Discovery of. (In Maritime and inland discovery, v. 2.) — Interior of. (In Maritime and inland dis- covery, V. 3.) AUSTRALIA 52 AUTHORS Australia {continued) — CoRTAMBERT, E. Voyages en Australie. {In Peuples et voyageurs contemporains.) Dampier, W. Voyages. De Beauvoir, — {le marquis). Voyages round the world, v. 1. D'EwES, J. China, Australia, and the Pacific islands. Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain. Discovery of Australia, and early voyages to New Holland. See Burney's Voy., v. 1, pp. 377, 382 ; v. 2, pp. 313, 456 ; v. 3, pp. 59- 112, 178, 181; V. 4, pp. 258, 394, 405, 450. FiTZ-KoY, K. Visit to and description of Aus- tralia, 1832-6. {In Voyages of Adventure and Beagle.) Tlanagan, K. Account of New Zealand, Victoria, Port Phillip, and Moreton bay. Fleurieu, C. p. C. de. Discoveries of the French in 1768-9, to the south-east of New Guinea. Forrest, J. Journal of an expedition to ex- plore the country from West Australia to Port Eucla, and thence to Adelaide, South Australia. {In Roy . geog. soc. journal , v. 41 .) FoRSTER, A. Australia : its progress and pros- perity. With map. Fyfe, J. H. British enterprise beyond the seas. Gerstacker, F. Account of a visit to Aus- tralia, 1851. {In Journey round the world.) Hale, H. Languages of. {In Ethnography and philology of U. S. exploring expedition.) Hargraves, E. H. Australia and its gold- fields. Hoffman, W. Monitor, The. HowiTT, R. Australia : historical, descriptive, and statistic. HowiTT, W. Land, labor, and gold. — Tallangetta. (Historical fiction.) KoLB, G. F. Handbuch der vergleichenden statistik. LABiLLARDiiiRE, J. J. H. Visit to. {In Re- lation du voyage a la recherche de La P6rouse, 1791, V. 1.) La Place, C. P. T. Visits to Australia, Van Dieman's Land, New South Wales, New Holland, and New Zealand,' 1830-32. {In Voyage autour du monde, v. 3, 4.) Leichhardt, L. Journal of an overland ex- pedition in 1844-5, from Moreton bay to Port Essington. Major, R. H. Collection of documents show- ing the early discoveries of Australia, to the time of Capt, Cook. {In Hakluyt soc, v. 26.) Martin, R. M. History of Austral-Asia. Matthew, P. Emigration fields. Meredith, Mrs, C. My home in Tasmania; or, nine years in Australia. Milner, J., and Brierly, O. W. Cruise of H. M. S. Galatea, 1867-8. Minturn, R. B., Jr. From New York to Delhi. MoRHANGE, S. Etude sur I'Australie [1862- 9]. Pekouse, J. F. G. de la. (Par Milet-Mureau.) Voyage autour du monde, 1830-32, v. 2. ScoRESBY, W. Journal of voyage to Austra- lia and round the world for magnetical re- search. Australia {continued) — Sidney, S. Three colonies of. Smiles, S. Residence in Victoria. {In Round the world, by a boy.) Train, G. F. American merchant. Trollope, a. Australia and New Zealand. Vancouver, G. {Capt.). Voyage round the world, 1790-95. Wahlen, a. Mceurs, usages, et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, v. 4. Warren, T. R. Dust and foam. Westgarth, W. Australia Felix. Wills, W.J. Successful exploration through the interior of. Oeology and natural bistory: Darwin, C. (R.) Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the coun- tries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle round the world. Gould, J. Birds of. Krefft, G. Snakes of. Mueller, F. Analytical drawings of Aus- tralian mosses. — Fragmenta phytographise Australian. Woods, J. E. T. Geological observations in south. Wyld, J. Notes on the distribution of gold throughout. See also Melbourne ; New South Wales ; Syd- ney ; Victoria. Austria — Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of Austria: its rise and present power. Bazancourt, B. de. Campagne d'ltalie de 1859, La. CoxE, W. History of the house of. Eden, L. S. My holiday in. Hacklander, F. W. Bilder aus dem sol- daten leben im kriege. {In Werke, v. 28- 30.) Hartig, G. L. von. History of the house of Austria [Francis i. to 1848]. [Appendix to Coxe's Hist.] Kohl, J. G. Vienna, Prague, Hungary, Bo- hemia, the Danube, etc. 8ee also lUyria; Transylvania; Tyrol. Austrian infantry. Wilcox, CM. (TV.) Ev- olutions of. Authors — Allibone, S. a. Critical dictionary of En- glish literature. Autograph leaves of our country's. Disraeli, I. Calamities of. (/« Mis. of lit- erature.) — Quarrels of. {In Mis. of literature.) Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with. Homes of American. Jacox, F. Aspects of authorship. Knight, C. Half-hours with the best. Otto, F. Lexicon of Russian. {In Hist. Rus- sian lit.) Thomas, R. Hand-book for fictitious names. Tuckerman, H. T. Criterion. Underwood, F. H. British. {In Hand-book of English literature.) Wright, T. Biographia Britannica literaria. See also — Bibliography. Novelists. Historians. Poets. Literature. Writers. r AUTHORSHIP 53 AZEGLIO Authorship. Jacox, F. Aspects of. Autobiographic sketches. De Quincey, T. Autobiographical papers. Hood, T. Autobiographies. Gary, A. Autobiography. A collection of the most in- structive and amusing lives ever published ; written by the parties themselves, with brief introductions and compendious sequels, car- rying on the narrative to the death of each writer. Lond. 1826-32. 33 v. 16? Contents i Cellini, Benvenuto, v. 16, 17. Gibber, CoUey, v. 1. Clarke, Mrs. Charlotte, v. 7. Creichton, Capt. John, v. 11. Dodington, George Bubb, v. 22. Drury, Robert, v. 5. Ellwood, Thoma.s,v. 11. Eugene, prince of Savoy, v. 8. Ferguson, James, v. 6. Gibbon, Edward, v. U, 15. Giflford, Wm., v. 11. Goldoni, C, V. 2.'?, 24. Herbert of ("herbury, E., v. Holberg, Louis, v. 12. Hume, David, v. 2. Kotzebue, Augustus von, v. 9,10. Lackington, James, v. 18. Lilly, Wm., v. 2. Margravine of Bareith, v. 20, 21. Marmontel, J. F., v. 3, 4. Robinson, Mrs. Mary, v. 7. Samp.son, William, v. 33. Tone, Theobald Wolfe, v. 19. Vaux, James Hardy, v. 13. Vidocq, V. 25-28. Voltaire, v. 2. Whitefield, v. 6. Autobiography of a married woman. N. Y. 1859. Vl". Autobiog'raphy of a New England farm-house. CHAMBERLAIJf, N. H. Autobiography of a thief. Eeade, C. (Jw Good light.) Autocrat of the breakfast-table. Holmes, O. W. Autographic mirror, The. Lond. 1864. 2 v. f? Autographs — Autograph leaves of our country's authors. Autographic mirror, The. DwiGHT, T. F. Autographomania. (Jn Over- land monthly, v. 3.) Smith, C. J. [Ed.) Historical and literary curiosities. ViLLEMEssANT, H. de, et BouRDiN, G. L'au- tographe. Autour de la table. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Autumn dreams. Castlek, E. B. Autumn holidays of a country parson. Boyd, A. K. H. Autumn leaves. Gardner, S. J. Autumnal leaves. Child, L. M. Ava. Corner, J., e< a?. Account of. (Jn Chi- na, pictorial, descriptive, historical, etc.) Avaleur de sabres, L' . F]&val, P. {In (Euvres, V. 17.) Avarice, L'. Sue, E. {In Sept p^ch^s capi- taux, Les.) Avatar. Gautier, T. {In (Euvres, v. 17.) Avenel, Paul. Due des moines, Le. Paris, 1854. 12= Avenger, The : a narrative. And other papers. De Quincey, T. Same. {In Good stories, v. 1.) Aventure d'amour, Une. Dumas, A. (D.) Aventures d'Heroule Hardi. Sue, E. {In Deux histoires.) Aventures de John Davys. Dumas, A. (D.) Aventures de Lyderic, comte de Flandre. Du- mas, A. (D.) {In Bouillie de la comtesse Berthe, La.) Aventures de quatre femmes. Dumas, A. {fils). {In (Euvres, v. 3.) Aventures de quatre femmes et d'un perroquet. Dumas, A. (D.) Aventures de Saturnin Fichet, ou la conspira- tion de la Kouarie. Soulie, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 20, 21.) Aventures de Tel^maque, fils d'Ulysse. Fi:NE- LON, F. DE S. DE LA M. {In (EuvTes com- pletes, V. 3, 4.) Aventures d'un voyageur en Australie : neuf mois de s^jour chez les Nagarnooks. Arc, H. P. D'. Aventure du chat galant. Souli:^, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 40.) Aventures du prince de Galles, Les. Gozlan, L. {In (Euvres, v. 19.) Average. Stevens, E., and Benecke, W. Treatise on. Averses, Les. Souli:^, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 34.) Avery, Benjamin P. Building of the iron road. The. {In Overland monthly, v. 2.) Kelics of John Clare. {In Overland month- ly, V. 10.) Avery Gliburn. Newell, R. H. Avesta: the religious books of the Parsees. From Prof. Spiegel's German translation of the original manuscripts. By Arthur Hen- ry Bleeck. See also Miiller, F. M. Chips, v. 1. Avicebron (Salomon Jbn-Gebirol), {d. 1070). Franck, a. {In Etudes orientales.) Avillion ; and other tales. Craik, D. (M.) M. Awakening of Italy. Wylie, J. A. Away in the wilderness. Ballantyne, K. M. Axel and Anna. Bremer, F. {In H — family, etc., V. 2.) Same. {In Diary.) Ayala, Ignacio Lopez de (1332-1407). Historia de Gibraltar. Madrid, 1782. 4? Aycard, Marie. Histoire du credit mobilier, 1852-67. Paris, 1867. 8° Ayenbite of inwyt; or, remorse of conscience. Dan Michel. Ayesha, the maid of Kars. Morier, J. Ayllon, Luke (or Lucas) Vasquez de. Robinson, C. Voyages lb Florida, 1520, 1524. {In Early voyages to America.) Aylmer's field. Tennyson, A. {In Enoch Ar- den, and other poems.) Ayre, William. Memoirs of the life and writings of Alexander Pope. Ayrshire legatees. Galt, J. Ayrton, Acton Smee {b. 1819). ^ee Political por- traits. Ayton, Richard. Rendezvous, The. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 43. Ajrtoun. A romance. Phil. 1872. 8° (4 cop.) Aytoun, "William Edmondstoune (1813-1865). Lays of the Scottish cavaliers ; and other po- ems. N. Y. 1853. 12° Martin, T. Memoirs of. Edin. 1867. 8^ and Martin, T. Book of ballads. Ed. by Bon Gaultier. Illustrated by Doyle, Leech, and Crowquill. Edin. 1859. 12? Azara, Felix de (1746-1811). See Naturalists. Azarian. Spofford, H. (E.) P. Azeglio, Massimo Taparelli {marq. c?'), (1800- 1866). EttoreFieramosca; or, the challenge of Barletta. Tr. from the Italian, by C. Edw. Lester. N. Y. 1845. 16° Same. Bost. 1859. 12° AZORES 54 BACON Azores, or "Western islands — BoRGES BE F. Henriques, M. Trip to the Azores, or Western isles. Chamisso, A.von. Azoreninseln. (JraWerke, V. 3.) Chaste, — de. Voyage to Tercera, 1583. [In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Cumberlakd, G. (earl of). Voyage to the Azores, 1589. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Godmak, F. du C. Natural history of the Azores. Kaleigh, Sir "W. Keport of an engagement near the Azores [1591], between a Spanish armada and the EnglisTi ship Revenge. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) See also Murray, C. A. Travels in North Amer- ica. Aztecs. Mater, B. Mexico, Aztec, Spanish, and republican, B. B , E. Appius and Virginia. Dodsley's Old plays, V. 12. B., W. Manual of Eoman coins, from the earliest period to the extinction of the empire. Il- lustrated with twenty-one plates. Lond. 1865. 8° 'Bab' ballads, The. Gilbert, W. S. Babarelli, Georges (Giorgione), (1478-1823). Du- mas, A. (D.) Biographie de. (In Italiens et Flamands, v. 2.) Babbage, Charles (1790-1871). Ninth Bridge- water treatise : a fragment. Phil. 1841. 8° Babe Christabel. Massey, G. (In Poems and ballads.) Babinet, Jacques (b. 1794). Diamond, The, and other precious stones. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Northern seas, The. (In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Babolain. Droz, G. Babylon — Layard, a. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Babylon and Nineveh. Lenormant, F., and Chevallier, E. (In Manual of ancient history of the east.) Eawlinson, G. Topography of. (In Herodo- tus 's Hist., V. 2.) See also Babylonia ; Chaldea. Babylonia — Drummokd, W. Origin of. (In Origines, v. 1.) Heeren, a. H. L. History of the Babyloni- ans. (In Historical researches, v. 1.) History of later. (In Herodotus's Hist., v. 1.) Porter, Sir E. K. Travels in Babylonia, Georgia, Persia, and Armenia, from 1817 to 1820. Eawlinson, G. History, geography, and an- tiquities of Babylonia [625-538 B.C.]. (In his Five great monarchies, v. 2, 3.) See also Babylon; Chaldea. Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). Barnard, C. Sketch of. (In Tone masters.) Bitter, C. H. Life of Bach. Abridged by J. E. K, Shuttleworth ; with preface, by Sir J. Benedict. Lond. 1873. 12°. Bachaumpnt, Louis (d. 1771). M6moires his- toriques et litt^raires. Edited by Barriere. Paris, 1855. 12° [Pub. with M^m. de ma- dame du Hausset.] Bache, Alexander Dallas (1806-1867). Astro- nomical discussions : Girard college. Parts i.-vi., vii.-xii. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 13, 14.) Elementary views of the application of an- alysis to reflexion and refraction . (In Brew- ster, Sir D. Treatise on optics.) Lecture on Switzerland. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Magnetic survey of Pennsylvania, The. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 12.) Eeport, showing the progress of the coast survey for the years 1848-50. (5 parts in 1 V.) "Wash. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 9.) Henry, J. Eulogy on. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) and McCuLLOH, E. S. Eeports from the sec- retary of the treasury of scientific investiga- tions in relation to sugar and hydrometers. Wash. 1848. 8° See also IT. S. (coast survey). Bache, Benjamin Franklin. Comparative anal- ysis of Cumberland, Japan, and Formosa coal. (In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Bache, George M. Account of a hail-storm in Texas. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Bache, Eichard Meade. American wonder-land. Phil. 1871. 12° • Bachelder, John B. Illustrated tourist's guide of the United States : popular resorts, and how to reach them, including Gettysburg; what to see, and how to see it. Illustrated. Bost. 1873. 12° Bachelor of Salamanca. Le Sage, A. E. Bachelor's story. Bunce, O. Back, Sir George (b. 1796). Voyages dans les glaces du pole arctique, 1833-5. See Herv6, A., et Lanoye, F. de. Coll. voy. Back-log studies. Warner, C. D. Backbone. Dixon, E. H. Backhoff, Feodor I. Voyage into China, 1654. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Backus, W. See Cleaveland, H. W. Back'WOOds of Canada ; being letters fi-om the wife of an emigrant oflBcer, illustrative of the domestic economy of British America. (mio ed.) Lond. 1846. 12° Bacon, Delia. Philosophyof the plays of Shake- speare unfolded ; with a preface, by N. Haw- thorne. Bost. 1857. 8? Bacon, Francis (Lord), (1561-1626). Works. Lond. 1824. 10 v. 8° Contents : Advancement of learning, v. 3. Advertisement touching on holy war, v. 3. Advice to Sir George Villiers, v. 3. Apophthegms, v. 2. Arguments in law, v. 4. ArticuU questionum circa mineralia, v. 9. Catalogus historiarum particularium, v. 8. Charges, v. 4. Cogitata et visa, v. 9. Cogitatio de fluxu et refluxu maris, v. 9. Cogitatio de sectione corporum, v. 9. Descriptio globi intellectualis, v. 9. Dialogus de bello sacro, v. 10. Digest of laws. Offer to King James on, v. 4. Dignitate et augmentisscientiarum, De, v. 7. Discourse in praise of Queen Elizabeth, v. 3. Elements of the common law of England, v. 4. ElogiiimHenrici Principis Walliai, v. 10. Essays ; or, counsels civil and moral (Eng.), v. 2. BACON 55 BAILEY Bacon (continued) — Essays ; or, counsels civil and moral (Latin), v. 10. Essex, Apology of Bacon concerning, v. 3. Essex, Declaration of treason concerning, v. 3. Essex, Proceedings of earl of, v. 3. Fragmentum, cul titulus 'Abecedarium naturae,' v.'S. Historia densi et rarl. v. 9. Historia gravis et levis, v. 9. Historia regni regis HenricI septimi, v. 9. Historia soni et auditus, v. 9. Historia sulphurii, mercurii, et sails, v. 9. Historia synipathife et antipathete rerum, v. 9. Historia ventorum, v. 8. Historia vitie et mortis, v. 8. History of Great Britain (fragmentl, v. 5. History of reign of King Henry viii., v. 5. Imago civilis August! Cajsaris, v. 10. Imago civilLs Julii Csesaris, v. 10. Impetus philosophici, v. 9. In felicem memoriam Elizabethee Anglfse regflnse, V. 10. Inquisitio de motu, v. 9. Instauratio magna, v. 7. Letters, v. 6. Life of Bacon, by W. Rawley [in Lot.], v. 8. Maxims of the law, v. 4. Medical remains, v. 2. Meditationes sacrse, v. 10. Nova Atlantis, v. 10. Novum organum, v. 8. Observations on a libel, etc., v. 3. Office of alienation, Historical account of, v. 4. Ordinances in chancery, v. 4. Parasceve ad historiam naturalem et iexperiment- alem, v. 8. Parmenidis, Telesii, et Democritl philosophla, v. 9. Physiological remains, v. 2. Prefatio historise naturalis, v. 8. Preparation towards the union of laws, v. 4. Proceedings in parliament against the lord chan- cellor, F. Bacon, v. 4. Report of Dr. Lopez's treason, v. 3. Report of the Spanish grievances, v. 3. Sapientife veterum, De, v. 10. Speeches, v. 3. State of Europe, v. 3. Statute of uses, Readings upon, v. 4. Subordinate magistrates. On, v. 4. Sylva sylvarum; or, a natural history, v. 1, 2. Thema coeli, v. 9. Theological works, v. 2. Topica inquisitionis de luce et lumlne, v. 9. Tracts relating to Spain, v. 3. • Translations of certain psalms in English verse, v. 2. True greatness of Britain, v. 3. Union of England and Scotland, v. 3. Use of the law, v. 4. Works. New edition ; with a life of the au- thor, by Basil Montagu. Phil. 1842. 3 v. 8° [V. 1 missing.] Advancement of learning. Ed. by W. A. Wright. Oxf. 1869. 12° Essays : moral, economical, and poetical. N. Y. 1847. 16i H. F. lib., v. 171. Essays, The; or, counsels civil and moral; and wisdom of the ancients. Bost. 1866. 12? Essays, The ; or, counsels civil and moral ; the colors of good and evil ; and apoph- thegms. Bost. 1872. 18° Essays; with annotations, by Kichard Whate- ly(archb. of Dublin). N.Y. 1857. 8° Letters and life of Bacon; including all his occasional works. Newly collected and set forth in chronological order, with a commen- tary, biographical and historical, by James Spedding. Lond. 1872. 8° [V. 6 of set.] Campbell, J. (Lord). Life of. {In his Lord chancellors, v. 2.) Collins, S. {In Miscellanies.) DixoN, W. H. Personal history of. Macaulay, T. B. Lord Bacon. (J« Essays.) MiJLLER, F. M. Bacon in Germany. {In Chips, V. 3.) Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt^rature An- glaise, V. 1. Tyler, S. Discourse on the Baconian philos- ophy. Bacon {continued) — Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth. [2 articles.] iSee also — • AUibone, S. A. Critical dictionary. Moore's Utopia. New biographies of illustrious men. Pioneers. Also works generally on English literature. Bacon, George B. {Ed.) Siam, the land of the white elephant, as it was and is. N. Y. 1873. 12° 111. lib. travel, etc. (8 cop.) Bacon, John (1740-1799). Cunningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of the most eminent Brit- ish painters and sculptors, v. 3.) H. F. lib., V. 19. Bacon, Nathaniel (1646-1676). Ware, W. Memoir of. {In Lib. of Am. biog.) Bacon, Roger (1214-1292?). See Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. {In Dodsley, R. Old plays, V. 8.) See also Pioneers. Bacstrom, S. Voyage to Spitzbergen, 1780. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Badeau, Adam. Military history of TJ. S. Grant, from April, 1861, to April, 1865. V. 1. N. Y. 1868. 8°. {2 cop.) Vagabond, The. N. Y. 1859. 12? Baden. Schreiber, H. A. New guide to. Badereise, Die. Eellstab, L. {Iji Ges. schrif- ten, V. 8.) Badin, Adolphe. Grotteset cavern es. Paris, 1867. 12? Baegert, Jacob. Aboriginal inhabitants of the California peninsula. Tr. by C. Rau. {Li Smithsonian repts. 1863, 1864.) Baelir, Bernard. Science of therapeutics, accord- ing to the principles of homoeopathy. Tr. and enlarged, from Kafka and other sources, by C. J. Kempel. N. Y. 1869. 2 v. 8? Baffled. Goddard, J. Baffled schemes, {n.t.p.) 8? Bagehot, Walter. Lombard street: a description of the money market. Lond. 1873. 12? Physics and politics ; or, thoughts on the ap- plication of natural selection and inheritance to political society. Lond. 1872. 12? Same. N. Y. 1873. 12? Bagster, S. Genuineness, authenticity, and in- spiration of the word of God. N. Y. 1853. 12? Bague d 'argent, Le. Perret, P. Bahia {Brazil). Maximilian, F. J. Reiseskiz- zen. {In Aus meinem leben.) Bahr, Karl Chr. W. F., and Harwood, E. Com- mentary on the book of Kings. _ {In Lange's Com., old test., v. 5.) Baiersche wald, Der. Stifter, A. {In Er- zahlungen, v. 1.) Baikie, William Balfour. See Adams, A., et al. Baile, J. Wonders of electricity ; with 65 illus- trations. Tr. from the French. N. Y. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Bailey, Jacob Whitman (1811-1857). Letter re- lating to the infusorial fossils found by Dr. Schiel in California ; with Beckwith's explo- rations of the 41st parallel, 1854. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc. Microscopical examination of the soundings off the Atlantic coast of the United States. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 2.) BAILEY 56 BAIRD Bailey (continued) — Microscopical observations in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. (In Smithsonian con- trib., V. 2.) Notes on a new species of microscopical organ- ism. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 7.) Bailey, James M. (Danbury Newn Man). Life in Danbury; being a brief and comprehensive record of the doings of a remarkable people, under more remarkable circumstances, and chronicled in a most remarkable manner, by the author; and carefully compiled, with a pair of eight-dollar shears, by the compiler. Bost. 1873. 16° Bailey, Nathan (d. 1742). Universal etymologi- cal English dictionary ; comprehending the derivation of the generality of the words in the English tongue, etc. (^d ed.) Lond. 1737. 2 V. 12? Bailey, Philip James (b. 1816). Age, The: a col- loquial satire. Bost. 1858. 12? Festus : a poem. Bost. 1856. 12? Mystic, The ; and other poems. Bost. 1856. 12; Bailey, Samuel. Essays on the formation and publication of opinions, the pursuit of truth, and on other subjects. Bost. 1854. 12? Theory of reasoning. Lond. 1851. 8? Bailie, J. Electricity, L'. Paris, 1868. 12? Baillie, Mrs. — . Sail to Smyrna; or, an English- woman's journal. Including impressions of Constantinople, a visit to a Turkish harem, and a railway journey to Ephesus. Illustr. Lond. 1873. 12? Baillie, Joanna (1762-1851). Dramatic and po- etical works. Lond. 1851. 8? Contents : Plays on the passions, and miscellaneous plays, as follows : Alienateil manor, The : a comedy. Basil : a tragedy. Beacon, The : a serious mus. drama. Bride, The : a drama. Constantine Paleologus : a traged.v. Country inn. The : a com- edy. De Montfort : a tragedy. Bream, The : a tragedy. Election, The : a comedy. Enthusiasm : a comedy. Ethwald : a tragedy. Family legend, The: a tragedy. Plays on the passions, etc., (continued) : Henriquez : a tragedy. Homicide, The: a tragedy. Martyr, The : a drama. Match, The : a comedy. Orra : a tragedy. Phantom, The : musical drama. Poetry. Romiero : a tragedy. Separation, The: a trag- edy. Siege, The : a comedy. Stripling, The : a tragedy. Trial, The : a comedy. Witchcraft : a tragedy. Fugitive verses. Metrical legends. Miscellaneous poetry. — De Montfort. (Trag.) Inch. Br. th., v. 24. See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 3. Baillie, Rev, John. Life studies : how to live. N. Y. 1857. 12? Bailliere, F. F. New South Wales gazetteer and road guide : containing the most recent and accurate information as to every place in the colony. Compiled by R. P, Whitworth. Sydney, 1866. 8? Bailly, Jean Sylvain. See Scientiiic men, Biog- raphies of distinguished. Bailments. Story, J. Commentaries on the law of. Baily, "William L. Our own birds : a familiar natural history of the birds of the United States. Eevised and edited by E. D. Cope. Phil. 1869. 12? Trees, plants, and flowers : where and how they grow. A familiar history of the vege- Baily (continued) — table kingdom. With 73 engravings. Phil. 1870. 16? Bain, Alexander (b. 1818). Emotions and the will, The. (2d ed.) Lond. 1865. 8? English composition and rhetoric : a manu- al. N. Y. 1871. 12? Logic. Pt. i., induction. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 12? Mental science : a compendium of psycholo- gy, and the history of philosophy. N. Y. 1868. 12? Moral science : a compendium of ethics. N. Y. 1869. 12? Senses and the intellect. The. (3rf ed.) Lond. 1868. 12? Study of character ; including an estimate of phrenology. Lond. 1861. 8? See also Reid, B. D. Bainbridge, William (U. S. N.), (1774-1833). See Naval oflScers, Cooper's Lives of Amer- ican. Baines, Edward. History of the wars of the French revolution, from the breaking out of the war in 1792 to the restoration of a gen- eral peace in 1815 ; comprehending the civil history of Great Britain and France during that period. With an original history of the last war between the United States and Great Britain, by Edward Grimshaw. N. Y. 1855. 2 V. 8? Baines, Thomas. Explorations in south-west Africa ; being an account of a journey in the years 1861-2, from Walvisch, on the west- ern coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria falls. Lond. 1864. 8? Baird, Henry M. Life of Rev. Robert Baird'. Modern Greece : a narrative of a residence and travels in that country. With observa- tions on its antiquities, literature, language, politics, and religion. N. Y. 1856. 12? Baird, Robert (1798-1863). Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849. Phil. 1850. 12? Baird, H. M. Life of. N. Y. 1866. 8? Baird, Spencer Fullerton (b. 1823). Catalogue of North American birds and reptiles, chief- ly in the museum of the Smithsonian insti- tution. (In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 2.) Directions for collecting, preserving, and transporting specimens of natural history. (In Smithsonian rept. 1856.) Domestication of American ruminants. (In U. S. pat. off. rept. 1851.) Report on American explorations, 1853-4. (In Smithsonian rept. 1854.) Report on the birds collected on Beckwith's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Report on the birds collected on the several Pacific railroad explorations. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 9. Report on the fishes observed on the coasts of New Jersey and Long Island in 1854. (In Smithsonian rept. 1854.) Report on the mammals of Beckwith's ex- plorations. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Report on the mammals of Chile. (In Gillis's U. S. naval astr. exped., v. 2.) BAIRD 57 BALBIRNIE Baird. (continued) — Keport on the mammals of "Williamson's ex- plorations. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Report on the mammals of the several U. S. explorations. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 8. Eeport on the natural history of Pope's ex- plorations. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 2. Eeport on the reptiles and fishes collected during the exploration of the Eed river. Sec Marcy, E. B. Eeport on the reptiles of Abbot's explora- tions. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of ex- plorations, etc., V. 10. Eeport on the reptiles of Beckwith's explora- tions. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of ex- plorations, etc., V. 10. Eeport on the reptiles of "Whipple's explora- tions. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of ex- plorations, etc., V. 10. Eeport (general) on the reptiles of the several explorations. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Eeport on the zoology of the boundary. [Birds, mammals, reptiles.] (In Emory's United States and Mexican boundary sur- vey, V. 2, pt. ii.) Eeport on the zoology of the Colorado river. (In Ives, J. C. Eeport.) Eeview of American birds. (In Smithsonian rept. 1865.) and GiRARD, C. Catalogue of North Ameri- can reptiles in the museum of the Smith- sonian institution. Pt. 1., serpents. (In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 2.) See also Annual record of science and indus- try ; Iconographic encyclopaedia. Baird, Spencer Fullerton, Cassin, J., an rf Law- rence, G. N. Birds of North America, The; with an atlas of 100 plates. Phil. 1860. 2v. 4? Contents : Atlas, V. 2. Text, V. 1. Bajot, M. Abr^ge historique et chronologique des principaux voyages de decouvertes par mer depuis I'an 2000 avant Jesus Christ jus- qu'au commencement du xix. siecle. Paris, 1829. 8= Contents : Anson, Tjord, 1740. Byron, Commodore, 1764. Carteret, Cap., 1767. Cook, J., 1768. 1772, 1776. Courbinvaux, Marquis, 1767. D'Entrecasteaux, 1791. Dixon. 1785. Feuill6e, P6re, 1708. Fleurieu, Cliev. de, 1769. Frazier, 1712. Gentil de la Barbinais, Le, 1714. Grenier, Cliev. de, 1769. Kergufilen, 1772. La Pgrouse, 178.5. Lozier Bouvet, 1739. Marion et du Clesmeur, 1771. Piifiniciens et Tyriens. Pliipps, Capt., 177;{. Roggewein, Adm., 1724. Rogers, Woodes, 1708, 1709. SurvIIIe, M. de, 1769. Vancouver, 1791. Verdun de la Crenne, 1773. WalUs, Capt., 1766. Baked meats. H alpine, C. G. Baker, Charles E. Practical and scientific fruit culture. Illustrated. Bost. 1866. 8? Baker, Edward Dickinson (1811-1861), Linen, J. Senator Baker. (In his Poetical and prose writings.) Baker, George E. Life of "Wm. H. Seward ; with selections from his works. Baker, George M. 1869. 12^ Amateur dramas. Bost. Contents : Drop too mucli, A. Freedom of the press : a farce. Greatest plague in life, The : a farce. Once on a time : a farce. Peddler of Very-nice, The. Rival poets, The. Sculptor's triumph. — Baker's dozen. A; logues. Bost. 187 Sea of troubles, A : a farce. Stand by the flag. Sylvia's soldier : a comedy. Tempter, The ; or, the sail- or's return. Wanted, a male cook: a farce. We're all teetotalers: a farce. ; original humorous dia- 2. 12° (3 cop.) Contents : Coals of fire. Hypochondriac, The. Ignorance is bliss. Love of a bonnet, A. Precious pickle. Public benefactor, A. Red chignon. The. Rival politicians, The. Runaways, The. Santa Claus's frolics. Stitch in time saves nine. Thief of time, The. Using the weed. Mimic stage, The. Bost. 1867. 16? Contents : dra- Bread on the waters ma. Capuletta, or Romeo and Ju- liet restored : an operatic burlesque. Close shave, A. Down by the sea : a farce. Great elixir. The. Humors of the strike : a farce. Man with the demijolm. My uncle the captain. No cure, no pay : a farce. Original idea : a tragedy. — Social stage : original dramas, comedies, bur- lesques, and entertainments, for home recre- ation, schools, and public exhibitions. Bost. 1871. 12? Contents . Bonbons. Grecian bend, A. Last loaf, The. Llghtheart's pilgrimage. Little more cider. New brooms sweep clean, Baker, La Fayette C. (b. 1826). United States secret service. Snow-bound. Thirty minutes for refresh- ments. Too late for the train. War of the roses. History of the Phil. 1867. 8? Baker, Sir Samuel White (b. 1821). Albert Ny- anza : the great basin of the Nile, and ex- plorations of the Nile sources. Lond. 1866. 8? Cast up by the sea. N. Y. 1869. 12? (2 cop.) Eight years' wandering in Ceylon. Phil. 1869. 12? Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword- hunters of the Hamran Arabs. Phil. 1867. 8? (.3 cop.) EiFLE and the hound [in Ceylon], The. Phil. 1869. 12? Baker, "William M. New Timothy. N. Y. 1870. 12? (2 cop.) Bake"well, Frederick C. Great facts : a popular history and description of the most remark- able inventions during the present century. Illustrated. N. Y. 1860. 12? Manual of electricity, practical and theoreti- cal. 2d ed., illustrated by numerous engrav- ings. Lond. 1857. 12? Bakewell, Eobert. Introduction to geology. An . (2d Am. ed.) Edited by Prof. B. Silliman. New Haven, 1833. 8? Bal de Sceaux, Le. Balzac, H. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 1.) Balaustion's adventure; including a transcript from Euripides. Browning, E. Balbi, A. See Laurie, J. Balbirnie, John. Philosophy of the water-cure : a development of the true principles of health and longevity. N. Y. 1849. 16? BALBOA 58 BALLANTYNE Balboa, Miguel Cavello {ab. 1550). Histoire du P6rou. {In Ternaux-Compans's Voy., v. 14.) Balboa, Vasco NuSez de (1475-1517?). First discovers the south sea, Sept. 25, 1513. {In Burney's Voy., v. 1, p. 8.) KoBiNSON, C. Balboa's discovery of the Pa- cific ocean, Sept. 26, 1513 ; his travels, 1509- 12 ; his voyage along the coast of the Pa- cific, 1516 ; his trial and execution, 1517. {In Early voyages to America.) Balcarres, — {earl of). See Lindsay, A. W. C. Balch, George B. Keport on the Bonin islands. {In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Baldaeus (or Bald6), P. Description of the coasts of Malabar and Coromandel, isle of Ceylon, and also the idolatry of the East India pagans. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 3.) Baldwin, George C. Model prayer : course of lectures on the Lord's prayer. Bost. 1871. Sm. 12° Baldwin, J. L. Laws of short whist ; and a treatise on the game. {1st Am. ed.) N. Y. 1866. 16° Baldwin, John Denison {b. 1810). Ancient America, in notes on American archaeology. Illustrated. N. Y. 1872. 12? Pre-histoRic nations ; or, inquiries concern- ing some of the great peoples and civiliza- tions of antiquity, and their probable rela- tion to a still older civilization of the Ethi- opians, or Cushites, of Arabia. N. Y. 1869. 12° (2 cop.) Contents : Introductory generalities. Preliminary suggestions on current chronologies ; the relation of Hellas to civilization, and the meaning of pre-historic times. Africa and the Arabian Cushites. Arabia, Pre-historic greatness of. Cushite, or Arabian origin of Chaldea. Egypt previous to Menes. India, Sanskrit and ante-Sanskrit. Phoenicians. Western Europe in the pre-historic time. Baldwin, Joseph G. {d. 1864). Flush times of Al- abama and Mississippi : a series of sketches. N. Y. 1866. 12° Baldwin, S. D. Armageddon ; or, the over- throw of Romanism and monarchy. Cin. 1862. 12° Baldwin, Thomas, and Thomas, J. New and complete gazetteer of the United States : a full and comprehensive review of the pres- ent condition, industry, and resources of the American confederacy. Phil. 1854. 8° Baldwin, William Charles. African hunting, from Natal to the Zambesi, including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari desert, etc., from 1852 to 1860. N. Y. 1863. 12? (2 cop.) Bale, John (1495-1563). God's promises. {In Dodsley's Old plays, v. 1.) Baleiniers, Les. Voyage aux terres antipodi- ques : journal du Docteur Maynard. Du- mas, A. (D.) Balfe, Michael William (1808-1870). Bohemian girl. (Opera.) Lond. n.d. 8? Balfour, John Hutton. First book of botany ; being an introduction to the study of the anatomy and physiology of plants. Suited for beginners. Lond. 1872. 16? Plants of the bible. Lond. 1866. 12? Ball, B. L. Rambles in eastern Asia, including China and Manila, during several years' res- idence. {2d ed.) Bost. 1856. 12? Ball, Charles. History of the Indian mutiny ; giving a detailed account of the Sepoy in- surrection in India, etc., etc. Illustrated. N. Y. n.d. 3 V. 8? Ball, Edward. Floating beacon. The. (Melo-dr.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 23. Ball, John. Peaks, passes, and glaciers : a series of excursions by members of the Alpine club. Lond. 1860. 12? Ball, V. Ramgurh coal-fields. {In Oldham's Geo- logical survey of India, Memoirs, v. 6.) Ballad book. The. Allingham, W. Ballad of Babie Belle, The. Aldbich, T. B. Ballads — Allingham, W. Ballad book. The. Aytoun, W. E., and Martin, T. Book of ballads, by Bon Gaultier. Campbell, J. F. {Ed.) Leabharna feinne, V. 1. Heroic Gaelic ballads. Cary, a. Ballads, lyrics, and hymns. Child, F. J. English and Scottish. Collection of old ballads, corrected from the best and most ancient copies extant ; with introductions, historical, critical, or hu- morous. lUustr. with copper-plates. Lond. 1723-5. 3 V. 12? [Reprinted at N. Y. in 1872.] Collection of 79 black-letter ballads and broadsides. Edwards, A. R. Ballads. Evans, T. Old. Gilbert, W. S. ' Bab ' ballads, The. Hall, S. C. Book of British. Massey, G. Poems and. Mother Goose, set to music. Noble, L. L. Ballads. {In Lady Angelina, etc.) Schiller, J. C. F. von. Poems and. Taylor, T. Ballads and songs of Brittany. Thackeray, W. M. Ballads. Whittier, J. G. Home. iSee also Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe ; Songs ; Sonnets. Ballantyne, James R. First lessons in Sanskrit grammar ; together with an introduction to the Hitopadesa. {2d ed.) Lond. 1873. 8? Ballant3rne, Robert Michael. Away in the wil- derness ; or, life among the red Indians and fur traders of N. America. Phil. 1869. 16? Chasing the sun ; or, rambles in Norway. Phil. 1869. 16? Deep down : a tale of the Cornish mines. Phil. 1869. 16? (8 cop.) Dog Crusoe, The: a tale of the western prairies. Bost. 1866. 16? (2 cop.) Floating light of the Goodwin sands, {n.t.p.) 16? Freaks on the fells ; or, three months' rusti- cation, {n.t.p.) 16? Gascoyne, the sandal-wood trader. Phil. n.d. 16? Gorilla hunters: a tale of the wilds of Africa. Phil. n.d. 16? Hudson's bay; or, every-day life in the wilds of North America. Lond. 1857. 12? Norsemen in the west ; or, America before- Columbus. Lond. 1872. 16? BALLANTYNE 59 BAMBERGER Ballant37Tl© (continued) — Shifting winds, (n.t.p.) 16° Silver lake; or, lost in the snow. Phil. 1868. 16? Snow-flakes and sunbeams. Edin. n.d. 16° Wild man of the west, The : a tale of the Eocky mountains. Lond.n.rf. 16? {2cop.) Ballentine, William. Christian education : in three parts. (In Pamphlets, Collection of religious.) Two letters to Mr. Greville Ewing. (In Pam- phlets, Collection of religious.) Ballo en Maschera. (Opera.) Verdi, G. Ballons, Les. Marion, F. Balloon travels of Kobert Merry and his young friends. Goodrich, S. G. Balloons— Arago, (D.) F. Aeronautic voyages performed with a view to science. (In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) Glaisher, J. Account of balloon ascensions by. Marion, F. Ballons, Les. See also Aeronautics. Ballou, Moses. Divine character vindicated, The: a review of some of the principal features of Kev. Dr. E. Beecher's recent work, entitled 'The conflict of ages; or, the great debate on the moral relations of God and man.' N. Y. 1854. 12? Ballyshan castle. By Sheelah. N. Y. 1857. 12? Balmes, Jaime Lucio (1810-1848). European civilization ; protestantism and catholicity compared. (7th ed.) Bait. 1861. 8? Baltic sea. McGregor, J. Rob Roy on the Baltic, The. Baltimore (Lords). See Calvert. Baltimore (Md.) — Directory for the year 1868-9. 8? Same. 1871. 8? Mercantile library, Catalogue of the, 1851. 8? Mercantile library. Reports of, 1857-69. 8? Ordinances of the corporation of the city of Baltimore, passed at the extra session in May, 1816, and at the Feb. session, 1817. To which is annexed a list of the oflicers of the corporation. Bait. 1817. 8? Peabody institute. Reports of, 1868-70. 8? Report on condition of Druid lake reservoir, by consulting engineers, April 29, 1868, to the water board of Baltimore. See Water- works, V. 1. Balzac, Honore de (1799-1850). (Euvres com- pletes. Paris, 1865. 39 v. 12? (V. 2, 3, 17 wanting.) Contents : Adieu, V. 34. Auberge rouge, L', v. 34. Bal de Sceaux, Le, v. 1. Beatrix, V. 7. Bourse, l^a, v. I. Catherine de M6dicis, v. 35. Cfilibataires, Les, v. 11. Chef-d'oeuvre Inconnu, Le, V. 32. Chouans, Les, v. 27. Colonel Chabert, Le, v. 8. Comfidiens sans le savoir, Les, V. 17. OontrSt de mariage, Le, v. 5. Cousin Pons, Le, v. 23. Cousine Bette, La, v. 22. Cure de Tours, Le. v. 11. Cure de village, Le, v. 29, D^but dans la vie, Un, v. 5. Depute d'Arcls, Le, v. 26. Derni6re incarnation deVau- trin. La, v. 17. Deux poetes. Les, v. 15. Double famille, Une, v. 1. Drame au bord de la mer, Un, V. 34. Klixir de longue vie, L', v. 34. Employes, Les, v. 21. Enfant maudit, L', v. 33. Enversde rhistoireconiem- poraine, L', v. 25. Episode sous la terreur, Un, V. 24. Etudes analytiques, v. 37, 38. Etudes philosophiques, v. 31-6, Parisiens en province, Les, v. 12. Passion dans le dSsert, tJne, V. 27. Paysans, Les, v. 30. Peau de chagrin. La, v. 31. P6re Gorlot. Le, v. 19. Petites misdres de la vie con- jugale, V. 38. Pierre Gra.ssou, v. 8. Pierrette, v. 11. Prince de la Bohfioie, Un, v. 17. Proscrits, Les, v. 36. Kecherche de I'absolu, La, V. 32. Requisitionnaire, Le, v. 34. Ressources de Quinola : pro- logue, V. 39. Sarracine, v. 21. Scenes de la vie de cam- pagne, v. 28-30. Scenes de la vie de province, V. 9-15. Scenes de la vie mllitaire, v. Scenes de la vie Parlsienne, V. 20-23. Scenes de la vie politique, v. 24-26. Scenes de la vie privfie, v. 1-8. Secrets de la princesse de Cadignan, Les, v. 21. Seraphita, v. 36. Splendeurs et miseres des courtisanes, v. 16. Tenebreuse affaire, v. 24. Theatre, v. 39. Ursule Mirouet, v. 9. Vautrin : drame, v. 39. Vendetta, La, v. 1. Verdugo, El, v. 34. Tr. Balzac (continued) — Eugenie Grandet, v. 10. Facino Cane, v. 21. Faiseur, Le : comedle, v. 39. Femmeabandonnee, La, v. 4. Femme de trente ans, v. 4. FlUe d'Eve, Une, v. 3. Gambarra, v. 33. Gaudissart n., v. 17. Gobseck, v. 4. Grand homme de province, Un, V. 15. Grandeur et decadence de Cesar Birotteau, v. 20. Grenadiere, La, v. 4. Histoire des treize, v. 18. Homme d'affaires, Un, v. 17. Honorine, v. 8. Illusions perdues, v. 15. Illustre Gaudissart, v. 12. Interdiction, L', v. 8. jesus Christ en Flandre,v. 32. Louis Lambert, v. 36. Lys dans la valiee. Le, v. 14. Madame Firmiani, v. 1. Maison du Chat-qui-pelote, La, v. 1. Maison Nucingen, La, v. 21. Mattre Cornelius, v. »1. Marana, Les, v. 34. Marfitre, La : drame, v. 39. Ma.ssimilla Doni, v. 33. Medecin de campagae, Le, v. 28. Melmoth reconciliC, v. 32. Memoires de deux Jeunes mariees. v. 3. Message, Le, v. 4. Messe de I'Athee, La, v. 8. Modeste Mignon, v. 6. Muse du departement, v. 12. . Pamela Giraud : piece, v. 39. Parents pauvres, Les, v. 22, 23. — Alchemist, The; or, the house of Claes. by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1861. 12? Contes drolatiques. Colligez ez abbayes de Touraine. Illustr6e par Gustave Dor6. Pa- ris, n.d. 12? Contents : Apostrophe, L'. Belle Imperia, La. Belle Imperia mariee. La. Berthe la repentie. Bons proupos des religieuses de Polssy, Ues. Chiere nuictee d'amour, La. Comment feut basti le chasteau d'Azay. Comment la belle fllle de Portillon quinauld ft sou iuge. Connestable, Le. Cure d'Azay-le-RIdeau, Le. Dangler d'estre trop cocquebin, Le. Desesperance d'amour. Faulse courtizane. La. Fortune est femelle, La. Frere d'armes, Le. Heritier du diable, L'. leusne de Franeoys premier, Le. loyeulsetez du roy Loys le unziesme, Les. Mye du roy, La. Naifvete. Peche veniel, Le. Prosne du ioyeuix cur6 deMeudon, Le. Pucelle de Philhouze, La. Succube, La. Sur le moyne Amador. Trois clercs de Sainct-NIcholas, Les. Ung justiciard qui ne se remembroy t les chouses, D'. Vieulx-par-Chemins, Le. Grandeur et decadence de C^sar Birotteau. (JVouv. id.) Paris, 1869. 16? Greatness and decline of C^sar Birotteau. Tr. by Wight and Goodrich. N. Y. 1860. 12? Petty annoyances of married life. Tr. by Wight and Goodrich. N. Y. 1861. 12? Vi:R0NiQUE. Bruxelles, 1839. 12? DuDEVANT, A. L. A. D. Eesai sur. (In Au- tour de la table.) GozLAN, L. Balzac chez lui. (In CEuvres, V. 3.) — Balzac en pantoufles. (J« (Euvres, v. 4.) See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Bamberger, Ludwig. Herr Yon Bismarck. Breslau, 1868. 8? BAMFORD 60 BANKS Bamford, Samuel. See Brief biographies. Bampton lectures — Bernard, T. D. Progress of doctrine in the new testament. Chandler, G. Scheme of divine revelation, considered principally in its connection with the progress and improvement of human society. Farrer, a. S. Critical history of free thought, in reference to the Christian religion. Irons, W. J. Christianity as taught by St. Paul. Mansel, H. L. Limits of religious thought, The. Eawlinson, G. Historical evidences of the truth of the scripture records stated anew. Sandford, J. Mission and extension of the church at home. Smith, K. P. Prophecy a preparation for Christ. Bananier, Le. Sot:lii&, M. F. {In CEuvres, v. 22.) Bancroft, Aaron (1755-1839). Life of George AVashington. Bost. 1825. 2 v. 12° Bancroft, George {b. 1800). History of the United States, from the discovery of the American continent. Bost. 1853. 9 v. 8° (2 cop.) Same. V. 7, 8. (2 cop. each.) Joseph Keed : an historical essay. N. Y. 1867. 8° Same. {In Pamphlets, v. 7.) Literary and historical miscellanies. N. Y. 1855. 8° Contents : Calvin the reformer, A word on, 1834. Channing, Wm. Ellery, 1842. Decline of the Roman people, 1834. Doctrine of the temperaments, 1824. Economy of Athens, 1831. Ennui, 1830. German literature. General characteristics of, 1824. German literature. Revival of. German men of science and learning. Human race. The : the necessity, the reality, and the promise of the progress of, 1854. Jackson, Andrew, Oration commemorative of, 1845. OtHee of the people in art, government, and relig- ion, 18:». Kullng passion In death, 1833. Russia, 1829. Schiller and Gothe, The age of. Translations from the German, 1818-24. Wars of Russia and Turkey, 1829. Memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln ; delivered at the re- quest of both houses of the congress of Am- erica, before them, in the house of represent- atives, at Washington, on the 12th of Feb. 1866. Wash. 1866. 8? Necessity, The, the reality, and the promise of the progress of the human race. Oration before the New York hist, soc, Nov. 20, 1854. {In Pamphlets, v. 14.) Same. {In Lit. and hist, mis.) See also Heeren, A. H. L. Bancroft, H. H., & Co. {Pub.) Map of the Pacific states, compiled by Wm. Hy. Knight, 1868. [In frame.] Bancroft's Tourist's guide. Yo-Semite ; San Francisco, and around the bay (south). S. F. 1871. 12? Contents : Alabaster cave. Big trees. Bower cave. San Francisco, and around the bay. Yo-Semite valley. Bandinelli, Baccio (1487-1555). Dumas, A. (D.) Biographie de. {In Italiens et Fla- mands, v. 2.) Bandit. Blanche, A. Bangor {Me.) library association. Catalogue of books. Bangor, 1873. 8° Banian religion. Lord, H. Discovery of the. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 6.) Banim, J. Beading without tears ; or, a pleasant mode of learning to read. N. Y. 1872. 16° Banim, John (1800-1842). Damon and Pythias. (Play.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 3. Sergeant's wife. (Dr.) Lacy'sPlays, v. 23. Smuggler, The. Lond. 1849. 16? Banished son ; and other stories. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Bank of England — Adams, H. Bank of England restriction. {In Chapters of Erie, and other essays.) Same. {In North Am. rev., Oct. 1867.) Francis, J. History of the bank of England, from 1694 to 1844. Banker's secret. Smith, J. F. Bankers' magazine. The, and statistical register (,4m.). Ed. by J. Smith Homans. V. 2 (July, 1847) to 5 (June, 1851). Bost. 4 v. 8? Same. {Neio ser.) V. 1 (July, 1851) to 15 (June, 1866). [Duplicate of v. 7.] N. Y. 15 V. 8? Same. {Zd ser.) V. 1 (July, 1866) to 6 (June, 1872). N. Y. 6 V. 8? Bankers' magazine, The {Eng.) : a journal of the money market, and commercial digest. V. 21 (Jan. 1861) to 32 (Dec. 1872). Lond. 11 V. 8? [V. 22 wanting.] Banking. See Banks. Bankrupt law of 1867, The ; with general orders and forms of proceeding in bankruptcy, as promulgated by the supreme court of the U. S. Wash. 1867. 8? Bankruptcy — Bankrupt law of 1867. Gazzam, a. W. Treatise on the bankrupt law. James, E. Bankrupt law of the U. S., 1867. Banks, Sir Joseph (1743-1820). See Naturalists; Philosophers of the time of George iii. Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss {b. 1816). See Presi- dential candidates. Banks, Thomas (1735-1805). Cunningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 3.) H. F. lib., V. 19. Banks and banking — Akroyd, E. Yorkshire penny bank. Bankers' magazine. {Am. erf.) Bankers' magazine. {Lond. erf.) Cleaveland, J. Banking system of the state of New York. Eastburn, J. H. History of banks. GiLBART, J. W. History and principles of banking. — Logic of banking. — Practical treatise on banking. Gouge, W. M. History of paper money and banking. HiLDRETH, R. Banks and banking, and paper currencies. HoMANSjJ. S. {Pub.) Merchant's and bank- er's almanac for 1864. BANKS 61 BARHAM Banks {continued) — Lawson, W. J. History of banking. Lowndes (pseud.). Letters (in 1841) to J. C. Calhoun, on a national bank. (In Addresses, V. 2.) Merchakt's and banker's register for 1860. SoMEKS, K. Scotch banks and system of issue. See also Bank of England; Currency; Finance; Savings-banks. Bannan, Benjamin. See Daddow, S. H. Bannister, Henry Martyn. Geology of Cook coun- ty. [In Geol. survey of Illinois, v. 3.) Geology of DeKalb, Kane, and DuPage coun- ties. (In Geol. survey of Illinois, v. 4.) Geology of McHenry, Lake, Kendall, Mor- gan, Cass, Menard, Tazewell, McLean, Lo- gan, and Mason counties. (In Geol. survey of Illinois, V. 4.) Bannister, Saxe. (Ed.) Journal of the first French embassy to China, 1698-1700. Tr. from an unpublished ms. Lond. 1859. 12? Banquet des sept gourmands, Le. Vincard, P. Bantam. Middletox, Sir H. Voyage to Ban- tam and the Maluco islands, (In Hakluyt soc, V. 17.) Banting', "William. Letter on corpulence. S. F. 1865. 12° Same. Phil. 1870. 16° Same. From 3d Lond. ed., with a review of the work from Blackwood's mag., and an article on 'Corpulency and leanness,' from Harper's weekly. (In Pamphlets, v. 12.) Baptism and Baptists — Blackley, W. Is water-baptism an institu- tion of Christ ? F., M. K. Biblical view of the church cate- chism in reference to baptismal responsibili- ties. GoRRiE, P. D. Churches and sects of the United States. Missionary jubilee : an account of the fiftieth anniversary of the American Baptist mis- sionary union. Baptist education society (iV. Y.). Fifty-first an- niversary, held at Hamilton, Madison co., N. Y., Aug. 4, 1868 ; with the reports of the board and treasurer, etc. Hamilton, N. Y. 1868. (In Ann. cat. of Am. coll., v. 3.) Bar, The. Briefs and papers. See also Lawyers. Bar- tenders' guide. Thomas, J. Barbadoes. Phillips, T. Journal of a voy- age to Bai'badoes, 1693-4. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 6.) Barbara, Charles. Mademoiselle de Sainte-Lu- ce. Paris, 1868. 12° Barbara's history. Edwards, A. B. Barbarossa. Heyse, P. (In Novellen, v. 3.) Barbary — Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and. 2 v. 8°. KussELL, M. History and present condition of Barbary states. See also Algeria; Morocco; Tunis. Barbauld, Mrs. Anna Letitia (Aikin). See Ai- kin's Br. poets, v. 3.) Barber, John Warner (b. 1798), Historical col- lections, relating to the history and antiqui- ties of every town in Massachusetts, with geographical descriptions. Wore, 1839. 8° Barber (continued) — History and antiquities of New England, New York, and New Jersey. Wore. 1841. 8: Barber, Joseph. Crumbs from the round table : a feast for epicures. N. Y. 1866. 12? Barbiere di Siviglia. (Opera.) Kossini, G. Barbosa, Duarte. Coasts of east Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the xvi. century, Tr,, with notes and preface, by H. E. J. Stanley. Lond. 1866. 8? (In Hakluyt soc, V. 34.) Barbot, Jean (or John). Description of the coasts of north and south Guinea, of lower Ethio- pia, and a voyage to Congo river; with an account of the discovery of America in the XIV. century. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 5.) Barbour, Philip Pendleton (1783-1841). Story, J. Sketch of. (In Mis. works.) Barca. See Calderon de la Barca. Barchester towers. Trollope, A. Barclay, Andrew Whyte. Treatise on delirium tremens. (In Holmes, T. System of sur- gery, V. 1.) Treatise on diphtheria and croup. (In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Barclay, Anthony. Wilde's Summer rose; or, the lament of the captive. An account of the origin and mystery of K. H. Wilde's al- leged plagiarism. Savannah, 1871. 12? Barclay, James T. City of the great King; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be. Phil. 1858. 8? Barclay, Jean (1582-1621). Argenis ; or, the loves of Poliarchvs and Argenis. Faith- fully translated out of Latine into English, by Kingesmill Long, gent. Lond.: Print- ed by G. P. for Henry Seile, 1625. 4? Barclay, John (1758-1826). Description of arte- ries of the human body. Edin, 1812. 12? See also Naturalists. Barclay, Robert (1648-1690). Apology for the true Christian divinity; being an explana- tion and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers. Prov. 1856. 8? Catechism and confession of faith, approved of and agreed unto by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them. Phil. 1857. 12? Barclay, Sidney (pseud.). See Post, L. M. Barclays of Boston. Otis, Mrs. H. G, Bards of the bible, Gilfillan, G, Baretti, Giuseppe, See Comelati, G., and Dav- enport, J. ; Newman and Baretti. Barfiissle, Auerbach, B. (In Ges. schriften, V. 9.) Bargagli, Scipione (d. 1612). Novel. (In Eos- coe, T. Italian novelists, v. 4.) Barham, Richard Harris (Thomas Ingoldsby), (1788-1845). Ingoldsby legends, The ; or, mirth and marvels. With a memoir of the author. N. Y. 1864, 2 v. 12? Contents : Gray dolphin, v. 1. Leech of Folkestone, The, v. 1. Legends In verses, v. 2. Memoir, v. 1. Singular passage in the life of the late Henry Har- ris, V. 1. Spectre of Tapplngton, The, v. 1. BARHAM 62 BARNETT Sarhara {continued) — Life and letters of Kev. R. H. Barham, with a selection from his miscellaneous poems ; edited by his son. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 12. Barham, Richard Harris Dalton. Life and let- ters of Rev. R. H. Barham. Baril de poudre d'or, Le. Gozlan, L. {In (Eu- vres, V. 9.) Baring-Gould. See Gould, S. Baring. Barker, Edmund Henry. Literary anecdotes and contemporary reminiscences of Professor Person and others; from manuscript papers. Lond. 1852. 2 v. 8? Barker, Fordyce. Sea-sickness. N. Y. 1870. 16? Barker, George F. Text-book of elementary chemistry, theoretical and inorganic. New Haven, 1870. 12? Barker, Jacob (1779-1871). Incidents in the life of Jacob Barker; with historical facts, his financial transactions with the government, and his course on important political ques- tions, from 1800 to 1855. "Wash. 1855. 8° Barker, Mary Anne (Lady), (Mrs. Frederic Na- pier Broome). Ribbon stories. Lond. 1872. 12? Station life in New Zealand. N. Y, 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Barker, Matthew Henry (old sailor). Fortunes of Frank Fairfield. Phil. n.d. 16? Barker, William Burckhardt. Lares and pe- nates, or Cilicia and its governors ; being a short historical account of that province, from the earliest times to the present day. With a description of some household gods of the ancient Cilicians, broken up by them on their conversion to Christianity. Ed. by Wm. Francis Ainsworth. Lond. 1853. 8? Barlow, J. W"., and Heap, D. P. Report of a re- connaissance of the basin of the upper Yel- lowstone, 1871. Wash. 1872. 8? (2 cop.) Barlow, Joel (1755-1812). Columbiad, The. Phil. 1807. 4? Vision of Columbus, The. Hart. 1787. 8 v. Barlow, Peter. Strength of timber, cast and mal- leable iron, and other materials; with nine illustrations. Lond. 1851. 8? Barmherzigkeit, Die. Stifter, A. {In Er- zahlungen, v. 2.) Barnabas, St. Wake, W. Epistles of. {In Apostolic fathers.) Bamaby Palms. Jekrold, D. (W.) Barnaby Rudge. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Barnard, Charles {3frs. Maria Gilman) . Farming by inches; or, ' with brains, sir.' Bost. n.rf. 12? My ten-rod farm; or, how I became a florist. Bost. 1869. 12? (2 cop.) SoPKANO, The : a musical story. Bost. 1869. 12? (3 cop.) Strawberry garden, The: how it was plant- ed, what it cost, what came of it financially and sentimentally. Bost. 1871. 12? Tone masters: a musical series for young peo- ple. Bach and Beethoven. Illustrated. Bost. 1871. 16? (2 cop.) Tone masters: a musical series for young peo- ple. Handel and Haydn. Illustrated, Bost. 1871. 16? CI cop.) Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter {b. 1809). Metric system of weights and measures: an Barnard {continued) — address, delivered before the convocation of the university of the state of New York, at Albany, Aug. 1,1871. (2i (Lady). True love. Phil. 1870. 12° (3 cop.) Beaufort, Francis. Karamania ; or, a brief de- scription of the south coast of Asia Minor and of the remains of antiquity. Lond. 1818. 8° Beauharnais, Josephine. See Josephine. Beaulieu, Augustin (Oomte). Voyage of. (In Harris, J. Coll. voy., v. 1.) Beaumarchais, Pierre Auguste Caron de (1732- 1799), Barber of Seville. (Opera.) Lacy's Plays, V. 89. Theatre ; pr^c6d6 d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par M. Auger. Paris, 1846. 8° Contents : Autre Tartuffe, L', ou la mSre coupable. Barbier de Seville, Le. Deux amis, Les. Essai sur le genre dramatique sfirieux. Euggnie. FoUe journfie, ou le marlage de Figaro. Tarare. Vie de Beaumarchais, La. LoMBNiE, L. de. Beaumarchais and his times: sketches of French society in the xviii. cent- ury, from unpublished documents. Tr. by Hy. S. Edwards. Lond. 1856. 4 v. 8° See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Beaumarchais : an historical novel. Brach- VOGEL, A. E. Beauraont, Francis (1584-1616), and Fletcher, J. Works ; with an introduction, by George Darley. Lond. 1840. 2 v. 8° Contents . Beggar's bush, v. 1. Bloody brother. The, v. 1. Bonduca, v. 2. Captain, The, v. 1. Chances, The, v. 1. Coxcomb, The, v. 2. Cupid's revenge, v. 2. Custom of the country, v. 1. Double marriage. The, v. 2. Elder brother. The, v. 1. Fair maid of the inn, v. 2. Faithful friends, v. 2. Faithfui shepherdess, v. 1. False one, v. 1. Four plays in one, v. 2. Honest man's fortune, v. 2. Humorous lieutenant, v. 1. Island princess, v. 2. King and no king, v. 1. Knight of Malta, v. 2. Knight of the burning pes- tle, V. 2. Laws of Candy, v. 1. Little French lawyer, v. 1. Love's cure, v. 2. Love's pilgrimage, v. 2. Lover's progress, v. 2. Loyal subject, v. 1. Mad lover, v. 1. Maid in the mill, The, v. 2. Maid's tragedy, v. 1. Masque, A, v. 2. Monsieur Thomas, v. 1. Nice valor, The, v. 2. Night-wallcer, The, v. 2. Noble gentleman. The, v. 2. Phllaster, v. 1. Pilgrim, The, v. 1. Poems of Beaumont, v. 2. Poems of Fletcher, v. 2. Prophetess, The, v. 2. Queen of Corinth, v. 2. Rule a wife and have a wife, V. 1. Scornful lady. The, v. 1. Sea-voyage, The, v. 2. Spanish curate, The, v. 1. Thierry and Theodoret, v. 2. Two noble kinsmen, The, v. 2. Valentinian, v. 1. Wife for a month. A, v. 1. Wiid-goose chase. The, v. 1. Wit at several weapons, v. 2. Wit without money, v. 1. Woman-hater, The, v. 2. Woman's prize, v. 2. Women pleased, v. 2. 2v. 8° Same. Lond. 1862 Same. With notes and a biographical memoir, by A. Dyce. Bost. 1854. 2 v. 8° Finest scenes, lyrics, and other beauties of tliose two poets, now first selected from the wholeof their works, to the exclusion of what- ever is morally objectionable ; with opinions of distinguished critics, notes, etc. Ed. by Leigh Hunt. Lond. 1855. 12? Chances, The. Br. dr., v. 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 6. Elder brother. The (altered). (Play.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 9. Eule a wife, and have a wife. (Com.) Br. dr., V. 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 5. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 6. Beaumont and Fletcher (continued) — KiNNAiRD, D. Lives of English dramatists, V. 1. Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Eliz- abeth. Beaumont, George Rowland (1753-1827). Cun- ningham, A. Life of, (In Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 5.) H, F, lib,, v, 67. Beaumont, S.r John. See Lives of English po- ets, V, 2. Beaumont, Mme. Leprince de. Magasin des en- fants, Le, Paris, n.d. 2 v. 12? Beaumont, William (1785-1853). Physiology of digestion, with experiments on the gastric juice. (25? ed.) Burlington, 1847. 12? Beaumont delaBonniere, Gustave August (1802- 1866), See Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de. Beauplan, Guillaume le Vasseur (d. 1670). De- scription of Ukraine. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 1.) Beautemps-^eaupre, Charles Francois (1766- 1854). Elie de Beaumont, J. B. A. L, L. Memoir of, (In Smithsonian rept, 1863,) Beauties, harmonies, and sublimities of nature. BUCKE, C. Beauties of Moore. Finden, E. Beauties of sacred literature: a compendium of Christian doctrine, faith, and practice, select- ed from various authors. Edited by a lay member of the Protestant Episcopal church. N. Y, 1864. 8? Beauties of the British poets. The. Croly, G. Beauties of the court of Charles the second. Jame- son, Mrs. A. M. Beautiful gleaner. The. Braden, W. Beautiful Miss Barrington, The. Parr, Miss H. Beautiful Miss Johnson ; and other stories. N. Y. 1868. 8? (2 cop.) Contents : Beautiful Miss Johnson. How I set about paying my debts. Mail-guard's story, The. My escape from hydropathy. Romance in a boarding-house, A. White feather. The. Beautiful snow; and other poems. Watson, J. W, Beautiful widow. Shelley, Mrs. M. W. Beautifying country homes. Weidemann, J. Beauty — Hay, D, K, Science of, Hogarth, W, Analysis of. Oersted, H. C. Two dialogues on the ftin- damental principles of beauty, and on the physical eflects of tones. (In Soul in nat- ure.) Walker, A. Beauty: analysis and classifi- cation of beauty in woman. — Ladies' guide to perfect. See also Esthetics. 'Beauty is power.' N. Y. 1871. 12? Beauvallet, L^on. See Barriere, T. (Euvres. Beaver. Morgan, L. H. American beaver and his works. Beaver islands (Mich.). Strang, J. J. Some remarks on the natural history of. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1854.) Beazley, Samuel. Lottery ticket. (Farce.) La- cy's Plays, v. 68. BECCARIA 69 ££jE O xi£ ai Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana di (1738-1793). Es- say on crimes and punishments. Tr. from the Italian, with the commentary by Vol- taire. (5th ed.) Lond. 1804. 8° B6chard, Fr^d^ric. Maurice. Tr, from the French, by Mrs. Josephine Douglas. N, Y. 1872. 16^ Bechstein, Johann Matthaus. Cage and chamber- birds : their natural history, habits, food, dis- eases, management, and modes of capture. Tr. from the German, with considerable ad- ditions on structure, migration , and economy, compiled from various sources, by H. G. Ad- ams. Incorporating the whole of Sweet's 'British warblers.' Illustrated. Lond. 1856. 12= (2 cop.) Beck, John B. See Beck, T. K. Beck, Lewis C. Botany of the United States, north of Virginia ; comprising descriptions of the flowering and fern-like plants hitherto found in those states, arranged according to the natural system. {2d ed.) N. Y. 1856. 12? Mineralogy of New York ; comprising de- tailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the state of New York, and the no- tices of their uses in the arts and agriculture. Albany, 1842. 4° {In Natural history of N. Y., pt. iii.) See New York. Beck, Theodoric Romeyn and J. B. Elements of medical jurisprudence. {\2th ed.) Phil. 1863. 2 V. 8= Becker, Karl Friedrich (1777-1806). "Weltges- chichte. Herausgegeben von Adolf Schmidt mit der fortsetzung von Eduard Arnd. Leipzig, 1869-71. 20 v. in 10, 12° Contents : Alte geschichte, v. 1-4. Mittlere geschichte, v. 5-8. Neuere geschichte, v. fl-13. Neuesten zeit, geschichte der 178n-18fi0, v. 14-18. Neuesteu zeit, geschichte der 1860-67, v. 19, 20. Becker, Wilhelm Adolph (1796-1846). Chari- cles; or, illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks ; with notes and excursuses. Tr. from the Ger., by Fr. Metcalfe. (3e? ed.) N. Y. 1866. 12? Gallus ; or, Roman scenes of the time of Au- gustus. With notes and excursuses, illus- trative of the manners and customs of the Romans. Tr. from the Ger., by Fr. Met- calfe. {M ed.) N. Y. 1866. 12? Becket, Thomas a' (1117-1170). Milman, H. H. Life of. N. Y. 1860. 16? Robertson, J. C. Biography of. Lond. 1859. 12? Beckett, Gilbert Abbott a'. See A' Beckett, G. A. Beckett, Sylvester B, Hester : the bride of the islands. Portland, Me., 1860. 12? Beckford, William (1760-1844). Italy; with sketches of Spain and Portugal. Lond. 1834. 2v. 8? Memoirs of. Lond. 1859. 12? Vathek: an Arabian tale. N. Y. 1868. 16? Beckmann, Johann. History of inventions, dis- coveries, and origins. Tr. from the Ger., by W. Johnston. Fourth ed., revised by W. Francis and J. W. Griffith. Lond. 1846. 2 V. 12? Beckwith, Edward G. {Lieut,). Report on the routes near the 38th and 39th parallels. {In Pacific railroad reports, 8" ed., v. 3.) Report upon the route near the 38th and 39th parallels, explored by Capt. J. W. Gunnison, 1853. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explo- rations, etc., V. 2. Report upon the route near the 41st parallel. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., V. 2. Beck"with, Edward Lonsdale. Practical notes on wine. Lond. 1868. 12? Beck"with, Mrs. J. R. House behind the pop- lars. N. Y. 1871. 12? (2 cop.) WiNTHROPS, The. N. Y. 1864. 12? Beck'with, Leonard F. Report on b^ton -coign et: its fabrication and uses. {In Paris univ. exposition of 1867, v. 2.) Beck'with, N. M. General survey of the Paris exhibition [1867] ; with a report on thelJ. S. section. {In Paris univ. exposition of 1867, V. 5.) Becon, Thomas (1512 ?-1570). Seconde part of the bokes, which Thomas Beacon hath made and published, diligentlye perused and cor- rected, and newley set forth in this present yere of our Lorde, 1560. [T. p. imperfect.] Lond.: Printed by John Day, 1563. 4? Becquerel, Antoine C^sar {b. 1788). Extract of a memoir on the preservation of copper and iron in salt water. {In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Forests and their climatic influence. {In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Bedarride, I. Juifs, Les, en France, en Italia, et en Espagne. Paris, 1861, 8? Bede {the venerable)^ (673-735 ?). Ecclesiastical history of England ; also, the Anglo-Saxon chronicle. Ed. by J. A. Giles. (2c? ed.) Lond. 1849. 12? Bede, Cuthbert {pseud.). See Bradley, E. Bedford, Henry. Life of St. Vincent de Paul. N. Y. 1858. 12? Bedford-ro"w conspiracy. Thackeray, W.M, (In Miscellanies.) Beechcroft. Yonge, Miss C. M. Beecher, Catherine Esther {b. 1800). Appeal to the people in behalf of their rights as author- ized interpreters of the bible. N. Y. 1860. 12? Common sense applied to religion; or, the bible and the people. N. Y. 1857. 12? Domestic receipt-book ; designed as a supple- ment to her treatise on domestic economy. (3c? ed.) N. Y, 1854. 12? Letters to the people on health and happi- ness. N. Y. 1855. 12? (2 cop.) and Stowe, H, (E.) B. American woman's home ; or, principles of domestic science, N. Y. 1869. 8? Beecher, Charles {b. 1810). Redeemer and re- deemed : an investigation of the atonement and of eternal judgment. Bost. 1864. 12? Beecher, Edward {b. 1804), Conflict of ages; or, the great debate on the moral relations of God and man. Bost. 1855. 12? Beecher, Henry Ward {b. 1813). Eyes and ears. Bost. 1862. 12? 595 pulpit pungencies ; with a table of contents. N. Y, 1866. 12? S£j£jUxx£jxv 70 BEHIND Beecher {continued) — Freedom and war: discourses on topics sug- gested by the times. Bost. 1863. 12^ Lecture-room talks : a series of familiar dis- courses on themes of general Christian ex- perience. N. Y. 1870. 12° Life of Jesus, the Christ. N. Y. 1871. 8? Life-thoughts, gathered from the extempo- raneous discourses, by one of his congrega- tion. [E. D. Proctor.] Bost. 1858. 12? Ministerial deposition and ecclesiastical non- intercourse : a sermon for the presbyteries of San Francisco and San Jos6. {In Pam- phlets, V. 30.) Morning and evening exercises ; selected from his published and unpublished writings. Ed. by Lyman Abbott. N. Y. 1871. 8° New star papers ; or, views and experiences of religious subjects. N. Y. 1859. 12? Norwood ; or, village life in New England. N. Y. 1868. 12? (10 cop.) Prayers from Plymouth pulpit. N.Y. 1867. 12? Same. N. Y. 1873. 12? KoYAL truths. Bost. 1866. 12? Sermons. N. Y. 1868. 2 v. 8?_ Sermons of Henry Ward Beecher in Plymouth church, Brooklyn. First series: Sept. 1868 to March, 1869. N. Y. 1869. 8? Same. Sacond series : March to Sept. 1869. N. Y. 1869. 8? Same. Thirdseries: Sept. 1869 to March, 1870. N. Y. 1870. 8? Star papers ; or, experiences of art and nat- ure. N. Y. 1855. 12? Contents . Letters, etc. (continued') : Oxford. Stratford-on-Avon, A sab- bath at. Warwick castle. Experiences from nature. Letters from Europe : Kenilwortli, Buins of. London national gallery. Louvre. Luxembourg gallery. — Yale lectures on preaching ; delivered before the theological department of Yale college, New Haven, Conn., as the first series in the regular course of the Lyman Beecher lect- ureship on preaching. N. Y. 1872. 12? Contents : Health, as related to preaching. Human nature, The study of. Love, the central element of the Christian ministry. Oratory, The personal element in. Psychological working-element, The. Qualifications of the preacher, The. Khetorical drill and general training. Khetorlcal illustrations. Sermon-making. What is prea<;hing ? Moore, a. Notes from Plymouth pulpit: a collection of memorable passages from the discourses of Henry "Ward Beecher. With a sketch of Mr. Beecher and the lecture- room. N. Y. 1865. 12? Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Men of our times. See also Barrett, B. F. ; Golden age of American oratory; Modern agitators. Beecher, Lyman (1775-1863). Autobiography, correspondence, etc. Ed. by Chas. Beecher. N. Y. 1865. 2v. 12?- See also Mouern agitators. Beecher, Thomas K. {b. 1824). Our seven churches. N. Y. 1870. 12? Beechey, Frederick William (Cajo<.), (1796-1856), Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beh- ring's strait, to cooperate with the polar ex- peditions, performed in H. M. S. Blossom, 1825-8. {New ed.) Lond. 1831. 2 v. 8? Beechnut. Abbott, J» Beech-wood. Springer, E. K. Beem, Jacob. See Bohme, J. Beer. Mulder, G. J. Chemie des bieres, Die. Bees — Dunbar, J. Bees. {In Jardine's Nat. lib., V. 34.) Harbison, .J. S. Bee-raising in California. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 5.) HuisH, K. Bees : their natural history and general management. Kidder, K. P. Guide to apiarian science. Langstroth, L. L. Practical treatise on the hive and honey-bee. Beeson, John. Plea for the Indians ; with facts and features of the late war in Oregon (1855-6). N. Y. 1857. 12? Beet— Grant, E. B. Beet-root sugar, and cultiva- tion of the. Levi, N. Sugar-beet. Beet-root sugar. See Sugar. Beethoven, Ludwig von (1770-1827). Fidelio. (Ital. and Eng. words.) Lond. n.d. 8? Letters, 1790-1826 ; from the collection of Dr. Ludwig Nohl. Tr. by Lady Wallace. N. Y. 1867. 2 V. 12? Mass in C. {In Boosey's ed.) Barnard, C. Tone masters. Grillparzer, F. Erinnerungen an. {In Samm. werke, v. 8.) MoscHELES, I. Life of. Including the biog- raphy by Schindler ; Beethoven's corres- pondence with his friends ; numerous char- acteristic traits and remarks on his musical works ; to which is added ' Life and char- acteristics of Beethoven.' From the Ger- man of Dr. H. Doring. Bost. n.d. 12? Kellstab, L. Biographic des. {In Ges. schriften, v. 24.) Beetles. Duncan, J. {In Jardine's Nat. lib., v. 33.) Beeton, Mrs. Isabella. Book of household man- agement. Lond. n.d. 8? Beeton, S. O. Dictionary of geography: a uni- versal gazetteer. Lond. 1868. 8? Beeton, Samuel. Annual. Lond. n.d. 16? Beets, Nicolaas. Life and character of J. H. van der Palm. Tr. by J. H. Westervelt. N. Y. 1865. 12? Befehlerlos. Auerbach, B. {In Ges. schrif- ten, V. 1.) Before the conquest. Adams, W. H. D. Before the foot-lights and behind the scenes. Sikes, Mrs. W. Beggar on horseback. The. Sauzade, J. S. Beggars, The. Liefde, J. B. de. Beginnings of life. Bastian, H. C. Behavior. See Manners. Behind, the bars. Lunt, 3Irs. G. Behind the scenes. Bulwer-Lytton, K. {Lady). Behind the scenes. Keckley, E. Behind the scenes in Paris: a tale of the clubs and the secret police. Lond. 1859. 2 v. 12? BEHIND 71 BELL Behind the veil. By author of 'Six months hence.' Bost. 1871. 8° (4 cop.) Behme, Anthony. See Sepp, A. Behme, Jacob. See Bohme, J. Behmen, Jacob. See Bohme, J. Behn, Mrs. Aphara (1640-1689 ?). See Lives of English dramatists, v. 2. Behring, Vitus (1680-1741?). Coxb, "W. Voy- age of. {In Account of Russian discover- ies.) Bei den zwei hohen tannen. Hoefer, E. {In Erzahlende schriften, v. 10.) Beiden hauptleute, Die. La Motte-Fotjqv:^, F. H. C. {In Ausgewahlte werke, v. 9.) Beiden merkwiirdigsten tage aus Siegmund's le- ben. Die. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, v. 15.) Beiden sch western, Die. Heyse, P. {In No- vellen, v. 5.) Bein, Das. Zschokke, J. H. D. (/n Ges. schrif- ten, V. 9.) Bake, Charles Tilstone. Sources of the Nile : a general survey of the basin of that river and its head streams ; with the history of Nilotic discovery. Lond. 1859. 8° (2 cop.) Bel-Qard. Truthful Christian, The. St. Peters- burg, 1762. 4° {RuKsian.) Belcher, Diana {Lady). Mutineers of the Bounty, and their descendants in Pitcairn and Nor- folk islands; with map and illustration. N. Y. 1871. 12° Belcher, Sir Edward (5. 1799). Last of the arc- tic voyages ; being a narrative of the expe- dition in H. M. S. Assistance in search of Sir John Franklin, during the years 1852- 4. With notes on the natural history, by Sir J. Richardson, Prof. Owen, Thos. Bell, J. W. Salter, and Lovell Reeve. Lond. 1855. 2 V. 8° Narrative of a voyage round the world, 1836-42. Lond. 1843. 2 v. 8? [Vol. 1 missing.] Narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. Sama- rang, during the years 1843-6, employed sur- veying the islands of the eastern archipelago; accompanied by a brief vocabulary of the principal languages. "With notes on the nat- ural history of the islands, by A. Adams. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 8° [For zoology of this voyage, see Adams, A.] Belcher, Joseph. Clergy of America: anecdotes illustrative of the character of ministers of religion in the United States. Phil. 1849. 12° Same. Phil. 1869. 12° Beiden, David. Speech on the introduction of pa- per currency into California. {In Pam- phlets, V. 7.) Beiden, E. Porter. New York : past, present, and future. Comprising a history of the city of New York, a description of its present condi- tion, and an estimate of its future increase. 5th edition, revised and brought up to Sept. 1851. N. Y. 1851. 12° Belford Regis. Mitford, M. R. Belfry of Bruges, The. LoiraFELLOW, H. "W. {In Poetns, V. 2.) Same. {In Poetical works.) BelgiojOSO, Cristina Trivulzio de {b. 1808). Asie mineure et Syrie : souvenirs de voyages, 1852. Paris, 1858. 8? Belgium — Murray, J. Hand-book for travelers in. SiBORNE, W. History of the war in France and Belgium in 1815. Van Kampen, N. G. Vues de Belgique et la Hollande. Belgravia : a London magazine. Conducted by M. E. Braddon. V. 1 (Nov. 1866) to 19 (Feb. 1873). Lond. 19 v. 8? [V. 14 miss- ing-] Belhaven, — {Lord). See Select British elo- quence. Belin, Jean (1452-1516). Dumas, A. (D.) Bio- graphic de. {In Italiens et Flamands, v. 1.) Belinda. Edgeworth, M. {In Tales, etc., v. 6.) Belisarius. See Historical difficulties. Belisle, D. W. History of Independence hall, from the earliest period to the present time, embracing biographies of the immortal sign- ers of the declaration of independence ; with historical sketches of the sacred relics pre- served in that sanctuary of American freedom. Phil. 1859. 12° Belizarius. N. Y. 1857. 12° Belknap, David P. Probate law and practice of California; containing all the statutes of the state relating to probate courts and the ju- risdiction thereof, the settlements of estates of deceased persons, the duties of guardians, descents, wills, etc., etc.; with judicial decis- ions of this and other states, and an appen- dix of forms. {2ded.) S. F. 1861. 8^ Belknap, Jeremy (1744-1798). American biog- raphy. N.Y.1846. 3v. 16? H.F.lib.,v. 161-3. Bell, Acton {pseud.). See Bronte, A. Bell, Sir Charles (1774-1842). Anatomy and phi- losophy of expression, as connected with the fine arts. (4eathing mol- lusks of the United States and the adjacent territories of N. Am. Bost. 1851. 3 v. 8° Contents : Plates, V. 3. Text, 1, 2. Binney, Horace {b. 1780). Eulogy on the life and character of John Marshall, chief justice of the supreme court of the United States ; de- livered at the request of the councils of Phil- adelphia, on the 24th of Sept. 1835. Phil. 1835. 8^ Binney, William Greene. Bibliography of North American conchology previous to the year 1860. Pt. i., American authors; pt. ii., for- eign authors. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., V. 5, 9.) Binney {continued) — Report upon the land shells of Abbot's ex- plorations from Sacramento valley to the Co- lumbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 6. and Blaxd, T. Land and fresh water shells of North America. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., V. 7, 8.) Binns, J. Recollections, written by himself; with anecdotes, political, historical, and miscel- laneous. Phil. 1854. 8? Biographia Britannica literaria. Wright, T. Biographia literaria; or, biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. Coleridge, S. T. Biographical magazine, The ; containing por- traits and characters of eminent and ingenious persons of every age and nation. Lond. 1794. 2 V. 12^ Biographical sketches, 1852-68. Martineau, H. Lond. 1869. 12? Contents : Ijandor, Walter Savage. Lansrlowne, Marquis of. Lockliart, John Gibson. Londonderry, Marquis of. Lyndh irst, Lord. Macaulay, Lord. Murcet, Mrs. Mathew, Father. Metternich and Austria. Mitford, Mary Russell. Murray, Lord. Napiers, The. Nicholas, Emperor. Opie, Amelia. Owen, Kobert Paimerston, Lord. Raglan, Lord. Richardson, Sir John. Roberts, David, K. A. Rogers, Samuel. Whately, Archbishop. Wilson, John CChristopher North.') Wordsworth, Mrs. Anglesey, Marquis of. Beaufort, Sir Francis. Berry, Miss. Blomtield, Bishop. Bronte, Charlotte (Currer Bell). Brougham, Lord. Byron, Lady Noel. Campbell, Lord Chancellor. Carlisle, Karl of. Combe, George. Croker, John Wilson. Denman, Lord. De Quincey, Thomas. Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of. Frederick William iv., king of Prussia. Gloucester, Duchess of. Hallani, Ilenrj'. Herbert of Lea, Lord. Humboldt, Alexander von. Hume, Joseph. Jameson, Mrs. Kent, Duchess of. Biographical studies. Greene, G. W. N. Y. 1860. 12i Contents : Cole, Thomas. Cooper, J. F. Crawford, Thos. Irving, W. Biographical treasury, The. Maunder, S. Biographic nouvelle des contemporains. See Arnault, A. V., et al. Biographie universelle et jwrtative des contem- porains, ou dictionnaire historique des bona— mes vivants et des hommes morts depuis 1780- jusqu'a nos jours, et supplement. Publi6sou^ la direction de RaW>e, Vieilh de Boi.«jolih et, Sainte-Preuve. Paris, 1836. 5 v. 8° Biography. Carlyle,T. Biography. {InQni^ and mis. essays, v. 3.) Biography (collections) — Abbott, J. S. C. Kings and queemi. — Lives of the presidents of the United«StatQS-. Adams, H. G. Cyclopaedia of female. Aguilar, G. "VJTomcn of Israel. Allen, W. Am. biographical dictionary. Allibone, S. a. Critical dictionary of' En- glish literature. American pioneers and patriot?.. Anderson, J. Ladies of the reformation^ Appleton's cyclopaedia of. Arago, (D. ) F. Biographies of distinguished, scientific meu. BIOGRAPHY 82 BIOGRAPHY Biography (continued) — Arnault, A. V., et al. Biographie nouvelle des contemporains. Baillie, J. Life studies. Bartlett, D. W. Heroes of the Indian re- bellion. — Modem agitators. — Presidential candidates in 1860. Bateman, H. Two hundred and fifty distin- guished national men. Bayne, p. Essays on biography and criti- cism. Belknap, J. American. Bell, E. Lives of English poets. Biographical magazine. Biographie universelle et portative des con- temporains. Borrow, J. Naval worthies of Queen Eliza- beth's reign. BouiLLET, M. N. Dictionnaire universel d' histoire et de g^ographie. Bourne, H. K. F. English merchants. Brantome, p. de B. Vies des dames ga- lantes. (In (Euvres completes, v. 7.) — Vies des dames illustres Francjaises et ^trangeres. (In (Euvres completes, v. 5.) — Vies des hommes illustres et grands capi- taines Strangers. (In (Euvres completes, v. — Vies des hommes illustres et grands capi- taines Fran^ais. (In CEuvres completes, v. 2-4.) Brewer, E. C. Guide to English history and. Brewster, Sir D. Martyrs of science. Brightwell, C. L. Annals of industry and genius. — Komantic incidents in the lives of natu- ralists and celebrated travelers. Brockett, L. p. Our great captains. Brougham, H. Men of letters of the time of George iii. — Philosophers of the time of George iii. — Statesmen who flourished in the time of George iii. Brown, T.A. Historyof the American stage. Brown, W. W. Black man, The. Bryan, M. Biographical and critical diction- ary of painters and engravers. Brydges, Sir (S.) E. Imaginative. Buckingham, J. T. Specimens of newspaper literature. BuLWER, H. L. E. Historical characters. Bungay, G. W. Off-hand takings ; or, cray- on sketches of the noticeable men of our age. Burke, B. Vicissitudes of families. Burnham, G. p. United States secret ser- vice ; with portraits of prominent members of the detective force. Bush, Mrs. F. Memoirs of the queens of France. Campbell, J. (Lord). Lives of the chief jus- tices of England. — Lives of the lord chancellors of England. Carey, H. F. Lives of English poets. Cassell's biographical dictionary. Characteristics of men of genius. Choron, a., et Fayolle, F. Dictionnaire historique des musiciens, artistes, et ama- teurs morts et vivans, etc. Biography (continued) — Clarke, M. C. World-noted women. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. Clement, J. Noble deeds of American women. Coleridge, H. Lives of northern worthies. Cooper, J. F. Lives of distinguished Amer- icans. Cormenin, L. M. de la H. Orators of France. Cox, F. A. Female scripture. Creasy, E. S. Eminent Etonians. Crosland, Mrg. N. Memorable women. CuLLUM, G. W. Biographical register of the officers and graduates of West Point. Cunningham, A. Lives of British painters and sculptors. Daring deeds of American heroes.- Day, Mrs. F. H. Sketches of early settlers of California. (In Hesperian, The.) De Quince y, T. Biographical essays. Diogenes Laertius. De clarorum philoso- phorum vitis. Libridecem. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. — Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers. Distinguished men of modern times. Dix, J. R. Pen-pictures of popular English preachers. Donaldson, J. Agricultural. Doran, J. Annals of the English stage. — Monarchs retired from business. — Queens of England of the house of Han- over. Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American. Dumas, A. (D.) Crimes c61ebres, Les. Durfee, C. Williams (coll.) biographical annals. DuYCKiNCK, E. A. National portrait-gallery of eminent Americans. — and G. L. Cyclopaedia of American lit- erature. Eaton, T. D. Musical criticism and. Edwards, E. Lives of the founders of the British museum. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Pioneer women of the west. — Women artists in all ages and countries. — Women of the American revolution. Eminent women of the age. English cyclopaedia. Ed. by C. Knight. Essays from the London times. F:feNKL0N, F. de S. de la M. Lives of the an- cient philosophers. H. F. lib., v. 140. Fitzgerald, P. Lives of famous men. Flanders, Henry. Chief justices of the su- preme court. Forster, J. Historical and biographical es- says. — Statesmen of the commonwealth of En- gland. Fobs, E. Biographical dictionary of the judges of England. Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. Friswell, J. H. Modern men of letters. Fuller, T. Historyof the worthies of England. Gaskill, E. National portrait-gallery of dis- tinguished Americans ; with biographical sketches. Georgian era, The. Gleig, (i.R. Lives of the most eminent Brit- ish military commanders. Godwin, P. Cyclopaedia of. — Hand-book of universal. BIOGRAPHY 83 BIOGRAPHY Biography [continued) — Gorton, J. General biographical dictionary. Grant, Mrs. — . Memoirs of an American lady. Grant, J. British senate. — Random recollections of the house of com- mons. — Eandom recoUectionsof the house of lords. Greene, G. W. Biographical studies. Griesinger, T. Damen regiment, Das. Grinsted, T. p. Last homes of departed gen- ius. Griswold, R. W. Prose writers of America. — Republican court. The. Hale, Jfr*. S. J. Woman's record. Hall, S. C. Book of memories of great men and women of the age. Hall, S. T. Biographical sketches of remark- able people. Hallow AY, L. C. Ladies of the white house. Hamersly, L. R. Records of living officers of the U. S. navy. Hayden, S. "Washington and his masonic compeers. [For contents, see Freemasons.] Hays, M. Female biography ; or, memoirs of distinguished women. Hayward, a. Biographical and critical es- says. Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals. Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. Herbert, H. "W. Captains of the old world. — Captains of the Roman republic. — Persons and pictures from the histories of France and England. Hewlett, H. G. Heroes of Europe. HoDSON, W. Lives, sentiments, and sufferings of some of the reformers and martyrs before and since the Lutherian reformation. Hole, C. Brief biographical dictionary. Houssaye, a. Men and women of the xviii. century. — Philosophers and actresses. Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants. Hunt, (J. H.) L. Italian poets. James, G. P. R. Lives of the most eminent foreign statesmen. Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. — Memoirs of early Italian painters. Jardine, D. Criminal trials of celebrated men. Jerdan, "W. Men I have known. — Portrait annual of illustrious and eminent personages of the xix. century. Johnson, S. Lives of eminent persons. {In Works, v. 2.) — Lives of English poets. Kayanagh, J. French women of letters. — Women of Christianity. Kebbel, T. E. English statesmen since the peace of 1815. Knight, C. See English cyclopaedia. Lamartine, a. de. Celebrated characters, Memoirs of. — Civilisateurs et conqu^rants. {In (Euvres completes, v. 51, 52.) — Hommes de la revolution. {In CEuvres completes, v. 49.) — Hommes grands de I'orient. {In (Euvres , completes, v. 50.) Biography {continued) — — Portraits et biographies. (7« (Euvres com- pletes, V. 42.) — Vies de quelques hommes illustres. {In (Euvres completes, v. 34-6.) [For contents, see above titles.] Lanman, C. Dictionary of the United States congress. Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. Lewes, G. H. Biographical history of phi- losophy. Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Lives of British physicians. Lives of eminent British statesmen. Lives of English dramatists. Lives of the most eminent literary and scien- tific men of France. Livingston, J. Portraits of eminent Ameri- cans now living. Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Eu- rope. LossiNG, B. J. Eminent Americans. Macaulay, T. B., et al. New biographies of illustrious men. McCarthy, J. Modem leaders. Magoon, E. L. Living orators in America. — Orators of the American revolution. Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. Maunder, S. Biographical treasury. The. Men of the day. Men of the time. 7th ed., revised by G. H. Townsend [1868]. Same. 8th ed., revised by T. Cooper [1872]. Men of the time ; or, sketches of living nota- bles [1852]. Men wno have made themselves. Men who have risen. {Juv.) Mexican war and its heroes. MiCHELET, J. Femmes de la revolution, Les. Moody, C. C. P. Biographical sketches of the Moody family. Moore, F. Women of the war. MossMAN, S. Heroes of discovery. NAPOL:feoN and the marshals of the empire. Nepos, C. Lives of eminent commanders. — Vitse excellentium imperatorum. Nineteen beautiful years. NouvEAU dictionnaire historique. O'Flanagan, J. R. Lives of the lord chan- cellors and keepers of the great seal of Ire- land. Old England's worthies. O'Neall, J. B. Bench and bar of South Carolina. Otto, F. Lexicon of Russian authors. {In History of Russian lit.) OxBERRY, W. Dramatic. Parker, T. Historic Americans. Parkes, B. R. Vignettes. Parton, J., et al. Eminent women of the age. Patmore, p. G. My friends and acquaint- ance. Patriot preachers of the revolution. Payne, J. B. Haydn's universal index of. Phillips, L. B. Dictionary of biographical reference. BIOGRAPHY 84 BIONDI Biograpliy {continued) — Philostratus. Vitaj sophistarum. {Gr. et Lat.) Plxjtarchtjs. Lives. — VitsB. Political portraits. Portrait-gallery of distinguished poets, philosophers, etc. Portraits of eminent conservatives and states- men. Portraits of the parliamentary officers of the great civil war. Prescott, W. H. Biog. and crit. miscellanies. Prison life. Kemarkable trials, and notorious characters. Remembrances of a Polish exile. RoscoE, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers. Rose, H. J. New general hiog. dictionary. Russell, W. Eccentric personages.' — Extraordinary men. Sabine, L. American loyalists. Sainte-Beuve, C. a. Portraits of celebrated women. Sanderson, J. Signers to declaration of in- dependence. Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. Sheil, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. Shuck, O. T. {Ed.) Representative and lead- ing men of the Pacific. Simpson, A. L. Pioneers. Smiles, S. Brief biographies. — Industrial. — Lives of the engineers. Smith, C. A. Men of the olden time. Smith, G. Three English statesmen. Smith, M. H. Sunshine and shadow in New York. Smucker, S. M. Four Georges, The. SouTHEY, R. Lives of the British admirals. Sparks, J. Library of American. Spooner, S. Biographical history of the fine arts. Sprague, W. B. Annals of the American pulpit. Stanley, A. P. Scripture portraits. Stevenson, "W. F. Praying and working. Stowe, H. (E.) B. Men of our times. Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of En- gland. — Lives of the queens of Scotland. Suetonius Tranquil l us, C. Opera. Sullivan, W. Public men of the revolution. Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch. Thacher, J. American medical. — Biographical sketches of several general officers of the revolution. {In Military jour- nal.) Thomas, J. Lippincott's pronouncing diction- ary of biography and mythology. Thomson, Mrs. A. T. and J. C. Queens of society. — Wits and beaux of society. TiMBs, J. English eccentrics and eccentrici- ties. ToNNA, 3Irs. C. E. English martyrology. Trollope, T. a. Decade of Italian womei), TucKERMAN, H. T. Book of artists. — Sketches of eminent American painter?. TuLLocH, J. Leaders of the reformation. Tytler, S. Songstressefe of Scotland. Biography {continued) — Van Santvoord, G. Lives of the chief justices of the supreme court of the United States.' Vapereau, G. Dictionnaire universel des conteniporains. Yasari, G. Lives of the most eminent paint- ers. "Walford, E. Men of the time. "VVheeler, H. G. Memoirs of members of U. S. congress. {In History of congress.) "Whiteside, J. Early sketches of eminent persons. "Williams, E. Lives and administrations of the presidents of the United States : Wash- ington to Pierce. {In Lossing and Williams's National history, v. 2.) Wilson, H., and Caulfield, J. Book of wonderful characters. Wood, G. B. Historical and biographical memoirs. Woodward, B. B., and Gates, W. L. R. Encyclopaedia of chronology. AVyatt, T. Memoirs of American generals, etc., of the revolution. YoNGE, C. D. Parallel lives of ancient and modern heroes. See also — Actors. Naval history. Artists. Orators. Authors. Painters. Clergy. Philosophers. Commanders. Physicians. Genealogy. Poets. Indians. Presidents. Kings. Puritans. Lawyers. Queens. Men. Reformers. Merchants. Sculptors. Military history. Women. [JS^ote. — Biographies of individuals will be fonnd under their respective names.] Biology— Nicholson, H. A. Introduction to the study of. Spencer, H. Principles of. See also — Creation. Medicine. Life. Population. Man. Species. Bion (tf6. 200 B.C.). Bucolica. (Poem.) {Gr. et Lat.) Ed. of C. F. Ameis. {In Poetae bu- colici et didactici.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Idyls. Tr. into prose, by J. Banks ; into verse, by J. M. Chapman. [With Theocri- tus and Moschus.] Bohn's Class, lib. Arnold, E. Poets of Greece. Diogenes LAiiRTius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, V. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Biondi, Giovanni Francesco (1572-1644). L'is- toria delle gverre civil! d'Inghilterra, tra le due case (Ji Lanca^tro e lore. Si descriue in Ricardo ii. L'origine di esse, il progress© nelle vite de i re susseguenti, cioe. Di Arrigo IV., v., e VI., d'Odoardo iv. 6 v., di Ri- cardo III., e di Arrigo vii. , nel quale linirono. Venetia, 1637. [3 v. in 1.] 8° BIRCH 85 BIRDS Birch, Jonathan. (Tr.) Nibelungen lied, Das ; or, tlie lay of the last Nibelunger. Tr. into English verse after Professor Carl Lach- mann's collated and corrected text. Bircli, Samuel. Adopted child. (Mus. dr.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 6. Birch, Walter de GraJ^ Fasti monasti sevi Sax- onici ; or, an alphabetical list of the heads of religious houses in England previous to the Norman conquest. To which is prefixed a chronological catalogue of contemporary foundations. Lond. 1873. 8? Bird, Edward (1772-1819). Cunningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 2.) H. F. lib., V. 18. Bird, Golding (1815-1854). Elements of natural philosophy ; being an experimental intro- duction to the study of the physical sciences. With 372 illustrations. Phil. 1848. 12? Bird, Joseph. Protection against fire, and the best means of putting out fires in cities, towns, and villages ; with practical suggestions for the security of life and property. N. Y. 1873. 12° Bird, Robert. Physiological essays : drink-crav- ing, differences in men, idiosyncrasy, and the origin of disease. Lond. 1870. 8° Bird, Robert Montgomerv (1803-1854). Hawks- of Hawks-hollow. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 16° Nick of the woods ; or, the Jibbenainosay. A tale of Kentucky. {New rev. ed.) N. Y. 1856. 12? (3 cop.) Birds — Adams, H. G. Additions on the structure, migration, economy, etc., of. {In Bechstein, •J. M. Cage and chamber-birds.) Andersson, C.J. Notes on the birds of Da- mara land and the adjacent countries of south-west Africa. Arkangement of families of. (Adopted pro- visionally by the Smithsonian institution.) {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 8.) Audubon, J. J. Birds of America. Baily, W. L. Our own birds : a familiar natural history of the birds of the United States. Baird, S. F. Catalogue of North American birds, chiefly in the museum of the Smith- sonian institution. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., V. 2.) — Ornithology of California. Pt. i., land birds. {In Whitney, J. D. Geol. survey.) — Review of American. {In Smithsonian rept. 1865.) — Cassin, J., ancf Lawrence, G. N. Birds of North America. Barnard, V. Catalogue of birds of Chester county, Penn., with the times of their arrival in spring ; from observations annually for ten successive years. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Bechstein, J. M. Cage and chamber. Bewick, T. History of British. Bird-yard, The. St. Petersburg, 1792. 8? {Russian.) Blakeston and Bland {Lieuts.). List of the birds of Nova Scotia. {In Smithsonian rept. 1858.) Birds {continued) — Bland, — {Lieut.). List of the birds of Ber- muda. Bolton, J. British song-birds ; with plates. Brewer, T.M. North American oology. Pt. i., raptores and eissirostres. {In Smithson- ian contrib., v. 11.) BuFFON, G. L. L. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. {In his Histoire naturelle.) Burroughs, J. Wake-robin. Cassin, J. Description of birds collected in Japan, {hi Perry's Expedition to Japan, V. 2.) — Illustrations of the birds of California, Texas, Oregon, and British and Russian America. See also Baird, S. F., et al. {above). Coues, E. Key to North American. — «««? Prentiss, D. W. Birds of the district of Columbia, The. {In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) De Kay, J. E. Zoology of New York. Pt. ii., birds. Dixon, G. Description of the jocose skrike from China ; Patagonian warbler from Falk- land islands ; white-winged cross-bill from Montagu islands; yellow - tufted bee -eater from Sandwich islands. {In Voyage round the world, 1785-8.) Figuier, L. G. Reptiles and. GiRAUD, J. P. Birds of Long island. GossE, P. H. Birds of Jamaica. Gould, J, Birds of Australia. — Birds of Europe. Harting, J. E. Hand-book of British. Instructions in reference to collecting nests and eggs of North American. {In Smithson- ian mis. coll., v. 2). Jardine, 5'jV W. British, (/w Aw Nat. lib., V. 1-4.) — Sun-birds. {In his Nat. lib., v. 5.) Lawrence, G. N. See Baird, S. F., et al. {above). MicHELET, J. Bird, The. — Oiseau, L'. MuDiE, R. Feathered tribes of the British islands. Natural history of. H. F. lib., v. 98. Newton, A. Suggestions for saving parts of the skeleton of birds. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Rennie, J. Bird architecture. Richardson, J. Report on the birds of the arctic regions. (In Parry, W. E. Journal of second voy., app.) Sabine, E. Report on the birds of the arctic regions, (//j Parry, W. E. Journal of first voy., app.) Samuels, E. A. Ornithology and oology of New England. SwAiNsoN, W. Birdsof western Africa. {In Jardine's Nat. lib., v. 11, 12.) — Natural history and classification of. Sweet, R. British warblers. {In Beckstein, J. M. Cage and chamber-birds.) Webber, C. M. Wild scenes, and song. WuRDEMAN, G. Letter relative to the obtain- ing of specimens of flamingoes and other birds from south Florida. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) BIRDS 86 BLACK Birds {continued') — See also — Canary. Game-birds. Chile. Humming-birds. Fly-catchers. Ornithology. Gallinaceous birds. Also Pacific railroad, Keports of explorations, etc.; and the names of countries and states. Birds' nests and eggs: how to collect. (/« Smith- sonian rept. 1858.) Birds of prey. Braddon, M. E. Birkenhead, Sir John (1615-1679). See Lives of English poets, v. 2. Birkenhead free public library. Keports of 18 70- 71. [Bound with Library reports, backed ' Sheffield, Birkenhead, etc.'] Birkett, John. Treatise on hernia, and diseases of the breast. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Treatise on injuries of thepelvis. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Birks, Thomas Kawson. On matter and ether; or, the secret laws of physical change. Lond. 1862. 12? Birmingham free library. Catalogue of the ref- erence department. 1869. 8° Keports of. 1868-70. 8? [Bound with Li- brary reports, backed ' Birmingham and Manchester.'] Shakespeare memorial library, 1872 (Istpt.). English editions. Birmingham. 18° Biron, Armand Louis de Gontaut {due de Lauzun). Belknap, J. Life of. {In Am. biog., v. 1.) Birth and education. Schwartz, M. S. Birth of Merlin, The. Shakespeare, W. {In Works, pictorial ed.) Birthdays, Book of. Bisaccioni.Maiolino (1582-1663). Novels. {In Koscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 4.) Bischof, Gustav. Elements of chemical and physical geology. Tr. from the MS., by B. H. Paul, and J. Drummond. Printed for Cavendish soc. Lond. 1854-9. 3 v. 8? Same. V. 1 and 2. Bischof, Hermann. Grundriss des positiven, off- entlichen internationalen seerechts. Graz, 1868. 8? Bischoff, James. Comprehensive history of wool- en and worsted manufactures, and the natural and commercial history of sheep, from the earliest records to the present period. Lond. 1842. 2v. 12° Bischoff, W. F. Wie spart man gas? (2c? ed.) Berlin, 1867. 8° Bishop, C. K. K. Notes on church organs: their position, and the materials used in their con- struction. Illustrated. Lond. 1873. 8? Bishop, George. Every woman her own lawyer: private guide in all matters of law of essen- tial interest to women. N. Y. 1858. 12? Bishop, Harriet E. Floral home ; or, first years of Minnesota. N. Y. 1857. 12? Bishop, J. Leander. History of American man- ufactures from 1608 to 1860 ; witli notes on the principal manufacturing centres and re- markable manufactories at the present time. Phil, 1861. 2v. 8? Bishop, Nathaniel H. Thousand miles' walk across South America ; with an introduction, byE. A. Samuels. Bost. 1869. 12? (4 cop.) Bishop's son. Cary, a. Bismarck-Schonhausen, Otto Edward Leo- pold (6. 1815). Reden, Des. 1st sammlung von 1862 bis 1866. {2ded.) Berlin, 1870. 8? Bamberger, L. Herr von Bismarck. Bres- lau, 1868. 8? Hesekiel, J. G. L. liife of, private and po- litical ; with descriptive notices of his an- cestry. Translated and edited, with an intro- duction, explanatory notes, and appendices, by K. K. H. Mackenzie. N. Y. 1870. 8? Bissell, Edwin Cone. Historic origin of the bi- ble : a hand-book of principal facts from the best recent authorities, German and English. N. Y. 1873. 12? Bissett, Andrew. Strength of nations. Lond. 1859. 12? Bits of talk about home matters. Hunt, H. Bits of travel. Hunt, H. Bitter, C. H. Lifeof J. Sebastian Bach. Abridg- ed by J. E. K. Shuttleworth. Lond. 1873. 12? Bitter-sweet. A poem. Holland, J. G. Bitzius, Albert (Jeremias Gottkelf), (1797-1854). Wealth and welfare. Lond. 1866. 2 v. 12? Bivouac. Maxwell, W. H. Bivouac and battle. Adams, W. T. Bivouac and battle-field. Notes, G. F. Bjornson, Bjomstjeme(6.1832). Arne : a story of Norwegian country life. Lond. 1866. 12? Eagle's nest. {In Flying mail.) Father, The. {In Flying mail.) Fisher maiden. N. Y. 1869. 16? (3 cop.) OviND : a story of country life in Norway. Lond. 1869. 12? Kailroad and the church-yard. {In Flying mail.) Bjomstjema, Magnus Frederick Ferdinand (1779-1847). British empire In the east. Lond. 1840. 12? Black, J. K. Ten laws of health ; or, how dis- ease is produced and can be prevented . Phil . 1872. 12? (3 cop.) Black, Joseph (1728-1799). See Philosophers of the time of George iii. Black, William. Daughter of Heth. N.Y. 1871. 8? (7 cop.) In silk attire. N. Y. 1869. 8? (2 cop.) Kilmeny. N. Y. 1870. 12? Love or marriage ? N.Y. 1868. 8? {Scop.) Monarch of Mincing lane. N. Y. 1871. 8? (5 cop.) Strange adventures of a phaeton. N. Y. 1873. 8? (6 cop.) Black, William. Practical treatise on brewing, based on chemical and economical principles. {5ih ed.) Lond. 1854. 8? Black. Dumas, A. (D.) Black and gold. Patten-Saundeks, W. H. Black and white. Latham, H. Black diamonds. Pollard, E. A. Black dwarf. Scott, Sir W. Black forest village stories. Auerbach, B. Black-letter ballads and broadsides. Collec- tion of 79. Black man. Brown, W.W. His antecedents, his genius, and his achievements. Black mountain {N. C). Clingman, T. L. To- pography of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) Black phantom. Shrimpton, C. BLACK 87 BLAKE Black prince, The. Jones, M. Black robes. Nevin, R. P. Black sea — CuNYNGHAME, A. T. Travels in eastern Cau- casus, 1871. Marigny, T. de (Chev.). Three voyages in the Black sea to the coast of Circassia. Slade, a. Turkey and the Turks, and a cruise in the. Black sheep. Yates, E. (H.) Black tulip. Dumas, A. (D.) Black warrior case. See United States (foreign relations). Blackburn, Henry. Normandy picturesque ; with numerous illustrations. Lond. 1869. 12? Pyrenees, The : a description of summer life at French watering-places. With upwards of 100 illustrations, by Gustave Dore. Lond. 1867. 8° (2 cop.) Traveling in Spain in the present day. Lond. 1866. 12? Blackburn, "W. M. Geneva's shield. N. Y. 1868. 16? Blackie, John Stuart (b. 1809). Lays of the highlands and islands. Lond. 1872. 12? Contents : Aberdeenshire. Argyllshire. Arran. Caithness. Dumbartonshire. General. Inverness-shire. lona. Mull. Orkney. Perthshire. Ross-shire. Shetland. Skye. Sutherlandshire. Talk with the tourists. Tour phases of morals : Aristotle, Chris- tianity, Socrates, and utilitarianism. N. Y. 1872. 12? Blackie, William George. Imperial gazetteer: a general dictionary of geography, physical, political, statistical, and descriptive. With 700 illustrations. Glasgow, 1855. 3 v. 8? Blackley, W. Is water baptism an institution of Christ ? Lond. 1872. 12? Blackmore, Sir Richard (1650-1729). See Lives of English poets, v. 2. Blackmore, Richard D. Clara Vaughan. Phil. 1872. 2 V. in 1. 12? (5 cop.) Cradock Nowell. N. Y. 1866. 8? Maid of Sker. N. Y. 1872. 8? (6 cop.) Blackmore museum {Salisbury^ Eng.). Notice of. [In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) Blackshear, David [Gen.]. Miller, S. F. Memoir of. Phil. 1858. 8? Blacksmiths of Holsby. {In Good stories, v. 2.) Blackstone, Sir William (1723-1780). Com- mentaries on the laws of England. With notes, selected from the editions of Arch- bold, Christian, Coleridge, Chitty, Stewart, Kerr, and others ; IJaron Field's analysis ; and life of the author, by George Sharswood. V. 1, rights of persons and things ; v. 2, private and public wrongs. Phil. 1866. 2 V. 8? See also Lawyers, Lives of eminent British. Blackstone, The comic. Beckett, G. A. X'. Blackstone economized. Aird, D. M. Blackwater in Munster, The. O 'Flanagan, J. R. Black"well, Antoinette L. Brown (6. 1825). Island neighbors, The. N, Y, 1871. 8? (6 cop.) Studies in general science. N. Y. 1869. 12? Black'wood's Edinburgh magazine. V. 1 (April, 1817) to 84 (Dec. 1858). Edin. 84 v. 8? Same. {Am. ed.) V. 85 (Jan. 1859) to 112 (Dec. 1872). N. Y. 38 v. 8? Same. V. 36-44. [For circulation.] [iVoiitrin, Le. Notice sur Boileau. Poesies. Reflexions critiques sur le rheteur Longin. Satires. Traits du sublime. Bohn (continued) — Tacitus : Works. Oxford translation. 2 v. Terence and Phaedrus. Tr. by II. T. Riley. Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, rt^wiTyrtseus : Idyls, etc. Tr. by J. Banks, with metrical version by J. M. Chapman. Thueydides : Peloponnesian war. Tr. by H. Dale. 2v. Virgil. Tr. by Davidson ; revised by T. A. Buckley. Xenophon : Cyropaedia and the Hellenics. Tr. by J. S. Watson and II. Dale. Xenophon : Minor works. Tr. by J. S. Watson. Guide to the knowledge of potterj^, porcelain, and other objects of vertu ; compri.«ing ah illustrated catalogue of the Bernal collection of works of art, etc. To which are added an introductory essay on pottery and porcelain, and an engraved list of marks and mono- grams. Illustrated. Lond. 1857. 12° Polyglot of foreign proverbs ; comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danish, with English trans- lations. Lond. 1857. 12^ Bohne, Die. Zschokke, J. H. D. {In Ges. schrif- ten, v. 9.) Boileau, Nicolas (1636-1711). Reflexions cri- tiques sur quelques passages du rh^teur Lon- gin. {In (Euvres completes.) Boileau -Despreaux, Nicolas (1636-1711). (Euvres. (ParM.Amar.) Paris, 1853. 12? Contents: Art po6tique, L'. Correspondance de Boileau avec Racine. Dialogue, Uu, centre les mo- dernes. Dlscours. Dissertation sur Joconde. Epttres. — See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Boisraont, A. Brierre de. See Brierre de Bois- ment, A. J. E. Boisseree, Sulpice and M., and Bertram, J. G. Sammlung alt-, nieder- und ober-Deutscher- gemalde. Lithographirt von J. N. Strixner. Stuttgart und Munchen, 1821-36. Eleph. f; Boite d' argent. La. Dumas, A. {fits). {In (Eu- vres, v. 4, 5.) Boker, George Henry {b. 1823). Konigsmark ; the legend of the hounds ; and other poems. Phil. 1869. 12? Poems of the war, Bost. 1864. 12° (2 cop.) Bokhara — Vamber^, a. History of Bokhara, from the earliest period to the present time. WoLEF, J. Narrative of an expedition to Bokhara in 1843-5. Bolander, Henry N. Catalogue of the plants growing in the vicinity of San Francisco. S. F. 1870. Sm. f? BolByn, Anne {queen of England)^ (1507-1536). Dixon, W. H. History of two queens. See also Strickland, Miss A. Queens of En- gland ; English histories. Bolingbroke, Henry St. John {Lord), (1678- 1751). Works. With a life, prepared ex- pressly for this edition, containing additional information relative to his personal and pub- lic character. Phil. 1841. 4 v. 8° Contents : Answer to the Defense of the inquiry, v. 1. Answer to the London journal, v. 1. Athenians, Policy of the, v. 1. Authority in matters of religion, v. 3. Camilick, First vision of, v. 1. Dissertation upon parties, v. 2. England, Remarks on the history of, v. 1. Bolingbroke {continued) — Essays, Minutes of, v. 4. Essays addressed to Alexander Pope, v. 3. Europe, Plan for a general history of, v. 2, Exile, IJeliections upon, v. 1. Final answer to Remarks on the craftsman's vin- dication, v. 1. Good and barl ministers, v. 1. History, Letters on the study and use of, v. 2. Human knowledge, Nature, extent, and reality of, Idea of a patriot king, v. 2. Letter from Lord Stair to Mr. Craggs, v. \. Letter occasioned by one of Archbishop TUIotson' s sermons, v. 3. Letter on the spirit of patriotism, v. 2. Letter to Sir W. Windham, v. 1. Letters to M. De Pouilly, v. 2. Luxury, On,, v. 1. Occasional writer, v. 1. Parties, State of, at the accession of George i.,v. 2. Pope, Alexander, Letters to, v. 3. Power of the prince and the freedom of the peo- ple, v. 1. Reflections on the present state of the nation, v. 2. Remarks on a late pamphlet, v. 1. Retirement and study. True use of, v. 2. Bolivar y Ponte, Simon (1783-1830). Commet- TANT, O. Feuillet de la vie de Bolivar : scenes de la vie Am^ricaine. {In Nouveau monde, Le.) Sketch of. {In Times and places.) Bolivia — Prospectus of the Colonization and commer- cial company of Bolivia. [A. D. Piper, pres.] Incorporated in San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 25, 1870, {In Pamphlets, v. 27.) EuscHEMBKRGEK, W. S. W. Three years in the Pacific. BoUaert, William. Wars of succession of Port- ugal and Spain, 1826-40 ; maps and illus- trations; with & r^sumS o{ the political his- tory of Portugal and Spain to the present time. V. 1, Portugal; v. 2, Spain. Lond. 1870. 2v. 8? Bolland, Richard. Draught of the straits of Gib- raltar, and observations on the tides and cur- rents. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 4.) Bolles, James A. Holy matrimony. N. Y. 1870. 16? Bolley, Pompejus Alexander. TIandbuch der chemischen technologie. Herausgegeben in verbindung mit mehrerern gelehrten und technikern. Braunschweig, 1865. [Bound in 6 vols.] 8? Contents: Beleuchtungs we.sen, Das. P. Bolley und G. Wiede- mann, v. 1. Bierbrauerel, branntweinbrennerei, und liqueur- fabrikation. F. Jul. Otto, v. 4. Chemische technologie der spinnfasern. P. Bolley, V. 3. Chemische technologie des wassers. P. Bolley, v. 1. Darstellung derseifen,parfumerienundcosmetica. C. Deite. V. .S. Essig fabrikation, zucker und starke fabrikation, sowie die butter und kase bereitung. F. J. Otto, V. 5. Fabrikation chemischer produkte aus thieri.schen stoffen. Hugo Fleck, v. 3. Farbstoife in pflanzen, und thlerkorpern vorkom- mend. P. Bolley, v. 3. Gas beleuchtung. P. Bolley, v. 3. Glas fabrikation. W. Stein, v. 1. Kiinstlich erzeugte farbstoffe, v. 3. Metallurgie, Die. C. Stolzel,v. 6. Technologie der chemischen producte, welche durch grossbetrieb aus uhorgaiiischen materla- lien gewonnen werden. Philip Schwarzenberg, v. Weinbau und die wein bereltungs kunde. Fr. Mohr, V. 1. ZUndwaaren fabrikation. Die. W. Jettel, v. 1. Bolte, Amely. Madame de Stael. Tr. by Th. Johnson. N. Y. 1859. 12? On the edge of the storm. N. Y. 1869. 12? BOLTON 93 BOOK Bolton, Charles. Caughtinaline. (Farce.) La- cy' s Plays, V. 54. Bolton, Frank. {Comp.) Bolton's telegraph code: a telegraphic dictionary of the English lan- guage. Lond. 1871. Obi. f? Bolton, James. British song-birds. 80 plates. [No text.] {n.t.p.) 4? Bolton {Eng.) public free library and museum. Seventeenth and eighteenth reports, 1869-70, 1870-71. [Bound in Library reports, ' Shef- field, Birkenhead, etc.'] Bombaugh, C. C. Book of blunders. Phil. 1871. 12° Gleanings from the harvest-fields of literature. Bait. 1867. 121 Bombay. Some reasons for the unhealthfulness of. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 6.) See also India. Bon Fridolin et le m^chant Thierry, Le. Schmid, C. VON. {In Contes, v. 2, 3.) Bon Gaultier {pseud.). See Aytoun, W. E., and Martin, T. Bon petit diable, Un. Seguk, — {comtesse de). Bonaparte, Caroline Marie Annonciade (1782- 1839). Challice, Mrs. A. E. Illustrious women of France [1790-1873]. Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules Laurent (1803- 1857). See Wilson, A. Bonaparte, Joseph {kinff of Spain)^ (1768-1844). Abbott, J. S. C. History of. N. Y. 1869. 12? Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon iii. Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon i. Bonar, Horatius (6. 1808). Family sermons. N. Y. 1863. 12? Life of Eev. John Milne, of Perth. Light and truth ; or, bible thoughts and themes. N. Y. 1868. 12? Lyra consolationis ; or, hymns for the day of sorrow and weariness. N. Y. 1866. 12? Bond, Henry. Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of "Water- town, Mass., including Waltham and "Wes- ton ; to which is appended the early history of the town. With illustrations, maps, and notes. Bost. 1855. 8? Bond, J. Wesley. Minnesota and its resources ; to which are appended camp-fire sketches, or notes of a trip from St. Paul to Pembina and Selkirk settlements on the Eed river of the north. N. Y. 1854. 12? Bondu, A. American hotel for invalids. {In Pamphlets, v. 32.) Bone, J. H. A. Petroleum and petroleum wells : a complete guide-book and description of the oil regions of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio. {2d ed.) Phil. 1865. 16? Boner, Charles. Forest creatures. Lond. 1861. 12? Bones. See Anatomy. Boniface, Joseph Xavier [X. B. Samtine'\y {b. 1790). Chrisna : the queen of the Danube. N. Y. 1859. 8? Fauvette, Une. {In Semaine litteraire.) PiccioLA : the prisoner of Fenestrella. Phil. 1854. 12? Bonin islands— Abbott, J. Keport of an examination of. {In Parry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Bonin islands {continued) — Balch, G. B. Keport on the Bonin islands to Commander Kelly. {In Perry's Expedi- tion to Japan, v. 2.) Kuschenberger, W. S. W. Voyage round the world, 1835-7. Bonington, Kichard Parkes (1801-1828). Cun- ningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 4.) H. F. lib., V. 66. Bonneau, Jean Ives Alexandre (1739-1805). DuDEVANT, A. L. A. D. Essai sur. {In Au- tour de la table.) , Bonnecbose, Fran^oisePaul Emile Boisnormand de (6. 1801). History of France, to the rev- olution of 1848. Tr. by S. O. Beeton. Lond. 1868. 2 V. in 1. 8? QuATRE conquetes de I'Angleterre, Les : son histoire et ses institutions sous les Romains, les Anglo-Saxons, les Danois, et les Nor- mands [55 B.C. to a.d. 1086]. Paris, 1852. 2v. 8? Bonner, John. Child's history of Eome. N.Y. 1856. 2 V. 16? (2 cop.) Bonnet vert, Le. Mery, J. {In ffiuvres, v. 25.) Bonneville's adventures. Irving, W. {In Works, V. 10.) Bonnie Scotland. LiPPiNCOTr, Mrs. S. J. (C.) Bonomi, Joseph. Nineveh and its palaces : the discoveries of Botta and Layard applied to the elucidation of holy writ. Lond. 1857. 12? Bons enfants, Les. Segur, — {comtesge de). Bonstetten, Charles Victor de (1745-1832). Man of the north, and the man of the south ; or, the influence of climate. N. Y. 1864. 12? ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. Biographic von. {In Ges. schriften, v. 32.) Bontekoe, Guillaume Ysbrandsz. Dumas, A. (D.) Sa voyage en 1618. {In Drames de la mer.) Bon"wlck, James. Mormons and the silver mines. Lond. 1872. 8? (2 cop.) Book about boys. Hope, A. R. Book about doctors. Jeaffreson, J. C. Book about dominies. Hope, A, R. Book about lawyers. Jeaffreson, J. C. Book above all. Stockton, T. H. Book-buyer's manual. Putnam, G. P. Book for a corner. Hunt, (J. H.) L. Book-hunter, The. Burton, J. H. Book-keeping — Bryant, H. B., and Stratton, H. D. Counting-house. Duff, P. Book-keeping, by single and double entry. Henriques, a. D. Y. Modern mercantile cal- culator. Marsh, C. C. Theory and practice of bank. Book of ballads. Ed. by Bon Gaultier {pseud.). Aytou^n, W. E., and Martin, T. Book of beauty, The. Landon, L. E. {In Com- plete works, V. 2.) Book of birthdays ; or, anniversary poetry of human life. Lond. n.d. 12^ Book of blunders. Bombaugh, C. C. Book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and cere- monies of the church, according to the Prot- estant Episcopal church in the United States BOOK 94 BORDER Book of America ; together with the psalter, or psalms of David, etc., etc. {n.d.) 12° Book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments of the Protestant Episcopal church; with psalter, or psalms of David. N, Y. 1832. 12° Book of common prayer of the church of England. Wheatly, C. Kational illustration of. Book of consolation in sickness, sorrow, adversity, and old age. Morris, J. Book of costumes. 'Lor\A. n.t.p. 8° Book of dates ; or, treasury of universal reference. Comprising a summary of the principal events in all ages, from the earliest records to the present time. {New ed.) Lond. 1862. 8° Book of days. Chambers, K. {Ed.) Book of epitaphs. Northend, C. {Ed.) Book of fallacies. Bentham, J. Book of family crests. Washbourne, H. Book of gems. Hall, S. C. Book of golden deeds. Yonge, Miss C. M. Book of hall marks. Lutschaunig, A. Book of juvenile poetry ; selected from the best authors. Lond. 1864. 16? Book of memories. Hall, S. C. Book of Mormon : an account written by the hand of Mormon upon plates taken from the plates of Nephi. Tr. by Joseph Smith. Kirtland, Ohio, 1837. 16? Book of Mormon, translated by Joseph Smith ; reprinted from the third American ed., care- fully revised by the translator. N. Y. n.d. 12? Book of nature. Good, J. M. BookofOrm. Buchanan, K. Book of praise. Palmer, Sir K. {Ed.) Book of ready-made speeches. Hindley, C. Book of religions. Hayward, J. Book of roses. Parkman, F. Book of snobs. Thackeray, "W. M. Book of songs. Heine, H. Book of sun-dials. Gatty, Mrs. A. {Collector.) Book of symbols ; or, a series of essays, illustrative and explanatory of ancient moral precepts. Lond. 1845. 8? * Book of the sonnet. Hunt, (J. H.) L., and Lee, S. A. Book of vagaries ; comprising the new mirror for travelers. Paulding, J. K. Book-seller, The. Ed. by John Swett. V. 1 (nos. 3-5). S. P. 1860. 8? {In Pamphlets, V. 18. Book-sellers. Dingham, J. H. Directory of book-sellers, stationers, and news-dealers. Books — Alcott, a. B. {In Tablets.) Beloe, W. Anecdotes of literature and scarce. Carlyle, T. Choice of. Spence, J. Anecdotes of books and men. See also — Bibliography. Patents, Abridgments of Libraries. British, v. 5. Literature. Reading. Boom, Cornelius de. Solution politique et soci- ale, Une. Paris, 1864. 8? Contents : Confederation, pgceutralisation. Emigration, Boone, Daniel (1735-1820). Bogart, "W. H. Boone, and the hunters of Kentucky. N. Y. and Auburn, 1856. 12? Jones, J. B. Wild western scenes. (Histor- ical fiction.) Peck, J. M. Life of. {In Lib. of Am. biog., V. 28.) See also Self-made men. Boosey anrf Co. {Pub.) Shilling edition of ora- torios, masses, cantatas, etc. Lond. n.d. 14 V. 4? Contents . Beethoven, L. v. : Mass In C. Gounod, C. : Messe solen- nelle. Handel, G. F. : Acis and Qa- Handel, G. F. : Dettlngen 'Te Deum.' Handel, G. F. : Israel In Egypt. Handel, G. F. : Judas Mac- cabseus. Handel, G. F. : Messiah. Haydn, J. : Creation. Haydn, J. : Imperial mass. Mendelssohn, F. : Hymn of praise. Mendelssohn, F.: Walpurgis night. Mozart, W. A. : Kequiera mass. Mozart, W. A. : Twelfth mass. Bossini, G. : Stabat mater. Booth, Abraham. Eeign of grace, from its rise to its consummation. Edin. 1784. 12? Booth, Edwin {b. 1833). Winter, W. Edwin Booth in twelve dramatic characters. Por- traits, by Hennessj^ ; biographical sketch, by Winter. Bost. 1872. 4? Booth, James C. Encyclopaedia of chemistry, practical and theoretical ; embracing the ap- plication to the arts, metallurgy, mineralogy, geology, medicine, and pharmacy. {2ded.) Phil. 1854. 8? Report on the mineralogy of Pope's explora- tions of 32d parallel. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 2. and MoRFiT, C. Recent improvements in the chemical arts. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 2.) Booth, Junius Brutus {the elder), (1796-1852). Ugolino. (Trag.) Mod, stand, dr., v. 15. Passages, incidents, and anecdotes in the life of J. B. Booth; by his daughter. N. Y. 1866. 12? Gould, T. B. Essay on the histrionic genius of. Camb., Mass., 1868. 12? Booth, Mary L. Marble-worker's manual. Tr. from the French. Phil. 1865. 12? New and complete clock and watch-maker's manual. With numerous engravings. N. Y. 1860. 12? Boothby, Mrs. Letitia {b. 1750). Memoirs ; written by herself. Ed. by Clark Russell. Lond. 1872. 12? Bopp, Franz (1791-1867). Vergleichende gram- matik des Sanskrit, Send, Armenischen, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Litauischen, Altslavischen, Gothischen, und Deutschen. Berlin, 1857. 3 v. 8? Borax. Browne, J. R. Borax, etc., in states and territories west of the Rocky mountains. {In Mineral resources.) Bordeaux — Cocks, C. Bordeaux: its wines, and the claret country. Programme of Imperial academy of sciences, belles-lettres, and arts of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) Border and bastille. Lawrence, G, A. Border beagles. Simms, W. G. Border reminiscences. Marcy, R. B. BORDER 95 BOSSUET Border war. Jones, J. B. Border warfare of New York. Campbell, W. "W. Border wars of the American revolution. Stone, W. L. Bores. Edgeworth, M. Thoughts on. (In Tales, etc., v. 9.) Borges de Henriques, M. Trip to the Azores, or Western islands. Bost. 1867. 12° Borgia, Lucrezia (rf. 1523). Gilbert, W. Bi- ography of. Illustrated by rare and unpub- lished documents. Borgias, Les. Dumas, A. (D.) (In Les crimes c^lebres, 4th illustrated ed.) Same. (In 12° ed., v. 1.) See also Alexander vi. Borlase, William Copeland. Ntenia cornubise : a descriptive essay, illustrative of the sepul- chres and funereal customs of the early in- habitants of the county of Cornwall. Lond. 1872. 8° Borne, Ludwig (1786 -1837). Gesammelte schrif- ten. Hamburg, 1862. 12 v. in 6. 8° Contents . KriUken, v. 6. Reisen, v. 1, 2. Schilderungen aus Paris, v. 3. Vermischte aufsatze, v. 1, 2. Brlefe aus Paris, v. 8-12. Dramaturgische blatter, v. 4,5. Erzahlungen, v. 1, 2. Fragmente und aphorism- en, V. 7. — Heine, H. Notice of. (In his Siimm. werke, V. 12.) Borneo — Belcher, Sir E. Voyage of the Samarang, 1843-6. Forbes, F. E. Occupation of Borneo by her majesty's troops. (In Five years in China.) Greenwood, J. Adventures of Keuben Da- vidger, captive among the Dyaks of. (His- torical fiction.) Keppel, H. Expedition to. Krause,W. E. F. American interests in. (In Pamphlets, v. 18.) — Brief sketch of the extent, climate, and productions of the island of. (In Pamphlets, V. 27.) Low, H. Sarawak. Marrtat, F. S. Borneo and the Indian ar- chipelago. MuNDY, R. Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes. Van Noort, O. Account of Borneo, 1598. (In Drake's Coll. voy.) Yelverton, T. Borneo cinnabar mines. (In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Borri, Christofero. Account of Cochin-China, 1744. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Borrow, George (b. 1803). Bible in Spain ; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the scriptures on the peninsula. N. Y. 1859. 8° Lavengro. (6th ed.) N. Y. 1861. 12? EoMANY Rye. [Sequel to 'Lavengro.'] (2d. ed.) Lond. 1858. 2 v. 12? Same. N. Y. 1867. 8°. See also Brief biographies. Borth-wick, J. D. Three years in California. Edin. 1857. 8°. Bory de Saint- Vincent, Jean Baptiste George Marie (1780-1846). Histoire et description des iles de I'oc^an. (In L'univers, v. 25 — Chile.) Boscana, Geronimo. Chinigchinich : a histori- cal account of the origin, customs, and tradi- tions of the Indians at the missionary es- tablishment of St. Juan Capistrano, Alta California, called the Acagchemem nation. Collected with the greatest care, from the most intelligent and best instructed in the matter. Tr. from the original Spanish MS. (In Robinson's Life in California.) Bosnia. Ranke, L. Insurrection in. (In his History of Scrvia.) Bosphorus — Hand-book for travelers in. Porter, D. Account of a hail-storm on the. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Bossange, Gustave. Literary annual : catalogue of works of note published in France in 1870-71. Paris, 1872. 8° Bossange, Hector. Catalogue de livres Fran(jais, Anglais, Allemands, Espagnols, Grecs et Latins, Italiens, Portugais, orientaux, etc., etc., suivi de prix courants. Paris, 1845. 8°. Bossu, Le ; ou, le petit Parisien. F:^val, P. (In (Euvres, v. 51-3.) Bossuet, Jacques B^nigne (bp. of Meaux), (1627- 1704 ). (Euvres completes. Paris, 1836. 12 V. 8? Contents : Actes de la condamnation des qui^tistes, v. 8. Antiquite ficlaircie, L', v. 6. Apocalypse, avec une explication, L', v. 1. Avertissement aux Protestants, v. 1. Babylon : de excido Babylonis, v. 1. Bibliethfique ecclfeiastique, M6moire sur, v. 10. Bossuet, Vie de, v. 1. Catfichisme du diocfise de Meaux, v. 2. Conference avec M. Claude, v. 7. Connaissance de Dieu et de soi-m6me, v. 10. Declaration de trois 6v6ques, v. 8. Decretum de morali diseiplina, v. 2. Defense de I'histoire des variations, v. 6. Defense de la tradition et des saints p6res, v. 2. Defensio declarationis cleri Gallicani, v. 9. Discours sur i'histoire universelle, v. 10. Dissertatiunculse adversus probabilitatem, v. 10. Divers Scrits ou mSmoires, v. 8. Doctrina concilii tridentini, De, v. 2. Ktat present des controverses, v. 6. Explication de la prophetie d'Isaie, v. 1. Explication de quelques difficuUes, v. 7. Explication du psaume xxi., v. 1. Exposition de la doctrine de I'eglise Catholique, v. 5. Extraits des procSs-verbaux de I'assembiee gen6- rale du clerge de France, de 1700, v. 2. Fragments sur diverses matifires de controversie, V. 5. Gallia orthodoxa, v. 9. Histoire des conciles, remarques sur, v. 10. Histoire des variations des eglises Protestants, v. 5,6. Instruction pastoral, v. 6. Lettre pastoral aux nouveaux Catholiques, v. 7. Lettres de piete, v. 11. Lettres diverses, v. 12. Lettres sur I'affaire de quietlsme, v. 12. Liber psalmorum, v. 1. Liber JSalomonis, v. 1. Meditations pour le temps du jubiie, v. 2. Memoires, v. 2. Oraisons funCbres, v. 3-5. Ordonnance et instruction pastorale sur les etats d'oraison, v. 8. Panegyriques, v. 5. Pensees Chretiennes et morales, v. 4. Pi&ces concernant I'abbaye de Jouarre, v. 2. Pieces concernant une projet de reunion des Pro- testants, etc., V. 7. Politique tir6e de I'ecriture, v. 10. PriSres ecciesiastiques, v. 2. Quietism us redivivus, v. 8. Kefutation du catechlsme, v. 6. Rfiglement du seminalre des filles, v. 7. Remarques sur la reponse a la relation sur le quifi- tisme, v. 8. Reponse a quatre lettres de M. Tarchevfique de Cambrai, v. 8. Reponse ft un lettre de TarchevCque de Cambrai, V. 8. Reponse aux difflcult6s de madame la Maisonfort, V. 8. BOSSUET 96 BOSTON BOSSUet {continued) — Sermons, v. 3-5. , Sonimaire de la doctrine de M. Tarchevfique de Cambrai, v. 8. Tractatus tres de nova qusestione, v. 8. Tradition des nouveaux mystiques, v. 8. Traits de la communion, v. 7. Traite de I'usure, v. 10. Traite du libre arbitre, v. 10. DiscouES sur I'histoire universelle. Paris, 1852. 8° Lamartixe, a. de. Vie de. {In (Euvres com- pletes, V. 36.) See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Bost&n (fruit-garden). Sici, S. M. E. Boston (Mass.) — municipal: Bradlee, N. J. Introduction of pure water into Boston ; with a description of tlie Co- chituate water- works. Chandler, P. "W. Oration before the city authorities on the morals of freedom, July 4, 1844. {In Pamphlets, v. 15.) Directory for the year 1855. Bost. 1855. 8? Same. For the year 1868. Bost. 1864. 8^ Same. For the year 1870. Bost. 1870. 8° Same. For the year 1871. Bost. 1871. 8? Municipal register ; containing the city char- ter and rules and orders of the city council, and a list of the officers of the city, for the year 1857. Bost. 1857. 8? Report of the Cochituate water board, 1871. Eeports of the Prison discipline society (1826- 54). History : Boston illustrated. Drake, S. A. Old landmarks and historic personages of. Drake, S. G. History and antiquities of Bos- ton, from 1630 to 1670. Frothingham, R. History of the siege of Boston in 1775, and of the battles of Lexing- ton, Concord, and Bunker hill. HiLLARD, G. S. Old Latin school-house. {In Boston book.) Otis, Mrs. H. G. Barclays of Boston, The. (Historical fiction.) RoBBiNS, C. History of second church, or Old North. Education : Annual reports of the school committee of the city of Boston, 1857 and 1861. Bost. 1858. 2 V. 8= Semi-centennial anniversary of English high school, 1871. {In Pamphlets, v. 29.) Twenty-fourth annual report of the board of education ; together with the twenty- fourth annual report of the secretary of the board. Bost. 1861. 8° Twenty-fifth annual report of the board of education ; together with the twenty-fifth an- nual report of the secretary of the board. Bost. 1862. 8° liibrariea: General theological library. Reports of, 1864-72. [1865 wanting.] 8° Mechanic apprentices' library. The thirty- fourth anniversary, 22d of Febniary, 1854. The oration, by William F. Chester; and poem, by John Smith. {In Pamphlets, y. 15.) Boston (Mass.) {continued) — Mercantile library association. Catalogue, 1854. — Index to the catalogue of books. Bost. 1869. 8^ — Benjamin, P. . Infatuation : poem, de- livered before the M. L. A., Oct. 9, 1844. {In Pamphlets, v. 15.) — Winthrop, R. C. Algernon Sidney : a lecture, delivered before the M. L. A., Dec. 21, 1853. {In Pamphlets, v. 15.) Public library. Catalogue of books belonging to the lower hall of the central department, in the classes of history, biography, and trav- el, together with notes for readers under sub- ject references. Second, or consolidated edi- tion, July, 1873. Bost. 1873. 8^ — Catalogue of historical fiction, novels, plays, poems. First ed,, April, 1871. SI — Catalogue of the Tosti engravings : sup- plemental list. May, 1873. 8'; — Catalogues of biography and travel ; books of reference in ref. room and Bates hall ; French, German, and Italian ; periodicals ; Prince library. [Bound together. 8;] — Hand-book for readers ; with regulations. First ed., Aug. 1872. Bost. 1872. 18^ — Index to the catalogue of a portion of the books arranged in the lower hall. Bost. 1858. 8i -T- Index to the catalogue of books in the Bates hall. First supplement. Bost. 1866. 8° — Index to the catalogue of books in the upper hall. Bost. 1861. 8^ — Lower hall : class-list for English prose fiction, including juvenile fiction. Fourth ed., Oct. 1869. 8^ — Lower hall : class-list for English prose fiction, including translations and juvenile fiction. Fifth ed., Aug. 1871. 8^ — Lower hall : class-list for poetry, the drama, rhetoric, elocution, collections, peri- odicals, and miscellaneous works. First ed., July, 1870. 8° — Periodicals currently received ; and works of reference in the reading-room and at the desk in Bates hall. First ed., Sept. 1870. 8? — Reports of, 1852-71. [Bound together. 8? 1858, 1859, 1862, 1863 wanting.] — Winthrop, R. C. Addresses (two) be- fore the Public library of Boston. {In Ad- dresses, 1852-7.) See dlso City missions. Boston book. Specimens of metropolitan liter- ature. Bost. 1850. 12? Contents : Adams, N. : Cochituate lake. Bigelow, J. : The Jingko tree. Buckingham, J. T. : Recollections of Cooper. Choate, R. : Value of mechanical industry. Colman, J. F. : The Atlantic steamer. Croswell, W. : To my namesake. Dana, R. H. : The ocean. Dana, R. H., Jr. : First impressions of a sailor. Emerson, R. \V. : Concord monument. Emerson, R. W. : Nature. Everett, E. : Santa Croce. Everett, E. : The gentleman. Fields, J. T. : On a book of sea-mosses. Frothingham. N. L. : Recollections of Greenwooc^ Goodrich. S. G. : Prejudice. Greene, N. : Song. Haskell, D. N. : Clerks and employers. BOSTON 97 BOTANY Boston (Mass.) {continued) — Hiiwthorne, N. : Browne's wooden image. Hillard, G. S. : The old Latin scliooi-house. Hoimes, O. W. : Boston cliurcli-bells. . Holmes, O. W. : The morning visit. Huntington, F. D. : Goodness. Lee, Hannah I*. : Tlie last sujjper. Longfellow, H. W. : Foot-i)rints of angels. Longfellow, H. W. : Resignation. Lowell, J. 11. : The syrens. Lunt, George : Guy Linden's first book. Lunt, George: The wind. McLellan, Isaac : Home. Motley, J. L. : The Solitary of Shawmut. Norton, A. : A winter morning. Osgood, F. S. : Labor. Parker, T. : A picture of war. Parkman, F., Jr. : The chase. Parsons, T. W., Jr. : July. Parsons, T. W., Jr. : To a lady. Peabody, E. : The seen and the unseen. Phillips, A. H. : Love and fame. Pierpont, J. : Dedication of a lyceum hall. Prescott, \V. H. : Character of Walter Scott. Putnam, G. : The successful scholar. Quinc.v, J., Jr. : A welcome to DicKens. Kussell, G. R. : Room and work enough. Sargent, Epes : Forget me not. Sharp, D. : My youngest. Sharp, D. : Thomas Chalmers. Sleeper, J. S. : The lost colony. Sparks, J. : Early days of John Ledyard. Sprague, C. : Charles James. Sprague, C. : Mt. Auburn. Sprague, C. J. : My little daughter's shoes. Storv, W. W. : Love. Sumner, C. : Washington Allston. Tuekerman, H. T. : Mary. Waterston, R. C. : To Scotland. Webster, D. : The fatal secret. Whipple, E. P. : The literature of mirth. Whittier, J. G. : Kathleen. Whittier, J. G. : The Yankee Zincali. Willis, N. P. : Minute philosophies. Winslow, H. : Morning and night. Winthrop, R. C. : Washington and the union. Wright, E. : Be happy. Boston church-bells. Holmes, O. W. (/n Bos- ton book.) Boston dispensary. Green, S. A. Seventy- fifth annual report, 1871. {In Pamphlets, V. 31.) Boston illustrated, with supplement ; being a stranger's new guide through Boston and vicinity. Bost. 1872. 8^ (2 cop.) Boston mob. Phillips, W. {In Speeches, etc.) Boston prize poems ; and other specimens of dramatic poetry. Bost. 1824. 12^ Boston weekly magazine ; devoted to morality, literature, biography, history, and fine arts. V. 2 (Oct. 1803 to Oct. 180-1). Bost. 4? Bos'well, James. Life of Samuel Johnson ; in- cluding a journal of his tour to the Hebrides. Botany — Balfoub, J. H. First book of. Barton, B. S. Elements of. Beck, L. C. Botany of the United States, north of Virginia. Blume, C. L. Museum botanicum Lugduno- Batavum. Breketon, J. H. Florae Columbianae pro- dromus. Brown, A. Report on the botany of arctic regions. (Jn Parry, W. E. Journal of first voy., app.) Cakdolle, a. p. de. On the causes which limit vegetable species towards the north, in Europe and similar regions. (/« Smithson- ian rept. 1858.) — Prodromus systematis naturalis regni veg- etabilis. CoMPTES rendu?. Culpepper, N. British herbal, and feniily physician. Darlington, W. Am.weeds and useful plants. Botany {continued) — Delalande, L. J. L. Traits 616mentaire de physiologic v6g6tale. Draper, J. W. Treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants. Engelmann, G. See Gray, A., et al. {below). Fahs, C. F. Report on the botany of Lew Chew. {In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Figuier, (G.) L. Vegetable world, The. Flourens, M. J. P. Jussieus, The, and the natural method. {In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) GooDALE, G. L. Report on. {In 7th rept. agriculture and geology of Maine.) GoTHE, J. W. V. Metamorphose de pflanzen, Die. {In "Werke, v. 49.) — Naturwissenchaft im allgemeinen, Zur. {In Werke, v. 50.) — Pflanzen-lehre, Die. {In Samm. werke, V. 5.) Gray, A. Botanical text-book. — Botany of the U. S. exploring expedition under C. Wilkes, 1838-42. Pt. i., phane- rogamia. — Description of plants. (Jn Perry's Expe- dition to Japan, v. 2.) — Genera florae Americas boreali orientalis il- lustrata. The genera of the plants of the United States, etc., etc. — Introduction to structural and systematic. — Manual of. — Manual of the botany of the northern United States. — Plantse Wrightianae Texano-Neo-Mexi- canae. Parts i.,ii. (/« Smithsonian contrib., V. 8, 5.) — et al. Report on the botany of the Colo- rado river. {In Ives, J. C. Report.) Henfrey, a. Elementary course of. — Study of. (InYoumans, E. L. Culture.) Henslow, J. S. Principles of descriptive and physiological. Hooker, Sir "W. J. Flora boreali Americana. — Icones plantarum. — Report on the botany of the arctic r^ions. {In Parry, "W. E. Journal of second voy., app.) Same. {In Parry, W. E. Journal of third, voy., app.) — and Arnott, G. A. W. British flora.. Hooper, R. Lexicon medicum ; or, mescal' dictionary. Johnston, A. K. Physical atlas of natural phenomena. Jourpan, a. J. L. Dictionnaire destermes.. Kunth, C. S. Enumeratio plantarum omni- um. Leibnitz, G. W. Botanica. {In Opera om- nia, V. 2.) Leidy, J. Flora and fauna witbin living an- imals. {In Smithsonian contrib.., v.. 5.) Le Maout, E., a7id Decaisne, J. Traits general de botanique, etc. Lesquereux, L. Description of the plants of Illinois. {In Geol. survey of 111., v. 2.) — Report on the fossil plants of Illinois.. {fn>. Geol. survey of III., v. 2.) LiNDLEY, J. Vegetable kingdom.. — and MooRE, T. Treasury of.. BOTANY 98 BOUILLET Botany {continued) — Maximovich, — . Botany. (Russian.) Mueller, F. von. Fragmenta phytographise Australiae. — Plants indigenous to the colony of Victo- ria. (Lithograms.) — Vegetation of the Chatham islands. Phelps, A. H. L. Familiar lectures on. PxjRSH, F. Flora Americae septentrionalis._ Smith , E . Botany , structural and system atic . (In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 2.) Smith, J. Domestic. Smith, Sir J. E. English flora. The. Sowekby, J. E., et al. English botany ; or, colored figures of English plants. Theophrastus. Opera quaj supersunt, omnia Grseca. Kecensuit Latine interpretatus est, indices rerum et verborum absolutissimos adjecit F. Wimmer. Paris, 1866. 8^ Di- dot's Script. Grsec biblioth. Thornton, K. J. Elements of. ToRREY, J. Botany of the United States and Mexican boundary survey. {In Emory's Report.) — Flora of New York. — Observations on the Batis maritima of Linnaeus. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 6.) — On the Darlingtonia Californica : a new pitcher-plant from northern California. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 6.) See also Gray, A., et al. (above). Walpers, G. G. Repertorium botanicae sys- tematica;. Watson, S. Botany of the 40th parallel. (In King, C. U. S. geol. expl. of the 4(tth par- allel, v. 5.) See also — Agriculture. Life. Bulbs. Marine algffi. Ferns. Mosses. Flowers. Nature. Grasses. Plants. Horticulture. Trees. Also Colorado river ; United States; and the names of countries and places. Botany bay. Phillip, A. Voyage to. See also Australia ; New South Wales. Both, Carl. Small-pox : the predisposing condi- tions and their preventives, with a scientific exposition of vaccination. {2d ed.) Bost. 1872. 12^ Bothie of Tober-na-vuolich. Clough, A. H. (In Poems.) Bothmer, — (Countess). Poet-hero, A. Lond. 1870. 12^ Botta, Anna C. Lynch. Hand-book of univer- sal literature, The. (7th ed.) Bost. 1867. 12i Botta, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo (1766-1837). History of the war of the independence of the United States of America. Tr. from the Italian, by George Alexander Otis. New Haven, n.d. 2 v. 8° Botta, Paolo Emilio (b. 1800). Monument de Ninive, decouvert et decrit. Mesur4 et des- sin6 par M. E. Flandin. Ouvrage publi6par ordre du gouvernement sous les auspices de M. le ministre de l'int6rieur, et sous la direc- tion d'une commission de I'Institut. Paris, 1849. 5 V. Atlas f? Botta (continued )- Contents ; Architecture et sculpture, v. 1, 2. Inscriptions, v. 3, 4. Texte, V. 5. and Layard, A. H. Bonomi, J. Discover- ies of Botta and Layard in Nineveh, applied to the elucidation of holy writ. (In Nineveh and its palaces.) Botta, Vinzenzo. Dante as philosopher, patriot, and poet ; with an analysis of the Divina commedia. N. Y. 1865. 81 Discourse on the life, character, and policy of Count Cavour. N. Y. 1862. 8= Bottari, Giovanni. Novel. (JwRoscoe, T. Ital- ian novelists, v. 4.) Botticelli, Alessandro (or Sandro), (1440-1515).- Dumas, A. (D.) Biographic de. (In Ital- iens et Flama'nds, v. 2.) Bottrell, William. Traditions and hearthside sto- ries of west Cornwall. (2dser.) Penzance, 1873. 121 Botts, John Minor (1802-1869). Great rebellion : its secret history, rise, progress, and disas- trous failure. N. Y. 1866. 121 See also Presidential candidates. Bouc d'Israel, Le. Erckmann-Chatrian. Bouche de fer. Fkval, P. (In (Euvres, v. 4.) Boucherett, Jessie. How to provide for super- fluous women. (//* Woman's work and wom- an's culture.) Boucicault, Dion (b. 1822). Colleen Bawn. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 63. Grimaldi ; or,thelifeof an actress. (Drama.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 20. Jessie Brown. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 38. London assurance. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 34. Octoroon, The. (Play.) Lacy's Plays, v. 65. Phantom, The. (Drama.) Mod. stand, dr., V. 21. Prima donna. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 8. Queen of spades. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 24. See ali'o Cartoon portraits. Boudinot, Elias. See American eloquence, v. 1. Boudreaux, F. I. Happiness of heaven. (26? cd.) Bait. 1871. 121 Bougainville, Louis Antoine de (1729-1814), Discovery of Bougainville's island and straits in 1768. (In Fleurieu's Discoveries of the French.) History of a voyage to the Malouine (Falk- land) islands, 1763-4, to form a settlement there, and of two voyages to the straits of Ma- gellan ; with an account of the Patagonians. Lond. 1771. 41 Voyage round the world ; performed by order of his most Christian majesty, in the years 1766-9. Tr. from the French, by J. R. Foster. Lond. 1772. 41 Voyage to the Falkland islands, 1763-6. (In Burney's Voy., v. 5, pp. 143-166.) Bouill6, Francois Claude Amour (marquis de), (1739-1800). Memoires. Paris, 1859. 121 Bouillet, Marie Nicolas (b. 1798). Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographic, conte- nant: I'histoire proprement dite; la biogra- phic universelle ; la mythglogie ; la g6ogra- BOUILLET 99 BOWDOIN Bouillet (continued) — phie ancienno et moderne. (15e id.) Paris, 1859. 8; DiCTiONKAiRE universel des sciences, des let- tres, et des arts. (6e id.) Paris, 1862. 4° Bouillie de la comtesse Berthe, La. Dumas, A. (U.) Boule de neige, La. Dumas, A. (D.) Boulter, — (^'■.)> ** ^^* Free-thinker. Lond. 1739. 3 V. 16? Boulton, Matthew. Smiles, S. Lives of Boul- ton and Watt, principally from the original Soho Mss. ; comprising also a history of the invention and introduction of the steam-en- gine. Lond. 1865. 8° •BoTind down. Fitch, A. M. Bound to John Company. Br addon, M. E. [Same as 'Kobert Ainsleigh.'] Bound to the wheel. Saunders, J. Bounties. See Pensions. Bounty (ship) — Adams, J. (mutineer). Account of the mutiny of the ship Bounty, and the fate of the muti- neers. (In Beechey's Jfarrative, v. 1, p. 66.) Barrow, Sir J. Authentic account of the mutiny of the ship Bounty. (In his descrip- tion of Pitcairn's island.) H. F. lib., v. 31. Belcher, D. (Ladi/). Mutineers of the Boun- ty, and their descendants on Pitcairn and Norfolk islands. Bligh, W. Account of the mutiny of H. M. ship Bounty. (In Voyages to the south sea.) See also Pitcairn's island. Bouquet, Henry (1719-1765). See Smith, W. Bourbons. Chateaubriand,K. F. A. de. Bo- naparte et les Bourbons. (In Melanges, etc.) See also Cond^ ; France (history). Bourchier, Jane (Lady). Memoir of the life of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington ; with selec- tions from his public and private correspond- ence. With portraits and other illustrations. Bourdeille, Andre (discount de). See Brantome, P. de B. Bouret et Gaussin. Karr, (J. B.) A. (In (Eu- vre-?, V.4.) Bourgeois, Anicet, and Dugue, F. Pirates of the Savannah. (Kom. dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 51. a«fi?DuMAK0iR, P. Black doctor. The. (Dra- ma.) Lacy's Plays, v. 23. and Feval, P. Duke's daughter, The ; or, the hunchback of Paris. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 57. Bourgeois campagnard, Le. Soulie, M. F. (In CEuvres, v. 32.) Bourgmestre en bouteille, Le. Erckmann-Cha- TRIAN. Bourgoing, Jean Francois de (1748-1811). Trav- els in Spain, 1777. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 5.) Bourguignon, Henri. Cattle plague ; or, con- tagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment. Phil. 1869. 12° Bourne, Esther M. Snow-storm, The. S. F. 1857. 12° Bourne, G. M. Prevention and cure of cholera. (In Pamphlets, v. 24.) Bourne, H. K. Fox. English merchants. Lond. 1868. 2 V. 12? Bourne, John. Hand-book of the steam-engine : a key to the ' Catechism of the steam-engine.' N. Y. 1865. 12? Treatise on the screw-propeller ; with vari- ous suggestions of improvement. (2d erf.) Lond. 1855. Koy. 4? Treatise on the steam-engine, in its applica- tion to mines, mills, steam navigation, and railways. Illustrated by 34 plates and 349 wood engravings. Lond. 1853. Koy. 4? Same. (New ed.) Lond. 1868. 4? Bovu"rienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de. Mem- oirs of Napoldon Bonaparte. Bourse, La. Balzac, H. de, (ZiiCEuvres com- pletes, V. 1.) Boutell, Charles. Arms and armor in antiquity and the middle ages. N. Y. 1870. 12? Heraldry : historical and popular. (3rf ed.) Lond. 1864. 8? Bouton, J. B. Bound the block. N. Y. 1864. 12? Boutwell, George Sewall (b. 1818). Manual of the direct and excise tax system of the United States ; including the forms and regulations established by the commissioner of internal revenue, the decisions and rulings of the com- missioner, together with extracts from the correspondence of the office, (ith ed.) Bost. 1864. 8? Tax-payer's manual ; containing the entire in- ternal revenue laws, with the tables of taxa- tion, exemption, stamp duties, etc. Bost. 1866. 8? Bouvet, Lozier. Voyages in the south Atlantic, 1738-9. (In Burney's Voy., v. 5, pp. 31-4.) Bouvier, Hannah M. Familiar astronomy ; or, an introduction to the study of the heavens. Illustrated. Phil. n.d. 12? Bouvier, John (1787-1851). Law dictionary, adapted to the constitution and laws of the United States of America, and the several states of the American union ; with refer- ences to the civil and other systems of for- eign law. (Sd ed.) Phil. 1848. 2 v. 8? Bovee, C. N. Intuitions and summaries of thought. Bost. 1862. 2 v. 12? Bowden, E. Lecture on Tennyson and Brown- ing. (In Afternoon lectures, v. 5.) Bo"wden, John. Naturalist in Norway; or, notes on the wild animals, birds, fishes, and plants of that country. With some account of the principal salmon rivers. Lond. 1869. 12? Bowditch, Nathaniel (1773-1838). New Amer- ican practical navigator ; containing all the tables necessary to the determining the lati- tude and the longitude by lunar observations. (13.'A ed.) N. Y. 1842. 8? Same. Wash. 1868. 8? See also Self-made men. Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll (1805-1861). Suf- folk surnames. (2d ed.) Bost. 1858. 8? Bowditch, William Renwick. Analysis, techni- • cal valuation, puriiication, and use of coal gas. Illustrated. Lond. 1867. 8? Bowditch island. Wilkes, C. Geography and description of. (In his Narrative of U. S. exploring expedition, v. 5.) Bowdoin college (Brunswick, Me.). Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique alicujus gradus lau- BOWDOIN 100 BOYD Bo"wdoin {continued) — rea donati sunt, in collegio Bowdoinensi, Brunsvici, in republica Mainensi, 1867. {In Triennial cat. Am. coll., v. 1.) BO"Wen,Abel. Naval monument; containingoffi- cial and other accounts of all the battles fought between the navies of the United States and Great Britain, and an account of the war in Algiers. To which is annexed a naval regis- ter of the United States for 1815. Bost, 1830. 8? Bo'weii, E. E. Teaching by means of grammar. {In Essays on a liberal education.) Bo"wen, Eli. • Coal and coal oil; or, the geology of the earth. Phil. n.rf. 12° United States post-office guide. N. Y. 1851. 8? Bowen, Francis {b. 1811). American political economy ; including strictures on the manage- ment of the currency and the finances since 1861, with a chart showing the fluctuations of gold. N. Y. 1870. 8? Blaise Pascal and his writings. {In Charac- teristics of men of genius, v. 1.) Same. {In North Am. review, v. 60, p. 257.) Critical essays on a few subjects connected with the history and present condition of speculative philosophy. Bost. 1842. 12? Contents : Berkeley and his philoso- phy. Elements of njoral science. Fichte's exposition of Kant. Kant and his philosophy. Locke and the transcend- entalists. Paley : The argument for the being of a God. Paley: Theunion of theolo- gy and metaphysics. Philosophy of Cousin, The. Political ethics. Bo'wen, Henry L. Memoir of Tristam Burges ; with selections from his speeches and occa- sional writings. Bowen.Jabez (1740-1815). Hatden,S. Wash- ington and his masonic compeers. Bowen, James H. Keport on buildings, materi- als, and methods of building. {In Paris uni- versal exposition of 1867, v. 6.) BO'Wen, T. J. Grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba language. {In Smithsonian contrib., V. 10.) Bo'Wles, Samuel {b. 1826). Across the continent : a summer's journey to the Rocky mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific states. Spring- field, Mass., 1866. 12? (4 cop.) Our new west : records of travel between the Mississippi river and Pacific ocean. Hart- ford, 1870. 8? Pacific railroad open : how to go, and what to see. Guide for travel to and through west- ern America. Bost. 1869. 16? Switzerland of America : a summer vaca- tion in the parks and mountains of Colorado. Springfield, Mass., 1869. 12? (2 cop.) Bowles, William Lisle (1762-1850). See Aikin's Br. poets, v. 3. Bowraan, Anne. Kangaroo hunters. The ; or, adventures in the bush. Bost. 1860. 16? (2 cop.) New cookery book : a complete manual of English and foreign cookery, comprehend- ing carefully tried receipts for every branch of the art. Lond. 1869. 12? Travels of Rolando : tour round the world. {n.t.p.) 12? Bowman, James F. Poem, delivered before the Society ofCal. pioneers, attheir fifteenth anni- versary, Sept. 9, 1865. {In Pamphlets, v. 25.) Bowman, S. M., and Irwin, R. B. Sherman and his campaigns : a military biography. N. Y. 1865. 8? Bowra, Harriette. Una ; or, the early marriage. Lond. 1872. 12? Bowring, Sir John (1792-1872). Decimal system in numbers, coins, and accounts. Illustrated. Lond. 1854. 12? Kingdom and people of Siam; with a narrative of the m ission to that country in 1855. Lond . 1857. 2v. 8? Poetry of the Magyars ; with a sketch of the 1 an guage and literature of Hun gary and Tran- sylvania. Lond. 1830. 12? Sketch of the language and literature of Hol- land ; being a sequel to his ' Batavian anthol- ogy.' Amsterdam, 1829. 16? Visit to the Philippine islands, A. Lond. 1859. 8? (2 cop.) Wybor Poezyi Polskity : specimens of the Polish poets, with notes on the literature of Poland. Lond. 1827. 12? Box, M.J. {Capt.). Adventures and explorations in new and old Mexico. N. Y. 1861. 12? Box tunnel. The. Reade, C. Boy cavaliers. Yonge, Miss C. M. Boy farmers of Elm island. Kellogg, E. Boy from Bramley. Townsend, V. F. Boy hunters. Reid, M. Boy's own book about Indians. Tuttle, E. B. Boy's trip across the plains. Heaven, Mrs. S. M. Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson {b. 1825). Autumn holidays of a country parson. Bost. 1865. 12? Contents : Archbishop Whately on Ba- con. At the castle. Beaten. By the sea-side. Estimate of human beings, An. From Saturday to Monday. Further talk about Scotch affairs. Gossip. Needless fears. Old enemies. On the forest hill : thoughts touching dream-life. Eemembrance. Reminiscence of the old time, A. Right tack, The; with some thoughts on the wrong tack. Sudden sweetening of cer- tain grapes, The. Ugly ducks: thoughts on misplaced men. Unpruned trees. Counsel and comfort, spoken from a city pul- pit. Bost. 1864. 12? Contents ; Blessed comforter. The. Close of holiday time. The. Consequences. Continuance the test of re- ligious profession. Departed trouble and wel- come rest. Desire to be remembered. Limits of human experience. Man come to himself. Needfulness of love to Christ, The. — Graver thoughts of a country parson ser.) Bost. 1863. 12? No more pain. Nothing without Christ. Personality and agency of evil spirits. The. Prospect painful, yet salu- tary. The. Redeemer's errand to this world. The. Thankfulness. Victory over the world, The. Well-grounded hope, The. {1st Contents : Bearing about the dying of Christ. Christian self-denial. Comfort to Sodom. Gain in the Saviour's loss. Gift of .sleep, The. Great multitude a sad sight. Great voice from heaven. How God feels towards mankind. Inconsistent worship. The. Jabez: his life and his pray- er. Light at evening. The. Resurrection of the body, The. Ruling of the spirit, The. Spiritual insensibility. Sundavs long ago. Thorn in the flesh, The. Vagueness and endlessness of human aspirations. BOYD 101 BRADDON Boyd, [continued) — Graver thoughts of a country parson. {2d ser.) Bost. 1865, 12° Contents : All saints. Christian consolation under bereavement by death. Coming night, The. Discipline of .sorrow, The. Doctrine and practice. Expectancy of creation. First prayer in Solomon's temple. The. He must increase, but I must decrease. Holy Spirit, Grieving the. Intercessory prayer. Intolerance. Living to one's self. Needless fears. No temple in heaven. Patience. Praying everywhere. St. Paul's closing retrospect and prospect. Work. — Leisure hours in town. Bost. 1862. 12° Contents : College life at Glasgow. Gone. Great Scotch preacher, A. Organ question in Scotland, The, Oulita, the serf. Parson's leisure hours in town. The. People of whom more might have been made. People who carried weight in life. Scotch peculiarities. Sorrows of childhood. Things slowly learned. Thorndale ; or, the conflict of opinion. Veal : a discourse on immaturity. World's opinion, The. Kecreations of a country parson. Bost. 1861. 12° Contents : Moral influence of the dwell- ing. Railway musings. Tidiness. Two blisters of humanity. Worli and play. Worries of life. Art of putting things. Country housesand country life. Country parson's life. Dignity of dullness. Giving up and coming down. Growing old. Hurry and leisure. — Sea-side musings on Sundays and week-days. Lond. 1872. 12° Boyd, Belle (pseud.). See Hardinge, Mrs. J. Boyd, Mark. Keminiscences of fifty years. N. Y. 1871. 12° (2 cop.) Boyd, William Cathcart. Guide and pocket com- panion through Italy. (Hewed.) Lond. ?;. d. 16° Boyd-Kinnear, John. Social position of wom- en in the present age. (In "Woman's work and woman's culture.) Boy dell, John a»c? J. (Pub.) Kew collection of prints from pictures painted to illustrate the dramatic works of Shakespeare, by eminent artists of Great Britain. Lond. 1803. 2 v. Koy. f° Boydell, Josiah. See Boydell, J. and J. Boyer, Jean Baptiste. See Argens (marquis c?'). Boyhood of Martin Luther. Mayhew, H. Boyle, Esmeralda. Thistle-down. Phil. 1871. 12° Boyle, Frederick. To the cape for diamonds : a story of digging experiences in south Africa. "With comments and criticisms upon the pres- ent state and future prospects of the dia- mond fields. Lond. 1873. 8? Boyle, Junius J. Report of an examination of "Volcano bay. (In Perry's Expedition to Ja- pan, V. 2.) Boyle lectures. Plumptre, E. H. Christ and Christendom [1866]. Boynton, Charles B. History of the navy dur- ing the rebellion. N. Y. 1867. 2 v. 8? Boynton, Edward C. History of "West Point, and its military importance during the Amer- ican revolution ; and origin and progress of thelJ. S. military academy. N. Y. 1863. 8° Boys. Hope, A", U.; .Bc^ik about. Boys of Grand Pr6 scTiool. De Mille, J. Boys of thfi' bible. " War.i.iAMS; HVL; ", ,'• Boz (pseud.). ■ /^f** Rickens, d.' (J;- H;) • ■>' Brabazon, Luke Brabazon (Capt.). Soldiers and their science. Lond. 1860. 12° Brace, Charles Loring (b. 1826). Dangerous classes of New York, and twenty years among them. N. Y. 1872. 8° Home-life in Germany. N. Y. 1856. 12° Hungary in 1851 ; with an experience of the Austrian police. N. Y. 1852. 12° New west ; or, California in 1867-8. N. Y. 1869. 12° (2 cop.) NoRSE-FOLK ; or, a visit to the homes of Swe- den and Norway. N. Y. 1857. 12° Races of the old world : a manual of ethnol- ogy. N. Y. 1863. 8° Bracebridge hall. Irving, "W. [For contents, see Irving.] Brachvogel, A. E. Beaumarchais. Tr. by The- resa J. Radford. N. Y. 1868. 8° (2 cop.) Brack, F. de. Advance-posts of light cavalry : recollections. "With plates. Tr. from the French, by Major P. J. Begbie. Madras, 1850. 8° Brackenridge, Henry M. (1786-1871). Recol- lections of persons and places in the west. Phil. 1868, 12° Views of Louisiana ; together with a journal of a voyage up the Missouri river in 1811. Pittsburg, 1814. 8° Brackenridge, Hugh Henry (1748-1816). Mod- ern chivalry; or, the adventures of Capi- taine Farrago and Teague O'Regan. (2d ed.) Phil, 1853. 12? See also American eloquence, v. 1. Brackenridge, "William D. List of living plants and seeds in Chile. (In Gilliss, J. M. U. S. naval astron. exped., v. 2.) Brackett, Albert G. History of the United States cavalry from the formation of the fed- eral government (1789) to the 1st of June, 1863 ; with list of cavalry regiments, and names of commanders in the United States, since the breaking out of the rebellion. N. Y. 1865. 12? Brackett, Anna C. Popular education : how not to do it. Illustrated in the art of questioning. St. Louis, n.d. 8? (In Pamphlets, v. 29.) Bracton, Henricus de (d. ab. 1267). Glter- BOEK, C. Bracton, and his relation to the Roman law. Braddeley, G. C. End of the tether. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 74. Braddock, Edward (1715-1755). Sargent, W. History of Braddock's expedition against fort Du Quesne in 1755. [V. 1 of Penn. hist, soc. publications.] Braddon, Edward. Life in India : a series of sketches, showing something of the Anglo- Indian, the land he lives in, and the people among whom he lives. Lond. 1872. 12° Braddon, Mary Elizabeth (b. 1837). Aurora Floyd. Phil, n.d. 8° (2 cop.) Birds of prey. N. Y. 1867. 8? Bound to John Company ; or, the adventures and misadventures of Robert Ainsleigh. N. Y. 1869. 8° (3 cop.) [Same as ' Robert Ainsleigh.'] BRADDON 102 BRANT Braddon' {continued}!^ '. :■':'',,'■ Cijarlotte's inheritance : a sequel to ' Birds DAlilt^LL' 'Mai-k'natn? -ei-jtlie captain of the Vulture. N. Y. n.d. 8". Dead sea fruit, N. Y. 1868. 8° (3 cop.) DiAVOLA ; or, nobody's daughter. N. Y. n.d. 8° (3 cop.) Doctor's wife. N. Y. n.d. 81 (6 cop.) Factory girl, The ; or, all is not gold that glitters. N. Y. 1868. 8^ Fenton's quest. N. Y. 1871. 8° (icop.) Henry Dunbar; or, the outcast. N. Y. n.d. 8. John Marchmont's legacy. N. Y. 1864. 8? Lady Audley's secret. N.Y. w.rf. 8? (i cop.) Lady's mile. The. N. Y. n.d. 8? (2 cop.) LovELS of Arden. N. Y. 1872. 8= (5 cop.) Only a clod. N. Y. n.d. 81 Oscar Bertrand. N. Y. n.d. 81 (3 cop.) Egbert Ainsleigh. {Copyright ed.) Berlin, 1872. 3 V. in 2. 12° (5 cop.) EuPERT Godwin. N. Y. 1867. 81 (3 cop.) Strangers and pilgrims. N. Y. 1873. 8° (15 cop.) Three times dead; or, the secret of the heath. ISr. Y. n.d. 81 (2 cop.) To the bitter end. N. Y. 1873. 81 (6 cop.) White phantom, The ; or, the nameless child. N. Y. n.d. 81 (4 cop.) Braden, William. Beautiful gleaner. Lond. 1872. 12? Bradfleld, Thos. Deighton farm. Lond. 1872. 121 Bradford, Alden. History of the federal gov- ernment for fifty years, from March, 1789, to March, 1839. Bost. 1840. 8^ Bradford, William (1588-1657). Belknap, J. Life of. (In Am. biog., v. 3.) Bradford, William. Arctic regions, illustrated with photographs taken on an art expedition to Greenland. With descriptive narrative by the artist. Lond. 1873. Atlas {1 Bradlee, Nathaniel J. History of the introduc- tion of pure water into the city of Boston ; with a description of its Cochituate water- works. Bost. 1868. 8° Bradley, Mrs. A. Wrong confessed is half re- dressed. Bost. 1871. 16? Bradley, E. {Cuthbert Bede). Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. (n.t.p.) 12? Nearer and dearer. Illustrated. N. Y. 1864. 12? White wife ; with other stories. Lond. 1865. 12? Bradley, Frank H. Geology of Grundy, Will, Kankakee, Iroquois, Vermilion, Champaign, Edgar, and Ford counties. (In Geol. survey of Illinois, V. 4.) Bradley, Mary E. Douglass farm : a story of life in Virginia. ' N. Y. 1857. 16? Brady, W. N. Kedge-anchor ; or, young sail- or's assistant. N. Y. 1864. 8? Braganza (pseud.). See Bragg, H. A. Bragelonne. Dumas, A. (D.) Bragg, H. A. (Braganza). Tekel; or, Cora Glen- coe. Phil. 1870. 12? (5 cop.) Brahe, Tycho (1546-1601). Brewster, Sir D, Life of. (In his Martyrs of science.) Brahrainisin. Clarke, J. F. Ten great re- ligions. Brain. Winslow, F. Obscure diseases of the brain, and disorders of the mind. See also Mind. Brainard, David. Nature and cure of the bite of serpents and the bounds of poisoned ar- rows. (In Smithsonian rept. 1854.) Brainerd, David (1718-1747). Peabody, W. B. 0, Life of. (In Lib. of Am. biog., v. . ^•) Braith"waite, Henry Thomas. Esse and posse: a comparison of divine eternal laws and pow- ers as severally indicated in fact, faith, and record. Lond. 1872. 12? Braith.'waite, James. See Braithwaite, W. and J. Braithwaite, William and J, (Eds.) Ketro- spect. The, of practical medicine and surgery: a half-yearly journal. V. 52 (Jan. 1866) to 65 (Jan. 1872). (Am. ed.) 2v.ini. N.Y. 7v. 8? Wells, W. S. Epitome of Braithwaite's Ret- rospect. N. Y. 1860. 2 V. 8? Brake up. Adams, W. T. Brakespeare. Lawrence, G. A. Bramah, Joseph. Sec Self-made men. Braraan, D. E. E. Information about Texas, carefully prepared. Phil. 1857. 12? Bramieri, Luigi. Historical novel. ( Jn Roscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 4.) Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Lever, C. (J.) Brancacci chapel, and Massolina, Masaccio, and Filippino Lippi. Layard, A, H. (In Memoirs.) See Arundel society. Branch, Ziba. Day, Mrs. F. H. Sketch of. (In Early settlers of California.) Brand, John. Description of the Orkneys and Shetland. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 3.) Brand, Rev. John (1743-1806). Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain ; chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar and provincial customs, ceremonies, and su- perstitions. Arranged, revised, and greatly enlarged, by Sir Henry Ellis. New ed., with further additions. Lond. 1853. 3 v. 12? Brande, William Thomas. Manual of chemis- try, A. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 8? and Cauvin, J. Dictionary of science, litera- ture, and art. With illustrations. N. Y. 1843. 4? Same. N. Y. 1848. 4? and Cox, G. W. Dictionary of science, liter- ature, and art : definitions and derivations of the scientific terms in general use. (New ed.) Lond. 1867. 3 v. 8? awrf Taylor, A. S. Chemistry. (2d Am. rev. ed.) Phil. 1867, 8? Brandon. Tiffany, O. Brannan, John. (Ed.) Official letters of the military and naval officers of the United States, during the war with Great Britain in the years 1812-15. Wash. 1823. 12? Brannt"weinpest, Die. Zschokke, J. H. D. (In Ges. schriften, v. 16.) Brant, Joseph (or Thayandanegea), (1742-1807). Stone, W. L. Life of; including the bor- der wars of the American revolution, and sketches of the Indian campaigns of Gens. Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne. N, Y. 1838. 2v. 8? BRANTOME 103 BREEN Brantome, Pierre de Bourdeille (1540-1614). (Euvres completes : remarques historiques et critiques [avec les oeuvres d'Andr6 de Bour- deille]. \Nouv.M.) Paris, 1822-3. 8 v. 8^ Contents : Belles retraites frarmCt^s de diverses nations, v. 6. Bourdeille. A. de: Lettres, maximes, et advls du maniement de la guerre, v. 8. GentiUesses et rodomontades Espaignolles, v. 6. Mfimoires touschant les duels, v. 6. Opuscules, V. 5. Sermens et juremens Espalgnols, v. 6. Vies des dames galantes, v. 7. Vies des daaies illustres Franealses et 6trang6res, V. 5. Vies des hommes Illustres et grands capitaines gtraugers, v. 1. Vies des hommes illustres et grands capitaines Francois, v. 2-4. Vies des dames galantes. Paris, 1869. 12? Bras-de-cuir et le houlan. Peval, P. {In (Euvres, v. 7.) Brass. See Metallurgy. Brassey, Thomas. Work and wages; practical- ly illustrated. N. Y. 1872. 8? Brathwayte, Kichard. See Lives of English poets, V. 2. Bravm, Carl. Bilder aus der Deutschen klein- staaterei. Leipzig, 1869, 2v.ini. 8° Same. [Neuefolge.) Berlin, 1870. 2 v. iu 1. 8° Braune, Carl. Commentary on Colossians. {In Lange's Com., new test., v. 7.) Commentary on Ephesians. {In Lange's Com., new test., v. 7.) CoMMEXTARY on John. [In Lange's Com., new test., v. 7.) Commentary on Philippians. {In Lange's Com., new test., v. 9.) Braut von Messina, Die. Schiller, J. C. F. v. {In Samm. werke, v. 5.) Same. {In Samm. werke, in zwei banden, v. 1.) Bra vais, Auguste (1811-1863). Elie de Beau- mont, J. B. A. L. L. Memoir of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1869. ) Brave lady, A. Craik, D. (M.) M. Brave old salt. Adams, "W. T. Bravo. Cooper, J. F. Bra'wnville papers. Tyler, M. C. Braxton-Oarter. Sanderson, J. Life of. See Signers to decl. of indep. Bray, Mrs. Anna Eliza {Kempe Stothard). De Foix ; or, sketches of the manners and cus- toms of the xiv. century. Lond. 1845. 16? (Hist, fiction.) Protestant, The. {Rev. ed.) Lond. 1845. 16? Bray, Charles. Philosophy of necessity, The; or, the law of consequences as applicable to men- tal, moral, and social science. Lond. 1841. 2v. 8? Bray, Mrs. E. A. Fitz of Fitz-Ford : a legend of Devon, {New ed.) Lond. 1845. 16? Trelawny of Trelawne ; or, the prophecy. A legend of Cornwall. {New ed.) Lond. 1845. 16? Bray, William (1736-1830). (Ed.) Memoirs illustrative of the life and times of John Evelyn, esq. Bray, William. Tour into Derbyshire and York- shire, 1777. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Braybrooke, — {Lord). See Pepys, S. Brazen gates. Smith, J. P. Brazil — Adalbert, H. W. {prince of Prussia). Trav- els in Brazil and the south of Europe. Agassiz, L. (J. K.) and Mrs. E. C. Journey in. Burton, K. F. Explorations of the highlands of. Chamisso, a. von. Brasilien. {In Werke, v. 3.) Comettant, O. Civilisations inconnues, Les. Drake, E. C. Discovery and settlement of Brazil by the Portuguese. {In his Coll. voy.) DuNDONALD, T. C. Narrative of services in the liberation of Brazil, Chile, and Peru. EwBANK, T. Life in. Fletcher, J. C, and Kidder, D. P. Bra- zil and the Brazilians. Hartt, C. F. Geology and physical geog- raphy of. Kidder, D. P. See Fletcher {above). Krusenstern, M. de. Visit to Brazil in 1803-5. (7n Voyage autourdumonde, v. 1.) Magelhanes de Gandavo, p. de. Histoire de la province de Santa Cruz. {In Ter- naux-Compans's Voy., v. 2.) Magellan, F. Voyage to Brazil [1520]. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) NiEUHOFF, J. Travels to Brazil [1640-47]. {In Churchill's Coll, voy., v. 2.) Payne, A. K. M. Geral-Milco, The, Keid, M. Forest exiles. The, (Historical fic- tion.) EuscHENBERGER, W. S. W. Three years in the Pacific. Schmidel (or Schmidt), U. de S. Histoire veritable d'un voyage curieux dans I'Am^- rique parle Br^sil, etc. [1534-54]. ( J« Ter- naux-Compans's Voy., v, 5.) Scully, W. Brazil : its provinces and chief cities, Staden, Hans. Veritable histoire et descrip- tion d'un pays habits par des hommes sau- vages nus, feroces, et anthropophages, situ^ dans I'Am^rique. {In Ternaux-Compans's Voy.,v. 3.) Stewart, C. S. Brazil and La Plata. Walter, E. Account of Brazil by Geo. An- son [1740]. {In Voyages.) Wilkes, C. Historical and political account of. {In Narrative of U. S. exploring expedi- tion, V. 1.) See also Amazon; Bahia. Breach of promise. Smythies, Mrs. G. Bread. See Cookery. Bread-and-cheese and kisses. Farjeon, B. L. Breakfast in bed. Sala, G. A. Breaking a butterfly. Lawrence, G. A. Breast. Birkett, J. Diseases of the. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Breathings of the better life. Edited by Lucy Larcom. Breckenridge, John Cabell {b. 1821). See Presi- dential candidates. Bred in the bone. Sauzade, J. S. Breeding. Goodale, S. L. Principles of breed- ing. Breen, H. Practical astronomy. {In Orr's Cir- cle of the sciences, v. 5.) SxvSlfjS 104 BREWSTER Brees, S. 0. Railway practice: a collection of working plans and practical details of con- struction in the public works of the most celebrated engineers. Lend. 1856. 4°, with atlas. Breezie Langton. Smart, H. Br6hat, Alfred Gu^zenec, dit de. Chauffeurs Indi- ens, Les. Paris, n.d. 12° Jean Belin; or, adventures of a little French boy. Bost. n.d. 12° Breitman, Hans (josswrf.). /SeeLeland, C. G. Bremer, Fredrika (1802-1866). Brothers and sisters. Lond. 1848. 3 v. 12? Butterfly's gospel, The; and other stories. Tr. from the Swedish, by Margaret Howitt. Phil. 1868. 12° (2 cop.) Contents : Butterfly's gospel. Little girl worth her weight In gold. Kose of Jericho. Diary. Tr. by Mary Howitt. Lond. 1853. 16° Contents : Axel and Anna. Diarv, A. H— family, The. Diary; together with Strife and peace. Lond. 1844. 2 V. 12° Father and daughter, {n.t.p.) 12? Four sisters. The. Phil. m.rf. 12? H — family, etc. Tr. by Mary Howitt. Lond. 1844. 2v. 12? Contents . Letter about suppers, v. 2. Solitary, The, v. 2. Tralinnan, v. 2. Twins, V. 2. Axel and Anna, v. 2. Comforter, The, v. 2. H— family, v. 1. Hopes, V. 2. — Hertha. {n.t.p.) 12? Home, The. Lond. 1843. 2 v. 12? (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. n.d. 8? HoMESof the new world: impressions of Amer- ica. Tr. by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1864. 2 V. 12? (2 cop.) Life, letters, and posthumous works of. Ed. by her sister Charlotte. Tr. from the Swed- ish, by Fredk. Milow. N. Y. 1868. 12? Contents . Autobiography. Biography. Letters. Poems : Autumn sighs. Chilly blows the wind. Consolation in nature. Cradle and the grave. Cradle of love. Cripple's mission. Gospel tidings. Grave. Had I strong faith. Hymn. I trust in thee. Last song of the lonely one. Lord's supper. Morning wrinkles. My morning song. On reading Bishop Esaias Tegnfir's poem, 'Kesig- nation.' Peace. Poetry of spring. Kesignation. Sage and cataract. Song of the weary one. Poems {continued) : Star. Summer evenings. To my sisters. Volcano. Sketches : At forty years of age. Child's prayer. Christmas-eve and Christ- mas matins. Eagless. Evening with sisters at Werna. Grateful little flower. Light-house. May thoughts. Morning. My dream. My window, 1825. My window, 1835. Romance the Epos of our day. Sisters. Ugly hand and the beauti- ful hand. Violet found in Stockholm in 1827. Vision. Sound in time of peace. — Life in the old world ; or, two years in Swit- zerland and Italy. Phil. n.d. 2v. 12? Midnight sun. The. N. Y. n.d. 8? (4 cop.) Tr. by Mary Howitt. (2 cop.) Tr. by Mary Howitt. Bremer {continued) — Neighbors, The. Tr. from the Swedish, by Mary Howitt. N. Y. 1867. 8? Parsonage of Mora, The. Tr. by W. How- itt. N. Y. 1845. 8? President's daughter, The. Tr. from the Swedish. Lond. n.d. 16? Brenchley, Julius L. Jottings during the cruise of H. M. S. Cura9oa among the south sea islands in 1865. Illustrated. Lond. 1873. 8? Brereton, John A. Florae Columbians prodro- mus, exhibens enumerationem plantarum, quae hactenus exploratse sunt ; or, a prodro- mus of the flora Columbiana, exhibiting a list of all the plants which have as yet been collected. Wash. 1830. 18? Breskens {ship). Voyage of the ship Breskens to the north of Japan, 1643. {In Burney's Voy., V. 3, pp. 167-9.) Bressant. Hawthorne, J. Brett, W. H. Indian tribes of Guiana: their con- dition and habits, with researches into their past history, superstitions, legends, antiqui- ties, and languages. Lond. 1868. 8? Brevia: short essays and aphorisms. Helps, A. Brevio, Giovanni. Novels. (In Roscoe,T. Ital- ian novelists, v. 2.) Brevoort, James Carson. Notes on figures of Japanese fish. {In Perry's Expedition to Ja- pan, V. 2.) Brewer, Anthony {ab. 1620). Lingua; or, the combat of the tongue and the five senses. {In Dodsley's Old plays, v. 5.) Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham . Dictionary of phrase and fable, giving the derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions, and words that have a tale to tell. Lond. n.rf. 8? Guide to English history and biography, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the year 1868. Lond. n.d. 12? Political, social, and literary history of France, brought down to the middle of the year 1871. Lond. n.d. 12? Smaller history of France, social, political, and literary, brought down to 1872. Lond. n.d. 16? Brewer, Henry, and Herckeman, E. Voy- age to the coast of Chile, 1642-3. {In Church- ill's Coll. voy., V. 1.) Brewer, Thomas Mayo. North American oolo- gy. Pt. i., raptores and eissirostres. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 11.) Brew^ing — Black, W. Practical treatise on. Otto, F. J. Bier brauerie, etc. {In BoUey's Handbuch der chemischen technologic, v. 4.) Prescott, H. p. Strong drink and tobacco smoke. See also Liquors. Brewster, Anne H. M. Compensation ; or, al- wavs a future. {2d ed.) Phil. 1870. 12? St. Martin's summer. Bost. 1866. 12? Brewster, Brigham, Charles Brooks. Diabetes mellitus: an essay, to which was awarded the first prize of the Boylston medical society for 1868. Bost. 1868. 12° QuELQUES observations chirurgicales. Paris, 1872. 8° Brigham, William T. Historical notes on the earthquakes of New England, 1638-69. Bost. 1871. Roy. 4° Notes on the eruption of the Hawaiian vol- canoes. [Bound in Mann, H. Four new genera, etc.] Bright, John {b. 1811). Speeches on the Amer- ican question ; with introduction, by F. Moore. Bost. 1865. 12? (3 cop.) See also Orator, The ; Political portraits. Bright, Matilda A. {Lyndon). Margaret : a story of life in a prairie home. N. Y. 1868. 12° (3 cop.) OxLEY. N. Y. 1873. 12? (17 cop.) Brightly 'S orphan . Winthrop, T. (in Ms Life in the open air.) Brightwell, Miss C. L. Annals of industry and genius. [For contents, see Annals.] KoMANTic incidents in the lives of naturalists and celebrated travelers. Lond. 1861. 12? Contents : Adanson, Michel. Animals, The passions of. Audubon, Scenes in life of. Bears and their hunters. Belzoni's (Mrs.) chamele- ons. 'Comment vont nos chers Thus?' An incident in the life of Dufresnoy. Dangerous pass. The ; and the Alpine flower. Dombey, Joseph. Elephants and chameleons. Humboldt, Alexander von. Incidents in the lives of La- trielle and D'Isgouvil. Insects, Luminous. Lamasery of Kounboum , and its feast of flowers. Le Vaillant. Llnnseus naming the flow- ers. Lyon net, Pierre. Nicobar islands. Advent- ures of a missionary nat- uralist in. Page, A, from the Abb6 Do- menech's diary. Perron, the zoologist. Pine forests. Pliny, The last hours of. Sibthorp, John. Sonnini. Sun, The midnight. Swamnierdam, John, A sketch of the life of. Traveler and the quick- sand. The. Trees, Aged. Trees, Mammoth. Brightwell, T. Sketch of a fauna infusoria for east Norfolk, Norwich, 1848. 12? Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme (1755-1826). Hand- book of dining ; or, corpulency and lean- ness scientifically considered. Tr. by L. F. Simpson. N. Y. 1865. 12? Physiologie du gout ; ou, meditations de gastronomic transcendante. Paris, 1858. 12? Brimley, George. Essays. With an introduc- tion, by E. H. Stoddard. N. Y. 1861. 12? Contents : Angel in the house. 'Bleak house. ' Carlyle's Life of Sterling. Comte's Positive philoso- 'Esmc Ssmond.' 'My noveL' Poetry and criticism. Tennyson's poems. ' Westward ho ! ' Wilson's Noctes ambrosi- anaj. Wordsworth's poems. Brinckle, J. G. Poems. Phil. 1872. 12? Brindley, James. See Self-made men. Brinkerhoff, Eoelifi". Volunteer quartermaster ; containing a collection and codification of the laws, regulations, rules, and practice gov- erning the quartermaster's department of the United States a^my, and in force May 9, 1865. N. Y. 1865. 12? Brinley, Francis. Life of Wm. T. Porter. Brinton, Daniel G. Artificial shell deposits of the U. S. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Myths of the new world. N. Y. 1868. 12? Notes on the Floridian peninsula : its literary history, Indian tribes, and antiquities. Phil. 1859. 12? Brinvilliers, Marie Madeleine d'Aubray (mar- guise de), {d. 167(i). Dumas, A. (D.) (In Crimes celebres, Les, v. 4.) Brisseu-Mirbel, Charles Francois. Histoire naturelle, gen^rale et particuliere des plan- tes ; contin. par W. Jolyclerc. Paris, 1802- 6. 18 V. 8? (/rtButfon's Hist. nat.,v. 71-88.) Brisson, — . Manual of physics. V. 2. Mos- cow, 1801. 8? (Russian.) Bristed, Charles Astor (b. 1820). Five years in an English university. Third ed., rev. by au- thor. N. Y. 1873. 12? (2 cop.) Upper ten thousand : sketches of American society. N. Y. 1852. 12? Bristow, Henry William. Glossary of mineral- . ogy. Lond. 1861. 12? Britain, or Britannia. See Great Britain. British America. ;SeP America (British). British army uniforms, (n.t.p.) Atlas f? British art. See Art. British association for the advancement of science. Eeports, 1831-71. Lond. 1834-72. 40 v. 8? Index to same for 1831-60. Lond. 1864. 8? British colonial library. Martin, E. M. British Columbia — Anderson, A. C. Dominion at the west : a brief description of the province of British Columbia. Bowles, S. Our new west. Brown, E. C. L. British Columbia : an essay. CoRNWALLis, K. New El Dorado, The ; or, British Columbia. De Groot, H. British Columbia : its condi- tions, prospects, etc. {In Pamphlets, v. 23.) Directory of Victoria, and British Columbia guide. Hazlitt, W. C. British Columbia and Van- couver island. Johnson, E. B. Very far west indeed. Laws of British Columbia ; consisting of the acts, ordinances, and proclamations of the formerly separate colonies of Vancouver isl- and and British Columbia, and of the united colony of British Columbia. Published by authority. Victoria, 1871. 4? Lord, J. K. Naturalist in Vancouver island and British Columbia. M'Clellan, E. G. Golden state. NicoLAY, C. G. Oregon territory. (In Back- woods, The.) Papers relative to the aflfairs of. Lond, 1859. 4? Contents : Copies of the act of parliament to provide for the government of British Columbia ; governor's commission and Instructions ; order in council to BRITISH COLUMBIA 107 BRITISH MUSEUM British Oolumbia {continued) — provide for the administration of justice ; and instrument revoking so niuoli of the crown grant of ;iOtli May, 18:t8, to tlie Hudson's bay compimy for exclusive trading with the Indians as relates to the territories comprised within the colony of British Columbia. 1^. i. Copies of dLspatches from the governor of British Columbia to the secretary of state for the colo- nies, and from the secretary of state to the gover- nor relative to the government of the colony. Pt. ii. Copies of the dispatches from the secretary of state for the colonies to the governor of British Columbia, and from the governor to thesecretary of state relative to the government of the colony. Pt. i. Kawlings, T. Confederation of the British North American province.«. Statutes of British Columbia, 1872. Victo- ria, 1872. 8? See also Hudson's bay. British compendium. Nichols, F. British corn-laws. Platt, J. C. History of. (/« Library of commerce, v. 1.) British drama, The : a collection of the most es- teemed tragedies, comedies, operas, and far- ces. Loud. 1824. 2 v. 8f Contents : Alexander the great, or the rival queens : tragedy. N. Lee, v. 2. AH for love: traged.v. J. Dryden, v. 2. All the world's a stage : farce. I. Jackman, v. 2. Alzira : tragedy. A. Hill, v. 2. Apprentice, The : farce. A. Murphy, v. 1. Arden of Feversham : tragedy. G. Lillo, v. 1. Barbarossa: tragedy. J. Brown, v. L Beaux' stratagem. The : comedy. G. Farquhar, v. 1. Beggar's opera, The : opera. J. Ga.v, v. 1. Belle's stratagem. The : comedy. H. Cowley, v. 1. Bold stroke for a wife, A : comedy. Mrs. S. Cent- livre, V. L Bon ton, or high life above stairs : farce. D. Gar- rick, V. 1. Brothers, The : comedy. R. Cumberland, v. 2. Careless husband. The : comed.v. C. Cibber, v. 2. Cato: tragedy. J. Addison, v. L Chances, The: comedy. Beaumont and Fletcher, V. 2. City wives' confederacy : comedy. J. Vanbrugh, V. 2. Clandestine marriage, The : comedy. Garrick and Colman, v. 1. Comus: raa.sque. J. Milton, v. 2. Country girl. The: comedy. I). Garrick, v. 1. Critic, The : drama. It. B. Sheridan, v. 1. Deuce is in him, The : farce. G. Colman, v. 1. Devil to pay. The : farce. C. Coffey, v. 1. Doctor and the apothecary. The : opera. J. Cobb, V. 1. Douglass : tragedy. J. Home, v. 1. Drummer, The : comedy. J. Addison, v. 2. Duenna, The: opera. K. B. Sheridan, v. 2. Earl of Essex, The : tragedy. H. Jones, v. 2. Every man in his humor : comedy. B. Jonson, v. Fair penitent. The : tragedy. N. Rowe, v. 1. Fatal curiosity: tragedy. G. Lillo, v. 1. First floor. The: farce. J. Cobb, v. 2. Fortune's frolic: farce. J. T. AUingham, v. 1. Gamester, The : tragedy. E. Moore, v. 1. George Barnwell : tragedy. G. Lillo, v. 1. Grecian daughter, The: trageds*. A. Murphy, v. 1. Guardian, The: comedy. D. Garrick, v. 1. Gustavus V^asa : trsigedy. II. Brooke, v. 1. He would be a soldier : comedy. F. Pilon, v. 2. Hero and Leander: burletta. I. Jackman, v. 1. High life below stairs: farce. D. Garrick, v. 2. Hypocrite, The: comedy. I. Bickerstaff, v. 1. Inconstant, The: comedy. G. Farquhar, v. L Inkle and Varico : opera. G. Colman, v. 2. Intriguing chambermaid. The: farce. H.Fielding, V. 2. Irish widow. The : farce. D. Garrick, v. 1. Isabella: tragedy. T. Southern, v. 1. Jane Shore : tragedy. N. Rowe, v. 1. Jealous wife, The : comedy. G. Colman, v. 1. Lame lover, The : farce. S. Foote, v. 2. Liar, The : farce. S. Foote, v. 1. Lionel and Clarissa: opera. I. Bickerstaff, v. 2. Love ft la mode : afterpiece. C. Macklin, v. 2. Love for love : comedy. W. Congreve, v. 2. Love in a village : opera. T. Bickerstaff, v. 2. Lying valet. The : farce. D. Garrick, v. 1. Mahomet: tragedy. J. Miller, v. 2. Man of the world, The : comedy. C. Macklin, v. 1. Mayor of Garratt, The : farce. S. Foote, v. 1. Midas: burletta. K. O'Hara, v. 1. British drama {continued ) — Miss in her teens: farce. D. Garrick, v. 2. Mock doctor. The : farce. H. Fielding, v. 1. Mourning bride : tragedy. W. Congreve, v. 1. Oroonoko: tragedy. T. Southern, v. 1. Orphan, The : tragedy. T. Otway, v. 1. Orphan of China, The : tragedy. A. Murphy, v. 2. Padlock. The : opera. I. Bickerstaff, v. 1. Perc.v : tragedy. Mrs. H. More. v. 1. Pizarro : tragedy. A. F. F. Kotzebue, v. 2. Provoked husband. The: comedy. J. Vanbrugh and C. Cibber, v. 2. Provoked wife, The : comedj'. J. Vanbrugh, v. 2. Recruiting ofHcer : comedy. G. Farquhar, v. 2. Recruiting sergeant: opera. I. Bickerstaff, v. 1. Revenge. The : tragedy. E. Younp, v. 1. Rivals, The: comedy. R. B. Sheridan, v. 1. Roman father, The: tragedy. W. Whitehead, v. 2. Rosina : opera. Mrs. F. Brooke, v. 1. Rule a wife and have a wife : comedy. Beaumont and Fletcher, v. 2. She stoops to conquer : comedy. O. Goldsmith.v. 1. Siege of Damascus. The : tragedy. J. Hughes, v. 2. Suspicious husband : comedy. B. Hoadly, v. 1. Tamerlane : tragedy. N. Rowe, v. 2. Tancred and Sigismunda: tragedy. J. Thomson, V. 1. Tender husband : comedy. R. Steele, v. 2. Three weeks after marriage : farce. A. Murphy, V. 1. Tom Thumb : burlesque. H. Fielding, v. 1. Venice preserved : tragedy. T. Otway, v. 1. Way to keep him, The : comedy. A. Murphy, v. 2. Ways and means: comedy. G. Colman, v. 1. West Indian, The : comedy. R. Cumberland, v. 2. Who's the dupe : farce. Mrs. H. Cowley, v. 2. W^onder, The : comedy. Mrs. S. Centlivre, v. 1. Ximena : tragedy. C. Cibber, v. 2. Zara: tragedy. A. Hill, v. 2. Same. Phil. 1859. 2 v. 87 British eloquence. Goodrich, C. A. Select. British encyclopaedia, The. Nicholson, W. (Ed.) British enterprise beyond the seas. Fyfk, J. H. British essayists ; with prefaces, historical and biographical, by A. Chalmers. Bost. 1856-7. 38 V. 16? Contents . Adventurer, The, v. 19-21. Connoisseur. The, v. 25, 26. Guardian, The, v. 13-15. Idler, The, v. 27. Index, v. 38. Looker-on, The, v. 3.5-37. Lounger, The, v. 30, 31. Mirror, The, v. 28, 29. Observer, The, v. 32-34. Rambler, The, v. 16-18. Spectator, The, v. 5-12. Tatler, The, v. 1-4. World, The, v. 22-24. British gazetteer, The. Clarke, B. British government reports— Reports from her majesty's diplomatic and consular agents abroad, respecting the con- dition of the industrial classes in foreign coun- tries. Presented to both houses of parlia- ment, 1870. Lond. 1870. 8° Reports b}- her majesty's secretaries of embas- sy and legation, on the manufactures, com- merce, etc., of the countries in which they reside. With appendices relating to coal and flax. Presented to both houses of parlia- ment, April, 1870. Lond. 1870. 8° British Guiana. 'See Guiana (British). British historians. Lawrence, E. Lives of. British mosses. Tripp, F. E. British moths. Humphreys, R. N., awd Wkst- WOOD, J. O. British museum — Catalogue of printed books, v. 1. (A-Azz.) Lond. 1841. f? CowTAN, R. Memories of the. Edwards, E. Lives of the founders of the. — Memoir of the British museum. {In his Memoirs of libraries.) List of the books of reference in the reading- room. Lond. 1859. 8". Nichols, T. Handy-book of the. Sims, R. Library of the. BRITISH 108 BROOKE British physicians, Lives of. Lond. 1857. 12° Contents : Baillie, Matthew. Browne, Sir Thomas. Caius, John. Chambers, Dr. Clutterbuck, Henry. Cullen, Wm. Fothergil), John. Goof^h, Robert. Halford, Henry. Harvey, William. Heberden, William. Hunter, William. Huxham, .Tohn. Jenner, Edward. Linacre, Thomas. Mead, Richard. Merriman, Samuel. Paris, John Ayrton. Parry, Caleb Hillier. Pringle, Dr. Radcliffe.John. Sydenham. Thomas. Warren, Richard. British, poets. Aikin, J. British possessions in the Indian and Atlantic oceans. Martin, K. M. History of. British possessions in the Mediterranean. Mar- tin, K. M. History of. British quarterly review. V. 1 (Feb. 1845) to 54 (Dec. 1871). Lond. 8° Sa7ne. V. 55 (Jan. 1872). N. Y. 8° British rule in India. Martineau, H. British schools of art : a selection of examples engraved in line by eminent artists. Descrip- tions by H.Murray. Lond.n.rf, 2 v. Sm.f? British senate ; or, a second series of ' Kandom recollections.' Phil. 1838. 12^ British spy. Wirt, W. Letters of. Brittan, Samuel Byron. Man and his relations ; illustrating the influence of the mind on the body, the relations of the faculties to the or- gans and to the elements, objects, and phe- nomena of the external world. N. Y. 1864. 8':; (2 cop.) Brittany — Hunt, L. M. Peeps at. Jerrold, W. B. On the boulevards ; with trips to. MusGRAVE, G. Eambles into. See also France. Brittlebank, "William. Persia during the fam- ine : a narrative of a tour in the east, and of the journey out and home. Lond. 1873. 12? Britton, John. Architectural antiquities of Great Britain. Lond. 1835. 5 v. 4° Cathedral antiquities. Lond. 1836. 5 v. 4? Contents : Historical and descriptive accounts of the cathe- drals of — Bristol, V. 5. Canterbury, v. 1. Exeter, v. 4. Gloucester, v. 5. Hereford, v. 3. Lichfield, v. 3. Historical, etc. ^continued) : Norwich, v. 2. Oxford, V. 2. Peterborough, v. 5. Salisbury, v. 2. Wells. V. 4. Winchester, v. 3. Worcester, v. 4. York, v. 1. Broadcast. Adams, N. Broca, Paul. History of the transactions of the Anthropological society of Paris, 1865-7. (In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) Brock, Sallie A. Kenneth, my king. N. Y. 1873. 12° {6 cop.) Brock, William. Biographical sketch of Sir Henry Havelock, K. C. B. N. Y. 1858. 12° Brockedon, William. Illustrations of the passes of the Alps, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. Lond. 1836. 2 v. 4? Brockett, L. P. Great war of 1870 between France and Germany. N. Y. 1871. 12° Our great captains : Farragut, Grant, Sheri- dan, Sherman, Thomas. N. Y. 1866. 12° Brocquiere, Bertraudon de la. See Early trav- els in Palestine. Broderick, David Colbreth (1819-1859). Speech in the U. S. senate on the Kansas question. [In Pamphlets, v. 6.) Broderip, W. J. Zoological recreations. New ed., with additions. Lond. 1849. 12? Brodhead, John Komeyn {h. 1814.) Address, delivered before Clinton hall association and Mercantile library association, commemora- tive of the removal of the library to Astor place, 1854. {In Pamphlets, v. 15.) History of the state of New York. First period, 1609-64. N. Y. 1853. 8? Same. V. 2. N. Y. 1871. 8? Brodhurst, B. Treatise on congenital disloca- tions and intra-uterine fractures. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Brodie, George. History of the British empire, from the accession of Charles i. to the resto- ration [1626-1661]; Edin. 1822. 4 v. 8? Brodribb, W. J. See Church, A. Brodrick, George C. Law and custom of prim- ogeniture. {In Cobden club essays, 2d ser., 1871-2.) Broken columns. N. Y. 1863. 12? Broken dreams. Gardner, C. E. Broken heart, The. Irving, W. (In Sketch- book.) Broken hyacinth. Sherwood, M. M, (In Works, V. 4.) Broken lights. Cobbe, F. P. Broken to harness. Yates; E. (H.) Broken toys. Steele, Mrs. A. C. Brome, Eichard (h. 1652). Jovial crew. (Com.) (In Dodsley's Old plays, v. 10.) Bromfleld, John (1779-1849). QuiNcy, J. Life of. (7/1 Hunt, F. Lives of American mer- chants, V. 2.) Bronchitis — Greenhow, E. H. Chronic bronchitis, espe- cially as connected with gout, emphysema, and diseases of the heart. Hall, W. Bronchitis and kindred diseases. Bronte, Anne (Acton Bell), (1820-1849). Agnes Grey. {In Wuthering heights.) Tenant of Wildfell hall. N. Y. 1858. 12? Bronte, Charlotte. See NichoUs, Mrs. C. B. Bronte, Emily (Ellis Bell), (1819-1848). Wuth- ering heights. N. Y. n.d. 12? Same. N. Y. 1868. 12? (3 cop.) and A. Wuthering heights ; and Agnes Grey. Lond. 1869. 16? Brook, The ; and other poems. Wright, W. B. Brook farm (community) — Dixon, (W.) H. Spiritual wives. Hawthorne, N. Blithedale romance. The. Brooke, — (Lord), (Sir Fulke-Greville). See Lives of English poets, v. 2. Brooke, 3f/». Frances (1745-1789). Kosina. (Op- era.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 12. Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 3. Brooke, Henry (1706-1783). Fool of quality, The. N. Y. 1860. 2 v. 12? (2 cop.) GusTAVUS Vasa. (Trag.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 7. Brooke, Kichard. Visits to fields of battle in En- gland, of the XV. century ; to which are add- ed some miscellaneous tracts and papers upon archaeological subjects. Lond. 1857. 8? BROOKE 109 BROUGH Brooke, Stopfoi-d Augustus^ Christ in modern life: sermons preached at St. James's chapel, London. N. Y. 1872. 12? Life and letters of F. W. Robertson. Brookes, R. Art of angling, The ; illustrated with 135 wood-cuts. (3rf ed.) Lond.1770. 16? Brookes, Sheridan. Calypso, queen of Ogygia. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 67. Brookes of Bridlemere. Melvillk, G. J. "W. BrooklynfCa/.). Directory of Oakland and Brook- lyn, 1872. Brooklyn (N. Y.)— City and business directory for 1870. Francis's new guide to New York and Brook- lyn, 1854. KiRKWOOD, J. p. Brooklyn water-works, etc. Mercantile library association. Reports of, 1861-72. [Bound together; 1867, 1868, 1871 wanting.] %° Brooks, Benjamin S. Alcalde grants in the city of San Francisco ; being some remarks up- on the existence and position of the pueblo de San Francisco, and the nature and extent of the interest possessed by her in and about the city of San Francisco. {In Pioneer, The, V. 1, 2.) LiMANTOTJR claim : a pamphlet, relating to the claim of Senor Don Jos6 Y. Liinantour to four leagues of land in the city and county of San Francisco. {In Pioneer, The, v. 1.) State rights. {In Pioneer, The, V. 3.) Brooks, Charles Shirley {h. 1815). Anything for a change. (Petite com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 4. Creole, The ; or, love's fetters. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 1. Daughter of the stars, The. Lacy's Pla3's, V. 2. Exposition, The. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 3. GoRDiAN knot. The. N.Y. 1868. 8? (4coj9.) Guardian angel. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 5, Sooner or later. N. Y. 1868. 8? (4 cojs.) See also Cartoon portraits. Brooks, Charles Timothy (6. 1813). {Tr.) Tall student. The. Brooks, Erastus. Controversy with John Hughes, archbishop of New York. {In Pamphlets, V. 1.) Brooks, J. Tyrwhitt. Four months among the gold-finders in California; being the diary of an expedition from San Francisco to the gold districts. N. Y. 1849. 8? {In Pam- phlets, V. 8.) Brooks, James (1810-1873) . Seven months' run : up and down, and around the world. N. Y. 1872. 12? Brooks, Noah. Transition, The. A poem. {In Pamphlets, v. 18.) Brooks, Peter Chardon( 1767-1849). Everett, E. Lifeof. (7/1 Hunt, F. Lives of Ameri- can merchants, V. 1.) Brosi and Moni. Auerbach, B. {In Ges. schrif- ten, V. 6.) Brother Jonathan: a weekly compend of belles lettres and the fine arts, standard literature, and general intelligence. N. Y. V. 1 (Jan. 1842) and 4 (May, 1843). 2 v. 4? Brother's bet, The. Carlen, E, (F.) Brotherhead, Alfred P. Himself his worst ene- my ; or, Philip, duke of Wharton's career. Phil. 1871. 12? (3 cop.) Brothers and sisters. Bremer, F. Brothers of Olmeta. {In Sketches and stories of life in Italy.) Brothier, — {Padre). Monita secreta societatis Jesu. Instrucciones secretas de los Jesuitas. Paris, 1869. 8? Brough, Lionel. See Cartoon portraits. Brough, Robert B. Alfred the great. (Hist, ex- trav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 43. Crinoline. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 29. Doge of Duralto. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V, 88. Kensington gardens. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 88. Life of Sir John Falstaff; illustrated by George Cruikshank. With a biography of the knight, from authentic sources. Lord Bateman's overland journey. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 15. Masaniello. (A fish tale.) Lacy's Plays, V. 32. Medea. Lacy's Plays, v. 27. Mustache movement. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 14. Twelve labors of Hercules. (Com.) La- cy's Plays, V. 6. a«<^EDWARDs, S. Mephistopheles. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 25. Brough, William. Apartments. (Farce.) La- cy's Plays, V. 4. Bona FIDE travelers. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 16. Caliph of Bagdad, The. (Op. extrav.) La- cy's Plays, V. 79. Comical countess. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 52. Conrad and Medora. (Burl.) Lacy'sPlays, V. 29. DiNORAHunderdifficulties. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 81. Endymion. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 49. Ernani. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 67. Field of the cloth of gold. (Extrav.) La- cy's Plays, V. 80. Gnome king. The. (Extrav.) Lacy'sPlays, V. 86. Hercules and Omphale. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 64. House out of windows. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 8. How to make home happy. (Com. dr.) La- cy's Plays, V. 13. Joan of Arc. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 86. Kind to a fault. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 78. King Arthur. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 61. Lalla Rookh. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 34. Number one, round the corner. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 14. Papillonetta. (Burl. extrav.) Lacy'sPlays, V. 68. Perdita. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 28. Perseus and Andromeda. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 53. Phenomenon in a smock frock. (Com. dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 9. BROUGH 110 BROUGHTON Brough (continued) — Pkince Amabel. (Fairy extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 55. Pygmalion. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 73. Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 57. Sylphide. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 76. Trying iton. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 11. anc?HALLiDAY, A. Actor's retreat, The. (Ex- trav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 63. — April fool, An. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 62. — Area belle. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 62. — Census, The. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 50. — Colleen Bawn settled at last. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 55. — Doing Banting. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 64. — Going to the dogs. (Farce.) Lacy'sPlays, V. 65. — Mudborough election ! (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 67. — My heart's in the highlands. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 60. — Pretty horse-breaker. (Sketch.) Lacy's Plays, V. 51. — Shilling day at the great exhibition. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 55. — Up-stairs and down-stairs. (Farce.) La- cy's Plays, V. 66. — Valentine, A. Lacy's Plays, v. 57. Brougham, Henry [Lord], (1779-1868). Al- bert Lunel. N. Y. 1872. 8° (6 cop.) Historical and political dissertations. Lond. 1857. 12° Historical sketches of statesmen who flour- ished in the time of George iii. Life and times of. Written by himself. N. Y. 1871-2. 3 V. 12^ Life of Voltaire. See History of Charles xii. Men of letters of the time of George iii. Natural theology; comprising a discourse on natural theology, dialogues on instinct, and dissertations on the structure of the cells of bees, ^nd on fossil osteology. Lond. 1856. 12° Opinions on politics, theology, law, science, education, literature, etc., as exhibited in his parliamentary and legal speeches and mis- cellaneous writings. Phil. 1839. 2 v. 12° Philosophers of the time of George iii. Political philosophy. Lond. 1853. 3 v. 8^ Contents : Monarchical governments, V. 1. Principles of government, v. 1. Aristocracy, Of, v. 2. Aristocratic governments, v. 2. Democracy, Of, v. 3. Mixed monarchy, v. 3. — Ehetorical and literary dissertations and ad- dresses. Lond. 1856. 12° Contents : Discourse of the objects, advantages, and pleas- ures of science. Discourse of the objects, pleasures, and advanta- ges of political science. Dissertation on the eloquence of the ancients. Inaugural address on being installed lord rector of the university of Glasgovv. Ehetorical contributions to theEdin. review, viz. : English orators : Erskine. Greek orators: Demosthenes. Koman orators : Cicero. Pulpit eloquence. Brougham (continued) — Speeches on social and political subjects; with historical introductions. Lond. 1857. 2 v. 12? et al. Discourses on the objects and uses of science and literature. N. Y. 1848. 16? H. F. lib.,v. 179. Campbell, J. (Lord) . Lives of Lords Lynd- hurst and Brougham. Martineau, J/m H. Biographical sketch of. (In her Biog. sketches.) ViLLEMAiN, A. F. Critical review on. (In (Euvres, v. 8.) See also Orator, The; Select British eloquence. Brougham, John (b. 1810). All's fair in love. (Original dr. story.) Mod. stand. dr., v. 21. Basket of chips. N. Y. 1855. 12? Contents : Love and liberty. Love's mission. Ned Geraghty's luck. Nightmares. Pauline. Peace and war. Phantom light. Pigeon and the hawks. Revenge, or the medium. Revolt or the harem. Romance and reality. Summer friends. Adapted from Bunsby papers. Coming of Kossuth. Eagle and her talons. Evenings at our club. Fairies' warning. Fatality. Fille du r6giraent,La, done into English. Jasper Leech. Killing of the shark. Kit Cobb, the cabman. Life of a dog. — David Copperfield. (Dr.) Dickens's novel. Mod. stand, dr., v. 17. Dred; or, the Dismal swamp. (Play.) [From Mrs. HarrietB. Stowe's novel.] Mod. stand. dr., V. 19. Flies in the web. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 69. Franklin. (Hist, dr.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 21. Game of life. The. (Com.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 15. Game of love. The. (Com.) Mod. stand. dr., V. 14. Gun-maker of Moscow, The. (Melo-dr.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 21. Irish emigrant. The. (Com. dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 82. Jane Eyre. (Dr.) Adapted from Charlotte Bronte's novel. Mod. stand, dr., v. 17. Light of home. The. N. Y. 1868. 8? Night and morning. (Play.) Adapted from Bulwer's novel. Mod. stand, dr., v. 18. O'Flannigan and the fairies. (Extrav.) La- cy's Plays, V. 2ft, Playing with fire. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 66. Red mask, The. (Melo-dr.) Mod. stand. dr., V. 20. Romance and reality. (Com.) Mod. stand. dr., V. 15. Brought to light. Speight, T. BroughtOn, John Cam Hobhouse (Lord), (1786- 1869). Italy: remarks made in several vis- its from the year 1816 to 1854. Lond. 1859. 2v. 12: Broughton, Rhoda. Cometh up as a flower. N. Y. n.d. 8°. (3 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Good-bye, sweetheart ! N.Y. 1872. 12? (15 cop.) Not Avisely, but too well. N. Y. 1868. 8? (4 cop.) Red as a rose is she. N.Y. 1870. 8? (2cop.) Same. N. Y. 1872. 8? (3 cop.) BROUWER 111 BROWN Brou"wer, Hendrick. Expedition to Chile, 1642- 3. (In Burney's Voy., v. 3, pp. 113-145.) Brown, A. Morton. Wreath around the cross; or, scripture truths illustrated. Bost. 1853. 12° Brown, Charles B. Keport on the Kaieteur water- fall in British Guiana. (In Koy . geog. soc. jour., V. 41.) Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810). Arthur Mervyn ; or, memoirs of the year 1793. Phil. 1857. 2 V. 12° Edgar Huntly ; or, memoirs of a sleep-walker. Phil. 1857. 12° Same. Lond. n.d. 16? Jaxe Talbot. Phil. 1857. 12? Prescott, W. H. Life of. (In Lib. Am. biog., V. 1.) Brown, David. See Jamieson, K. Brown, Frances. Smiles, S. Sketch of. [In his Brief biographies.) See also Tales for the young. Brown, George L. (6.1814). Tuckerman, H. T. Sketches of eminent American painters. Brown, Goold (1791-1857). Grammar of En- glish grammars ; with an introduction, his- torical and critical, a key to the oral exercis- es, and four appendices. (10th ed.) N. Y. 1868. Large'8? Brown, Henry. Justin Martyr's dialogue with Trypho, the Jew. Tr. from the Greek into English, with notes, a preliminary disserta- tion, and a short analysis. [Originally pub- lished in 1745.] Camb. 1846. S° Brown, Henry T. Eive hundred and seven me- chanical movements. N. Y. n.d. 4? Brown, Jacoh (MaJ.-Gen.), (1775-1828). Dtck- INCK, E.A. Biography of. (/re Ats National portrait-gallery, v. 1.) Sketch of. (In Daring deeds of American heroes.) Brown, James (1800-1855). Hillard, G. S. Life of. (7« Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants, v. 2.) Brown, John (of Rothbury), (1715-1766) . Barba- rossa. (Trag.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 4. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 15. Brown, John (b. 1785). Apology for the more frequent administration of the Lord's supper, with answers to the objections urged against it. Edin. 1804. (In Pamphlets, Collection of religious.) Brown, John (of Cambridge)^ (h. 1796). Sixty years' gleanings from life's harvest. N. Y. 1859. 12? Brown, John (of Ossawatiomie), (Capi.), (1800- 1859). Phillips, W. Burial of. (J?* Speech- es, etc.) Kedpath, J. Echoes of Harper's ferry. — Public life of John Brown ; with auto- biograph V of his childhood and youth . Bost . 1860. 12° See also Harper's ferry invasion. Brown, John (M.D., of Edin.), (b. 1830). Mar- jorie Fleming : a sketch. Being the paper entitled ' Pet Marjorie.' Bost. 1867. 16? [Bound with ' Rab and his friends.'] Eab and his friends. Bost. 1867. 12? Spare hours. (1st ser.) Bost. 1862. 12? (2 cop.) Same. (2d ser.) Bost. 1866. 12? Mystifications, 1st ser. 'Oh, I'm wat, wat ! ' 1st ser. ' Our dogs,' 1st ser. 'Our dogs,' More of, 2d ser. Pleii for a dog home, A, 2d ser. Presence of mind and hap- py guessing, 1st ser. Queen Mary's child-garden 1st ser. Rab and his friends, 1st ser. St. Paul's thorn in the tlesh 1st ser. Struan, 2d ser. Thackeray's death, 2d ser. Thackeray's literary career 2d ser. Vaughan's poems, 1st ser. Wilson, Dr. George, 1st ser. ' With brains, sir ! ' 1st ser. Brown (continued) — Contents : Art, Notes on, 1st ser. Bibliomania, 2d ser. Black and tan. Mystery of, 1st ser. Black dwarf 's bones, 1st ser. Chalmers, Dr., 1st ser. Duke of Athole, 2d ser. Education through the sen- ses, 1st ser. Enterkin, 2d ser. Hallam, Arthur H., 1st ser. Health, 2d ser. Her last half-crown, 1st ser. In clear dream and solemn vision , 2d ser. Jacobite family, 2d ser. Jeems, the door-keeper, 2d Leech, John, 2d ser. Marjorie Fleming, 2d ser. Minchmoor, 2d ser. My father's memoir, 1st ser. Brown, Rev. John Newton (b. 1803). Encyclo- ptedia of religious knowledge ; or, dictionary of the bible, theology, religious biography, all religions, ecclesiastical historj', and mis- sions, with a missionary gazetteer, hy Rev. B. B. Edwards. Brattleboro, Vt., 1838. 8? and Taylor, W. B. Obligation of the sab- bath : a discussion. (2d ed.) N. Y. 1856. 12? Brown, Nicholas (1760-1841). Hunt, F. Life of. (In his Lives of Am. merchants, v. 1.) Brown, R. C. Lundin. British Columbia : an es- say. New Westminster, 1863. 8? Brown, Richard. Domestic architecture. Lond. n.d. 4? Brown, Robert. Remarks on the formation of fjords and canons. (In Roy. geog. soc. jour., V. 41.) Brown, Samuel Gilman (b. 1813). Article on Dante. (In Characteristics of men of gen- ius, V. 1.) Same. (In North Am. rev., v. 62, p. 323.) Life of Rufus Choate. (2d ed.) Works of Rufus Choate ; with a memoir of his life. Brown, T. Reminiscences of an old traveler throughout ditferent parts of Europe. Edin. 1835. 12? Brown, T. AUston. History of the American stage. N. Y. n.d. 8? Brown, Thos. Sketches of quadrupeds, (n.t.p.) 16? Brown, Thomas (M. P. S.). Complete modern farrier, The: a manual of veterinary science. AVith engravings. Lond. n.d. 8? Brown, Thomas, (M.D.,prof. at Edin.), (1778- 1820). Inquiry into the relation of cause and effect. (Bd ed.) Edin. 1818. 12? Lectures on the pnilosophy of the human mind ; with a memoir of the author. Edin. 1844. 12? Brown, Thomas ( Capf.). Illustrations of the re- cent conchology of Great Britain and Ire- land ; \t'ith the description and localities of all the species, marine, land, and fresh-water. Drawn and colored from nature. (2d ed.) Lond. 1844. Sm. f? Brown, Thomas, Jr. (pseud.) . See Moore, T. Brown, Thomas N . Life and times of Hugh Mil- ler. Brown, Thurlow Weed. See Modern agitators. Brown, William H. History of the first loco- motives in America. N. Y. 1871. 8? BROWN 112 BROWNE Brown, William "Wells. Black man, The : his antecedents and his achievements. Bost. 1863. 12° Brown, Jones, and Kobinson. Tbollope, A. Struggles of. Brown-Soquard, Charles Bdouard (6. 1818). Treatise on the diseases of the nerves, and neuroma, (/n Holmes, T. System of sur- gery, V. 3.) Brown stone front, A. Fulton, C. Brown university (Frov., R. I.). Catalogue of the officers and students, 1868-9. Prov. 1868. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 1.) Catalogus senatus academica et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, in universitate Brunensi, Providentiae, in republica Insulse Khodiensis. Prov. 1866. (In Triennial cat. Am. coll., V. 1.) Preface to the catalogue of the library of Brown university, with the laws of the li- brary. Prov. 1843. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., V. 1.) Browne, Albert G., Jr. Sketch of the official life of John A. Andrew as gov. of Massachusetts. N. Y. 1868. IT. Browne, Charles Farrar {Artemus Ward), (1834- 1867). Artemus Ward, his book. N. Y. 1862. 12= Same. N. Y. 1865. 12° (3 cop.) Artemus Ward in London ; and other papers. N. Y. 1867. IT. (2 cop.) Artemus Ward's lectures. Ed. by T. W. Kobertson and E. P, Kingston. N. Y. 1869. 12? HiNGSTON, E. P. Genial showman. The; be- ing reminiscences- of the life of Artemus Ward. N. Y. 1870. 8° Browne, Daniel Jay. Trees of America, native and foreign, pictorially and botanically de- lineated, and scientifically and popularly de- scribed, etc. Illustrated. N.Y.1857. Sm. 4° Browne, Dunn {pseud.). See Fisk, S. Browne, Edward Harold {Bp.). Exposition of the thirty-nine articles, historical and doc- trinal . Ed . , with notes , by J . Williams . N . Y. 1865. 8° Browne, George Forrest. Ice-caves of France and Switzerland : a narrative of subterrane- an exploration. Lond. 1865. 12° Browne, James. History of the highlands and of the highland clans ; with an extensive selection from the hitherto inedited Stuart papers (81-1815). Lond. 1852. 4 v. 8° Browne, John Boss {b. 1817). Adventures in the Apache country : a tour through Arizo- na and Sonora. With notes on the silver regions of Nevada. Illustrated by the au- thor. N. Y. 1869. 12° Same in Ger. Keisen and aventeuer im Apach- enlande. Aus dem Englischen, von Dr. H. Hertz. Jena, 1871. 8° Agricultural capacity of California. {In Overland monthly, v. 10.) American family in Germany. N. Y. 1866. 12° (5 cop.) Crusoe's island ; with sketches of adventure in California and Washoe. N. Y. 1864. 12° Browne {continued) — Etchings of a whaling cruise, with notes of a sojourn on the island of Zanzibar ; append- ed history of the whale fishery. N. Y. 1846. 8° Land of Thor. Illustrated by the author. N. Y. 1867. (3 cop.) Papers by. Explorations in lower Califor- nia, Harp, mag., v. 37, 38 ; Peep at Washoe, Harp, mag., v. 22 ; Washoe revisited, Harp, mag., V. 30. [For other articles, see Har- per's magazine/] Reclamation of marsh and swamp lands and projected canals for irrigation in California ; with notes on the canal systems of China and other countries. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Eelacion de los debates de la convencion de California sobre la formacion de la constitu- cion de estado, en Setiembre y Octubre de 1849. N. Y. 1851. 8° (2 cop.) Report of the debates in the convention of California, on the formation of the state con- stitution, in September and October, 1849. Wash. 1850. 8t (2 cop.) Report on the mineral resources of the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains. [Same as his Resources of the Pacific slope.] Wash. 1868. 8? Report on the mineral resources of the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains ; containing also J. W. Taylor's report of the United States east of the Rocky mountains (1868). Wash. 1868. 8? [Backed ' Min- eral resources, 1868.'] Resources of the Pacific slope : a statistical and descriptive summary of mines, climate, topography, commerce, agriculture, etc., etc. With a sketch of the settlement and explo- ration of lower California [containing re- ports, etc., as below]. S. F. 1869. 8° Contents: Altitudes of the principal points on the Pacificslope. Discovery of gold in Calitornia. Tr. from Spanish documents of Manuel Castaflares (1844), by Ch. Yale. Furnished by Lt-Col. Williamson. Extracts from a history of lower Cal., written originally in Spanisli by Padre Francisco Javier Clavijero. Tr. into Italian for publication, Ven- ice, 178!) ; again tr. into Spanish oy the priest Ni- colas Garcia. Mexico, 185^ ; and tr. from this ed. into Eng. by A. G. Randall, S. F., May, l.Si37. Gabb, Wjuiain M. : Kxploration of lower Califor- nia, 1866. Hawks, J. D. : Journal of an expedition by J. D. Hawlis and party through the interior of the peninsula of lower Cal., from S. F. to San Diego, 1849. Lower California*company. Nevada, Historical sKetch of; Including bounda- ries, population, aboriginal inhabitants, early set- tlements, etc. Scammon, Capt. C. M. : Eeport of the U. S. rev- enue service on the west coast of Cal. Sprague, Thos. : Kepoit on tiie fruit trees of lower Cal., 1867. Taylor, Alex. S. : Historical summary of lower Cal., from the discovery in 15:fi to 1867. Veatch, Dr. Juo. A. : Report on Cerros or Cedros Island, 1859. Washington territory, Historical memoirs of [1592-186^]. Yusef; or, thejourney of the Frangi. A cru- sade in the east. N.Y. 1855. 12i {b cop.) and Taylor, J. W. Reports upon the min- eral resources of the United States [1867]. Wash. 1867. 8° Contents : Ashburner, W. : Geological formation, etc., of the Pacificslope. Blatchley, Dr. A. : South-eastern Nevada. BROWNE 113 BROWNSON Browne {continued) — Browne, J. R. : Borax, tin, and coal. Condition of gold and silver mines on the Pacific coast. Copper resources of the Pacific coast. Historical sketch of the gold and silver mines of the Pacific coast. Mining laws. Quicksilver mines of California. Taylor, J. W. : Report on gold mines east of the Rocky mountains {.1867;. Browne, Junius Henri. Four years in Secessia : adventures within and beyond the union lines. Hartford, 1865. 8? (3 cop.) Great metropolis, The. Hartford, 1869. 8° Sights and sensations in Europe : sketches of travel in England, Ireland, Trance, Spain, etc. Hartford, 1871. 8^ Browne, Matthew. Chaucer's England. Lond. 1869. 2 V. IT. Browne, K. W. History of classical literature [Greek]. Lond. 1851. 2 v. 8° History of Koman classical literature. Lond. n.d. 8? Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-1682). Works ; ed. by Simon Wilkin. Lond. 1852. 3 v. 12? Co7itents: Christian morals, v. 3. Correspondence, v. 3. Garden of Cyrus, The, v. 2, Hydriotaphia, or uru burial v. 3. Letter to a friend, v. 3. Life, V. 1. — Writings of. Bost Miscellanies, v. 3. Pseudodoxia epidemica, v. 1,2. Religio medici, v. 2. Supplementary memoirs, v. 1. IT. 1862. Contents : Letter to a friend. Letters. Religio medici. Resolves. True Christian morals. Urn burial. Biographical sketch of au- thor. Fragment of mummies. Prom the garden of Cyrus. From vulgar errors. Hydriotaphia. — Pseudodoxia epidemica ; or, inquiries into the very many received tenents, and com- monly presumed truths. Lond.: Printed by T. H. for Edward Dod, 1646. 4? Same. With marginal observations, and a table alphabetical, whereunto are now add- ed two discourses : the one of urn-burial, or sepulchrall urns, lately found in Norfolk ; the other of the garden of Cyrus, or net- work plantations of the antients. Both new- ly written by the same author. Lond.: Printed for the assigns of Edward Dod, 1669. 4? Keligio medici ; its sequel Christian morals, with resemblant passages from Cowper's Task, and a verbal index. Phil. 1844. 12? Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Essay on. {In his Mis. prose works, v. 1.) Johnson, S. Life of. {In his Lives of eminent persons — in Works, v. 2.) Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt6rature An- glaise, V. 1. Browne, William. See Lives of English poets, V. 2. Brownell, Henry Howard. Lyrics of a day; or, newspaper poetry. N. Y. 1864. 12? War-lyrics ; and other poems. Bost. 1866. 12? Brownie of Bodsbeck. Hogg, J. Brownies, The. Ewing, J. H. Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett (1807-1861). Aurora Leigh. N. Y. 1857. 12? (2 cop.) Essays on the Greek Christian poets and the English poets. N. Y. 1863. 12^ Browning {continued) — Napoleon III. in Italy; and other poems. N. Y. 1860. 12? Poems. V. 1 and 3. N. Y. 1857. Contents . Question and answer, v. 1. Rhyme of the Duchess May, v. 1. Romance of the Ganges, v. 1. Romance of the swan's nest, V. 1. Romaunt of Margret, v. 1. Romauntof the page, v. 1. Saraphim, v. 1. Vision of poets, v. 1. Aurora Leigh, v. 3. Bertha in the lane. v. 1. Drama of exile, v. 1. Isobel's child, v. 1. Lady Geraldine's courtship, V. 1. Lamentof Adonis; from the Gr. of Bion, v. 1. Lay of the brown rosary, v. 1. Poet's vow, V. 1. Prometheus bound; from the Gr. of iEschylus, v. 1. — Poetical works ; with a memoir. N. Y. 1871. 2 V. in 1. 8? Prometheus bound; and other poems, includ- ing sonnets from the Portuguese, Casa Guidi windows, etc. N. Y. 1852. 12? Bayne, p. Essays in biography and criticism. GiLFiLLAN, G. Sketches of modern literature. PoE, E. A. Literati, The. {In Works, v. 3.) Smiles, S. Brief biographies. Browning, Henry B. Words in season : a man- ual of instruction, comfort, and devotion, for family reading and private use. Phil. 1870. 12? Browning, Henry C. Life of Gothe. Browning, Kobert {b. 1812). Balaustion's ad- venture ; including a transcript from Euripi- des. Bost. 1871. 12? Dramatis personae. Bost. 1864. 12? {2 cop.) FiFiNE at the fair ; and other poems. Bost. 1872. 12? Contents : Fifine at the fair, Herv6 Kiel. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangan. Men and women. Bostl 1856. 12? Poems. Lond. 1849. 2 v. 12? [V. 2 miss- ing-] Contents : Blot in the 'scutcheon: trag., v. 2. Colombe's birthday : play, v. 1. Dramatic romances and lyr- ics, v. 2. King Victor and King Charles: trag., v. 1. Luria: trag., v. 2. Paracelsus, v. 1. Pippa passes : drama, v. 1. Return of the Druses: trag.,, v. 2. Soul's tragedy. A; drama,, v. 2. — Ked cotton night-cap country ; or, turf and" towers. Bost. 1873. 12? King and the book, The. Bost. 1869. 2 v.. 12? SoRDELLO ; Stratford; Christmas - eve, and Easter-day. Bost. 1864. 12? (2 cop.): DowDEN, E. Lecture on Tennyson and; Browning. {In Afternoon lectures, v.. 5.) FoRMAN, H. B. Our living poets. HuTTON, K. H. Essays. SxMiLES, S. Brief biographies. See also Cartoon portraits ; Modern men of let'- ters. Brownlow, Wm. Grannaway {b. 1805). Sketches of the rise, progress, and decline of Secession ; : with narrative of personal adventures among the rebels. Phil. 1862. 8? and Pryne, A. Ought American' slavery to. ■ be perpetuated ? A debate. PhiL.1858.. 12?. BrowTilows, The. Oliphant, Mrs.M. O. W,:. Brownson, Orestes Augustus {b. 1802). Amer- ican republic : its constitution,, tendencies,, and destiny. N. Y. 1866. 8?. BROWNSON 114 BRYANT BrO'WllSOll {continued) — Co^rvKRT, The ; or, leaves from my experi- ence. Essays and reviews ; chiefly on theology, pol- itics, and socialism. N. Y. 1858. 12° Contents ; Authoritj' and liberty. Catholicity necessary to sus- tain popular liberty. Church, The Episcopal ob- server versua the. Church against no-church. Higher law. Labor and a.ssociation. Legitimacy and revolution. Native Americanism. Political constitutions. Protestantism ends in tran- scendentalism. Protestantism in anut-.shell. Socialism and the church. Thornwell's answer to Dr. Lynch (April, 1848). Thornwell's answer to Dr. Lynch (Oct. 1848). War and loyalty. — New views of Christianity, society, and the church. Bost. 1836. 12? Scholar's mission, The: oration. (7n Pam- phlets, V. 14.) Bro'wrswerd., John. See Lives of English po- el;s, V. 2. Bruce, Hamilton. Custom-house guide : a com- pendium of revenue laws and regulations governing the importations and exjjortations of merchandise, the registry, enrolling, and • licensing of vessels, with a general summa- ry of the routine of business at custom- houses in the United States, and a list of all the commercial ports in the world. N. Y. 1863. 8? Bruce, James (1780-1794). Travels of. {In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland dis- covery, V. 3.) Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768-73. Second ed., with a life of the author. Edin. 1805. 8 v. Sm. 4? Crichtox, A. Life of. (/w Jardine, SiV W. Nat. lib., V. 11.) Head, E. B. Life and adventures of James Bruce, the African traveler. N. Y. 1846. 16? H. E. lib., V. 128. Brucker, Jacob. Vita Leibnitii. {In Leibnitz, G. W. Opera omnia, v. 1.) Briider, Die. Kellstab, L. {In Ges. schriften, V. 15.) Briider, Die. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, v. 8.) Bruguiere, Jean Guillaume. Tableau encyclo- pedique et m^thodique des trois regnes de la nature; con tenant I'helminthologie, ou les vers infusoires, les vers intestins, les vers mollusques, etc. 7e livr. Paris, 1791. 4? Bruhns, Carl. Life of Alexander von Hum- boldt ; compiled in commemoration of the centenary of his birth. Tr. from the Ger- man, by Jane and Caroline Lassell. Lond. 1873. 2 v. 8? Bruin : the grand bear-hunt. Keid, M. Brumoy , Pierre ( 1 688-1742) . Greek theatre . Tr. by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. Lond. 1759. 3 V. Eoy. 4? Contents: /Esohylus: Agamemnon : tragedy, v.2. ("oephores, The : tragedy, V. 1, 2. Eumenides, The : tragedy, V. 2. Persians, The : tragedy, v. Prometheus in chains : tragedy, v. 2. Seven chiefs at the siege of Thebes : tragedy, v. 2. Supplicants, The: tragedy, Aristophanes : Acharnenses, The: come- dy, V. 3. Birds, The : comedy, v. 3. Clouds, The : comedy, v. 3. Feasts of Ceres, The : com- edy, V. 3. Female orators. The: com- edy, V. 3. Frogs, The : comedj% v. 3. Knights, The : comedy, v. Lysistrata, The: comedy. V. 3. Brumoy {continued) — Aristophanes (crmtimieU) : Peace, The : comedy, v. 3. Plutus, The: comedy, v. 3. WasjJS, The : comedy, v. S. Discourses upon the theatre of the Greeks, the original of tragedy, etc., v. I. Dissertation upon the Greek comedy, v. 3. Euripides: Alcestis : tragedy, v. 2. Andromache: tragedy, v.2. Bacchanalians, The: trage- dy, V. 3. Cyclops : tragedy, v. 3. Electra: tragedy, v. 1. Hecuba : tragedy, v. 2. Helena : tragedy, v. 3. HeraclidK, The: tragedy, V. 3. Hercules mad: tragedy, v. Hippolitus: tragedy, v. I. Ion : tragedy, v. .3. Iphigenia in xiulis : trage- dy, V. 1. Iphigenia in Tauris: trage- dy, V. 2. Euripides (continued): Medea : tragedy, v. 2. Orestes : tragedy, v. 2. Phoenicians, The: tragedy, v. 2. Khesus : tragedy, v. 2. Suppliants, The : tragedy, V. 2. Trojan captives, The: trag- edy, V. 2. Seneca : Hercules on Mount CEta : tragedy, v. 2. Thebaid, The : tragedy, v. Troades, The : tragedy, v. Sophocles : Ajax distracted : tragedy, v. 2. Antigone : tragedy, v. 2. Electra : tragedy, v. 1. OSdipus : tragedy, v. 1. CEdipus at Colona : trage- dy, V. 2. Philoctetes : tragedy, v. 1. Trachinise : tragedy, v. 2. Brunei, Isambard. Life of Isambard Kingdom Brunei. Brunei, Isambard Kingdom (1806-1859). Bru- nel, L Life of. Lond. 1870. S° Brunet, Jacques Charles (1780-1867). Manuel dulibraireetdel'araateur delivres. (4e vd.) Paris, 1842-4. 5 v. 8? Same. (5e ed.) Paris, 1860-65. 6 v. 8° Brunton, T. Lauder. See Klein, E., et al. Brush, G. J. See Dana, J. D. Brush"wood picked up on the continent. Hor- WITZ, 0. Brutus, Marcus Junius (80-36 B.C.). Plutar- CHL's. Life of. (/« Lives.) — Vie de. (Par A. Eeillet.) {In Vies des Romains illustres.) — Vita. {Gr.etLat.) (JreVitae, v. 2.) Bruyere, La. See La Bruyere. J. de. Bryan, Eraneis T. {Lieut.). Report of a recon- naissance of a route from San Antonio, via Fredericksburg, to El Paso, to obtain infor- mation in reference to a permanent military road from the gulf of Mexico to El Paso, Dec. 1, 1849. See United States (explora- tions and surveys); Reports sec. of war. Bryan, Michael. Biographical and critical dic- tionary of painters and engravers, from the revival of the art under Cimabue, and the alleged discovery of engraving by Einiguer- ra, to the present time ; with the ciphers, monograms, and marks used by each en- graver. New ed., revised and enlarged, by Geo. Stanley. Lond. 1849. 8? Bryan, William H. Darien ship canal, The. {In Overland monthlj^, v. 2.) Bryan Maurice. Mitchell, W. R. Bryant, Edwin. What I saw in California ; be- ing the journal of a tour across the conti- nent of North America, in the years 1846- 7. N. Y. 1849. 12? Bryant, H. B. , ««rf Stratton, H. D. Counting- house book-keeping. N. Y. 1869. 4?' Bryant, J. Pocket manual ; or, repertory of ho- moeopathic medicine, alphabetically and nos- ologically arranged, {id ed.) N. Y. 1859. 16? Bryant, J. D. Pauline Seward. Bait. 1865. 12? Same. Bait. 1867. 12? Bryant, Jacob (1715-1804). Sentiments of Phi- lo Judteus concerning the logos, or word of BRYANT 115 BUCKINGHAM Morse statue, The. Music in the public schools. Native fruits, Improvement of. Reform. Schiller. Scott statue. Shakespeare. Verplanck, Gulian Cromme- lin. Bryant (continued) — God ; together with large extracts from his writings, compared with the scriptures on many other particular and essential doctrines of the Christian religion. Camb. 1797. 12? Bryant, William Cullen {b. 1794). Discourse on the life, character, and genms of Wash- ington Irving, Lktters from the east, 1852. IST. Y. 1869. 12= Letters of a traveler ; or, notes of things seen in Europe and America. N. Y. 1869. 12? Same. {2dser.) [From Spain and other coun- tries.] N. Y. 1859. 12? (Ed.) Library of poetry and song ; being choice selections from the best poets. With an introduction. N. Y. 1871. 8? Orations and addresses. N. Y. 1873. 12? (3 cop.) ' . Contents: Birthday, A. Cole, Thos. Cooper, J. Fenimore. Electric telegraph. Freedom of exchange. Halleck, Fiti-Greene. Irving, Washington. Italian unity. Kossuth. Press banquet to. Mercantile library. The. Metropolitan art museum — Poems. N. Y. 1871. 12? (Ed.) Selections from the American poets. N. Y. 1848. 16? H. F. lib., v. 111. Song of the sower. Illustrated with 42 en- gravings on wood. N. Y. 1871. 8? Thirty poems. N. Y. 1864. 12? (2 cop.) Hatfield, J. Bryant homestead-book. Whipple, E. P. Literature and life. See also Homer ; Modern agitators ; Sunnyside book. Bryant homestead-book. Hatfield, J. Bryce, James. Student's atlas of physical geog- raphy ; consisting of 20 maps, constructed and engraved by E. Weller. N. Y. 1873. 4? Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton (1762-1837) . Au- tobiography, times,opinions, and contempora- ries. Lond.1834. 2v. 8? [V.2missing.] Imaginative biography. Letters on the character and poetical genius of Lord Byron. Buccaneer, The. Hall, Mrs. S. C. Buccaneers — Burnet, J. History of the buccaneers of America. Same. [In his Voy., v. 4, pp. 32-326.) Expeditions of the buccaneers to the south seas. {In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and in- land discovery, v. 2.) Buchi, Leopold von (1774-1853). Flourens, M. J. P. Memoir of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1862.) Buch. vom fiirsten. Das. Machiavelli, N". Buchanan, George (1506-1582). History of Scotland. Tr. from the Latin, with notes and a continuation to the present time, by John Watkins [330 B.C. to a.d. 1820]. Lond. n.d. 2v. 12? [Title-page wanting to V. 1.] Buchanan, James {pres. of_ U. S.), (1791-1868). Mr. Buchanan's administration on the eve of the rebellion. N. Y. 1866. 8? See also Lives of the presidents. Buchanan, Eobert. Culture of the grape, and wine-making ; with an appendix, containing directions for the cultivation of the straw- berry, by N. Longworth. {5th ed.) Cin- cinnati, 1856. 12? Buchanan, Robert {D.D., of Glasgow). Book of Orm, The. Lond. 1870. 12? Idyls and legends of Inverburn. Lond. 1865. 12? Land of Lome ; or, a poet's adventures in the Scottish Hebrides, including the cruise of the Tern to the outer Hebrides. N. Y. 1871. 2 V. in 1. 12? London poems. Lond. 1867. 12? Notes of clerical furlough, spent chiefly in the holy land ; with a sketch of the voyage out in the yacht St. Ursula. Lond. 1859. 12? Poems. Bost. 1866. 12? Undertones. Lond. 1865. 12? Bucher, Lothar. Bilder aus der fremde. V. 1, unterwegs. Berlin, 1862. 8? Londoner industrie-austellung von 1862, Die. Berlin, 1863. 8? Biichmann, Georg. Gefliigelteworte. Dercita- ten schatz des Deutschen volkes. (7te au- .) Berlin, 1872. 8? Contents : Biblische citate. Deutsche citate. Englische citate. Franzosische citate. Grichls^he citate. Historische citfite. Italianische citate. Lateinische citate. Biichner, Ludwig (or Louis), (Dr.). Force and matter : empirico-philosophical studies intel- ligibly rendered. Lond. 1864. 12? Stellung, Die, des menschen in der natur, in vergangenheit, gegenwart, und zukunft. Leipzig, 1869. 8? See also Janet, P. Biichsel, — ( Dr. ). My ministerial experiences. Lond. 1863. 12? Buck, Daniel Dana. Closing scenes of the life of Christ ; being a harmonized combination of the four gospel histories of the last year of our Saviour's life. Phil. 1869. 12? Bucke, Charles (1781-1847). On the beauties, harmonies, and sublimities of nature ; with notes, commentaries, and illustrations. With occasional remarks on the laws, customs, habits, and manners of various nations. New ed., greatly enlarged. Lond. 1837. 3 v. 8? Euins of ancient cities ; with general and par- ticular accounts of their rise, fall, and present condition. N. Y. 1848. 2 v. 16? H. F. lib., V. 134, 135. Same. Lond. 1840. 12? Buckingham, G. Villiers (duke of). See Vil- liers, G. Buckingham, James Silk (1786-1855). Amer- ica : historical, statistic, and descriptive. Lond. 1841. 3 v. 8? Autobiography ; including voyages, travels, adventures, sppjculations, successes, and fail- ures. Lond. 1855. 2 v. 12? Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British provinces in North Amer- ica ; with a plan of national colonization. Lond. n.d. 8? Buckingham, Joseph Tinker (1779-1861). Speci- mens of newspaper literature ; with personal BUCKINGHAM 116 BUFFALO Buckingham {continued) — memoirs and reminiscences. Bost. 1850, 2 V. 12= Recollections of Cooper. {In Boston book.) Buckingham, Leicester. Don't lend your um- brella. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 30. Faces in the fire. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 65. Harlequin novelty. (Pant.) Lacy's Plays, V. 34. Little Red Riding Hood. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 53. Love's martyr. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 70. LucREZiA Borgia ! (Travestie.) Lacy's Plays, v. 45. Merry widow. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 58. Silken fetters. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 61. Silver lining. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 62. Take that girl away ! (Comic dr'i) Lacy's Plays, V. 18. ViRGiNius. (Travestie.) Lacy's Plays, v. 42. William Tell. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 32. and Harris, A. Jeannette's wedding. (Ope- retta.) Lacy's Plays, v. 32. Buckingham, William Alfred {b. 1804). Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Sketch of. {In her Men of our times.) Buckingham and Chandos {duke of). See Gran- ville, R. P. Buckland, Francis Trevelyan {b. 1826). Curiosi- ties of natural history. N. Y. 1859. 12° Same. {2d ser.) N. Y. 1860. 12^ Buckland, William {b. 1784). Geology and mineralogy considered with reference to nat- ural theology. Phil. 1837. 2v. 8? Buckle, Henry Thomas (1822-1862), Essays ; with a biographical sketch of the author. N. Y. 1863. 12? Contents : Biogr.aphical sketch of Buckle. Mill on liberty. Women, Influence of, on the progress of knowl- edge. History of civilization in England. N. Y. 1861-70. 2 v. 8° (4 cop.) Miscellaneous and posthumous works. Edit- ed, with a biographical notice, by Helen Tay- lor. Lond. 1872. 3 v. 8? Contents : Manners In the seventeenth century, v. 3. Mill on liberty, v. 1. Notes for English history, V. 3. Sixteenth century, v. 3. Commonplace books, v. 2,3. Elizabeth, Keign of, v. 1. Fragments, v. 1. Influence of women on the progress of knowledge, V. 1. Letter to a gentleman re- specting Poole's case, v. 1. — Hannay, J. Characters and criticisms. Buckmaster, J. C. Elements of mechanical physics. Phil. 1865. 12° Buckminster, Eliza. Parthenia ; or, the last days of paganism. Bost. 1858. 12° Buckner, W. P. Calculated tables of ranges for navy and army guns ; with a method for finding the distance of an object at sea. N, Y. 1865. 8° Bucknill, John Charles, and Tuke, D. H. Man- ual of psychological medicine ; containing the history, nosology, description, statistics, diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of in- sanity. {2d ed.) Lond. 1872. 8° Buckstone, John Baldwin, Bear-hunters, The. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 31. Dead shot ! (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 34. Good for nothing. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 17. Happiest day of my Fife. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 80. Henriette, the forsaken. (Dr.) Mod. stand. dr., V. 18.. Irish lion, The. (Farce.) Mod. stand, dr., V. 4. Isabelle. (Dr.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 22. John Jones. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 25. Josephine, the child of the regiment. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 25. King of the Alps. (Romantic op.) Lacy's Plays, V. 6. Kiss in the dark. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 6. Leap-year; or, the ladies' privilege. (Com.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 11. Luke, the laborer. Lacy's Plays, v. 69". Maid with the milking-pail. The. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 10. Married life. (Com.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 17. Mischief-making. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 79. Popping the question. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 87. Presumptive evidence. (Domestic dr.) La- cy's Plays, V. 82. ' Rough diamond. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 17. Snapping turtles. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 69. Two queens. (Petite com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 1. See also Cartoon portraits. Buckthorne and his friends. Irving, W. {In his Tales of a traveler.) Bucolics, The. See Virgilius. Buddhism — Child, L. M. Progress of religious ideas, v. 1. Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. Muller, F. M. Buddhism; Buddhist pil- grims. The. {In his Chips, v. 1.) — Lectures on tlie science of religion ; with papers on Buddhist nihilism. Schlagintweit, E. Buddhism in Tibet. See also India. Buddington, Zadel Barnes. Can the old love ? Bost. 1871. 8° Budge, J. Practical miner's guide, The: a treat- ise on mine engineering. N. Y. 1858. 8? Budgen (or Bugden), Miss L. M. {Acheta Domes- tica). Episodes of insect life. Lond. 1849. 12° Budget of paradoxes. De Morgan, A. Budgett, S. Arthur, W. Successful merchant: the life of. N.Y. 1853. 16? {2 cop.) Buds of spring. Lyde, A. F. Buenos-Ayres. Famin, C. Chili, Buenos- Ayres, etc. {In Univers,L', v. 25.) See also Argentine republic. Buffalo (N.Y.)— Directory for the year 1870. 8? Same. For 1871. 8? Same. For 1872. 8? BUFFALO 117 BULWER-LYTTON Buffalo (N. Y.) (continued) — Young men's association. Annual reports, from 1837 to 1871. 2 v. 8° [Except 1838, 1840, 1841, 1855.] — Catalogue of the library of. 1871. 8? — Celebration of the twenty-fifth anniver- sary, March 22, 1861. (In v. 2 of Annual reports.) Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc (comte de), (1707- 1788). Histoire naturelle, gady of Lyons ; or, love and pride : drama. Money: play. — Dramatic works. 16? Contents Poems. Kichelieu ; or, the conspir- acy. Lond. 1871. [New ed.) Not so bad as we seem. Kichelieu. Duchesse de la Vallifire. Lady of Lyons. ]Money. I — Same. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, 1860. Duchesse de la Valliere. (Com.) works.) England and the English. N. Y. 1833. i V. 12? Ernest Maltravers ; or, the Eleusinia. Leip- zig, 1842. 16? Same. N. Y. 1845. 8? Same. Lond. 1862. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1866. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. Phil. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 12? (3 cop.) Same. Phil. 1872. (2 cop.) Eugene Aram. Lond. 1866. 12? Same. Phil. 1869. 12? (2 cop.) {In Dr. Same. Phil. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Eva : a true story. (In Dramas and poems.) Falkland. (In Godolphin, Leipzig ed.) GoDOLPHiN. Leipzig, 1842. 16? Same. Lond. 1862. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1868. 12? (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1873. 8? (6 cop.) Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. Phil. 1861. 2v. 12? Same. Lond. 1864. 12? (Z cop.) Same. Phil. 1868. 12? (Z cop.) Same. Leipzig, n.t.p. 2 v. in 1. 16? Haunted and the haunters. (In Strange story.) Kenelm Chillingly : his adventures and opin- ions. N. Y. 1873. 8? (10 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1873. 12? (5 cop.) King Arthur. Leipzig, 1849. 2 v. in 1. 16? Same. N. Y. 1871. 12? Bulwer-Lytton (continued) — Lady of Lyons. (Play.) (In Dramas and poems.) Same. (In Dr. works.) Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 1. Last days of Pompeii. N. Y. 1842. 8? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1867. 12? Same. Phil. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 16? Same. Phil. 1870. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1871. 2 v. in 1, 12? Same. Phil. 1872. 12? Same. Phil. 1873. 12? (2 cop.) Last of the barons. Lond. 1856. 12? Same. Phil. 1861. 2 v. 12? Same. Load. 1863. 12? Same. Phil. 1867. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. Phil. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1872. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Leipzig, n.t.p. 2 v. in 1. 12? Leila ; or, the siege of Granada. N. Y. 1873. 8? (3 cop.) Same ; and Calderon, the courtier. Lond. 1853. 12? (4 cop.) Same. Phil. 1860. 12? (2 cop.) Same; Calderon, the courtier; and the Pil- grims of the Ehine. Phil. 1869. 12? Same. Phil. 1868. 12? (2 cop.) Lost tales of Miletus. N. Y. 1866. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Leipzig, 1860. 16? Lucretia ; or, the children of night. Leip- zig, 1846. 12? Same. Lond. n.t.p. 12? Same. Lond. 1853. 12? Same. Phil. 1868. (2 cop.) 12? Same. Phil. 1870. (2 cop.) 12? Same. Phil. 1872. 12? Miscellaneous prose works. N. Y. 1868. 2v. 12? Contents : Arasmanes, the seeker, v. 2. Browne, Sir Thomas, v. 1. Chairolas, v. 2. Choice of Phylias, v. 2. Conversations with an ambitious student in his last illness, v. 2. Departure of youth, v. 2. Difference between authors and the impressions of them conveyed by their works, v. 2. Ferdinand Fitzroy ; or, too handsome for any thing, v. 2. Fi-ho-ti, or the pleasures of reputation : a Chinese tale, V. 2. Goldsmith, Oliver, v. 1. Gray's works, v. 1. Ill-health and its consolations, v. 2. Infidelity in love, v. 2. Influence of love upon literature and real life, v. 2. Juliet's tomb in Verona, v. 2. Knebworth, v. 2. Knowledge of the world in men and books, v. 2. Kosem Kesamim, the magician. Tale of, v. 2. Lake Leman and its associations, v. 2. Lamb, Charles, and some of his works, v. 1. Love, The true ordeal of, v. 2. Many-sidedness and self-completion, v. 2. Monos and Daimonos, v. 2. Pitt and Fox, v. 1. Pym vs. Falkland, v. 1. Heign of terror : Its causes and results, v. 1. Satietv, v. 2. Schiller, Life of, v. 1. Sympathj', Want of, v. 2. World as it is, v. 2. Money. (Com.) (In Dramas and poems.) Same. (In Dr. works.) Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 1. My novel ; or, varieties in English life. By Pisistratus Caxton. Phil. 1869. 2 v. 12? (4 cop.) BULWER-LYTTON 119 BUNSEN Bul"wer-LyttoIl {continued) — Same. Leipzig, 1852. 4 v. in 2. 16? Same. Phil. 1860. 4 v. IK Same. Lond. 1862. 2 v. 12° (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1867. 2 v. in 1. 12° Same. Phil. 1871. 2 v. 16? Same. Phil. 1873. 12? (2 cop.) New Timon, The : a poetical romance ; and St. Stephen's : a poem. Leipzig, 1860. 16? Night and morning. Phil. 1865. 2 v. 12? (4 cop.) Same. Phil. 1861. 16? Sami. Phil. 1872. 16? [2 cop.) Paul Clifford. Lond. 1866. 12? Same. Phil. 1868. 12? (3 cop.) Same. Phil. 1870. 12? (2 cop.) Pelham ; or, the adventures of a gentleman. Leipzig, 1842. 12? Same. Lond. 1800. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1868. 12? Pilgrims of the Rhine. Leipzig, 1841. 16? Same. Lond. 1854. 12? (3 cop.) Same. Lond. 1862. 12? Pilgrims of the Rhine ; with other tales and poems. Leipzig, 1842. 16? Richelieu. (Play.) (^/?t Dramas and poems.) Same. (In Dr. works.) Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 1. RiENZi, the last of the Roman tribunes. Phil. 1860. 2v. 12? Same. Lond. 1866. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1867. 12? Same. Phil. 1873. 12? (2 cop.) St. Stephen's : a poem. {In New Timon.) Sculpture. {In Cambridge prize poems.) Straxge story ; and the Haunted and the haunters. Lond. 1864. 12? Same. Phil. 1868. 12? {5 cop.) Same. Phil. 1870. 12? Same. Phil. 1872. 12? Student, The : a series of papers. N. T. 1860. 2y. in 1. 12? Contents : Authors, The difference be- tween, and the impressions of them conveyed by their works. Conversations with an am- bitiousstudentin ill-health. De Lindsay. Fi-ho-ti; or, the pleasures of reputation. Ill-health and its consola- tions. Knebworth. Knowledge of the world In men and boolcs. Lake Letuanandits associa- tions. Law of arrest : a tale from facts. Love, Infidelity in. Love, True ordeal of. Pivssion for the universal. Reputation. See Fi-ho-tl. Satiety. Social life of England and France. Sympathy, Want of. Tale of Kosem Kesamim, the magician. Too handsonae for anything. World as it is. Youth, Departure of. Phil. 1860. 3 V. Same. Lone . 1864 12? Same. Phil. 1869. 2 V. Same. Phil. 1870. 12? Same. Phil. 1871. 12? Same. Phil. 1872. 2v. "What will he do with it ? 12? ime. ime, ime. ime. ime. Zanoni. Lond. 1853. 12? Same. Lond. 1864. 12? Same. Lond. 1865. 2 v. Same. Phil. 1867. 12? Same. Phil. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 12? (3 cop.) McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. Schmidt, J. Critical and literary review on. {In his Bilder aus dem geistigen leben.) 12? 12? (2 cop.) 12? Bul"wer-Lytton {continued) — Smiles, S. Brief biographies. See also Cartoon portraits ; Horace ; Modem literary men ; Orator, The. Bulwer-Ljrtton, Edward Robert {Owen Mere- dith), (h. 1831). Lucile. Bost. 1869. 16? Ring of Amasis. N. Y. 1863. 12? Bul"wer-Li3rttoll, Rosina {Lady). Behind the scenes. Lond. 1854. 3 v. 12? Very successful. (A'ew ed.) Lond. n.d. 16? Bunbury, Selina. Summer in northern Europe; including sketches in Sweden, Norway, Fin- land, Aland islands, Gothland, etc. Lond. 1856. 2 V. 12? Blince, Daniel. Travels with Dr. Leichhardt in Australia. Melb. 1859. 12? Bunce, Oliver. Bachelor's story, A. N.Y. 1859. 12? Bund, Ludwig. Puck's nightly pranks ; illus- trated by Paul Konewka. Tr. from the German, by C.T.Brooks. Bost. 1871. Sm. 4? Bungay, George W. Off-hand takings ; or, cray- on sketches of the noticeable men of our age. N. Y. 1854. 12? Bungener, Louis Felix. History of the council of Trent. Ed. by J. McClintock. N. Y. 1855. 12? Trois sermons, sous Louis xv.: i., k lacour; II., a la ville; in., au desert. Paris, 1850. 3 v. 12? Bunker, Timothy, esq. {pseud.). Tim Bunker papers ; or, Yankee farming. N. Y. n.d. 12? Bunker hill monument. Webster, D. Address at laying corner-stone of Bunker hill monu- ment, 1825. {In Works, v. 1.) Same. (In Addresses, v. 3.) — Address at the completion of. {In Works, V. 1.) Bunker hill mon. assoc. Inauguration of the Warren statue, June 17, 1857. Proceedings at annual meeting, June 17, 1865. {In Pamphlets, v. 7.) Proceedings at annual meeting, June 17, 1870. Address, by G. Washington Warren. (In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Proceedings at the annual meeting, June 17, 1871; with the address of G. Washington Warren. Bost. 1871. 8? Bunn, Alfred. My neighbor's wife. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 18. Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. N.Y. 1846. 16? H. F. lib., v. 176. Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias von (1791-1860). Egypt's place in universal history: an histor- ical investigation, in five books. Tr. from the German, by Chas. H. Cottrell. 2d ed., with notes of Samuel Birch. Lond. 1867. 5 v. 8? Contents : Arians in India, Historical epochsand dates of, v. 3. Authorities and monumentsof the old empire, v. 2. Book of the dead, v. 5. Chinese, Historical chronology of the, v. 3. Chronology. Historical, of the Hebrews, from the immigration of Abraham into Canaan until the fall of the kingdom of Judah, in comparison with Egyptian synchronisms, v. 3. Chronology, Researches of the Greeks Into Egyp- tian, v. 1. Chronology, Researchesof the Jews and Christians Into Egyptian, v. 1. Egypt: its place in universal liistory, v. i. BUNSEN 120 BURCKHARDT Bunsen {continued) — Egypt and fhe ages of the world, v. 4. Egyptian grammar, v. 1. Hieroglyphic grammar, v. 5. Hierogiyphical dictionary and grammar, v. 5. Historical tradition and research among the Egyp- tians, V. 1. Human beginnings : traditions of the Semites, v. 4. lonians. Beginnings of the history of the. In Asia Minor, and antiquities of their name, v. 3. Language: comparative philosophical analysis of the Egyptian languages ; place of Rhamism in universal history, v. 4. Languagre : comparison of Egyptian language and Semitic roots, v. 5. Middle and new empire, v. 2. Mythology of the Egyptians, v. 1. Old empire. History of the. v. 2. Old empire. Monuments of the, v. 2. Origines and ages of the world, v. 4. Philosophical analj'sis of Babylonian and Phoeni- cian kosmogonies, v. 4. Philosophical analysis of Egyptian tradition and Actions about the beginning of the world, v. 4. Phoenician, Assyrian, and Babylonian eras and historical epochs confronted with the Egyptian dates. V. 3. Pyramids of Gizeh and field of pyramids, v. 2. Synchronisms : application of astronomical syn- chronisms to Egyptian chronology and history, V. 3. Synchronisms: the historical synchronisms; Egyp- tian basis, or survey of the new empire from Amos to Sheshonk, v. 3. Synchronisms of astronom. and historical events in Egyptian history, v. 3. Texts: select chrestomathy of historical hiero- giyphical. v. 5. Tradition, Egyptian, among the Jews. v. 1. Tradition: Egyptian, Semitic, and Arian traditions confronted, and the general result, v. 4. Writing of the Egyptians, v. 1. Zoroaster, the Bactrian, Age of, v. 3. God in history; or, the progress of man's faith in the moral order of the world. Tr. from the German, by Susanna "Winkworth; with a preface, by A. P. Stanley. Lond, 1868. 3 V. 8^ Contents : Aryans in Asia Minor, Religious consciousness of, previous to the Christian era, v. 2. Aryans of eas'ern Persia, Religious consciousness of. prior to the introduction of Christianity, v. 1. Christian Aryans, Religious consciousness of, v. 3. Consciousness of God among the Hebrews, v. 1. General philosophical introduction, v. 1. Results of the foregoing inquiries, with the practi- cal questions which they suggest, v. 3. Letters from Bunsen to Max Miiller, in the years 1848-59. {In Muller, F. M. Chips, V. 3.) Outlines of the philosophy of universal history applied to language and religion. Lond. 1854, 2v. 8° SiGKS of the times : letters to Ernst Moritz Arndt on the dangers to religious liberty in the present state of the world. Tr. from the Geiman, by Susanna Winkworth. Lond. 1856. 8= Bunsen, F. {Baroness). Memoirs of Baron Bunsen ; drawn chiefly from family papers. 2d ed., abridged and corrected. Phil. 1869. 2v. 12? MiJLLEK, F. M. Paper on Bunsen. {In his Chips, V. 3.) Bunsen, Frances {Baroness), Memoirs of Baron Bunsen. Bunsen, Kobert. Gasometry ; comprising the leading physical and chemical properties of gases. Tr. by Henry E. Koscoe. Lond. 1857. 8? Bunte steine. Stiftee, A. Bunyan, John (1628-1688). Works. Glasgow, n.d. 3 V. 8° Contents : Acceptable sacrifice, v. 1. Advice to sufferers, v, 2. Antichrist and his ruin, v. 2. Barren flg-tree, v. 3. Bunyan {continued) — Book for bovg and girls, v. 3. Bunyan's confession of faitli, V. 2. Bunyan's relation of his im- prisonment, V. 1. Case of conscience resolved, V. 2. Caution to watch against sin, V. 2. Christacomplete savior, V. 1. Christian behavior, v. 2. Come and welcome to Jesus Christ, V. 1. Defense of the doctrine of justification, v. 2. Desire of the righteous granted, v. 1. Discourse of the building of the house of God. v. 2. Doctrine of the law and grace unfolded, v. 1. Exhortation to peace and unity, V. 2. Exposition on the first ten chapters of Genesis, v. 2. Fear of God, v. 1. Gospel truths opened, v. 2. Grace abounding to the chief of sinners, v. 1. Greatness of the soul, The, V. 1. Holy city ; or, the new Je- rusalem, V. 3. Holy life the beauty of Christianity, v. 2. House of the forest of Leba- non, V. .3. Instruction for the ignorant. Israel's hope encouraged, v. Jerusalem sinner saved, v. 1. Justification by an imputed righteousness, v. 1. Life and death of Mr. Bad- man, v. .3. Light for them that sit In darkness, v. 1. One thing is needful, v. 3. Paul'sdeparture and crown, V. 1. Peaceable principles and true, V. 2. Pharisee and publican, v. 2. Pilgrim's progress, v. 3. Prison meditations, v. 1. Relation of the holy war, v. .3. Reprobation asserted, v. 2. Resurrection ofthe dead and eternal Judgment, v. 2. Saint's privilege and profit, V. 1. Saved by grace, v. 1. Scriptural poems, v. 2. Seventh day sabbath, v. 2. Sighs from hell, v. 3. Solomon's temple spiritual- ized, V. .3. Spirit of praver, v. 1. Strait gate. The, v. 1. Unsearchable riches of Christ, V. 2. Vindication of gospel truths, V. 2. Water of life, v. 3. Work of Jesus Christ as an advocate, v. 1. — Grace abounding to the chief of sinners. Aberdeen, n.d. 12? Pelegrims wandring fron denna werlden till den tillkommande. Ofwersatt fion Engels- kan of P. O. Welander. N. Y. n.d. 16? Pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come ; delivered under the simil- itude of a dream. N. Y. n.d. 12? Same. In two parts ; with original notes, by T. Scott. Lond. 1828. 12? GriEr, J. B. Studies in the English of. Haesha, D. a. Life of. Phil. 1871. 12? PuNSHON, W. M. Lecture on. (/« Letters and sermons.) Whittier, J. G. Old portraits. iSee a/«o Macaulay, T. B. Essays; New biog- raphies. Buonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon i. Buonarroti, Michael Angelo (1474-1563). Dup- PA, K., and Quatremere de Quincy. Lives and Works of Michael Angelo and EaffaeloSanziod'Urbino. Lond. 1846. 12? Grimm, H. Lifeof Michael Angelo. Tr. by^ Fanny Elizabeth Bunnett. Bost. 1865. 2v. 8? Lamartine, a. de. Sketches of Michael Angelo. {In (Euvres completes, v. 51.) See also — Characteristics of men of genius. Extraordinary men. Fisher, J. Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Burat, Amed^e. Geologic appliqu^e : traits du gisement et de 1 'exploitation des min^raux utiles. Paris, 1858. 2 v. 8? Burckhardt, Jacob. Cicerone, The ; or, art- guide to painting in Italy. For the use of travelers. Ed. by A. von Zahn ; tr. by Mrs. A. H. Clough. Lond. 1873. 12? Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig (1784-1817). Trav- els in Arabia ; comprehending an account BURCKHARDT 121 BURKE Surckhardt {continued) — of those territories in Hedjaz which the Mo- hammedans regard as sacred. Lond. 1829. 2 V. 8= Memoir of. (7m Jardine, Sir W. Nat. lib., v. 40.) ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. Biographic von Burck- hardt. (In Ges. schriften, v. 31.) Burdet, G. Manual for dentists. Moscow, 1790. 8° (Russian.) Burdett, Charles. Dora Barton, the banker's ward. N. Y. 1860. 12? Margaret Moncricffe : the first love of Aaron Burr. N. Y. 1860. 12? Three per cent, a month ; or, the perils of fast living. N. Y. 1856. 12? Biirger, Gottfried August (1748-1794). Sammt- liche werke. Neue orig. ausgabe. Gottin- gen, 1844. 4 v. 8? ScNGS and ballads. Tr. by C. T. Brooks. {In Specimens of foreign literature, v. 14.) See also Longfellow, H. "W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Burges, Tristam (1770-1853). Battle of Lake Erie ; with notices of Commodore Elliot's conduct. Phil. 1839. 16? Speech on the judiciary, 1825. {In Moore, F. Am. eloquence, v. 2.) BowEX, H. L. Memoir ; with selections from his speeches and occasional writings. Phil. 1835. 8? Burgess, Hubert. System of drawing, (n.f.p.) 4? Burgess, N. G. Photograph and ambrotype manual : a practical treatise on the art of taking positive and negative photographs on paper and glass, etc., etc. {ith ed.) N. Y. 1858. 12? Photograph manual. N. Y. 1862. *12? Burgfraulein, Das. Hoefer, E. {In Erzah- lende schriften, v. 6.) Burgh, James (1714-1775). Dignity of human nature, The; or, a brief account of the cer-, tain and established means for attaining the true end of our existence. Lond. 1767. 2 v. 12? Dignity of human nature. To which is add- ed the proper method of preserving health, by Lewis Cornaro ; with an introduction, by J. P. Durbin. Phil. 1851. 12? Political disquisitions ; or, an inquiry into public errors, defects, and abuses. Illus- trated by and established upon facts and re- marks extracted from a variety of authors, ancient and modern. Calculated to draw the timely attention of government and peo- ple to a due consideration of the necessity, and the means, of reforming those errors, defects, and abuses ; of restoring the consti- tution, and saving the state. Lond. 1774. 3v. 8? Same. Phil. 1775. 3 v. 8? Burgh, N. P. Modern marine engineering ; il- lustrated with 36 plates and 240 wood-cuts. Lond. 1867. Koy. 4? Practical treatise on modern screw propul- sion ; illustrated with 52 plates and 103 wood-cuts. Lond. 1869. Eoy. 4? Burgomaster's family, The. Walr^ie, E. C. W. VOK. Burgoyne, Sir John (1730-1792). Heiress. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 22. MAiDof the Oaks. (Dr. entert.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 11. Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 6. Richard Cceur de Lion. Historical romance, altered from the French of M. Sedaine. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 12. Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 6. Neilson, C. History of Burgoyne's cam- paign. See also Dibdin, C, Jr. Burgoyne, (S(> John {Bart.), (b. 1782). Wrct- TESLEY, G. Life and correspondence of Field -marshal Sir John Burgoyne, bart. Lond. 1873. 2 v. 8? Burgraves, Les. Hugo,V. (M.) (Ira Theatre, V. 4.) Burgundy, House of. See Monstrelet, E. de. Buried alive. Dumas, A. (D.) Burke, Charles. Rip van "Winkle. (Dr.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 22. Burke, Edmund (1730-1797). Works. Bost. 1839. 9v. 8? Contents : Account of a late short administration, v. I. Address to British colonists in North America, v. 5. Address to the king, v. 5. Affairs in Ireland, v. 5. America, Account of Europ. settlements in, v. 9. America, Speech on conciliation with, v. 2. American taxation. Speech on, v. 1. Appeal fiom the new to the old Whigs, v. 3. Army estimates, Speech on, v. 3. Conduct of the minority, v. 4. Considerations on presentstate of affairs, 1792, v. 4. Correspondence, v. 9. Essay on abridgment of English history, v. 5. Fragments and notes of speeches, v. 5. Hastings, W., Articles of charge against, v. 6. Hastings, W., Kept, of committee on trial of, v. 7. Hastings, W., Speeches on the impeachment of, V. 7, 8. Hints for an essay on the drama, v. 5. Letter and reflections on execution of rioters, 1780, V. 5. liCtter on American aflRairs, v. 2. Letter on duration of parliaments, v. 5. Letter on penal laws against Irish Catholics, v. 3. Letter to a member of ihe national assembly, v. 3. Letter to a noble lord, v. 4. Letter to Dundas, with sketch of Negro code, v. 5. Letter to empress of Russia, v. 5. Letters on a regicide peace, v. 4, 5. Letters on trade of Ireland, v. 2. Letters to Bingham, Burgh, K. Burke, Fox, Mer- lott, and others, v. 5. Letters to W. Elliot, v. 4, 5. Observations on present state of the nation, v. 1. Preface to M. Bris.sot's address, v. 4. Reflections on French revolution, v. 3. Reports from committee of house of commons on affairs of E. I. co., v. 6. Representation to his majlesty, v. 2. Speech on Fox's East India bill, v. 2. Speech on the independence of parliament, V. 2. Speech on the nabob of Arcot's debts, v. 2. Speeches at Bristol, v. 2. Sublime and beautiful. The, v. 1. Thoughts on scarcity, v. 4. Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents, V. 1. Tracts relative to laws against popery in Ireland, V. 5. Vindication of natural society, v. 1. Same. "With a memoir. N. Y. 1851. 3 v. 8? Reflections on the revolution in France, and on the proceedings of certain societies in London relative to that event. Bost. 1872. 16? (Nonpareil series of English classics.) Speeches on the impeachment of Warren Hastings ; to which is added a selection of his epistolary correspondence. Lond. 1857. 2v. 12? BURKE 122 BURNAND Burke {continued) — Bkougham, H. [Lord). Statesmen of the time of George iii. Paine, T. Rightsofman, [Reply to Burke's attack on the French revolution.] Prior, J. Life of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. {5th ed.) Lond. 1854. 12° — Memoir of the life and character of Burke; with specimens of his poetry and letters. Bost. 1854. 2 V. 12° Robertson, J. B. Lectures on the life, writ- ings, and times of. Lond. 1868. 8° ViLLEMAiN, A. P. Critical review. {In (Eu- vres, V. 4.) See also Orator, The ; Select British eloquence. Burke, John and Sir J. B. Encyclopsedia of heraldry ; or, general armory of England, Scotland, andlreland. Comprising a registry of all armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time, including the late grants by the College of arms. Third ed., with supplement. Lond. n.d. S°, Royal families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with their descendants, sovereigns, and subjects. Lond. 1848-51. 2 v. 8° Burke, Sir John Bernard. Genealogical and her- aldic dictionary of the landed gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1858. 8? Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British em- pire. {22d ed.) Lond. 1860. Large 8° Rise of great families; other essays, and stories. Lond. 1873. 12? (2 cop.) Vicissitudes of families. Lond. 1869. 2 v. 12° Contents : Albany, House of, v. 1. Auvergne, Philip d', Story of, V. 1. Bairds of Gartstierrle iron- works, V. 1. Bonapartes, v. 2. Buckingham, Duke of, v. 1. Cheslyns, v. 1. Connemara, Princess of, v. 1. Conyers, Earl of, v. 1. Cromwells, Rise and fall of, V. 1. De la Poles, v. 2. Desmond, Old countess of, v. 2. DeVere, earl of Oxford, v. 1. Discovery, The, v. 1. Dodingtonsof Dodlngton,v. House that Jack built, v. 1. King Tom, v. 1. Lairds of Callendar, v. 2. Lairds of West quarter, v. 2. Landless lords and barons, v. Laws of Lauriston, v. 2. Lindsay of Edzell, v. 1. MacCarthy, v. 2. MacCarthysofDunmanway, v. 2. Mack worth of Norman ton, V. 1. Maguire of Tempo, co. Fer- managh, v. 1. Maltese knight's tale, v. 2. Marischal, Earls of, v. 1. Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques (1694-1748). Prin- ciples of natural and politic law. Tr. into English, by Thos. Nugent. Camb., Mass., 1807. 2 V. 8° Burleigh, William Cecil {Lord). /See Statesmen, Lives of eminent British. Burleigh, William Henry (1812-1871). Poems ; with a sketch of his life, by Celia Burleigh. N. Y. 1871. 12? Burlesques. Thackeray, W. M. Menteith, Earl of, v. 1. Mytton, John, v. 1. Nevilles, The, v. 1. Nostel priory, v. 1. Oglanders of Nunwell and of Normandy, v. 1. O'Melaghlins, The, kings of Meath, v. 2. O'Neills, The, v. 1. Park, Bunny, Fate of, v. 2. Percys, v. 1. Plantagenet ladies, Three: Elizabeth of York, Fair maid of Kent, Margaret of Clarence, v. 2. Seafortli, Fate of, v. 1. Self-reliance, v. 1. Shakespeares, The, v. I. Smyths of Ashton court, v. 2. Stafford, Duke of, v. 1. Stewart of Craigiehall, v. L Strathern, Earl of, v. 1. Stuarts, The royal, v. 1. Testamentary eccentrici- ties, v. 2. Titles, Fortune and fate of, V. 2. Vicissitudes of Bulstrode, v. 2. Vicissitudes of families, v. 1. Villiers, Duke of, v. 1. Ward, Prime minister, v. 1. Widvllles, V. 2. Wray, Wm., The last, of Ards.v. 1. Burlington college {R. I.). Catalogue of the preparatory department, 1868. Phil. 1868. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 1.) Burraah — Corner, J., et al. Account of the Burmese. {In China, pictori^al, historical, etc.) Malcom, H. Full account of the Burman em- pire. {In Travels in south-eastern Asia.) Palmer, J. W. Golden dagon ; or, up and down the Irrawaddi. See also Laos. Burman, Peter (1668-1741). Johnson, S. Life of. {In his Lives of eminent persons.) Burmeister, Hermann. Geschichte der schop- fung : eine darstellung des entwicklungsgan- ges der erde und ihrer bewohner. 7te aus- gabedurch E. G. Giebel. Leipzig, 1872. 8? Burn, Robert. Rome and the campagna : an his- torical and topographical description of the site, buildings, and neighborhood of ancient Rome. With illustrations , by Jewett, and 25 maps and plans. Lond. 1871. 4? Burn, Robert Scott. Self-aid cyclopaedia for self- taught students ; with 1,000 illustrations. Lond. n.d. 12? Bumand, F. C. AcisandGalaiea. (Burl.) La- cy's Plays, v. 58. Alonzo the brave. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 58. Black-ey'd Susan. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 77. Cupid and Psyche, (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 64. Deal boatman. (Ser.-com.dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 60. Deerfoot. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 53. Dido. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 44. Fair Rosamond. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 55. Faust and Marguerite. (Trav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 63. Happy-thought hall. Bost. 1872. 16? Happy thoughts. Bost. 1868. 16? (3 cop.) Same. Bost. 1871. 12? Helen. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 77. 'Humbug!' (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 79. In for a holiday. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 26. IxiON. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 60. King of the Merrows. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 53. Lord Lovel and Lady Nancy Bell. (Burl. ) Lacy's Plays, v. 30. Madame Berliot's ball. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 61. Mary Turner. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 78. More happy thoughts. Bost. 1871. 12? (3 cop.) My health. Bost. 1872. 12? New history of Sanford and Merton ; being a true account of the adventures of master Tommy and Harrj' with their beloved tutor, Mr. Barlow. 26 illustrations, by Linley Sambourne. Lond. 1872. 12? Same. Bost. 1872. 12? Paris. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 84. Patient Penelope. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays^r. 61. PiRiTHOcs, the son of Ixion. (Extrav.) La- cy's Plays, v. 65. Robin Hood. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 57. BURNAND 123 BURNS Bumand. (continued) — E.OMANCE under difficulties. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 26. Rumplestiltskin; or, the woman at the well. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 62. Snowdrop. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 64. Ulvssks. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 66. Venus and Adonis. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, V. 62. ViLLiKiNS and his Dinah. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, V. 54. "White cat. (Burl, extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 90.) "White fawn. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 79. "Windsor castle. (Op. burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 67. anrf "Williams, M. Easy shaving. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 60. Bumap, George "W. (1802-1859). , Expository lectureson the principal passages of the script- ures which relate to the doctrine of the trin- ity. Bost. 1845. 12: Burnet, F. {Dr.). Archa;ologia3 philosophicae. (n.t.p.) VH Burnet, Gilbert (Bishop), (1643-1715). Four discourses, delivered to the clergy of the dio- cese of Sarum, concerning : i., truth of the Christian religion; ii., divinity of the death of Christ ; iii., infallibility and authority of the church ; iv., obligations to continue in the communion of the church. Lond. 1694. 12° History of his own time (1660-1713), from the restoration of King Charles ii. to the con- clusion of the treaty of peace at Utrecht, in the reign of Queen Anne; to which is prefixed a summary recapitulation of affairs in church and state, from King James i. to the resto- ration, in the year 1660. Lond. 1818. 4 v. 8° Same. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 8° History of the reformation of the church of England. (New ed.) Lond. 1850. 2 v. S° Travels. (In Harris, J. Coll. voy., v. 2.) Burnet, Jacob (1770-1853). Notes on the early settlement of the north-western territory. N. Y. 1847. 8° Burnet, James (1788-1816). Cunningham, A. Life of. (In Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 5.) * ^umc. H. F. lib., V. 67. Burnet, John (h. 1784), and Murray, H. Land- scape painting in oil colors; explained in let- ters on the theory and practice of the art, and illustrated by examples from the several schools. Lond. "^1861. 4° Burnet, Thomas (1635-1715). Doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus ; or, an inquiry into the doctrine of the philosophers of all nations concerning the original of the world. Made English from the Latin original, by Mr. Mead and Mr. Foxton. Lond. 1736. 12= Burnett, C. M. Philosophy of spirits in relation to matter. Lond. 1850. 8° Bximett, Peter H. Path which led a Protestant lawyer to the Catholic church. N. Y. 1860. 8° Bumey, Charles (1726-1814). History of music, from earliest ages to present period. (2d ed.) Lond. 1789. 4 v. 4^ Burney, Frances. Sec D'Arblay (Madame). Burney, James (1745-1821). Chronological his- tory of the discoveries in the south sea, or Pacific ocean. Lond. 1808-17. 5 v. 4? Contents : Alarcon, Hernando de, v. I. Alcazova, Simon de, v. 1. Alvarado, Pedro de, v. 1. Anson, Com. George, v. 5. £alboa, Vasco Nufiez de, v. 1. Benuchesne, M. de, v. 4. Bougainville, M. de, v. 5. Bouvet, Lozier, v. 5. Breskens fship), v. 3. Brouwer, Hendrick, v. 3. Buccaneers, The, v. 4. Cabrillo, Juan Bodriguez, v. 1. California, v. 1. 2, 4. California, Gulf of, v. 1, 2, 4. Californians, v. 1, 2, 4. Camargo, Alonzo de, v. 1. Careri,Dr.GiovanniFranel8- co, V. 4. Caroline islands, v. 3, 5. Cavendish, Thomas, v. 2. Cheap, Capt. David, v. 5. China, v. 3. Clipperton, John, v. 5. Cook, Capt. James, v. 1. Cornado. Francisco Vas- quez de, v. 1. Cortez, Hernando, v. 1. Dampier, William, v. 3. Drake, Francis, v. 1. Falkland islands, v. 4. Fenton, Edward, v. 2. Fernandez, Juan, v. 1. Fernandez, Juan, island, v. 1-5. Formosa island, v. 1. Frezier, M., v. 3, 4. Fuca, Juan de, v. 2. Galapagos islands, v. 1. Gali, Francisco de, v. 2. Gennes, M. de, v. 4. Grijalva, Hernando de, v. 1. Halley, Dr. Edmund, v. 4. Hamel, Hendrick, v. 3. Hawkins, Sir Bichard, v. 2. Hayti (island), v. 4. Jamaica (island), v. 4. Japan, v. 1, 3, 5. Java, V. 1. Jesuit missionaries, v. 4. Kastrikom (ship), v. 3. Kino, Padre Eusebio Fran- cisco, V. 4. Korea, v. 3,4. Kwast, Matthys, v. 3. Ladrllleros, Juan, v. I. Ladrone islands, v. 1-5. Legaspie, Miguel Lopez de, v. 1. Le Maire, Jacob, v. 2. Leon (shipi, v. 5. Lister, Christopher, v. 3. Loyasa, Garcia Jofre de, v. 1. Magalhanes, Fernando de, v. 1. Mabu, Jacob, v. 2. Marquesas islands, v. 2. Mendana, Alvaro de, v. \. Merick, Andrew, v. 2. Missionar.v projects, v. 1-5. Moluccas islands, v. 1-3. Narbrough, Capt. John, v. 3. Nassau fleet, v. 3. New Albion, v. L New Britain, v. 4. New Guinea, v. 1-3. New Hanover, v. 2.-i. New Holland, v. 1-4. New Ireland, v. 2-4. New Spain, v. 1-5. New Zealand, v. 3. Niza, Marcos de, v. 1. Nodales, The, v. 2. North-west passage, The, v. 1-5. Olivarez, Don Joachim de, V. 5. Otaheite, v. 2-4. Otondo, Don Isidro, v. 4. Oxnam, John, v. 1. Peche, Thomas, v. 3,4. Pelew islands, v. 1-5. Philippine islands, v. 1,2. Piccolo, Padre, v. 4. Pizarro, Francisco, v. 1. Quiros, Pedro Fernandez de, V. 2. Eogers, Capt. Woodes, v. 4. Roggewein, Jacob, v. 4. Rotterdam, Voyage of ships of, v. 3. Saavedra; Alvaro de, v. 1. Salomon islands, v. 1. Salvatierra, Padre Juan Maria, v. 4. Sancian island, v. 3. Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pe- dro, V. 1, 2. Schouten, Wm., v. 2, 3. Selkirk, Alexander, v. 4. .Shelvocke, George, v. 4. Sidoti, Jean Baptiste, v. 5. South sea, v. 1. Spilbergen, Joris, v. 2. Tasman, Abel Jansen, v. 3. Ugarte, Padre, v. 4. Ulloa, Antonio de, v. 2. nioa. Francisco de, v. 1. Van Dienian's land, v. 3. Van Xoort, Olivier, v. 2. Villalobos, Ruy Lopez de, v. Vizcaino, Sebastian, v. 2. Wager (ship), v. 5. Ward, Luke, v. 3. — HiSTORYof the buccaneers of America. Lond. 1816. 4° Same. (In his Voyages and discoveries in south seas, V. 4.) Burnham, George P. History of the hen fever: a humorous record. Bost. 1855. 12° Burnham, Geo. P. Memoirs of the United States secret service; compiled, by permission, from department records, with accurate portraits of prominent members of the detective force, some of their most notable captures, and brief account of the life of Col. H. C. "Whitley. Bost. 1872. 12? (Scop.) Burns, Jabez. Mothers of the wise and good. (4:th ed.) Bost. 1851. 16° Blirns, Kobert (1759-1796). Life and works. Edited by K. Chambers. N. Y. 1852. 4 v. 8: Contents : Correspondence with Tbompson, v. 4. Letters, v. 2, 3. Life of Burns, v. 1. Poetical works, v. 1-4. BURNS 124 BURTT Burns (continued) — Works; with life, by Allan Cunningham, and notes. [JVew ed.) Lond. 1854. 8^ Contents : Correspondence of Burns. Life of Burns. Poems. Correspondence between Burns and Clarin- da ; with a memoir of Mrs. M'Lehose \_Cla- rinda\. N. Y. n.d. 12° Poetical and prose works. ( Jw Delicise poe- tarum Scotorum.) Poetical works. Edited by Eob. A. "Will- mott. Bost. 1872. 12? Carlyle, T. Life of. N. Y. 1859. 16? Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the English poets. LocKHART, J. G. Life of. N. Y. 1831. 12? Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt^rature Angiaise, v. 4. See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 3; Extraordinary men; Loves of famous men; Self-made men. Burns and scalds. Holmes, T. Treatise on. [In his Sy.stem of surgery, v. 1.) Burnt Njal. Cox, G. W., and Jones, E. H. [In Tales of the Teutonic lands.) Burr, Aaron (1756-1836). Private journal of Aaron Burr ; with selections from his cor- respondence. Edited by M. L. Davis. N. Y. 1856. 2 V. 8? Bukdett, C. Margaret Moncrieflfe. (His- torical fiction.) Davis, M. L. Memoirs of. N. Y. 1856. 8? Parton, J. Life and times of. N. Y. 1856. 8? Same. [Enlarged ed.) Bost. 1867. _ 2 v. 8? Robertson, D. Reports on the trial of. See also Blennerhasset papers. Burr, E. F. Ad fidem ; or, parish evidences of the bible. [2d ed.) Bost. 1871. 12? Ecce ccelum ; or, parish astronomy. By a Connecticut pastor. [\lth ed.) Bost. 1870. 12? Pater mundi ; or, modern science testifying to the heavenly Father. Lecture, delivered to senior classes in Amherst college. [\st ser.) Bost. 1870. 12? Burr, Fearing. Field and garden vegetables of America ; containing full descriptions of nearly 1,100 species and varieties. "With di- rections for propagation, culture, and use. Illustrated. Bost. 1865. 12? Burr, Theodosia (1783-1813). ;Sfe Parton, J. Fa- mous Americans of recent times. Biirrall, F. A. Asiatic cholera. N. Y. 1866. 12? Burritt, Elihu [b. 1811). Lectures and speeches. Lond. 1869. 12? Contents: Lectures : Benevolent associations of tlie day. Dignity and comfort of the farmer's life. Higher law and mission of commerce. Physiology of free nations. Olive leaves for the people. Speeches. Thoughts and things at home and abroad ; with a memoir, by Mary Howitt. Bost. 1856. 12? Same. Lond. 1868. 12? Walk from London to John O'Groat's ; with notes by the way. N. Y. 1864. 12? (2 cop,^ Burritt [continued) — Walks in the black country and its green border land. Lond. 1869. 12? See also Modern agitators ; Self-made men. Burroughs, John. -Notes on Walt Whitman as poet and person. N. Y. 1867. 16? Wake-robin. N. Y. 1871. 16? BurrO"Wes, George. Commentary on the song of Solomon. Phil. 1853. 8? [2 cop.) Burro'wes, Thomas H. [Ed.) Pennsylvania school architecture : a manual of directions and plans for grading, locating, construct- ing, heating, ventilating, and furnishing com- mon-school houses. Harrisburg, 1855. 8? Burrows, William (1785-1813). Irving, W. Biographical sketch of. [In Spanish papers, V. 2.) Burt, N. C. Hours among the gospels ; or, way- side truths from the life of our Lord. PhiL 1865. 12? Burton, Mrs. — . Who would have thought it ? Phil. 1872. 12? (3 cop.) Burton, John Hill [h. 1809). Book-hunter: i., book-club literature ; ii., his club ; iii., his functions ; iv., his nature. N. Y. 1863. 12? History of Scotland, from Agricola's invasion, A.D. 80, to the revolution of 1688. Edin. 1867. 7v. 8? Narratives from criminal trials in Scotland. Lond. 1852. 2 v. 12? See also Benthamiana. Burton, Richard Francis [b. 1821). City of the saints, and across the Rocky mountains to California. N. Y. 1862. 8? (2 cop.) Explorations of the highlands of Brazil ; with a full account of the gold and diamond mines. Lond. 1869. 2 v. .8? Lake regions of central Africa : a picture of exploration. Lond. 1860. 2 v. 8? Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El- Medinah and Meccah. N. Y. 1856. 12? (2 cop.) Burton, Robert (1576-1639). Anatomy of mel- ancholy : what it is, with all the kinds, caus- es, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it. In three partitions ; with their several sections, members, and subsections, philo- sophically, medically, historically opened and Alt up. By Democritus Junior. N. Y'. 1865. 3v. 12? Same. Bost. n.d. 3 v. 12? [Imperfect.] Same. Bost. 1859. 2 v. 12? Same. Phil. 1852. 8? Same. Phil. 1860. 8? Melancholy anatomized. Extracts from the ' Anatomy of melancholy.' [n.t.p.) 12? Taine, H. (A. ) Histoire de la litt6rature An- giaise, V. 1. Burton, Warren. Culture of the observing facul- ties in the family and the school ; or, things about home, and how to make them instruct- ive to the young. N. Y. 1865. 16? Burton, William Evans (1802-1860). Ellen Wareham, the wife of two husbands. (Do- mestic dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 34. Burtt, John. Horse poeticae ; or, the transient murmurs of a solitary lyre. Consisting of poems and songs in English and Scotch. Bridgeton, N. J., 1819. 16? BURTY 125 BUTLER Burty, Philippe. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the industrial arts : pottery and porcelain, glass, enamel, metal, goldsmith's work, jewelry, and tapes- try. Illustrated. N. Y. 1869. 12° Buschhof, Der. Hoefer, E. {In Erzahlende schriften, v. 12.) Biisching, Johann Gustav Gottlieb (1783-1829). Novel. (In Roscoe, T. German novelists, V. 2.) Bush, Mrs. Forbes. Memoirs of the queens of France ; including a memoir of her majesty the late queen of the French [Marie Am^lie] . From the 2d London ed. Phil. 1852. 2 v. 8° Bush, George (1796-1859). Anastasis ; or, the doctrine of the resurrection of the body, ra- tionallv and scripturally considered. N. Y. 1845. \2° Life of Mohammed. N. Y. 1847. 161 H. F. lib., V. 10. Reply to Rev. Dr. Woods's lectures on Swe- denborgianism ; delivered in the theological seminary, Andover, Mass. N. Y. 1847. 8^ Bush, Richard J. Reindeer, dogs, and snow- shoes : a journal of Siberian travel and ex- plorations in 1865-7. N. Y. 1871. 12° (5 cop.) Bush, William. Max and Maurice. Tr. from the German, by C. T. Brooks. Bost. 1871. 12? Bush-boys. Reid, M. Bushnan, J. S. Fishes : their structure and uses. Edin. 1833-43. 16? (In Jardine, Sir W. Nat. lib., V. 35.) Bushnel, Charles I. Arrangement of trades- men's cards, political tokens ; also, election medals, medalets, etc., current in the United States of America for the last sixty years, described from the originals, chiefly in the collection of the author. With engravings. N. Y. 1858. 8? Bushnell, Horace (b. 1802). Appeal in behalf of the movement for a university in Cali- fornia. S. F. 1857. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 16.) California : its characteristics and prospects. S. F. 1858. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 17, 34.) Christian nurture. N. Y. 1865. 12? God in Christ: three discourses, delivered at New Haven, Cambridge, and Andover. With a preliminary dissertation on lan- guage. Hartford, Conn., 1849. 12? Contents : Atonement. Divinity of Christ. Dogma and spirit Language (introductory). Moral uses of dark things. N. Y. 1868. 12? (2 cop.) Nature and the supernatural, as together con- stituting the one system of God. N. Y. 1861. 8? Sermoks for the new life. (7th ed.) N. Y. 1868. 12? Sermons on living subjects. N. Y. 1872. 12? Society and religion : a sermon for Califor- nia, delivered on Sabbath evening, July 6, 1856, at the installation of E. S. Lacy as pastor of the first Congregational church, San Francisco. S. F. 1856. 8? (!« Pam- phlets, V. 30.) Bushnell (continued) — Vicarious sacrifice grounded in principles of universal obligation. N. Y. 1866. 8? Women's suffrage : the reform against nature. N. Y. 1869. 12? (3 cop.) Work and play ; or, literary varieties. N. Y. 1864. 12? Contents : Age of homespun, The. Agriculture at the east. City plans. Day of roads, The. Doctrine of lo.valty, The. Founders great in their un- consciousness. Growth of law. The. Historical estimate of Con- necticut. Life or the lives. Religious music. True wealth or weal of na- tions. The. Work and play. — Work and play. (Oration.) (In Addresses, V. 1.) See also Modern agitators. Bushrangers, The. Thomes, W. H. Business — Anderson, W. Practical mercantile letter- writer. Butts, J. R. Business-man's adviser, etc. Davies, T. a. How to make money, and how to keep it. Freedley, E. T. Practical treatise on. How to do. (In Hand-books for home im- provement.) Wells, J. G. Every man his own lawyer. Busk, G. Treatise on parasites, and the diseases which they produce ; venomous insects and reptiles. (In Holmes, T. System of surge- ry, V. 4.) Busk, Hans. Navies of the world : their present state and future capabilities. Lond. 1859. 12? Rifle, The, and how to use it. (8th ed.) Lond. 1861. 16? Rifle volunteers : how to organize and drill them, in accordance with the latest official regulations. {8th ed.) Lond. 1861. 12? Busk, M. M. History of Spain and Portugal, from the earliest records to the peace of 1814. Lond. n.d. 8? Busy hands and patient hearts. Nieritz, G. Butler, Benjamin Franklin (b. 1818). Parton, J. General Butler in New Orleans : his- tory of the administration of the depart- ment of the gulf in 1862. N. Y. 1864. 8? (2 cop.) Butler, C. M. Ecclesiastical history. First se- ries : from the first to the xiii. century. Phil. 1868. 8? Same. Second series : from the xiii. to the XIX. century. Phil. 1872. 8? Inner Rome : political, religious, and social. Phil. 1866. 12? St. Paul in Rome : lectures delivered in the legation of the United States of America in Rome. Phil. 1865. 12? Wise man is strong : sermon on the death of Daniel Webster. Wash. 1852. (In Pam- phlets, V. 2.) Butler, Charles. Seminary bell : a vocal class- book for the use of seminaries, high schools, academies, etc. Bost. n.d. Obi. 12? Butler, D. P. Lifting cure : an original, scien- tific application of the laws of motion, or mechanical action, to physical culture and the cure of disease. Bost. 1868. 8? Same. N. Y. 1869. 8? (I« Pamphlets, v. 32.) BUTLER 126 BYRON Butler, G. Education considered as a profession for women, (/ra Woman's work and wom- an's culture.) Butler, Henry D. Family aquarium, The ; or, aqua vivarium. N. Y. 1858. 12^ Butler, Joseph (1692-1752). Analogy of relig- ion, natural and revealed, to the constitu- tion and course of nature ; with an intro- ductory essay, by Albert Barnes. N. Y. 1843. 12? Same. To which are added two brief disser- tations : on personal identity and on the nature of virtue, and fifteen sermons. New ed., with analytical introductions, explana- tory notes, and an index. Lond. 1852. 12? See also New biographies of illustrious men. Butler, Josephine E. [Ed.) Woman's work and woman's culture : a series of essays. Lond. 1869. 8? Contents : Blake, Sophia Jex : Medicine as a profession for women. Boucherett, Jessie : How to provide for superfluous women. Butler, Rev. G. : Education considered as a pro- fession for women. Cobbe, Frances Power: The final cause of woman. Kiimear, John Boyd : Social position of women in the present age. Mozley, Herbert N. : The property disabilities of a married woman, and other legal effects of mar- riage. Pearson, Charles H. : On some historical aspects of family life. Stuart, James : The teaching of science. Wedgwood, Julia : Female suffrage, considered chiefly with regard to its indirect results. Wolstenholme.ElizabethC. : The education of girls, its present and its future. Butler, Samuel (1612-1680). Poetical works. Lond. 1835. 2 v. 12° Contents : Elephant in the moon, v. 2. Hudibras, v. 1,2. Memoir by J. Mltford, v. 1. Remains, v. 2. Same, Bost. 1853. 2 v. 12? See also Lives of English poets, v. 1. Butler, Samuel (JJ.IJ.). Atlas of ancient geog- raphy. Phil. 1851. 8? Butler, T. B. Philosophy of the weather, and a guide to its changes. N. Y. 1856. 12? Butler, W. P. Great lone land : a narrative of travel and adventure in the north-west of America. Lond. 1872. 8? Butler, William Allen (b. 1825). Lawyer and client : their relation, rights, and duties. N. Y. 1871. 12? Nothing to wear : an episode of city life. N. Y. 1857. 16? Two millions. N. Y. 1858. 12? Butler, William Archer. Lectures on the history of ancient philosophy. Ed. from the au- thor's MS. Phil. 1857. 2 v. 12? Butt, Isaac. Lecture on Berkeley. (In After- noon lectures, v. 3.) Butterfleld, Daniel. Camp and outpost duty for infantry. N. Y. 1862. 16? Butterflies — Duncan, J. British. (In Jardine, Sir W. Nat. lib., V. 29.) Foreign. (In Jardine, Sir W. Nat. lib., v. 31.) Humphreys, H. N. Genera and species of the British butterflies ;' illustrated. — and Westwood, J. O. British moths. Butterfly hunters. Conant, H. S. Butterfly's gospel ; and other stories. Bremer, F. Butts, J. R. Business-man's adviser; consistingof the business man's assistant and ready reck- oner, the trader's guide, and the landlord's and tenant's a.ssistant. Bost. 18G3. 12? Buttura, A. Quattro poeti Italiani : Dante, Pe- trarca, Ariosto, Tasso. Parigi, 1845. 12? Contents . AmintaTas!?o. Dlvina commedla, La. Dan- te Allghieri. Gerusalemme Uberata, Xia. Tasso. Rime in vita di M. Laura, Le. Petrarca. Rolando furioso. Ariosto. Trlonfo d'amore. Petrarca. Buxton, Charles. Memoirs of Sir Thomas Fow- ell Buxton ; with selections from his corre- spondence. Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell (1786-1845). Bux- ton, C. Memoirs of; with selections from his correspondence. Phil. 1849. 8? Buz (pseud.). See Dolby and father. By his own might. Hillern, W. von. By the sea. Currier, Mrs. S. By-ways of Europe. Taylor, (J.) B. Byerly, Thomas, and Robertson, J. C. Percy anecdotes, original and select, (n.t.p.) Byers, William N., and Kellom, J. H. Hand- book to the gold-fields of Nebraska and Kan- sas ; being a complete guide to the gold regions of the north and south Platte and Cherry creek. Chicago, 1859. 12? Byford, W. H. Philosophy of domestic life. Bost. 1869. 12? Bynkershoek, Cornelius van (1673-1763). Treatise on the law of war ; being the first book of his Questiones juris publici. From the original Latin, with notes, by P. S. du Ponceau. Phil. 1810. 8? Byrdsall, F. History of the Loco-foco, or equal rights party : its movements, conventions, and proceedings. N.Y. 1842. 12? 'Bym, M. Lafayette. (Ed.) Artist and trades- man's companion. N. Y. 1855. 12? Byrne, J. Influence of foreign literature on En- glish literature. (In Afternoon lectures, v. 3.) Influence of the national character on En- glish literature. (In Afternoon lectures, v. 1 .) Byrne, Oliver. Essential elements of practical mechanics, based on the principle of work ; designed for engineering students. Lond. 1867. 12? Practical metal-worker's assistant ; with the application of the art of electro-metallurgy to manufacturing process. (New ed.) Phil. 1867. 8? Practical model calculator ; for the engi- neer, mechanic, machinist, miner, and mill- wright. Phil. 1863. 8? See also Spon, E. and F. N. B3n:Tie, Mrs. Wm. Pitt. Cosas de EspaHa : illus- trative of Spain and the Spaniards as they are. Lond. 1866. 2 v. 12? Byr n, George Anson (Cop^), (1758-1793). Voy- age round the world, 1764-6. (In Hawkes- worth's Voy., v. 1.) Voyage de. [1764.] (In Bajot, M. Abr^6 historique, etc.) Byron, George Gordon Noel (Lord), (1788-1824). Complete works ; embracing his suppressed BYRON 127 BYRON Byron {continued) — poems, and a sketch of his life. Bost. 1858. 8? {New ed.) Contents: Age of bronae. Beppo : a Venetian story. Blues, The: a literary ec- logue. Bride of Abydos, The: a Turkish tale. Cain : a mystery. Childe Harold's pilgrimage. Corsair, The. Curse of Minerva, The. Deformed transformed, The. Domestic pieces. Don Juan. Dream, The. English bards and Scotch reviewers : a satire. Extracts from ajournal, 1813. Giaour, The: a fragment of a Turkish tale. Heaven and earth : a mys- tery. Hebi ew melodies. Hints from Horace. Hours of idleness: a series of poems. Island, The. Lament of Tasso. Lara : a tale. Life and letters of Byron. Manfred : a dramatic poem. Marino Faliero, doge of Ven- ice : hist. trag. Mnzeppa, Miscellaneous pieces in prose. Morgante Maggiori of Pulci. Napoleon Bonaparte, Ode to. Occasional pieces. Ode on Venice. Parisina. Prisoner of Chillon, The. Prophecy of Dante. Sardanapalus : a tragedy. Sheridan, Monody on death of. Siege of Corinth, The. Two Foscjirl, The : hist. trag. Vision of judgment. Waltz, The : an apostrophic hymn. Werner: a tragedy. Will of Lord Byron, The. — Complete works ; emhraciug his suppressed poems, and a sketch of his life. {JVew com- plete ed.) N. Y. n.d. 8° Manfred. (Trag.) Lacy's Plays, v. 60. Poetical works. N.Y. 1868. 8° {2 cop.) Sardanapalus. (Trag.) Arranged by Chas. Kean. Lacy's Plays, v. 11. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 13. Werner; or, the inheritance. (Trag.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 3. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 70. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 9. Blessington, M. B. {Countess). Journal of conversations with. Brydges, (S.) E. Letters on the character and poetical genius of. Elze, C. Lord Byron. Berlin, 1870. 8° Galt, J. Life of. N. Y. 1830. 16° H. F. lib., V. 9. GuiccioLi, T. G. {Countess). My recollections of. N. Y. 1869. 8? Same. Lond. 1869. 8° Hugo, V. (M.) A propos sa mort. {In Litt4- rature et philosophic melees, v. 1.) Macaulay, T. B. Moore's Life of. {In Es- says.) Mack AY, C. Medora Leigh. MooRE, T. Letters and journals of Lord By- ron ; with notices of his life. N. Y. 1855. 2 V. 8° — Life of Lord Byron, with his letters and journals. Lond. 1851. 8° Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt^rature An- glaise, V. 4. Treitshke, H. G. von. {In Historische und politische aufratze, v. 1.) ViLLEMAiN, A. E. Critical review. (Jw (Eu- vres, V. 7.) "Whipple, E. P. Characteristics of men of genius. See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2 ; Extraordinary men. Byron, Henry James. Aladdin. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, V. 50. Ali Baba ; or, the thirty-nine thieves. (Ex- trav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 59. Babes in the wood. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 41. B37TOn {continued) — Beautiful Haid^e. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 58. Blue Beard. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 49. Brid*: of Abydos. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, V. 36. Cinderella. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 49. CoRsiCAN brothers. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, V. 88. Cyril's success. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 89. 1863; or, the sensations of the past season. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 61. Esmeralda. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 52. Fra Diavolo. (Trav.) Lacy's Plaj^s, v. 35. Freischutz, Der. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 81. Garibaldi 'Excursionists.' (Sketch.) La- c^ 's Plays, V. 48. George de Barnwell. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 57. ' Grin ' bushes. The. (Burl, extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 64. Hundred thousand pounds. (Com.) La- cy's Plays, V. 77. Ill-treated II Trovatore. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 58. IvANHOE. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 59. Jack, the giant-killer. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 43. Lady Belle Belle. (Fairy tale.) Lacy's Plays, V. 61. Lady of Lyons. (Trav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 34. Little Don Giovanni. (Burl.) Lacy's Plaj's, V. 72. Lord Bateman. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, v. 87. Lucia di Lammermoor. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, V. 72. LucRETiA Borgia, M. D. (Burl.) Lacy's ' Plays, v. 87. Maid and the magpie. (Trav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 37. Mazeppa. (Burl, extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 46. Mazourka. (Burl, extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 63. Miss Eily O'Connor. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, V. 53. MoTTo: lam . Maritime and inland discovery, V. 3.) c. Cabaliste Hans Weinland, Le. Erckmann- Chatrian. Caballero, Fernan {pseud. ) . See Bohl de Faber, Cecilia. Oabega de Vaca. See NuHez, A. Oabell, J. L. Testimony of modern science to the unity of mani°. Contents : Commentaria de bello Africano (A. Hirtii'), v. 3. Commentaria de bello Alexandrino (A. Hirtii), v. 2. Commentariti de bello civill. Librii.-iii., v. 2. Commentaria de bello Gallico. Libri i.-viii., v. 1. Commentaria de bello Hispaniensi (iucerti aucto- ris), V. 3. Comparatio epocharum belli civilis, etc., v. 1. Dissertatio Dodwelli de auctore lib. viii. de bello Gallico, etc., v. 6. Epistola, V. 7. Fragmenta Caesaris, v. 3. Fragmentum historise Caesarls ex V. C, v. 3. Index, etc., v. 7. Notse variorum, v. 3-5. Notitla Gallia;, Joseph Scallgeri, v. 7. Notitia literaria de Csesare, v. 7. Kecensus codicum Cajsaris, v. 7. Recensus editionum Csesaris, v. 7. Testimonia clarorum virorum de Julio Celso, v. 6. Vita Csesaris, J. Celsi commentarii de, v. 6. Vita Csesaris a Plutarcho Greece scripta, v. 6. Caesar {continued) — Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars ; with the supplementary books attributed to Hirtius, including the Alexandrian, African, and Spanish wars.- Literally translated, with notes and index. Lond. 1870. 12? Bohn's Class, lib. Commentaries on the wars in Gaul. Tr. by W. Duncan. N. Y. 1835. 2 v. 16? Abbott, J. History of. N. Y. 1854. 12? Same. N. Y. 1869. 12? AMPiiRE, J. J. C^sar : scenes historiques. Lamartine, a. de. Vie de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 34.) Montaut, H. de. Album de la vie de C^sar. Napoleon hi. Histoire de Jules C^sar. S. P. 1865. 2 V. 8? — History of the life of Julius Caesar. N. Y. 1864. 2v. 8? {2 cop.) Plutarchus. Life of. {In Lives.) — Vie de. (Par A. Feillet.) {In Vies des Romains illustres.) — Vita. {Gr. et Lat.) {In Vitse, v. 1.) Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Life of. {In Lives of the twelve Caesars.) — Vita. {In Opera omnia, v. 1.) Valpy's Script. Lat. Trollope, a. Commentaries of. See also Captains of the Roman republic. Caesars, The. Aurelius Victor, S. Historia de Caesaribus. {In Opera omnia, v. 1.) Valpy's Script. Lat. De Quincey, T. Caesars, The. Freeman, E. A. Flavian Caesars. {In Hist. essays, 2d ser.) Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Lives of the twelve. Caged lion, The. Yonge, C. M. Cahagnet, L. A. Celestial telegraph ; or, secrets of the life to come, revealed through mag- netism. N. Y. 1851. 12? Caird, James. Prairie farming in America ; with notes by the way on Canada and the United States. N. Y. 1859. 12? Cairnes, J. E. Slave power : its character, ca- reer, and probable designs. An attempt to explain the real issues involved in the Amer- ican contest. N. Y. 1862. 8? (2 cop.) Cairns, Hugh McCalmont {b. 1819). See Polit- ical portraits. Cajetan. Grimm, H. {In Novellen.) Cakes and ale. Jkrrold, D. (W.) Cakes and ale at Woodbine ; from Twelfth night to new year's day. Coffin, R. B. Calcraft, J. W. Bride of Lammermoor. (Dra- ma.) Lacy's Plays, v. 28. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 23. Calculus — CouRTENAY, E. H. Differential and integral. Davies, C. Elements of the differential and integral. ToDHUNTER, I. History of progress of the cal- culus of variations during the xix. century. — Treatise on the differential. Caldas, Francisco Jos6 de. Semanario de la Nueva Granada : miscelanea de ciencias, literatura, artes y industria. Paris, 1849. 8? Calder, Alexander. Man of the future : an in- vestigation of the laws which determine happiness. Lond. 1872. 8? CALDERON 129 CALIFORNIA Oalderon, the courtier. Bitlwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L, See Leila. Oalderon de la Barca, Frances Inglis. Life in Mexico during a residence of two years. Bost. 1843. 2 V. 12° (2 cojo.) Oalderon de la Barca, Pedro (1600-1683). See Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Oaldwell, Charles. Autobiography ; with a preface, notes, and appendix, by Harriet W. Warner. Phil. 1855. 8° Oaleb Williams. Godwin, W. Oalhoun, John Caldwell (1782-1850). Works; edited by Eichard K. Crall^. N. Y. 1851- Contents : Constitution and govern- ment of the UnitedStates, V. 1. Disquisition on government, V. 1. S. Keports and public letters, V. 5, 6. Soutii Carolina exposition, V. 6. Speeches in Congress, v. 2-4. Life of. Auburn, N. Y., (In Occasional ad- — Jenkins, J 1850. 12^ KusH, E. Character of. dresses.) See also — American eloqueiice, v. 2. Famous Americans of recent times. Living orators in America. Orator, The. Oaliban: the missing link. Wilson, D. Oalico printing. See Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 10, 11. Oalifornia — [iVote.— Subdivisions of this subject are arranged as fol- lows: 1, Registers; 2, Maps; 3, Bibliography ;4, Antiquities and aborigines; 5, Discovery and early voyages; 6, Name ; 7, Missions ; 8, History ; 9, Historical Action ; 10, Legislature; 11, Constitution and laws; 12, State reports ; 13, Government, society, and politics ; 14, Education ; 15, Libraries ; 16, Immigration ; 17, Resources ; 18, Mines and mining ; 19, Lands and land claims ; 20, Natural historv ; 21, Agriculture ; 22, Botany ; 23, Geology ; 24, Zoology ; 25, Climate ; 26, Description and travel.J I. Registers: Great registers of counties of California for the year 1867. [Collected and bound.] 4° Same. For 1872. [Collected and bound.] 4 V. 4° Same. For 1873. [Collected and bound.] 4 V. 4° 2. maps, cliarta, etc.: DooLiTTLE, A. J. Township and county map of the central part of. [In frame.] Holt, W. Map of California and Nevada ; compiled by J. H. Von Schmidt, C. D. Gibbes, and A. W. Keddie. 1869. [In frame.] EiNGGOLD, C. Series of charts, with sailing directions, embracing surveys of bays and rivers of. Ven^gas, M. Careful map of California, made by the society of Jesuits, 1747. [In his Natural and civil history, v. 1.) Wytfliet, C. Map of lower California, 1600. (In Histoire universelle des Indes orientalis.) See also San Francisco. 3. BibllOKrapby : Annals of the Pacific press. (In Pioneer, The, V. 4.) MuLLER, P. Books on. (In Catalogue of books, maps, plates on America, p. 35.) 10 Oalifornia (continued) — Taylor, A. S. Bibliografa Californica, 1862. Uricoechea, E. Mapoteca Colombiana. See also America (bibliographj^). 4. Antlqultleii and aborigine* ; Abbot, H. L. Account of the Digger, Pitt river, and Klamath tribes of Indians. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., V. 6. Ancient races of. (In North Pacific review, V. 1, no. 1, p. 10.) Baegart, J. Account of the aboriginal in- habitants of the Cal. peninsula. (/»i Smith- sonian repts. 1863, 1864.) Powers, S. Northern California Indians. (Iti Overland monthly, v. 8.) — Paper on the Indians of. (The Meewocs.) (In Overland monthly, v. 10.) — Paper on the Indians of. (The Modocs.) (In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Scenes among the Indians of. (In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 3.) Taylor, A. S. Indianology of. Whitney, J. D. Account of cave and skull in Calaveras county, Cal. (In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) See also Burney's Voy., v. 1, pp. 168, 205, 207 ; V. 2, pp. 183, 184, 245, 251, 256 ; v. 4, pp.. 347, 476, 480, 549 ; also Indians. 5. Discovery and early TOyagrea: Cabrillo, J. E. Voyage to the outer coastr of California, 1542-3. (In Burney's Voy., V. 1, pp. 221-5.) See also Taylor, A. S.. (below). Cavendish, Sir T. Voyage to lower Cali- fornia, 1587. (In Drake's Coll. voy.) CoRTEZ, H. Sails to California in 1536.. (In Burney's Voy., v. 1, p. 178.) Dana, E. H., Jr. Two years before the mast [1885]. Drake, Sir F. Aochors on the coast of Cal- ifornia in 1579. (In Burney's Voy., v. 1, p.. 342.) — Voyage to California [Oct. 1579]. (In Drake's Coll. voy.) Ferrelo, B. Voyage to California with Ca- brillo, 1542-3. See Taylor, A. S. (below). Hakluyt, E. Extract from Collection of the voyages, navigations, traffiques, and discov- eries of the English nation. (In Phm^Alets, v. 8.) Kino, E. F. (Padre). Visit to California, 1700. (In Burney's Voy., v. 4, p. 357.) Otondo, I. Expedition to California, 1683. (In Burney's Voy., v. 4, p. 345.) P^ROUSE, J. F. G. de la. Visit to Monte- rey, 1830. (In Voyage autour du monde,, V.2.) Piccolo, F. M. (Padre). Visit to California,. 1697. (In Burney's Voy., v. 4, p. 352..) EoGERS, W. Voyage round the world, 1708- 11. EtJSCHENBERGER, W. S. W- Voyage round the world, 1835-7. Salvatierra, — (Padre). Establishes a mission in California, 1697. (In Burney's Voy., V. 4, p. 351.) Taylor, A. S. First voyage to the coasts of California, made in 1542 amd 1543,. by Juan CALIFORNIA 130 CALIFORNIA California [continued) — Rodriguez Cabrillo and his pilot, Bartolome Ferrelo. [In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Same. {In his Specimens of Pacific press to 1855.) Ugakte, — [Padre) . Visit to California, 1700. [In Barney's Voy., v. 4, p. 355. Ulloa, F. de. Discovers Cal. to be a part of the continent, 1539. [In Burney's Voy., v. 1, p. 199.) Vancoiivkr, G. Passes Drake's bay and dis- covers San Francisco bay. [In Voyage round the world, 1790-95, v. 1-3.) Vizcaino, S. de. First voyage to California, 1595. [In Burney's Voy., v. 2, p. 183.) — Second voyage to California, 1602. [In Burney's Voy., v. 2, pp. 237-259.) Wytfliet, C. Histoire universelle des Indes orientalisjl611]. XiMENES, F. Discovers California in 1533. (In Burney's Voy., v. 1, p. 168.) See also Harris, J. Coll. voy., v. 1, pp. 18, 26, 104, 105, 173, 231-4 ; v. 2, pp. 162, 395, 431, 1024-6. 6. ICame : Archbalb, J. Why ' California ? ' [In Overland monthly, v. 2.) Hale, E. E. Articles on the name of. [In Am. antiq. soc. Proceedings, v. 2.) — Queen of California, The. [In His level best.) See also Burney's Voy., v. 1, p. 178. 7. niaalons: DuFLOT DE Maufras. Sketch of the mis- sions of. Tr. by J. S. Hittell. [In Hespe- rian, The, V. 3.) Journal of a mission-founding expedition north of San Francisco, in 1823. [In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 5.) Morse, J. F., and Colville, S. Illustrated historical sketches of. [In Pamphlets, v. 16.) Paper on ' The death and burial of Father Junipero Serra, founder of the missions of Cal.' [In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) Papers on ' Fragmentary memorials of Fa- ther Kino, and the Indians of Sonora and Cal.' [In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) SoulIs, F., et al. Account of the early mis- sions. [In Annals of S. F.) "Williams, Mrs. E. Paper on the Catholic missions of. [In Hesperian, The, v. 9.) 8. History: Alta California : by a captain of volunteers. [In Pamphlets, v. 8.) BoscANA, — . Historical account of the origin, customs, and traditions of the Indians at the missionary establishment of St. Juan Capistrano, alta California. [In Robinson's Life in California.) California in 1671. [In Hutchings's Cal. mag., V. 1.) California star. The [1847] ; containing cur- rent news of the conquest of Cal. from Mex- ico. ■Capron, E. S. History of California, from its first discovery to the present time [1854] . C AST AfJ ARES, M. Discovery of gold in Cal- ifornia [1844]. California {continued) — Clark, "VV. H. Oration before Soc. Cal. pio- neers, Sept. 9, 1867. {In Pamphlets, v. 20.) Clay, H. Speech on the admission of. {In Speeches, v. 2.) Conquest of California and New Mexico un- der Gen. Kearney, Cols. Doniphan and Fre- mont [1846-7]. {In Mexican war ?ind its heroes!) CuTTs, J. M. Conquest of California and New Mexico [1846-7] . Day, Mrs. F. H. Sketches of the early set- tlers of. [In Hesperian, The.) Contents : Branch, Ziba, v. 3. Howard, W. D. M., v. 3. Larkin,T. O., v. 2. Lassen, Peter, v. 2. Leese, Jacob P., v. 2. Paty, John, v. 2. Semple, Robert, v. 3. " ' ~ .2. {In Sparks, I. J., Yount, G. C, Discovery of gold in California [1848] Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 2.) Doyle, J. T. Address before Santa Clara college. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Dunbar, E. Romance of the age ; or, dis- covery of gold in. DwiNELLE, J. W. Address on the acquisi- tion of California by the United States ; delivered before the Society of Cal. pioneers, at their sixteenth anniversary, Sept. 10, 1866. {In Pamphlets, v. 20, 25.) Farnham,T. J. Conquestof. (ira Life and adventure.) FiGUEROA, J. Manifest to the Mexican gov- ernment, 1835. {In Pamphlets, v. 20.) Forbes, A. History of upper and lower. Fremont, J. C. Geographical memoir upon upper California [1848] . {In Addresses, v. 2.) Gleeson,"W. History of the Catholic church in. Greenhow, R. History of California and Oregon . Heaven, Mrs. S. M. Youth's history of Cal- ifornia, from the earliest period to the pres- ent time. Hesperian, The. Histoire naturelle de la Californie, contenant une description exacte de ce pays, de son. sol, deses montagnes, lacs, rivieres, etmers, de ses animaux, v^getaux, min^raux, et de sa fameuse pecherie des perles, les moeurs de ses habitans, leur religion, leur gouvernc- ment et leur fa yon de vivre avant leur con- version au Christianisme, un detail des dif- f^rens voyages et tentatives qu'on a faites pour s'y 6tablir et reconnaitre son golfe et la cote de la mer du sud. Enrichie de la carte du pays et de ses mers adjacentes. Tr.del'AnglaisparM.E. (1767.) 3v. 12° Hittell, J. S. Notes of California pioneers. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 5.) — Oration before Cal. pioneers, Sept. 10, 1869. (In bound vol., entitled ' Vallejo.') — " Sketch of the revolutions of. From the French of Duflot de Mofras. {In Pioneer, The, V. 2.) Homes, H. A. Our knowledge of California and the north-west coast one hundred years since. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Hughes, J. T. Gen. Kearney's overland ex- pedition to. {In Doniphan's expedition.) CALIFORNIA 131 CALIFORNIA California (continued) — Linen, J. Cortez and the gulf of. (I« Poet- ical and prose writings.) LocKMAN, J. Descent made by the Spaniards into California [1683] . {In Travels of the Jesuits.) — State of the missions newly settled by the Jesuits in California, presented to the royal council at Guadalaxara in Mexico, Feb. 10, 1702, by Francis M. Picolo, one of the first founders of that mission. {In Travels of the Jesuits.) M'Clellan, K. G. Conquest, settlement, and admission of. {In Kepublicanism in America.) Mayek, B. Notice of. {In Mexico : Aztec, Spanish, and republican.) Message from the president of the United States to the two houses of congress, at the commencement of the second session of the thirtieth congress, 1847. Norman, L. Youth's history of. Parsons, G. F. Discoverer of gold in. [J. W. Marshall, 1848.] Kandolph, E. Address on the history of California, from the discovery of the coun- try to the year 1849; delivered before the Society of California pioneers, Sept. 10, 1860. {In Pamphlets, v. 25.) Same. (Abridgment.) (In Hutchings's Cal. mag.,v. 5.) Beport of the select commissioners with ref- erence to division of the state, 1855. {In Pamphlets, v. 21.) Kevere, J. W. Account of the taking pos- session of the Californias. {In his Keel and saddle, chap. 18.) Serra, J. (Friar). Keport on the early mis- sions, to Viceroy Buccarelli, in 1773. (In Taylor, A. S. Indianology of Cal., v. 2, Oct. 20, 1865.) Seward, W. H. Speech on the admission of California, and the subject of slavery, March 11, 1850. {In Addresses, v. 2.) SiMONiN, M. L. Californie en 1860: ses pro- gres et sa transformation. (In Revue des deux mondes, v. 32, April, 1862.) SouLE, F., et al. Annals of San Francisco; containing a summary histoiy of. Stillman, J.D. B. Foot-prints of early Cal. discoverers. (In Overland monthly, v. 2.) Taylor, A. S. Brief memorials of Alex- ander Malaspina, the California navigator. (In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) — California notes. — Specimens of the California press to 1855. TuTHiLL, F. History of California [1500- 1862]. United States. President's message: Califor- nia and New Mexico (31st cong. 1st sess., Ex. doc. 17.) Upham, C. W. Life, explorations, and pub- lic services of John Charles Fremont. Van Voorhies, W. Oration before Soc. Cal. pioneers, Sept. 9, 1853. (In Pamphlets, v. 20.) Ven^igas, M. Natural and civil history of. — Noticia de la California y de su conquista temporal y espiritual hasta el tiempo pre- sento : sacada de la historia manuscrita, for- Oalifornia (continued) — mada en Mexico aHo de 1739 par el Padre Miguel Ven^gas de la CompaHia de Jesus y de otras noticias y relaciones antiguas y modernas. Anadida de algunos mapas par- ticulares. [About 1487-1750.] Madrid, 1777. "Waterston, R. C. Letter written from San Francisco to the Mass. hist, soc, Aug. 29, 1872. (In Pamphlets, v. 34.) WiNTHROP, R. C. Admission of California and adjustment of slavery question ; protest against the admission of. (/» his Addresses, etc.) See also Soc. of Cal. pioneers. 9. Historical 0ctlon: Bausman, W. Early California. Brooks, N. Transition, The. (Poem.) (In Pamphlets, v. 18.) Harte, F. B. Luck of roaring camp, etc. Last night of the assembly of the Cal. legis- lature, 1854. [Facetious.] (In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Linen, J. Golden gate, The. OxJTCROPPiNGS : selections from Cal. verse. Shuck, 0. T. (Ed.) California scrap-book. Thomes, W. H. Adventures in Sandwich isl- ands and. 10. Ijeslslatnre : Amendments to an act to provide revenue for the support of the government of this state. Sac. 1855. 8^ (J/i Pamphlets, v. 3.) Journal of the senate and assembly of the state of California, first session, Dec. 15, 1849, to nineteenth session, April 1, 1872; with appendix to each. San Jos^, S. F., and Sac. 67 V. 8° [Duplicate vols, of the 1st, 3d, 5th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th sessions. 21 v.] 11. Contttllntlon and laws : Act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in the courts of justice of California (1851). (In Pamphlets, v. 4.) Belknap, D. P. Probate law and practice of. Browne, J. R. Relacion de los debates de la convencion de California, sobre la formacion de la constitucion de estado, en Setiembre y Octubre de 1849. — Report of the debates in the convention of California, on the formation of the state con- ■ stitution, in Sept. and Oct. 1849. Christopher, R. L. California state book of practical forms, etc. (In Pamphlets, v. 5.) Constitution of the state of California, and laws. San Jos6, 1850. 8= [One of the ex- tra copies issued by the state printer and sold for 10 cts. per page ; supposed to be the only complete collection now in existence.] Hittell, T. H. General laws of the state of California, from 1850 to 1864, inclusive. Lab ATT, H. J. Practice act of. Late political decisions of the supreme court (1855). (In Pamphlets, v. 3.) Leyes de California aprobadas en la quinta sesion de la legislatura, que comenzo en Be- nicia el cuatro de Enero de 1854, y concluyo en Sacramento el quince de Mayo del mismo ano. Traducidas del Ingles por H. Gomez Mauriz, trad uctor del estado. Sac. 1854. 8^ Leyes de California aprobadas en la se^ta CALIFORNIA 132 CALIFORNIA California (continued) — sesion die la legislatura, que comenzo el dia primero de Enero del aHo de 1855, y con- cluy6 el dia septimo de Mayo del mismo aflo en la ciudad de Sacramento. Traducidas del Ingles por Agustin Ainsa, traductor del estado. Sac. 1855. 8° Leyes de California aprobadas en la septima sesion de la legislatura, que comenzo en la ciudad de Sacramento el dia siete de Enero, en el ano de mil ocho cientos cincuenta y seis y concluyo el dia veinte y uno de Abril del mismo ano. Traducidas del Ingles por Thomas E. Eldredge, traductor del estado. Sac. 1856. 8° Leyes de California aprobadas en la octava sesion de la legislatura, que comenzo en la ciu- dad de Sacramento el dia cincode Enero, en el aflo de mil ocho cientos cincuenta y siete, y concluyo el dia treinta de Abril del mismo ano. Traducidas del original por Thomas E. Eldredge, traductor del estado. Impresas por James Allen , impresor del estado. Sac. 1857. S° Leyes de California aprobadas en la novena sesion de la legislatura, que comenzo el Lunes, cuatro dia de Enero, y se serr6 el Ltines dia veinte y seis de Abril. Juan O'Meara, impresor del estado. Sac. 1858. 8° License tax laws of California and San Fran- cisco, 1853 : opinions of counsel upon. {In Pamphlets, v. 3.) Message annuel du gouverneur de la Cali- fornie, 1855. {In Pamphlets, v. 20.) Olney, W. Code of civil procedure of the state of. Parker, C. H. General laws of California, from 1864 to 1871. [Supplement to Hittell's General laws.] Ee VISED laws of the state of. Civil procedure ; and code of civil procedure. Sac. 1871. 2 V. 8° Shearer, L. Digest of the decisions and opinions of the supreme court of the state of. Statutes of California, passed at the sessions of the legislature from 1854 to 1870. Sac. 1854-70. 14 V. 8? [Duplicate copies of 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1867, 1868 ; vol. for 1862 missing.] Wood, W.H. E. Digest of the laws [1850- 60]. See also Mines and mining; Mortgages ; Trials. 13. State reporta: Eeports to the legislature, 1870-71. lected and bound. 8°] Contents : [Col- Adjutant -general, Report of, 1870-71, no. 16, con- taining : 1. Appropriations, expenditures, Nov. 1, 1849, to Aug. 31, 1871. 2. Report of ordnance and ordnance stores. 3. Report of quartermaster's property. 4. Ijist of enrolled militia of the state. 5. List of commissions issued to officers of the National guard of California. Nov. 1,1869, to Aug. 31, 1871. 6. List of persons lawfully exempt from military service. 7. Report of Maj.-Gen. H. A. Cobb; report of Brig.-Gen. John Hewston ; report ot Brig.- Gen. Josiah Howell ; reportof Brig.-Gen. Jas. C. Roley ; report of Col. Franli SoulS, Jr. 8. General and special. 9. List of commissioned officers of National guard, Aug. 31, 1871. Oalifornia (continued) — Attorney-general, Report of, 1870-71, no. 2. Board of state harbor commissioners, biennial re- port, July 1, 1871, no. 7, containing : (1.) Report of Thos. J. Arnold, engineer of sea- wall, no. 8. (2.) Report of Thomas P. Ryan, special counsel, no. 9. Board of tide-land commissioners and state board, no. 3. Booth, Newton : Inaugural address of, Dec. 8, 1871, no. 5. California state library. Fourth biennial report of trustees of, 1870-71, no. 11. California state prison. Report of directors of, no. 10. containing: Reportof clerk ; report of captain of yard ; report of physician ; report of moral instructor. Chief engineer. Report of, no. 4. Controller of state, Biennial report of, 1869-70, 1870- 71, no. 15. Haight, Gov. H. H. : second biennial message, Dec. 1871, no. 6. Insane asylum. Report of supt. and directors and trea.surer of, 1871, no. 14. Secretary of state. Biennial report of, 1870-71, no. 13. State geologist: letter relative to the progress of the survey during the years 1870-71, no. 1. Surveyor-general, Statistical report of, 1869-71. Treasurer's biennial report, July 1, 1869 ; June 30, 1871, no. 12. State reports for the year 1855. 12? Adjutant-general, Annual report of, for the year 1862. Sac. 1863. 8? Same. From May 1, 1864, to Nov. 30, 1865. 8° Controller, Biennial report of, for the nine- teenth and twentieth fiscal years, 1867-9 ; Sac. 1869. 8°. (2 cop). Same. Twenty-first and twenty-second years, 1869-71. Sac. 8= Insane asylum. Thirteenth annual report of the directors of, 1864-5. 8° (In Pamphlets, V. 19.) Insurance commissioner. Annual reports of, first to third (1868-71). Sac. 1869-72. 4 v. 8° Internal improvements, Eeport of commit- tee on, 1855. (In Pamphlets, v. 22.) Marine hospital, Eeport of committee ap- pointed to examine, April 7, 1851. (In Pamphlets, v. 34.) State board of health. First biennial report of, for the years 1870 and 1871. Sac. 1871. 8° State prison, Eeport of directors of, 1865. (In Pamphlets, v. 19.) Surveyor-general, Eeport of, from Nov. 1, 1867, to Nov. 1, 1869. (2 cop.) 13. OoTernment, society, aud politica: Contested election case of W. D. Fair and T. B. Van Buren before the senate of Cali- fornia, 1851. (In Pamphlets, v. 6.) GwiN, W. M. Speech on government ex- penditures in California in 1852. (In Pam- phlets of Pacific coast.) Latham, M. S. Speech on the civil fund of California, 1854. (In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Proceedings, address, and resolutions of the Democratic meeting, held at the capitol, San Jos6, March, 1851, to take measures for the organization of the Democratic party in. San Jos^, 1851. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 6.) Proceedings of the second annual convention of the colored citizens of California, 1856. (In Pamphlets, v. 6.) Ehodes, W. H. Political letters of ' Caxton.' (In Pamphlets, v. 6, 7.) CALIFORNIA 133 CALIFORNIA California (continued) — Shaw, W. J. Necessity of constitutional re- form. {In Pamphlets, v. 22.) 14. Education : Ankual reports of the superintendent of pub- lic instruction of the state, for 1855, 1856, 1859, 1863. Sac. 1855-63. 8? (In Pam- phlets, V. 13.) BiEKNiAL report of the superintendent of public instruction of the state of California. First, for the school years 1864 and 1865. (3 cop.) Sac. 8° Same. Second and fourth, for the school years 1866-7 and 1871-2. Sac. 8° BusHNELL) H. Appeal in behalf of a move- ment for a university in. (In Pamphlets, V. 16.) Proceedings of the California state teachers' institute, in session at the city of San Fran- cisco, from Monday, May 4, to Saturday, May 9, 1863. Sac. 1863. 8^ (In Pam- phlets, V. 13.) Provisions of the political code relative to public schools. Sac. 1873. 8°. Stout, A. B. Public education in. (In Pam- phlets, V. 12.) See also University of California. 15. ^libraries : State library, Catalogue of, Jan.l, 1855. Sac. 1855. 8= (2 cop.) Same. Sac. 1866. 8? State library, Descriptive catalogue of books in the. V. 1, law library; v. 2, general library. Sac. 1870-71. 2 v. 8° 16. Inimigrratlon: Archbald, J. Contact of races ; with rela- tion to the Chinese question . (In Pamphlets , V. 28.) HoLBRooK, J. C. Chinadom in California. (In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) LooMis,A."W. Chinese in California : their sign-board literature. (In Overland month- ly, v.l.) — Chinese women in. (In Overland month- ly, V. 2.) — Six Chinese companies, The. {In Over- land monthly, v. 1.) — What our Chinamen read. (In Overland monthly, v. 1.) Keport of joint select committee on the Chi- nese population of. (In Pamphlets, v. 20.) Speer, W. China and California : a lecture. Jm Pamphlets, v. 17.) — Humble plea, addressed to the legislature ' of California in behalf of the immigrants from the empire of China to. (In Pam- phlets, V. 17.) — Plea for Chinese immigrants. {In Pam- phlets, V. 6.) Stout, A. B. Chinese immigration ; and the physiological causes of the decay of a nation. S. P. 1862. (In Pamphlets, v. 28.) 17. ResonreeR : All about California, and the inducements to settle there. Pamphlet issued by Cal. im- migrant union. (In bound vol., entitled 'Vallejo.') Same. (In Pamphlets, v. 34.) California (continued) — Bartlett, W. C. Tropical fruits of. (In Overland monthly, v. 1.) Bennett, H. C. See Morris (below). Blake, W. P. Observations on the extent of the gold region of California and Oregon. (In Pamphlets, v. 33.) Browne, J. K. Agricultural capacity of. {In Overland monthly, v. 10.) — Quicksilver mines of. (In Mineral re- sources.) Cronise, T. F. Natural wealth of. Davis, H. Wheat in. (In Overland month- ly, V. 1.) De Groot, H. Mother lode of. (In Overland monthly, v. 9.) — Dairies and dairying in. (In Overland monthly, v. 4.) — Silk-culture in. (In Overland monthly, V. 4.) Description of alabaster cave of El Dorado county. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 5.) Description of the great cave of Calaveras county. (/« Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 1.) Farley, J. Salt-making in Alameda. (In Overland monthly, v. 6.) Haraszthy, a. Wine -making in. (In Overland monthly, v. 7.) Harbison, J. S. Bee-raising in. (/« Hutch- ings's Cal. mag., v. 5.) Hayes, J. Sheep-farming in. (In Overland monthly, v. 8.) — Wants and advantages of. {In Overland monthly, v. 8.) HiTTELL, J. S. California as a home for the emigrant. ;S^t;e ' All about California.' {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Same. (In bound vol., entitled ' Vallejo.') — Dead rivers of. (In Overland monthly, v.l.) — Resources of. Hyatt, T. H. Hand-book of grape culture, especially adapted to. Johnson, S. Gold coast of California and Oregon. (In Overland monthly, v. 2.) Mason, R. B. California and her gold. (In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Morris, W. G., atid Bennett, H. C. Essay on the manufacturing interests of Califor- nia : the causes that impede, and those that would aid their development. {In Pam- phlets, V. 34.) Russell, V. F. Olive, The, and its oil in. (In Overland monthly, v. 9.) Seyd, E. California and its resources. Silver, J. S. Vineyards of. {In Overland monthly, v. 1.) Strong, J. L. Cotton experiments in. (In Overland monthly, v. 6.) Tyson, P. T. Geology and industrial re- sources of. Walker, A. Commercial and monetary in- terests of. The. (In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Walton, G. E. Mineral springs of the Unit- ed States and Canada. Werth, J. .J. Dissertation on the resources and policy of. (In Pamphlets, v. 16.) WyLD, J. Notes on the distribution of gold throughout. CALIFORNIA 134 CALIFORNIA California {continued) — \H. MineB and mining:: Mining for gold in California. [In Hutch- ings's Cal. mag., v. 2.) Parry, C. C. Mineral productions of south- ern. (/« Emory's Mexican bound, survey, V. 1, p. 88.) Quartz-mining in California. {In Hutch- ings's Cal. mag., v. 2.) Kaymond, K. W. Mines of the west. — Statistics of mines and mining. 19. Iiandfi and land claims: Browne, J. K. Keclamation of marsh and swamp lands, and projected canals for irri- gation in California ; with notes on the ca- nal systems of China and other countries. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Cervantes, Cruz, vs. IJ. S.: opinion of H. I. Thornton. {In Pamphlets, v. 5.) Documents, depositions, and brief of law points raised thereo'n in behalf of the U. S., in case no. 280, S. F. vs. U. S. {In Pam- phlets, V. 3.) George, H. Our land and land policy, na- tional and state. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Gift, G.W. Settlers' guide; containing all the circulars and laws relating to preemp- tion claims in. {In Pamphlets, v. 17.) GwiN, W. M. Speech on bill in relation to private land claims in California, 1852. {In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Hall, H. Opinion in the claim of P. B. Read- ing, 1852. {In Pamphlets, v. 5.) Hawes, H. Argument in behalf of the IT. S.: city of S. F. vs. U. S., May 29-31 and June 2, 1854. {In Pamphlets, v. 3.) — Argument on the Mexican land law. {In Pamphlets, v. 3.) Hittell, J. S. Mexican land claims in. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 2.) Jones, "W. C. Land titles in California : argument in case of Cruz Cervantes. {In Pamphlets, v. 21.) Laws for the disposal of California lands. {In Pamphlets, V. 21.) Organizations, acts, and regulations of the U. S. land commissioners for California, 1852 ; with the opinions of Commissioners Hall, Wilson, and Thornton, and list of land titles. {In Pamphlets, v. 5.) Eeport of the senate special committee rela- tive to state land sales at San Francisco, Oct. 10, 1855. {In Pamphlets, v. 3.) Thornton, H. I. Opinions on private land claims in. {In Pamphlets, v. 5, 21.) Treaty stipulations between Mexico and the U. S. commission for settling private land claims in California, 1848. {In Pamphlets, V. 6.) Uniteb States vs. Jos6 Y. Limantour, dis- trict court, nos. 424 and 429 ; land commis- sion, nos. 548 and 549. Photographic ex- hibits, filed by the United States. P. Delia Torre, U. S. attorney. Edwin M. Stanton, counsel for United States. 1868. fi Webster, D. California public lands and boundaries, Speech on. {In Works, v. 5.) Wilson, J. S. Opinion on the petition of Carmen, S. de Bernal, etc. (/« Pamphlets, V. 5.) California {continued) — 20. Watural history: Article on the tarantula of. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 3.) California animals. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 3.) Cassin, J. Illustrations of the birds of. Cooper, J. G., and Suckley, G. Nat. hist. of Wash. terr. ; with much relating to. Grayson, A. J. Descriptions of birds of. {In Hesperian, The.) — Paper on the mammoth trees of Mariposa and Fresno. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag,, v. 3,4.) — Paper on the road-runner of. {In Hutch- ings's Cal. mag., v. 1.) — Paper on the white-breasted squirrel-hawk. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 1.) Taylor, A. S. Papers on the condor of. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 3, 4.) VoLLUM, E. P. Notes on the wingless grass- hopper of Shasta and Fall River valleys ; and a plan for keeping them out of fields. {In Smithsonian rept. 1865.) 21. Asrlcnlture: See Cal. state agricultural society. 22. Botany : BiGELOW, J. M. Description of the valuable or remarkable California forest trees. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., V. 4 (botany). BoLANDER, H. N. Catalogue of the plants growing in the vicinity of San Francisco. DuRAND, E., and Hilgard, T. C. Report on the botany of Williamson's explorations from Benicia to Gila river through Walker's pass, 1854. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 5. Hilgard, T. C. See Durand {above). Kellogg, A. Descriptions of plants. {In Hesperian, The.) — Paper on California tar-bush {Eriodyction Calif ornicum). {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 5.) — Paper on new species of California plants. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 5.) — Paper on the California silver fir (Pirea Bracteata). {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) — Paper on the California sunflower {Heli- anthus Californicus). {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., V. 5.) — Paper on the wild flowers of. {In Hutch- ings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) Lesquereux, L. Catalogue of the species of mosses found up to the present time on the north-west coast of the U.S., and especially in. {In Cal. academy of sciences. Memoirs, V. 1.) Newberry, J. S. Report on the botany of Abbot's explorations from Sacramento val- ley to Columbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 6. ToRREY, J. Description of plants collected in California by J. C. Fremont. {In Smith- sonian contrib., v. 6.) — On the Darlingtonia Califomica, a new pitcher-plant from northern. {In Smithson- ian contrib., v. 6.) CALIFORNIA 135 CALIFORNIA California {continued) — — Keport on the botany of Parke's explora- tions from San Francisco to Los Angeles, west of the coast range. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 7. 83. Oeoloey : Antisell, T. Geological report of Parke's explorations from San Francisco to Los An- geles, west of the coast range. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 7. Blake, W. P. Geological reconnaissance in. — Geological report of Williamson's explo- rations from Benicia to Gila river through Walker's pass, 1854. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 5. — Preliminary geol. report of explorations and surveys for a railroad route from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean : — Palaeontology. {In Pamphlets, v. 12.) Maecou, J. Report on the Sierra Nevada. {In Geology of North America.) MuiR, J. Living glaciers of. {In Overland monthly, v. 9.) Newberry, J. S. Report on the geology of Abbot's explorations from Sacramento val- ley to Columbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 6. Report of a special committee in favor of a geological survey ; submitted by Mr. Ran- dall, April 24, 1851. {In Pamphlets, v. 33.) Tysox, p. T. Report on the geology of. {In Report of the secretary of war.) Whitxey, J. D. Address before the legis- lature on the geological survey of California, March 12, 1861. {In Pamphlets, v. 11^ ■ — Annual report of the state geologist of Cal- ifornia, 1862. {In Pamphlets, v. 33.) ■ — Geological survey of. See Whitney, J. D. — Letter relative to the progress of the sur- vey during 1870-71. {In Reports to legis- lature.) See California (state reports). — Map of the region adjacent to San Fran- cisco, 1867. [Li frame.] Same. [Revised.] 1873. f? — State geological survey of. {In Overland monthly, v. 8.) 24. Zooloffy : Agassiz, L. (J. R.) Notices of the fossil fishes of Williamson's explorations from Benicia to Walker' s pass , 18 54. See Pacific railroad , Reports of explorations, etc., v. 5, p. 313. Baird, S. F. Report of the mammals on Williamson's explorations from Benicia to Walker's pass, 1854. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. — Report on birds and mammals collected on Beckwith's explorations in the region of the upper Sacramento, 1854. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. — Report on the reptiles of Abbot's explora- tions from Sacramento valley to Columbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. BiNNEY, W. G. Report on the shells (land) of Abbot's expedition from Sacramento val- ley to Columbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 6. Conrad, T. A. Description of the fossil shells of Williamson's explorations from Benicia California {continued ) — to Walker's pass, 1854. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 3, p. 319. — Report on the tertiary fossils of Abbot's explorations from Sacramento valley to Co- lumbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad, Re- ports of explorations, etc., v. 6. GiRARD, C. Report on the fishes of Abbot's explorations from Sacramento valley to Co- lumbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad. Re- ports of explorations, etc., v. 6. — Report on the fishes of Beckwith's explo- rations of the 41st parallel : Humboldt river to the upper Sacramento. See Pacific rail- road, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. — Report on the fishes of Williamson's ex- plorations from Benicia to Walker's pass, 1854. See Pacific railroad. Reports of ex- plorations, etc., V. 10. Hallowell, E. Report on the reptiles of Williamson's explorations from Benicia to Walker's pass, 1854. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Heermann, a. L. Report on the birds of Williamson's explorations from Benicia to Walker's pass, 1854. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Leconte, J. L. Report on the insects col- lected with the explorations of the 47th and 49th parallels and near the 41st (northern part). See Pacific railroad. Reports of ex- plorations, etc., V. 12, pt. ii. Newberry, J. S. Report on the zoology of Abbot's explorations from Sacramento val- ley to Columbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 6. 23. Cllinat«: HiTTELL,J. S. Climate of. (In Hatchings 's Cal. mag., v. 3.) Logan, T. M. Climate of Sacramento, Cal. {In Smithsonian rept. 1857.) — Medical history of. State med. journal. {In Pamphlets, v. 31.) — Meteorological observations made at Sac- ramento, 1853-7. {In Smithsonian repts. 1855, 1857.) Paper on rain in Cal. for the last nine years [1851-9]. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) Williamson, R. S. Report of the secretary of war, communicating information in rela- tion to the geology and topography of. 26. Deacrlptlon and travel : Abbot, H. L. Report of the explorations made by R. S. Williamson from the Sacra- mento valley to Columbia river, in 1855. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., V. 6. Alcedo, a. de. Description of new Cali- fornia, 1763. [Extract.] {In Pamphlets, V. 8.) Bartlett, J. R. Personal narrative of ex- plorations in California [1854]. Beckwith, E. G. Narrative of an expedi- tion from Humboldt river to junction of the Sacramento and Fall rivers, Cal., to Fort Reading, Honey lake, through Noble's pass, to explore a railroad route near 41st parallel [1854] . See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 2. CALIFORNIA 136 CALIFORNIA California {continued) — Beechey, r. "W. Arrival in San Francisco, Nov. 1826 ; overland journey to Monterey, with a description of the country, etc. (in his Narrative, v. 2.) Benton, J. A. California pilgrim. (Fic- tion.) BoKTHWiCK, J. D. Three years in Califor- nia [1851-3]. Bowles, S. Across the continent [1864-5]. — Our new west [1868] . Brace, C. L. New west, The ; or, California in 1867-8. Brooks, J. T. Four months among the gold- finders in alta California [1849]. (In Pam- phlets, V. 8.) Browne, J. K. Crusoe's island; with sketches of adventure in California [1849]. — [Various articles on Cat., for which see Harper's mag.] Bryant, E . "What I saw in California [1846- 7]- Btjffum, E. G. Six months in the gold mines ; from a journal of three years' resi- dence in upper and lower California [1847- 9]. Burton, K. F. Across the Eocky mountains to California [1861]. [In his City of the saints.) Btjshnell, H. California : its characteris- tics and prospects [1858] . {In Pamphlets, V. 17, 34.) Carrinqton, M. T. Ocean to ocean. Carson, J. H. Early recollections of the mines ; and a description of the great Tulare valley [1846-52]. {In Pamphlets, v, 8, 20.) Chamisso, A. von. Californien [1816]. {In "Werke, v. 4.) — Von Californien nach den Sandwich inseln [1816]. {In "Werke, v. 3.) — Von Unalaschka nach Californien [1816]. {In Werke, v. 3.) Clemens, S. L. {Mark Twain'). Roughing it. Clerk, Mrs. G. Antipodes, and round the world [1865-7]. Coffin, C. C. Our new way round the world [1868]. Coke, H. J. Eide over the Eocky mountains to Oregon and California [1849-50]. CoLTON, W. Three years in California [1846-9]. Cooke, P. St. G. Eeport to the secretary of war of a march from Santa F(S, New Mex- ico, to San Diego, upper California [1846]. {In New Mexico and California.) CoTTLTER, J. Adventures on the south-west- ern coast of South America and the interior of California [1847]. Dana, C. W. Great west. The [1861]. Davidson, G. Coast pilot of California, Or- egon, and Washington territory [1869]. Delano, A. Life on the plains and among the diggings [1849]. De Quincey, T. California and the gold mania [1851]. {In Letters to ayoung man, etc.) Derby, G. H. Eeport on California to Ma- jor Canby. {In Eeport of the secretary of war, communicating information in relation to the geology and topography of California.) California {continued) — Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain. DuFLOT IJE Mofras. Exploration des Cali- fornies [1840-42]. Emory, W. H. Notes of a military recon- naissance from Fort Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego [1846-7]. Farnham, E. W. California, in-doors and out. [N. Y. 1856.] Farnham, T. J. Life, adventures, and trav- els in, and conquestof. [N. Y. 1850.] — Extract from same ■work. ' (Jn Pamphlets, V.8.) Feilner, J. Explorations in upper Califor- nia in 1860. {In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to Oregon and. — Geographical memoir upon upper Cali- fornia, 1848. {In Pamphlets, v. 8, 34.) Froebel, J. Seven years' travel in central America [1855]. Gerstacker, F. Travels in California ; with a view of its mines [1850]. {In Journey round the world.) Greeley, H. Overland journey in 1859. Gregory, J. G. Guide for California travel- ers via the isthmus of Panama [1850]. {In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Hastings, L. W. Extracts from ' Guide to Cal. and Oregon, 1845.' {In Pamphlets, v. 8.) HiTTELL, J. S. Topography of. {In Hutch- ings's Cal. mag., v. 3.) HiTTELL, T. H. Adventures of James C. Ad- ams [1852]. Hoffman, W. Visit to California in 1852. {In Monitor, The.) HousEWORTH, T., & Co. California scenery: thirty photographic plates. f° Humboldt, A. von (par V. G. Amao). Pro- vincia de la nueva California in 1803. {In Ensayo politico sobre la Nueva Espana, v .2.) Huntley, SirB..Y. California : its gold and its inhabitants [1852]. Hutchings, J. M. Scenes of wonder and curiosity in California [1871]. — {Ed.) Illustrated California mag. Kelly, W. Excursion to California [1849]. King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Ne- vada [1872]. King, T. S. Sketch of the geysers. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 5.) Kneeland, S. Wonders of the Yosemite val- ley and of. KiJCHEL and Dresel. Thirty lithograph views of. Lester, J. E. Atlantic to the Pacific [1872]. Letts, J. M. California illustrated ; with de- scription of Panama and Nicaragua routes [1849]. LiPPiNCOTT, S.J. (C.) New life in new lands [1872]. LoviOT, F. Description of California m 1852. {In Lady's captivity among Chinese pirates, A.) M'Clellan, E. G. Golden state, The [1872] . Marry AT, F. Mountains and mole -hills [1854]. — Narrative of the travels and adventures of Monsieur Violet. CALIFORNIA 137 CALIFORNIA California {continued) — NoRDHOFF, C. California : for health, pleas- ure, and residence [1872]. Ord, E. O. C. Keport to Gen. Kiley on. [In Keport of the secretary of war, communicat- ing information in relation to the geology and topography of California.) Palmer, J. W. New and the old California [1849]. Parke, J. G. Narrative of exploration of railroad routes in California to connect with the routes near the 32d parallel from San Francisco to Los Angeles, west of the coast range. See Pacific railroad. Reports of ex- plorations, etc., V. 7. Parkman, F.,Jr. California and Oregon trail. Parry, C. C. Reconnaissance to the mouth of the Gila river, from San Diego, Cal ., Sept. 11 to Dec. 10, 1849. {In Emory's TJ. S. and Mexican bound, surv., v. 1.) Pioneer, The. Player-Erowd, J.- G. Six months in. Poole, C. H. Report upon a railroad route from San Diego to Fort Yuma, via San Diego river, "Warner's pass, and San Felipe canon. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explora- tions, etc., V. 7, app. b. Prime, E. D. G. Around the world. Rae, W. F. Westward by rail [1870]. Reminiscences of Mendocino. {In Hutch- ings's Cal. mag., v. 3.) Revere, J. W. Tour of duty in California [1845-7]. Roberts, H. M. Itineraries of routes in Ari- zona and southern. Robinson, A. Life in California. By an American (anon.). [N.Y.1846.] Rossi, — {Abbi). Excursions in. {In Six ans en Amerique, 1856-62.) RoviNGS in the Pacific from 1837 to 1849. Saxon, I. Five years within the Golden gate [1862-7]. Schlagintweit, R. von. Califomien: land und leute [1871]. Seemann, B. Voyage of H. M. S. Herald, 1845-51. Simpson, Sir G. Visit to California ; with travels in [1841-2]. {In Journey round the world.) Simpson, J. H. Shortest route to. Smith, P. F. Excursion in. {In Report of the secretary of war, communicating infor- mation in relation to the geology and topog- raphy of California.) Scares, G. de M. California sketches [1868] . {In his Sketches on the wing.) Talbot, T. Excursion through. {In Report of the secretary of war, communicating in- formation in relation to the geology and topography of California.) Taylor, (J.) B. At home and abroad [1859]. — El Dorado ; or, adventures in the path of empire [1849]. — New pictures from. {In his At home and abroad.) Taylor, "W. California life illustrated. Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and California in 1848. Todd, J. Sunset land. The [1869]. Vassar, J. G. Trip to California from Cuba, California {continued ) — and travels in the state [1850]. {In his Twenty years around the world.) Venegas, M. Description of California, A [1758]. {In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Vischer, E. Pictorial of. Warren, T. R. Wanderings in California [1849-50]. (/n Dust and foam.) Whitney, J. D. Yo-Semite book, The. Wierzbicki, F. p. California as it is, and as it may be ; or, a guide to the gold region. {\st ed.) {In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Same. {2d ed.) {In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Wilkes, C. Account of California [1841]. {In Narrative of U. S. exploring expedition, V. 5.) — Western America (including California and Oregon) ; with maps. 130 pp. 8° {In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Williamson, R. S. Narrative of an expedi- tion from Benicia to Gila river to explore railroad routes in 1854, through the entire southern half of the state and Walker's pass ; with descriptive accounts of the geography and natural history of the country. See Pa- cific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., V. 5. Wise, H. A. Los Gringos; or, an inside view of Mexico and. WoGAN, — {Baron). Visit to California in 1850. {In Voyages et aventures.) See also — California (lower). Pacific coast. Colorado desert. Point Reyes. El Dorado. San Francisco. Geysers. Sierra Nevada. Mount Shasta. Yo-Semite. California (lo^wer) — Baegert, J. Account of the aboriginal in- habitants of the California peninsula. {In Smithsonian repts. 1868, 1864.) Browne, J. R. Account of the Lower Cali- fornia company. {In his Resources of the Pacific slope.) Carpenter, P. P. Lecture on the shells of the gulf of California. {In Smithsonian rept. 1859.) Clavijero, F. J. History of. [Extracts.] Tr. into English. {In Browne, J. R. Re- sources of the Pacific slope.) Colnett, J. Account of a cruise in the gulf of California [1793]. Gabb, W. M. Exploration of lower Cali- fornia [1866]. Hawks, J. D. . Journal of an expedition through the interior of the peninsula of low- er California, from San Francisco to San Diego, 1849. Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit missions in. {In Overland monthly, v. 10.) — Paper on. {In Pioneer, The, v. 2.) ScAMMON, C. M. Report of U. S. revenue service on the west coast of California. Sprague, T. Report on the fruit trees of. Taylor, A. S. Historical summary of lower California, from its discovery [1532] to 1867. {In Browne, J. R. Resources of the Pacific slope.) See also Cedros island ; Gulf of California. CALIFORNIA 138 cAllisthenes California academy of natural sciences. Publi- cations. Memoirs. V. 1. Thin 4^ Contents : Lesquereux, L. : Catalogueof the species of mosses found up to the present time on the north-west coast of the United States, and especially in Cali- fornia. Richthofen, F. (Baron) : Principles of the natural system of volcanic rocks. Proceedings. V. 2 (1858-63). {In Pam- phlets, V. 11.) Same. V. 3 (1863-7). . S. F., published by Academy, 1868. 8^ California and Oregon railroad, Lands of the. (/« Pamphlets, v. 34.) California and Oregon trail ; or, prairie and Kocky mountain life. Parkman, F., Jr. California cavalry battalion. Keport of D. W. C. Thompson on the organization of the. {In Pamphlets, v. 20.) California chronicle, The [daily). (Nov. 21, 1853, to May 20, 1854.) S.F. Imp. fi Same. V. 1 (Nov. 1853) to 8 (June, 1858). 8 V. Imp. r. California daily courier. The. V. 1, no. 3 (July 4, 1850) to 2, no. 161 (Jan, 5, 1852). S. F. f? California farmer, The. (Jan. 5, 1854, to Dec. 20, 1854; July 5, 1855, to April 4, 1856; Jan. 16, 1857, to Dec. 20, 1857 ; Jan. 8, 1858, to Dec. 31, 1858.) Sac. and S. F. 4 v. f^ California geological survey. See California (geology). California horticultural society. Keport of the second and third annual fairs, for the years 1858-9. 8^ Same. (In Cal. state agricultural society repts. 1856.) California horticulturist and floral magazine. V. 1, 2 (1870-2). S. F. 8? California Joe (pseud.). See Head, T. California mail-bag. V. 1 (June to Dec. 1871). 5. F. 8° California medical gazette. (July, 1868, to Aug. 1869.) S. F. 2 V. in 1. 4° California medical society. Proceedings of the convention for the reorganization of the Medical society of Cal., and of the first an- nual meeting of the society held in S. F., Oct. 19, 20, 1870 ; together with the consti- tution and code of ethics. S. F. 1870. 8^ (In Pamphlets, v. 31.) Transactions of the third session, convened at S. F., Feb. 1858. Sac. 1858. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 31.) Transactions of the years 1870-71. Sac. 1872. 8? California mercantile journal. V. 1 (1860). (n.t.p.) 4° ' California nautical magazine ; devoted to natural science, literature, and to the advocacy of the nautical school ship system. V. 1 (Aug. 1862 to July, 1863). S. F. 8° California notes. Taylor, A. S. California pilgrim : a series of lectures. Ben- ton, J. A. California pioneers. Society of. See Society. California star, The. V. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 9, 1847) to no. 47 (Nov. 27, 1847). [Nos. 5, 8, and 38 wanting]. Yerba Buena (S. F.). Sm. ti [Bound with v. 1 of the ' Californian.'] California state agricultural society. Official re- port of the third and fourth annual agricult- ural fair, cattle-show, and industrial exhi- bition, for the years 1856-7. 2 v. 8^ Same. For 1856. [Bound with 'Cal. hort. soc, 1858-9.'] Report of state board of agriculture for 1870. [Bound.] 8^ Transactions of the society for the years 1858-71. 9 V. 8? [1862 wanting.] Same. For 1858 (2 cop.), 1859, 1868-9. California state board of agriculture. See Cal. state agr. soc. California state library. See California (libraries). California state medical journal. (Jan. 1857.) (In Pamphlets, v. 31.) California state register and year-book of facts, for the year 1857. S. F. 1857. 8° Same. For 1859. (2 cop.) California teacher : a journal of school and home education, and organ of the department of public instruction. Ed. by J. Swett, G. Tait, and S. I. C. Sweezey. V. 1 (July, 1863) to 9 (June, 1872). S. F. 1864-70. 9 v. 8= Californian, The. [Beginning of 'Alta Cali- fornia.'] V. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 15, 1846), to no. 38 (May 6, 1847). [Nos. 2, 8, 11, 17- 22 wanting.] [Bound with ' Cal. star. '] Monterey, Cal.: Colton, Semple, e< a/. 2 V. Sm. f° Same. V. 2, no. 1 (May 22, 1847) to no. 34 (Jan. 5, 1848). [Nos. 31 and 32 wanting.] S. F. 2 v. Sm. t°. Caligula, Caius Csesar (12-41). Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Life of. (In Lives of the twelve Caesars.) — Vita. (In Opera omnia, v. 2.) Valpy's Script. Lat. Caliphs and sultans. Hanlet, S. Calisthenics. See Gymnastics. Calistoga (Cal.). Walton, G. E. Mineral springs of the U. S., etc. See also California (description and travel). Callamura. Pleasants, J. Called to account. Cudlip, Mrs. P. Callender, G. W. Treatise on diseases of the veins, (/n Holmes, T. System of surgery, V. 3.) Treatise on pyaemia. (In Holmes, T. Sys- tem of surgery, v. 1.) Callery, J. M., and Yvan, M. History of the insurrection in China; with notices of the Christianity, creed, and proclamations of the insurgents. Tr. from the French, by John Oxenford. N. Y. 1853. 12^ Callicot, T. Carey. Hand-book of universal geography ; being a gazetteer of the world. N. Y. 1853. 8? Callimachus (ab. 260 b.c). Epigrams. Tr. by J. Banks. Bohn's Class, lib. Arnold, E. (i« Poets of Greece.) Callingham, James. Sign-writing and glass embossing : a complete practical illustrated manual of the art. To which are added nu- merous alphabets. Phil. 1871. 12^ Callirhoe. Dudevant, M. Callisthenes (pseud.). Scriptores rerum Alex- andri magni. (Gr. et Lat.) Fragmenta collegit C. Miiller. [Bound with Arrianus.] Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. CALLISTRATUS 139 CAMP Oallistratus(a6. 350B.C.). Descriptiones. {Gr. etLat.) Kecensuit A. Westennann. [Bound with Philostratus.] Didot's Script. Grtjec. biblioth. Calvary. Smith, M. H. Mount Calvary, and meditations in sacred places. Calvary Presbyterian church {8. F.). Histori- cal sketch of. With dedicatory exercises at the new church, May 16, 1869 ; including sermon by the pastor, Rev. C. Wadsworth. S. F. 1869. 8^ {In Pamphlets, v. 30.) Calverley, C. S. Fly-leaves. N. Y. 1872. 12? Calvert, Cecil (1632-1676). Belknap, J. Life of. [In Am. biog., v. 3.) Calvert, George (1581-1632). Belknap, J. Life of. {In Am. biog., v. 3.) Calvert, George Henry {b. 1803). First years in Europe. Bost. 1866. 12° Gentleman, The. Bost. 1863. 12° GoTHE : his life and works. Bost. 1872. 16? Scenes and thoughts in Europe. {\st ser.) Bost. 1863. 12? (2 cop.) Calvert, John. Gold rocks of Great Britain and Ireland, and a general outline of the gold regions of the world ; with a treatise on the geology of gold . Lond. 1853. 12? Vazeeri Eupi, the silver country of the Va- zeers, in Kulu : its beauties, antiquities, and silver mines. Including a trip over the Him- alayahs. Illustrated. Lond. 1873. 8? Calvert, Leonard (1606-1647). Belknap, J. Life of. {In Am. biog., v. 3.) BuRNAP, G. W. Life of. {In Lib. Am. biog., V. 19.) Calvin, John (1509-1564). GuizoT, F. P. G. St. Louis and Calvin. Phil. n.d. 12? See also Leaders of the reformation ; Eefor- mation. Calvinism. Froude, J. A. Camargo, Alonzo de. Voyage from Spain for Chile, 1539. {I?i Burney's Voy ., v. 1, p. 186.) Camber-well beauty. Hood,T. (7« Tales, etc.) Cambist — Kelly, P. Universal cambist and commer- cial instructor, The. Tate, W. Modern cambist. The. Cambodia {Asia). Mouhot, H. Voyage dans les royaumes de Siam, de Cambodge, etc. Cambridge, George William Frederick Charles {duke of). McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. Cambridge {Mass.). Annual reports of the wa- ter board to the city council, 1868-70 ; to- gether with reports of the registrar and supt. for 1870. {In Water-works, v. 1.) Cambridge prize poems : a complete collection of English poems which have obtained the chancellor's gold medal in the university of Cambridge. (Ifew ed.) Camb. 1840. 12? Contents . Beresford, H. S. : Mahomet. Bright, J. H. : Palmyra. Brockhurst, J. >S. : Venice. Bulwer, E. G. K. h. : Sculpt- ure. Hue, C. B. : Delphi. Kiiiglaka, W. C. : Bj'zantl- um. KingIake,W. C. : Jerusalem. Long, C. E. : Rome. Macaulay, T. B. : Eveninat Macaulay, T. B. : Pompeii. Praetl, W. M. : Athens. Praed, W. M. : Australasia. Sangster, C. : Bannockburn. Scott, G. E. : Waterloo. Smirke, E. : Wallace. Tennyson, A. : Timbuctoo. Townshend, C. H. : Jerusa- lem. Venables, C. S. : North-west pas.sage. Waddington,G. : Columbus. Whewell, W. : Boadicea. Whytehead, T. : Empire of the sea. Wood, W. S. : Luther. Wordsworth, C. : Druids. Wordsworth, C. : Inva.sion of Russia. Cambridge university. Everett, W. On the Cam. See also Universities. Camden, William (1551-1623). History of the most renowned and victorious princess Eliz- abeth, late queen of England ; containing all the most important and remarkable pas- sages of state, both at home and abroad (so far as they were linked with English affairs) during her long and prosperous reign. Fourth edition, revised and compared with the original ; with a new alphabetical index of all the principal things contained in the history. Lond . : Printed by M. Flesher, for R. Bentley, 1688. 4? Camden (3fe.). Locke, J. L. Sketches of the history of the town of Camden [1605-1859]. Camel — Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1854.) Eeport of the secretary of war on the pur- chase of camels for the purpose of military transportation. Camelien. Stolle, L. F. (In Ausgewahlte schriften, v. 1, 2, 19.) Cameos from English history [900-1330]. YoNGE, Miss CM. Cameron, Paul. Practical directions for the method of reading the barometer and hy- grometer, and for observing the bearing and direction of the winds and formation of the clouds ; also, the method of predicting the probabilities of storms. Lond. 1868. 8? Cameron pride. The. Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Camille ; or, the fate of a coquette. Dumas, A. {Jils). Camillus («?. 364B.C.) Plutarchtts. Life of. {In Lives.) — Vie de. (Par A. Feillet.) {In Vies des Eomains illustres.) — Vita. {Gr. et Lat.) (In Vitae, v. 1.) Oammann, Henry J., and Camp, H. N. Chari- ties of New York, Brooklyn, and Staten isl- and. N. Y. 1868. 8? Camoens, Luis de (1517-1579). Lusiad, The; or, the discovery of India. Tr. from the Por- tuguese, by Wm. J. Mickle. (3d ed.) Lond. 1798. 2 v. 8? Contents : Introduction, v. 1. Brahmin philosophy, v. 2. Dissertation on the Lusiad, V. L India. Discovery of, v. I. Life of Camogns, v. 1. I^usiad, V. 1-2. Portuguese Asia, v. 1. — LusiADES, Les, ou les Portugais. Tr. par T. B. Millie. Paris, 1825. 2 v. 8? Os Lusiadas, commentados pelo Licenciado Manoel Correa. Lisbon, 1613 (1611). 12? See also — Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Camors. Feuillet, O. Camp, George Sidney. Democracy. N. Y. 1845. 16? H. F. lib., v. 158. Camp, Henry Ward (Maj.). Trumbull, H. C. Biography of. Bost. 1865. 16? Camp diseases. Woodward, J. J. Outlines of the chief camp diseases of the U. S. armies, as observed during the present war. CAMP-FIRE 140 CANADA Camp-fire and cotton-field. Knox, T. W. Oampagne d'ltalie de 1859. Bazancoubt, J. 13. M. A. L. Carapaig"!! of the north-western army of the United States, 1812. Hull, W. Memoir of. Oampaign sketches of the war with Mexico. Hknry, W. S. Campaigns of a non-combatant. Townsend, G. A. Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette Genest (1752- 1822). Memoires ; avec notice, par J. F. Barriere. Paris, 1867. 12? Memoirs of Marie Antoinette, queen of France and Navarre. Campaner thai. Eichter, J. P. F. Campbell, A. Notes on eastern Thibet. (In Pamphlets, v. 36.) Campbell, Albert H. Keport on the meteorology and barometric results of Parke's explora- tions of 32d parallel ; with tables. See Pa- cific railroad, Keports of explorations, etc., V. 7, app. A. Campbell, Charles. History of the colony and ancient dominion of Virginia. Phil. 1860. 8° Campbell, Duncan (the famous deaf and dumb gentleman). Memoirs of. Lond. 1732. 12? Campbell, George. Philosophy of rhetoric, The. {New ed.) Lond. 1850. 8? Cam.pbell, George John Douglass {duke of Ar- gyll)., (6.1823). Primeval man: an exami- nation of some recent speculations. N. Y. 1869. 12° Keign of law. Lond. 1867. 12? See also Political portraits. Campbell, J. F. Frost and fire: natural en- gines, tool-marks, and chips ; with sketches, taken at home and abroad. Phil. 1865. 2 V. 8? Campbell, J. F. {Ed.) Leabhar na feinne. Vol. 1, Gaelic texts. Heroic Gaelic ballads, collected in Scotland, chiefly from 1512 to 1871. Copied from old manuscripts pre- served at Edinburgh and elsewhere, and from rare books ; and orally collected since 1859 ; with lists of collections, and of their contents ; and with a short account of the documents quoted. Lond. 1872. 4? Campbell, J. L. Manual of scientific and prac- tical agriculture, for the school and the farm. Illustrated. Phil. 1859. 12? Campbell, Jas. V. Address on the study of the law, delivered at the opening of the law de- partment of the university of Michigan, Oct. 3,1859. Ann Arbor, 1859. (/« Annual cat. Am. coll., V. 3.) Law and lawyers in society: an address, de- livered before the graduating class of the law department of the university of Michi- gan, March 28, 1866. Detroit, 1866. {In Annual cat. Am. coll., v. 3.) Campbell, John {Lord), (1779-1861). Lives of Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham. Lond. 1869. 8? Lives of the chief justices of England, from the Norman conquest till the death of Lord Tenterden. Lond. 1849-57. 3 v. 8? Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England, from the earliest Campbell {cantinued ) — times till the reign of King George iv. Lond. 1845-7. 7 v. 8? Shakespeare's legal acquirements consider- ed, in a letter to J. Payne Collier. N. Y. 1859. 12? Campbell, John K. How to see Norway. Lond. 1871. 16? Campbell, John V. Account of an earthquake in Peru, Aug. 13, 1868. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Campbell, John W. (1782-1833). History of Vir- ginia, from its discovery till the year 1781 ; with biographical sketches of all the most distinguished characters that occur in the colonial, revolutionary, or subsequent period of our history. Phil. 1813. 12? Campbell, Mrs. Julia H. {Judith Canute), Eros andAnteros; or, the bachelor's ward. N.Y. 1857. 12? Campbell, /Sir Neil (1770-1827). Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Elba. Cam.pbell, Thomas (1777-1844). Frederick the great, and his court and times. Gertrude of Wyoming. See Goldsmith, Beattie, and Campbell. Pleasures of hope, The. See Goldsmith, Beattie, and Campbell. Poetical works ; including Theodric. Phil. 1831. 16? Poetical works ; with notes and a biograph- ical sketch, by Kev. W. A. Hill. Bost. 1857. 12? Beattie, W. Life and letters of. Lond. 1850. 3 V. 8? Irving, W. Biographical sketch of. {In Spanish papers, v. 2.) See also Aikin's Br. poets ; Patmore, P. G. My friends and acquaintance, v. 2. Campbell, Thomasina M. A. E. Notes on the island of Corsica in 1868. Lond, 1868. 16? Campbell, William W. [b. 1806). Border war- fare of New York during the revolution ; or, the annals of Tryon county. N. Y. 1849. 12? Life and writings of De Witt Clinton. N. Y. 1849. 12? Campbellites. Gorrie, P. D. Churches and sects of the United States. Camping out. Stephens, C. A. Camping-out series. See Stephens, C. A. Camus, Jean Pierre. Spirit of S. Francis de Sales. Translated. Lond. 1872. 12? Can the old love ? Buddington, Z. B. Can you forgive her ? Trollope, A. Canada — Adams, A. L. Field and forest rambles ; with notes and observations on the natural history of eastern. Alexander, J. E. Salmon-fishing in. Ampere, J. J. Promenade en Am^rique [1851]. Andrews, I. D. Keport on the trade and commerce of the British North Am. colo- nies, and upon the trade of the great lakes. Appleton's hand-book of American travel : northern tour. Appleton's railway guide. Backwoods of Canada ; being letters from the wife of an emigrant officer. CANADA 141 CANTICLES Canada [continued) — BiGSBY, J. J. Shoe and canoe ; or, pictures of travel in the Canadas. Buckingham, J. S. Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. Caird, J. Prairie-farming in America. Carthier, J. Voyage to Canada in 1540. [In Kobinson, C. Early voyages to Amer- ica.) Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Histoire et de- scription gdnerale de la nouvelle France, avec le journal historique d'un voyage fait par ordre du roi dans I'Am^rique septentrionale, 1744. 3 V. 4? Cornwallis, K. Koyalty in the new world. De Veaxjx, S. Falls of Niagara : tourist's guide through the Canadas. Directory of Canada ; containing the names of the professional and business men of every description, in the cities, towns, and princi- pal villages, together with a complete post- office directory of the province. Compiled by K. W. S. Mackay. Montreal, 1854. 8= DuDEVANT, M. Six mille lieues a toute vapeur. Hardy, C. Forest life in Acadie. Harper's statistical gazetteer of the world. Head, G. Forest scenes and incidents. Institut Canadien : annuaire pour 1870. [Bound in Library reports : ' Sheffield, Birkenhead, etc.'] KiRKE, H. First English conquest of. Larned, J. N. Keport on the state of trade between the United States and British pos- sessions in North America. {In Pamphlets, V. 27.) La Kochefoucault Liancourt, F. A. F. de. Travels through the U.S. and Canada in 1795-7. Mackay, C. Life and liberty in America, MacMullen, J. History of. MarryaTjF. Settlers in. (Historical fiction.) Marshall, C. Canadian dominion. Martin, R. M. History, statistics, and geog- raphy of upper and lower. Medley, J. G. Autumn tour in U. S. and. MooDiE, Mrs. S. S. Life in the clearings vs. the bush. — Roughing it in the bush. Murray, A. M. Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada. Report on the prisons of U. S. and Canada, 1867. Richards, T. A. Appleton's illustrated hand- book of American travel. Rose, G. Great countryy" The. Rossi, — (Abbe). Six ans en Amdrique, 1856- 62. Simpson, Sir G. Journey round the world, 1841-2. Thoreau, H. D. Yankee in. Trollope, a. North America. Warburton, G. Conquest of. "Weld, I., Jr. Travels through the states of North America, and upper and lower. See also Niagara. Canal boat. Hawthorne , N. (In Page' s Mem - oir.) Canals. Stevenson, D. Canal and river en- gineering. Canary — KiDD, W. Canary, The : a cage and cham- ber-bird. Smith, F. Canary, The : its varieties, man- agement, and breeding. Canaries (islands) — Bethencourt, J. de. Conquest and conver- sion of the Canarians in 1402. {In Hakluyt soc. , V. 45.) Pegot-Ogier, E. Fortunate isles. Cancer — CoLLis, M. H. Diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and the tumors analogous to it. Cooke, T. W. Cancer, its allies and coun- terfeits. Hickman, "W. Some varieties and effects of cancerous disease of the bone. Moore, C. H. Treatise on cancer. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Candide ; or, the optimist. Voltaire, F. M. A. DE. (In Works, v. 15.) Candide ; ou, I'optimisme. Voltaire, F. M. A. DE. (In (Euvres completes, v. 8.) Candidius, George. Account of the island of Formosa, and remarks upon Japan. (In Churchill's Coll. voy.,v. 1.) Candish, Sir Thomas. See Cavendish. Candles — Faraday, M. Chemical history of a candle. Ott, a. Art of making soap and. See also Soap. Candolle, Adolphe de. Causes which limit veg- etable species towards the north, in Europe and similar regions. (In Smithsonian rept. 1858.) Candolle, AugustePyramede (1778-1841). Pro- dromus systematis naturalis regni vegeta- bilis, V. 1-15. Paris, 1824-69. 15 v. 8° Candy elephant ; and other stories. Dolliver, Miss C. G, Canniff, William. Manual of the principles of surgery, based on pathology. Phil. 1866. 8° Canning, George (1770-1827). Bell, R. Life of. N. Y. 1846. 12? (2 cop.) Hayward, a. Canning as a man of letters. (In Biog. and crit. essays, v. 1.) Stapleton, a. G. Canning and his times. Lond. 1859. 8°. See also English statesmen since the peace of 1815; Orator, The; Select British eloquence. Canning, J. Kit Kelvin's kernels. N. Y. 1860. 12i Cano, Sebastian del (1500 ?-1526). See Magellan, F. Canoe and the saddle. Winthrop, T. Canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor. Feather- stonhaugh, G. W. Canonisation de Saint Glougourde, La. Ver- MOND, P. (In Chroniques populaires du Berry.) Canova, Antonio (1757-1822). See Characteris- tics of men of genius ; Everett, A. H. Es- says, 1st ser. ; Self-made men. Cantatas. See Boosey and Co. (pub.). Canterbury tales. Lee, H. Canterbury tales. The. Chaucer, G. Cantica laudis. Mason, L., and Webb, G. J. Canticles. Noyes, G. R. New translation of the Canticles, the Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. CANTIQUES 142 CAPTAINS Oantiques spirituels. Kacine, J. {In Th^S,tre complet.) Canton, Edwin. Arcus senilis ; or, fatty degen- eration of the cornea. Lend. 1863. 12'i; Canton (China) — De Beauvoir, a. M. F. J. P. (Marq.). Voy- age round the world. LisiANSKY, U. Description of Canton, 1805. [In Voyage round the world.) Canute, Judith {pseud.). See Campbell, Mrs. J. H. Caoutchouc — Caoutchouc and gutta percha. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1864.) Collins, J. Eeport on the caoutchouc of commerce. Cap-sheaf: a fresh bundle. Hill, G. C. Capaccio, Giulio Cesare {d. 1631). Vera antichita di Pozzvolo, La. Koma, 1652. 8° Capacelli, Albergati. Novel. {In Koscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 4.) Capacity and genius. Essay on. Cape and the Kaffirs. Ward, H. Cape Breton. Martin, K.M. History of Nova Scotia. Cape Coast Castle. Martin, E. M. History of the British possessions in the Indian and At- lantic oceans. Cape Cod. Thoreau, H. D. Cape de Verde islands. Egberts, G. Voyage to Cape de Verde islands [1721]. (/n Drake's Coll. voy.) EoGERS, W. Account of. An. [1708.] {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Cape Horn. CooK, J. Passages around. {In Voyages.) Cape Horn in 1704. KiP, W. I. {In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Cape of Good Hope— Chamisso, a. von. Vorgebirge der Guten Hoffnung. {In. Werke, v. 3.) Cook, J. Description of the cape of Good Hope ; with some account of the Hottentots. {In his Voyages, v. 1.) Same. {In Hawkesworth's Voy., v. 3, ed. of 1773; V. 4, ed. of 1785.) Green, D. S. Agricultural notices and ob- servations on. {In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Hatfield, E. F. St. Helena and the. KoLBEN, P. Voyage to the cape, 1705 ; with an account of the Hottentot settlements. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Labillardiere, J. J.H. Visit to. {In 'Re- lation du voyage a la recherche de La Pe- rouse, 1791, v. 1.) MiLNER, J., and Brierly, O. W. Cruise of the Galatea. Ehyne, W. T. Account of. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 4.) Thunberg, C. p. Voyages au Japon, 1770- 76. "Wallis, S. Voyage to the cape of Good Hope ; with an account of the visit there. {In Hawkesworth's Voy., v. 1.) Wilkes, C. Description of. {In Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 5.) Cape Verd islands. Wilkes, C. Description of. {In Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. Capeflgue, Baptiste Honor^ Eaymond {b. 1801). Agnes Sorel et la chevalerie. Paris, n.rf. 8? AsPAsiE et le siecle de Pericles. Paris, 1862. 8° Comtesse de Parab^re, La, et le palais royal sous la r^gence. Paris, 1863. 8° DfiEssES de la liberty, Les. (Femmes de la convention et du directoire.) Paris, 1862. 12° Contents . Beauharnals, Josephine, VI- conitesse de. Corday, Charlotte. Fontenay, Marquise de. Gouges, Olympe de. Koland, Madame. Sainte-Amaranthe, Marqui- se de. Stael, Madame de. Tallien, Madame. — DucHESSE de Portsmouth, La, et la cour ga- lante des Stuarts. Paris, 1861. 8° Capendu, Ernest. Chevalier du Poulailler, Le. N. Y. 1865. 8° Contents : Chevalier du Poulailler, Le. Semaine litt€ralre : journal. et BarriJire, T. Faux bonshommes, Les. {In Theatre Francjais mod., 3e s4r.) See also Barriere, T. (Euvres. Caper-sauce. Parton, Mrs. S. P. Capitaine Ar^na, Le : impressions de voyage. Dumas, A. (D.) Capitaine Fantome, Le. FiiVAL, P. {In (Eu- vres, V. 26, 27.) Capitaine Fracasse, La. Gautieb, T. {In (Eu- vres, V. 11, 12.) Capitaine Pamphile, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Capitaine Eichard, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Capitaine Eochart, Le. Erckmann-Chatrian. {In Blocus, Le, v. 11.) Capitaine Sauvage, Le. Noriac, C. A. J. {In (Euvres, v. 6.) Capitan cautivo. El. Cervantes Saavedra, M. DE. {In Obras escogidas, v. 7.) Capper, J. Emigrant's guide to Australia, The. {n.t.p.) Capper, Mary. Memoir of Mary Capper, late of Birmingham : a minister of the society of Friends. Ed. by Katherine Backhouse. Lond. 1847. 8° Capron, E. S. History of California, from its discovery to the present time. Bost. 1854. 12^ Captain Brand, of the Centipede. Wise,H. A. Captain Canot ; or, twenty years of an African slaver. Mayer, B. Captain Christie's granddaughter. Lamb, Mrs. E. Captain Norton's diary ; and other stories. Church, Mrs. E., et al. Captains of the old world as compared with the great modern strategists : their campaigns, character, and conduct, from the Persian to the Punic wars. Herbert, H. W. N. Y. 1852. 12? Contents ; Alexander of Makedon. Epaminondas, the Theban. Hannibal. Miltiades, son of Clmon. Pausanias, the Spartan. Themis to ties. Xenophon, the Athenian. Captains of the Eoman republic, as compared with the great modern strategists : their campaigns, character, and conduct, from the Punic wars to the death of Caesar. Her- bert, H. W. N. Y. 1854. 12i CAPTAINS 143 CARLYLE Scipio Africanus, Pub Cornelius. Sylla, Lucius Cornelius. Captains (continued) — Contents . Csesar, Caius Julius. Flaminius, Titus Qulnctius. Marius, Caius, of Arpinum. Paulus, Lucius iEmilius. Captures. See Privateers. Caracci, Annibale (1560-1609). Pensieri diversi lineati et in tagliati. Koy. 4? Caracciolo, Henrietta. Mysteries of the Neapol- itan convents ; with a brief sketch of the early life of the authoress. Tr. from the Italian, by J. S. Kedfield. Hartford, 1867. 12? Carafa, Anna. St. John, Mrs. H. K. Court of: an historical narrative. "With a portrait. Lond. 1872. 8° Carafas of Maddaloni. Eeumont, A. Carafifa, Livia Doria. Prose, e versi per onorare la memoria di Livia Doria Caraffa, princi- pessa del S. E. Irnp. e della Kocella di al- cuni rinomati autori. Large paper. [Print- ed for presents only by G. Bodoni, Parma, 1784. 4°] Carbonari. See Secret societies. Carbuncle del diablo, El. Fkrnandez t Gon- zalez, M. (In Dama de noche. La.) Card cases. See Patents, Abridgments of British, V. 5. Cardenas y Cano, Gabriel de. Ensayo crono- logico para la historia general de la Florida. Madrid, 1829. 2 v. 12? Cardinal Pole ; or, the days of Philip and Mary. AiNSWORTH, W. H, Cards. Taylor, E. S. History of playing. See also Games. Cardwell, Edward (b. 1813). /See Political por- traits. Careri, Giovani Francisco (Dr.). Voyage from Manila to Now Spain, 1697. (In Burney's Voy.,v. 4, p.343.) Carey, Annie. Autobiographies. Bost. 1871. 16? (2 cop.) Carey, Henry. Chrononhotonthologos. (Burl, op.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 11. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 82. Contrivances. (Balladop.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 11. Dragon of Wantley. (Burl, op.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 7. Carey, Henry Charles (b. 1793). Miscellaneous works. Phil. 1865. 8? Contents : American labor vs. British free trade. Financial crises : their causes and effects. Foreign and domestic policy of the union, and its effects. French and American tariffs compared. Harmony of interests : agricultural, manufactur- ing, and commercial. Iron, How to have cheap ; a letter to K. M. T. Hun- ter. Letter, A. Letters to Hon. Schuyler Colfax on various ques- tions. Money : a lecture delivered in New York city, 1857. Plough, The, the loom, and the anvil : two letters to R. M. T. Hunter. Letters on international copyright. Phil. 1853. 8? (In PaiYiphlets, v. 17.) Letters to the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, on the paper, the iron, the farmers, the railroad, and the currency questions. Phil. 1865. 8? Letters to the president on the foreign and domestic policy of the union, and its effects, Carey (continued) — as exhibited in the condition of the people and the state. Phil. 1858. 8? Principles of social science. Phil. 1858-9. 3v. 8?. Slave-trade, domestic and foreign : why it exists, and how it may be extinguished. Phil. 1853. 12? Carey, Matthew (1760-1839). Miscellaneous es- says. Phil. 1830. 8? Contents : Brief view of the policy of the founders of thecol- onies of Mass., Rhode Island, west Jersej', Penn., Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina, as regards lib- erty of conscience. Critical remarks on the tragedy of Hamlet. Essays on the public charities of Philadelphia. History of the yellow fever which prevailed In Philadelphia in the year 1793. Reflections on the subject of emigration from Eu- rope. Review of the evidence of the pretended general conspiracy of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, to massacre all the Protestants who would not Join them, on the 23d of Oct. 1641. Vindication of Sterne from the charge of plagia- rism, etc., etc. Hunt, F. Life of. (In his Lives of Ameri- can merchants, v. 1.) Carey, William (1761-1834) . Marshman, J. C. Story of Carey, Marshman, and Ward. Carey. See Cary. Caribee islands. Herrera, A. de. Descrip- tion of. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 5.) Caricature history of the Georges. Wright, T. Carl Whiting. By the author of ' Little peanut merchant.' Bost. n.d. 16? Carlen, Emilie Flygare (b. 1808). Brother's bet. The ; or, within six weeks. Tr. from the Swedish. N. Y. 1868. 12? Home in the valley. The. Tr. from the Swed- ish, by E. Perce. N. Y. 1854. 12? Carleton (pseud.). See Coffin, C. C. Carleton, Carrie (pseud.). See Chamberlain, 3Irs. C. C. Carleton, George W. Our artist in Cuba. Fifty drawings on wood. Leaves from the sketch- book of a traveler, 1864-5. N. Y. 1865. 12? Our artist in Peru. Fifty drawings on wood. N. Y. 1866. 12? Carleton, Will. Farm ballads. Illustrated. N. Y. 1873. 8? (2 cop.) Carleton, William. Irish stories. N. Y. 1854. 16? Contents : Barney Brady's goose. Miscellaneous stories. Poor scholar, The. Tubber Derg ; or, the red well. Carli, D. de. See Angelo, M., and Carli, D. de. earlier, Auguste. De I'esclavage dans ses rap- ports avec 1' union Am6ricaine. Paris, 1862. 8? Carlino. Kuffini, G. Carlisle, G. W. F. Howard (earl of), (Lord Mor- peth). Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. Ed. by C. C. Felton. Bost. 1855. 12? Carlsruhe, Congress of. NiCKL:fis, M. J. Ac- count of the scientific congress of. (In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Carlton, Kobert. New purchase. The ; or, early years in the far west. New Albany, Ind., 1855. 12? Oarlyle, Alexander (1721-1805). Autpbiogra- phy. Bost. 1861. 12? CARLYLE n S" 144 CARPENTER Oarlyle, Thomas (6. ¥fT!!). Critical and miscel- laneous essays. Best. 1860. 4 v. 8° Contents : Adieu, V. 1 . Baillie, the Covenanter, v. 4. Beetle, The, v. 1. Biography, v. 3. Boswell's J^ife of Johnson, V. 3. Burns, v. 1. (Jagliostro, Count (two arti- cles), V. 3. Characteristics, v. 3. Copyright bill. Petition on the, V. 4. Corn-law rhymes and rhym- er, V. 3. Cui bono, v. 1. Diamond necklace, v. 4. Diderot, v. 3. Ense, Varnhagen v. : mem- oirs, V. 4. Fortuna, v. 1. Four fables, v. 1. Francia, Dr., v. 4. French revolution, Parlia- mentary history of, v. 4. German literature, State of, V. 1. German literature of xiv. and XV. centuries, v. 2. German playwrights, v. 1. 'German romance,' Preface and introduction to book called, V. 1. Gothe, V. 1. Gothe, Death of, v. 3. Gothe's Helena, v. 1. Gothe's portrait, v. 3. Gothe's worlis, v. 3. — Same. Bost. 1839. Same. Phil. 1846. 8^ Chartism. See Past and present (below). Choice of books. Second ed., with a new life of the author. Lond. n.d. 16° Cromwell's letters and speeches ; with eluci- dations. Lond. 1871-2. 5 v. 16^ French revolution : a history. N. Y. 1863. 2 V. 12? (2 cop.) Same. V, 2, 3. Bost. 1839. IT. Same. V. 3. Lond. 1871. 12° German romance : specimens of its chief au- thors, with biographical and critical notices. Bost. 1841. 2 V. 12° [V. 2 missing.] Contents : Heyne, L,ife of, v. 1. History (two articles),v. 2, 3. Irving, Edw., Death of, v. 3. Luther's psalm, v. 2. Mirabeau, v. 4. Nibelungen lied, v. 2. Night-moth, Tragedy of.v.l. Novalis, v. 2. Novelle, tr. fromGothe.v. 4. Opera, Tlie, v. 4. Parliament, Election to the long, V. 4. Portraits, Project for a na- tional exhibition of Scot- tish, V. 4. Kichter, Jean Paul Friedrich (two articles), v. 1, 2. Richter's review of Mme. de Stael's ' Allemague,' v. 2. Schiller, v. 2. Schiller, GOtlie, and Mme. de Stael, v. 3. Scott, Sir Walter, Memoirs of the life of, v. 4. Signs of the times, v. 2. Sower's song, v. 1. Tale, The, tr. from Gothe, V. 3. Taylor's historic survey of German poetry, v. 2. To-day, v. 1. Vengeur, On the sinking of the, V. 4. Voltaire, v. 2. Werner, Life and writings of, V. 1. 4v. 8°. Fouqu6 : Asiauga's knight, V. 1. Hoffman : Golden pot, v. 2. Musaus : Dumb love, v. 1. Musaus : Libussa, v. 1. Musaus : Melechsala, v. 1. Kichter : Army chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Fliitz, V. 2. Richter: Life of Quintus Fixlein, v. 2. Tieck : Elves, The, v. 1. Tieck : Fair-haired Eckbert, v. 1. Tieck : Goblet, The, v. 1. Tieck : Runenberg, v. 1. Tieck : Trusty Eckart, v. 1. — Heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in his- tory : six lectures. N. Y. 1841. IT. Contents : Hero as divinity. The. Odin ; Paganism ; Scandi- navian mythology. Hero as king. The. Cromwell ; Napoleon ; Mod- ern revolutionism. Hero as man of letters. The. Johnson ; Rousseau ; Burns. Hero as poet. The. Dante ; Shakespeare. Hero as priest, The. Reformation ; Knox ; Puri- tanism. Hero as prophet. The. Mahomet ; Islam. Same. Lond. 1872. 16": History of Frederick the second, of Prussia, called Frederick the great. Latter-day pamphlets. N. Y. 1850. 12° Contents : Downing street Hudson's statue. Jesuitism. Model prisons. New Downing street. The. Parliaments. Present time, The. Stump orator. — Life of Friedrich Schiller ; comprehending an examination of his works. Oarlyle (continued) — Life of John Sterling. Life of Robert Burns. Past and present. Lond. 1872. 12° Contents : Ancient monk. The. Horoscope. Modern worker, The. Proem. Same. With Chartism, and Sartor resartus. N.Y. 1864. 3 V. in 1. 12? Sartor resartus : the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh. In three books. Bost. 1840. 12? Shooting Niagara, and after? Lond. 1867. 12? Lowell, J. R. My study windows, Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la littdrature An- glaise. See also Brief biographies ; Cartoon portraits ; Modern men of letters ; Orator, The. Oarlyon's year. Sauzade, J. S. Oarmen nuptiale. Catullus, C. V. (In Opera omnia, v. 1.) Carmen saeculare. Horatius Flaccus, Q. (In Opera omnia, v. 2.) Oarinichael, Sarah E. Poems. S. F. 1865. 8? Oarmina collegensia. "Waite, H. R. Oarnaval de Paris, Un. MiiRY, J. (In (Eu- vres, V. 39.) Oarn6, Louis de. Travels in Indo- China and the Chinese empire ; with a notice of the author, by Count de Carn^. Lond. 1872. 8? Cameades. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script, Graec. biblioth. Oarnot, Lazare Hippolyte (b. 1801). M<5moires sur Carnot (L. N. M.). Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite (1753-1823). Carnot, L.H. M^moiressur. Paris, 1861. 4 v. 8? See also Scientific men, Biographies of dis- tinguished. Oarolinas, The — Bartram, W. Travels through. Lee, H. Campaign of 1781 in the. Moultrie, W. American revolution, so far as it related to North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Caroline Matilda (of Denmark). "Wraxall, C. F. L. Life and times of her majesty. (2rf ed.) Lond. 1864. 3 v. Caroline (islands) — Chamisso, a. v. Carolinen inseln, Die, 1816. (In "Werke, v. 4.) Discovery [1526], and history of the. (In Burney's Voy., v. 3, p. 410 ; v. 5, pp. 1-29.) Caroline. Abbott, J. Caroline Mordaunt. Sherwood, M, M. (In Works, V. 13.) Caroline of Brunswick. Reynolds, G. W. M. Carpenter, Alfred. Some points in the physio- logical and medical aspect of sewage irriga- tion. The second edition of a paper read at the Social science congress, at Bristol, Oct.' 2, 1869 ; with notes upon the recent evidence adduced against irrigation in the houses of parliament, etc.; to which is also appended CARPENTER 145 CARTWRIGHT Carpenter {continued) — a paper on the influence of sewer gas on the public health. Lond. 1870. 16? Carpenter, Francis B. Six months at the White- ht)use with Abraham Lincoln. N. Y. 1866. 12? Carpenter, Mary (&. 1820?). Our convicts. Lond. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 8? Reformatory prison discipline, as developed by the Rt. Hon. Sir Walter Crofton, in the Irish convict prisons. Lond. 1872. 16? Carpenter, Philip- P. Lecture on the shells of the gulf of California. {In Smithsonian rept. 1859.) Lectures on mollusca ; or, shell-fish and their allies. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Carpenter, William Benjamin (6. 1812). Cor- relation of the physical and vital forces. {In Youmans, E. L., et al. Correlation and conservation of forces.) Microscope, The, and its revelations. Illus- trated by 345 wood engravings. Lond. 1856. 16? ■ Principles of comparative physiology. Phil. 1854. 8? Principles of human physiology; with their chief applications to psychology, pathology, therapeutics, hygiene, and forensic medicine. Illustrated. Phil. 1853. 8?_ Use and abuse of alcoholic liquors, in health and disease. Phil. 1866. 16? Carpentry. Bell, W. E. Carpentry made easy. See also Architecture ; Building. Carpin (or Carpini), Johannes de Piano {ab. 1250). Journey into Tartary. {In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery, v. 1.) Oarre, M. Faust and Marguerite. (Romantic dr.) Tr. by W. Robertson. Lacy's Plays, V. 15. and Barbier, J. Jeannette's wedding-day. (Mus. farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 72. and Battu, L. Love by lantern-light. (Op- eretta.) Lacy's Plays, v. 73. Sec also Barriere, T. (Euvres. Darrel, Nicolas Armand (1800-1836). Mill, J. S. Review of his life. {In his Dissertations and discussions, v. 1.) Simc. {In Westminster rev., Oct. 1837.) CJairington, Mrs. M. I. Ab-sa-ra-ka : home of the Crows. Being the experience of an offi- cer's wife on the plains. Phil. 1868. 12? Ocean to ocean : Pacific railroad and adjoin- ing territories, with distances and fares of travel from American cities. Phil. 1869. 16? Carroll, Anna Ella. Star of the west ; or, na- tional men and national measures. N. Y. 1857. 8? Contents : America, Central. American hero the victim of a conspiracy : Capt. Bartlett vindicated. American navy, The. First American explorin)? expedition. Loss of sloop of war Albany, Commander Gerry, officers and crew. Pacific railroad. The. Protestant education for American citizens. Romanism opposed to our liberties. Romish system a political corporation. DarroU, Charles, of Carrollton (1737-1832). See Signers to decl. of indep., v. 7. 11 Carroll, Lewis. Alice's adventures in wonder- land. Bost. 1871. 12? Through the looking-glass, and what Alice found there. Bost. 1872. 12? Carroll, W. Dr. Scott, the vigilance committee, and the church. S. F. 1856. {In Pam- phlets, V. 20.) Carruthere, Robert. Life and lettersof A. Pope. Carry's confession. Robinson, F. W. Carson, Christopher (Kit), (1809-1868), Pe- ters, De W. C. Life and adventures of. N. Y. 1858. 8? (3 cop.) Carson, J. H. Early recollections of the mines, and a description of the great Tulare valley. Stockton, 1852. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 8, 20.) Carson, James C. L. Fundamental principles of phrenology. Lond. 1868. 12? Carter, Abraham Beach. Answering waves ; or, ebbings and flowings from and to a pastor's study. N. Y. 1873. 16? Carter, John. Mills, F. J. Life of. N. Y. 1869. 12? Carteret, Sir Greorge {d. 1679). Voyage de [1767]. {In Bajot's Abrege historique et chronologique des principaux voyages, etc.) Carteret, Philip. Discovery of the islands ot" Carteret, Grower, Simpson, and Santa Cruz, 1767. {In Fleurieu's Discoveries of the French.) Voyage of. {In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery, v. 3.) Voyages round the world, 1766-9. {In Hawkesworth's Voy., v. 1.) Carthage — Blakesley, J. W. Four months in Algeria,, with a visit to. Catherwood, F. Account of the Punico--- Libyan monument at Dugga, etc. {In Am.. ethnol. soc. Trans., v. 1.) Davis, N. Carthage and her remains. Heeren, a. H. L. Historical researches. Perry, A. Carthage and Tunis, past and' present. Cartier, James (1494-1555?). Belknap, JL. Life of. {In Am. biog., v. 1.) Cartoon portraits, and biographical sketches of' men of the day. Drawings by Frederick. Waddy. Lond. 1873. 4? Contents : Ainsworth, Harrison. Anderson, Dr. Garrett. Arnold, Matthew. Bellew, J. C. M. Boucicanit, Dion. Brooks, Shirley. Brough, Lionel. Browning, Robert. Bnckstoiie, J. B. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Carlyle, Thomas. Clemens, Samuel L. (Mark Twain). Collins, Wilkie. Darwin, Charles R. Denison, J. Evelyn (Mr. Speaker). Disraeli, B. Dixon. Hepworth. Dore,Gustave. Froude, James Anthony. Halliday, Andrew. Hollingshead, John. Hood, Tom. Hopkins, J. B. Cartwright, Edmund, Huxley, T. H. Irving, Henry. Kingsley, Charles. Lever, Charles. Locker, Frederick. Macdonald, George. Macleod, Norman. Millais, Jno. Everett. Owen, Richard. Blanche. J. R. Reade, Charles. Ruskin, John. Sala, George Augustus. Smith, W. H. (M. P.) Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn.. Stanley, Henr.v M. Street, G. E. fR. A.) Swinburne, Algernon ChaSi. Tennyson, Alfred. Tinsley, William. Tonle, John Lawrence. Trollope, Anthoay. Warren, Capt. (R. E.) Webster, Benjamin. Yates, Edmund. Sze Self-made men. Cartwright, William {b. 1611). Ordinary, The. {In Dodsley's Old plays, v. 10.) See also Lives of English dramatists, v. 1. CARVER 146 CASTLE Oarver, John {d. 1621). Belknap, J. Life of. (In Am. biog., v. 2.) Carver, Jonathan (1732-1780). Three years' travel throughout the interior parts of North America, Walpole, N. H., 1813. 12° Gary, Alice (1820-1871). Ballads, lyrics, and hymns. N. Y. 1872. 12^; Bishop's son, The. N. Y. 1867. 16° {2cop.) Clovernook ; or, recollections of our neigh- borhood in the west. N. Y. 1854. 16° Lover's diary, A. Bost. 1868. 12° My grandmother — that might have been. (In Kougegorge, and other short stories.) Pictures of country life. N. Y. 1869. 12° Poems. Bost. 1855. 12° Snow-berries : a book for young folks. Bost. 1867. 16? (2 cop.) and P. Last poems of. Ed. by Mary Clem- mer Ames. N. Y. 1873. 12° et al. Adopted daughter. The ; and other tales, Phil. 1860. 12° Ames, M. C. Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Cary ; with some of their later poems. With portraits. N. Y. 1873. 12° Gary, Henry Francis (1772-1844). Early French poets : a series of notices and translations. With sketch of the history of French poetry by his son, Henry Cary. Lond. 1846. 12° Contents . Jodelle, Estienne. Magny, Olivier de. Marot, Clement. Peruse, Jan de la. Ronsard, Pierre de. Saint Gelais.Mellin de. Salel, Hugues. Sceve, Maurice. Thibaut, king of Navarre. Vauquelin, Kresnaie. Villon, Frani'Ois. Autels, Guillaume des. Baif, Jan Antoine de. Bellay, Joachim de. Eelleau, It6my. Bertaut, Jean. Charles, duke of Orleans. Chartier, Alain. Desportes, Philippe. Gamier, Kobert. Gringore, Pierre. Heroet, Antoine. Jamyn, Amadis. — Lives of the English poets, Lond, 1846, 12° See also Dante, Gary, Phoebe (1825-1871), Poems and parodies, Bost. 1854. 12° PoEMSoffaith, hope, and love. N.Y. 1868. 12? See also Cary, A. Gary, Thomas G. Memoir of Thomas H. Per- kins. Bost, 1856. 8? Same. (In Hunt, F, Lives of Am. mer- chants, V. 1,) Gas de rupture, Un, Dumas, A. (fils). (In Doc- teur Servans, Le,) Same. (In Qiluvres, v, 7.) Gasa en el desierto. Reid, M. Gasa Guidi windows. Browning, Mrs. E. B, (In Prometheus bound.) Gasamiento engaiioso. El. Cervantes Saa- VEDRA,M. DE. (In Obras escogidas, v. 9.) Gasella. Finley, 3Irs. M. Gasey, Silas (b. 1807). Infantry tactics, for the instruction, exercise, and m.anoeuvres of the soldier, a company, line of skirmishers, bat- talion, brigade, or corps d'armee, N. Y. 1862. 2 V, 16? Gasimir Maremma, Helps, A, Gaspar Almore (pseud.). See Beasley, F. W. Gaspian sea. See Caucasus ; Persia. Gass, Lewis (1782-1866). France: its king, court, and government. N. Y. 1840. 8°. Speech on Nebraska and Kansas bill, 1854. (In Pamphlets of the Pacific coast.) See also Orators in America, Living. Gassagnac, Adolphe Granier de. History of the working and burgher classes. Tr. by B. E. Green. Phil. 1871. 12? " Gassel, Paulus. Commentary on book of Judges. (In Lange's Com'., old te.st,, v. 4.) Gassell's biographical dictionary ; containing original memoirs of the most eminent men and women of all ages and countries. Lond, n.d. 8? Gassell's children's album, Lond, n.d. 16? Gassin, John (1813-1869), Description of birds collected in Japan, (In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Illustrations of the birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian Amer- ica. Phil. 1856. 8? Same. Phil. 1865. 8? Report on the birds of Chile, (In Gilliss's U. S. naval astron. exped., v. 2.) See also Baird, S. F., et al. Gast up by the sea. Baker, Sir S. W. Gastanares, Manuel. Discovery of gold in Cal- ifornia [1844], Tr, from Spanish documents, by Ch, Tale, (In Browne, J. R, Resources of the Pacific slope,) Gastaneda de Nagera, P^dro, Relation du voy- age de Cibola en 1540, (In Ternaux-Com- pans's Voy., v, 9.) Gaste. Pike, F, W, A, Gastel oflF Loue, (Chasteau d' Amour.) Gros- SETESTE, R. See Philological soc. Early Eng. vol, Gastelar, Emilio. Old Rome and new Italy, (Recuerdos de Italia.) Tr. by Mrs. Arthur Arnold, N, Y, 1873, 12? (3 cop.) Gastelnau, Michel de (1520 ?-1592), Memoirs of the reigns of Francis ii. and Charles ix. of France ; containing a particular account of the three first civil wars raised and carried on by the Huguenots in that kingdom, where- in the most remarkable passages in the reigns of King Henry VIII. of England, Queen Eliz- abeth, and the unfortunate Mary, queen of Scots, are set in a true light. Done into English by a gentleman, and published for his benefit. Lond. : Printed in the year 1724. 4? Gastilian days. Hay, J, Gastle, Edward James, Law of commerce in time of war ; with particular reference to the respective rights and duties of belligerents and neutrals. Lond, 1870, 12? Contents . BelligerentSjTrade between. Blockade. Contraband. Contraband persons and pa- pers. Declaration of war. Licenses. Neutral trade. Neutrality, Penaltlesfor vio- lation of. Neutrality, Violation of. Neutrals, Privileges of. Right of search. Ship's papers. Gastle builders. Yonge, Miss C. M. Gastle Dangerous, Scott, Sir W. Gastle of Ehrenstein, James, G, P, R, Gastle of Indolence, The. Thomson, J. (In Poetical works, v. 2.) Gastle of Otranto. Walpole, H, Gastle of Souday, The, Dumas, A, (D.) Gastle Rackrent. Edgewobth, M, (In Tales, V, 1,) Gastle Richmond, Trollope, A. Gastle Wafer. Wood, Mrs. H. CASTLE'S 147 CATALOGUES Castle's heir, The. Wood, Mrs. H. Oastleman, Alfred L. Army of the Potomac : behind the scenes. A diary of unwritten his- tory, from the organization of the army by Gen. George McClellan to the close of the campaign in Virginia, Jan. 1863. Milwau- kee, 1863. 12; Castlemon, Harry C. Frank, the young natu- ralist. Cincinnati, n.d. 16? Fraxk among the rancheros. Cincinnati, 1871. 16? (2 cop.) Frank before Vicksburg. Illustrated. Cin- cinnati, 1868. 12? Frank on the lower Mississippi. Cincinnati, 1867. 16? Tom Newcombe ; or, the boy of bad habits. Cincinnati, 1870. 16? (2 cop.) Oastlen, Eppie Bowdre. Autumn dreams. IT. Y. 1870. 12? Castlereagh, Robt. Stewart {Lord), (1761-1822). 8ie English statesmen since the peace of 1815. and Stewart, Sir C. Alison, A. Lives of. Lond. 1861. 2 v. 8? Castles in the air ; and other phantasies. Cof- fin, R. B. Castor. Rsliquae. {Gr. et Lat.) Ed. C. Miiller. [Bound with Herodotus.] Didot's Script. Graeo. biblioth. Castro, Adolfo de. History of the Jews in Spain, from the time of their settlement in that coun- try till the commencement of the present century. "Written and illustrated with divers extremely scarce documents. Tr. by E. D. G. M. Kirwan. Camb. 1851. 12? Caswell, Alexis. Lectures on astronomy. {In Smithsonian rept. 1858.) Meteorological observations made at Prov- idence, R. I., 1831-60. {In Smithsonian con- trib., V. 12.) Caswell, Richard (1729-1800). Hatden, S. Washington and his masonic compeers. Catacombs — Kip, W. L Catacombs of Rome. NoRTHCOTE, J. S., and Brownlow, W. R. Roma sotteranea. Catalogue general, contenant les ceuvres d'art dans 1 'exposition universelle de 1867 a Pa- ris. Paris, 1867. 2 v. 12? Catalogue general de la librairie Fran^aise pen- dant 25 ans (1840-65). Redig^ par O. Lo- renz. Catalogue of books on the masonic institution, in public libraries of twenty-eight states of the union, anti-masonic in arguments and conclusions. By distinguished literary gen- tlemen, citizens of the United States, with introductory remarks, and a compilation of records and remarks, by a member of the Suf- folk committee of 1829. Bost. 1852. 8? Catalogue of the collection of mammalia and birds in the museum of the army medical de- partment at Fort Pitt, Chatham. Chatham, 1838. 12? Catalogue of the royal and tioble authors of En- gland, Scotland, and Ireland. Walpole, H. Catalogue officiel des exposants recompenses par le jury international : exposition universelle de 1867 a Paris. Paris, 1867. 8? Catalogues of books — ConHtruction of: Jewett, C. C. On the construction of cata- logues of libraries, and their publication by means of separate stereotype titles. {In Smithsonian rept. 1850.) Lesley, J. P. Paper on the classification of books in libraries. {In Smithsonian rept. 1862.) — Paper on the construction of catalogues of libraries. {In Smithsonian rept. 1862.) Report of commissioners to examine the plan for forming a general stereotj^pe catalogue of public libraries in the U. S. {In Smithson- ian rept. 1850.) Public libraries: American antiquarian society (Worcester, Mass.). Amherst college. Apprentices' lib. (N. Y.). AsTOR lib. (N. Y''.). Baltimore mercantile lib. Birmingham (Eng.) free lib. Boston mercantile lib. Boston public lib. British museum. Buffalo young men's association. California state lib. Chicago young men's association. Cincinnati public lib. Harvard university. Law association (Phil.). Law libraries of congress. Lawrence academy. Library company of Philadelphia. Library of congress. Liverpool free public lib., reference depart- ment, 1872. London corporation lib. Manchester free lib. Manchester public free lib. Mechanics' institute lib. (S. F.). Melbourne public lib. Michigan state lib. Milwaukee young men's assoc. Neav Orleans lyceum and lib. soc. New York city : mercantile lib. New York citj' : society lib. New York state lib. Nottingham free library and museum. Philadelphia library company. Philadelphia Loganian lib. Philadelphia mercantile lib. Royal society of London (catalogue of scien- tific papers). St. Louis mercantile lib. assoc. St. Louis public school lib. Salem athenaeum. San Francisco mercantile lib. assoc. SioN college (Lond.), 1724. Springfield (Mass.) city lib. assoc, 1871. Sydney free public lib. Tennessee state lib. [Note.—VoT further descriptions, see under names of places.] Booksellers and publishers : Annual American catalogue (third year) ; con- taining an alphabetical list of books published in the United States, and imported, during the year 1871. CATALOGUES 148 CATO Catalogues (continued) — Bancroft, H. H., and Co. Catalogue of books, 1867. BoHN, H. G. Catalogue of books, 1841. BossANGE, if. Catalogue de livres Fran^ais, Anglais, Allemands, Espagnols, Grecs et Latins, Italiens, Portugais, orientaux, etc.; suivi de prix courants. Paris, 1845. 8° — Literary annual catalogue of books pub- lished in France. Drake, S. G. Catalogue of rare, useful, and curious books, tracts, etc., in American liter- ature. English catalogue of books, 1835-71. GowANS, W. Catalogue of books on free- masonry. Kelly, J. American catalogvie of books pub- lished in the United States, from Jan. 1861 to Jan. 1866. [Continuation of Koorbach.] /Same. From Jan. 1866 to Jan. 1871. London catalogue, 1831-55. [Incorporated with the English catalogue.] London catalogue of periodicals, newspapers, and transactions of various societies, 1871. MuLLER, F. Catalogue of books, maps, plates on America. QuARiTCH, B. Catalogue of books in all classes of literature, 1860. — General catalogue of books, 1868, Same, 1870. KiCH, O. Bibliotheca Americana nova. Koorbach, O. A. Bibliotheca Americana, from 1820 to 1861. Saijin, J., and Sons. American bibliopolist, 1869 to 1871. N. Y. SoTHERAN, H., and Co. Catalogue of books for the library. — Catalogue of choice second-hand books, etc., for 1871-2. Trubner, N. Bibliographical guide to Am- erican literature. — Bibliotheca Hispano-Americana. Private libraries: Humphrey, H. B. Prince, T. See Bost. pub. lib. Sparks, J. Thorpe, B. Westwood, T. Sec also Bibliography. Catarrh. Wyman, M. Autumnal. Catcott, A. Treatise on the deluge, A. Lond. 1761. 12r Catechism — Barclay, E. Catechism and confession of faith. F., M. K. Biblical view of the church cate- chism in reference to baptismal responsibili- ties. Cath-Loda. Ossian. (In Poems, v. 2.) Catharine. See Catherine. Cathay — Cathay, and the road thither : a collection of all minor notices of China previous to the sixteenth century. (In Hakluyt soc, v. 35, 36.) Veer, G. de. Three voyages by the north- east towards Cathay and China by the Dutch in 1594-5. (In Hakluyt soc, v. 12.) See also China. Cathedral, The. Lowell, J. K. Cathedrals — Britton, J. Cathedral antiquities. Walcott, M. E. C. Traditions and customs of. Wallace, H. B. Art and scenery in Europe. Catherine of Aragon (1486-1536). Dixon, (W.) H. History of two queens. Catherine ii. (of Russia), (1729-1796). Corre- t^pondance avec Voltaire. (In Voltaire, F. M. A. de. (Euvres completes, v. 9.) Memoirs of; written by herself, with a pref- ace by A. Herzen. N. Y. 1859. 12° Lamartine, a. de. Sketches of. (In (Eu- vres completes, v. 52.) Masson, C. F. p. M^moires secret sur la Kussie. Si:GUR, L. P. M^moires, souvenirs, et anec- dotes, V. 1, 2. Smucker, S. M. Memoirs of the court and reign of. N. Y. 1855. 12^ Catherine Blum. Dumas, A. (D.) Catherine de Medicis. Balzac, H. de. (In ffiuvres completes, v. 35.) Catherine's lovers. Erckmann- Chatrian. (/h Forest house.) Catherwood, Frederic. Account of the Punico- Libyan monument at Dugga, and the re- mains of an ancient structure at Bless, near the site of ancient Carthage. (In Am. eth- nol. soc. Trans., v.l.) Catholic world : a monthly eclectic magazine of general literature and science. V. 1 (April, 1865) to 16 (March, 1873). N.Y. 16 v. 8? Catholicism — Channing, W. E. Letter on. (In Works, V. 2.) Cortes, J. D. Essay on Catholicism, etc. Kossuth, L. Catholicism «». Jesuitism. (In Select speeches.) Catilina, Lucius Sergius (108-62 b.c). Sallus- Tius, C. C. Bellum Catilinarium. (In Op- era omnia, V. 1.) See also Cicero, M. T. Catlin, George (1796-1872). Illustrations of the manners, customs, and condition of the North American Indians ; in a series of let- ters and notes written during eight years of travel and adventure among the wildest and most remarkable tribes now existing. (8th ed.) Lond. 1851. 2 v. 8° Life amongst the Indians. N. Y. 1867. 12? Lifted and subsided rocks of America ; with their influences on the oceanic, atmospheric, and land currents, and the distribution of races. Lond. 1870. 12? 0-kee-pa, a religious ceremony ; and other customs of the Mandans. With 13 colored illustrations. Phil. 1867. 8? CatlO"W, Agnes. Drops of water : their marvel- ous and beautiful inhabitants displaj^ed by the microscope. Lond. 1851. 16? CatO, Marcus Porcius {major), (234-149 B.C.). Plutarchus. Life of. (In Lives.) — Vita. (Gr.etLat.) (J« Vitae, v. 1.) Cato, Marcus Porcius {minor), (95-46 B.C.). Ne- pos, C. Vita. (In Vitae excell. imper., v. 1.) Plutarchus. Life of. (In Lives.) — Vie de. (Par A. Feillet.) (In Vies des Komains illustres.) — Vita. (Gr.et.Lat.) (/n Vitse, v. 2.) CATS 149 CAVENDISH Oats, Jacob, and Farlie, K. Moral emblems, with aphorisms, adages, and proverbs of all ages and nations. Tr. lay R. Pigot. Lond. 1865. 4? Oats — Miller, Mrs. H. Cats and dogs. Ross, C. H. Book of. Oattle— About cows and bulls. Part ii. Moscow, 1793. 8° {Russian.) BouRGXJiGNON, H. Cattle plague; or, con- tagious typhus in horned. Dadd, G. H. American reformed cattle doc- tor. — Nature and treatment of the diseases of. Jennings, R. Horse, The, and other live- stock. Manual of how to take care of. St. Peters- burg, 1763. 8° (Russian.) Thomson, R, D. Experimental researches on the food of animals, and the fattening of. YouATT, W., fl«rf Martin, W. C, L. Cattle. Oattle disease. Report of the commissioner of agriculture on the diseases of cattle in the United States. Wash. 1871. 4° (2 cop.) OatuUus, Caius Valerius (77-45 B.C.). Opera omnia ; ex editione F. G. Doeringii, cum notis et interpretatione. Londini, 1822. 2 V. 8? Valpy's Script. Lat. Contents : Carmina, v. 1. Comnientarii et notse vari- orum, V. 2. Elenehus alphabeticus, v. 1. Index, V. 2. Notse variorum, v. 1, 2. Pervigilium veneris, ex re- censione J. C. Wernsdorf, V. 1. Rivini notse ad veneris per- vigilium, V. 2. Recensus codicum mss., v. 2. Recensus editionum, v. 2. Testimonia, v. 1. Vita, v. 1. Vulpii diatribe de metris Ca- tulli, V. 1. — Poems in English verse ; with the Latin text revised, and classical notes. Lond. 1795. 2v. 12? and TiBtiLLUS, A. Poems ; and the Vigil of Venus. Tr. by W. K. Kelly, with notes. Loud. 1854. 12? Caucasus — Cunynghame, a. T. Travels in eastern Cau- casus, on the Caspian and Black seas, etc., 1871. DiTSON, G. L. Circassia ; or, a tour to the. Dumas, A. (D.) Impressions de voyage, 1858: le Caucase. Freshfield, D. W. Travels in the central Caucasus and Bashan. MouNSET, A. H. Journey through the Cau- casus and Persia, 1865. Caudle curtain lectures. Jerrold, D. (W.) Caulfleld, James. See Wilson, H. (of England). Causality. Jamieson, G. Causality ; or, phl- lo.-ophy of law investigated. Causeries — About, E. (F. V.) Dumas, A. (D.) Mery, J. (In (Euvres, v. 8, 20.) Causeries du Lundi. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In (Euvres, v. 14-28.) Causes of the reduction of American tonnage and the decline of navigation interests : a report of a select committee made to the houseof representatives, 1870. Wash. 1870. 8? Cauth Malowney. Power, T. Cavada, F. F. Libby life : experiences of a prisoner of war in Richmond, Va., 1863-4. Phil. 1864. 12? Cavalier and his lady. The. Jenkins, E. (Ed.) Cavalier Fortune, Le. F:6val, P. (In (Eu- vres, v. 30, 31.) Cavaliere, La. Feval, P. (In (Euvres, v. 28, 29.) Cavalry — Brack, F. de. Advance-posts of light cav- alry. Brackett, a. G. History of the cavalry of the United States [1789-1863]. Cavalry tactics. 1st pt., school of the troop- er — of the platoon — and of the squadron — dismounted ; 2d pt. , school of the trooper — of the platoon — and of the squadron — mounted. Phil. 1856. 2 v. 16? Roemer, J. History, management, and uses of. Xenophon. Hipparchicus ; or, duties of a commander of cavalry. (In Minor works.) Cave, Edward (1691-1754). Johnson, S. Life of. (In Lives of eminent persons.) Cave, William (1637-1713). Antiquitates apos- tolicse ; or, the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the holy apostles of our Saviour. ' Caveat Emptor ' (pseud.). See Stephen, Sir G. Cavendish, Clara. Woman of the world. La- cy's Plays, v. 38. Cavendish, George. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Cavendish, Henry (1731-1810). Wilson, G. Lifj'of Henry Cavendish; including abstracts of his more important scientific papers, and a critical inquiry into the claims of all the alleged discoveries of the composition of wa- ter. Lond. 1851. 8? See Cavendish soc. See also Philosophers of the time of George iii. Cavendish, Margaret (duchess of Neivcastle), (d. 1673). See Cavalier and his lady. Cavendish, Thomas (1564-1593). First voj-age round the world, 1586-8. (Zn Burney'sVoy., V. 2, pp. 64-94.) Life and voyages of. H. F. lib., v. 30. Second voyage round the world, 1591-3. (In Burney's Voy., v. 2, pp. 98-107.) Voyage round the world, 1586-9. [In Drake's Coll. voy.) See also Admirals, Lives of British, v. 3 ; Har- ris, J. Coll. voy., V. 1, p. 22 ; v. 11,'p. 431. Cavendish, William (duke of Newcastle), (1592- 1676.) Sec Cavalier and his lady. Cavendish society (Lond.). Publications. BiscHOF, G. Elements of chemical and phj's- ical geology, 3 v. Cavendish, H. Life of, by George Wilson, 1 v. FuNKE, O. Atlas to physiological chemistry, 1 V. Gmelin, L. Hand-book of chemistry, 18 v. Graham, T. (Ed.) Chemical reports and mem- oirs, 1 V. Henry, W. C. Memoirs of the life of John Daltonf 1 V. Laurent, A. Chemical method, 1 v. Lehmann, C. G. Physiological chemistry, 3 V. Watts, H. Lidex to Gmelin 's hand-book of chemistry, 1 v. Wilson, G. See Cavendish, H. CAVES 150 CENTRAL PACIFIC Caves and caverns — Badin, a. Grottes et cavernes. Description of alabaster cave of El Dorado CO., Cal. (In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 5.) DESCRIPTION of the great cave of Calaveras co., Cal. (In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 1.) MacEnery, J. Cavern researches. Kaymond, K. W. Ice-caves of Washington territory. (In Overland monthly, v. 3.) Oavour, Camillo Benso di (1810-1861). Botta, V. Life, character, and policy of. N. Y. 1862. 12° Caxton (pseud.). See Khodes, W. H. Oaxton, Laura. Hartwell farm. The. Bost. 1871. 12° Oaxton, Pisistratus (pseud. ). See Bulwer-Lyt- ton, E. G. E. L. Oaxton, William A. See William Caxton. Oaxtoniana. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Oaxtons, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Oayron (pseud.). S^e Noriac, J. Oazin, Achille. Chaleur, La. Paris, 1867. 12= Forces physiques, Les. Paris, 1869. 12? Phenomena and laws of heat. Tr. by E. Kich. N. Y. n.d. 12? Recent progress in relation to the theory of heat. (In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) Oe que coute un cigare de cinq sous. Noriac, J. (In Ouvrages, v. 4.) Oe que I'on voit tousles jours. DuMAS, A. (Jils). (In CEuvres, v. 4.) Oequ'onne salt pas. DuMAS, A. (^Z«). (/n Diane de Lys.) Same. (In (Euvres, v. 6.) Oebes. Tabula. (Gr. et Lat.) [Bound with Theophrasti characteres.] Didot's Script. • Grific. biblioth. Diogenes LaIsrtius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v.l.) Same. Tr. by CD. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr.etLat.) Didot's Script. Gra3C. bib- lioth. Oecil, Robert (earl of Salisbur?/), (1560-1612). Se£ Statesmen, Lives of eminent British. OeciL Gore, Mrs. C. G. F. Oecil Castlemaine's gage ; and other stories. By Ouida. Rame, L. de la. Oecil's tryst. Sauzade, J. S. Oecile. Dumas, A. (D.) Oedros (or Oerros) (island) — Veatch, J. A. Sketch of. (In Hesperian, The, V. 3.) — Report on Cedros island, 1859. Oelebes (island) — Crawford, J. History of. (In his History of Indian archipelago.) Forrest, T. Voyage to Celebes. MuNDY, R. Narrative of events in Celebes and Borneo. Celebrated characters. Lamartine, \ de. N. Y. 1854. 2 V. 12? Contents : Cicero, Marous Tullius, v. L Columftus, Christopher, v. 1. Cromwell, Oliver, v. 2. Fenglon, Francois, v. 2. Gutenberg, John, v. 2. Heio'ise, V. 2. Homer, v. 2. Jacquard. .^seph- Marie, v. 2. Joan of Arc, v. 1. Nelson, Horatio, v. 1. Palissy, Bernard de, v. 1. Roostam, v. 1. Socratts, v. 2. Celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras, The. Clemens, S. L. Celeste. Gozlan, L. (In (Euvres, v. 11.) Celestial scenery. Dick, T. H. F. lib., v. 83. Satne. (In Works, v. 7.) Celestial telegraph. Cahagnet, L. A. Celibacy. Lea,H. C. Hist, sketch ofsacerdotal. Celibataires, Les. Balzac, H. de. (In (Ea- vres completes, v. 11.) Cellini, Benvenuto (1500-1570). Memoirs of; written by himself. Tr. by T. Roscoe. Lend. 1850. 12? GuTHE, J. W. von. (In Samm. werke, v. 4.) Same. (In Werke, v. 34, 35.) See also Autobiography, v. 16, 17. Cellular pathology. Virchow, R. Celtic language and literature— Arnold, M. On the study of. PcsTE, B. Glossary of Archaic Celtic word*. (In Celtic inscriptions.) Renan, (J.) E. Po^sie des races Celtiques, La. (In his Essais de morale et de critique.) Taylor, Tom. Ballads and songs of Brittany. See also Gaelic ; Irish. Cements — Austin, J. G. Practical treatise on calcareous and hydraulic limes and cements. GiLLMORE, Q. A. Practical treatise on limes, hydraulic cements, and mortars. Vicat, L. J. Treatise on calcareous mortars and cements. Cenci, Beatrice (d. 1599). Guerrazzi, F. D. Beatrice Cenci. (Historical fiction.) Cenci, Les. Dumas, A. (D.) (In his Crimes c^ lebres, Les.) Cennini, Cennino. Treatise on painting ; con- taining practical directions for painting in fresco, secco, oil, and distemper, with the art of gilding and illuminating manuscripts adopted by the old Italian masters. Tr. by Mrs. Merrifield. Lond. 1844. 8? Oeno, Ascanio Mori da. Novel. (In Roscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 3.) Census. See United States, and the names of places generally. Cent mille francs de dot. Molieri, J. D. {In Petits drames bourgeois.) Oenteola. Thompson, D. P. Centlivre, Mrs. Susannah (1675-1723). Bold stroke for a wife. (Com.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 6, Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 11. Busy-body. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 6. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 11. Sime. Lacy's Plays, v. 28. Wonder, The. (Com.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 2. Sime. Inchb. Br. th., v. 11. S-e also Lives of English dramatists, v. 2. Csntral gold region, The. Gilpin, W^. Central Pacific railroad — Avery, B. P. Building of the iron road, The. (In Overland monthly', v. 2.) Bowles, S. Our new west. Coffin, C. C. Our new way round the world. Lands of the. (In Pamphlets, v. 34.) McKenney, H. M. and L. M. Gazetteer and directoiy of C. P. R. R. and its branches, for 1872. Report of the chief engineer on the prelimi- nary survey, cost of construction, and esti- mated revenue of the C. P.R. R. across the CENTRAL, PACIFIC 151 CEYNOS Central Pacific railroad (conHnued) — Sierra Nevada mountains, from Sacramento to the eastern boundary of Cal., Oct. 22, 1862. Sac. 1862. 8? (/« Pamphlets, v. 23.) Report of the chief engineer upon recent sur- veys, progress of construction, and an ap- proximate estimate of cost of first division of fifty miles of the C. P. R. R., July 1, 1863. (In Pamphlets, v. 33.) Central park (N. Y.)— Fourth annual report of the board of com- missioners of the. [Bound with 'Public grounds of Chicago and New York.'] Fifth annual report of the board of commis- sioners of the Central park, 1862. N. Y. 1862. 8° (2 cop.) Sixth annual report of the board of commis- sioners of the Central park, Jan. 1863. N. Y. 1863. 8^ Twelfth annual report of the board of com- missioners of the Central park for the year ending Dec. 31, 1868. N. Y. 1869. 8? Thirteenth annual report of the board of commissioners of the Central park for the year ending Dec. 31, 1869. N. Y. 1870. 8° Central society of education. Papers. Ed. by T. Wyse et nl. N. Y. 1837. 2 v. 8= Centre college {Danville, Ky.). Catalogues for 1861-2, 1867-8. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., V. 1.) Twelfth triennial and thirty-sixth annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1860. Danville, Ky ., 1860. {In Triennial cat. Am. coll., V. 1.) Century club, Twelfth night at the (Jan. 6, 1858). Century of Scottish life. Rogers, C. Centzontli. Atherton, M. Cephise et 1 'amour. Montesquiext, C. de S. de. {In Oiuvres, v, 4.) Cereals. Ruggles, S. B., and Hazard, G. S. Report on. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, V. 2.) Cerise. Melville, G. J. W. Cerros {island). See Cedros. Cervantes, Cruz. Sze Jones, W. C. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (15-17-1616). Obras escogidas. Paris, 1827. 10 v. 16° Contents : Adjunta al Parnaso, v. 9. Amante liberal. El, v. 7. Analisis del Qnijote, v. 1. CapitJin cautivo, El, v. 7. Casamientoengafloso, El, v. Espaflola Inglesa, La, v. 7. Fiierza de la suiigre. La, v. 7. Gitanilla de Madrid, La,v. 8. Guarda cuidadosa, La, v. 10. Ilustre fregona, La, v. 9. Juezdelosdivorcios, El, v. 10. Licenciado vidriera, El, v. 9. Numaiicia, v. 10. Poesias escogidas, v. 9. Retablo de las maravillas. El, V. 10. Rinconete y C'ortadillo. v. 8. Ruflau viudo. El, v. 10. Seflora Cornelia, La, v. 8. Tia finglda. La, v. 8. Vida de Cervantes, La, v. 1. Viejo zeloso, El, v. 10. Vizcaino flngido. El. v. 10. Zeloso Estremeflo, El, v. 9. To which are added El buscapie, or the serpent ; and La tia fingi- da, or the pretended aunt. Translated from the Spanish, by W. K. Kelly. Coloquio de los perros, El, v. 9. Cueva de Salamanca, La, v. 10. Curioso impertinente, El, v. 7. Don QuijotedeIaMancha,v. 2-6. Dos doncellas. Las, v. 8. Dos habladores. Los, v. 10. Eleccion de los alcaldes de Daganzo, La, v. 10. Entretenida, La, v. 10. — Exemplary novels. Contents : Deceitful marriage. Dialogue between Selpio and Berganza. Force of blood. Generous lover. Illustrious scullery-maid. Jealous Estremaduran. Lady Cornelia. Rinconete and Cortadillo. Serpent, The. Spanish-English lady. Two damsels. Cervantes {continued) — Licentiate Vidriera ; Doctor Glass-case. Little gipsy girl. Pretended aunt. — History of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Il- lustrated by G. Dor^. Phil. 1869. 12° Same. Phil. n.d. 12? Same. Tr. by Ch. Jarvis. Lond. 1868. 12° Same. N. Y. n.d. 12? History of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Text edited by J. W. Clark, and a biographical notice by T. T. Shore. Illustrated by Gus- tavo Dor6. Lond. n.d. 4? History of the ingenious gentleman, Don Quixote of la Mancha. Tr. from the Span- ish, by Motteux. New ed., with copious notes and life of Cervantes, by John G. Lockhart. Bost. 1856. 4 v. 12? [V. 1 missing.] Same. Illustrated by Schop. Hartford, 1852. 8? Novels. {In Roscoe, T. Spanish novelists, V. 1.) Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda. Nueva York, 1827. 2 v. 8? Contents : Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Vida de, v. 1. Persiles y Sigismunda, Trabajos de, v. 1, 2. Vida de. {In Obras escogidas, v. 1.) Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda. Lond. 1854. 16? Florian, C. Vie de. {In Fables.) Mendoza, D. H. de. Vida y escritos de. {In Guerra de Granada.) See also Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal ; Prescott's Biog. and crit. mis. Cesar Birotteau. Balzac, H. de. Cesarine. Dumas, A. {fits). {In (Euvres, v. 4, 5.) Cesarine Dietrich. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Cesonie et Danae. Saint-Felix, J. de. {In Nuits de Rome, Les.) Cetacea. Bell, T. British cetacea. (JraHist. of Br. quadrupeds.) See also Whales. Ceylon — Baker, Sir S. W. Eight years' wandering in. — Rifle and the hound in. Bald.eus, P. Description of the isle of. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 3.) Bennett, J. W. Ceylon and its capabilities. Clerk, Mrs. G. Antipodes and round the world, The. De Quincey, T. Letters to a young man, etc. Forbes, F. E. Eleven years in. Heber, R. Journey through the upper prov- inces of India. Hoffman, W. Monitor, The. Martin. R. M. History of the British pos- sessions in the Indian and Atlantic oceans. Pears, E. Prison system of. {In Prisons and reformatories.) Ruschenberger, W. S. W. Voyage round the world, 1835-7. Tennent, Sir J. E. Account of. Thunberg, C. p. Voyages au Japon, 1770- 76, V. 4. Ceynos, Francisco {Licenciado). See Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Mexico. CHABOT 152 CHAMBERS OhabOt, Charles. Handwriting of Junius, pro- fessionally investigated ; with preface and collateral evidence, by Hon. Edward Thistle- ton. Lond. 1871. Koy. 4° Ohabrias {d. 357 b.c). Nepos, C. Vitae. {fn Vitse excell. imper., v. 1.) Ohace, George J. Oxygen and its combinations. (In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) Ohadboume, Paul Ansel. Instinct : its •office in the animal kingdom, and its relation to the higher powers in man. N. Y. 1872. 12° Lectures on natural theology ; or, nature and the bible from the same author. Delivered before the Lowell institute, Boston. N. Y. 1867. 12° Ohad"wick, Edwin. See Brief biographies. Ohadwick, William. Life and times of Dan- iel DeFoe. Chaillu. See Du Chaillu. Ohainbearer, The. Cooper, J. F. Ohaine d'or. La, ou I'amant partag^. Gautier, ^ T. {In (Euvres, v. 14.) Ohaines de fer, Les. Achard, L. A. E. Chaldea — Child, L. M. Progress of religious ideas, v. 1 . LoFTUS, W. K. Travels and researches in Chaldea and Susiana. Kawlinson, G. History, geography, and an- tiquities of Chaldea [2286-1300 B.C.]. (In his Five great monarchies, v. 1.) Chaldee language. Feurst, J. Hebrew ajid Chaldee lexicon to the old testament. Chaleur, La. Cazin, A. Challenge of Barletta, The. Azeglio, M. T. d'. Ohallice, Mrs. A. E. Illustrious women of France [1790-1873]. Lond. 1873. 12? [For con- tents, see Women.] Chalmers, George (1742-1825). Introduction to the history of the revolt of the American colonies ; being a comprehensive view of its origin, derived from the state papers con- tained in the public offices of Great Britain. Bost. 1845. 2 V. 12? Same. Bost. 1845. 2 v. in 1. 12? Chalmers, John. Origin of the Chinese : an at- tempt to trace the connection of the Chinese with the western nations in their religion, superstitions, arts, language, and traditions. Lond. 1868. 12? Same. Lond. 1870. 12? Chalmers, Thomas (1780-1847). Works. N. Y. 1856. 4 V. 8? Contents : Lectures on the epistle of St. Paul to the Komans, V. 2. Miscellanies, v. 1. Sermons, v. 3, 4. Adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectual consolation of man. (Bridge- water treatise.) Hanna, W. Memoirs of the life and writ- ings of. N. Y. 1855. 4 V. 12? Sharp, D. Article on. (In Boston book.) Wayland, F. Memoir of. Bost. 1864. 12? Chaloner, G. B. (Bd.) Epitaphs, collected from holy writ and our best authors on sacred sub- jects. Chalwill, George M. Address, delivered before the Morning star temple of honor, July 17, 1854. (7n Pamphlets, v. 22.) Chamber of commerce. See New York (state) ; and the names of cities generally. Chamberlain, Mrs. C. C. (Carrie Garleton). Car- rie Carleton's popular letter-writer. S. F. 1867. 12? Inglenook: a story for children. N.Y. 1868. 16? Chamberlain, N. H. Autobiography of a New England farm-house. N. Y. 1865. 12? Chambers, George F. Descriptive astronomy. Oxford, 1867. 8? Chambers, J. C. Decay of discipline. (Jn Ec- clesiastical reform.) Chambers, Robert (1802-1870). (Ed.) Book of days : a miscellany of popular antiquities, in connection with the calendar ; including anecdote, biography and history, curiosities of literature, and oddities of human life and character. Edin. 1863. 2 v. 8? (Ed.) Cyclopaedia of English literature. Bost. 1847. 2v. 8? Same. Bost. 1860. 2 v. 8? Same. Phil. 1869. 2 v. 8? Domestic annals of Scotland, from the refor- mation to the revolution [1561-1688]. Edin. 1858. 2 V. 8? Traditions of Edinburgh. Edin. 1856. 12? Chambers, Sir W. Memoir of R. Chambers; with autobiographic reminiscences of Wm. Chambers. N. Y. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Lond. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) See also Chambers, Sir W. and R, Chambers, T. W. Memoir of the life and char- acter of Hon. T. Frelinghuysen. Chambers, Thomas King. Renewal of life: lect- ures, chiefly clinical. Phil. 1865. 8? Chambers, Sir William (b. 1800). Ailie Gilroy : a Scottish story. Lond. 1872. 12: Memoir of Robert Chambers ; with autobio- graphic reminiscences of Wm. Chambers. N. Y. 1872. 12? (3 cop.) Things as they are in America. Phil. 1854. 12? anrf R. (Ed^. and pubs.) Edinburgh journal [of popular literature, science, and arts], from commencement. V. 1 (Feb. 1832) to 12 (Dec. 1843). 12 v. Sm. 4? Same. New series. V. 1 (Jan. 1844) to 20 (Dec. 1853). 20 v. Roy. 8? Same. 3d series. V. 1 (Jan. 1854) to 20 (Dec. 1863). 20 V. Roy. 8? Same. 4th series. V. 1 (Jan. 1864) to 9 (Dec. 1872). 9v. Roy. 8? — Etymological dictionary of English lan- guage. Ed. by J. Donald. Lond. 1868. 12? — Home-book. Bost. 1852-3. 6 v. 12? — Information for the people: popular ency- clopaedia. 15th Am. ed., with additions, and over 500 engravings. Phil. 1852. 2 v. 8? Same. Edin. 1856. 2 v. 8? — Introduction to arithmetic. Edin. n.rf. 16? — Key to arithmetic. (Newed.) Lond. n.rf. 16? — Miscellany of instructive and entertaining tracts. V. 1 and 2, containing nos. 1 to 16, inclusive. Phil. 1869. 16? — Miscellany of useful and entertaining knowledge. Bost. w.rf. 10 v. 12? — Standard reading-books, including arith- metic, dictation, and etymology (1st to 6th). Lond. n.d. 6 v. 16? CHAMBERS'S 153 CHANTER Chambers's encyclopsedia. Dictionary of uni- vers;al knowledge for the people. Illustrated. Phil. 1872. 10 V. 4° Ohambre des amours, La. Feval, P. {In (Eu- vres, V. 5.) Ohambre des d^put^s. Soulik, M. F. {In (Euvres!, y. 35.) Chambriere, La. Soulie, M. F. {In (Eu- vres, V. 40.) Chamich, Michael. History of Armenia, from 2247 B.C. to the year of Christ 1780, or 1229 of the Armenian era. Tr. from the original Armenian, by Johannes Avdall. Calcutta, 1827. 2v. 8? Chamier, F. Ben Brace, the last of Nelson's Agamemnons. {Neiu ed.) Lond. n.d. 16^ Ohamisso, Louis Charles Adelaide (or Adelbert) von (1781-1838). Werke. 5te vermehrte auflage. Berlin, 1864. 6 v. 12? Contents . Azoren Inseln, v. 3. Brasilien, v. 3. Californien, 1815, v. 3, 4. Carolinen inseln, v. 4. Chili, 1815, V. 3, 4. Cornwallis inseln, t. 4. Gedichte, V, 1,2. Hawayische sprache, v. 4. Kamschatka, v. 3, 4. Leben unci briefe. herausge- geben durch Hitzig, v. 3, 6. Lehr und wanderjahre, v. 5. Mariannen inseln, v. 4. Notizen des Missionar's Pa- ter Alday, V. 4. Penrhyn Inseln. v. 4. Philippinen inseln, v. .3, 4. Reise nm die welt, v. 3, 4. Sandwich in.seln, v. .3, 4. Schlemihl's (Peter) wunder- same geschichte, v. 2. VermLschtes in prosa, v. 6. Vocabularium der dialekte Chamorl, v. 4. Vorgebirge d. g. Hoffnung, V.3. — Visit to San Francisco in 1816. Tr. by Mrs. Georgie D. McElroy. {In Overland month- ly, V. 10.) Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. LoxGFELLOw, H. "W". Poets and poetry of Europe. Champagne country, The. Tomes, K. Champlain, Samuel de (1570-1635?). Narra- tive of a voyage to the AVest Indies and Mexico in 1599-1602. Lond. 1859. 8? {In Hakluyt soc, v. 22.) Belknap, J. Life of. {In Am. biog., v. 2.) Parkman, F., Jr. Champlain and his asso- ciates. {In Pioneers of France in the new world.) ^ ChampoUion, Jean Jacques (1 791-1832). Egypte ancienne. Paris, 1840. 12? Chance acquaintance, A. Howells, W. D. Chance for himself, A. Trowbridge, J. T. Chanceler, Eichard. Voyages and discoveries. Lond. 1589. 4? {In Hakluyt's Coll. voy., pp. 270-291.) Chancellorsville, Battle of. See Army of Po- tomac. Chandeville, El^azar de. Cousix, V. {In So- ciete Fran(;aise au xvii. siecle. La, v. 2.) Chandler, Ellen Louise. See Moulton, Mrs. E. L. C. Chandler, George. Eight sermons, preached be- fore the university of Oxford, in the year 1825, at the lecture founded by Eev. John Bampton. Oxford, 1825. 12? Chandler, Joseph K. Life of Thomas Pym Cope. {In Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants, V. 1.) Chandler, Maria F . Spirit harp. The : a gift, pre- senting the poetical beauties of theharmonial philosophy. Springfield, Mass., 1851. 12? Chandler, Mary G. Elements of character. Bost. 1855. 12? Chandler {continued) — Contents : Affection. Imagination. Character. Life. Companionship. Manners. Conversation. Thought. Human trinity. The. Chandler, Peleg W. Morals of freedom : ora- tion, before the authorities of the city of Bos- ton, July 4, 1844. [In Pamphlets, v. 15.) Chandos. Kame, L. de la. Changed brides. Southworth, E. D. E. N. Changing the crosses and winning the crown. Ideex, M. a. Channing, Barbara H. Sisters abroad. The ; or, an Italian journey. Bost. 1864. 12? Channing, Walter {b. 1786). Physician's vaca- tion ; or, a summer in Europe. Bost. 1856. 12? Channing, William Ellery (1780-1842). Works. (3J comp. ed.) Bost. 1843. 6 v. 12? Contents . Abolitionists, The, v. 2. Address delivered at Lenox, Aug. 1, 1842, V. 6. Annexation of Texas to the United States, v. 2. Associations, Remarks on, V. 1. Calvinism, Moral arguments against, v. 1. Catholicism, Letter on, v. 2. Charges at ordinations, v. 5. Church, The: a discourse, v. Milton, John, Character and writings of, v. 1. Miscellanies, v. 5. Napoleon, Life and charac- ter of, V. 1. National literature, Re- marks on, V. 1. Present age. The: an ad- dress, V. 6. Religious discourses, v. 3, 4. Self-culture, Address on, v. 2. Slavery, v. 2. Slavery question. Remarks on, V. 5. , Temperance, Address on, v. Tuckerman, J., Life and character of, v. 6. Union, The, V. 1. War, Lecture on, v. 5. War, Two discourses on, v. 3,4. Creeds. Letters on, v. 2. Duty of the free states, v. 6. Education, Remarks on, v. 1. Elevation of laboring class- es. Remarks on, v. 5. Emancipation, v. 6.' F^neion, Character and writings of, v. 1. FoUen, C, Discourse on the death of, v. 5. — Same, {llth ed.) 6 v. 12? Discourses. Bost. 1832. 12? Lectures on the elevation of the laboring portion of the community. Bost. 1863. 16? Perfect life: twelve discours*. Ed. by his nephew, W. H. Channing, from his manu- scripts. Bost. 1873. 12? Wanderer, The. Bost. 1871. 12? Bellows, H. W. Discourse, occasioned by the death of W. E. Channing, pronounced before the Unitarian societies of New York and Brooklyn, Oct. 13, 1842. 8? {In Pam- phlets, v. 2.) Channing, W. H. Memoir of ; with extracts from his correspondence and manuscripts. Bost. 1848. 3 v. 8? Dewey, O. Discourse on the writings of. {In Pamphlets, v. 2.) See also Extraordinary men. Channing, William Francis (h. 1820). Ameri- can fire-alarm telegraph, The. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1854.) Channing, William Henry {b. 1810). Memoir of William Ellery Channing ; with extracts from his correspondence and manuscripts. Channings, The. Wood, Mrs. H. Chanson du poirier, La. Fi;vAL, P. {In (Eu- vres, V. 7.) Chansons des rues et des bois. Hugo, V. (M.) Chant de la tonne, Le. Erckmann-Chatrian. Chanter, Jfrs. Charlotte. Over the cliffs, {n.t.p.) 12° CHANTEUSE 154 CHARLES Ohanteuse, La. Eatazzi, Mme. M. Ohantrey, Francis (1782-1841). ;See Essays from the London times. Chants ducr6puscule,Les. Hugo,V. (M.) {In Orientales, Les, etc.) Ohanute, O., and Mokison, G. Kansas city bridge, The; with an account of the regimen of the Missouri river, and a description of methods used for founding in that river. Il- lustrated. N. Y. 1870. 4° Chapel of St. Mary, The. By the author of ' The rectory of Moreland.' Bost. 1861. 12° Chapel of the hermits, The. Whittier, J. G. [In Poetical works, v. 1.) Chapelain, Jean (1595-1674). Cousin, V. {In Society rran9aise au xvii. siecle. La, v. 2.) Chapelle de la foret, La. Schmid, C. von. {In Contes, V. 1.) Chapin, Edwin Hubbell {h. 1814). Extempo- raneous discourses, delivered in the Broad- way church, New York. {1st series.) N. Y. 1860. 12° See also Golden age of American oratory ; Modern agitators. Chapin, Mrs. Sallie F. Fitz-Hugh St. Clair, the South Carolina rebel boy. Phil. 1872. 12° (5 cop.) Chaplain Fuller. See Fuller, A. B. Chaplains and clergy of the revolution. Head- ley, J. T. Chaplet of pearls. Yonge, Miss C. M. Chaplin, Jeremiah (1776-1841). Life of Henry Dunster, first president of Harvard college. Memokial hour ; or. Lord's aupper in its re- lation to doctrine and life. Bost. 1864. 12° Chapman, George (1557-1634). All fools. (Com.) {In Dodsley's Old plays, v. 4.) Widow's tears, The. (Com.) (Jw Dodsley's Old plays, v. 12.) See also Homer ; Lives' of English dramatists, V. 1. Chapman, George, Jonson, B. , and M arston, J. Eastward hoe. (Dr.) {In Dodsley's Old plays, V. 4.) Chapman, Henry C. Evolution of life. Phil. 1873. 8° Contents : Introduction. Natural selection. Zoology. Anthropology. Botany. Embryology. Geology. Chapman, James. Travels in the interior of south Africa; comprising fifteen years' hunt- ing and trading. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 8° Chapman, John Gadsby (1780-1853). Tucker- man, H. T. Sketches of eminent Am. painters. Chapone, Mrs. Hester (1727-1801). Letters on the improvement of the mind, addressed to a lady ; with a biographical sketch of the author. Bost. 1834. 16? Chappelsmith, John. Account of a tornado in Indiana, April 30, 1852, {In Smithson- ian contrib., v. 7.) Chapters of Erie ; and other essays. Adams, C. F., Jr., and H. [For contents, see Ad- ams.] Character — Bain, A. Study of. Chandler, M. G. Elements of. Fernald, W. M. First causes of. Character {continued) — How to read. Smiles, S. Character. Whipple, E. P. Character and characteris- tic men. Characteristics of literature, illustrated by the genius of distinguished writers. Tucker- man, H. T. Characteristics of men of genius : a series of biographical, historical, and critical essays, selected by permission chiefly from the North American review. Lond. 1846. 2 v. 12° Contents : Angelo, Michael, v. 2. Byron, Lord : E. P. Whipple, N. A. rev., no. 60, p. 64, V. 1. Canova : Dial, vol. 4, p. 445, v. 2. Dante : S. G. Brown, N A. rev., no. 62, p. 323, v. 1. Gothe: Ossoli.S. M. F., 'Dial,' v. 2, p. 1, v. 1. Gregory the seventh and his age: J. H. Perkins, N. A. rev., no. 61, p. 20, v. 1. Louis the ninth: J. H. Perkins, N. A. rev., no. 62, p. 2',)4, V. 2. Loyola, Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits : J. H. Per- kins, N. A. rev., no. 5'.), p. 412, v. 1. Machiavelli : G. W. Greene, N. A. rev., no. 41, p. 70, V. 2. Milton : R. W. Emerson, N. A. rev., no. 47, p. 56, v.l. Pascal, Blaise, and his writings: F, Bowen, N. A. rev., no. 60, p. 257, v. L Peter the great: J. L. Motley, N. A. rev., no. 61, p. 26J, V. 2. Petrarch : G. W. Greene, N. A. rev., no. 40, p. 1, v. 1. Poets of Germany : J. M. Mackie, N. A. rev., no. 58, p. 79, V.2. Scott, Sir Walter: W. H. Prescott, N. A. rev., no. 46, p. 431, V. 2. Shelley : ' Dial,' v. 1, p. 470. v. t. Wordsworth: E. P. Whlpl)le, N. A. rev., no. 59, p. 352, V. 2. Characters and criticisms : a book of miscel- lanies. Hannay, J. Characters of Shakespeare's plays. Hazlitt, W. Charades, enigmas, and riddles. Collected by a cantab. {5th ed.) Lond. 186,5. 16° Charbon. Nichols, A. H. Charbon in Mas- sachusetts. {In Mass. state board of health, 1871, pp. 86-108.) Charcoal sketches. Neal, J. C. Chardin, Sir John. Travels of. {In Harris, J. Coll. voy., v.ll.) Charge of the light brigade. The. Tennyson, A. {In Works.) Same. {In Our poetical favorites.) Charicles. Becker, W. A. Charities and charity societies — Cammann, H. J., and Camp, H. N. Chari- ties of New York, Brooklyn, and Staten isl- and. Carey, M. Public charities in Philadelphia. {In his Mis. essays.) LiEFDE, J. B. de. Komance of charity. — Six months among the charities of Europe. Low, S., Jr. Charities of London in 1861. Keport of the board of state charities for Massachusetts (1866). Chariton Aphrodisiensis. De Chaerea et Cal- lirrhoe. {Gr.etLat.) (/«Eroticiscriptores.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Charlemagne. James, G. P. K. History of. N. Y. 1842. 12° Charlemont. Simms, W. G. Charles i. {of England), (1600-1649). Aikin, L. Memoirs of the court of. Phil. 1833. 2 v. 8° Chateaubriand, K. F. A. de. Melanges politiques, etc. CHARLES 155 CHASE Charles I. (continued) — Fairfax correspondence ; memoirs of the reign of. Hamilton, A. Mem. of Count Grammont. Milton , J. Eikonoclastes , in answer to Eixoov fia6iXiHT]. See also Stuart, Family of. Charles u. (of England), (1630-1685). Abbott, J. History of. N. Y. 1854. 12? Chateaubriand, K. F. A. de. Melanges politiques, etc. Clayton, J. W. Personal memoirs of. Lond. 1859. 2 v. 12? Hamilton, A. Memoirs of the court of. Lond. 1846. 12? Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Beauties of the court of. Phil. 1834. 8? Pepys, S. Diary. See also Stuart, Family of. Charles v. [of Germany), (1500-1558). Pres- coTT, W. H. Life of Charles the fifth, after his abdication. (In Kobertson, W. Hist, of Charles v.) Kobertson, "W. History of the reign of the Emperor Charles v. ; with an account of the emperor's life after his abdication, by Wm. H. Prescott. Bost. 1857. 3 v. 8? (2 cop.) ' — Keignof. Lond. 1821. 8? (Jn "Works, v. 6.) Saijjte-Beuve, C. a. Charles qumt apres son abdication. (In (Euvres, v. 31.) Sandoval, P. de. Historia del Emperador Carlos V. Madrid, 1846-7. 9 v. 16? Stirling, W. Cloister life of the Emperor Charles v. Lond. 1853. 12? See also Historical difficulties. Charles ix. [of France), (1550-1574). Castel- NAtr, M. de. Memoirsof the reigns of Fran- cis II. and Charles ix. [1559-1574]. Charles x. [of France), (1757-1836). The secret history of the revolution of July, 1830. Lond. 1839. 8? Charles xii. (of Sweden), (1632-1718). Frede- rick II. (of Prussia). Keflections on the character and military talents of. (Jn Works, V. 5.) Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de. (In ffiuvres completes, v. 4.) — Histoire de Charles xii., et de Kussie sous Pierre le grand. — History of. (In Works, v. 10.) Saine. With life of Voltaire, by Lord Brough- am; and critical notices, by Lord Macaulay and Thos. Carlyle. Ed. by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1859. 12? Charles le tem^raire. See Charles the bold. Charles the bold (duke of Burguridy), (l4iZB-li77). Dumas, A. (D.) Charles let^merai re. (Hist, romance.) Kirk, J. P. History of. Phil. 1864-8. 3 v. 8? Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth Bundle (b. 1826). Chron- icles of the Schonberg-Cotta family ; by two of themselves. N. Y. 1864. 12? (5 cop.) Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. N. Y. 1864. 12? Draytons and the Davenants. N. Y. 1866. 12? (3 cop.) Early dawn ; or, sketches of life in England in the olden time. N. Y. 1864. 12? (3 cop.) Charles (continued) — Martyrs of Spain, The, and the liberators of Holland. N. Y. 1865. 16? (2 cop.) Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. IST.Y. 1865. 12? On both sides of the sea. N. Y. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Tales and sketches of Christian life in different lands and ages. N. Y. 1865. 16? (2 cop.) Victory of the vanquished, The. N. Y. 1871. 12? (6 cop.) Watch-words for the warfare of life. From Dr. Martin Luther. N. Y. 1869. 12? Winifred Bertram, and the world she lived in. N. Y. 1866. 12? (3 cop.) Women ofthe gospels, The. N.Y. 1867. 12? Contents : Hymns. Three wakings, The. Women of tlie gospels, The. Charles Auchester. Sheppard, E. S. Charles Mandel. Waldor, M. Charles O'Malley. Lever, C. (J.) Charles Vavasseur. Smith, J. F. Charleston (S. C). Illustrated city directory and business register, 1869-70. Public library. Keports, 1862-71. 8? CharlestO'Wn (Mass.). Directory, 1872 ; con- taining city record, names of citizens, a busi- ness directory, etc., by Sampson, Davenport & Co., Bost. Charlestown, 1872. 8? (2 cop. ) CharleS"WOrth, Maria Louisa. , Sequel to ' Min- istering children.' N.Y. 1867. 12? (Scop.) Charlevoix, Pierre FranQois Xavier de (1682- 1761). Histoire et description g^n^rale de la nouvelle France, avec le journal historique d'un voyage fait parordredu roi dans I'Am^- rique septentrionale. Paris, 1744. 3 v. 4? Histoire et description g^n^rale du Japon ; oil I'on trouvera tout ce qu'on a pu apprendre de la nature et des productions du pays, du caractere et des coutumes des habitans, du gouvernement et du commerce, des revolu- tions arrivees dans I'empire et dans la reli- gion, et I'examen de tous les auteurs qui ont ^crit sur le meme sujet. Paris, 1736. 9 v. 12? Charley and Eva Roberts's home in the west. Thurston, L. M. Charlie Bell. Kellogg, E. Charlotte Elizabeth (pseud.). See Tonna, C. E. Charlotte's inheritance. Braddon, Miss M. E. Charraides. (Dial.) Plato. Charms and counter-charms. McIntosh, M. J. Charnay, Desir^. Mexique, Le: souvenirs et im- pressions de voyage [1857]. Paris, 1863. 8? Charnock, Richard Stepnen. Ludus patronym- icus ; or, the etymology of curious surnames. Lond. 1868. 12? Verba nominalia ; or, words derived from proper names. Lond. 1866. 12? Chartism. Carlyle, T. Chase, Ezra B. (Ed.) Teachings of patriots and statesmen ; or, the founders of the republic on slavery. Phil. 1861. 12? Chase, Henry, and Sanborn, C. H. North and the south. The : a statistical view of the con- dition of the free and slave states. Bost. 1857. 12? CHASE 156 CHAUCER Chase, Salmon Portland (1808-1873). Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Men of our times. See also Presidential candidates. Ohase, Samuel (1741-1811). Smith, S. H., and Lloyd, T. Trial of. See also Signers to decl. of indep., v. 9. Chase, The. Parkman, F., Jr. {In Boston book.) Chasing the sun. Ballantyne, K, M. Chasles, Victor Euph^mion Philarete (1799- 1873.) Anglo-American literature and man- ners. Tr. from the French. N. Y. 1852. , 12°' Etudes sur la litt^rature et les moeurs des An- glo- Am^ricains au XIX. siecle. Contents : Avenlr des fitats-Unls. Incident de la guerre de Tin dCpendance, Un. Jeune Acadienne, La. LittCrature des Etats-Unls. Marchand d'horologes, I-e. Pofisie de la vengeance. — Notabilities in France and England ; with an autobiography. N. Y. 1853. 12° Poetes Anglo- Amgricains. Puritalns, Les. Komanciers Anglo -Amgri- cains. Slick, Samuel (M. Halibur- tou). Mery, J. {In (Euvres, Sandeau, J. {In (Eu- Mery, J. {In (Euvres, Chasse au chastre. La. V. 27.) Chasse au roman, La. vres, V. 4.) Chasse au tigre, Une. V. 20, 27, 42.) Chasseur de sauvagine, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Chaste, — de. Voyage to Tercera in 1583. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Ohastellux, Francois Jean (1734-1788). Travels in North America, in the years 1780-82. Tr. from the French. Dublin, 1787, 2 v. 12? Chat, Un, deux chiens, une perruche, un nuage d'hirondelles. Mery, J. (In (Euvres, v. . 27.) Chateau d'Eppstein, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Chateau de Montfillan, Le. Souli:e, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 37.) Chateau de Velours, Le. Petal, P. {In (Eu- vres, V. 6.) Chateau des Pyr^n^es, Le. Soulie, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 13, 14.) Chateau des Trois-Tours. Mery, J. {In (Eu- vres, V. 29.) Chateau Frissac. Sikes, Mrs. W. Chateau Morville, The ; or, life in Touraine. Tr. from the French, by E. K. Phil. 1872. 12? (6 cop.) Chateau Vert, Le. Mery, J. {In (Euvres, v. 30.) Chateaubriand, Ken^ Francois Auguste(1768- 1848), Analyse raisonn^e de I'histoire de France. Paris, 1853. 8? At ALA. Tr. by J. S. Harry. Illustrated by G. Dor6. Lond. n.d. 4? Autobiography. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 12? Beauties of Christianity. Tr. by Frederick Shoberl. Lond. 1813. 3 v. 8? CoxGRESS of Verona (1822); comprising a portion of memoirs of his own time. Lond. , 1838. 2 v. 8? Etudes ou discours historiques sur la chute de 1' empire Komain, la naissance et les pro- gres du Christianisme et I'invasion des bar- bares. Paris, 1852. 8? G:§NiE du Christianisme, Le. Paris, 1852. 2 v. 12? Chateaubriand {continued) — Historical, political, and moral essay on rev- olutions, ancient and modern. Lond. 1815. 8? Itin:6raire de Paris d, Jerusalem. Paris, 1852. 2 v. 8? Contents: "Voyages en figypte. Voyages en Gr6ce. Voyages en Italie. — Martyrs, Les. Paris, 1852. 8? MELANGES politiques et liit^raires. Paris, 1850. 12? Contents: Voyages en Jerusalem. Voyages en Tunis. Henrlette Marie de France. Jacques i. Jacques II. Melanges litt^raires. Quatres Stuarts, Les. Richard Cromwell. Vendue, La, 1819. Lond. Charles i. et n. Compi6gne, Avril, 1814. Cromwell. Discours. Kssals. Etat de la France au 4 Octo- bre, 1814, L'. — Monarchy according to the charter. 1816. 8? Natchez, Les. Paris, 1850. 8? Travels in America and Italy. Lond. 1828. 2v. 8? Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Bar- bary. Lond. 1812. 2 v. 8? Dumas, A. (D.) Sketch of. {In Morts vont vite, Les, v. 1.) Sainte-Beuve, C. a. Chateaubriand et son groupe litt^raire. {In (Euvres, v. 45, 46.) Villemain, a. F. Chateaubriand : sa vie, ses Merits, son influence litt^raire et politique sur son temps. — Critical review of. {In (Euvres, v. 8.) Chatelier, L. le. See Le Chatelier, L. Chatfleld, Paul. Tin trumpet ; or, heads and tails for the wise and waggish. N. Y. 1859. 12? Chatham, Earls of. See Pitt, William. Chatham islands — Dumas, A. (D.) Baleiniers, Les, v. 1. Mueller, F. von. Vegetation of. Chatiments, Les. Hugo, V. (M.) Chatrian, Alexandre. Sec Erckmann-Chatrian. Chatterbox, The. Clarke, J. E. Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770). Poetical works . "With notices of his life ; a history of the Rowley controversy ; a selection of his letters ; notes ; and a glossary. Bost. 1857. 2 v. 12? (2 cop.) Contents : MMsk : trag. Interlude, v. 2. Battle of Hastings, The, v. 2. Kew gardens, v. 1. Life of Chatterton, The, V. L Miscellaneous poems, v. 1, 2. Kevenge, The : burletta, v. 1. Rowley controversy, v. 1. — Jix,J. Life of Thomas Chatterton, including his unpublished poems and correspondence. Lond. 1851. 16? ViLLEMAiN, A. F. Imitations modemes de. {In (Euvres, v. 6.) See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 3. Chatto, W, A,, «nf? Jackson, J. Treatise on wood engraving, historical and practical ; with over 300 illustrations. 2d ed., with a new chapter'on the artists of the present day, by H. G. Bohn. Lond. 1861. 4? Chaucer, Geoftrey (1328-1400). Works of Chau- cer ; compared with the former editions and many valuable mss., out of which three tales are added which were never before printed, by John Urry , together with a glos- CHAUCER 157 CHAUCER Ohaucer [continued) — sary. To the whole is prefixed the author's life, newly written, and a preface, giving an account of this edition. Lond. 1721. Roy. Contents : Assemblie of foules, The. Assemblie of ladies, The. Astrohvbie, The conclusions of the. Buliade in commendacion of our Ladie. Ballade to King Henry iv. Belle dame sans mercy, I>a. Boethlus, The five books of. Canterbury tales. Certain e ballades. Complaint of Mara and Ve- nus, The. Complaint of the blacke knight, The. Court of love, The. Creseide, The testament of. Cuckowe and the nightin- Floure and the leafe, The. Floure of courtesie, The. History of Beryn, The. House of fame. The. Jacke Upland. Legende of good women, The. I>etter of Cupide. Lordtsandgeniilmen of the kinge's house. Ballade to. Marie Magdaleine.Thelam- entacion of. Praise of women, A. Queen Annelida and false Arcite. Kemedie of love, The. Romaunt of the rose. Testament of Love, The. TroUus and Creseide. gale. The. Preme of Chaucer, The, — Canterbury tales, The ; with notes, by Thos. Tyrwhitt. N. Y. 1869 . 12? Chaucer's England. Tales from. (In Works, v. 11, Browne, M. Dryden, J. 12.) Ellis, A. J. Early English pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakespeare and. (In Chaucer soc. pub.) Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the English poets. Lowell, J. R. My study windows. O'Hagan, J. Lecture on. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 2.) Taine, H. (A.) Histoirede la litt^rature An- glaise, V. 1. Villemain, a. F. Critical review of. (In (Euvres, v. 6.) See also Chaucer society (below) ; Early En- glish writers. Chaucer society. Publications. Lond. 1868-73. 8= and obi. f° Firai series (nos. 1-30): Chaucer, G. A six-text print of Chaucer's Canterbury tales in parallel columns, from the following mss. : 1, EUesmere ; 2, Heng- wrt ; 3, Cambridge ; 4, Corpus Christi ; 5, Petwoi-th ; 6, Lansdowne. Ed. by Fred- erick J. Furnivall. Pts. 1-5 (nos. 1, 14, 15, 25, and 30). Lond. 1868-73. 5 v. Obi. 4? Contents : Clerk's tale, pt. 5. Cook's prologue, pt. 2. Cook's tale, pt. 2. Doctor's tale, pt. 4. Friar's tale, pt. 4. Gamelyn, Spurious tale of, pt. 2. General prologue, pt. 1. Knight's tale, pt. 1. Man of law's tale, pt. 3. Melibeus, pt. 4. Merchant's tale, pt 3. Miller's prologue, pt. 2. Miller's tale, pt. 2. — — Canterbury tales by F. J. Furnivall. and 28) Lond. 1868-72. Contents . Monk's tale, pt. 4. Nun's priest's tale, pt. 4. Pardoner's preamble, pt. 4. Pardoner's tale, pt. 4. Prioress' tale, pt. 3. Reeve's prologue, pt. 2. Reeve's tale, pt. 2. Shipman's tale, pt. 3. Sir Thopas, pt. 3. Summoner's tale, pts. 4, 5. Wife of Bath's preamble, pt Wijfe of Bath's tale, pt. 4. Cambridge MS. Ed. Pts. 1-4 (nos. 4, 10,17, Cook's prologue, pt. 2. Cook's tale, pt 2. Friar's tale, pt. 4. Gamelyn, Spurious tale of, pt2. General prologue, pt. 1. Knight's tale, pt 1. Man of law's tale, pt 3. — Same. Corpus Christi MS. Ed. by F. J. Fur Miller's prologue, pt. 2. MUler's tale, pt 2. Reeve's prologue, pt 2. Reeve's tale, pt. 2. Summoner's tale, pt 4. Wife of Bath's preamble, pt4. Wife of Bath's tale, pt 4. Chaucer soc. {continued) — nivall. Pts.l-3(nos. 5, ll,andl8). Lond. 1868-72. 8? Contents : Miller's prologue, pt 2. Miller's tale, pt. 2. Reeve's prologue, pt 2. Reeve's tale, pt. 2. Gamelyn, Spurious tale of, pt2. General prologue, pt 1. Knight's tale, pt. 1. Man of law's tale, pt 3. — Same. EUesmere MS. Ed. by F. J. Furni- vall. Pts. 1-4 (nos. 2, 8, 16, and 26). Lond. 1868-72. 8? Contents . Cook's prologue, pt 2. Cook's tale, pt. 2. Friar's tale, pt. 4. Gamelyn, Spurious tale of, pt.2. General prologue, pt. 1. Knight's tale, pt. 1. Man of law's tale, pt. 1. — Same Miller's prologue, pt 2. MUler's tale, pt. 2. Reeve's prologue, p. 2. Reeve's tale, pt 2. Summoner's tale, pt 4. Wife of Bath's preamble, pt 4. Wife of Bath's tale, pt. 4. Hengwrt MS. Ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Pts. 1-3 (nos. 3, 9, and 27). Lond. 1868-72. Contents . Cook's prologue, pt 2. Cook's tale, pt. 2. Friar's tale, pt 3. Gamelyn, Sijurious tale of, pt 2. General prologue, pt. 1. Knight's tale, pt. 1. Miller's prologue, pt 2. Miller's tale, pt. 2. Monk's tale, pt. 3. Nun's priest's tale, pt. 3. Reeve's prologue, pt. 2. Reeve's tale, pt. 2. Summoner's tale, pt 3. Wife of Bath's preamble, pt. 3. Wife of Bath's tale.pt 3. Same. Lansdowne MS. Ed. by F. J. Furni- vall. Pts. 1-3 (nos. 7, 13, and 20). Lond. 1868-71. 8° Contents : Cook's prologue, pt. 2. Cook's tale, pt. 2. Gamelyn, Spurious tale of, pt 2. General prologue, pt. 1. Knight's tale, pt. 1. — Same. Petworth MS. Pts. 1-3 (nos. 6, 12, and 19) 71. 8°. Contents Man of law's tale, pt 3. Miller's prologue, pt 2. Miller's tale, pt. 2. Iteeve's prologue, pt. 2. Reeve's tale, pt 2. Ed.byF. J. Furnivall. Lond. 1868- Cook's prologue, pt 2. Cook's tale, pt 2. Gamelyn, Spurious tale of, pt2. General prologue, pt 1. Knight's tale, pt. 1. Man of law's tale, pt 3. Miller's prologue, pt 2. Miller's tale, pt 2. Prioress' tale, pt. 3. Reeve's prologue, pt. 2. Reeve's tale, pt 2. Shipman's tale, pt. 3. — Oddtextsof Chaucer's minor poems. Ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Pt. 1 (no. 23). Lond. 1871. 8? Contents : Appendix of poems attributed to Chaucer : (I.) Balade of Pytee : a continuation of Chaucer's Compleynteto Pite, from Shirley's Harleian MS. 78. (2.) Cronycle made by Chancier, from Shirley's Ashmole Ms. 5'J. Two bits, of the Parlament of foules, from ms. Hh. 4, 12. Camb. univ. lib., 305 lines, and Laud ms. 416 (Bodl. lib., O-xford), 142 lines. Two differing versions of the prologue to the Le- gende of good women, from ms. Gg. 4, 27, Camb. univ. lib. and ms. Fairfax Ifi (.Bodl. lib., Oxford), arranged so as to show their differences. — One-text print of Chaucer's minor poems, being the best text of each poem in the par- allel-text edition, etc., for handy use by ed- itors and readers. Ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Pt. 1 (no. 24). Lond. 1871. 8° Contents : A B C, The (perhaps Chaucer's earliest poem), from MS. Ff. 5, 30, in the Univ. lib., Camb. With the original French prayer to the Virgin, from which theAB C is freely translated: this from DeGuile- ville's 'P6I6rinage de la vie humaine,' ms. 1645, F«nds Franfals, etc., in the Nat lib., Paris. Ed. by Paul Meyer. CHAUCER 15'8 CHEEVER Chaucer SOC. {continued) — Compleynte of Mars, from the Fairfax MS. 16. Compleynte to Pile (Chaucer's earliest original poem\ from the Fairfax ms. 16. Dethe of Blaunche, the duchesse (Chaucer's 2d original poem\ from the Fairfax ms. 16, Bodleian lib. Parlament of foules, from ms. Gg. 4, 27, In the Uni- versity lib., Camb. — Parallel-text edition of Chaucer's minor poems. Ed. by F. J. rurnivall. Pt. 1 (no. 21). Lond. n.d. Obi. f^ Contents : Compleynte of Mars, from Fairfax ms. 1R, Tanner MS. 346, and Julian Notary's ed. (1499-1501;. Compleynte to Pite, from Fairfax ms. 16, Tanner MS. 346, and Bodleian ms. GSS. Dethe of Blaunche, the duchesse, from Thynne's ed. of 1532, Fairfa.x ms. 16 (Bodleian lib.), and Tan- ner MS. 346. Parlament of foules, from ms. Camb. univ. lib., Gg. 4, 27, MS. Trinity coll., Camb., B. 3, 19, and Cax- ton's ed. (1477-S). Same. Supplementary parallel-texts of Chau- cer's minor poems. Ed. by F.J. Furnivall. Pt. 1 (no. 22). Lond. n.d. Obi. f= Contents : Parlament of foules. from Tanner ms. 346, Digby MS. 181, and ms. Arch. Seld., B. 24 (Bodleian lib.). — Treatise on the astrolabe ; addressed to his son Lowys, a.d. 1391. Ed. from the earliest MS. by Walter W. Skeat. (No. 29.) Lond. 1872. 8° Second aeries (nos. 1-7): Ellis, A. J. Early English pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakespeare and Chaucer, viz.: Pt. 1, on the pronunciation of the XIV., XVI., XVII., and xviii. centuries; pt. 2, on the pronunciation of the xiii. and previous centuries, of Anglo-Saxon, Iceland- ic, old Norse and Gothic, with chronologi- cal tables of the value of letters and expres- sion of sounds in English writing ; illustra- tions of the pronunciation of the xiv. and XVI. centuries. Chaucer, Gower, WyclifFe, Spenser, Shakespeare, Salesbury, Barcley, Hart, Bullokar, Gill. Pronouncing vocabu- lary (nos. 1, 4, and 5). Lond. 1869-70. 3 V. 8". Essays on Chaucer. His words an^ works. Pt. 1, Ebert's review of Sandras's Etude sur Chaucer, consid^re comme imitateur des trouveres. Tr. by J. W. van Kees Hoets. Pt. 2, a thirteenth century Latin treatise on the Chilindre — ' For by my chilindre it is prime of day' (Shipmannes tale). Ed., with a translation, by E. Brock. (No. 2.) Lond. n.d. 8^ Furnivall, F.J. Temporary preface to the six-text edition of Chaucer'sCanterbury tales. Pt. 1, attempting to show the true order of the tales, and the days and stages of the pilgrimage, etc., etc. (No. 3.) Lond. 1868. 8° — Trial-forewords to my ' Parallel-text edi- tion of Chaucer's minor poems' forthe Chau- cer society (with a try to set Chaucer's works in their right order of time) . (No. 6.) Lond. 1871. 8°. Originals and analogues of some of Chau- cer's Canterbury tales. Pt. l(no. 7). Lond. 1872. 8° Contents : King Offa's Intercepted letters and banisht queen. From Matthew Paris's Life of Offa the first. (For the Man of law's tale.) Chaucer soc. (continued) — Nicholas Trivet's French life of Constance. Ed. by E. Brock. (For the Man of law's tale.) Tale of the wife of Merelaus the emperor. From Shirley's ms. of the early English version of the Gesta liomanorum, Harl. 7333. (For the Man of law's tale.) Two French fabliatix, like Chaucer's Reeve's tale. Two Latin stories, like Chaucer's Friar's tale. SuNDBY, Thor. Albertani Brixiensis Liber consolationis et consilii, ex quo hausta est fab- ula Gallica de Melibeo et Prudentia, quam, Anglice redditam et The tale of Melibe in- scriptam, Galfridus Chaucer inter Canter- bury tales recepit. Lond. 1873. 8".' Chauffeurs Indiens, Les. Br^hat, A. de. (Historical Action.) Chaumiere Indienne, La. Saint-Pierre, (J. H.) B. [In (Euvres choisies.) Chauncey, Nathaniel. Fowler, W. C. Con- ditions of success in genealogical investiga- tions, illustrated by the character of. Chauveau, A. Comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. Second ed., revised and enlarged, with the cooperation of S. Arloing. Tr. and ed. by Geo. Fleming. Illustrated. Lond. 1873. 8° Chauvenet, William. Manual of spherical and practical astronomy. Phil. 1863. 2 v. 8? Cheadle, W. B. (See Milton [Viscount). Cheap, David {Capt.). Adventures of Capt. Cheap, and wreck of the frigate Wager. [In Burney's Voy., v. 5, pp. 45-119.) Checkered life: an autobiography. VerMehr, J. L. Bost. 1864. 12? Checkmate. Le Fanu, J. S. Checks. See Bills of exchange. Cheever, George Barrell (b. 1807). Discourse on the virtues and attainments of Rev. James Marsh. N. Y. 1843. {In Pamphlets, v. 2.) Prose writers of America, The : a collection of eloquent and interesting extracts from the writings of American authors. N. Y. 1855. 12? Contents : Adams, J. Ames. Anonymous. Anthology, Monthly. Appleton. Bancroft, George. Beecher. Big Elk, Maha chief. Brown, C. B. Buckminster. Carter, J. G. Cass. Channing. Club-room. Cooper, J. Fenimore. Dana, R. Dennie. Du Ponceau. D wight. Emerson, G. B. Everett, A. H. Everett, Edward. Farmer's brother (an Indian chief). Fitch. Flint. Francis, Miss. Francis, Berrian. Franklin. Frisbie. Greenwood, F. W. P. Griscom. Hale, Mrs. Hamilton. Hopkinson, F. Idle man. Irving. Cheever, Henry T. Life in the Sandwich isl- ands ; or, the heart of the Pacific as it was and is. N. Y. 1851. 12? Jay. Jefferson. Kirkland, Samuel. Madison. Marshall. Mason. Mellen, G. Norton. Nott. Paulding. Quincy, J. Quincy, J., Jr. Ramsay. Red Jacket (an Indian chief). Review, Am. quarterly. Review, North American. Rush. Sedgwick, Miss. Sergeant. Sigourney, Mrs. Silliman. Sparks. Story. Stuber. Thacher. Ticknor, George. Token. Tudor. Ware. Washington. Wayland, Francis. Webster. Wheaton, H. Willis, N. P. Wh:t. CHEEVER 159 CHEMISTRY Cheever [continued] — Kkel in a bottle, for Jack in the doldrums ; being the adventures of two of the king's seamen in a voyage to the celestial country. Edited from the manuscripts of an old salt. N. Y. 1852. 12= Voices of nature to her foster-child, the soul of man. N.Y.1852. 12^ Chef-d'CBUvre inconnu, Le. Balzac, H. de. (//( ffiuvres completes, v. 32.) Chefs-d'CBUvre of the industrial arts. Burty, P. Ohellis, Mary Dwinell. Hermit of Holcombe, The. Bost. n.d. 16= Chelsea pensioners. Gleig, G. K. Cheltenham. New guide to Cheltenham : a complete history and description of that cele- brated watering-place, embracing a minute account of the virtues and qualities of its mineral waters. Cheltenham, n.d. 12° Cheltnara, Charles Smith. Christmas-eve in a watch-house. (Farce.) Lacy 's Plays, v. 90. Deborah ; or, the Jewish maiden's wrong. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 63. Dinner for nothing. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 67. Edendale. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 84. Fairy's father, A. (Dram, sketch.) Lacy's Plays, V. 54. Lesson in love. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 64. Lucky escape. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 52. Mrs. Green's snug little business. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 65. More precious than gold. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 51. Shadow of a crime. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 86. Slowtop's engagements. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 53. TiCKET-OF-LEAVE man's wife. (Farce.) La- cy's Plays, V. 69. Chemical news, The ; with which is incorporated the Chemical gazette. A journal of practical chemistry in all its applications to pharmacy, arts, and manufactures. Edited by Wm. Crookes. V. 1-26. Lond. 1860-72. 26 v. in 14. 8° Chemical reports and memoirs. Graham, T. [Ed.) Chem.ical society (Lond.). Publications. Mem- oirs, 1841-8. Lond. 1843-8. 3 v. 8° Quarterly journal. Edited by E. Konalds and Henry Watts, 1849-71. Lond. 1849- 71. 24 V. 8° Chemie des bieres. Mulder, G. J. Chemins de fer, Les. Guillemin, A. Chemistry — American artisan, The. Artisan-, The. Bain, A. See Keid, B. D. [below). Barker, G. F. Text-book of elementary. BiscHOF, G. Elements of chemical and phys- ical geology. Blaney, J. van Z. Chemical reports. [In Geol, survey of 111., v. 1.) Booth, J. C. Encj'clopsedia of. — and Moreit, C. Kecent improvements in the chemical arts. [In Smithsonian mis. coll., V. 2.) Chemistry [continued) — Brande, W. T. Manual of. — and Taylor, A. S. Chemistry. Chemical news. Chemical society (Lond.). Cooke, J, P. Elementsof chemical physics. — Eeligion and. Crookes, W. Select methods in chemical analysis. Donovan, M. Treatise on. Draper, J. W. Text-book of. Faraday, M. Chemical history of a candle. — Experimental researches in. FowNES, G. Manual of. Franklin institute. Journal. Fresenius, C. K. Qualitative chemical anal- ysis. — Quantitative chemical analysis. Funke, O. Atlas of physiological. [Supple- ment to Lehmann's.] Gakin, — . Instructions in. [Russian.) GiBBS, W., and Genth, F. A. Researches on the ammonia cobalt bases. [In Smith- sonian contrib. , v. 9.) Gmelin, L. Hand-book of. Gmelin, S. G. Chemical instruction for me- chanics and manufacturers. [Russian.) Graham, T. [Ed.) Chemical reports and memoirs. [For contents, see Graham.] — Elementsof. /See Lib. of illust. stand, sci- entific works. Griffin, F. W. Compendium of qualitative analysis. Griffin, J. J. Chemical testing of wines and spirits. Henry, W. C. Memoirs of the life and sci- entific researches of John Dalton. HoFMAN, A. W. Introduction to modern. Hooper, K. Lexicon medicum ; or, medical dictionary. Hunt, T. S. Paper on the chemistry of the earth. [In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Johnston, J. F. W. Chemistry of common life. — Elements of agricultural chemistry and ge- ology. JouRDAN, A. J. L. Dictionnaire destermes. Laurent, A. Chemical method. Leeds, A. E. See Morton, H. [below). Lehmann, C. G. Physiological. Leibnitz, G. W. Chymia. [In Opera om- nia, V. 2.) Lemery, N. Cursus chymicus. LiEBiG, J. von. Animal. — Chemische briefe. — Chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiology. — Complete works on. — Familiar letters on. LowiG, C. Principles of organic and physio- logical. Melbourne industrial and technological mu- seum lectures. Miller, W. A. Elements of chemistry : theoretical and practical. — Introduction to the study of inorganic. Moleschott, J. Kreislauf des lebens, Der. MoRFiT, C. Treatise on chemistry applied to the manufacture of soap and candles. See also Booth, J. C. [above). CHEMISTRY 160 CHEVALIER Olieinistry [continued) — Morton, H., and Leeds, A. K. Student's practical. MusPRATT, J. S. Chemistry : theoretical, prac- tical, and analytical. Nicholson's journal. Odling, W. Course of practical. — Course of six lectures on the chemical changes of carbon. Oersted, H. C. Observations on the history of. (In Soul in nature.) Parnell, E. a. Elements of chemical analy- sis. Prout, "W. Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, with reference to nat- ural theology. (Bridgewater treatise.) Reid, B. D., and Bait^j A. Elements of chem- istry and electricity. ScoFFERN, J. Chemistry of food, and of arti- ficial illumination. {In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 7.) — Elementary. {Li Orr's Circle of the scien- ces, V. 6.) Severgin, — . Chemical instruction. (Rus- sian.) Sharples, S. p. Chemical tables. Smith, J. Panorama of science and art, etc. Smith, J. L. Report on progress of indus- trial. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, v. 6.) Stockhardt, J. A. Principles of. Storer, P. H. First outlines of a dictionary of solubilities of cheinical substances. SwEDENBORG, E. Principles of. Taylor, A. S. See Brande, W. T. {above). Turner, E. Elements of. "Watts, H. Dictionary of. Wetherill, C. M. Brief sketch of the mod- ern theory of chemical types. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1863.) Wurtz, a. History of chemical theory. Youmans, E. L. Class-book of. iSee also — Agricultural chem- Fertilizers. istry. Gases. Assaying. Spectrum analysis. Blow-pipe. Technology. Electro-deposition. Chemistry of wine. Mulder, G. J. Cheney, Mrs. E. D. Sally Williams, the mount- ain girl. Bost. 1873. 12= (3 cop.) Chenier, Andre de (1762-1794). Poesies ; pr6- cMees d'une notice, par M. H. de Latouche. Paris, 1870. 12? Oherbuliez, Victor. Count Kostia. Translated from the French. JST. Y. 1873. 12° (15 coj}.) Joseph Noirel's revenge. Tr. by Wm. F. West. N. Y. 1872. 12? Prosper Randoce. IST. Y. 1869. 8°. Cherry, A. Soldier's daughter. Dicks' Br. dr., V. 5. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 13. Cherry, J. L. Life and remains of John Clare, the 'Northamptonshire peasant poet.' , Cherry and Violet. Manning, A. Chesebro', Caroline. Foe in the household, The. Bost. 1871. (6 cop.) Peter Carradine ; or, the Martindale pastoral. N. Y. 1863. 12? Victor and Jacqueline. (In Atlantic tales.) Chesney, Charles C". Waterloo lectures : a study of the campaign of 1815. (2d ed.) Lond. 1869. 8? Chesney, Francis Rawdon (b. 1789). Narrative of the Euphrates expedition, carried on by order of the British government during the years 1835-7. Lond. 1868. 8? Russo-Turkish campaigns of 1828-9, with a view of the present state of affairs in the east ; with an appendix, containing the diplomatic correspondence between the four powers, and the secret correspondence between the Rus- sian and English governments. N. Y. 1854. 12? and Reeve, H. Military resources of Prussia and France, and recent changes in the art of war. Lond. 1870. 12? Chesney, George (Col.). Fall of England. The battle of Dorking : reminiscences of a vol- unteer. N. Y. 1871. 16? [For ' Battle of Dorking' literature, see English cat. 1871.] Chess — Alexandre, A. Beauties of. Exploits of Paul Morphy in Europe. FiSKE, D. W. Book of the first Am. chess congress held in New York, 1857. Hazeltine, M. J. Brevity and brilliancy in. Kling, H. Chess-Euclid, The. Lowenthal, J. Chess congress of 1862. — Morphy's games of. Monroe, J. Science and art of. Philidor, F. a. D. Studies of. Rio, E. dal. Incomparable game of. Sarratt, J. H. Works of Damiano, Ruy- Lopez, and Salvio on the game of. Staunton, H. Chess-player's companion. — Chess-player's hand-book. — Chess-praxis. — Chess tournament. Walker, G. Chess and chess-players. Chest, The. Poland, A. Injuries of the. (In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 2.) See also Bronchitis ; Consumption. Chester, William F. Address delivered before the Mechanic apprentices' lib. assoc, Boston, Feb. 22, 1854. (In Pamphlets, v. 15.) Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope (earl of), (1694-1773). Works; including his letters to his son. With an original life of the au- thor prefixed. (\st complete Am. ed.) N. Y. 1856. 8? Same. N. Y. 1859. 8? Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litterature An- glaise, V. 3. ViLLEMAiN, A. F. Critical review on. (In Q^uvres, v. 1.) See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Chesterton, George Laval . Peace, war, and ad- venture : an autobiographical memoir of. Lond. 1853._ 2 v. 12? Chevalier, H. Emile. 39 men for one woman. Tr. by E. T. Sears. N. Y. 1862. 12? Chevalier, Michel (b. 1806). Mexico : modern and ancient. Tr. under the author's superin- tendence, by T.Alpass. Lond. 1854. 2 v. 8? Probable fall of the value of gold. Tr. by R. Cobden. N. Y. 1859. 8? Rapports du jury international de 1' exposi- tion universelle de 1867 a Paris. Paris, 1868. 13 V. 8? CHEVALIER 161 CHILDREN Chevalier, Der. Muoge, T. [Iti Romane, v. 1-8.) Chevalier, The. Thomson, Mrs. A. T. Chevalier d'Harmental, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Chevalier de Maison-rouge, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Chevalier double, Le. Gautier, T. (In Oilu- vres, V. 17.) Chevalier du Poulailler, Le. Capkndu, E. Chevaliers del'amour, Les. Noriac, (C. A.) J. (In Oiivrages, v. 4.) Chevallier, E. See Lenomiant, F. Chevreul, Michel Eugene [h. 1780). Principles of harmony and contrast of colors, and their applications to the arts. Tr. from the French, by C.Martel. Illustrated. {Sd ed.) Lond. 1860. 12? Chevreuse, Marie de 'Rohan (duchessede), (1600- 1679). Cousin, V. Life and times of. {I?i his Secret history of French court.) Chew, Samuel. Lectures on medical education ; or, on the proper method of studying medi- cine. Phil. 1864. 12? Cheykh-el-Mohdy. Contes. Tr. de I'Arabe, par J. J. Marcel. Paris, 1833. 3 v. 8i Cheynel, Francis (1608-1665). Johnson, S. Life of. {In his Lives of eminent persons.) Chiapas (Mez.). Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in. Chicago (111.)— Board of education. Reports, 1866-8. 3 v. 8° Directory for the year 1869-70. 8° Same. (Complete business) for 1870. 8". Fire and the fire insurance companies : an exhibit of the capital, assets, and losses of the companies, together with a graphic account of the great disaster, accompanied by maps showing the burnt district. N. Y. and Chica- go, 1871. 8? (Jw Pamphlets, V. 27.) Public grounds of Chicago : how to give them character and expression. Sheahan, .1. W., and Upton, G. P. His- tory of the great conflagration in Chicago [Oct. 9, 1871]. Young men's association. Catalogue of books belonging to. V. 1, containing the titles added from the foundation of the library to April 1, 1865, with an alphabetical index to the whole. Chicago, 1865. S° (2 cop.) Chickering, Jonas (1798-1853). Blake, J. L. Life of. (In Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants, V. 1.) Chicot, the jester ; or, the lady of Monsoreau. Dumas, A. (D.) Chief justices of England. Campbell, J. (Lord). Lives of chief justices, from the Norman conquest till the death of Lord Tenterden. Phil. 1853-7. 3 v. 8? Chief justices of the U. S. — Flanders, H. Lives and times of. Phil. 1858-9. 2v. 8° Contents . Cushing, W., v. 2. Ellsworth, O., V. 2. Jay, J., V. 1. Marshall, J., v. 2. Kutledge, J., v. 1. — Van Santvoord, G. Lives of. N. Y. 1854. S°. (2 cop.) Contents : Ellsworth, Oliver. Fay, John. Marshall, John. 12 Kutledge, John. Taney, Roger B. Beloved tune. Black Saxons. Brothers. Children of Mount Ida, Elizabeth Wilson. Hilda Silfveriing. Irish heart. Legend of the apostle John. Chief of the pilgrims. Steele, A. Child, Mrs. D. L. S3e Child, Lydia Maria. Child, Francis James. (£d.) English and Scot- tish ballads. Bost. 1857. 8 v. 12? Child, G. Chaplin. Benedicite : illustrations of the power, wi.sdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in his works. N. Y. 1867. 2 V. in 1. 12? Child, Gilbert W. Essays on physiological sub- jects. Lond. 1878. 8? Child, Lydia Maria (b. 1802). Autumnal leaves : tales and sketches, in prose and rhyme. N. Y. 1857. 12? Fact and fictioii : a collection of stories. Contents : Legend of the fall of St^ An- thony. Neighbor-in-law. Poet's dream of the soul. Quadroona Rosenglory. She waits in the spirit-land. Youthful emigrant. — History of the condition of women in various ages and nations. Bost. 1835. 2 v. 12? Isaac T. Hopper : a true life. Letters from New York. (2dser.) (11th ed.) N. Y. 1852. 12? Looking towards sunset. From sources new and old, original and selected. Bost. 1865. (2 cop.) 12? Philothea. N.Y. 1851. 12? Progress of religious ideas through successive ages. N.Y. 1854. 3 v. 8? Rainbows for children. Bost. 1867. 16? Romance of the republic. Bost. 1867. 12? (5 cop.) Child-life in Italy : a story of six years abroad.. Bost. 1866. 12? Child of the island glen. Kellogg, E. Child-pictures. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Child wife. The. Reid, M. Child's dream of a star. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Child's history of England. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Child's history of Rome. Bonner, J. Childe Harold's pilgrimage. Byron, G. G. N.. (In Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2.) Saine. (In his Complete works.) Childers, Robert Caesar. Dictionary of the Pali language. [Pt. i., A-Nib.] Lond. 1872.. Thin 4? Children — DouAi, A. Kindergarten, The. FoNSSAGRiVES, J. B. Mother's work with sick . Howard, M. S. Mission of children: sermon at "Wilbraham, Mass., March 19, 1871. (In Pamphlets, v. 30.) Mann, Mrs. H., and Peabody, E. P. Moral culture of infancy, etc. Moore, G. Training of young. Neal, J. Great mysteries and little plagues. Prime, S. I. Thoughts on the death of. "WiCKERODE, C. K. von. Woman's educa- tional mission : an explanation of Frobel's system of infant gardens. See also Diseases peculiar to women and chil- dren ; Mother. Children of Cloverley, The. By author of ' The young apprentice.' Bost. n.d. 16? Children of love. Sue, E. Children of the abbey. Roche, Miss R. M. CHILDREN 162 CHINA Children of the new forest. Markyat, F. Children of the state. Hill, F. Children with the poets. M'Kkkvek, H. B. Children's aid society. First annual report, Feb. 1854. N. Y. 1854. 81 (In Pamphlets, v. 16.) Children's album. Aikin, J. Children's album. Cassell, — (pub.). Children's crusade. Gray, G. Z. Children's hour, The. By E. W. S. and S. W. M. Phil. 1864. 12^ Children's Sunday album. Mackarness, M. Children's year. Howitt, M. Chile. See Chili. Chile con carne ; or, the camp and the field. Smith, S. C. Chili (or Chile)— BTataral history : GiLLis, J. M. [Astronomical expedition to the southern hemisphere, containing the sub- joined reports on the natural history of Chili.] (In his XT. S. naval astron. exped., V. 2.) Contents : Baird, S. F. : Report on the maminals. Brackenridge, W. D. : List of living plants and seeds. Cassin.J. : Report on the birds. Conrad, T. A. : Fossil shells. Ewbank, T. : Description of the Indian antiquities brought from Chili and Peru. Girard, C. : Report on the reptiles, fishes, and Crus- tacea. Gould, A. A. : Report on the shells. Gray, A. : Dried plants. Smith, J. L. : Report on the minerals and mineral waters. ■Wyman,J. : Fossil mammals. I>eacrI|itIou and history : Brewer, H., and Herckeman, E. Voyage to the coast of Chili, 1642-3. (In Church- ill's Coll. voy., V. 1.) Chamisso, A. von. Chili, 1815. (In "VVerke, v.3,4.) DuNDONALD, T. C. Narrative of services in the liberation of Chili, Peru, and Brazil. Famin, C. Chili. (In L'Univers, v. 25.) GiLLis, J. M. Descriptive account of the geog- raphy, climate, government, society, etc., of. (In IJ. S. naval astron. exped., v. 1.) Journal of a residence in Chili. By a young American detained in that country, during the revolutionary scenes of 1817-19. Molina, J. I. Geographical, natural, and civil history of. Oralle, a. de. Historical relation of. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 3.) Perouse, J. F. G. de la. Visit to Chili in 1830. (In Voyage autour du monde, v. 2.) PoEPPiG, E. Keise in Chile und Peru, 1827- 32. KuscHENBERGER, W. S. "W. Notices of Chili. (In his Three years in the Pacific.) Smith, E. K. Araucanians, The ; or, notes of a tour among the Indians of southern. Stevenson, W. B. Travels in Arauco, Chili. (In his Twenty years in South America.) Three years in Chili, [^non.] Vancouver, G. (Capt.). Visit to. (In his Voyage round the world, 1790-95, v. 3.) Wilkes, C. Political history of. (In Narra- tive of U. S. expl. exped., v. 1.) — Visit to. (In his Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., V. 1.) Chili (continued) — WiLMOT, S. E. Our journal in the Pacific. Wise, H. A. Los Gringos. (Hist, fiction.) See also Chiloe. Chilling-worth, William (1602-1644). Religion of Protestants a safe way to salvation. Lond. 1854. 12° Ohilo. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Or. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Chiloe (island). FiTZ-RoY, R. Visit to and de- scriptive account of. (In Voy. of the Ad- venture and Beagle, v. 1.) Chimes, The. Dickens, C. (J. H.) (7n Miscel- lanies.) Sa?ne. (In Christmas stories.) Chimes for childhood. Estes, D. Chimney corner, The. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. China — Agriculture, nat. hint., and geologry : Donovan, E. Natural history of insects of. Green, D. S. Report on the agriculture of. (In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) PuMPELLY, R. Geological researches in Chi- na and Japan. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 1.5.) "W EST, G. R. Paper on the agriculture of. (In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Commerce : CoxE, W. History of the transactions and commerce between Russia and. (In Account of Russian discoveries.) Sketch of the commercial intercourse of the world with. (In Library of commerce, v. 1.) Williams, S. W. Present position of the Chinese empire in respect to the extension of trade and intercourse with other nations. (In Am. ethnol. soc. Trans., v. 2.) Religion: Child, L. M. Progress of religious ideas. Clarice, J. F. Ten great religions. Hue, E. R. Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet. Hlatory : Gallery, J. M., aiid Yvan, M. History of insurrection in. Chalmers, J. Origin of the Chinese. Chinese repository. The. GL'TZLAFF, C. F. A. Sketch of Chinese his- tory. Mendoza, J. G. History of the great and mighty kingdom of. (In Hakluyt soc, v. 13, 14.) Orleans, P. J. d'. Tartars who subdued China, 1688. (In Hakluyt soc, v. 15.) Pauw, C. de. Philosophical dissertation on the Egyptians and Chinese. Percy, T. Hau-kiou-chouan ; or, the pleas- ing history. Scott, W. A. Lecture on the Chinese em- pire, delivered before the Mechanics' insti- tute (S. F.), Jan. 26, 1854. (In Pamphlets, V. 17.) Speer, W. China and the United States. Treaty between France and China, signed in the French and Chinese languages, Oct. 24, 1844. (In Pamphlets, v. 6.) CHINA 163 CHINA China [continued) — Treaty between Great Britain and China, signed in English and Chinese, Aug. 29, 1842. {In Pamphlets, v. 6.) Wkbb, J. Antiquity of. AViNTEKBOTHAM, W. Historical, geograph- ical, and philosophical view of the Chinese empire. Rebellion of 1857: CoBDEN, K. Speeches on the war of 1857. Lin-Le. History of the Ti-Ping revolution. War in China. {In Memorable year.) See also Tai-Ping Wang, I>e8crl|itlon and travel : Anderson, M. Narrative of British embassy to China in 1792-4. Backhoff, F. I. Voyage into China, 1654. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Ball, B. L. Kambles in eastern Asia, in- cluding. Bannister, S. {Ed.) Journal of first French embassy to China, 1698-1700, Barrow, Sir J. Travels in China [1793]. Bernard, W. D. Voyage of the Nemesis [1840-43] ; with an account of Hong-kong and the habits, etc., of the Chinese. Brooks, J. Seven months' run, up and down. Cathay, and the road thither. {In Hakluyt soc, V. 35, 36.) Clerk, Mrs. G. Antipodes, and round the world. Cobbold, K. H. Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by themselves. Coffin, C. C. Our new way round the world, Collins, P. McD. Voyage down the Amoor. Cook, J. Visit to Canton on his return from Behring's straits, 1779, description of the city, etc. {In Voy., v. 2, bk. vi.) Cooke, W. G. China : the Times' special correspondence from [1857-8]. Cooper, T. T. Travels of a pioneer of com- merce in pigtails and petticoats. Corner, J., e< a^. China: pictorial, descrip- tive, and historical. With some account of Ava and the Burmese, etc. Cortambert, R. Voyages en Chine. {In Peuples et voyageurs contemporains.) Culbertson, M. S. Darkness in the Flowery land. Davis, J. F. Chinese, The. — General description of the empire of. H. F. lib., V. 80, 81. D'EwES, J. China, Australia, and the Pa- cific islands [1855-6]. Dixon, G. Voyage round the world, 1785-8. Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese. Downing, C. T. Stranger in China, 1836-7. Everett, A. H. Chinese manners. {In Es- says, 1st ser.) Fah-Hian and Suno-Ytin. Travels from China to India [400 and 518]. First introduction of French missionaries into China, 1687, [In Burney's Voy., v. 3, p. 411.) FoNBLANQUE, E. B. de. Two years in China and Japan. Forbes, F. E. Five years in China, 1842-7. Fortune, R, Two visits to the tea countries of China and the British tea plantations in the Himalaya. China/ {continued) — Gemelli-Careri, G. F. Travels in China, 1686. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 4.) Gi;TZLAFF, C. Three voyages on the coast of China in 1831-3. HiNKS, G. Voyage to. {In Oregon : its his- tory ,__ etc.) Hue, E. R. Journey through Chinese empire. — Recollections of a journey through Tar- tary, Thibet, and. Ides, E. Y. • From Muscovy to China, 1692. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) KiDD, S. China : the philosophy, antiquities, etc., of the Chinese. Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. Krusenstern, M. de. Visit to China, 1803- 5. {In Voyage autour du monde, v. 2.) LocKMAN, J. Travels of the Jesuits. LoviOT, Mile. F. Lady's captivity among Chinese pirates. Mac%.rtney, G. {Lord). Journey in China and Tartary, 1793. {Russian.) M'Leod, J. Voyage of H, M. S. Alceste. Malcom,H. Travelsin. (in Travels in south- eastern Asia.) Medhurst, W. H. Foreigner in far Cathay. MiCHiE, A. From Peking to Petersburg. Milne, W. C. Life in. Minturn, R. B., Jr. From New York to Delhi. Missionary survey of Chinese empire, 1708- 16. {In Burney's Voy., v. 4, p. 518.) Navarrette, D. F. Account of China, and of his travels there, 1659-72. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 1, 6.) Nevius, Mrs. H. S. C. Our life in. Nevius, J. L. China and the Chinese. Oliphant, L. Lord Elgin's mission to China and Japan. Perouse, J. F. G. de la. Voyage ^ Chine, 1830-32. (In Voyage autour du monde, v. 3.) Prime, E. D. G. Around the world. PuMPELLY, R. Across America and Asia. Renaudot, E. (TV.) Ancient accounts of China and India. RiPA, — {Father). Memoirs during three years' residence at the court of Peking. RuscHENBERGER, W. S. W. Voyage round the world, 1835-7. Seward, W. H. Travels around the world. Sketch of a new route to China and Japan, by Pac. mail steamship co. via Panama and San Francisco, 1867. {In Pamphlets, v. 27.) Smith, G. Researches in China, 1844-6. Smith, W. L. G. Observations on China and the Chinese. Taylor, C. Five years in China; with some account of the great Tai-Ping rebellion. Taylor, (J.)B. VisittoChina,India, and Ja- pan in 1853. Train, G. F. American merchant. Varin, p. Expedition de Chine, 1860. Vassar, J. G. Twenty years around the world. Veer, G. de. Three voyages by the north- east towards Cathay and China by the Dutch in 1594-5. {In Hakluyt soc, v. 12.) Voyages to China in the olden time. {In Pioneer, The, v. 1.) CHINA 164 CHITTY China {continued) — Wagner, J. Voyage into. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 2.) "Warriner, F. Voyage of the Potomac. Williams, Mrs. H. D. A yeaj- in. Williams, S. W. Middle kingdom, The. Williamson, A. Journeys in north China, Manchuria, and eastern Mongolia ; with some account of Corea. Wood, W. M. Pankwei. Clilneae emlKradon : Archbald, J. Contact of races. {In Pam- phlets, V. 28.) Conwell, E. H. Why and how. Why the Chinese emigrate, and the means they adopt to reach America ; with sketches of travel, etc. HoLBRooK,J. C. Chinadom in California. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) LooMis, A. W. Chinese in California: their sign-board literature. {In Overlarfd month- ly, V. 1.) — Chinese women in California. {In Over- land monthly, v. 2.) — Six Chinese companies, The. {In Over- land monthly, v. 1.) — What our Chinamen read. (Jn Overland monthly, v. 1.) Peters, J. R., Jr. Eemarks upon the govern- ment, history, etc., of the Chinese, as sug- gested by an examination of the Chinese mu- seum in Marlboro' chapel, Bost. {In Pam- phlets, V. 36.) Report of joint select committee on the Chi- nese population of California. (Jn Pamphlets, V. 20.) Speer, W. China and California: a lecture. {In Pamphlets, v. 17.) — Humble plea, addressed to the legislature of California, in behalf of the immigrants from the empire of China to this state [Cal.]. {In Pamphlets, v. 17.) — Plea for Chinese immigrants in Cal. (In Pamphlets, v. 6.) Stout, A. B. Chinese immigration, and the physiological causes of the decay of a nation. (In Pamphlets, v. 28.) IfllBcellaneoaB : Chronicle and directory for China, Japan, and the Philippines for the year 1869. Jones, O. Examples of Chinese ornament. Shaw, R. B. Result of observations [astro- nomical and meteorological] taken during his journey to Yarkand in the year 1870. (hi Roy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) Staunton, G. T. (Tr.) Ta-tsing-leu-lee : fundamental laws of the penal code of. Wilson, J. Manner of hatchmg ducks in. {In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Wines, E. C. Peep at China in Mr. Dunn's collection ; with miscellaneous notices re- lating to the institutions and customs of the Chinese, 1839, (In Pamphlets, v. 36.) See also — China sea. Formosa. Chinese lang. and lit. Lew-Chew. Cochin-China. Tonquin. China sea — CoLLiNGWooD, C. Rambles of a natuTallst on the shores of. China sea {continued) — Hawks, F. L. Narrative of Perry's expedi- tion to. White, J. Voyage to. Chin cha islands. Peck, G. W. Sketch of Mel- bourne and the. Chinchona. See Cinchona. Chinese classics. See Chinese lang. and lit. Chinese language and literature — Andrews, S. P. Discoveries in Chinese. Collie, D. (Tr.) Chinese classical work, commonly called the Four books. Davis, J. F. Chinese novels. Laou-Seng-Urh ; or, an heir in his old age. Tr. by — Davis. Lau-Tsze (the old philosopher). Speculations on metaphysics, polity, and morality. Tr. by J. Chalmers. Legge, J. Chinese classics. 1870. 8° Same. V. 1-5, in 8 parts. 1868-72. Large 8? LooMis, A. W. Chinese proverbs : i., on in- timacy and friendship ; ii., on the conduct of women. (In Overland monthly, v. 10.) — Confucius and the Chinese classics. Morrison, R. Dictionary of the Chinese lan- guage. Mt'LLER, F. Max. Chinese translations of Sanskrit texts. {In his Chips, v. 1.) Rambles of the Emperor Ching Tih in Keang Nan. (/w Pamphlets, V. 16.) Sacred edict, containing sixteen maxims of the Emperor Kang-He. Sltmmers, J. Rudiments of. Swinhoe, R. Chinese dialect spoken in Hai- nan. (In Pamphlets, v. 36.) Chinese letters. Boyer, J. B.de. Chinese merchants. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s di- rectory of the Chinese merchants in S. F. and Sac, Cal. Chinese novels. Davis, J. F. Chinese pirates. Loviot, Mile. F. Lady's cap- tivity among. Chinese repository. The. V. 1 (May, 1832) to 19 (Dec. 1850). Canton. 19 v. 8? Chinigchinich. Boscana, G. Chinook jargon. Gibbs, G. Dictionary of. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 7.) WiNTHROP, T. Vocabulary of the Chinook jargon. {In his Canoe and saddle.) Chipman, Daniel (1762-1850). Essay on the law of contracts for the payment of specific articles. Middlebury, 1822. 8° Chippeway Indians. McKenney, T. L. Char- acter and customs ; with a vocabulary of their language. {In his Tour to the lakes.) Chips from a German workshop. Muller, F. M. Chirurgy. See Surgery. Chisholm, 3fr«. Caroline (6. 1810). ^ee Brief bi- ographies. Chittenden, L. E. Report of the debates and proceedings in the secret sessions of the con- ference convention for proposing amend- ments to the constitution of the United States, held at Washington, D. C, in Feb. 1861. N. Y. 1864. 8° Chitty, Joseph, Jr. Practical treatise on the law of contracts, not under seal ; and upon the usual defenses to actions thereon. Seventh Am. ed., from the fourth Lond. ed., correct- ed, rearranged, and enlarged, by Thompson CHITTY 165 CHRIST Chitty (continued)^ Chittj', with notes of American and late En- glish decisions on the law of contracts to the present time, by J. C. Perkins. Spring- field, Mass., 1848. 8? Treatise on the laws of commerce and manu- factures, and the contracts relating thereto ; with an appendix of treaties, statutes, and precedents. Lond. 1824. 4 v. 8^ Chivalry — BuLFiNCH, T. Age of. Jamks, G. p. K. History pf. H. F. lib., v. 20. See also Middle ages. Chloroform. Snow, J. Chloroform and other anaesthetics. See a/so Ansesthetics. Choate.Rufus (1799-1858). Works; withamem- oir of his life, by S. G. Brown. Bost. 1862. 2 V. 8° Same, Bost. 1870. 8? Value of mechanical industry. {In Boston book.) Parker, E. G. Reminiscences of. N. Y. 1860. 12° See also Golden age of American oratory. Choice of Paris. Benjamin, S. G. W. Choiseul-GouflBer, — {comtesse de, nSe comtesse Be Tiscnhauz). Reminiscences sur I'Empe- reur Alexandre i., et surl'Empereur Napo- leon I. Paris, 1862. 8° Ohoisy. Story, J. P. Choix de petits drames et de contes. Berquin, A. Choix d'un nom, Le. Soulie, M. F. {In (Eu- vres, V. 40.) Cholera — Bell, J. B. Homoeopathic therapeutics of. Bourne, G. M. Prevention and cure of. {In Pamphlets, v. 24.) BtTRRALL, F. A. Asiatic. Epidemic cholera : its mission and mystery, haunts and havocs, pathology and treatment. N. Y. 1866. IT. Johnson, G. Notes on cholera : its nature and its treatment. JosLiN, B, F. Homoeopathic treatment of epidemic. Chopin, Frederick (1810-1849). Liszt, F. Life of. Tr. by Martha Walker Cook. Phil. 1863. 16^ Chopin, J. N. (6. 1800). Russie. Paris, 1838. 2 V. 8° Chorley, Henry F. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans; with illustrations of her literary character from her private correspondence. Choron, Alexandre, et Fayolle, F. Diction- naire historique des musiciens, artistes, et amateurs, morts et vivans ; precede d'un sommaire de I'histoire de la musique. Paris, 1817. 2 V. IT Chouans, Les. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 27.) Choules, John Overton (1801-1856). Cruise of the steam yacht North Star : narrative of the excursion of Mr. Vanderbilt's party to England, France, Malta, Madeira, Italy, Turkey, etc. Bost. 1854. VT. Young Americans abroad ; or, vacation in Eu- rope. Bost. 1852. 16= Chris and Otho. Smith, J. P. Chrisna, queen of the Danube. Bonniface, J. X. Christ, Jesus — Abbott, L. Jesus of Nazareth : his life and teachings, founded on the four gospels. De- signs by Dor6 and others. N. Y. 1869. 8? BjiECHER, H. W. Life of Jesus the Christ, N. Y. 1871. 8° Brooke, S. A. Christ in modern life. N. Y. 1872. \T Buck, D. D. Closing scenes in the life of Christ. Phil. 1869. 12? Burt, N. C. Hours among the gospels ; or, wayside truths from the life of our Lord. Phil. 1865. 12? Bushnell, H. God in Christ: three dis- courses, with a preliminary dissertation on language. Hartford, Conn., 1849. \T EccE Deus-homo ; or, the work and kingdom of Christ of the scriptures. Phil . 1868 . IT Ellicott, C. J. Historical lectures on the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, with notes, critical, historical, and explanatory. [Hul- sean lectures for 1859.] Bost. 1862. 12? Examination of Canon Liddon's Bampton lectures on the divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By a clergyman of the church of England. Fleetwood, J. Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Leipsic and Dresden, n.d. 4? FuRNKSS, W. H. History of Jesus. Bost. 1851. 12? — Jesus. Phil. 1871. 12? — Veil partly lifted, and Jesus becoming visible. Bost. 1864. 12? Giles, C. Incarnation, atonement, and media- tion of our Lord Jesus Christ, {bth ed.) Phil. 1873. 12? Gilmore, J. R. Life of Jesus, according to his original biographers. Bost. 1867. 12? Harris, J. Great teacher : characteristics of our Lord's ministry. 15th ed., with intro- ductory essay, by Heman Humphrey. Bost. 1853. 12? Jesus, the messiah. Lond. 1872. 12? Jesus - Saviour : meditations for Christian comfort. Lond. 1872. 12? Klopstock, F. G. Messiah, The : descriptive of the principal events attending the passion and crucifixion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Tr. by F. Shoberl. Lond. n.d. 12? Krummacher, F. W. Risen Redeemer : the gospel history, from the resurrection to the day of Pentecost. Tr. by J. T. Betts. N. Y. 1863. 12? Magoon, E. L. Republican Christianity; or, true liberty, as exhibited in the life, pre- cepts, and early disciples of the great Re- deemer. Bost.'l850. 12? Mi;LLER, F. M. Christ and other masters. {In /lis Chips, v. 1.) NoTT, E. Resurrection of Christ : a series of discourses. Introduction and notes, by Tay- lor Lewis. N. Y. 1872. 12? Parker, J. Ecce Deus : life and doctrines of Jesus Christ, with controversial notes on 'Ecce homo.' Bost. 1867. 12? Parsons, T. Deus-homo : God-man. ChiT cago, 1867. 12? (2 cop.) CHRIST 166 CHRISTIANITY Christ {continued) — Plumptre, E. H. Christ and Christendom. (Boyle lectures for the year 1866.) Lond. 1867. 8° Pressens^, E. de. Jesus Christ : his times, life, and work. Lond. 1866. 8° PusEY, E. B. Sermons. Kambach, J. Meditations and contempla- tions on the sufferings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Lond. 1763. 2 v. 12? Ren AN, (J.) E. J&us. Paris, 1864. 12° — Life of Jesus. Tr. by C. E. Wilbour. N. Y. 1864. 12° {2 cop.) ScHENKEL, D. Character of Jesus portrayed : a biblical essay. Tr. from the 3d Ger. ed., with introduction and notes, by W. H. Eur- ness. Bost. 1866. 2 v. 12° Scott, T. English life of Jesus. Lond. 1872. 12° Scott, W. A. The Christ of the apostles' creed. The voice against Arianism, Strauss, and Renan. With an appendix. N. Y. 1867. 8° Seeley, J. R. Ecce homo : a survey of the life and works of. Bost. 1866. 12° Sherlock, T. Trial of witnesses of the resur- rection of Jesus. [In Works, v. 5.) Strauss, D. F. Life of Jesus, critically ex- amined. Tr. from 4th Ger. ed., by Marian Evans. N. Y. 1860. 2 v. 8° Taylor, J. Life of. {In Works, v. 1.) Thompson, J. P. Theology of Christ, from his own words. N. Y. 1870. 12° TowNSEND, L. T. God-man : search and manifestation. Bost. 1872. 12° (2 cop.) Trench, R. C. Christ the desire of all na- tions. {In Hulsean lectures.) — Sermons on. Uhlhorn, G. Modern representations of the life of Jesus : four discourses, delivered be- fore the evangelical union at Hanover, Ger- many. Tr. from the 3d Ger. ed., by C. E. Grinnell. Bost. 1868. 16"? Vaughan, C. J. Christ the light of the world. Lond. and N. Y. 1865. 16° Veith, J. E. Words of the enemies of Christ during the sacred passion. Tr. from the Ger. by Dr. Edward Cox. Lond. 1855. 12° Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Relation du Gou- verneur Pilate touchant J^sus Christ. {In QCuvres completes, v. 6.) Young, J. The Christ of history. N. Y. 1870. 12° See also Christianity ; Gospels ; Mary ; Mira- cles. ChristabeL Coleridge, S. T. {In Poet, and dr. works, v. 1.) Christian advices. See Friends, Society of. Christian art and symbolism. Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian ballads and poems. Coxe, A. C. Christian commission. See United States (war of 1861-5). Christian essays. Wilks, S. C. Christian ethics. Alden, J. Christian heari-songs : a collection of solos, quartetts, and choruses. Zundel, J. Christian iconography. Didron, A. N. Christian lammfell. Holtei, K. von. {In Erzahlende schrifteu, v. 13-17.) Christian library, The : a weekly republication of popular religious works. V. 1 (1834). N. Y. 1835. 4° Christian memorials of the war. Hackett, H. B. Christian morals. Browne, /Sw-T. (In Works, V. 3.) Christian nurture. Bushnell, H. Christian philosopher. Dick, T. (In Works, v 2.) Christiansingers of Germany. Winkworth, C. Christian theism. By author of 'Inquiry con- cerning the origin of Christianity.' Lond. 1839. Christian vagabond, The. Jerrold, W. B. Christian worker, The. Beach, C. F. Christian year. The. Keble, J. Christian's daily treasury. Temple, E. Christian's mistake. Craik, D. (M.) M. Christiancy, I. P. Address to the graduating class of the law department of the university of Michigan, delivered March 28, 1860. De- troit, 1860. (In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 3.) Christianity — Evidences: Alexander, A. Evidences of. Barnes, A. Lectures on the evidences of Christianity in the xix. century. Brownson, 0. A. New views of. Cooper, T. Bridge of history over the gulf of time. Erskine, T. Remarks on the internal evi- dence for the truth of revealed religion. Greenleaf, S. Examination of the testi- mony of the four evangelists by the rules of evidence administered in the courts of jus- tice. Gregory, O. Letters on. GuizoT, F. P. G. Meditations on the essence of. GuRNEY, J. J. Four lectures on the evi- dences of. More, H. Mystery of iniquity. Pt. i., im- partial delineation of anti-Christianism. Palfrey, J. G. Lowell lectures on the evi- dences of. Peck, J. T. Central idea of. Rawlinson, G. Historical evidences of the truth of the scripture records stated anew. (Bampton lectures for 1859.) Rogers, J. Necessity of divine revelation and the truth of Christian revelation as- serted. Ulmann, C. Worship of genius. History, etc.: Abbey, R. City of God and the church- makers : an examination into structural. Addison, J. On the Christian religion. {In Works, V. 5.) Arnold, T. Sermons. Augustine {St.). Confessions. Chat^eaubriand, R. F. a. de. Beauties of. — Etudes ou discours historiques sur la chute de 1 'empire Romain. — Genie du Christianisme, Le. — Naissance et les progres du Christianisme. Child, L. M. Progress of religious ideas. Clarke, J. F. Steps of belief. Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek plii- losophy. CHRISTIANITY 167 CHRISTOPHER Christianity {continued) — Ewer, F. C. Relationship between masonry and. {In Pamphlets, v. 7.) Parrar, a. S. Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion. Fuller, A. Works. GuizoT, F. P. G. , Meditations on the actual state of. Hague, W. Christianity and statesmanship; with kindred topics. Hall, J. Questions of the day. Hennell, C. C. Inquiry concerning the or- igin of. Hue, E. R. {Abb?). Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet. Irons, W. J. Christianity as taught by St. . Paul. KiNGSLEY, C. Good news of God. Life of God in the soul of man ; or, the nature and excellency of the Christian religion. Locke, J. Reasonableness and vindication of. (/». Works, V. 7.) M'Caul, J. B. Sunday reflections on current topics. M'CosH, J. Christianity and positivism. McWhorter, G. C. Church essays. Magoon, E. L. Republican. Maurice, F. D. Ground and object of hope for mankind. MiLMAN, H. H. History of Christianity, from the birth of Christ to the abolition of pagan- ism in the Roman empire. Modern Christianity. MoRNAY, P. de. Verity de la religion Chr^- tienne contre les ath6es, epicuriens, payens, Juifs, Muhamidistes et autres infideles, La. Nbale, E. Closing scene, The. Neander, a. J, W. General history of the Christian religion and church. — History of the planting and training of the Christian church bj-^ the apostles. — Memorials of Christian life in the early and middle ages. Newcomb, H. Christianity demonstrated. Newman, J. H. Primitive. (In Hist, sketch- es.) Paley, W. Evidences of. {In Works.) Palgrave, W. G. Essays on eastern ques- tions. Peabody, a. p. Christianitythe religion of nature. Plumptre, E. H. Theology and life. (Ser- mons.) Power, P. B. 'I will.' Prater, H. Letters to the American people on Christianity and the sabbath. Pressensk, E. de. Early years of. Priestley, J. Views of Christian truth, piety, and morality. Eapin,P. Esprit du Christianisme. (Jn (Eu- vres, v. 3.) Robertson, F. W. Sermons preached at Brighton. Russell, J. E. Rise and progress of the Chris- tian religion in the west of Europe, from the reign of Tiberius to the end of the council of Trent. Seebohm, F. Oxford reformers. Shedd, W. G. T. History of Christian doc- trine. Christianity {continued) — Smith, S. Credibility of Christian religion. Statham, F. R. From old to new. Strauss, D. F. Old faith and the new. Stuart-Glennie, J. S. In the morning- land. Swift, J. Argument against abolishing. {In Works, V. 5.) Taylor, R. Diegesis, The. Tolland, J. Christianity not mysterious [1696]. TowNLEY, R. Christianity in the xix. cent- ury. (Sermon.) {In Pamphlets, v. 1.) Venn, H. Complete duty of man. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de I'^ta- blissement du Christianisme. {In (Euvre« completes, v. 6.) Whately, R. General view of the rise, prog- ress, and corruptions of. {In Encycl. Brit., 8thed., V. 1.) YoNGE, Miss C. M. Pupils of St. John the divine. ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. Geschichtliche darstel- lung der ausbreitung des Christen thums. {In Ges. schriften, v. 30.) Christie, W. D. Memoirs, letters, and speech- es of Anthony Ashley Cooper, first earl of Shaftesbury ; with other papers, illustrating his life. Christie Johnstone. Reade, C. Christie's faith. Robinson, F. W. Christina, Leonora. See Ulfeldt, L. C. Christina North. Archer, E. M. Christine, reine de Suede. Cousin, V. Aris- tocratie, L'. {In Soci^t^ Fran<;aise au xvii. siecle, v. 1.) Christine a Fontainebleau. Soulie, M. F. {In GCuvres, v. 34.) Christine van Amberg. Arbouville, S. de B. {In Tales.) Christison, Robert. Treatise on poisons in rela- tion to medical jurisprudence, physiology, and the practice of physic, {ith ed.) Edin. 1845. 8° Christmas and Rome. Hale,E.E. (In Christ- mas-eve and Christmas-day.) Christmas banquet. Hawthorne, N. {In Good stories, v. 3.) Christmas book. Hervey, T. K. Christmas carol in prose. Dickens, C. (J. H.) {In Miscellanies.) Christmas-eve and Christmas-day. Hale, E. E. Christmas gift. Adams, W. T. Christmas guest. Southworth, E. D. E. N., and Baden, F. H. Christmas holydays in Rome. Kip, W. I. Christmas in the West Indies. Kingsley, C. Christmas is coming, etc. Morehead, Jj. M. Christmas island. Cook, J. Discovery, with account of [1777]. {In Voy., v. 2, bk. iii.) Christmas-tide : its history, festivities, and car- ols. Sandys, W. Christmas waits in Boston. Hale, E. E. {In Christmas-eve and Christmas-day.) Christmas with the baron. {In Good stories, t, 3.) Christopher, R. L. California state book of prac- tical forms adapted to the state of Cal. S. F. 1853. 16° {In Pamphlets, v. 5.) CHRISTOPHER 168 CHURCH Christopher Kenrick. Hatton, J. Christopher Snub. Jerkold, D. CW.) Ohristus. Longfellow, H. W. Chromatography. Field, G. See also Colors and coloring. Chronicle of Fernan Gonzalez. Irving, "W. {In his Spanish papers, v. 1.) Chronicle of Fernando the saint. Irving, "W. (In his Spanish pax)ers, v. 1.) Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicles of Carlingford . Oliph ant, M . O.W. Chronicles of Clovernook. Jerrold, D. (W.) Chronicles of Gotham. Book first. White, R. G. Chronicles of the Canongate. Scott, (Sir W. Chronicles of the Schonberg- Cotta family. Charles, Mrs. E. R. Chroniques de L'oeil-de-bceuf. Touch ard-La- rossE, G. Chroniques populaires du Berry. Vermond, P. Chronology — Ann ales antiquitatis : chronological tables of ancient history. Apocalyptic gnomon. Blair, J. Chronological tables. Book of dates ; or, treasury of universal refer- ence. Hardie, J. American remembrancer, and universal tablet of memory. Hawes, S. Synchronology of the principal events in sacred and profane history. Haydn, J. Dictionary of dates. HowLETT, J. H. Metrical. Martin, F. Statesman's year-book. Munsell, J. Every-day book of history and. Nicolas, Sir N. H. Chronology of history. Putnam, G. P. World's progress, The : a dictionary of dates. Smith, J. T. Comparative view of ancient history ; with observations on chronological eras. Woodward, B. B., and Gates, W. L. R. Encyclopaedia of. See. also History. Chronos, mother earth's biography. Wood,W. Chrysanthius. Diogenes LaIdrtius. Life of. [By Eunapiu?.] (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Chrysippus (280-207 b.c). Diogenes Laer- Tius. Life of. [In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. [Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth.' Chrysostomus, Joannes (Saint), (350-407?). Opera selecta. {Gr. et Lat.) Emendavit Fred. Dubner. Paris, 1861. 8° Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Macgilvray, W. John of the golden mouth, preacher of Antioch and primate of Constan- tinople. Lond. 1871. 12° Chubb, Thomas (1679-1746). Collection of tracts on various subjects. Lond. : Printed for the author, 1730. 4° Chunder, Bholanauth. Travels of a Hindoo to various parts of Bengal and upper India. Introduction, by J. T. Wheeler. Lond. 1869. 2v. 12° Church, A. Discourse before the Georgia hist. soc, 6th anniversary, Feb. 12, 1845. {In Pamphlets, v. 14.) Church, Alfred, and Brodribb, W. J. {Eds.) Pliny's letters. Phil. 1872. 12° [Ancient class, for Eng. readers.] Church, Mrs. Ross (Florence Marryat). Captain Norton's diary; and other stories. Phil. 1870, 8? (2 cop.) Contents : Baron's coffln, The. 1 Dowager countess. Bit of Tuscan Jife in xvn. | Glamour. century. I I'nder the circumstances. Captain Norton's diary. | Waiting : a poem. — Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. Bost. 1867. 8° (2 cop.) Girls of Feversham, The. Bost. n.d. 8° (2 cop.) Her lord and master. N. Y. 1871. 8° (4 cop.) Life and letters of Capt. Marryat. Love's conflict. Bost. n.d. 8° Nelly' Brooke. Bost. n.d. 8° (4 cop.) PoisoNof asps, The. N.Y. 1871. 8° (icop.) Prey of the gods. The. N. Y. 1871. 8° (12 cop.) Too good for him. Bost. n.d. 8° Woman against woman. Bost. n.d. 81 (2 cop.) Church (the)— Arnold, T. Fragment on the. Bede, the venerable. Ecclesiastical history of England. Beecher, T. K. Our seven churches. Brownson, O. a. New views of the. Butler, C. M. Ecclesiastical history. First ser., from i. to xiii. century ; second ser., from XIII. to XIX. century. Coleman, L. Apostolical and primitive. DoRAN, J. Saints and sinners ; or, in church and about it. Eadie, J. Ecclesiastical cyclopaedia. EccE ecclesia : identity of the church in all ages. Ecclesia Dei. Ecclesiastical reform. EusEBius Pamphilius. Ecclesiastical his- tory. GiESELER, J. C. L. Text-book of church his- tory. Goodrich, C. A. Outlines of ecclesiastical history. Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. Bilder aus der geschichte der kirche. Harris, J. Great commission. Hobbes, T. True ecclesiastical history, from Moses to the time of Martin Luther, in verse. Howard, L. Books of Ecclesiasticus and Wisdom. Jervis, W. H. History of the church of France (1516-1798). Jones, J. Ecclesiastical researches. — Sequel to 'Ecclesiastical researches.' L. , H. L. Story of four centuries. Lea, H. C. Sacerdotal celibacy in the Chris- tian. Ludlow, J. M. Woman's work in the. McClintock, J., flr7i«? Strong, J. Cyclopaedia. McElhinney, J. J. Doctrine of the. Mahan, M. Church history of the first three centuries. CHURCH 169 CHURCHILL, Church (the) (continued) — Mathkk, C. Magnalia Christi Americana. Mekcier, J. Our mother church. MiDDLETON, C. Free inquiry into the mirac- ulous powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian. Milton, J. Likeliest means to remove hire- lings out of the. (In Prose works, v. 2.) — Reason of church government argued against prelaty. (In Prose works, v. 1.) — Reformation touching church discipline in England. (In Prose works, v. 1.) McsHEiM, J. L. von. Institutes of ecclesias- tical history. Neakder, a. J. W. History of the Chris- tian religion and. — History of the planting and training of the Christian. Robinson, S. Church of God as an essential element of the gospel. ScHAFF, P. History of the apostolic. — History of the Christian church [1-311]. Scott, W. A. Church in the army ; or, the four centurions. Skeats, H. S. History of the free churches of England, from 1688 to 1851. Stanley, A. P. History of the church of Scotland. — Lectures on the history of the eastern . Stanton, R. L. Church and the rebellion. Stebbing, H. History of the Christian. Tristram, H. B. Seven golden candlesticks. Welsh, W. "Women helpers ih the. Wilson, Mrs. C. Listener in Oxford. iSee also — Ante-Nicene Chr. lib. Apostles. Christianity. Church and state. Church of England. Reformation. Religion. Also the names of churches, denominations, and sects. Church and state — CoLERiBGE, S. T. Essay on church and state; and lay sermons. Lond. 1839. .Hyde, E. (Earl Clarendon). History of the rebellion and civil wars in England. Mill, J. S. Right and wrong of state inter- ference with corporation and church prop- erty. (Jn Dissertations and discussions, v. 1.) Same. (In Jurist, The, Feb. 1833.) Stanley, A. P. Essays on. Thompson, J, P. Church and state in U. S. Church of England— Blunt, J. H. Reformation of the. Browne, E. H. Exposition of the thirty- nine articles. Burnet, G. History ofthe reformation of the. CoxE, A. C. Criterion, The. Jacob, G. A. Ecclesiastical polity of the new testament. Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy [69()-1141]. PxjSEY, E. B. Eirenicon, The. Sandford, J. Mission and extension of the church at home. (Bampton lectures for 1861.) Short, T. V. History of church of England to the revolution, 1688. See also Protestant Episcopal church ; Puri- tans. Church of Scotland (Episcopal). Lawson, J. P. History of, from the reformation to present time, 1843. Church property bill. Brooks, E. Controversy between E. Brooks and John Hughes, arch- bishop of N. Y., on the church property bill, 1855. (In Pamphlets, v. 1.) Churches. See Architecture; and the names of churches. Churchill, Awnsham and J. Collection of voy- ages and travels, some now first printed from original mss., others now first published in English. To which is prefixed an introduc- tory discourse (supposed to be written by the celebrated Mr. Locke), entitled ' The whole history of navigation, from its origi- nal to the present time.' Hlustrated with near 300 maps and cuts, curiously engraved on copper. (Sd. ed.) Lond. 1744. 6 v. 4° Contents : Account of 42 persons who perished by shipwreck, 1646, near Spitzbergen, v. 2. Africa, Account of the rise and progress of our trade in, v. 5. Angelo, M. and Carli D. de : Voyage to Congo, l(!66-7, V. L Baclihoff, F. J. : Voyage into China, 1654. v. 2. Baldaeus, P. : Description of the coasts of Malabar and Coronnande), isle of Ceylon, and also the idolatry of the East India pagans, v. ."!. Barbot, ,T. : Description of the coasts of north and south Guinea, of lower Ethiopia, and a voyage to Congo river, v. 5. Baron, S.: Description of Tonqneen, v. 6. Baumgarten, M. : Travels in Egyptand Nubia, v. L Beauplan, G. le V. de : Description of Ukraine, v. 1. Bolland,K. : Draught of the straeights of Gibralter, V.4. Bombay, Some reasons for the unhealthfulness of, V. 6. Borri, C. : Account of Cochin-China, v. 2. Brewer, H., and Herckeman, Elias : Voyage to the coast of Chili, ir>42-3,v. I. Candidus, G. : Account of the island Formosa, and remarks upon Japan, v. 1. Columbus, C: Life; with a history of his discovery of the West Indies, by his son, D. Ferdinand Co- lumbus, V. 2. Everard. R. : Sufferings on a voyage to India, 1686-9, V. 6. Gatombe, J. : Voyage to the north-west passage, 1612, V. 6. Gemelli-Careri: Travels through Europe, 1686; voy- age to Turkey, Prussia, China, Philippine islands, and New Spain, v. 4. Greaves, John : Description of the pyramids; also, a discourse on Roman foot and denarius, v. 2. Hamel, J. : Account of the shipwreck of a Dutch vessel, 1653, V. 4. Herrera, A. de : Observations and discoveries of America by Europeans; description of the Cari- bee islands, etc., v. 5. James, T. : Voyage for discovery of north-west, and passage into the south sea, 16.31-2, v. 2. Journal kept by 7 sailors in Greenland, 16.'?,3-4, v. 2. Journal kept by 7 sailors in Spitzbergen, 163.3-4, v. 2. Lord, H. : Discovery of theBanian religion and the religion of the Persees, v. 6. May, C. : Wonderful preservation of ship Terra Nova, 1688, v. 6. Merini, J. B. : Journey to the mines of Hungary, 1615, V. 4. MeroUa da Sorrento, Jerome : Voyage to Congo, 1682, V. 1. Mocha, Account of the king of, v. 6. Monck, J. : Memoirs concerning old and new Green- land, v. 1. Monson, Sir W. : Naval tracts, v. 3. Navarrette, D. T. : Account of China ; and also his travels, v. 1, 6. Navigation, History of, v. 1. Nieuhoff, J. : Travels to Brasil, 1640^7; travels In the East Indies, 165;j-72, v. 2. Norwood, R. : Voyage to Virginia, 1649, v. 6. Ovalle, A. de : Historycal relation of Chili, v. 3. Pelham, E. : Preservation of 8 men in Greenland, 1630, v. 4. Peyrere, J. de la : Account of Iseland and of Greenland, v. 2. Phillips, T. : Journal of a voyage to Africa andBar- badoes, 1693-4, v. 6. Rhyne, W. T. : Account of cape of Good Hope, v. 4. Roe, Sir T. : Journal of a voyage in India, 1614-15, V. 1. CHURCHILL 170 CICERO Ohurcllill {continued) — Kolamb, N. : Journey to Constantinople, 1656-8, v. 5. 8epp, A.,and Behme, A. : Voyage from Spain to Paraquarla, 1691, v. 5. Skippon. P. : Journey through the lower countries or Germany, Italy, and France, 1663, v. fi. Smith, J. : Travels and adventures, 1593-1629, v. 2. Solomon island. Discovery of, v. 4. Techo, N. del : History of Paraguay, Tucuman, Rio de la Plata, Parana, Guaira, Urvaiea, and Chili, V. 6. W— , M. J. : Mosquito kingdom in America, v. 6. Wagner, J. : Voyage into China, v. 2. Churchill, Charles (1781-1764). Poetical works ; with notes and a life of the author, by W. Tooke. Bost. 1854. 3 v. 12^ Contents . Candidate, The, v. 3. Duelist, The, v. 2. Epistle to \V. Hogarth, v. 1. Ghost, The, v. 2. Gotham, v. 2. Life of C. Churchill, v. 1. Miscellaneous poems, v. 3. Prophecy of famine, The, v. Rosciad, The, v. 1. — Rosciad, The. {In Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1.) FoRSTER, J. Historical and biog. essays. Churchill, Charles Henry. Mount Lebanon : a ten years' residence, from 1842 to 1852, de- scribing the manners, customs, and religion of its inhabitants ; with a full account of the Druse religion, and containing historical rec- ords of the mountain tribes. (Zd ed.) Lond. 1853-62. 4 V. 8^ Churchill, Frank. Taking by storm. (Sketch.) Lacy's Plays, v. 6. Churchill, Henry George. Puttyput's prot%^e ; or, road, rail, and river. A story, in three books. Lond. 1872. 12° Churchill, John. See Churchill, A. and J. Churchman's manual. Dorr, B. Churchyard, Thomas. See Lives of English poets, v. 2. Churton, Edward. Railroad book of England, The ; with a brief sketch of the lines in Scotland and Wales. Lond. 1851. 8° Chute d'un ange. La. Lamartine, A. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 16.) Chutes de Phadton, Les. Moleri, J. D. {In Petits drames bourgeois.) Chynoweth, W. Harris. Fall of Maximilian, late emperor of Mexico. Lond. 1872. S°. Cibber, Caius Gabriel (1630-1700 ?). Cunning- ham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most emi- nent Br. painters and sculptors, v. 3.) H. F. lib., V. 19. Cibber, Colley (1671-1757). Dramatic works. Lond. 1760. 4 v. 12° Contents : Careless husband, The : com., V. 2. Comical lovers, The: com., V. 3. Double gallant, The: com., V. 3. Lady'slaststake,The: com., V. 2. Love in a riddle : pastoral, V. 4. Love makes a man: com., V. 1. Love's last shift : com., v. 1. Non-juror, The: com., v. .3. Papal tyranny : trag., v. 4. Provok'd husband, The: com., V. 4. Refusal, The: com., v. 4. Richard in. : trag., v. 2. Rival fools, The : com., v. 2. She wou'd and she wou'd not: com., v. 1. Women's wit: com., v. 1. Ximena: trag., v. 3. — Careless husband. The. Br. dr., v. 2, Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 11. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 9. Love makes a man; or, the fop's fortune. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 12. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 9. She wou'd and she wou'd not. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 11. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 9. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 22, Cibber {continued) — Ximena. Br. dr., v. 2. See also Autobiographj', v. 1 ; Lives of English dramatists ; Vanbrugh, J. Cibola (Mex.) — Castenada de Naoera, P. Relation du voy- age de Cibola en 1540. {In Ternaux-Com- pans's Voy., v. 9.) Corona DO, F. V. di. Voyage from Cibola, in New Spain, to the western ocean, 1540. {In Hakluyt's Coll. voy., v. 3.) Kizza, M. da. Voyage from Culican to Ci- bola [1539]. (rnHakluyt'sColl.voy.,v. 3.) Simpson, J. H. Coronado's march in search of the seven cities of Cibola, and di.«cussion of their probable location. {In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B.C.). "Works. Tr. by Duncan, Cockman, and Melmoth. N. Y. n.d. 3 V. 16° Bohn's Class, lib. Contents : Cato ; or, essay on old age [Melmoth! , v. 3. Laelius ; or, essay on friendship LMelmoth], v. 3. Offices, The [Cockman], v. 3. Orations [Duncan], v. 1, 2. Academic questions : de finibus, and Tuscu- lan disputations. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Lond. 1853. 12° Bohn's Class, lib. De officiorum libri tres: de amicitia, de senec- tute, de paradoxa. {n.t.p.) 8° Five books de finibus ; or, concerning the last object of desire and aversion. Done into English, by S. P., gent. Lond. 1703. 12° Immortality of the soul ; or, quaestionum Tusculanarum. "With notes and appendix, Andover, Mass., 1833. 16° Ex. ed. Jo. Aug. Ernesti. 16 V. 8? Valpy's Script. by M. Stuart. Libri rhetorici. Londini, 1830. Lat. Contents ; Academicse quaestiones, v. 13. Claris oratoribus, De, v. 3. Ccelii epistolse ad Ciceronem, V. 11. Commentarlus Ragazonii in epistolas Ciceronis, v. 13. Elenchus alphabeticus, v. 1. 4, 13. Episfolse ad diversos, v. 11. Finibus (De) bonorum et ma- lorum, v. 13. Fragmenta ex orationibus, V.9. Historia, v. 1. Incerti auctoris rhetorico- rumadC. Herennlum.v. 1. Index, V. 16. Lege agraria, De (oratio). v. 6. ♦ Natura deorum, De, v. 14. 15. Notae variorum, v. 4, 10, 12, 13, 15. Notitia literarlade Cicerone, v. 15. Officils, De, v. 15. Optimo genere oratorum, De, v. 3. Oratio C. Salustii Crispi in Ciceronem, v. 9. Orationes, v. 4-9. Orationum chronologia,v. 4. Orator ad Marcum Brutum, v. 3. Pace, De, v. 9. Partitione oratoria, De, v. 3. Philippicse in M. Antonlum, V. 9. Populum et equites Roma- num. Ad, V. 9. Proemium C. G. Schutzii, v. 1. Recensus editionum, v. 15. Rheloricorum, seu de In- ventione de oratore, v..2,3. Rheloricorum, seu de In- ventione rhetorica, v. 2. Testlmonia, v. 1. Topicaad C. Trebatium, v. 3. Tusculance quawtiones, v. 14. — Nature of the gods ; with notes, by Thomas Francklin. To which is added an inquiry into the astronomy and anatomy of the an- cients. Lond. 1829. 8? Oratio pro A. Cluentio Avito ad judices. Edidit E. A. Johnson. N. Y. 1844. 16° Orationes. Tr. byReinholdKlotz. Leipzig, 1856. 3 V. 16° Orations. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Lond. 1852. 4 V. 12? Bohn's Class, lib. Orationum pro Tullio, in Clodium pro Scauro pro.Flacco, ex membranis palimpsestis in CICERO 171 CITY Oicero {continued) — lucem revocatas et antiqui scholiastae reli- quias edidit E. C. d' Engelbronner. Rotter- dam, 1830. 12° Oratory and orators ; with his letters to Quintus and Brutus. Tr. by J. S. Watson. Lond. 1855. 12° Bohn's Class, lib. Political works ; comprising a treatise on the republic, and his treatise on the laws. Tr. from the Latin, by Fr. Barhani. Lond. 1841. 2v. 8° Three books of offices ; or, moral duties. Tr. by C. E. Edmonds. Lond. 1870. 12° Treatises on the nature of the gods ; on divination, on fate, on the republic, on the laws, and on standing lor the consulship. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Lond. 1858. 12° Srmie. Lond. 1868. 12° Bohn's Class, lib. TuscuLAN disputations, The. Tr. from the Latin. Lond. 1851. 12° TuscxJLAN questions, The. Tr. by G. A. Otis. Bost. 1839. 12? Contents : Alleviation of sorrow. I Perturbations. Bearing pain. Virtue sufficient for happi- Contempt of death. | ness. — De Quincey, T. Historical and critical es- says. FoRSYTH,W. Life of. N.Y.1865. 2 v. 12° Lamartine, a. de. Vie de Ciceron. (In (Euvres completes, v. 34.) Life and works of. Containing life of Cicero, by Dr. Middleton ; Cicero's letters to Atti- cus, tr. by Dr. Heberden ; Cicero's letters to several of his friends, tr. by W. Melmoth. Lond. 1854. 8° Middleton, C. History of the life of. Lond. 1839. 8° Newman, J. H. History of Eoman litera- ture. — Sketch of. (In Historical sketches.) Plutakchus. Life of. (In Lives.) — "Vie de. (Par A. Feillet.) (In Vies des Remains illustres.) — Vita. (Gr. et Lat.) (In Vitse, v. 2.) Rapin, p. Comparaisons des grands hommes de I'antiquite. (In (Euvres, v. 1.) Villemain, a. F. Critical review. (In CEu- vres, V. 7.) — Republique de, La. (In (Euvres, v. 12.) Cicerone, The ; or, art-guide to painting in Italy. BURCKHARDT, .J. Oiceronianism. Smedley, E. (In his Hist. Rom. lit.) Cid, The— Villemain, A. F. Romancero de. (In (Euvres, v. 6.) SouTHEY, R. Chronicle of the. Cider. Feuchtwanger,L. Fermented liquors. Ciencia de la legislacion. Filangieri, G. Cilicia. Barker, W. B. Lares and penates ; or, Cilicia and its governors. Cimon (500-449 b.c). Nepos, C. Vita. (In Vitae excell. imper., v. 1.) Plutarchus. Vita. (Gr. et Lat.) (Jw Vitse, v.l.) Cinchona. Four pamphlets on. [ Bound. ] Lond. 1861-5. 8° Contents : Cross, R. : Report to the under-sec. of state for India, on the Pitayo chincona. Cinchona (continued) — Karsten, H. : Notes on the medicinal chincona barks of New Granada. Markham, C. R. : Memorandum on Dr. Anderson's report on the Introduction of the chincona into India. Poeppig, E. : Notes on the chincona-trees of Hua- nuco (in Peru). Spruce, R. : Report on the expedition to procure seeds and plants of the chincona succlrubra, or red bark tree. Cincinnati (Ohio) — Annual reports of the trustees and visitors of common schools to the city council of: June, 1833, to July, 1848. 12° Arguments in the superior court of Cincin- nati, in the case of John D. Minor et al. versus the board of education of the citA'' of Cincinnati et al. ; with the opinions and de- cision of the court. Directory for 1856. Cin. 1856. 8? Same. For 1869. Cin. 1869. 8° Same. For 1870. Cin. 1870. 8° Same. For 1872. Cin. 1872. 8° Mayor's message, inaugural, and reports of city departments of the city of Cincinnati. Cin. 1861. 8° Memorial of the citizens of Cincinnati to the congress of U. S., relative to the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Cin. 1844. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 6, 17.) Public library. Annual report for the year 1867 ; with rules, by-laws, etc. 8° Same. (Sixth.) June, 1873. 8? — Catalogue. Cin. 1871. 8° Young men's mercantile library association. Annual reports, 1854-71. 8° [1855, 1857- 60, 1867 missing.] Cinnabar. Yelverton, T. Borneo cinnabar mines. (In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Cinq-Mars. Vigny, A. de. Cinthio, Giovambattista Giroldo. Novels. (In Roscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 2.) Cipher. Austin, Miss J. G. Circassia — Harvey, Mrs. — . Turkish harem and Cir- cassian homes. Marigny, T. de. Three voyages in the Black sea. See also Caucasus. Circe ; or, three acts in life of an artist. White, B. Circe de Paris, La. Mery, J. (In (Euvres, v. 41.) Circumnavigation of the globe, Historical ac- count of, and of the progress of discovery in the Pacific ocean, from the voyage of Magel- lan to the death of Cook. N. Y. 1845. 16° H. F. lib., V. 82. See also Voyages (collections). Cities — BucKE, C. Ruins of ancient. Scott, W. A. Influence of great. (In Pam- phlets, V. 14.) Citizen of the world. Goldsmith, O. Citoyen Schneider, Le. Erckmann-Chatrian. Citoyenne Jacqueline. Tytler, S. City architecture. Field, M. City missions. Boston city missionary society, annual reports, 1860, 1867-9 ; New York city mission and tract society, 39th, 42d, and 43d annual reports, and 43d annual re- port of the female branch. [Bound pam- phlets, 8°] CITY 172 CLARK City of God and the church-makers. Abbey, K. City of rum. Onyx, Mr. (pseud.). City of the great King. Barclay, J. T. City of the saints. Burton, K. F. City's heart. The. By a daughter of New York. N. Y. 1866. 12° Civil costume of England. Martin, C. Civil engineer and architect's journal. V. 1 (Oct. 1837) to 12 (1849). Lond. 12 v. in 6. 4° Same. V. 13 (1850) to 30 (1867). Lond. 18 V. 4° Civil engineering. See Engineering. Civil policy of America. Draper, J. W. Civil service examiners. Keport of the board of civil service examiners for the treasury de- partment. Oivilisateurs et conqu^rants. Lamaetine, A. DE. (In (Euvres coihpletes, v. 51, 52.) Contents : Catherine n., V. 52. I P6ricI6s, v. 51. Fables de I'lnde, Les, v. 51. Pierre le grrand, v. 51. Michel Ange, v. 51. Solon, v. 51. Murat, V. 52. | Civilisations inconnues, Les. Comettant, 0. Civilization — Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in En- gland. GuizoT, F. P. G. Histoire de la civilisation en Europe depuis la chute de I'empire Ro- main jusqu'a la revolution Fran9aise. — History of civilization, from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution. Lubbock, Sir J. Origin of. Mill, J. S. Essay on. {In Dissertations and discussions, v. 1.) Same. {In Westminster review, April, 1836.) Prophecy of the extinction of the Christian. {Ifi Prometheus in Atlantis.) Spencer, H. Illustrations of universal prog- ress. Theory of human progression. Tylor, E. B. Early history of mankind, and the development of. — Researches into the early history of man- kind, etc. "Wachsmuth, W. Allgemeine culturgeschi- chte. Civilized America. Grattan, T. C. Clacy, 3f>s. Charles. Lady's visit to the gold diggings of Australia in 1852-3 ; written on the spot. Lond. 1853. 12° Lights and shadows of Australian life. Lond. 1854. 2 V. 12° Claiborne, John F. H. Life and letters of J. A. Quitman. Life and times of Gen. Sam. Dale, the Mis- sissippi partisan. Clairon, Mile. Claire Josephe Leyris de la Tude (1723-1803). Memoires. Paris, 1857. 12? Contents : Lekain. Matinee Dazincourt. Dubus-Prgville, Garrick, D. Goldonl. de du comfidien Persepolis, La. Mol6, Memoires de. Clairvoyance. See Mesmerism. Clans of Scotland. Smibert, T. Clapp, Asa (1763-1848). Hunt, F. Life of. {In his Lives of Am. merchants, v. 1.) Clapp, David. Sermon preached Nov. 26, 1843, at the ordination of, at Savannah, Ga., by H. W. Bellows, with charge by Samuel Gil- man. (Tw Pamphlets, v. 2.) Clapperton, Hugh. Travels in Africa. (In Schauenburg, E. Reisen in central Afrika.) Travels in Egypt. {In Cooley, W. D. Mar- itime and inland discovery, v. 3.) Clara Stephens. Sherwood, M.M. {In Works, V. 4.) Clara Vaughan. Blackmore, R. D. Clara Vere. Spielhaoen, F. von. (JraWerke.) Same. {In Ges. werke, v. 5.) Clare, Ada. Only a woman's heart. N.Y. 1866. 12; (3 cop.) Clare, John (1793-1864). Poems descriptive of rural life and scenery. Lond. 1820. 12? Village minstrel; and other poems. Lond. 1823. 12? Avery, B . P. Relics of. {In Overland month- ly, V. 10.) Cherry, J. L. Life and remains of .John Clare, the 'Northamptonshire peasant poet.' Lond. 1873. 12? DeQuincey, T. Literaryreminiscences, v. 2. Martin, F. Life of. Lond. 1865. 12? See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2 ; Brief biogra- phies. Claremont ; or, the undivided household. Phil. 1857. 12? Clarendon, Earl of. SeeHyde, E. Claret and olives from the Garonne to the Rhone. Reach, A. B. Claretie, .Jules. Derniers Montagnards, Les : his- toire de 1 'insurrection de Prairial, an iii. (1795). Paris, 1867. 8? Claridge, C. J., ^nif Souter, R., Jr. Fast coach. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 4. Clarissa Harlowe. Richardson, S. Clark, Abraham (1726-1794). Sanderson, J. Life of. {In Signers to decl. of indep., v. 6.) Clark, Alexander. Gospel in the trees ; with pul- pit opinions on common things. Phil. 1868. 12? WoKK-DAY Christianity; or, the gospel in the trades. Introductory notes, by Wm. Cul- len Bryant. Phil. 1871. 12? Clark, B. F. Mirthfulness and its exciters ; or» rational laughter and its promoters. Bost. 1870. 12? Clark, Edward L. Daleth ; or, homestead of the nations. Egypt illustrated. Bost. 1864. 8? Clark, Emmons. History of the second compa- ny of the seventh regiment (National guard), N. Y. state militia. V. 1. N. Y. 1864. 8? Clark, Henry James. Mind in nature ; or, the origin of life, and the mode of development of animals. With over 200 illustrations. N. Y. 1865. 8? Clark, Hugh. Introduction to heraldry; embel- lished with nearly 1,000 illustrations. (16/A ed.) Lond. 1859. 16? Clark, J. Henry. Sight and hearing : how pre- served, and how lost. N. Y. 1859. 12? Clark, Lewis Gaylord (b. 1810). Knick-knacks from an editor's table. N. Y. 1852, 12? Clark, N. G. Outline of the elements of the English language, for the use of students. N. Y. 1863. 12? .... Clark, Orange. Discourse on family discipline. {In Pamphlets, v. 30.) Clark, T. M. John Whopper, the newsboy. Il- lustrated. Bost. 1871. 16? (3 cop.) CLARK 173 CLAUDE Clark, William H, Oration, delivered before the Society of California pioneers, at their sev- enteenth anniversary, Sept. 9, 1867. {In Pamphlets, v. 20, 25.) Clark, Willis Gaylord (1810-1841). Literary remains ; ed. by L. G. Clark. N. Y. 1844. 8? Contents : Miscellaneous poems. Ollnpodlatia. Prose miscellanies. Spirit of life. (A poem.) Clarke, Adam (1762-1832). Holy bible, contain- ing the old and new testaments ; the text carefully jn'inted from the most correct cop- ies of the present authorized translation, in- cluding the marginal readings and parallel texts. With a commentary and critical notes. New ed., with author's final correc- tions. Lond. n.d. 6 v. 4° Clarke, B. British gazetteer : political, com- mercial, ecclesiastical, and historical ; with a full set of county maps, with all the rail- ways laid down. Lond. 1852. 3 v. 8^ Clarke, Charles. Beauclercs, The, father and son, N. Y. 1866. 8° Clarke, Charles and M. C. {Eds.) See Shakes- peare, W. Clarke, Charles Kussell. New school geography. S. F. 1866. 4° Clarke, 3Irs. Charlotte. Life of; written by her- self. Lond. 1827. 16'i; (in Autobiography, V. 7.) Clarke, Dorus. Orthodox Congregationalism, and the sects. Bost. 1871. 12° Clarke, J. Erskine. {£d.) Chatterbox, The. Lond. 1871. 4° (2 cop.) Clarke, James Freeman {b. 1810). Sermons preached in Indiana-place cliapel, Boston. Bost. 1864. 12° STEPSof belief ; or, rational Christianity main- tained against atheism, free religion, and Ro- manism. Bost. 1871. 12° Ten great religions : an essay in comparative theology. Bost. 1871. 12° Contents : Brahmlnism. Buddhism, or the protest- antism of the east, Confucius and the Chinese, or the prose of Asia. Kgypt, The gods of. Jewish religion, The. Mohammed and Islam. Kome, The religion of. Teutonic and Scandinavian religion. Zoroaster and the Zend-Av- Greece, The gods of. esta. Clarke, Joseph. A farther examination of Dr. Clarke's notions of space ; with some con- siderations on the possibility of eternal crea- tion. In reply to Mr. John Clarke's third defense of Dr. Samuel Clarke's demonstra- tion , etc. To which are added some remarks on Mr. Jackson's exceptions to Dr. Clarke's notions of space examined : in his Existence and miity, etc. Camb. 1734. {In Collins, A. Free-thinking.) Clarke, Louisa Lane. Common sea-weeds of the British coast and Channel islands ; with some insight into the microscopic beauties of their structure and fructification. With tinted plates. Lond. n.d. 16° Clarke, Mrs. Mary Cowden {b. 1809). Complete concordance to Shakespeare : a verbal index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the poet. Bost. 1853. 8° Iron cousin, The. N. Y. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Clarke {continued) — Portia ; and other stories of the early days of Shakespeare's heroines. N.Y.1867. 12° Contents : Desdemona : the magnlflco's child. Helena : the physician's orphan. Meg and Alice : the merry maids of Windsor. Portia: the heiress of Belmont. * Thane's daughter, The. World-noted women. [For contents, see Women.] See also Clarke, C. Clarke, R. S. {Sophie May). Aunt Madge's sto- ry. Bost. 1872, 16° (2 cop.) Doctor's daughter. The. Bost. 1872. 12° (5 cop.) Dotty Dimple at home. Bost. 1868. 16° Dotty Dimple at play. Bost. 1869. 16° Little folks astray. Bost. 1871. 16° {2 cop.) Little grandmother. Bost. 1872. 16° (3 cop.) Prudy keeping house. Bost. 1871. 16? (3 cop.) Clarke, Samuel, A demonstration of the being and attributes of God, more particularly in answer to Mr, Hobbs, Spinoza, and their followers ; wherein the notion of liberty is stated, and the possibility and certainty of it proved in opposition to necessity and fate. Being the substance of eight sermons preach- ed at the cathedral of St. Paul, in the year 1704, at the lecture founded by the honora- ble Robert Boyle, esq. (4M ed.) Lond.: Printed by W. Botham, 1716, 12? Clarke, Thomas Curtis. Account of the iron railway bridge across the Mississippi river at Quincy, Illinois. Illustrated by 21 litho- graphic plates. N. Y. 1869. Sm. 4? Clarke, W. (1770-1888). See Lewis, M. Clarkson, Thomas (1760-1846), History of the rise, progress, and accomplishment of the abolition of the African slave-trade by the British parliament (1787-1807). New ed,, with remarks on the subsequent abolition of slavery, Lond, 1839, 8? Taylor, T. Biographical sketch of. Lond. 1839, 16? Classic quotations, Elmes, J. Classical antiquities. Eschenberg, J. J. Classical dictionary. Anthon, C. Classical dictionary. Maunder, S. (i>j Treas- ury of knowledge.) Classical journal. V. 1 (Mar. 1810), to 40 (Dec. 1829), and index to same. Lond. 41 v. 8? Classical literature — Browne, R, W. History of Roman. Eschenberg, J. J. Manual of. See also Greek lang. and lit.; Latin lang. and lit. Classical quotations. See Quotations. Classical studies. Sears, B., Edwards, B. B., and Felton, C. C. Classical studies as information or as training. By a Scotch graduate. N. Y. 1872. 8? Classics — Classical journal. Eschenberg, J. J. Classical antiquities. Classification. Agassiz, L. (J.R.) Essay on. [In his Contributions to the nat. hist, of U. S., v. 1.) Claude Gueux. Hugo, V. (M.) CLAUDEL 174 CLAYTON Claudel, J. Formules, tables, et renseignements usuels : aicle-in(5moire des ing^nieurs, des architectes, etc. (6e 6d.) Paris, 1864. 8° Introduction a la science de I'ingenieur, aide- memoire des ing^nieiirs, des architectes, etc. (3c Cd.) Paris, 1863. 8° Claudia. Douglas, Mhs A. M. Olaudianus, Claudius (365-408). Opera omnia. Ex editione P. Burmanni ; cum notis et in- terpretatione. Londini, 1821. 4 v. 8° Val- py's Script. Lat. Contents : Bello Getico, De, v. 2. Bello Gildonico, De, v. 2. Eidyllia, v. 3. Elegiu de Phoenice Lactaii- tii, V. 3. Epigrammata, v. 3. Epistolie, V. 3. Epithalatnii, v. 2. Gigantomachia, v. 3. Index, V. i. Laudes Herculis. Anonyml Poetffi, V. 3. Laudibiis Stilichonis, De,v. 2. Nota; variorum, v. 3,4. Panegyric*, v. 1. Kaptu Proserpinse, De, v. 1. Recensus codicum, v. 3. Receiisus edilionum, v. 3. Testimonia, v. 1. Vita, V. 1. Claudius, Matthias {Asrmis), (1743-1815). As- mus omnia sua secum portans ; oder, Werke desWandsbeckerbothen. Wandsbeck 1774 bis 1812. 4 V. 12^ See also Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Ger- many. Claudius (Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero), (10 B.C. to A.D. 54). Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Life of. {In Lives of the twelve Ctesars.) — Vita, {In Opera omnia, v. 2.) Valpy's Script. Lat. Clausewitz, Karl von (1780-1831). On war. Tr. by Col. J. J. Graham, from the 3d German ed. Lond. 1873. 3 v. in 1. 8'i Claverings, The. Trollope, A. Clavijero, Francesco Saverio (1720-1793). His- tory of lower California [extracts] . Tr. from the original Spanish into Italian, and pub- lished at Venice, 1789 ; again tr. into Span- ish, by Nicolas Garcia, Mexico, 1852 ; tr. from this edition into English, by A. G. Eandall. S. F. 1867. {In Browne, J. E. Resources of Pacific slope.) History of Mexico ; collected from Spanish and Mexican historians, from manuscripts, and ancient paintings of the Indians. Illus- trated by charts, and other copper-plates. To which are added critical dissertations on the land,.the animals, and inhabitants of Mexico. Tr. from the original Italian, by Charles Cullen. Lond.: Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1787. 2 v. 4° Clavijo, Ruy-Gonzales de. Embassy to the court of Timur [1403-6]. {In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery, v. 1.) Same. Lond. 1861. 8: {In Halduyt soc, v. 24.) Claxton, Timothy. Memoir of a mechanic. Bost. 1839. 16^ Clay, Henry (1778-1852). Private correspond- ence ; ed. by C. Colton. N. Y. 1855. 8° Speeches ; ed. by C. Colton. N. Y. 1857. 2 V. 8° Contents : Abolition, On. v. 2. Abolition petitions, On, v. 2. Adams's administration (J. Q.), V. 1. Address to his constituents, V. 1. Address to La Fayette, v. 1. African colonization, v. 1. American Industry, v. 1. American system. On the, V. 1. Answer of objections to the report of the committee of thirteen, v. 2. Appointing and removing power, V. 2. Arkansas, On the admission of, V. 2. Clay {continued) — Baltimore, Speech to con- vention of young men of, V. 2. Bank question, v. 1. Bnrgain and corruption, v. 1. Bill for enforcing neutrality, V. 1. British West Indies. Com- mercial restrictions with, V. 1. Buffalo, Speech at, v. 2. Calhoun's land bill, v. 2. California, Admission of, v. 2. Cherokee Indians, Our rela- tions with, V. 1. Compromise bill. Who occa- sioned the loss of the, v. 2. Compromise tariff. Expla- nation of, V. 2. Compromise tariff. Three speeclies on, v. 1. Cumberland road bill, v. 2. Danger of the military spirit In a republic, v. 1. Debate on the compromise bill. General review of, v. 2. Defense of Mr. Webster, v. 2. Delaware, Memorial from the state of, v. 2. Direct tax, and state of the nation after the war of 18 12, v. 1. Distribution of proceeds of the public lands, v. 2. District of Columbia, On the abolition of slave-trade in, v. 2. Doctrine of instruction, The, v. 2. Domestic manufactures, v.l. Economy of time, v. 2. Effect of the protective sys- tem on the staples of the south, v. 1. Emancipation of S. Amer- ica, v. 1. Emancipation of S. Amer- ican states, V. 1. Expunguig resolution, On the, V. 2. Father Mathew, v. 2. Foote's motion for a general committee, etc., On, Vs 2. Fortification bill, v. 2. France, On our relations with, V. 2. Franklin, Sir J., On the search for, v. 2. Fugitive slave law, Viola- tions of, V. 2. General bankrupt law, v. 2. General introduction (A) to speeches in 31st congress, V. 2. Giving lands to railroads, v. Internal improvement, v. 1. Jackson's administration, Beginning of, v. 1. Jackson's veto of tlie bank bill, V. 1. Jackson's veto of the land bill, V. 1. Last parliamentary effort, v. Line of the Perdido, v. 1. Measures of public policy, v. Missouri, On the two per cent, fund in, v. 2. Nashville, Convention at, v. 2. New army bill, v. 1. North-eastern boundary, v. 1. Nulliflcation, On, v. 1. Preemption bill, v. 2. Presidential election of 1825, V. 1. Public lands, v. 1, 2. Question : Does the consti- tution carry slavery into the territories ? v. 2. Rejoinder to Mr. Rlves's de- fense of Mr. Tyler, v. 2. Removal of the deposits, The, V. 1. Renewing the charter of first bank of the United States, V. 1. Repeal of the sub-treasury law, V. 2. Reply to John Randolph, v. 1. Reply to Mr. Mendenhall, v. Report of the committee of thirteen, v. 2. Result of removing the de- posits, V. 1. Seminole war. On the, v. 1. Skirmish, A : Mr. Clay and Mr. Souie, V. 2. South Ameri'-a, On sending a minister to, v. 1. Spain and her colonies, On the war between, v. 1. Spanish treaty, v. 1. Speech on his return from Ghent, v. 1. Speech on his return to pri- vate life, V. 2. Speech on retiring from of- fice, V. 1. State of the country, v. 1. State of the country under Mr. Van Buren, v. 2. Siib-trea-sury.On the plan of the, V. 2. Sub-treasury bill. On the, T. 2. Texas, Boundaries of, v. 2. Texas, Recognizing the In- dependence of, V. 2. Texas, Title of, v. 2. Valedictory to the senate, v. 1. Van Buren's nomination as minister to England, v. 1. Veto power, On the abolition of, V. 2. Greek revolution, v. 1. Home industry, Protection of, V. 1. Import duties. Reduction of, v.l. Increase of the army, v. 1. Increase of the navy, v. 1. — Obituary addresses on the occasion of the death of Henry Clay, delivered in the senate and in the house of representatives of the United States, June 30, 1852. With the funeral sermon of Rev. C. M. Butler. Wash. 1852. 8° Sargent, E. Life and public services of. Au- burn, N. Y., 1852. 12? See also — American eloquence, v. 2. Parker, E. G. Golden age of American ora- tory. Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. Magoon, E. L. Living orators in America. Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. Clajrton, Ellen Creathorne. Queens of song ; be- ing memoirs of some of the most celebrated fem ale vocalists. To which is added a chron- CLAYTON 175 CLEVELAND Clayton (continued) — ological list of all the operas that have heen performed in Europe. Lond. 1863. 2 v. 12° Same. N. Y. 1865. 8° Clayton, J. W. Personal memoirs of Charles the second ; with sketches of his court and times. Clasrton, John M. Speech on bill to organize ter- ritories of Nebraska and Kansas. (In Ad- dresses, V. 1.) Cleanthes. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) iSajne. Tr. bj- C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr.etLat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. bib- lioth. Cleaveland, Henry W. , and Backus, W. Vil- lage and farm cottages : the requirements of American village homes considered and sug- gested, with designs for such houses of mode- rate cost. N. Y. 1856. 8° Cleaveland, John. Banking system of the state of New York, with notes and references to adjudged cases ; including also an account of the New York clearing-house. N. Y. 1857. 8^ Cleaveland, Nehemiah. First century of Dum- mer academy: a historical discourse, deliver- ed at Newbury, Byfield parish, Aug. 12, 1863. Bost. 1865. 8° Cleaveland, Parker (1780-1858). Elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology. Bost. 1816. 8° Meteorological observations made at Bruns- wick, Me., 1807-59. [In Smithsonian con- trib., V. 16.) Cleaveland. See Cleveland. Clef de cristal, La. Gozlan, L. {In (Euvres, v. 8.) Clegg, Samuel, Jr. Practical treatise on the man- ufacture and distribution of coal gas. Illus- trated, [bth ed.) Lond. 1868. Koy. 4° Clematis, The, as a garden flower. Moore, T., and Jackman, G. Clemens, Jeremiah (1814-1865). Mustang gray. Phil. 1858. 16° Tobias "Wilson. Phil. 1865. 16° Clemens, Samuel Langhorne {Mark Twain), {h. 1835). Celebrated jumping frog of Calave- ras county ; and other sketches. By Mark Twain. N. Y. 1867. 12? (3 cop.) ' Innocexts abroad, The ; or, the new Pilgrim's progress. Steamship Quaker City's pleasure excursion to Europe and the Holy land. S. F. 1869. 8? (14 cop.) Mark Twain's autobiography and first ro- mance. N. Y. 1871. 12? Roughing it. Fully illustrated by eminent artists. Hartford, Conn., 1872. 8° (17co;?.) See also Cartoon portraits. Clement, Clara Erskine. Hand-book of legend- ary and mythological art ; with descriptive illustrations. N. Y. 1871. 12? Clement of Alexandria («6. 200). Writings. Tr. by W. Wilson. Edin. 1869. 2 v. 8? {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v. 4,5, 14.) Clement of Rome (or Clement i.), {ab. 100), Apostolic constitutions. Tr. by J. Donald- son. {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v. 23.) Clement ( continued ) — Clementine homilies. Tr. by Thos. Smith et al. {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v. 23.) Clementine recognitions. Tr. hy Th. Smith. {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v. 3.) Epistles. Tr. by W. Wake. {In Apostolic fathers.) Clement xiv. and the Jesuits. Milman, H. H. {In his Essays.) Clement Lorimer. Reach, A. B. Clement Toussaint. MoLiiRi, J. D. {In Petits drames bourgeois.) Cleobulus. Diogenes LAiJRTitJS. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. hy C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr.etLat.) Didot's Script. Grsec.bib- lioth. Cleomenes lli. {king of Sparta), {d. 220 B.C.). Creech, T. Life of. {In Dryden, J. Works, V. 8.) Dryden, J. Cleomenes. (Trag.) (J« Works, V. 8.) Plutarchus. Life of. {In Lives.) — Vie de. (Par A. Feillet.) {In Vies des Grecs illustres.) — Vita. {Gr.etLat.) {In Y'ltas, y. 2.) Cleopatra {queen of Egypt), (69-30 B.C.). Ab- BCTT, J. History of. N. Y. 1851. 16? See also Plutarchus's Life of Anthony. Clergy— Belcher,- J. Anecdotes of the clergy of America. CuTTS, E. L. Secular clergy of the middle ages. {In Scenes and characters.) Milman, H. H. Relation of the clergy to the people. {In his Essays.) Sprague, W. B. Annals of the American pulpit; or, commemorative notices of distin- guished American clergymen of various de- nominations. Clergyman's wife. Ritchie, Mrs. A. C. M. Clerk, Mrs. Godfi-ey (Alice M. Frere). Antip- odes and round the world ; or, travels in Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, China, Japan, and California. Illustrated. Lond. 1870. 8? Clerk's tale. Chaucer, G. {In Chaucer soc.) Clerks and employers. Haskell, D. N. {In Boston book.) Clery, Jean Baptiste Cant Hanet (1759-1809). M^moires. Paris, 1864. 12? Contents : Montpensier, A. P., Due de. Kiouffe. Cleveland, Charles Dexter (1802-1869). Com- pendium of American literature ; with bi- ographical sketches of the authors, and se- lections from their works. Phil. 1859. 12? Compendium of English literature, chronologi- cally arranged, from Sir John Mandeville to William Cowper. Phil. 1862. 12? Complete concordance to the poetical works of John Milton. Lond. 1867. 12? English literature of the xix. century. Phil. 1861. 12? Cleveland, H.W.S. Hints to riflemen. N. Y. 1864. 12? Cleveland, Richard J. Narrative of voyages and commercial enterprises. Bost. 1850. 12? CLEVELAND 176 CLUBS Cleveland (Ohio)— DiKKCTOKY of the city of Cleveland and ad- joining towns for 1870-71. Cleveland, O., 1870. 8? Fifteenth annual report of the board of trus- tees of water- works, to the council of the city of Cleveland ; together with the reports of the officers of the board for the year 1870. (Ill Water- works, v. 1.) Clever boy. Niekitz, G. {In Tales for the young.) Clever stories of many nations, rendered into rhyme. Saxe, J. G. Clever woman of the family, The. Yonge, Miss C. M. Clidophorus. Tolland, J. (In Tetradymus.) Clieveland, John (1613-1659). See Lives of En- glish poets, V. 2. Clifford, Anne (Ladi/), (1589-1676). See North- ern worthies, Lives of, v. 2. Clifford, George (1558-1605). See Admirals, Lives of British, v. 3. Clifford Troup : a Georgia story. AVestmoke- LAND, M. J. Climatology — Beccjuekel, a. C. Forests and their climatic influence. {In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Bloi>get, L. Climatology of the United States. Bonstetten, C. V. de. Man of the north and man of the south ; or, the influence of climate. DisTURNELL, J. Influence of climate in North and South America. Humboldt, (P. H.) A. von. Asie centrale : recherches sur les chaines de montagnes et la climatologie comparee. Leopold, J.. Manual of seasons and weather, 1790. {Russian.) See also the names of places. Cline, A. J. Henry Courtland ; or, what a farmer can do. Phil. 1870. 12? (2 cop.) Clingman, Thomas L. Topography of Black mountain (zV. C). {In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) Clinton, De Witt (1769-1828). Campbell, W. W. Life and writings of. N. Y. 1849. 8° Eenwick, J. Life of. N. Y. 1840. 16? Seward, W. H. Biography of. {In Works, V. 4.) See also American eloquence, v. 1. Clinton, Sir Henry (1738-1795). Narrative rela- tive to his conduct during part of his com- mand of the king's troops in North America ; particularly to that which respects the un- fortunate issue of the campaign in 1781. With an appendix, containing extracts from his correspondence. {3d ed.) Lond. 1783. 16? Clinton hall association {N. Y.). See New York mercantile library. Clio. (No. III.) Percival, J. G. Clipperton, John (C'opi.). Voyages, (iw Har- ris, J. Coll. voy., V. 1.) Same. With G. Shelvocke, 1718-21. {InBur- ney's Voy., v. 4, pp. 439, 447, 522, 541-6.) Voyages round the world, 1719. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Olitomachus {ab. 150 b.c.) Diogenes La- iiKTius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Clitomachus {continued) — Same. Tr. by CD. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Qraec. biblioth. Clive, Catherine {Lad)/), (rf.l873). Paul Ferroll. N. Y. 1862. 16? Poems. Lond. 1856. 16? Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. N. Y. 1862. 12? (2 cop.) Year after year. Lond. 1858. 12? Clive, Robert {Lord), (1725-1774). Malcom, Sir J. Life of. Lond. 1836. 3 v. 8? See also Military commanders, Lives of the most eminent British. Clockmaker : sayings and doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville. Haliburton, T. C. Clocks and watches. Booth, M. L. Clock and watchmaker's manual. See also Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 7. Clode, Charles M. Administration of justice un- der military and martial law. Lond. 1872. 8? Cloister and the hearth. Reade, C. Cloister life of Charles v. Stirling, W. Cloncurry, Valentine Lawless {Lord), (1773- 1858). Personal recollections of the life and times of. Dublin, 1850. 12? Cloquet, Jules. Recollections of the private life of General Lafayette. Lond. 1835. 12? Closing scene. The; or, Christianity and infidelity contrasted in the last hours of remarkable persons. Neale, E. Clotilde. Karr, (J. B.) A. {In (Euvres, v. 2.) Olotilde. Pontmartin, A. de. Cloud on the heart. Roe, A. S. Cloud-pictures. Underwood, F. H. Clouds — Directions for observing. {In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) PoEY, A. Instructions et considerations syn- thethiques sur la nature, etc., des nuages. {In Meteorological essays.) — New classification of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) — Rotation azimutale des nuages, La. {In Meteorological essays.) Walton, E. Clouds : their forms and com- binations. See also Meteorology. Clouds and sunshine. Reade, C. Clough, Arthur Hugh (1820-1861). Poems; with memoir, by C. E. Norton. Bost. 1862. 16? Contents : Amours de voyage. Bothie of Tober - Na -Vuo- lich, The. Mari magno. Memoir. Minor poems. Cloven foot. The. Newell, R. H. Clovernook. Cary, A. Clovis Gosselin. Karr, (J. B. ) A. {In (Eu- vres, V. 3.) Clovres, John. Causes of explosions of steam- boat boilers, and accidents to the working gear of steam-engines. N. Y. 1848. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 10.) Club des Hachichins, Le. Gautier, T. {In (Euvres, v. 17.) Clubb fiir unbegranzte freiheit, Der. Hack- lander, F. W. {In Werke, v. 26.) Clubs and club-life in London. Times, J. CLUSKEY 177 COBBETT Oluskey, M. "W. Political text-book, or ency- clopaedia ; containing everything necessary for the reference of the politicians and states- men of U.S. (I2th ed.) Phil. 18(30. 8° Clyde, Alton. Underfoot. N. Y.1870. 8° Clyde Wardleigh's promise. Nauman, M. D. Clyfifards of Clyffe, The. Sauzade, J. S. Clyraer, George (1739-1813). Sanderson, J. Life of. (In Signers to decl. of indep., v. 4.) Coach painters. Arlot,M. Complete guide for. Coal— Bache, B. p. Comparative analysis of Cum- berland, Japan, and Formosa. (In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Blake, W. P. Coal in California. (In his Report on the geology of Williamson's ex- plorations.) See Pacitic railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 5. BowEN, E. Coal and coal oil. Browne, J. R. Coal on Pacific coast. (In his Mineral resources.) Daddow, S. H., and Bannan, B. Coal, iron, and oil. D'Aligny, H. F. Q. Report on the manufact- ure of pressed or agglomerated. (In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, W. P. Blake ed., v. 5.) Le Conte, J. Lectures on. (In Smithsonian rept. 1857.) Leifchild, J. R. On coal at home and abroad. Lesquereux, L. Coal-fields of Illinois. (In Worthen, A. H., et al. Geol. survey of 111., v.l.) Macfarlane, J. Coal regions of America. Phillipps, G. J. System of mining. Rogers, H. D. Essays on the coal formation of Pennsylvania, and a description of the coal - fields of North America and Great Britain, (In his Geology of Penn.) Ross, M. Essay on coal and the coal- trade. SiMONiN, L. Underground life. Smyth, W. W. Coal and coal-mining. Taylor, R. C. Statistics of. "Williams, C. M. Combustion of. See also Mines and mining ; Oldham, T. Geol. survey of India, Memoirs ; Petroleum. Coal gas. See Gas. Coal oils. See Petroleum. Coale, George B. Manual of photography. Phil. 1858. 12° Coast defenses. Sie Fortifications. Coast survey. See U. S. (coast survey). Ooates, Henry T, Comprehensive speaker, de- signed for the use of schools, academies, ly- ceums, etc.; carefully selected from the best authors, with notes. Phil. n.d. 12° Coats, W. (Capt.). Remarks in many voyages to Hudson's bay, 1727-51. Lond. 1854. 8° (In Hakluyt soc, v. 8.) Cobalt. LiEMAN, — . Cobalt, its discovery and use. (Russian.) Cobb, Howell (1815-1868), See Presidential can- didates. Cobb, James (1756-1813). Doctor and the apothe- cary, The. (Mus. entert.) Br, dr., v. 1. Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 6. First floor, The. (Farce.) Br. dr., v. 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 7, Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 6. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 86. 13 Cobb (continued) — Haunted tower, (Comic op.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 7. Paul and Virginia. (Mus. entert.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 3. RAMAHDroog. (Com, op.) Inchb. Mod. th., V. 6. Siege of Belgrade. (Com, op.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 2. Wife of two husbands. (Mus, dr.) Inchb. Mod. th., V. 6. Cobb, Joseph Beckham (1819-1858), Leisure la- bors ; or, miscellanies, historical, literary, and political. N. Y. 1858. 12° Contents . Crawford, Wm. H., Llfeand times ot. Jefferson, Thomas. Longfellow's poems. Macaulay's history of En- gland. Cobb, Sophia Dickinson. novel.] Bost. 1869 Slavery and the slave-trade- in district of Columbia. True issue between parties in tlie south* union or dis- union. Willis's poems. Hillsboro' farms. [A 16° (3 cop.) Cobbald, Richard. Margaret Catchpole. Lond 1845. 3 V. 12° Cobbe, Frances Power (b. 1822). Broken lights : an inquiry into the present condition and future prospects of religious faith. N. Y- 1864. 12i Final cause of woman. (In Woman's work and woman's culture.) Religious dutj'. Bost. 1865. 12° Cobbett, William (1762-1835). Porcupine's works : containing various writings and se- lections, exhibiting a faithful picture of the United States of America ; of their govern- ment, laws, politics, and resources ; of the characters of their presidents, governors, leg-^ islators, magistrates, and military men ; and of the customs, manners, morals,, religion,, virtues, and vices of the people. Compris- ing, also, a complete series of historical doc- uments and remarks, from the end of the war, in 1783, to the election of thepresid-eut,. in March, 1801. Lond. 1801. 12 v. 8° Contents : Adams's public conduct, v. 12. Address of the WeLsh people in Penn. to-theirbreth- ren in Wales, v. U. American rushlight, iios. 1-.5, v. 11. Bloody buoy, thrown out as a warning, to political pilots of all nations, v. 3. Board of commissioners, v. 12. Bone to gnaw for the democrats, v. 2. Brief statement of the injuries and insults received from France, v. 4. British treaty, Proceedings relative to, v. 2. Cannibal's progress ; or, dreadful horrors of the French invasion, v. 8. Commerce of the United States, Authentic history of the depredations upon, v. 8. Convention between America and France, v. 12. Defense of the Quaicers of Pennsylvania, v. 12. Detection of a conspiracy formed by the United Irishmen to subvert the government of U. S. , v. 8. Diplomatic blunderbuss, v. 4. Dispute between America and Great Britain, ▼. 1. Emigration society, v. 12. Farewell advertisement, v. 12. Galloway's exposure of Howe, v. 10. Impeachment of senator Blount, v. 9. Jeft'erson's election, and character, v. 12. Kick for a bite, v. 2. Miscellaneous anecdotes of various dates, v. 9. Morse's (Dr.) exposure of French intrigue in the United States, v. 10. Pennsylvania, Insurrection in the western counties of, in 1T94, v. 1. Plain English addresses to people of the United States on the treaty, etc., in answer to 'Letters of Franklin,' V. 2. Political censor, v. 3, 4. Porcupine, Peter, Life and adventares of, v. 4. COBBETT 178 COCKER Cobbett (continued) — Porcupine's gazette, Selections from, v. 5-11. Priestley, Dr., Addresses to, v. 1. Priestley, Dr.: poor emigrants, v. 9. Prison eclogue, v. 12. Proceedings of congress, Nov. 4, 1794, v. 2. Proceedings of congress, Dec. 1799, v. 12. Proceedings of congre.ss which ended 1801, v. 12. Eandolph's vindication. Analysis and observation of, V. 2. Kepublican Judge ; or, the American liberty of the press, V. 7. Kepublican morality, v. 12. Scarecrow : an infamous letter, v. 3. Stone's (J. H.) letters to Dr. Priestley, and remarks on the same, v. ». Story of a farmer's bull, v. 1. Summary view of the politics of the United States to 17!M, V. 1. Suworow's Italian campaign, Concise hist, of, v. 11. Trial of Cooper, v. 12. Trial of republicanism, v. 10. Washington's death, v. 12. Washington's retiring from the presidency, v. 4. HiSTOKY of the Protestant reformation in En- glanji and Ireland ; with three letters by the same author, never before published in the United States. N. Y. 1829. 12° Life of Andrew Jackson. Parliamentary debates : a continuation of his ' Parliamentary history of England, 1066- 1808.' Completed from 1812, by T. C. Han- sard. V. 1 (1803) to 41 (1820). [V. 29 missing.] Lond. 1803-20. 41 v. 8; Same. Newser. V. 1 (1820) to 8 (1823). [V. 3-7 missing.] Lond, 1820-23. 8 v. 8° Btjlwer, H. L. Historical characters, v. 2. KoGERS, J. E. T. Sketch of. (In Historical gleanings.) Seymour, C. C. B. Self-made men. "Watson, J. S. Biographies of Jno. Wilkes and W. Cobbett ; with portraits. Lond. 1870. 12° See also Orator, The. Oobbold, K. H. Pictures of the Chinese, drawn by themselves. Lond. 1860. 12° Oobbold, T. Spencer. Entozoa ; introduction to the study of helminthology, with reference, more particularly, to the internal parasites of man. Lond. 1864. 8° Cobden, John C. White slaves of England, The. Auburn, N. Y., 1853. 12° Cobden, Paul. Going on a mission. Bost. 1871. 12° (3 cop.) Turning-wheel. Bost. 1872. 16° (5 cop.) Who will win ? Bo.st. 1871. 16° (2 cop.) Cobden, Richard (1804-1865). Political writ- ings. Lond. 1867. 2 v. 8° Contents : England, Ireland, and Am- erica, V. 1. How wars are got up in In- dia, V. 2. Letter to Henry Ashworth, V. 2. Eussla, V. 1. 1793 and 1853 ; in three let- ters, V. 1. Three panics: an historical episode, v. 2. What next, and next, v. 2, Speech on the income-tax. Lond. 1848. 8° (Jw Pamphlets, v. 22.) Speeches on questions of public policy. Ed. by John Bright and J. E. Thorold Rogers. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 12° Contents : Agricultural digress, v. 1. American war, v. 2. China war, v. 2. Corn-laws, v. 1. Distress of the country, v. 1. Education, v. 2. Effect of protective duties, V. 1. Finance, v. 1. Foreign policy, v. 2. Free trade, v. 1. India, v. 2. International reduction of armaments, v. 1. Parliamentary reform, v. 2. Peace, v. 2. Policy of the Whig govern- ment, V. 2. Russian war, v. 2. Tenant farmers of England, Letter to, v. 1. Cobden (continued) — MacGilchrist, J. Richard Cobden : a bi- ography. N. Y. 1865. 12? See also Brief biographies ; Orator, The. Cobden club. Publications. Second report of the commissioners [D. A.Wells, E.Dodge, G. W. Cuyler] appointed to revise the laws for the collection of taxes in New York, 1872 ; with a code of laws relative to assess- ment and taxation. Lond. 1872. IT. Cobden club essays. Second series, 1871-2, (2d ed.) Lond, 1872. 8° Contents : Brodrick, George C. : Law and custom of primo- geniture. Faucher, .lulius : New commercial treaty between Great Britain and Germany. Fowler, William : Present aspect of the land ques- tion. Gostlck, Joseph : Trade-unions, and the relations of capital and labor. Laveleye, Emile de : Cau.ses of war, and the means of reducing their number. Leslie, T. E. Cliffe : Financial reform. Rogers, James E. T. : Colonial quesiion. Smith, John Prince : English coinage question. Wells, David A. : Recent financial, industrial, and commercial experiences of the United States : a curious chapter in politico-economic history. CocherduMar^chal C, Le. SouLi^, M. F, (In (Euvres, v, 26.) Cochin, Augustin. Results of emancipation, The. Tr. by M. L. Booth. Bost. 1863. 12° Results of slavery. Tr. by M. L. Booth. Bost. 1863, 12° Cochin-China — BoRRi,C, Accountof, (Jw Churchill's Coll, voy,, V, 2,) Craweurd, J, Embassy to. Laplace, C. E.P.J. Visit to. [1832.] (In Voyage autour du monde, v. 2.) Mouhot, H, Voyage dans les royaumes de Siam, de Cambodge, deLaos, etc, 1858, Projected movement on, (In Memorable year, 1857,) Seward, W, H, Travels around the world. Sre also China ; East Indies. Cochituate lake. Adams, N. (In Bost. book.) Cochituate water board. Report to the city council of Boston for the year ending April 30,1871. Bost. 1871. 8° {2 cop.) Cochran, Warren. Scholar's guide to a practi- cal knowledge of sacred geography upon the classification system. Six colored maps, with description. N, Y, n.d. 4° Cockblirn, Henry Thomas (Lord), (1779-1854). Works. Edin. 1872, 2 v. 12° Contents : Life of Francis Jeffrey, v. L Memorials of his time, v. 2. Life of Lord Jeifrey ; with a selection from his correspondence. Memorials of his time, N", Y. 1856. 12? Cocke, William Archer. Constitutional history of the United States, from the adoption of the articles of confederation to the close of Jackson's administration (1837). Phil. 1858. 2 V, 8? [V, 1 only published.] Cocker, B. F, Christianity and Greek philoso- phy ; or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and his apostles, N. Y, 1870. 12° COCKS 179 COIT Cocks, C. Bordeaux : its wines, and the claret country. Lond. 1846. 12° Oockton, Henry (1808-1853), Percy Effingham. Phil. n.d. 8; Steward, The : a romance of real life. Phil. n.d. 8? Sylvkster Sound, the somnambulist. Phil. n.d. 8° (2 cop.) Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist : his life and adventures. Phil. n.d. 8? (2 cop.) Cocos islands. Vancouver, G. Description of. {In his Voyage round the world, 1790-95, V. 3.) Codding, Ichabod (1811-1866). See Modern agi- tators. Code Napoleon. Kichards, R. S. Codice civile Italiano, 1806. (n.t.p.) i°. Codrington, Sir Edward (1770-1851). BouR- CHiER, J. {Lady). Memoir of; with selec- tions from his public and private correspond- ence. With portraits and other illustrations . Lond. 1873. 2 v. 8° Ooe, Joseph. True American : containing the addresses, together with the first annual ad- dresses and messages of all the presidents of the United States, from 1789 to 1839 ; the declaration of independence and constitution of the U. S., with the signers' names ; also, the farewell addresses of Washington and Jackson. Concord, IST. H., 1840. 12° Coetlogan, Charles E. de. Temple of truth ; or, the best system of reason, philosophy, virtue, and morals, analytically arranged. Lond, 1806, 8° Cceur, Jacques. Costello, L. S. Jacques Coeur, the French Argonaut, and his times. Lond. 1847. 8° CoBur d'acier. Feval, P. {In (Euvres, v. 32, 33.) Coffee— Hewitt, R., Jr. Coffee : its history, culti- vation, and use. Meer, — . Essay on. {Russian.) Coffey, Charles. Devil to pay, The. (Ballad farce.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v, 1, Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 5. CoflBIn, Charles Carleton {Carleton). Days and nights on the battle-field, The. Bost. 1864. 16° Four years of fighting : a volume of personal observation with the army and navy, from the first battle of Bull Run to the fall of Richmond. Bost. 1866. 8° Our new way round the world. Bost. 1869. 8? (5 cop.) Seat of empire, The. Bost. 1870. Sm. 12° CofQn, James H. Orbit and phenomena of a me- teoric fire-ball, seen July 20, 1860. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 16.) Psychrometrical table for determining the force of aqueous vapor and the relative hu- midity of the atmosphere from indications of the wet and the dry bulb thermometer, Fahrenheit. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 1.) Winds of the northern hemisphere. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 6.) OoflBn, N. W, America ; and other poems. Bost, 1843. 12° Coffin, Robert Barry {Barry Gray). Cakes and ale at Woodbine ; from Twelfth night to new year's day. By Barry Gray. N. Y. 1868. 12° (2 cop.) Castles in the air ; and other phantasies. N. Y. 1871. 12° Matrimonial infelicities, N, Y. 1865. 12° Out of town. N. Y. 1866. 16° Coggeshall, George (6. 1724). History of the American privateers, and letters of marque, during our war with England, in the years 1812-14 ; interspersed with several naval battles between American and British ships of war. N. Y. 1856. 8° Second series of voyages to various parts of the world, made between the years 1802 and 1841. N. Y. 1852. 8° Thirty- SIX voyages to various parts of the world, made between the years 1799 and 1841 ; selected from the ms. journal of eighty voyages, {Med.) N. Y. 1858. 8? Coggeshall, William Turner. Easy Warren, and his contemporaries. N. Y. 1854. 16? Home hits and hints. N, Y, 1859, 16° Coghill, J, Henry, Abroad : journal of a tour through Great Britain and on the continent. jST. Y, 1868, 12° Coghlan, Mrs. — . Memoirs ; written by herself, N, Y. 1795. 16^ Cohen, Solomon. Eulogy on life and character of Rev. S. Elliott. {In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Cohen embezzlement case — Arguments of Edward Stanly and T. W. Park in. {In Pamphlets, v. 3.) Correspondence between H, M, Naglee, Palmer, Cook & Co,, and E. Stanly. {In Pamphlets, v. 3,) Coin, Robert de. History and cultivation of cot- ton and tobacco. Lond, 1864. 12? Coin-book, The, Homans, J, S., Jr. Coins and coinage — Akerman, J.Y. Ancient coins of cities and princes, geographically arranged and de- scribed, B,, W, Manual of Roman coins, from the ear- liest periods to the extinction of the empire, EcKFELDT, J. R., and Du Bois, W, E. Man- ual of gold and silver coins of all nations. — New varieties of gold and silver coins. Eggers, a. Coin-map of the world. Hawkins, E. Silver coins of England. Humphreys, H. N. Coin collector's manual. Martin, L. C, and TrIjbner, C. Current gold and silver coins of all countries. Pollock, J. Processes employed in the as- say of gold and silver coins at the mint of the U, S, {In Smithsonian rept, 1868,) Prime, W, C. Coins, medals, and seals, an- cient and modern, illustrated and described. Snowden, J. R. Descriptions of ancient and modern coins in cabinet collections, at the mint of United States. {2 cop.) Trijbner, C, See Martin, L. C, {above). Wylie, a. Coins of the Ta-ts'ing, or pres- ent dynasty of China, (J/i Pamphlets, v, 11.) See also Cambist ; Medals ; Numismatics, Coit, Thomas Winthrop {b. 1821), Puritanism; or, a churchman's defense against its asper- sions, by an appeal to its own history. N. Y. 1845. 12° COKE 180 COLERIDGE Coke, Sir Edward (1552-1633). See Lawyers, Lives of eminent British. Coke, Henry J. Kide over the Kooky mountains to Oregon and California ; with a glance at pome of the tropical islands, including the West Indies and the Sandwich isles. Lond. 1852. 8° Colburn, Zerah (1832-1870). Gas-works of Lon- don. Phil. n.d. 16° and HoLLEY, A. L. Permanent way and coal- burning locomotive boilers of European rail- ways. N. Y. 1858. 4° Colbum's United service magazine. See United service magazine. Cold hand. Guernsey, C. F. (In Not pretty, but precious, and other short stories.) Golden, Cadwallader David (1769-1834). Life of Kobert Fulton. Coldstream. Vaughn, H. (In Good stories, V. 1.) Cole, Abdiah. See Riverius, L. Cole, Cornelius. Speech against continuing the income-tax ; delivered in the U. S. senate, Jan. 26, 1871. (In Pamphlets, v. 27.) Speech in the U. S. senate, July 9, 1870, on the Australian mail line. (In Pamphlets, V. 27.) Cole, John William. Life and theatrical times of Charles Kean. Cole, Miriam (pseud.). See Harris, Mrs. S. S. Cole, S. W. American fruit-book; containing di- rections for raising, propagating, and man- aging fruit trees, shrubs, and plants. Illus- trated. Bost. 1849. 16° American veterinarian ; or, diseases of do- mestic animals. N. Y. 1859. 16° Cole, Thomas (1801-1847). Bryant, W. C. Funeral oration on. (In his Orations, etc.) TucKERMAN, H. T. Sketches of eminent Am. painters. See also Biographical studies. Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Mexico, publicada por Joaquin Garcia Icaz- balceta. Mexico, 1858-66. 2 v. Large 8° Contents : AffuUar.Mflrcosde: Carta y documentos anexos,v.2. Albornoz, Rodrigo de : C;arta al emperador, v. 1. Alonso de Zurita, Memorial de, v. 2. Betanzos, Fray Domingo de, Carta de, v. 2. Betaiizos, Fray Domingo de, Parecer de, v. 2. Ceynos, Francisco {Licenciado) : Cartas al empera- dor, V. 2. Conquistador an6n!mo. El, v. 1. Cortes, Francisco, Instruccion clvU y milltar &, v. 1. Cort6s, Hernando : Carta de tierra inmediata, v. 1. Cortes, Hernando : Carta del ej6rclto del, al em- perador, V. 1. Cortfe, Hernando, Carta ingdita de, v. 1. CortCs, Hernando : Merced & los caciques de Axa- pusco, V. 2. CortSs, Hernando, Ordenanzas de, v. 1. Cortfe, Hernando: Peticion contfa Don Antonio de Mendoza, v. 2. Cort6s, Hernando, Vida de, v. I. Cort6s, Hernando, y sus compafleros, Demanda de CebiUlos contra de, v. 1. Fuenleal, Sebastian Kamirez de, Parecer de, v. 2. Grijalva, Juan de : Iiinerario de la armadadel rey catOlico & la isla de Yucatan, en la India, el afio 1518, V. 1. Guadalajara, Informe al rey por el cablldo eclesi- astico de, V. 2. Las Casas, Fray Bartolomfi de. Clausula del testa- mento de, v. 2. ■ Las Casas, Fray Barlolomfi de : Memorial de, al con- sejo de Indias, v. 2. Las Casas, Fray Bartolomfi de : Memorial de, en fa- vor de los Indies de Nueva Espafia, v. 2. - Las Cas;is, Fray Bartolomfi de : Peticion de, & su Santidad Pio v., v. 2. Las Casas y Santo Tomas, Memorial de, v. 2. Coleccion (continued) — Lejalde, Juan Ochoa de, Primera y segunda pro- ban zade, V. 1. Leyes y ordenanzas para la gobernacion de las In- dias, V. 2. Lopez. Ger6nimo, Carta al emperaflor, v. 2. Mendieta, Fray Gerdnimo de. Carta de, v. 2. Mendoza, Antonio de, Fragmentodelavisita hecha ft, V. 2. Michoacan, Ciudad de. Carta de, v. 2. Motolinia, Fray Toribio : Carta al emperador, v. 1. Motolinia, Fray Toribio : Historia de los Indios de Nueva Espana, v. 1. Motolinia, * 'ray Toribio: Noticiasde la vida y es- critos de, v. 1. Nuflo de Guzman : Relacion de la entrada, v. 2. Nufio de Guzman : Belaciones de la Jornada an6- nima, v. 2. Ocafla, Diego de. Carta de, v. 1. Pesquisa de la audiencia de la isla Espaflola, v. 1. Eeal provision sobre descubrimientos en el mar del sur, v. 2. Sandoval Acazitii, Francisco de : Kelacion de la Jornada de, v. 2. Tftpia, Andres de: Belacion sobre la conquista de Mexico, V. 2. Tftpia, Crist6bal de, Lo que pas6 con, v. 1. T6110, /yaj/ Antonio : Fragmentosde una historia de la Nueva Galicia (1650;, v. 2. Teules chichimecas : Kelacion de la conquista de, que di6 Juan de Saraano, v. 2. Valencia, ii'rai/ Martin de, y otros mlsioneros, Carta de, V. 2. Valle, Marques del, Relacion de los servicioa del, v. 2. "Velazquez, Diego : Carta al Figueroa, v. 1. Zuazo, Alonzo ^Licenciado), Carta al J-Vay Luis de Figueroa, v. 1. Coleccion de los viajes y descubrimientos de los Espanoles desde fines del siglo xv. Na- VARRETTE, M. F. DE. Coleman, 3/r«. Chapman. (Ed.) Life of John J. Crittenden. Coleman, Lyman. Apostolic and primitive church. The ; popular in its government, and simple in its worship. With an intro- ductory essay, by Dr. Augustus Neander. (2d. erf.) Bost. 1844. 12° Colenso, John William (Bp.)^ (b. 1814). Lect- ures on the Pentateuch and the Moabite stone; with appendices, containing — i., the elohis- tic narrative; ii., the original story of the exodus ; iii., the pre-Christian cross, its uni- versality and meaning. Lond. 1873. 8° Pentateuch and book of Joshua, critically examined. In two parts. N. Y. 1863. 2 V. 12° St. Paul's epistle to the Eomans ; newly translated, and explained from a missionary point of view. N. Y. 1863. 12^ Stone, J. L. Eeply to Bishop Colenso's attack upon the Pentateuch. See also Mahan, M. Coleoptera. See Entomology. Colore, La. Sue, E. (Jw Sept p^ch^s capitaux.) Coleridge, Hartley (1796-1849). Lives of north- ern worthies. Lond. 1852. 3 v. 12^ [For contents, see Northern worthies.] ^ee also Brief biographies. Coleridge, Henry Nelson (1800-1843). See Cole- ridge, S. T. Coleridge, Herbert. Glossarial index to the printed English literature of the xiii. centu- ry. Lond. 1859. 12° Coleridge, Sir John Duke (b. 1821). ^-ee Politi- cal portraits. Coleridge, Sir John Taylor (b. 1790). Memoir of Rev. John Keble. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834). Com- plete works ; with an essay upon his phil- osophical and theological opinions. Ed. by W. G. T. Shedd. N. Y. 1853. 7 v. IT. Lay sermon on distresses and discontents, 1817, v. 6. Lectures on Shakespeare and other dramatists, v. 4. Poetical and dr. worlds, v. 7. Statesman's manual, v. 1. Table-talk, v. 6. Remorse : tragedy, v. 2. Sibylline leaves, v. 1,2. WalIenstein,Deathof : trag- edy, V. 3. Zapolya : Christmas tale, v. 2. N. Y. 1835. COLERIDGE Coleridge {continued ) — Contents : Aids to reflection, v. 1. Biographia literaria, v. .■?. Confessions of an inquiring spirit, V. 5. Constitutions of church and state, V. 6. Friend, The, v. 2. — Aids to reflection, (/n "Works, v. 1.) Ancient mariner, The. {In Aikin's Br. po- ets, V. 3.) BioGRAPHiA literaria; or, biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. N. Y. 1872. 2 V. 12° (2 cop.) Confessions of an inquiring spirit ; ed. from the author's Ms., by H. N. Coleridge. Bost. 1841. 12° Constitution of the church and state accord- ing to the idea of each. Lond. 1839. 12? Hints towards the formation of a more com- prehensive theory of life. Phil. 1848. 12° Poetical and dramatic works ; with a mem- oir. Bost. 1854. 3 V. 12° Contents : Ancient mariner, The, v. 1. Christabel, v. 1. Memoir of the author, v. 1. Piccolomini, The ; or, the first part of Wallensteui : drama, v. 3. Poems, Miscellaneous, v. 1. — Specimens of the table-talk of. 2 V. in 1. 12? Cottle, J. Keminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. Lond. 1847. 12° Same. N. Y. 1847. 12° De Quincey, T. Critical notice of. {In his Literary reminiscences.) Foster, J. Sketch of. {In his Critical es- says.) Mill, J. S. Keview of Coleridge and his doc- trines. (In his Dissertations and discus- sions, V. 1.) Same. {In Westminster rev., March, 1840.) O'Hagan, T. Lecture on. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 4.) Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry and philoso- 8ee also Essays from the London times ; Ora- tor, The. Coleridge, Sara (1803-1852). Memoir and let- ters of; ed. by her daughter. Lond. 1873. 2v. 12° Coles, L. B. Philosophy of health ; or, health without medicine. A treatise on the laws of the human system. Bost. 1849. 16° Oolet, John (1466-1519). Seebohm, F. Oxford reformers. Colfax, Schuyler {h. 1823). Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Sketch of. {In her Men of our times.) See also Bowles, S. Coliraa(3/e2:.). Sartorius, C. Eruption of the volcano of Colima, in June, 1869. {In Smithsonian rept. 1869.,) Colle, Charles (1709-1783). V6rite dans le vin, La. {In Besenval, P. V. M6moires.) Collection of 79 black-letter ballads and broad- sides ; printed in the reign of Queen Eliza- beth, between the years 1559 and 1597; with notes. Lond. 1867. 8° Collector, The. Tuckerman, H, T. 181 COLLIER College, the market, and the court. Dall, C. H. College life. Olin, S. College life : its theory and practice. College of California. Catalogues, 1862-3; 1864- 5; 1865-6; 1866-7; 1867-8. (Jw Ann. cat. Am. coll., V. 1.) Oration and poem, delivered at the com- mencement, June 1, 1864. {In Proceedings assoc. alumni of Pac. coast.) Keport upon a projected improvement of the estate of the college at Berkeley, near Oak- land, by Olmsted, Vaux & Co. S. F. 1866. {In Proceedings assoc. alumni of Pac. coast.) Same. (In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 1.) See also University of Cal. College of New Jersey (Princeton, N'.J.). Ora- tion, commemorative of the restoration of the union ; with a tribute to the alumni and undergraduates of the college who fell in the national struggle (by Jos. T. Duryea), de- livered June 26, 1866. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., V. 5.) EoLL of the alumni and former students of the college who served in the army or navy of the IJ. S. in the war for the union. Phil. 1867. (In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 5.) College of the Holy cross ( Worcester, Mass. ). Catalogue, 1867-8. Wore. 1868. (In Ann. cat. Am, coll., v. 2.) College words and customs. Hall, B. H. Col- lection of. Colleges — Annual catalogues of American colleges. [Alphabetically arranged and bound.] 6 v. 8° Olin, S. College life: its theory and practice. Porter, N. American colleges and the Ameri- can public. Pycroft, J. Collegian's guide, The. Triennial catalogues of American colleges. [Alphabetically arranged and bound.] 3 v. 8° Waite, p. R. Carmina coUegensia. See also Universities ; and the names of col- leges. Collegian's guide, The. Pycroft, J. CoUetta, Pietro. History of the kingdom of Naples, 1734-1825. Tr. from the Italian, by S. Horner, with a supplementary chapter, 1825-56. Edin. 1858. 2 v. 8'; CoUiber, Samuel. An impartial inquiry into the existence and nature of God ; being a modest essay towards a more intelligible account of the divine perfections. With remarks on several authors, both ancient and modern; and particularly on some passages in Dr. Clarke's demonstration of the being and attributes of God. In two books. With an appendix, concerning the nature of space and duration. {3d ed.) Lond.: Printed for R. Robinson, 1735. 12° Collie, David. ( Tr. ) Chinese classical work, commonly called the Four books. Malacca, 1828. 12° Collier, Arthur. Clavis universalis ; or, a new inquiry after truth. (In Parr, S. Meta- physical tracts.) Specimen of true philosophy ; in a discourse on Genesis, the tirst chapter and the first verse. {In Parr, S'. Metaphysical tracts.) COLLIER 182 COLLINS Collier, John Payne (h. 1789). Bibliographical and critical account of the rarest books in the English language, alphabetically ar- ranged, which during the last fifty years have come under the observation of. N. Y. 1866. 4v. 8° Memoirs of the principal actors in the plays of Shakespeare. Lond. 1846. 8° Contents : Kemp, William. Lowin, John. Ostler, William. Phillips. Augustine. Pope, Thomas. Kice, John. Robinson, Richard. Shancke, John. Sly, William. TajMor, Joseph. Tooley, Nicholas. Underwood, John. Armin, Robert. Benfieid, Robert Bryan, George. Burbadge, Richard. Condell, Henry. Cooke, Alexander. Cowley, Richard. Crosse, Samuel. Ecclestone, William. Field, Nathan. Gilburne, Samuel. Goughe, Robert. Heminge, John. — Notes and emendations to the text of Shakes- peare's plays, from early manuscript cor- rections in a copy of the folio 1632. N.Y. 1853. 12° Collier, Joseph Avery. Dawn of heaven ; or, the principles of heavenly life applied to the earthly. N. Y. 1865. 12° Collier, "William Francis. History of England ; with sketches of our Indian and colonial em- pire (54 B.C. to A.D. 1863). Lond. 1868. 8° History of English literature ; in a series of biographical sketches. N. Y. n.d. 16? Marjorie Dudingstoune. Edin. 1867. 2 v. 12° Outlines of general history. Lond. 1868. 12° Pictures of the periods : a sketch-book of old English life. Edin. 1865. 12° Collier de corail, Le. Expilly, C. Collier de la reine, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Collieries. Hair, T. H. Views of the collieries in the counties of Northumberland and Dur- ham. See also Coal ; Mines and mining. CoUingwOOd, Cuthbert (iore?), (1750-1810). Selection from the pulalic and private corre- spondence of; interspersed with memoirs of his life, by G. L. N. CoUingwood. Lond. * 1837. 2 V. 12° CoUingwood, Cuthbert (31. A.). Eambles of a naturalist on the shores and waters of the China sea ; being observations in natural histoiy during a voyage to China, Formosa, Borneo, Singapore, etc., made in her majes- ty's vessels in 1866-7. Lond. 1868. 8° CoUingwood, G. L. Newnham. Selection from the public and private correspondence of Vice-admiral Lord CoUingwood ; inter- spersed with memoirs of his life. Collins, Anthony (1676-1729). Discourse of free- thinking, occasioned by the rise and growth of a sect called free-thinkers. Printed in the year 1713. Lond. 12° To which is added, ' Remarks upon a late discourse of free-think- ing, in a letter to N. N. by Phileleutherus Lipsiensis.' [Richard Bentley.] Part the second. {6th ed.) Camb. 1725. Swift, J. Coilins's discourse of free-thinking put into plain English. [In Works, v. 2.) Collins, James. Report on the caoutchouc of commerce, being information on the plants yielding it, their geographical distribution, Collins {continued) — climatic conditions, and the possibility of their cultivation and acclimatization in India; with a memorandum on the same subject, by Dr. Brandis. Lond. 1872. 4° Collins, Jennie. Nature's aristocracy : a plea for the oppressed. Ed. by R. H. Conwell. Bost. 1871. 12° Collins, Lewis. Historical sketches of Kentucky ; embracing its history, antiquities, and natural curiosities, geographical, statistical, and geo- logical descriptions, etc. Maysville, Ky., 1848. 8= Collins, Mortimer. Marquis and merchant. N. Y. 1871. 8° (6 cop.) Two plunges for a pearl. N. Y. 1872. 8? (3 cop.) Vivian romance, The. N. Y. 1870. 8° (5 cop.) Collins, Perry McDonough. Overland explora- tions in Siberia, northern Asia, and the great Amoor river country ; incidental notices of Manchooria, Mongolia, Kamschatka, and Japan. With a map and plan of an over- land telegraph around the world, via Beh- ring's strait and Russia to Europe. N.Y. 1864. 12° Voyage down the Amoor ; with a land jour- ney through Siberia, and incidental notices of Manchooria, Kamschatka, and Japan. N. Y. 1860. 12° Collins, Stephen (Jf.i>.). Autobiography. Phil. 1872. 12° Miscellanies. (2rf ed.) Phil. 1845. 8° Contents : American literature. Bacon, Lord. Barbour, James. Bible, King .Tames's. Brainerd, David. Cheveley. Cowper, Wm. ~ afel ■ July the fourth, 1842. Lamb, Charles. Lenhart, Wm. Martvn, Henry. May the fourth, 1841. Newbold, J. S. Physick, Philip Syng. Remarks. Sea-shore. Speeches. Summerfleld, John. WUkes, John. W^oman as a missionary. Humanics. N.Y. 1860. See Aristophanes ; Homer ; Poetical works. Deaf elder. Dickens, Chas. Dying hour. England in 1841. Insanity. Insanity, Speech on. Collins, T.Wharton. Collins, W. Lucas. Virgil. Collins, William (1720-1756), Bost. 1854. 12° See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1; Johnson, S. Lives of the Eng. poets. Collins, William (1787-1847). Fairholt, F.W. Sketch of. {In Homes, works, and shrines of Eng. artists.) Collins, (William) Wilkie (b. 1824). After dark. Phil. n.d. 8° Antonina ; or, the fall of Rome. N. Y. 1868. 8° Armadale. N. Y. 1866. 8° (4 cop.) Basil : story of modern life. N.Y. 1853. IT. Dead secret. The. Phil. n.d. 12"; (4 cop.) Same. Phil. n.d. 8° (3 cop.) Hide and seek. Phil. n.d. 8° (2 cop.) Man and wife. N. Y. 1870. 8? (21 cop.) Moonstone, The. N.Y. 1868. 8° {12 cop.) New Magdalen. N. Y. 1873. 8° (15 cop.) No name. N. Y. n.d. 8° (32 cop.) Poor Miss Finch. N. Y. 1872. 8° (12 cop.) Queen of hearts, The. N. Y. 1859. 12? (2 cop.) COLLINS 183 COLORADO Collins (continued) — Quken's revenge, The; and other stories. Phil. n.d. 8° (2 cop.) Sights a-foot. Phil. n.d. 8? Sister Kose. Phil. n.d. 8°. Woman in white, The. N. Y. 1869. 8» (4 cop.) Yellow mask, The. Phil. n.d. 8°. (3 cop.) See also Cartoon portraits. Oollis, Maurice Henry. Diagnosis and treatment of cancer and the tumors analogous to it. Lond. 1864. 8° Colloquiadelosperros. Cervantes Saavedra, Si. de. (/« Obras escogidas, v. 9.) Oollyer, Kobert [b. 1823). Life that now is : ser- mons. Host. 1872. 12? (3 cop.) Man in earnest. Life of A. H. Conant. Bost. 1872. 12? Nature and life : sermons. Bost. 1867. 12? Oolman, George (1733-1794) . Battle of Hexham. (Play.) Inchb. Br. th., v. 20. Deuce is in him, The. (Farce.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 9. Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 6. English merchant. (Com.) Inchb. Mod. th., V. 9. Jealous wife, The. (Com.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 16. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 25. Polly Honeycombe. (Dr. novel.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 6, and Garrick, D. Clandestine marriage. The. Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr.j v. 5. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 16. and Thornton, B. Connoisseur, The. {In Br. essayists, v. 25, 26.) Oolman, George, Jr. (1762-1836). Blue devils. (Com. dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 87. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 9. Heir-at-law. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 12. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 21. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 24. Same. Mod. stand dr., v. 12. Inkle and Yarico, (Op.) Br. dr., v. 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 20. Iron chest. (Play.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 21. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 39. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 6. [Imperfect.] John Bull ; or, the Englishman's fireside. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 3. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 21. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 42. Mountaineers, The. (Play.) Inchb. Br. th., V. 21. Poor gentleman. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 12. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 21. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 39. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 3. Keview, The. (Mus. farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 61. Surrender of Calais. (Play.) Inchb. Br. th., v. 20. "Wats and means. (Com.) Br. dr., v. 1. Sarne. Dicks' Br. dr., v, 12. Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 7. Colman {continued) — Who wants a guinea ? (Com.) Inchb. Mod. th., V. 3. X. Y. Z. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 80. Colman, Henry. European life and manners ; in familiar letters to friends. Bost. 1850. 2 V. 12? Colman, James F. Atlantic steamer. The. (In Boston book.) Colnett, James {Capt.). Voyage to the south Atlantic, and round Cape Horn into the Pa- cific ocean, for the purpose of extending the spermaceti whale fisheries, and other objects of commerce, by ascertaining the ports, har- bors, bays, and anchoring berths, in cer- tain islands and coasts in those seas, at which the ships of the British merchants might be refitted. Lond. 1798. 4? Colomb, — {Capt.). Davenport Done ; or, an April fool. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays V. 74. Slave-catching in the Indian ocean : a rec ord of naval experiences. Lond. 1873. 8' Colombe, La. Schmid, C. von. {In Contes v.l.) Colombia {South Am.). Stevenson, W. B Twenty years in South America. See also the names of separate states. Colombo. See Columbus. Colombo, Michele. Novel of. {In Koscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 4.) Colon, Cristobal. See Columbus, C. Colonel Chabert, Le. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 8.) Colonel de Surville. Sue, E. {In his Deux his- toires.) Colonel Floyd's wards. Terhune, Mrs. M. V. H. {In Husks.) Col. Thorpe's scenes in Arkansaw. Thorpe, T. B. Oolonia Tovar. See Venezuela. Colonial intelligencer ; or, aborigines' friend. V. 3. Lond. 1850-51. 8? Printed and published for the Aborigines' protection so- ciety. \Y. 1, 2 missing.] Colonna, Vittoria (1490-1547). See Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Port- ugal. Color and coloring — Chevreul, M. E. Principles of harmony, and contrast of. Estes, D. Spectrum analysis explained. Field, G. Chromatography ; or, a treatise on colors and pigments. See also Salter {be- low). Gothe, J. W. von. Farbenlehre. (/« Samm. werke, v. 5.) > Same. {In Werke, v. 52-5.) — Theory of color. MacDonald, J. D. Sound and color. Moigno, F. N. M. Accidental or subjective colors. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Salter, T. W. Field's chromatography. Wilkinson, ^(> J. G. On color, and on the necessity for a general difiUslon of taste among all classes. Color guard. Hosmer, J. K, Colorado (terr.) — Beckwith, E. G. Narrative of Gunnison's explorations from Ft. Leavenworth to Sevier C OLORADO 184 COLUMBUS Colorado (terr.) {continued) — lake, 1853. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v, 2. Bowles, S. Switzerland of America : sum- mer vacation in. Hague, J. D. Report on Colorado, and gold and silver mining in. {In King, C. U. S. geol. expl. 40th parallel, v. 3.) Hatden, r. V. Geological survey of Colo- rado [1869]. HoLLisTER, 6. J. Mines of. Lester, J. K Altitudes and history of min- ing in Colorado ; weather record at Denver for 1872. {In his Atlantic to the Pacific.) Meline, J. F. Two thousand miles on horse- back. Eatmond, E. W. Statistics of mines and mining. Taylor, (J.) B. Summer trip, A. Taylor, J. W. Mineral resources. Colorado desert (Cal.) — Blake, W. P. Geological features of. {In his Geology of Williamson's explorations.) See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., V. 5. ScHAEFFER, G. C. Description of the struct- ure of fossil wood from. See Pacific rail- road, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 5. WiDNEY, J. p. Colorado desert, The. {In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Colorado river — Ives, J. C. Eeport upon the Colorado river of the west. [Containing various reports on the natural history of the country, for which see Ives.] Johnston, J. E. Eeport on the condition of the Colorado river, and the probable cost of improving its navigation. See United States (explorations and surveys); Eeports sec. of war. Sitgreaves, L. Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado rivers. Colossians, Epistle of. . Braune, K. Com- mentary on. {In Lange's Com., new test., V. 7.) Colossus of Ehodes. See Historical difficulties. Colton, Caleb C. {d. 1832). Lacon ; or, many things in few words : addressed to those who think. Lond. 1823. 2 v. in 1. 8° Colton, Calvin (1789-1857). See Clay, H. Colton, George Woolworth. Atlas of the world, illustrating physical and political geography ; accompanied by descriptions, geographical, statistical, and historical, by E. S. Fisher. N. Y. 1856. 2 V. Atlas f° General atlas, containing 180 steel plate maps and plans, on 119 imperial folio sheets, drawn by G. Woolworth Colton. Letter- press descriptions, geographical, statistical, and historical, by E. S. Fisher. N. Y. 1873. Atlas f? Colton, Walter (1797-1851). Land and lee in the Bosphorus and ^gean ; or, views of Athens and Constantinople. Ed. by Eev, H. T. Cheever. N. Y. 1851. 12? Sea and the sailor ; notes on France and Italy ; and other literarv remains. With a memoir, by H. T. Cheever. N. Y. 1851. 12° Ship and shore, in Madeira, Lisbon, and the Mediterranean. Eevised from the ' Journal Colton {continued) — of a cruise in the frigate Constellation,' by H. T. Cheever. N. Y. 1851. Vli Three years in California. N. Y. 1852. 12? Columbia. See Colombia. Columbia, District of. -See District of Columbia. Columbia college {JV. Y. city). Catalogue of the governors, trustees, and officers, and of the alumni and other graduates, from 1754 to 1867. N.Y. 1868. (Jn Triennial cat. Am. coll., V. 1.) Columbia river (Oregon)— Cox, E. Adventures on. Lewis, M., and Clarke, W. Expedition to the Columbia [1804-6]. Eoss, A. Adventures of the first settlers on the. Stevens, I. L, et al. Course and tributaries, navigation, passes, great plain, line along, and topography, valley, geology, etc., of. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explora- tions, etc., V. 1, index. Topography of. {In United States coast surv. 1869.) Wilkes, C. Exploration of. {In his Narra- tive of U. S. expl. exped., v. 4, 5.) Columbiad, The. Barlow, J. Columbian college {D. C). Annual and his- torical catalogue of the officers and students, 1868. Wash. 1868. (Jn Triennial cat. Am. coll., V. 1.) Columbo, C. See Columbus, C. Columbus, Bartholomew (1436-1514 ?) Eobin- SON, C. Notice of. {In his Early voyages to America.) Colvonbus (Columbo, or Colon), Christopher (1440 ?-1506). First, second, and third voyages. (Jn Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery, v. 1, 2.) "" FoxjR voyages to the new world. Lond. 1870. 8? {In Hakluyt soc, v. 43.) Voyage round the world, 1492. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Barlow^, J. Columbiad, The. (Historical poem.) — Vision of Columbus, The. (Historical poem.) Belknap, J. Life of. (Jh American biog- raphy, V. 1.) Columbus, F. Life of Columbus, and a his- tory of his discovery of the West Indies. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Helps, A. Life of. {2d ed.) Lond. 1869. 12? Irving, W. Life of. {In Works, v. 3-5.) Lamartine, a. de. Vifr de Christophe Co- lomb. {I?i ffiuvres completes, v. 35.) Major, E. H. Bibliography of the first letter of Columbus, describing his discovery of the new world. — Landfall of Columbus. {In Eoy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) Navarrette, M. F. de. Eelaciones, cartas y otros documentos concernientes 4 los cua- tro viajes que hizo el Almirante D. Cristo- bal Colon para el descubrimiento de las In- dias occidentales [1492-1502] . {In Coleccion de los viajes y descubrimientos, v. 1, 2.) EoBiNSON, C. His discovery of America [South], 1498 ; of the West India islands, COLUMBUS 185 COMMERCE Colurabus {continued) — Oct. 12, 1492 ; of other islands, 1493-4, and visits to Spain, 1493, 1496, and 1504. {In his Early voyages to America.) ViLLEMAiN, A.F. Christophe Colomb. {In ffiuvrcs, V. 6.) See also Smith, J. J. Celebrated characters; Pioneers. Columbus, Diego. Robinson, C. Notice of. (In his Early voyages to America.) Columbus, Ferdinand (1488-1539 ?). Life of Christopher Columbus, and a history of his discovery of the West Indies. {In Church- ill's Coll. voy.,.v. 2.) Columbus, Waddington G. {In Cambridge prize poems.) Coluthus {lived in fifth cent.). Eape of Helen ; or, origin of the Trojan war. {In Argonautics.) Raptus Helenae. {Gr.et Lat.) [Bound with Hesiod.] Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Colville, Samuel. See Morse, J. F. Colwell, Stephen. Ways and means of payment : a full analysis of the credit system, with its various modes of adjustment. Phil. 1859. 8° Colymbia. Lond, 1873. 12? Combat d'ours, Le. Erckmann-Chatrian. Combe, Andrew (1797-1847). Principles of phys- iology applied to the preservation of health, and to the improvement of physical and mental education. N.Y. 1846. 16= H.F. lib., V. 71. See also Brief biographies. Combe, George (1788-1858). Constitution of man considered in relation to external objects. {7th ed.) Edin. 1836. 12° Notes on the United States of North America, during a phrenological visit in 1838-40, Phil. 1841. 2 V. 12: Combe, William (1741-1823). Dr. Syntax's three tours, in search of the picturesque, consolation, and a wife. Original edition, complete and unabridged, with the life and adventures of the author, now first written, by J. C. Hotten. Eighty full-page illustra- tions, drawn and colored after the originals, by T. Ilowlandson. Lond. n.d. 8°. Comedie, La, et les comediens. Gozlan, L. {In ffiuvres, v. 5.) Comediens sans le savoir, Les. Balzac, H. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 17.) Comedier. Holberg, L. Comedies. See Dramas. Comedies et proverbes. Musset, A. de. Comedies et proverbes. Seguk, — (comtesse de). Comiedy. Gozlan, L. Comedie, La, et les comediens. {In OEuvres, v. 5.) See also Drama ; Stage ; Theatre. Comedy of terrors. De Mille, J. Comelati, Guglielmo, awe? Davenport, J. New dictionary of the Italian and English lan- guages, based upop that of Baretti. N. Y. 1855. 2 V. 8° Comentarios reales de los incas. Vega, Gj,. de LA. Com.ete, La, Erckmann-Chatrian, Cometh up as a flower. Broughton, E. Comets — Arago, D, F, Comet, The, KiRKWooD, D, Comets and meteors. Watson, J. C. Popular treatise on. Comettant, Oscar. Civilisations inconnues, Les. Paris, 1863. 12° Contents : Brgsil, Le. Haiti. Hawaii. ' Japon, Le. Monde des esprlts, Le. — Nouveau monde, Le : ricaine. Paris, 1861 Paraguay, Le. Pfirou, Le. Uruguay, L'. Utah, L\ Vancouver. scenes de la vie Am6- 12: Amour d'un esclave, L'. Amour en mer, L': I'amour a la voile et il la vapeur. Ce que les Indiens Hur- woovs font des pains a cacheter. Entre deux rendez-vous. Contents : Feuilletde la vie de Bolivar. Mariage de la mort, Le. Moeurs des Shakers. Physiologie du mal de mer. Premier voyage du Great Eastern. — Trots ans aux Etats-Unis [1852-5]. {2e id.) Paris, 1858, 12: Comforter, The, Bremer, F, {In H — family, etc., V. 2.) Comforts of old age.^ Bernard, Sir T. Comic Blackstone. A'Beck;^ett, G. A. Comic history of England^ A'Beckett, G, A. Comic history of Eome. A'Beckett, G, A, Comic history of the United States. Sherwood, J, D, Comic miscellany, HooD, T, Com.ic natural history of the human race, Ste- phens, H. L, Comic romance, Scarron, P, Comic sketch-book, Poole, J, Com.ing crisis of the world, Eead, H, Coming' race. The ; or, the new utopia, N, Y. 1871. 12: Coming struggle among the nations of the earth, The, compared with the prophecies in Eze- kiel, Daniel, and the Apocalypse. Bost. 1853. 8: (In Pamphlets, v. 1.) Coming to Christ. Green, W. S, Commentaria de bello Gallico, Caesar, C. J., et HiRTius, A, {In Opera omnia, v. 1,) Commerce — Anderson, A, Origin of, British government reports. Castle, E, J, Law of commerce in time of war. Causes of the reduction of American tonnage. Craik, 6, L, History of British, Fyfe, J, H, Merchant enterprises ; or, his- tory of commerce from the earliest times, Gilbart, J, W. History and principles of ancient, (In Works, v. 5.) HoMANs, J. S. Cyclopaedia of, Hopkins, M, Port of refuge. Hunt, F, Library of. Hunt's merchants' magazine. Levi, L, History of British commerce [1763- 1870], M'Culloch, J, E, Dictionary of commerce and commercial navigation, Macgregor, J, Commercial statistics. Merchants' magazine. Perry, M, C, Eemarks upon the expedien- cy of extending further encouragement to American commerce in the east, {In hit Expedition to Japan, v, 2,) Pitkin, T. Statistical view of the commerce of the U, S, Eeuss, W, F, Calculations and statements relative to the trade between Great Britain and the United States of America. COMMERCE 186 COMTE Commerce (continued) — RiCARD, S. Traits g^n^ral du. Spieks, a. Manual of commercial terms, etc. Waterston, W. Cyclopaedia of. Yeats, J. Growth and vicissitudes of com- merce, from 1500 B.C. to A.D. 1789. — Manual of recent and existing. — Technical history of. See also — Business. Merchants. Cotton. Navigation. Exchange. Revenue. Finance. Also the names of countries. Commerce (hrig). Riley, J. Authentic nar- rative of the loss of, on the western coast of Africa. Commerce of the prairies. Gregg, J. Com.mercial and financial chronicle. The, and Hunt's merchants' magazine: a weekly news- paper, representing the industrial and com- mercial interests of the United States. V. 12 (Jan. 1871) to 15 (Dec. 1872). N. Y. 1871-2. 4 V. 4° Com.mercial herald and market review, The. (July, 1867, to Dec. 1872.) S. F. 7 v. Roy. f? Commercial law. Chitty, J., Jr. Treatiseon the law of commerce and manufactures, and the contracts relating thereto. HoLCOMBE, J. P. Selection of leading cases upon. Commines, Philip de {Lord Argenton). Mem- oirs of lord of Argenton, containing the his- tories of Louis XI. and Charles viii., kings of France, and of Charles the bold. To which is added The scandalous chronicle, or secret history of Louis xi., by Jean de Troyes. Ed., with life and notes, by Andrew R. Scoble. Lond. 1855. 2 v. 12° Com.modianus. Writings. Tr. by R. E. Wal- lis. (J« Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v. 17.) Common sense. Paine, T. {In his Political works.) Common sense applied to religion. Beecher, C. E. Common sense in the household. Terhune, Mrs. M. V. H. Commonplace : a tale of to-day. And other stories. Rosetti, C. G. Commonplace-book. Buckle, H. T. {In Mis. and posthumous works, v. 2, 3.) Commonplace-book. Southey, R. Commonplace-book of thoughts, memories, and fancies. Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Common-wealth, Milton, J. Way to estab- lish a free. {In Prose works, v. 2.) Communion. Chaplin, J. Memorial hour ; or, the Lord's supper in its relation to doc- trine and life. Compagnon du tour de France, Le. Dude- VANT, A, L, A, D, Compagnons de J6hu, Les. Dumas, A. (D.) Companions of my solitude. Helps, A. Company clerk, The. Kautz, A. V. Comparative anatomy and physiology — Carpenter, W. B. Principles of compara- tive physiology. Chauveau, a. Comparative anatomy of the domesticated animals. Comparative {continued) — Jones, T. R. General outline of the organiza- tion of the animal kingdom, and manual of comparative anatomy, Maclise, J. Comparative osteology. See also Zoology, Comparative grammar of the Aryan languages. Beames, J. Comparative zoology. See Species ; Zoology. Compendio de gram^tica Castelldna. Fossey, M. DE. Compendio de la historia de los Estados Unidos 6 republica de America. Willard, Mrs. E, C. H. Tr. por M. Talon. Compendio de mitologia. Santa Ana, M. de. Compendium of American literature. Cleve- land, C. D. Compensation. Brewster, A, H. M, Complaint, The ; or, night thoughts, YouNO, E. {In Poetical works, v, 1.) CompleynteofMars. Chaucer, G, (J« Chau- cer soc.) Compleynte to pite. Chaucer, G. {In Chau- cer soc) Composition — Bain, A, English composition and rhetoric. Cox, E. W, Art of writing, etc. See also Eng. lang, and lit, ; Rhetoric. Compromise bill. See Missouri compromise bill. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de 1' Academic des sciences. (Jan. 1835toDec. 1870.) Paris, 1835-70. 74 v. 47 Compton, Spencer. See Northampton {marquis of). Comstock, John Lee (1789-1858). Manual of natural philosophy ; with 300 illustrations. {New ed.) Lond. 1860. 12? System of natural philosophy, in which are explained the principles of mechanics, etc. 111. by 324 engravings. N. Y. 1857. 12° Comstock lode — De Groot, H. Paper on the. {In Overland monthly, v. 10,) Sutro, a. Sutro tunnel to the Comstock lode, in the state of Nevada, etc. {In Pamphlets, V. 33.) Comstock mines — Hague, J, D, Report on the Comstock mines; with a report on the treatment of the ores. {In King, C. U. S. geol. expl. of 40th par- allel, V. 3.) King, C. Report, on. {In his TJ. S. geol. expl. of 40th parallel, v. 3.) Comte, Auguste (1798-1857). Cours de philoso- phie positive. Paris, 1830-42. 6 v. 12° DiscouRS sur P ensemble du positivisme, ou exposition sommaire de la doctrine philoso- phique et sociale propre a la grande r^pub- lique occidentale composde des cinq popula- tions avanc^es, Francjaise, Italienne, Ger- manique, Britannique, et Espagnole, toujours solidaires depuis Charlemagne. Paris, 1848. 8°. Positive philosophy. Tr. by Harriet Mar- tineau. N. Y. 1868. 8° Mill, J. S. Positive philosophy of. See also Philosophy. Comte de Foix, Le. SoULiii, M. F. {In (Eu- vres, V. 24.) COMTE 187 CONFUCIUS Oomte de Monte Cristo. Dumas, A. (D.) Comte de Toulouse, Le. SouLii:, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 23.) Oomtesse de Charny, La. Dumas, A. (D.) Comtesse de Parabere, et le jjalais-royal sous la regence, La. Capkfiguk, B. H. R. Comtesse de Rudolstadt, La. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Comtesse de Saint-G^ran, La.- Dumas, A. (D.) {in Crimes c^lebres, Les.) Comtesse de Salisbury, La. Dumas, A. (D.) Comtesse Faustine, La. Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. Comtesse Hortensia, La. Mery, J. {In (Eu- vres, V. 23.) Comus. Milton, J. ( In Complete poetical works, V. 2.) Same. {In Poetical works, v. 3.) Con Cregan. Lever, C. (J.) Confessions of. Conant, Augustus Hammond (1811-1863). Coll- YER, R. Man in earnest : life of. Conant, Helen S. Butterfly hunters, The. Bost. 1868. 12i Conant, Thomas J. {b. 1802). Book of proverbs. Pt. i., Hebrew text ; King James's version ; and a revised version. With an introduction, and critical and philological notes. Pt. ii., the revised version, with an introduction and explanatory notes. N. Y. 1872, 4°. Oonchology — BiNNEY, W. G. Bibliography of North Amer- ican conchology previous to the year 1860. Pt. i., American authors; pt. ii,, foreign authors. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 5, 9.) — Land and fresh water shells of N. A. Pts. ii., iii, {In Smithsonian mis, coll., v. 7.) Brown, T. Illustrations of the recent con- chology of Great Britain and Ireland. Jeffreys, J. G. British. Johnston, G. Introduction to. Prime, T. Monograph of American corbicu- ladse. (Recent and fossil.) (i>i Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 7.) SowERBY, G. B., Jr. Conchological illustra- tions. — Conchological manual. Thorpe, C. British marine. See also Mollusks ; Sea. Concord days. Alcott, A. B, Concord monument. Emerson, R.W. (-Tn Bos- ton book.) Concord river {Mass.). Thoreau, H. D. "Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. Concordance to Schiller. Rudolph, L. Schil- ler-lexikon. Concordances — Clarke, M. C. Complete concordance to Shakespeare's plays, Cleveland, C. D. Complete concordance to the poetical works of John Milton. Concordance to the works of Alfred Tenny- son. Cruden, a. Complete concordance to the old and new testaments. Green, T. Concordance to the liturgy. Conde (princes of)— Aumale, H. E. p. L. {due d^ Orleans). His- toire des princes de Cond6 pendant les xvi. et XVII. siecles. Cond6 {continued) — Contents : Henri i. de Bourbon [1552-15881. Henri ii. de Bourbon [1588-16461. Louis de Bourbon [1530-1563]. Cousin, V, Society Francjaise au xvii, sieclc, La. Cond6, Antonio Jos6 (1760-1820 or 21). History of the dominion of the Arabs in Spain. Tr. by Mrs. Jonathan Foster. Lond. 1850. 3 V. 12? Conde {prince de), (Louis ii. de Bourbon), (1621- 1686). Stanhope, P. H. Life of. N. Y. 1845. 2 pts. in 1 v. 12° Condensed, novels. Harte, F. B, Oondillac, Etienne Bonnot (1715-1780), Cousin, V, {In Philosophic sensualiste au xviii. siecle.) Condorcet, Sophie de Grouchy (1765-1822). MicHELET, J. Femmes de la revolution, Les. Confectionery. Weatherley, H. Treatise on the art of boiling sugar, etc. See also Domestic economy. Confederate states {U. S.). Historical account of. {In Am. ann. cycl. 1861.) See also U. S. (war of 1861-5). Confession. Simms, W. G. Confession d'un enfant du siecle. La. Musset, A. DE. Confession d'une jeune fille, La. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Confession g^nerale. Soulie, M. F. {In (Eu- vres, V. 9, 10.) Confessional de Paris, Un, Gozlan, L. {In (Euvres, v. 8.) Confessions. Rousseau, J. J. Confessions de la marquise, Les. Dumas, A. (D.) Confessionsof a medium. Taylok, (J.)B, {In At home and abroad.) Confessions of a phoenix. Hood, T. Confessions of a pretty woman. Pardoe, Miss J. Confessions of an English opium-eater. De Quincey, T. Confessions of an inquiring spirit. Coleridge , S.T. Confessions of Con Cregan. Lever, C. (J.) Confessions of Fitz-Boodle. Thackeray, W. M. Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. Church, Mrs. R. Confessions of St. Augustine. Confessor, The, Deleon, — {Abbi). Confidence, Hale, E, E, {In His level best, etc.) Confidences, Nouvelles. Lamartine, A. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 30.) Confidences d'un joueur de clarinette. Erck- mann-Chatrian. Confiagrations. Shehan, J. W., and Upton, G. P. Great conflagration in Chicago. Confiict of ages. Beecher, E. Conflict of laws. Story, J. Confucius — Collie, D. Pour books. The. Legge, J. Confucian analect. {In his Chinese classics.) LooMis, A. W. Confucius and the Chinese classics. CONFUCIUS 188 CONGREVE Confucius (continued) — MiJLi-ER, F. M. "Works of. {In his Chips, V. 1.) Paper on ' Confucius, the great Chinese moralist.' (In Hutchings's Cal, mag., v. 5.) Oongdon, Charles T, Tribune essays : leading articles contributed to the New York tribune, from 1857 to 1863, Introduction, by Horace Greeley. N. Y. 1869. 12° Congdon, H. B. (Comp.) Mining laws and forms ; being a compilation of the statutes of California and territory of Nevada, in reference to mining corporations, canal com- panies, assessments, mining partnerships, transfer agencies, changing principal places of business, mineral lands, conveyances of and actions respecting mining claims, tax- ation, foreign miners, etc.; together with the mining ordinances of Mexico, forms for the incorporation of mining companies, and a digest of the decisions of the supreme court of California relative to mining corpora- tions and mining interests. {3d ed.) S. F. 1864. 12° Congo river {Africa) — Angelo, M., and Carli, D. de. Voyage to Congo river, 1666-7. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 1.) Barbot, J. Voyage to Congo river. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 5.) Merolla da SojiRENTO, J. Voyage to Congo river, 1682. {In Churchill's Cqll. voy., v. 1.) Congregationalism — Clarke, D. Orthodox Congregationalism, and the sects. Dexter, H. M. "What it is ; whence it is ; how it works. GoRRiE, P. D. Churches and sects of the United States. PuNCHARD, G. History of Congregationalism [ah. 250-1867]. Bobbins, C. History of Old North and new brick church of Boston. Congress of Paris (1856). Gourdon, E. His- toire de. Congress of the IT. S.— Annals of. Debates and proceedings in the congress of the U. S. 1st cong. (1789) to 18th cong., 1824. "Wash. 1836-54. 47 v. Roy. 8? Barnes, W. H. Hist. 39th congress. Bartlett, D. "W. Cases of contested elec- tions in congress, 1834-65. Benton, T. H. Abridgment of the debates of congress [1789-1856]. Cases of contested elections in congress, from the year 1789 to 1834, incl.; compiled byM. St. Clair Clarke and David A. Hall. Wash. 1834. 8° Congressional globe. The. Cox, S. S. Eight years in congress [1857- 1865]. History of congress, exhibiting a classifica- tion of the proceedings of the senate and house of representatives, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1793 ; embracing the first term of the administration of General "Wash- ington. Phil. 1843. 8? Journal of the house of representatives of the U. S., 1855-64. Wash. 18 v. 4? Congress {continued) — Journal of the senate of the U. S., 1857-64. Wash. 8 V. 4° Lanman, C. Dictionary of the U. S. con- gress (1859). . PooRE, B. p. Directory for the third session of the forty-first. — Directory of forty-second congress, second session, 1872. Register of debates in congress. V. 1 (1824) to 14 (1837). 14 V. in 29. Wash. 1825-37. 8° Wheeler, H. G. Biographical and political history of. See also Library of congress ; United States. Congress of Verona (Aug. 25 to Dec. 15, 1822). Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. MosEN, J. Congress von Verona, Der. {In Samm. werke, v. 5, 6.) Congress of Vienna. Pradt, D. D. de. Congressional globe and appendixes, from Dec. 7, 1833 (23d congress, 1st session), to May 27, 1871 (41st congress, 1st session). Wash. 1833-71. 101 V. in 100. 4° Contents : 23cl congress, 1st and 2d sessions, 1833-5, 2 v. In 1. 24th congress, Ist session (with app.). 1835-6, 1 v. 24th congress, 2d session, 183fi-7. 1 v. 25tli congress, 1st session, 1837, 2 y. in 1. 25th congress. 2d session, 1837-8, 1 v. 25th congress, 3d session, 1838-9, 1 v. 2fith congress, 1st session, 183!)-40, 1 v. 26th congress, 2d session, 1840-41, 1 v. 27th congress, 1st session, 1841-2. 2 v. 27th congress, 2d session (app.). 1841-2, 2 v. 27th congress. 3d session, 1842-3, 1 v. 28th congress, 1st session, 184.3-4, 1 v. 28th congress, 2d session, 1844-5, 1 v. 2!lth congress, Ist session (app.), 184.S-6, 2 v. 2.1th congress, 2d session, 1846-7, 1 v. 30th congress, 1st session (app.), 1847-8, 2 v. 30th congress, 2d session, 1848-9, 1 v. 31st congress, 1st session (2 parts, with 2 app.), 184^ ,50, 4 V. 33d congress, isc session (,app.;, i8.t.s-^, % v. 33d congress, 2d session, 1854-5, 2 v. 34th congress, 1st session (3 parts, with app.), 1855-6, 4 V. 34th congress, 2d session, 18-56-7, 2 v. 35th congress, 1st session (app.), 1857-8, 4 v. 35th congress, 2d session, 1858-9, 2 v. 36th congress, 1st session (3 parts, with app.), 1859- 60, 4 V. 36th congress, 2d session, 1860-61, 2 v. 37th congress, 1st session, 1861, 1 v. 37th congress, 2d session (3 parts, with app.), 1861-2, 4 V. 37th congress, 3d session, 1862-3, 2 v. 38th congress, 1st session (3 parts, with app.), 1863- 4, 4 V. o»ni congress, iu session i,-) partsj, inoo-/, o v. 40th congress, 1st session (app.), 1867. 1 v. 40th congress, 2d session (5 parts), 1867-8, 5 v. (1 vol. supplement, containing trial of President John- son, 18*«.) 40th 41st 41st cuiigiess, .iu session w parts 41st congress, 3d session (3 parts 3 V. 42d congress, 1st session, 1871, 2 v. 42d congress, 2d session (5 parts, with app. and in- dex), 1871-2, 7 v. Congreve, William (1670-1729). Dramatic works. iSee Wycherley, Congreve, et al. Double-dealer. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 9. Love for love. (Com.) Br. dr., v. 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 10. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 13. Mourning bride. (Trag.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 3. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 13. CONGREVE 189 CONSTITUTIONS Congreve (continued) — Way of the world. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 11. Coleridge, H. Life of. (In his Lives of northern worthies, v. 3.) Thackeray, "W. M. English humorists of the XVIII. century. See also Lives of English dramatists, v. 2. Ooningsby, Christopher. Sheltern. N. Y. 1868. 12i (2 cop.) Ooningsby, Disraeli, B. Conington, John (1825-1869). Odes and Car- men saeculare of Horace, tr. into English verse. Lond. 1872. 12^ Satires, epistles, and art of poetry of Horace, tr. into English verse. Lond. 1871. 12"; Oonjectura cabbalistica. More, H. Conkling, Margaret C. Memoirs of the mother and wife of Washington. Conkling, Koscoe (6. 1828). Speech in senate, Feb. 22, 1870, on constitutional amendments. (In Pamphlets, v. 27.) Connecticut (state) — Constitution of. (In American's guide.) De Forest, J. W. History of the Indians of. DwiGHT, T., Jr. History of. HiNMAN, K, K. Letters from the English kings and queens to the governors of the colony of Connecticut, together with the an- swers thereto, from 1635 to 1749. Connecticut association, The (Boston). Festi- val, 1857. (In Pamphlets, v. 14.) Connecticut valley. Hitchcock, E. Illus- trations of surface geology. Part i. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 9.) Connelly, Emma M. Under the surface. Phil. 1873. 12^ (5 cop.) Conner, Bernard. Account of the kingdom of Poland. (In Drake's Coll. voy.) Connoisseur, The. Colman, G., and Thorn- ton, B. (In Br. essayists, v. 25, 26.) Conon (ab. 400 B.C.). Nepos, C. Vita. (In VitiB excell. imper., v. 1.) Conorado, Vasquez de. See Vasquez. Conquest of Granada. Irving, W. {In Ee- views and miscellanies.) Conrad, Kobert T. (1809-1858). Aylmere, or the bondman of Kent ; and other poems. Phil. 1852. 12° Jack Cade. (Trag.) Lacy's Plays, v. 83. Conrad, Timothy Abbott (b. 1803). Check-list of the invertebrate fossils of North America. (Eocene and oligocene.) (In Smithsonian mis. coll., V. 7.) Description of cretaceous and tertiary fossils. (In Emory's U. S. and Mexican boundary survey, v. 1.) Description of the fossil shells of William- son's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Ke- ports of explorations, etc., v. 5, p. 319. Fossil shells from Chile. (In Gilliss's U. S. naval astron. exped., v. 2.) Report on the tertiary shells collected on Ab- bot's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Re- ports of explorations, etc., v. 6. Conrart, Valentin. Cousin, V. Vie de. (In Societe Franpaise au xvii. siecle, La, v. 2.) Conscience — Dan Michel. Ayenbite of inwyt; or, re- morse of. Conscience (continued) — HampolEjR. R.de. Prickeof conscience. (In Philological soc. Early Eng. vol.) Parker, T. Function and plan of conscience, in relation to the laws of men : a sermon, (Fn Pamphlets, v. 30.) Two consciences. The ; or, conscience the moral law and conscience the witness. Conscience, Henri (or Hendrik), (b. 1812). Mai du siecle, Le : scenes de la vie contem- poraine. Tr. de L6on Wocquier. Paris, 1864. 12° Veva ; or, the war of the peasants. Lond. n.d. 16° Conscience : I'innocent. Dumas, A. (D.) Conscript, The. Dumas, A. (D.) Conscript, The. Erckmann-Chatrian. Conseiller au parlement, Le. Soulie, M. F. (Jii (Euvres, v. 26.) Conseiller d'etat, Le. Soulie, M. F. (In (Eu- vres, V. 25.) Conservative reformation and its theology. Krauth, C. p. Consolatio philosophise. Boethius, A. M. T. S. Consolation of philosophy. Boethius, A. M. T. S. Consolations in travel. Davy, H. Conspiracy unveiled. Hunnicutt, J. W. Conspiration au Louvre, Une. Mery, J. (In (Euvres, v. 36.) Constable de Bourbon. Ainsworth, W. H. Constance Aylmer. Parker, Mrs. H. F. Constance Verrier. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Constant, Benjamin (1767-1830). Philosophi- cal miscellanies. Tr. by George Ripley. (In Specimens of foreign literature, v. 2.) See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Constantinople — Audouard, J/we. O. De Vienne a. (In Orient, L', et ses peuplades.) AuLDjo, J. Visit to Constantinople and some of the Greek islands in 1833. Baillie, 3Irs. — . Sail to Smyrna. CoLTON, W. Land and lee in the Bosphorus and ^gean. Murray, J. Hand-book fortravelers in. Post, H. A. V. Visit to Constantinople and Greece in 1827-8. Rolamb, N. Journey to Constantinople, 1656-8. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 5.) White, C. Three years in. Wise, H. A. Scampavias from Gibel Tarek to Stamboul. See also Crimea ; East ; Turkey. Oonstantinus, Flavins Valerius Aurelius (272- 337). Vita. (/« Panegyrici veteres, V. 8.) Constipation — Ashton, T. J. Remarks on habitual. (In Diseases of the rectum.) Hall, W. W. Health and disease as affected by. Johnson, E. Constipation not a disease of the bowels. See also Digestion. Constitution of England. See England. Constitution of U. S. See United States. Constitutions — BiOELOW, J. R. American's own book ; or, the constitutions of the several states in the CONSTITUTIONS 190 COOK Constitutions {continued) — Tkemknhekre, H. S. Constitution of the U. S. compared with our own [English]. See also the names of countries. Constructive architecture. Sloan, S. Consuelo. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Consulate and the empire. Thiers, L. A. History of. /See France. Consumption — Bennet, J. H. Treatment of pulmonary. Hall, W. W. Consumption. See also Chest ; Lungs. Contarini Fleming. Disraeli, B. Conte de la Charibaude, tin ; ou, la conversion et la mort de Saint Babolein. Vermond, P. {In Chroniques populaires du Berry.) Contemplations, Les. Hugo, V. (M.) Contemporary review. The. V. 1 (Feb. 1866) to -11 (May, 1873). Lond. and N. Y. 1866- 73. 21 V. 8^ Contentment. Barrow, I. Sermons on. Contentment better than wealth. Haven, A. B. Contes. Chetkh-el-Mohdy. Tr. de I'Arabe par ,J. J. Marcel. Contes. MussET, A. de. Contes Bretons. Feval, P. (7n (Euvres, v. 7.) Contes de la montagne. Erckmanx-Chatri- an. Contes de ma grand'mere. SotJLi:E, M. F. (/« (Euvres, v. 26.) Contes de Schmid. Traduction de Macker, — {Ahbe). Contes d'une table-d'hote, Les. Vermond, P. {In Chroniques populaires du Berry.) Contes des bords du Rhin. Erckmann-Cha- TRIAN. Contes des fees. Perraitlt, C, et al. Contes drolatiques. CoUigez ez abbayes de Tou- raine. Balzac, H. de. Contes du cabaret, Les. Vermond, P. {In Chroniques populaires du Berry.) Contes du coin du feu. Vermond, P. {In Chroniques populaires du Berry.) Contes et scenes de la vie de famille, dedi^s aux enfants. Desbordes-Valmore, M. .Contes populaires. Erckmann-Chatrian. Contes pour les enfants. Souli]§:,M. F. {InCEu- vres, V. 27.) Continental monthly ; devoted to literature and national policy. V. 1 (Jan. 1862) to 6 (Dec. 1864). N. Y. 1862-4. 6 v. 8° Contra Costa county {Gal.). Directory of Con- tra Costa and Alameda counties, for 1871-2. Contracts — Chipman, D. Essay on the law of. Chitty, J., Jr. Practical treatise on law of. Powell, J. J. Essay upon the law of con- tracts and agreements. Story, J. Treatise on the law of contracts not under seal. Contraste und paradoren. Sallet, F. von. Contrat de mariage, Le. Balzac, H. de. {In GSuvres completes, v. 5.) Contrat social. Rousseau, J. J. {In Petits chefs-d'oeuvre.) Contributions to molecular physics in the do- main of radiant heat. Tyndall, J. Controleur des contributions directes. SouLiE, M. F. {In ffiuvres, v. 32.) Convalescent. Willis, N. P. Convents and convent life — Caracciolo, H. Mysteries of the Neapolitan convents. Five years in a Protestant sisterhood, and ten years in a Catholic convent. Murphy, J. N. Terra incognita. See also Port Royal. Conversation. Art of. {In Hand-books of so- ciety.) Conversation, La. Delille,J. (/n (Euvres, V. 16.) Conversations-lexikon. AUgemeine Deut- sche real-encyklopadie fUr die gebildeten stande. {Elfte aujiage.) Leipzig, 1864-8. 15 V. 8° Same. Supplement, erster band. Aachen bis Honved. Leipzig, 1872. 8? Conversations on some of the old poets. Low- ell, J. R. Conversion of the northern nations. Merivale , C. Conversion of the Roman empire. MerivalA, C. Convert, The ; or, leaves from my experience. Browxson, O. a. N. Y. 1857. 12° Conveyancing. Getz, G. General collection of precedents in conveyancing. Convict, The. James, G. P. R. Convicts. Carpenter, M. Our convicts. See also Crime ; Prisons. Oonvray, Moncure D. Republican superstitions, as illustrated in the political history of Amer- ica. Lond. 1872. 12^ Contents: Delusive diplomacy. Letter from M. Louis Blanc. Letter to M. Louis Blanc. President, The. State superstition, The. Two chambers. The. Conway, Thomas. Thacher, J. Biographical sketch of. {In his Military journal.) Conwell, Russell H. "Why, and how. Why the Chinese emigrate, and the means they adopt to reach America ; with sketches of travel, amusing incidents, social customs, etc. Bost. 1871. 12° (2 cop.) Conybeare, William John (rf. 1857), and How- son, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. Conyngham, David P. Sherman's march through the south ; with sketches and in- cidents of the campaign. N. Y. 1865. 12? (2 cop.) Conyngham, William (1764-1854). See Ora- tor, The. Cook, Eliza (6. 1817). New echoes ; and other poems. Lond. 1864. 12° Poetical works. Phil. 1856. 8° Cook, F. C. {Ed.) Holy bible. The, according to the authorized version (a.d. 1611) ; with an explanatory and critical commentary, and a revision of the translation, by bishops and other clergy of the Anglican church. N. Y. 1871-3. V. 1-2. Contents : Deuteronomy, v. 1. Exodus, V. 1. Genesis, v. 1. Joshua, v. 2. Judges, v. 2. Kings I., V. 2. Leviticus, v. L Numbers, v. 1. Ruth, v. 2. Cook, George H. Geology of New Jersey. By authority of legislature. Newark, 1868. 8? Plates to the same. 4° COOK 191 COOLEY Cook, James (Capt.), (1728-1779). Three voy- ages round the world. Illustrated with maps and numerous engravings on wood and steel. Lond. [1777]. 2 v. 4° Contents : 1st voyage, 1768-71. v. 1. 2d voyage, 1772-5, v. 1. 3d voyage [to Pacific ocean], 1776-80, v. 2. Discovery of !New Caledonia in 1774 ; recog- nition in 1774 of Tierra austral del espiritu, under the name of New Hebrides. {In Fleu- rieu's Discoveries of the French.) First, second, and third voyages. {In Cooley, "W. D. Maritime and inland discovery, v. 3.) First voyage round the world, 1768-71. (In Hawkesworth's Voy., v. 2, 3.) Voyage, 1768-76. {In Bajot, M. Abr6g6 historique et chronologique des principaux voyages de d^couvertes.) Coleridge, H. Life of. {In his Lives of northern worthies, v. 3.) Jones, M. Story of Capt. Cook's three voy- ages round the world. KiPPis, A. Life of. Lond. 1788. 4° See also Heroes of discovery ; Self-made men. Cook, Joel. Siege of Eichmond : a narrative of the military operations of Major-General G. B. McClellan, during the months of May and June, 1862. Phil. 1862. 12° Cook's complete guide, on the principles of fru- gality, comfort, and elegance, including the art of carving, etc. By a lady. Lond. n,d. 8? Cook's tale. Chaucer, G. {In Chaucer soc.) Cooke, E. W. Grotesque animals : invented, drawn, and described. Lond. 1872. 4° Cooke, E. W. Sixty-five plates of shipping and craft, drawn and etched. Lond. 1829. 4° Cooke, George Wingrove. China : the Times' special correspondence from China in the years 1857-8; with corrections and additions, by the author. Lond. 1858. 12° Cooke, John Esten {b. 1830). Doctor Vandyke. ISr. Y. 1872. 8° (2 cop.) Fairfax. N. Y. 1868. 16° Hammer and rapier. N. Y. 1870. 16° Her majesty the queen. Phil. 1873. 12° (5 cop.) Hilt to hilt ; or, days and nights on the banks of the Shenandoah, in the autumn of 1864. N. Y. 1869. 16° (2 cop.) MoHUN ; or, the last days of Lee and his pal- adins. N. Y. 1869. 12: Out of the foam. N. Y. 1871. 16? Stonewall Jackson : a military biography. N. Y. 1866. 12° SuRRYof Eagle's nest. N. Y. 1866. 12? (2 cop.) Virginia comedians, The ; or, old days in the Old Dominion. N. Y. 1854. 12? (2 cop.) Cooke, Joseph. Green's Tu quoque ; or, the city gallant. (Com.) (in Dodsley's Old plays, V. 7.) Cooke, Josiah P. Elements of chemical physics. Bost. 1860. 8? Religion and chemistry ; or, proofs of God's plan in the atmosphere and its elements. Ten lectures, delivered at the Brooklyn in- stitute. N. Y. 1864. 8? Cooke, M. C. Our reptiles : a plain and easy ac- count of the lizards, snakes, newts, toads, frogs, and tortoises indigenous to Great Brit- ain. With original figures of every species, and numerous wood-cuts. Lond. 1865. 12? Eust, smut, mildew, and mold : an introduc- tion to the study of microscopic fungi. Il- lustrated. Lond. 1865. 12? Cooke, Philip St. George (6. 1809). Eeport of a march from Santa F6, New Mexico, to San Diego, upper California, 1847. {In New Mexico and California.) Cooke, Thomas Weeden. Cancer: its allies and counterfeits. Lond. 1865. 8? Cookery— Beecher, C. E. Domestic receipt-book. Beeton, I. Book of household management. Bowman, A. New cookery-book. Brillat-Savarin, a. Physiologic du gofit, ou meditations de gastronomic transcendante. Cook-book, The. Pt. i. St. Petersburg, 1811. 8? {Russian.) Cook's complete guide. By a lady. Cornelius, Mrs. M. H. Young housekeeper's friend. Elliott, Mrs. S. A. Mrs. Elliott's housewife: practical receipts in cookery. Frost, S. A. Godey's lady's book receipts. Glasse, Mrs. — . Art of cookery, 1784. GouFFE, J. Royal cookery-book. Henderson, W. A. Modern domestic. Hill, A. P. New cook-bopk. Irving, L. 1,000 receipts ; or, modern and domestic. Liber cure cucorum : a poem, copied from the Sloane ms. 1986. {In Philological soc. Early Eng. vol.) Mann, Mrs. H. Physiological cook-book. EuNDELL, Mrs. — . New system of domestic. St. Clair, H. {Lady). Dainty dishes. Soyer, a. Culinary campaign. — Panthropeon ; or, history of food. Terhune, Mrs. M. V. H. Common sense in the household. Upton, R. A. Home studies. YouMANS, E. L. Hand-book of household science. See also Dining and dinners ; Domestic econ- omy ; Food. Cooktnan, Alfred. Ridgaway, H. B. Life of; with some account of his father, G. G. Cook- man. Cookman, George Grimston. See Cookman, A. Coolbrith, Ina D. Poem, read before the Soci- ety of Cal. pioneers, at their 18th anniversary, Sept. 9, 1868. (Jw Pamphlets, v. 25.) [For other poems, see Overland monthly.] Cooley, Arnold James. Cyclopaedia of practical receipts and collateral information in the arts, manufactures, professions, and trades, includ- ing medicine, pharmacy, and domestic econ- omy ; designed as a comprehensive supplement to the pharmacopoeia and general book of ref- erence for the manufacturer, tradesman, ama- teur, and heads of families. Fifth ed., re- vised and partly rewritten, by R. V. Tuson. Lond. 1872. Thick 8? Cyclopedia of 6,000 practical receipts and collateral information in the arts, manufact- ures, trades, etc. N. Y. 1855. 8? COOLEY 192 COOPER Oooley {continued) — Hand-book of compound medicines ; or, the prescriber's and dispenser's vade - mecuiii. Phil. 1873. 12° Hand-book of perfumes, cosmetics, and other toilet articles ; including instructions and cautions respecting their selection and use. Phil. 1873. 12? Toilet and cosmetic arts in ancient and modern times. Phil. 1866. 12? Toilet in ancient and modern times ; with a review of the different theories of beauty, and copious allied information, social, hy- gienic, and medical. Phil. 1873. 12? Oooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery. Lond. 1830-1. 3 v. 12? Contents : Himalyeh, Travels In the, V. 3. Hindoos, Mythic geography of the, V. 1. Humboldt's travels, v. 3. La Perouse, Voyage s of, v. 3. Maps of the middle ages, v. 1. Marco Polo, Travels of, v. 1. Monsoons, Discovery of the, V. 1. Northmen, Discoveries of the, V. 1. Oderic of Portenau, v. 1. Pacific ocean, Voyages in the, V. 2. Park, Mungo, Travels of, v. 3. Parry's voyage, v. 3. Passage by the Cape dis- covered, V. 1. Peru, Conquest of, v. 2. Pinto, Ferdinand Mendez, v. 2. Portuguese, Conquest of the, V. 2. Portuguese, Early discover- ies of the, V. 1. Ptolemy, v. 1. Boss, Capt., Voyage of, v. 3. Rubruquis, Travels of, v. 1. Bussiaus, Discoveries of the, V. 2. Settlements in the east, v. 2. South sea. Voyages of priva- teers and others to the, v. 2. South sea. Voyages to the, V. 2. Vancouver's voyages, v. 3. Vespucci, Amerigo, Voyage of, V. 2. Voyages to the north, v. 2. Wailis, Voyage of, v. 3. Coolidge, Richard H. Statistical report on the sickness and mortality in the army of the United States, compiled from the records of the surgeon-general's office ; embracing a period of twenty-one years, from Jan. 1839 to Jan. 1860. Wash. 1856-60. 2 v. 4? Ooolidge, Susan. New-year's bargain. Bost. 1872. 12? What Katy did. Bost. 1873. 12? Cooper, A. A. See Shaftesbury, A. A. C. Cooper, Edward. Practical and familiar ser- mons ; designed for parochial and domestic instruction. V.2. Hartford, Ct., 1818. 16? Cooper, P. F. Hercules. (Parce. ) Lacy's Plays, V. 89. Cooper, J. G. Distribution of the forests and trees of North America ; with notes on its physical geography. {In Smithsonian rept. 1858.) Forests and trees of Florida and the Mexican boundary. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Land birds of California. {In Whitney, J. D. Geol. survey of Cal.,. Ornithology, v. 1.) Africa, Establishments In, V. 3. America, Early discoveries in, V. 2. America, Interior of, v. 3. America, Settlements in, v. 2. America, Southern extrem- ity of, V. 3. Ancients, Commerce of the, V. 1. Ancients, Geography of the, V. 1. Arabians, The, v. 1. Asia, Eastern shores of, v. 3. Australia, Coasts of, v. 3. Australia, Discovery of, v. 2. Australia, Interior of, v. 3. Batuta, Ibn, Travels of, v. 1. Bruce, James, Travels of, v. 3. Buccaneers, Expeditions of, In the south seas, v. 2. Byron, J., Voyages of, v. 3. Carpini, Journey of, into Tartary, v. 1. Carteret, Voyage of, v. 3. Clapperton's travels, v. 3. Clavjjo, Embassy of, v. 1. Columbus, V. 1, 2. Cooli, Capi. James, Voyages of, V. 3. Cortez, Hernando, v. 2. Denham's travels, v. 3. Europeans In the south sea, V. 3. Franltlin, Capt., Journeys of, V. 3. Geographical science. Prog- ress of, V. 3. Greeks, The : historic age, v. 1. Greeks, The : Homeric age, V. 1. Cooper {continued) — Keport on the birds, botany, mammals, mol- lusca and Crustacea, and reptiles collected on Stevens's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 12, pt. ii. Same. {In Nat. hist. Wash, terr., below.) and SuCKLEY, G. Natural history of Wash- ington territory ; with much relating to Min- nesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oregon, and Cali- fornia, between the 36th and 49th parallels of latitude, taken from the survey of the Northern Pacific railroad route. N. Y. 1859. 4? Contents : Cooper, J. G. : Reports on the botany, land birds, mammals, meteorology, plants, and reptiles of the expedition. Gray, Asa : Report on the plants east of the Rocky mountains. Le Conte, J. L. : Report on the insects. Suckley. G. : Report on the mammals and water birds. Suckley and Gibbs : Report on the mammals. Cooper, James Fenitnore (1789-1851). Bravo, The. N. Y. 1849. 12? Same. N. Y. 1859. 12? Same. N. Y. 1867. 2v.ini. 12? {2 cop.) Chainbearer, The ; or, the Littlepage man- uscripts. N. Y. 1852, 2 V. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1860. 12? Same. N. Y. 1866. 16? Crater, The ; or, Vulcan's peak. N. Y. 1849. 2 V. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1867. 12? Deerslater, The ; or, the first war-path. N. Y. 1869. 12? (4 cop.) Headsman, The ; or, the abbaye des Vigne- rons. Phil. 1848. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1859. 12? Same. N. Y. 1867. 12? Heidenmauer, The ; or, the Benedictines. A legend of the Rhine. N. Y. 1849. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1852. 12? Sa7ne. N. Y. 1867. 16? History of the navy of the U. S. of America; continued to 1856, from the author's mss. and other authentic sources. N. Y. 1856. 3 V. in 1. 8? Home as found. [Sequel to 'Homeward bound.'] N. Y. 1849. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1852. 2v.ini. 12? Same. N. Y. 1860. 12? Same. N. Y. 1867. 16? Homeward bound ; or, the chase. N. Y. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Last of the Mohicans, The. • N. Y. 1863. 12? Same. N. Y. 1872. 8? Leather-stocking tales. Contents : (1.) Deerslaj'er. (2.1 Last of the Mohicans. (3.) Pathfinder. (4.) Pioneers. 1,5.) Prairie. Lionel Lincoln ; or, the league of Boston. N.Y. 1852. 12? Same. N. Y. 1867. 12? Littlepage manuscripts. (1.) Satanstoe. (2.) Chainbearer. Contents : I (3.) Redskins. COOPER 193 COPE Cooper {continued) — Lives of distinguished American naval offi- cers. Phil. 1846. 2 V. 12i Mercedes of Castile ; or, the voyage to Ca- thay. N. Y. 1849. 2 V. in 1. 12^ /Same. N. Y. 1861. 12? Sa7ne. N. Y. 1867. 12° Miles Wallingford : sequel to 'Afloat and ashore.' N. Y. 1861. 12? MoNiKiKS, The. N. Y. 1849. 2 v. in 1. 12° Same. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1860. 12? Same. N. Y. 1867. 16? Oak-openings, The ; or, the bee-hunters. N. Y. 1849. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1860. 12? Same. N. Y. 1867. 12? Pathfinder, The ; or, the inland sea. N. Y. 1860. 12? Same. N. Y. 1868. 12? Same. N. Y. 1869. 12? Pilot, The. N. Y. 1867. 12? Pioneers, The ; or, the sources of the Susque- hanna. N. Y. 1859. 12? (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1866. 16? Same. N. Y. 1867. 12? Prairie, The : a tale. Illustrated. N. Y. 1869. 12? Precaution. N. Y. 1867. 12? Proceedings of the naval court-martial in the case of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, a com- mander in the U. S. navy. N. Y. 1844. 8? Ked rover, The. (ji.t.p.) 12? Kedskins, The. (n.t.p.) 12? Same. N. Y. 1849. 2 v. in 1. 12? Satanstoe ; or, the Littlepage manuscripts. A tale of the colony. N. Y. 1845. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12? Sea lions, The ; or, the lost sealers. N. Y. 1849. 2v. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1865. 12? Sketches of Switzerland. Phil. 1836. 2 v. 12? Spy, The : a tale of the neutral ground. N. Y. 1866. 12? Same. N. Y. 1872. 12? Traveling bachelor ; or, notions of the Amer- icans. N. Y. 1850. 2 V. in 1. 12? Same. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12? Two admirals, The. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. N". Y. 1861. 12? Water witch, The ; or, the skimmer of the seas. N. Y. 1860. 12? Same. N. Y. 1866. 12? Ways of the hour, The. N. Y. 1861. 12? Wept of Wish-Ton- Wish, The. N. Y. 1852. 2 V. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1867. 16? WiNG-AND-wiNG, The ; or, Le Feu - follet. N. Y. 1849. 2 V. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Wyandotte ; or, the hutted knoll. N. Y. 1867. 12? Same, (n.t.p.) 12? (3 cop.) Bryant, W. C. Discourse on life, genius, and writings of Cooper, Feb. 25, 1852. (In his Orations, etc.) 14 Kecollections of. {In Essai sur. (In Cooper {continued) — Buckingham, J. T. Boston book.) DUDEVANT, A. L. A. D. Autour de la table.) See also Biographical studies. Cooper, Samuel (1609-1672). Pairholt, F. W. {In tlomes, works, and shrines of En- glish artists.) Cooper, Samuel (Maj.), {b. 1795). Concise sys- tem of instructions and regulations for the militia and volunteers of the United States. Phil. 1846. 12? Cooper, Susan Fenimore {b. 1825). Khyme and reason of country life ; or, selections from fields old and new, by author of ' Eural hours.' N. Y. 1854. 8? KuRAL hours. By a lady. {Sd. ed.) N". Y. 1851. 8? Cooper, T. T. Travels of a pioneer of com- merce in pigtail and petticoats ; or, an over- land journey from China towards India. With map and illustrations. Lond. 1871. 8? Cooper, Thomas. Bridge of history over the gulf of time : a popular view of the histor- ical evidence for the truth of Christianity. {ith ed.) Lond. 1872. 16? Life of ; written by himself. Lond. 1872. 12? Plain pulpit talk. Lond. 1872. 12? Cooper, Thompson. Men of the time : a dic- tionary of contemporaries, containing bio- graphical notices of eminent characters of both sexes. Eighth ed., revised and brought down to the present time. Lond. 1872. 1008 pp. 12? Cooper, W. K. Some observations upon a Greek tablet bearing the name of Adi^ANACIOC, found in the Ausaseef, near Gourneh, Thebes, 1828. (JnKoyalsoc. of lit. Trans., 1872.) Cooper, William. Keport on the moUusca of Stevens's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 12, pt. ii. Same. {In Cooper, J. G., and Suckley, G. Nat. hist. Wash, terr.) Cooper, William M. History of the rod, in all countries, from the earliest period to the present time : flagellation and the flagel- lants. Lond. 1870. 12? Coote, Holmes. Treatise on abscess ; gangrene. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Treatise on diseases of the thyroid gland; surgical apparatus. {In Holmes, T. Sys- tem of surgery, v. 4.) Treatise on injuries of the face. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 2.) Treatise on plastic surgery ; diseases of the tongue. {In Holmes, T. System of sur- gery, V. 3.) Cope, Edward Duffield. Geology and palaeon- tology of the cretaceous strata of Kansas. {In Hayden, F. V. Prelim, rept.) Report on the reptiles and fishes of the U. S. geol. survey of Montana and adjacent ter- ritories. (Zm Hayden, F.V. Prelim, rept.) Supplement to descriptions of vertebrates ; consisting of a description of a new geniis and species of reptiles (Amphibamus gran- diceps), from the coal regions. {In Worth- en, A. H., et al. Geol. survey of Illinois, V.2.) COPE 194 CORNELL, Cope, Henry. Brief account of the silk manu- factures of Lahore. Lahore, n.d. Thin f ° Cope, Thomas Pym (1768-1854). Chandler, J. K. Life of. {In Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants, v. 1.) Copeland, R. Morris. Country life : a hand- book of agriculture, horticulture, and land- scape gardening. Bost. 1860. 8° Copernicus, Nicholas (1473-1543). ySfee Pioneers. Copland, James. Dictionary of practical med- icine ; comprising general pathology, and the nature and treatment of diseases ; with numerous prescriptions for the medicines recommended. Lond, 1858. 4 v. 8° Copley, John Singleton (1787-1815). Cunkikg- HAM, A. Life of. {In Lives of most emi- nent Br. painters and sculptors, v. 4.) H, F. lib., V. 66. TucKERMAN, H. T. Sketches of eminent Am. painters. Copley, John Singleton {Lord Lyndhursi), (1772- 1863). See Orator, The. Coppee, Henry {b. 1821). English literature, considered as an interpreter of English his- tory ; designed as a manual for instruction. Phil. 1872. 12° (2 cop.) Field manual of courts-martial. Phil. 1863. 16^ Grant and his campaigns : a military biog- raphy. Copper— Becquerel, A. E . Extract from a memoir on the i^reservation of copper and iron in salt water. {In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Browne, J. R. Copper resources of the Pa- cific coast. {In A/s Mineral resources.) Crookes, "W., and Rohrig, E. Metallurgy. Foster, J. W., and Whitney, J. D. Re- port on the Lake Superior land district. Gavriloff. History of copper. {Russian.) Percy, J. Metallurgy. PiGGOT, A. S. Chemistry and metallurgy of copper. See also Assaying ; Metallurgy. Cop'way, George. Recollections of a forest life ; or, the life and adventures of. Copyright. See International copyright. Coq aux cheveux d'or, Le. Dudevant, M. Coq et la poule, Le. Mery, J. {In (Euvres, V. 27.) Coquerel, Athanase, Jr. Fine arts in Italy in their religious aspect : letters from Rome, Naples, Pisa, etc., with an appendix on the iconography of the immaculate conception. Tr. from the French, by E. and E. Higgin- son. Lond. 1859. 12? Coquette. Reynolds, G. W. Coquillage de I'oncle Bernard, Le. Erckmann- Chatrian. Cora Belmont ; or, the sincere lover. Phil. n.d. 12= Corals and ooral islands — Dana, J. D. Corals and coral islands. — Report on the zoophytes of U. S. explor. expedition under C. Wilkes. Same. (TnSchellen, H. Nebulae, comets, etc.) Corbett, Richard. See Lives of Eng. poets, v. 2. Corbeville, Arnauld de. See Cousin, V. So- ci6te Fran(;aise au xvii. siecle, La, v. 2. CorbiculadaB. See Conchology. Corcoran, D. Pickings from the portfolio of the reporter of the N(!W Orleans picayune ; with original designs, by F. O. C. Darley. [Bound in 'Drama in Pokerville.'] Cord and creese. De3Iille, J. Corday, Marie Anne Charlotte (1768-1793). Capefigue, B. H. R. Dresses de la liberty, Les. Lamartine, A. de. Biographic de. (/n (Eu- vres completes, v. 42.) Miciielet, J. Femmes de la revolution, Les. Cordials. See Liquors. Cordova, Francisco Hernandez de. Robinson, C. Cordova's discovery of Yucatan, 1507. {In Early voyages to America.) Cordova, J. de. Texas : her resources, and her public men. Phil. 1858. 12?. Corea — M'Leod, J. Voyage of H. M, S. Alceste to. Perouse, J. F. G. de la. Visit to. {In Voyage autour du monde, 1830-32, v. 2.) Williamson, A. Journey in north China ; with some account of. Corfleld, W. H. Digest of facts relating to the treatment and utilization of sewage. Second ed., corrected and enlarged. Lond. 1871. 8? Corinne. STAix-HoLSTEiN, A. L. G. N. Corinthians, Epistles to. Kling, C. F. Com- mentary on. {In Lange's Com., new test., v. 6.) Coriolanus, Caius Marcius {ab. 490 B.C.). Plu- tarchl'S. Vie de. (Par A. Feillet.) {In Vies des Remains illustres.) — Life of. {In Lives.) — Vita. {Gr. et Lot.) {In Vitffi.) Cormenin, Louis Marie de la Haye {vicomte de), (1788-1868). Orators of France. Tr., with an introductory essay, by J. T. Headley. N. Y. 1847. 12? (2 cop.) Cormer6, — {baron de). Recherches et considera- tions ncuvelles sur les finances. Londres, 1789. 2 V. 12? Corn-laws. Cobden, R. Speeches. Corneille, Pierre (1606-1684) c«T. Theatre. Pa- ris, 1853. 2 V. 12? \Nntf..—AU except the two specified were written by Pierre CornelUe.] Contents : MenteTir, Le : com., v. 1. Nicomdde : trag., v. 2. Polyeucte : trag., v. 1. Pomp^e : trag., v. L Kodogune : trag., v. 2. Sertorius: trag., v. 2. Suite du Menteur, La : com., V. 1. Vie de Corneille, v. 1. Cid, Le: trag., v. 2. Cinna, ou la cl^mence d'Au- guste: trag., v. 1. Comted 'Essex, Le: trag., v. 2 [T. Corneille]. Don Sanclie d'Aragon, v. 2. Festin de Pierre, Le: com., V. 2 iT. Corneillei. HCraclius : trag., v. 2. Horace : trag., v. 2. — GuizoT, M. Corneille and his times. N. Y. 1855. 8? Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Commentaires sur. {In (Euvres completes; v. 9.) See also Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Corneille, Thomas (1625-1709). See Corneille, P. et T. Cornelia d'Alfi. Sue, E. (In Sept p^ches ca- pitaux, Les.) Cornelius, Mary H. Y^'oung housekeeper's friend. Bost. 1871. 12? Cornell, William M. Life and public career of Hon. Horace Greeley. CORNER 195 CORTES Corner, Julia. India : pictorial, descriptive, and historical. Lond. 1854. 12° et al. China : pictorial, descriptive, and his- torical. With some account of Ava and the Burmese, Siam and Anam. Lond. 1853. 12° Corner cupboard. The ; or, facts for everybody. Embracing facts about — i., things not gen- erally known ; ii., things that ought to be known ; iii., things worth knowing. Form- ing a complete cyclopaedia of useful knowl- edge. By the author of ' Inquire within,' ' The reason why,' etc. N. Y. 1859. 12° Comhill magazine. The. V. 1 (Jan. 1860) to 27 (June, 1873). Lond. 1860-73. 27 v. 8° Cornwall, Barry {pseud.). See Proctor, B. W. Cornwall (Eng.) — BoTTRKLL, W. Traditions and hearthside stories of west Cornwall. MuLLER, F. M. Are there Jews in ? {In his Chips, V. 3 ) — Cornish antiquities. {In his Chips, v. 3.) — Insulation of St. Michael's mount. {In his Chips, V. 3.) Comwallis, Charles {marquis rf;), (1738-1805). See Military commanders. Lives of most em- inent Br. Cornwallis, Kinahan. Adrift with a vengeance. N. Y. 1870. 12° (2 cop.) New El Dorado ; or, British Columbia. (2c? ed.) Lond. 1858. 12? Pilgrims of fashion. N.Y. 1862. 12°_ EoYALTY in the new world ; or, the prince of Wales in America. N. Y. 1860. 12° Cornwallis islands. Chamisso, L. C. A. VON. Cornwallis -inseln. Die, 1815-18. {In Werke, v. 4.) Coronxandel (//m<^os/cr?!). Bald^us,P. Coasts of Malabar and. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 3.) Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de {d. 1542). Ex- pedition in search of the seven cities, 1540 ; finds vessels on the American coast, supposed to have come from Japan or China. See Burney's Voy., v. 1, pp. 188, 216, 217. Voyage from Cibola in New Spain to the western ocean, 1540. {In Hakluyt's Coll. voy., V. 3.) Corps humain, Le. Le Piletjr, A. Corpulence — Banting, W. Letter on. Same, With an article from Harper's weekly on Corpulency and leanness. {In Pam- phlets, V. 12.) Brill at-Savarin, A. Hand-book of dining. Corpus juris civilis in quatuor partes distinctum, Dionysio Gothofredo J. C. auctore, cui ap- pendicis et auctarii loco, aliquot, quae priori- bus hujus formaj editionibus defuerunt, ad- jecta sunt, inprimis Francisci Modii J. C. Brugensis ad omnes L. Pandectarum & xii. codicis libros notse, etc. Sumptibus socie- tatis, typis Balthasaris Christophori Wustii, sen. Francofurti ad Mcenum, mdcxxcviii. [1688]. Sm. f° Correlation of physical forces. Grove, W. K. Correspondence with a child. Gothe, J. W. VON. Corry O'Lanus : his views and experiences. How- ard, J., Jr. Corsair. Byron, G.G.N. (J?i Complete works.) Corset and the crinoline. The : a book of modes and costumes, from remote periods to the present time. With 54 full page and other engravings. Lond. n.d. Sm. f°. Corsica — Campbell, T. M. A. E. Notes on the island of. Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams in Algiers, the Riviera, Corsica, and Spain. Hand-book of travel in Corsica and Sardinia. Lear, E. Journal of a landscape painter in. Morris, E. J. Corsica : picturesque, histori- cal, and social. With a sketch of the early life of Napoleon. EoussEAU, J.J. Projet de constitution pour la Corse. {In (Euvres et correspondance in- edites.) Cortambert, Richard. Peuples et voyageurs con- temporaius. Paris, 1864. 12? Contents : Afrique, Voyages en. Amfirique, Voyages en. Austin. Australia, Voyages en. Baikie, Docteur le. Barth, Robert. Beurmann. Burke. Chinois, Les. Colliiison, Cap. Cuny, Docteur le. Decken, Baron de. Erhardt. France, Excursions en. Franklin, Cap. le. Gu6riii. Guillevin, Lieut, le. Guinnard. Hue, Abbe r. Japonais, Les. Kane, Docteur le. Krapf. L^gendes de terre sainte. Lejean. Livingstone, Docteur le. MacClintock, Cap. le. MacClure, Comm. le. Magyar, Ladislaus. Mariage aux Etats-Unis, Le. Mexique, Populations du. Moussy, Martin de. Overweg. Parry, Edw. Pfeiffer, Madame Ida. Rebmann. Richardson. Ross, Jolin. Salutations. Schlagintweit, Les frfires. Speke et Grant. Turquie, Populations de la. Vogel, Docteur le. Cortereal, Caspar. Robinson, C. Voyage to the north-west, 1501. {In Early voyages to America.) Cortes, Francisco. See Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Mexico. Cort6s (or Cortez), Hernando (1485-1547). Con- quest of Mexico. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Dispatches of Cort6s, the conqueror of Mexi- co, addressed to the Emperor Charles v., written during the conquest, and containing a narrative of its events. Now first tr. intoEng. from the original Spanish, with an introduc- tion and notes,byG.Folsom. N.Y.1843. 12° Expedition of Cortez to America. {In Har- ris, J. Coll. voy., V. 2.) Expedition to Honduras in 1525-6. Lond. 1868. 8° {In Hakluyt soc, v. 39.) Helps, A. Life of. N. Y. 1871. 12? Prescott, W. H. Life of. See Conquest of Mexico. Robinson, C. Notices of. (Jw Early voyages to America.) Sends ships to make discoveries, 1522, 1527, 1532. See Burney's Voy., v. 1, pp. 119, 147, 165, 167, 179, 198, 210, Sketch of the life of. {In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery, v. 2.) See also Coleccion de documentos para la his- toria de Mexico. Cortes, Juan Donoso. Essay on Catholicism, liberalism, and socialism, considered in their fundamental principles. Tr. from the Span- ish, by M. V. Goddard ; with a sketch of the life and works of the author. Phil. 1862. 12? CORWIN 196 COUNT Oor"win, Thomas (1794-1865). See Liviug ora- tors in America. Cory, Isaac Preston. Ancient fragments of the Phoenician, Chaldaean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Indian, Persian, and other writers ; with an inquiry into the philoso- phy and trinity of the ancients. {2d ed.) Lond. 1832. 8^ Cosaque, La. FifevAL, P. {In (Euvres, v. 8.) Cosas de EspaSa. Byrne, Mrs. "W. P. Cosas de EspaBa. Mackie, J. M. Cosmetics. Cooley, A. J. Hand-book of perfumes, cosmetics, etc. See also Perfumes. Cosraology. Hickok, L. P. Kational. Cosmos. Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von. Cossacks — Peval,P. Cosaque, La. (Jn (Euvres, v. 8.) Masson, C. p. p. Cosaques, Les. {In Md- moires secrets sur la Russie.) Costa Eica and its railroad. Meaghek, J. T. {In Overland monthly, v. 10.) OostellO, Louisa Stuart. Jacques Coeur. Lond. 1847. 8? Specimens of the early poetry of France, from the time of the troubadours and trou- veres to the reign of Henri iv. Lond. 1835. 12? Costumes — Blake, J. L. View of the world as exhib- ited in the manners, costumes, and charac- teristics of all nations. Book of. Corset and the crinoline. The. Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England. Hope, T. Costume of the ancients. Lacroix, p. Mceurs, usages, et costumes au moyen age, et a I'epoque de la renaissance. Marryat, F. S. Borneo and the Indian ar- chipelago ; with drawings of costumes and scenery. Martin, C. Civil costume of England, from the conquest to the present time [1842]. Wahlen, a. Moeurs, usages, et costumes de tous les peuples du monde. See also Dress ; Fashion. Cos'way, Eichard (1740-1821). Cunningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 5.) H. F. lib., V. 67. Fairholt, F. W. Sketch of. {In Homes, works, and shrines of English artists.) Cotheal, Alexander I. Grammatical sketch of the language spoken by the Indians of the Mosquito shore. {In American ethnol. soc. Trans., v. 2.) Ootta, Bernhard von. Treatise on ore deposits ; with numerous illustrations. Tr. from the German. N. Y. 1870. 8? Cottage magazine ; or, plain Christian's library. V. 1 (1812). Lond. 12? Cottage on the hill. Moulton, E. L. C. Cottage piety exemplified. Phil. 1869. 12? Cottage residences. Downing, A. J. Cottages. See Architecture. Cottages of the Alps. Johnson, A. C. Ootterill, C. C, and Little, E. D. Ships and sailors, ancient and modern : sketch of the progress of naval art, with historical illus- trations. Lond. 1868. 12? Cottin, Sophie Ristaud (1773-1807). Elizabeth ; or, the exiles of Siberia. Tr. from the French. N.Y. m.rf. 16? {2 cop.) Cottle, Joseph (1774-1853). Eeminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Eobert Sou- they. Lond. 1847. 12? Same. N. Y. 1847. 12? Cotton — Andrews, I. De W. Paper on the cotton crop of the U. S. {In Report on trade of Br. N. Am. colonies.) Bolley, p. Chemische technologic der spinn- fasern. {In Handbuch der chemischen tech- nologie, v. 3.) Coin, R. de. History and cultivation of cot- ton and tobacco. Entz, J. F. Exchange and cotton trade, etc., etc. GiBBS, J. Cotton cultivation, etc., etc. History of silk, cotton, linen, wool, and other fibrous substances, etc. Mallet, J. W. Conditions involved in its successful cultivation. MuDGE, E. R. Report on. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, v. 7.) Reybaud, L. Coton, Le : son regime ; ses problemes. Strong, J. L. Cotton experiments in Cali- fornia. {In Overland monthly, v. 6.) Ure, a. Cotton manufacture of Great Britain. Cotton kingdom. The. Olmsted, F. L. Cotton trade : its bearing upon the prosperity of Great Britain and commerce of the Ameri- can republics, considered in connection with the system of Negro slavery in the con- federate states. McHenry, G. Coues, Elliott. Key to North American birds ; containing a concise account of every species of living and fossil bird at present known, from the continent north of the Mexican and United States boundary. Illustrated. Salem, Mass., 1872. 4? and Prentiss, D. "W. Habits, etc., of the birds of district of Columbia. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1861.) Coughs and colds. Hall, "W. Coultas, Harland. What may be learned from a tree. N. Y. 1860. 8? Coulter, John. Adventures in the Pacific ; with observations on the natural productions, manners, and customs of the natives of the various islands. Together with remarks on missionaries, British and other residents. Dublin, 1845. 12? Adventures on the western coast of South America and the interior of California ; in- cluding a narrative of incidents at the Kings- mill islands. New Ireland, New Britain, and New Guinea. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 8? Council of Trent (1545). Bunqeuer, L. F. History of. Counsel and comfort spoken from a city pulpit. Boyd, A. K. H. Counsels, civil and moral. Bacon, F. Count Arensberg ; or, the days of Martin Luther. SORTAIN, J. Count Kostia. Cherbuliez, V. Count Mirabeau. Mundt, Miss C. (M.) Count of Monte Cristo. Dumas, A. (D.) Covint Eobert of Paris. Scott, Sir W. COUNT 197 COTTSIN Count Van Horn. Irving, W. {In Wolfert's Eoost.) Counterparts. Sheppard, E. S. Countess De Charny. Dumas, A. (D.) Countess Gisela. John, E. Countess Miranda. St. John, P. B. Countess of Rudolstadt. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Counting - house bookkeeping. Bryant, H. B., aiid Stratton, H. D. Country homes. Woodward, G. E. Country life — HowiTT, M. Pictorial calendar of the seasons. Mitchell, D. G. Rural studies. Country living and thinking. Dodge, M. A. Country love versus city flirtation. Sperry, H. T. Country margins, and rambles of a journalist. Hammond, S. H., and Mansfield, L. W. Country of the dwarfs. Du Chaillu, P. B. Country sketch-book. Searle, J. Country Socrates. Navikoff, V. (Russian.) County families of the united kingdom. "Wal- FORD, E. Couple affreux, Un. M:feRY, J. {In (Euvres, v. 25.) Coupon bonds ; and other stories. Trowbridge, J. T. Coups d'^p^e de M. de la Guerche, Les. Ach- ARD, (L.) A. (E.) Courcillon, Eugene de. Manqu:&, — {Cur6). N. Y. 1855. 12? Coxuier, Paul Louis (1773-1825). (Euvres ; pr^- c^d^es de sa vie, par Armand Carrel. Paris, 1851. 8? Contents : Lettres infidites. CEuvres diverses. Pamphlets littfiraires. Pamphlets politiques. — See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Oouronnedepaille, La. Gozlan, L. (/n (Eu- vres, V. 12.) Courrier, Le. Souli:^, M. P. {In (Euvres, v. 36.) Cours de topographic et de g^od^sie. Salnexjve, J. P. Cours familier de litt^rature : un entretien par mois. Lamar^tine, a. de. Course of time. The. Pollock, R. Course of true love never did run smooth. Al- drich, T. B. Court and camp of Bonaparte. H. P. lib., v. 29. Court circles of the republic. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Court of London. Rush, R. Courtanvaux, PranQois C6sar Letellier de {Mar- 9mm), (1718-1 7G1). Voyage (1767). (In Ba- jot, M. Abr^ge historique, etc.) Courtenay, Edward H. Treatise on the differ- ential and integral calculus, and on the cal- culus of variations. N. Y. 1855. 8? Courtenay, Thomas P. Life, works, and cor- respondence of Sir William Temple, bart. Lond. 1836. 2 v. 8° Courtisan d4sabus6, Le; ou, les pens^es d'un gentilhomme qui a pass^ la plus grande partie de sa vie i la cour et dans la guerre. {Nouv. Sd.) Paris, 1706. 16? Courtney, John. Aged forty. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 59. Double-faced people. Lacy's Plays, v. 31. Procfis, M6moires. Vie et les gents de P. L. Courier, La. Courtney {continued) — Eustache Baudin. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 15. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 18. Old Joe and young Joe. (Com. dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 49. Time tries all. (DramaJ Lacy's Plays, v. 1. Two Polts. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 45. Wicked wife. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 30. Courtney, W. S. Farmer's and mechanic's manual ; with many valuable tables for ma- chinists, manufacturers, merchants, builders, engineers, masons, painters, plumbers, gar- deners, accountants, etc., etc. Revised and enlarged, by G. E. Waring, Jr. Illustrated. N. Y. 1869. 8°. Gold-fields of St. Domingo ; with a descrip- tion of the agricultural, commercial,, and other advantages of Dominica. N. Y. 1860. 12° Courts-martiaL See Military law. Courtship. Palmer, J. W. Poetry of com- pliment and. Courtship and marriage. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Courtship and matrimony. Morris, R. Courtship of Miles Standish, The. IiONGFEL- Low, H. W. Same. {In his Poetical works.) Cousin, Victor (1792-1867). Course of the his- tory of modern philosophy. Tr. by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1866. 2 v. 12? Du vrai, du beau, et du bien. Paris, 1867. 8? Etudes sur Pascal. Fragments et souvenirs. Paris, 1857. 8? Contents : Discovfrs de rficeptlon & 1' A- cadCmie Fran^siise. Divers discours. Essai de philosophie popu- lalre. Kant dans les derni6res an- nfies de sa vie. Notes sur M. Fourier. Profession de foi du vicalre Savoyard. Rousseau, Du style de. Santa Rosa : Lettre au prince de la Cisterna. Souvenirs d'Allemagne. — Fragments philosophiques pour servir a I'his- toire de la philosophie. {5eSd.) Paris, 1865. 5v. 8? Contents : AbSlard, Pierre, v. 2. Aristote, v. 1. Bacon, Ro^er, v. 2. Cardinal de Retz, v. 3. Correspondance de Leibniz et de Nicaise.v. 4. Correspondance de Male- branche et de Leibniz, v. 4. Correspondance de Male- branche et de Malran , v. 3. Defense de Descartes, v. 3. Discours, v. 5. Kunape, v. 1. Kant dans les demieresan- nfiesdesavie, v. 5. Lettres ingdites de Descar- tes, v. 3. Olymplodore, v. 1. Platon, v. 1. Proclus, V. 1. Rapports du Cart^slanisme etdu Spinozisme, v. 3. Roberval philosophe, v. 3. Socrate, v. 1. Souvenirs d'Allemagne, v. 5. Spinoza et la synagogue des Juifs Portugais a Amster- dam, V. 3. Van in i, ou la philosophie avant Descartes, v. 3. Vie et correspondance infi- dite du P6re Andr6, v. 4. Xenophane, v. 1. Zenon, V. 1. HisTOiEE g^n^rale de la philosophie, depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'au xix. siecle. Paris, 1867. 8°. Introduction a I'histoire de la philosophie. Paris, 1861. 8? Jacqueline Pascal. Paris, 1864. 8? Jacqueline Pascal ; or, a glimpse of convent life at Port Royal. N. Y. 1854. 12? Jeunesse de Mazarin, La. Paris, 1865. 8? Lectures on the true, the beautiful, and the good ; increased by an appendix on French art. Tr. by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1861. 12? COUSIN 198 COWPER Philosophie de Saint-Lam- bert. Philosophie de Voltaire. Oousin {continued) — Madame de Chevreuse. Paris, 1862. 8° Madame de Hautefort. Paris, 1856. 8? Madame de Longueville. Paris, 1859. 8' Madame de Sabl^. Paris, 1859. 8'; Philosophical miscellanies. Tr. by George Kipley. {In Specimens of foreign literature, v.l.) Philosophie de Locke. Paris, 1861. 8^ Philosophie sensualiste au xviii. siecle. Paris, 1866. 8° Contents : Philosophie de Condillac. Philosophie de Helvfitius. Philosophie de Hobbes. Philosophie de Locke. — Premiers essaisde philosophic. {ieSd.) Paris, 1862. 8^ Contents : AnclUon. Hume. Beattie, J. Kant. Berkeley, Bp. Leibnitz, G. W. Campbell. Locke, J. Condillac. Reid, T. Descartes, R. Stewart, Dugald. Fragments de leeons. Turgot. Fragments du cours. — Secret history of the French court under Kichelieu and Mazarin ; or, life and times of madame de Chevreuse. Tr. by Mary L. Booth. N. Y. 1871. 12° SociETE Franijaise au xvii. siecle. La, d'apres le grand Cyrus de Mile, de Scudery. Paris, 1858. 2v. 8° Conte7its: Amis et amies de Mile, de Send6ry, Les, v. 2. Aristocratie, L' ; Christine, reine de SuSde ; com- tesse de Maure ; corate de Fiesque, Le ; Mile, de Vertus; marquise de Courbon, La, v. 1. Chandeville ; Godeau ; Conrart ; Chapelain, v. 2. Conde, V. 1. Corbeville, Arnauld de, v. 2. Divertissements de la sociStfi Frangaise au xvn. sifecle, V. 2. Forbiu, Ren6e de, v. 1. Hotel de Eambouillet, L', v. 1. Lens, Rocroy, Charenton, v. L Lettres diverses, v. 2. Montausier, Charles de Sainte-Maure, v. 2. Paulet, Angglique, v. 1. Sablf' et Vgiture, Madame de, v. 2. Scudery, Mile, de : son caract6re et celul de sa so- ciety, V. 2. Eenan, (J.) E. Essai critique sur. {In Es- sais de morale et de critique.) Oousin Alice {pseud.). See Haven, Mrs. A. B. Cousin Cicely {pseud.). See Lermont, L. Cousin from India. Craik, G. M. Cousin Harry. Grey, Mrs. E. C. Cousin Maude. Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Cousin Paul. Gleisn, J. Cousin Phillis. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Cousin Pons, Le. Balzac, H. de. (JnCEuvres completes, v. 23.) Cousin Stella, {n.t.p.) 12? Cousin William. Hook, T. (E.) Cousine Bette, La. Balzac, H. de. {In (Eu- vres completes, v. 22.) Covenant, The. V. 1, nos. 2, 3 (Sept. and Oct. 18a7). {In Pamphlets, v. 16.) Covetousness. Dick, T. Essay on. {In Works, V. 6.) • Co"w — GuENON, F. Treatise on milch cows. Magne, J. H. How to choose a good milch. Cowan, Frank. Curious facts in the history of insects, including spiders and scorpions. Phil. 1865. 12i Coward, The. Morford, H. Cowdery, Jabez F. Pacific law encyclopaedia : a complete hand-book, with forms. S. F. 1870. 8° Cowell, Benjamin. Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island ; or, sketches of the eflbrts of the government and people in the war of the revolution. Together with the names of those who be- longed to R. I. regiments in the army. With biographical notices. Bost. 1850. 8'; Cowles, Henry. Ezekiel and Daniel ; with notes, critical, explanatory', and practical. N. Y. 1869. 12; Jeremiah and his lamentations ; with notes, critical, explanatory, and practical. N. Y. 1869. 12? Cowley, — {Capt.). Voyage of. {In Harris, J. Coil, voy., V. 1.) Cowley, Abraham (1618-1667). Second and third parts of his works. Lond.: Printed for C. Harper, 1700. 4? Contents : Constantla and Philetus, pt 2. Dream of elysium, pt. 2. Elegy on the death of J. Lit- tleton, pt. 2. Elegy on the death of Mr. R. Clark, pt, 2. Elegy on the death of Vis- count Dorchester, pt. 2. Flowers, Of: 2 books, pt. 3. Herbs, Of : 2 books, pt. 3. Love's riddle: a pastoral comedy, pt 2. Naufragium joculare: com- cedia, pt. 2. Odes, pt. 2. — Essays. With life, by the editor ; notes, by Dr. Hurd and others. Lond. 1868. 16? See also Aikin's Br. poets, V. 1; Lives of En- glish poets, V. 1. Cowley, 3Irs. Hannah (1743-1809). Belle's stratagem. The. (Com.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 19. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 72. Bold stroke for a husband. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 8. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 19. Which is the man ? (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 11. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 10. Who's the dupe ? (Farce.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 6. Same. Inchb. Farces, v. 1. See also Lives of English dramatists, v. 2. Cowper, William (1731-1800). Works ; com- prising his poems, correspondence, and trans- lations. With a life of the author, by Rob- ert Southey. Lond. 1853. 8 v. 12? Contents: On hismajesty King Charles i.,pt. 2. Piranius and ThLsbe, pt. 2. Poetical revenge. A, pt. 2. To his very much honored godfather, pt. 2. To the duchess of Bucking- ham, pt. 2. Translation of verses upon the blessed Virgin ; writ- ten in Latin, by the right worshipful D. A., pt. 2. Trees, Of: 2 books, pt. 3. Vote, A. Lest the misjudg- ing world, etc., pt. 2. Correspondence, 1765-99, 2-4. Iliad, V. 7. Letters to Mr. Park, v. 4. Life, by R. Southey, v. 1, 2. Odyssey, v. 8. Papers In the Connoisseur, V. 4. Poems, v. .5, 6. Translations, v. 5, 6. — Poems ; with a sketch of his life, by John Johnson, and his posthumous poems. {New ed.) Bost. 1847. 3 v. 12? Contents : Diverting history of John Gilpin, The, v. \. Memoir of Cowper, v. 1. Minor poems, v. 3. Table-talk, v. 1. Task, The, v. 2. Translations from Greek verses, v. 3. Translations from the fables of Gay, v. 3. Translations from the French of madame de la Motte Guion, v. 3. Translations from the Latin and Italian poems of Mil- ton, v. 3. Translations from the Latin of Owen, v. 3. Translations from Vincent Bourne, v. 2, 3. COWPER 199 COYNE Cowper {continued) — Poems. (A^ewed.) Bost. 1847. 3v.ini. 12? Table-talk ; Truth ; Expostulation ; Hope ; Charity; and other poems. Bost. 1872. 16? Task, The ; Tirocinium ; and other poems. Bost. 1872. 16? jSa7ne. (In Poems.) Collins, S. Miscellanies. Hazlitt, W. Lectures on English poets. Insaniti' of Cowper. [Article from Am. jour, of insanity, 1858.] (In Pamphlets, v. 32.) See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1 ; Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Oo"Wl;an, Eobert. Memories of the British mu- seum. Lond. 1872. 8? Cox, E. T. First annual report of the geological survey of Indiana, made during the year 1869. Indianapolis, 1869. 8? Same. {In Eleventh annual report of the In- diana state board of agriculture.) Cox, Edward W. Arts of writing, reading, and speaking. N. Y. 1872. 16? Cox, Francis Augustus (1783-1853). Female scripture biography ; including an essay on ' What Christianitv has done for women.' Lond. 1817. 2 v. "8? Contents . Abigail, v. 2. Anna, V. I. Deborah, v. 2. Dorcas, v. 1. Elizabeth, v. 1. Esther, v. 2. Kve, V. 2. Hagar, v. 2. Hannah, v. 2. Lot's wife, V. 2. Lydia, v. 1. Manoah's wife, v. 2. Martlia and Mary, v. 1. Miriam, v. 2. " Naomi, v. 2. Orpah, V. 2. Poor widow, v. 1. Queen of Sliebah, v. 2. Kehelcah, v. 2. Ruth, V. 2. Sapphira, v. 2. Sliunamite, v. 2. Syrophenician, v. 1. Virgin Mary, v. 1. Woman of Samaria, v. I. Woman who was a sinner, V. L Cox, George W. Manual of mythology, in the form of questions and answers. N. Y. 1870. 12? Mythology of the Aryan nations. Lond. 1870. 2v. 8? and Jones, E. H. Populair romances of the middle ages. Lond. 1871. 12? — Tales of the Teutonic lands. Lond. 1872. Contents . Burnt Njal. Fritlijof and Ingeijog, Story of. Grellir, the strong. Gudrun Lay. Gunnlung and fair Helga. Hugdietrich and Heldeburg, Story of. Nibelung, Story of. Volsungs, Stories of the. Walter of Aquitaine. — See also Brande, W. T. Cox, Koss. Adventures on the Columbia river ; including the narrative of a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky mountains among various Indian tribes hitherto unknown. With a journey across the American continent. Lond. 1831. 2 V. 8? Cox, Samuel. Expositor's note-book ; or, brief essays on obscure and misread scriptures. Lond. 1872. 12? Cox, Samuel Sullivan {Sunset). Eight years in congress [1857-65]. N. Y. 1865. 12? Search for winter sunbeams in Riviera, Cor- sica, Algiers, and Spain. N. Y. 1870. 12? Coxe, Arthur Cleveland. Christian ballads and poems. Oxford, 1849. 16? Criterion : a means of distinguishing truth Coxe {continued) — from error, in questions of the times. With four letters on the Eirenicon of Dr. Pusey. N.Y. 1866. 12? Impressions of England ; or, sketches of En- glish scenery and society. N. Y. 1856. 12? Moral reforms, suggested in a pastoral letter, with remarks on practical religion. Phil. 1869. 12? Coxe, W. Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America ; to which are added the conquest of Siberia and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China. Lond. 1780. 4? Travels in Denmark, Norway, and Russia. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 6.) Same. Lond. 1803. 8? Travels in Switzerland, 1776-8. {In Pinker- ton's Coll. voy., V. 5.) Coxe, William. History of the house of Aus- tria, from the foundation of the monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh to the death of Leopold II. [1218-1792]. Lond. 1854. 3 V. 12? Memoirs of the duke of Marlborough ; with his original correspondence. Coyne, J. Denis. See Coyne, J. S. Coyne, Joseph Stirling (1805-1868). Angel or devil. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 29. BiNKs, the bagman. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 7. Black sheep. ('Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 51. Box and Cox married and settled. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 8, BucKSTONEathome. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 58. Catching a mermaid. ( Farce. ) Lacy's Plays, V. 24. Dark doings in the cupboard. ( Farce. ) Lacy's Plays, v. 64. Duck-hunting. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 56. Duel in the dark, (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 6. Everybody's friend. Lacy's Plays, v. 40. Fraud and its victims. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 29. Hope of the family. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 13. Leo, the terrible. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays,. v. 9. Little rebel. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 50. LoVB-KNOT. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 35. MANof many friends. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 23. My wife's daughter. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 2. Nothing venture, nothing win. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 35. Old chateau, The. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 15. Our clerks. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 6. Pets of the parterre. ( Rom. comedietta. ) Lacy's Plays, v. 48. Philosopher's stone. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 1. Prince Dorus. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 3. Samuel in search of himself. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 36. Satanas and the spirit of beauty. Lacy's Plays, V. 39. COYNE 200 CRAIK Coyne (continued) — Secret agent. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 18. Sir Koger de Coverley. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 4. Terrible secret. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 53. That aflFair at Finchley. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 52. To parents and guardians. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 13. Urgent and private affairs. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 24. Vicar of Wakefield, The. (Dr.) Mod. stand, dr., V. 11. "Wanted, 1000 spirited young milliners for the gold diggings. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 8. Water witches. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 41. What will they say at Brompton ? ( Come- dietta.) Lacy's Plays, v. 34. WiLLiKiND and his Dinah. (Pathetic trag.) Lacy's Plays, v. 14. WiTTiKiND and his brothers. (Fairy tale.) Lacy's Plays, v. 6. WoMANof the world. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 81. and Coyne, J. D. Home wreck. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 85. Cozzens, Frederic Swartwout (1818-1869). Aca- dia ; or, a month with the blue noses. N. Y. 1859. 12° ' Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker and other learned men. N. Y. 1867. 12° (3 cop.) Sparrowgrass papers ; or, living in the coun- try. ]Sr. Y. 1860. 12° Same. N. Y. 1870. 12? Crabb, George (1754-1832). English synonyms; with copious illustrations and explanations, drawn from the best writers. (lOthed.) N. Y. 1852. 8° See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2. Cradle of rebellions. Hodde, L. de la. Cradlebaugh, John. Speech on the admission of Utah as a state ; delivered in the house of representatives, Feb. 7, 1863. (In Pam- phlets, V. 7.) Cradock Nowell. Blackmore, K. D. Craig, A. K. Modern palmistry ; or, the book of the hand. Chiefly according to the sys- tems of D'Arpentigny and DesbarroUes. With some account of the gipsies. Illus- trated. N. Y. 1867. 12° Craig, B. F. Eeport on nitrifaction. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1861.) Weights and measures according to the deci- mal system ; with tables of conversion for commercial and scientific uses. N. Y. 1867. 16° Craig, Catharine Pringle. Mary, the mother of Jesus : a poem. Lond. 1872. 12? Craig-Knox, Isa. Duchess Agnes. (2d ed.) Lond. 1865. 12° (2 cop.) Contents : Duchess Agnes : drama. Poems. Young folks' history of England. Bost. n.d. 12? (5 cop.) Craighill, William P. Army-ofiicer's pocket companion ; principally designed for staff- oflacers in the field. N. Y. 1863. 12? Craik, David. Practical American millwright and miller ; illustrated by numerous wood engravings. Phil. 1870. 12? Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock (b. 1826). Advent- ures of a brownie, as told to my child. N. Y. 1872. 16? Agatha's husband. N. Y. 1868. 8? (4 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1871. 12? AviLLiON ; and other tales. N. Y. 1854. 8? (2 cop.) Adelaide. All for the best Antonio Melidori. Avillion, or the happy isles. Bride's tragedy. Cleomenes, the Greeli. Cross on the Snow monnt- ains. Daughter of Heremon. ■ Doctor's family. Erotion. Half-caste. Italian's daughter. Kong Tolv. — Brave lady, A. N. Y, Christian's mistake. Contents : Last of the Rnthvens. Life episode. Minor trials. Miss Letty's experiences. Old mathematician, The. Only son. Rosicrucian, The. Sculptor of Bruges, The. Self-seer, The. Story of Elizabetta Siranl. Story of Hya.s. 'Tis useless trying. Two homes. 1870. 8? (2 cop.) N. Y. 1865. 12? (6 cop.) Exception, Une. [A noble life.] Tr. de I'Anglais. Paris, 1867. 12? Fair France : impressions of a traveler. N. Y. 1871. 12? (5 cop.) Hannah. N. Y. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1872. 8? (20 cop.) v_ Head of the family. N.Y. 1868. 8? (4 cop.) , Samci N. Y. n.d. 12? 4- John Halifax, gentleman. N. Y. 1868. 16? (6 cop.) Life for a life. N. Y. 1870. 12? (14 cop.) Little Sunshine's holiday. N. Y. 1871. 16? (2 cop.) Mistress and maid. N. Y. 1863. 8? , Same. N. Y. 1872. 12? (3 cop.) j— Noble life, A. N. Y. 1866. 12? (8 cop.) Nothing new. N. Y. 1870, 8? Ogilvies, The. N. Y. 1868. 8? (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1871. 12? Olive. N. Y. 1871. 12? (3 cop.) Poems. By author of 'Life for a life,' etc. Bost. 1860. 12? Same. Lond. 1872. 12? Twenty years ago ; from the journal of a girl in her teens. N. Y. 1872. 16? Two marriages. N. Y. 1867. 12? (5 cop.) Unkind word ; and otherstories. N. Y. 1870. 12? (2 cop.) Contents : In her teens. In the ring. Last great exhibition. Living in perspective. Age of gold. Blind. Bodies and souls. Child's life. Children of Israel. Clothes. Death on the seas. Dreadful ghost. Elizabeth and Victoria. Garden party. Give us air. Hedge-side poet. His young lordship. History of a hospital. House of commons. Meadowside house. Misery-mongers. Old Scotch love-story. Sermons. Sorrow, A few words about Tale of two walks. To novelists— and a novelist. To parents. Unlcind word. Woman's book. — Woman's kingdom. N. Y. 1869. 8? (5 cop.) Woman's thoughts about women. Phil. n.d. 12? (2 cop.) Craik, George Lillie (1799-1866). Conipendious history of English literature and of the En- glish language, from the Norman conquest. N. Y. 1863. 2 V. 8? CRAIK 201 CREASY Craik (continued) — English of Shakespeare, The ; illustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Cae- sar, [ith ed.) Lond. 1869. 12^ History of British commerce, from the earliest times to the present day (55 B.C. to A. D. 1844.) Lond. 1844. 3 v. 12? Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties ; il- lustrated by anecdotes. Kevised, with pref- ace and notes, by F. Wayland. N. Y. 1847. 2v. 12? Same. N. Y. 1847. 2 v. IK H. P. lib., v. 94, 95. Sketches of the history of literature and learn- ing in England ; with specimens of the prin- cipal writers. Series second and third. Lond. 1845. 2 v. 12? Oraik, Georgiana M. Cousin from India, The : a book for girls. N. Y. 1871. 16? (2 cop.) Faith Unwin's ordeal. N. Y. 1867. 16? (2 {cop.) Leslie Tyrrell. Bost. 1867. 8? (2 cop.) Lost and won. Leipzig, 1862. 16? Mildred. N. Y. 1868-. 8? (3 cop.) EiVERSTON. Lond. 1857. 3 v. 12? Cramp. Eeichenback, K. von. Somnambu- lism and. Oranach, Lucas (1472-1533). Dumas, A. (D.) Biographic de. {In Italiens et Flamands, v. 1.) Oranch, Christopher Pearse {b. 1813). -iEneid of Virgil, tr. into English Islank verse. Bost. 1872. 8? Crane, A. M. See Seemuller, A. M. C. Cranford. Gaskell, ilrs. E. C. Cranium of man and the ape. The. Virchow, K. Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556). Life and times of. Phil. 1855. 12? See also Statesmen, Lives of eminent Br. Crantor. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gt. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Crassus, Marcus Licinius (108-53 ? B.C.) Plu- TARCHUS. Life of. {In Lives.) — Viede. (ParA.Feillet.) (/n Vies des Re- mains illustres.) — Vita. {Gr. et Lat.) {In Vitae, v. 2.) Orater ; or, Vulcan's peak. Cooper, J. F. Orates, the Theban {ab. 300 b.c). Diogenes LAiJRTius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, V. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Cratylus. (Dial.) Plato. Craitfurd, J. R. See Essays for "Wellington prize. Crauiurd, Quintin (1743-1819). Hausset, Mme. Du. M6moires. Cravea {pseud.). See Recreations in shooting. Craven, Mme. Augustus. Fleurange. Tr. by M. M.R. N. Y. 1873. 12? Craven, H. T. Bowl'd out. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 47. Chimnsy comer. (Domestic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 50. Done brown. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 81. Craven {continued) — Meg's diversion. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 73. Milky -WHITE. (Serio-com. dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 85. Miriam's crime. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 60. My preserver. (Petite com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 57. One tree hill. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 66. Post-boy. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 48. Unlucky Friday. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 76. Craven, John J. Prison-life of Jefferson Davis. JSr. Y. 1866. 12? (2 cop.) Crawford, Earl of. See Lindsay, A. W. C. Crawford, Mabel Sharman. Life in Tuscany. Lond. 1859. 12? Crawford, Thomas. See Biographical studies. Crawfurd, John. History of the Indian archi- pelago, containing an account of the man- ners, arts, languages, religions, institutions, and commerce of its inhabitants. Edin. 1820. 3v. 8? Contents : Agriculture, v. 1. Arts: Art of war, v. 1. Dress, v. 1. Useful arts, v. 1. Character : Domestic ceremonies, v. 1. Games and amusements, V. 1. Manners of foreign set- tlers, V. 1. Manners of the Indian Isl- anders, V. 1. (Christianity, State of, v. 2. Commerce : Domestic, v. 3. Inter-colonial, v. 3. Commerce with Asiatic na- tions, V. 3. Commerce with European natlous, V. 3. Exports, Description of the, V.3. Historical table (chronologi- cal) of the principal events, History of the archipelago: Preliinlnary ; Dutch ; Port- uguese ; Spanish, v. 2. Importations, Description of articles of, v. 3. Language and literature of Celebes, Java, and the Malays, v. 2. Language of the archipela- go, V. 2. Languages, General obser- vations on Polynesian, V. 2. Laws, V. 3. Mohammedanism, v. 2. Peoples, Classification and distribution of, v. 3. Religion of Bali, v. 2. Revenue, Public, v. 3. Science, and the highest arts. Progress of, v. 1. Vocabularies, v. 2. Government, v. 3. — Journal of an embassy from the governor- general of India to the courts of Siam and Cochin- China ; exhibiting a view of the act- ual state of those kingdoms. Lond. 1830. 2v. 8? Crayon, Geoflrey (pseud.). See Irving, "W. Crayon miscellany. Irving, W. [For contents, see Irving, W.] Same, (/n Works, v. 9.) Creagh, James. Scamper to Sebastopol and Je- rusalem in 1867. Lond. 1873. 8? Creasy, Edward Shepherd (b. 1812). Fifteen decisive battles of the world ; from Marathon to Waterloo. N. Y. 1851. 12? Contents : Arbela, Battle of, 331 b.c. Blenheim, Battle of, a.d. 1704. Chfllons, Battle of, a.d. 451. Defeat of the Athenians at Syracuse, 413 b.c. Defeat of the Spanish ar- mada, A.D. 1588. Hastings, Battle of, a.d. 1066. Joan of Arc's victory over the English at Orleans, A.D. 1429. Marathon, Battle of, 490 b.c, — History of England, from the earliest to the present time (54 B.C. to A.D. 1485). V. 1 and 2. Lond. 1869. 2 v. 8? Metaurus, The, Battle of, 207 B.C. Pultowa, Battle of, a.d. 1700. Tours, Battle of, a.d. 732. Valmy, Battle of, a.d. 1792. Victory of Armlnlus over the Roman legions under Varus, a.d. 9. Victory of the Americans over Burgoyne at Sarato- ga, A.D. 1777. Waterloo, Battle of, a.d. 1815. CREASY 202 CRINGLE Oreasy (continued) — Memoirs of eminent Etonians ; with notices of the earlier history of Eton college. Lond. 1850. 12° Creation — Apocalyptic gnomon., BuFFON, G. L. L. Epoques de la nature, Les. (In his Histoire naturelle, v. 4.) BuRMEiSTER, H. Geschichtc der schopfung. Catcott, a. Treatise on the deluge. HiCKOK, L. P. Creator and. James, H. Substance and shadow. Lord, E. Epoch of. Possibilities of. Vestiges of the natural history of. See also Geology. Creation. (Oratorio.) Haydn, J. (/nBoosey's ed.) Creation et redemption. Dumas, A. (D.) Creator and creation. Hickok, L. P. Credit mobilier — Atcard, M. Histoire du Credit mobilier, 1852-67. Keport of the select committee to investigate the alleged Credit mobilier bribery, made to the house of representatives, Feb. 18, 1873. Credit system. Colwell, S. Ways and means of payment : a full analysis of the. Creech, Thomas. Life of Cleomenes. (In Dry- den, J. Works, V. 8.) Creed of Christendom, The. Greg, W. K. Creed of to-morrow. Wilson, A. S. Creeds. See the names of denominations and sects. Creichton, John (Capt.). Swift, J. Memoirs of. (In Works, v. 2.) Memoirs ; from his own materials. First printed in 1731. Lond, 1827. 16? (/n Au- tobiography, V. 11.) Cremer, W. H., Jr. (Ed.) Hanky panky : a book of conjuring tricks. By the author of 'The secret out.' Lond. 1873. 12° Cremony, John C. Apache race, The. (In Overland monthly, v. 1.) Life among the Apaches. S. F. 1868. 12° Creole, Der. Zschokke, J. H. D. (In Ges. schriften, v. 8.) Creole village, The. Irving, W. (JwWolfert's Boost.) Crescent and French crusaders. Ditson, G. L. Crescent and the cross. Warburton, E. Creso quattrino. Jerrold, D. (W.) Cresy, Edward. Encyclopaedia of civil engineer- ing : historical, theoretical, and practical. New ed. , with supplement. Lond. 1856. 8° Same. Lond. 1865. 8° Crete. Taylor, (J.) B. Travels in Greece and Russia. Cr6tineau-Joly, J. Historia de la compania de Jesus. Tr. por Don^ Eeca y Cornet. Barcelona, 1845. 7 v. 8° Crichton, Andrew, and Wheaton, H. Scandi- navia, ancient and modern ; being a history of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. N. T. 1846. 2 V. 16° H. F. lib., v. 136, 137. Crichton, James (Hhe admirable'), (1560-1582). See New biographies of illustrious men. Cricket. Peverelly, C. A. Book of Ameri- can pastimes. Cricket on the hearth. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Crime and punishment — Beccaria, C. B. di. Essay on. Bettinger, J. B. Responsibility of society for the causes of crime. (In Pamphlets, v. 29.) International congress on the prevention of crime. Pike, L. O. History of crime in England. V. 1, from the Roman invasion to the acces- sion of Henry vii. Sampson, M. B. Rationale of crime. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Commentary on the marquis of Beccaria's treatise on. See also Criminal ; Reformatory ; Slaveholder abroad. The ; Trials. Crime inconnu, Un. Mery, J. (In (Euvres, v. 26.) Criraea — Alexander, J. E. Passages in the life of a soldier. Bazancourt, J. B. M. a. L. Arm^e Fran- 9aise k Gallipoli, Varna, et S^bastopol, L': I'exp^dition de Crim^e. Cunynghame, a. T. Travels in eastern Cau- casus, 1871. Dix, W. G. Unholy alliance. Grey, 3Irs. W. Journal of a visit to the. Jones, E. Emperor's vigil, The. (Histori- cal fiction.) Kinglake, a. W. Invasion of the Crimea, 1854 to June, 1855. McClellan, G. B. Report on the seat of war in Europe [1855-6]. McPherson, D. Antiquities of Kerteh. MoRDECAi, A. Military commission to Eu- rope [1855-6]. Murray, E. C. G. Pictures from the battle- fields. Nolan, E. H. Illustrated history of the war against Russia [1856]. Reminiscences of an oflRcer of Zouaves. Russell, W. H. British expedition to the. — Diary in the east. — General Todleben's history of the defense of Sebastopol [1854-5]. — The war. [March, 1854, to June, 1855.] SoYER, A. Culinary campaign in the. ToTT, F. (Baron). Concerning the stateof the. (In his Memoirs.) Tyrrell, H. History of the war with Rus- sia [1856]. See also — Baltic. Russia. Battles. Sebastopol. England. Turkey. France. Crimes. See Crime. Crimes c61ebres, Les. Dumas, A. (D.) Crimes which the law does not reach. Xing, S. P. (In Sylvia's world.) Criminal law — RoscoE, H. Digest of the law of evidence in criminal cases. Wharton, F. Treatise on the criminal law of the United States. Criminal prisons of London. Mayhbw, H., and BiNNEY, J. Criminal trials. Jardine, D. See also Trials. Cringle and crosstree. Edwards. W. T. CRISAFULLI 203 CRONISE Crisafulli, M, See Barriere, T. (Euvres. Crisis, The. Paine, T. {In Political works.) Criterion. Coxe, A. C. Criterion. Titckerman, H. F. Critias. (Dial.) Plato. Critical and literary essays. Godwin, P. Out of the past. Critical and miscellaneous essays. Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. Everett, A. H. Critical essays. Foster, J. Criticism — About, E. (F. V.) Causeries. Arnold, M. Essaj^s in. Bayne, p. E*sa3^s on biography and. Berlioz, H. A travers chants : Etudes mu- sicales, adorations, boutades, et critiques. Borne, L. Dramaturgische blatter. (Tn Ges. schriften, v. 4, 5.) — Kritiken. {In Gas. schriften, v. 6.) Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. Melanges po- litiques et litteraires. FoRMAN, H. B. Our living poets. Gautier, T. Grotesques, Les. {In (Euvres, v.l.) Gellius, a. {In Noctes Attica;, v. 2, 3.) Goldsmith, O. {In Mis. works, v. 4.) Hannay, J. Characters and. Hayward, a. Biographical and critical es- says. Hazlitt, W. Plain speaker. Hebbel, F. Kritiken und characteristiken. {In S'amm. werke, v. 11, 12.) Macaulay, T. B. Critical, historical, and miscellaneous essays. MosEN, J. {In Samm. werke, v. 8.) Musset, a. de. Melanges de litterature et de critique. Prescott, W. H-. Biographical and critical miscellanies. Sainte-Beuve, C. a. (Euvres. Schmidt, J. Bilder aus dem geistigen leben unserer zeit. Stephen, J. Critical and miscellaneous essays. Treitschke, H. von. Historische und poli- tische aufsatze, v. 1. Villemain, a. F, (Euvres. See also Language ; Literature ; and subjects of criticism and the names of authors crit- icised. Criticisms of art. Hazlitt, W. Critick of pure reason. Kant, I. Crito. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. (in Lives, ed. 1688, V. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same, {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Crito. (Dial.) Plato. Crittenden, Alexander P. See Trials. Crittenden, John Jordan (1786-1863), Cole- man, J-fz-s. C. Life of; with selections from his correspondence and speeches. Phil. 1871. 2 V. in 1. 8? Crocheteur borgne, Le. Voltaire, F. M. A. DE. {In (Euvres completes, v. 8.) Crocker, T. Crofton. Killarney legends ; ar- ranged as a guide to the lakes. Lond. 1853. 16° Crockett, David (1786-1836). Life of ; by him- self. Phil. 1857. 8? Croft, J. Treatise on hectic and traumatic fever, and the principles of its treatment after oper- ation. (Jn Holmes, T. System of surgery, V. 4.) Crofut, George A. Trans-continental tourist's guide. N. Y. 1870. 12° Same. N. Y. 1871. 12^ Croisilles. Musset, A. de. {In Nouvelles.) Croix de bois. La. Schmid, C. von. {In Con- tes, V. 1.) Croker, John Wilson (1780-1857). Johnsoni- ana ; or, supplement to Boswell. Croly, George (1780-1860). Beauties of the Brit- ish poets. Bost. 1852. 12° Life and times of George IV. N.Y.1846. 16° H. F. lib., V. 15. Maeston ; or, the soldier and statesman. {Zd ed.) Lond. n.d. 16? Salathiel. {n.t.p.) 8? See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2. Croly, Miss J. C. {Jennie June). Jennie June- iana : talks on women's topics, by Jennie June. Bost. 1864. 12° (2 cop.) Cromek, Thomas H. Manual of Hebrew verbs ; for the use of beginners. Lond. 1851. A°. Crompton, Samuel (1753-1827). French, G. J. Life and times of. Manchester, I860. 12? CromTvell, Oliver (1599-1658). Capefigue, B. H. R. Cromwell, protector of England [1646-52]. {In Duchesse de Portsmouth, etc.) Carlyle, T. Letters and speeches of Crom- well ; including supplement to the first edi- tion. N. Y. 1855. 2 V. 12? Same. Lond. 1871. 5 v. 16? Dargaud, J. M. Histoire d'Olivier Crom- well. Paris, 1867. 8? FoRSTER, J. Historical and biographical es- says. GuizoT, F. P. G. History of Cromwell and the English commonwealth, from the execu- tion of Charles i. to the de^th of Cromwell. Tr. by A. R. Scoble. Phil. 1854. 2 v. 12? Headley, J. T. Miscellanies. Hugo, V. (M.) Cromwell. {In Theatre.) Lamartine, a. de. Vie de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 35.) Russell, M. Life of. N. Y, 1846. 2 v. 16? H. F. lib., V. 62,. Villemain, A. P. Eloquence de, L'. {In (Euvres, v. 4.) See also — Celebrated characters. Extraordinary men. Military commanders, Lives of most emi- nent Br. Orator, The. Statesmen, Lives of eminent Br. Statesmen of the commonwealth of En- gland. Three English statesmen. Cronise, Titus Fey. Natural wealth of California; comprising early history, geography, topog- raphy and scenery, climate, agricultural and commercial products, geology, zoology and botany, mineralogy, mines and mining proc- esses, manufactures, steamship lines, rail- roads and commerce, immigration, population and society, educational institutions and lit- CRONISE 204 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Oronise {continued) — erature. Together with a detailed descrip- tion of each county ; its topography, scen- ery, cities and towns, agricultural advantages, mineral resources, and varied productions. S. F. 1868. 8° (2 cop.) Orookes, William. Manufacture of beet-root sugar in England and Ireland. Lond. 1870. 12° Select methods in chemical analysis (chiefly inorganic). Lond. 1871. 12° and RoHKiG, E. Practical treatise on metal- lurgy, adapted from the last German ed. of Professor Kerl's Metallurgy. Illustrated. Lond. 1868-70. 3 v. 8° See also Chemical news. Crooks, G. R., and Schem, A. J. New Latin- English school lexicon, on the basis of the Latin-German lexicon of Dr. C. F. Inger- slev. Phil. 1858. 8° Croquet. Jaques, J. Croquet : its laws and regulations. Crosby, — {Lord mayor). See Orator, The. Crosby, Frank. Everybody's lawyer, and book of forms ; containing the laws of all the states. Phil. n.d. 12^ Life of Abraham Lincoln. Crosby, Howard {b. 1826). New testament, with brief explanatory notes or scholia. N. Y. 1863. 12° Crosby, Nathan. Annual obituary notices of eminent persons who have died in the United States, for 1857. Bost. 1857. 8? Same. For 1858. Bost. 1858. 8° Crosland, Mrs. Newton, Apparitions : an essay, explanatory of old facts, and a new theory. To which are added sketches and advent- ures. Lond. 1873. 16? Lydia. Bost. 1852. 12? Memorable women : the story of their lives. Lond, n.d. 12? Cross, James C. Purse, The ; or, the benevolent tar. (Mus. entert.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 11. Cross, Robert. Report to the under-secretary of state for India, on the pitayo chincona, and on proceedings while employed in collecting chincona seeds in 1863. Lond. 1865. 8? (In Cinchona.) Cross and crescent ; or, young America in Tur- key and Greece. Adams, W. T. Cross of honor. OuDLiP, Mrs. P. Cross-purposes. De Leon, T. 0. Crossing the Atlantic. Hoppin , A. Crosswell, William. To my namesake. {In Boston book.) Crotchet castle. Peacock, T. L, Croton aqueduct (iV. F,). King, C. Memoir of the construction, cost, and capacity of the. See also Water-works. Crouch, Julia. Three successful girls, N. Y, 1871. 12? (8 cop.) Croup. See Diphtheria. Croup, Le. Gozlan, L. {In CEuvres, v. 17.) Cro"we, Mrs. Catherine {b. 1802); Ghosts and family legends, Lond. 1859. 16? Night-side of nature. The ; or, ghosts and ghost-seers. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 12? Rose and the shamrock. Lond. n.d. 8° Crovre, Eyre Evans {d. 1868). History of France, Lond. 1830. 3 v. 12? CrO"Wfleld, Christopher {pseud.) . See Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B, Oro"WTi from the spear. Hamilton, Mrs. C. V. Crown j ewels ; or, the-dream of an empire. MoF- FETT, E. L, Crown of wild olive, Ruskin, J, Orowquill, A. {pseud.). See Forrester, A. H, Croyland, Abbey of. Ingulfs Chronicle of; with continuations, by Peter of Blois and others [655-1486], Croze-Magnan, S. C, Discours historique sur la peinture ancienne. {In Mus^e Frangais, Le, V. 1.) Cruden, Alexander (1701-1770), Complete con- cordance to the old and new testament ; or, a dictionary and alphabetical index to the bible, in two parts. To which is added a concordance to the apocrypha, with life of author, by W. Youngman. Lond. 1836. 4? Cruel as the grave. Southworth, E, D. E. N. Oruelest wrong of all , The. By author of ' Mar- garet ; or, prejudice at home.' N. Y. 1864. 16? (2 cop.) Oruikshank, G«o. {b. 1794). See Blanchard, L. Cruise in Greek waters. Townshend, F. T. Cruise of Admiral Farragut. Montgomery, J. E. Cruise of the Alabama and Sumter. Semmes, R. Cruise of the Betsey. Miller, H. Cruise of the Casco. Kellogg, E. Cruise of the Dashaway. Nowell, H. P. H. Cruise of the North Star. Choules, J. O. Crumbs from the round table : a feast for epi- cures. Barber, J, Crumbs swept up, Talmage, T. De W. Crump, Arthur. Key to the London money- market. {2d ed.) Lond. n.rf. f? Crusades — Ditson, G. L. Crescent and French cru- saders. Mackay, C, Memoirs of extraordinary pop- ular delusions. MiCHAXJD, J, F. History of the crusades (1095-1272). Tasso, T. Godfrey of Bulloigne ; or, the re- covery of Jerusalem. Tr. by Edw. Fairfax . Crusoe's island. See Juan Fernandez, Crusoe's island ; with sketches of adventure in California and Washoe, Browne, J. R. Crust and cake. Mayo, Mrs. J. R. Crustacea — Bell, T. History of the British stalk-eyed. BuFFON, G. L. L. Histoire naturelle des crus- tac^s. {In his Histoire naturelle, v. 89-102.) Dana, J. D. Crustacea of the U. S. explor- ing expedition, 1838-42. 2 v. 4? Atlas f ? {In Wilkes, C. U. S. explor. exped.) De Kay, J. E. {In Zoology of New York, pt, V. Crustacea.) Stimpson, W. Crustacea and echinodermata of the Pacific shores of North America. {In Pamphlets, v. 10.) Cryolite. Quale, P. Account of the cryolite of Greenland. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Cryptogram.' De Mille, J. Crystal palace. Tallis, — . History and de- scription of the. Crystallography, Tennant, J., and Mitch- ell, W. Crystallography and mineralogy. {In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 4.) CTENOPHOR-SJ 205 CUMMINO- OtenophorSB. Agassiz, L. (J. E.) {In his Con- tributions, V. 3.) See also Radiata. Otesias Cnidius (a6.400 B.C.). Fragmenta. {Gr. et Lat.) Ed. C. Miiller. [Bound with < He- rodotus.'] Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Cuba — Ampere, J. J. Promenade en Am^rique, 1851-2. Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveler. Carleton, G. W. Out artist in Cuba, 1864- 5. Correspondence of the department of state in relation to the emancipation of slaves in Cuba ; and accompanying papers. "Wash. 1870. {In Pamphlets, v. 27.) Correspondence on the proposed tripartite convention relative to. (/n Addresses, v. 2.) GiBBES, E. W. Cuba for invalids. Hazard, S. Cuba with pen and pencil. Howe, J. W. Trip to. Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von. Island of. Jay, W. M. L. My winter in. Latham, M. S. Speech on the rights of neu- trals in Cuba, 1854. {In Pamphlets of Pa- cific coast.) Murray, A. M. Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada. Murray, C. A. Travels in North America. Phillippo, J. M. United States and. Eambles in. Travels of a doctor of physic. Troll OPE, A. West Indies and the Spanish main. Turnbcll, D. Travels in the west : Cuba. Cudjo's cave. Trowbridge, J. T. Oudlip, Mrs. Pender (Annie Thomas). Called to account. N. Y. 1867. 8° (4 cop.) Cross of honor, The. N. Y. 1864. 12° Denis Donne. N. Y. 1865. 8°. (2 cop.) Dower house. The. N. Y. 1869. 8? {Scop.) False colors. N. Y. 1869. 8° (3 cop.) ' He Cometh not,' she said. N. Y. 1873. 8°. (15 cop.) Married at last. Phil. n.d. 12° Maud Mohan ; or, was he worth the winning ? N. Y. 1867. 8° (5 cop.) Only herself. N. Y. 1870. 8° (5 cop.) Passion in tatters, A. N. Y. 1873. 8? (5 cop.) Played out. N. Y. 1867. 8°. (2 cop.) Playing for high stakes. N. Y. 1867. 8^ Theo. Leigh. N. Y. 1869. 8°. Walter Goring. N. Y. n.d. 8°. Cudworth, Ealph. True intellectual system of the universe, wherein all the reason and the philosophy of atheism are confuted, and its impossibility demonstrated : a treatise on immutable morality. With a discourse con- cerning the true notion of the Lord's supper. {1st Am. ed.) N. Y. 1887. 2 v. 8° Cues from all quarters. Jacox, F. Oulbertson, M. Simpson. Darkness in the Flow- ery land ; or, religious notions and popular superstitions in north China. N. Y. 1857. 12? Oulbertson, Thaddeus A. Journal of an expe- dition to the Mauvaises terres and the upper Missouri in 1850. {In Smithsonian rept. 1850.) OuUey, E. S. Hand-book of practical telegraphy. {Sded.) Lond. 1868. 8° OuUum, G«orge Washington {b. 1812). Biograph- ical register of the officers and graduates of the U. S. military academy at West Point, N. Y., from its establishment, March 16, 1802, to the army reorganization of 1866-7. N. Y. 1868. 2 V. 8° Description of a system of military bridges with india-rubber pontons, prepared for the U. S. army. JS". Y. 1849. 8? Oulm-rock. Gaylord, G. Culpepper, Nicholas. British herbal and fam- ily physician ; with a dispensatory for the use of private families. Lond. 1857. 2 v. in 1. 8° See also Eiverius, L. Culprit fay, The. Drake, J. E. Culture — Alcott, a. B. Culture. {In his Tablets.) Arnold, M. Culture and anarchy. Shairp, J. C. Culture and religion. Tylor, E. B. Primitive. YouMANS, E. L., et al. {Eds.) Culture de- manded by modem life. See also Education. Culturgeschichtliclie novellen. Eiehl, W. H. Cumberers, The. Ingelow, J. {In Studies for stories.) Cumberland, G. {Earl). Voyage to the Azores, 1589. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Cumberland, Eichard (1732-1811). Box-lobby challenge. (Com.) Inchb. Mod. th., v. 5. Brothers, The. (Com.) Br. dr., v. 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 18. Carmelite, The. (Trag.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 10. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 5. False iinpressions. (Com.) Inchb. Mod. th., V. 5. Fashionablb lover. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 9. First love. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 12. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 18. Impostor, The. (Com.) Inchb. Mod. th., v. 6. Jew, The. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 8. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 18. Mysterious husband. (Trag.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 8. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 5. Natural son. (Com.) Inchb. Mod. th., v. 5. Observer, The. {In Br. essayists, v. 32-4.) West Indian, The. (Com.) Br. dr., v. 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 6. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 18. Wheel of fortune. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., V. 5. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 18. See also Lives of English dramatists, v. 2. Cumberland Presbyterian church. Gorrie, P. D. Churches and sects of the United States. Cumming, John {b. 1810). Apocalyptic sketches: lectures on the book of Eevelations. {1st ser.) Phil. 1854. 12? Great consummation : the millennial rest, or the world as it will be. (lat and 2d ser.) N. Y. 1872. 12° GUMMING 206 CURRENCY Oumming {^continued) — Great preparation ; or, redemption draweth nigh. {1st and 2d ser.) N. Y. 1872. 12? Great tribulation ; or, things coming on the earth. (Ist and 2d ser.) N. Y. 1872. 12? Great tribulation. {2d ser.) N. Y. 1865. 12? Last warning cry ; with the reasons for the hope that is in me. N. Y. 1867. 12? Moses right, and Bishop Colenso wrong ; being popular lectures on the Pentateuch. N. Y. 1863. 12? Seventh vial ; or, the time of trouble begun. N. Y. 1872. 12? Oumming, Roualeyn Gordon (1820-1866). Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of south Africa ; with notices of the native tribes. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. 12? Vie au d6sert, La : cinq ans de chasse dans I'interieur de I'Afrique m6ridionale. Publi6 par Alexandre Dumas. Wild men and wild beasts ; or, scenes in camp and jungle. Edited by Bayard Tay- lor. N. Y. 1872. 12? (3 cop.) Oummings, J. W. Italian legends and sketches. N. Y. 1858. 12? Oummings, M. F., and Miller, C. C. Archi- tecture : designs for street fronts, suburban houses, and cottages. {2d ed.) Troy, N. Y., n.d. 4? Modern American architecture : designs and plans for villas, farm-houses, cottages, city residences, churches, school-houses, etc., etc. Illustrated. N. Y. 1868. 4? Cimimings, Thomas S. Historic annals of the National academy of design. New York drawing association, etc.; with occasional dottings by the way-side. From 1825 to the present time. Phil. 1865. 8? Cummins, Maria S. (1827-1866). Haunted hearts. Bost. 1864. 16? (3 coi).) Lamplighter, The. Bost. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Cummins, Thomas J. See Dunphy, T. Cundinamarca. See Peru. Cunningham, Alexander. Ancient geography of India. V. 1, Buddhist period. Lond. 1871. 8? Arch^ological survey of India : four re- ports made during the years 1862-5. Simla, 1871. 2 V. 8? Cunningham, Allan (1785-1842). Lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors. N. Y. 1846. 5 V. 16? H. F. lib., v. 17- 19, 66, 67. Contents . Allan, David, v. 5. tttcon, John, v. 3. Banks, Thomas, v. 3. Barry, James, v. 2. Beaumont, George H., v. 5. Bird, Edward, v. 2. Blake, WUliam, v. 2. Bonington, Kiehard P., v. 4. Burnet, James, v. 5. Gibber, Caius Gab., v. 3. Copley, J. S., V. 4. Cosway, Richard, v. 5. Damer, Anne, v. 3. Flaxman, John, v. 3. Fuseli, Henry, v. 2. Gainsborough, T. , v. 1, Gibbons, G., v. 3. Harlow, G. H., v. 4. Hogarth, William, v. 1. Hoppner, John, v. 4. — De Quincet, T. Critical notice of. {In Lite- rary reminiscences.) See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2. Jackson, John, v. 5. Jamesons, G., v. 4. Lawrence, Thomas, v. 5. Liverseege, H., v. 5. Morland, G., v. 2. Mortimer, John H., v. 4. Noilekens, Joseph, v. 3. Northcote, James, v. 5. Opie, John, V. 2. Owen, William, v. 4. Raeburn, Henry, v. 4. Ramsay, Allan, v. 4. Reynolds, Sir J., v. 1. Romney, George, v. 4. Roubiliac, Louis Francis,v.3. Ruuciman, Alexander, v. 4. West, Benjamin, v. 2. Wilson, Richard, v. 1. Wilton, Joseph, v. 3. Cunningham, Peter {h. 1816). Hand-book of London, past and present. Lond. 1850. 12? Cunynghame, Sir Arthur Thurlow. Travels in the eastern Caucasus, on the Caspian and Black seas, especially in Daghestan, and on the frontiers of Persia and Turkey (1871). Il- lustrated by Henry Hardinge Cunynghame. Lond. 1872. 8? Cupid and Psyche. (Poem.) Gxtrney, H. (In Apuleius — Bohn's Class, lib.) Cupid and Psyche. (Poem.) Tighe, Mrs. M. {In Apuleius — Bohn's Class, lib.) Cupicl's album. Argtle, A. Cupples, Mrs, George. Singular creatures, and how they were found : stories from the do- mestic zoology of a Scotch parish. Bost. 1872. 12? (5 cop.) Curasao. Zschokke, J. H. D. Besitznahme von Curasao durch die Britten im jahre 1800. {In Ges. schriften, v. 33.) Curagoa {ship). Brenchley, J. L. Cruise of. Curate and the rector. Mayo, Mrs. J. R. Curate's discipline. The. Eiloart, Mrs. C. J. Curate's widow. Ellis, Mrs. — . {In Pictures of private life. Curculio. Trimble, I. P. Treatise on the in- sect enemies of fruit and fruit trees. Cure d'Argenton, Le. Vermoxd, P. {In Chro- niques populaires du Berry.) Cure de campagne, Le. Del^jn, — (^466^). Cure de Tours, Le. Balzac, H. de. {In (Eu- vres completes, v. 11.) Cur6 de village, Le. Balzac, H. de. {In Humphrey (1778-1829). Consolations in travel ; or, dark days of a philosopher. 6th ed., with illustrations. Lond. 1853. 12° Salmonia ; or, days of fly fishing, in a series of conversations. "With some account of the habits of fishes belonging to the genus salmo. 4th ed., with illustrations. Lond. 1851. 12° Davy, J. Memoirs of the life of. Lond. 1836. 2 V. 8° De Quincey, T. Critical notice of. (In his Lit. reminiscences.) Mayhew, H. Wonders of science. See also — New biographies of illustrious men. Philosophers of the time of George iir. Self-made men. Davy, John. Memoirs of the life of Sir Hum- phrey Davy. Da'wn. Adams, Mrs. H. A. DaTVii of heaven. Collier, J. A. Da"WSOn, Henry B. Battles of the United States by sea and land, embracing those of the revolutionary and Indian wars, the war of 1812, and the Mexican war ; with important official documents. Illustrated with steel engravings. N. Y. 1858. 2 v. Sm. f? Dawson, J. W. Story of the earth and man. Illustrated. Lond. 1873. 12° Day, Albert. Methomania : a treatise on alcoholic poisoning. Bost. 1867. 12° Day, Mrs, F. H. Paper on the great volcano of Mauna Loa, Hawaii. (In Hesperian, The, V. 9.) Sketches of the early settlers of California. [In Hesperian, The.) See California (his- tory). Day, Henry. See Urbino, Mme. L. B. Day, Henry Noble (6. 1808). Elements of the art of rhetoric, (ith ed.) N. Y. 1861. 12° Introduction to the study of English litera- ture. N. Y. 1869. 12° ' Day, Thomas. History of Sandford and Merton. Bost. n.d. 12? Day by the fire ; and other papers hitherto uncol- lected. Hunt, fJ. H.) L. Day-dreara, The. Tennyson, A. {In Poetical works, V. 1.) Day-dreams. Nunes, J. A. Day's ride, A. Lever, C. (J.) Days and nights on battle-field. Coffin, C. C. Days and ways of the cocked hats. Denison, Mrs. M. A. Days of Bruce. Aguilar, G. Days of deer-stalking in the forest of AthoU. SCRGPE, W. Days of my life : an autobiography. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Days of shoddy. Morford, H. Days of the cattle plague. Prosser, 3{rs. — . Days of yore. Tytler, S. Dayton, E. A. Explorations in Tennessee. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) De civitate Dei. Augustinlts, A. {St.) De jure belli ac pacis. Gr.;tius, H. De lege naturali positiones in usum auditorii Vin- dobonensis. Martini, C. A. de. De natura Deorum. Cicero, M. T. De Paris tl Cadix : impressions de voyage. Du- mas, A. (D.) De profundis. Gilbert, "W. De rerum natura. Lucretius, T. C. De tout un peu, ou mes loisirs. LEPiiE, F. E. Dead guest, The. Zschokke, J. H. D. Dead king, The. Uhland, J. L. {In Poeme tr. by W. C. Sandars.) Dead letter. Victor, M. F. V. Dead marquise, The. Kip, L. Dead men's shoes. Hadekmann, J. K. Dead sea — Lynch, "W. F. United States expedition to Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Journey round the Dead-sea fruit. Braddon, M. E. Dead secret. Collins, (W.) W. Deaf and dumb. Mann, E, J. Condition of. Deafness. See Ear. Dean, A. F. Revised interest exponents : a tabl of interest, extended to the repetend, on series of principal exponents, from one to on hundred, and from one to three hundred am seventy days, based on the rate of ten pe cent, per annum of 360 days, with equiva lents at six, seven, eight, and nine per cent, etc. St. Louis, 1870. 4° Dean, G. A. Culture, management, and improve ment of landed estates ; with numerous illus trations — those of grasses and insects takei fi'om nature. Lond. 1872. Large 8° Dean's daughter. Gore, 3Irs. C. G. F. Dean's English, The. Moon, G. W. Deas, Charles {b. 1818). Tuckerman, H. T Sketches of eminent Am. painters. Death — Holbein, H. Dance of. Zschokke, J. H. D. Meditations on deatl and eternity. Death of an angel ; and other pieces. Eichtek J. P. F. Death of H. R. H. duke of Gloucester, The Whytehead, T. {In Cambridge priz poems.) Debatable land. The. Oaven, R. D. De Beauvoir, — {Marquis). Voj^age round th world. Australia, v. 1 ; Canton, Java, an( Siam, V. 2. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 12° Debenham's vow. Edwards, A. B. Debit and credit. Fbeytag, G. Debora. Mery, J. (7>jffiuvres, v. 33.) [Beinj v. 2 of ' La Juive au Vatican.'] Deborah's drawer. O'Reilly, E. G. Debut dans la vie, Un. Balzac, H. de. {T. (Euvres completes, v. 5.) Decadence de I'Angleterre, La. Ledru-Rol LIN, A. A. Decaisne, J. See Le Maout. Decamp, M. T. Personation. (Interl.) Lacy' Plays, V. 89. De OandoUe. See Candolle, A. P. de. Decanver, H. C. Catalogue of works in refuta tion of Methodism, from its origin in 1729 1< the present time. {2d ed.) N. Y. 1868. 8 {In Pamphlets, v. 30.) Decatur, Stephen (1779-1820). Mackenzie, A S. Life of. {In Lib. of Am. biog., v. 21. Deceitful marriage. Cervantes Saavedra M. DE. {In Exemplary novels.) Decimal system, The. Bowring, -StV J. Deci mal system in numbers, coins, and accounts Felton, J. H. Argument for. See also Weighfe and measures. DECISION 215 DEINOLOGY Decision of character. Foster, J. Decken, Carl Claus von der {Baron). Eeisen in est Afrika, in den jahren 1859 bis 1861. Bearbeitet von Otto Kersten. Leipsig u. Heidlebcrg, 1869. 4 v. 4? Decker, C. de. Tactique, La, dos trois armes, infanterie, cavalerie, artillerie, isol^es et r^unies dans I'esprit de la nouvelle guerre. Tr. de I'AUemand par F. de Brack. Paris, 1836. 2 V. 8° Decker (Dekkar or Dekker), Thomas {d. 1638), and Webstek, J. Fanious history of Sir Thomas, Wyatt, The. (J»i Webster, J. Works.) Westward ho. {In Webster, J. Works.) See also Lives of English dramatists, v. 1; Middleton, T. Declaration of independence — {In American's guide ; addresses of presidents, 1839.) Sec Coe, J. True American; U. S. (adm. of govt.). Sanderson, J. Signers to the. Declarations. Anthon, J. American prece- dents of. Decline of the French monarchy (1715-89). Martin, B. L. H. Decoration — Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste in furniture, etc. Pollen, J. H. Decorative art in its connec- tion with modern science. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 3.) RusKiN, J. Lectures on art applied to. {In Two paths.) See also Ornament. De Costa, B. F, Pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen ; illustrated by translations from the Icelandic sagas, with notes. Albany, N. Y., 1868. 8= Dedication of a lyceum hall, Pierpont, J. {In Boston book.) Deduction. See Philosophy. Deep down. Ballantyne, R. M. Deer. Jardine, Sir W. Deer, antelope, etc. {In Jardine's Nat. lib., v. 21.) Deerbrook. Martineau, H. • Deerslayer. Cooper, J. F. Deesses de la liberte, Les. Capefigue, B. H. R. Defaite, La. Soulie, (M.) F. {In (Euvres, v. 36.) Defaulter, The. Hood, T. {In Good stories, V. 1.) Defense of Lucknow : a diary, recording the daily events during the siege of the Europe- an residency, from 31st May to 25th Sept. 1857. By a staff- officer. {2d ed.) Lond. 1858. 12? (2 cop.) De Foe, Daniel (1661-1731). Jure divino : a satyr [satire]. In twelve books. Lond. 1706. 4° Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe ; with a memoir of the author, and an essay on his writings. Illustrated. N. Y. 1869. 8° (2 cop.) Life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a York mariner. Illus- trated by T. Nast. N.Y. 1873. 12° {Zcop.) Novels and miscellaneous works. Lond. 1854-6. 6 V. 12° De Foe {continued) — Contents : Adventures of Capt. Sin- gleton, V. 1. Adventures of Duncan Campbell, v. 6. Dickory Oronke, v. 2. History of the devil, v. 3. History of the plague In London, 1605. v. 5. Life of Colonel Jack, v. 1. Memoirs of a cavalier, v. 2. Memoirs of Capt. Carleton, V. 2. Mrs. Christian Davies, v. 4. Moll Flanders, v. 3. New voyage round the world, v. 6. Political tracts, v. 6. Roxana, v. 4. Storm, The, v. 5. True-born Englishman, v. 5. — True relation of the apparition of one Mrs. Veal, the next day after her death, to one Mrs. Bargrave, at Canterbury, the 8th of September, 1705. (J/i Drelincourt, C. De- fense against the fears of death.) Chadwick, W. Life and times of. Lond. 1859. 8° FoRSTER, J. Historical and biographical es- says. Lee, W. Life and recently discovered writ- ings of. Lond. 1869. 3 v. 8° Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litterature An- glaise, V. 4. De Foix. Bray, 3Irs. A. E,. De Fonvielle, Wilfrid. Eclairs et tonnerre. Paris, 1869. 12? Merveilles du monde invisible, Les. Paris, 1867. 12? De Forest, John W. European acquaintance ; being sketches of people in Europe. N. Y. 1858. 12? History of the Indians of Connecticut, from the earliest known period to 1850. Hart- ford, Conn., 1853. 12? Hungry heart. {In Not pretty, but precious, etc.) Miss Ravenel's conversion from secession to loyalty. N, Y. 1867. 12? Overland. N. Y. 1871. 8? (6 cop.) Seacliff ; or, the mystery of the Westervelts. Bost. 1859. 12? Deformities - Bigg, H. H. Mechanical appliances necessary for the treatment of. Little, W. J. Treatise on orthopasdic sur- gery. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, V. 3.) De Fremery, James. Mortgages in California : a practical essay. S. F. 1860. 8? De Fucas {straits). Wilkes, C. De Fucas straits, and loss of the Peacock. {In Nar- rative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 4.) Degerando, J. M. de. See Gerando, J. M. de. Degrand, P. P. F. Addresses on plan for a railroad from St. Louis to San Francisco, 1849. {In Pamphlets, v. 17.) De Groot, Henry. British Columbia : its con- ditions, prospects, etc. {In Pamphlets, v. 23.) CoMSTOCK lode. The. {In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Dairies and dairying in California. {In Overland monthly, v. 4.) Mother lode of California. {In Overland monthly, v. 9.) Silk-culture in California. {In Overland monthly, v. 4.) Deighton farm. Bradfield, T. Deinology ; or, the union of reason and elegance. Being instructions to a young barrister ; with a postscript, suggesting some considerations DEINOLiOaY 216 DELUSIONS DeinolOgy (continued) — on the viva voce examination af witnesses at the English bar. By Hortensius. Lond. 1789. 12? Deism. Morgan, T. Moral philosopher, The. Deite, C. Darstellung der seisen, parfumerien, und cosmetica. (In Bolley's Hand-buch der chemischen technologie, v. 3.) De Kay, James E. Zoology of New York ; or, the New York fauna. Albany, 1842-4. 5 V. 4? {In N. Y. nat. hist., pt. i.) Contents : Amphibia, v. 3, 4. I Mammulia, v. 1. Birds, V. 2. Mollusca, v. 5. Crustacea, v. 5. | Keptiles, v. 3, 4. Dekkar. See Decker. De Kroyft, Mrs. S. H. Little Jakey. N. Y. 1872. 12? De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas (1796-1855). Geological observer. {2ded.) Lond. 1853. 8? Delafleld, Richard. Eeport on art of war in Eu- rope, 1854-6. Wash. 1861. Roy. 4? (4 cop.) Delalande, Lebouidre, L. J. Traite 616mentaire de physiologic v^g^tale. Paris, 1843. 8°. Delambre, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1749-1822). EoxiRiEK, J. B. J. Memoirof. (Jm Smith- sonian rept. 1864.) Delano, A. (Old Block). Life on the plains and among the diggings : scenes and adventures of an overland journey to California. Au- burn, N.Y., 1854. 12? Delaplace. See Noel, F. J. M. .Delaplaine. Walworth, M. T. De la Rame, L. See Rame, L. dela. De la Rive. See La Rive, A. de. De la Rue, W. Abbreviations used in England in 1867. (In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Delaunay. See Staal-Delaunay. Delaunay, Charles (b. 1816). Essay on the ve- locity of light. (In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Delavigne, Jean Fran9ois Casimir (1793-1843). (Euvres completes. Paris, 1852. 6 v. 8? Contents : Charles vi., v. 4. Comediens, Les, v. 1. Conseiller rapporteur, Le, v. 4. pon Juan d'Autriche, v. 3. Eeole des vieillards, L', v. 1. Enfants d'Edouard, Les, v. 3. Fille du Cid, La, v. 4. Louis XI., V. 2. Marino Fallero, v. 2. Messfiniennes, v. 5. Notice sur Casimir Dela- vigne, V. 6. Paria, Le. v. 1. Poesies diverges, v. 5, 6. Popuiarite, La. v. 4. Princesse AurClie, La, v. 2. TJne famille au temps de Luther, v. 3. V&pres Siciliennes, Les, v. 1. — LoTJis XI. (Hist, dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 9. Dela-ware, Thomas (Lord), (d. 1618). Bel- knap, J. Life of. (Tn Am. biog., v. 2.) Delaware (state). Constitution of. (In Ameri- can's guide.) Del6on, — (Abbe * * *). Confessor, The. (Le Confesseur.) N. Y. 1867. 8? CuR:6decampagne, Le. Paris, 1867. 2 v. 8? Contents : Cure de Picherande, La, v. 2. Enfant de I'Auvergue, Un, v. 1. Maudit, Le. Paris, 1864. 3 v. 8? Same. Paris, 1865. 3 v. 8? MoiNE, Le. Paris, 1865. 8? Mystiques, Les. Paris, 1869. S° (2 cop.) Odeurs ultramontaines, Les. Paris, 1867. 8? Religieuse, La. Paris, 1864. 2 v. 12? Under the ban. Tr. from the French. N. Y. 1864. 8? (2 coj>.) De Leon, Edwin. Askaros Kassis, the Copt. Phil. 1870. 12? (2 cop.) DeLeon.T. C. Cross-purposes. Phil. 1871. 16? (£d.) South songs;.from the lays of later days. N. Y. 1866. 12? Delepierre, Octave. Historical difficulties and contested events. Lond. 1868, 8? Contents: Jeanne d'Arc (1430). Petrarch and Laura (1.320). Pope Joan (86.5). Steam-engine, Inventor of (1625). William Tell (1307). William Tell, Appendix to the notice on. Abelard and Elolsa (1140). Alexandrian library (040). Delisarius (56i);. Bibliographical index. Charles v. of Spain il557). Colossusof Khodes(306 B.C.). Francis i. and countess of Chateaubriand (1525). Galileo Galilei (1820). Delessert, Eugene. Voyages dans les deux oceans, Atlantique et Pacifique, 1844-7. Paris, 1858. 8? Deleuze, Joseph Philip Francois (1753-1835). Practical instruction in animal magnetism. Tr. by T. C. Hartshorn. N. Y. 1850. 12? Deliciae poetarum Scotorum. Ed in. 1838. 8? Contents : Burns, R. : Correspondence with Mr. George Thomson ; general correspondence ; his life ; po- etical works ; prose works. Ferguson, R. : Poetical works, with memoir. Grahame, J. : .Sabbath, The ; Sabbath walks, and other poems ; with memoir. Hogg, J. : Queen's wake. The. Miscellany of popular Scottish poems, with notes. Ramsay, A. : Gentle shepherd. The (com.) ; mis- cellaneous poems ; select poetical works, with memoir. Scott, -Sir W' . : Lady of the lake. The ; Lay of the last minstrel ; Marmion, a tale of Flodden field. De Liefde. See Liefde, De. Delille, Jacques (1738-1813). (Euvres. Paris, 1818. 18 V. in 17. 8? Contents : Imagination, v. 11, 12. ImmortaliiS de rSme, L', Dithyrambe sur, v. 1. Jardins, Les, v. 9. Notice hLstorique sur J. De- lille, V. 1. Nouvelle gpitre sur le luxe, V. IS. Ode a M. Mol6, v. 18. Ode sur un cferlre, v. 18. Paradis perdu, v. 7, 8. Passage du Saint-Gothard, V. 1. Piti6, La, v. 1.5. Pofisles fugitives, v. 1. Conversation, La, v. 16. Depart d'Eden, Le, v. 18. Discours de reception & I'A- cadSmie Fraiifaise, v. 1. Discours sur reducation, v. ,18. En^ide, L', v. 3-6. fiprtre a deux enfants voya- genrs, v. 18. Essai sur I'homme, v. 17. GCorgiques de Virgile, Les, V. 2. Homme des champs, L', ou les g^orgiques Fraiifaises, v. 10. Delirium tremens — Barclay, A. W. Treatise on. (In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Root, J. Horrors of. De Lolme, Jean Louis (1740-1806). Constitu- tion of England, or an account of the En- glish government ; in which it is compared both with the republican form of govern- ment and the other monarchies in Europe. New ed., with life and notes, by J. Mac- gregor. Lond. 1853. 12? Rise and progress of the English constitution ; with an historical and legal introduction and notes, by A. J. Stephens. Lond. 1838. 2 V. 8? Delphi. Hue, C. B. (In Camb. prize poems.) Delphine. Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. N. de. Deluge. Catcott, A. Treatise on the. See also Geology. Delusions— Hooker, W. Lessons from the history of medical. Mackay, C. Memoirs of extraordinary popu- lar delusions, and the madness of crowds. DEMETRIUS 217 DENMARK Demetrius. Diogenes Lakrtius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Pli'TAKCHUS. Life of. {In Lives.) De Mille, James. American baron. N. Y. 1872. 8= (8 cop.) Among the brigands. Bost. 1872. 12° {\cop.) Boys of Grand Pr(5 school, The. Bost. 1871. 12i Comedy of terrors. Bost. 1872. 8° (10 cop.) Cord and creese. N. Y. 1869. 8? (4 cop.) Cryptogram, The. N. Y. 1871. 8? (13 coja.) Dodge club. N. Y. 1869. 8? (2 cop.) Fire in the woods. Bost. 1872. 12"? (5 cop.) Lady of the ice. N. Y. 1870. 8° (3 cop.) Lost in the fog. (n.t.p.) 12° Open question. An. N. Y. 1873. 8° (5 cop.) Picked up adrift. Bost. 1872. 16° (6 cop.) Seven hills. Bost. 1873. 12? (5 cop.) TREASUREof the seas. The. Illustrated. Bost. 1873, 12? (3 cop.) Deramin, Auguste. "Weapons of war ; being a history of arms and armor, from the earliest period to the present time. Tr. by C. C. Black. With nearly 2,000 illustrations. Lond. 1870. 12? Democracy — Camp, G. S. Democracy. Partridge, J. A. Democracy. TocQUEViLLE, A. C. H. C. de. Democracy in America. Democritus. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. (/m Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Democritus, Junior {pseud.). See Burton, E. Demionology — Layard, a. H. Yezidis, The; or, devil worshipers of Chaldea. {In Nineveh and its remains.) ScoTT, Sir W. Letters on. H. F. lib., v. 11. See also Witchcraft. De Montfort, Denys, et Koissy, F. de. His- toire naturelle, generale, et particuliere des moUusques. Paris, 1802-5. 6 v. 8? {In Buffon's Hist, nat., v. 65-70.) De Monts {Sieur). See Du Gast. De Morgan, Augustus (1806-1872). Book of almanacs. The ; with an index of reference, by which the almanac may be found for every year, whether in old style or new, from any epoch ancient or modern, up to A. D. 2000. Lond. 1851. Sm. f ? Budget of paradoxes. Keprinted, with the author's additions, from the 'Athenaeum.' Lond. 1872. 8? Essay on probabilities, and on their applica- tion to life contingencies and insurance of- fices. Lond. 1838. 12? De Morgan, Campbell. Treatise on erysipelas and the allied diseases. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Demosthenes (382-322? b.c). Opera. {Gr. et Lat.) Edidit J. T. Voemelius. Paris, 1857. 8? Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Demosthenes {continued) — Olynthiac, The, and other public orations. Tr. by C. E. Kennedy. Lond. 1852. 12? Oratio super corona. {In ^schines et De- mosthenes.) Orations. Tr. by T. Leland. Lond. 1830. 2 v. 16? Family Class, lib. Orations against Leptines, Midias, Andro- tion, and Aristocrates. Tr. , with notes, etc., by C. E. Kennedy. Lond. 1856. 12? Bohn's Class, lib. Orations on the crown, and on the embassy. Tr., with notes, etc., by C. E. Kennedy. Lond. 1855. 12? Bohn's Class, lib. Plutarchus. Life of. {In Lives.) — Vie de. (Par A. Feillet.) {In Vies des Grecs illustres.) — Vita. {Gr. et Lat.) {In Vitas, v. 2.) Eapin, p. Comparaison des grands hommes de 1' antiquity. {In Q^luvres, v. 1.) Dempsey, G. Drysdale. Practical railway engi- neer. The : an account of the principal works executed in the construction of rail- ways to the present time. 71 plates. {Athed.) Lond. 1855. Eoy. 4? Denaux, Prosper, and Legouv^, E. W. Louise de Lingerolles. (Trag.) Lacy's Plays, v. 14. AevSpoXoyia. Dodona's grove; or, the vocall forest. Howell, J. Dendy, Walter Cooper. Philosophy of mystery. The. N. Y. 1847. 12? (2 cop.) Wild Hebrides. Illustrated by a map and sketches on the spot, by the author. Lond. 1859. 12? Dene hollow. Wood, Mrs. H. Denham, Dixon. Travels in Africa. (/wSchau- enburg, E. Eeisen in central Afrika.) Denham, Sir John (1615-1688). Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt6rature Anglaise, v. 3. Denis, F., and Chatjyin, V. True Eobinson Crusoe's stories of adventure. The. Tr. from the French, by Charles Eussell. With 20 plates. Bost. 1871. 16? Denis Donne. Cudlip, Mrs. P. Denis Duval. Thackeray, W. M. Denison, C. W. {Major Penniman). Winfleld, the lawyer's son; and how he became a major-general. Phil. 1865. 12? Denison, John Evelyn ('Mr. Speaker'), (1800- 1873). See Cartoon portraits. Denison, Mrs. Mary A. Days and ways of the cocked hats ; or, the dawn of the revolu- tion. jSr.Y. 1860. 12? Lover's trials, {n.t.p.) 12? {2 cop.) Master, The. Bost. 1862. 12? Victor Norman, rector. Phil. 1873. 12? Denison univ^ersity ( Granville, 0. ). Thirty- seventh annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1867-8. Zanesville, O. , 1868. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 1.) Denmark — Coxe,W. Travels in. (J« Pinkerton'a Coll. voy., V. 6.) Drake, E. C. Description of. {In his Coll. voy.) Dunham, S. A. History of Norway, Den- mark, and Sweden. EwALD, H. F. Story of Waldemar Krone's youth. (Historical fiction.) DENMARK 218 DE QUINCEY Denmark {continued) — Laing, S. Observations on the social and political state of Denmark in 1851. Murray, J. Hand-book for travelers in. "Wheaton, H. History of Northmen (Danes). See also Europe (northern); Scandinavia; Schleswig-Holstein . Dennery, Adolphe Philippe, and Bresil, J. Jocrisse, the juggler. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 51. and Clairville, — . My wife's diary. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 18. anrf Clement, — . No^mie. (Drama.) Tr. by W. Kobertson. Lacy's Plays, v. 23. and DuGUE, — . Sea of ice. (Komantic dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 13. Dennis Haggarty's wife. Thackeray, "W. M. (In his Miscellanies.) Dennjr, Ebenezer. Military journal, 1781-95. (In Pennsylvania hist. soc. Memoirs, v. 7.) Denslow palace. The. Whelpley, J. D. (In Atlantic tales.) Dentistry. Burdet, G. Manual for dentists [1790]. (Russian.) See also Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 31. Denton, Elizabeth M. F. See Denton, W. and E. M. F. Denton, William and E. M. F. Soul of things ; or, psychrometric researches and discoveries. Bost.,1863. 12? Depart d' Eden, Le. Delille, J. (/ra (Euvres, V. 18.) Depping, Guillaume. Merveilles de la force et de I'adresse. Paris, 1869. 12° Depths of the sea. Thomson, C. W. Depute d'Arcis, Le. Balzac, H. de. (In (Eu- vres completes, v. 26.) De Puy, Henry W. Ethan Allen and the Green mountain heroes of '76 ; with a sketch of early history of Vermont. N.Y. 1860. 12? De Quincey, Thomas (1785-1859). Autobio- graphic sketches. Bost. 1853. 12? Contents : Affliction of childhood, The. Dream echoes of these In- fant experiences. Dream echoes fifty years later. Dublin. Female infidel, The. First rebellion In Ireland. French Invasion of Ireland, and second rebellion. — Avenger, The. (In Good stories, v. 1.) Same. And other papers. Bost. 1859. 12' Contents : I am Introduced to the war- fare of a public school. I enter the world. Infant literature. Introduction to the world of strife. My brother. Nation of London, The. Premature manhood. Traveling. Additions to ' Confessions of an English opium-eater.' JElius Lamia. Avenger, The. Barbara Lewthwaite. China. Daughter of Lebanon, The. De Quincey. Essenes,The. [Supplemen- tary.! Traditions of the rabbins. Biographical essays. Bost. 1854. 12? Contents : I Schiller. Shakespeare. GSthe. Lamb, C. Pope. I — Same. And essays on the poets 2 V. in 1. 12? Bost. 1873. Foster, John. Godwin, William. Goldsmith, Oliver. Gothe. Hazlitt, William. Keats, John. Lamb, Charles. Contents : Landor, Walter Savage. Pope, Alexander [two arti- cles]. Schiller. Shakespeare. Shelly, Percy Bysshe. Wordsworth, The poetry of. China. Essenes, The. [Supplemen- tary.] Traditions of the rabbins. Bost. De Quincey (continued) — C^SARs, The. Bost. 1854. 12? Same. And the Avenger. Bost. 1873. 2 v. in 1. 12? Contents : Additions to ' Confessions of an opium-eater.' .^lius Lamia. Avenger, The. Caesars, The. — Confessions of an English opium-eater 1841. 16? Same. 1860. 12? Same. And Autobiographic sketches. Bost. 1873. 12? Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters. Bost. 1854. 2 v. 12? Contents : Analects from Bichter, v. I. Lessing, v. 1. Bentley, v. 2. Mackintosh, Sir James, v. 1. Hamilton, Sir William, v. 1. Parr, v. 2. Herder, V. 1. Kichter, John Paul Freder- Kant in his miscellaneous ick, v. 1. essays, v. 1. — Same. Bost. 1873. 2 v. in 1. 12? Historical and critical essays. Bost. 1853. 2 V. 12? Contents : Cicero, V. 2. Essenes, The, v. 1. Herodotus, Philosophy of, v. 1. Homer and the Homerldae, V. 1. — Same. Bost. 1873. Plato's Kepubllc, v. 1. Rhetoric, v. 2. Roman history, Philosophy of, v. 1. Secret societies, v. 2. Style, V. 2. 2v. 12? Edin. 1832. Klosterheim ; or, the masque. 12? Same. With biographical preface, by E. Shel- ton Mackenzie. N. Y. 1855. 12? (2 cop.) Letters to a young man ; and other papers Bost. 1854. 12? Contents : Cal. and the gold mania. Ceylon. Conversation. French and Eng. manners. — Letters to a young man; and Logic of politi- cal economy. Bost. 1873. 2 v. in 1. 12; Contents : Incognito, The ; or, Coiint Fitz-Hum. Language. Letters to a young man. Presence of mind, llieory of Greek tragedy. California and the gold ma nia. Ceylon. Conversation. Dice, The. Fatal marksman. The. French and English man. ners. Greek tragedy. Theory of. King of Hay ti. The. Language. Letters to a young man. Logic of political economy. Milton, Life of. Presence of mind. Suliotes, The. — Literary reminiscences ; from the autobiog- raphy of an English opium-eater. Bost. 1873. 2 V. in 1. 12? Contents . Clare, v. 2. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, V. 1, 2. Cunningham, v. 2. Davy, Sir Humphrey, v. 1. Dueling, v. 2, Godwin, v. 1. Grant, Mrs., v. 1. Irving, Edward, v. 2. Junius, v. 2. Lamb, Chas., Recollections of, V. 1. Libelous attack by a London journal, v. 2. — Logic of political economy ; and other pa- pers. Bost. 1859. 12? Contents : Dice, The. I Logic of political economy. Fatal marksman. The. The. Incognito, The; or. Count Milton, Life of. Fitz-Hum. Suliotes, The. King of Hayti, The. I Literary novitiate, v. L Lloyd, Charles, v. 2. London magazine, v. 2. Recollections of Grasmere, V. 2. Saracen's head, v. 2. Society of the lakes, v. 2. Southev, V. 2. Stewart, Walking, v. 2. Talfourd, v. 2, Walladmor, v. I. Wordsworth, William, V. 1,2.^ Wordsworth and Southey, DE QUINCEY 219 DESERT De Quincey {continued) — Mkmokials ; and other papers. 2 V. in 1. IK Contents : Bost. 1873. Greece, The revolution in. Klosterheim. Orphan heiress, The. Oxford. Pagan oracles. Sphinx's riddles. The. Templars' dialogues. The. — Miscellanies. Edin.1854. (Istand2dser.) 2 V. 12° Contents : Curiosity of Roman meals, V. 1. Dialogues of three Templars on political economy, v. 2. English mail coach : Glory of motion; vision of sudden death ; dream-fugue, v. 2. Heavens, The system of the, as revealed by Lord Hosse's telescope, v. 1. — Narrative and miscellaneous papers 1854. 2v. 12° .roan of Arc, v. 1. Kant, Last days of, v. t. Murder, considered as one of the fine arts, v. 2. Revolt of the Tartars, The, V. 2. Spanish military nun, v. 1. Superstition, Modern, v. 1. War.v. 2. Bost. Contents : Coleridge and opium-eating, V.2. Flight of a Tartar tribe, v. L Household wreck, Tlie, v. 1. Kant, Immanuel, Last days of, v. 2. Modern superstition, v. 2. — Same. 2 v. in 1. Bost. 1873. 12° Note-book of an English opium-eater. Bost 1855. 12° Contents : Antigone of Sophocles, The. Dryden's hexastich. English dictionaries. Falsification of English his- tory. Literarj' history of the xvni. century. Marquess Wellesley, The. Memorable murders. Three. — Theological essays ; and other papers 1854. 2v. in 1. 12° Contents : Casuistry. Charlemagne. Christianity £is an organ of political movement. Greece, Modern. Greece under the Romans. Hnme's argument against miracles. Judas Iscariot. — Same. Bost. 1873. 2 v. in 1 Writings. Bost. 1873. 12? Contents : Spanish nun. The, v. 1. System of the heavens as revealed by Lord Rosse's telescope, v. 2. Temperance movement, v. 2. War, On, v. 2. Milton vs. Southey andLan- dor. Peripatetic philosopher, A. Pope's retort upon Addison. Suicide, On. Superficial knowledge. True relations of the bible to merely human science. Bost. Lord Carlisle on Pope. Milton. On the supposed scriptural expression for eternity. Protestantism. Secession from the church of Scotland. Toilette of the Hebrew lad}'. 12° Miscellaneous essays : Dinner, Real, and reputed. English mail-coach : Glo- ry of motion ; vision of sudden death ; dream- fugue. Joan of Arc. Knocking at the gate in Macbeth, The. Mis. essays (contimierl) : Murder, considered as one of the fine arts. Murder, Suppl. paper on. Orthographic mutineers. Sortilege on behalf of the Glasgow athenseum. Note -book of an English opium-eater. Derby, Elias Hasket (1739-1799). Derby, E. H. Life of. (In Hunt, F. Lives of Am. merchants, v. 2.) Derby, Elias Hasket, esq. (b. 1824). Life of E. H. Derby [above). (In Hunt, E. Lives of Am. merchants, v. 2.) Derby, George. Trichina disease in Massachu- setts. {In Mass. state board of health, 1871, pp. 46-50.) et al. Keport on the causes of typhoid fever in Massachusetts. {In Mass. state board of health, 1871, pp. 110-179.) Derby, George H. {John Phoenix), (1824-1861). Phoenixiana ; or, sketches and burlesques. N. Y. 1856. 12= Squibob papers. N. Y. 1865. 12° (2 cop.) Derby, James {1th earl of). See Northern wor- thies. Lives of, V. 1. Derby {l^th earl of). See Stanley, E. G. S. S. Derby races. See Tattersall, G. Dermatology. See Skin. Dernier jour. Soulie, M. F. {In his (Euvres, V. 36.) Dernier jour d'un condamn^, Le. Hugo, V. (M.) {In Bug-Jargal.) Dernier souper de N6ron. Saint-Felix, J. de. {In Nuits de Kome, Les.) Demiere Aldini, La. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Demiere Gallo-Komaine, La. Saint-Felix, J. de. {In Nuits de Kome, Les.) Demiere incarnation de Vautrin, La. Balzac, H. DE. {In his (Euvres completes, v. 17.) Demiere passion, Une. Uchard, M. {In Heri- tiere d'un ministre, L'. Derniere sceurgrise, La. Gozlan, L. {In (Eu- vres, V. 11.) Demieres chansons (1834-51). B:&ranger, P. J. DE. Demiers Montagnards, Les : histoirede I'insur- rection de Prairial, an iii. (1795). Clare- TIE, J. Derrick and drill. Morris, E. Desarbres, Ner^e. Faux dieux, Les. (/« Dans leur ville.) De Saussure. See Saussure, De. Desbordes-Valmore {Mme. Marceline), (1787- 1859). Contes et scenes de laviede famille, dedies aux enfants. Paris, n.d. 2 v. 12° Sainte-Beuve, C. a. Memoirs of. With a selection from his poems. Tr. by Harriet W. Preston. Bost. 1873. 12? — Sa vie et sa correspondance. {In his (Eu- vres, V. 49.) Descartes, Ren6 (1596-1650). Discours sur la m^thode ; meditations philosophiques ; les passions de I'ame ; regies pour la direction de 1 'esprit ; de la v^rit^ par les lumieres naturelles. (2e ed.) Paris, 1844. 16? Life of Monsieur Des Cartes ; containing the history of his philosophy and works, as also the most remarkable things that befell him during the whole course of his life. Tr. from the French, by S. R. Lond. 1693. 12? Meditationes de prima philosophia. In qui- bus Dei existencia et animsehumanaea corpore distinctio demonstrantur, Hisadjunctse sunt variae objectiones doctorum virorum in istas de Deo et anima demonstrationes, cum re- sponsion ibus authoris. Amstelodami, 1650, Ludov. Elzevir. Sq. 8? Meditations metaphysiques. Paris, 1825. 16? Deschanel, A. Privat.' Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. Tr. and ed., with ex- tensive additions, by J. D. Everett. Lond. 1870. 8? Same. Pt. iv., sound and light. N. Y. 1872. 8? Des Chutes valley {Oregon). See Oregon. De Sch"weinitz, Edmund. Life and times of David Zeisberger, the western pioneer and apostle of the Indians. Phil. 1871. 8? Descripcion orthographica del eclipse del sol, 1778. Leon y Gama, A. de. Desert of the exodus. Palmer, E. H. Desert pathway. Eobertson, W. DESERT 220 DEVOTED Desert world, The, Mangin, A. Deserted village. Goldsmith, O. Deserted wife. Southworth, E. D. E. N". Deserteur, Der. Kellstab, L. (In Ges. schrif- ten, V. 21.) Deserts of North America. Domenech, E. Des Quays, J. E. le Boys. True system of relig- ious philosophy, in letters to a man of the world disposed to believe. Tr. from the French, by J. Murdock. Third ed., revised and corrected, by G. Bush. Bost. 1855. 12° Design — Art-studies from nature, as applied to. DuNLAP, W. History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the U. S. See also — Architecture. Ornament. Decoration. Painting. Drawing. Desk and debit. Adams, W. T. Desmoulins, Lucile. Michelet, J. Femmes de la revolution, Les. De Sola, D. A. See ' Mishna.' Desor, E. Palafittes, or lacustrian constructions of the lake of Neuchatel. (In Smithsonian rept. 1865.) De Soto. See Soto. De Stael-Holstein. See Stael-Holstein. Destinies of the British empire. Thorp, W. De Stolz, Mine. — . House on wheels ; or, the stolen child. Bost. 1871. 12° (2 cop.) Destrem, Kaoul. M^moire surl 'Industrie min^- rale en France, adress6 a S. M. I'Empereur Napoleon in. Paris, 1861. 8° Destroyer of the second republic. Hugo, V. (M.) Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude. Com- mentary and review of Montesquieu's Spirit of laws. Phil. 1811. 8? Des Voeux, — (^'I''-)' Lettres sur les miracles, oil I'on etablit les caracteres distinctifs des vrais miracles en g^n^ral, et en particulier de ceux qui s'operent sur le corps humain; et I'on fait voir que sans entrer dans I'examen de la doctrine, on a droit de rejetter les mira- cles que les Jans^nistes attribuent aux reli- ques de M''- l'Abb6 de Paris. Kotterdam, 1735. 16° Detectives. Burnham, G. P. United States secret service. Dethe of Blaunche, the duchesse. Chaucer, G. (In Chaucer soc.) Detlef, Carl. Must it be ? A romance. Tr. from the German, by MS. Phil. 1873. 8° (5 cop.) Detroit (Mich.). Hubbell and "Weeks's Detroit city directory. 1872-3. 8? Nineteenth annual report of the board of water commissioners to the common council of the city of Detroit, together with the re- ports of the officers of the board for the year 1870. (In Water-works, v. 1.) Dette a la patrie. La. Second, A. Dettingen ' Te Deum.' Handel, G. F. (In Boosey's ed.) Deus homo : God-man. Parsons, T. Deuteronomy — Cook, F. C. Commentary on. (In his Com., v.l.) Jamieson, "R.j et al. Commentary on. Deutsche classikerdesmittelalters. Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche literaturder Gegenwart, 1848 bis 1858. Pkutz, R. Deutsche pickwickier. Stolle, F. (In Aus- gewahltc schriften, v. 6-8.) Deutsche sagen. Grimm, J. L. C. und W. C. Deutschen pickwickier auf reisen. Die. Stolle, F. (In Ausgewahlte schriften, v. 29, 30.) Deutschen volksbiicher, Die. Schwab, G. Deutscher leinweber, Ein. Storch, L. (In Ausgewahlte romane und novellen, v. 20- 31.) Deiix amazones, Les. M:feRT, J. (In (Euvres, v. 8.) Deux aveugles de 1525, Les. Souli:6, M. F. (In (Euvres, v. 34.) Deux Diane, Les. Dumas, A. (D.) Deux femmes du roi, Les. Feval, P. (In (Eu- vres, v. 9.) Deux freres, Les. Schmid, C. von. (In Contes, V.4.) Deux histoires. Sue, E. Deux maitresses, Les. Musset, A. de. (In Nouvelles.) Deux poetes, Les. Balzac, H. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 15.) Deux proverbes en d^faut. Mol:6ri, J. D. (In Petits drames bourgeois.) Deux reines, Les. Dumas, A. (D.) Deux roses, Les. Soulie, M. F. (In (Euvres, V. 34.) Devadatta. Perret, P. De Vane. Hilliard, H. W. De Veaux, S. Falls of Niagara ; or, tourist's guide to this wonder of nature, and a com- plete guide through the Canadas. Buffalo, 1839. 16° De Veitelle, I. See Veitelle, I. de. De Vere, Sir Francis. See Commanders, Lives of the most Bminent Br. De Vere, Maximilian Scheie (b. 1820). Ameri- canisms : the English of the new world. N. Y. 1872. 8° (2cop.) Great empress, The : a portrait. Phil. 1870. 12? Modern magic. N. Y. 1873. 12? (5 cop.) EoMANCE of American history : early annals. N. Y. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Stray leaves from the book of nature. Lond. 1856. 12? Same. N. Y. 1872. 12? Studies in English ; or, glimpses of the inner life of our language. N. Y. 1867. 12? Wonders of the deep. N. Y. 1869. 12? Devereux, George H. Sam Shirk. N. Y. 1871. 12? Devereux, R. See Lives of British admirals, V. 4. Devereux. Bulwer-Lttton, Sir E. G. E. L. Deveria, Achille. Dumas, A. (D.) Essai sur. (In Morts vont vite, Les, v. 2.) De Voe, Thomas F. Market assistant, The ; con- taining a brief description of every article of human food sold in the public markets of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Brook- lyn. N. Y. 1867. 12? Devonshire, — (duchesse de). See Hervey, Eliz- abeth. Devoted bride. The. Tucker, St. G. DEVRIENT 221 DIARRHEA Devrient, Eduard. My recollection of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and his letters to me. Tr. from the German, by N. Macfar- • ren. Lond. 1869. 12? De Vries, David Peterson. Voyages from Hol- land to America, 1632-44. Tr. from the Dutch, by Henry C. Murphy. Privately printed. N.Y. 1853. 4? [Large paper copy, presented by James Lenox.] De Vries and Ibarra. Keynard, the fox. TV. from the German of the xv. century. Bost. 1872. 12? Dew, Thomas Koderic ( 1802 - 1846 ). Essay on slavery. {In Addresses, v. 2.) Lectures on the restrictive system. Kich- mond, Va., 1829. 12? D'Ewes, J. China, Australia, and the Pacific islands in the years 1855-6. Lond. 1857. 12? De Wette, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht ( 1780- 1849). Critical and historical introduction to the canonical scriptures of the old testa- ment. Tr. and enlarged, by Theodore Par- ker. Bost. 1843. 2 V. 8? Human life ; or, practical ethics. Tr. by Samuel Osgood. {In Specimens of foreign literature, v. 12, 13.) Theodore; or, the skeptic's conversion. Tr. by James F. Clarke. {In Specimens of foreign literature, v. 10, 11.) Dewey, Chester (1781-1867). Best hours of daily observation to find the mean tempera- ture of the year. {In Smithsonian repts. 1857, 1860.) Report on the herbaceous plants of Massa- chusetts, 1840. {In Scientific survey of Mass., V. 2.) Axderson, M. B. Sketch of. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1870.) Dewey, Mary E. Life and letters of Catherine M. Sedgwick. N. Y. 1871, 12? Dewey, Orville {b, 1794). Appeal of religion to men in power. Sermon on the calamity of Washington, 1844. N. Y. 1844. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 1, 2.) Discourse on writings of "Wm. E. Channing ; and on American manners and morals. {In Pamphlets, v. 2.) Discourses and discussions in explanation and defense of Unitarianism. Bost. 1840. 12? Discourses on human life. N. Y. 1841. 12? Discourses on various subjects. N. Y. 1838. 12? Moral views of commerce, society, and poli- tics ; in twelve discourses. N. Y. 1838, 12? On American morals and manners. Bost. 1844. {In Pamphlets, v. 14.) Problem of human destiny ; or, the end of providence in the world and man. N. Y, 1864. 8? De "Wille, Elizabeth. Johannes Olaf. Tr. by F. E. Bunnett. Bost, 1873. 12? (10 cop.) D© "Witt, Mme. — . French country family, A. Tr. by D. M. Craik. N. Y. 1868. 12? (4 cop.) Marie Derville : a story of a French board- ing-school. Tr. by M. G. Wells. Phil. 1873. 12? (5 cop.) Motherless ; or, a Parisian family. Tr. by D. M. Craik. Hlustrated. N. Y. 1871. 12? Only sister, An. Lond. 1873. 12? (2 cop.) De "Witt, Cornelius, Histoire de Washingt/)n et de la fondation de la r^publique des Etats- Unis. Prec^d^e d'une 6tude historique sur Washington, par M. Guizot. Paris, 1855. 8; Dexter, George T. See Edmonds, J. W. Dexter, Henry Martyn {b. 1821). Congrega- tionalism : what it is, whence it is, how it works, why it is better than any' other form of church government, and its consequent demands. Bost, 1871, 12? Dexter, Samuel (1761-1816), Sargent, L. M. Reminiscences of. Bost. 1857. 16? Story, J, Sketch of, {In his Mis, works.) See also American eloquence, v. 2. Dexter, Timothy {Lord), (1747-1806). Knapp, 5. L. Life of. Bost. 1838. 16? Dhow-chasing in Zanzibar waters and on the eastern coast of Africa, Sulivan, G. L, Dhu, Helen, Stanhope Burleigh : the Jesuits in our homes. N.Y, 1855. 16? Diabetes. Brigham, C. B. Diabetes mellitus. Diable boiteux, Le, Le Sage, A. R. Diagnosis. See Disease. Diagnostic, Le. Hauler, G. Dial, The : a magazine for literature, philosophy, and religion. V, 1 (July, 1840) to 4 (April, 1844). Bost. 1840-44, 4 v. 8? Dialogue between Scipio and Berganza. Two dogs. Cervantes Saavedra,M.de. {In his Exemplary novels.) Dialogue with Trypho, the Jew. Justin Mar- tyr. Dialogues — Fette, W. E. Dialogues from Dickens. LuciAN of Samosata : selections from his works. Monroe, L. B. {Ed.) Dialogues and dramas. Ovid, P. N. Tristia ; Pontic epistles. {In his Fasti, etc.) Plato. Dialogues. See also Readers and speakers. Diamant, Un. Karr, (J. B.) A. {In (Euvres, V. 4,) Diamanten kreuz. Das. Rellstab, L. {In Ges. schriften, v. 22.) Diamants de la couronne. (Opera.) Auber, D. F. E. Diamond and the pearl. Gore, Mrs. C. G. F. Diamond bracelet. Wood, Mrs. H. [Bound with i Th<re comp., 3. Angelo. Hugo. In Theatre. Same. Adapted to Eng. stage. Lacy's PI., 4. Same ; or the actre.ss of Padua. Altered and tr. by il'B^ckett Mod. st. dr., 23. .\nimal magnetism. Far. Inchbald. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Anne Blake. Marston. Lacy's PI., 49. Antigone. Trag. Sophocles. (Lennox, 3f)s.) Brumoy's Gr. th., 2. Same. In Tragedies (Oxford tr.). Same. In Tragedies (N. Y. ed.). Same. (Plumptre.) In Tragedies, 1. Same. (ViehoS".) Zn Tragodien, 1. Same. (Woolsey.) Antiquary. Marmion. Dodsley's Old pi., 10. Antonio Perez. Trauersp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 12. Antony. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 2. Antony and Cleopatra. Trag. Shakes- peare. Inchb. Br. th., 4. Same. I-acy's PI., 75. Same. In Dr. werke fSchlegel u. Tieck), 10. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 6. Same. In Dr. works i Hazlitt), 4. Same. In S. in Deutscher iibersetzung, 9. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works i.Clarke), 4. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 1.5. Same. 7n Works (Knight), 6. Anythhig for a change. Petite com. Brooks. Lacy's PI., 4. Apartments. Far. Brough. Lacy's PI., 4. Appearance Is against them. Far. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Appearances. Com. Simpson. Lacy's PI., 47. Appius and Virginia. B— . Dodsley's Old pi., 12. Appius and Virginia. Trag. Webster. In Works, 2. Apprentice. Far. Murphy. Br. dr., L Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Same. Inchb. Far., 3. Aprfes deux ans. Com. M^ry. In CEu- vres, 4, .5. April fool. Far. Brough and Halliday. Lacy's PI., 62. Arabiste Pulver, Det. Com. Holberg. /»i Comedier. Arden of Feversham. Hist trag. Lillo. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Arden of Feversham. Trag. Shakes- peare. In Works (Knight), 7. Area belle. Far. Brough and Halliday. Lacy's Pi., 62. Argonauten.Die. Grillparzer. Jn Sfimm. werke, 3. ArLstocraties,Les. Com. Arago. Jn The- atre Fr. mod., 2e ser. Arlequin, maftre de maison. Com. Flo- rian. In Fables. Arraignment of Paris. Past. Peele. I7i Dr. works. Arte de conspirar, El. Com. Larra. In O bras comp., 2. Artemise. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Ar'ful dodge. Far. Blanchard. Lacy's PI., 42. As like as two peas. Far. Lille. Lacy's PI., 1.5. As you like it Com. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th., 3. Same. I^acy's PI., 2.5. Same. Mod. st. dr., 9. Sime. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck),6. Same. In Dr. works fBost. ed.), 2. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 1. Same. In Plays, 5. Same. In S. in Deutscher iibersetzung, 6. Sime. In Works (ed. 1623). Stme. In Works (Clarke), 1. Same. In Work.s (Halliwell), 6. Same. In Works (Knight), 4. Asinaria, or the a-ss-dealer. Com. Plau tus. (Valpy.) In Comoedise, 1. Same. (Rilev.) In Comedies, 1. Aslauga. Heldeusp. La Motte-Fouqu6. In A us. werke, .3. Asmodeus, the little demon. Com. dr. Archer. : Adapted from Scribe's ' Part du diable.'] Lacy's PI., 46. Assassin, L'. About In Theatre impos sible. A.ssignation. Com. Dryden. J« Works 4. Atalanta. Extr. Talfourd. Lacy's Pi. 30. Atalanta in Calvdon. Trag. Swinburne, Atchi. Com'tta. Morton. Lacy's PI. 82. Athalie. Trag. Racine. Jn CEuvres. Same. /»! CEuvres comp., 3. Same. In Theatre comp. Athelwood. Trag. Smith. Atonement, or branded for life. [Found- ed upon V. Husro's 'Les miserables.'] Muskberry. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Atrocious criminal. Far. Simpson. La- cy's PI., 74. Auberge de la vie, L'. Prov. Karr. In CEuvres, 16. Auchindrane, or the Ayrshire tragedy. Scott. In Poet works, 9. Aufgeregten, Die. Polit dr. Gothe. In AVerke, 15. Same. In Sfimm. werke, 2. Aulularia. Com. Plautus. Jn Comcedise, 1. Same. In Comedies, 1. Aunt Charlotte's maid. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 38. Aureng-Zebe. Trag. Dryden. Jn Works, 5. Aurora Floyd. Hazlewood. Lacy's PL 58. Author. Com. Foote. Inchb. Far., 7. Auto pastoril del nacimiento. Moratin. In Origlnes del teatro Esp. .Autor. Der. Fastnachtsp. Tieck. In Schriften, 13. DRAMAS 239 DRAMAS Autre Tartufe, on la mfire coupable, L'. Beaumarchais. Jn Th(5i CEuvres comp., 2. Same. In ThCfitre comp. Balance of comfort. Far. Bernard. La- cy 's PI.. 17. Bamboozling. Far. Wilks. Lacy 's PI., 28. Bank note. The. Com. Macready. Inchb. Mod. th.,9. Barbarossa. Trag. Brown. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 15. Barber of Seville. Op. Beaumarchais. Lacy's PI., 89. Barberine. Com. Musset. In Com. et pro v., 1. Barbier de Seville, Le. Com. Beaumar- chais. In Theatre. Bare-faced impostors. Far. Doe et al. Lacy's PI., 70. Baron d'Otrante. Op. Voltaire. 7« CEu- vres comp., 2. Baronet abroad, and the rustic prima donna. Far. Home. Lacy's PI., 6.5. Barrifire de Cllchy. Dumas. InVii6&tre comp., 11. Bareelstuen. COm. Holberg. In Com- edier. Bartholomew fair. Jonson. In Works. Biishful lover. Massinger. In Dr. works. Bashful man. Com. dr. Moncrieff. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Basil. Trag. BaUlie. In Dr. and poet, works. Battle of Alcazar. Peele. In Dr. works. Battle of Hexham. Colman. Inchb. Br. th.,20. Beacon. Mus. dr. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Bear-hunters. Far. Buckstone. Lacy's PI., 31. Beatrix, ou la madone de Part. Com. Legouvfi. In CEuvres, 1. Beau Brummel, the king of Calais. Far. Jerrold. Lacy's PI., 44. Beau mariage. Com. AugiereiFoussier. In CEuvres, 1. Beautiful forever. Far. Hay. Lacy's Pi., 82. Beautiful Haid^e. Far. Byron. Lacy's PI., 58. Beauty and the beast. Frost. In Ama- teur theatricals. Beauty and the beast. Extr. Blanche. Lacy's PI., 19. Beauty or the beast. Far. Oxenford. Lacy's PI., 60. Beaux' stratagem. Com. Farquhar. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Tn Dr. works. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 8. Bee and the orange-tree. Far. Blanche. Lacy's PI., lit. Beggar of Bethnal green. Com. Know- les. In Dr. works, 1. Beggar's bush. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Beggar's opera. Op. Gay. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 12. Same. Lacy's PI., 21. Beggar's petition. Pitt. Lacy's PI., 87. Begum Somra. T'rauersp. Munch-Bel- linghausen. In Werke, 10. Behind the curtain. Far. Roberts. La- cy's PI.. 90. Behind time. Far. Webster. Lacy's PI., 68. Belle au bois dormant. FeuUlet. In CEu- vres, 1. Belle et la bete. Com. Genlis. /n Thea- tre d'fiducalion, 2. Belle of the barley-mow. Far. Arden. Lacy's PI., 78. Belle's stratagem. Com. Cowley, Mrs. Br. dr., 1. Sarne. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 19. Same. Lacy's PL, 72. Belphegor. Higgle and Lacy. Lacy's PI., 3. Belshazzar. More. In Sacred dr. Ben Bolt. Johnstone. Lacy's PI., 16. Same. Mod. St. dr., 20. Ben the boatswain. Com. Wilks. La- cy's PI., 28. Same. Mod. st. dr., 19. Berengar. Com. Platen. 7nGes. werke, 3. Berenice. Trag. Racine. In CEuvres. Sftme. /n CEuvres comp., 2. Same. In Theatre comp. Bergknappen,Die. Lustsp. Korner. In Simm. werke. Berliner droschkenkutscher. Possensp. Holtei. In Theater, 4. Berliner in Wien. Liederp. Holtei. Jn Theater, 2. Bertram. Trag. Maturin. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Same. Mod. st. dr., 7. Bertrand et Raton. Scribe. In CEuvres, 5. Best way. Far. Wigan. Lac.v's PL, 75. Betsy Baker. Far. Morton. Lacy'sPL, 8. Better half. Far. Williams. Lacy'sPL, 67. Better late than never. Com. Andrews. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Bettine. Com. Musset. Jh Comedies et prov., 2. Bianca. Trauersp. Kellstab. In Ges. schriften, 11. Bijou de la relne. Com. Dumas;?i«. In CEuvres, 16. Same. In Th<re, v. 1. Billing and cooing. Far. Oxenford. La- cy's PL, 65. Binks the bagman. Far. Coyne. La- cy's PL, 7. Bird in the hand worth two in the bush. Far. Phillips. Lacy's PL, 29. Bird of paradise. Far. Thompson. La- cy's PL, 84. Birds. Com. Aristophanes. (Hlckle.) In Comedies, 1. Same. (Lennox, JWr«.) Brumoy'sGr.th.,3. Same. Gr. In Comoediie (Oxon). Same. Gr. etLat. (Didot.) //tComoediae. Birds of Aristophanes. Com. Planch^. Lacy's PL, '2(1. Birthday. Com. Dibdin. Inchb. Far., 2. Birthplace of Podgers. Far. Hollings- head. Lacy's PL, 35. Black doctor. Anicet, Bourgeois, et Du- manoir. Lacy's PL, 23. Black domino. Comic dr. Wilks. La- cy's PL, 88. Black-eyed Susan. Far. Burnand. La- cy's PL, 77. Black-ey'd Susan, or all in the downs. Naut. dr. Jerrold. In Comedies and dramas. Black .sheep. Coyne. Lacy's PL, 51. Black sheep. Simpson and Yates. La- cy's PL, 8 L Blanche Heriot. Domest. dr. Smith. Lacy's PL, 73. Blaubart, Der. Lustsp. TIeck. i>i Schrif- ten, 5. Blighted being. Far. Taylor. Lacy's PL, 16. Blind boy. Melo-dr. Kenney. Inchb. Far., 1. Same. Lacy's PL, 58. Bloody brother, or Rollo, duke of Nor- mandy. Trag. Beaumont and Flet- cher. I7i Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Blossom of Churnington green. Far. Hoskins. Lacy's PL, 83. Blot in the 'scutcheon. Trag. Brown- ing. In Poems, 2. Blue Beard. Far. Byron. Lacy's PL, 49. Blue Beard. Frost. In Amateur theatri- cals. Blue Beard. Mus. burl. PlanchC and Dance. Lacy's PL, 19. Blue Beard re-paired. Op. extr. Belllng- ham. Lacy's PL , 70. Blue devils. Com. dr. Colman. Lacy's PL, 87. Same. Mod. st. dr., 9. BIuejackeLs. Far. Stirling. Lacy'sPL, 47. Blumen. Spiel. Korner. Tn Siimm. werke. Blunderer, or the counter-feats. Com. Moli6re. In Works in Fr. and Eng.. 1. Board and residence. Far. Edwardes. Lacy's PL, 89. Bohemians, or the rogues of Paris. Stir- ling. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Bold dragoons. Com. Barnett. Lacy's PL, 9. Same. Mod. st. dr., 18. Bold stroke for a husband. Com. Cow- ley, J/rx. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 19. Bold stroke for a wife. Com. Centlivre, Mrs. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 11. Bolts and bars. Frost. In Amateur the- atricals. Bombastes furioso. Burlesque trag. op. Rhodes. Lacy's PL, 3. Bon cojur fait pardonner bien'des 6tour- deries. Com. Berquin. In Choix de petits drames et de contes. Same. In ThSfitre. Bon flls. Com. Florian. In Fables. Bonmfinage. Com. Florian. /n Fables. Bon p6re. Com. Florian. In Fables. Bon ton, or high life above stairs. Far. Garrick. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. Inchb. Far., 5. Boaa-flde travelers. Far. Brough. La- cy's PL, 16. Bonbons, or the paint-king. Dr. and mus. entert. Baker. In Social stage. Bondman. Massinger. In Dr. works. Bonduca. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed.,2. Bonne m6re. Com. Florian. 7?i Fables. Bonne ni6re. Com. Genlis. InTh&dtre d'fiducation, 3. Bonnie flsh-wife. Mus. interL Selbj'. I.,acy'sPL,37. Book the third, chapter the first. Com. Pierron and Laferrifire. Lacy's PL, 7. Boots at the Swan. Far. Selby. Lacy's PL, 34. Border marriage. Com. Sorrell. Lacy's PL, 65. Born to good luck. Far. Power. Lacy's PL, 2. BothwelL Ware. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Bottle, The. Taylor. Lacy's PL, 17. Bourgeois gen tilhomme, Le. Com. Mo- li6re. In CEuvres, 2. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng. , 8. Bourse, La. Com. Ponsard. In CEuvres comp., 2. Bout de Pan de I'amour. BarriSre. In CEuvres, 6. Bowl'd out Far. Craven. Lacy's PL, 47. BoxandCox. Far. Morton. Lacy'sPL, 5. Box and Cox married and settled. Far. Coyne. Lacy's PL, 8. Box-lobby challenge. Com. Cumber laud. Inchb. Mod. th., 5. Braganza. Trag. Jephson. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Same. Inchb. Mod. th., 6. Braut,Die. Lustsp. KOrner. JnSilmm. werke. Braut von Messina, Die. Schiller. Tn Siimm. werke, 5, 6. BrautevonFlorenz, Die. Trauersp. Mo- sen. In Siimm. werke, 4. Brautfahrt. Lustsp. Freytag. Tn Dr. werke. DRAMAS 240 DRAMAS Bread on the waters. Baker. In Mimic stage. Brebis galeuses, Les. Com. Barrifere. Ill tEuvres, 1. Brian Boroilime. Melo-dr. Knowles. Mod. St. dr., 15. Bridal. Trag. Knowles. Mod. .St. dr., 6. Bride, The. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Bride of Abydos. Burl. Byron. Lacy's PI., 36. Bride of Abj'dos. Eomant. dr. Dimond. Lacy's Pi., 70. Bride of Lammermoor. Calcraft. Lacy's PI. , 28. SuTne. Mod. st. dr., 23. Bride of Messina. Schiller. In Works. Same. Bolin's Ht. lib. Brigand. Itomant. dr. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 2. Same. Mod. st. dr., 21. Brigands of Calabria. Far. Lacy's PI., 6... Bristol diamonds. Far. O.^enford. La- cy's PL, 5ti. Britannicus. Trag. Racine. In Oiuvres. Same. In tEuvres coiup., 2. Same. In Tlifiiltre comp. Broclcenstrauss, Der. Putlitz. In Lust- spiele, 2. Broken heart. Ford. In Dr. works. Broken sword. Melo-dr. Dimond. La- cy's PI., 85. Same. Mod. st. dr., 22. Broken toys. Daly. Lacy's Pi., 14. Brother and sister. Op. dr. Dimond. Lacy's PI., 4b. Brother Ben. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 34. Brother Bill and me. Com. Suter. La- cy's PI., 52. Brothers. Com. Cumberland. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 18. Brown and the Brahmins. Far. Keece. Lacy's PI., 82. Bruderzwist in Ilabsburg, Ein. Trauersp. Grillparzer. In Siimm. werke, 7. Brunnenarzt, Der. Schausp. Holtei. In Theater, 6. Brutus. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Same. InTM&tre. Same. In Works, 21. Brutus, or the fall of Tarquin. Trag. Payne. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Bubbles of the day. Com. Jerrold. In Comedies. Buckstone at home. Far. Coyne. La- cy's PI., 58. Buckstone's adventure with a Polish princess. Far. Lawrence. Lacy's PI., Biirger general, Der. Lustsp. Gothe. In Siinim. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 14. Busybody, The. Com. Centllvre, Mrs. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 11. Same. Lacy's PI., 28. By royal command. Com. dr. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Cabale und Liebe. Trauersp. Schiller. In Siimm. werke, in zwei banden, 1. Cabinet question. Far. Blanche. La- cy's PI., 20. Cachemire vert. Com. Dumas. Jn Thea- tre comp., 7. Casar, the watch-dog of the castle. La- cy's Pi., 79. Cain. Mystery. Byron. In Complete works. Caius Gracchus. Trag. Knowles. In Dr. works, 1. Caligula. Trag. Dumas. In Thfifltre comp., 4. Caliph of Bagdad. Op. extr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 79. Calomnie, La. Scribe. In CEuvres, 5. Calypso, queen of Ogygia. Burl. Brookes. Lacy's PI., 67. Camaraderie, La. Scribe. In (Eavres, 5. Camilla's husband. Phillips. Lacy's Pi., 5J. Camille. Dameisflls. Lacy's PI., 27. Same. Mod. st. dr., 17. Camoens. Munch -Bellinghausen. In Werke, 2. Camp at the Olympic. Far. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 12. Cantab, The. Far. Robertson. Lacy's PI., 50. Capital match. Morton. Lacy's PI., 8. Capitola. Hazlewood. Lacy's PI., 70. Caprice, Un. Com. Musset. In Come- dies et prov., 2. Caprices de Gizelle. Com. Segur icom- tesse). In Comedies et prov. Caprices de Marianne. Com. Mus.set. In Comedies et prov., 1. Captain, The. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Captain Charlotte. Com. Stirling. La- cy's PI., 3'J. Captain is not'a-miss. Far. Wilks. La- cy's PI., 29. Captain of the watch. Far. Planche. Lacy's PI., 18. Captain Smith. Far. Berri^. Lacy's PI.. 89. Captivei. Com. Plautus. (Valpy.) In Comoedise, 1. Same. In Comoedise tres. Same. (Riley.) In Comedies, 1. Capuletta, or Romeo and Juliet restored. Baker. In Mimic stage. CaratClla, La. Paso. Moratin. In Origl- nes del teatro Esp. Careless husband. Com. Cibber. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., U. Same. In Dr. works, 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 9. Carl von Berneck. Trauersp. Tieck. In Schriften, 11. Carmelite, The. Trag. Cumberland. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Same. Inchb. Mod. th., 5. Carmosine. Com. Musset In Come- dies et prov., 2. Carpenter of Rouen. Jones. Lacy's PI., 4. Carte de visite. Far. Williams and Bur- nand. Lacy's PI., 57. Cartouche, the French robber. Waldron. Lacy's PI., 76. Cas de conscience, Le. Com. Feuillet. la <-Euvres, 4. Case is altered. The. Jonson. in Works. Casina, or the stratagem defeated. Com. Plautus. In Comedies, 2. Same. In Comoediie, 2. Castle of Andalusia. Com. op. O'Keeffe. Dicks' Br. dr., .3. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 22. Castle of Sorrento, The. Mus. entert. Heartwell. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Castle spectre, The. Lewis. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Lacy's Pi., 30. Cataractof the Ganges. MoncriefiF. Mod. St. dr., 23. Catch a weazel. Far. Morton. Lacy's Pi.. .W. Catching a mermaid. Far. Coyne. La- cy's PI., 24. Catching an heiress. Com. Selby. La- cy's PI., 39. Catherine and Petruchio. Com., altered from Shakespeare. Garrick. Inchb. Far., 4. Catherine Howard. Dumas. In ThfiJi- tre comp., 3. Same. Suter. [Adapted from Dumas.] Lacy's PI.,. 37. Catilina. Duma.s, in Theatre comp., 9. Catiline, his conspiracy. Jonson. In Works. Cato. Trag. Addison. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 8. Same. In Works, 1. Catspaw. Cora. Jerrold. In Comedies. Same. Mod. st. dr., 11. Caught by the cuff. Far. Hay. Lacv's PI., 67. Caught by the ears. Far. Selby. Lacy's PI., 41. Caught in a Une. Far. Bolton. Lacy's PI., 54. Ce qui plait aux femmes. Ponsard. In CEuvres, 2. C6cile, on le sacrifice de I'amitie. Com. GenlLs. In Theatre d'education, 3. Ceinture doree. Com. Augier. In CEu- vres, 6. Celestina. Trag. -com. Moratin. In Ori- gines del teatro Esp. Cenci. Shelley. In Works, 1. CendrUlon. Com. Barri6re. In CEu- vres, 6. Census. Far. Brough and Halllday. Lacy's PI., 50. Cesar : scenes historiques. Amp6re. Chances. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Sa7ne. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Sam£. Inchb. Br. th., 10. Chandelier, Le. Com. Musset in Com. et prov., 2. Chang - Chi ng-fou! Burl. extr. Martin. Lacy's PI., 68. Change of base. Curtis. In Spirit of seventy-six. Change of system. Com. PauL Lacj''8 PI., 45. Chapeau de sainte Catherine, Le. Com. About. 7n Theatre impossible. Chapter of accidents. Com. Lee. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Same. Inchb. Mod. th., 9. Charcoal-burner, or the dropping well of Knaresboiough. Alraar. Lacy's PI., 71. Chariot d'enfant, Le. Com. M6ry. In CEuvres, 4. Charlatanisme, Le. Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 2. Charles II. Hist dr. Payne. Lacy's PI., 30. Same. Mod. st dr., 3. Charles vi. CJp. Delavigne. In CEuvres, 4. Charles vii. chez ses grands vassaux. Tnig. Dumas. 7;t Theatre comp., 2. Charles xii. Hist dr. PlaiichC. Lacy's PI., 67. Same. Mod. st. dr., 6. Chariot, ou la comtesse de Givry. Vol- taire, /n CEuvres comp., 2. Charlotte Corday. Trag. Ponsard. In (Euvres, 1. Same. In Theatre Fr. mod., ler ser. Charming pair. Com. Williams. La- cy's PI., 58. Charming woman. Com. Wigan. La- cy's Pi., 60. Charon, or the lookers-on. Com. Lu- cian. Tr. by W. Maginii. In Homeric ballads, etc. Chasseauchastre,La. Fant Dumas. In Theatre comp. 11. Chasse et I'amour, La. Vaud. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 1. Chastelard. Trag. Swinburne. Chateau en Espagne. Com. M6ry. In CEuvres, 3, 5. Cheap excursion. Far. Stirling. Lacy's PI., 4. Cheats of Scapin. Com. Moli6re. In Works in Fr. and Eng., n. Cheats of .Scapin. Com. Otway. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Checkmate. Com. Halllday. Lacy's PI., 85. Cherry and Fair Star. Spect Lacy'sPl., 6. Cherry bounce. Far. Raj'rnond. La- cv's PI., 59. Chesterfield Thinskln. Far. Lacy'sPl., 12. Chevalier d'Harmental,Le. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 10. Chevalier de Maison-rouge, Le. Dumaa. In Theatre comp., 7. Chevalier de St. -George, Le. Duveyrier et Beauvoir. Lacy's PI., 2.5. Chevalierof the Maison-rouge. Bomant. dr. Hazlewood. Lacy's PI., 42. Cheven blaiic, Le. Com. Feuillet In CEuvres, 4. Chic, Le. Com. Barrifire et Lambert- Thiboust In CEuvres (.Barrifire), 2. Child of nature. Inchbald, Mrs. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Far., 1. Child of the wreck. Blanche. Lacy's Pi., 39. Child-stealer. Suter. Lacy's PI., 70. Children of the castle. Fitzball. Lacy's PI., 3.5. Chimney corner. Domest dr. Craven. Lacy's PI., 50. Choephoras. Trag. .J^schylus. (Bucldey.) In Comedies. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Lennox, Mrs.) Brumoy's Gr. th. Same. Gr. in Tragoediw. Same. Gr. et Lat Didot's Script Graec. blblioth. Chops of the channel. Far. Hay. La- cy's PI., 84. Christine. Trilogiedr. Dumas. Z?i Thea- tre comp., 1. Christmas-boxes. Far. Mayhewa)idEd- wards. Lacy's Pi., 46. Christmas-eve. Domest dr. Fitzball. La- cy's PI., 45. Christmas-eve in a watchhouse. Far. Cheltnam. Lacy's PI., 90. Christus patiens. Trag. Gr. et Lat [Bound with Euripides's fragmenta.] Didot's Script Grajc. biblioth. Chrononhotonthologos. Burl. Carey. Dicks'Br. dr., 11. DRAMAS Same. Lacy's PI., 82. Chrystabelle. Extr. Falconer. Lacy's Cid.Le. Trag. Corneille. /nTh^tre,!. Ciegosyelmozo. Timoneda. J«Origlnes del teatro Ksp. Cigue.La. Com. Augier. iH CEuvres, 2. ClndereUa. Burl. Byron. Lacy's PI., 4!). Cinderella. Frost In Amateur theatri- cals. Cinderella. Com. op. Lacy. Lacy's PI., Cinderella. t)p. Music by Rosdnl. Mod. St. dr., 21. Cinna, ou la cli'mence d'Auguste. Cor- neille. In Theatre. 1. Cistellaria. Com. Plautus. In Comoe- dlae, 2. Same. (Riley.) In Comedies, 2. Cit turn'd gentleman. Com. MoliCre. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 8. Citizen. Far. Murphy. DicJiS' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Far., 4. City madam. Massinger. In Dr. works. City match. Mayne. Dodsley's Old pi.. City night-cap. Davenport Dodsley's Old pi., 11. City wives' confederacy. Com. Van- brugh. Br. dr., 2. Civilization. Wilkins. Lacy's PL, 10 Same. Mod. st dr., 13. Clandestine marriage. Com. Colman a)id Garrick. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Same. Inchb. Br. th.,16. Clarissa Harlowe. Trag. dr. Lacy and Courtney. Lacv'sPl., 77. Claudine von Villa -Bella. Singspiel. Gothe. In Werke, 10. Same. In Siimm. werke, 2. Clavigo. Trauersp. Gothe. In Werke, Same. In Siimm. werke, 2. Cleft stick. Com. Oxenford. Lacy's Clem'entinavonPorretta. Wieland. In Samm. werke, 28. Cleomenes. Trag. Dryden. 7« Works, 241 DRAMAS Clock on the stairs. Domestic dr. Ha- zlewood. Lacy's PI., 70. Clock maker's hat Far. GLrardin. La- cy's PI., 18. Close shave. Baker. In Mimic stage. Cloud and sunshine. Anderson. Lacy's Clouds. Com. Arlstophanea (Hlckie.) In Comedies. Same. (Lennox,JI/?-s.1 Brnmoy'sGr.th ,3 Same. Gr. 7/i Comcedise. Same. Gr. et Lat. Didot's Script Grsec biblioth. Same. With notes by Felton. Coals of flre. Dialogue. Baker. In Baker's dozen. Coephores. Trag. ^schylus. Brumoy's Coffee-house, or the Scotchwoman Com. Voltaire. In Works, 24. Coiffeur et le perruquier. Com. Scribe In CEuvres, 2. Cola Kienzi. Trauersp. Mosen. In Samm. werke, 3. Colin Maillard. Com. Berquin. Jn Thea- tre. Colleen Bawn. Boucicault Lacy's PL, Colleen Bawn settled at last. Far Brough ana Halliday. Lacy's PL, 55 * Colombe,L&. Com. Genlis. /n Theatre d'Mucation, 2. Colombe's birthday. Browning, in Po- ems, 1. Comedia Himenfia. Com. Naharro. In Origines del teatro Esp. ComCdla salvage. Com. Cepeda. In Origines del teatro Esp. Comedie chez soL Com. M6ry In CEuvres, 6. Com6die enfantine. Ratisbonne. ComSdiens, Les. Com. Delavigne. Jh CEuvres, 1. Coni6diens et diplomates. Com. MSrv In (Euvres, 6. Comedy and tragedy. Com. Fournier. Lacy's PL, 2o. Comedy of.errors. Com. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th., 1. Same. Lacy 's PI . , 72. Same. In Dr. works (Bost ed.), 3. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 8. Same. InS. m DeutscherUbersetzung,6. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 1. 17 Same. In Works (Halliwell), 3. Samr. In Works (Hazlitt), 2. Same. In Works (Knight), 3. Comfortable lodgings. Far. Peake Lacy's PL, 82. Comfortable service. Far. Bayly La- cy's PL, 1. Comical countess. Far. Brough. La- cy's PL, 52. Comical lovers. Com. Cibber. In Dr works, 3. '^9Bi^ d'Essex. Trag. CornelUe. In Theatre, 2. Comte de Morcerf, Le. Dumas. In The- atre comp., 8. Comte Hermann, Le. Dumas. In The- atre comp., 10. Cqmtesse d'Escarbagnas. Com. Moll- fire. In CEuvres, 2. Saim. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 10. Comus. Masque. Milton, altered by Col- man. Br. dr.. 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Same. Inchb. Far., 7. Coiifederacy. Com. Vanbrugh. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Same. In Dr. works. Conlident, Le. Vaud. Scribe. In CEu- vres, 2. Conge, Le. Berquin. 7n Choix de petits drames et de contes. Conjugal lesson. Far. Danvers. Lacy's Conrad and Medora. Burl. Broush Lacy's PL, 29. ' Conscience, La. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 12. Conscious lovers. Com. Steele. Inchb Br. th., 12. Conseiller rapporteur. Com. Delavlgne In CEuvres, 4. ' Coristant couple. Com. Farquhar. Dicks' Br. dr., IL Same. In Dr. works. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 8. Constantine Paleologus, or the last of the Cffisars. Trag. Baillie. /« Dram, and poet works. Contagion, La. Com. Augier. In CEu- vres, 1. Contention of the two famous houses of York and Lancaster. Hist dr. Pts i ii Shakespeare, /n Works (Knight), 2* Contes de la reine de Navarre. Com Legouve. Jn CEuvres, 2. Contrivances. Ballad op. Carey. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Convidado, El. Paso. Rueda. In Ori- guies del teatro ?Jsp. Cool as a cucumber. Far. Jerrold. La- cy's PL, 5. Coquette, La. Com. Mery. in CEuvres, Coriolanus. Trag. Shakespeare. Inchb Br. th., 5. Same. In Dr. works, 13. Same. In Dr. works, 6. Scane. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 8 Same. InS. in Deutscherubersetzung 9 Same. In Works (ed. 1623). ' Same. In Works (Clarke), 3. .Same, in Works (Halliwell), 12. Same. In Works (Knight), 6. CorneiUe qui abat des noix. Com. Bar- ri6re et Lambert-Thiboust In CEuvres (Barri6re), 2. Cornelia. Gamier. Dodsley's Old pL, 2 Cornudo y content©. Rueda. In Ori- gmes del teatro Esp. Corsican brothers. BurL Byron. La- cy's PL, 88. Corsican brothers. Grange et Montepln. Lacy's PL, 6. Sa/ne. Mod. st dr., 12. *^^",' ?t Narb(vine. Trag. Jephson. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 20. Counter-attractions. Far. TUbury. La- cy's PL, 5. Countess of Escarbagnas. Com. Mo- liere. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 10. Countess of Salisbury. Trag. Hartson. Inchb. Br. th., 16. Country fair. Lacy's PL , 24. Country girt. Com. Garrick. Br. dr.l Same. Inchb. Br. th.,16. ' Country house. Vanbrugh. In Dram works. Country inn. Com. BaUIie. In Dram and poet, works. Country wife. Wycherley. In Dram. works. Coupe et les Ifivres. Musset. In Premi- 1 eres poesies. Courier of Lyons. Moreau et al. Lacy's Almar. Lacy's Lacy's PL, 78. Lacy'!sPL,26. Davenaixt In, Williams arul Courier of Lyons. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Court beauties. Dr. sketch. Blanche Lacy's PL, 21. Court cards. Com. Simpson. Lacy's PL, Court of lions. Hist burl. Lacy's PL, Court of Oberon. Dr.entert Hardwicke Lacy's PL, 17. CousinTom. Com'tta. Roberts. Lacy's Coxcomb. Com. Beaumont a«dFletch- er. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. C^y couple. Far. Lawrence. Lacy's CM'morid brig. Com. Murray. Lacy's Creole, The, or love's fetters. Brooks. Lacy's PL, 1. Cricket on the hearth. [Adapted from Dickens.1 Lacy's PL, 44. Crime de Faverne. Barrifire et Beauval- let In CEuvres ( Barri6re), 2. CrinoUne. Far. Brough. Lacy's PL, 29. Critic. Sheridan. In Dr. worics. Same. Inchb. Far., 3. Same. Lacy's PL, 8. Same. Mod. st. dr., 7. Critique de I'ecole des femmes. Cam. Moliere. In CEuvres, 1. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng.. 3 CromwelL Mosen. Th Sim m. werke, 4 •-^ss-purposes. Far. O'Brien. Dicks' Crossing' the line. Far. Crown diamonds. Op. Crown prince. Wilics. Cruel brother. Trag. Works. Cruel to be bind. Far. Harris. Lacy's PL, 46. Cueva de Salamanca. OMrvantes Saave- dra. In Obras escogidas, 10. Cup of tea. Com'tta. Lacy's PL, 83: Cupid and Psyche. Extr. Burnand. Lucy's PL, 64. "i>."u. Cupid'srevenge. Com. Beaumont ana J5 letcher. In Works, Am. ed., L Same. In Works, Eirg. ed., 2 Cu^culio. Com. Piautus. I» Comce- fiime. In Comedies, 2. Cure for a cuckold. Com. Webster. In Works, ed. 1859. Same. In Works, 3. Cure for love. Ctun. Parry. Lacy's PI4, Cure for the fidgets. Far. Williams.. Lacy's PL, 77. ^ t""*^ u?."" 5?** heartache. Com. Morton* Inchb. Br. th., 25. Same.^ Lacy's PI., 34. Curfew. Tohifl. Dicks' Br. dr 4 ^'ill'^}^'^'^- ^om. Genlis. InTUe&tre d'educatlon.^2. ^->»u»c Curious case. Com. Lac}''s PI 12 Custom of ths country. Com. Beaumont aiui Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed ,.2 Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. * Cyclops. 'Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) In Tragedies, 2. Same. (Lennox, J!fr».) Brumoy'aGr.tli..3. Same. Gr. et Lat In Fabulw Cymbeluie. Tnjg. Shakespeare. lochb. Br. th., i. Sa/ne. Lacy's PL, 64. Same. Tn Dr. works, 6. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel ,u.. Tieck),. Same. In Plays, 16. Same. 7/iS. lnDeut8cheriibersetzung.8• /Stor»ig. In Works (ed. 1623). * Same. J/i Works (Clarke), 4; Same. In Works (Hallivvellj,' J5, 16_ Smne. -T/j Works (Knight;, 5. Cymon. Garrick. Dicks' Br. dr., 3 Cymon and Iphigenia. Planchfi, Lacy's^ Cynthia's revels, or the fountain of self- love. Jouson. In Works. Cyril's success. Byrou. Lacy's _P1.,S9.. ». Daddy Gray Halliday. Lacy 's PI. , 85. Dalila. Feuillet In CEuvres, 1 Dame aux cameiias. Com. Dumas Ms In CEuvres, 16. '^ Damon and Pithias. Edwards. Dods- ley's Old pL, 1. Dmnon and Pythiaa, Banlm. Dicks; Br. dr., 3. Dandelion's dodges.. Farce, Williams.. Lacy's PL, 78. »*"*««.. DRAMAS Dangers du monde. Com. Genlls. Jn Theatre d'Mucation, 2. Daniel. More. In Sacred dramas. Danske comoedies Liigbegicengelse.Den. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Danton und Robespierre. Trag. Hamer- ling. Dark cloud. Bose. Lacy 's PI., 57. Dark doings In the cupboard. Far. Coyne. Lacy 's PI., 64. Dark glen of BaUyfolll. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Daughter. Bayly. Lacy'sPI.,1. Daughter. Knowles. In Dr. works, 1. Daughter of the stars. Brooks. Lacy's PI., 2. Daughter to marry. Com'tta. Planch6. Lacy's PI., 74. Davenport Done, or an April fool. Com'tta. Colorab. Lacy's PI., 74. David and Bethsabe. Peele. In Dram. works. David and Goliath. More. In Sacred dramas. David Copperfleld. Brougham. Mod. St. dr., 17. Day after the fair. Far. Somerset. La- cy's PI., 76. Day after the wedding. Interl. Kem- ble, Mrs. Lacy 's PI. , 3. Day in Paris. Selby. Lacy's PI., 69. Day of reckoning. PlanchS. Lacy's PI., 21. Day well spent Far. Oxenford. La- cy's PI., 34. Day's fishing. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 83. Days of Jezebel. Bayne. Dead heart. Phillips. Lacy's PI., 82. Dead shot! Far. Buckstone. Lacy's PI., 34. Denf and dumb, or the orphan protected. Holcroft. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Deaf as a post. Far. Poole. Lacy's PI., 14. Deal boatman. Serio-com. Burnand. Lacy's PI., 60. Dearest mamma ! Com'tta. Gordon. Lacy's PI., 46. Death of Caesar. Trag. Voltaire. Jn Works, 22. Death of Marlowe. Trag. Home. La- cv's PI., 89. Death of Wallenstein. Trag. Schiller. Tr. by S. T. Coleridge. In Poet, and dr. works, 3. Same. In Revolt of Netherlands, and dramas. Deborah. Cheltnam. Lacy's PI., 63. DCcouverte du nouveau- monde. Trag. Rousseau. In CEuvres, 8. Deep, deep sea. Burl. Blanche and Dance. Lacy's PI., 41. Deerfoot. Far. Burnand. Lacy's PI., 53. Deformed transformed. Byron. Jn Com- plete works. Delicate ground. Com. Dance. Lacy's PI., 18. Delinquent Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Mod. th.,2. Demetrius. Trag. Hebbel. In, Sflmm. werke, 6. Demetrius. Trauersp. Schiller. Bohn's St. Ub. Same. In Early dramas and romances. Same. In Siimm. werke, in zwei banden, 2, Demi-monde, Le. Com. DumasjJis. In CEuvres, 17. Demoiselle h marier. Vaud. Scribe. In CEuvres, 2. Demoiselles deSaint-Cyr. Com. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 5. D6mon du jeu. Com. BarriSre et Crisa- f uUL In CEuvres (Barrifire), 2. De Montford. Trag. Balllie. Inchb. Br. th.,24. D^pitamoureux. Com. Molifire. Jn CEu- vres, 1. Sams. In Works in Fr. and Eng., X. Dfipositaire, Le. Com. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 2. Desafio, Un. Com. Larra. In Obras comp., 2. Deserted daughter. Com. Holcroft Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 24. Deserter. Far. Dlbdin. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Same. Inchb. Far. , 2. Dfiserteur, Le. Com. Berquin. 7«Choix de petits drameS'Ct de contes. Desperate game. Com. Morton. La- cy's PI., 10. Deuce Is in him. Far. Colman. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. 242 Same. Inchb. Far., 6. Deux amis. Beaumarchais. JnThftltre. Deux billets. Com. Florian. 7n Fables. Deux Frontins. Com. M6ry et Siraudin. In CEuvres, 3. Deux prficepteurs. 'Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Deux reines de France. Legouv6. In CEuvres, 3. Deux tonneaux. Op. com. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 2. Devil is an ass. Jonson. In Works. Devil to pay. Far. Coflfey. Br. dr., L Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Far., 5. Devil's law-case. 'Trag. -com. Webster. In Works, ed. 1859. Same. In Works, 2. Devil's mount. Higgle. Lacy's PI., 88. Devin du village. Com. Rousseau. In CEuvres, 8. Diamant, Der. Lustsp. HebbeL In Samm. werke, 4. Diamond-cut-diamond. Interl. Murray. Lacy's PI., 7. Diane. Augier. JTnThfifitreFr. mod.,ler sgr. Same. In CEuvres, 3. Diane de Lys. Com. Dumas flU. In CEuvres, 6, 16. Dichter im versammlungs zimmer, Der. Lustsp. Holtei. In Theater. 4. Dick Turpin and Tom King. Serio-com. dr. Suter. Lacy's PI., 42. Did I dream It? Far. Wooler. Lacy's PI., 50. Diderich Menschen-skroek. Com. Hol- berg. In Comedier. Dido. Burl. Burnand. Lacy'sPl.,44. Dido, queen of Carthage. Trag. Mar- lowe. In Works. Dtnerde Mademoiselle Justine, Le. Com. SCgur. In Com. et prov. Dinner for nothing. Far. Cheltnam. Lacy's PI., 67. Dinorah under difHculties. Far. Brough. Lacy's PL, 81. Discreet princess. Extr. Planchfi. La- cy's PI.. 24. Distressed mother. Trag. From the Fr. of Racine. Philips. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 7. Distresses. Com. Davenant Jn Works. Doctor and the apothecary. Op. Cobb. Br. dr.,1. ' Same. Inchb. Far., 6. Doctor Faust Vorsp. Lessing. Jn Ges. werke. Doctor Faustus. Trag. Marlowe. In Works. Doctor Mondschein. Curtis. In Spirit of seventy-six. Dog of Montargis, or the forest of Bondy. Melo-dr. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Same. Lacy's PI., 43. Doge of Duralto. Extr. Brough. La- cy's Pi., 88. Doigts de f6e. Com. Legouv6. In CEu- vres, 2. Doing Banting. Far. Brough and Hal- lidaJ^ Lacy's PI., 64. Doing for the best Domestic dr. Lacy. Lacy's PI., 55. Doing my uncle. Far. Lacy. Lacy's PI., 72. Doing the 'hansom.' Far. Harris. La- cy's PI., 28. 'Dolly.' Com. op. Lacy's PI., 49. Domestic economy. Lemon. Lacy's PI., 2. Dominique, the deserter. Com. dr. Mur- ray. Lacy's PI., 50. Don Caesar de Bazan. Dumanoir and Den nery. Lacy 's PI. , 12. Don Carlos. Trag. Schiller. Bohn's St lib. Same. In Samm. werke, 3, 4. Same. In Samm. werke, in zwei b&nden, 1. Same. In Works. Don Garcia de Navarre. Com. Molifire. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 2. Don Johann von Oesterreich. Trau- ersp. Mosen. In Samm. werke, 4. Don Juan, ou le festin de Pierre. Com. Molifere. In CEuvres. Don Juan de Austria, Com. Larra. In Obras Comp., 2. Don Juan d'Autriche. Com. Delavigne. In CEuvres, 3. Don Juan de Marana. Dumas. In Thea- tre comp., 3. Don Pedro. Trag. Voltaire. In CEu- vres comp., 2. Don Ranudo de Colibrados. Com. Hol- berg. In Comedier. DRAMAS Don Sanche d'Aragon. Trag. CornelUe. In Theatre, 2. Don Sebastian. Trag. Dryden. In Works, 9. Donauweib, Das. Tieck. Jn Schriften, 13. Done brown. Far. Craven. Lacy's PI., 81. Done on both sides. Far. Morton. La- cy's Pi., 26. Don't judge by appearances. Far. Mor- ton. Lacy's PI., 24. Don't lend your umbrella. Com. dr. Buckingham. Lacy's PI., 80. Dora's device. Com. Reece. Lacy's PI., 90. Dos hablad ores. Cervantes. Jn Origines del teatro Esp. Double-bedded room. Far. Morton. Lacy's Pi., 60. Double-dealer. Com. Congreve. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Same. In Dr. works. Double-dealing. Far. Suter. Lacy's PI., 47. Double dummy. Far. Harrington and Yates. Lacy's PI., 35. Double-faced people. Courtney. Lacy's PI., 31. Double gallant Com. Cibber. In Dr. works, .3. Double marriage. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Doubtful victory. Com'tta, Oxenford. Lacy's PI., 36. Douceurs du travail. Com. Berquin. In Theatre. Douglas. Trag. Home. Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 16. Same. Mod. st dr.. 13. Douglass. Trav. Rede. Lacy's P!., 46. Doves in a cage. Com. Jerrold. In Comedies and dramas. Dowager. Com. Mathews. Lacy's ^1., Down by the sea. Far. Baker. In Mimic stage. Drac, Le. Dudevant, Mme. In Theatre de Nohant Dragon of Wantley. Burl. Carey. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Drama at home. Extr. Blanche. La- cy's PI., 20. Dramatist Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Br. th., 20. Drapery question. Far. Selby. Lacy's PI., 33. Drawing-rooms, second floor, and attics. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 62. Dream. Com. Balllie. Jn Dr. and poet works. Dream of the future. Com. Dance. La- cy's Pi., 21. Dream spectre. Romant dr. Wilks. Lacy's PI., 40. Dred : a tale of the Dismal swamp. Su- ter. Lacy's PI., 57. Sa7ne. Mod. st dr., 19. Drei tanzmeister. Posse. Rellstab. In Ges. schriften, 19. Drei und dreissig minuten in Griinberg. Possensp. Holtei. In Theater, 6. Dreizehnte November, Der. Schausp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 14. Droit du seigneur. Com. Voltaire. In , CEuvres comp., 1. Drop too much. Baker. Jn Amateur dramas. Drummer. Com. Addison. Br. dr., 2. Same. In Works, 5. Drunkard. Domest dr. Smith et al. Lacy's PI., 7. Same. Mod. st, dr., 11. Due d'Alencon. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Duchess Agnes. Craig. Duchess de la VaUifire. Bulwer-Lytton. In Dr. works. Duchess of Malfl. Trag. Webster. In Works, ed. 1859. Same. Jn Works, 1. Duchess or nothing. Com. Gordon. Lacy's PI., 47. Duck-hunting. Far. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 56. Duel In the dark. Far. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 6. Duenna. Com. op. Sheridan. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Jn Dr. works. Sccme. Inchb. Br. th., 19. Same. Mod. st dr., 7. Duke of Guise. Trag. Dryden. In Works, 7. Duke of Milan. Trag. Massinger. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. DRAMAS Same. In Dr. works. Duke's daughter, or the hunchback of Paris. Bourgeois and F6val. Lacy's PI., 57. Dumb belle. Com'tta. Bernard. Lacy's PI.. 23. Dumb knight. Machln. Dodsley's Old pi., 4. Dumb maid of Genoa. Melo-dr. Farrell. Lacy's PI., 29. Dumb man of Manchester. Melo-dr. Ravner. Lacy's PI., 26. Dumme Peter, Der. Schausp. Holtel. In Theater, 1. Duplicity. Com. Holcroft. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Same. Inchb. Mod. th., 4. Dying for love. Com. Morton. Lacy's i'1.,36. ^_ Earl of Essex. Trng. Jones. Br. drf, 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 22. Earl of Warwick. Trag. Franklin. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 19. Early California. Bausman. Easter recess. Com. Morgan. In Dr. scenes from real life, 2. Eastward hoe. Jouson et al. Dodsley's Old pi., 4. Easy shaving. Far. Burnand and Wil- liams. Lacy's Pi., 60. Ecclesiazusaj. Aristophanes. (Hlckle.) In Comedies, 2. Same. Gr. In Comoedise, 2. Same. Gr. et Lat. Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Echange, L'. Com. Voltaire. In CEu- vres comp., 1. Eclipsing the son. Com. dr. Hartopp. Lacy's PI., 54. Ecoledes coquettes, L'. Com. Fos.sey. Ecole des femmes, L'. Com. MoliCre. In CEuvres, 1. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 3. Ecole des maratres, L'. Com. Berquin. In Theatre. Ecole des marls, L'. Com. MoUfire. In 03uvres, 1. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 3. i;cole des vieillards. Com. Delavigne. In CEuvres, 1. jfccossaise, L'. Com. Voltaire. In OSu- vrescomp.,1. Eddystone elf. Pitt. Lacy's PI., 69. EdeiKlale. Cheltnam. Lacy's PI., 84. Edgar and Emmeline. Com. Hawkes- worth. Inchb. Far., 6. Edouard ui. Trag. Gresset In CEu- vres, 2. Education, Une. Com. M6ry. In CEu- vres, 6. Education a la mode, L'. Com. Berquin. In Theatre. Education d'un prince, L'. Com. About In Theatre impossible. Edward, the black prince. Trag. Shir- lev. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 14. Edward the first. Peele. Dodsley's Old pL.n. Same. In Dr. works. Edward the second. Marlowe. Dods- ley's Old pi., 2. Same. In Works. Edwin, the fair. Taylor. J?i Poet works, 2. Eginhard und Emma. Schauspiel. La Motte-Fouqu6. In Aus. werke, IL Egmont. Trauersp. Gothe. In Silmm. werke, 1. Same. In Dr. works. Egj-ptian. Wilkins. Lacy's PI., 12. 1863, or the sensations of the past season. Far. Byron. Lacy's PI., 61. Eily O'Connor. Domest. dr. Wilks. La- cy's PI., 47. Elder brother. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In W^orks, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Same. Mod. st. dr., 9. Eleccion de los alcaldes de Dangonzo. Cervantes Saavedra. In Obras esco- gidas, 10. Election. Com. Baillle. In Dram, and poet, works. Eiectra. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) In Tragedies. Same. (Lennox, 3fr«.) Brumoy'sGr. th., Sarne. (Potter.) In Tragedies, 3. Same. Gr. In Opera omnia, 2. Same. Gr. et Lat. i.Dldot) In Fabulae. Eiectra. Trag. Sophocles. (Lennox.J/rs.) Brumoy's Gr. th., 1. 243 Saine. J/iTragedies(N. Y. ed.). Same. (Oxford tr.) Same. (Plumptre.) Same. (Woolsey.) Same. Ger. (Viehoff.) 7n Werke. Eiectra in a new electr'ic tight Talfourd. Lacv'sPl.,39. El Hyder. Melo-dr. spect Barrymore. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Lacy's PI., 6. Elixir of love. Op. Reynoldson. La- cy's PI., 37. Ella Rose, oder die Rechte des Herzens. Schausp. Gutzkow. I7i Dr. werke, 11. Ella Rosenberg. Melo-dr. Kenney. Inchb. Far., 1. EUefte Junii, Den. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Ellen Wareham, the wife of two hus- bands. Domest. dr. Burton. Lacy's PI.,. 34. Elopements in high life. Com. Sulivan. Lticy'sPl.,10. Elpenor. Trauersp. Gothe. In Samm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 10. Elvira, or the worst not always true. ^ Digby. Dodsley's Old pi., 12. Emilia. Saint-Feiix. In Nulls de Rome. Emilia Galottl. Trauersp. Lessing. In Ges. werke. Emperor of the east • Massinger. In Dr. works. End of the tether. Baddeley. Lacy's PL, 74. Endymion. Extr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 49. Enemiga favorable. La. Com. Tarrago. In Origines del teatro Esp. Enfant gate. Com. Genlis. In Theatre d'education, 2. Enfant prodigue. Com. Voltaire. In Oiuvres comp., 1. Enfants d'Edouard. Trag. Delavigne. 7/! O^uvres, 3. Enfants de la louve. Barri6re et Sejour. Jn Oiiuvres (BarriCre), 3. Engagement tCmeralre. Com. Rous- seau. In CEuvres, 8. Engaflos, Los. Com. Rueda. In Ori- gines del teatro Esp. England preserved. Trag. Watson. Inchb. Mod. th., 8. English merchant, The. Com. Colman. Inchb. Mod. th.,9. Englishman's house is his castle. Mor- ton. Lacy's Bl., 31. Ennemies genereuses. Com. Genlis. In Theatre d'education, 3. Enthusiasm. Com. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Entretenida, La. Com. Cervantes Saa- vedra. In Obras escogidas, 10. Same. In Origines del teatro Esp. Envieux, L'. Com. Voltaire. I)i CEu- vres comp., 1. Epee, L'. Com. Berquin. In Theatre. Epicoene. Lustsp. fleck. In Schrif- ten, 12. Epicoene, or the silent woman. Jonson. In Works. Epidicus. Plautus. In Comoedise, 2. Same. In Comedies, 2. Epimenides erwachen, Des. Festspiel. Gothe. In Srimm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 13. Equites. Com. Aristophanes. In Corn- Same. Gr. et Lat Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Erasmus Montanus. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Erich der Geizhals. Schausp. Holtei. In Theater, 6. Erinnerung. Schausp. Holtei. In The- ater, 4. Ernani. Burl. extr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 67. Ernest Maltravers. Medina. Mod. st. dr., 18. Ernestine. Robertson. Mod. st. dr., 14. Ernst, Herzog von Schwaben. Trauersp. Uhland. In Gedichte und dramen, 3. Erwin und El mire. Singsp. Gothe. In Samm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 10. Eryphile. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Esmeralda, BurLextr. Byron. Lacy's PI., 52. Esmeralda. Fitzball. Lacy's PI., 18. Same. Mod. st. dr., 19. Esmeralda. Hugo. In Theatre. Esmeralda. Smith. Lacy's PI., 2. Essai du mariage. Com. M6ry. Xn CEu- vres, 2, 5. DRAMAS Esther. Grillparzer. /nSiimm. werke, 6. Esther. Trag. Racine. In CEuvres comp., 3. Same. In Theatre comp. Same. In Works. Ethwald. Trag. Baillie. In Dram, and poet works. Eton boy. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 16. Etourdi, L'. Com. Moli6re. In CEu- vres, 1. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 1. Etre presents. Com. MCry. In CEu- , vres, 2, 5. Etrennes, Les. Com. Berquin. 7>i The- atre. Eufemia. Com. Rueda. In Origines del teatro Esp. Eugen Aram. Trauersp. Rellstab. In Gen. schriften, 19. Eugenie. Beaumarchais. In Theatre. Eunienides. Trag. iEschylus. (Buckley). 7/1 Tragedies. Same. (Lennox, Mrs.} Brumoy'sGr. th.. Same. Ger. (Donner.) In Werke. Same. C4r. 7?i Tragoedlse. Same. Gr. et Lat. Didot's Script Grsec. biblioth. Ennuchus. Com. Terentius Afer. In Comcedise (ed. 1623), 1. Same. In Comoedise (Leipsig ed.X Same. In Comcedise sex (ed. 1702). Same. (Riley.) In Comedies. Bohn's Class, lib. Satne. (Valpy.) In Comcedise sex. Eustache Baudln. Courtney. Lacy's PI., 15. Same. Mod. st dr., 18. Evadne. Trag. Shell. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Lacy's PI., 24. Same. Mod. st dr. , 7. Evening's love. Com. Dryden. In Works, 3. Every man in his humor. Com. Garrick. (Altered from Jonson.) Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Br. dr., 2. Every man in his humor. Com. Jonson. Inchb. Br. th., 5. Same. In Works. Every man out of his humor. Jonson. In Works. Everv one has his "fault Com. Inch- bald. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 23. Everybody's friend. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 40. Evil eye. Mus. dr. Peake. Lacy's PI.. 43. Evil genius. Com. Bernard. Lacy's PI., 26. Same. Mod. st dr., 20. Exposition. Far. Brooks. Lacy's PI., 3. Extremes, or men of the day. Com. Falconer. Lacy's PI., 42. Fabier. Freytag. Faces in the Are. Buckingham. Lacy's PI., 65. Facheux, Les. Com. MoliSre. In CEu- vres, 1. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 8. Faint heart never won fair ladi*. Com. Planche. Lacy's PI., 35. Same. Mod. st. dr., 6. Faint heart which did win a fair lad.v. Com. Wooler. Lacy's PI., -57. Fair exchange. Com'tta. Williams. La- cy's PI., 47. Fair favorite. . Com. Davenant In Works. Fair maid of Perth. Milner. Lacy's PI., 71. Fair maid of the inn. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works. Eng. ed., 2. Fair one with the golden lock.s. E.xtr. Planche. Lacy's PI., 19. Fair penitent. Trag. Rowe. Br. dr.,1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 2. Fair pretender. Com. dr. Simpson. La- cy's PI. , 66. Fair Rosamond. Burl. Burnand. ' La- cy's PI., 55. FairRosamond'sbower. Burletta. Lang- bridge. Lacy's PI., 84. Fairy's father, A. Dr. sketch. Cheltnam. Lacy's PI., 54. Faiseur, Le. Com. Balzac. In CEuvres comp., 39. Faithful friends. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am, ed., 1. DEAMAS 244 DRAMAS 8ame. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. faithful shepherdess. Com. Beaumont a/id Fletcher. 7>i Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. False and constant. Com. Lunn. La- cy 's PI., 16. False friend. Vanbrugh. In Dr. works. False Impressions. Com. Cumberland. Inchb. Br. th.,5. False one. Trag. Beaumont and Flet- cher. /» Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Familie SchroflFenstein, Die. Trauersp. Kleist. In Ges. schriften, 1. Familie au temps de Luther. Trag. De- lavigne. In Oiiuvres, 3. Familie Benoiton, La. Com. Sardou. In (Euvres, 1. Familie Lambert, La. Com. Oozlan. In OSuvres, 1. Family failing. Far. Oxenford. Lacy's PI., 29. Family jars. Far. Lunn. Lacy's PI., 14. Family legend. Baillie. /»i Dr. and poet. works. Family secret. Com. Falconer. Lacy's PI., 47. Famous history of Sir Thos. Wyatt. Trag. Webster and Decker. JnW^orks (Webster). Fanatisme, ou Mahomet le prophfite. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Saine.. 7n Theatre. Fancies, chaste and noble. Ford. In Dr. works. Fan-fan, the tulip. From the Fr. of Mau- rice. Suter. Lacy's PI., 6.5. Fantasio. Com. Musset. In Comedies et prov., 1. rarben,Die. Spiel. Holtel. Jn Theater, 11. Farm-house, The. Far. Johnson, C. Inchb. Far., 0. Farm-house, The. Far. Kemble. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Farmer. Far. O'Keeffe. Inchb. Far., 2. Farmer's daughter of the Severn side. Com. Eaymond. Lacy's PI., 26. Farmer's story. Domest. dr. Bernard. Lacy's PI., 44. Farmer's wife. The. Com. op. Dibdin, jr. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Fascinating Individual. Danvers. La- cy's PI., 27. Fashionable levities. Com. Macnally. Inchb. Br. th., 10. Fashionable lover. Com. Cumberland. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Fa.stcoach. Far. Clafidge and Soutar. Lacy's PI., 4. Fast train. Lacy's PI., 10. Fastnachtspiel. Gothe. In Sammtliche werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 13. Filial curiosity. Trag. Lillo. Br. dr.,1. Saine. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 11. Fatal dowry. Trag. Masslnger. In Dr. works. Same. Lacy's PI. ,8S. Father and son. Fitzball. Mod. St. dr., 25. Father Baptiste. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Fausses bonnes femmes. Com. Barrifire et Capendu. In (Euvres (Barrifire), 1. Faust Trag. Gothe. In Samm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 41. Saine. Tr. by Birch. Same. Tr. by Brooks. Same. Tr. by Hayward. Same. Tr. by Swanwick. Same. Tr. by Taylor. Same. Tr. into Eng. verse. Faust Romaiit play. Adapted from Gothe. Bernard. Lacy's PI., 83. Faust and Marguerite. Trav. Buruand. Lacy's PI., 63. Faust and Marguerite. Roman t dr. Carr6. Lacy's PI., 15. Faust and Marguerite. Op. extr. Hal- ford. Lacy's PI., 73. Faustine. Musset. In CEuvres posthu- mes. Faux bonshommes. Com. Barri5re et Capendu. In CEuvres (Barrifire;, 7. Same. In Theatre Fr. mod., 3e s6r. Fazio, or the Italian wife. Trag. Mil- man. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Lacy's PI., 66. Same. Mod. stdr., 1. Fearful tragedy in the Seven Dials. Sel- by. Lacy's PI., 31. Feast of Versailles. Com. Molifire. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 10. Feasts of Ceres. Com. Aristophanes. (Lennox, Mrs.) Brumoy's Gr. th., 3. Fechter von Ravenna. Tran. Miinch- Belliughausen. In Werke, 6. Fee, La. Com. Feuillet, In CEuvres, 3. Felipe. Com. Larra. In Obras comp., 2, Felon's bond. Suter. Lacy's PI.. 8.5. Female orators. Com. Aristophanes. Brumoy's Gr. th., 3. Femmequiaraison, La. Com. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Femmes savantes. Com. Moli6re. In CEuvres, 2. Same. In (Euvres choisies, 2. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 9. Fernande. Sardou. Ferrex and Porrex. Sackville. Dods- ley's Old pi., 1. Festin de Pierre. Com. Corneille,T. In Theatre, 2. Fete de BeiSbat. Com. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Sartie. 7n Works in Fr. and Eng., 10. Feu au couvent Com. Barrifire. In CEuvres, 3. Feudal times. White. Mod. stdr., 6. Field of forty footsteps. Farren. Lacy's PI., 16. Field of the cloth of gold. The. Extr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 80. Fiesco. Trag. Schiller. Bohn's St. lib. Same. In Early dramas and romancea Fifteen years of labor lost Far. Lacy's PI., 26. Fighting bj' proxy. Far. Kenney. lia- cy's Pi., 74. Fille du Cid. Trag. Delavigne. In CEu- vres, 4. Fille du regent Com. Dumas. Xn The- atre comp., 6. Filles de marbre. Barrifire et Thiboust In CEuvres (Barri6re), 3. Fils de Giboyer. Com. Augier. Zn CEu- vres, 3. Filsnaturel. Com. Dumas ./fJs. J/i (Eu- vres, 18. Fin du roman. Com. Gozlan. In CEu- vres, 1. Fire-eater. Far. Selby. Lacy's PI., 4. Fire-raiser. Melo-dr. Almar. Lacy's PI., 84. First affections. Com'tta. Simpson. Lacy's PI., 52. First aoor. Far. Cobb. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Far., 6. Same. I-acy's PI., 86. First love. Com. Cumberland. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 18. First love.- Suter. Lacy's PI., 69. First night Com. dr. Lacy's PI., 13. Fischerin, Die. Singspiel. Gothe. In Samm. werke, 5. Same. In Samm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 11. F'ischermadchen, Das. Schausp. Kor- ner. In Samm. werke. Fish out of water. Far. Lunn. Lacy's PI., 16. Fitzsmythe of Fltzsmythe hall. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 46. Five pounds reward. Far. Oxenford. Lacy's PI., 24. Flacons, Les. Com. Genlis. In Thea- tre d'education, 1. Flies in the web. Com. Brougham. La- cy's PI., 69. Floating beacon. Melo-dr. Fitzball. La- cy's PI., 75. Same. Mod. st. dr., 23. Flora, or hob In the well. Far. Dogget Inchb. Far., 5. Fly and the web. Troughton. Lacy's PI., 69. Flying Dutchman. Naut dr. Fitzball. Lacy's PI., 71. Same. Mod. st dr., 14. Folle journee, ou le mariage de Figaro, La. Com. Beaumarchais. i>i Theatre. Follies of a day. Com. Holcroft Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Follies of a night. Com. PlanchS. La- cy's PI., 14. Same. Mod. st dr., 6. Folly as it flies. Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Br. th.,2. Fontainebleau. Com. op. O'Keeffe. Inchb. Br. th., 22. Fool's revenge. Taylor. Lacy's PI., 43. Format, Le, ou a tout pech6 misericorde. Prov. Segur. In Com. et prov. Forc'd marriage. Com. Molifire. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 7. Forest-keeper. HoU. Lacy's PI., 44. Forestiers, Les. Dumas. In Theatre comi). , 13. Fortunat*. Com. Tieck. Jn Schriften, 3. Fortune's fool. Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Br. th.,2. Fortune's frolic. Far. Alllngham. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. Lacy's PI., 60. Fortunio and his seven gifted servants. Extr. Planche. Lacy's PI., 19. Forty thieves. Far. Mod. st dr., 15. Forty winks. Far. Roberts. Lacy's PL 57. Forvandledebrudgom,Den. Com. Hol- berg. In Comedier. Foscari. Trag. Mitford. Lacy's. PI. ,86. Found in a four-wheeler. Far. Wil- liams. Lacy's PI., 70. Founded on facts. Far. Wooler. La- cy's PI., 45. Foundling. Com. Moore. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 14. Foundlingof the forest Dimond. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Same. Lacy's PI., 2. Fountain of beauty. Fairy extr. King- dom. Lacy's PI., 12. Four P's. Hey wood. Dodsley's Old pi., 1. Four plays in one : the triumph of honor ; of love ; of death; of time. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. Jn Works, Eng. ed.,2. Four 'prentices of London. Heywood. Dodsley's Old pi., 6. Four sisters. Far. Bernard. Iiacy's PL, 23. Fourberies de Scapin. Com. Molifere. In CEuvres. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 9. FraDiavolo. Trav. Byron. Lacy's PL, 35. Frankenstein. Melo-dr. Milner. Lacy's PI., 75. Franklin. Hist jlr. Brougham. Mod. st dr., 21. Franz von Sickingen. Traufirsp. Rella- tab. In Ges. schriften, 11. Fraud and its victims. Coyne. Lacy's PL, 29. Frederick of Prussia. Burletta. Selby. Lacy's PL, 32. Freedom of the press. Far. Baker. In Amateur dramas. Freigeist, Der. Lustsp. Lessing. In Ges. werke. Freischiitz, Der. Burl. Byron. Ijacy's PL, 81. Freischiitz, Der. Oxenford. Lacy's PL, 69. Fremdes gliick. Vorsp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 14. French exhibition. Far. Hay. Lacy's PL, 75. French spy. Military dr. Haines. Mod. st dr., 20. Friar Bacon and friar Bungay. Greene. Dodsley's Old pL, 8. Same. In Dr. works. Friend in need. Com. French and Sor- rell. Lacy's PL, 46. Friend Waggles. Far. Morton. Lacy's PL, 33. Friends or foes ? Com. Wigan. Lacy's PL. 51. Frogs. Com. Aristophanes. (Hickie.) In Comedies, 2. Same. {Lennox, Mrs.) Brumoy'sGr.th., 3. SaTne. Gr. In Comoedlse, 2. Same. Gr. et Lat Didot's Script Graec. biblioth. From village to court. Com. Morton. Lacy's PL, 15. Frontin mari-gareon. Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Frou-frou. Meilhac et Hal6vy. Lacy's PL, 88. Fugitive. Com. Richardson. Inchb. Br. th., 8. Fuimus Troes, the true Trojans. Fisher. Dodsley's Old pL, 7. , ^ Furies. Trag. ^schylus. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib. e. Gabrielle. Com. Augier. Jn CEuvres, 4. Gale Breezely, or tale of a tar. John- stone. Lacy's PL, 7. Gambler's fate. Milner. Mod. st dr., 24. Game of life. Com. Brougham. Mod. st dr., 15. „ ^ Game of love. Com. Brougham. Mod. St. dr., 14. DRAMAS 245 DRAMAS Game of romps. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 18. Game of speculation. Com. Lawrence. Lacy's PI., 5. Gamester. Trag. Moore. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. tli., 14. Gammer Gurtou's needle. Still. Dods- ley'sOIdpI.,3. Ganaches, Les. Sardou. In CEuvres, 2. Ganeni, the slave of love. Extr. Tal- fourd. Lacy's PI., 6. Garibaldi 'Excursionists.' Skeljch. By- ron. Lacy's PI., 48. Garrick fever. Far. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 22. Gastfreund.Der. Grillparzer. J/iSiimm. werke, 3. Gftteau des reines. Com. Qozlan. In (Euvres, 1. Geheime agent, Der. Lustsp. Hack- lander. In W^erke, 1.5. Geheimnisse, Die. Gothe. In Siimm. werke, 2. Gehornte Siegfried, Der. Vorsp. Heb- bel. In Siimm. werke, 5. Gelehrte. Trauersp. Freytag. In Dr. werke. Geudre de M. Poirier. Com. Augier. In (Euvres, 44. Genoveva. Trag. Hebbel. In Siimm. werke, 3. Gens nerveux. Com. Barrifire et Sar- dou. In Oiuvres (BarriCre), 3. Gentleman dancing-master. Wycherley. In Dr. works. Gentleman in black. Mus. leg. Gilbert. Lacy's PI., 83. George Barnwell. Trag. Lillo. Br. dr., Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 11. Same. Lacy's Pi., 79. Same. Mod. st. dr., 11. George Dandin. Com. Molifire. In OCuvres, 2. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 6. George-a-Greene, the pinner of Wake- field. Greene. In Dr. works. George-a-Greene, the pinner of Wake- field. Shakespeare. J» Works (Knight), George de Barnwell. Far. Byron. La- cy's PL, 57. Gertrude's cherries. Com. Jerrold. La- cy's PI., 88. Gertrude's money-box. Lemon. Lacy's PI., 8.3. Geschwister, Die. ScUausp. Gothe. In Siimm. werke, 1. Same. In Werke, 7. Gestiefelte kuter, Der. Com. Tieck. In Schriften, 5. Ghost-seer. Schiller. Bohn's St. lib. Gilderoy. Murray. Lacy's PI., 9. Giles Corey, of the Salem farms. Long- fellow. In Xew Eng. trag. Giovanni in London. Op. extr. MoncriefF. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Gipsy farmer. Johnstone. Lacy's PI., 36. Giralda. Com. dr. Welstead. Lacy's PI., 26. Gisippus. Griffin. Mod. st. dr., 9. Gitanilla. Wilson. Lacy's PI., 48. Give a dog a bad name. Far. Lawrence. Lacy's PL, 24. Give me my wife. Far. Suter. Lacy's PL, 75. Gliiserne pantofTel, Der. Com. Platen. In Ges. werke, 3. Glass of water. Com. Suter. Lacy's PI., 79. Glit.er. Com. X'Beekett. Lacy's PL, 83. Glocke von Aragon, Hie. Tieck. In Schriften, 25. Gloire et amour. Com. M6ry. In CEu- vres, 6. Gliicksblume, Die. Com. Andersen. In Ges. werke, 4. Gnome king. Extr. Brough. Lacy's PL, 86. Go to Putney. Far. Lemon. Lacy'sPL, 80. Goblins. Suckling. Dodsley's Old pL, God's promises. Bale. Dodsley'sOldpL, Godiva. Burl. Lacv's PL, 4. Goetz von Berlichingen. Gothe. In Dr. works. Same. Tr. by Scott In hU Poetical works, 9. Going to Cobham. Far. Hazlewood. Lacy's PL, 11. Going to the bad. Com. Taylor. Lacy's PL, 37. Going to the Derby. Far. Morton. La- cy's PL, 37. Gonig to the dogs. Far. Brough and Hailiday. Lacy's PL, Go. Gold ! Reade. Lacy's PL, 11. Gold key. A dramatic story. Tr. from the French. Gold mine, or the miller of Grenoble. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Golden branch. Fairy extr. Planchfi. Lacy'sPL, 19. Golden eagle. Howe. Mod. st. dr., 22. Golden farmer. Melo-dr. Webster. La- cv's PL, 76. Golden fetter. Phillips. Lacy's PL, 83. Golden fleece. Extr. Planchfi. Lacy's PL, 20. Goldene vlless, Das. Grillparzer. In Siimm. werke, 3. Good for evil, or a wife's trial. Augjer. Lacy's PL, 43. Good for nothing. Com. dr. Buckstone. Lacj^'s PL, 17. Good little wife. Com. Musset. Lacy's PL, 17. Good-natured man. Com. Goldsmltli. In Works, 4. Same. Diclis' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 17. Good night, Signor Pantaloon. Com. op. Lacy's PL, 7.3. Good run for it. Far. Brldgeman. La- cy'sPL, 14. Good woman in the wood. Extr. Plan- ch6. Lacy's PL, !). Goose with the golden eggs. Far. May- hew rtn^i Edwards. Lacy's PL, 44. Gossip. Com. Harris and Williams. La- cy's PL, 76. Gotobed Tom ! Far. Morton. Lacy's PL, 8. Gotter, Helden, und Wieland. Vorsp. GSothe. In Siimm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 33. Gottfried von Berlichingen mit der eiser- nen hand. Gothe. In Werke, 42. Gottliehe komodie. Dante Alighieri. (Witte.) Gotz von Berlichingen. Schausp. Giothe. In Siimm. werke, 1. Gouvernante, Die. Lustsp. Korner. In Siimm. werke. Governor's wife. MUdenhall. Lacy's PL, 31. Grace Huntley. Domest. dr. Holl. La- cy's PL, 82. Graciosa and Percinet. Extr. Planch^. Lady's PL, 20. Graf Waldemar. Schausp. Freytag. In Dr. werke. Great duke of Florence. Massinger. In Dr. works. Great elixir. Baker. In Mimic stage. Great gun-trick. Le Ros. Lacy's PL, 2.5. Greatest plague in life. Far. Baker. In Amateur dramas. Grecian bend. Far. For female charac- ters only. Baker. In Social stage. Grecian daughter. Trag. Murphy. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 15. Green's Tu quoque. Cooke. Dodsley's 01dpL,7. Grim, the collier of Croydon. Dodsley's OidpL,ll. Grimaldi, or the life of an actress. Bou- cicault. Mod. st. dr., 20. Grimshaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw. Far. Morton. Lacy's PL, 4. ' Grin ' bushes. Burl. extr. Byron. La- cy's PL, 64. Griseldis. Schausp. Mtlnch -Belling- hausen. In Werke, 2. Grist to the mill. Com. dr. Planch^. Lacy's PL, 20. Gross-Cophta, Der. Lustsp. Gothe. In .Siimm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 14. Grotto on the stream. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Grumbler. Far. Goldsmith. In Mis. works, 4. Griine domino, Der. Lustsp. Korner. In Samm. werke. Guarda cuidadosa. Cervantes Saavedra. In Obras escogidas, 10. Same. JraOrigiiies del teatro Esp. Guardian. Com. Garrick. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Same. Inchb. Far., 4. Guardian. Massinger. In Dr. works. Guardian angeL Far. Brooks. Lacy's PL, 5, Gufebres, ou la tolerance. Trag. Vol- taire. In CEuvres com p. , 2. Guerre des femmes. Dumas, /n Thea- tre comp., 10. C?uerrero. Legouv6. In CEuvres, 4. Ciiuidone. Dr. poem. Smith. Ciuillery. Com. About. In ThCfltre im- possible. Gun-maker of Moscow. Melo-dr. Broug- ham. Mod. St. dr., 21. Gusman le brave. Com. M6ry. In CEu- vres, 4. GustavusVasa. Trag. Brooke. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 7. Guy Mannering. Mus. play. Terry. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Lacy's PL, 18. Same. Mod. st. dr., 10. Gwynneth Vaughan. Lemon. Lacy's PL, 29. Gyges und sein ring. Trag. Hebbel. Ill Siimm. werke. 4. Gypsy farmer. Johnstone. Lacy's PL, 36. ^ Habit vert, L'. Proverbe. Augier e< Mus- set. In CEuvres, 6. Habladores, Los dos. Cervantes Saave- dra. In Obras escogidas, 10. Haine d'une femme. La. Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 2. Hnlidon hill. Scott. In Poet, works, 8. Halifax. Com. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 5. Halv^ei, the unknown. WUks. Lacy's PL, 42. Hanolet. Trag. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th., 1. Same. Lacy's PL, 23. Same. Mod. st dr., 3. Same. In Dr. works (Bost ed.), 7. Same. In Dr. works iHazlitt), 4. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u.Tieck'). 6. Same. In S. in Deutscher ttbersetzung, 7. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 4. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 14. Same. In Works (Knight), .?. Hamlet, prince de Danemark. Dumas. In Thfiiitre comp., 7. Hamlet travestie. Poole. Lacy's PL, 10. Handsome husband. Com. dr. Planch^. Lacy's PL. U. Handy Andy. Com. dr. Montgomery. Lacy's PL, 74. Hannibal. Grillparzer. Jn Siimm. werke, 5. Hannibal in Italy. Forsyth. Hanns Jiirge. Holtei. In Theater, 5. Happiest day of my life. Far. Buck- stone. I-acy's PL, 80. Happy pair. Com'tta. Smith. Lacy's PL, 83. Hard struggle. Domest. dr. Marston. Lacy's PL, 48. Harlequin and O'Donoghue. Lacy's PL, 3. Harlequin Alfred the great Lacy's PL, Harlequin Blue Beard, the great bashaw. Lacy's PL, 17. Harlequin Cherry and Fair Star. Pant. Ellis. Lacy's PL, 9. Harlequin Hogarth. Lacy's PL, 5. Harlequin Hudibras. Paiit Blanchard. Liicy's PL, 9. Harlequin novelty. Pant Buckingham Lacy's PL, 34. Harold Hawk. Selby. Lacy's PL, 38. Hartford bridge. Op. far. Pearce. Inchb Far., 3. Harvest storm. Hazlewood. Lacy's PL, 55. Haunted inn. Far. Peake. Lacy'sPL, 1. Haunted mill. Operetta. Wooler. La- cy's PL, 72. Haunted tower. Com. op. Cobb. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. He Mies like truth.' Far, Kimpton. La- cy's PL, 75. He would be a soldier. Com. Pllon. Br. dr., 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 8. He's a lunatic. Far. Dale. Lacy'sPL, 78. He's much to blame. Com. Holcroft Dicks' Br. dr., 12. He's much to blame. Com. Inchb. Mod. th., 4. Head of the family. Com'tta. Emden. Lacy's PL, 44. Heads or tails? Com'tta. Simpson. La- cy's PL, 15. DRAMAS Heart of Mid-Lotliiaii. Tracy's PI.. 57. Heart of Mi'1-Lothian. Melo-dr. Dibdlu. Mod. St. dr., 22. Heautontimorumenos. Com. Terentlus Afer. In Comoediaj (ert. Ifi23). Some. In Comcpdite (Iieipsi)? ed.'). Same. In ComcBdiaj sex (ed. 1702). Same. /nComoedisesex. Valpy's Script. Lat. Same. (Riley.) In Comedies. Bohn's Clasis. lib. Hecuba. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) Bohn'a Class, lih., l. Same. (Lennox, J/r*.) Brumoy'sGr. th.. Same. (Potter.) Class, fam. lib., 3. Same. Gr. /n Opera omnia, 3. tSame. Gr. Pt Lat. (Didotj In Fabulae. Same. In Tragoedise sex. Hecyra. Com. Terentius Afer. In Co- mcedite (ed. 1623). Same. In Comnedife (Leipsig ed.). Same. In Comoedise. Valpy's Script. Lat. Same. (Riley.) In Comedies. Bohn's Class, lib. Hedwig. Schausp. Korner. JhSamm. werke. Heinrioh derFinkler. Schausp. Mosen. In Siimm. werke, 3. Heir. May. Dodslev'sOld pi., 8. Heir-at-law. Com. Colman. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Sa7ne. Inchb. Br. th., 21. Same. Lacy's PI., 24. Same. Mod. st dr., 12. Heiress. Com. Burgoyne. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 22. Helen. Burl. Burnand. Lacv's Pi., 77. Helena. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib.. 2. Same. (Lennox, J/>-«.) Brumoy'sGr. th., .3. Same. (Potter.) 7;i Tragedies, 3. Same. Gr. In Opera omnia, 2. Same,. Gr. et Lat. In FabuIiB. Helping hands. Domest. dr. Taylor. Lacy's Pi., 22. Henri in. et sa cour. Dumas. In Thea- tre comp., 1. Henrich og Pernille. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Henriette, the forsaken. Buckstone. Mod. St. dr.. 18. Henriquez. Trag. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Henry II. Trag. Hull. Inchb. Mod. th., 9. Henry Dunbar. Taylor. Lacy's PI., 76. Heracles. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib., 1. Same. (Lennox, il/?-s.) Brumoy'8Gr..th., Same. (Potter.) In Tragedies, 2. Same. Gr. In Opera omnia, 1. Some. Gr. et Lat. 7;i Fabula>. H6raclius. Corneille. In Theatre, 2. H6raeliu-i Espsignol, L', ou la comCdie fameusp. Com. Voltaire. 7/iCEuvres comp., 2. Hercules. Far. Cooper. Lacy's PI., 89. Hercules. Trag. Euripide.s. (Potter.) In Tragedies. 2. Hercules and Omphale. Extr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 64. Hercules furens. Trag. Euripides. (Buck- ley.) Bohn's Class, lib., 2. Same. Gr. et Laf. In Fabulse. Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Hercules mad. Trag. Euripides. Bru- moy's Gr. th., 3. Hercules on Mount (Eta. Trag. Seneca. Brumoy's Gr. th., 2. Ilernani. Hugo. Altered by Kenney. Lacy's PI., 77. Hero and Leander. Burletta. Jackman. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Herodesund Marlaime. Trag. Hebbel. In Siimm. werke, 1. Herr Heiter. Llederp. Holtei. In Theater, 5. Herr von Fuchs. Lustsp. Tieck. In Schriften, 12. Herzog Bernhard. Trag. Mosen. In Samm. schriften. 4. Hexeiie aller Blind Allarm. Com. Hol- berg. In Comedier. Heymons kinder. Die. Com. Tieck. In Schriften, 13. Hidden hand. Adapted from the French. Lacy's PI.. 6.5. High life below stairs. Far. Garrlck. Br. dr., 2. Same. Inchb. Far., 5. 246 High life below stairs. Farce. Town ley. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Same. Lacy's PI., 3. Highland reel. Far. O'Keeffe. Inchb. Far., 2. Highwayman's holiday. Far. Suter. Lacy's PI., 60. HippolituR. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) Bohn's CIas.s. lib., 1. Same. (Lennox, 3/r«.) Brumoy'sGr. th., Same. (Potter.) In Tragedies, 1. Same. Gr. In Opera omnia. Same. Gr. et Lat. In Fabulse. His excellencv. Petite com. Mathews. Lacy's PI., .'50. His first champagne. Far. Rede. La- cy's PI., 73. His last victory. Phillips. Lacy's PI., .59. History of Sir Thomas Wyatt. Webster. In Works, 2. Hit him, he has no friends! Far. Yates «)!(? Harrington. T,aey's PI., 47. Hofer. Hist. dr. Fitzball. Mod. at. dr., 21. Hog hath lost his pearl. Tailor. Dods- ley'sOldpl.,6. Hold your tongue. Com. dr. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 20. Holly-hush hall. Suter. Lacy's PI., 44. Home for a holiday. Com'tta. Gordon. Lacy's PI., 49. Home of one's own. Far. Lucas. La- cy's PI., 79. Home wreck. Coynes.The. Lacy's PI., 8.5. Homicide. Trag. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Homme de bien.' Com. Augier. In CEuvres, 2. Honest man's fortune. Cora. Beau- mont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed.,]. Same. J)i Works, Eng. ed.,2. Honest thieves. Far. Knight. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Honest whore. Dodsley's Old pi., 3. Honeymoon. Com. Tobin. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. /Sa»(«. Inchb. Br. th., 25. Same. Lacv's PI., 16. Same. Mod. st. dr., 1. Honnette ambition, Den. Com. Hol- berg. In Comedier. Honneurestsatisfait, L'. Com. Dumas. In Thfrure comp., 13. Honneuretrargent,L'. Com. Ponsard. In OCuvres, 2. Same. In Theatre Fr. mod., 3e s6r. Honor before wealth, or the romance of a poor young man. Feuillet. Lacy's PI., SO. Hop-pickers and gipsies. Hazlewood. Lacy's PI., 8.5. Hope of the family. Com. Coyne. La- cy's PI., 13. Hopeless passion. Petite com. Morton. Lacy's PI., 5. Horace. Trag. Corneille. /nThftttre, I. Horace et Lydie. Com. Ponsard. In ffiuvres, 1. Hotel charges. Far. Selby. Lacy's PI., 12. Hour at Seville. InterL Selby. Lacy's PI., 53. House of Aspen. Trag. Scott. JnPoet. works, 9. House or the home. Com. Taylor. La- cy's PI., 42. House out of windows. Far. Brough. Lacy's PI.. 8. Household fairy. Domestic sketch. Tal- fourd. Lacy's PI., 41. Housekeeper. Com. Jerrold. In Com- edies and dramas. Same. Lacy's PI., 29. How do you manage ? Farce. Bayly. Lacy's PL, 1. How stout you're getting! Far. Morton. Lacy's PI.. 22. How to grow rich. Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Mod. th., 1. How to make home happy. Com. dr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 13. How will they get out of it? Com. Rose. Lacy's PI., 64. How's your uncle ? Far. Wilks. Lacy's PL, 41. Huguenot captain. Phillips. Lacy's PI., 75. Huldigungderkiinste, Die. Schiller. In Siimm. werke, 5, 6. Humbug! Far. Burnand. Lacy's PI., 79. DRAMAS Humorous lieutenant. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same, /n Works, Eng. ed., 1. Humors of the strike. Far. Baker. In Mimic stage. Hunchback. Knowles. In Dr. works, 1. Same. Lacy's PL. 67. Hundred thousand pounds. Com. By- ron. Lacv's PL, 77. Hunt for a hu.sband. Far. Wooler. La- cy'sPl.,63. Hunting a turtle. Far. Selby. Lacy's PL, 40. Husband of an hour. Com. Falconer. Lacy's PL. 31. Hu.sband of my heart. Selby. Lacy's PL. 2. Husband to order. 8er.-com. Morton. Lacy's PL, 43. Hut of the red mountain. Milner. La- cy's PL, 72. Hypochondriac. Dial. Baker. In Bak- er's dozen. Hypocondriack. Com. MoIiSre. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 10. Hypocrite. Com. Bickerstaff. Br. dr.,L Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 11. Same. Lacy's PL, 76. Hypocrite. Com. Smith. Mod. st. dr. , "• I. I couldn't help IL Far. Oxenford. La- cy's PL, .5.5. I'll be your second. Far. BodweU. La- cy's PL, 3. I'll tell you what. Com. Inchbald. Inchb. Mod. th., 7. I'll write to the 'Times.' Far. Wooler. Lacy's PL, 28. ' I'm not meself at all.' Far. Maltby. Lacy's PL, 88. I've eaten my friend. Far. Bridgeman. Lacy's PL, .5. I've written to Browne. Far. Williams. Lacy's PL, 40. Ici on parle Frangais. Far. Williams. Lacy's PL, 40. Idalia. Roberts. Lacy's PL, 76. Id^es de Madame Aubray. Com. Dumas .Ms. In (Euvres, 19. Idiot of the mountain. Adapted from the Fr. Suter. Lacy's PL, 51. Idiot witness. Melo-dr. Haines. Lacy's PL, 46. If I had a thousand a year ! Far. Mor- ton. Lacy's PL, 79. If the cap fits. Com'tta. Harrington and Yates. Lacy's PL, 41. ' If you love not it— do not hear it.' Com. Shachovskoy. Ignorance is bhss. Dial. Baker. In Baker's dozen. II faut qu'une porte soit ouverte ou fer- rate. Com. Musset. ZnCom.etprov.,". II ne faut jnrer de rien. Com. Musset. In Com. et prov., 2. II trovatore. Roman t. dr. Suter. La- cy's PL, 56. He heureuse, L'. Com. Genlis. In Th6- fitre d'S'lucatlon, 2. Ill-treated II Trovatore. Burl. Byron. Lacy's PL, 58. Illustrious stranger. Far. Kenney and Millingen. Lacy's PL, 52. Imelda LambertazzL Trauersp. Munch- Bellinghausen. In Werke, 3. Impertinents, Les. Com. Moll6re. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 8. Impostors. Com. Cumberland. Inchb. Mod. th..6. Impromptu de Versailles, L'. Com. Mo- Ii6re. In CEuvres, 1. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 3. In for a holiday. Far. Burnand. Lacy's PL, 26. In quarantine. Com. Ware. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Incendie, L'. Berquln. In Choix de pe- tits drames et de contes. Same. InTW&tre. Inchcape bell. Naut. dr. Fitzball. La- cy's PL, 79. Incompatibility of temper. Far. Suter. Lacy's PL, 73. Inconstant, The. Com. Farquhar. In Dr. works. Same. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Mod. th., 8. Indian emperor. Trag. Dryden. In Works, 2. Indian queen. Trag. Dryden. J7i Works, 2. Indiscret, L'. Com. Voltaire. In CEu- vres comp., 1. DRAMAS Infamador, El. Com. Cueva. JnOri- glnes flpl teatro Esp. Infortunee Caroline, L'. Com. Barrifire et Thiboust. In CEuvres (Barrifire), 5. Ingomar. Miiiich • Bellinghausen. Tr. by Lovell. I.Acy's PI., 75. fiame. Tr. by Lovell. Mod. St. dr., 12. iS'am*. Tr. by Charlton. Lacy 's PI., 7. See also Sohn der wildniss. InWle and Yarico. Op. Colman. Br. dr., 2. Same. Inchb. Mod. th.,20. Innkeeper of Abbeville. Fltzball. Lsr cy's PI., 90. Same. Mod. st dr., 25. Intfirieur de I'Stude, L'. Com. Scribe. /;i CEuvres, 1. Int^rleurd'unbureau,L'. Vaud. Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Intimes, Nos. Com. Sardou. In CEu- vres, 3. Intrigante, L'. Com. Genlis. In Thea- tre d'^ducation, 3. Intrigue. Com. luterl. Poole. Lacy's PI., 54. Intrigue et amour. Dumas. In Thea- tre cowip., 7. Intriguing chambermaid. Far. Field- ing. Br. dr., 2. Inundation. Archer. Lacy's PI., 45. Invasion of Russia, The. Equest. spect. Amherst. Lacy's PI., 13. Invisible prince. Extr. Planchfi. La- cy's PI., 19. Invitation a la valse, L'. Com. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 13. Ion. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib., 2. Satne. (Lennox, J/r«.) Brumoy'sGr. th., .3. Same. (Potter.) Class, fam. lib., 1. Same. Gr. 7n Opera omnia, 2. Same. Gr. et Lat. In Fabnlse. Ion. Trag. Talfourd. Mod. st. dr.. 1. Iphigenia in Aulis. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib., 1. Same. (Lennox, Ji>«.) Brumoy'sGr. th., 1. Same. (Potter.) Class, fam. lib., 2. Same. Gr. In Opera omnia, 3. Same. Gr. et Lat. In Fabulse. Iphigenia in Tauris. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib., 1. Same. (Lennox,JV/>-s.) Brumoy'sGr.th.,2. Satne. (Potter.) Class fam. lib., 3. Same. Gr. In Opera omnia, 3. Same. Gr. et Lat. (Didot.) In Fabulse. Iphigenia in Tauris. Gothe. Tr. by Ad- ler. Same. Tr. by Swanwick. In Dr. works. IphigSnie. Trag. Bacine. In Theatre comp. Iphigenie auf Tauris. Schausp. Gothe. In Werke, 8. Same. In Samm. werke, 1. Iphigenie en Aulide. Trag. Bacine. In CEuvres comp., 3. Iphigenie in Aulis. Trag. Schiller. In Samm. werke, 3. Iphigenie in Delphi. Schausp. MUnch- Bellinghausen. In Werke, 8. Iphis. Rousseau. In CEuvres, 8. Ireland as it is. Amherst. Mod. st dr., 15. Ireland as it wa-s. Amherst. Lacy's PI., 81. Irene. Trag. Johnson. In Works, 2. IrSne. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 2. Irish doctor. Wood. Lacy's PI., 27. Irish emigrant. Com. dr. Brougham. Lacy's PI., 82. Irish lion. Far. Buckstone. Mod. st. dr., 4. Irish post. Com. dr. Blanche. Lacy's PI., 20. Irish tiger. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 34. Irish tutor. Far. Glengall. Lacy's PI., 36. Irish widow. Far. Garrick. Br. dr. , 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. Inchb. Far., 5. Irishman in London. Far. Macready. Inchb. Far., 2. Same. Lacy's PI. , 79. Iron chest. Colman. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Sayjie. Inchb. Br. th., 21. Same. Lacy's PI., 39. Same. Mod. st. dr., 6. Isaac Commenus. Taylor. In Poetical works, 2. Isabela. Argensola. JnOrigines del tea- tro Esp. Isabella. Trag. Southern. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. 247 Same. Inchb. Br. dr., 7. Isabelle. Buckstone. Mod. st. dr., 22. Island of jewels. Extr. Planche. La- cy's PI., 19. Island princess. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Isle of St. Tropez. Williams and Bur- nand. Lacy's PI., 52. Isoline of Bavaria, Suter. Lacy's PI., 86. Ivanboe. Burl. Byron. Lacy's PI., 59. Ivresses, Les, ou la chanson de I'amour. Com. Barrifire et Thiboust. In CEu- vres (Barrifire), 7. Ixion. Extr. Burnand. Lacy's PI., 60. Jack, the giant-killer. Extrav. Byron. Lacv'sPl.,43. Jack Cade. Trag. Conrad. Lacy's PL, Jack in a box ! Com'tta. Simpson. La- cy's PI., 71. Jack in the green. Lemon. Lacy's PI., 2, Jack Jugler. Interlude. In Four old plays. Jack o' the hedge. Suter. Lacy's PI., 78. Jack Robinson and his monkey. Thomp- son. Lacy's PI., 31. Jack Sheppard. Lacy's PI., 23. Jack's delight. Far. Williams. Lacy's PI., 56. Jacob von Tyboe. Com. Holberg. In Jacobite. Com. dr. Planche. Lacy's PI., 14. Jahrmarktsfest zu PlundersweUern, Das. (5othe. In Siimm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 13. James the fourth. Greene. 7« Dr. works. Jane Eyre. Brougham. Mod. st. dr., 17. Jane Shore. Trag. Kowe. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 10. Same. Lacv'sPI.,39. Same. Mod. st. dr., 12. Jardinieret son seigneur. Op.com. Bar- riCre el nl. In CEuvres (Barrifire), 6. Jealous wife. Com. Colman. Br. dr.,1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 16. Same. Lacy's PI., 25. Jean de France. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Jeannette's wedding. Operetta. Buck- ingham and Harris. Lacy's PI., 32. Jeannette's wedding-day. Mus. farce. Carre et Barbier. Lacy's PI., 72. Jenkinses. Par. Planche. Lacy's PI., 8. Jenny Foster, the sailor's child. Hazle- wood. Lacy's PI., 32. Jeronymo. (First part) Dodsley's Old pi., 3. Jerry und Biitely. Slngspiel. GtOthe. In Samm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 11. Jersey girl, or les rouge voleurs. Melo- dr. Pitt Lacy's PI., 26. Jessie Brown. Boucicault Lacy's PL, 38. Jessy Vere. Hazlewood. Lacy's PL, 25. Jeunesse de Louis xiv., La. Com. Du- mas, /ft Theatre comp., 12. Jeunesse des mousquetalres. La. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 9. Jew. Com. Cumberland. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. Inchb. Br. th., IS. Jew and the doctor. Far. DIbdIn. Inchb. Far., 2. Jew of Malta, The. Trag. Marlowe. In Works. Same, /n Dodsley's Old pL, 8. Jew's daughter. Stirling. Lacy's PL, 29. Jeweler of St James's. Com. Suter, Lacy's PL, 5.5. Jewess. Romantic dr. Lacy. Lacy's Pl.,.^3. Joan of Arc. BurL Brough. Lacy's PL, 86. Jocasta. Altered from the Phoenissse of Euripides. Gascoigne and Kinwel- marsh. In Four old plays. Jocrisse, the juggler. D'Ennery et Bre- sll. Lacy's PL, 51. Jocrisses de I'amour. Com. Barrigre et Thiboust. In CEuvres fBarriSre). 7. John Brown. Trauersp. Miinch -Bel- linghausen. In Werke, 10. John Bull. Com. Colman. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 21. Same. Lacy's PL, 42. DRAMAS John Dobbs. Far. Morton. Lacy 'a PL, 7. John Endlcott. Longfellow. In New England tragedies. John Felton. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. John Jones. Far. Buckstone. Lacy's PL, 2.5. John of Procida. Trag. Knowles. In Dr. works, 2. John Overy. Jerrold. Lacy's PL, 86. John Smith. Far. Hancock. Lacy's PL, 5.3. John Wopps. Far. Suter. Lacy's PL, 49. Jonathan Bradford. Melo-dr. Fltzball. Lacy's PL, 55. Same. Mod. st. dr., 19. Joseph Heiderich. Schausp. K6mer. Jn Siimm. werke. Josephine, the child of the regiment Com. Buckstone. Lacy's PL, 25. Journalisten. Lustspiel. Freytag. In Samm. werke. Journey to London. Vanbrugh. In Dr. works. Jovial crew. Brome. Dodsley's Old pL, 10. Juden, Die. Lustsp. Lessing. In Ges. werke. Judge not, or the seals of justice. Stir- ling. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Judgment of Paris. Congreve. In Dr. works. Jiidin von Toledo, Die. Hist trauersp. Grillparzer. In Samm. werke, 7. Judith. Trag. HebbeL /n Samm. werke, 1. Juez de los divorcios, EL Cervantes Saavedra. In Obras escogidas, 10. Juggler. Ware. Dicks' Br. dr. , 12. Jule-Stue. Com. Holberg. In Come- dier. Jules cesar. Trag. Voltaire. In CEu- vres comp., 1. Julia. Trauersp. HebbeL In Samm. werke, 2. Julius Caesar. Trag. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th.,4. Same. Lacy's PL. 40. Same. Mod. st. dr., 11. Sanw.. In Dr. works (Bost ed.), 6. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 4. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tleck), 5. Same. (Rolfe.) Same. In S. in Deutscher abersetzang, 9. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 3. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 13. Same. In Works (Knight), 6. Jung-frau von Orleans, Die. Schiller. In Samm. werke, 5, 6. Just Italian. Trag. -com. Davenant In Works. „ Kabale und Liebe. Trauersp. Schiller In Samm. werke, 1, 2. Kaiser Otto in. Schausp. Mosen. In Siimm. werke. 3. KSIidasa. Schausp. Sakuntala. Deutsch von Edm. Lobedanz. Kalkbrenner, Der. Liederp. HolteL In Theater, 3. Kampf mit dem drachen, Der. Lustsp. Korner. In Samm. werke. Karl der Kiihne. Rellstab. In Ges. schriften, 11. Katharine and Petruchio. Com. Gar- rick. Lacy's PL, 62. Same. Mod. st. dr., 13. Ksithchen von Heilbronn, Da.s. Schausp. Kleist /« CJes. schriften, 2. Kean, ou desordre et genie. Com. Du- mas, /re Theatre comp., 4. Keep your temper. Far. Wooler. La- cy's PL, 55. Kenilworth. Operetta. Halliday and Lawrence. Lacy's PL, 38. Kennyngton crosse. Wilks. Lacy's PL, 75. Kensington gardens. Com. Brough. Lacy's PL, 88. KildeReysen. Com. Holberg. J« Come- dier. Kind to a fault Com. Brough. Lacy'a PL, 78. King and I. Morton. Lacy's PL, 40. King and no king. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. King Arthur. Extr. Brough. Lacy'a PL, 61. King Arthur. Dr. op. Dryden. In Works, 8. Ki"g rharming. Extr. PlanchS. Lacy'a PL, 19. DRAMAS 248 DRAMAS King Henry iv. Trag. Shakespeare. Incbb. Br. th.,2. Same. Lacy's PI., pt. i., v. 37 ; pt. ii., v. 64. Same. Mod. st. dr., 10. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 3, 4. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 2. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 1,2. Same. In Plays (Reed), 8, 9. Same. JnS. inDeutscherilbersetzung, 1. Same. Jn Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 2. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 10. Same. In Works (Knight), 1. King Henry v. Trag. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th.,2. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 4. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 3. Snine. In Dr. werke (Schlegel n. Tieck), 2. Same. In Plays (Reed), 9. Same. 7nS. inDeutscher fibersetzung,2. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 2. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 10. Same. In Works (Knight), i. King Henry vi. Tiag. Shakespeare. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 4. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 3. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 2,3. Same. In Plays (Reed), 10. Same. In S. in Deutscher tibersetzung, 2. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke). 2, 3. Same. Jn Works (Halliwell), 11. Same. 7n Works (Knight), 2. King Henry VIII. Hist.pl. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. tli., 3. Same. Lacy's PI., 22. Same. Mod. st. dr., 10. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 5. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 3. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 4. Same. In Plays (Reed), 11. Same. In^. in Deutscher Ubersetzung, 3. Same. In Works (ed. 1623\ Same. In Works (Clarke). 3. Sarne. In Works (Halliwell), 12. Same. In Works (Knight), 2. King John. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th., 1. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 3. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 2. Same. In Dr. werke(.Schlegel u. Tieck), 1. Same. In Plays ^Reed), 7. Same. /?iS. in Deutscher ilbersetzung,l. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. iriWorks (Clarke), 2. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 8. Same. In Works (Knight), 1. King Lear. Trag. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th., 1. Same. Lacy's PI., 31. Same. Mod. st. dr., 9. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 7. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 4. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 11. Satne. In S. in Deutscher tibersetzung, 8. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 4. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 14. Same. In Works (Knight), 5. King of the Alps. Romantic dr. Buck- stone. Lacy's PI., 6. King of the merrows. Extr. Burnand. Lacy's Pi., 53. King of the peacocks. Extr. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 19. King O'Toole's goose. Extr. Irwin. Lacy's PI., 30. King Rene's daughter. Lyric drama. Phipps. Lacy's PI., 36. King Richard ii. Shakespeare. In Dr. works (Bost ed.), 3. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt). 2. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 1. Same. J/i Plays (Reed), 8^ Same. In S. in Deutscher tibersetzung, 1. Same. In Works (ed. 1623;. Same. In Works (Clarke), 2. Same. Jn Works (Halliwell), 9. Same. Jn Works (Knight), 1. King Richard iii. Trag. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th.,1. Same. Lacy's PI., 77. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 5. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 3. Same. In Dr. werke(Schlegel n. Tieck), 4. Same. In S. in Deutscher tibersetzung, 3. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). SaTne. In Works (Clarke), 3. Sam£. In Works (Halliwell), 11. Same. J« Works (Knight), 2. King Saul, Trag. ,Se« Tragedy of Israel. King Thrushbeard ! Extr. Talfourd. Lacy's Pi., 44. King Victor and King Charles. Trag. Browning. J/i ft/.? Poems, 1. King's wager. Wilks. Lacy's PI., 62. Kinge Richard ye third. Selby. Lacy's PI., 40. Kiss ill the dark. Far. Buckstone. La- cy's PI., 6. Knight of Malta, Com. Beaumontand Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed.,2. Knight of the burning pestle. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am.ed., 1. Same. In Works. Eng. ed., 2. Knights. Com. Aristophanes. (Hickie.) In Comedies, 1. Same. (Lennox, Mrs.) Brumoy'sGr. th., Same. Gr. In Comoedise, 1. Same. Gr. et Lat. In Comoediee. Di- dot's Script. Grjec. blblioth. Knights of St. John. Melo-dr. Almar. Lacy's PI., 56. Knights of the round table. Com. Planchg. Lacy's PI., 15. Know your own mind. Com. Murphy. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. f^nmc. Inchb. Br. th., 1.5. Komodie der Besserungen, Die. Lustsp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 15. Konig Ottokars gliick und ende. Trau- ersp. Grillparzer. In Siimm. werke, 4. Konig Bother. Tieck. 7n Schriften, 13. Konig und Bauer. Lustsp. Miinch- Bellinghausen. In Werke, 4. Konig Wamba. Schausp. Miinch-Bel- linghausen. In Werke, 3, 10. Konigs lieutenant, Der. Lustsp. Gutz- kow. In Dr. werke, 4. Konigsmark. Trag. Boker. Krienihild's rache. Trauersp. Hebbel. In Siimm. werke, .5. Kunstler's apotheose. Gothe. In Siimm. werke, 2. Kiinstler's erdenwallen. Gothe. In Samm. werke, 2. Kiinstler's erdenwallen und apotheose. Gothe. In Werke, 13. Ladies at home. Female Interl. Mil- lingen. Lacy's PI., 10. Ladies of Saint-Cyr. Com. Dumas. La- cy's PI., 84. Ladies' battle. Lacy's PI., 4. Ladies' club. Com. Lemon. Lacy's PI., 13. Lady and gentleman in a peculiar per- plexing predicament. Selby. Lacy's PI., 69. Lady and the devil. Com. Dimond. Lacy's PI., 90. Lady Audley's secret. Hazlewood. La- cy's PI., 57. Lady Belle BeUe. Fairy tale. Byron. Lacy's PI., 61. Lady in difBcuIties. Com. Planche. Lacy's Pi., 21. Lady Jane Grey. Trag. Eowe. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 10. Lady Johanna Gray. Trauersp. Wie- land. In Siimm. werke, 28. Lady of Lyons. Bulwer-Lytton. JnDr. works. Same. In Dramas and poems. Same. Mod. st. dr., 1. Lady of Lyons. Trav. Byron. Lacy's Pi., 34. Lady of the lake. Burl. Reece. Lacy's PI., 71. Lady of the lake. Adapted from Scott's poem. Lacy's PI., 3.3. Lady's last stake. Com. Gibber. In Dr. works, 2. Lady's trial. Ford. In Dr. works. Laird de Dumbiky. Com. Dumas. In Thf^atre comp., 6. Lalla Rookh. Burl. Brough. Lacy's PI., 34. Lame excuse. Far. Hay. Lacy's PI., 84. Lame lover. Farce. Foote. Br. dr., 2. Lancers. Vernon. Lacy's PI., 13. Laou-Seng-Urh, or an heir in his old age. Chinese drama. Tr. by Davis. Larkins's love-letters. Far. Williams. Lacy's PI., 72. Last days of Pompeii. Dr. spect Me- dina. Mod. St. dr., 19. Last loaf. Baker. In Social stage. Last of the pigtails. Far. Selby. La- cy's PI., 37. Laugh when you can. Com. Reynolds. Inchb; Mod. th.,2. Laune des verliebten. Die. Sehafersp. GOthe. In Siimm. werke, 1. Same. In Werke, 7. Laurence's love-sult. Com'tta. Wooler. Lacy's PI., 05. Law against lovers. Com. Davenant Jm Works. Law of Lombardy, The. Trag. Jephson. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. Inchb. Mod. th.,6. Law verms love. Com'tta. Linley. La- cy's PI.. 57. Laws of Candy. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. J« Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, King, ed., 1. Lawyers. Com. Lawrence. Lacy'sPl., Leading-strings. Com. Troughton. La- cy's Pi., 33. Leap-year. Com. Buckstone. Mod. st. dr., 11. Learned ladies. Molifire. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 9. Leben und thaten des kleinen Thomas; geiiannt 'Diiumchen.' Lustsp. Tieck. J/i.'^chriften, .5. Left in a cab. Far. Stirling. Lacy'sPl., 4. Left the stage. Siraudin. Lacv's PI.. 7. Legacy of honor. Stirling. Lacy's PI., Legal impediment. Farce. Oxenford. Lacy's PI.,. 53. Legend of Florence. Hunt In Poet works, 1. Lend me five shillings. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 30. Same. Mod. st dr., 3. Lending a hand. Com. X'Beckett La- cy's PI., 69. Lenore. Schausp. Holtei. Jn Theater, Leo, the terrible. Burl. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 9. Lesson in love. Com. Cheltnam. Lacy's PI., 64. Levrette et la bague. Com. Berquln. In Theatre. Liar. Far. Foote. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Lacy's PI., 74. Libussa. Trauerspiel. Grillparzer. In Siimm. werke, 6. Lie of a day. Com. O'Keefife. Inchb. Mod. th., 10. Liederspiel. Spiel. Holtei. Jn Theater, 6. Liesii. Trauersp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 16. Life. Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Mod. th., 1. Life-buoy. Hoskins. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Life chase. Oxenford and Wigan. La- cy's PI., 86. Life of St Meriasek, bishop and confes- sor. Life's ransom. Marston. Lacy's PI., 54. Life's revenge. Suter. Lacy's Pi., 39. Life's trial. Bernard. Lacy'sPl., 30. Liga von Cambrai. Platen. In Ges. werke, 4. Lightheart's pilgrimage. Allegory. For female characters only. Baker. In Social stage. Liia. Singsp. Gothe. In Samm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 11. Lilian Gervais. Barnett.' Lacy's PI., 31. Lily of the desert Romant dr. Stir- ling. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Limberham, or the kind keeper. Com. Dryden. In Works, 6. Linda di Chamouni. Burl. Edwardes. Lacy's PI., 87. Lingua. Brewer. Dodsley's Old pi., 5. Lion amoureux. Com. Ponsard. Tiion at bay. Phillips. Lacy's PI., 84. Lion empailie, Le. Com. Gozlan. In (Euvres, 2. Lion-slayer, or out for a prowl. Far. Williams. Lacy's PI., 77. Lionel and Clarissa. Op. Bickerstaflf. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 17. Little Annie's birthday. Far. Suter. Lacy's Pi., 8L Little Daisy. Comic dr. Williams. La- cv's PI., 60. Little Don GiovannL Burl. Byron. La- cy's Pi., 72. Little French lawyer. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. Jn Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. DRAMAS 249 DRAMAS 'Little more cider.' Far. Baker. In Social stage. Uttle rebel. Far. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 50. Little B^ Riding Hood. Extr. Bucking- ham. Lacy's PI., 53. Little savage. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., Little sentinel. Com'tta. Williams. La- cy's Pi., 58. Little Toddlekins. Comic dr. Mathews. Lacy's PI., 12. Little treasure. Com. Harris. Lacy's PI., 23. Living too fast Com'tta. Troughton. Lacy's PI., 16. Lizzie Lyle. Hazlewood. Lacy's PI., 87. Loan of a lover. Vaud. PlancUe. La- cy's PI., 9. Lock and key. Mus. entert. Hoare. Inchb. Far., 3. Tx)cked in with a lady. Addison. Lacy's PI., 11. Locked out. Far. Paul. Lacy's PI., 27. Locrine. Trag. Shakespeare. In Pict. ed. of works (Knight), 7. Lodoiska. Op. Kemble. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Far., 7. Loge du portier. Vaud. Scribe. In CEu- vres, 1. Lois de Minos, Les. Trag. Voltaire. In Qiuvres com p., 2. London a.ssurance. Com. Boucicault. Lacy's PI., 34. London prodigal. Com. Shakespeare. In Pict. ed. of works (Knight), 7. Same. In Supplement to the plays of Shakespeare, ed. by W. G. Simms. Lonely man of the ocean. Blake. Lacy's PI., 16. Looking-glass for London and England. Greene. In Dr. works. Lorbeerbaum und Bettelstab. Schausp. Holtei. In Theater, 2. Lorber und Myrte. Lustsp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 19. Lord Bateman. Burl. Byron. Lacy's Pi., 87. Lord Bateman 's overland journey. Far. Brough. Lacy's Pi., 15. Lord Darnley. Wilks. Lacy's PI., 78. Lord Lovel and Lady Nancv BeU. Burl. Burnaiid. Lacy's PI., 30. Lord of the manor. Op. Altered from Burgoyne. DIbdin. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Lorenzaccio. Com. Musset. In Com. et prov., 1. Lorenzino. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 5. Lost and found. Operetta. March. La- cy's PI., 89. Lost child. Far. Suter. Lacy's PI., 62. Lost in London. Phillips. Lacy's PI., 80. Lost ship. Nautical dr. Townsend. La- cy's PI., 20. Lottery ticket. Far. Beazley. Lacy's PI., 68. Louis XI. Trag. Delavlgne, C. In CEu- vres, 2. Same. Hist. dr. Markwell. Adapted from Delavigne. Lacy's PI., 9. liOUise Bernard. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 6. Louise de Lignerolies. Trag. Denaux et Legouvg. Lacy's PI., H. Louison. Com. Musset. In Com. et prov., 2. Love. Knowles. In Dr. works, 2. Same. Lacy's PI., 74. Same. Mod. St. dr., 9. Love a la mode. Far. Macklin. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. Inchb. Far., 1. Love and a bottle. Farquhar. In Dr. works. Love and fortune. Far. Blanche. La- cy's PI., 42. Love and honor. Com. Davenant In Works. Love and hunger. Far. Morton. La- cy's PI., 42. Love and intrigue. Trag. Schiller. Bohn's St. lib. Same. In Early dramas and romances. Love and law. Com. Edgeworth. In Works, 8. Love and rain. Far. From the French. Lacy's Pi., 61. Love by lantern-light. Operetta. Carrfi et Battu. Lacy's PI. , 73. Love chase. Com. Knowles. In Dr. works, 2. Same. Lacy's PI., 68. Borne. Mod. st. dr., 3. Love for love. Com. Congreve. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Same. In Dr. works. Sam.e. Inchb. Br. th., 13. Love in a riddle. Pastoral. Cibber. In Dr. works, 4. Love in a village. Op. Bickerstafif. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 17. Love in a wood, or St. James's Park. Wycherley. In Dr. works. Love in humble life. Payne. Altered from Scribe and Dnpin's 'Michael et Christi ne. ' Lacy 's PI. , 21. Love is enough. Morris. Love-knot. Com. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 35. Love makes a man. Com. Cibber. Dicks' Br. th., 12. Same. In Dr. works, 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 9. Love of a bonnet. Dial. Baker. In Baker's dozen. Love of a prince. Gayler. Mod. st. dr., 21. Love triumphant. Trag. -com. Dryden. In Works, 8. Love's cure. Com. . Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Love's labor's lost. Com. Shakespeare. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 2. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 1. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), Sam£. In Plays (Reed), 4. Same. In S. in Deutscher Ubersetzung,4. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 1. Same. In Works (Hal 11 well), 4. Same. In Works (Knight), 3. Love's labyrinth. Com'tta. Emden. Lacy's PI., 70. Love's last shift. Com. Cibber. In Dr. works, 1. Love's martyr. Buckingham. Lacy's PI., 70. Love's pilgrimage. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Love's riddle. Pastoral com. Cowley. In Works. Love's sacrifice. Ford. In Dr. works. Love's sacrifice. Lovell. liacy's PI., 67. Love's telegraph. Com. Lacy's PI., 32. Love's the best doctor. Com. MoIi6re. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 5. Lover's amazement. Hunt In Poet works, 1. Lover's melancholy. Ford. In Dr. works. Lover's progress. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Lovers' quarrels, or like master like man. Interl. Altered from the ' Mistake ' of Sir J. Vanbrugh, by T. King. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Lovers' vows. Kotzebue. Altered by Mrs. Inchbald. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 23. Loving cup. Serio-comic dr. Halliday. Lacy's PI., 8.5. Loyal subject. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Lucia di Lammermoor. Burl. Byron. Lacy's PI., 72. Lucia di Lammermoor. Op. Lacy's PL, 78. Lucille. Bernard. Lacy's PI., 28. Lucky escape! Comic dr. Cheltnam. Lacy's PI., 52. Lucky hit Com. dr. Stirling. Lacy's PI., a5. Lucky horse-shoe. Domest dr. Parry. Lacy's PI., 26. LucrSce. Trag. Ponsard. In CRvivres, 1. Lucrfice. Trag. Rousseau. 7>),CEuvres,8. LucretiaBorgia,M.D. Burl. Byron. La- cy's PI., 87. Lucrezia Borgia! Trav. Buckingham. Lacy's PI., 45. Ludwig der Baler. Schausp. tJhland. In Gedichte und dramen, 3. Lugarto, the mulatto. O'Bryan. Lacy's PI., 31. Luke, the laborer. Buckstone. Lacy's PI., 69. Lurla. Trag. Browning. In Poems, 2. Lyar, The. Com. Foote. Inchb. Far., 5. Lying valet. Far. Garrick. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Far., 4. Lykkelige Skibbrud, Det Com. Hol- berg. In Comedier. Lysistrata. Com. Aristophanes. (Hickie.) In Comedies, 2. Same. (Lennox, Jfri.) Brumoy'sGr. th., Sanie. Gr. In Comcediie, 2. Same. Gr. et Lat Dldot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. __ Macbeth. Trauerspiel. Schiller. In Siimm. werke, 5,6. Same. Jn. Siimm. werke, In zweibiinden, 1. Macbeth. Trag. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th., 4. Same. Lacy's PI., 9. Same. Mod. st dr., 7. Same. In Dr. works (Bost ed.), 3. Same. In Dr. works (ed. Hazlitt), 2. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), Same. In Plays (Reed), 7. Same. In Selections (Bulflnch). Same. InS. in Deutscher iibersetzung, 7. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 4. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 14. Same. In Works (Knight), 6. Macbeth travestie. Talfourd. Lacy's PI., 8. Mac earthy More. Com. Lover. Lacy's PI., 51. MacDuffy's cross. Scott. In Poet works, 8. Macias. Larra. J«. Obras comp.,2. Mad as a hatter. Far. Marshall. Lacy's PI., 61. Mad lover. The. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Mad world, my masters. Middleton. Dodsley'sOIdpl.,5. Madame Berliot's ball. Com. dr. Bur- nand. Lacy's PI., 61. Mademoiselle de Belle Isle. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 5. Magelone. Tieck. In Schrlften, 13. Magic toys. Ballet far. Oxenford. La- cy's Pi., 42. Magnetic lady. Jonson. In Works. Magnetische kuren. Lustsp. HacklSn- der. In Werke, 15. Magnificent lovers. Com. MoIiSre. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 7. Mahomet Trau. GOthe. In Samm. werke, 1. Same. In Werke, 7. Mahomet. Trag. Voltaire. In Works, 23. Mahomet, the impostor. Trag. Miller. Br. dr.. 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 13. Maid and magpie. Trav. Byron. La- cy's PI.,. 37. Maid and magpie. Pocock. Lacy's PI., 87. Maid of Croissey. Gore. Mod. st. dr., 4. Maid of honor. Trag. -com. Massinger. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. In Dr. works. Maid of honor. Com'tta. Wooler. La- cy's PI., 63. Maid of Mariendorpt. Knowles. In Dr. works, 2. Maid of Orleans. Schiller. Bohn's St lib. Same. In Works. Maid of the mill. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Maid of the mill. Op. Bickerstaff. Dicks' Br. dr., .5. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 17. Maid of the Oaks. Burgoyne. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Same. Inchb. Far., 6. Maid with the milking-pail. Comic dr. Buckstone. Lac.v's PI., 10. Maid's tragedy. Trag. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Maidens of Trachis. Trag. Sophocles. In /lis Tragedies. Maison de Penarvan. Com. Sandeau. In ffiuvres, 1. Maltre Gufirin. Com. Angler. In (Eu- vres, 5. Maltre Wolfram. Opfira com. MSry. In CEuvres, 4. Mattresse au logis. Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Make your wills. Far. Mayhew and Smith. Lacy's PI., 59. DRAMAS jVTal casfldos de "Valencia, Iios. Com. Castro. In Origlnes del teatro Esp. Malade imaglnaire. Com. Molifire. In OCuvres, 2. Same. In CEuvres choisies, 2. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 10. Malcontent. Marston. Dodsley's Old pl.,4. Malcontent. Com. Webster and Mars- ton. Jn Works (Webster), 4. Same. In Works (Webster), ed. 1859. Malheur aux vaincus. Com. Ponsard. In Lion amoureux, Le. Maltheser, Die. Schiller. In Silmm. werke, 7. Man of many friends. Com. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 23. Man of the world. Com. Macklin. Br. dr.,1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 14. Same. Lacy's PI., 71. Man of two lives. Romant.play. Found- ed on 'Lesmlsfirables.' Bernard. La- cy's PI., 85. Man who follows the ladies. Far. Paul. Lacy's PI., 48. Man with the carpet-bag. Far. X'Beck- ett. Lacy's PI., 68. Man with the demijohn. Baker. In Mimic stage. Man with the iron mask. Adapted from the French. Lucas. Lacy's PI., 28. Man's the master. Com. Davenant In Works. Mandarin's daughter. Lacy's PI., 5. Manfred. Trag. Byron. Lacy's PI., 60. Manor Sackville. Com. Morgan. In Dramatic scenes from real life. Mansarde des artistes. Com. Scribe. In (Euvres, 2. Maratre, La, Balzac. Jn CEuvres comp., 39. Marble bride. Hazlewood. Lacy's PI., 32. Marble heart. Selby. Laov's PI., 1.5. Marbrier. Dumas. Jn, Theatre comp., 12. Marco Spada. From the Fr. of Scribe. Simpson. Lacy's PI., 10. Same. Mod. st. dr., IS. Margaret Catchpole, the heroine of Suf- folK. Stirling. Lacy's Pi., 3.5. Margarethe. Parodle. Holtei. Jn Thea- ter, 4. Margate sands. Far. Hancock. Lacy's PI., 61. Margery Daw, or the two bumpkins. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 54. Marguerite's colors. Comic dr. Archer. Lacy's PI., 47. Marl de la veuve. Com. Dumas. In Thaitre comp., 2. Maria Magdalene. Trag. Hebbel. In Samm. werke, 2. Maria Stuart. Schiller. Jn Samm. werke, 5,6. Same. Jn Samm. werke, in zwelbanden, 1. Mariage d 'argent. Scribe. Jn CEuvres, 5. Mariage de Figaro. Beaumarchais. In Theatre. Mariage de raison. Com. Scribe.' In CEuvres, 2. Mariage forc6. Com. Mollfire. In CEu- vres, 1. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 7. Mariage sous Louis xv. Com. Dumas. In Theatre comp., .5. Mariamne. Trag. Voltaire. Jn CEuvres comp., 1. Same. In Works, 21. Marianne, the vivandifire. Phillips. La- cy's PI., 46. Marie Antoinette. Hist. dr. Glacometti. Lacy's PI., 83. Marie Ducange. Domestic dr. Bernard. Lacy's PI., 32. Marie Tudor. Hugo. In Theatre, 3. Marielle. Com. Dudevant. Jn Theatre de Nohant. Mariner's compass. Leslie. Lacy's PL, 83. Marino Fallero. Trag. Delavigne. In CEuvres, 2. Marino Faliero, doge of Venice. Trag. Byron. In Complete works. Marriage a-la-mode. Com. Dryden. In Works, 4. Marriage a lottery. Com. Dance. La- cy's Pi., 36. Marriage at any price. Far. Wooler. Lacy's PI., 55. Married and single. Com. Poole. Mod. St. dr., 10. Married daughters and young husbands. Comic dr. Daly. Lacy's PI., 20. 250 Married life. Com. Buckstone. Mod. St. dr., 17. Married rake. Far. Selby. Lacy's PL, Married un-married. Barnett Lacy's PL, 14. Marrons du feu. Com. Musset In Pre- mieres poesies. Martha Willis. Domestic dr. Jerrold. Lacy's PL, 33. Martyr. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Mary, queen of Scots. Historical dr. Murray. Lacy's PL, 4. Mary, queen of Scots. Trag. St. John. Inchb. Mod. th.,8. Mary Price. Lacv'sPL,52. Mary Stuart. Historical dr. Schiller. In Works. Same. Bohn's St. lib. Mary Turner. Burl. Burnand. Lacy's PL, 78. MasanieUo. A fish tale. Brough. Iiacy's PL, 32. MasanieUo. Mus. dr. Milner. Mod. st. dr., 2.5. Masoarade. Com. Holberg. In Come- dier. MnskenzUge. G6the. In Samm. werke, 2. Masque of the Inner-temple and Gray's inn. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Master Gert Westphaler. Com. Hol- berg. In Comedier. Master Jones's birthday. Far. Morton. Lacy's PL, 81. Master-passion. Com. Phillips. Lacy's PL, 7. Match. Com. Baillie. In Dr. and poet. works. Match at midnight. Rowley. Dodsley's OIdpL,7. Match-making. Com. Poole. Lacy's PL, 27. Mathilde von Valols. Platen. In Ges. werke, 3. Matilda. Trag. Franklin. Inchb. Mod. th.,8. Matinee du comedlen de Pers6polis. Proverbe. Mole. Matrimonial. Far. Brldgeman. Lacy's PL, 7. Matrimonial prospectuses. Comedietta. Simpson. Lacy's PL, 6. Matrimony. Com. Kenney. Lacy's PL, 37. Same. Inchb. Far., 1. Matteo Falcone. Melo-dr. Oxberry. La- cy's PL, 83. Maud's peril. Phillips. Lacy's PL, 80. Mayor of Garratt. Far. Foote. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Far., 5. Same. Lacy's PL, 72. Mayor of Quinborough, The. Middle- ton. Dodsley's Old pL, 11. Mazeppa. BurL extr. Byron. Lacy's PL, 46. Mazeppa- Milner. Mod. st. dr., 23. Mazourka. Burl. extr. Byron. Lacy's PL, 63. Meadows of St Gervais. Farce -com. Ware. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Measure for measure. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th., 3. Same. In Dr. works (Bost ed.), 1. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 1. Satne. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tleck), 10. Same. In Plays (Reed), 3. Same. In S. in Deutschertibersetzung, 7. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 1. Same. In Works (Halllwell), 3. Same. In Works (Knight), 4. Mechant Com. Gresset. In CEuvres, 2. Medea. Brough. Lacy's PL, 27. Medea. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib., 1. Same. (Lennox, ilfri.) Brumoy'sGr. th., 2. >Same. (Potter.) Class, fam. lib., 1. Same. Gr. In Opera omnia, 1. Same. Gr. et Lat. (Didot) In Fabulae. Same. In Tragcedise sex. Medea. Grillparzer. In Samm. werke, 3. Medea. Trag. Legouve. Lacy's PL, 53. Medecin malgre luL Com. MoIi6re. In CEuvres, 1. Same. In CEuvres choisies, 1. Meeres und der llebe wellen. Trauersp. Grillparzer. In Siimm. werke, .5. Meg's diversion. Craven. Iiacy's PL, 73. DRAMAS Melampe. Com. Holberg. In Come- dier. " Meiicerte. Com. Mollfire. Jn Works In Fr. and Eng., 9. Melusina. Romant op. Grillparzer. In Silmm. werke, 5. Memolres d'un colonel de hnssards. Com. .Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Menaschmi. Com. Plautus. In Comce- diie, 2. Valpy's Script Lat Same. (Riley.) In Comedies, 1. Menemnos. Com. Tlmoneda. Jn Origl- nes del teatro Esp. Menippus, or the Necyomantia. Com. Lucian. Tr. by W. Maginn. Jn Homeric ballads, etc. Menippus and Chiron. Com. Lucian. Tr. by W. Maginn. Jn Homeric ballads, etc. Menschenfeind, Der. Schiller. Jn Samm. werke, 1, 2. Menteur, Le. Com. Corneille. Jn Thea- tre, 1. Menteur verldlque. Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Mephistopheles. Extr. Brough and Ed- wards. Lacy's PL, 25. Mercader amante. Com. Aguilar. In Origines del teatro Esp. Mercator. Com. Plautus. In ComcE- diee, 3. Valpy's Script Lat Same. (Riley.) In Comedies. 2. Merchan t of Bruges. Altered from Beau- mont and Fletcher. Kinnaird. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Merchant of Venice. Com. Shakes- peare. Inchb. Br. th., 2. Same. Lacy's PL, 25. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 2. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 1. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 6. Sams. In Plays (Reed), 4. Same. In Selections (Bulflnch). Same. Jn.S. in Deutschertibersetzung, 5. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 1. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 5. Same. In Works (Knight), 3. Merchant pirate. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. M6re coupable. Com. Beaumarchais. In Theatre. M6rope. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Same. Jn Theatre. Same. In Works, 22. Merry devil of Edmonton. Dodsley's Old pL,5. Merry devil of Edmonton. Com. Shakes- peare. In Pict. ed. of worksfKnight), 7. Merry widow. Com. Buckingham. La- cy's PL, 58. Merry wives of Windsor. Com. Shakes- peare. Inchb. Br. th., 3. Savie. Lacy's PL , 62. Same. In Dr. works (Bost ed.), 1. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 2. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Heck), 9. Sams. Jn Plays (Reed), 3. Same. In S. in Deutscher flbersetzung, 4. Same. In Works (ed. 1023). Same. In Works (Clarke), 1. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 2. Same. In Works (Knight), 3. Metamorfosea, Comedia llamada- Cepe- da. In Origines del teatro Esp. Michael Angelo. Hebbel. In Samm. werke, 2. Michael Erie, the maniac lover. WUks. Lacy's PL, 33. Michel et Christine. Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Microcosmus. Nabbes. Dodsley's Old pL, 9. Midas. Burletta. O'Hara. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Par., 7. Same. Lacy's PL, 12. Middy ashore. Far. Bernard. Lacy's PL, 48. Midnight hour. Petite com. Inchbald. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Same. Inchb. Far., 1. Midnight watch. Morton. Lacy's PL, 39. Midsummer - night's dream. Shakes- peare. Lacy's PL, 28. Same. Mod. st. dr., 14. Same. In Dr. works (Bost ed.), 2. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 1. Satne. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tleck), 4. Same. In Plays (Reed), 2. Same. Jn Selections (Bulflnch). I Same. Jn S. In Deutscher flbersetzung, 3. DRAMAS 251 DRAMAS Bame. In Works (ed. 1623). Samf. Jn Works (Clarke), 1. Same. Jn Works ( Halliwell), 5. Some. In Works (Knight), 3. Millies Urtheil. Trauersp. MuncU-Bel- llnghausen. In Werke, 3. Miles gloriosus. Com. Plautus. In Comcedife, 3. Valpy's Script. Lat. Same. (Riley.) Iii Comei Mimic stage. No mas mostrad6r. Com. Larra. In Obras comp., 2. No song, no supper. Mus. entert. Hoare. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Lacy's PI., 89. Noble gentleman. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Nobody's child. Eomantic dr. Phillips. Lacy's PI., 77. Noce et I'enterrement. Vaud. Dumaa. In Theatre comp., 1. No^mie. Dennery et Clement. Tr. by Robertson." Lacy's PI., 23. Non-juror. Com. Cibber. In Dr. works, 3. Norma. Trav. Oxberry. Lacy's PI., 55. Norma. Tragic op. Tr. from the Ital. Planche. Lacy's Pi., 32. Northward ho. Com. Webster. In Works, 3. Same. In Works (ed. 1859). Not a bad judge. Comic dr. Planchg. Lacy's PI., 8. Not guilty. Phillips. Lacy's PI., 84. Not so bad after all. Com. Reeve. La- cy's PI., 88. Not so bad as we seem. Com. Bulwer- Lytton. In Dr. works. Same. J/i Dr. works CLeipsiged.). Nothing to nurse. Far. Walcot. Lacy's PI., 33. Nothing venture, nothing win. Comic dr. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 35. Notoriety. Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Mod. th., 1. Nouveau Pourceaugnac. Com. Scribe. In OCuvres, 1. Novelty fair. Lacy's PI., 1. Nubes. See Clouds. Null de la garde nationale. Vaud. Scribe. In ffiuvres, 1. Nult de noel. Fantaisie. Dudevant. In Theatre de Nohant. Nult du midi. MSry. In CEuvres, 7. Nuit Venitienne. Com. Musset. In Com. et pro v., 1. Numancia. Trag. Cervantes. Jn Obras escogidas, 10. Same. In Origines del teatro Esp. Number one, round the corner. Far. Brough. Lacy's PI., 14. Nur keine Hebe. Putlitz. Jn Lustsp., .3. Nursery chickweed. Far. Williams. Lacy's PI., 43. Nye-aars prologus. Com. Holberg. In Oomedler. Nymph of the Lurleyburg. Extr. By- ron. Lacy's PI., 43. O. Oberon. Op. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 59. Object of interest. Far. Stocqueler. Lacy's PI., 16. Observation and flirtation. Com. Wigan. Lacy's PI., 47. Obstinate family. Far. Lacy's PI., 10. Ocean of life. Haines. Lacy's PI., 69. Octoroon. Boucicault. Lacy's PI., 65. Odd lot, An. Far. Gordon. Lacy's PI., 62. OSdipe. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Same. In Theatre. Same. In Works, 21. CEdipus. Trag. Dryden. In Works, 6. CEdipus. Trag. Sophocles. (Lennox, Mrs.) Brumoy 's Gr. th. , 1. CEdipus, the king. Trag. Sophocles. (Plumptre.) In Tragedies, 1. Same. Ger. (Viehoff.) /?t TragMlen. CEdipus at Colona. Trag. Sophocles. (Lennox, Mr.L'. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Same. In Theatre. Orpheus and Eurydlce. Class, love tale. Byron. Lacy's PI., 61. Orpheus in the Havmarket. Op. buffo. Planche, Lacy's PI., 68. Orra. Trag. Baillie. In Dr. and poet. works. Othello. Trav. Dowling. Lacy's PI., 38. Othello. Trag. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th.,.5. Same. Mod. st. dr., 3. Same. In Dr. works I'Bost. ed.), 7. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 4. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), Same. In Plays (Reed), 16. Same. InS. in Deutscher iibersetzung, 7. Same. In Works fed. 1623). Same. J?i Works (Clarke), 4. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 15. Same. In Works (Knight), 5. Ottfried. Schausp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 13. Our clerks. Far. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 6. Our domestics. Com. far. Hay. Lacy's PI., 76. Our new man. Far. Suter. Lacy's PI., 65. Our old house at home. Blake. Lacy's PI., 2.5. Our village. Domestic dr. Rede. Lacy's PI., 88. Our wife. Comic dr. Morton. Lacy's PI., 28. Ours et le pacha. Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Out on the loose. Far. Barnett. Lacy's PI., 2. Outlaw of the Adriatic. Romantic dr. Sejour. Lacy's PI., 45. P. P., or the man and the tiger. Far. Parry. Lacy's PL, 11. Pacha of Pimlico. Extr. Morton. La- cy's PL, 51. Paddy Carey. Far. Power. Lacy's PL, 26. Padlock. Op. Bickerstaff. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Same. Inchb. Far., 4. Pagar y no pagar. Rueda. In Origines del teatro Esp. Painter of Ghent. Jerrold. inftis Come- dies and dramas. Pair of pigeons. Domestic sketch. Stir- ling. Lacy's PL, 3:5. Palace of truth. Fairy com. Gilbert Lacy's PL, 89. Palaeophron undNeoterpe. Vorsp. Go- the. In Samm. werke, 2. Pamela Giraud. Balzac. In CEuvres comp., 39. Pamphlet, Le. Com. Legouve. In CEu- vres, 1. Pan. Class, past. Byron. Lacy's PL, 66. Pandora. Festsp. Gothe. In Samm. werke, 1. Same. In W^erke, 40. Bandore. Op. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Same, in Works, 22. Pandora. Lustsp. Wieland. Jn Samm. werke, 28. Pandora's box. Extr. Byron. Lacy's PL, 76. Panel. Com. Kemble. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Pantsatte bonde-dreng. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Papal tyranny. Trag. Cibber. In Dr. works, 4. Paper wings. Com. Phillips. Lacy's PL, 83. Paphian bower. Burletta. Planche a>uJ Dance. Lacy's PL, 44. DRAMAS 253 DRAMAS Papillonetta, BurL extr. Brough. La- cy 's PI., 63. Par droit de conqufite. Com. Legouvfi. In tEuvres, 3. Paracel.sus. Browning. Jn Poems, 1. Parasit, Ber. Lustsp. Schiller. /nSamm. werke, 7, 8. Same. In Samm. werke, In zwel bttnden, 2. Parasite, or how to make one's fortune. Com. Pardoner and the frere. Heywood. Jn Four old plays. Paria. Trag. Delavigne. 7?i CEuvres, 1. Paris. Burl. Burnand. Lacy 's PI., 84. Paris and pleasure. Burl. Selby. La- 03' 's PI. 49. Paris ventre fl. terre. Com. BarriSre et Stapleaux. In CEuvres (Barriere), 5. Parliament of love. Massinger. In Dr. works. Parson's wedding. Kelligrew. Dodsley's Old pi., U. Partir & tiempo. Com. Larra. In Obras comp., 2. Passing cloud. Eomant dr. Bernard. Lacy'sPl.,1. Same. Mod. st. dr., 11. Patient Penelope. Burl. Burnand. La- cy's PI., 61. Patkul. Trauersp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 9. Patrician's daughter. Trag. Marston. Lacy's PI., 48. Patrie. Sardou. In CEuvres, 4. Paul and Virginia. Mus. entert Cobb. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Paul Forestier. Com. Augier. In CEu- vres, 7. PaulJones. Dumas. J>i Theatre comp., 4. Paul Pry. Com. Jerrold. Lacy's PI., 47. Paul Pry. Com. Poole. Lacy's PI., 15. Same. Mod. St. dr., 10. Paul Pry married and settled. Far. Mathews. Lacy's PI. , 68. Paul's return. Com. PhiUips. Lacy's PI., 62. Pauline. Lacy's PI., 5. Same. Mod. sc. dr., 17. Pax. See Peace (below). Payable on demand. Domest. dr. Tay- lor. Lacy's PI., 41. Peace. Com. Aristophanes. (Hickie.) 1)1 Comedies, 1. Same. (Lennox, Mrs.) Brumoy's Gr. th., 3. Same. Gr. In Comoedise, 1. Same. Gr. etLat. i>i Comcedlae. Didot's Script. Grfec. biblioth. Peace and quiet. Far. Williaras. La- cy's PI., 51. Peddler of Very-nice. Baker. In Ama- teur dramas. Pedlar boy. Harrington. Lacy's PI., 87. Pedlar's acre. Melo-dr. Alnjar. Lacy's PI., 74. Pedriilo. Johnstone. Lacy's PI., 85. Peep-showman. WUliams. Lacy's PI., 80. Peggy Green. Com. dr. Selby. Lacy's PI., 42. Peiopides. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 2. Pfinfilope Normande, La. Karr. In CEu- vres, 16. Penthesilea. Trauersp. Kleist. In Ges. schriften, 1. Percy. Trag. More. Br. dr., 1. Sonne. Inchb. Mod. th., 7. Perdita. Burl. Brough. Lacy's PI., 28. Pfire prodigue. Com. Dumas Ms. In CEuvres, 18. Pfires r6concili6sparleursenfants. Com. Berquin. In Theatre. Perfect love. Spect. play. Eeece. La- cy's PI., 90. Perfection. Com. Bayly. Lacy'sPI.,13. Pericles, prince of Tyre. Trag. Shakes- peare. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 6. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 4. Same. In Plays (Reed), 17. Same. In S. in Deutscher iibersetzung, 3, Sams. In Works (Clarke), 4. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 16. Same. In Works (Knight), 7. peril en la demeure. Com. FeuUlet. In CEuvres, 3. Periodismo, 6 las dos bodas. Com. En- tralgo. Perkin Warbeck. Ford. In Dr. works. Pernilles korte freiken stand. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Persa. Com. Plautus. In Comoediae, 3. Same. Jn Comedies, 2. Persse. See Persians {below). Perseus and Andromeda Extr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 53. Persians. Trag. .SIschylus. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Lennox, Jtfr«.) Brumoy's Gr. th.. Same. Ger. (Donner.) In Werke. Same. Gr. Jn Tragoediae. Same. Gr. etLat. (Didot.) Jn Tragoedise. Personation. InterL Decamp. Lacy's PI., 89. Pet lamb. Com'tta. Selby. Lacy's PI., 47. Pet of the public. Far. Stirling. Lacy's PI., 12. Peter Smlnk. Com. dr. Payne. Lacy's PI., 75. Peter Wilkins, or the flying islanders. Lacy's PI., 25. Same. Mod. st. dr., 19. Petit bout d'oreille. Com. Gozlan. I7i CEuvres, 2. Petit de crac. Com. S6gur. In Come- dies et prov. Petit joueur de vlolon. Com. Berquin. In Theatre. Petite glaneuse. La. Com. Berquin. In (7hoix de petits drames et de contes. Same. In Theatre. Petltes couturifires. Com. Berquin. In Theatre. Pets of the parterre. Com'tta. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 48. Petticoat government InterL far. Dance. Lacy's PI., 23. Phiidra. Trauersp. Schiller. In Samm. werke, 7, 8. Same. In Samm. werke, in zwei banden, 1. Phantom. Mus. dr. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Phantom. Boucicault. Mod. st. dr.. 21. Phfidre. Trag. Kacine. In CEuvres. Same. In CEuvres comp., 3. Same. In Theatre comp. Pheiiicians. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) In Tragedies, 1. Same. (Lennox, 3Jr«.) Brumoy's Gr. th., 2. Same. Gr. In Opera omnia, 3. Same. Gr. Jn Tragoediae sex. Same. Gr. et Lat. In Fabulse. Didot's Script. Grfec. biblioth. Phenomenon in a smock froclc Com. dr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 9. Philaster. Trag. Beaumont and Fletch- er. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. PhUiberte. Com. Augier. Jn CEuvres, 2. Philip van Artevelde. Taylor. In Poet. works, 1. Philippe, or the secret marriage. Domest. dr. Murray. Lacy's PI., 82. Philoctetes. Trag. Sophocles. (Lennox, Mi-s.) Brumoy's Gr. th.,1. Same. (Plumpire.) In Tragedies, 2. Same. In Tragedies (N. Y. ed.). Same. In Tragedies (Oxford tr.). Philosopher's stone. Far. Coyne. La- cy's PI., 1. Philosophus udi egen indbilding. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. PhUotas. Trauersp. Lesslng. In Ges. werke. Phoenician virgins. Trag. Euripides. Tr. by K. Potter. Class, fam. hb., 1. PhoenisssB. See Phenicians. Phormio. Com. TerentiusAfer. (Buck- ley.) Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Riley.) In Comedies. Same. In Comoedise (ed. 1623). Satne. In Comoediaj (Leipsig ed.). Same. Gr. In ComcBdise sex (ed. 1702). Same. Gr. (Valpy.) J/i Comcedise. Photographic fix. Far. Hay. Lacy's PI., 70. Piano de Berthe, Le. Com. BarrlSre et Lorin. In CEuvres (Barrifire), 4. Piccolomlni. Schiller. Jn Samm. werke, 3,4. Sams. In Revolt of Netherlands, and dramas. Same. (Coleridge.) In his Poet and dr. works, 3. Same. Bohn's St lib. Picture. Massinger. In Dr. works. Pi6ce et le prologue. Com. Didler. (QS- nin.) In CEuvres choisles, 2. Pierette. Com. op'tta. FitzbaU. Lacy's PI., 36. Pierre de louche, La. Com. Augier et ' Sandeau. In (Euvres (Augier), 6. Pierrot posthume. Arlequiuade. Gau- tier. In CEuvres, 3. Pike O'Callaghan. Reeve. Lacy's PL, 87. Pilgrim. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. Jn Works. Eng. ed., 1. Pilgrim of love. Fairy rorii. Byron. La- cy's PL, 45. Pilot. Naut burletta. FitzbalL Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Pinner of Wakefield. Dodsley's Old pi., 3. Pipermans' predicaments. Far. Ware. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Pipkin's rustic retreat. Williams. Lacy's PL, 69. Plppa passes. Browning. In Poems, 1. Piquillo. Op.com. Dumas. Jn Theatre comp., 4. Pirates of Putney. Naut extr. Selby. Lacy's PL, 60. Pirates of the Savannah. Romant. dr. Bourgeois et Dugue. Lacy's I'L, 51. Pirithous, the son of Ixion. Extr. Bur- nand. Lacy's PL, 6-5. Pizarro. Trag. Kotzebue. Altered by Sheridan. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. lacy's PL, 27. Same. Mod. st. dr., 3. Plaideurs. Com. Racine. In CEuvres. Same. In CEuvres comp., 1. Same. In Theatre comp. Plain dealer. Wycherley. Jn Dr. works. Platonic attachments. Far. Bernard. Lacy's PL, 2. Platonick lovers. Trag. -com. Davenant. In Works. Play-house to be let Com. Davenant In Works. Playing with fire. Com. Brougham. La- cy's PL, 66. Pleasant dreams. Far. Dance. Lacy's PL, 80. Please to remember the grotto. Far. Oxenford. Lacy's PL, 70. Plot and counterplot Far. Kemble. Lacy's PL, 00. Plot and passion. Lacy's PL, 13. Pluie et le beau temps. Com. Gozlan. In CEuvres, 2. Plusbeaujourdelavie,Le. Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 2. Pluto and Pros'erpine. Extr. Talfourd. Lacy's PL, 36. Plutus. Com. Aristophanes. (Hickie.) In Comedies, 2. Same. (Lennox, ilfr«.) Brumoy's Gr.th., 3. Same. Gr. In Comoedise, 2. Same. Gr. et Lat. In Comoedise. Didot's Script Grsec. biblioth. Plutus. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Poenulus. Com. Plautus. Jn Comoedise, 3. Poetaster. Jonson. In Works. Point of honor. Kemble. Inchb. Br. th., 24. Polish Jew. Ware. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Politian. Poe. In Poems. Politiske kandstober. Holberg. In Co- medier. Polly Honeycombe. Colman. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Polyeucte. Trag. Corneille. Jn Theatre, 1. Pompee. Trag. Corneille. In Theatre, 1. Poor cousin Walter. Far. Simpson. La- cy's PL, 2. Poor gentleman. Com. Colman, jr. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 21. Same. Lacy's PL, 39. Same. Mod. st dr., 3. Poor nobleman. Ser.-com. dr. Selby. Lacy's PL, 53. Poor of New York. By the ■■■• * •■■■ •■' club. Mod. St. dr., 24. Poor Pillicoddy. Far. Morton. Lacy's PL, 38. Poor soldier. Op. O'Keeflfe. Inchb. Far., 2. Popping the question. Far. Buckstone. Lacy's PL, 87. Popularite. Com. Delavigne. In CEu- vres, 4. Pork chops. Extr. Blanchard. Lacy's PL, 45. Porter's knot. Far. Oxenford. Lacy's PL, 38. Post-boy. Craven. Lacy's PL , 48. Post of honor. Com. dr. Mildenhall. Lacy's PL, 48. Post-scriptum. Com. Augier. In CEu- vres, 5. PoulaDholI. Hazlewood. Lacy's PL, 77. Pour et le centre. Com. Feuillet In (Euvres, 3. DRAMAS Pouter's wedding. Far. Morton. Lacy's PL, 67. Practical man. Far. Bernard. Lacy's PI., 1. Pr^cieuses ridicules. Com. Molifere. In CKuvres, 1. Same. In OEuvres clioisies, 1. Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 2. Precious piclile. Dialogue. Balier. In Baiter's dozen. PremiSres amours. Vaud. Scribe. In CEuvres, 2. Presumptive evidence. Domest. dr. Buclistone. Lacy's PI., 82. Pretty liorsebreaker. Sketcli. Brough a/irfHalliday. Lacy's Pi., 51. Pretty piece of business. Com. Morton. Lacy's PI., 12. Pride of the market. Com. dr. Planch^. Lacy's PI., 20. Prima donna. Com. Bouclcault. Lacy's PI., 8. Prince Amabel. Fairy extr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 55. Prince Camaralzaman. Extr. Belling- ham and Best. Lacy's PI., 67. Prince Uorus. Far. Coyne. Lacy'sPl., Prince for an hour. Morton. Lacy'sPl., 25. Prince of happy land. Extr. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., IM. Princess. Whimsical allegory. Gilbert Lacy's PI., S7. Princess Charming. Burl. Arden. La- cy's PI., 76. Princess of Elis. Com. Moli5re. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 10. Princess Primrose. Burl. extr. BeUlng- hamtmdBest. Lacy's PI., 68. Princess Spring-time. Extr. Byron. Lacy's PI., 64. PrnicesseAureiie. Com. Delavigne. In CEuvres, 2. Priucesse de Navarre. Voltaire. In CEu- vres comp., 1. Princesses in the tower. Lacy's PI., 2. Prinz Friedrich von Komburg. Schausp. Kleist. In Ges. schriften, 2. Prinz Zerbino ; oder die reise nach dem guten geschmack. Lustsp. 'ileck. In Schriften, 10. Prisoner at large. Op. O'Keeffe. Inchb. Far., 2. Prisoner of state. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Prisoner of war. Com. Jerrold. In Comedies. Same. Lacy's PI., 27. Prisonniers de guerre. Com. Bousseau. In Giuvres, 8. Prix de famille. Com. M6ry. In OSu- vres, 6. Prodigal. Com. Voltaire. Jn Works, 22. Prolog. Dr. gedichte. Tieck. In Schrif- ten, 13. Prometheus. Trag. ^schylus. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Lennox, Jlfrs.) Brumoy'sGr. th., Prometheus. Gothe. In Silmm. werke, 2. Prometheus. Extr. Reece. Lacy'sPl., 68. Prometheus bound. Trauersp. ^schy- lus. (Donuer.) /n Werke. Same. Trag. Gr. Jn Tragoedise. Same. Gr. ec Lat. Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Same. Browning, Jfr«. Tr. from ^schy- lUS. S me. In Poems, 1. Pxometheus unbound. Poetic dr. Shel- ley. In Poetical works, 1. Same. In Works, 2. Promotion. Vaud. PlanchC. Lacy'sPl., 21. Prophetess, The. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Satne. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Provoked husband. Com. Vanbrugh. Altered by Cibber. Br. dr., 2. Sam^. DicKs' Br. dr., 'S. Same. Jn Dr. works, 4. Same, luchb. Br. th., a. Provoked wife. Com. Vanbrugh. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Sams. In Dr. works. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 9. Prude, La. Com. Voltaire. Jn CEuvres comp., 1. Same. In Works, 23. Pseudolus. Com. Plautus. In Come^ dies, 1. 254 Psyche. Com. Moll6re. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 7. Public benefactor. Dialogue. Baker. In Baker's dozen. Pucelle d'Orieans. Poeme. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp. , 2. Pugatschew. Trauersp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 5. Pure gold. Marston. Lacy's Pi., 6L Puritan. Com. Shakespeare. In Pict ed. of works (Knight), 7. Sams. In Supplement to plays. Purse, or the benevolent tar. Mus. entert. Cross. Dicks' Br. dr., H. Pygmalion. Burl. Brough. Lacy'sPl., Quaker. Com. op. Dibdin. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Inchb. Far., 4. Same. Lacy'sPl., 86. Quarantaine,La. Com. Scribe. Jn CEu- vres, 2. Queen Mary's bower. Com. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 20. Queen-mother. Swinburne. Queen of Arragou. Habington. Dods- Iey'sOldpl.,9. Queen of Arragon. Petite com. Paul. Lacy'sPl., 30. Queen of Corinth. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Queen of spades. Bouclcault. Lacy's PI., 24. Queen of the frogs. Extr. Planchg. La- cy's PI., 19. Question d'argent, La. Com. T>\itnstaflU. In CEuvres, 17. Quiet family. Far. Suter. Lacy's PI., 30. R. Race for a widow. Far. Williams. La- cy's Pi., 46. Ratfaelle, the reprobate. WUks. Lacy's Pi., 10. Rage. Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Mod. th., 1. Ragpicker of Paris. Stirling. Lacy'sPl., 81. Sa7ne. Mod. st. dr., 14. Railroad station. Far. Wllka Lacy's PL, 47. Railway belle. Far. Lemon. Lacy's Pi., 17. Raising the wind. Far. Kenney. Inchb. Far., 1. Same. Lacy's PL, 3. Same. Mod. sL dr., 4. Rake's progress. Kede. Lacy's PL, 32. Ram alley. Barrj'. Dodsley's 01dpL,5. RamahDroog. Comic op. Cobb. Inchb. Mod. th., 6. Rameau's neffe. Gothe. In Werke, 36. Ran Be. See Frogs. Ranelagh. Com. dr. Simpson and Wray. Lacy's Pi., 13. Raphaella. Trag. Andersen. In Ges. werke, 3. Rappings and table - movings. Far. PauL Lacy's PL, n. Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia, Extr. Brough. Lacy's PL, 57. Rauber, Die. Schausp. Schiller. In Samui. werke, 1, 2. Same. In Samm. werke, In zwei banden, 1. Raymond and Agnes. Melo-dr. Lewis. Lacy's PL, 43. Same. Mod. st. dr. , 24. Real and ideal. Com. Wigan. Lacy's PL, 56. Reapers. Stirling. Lacy's PL, 62. Recruiting officer. Com. Farquhar. Br. dr.,z. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. In Dr. works. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 8. Recruiting sergeant. Op. Bickerstaff. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Red chignon. DiaL Baker. In Baker's dozen. Red mask. Melo-dr. Brougham. Mod. St. dr., 20. Refusal. Cibber. In Dr. works, 4. Regicide. Trag. Smollett. In Mis. works, 3. Register office. Far. Reed. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Same. Inchb. Far., 3. Regular lix. Morton. Lacy's PL, 48. Reigning favorite. See Adrienne Le- couvreur. Reine Margot, La. Dumas. In Thffitre comp., 6. DRAMAS Relapse, or virtue in danger. Vanbrugh. In Dr. works. Remorse. Trag. Coleridge. In Com- plete works, 7. Same. In Poet, and dr. works, 2. Rendezvous. Far. Ay ton. Lacy's PL, 43. Renegade. Massinger. In Dr. worlis. Rent-day. Domestic dr. Jerrold. In Comedies and dramas. Same. Lacy's PL, 15. Republiqven. Com. Holberg. JnCom- edier. Ressources de Qulnola. Prol. Balzac. In CEuvres comp. , .39. Retablo de las maravillas. Entremes. Cervantes Saavedra. In Obras escogi- das, 10. Retained for the defense. Far. Oxen- ford. Lacy's PL, 41. Retired from business. Com. Jerrold. Iti Comedies. Retribution. Domest. dr. Lacy's PL, 27. Same. Mod. st. dr., 19. Return of the Druses. Trag. Brown- ing. In Poems, 2. Return of the wanderer. See Jessy Vere. Revenge. BurL Ghatterton. In Poet, works, 1. Revenge. Trag. Toung. Br. dr., 1, Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. tli., 12. Same. Lacy's PL, 70. Revenger's tragedy. Toumeur. Dods- ley's Old pL, 4. Review. Mus. far. Colman. Lacy's PL, 61. Rhesus. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib., 2. Same. (Lennox, Jlfr«.) Brumoy'sGr. th., Sam^. (Potter.) Class, fam. lib., 2. Same. Gr. In Opera omnia, 1. Same. Gr. et Lat. (Didot.) In Fabulse. Richard, King. See King Richard. Richard in. Trag. Cibber. In Dr. works, 2. Richard cceur de lion. Hist. rom. Bur- goyne. Altered from the Fr. of S6- daine. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Same. Inchb. Far., 6. Richard Darlington. Dumas. In Thea- tre comp., 2. Richelieu, or the conspiracy. Bnlwer- Ly tton. In Dramas and poems. Same. In Dr. works. Same. Mod. st. dr., 1. Rienzi. Trag. Mitford. Lacy's PI., 90. Same. Mod. st. dr., 22. Rifle, and how to use it. Far. Bridge- man. Lacy's PL, 42. Rifle volunteers. Stirling. Lacy's PL, 40. Rights and wrongs of woman. Far. Morton. Lacy 's PL , 26. Ring and the keeper. Op'tta. Wooler. Lacy's PL, 71. Rip van Winkle. Bristow and Wain- wright Lacy's PL, 39. Rip van Winkle. Burke. Mod. st. dr., 22. Rip van Winkle. Romant. dr. Kerr. Lacy's PL, 68. Rival fools. Com. Cibber. Jn Dr. works, Rival ladies. Trag. -com. Dryden. In Works, 2. Rival poets. Baker. In Amateur dra- mas. Rival politicians. Dialogue. Baker. In Baker's dozen. Rival queens. Trag. Lee. Inchb. Br. th.,6. Rivals. Com. Sheridan. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. In Dr. works. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 19. Same. Lacy's PL, 33. Road to ruin. Com. Holcroft. Dicks' Br. dr., ]. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 24. Same. Lacy's PL, 42. Same. Mod. st. dr., 7. Roaring giiie. Middleton and Dekkar. Dodsley's Old pL, 6. Robber of the Rhine. Melo-dr. Almar. Lacy's PL, 87. Same. Mod. st. dr., 23. Robber's wife. Pocock. Lacy's PL, 69. Robbers. Trag. Schiller. Bohn's St lib., 7. Same. In Early dramas and romances. Same. Mod. st. dr., 13. Sa7iie. Ger. In Samm. werke, 1, 2. DRAMAS 255 DRAMAS Robbers of Calabria. Lane. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Bobbers of the Pyrenees. Suter. Lacy's PI.. 56. Robert der teufel. Holtel. Jn Theater, 2. Robert Gulsoard. Tranersp. Kleist In Ges, schriften, v. 3. Robert Macaire. Melo-dr. Selby. La- cy'sPl.,30. Robert the devil. Op. Lacy. Lacy's PI., 31. Roberto Dillon. Melo-dr. Larra, In Obrascomp.,2. Robin Hood. Extr. Burnand. Lacy's PI., 57. Robin Hood. Dr. spect Fitzball. La- cy's PI., 48. Robinson Crusoe. Burl. Byron. Lacy's PI., 49. Robinson Crusoe. Bomant dr. Pocock. Lacy's PI.. 89. Rob Roy Macgregor. Op. dr. Pocock. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Same. Lacy's PI., 3. Same. Mod. st. dr. , II. Rocambole. Romant. dr. Suter. La- cy's PI., 66. Rochester, or King Charles the second's merry days. Com. Moncrieff. Lacy's PI., 83. Rodogune. Trag. ComeUle. 7raThefitre, 2. Roi s'amuse, Le. Hugo. In Th^fitre, 2. Roland for an Oliver. Com. Morton. Lacy's PI., 75. Roman actor. Massiiiger. In Dr. works. Roman father. Trag. Whitehead. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 14. Romance after marriage. Com. Good- rich and Warden. Mod. St. dr., 24. Romance and reality. Com. Brougham. Mod. St. dr., 15. Romance of a poor young man. See Honor before wealth. Romance under difficulties. Far. Bur- nand. Lacy's Pi., 26. Romantic attachment. Com'tta, Wood. Lacy's PI., 90. Romantic idea. Cora. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 21. I Romantic ladies. Corrl. Molifire. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 2. Romantische Oedipus. Lustsp. Platen. In Ges. werke, 4. Rome sauv6e, ou Catilina. Trag. Vol- taire, 7H anuvrescomp., 1. Same. In TM&tre. Romeo and Juliet. Trav. Halliday. La- cy's Pi., 4.3. Romeo and Juliet. Trag. Shakespeare. Inclib. Br. th., 1. Same. Lacy's PI., 18. Same. Mod. st. dr., 6. Same. In Dr. works (Boston ed.), 7. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitti, 4. Same. In Dr. werke CSchlegel u. Tieck), 4, Same. 7n Plays (Reed), 12. Same. In Selections (Bulflnch). Same. In S. in Deutscher tibersetzung, 5. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Sa^^le. In Works (Clarke), 3. Same. In Works (Variorum, Furness). Same. In Works (Halliwell), 13. Same. In Works (Knight), 5. Romlero. Trag. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Romp. Com. op. Bickerstaff. Altered from ' Love in the city.' Dicks' Br. dr., Romulus. Com. Dumas. In Theatre com p., 12. Bory O'More. Lover. Mod. st dr., 22. Rosamond. Swinburne. In Queen- mother. Rosamunde. Trauersp. Korner. In Siimm. werke. Rose, thistle, and shamrock. Com. dr. Edgeworth. In Works, 8. Rose of Arragon. Knowles. In Dr. works, 2. Rose of Ettrick vale. Lynch. Lacy's PI., 7. Same. Mod. st dr., 17. Rosemunde. Singsp. Wieland. In S.amm. werke. 28. Roses jauneSiLes. Com. Karr. JnCEu- vres, 16. Rosina. Com. op. Brooke. Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Far.. 3. Rough diamond. Com. dr. Buckstone. Lacy's PI., 17. Riibena. (Escenaprimera.) Vicente. In Origines del teatro Esp. Rubin, Der. Lustsp. Hebbel. JnSJimm. werke, 4. Rudens. Com. Plautus. Jn Comoediae, 3. Same. In Comedies, 2. RuHan cobarde, EI. Paso. Rueda. In Origines del teatro Esp. Rule a wife and have a wife. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Same. Inchb. Br. th.,6. Same. In Works, Am. ed.,2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Rule of three. Talfourd. Lacy's PI., 38. Rumplestiltskin, or the woman at the wheel. Extr. Burnand. Lacy's PI., 62. Runaways. Dial. Baker. Jn Baker's dozen. Ruth. Naut. dr. Haines. Lacy's PI., 44. Ruth Oaklev. Domest. dr. Harris and Williams. Lacy's PI. , 29. Ruthven. Harris. Lacy's PI., 41. Ruy Bias. Domest. dr. Hugo. Lacy's PI., 49. s_ Saco de Roma, EI. Com. Cueva. In Origines del teairo Esp. Sacontalfi. or the fatal ring. Tr. from the original Sanscrit and PrScrit. (CaUdas.) Sacrilege. Barrifire. In Oiuvres, 7. Sad shepherd, or a tale of Robin Hood. Joiison. In Works. Sage et le fou , Le. Com. M6ry et Lopez. Jn (Euvres (M6ry), 3. Sailor of France. Johnstone. Lacy's. PI., 17. Same. Mod. st. dr., 20. St. Clement's eve. Taylor. In his Poet works, 3. Saint Cupid, or Dorothy's fortune. Com. Jerrold. In Comedies. St. Mary's eve. Domest dr. Bernard. Lacy's Pi.. 33. St. Patrick's day, or the scheming lieu- tenant. Far. Sheridan. In Dr. works. Sam's arrival. Far. Oxenford. Lacy's PI., 56. Sampierra. Trauersp. Munch -Belling- hausen. In Werke, 5. Samson. Op. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. .Samuel in search of himself. Far. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 36. Santa Claus's frolics. Baker. In Baker's dozen. Sappho. Trauersplel. GriUparzer. In Siimm. werke, 2. Sarah, the Creole. Barnett Lacy's PI., 31. Sarah's young man. Suter. Lacy's PI., 31. Sardanapalus. Trag. Byron. Lacy'sPl., 11. Saine. Mod. st dr., 13. Same. In Comp. works. Satanas and the spirit of beauty. Coyne. Lacy's PI., :». Satyros. Gothe. In Samm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 13. Saul. Heavysege. Saiil. Trag. Lamartine. In CEuvres comp., 3.. Saiil. Voltaire. Jn CEuvres comp., L Scamps of London. MoncriefT. Lacy's PI., 81. Scapegoat Far. Poole. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Schatz des Rhampsinit. Der. Lustsp. Platen. In Ges. werke, 3. Schauspielerin,Die. Hebbel. JjiSamm. werke, 6. Scheming lieutenant See St Patrick's day. Scherz, list und rache. Singsp. Gothe. In Samm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 11. School for arrogance. Com. Holcroft Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Same. Inchb. Mod. th., 4. School for authors. The. Com. Tobin. Inchb. Far., 7. School for coquettes. Com'tta. Simp- son. Lacy's PI., 41. School for husbands. Com. Molifre. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 3. School for prejudice. Com. Dibdin. Inchb. Mod. th.,4. School for scandal. Com. Sheridan. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Same. Lacy's PI., 27. Same. Mod. st. dr.,1. Same. In Dr. works. School for wives. Com. Kelly. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Same. Inchb. Mod. th., 9. School for wives. Com. Molifire. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 3. School for wives criticised. Com. Moll- fire. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 3. School of reform. The. Com. Morton. Inchb. Br. th.,26. Same. Mod. st. dr., 23. School of the world. Com. Frederick II. (of Prussia). In Works, 6. Schoolfellows. Com. Jerrold. Jn Com- edies and dramas. Same. Lacy's Pi., 35. Schuldig. Lustsp. Hacklfinder. In Werke, 15. Schule der reichen. Die. Lustsp. Gutz- kow. In Dr. werke, 10. Scornful lady. Com.' Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. in. Works, Eng. ed., 1. Scrap of paper. Com. dr. Simpson. Lacy's PI., 51. Sculptor's triumph. Baker. In Ama- teur dramas. Scythes, Les. Trag. Voltaire. In CEu- vres comp., 2. Sea-gulls. Far. Maltby and Stainforth. Lacy's PI., 8.5. Sea of ice. Romant. dr. D'Ennery et Dugue. Lacy's PI., 13. Same. Mod. st dr., 15. Sea of troubles. Far. Baker. In Ama- teur dramas. Sea voyage. The. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Second love. Com. dr. Simpson. La- cy's PI., 28. Secret Far. Barrymore. Lacy'sPl., 48. Secret agent Com. Coyne. Lacy's PL, 18. Secret love, or maiden queen. Com. Dryden. In Works, 2. Secret service. PlanchS. Mod. st. dr., 4. Secretaire et le cuisinier, Le. Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Secretary. Knowles. In Dr. works, 2. Secrets worth knowing. Com. Morton. Inchb. Mod. th.,3. Seduction. Comedy. Holcroft. Inchb. Mod. th., 4. Sejanus : his fall. Jonson. Jn Works. Self. Com. Bateman. Mod. st dr., 21. Self-accusation. Lemon. Lacy's PI., 88. Semele. Congreve. In Dr. works. Semele. Schiller. JnSanim. werke, 1,2. semiramis. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp. Same. Jn Theatre. Same. Jn Works, 21. Sense and sensation. Burlesque. Taylor. Lacy's PI., 63. Sent to the tower. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 28. Separation. Trag. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Septem adversus Thebas. See Seven against Thebes {beloiv). Serf, or love levels all. Taylor. Lacy's PI., 68. Sergeant's wife. Banlm. Lacy's PI., 23. Serious family. Com. Barnett Mod. St. dr., 10. Serpent on the hearth. Romant dr. Simpson. Lacy's PI., 8-5. Sertorius. Trag. Corueille. Jn Theatre, 2. Serve him right ! Com. dr. Barnett and Mathews. Lacy's PI., 3. Settling day. Taylor. Lacy's PI., 82. Seven against Thebes. Trag. .iEschylus. (Buckley.) Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Lennox, JJj-s.) Brumoy'sGr. th., Srnne. Ger. (Donner.) Jn Werke. Sa7ne. Gr. In Tragcediae. Same. Gr. etLat (Didot) Jn Tragcediae. Seven champions of Christendom, The. Spectacle. Planche. Lacy's PI., 21. Seven clerka Wilks. Lacy's PI., 40. Same. Mod. st dr., 15. Sganarelle. Com. Molifire. Jn CEuvres, Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 6. Sganarels reyse til det philosophiske land. Cora. Holberg. Jn Coraedier. Shadow of a crime. Cheltuam. I.rficy'8 PI., 86. Shakespeare in der heimath. Schausp. Holtei. In Theater, 3. Shameful behavior! Com'tta. Trough- ton. Lacy's PI., 43. Sharp practice. Serio-com. dr. Lunn. Lacy's PI., 55. She stoops to conquer. Com. Goldsmith. Br. dr., 1. DRAMAS 256 DRAMAS Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 17. Same. Lacy 's PI., 25. Same. In Mis. worivs, 4. Same. Mod. st. dr., 10. Shewouldand he wouidn't Com. Mor- ton. Lacy'sPl.,56. She wou'd and she wou'd not. Com. Obber. Dicics' Br. dr., 11. Same. In Dr. works, 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 9. Same. Lacy 's PI., 22. Sheep in wolfs clothing. Domest dr. Taylor. Lacy'sPl., 37. Shepherd of Derweut vale. Lunn. La- cy'sPl.,8'J. Shilling -day at the great exhibition. Brough and Halliday. Lacy's PI., 55. Short and sweet. Com. dr. Troughton. Lacy's PI., 52. Shylock, or the merchant of Venice pre- served. Far. Talfourd. Lacy's PI., 11. Siamese twiJis. Far. X'Beckett. Lacy's PI., 79. Sicilian summer. Com. Taylor. In Poet, works, 3. Sicilien, ou I'amour peintre, Le. Com. MoliSre. In Works in Ft. and Eng., 8. Sidnei. Com. Gresset. In (Euvres, 2. Sie schreibt an sich selbst. Lustsp. Hol- tei. In Theater, 5. Siege. Trag. Baillie. In Dr. and poet. works. Siege. Com. Davenant In Works. Siege of Belgrade. Com. op. Cobb. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Siege of Damascus. Trag. Hughes. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 10. Siege of Khodes. Davenant. i>i Works. Siegfried's tod. Trauersp. Hebbel. In Samm. werke, 5. Sigurd der schlangentodter. Heldensp. La Motte-Fouqu6. In Aus. werke, 1. Sigurd's rache. Heldensp. La Motte- Fouqufi. In Aus. werke, 2. Silent protector. Com'tta. Williams. Lacy's PI., 80. Silent system. Far. Williams. Lacy's PI., 56. Silent woman. Far. Lacy. Lacy's PI., 59. Silken fetters. Com. Buckingham. La- cy's PI., 61. Silver lining. Com. Buckingham. La- cy's PI., 6.:. Simon Lee. Domest. dr. Pitt. Lacy's PI., 78. Simple histoire. Com. Scribe. In CEu- vres, 2. Simpson and co. Com. Poole. Lacy's PI., 74. Sin and the sorrow. Leslie. Lacy's PI., 72. Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes. Peele. In Dr. works. Sir Harry Wildair. Farquhar. Jn Dr. works. Sir John Oldcastle. Shakespeare. In Pict. ed. of works (Knight), 7. Same. In Supplement to the plays (Simms). Sir Martin Mar-all. Com. Dryden. In Works, 3. Sir Koger de Coverley. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 4. Sir William Crichton. Trag. Smith. Sister's penance. Taylor and Dubourg. Lacy's PI., 75. Sisterly service. Com'tta. Wooler. La- cy's PI., 44. Six months ago. Com'tta. Dale. Lacy's PI., 77. Sixteeu-string Jack. Rede. Mod. st. dr. , 25. Skeleton witness, or the murder at the mound. Rede. Mod. st. dr., 25. Sketches in India. Far. Morton. Mod. St. dr., 12. Slasher and Crasher. Far. Morton. La- cy's PI., 8. Same. Mod. st. dr., 4. Sleeping beauty in the wood. Extr. Planchfi. Lacy 's PI. , 19. Sleeping draught. Far. Penley. Lacy's Pi., 58. Sleeping hare. Com. Dilley. Lacy's PI., 76. Slice of luck. Far. Morton. Lacy'sPl., 76. Slow man. Far. Lemon. Lacy's PI., 24. Slowtop's engagements. Far. Chelt- nam. Lacy's PI., 53. Smoked miser. Far. Jerrold. Lacy's PI., 58. Snapping turtles. Far. Buckstone. La- cy's PI., 61). Snow-bound. Entert. Baker, /n Social stage. Snowdrop. Extr. Burnand. Lacy'sPl., 04. Society. Com. Robertson. Lacy's PI., 71. Socrate. Voltaire. Jn CEuvrescomp.,1. Socrates. Voltaire. Tr. by Mr. Franck- lin. In Works, 24. Sohn der wildniss, Der. Mttnch-Belling- hausen. In Werke, 4. Sohn des fiirsten, Der. Trauersp. Mo- sen. In Stimm. werke, 4. Sohnes rache, Des. Trauersp. Holtei. In Theater, 5. Soldier's daughter. The. Com. Cherry. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Same. Mod. st. dr., 13. Soldier's progress. Courtney. Lacy'sPl., 1. Solliciteur, Le. Com. Scribe. In CEu- vres, 1. Somebody else. Far. Planch6. Lacy's PI., 11. Somuambule,La. Com. Scribe. JnOEu- vres, 1. Somnambulist. Moncrieff. Lacy's PL, 86. Son of the night. Qayler. Mod. st. dr., 22. Sonnambula. Burl. Byron. Lacy'sPl., 66. Sophia's supper. Far. Addison. Lacy's PI., 16. Sophonisbe. Trag. Voltaire. In Oiu- vrescomp., 2. Soubrette de Clalron, La. Com. M6ry. In Oiuvres, 6. Soul's tragedy. Browning. JnPoems,2. Southerner— just arrived. Far. Wigan. Lacy's Pi., 56. Spanish curate. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Spanish dancers. Burletta. Selby. La- cy's PI., 49. Spanish friar. Com. Dryden. Z/i Works, 6. Spanish student. Longfellow. Jra Poems, 1. Same. In Poet, works. Spanish tragedy. Kyd. Dodsley's Old pi., 3. Spanking legacy. Far. Blake. Lacy's Pi., 6. Speak out boldly. Petite com. Lacy's Pi., 73. ' Special ' performances. Far. Harri- son. Lacy's PI., 80. Spectre bridegroom. Far. Moncrleflf. Lacy's PI., 35. Speculation. Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Mod. th.,2. Speed the plough. Comedy. Morton. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Siitne. Inchb. Br. th., 25. Same. Lacy's PI., 51. Same. Mod. st. dr., 6. Spirit of seventy-six, or the coming wom- an. Curtis. Spitalflelds weaver. Comic dr. Bayly. Lacy's Pi., 21. Splendid investment. Far. Bernard. Lacy's PI., 30. Spoiled child. Far. Lacy's PI., 85. Sport of destiny. Schiller. Bohn's St Jib., 7. Spring and autumn. Com. dr. Kenney. Lacy's PI., 24. Squire Lubberly. Com. Moli5re. In \Vorks in Fr. and Eng., 5. Stage-struck. F'ar. Dimond. XiBcy's PI., 10. Stand by the flag. National allegory. Baker. In Amateur dramas. Staple of news. Jonson. In Works. State of innocence. Op. Dryden. In Works, 5. State secrets. Far. Wilks. Lacy's PI., 53. Steeple-chase. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 66. Stella. Trauersp. (Jothe. In Samm. werke, 2. Sams. In Werke, 10. Stichus. Com. Plautus. In Comoedise, 4. Same. In Comedies, 1. Still waters run deep. Com. Taylor. Lacy's PI., 22. Stitch in time saves nine. Baker. In Baker's dozen. Stock exchange. Com. dr. Dance. La- cy's PI., 36. Stolen ->- £20 reward! Far. Hancock. Lacy's PI., 61. Storm in a tea-cup. Com'tta. Bernard. Lacv'sPl.,14. Strafrord. Trag. Browning. Strange history. Dr. tale. Lawrence and Mathews. Lacy's PI., 10. Stranger. Kotzebue. (Tr. by B. Thomp- son.) Dicks' Br. dr.,1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 24. Same. Lacy's PI., 22. Stranger. Burl. Reece. Lacy's PI., 82. Strathmore. Trag. Marston. Lacy's Pi., 56. Stripling. Trag. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. Stundeslose, Den. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Such things are. Inchbald. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 23. Sudden thoughts. Far. Wllks. Lacy's PI., as. Siihne, Die. Trauersp. Korner. In Samm. werke. Suit of tweeds. Far. Hay. Lacy's PI., 74. Suite du Menteur, La. Com. Corneille. In Theatre, 1. Suitors. Racine. Sultan. Far. Bickerstaff. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Same. Inchb. Far., 3. Summer's last will and testament. Nashe. In Dodsley's Old pi., 9. Sun's darling. Ford, /n Dr. works. Sunshine through the clouds. Lawrence. Lacy's PI., 15. Suppliants. Trag. Euripides. (Buckley.) In Tragedies. Bohn's Class, lib., 2. Same. (Lennox, il/j'«.) Brumoy'sOr. th., 2. Same. (Potter.) In Tragedies. Class. fam. lib., 2. SaTne. (Jr. In Tragoediae. Same. Gr. etLat. JreTragoediae. Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Supplicants. See Suppliants. Surrender of Calais. Colman. Inchb. Br. th., 20. Susan Hopley. Pitt. Lacy's PI., 69. Suspicious husband. Com. Hoadly. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 13. Sweethearts and wives. Com. Kenney. Lacy's PI., 21. Same. Mod. st dr., 10. Swiss cottage. Vaud. Bayly. Lacy's PI., 1. SyblUa. Com. dr. Simpson. Lacy'sPl., 64. Sylphide. Extr. Brough. Lacy's PI., 76. Sylvia's soldier. Com. Baker. Jn Ama- teur dramas. Syren of Paris. Romantdr. Suter. La- cy's PI., 52. y_ Tailors, or a tragedy for warm weather. Burl. trag. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. ' Take care of Dowb—' Far. Morton. La- cy's PI., 34. Take thatgirl away! Com. dr. Buckmg- ham. Lacy's PI., 18. Taking by storm. ChurchUl. I^acy'sPl., 6. Tale of a mystery. Melo-dr. Holcroft Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Tale of a tub. Jonson. In Works. Taleof two cities. Taylor. Lacy's PL, 45. Tamerlane. Trag. Rowe. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 10. Taming a tiger. Far. Lacy's PL, 72. Taming the shrew. Com. Shakespeare. In Dr. works (Bost ed.), 2. SaTW.. In Dr. works (Hazlitt),2. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 7. Same. Jn Plays (Reed), 6. Same. Jn S.in Deutscherubersetzung, 4. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 1. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 6. Same. Jn Works (Knight), 3. Taming the truant Com. Wigan. La- cy's PL, 58. ^ ^.. Tancred. Trauersp. Gothe. Jn Samm. werke, 1. Same. In Werke, 7. Tancred and Gismunda. Trag. Wilmot Dodsley's Old pL, 2. Tancred and Sigismunda. Trag. Thomp- son, J. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. DRAMAS 257 DRAMAS Same. Inchb. Br. th., 13. Tancrfede. Trag. Voltaire. In CEuvres coin p., 1. Same. Jn ThMtre. Taiiis et Z6:ifle, ou lea rois pasteurs. Trag. Voltaire. In CEiivres comp., 1. Tantulu.s at law. Com. Frederick ii. (of Pi'u.s-sia). In Works, 5. Tarantula. La. Kxtr. Lacy'sPl.,3. Tarare. Op. Beaumarchais. In Th^ft- tre. Tartufe,Le. Com. MoliSre. /nOiuvres, Same. In Works in Fr. and Eng., 5. Teacher tsiught. Far. Stirling. Lacy's PI., 48. Teddy, the tiler. Far. Kodwell. Lacy's PI., 81. Telemachus. Extr. Planchfi a»id Dance. Lacy's PI., 51. Tell, and the strike of the cantons. Extr. Talfourd. Lacy's PI., 43. Temper. Com. Bell. Mod. st. dr., 7. Temper. Com. Morgan. In Dr. scenes from real life. Tempest. Com. Dryden. In Works, 3. Tempest. Com. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th.,5. Same. Lacy's PI., 37. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 1. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 1. Same. InVi. werke (Schlegel u. Tleck), Same. In Plays (Reed). 2. Same. (Ed. Rolfe.) Same. In Selections (Bulflnch). Same, in S. in Deutscher iibersetzung, 8. Same. In Works (ed. 1623). Same. In Works (Clarke), 1. Same, /n Works (Halliwell), 1. Same. In Works (Knight), 4. Temple de la gloire, Le. Dr. mus. Vol- taire. /« OSnvres comp., 1. Temptation. Townsend. Lacy's PI., 52. Tempter, or sailor's return. Baker. In Amateur dramas. Tender husband. Com. Steele. Br. dr., Samie. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Tender precautions. Com. Serle. La- cy's PI.. 5. Teresa. Dumas, //t Thftltre comp.,2. Terrible secret. Far. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 53. Terrible tinker. Far. Williams. La- cv'sPl.,87. Test of truth. Com. Suter. Lacy's PI., 84. That affair at Finchley. Far. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 52. Theaterreden. Gothe. Jn SSmmtliche werke, 2. Thebaid, Trag. Seneca. (Lennox, 3fr*.) Brumoy's Gr. th., 2. Thfibaide, ou les frferes ennemis. Trag. Uacine. In CEuvres comp., 1. Same. In Th^dtre comp. Thee-gesellschaft, Die. Lustsp. Tieck. /nSchriften, 12. Theodora,actre.ssand empress. Hist dr. Phillips. Lacy's PI., 74. Th^rfise. Frag. Voltaire. In CEuvres comp., 1. Therese, the orphan of Geneva. Melo- dr. rom. Kerr. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Therese, the orphan of Geneva. Payne. Mod. St. dr., 14. Thersytes. Interl. Jn Four old pi., etc. Theseus and Ariadne. Extr. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 19. ThesmophoriazusBe. Com. Aristopha- nes. Gr. In Comoedise, 2. Same. Gr. et Lat. Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Thetis and Peleus. Myth, love-story. Lacy's PI., 5. Thief of time. Dial. Baker, /n Baker's dozen. Thierry and Theodoret. Trag. Beau- mont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Thieves of Paris. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Tliirty minutes for refreshments. Far. Baker. In Social stage. Thirty-three next birthday. Far. Mor- ton. Lacy's PI., ;«. Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Shakespeare. in Supplement to the plays. Thomas and Sally, or the sailor's return. Mus. entert. Thracian wonder. Com. Webster. In Works, 4. Three black seals. Hist dr. Stirling. Dicks'Br. dr., 3. 18 Three cuckoos. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 40. Three furies. Com'tta. Roberts. La- cy's PI., 6fi. Three guardsmen. Rice. Mod. st dr., 18. Three musketeers. Rice. lacy's PI.. 17. Three red men. Romant dr. Archer. Lacy's Pi., 41. Three weeks after marriage. Far. Mur- phy. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 10. Same. Inchb. Far., 4. Thrice married. Far. Paul. Lacy'sPl., 45. Through fire and water. Com. dr. Gor- don. Lacy's PI., 86. Thumping legacy. Far. Morton. La- cy's PI., 5. Thurm mit sieben pforten, Der. Lustsp. Piaten. In Ges. werke, 3. Tlcket-of-leave. Far. Phillips. Lacy's Pl.,5<». Ticket-of-Ieave man. Taylor. Lacy's PI., 59. Ticket-of-lcave man's wife. Far. Chelt- nam. Lacy's PI., 69. Ticklish times. Far. Morton. Lacy's VI., -.io. Tide of time. Far. Bernard. Lacy'sPl., 38. Time and the hour. Romant dr. Simp- son. Lac.v's PI., 81. Time and tide. Leslie. Lacy's PI., 81. Time tries all. Courtney. Lacy's PI., 1. Time works wonders. Com. Jerrold. In his Comedies. Time'sa tell-tale. Com. Siddons. Inchb. Mod. th., 10. Times. Daly. Lacy's PI., 11. Timon, or the misanthrope. Com. Lu- cian. (Maginn.) l7i Homeric ballads, etc. Timon of Athens. Trag. Shakespeare. Ill Dr. works (Bost. ed.^e. Same. In Dr. works'Hazlitt), 4. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 10. Same. In S. in Deutscher iibersetzung, 9. Same, in Works (ed. 1623\ Same. In Works (CJlarke), 3. iS'a/ne. In Works (Halliwell), 13. Same. In Works (Knight), 5. Timothy to the rescue. Far. B.yron. Lacy's PI., 63. Timour the Tartar. Lewis. Lacy's PI., 79. Timour the Tartar. Extr. Oxenfordand Brooks. Lacy's PI., 49. 'Tis pity she's a wliore. Ford. In Dr. works. Tit for tat. Com'tta. Talfourd and Wi- gan. Lacy's PI., 17. Titus Andronicus. Trag. Shakespeare. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.). 6. .Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt;, 4. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 9. Same. In Plays i.Reed), 17. Same. iViS.in Deutscher iibersetzung, 3. Same. In Works (ed. 1(>2.3). Same. In Works (Clarke), 3. Same, in Works (Halliwell), 13. Same, in Works (Knight), 7. To marrv or not to marry. Com. Inch- bald. Inchb. Br. th., 23. To oblige Benson. Com'tta. Taylor. Lacy'sPl., 14. To parents and guardians. Com. dr. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 13. To Paris and back for five pounds. Far. Morton. Lac.v's PI., 9. Tobacconist Far. Jonson. (Altered.) Dicks'Br. dr., 7. Tom and Jerry. Moncrieff. Lacy'sPl., 88. Tom Cringle. Naut dr. Fitzball. La- cy's PI.. 41. Same. Mod. st. dr., 18. Tom Thrasher. Far. Harris. Lacy's PI., 81. Tom Thumb. Burl. op. Fielding. Al- tered by O'Hara. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Far., 6. iS'ame. Lacy's PI., 50. Tompkins, the troubadour. Far. [Anon.] Lacy's PI., 86. Tonl. Schausp. Korner. In Samm. werke. Too late for the train. Mus. and dr. en- tert Baker. In Social stage. Too much for good nature. Far. Fal- coner. Lacy's PI., 42. Too much of a good thing. Com. dr. Harris. Lacy's PI., 22. Toothache. Far. [Anon.] Lacy's PI., 4. Torqnato Ta.sso. Schausp. G6the. In Siimm. werke, 1. Same. In Werke, 8. Same. (Swanwick.) Bohn's Class. lib. Tour de Nesle, La. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 3. Tour de Nesle, La. Hist dr. Hugo. Mod. st dr., 14. Tour Saint-Jacques, La. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 13. Town and country. The. Com. Morton. Mod. stdr.,9. Trachiniie. Trag. Sophocles. (Lennox, Mrs.) Brumoy's Gr. th., 2. Same. In Tragedies (Oxford tr.). Same. In Tragedies (Plumptre), 2. Same. Gr. et Lat. Didot's Script Grsec. biblioth. Tragedy of Israel. Trag. Armstrong. Tragedy of Locrine. Shakespeare. In Supplement to the plays. Tragedy of success. Dr. poem. Putnam. Tragical history of Doctor Faustus. Trag. Marlo^ve. In Works. Trapping a tartar. Serio-com. dr. Stir- ling. Lacy's PI., 0.5. Trauerspiel in Berlin, Ein. Holtel. In Theater, 1. Trauerspiel in Sicilien, Ein. Trag. Heb- bel. In Siimm. werke, 1. Traum ein leben, Der. Dr. mahreheD. Grillparzer. In Siimm. werke, 5. Treue nm treue. Schausp. Platen. In Ges. werke, 3. Trial. Com. Balllie. In Dr. and poet works. Trials of Tompkins! Far. Williams. La- cy's PI., 5S. Tricorne enchants, Le. Bastonnade. CUm- tier. In CEuvres, 3. Trinummus. Com. Plautus. (RBey.) In Comedies, 1. Same. (Leipsig ed., 1773.) In Comoedia tres. Same. (Valpy.) Jn Comeedise, 4. Trip to Scarborough. Com. Sheridan. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Same. In Dr. works. Same. Inchb. Mwi. th., 7. Tristan. Gottfriei Works, «• tJ. Uden Hoved og Hale. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Ugly customer. Far. Williams. Lacy's PI., 49. TJgollno. Trag. Booth. Mod. st. dr., 15. Ulysse. Trag. Ponsard. In OSuvres, 2. Ulysses. Burl. Burnand. Lacy's PI., 66. Ulysses von Ithacia. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Uncle Crotchet. Far. Phillips. Lacy's PI., 10. Uncle Tom's cabin. Adapted from Mrs. H. B. Stowe's novel. Lacy's PI., 12. Uncle Zachary. Com. dr. Oxenford. Lacy's PI., 45. Under the earth, or the sons of toil. Eo- mant. dr. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Under the gaslight. Daly. Lacy's PI., 81. Under the rose. Far. Roberts. Lacy's PI., 57. Unfinished gentleman. Far. Selby. La- cy's PI., 34. Unfortunate lovers. Com. Davenant. In Works. Ungeheuer, Das, und der verzauberte wald. Tieck. 7/iSchriften, 11. Ungleichen hausgenossen. Die, Schauap. jGUithe. Jn Werke, 9. Ungrateful, The. Com. Moscow, 1788. (iJM.?.sirtn.) Unlimited confidence. Com'tta. Trough- ton. Lacy's PI., 61. Unlucky Frida3'. Craven. Liacy's PI., 76. Unnatural combat. Massinger. In Dr. works. Unten im hause. Lustsp. Hacklilnder. In Werke, 27. Unverheirathete eheleute. Lnstspiel. Hacklilnder. In Werke, 43. Up at the hills. Com. Taylor. Lacy's PI., 50. Up for the cattle show. Far. Lemon. Lacy's PI., 79. Up-stairs and down-stairs. Far. Brough and Halliday. Lacy's PI., 66. Up to town and back again. Rayner. Lacy's PI., 71. Urbain Grandier. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 11. Urbild des Tartuffe, Das. Lustsp. Gutz- kow. Jn Dr. werke, 1. Urgent private affairs. Far. Coyne. La- cy's PI., 24. Uriel A('osta. Trauersp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 8. Urtheil des Midas, Das. Singsp. Wie- land. In Samm. werke, 28. Using the weed. Baker. In Baker's dozen. Usyiilige, De. Com. Holberg. In Co- medier. ^ Valentine, A. Brough ararf Halliday. La- cy's PI., 57. Valentine. Schausp. Freytag. In Dr. werke. Valentinian. Tragedy. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Vampire, Le. Dumas, /n Theatre comp., 11. Vandyke Brown. Far. Troughton. La- cy's PI., 39. Vanite punie. La. Com. Berquin. In Choix de petits drames et de contes. Same. /nThCfitre. Vautrin. Balzac, /n CEuvrescomp.,39. Venetianer, Die. Schausp. Rellstab. In Ges. schriften, 19. Venice preserved. Trag. Otway. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 12. Same. Lacy's PI., 32. Same. Mod. st. dr., 3. Venus and Adonis. Burl. Burnand. La- cy's PI., 6i. V6pres Siciliennes, Les. Trag. Dela- vigne. In CEuvres, 1. Verbot und befehl. Lustsp. MUnch- Bellinghausen. In Werke, 6. Verhiingnissvolle Gabel, Die. Lustsp. Platen. In Ges. werke, 4. V6rit6 dans le vin,La. Com. Coll6. In Besenval's m6moires. Verlcehrte welt. Die. Lustsp. Tieck. In Schriften, 5. Verlorene sohn, Der. Lustsp. Hack- lander. In Werke, 43. Verre d'eau, Le. Scribe. In CEuvres, 5. Verrou de la reine, Le. Com. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 13. Verschworung desFiescozu Genua, Die. Schiller. In S;imm. werke, 1, 2. Same. In Samm. werke, in zweibanden, 1. Very pleasant evening. Far. Suter. Lacy's PI., 80. Very serious affair. Far. Harris. La- cy's PI., a3. Very suspicious. Com'tta. Simpson. Lacy's PI., 6. Very woman. A, or the prince Tarent. Massinger. In Dr. works. Vespae. See Wasps. Veteran of 102 years. MUner. Lacy's PI., 36. Vetter, Der, aus Bremen. Lustsp. Kor- ner. Jh Samm. werke. Veuve inconsolable. Com. M6ry. In CEuvres, 5. Vicar of Wakefield. Coyne. Mod. st. dr., 11. Victims. Com. Taylor. Lacy's PI., 32. Same. Mod. st. dr., 24. Victor vanquished. Com. Dance. La- cy's Pi., 26. Vie de Bohgme, La. Com. Barrifire. In CEuvres, 4. Viejo zeloso. El. Entremes. Cervantes Saavedra. in Obrasescogidas, 10. Viernationen untereinem dach. Lustsp. Hebbel. In Samm. werke, 6. Vierjiitirige posten, Der. Singsp. K6r- ner. In S>lmm. werke. Vieux Champagne, Le. Com. Berquin. In Theatre. Village lawyer. Far. Lyons. Lacy's PI., 43. Villefort. Dumas. JnThMtre comp.,8. Villikins and liis Dinah. Burl. Burnand. Lacy's PI.,. 54. Vingt-quatre F^vrier, Le. Dumas. In Theatre comp., 11. Violet. [Anon.] Lacy's PI., 9. Virgin-martyr. Ma.ssinger. Jn Dr. works. Virgin unma.sked. Mus. far. Fielding. Dicks' Br. dr., 8. Virgiiiie. Trag. Alfleri. /n. Mfimoires. Virginlus. Burl. Buckingham. Lacy's PI., 42. Virginlus. Trag. Knowles. In Dr. works, 1. Viscaino fingido. El. Entremes. Cer- vantes .Saavedra. In Obras escogidas, 10. Visile & Bedlam, Une. Com. Scribe. In CEuvres, 1. Vludo, El. C;om. Vicente. 7/iMoratin, L. F. Teatro Esp. Vogel, Die. Festsp. G5the. In Silmm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 14. Vogelsindede, Den. Com. Holberg. In Comedier. Volpone. Jonson. In Works. Volunteer review. Extrav. Williams. lacy's PI., 80. Vor hundert jahren. Festsp. Mflnch- Bellinghausen. Jn Werke, 8. VorspielzurEroffnungdes W'elmar. the- ater's. Vorsp. Gothe. In Silmm. werke, 2. Votary of wealth. The. Com. Holman. Dicks' Br. dr., II. Same. Inchb. Mod. th., 3. Voyage ft Dieppe, Le. Com. Wafflard et Fulgence. //i Theatre Fr. mod., ler ser. .^_ Wahl des Herkules, Die. Wieland. In Samm. werke, 28. Wait for an answer. Domest. sketch. Lemon. Lacy's Pi., 86. Waiting for an omnibus. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 15. Wallace, the hero of Scotland. Hist. dr. Barrymore. I^icy's PI. , 73. Wallenstein. Schiller. /« Samm. werke, 3,4. Same. In Samm. werke, in z wei banden , 1. Same. Bohn's St. lib. Wallenstein '8 camp. Hist. dr. Schiller. In Revoltof Netherlands, and dramas. Wandering boys, or the castle of Clival. Kerr. Lacy's PI., 34. Same. Mod. st. dr., 23. Wandering minstrel. Far. Mayhew. Lacy's PI., 23. Wanted, a male cook. Far. Baker. In Amateur dramas. Wanted, a young lady. Far. Suter. La- cy's PL, 66. Wanted, 1,000 spirited young millinersfor the gold diggings. Far. Coyne. La- cy's 1^1., 8. War of the roses. Allegory. Baker. In Social stage. War to the knife. Com. Byron. La- cy's PI., 67. Warbeck. Schiller. In Samm. werke. Same. In Samm. werke, in zwei banden, 2. Warlock of the glen. Melo-dr. Walker. Lacy's PI., 46. Was I to blame ? Far. Bodwell. Lacy's PI., 32. Was wir bringen. Vorsp. G<5the. In Samm. werke, 2. Same. In Werke, 11. Wasps. Com. Aristophanes. (Hickie.1 In Comedies, 1. .Same. (Lennox, Jtfr«.) Brumoy'sGr. th., 3. Same. Gr. In Comoedise. 1. Same. Gr. et Lat, (Didot.) ihComoe- dise. Wat Tyler. Southey. /?i Comp. poetical works. Water witches. Far. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 41. Waterman. Ballad op. Dibdin. Dicks' Br. dr., 4. Same. Inchb. Far., 7. Same. Lacy's PI., 23. Way of the world. Com. Congreve. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. DRAMAS 259 DRAMAS Same. In Dr. works. Way to get married. Com. Morton. Inchb. Br. th.,23. Way to keep him. Com. Murphy. Br. dr., 2. Same. Diclts' Br. dr., 8. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 15. Ways and means. Com. Colman. Br. dr., 1. Swtie. Diclcs'Br. dr..l2. Same. Inchb. Far., 12. We all have our little faults. Far. Suter. Lacy'sPl.,78. Weathercock. Far. Allingham. Lacy's PI., 71. Wedding-day. Com. Inchbald. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Far., 1. Same. Mod. st. dr., 20. Wedding gown. Com. Jerrold. In his Comedies and dramas. Weh dem, der lugt ! Lustsp. Grillpar- zer. In Ssimm. werke, 6. Weiblichen drilliiige, Die. Lledersplel. Holtei. In Tlieater, .S. Weisses blatt, Ein. Schausp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 6. Welch ein auftrltt. Lustsp. Holtei. In Theater, 4. Wendelin und Helena. Trauersp. Mo- sen. In S imm. werke. 4. Wenlockof Wenlock. Melo-dr. Wilks. Mod. St. dr., 17. Wept of the Wish-ton-wlsh. [Anon.] Mod. St. dr., 20. We're all teetotalers. Far. Baker. In Amateur dramas. Werner. Trag. Byron. Dicks' Br. dr., 3. Same. Lacy's PI., 70. Same. Mod. st. dr., 9. Same. In Works. Werner, oder herz und welt. Schausp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 3. Werter. Trag. Reynolds. Inchb. Mod. th., 3. West Indian. Com. Cumberland. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 18. Westward ho. Com. Webster and Deck- er. In Webster's Works (ed. 1859). What is she? Com. [Anon.] Inchb. Mod. th., 10. What next? Far. Dibdln. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. What will they say at Brompton ? Co- medietta. Coyne. Lacy's PI., 34. Wheel of fortune. Com. Cumberland. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. 'Same. Inchb. Br. th., 18. Where there's a will there'sa way. Com. Morton. Lacy's PI., 9. Where's your wife ? Far. Bridgeman. Lacy's Pi., 60. Which is the man? Com. Cowley. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Same. Inchb. Mod. th., 10. Which of the two ? Far. Morton. Ia- cy'8 PI., 40. Which shall I marry ? Far. Suter. La- cy's PI., 59. White cat. Burl. extr. Burnand. La- , cy'sPl.,90. White cat. Extr. Planchfi. Lacy's PI., 24. White cockade. Phillips. Lacy's PL, 90. White devil. Webster. Dodsley's Old pi., 6. Same. In Works, 1. White farm. Melo-dr. Lucas. Lacy's PI., 28. White fawn. Extr. Burnand. Lacy's PI., 79. White milliner. Far. Jerrold. Lacy's PI., 72. Whitebait at Greenwich. Far. Morton. Lacy's PI., 12. Whitefriars. Townsend. Lacy's PI., 40. Whittington, Junior. Burl. Reece. La- cy's PI., 89. Who is she? Petite com. Stirling. Dicks' Br. dr., 11. Who Is who? Far. Williams. Lacy's PI., 86. Who killed Cock-robin? Far. Mathews. Lacy's PI., 68. Who speaks first ? Petite com. Dance. Lacy's PL, 23. Who stole the pocket-book? Far. Mor- ton. Lacy's PL, 6. Who wants a guinea? Com. Colman. Inchb. Mod. th., 3. Who's my husband ? Far. Morton. La- cy's PL, 80. Who's the dupe? Far. Cowley. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 6. Same. Inchb. Far., 1. Who's the heir? Op'tta. March. Lacy's PL, 89. Who's to win him? Com'tta. Williams. Lacy's PL, 79. Wicked wife. Courtney. Lacy's PL, 30. Widow's tears. Chapman. Dodsley's Old pL, 6. Widow's victim. Far. Selby. Lacy's PL, 62. Wie man lieben muss. Feenmiihrchen. Zschokke. In Ges. schriften, 15. Wiener in Berlin. Lustsp. Holtei. In Theater, 2. Wiener in Paris. Schausp. HolteL In Theater, 4. Wife. Knowles. Mod. st. dr., 1. Same. In Works, 1. Wife fora month. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Wife for two husbands. Mus. dr. Cobb. Inchb. Mod. th., 6. Wife of seven husbands. Melo-dr. Al- niar. Lacy's PL, 74. Wife's portrait. Household pict. Mar- ston. Lacy's PL, 54. Wife's secret. Lovell. Lacy's PL, 82. Wildgallant. Com. Dryden. /rtWorks,2. Wild-goose chase. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 2. Same. In Works, Eiig. ed., 1. Wild oats. Com. O'Keefife. Inchb. Br. th.,22. Sante. Lacy's PL, 88. Wildfeuer. Schausp. MUnch-Belling- hausen. In Werke, 8. Wilhelm Tell. Schausp. Schiller. In Samm. werke, 5, 6. Same. In Revolt of Netherlands, and dramas. Same. In Siimm. werke, in zwei banden, 1. Will. Com. Reynolds. Inchb. Mod. th., 1. Will and the way. Romant. dr. Wal- dron. Lacy's PI., 66. Willful murder! Far. Higgle. Lacy's PL, ;fi. Willful ward. Com'tta. Wooler. Lacy's PL, 65. William Tell. BurL Buckingham. La- cy's PL, 32. William Tell. Burl. Byron. Lacy's PL, 78. William Tell. Knowles. i>i Dr. works, 1. Samf. Lacy's PL, 83. Willikind and hys Dinah. Pathetic trag. Coyne. Lacy's PL, 14. WindmilL Far. Morton. Lacy's PL, 71. Windsor castle. Op. burl. Burnand. Lacy's PL, 67. Winning a wife. Petite com. Lacy. La- cy's PL, 84. Winning hazard. Com'tta. Wooler. La- cy's PL, 84. Winter's tale, The. Com. Shakespeare. Inchb. Br. th., .3. Same. In Dr. works (Bost. ed.), 3. Same. In Dr. works (Hazlitt), 2. Same. In Dr. werke (Schlegel u. Tieck), 9. Same. In Plays (Keed), 6. Same. InS. in Deutschertibersetzung, 8. Same. In Works (ed. 1623.\ Same. In Works iClarke). 2. Same. In Works (Halliwell), 8. Same-. In Works (Knight), 2. Wise man of the east. Com. Inchbald. Inchb. Mod. th., 7. Wit at several weapons. Cora. Beau- mont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. /?i Works, Eng. ed., 2. Wit without money. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 1. Witch of Edmonton. Ford. In Dr. works. Witch of Windermere. Com. Selby. Lacy's PL, 84. Witchcraft. Trag. Baillie. In Dr. and poet, works. W ithin and without. Macdonald. Without incumbrances. Simpson. La- cy's PL, 2. Wits. Com. Davenant. Dodsley's Old pl.,8. Same. Jn Works. Wittikind and his brothers. Fairy tale. Coyne. Lacy's PL, 6. Wives as they were, and maids as they are. Com. Inchbald. Dicks' Br. dr., 12. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 23. Wizard of the moor. Melo-dr. Gott Lacy's PL, 82. Wizard of the wave. Naut. dr. Haines. Lacy's PL, 46. Woman-hater. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed., 1. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Woman I adore. Far. Morton. Lacy's Pl.,8. Woman in mauve. Phillips. Lacy's PL, 76. Woman killed with kindness. Hey wood. Dodsley's Old pL, 7. Woman of the world. Cavendish. La- cy 'spl.,:«. Woman of the world. Com. Coyne. Lacy's PL, 81. Woman that was a cat. Sketch. Scribe. La<-y's PL, 72. Woman's love. Wilks. Lacy's PL, 4. Woman's prize. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher. In Works, Am. ed. , 2. Same. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Woman's wit. Com. Cibber. In Dr. Works, 1. Woman's wit. Knowles. In Dr. Works, Women pleased. Com. Beaumont and Fletcher, /n Works, Am. ed., 2. >' ame. In Works, Eng. ed., 2. Won at last. Com. dr. Reeve. Lacy's PL, 87. Wonder ! a woman keeps a secret. Com. Centlivre. Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 11. Wonderful woman. Com. dr. Dance. Lacy's PL, 18. Woodcock's little game. Far. Morton. Lacy's PL, 6S. Woodman. Com. op. Dudley. Dicks' Br. dr., 9. Woodman'shut. Arnold. Lacy'sPl.,36. Woodman's spell. Stirling. Lacy's PL, 2. Wooing in jest and loving in earnest. Com'tta. Troughton. Lacy's PL, 37. Wooing one's wife. Far. Morton. La- cy's PL, 52. Wooing under difflculties. Frost. In Amateur theatricals. World of fashion. Com. Oxenford. La- cy's PL, 55. World's own. Howe. Worlde and the chylde. Dodsley's Old pL, 12. Worth a struggle. Com. Waldron. La- cy's PL, 90. Wounds of civil war. Lodge. Dodsley's Old pl.,8. Wren boys, or the moment of peril. Wilks. Lacy's PL, 52. Writing on the wall. Melo-dr. Morton. Lacy 's PI. , 7. Same. Mod. st. dr., 12. WuUenweber. Trauersp. Gutzkow. In Dr. werke, 17, 18. X. X. Y. Z. Far. Colman. Lacy's PL, 80. Ximena. Trag. Cibber. Br. dr., 2. Same. In Dr. works, 3. Y. Yellow dwarf. Extr. Blanche. Lacy's PL, 17. Yew-tree ruins. Domest. dr. Haines. Lacy's PL, 74. Yorkshire tragedy. Trag. Shake.speare. /re Pict. ed. of works (Knight), 7. Same. In Supplement to the plays (Simms). Young amazon. Frost. In Amateur theatricals. Young and handsome. Extr. Planchfi. Lacy's PL, -29. Young lad from the country. Far. O.x- enford. Lacy's PL, 64. Young mother. Selby. Lacy's PL, 39. Young New York. Com. Wilkins. Mod. St. dr., 24. Young widow. Far. Rodwell. Lacy's PL, 22. Your life's in danger. Far. Morton. La- cy's PL, 9. Your likeness— one shilling! Comic sketch. Harrington and Yates. La- cy's PL, 36. Youthful queen. Com. Shannon. Mod. St. dr., 25. Z. Zaire. Trag. Voltaire. Jn CEuvrescomp., Zara. Trag. Hill. Br. dr., 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 5. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 7. Zara. Voltaure. In Works, 23. DRAMAS 260 DREAM Zaiiberflete. G6the. JnSnmm. werke,2. Zeloso, El. Com. Velasco. In Origines del teatro Esp. Zerbrochene krug, Der. Lustsp. Kleist. In Ges. schriften, 2. Zopf unci Schwerdt. Lustsp. Gutzkow. 7/1. Dr. werke, 2. Zorinska. Morton. Inchb. Mod. th., 3. Zring. Trauersp. Korner. In Kumm. werke. Zulime. Voltaire. Jn CEiivrescomp., 1. Zum grOnen baum. Schausp. Holtei. In Theater, 6. Zur ruhe setzen. Lustsp. Hackliinder. In Werke, 27. Draraatic art and literature. Schlegel, A. W. VON. Course of lectures on. Dramatic biography and green-room spy ; his- trionic anecdotes. Lond. 1827. 6 v. 16? Contents . ■ Actors ofl' the stage, v. 6. Anecdotes of ancientactors, V. 4. Baker, Mrs. Matilda, v. 6. Bannister, Mr., v. 4. Bartley, George, v. 5. Barton, Mr., v. 6. Billington, Mrs., v. 3. Blanchard, Mr., v. 4. Bland, Mrs., v. 1. Booth, Miss, V. 4. Booth. Mr., V. 4. Braham, Mr., v. 3. Browne, Mr., v. 2. Bunn, Mrs., v. 5. Carew, Miss, v. 2. Chattel ley, Mrs., v. 5. Chester, Miss, v. 5. Cobham, Thomas, v. 6. Cooke, Mr. T., v. 3. Cooke, Mr. T. P., v. 6. C'ooper, John, v. 5. Coutts, Mrs., V. 3. Crouch, Mrs. Anna Maria, V. 5. Davenport, Mrs., v. 2. Davison, Mrs. Maria, v. 1. Dow ton, Mr., v. 4. Dramatic criticisms, v. 5. Edwin, Mrs., v. 4. Egerton, Mr., t. 3. Egerton, Mrs., v. 4. EUiston, Mr., v. 3. Emery, Mr., v. 2. Farren, William, v. 3. Faucit, Mrs., v. 3. Fawcett, Mr., v. 2. Fitzwilliamrv Mr., v. 2. Fitz William, Mrs., v. fi. Foote, Miss Maria, v. 1. Footiana, v. 2. Gattie, Mr., v. 4. George, Miss, v. 3. Gibbs, Mrs., v. 4. Glover, Mrs., v. 4. Graddon, Miss, v. 6. Orimaldi, Joseph, v. 6. Harley, John Pritt, v. I. Harlowe, Mrs., v. 3. Histrionic anecdotes, v. 1-6. Huntley, Francis, v. 6. Jarman, Miss, v. 6. Johnstone, Mr. J., v. 4. Jones, Mr., v. .3. Jordan, Mrs., v. L Kean. Edmund, v. 1. Keeley. Robert, v. 5. Kelly, Miss F. H., v. .5. Kelly, Miss Frances Maria, V. ]. Kemble, Mr. C, v. 3. Kemble, Henry, v. 6. Kemble, John Philip, v. 1. Kemble, Stephen, v. 2. Lacy, Miss, v. 4. Listen, Mr., v. 1. Love, Miss, v. 3, Macauley, Miss, v. 4. Macready, Mr., v. 5. Mardyn, Mrs., v. 1. Mathews, Charles, v. 5. Montagu, Mr., v. 6. Mountiiin, Mrs., v. 3. Munden, Mr., v. 2. O'Neill, Miss, v. 1. Orger, Mrs., v. 2. Oxberry, William, v. 1. Palmer, John, v. 2. Paton, Miss Susannah, v. 5. Pearman, William, v. I. Playgoing, v. 2. Pope, Mr.s., v. 6. Povey, Miss, v. 2. Rae, Mr., v. 4. Bayner, Mr., v. 2. Reeve, John, v. 6. Sapio, Mr., v. I. Sherwin, Ralph, v. 1. Siddons, Mrs., v. 1. Smithson, Miss, v. 2. . Stephens, Miss, v. 2. Suett, Mr., V. 3. Terry, Daniel, v. 6. Tree, Miss Anna Maria, v. 3. Tree, Miss Ellen, v. 6. Vale, Samuel, v. 6. Vestris, Madame, v. .5. Wallack, James, v. 5. Warde, James, v. .'5. Waylett, Mrs., v. 6. West, Mrs. W., v. 2. Williams, Mr. W. H., v. 6. Wrench, Mr., v. 4. Yates, Mr., V. 5. Yates, Mrs., V. 5. Young, Mr., v. 4. Dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. Hazlitt, W. Dramatic scenes ; from real life. Morgan, S. (Lady). Dramatic souvenir, The : literary and graphical illustrations of Shakespeare and other cele- brated English dramatists. Lond. 1833. 12'^ Dramatis personse. Browning, K. Dramatists. Coleridge, S. T. Lectures on Shakespeare and other. {Li Works, v. 4.) Drame au bord de la mer, Un. Balzac, H. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 34.) Drame dans une cage, Un. Noriac, J. (In Ouvrages, v. 4.) Dram.e de la jeunesse, Le. F^val, P. (In (Euvres, v. 10.) Drames de la mer, Les. Dumas, A. (D.) Drames inconnus, Les. Sotjlie, M. F. (In Qlluvres, v. 1-5.) Drames invisibles, Les. Soulie:, M. F. (In (Euvres, v. 32.) Draper, Henry. Construction and use of a sil- vered glass telescope. (In Smithsonian con- trib., V. 14.) Draper, John C. Text-book on anatomy, physi- ologv, and hygiene ; with 170 illustrations. N.Y. 1860. 8; (Ed.) Year-book of nature and popular science for 1872. N.Y. 1873. 12? (2 coj}.) Draper, John "William (6. 1811). History of the American civil war. N. Y. 1867. 3 v. 8° Same. V. 1. History of the intellectual development of Europe. N.Y. 1863. 8? Same. (4:th ed.) N.Y. 1866. 8° Human physiology, statical and dynamical ; or, the conditions and course of the life of man. N.Y. 1856. 8°. Text-book of chemistrj^, for the use of schools and colleges ; with nearlv 300 illustrations. (3d ed.) N. Y. 1847. 12° Thoughts on the future civil policy of Ameri- ca. N. Y. 1865. 8° (3 cop.) Treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants. N. Y. 1844. Sm. ti Dra-wing — Appleton. See Worthen, W. E. (below). Armengaud, C, and Amouroux, — . Prac- tical draughtsman's book of industrial de- sign. Barry, C. A. How to draw. Burgess, H. System of. Davies, C. Treati.se on shades and shadows. Fielding, T. H. Synopsis of practical per- spective. Industrial drawing for beginners : freehand. Mahan, D. H. Industrial. KusKiN, J. Elements of. Smith, W. Drawing-book of standard re- productions and original designs. Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Hand-book of pictorial art. Warren, S. E. Elementary geometrical. — Manual of drafting instruments, etc. Worthen, W. E. (Ed.) Appleton' s cyclo- paedia of. See also Fine arts ; Perspective. Drayson, Alfred W. Earth we inhabit. The : its past, present, and probable future. Loud. 1859, 16? On the cause, date, and duration of the last glacial epoch of geology, and the probable antiquity of man ; with an investigation and description of a new movement of the earth. Illustrated. Lond. 1873. 8? Sporting scenes amongst the Kaffirs of south Africa. Lond. 1858. 12? Drayton, Michael. See Lives of Eng. poets, v. 1. Drayton, William Henry ( 1*742- 1779). See American eloquence, v. 1. Draytons and the Davenants, The. Charles, Mrs. E. E. Dream, The. Norton, Mrs. C. E. S. Dream children. Scudder, H. E. Dream-life. Bates, S. Dream-life : a fable of the seasons. Mitchell, D. G. Dream music. Marvin, F. R. Dream numbers. Trollope, T. A. Dream of a day, The. Percival, J. G. DREAM 261 DRYDEN Dream of Eugene Aram, The. Hood, T. {In Poetical works, v. 1.) Dreams — Brikrre r>E BoiSMONT, A. J. F. History of. Leland, C. G. Poetry and mystery of. Skafield, F. Literature and curiosities of. Dreams and realities : in verse and prose. Prince, J.C. Dreamthorp. Smith, A. Dred. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Dred Scott decision. Benton, T. H. Examina- tion of the. Dredge, James. Brief notices of the aborigines of New South Wales, including Port Phillip, in reference to their past history and present condition, and the various schemes hitherto adopted for their benefit, with the results and expenses of each, etc. Geelong, 1845. 8° {In Pamphlets, v. 16.) Drei blUtter aus dem tagebuche eines reisenden. Rellstab, L. {In Ges. schriften, v. 6.) Drei schmiede ihres schicksals, Die. Stifter, A. {In Erzahlungen, v. 1.) Drei tage an den ufern des Orinoko. Rellstab, L. {In Gas. schriften, v. 18.) Drelincourt, Charles. The Christian's defense against the fears of death, with seasonable directions how to prepare ourselves to die well. Written originally in French. Trans- lated into English by Marius d'Assigny. Sixteenth edition, new corrected, with an account of the author, and his last minutes. To which is added ' A true relation of the apparition of one Mrs. Veal, the next day after her death, to one Mrs. Bargrave, at Canterbury, the eighth of September, 1705. Which apparition recommends the perusal of Drelincourt's Book of consolations against the fears of death.' Written by Daniel De Foe. Lond. 1747. 12° Drepanius, Latinus Pacatus {ab. 388). Panegy- ricus Theodosio Augusto dictus. {In Pane- gyrici veteres, v. 1.) Valpy's Script. Lat. Dresden. Griesinger, T. Am hofevon Dres- den. {In Damen regiment, Das, v. 2.) Dresden gallery (old), The. See Galerie royale de Dresde. Dress — Gale, E. C. Hints on. Phelps, E. S. What to wear. Shaw, H. Dresses and decorations of the middle ages. Strutt, J. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England, from the establishment of the Saxons to the present time. Illustrated. See also Costumes ; Fashion ; Manners and customs. Dreutzer, O. E. Statistics relative to the Nor- wegian mountains, lakes, and the snow-line. {In Smithsonian rept. 18(56.) DreTV, Benjamin. Pens and types ; or, hints and helps for those who write, print, or read. Bost. 1872. 16? Drew, John. Practical meteorology. {2d ed.) Lond. 1860. 12? Di.*ift : a sea-shore idyl. Arnold, G. Drifting' and steering. Palmer, L. Drille, Hearton. Tactics ; or, Cupid in shoulder- straps. N. Y. 18G3. 16? Drinkers of ashes. Hamilton, Jlfra. C. V. {In Roijes of sand, etc.) Drinks. Thomas, J. Bar-tenders' guide. Driven from the path. Smart, C. {Ed.) Dropsy. MuRCHisoN, C. Clinical lectures on diseases of the liver, jaundice, and abdomi- nal dropsy. Drowne's wooden image. Hawthorne, N. {In Boston book.) Droz, Gustave. Around a spring. Tr. from the French, by MS. {2drev.ed.) N. Y. 1873. 12? (5 cop.) Babolain. Tr. from the French, by MS. N. Y. 1873. 12? (15 cop.) Omelette, L'. {In Roi Misere.) Druids. Higgins, G. Celtic. Druids, The. Wordsworth, C. {In Cam- bridge prize poems.) Druitt, Robert. Report on the cheap wines from France, Italy, Austria, Greece, and Hun- gar3' : their quality, wholesomeness, and price, and their use in diet and medicine. Lond. 1865. 12? Drummond, Henry (1786-1860). See Orator, The. Drummond, Robert Blackley. Erasmus : his life and character, as shown in his corres- pondence and works. With portrait. Lond. 1873. 2 V. 12? Drummond, William (d. 1828). Origines; or, remarks on the origin of several empires, states, and cities. Lond. 1829. 4 v. 8? Contents : Egypt, v. 2. Iran, v. I. Phoenicia, v. 3. Arabia, v. a. Asia Minor, v. 4. Assyrian empire, v. I. Babylonian empire, v. 1. Drunkenness. /See Alcohol ; Temperance. Drury, Anna Harriet. Light and shade ; or, the young artist. N. Y. n.d. 12? Misrepresentation. N. Y. 1860. 8? Story of a shower. Bost. «.. Egypt and Nubia. Eussell, M. Views of ancient and modern. Same. H. F. lib., v. 23. Eussell, W. H. Diary in the east. St. John, B. Village life in. St. John, J. A. Egypt and Nubia. Schroeder, F. Shores of the Mediterranean ; with sketches of travel, 1843-5. Seward, W. H. Travels around the world. •^ Sharpe, S. Egyptian hieroglyphics. — History of [2000 B.C. to a.d. 640]. •Smith, J. V. C. Pilgrimage to. Spencer, J. A. Egypt and the Holy land. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia, Petrsea, and the Holy land. Strutt, J. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England, v. 1. Turner, W. M. El-Khuds, the holy. U., A. Overland, inland, and upland. Uhlemann, M. Three days in Memphis. Egypt {continued) — ■ Vassar, J. G. Twenty years around the world. Warburton, E. Crescent and the cross. — Travels in Egypt and the Holy land. "Ward, M. F. Letters from three continents. Wilkinson, J. G. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. Hidtorlcal fiction : About, E. (F. V.) Fellah, The. De Leon, E. Askaros Kassis, the Copt. Ebers, G. Daughter of an Egyptian king. Gautier, T. Eomance of the mummy. KiNGSLEY, C. Hypatia. See also — East. Nubia. Mythology. Pyramids. Nile. Soudan. Egyptian preacher. Meeker, N. C. {In Life in the west.") Ehrenmalin, A. Travels into western Nord- land, etc., 1741. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 1.) Eichendorff, Joseph von (1788-1857). Sammt- liche werke. {2te auflage.) Leipzig, 1864. 6v. 12= Contents : tatigenlchts. Marien- Ahnung und ihre gegen wart, V. 2. DicUter und ihre gesellen, v. 2. EntfUhrung, Die, v. 3. Ezeliii von Komano, v. 4. Freier, Die, v. 4. Gedichte, v. 1. Gedichte dramatische, v. 5, 6. Gliicksritter, Der, v. 3. Julian, V. 3. Krieg den Philistern, v. 4. — Memoirs of a good-for-nothing. G. Leland. N. Y. 1866. 12° Leben elnes Ausdem, 3. Letzte held von burg, Der, v. 4. Libertus und ihr Freier, v. 3. Lucius, V. 3. Marmorbild, Das, v. 3. Meierbeth's gluck und ende, V. 4. Robert und Guiscard, v. 3. Schioss Durande, Das, v. 3. Viel larmen um nichts, v. 3. Tr. by C. AuERBACH, B. {In Ges. Eigen haus, Ein. schriften, v. 8.) Eigensinn und laune. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, V. 24.) Eight months on duty : diary of a young officer in Chanzy's camp. From the French of Eoger de M. Preface, by C. J. Vaughan, D.D. Lond. 1872. 12° Eight years in congress [1857-65]. Cox, S. S. Eight years' wanderings in Ceylon. Baker, Sir S. W. Eighteen Christian centuries. White, J. 1812. Eellstab, L. (/n Ges. schriften, v. 1-4.) 1813. Stolle, F. {In Aus. schriften, v. 10-12.) Eighth commandment. Eeade, C. Eighty years of republican government in the United States. Jennings, L. J. Eikonoklastes. Milton, J. (/ra Prose works, V. 1.) Eiloart, Mrs. C. J. Boy with an idea, The. N. Y. 1873. 12° (5 cop.) Curate's discipline. The. N. From thistles — ^grapes? N. Y. cop.) Young squire ; or, Peter and his friends. Lond. n.d. 12? Eimeo. Wilkes, 0. Account of. rative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 2.) Eine alte jungfer. Holtei, K. voN. Einsamen, Die. Heyse,P. (/wNovellen, v.7.) Eirene ; or, a woman's right. Ames, Mrs. M. C. Eirenicon. Pusky, E. B. Y. 1867. 1871. 8° (6 {In his Nar- EKKOES 277 ELIZABETH Skkoes from Kentucky. Lockk, D. K. Slaine. Tennyson, A. Same. Illustrated by G. Dor^. Elam, Charles. Physician's problems, A. Lond. 1869. 12° Slba and Waterloo. Stolle, F. (In Ausge- wahlte schriften, v. 13-15.) Elder, William. Biography of Elisha Kent Kane. Periscopics ; or, current subjects extempo- raneously treateid. N. Y. 1854. 12° Questions of the day : economic and social. Phil. 1871. 8° Eldon, John Scott {Lord), (1751-1838). Twise, H. Public and private life of Lord Chan- cellor Eldon ; with selections from his cor- respondence. Phil. 1844. 2 V. 8° El Dorado (Cal.)— BuLFiNCH, T. Oregon and. Taylor, (J.) B. El Dorado ; or, adventures in the path of empire. El Dorado (S. A.)— Simon, Frai/ P. de. Expedition of TJrsua and Aguirre in search of El Dorado, 1560-61. (7« Hakluj't foc, v. 27.) Venness, W. T. ■ El Dorado ; or, British Guiana as a field for colonization. Eldredge, Thomas E. See Leyes de California, Eleanor Clare's journal for ten years. (7?i Novels and tales from Household words, v. 6.) Elective affinities. Gothe, J. W. von. Electrical rheometry. Secchi, A. Researches in. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 3.) Electricity — , Baille, J. Electricity, L'. — Wonders of. Bain, A. See Reid, B. D. (heloto). Bakewell, F. C. Manual of. BiRKs, T. R. Matter and ether. Considerations on, {In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) DuPREZ,M.F. Report on atmospheric, {In Smithsonian rept. 1858.) Franklin, B, Letters and papers on. {In Works, V. 5.) Jenkin, F. Electricity and magnetism. Lardhter, D. Manual of. liA Rive, A. de. Researches on the propa- gation of electricity in rarefied elastic fluids. (In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) — Treatise on. Lightning discharges. {In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Matteucci, C. Papers on the electrical cur- rents of the earth- (In Smithsonian repts. 1867-9.) Meyer, i/L. Electricity in its relations to practical medicine. MiJLLER, J. Reports on. {In Smithsonian repts. 1856, 1857.) MuRPHT, R. Elementary principles of the theories of. No AD, H. M. Manual of. Pynchon, T. R. Chemical forces, The. ■ Beid, B, D,, 071(1 Bain, A. Elements of. Saussure, H. de. Observations on the elec- tric resonance (bourdonnement) of mount- ains. {In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) Smith, J. Panorama of science and art, v. 2. Tomlinson, C. Frictional, Electricity (continued) — Tyndall, J. Electrical phenomena and the- ories. — Light and. See also — Galvanism. Patents, Abridgments Lightning. of Br., v. 13. Magnetism. Telegraph. Meteorology. Thunder. Electro - deposition. Gore, G. Its theory and practice. (In Orr's Circle of the sci- ences, V. 7.) Electro - magnetic seismograph. Palmieri, — (I'rof.). Description of. (J»j Smithson- ian rept. 1870.) Electro-physiology. Matteucci, C. Lect- ures on. (In Smithsonian rept. 1865.) Electron. Richards, W. C. Elegant extracts in prose. Lond. 1824. 8° Elegiac sonnets. Smith, C. Elegy written in a country churchyard. Gray, T. (In Poetical works.) Eleonore. Ingersleben, E. von. Elephant — Andersson, C. J. Lion and the. Jardine, Sir W. Thick-skinned quadru- peds, etc. , (In Jardine's Nat. lib., v. 23.) Mery, J. Elephants, Les. (In ffiuvres, v. 27.) Natural history of the. H. F. lib., v. 164. Elephant club. Thomson, M. Elephant in the moon, The. Butler, S. (In Works, V. 2.) Elfen, Die. Tieck, L. (In Schriften, v. 4.) El Gringo. Davis, W. W. H. Elia (pseud.). See Lamb, C. Eliana. Lamb, C. Eli^abide, Pierre Vincent. Millaud,P. Prc- ces d'. Elie de Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis L^once (b. 1798). Memoir of Auguste Bra- vais. (In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Memoir of A. M. Legendre. (In Smithson- ian rept. 1867.) Memoir of C. F. Beautemps-Beaupr4. (In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) Memoir of Oersted. (In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) Eliot, George (pseud.). See Lewes, M. J. Eliot, Sir John (1590-1632). See Orator, The ; Select British eloquence; Statesmen, Lives of eminent Br. ; Statesmen of the common- wealth of Eng. Eliot, John (1603-1690). Francis, C. Life of. (In Lib. Am. biog.) Eliot, W. G. Woman's work and education in America. St. Louis, 1870. 8° (In Pam- phlets, V. 29.) Elisabeth. See Elizabeth. Elisha, the prophet. Dothie, W. P. History of. Elixir de longue vie, L'. Balzac, H, de, (In CEuvres completes, v. 34.) Eliza Woodson. Farnham, Mrs. E. W. Elizabeth (gueen of England), (1533-1603). Ab- bott, J. History of. N. Y. 1868. 12° AiKiN, L. Memoirs of the court of Eliza- beth, queen of England. N. Y. 1870. 2 V. in 1. 12° Buckle, H. T. Reign of. {In his Mis. and posth. works, v. 1.) ELIZABETH 278 ELLIOTT Elizabeth {continued ) — Camden, W. History of. Froude, J. A. Reign of Elizabeth. [In his Hist.of Eng., V. 7-10.) Strickland, A. Life of. {In her Lives of the queens, v. 3, Lond. 1872 ; v. 6, 7, Phil. 1856.) See also — Blackwood's mag., April, 1867. Eng. lang. and lit. Eraser's mag., Oct. and Nov. 1853. Hume's Hist, of Eng., chap, xxxviii. to xliv. Lond. quarterly rev., July, 1854, Oct. 1863. Mary Stuart. Motley's United Netherlands, chap, vi., vii., et seq. [Note. — VoT historical fiction relating to Elizahpth, xea Kingsley, C. Am vas Leigli ; Westward ho! Williams, K. F. Shaliespeare novels.] Elizabeth, Christine {queen of Prussia) , (1715- 1797). Thiebault, D. (In Souvenirs, V. 1.) Elizabeth, duchess of Gordon. /Sje Gordon. Elizabeth, princess of Russia. Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.). Daughter of an empress. (Hist, fict.) Elizabeth de Valois {queen of Spain), (1545- 1568). Freer, M. W. Elizabeth de Va- lois and the court of Philip ii. Lond. 1857. 2v. 12^ Elizabeth. Cottin, S. R. Elizabeth. Thackeray, Miss A. I. Story of. Same. {In her Writings.) Elkanah Brewster's temptation. Nordhoff, C. {In Atlantic tales.) El-Khuds, the holy ; or, glimpses in the orient. Turner, W. M. Ella, John. Musical sketches ; abroad and at home. Lond. 1869. 12? Elle et lui. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Ellen de Vere ; or, the way of the will. Smith, J. F. Ellen Eskdale. Ellis, Mrs. S. S. {In her Pict- ures of private life.) Ellen Linn. Abbott, J. Ellen Seymour ; and other poems. Heath, T. Ellery, Robert L. J. Astronomical observations made at the Melbourne observatory in the years 1861 to 1868, inch Melbourne, 1866- 9. 3 V. 8? Ellery, William (1727-1820). Channing, E. T. Life of. {In Lib. Am. biog., v. 6.) See also Signers to decl. of indep., v. 9. Ellet, Charles, Jr. (1810-1862). Physical geog- raphy of the Mississippi valley. {In Smith- sonian contrib., v. 2.) Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth Fries (6. 1818). Characters of Schiller. Bost. 1839. 12° Court circles of the republic ; or, beauties and celebrities of the nation. Illustrating life and society under 18 presidents, from Washington to Grant. Hartford, 1869. 8= Domestic history of the American revolution. N. Y. 1851. 12° Pioneer women of the west. [For contents, see Women.] Queens of American society. [For contents, see Queens.] Watching spirits. N. Y. 1851. 8? Women artists in all ages and countries. Women of the American revolution. Ellice's islands. Wilkes, C. Description of. {In his Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 5.) Bllicott, Charles John {Bp.). Considerations on the revision of the English version of the new testament. See Lightfoot, J. B., et al. Critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians. Revised translation. Bost. 1867. 8° Critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Thessalonians. Re- vised translation. Bost. 1865. 8? Historical lectures on the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Hulsean lectures for 1859.) Bost. 1863. 12° Elliot, — . Pocket-book of medicine. Moscow, 1794. 8° {Russian.) Elliot, Frances. Old court life in France. Lond. 1873. 2v. 8? Romance of old court life in France. N. Y. 1873. 8° (5 cop.) Elliot, George H. Presidio of San Francisco. {In Overland monthly, v. 4.) Elliot, Mrs. Grace Dalrymple. Journal de ma vie. ( In Holland, H. R. Souvenirs des cours de France.) Elliot, Henry M. History of India, as told by its own historians. Edited from his post- humous papers, by J. Dowson. Lond. 1867. 4 V. 8? Memoirs on the history, folk-lore, and dis- tribution of the races of the north-western provinces of India ; being an amplified edi- tion of the original supplemental glossary of Indian terms. Edited, revised, and re- arranged by J. Beames. Lond. 1869. 2 v. 12° Elliot, Jonathan. {Ed.) Debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the federal constitution, as recommended by the general convention at Philadelphia, in 1787 ; together with the journal of the federal con- vention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, congressional opinions, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of '98-'99, and other illustrations of the constitution. {2d ed.) Wash. 1854. 5 v. 8° [V. 1 missing.] Elliott, Alfred. Forest, jungle, and the prairie. Lond. 1868. 16? Play-ground and parlor. Lond. 1868. 12? Elliott, Charles Wyllys {b. 1817). New England history, from the discovery of the continent by the Northmen, 986, to the period when the colonies declared their independence, 1776. N. Y. 1857. 2 v. 8? Remarkable characters and places of the Holy land ; comprising an account of apostles, judges, kings, patriarchs, poets, prophets, warriors, and women. With descriptions of ancient and venerated shrines. Hartford, Conn., 1867. 8? Elliott, Ebenezer (1781-1849). See Aikin's poets ; Brief biographies, v. 2. Elliott, F. R. Fruit-book ; or, the American fruit-grower's guide in orchard and garden. N. Y. 1856. 12? Popular deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs for planting in parks, gardens, ceme- teries, etc. N.Y. 1870. 12? Elliott, R. S. Climate of Kansas. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1870.) ELLIOTT 279 ELVES Elliott, S. H. Lights and shadows of a pastor's life. Phil. 1859. IK Elliott, Mrs. Sarah A. Mrs. Elliott's housewife ; containing practical receipts in cookery. N. Y. 1870. 12° Elliott, Stephen. Keply to a resolution of the Georgia historical society, read before the society at its anniversary meeting, Feb. 12, 1866. {In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Cohen, S. Eulogy on the life and character of. Savannah, 1867. 8^ (/n Pamphlets, v. 35.) Ellis, A. J. Early English pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakespeare and Chau- cer. {In Chaucer soc, 2d ser.) Ellis, George. Harlequin Cherry and Fair Star. (Pant.) Lacy's Plays, v. 9. Ellis, George. Specimens of early English met- rical romances ; to which is prefixed an his- torical introduction on the rise and progress of romantic composition in France and En- gland. New ed., revised by J. O. Halliwell. Lond. 1848. 12° Ellis, George E. Half-century of the Unitarian controversy, with particular reference to its origin, its course, and its prominent subjects among the Congregationalists of Massachu- setts. Bost. 1857. 8° Memoir of Sir Benj. Thompson, Count Kum- ford ; with notices of his daughter. Phil. 8° Ellis, George James Welbore Agar [Lord Dover), ( 1797-1833) . Life of Frederick the second, king of Prussia. H. F. lib., v. 41, 42. Ellis, Henry. Voyage to discover a north-west passage to East India. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Ellis, Henry T. Hong-kong to Manila and the lakes of Luzon, in the Philippine isles, in the year 1856. Lond. 1859. 12° Ellis, John B. Sights and secrets of the national capital : description of Washington city. S.F. 1869. 8° Ellis, Kobert. On numerals as signs of primeval unity among mankind. Lond. 1873. 8? Ellis, Mrs. Sarah Stickney (6. 1812). Education of the heart: woman's best work. {2d ed.) Lond. 1872. 12° Poetry of life ; containing also. Pictures of private life ; Voice from the vintage on the force of example. {Author's ed.) N. Y. 1845. 8° Contents : Pictures of private life (1st and 2(1 ser.) : Apology for flction. Curate's widow. Ellen Eskdale. Hall and the cottage. Marriage as it may be. Misanthropy. Pains of pleasing. Poetry of life : Characteristics of poetry. Imagination. Impression. Individual association. Poetry of animals. Poetry of evening. Poetry of flowers. Poetry of grief. Ellis, -ffew. William. Polynesian researches, dur- ing a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich islands. New ed., enlarged and improved. Lond. 1859. 4 v. 12^ Poetry (continued) : Poetry of language. Poetry of love. Poetry of painting. Poetry of religion. Poetry of rural life. Poetry of sound. Poetry of the bible. Poetry of tlie moon. Poetry of trees. Poetry of woman. Power. Taste. Why certain objects are or are not poetical. Voice from the vintage on the force of example. Ellis {continued) — Three visits to Madagascar, during the years 1853-6 ; including a journey to the capi- tal, with notices of the natural history of the country and of the present civilization of the people. Lond. 1859. 8° Ellsworth, H. W. Text-book on penmanship ; with rules for punctuation, and directions and forms for letter- writing. N. Y. 1862. 12° Ellsworth, Oliver (1745-1807). See American, eloquence, v. 1 ; Flanders, H. Chief jus- tices of the supreme court. EUwOOd, Thomas. History of the life of; writ- ten by himself. Lond. 1827. 16^ {In Au- tobiography, V. 11.) Elm-island stories. See Kellogg, E. Elm- tree tales. Smith, J. B. El-Medinah and Meccah. Burton, K. F. Elmes, James (6.1782). Classical quotations : a thought-book of the wise spirits of all ages and all countries, fit for all men and all hours. N. Y. 1863. 16? Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christo- pher Wren ; with a brief view of the prog- ress of architecture in England, from the beginning of the reign of Charles the first to the end of the xvii. century, and an ap- pendix of authentic documents. Lond. 1823. 4° Elms homestead. Johnson, M. O. Elocution — Deinoloqy and. Frobisher, J. E. Voice and action. Griffith, A. A. Drill-book for the princi- ples of vocal physiology. McIlvaine, J. H. Elocution. Mitchell, M. S. Manual of. KussELL, W. Orthophony and. See also Eloquence ; Oratory ; Keaders and speakers ; Speech. Eloisa. KoussEAu, J. J. (JnAisMis. works,v. 6-9.) Eloquence — Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Dialogues sur I'eloquence. {In QEuvres completes, v. 5.) Goodrich, C. A. {Ed.) Select British. Maury, J. S. (^W^). Principles of. H.F. lib., V. 193. Moore, F. {Ed.) American. Orator, The : a compendium of English elo- quence. Patriotic and heroic. ViLLEMAiN, A. F. Tableau de I'eloquence Chr^tienne au iv. siecle. {In QEuvres, v. 10.) See also Elocution ; Oratory ; and the names of orators, etc. Elphinstone, Jacob. Poetse sententiosi Latini. Lond. 1794. 12° Elsbeth. Kellstab, L. {In Ges. schriften, v. 5.) Elsie Magoon. Gage, Mrs. F. D. Elsie Venner. Holmes, 0. W. Elsie's married life. Daniel, Mrs. M. Elton, Charles Abraham. Specimens of the Greek and Koman classic poets, from Ho- mer to Trychiodorus ; with critical notices. Phil. 1860. 3 V. 12? Elves, The. Tieck, L. ELVIRA 280 EMIGRATION Elvira. Eellstab, L. {In Ges. schriften, v. 18.) Blvres, Alfred. Swift and sure ; or, the career of two brothers. Lond. 1873. 12^ THROtTGH Spain by rail in 1872. Lond. 1873. 12° El"wyn, Alfred L. Glossary of supposed Amer- icanisms. Phil. 1859. 12° Ely, Alfred. Journal of. A prisoner of war in Kichmond (1861). Ed. by Charles Lan- man. N. Y. 1862. 12° Ely, Charles Arthur. Science the true basis of education : address, before the board of trus- tees of the college of California at its first commencement at Oakland, June 14, 1860. S. F. 1860. 8° {In Pamphlets, v. 29.) Elze, Carl. Lord Byron. Emancipation — Huxley, T. H. Emancipation : black and white. {In his Lay sermons.) Sherwood, M. M. {In Works, v. 5.) See also Slavery. Emanuel, Harry. Diamonds and precious stones : their history, value, and distin- guishing characteristics. "With simple tests for their identification. {Id ed.) N. Y. 1873. 12° Same. Lond. 1865. 12? Emblematic illumination. K., P. M. Emblems — Cats, J., and Faelie, K. Moral. Green, H. Shakespeare and the emblem writers ; preceded by a view of emblem lit- erature. Embroidery. See Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 27. Embryology — Agassiz, L. (J. E.) Embryology of the tur- tle. EiTCHiE, C. G. Ovarian physiology and pathology. See also Life. Embury, Mrs. Emma Catherine (1809-1863). Poems. {\st coll. ed.) N. Y. 1869. 12° Emden, W. S. Head of the family. (Comedi- etta.) Lacy's Plays, v. 44. Love's labyrinth. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 70. Emergencies, and how to treat them. Howe, J. W. Emerson, Gouvemeur. {Ed.) American farm- er's encyclopedia. The. Illustrated. N.Y. 1858. 8° Emerson, Ealph Waldo {b. 1803). Address, at Concord, on the emancipation of Negroes in the West Indies, Aug. 1, 1844. {In Pam- phlets, V. 14.) Article on Milton. {In Characteristics of men of genius, v. 1.) Same. {In North Am. rev., v. 47, p. 56.) Concord monument. {In Boston book.) English traits. Bost. 1857. 12? Contents : Ability. Aristocracy. Character. Cockayne. First visit to England. Land. Literature. Manners. Personal. Eace. Religion. Result. Speech at Manchester. Stonehenge. ' Times,' The. Truth. ■Universities. Voyage to England. Wealth. Emerson {continued) — •. Essays. Eirst and second series. {Blue and gold.) Bost. 1865. 16? Contents : Art. Love. Character. Manners. Circles. Nature. Compensation. New England reformers. Experience. Nominalist and realist. Friendship. Over-soul, The. Gifts. Poet, The. Heroism. Politics. History. Self-reliance. Intellect. Spiritual laws. — May-day ; and other pieces. Bost. 1867. 12? (3 cop.) Contents : Adirondacs, The. May-day. Miscellaneous poems. Translations. MiscELLLANiES; embracing Nature, addresses, and lectures. Bost. 1860. 12? Contents : Address to the senior class in Divinity college, Cambridge, July 15, 1838. American scholar. The : oration before the Phi Beta Kappa society, at Cambridge, Aug. 31, Wn. Conser\-ative, The : lecture read in the Masonic temple, Boston, Dec. 9, 1841. Introductory lecture on the times, read in the Ma- sonic temple, Boston, Dec. 2, 1841. Literary ethics : address to the literary societies in Dartmouth college, July 24, 1838. Man the reformer : lecture read before the Me- chanics' apprentices' lib. assoc, Boston, Jan. 25, 1841. Method of nature: address to the society cf the Adelphi, in Waterville college, Maine, Aug. 11, 1841. Nature. Transcendentalist, The : lecture read in the Mar sonic temple, Boston, Jan. 1842. Young America, The : lecture read to the Mercan- tile Tib. assoc. in Boston, Feb. 7, 1844. Nature. Bost. 1836. 16? Same. {In Boston book.) Same. (/?i Miscellanies.) Poems. Bo^t. 1860. 12? (2 cop.) Contents : Miscellaneous poems. Monad noc. Sphinx, The. Wood notes. Prose works. New and rev. ed., containing the 'Essays' and 'Miscellanies' [for which, see above]. Bost. 1870. 2 v. 12? EEPRESENTATiVEmen : seven lectures. Bost. 1852. 12? Contents : GOthe ; or, the writer. Montaigne; or, the skeptic. Napol^n ; or, the man of the world. Plato ; or, the philosopher. — Society and solitude 1870. 12? (3 cop.) Plato : new readings. Shakespeare ; or, the poet. Swedenborg ; or, the mys- tic. Uses of great men. : 12 chapters. Bost. Contents: Art Eloquence. Book.s. Farming. Civilization. Old age. Clubs. Society and solitude Courage. Success. Domestic life. Works and days. Modem literature. My study windows. See also — Gilfillan, G. Lowell, J. E Modern men of letters Emery, E.B. Queens. Bost. 18— . 12? (4 cop.) Emery, Sarah A. Three generations. Illus- trated. Bost. 1872. 8? (3 cop.) Emigration — American colonization society. Memorial. EMIQRATION 281 EN Emigration (continued) — Boom, C. de. Solution politique et sociale, Une. Carey, M. Eeflections on emigration from Europe, etc. {In Mis. essays.) % Stout, A. B. Chinese immigration, etc. United States. Keportof the select commit- tee of the senate on the sickness and mor- tality on board of emigrant ships. YoxJNG, E. Keport on immigration, 1872. See also California (immigration). Emigration fields. Matthew, P. Emiliede Coulanges. Edgeworth,M. (Inker Tales of fashionable life, v. 5.) Emilius ; or, a new system of education . Kotis- SEAU, J. J. (In his Mis. works, v. 10-13.) Emily Chester. Seemuller, A. M. (C.) Emily's ambition. Ingelow, J. (In Studies for stories.) Eminent Americans. Lossing, B. J. Eminent Etonians. Creasy, E. S. Eminent persons. Johxson, S. Lives of. {In Works, V. 2.) Contents : Ascham, Roger. Barretier, John Philip. Blake, Robert. Boerhaave, Herman. Browne, Sir Thomas. Burman, Peter. Cave, Edward. Emma. Axtstek, J. Emmanuel-Philibert. Dumas, A. (D.) Emmeline. Musset, A. de. (In Nouvelles.) Emmet, Robert (1780-1803). His character ; his conversation ; his eloquence ; his rebellion a failure. Lond. n.d. 12° See also Orator, The. Emmet, Thomas Addis (1764-1827). See Am. eloquence, v. 1 ; Orators of the Am. rev. Emminghaus, A. {Ed.) Poor relief in diiFer- ent parts of Europe ; being a selection of essays. Tr. from the German ; revised by E. B. Eastwick. Lond. 1873. 12° Cheynel, Francis. Drake, Sir Francis. King of Prussia (Frederick n.). Morin, Louis. Sarpi, Father Paul. Sydenham, Thomas. Contents ; Kleinwiichter, Dr. : Austria. Lammers, A. : Bremen. Lammers, A. : Elberfeld. Lammers, A. : Sweden and Norway. Makowiczka, Prof. : Bava- ria. Schwabe, Dr. H. : Berlin. Baumhauer, Dr. M. M. : Ne- therlands, The. Block, Maurice: France. Bodio, Prof. Luigi : Italy. Bohmert, Dr. : Switzerland. Bruch, Ernst: Prussia. Emminghaus, A. : Belgium. Emminghaus, A. : Intro- ductory chapter. Enmaons, Ebenezer (1799-1863). Agriculture of New York ; comprising an account of the classification, composition, and distribution of the soils and rocks, and the natural waters of the differentgeological formations, together ' with a condensed view of the climate and agricultural products of the state. Albany, 1846-54. 5v. 4° [N. Y. nat.hist., pt. vi.] Geology of New Yoric. Part ii., comprising the survey of the second geol. district. Al- bany, 1842. 4? [N. Y. nat. hist., pt. iv.] Manual of geology, for the use of colleges. Illustrated. Phil. 1860. 12^ Report on the quadrupeds of Massachusetts, 1840. {In Scientific survey of Mass., v. 2.) Emmons, S. Bulfinch. Philosophy of popular superstitions, and the effects of credulity and imagination upon the moral, social, and in- tellectual condition of the human race. Bost. 1853. 12? Emmons, S. F. Report on the Egan caflon dis- trict and the geology of the Toyabe range. {In King, C. U. S. geol. expl. of the 40th parallel, v. 3.) Emory, William Hemsley {b. 1812). Extract from a report of a military reconnaissance of the route near 32d parallel, lying between the mouths of the San Pedro and Gila rivers. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., V. 2. Notes of a military reconnaissance from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego, in- cluding part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers, 1846-7. Wash. 1848. 8° (In New Mexico and California.) Report on the United States and Mexican boundary survey, made under the direction of the secretary of the interior, 1853-6. Wash. 1857-9. 2 v. in 3. 4° Contents : Baird, S. F. : Keport on the zoology of the bound- ary (mammals, birds, reptiles), v. 2, pt. ii. Conrad, T. A. : Description of cretaceous and ter- tiary fossils, V. 1. Engelmann, G. : Report on the cactaceae of the boundary, v. 2, pt i. Girard,C. : Reportonthelchthyology of the bound- ary, V. 2, pt. ii. Hall, J. : Report on the geology and palaeontology of the boundary, v. 1. Michler, N. : Report of survey from the mouth of Devil's river to El Paso Del Norte, v. 1. Parry, C. C. : General geological features of the country, v. 1. Parry, C. C. : Reconnaissance to the mouth of the Gila river, from San Diego, Cal., Sept. 11 to Dec. 10, 1849, V. 1. Parry, C. C. : Report on the geological features of the Rio Grande valley, from El Paso to the mouth of the Pecos river, v. 1. Schott, A. : Report en the geology of the country along the boundary line, lying bet. the 111 deg. of long, and the initial point on the Rio Colorado, V. 1. Schott, A. : Report on the geology of the lower Rio Bravo Del Norte, v.. 1. Torrey, J. : Report on the botany of the boundary, v. 2, pt. i. Same. Part i. Emory college {Oxford, Ga.). Catalogue of the oflicers, alumni, and students, 1867-8. Ma- con, Ga., 1868. {In Triennial cat. Am. coll., V. 1.) Emotional disorders. Murray, W. Emotions — Bain, A. Emotions and the will. Darwin, C. (R.) Expression of the emotions in man and animals. Emotions de Polydore Marasquin, Les. Gozlan, L. {In (Euvres, v. 7.) Empedocles. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Symonds, J. A. {In his Studies of the Greek poets.) Emperor's vigil. The. Jones, E. Empflndsame reisen im jahre 1832. Rells- TAB, L. {In Ges. schriften, v. 9.) Empicharmus. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Empire of the sea, The. Whytehead, T. (In Cambridge prize poems. ) Employes, Les. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 21.) Empress Josephine, The. Mundt, Mrs. C. (M.) "RVn province. M:feRY, J. {In (Euvres, v. 16.) ENAULT 282 ENGINEERING Enault, Louis. Pupille de la legion d'honneur, La. N.Y. 1869. 8° (2 cop.) Contents : Jardin mystique, Le, par fid. Laboulaye. Opale, L,', par Samuel Henry Berthoud. Pupille de la legion d'honneur, La. Enchanted princess, The. Natjman, M. D. Enchanting and enchanted. Hacklandek, !F. W. Enchiridion, The. E^ictetus. Encina, Juan de la. Egloga. (In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espanol.) Encke, Johann Franz (1791-1865). Hagen, G. Memoir of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) EncyclopSBdia Americana. Lieber, F., e< al. (Eds.) Encyclopaedia Britannica ; or, dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature. {8th ed.) Edin. 1860. 22 v. 4? Same. Index to 8th ed. Edin. n.d. 4° Encyclopaedias — Antisell, T. Hand-book of the useful arts. Blaine, D.P. Encyclopaedia of rural sports. Booth, J. C. Encyclopaedia of chemistry. Brown, J. N. Encyclopaedia of religious knowledge, Burke, J. and Sir J. B. Encyclopaedia of heraldry. Gates, W. L. K. See Woodward, B. B. Ghambers, W. awrfK. Information for the people. Ghambers's. Clement, G. E. Hand-book of legendary and mythological art. Gluskey, M. W. Political text-book, or en- cyclopaedia. GONVERSATIONS-LEXIKON. Gresy, E. Encyclopaedia of civil engineer- ing. Dick, "W. B. Encyclopaedia of practical re- ceipts and processes. Emerson, G. (Ed.) American farmer's. Encyclopedie des jeunes Studiants etdes gens du monde. Gwilt, J. Encyclopaedia of architecture. Hale, S. J. Woman's record, Hebert, L. Engineer's and mechanic's en- cyclopaedia. Heck, J. G. Iconographic encyclopaedia of science, HiRZEL, H, Hauslexicon, Das. Kitto, J. Gyclopaedia of biblical literature. Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of trees and shrubs. MooRE, J. W. Complete encyclopaedia of music. Murray, H. Encyclopaedia of geography. Nicholson, W. British, Perce, E, Battle roll : an encyclopaedia of the most famous and memorable land bat- tles and sieges in all ages. Rankine, W. J. McQ., et al. Imperial jour- nal of arts and sciences, The. Kicharderie, B. de la. Bibliotheque univer- selle des voyages, EiNGWALT, J. L. American cyclopaedia of printing. Smith, J. Panorama of science and art. ToMLiNsoN, G. Gyclopaedia of useful arts, mechanical and chemical. Encyclopaedias {continued) — Trall, R. T. Hydropathic. Woodward, B. B., and Gates, W. L. E. Encyclopaedia of chronology. Zell, T. E. {Pub.) Popular encyclopaedia. See also Gonversations-lexikon ; Gyclopaedia ; Dictionary ; Dictionnaire. Encyclopedie des jeunes ^tudiants et des gens du monde, ou dictionnaire raisonn6 des con- naissances humaines, des moeurs, et des pas- sions. Paris, 1833. 2 v. 8° End of the world. Eggleston, E. Endeavor {ship). See Hawkesworth, J. Endosmosis. See Chemistry. Endymion. Keats, J. {In Poetical works.) Eneide, L'. Virgilius Maro, P. Enfant aux souliers de pain, L'. Gautier, T. {In (Euvres, v. 17.) Enfant des grenadiers de la garde, L'. Soulie, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 27.) Enfant maudit, L'. Balzac, H. de. {In (Eu- vres completes, v. 33.) Enfant perdu, L'. Schmid, C. von. {In Gon- tes, V. 1.) Enfants de 1 'amour, Les. Sue, E. Enfield, Edward. Indian corn : its value, cult- ure, and uses. N. Y. 1866. 12'^ Engel, Moritz Erdmund {b. 1767). Novel. {In Eoscoe, T. German novelists, v. 4.) Engel, Samuel (1702-1784), Memoires et observa- tions g^ographiques et critiques sur la situa- tion des pays septentrionaux de I'Asie etde I'Amerique d'apres les relations les plusre- cul^es. Lausanne, 1765. 8° Engelhardt, M. Formation of ice at the bottom of the water. (In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Engelmann, G. Manuel du dessinateur litho- graphe. Paris, 1824. 12? Engelmann, George. Description of the cacta- ceiB of Whipple's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 4. Eeport on the cactaceae of the boundary. (In Emory's U. S. and Mexican boundary sur- vey, V. 2, pt. i.) See also Gray, A., et al. ; King, G. Engelmann, Henry. Geology of Johnson, Pu- laski, and Massac counties, and that part of Pope CO. south of Big Bay river ; and of that part of Pope co. north of Big Bay river, (In Geol. survey of Illinois, v. 1.) Geology of Washington, Clinton, Marion, and Jefferson counties. {In Geol. survey of Illinois, V. 3.) Engineer, The. V. 25 (1868) to 35 (June, 1873). Lond. 1868-73. 11 v. 4? [V. 32 (July to Dec. 1871) missing.] Engineering — Appleton, D., and Go. Dictionary of ma- chines, mechanics, and engineering. Architect, The, Artizan, The. Civil engineer and architect's journal, Gresy, E. Encyclopaedia of civil. Dempsey, G. D. Practical railway engineer. Engineer, The. (Lond.) Engineering : a weekly illustrated journal. Pairbairn, W. Useful information for en- gineers. Hebert, L. Engineer's and mechanic's en- cyclopaedia, The. ENGINEERINO- 283 ENGLAND Engineering {continued) — Mahan, D. H. Elementary course of civil. Mechanic's magazine. Kankine, W. J. McQ. Manual of civil. — Useful rules and tables. KoGERs, F. Architect's text-book of useful information. SiMMS, F. "W. Principles and practice of leveling. Spok, E. and F. N. (Pub.) Dictionary of. Stevenson, D. Canal and river. Trautwine, J. C. Civil engineer's pocket- book. Van Nostra nd's eclectic engineering mag. "Weale, J. Ensamples of railway -making. — Rudimentary dictionary of terms used in. Weisbach, J. Principles of the mechanics of machinery and. See also — - Agricultural. Military. Bridges. Railroads. Industrial. Steam-engine. Mechanic. Engineering : an illustrated weekly journal. Ed. by W. H. Maw and J. Dredge. V. 14 (July to Dec. 1872). Lond. 1872. 4° Engineering facts and figures for 1866 : an an- nual register of progress in mechanical engi- neering and construction. Lond. 1867. 12° Engineers — Post-office directory of engineers. Iron and metal trades ; comprising every trade and profession connected with the above trades throughout England, Scotland, and Wales. Lond. 1870. Thick 8° Smiles, S. Lives of the engineers ; with an account of their principal works. Com- prising also a history of inland communica- tion in Britain. "With portraits and numer- ous illustrations. {6th thousand.) Lond. 1862. 3 V. 8? Contents : Myddleton, Sir Hugh, Life of, V. 1. Rennie, John, v. 2. Smeaton, John, v. 2. Stephenson, Geo., v. 3. Stephenson, Rob't, v. 3. Telford, Thos.,v. 2. Bridges, harbors, and fer- ries, V. 1. Brindley, Jas., Life of, v. 1. Early roads and modes of traveling, v. 1. Early vvorljs of embanking and draining, v. 1. — Same. V. 1, 2. Lond. 1861. 8° Trips in the life of a locomotive engineer. Engineers and topographical engineers. See United States (army and navy). England — [A'bie.— Subdivisions of this article will be found by the fol- lowing arrangement of titles, viz. : 1, Antiquities ; 2, Con- stitution and law ; 3, Agriculture, natural history, etc. ; 4, Literary and religious ; 5, Government, society, and politics ; 6, Commerce, industry, and finance ; 7, Army and navy ; 8, History ; 9, Description and travel.] I. Antiquities: BoRLASE, W. C. Nsenia cornubiae: primi- tive sepulchres of the county of Cornwall. EccLESTON, J. Introduction to English an- tiquities. Strutt, J. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England, from the establishment of the Saxons to the present time. Illustrated. 2. Constitution and law: AiRD, D. M. Blackstone economized; being a compendium of the laws of England to the present time. England, (continued) — Blackstone, W. Commentaries on the laws of. De Lolme, J. L. Constitution of. — Rise and progress of the English constitu- tion [564-1837]. FiNLAsoN, W. F. Dissertation on the nat- ure and use of legal history, the rise and progress of our laws, and the influence of the Roman law in the formation of our own. (In Reeves, J. History of the English law.) FoNBLANQUE, A., Jr. How we are governed. Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English con- stitution . Hallam, H. Constitutional history of En- gland, from the accession of Henry vii. to the death of George ii. [1485-1760]. May, T. E. Constitutional history of En- gland [1760-1860]. Reeves, J. History of the Englis^h law, from the time of the Romans to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. 3. Aerlenlture, natural Iilatory, etc. : Bell, T. History of the British stalk-eyed Crustacea. Ferber, J. J. Essay on the oryctography of Derbyshire. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Low E , E . J . Natural history of British grass- es. MacEnery, J. Cavern researches. Martins, C. Vegetable colonization of the British isles. (In Smithsonian rept. 1858.) Rogers, J. E. T. History of agriculture and prices in England, from 1259 to 1793. See also Government ; Norfolk (east) ; Sel- borne. 4. Kiiterary and religious: Birch, W. De G. Fasti monastici sevi Sax- onici ; or, an alphabetical list of the heads of religious houses in England previous to the Norman conquest. Staunton, H. Great schools of England. TuLLOCK, J. Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the xvii. century. 5. Oovernment, society, and politics: Blanc, J. J. L. Letters on. Brougham, H. (Lord). Speeches on social and political subjects. Browne, M. Chaucer's. Bulwer-Lytton, /Sir E. G. E. L. England and the English. Capefigue, B. H. R. Duchesse de Ports- mouth et la cour galante des Stuarts. CoBDEN, J. C. "White slaves of. Collier, W. F. Pictures of the periods : sketch-book of old English life. Da vies, C. (Lady). Recollections of society in France and. Fairholt, F. W. Costume in. Harland, J., awrf "Wilkinson, T. T. Lan- cashire folk-lore. Hoyle, "W. Our national resources, and how they are wasted. (An omitted chapter on political economy.) Jones, C. C. Recollections of royalty [1100- 1807]. Kay, J. Social condition and education of the people in. ENGLAND 284 ENGLAND England (continued) — Lester, E. C. Glory and shame of. LoiSNE, C. M. de. France and England, so- cially and politically considered, Macaulay, T. B. Speeches. Manchester, W. D. M. {Duke). Court and society, from Elizabeth to Anne. Martix, C. Civil customs of England, from the conquest to the present time [1842] . Maurice, F. D. Workman and the fran- chise, etc. Parkes, H. Australian views of. Pike, L. O. History of crime in England. V. 1, from the Koman invasion to the ac- cession of Henry vii. KoTAL blue-book, 1871. Same. 1872. Slaveholder abroad. Smith, G. Three English statesmen. Suppressed facts ; being nobility unveiled, or the private pranks, villanies, and amours of the British aristocracy. By a natural- ized citizen. N. Y. 1843. 8° (In Pam- phlets, V. 7.) Times, J. Works and corners of English life. Wakefield, B. G. England and America. (See aZsoBulwer's novels ; Heraldry; Manners and customs. 6. Commerce, indostry, and flnauce : Adams, H. British finance in 1816. (In Chapters of Erie, and other essays.) Same. (In North Am. rev., April, 1867.) Akderson, a. Origin of commerce, etc. Goschen, G. J. Reports and speeches on lo- cal taxation. Ure, a. Cotton manufacture of Great Brit- ain. WiLKiE, G. Manufacture of iron in Great Britain. 7. Army and nary : Allen, J. Battles of the British navy [1190- 1840]. British army uniforms. Illustrated, f^ Maxwell, W. H. Victories of Wellington and the British army. KoYAL military chronicle. Sheridan, E. B. Speeches. Stocqueler, J. H. Personal history of the horse-guards. S. History: [2Vo?e.— This heading is further subdivided, and will be found arranged as follows, viz. : (a.) General ; (6.) From 55 B.C. to Henry viii., a.d. 1509 ; (c.) From 1509 to com- monwealth, 1649 ; (d.) Commonwealth, 1649-1660; (e.) Since commonwealth, 1660 ; (/.) Historical fiction.] (a.) Cteneral: Annual register, 1872. Brewer, E. C. (Dr.). Guide to English his- tory and biography. Buckle, H. T. Fragments. (In Mis. and posth. works, v. 1.) — History of civilization in . — Notes on English history. (In Mis. and posth. works, v. 3.) Cobbett, W. Parliamentary debate [1803- 20]. Collier, W. F. History of England [54 B.C. to A.D. 1863]. Craig-Knox, I. Young folk's history of England [55 B.C. to a.d. 1872]. England (continued) — Dickens, C. (J. H.) Child's hi.story of En- gland [55 B.C. to A.D. 1688]. Dixon, (W.) H. Her majesty's tower. Freeman, E. A. Norman conquest of En- gland : its causes and its results. Froude, J. A. English in Ireland in xviii. century. — History of England, from 1530 to 1603. Goldsmith, O. History of England [55 B.C. to A.D. 1854]. Homes, H. A. Palatine emigration to En- gland in 1709. (In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Hume, D. History of England. (Student's Hume continued to 1858.) — History of England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdication of James ii. [55 B.C. to A.D. 1688]. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of En- gland during the reign of the Stuarts, includ- ing the protectorate [1603-88]. Keiohtley, T. History of England, from the earliest period to 1839. KiNGSLEY, C. Review of Froude's history of. (In Plays and Puritans.) Knight, C. Half-hours of English history. — Popular history of England [55 B.C. to A.D. 1849]. Ledru-Rollin, a. a. I>^adence de I'An- gleterre, La. LiNGARD, J. History of England [55 B.C. to A.D. 1688]. LossiNG, B. J. History of England [55 B.C. to A.D. 1871]. Macaulay, T. B. History of England, from the accession of James the second . Mackintosh, Sir J. History of England [55 B.C. to A.D. 1572]. (Continued by W. Wallace to 1760.) Old England's worthies. Peacock, E. (Ed.) Army lists of the Round- heads and Cavaliers, containing the names of the officers in the royal and parliamentary armies of 1642. Portraits of the parliamentary officers of the great civil war. Ranke, L. von. Englische geschichte, vor- nehmlich im siebzehnten jahrhundert [1500— 1600]. Rapin, p. de. History of. Reed, H. Lectures on English history and tragic poetry, as illustrated by Shakespeare. Roujoux, P. G. de, et Mainouet, A. His- toire d'Angleterre, depuis les temps les plus recuMs jusqu'a nos jours [55 B.C. to a.d. 1837]. Rush, R. Court of London, from 1819 to 1825. Sanford, J. L. Estimates of the English kings, from William the conqueror to George in. [1066-1760]. Six old Englisn chronicles. Smith, W. (Bd.) Smaller history of En- gland [to 1862] . Strickland, A. Queens of. Swift, J. Abstract of the history of. (7» Works, V. 1.) Valbezen, E. de. Anglais et I'Inde, Les. Vaughn, R. Revolutions in English history. Wheaton, H. History of the Northmen. ENGLAND 285 ENGLAND Sngfland {continued) — "Wright, F. Homes of other days. See also England (army and navy) ; Great Britain ; History ; and the names of sov- ereigns and of the different parts. (b.) From 55 B.C. to Henry VIII., 1509 : Adams, W. H. D. Before the conquest [849- 1070]. Bede, The venerable. Ecclesiastical history of England [55 B.C. to a.d. 664] ; also, the Anglo-Saxon chronicle [a.d. 1 to 1154]. BoNNECHOSE, E. de. Quatre conquetes de I'Angleterre, Les [55 B.C. to a.d. 1086]. Brooke, R. Visits to the fields of battle in England of the xv. century. Creasy, E. S. History of England [55 B.C. to A.D. 1485]. Dasent, G. W. England and Norway in the XI. century. (In Jest and earnest, v. 1.) Florence of "Worcester, Chronicle of [446- 1295]. Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles of England, France, and Spain [1326-1400]. Geldart, T. Popular history of England [60 B.C. to A.D. 1087]. Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon [54 B.C. to a.d. 1154]. Ingulph's chronicle of the abbey of Croy- land [655-1486]. Longman, "W. History of life and times of Edward the third [1312-77]. Miller, T. History of Anglo-Saxons. Milton, J. History of Britain, from the first traditional beginning, continued to the Nor- man conquest. (In Prose works, v. 5.) Palgrave, F. History of Normandy and England [741-1002]. — Rise and progress of the English common- wealth. Paris, M. History of England, from 1235 to 1273. Roger de Hoveden. Annals of England [732-1201]. Roger of "Wendover. Flowers of history ; comprising the history of England from 447 to 1235. Thierry, A. Conquest of England by the Normans [55 B.C. to a.d. 1196]. TowLE, G. M. History of Henry the fifth [1413-22] . "William of Malmesbury. Chronicleof the kings of England [449-1142]. YoNGE, Miss C. M. Cameos from English histoty [900-1330]. (c.) From 1509 to commonirealth, 1649. BiONDi, G. F. L'istoria delle gverre civili d' Inghilterra, tra le due case di Lancastro e lore. Castelnau, M. de. Memoirs of the reigns of Francis ii. and Charles ix. of France ; wherein the most remarkable passages in the reigns of Henry viii. of England, Queen Elizabeth, and Mary, queen of Scots, are set forth in a true light. Guizot, F. p. G. History of the English rev- olution of 1640, from the accession of Charles I. to his death [1625-40]. Hopkins, S. Puritans, The ; or the church, court, and parliament of England during England (continued) — the reigns of Edward VI. and Queen Eliza- beth [1549-1601]. Lemon, R. (Ed.) Calendar of state papers (domestic series) of the reign of Elizabeth [1581-90]. Lodge, E. Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners [1513-1618]. See also Stuart, Family of. (d.) Commonwealth, 1649 in 1060. Bell, R. (Ed.) Memorials of the civil war [1642-70]. Cattermole, R. Great civil war of the time of Charles i. and Cromwell. Chateaubriand, R. F. A. Cromwell. (In his Melanges politiques, etc.) Dakgaud, J. M. Histoire d'Olivier Crom- well [1599-1658]. Johnson, G. "W. {^d.) Fairfax correspond- ence : memoirs of the reign of Charles the first [1628-42]. Godwin, "W. History of the commonwealth. GuizoT, F. P. G. History of Oliver Cromwell and the English commonwealth. Milton, J. Letters of a friend concerning ruptures of the commonwealth. (In Prose works, v. 2.) (e.) Since commonwealth, 1680. Bernard, M. Historical account of the neu- trality of Great Britain during the American civil war. Burnet, G. Bishop Burnet's history of his own time [1660-1713] . Faithful register ; or, the debates of the house of commons in four several parlia- ments [1680-85]. Fox, C. J. History of the early part of the reign of James the second [1685]. Hughes, T. S. History of England [176&- 1837]. Hyde, E. (earZ o/ Clarendon). History of the rebellion and civil wars in England [1628- 68]. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the pretenders and their adherents [1688-1788] . Macaulay, T. B. History of England, from accession of James ii. [1685-1702]. Mahon, p. H. History of England, from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Paris [1713-83]. Martineau, H. History of the peace, being a history of England from 1816 to 1854 ; with introduction, from 1800 to 1815. MasseY; W. History of England during the reign of George the third [1745-89]. May, T. E. Constitutional history of. Molesworth, "W. N. History of England, from the year 1830. Smollett, T. Expedition against Carthagena [1740]. (In Mis. works, v. 4.) — History of England [1688-1760]. Stanhope, P. H. (Earl). History of En- gland ; comprising the reign of Queen Anne until the peace of Utrecht [1701-13]. Treaty between Great Britain and China (in English and Chinese), Aug. 29, 1842. (In Pamphlets, v. 6.) Turner, S. History of England during th« middle ages. ENGLAND 286 ENGLISH Sngland {continued) — Wraxall, N. W. Historical memoirs of my own time [1772-84], Wright, T. England under the house of Hanover [1714-1820]. (/.) Hlatorlcal flcif on : AiNSWORTH, W. H. Cardinal Pole ; or, the days of Philip and Mary [1553-8]. — Lord mayor of London [1760-1860] . — Saint James's ; or, the court of Queen Anne [1707]. — Star-chamber [1641]. BooTHERHEAD, A. P. Himself his worst en- emy. [George i., 1714-17.] Btjlwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. Devereux [1702-14]. — Harold, the last of the Saxon kings [1066]. — Last of the barons [1455-71]. Charles, Mrs. E. K. Draytohs and Daven- ants ; On both sides of the sea. [Common- wealth and restoration.] — Early dawn. [Before conquest.] Chesney, G. Fall of England : the battle of Dorking. GiBERNE, A. Aim^e. Ho WITT, W. Woodburn grange. James, G. P. K. Agincourt [1415]. McKeever, H. B. Twice crowned : a story of the days of Queen Mary [1542-87]. Eeynolds, G. "W. M. Lord Saxondale ; or, court of Queen Victoria. — Necromancer ; or, the mysteries of the court of Henry the eighth. King, M. John Milton and his times. Strickland, A. Pilgrims of Walsingham. What happened after the battle of Dorking. 9. Description and travel : Arlincourt, v. de. Tres reinos, Los. Berlioz, H. Voyages en Angleterre [1803- 65]. (In M^moires.) Bray, W. Tour in Derbyshire, 1777. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) BuLLARD, A. T. J. Sights and scenes in Europe. BuRRiTT, E, Walk from London to John O'Groat's. — Walks in the Black country, and its green border land. Chasles, (V. E.) P. Notabilities in England and France. Clarke, B. British gazetteer, The. CoxE, A. C. Impressions of. Gonzales, M. Voyage to England [1730]. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Haeseler, C. H. Across the Atlantic. Haven, G. Pilgrim's wallet. Hawthorne, N. Our old house. — Passages from the English note-books. Hawthorne, Mrs. N. Notes in England and Italy. Heine, H. Pictures of travel. Hoppin, J. M. Old England : its scenery, art, and people. Howitt, W. Rural life of. Kohl, J. G. Travels in England and Wales. Mf:RY, J. Nuits Anglaises, Les. (Ira (Eu- vres, V. 9.) Miller, H. First impressions of England and its people. England (continued) — Moretz, C. p. Travels in England, 1782. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.)' MoRPORD, H. Over-sea. MiJLLER, (F.) M. German traveler in En- gland, 1598. (In his Chips, v. 8.) Palmer, F. P., anrf Forrester, A. H. Wan- derings of a pen and pencil. Pyne, J. B. Lake scenery of. Raumer, F. von. England in 1841. Shaw, S. Tour to the west of England, 1788. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Sunny memories of foreign lands. Taine, H. (A.) Notes on. TucKERMAN, H. T. A month in. Ward, M. F. English items. — Letters from three continents. See also — Church. Puritans. Crimea. Scandinavia. Hayling island. United States (war Kent CO., and the of 1861-5). names of cos. United States (w&r generally. of independence. Peninsular war. Also the names of kings, queens, and sov- ereigns. England's antiphon. Macdonald, G. Englander, S. Abolition of the state : an his- torical and critical sketch of the parties advocating direct government, a federal republic, or individualism. Lond. 1873. 16? English, accidence. See English lang. and lit. English art. See Art. English bards and Scotch reviewers. Byron, G. G. N. (In Complete works.) English catalogue of books. Published from Jan. 1835 to Jan, 1863 ; comprising the contents of the 'London' and the 'British' catalogues, and the principal works published in the United States of America and conti- nental Europe, with dates of publication, size, price, edition, etc. Lond. 1864. S° Same. From Jan. 1863 to Jan. 1868. Lond. 1868. 8°. Same. For 1868, 1869, 1870. With the ad- dition of an index to subjects. Lond. 1871, 8? Same. For 1871, Lond, 1872. 81 English channel. Macgreqor, J. Voyage alone in yawl Rob-Roy. English comic writers. Hazlitt, W. English cyclopaedia : a niew dictionary of univer- sal knowledge, conducted by C. Knight. Lond. 1854-72. 26 v. 4? Contents : Arts and sciences, London, 1859-68, 8 v. Biography, London. 1856-8, 6 v. tSatne (Supplement), London, 1872, 1 v. Geography, London, 1854-5, 4 v. Saine (.Supplement), London, 1870, 1 v. Natural history, London, 1854-6, 4 v. Same (Supplement), London, 7i,d., 1 v. Synoptical index, London, 1862, 1 v. English dramatists. Lives of. Lond. 1837. 2v. 12? Contents : Beaumont and Metcher, v. Chapman, George, v. 1. 1. Cibber, CoHey, v. 2. Behn, Mrs. Aphara, v. 2. Congreve, William, v. 2. Cartwright, William, v. 1. Cowley, Mrs., v. 2. CenUivre, Mrs., v. 2. Cumberland, Richard, v. 2. ENGLISH 287 ENGLISH May, Thomas, v. 1. Middleton, Thomas, v. 1. Murphy, Arthur, v. 2. Otway, Thomas, v. 2. Kowlej', Wm., v. 1. Shadwell, Thomas, v. 2. Shakespeare, Wm., v. 1. Shirley, James, v. 2. Vanbrugh, John, v. 2. Webster, John, v. 1. Wycherley, Wm., v. 2. English (continued) — Davenant, Robert, v. 1. Davenaiit, William, v. 2. Decker, Thomas, v. 1. Farquhtir, George, v. 2. Field, Nathaniel, v. 1. Ford, John, v. 1. Hey wood, Thomas, v. 1. Jonson, Ben, v. 1. Lee, Nathaniel, v. 2. Marston, John, v. 1. Massinger, Philip, v. 1. English eccentrics and eccentricities. Times, J. English flora. Smith, J. E. English garden, The. Masox, W. English governess at the Siamese court. Leon- OWENS, A. H. English hearts and English hands. Wightman, J. B. English high school {Boston). Semi-centennial anniversary of the, 1871. [In Pamphlets, V. 29.) English humorists of the xviii. century. Thack- eray, W. M. English items ; or, microscopic views of England and Englishmen. Ward, M. F. English language and literature — Dictionaries : All IB ONE, S. A. Critical dictionary of En- glish literature. Ash, J. New and complete dictionary. Bailey, N. Universal etymological English dictionary. Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable. Chambers, W. and R. Etymological dic- tionary of Eng. lang. Coleridge, H. Glossarial index to printed English of the xiii. century. Halliwell, J. O. Dictionary of Archaic and provincial words. HoTTEN, J. C. Slang dictionary. Johnson, S. Dictionary of the English lan- guage. See also Latham, R. G. (below). KuNST, P. J. American dictionary of the English and German languages. Latham, E. G. Dictionary of the Eng. lang., founded on Johnson. Levins, P. Manipulusvocabulorum : rhym- ing dictionary of the Eng. lang. [1570]. See Philological soc. Ogilvie, J. Imperial dictionary. Reid, a. Dictionary of the Eng. lang. Richardson, C. New dictionary of the En- glish lang. Smart, B. H. "Walker's pronouncing dic- tionary. Stratman, E. H. Dictionary of the old Eng. lang. of xii. and xv. centuries. . Trench, R. C. Select glossary of English words used formerly in senses different from their present. Veitelle, I. de. Mercantile dictionary, in English, French, and Spanish. "Walker, S. Rhyming, spelling, and pro- nouncing dictionary of the Eng. lang. See also Smart, B. H. (above). Webster, N. American dictionary of the Eng. lang. Wedgwood, H. Dictionary of Eng. ety- mology. Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the Eng. lang. English (continued) — Wright, T. Universal pronouncing dic- tionary. Yonge, C. D. English-Greek lexicon. Zell, T. E. Popular encyclopaedia: a uni- versal dictionary. Selections: Chambers, R. Cyclopaedia of Eng. lit. Chaucer, G. Works. Chaucer society. Child, F. J. English and Scottish ballads. Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of Eng. lit. — English literature of the xix. century. Evans, T. Old ballads. Griswold, R. W. Poets and poetry of En- gland in the xix. century. Lamb, C. Specimens of English dramatic poets. Mackay, C. Thousand and one gems of En- glish poetry. Malory, T. Morte d'Arthure, La. Parton, J. (£d.) Humorous poetry of the Eng. lang. Percy, T. Reliques of ancient English po- etry. Songs of England and Scotland. Stoddard, R. H. Late English poets, The. Thoms, W. J. (i:d.) Early English prose romances, with bibliographical and historical introductions. Wright, T. Political songs of England, The. History, study, etc. : Abbott, E. A. Shakespearian grammar, A. — and Seeley, J. R. English lessons for English people. Alford, H. Plea for the queen's English. Angus, J. Hand-book of Eng. lit. Arnold, T. Manual of Eng. lit. Broavn, G. Grammar of Eng. grammars. Byrne, J. Influence of foreign literature on Eng. lit. (In Afternoon lectures, v. 3.) — Influence of the national character on Eng. lit. (In Afternoon lectures, v. 1.) Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. Essai sur la litt^rature Anglaise. (In Melanges politi- ques, etc.) Clark, N. G. Outlines of the elements of Eng. lit. Collier, W. F. History of Eng. lit. CoPPEE, H. English literature considered as an interpreter of English history. Craik, G. L. Compendious history of Eng. lit. — English of Shakespeare. — History of Eng. lit. Dasent, G. W. Origin of Eng. lang. (In his Jest and earnest, v. 1.) Day, H. N. Introduction to the study of Eng. lit. De "Verb, (M.) S. Studies in English. Ellis, A. J. Early English pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakespeare and Chaucer. (In Chaucer soc, 2d ser.) Ellis, G. Specimens of early English met- rical romances. Five centuries of Eng. lit. Fowler, W. C. English grammar. Gilman, a. First steps in Eng. lit. ENGLISH 288 ENID Snglish {continued) — GoTHE, J. W. von. Aaswartige literatur und volks poegie. {In Samm. werke, v. 5.) Gould, E. S. Good English ; or, popular errors in language. Hannay, J. Course of Eng. lit. Hart, J. S. Manual of Eng. lit. Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the literature of the age of Elizabeth. Hunt, E. Literature of the Eng. lang. Koch, C. F. Historische grammatik der En- glischen sprache. Latham, E. G. English language, The. Marsh, G. P. Origin and history of the Eng. lang. Maunder, S. English grammar. {In Treas- ury of knowledge.) MiTFORD, M. K. Kecollections of a literary life. Moon, G. W. Dean's English, The. Morris, R. Historical outlines of English ac- cidence. Murray, L. English grammar. Eeed, H. Lectures on Eng. lit. Kushton, W. Classical and romantic schools of Eng. literature, as represented by Spen- cer, Dryden, Pope, Scott, and Wordsworth. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 1.) Shaw, T. B. Outlines of English literature. Spalding, W. History of English literature. Taine,H. (A.) Histoirede la litt6rature An- glaise. — History of English literature. Trench, E. C. English language, past and present. — Some deficiencies in our Engltsh diction- aries. Underwood, E. H. Hand-book of English lit. TJroullu, J. de. Gramdtica Inglesa. Welsford, H. Origin and ramifications of the English language. Whitney, W. D. Adoption of the English lang. in Japan. {In Education in Japan.) YoNGE, C. D. Three centuries of Eng. lit. [1564-1870]. See also — American litera- Literature. ture. Novels and novelists. Authors. Philology. Bibliography. Poetry. Criticism. Eeaders and speakers. Facetiae. Ehetoric. Language. English martyrology. Tonna, C. E. English. Mary. Sherwood, M. M. (Jn Works, V. 6.) English merchants. Bourne, H. E. F. Lond. 1866. 2v. 12° English of Shakespeare, The. Craik, G. L. English orphans. Holmes, Mrs. M. J. English poets— Bell, E. Lives of. Lond. 1839. 2 v. 12° Contents : Akenslde, Mark, V. 1. Barnes, Barnable, v. 2. Beaumont, Sir John, v. 2. Birkenhead, Sir John, v. 2. Blackmore, Richard, v. 2. Brathwayte, Richard, v. 2. Brooke, Lord (Fulke-Grev- me), V. 2. Browne, Wm., v. 2. Brovvnswerd, John, v. 2. Butler, Samuel, v. 1. Churchyard, Thomas, v. 2. Clieveland, John, v. 2. Corbett, Richard, v. 2. Cowley, Abraham, v. 1. Davies, John, v. 2. English {continued )- Davies, Sir John, v. 2. Drayton, Michael, v. 1. Dryden, John, v. 2. D^er, Sir Edward, v. 2. Fisher, Payne, v. 2. Fulwell, Ulpian, v. 2. Gayton, Edmund, v. 2. Gomersal, Robert, v. 2. Hatman, Thomas, v. 2. Hey wood, Jasper, v. 2. Holland, Hugh, v. 2. Hoskins, John, v. 2. Leyson, Thomas, v. 2. Lloyd, David, v. 2. Lodge, Thomas, v. 2. Lovelace, Richard, v. 2. Mennes, Sir John, v. 2. Milton, John, v. 2. Morgan, Matthew, v. 2. Newton, Thomas, v. 2. Owen, John, v. 2. Pope, Alexander, v. 2. Prior, Matthew, v. 2. Randolph, Thomas, v. 2. Sackville, Thomas (earl of Dorset), v. 2. Saltonstall, Wve, v. 2. Sandsbury, John, v. 2. Sandys, Geo., v. 2. Slater, Wm., v. 2. Stanyhurst, Richard, v. 2. Storer^ Thoma.s, v. 2. Stradling, Sir John, v. 2. Tuberville, George, v. 2. Waller, Edmund, v. 1. Warner, William, v. 2. Watson, Thomas, v. 2. Wild, Robert, V. 2. Withers, George, v. 2. Wortley, Sir James, v. 2, Young, Edward, v. 2. Overburg, Sir Thomaa. v. 2 — Gary, H. F. Lives of English poets, from Johnson to Kirke White, designed as a con- tinuation to Johnson's Lives. Lond. 1846. Contents : Anstey, Christopher. Armstrong, John. Beattie^ James. Cambridge, Richard Owen. C'hatterton, Thomas. Darwin, Erasmus. Goldsmith, Oliver. Hayley, James. Jago, Richard. Johnson, Samuel. Jones, Sir William. Mason, William. Mickle, William Julius. Smollett, Tobias. Warton, Joseph. Warton, Thomas. White, Henry Kirke. — Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the. Johnson, S. Lives of the most eminent En- glish poets ; with critical observations on their works. Lond. 1868. 12° Addison. Akenside. Blackmore. Browne. Butler. Collins. Congreve. Cowley. Den ham. Dorset, Dryden. Duke. Dyer. Fenton. Garth. Gay. Granville. — Same. Phil Contents : Gray. Halifax. Hammond. Hughes. King. Lyttleton. Mallet Milton. Otway. Parnell. Phillips, A. and J. Pitt. PomfreL Pope. Prior. Rochester. Roscommon. , 1819. 3 V. 12^ Rowe. Savage. Sheffleld. Shenstone. Smith. SomervUle. Sprat Stepney. Swift. Thomson. Tickell. Waller. Walsh. Watts. West Yalden. Young. Keb- English positivists. McCarthy, J. {In his Modern leaders.) English statesmen since the peace of 1815. BEL, T. E. Lond. 1868. 12° Contents : Aberdeen, Lord. Canning, Mr. Castlereagh, Lord. Derby, Lord. Disraeli, Mr. English traits. Emerson, E. W. English travelers and Italian brigands W. J. C. Englishman in Kansas, The. H. Gladstone, Mr. Grey, Ijord. Palmerston, Lord. Peel, Sir Robert Wellington, Duke of. Moens, Gladstone, T. Engravers — Bryan, M. painters. Spooner, S. Dictionary of engravers and {In Lives of eminent engravers. his Biog. hist, of fine arts.) Engraving — Chatto, W. a., and jACKSoif, J. Treatise on wood. DuPLESSis, G. Wonders of. See also Galleries of art. Enid. Tennyson, A. {In Works.) Same. Illustrated by Dor^. ENIGMAS 289 EPISTLES Enigmas of life. Greg, "W. K. Snneinoser, Joseph. History of magic. Tr. from tlie German, with an appendix of the most remarkable and best authenticated stories of apparitions, dreams, second sight, somnambulism, and spirit-rapping. Lend. 1854. 2v. 12° Ennis, Jacob. Origin of the stars, and the causes of their motions and their light. N. Y. 1867. 12° Same. N. Y. 1868. 12? Ennisfellen. Samuels, Mrs. S. B. C. Ennui. Edgeworth, M. {In her Tales of fashionable life, v. 3.) Enoch, the second messenger of God. Lond. n.d. 2 V. 12° Enoch Arden ; and otherpoems. Tennyson, A. Same. {In Poetical works, v. 1.) Enquiry into the nature of the human soul ; wherein the immateriality of the soul is evinced from the principles of reason and philosophy. Lond. n.d. 4? Enquiry. See Inquiry. Ensayo politico sobre la nueva Espana. Hum- boldt, (F. H.) A. VON. Entail, The. Galt, J. Enterprising impresario. The. Matnard, W. Enthusiasm. Taylor, I. Natural history off Entomology — Duncan, J. Introduction to. {In Jardine's Nat. lib., V. 28.) KiRBY, W., and Spence, "W. Introduction to. Le Conte, J. L. Classification list, and new species of the coleoptera of North America. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 3, 6.) — Coleoptera of Kansas and New Mexico. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 11.) Melsheimer, F. E. Catalogue of the de- scribed coleoptera of the TJ. S. Packard, A. S., Jr. Keport on entomology : insects. {In Agriculture and geology of Maine.) See also Insects. Entozoa. Cobbold, T. S. Entozoa : introduc- tion to the study of helminthology. EntralgO, Solano Francisco de. Periodismo, El ; 6, las dos bodas. Habana, 1859. 8° Entre deux rendez-vous. Comettant, O. {In Nouvcau monde, Le.) Entrecasteaux, Joseph Antoine Bruni d' (1740- 1793). Voyage de, 1791. {In Bajot, M. Abr6g6 historique, etc.) Entretiens de Gothe et Eckermann. See Sainte- Beuve, C. A. Entz, J. F. Exchange and cotton trade between England and the United States. N. Y. 1840. 8° Enumeratio plantarum omnium. Kunth, C. S. Bnversdel'histoirecontemporaine, L'. Balzac, H. DE, {In (Euvres completes, v. 25.) Envie, L'. Sue, E. {In Sept p6ch6s capitaux.) Eoff, John. Habits of the black bass of the Ohio. {In Smithsonian rept. 1854.) Eoline. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Eooa {island). Cook, J. Account of. From a visit made in 1777. {In Voyages, v. 2, bk.ii.) Ebthen. Kinglake, A. W. 20 Epaminondas (412-362 B.C.). Nepc8,C. Vita. {In Vitae excell. imper., v. 1.) See also Captains of the old world. Ephesians, Epistle of Paul to the. Braune, K. Commentary on. {In Lange's Com., new test., v. 7.) Ephesus. SvoBODA, A. Seven churches of Asia. Epicharmus. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Epictetus {ah. 60] . Works ; consisting of his discourses in four books, preserved by Ar- rian, the 'Enchiridion,' and fragments. Tr. from the Greek, by Mrs. Elizabeth Car- ter, {ith ed.) Lond. 1807. 2 v. 8° Same. Tr. by T. W. Higginson. Bost. 1866. 12° Dissertationes ab Arriano literis manda- tiB. Fragmenta et Enchiridion, cum com- mentario Simplicii. {Gr. et Lai.) Paris, 1866. 8° rBound with ' Theophrasti char- acteres.'] Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Enchiridion. Tr. by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. {In her Works, v. 1.) Epicurean, The. Moore, T. Epicurus (340? -270 b.c.) Diogenes Laerti- us. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Life and morals of. Tr. by John Digby, esq., with comments and reflections from several authors. Lond. 1822. 12° Epigrammata. Martialis, M. V. Epigranunatum Anthologia Palatina cun* Planudeis et appendice nova epigramma- tum veterum ex libris et marmoribus ductO' rum, annotationeinedita, Boissonadii, Char- donis de la Eochette, Bothii, partim inedi- ta Jacobsii, metrica versione Hugonis Gro- tii, et apparatu critico instruxit Fred..Dub- ner. {Gr.etLat.) Paris, 1864. 8? Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Epigrams. Epigrammatum Anthologia Pala- tina. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec biblioth. Epimenidesfo'^. 600 b.c). Diogenes LaI^rte- us. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Sanie. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. BoImi'b Class.. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Epinus. Physical geography. St. Petersburg,. 1764. 8? {Russian.) Epiphanius (310-402). Diogenes Laertius. Life of. [By Eunapius.] {In Lives, erf.. 1688, V. 2.) Episcopacy. Vox ecclesiae ; or, the doctrine of the Protestant Episcopal church on. Episcopalianism. Barrett, B.F. Episode of the terror, An. Wilson, H. S. Episode sous la terreur, Un. Balzac, H. de., {In (Euvres completes, v. 24.) Episodes in an obscure life ; or, experiences in the Tower Hamlets. Phil. 1871. 8? Episodes of French history. Pardoe, J. Episodes of insect life. Budgen, Miss L. M. Epistles to the seven churches. Trench, R. C. Commentary on the. EPITAPHS 290 ERIE Epitaphs — AiisoNiXJS, D. M. Epitaphia heroum, etc. [In Opera omnia, v. 1.) Chaloner, G. B, (Ed.) Epitaphs collected from holy writ and our best authors on sa- cred subjects. NoRTHEND, C. (Ed.) Book of. Palliser, F. and M. A. Mottoes for monu- ments. Epochs of painting. Worntjm, E. N. Epreuve posthume, L'. Mol:&ri, J. J). {In Petits drames bourgeois.) Equity — Story, J. Commentaries on equity pleadings. — Commentaries on jurisprudence as ad- ministered in England and America. Erasmus^ Desiderius (1465-1536). Drummond, R. B. Erasmus : his life and character, as shown in his correspondence and works. With portrait. Lond. 1873. 2 v. 12? MiLMAN, H. H. Essays. Seebohm, F. Oxford reformers. Erbin, Die. Ml'gge, T. (/n Romane, v. 26.) Erbin von Cronenstein, Die. Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. (In Werke, v. 7.) Erbschaft in Kabul, Die. Stolle, F. {In Ausgewahlte schriften, v. 17, 18.) Erckern, Lazarus. See PeJ;tus, Sir John. Erckmann - Chatrian (Emile Erckmann, b. 1825, and Alexandre Chatrian, b. 1826). [iVote.— For convenience, the French works below are numbered consecutively in a set of 18 v.] Blockade of Phalsburg, The : an episode of the end of the empire. Tr. from the French. N. Y. 1871. 12? (3 cop.) Blocus, Le ; Episode de la fin de I'empire. Paris, n.d. 12? [V. 11 of set.] CiTOYEN Schneider. {In Jean de Chazol.) Confidences d'un joueur de clarinette. Pa- ris, n.d. 12? [V. 8 of set.] Contents : Amoureux de Catherine, Les. Confidences d'un joueur de clarinette. Tavern e du Jambon de Mayence, La. Conscript, The. A tale of the French war of 1813. Tr. from the French. N. Y. 1869. 12? (4 coj>.) Contes de la montagne. Paris, 1860. 12? [V. 2 of set.] Contents : Bouc d'lsrael, Le. Combat d'ours, Le. Heritage de mon oi Chiistian, L'. Hugues-le-loup. Nuit dans les bois, Une. Pourquoi Hunebourg ne fut pas rendu. Tisserand de la Steinbach, Le. Violon du pendu, Le. — CoNTES des bords du Rhin. Paris, n.d. 12? [V. 2 of set.] Contents : Blanc et le nolr, Le. Caballste Hans Weinland, Le. Mon illustre ami Selsam. Myrtille. P^che miraculeuse. La. — CoNTES populaires. Paris, n.d. 12? [V. 1 of set.] Contents : Eelne des abeUles, La. Tallon, Le. Trfisor du vleux seigneur, Le. Voleuse d'enfants, La. Aloius, Le r6ve d'. Alsace, Les bohgmiens d'. Bourgmestre en bouteille, Le. Chant de la tonne, Le. .Comfite, La. Juif poloaals, Le. Messire Tempus. CEil invisible, L'. Oncle Bernard, Le coquil- lage de 1'. Kequiem du corbeau, Le. Tresse noire, La. Erckraann-Ohatrip,n {continued) — DocTEUR Math^us, L'illustre. Paris, n.rf. 12? [V. 14 of set.] Forest house. The ; and Catherine's lovers. Tr. by John Simms. Bost. 1871. 16? (5 cop.) Guerre, La. Paris, 1866. 12? [V. 10 of set.] HiSTOiRE d'un consent de 1813. Paris, n.d. 12? [V. 15 of set.] Same, {le M.) [V. 16 of set.] HiSTOiRE d' un homme du peuple. Paris, n.d. 12? [V. 18 of set.] HisTOiRE d'un paysan, 1789 : les ^tats-g6n6- raux. Paris, 1871. 12? [V. 3 of set.] HisToiRE d'un paysan : la patrie en danger, 1792. Paris, 1871. 12? [V. 4 of set.] HiSTOiRE d'un paysan : Tan i. de la r^pub- lique, 1793. Paris, 1869. 12? [V. 5 of set.] HiSTOiRE d'un paysan : le citoyen Bonaparte, 1794 £l 1815. Paris, 1871. 12? [V. 6 of set.] Invasion, L' ; ou le fou Y^gof. (7e M.) Pa- ris, n.d. 12? Invasion of France in 1814, The. Tr. from the French. N. Y. 1871. 12? (3 cop.) Madame Th^rese. {le 6d.) Paris, n.d. 12? [V. 17 of set.] Madame Th^rese ; or, the volunteers of '92. Tr. from the French. N. Y. 1869. 12? (6 cop.) Maison forestiere, La. Paris, n.d. [V. 7 of set.] Maitre Daniel Rock. Paris, n.d. 12? [V. 8 of set.] Miller's story of the war ; or, the plebiscite. By one of 7,500,000 who voted ' Yes. ' Tr. from the French. N.Y. 1872. 12? {2 cop.) Waterloo. Tr. from the French. N. Y. 1869. 12? (4 cop.) Waterloo : suite du < Consent de 1813.' Pa- ris, n.d. [V. 12 of set.] Schmidt, J. Critical and literary review of. {In Bilder aus dem geistigen leben.) Erdbeben in Chili, Das. Kleist, H. von. {In Ges. schriften, v. 3.) Erdmuthe. Auerbach, B. (Jn Ges. schriften, V. 8.) Breo der wundersere. Hartmann von Aue. {In Deutsche classiker des mittelalters, v. 4.) Erhard Waldow. Hoefer, E. {In Erzahlende schriften, v. 5.) Eric. Farrar, F. W. Eric. Samuels, Mrs. S. B. C. Eric Walderthom. {In Novels and tales from Household words, v. 2.) Erich Randal. MiJOGE, T. (Jn Romane, v. 9- 12.) Erichsen, John Eric. Railway and other inju- ries of the nervous system. Phil. 1867. 8? Science and art of surgery : treatise on surgi- cal injuries, diseases, and operations. With additions, by John Ashhurst. Illustrated by 630 engravings on wood. Phil. 1869. 8? Bricksons. /See Nieritz, G. Tales for the young. Erie rail-way — Adams, C. P., Jr. Chapter of Erie. (In Chapters of Erie, and other essays.) ERIE 291 ESSAYS Erie railvray [continued) — Same. {In North Am. rev., July, 1869.) — Erie raid, An. {In Chapters of Erie, and other essays.) Same. {In North Am. rev., April, 1871.) Erinnertingen. Mosen,J. (/« Siimm. werke, V. 8.) Erinnerungen von Albert Guzman. Hamer- LING, R. {Ed.) Erizzo, Sebastiano (1525-1585). Novel. {In Eoscoe, F. Italian novelists, v. 3.) Erkleben. Natural history. Part i. St. Pe- tersburg, 1789. 8° (Russian.) Erl-king, The. Gtothe, J. W. vox. {In Gems of German verse.) Erlach, Rudolf Ludwig von (1749-1803). ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. Biographie von. {In ■ Ges. schriften, v. 32.) Erlebniss, Ein (1822). Grillpakzer, P. {In Siimm. werke, v. 8.) Erlebtes. Hacklander, F. W. {In Werke, V. 25.) Erma's engagement. By the author of ' Blanche Seymour.' Phil. 1873. 8? {b cop.) Ennan, Adolph. Travels in Siberia; including excursions northwards down the Obi, to the polar circle, and southwards to the Chinese frontier. Tr. by W. D. Cooley. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 8? Same. Phil. 1850. 2 v. 8° Ernest Linwood. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Ernest Maltravers. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. Ernesti, Johann Christian Gottlob (1756-1802). Versuch einer allgemeinen Lateinischen sy- nonymik in einem handworterbuche der synonymischen worter. Leipzig, 1799. 3 V. in 1. 12? Emestin ; or, the heart's longing. N. Y. 1858. 12° Ernst, Louis. Introductory French course ; in accordance with the Robertsonian system of teaching naodern languages. N. Y. 1861. 16° Eros, oder iiber die liebe. Zschokke, J. H. D. {In Ges. schriften, v. 1.) Eros and Anteros. Campbell, Mrs. J. H. Erotici scriptores : Parthenius, Achilles Tatius, Longus, Xenophon, Ephesius, Heliodorus, Chariton Aphrodisiensis, Antonius Dioge- nes, lamblichus, ex nova recensione G. A. Hirschig. Eumathius ex recensione P. Le Bas. Apollonii Tyrii historia, ex cod. Pa- ris. Ed. A. J. Lapaurne. Nicetas Eugeui- anus, ex nova recensione Boisonadii. {Gr. et Lat.) Paris, 1856. 8? Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Erskine, Thomas (1750-1823). Remarks on the internal evidence for the truth of revealed religion. Andover, Mass., 1853. 16° Speeches. Reprinted from the five-volume octavo ed. of 1810 ; with memoir of his life, byE.Walford. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 12° Speeches on subjects connected with the liberty of the press, against constructive treasons, and on miscellaneous subjects. Collected by J. Eidgway. N. Y. 1813. 2 V. 8° [V. 2 missing.] See also Lawyers, Lives of eminent Br.; Ora- tor, The ; Select Br. eloquence. Erste wache. Die. Hacklander, F. W. {In Werke, v. 25.) Erxsleben. Natural history. V. 2. St. Pe- tersburg, 1789. 8° {Russian.) Erysipelas. De Morgan, C. Treatise on ery- sipelas and the allied diseases. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Er^ahlungen im uebel. Zschokke, J. H. D. {In Ges. schriften, v. 9.) Erzahlungen und schwanke. Lamel, H. {In Deutsche classiker des mittelalters, v. 12.) Es ist sehr moglich. Zschokke, J. H. D. {In Ges. schriften, v. 9.) Es waren einmal zwei alte soldaten. Hoefer, E. {In Erzahlende schriften, ;v. 9.) Escapes. Bernard, F. Evasions cdlebres, Les. Wonderful escapes. Eschenburg', Johann Joachim. Classical an- tiquities. From the German, with addi- tions, by N. W. Fiske. {4:th ed.) Phil. 1866. 8° Manual of classical literature. Tr. from the German, with additions, by N. W. Fiske. {ith ed.) Phil. 1844. Large 8° Esclavage, L', dans ses rapports avec I'union Am^ricaine. Carlier, A. Esdaile, James. Natural and mesmeric clair- voyance ; with the practical application of mesmerism in surgery and medicine. Lond . 1852. 12? Eselsfresser, Der. Holtei, K. von. {In Er- zahlende schriften, v. 21-23.) Eslava, Antonio de. Novel. {In Eoscoe, T. Spanish novelists, v. 2.) Espanola Inglesa, La. Cervantes Saave- DRA, M. DE. {In Obras escogidas, v. 7.) Esperance. Lawrence, Mrs. M. W. Espionne, L', Souli:^, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 36.) Esprit des lois. Montesquieu, C. de S. Espy, James P. Fourth meteorological report of United States, communicated to the sen- ate by the president. Wash. 1857. 4? Essai de metaphysique dans les principes de B... de Sp. (Spinoza), {n.d.) (In ms. 4?) Essai sur I'homme. Pope, A. Traduit par J. Delille. {In ffiuvres, v. 17.) Essais de morale et de critique. Renan, (J.) E. Essay on capacity and genius ; to prove that there is no original mental superiority be- tween the most illiterate and the most learned of mankind. Also, an inquiry into the nat- ure of ghosts. Lond. n.d. 8°. Essays, critical and social. Reprinted from N. Y. nation. N. Y. 1867. 12? Contents : American ministers abroad. American representatives in Cngland. Clergymen's salaries. Connecticut village. Critics and criticism. Culture, A plea for. Dress and its critics. European and American or- der of thought. Glut in fiction market. Good old times. Hints for a 4th of July ora- tion. Horse-racing. Longevity, Curiosities of. Essays, from ' Good words.' Rogers, H. Luxury, Our love of. Monuments, Something about. National debt, Social Influ- ence of. Pews. Popularizing science. Roads. Social philosophers. Some of our. Tinkering hymns. Verse-making. Voyages and travels. Wa-ste. Why we have no Saturday reviews. ESSAYS 292 ETCHING Louis Philippe and family. Nelson. Lord, and Lady Hamilton. Railway novel.s. Southey, Robert. SportinR in Africa. Swift, Dean (Stella and Va- MlLLER, Essays, from the London tinies. A collection of personal and historical sketches. N. Y. 1857. 16? Contents : Chantrey, Francis. Coleridge and Southey; rem- iniscences, by Cottle. Drama of French revolu- tion. Egypt, Ancient. Howard, the philanthropist. Keats, John. Essays, historical and biographical, H. Essays, in a series of letters. Foster, J. Essays, moral and literary. Knox, V. Essays and miscellanies : choice cuUings. Agui- LAR, G. Essays and reviews. Lond. 1860. 8° Contents : Bunsen's biblical researches. By R. Williams. Education of the world, The. By F. Temple. Evidences of Christianity, On the study of the. By B. Powell. Interpretation of scripture. On the. ByB. Jowett. Mosaic cosmogony. On the. Bv C W. Goodwin. National church. The. By H. B. Wilson. Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688- 1750. By M. Pattison. Essays and reviews ; chiefly on politics, theolo- gy, and socialism. Brownson, O. A. Essays for summer hours. Lakman, C. Essays of an optimist. Kaye, J. "W. Essays of Elia. Lamb, C. Essays on a liberal education. Ed. by F. W. Farrar. {2d ed.) Lond. 1868. 8? Contents : Bowen, E. E. : On teaching by means of grammar. Farrar, F. W. : On Greek and Latin verse-compo- sition as a general branch of education. Hales, J. W. : Teaching of English. Houghton, Lord : On the social results of classical education. Johnson, W. : Ou the education of the reasoning faculties. Parker, C. S. : On the history of classical educa- tion. Seeley, J. : Liberal education in universities. Sidgwick, Henry : Theory of classical education. Wilson, J. M. : On teaching natural science in schools. Essays on ecclesiastical reform. Lond. 1873. 12° Essays on social subjects. From the Saturday review. Bost. 1865. 122 Contents : Mistakes in life. Ou being understood. One's own way. Prejudice. Reserve. Saying disagreeable things. Scenes. Shirking. Snubbing. Strong wills. Talking of self. Time past. Uses of pathos. Want of money. Acquaintances and friends, Alloys. Attention. Busy people. Choice. Constancy. Contempt. Dullness as a sensation. Explanations, False shame. Fluency. Folly. Foolish things. Hugger-Mugger. Ignorance. Essays written for the Wellington prize, and se- lected for publication by his grace's desire from those specially mentioned by the arbi- ter. Lond. 1872. 8° Contents : Essays (eonttnuei) : Waller, Stanier (LietU.X Wolseley, Sir Garnet J. (.Col.). Essays by— Craufurd, J. R. (Gen.). Hildyard, J. T. (Lieut.). King, C. Cooper (Lieut.). RusseU, J. C(Capt.). Esse and posse. Braithwaite, H. T. Essence of life. Directions for the. St. Peters burg, 1790. 8°. {Russian.) Essenes, The. &e De Quincey, T. Historical and critical essays. Essex {Eng.). Wright, T. History and to- pography of the county of. Estabrooks, Henry L. Adrift in Dixie ; or, a Yankee ofiicer among the rebels. With an introduction, by Edmund Kirke. N. Y. 1866. 12° Estell, James M. Speech on question of privi- lege in connection with the vigilance com- mittee (S. F.), 1857. Sac. 1867.8? (ZraPam- phlets, V. 20.) Estelle Russell. By the author of ' Private life of Galileo.' N. Y. 1870. 8? {Zcop.) Ester Ried : asleep and awake. By Pansy. Cincinnati, 1870. 12° Esterbrook, William P., and Monckton,'J. H. American stair-builder. Illustrated. N". Y. 1859. Obi. f ? Estes, Dana. Chimes for childhood : a collec- tion of songs for little ones. Bost. 1868. 16? Spectrum analysis discoveries, showing its application in microscopical research, and to discoveries of the physical constitution and movements of the heavenly bodies ; com- piled from the works of Schellen, Young, Eoscoe, et al. Bost. 1873. 12? Spectrum analysis explained, its uses to sci- ence illustrated, including an explanation of the received theory of sound, heat, light, and color ; compiled by the author of ' Half- hour recreations in popular science,' from the works of Profs. Schellen, Eoscoe, Huggins, et al. Bost. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) See also Half-hour recreations in popular sci- ence. Estes, L. C. Antiquities on the banks of the Mississippi river and Lake Pepin. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Esther. Thackeray, Miss A. I. {In Writ- ings.) Esther, the Hebrew-Persian queen. Scott, W. A. Estimates of the English kings. Lanford, J. L. Estrella de Vandalia, La. Bohl de Faber, C. {In Relaciones.) Estvan, B. War pictures ft-om the south. N. Y. 1863. 12? (2 cop.) Estvan, Mathilde. Harry Deleware ; or, an American in Germany. N. Y. 1872. 8? (3 cop.) Btats-Unis en 1861, Les. Gaspariis', A. E. {comte de). Etch'd thoughts. By the Etching club. Lond. 1844. f? Etching and etchings — A'Beckett, G. a. Comic history of En- gland ; with ten colored etchings. Fisher, J. Seventy fac-similes after M. An- gelo and Eaffaelle. — Eighty-four fac-similes after M. Angelo and Eaffaelle. Hamerton, p. G. Etcher's hand-book, The. — Etchings and etchers. — Unknown river, The : etcher's voyage of discovery. HoPPix, A. Crossing the Atlantic. See also Etching club. Publications. ETCHINa 293 ETUDES Stching' club. Publications. Gray, T. Elegy written in a country church- yard. MiLTox, J. Allegro, L'. Shakespeare, Songs of. Illustrated. Ete a Meudon. SouLifi, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 28.) Ethel ; or, the double error. James, M. Ethel Churchill. Landon, L. E. {In Complete works, V. 2.) Ethel's love-life. Sweat, M. J. M. Ethelwerd, Fabius. Chronicle from the be- ginning of the world to the year of our Lord 975. See Six old English chronicles. Ethel3m's mistake. Holmes, J/rs. M. J. Etherization. Eice, N. P. Trials of a pub- lic benefactor. Ethics— Alden, J. Christian. Aristotle. Ethica nicomachea, moralium magnorum, ethicorum eudicorum. {Gr, et Lat.) {In Opera omnia.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Barratt, a. Physical. Benamozegh, E. Jewish and Christian eth- ics, with a criticism on Mahomedism. Cousix, V. Lectures on the true, the beauti- ful, and the good. Descartes, R. Discours sur la methode, les passions de I'ame, etc. De Wette, W. M. L. Human life, or practi- cal. HoDGSOX, S. H. Theory of practice. Human nature : a philosophical exposition of the divine institution of reward and punish- ment. JouFFROY, T. S. Course of. KoTHE, B. Theologische ethik. Smith, W. Discourse on ethics of the school of Paley. Willis, R. Spinoza's life, correspondence, and. See also Harleian miscellany ; Morals. Ethics of the dust. RusKiif , J. Ethiopia — Barbot, J, Description of the coast of low- er. [In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 5.) DiTSOK, G. L. Para papers on France, Egypt, and. Heeren, A- H. L. Historical researches. Lepsius, R. Letters from Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sinai. Ethiopics, The ; or, adventures of 'Theagenes and Charielea. Heliodorus. {In Greek romances.) Ethnography. See Ethnology. Ethnology— Account of colleetions in ethnological dept., Paris univ. expos, of 1867. {In Smithson- ian rept- 1867.) American ethnological society. Transac- tions. BRiNTOsr, D. G. Myths of the new world. Davis, E . H. Letter on ethnological research. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Fahs, C. F. Report on the ethnography of Lew Chew. (Jw Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) FiGL'iER, L, Human race. Fontaine, E. How the world was peopled. Ethnology {continued) — Gardner, W. H. Ethnology of the Indians of the valley of the Red river of the north. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) GiBBS, G. Instructions for research relative to the ethnology and philology of North America. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 7.) Hale, H. General ethnography and philolo- gy of Polynesia, and the countries visited by the United States exploring expedition under C. Wilkes, 1838-42. Johnston, A. K. Physical atlas of natural phenomena. Latham, R. G. Descriptive. — Nationalities of Europe. — Varieties of the human race. {In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 1.) M'Causland, D. Adam and the Adamite ; or, the harmony of scripture and. Macgowan, D. J. Contributions to ethnolo- gy of eastern Asia. {In Pamphlets, v. 1.) Morgan, L. H. Circular in reference to the degrees of relationship among different na- tions. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 2.) Reid, a. Account of human remains from Patagonia. {In Smithsonian rept. 1862.) Troyon, F. Paper on the crania Helvetica. {In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Vambery, a. Ethnology of central Asia. {In Sketches of central Asia.) Wilson, D. Lecture on physical. {In Smithsonian rept. 1862.) See also — Anthropology. Races. Man and mankind. Species. Peabody museum. Etienne. About, E. (F. V.) {In Manages de province, Les.) Etiquette — Bazar-book of decorum. Belle assembl^e. La. Chesterfield, P. D. S. Works ; with let- ters to his son. Hand-book of good society. Lunettes, H. American gentleman's guide to politeness and fashion. Swift, J. Good manners and good breeding. {In Works, v. 5.) Eton college. Creasy, E.S. Eminent Etonians; with notices of the early history of. Etrennes des bons manages. Souli:e, M. F. (In (Euvres, v. 36.) Etruscan inscriptions. Lindsay, A. W. C. Ettore Fieramosca. Azeglio, M. d'. Etty, William (1787-1849). Fairholt, F. W. {In Homes, works, and shrines of English artists.) Etude sur I'Australie. Morhange, S. Etudes analytiques. Balzac, H. de. {In (Eu- vres completes, v. 37, 38.) Etudes orientales. Franck, A. Etudes ou discours historiques sur la chute de I'empire Romain, la naissance etlesprogres du Christianisme et 1 'invasion des barbares. Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. Etudes philosophiques. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 31-36.) Etudes sur la litt^rature et les moeurs des Anglo- Americains au xix. sieple. Chasles, (V. E.)P. ETUDES 294 EURIPIDES Etudes sur Pascal. Cousin, V. Etymology — Bailey, N". Universal etymological English dictionary. Chambers, W. and E. Etymological dic- tionary of the Eng. lang. Leibnitz, G. W. Collectanea etymologica. [In Opera omnia, v. 6.) Oswald, J. Etymological dictionary of the Eng. lang. Putnam's dictionary of the derivations of the Eng. lang. (/ra Educational manuals.) SwiNTON, W. Rambles among words. Trench, R. C. Study of words, The. Wedgwood, H. Dictionary of English. See also Language ; Words ; and the names of different languages. Eucharist. Pusey, E. B. Sermon on the holy. {In Pamphlets, v. 2.) See also Communion. Euclides (or Euclid), {ab. 300 B.C.). Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, V. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Eudoxia (or Eudocia), {Roman empress), {nb. 450 B.C.). Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. Eu- doxia, die kaiserin. {In Werke, v. 5.) Eudoxus {ab. 370 B.C.). Diogenes LAiiRTius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script, Graec. bib- lioth. Eugen Stillfried. Hacklander, F. W. (/« Werke, v. 10-12.) Eugene, rran9ois Eugene de Savoie (1663-1736). History of Eugene, prince of Savoy ; written by himself. Lond.^i.c?. (/n Autobiography, V. 8.) MuNDT, Mrs. C. (M.) Prince Eugene and his times. (Historical novel.) Eugene Aram. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. Eugenie, Marie de Montijo (of France), {b. 1826). Challice, Mrs. A. E. Illustrious women of France, 1790-1873. McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. Eugenie. La Motte-Eouque, F. H. C. de. {In Ausgewahlte werke, v. 10.) Eugenie, oul' enfant sans mere. SouLifi, M. F. {In CEuvres, v. 27.) Eugenie Grandet. Balzac, H. de. {In (Eu- vres completes, v. 10.) Eulalie Pontois. Soulie, M. F. -{In (Euvres, V. 22.) Euler, Leonard (1707-1783). Letters on dif- ferent subjects in natural philosophy, ad- dressed to a German princess. With notes, and a life of Euler, by David Brewster, and additional notes, by J. Griscom. N. Y. 1846. 2 V. 12? H. F. lib., v. 55, 56. Eumathius {lived in the twelfth cent.). De Hys- mines et Hysminiis amoribus fabula. {Gr. et Lat.) {In Erotici scriptores.) Didot's Script. Greec. biblioth. Eumenes (360-316 B.C.). Nepos, C. Vita. {In Vitse excell. imper., v. 1.) Eumenes {continued) — Plutarchus. Life of. {In Lives.) — Vita. ( Gr. et Lat.) {In Vitaj, v. 2.) Eumeniden, Die. ^schylus. {In Werke — Donner.) Eumenius {b. a.d. 260). Panegyrici Constan- tino Augusto dicti, etc. {^In Panegyrici veteres, v. 3.) Eunapius {b. a.d. 347). Vitae sophistarum. {Gr. et Lat.) Edidit J. F. Boissonade. [Bound^with 'Philostratus.'] Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Diogenes LAiiRTius. Life of. [By Euna- pius.] {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Euphrates expedition. Chesney, F. E. Nar- rative of. Eureka : a prose poem. Poe, E. A. Euripides (480-406? b.c). Alcestis. With notes, by T. D. Woolsey. (3c? ed.) Bost. 1841. 12? Fabula. {Gr.etLat.) Eec. Theo. Fix. Pa- ris, 1855. 12? Didot's Script. Graec. bibli- oth. Fragment A oerditorum tragicorum omnium. Ed. Fr. Guil. Wagner. Paris, 1846. 8: Di- dot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Opera omnia. Oxon, 1865. 3 v. 16? Contents : Alcestis, V. 1. Andromache, v. 2. Bacchse, v. 2. Cyclops, V. 3. Electra, v. 2. Hecuba, v. 3. Helena, v. 2. Heraclidw, v. 1. Hercules fureus, v. 2. Hippolytus, V. 1. — Tragedies. Tr. by T. A. Buckley 1854. 2 v. 12? Ion, V. 2. Iphigenia in Aulls, v. 3. Iphigenia In Tauris, v. 3. Medea, v. 1. Orestes, v. 3. Phoenissse, v. 3. Rhesus, V. L Supplicants, v. 1. Troades, v. 1. Lond. Contents : Ion, V. 2. Iphigenia in Aulide, v. 1. Iphigenia in Tauris, v. 1. Medea, v. 1. Orestes, v. 1. Phoenissa;, v. 1. Rhesus, V. 2. Supplicants, v. 2. Troades, v. 2. Alcestis, V. 1. Andromache, v. 2. Bacchoe, v. 1. Cyclops, V. 2. Electra, v. 2. Hecuba, v. 1. Helena, v. 2. HeracHda>, v. 1. Hercules furens, v. 2. Hippolytus, V. L Tragedies. Tr. by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. {In Brumoy's Greek theatre, ed. 1759. 3 v.) Contents : Alcestis, V. 2. Andromache, v. 2. Bacchanalians, v. 3. Cyclops, v. 3. Electra, v. 1. Hecuba, v. 2. Helena, v. 3. Heraclidse, v. 3. Hercules mad, v. 3. Hippolitus, V. 1. Ion, V. 3. Iphigenia in Aulis, v. 1. Ipliigenia in Tauris. v. 2. Medea, v. 2. Orestes, v. 2. Phoenicians, v. 2. Rhesus, V. 2. Suppliants, v. 2. Trojan captives, v. 2. — Tragedies. Tr. b^- ' R. Potter. N. Y. 1834- 5. 3v. 16? Cont ents : ' Alcestis, V. 1. Andromache, v. 3. Bacchic, V. 1. Electra, v. 3. Hecuba, v. 3. Helena, v. 3. Heraclidie, v. 2. Hercules, v. 2. Hippolytus, V. 1. Ion, V. 1. Iphigenia in Aulis, v. 2. Iphigenia in Tauris, v. 3. Medea, v. 1. Orestes, v. 3. Phoenician virgins, v. 1. Rhesus, V. 2. Supplicants, v. 2. Trojan dames, v. 2. — Tragcedi^ sex. Oi wn, 1865. 16. Cont enls : Alcestis. Hecuba, Hippolytus. Medea. Orestes. Phoenissae. EUROPAISCHES 295 EUROPE Europaisches sclaven leben. Hacklandek, F. W. {In Werke, v. 16.) Europe — History I Alison, A. History of Europe [1789-1852]. Draper, J. W. History of the intellectual development of. Dunham, S. A. History of Europe during the middle ages [489-1066]. Dyer, T. H. History of modern Europe, from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to the war in the Crimea in 1857. Freeman, E . A. General sketch of European history. Froissart, J. Chronicles. Goodrich, S. G. Lights and shadows of European history. (Historical fiction.) Guizot, F. p. G. Histoire de la civilisation en Europe, depuis la chute de 1' empire Ko- main jusqu'a la revolution Fran^aise. — History of the origin of representative government in. Hallam, H. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages [486-1486]. Hewlett, H. G. Heroes of Europe : from 700 to 1700. Koch, C. W. History of the revolutions in Europe (406 to 1815). Pradt, D. D. de. Europe and America in 1821. Robertson, W. History of the reign of Charles v. Sheppard, J. G. Fall of Rome, and the rise of new nationalities. Tableau de I'histoire g6n6rale de I'Europe depuis 1814 jusqu'en 1830. Ungewitter, F. H. Europe, past and pres- ent. White, J. Eighteen Christian centuries. Wilson, Sir R. Private diary. See also History. Description and travel: Abbott, J. RoUo' s tour in Europe. (Juv. fiction.) Adalbert, H. W. {prince of Prussia). Trav- els in the south of Europe and Brazil. Arnold, H. P. Great exhibition ; with con- tinental sketches. Bartol, C. a. Pictures of. Beecher, H. W. Star papers. Bellows, H. W. Old world in its new face. Bennet, J. H. Winter in the south of. Blake, J. L. View of the world. Brown, T. Reminiscences of an old traveler. Browne, J. H. Sights and sensations in Eu- rope : sketches of travel in England, Ire- land, France, Spain, etc. Browne, J. R. Land of Thor. Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveler. Bucher, L. Bilder aus der fremde ; unter- wegs. BuNBURY, S. Summer in northern. Burr, A. Private journal. Calvert, G. H. First years in. — Scenes and thoughts in. Channing, W. Physician's vacation in. Choules, J. O. Cruise of the steam yacht North Star. — Young Americans abroad. Clemens, S. L. Innocents abroad. Europe {continued) — Coghill, J. H. Abroad. CoLMAN, H. European life and manners. Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams. Darley, F. O. C. Sketches abroad with pen and pencil. De Forest, J. W. European acquaintance. DoRE : by a stroller in Europe. Dow, L. Travels in. {In his History of Cos- mopolite.) Dutch voyages to northern Europe [1594-6]. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Edwards, J. E. Random sketches ; or, notes of European travel. Fairbanks, C. R. Aguecheek : sketches of foreign travel. Felton, C. C. Familiar letters from. Field, H. M. Summer pictures : from Co- penhagen to Venice. Field, K. Hap-hazard. FiSK, S. Dunn Browne's experiences in for- eign parts. Forney, J. W. Letters from. Fuller, H. Sparks from a locomotive ; or, life and liberty in. FuRNiss, W. Landvoieglee; or, views across the sea. New edition of the 'Old world.' Gemelli-Careri, J. F. Travels through Europe [1686]. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 4.) ' Greeley, H. Glances at. Guild, C. Over the ocean. Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. Reisen briefe. Harper's hand-book for travelers in Europe and the east. Haven, G. Pilgrim's wallet. Heber, R. Journal of a tour in Norway, Sweden, etc. {In Life, by A. Heber.) HoRWiTZ, O. Brushwood picked up on the continent. Howe, J. W. From the oak to the olive. Hunt, H. Bits of travel. Ireland, J. B. Wall street to Cashmere. Kennedy, J. P. At home and abroad. KiRKLAND, Mrs. C. M. Holidays abroad. La Port, J. A. de. Travels in the old and new world [1784]. {Russian.) Latrobe, J. H. B. Hints for six months in. Lee, J. S. Nature and art in the old world. Lefevre, a. Pares et les jardins, Les. Le Vert, Mme. O. W. Souvenirs of travel. Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (C.) Haps and mis- haps of a tour in. Longfellow, H. W. Outre-mer. McCoRMiCK, R. C. St. Paul's to St. Sophia. MacGavock, R. W. Tennesseean abroad. Macgregor, J. Rob Roy on the Baltic. — Thousand miles in the Rob Roy on rivers and lakes. MacLeod, D. Pynnshurst : his wanderings and ways of thinking. Mitchell, D. G. Fresh gleanings. MoRFORD, H. Over-sea. — Short-trip guide to. Murray, N. Men and things as I saw them in. NoLTE, V. Fifty years in both hemispheres. OssoLi, M. F. At home and abroad. Peabody, a. p. Reminiscences of European trayel. EUROPE 296 EVANS Europe {continued) — Pfeiffer, Mme. I. Last travels. Phelps, S. D. A year's tour. Prime, S. I. Travels in Europe and the east. Eevere, J. W. Keel and saddle. Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in. Seward, "W. H. Travels around the world. Sewell, E. M. Journal of a summer tour. SiLLiMAN, B. Visit to Europe [1851]. Skippon, p. Journey through the lower countries of Germany, Italy, and France [1663]. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 6.) Smith, J. {(Japt.). Travels and adventures in Europe [1593-1629]. (Jw Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 2.) Scares, G. De M. Sketches on the wing. Stowe, H. (E.) B. Sunny memories of for- eign lands. Strahlenberg, p. J. von. Historico-geo- graphical description of the north and east- ern parts of Europe and Asia. Sweat, M. J. M. Highways of travel. Tait, J. K. European life, legend, and land- scape. Taylor, (J.) B. By-ways of. — Views a-foot. Trafton, Miss A. American girl abroad. Travels of a doctor of physic. Vassar, J. G. Twenty years around the world. Voyage to the north of Europe [1653] ; con- taining an account of the sea-coasts and mines of Norway, Lapland, Siberia, etc., extracted from observations of a gentleman employed by the North sea co. of Copen- hagen. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Wahlen, A. Moeurs, usages, et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, v. 1. Wallace, E. D. Woman's experiences in. Wallace, H. B. Art and scenery in. Ware, W. Sketches of European capitals. Warner, C. D. Saunterings. Watsok, E. Travels in Europe [1777-1842]. {In Men and times of the revolution.) Wilkes, G. Europe in a hurry. Willis, N. P. Pencilings by the way. Mliicellaneoaa : Barkard, H. Natural education in. Benefit of Europeans in commerce. Pt. i. St. Petersburg, 1771. 8? {Russian.) Emminghaus, A. Poor relief in different parts of. Gould, J. Birds of. Heeren, A. H. L. History of the political system of Europe and its colonies [1600- 1821]. {In his Historical researches.) Keller, F. Lake dwellings of Switzerland, and other parts of. KoLB, G. F. Handbuch der vergleichenden statistik. Latham, K. G. Nationalities of. Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals. Macpherson, J. Baths and wells of. Quatrefages de Brean, J. L. A. Kam- bles of a naturalist. See also Ethnology ; Middle ages ; Mineral springs ; Reformation ; and the names of subdivisions. European literature — Hallam, H. Introduction to the literature of Europe in the xv., xvi., and xvii. cent- uries. Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. Eusebius, Pamphili (266-340). Ecclesiastical history to the 20th year of the reign of Con- stantine, being the 324th of the Christian era (b.c. 31-337). Lond. 1842. Si Eustace diamonds. Trollope, A. Eustache. Schmid, C. v. {In Contes, v. 2, 3.) Eutaw. SiMMs, W. G. Euthanasy ; or, happy talk towards the end of life. Mountford, W. Euthyderaus. (Dial.) Plato. Euthyphro. (Dial.) Plato. Eutropius (or Flavins Eutropius) . Breviarium historias Komanse ; ex ed. H. Verheyk, cum notisetinterpretatione. Londini, 1821, 2 v. 8^ Valpy's Script. Lat. Contents , Catalogus oodicum, v. 1. Historise Komanje,breviarU, 1. Notee variorum, v. 2. Testlmonla, v. I. Vita, V. 1. Index, V. 2. Eva. Poem. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E, G. E. L. {In Pilgrims of the Ehine, Leipzig ed.) Eva's adventures in shadow-land. Nauman, M. D. Evan Dale. Keyes, F. Evangeline. Longfellow, H. W. {In Po- ems, V. 2.) Same. {In Poetical works.) Evans, Albert S. {d. 1872). Our sister republic : a gala trip through tropical Mexico in 1869- 70. Hartford, Conn., 1870. 8= White Pine : its geographical location, topog- raphy, geological formation ; mining laws ; mineral resources ; how to reach there, etc., etc. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Evans, Augusta J. {pseud.). See Wilson, Mrs. A. J. Evans, Frederick W. Shakers : compendium of the origin, history, principles, rules and regulations, government and doctrines of the united society of believers in Christ's second appearance. With biographies of Anne Lee, William Lee, Jas. Whittaker, ,J. Hock- nell, J. Meacham, and Lucy Wright. N. Y. 1859. 12° Evans, Gurdon. Dairyman's manual ; being a complete guide for the American dairyman. With numerous illustrations. Utica, N. Y., 1851. 12° Evans, Hugh Davey. Treatise on the Christian doctrine of marriage ; with a biographical sketch of the author, and an appendix con- taining Bishop Andrewes's discourse against second marriage. N.Y. 1870. 12° Evans, John. Ancient stone implements, weap- ons, and ornaments of Great Britain. N. Y. 1872. 8° Same. Lond. 1872. 8^ Evans, Marian J. See Lewes, M. J. Evans, Oliver. See Self-made men. Evans, R. H. See Wright, T. Evans, Thomas (1742-1784). Old ballads, his- torical and narrative, with some of modern date, collected from rare copies and mss. EVANS 297 EVERETT Evans (continued) — New ed., by K. H. Evans. Lond. 1810. 4v. 12° Evans, Thomas (1798-1868). Concise account of the religious society of Friends, commonly called Quakers ; embracing a sketch of their Christian doctrines and practices. Phil. 1856. 12° Examples of youthful piety ; principally in- tended for the instruction of young persons. Phil. n.d. 12= Evans, Thomas W. Eeport on instruments and apparatus of medicine, surgery, and hygiene. (In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, v. 2.) Evasions celebres, Les. Bernard, F. Eve of the conquest, The. Taylor, H. (In his Poetical works, v. 3.) Evelina. D'Arblay, 3fjne. F. B. Evel3na, John (1620-1705). Diary and corres- pondence of. Ed. from the original Mss. at Wotton, by W. Bray. Lond. 1857. 4 v. 12? History of religion : a rational account of the true religion. Now first published, by per- mission of W. J. Evelyn, from the original MS. in the library at "Wotton. Ed., with notes, by E. M. Everson. Lond. 1850. 2 V. 12? Memoirs, illustrative of the life and times of J. Evelyn ; comprising his diary, from 1641 to 1705-6, and selection of his familiar let- ters. Ed. by W. Bray. N. Y. 1870. 12° Philosophical discourse of earth, relating to the culture and improvement of it for vege- tation, and the propagation of plants, etc., as it was presented to the Eoyal society, April 29, 1675. Lond. 1676. 16? Evening. Macaulay, T. B. (In Cambridge prize poems.) Evening amusement. By author of 'Letters everywhere.' Bost. 1870. 16? (2 cop.) Evening book. Kirklakd, 3frs. C. M. Evening bulletin (S. F.). See S. F. evening bulletin. Evening bulletin. The (daily). (Oct. 22, 1842, to Aug. 26, 1843.) Bost. 1842-3. Sm. f? Evening picayune. (May 27, 1851, to March 31, 1852.) S. F. 1851-2. f? Evening rest ; or, under the shadow of the great Shepherd. L., L. Evening telegram. (Oct. 8, 1859, to Dec. 31, 1859.) S. F. 1859. Large f? Evenings with the bible and science. Sew all, J. B. Eventful nights of August 20th and 21st. Ewer, F. C. (In Pioneer, The, v. 2.) Everard, Kobert. Sufferings on a voyage to In- dia, 1686-9. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 6.) Everett, Alexander Hill (1790-1847). Critical and miscellaneous essays. To which are added a few poems. (1st ser.) Bost. 1845. 12? Contents : Art of being happy, The. Canova, Life and works of. Chinese manners. Cicero on government. Pialogue on government, between Franklin and Montesquieu. Dirge of Larra. From Zor- rilla. Enigma. Exile's lament, The. P^om Virgil. Fifth of May, The. From Manzoni. Funeral of Gothe, The. From Harro Harrlng. Geoffrey on French dramat- ic literature. Everett (continued) — Grecian gossips. The. From Theocritus. Hermitage, The : an eastern tale. Mackintosh, Sir James. Maid of Oberland, The. Portress, The. Sabbath, The. St. Pierre, Bernardin de, Life of. Scenes from Gothe's Faust. — Critical and miscellaneous essays Bost. 1846. 12? Schiller, Life and writings of. Sevigne, Madame de. Spectre bridegroom, The. From Buerger. Voltaire, Private life of. Water-king, The. Who wrote Gil Bias ? Worth of woman. The. From Schiller. Young American, The. (2d ser.) Contents . Irvine's Columbus. Lord Vapourcourt. Musseus's popular tales. Kousseau, Jean Jacques, Life of. Stael, Madame de. Stewart's philosophy. De Gerando's History of philosophy. Greenough's statue of Wash- ington. Harro Harrlng: biog.sketch. Havana- History of intellectual phi- losophy. Everett, Charles Carroll. Science of thought : a system of logic. Bost. 1869. 12? Everett, Edward (1794-1865). Academical ed- ucation : an address, delivered at the inaugu- ration of Washington university of the state of Missouri. See Washington university. Gentleman, The. (In Boston book.) Life of Daniel Webster. (In Webster, D. Works, V. 1.) Life of George Washington. (Repub. from Encycl. Brit., 8th ed.) Life of P. C. Brooks. (In Hunt, F. Lives of Am. merchants, V. 1.) Mount Vernon papers. N.T. 1860. 8? Contents ; Abbotsford, visited and re- visited. Adams's express, and ex- press system in XJ. S. Altorf. Berne. Berne to Sachseln. Boone, Daniel. Christmas. Comet. Court of France in 1818. Empire state, Incursions in- to the (1 and 2). Erskine's (Lord) testimony to Washington. Excursion from Geneva to Chamouni. Financial distress of 1857, 1 and 2. Fontainebleau ; Burgundy ; Talleyrand. Fourth of March, 1789. Franklin, House of. Geneva; Ferney; Lausanne. Goldau ; Aloys Reding ; Grutli ; TeUensprlng. Havre and Rouen. Illustrious dead of 18-59 (1 and 2;: Prescott, Bond, Hallam, and Humboldt. Italian nationality (1 and 2). Lausanne to Freyburg. Ledger establishment. Light-house. Lyons. Lyons to Geneva. Metternich, Prince. Montavert ; sea of ice; and green garden. Napoleon, Louis. Nineteenth of April, 1775. Parable against persecution. Paris, At, in 1818. Safe answer. Stanz ; Lucerne ; Tell. Travel in Europe. Traveling in former times. Washington, Seven critical occasions in life of (1, 2, 3). Washington's diary (1,2, 3, 4). Washington'ssouthern tour. Will there be a war in Eu- rope? — Oration, before the society of Phi Beta Kappa, at Cambridge, August 27, 1824. Camb., Mass., 1824. 8? Same. Published by request. Bost. 1824. 8? Orations and speeches. Bost. 1850-68. 4 v. Large 8? Contents: Abdul Rahaman, v. 3. Academical education, v. 3. Accumulation ; property ; capital ; credit, v. 2. Adams, J. Q., Eulogy on, v. Adams and Jefferson, Eulo- f:y on, v. 1. Pica, Colonization and civ- ilization of, V. 1. Africa, Colonization of, v. 3. Agriculture, V. 1. Agriculture, as affected by the war, v. 4. Agriculture, Importance of, V. 3. Agriculture, Progress of, v. 3. Aid to the colleges (two speeches), v. 2. America, Discovery of, v. 3. American constitutions, Principle of. v. 1. American institutions. Vin- dication of, V. 4. American manufactures, v. 2. American scientific associa- tion, V. 2. Anecdotes of early local his- tory, V. 2. Animals, Treatment of, v. 3. Appleton, Nathan, v. 4. Arctic sea, American expe- dition to, V. 4. Army of the Potomac, v. i. EVERETT 298 EVERY Everett {continued) — Astronomy, Uses of, v. 3. Baring, Thomas, v. 3. Barnard, Daniel Dewey, v. 3. Barnstable, The settlement of, V. 2. Bible, The, v. 2. Bloody brool£, The battle of, V. 1. Boston school festival, y. 3. Boston schools, v. 2. Bowditch, Dr. N., v. 2. Brattle house. Opening of, V. 3. Bristol, Royal agricultural society at, v. 2. British association at Man- chester. V. 2. Broolcs, Peter Chardon, v. 3. Bunlcer hill monument. The, V. 1. Call to arms. The, v. 4. Cambridge, Scientific asso- ciation at, V. 2. Cambridge, The university of, V. 2. Cambridge high school, v. 2,3. Charitable institutions and charity, v. 3. Charlestown, The seven- teenth of June at, v. 2. Choate, Rufus, v. 4. Circumstances favorable to the growth of literature in America, v. 1. Civil war. Causes and con- duct of the, V. 4. Concord, The nineteenth of April at, v. 2. Conditions of a good school, V. 3. Danvers, Agricultural so- ciety of, V. 4. Danvers, Cattle-show at, v. 2. Dedham, Cattle-show at, v. 2. Dedham, The settlement of, V. 2. Dedication of Crawford's Washington, v. 3. Demand for reinforcement, V. 4. Derby, Agricultural society of, V. 2. Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855, V. 3. Dowse, Thomas, Eulogy on, V. 4. Dowse, Thomas, Obituary notice of, v. 3. Dowse's library, v. 3. Duty of crushing the rebel- lion, v. 4. Duty of supporting the gov- ernment, V. 4. ' E pluribus unum,' v. 4. East Tennessee, Aid to, v. 4. Education and civilization, V. 3. Education favorable to lib- erty, morals, and knowl- edge, v. 1. Education in the western states, v. 1. Education of mankind, v. 1. Education of the poor, v. 4. Education the nurture of the mind, v. 2. Eliot school-house, v. 4. Everett school-house, v. 4. Exeter, Festival at, v. 2. Felton, Cornelius Conway, V. 4. Female education, v. 4. Festival of the alumni of Harvard, v. 3. Fiftieth anniversary of grad- uation, v. 4. Flag - raising in Chester square, v. 4. Fourth of July, 1838, v. 3. Fourth of July, The, v. 3. Franlilin, the Boston boy, V. 4. Franklin, The boyhood and youth of, V. 2. Franklin family. Memorial of the, V. 3. Gettysburg, National ceme- tery at, V. 4. Gilpin, Henry D., v. 4. Hale, Kathau, v. 4. Hallam, Henry, v. 4. Harvard, John, Monument to, V. 1. Harvard centennial anni- versary, V. 2. Harvard college in the war, v. 4. Hereford, Reception at, v. 2. Humboldt, Alexander von, V. 4. Husbandman, mechanic, and manufacturer. The, V. 3. Immigration, Effects of, v. Importance of education in a republic, v. 2. Importance of scientific knowledge to practical men, v. 1. Importance of the mechanic arts, V. 2. Importance of the militia, V. 2. Inauguration of President Felton, V. 4. Inauguration of the Union club, V. 4. Ireland, The famine in, v. 2. Irish charitable society, v. 2. Irish regiment. The, v. 4. Irving, Washington, v. 4. Irving, Washington, The birthday of, v. 4. King, Vice-president, Re- marks on death of, v. 3. Lafayette, Eulogy on, v. 1. Latin school prize declama- tion, V. 4. Launch of the Defender,v.3. Lawrence, Abbott, v. 3. Lawrence, Abbott, Obituary notice of, v. 3. Lexington, Ky., Speech at, V. 1. Lexington, The battle of, v. Liberty, The history of, v. 1. Lincoln, President, v. 4. London, Geological society of, V. 2. Lord mayor's day, v. 2. Lowell, John, Jr., v. 2. Lowell, The fourth of July at, V. 2. Massachusetts, The settle- ment of, V. 1. Massachusetts electoral col- lege, 1864, V. 4. Minot's Ledge light-house, V. 4. Napoleon, Prince, Dinner to, V. 4. Nashville, Tenn., Speech at, V. 1. Navy in the war, v. 4. New England, First settle- ment of, V. 1. New Hampshire, v. 3. New medical college, v. 2. New York state inebriate asylum, v. 4. Normal schools, v. 2. Opening of the railroad to Springfield, v. 2. Opportunities of Harvard students, v. 4. Ottoman empire. The, v. 3. Peabody, George, v. 3. Philadelphia, Reception at, V. 3. Pilgrim fathers. The, v. 2, 3. Pilgrims, The departure of the, V. 2. Powers's statue of Webster, V. 4. Prescott, William Hlckllng, V. 4. Presentation of the cane of Washington, v. 3. Prison discipline, Improve- ment in, V. 2. Public library. Dedication of the, V. 3. Questions of the day. The, V. 4. Quinc.v, Josiah, v. 4. Quincy, President, The ad- ministration of, V. 4. Railroads, Beneficial influ- ence of, V. 3. Reception of the Sauks and Foxes, V. 2. United States naval acade- my, V. 4. University education, v. 2. Vegetable and mineral gold, V. 3. Waltham, Agricultural so- ciety of, V. 2. Warren, The statue of, v. 3. Washington, Birthday of, V. 3. Washington, Character of, V. 4. Washington, The youth of, V. 1. Washington abroad and at home, V. .3. Webster, Daniel, as a man, V. 3. Webster, Daniel, Oration on, V. 4. Webster, Daniel, The death of, V. 3. Western railroad. The, v. 2. Winslow, Capt., Reception to, V. 4. Working-men, Advantage of scientific knowledge to, V. 1. Working-men's party, The, V. 1. York minster, v. 3. Everett (continued) — Revolutionary war. The first battles of, v. 1. Robinson's (Dr.) medal, v. 2. Royal academ.v of art, v. 2. Royal literary fund, v. 2. Russia and United States, v. 4. Saffron Walden agricnltnral society, v. 2. Sailor's home, v. 4. Sanitary convention, v. 4. Savannah, Relief of, v. 4. Scots' charitable society. The, V. 2. Seven years' war the school of the American revolu- tion, V. 1. Speech at the Yellow Springs, Ohio, v. 1. Springfield, Anniversary of settlement of, v. 2. Springfield cattle-show, V. 4. Stability and progress, v. 3. Superior and popular educa- tion. V. 2. Temperance, v. 1. "Turkey, Recollections of, v. 3. Twelfth Massachusetts regi- ment, V.4. Union meeting at Faneull hall, V. 4. — Orations and speeches on various occasions. {2d ed.) Bost. 1850. 2 v. 8^ Same. Bost. 1850-68. 4 v. 8° Santa Croce. {In Boston book.) Speech on Nebraska and Kansas bill, 1854. {In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Bunker hill monument association. Reso- lutions in memory of E. Everett, 1865. {In Pamphlets, v. 7.) Whipple, E. P. Character and character- istic men. See also — Golden age of American oratory. Orator, The. Orators in America, Living. Everett, J. D. See Deschanel, A. P. Everett, William. Double play; or, how Joe Hardy chose his friends. Illustrated. Bost. 1871. 12? On the Cam. Lectures on the university of Cambridge in England. Camb., Mass., 1865. 12? Contents : Different colleges at Cam- bridge. Drawbacks of life at Cam- bridge. Expenses. Incentives to study, and non-students. General view of Cambridge. Great men of Cambridge before 1868. Great men of Cambridge since 1868. Evergreens — HooPES, J. Book of. Warder, J. A. Hedges and. Everpoint {pseud.). See Field, J. M. Evers, Henry. Steam and the steam-engine : land, marine, and locomotive. Lond. 1873. 12? EveiTT-day book and table-book. Hone, W. Every-day book of history and chronology. Munsell, J. Every-day errors of speech. Meredith, L. P. Every Saturday : a journal of choice reading, selected from foreign current literature. V. 1 (1866) to 8 (1869). Bost. 1866-9. 8 v. 8? Same. U. S. Illustrated journal of choice reading. V. 1 (1870) to 3 (1871). Bost. 1870-1. 3 V. 4? Life of an undergraduate. Methods of instruction and study. Relations of Cambridge to England and America. Relations of Cambridge to English church. Scholarship, History and object of. Survey of the different col- leges. EVERY 299 EYE Every Saturday (continued) — Same. U. S. Journal of choice reading, se- lected from foreign current literature. V. 1 (Jan. 1872) to 3 (June, 1873). Bost. 1872- 3. 3 V. 4^ Every string broken. Hamilton, Mrs. C. V. {In Kopes of sand, etc.) Everybody's lawyer. Crosby, F. Everything in the right place, etc. Ander- sen, H. C. Evidence. Greenleaf, S. Law of. See also Christianity ; Law. Evidences of the authenticity, etc., of the script- ures. Alexander, A. Evolution — LoAVNE, B. T. Philosophy of. Wood, "W. Chronos, mother earth's biog- raphy. See also Species. Ewald, Alexander Charles. Life and times of Hon. Algernon Sydney. E-wald, H. F. Story of Waldemar Krone's youth. Tr. from the Danish. Phil. 1868. 12^ Ewald, Heinrich. History of Israel. Tr. from the German, and ed., with preface and appen- dix, by K. Martineau. Lond. 1869. 4 v. 8° Ewbank, Thomas. Description of the Indian antiquities brought from Chile and Peru. {In Gilliss's U. S. naval astron. exped., v. 2.) Descriptive and historical account of hy- draulic and other machines for raising water, ancient and modern ; with observations on various subjects connected with the mechanic arts, including the steam-engine. {12th ed.) N. Y. 1851. 8° Life in Brazil ; or, a journal of a visit to the land of the cocoa and the palm. "With an appendix, containing illustrations of ancient South American arts. N. Y. 1856. 8°. (2 cop.) Eeport on Indians. See Whipple, A. W., et at. Thoughts on matter and force ; or, marvels that encompass us. N. Y. 1858. 12^ Ewer, Ferdinand C. Discourse on the national crisis. N. Y. 1861. 12? {In Pamphlets, v. 22.) Eventful nights of August 20th and 21st. (7k Pioneer, The, v. 2.) Oration on the relationship between masonry and Christianity ; delivered at Bridgeport, Conn.,Feb. 12, 1862. N. Y.1862. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 7.) Rector's reply to requests for a political ser- mon. N. Y. 1864. ■ 8° (J« Pamphlets, v. 30.) Evrert, — . Manual of horses. Moscow, 1795. 8° {Russian.) Ew^ing, Juliana Horatia. Brownies, The ; and other tales. Illustrated. Bost, 1871. 12? Exalted horn. An. Wilson, H. S. Examinations. Swett, J. Questions for written. Exception, Une. (A noble life.) Traduit de I'Anglais. Craik, D. (M.) M. Excerpts. Heine, H. {In Scintillations.) Exchange — Entz, J. F. Exchange and cotton trade. Folger, R. M. Exchange tables of British sterling. See also Banks and banking ; Cambist. Excommvinication. Beecher, H. W. Mod- ern excommunication ; ministerial deposi- tion. A sermon. {In Pamphlets, v. 30.) Excursion, The. (Poem.) Wordsworth, W. {In Poetical works.) Same. {In Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2, 3.) Same. (7n Select works of Br. poets.) Excursion through the slave states. Feather- STONHAUGH, G. W. Excursion to California. Kelly, W. Excursions. Thoreau, H. D. Excursions sur les bords du Rhin : impressions de voyage. Dumas, A. (D.) Exercise — Flint, A. Physiological effects of severe and protracted muscular. Wood, W. Manual of physical exercises. See also Gymnastics ; Lifting cure ; Movement cure. Exiles in Babylon. Tucker, C. Exiles of Florida. Giddings, J. R. Exmouth, E. P. {Lord). OsLER, E. Life of. Lond. 1835. 12? (2 cop.) Exodus (book of)— Alford, H. Book of Gtenesis, and part of the book of. CooK,F. C. Commentary on. (J/i Com,, v. 1.) Murphy, J. G. Commentary on. Expedition against Carthagena, The. Smol- lett, T. Expedition de Chine. Varin, P. Expedition de Crim6e, L'. Bazancouht, J. B . M. A.L. Expiated. Hamilton, Mrs. C. V. Expiation. Dorr, Mrs. J. C. R. Expilly, Charles. Collier de corail, Le. {In Creation et redemption.) Exploits and triumphs in Europe of Paul Mor- phy, the chess champion. Explorations and surveys . See Pacific railroad ; United States (explorations and surveys) . Expose of polygamy in Utah. Stenhouse, T. B. H. Exposition of the thirty-nine articles . Browne, E. H. Expositor's note-book. Cox, S. Expressage. Tucker, T. W. Waifs from the way-bills of an old expressman. Expression — Bell, C. Anatomy and philosophy of. Darwin, C. (R.) Queries about expression for anthropological inquiry. {In Smithson- ian rept. 1867.) Extemporary preaching. Zincke, F. B. Extraordinary men. Russell, W. Their boyhood and early life. Lond. 1853. 12? Angelo, Michael. Bonaparte, Napolfion. Burns, Robert Byron, Lord. Channlng, Dr. Wm. EUery. Cromwell, Oliver. Franklin, Benj. Lawrence, Sir Thomas. Louis Philippe. Luther, Martin. Marlborough, Duke of. Contents : Mirabeau, H. G. E. de. Molifire. J. B. P. de. Mozart, J. C. W. G. Nelson, Lord. Pascal, Blaise. Peel, Sir Robert. Peter the great. Romilly, Sir SamueL Shakespeare, William. Wellington, Duke of. Wilkie, David. Eye— Canton, E. Arcus senilis. Dixon, J, Treatise on diseases and injuries of the eye. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 2.) EYE 300 FACETI^ Bye [continued) — Jeffries, B. J. Eye in health and disease. Jones, T. W. Principles and practice of ophthalmic medicine and surgery. Knapp, H. Treatise on intraocular tumors. Stellwag, C. C. von. Diseases of the. Wells, J. S. Diseases of the. "Williams, H. W. Our eyes. — Eecent advances in ophthalmic science. See also Sight. Eye-"witness. Wheeler, A. O. Eyes and ears. Beecher, H. W. Ezekiel. Cowles, H. Notes on Ezekiel and Daniel. F. P., M. A. Spinster's story, A. N.Y. 1866. 12? P., M. K. Biblical view of the church catechism in reference to baptismal responsibilities ; elucidating, by numerous texts of scripture, the doctrines and principles of the church, with a view to confirmation. Phil. 1870. 12° Paber, Basil (1520-1575 ?). Thesavrvs ervditionis scholasticae : sive supellex instructissima vocum, verborum, ac locutionum : tum re- rum, sententiarum, adagiorum ac exemplo- rum : jam olim post aliorvm operas per Avgvstvm Bvchnervm reccensitus & emend- atus ; hvic novae editioni a plurimis mendis repurgatae accesserunt prseter indicam La- tinum rituum & antiquitatum ; cura & studio Christophori Cellarii. Lipsise : sumptibus Johannis Friderici Gleditsch, 1686. f? Paber, Frederick William. All for Jesus ; or, the easy ways of divine love. Bait. 1855. 12? Paber, George Stanley. Napol6on iii., the man of prophecy. Pabiola. Wiseman, N. {Card.). Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, Quintus (d. 203 B.C.). Plutarchus. Vie de. (Par A. Peillet.) [In Vies des Komains illustres.) — Vita. {Gr. et Lat.) {In Vitae, v. 1.) Pable. BuLFiNCH, T. Age of. Pables— -^sopus. Fables of -^Esop ; with life of au- thor. Same. In one syllable, by Mary Godolphin. Bewick, T. and J. Select fables ; illustrated. Florian, C. Fables. Italian. {Russian.) La Fontaine, J. de. Fables. Tr. by E. Wright. Same. Tr.by W.Thornbury. Illustrated by G. Dor^. — Fables et ceuvres diverses. Laroche, G. a. Fables., LoKMAN, — . Fables. (Edition Arabe, par Schier. ) Moore, T. Fables for the holy alliance. Pfeffel, G. C. Fabeln und poetische erzah- lungen . Ph^drus. Fables. Tr. byH. T. Kiley and C. Smart. Bohn's Class, lib. — Fabulse ^sopise. Valpy's Script. Lat. Pilpat's. Kalston, W. E. S. Krilof and his. Saxe, J. G. Fables and legends of many countries. Pabrique de manages. F:fevAL, P. {In (Eu- vres, V. 12.) Paca. Wilcox, O. B. Pacciolati, Giacomo (1682-1769). See Forcel- lini. Pace. CooTE,H. Injuries of the. (/n Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 2.) Pac^tise — A'Beckett, G. a. Comic Blackstone, The. — Comic history of England. — Comic history of Rome. Album du Grand journal. American wit and humor. Angelina Gushington's thoughts on men and things. Bailet, J. M. Life in Danbury. Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. Bell, W. H. Quiddities of an Alaskan trip. Illustrated. Ben Bradshawe : the man without a head. Beresford, J, Miseries of human life. Betsey Jane Ward : hur book of goaks. Blanchard, L. {Ed.) George Cruikshank's omnibus. Book of blunders. Boulter, — {Dr.), et al. Free-thinker. Bradley, E. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. — White wife. The. Bristed, C. a. Upper ten thousand. Browne, C. F. Artemus Ward, his book. — Artemus Ward, his travels. — Artemus Ward in London. — Artemus Ward's lectures. Bund, L. Puck's nightly pranks. Bunker, T. Tim Bunker papers ; or, Yan- kee farming. BuRNAND, F. C. Happy-thought ball, — Happy thoughts . — More happy thoughts. — My health. — New history of Sandford and Merton. BuRNHAM, G. P. History of the hen fever. Butler, W. A. Nothing to wear. — Two millions. Canning, J. Kit Kelvin's kernels. Carl ETON, G. W. Our artist in Cuba. — Our artist in Peru. Cartoon portraits. Chesney, G. Fall of England : the battle of Dorking. Chronicles of Gotham. Clark, B. F. Mirthfulness and its exciters. Clemens, S. L. Celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras county. — Innocents abroad. — Mark Twain's autobiography and first ro- mance. — Roughing it. CoMBE, W. Doctor Syntax's three tours. Cooke, E. W. Grotesque animals. 111. Corcoran, D. Pickings from the portfolio of the reporter of the New Orleans pica- yune. CozzENs, F. S. Sayings of Dr. Bushwhack- er and other learned men. — Sparrowgrass papers. Curiosities of street literature. Curtis, G. W. Potiphar papers. FACETIJE 301 FACT FacetiSB {continued)— DkMillk, J. Dodge club. Derby, G. H. Phoenixiana. — Squibob papers. Diverting history of John Gilpin. Dolby and father. By * I3uz.' Dor:6, G. Two hundred sketches, humorous and grotesque. Field, J. M. Drama in Pokerville. JFreelance, Kadical {pseud.). Philosophers of Foufouville. Gilbert, W. S. ' Bab ' ballads. — More ' Bab ' ballads. Haliburton, T. C. Attach^ ; or, Sam Slick in England. — Clockmaker ; or, the sayings and doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville. — Nature and human nature. — Yankee stories. Hall, B. K. Frank Freeman's barber-shop. Halpine, C. G. Baked meats. Harris, G. W. Sut Lovingood. Head, T. Hope of a civilization yet to be. {In Pamphlets, v. 18.) Heard, F. F. Curiosities of the law report- ers. Hill, A. F. John Smith's funny adventures on a crutch. HiNGSTOsr, E.P. Genial showman : reminis- cences of A. Ward. Hogarth, W. "Works (144 engravings). Hole, S.K. Six of spades. Hood, T. Tales, romances, and extravagan- zas. Hooper, J. J. Simon Snugg's adventures. Hopper, E. Dutch pilgrim fathers. HoppiN, A. Crossing the Atlantic. Hlus- trated. Horn, H. J. Strange visitors. HoRNECK, p. High-German doctor. Howard, J., Jr. Corry O'Lanus. Husband vs. wife. Irving, "W. Knickerbocker's New York. Jenkins, E. Ginx's baby. Jerrold, D. (W.) Men of character. — Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. — Specimens of wit ; arranged by his son, B. Jerrold. Johnson, V. W. Travels of an American owl. Kennedy, J. P. Quodlibet. KoNEWKA, P. Pictures in black. KoRTUM, C. A. Jobsiade, Die. Last night of the session of the assembly of California legislature, 1854. {In Pamphlets of the Pacific coast.) Laughing gas. {In Plate of chowder.) Leigh, L. True Grecian bend. Locke, D. E. Ekkoes from Kentucky. — Nasby : divers views, etc. — Swing) n' round the cirkle. M'CoNNELL, W. Upside down ; or, turn-over traits. Marcy, K. B. Border reminiscences. Mitchell, D. G. Fudge doings. Moore, T. Tom Cribb's memorial to congress. Morris, J. M. K.N. Pepper and other con- diments. Nast, T. niustrated almanac for 1872. Neal, J. C. Charcoal sketches. Facetiae {continued) — Newell, K. H. Cloven foot. — Orpheus C. Kerr papers. — Smoked glass. Nothing to do. Nothing to eat. Nothing to you. Oldham, O. Humorous speaker. Parton, J. {Ed.) Humorous poetry of the English language. Peabody, Mrs. M. Mrs. Slimmens's win- dow. Plate of chowder. PoMEROY, M. M, {Brick). Gold-dust. — Nonsense. Poole, J. Comic sketch-book. Porter, W. T. Big Bear's adventures and travels. Prentice, G. D. Prenticeana. Puck : Pacific pictorial. The. PuLLEN, H. W. Fight at Dame Europa's school. Punch ; or, the London charivari. Easpe, K. E. Adventures of Baron Mun- chausen. KosE, G. Mrs. Brown's visit to the Paris ex- hibition. Ecssetti, W. M. (Fd.) Humorous poems. EowLEY, H. Puniana. Saphir, M. G. AusgewaTilte schriften. Shaw, H. W. Josh Billings, his sayings. — Josh Billings on ice. Sherwood, J. D. Comic history of the United States. Smith, S. My thirty years out of the senate. Snoblace ball. By 'Spectator.' Spider and the fly, The. Stephens, H. L. Comic natural history of the human race. Strange surprising adventures of Gooroo Simple, and his five disciples : Noodle, Doodle, "Wiseacre, Zany, and Foozle. Taliaferro, H. E. Fisher's river: scenes and characteijs in North Carolina, By Skitt. Tall student. The. Thompson, W. T. Major Jones's chronicles of Pineville. Thomson, M. Elephant club. — Nothing to say. — Plu-ri-bus-tah. — Witches of New York. Thorpe, T. B. Col. Thorpe's scenes in Ar- kansaw. Tyler, M. C. Brawnville papers. Van Trusedale, P. van. Major Eoger Sher- man Potter. Warner, C. D. My summer in a garden. Whitcher, Mrs. F. M. Widow Bedott pa- pers. — Widow Spriggins, etc. White, E. G. New gospel of peace accord- ing to St. Benjamin. Willis, N. P. Fun-jottings. Wright, T. Caricature history of the Georges. See also Anecdotes. Facets of truth. Pearson, S. Facino Cane. Balzac, H. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 21.) Fact and fiction. Child, Mrs. L. M. FACTORY 302 FAITHFUL Factory girl. Braddon, Miss M. E. Pacts and fancies for school-day readings. Sedg- wick, C. M. Facts for farmers. Kobinson, S. Fadette {pseud,). See Rodney, Mrs, M. R. Faerie queene. Spenser, E. {In Poet, works, V. 1-4.) Fah-Hian and Stjng-Yun. Travels of, from China to India (a.d. 400, and a.d. 518). Tr. by S. Beal. Fahs, C. F. Report on the botany, ethnography, etc., of Lew Chew. {In Perry's Expedi- tion to Japan, v. 2.) — Report on the exploration of Peel island. {In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Fair, Laura D. See Trials. Fair, William D. Proceedings and testimony in the contested election case of Wm. D. Fair and Thos. B. Van Buren, decided by the senateof Cal., Jan.25, 1851. Sac. 8° {In Pamphlets, v. 6.) Fair-Era. Shakespeare, W. {In "Works, Knight's pict. ed., v. 7.) Fair France. Craik, D. (M.) M. Fair god. Wallace, L. Fair-haired Eckbert. Tieck, L. Fair Harvard. Washburn, W. T. Fair Haven. Owen, J, P. Fair maid of Perth. Scott, Sir W. Fair play. Southworth, E. D. E. N. Fair Saxon. M'Carthy, J. Fair to see. Lockhart, L. W. M. Fair virtue ; the mistress of Philarete ; the shep- herd's hunting. Wither, G. Fairbairn, Patrick. Prophecy viewed in respect to its distinctive nature, special function, and proper interpretation. N. Y. 1866. 8° Typologt of scripture ; viewed in connection with the whole series of the divine dispen- sations. {5th ed.) Edin. 1870. 2 v. 8° Fairbairn, William. Iron : its history, proper- ties, and processes of manufacture. {N'ew ed.) Edin. 1865. 8° Principles of mechanism, and machinery of transmission. Phil. 1867. 12° Treatise on iron ship building : its history and progress. Lond. 1865. 8^ Useful information for engineers. {2d ed.) Lond. 1860. 12° Satne. Lond. 1866. 12? Fairbanks, C. R. Aguecheek : sketches of for- eign travel. Bost. 1859. 12° Fairbanks, George R. History and antiquities of the city of St. Augustine, Florida, found- ed A.D. 1565 ; comprising some of the most interesting portions of the early history of Florida. N. Y. 1858. 8° History of Florida, from its discovery by Ponce de Leon, 1512, to the close of the Florida war, 1842. Phil. 1871. 12° Fairchild family. Sherwood, M. M. {In Works, V. 2.) Faire gospeller. Manning, Miss A. Fairfax. Cooke, J. E. Fairfax, Edward {d. 1632). Knight, C. Life of. {In Godfrey of Bulloigne.) Fairfax, Thomas {Lord). Life of. {In North- ern worthies. Lives of.) Fairfax, William. Hand-book to Australasia ; being a brief historical and descriptive ac- Fairfax {continued)-^ count of Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, western Australia, and New Zea- land. With maps. Melb. 1859. 12? Fairfax correspondence : memoirs of the reign of Charles the first. Ed. by Geo. W. John- son. Fairfield, Jane. Autobiography ; embracing a few select poems by S. L. Fairfield. Bost. 1860. 12? Fairfield, Sumner Lincoln. See Fairfield, J. Fairfield {slooj)). See Bartlett, W. A. Fairholt, Frederick William. Costume in En- gland : a history of dress, from the earliest period until the close of the xviii. century. Illustrated with 700 engravings on wood. {2d ed.) Lond. 1860. 12? Homes, works, and shrines of English artists, with specimens of their styles ; to which is added 'Rambles in Rome.' Lond. 1873. 8? Contents : Bewick, Thomas. Blake, William. Collins, William. Cooper, Samuel. Cosway, Richard. Etty, William. Flaxman, John. Gainsborough, Thomas. Hogarth, William. Morland, George. Nollekins, Joseph. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Turner, JosephMallord Will- iam. Vertue, George. Wilson, Richard. WooUett. William. Wyatt, Richard James. Illus- — Tobacco : its history and associations trated. Lond. 1859. 12? Fairmount park {Phil.). First annual report of the commissioners of. Phil. 1869. 8? Fairy fancies. Tr. from the German, by L. S. Eden. Fairy fingers. Ritchie, 3frs. A. C. M. Fairy mythology. Keightley, T. Fairy tales. Bache, R. M. American wonder- land. Carroll, L. Alice's adventures in wonder- land. Craik, D. (M.) M. Is it true ? Grimm, J. L. K. andW. K. Household sto- ries. Hamilton, A. {Count). Fairy tales and ro- mances. KiNGSLEY, C. Heroes, The. Newman, Mrs. M. W. Fairy tales from gold lands. Palgrave, F. T. Five days' entertainments at Wentworth grange. Faith— Herbert, C. Faith and doubt. Hill, T. Geometry and. Sutton, G. Faith and science. Tayler, J. J. Christian aspects of. Faith Gartney's girlhood. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Faith Unwin's ordeal, Craik, G. M. Faith White's letter-book. Whiting, M. H. Faithful, but not famous. By the author of ' Soldier Fritz,' etc. Lond. n.d. 16? Faithful forever. Patmore, C. (K. D.) Faithful in the least. Davis, Mrs. C. E. K. Faithful register ; or, the debates of the house of commons in four several parliaments, viz.: I., that held at Westminster, Oct. 21, 1680; II., that held at Oxford, March 21, 1680 ; III. , that held at Westminster, 19th of May, 1685 ; IV., that of November the 9th, next following, being the two sessions of King FAITHFUL. 303 FARADAY Faithful {continued) — James. Wherein the points of prerogative, privileges, popish designs, standing army, county militia, supplies, and other grand mysteries of state are fully discussed. Lond. n.d. 12? Faithful!, Emily. Keed shaken with the wind, A. Alove-story. N.Y. 1873. 12° (Scojw.j Falconer, Edmund. Chrystabelle. (Extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 49. Extremes; or, men of the day. (Com.) La- cy's Plays, v. 42. Family secret. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 47. Husband of an hour. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 31. Next of kin. (Com. dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 46. Too much for good nature. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 42. Falconer, Thomas. On the discovery of the Mississippi, and on the south-western, Ore- gon, and north-western boundary of the United States ; with a translation from the original MS. of memoirs, etc., relating to the discovery of the Mississippi, by Robert Cavalier de la Salle, and the Chevalier Henry de Tonty. Lond. 1844. 12? Falconer, William (1736-1769). New universal dictionary of the marine : a copious expla- nation of the technical terms and phrases em- ployed in the construction, equipments, etc. , of ships ; with a vocabulary of French sea- phrases, etc. Lond. 1815. 4? Poetical works ; with life, by Rev. J. Mit- ford. Bost. 1854. 12? Contents : Memoir of W. Falconer. Miscellaneous poems. Notes. Shipwreck, The. Shipwreck, The ; with a life of the author. Lond. 1811. 8? See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 3 ; Self-made men. Falkland, Lucius Gary (1610-1643). Bttlwer- Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. Pym vs. Falk- land. {In his Mis. prose works, v. 1.) Falkland islands — Bougainville, L. A. de. Voyage to the Falkland islands in 1763-4. Byron, J. A.ccount of a visit to the Falkland islands [1744-66]. {In Hawkesworth, J. Voy., V. 1.) Discovered by John Davis. See Burney's Voy., V. 4, p. 330. Dixon, G. Voyage round the world, 1785-8. Fitz-Roy, R. Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle. Lacroix, F. Univers, L',v. 25. (Chili.) Martin, R. M. History of the British pos- sessions in the Indian and Atlantic oceans. Warriner, F. Voyage of the Potomac. Falkland. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. (In Godolphin.) Pall of England ? Chesney, G. Fall of Fort Sumter ; or, love and war in 1860-61. Newbrough, J. B. Fall of Metz. Robinson, G. T. Fall of Poland. Saxton, L. C. Fall of Rome. Sheppard, J. G. Fall of the Roman empire. Sismondi, J. C. L. Fallacies. Bentham, J. Book of. Fallen pride. Southworth, E. D. E. N. Falloux, Frederic Alfred Pierre de ( Vicomte)^ (b. 1811). Life and letters of Madame Swet- chine. Tr. by H. W. Preston. False colors. Cudlip, Mrs. P. False heir. James, G. P. R. Falstaff, Sir John, Brough, R. B. Life of. Illustrated by G. Cruikshank. Lond. 1858. 8? Fame and fortune. Alger, H., Jr. Familiar astrologer. Raphael. Familiar words. Friswell, J. H. {Ed.) Familien concert, Ein. Hacklander, F. W. {In Werke, v. 25.) Familien schicksale. Rellstab, L. {In Ges. schriften, v. 22.) Familienzwlst und frieden. Putlitz, G. zu. {In Lustspiele, v. 1.) Famine Alain. Karr, (J. B.) A. (JraCEuvres, V. 5.) Famille de Germandre, La. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Famille Dherbier, La. M:&ry, J. {In (Euvres, V. 20.) Famille Jouffroy, La. Sue, E. Famille Lambert, La. Gozlan, L. {In (Eu- vres, V. 12.) Family adviser and guide. Hartshorne, H. Family Christmas in Germany. {In Good sto- ries, V. 3.) Family discipline. Clark, O. Discourse on. {In Pamphlets, v. 30.) Family doctor. Walker, M. Family doom. Southworth, E. D. E. N. Family expositor ; or, the new testament, with critical notes. Doddridge, P. Family history — Burke, J. and Sir J. B. Royal families of England, Scotland, and Wales. Burke, Sir J. B. Rise of great families. — Vicissitudes of. Nicholas, J. Annals and antiquities of the counties and county families of Wales. Walford, E. County families of the united kingdom. Family pride. By the author of 'Pique.' Phil. n.d. 12? {Qcop.) Family sermons. Bonar, H. Famin, Cdsar. Chili. {In Univers, L', v. 25.) Provinces-unies du Rio de la Plata (Buenos- Ayres, Paraguay, Uraguay). {In Univers, L', V.25.) Famous Americans of recent times. Parton, J. Famous cases of circumstantial evidence. Phil- lips, S. M. Fan. Gay, J. (Jw Poetical works, v. 2.) Fanaticism. Taylor, I. Fanchon, the cricket. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Pank'wei ; or, the San Jacinto in the seas of In- dia, China, and Japan. Wood, W. M. Fanny Fern {pseud.). See Parton, Mrs. S. P. Far above rubies. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. Faraday, Michael (1791-1867). Conservation of force. (■/« Youmans, E. L., et al. Cor- relation and conservation of forces.) FARADAY 304 FARRER Faraday [continued) — Course of six lectures on the chemical his- tory of a candle. N.Y. 1861. 16° Course of six lectures on the various forces of matter and their relations to each other; with numerous illustrations. N. Y. 1860. 16° Education of the judgment. {In Youmans, 'K.Jj.j et al. Culture demanded hy modern life.) Experimental researches in chemistry and physics. Lond. 1859. 12° Gladstone, J. H. Michael Faraday. Fruits of his experience ; method of working ; story of his life ; study of his character ; value of his discoveries ; appendix — list of honorary fellowships. N. Y. 1872. 12°- Jones, B. Life and letters of. Loud. 1870. 2 V. 8° La Eive, a. de. Eulogy on, {In Smith- sonian rept. 1867.) Tyndall, J. Faraday as a discoverer. N. Y. 1868. 8? Same. Lond. 1868. 12° — Keview of life and letters of. {In his Frag- ments of science.) See also Grove, W. K. Parallones {islands), {coast ofCal.). Article on. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 1.) Farjeon, B.L. Blade-o'-grass. N.Y. 1872. 8° (13 cop.) Bread- AND-CHEE8E and kisses. N.Y. 1873. 8° {5 cop.) Grif : a story of Australian life. N. Y. 1872. 8° (9 cop.) Joshua Marvel. N. Y. 1871. S°. (13 cop.) London's heart. N. Y. 1873. 8? (10 cop.) Farley, Judson. Salt-making in Alameda. {In Overland monthly, v. 6.) Farm ballads. Carleton, W. Farm implements, and the principles of their construction and use. Thomas, J. J. Farm on the mountain. Arnold, F. Farman, Ella. Anna Maylie : a story of work. Bost. 1873. 12° Farraer, John. Genealogical register of. the first settlers of New England. Lancaster, Mdss., 1829. 8° Fanner's and mechanic's practical architect. Hammond, J. A. Farmer's magazine. New ser. V. 1, 2 (June to Dec. 1839), • Lond. 1839. 2 v. 8° — Second ser. V. 1 (1840) to 11 (June, 1845). Lond. 1839-45. 11 v. 8° Farming — Barnard, C. {Mrs. Maria Gilman). Farm- ing by inches. Caird, J. Prairie farming in America. Courtney, W. S. Farmer's and mechanic's manual. Emerson, G. {Ed.) American farmer's en- cyclopaedia. Gilman, Mrs. M. See Barnard, C. {above). Good farmer. 1789. {Russian.) Greeley, H. "What I know of. Mechi, a. J. J. How to farm profitably. Morris, E. Ten acres enough. Morris, J. G. Natural history as applied to farming and gardening. {In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) Farming {continued) — Robinson, S. (Ed.) Facts for farmers. EoosEVELT, R, B. Five acres too much. Farming and law. Meeker, N. C. {In Life in the west.) Farming by inches ; or, 'with brains, sir.' Bar- nard, C. Famham, Eliza W. California, in-doors and out ; or, how we farm, mine, and live gen- erally in the golden state, N, Y. 1856. 12? Eliza Woodson ; or, the early days of one of the world's workers. {2ded.) N. Y. 1864. 12° Ideal attained. 12° (3 cop.) Life in prairie land. N. Y. 1847. 12? Woman and her era. N. Y. 1865. 2 v. 12? (26? ed.) Farnham, Thos. J. (1804-1848). Life, advent- ures, and travels in California; to which are added Conquest of California and Travels in Oregon. N. Y. 1855. 8? Extracts from ' Life and adventures in Cali- fornia, and scenes in the Pacific ocean,' N. Y. 1847. (In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Faroe islands. Iceland, Greenland, and the. H. F. lib., V. 131. Farquhar, George (1678-1707). Beaux' strata- gem. fCom.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 7. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 8. Constant couple. (Com.) Dicks' Br, dr., 11. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 8. Dramatic works. See Wycherley, Con- greve, et al. Inconstant. (Com.) Br. dr., 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., 8. Recruiting officer. (Com.) Br, dr,, 2. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., 8, Same. Inchb. Br. th., 8. See also English dramatists. Lives of, v. 2. Farquharson, Martha {pseud.). See Finley, M. F. (F.) Farragut, David Glascoe (1801-1870). Brock- ett, L. p. Our great captains. N. Y. 1866. 12? Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval •commanders. N.Y. 1867, 12? Montgomery, J. E. Cruise of Admiral Far- ragut. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Sketch of. {In her Men of our times.) Farrar, Frederic W. Chapters on language. Lond. 1865. 12? Eric ; or, little by little. [Novel.] N. Y. 1859. 12? Greek and Latin verse-composition. {In Es- says on a liberal education.) Farrar, Mrs. John, Life of John Howard. Recollections of seventy years. Bost. 1866. 12? Farrell, John. Dumb maid of Genoa ; or, the bandit merchant. (Melo-drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 29. Farren, Percy. Field of forty footsteps. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 16. Farrer, Adam Storey, Critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian relig- ion. (Bampton lectures for 1862.) FARRIERY 305 FEMALE Farriery. Skeavington, G. Modem system of veterinary. See also Horses ; Patents, Abridgments of Brit- ish, V. 31. Par'well, Willard B. Oration, delivered before the Society of California pioneers, at the ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the new Pioneer hall, July, 7, 1862. {In Pam- phlets, V. 25.) Fashion. Godey's lady's book and magazine. See also Etiquette. Fashion and famine. Stephens, Mrs. A. S. Fashionable amusements ; with a review of Kev. Dr. Bellows's lecture. Thomasok, D. R. Fasti, The. Ovidius Naso, P. Fasti monastic! aevi Saxonici. Birch, W. de G. Fat contributor. Thackeray, W. M. Fatal marriage. Southwokth, E. D. E. N. Fatal secret. Webster, D. (in Boston book.) Fate. Cicero, M.T. On fate. Bohn's Class, lib. Father, The. Bjornson, B. Father and daughter. Bremer, F. Father Anselmo. {In Sketches and stories of life in Italy.) Father Henson's story of his own life. Henson, J. Father Time's story-book. Knox, K. Fathers and sons. Hook, T, (E.) Fathers and sons. Turgeneff, 1. S. Faucher, Julius. New commercial treaty be- tween Great Britain and Grermany. {In Cobden club essays, second ser., 1871-2.) Fauna. See Animals ; Natural history ; and the names of countries. Fausset, A. E. See Jamieson, R. Faust. (Opera.) Gounod, C. Faust : a review. Hittell, T. H. Faustina. Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. von. Fauvette, TJne. Boniface, J. X. {In Semaine litteraire.) Faux dieux, Les. Desarbres, N. Favas et Boisros^. Feval, P. {In (Euvres, v. 15.) Pavel, Paul. "White wolf of Brittany. Lond. n.d. 16? Favorita. (Opera.) Donizetti, G. Fawcett, Edgar. Purple and fine linen. N. T. 1873. 12? (2 cop.) Fay, P. R. Commentary on the book of Joshua. {In Lange's Com., old test., v. 4.) Pay, Theodore Sedgwick {b. 1807). Norman Les- lie. N.Y. 1869. 12? Fayolle, P. See Choron, A. Fayoum, The ; or, artists in Egypt. Lenoir, P. Feast of the violets. Hunt, (J. H.) L. {In his Poetical works, v. 1.) Featherstonhaugh, George William. Canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor ; with an account of the lead and copper deposits in Wisconsin, etc. Lond. 1847. 2 v. 8? Excursion through the slave states, from Washington on the Potomac to the frontiers of Mexico ; with geological notices. Lond. 1844. 2v. 8? Feats on the fiord. Martineau, H. Fecundity, fertility, sterility, and allied topics. Duncan, J. M. Federal constitution. See United States. 21 Federalist, See Fcederalist. Federmann, Nicolas. Belle et agr^able nar- ration du premier voyage aux Indes de la mer octane, 1529-30. {In Ternaux-Com- pans's Voy., v. 1.) F6e des greves. La. Feval, P. Feejee (Fiji or Viti) islands — Brenchley, J. l^i. Cruise of H. M. S. Cura- (?oa[1865]. Pritchard, W. T. Consulate among the Pi- jis, A. {In Overland monthly, v. 2.) Wilkes, C. Description of the Feejee islands, with manners and customs of the natives. {In his Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 3, chap. 3, 10.) Williams, T., and Calvert, J. Fiji and the Fijians. See also — Lakemba. Bewa. Mabua bay. Saulib. Moloio. Savu-Savu. Muthuala. Somo-Somo. Ovolau. Tye. Feet. Peck, J. L. Dress and care of the feet. See also Deformities. Feillet, Alphonse. Histoire du gentil seigneur de Bayart. Memoires du cardinal de Betz. See also Plutarchus. Peilner, John. Explorations in upper Califor- nia in 1860. {In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Feindlichen briider. Die. Auerbach, B. {In Ges. schriften, v. 1.) Feloh, Alpheus. Address to the graduating class of the law department of the university of Michigan, delivered March 27, 1861. Ann Arbor, 1861. (Jn Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 3.) Peld'webel, Der. Zschokke, J. H. D. {In Ges. schriften, v. 8.) Felina de Chambure. Dumas, A. (D.) Felix, Rachel. See Rachel, E. R. P. Felix Holt, the radical. Lewes, M. J. Fellah, The. About, E. (F. V.) Fellows, Sir Charles. Travels and researches in Asia Minor, more particularly the prov- ince of Lycia. Lond. 1852. 12? Felt, Joseph B. Annals of Salem. {2d ed.) Bost. 1845. 2 V. 8? Historical account of Massachusetts cur- rency. Bost. 1839. 8? Pelton, Cornelius Conway (1807-1862). Famil- iar letters from Europe. Bost. 1865. 12? (2 cop.) Greece, ancient and modern: lectures, deliv- ered before the Lowell institute. Bost. 1867.. 2 V. 8? (2 cop.) See also Sears, B. Pelton, Franklin Eliot. Purification and recon- struction of the American union. Oration, delivered at Vallejo, July 4, 1867. S.F.. 1867. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 7, 27.) Pelton, John H. Decimal system : an argument for American consistency in the extension of the decimal scale to weights and measures in harmony with the national currency. N.. Y. 1858. 12? Female Blue Beard. Sue, E. Female characters of Gothe. K aulbach, W. v.. Female diseases. See Diseases of women and children. FEMALE 306 FERNALD 12° Griswold, K. W. Balzac, H. de. (In 4.) Dumas, A. Female life among the Mormons : a narrative of many years' personal experience. By the wife of a Mormon elder, recently from Utah. N. Y. 1855. Female poets of America. Femme abandonnde, La. (Euvres completes, v. Femm.e au collier de velours, La. (D.) Femme de trente ane, La. Balzac, H. de. {In ffiuvres completes, v. 4.) Femme d'un liusse, La. Sotjli:§:, M. P. {In ffiuvres, v. 32.) Fermnee, Les. Karr, (J, B.) A. (Jn (Euvres, v. 21.) Fem.mes de la revolution, Les. Michelet, J. Femmes militaires, Les: relation historiqued'une lie nouvellement d(5couverte. D., Le C. Fendler, A. Meteorology of Colonia Tovar, Venezuela, S. A. {In Smithsonian rept. 1857.) Fenella. {In Sketches and stories of life in Italy.) F6nelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe (1651- 1715). (Euvres choisies. Paris, 1798. 6 v. 12? Contents : Abellle et la raoncbe, L', v. 2. Abellles, Les, v. 2. Abellles et les vers & sole, Les, V. 2. Anneaude Gye6s,L', v. 2. Ai Istfie et VIrgile, v. 2. Aventures d'ArlstonoUs, Les, V. 2. Aventures de M6I6slchton, Les, V. 2. Aventures de T6I6maque, flls d'Ulysse, Les, v. 3, 4. BorstT C'lf'obnle, Le, et la nyniplii' I'htdlle, v. 2. Cliasse (le Diane, La, v. 2. Chat et les laplns, lie, v. 2. Deux renards, Les, v. 2. Deux sovirls, Les, v. 2. Dialogues des morts, v. 2. DinloKue8surre8crIption and travel: Barrell, G., Jr. Pedestrian in France. Belloc, B. p. Belle France, La. Blackburn, H. Normandy picturesque. Bryant, W. C. Letters from the east [1852]. Buffum, E. G. Sights and sensations in France, Germany, and Switzerland. BuLLARD, Mrs. A. T. J. Sights and scenes in Europe. Chasles, (V. E.) P. Notabilities in France and England. Colton, W. Sea and shore ; with notes on. Prance {continued)— Cortambert, K. Excursions en. (JraPeuples et voyageurs contemporains. ) Craik, D. (M.) M. Fair France. DiBDiN, T. P. Bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in France and Ger- many. Ditson, G. L. Para papers on. Gautier, T. Quand on voyage. {In (Eu- vres, V. 7.) Haeseler, C. H. Across the Atlantic. Hamerton, p. G. Unknown river. The. Haven, G. Pilgrim's wallet. Hawthorne, N. Passages from French and Italian note-books. Jerrold, W. B. On the boulevards. Karr, (J. B.) a. De loin et de pres : de Nice ^ Fr^jus et S, Saint-Kaphael. {In (Euvres, V. 35.) Laing, S. Notes of a traveler on the social and political state of. Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (C.) Stories and sights of France and Italy. MoRFORD, H. Over-sea. Murray's hand-book for travelers in. Keach, a. B. Claret and olives, from the Garonne to the Khone. Senior, N. "W. Journals kept in France and Italy from 1848 to 1852. Smollett, T. Travels through France and Italy. {In Mis. works, v. 5.) Thcmmel, M. A.von, Travels in. (J/jSamm. werke, v. 2-6.) "Wilson, Sir R. Private diary of travels, per- sonal services, and public events during em- ployment with the European armies in the campaigns of 1812-14. Young, A. Travels in France [1787-9]. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 4.) See also Rhine (river); Rheims. Society, manners, etc. : Cousin, V. Divertissements de la soci^te Frangaise au xvii. siecle. {In Soci6t6 Fvan- (jaise au xvii. siecle, v. 2.) — Madame de Chevreuse [1600-79], — Madame de Hautefort [1616-91]. — Madame de Sabl6 [1600]. Da vies, C. {Lady). Recolfections of society in France and England. Heine, H. Franzosischezustande. (TwSamm. werke, v. 8-11.) HoDDE, L. de la. Cradle of rebellion : his- tory of the secret societies of. LoiSNE, C. M. de. France and England, po- litically and socially considered. Schmidt, W. Frankreich und die Fraiiz osen. Thierry, (J. N.) A. Formation and progress of the tiers 6tat in. ToucHARD - Lafosse, L. Chronlques de l'(Eil-de-Bceuf : des petits appartements de la cour et des salons de Paris, sous Louis XIV., la regence, Louis xv,, et Louis xvi. MiMcellaneonB : Annales des mines. Browne, G. F. Ice-caves of. Chesney, F. R., and Reeve, H. Military resources of Prussia and. Cormere, B. de. Recherches et considera- tions sur les finances [1789], FRANCE 324 PRANK France {continued) — Hazen, W. B. School and the army in Ger- many and. Jervis, "W. H. History of the church of France [1516-1798]. LaisDRIN, a. Plages de la France, Les. Letter on the genius and dispositions of the French government, including a view of the taxation of the French empire, addressed to a friend by an American. (J« Franklin journal, v. 2.) Richards, E. S. Code Napoleon. Tarif g&eral des douanes de France [1844] . See also Industrial exhibitions ; Paris exhibi- tions. E^rance before Europe. Michelet, J. France litteraire, La. Querard, J. M. Francesca Carrara. Landon, L. E. {In Com- plete works, V. 1.) Franchere, Gabriel. Voyage to the north-west coast of America in 1811-14. Tr. by J. V. Huntington. N.Y. 1854. 12° Francillon, E. E. Earl'sdene. N.Y. 1871. 8° (6 cop.) Francis i. {king of France), (1494-1547). Par- doe, J. Court and reign of. Phil. 1849. 2 V. 12° Francis i. and countess of Chateaubriand. See Historical difficulties. Francis ll. {king of France)^ (1543-1560). Cas- telnatj, M. de. Memoirs of the reign of Francis II. and Charles ix. [1559-74]. Francis, C. S. {Pub.) New guide to the cities of New York and Brooklyn, and the vicin- ity ; with maps and engravings. N. Y. 1854. 16? Francis, George Henry. Orators of the age. N. Y. 1847. 12° [For contents, see Orators.] Francis, James B. Lowell'hydraulic experi- ments ; being a selection from experiments on hydraulic waters, on the flow of water over weirs, and in canals of uniform rectangular section and of short length, made at Low- ell, Mass. Bost. 1855. Eoy. 4° Francis, John. History of the bank of England, its times and traditions, from 1694 to 1844. Ed. by I. S. Homans. N. Y. 1862. 8° Francis, John Wakefield (1789-1861). Old New York ; or, reminiscences of the past sixty years. An enlarged and revised edition of anniver- sary discourse, delivered before the N. Y. hist, soc, Nov. 17, 1857. N.Y. 1858. 12? Same. N. Y. 1860. 8? Francis, S. "W. Inside out : a curious book, by a singular man. N. Y. 1862. 12? Francis, Valentine Mott. Thesis on hospital hygiene. N. Y. 1859. 8? Francis of Assisi {St.), (1182-1226). Oliphakt, Mrs. M. O. W. Lond. 1871. 12? Franciscans. See Francis of^^lssisi. Ffanck, Adolphe {b. 1809). Etudes orientales. Paris, 1861. 8? Contents : Avicfibron (Salomon Ibn-G6biral). Cantiquef des cantiques, Le. Doctrines religieuses et philosaphiques de la Perse. Droit Chez les anciennes natioHS de I'orient, Le. Etat politique et religieux de la Jud6e dans les der- niers temps de sa nationality, L'. Langues Sfimitiques. Moise Maimonide (sa vie et sa doctrine). Nouveau §yst6me d'ex6g6se bibllque, Un. Franck, August Herman. Nicodemus, or a treatise against the fear of man ; wherein the causes and sad effects thereof are briefly de- scribed, with some remedies against it. Tr. from the German. {Zd ed.) Bath, 1801. 12? Francke, H. Outlines of a new theory of dis- ease, applied to hydropathy, showing that water is the only true remedy ; with obser- vations on the errors committed in the prac- tice of hydropathy, notes on the cure of chole- ra by cold water, and a critique on Priess- nitz's mode of treatment. Tr. from the Ger- man, by E. Baikie. N. Y. 1849. 12? Franco-Prussian -war (1870-71) — A., M. {a Pruss. artil. officer). War of 1870- 71, The. Bericht des central comit^s der Deutschen vereine zur pflege im felde verwundeter. Bible, G. W. Franco-Prussian war : Chas- sepot rifle vs. ziindnadelgewehr, orthe needle- gun. Boguslawski, a. v. Tactical deductions from the war of 1870-71. Brockett, L. p. Great war of 1870 between France and Germany. Daily news war correspondence. {\st and 2d ser.) Eight months on duty. Fetridge, W. p. Eise and fall of the Paris commune in 1871. Gordon, C. A. Lessons in hygiene and sur- gery from the. Hazen, W. B. School and the array in Ger- many and France. History of the indemnification of German property at sea. Hozier, H. M. {Ed.) History of the. Krause, W. E. F. German-French war of 1870-71, and its consequences upon future civilization. Landon, M. D. Franco-Prussian war. McCabe, J. D. History of the war between Germany and France. Michelet, J. France before Europe. Newdigate, E. Army of the North German confederation. Niemann, A. French campaign, 1870-71. Pltjnket, E. Gaul or Teuton ? Considera- tions as to our allies of the future. EoBiNSON, G. T. Fall of Metz, EiJSTOw, W. War for the Ehine frontier, 1870. Seton, J. L. Notes on the operations of the North German troops in Lorraine and Picar- Shand, a. I. On the trail of the war. Stanford's large scale map of the seat of war, 1870-71. [In frame.] Stofeel, — {Baron). Eeports on the mili- tary forces of Prussia. Sumner, C. Duel between France and Ger- many, The. Talbot, G. F. Analysis of the organization of the Prussian army. WiNTERFELD, C. Dcutsch - Frauzosischer krieg von 1870. FranQois le Champi. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Frank, the young naturalist. Castlemon, H. C. Frank among the rancheros. Castlemon, H. G. FRANK «25 FRAULEIN Frank before Vicksburg. Castlemon, H. C. Frank Beresford. Curlijtg, — [Capt.). Frank Fairleigh. Smedlet, F. E. Frank Freeman's barber-shop. Hall, B. K. Frank Martin : the story of a country boy. Lond. 1867. 16° Frank Mildmay. Marryat, F. Frank on the lower Mississippi. Castlemon, H. C. Frank Warrington. Harris, Mrs. S. S. Frank's campaign. Alger, H., Jr. Frankenstein ; or, the modern Promethelis. Shelley, Mrs. M. W. Franklin, Andrew. Earl of Warwick. (Trag.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 6. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 19. Matilda. (Trag.) Inchb. Mod. th., v. 8. Franklin, Benjamin [Poor Richard), (1706-1790). Works ; containing several political and historical tracts not included in any former edition, and many letters, official and pri- vate, not hitherto published. With notes, and a life of the author, by J. Sparks. Bost. 1835-40. 10 V. 8? Contents : Autobiography ; and life continued, by J. Sparks, V. 1. Bagatelles, v. 2. Constitution and government of Pennsylvanla.v. 3. (Correspondence, v. 7-10. Essays and tracts, historical and political, before the American revolution, v. 3, 4. Essays on politics, commerce, and political econo- my, V. 2. Essays on religious and moral subjects, and the economy of life, v. 2. Letters and papers on electricity, v. 5. Letters and papers on philosophical subjects, v. 6. Political papers during and after the American revolution, v. 5. Autobiography. Edited from his manu- script, with notes and an introduction, by J. Bigelow. Phil. 1868. 12° Memoirs of; written by himself. With es- says, letters, and miscellaneous writings. I^^. Y. 1839. 2 V. 16? H. F. lib., v. 92, 93. Everett, E. Boston boy, The. [In his Ora- tions, v. 4.) — Boyhood of. {In his Orations, v. 2.) Foster, J. Critical essays. Green, S. A. Story of a famous book : an account of Dr. Benj. Franklin's autobiog- raphy. [In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Haydeu, S. Washington and his masonic compeers. Letters to Benj. Franklin from his family and friends [1751-1790]. N. Y. 1859. 8? [Large paper, 250 copies printed.] Mayhew, H. Young Benjamin Franklin. Parker, T. Historic Americans. Parton, J. Life and times of. N. Y. 1864. 2v. 8° Sanderson, J. Life of. (ira Signers to decl . of indep. , v. 2.) Sparks, J. Life of B. Franklin ; containing the autobiography, with notes and a contin- uation. Bost. 1853. 8? Winthrop, K. C. Archimedes and Frank- lin, (Oration.) (/n Pamphlets, v. 7.) — Oration, at the inauguration of the statue of Franklin (1856). [In Pamphlets, v. 15.) See also Extraordinary men ; Poor Richard's almanac ; Saiate-Beuve, C. A. ; Self-made men. Franklin, Sir John (1786-1847 ?). Journeys of. [In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery, v. 3.) Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar sea, in the years 1825-7 ; including an accoant of the progress of a detachment to the eastward, by J. Richard- son. Phil. 1828. 8? Clay, H. Search for. [In Speeches, v. 2.) Cortambert, E. Voyages de. [In Peuples et voyageurs contemporains.) Herve, a., et Lanoye, F. de. Voyages de. (/« Voyages dans lesglaces dupole arctique.) Lanoye, F. de. Mer polaire. La : voyage de I'Erebe et de la Terreur, et expMitions a la recherche de Franklin. McDouGALL, G. F. Voyage of the Resolute in search of Sir J. Franklin [1852-4]. Seemann, B. Three cruises to the arctic re- gions in search of. [In Voyage of H. M. S. Herald, 1845-51.) Turner, J. A. Discovery of Sir John Frank- lin ; and other poems. See also Arctic regions ; Heroes of discovery ; New biographies of illustrious men. Franklin, William (1731-1813). Hayden, S. Washington and his masonic compeers. Franklin institute of Pennsylvania. Franklin journal and American mechanics' magazine. Ed. by Thomas P. Jones. V. 1 (Feb. 1826) to 4 (Dec. 1827). Phil. 1826-7. 4 v. 8? Same. New ser. Ed. by Thos. P. Jones [called Journal of F. institute]. V. 1 (Jan. 1828) to 26 (Dec. 1840). Phil. 1828-40. 26 v. 8° [bound in 24]. [V. 3 (1829), 5 (1830), 22 (1838) missing.] Same. 3d ser. Ed. by Thos. P. Jones, Jas. F. Frazer, and W. H. Wahl. V. 1 (Jan. 1841) to 2 (Dec. 1841). Phil. 1841. 2 v. in 1. 8° Same. V. 33 (Jan. 1857) to 65 (June, 1873). Phil. 1857-73. 33 v. 8? [JWe.— Whole number of volumes published 1826-73(June), 91. Wantuig v. 3 (Jan. 1842) to 32 (Dec. 1856), 30 v. 1 du- plicate, V. 5, 1828. Total v. on hand, 59.1 Franklin journal. See Franklin institute. Franz Sternbald'swanderungen. Tieck, L. [In Schriften, v. 16.) Fraser, Donald. Synoptical lectures on the books of holy scripture. First series : Gen- esis ; Song of songs. N. Y. 1873. 12° Fraser, James Baillie. Historical and descrip- tive account of Persia. N. Y. 1845. 16° H. F. lib., V. 70. KuzziLBASH. Lond. 1828. 3 v. 12° Mesopotamia and Assyria. N.Y.1845. 16° H. F. lib., V. 157. Fraser mines vindicated. Waddington, A. [In Pamphlets, v. 12.) Fraser 's magazine for town and country. Ed. by J. A. Froude. 1st ser. V. 1 (Feb. 1830) to 80 (Dec. 1869). Lond. 1830-69. 80 v. 8? Same. New ser. V. l(Jan. 1870) to 7 (June, 1873). Lond. 1870-73. 7 v. 8° Frau Hart. Holtei, K. von. [In Erzahlende schriften, v. 5.) Frau Pastorin, Die. Auerbach, B. [In Ges. schriften, v. 3.) Fraulein Else, Hoefer, E. [In Erzahlende schriften, v. 5.) FBAZIEB 326 FREEMAN Frazier, Am6d^e Fran9ois (1682-1773). Voyage de (1712). {In Bajot, M. Abr^g6 histori- que, etc.) Freaks on the fells ; or, three months' rustica- tion. Ballantynk, K, M. Fred, Maria, and me. Prentiss, Mrs. E. Fred. Arden. Smith, J. F. Fred. Graham. Smith, J. F. Fred. Vernon. Smith, J. F. Frederic et Beruerette. Musset, A. de. {In Nouvelles.) Frederic le grand. See Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Frederic il. {of Prussia), (1712-1786). Posthu- mous works. Tr. from the French, by T. Holcroft. Lond. 1789. 13 v. 8? Contents : Bavarian state papers, v. 4. Bavarian succession, Correspondence relative to, V. 4. Blue Beard, Theological commentary of Don Cal- met on, v. 5. Charles xii.. Reflections on character and military talents of, v. 5. Considerations on the present state of the body- politic in Europe, v. 4. . Correspondence between Frederic u. and Augustus William, prince of Prussia, v. 13. Correspondence between Frederic ii. and General Fouquet, v. 13. Correspondence between Frederic n. and Mar- chioness du Chatelet, v. 9. Correspondence between Frederic n. and M. d'Al- emben, v. 11, 12. Correspondence between Frederic ii.andM. d'Ar- gens, V. 10. Correspondence between Frederic ii. and M. d'Ar- get, V. 12. Correspondence between Frederic n. and M. de Condorcet, v. 12. Correspondence between Frederic n. and M. de Fontenelle, v. 9. Correspondence between Frederic n. and M. Grimm, v. 12. Correspondence between Frederic u. and M. Jor- dan, V. 9. Correspondence between Frederic ii. and M. Rol- lln, V. 9. Correspondence between Frederic ii. and M. de VoltJiire, v. 6-8. Critical examination of the system of nature, v. 5. Dialogues of the dead, v. 5. Elegy of the city of Berlin, v. 5. Errors of the understanding. Dissertation on the innocence of, v. 5. Essay on German literature, v. 13. Essay on the forms of government and on the duties of sovereigns, v. 5. History of my own time, v. 1. History of the seven years' war, v. 2, 3. Memoir of most important events from 1774 to 1778, V. 4. Memoir of state of politics from 1763 to 1775, v. 4. Memoir of war of 1778, v. 4. Moral dialogues for the use of young nobilit.v, v. 13. Narrative of Prince Augustus WllUam, prince of Prussia, v. 13. Preface to the Henriade of M. de Voltaire, v. 5. School of the world : comedy in 3 acts, v. 5. Tantalus at law : comedy, v. 5. Voltaire, Epitaph on, v. 5. Voltaire, Eulogium on, v. 13. Voltaire, Portrait of, v. 5. Voltaire's farewell to the king, v. 5. Abbott, J. S.C. History of. N.Y. 1871. 8° Campbell, T. Frederick the great : his court and times. {2ded.) Lond. 1844. 2 v. 12° Carlyle, T. History of Friedrich ii., called Frederick the great. N. Y. 1858-66. 6 v. 12? Same. [Imperfect set.] Ellis, G. J. W. A. Life of. N. Y. 1848. 2 V. 16° H. F. lib., v. 41, 42. Johnson, S. Life of. {In his Eminent per- sons.) JoMiNi, H. Histoire critique et militaire des guerres de Frederic ii. Macaulay, T. B. Life of Frederick the great. Ed. by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1859. 16° Frederic {continued)--^ MuNDT, Mrs. C. (M.) Berlin and Sans Souci. (Historical fiction.) — Frederick the great and his family. (His- torical fiction.) — Merchant of Berlin. (Historical fiction.) — Old Fritz. (Historical fiction.) Thi^bault, D. Souvenirfe de vingt ans de s^jour a Berlin. See also Macaulay, T. B. Essays. Frederick the great. See Frederick ii. Frederick the great and his court. Mundt , Mrs . C. (M.) Frederick the great and his femily. Mundt, 3frs. C. (M.) Frederick William i. {emperor of Germany), (6.1795). McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. Fr6derique et Harald. Karr, (J. B.) A. {In (Euvres, v. 35.) Free religion. Eeport of addresses at a meeting held in Boston, May 30, 1867, to consider the conditions, wants, and prospects of free religion in America. Together with the constitution of the free religious association there organized. Bost. n.d. 8° {In Pam- phlets, V. 30.) Free-thinker ; or, essays of wit and humor. Written by Dr. Boulter, Dr. Burnet, Kev. Henry Stephens, and Kichard West. Lond. 1739. 3 V. 16° Free-thinking — Bentley, K. Kemarks upon free-thinking, in letters to N. N. and F. H. D. D. By ' Phileleutherus Lipsiensis.' Collins, A. Discourse of free - thinking, A [1713]. Farrer, a. S. Criticalhistory of free thought. Swift, J. Thoughts on. {In Works, v. 2, 5.) Free-trade — Ammosoff,N. Benefit of. {Russian.) Bastiat, F. Sophisms of the protectionists. CoBDEN, R. Political writings. Freedley, Edwin T. Legal adviser ; or, how to diminish losses, avoid law-suits, and save time, trouble, and money by conducting business according to law. Phil. 1857. 12? Practical treatise on business ; or, how to get, save, spend, give, lend, and bequeath money. Phil. 1858. 12? Freedmen. Alvord, J. W. Fourth and sixth semi-annual reports on schools for freedmen (1867-8). Wash. 1867-8. {In Pamphlets, V. 19.) Freedom. Chandler, P. W. Morals of. (Oration.) {In Pamphlets, v. 15.) Freedom and war. Beecher, H. W. Freedom of will. See Will- Freeholder, The. Addison, J. {In Works, v. 4, 5 ■ Freeing of Pharamond. See Love is enough. Freelance, Radical, esq. {pseud.). Philosophers of Foufouville. N. Y. 1868. 12? Freelon, Thomas W. Oration, delivered before the Society of California pioneers at cele- bration of the seventh anniversary of the admission of the state of California into the union , Sept. 9, 1857. {In Pamphlets, v. 25.) Freeman, Edward Augustus {b. 1823). General sketch of European history. Lond. 1872. 16? FREEMAN 327 FRENCH Freeman {continued) — Growth of the English constitution, from the earliest times. Lond. 1872. 12? Historical essays. {2d ser.) Lond. 1873. 8° Contents : Historians of Athens. Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Mr. Gladstone's Homer and the Homeric age. Mommsen's History of Borne. Alexander the great Ancient Greece and mediae- val Italy. Athenian democracy. Flavian Caesars. Greece during the Macedo- nian period. — History of the Norman conquest of England : its causes and its results. Oxford, 1867-71. 4v. 8? Outlines of history . N. Y. 1872. 12° Unity of history. Kede lecture, hefore the university of Cambridge, May 24, 1872. Lond. 1872. 12? Freeman, Ellen. Memorials of the mind and heart of. [Printed for private circulation.] Lond. 1853. 12? Freeman, Henry C. Geology of La Salle coun- ty. {In Geol. survey of Illinois, v. 3.) Freeman, Jas. E. Tuckerman, H. T. Sketches of eminent American painters. Freemasonry — Adams, J. Q. Letters on the masonic insti- tution, Arnold, A. C. L. Signet of King Solomon ; or, the Templar's daughter. Bauer, B. Ereimaurer, Jesuiten, und lUu- minaten in ihrem geschichtlichen zusam- menhange. Catalogue of books on the masonic institu- tion, in 28 public libraries, anti-masonic in arguments and conclusions. Bost. 1852. 8? Celebration of 100th anniversary of the or- ganization of St. John's lodge F. «& A. M. , at Bridgeport, Ct., 1862. {In Pamphlets, v. 7.) Ewer, F. C. Kelationship between masonry and Christianity. {In Pamphlets, v. 7.) Gowans, W. Catalogue of books on freema- sonry. Hayden, S. compeers. Barton, Col. William. Bowen, Jabez. Caswell, Richard. Davie, Will. Richardson. Edwards, Pierpont. Franlilin, Benjamin. Franklin, William. Gist, Gen. Mordecai. Jackson, Gen. James. Johnson, Sir William. — Laurie, W. A. Mackey, a. G. Macoy, R Oliver, G Washington and his masonic N. Y. 1866. 12? Contents : Milnor, Dr. James. Ogden, Aaron. Price, Major Henry. Putnam, Gen. Rufus. Randolph, Edmund. Randolph, Peyton. Seaberry, Dr. SamueL Sullivan, John. Washington, George. Wooster, Gen. David. History of. Manual of the lodge. True masonic guide. Cyclopaedia of, Reynolds, L. E. Mysteries of. Stewart, K. J. Freemason's manual. Webb, T. S. Freemason's monitor. ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. Schicksale der Freimau- erei in Europa. (/n Ges. schriften, v. 30.) See also — Grand chapter of California. Grand lodge of California. Grand lodge of Iowa. Masonic mirror. Freer, Martha Walker. Elizabeth de Valois, queen of Spain, and the court of Philip ii. Henry hi., king of France and Poland : his court and times. Freer {continued) — History of the reign of Henry iv., king of France and Navarre. Life of Jeanne d'Albret, queen of Navarre. From numerous unpublished sources, in- cluding MS. documents in the Bibliotheque imp^riale, and the archives Espagnoles de Simancas. Life of Marguerite d'Angouleme, queen of Navarre, duchesse d' Alencjon and de Berry, sister of Francis i., king of France. Freese, Jacob R. Old world : Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor. Phil. 1869. 12? Report on school-houses, and the means of promoting popular education. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867. W. P. Blake, ed., v. 5.) Freibeuter, Der. Storch, L. (JnAus. schrif- ten und novellen, v. 11-13.) Freier, Die. Eichendorff, J. von. (JraSamm. werke.) Freihof von Aarau, Der. Zschokke, J. H. D. {In Ges. schriften, v. 5.) Freiligrath, Ferdinand {b. 1810). Gesammelte dichtungen. Stuttgart, 1871. 6v.ini. 12? See also Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Freischutz, Der. (Opera.) Weber, C. M. VON. Frelinghuysen, Theodore (1787-1862). Cham- bers, T. W. Life and character of. N. Y. 1863. 12? Fremantle, A. J. Three months in the southern states : April to June, 1863. N. Y. 1864. 12? Fremde, Der. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, v. 14.) Fremont, Jessie Benton. Story of the guard : a chronicle of the war. Bost. 1863. 12? Fremont, John Charles (6. 1813). Defens3 be- fore the court-martial, Jan. 1848. {In Pam- phlets, V. 3.) Geographical memoir upon upper Califor- nia. In illustration of his map of Oregon and Cal. 1848. {In Pamphlets, v. 8, 34.) Same. {In Addresses, v. 2.) Report of exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and Cal- ifornia in the years 1843-4. With plates, tables, and maps. Wash. 1845. 8? Same. [Without plates and maps, bound with 'Onderdonk's trial.'] Same. Account of. {In Mexican war and its heroes.) Smucker, S. Life of Fremont ; with narra- tive of his explorations and adventures. N. Y. 1856. 12? Upham, C. W. Life, explorations, and pub- lic services of. Bost. 1856. 12? See also Presidential candidates. French, Benjamin Franklin {b. 1799). Histori- cal collections of Louisiana ; embracing many rare and valuable documents relating to the natural, civil, and political history of that state, 1678 to 1770, N. Y. 1846-53. 5v. 8? History of the rise and progress of the iron trade of the United States, from 1621 to 1857. N. Y. 1858. 8? French., George Russell. Shakspeareana genea- logica. Lond. 1869. 12? FRENCH 328 FREYTAG French, Gilbert J. Life and times of Samuel Crompton. French, Mrs. L. Virginia. My roses : the ro- mance of a June day. Phil. 1872. 122 (3 cop.) French, S. G. (Capt.). Keport relative to the road opened between San Antonio and El Paso del Norte. See U. S. (explorations and sur- veys) ; Eeports of sec. of war. PVench, Sydney, and Soerell, "W. J. Friend in need. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 46. French country family. De "Witt, Mme. G. French language and literature — J3ESCHEKELLE, L. N. Dictionnaire national de la langue PranQaise. CosTELLO, L. S. Specimens of the early poetry of Prance. Eknst, L. Introductory Prench course. GoTHE, J. "W. V. Ausw'artige literatur. (In Samm. werke, v. 5.) — Franzosische literatur. (Jw "Werke, v. 46.) Levizac, J. P. V. L. de. Theoretical and practical gram/nar of the French tongue. LiTTRE, M. P. E. Dictionnaire de la langue Fran Thomas. Belknap, J. Life of. {In Am, biog,, V, 2,) Gates ajar. Phelps, E. S, ' Gates ajar,' W., J, S, Antidote to. Gates wide open. Wood, G. Gateway to the Polynia : a voyage to Spitzber- gen. Wells, J. C. Gath (pseud.). See Townsend, G. A. Gatherings from Spain, Ford, R. Gatombe, J. Voyage to the north-west passage [1612]. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 6.) Gatty, Mrs. Alfred. Book of sun-dials. Lond. 1872. 4? British sea-weeds. Drawn from Professor Harvey's ' Phycologia Britannica,' with de- scriptions, an amateur's synopsis, rules for laying out sea-weeds, an order for arranging them in the herbarium, and an appendix of new species. Lond. 1863. 4? Gaudissart ii. Balzac, H. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 17.) Gaudy, Franz Bernhard Heinrich Wilhelm (Freiherr), (1800-1840). Poetische undpro- saische werke. Neue ausgabe durch Arthur MuUer. Berlin, 1854i 8 v. in 4. 12? Contents : Gedanlienspiele eines Dral- lenberger unterlieuten- ants, V. 6. ■Tahrestag, Der, v. 6. Jugend liebe, v. 6. Kaiser-Iieder, v. 4. Aua dem gedenkbuche des ritter Rudolph von Ehin- gen,v. 6. Aus dem tagebuche eines wandernden schneider- gesellen, v. 1. Bayersche kellnerinn, Die, V. 5. Besuch bei elnem dichter, V. 6. Elende, durch neid veranl. Bemerkungen Uber or- den, V. 6. ntichtige gedanken eines portensers ilberzoUe, v. 6. rtinfzigjahrigejubUaum,v.6. Katzen-Raphael, v. 6. Lautes Klagelied der jetzl- gen manner, v. 6. Lebens iiberdrussigen, Die,. V. 5. Liebe loos, Der, v. 7. Lieder, v. 1. Ludwiga, v. 5. Mein romerzug, v. 2, 3. Moderne Paris, Der, v. 6. QAUDY 338 GEHEIMRATH Sleben leidenstatlonen eines briiutigams, v. H. Sonntag des schlulmannes, Der, V. 6. Stumme, Der, v. 5. Trastevere, Deutsche In ,v.5. Venetianische noveUen,v.8. Verlorne sohn, Der, v. 5. Verrathenen, Die, v. 6. Gaudy (continued) — Pfarrer von Welnsperg, Der, V. 5. Portogalli, v. 7. Preis aufgabe, v. 6. Kede am grabe des muske- tiers Gottfr. OrObel, v. 6. Schneider gesellen, v. 1. Schtiler liebe, v. 5. Schweitzer soldat in Bo- logna, Der, V. 6. Gaul. See France. Gaul or Teuton ? Pltinket, E. Gaule et France. Dumas, A. (D.) Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855). Theoria- motus : theory of the motion of the heav- enly bodies moving about the sun in conic sections. Tr., with an appendix, by C. H. Davis. Bost. 1857. Koy. 4? Gautier, — (Prof.). Kecent researches relative to the nebulae. (In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) Gautier, Th^ophile (b. 1810). (Euvres. Paris, 1853-66. 18 v. 12° Contents : Nuit de Clfiopfitre, Une, v. 14. Omphale, v. 14. Pavilion sur I'eau, Le, v. 17. Peau de tigre. La, v. 15. Petit chien de la marquise, Le, V. 14. Pied de momie, Le, v. 17. Pierrot posthume: drame, V. 3. Pipe d'opium, La, v. 17. Pofisies (nouvelles), v. 3. Pofisies (premieres, 1830-45), V. 2. Quand on voyage, v. 7. Roi Candaule, Le, v. 14. Roman de la momie, Le, v. 16. Spirite, v. 18. Toison d'or, Le, v. 14. Tricorne enchants, Le, v. 3. Voyage en Espagne, v. 5. Voyage en Russie, v. 8, 9. Arria Marcella, v. 17. Avatar, v. 17. Belle Jenny, La, v. 10. Capitaine Fracasse, Le, v. 11, 12. Chatne d'or ; ou, I'amant partagg, La, v. 14. Chevalier Double, Le, v. 17. Club des Hachichins, Le, v. 17. Constantinople, v. 4. Enfant auxsouliers depaln, L', V. 17. Fortunio, v. 14. Grotesques, Les, v. 1. Jellatura, v. 17. Loin de Paris : en Afrique, en Espagne, en Grfice, v. 6. Mademoiselle de Maupin, V. 13. Mille et deuxi6me nuit. La, V. 17. Morte amoureuse. La, v. 14. Nid de rossignols, Le, v. 14. — EoMANCE of the mummy. Tr. from the French. N. Y. 1863. ,12° See also Girardin, Mme. E. de ; Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Gaviota, La. Bohl de Fabek, C. Gavriloff, — . History of copper. V. 1. St. Petersburg, 1791. 8°. (Russian.) , Gay, Delphine (pseud.). See Girardin, Mme. E. de. Gay, H. Acis and Galatea. (Opera.) Lacy's Plays, v. 11. Gay, John (1688-1732). Beggar's opera. (Op- era.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 3. Same, Inchb. Br. th., v. 12. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 21. Poetical works ; with a life of the author, by Dr. Johnson. Bost. 1854. 2 v. 12? Contents ; Acis and Galatea, v. 2. Eclogues, V. 2, Elegies, v. 2. Epistles, V. 2. Fables, v. 1. Fan.Tbe, V. 2. Gondibert, v. 2. Life of J. Gay, v. 1. Miscellanies, v. 2. Rural sports, v. 1. Shepherd's weel£, v. 2. Tales, V. 2. Trivia, v. 1. — Thackekat, W. M. English humorists of the XVIII. century. See also Aikin's British poets, v. 1. Gay, Sophie. See Sainte-Beuve, C. A. GayaiT6, Charles Arthur (b. 1805). Fernando de Lemos. N. Y. 1872. 12? (6 cop.) History of Louisiana : the French domina- tion [1539-1743]. N. Y. 1866. 2 v. in 1. 8? Gayarr6 (continued)-^ HiSTOKY of Louisiana, 1769-1803 : Spanish domination. N. Y. 1866. 8°. History of Louisiana, 1803-1861 : American domination. N. Y. 1866. 8°. Philip ii. of Spain [1527-98] ; with an in- troductory letter, by G. Bancroft. N. Y. 1866. 12? Gayler, Charles. Love of a prince, The. Mod. stand, dr., v. 21. Son of the night. Mod. stand, dr., v. 22. Gaylord, Glance (pseud.). See Bradley, W. J. Gay-ton, Edmund (1609-1666). See Lives of English poets, v. 2. Gazetteer — Bailliere, F. F. New South Wales gazet- teer and road guide, 1866. Baldwin, T. and T. J. New and complete gazetteer of the United States, etc. Beeton, S. O. Dictionary of geography : a universal. Blackey, W. G. Imperial. Callicot, T. C. Hand-book of universal geography : a gazetteer of the world. Clarke, B. British. Harper's statistical gazetteer of the world. Hayward, J. Gazetteer of Massachusetts, 1847. McCulloch, J. K. Dictionary, geographi- cal, statistical, and historical, of the various countries, places, and principal natural ob- jects in the world. — Universal. Maunder, S. Universal. (In his Treasury of knowledge.) Kitter, K. Geographisch-statistisches lexi- kon. Thomas, J., and Baldwin, T. Complete pronouncing gazetteer ; or, geographical dic- tionary of the world. Thompson, J. New universal, "Wetmore, a. Gazetteer of the state of Mis- souri. See also Geography. Gazetteer of the manufacturers and manufact- uring towns of the United States, 1866. N. Y. 1866. 4? Gazzam, Audley W. Treatise on the bankrupt law ; containing all the amendments to the bankrupt act, and copious notes covering the latest Eng. and Am. decisions reported to June 1,1871. (2ded.) N. Y. 1871. 8? Geary, John W. (1820-1873). Message to the general assembly of Pennsylvania (1871). Harrisburg, 1871. 8? Gebir, Count Julian ; and other poems. Lan- DOR, W. S. Geer, Carl von (1720-1788). See Naturalists. Geer, George Jarvis. Conversion of St. Paul. Three discourses. N. Y. 1871. 16? Geer, J.J. Beyond the lines ; or, a Yankee pris- oner loose in Dixie. Phil. 1863. 12? Gefahrliche blumen striiusse. Hacklander, F. W. (In Werke, v. 25.) Gefliigelte worte. BiJcHMANN, G. Geheiraniss der alten Mamsell, Das. John, E. GeheimnissvoUe, Der. Tieck, L. (/nSchrif- ten, V. 14.) Geheimrath, Der. La MoTTE-ForrQu^, F. H. C. DE. (In Ausgewahlte werke, v. 10.) GEHORNTE 339 G-ENIAL Gehornte Siegfried, Der. Schwab, G. {In Deutschen volksbiicher.) Geiger, Abraham. Judaism, and its history. Tr. by M. Mayer. N. Y. 1866. 2 v. 12? Geiger, Herrmann. Lydia, Tr. from the Gter. Phil. 1867. 12? Geijer, Eric Gustave (1783-1847). History of the Swedes. Tr. from the Swedish, with an introduction and notes, by J. H. Turner. Lond. n.d. 8? Geikie, Archibald. Story of a boulder ; or, gleanings from the note-book of a field ge- ologist. Edin. 1858. 16? See also Jukes, J. B. Geikie, Cunningham. Light from beyond.'^Lond. 1872. 12? Geisterseher, Der. Schiller, J. C. F. von. {In Samm. werke, v. 10.) Geistliche lieder. Gerhardt, P. Geldart, Mrs. Thomas. Popular history of En- gland (60 B.C. to A.D. 1087). N. Y. 1860. 12? Gelehrte, Der. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, v. 22.) Gelehrte gesellschaft, Die. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, v. 15.) Gell, Sir ■William (1777-1836). Eome and its environs, from a trigonometrical survey. [Map.] Topography of Eome and its vicinity. New ed., revised and enlarged, by E. H. Bun- bury. Lond. 1846. 8? and Gandy, J. P. Pompeiana : topography, edifices, and ornaments of Pompeii. (3(f ed.) Lond. 1852. 12? Gellert, Christian Fiirchtegott (1715-1769). Sammtliche schriften. Berlin, 1856. 10 v. 16? Longfellow, H. W. Biographical notice of. {In his Poets and poetry of Europe.) Gellius, Aulus {lived a.d. 150). Noctes Atticae ; ex editione J. Gronovii, cum notis et inter- pretatione. Londini, 1824. 4 v. 8? Contents : Index, V. 4. Noctes Atticae, libri xx, v. 2 , 3. Notae variorum, v. 3, 4. Recensus editionum et codi- cum Mss., V. 1. Testimonia, v. 1. Vita, V. 1. Geraalde, Die. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, v. 17.) Gemelli - Oareri, G. F. Travels through Eu- rope, 1686. Voyage to Turkey, Persia, China, Philippine islands, and New Spain. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 4.) See also Careri, G. F. Gemma. Trollope, T. A. Gems — Ansted, D. T. Great stone book of nature. Emanuel, H. Diamonds and precious stones. King, C. W. Antique gems. — Natural history of precious stones, gems, etc. ScHouw, J. F., anrfKoRBELL,F.von. Earth, plants, and man ; and sketches from the mineral kingdom. ZiMMERN, H. Stories in precious stones. iSee also Precious stones. Gems of British art of this century. Pal grave, F. T. Gems of German verse. Furness, W. H. Gems of modern German art. Scott, W. Gemsjager, Der. Kellstab, L. {In Gesam- melte schriften, v. 15.) Genealogy — Bond, H. Genealogy of the families of Water- town, Mass. Farmer, J. Genealogical register of the first settlers of New England. HoLGATE, J. B. American. Kip, W. I. American lineage in England. {In his Olden time in New York.) Savage, J. Genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England. Sl AFTER, E. F. Discourse before the New England hist, genealogical society, 1870. See also Family history ; Heraldry ; Peerage ; and the names of families and places. General, The ; or, twelve nights in a hunter's camp. Barrows, W. Generative organs. See Sexual organs. Generous lover. Cervantes Saavedra, M. DE. {In his Exemplary novels.) Genesis, Book of— Alford, H. Book of Genesis, and part of the book of Exodus. Arnold, T. K. Second Hebrew book, con- taining the. Cook, F. C. Commentary on the. {In his Commentary, v. 1.) Henry, H. A. Discourses on the. Jamieson, R., et al. Commentary on the. Lange, J. P. Commentary on the. {In Lange's Com., old test., v. 1.) More, H. Conjectura cabbalistica ; or, a con- jectural essay of interpreting the mind of Moses according to a threefold cabbala : literal, philosophical and mystical, or moral. Eendell, E. D. Antediluvian history and narrative of the flood, as set forth in the. Genesis ; or, the first book of Moses. With a commentary, by Et. Eev. E. H. Browne, lord bishop of Ely. From the ' Speaker's commentary ' on the Pentateuch. N. Y. 1873. 8? Genesis and the Zend-Avesta. MUller, (F.) M. {In his Chips, v. 1.) Geneva (Society of physics and natural histo- ry) . Transactions, 1863-6. (7k Smithson- ian repts. 1859, 1863-6, 1868.) Geneva arbitration — Argument at Geneva, The : a complete col- lection of the forensic discussions on the part of the U.S. and of Great Britain, be- fore the tribunal of arbitration under the treaty of Washington. As published by authority of the government. N. Y. 1873. 8? Case of the TJ. S. before the tribunal of arbi- tration at Geneva. See also Treaty of Washington ; U. S. (foreign relations). Geneva's shield. Blackburn, W. M. Genevieve. Karr, (J. B.) A. {In (Euvres, V. 8.) Genevieve. Lamartine, A. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 30.) Genevieve de Brabant. Schmid, C. von. {In Contes, V. 1.) Genfer novellen. Zschokke, J. H. D. {In Ges. schriften, v. 13.) Genial showman, Hingston, E. P. GENIE 340 Q-EOLOGIE Genie du Christianisme, Le. Chateaubriand, K. F. A. DE. Genius — Essay on capacity and. Ferriar, J. Of genius. (In Illustrations of Sterne, etc.) Madden, E. K. Infirmities of. Genlis, Stephanie Felicity Ducrest de Saint- Aubin (1746-1830). M6moir^s. Paris, 1857. 12? Souvenirs de F^licie. Edition Barriere. Pa- ris, 1857. 12? Contents : Souvenirs de FfiUcIe. Souvenirs et portraits par le due de Lfivis. ThMtre d'education. {Nouv. M.) V. 2 and 3. Paris, 1813. 12? Contents : Aveugle de Spa, L': com., V. 3. Belle et la b6te, La : com., Dangers du monde, Les: com., V. 2. Enfant gfite, L' : com., v. 2. Ennemles gfefireuses, Les: com., v. 3. Flapons, Les : com., v. 2. Intrigante, L' : com., v. 3. Isle Heureuse, L' : com., v. 2. Bonne mfire. La : com., v. 3. Cecile ; ou, le sacrifice de I'amitie : com., v. 3. Colombe, La: com., v. 2. Curieuse, La : com., v. 2. — See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Gennes, M. de. Voyages of, 1695-6. (In Bur- ney's Voy., v. 4, pp. 389, 341, 342, 499.) Genoveva. Schwab, G. (In Deutschenvolks- biicher.) Gens de la noce, Les. Feval, P. (In (Euvres, V. 14.) Gens de Paris, Les. Noriac, J. (In Ouvrages, V. 1.) Genth, Frederick Aug. See Gibbs, W. Gentil, Le. See Barbinais le gentil. La. Gentilhomme campagnard, Le. Bernard, C. DE. Gentle life, The. Friswell, J. H. Gentle skeptic. Walworth, C. Gentleman, Francis. Tobacconist. (Farce.) Altered from Ben Jonson. Dicks' Br. dr., V. 7. Gentleman, The. Calvert, G. H. Gentleman, The. Everett, E. (In Boston book.) Gentleman's house. The. Kerr, K. Gentleman's magazine ; or, monthly intelli- gencer. First ser. V. 1 (1731) to 52 (1782). [1 V. per year.] Lond. 1731-82, 52 v. 8? /Same. V. 53 (1782) to 103 (1833). [2 pts. per year.] Lond. 1782-1833. 102 v. 8? Same. Index, v. 1 to 56 (1731-1786). Com- piled by Samuel Ayscough. Lond. 1789. 2v. 8? iSame. New ser. V. 1 (1834) to 14 (1840). Lond. 1834-40. 14 v. 8? Same. Entirely new ser. V. 1 (1868) to 10 (June, 1873). Lond. 1868-73. 10 v. 8? Gentz, Friedrich von (1764-1832). Hayward, A. (In Biog. and crit. essays, v. 1.) Geodesy. Salneuve, J. F. Cours de topo- graphic et de g6odesie. See also Surveying. Geoffrey, the Lollard. Eastwood, F. Geoffrey of Monmouth. British history. See Six old English chronicles. Geoffroy, Felix H. See Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, Etienne (1772-1844). Flourens,M. J. P. Memoir of. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1861.) Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, Isidore (1805-1861). Quatrefages, J. L. A. de. Memoir of. (J« Smithsonian rept. 1862.) Geoffroy und Garcinda. Heyse, P. (In No- vellen, v. 3.) Geographi Grseci minores. E codicibus recog- novit prolegomenis annotatione indicibus in- struxit tabulis teri incisis illustravit C. Miil- ler. (Or. et Lat.) Paris, 1855. 3 v. 8? Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Geography — Bouillet, M. "W". Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographic. Butler, S. Atlas of ancient. CoLTON, J. H. General atlas, 1856. Same. 1873. CoMPTES rendus. Cooley, "W. D. Progress of geographical science. (In Maritime and inland discovery, V. 8.) Gordon, P. Geography anatomized ; or, the geographical grammar. Johnston, A. K. Physical atlas of natural phenomena. Johnston, T. B., and Kobertson, J. A. Historical geography of the clans of Scot- land. Knight, C. English cyclopaedia (geography). KoEPPEN, A. L. "World in the middle ages : an historical. Laurie, J. System of geography, founded on the works of Malte-Brun and Balbi. Leake, W. M. Some disputed questions of ancient. McCulloch, J. E. Dictionary, geographical, statistical, and historical, of the various countries, etc. Malte-Brun, C. Universal. Martoff, a. Geography. (Russian.) [Very old.] MiLNER, T. Gallery of. Murray, H. Encyclopedia of. Our globe : a universal picturesque album, Pl'TZ, W. Manual of ancient geography and history, Eennell, J. Comparative geography of western Asia, — Geographical system of Herodotus ex- amined, EiTTER, C, Comparative. — Einleitungzur allgemeinen vergleichenden geographic. — Geschichte der erdkunde und der entde- ckungen, Strabo. Geographica. (Gr. et Lat.) Cum versione reficta. Curantibus C. Miillero et Fred, Dubnero. Paris, 1853. 8? Didot's Script. Gkgc. biblioth. — Geography. See also Atlases ; Gazetteer ; Harleian miscel- lany ; Eoyal geographical society. Geological magazine ; or, monthly journal of geology. "With which is incorporated the Geologist. Ed, by Henry Woodward, V. 8 (July, 1871) to 9 (Dec. 1872). Lond. 1871-2, 2v, 8? Geological observer. De la Beche, Sir H, T. Geologie appliqu^e : traits du gisement et de 1 'exploitation desmin^raux utiles. Burat, A. GEOLOGY 341 GEOLOGY Geology— Qencral ivorks: Agassiz, L. (J. K.) Geological sketches. American journal of science and art. Anxals and magazine of natural history, The. Ansted, D. T. Applicationof geology to the arts and manufactures. — Geology and physical geography, (/n Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 4.) — Great stone book of nature. Bakewell, E. Introduction to. BiscHOF, G. Elements of chemical and phys- ical. Brown, K. Kemarks on the formation of flords and caBons. {In Koyal geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) BucKLAND, W. Geology and mineralogy, considered in reference to natural theology. BuFFON, G. L. L. Introduction a I'histoire naturelle des min^raux. [In his Histoire naturelle, v. 4—7.) BuRAT, A. Geologic appliquee : traits du gisement et de 1 'exploitation des min^raux utiles, V. 1. Calvert, J. Gold-rocks of Great Britain, etc. Catlin, G. Lifted and subsided rocks of America. Cleaveland, p. Elementary treatise on mineralogy and. CoTTA, B. von. Treatise on ore deposits. Darwin, C. (K.) Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the coun- tries visited by the Beagle [1832-6]. Daubree, G. a. Synthetical studies and ex- periments on metamorphism, and on the for- mation of crystalline rocks. {In Smithson- ian rept. 1861.) Dawson, J. W. Story of the earth and man. De la Beche, Sir H. T. Geological observer. Dratson, a. W, Last glacial epoch of. Emmons, E. Manual of. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Excursion through the slave states ; with geological notices. Ferrer, J. J. Essay on the oryctography of Derbyshire. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) FiGUiER, L. World before the deluge. Geikie, a. Story of a boulder. Geological magazine. Greenwood, G. Kain and rivers. Hamilton, W. Letters on the bassaltes of the northern coast of Antrim. {In Pinker- ton's Coll. voj'., V. 4.) Hartwig, G. Subterranean world. Hitchcock, E. Outline of the geology of the globe, etc. — Religion of. — and C. H. Elementary. Hopkins, E. Connection of geology and terrestrial magnetism. Humble, W. Dictionary of geology and mineralogy. Jameson, R, Report on the geology of the arctic regions. {In Parry, W. E. Jour- nal of third voy., app.) Johnston, A. K, Physical atlas of natural phenomena. Geology {continued) — Johnston, J. F. W. Elements of geology and agricultural chemistry. Jourdan, a. J. L. Dictionnaire des termes. Jukes, J. B. Student's manual of. KiNAHAN, G. H. Handy -book of rock names. Kingslet, C. Town geology. KoNiG, C. Report on rock specimens of the arctic regions. {In Parry, W. E. Journal of first voy., app.) Lee, C. a. Elements of. Lord, E. Epoch of creation . Lyell, Sir C. Manual of elementary. — Principles of. — Student's elements of. McCausland, D. Sermons in stones ; or, scripture confirmed by. Mantell, G. a. Excursions round the isle of Wight. — Medals of creation. — Wonders of. Miller, H. Foot-prints of the Creator. — Old red sandstone, The. — Popular. — Testimony of the rocks. Milner, T. Gallery of nature. MoLLoy, G. Geology and revelation. Page, D. Elements of. — Geology for general readers. Phillips, J. Treatise on. Pumpelly, R. Geological researches in China and Japan. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 15.) Richthofen, p. {Baron). Principles of the natural system of volcanic rocks. Smith, J. P. Relation between the holy scriptures and some parts of geological sci- ence. Thomson, T. Outlines of mineralogy. TiMBs, J. Notable things of our own time. Trimmer, J. Practical geology and mineral- ogy. VosE, G. L. Orographic. Walsh [Benn-], J. Astronomy and geology compared. Ward, J. C. Elementary. Iiocal descriptions and surveys. 1. Oeneral: Blanford, W. T. Observations on the geol- ogy of Abyssinia. Eggloffstein, F. W. von. Contributions to the geology of Mexico. Haktt, C. F. Geology and physical geog- raphy of Brazil. Jones, G. Geolog. exploration of Lew Chew. {In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Mantell, G. A. Geological excursions round the isle of Wight. Marcou, J. Geology of North America ; with two reports on the prairies of Arkansas and Texas, Rocky mountains of Mexico, and the Sierra Nevada of California. MuRCHisoN, Sir R. I. Geology of Russia and the Ural mountains. Oldham, T. Memoirs of the geological sur- vey of India, 1859-69. 6v. 4? Same, (o/h ser.) 1861-7. 3 v. 4? Wall, G. P., and Sawkins, J. G. Report on the geology of Trinidad island. {In Smithsonian rept. 1856.) GEOLOQY 342 GEORGE Geology {continued) — 2. United States: Agricxtltuke and geology of Maine. AsHBURNER, "W. Geological formation of the Pacific slope. See Browne and Taylor. Blake, W. P. Geological reconnaissance in California. Cook, G. H. Geology of New Jersey. Cox, E. T. First annual report, 1869 [In- diana]. Emory, W. H. Keport on the U. S. and Mexican boundary survey. Foster, J. W., and "Whitney, J. D. Geol- ogy of Lake Superior land district. Haqer, a. D. Keport of the geology of Ver- mont. Hall, J. Geology and palaeontology of the U. S. and Mexican boundary survey. {In Emory's rept., v. 1.) — and Whitney, J. D. Keport of survey [Wisconsin]. Hayden, F. V. Preliminary report of U. S. geolog. survey of Colorado and New Mexi- co, 1869. — Preliminary report of the U. S. geological survey of Montana and adjacent territories, 1871. — Preliminary report of the TJ. S. geological survey of Montana and portions of adjacent territories, 1870. — Preliminary report of the U. S. geological survey of Wyoming and portions of the con- tiguous territories, 1869. HiLGARD, E. W. Keport on the geology and agriculture of Mississippi. Hitchcock, E. Final report on the geology of Massachusetts. — Outline of the geology of the globe, and of the United States in particular. King, C. U. S. geol. expl. of 40th parallel. Lyell, C. Travels in America, 1841-2 ; with geological observations on the United States. Mather, W. W., Emmons, E., Vanuxem, L. , and Hall , J. Geological survey of New York. Newberry, J. S. Geological survey of Ohio. Owen, D. D. Geological exploration of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois, 1839. — Geological reconnaissance of the Chippewa land district. — Keport of a geological survey of Iowa. — Keport of a geological survey of Minne- sota. — Keport of a geological survey of Wis- consin . Parry, C. C. General geology of Mexican boundary survey. {In Emory's Mexican bound, survey, v. 1.) — Geological features of the Kio Grande valley. {In Emory's Mexican bound, sur- vey, V. 1.) Rogers, H. D. Geological survey of Penn- sylvania. Safeord, J. M. Geology of Tennessee. ScHOTT, A . Geology along the boundary line between the 111th deg. oflong. and the initial point on the Kio Colorado. {In Emory's rept., V. 1.) — Geology of the lower Kio Bravo del -Norte. {In Emory's rept., v. 1.) Geology {continued) — Shumard, B. F. Geological report of local, detailed observations in the valleys of the Minnesota, Mississippi, and Wisconsin riv- ers in the years 1848-9, under D. D. Owen. Swallow, G. C. Geological survey of Mis- souri. Tuomey, M. Keport on the geology of South Carolina. Tyson, P. T. Geology and industrial re- sources of. Whitney, J. D. Geological survey of Cali- fornia. — Keport of survey of the upper Mississippi lead region. Worthen, a. H., et al. Geological survey of Illinois. See also Colorado river ; Pacific railroad ; Pa- laeontology ; United States (explorations and surveys) ; and the names of countries and states. Geometry — CoMPTES rendus. Davies, C. Elements of analytical. — Elements of descriptive. — Elements of geometry and trigonometry. Ferrell, W. Converging series, expressing the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle. [In Smithsonian con- trib., v. 18.) Jardine, a. Practical. {In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 8.) Kraft, G. Geometry. {Russian.) — Theoretical. {Russian.) Lardner, D. Treatise on geometry, and its applications. Manual of. (Russian.) ScHOLFiELD, N . Elements of plane geometry and mensuration. — Higher geometry and trigonometry. ToDHUNTER, I. Plane coordinate. iSce also Mathematics. Geometry and faith. Hill, T. Georg Venlot. Mosen, J. {In Samm. werke, V. 8.) George i. {of England), (1660-1727). Montagu, M. W. {Lady). Account of the court of. {In her Letters and works.) See also Georges, The. George n. {of England), (1683-1760). Hervey, J. {Lord). Memoirs of the reign of George II., from his accession to death of Queen Caroline. Ed., from original manuscript at Ickworth, by J. W. Croker. Phil. 1848. 2 V. 12i Thompson, Mrs. A. T. Memoirs of the court and times of King George ii. and Queen Caroline. See also Georges, The. George m. {of England), (1738-1820). GiLL- RAY, J. Works (caricatures) ; with an his- torical and descriptive account, by Wright and Evans. George iii. Gozlan, L. Aventures du prince de Galles, Les. (Historical fiction.) {In (Euvres, v. 19.) Walpole, H. Journal of the reign of George III. (1771-83). Ed., with notes, by Dr. Doran. Lond. 1859. 2 v. 8° See also Georges, The. GEORGE 343 GERMAN George IV. {of England), (1762-1830), Croly, G. Life and times of. N. Y. 1846. 16° H. F. lib., V. 15. Grenville, R. p. Memoirs of the court of George iv., 1820-30 ; from original family documents. Lond. 1859. 2 v. 8. See also Georges, The. George, Anita. Annals of the queens of Spain. N. Y. 1850. 2 V. 12^ George, Henry. Our land and land policy, na- tional and state. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) George ; or, the planter of the Isle of France. Dumas, A. (D.) George-a-Green. Thoms, W. J. {Ed.) {In Early English prose romances, v. 2.) George Geith, of Fen court. Trafford, F. G. Georges, The {of England). Thackeray, W. M. Four Georges, The. Wright, T. Caricature history of. Georgetown. Directory of. See "Washington. Georgetown academy of the Visitation, B. V. M. {D.C.). Catalogue of pupils, 1867-8. Georgetown, D. C, 1868. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., V. 2.) Georgetown college — Annual celebration of the Philodemic society of Georgetown college, held July 2, 1867. Bait. 1868. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 2.) Catalogue, 1867-8. Georgetown, D. C, 1868. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 1, 2.) Georgia {Asia). Porter, Sir E. K. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, etc., 1817-20. Georgia (state) — Bartram, W. Travels through North and South Carolina, and. Blunt, J. Historical sketch of the formation of the confederacy. Constitution of. {In American's guide.) Cook, J. Account of the discovery of. {In his Voyages, v. 1, 2d voy., bk. iv.) Gesner, W. Paper on the habits of the pouched rat, or salamander {Geomys pineti), of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Jones, C. C, Jr. Antiquities of the southern Indians, particularly of the Georgia tribes. Kemble, Sirs. F. A. Journal of a residence on a Georgia plantation in 1838-9. Miller, S. F. Bench and bar of. Moultrie, W. American revolution, so far as it related to Georgia and North and South Carolina. Oglethorpe, G. History of his expedition to. {In Harris, J. Coll. voy., v. 2.) Sergeant, J. Cherokee nation vs. {In his Select speeches.) Stephenson, M. F. Account of the ancient mounds in. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) "Westmoreland, M. J. Clifford Troup : a Georgia story. (Historical fiction.) "White, G. Statistics of the state of. Georgia historical society — Church, A. Discourse at the sixth anniver- sary [1845]. {In Pamphlets, v. 14.) Elliott, S. Reply to a resolution of the. {In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Georgia scenes. Longstreet, A. B. Georgian era, The. Memoirs of the most emi- nent persons who have flourished in Great Britain, from accession of George i. to de- mise of George iv. Lond. 1832. 4 v. 12° Georgics. Virgilius Maro, P. Georgie Sandon. Owen, A. Geral-Milco. Payne, A. R. M. Gerald Fitzgerald. Lever, C. (J".) Gerando, Joseph Marie de (1772-1842). Self- education ; or, the means and art of moral progress. Tr. from the Fr., by E. P. Pea- body. (36? ed.) Bost. 1860. 12° Visitor of the poor. Tr. from the Fr. , by a lady of Boston. Bost. 1832. 12= Gerard, Jules (1817-1864). Adventures of Ge- rard, the lion-killer ; comprising a history of his ten years' campaign among the wild an- imals of northern Africa. Tr. by C. E. "Whitehead. N. Y. 1856. 12° (2 cop.) Gerfaut. Bernard, C. de. Gerhardt, Paulus (1606-1675). Geistliche lieder. Stuttgart, 1861. 8? Gerhart, E. "V". Introduction to the study of philosophy ; with an outline treatise on logic. Phil. 1858. 12? Gemaaine. About, E. (F. V.) German emigrants. Gothe, J. "W. von. German language and literatiire — Adler, G. J. Dictionary of the German and English languages. Anster, J. German literature at the close of the last century, and at the commence- ment of the present. {In Afternoon lectures, V. 2.) Austin, S. Fragments from German writ- ers. Baskerville, A. {Tr.) Poetry of Germany. Carlyle, T. German romance : specimens of its chief authors, with biographical and critical notices. CONVERSATIONS-LEXIKON. Frederick ii. {of Prussia). Essay on Ger- man literature. {In "Works, v. 13.) FuRNESS, "W. H. Gems of German verse. Gessner, S. Observations historiques sur la litterature AUemande. {In (Euvres choisies.) Gothe, J. "W. von. Deutsche literatur. {In Samm. werke, v. 5.) Same. {In Werke, v. 45.) Grimm, J. L. K. und K. W. Worterbuch. HiLPERT, J. L. Dictionary of the English and German languages. KuNST, P. J. American dictionary of the English and German languages. KuRZ, H. Geschichte der Deutschen literatur. Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Menzel, W. German literature. MiJLLER, (F.) M. German literature (1858). {In his Chips, v. 3.) — Old German love-songs. {In his Chips, V. 3.) Ollendorff, H. G. Key to the exercises in the German language. — New method of learning the GernftaA la,n- guage. Otto, E. German conversation-grammar, Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche classiker des mittelal-. ters. PoNTE, Mme. L. D. de. Poets and poetry of Germany. Prutz, R. Deutsche literatur der gegenwart, Die, 1848-58. ' " RoscoE, T. German novelists. G-ERMAN 344 GERONIMO German language {continued) — Russo-Gekman exercises. (Russian.) Eusso-German grammar. [Russian.) ScHERK, J. Geschichte der Deutschen litera- tur. ScHLEGEL, r. von. Geschichte der alten und neuen literatur. (In Samm. werke, v. 1, 2.) ScHLOENBACH, A. Handbuch der Deutschen literatur der neuzeit. Schmidt, J. Geschichte der Deutschen lite- ratur seit Lessing's tod, 1781-1867. — Geschichte des geistigen lebens in Deutsch- land, von Leibnitz bis auf Lessing's tod, 1681-1781. Stael-Holstein, a. L. G. N. de. Germany. "Weber, G. Geschichte der Deutschen lite- ratur. "WiNKWORTH, C. Christian singers of Ger- many. "Woodbury, W. H. Key to the exercises in the German language. German novelists. Roscoe, T. German popular tales and household stories. Grimm, J. L. K. and K. W. German tales. Auerbach, B. German universities. Raumer, K. Contribu- tions to history of the. Germanenzug. Hamerling, R. Germany — History : Archenholz, J. W. von. Geschichte des siebenjahrigen krieges in Deutschland [1756- 63]. Braun, C. Bilder aus der Deutschen klein- staaterei. Dunham, S. A. History of the Germanic empire. Freytao, G. Bilder aus der Deutschen ver- gangenheit [1200-1848]. Hausser, L. Deutsche geschichte [1740- 1815]. Heine, H. Geschichte der religion und phi- losophic in Deutschland. (J« Samm. werke, • V. 5-7.) HoziER, H. M. Seven weeks' war. Kapp, F. Geschichte der Deutschen einwan- derung in Amerika. KoHLRAuscH, F. History of Germany, from the earliest period to the present day [113 B.C. to A.D. 1814]. Menzel, "W. History of. Schiller, J. C. F. von. Geschichte des dreis- sigjahrigen krieges. (In Samm. werke, v. 9.) — History of the thirty years' war. — Universal historische iibersicht der merk- wiirdigsten begebenheiten zu den zeiten des Kaisers Friedrich des ersten. (/n Sammtliche werke, v. 11.) Tacitus, C. C. Germania. (In Opera om- nia, V. 7.) Valpy's Spript. Lat. TouLOTTE, E. L. J. Etablissement des na- tions Germains dans les provinces Romains, des lois et des institutions qu'ils y introduisi- rent. (In Histoire de la barbaric, etc., v. 2.) Treitschke, H. von. Historische und po- litisehe aufsatze, v. 2. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Annales de Fempire depuis Charlemagne, Les. (In (Euvres com- pletes, V. 3.) Germany (continued) — Wachsmuth, W. Allgemeine culturgeschi- chte. Wirth, J. G. A. Geschichte der Deutschen. See also Franco-Prussian war ; German liter- ature ; Thirty years' war. Hiatorical flcilon: BlERNATZKI, J. G. Hallig, Mackenzie, Mrs. A. S. Aureola. MuNDT, Mrs. C. (M.) Frederick the great and his court. NiEBELUNGEN lied [v. and vi. centuries]. Reuter, F. In the year 1813. Tales from Alsace. Taylor, H. Philip van Artevelde. (Dr. poem.) [xiv. century.] See also Franco-Prussian war. Description and travel : Andersen, H. C. Fines dichters bazar. (In Ges. werke, v. 3.) — Poet's bazaar, A : pictures of travel in. Berlioz, H. Voyages en Allemagne [1803- 65]. (In his M^moires.) Brace, C. L. Home-life in. Browne, J. R. American family in. BuFFUM, E. G. Sights and sensations in France, Germany, and Switzerland. Bullard, Mrs. A. T. J. Sights and scenes in Europe. Cousin, V. Souvenirs d'Allemagne. (In his Fragments et souvenirs.) DiBDiN, T. F. Bibliographical, antiquarian, and picturesque tour in France and. Drake, E. C. Brief account of Germany ; from Keysler et al. (In his Coll. voy.) DwiGHT, H. E. Travels in the north of Ger- many in the years 1825-6. Gautier, T. Voyage en Russie. (In (Eu- vres, V. 8.) Gothe, J. "W. V. Reise am Rhein und Main 1814 und 1815. (In "Werke, v. 43.) Granville, — (Dr.). Principal spas of. GuiLLEMARD, R. Advcuturcs of a French sergeant. Haeseler, C. H. Across the Atlantic. Haven, G. Pilgrim's wallet. Hazen, "W. B. School and the army in Ger- many and France. Howitt, "W. German experiences. — Student-life of. Hunt, H. Bits of travel. Johnson, A. C. Peasant life in. Marmier, X. Allemagne, L'. Mayhew, H. German life and manners. Murray, J. Hand-book for travelers in northern. — Hand-book for travelers in southern. Nihil, Mr. (pseud.). Up the Elbe, and on to Norway. Riesbeck, G. de. Travels through Germany [1780]. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 6.) Scherr, J. Deutsche kultur und sittenge- schichte. Shelley, Mrs. M. "W. Rambles in Germany and Italy [1840-43]. Stael-Holstein, a. L. G. N. de. Germa- ny. See also Europe ; Rhine. Geronimo. Herbert, M. E. (Lady). Q-ERRALD 345 GIAOUR Gerrald, Joseph. Trial of J. Jerrald before the high court of justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 3d, 10th, 13th, and 14th of March, 1794, for sedition. Taken in short-hand, by Mr. Kamsey. {2ded.) Edin. : Printed for James Eobertson, 1794. 121 Gerry, Mrs. — . Foster-brothers. N. T. 1859, 16? Gerry, Elbridge (1762-1814). Austin, J, T. Life of; with contemporary letters to the close of the American revolution. Bost. 1828. 2v. 8° See also Signers to decl. of indep., v. 8. Gerstacker, Friedrich (1816-1872). Each for himself; or, the two adventurers. Tr. from the Ger. Lond. 1859. 16° How a bride was won ; or, a chase across the pampas. Tr. by F. Jordan. N. Y. 1869. 8? (2 cop.) Kretjz und quer. Leipzig, 1869. 3 v. 8^^ Contents : Bilder aus Quito, v. 2. Booby island, v. 1. Dampfbooteapitain, Der, v. 2. Hospital auf der Mission Dolores, v. 1. Jay-hawkers, v. 3. Konig Zambiri, v. 3. Luftbad, Das, v. 2. Mexikaner, Der, v. 3. Polizei streife in Cincinnati, V. 1. Prize-flght, Ein, v. 3. Teufel au die wand matilen, V. I. Walfischboot, Das, v. 2. Zacharias Hasenmeier's ab- enteuer, v. 1. — Narrative of a journey round the world ; comprising a winter-passage across the Andes to Chili, a visit to the gold regions of Cali- fornia and Australia, the south sea islands, Java, etc. N. Y. 1853. 12= "Wife to order, {n.t.p.) 12°. Wild sports in the far west. Bost. 1864. 12? "Wilde welt. Leipzig, 1867. 3 v. 8? Gertrude. Sewell, Miss E. M. Gertrude of Wyoming. Campbell, T. {In Goldsmith, Beattie, etc.) Same, (In Poetical works.) Gerty Harding's mission. Kellie, C. E. Gerusalemrae liberata, La. Tasso, T. {In Quattro poeti Italiani, I.) See also Jerusalem delivered. Gervase Skinner. Hook, T. (E.) Gervinus, Georg Gottfried {b. 1805). Geschichte der Deutschen dichtung. Leipzig, 1853. 5 V. 8°. Geschichte des 19ten jahrhunderts seit den Wiener vertragen . Leipzig, 1855. 8 v. S° lNTRODTJCTio>r to the history of the xix. cent- ury. Lond. 1866. 16? Shakespeare. Zweiter band. Shakespeare commentaries. Tr. by F. E. Bunnett. Lond. 1863. 2 v. 8? Geschichte des Diethelm von Buchenberg, Die. Auerbach, B. (In Ges. schriften, v. 5.) Geschichte eines armen frauleins, Die. Hahn- Hahn, I. M. L. S. VON. (In Werke, v. 3.) Geschichte eines ehrlichen jungen. Kinkel, G. und J. (In Erzahlungen.) Geschichten aus alter zeit. Kiehl, W. H. Geschwister, Die. Kellstab, L. {In Ges. schriften, v. 23.) Gesellschaft auf dem lande, Die. Tieck, L. (In Schriften, v. 24.) Gesetz der bevolkerung, und die eisenbahnen, Das. Wiss, G. E. Gesicht im monde, Das. Hacklandeb, F. W. (In Werke, v. 13.) Gesner, Abraham. Practical treatise on coal, petroleum, and other distilled oils. Second ed., revised and enlarged, by G. W. Ges- ner. Gesner, Conrad (1516-1565). See Naturalists. Gesner, William. Habits of the pouched rat, or salamander (Geomys pineti), of Georgia. (In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Gespenstergeschichte, Eine. Hoefer, E. (In Erzahlende schriften, v. 9.) Gesprache mit Gothe. Eckermaxn, J. P. Gess, Wolfgang Friedrich. See Auberlen, C. A. Gessner, Salomon (1730-1773). CEuvres choisies. Paris, 1774. 12? Contents : Observations historlques sur la litt^rature Alle- niande. PoSsies. Vie de Gessner, La. Gesta Eomanorum ; or, entertaining moral sto- ries. Invented by the monks as a fireside recreation. Tr. from the Latin, by C. Swan. Lond. 1824. 2 v. 8? Same. Select tales from. N. Y. 1845. 12? Get thee behind me, Satan ! Sikes, Mrs. W. Gettysburg (Pa.) — Bachelder, J. B. Illustrated tourist's guide of the United States. Jacobs, M. Battle of Gettysburg^ (In Notes on the rebel invasion of Maryland and Penn- sylvania.) Getz, George. General collection of precedents in conveyancing, with examples. Phil. 1850. 8? Ge"werke, Die. Kellstab, L. (In Ges. schrif- ten, v. 15.) Geyelin, George Kennedy. Poultry breeding, in a commercial point of view, as carried out by the National poultry company (limited), Bromley, Kent. With a preface, Dy C. L. Flint. Illustrated. Bost. 1867. 12? Geyler, F. See D'Aligny, H. F. Q. Geysers (CaL) — L., W. Great geysers of Cal.: their wonder- ful appearance and surroundings [1873]. Manning, J. F. Geysers of California, The. (In Lippincott's mag., Dec. 1870.) Walton, G. E. Mineral springs of the TJ. S., etc. See also California (description and travel). Ghardaia ; or, ninety days among the B'Ni Mozab. Naphegyi, G. Gh.eel : the city of the simple. By the author of 'Flemish interiors.' Lond. 1869. 12? Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1450-1495). Latard, A. H. Ghirlandaio and his frescoes of the death of St. Francis. {In Memoirs.) See Arundel society. Ghost-seer. Schiller, J. C. P. von. (In Early dramas and romances.) Ghost stories ; collected with a particular view to counteract the vulgar belief in ghosts and apparitions. N. Y. 1865. 12? Ghosts and family legends. Crowe, Mrs. C. Giacometti, — . Marie Antoinette. (Historical dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 83. Giant cities of Bashan. Porter, J. L. Giant judge ; or, the story of Samson, the Hebrew Hercules. Scott, W. A. S. F. 1859. 12? Giaour, The. Byron, G. G. N. (In Complete works.) GIBBES 346 G-IESELER Gibbes, Kobert Wilson (1809-1866). Cuba for invalids. N. Y. 1860. 12= Documentary history of the American revo- lution ; consisting of letters and papers re- lating to the contest fo? liberty, chiefly in South Carolina, from originals in possession of the editor, and other sources [1764-82]. N. Y. 1855-7. 2 V. 8^ Mkmoir on mosasaurus and allied genera. {In Smithsonian contrlb., v. 2.) Gibbon, Charles. For lack of gold, N. Y. 1871. 8? (5 cop.) Fob the king. N. Y. 1872. 8? (6 cop,) KoBiN Gray. N. Y. 1873. 8? (6 cop.) Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794). History of the decline and fall of the Koman empire, to A.D. 1420. Notes, by H. H. Milman. Bost. 1852. 6 V. 12= (2 cop.) Life of Mahomet. Memoirs of the life and writings of E. Gib- bon, composed by himself; with occasional notes and narrative, by John, Lord Shef- field. Lond. 1827. 2 v. 16= {In Autobi- ography, V. 14, 15.) Miscellaneous works ; with memoirs of his life and writings, composed by himself. Illustrated from his letters, with occasional notes and narrative, by John, Lord Sheffield. Lond. 1837. 8° Contents : Abstracts of the books Mr, Gibbon read ; with re- flections. Address, An. Antiquities of the house of Brunswick. Collection of remarks and detached pieces on va- rious subjects. Critical observations on the sixth book of the JEneid. Dissertation on the subject of the man with the Iron mask. Essay on the study of literature. Extracts from his journal. Justiiicatory memoir. Letters. Memoirs of his life. Outlines of the history of the world. Vindication of some pages in the 15th and 16th chapters of the History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. ViLLEMAiN, A. F. Critical review of. {In (Euvres, v. 2.) See aha — Lives of famous men. Men of letters of the time of George iii. New biographies of illustrious men. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Travis, G. Gibbon, John. Artillerist's manual ; compiled from various sources, and adapted to the serv- ice of the United States. Illustrated. {2d ed.) N. Y. 1863. 8° Gibbon, Lardner. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. See Herndon, "W. L. Gibbons, Grinling {d. 1721). Cunningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 3.) H. F. lib., v. 19. Gibbons, Henry. Address, before the S. F. medical society, 1857. S. F. 1857. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 24.) Address (valedictory), before the medical de- partment of the university of the Pacific, Mar. 15, 1862. S. F. 1862. 8° {In Pam- phlets, v. 31.) Climate of San Francisco. {In Smithsonian rept. 1854.) Gibbons {continued)'— Introductory lecture to the 8th session of the medical department of the university of the Pacific, July 5, 1870. S. F. 1870. 8= {In Pamphlets, v. 31.) Gibbons, J. S. Public debt of the United States. N. Y. 1869. 12= Gibbons, Mrs. Phebe Earle. Pennsylvania Dutch ; and other essays. Phil. 1872. IT. Contents : Amish meeting. An. l Friend, A. Cousin Jemima. 'Pennsylvania Dutch' (prop- Dunker love-feast, The. 1 erly German). Ephrata. | Swiss exiles. Gibbons, Thomas. Select portions of scripture, and remarkable occurrences ; with a father's advice to his son. {1st Am. ed.) Dedham, Mass., 1805. 12= Gibbs, George. Dictionary of the Chinook jar- gon ; or, trade language of Oregon. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 7.) Instructions for research relative to the eth- nology and philology of America. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 7.) Intermixture of races. {In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Language of the aboriginal Indians of Amer- ica. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Letter relative to a physical atlas of North America. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Memoirs of the administrations of George Washington and John Adams. Ed. from the papers of Oliver Wolcott, secretary of the treasury. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. 8= Report on mammals. See Sulkley, G. Gibbs, Jos. Cotton cultivation. Lond. 1862. 12? Gibbs, William. Hand-book of scrolls, panels, and general ornaments. {2d ser.) Lond. 1860. 4? Gibbs, Wolcott, and Genth, F. A. Eesearches on the ammonia-cobalt bases. {In Smith- sonian contrib., v. 9.) Giberne, Agnes. Aim6e. N. Y. 1872. 12? Gibraltar — Ay ALA, J. L. de. Historia de Gibralt&r. Bartlett, W. H, Gleanings on the overland route. BoLLAND, E. Draught of the straights of Gibraltar, with observations on the tides and currents. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 4.) Martin, R. M. Hist. British possessions in the Mediterranean. Sayer, F. History of Gibraltar, and its polit- ical relation to events in Europe. Gibson, Walter M. Prison of Weltevreden ; and a glance at the East Indian archipelago. N. Y. 1855. 12? Giddings, Joshua Reed (1795-1864). Exiles of Florida ; or, the crimes committed by our government against the Maroons who fled from South Carolina and other slave states, seeking protection under Spanish laws. Co- lumbus, O., 1858. 12? History of the rebellion : its authors and causes. N. Y. 1864. 8? See also Modern agitators. Gideon's rock. Saunders, K. Gieseler, Johann Carl Ludwig (1793-1854). Text-book of church history. Tr. from the 4th revised German edition, by S. Davidson. N. Y. 1857-62. 4 v. 8? GIFFORD 347 GILL Gifford, ■William (1757-1826). Memoir; writ- ten by himself. Lond. 1827. 16? (In Au- tobiography, V. 11.) See also Aikin's British poets, v. 3 ; Self-made men. Gift, George W. Settlers' guide ; containing all the circulars and laws relating to preemp- tion claims in California. Benicia, Cal., 1854. 8= Gihon, John H. See Soul^, ¥., et al. Gil Bias— Everett, A. H. Who wrote? (ire A?» Crit- ical essays, 2d ser.) LeSage, A.K. Adventures of. Tr. by Smol- lett. Gilbart, James William (1794-1863). Works. Lond. 1865. 6 v. 8? Banking, History and prin- ciples of, V. i. Banlcing, Logic of; art and science of banliing, v. 3. Contents : Banl. System of surgery : patho- logical, diagnostic, therapeutic, and opera- tive. Illustrated by 1,300 engravings, (ith ed.) Phil. 1866. 2 v. 8° Grosseteste, Robert. Castel off loue. (Cha- teaud'amour ; or, Carmen de creatione mun- di.) An early English translation of an old French poem. Copied and ed. from mss. in the British museum and in the Bodleian li- brary, Oxford, with notes and glossary, by Richd. Francis Weymouth. Lond. 1864. 8? (/n Philological soc. Early Eng. vol.) Grosvenor, W. M. Does protection protect ? Examination of effect of different forms of tariff upon Am. industry. N.Y. 1871. 8° Grote, George (1794-1871). History of Greece : 1, legendary; 2,toreignof Peisistratus [776- 560 B.C.]. N.Y. 1853-7. 12 v. 12° Plato, and other companions of Socrates. Lond. 1865. 3 v. 8° Review of the work of Mr. John Stuart Mill, entitled ' Examination of Sir William Ham- ilton's philosophy.' Lond. 1868. 16? Mill, J. S. Review of Grote's history of Greece. (In Dissertations and discussions, V. 2.) Same. (In Edinburgh rev., Oct. 1853.) Personal life of George Grote ; compiled from family documents, etc., by Mrs. Grote. Lond. 1873. 8°. See also Aristotle ; Modern men of letters ; Plato. GROTE 367 GUICHARD Grote, John. Examination of utilitarian philos- ophy. Ed. by J. B. Mayor. Camb. 1870. Grotesque animals. [Illustrated.] Cooke, E. W. Groth, Klaus. Quickborn. Volksleben in platt- deutschen gedichten. {8te auflage.) Ham- burg, 1860. 2 V. 12? Grotius, Hugo (1583-1646). De jure belli ac pacis libri tres, cum annotatis auctoris, nee non J. F. Gronovii notis, & J. Barbeyracii animadversionibus ; comraentariis insuper locupletissimis Henrici L. B. De Cocceii sacrse regiae majestati Borussicae quondam a consiliis seoretioribus, sub titulo Grotii il- lustrati autea editis, nunc ad calcem cu- jusque capitis adjectis : insertis quoque ob- servationibus Samuelis L. B. De Cocceii Henrici filii, Eegni Borussici cancellarii, ministri status intimi, & Aquilae Borussicae equitis, Haereditarii in Wusseken, Kepko, Kleist, Laas, cet. Adduntur tandem ipsius Grotii dissertatio De mari libero, ac li- bellus singularis De aequitate, indulgentia et facilitate, cum quibusdam notis criticis. Lausannae: sumptibus Marci-MichaelisBous- quet, and sociorum. 1758. 5 v. 8° Groton massacre of 1781. Winthrop, E. C. {In his Addresses, 1852-7.) Grottes et cavemes. Badin, A. Grove, William Kobert (6. 1811). Correlation of physical forces. {In Youmans, E. L., et al. Correlation and conservation of forces.) Same. {2d. ed.) Lond. 1850. 8? Grumbler, Anthony (pseud.). See Hoffman, D. Griin, Anastasius {pseud.). See Auersperg, A. A. von. Grand, Francis J. Aristocracy in America; from the sketch-book of a German noble- man. Lond. 1839. 2 v. 12° Griindung von Maryland, Die. Zschokke, J. H. D. {In Ges. schriften, v. 6.) Griine band. Das. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, v. 8.) . Griinebauin, E. Sittenlehre des judenthums an- deren bekenntnissen gegeniiber. Mannheim, 1867. 8° Guardian, The. With an historical and bio- graphical preface, by A. Chalmers. Steele, K., Addison, J., et al. (In British essay- ists, v. 13-15.) Guardian angel, The. Holmes, O. W. Guay-Trouin, Du. See Duguay-Trouin. Gubematis, Angelo de. Zoological mytholo- gy ; or, legends of animals. Lond. 1872. 2 v. 8° Gudrun lay. Cox, G. W., and Jones, E. H. (/n Tales of the Teutonic lands.) Guenon, Francis. Treatise on milch cows ; with introductory remarks on the cow and the dairy. N. Y. n.d. 8°. Guepes, Les. Karr, (J. B.) A. {In his (Eu- vres, V. 26-31.) Gu§rin, Eugenie de (1805-1848). Journal et fragments (par G. S. Tr^butien). Paris, 1864. 8° Same. (25e M.) Paris, 1869. 12? Lettres, (4e^d., par G. S.Tr^butien.) Pa- ris, 1864. 8° Same. Paris, 1870. 12? Gu6rin, Georges de. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. {In Derniere Aldini, La.) Guerin, Maurice du Cayla (1810-1839). Journal; with an essay by M. Arnold, and memoir by Sainte-Beuve. Ed. by G. S. Tr^butien. N. Y. 1867. 12? Sainte - Beuve, C. a. Journal, lettres, et poemes. {In (Euvres, v. 47.) Guerin, V. Cortambert, K. Voyage de. {In Peuples et voyageurs conteraporains.) Guernsey, Clara F. Cold hand. {In Not pret- ty, but precious, etc.) Merman and the figure-head : a Christmaa story. Illustrated. Phil. 1871. 16? New boy. The. Phil. 1871. 16? Ked fox. {In Not pretty, but precious, etc.) Guernsey, Egbert. Gentleman's hand-book of homoeopathy ; especially for travelers and for domestic practice. (26? ed.) N. Y. 1857. 12? HoMCEOPATHic domestic practice ; containing also chapters on physiology, hygiene, anat- omy, and an abridged materia medica. N. Y. 1871. 8? Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. Milly ; or, the hidden cross. Bost. 1866. 16? Gueroult, Adolphe. See Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Guerra de Granada. Mendoza, D. H. de. Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico {b. 1805). Bea- trice Cenci. Tr. from the Italian, by Mrs. W. Sherman. N. Y. 1858. 16? Same. N. Y. 1871. 12? (4 cop.) Guerre, La. Erckmann-Chatrian. Guerre civile de Geneve, La. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 2.) Guerre des femmes, La. Dumas, A. (D.) Guesclin, Bertrand du. See Du Guesclin. Guesses at truth. Hare, J. C. and A. W. Guest, W. E. Ancient Indian remains near Prescott (Canada West). {In Smithsonian rept. 1856.) Guevara, Luis Veliz de. Novels. {In Eoscoe, T. Spanish novelists, v. 3.) Gueux, Les. See Liefde, J. B. de. Guglielmo Tell. (Opera.) Eossini, G. Guiana (S. A.) — Brett, W. H. Indian tribes of. Brown, C. B. Eeport on the Kaieteur water- fall in British Guiana. {In Eoy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) Ealeigh, Sir W. Discovery of the large, rich, and beautiful empire of Guiana ; with a relation of the great and golden city of Monoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado) , etc., performed in 1595. {In Hakluyt soc, V. 2.) ScHOMBURGK, Sir E. H. Fishes of. {In Jar- dine's Nat. lib., v. 39, 40.) Veness, W. T. El Dorado ; or, British Gui- ana. See also El Dorado. Gtlicciardini, Francesco (1482-1540). See Lit- erary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Guiccioli, Teresa Gumba {Countess), {b. 1801). My recollections of Lord Byron, and those of eye-witnesses of his life. See also Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Guichard, Quintus Toilius (6. 1763?). Tnifi- baxtlt, D. {In Souvenirs, v. 2.) GUIDE-BOOKS 368 GUIZOT Guide-books — Appleton, D., and Co. (Pub.) Illustrated railway guide. — Northern and eastern traveler's guide, 1854. Art ARIA, C. F., et fils. Nouveau guide du voyageur en Italie. Bacheldkr, J. B, Illustrated tourist's guide of the United States. Bancroft's tourist's guide : Yosemite, San Francisco, and around the bay (south). Boston illustrated. Boyd, W. C. Guide and pocket companion through Italy. Butts, J. K. Business man's adviser. Crofut, G. a. Trans-continental guide. De Veaux, S. Falls of Niagara : tourist's guide through the Canadas. Disturnell, J. Across the continent and around the world. — Distance tables ; ortraveler's pocket com- panion. Fergusson, J. C. Alta California, Pacific coast, and trans-continental railroad guide. Francis's new guide to N. Y. and Brooklyn. Galignani's new Paris guide, 1848, 1860. Gilchrist, J. B. General East India guide. Gregory, J. W. Guide for Cal. travelers. {In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Guide-book of the Pacific (state, territorial, and ocean) ; with maps. Guide of Rome and the environs, according to Vasi and Nibby ; with a map and 28 views. (3d ed.) Rome, 1847. IT. Lesley, J. P. Iron manufacturer's guide, etc. MoRFORD, H. Short trip guide to Europe. MuLLAN, J. Miner's and traveler's guide to Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, "Wyoming, and Colorado. New guide to Cheltenham : history and de- scription of that celebrated watering-place. Osgood, J. R., and Co. {Pub.) New En- gland : a hand-book for travelers. 1873. Pallett, H. Miller's guide. Paris guide. Philadelphia illustrated. Satchel guide for vacation tourist in Europe. See also Hand-books ; and the names of coun- tries and places. Guide to English history and biography. Brew- er, E. C. Guide to northern archaeology. Rafn, C. C. Guide to the right understanding of our American union. Johnson, A. B. Guild, Curtis. Over the ocean ; or, sights and scenes in a foreign land. Bost. 1871. 12° (3 cop.) Guild, Reuben A. Librarian's manual : a trea- tise on bibliography, comprising a select and descriptive list of bibliographical works, to which are added sketches of public libraries. Illustrated with engravings. N. Y. 1858. Large paper. 8? Guild court. MacDonald, G. Gviilford, — {Lord). See Lawyers, Lives of em- inent British. Guillemard, Robert. Adventures of a French sergeant during his campaigns in Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia, etc., from 1805 to " 1823 ; written by himself. Phil. 1826. 12° Guillemin, Am^d^e. Cheminsdefer, Les. Pa- ris, 1862. 12° Forces of nature : a popular introduction to the study of physical phenomena. Tr. by Mrs. N. Lockyer; ed. by J. N.Lockyer. Il- lustrated. Lond. 1872. 8° Heavens, The : an illustrated hand-book of popular astronomy. Ed. by J. N. Lock- yer. Fourth ed., revised by R. A. Proctor. N. Y. 1871. 8°. Same. Lond. 1866. 4*^ Sun, The. Tr. from the French, by A, Phip- son. With 58 illustrations. N. Y. 1870. 12° (2 cop.) Wonders of the moon. Tr.^from the French, by Miss M. G. Mead. Edited, with addi- tions, by Maria Mitchell. Illustrated. N. Y. 1873. 12° (2 cop.) Guillermo Tell y Andreas Hofer. Florian, J. P. C. DE. Guilt and innocence. Translated from the Swed- ish. Schwartz, M. S. Guilty, or not guilty, {n.t.p.) 12? Same. N.Y. 1870. 12? Guinea — Barbot, J. Description of the coasts of north and south Guinea. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 5.) Drake, E. C. Description of. {In his Coll. voy.) Guinevere. Tennyson, A. Guinnard, A. Three years' slavery among the Patagonians. Lond. 1871. 12? Guizot, Elizabeth Charlotte Pauline de Meulan (1773-1827). See Women, Portraits of cel- ebrated. Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume {b. 1787). Cor- neille and his times. N. Y. 1855. 8? Essay on the character and influence of Wash- ington. Bost. 1840. 16? HiSTOiRE de la civilisation en Europe, depuis la chute de I'empire Romain jusqu'a la revo- lution Fran(;aise. (8e ed.) Paris, 1864. 8? History of civilization, from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution [476-1798]. N. Y. 1850-52. 4 v. 12? Same. Lond. 1856. 3 v. 12? History of France, from the earliest times to the year 1789. Tr. by R. Black. Lond. 1872. 2v. 8? History of Oliver Cromwell and the English commonwealth. Phil. 1854. 2 v. 12? History of the English revolution of 1640, from the accession of Charles i. to his death [1625 to 1640]. Tr. by W. Hazlitt. Lond. 1856. 12? Same. N. Y. 1849. 12? History of the origin of representative gov- ernment in Europe. Tr. by A. R. Scoble. Lond. 1852. 12? Love in marriage : an historical study. (La- dy Rachel Russell.) Meditations on the actual state of Chris- tianity, and on the attacks which are now being made upon it. {2d ser.) N. Y. n.d. 12? Contents : Awakening of Christianity in France in xix. century. Impiety, recklessness, and perplexity. Materialism. Pantheism ; Positivism. Bationalism ; Skepticism. Spiritualism. QUIZOT 369 G-UTZKOW Guizot (continued) — Mkditations on the essence of Christianity, and on the religious questions of the day. N. Y. 1865. 12^ Contents : Limits of science. Natural problems. Kevelatioii. Supernatural, The. Christian dogmas. God accordins to the bible. Inspiration of the scriptures, Jesus Christ according to the bible. — Me-Moires pour servir a I'histoire de mon temps (1807-40). Paris, 1858. 5 v. 8? St. Louis and Calvin. Phil. n.d. 12^ Shakespeare and his times. Mill, J. S. Review of Guizot's essays and lectures on history. {In Disseri;ations and discussions, v. 2.) Same. (In Edinburgh rev., Oct. 1845.) Gujarati. See Aryan language. Gulf of California. Alarcon, H. de. Voyage to gulf of California in 1540. (In Burney's Voy., V. 1, p. 212.) Gulf-stream. Proctor, E. A. {In Light sci- ence for leisure hours, 2d ser.) Gulistan, or rose garden. Saadi, M. Gullick, Thomas John, and Timus, J. Painting popularly explained; with historical sketches of the progress of the art. Lond. 1859. 16^ Gulliver's travels. Swift, J. Gurapert, Shekla von. See Tales for the young. Gun-cotton. Von Karolyi, — (Lieut.). Pro- ducts of the combustion of gun-cotton and gunpowder under circumstances analogous to those which occur in practice. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1864.) Gun-shot "wounds — Hunter, J. Treatise on. (In Works, v. 3.) LoNGMORE, T. Treatise on. (In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 3.) Guncovsky, — . Instruction in medicine for domestic animals. St. Petersburg, 1801. 8^ (Bussian.) Gunn, Donald. Indian remains near Eed river settlement, in Hudson's bay territory. (In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Notes on an egging expedition to Shoal lake, west of Lake Winnipeg. (In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Gunnison, John W. Eeport of explorations near the 38th and 39th parallels. See Beckwith, E.G. Gunnlung and the fair Helga. Cox, G. W., and Jones, E. H. (In Tales of the Teu- tonic lands.") Gunpo-wder, Von Karolyi, — (Lieut.). Pro- ducts of the combustion of gun-cotton and gunpowder under circumstances analogous to those which occur in practice. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1864.) Guns and gunning — Benton, J. G. Course of instruction in ord- nance and gunnery. BtJCKNER, W. P. Calculated tables of ranges for navy and army guns. Greener, W. Gunnery in 1858. Hawker, P. Instructions to young sports- men in all that relates to guns and shooting. Eeports of experiments with small arms for the military service. By officers of the ord- nance department of the XJ. S. army. See Eeports. 25 Guns (continued) — ScoFFKRN, J. New resources of warfare, with especial reference to rifled ordnance. See also Arms and armor ; Naval science ; Eifle ; United States (army and navy). Gurney, Hudson. Cupid and Psyche. (Poem.) (In Apuleius's Works.) Bohn's Class, lib. Gurney, John Henry. See Andersson, C. J. Gurney, Joseph John. Four lectures on the ev- idences of Christianity ; delivered in South- wark, 1834, to the junior members of the society of Friends. Phil. 1857. 16° Thoughts on habit and discipline. Phil. 1857. 12° Gurney married. Hook, T. (E.) GurO'Wski, Adamde. America and Europe. N. Y. 1857. 12° Diary from March 4, 1861, to Nov. 12, 1862. Bost. 1862. 12° Diary from Nov. 18, 1862, to Oct. 18, 1863. N. Y. 1864. 12° Same. 1863-5. Wash. 1866. 12° (2 cop.) EussiA as it is. N. Y. 1854. 12° Gustave Adolf, and the thirty years' war. To- PELIUS, Z. Gustavus Adolphus. Harte, W. History of Gustavus Adolphus, surnamed the great ; to which is prefixed an essay on the militar)r state of Europe, containing the manners and customs in the early part of the xvii. cent- ury. Third ed., revised by J. J. Stockdale. Lond. 1807. 8° Heydenreich, L. W. Life of. Phil. 1868. 12i Guten weiber, Die. Gothe, J. W. von. (In Werke, v. 15.) Gutenberg (or Gansfleisch), Johann (or Henne),, (1400-1468). Lamartine, A.DE. Viede.. (In (Euvres completes, v. 35.) Pearson, E. C. Gutenberg and the arti of" printing. See also Celebrated characters ; Pioneers; Print— ing. Giiterbock, Carl. Bracton, and his relation to the Eoman law: a contribution to the his- tory of the Eoman law in the middle ages. Tr. by B. Coxe. Phil. 1866. 8° Guthrie, Thomas. Our Father's business., Lond.. 1867. 12? Out of harness. N. Y. 1867. 12? Parables read in lightof the presentday. The.. N.Y. 1866. 12? Studies of character from the old testament.. Lond. 1868. 12? Sunday magazine for 1865, The. Lond. .1865.. 8? Gutta percha. See Patents, Abridgments of Brit^ ish, v. 26. Gutzko'W, Karl . Dramatische werke.. Leipzig,, 1862. 20 V. in 5. 12? Contents : Antonio Peres, v. 12. Dreizehnte November, Der, V. U. Ella Rose, Oder die rechte des herzens, v. 11. Fremdes gliick, v. 14. KomOdie der besserungen, V. 15. Kon Ig's lieutenant, Der, v. 4. Liesli, V. 16. Lorbeer und Myrte, v. 19. Nero. V. 20. Ottfrled, V. 13. Patkul, V. P.. Pugatschew, v.. .5.. Richard Savage od&r sohn einer mutter, v. 7. Schule der reichen, Die, v. in. Urbild des tartflffe. Das, v. 1., Uriel Acosta, v. 8. Weisses bl&tt, Ein, v. 6. Werner, Oder Herz und Welt, V. 3.. Wullenweber, v. 17, 18. Zopf-uncLachwerdt, v. 2.. G-UTZKOW 370 HACKLANDER Q-utzkow {continued) — HoHENSCHWANGATJ, 1536-67. {2te auflage.) Leipzig, 1867. 5 v. 12° EiTTERvom Geiste, Die. {2te auflage.) Leip- zig, 1852. 9 V. 12° Zaubeeer von Rom, Der. {Zte auflage.) Leipzig, 1869. 9 v. in 5. 12° Gutzlaff, Charles. Journal of three voyages along the coast of China, in 1831-3 ; with notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Choo islands. Lond. 1834. 8? Sketch of Chinese history, ancient and mod- em. Illustrated by a new and corrected map of the empire. Lond. 1834. 2 v. 8° Guy Earlscourt's wife. Fleming, Miss A. Guy Linden's first book. Lunt, G. {In Boston book.) Guy Livingstone. Lawrence, G. A. Guy Mannering. Scott, Sir W. Guy Rivers. Simms, W. G. Guyot, Arnold Henry {b. 1807). Directions for meteorological observations. {In Smithson- ian rept. 1855.) Earth and man : lectures on comparative physical geography in its relation to the his- tory of mankind. Tr. by C. C. Felton. (4M ed.) Bost. 1852. 12? Tables, meteorological and physical, prepared for the Smithsonian institution. Third ed., revised and enlarged. "Wash. 1859. 8° Same. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 1.) Same. Pt. iv., hypsometrical tables, {n.t.p.) 8° Guyot, Jules. Culture of the vine, and wine- making. Tr. from the French, by L. Marie. Melbourne, 1865. 8? Guzman, Albert. Hamerling, R. {Ed.) Erin- nerungen von. Guzman, Alonzo Enriquez de. Life and acts of (1518 to 1543). Tr. from an original and inedited manuscript in the national library at Madrid ; with notes and an introduction, by C. R, Markham. Lond. 1862. 8° {In Hakluyt soc, v. 28.) Guzman d'Alfarache. Le Sage, A. R. Life and adventures of. Tr. from the French. Lond. 1821. 2 v. 16° Gwendoline's harvest. Satjzade, J. S. Gwilt, Joseph. {Ed.) Encyclopiedia of archi- tecture : historical, theoretical, and practi- cal. With more than 1,000 engravings on wood. Third ed., with a supplementary view of the symmetry and stability of Gothic architecture. Lond. 1854. 12? G'Win, William McKendry {b. 1805). Speech in U. S. senate on transportation of the U.S. mails from S. F. to Shanghai, March 2, 1853. Wash. 1853. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 6.) Speech on the Collins line of steamers; deliv- ered in the senate of the U. S., April 22, 1852. {In Pamphlets, v. 17.) Same. {In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Speeches on Pacific railroad, gov't expend, in Cal., etc., in 1852-4. {In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Gwinett, Button (1732?-1777). Sanderson, J. Life of. {In Signers to decl. of indep., v. 3.) Gwynne, Talbot. Nanette and her lovers. N. y. 1863. 16? School for fathers. Lond. 1858. (2 cop.) Gjmanastics — Barlow, E. H. Manual of gymnastic exer- cises. [For Amherst college.] LASPfiE, H. de. Calisthenics. Lewis, D. New gymnastics for men, women, and children. Nahl, a. and C. Instructions in. Watson, J. M. Hand-book of calisthenics and. See also Exercise; Health; Lifting cure; Move- ment cure. Gypsies of the Dane's dike. Phillips, G. S. Gypsy Breynton. Phelps, E. S. Gypsy's cousin Joy. Phelps, E. S. Gypsy's sowing and reaping. Phelps, E. S. Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent. Phelps, E. S. H. H — family. Bremer, Miss F. Haas, Wilhelm (1698-1764). Zschokke, J. H. D. Biographic von. {In Ges. schriften, v. 32.) Habakuk. Rellstab, L. {In Ges. schriften, V. 21.) Habermeister, The. Schmid, H. Habington, William (1605-1645). Queen of Arragon, The. {In Dodsley's Old plays, v. 9.) Habit— Arnold, F. Essay on. {In Turning-points in life.) GuENEY, J. J. Thoughts on habit and disci- pline. Habit and intelligence. Murphy, J. J. Habits noirs, Les. FtvAL, P. {In (Euvres, v. 34, 35.) Habits of good society : a hand-book for ladies and gentlemen. N. Y. 1860. 12? (2 cop.) Hackert, Philipp (1737-1807). Gothe, J. W. VON. {In Werke, 37.) Same. {In Samm. werke, v. 4.) Hackett, Horatio Balch (6. 1808). Christian memorials of the war ; or, scenes and inci- dents illustrative of religious faith and prin- ciple, patriotism and bravery, in our army. With historical notes. Bost. 1864. 12? Hackett, James Henry (1800-1871). Notes, criticisms, and correspondence upon Shakes- peare's plays and actors. N. Y. 1863. 12? Hacklander, Friedrich Wilhelm {b. 1816). Werke. Stuttgart, 1866. 48 v. in 24. 16? [V. 3-6, 17-20, 29, 30, 35, 36 wanting.] Contents: Anonynie briefe, v. 1. Augenbllck desglticks, Der, V. 21. Bllder aus dem soldaten leben Im kriege, v. 28-30, Blvouak, Im, v. 26. Club fiir unbegrftnzte frei- heit, Der, v. 26. Dunkle stnnde, Die, v. 44-18, Erlebtes, v. 25. Erste versammlung Deuts- Cher bildender kUcstler. V. 26. Erste wache, Die, v. 2.5. Eugen stlllfrled, v. 10-12. Europaischessclaven leben V. 16. Familien concert, Ein, v. 25, Feste in Busslaud im jabre 1846, Die, v. 39. Gefahrliche blumen Straus- se, V. 25. Geheime agent, Der: lust spiel, V. 15. Gesicht im monde, Das, v. 13. Handel und wandel, v. 7. Krieg und frieden, v. 38, 39. Landwirthscbaftliche aus- tellung in Wien, Die, v. 39. Leibscbneider der Zwerge, Der, V. 13. London. 1851, v. 39. Magnetische kuren : lust- spiel, V. 15. Mabrchen, v. 13. Monsieur de B16 : lustspiel, V.27. Namenlose geschichten, v. 1,2. Neue Don Quixote, Der, v. 30-34. Pilgerzug nach Mecca, Der, V.14. Prinzessin Morgana, v. 13. Keise abenteuer, v. 25. Eeise in den orient, v. 8, 9. Schicksal, Ein, v. 25. HACKLANDER 371 HAINES Hacklander {continued} Schlossschweigern, v. 13. Schuldig: lustsp., v. 15. Sohn, Der verlorene: lust- spiel, V. 43. Tagebuch blatter: 'Paris Im winter 1851' — 'Ueber den St. Gotthard'— ' Un- garn im jahre 1857 ' — ' Venedig,' v. 40. Tannhfiuser, Der, v. 37. Unten Imhause: lustsp.,v. Venedig, v. 26. Wechsel des lebens, Der, v. 41, 4-1. Weihnachts mahrchen, v. 13. Winter in Spanien, Ein, v. 22-24. Zauberkrug, Der, v. 13. Zeitungs artikel in aufstei- gender tendenz, v. 26. Zur ruhe setzen : lustspiel, V. 27. Zwei nSchte, v. 26. Zwergen nest, Das, v. 13. — Enchanting and enchanted. Tr. from the Ger., by Mrs. A. L, Wister. Phil. 1871. 16° Hackle, Palmer (pseud.). Hadermann, Jeanette R. Bost. 1873. (10 cop.) Dead men's shoes. Phil. How mother did it. Unverheirathete ebeleute : lustsp., V. 43. See Blakey, R. Against the world. Bartle, G. Script- 1872. (5 cop.) {In Not pretty, but pre- cious, etc.) Hades and the atonement, ural doctrine of. See also Future state. Hadji in Syria. Johnson, Mrs. S. B. Hadley, James (1820-1872). Essays : philologi- cal and critical. N. Y. 1873. 8° Conte7its: Ancient Greek rhythm and metre. Byzantine Greek pronunciation of the tenth cent- ury, as illustrated by a manuscript In the Bod- leian library. Decisions in college class disputes : 1. Are the writings of Lord Byron immoral in their tendency ? 2. Is ancient eloquence superior to modern ? 3. Is a reform desirable in the method of writing the Knglish language ? 4. Was civil liberty in Europe promoted by the career of Napoleon ? 5. Is Europe tending to republicanism ? 6. Should day-dreaming be indulged in ? 7. Can immortality be shown from the light of nature? 8. Isan exclusively vegetable dietadvantageous? Ellis's Early English pronunciation. English possessive case, Ou the origin of. English vowel quantity in the xiu. century and in the xix. Greek accent, Nature and theory of. Greek genitive as an ablative case. Hebrew chronology, from Moses to Solomon. Homer, Bekker's digainniated text of. Indo-European aspirate nmtes. ■ Indo-European futures, Formation of. Ionian migration : 1. The lonians before the Ionian migration. 2. Kecent discussion and opinion concerning the Ionian migration. Italians and Greeks, Boss on the. i Language of Palestine at the time of Cbriat Latin subjunctive, Bemarks on the use of. Kumber seven. The. Passive formations. Frach as a root in the Greek language. Tennyson's Princess. iNTRODtfCTiON to Roman law : in twelve aca- demical lectures. N. Y. 1873. 12? Haeseler, C. H. Across the Atlantic. Letters from France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and England. Phil. 1868. IQ.°. Hagen, G. Memoir of Encke. {In Smithson- ian rept. 1868.) Hagen, Hermann. Synopsis of the described neuroptera of North America ; with a list of the South American species. {In Smith- sonian mis. coll., V. 4.) Hagenbach, Karl Rudolph. History of the church in the xviii. and xix. centuries. Tr. from the last Ger. ed., by J. F. Hurst. N. Y. 1869. 2 V. 8° Text-book of the history of doctrines. Tr. by C. W. Buch ; revised, with additions, by H. B. Smith. N. Y. 1869. 2 v. 8? Hager, Albert D. Report of the geology of Ver- mont. Claremont, N. H., 1861. 2 v. 4° Hague, Arnold. Report on the chemistry of the Washoe process. (ZnKing, C. U. S. geol. expl. of •10th parallel, v. 3.) Report on the geology of the "White Pine district. (Jw King, C. U. S. geol. expl. of 40th parallel, v. 3.) Hague, James D. Report on central and eastern Nevada. {In King, C. TJ. S. geol. expl. of 40th parallel, v. 3.) Report on gold and silver mining in Colorado. {In King, C. TJ. S. geol. expl. o*f 40th par- allel, V. 3.) Report on the Com stock mines. {In King, C. U. S. geol. expl. of 40th parallel, v. 3.) Report on treatment of Comstock ores. {In King, C. TJ. S. geol. expl. of 40th paral- lel, V. 3.) Hague, William. Christianity and statesman- ship ; with kindred topics. Bost. 1865. 12°. Sermon, preached in Boston, on the death of A. Lincoln. 5ee Lincoln, A. Hahn-Hahn, Ida Maria Luise Sophie von {b. 1805). Werke. Mainz, 1865. 14 v. 16? Ben David, V. 11. Doralice, v. 4. Erbin von Cronenstein, Die, V. 7. Eudoxia, die kaiserin, v. 5. Gedichte, v. 10. Geschichte eines armen frauleins. Die, v. 3. Grafin Faustine, v. 8. Ilda Schonholm, v. 8. par Contents : Jahr derklrche, Das, v. 11. Jenseits der Berge, v. 6. Maria Regina, v. 1, 2. Peregrin, v. 12. Eechte, Der, v. 9. Sibylle, v. 14. Sigismund Forster, v. 9. Unserer lieben frau, v. 11. Venezianische niichte, v. 10. Zwei schwestern, v. 13. — BiLDER aus der geschichte der kirche. Mainz, 1862. 12? Contents : Angustinus, Sanct, v. 4. Klrchen vater. Die, v. 3. Martyrer, Die, v. 1. Vater der wiiste, v. 2. CoMTESSE Faustine, La. Traduction Am6d6e Pichat. Paris, 1864. 12? Fattstina. Tr. from the German. N. Y. 1872. 12? (6 cop.) Reisebriefe. Berlin, 1841. 2 v. 12? Hahnemann, Samuel Christian Friedrich ("1755- 1843). Organon of homoeopathic medicine. {ith Am. ed.) N. Y. 1869. 8? Haig, James. Symbolism ; or, mind, matter, language as the elements of thinking and reasoning, and as the necessary factors of human knowledge. Edin. 1869. 12? Haight, Benjamin I. Letter relative to ordina- tion of A. Carey. N. Y. 1843. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 1.) Haight, Henry H. Currency question. Argu- ment in the supreme court of the state of California, in the case of James Lick vs. William Faulkner et al. S. F. 1863. 8? Hail-storms. See Meteorology. Haines, John Thomas. Alice Grey, the suspect- ed one. (Domestic dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 44. French spy. V. 20. Idiot witness. (Melo-drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 46. My Poll and my partner Joe. Lacy's Plays, v. 71. Ocean of life. Lacy's Plays, v. 69. Ruth. (Naut. dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 44. (Military dr. ) Mod, stand, dr., (Naut. dr.) HAINES 372 HAKLUYT Haines {continued) — Wizard of the wave. (Naut. dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 46. Yew-trke ruins. (Domestic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 74. Hair, T. H. Views of the collieries in the coun- ties of Northumberland and Durham [Eng.] . "With descriptive sketches, and a prelimi- nary essay on coal and the coal trade, by M. Koss. liond. 1844. 4? Hair, Human. Perry, B. C. See also Parasites. Hake, Thomas Gordon. Parables and tales. Lond. 1872. 12° HaklU3rt, Kichard (1533-1616). {Coll. and pub.) Divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the islands adjacent. Ed., with notes and an introduction, by John Winter Jones, Lond. 1850. 8^ {In Hak- luyt soc, V. 6.) Extract from collection of the voyages, nav- igations, tratfiques, and discoveries of the English nation. {In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Principall navigations, voiages, and dis- coveries of the English nation, made by sea or ouer land, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : deuided into three seuerall parts, according to the positions of the regions whereunto they were directed, etc., etc. Im- printed at London by George Bishop and Ealph Newberie, deputies to Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excel- lent maiestie. 1589. f ° Hakluyt society. Publications. Lond. 1848-72. 46 V. 8i [Note.— For fuller description than Is here given, refer to authors' names.] Contents : Acufla, Cristoval de : new discovery of the great river of the Amazons, 1641, v. %i. Adams, W. : letters on Japan [1611-17], v. 7. Africa. Barbosa's description of coasts of east, v. 1 *«• I Aguirre, Lope de, v. 27. Amazons. Expeditionsinto the valley of the Am- azons during the xvi. and xvii. centuries ; con- taining the journey of Gonzalo Pizarro, the voy- age of Francisco de Orellana, and the voyage of Cristoval de Acufia, from an exceedingly scarce narrative, written by himself, in 1641. Jid. and tr. by Clements R. Markham, v. 23. America, v. 6. 20, 13. Andagoya, Pascual de : narrative of the proceed- ings of Pedrarias Davilu, containing the earliest notice of Peru. Tr. and ed., with notes and in- troduction, by C. R. Markham, v. 33. Australia. Major, R. H. : collection of documents, showing the early discoveries of Australia to the time of Capt. Cook, v. 26. Bantam. Sir Henry Middleton's voyage to [1602], v. 17. Barbosa, Duarte : coasts of east Africa and Mala- bar in the beginning of the xvi. century. Tr. from an early Spanish Ms., by hon. H. Stanley, V. 34. Benzoni, Girolamo : travels in America in 1542-56. Tr. and ed. by Admiral W. H. Smyth, v. 20. Bethencourt, Jean de : Canarian, or book of the conquest and conversion of the Canarians in 1402; composed by Pierre Boutier and Jean le Ver- rier. Tr. and ed., with notes and introduction, by K. H. Major, v. 45. Canarians, v. 45. Cathay. Veer,G. de: description of three voj'ages towards [xvi, century], v. 12. Cathay, and the road thither : a collection of all mi- nor notices of China previous to the xvi. century. Tr. and ed. by Co). H. Yule, v. 35, 36. Champlain, Samuel : narrative of a voyage to the West Indies and Mexico in 1590-1602, with maps and illustrations. Tr. from the original and un- published MS., with a biographical notice and notes, by Alice Wilmere, v. 22. China, v. 12-15, 35, 36. Hakluyt {continued) — Cieza de Leon : travels In 1.532-50, from gulf of Darien to the city of La Plata ; contained in the first part of his Chronicle of Peru (Antwerp, 1.554). Tr., with notes and introduction, by C. R. Markham, v. 32. Clavijo, Rny Gonzales de : embassy to the court of Timour, 1403-6. Tr. for the first time, with notes, a preface, and introductory life of Timour Beg, by C. R. Markham, v. 24. Coats, Capt. W. : geography of Hudson's bay, be- ing his remarks in many voyages to thatlocality between 1T27-51. with an appendix, containing ex- tracts from the log of Capt. Middleton on his voy- age for the discovery of the north-west passage in H. M. S. Furnace, 1741-2. Ed. by John Bar- row, v. 8. Columbus, C. : select letters, with original docu- ments relating to his four voyages to the new world. Tr. and ed. by R. H. Major, v. 4.3. Cortfe, Hernando : fifth letter to Emperor Charles v., containing an account of his expedition to Honduras in 1.52.5-6. Tr. from the Spanish, by Don Pascual de Gavangos, v. 39. Drake, Sir Francis : his voyage, 1595. By T. May- narde, v. 3. Drake, Sir Francis: the world encompa.ssed by Drake ; being his next voyage to that to Nombre de Dios. Collated, with an unpublished manu- script of Francis Fletcher, chaplain to the ex- pedition, with appendices illustrative of the same voyage, and introduction, by W. S. W. Vaux, v. 16. El Dorado and Omagua : expedition of ITrsua and Aguirre in search of, 1-560-61. Tr. from the ' Sexta noticia historical ' of fray Pedro Simon, by W. Bollaert ; with an introduction, by C. R. Mark- ham, v. 27. Fletcher, Dr. Giles : Russia at the close of the xvi. centurj', v. 19. Florida, Discovery and conquest of, by F. de Soto, V. 9. Frobisher, Sir Martin : three voyages, with a se- lection of letters now in the state paper office. Ed. by Rear-admiral R. Collinson, v. 37. Galvano: discoveries of the world, from theirflrst original to 1555. Reprinted, with the original Portuguese text, and ed. by Vice-admiral Be- thune, v. 29. Gama, Vasco da : three voj'ages ; his viceroyalty. From the Lendas da India of Gaspar Correa ; ac- companied bv original documents. Tr. and ed. by H. E. J. Stanley, v. 40. Garcilasso Inca de la V^ega : expedition of Pizarro to the land of Cinnamon, v. Zi. See Yncas (below). Guiana, Discovery of, by Sir W. Raleigh [1595], v. Guzman, Alonzo Enriquez de, Life and acts of. Tr. from a MS. in the National library at Madrid, and ed., with notes and an introduction, by C. R. Markham, v. 28. Hakluyt, Richard : divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the islands adjacent ; collected and published by Uakluyt, prebendary of Bristol, in 1.582. Ed., with notes and an intro- duction, by John Winter Jones, v. 6. Hawkins, Sir Richard, Observations of, in his voy- ages into the south sea in 1593. Reprinted from the edition of 1622, and edited by C. R. Drinkwa- ter Bethune, v. 1. Herberstein, Sigismund von: notes upon Russia, V. 10, 11. Herrera, v. 23. Honduras, Hernan Cortfis's expedition to, v. 39. Horsey, Sir Jerome : travels, v. 19. Hudson, Henry : original documents, in which his career is recorded. Collected, partly translated, and annotated, with an Introduction, by Geo. Asher, v. 25. Hudson's bay, v. 8. Imdras and seyyids of 'Oman, History of the [661- 1856], V. 44. India in the xv. century; being a collection of narratives of voyages to India in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of the cape of Good Hope, from Latin, Persian, Russian, and Italian sources, now first translated into English. Ed., with an introduction, by R. H. Major (Lond. 1857), v. 21. Japan, Collection of documents on ; with a com- mentary, by Thos. Rundall, v. 7. Jordanus, Friar, Marvels described by. From a parchment ms. of the xiv. century in Latin text. Tr. and ed. by Col. H. Yule, v. 30. Malabar, Description of the coast of, by Barbosa, V. 34. Maluco islands, v. 17. Martens, F. : translation of his voyage to Spitz- bergen, v. 18. May narde. Thos.: Sir Francis Drake's voyage, 1595 ; together with the Spanish account of Drake's at- tack on Puerto Rico. Edited from original mss., by W. D. Cooley, v. 3. Mendoza, Padre Juan Gonzales: historj' of the great and mighty kingdom of China. Reprinted HAKLUYT 373 HALE Hakluyt (continued) — from the early translation of R. Parke. Ed. by Sir Geo. F. SUiunton ; introduction, by K. H. Ma- jor, V. 1.1. 14. Mexico, Ohamplain'a narrative of a voyage to ,'lo9i>-lfi02], V. 22. Middleton, Sir Henry: voyage to Bantam and the Maluco islands. From the rare edition of 1006. Edited by Bolton Corney, v. 17. Morga, Antonia de: Philippine islands. Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, and China, at the close of the XVI. century. Tr. from the Spanish, with notes, by I>ord Stanley, v. aS. North-west passage, v. 4. Omagua, v. 27. Orellana, F. de : vovage down the river of the Amazons. 1540-41, v. 2.3. Orleans, P6re d' : history of the Tartar conquer- ors who subdued China. Tr. from the French, 1688; and ed. by the earl of EUesmere, introduc- tion bv R. H. Major, v. 15. Pern, v. 33. Pern, Reports on discovery of, v. 46. PeyrSre, Isaac dela, Translation from ' Histoire du Greenland ' of. v. 18. Philippine islands, v. 38. Pizarro, Gonzalo, v. 23. Raleigh, Sir Walter: Discoverie of the empire of Guiana. Ed.,with notesand a biographical mem- oir, by Sir Robt. H. Sohomburgk. v. 2. Eundall,Thos. : collection of documents on Japan, with commentary, v. 7. Rundali, Thos. : early voyages undertaken to dis- cover a passage to Cathaia and India by the north- west ; with selections from the records of the vvorshipfid fellowship of the merchants of Lon- don, trading into the East Indies, and from mss. in the British museum. Now first published, v. 4. Eus.sia, Notes upon ; being a translation of the earliest account of that country, entitled ' Rerum Muscoviticarum commentarii,' by the Baron Sig- 4 ismund von Herberstein, ambassador in 1517 and 1520. Tr. and ed., with notes and Introduction, by R. H. Major, v. 10, 11. Salfl-Ibn-Raz:k: history of the imjlmsand seyyids of Oman, from 661 to 1856. Tr. from the original Arabic, and ed., with notes, appendices, and an introduction, continuing the history down to 1870, by G. P. Badger, with map, v. 44. Simon, Fray Pedro: expedition of Ursua and Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Omagua, 1560-61. Tr. from the 'Sexta noticia historical,' v. 27. Soto, Ferdinando de : discovery and conquest of Terra Florida. Tr. out of the Portuguese, by R. Hakluyt; ed., with notes and introduction, by W. B. Rye, v. 9. Spitzbergen and Greenland, Collection of early documents on, consisting of: translation from F. Martens's German work, now very rare ; Pey- r6re's 'Histoire du Greenland,' and a rare piece called ' God's power and providence showed in the miraculous preservation and deliverance of eight Englishmen left by mischance in Greenland, 10;J0, nine moneths and twelve dayes ; faithfully reported by Edw'd Pelham.' Ed., with notes, by Adam White, v. 18. Tartar conquerors who subdued China, v. 15. Timonr, Court of, v. 24. Ursua, V. 27. Varihema. Ludovico di. Travels of, in Syria, Arabia, Persia. India, etc., during xvi. century. Tr. by J. W. Jones ; ed., with notes and introduc- tion, by G. P. Badger, v. 31. Veer, Gerrit de: three voyages by the north-east towards Cathay and China, undertaken by the Dutch, 1.594-6, with their discovery of Spitzbergen, their residence of ten months in Novaya Zemlya, and their safe return in two open boats. Ed. by C. T. Beke, v. 12. Virginia Britannia, Historic of travaile into, ex- pressing the cosmograpbie and coniodities of the country, together with the manners and cus- tomes of the people, gathered and observed as well by those who went flrst thither as collected by Wm. Strachey, gent., the firstsecretary of the colony. Ed., from the original ms., by li. H. Ma- jor, V. 5. West Indies and Mexico, Chaplain's narrative of a voyage to [1.5;m-1602], v. 22. Yncas : Vega's Royal commentaries of the Yncas. Tr. and ed., with notesand introduction, by C. R. Markham. v. 41,42. Hakodadi [Japan). Jones, G. Description of mineral springnear. {In Perry's Expeditiou to Japan, v. 2.) Haldane, Alexander. Memoirs of the lives of Eobert Haldane of Airthrey and of his broth- er, James Alexander Haldane. Haldane, James Alex. Haldane, A. Memoirs of J. A. and K. Haldane. N. Y. 1853. 8° Haldane, Eobert. Haldane, A, Memoirs of Kobert and J. A. Haldane. N. Y. 1853. 8° Hale, David (1791-1849). Thompson, J. P. Memoir of; with selections from his miscel- laneous writings. Hartford, 1850. 8° Hale, Edward Everett (Frederick Ingham), (b. 1822). Christmas-eve and Christmas-day. Ten Christmas stories. Illustrated by Dar- ley. Bost. 1873. 12? (3 cop.) Contents : Alice's Christmas tree. Christmas and Rome. Christmas waits in Boston. Daily bread. Love is the whole. Oello, Story of. — His level best, etc. Contents Same Christmas in old En- gland and new. Stand and wait. Survivor's story. They saw a great light. Two princes. Bost. 1873. 12° (3 cop.) Brick moon. Confidence. Modern Sinbad. Mouse and lion. — How to do it. Bost. If, yes, and perhaps Queen of California. Tale of a salamander. Water talk. 1871. 12° Four possibilities and six exaggerations, with some bits of fact. Bost. 1868. 12° (2 cop.) Contents : Children of the public. Christmas waits in Boston. Dot and line alphabet. Floridas. The last of the. Man without a country. My double, and how he un- did me. Old and the new, face to face. Piece of possible history. Resolute, The last voyage of the. Skeleton in the closet. South American editor. — Ingham papers : some memorials of the life of Capt. Frederick Ingham, U. S. N. Bost. 1869. 12° Kanzas and Nebraska. Bost. 1854. 12? Man without a country. [In Atlantic tales.) My double, and how he undid me. [In At- lantic tales.) Sekmon, on death of Lincoln. See Lincoln, A. Sybaris, and other homes. Bo.st. 1869. 12? Ten times one is ten : the possible reforma- tion. Bost. 1871. 16: (3 cop.) Ups and downs : an every-day novel. Bost. 1873. 12? (10 cop.) Hale, Edwin M. Letters on diseases of the heart. N. Y. 1871. 8? Hale, Horatio [b. 1817). Ethnography and phi- lology of the United States exploring ex- pedition under C. "Wilkes, 1838-42. Phil. 1862. 2 v. 4? See Wilkes, C. Hale, John Parker (b. 1806). See Presidential candidates. Hale, Miss Lueretia P. Queen of the red chess- men. (In Atlantic tales.) Struggle for life. Phil. n.d. 12? Hale, Sir Matthew (1609-1676). See Lawyers, Lives of eminent British. Hale, Salma (1787-1866). History of the United States, from their first settlement as colonies to the close of the administration of Mr. Madison, in 1817. N. Y. 1825. 2 v. 16? H. F.lib., V. 119, 120, Hale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha (b. 1790). Complete dictionary of poetical quotations ; compris- ing the most excellent and appropriate pas- sages in the old British poets, with choice and copious selections from the best modern British and American poets. Phil. 1868. 8? (2 cop.) Manners ; or, happy homes and good society all the year round. Bost. 1868. 12? HALE 374 HA.LL Hale {continued) — NoRTHWOOD ; or, life north and south. N. Y. n.d. 12? Woman's record ; or, sketches of distinguished women from the creation to a.d. 1854. Ar- ranged in four eras. "With selections from female writers of every age. {2d ed.) N. Y. 185.5. 8° {Ed.) Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. {Ed. ) Letters of Mme . De S6vign6 to her daugh- ter and friends. Haleole, S. N. Ke kaao o laieikawai : ka hi- wahiwa o Paliuli, Kawahineokaliula. Ka- kauia mailoko mai o na Moolelo Kahiko o Hawaii nei. [Legend of the twilight. From the ancient legends of Hawaii.] Honolulu, 1863. 16? Hales, J. "W. Teaching of English. (/« Essays on a liberal education.) Half a million of money. Edwards, Mrs. A. B. Half-century of the Unitarian controversy. El- lis, G. E. Half-century with juvenile delinquents, A ; or, the New York house of refuge and its times. Peirce, B. K. Half-hour recreations in popular science. Ed. by Dana Estes. No. 8, containing Huxley on yeast, protoplasm, and the germ theory ; and Tice on the relations between matter and force. Bost. 1873. 12? Half-hours of English history. Knight, C. Half-hours with the best authors. Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter-writers and au- tobiographers. Knight, C. Half-hours with the stars. Proctor, K. A. Half-hours with the telescope. Proctor, K. A. Half-life, and half a life. Appleton, Miss E. H. {In Atlantic tales.) Half- tints. Table d'hote and drawing-room. N. Y. 1867. 12? Contents: Inmate, An. Little ones. Not a sermon. Out of the window. Poor bodies. Poor souls. Universe. Manning, J. M. New treatment of And so forth. Come. Commonplace. Drawing-room. Exchange. Gentlemen's parlor. Happiness. Half-truths and the truth Halford, George Britton. snake-bite, with plain directions for injecting. Melbourne, 1869. {In Pamphlets, v. 32.) Halford, J. Faust and Marguerite. (Op. extrav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 73. Haliburton, Thomas Chandler {Sam. Slick), (1797-1865). Attach^ ; or, Sam. Slick in England. {New ed.) Lond. 1851. 12? Clockmaker : sayings and doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville. Lond. 1848. 12? Same. N. Y. 1872. 12? Judge Haliburton 's Yankee stories. Phil. n.d. 2 v. in 1. 12? Nature and human nature. N.Y. 1855. 12? Eule and misrule of the English in America. N. Y. 1851. 12? Sam. Slick, the clockmaker. Phil. n.d. 12? Halifax, Sir Charles Wood (6. 1800). See Po- litical portraits. Halkett, John. Historical notes respecting the Indians of North America, with remarks on the attempts made to convert and civilize them. Edin. 1825. 8? Hall, Ann Maria. See Hall, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Basil {Capt.), (1788-1844). Fragments of voyages and travels. Lond. 1860. 8? Hall, Baynard R. Frank Freeman's barber-shop. N. Y. 1852. 12? Hall, Benjamin F. Official opinions of the attor- neys-general of the United States, advising the president and heads of departments, ex- pounding the constitution, subsisting treaties with foreign governments and with Indian tribes, and the public laws of the country. With indices and digest, by E. Farnham. Wash. 1852. 5 v. 8? Hall, Benjamin H. Collection of college words and customs. {Rev. ed.) Cambridge, 1856. 12? Hall, Charles Francis {Capt.), {d. 1873). Arctic researches, and life among the Esquimaux ; being the narrative of an expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, in the years 1860-62. N. Y. 1865. 8? (5 cop.) Walker, D. Capt. Hall's arctic expedition. {In Overland monthly, v. 7.) Hall, Charles H. Notes, practical and expository, on the gospels. N. Y. 1871. 2 v. 12? True Protestant ritualism ; being a review of a book entitled ' The law of ritualism.' Phil. 1867. 16? Hall, Charles W. Twice taken. Historical ro- mance of the maritime British provinces. Bost. 1867. 12? Hall, Edward H. Great west. The : traveler's, miner's, and emigrant's guide to the western, north-western, and Pacific states and terri- tories. With map to the best gold and sil- ver regions. N. Y. 1865. 12? Hall, Edwin. Puritans, and their principles. {2d ed.) N. Y. 8? Hall, Fitzedward. Eecent exemplifications of false philology. N. Y. 1872. 8? See also Wilson, H. H. Hall, Frederic. History of San Jos^ and surround- ings ; with biographical sketch of early set- tlers. S. F. 1871. 8? Life of Maximilian i., late emperor of Mexico; with a sketch of Empress Carlotta. N. Y. 1868. 12? Hall, James (1793-1868). Legends of the west. N. Y. 1853. 12? Hall, James {b. 1811). Geology of New York. Part iv., comprising the survey of the fourth geological district. Albany, N. Y., 1843. 4? [N. Y. nat. hist., pt. iv.] Paleontology of New York. Albany, 1847- 52. 2 V. 4? V. 1, containing descriptions of the organic remains of the lower division of the New York system, equivalent of the lower Silurian rocks of Europe ; v. 2, con- taining descriptions of the organic remains of the lower middle division of the New York system, equivalent in part to the middle Silurian rocks of Europe. [N. Y. nat. hist., pt. v.] Eeport on the geology and palaeontology of the Mexican boundary line. {In Emory's V. S. and Mexican boundary survey, v. 1.) and Whitney, J. D . Eeport on the geological survey of the state of Wisconsin. By au- thority of the state legislature, 1862. V. 1. 4? HALL 375 HALLECK Hall {continued) — Contents : Hall, J. : physical geography and ereneral geology. Leldy, J. : mammaliau remains found at Galena, III. Whitney, J. D. : report of the survey of upper Missisisippi lead region. Wyman, J. : mammalian remains found In Wis- consin and Iowa. See also M'Kenney, T. L. Hall, John. Questions of the day. N. Y. 1873. 12= Hall, Lyman. Sanderson, J. Life of. (In Sign- ers to decl. of indep., v. 3.) Hall, Newman (6. 1816). Land of the Forum and the Vatican ; or, thoughts and sketches dur- ing an eastern pilgrimage to Kome. Lond. 1859. 12° Hall, Kobert (1764-1831). Miscellaneous works and remains. With memoir, by . Gregory ; and a critical estimate of his character and writings, by J. Foster. Lond. 1853. 12° Contents : Advantages of knowledge to the lower classes. Apology for the freedom of the press. Belsham's memoirs of Lindsay : a review. Christianity consistent with a love of freedom. Custance on the constitution : a review. Foster's essays : a review. Gisborne's sermons : a review. Gregorj''s letters : a review. Modern infidelity considered. Sentiments proper to the present crisis. Sermon on the death of her royal highness Prin- cess Charlotte of Wales. War, Reflections on. Zeal without innovation : a review. Works. Lond. 1854. 6 v. 12? Contents : Charges, v. 2. Cii'cular letters, v. 1. Letters, v. 1. Memoir, v. 1. Miscellaneous pieces, v. 6. Notes of sermons, v. 5. Reviews, v. 2. Sermons, v. 2, 5, 6. Terms of communion, Work on the, V. 3. Tracts. Political and miscel- laneous, V. 4. — See also New biographies of illustrious men. Hall, Samuel Carter {b. 1800). Book of British ballads. {1st and2dser.) Lond. 1847. 2 v. 8° Book of gems : the poets and artists of Great Britain. Lond. 1836-8. 3 v. 12° Book of memories of great men and women of the age, from personal acquaintance. Lond, 1871. 8= Gems of European art : the best pictures of the best schools. {1st and 2d ser.) Lond, 1846. 4° and Mrs. S. C. Hand-books for Ireland : Dub- lin and Wicklow. Lond. 1853. 12^ — Ireland : its scenery, character, etc., etc. Lond. n.d. 3 v. 8° Hall, Mrs. Samuel Carter (Anna Maria Fielding), (6.1804). Buccaneer, The. Lond. n.c?. 16° Uncle Horace. Lond. 1858. 16^ See also Hall, S. C. Hall, Spencer T. Biographical sketches of re- markable people, chiefly from personal recol- lection ; with miscellaneous papers and po- ems. Lond. 1873. 8° Hall, W. H. See Bernard, W. D. Hall, William W. (M. />.), {b. 1810). Bronchitis, and kindred diseases. {10th ed.) N.Y. 1865. 8° Consumption. (3rf ed.) N. Y. 1865. 12° Coughs and colds ; or, the prevention, cause, and cure of various affections of the throat ; with cases illustrating the remarkable effica- Hall {continued) — cy of out-door activity and horseback exer- cise, in permanently arresting the progress of diseases of the chest. N. Y. 1870. 12? Fun better than physic ; or, everybody's life- preserver. Phil, n.d, 12? (2 cop.) Guide-board to health, peace, and compe- tence ; or, the road to happy old age. Springfield, Mass., 1869. 8? Health and disease, as afl'ected by constipa- tion and its unmedicinal cure. N. Y. 1870. 12? Health at home ; or, Hall's family doctor. Showing how to invigorate and preserve health, prolong life, cure diseases, and un- derstand the physical conditions of mater- nity and the proper management of infants, and discussing the entire physical well-being of man, with a very large collection of the latest and most valuable medical prescrip- tions. Chicago, 1873. 8? Health by good living. N. Y. 1870. 12? Sleep ; or, the hygiene of the night. N. Y. 1870. 12? (2 cop.) Hall and the cottage. Ellis, Mrs. — . {In Pict- ures of private life.) Hallam, Arthur Henry (1811-1833). Kemains, in verse and prose ; with a preface and mem- oir. Bost. 1863. 12? (2 cop.) Contents : Rosetti, Prof. : remarks on his 'Disquisizioni sullo spir- Cicero, Philosophical writ- ings of. Hallam, A. H. : memoir of. Hallam, A. H., and H. Fitz- mauriee : memoir of. Influence of Italian works of imagination on the same class of composition in England. Lines spoken in the charac- ter of Pygmalion. Lover's reproof. Meditative fragments In blank verse. Melancholy thoughts that laid me low. ito Antipapale.' Scene at home. Scene in summer. Sonnets. Stanzas. Sympathy. Tennyson : extract from a review of his poems. This was my lay in sad noc- turnal hour. Timbuctoo. To my mother. To the loved one. To two sisters. — Tennyson, A. In memoriam. Hallam, Henry (1777-1859). Constitutional his- tory of England, from the accession of Hen- ry VII. to the death of George li. (1485 to 1760). Bost. 1861. 3 v. 12? Same. N. Y. 1851. 12? Same. Incorporating the author's latest ad- ditions and corrections, and adapted to the use of students. By W.Smith. N.Y. 1873. 12? Introduction to the literature of Europe in the XV., xvi., and xvii. centuries. N. Y. 1848. 2 V. 12? View of the state of Europe during the mid- dle ages [486-1486] . N.Y. 1870. 3v. 8? Same. N. Y. 1859. 8? Macaulay, T. B. Hallam's Constitutional history. (In his Essays.) Halleck, Fitz - Greene (1790-1867). Poeticsil works. {New ed.) N. Y. 1852. 12? Poetical writings ; with extracts from those of J. E. Drake. Ed. by J. Grant Wilson. N.Y. 1869. 8? [Large paper.] Selections from the British poets. N. Y. 1840. 2 v. 16? H. F. lib., v. 112, 118. Bryant, W. C. Notices of the liffe and writings of. {In his Orations, etc.) Wilson, J. G. Life and letters of. [Large paper.] N. Y. 1869. 8? HALLECK 376 HAMILTON Halleck, Henry Wager (1814-1872). Collection of mining laws of Spain and Mexico. S. F. 1859. 8° Elements of military art and science ; or, course of instruction in strategy, fortifica- tion, tactics of battles, etc., etc. Second ed., with critical notes on the Mexican and Crimean wars. N. Y. 1859. 12° Haller, Albert von (1708-1777). See Natural- ists. . Haller, Gustave. Diagnostic, Le. (In Lieuten- ant Robert.) Same. (In Semaine litt^raire.) Halley, Edmund (1656-1742). "Voyage to the south Atlantic, 1698-1700. {In Burney's Voy.,v. 4, pp. 384-387, 504.) Halliday, Andrew. Checkmate. (Com.) La- cy's Plays, v. 85. Daddy Gray. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 85. Kenilworth. (Operetta.) Lacy's Plays, v. 38. Loving cup, (Serio-com. dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 85. EoMEo and Juliet. (Travestie.) Lacy's Plays, V. 43. See also Cartoon portraits, Hallig. BlERNATZKI, J. C. Halliwell, James Orchard {b. 1821). Dictiona- ry of Archaic and provincial words, obso- lete i^hrases, proverbs, and ancient customs, from the xiv. century. {Bd ed.) Lond. 1855. 2 V. 8^ Historical account of the new place, Strat- ford-upon-Avon, the last residence of Shakes- peare. Lond. 1864. fi (Uniform with Hal- liwell's Shakespeare.) See also Shakespeare. Hallock, Charles. Fishing tourist : the angler's guide and reference book. N. Y. 1873. 12° Hallock, William A. Life and labors of Eev. Justin Edwards. HallO"well, Edward. Report on the reptiles of Parke's explorations. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Report on the reptiles of Williamson's explo- rations. See Pacific railroad, Reports of ex- plorations, etc., V. 10. Hallucinations. Brierre de Boismont, A. J. F. Halm, Friedrich (pseud.). See Miinch-Belling- hausen, E. F. J. Halpine, Charles G. (Miles O'Reilly), (1829- 1868). Baked meats of the funeral. N. Y. 1866. 12? Poetical works. Ed. by R. B. Roosevelt. N. Y. 1869. 8= Halsey, Le Roy J. Life of Rev. Lewis Warner Green ; with a selection from his sermons. Hamann, Johann Georg (1730-1788). Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. Hamartigenia. Prudentius, A. E. {In Op- era omnia, v. 1.) Hamel, Hendrick. Voyage of [1653-66]. (In Burney's Voy., v. 3, pp. 199-219.) Hamel, J. Account of the shipwreck of a Dutch vessel, 1653. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. Hamer, J. Smoker's text- book. (Diamond type.) Lond. 1870. 64°, pp. 107. Hamerling, Robert. Ahasver in Rom. Ham- burg, 1870. 12° Danton und Robespierre. Tragodie in fUnf auszugen. Hamburg, 1873. 12° Germanenzug. Wien, 1864. 16° KciNiG von Sion, Der. Hamburg, 1869. 12? ScHWANENLiED der romantik, Ein. Ham- burg, n.d. 16? SiNNEN und minnen. Ein jugendleben in liedern. Hamburg, 1870. 12? Teut. Einscherzspiel. Hamburg, 1872. 16? Venus im exil. Hamburg, 1873. 16? (Ed.) Erinnerungen aus dem Italienischen feldzuge des jahres 1859 von Albert Guzman ; mit lyrischen anhang. Wien, 1864. 12? Hamersly, Lewis R. Records of living officers of the U. S. navy and marine corpe ; with a history of naval operations during the re- bellion of 1861-5, and a list of the ships and officers participating in the great battles. Compiled from oflBcial sources. Phil. 1870. 8? Hamerton, Philip Gilbert {art critic). Contem- porary French painters : an essay. With 16 photographic illustrations. Lond. 1868. 4? Etcher's hand-book. Lond. 1871. 12? Etching and etchers. Lond. 1868. 8? Painter's camp in England, Scotland, and France. Lond. 1866. 12? Painting in France after the decline of clas- sicism ; with 14 photographic illustrations. Lond. 1869. 4? Thoughts about art. {New ed.) Bost. 1871. 12? Unknown river. The : an etcher's voyage of discovery. 37 illustrations, etched from nat- ure by the author. Lond. 1871. Sm. f? Hamilcar {d. 229 b.c). Nepos, C. Vita. {In Vita3 excel!, imper,, v. 1.) Hamilton, A. G. A new key to unlock every kingdom, state, and province in the known world. Lond. 1850. 12? Hamilton, Alexander (1757 - 1804). Works ; comprising his correspondence and his po- litical and official writings, exclusive of the Federalist, civil and military. Ed. by J. C. Hamilton. N. Y. 1850-51. 7 v. 8? Contents . Cabinet papers, v. 4, 5. Correspondence, v. 1, 5, 6. Correspondence and mili- tary papers, v. 6. Papers as secretary of the treasury, v. 3. Political and law papers, v. 7. Political miscellanies, v. 2. Reports on public credit, a national bank, manufactures, and the establishment of a mint. (In United States finance repts., v. 1-6.) Hamilton, J. C. History of the republic of the United States of America, as traced in the writings of Alexander Hamilton and his contemporaries. N. Y. 1857-8. 2 v. 8? Renwick, J, Life of Hamilton and Jay. N. Y. 1845. H. F. lib., v. 129. Smucker, S. M. Life and times of. Phil. 1857. 12? See also American eloquence, v. 1 ; Hamilton, A.; Orators of the Am. revolution. Hamilton, Anthony (Count), (1646-1720). Fairy tales and romances. Tr. from the French. Lond. 1849. 16? Memoirs of the court of Charles the second, by Count Grammont, ed. by Sir W. Scott ; HAMILTON 377 HAMMOND Hamilton (continued) — also, the personal history of Charles, and the Boscobel tracts. Lond. 1853. 12^ Same. Lond. n.d. 2 v. 8°. Hamilton, Mrs. C. V. (formerly Miss Dakin). Crown from the spear. Bost. 1872. 8° (4 cop.) Expiated. Bost. 1873. 8° (5 cop.) Ropes of sand ; and other stories. Bost. 1873. 8= (5 cop.) Contents : Mrs. Gordon's confession. Ropes of sand. Woman's story. Domestic tragedy. Drinkers of ashes. Every string brolien. Mr. John. — WoTEN of many threads. Bost. 1871. 8° (10 cop.) Hamilton, Frank Hastings. Practical treatise on fractures and dislocations. (Med.) Phil. 1866. 8° Hamilton, G. Elements of vegetable and animal physiology. Ed. by D. M. Eeese. N. Y. 18.51. 12. Hamilton, Gail (pseud.). See Dodge, M. A. Hamilton, James. Sinai, the Hedjaz, and Sou- dan : wanderings around the birthplace of the prophet, and across the ^Ethiopian desert, from Sawakin to Chartum. Lond. 1857. 8" Hamilton, James (D. D.) . Sermons and lectures ; selected from his manuscripts. N. Y. 1873. 12° Hamilton, John Church (b. 1792). History of the republic of the United States of America, as traced in the writings of Alexander Ham- ilton and his contemporaries. N. Y. 1857- ~ 64. 7 V. 8° Hamilton, Laurentine. Future state and free discussion : four sermons, preached at 1st Presbyterian church in Oakland. S. F. 1869. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 30.) Hamilton, ilrs. M. J. R. Cachet ; or, the secret sorrow. Anovel. N.Y.1873. 12: (^cop.) Hamilton, N. E. S. A. Inquiry into the genuine- ness of the manuscript corrections in Mr, J. Payne Collier's annotated Shakespeare (folio 1632) ; and of certain Shakespearian docu- ments likewise published by Mr. Collier. Lond. 1860. 12° Hamilton, Robert. Amphibious camivora, wal- rus, etc. Edin. 1833-43. 12? (JwJardine's Nat. lib., V. 25.) British fishes. Edin. 1833-43. 16? (In Jardine's Nat. lib., v. 36, 37.) Introduction to merchandise : containing the theory and practice of arithmetic ; al- gebra, with the doctrine of annuities ; and commerce, including treatises on moneys, weights, measures, exchanges, and book- keeping. The whole new modeled by E. Johnson. Edin. 1820. 8° "Whales. Edin. 1833-43. 16? (/« Jardine's Nat. lib., V. 26.) Hamilton, Thomas (Capt.), (1789-1842). Youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. N. Y. 1860. 12? Hamilton, "W. Letters on the bassaltes of the northern coast of Antrim. (/« Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 4.) Hamilton, Sir William (1788-1856). Discus- sions on philosophy and literature, education and university reform. N. Y. 1860. 8? Hamilton (continued) — Same. Ed. by H. L. Mansel and J. Veitch. Edin. 1859. 4 v. 8? Lectures on metaphysics and logic. Bost. 1860. 2 V. 8? Outlines of philosophy : a text-book for stu- dents. Ed. by J. C. Murray ; with intro- duction, by J. McCosh. Bost. 1870. 12? Philosophy. Arranged and ed., by O. W. Wight, for the use of schools and colleges. (3d ed.) N. Y. 1855. 8? De Quincey, T. Essays on philosophical writers. Mill, J. S. Examination of Hamilton's phi- losophy. See also Grote, G. ; Mansel, H. L. Hamilton college (JV.Y.). Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui munera et officia academica gesserunt, quique aliquovis gradu exornati fuerunt, in collegio Hamiltonensi, comitatus Oneidensis in republica Neo- Eboracensi. Utica, N. Y., 1868. (In Tri- ennial cat. Am. coll., v. 1.) Hamley, Edward Bruce. Operations of war, explained and illustrated. Edin. 1866. 4? Hamlin, Augustus C. Martyria ; or, Anderson- ville prison. Bost. 1866. 12? Tourmaline, The : its relation as a gem, its complex nature, its wonderful physical prop- erties, with special reference to the beautiful and matchless crystals found in the state of Maine. Bost. 1873. 12? Hamlin, Hannibal (b. 1809). Life and public services of H. Hamlin and Abraham Lin- coln. Bost. 1860. 12? Hammer and anvil. Spielhagen, F. Hammer and rapier. Cooke, J. E. Hammer und amboss. Spielhagen, F. Haramond, J. See Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1. Hammond, J. H. Farmer's and mechanic's practical architect, and guide in rural econ- omy. Bost. 1858. 8? Hammond, Jabez D. (1778-1855). History of the political parties in the state of New York, from the ratification of the federal constitu- tion to Dec. 1840. Fourth ed., with notes, by Gen. Root. N. Y. 1850. 2 v. 8? Life and times of Silas Wright. Political history of the state of New York, Jan. 1841 to Jan. 1847 ; including life of Silas Wright. V. 3. Syracuse, N. Y., 1852. 8? Hammond, Joseph H. See Presidential candi- dates. Hammond, Maximilian Montagu (Cop^). Mem- oir of. N. Y. 1858. 12? (2 cop.) Hammond, S. H., and Mansfield, L. W. Country margins and rambles of a journalist. N. Y. 1855. 12? Hammond, William A. (b. 1828). Military, medical, and surgical essays, prepared for the United States sanitary commission. Phil. 1864. 8? On wakefulness ; with an introductory chapter on the physiology of sleep. Phil. 1866. 12? Physics and physiology of spiritualism. N. Y. 1871. 16? Robert Seveme : his friends and his enemies. Phil. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Sleep, and its derangements. Phil. 1869. 12? HAMMOND 378 HAND-BOOKS Hammond, {continued) — Treatise on diseases of the nervous system ; with 45 illustrations. N. Y. 1871. 8° Treatise on hygiene, with special reference to the military service. Phil. 1863. 8? Hampden, Allen. Hartley Norman. N. Y. n. d. 12° (2 cop.) Hampden, John (1594-1643). Nugent, — (Lord). Some memorials of John Hamp- den, his party and his times. (2ded.) Lond. 1832. 2 V. 8° See also Statesmen, Lives of eminent British ; Statesmen of the commonwealth of England. Hampden, Kenn Dickson (1794-1868). Life of Thomas Aquinas : a dissertation of the scho- lastic philosophy of the middle ages. Hampole, Kichard KoUe de. Pricke of con- science (stimulus conscientiffi). A Northum- brian poem, copied and edited from manu- scripts in the British museum ; with an in- troduction, notes, and glossarial index, by Kichd. Morris. Berlin, 1863. 8? See Philo- logical soc. Early Eng, vol. Hamst, Olphar (pseud.). See Thomas, Kalph. Han d'Islande. Hugo, V. (M.) Hanaford, Mrs. P. A. Field, gunboat, hospi- tal, and prison. Bost. 1866. 12° Hancock, John (1737-1793). Mountfort, G. Life of. (In Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants, v. 2.) Sanderson, J. Life of. (ire Signers to decl . of indep., v. 1.) See also American eloquence, v. 1 ; Orators of the Am. revolution. Hancock, Sallie J. Montanas, The ; or, under the stars. N. Y. 1866. 12° Hancock, Thomas. Principles of peace exem- plified in the conduct of the society of Friends in Ireland, during the rebellion of the year 1798 ; with some preliminary and conclud- ing observations. Bost. n.d. 16° Hancock, William. John Smith. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 53. Margate sands. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 61. Stolen — £20 reward ! (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 61. and MooBE, A. Mr. Scroggins. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 77. Hand, The. Bell, Sir C. Hand, The : its mech- anism and vital endowments, as evincing design. (Bridgewater treatise.) See also Fingers. Hand, but not the heart. ""Arthur, T. S. Hand and glove. Edwards, Mrs. A. B. Hand-book for young artists and amateurs in oil painting ; with a new explanatory and critical vocabulary. N. Y. 1865. 12? Hand-books — About, E. (F. V.) Hand-book of social econ- omy. Antisell, T. Hand-book of the useful arts. Appleton, D., and Co. (Pub.) Hand-book of American travel : northern tour. — Hand-book of American travel : northern and eastern tour. — Hand-book of American travel : western tour. — Illustrated hand-book of travel : southern and western states and territories [1857]. Hand-books (continued) — Bourne, J. Hand-book of the steam-engine. Byebs, W. N., and Kellom, J, H. Hand- book of the gold-fields of Nebraska and Kansas. Clement, C. E, Hand-book of legendary and mythological art. CooLET, A. J. Hand-book of compound medicines. — Hand-book of perfumes, cosmetics, etc. Cully, K. S. Hand-book of practical teleg- raphy. Cunningham, P. Hand-book of London, 1850. Fairfax, "W. Hand-book to Australasia. Ford, K. Hand-book for travelers in Spain. Foster, M. E. Hand-book of modem Eu- ^ ropean literature. GiBBS, W. Hand-book of scrolls, panels, and general ornament. Godwin, P. Hand - book of universal biog- raphy. Hall, E. H. Hand-book of the great west. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hand-books for Ireland : Dublin and Wicklow. Hamilton, A. G. New key to unlock every kingdom, state, and province in the known world. Harper Bros. (Pub.) Hand-book for trav- elers in Europe and the east. HuGLER, F. T. Hand-book of painting. Knight, W. H. Hand-book almanac for the Pacific states : an official register and busi- ness directory. Knolly, W. W. Hand-book of field forti- fication. Leigh, S.T., awrf Co. (Pub.) Hand-book to Sydney and suburbs. McPherson, E. Hand-book of politics for 1872. Murray, J. (Pub.) Hand-book for travel- ers on the continent : a guide to Holland, Belgium, Prussia, northern Germany, and the Khine, from Holland to Switzerland. — Hand-book for travelers in Corsica and Sardinia. — Hand-book for travelers in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. — Hand-book for travelers in Egypt. — Hand-book for travelers in France. — Hand-book for travelers in southern Ger- many. — Hand-book for travelers in Greece and the Ionian isles. — Hand-book for India. — Hand-book for travelers in Ireland. — Hand-book for travelers in central Italy. — Hand-book for travelers in northern Italy. — Hand-book for travelers in southern Italy. — Hand-book of modern London. — Hand-book to London [1871]. — Hand-book for visitors to Paris [1872]. — Hand-book for travelers in Portugal. — Hand-book of Rome and its environs. — Hand-book for travelers in Russia, Poland, and Finland. — Hand-book for travelers in Scotland. — Hand-book for travelers in Sicily. — Hand-book for travelers in Switzerland, Savoy, and Piedmont. HAND-BOOKS 379 HAPS Hand-books {continued) — — Hand-book for travelers in Syria and Pal- estine. — Hand-book for travelers in Turkey in Asia, including Constantinople, the Bosphorus, Dardanelles, Broussa, and plains of Troy. — Hand-book of travel-talk. OsBOX, B. S. Hand-book of U. S. navy. Pictorial band-book of London. Potter, A. Hand-book for readers and stu- dents. EiCHARDS, T. A. Appleton's illustr. hand- book of American travel. Roberts, J. Hand-book of artillery. Simpson, L. F. Hand-book of dining. Thomas, R. Hand-book for fictitious names. TiLESTOK, E. P. Hand-book of the admin- istrations of the United States. Trall, R. T. Hand-book of hygienic prac- tice. ViELE, E. L. Hand-book of active service. See also Guide-books. Hand-books for home improvement. How to behave ; how to do business ; how to talk ; how to write. N. Y. 1857. 12? Hand-books of society. Art of conversation, V. 1 ; habits of good society, v. 2 ; art of writing, v. 3. N. Y. 1872. 3 v. 16? Hand-buch der chemischen technologic. Bol- LEY, p. Handel, George Frederick (1684-1759). Acis and Galatea. (Serenata.) (In Boosey's ed.) Dettingen f the sun. Eastern banquet. Eupatoria. Happy valley. Harem. Hour of prayer. Last ride. Harvey, Sir George. Celebrated paintings: a selection from the works of Sir G. Harvey, with descriptions, by A. L. Simpson. Lond. 1870. Sm. f°. Harvey, William H. Lectures on marine algae. {In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) Marine algae of North America. Three parts: i., melanospermeae; ii., rhodospermeae ; iii., chlorospermeae. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 3, 5, 10.) HARVEYS 384 HAUY Harveys, The. Kingsley, H. Harwood, A. A. Some account of the sar- cophagus in the National museum, now in charge of the Smithsonian institution. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Har"WOOd., Annie. King's daughters ; or, words on work to educated women. Lond. 1869. 12^ Harwood, Edwin. See Bahr, K. C. W. F. Harzlieder undHarzsagen. Kellstab, L. {In Ges. schriften, v. 5.) Hasheesh-eater, The. Ludlow, F. H. Haskell, Daniel N. Clerks and employers. {In Boston book.) Haskoll, W. Davis. Water- works ; or, distri- bution of water in towns under the constant and intermittent system, gauging streams, sewers, sewage, and irrigation. Lond. 1868. 8? Hassall, Arthur Hill. Adulterations detected ; or, plain instructions for the discovery of frauds in food and medicine. {2d ed.) Lond. 1861. 12? Illustrations of the microscopic anatomy of the human body, in health and disease ; with additions, by H. Vauarsdale. N. Y. 1869. 8° Hassard, John K. S. Life of Eev. Jno. Hughes ; with extracts from his private correspond-, ence. Hassel, J. Tour of the isle of Wight, 1790. {hi Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Hastings, Lansford W. Extracts from ' Guide to California and Oregon, 1845.' {In Pam- phlets, v. 8.) Hastings, Warren (1732-1818). Present state of the East Indies. Lond. 1787. 12? Burke, E. Speeches on the impeachment of. Gleig, G. K. Memoirs of the life of. Lond. 1841. 3 V. 8? Macaulay, T. B. Essay on. {In his Es- says.) Hasty intrenchments. Bkialmont, A. Hatch, Alice J. Under the cedars ; or, what the years brought. Bost. 1872. \2°. Hatch, Mrs. Cora L. V. Discourses on religion, morals, philosophy, and metaphysics. V. 1. N. Y. 1858. 12? Hatch, Davis. Howard's report on the San Domingo memorial of. Hatfield, Edwin F. St. Helena and the cape of Good Hope ; or, incidents in the missionary life of Kev. James McGregor Bertram, of St. Helena. With an introduction, by Rev. G. B. Cheever. N.Y. 1853. 12? Hatfield, Julia {the idle scholar). Bryant home- stead-book. Illustrated. N. Y. 1870. 8? Hatfield, R. G. American house-carpenter : a treatise on the art of building and strength of materials. {1th ed.) N. Y. 1857. 8? Hathaway Strange. {In Irene). Hatman, Thomas. See Lives of English poets, V. 2. Hatton, Joseph. Christopher Kenrick. N. Y. 1869. 12? (6 cop.) Hau-kiou- choaan ; or, the pleasing history. Percy, T. Hauff, Wilhelm (1802-1827). Sammtliche werke. Mit des dichters leben von Gustav Schwab. Stuttgart, 1864. 5 v. 8? Hauff {continued) — Contents . des Bettlerlnn am Pont Arts, Die, v. 1. Bild des kaisers, Das, v. 2. Coiitroverspredigt iiber Claussen und den mann Ini monde, v. 3. Gediehte, v. 1. Jud siiss, V. 1. Karavane, Die, v. 4. Letzten ritter von Marlen- burg. Die, v. 1. Licliteiistein, v. 5. Mann Im monde, Der, v. 3. (J. H.), et al. {In Poetical works, {In Bracebridge {In Mitthelltiiigen aus den me- moiren des Satan, v. 2. Othello, V. 3. Pliantasien Im Bremer ratiislteller, v. 3. Scheilc von Ale8Sandrla,Der, V. 4. Skizzen, v. 4. Siingerinn, Die, v. 1. VertraulicJies sctireiben an Spottlicli, V. 1. Wirtlishaus Im spessart, Das, V. 4. — Arabian days' entertainments. Trans, from the German, {n.t.p.) 12? Haughton, Samuel. Principles of animal me- chanics. Lond. 1873. 8? Relation of food to work, and its bearing on medical practice. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Haunted and the haunters, The. Bulwer-Lyt- ton, Sir E. G. E. L. (In Strange story.) Haunted hearts. Cummins, M. S. Haunted homestead, The ; and other novelettes. Southworth, E. D. E. N. Haunted house. Dickens, C. {In Christmas stories.) Haunted house. Hood, T. Haunted house. Irving, W. hall.) Haunted man. The. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Christmas stories.) Haunted school-house at Newburyport. Bost. n.d. 12? (5 cop.) Haunted shanty. Taylor, (J.) B. {In At home and abroad.) Haupt, Hermann (6. 1817). Military bridges ; including also designs for trestle and truss bridges for military railroads. Illustrated by 69 lithographic engravings. N. Y. 1864. 8? Haus lexikon, Das. Hirzel, H. Haus van der roos, Das. Hoefer, E. {In Erzah- lende schriften, v. 4.) Hauskrieg, Der. Kinkel, G. und J. {In Er- zahlungen.) Hausmittel, Die. Putlitz, G. zu. {In Lust- spiele, V. 1.) Hausser, Ludwig. Deutsche geschichte vom tode Friedrichs des groszenbiszur griindung des Deutschen bundes [1740-1815]. Berlin, 1869. 4 V. 8? Hausset, Madame du. M^moires. Paris, 1855. ''' Contents: MSmoires de Mme. du Hausset. Mfimoires liistoriques et littfiraires de L. Bachau- mout. Morceaux historiques, servant pour lea memoires de Mme. du Hausset. Pompadour, La marquise de. Vieet ouvrages de Qu. Craufurd. Haussez, Charles Lemercher de Longpr^ {baron d'). Great Britain in 1833. Phil. 1833. 2 V. 12? Hautefort, Marie de (1616-1691). Cousin, V. Madame de Hautefort. Paris, 1856. 8? Haute villa (D') case. The : habeas corpus for custody of an infant child. Phil. 1840. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 4.) Haiiy, Rene Just (1743-1822). Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D. Memoir of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) HAVELOCK 385 HAWKINS Havelock, Sir Henry (1795-1857). Brock, W. Biographical sketch of. N. Y, 1858, 12= Headlky, J. T. Life of. N. Y. 1859. 12° Haven, Mrs, Alice Bradley (Cousin Alice), (1828- 1863). All's not gold that glitters ; or, the young Californian. N. Y. 1853. 16? Contentment better than wealth. N. Y. 1865. 16° Cousin Alice. A memoir of. N. Y. 1865. 12° Good report : morning and evening lessons for Lent. N. Y. 1867. 12° Home stories. N. Y. 1869. 12° (3 cop.) Contents : Only a family party. Ordeal, The ; or, tlie spring and midsummer of a life. Single lessons, five dollars. Spring winds. Carriage friends. Counsel — the evil and the good. Furnished house. The. Miss Bremer's visit to Coop- er's landing. — Loss and gain ; or, Margaret's home. N. Y. 1860. 12° No such word as fail. N. Y. 1851. 16? Nothing venture, nothing have. N. Y. 1865. 16° Out of debt out of danger. N . Y. 1865. 12? Patient waiting no loss ; or, the two Christ- mas days. N. Y. 1865. 16? Place for everything, and everything in its place. N. Y. 1865. 12? Where there's a will there's a way. N. Y. 1865. 16? Haven, Erastus Otis (b. 1820). Duties of the medical profession : an address before the class of 1868, of the department of medi- cine and surgery, university of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 1869. (In Ann. cat. Am. coll., V. 3.) Legal profession in America : an address be- fore the class of 1865, of the department of law of the university of Michigan. Ann Arbor, 1866. (/n Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 3.) Rhetoric : a text-book, designed for use in schools and colleges, and for private study, N. Y. 1869. 12? Haven, Gilbert. Pilgrim's wallet. N, Y, 1866, 12? Haven, Joseph, Mental philosophy ; including the intellect, sensibilities, and will, Bost, 1859. 12? Haven, Samuel Foster (b. 1806) . Archaeology of the United States, (In Smithsonian con- trib,, V. 8.) (^Ed.) Narrative of a voyage to Spitzbergen in the year 1613, at the charge of the fellowship of English merchants for the discovery of new trades, commonly called the Muscovy com- pany ; with a description of the country, and the operations of the whale-fishery. Now first printed from the original manuscript, with introduction and notes, Bost. 1860. 8? [50 cop, printed.] Hawaiian islands. See Sandwich islands. Hawaiian language and literature — Andrews, L. Dictionary of the Hawaiian language. — Grammar of the Hawaiian language. Chamisso, L, C, a, v. Hawaiische sprache, (In "Werke, v, 4.) Haleole, S.N. Ke kaao laieikawai. [Le- gend of the twilight.] 26 Ha-waiian spectator. (V. 2, 1839, part of.) Honolulu, 1839. 8? (In Mis. magazines.) Haweis, H. K. Thoughts for the times : ser- mons. N. Y. 1872, 12? Ha'wes, Horace, Argument before the U. 8, land commissioners on the construction of 4th article of the Mexican law of Aug. 18, 1824. S, F, 1853. 8? (/n Pamphlets, v. 3.) Argument on behalf of the U, S. before the U, S.' land commissioners for California: city of San Francisco vs. the TJ. S,, May and June, 1854. (In Pamphlets, v. 3.) Hawes, Stephen . New testament manual ; em- bracing an historical tabular view of the gospels, etc, etc, Bost. 1871. 16? (2 cop.) Synchronology of the principal events in sa- cred and profane history, from the creation of man to the present time. (Bd rev. ed.) Bost, 1871. 8? Hawker, P, Instructions to young sportsmen in all that relates to guns and shooting. (llth ed.) Lond. 1859. 8? Hawkesworth, John (1719-1773) . An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of his present majesty for making discoveries in the southern hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook, in the Dolphin, the Swallow, and the En- deavour ; drawn up from the journals which were kept by the several commanders, and from the papers of Sir Joseph Banks, bart. Lond. : W. Strahan and T, Cadell, 1785. 4v, 8? Same. With maps and charts and cuts. Lond. 1773, 8v, 4? Contents : Byron, John : voyage round the world, I764-R, v. 1.. Carteret, Philip : voyage round the world, 1766-9,. V. 1. Cook, Jas. : voyage round the world, 1768-71, v. 2, 3.. Wallis, Samuel : voyage round the world, 1764-8,. V. 1. Edgar and Emmeline, (Comedy,) Inchb,. Farces, v. 6. et al. Adventurer, The, (In British essayists,, V, 19-21.) Hawkins, Charles, Treatise on lithotrity. (In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v, 4,); Hawkins, Edward, Silver coins of England,, arranged and described, with remarks on British money previous to the Saxon dynas- ties, Lond. 1841. 8? Hawkins, F. W. Life of Edmund Kean ;; from) published and original sources. Hawkins, Sir John (1520-1595). Voyages and; discoveries of. Jjond, 1589. f? (Jn Hak,- luyt's Coll, voy., pp. 523-545.) See also Admirals, Lives of British,^ v.. 3, Hawkins, Sir John (1710-1789). General his- tory of the science and practice of music.. Lond. 1776. 5 v. 4? Hawkins, John H. W. (1797-1858). Hawkln s,, W. G, Life of, Bost. 1859. 12? Hawkins, Letitia Matilda, Heraline; or, op- posite proceedings. Lond, 1821, 4 v",. 12?. Hawkins, Sir Richard (1555-1622), Observa- tions on his voyage to the south sea in 1593,. Reprinted from the edition of 1622, Ed. by C. R. Drinkwater BethunCi. Londl. 1847_ 8? (In Hakluyt soc.,, v.. 14 HAWKINS 386 HAYDEN Ha.'wkillS (continued) — Voyage to the south sea, 1593-4. (In Bur- ney's Voy., v. 2, pp. 118-133.) See also Admirals, Lives of British, v. 3. Haw^kins, William George. Life of John H. W. Hawkins. Ltjnsford Lane ; or, another helper from North Carolina. Bost, 1863. 12^ Ha-wks, Francis Lister (1798-1866). Contribu- tions to the ecclesiastical history of the United States of America : a narrative of events connected with the rise and progress of the Protestant Episcopal church in Vir- ginia and Maryland. N. Y. 1836-9. 2 v. 8° HisTORT of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1729. Fayetteville, N. C, 1857. 2 v. S° Monuments of Egypt ; or, Egypt a witness for the bible. With notes of a voyage up the Nile. N. Y. 1850. 8° Narrative of the expedition of an Ameri- can squadron to the China seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852-4, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, U. S. N., by order of the government of the United States. Compiled from the original notes and journals of Commodore Perry and his officers, at his request and under his su- pervision. (In Perry's Expedition to Japan, V. 1.) Sa7ne. N. Y. 1856. 8^ Hawks, J. D. Journal of an expedition with a party through the interior of the peninsula of lower California, from San Francisco to San Diego, 1849. {In Browne, J. K. Ke- sources of Pacific slope.) Ha"wks of Hawks-hollow. Bird, P. M. Hawthorne, Julian. Bressant. N. Y. 1873. 12° (5 cop.) Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-1864). Blithe- dale romance. Bost. 1868. 12" (3 cop.) Christmas banquet. (In Good stories, v. 3.) Drowne's wooden image. (In Boston book.) House of the seven gables. Bost. 1853. 12° Same. Bost. 1865. 12° Same. Bost. 1868. 12° Life of Franklin Pierce. Marble faun ; or, romance of Monte Beni. Bost. 1860. 2 v. 12° (2 cop.) Same. Bost. 1864. 2 v. 12? Same. Bost. 1868. 2 v. 12? Mosses from an old manse. Bost. 1863. 2 v. 12? Same. Bost. 1868. 2 v. 12? Our old home : a series of English sketches. Bost. 1868. 12? (4 cop.) Contents : A London suburb. About Warwick. Burns, Some of the haunts of. Civic banquets. ^Consular .experiences. Tyeamington spa. Lichfield and Uttoxeter. — Passages from the American note -books. Bost. 1868. 2v. 12? (2 cop.) Passages from the English note-books. Bost. 1870. 2 V. 12? Passages from the French and Italian note- books. Bost. 1872. 2 V. 12? Same. Bost. 1873> 2 v. in 1. 12? Near Oxford. Pilgrimage to old Boston. Poverty, Outside glimpses of English. Eecollections of a gifted wo- man. Up the Thames. Haw1;horne (continued) — Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. (In Good sto- ries, V. 1.) Scarlet letter: a romance. Bost. 1865. 12? (5 cop.) Septimus Felton ; or, the elixir of life. Bost. 1872. 16? (3 cop.) Snow-image; and other twice-told tales. Bost. 1863. 12? (2 cop.) Tanglewood tales. Bost. 1853. 16? Same. Bost. 1868. 12? True stories from history and biography. Bost. 1868. 12? Twice-told tales. Bost. 1868. 2 v. 12? WoNDER-BOOK for girls and boys. Bost. 1868. 12? Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. HuTT0N,K. H. Essays. Page, H. A. Memoir of Nathaniel Haw- thorne ; with stories now first published in this country. Lond. 1872. 8? Contents : April fools. Biographical slsetch. Canai boat. Duston family. Mother Rigby's pipe. Notch in White mountains. Passages from a relinquish- ed work. Prize from the sea. Sketches from memory. Virtuoso's collection. — Whipple, E. P. Character and characteris- tic men. See also Bacon, D.; Brief biographies. Hawiihorne, JUrs. Nathaniel. Notes in England and Italy. N. Y. 1872. 12? Hay, D. K. Science of beauty, as developed in nature and applied in art. Edin. 1856. 12? Hay, Frederick. Beautiful forever. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 82. Caught by the cuff. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 67. Chops of the channel. The. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 84. French exhibition. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 75. Lame excuse, A. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 84. Our domestics. (Comic farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 76. Photographic fix. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 70. Suit of tweeds. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 74. Hay, John (b. 1839). Blood seedling. (In Not pretty, but precious, etc.) Castilian days. Bost. 1871. 12? Contents : Madrid al fresco. Miracle play, A. Necessity of the republic. Painters, An hour with the. Proverbial philosophy. Red-letter days. Spanish living and dying. Spanish politics, The moral of. Tauromachy. — Pike county ballads ; and other pieces. Bost. 1871. 12? Hayden, Ferdinand Vanderveer. Notes on In- dian history, etc. (In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Preliminary field report of United States ge- ological survey of Colorado and New Mex- ico, under authority of the secretary of the interior. Wash. 1869. 8? (3 cop.) Bourbon duel, The. Castle in the air. Cervantes, The cradle and grave of. City of the Visigoths, The. Escorial, The. Field night in thecortes, A. Ghosts, An evening with. Influence of tradition in Spanish Ufe. HAYDEN 387 HAZLEWOOD Hayden [continued) — Preliminary reportof the United States geo- logical survey of Montana and portions of adjacent territories [1871]. Wash. 1872. 8° (2 cop.) [Containing the following reports.] Contents : meteorolo- Leidy, Jos. : worms. Lesquereux, Leo : fossil flo- Porter, T. C. : plants. Thomas, Cyrus: agricultu- ral resources of the terri- tories. Thomas, Cyrus: saltatorial orthoptera. tlhler, P. K. : hemlptera. Beaman, J. W, gy. Cope, E. D. : geology and palajontology of Kansas. Cope, E. D. : reptiles and fishes. Edwards, W. H. : butter- flies. Hayden, F. V. : general re- port and narrative. Horn, Geo. H. : coleoptera. — Preliminary report of ^he TJ. S. geological survey of Wyoming and portions of contig- uous territories. [Being a 2d annual rept.] Wash. 1871. 8° (2 cop.) See also Meek, F. B. Hayden, Sidney. Washington and his masonic compeers. [For contents, «ee Freemasonry.] Hayden, William B. Light on the last things. Phil. 187.3. 12? Phenomena of modern spiritualism. Bost. 1855. 12: Ten chapters on marriage : its nature, uses, duties, and final issues. Bost. 1863. 12° Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809). Creation. (Ora- torio.) (In Boosey's ed.) Imperial mass. (In Boosey's ed.) Barnard, C. Sketch of. (In Tone masters.) See also Musicians, Letters of distinguished. Haydn, Joseph [d. 1856).' Dictionary of dates, relating to all ages and nations ; for univer- sal reference. Edited by B. Vincent. (Ke- visedforAuierican readers.) N.Y. 1869. 8? Same. {2d ed.) Lond. 1844. 8° See also Payne, J. B. Haydn ; and other poems. By author of ' Life below.' N. Y. 1870. 12? Haydn's universal index of biography J. B. (Ed.) Haydon, Benjamin Kobert (1786-1846). Tay- lor, T. Life of. N. Y. 1853. 2 v. 12? Hayes, Isaac I. (6. 1832). Arctic boat journey, in the autumn of 1854. Bost. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Bost. 1860. 12? Land of desolation. The ; being a personal narrative of observation and adventure in Greenland. N. Y. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) _ Lectures on arctic explorations. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1861.) Open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole, in the schooner United States. N. Y. 1867. 8? (3 cop.) Physical observations in the arctic seas. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 15.) Hayes, J. L. See Mudge, E. K. Hayes, John. Sheep - farming in California. {In Overland monthly, v. 8.) Wants and advantages of California. {In Overland monthly, v. 8.) Hayling island. Topographical and historical account of. Havant, 1826. 12? Hayne, Paul H. (6. 1831). Legends and lyrics. Phil. 1872. 12? Hayne, Eobert Young (1791-1839). /See Ameri- can eloquence, v. 2. Payne, Hays, Mary. Female biography ; or, memoirs of illustrious and celebrated women of all ages and countries. Phil. 1807. 3 v. 8? Hay-ti (island) — CoMETTANT, O. Civilisations inconnues, Les. Courtney, W. S. Gold-fields of San Do- mingo. Kimball, K. B. In the tropics. NoTiCEof. {In Burney's Voy., v. 4, pp. 7-48.) Hayward, A. Biographical and critical essays. Reprinted from reviews, with additions and corrections. {A^eio ser.) Lond. 1873. 2 v. 8? (2 cop.) Contents : Albany, Countess of, and Alfleri, V., v. 2. Bulwer, Lord Calling and, V. 2. Canning, George, as a man of letters, v. 1. Dumas, Alexandre, v. 1. Edgeworth, Maria: her life and writings, v. 1. Gentz, Frederick von, v. 1. History, Pearls and mocic pearls of, v. 1. History and art. Varieties of, V. 2. Holland's (Sir Henry) recol- lections, V. 2. Junius, More about, v. 2. Lansdowne, Lord, v. 2. Livingston, Edward, v. 2. Marie Antoinette, v. 2. Palmerston, Lady, v. 2. Richard the third, v. 2. Salons, V. 1. Saxe, Marshal, v. 1. Van de Weyer, Sylvain, v. 1. Whist and whist-players, v. 1. Hayward, George W. Letters on his explora- tions in Gilgit and Yassin. {In Roy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) Hayward, John (1781-1869). Book of religions; comprising the views, creeds, sentiments, or opinions of all the principal religious sects in the world, etc., etc. Bost. n.d. 12? Gazetteer of Massachusetts; containing de- scriptions of all the counties, towns, and dis- tricts in the commonwealth, also of its prin- cipal mountains, rivers, capes, bays, harbors, islands, and fashionable resorts. Bost. 1847. 8? Haywarde, Richard. Prismatics. N. Y. 1853. 12? Hazard, Samuel. Cuba with pen and pencil. Hartford, Conn., 1871. 8? Santo Domingo, past and present ; with a glance at Hayti. Maps and illustrations. N. Y. 1873. 8? Hazeltine, Miron J. Brevity and brilliancy in chess : a collection of games at this * royal pastime,' ingeniously'' contested, and ending with scientific problems. N. Y. 1866. 12? (2 cop.) Hazen, Edward. Popular technology ; or, pro- fessions and trades. N. Y. 1846. 2 v. 16? H. F. lib., V. 149. Hazen, William B. School and the army in Germany and France ; with a diary of siege life at Versailles. N. Y. 1872. 12? Hazlett, Helen. Glennair ; or, life in Scotland. Phil. 1869. 12? {2 cop.) Hazlewood, Colin H. Aurora Floyd. (Dra- ma.) Lacy's Plays, v. 58. Capitola. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 70. Chevalier of the Maison - rouge. (Rom . drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 42. Clock on the stairs. (Domest. drama.) La- cy's Plays, V. 70. Going to Cobham. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 11. Harvest storm. (Domest. drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 55. Hop-piCKERS and gipsies. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 85, HAZLEWOOD 388 HEAD HazlewOOd (continued) — Jenny Foster, the sailor's child. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 32. Jessy Vere ; or, the return of the wanderer. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 25. Lady Audley's secret. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 57. Lizzie Lyle. (Play.) Lacy's Plays, v. 87. Marble bride. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 32. Mother's dying child. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 64. PouL a Dhoil. (Hibernian drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 77. Hazlitt, William (1778-1830). Characters of Shakespeare's plays. {5th ed.) Lond. 1854. 16^ Criticisms on art ; and sketches of the pict- ure-galleries of England. Lond. 1843. 2 V. 12? Lectures on English comic writers. Lond. 1841. 12° Lectures on the dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. Lond. 1840. 12° Lectures on the English poets, and the En- glish comic writers. New edition , ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. Lond. 1870. 12? Burns. Butler. Chatterton. Chaucer. Collins. Comic writers of last centu- ry. Congreve. Cowley. Cowper. Dryden. Knglish novelists. Farquhar. Gay. Hogarth, On the works of. — Lectures on the Contents : Jonson, Ben. Milton. Old English ballads, On the. Periodical essayists. Poetry in general, On. Poets, On the modern. Shaliespeare. Spenser. Suckling. Thomson. Vanbrugh. Wit and humor. Writers of pastoral. Wycherley. literature of the age of Elizabeth, and characters of Shakespeare's plays. Lond. 1870. 12? Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Literary remains ; with notice of his life, by his son, and thoughts on his genius and writings, byE. L. BulwerandMr. Sergeant Talfourd. N. Y. 1836. 12? Contents : Belief, whether voluntary. Conduct of life. Definition of wit. Fight, The. Fine arts. First acquaintance with po- ets, My. Hobbes, Writings of. Liberty and necessity. Locke's Essaj[ on the human understanding. Main chance. The. Means and ends. Opera, The. — Plain speaker : opinions on books, men, and things. (2d ed.) Lond. 1852. 2 v. 12? Contents : Hating, On the pleasures of, V. 1. Hot and cold, v. 1 Personal politics. Persons one would wish to have seen. Project for a new theory of civil and criminal legisla- tion. Self-love. Shyness of scholars. The. Spu'it of melancholy. The. Tooke's ' Diversions of Pur- ley.' Vatican, The. Want of money, The. Antiquity, On, v. 2. Application to study. On, v. Artists, On the old age of, v. 1. Authors. On the conversa- tion of, V. 1. Depth and superficiality, On, V. 2. Difference between writing and speaking, On the, v. 2. Dreams, On, v. 1. Egotism, On, v. 1. Envy, On, v. 2. Jealousy and spleen of par- ty. On, V. 2. Londoners and country peo- ple, V. 1. Look of a gentleman. On the, V. 2. New school of reform, The, V. 1. Novelty and familiarity, v. 2. Old English writers and speakers, On, v. 2. Hazlitt (continued) — Pasta {Mme.j and Mars (Mile.), V. 2. People of sense, v. 2. Personal character, v. 2. Poets, On the prose style of, V. 1. Qualifications necessary to success. On the, v. 2. Reading old books, On, v. 2. Keason and imagination, On,v. 1. — KouND table : a collection of essays on litera- ture, men, and manners. Lond. 1841. 12? Contents: Respectable people, v. 2. Scott, Racine, and Shakes- peare, V. 2. Sitting for one's picture. On, V. 1. Spirit of obligation, On the, V. 1. Spurzheim's theory, On,v. 1. Whether genius is conscious of its powers, v. 1. Actors and acting. Arguing in a circle. Beauty. Bull, John , Character of. Buncle, John. Chaucer. Classical education. Commonplace critics. Commonplace people. Day by the flre. A. Death and burial. Diflferent sorts of fame. Good nature. Gusto. Imitation. Literar.v character. Love of life. — Table talk : Lond. 1869. WlNTERSLOW Manner. Methodism, Causes of. Nightmare. Patriotism. Pedantry. Hitt, Mr., Character of the late. Poetical character. Poetical versatility. Posthumous fame. Pulpit oratory : Dr. Chal- mers and Mr. Irving. Religious hypocrisy. Rousseau, Character of. Scorch character. Tendency of sects. Washerwomen. essays on men and manners. there. 12? 12? essay on characters written Collected by his son. Lond. 1850. Contents : My first acquaintance with poets. Party spirit. Personal Identity. Persons one would wish to have seen. Pitt. Character of. Project for a new theory of civil and criminal legisla- tion. Public opinion. Belief, whether voluntary. Burke, Character of. Chatham, Lord, Character of. Consistency of opinion. Essay-writing, Farewell to. Feeling of immortality In youth. Fox, Character of. Matter and manner. Means and ends. Mind and motive. — Patmore, p. G. ance. See also Lives of famous men. Hazlitt, William Carew (b. 1834). lumbia and Vancouver's island a historical sketch of the British settlements on the north-west coast of America. With a map. Lond. 1858. 16? Hand-book to the popular, poetical, and dra- matic literature of Great Britain, from the invention of printing to the restoration. Lond. 1867. Thick 8? History of the Venetian republic : her rise, her greatness, and her civilization. Lond. 1860. 4 V. 8? Shakespeare jest-books. Lond. 1864. 12? Contents : My friends and acquaint- British Co- comprising Merrie tales of Skelton. Sackful! of newes. Tarlton's jests. Jacke of Dover. Jests of Scogin. Merrie conceited Jests of George Peele. Hazzard, G. S, See Euggles, S. B. 'He Cometh not,' she said. Cudlip, Mrs. P. He knew he was right. Trollope, A. He would be a gentleman. Lover, S. Head, Sir Francis Bond (b. 1793) . Life and ad- ventures of Bruce, the African traveler. H. F. lib., v. 128. Paris ; or, a fagot of French sticks. N. Y. 1859. 12? Head, George. Forest scenes and incidents in the wilds of North America ; being the diary of a winter' s route from Halifax to the Canadas. Lond. 1829. 12? HEAD 389 HEARTSEASE Head, J. F. Remarks on the natural history of the country about Fort Riplej', Minn. {In Smithsonian rept. 1854.) Head, James H. Home pastimes ; or, tableaux vivants. Bost.1860. 12° Head, Truman {California Joe). Hopes of a civil- ization yet to be ; with directions how to take the beaver, otter, etc., etc. {In Pamphlets, V. 18.) Head. Hewett, P. G. Injuries of the. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 2.) Head of the family. Craik, D. (M.) M. Headaches. "Wright, H. G. Their causes and their cure. Headless horseman. Reid, M. Headley, Joel Tyler {b. 1814). Adirondack ; or, life in the woods. N. Y. 1849. 12? (2 cop.) ChaplaiisS and clergy of the revolution. N. Y. 1864. 12° Farragl'T, and our naval commanders. N. Y. 1867. 8° Grant and Sherman, their campaigns and generals ; comprising a history of the rebel- lion from 1861 to 1865. N. Y. 1866. 8? Great rebellion : a history of the civil war in the United States. Hartford, Conn., 1866. 2 V. in 1. 8? Imperial guard of Napoleon, from Marengo to Waterloo. N. Y. 1852. 12° Letters from Italy. N. Y. 1851. 12? Life of Gen. H. Havelock, K.C.B. Life of George Washington. Lives of Winfield Scott and Andrew Jackson. Miscellanies. N. Y. 1850. 12? Contents : French re%'olution, The. Luther. Prose writers of America. Alfleri. Alison's History of Europe. Cromwell, Oliver. Crusades, The. — 3I0UNTAIN adventures in various parts of the world ; selected from the narratives of cele- brated travelers. With introduction and additions. 41 illustrations. N.Y.1872. 12? Napoleon and his marshals. Rambles and sketches. N, Y. 1851. 12? Sacred mountains, characters, and scenes in the Holy land. N. Y. 1869. 8? Sacred scenes and characters. N. Y. 1852. 16? (2 cop.) Second war with England. N. Y. 1853. 2 V. 12? Washington and his generals. Headley, Phineas Camp {b. 1819). Hero boy ; or, life and deeds of Lieut.-Gen. Grant. N. Y. 1864. 12? Life of General Lafayette. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. Life and military career of Maj.-Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan. Life and military career of W^m. T. Sherman. Massachusetts in the rebellion : a record of the historical position of the commonwealth, and the services of the leading statesmen, the military, the colleges, and the people, in the civil war of 1861-5. Bost. 1866. 8? Miner boy and his monitor ; or, the career and achievements of John Ericsson. N. Y. 1865. 16? Patriot boy ; or, the life and career of Maj .- Gen. O. M. Mitchel. N. Y. 1865. 12? Headlong hall and Nightmare abbey. Pea- cock, T. L. Heads and hands in the world of labor. Blaikie, W. G. Headsman, The. Cooper, J. F. Health— Ambodik, — . Manual of. [Russian.) Bazar book of. Beecher, 3fiss C. E. Letters to the people on health and happiness. Bellows, A. J. How not to be sick. Coles, L. B. Philosophy of. CoRNARO, L. Proper method of preserving. {In Burgh's Dignity of human nature.) Country manual of. Part i., from A to B. Moscow, 1789. 8? Same. Pt. i., 1790, C to I. Hall, W. W. Fun better than physic. — Guide-board to health, peace, and com- petence. — Health and disease as affected by con- stipation. — Health at home. — Health by good living. HiNTON, J. Health, and its conditions. Mitchell, S. W. Wear and tear. MooRE, G. Power of the soul over the body, considered in relation to health and morals. Philip, A. P. W. Means of preserving. RiCHTER, A. Manual of. {Russian.) Ridge, B. Health and disease. Smith, S. Philosophy of. Story of a stomach. By a reformed dyspep- tic. WiNSLOW, F. Light : its influence on. See also — Food. Longevity. Gymnastics. Movement cure. Hygiene. Sewage. Lifting cure. Temperance. Health trip to the tropics. Willis, N. P. Healy, Mary. Lakeville ; or, substance and shadow. N. Y. 1873. 8? (5 cop.) Summer's romance, A. Bost. 1872. 12? (6 cop.) Heard, Franklin Fiske. Curiosities of the law reporters. Bost. 1871. 12? {2 cop.) Heard, Isaac V. D. History of the Sioux war, and massacres of 1862 and 1863. N. Y. 1863. 12? Hearing — Clark, J. H. Sight and. Jones, T. W. Defects of sight and. See also Ear., Heam, William Edward. Plutology ; or, the theory of the efforts to satisfy human wants. Melbourne, 1863. 12? Heart, The— Hale, E. M. Lectures on the diseases of. Peacock, T. B. Valvular diseases of. WoosTER, D. Diseases of. See also Blood. Heart histories. Arthur, T. S. Heart-hungry. Westmoreland, M. J. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Scott, Sir W. 'Heart of the Andes.' Winthrop, T. {In his Life in the open air.) Heart of the continent. Ludlow, F. H. Hearth-stone. Osgood, S. Heartsease. Yonge, Miss C. M. HEARTWELL 390 HECK Heartwell, George. Castle of Sorrento. (Mus. entert.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 2. Heat — Abbott, J. Heat. Cazin, a. Chaleur, La. — Phenomena and laws of. — Eecent progress in relation to the theory of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) EsTES, D. Spectrum analysis explained. Maxwell, J. C. Theory of. Metcalfe, S. L. Caloric. MuLLER, J. Mechanical theory of. (Jw Smith- sonian rept. 1868.) Murphy, K. Principles of the theories of. Pynchon, T. R. Chemical forces, The. Tait, p. G. Sketch of thermodynamics. Tyndall, J. Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat. — Heat considered as a mode of motion. YoLTAiRE, F. M. A. de. Essai sur la nature de feu. [In (Euvres completes, v. 5.) See also Radiation. Heath, Christopher. Injuries and diseases of the jaws; with numerous wood-cuts. Lond. 1868. 8° Heath, R. Account of the islands of Scilly. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Heath, Thomas. Ellen Seymour ; and other po- ems. S. F. 1868. 12? Heath, William (1737-1814). Thacher, J. Bi- ography of. {In his Military journal.) Heaton, Mrs. Charles. Masterpieces of Flemish art, including examples of the early Ger- man and the Dutch schools ; with memoirs of the artists. Illustrated with 26 photo- graphs. Lond. 1869. 4? Heaven, Mrs. S. M. {Laura Preston). Aldeane. ■ S. F. 1868. 12° Boy's trip across the plains. S. F. 1868. 16? In bonds. S. F. 1869. 8? Youth's history of California, from the earli- est discovery to the present time. By Lucia Norman. S. F. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Heaven — Baxter, R. Saints' everlasting rest. {In Works, V. 3.) Life in. Our eternal homes. SwEDENBORG, E. Hcavcu and its wonders. Twelve views of. See also Future state. Heaven and earth. Byron, G. G. N. {In Com- plete works.) Heaven our home. By author of ' Meet for heav- en.' Bost. 1864. 12? Heavenly arcana. Swedenborg, E. Heavenly land. Duffield, S. W. Heavens — Blunt, C. F. Beauty of the. Flammarion, C. Merveilles celestes, Les. — Wonders of the. GuiLLEMiN, A. Heavens, The. — Illustrated hand-book of popular astrono- my. NiCHOL, J. P. Architecture of the. {In Lib. illust. stand, scientific works.) See also Astronomy. Heavysege, Charles. Saul. Bost. 1869. 12? Hebtael, Friedrich {h. 1813). Sammtliche werke. Hamburg, 1869. 12 v. 8? Hebbel {continued) — Contents . Agnes Bernauer, v. 3. Charakteristiken, v. 11. Demetrius, v. 6. Diamant. Der, v. 4. Erzahluhgen und novellen, V. 9. Gedichte, v. 7, 8. Gehftrnte Siegfried, Der, v. Genaveva, v. 3. Gyges und sein ring, v. 4. Herortes und Marianne, v. 1. Judith, V. 1. Julia, V. 2. Kriemhild'srache, v. 5. Kritiken, v. 11, 12. Maria Magdalene, v. 2. Michael Angeio, v. 2. Moloch, V. 6. Mutter und kind, v. 8. Reise eindrOcke. v. 9. Rubin, Der, v. 4. Schauspielerinn, Die, v. 6. Schrook, v. 9. Siegfrieds tod, v. .5. Theorie der kunst, v. 10. Trauersplel in SicUien, Bin, V. 1. Vier nationen unter einem dache, V. 6. — Treitschke, H. G. von. Historische und po- litische aufsatze, v. 1. Hebel, Johann Peter (1760- 1826). Allemann- ische gedichte fiir freunde landlicher natur und sitten, Leipzig, 1869. 12? Heber, Amelia. Memoir of Reginald Heber. Heber, Reginald (1783-1826). Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of In- dia, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-5 ; with notes upon Ceylon. Lond. 1828. 3 v. 8? Heber, A. Memoir of. By his widow. Bost. 1856. 12? Life, with selections from his correspondence, unpublished poems, and private papers ; with a journal of his tour in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Hungary, and Germany, and a his- tory of the Cossacks. Lond. 1830. 2 v. 4? Hebert, Jacques Rene ( Veritable ptre Duckine), (1755-1794). Lettres bougrement patrioti- que du Veritable pere Duchene [1791]. Pa- ris, n.t.p. 12? Hebert, Luke. Engineer's and mechanic's en- cyclopaedia ; comprehending practical illus- trations of the machinery and processes em- ployed in every description of manufacture of the British empire. With 2,000 engrav- ings. {New ed.) Lond. 1849. 2 v. 12? Hebre-w language and literature — Arnold, T. K. First and second Hebrew books. Cromek, T. R. Manual of Hebrew verbs ; for the use of beginners. Easiest introduction to the Hebrew language. Lond. 1765. 12? {In Pamphlets, v. 29.) Furst, J. Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the old testament. Parkhurst, J. Hebrew and English lexicon, without points ; to which is prefixed a me- thodical Hebrew grammar, without points. Lond. 1762 (?). 4? Taylor, I. Spirit of the Hebrew poetry. Hebrews, Epistle to the — Moll, C. B. Commentary on. {In Lange's Com., new test., v. 8.) O'Connor, W. A. Commentary on. Hebrides (islands) — BoswELL, J. Journey to the. {In his Life of Samuel Johnson, v. 2.) Buchanan, R. Land of Lome: a poet's ad- ventures in the Scottish Hebrides. Dendy, W. C. Wild Hebrides. Miller, H. Cruise of the Betsey. ^SV-^ also Skye. Heck, Johann Georg. {£d.) Iconographic en- cyclopaedia of science, literature, and art. Tr. from the German, by S. F. Baird, with 500 steel plates. N. Y. 1852. 6 v. (4 of text and 2 of plates). 4? SSO&Sjxv 391 HELDENBUCH Hecker, Isaac Thomas (6. 1819). Aspirations of nature. N. Y. 1859. 12^ Questions of the soul. N. Y. 1855. 12? Heckington. Gore, Mrs. C. G. F. Hedge, Frederick Henry {b. 1805). Primeval world of Hebrew tradition. Bost. 1870. IT. Prose writers of Germany. N. Y. 1856. 8° Same. [New ed.) Phil. [1872]. 8° Hegel (continued)- Contents ; Abraham-a-Sancta Clara. Boehme, J. Cliamisso, A. von. Claudius, M. Ficlite, J. G. Gothe, J. W. von. Hamann, J. G. Hegel, G. W. F. Heine, H. Herder, J. G. von. Hoffmann,E. T. A. Jacobi, F. H. Kant, I. Lavater, J. C. Leasing, J. G. E. Luther, M. Mendelssohn, M. Moser, J. Musiius, J. A. Novalis ( Friedrich von Hardenberg). Eichter, J. P. F. Schelling, F. \V. J. von. Schiller, J. C. F. von. Schlegel, A. W. von. Schlegel, F. von. Sehleiermacher, F. D. E. Tieck. L. Wieland, C. M. Zsehokke, J. H. D. Bost. 1865. 12? — Keason in religion. Hedged, in. Phelps, Miss E. S. Hedgehog letters, The. Jerrold,D. (W.) (In Fireside saints, etc.) Hedges and evergreens. Warder, J. A. Hedjaz. Hamilton, J. Sinai, Hedjaz, and Soudan . Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig (1760-1842). Ancient Greece. Tr. from the German, by G. Bancroft. (Am. ed.) Bost. 1842. 8? Ancient Greece ; also, three historical treat- ises. Tr. by George Bancroft. 1, political consequences of the reformation ; 2, rise, progress, and practical influence of political theories ; 3, rise and progress of the conti- nental interests of Great Britain. Lond. 1847. 8° Historical researches into the politics, inter- course, and trade of the Carthaginians, Ethi- opians, and Egyptians. {2ded.) Lond. 1857. 8°. Historical researches into the politics, inter- course, and trade of the principal nations of antiquity. Loud. 1854. 2 v. 8? Contents : Contents : Appendixes, v. 2. Asiatic nations, v. 1, 2. Babylonians, v. 1. Indians, v. 2. Persians, v. 1. Phoenicians, v. 1. Scythians, v. 2. — Manual of ancient history, particularly with regard to the constitutions, the commerce, and the colonies of the states of antiquity. Translated from the German. {Sded.) Ox- ford, 1840. 8°. Same. With a biographical sketch of the au- thor. {6th ed.) Lond. 1854. 8? Manual of the history of the political sys- tem of Europe and its colonies, from its formation at the close of the xv. century, to its reestablishment upon the fall of Na- poleon i. [1600-1821]. Lond. 1857. 8° Heennan, A. L. Eeport on the birds of Parke's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Keports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Eeport on the birds of Williamson's explo- rations. See Pacific railroad. Reports of ex- plorations, etc., V. 10. Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831). Lectures on the philosophy of history. Tr. from 3d German ed., by J. Sibree. Lond. 1861. 12? Classification of historic da- ta : Clas.siflcatlon (crmt.) : Fall of the Greek spirit. Phases of individuality. Oriental world — China. India. India-Buddhism. Persia. Geographical basis of histo- ry. German world- Elements of Christian German world. Middle ages. Modern time. Greek world- Elements of the Greek spirit. — Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. Heidelberg. James, G. P. R. Heidelberg catechism. Bethune, G. W. Ex- pository lectures on. Heidenmauer.The; or, the Benedictines. Coop- er, J. F. Heideschenke, Die. Storch, L. (In Aus- gewiihlte schriften und novellen, v. 7-9.) Heights of Eidelberg, Tatem, M. H. Heilige Cacilie, Die. Kleist, H. ton. (In Ges. schriften, v. 3.) Heimathlasen, Die. Kinkel, G. und J. (In Erzahlungen.) Heimskringla. Laing, S. Heine, Heinrich (1800-1856). Sammtliche werke. Hamburg, 1861. 21 v. in 11. 8? Contents : Rabbi von Bacharach, Der, V. 4. Borne, L., Ueber, v. 12. Briefe, v. 19-21. Deutschland, Ueber, v. 5-7. Englische fragmente, v. 3. Franzosische zustiinde, v. 8-11. Gedichte, v. 15-18. Rei-sebilder, v. 12. Shakespeare's madchen u. frauen, v. 3. Vermlschte schriften, v. 13, 14. English fragments. Hartz journey. Homeward journey. Ideas. — Book of songs. Tr. by C. G. Leland. Phil. 1864. 12? Same. Phil. 1870. 12? Complete poems ; with a sketch of his life, byE. A. Bowring. Lond. 1861. 12? Gedichte. Phil. 1855. 12? Pictures of travel. Tr. from the German, by C.G. Leland. Phil. 1863. 12? (2 cop.) Contents : Italy [1828]. New spring. North sea 118251. North sea [1826]. Scintillations from the prose works of H. Heine. Excerpts ; Florentine nights. Tr. by S. A. Stern. N. Y. 1873. 12? Chapter on. (In his Scintillations.) MiLNES, R. M. Last days of. (In Mono- graphs : personal and social.) Schmidt, J. Critique on. (In Bilder aus dem geistigen leben unserer zeit.) See also Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Heinrich von Ofterdingen. Hardenberg, F. V. (In Schriften, v. 1.) Heinrichs Denkwiidigkeien, Aus. Rellstab, L. (In Ges. schriften, v. 18.) Heir expectant. By author of ' Raymond's hero- ine,' 'Kathleen.' N. Y. 1870. 8? (Bcop.) Heir of RedclySe. Yonge, Miss CM. Heir to Ashley. Wood, Mrs. H. Heiress in the family, The. Daniel, Mrs. M. Heiress of Houghton. Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A. Heiress of Sweetwater. Randolph, J. T. Held in bondage. Rame, L. de la. See Gran- ville de Vigne. Heldenbuch, The ; or, book of the heroes. See Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. HELEN 392 HEMLOCK Helen. Edgeworth, M. {In her Tales, etc., v. 10.) Helen and Arthur. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Helen Courtenay's promise. Glovek, Mrs. C. H. G. Helen Erskine. Kobinson, Mrs. M. H. Helen Ethinger. Whittlesey, E. L. Helen Ford. Alger, H., Jr. Helen Gardner's wedding-day. Terhtjne, Mrs. M.V. H. Helena's household. N. Y. 1867. 12° Helene. Hoefer, E. (/« Erzahlendeschriften, V. 4.) Helfenstein, James. Comparative grammar of the Teutonic languages, being at the same time a historical grammar of the English language. Lond. 1870. 8° Heliodorus {bp. of Tricca), (lived in fourth cent.). ^thiopicorum, libri decem. [Gr. et Lat.) [In Erotici script.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Heliodorus, Longus, and Tatius, A. Greek romances. Tr. by E. Smith. Lond. 1855. 12°. Contents : Amours, The, of Daphnis and Chloe. By Long-us. Ethiopics, The ; or, adventures of Theagenes and Chariclea. By Heliodorus. Loves, The, of Clitopho and Leucippe. By Tatius. Helios {pseud.). See Muy bridge, E.J. Helios. Shelley, P. E. {In Works, v. 2.) Hell. Barrett, B. F. New view of. See also Future state. Hellborn, Keissle von. Life of Franz Schubert. Tr. by Arthur Duke Coleridge. Lond. 1869. 12? Hellen fenster. Die. Hoefer, E. {In Erzah- lende schriften, v. 8.) Hellwald, Frederick von . American migration . (In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Helnaholtz, Herman Ludwig Ferdinand (h. 1821). Interaction of natural forces. {In Youmans, E. L., et al. Correlation and conservation of forces.) ■ Popular lectures on scientific subjects. Tr. by E. Atkinson ; with an introduction, by J. Tyndall. N. Y. 1873. VH Contents : Aim and progress of physical science. Tr. by W. Flight. Conservation of force. Gothe's scientific researches. Tr. by H. W. Eve. Ice and glaciers. Interaction of the natural forces. Tr. by John Tyn- dall. Physiological causes of harmony in music. Tr. by A. J. Ellis. Becent progress of the theory of vision. Tr. by Dr. Pye-Smith. Eelation of natural science to science in general. Tr. by H. W. Eve. Same. N. Y. 1873. 8? See also Grove, W. R. Helminthology. See Entozoa. Helmuth, William T. Surgery, and its adapta- tion to hornoeopathic practice. With numer- ous engravings on wood, N. Y. 1855. 8? H61oise (1101-1164). Lamartine, A. DE. Vie de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 35.) See also Ab^lard, P. ; Celebrated characters. Helper, Hinton Kowan. Impending crisis of the south : how to meet it. N. Y. 1857. 12° (2 cop.) NojoQUE : a question for a continent. N. Y. 1867. 12° Helps, Arthur {b. 1818). Brevia : short essays and aphorisms. Bost. 1871. 12° Casimir Maremma. Bost. 1870. 12° (5 cop.) Companions of my solitude. Bost. 1870. 12° Conversations on war and culture. Bost. 1871. 12° Friends in council. {1st ser.) Bost. 1853. 2v. 12° Same. {2d ser.) Bost. 1860. 2 v. 12? Contents Art of living, 1st ser., v. 1. Art of living with others, ist ser., V. 1. Art of self-advancement, 2d ser., V. 1. Biography, 2d ser., v. 1. Conformity, 1st ser., v. 1. Criticism, 2d ser., v. 1. Criticism, Giving and taking, 1st ser., v. 1. Despair, 1st ser., v. 1. Despotism, 2d ser., v. 2. Education, 1st ser., v. 1. Ellesmere's plan for a new essay, 2d ser., v. 2. Farm-yard, 2d ser., v. 2. Fiction, 1st ser., v. 1. Government, 1st ser., v. 2. Government, 2d .ser., v. 2. Greatness, 1st ser., v. 1. History, 1st ser., v. 1. Life not so miserable after all, 2d ser., v. 2. Love-story, 2d ser., v. 1. Lovers' quarrels, 2d ser. , v. 2. — Life of Columbus. Life of Hernando Cort6s. Life of Pizarro. Organization in daily life, and other essays, written in the intervals of business. Lond. 1862. \6°. Contents : Miseries of human life, 2d ser., v. 2. Poor, Improvement in the condition of the, 2d .ser., v. 2. Pleasantness, 2d ser., v. 2. PIea.santness, Conversations upon, 2d ser., v. 2. Proverbs, 2d ser.. v. 1. Public improvements, Ist ser., V. 1. Reading, 1st ser., v. I. Recreation, 1st ser., v. 1. Rowing down the river Mo- selle, 2d ser., v. 2. Slaver}', 1st ser., v. 2. Tolerance, Showing the need of, 2d ser., v. 2. Truth, 1st ser., v. 1. Unreasonable claims, social affections, and relations, 1st ser., V. 1. War, 2d sen, v. 1. Worry, 2d ser., v. 1. Exercise of benevolence, On the. Interviews. Organization in daUy life. Our judgments of other men. Party spirit. Practical wisdom. Secrecy. Self-discipline. Treatment of suitors. Advice. Agents, On the choice and management of. Aids to contentment. Business, Transactions of. Conversation in a railway carriage. Councils, commissions, etc.. On. Domestic rule. Education of a man of busi- ness. On the. — Same. Bost. 1871. 12? Realmah. Bost. 1869. 12? (3 cop.) Spanish conquest in America, and its relation to the history of slavery and to tlie govern- ment of colonies. Lond. 1855. 4 v. 8? Same. N. Y. 1856. 4 v. 8? Thoughts upon government. Bost. 1872. 8? Helvetius, Claude Adrien (1715-1771). Trea- tise on man, his intellectual faculties and his education. Tr. from the French, by W. Hooper. Lond. 1778. 2 v. 12? Cousin, V. Philosophic sensualiste au xviii. siecle. Helyas, knight of the Swan. Thoms, W. J. {£d.) {In Early English prose romances, v. 3.) Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea (1794-1835). Complete works ; ed. by her sister. N. 1 . 1871. 2v. 12? Chorley, H. F. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans ; with illustrations of her literary character. Phil. 1836. 12? See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2. Hemlock swamp, and a season at the White Sul- phur springs. Whittlesey, E. L. HEMPEL 393 HENRY Hempel, C. J. Jahr's new manual, or symto- men-codex, v. 3 : a complete repertory of the homoeopathic materia medica. N. Y. 1853. 8^ New and comprehensive system of materia medica and therapeutics, arranged upon a physiologico-pathological basis. Seconded., enlarged. N. Y. 1865. 2 v. Large 8° and Beakley, J. Homoeopathic theory and practice, with the homoeopathic treatment of surgical diseases. (4', F. V. Geological survey of New Mexico [1869]. — U. S. geol. survey of Colorado and. Heermann, a. L. Keport on the birds of the route from Pimas villages to the Eio Grande. See Pacific railroad, Keports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Kenkerlt, C. B. K. Eeport on the birds of Whipple's explorations. See Pacific rail- road, Keports of explorations, etc., v. 10. — Keport on the mammals of Whipple's ex- plorations. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 10. — General report on the zoology of Whip- ple's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Ke- ports of explorations, etc., v. 10. Le Conte, J. L. Coleoptera of Kansas and eastern. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 11.) Eaymond, R. W. Condition of the mining industry in. (In his Silver and gold.) SuLLiVANT, W. S. Report on the mosses and liverworts of Whipple's explorations from Fort Smith to Colorado river. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 4. Taylor, J. W. Mineral resources. New Mexico and California. United States explo- rations and surveys. [Three reports bound together.] Wash. 1848. 8° Contents : Abert, Lieut. J. W. : report of an examination of New Mexico, 18-16-7. Cooke, Lieut. -Col. P. St. George: report of his march from San ta F6, New Mexico, to San Diego, upper California, 1847. Emory, Lleut.-Col. W. H. : notes of a military re- connaissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Mis- souri, to San Diego ; including part of the Arkan- sas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers, 1846-7. New Orleans (La.)— City directory for 1871. N. O. 1871. 8° Corcoran, D. Pickings from the portfolio of the reporter of the N. O. picayune. (Hist, fiction.) (In Drama in Pokerville.) Lyceum and library society. Catalogue of. N. O. 1858. 8° See also Academy of sciences (N. O.). New pastoral. Read, T. B. [Iti Poems, v. 2.) New priest in Conception bay. Lowell, R. T. S. New purchase ; or, early years in the far west. Carlton, R. New Rome. Piesche, T., and Goepp, C. New South Wales (Aust.)— HIstor:»- and descrlpf Ion : Bailliere, F. F. N. S. W. gazetteer, 1866. Bartholomew^, J. Map of. {In Phillips's series of traveling maps.) Cook, J, Run from New Zealand to Bota- ny bay, 1770 ; with incidents that happened there, and some account of the country. (In his Voyages, v. 1.) Same. (In Hawkesworth's Voyages, v. 3, ed. of 1773; v. 4, ed. of 1785.) Dredge, J. Brief notices of the aborigines of New South Wales, including Port Phillip, 1845. (In Pamphlets, v. 16.) Flanagan, R. History of N. S. W. [1605- 1861]. La Place, C. P. T. Nouvelle Galles du Sud. (In Voyage autour du monde, v. 3.) New South Wales (continued) — Martin, R. M. History of Austral- Asia. White, J. Journal of voyage to. Wilkes, C. Physical, social, and historical description of. (In his Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 2.) Mf acellaneons : Blue-book for 1871 ; compiled from official returns in the registrar-general's office. Syd- ney, 1872. 4° Census. Age ; nationality; religion ; vital sta- tistics. Sydney, 1872. 4° Industrial progress of New South Wales ; being a report of the intercolonial exhibition of 1870 at Sydney ; together with a variety of papers illustrative of the industrial re- sources of the colony. Sydney, 1871. 8°. (2 cop.) Letters of registration of inventions under 16 Victoria, no. 24. Ordered by the legis- lative assembly to be printed, 25th July, 1866. Sydney, 1866. Large f° Reports to houses of parliament, 1872. Svd- ney, 1872. f^ Contents : Government observatorv. Hospital for the insane, Gladesville. Police regulation act of 1862. University of Sydney. Reports upon the condition of the public schools, and of the certified denominational schools, 1871. Sydney, 1872. 8? Statistical register, 1870 ; compiled from official returns in the registrar-general's of- fice. Sydney, 1872. 4° See also Botany bay ; Port Jackson. New South Wales almanac and remembrancer for 1848. Sydney, 1848. 12° New Spain, ^ee Mexico. New Star papers. Beecher, H. W. Ne-w stories. Dickens, C. (J. H.) New testament. See Bible. New testament view of the old. Turpie, D. M'C. New Timon, The. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. New Timothy. Baker, W. M. New west. The; or, California in 1867-8. Brace, C. L. New year's bargain. Coolidge, S. New year's eve adventure. Zschokke, J. H. D. (/n Tales.) New York (city) — Directories : Almanac and yearly record of 1858. (n.t.p.) 16° Directory for the year 1855. N. Y. 1855. 8°. Doggett, J,, Jr. Doggett's directory for the year 1850-51. N. Y. 1851. 8? Francis's new guide to New York and Brook- lyn, 1854. Trow's New York city directory, for the years 1859, 1869, 1872. H. Wilson, compiler. N. Y. 1859-72. 3 v. 8° Oorernment and society: Comptroller. Annual report of the comp- troller of the receipts and expenditures of the corporation for 1854. N. Y. 1855. 8°. Free academy. Report of the operations and condition of the free academy for the year 1853. (In Educational reports.) NEW YORK 596 NEW YORK New York (continued) — Prison association. 26th annual report. Public health. Keport of the council of hy- giene and public health of the Citizens' as- sociation of New York upon the sanitary condition of the city, 1865. Public parks. Wrst annual report of the board of commissioners of the department of public parks for the year ending May 1, 1871. N. Y. 1871. 8° Public works. Annual report of commis- sioner of public works of the city of New York for the year 1870-71, to the board of aldermen, June 12, 1871. Document no. 15. See Water-works, v. 1. Eeport of special committee on volunteering ; embracing a complete statement of opera- tions in filling the quota of the county of New York under the call of the president, dated July 18, 1864, for 500,000 men. (Doc- ument no. 11, board of supervisors.) N. Y, 1864. 8° Valentine, D. T. Manual of the corpora- tion of the city of New York for 1857 and 1859. Description and liiatory: Belden, E. p. New York : past, present, and future. Brace, 0. L. Dangerous classes of New York. Brodhead, J. K. History of the state of. Browne, J. H. Great metropolis, The. Cammann, H. J., and Camp, H. N. Chari- ties of New York, Brooklyn, and Staten isl- and. The. Child, Mrs, L. M. Letters from. DisoswAY, G. P. Earliest churches of Now York and its vicinity. Dix, J. A. Growth of. (In his Speeches, etc., V. 2.) Francis, J. W. Old New York. Kip, "W. I. Olden time in. Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. (New York.) Mayo, A. D. Symbolism of the capital. Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall street. New York city during the revolution. New York historical society. Collections. Peirce, B. K. Half- century with juvenile delinquents. EiCHMOND, J. p. New York city and its in- stitutions, 1609-1871. ScoviLLE, J. A. Old merchants of. (3 series.) Smith, M. H. Sunshine and shadow in. Tricks and traps of. {In Spider and the fly. The.) TuEL, J. E. Steam marine of the port of. (In Pamphlets, v. 17.) Valentine, D. T. History of. I.) NICHOLLS 601 NIERITZ NichoUs (continued) — Shirley. N. Y. 1867. 12° (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1871. 12° 'Same. Leipzig, 1849. 2v.ini. 16? ViLLETTE. N. Y. n.d. 12° Same. Leipzig, 1853. 2 v. in 1. 16° and Bronte, E. and A. Poems, now first col- lected. [In Professor, The.) Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Life of. Nichols, Arthur H. Charbon in Massachusetts. (In Mass. state board of health, 1871, pp. 86- 108.) E.EP0KT on the use of milk from cows affected with foot and mouth diseas?e. (In Mass. state board of health, 1871, pp. 426-433.) Nichols, Francis. British compendium ; or, ru- diments of honor. Containing the origin of the Scots, and succession of their kings for above 2,000 years, etc. (3rf ed.) Lond. 1729. 2 V. 8° . Nichols, George Ward. Great march, ftom the diary of a staff officer [1864-5]. N. Y. 1865. 12° Sanctuary, The : a story of the civil war. N. Y. 1866. 12° Nichols, James K. Fireside science : a series of popular scientific essays upon subjects con- nected with every-day life. N.Y. 1872. 12? Nichols, T. Handy-book of the British muse- um, for every-day readers. Lond. 1870, 12? Nichols, T. L. Human physiology the basis of sanitary and social science. Lond. 1872. 12? Nicholson, Henry Alleyne. Introduction to the study of biology. N. Y. 1872. 12? Manual of zoology, for the use of students ; with a general introduction on the principles of zoology. (2d ed.) N. Y. 1872. 12? Nicholson, Peter. Mechanic's companion ; or, the elements and practice of carpentry, join- ery, etc., etc. Phil. 1849. 8? Nicholson, W. K. Sermon, preached in Boston, on the death of A. Lincoln. See Lincoln, A. Nicholson, William (1755-1815). (Ed.) Brit- ish encyclopaedia. The ; or, dictionary of arts and sciences. Comprising an accurate and popular view of the present improved state of human knowledge. With 150 engravings. Lond. 1809. 6 v. 8? (Ed.) Journal of natural philosophy, chemis- try, and the arts, by W. Nicholson. Illus- trated with engravings. (1st ser.) V. 1 (April, 1797) to 5 (Dec. 1801). Lond. 1797- 1801. 5v. 4? Same. (New ser.) V. 1 (Jan. 1802) to 36 (Dec. 1813). Lond. 1802-13. 36 v. 8? Nicias (rf. 414 B.C.). Plutarchus. Vita. (Gr. et Lat.) (In Vitse, v. 2.) Nicida. Dumas, A. ('D.) Crimes c61ebres, Les. Nick of the woods. Bird, R. M. Nickles, M. J. Account of scientific congress of Carlsruhe. (In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Nicodemus. Franck, A. H. Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris (1799-1848). Chro- nology of history ; containing tables, cal- culations, and statements indispensable for ascertaining the dates of historical events, and of public and private documents, from the earliest periods to the present time. Lond . 1838. 12? Nicolas (continued) — Essay on the history and discovery of Junius. (In Junius, ed. of J. Wade, v. 2.) History of the royal navy, from the earliest times to the wars of the French revolution (55 B.C. to A.D. 1422). Lond. 1847. 2 v. 8? Nicolay, C. G. Oregon territory : a geograph- ical and physical account of that countiy and its inhabitants, with outlines of its history and discovery. Lond. 1846. 12? Nicolini, Giovanni Battista (1785-1861). History of the Jesuits : their origin, progress, doc- trines, and designs. Lond. 1854. 12? Nicoll, Robert. Smiles, S. Biography of. (In Brief biographies.) Nicollet, I. N. Report, intended to illustrate a map of the hydrographical basin of the up- per Mississippi river, 1841. Wash. 1843. 12? Same. (In Pamphlets, v. 12.) Nicolson, F. W. On cyclones, or law of storms. (In Pamphlets, v. 11.) Nid de rossignols, Le. Gautier, T. (In (Euvres, V. 14.) Niebuhr, Barthold Georg (1776-1831). History of Rome. Tr. by J. C. Hare and C. Thirl- wall. Phil. 1835. 2 v. 8? History of Rome, from the first Punic war to the death of Constantine (264 B.C. to a.d. 337) ; in a series of lectures, including an introductory course on the sources and study of Roman history. Edited by L. Schmitz. Lond. 1844. 2 v. 8? Lectures on Roman history, delivered at the university of Bonn. Tr. by H. Le M. Chep- mell and F. C. P. Demmler. Lond. 1855. 3v. 12? LiEBER, F. Reminiscences of an intercourse with Niebuhr during a residence with him in Rome, 1822-3. Phil. 1835. 12? Niebuhr, Carsten (1733-1815). See Self-made men. Niemann, A. French campaign, 1870-71, The : military description, with maps and plans. Tr. from the German, by Edw. Newdigate. Lond. 1872. 12? Ni^nabsch von Strehlenau, Nikolaus (Lenau), 1802-1850). Sammtliche werke. Stutt- gart, 1855. 4 V. 8? Lebensgeschichtliche umrisse von Niko- laus Lenau. (In Samm. werke, v. 1.) Niemeyer, Felix von. Text-book of practical medicine, with particular reference to phys- iology and pathological anatomy. Trans, from the German, by G. H. Humphreys. N. Y. 1869. 2 V. 8? Nieritz, Karl Gustav (b. 1795). Busy hands and patient hearts ; or, the blind boy of Dres- den and his friends. Tr. from the German, by A. Harwood. Phil. 1869. 12? Tales for the young. Edin. 1855. 12? Contents : Clever boy, The ; or, consider another. By Fran- ces Brown. Ericksons, The. By Frances Brown. Foundling, The ; or, the school of life. By Gustav Nieritz. Life's sunbeams ; or, songs, birds, and flowers. By Shelsla von Gumpert. Siege of Magdeburg: a tale of 1631. By Gustav Nieritz. NIERSIS 602 NOAD Niersis (Saint), (d. 1174). Preces Sancti Nerse- tis Clajensis Armeniorum patriarchae. Vi- ginti quatuor linguis editae. Venetis in in- sula S. Lazari, 1837. Nieuhoff, Johann (1618-1672). Travels to Bra- zil, 1640-47 ; and in the East Indies, 1653- 72. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Voyage to East Indies [1633]. (In Drake's Coll. voy.) Nieu"wenhuis, Jacob. Initia philosophise theo- reticae vo lumen primum. Psychologices lo- gicesque elementa complectens. Lugduni- Batavorum, 1831. 8°. Niger (river) — Allen, W., and Thomson, T. E. H. Ex- pedition to the river Niger in 1841. Lander, K. and J. Expedition to explore the course and termination of the. Night. Jacox, E. At nightfall and midnight. Night and morning. Bulwer-Lttton, 8ir E. G. E. L. Night at "Wingdam. Harte, F. B. (In Mrs. Skaggs's husbands, etc.) Night-dancers of "Waipio, The. Stoddard, C. W. (In his South-sea idyls.) Night-lamp. Macfarlane, J. Night side of London. Kitchie, J. E. Night side of nature. Crowe, Mrs. C. Night thoughts. Young, E. (Jn Poetical works, V. 1.) Nightingale, Florence (b. 1820). Introductory notes on lying-in institutions ; together with a proposal for organizing an institution for training midwives and midwifisry nurses. Lond. 1871. 12^ Notes on nursing : what it is, and what it is not. N. Y. 1860. 12° (2 cop.) Nightingale valley. Allingham, W. Nightmare abbey. Peacock, T. L. Nights in the harem. Lott, E. Nihil, Mr. (pseud.). Up the Elbe, and on to Nor- way. Lond. n.d, 12? Nil admirari (pseud.). Trollopiad, The; or, travel- ing gentlemen in America. N» Y. 1837. 12? Nile (river) — Baker, Sir S. W. Albert Nyanza, The. — Nile tributaries of Abyssinia.. Bartlett, W. H. Nile boat. Beke, C. T. Sources of the. Bruce, J. Travels to discover the source of the. Curtis, G. "W. Nile notes of a howadji. Eden, P. Nile without a dragoman. Grant, J. A. Walk across Africa ; or, do- mestic scenes from my Nile journal. Lanoye, F. de. Nil, Le : son bassin et ses sources. Laporte, L. Sailing on the. Melly, G. Khartoum and the Niles. Notes of a voyage up the Nile, by an Ameri- can. (In Monuments of Egypt, by F. L. Hawks.) Smith, A. C. Nile, and its banks, The. Smith, J. V. C. Pilgrimage to Egypt. Spekb, J. H. Journal of the discovery of the source of the. — and Grant, J. A. Sources du Nil, Les : voyages des capitaines S. et G. (abr6g6 par B. de Lounay). See also Egypt. Nile without a dragoman. Eden, F. Niles, Hezekiah ^1777-1839). Principles and acts of the revolution in America. Bait. 1822. 8? (2 cop.) (Ed.) Weekly register, The ; containing po- litical, historical, geographical, astronomi- cal, statistical, and biographical documents, essays, and facts. (Utser.) V. 1 (Sept. 1811) to 12 (Sept. 1817). Bait. 1811-17. 12 v. 8? Same. (New ser.) V. 1 (Sept. 1817) to 12 (Sept. 1823). Bait. 1817-23. 12 v. 8°. Same. (Bdser.) V. 1 (Sept. 1823) to 12 (Sept. 1829). Bait. 1823-9. 12 v. 8; Same, (^th ser.) V. 1 (Sept. 1829) to 14 (Sept. 1836). Bait. 1829-36. 14 v. 8° Same. General index to Ist series (1811-17). Bait. 1817. 8°. Niles, Wyllis. Five hundred majority ; or, the days of Tammany. N. Y. 1872. 8° (4 cop.) Nina Gordon. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Nina's atonement ; and other stories. Fisher, Miss F. E. Nine new stories by the Christmas fire. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Nineteen beautiful years ; or, sketches of a girl's life. Written by her sister ; with an intro- duction, by K. T. Foster. N. Y. 1864. 12? '98 and '48. Savage, J. Nineveh — BoNOMi, J. Nineveh and its palaces. Botta, M. p. E. Monument de Ninive. Layard, a. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. — Nineveh and its remains. Ninth of June, The. (In Novels and tales from Household words, v. 2.) Niobe. [Poem, 1814.] Adolphus, J. L. (In Oxford prize poems.) Nippon. See Japan. Nisard, Theodore. Bibliotheque illustr^e des classes ouvrieres et des conferences de Saint Fran^ois-Xavier. Paris, 1845. 8i Nisbet, James. See So\i\6, F., et al. Nisi prius. Selwyn, W. Abridgment of the law of. Nisqually. Wilkes, C. Exploration of. (In his Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 4.) Nitre — Craig, B. F. Keport on nitrification. (In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) Hare, R. Explosiveness of. (In Smithson- ian contrib., v. 2.) Nitro-glycerine. Nobel's patent blasting oil. (In Pamphlets, v. 11.) Niza, Marcos de (ab. 1540). Journey of M. de Niza in search of the seven cities, 1539. (In Burney's Voyages, v. 1, pp. 189-191.) Voyage from Culican to Cibola, 1539. (In Hakluyt's Coll. voy., v. 3.) No baby in the house ; and other stories. Dolli- VER, C. G. No cross, no crown. Penn, W. No love lost. Howell s, W. D. No name. Collins, (W.) W. No such word as fail. Haven, Mrs. A. B. No thoroughfare. Dickens, C. (J. H.), and Col- lins, (W.) W. Noad, Henry M. Manual of electricity, A. (Uh ed.) Lond. 1859. 12? NOBLE 603 NORIAC Noble, James Ashcroft. Pelican papers. The. Reminiscences and remains of a dweller in the wilderness. Lond. 1873. 12° Noble, Louis Legrand (b. 1812). After icebergs with a painter : a summer voyage to Labra- dor and around Newfoundland. N. Y. 1861. 12°. Lady Angeline, The : a lay of the Appalachi- ans ; The hours, etc. N. Y. 1856. 122 Noble, Samuel. Appeal in behalf of the views of the eternal world and state, and the doc- trines of faith and life, held by the body of Christians who believe that a new church is signified (in the Revelation, chap. 21) by the new Jerusalem. Embracing answers to all principal objections. {2d ed.) N. Y. 1851. 12° Plenary inspiration of the scriptures asserted, and the principles of their composition inves- tigated, with a view to the refutation of all objections to their divinity. Six lectures. Cincinnati, 1839. 12° Noble deeds of American women. Clement, J. {Ed.) Introduction, by Mrs. L. H. Sigour- ney. Bost. 1869. 12° Noble deeds of woman. Starling, E. Noble life, A. Craik, D. (M.) M. Noble lord. SouTHWORTH, E. D. E. N. Noble printer, and his adopted daughter : a tale of the first printed bible. Tr. from the Ger- man, with additions, by C. Overend. Bost. 1873. 12° {2 cop.) Noble woman. Stephens, Mrs. A. S. Noblesse oblige. Holtei, K. von. {In Erzah- lende schriften, v. 7-9.) Nobody's fortune. Yates, E. (H.) Noctes ambrosianae. Wilson, J., et al. Nodal, Bartolome Garcia de and Gonzalo de {ab. 1600). Expedition to tlie straits of LeMaire, 1618. {In Burney's Voyages, v. 2, pp. 457- 464.) Noel, Francois Joseph Michel (1755-1841). Gra- dus ad Parnassum, ou nouveau dictionnaire po^tique Latin-Fran^ais, etc. {Nouv. M.) Paris, 1845. 8° et Delaplace, — . Lemons Franijaises de litt^- rature et de morale. Bruxelles, 1853. 8? Contents : CaractSres, ou portraits. Lettres. Definitions. Morale religieuse. Descriptions. Morceaux oratoires. Dialogues pliilosophiques et Narrations, llttfiraires. Peroraisons. Discours. Pliilosophie pratique. Exordes. Po6sie. Fables. Noel, Roden. Beatrice. Phil. 1869. 16° Noelie. Scribe, E. Noir, M. 1' Agneau. Lamps of the temple : shad- ows from the lights of the modern pulpit. Lond. 1852. 12^ Contents : Andrews, Dr. E. Beaumont, Dr. Joseph E. Binney, Rev. T. Gumming, Dr. J. Dawson, G. Hamilton, Dr. R. W. Melville, Rev. H. Morris, Rev. A. J. Nojoque : a question for a continent. Helper, H. R. Nolan, E. H. Illustrated history of the war against Russia. Lond. 1857. 2 v. 4° Newton, Rev. Dr. B. J. Parsons, Rev. B. Parsons, Rev. J. Pulsford, Rev. J. Pulpit, The Welch. Pulpit and the age. The. Summary, Concluding. NoUekens, Joseph (1737-1823) . Cunningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 3.) H. F. lib., V. 19. Faikholt, F. "W. Sketch of. {In Homes, works, and shrines of English artists.) Nolte, Vincent. Fifty years in both hemispheres ; or, reminiscences of the life of a former mer- chant. Tr. from the German. N. Y. 1854. 12° Same. N. Y. 1856. 12° Nombela, Julio. Maldicion de ima madre, La. Paris, 1866. 8° Parricida, La. Paris, 1864. 16° Noraentino. Nuova Italia ; or, tours and re- tours through France, Switzerland, Italy, and Sicily. [Poem.] Lond. 1872. 12? Nonsense. Pomeroy, M. M. Nooks and corners of English life. Times, J. Noontide at Sychar ; or, the story of Jacob's well. Macduff, J. R. Nootka sound. See Vancouver island. Nora Brady's vow. Doksey, Mrs. A. H. Nordhoff, Charles {b. 1830). California: for health, pleasure, and residence. Book for travelers and settlers. N. Y. 1873. 8°. (6 cop.) Elkan AH Brewster's temptation. (Ira Atlantic tales.) Whaling and fishing. N. Y. 1856. IK Nordurfari ; or, rambles in Iceland. Miles, P. Norfolk {Va.}. Forrest, W. S. Historical sketches of Norfolk and vicinity. Norfolk, East {Eng.). Brightwbll, T. Sketch of the fauna infusoria for. Norfolk island— Belcher, D. {Lady). Mutineers of the Bounty and their descendants on Pitcaim and. Nor- folk islands. Brenchley, J. L. Cruise of H. M. S. Cura- goa, 1865. Cook, J. Passage from New Caledonia to New Zealand ; with an account of the dis- covery of Norfolk island, and incidents that happened while the ship lay in Queen Char- lotte's sound. {In his Voy., v. 1, 2d voy., bk. iii.) Voyage round the world, 1772 Forster, G. to 1775, Phillip, A. colony of. Norfolk sound. Account of the establishment of {In his Voyage to Botany bay.) See Sitka. Ouyrages. Noriac, (C. A.) Jules {dit Cayron) Paris, 1863-70. 10 v. 12° Contents : Betlse humaine. La, v. 9. Capitaine sauvage, Le, v. 6. Ce que coQte un cigare de cinq sous, v. 4. Cent et unifime r6giment>Le, V. 3. Cercles de Paris, Les, v. 4, Chevaliers de I'amour, Les, V. 4. Dame & la plume noire, Ia, V. 7. Drame daas Qnfi cage,Un,v. £conomie bien entendue, Une, V. 4. En promenade, v. 3. Famine des ignor6s,Iia, v. 3. Folioles, V. 3. Gens de Paris, Les, v. 1. — Human follies. Tr. 1863. 16° Grain de sable, Le, v. 10. Homme au sac, L', v. 4. Journal d'un flaneur, v. 2. Mademoiselle Poucet, v. 5. Manuel du courrieriste, v. 3. Mfimoires d'un baiser, v. 8. Notes perdues par un voya^ geur 6gar6, v. 4. Paquet de flcelles,TJn,v.3. Pass6 deflni, Le, v. 4. Prfijugfi, Du, V. 3. Ridicule, Du, v. 3. Salviati, Les, v. 4. Sur le rail, v. 4. TStes d'artlstes, v. 3. Vaudeville de la mort, Le, v. 4. Vie en detail, v. 3. Voisin de ma voisine, v. 4. from the French. Phil. NORMAL 604 NORTH-WEST Normal schools. Priaflx, O. de B. National education, exemplified in a plea for a normal school. Norman, B. M. Kambles in Yucatan ; or, notes of travel through the peninsula, including a visit to the remarkable ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal. N. Y. 1843. 8° Norman, Lucia [pseud.). See Heaven, Mrs. S. M. Norman, W. H., and Mtjsgrate, T. Journal of the voyage and proceedings of H. M. C. S. Victoria in search of shipwrecked people at the Auckland and other islands. Melb. n.d. 8°. Norman conquest of England : its causes and its results. Freeman, E. A. Norman Leslie. Fay, T. S. Norman's bridge. Marsh, Mrs. A. C. Normanby {marquise of). See Phipps, C. H. Normandy — Blackburn, H. Normandy picturesque. Jerrold, (W.) B. On the boulevards. Palgrave, F. History of Normandy and England [741-1002], "Wheaton,!!. History of Northmen, Danes, and Normans. Normandy picturesque. Blackburn, H. Normans. See Normandy. Norris, Thaddeus. American angler's book. The; embracing the natural history of sporting fish, and the art of taking them. Phil. 1864. 8° American fish culture. Phil. 1868. 12° Norse and Norseman. See Icelandic. Norse-folk, The. Brace, C. L. Norsemen in the west. Ballantyne, E. M. North, Christopher {pseud.). See Wilson, J. North, William. Slave of the lamp. N. Y. 1855. 8? (2 cop.) North American review. The. V. 4 (Nov. 1816) to 116 (June, 1873). Bost. 1816-73. 113 V. 8° [V. 1, 2, 3 wanting.] Same. Index, from its commencement to the end of V. 25 (Oct. 1827). Bost. 1827. 8? North and south. Chase, H., and Sanborn, C. H. North and south. Gaskell, Mrs. E. 0. North British review {Am. ed.). V. 6 (Nov. 1846) to 53 (Jan. 1871). N. Y. 1846-71. 48 v. in 24. 8? [V. 18, 19 wanting,] North Carolina (state) — Constitution of. {In American's guide,) Hawks, F. L. History of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1729. Taliaferro, H. E. Fisher's river. (Hist. fiction.) Williamson, H. History of. See also Carolinas. North-east passage. See N. W. passage. North Georgia gazette, and winter chronicle : a newspaper published on board the ships employed in the discovery of a north-west passage. (No. 1, Nov. 1819, to 21, March 20, 1820.) {In Parry, W. E. Journal of second voy., app.) North Pacific review, The : a journal of litera- ture, history, science, correspondence, and fine arts. V. 1 (Oct. 1862) to 2 (May, 1863) . S. F. 1862-3. 2 V. in 1. 4? North pole. See Arctic regions. North sea. Heine, H. (/n Pictures of travel.) North star {yacht). Choules, J. O. Cruise of. North-west (U. S.)— Burnet, J. Notes on early settlement of the north-western territory. Cooper, J. G. Keport on the botany of the. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., V. 12, pt. ii. — Keports on the birds, Crustacea, mammals, and reptiles of the. [With Stevens's ex- plorations.] See Pacific railroad, Keports of explorations, etc., v. 12, pt. ii. Cooper, W. Eeport on the moUusca of the. See Pacific railroad, Keports of explorations, etc., V. 12, pt. ii. Gray, A. Catalogue of plants collected east of the Eocky mountains on the route from St. Paul to Puget sound. See Pacific rail- road, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 12, pt. ii. Hildreth, S. p. Pioneer history of the north-west territory and Ohio valley. James, T. Voyage for the discovery of the north-west [1631-2]. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 2.) Le Conte, J. L. Eeport on the insects col- lected on the route from St. Paul to Puget sound. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of ex- plorations, etc., V. 12, pt. ii. Stevens, I. I. Narrative of explorations of route from St. Paul (Minn.) to Puget sound. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., V. 12, pt. i. Suckley, G. Eeport on the water-birds of the route from St. Paul to Puget sound. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., V. 12, pt. ii. — and GiBBS, G. Eeport on the mammals of the same route. See Pacific railroad, Eeports of explorations, etc., v. 12, pt. ii. North-west coast (U. S.)— Dixon, G. Voyage round the world, 1785-8. Historical researches. [In North Pacific re- view, V. 1, no. 1, p. 13.) LisiANSKY, U. Voyage round the world, 1805-7. Meares, J. Voyages in 1786-9 from China to north-west coast of America. PoRTLocK, N. Voyage to north-west coast [1785-8]. Swan, J. G. North-west coast. The. Vancouver, G. Voyage round the world, 1790-95, V. 1-3. See also Arctic regions; Cadiack island; Sitka. North- w^est passage — Beechky, F. W. Observations on a. {In his Narrative, v. 2.) FiTZWiLLiAM, W., and Cheadle, W. B. North-west passage by land, A. James, T. Voyage to discover a north-west passage [1632]. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Meares, J. Observations on the probable ex- istence of a. {In Voyages.) Narrative of early voyages undertaken for the discovery of a north-west passage to Cathaia and India. Lond. 1851. 8° {In Hakluyt. soc, v. 4.) Northern regions. The. PoNTANUS, J. I. Dissertation concerning N.E. passage. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) NORTH-WEST 605 NOT North-Avest passage {continued ) — Voyages in search of. {In Burney's Voy- ages, V. 1, pp. 4, 6, 339-354 ; v. 2, pp. 108, 110, 115, 353 ; v. 3, pp. 185-190, 319, 392- 394 ; V. 4, p. 75 ; v. 5, p. 165.) See also Arctic regions. North-"western boundary line. Gushing, C. Treaty of Washington. Northampton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne Comp- ton {marquis of), (1790-1851). Address, read at the anniversary meeting of the Koyal society, Nov. 30, 1842. {In Pamphlets, v. 22.) Northamptonshire peasant poet {pseud.). See Clare, J. Northcote, J. Spencer, and Brotvnlow, W. R. Roma sotteranea ; or, some account of the Roman catacombs, especially of the ceme- tery of San Callisto, Lond. 1869. 12? Northcote, James (1746-1831). Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Cunningham, A. Lifeof. (/« Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 5.) E. F. lib., V. 67. Northend, Charles. {JEd.) Book of epitaphs, amusing, curious, andf quaint ; being light readings on grave subjects. To which are added a few pages of inscriptions deemed appropriate for use. N. Y. 1873. 12? Northern antiquities. Mallet, P. H. Northern lands. Adams, W. T. Northern lights : stories from Swedish and Fin- nish authors. Borg, S., and Brown, M. A. {Trs.) Northern refugee. Meeker, N. C. {In Life in the west.) Northern regions ; or, Uncle Richard's relation of Capt. Parry's voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage, and Franklin's and Cochrane's journeys to other parts of the world. N. y. 1856. 12? Northern seas. The. Babinet, J. Paper on. {In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Northern worthies. Coleridge, H. Lives of. Lond. 1852. 3 V. 12? Contents : Arkwright, Sir B., v. 2. Ascham, R., v. 2. Bentley, R., v. 1. Clifford, Lady Anne, v. 2. Congreve, W., v. 3. Cook, J., V.3. Fairfax, T., Lord, v. 1. Fisher, J., v. 2. Fothergill, J., v. 3. James, earl of Derby, v. 1. Marvell, A., v. 1. Mason, W., v. 2. Eoscoe, W., V. 3. Northleigh, John {Dr.). Travels of. {In Har- ris, J. Voy., V. 2.) Northranger abbey. Austen, J. {In Pride and prejudice.) Northrop, B. G. See Education in Japan. Northumlaerland. {Eng.). See Collieries. North-wood. Hale, Mrs. S. J. Norton, -Andrews (1786-1853). Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of the trinitarians concerning the nature of God and the person of Christ. Camb. 1833. 12? Translation of the gospels, A ; with notes. Bost. 1855. 2 V. 8? "Winter morning, A. {In Boston book.) Norton, Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (6. 1808). Dream, The ; and other poems. N. Y. 1855. 12? Lady of La Garaye, The. N. Y. 1864. 12? Norton {continued) — Old Sir Douglas. Phil. 1867. 12? (3 cop.) Poems. Bost. 1833. 12? Undying one. The ; Sorrows of Rosalie ; and other poems. Bost. 1854. 12? See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2. Norton, Charles B., and Valentine, W. J. Report on munitions and arms of war. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, v. 2.) Norton, Charles Eliot. Notes on travel and study in Italy. Bost. 1860. 12? Norton, J.N. Life of Archbishop Laud. Bost. 1864. 12? Norton, J. P. See Stephens, H. Norway — BowDEN, J. Naturalist in. Brace, C. L. Norse-folk. Browne, J. R. Land of Thor. Bunbury, S. Summer in northern Europe. Campbell, J. R. How to see Norway. CoxE, W. Travels in. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 5.) Dasent, G. W. England and Norway in the XI. century. {In Jest and earnest, v. 1.) — Harold Hardrada, king of. {In Jest and earnest, v. 2.) — Magnus the good, and Harold Hardrada. {In Jest and earnest, v. 2.) Dreutzer, O. E, Statistics relative to Nor- wegian mountains, lakes, and the snow-line. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Dunham, S. A. History of Norway, Den- mark, and Sweden. Forbes, J. D. Norway and its glaciers in 1851. Forester, T. Norway and its scenery. Laing, S. Heimskringla : sea-kings of. — Journal of a residence in Norway during 1834-6. Maxwell, J. S. Tour in Norway and Swe- den. {In The czar, his court and people.) Murray, J. Hand-book for travelers in. Nihil, Mr. {pseud.). Up the Elbe, and on to. Pfeiffer, Mme. I. Travels in. PoNTOPPiDON, E. Natural history of. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Smith, H. Tent-life with English gypsies in Norway. Hlatorlcal fiction: Bjornson, B. Arne. — Eagle's nest. — Father. — Fisher maiden. — Ovind. — Railroad and the churchyard. Taylor, (J.) B. Lars : a pastoral poem. See also Scandinavia. Norwich {Conn.). GiLMAN, D. C. Historical discourse, delivered in Norwich, at the bi- centennial celebration of the settlement of the town, Sept. 7, 1859. Norwood, R. Voyage to Virginia, 1649. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 6.) Norwood ; or, village life in New England. Beecher, H. "W. Nose. Ure, A. Treatise on diseases of the. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 8.) Nose of a notary. About, E. (F. V.) Not dead yet. Jeaffreson, J. C. Not easily jealous. Bost. 1873. 8? NOT 606 NOVELS Not pretty, but precious ; and other short stories. Phil. 1872. 8°. (5 coj>.) Contents : r. By Hay, J. Jy Guernsey, By Not pretty, but iireclous. pretty, 1 By Field, M. Old Sadler's resurrection. By Minor, K. D. Red fox. By Guernsey, C.F. Under false colors. By Hooper, L. H. Victims of dreams. ByHos- jner, M. Brottghton, K. Chasles, Same. {2d ser.) 1861). Loud. Same. {Sd ser.) 1867). Lond. Same, {ith ser.) Blood seedlinf Cold hand. ] C.F. ' How mother did It' Hadermann, J. B. Hungry heart. By De For- est J. W. Louie. By Spofford, Mrs. H. (E.) P. Marauis. By Hickox, C. Not wisely, but too well. Not without thorns. Graham, E. Notabilities in. France and England. (V. E.) P. Notable things of our own times. Timbs, J. Notaire de Chantilly, Le. Gozlan, L. {In OCuvres, v. 15.) Notch in the White mountains. Hawthorne, N. {In Memoir — Page.) Note-book of an English opium - eater. De QUINCET, T. Notes and queries : a medium of inter-communi- cation for literary men, artists, antiquaries, genealogists, etc. {1st ser.) V. 1 (Nov. 1849) to 12 (Dec. 1855). Lond. 1848-55. 12 V. 4° V. 1 (Jan. 1856) to 12 (Dec. 1856-61. 12 V. 4? V. 1 (Jan. 1862) to 12 (Dec. 1862-7. 12 V. 4': V. 1 (Jan. 1868) to 11 (June, 1873). Lond. 1868-72. 11 v. 4? Same. General index to 1st, 2d, and 3d series. Lond. 1856, 1858, 1862. 3 v. in 1. 4° See also Milledulcia. Notes and queries {Am.). See Historical mag. Notes by flood and field. Hartk, F. B. {In Luck of Koaring camp, etc.) Notes from life ; in seven essays. Taylor, H, Notes of a theological student. Hoppin, J. M. Notes of hospital life, from Nov. 1861 to Aug. 1863. Phil. 1864. 12? (3 cop.) Notes of travel ; or, recollections of Majunga, Zanzibar, Muscat, Aden, Mocha, and other eastern ports. Salem, Mass., 1854. 12? Notes on England and Italy. Hawthorne , 3frs. N. Notes perdues par un voyageur ^gar^. (C. A.) J. {In Ouvrages, v. 4.) Nothing but money. Arthur, T. S. Nothing new. Craik, D. (M.) M. Nothing to do : an accompaniment to ' Nothing to wear.' By a lady. N. Y. 1857. 16? Nothing to eat. Illustrated. Not by the author of ' Nothing to wear.' N. Y. 1857. 16? Nothing to say. Thomson, M. Nothing to wear. Butler, W. A. Nothing to you ; or, mind your own business. N. Y. 1857. 16? Nothing venture, nothing have. Haven, Mrs. A. B. Notice to quit. Wills, W. G. Noticia de la California. Ven^gas, M. Notre-Dame de Paris. Hugo, V. (M.) Nott, Charles C. Sketches of the war : a series of letters to the North Moore street school of New York. N. Y. 1863. 12? Nott, Eliphalet (1773-1866). Lectures on tem- perance. N. Y. 1857. 12? Eesurrection of Christ. N. Y. 1872. 12? NORIAC, Nott, Josiah Clark, and Gliddon, G. K. Indig- enous races of the earth ; or, new chapters of ethnological inquiry, including mono- graphs on special departments, by A. Maury, F. Pulszky, and J. A. Meigs. Phil. 1857. 4? Types of mankind ; or, ethnological research- es, based upon the ancient monuments, paint- ings, sculptures, and crania of races, and upon their natural, geographical, philolog- ical, and biblical history. Illustrated bj' se- lections from the inedited papers of Samuel G. Morton, and by additional contributions from L. Agassiz, W. Usher, and S. H. Pat- terson. Phil. 1854. 8? Nottingham free library and museum. Reports, 1868 - 71 ; index catalogue, 1868 ; supple- ment to same, 1869 ; second supplement, 1871. [Bound in library reports, ' Sheflield, Birkenhead, etc.'] Noukahiva {island). Krtjsenstern, M. de. Visit to (1803-5). {In Voyage autour du monde, v. 1.) Nourmahal. Quin, M. J. Nouveau dictionnaire historique; ou, histoire abr^g^e de tous les hommes qui se sont fait un nom par le g^nie, les talens, les vertus, les erreurs, etc., depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'^ nos jours. Par une soci^t^ de gens de lettres. {ie id). Caen, 1779. 6 v. 12? Nouveau monde, Le : scenes de la vie Am6ri- caine. Comettant, O. Nouveaux Lundis. Sainte-Betjte, 0. A. {In (Euvres, v. 29-39.) Nova Scotia — Blakiston anrf Bland (Lieuis.). List of birds of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1858,) Buckingham, J. S, Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. CozzENS, F. S. Acadia ; or, a month with the blue noses. Jones, J. M. Account ot Kjockken-moedding in. {In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) Kirk, H. First English conquest of Canada. Martin, R. M. History of. Taylor, J. W. Gold mines of. {In Mineral resources.) See also Acadia. Novalis {pseud.). See Hardenberg, F. von. Novatianus. Writings of. Tr. by R. E. Wal- lis. {In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib,, v. 13.) Novelle antiche. {In Roscoe, T. Italian novel- ists, V. 1.) Novels and novelists. Forsyth, W. Novels and novelists of the xviii. century. Jeaffreson, J. C. Novels and novelists, from Elizabeth to Victoria. RoscoE, T, German, Italian, and Spanish novelists. * Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists. See also Authors ; Literary and scientific men ; Literature ; and the names of different lan- guages. Novels and tales, reprinted from 'Household words,' conducted by C. Dickens. V. 1, 2, 4, 6. Leipzig, 1856. 4 v. 16? Contents : Black and blue, v, 2. 1 Brave coQcoti driver, The, Bond and free, v. 2, I V. 6. NOVELS 607 NURSES My little ward, v. 2. Nemesis, v. 1. Ninth of JuneLThe, v. 2. On 'change In Parte, v. 2. Ordeal, An, v. 1. Our family picture, v. 6. Hogue's life. A, v. 1. Romantic breach of prom- ise, V. 6. Salome and I, v. 2. Two college friends, v. 1. Parti. Novels (continued) — Bead secret. The, v. 4. Diary of Anue Kodway.The, Dick'balllngton, v. 2. Eleanor Clare's journal for ten years, v. 6. Eric Walderthorn, v. 2. Lazy tour of two Idle ap- pren tices. The, v. 6. Mrs. Badgery, v. 6. My blind sister, v. 2. My country town, v. 1. Novikoft, Vasili. Country Socrates. Moscow, 1789. 8^ (Russian.) Novum testamentum. See Bible. Now-a-days. (n.t.p.) 12? No"W and then. Warren, S. No"well, H. P. H. (May Mannering). Cruise of the Dashaway; or, Katie Putnam's voyage. Bost. 1868. IQ° (3 cop.) Little maid of Oxbow. Bost. 1871. 16° (3 cop.) Little Spaniard ; or, old Josh's grandson. Bost. 1869. 16? (3 cop.) NO"Wland, John H. B. Early reminiscences of Indianapolis; with short biographical sketch- es of its early citizens, and of a few of the prominent business men of the present day. Indianapolis, 1870. 12? Noyes, George P. Bivouac and the battle-field ; or, campaign sketches in Virginia and Mary- land. N. Y. 1863. 12? (2 cop.) Noyes, George Kapall (1798-1868). New trans- lation of the book of Job ; with an introduc- tion, and notes, chiefly explanatory. Bost. 1838. 12? New translation of the book of Psalms ; with an introduction. Bost. 1833. 12? New translation of the Hebrew prophets, ar- ranged in chronological order. (2ded.) Bost. 1843. 3 V. 12? New translation of the Proverbs, Ecclesias- tes, and the Canticles, with introductions, and notes, chiefly explanatory. Bost. 1846. 12? Noyes, J. 0. Koumania : the border-land of the Christian and the Turk. Comprising advent- ures in eastern Europe and western Asia. N. Y. 1857. 12? Noyes, John Humphrey. History of American socialisms. Phil. 1870. 8? Nozze de Figaro. (Opera.) Mozart, J. C. "W. A. Nubia — Baumgarten,M. Travels in Egypt and. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Leech, H. H. Letters of a sentimental idler. Melly, G. Khartoum and the Niles. PRIME,'W. C. Boat life in Nubia and Egypt. Egberts, D. Egypt and. KussELL, M. Nubia and Abyssinia. St. John, J. A. Egypt and. Warburton, E. Crescent and the cross. See also Soudan. Nugent, — (Lord). Some memorials of John Hampden, his party and his friends. Nuit S. Florence sous Alexandre de M6dicis, Une. Dumas, A. (D.) Nuit de C16op§,tre, Une. Gatjtier, F. (In (En- vies, V. 14.) Nuit du 28 au 29 Juillet. Sotili:^, M. F. (In (Euvres, v. 36.) Nuits Anglaises, Les. M£rt, J. (In CEuvres, V. 9.) Nuits d'hiver, Les. Mitbger, H. Nuits d'orient, Les : contes nocturnes. Mi;BT, J. {In (Euvres, v. 10.) Nuits de Kome, Les. Saint-F^lix, J. de. Nmts du Pere-la- Chaise, Les. Gozlan, L. (In (Euvres, v. 16.) Nuits Espagnoles, Les. MfeBT, J. (In (Euvres, V. 12.) Nuits Italiennes, Les. Mj&rt, J. (In (Euvres, V. 11.) Nlima Pompilius (2d king of Rome) , (ab, 750 B.C.). Florian, J. P. C. DE. Numa Pompilius. Plutarchtts. Viede. (Par A. Feillet.) (In Vies des Komains illustres.) — Vita. (Gr. et Lat.) (In Vitas, v. 1.) Number one. Foster, F. Number 101. Moulton, Mrs. E. L. C. Number seven. Hadley, J. (In his Essays, philological and critical.) Numbers, Book of. Cook, F. C. Commentary on. (In his Com., v. 1.) Numerals. Ellis, R. Numerals as signs of primeval unity among mankind. Numism.atics — Akerman, J. Y. Numismatic manual. Barthelemy, J. B. A. A. Nouveau manuel complet de numismatique. Batty' s catalogue of copper coinage of Great Britain, Ireland, etc. Bushnell, C. I. Arrangement of trades- men's cards, political tokens, also election medals, medalets, etc., cuiTent in the Uni- ted States of America for the last sixty years. DiCKESOK, M. W. American numismatic manual, etc. HicKcox, J. H. Historical account of Amer- ican coinage. Homans, I. S., Jr. Coin book. The. Humphreys, H. N. Coin collector's manual, — Coinage of the British empire. King, C. W. Early Christian. Mickley, J. J. Priced catalogue of the nu- mismatic collection formed by J. J. Mick- ley of Philadelphia, sold 1867. PosTE, B. Celtic inscriptions on Gaulish and British coins. See also Coins and coinage ; Medals. Nun, The. Sherwood, Mrs. M. M . (In Works, V. 7.) Nun's priest's tale. Chaucer, G. (In Chaucer soc.) Nunes, Joseph A. Day-dreams. Phil. 1863. 12? Nunez de Cabeca de Vaca, Alvar. Commentaires durant sa demeure a Rio de la Plata (Valla- dolid, 1555). Paris, 1837. 8? (JnTernaux- Compans's Voy., v. 7.) Relations et naufrages (Valladolid, 1555). Paris, 1837. 8? (In Ternaux - Compans's Voy., V. 6.) Ntlfio de Guzman. See Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Mexico. Nurein Geiger. Andersen, H. C. (In Ges. schrif- ten, V. 2.) Nurse and spy in the union army. Edmonds, S. E. E. Nurses and nursing — Nightingale, F. Notes on nursing. Storer, H. R. Nurses and nursing ; with spe- cial reference to management of sick women. See also Hospitals. NUTTALL 608 ODILLON-BARROT Nuttall, Thomas (1786-1859). See Michaux, i\ A. Nye, William F. See Velasco, F. Nystrom, John W. Technological education and the construction of ships and screw propel- lers, for naval and marine engineers, {^d ed.) Phil. 1866. 12° (2 cop.) o. O., N. Dog doctor ; or, how to cure dogs. St. Pe- tersburg, 1792, 8^ (^Russian.) Gardener's guide. The. Part i. St. Peters- burg, n.d. 8° {Russian.) Lesson to horsemen. St. Petersburg, 1790. 8° (Russian.) O-kee-pa. Catun, G. O. T. Andersen, H. C. O. Z. Andersen, H. C. (In Ges. werke, v. 2.) Oahu {island). Wilkes, C. Historical, phys- ical, and social description of. (In his Nar- rative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 4.) O&jSiCa, (Mex.) . Saqueo de. (/re Pamphlets, v. 37.) Oak-openings. Cooper, J. F. Oakland {Cal.). Directory for the year 1869. S. F. 1869. 8° Same. For the year 1872. S. F. 1872. 8°. Same. For the year 1873. S. F. 1874. 8°. Oatman, Mary Ann and O. A. Stratton, R. B. Captivity of the Oatman girls. Oberon. Wieland, C. M. Oberon ein romantisches heldengedicht. Wie- land, C. M. {In Samm. werke, v. 20.) Obituaries. Crosley, N. Annual obituary notices of eminent persons who have died in the United States, 1857-8. See also Annual cyclopaedia. Obligation of the sabbath. Brown, J. N., and Taylor, W. B. Obras escogidas. Cervantes Saatedba, M. DE. O'Brien, Fitz-James (1829-1862). Diamond lens. The. {In Atlantic tales.j Three of a trade ; or, red little Kriss Kringle. {In Good stories, v. 3.) O'Brien, Thomas M. , and Diefendorf, O. Gen- eral orders of the war department, embra- cing the years 1861-3, adapted specially for the use of the army and navy of the United States. Chronologically arranged ; with a full alphabetical index. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. 8°. O'Brien, William. Cross - purposes. /Farce.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 8. O'Briens and the O'Flahertys, The. Morgan, S. O. {Lady). O'Bryan, C. Lugarto, the mulatto. Lacy's Plays, V. 31. Observer, The. Cumberland, E., e^aZ. Lend. 1823. 3 V. 16^ {In British essayists, v. 32-34.) Obstetrics — Earle, L. Flooding after delivery. Hodge, H. L. Principles and practice of. Horn, J. Midwife manual. {Russian.) Simpson, Sir J. Y. Selected obstetrical and gynaecological works. Ooa&a, Diego de. See Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Mexico. O'Oallaghan, Edmund B. Documentary his- tory of the state of New York ; arranged under direction of the hon. C. Morgan. Al- bany, 1819-51. 4 V. 8° Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New York, procured in Holland, England, and France, by J. R. Brodhead. Albany, 1855-8. 10 v. 4^ Occasional addresses. Kennedy, J. P. Occupations of a retired life. By Edward Gur- rett. Mayo, Mrs. J. E. Ocean, The — De Vere, (M.) S. Wonders of the deep. FiGUiER, L. (G.) Ocean world. The. GossE, P. H. Ocean, The. Mangin, a. Mysteries of. MiLNER, T. Gallery of nature, The. Eeclus, E. Ocean, atmosphere, and life. TissANDiER, G. Wonders of water. See also Navigation ; Sea. Ocean, The. Dana, E. H. (In Boston book.) Ocean steam navigation. Eainey, T. Ocean to ocean. Carrinqton, Mrs. M. I. Ocean waifs. Eeid, M. Oceana. Harrington, J. Ocellus Lucanus {ab. 500 B.C.). See Taylor, T. Ochs, Peter (1752-1793). Zschokke, J. H. D. Biographic von. {In Ges. schriften, v. 32.) Ockley, Simon (1678-1720). History of the Sara- cens ; comprising the lives of Mohammed and his successors to the death of Abdalme- lik, the eleventh caliph. (4. F. E. Auber. Don Giovanni. W. G. Mo- zart. Don Pasquale. G. Donizetti. Fanst C. Gounod. Favorita. G. Donizetti. Fidelio. L. v. Beethoven. Fisriia del reggimento. G. Donizetti. Flauto magico. W. G. Mo- zart. Fra Diavolo. D. F. E. Auber. Freisch u tz. C. M. v. Weber. — Standard operas. Librettos. [Collected and bound.] 3 v. 8° Contents : Bohemian girl. Balfe, v. 3. Cenerentola, La. Rossini, v. 3. Dame Blanche, La. Bo'le- dieu, V. 3. Dinorah. Meyerbeer, v. 1. Don Giovanni. Mozart, v. 1. Don Pasquale. Donizetti, v. Guglielmo Tell. G. Rossini. Huguenots. G. Meyerbeer. Lucia di Lammermoor. G. Donizetti. Lucrezia Borgia. G. Doni- zetti. Martha. F. v. Flotow. Masaniello. D. F. E. Auber. Norma. V. Bellini. Nozze dl Figaro. W. G. Mo- zart Puritani. V. Bellini. Rigoletto. G. Verdi. Roberto il diavolo. G. Mey- erbeer. Sonnarabula. V. Bellini. Traviata. G. Verdi. Trovatore. G. Verdi. Elisire d'amore, L'. Doni- zetti, V. 2. Ernani. Verdi, v. 1. Favorita, La. Donizetti, v. 2. Fidelio. Beethoven, v. 3. Figlia del reggimento. La. Donizetti, v. "2. Fra Diavolo. Auber, v. 3. Freischutz, Der. Weber, v. 3. Huguenots, Les, Meyer- beer, v. 1. lone. Petreila. v. 3. Juive, La, HalCvy, v. 3. Linda di Chamounix. Doni- zetti, v. 2. Lucia di Lammermoor. Do- nizetti, v. 2. Lucrezia Borgia. Donizetti, v. 2. Magic flute. Mozart, v. 1. Marriage of Figaro. Mozart, V. 1. Martiri (Poliuto), I. Donizet- ti, V. 2. Masaniello. Auber, v. 3. Norma. Bellini, v. 2. Prophete, Le. Meyerbeer, V. 1. Puritani, I. Bellini, v. 2. Rigoletto. Verdi, v. 1. Robert le diable. Meyer- beer, V". 1. Saflfo. Piccini, v. 3. Sonnambula, La. Bellini, v. Teil, Wm. Ros.sini, v. 3. Traviata, La. Verdi, v. 1. — Pardon, G. F. Tales from the. Ophthalmics. See Eyes. Opie, Mrs. Amelia (1769-1853). Works. n.d. 3 V. 8° [V. 1, 3 missing.] Phil. Co7itents Appearance is against her. Austin and his wife. Henry Woodville. Lady Anne and Lady Jane. Mrs. Arlington. Mysterious stranger. The. New tales. Proposals of marriage. Quaker, The, and the young man of the world. Rulfian boy. The. Tale of trials, told to my children. Tales of real life. Valentine's eve. Welcome home, The. — Temper, (n.t.p.) 16? Opie, John (1761-1807). Cunningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most eminent British paint- ers and sculptors, v. 2.) H. P. lib., v. 18. See also Barry, J. Opinions concerning the bible law of marriage, by one of the people. Phil. 1871. 12° Opium — Confessions of an English opium-eater. De Quincey, T. Coleridge and opium-eat- ing. {In his Narrative and miscellaneous papers.) Note-book of an English opium-eater. Opium habit. The. Opium habit, The ; with suggestions as to the remedy. N. Y. 1868. 12= Opium smoke in Tiger bay. An. Greenwood, J. (In In strange company.) Oppianus {lived in 2d century), De venatione et de piscatione. [A poem.] (Gr. et Lat.) Edidit F. S. Lehrs. {In Poetse bucolici et didactici.) Didot's Script. Griec. biblioth. Oppianus {continued) — Scholia et paraphrasis in Oppianum. {Gr. et Lat.) [Bound with < Theocritus scholia.'] Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Opportunities. Warner, Miss S. Opportunity. Seemuller, Mrs. A. M. C. Optic, Oliver {pseud.). See Adams, W. T. Optical instruments. Pike, B., Jr. Illustrated descriptive catalogue of. Optics — Brewster, Sir D. Treatise on. Goblet, H. F. Theory of sight. Gothe, J. W. V. Beitrage zur optik. {In Werke, v. 39.) Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Familiar letters on scientific subjects. Marion, F. Optique, L'. — Wonders of. Smith, J. Panorama of science and art. See also Light ; Natural philosophy. Optimist, The. Tuckerman, H. T. Orage, L'. Soulie, M. F. {In OEuvres, v. 36.) Oralle, A. de. Historycal relation of Chili. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 3.) Orange blossoms. Arthur, T. S. Orator, The : a compendium of English elo- quence, containing selections from the most celebrated speeches of the past and present. Ed., with short explanatory notes and refer- ences, by a barrister. {2d ed.) Lond. 1868. Contents : Albert, Prince. Bright, John. Brougham, Lord. Bu I vver-Ly t ton , Sir Edward. Burke, Edmund. Calhoun, John Caldwell. Canning, George. Carlyle, Thomas. Chatham, Lord. Cobbett, William. Cobden, Richard. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Cromwell, Oliver. Crosby, Lord mayor. Curran, John Philpot Derby, Earl of. Dickens, Charles. Disraeli, Benjamin. Drummond, Henry. Eliot, Sir John. Emmet, Robert. Erskine, Lord. Everett, Edward. Fox, Charles James. Fox, William Johnson. Garibaldi, Giuseppe. Gladstone, William Ewart Gough, John B. Grattan, Henry. Henry, Patrick. Jefferson, Thomas. Jeffrey, Lord. Orator's touchstone. The. McQueen, H. Oratores Attici : .^schines, Androcides, Anti- phon, Demades, Dimarchus, declamationes Gorgiae et aliorum, Isaeus, Isocrates, Ly- curgus, Lycias. {Gr. et Lat.) Edidit C. Muller. Paris, 1847. 8° Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Oratorios. See Boosey and Co. {Pub.) Orators- English orators : Erskine ; Demosthenes ; Koman ora- {In his Ehetorical and liter- ary dissertations.) Cicero, M. T. Claris oratoribus, De. {In Libri rhetorici, v. 3.) Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. Macaulay, T. B. Athenian. {In Essays.) Munius.' Kossuth, Louis. Lyndhurst, Lord. Macaulay, Lord. Mackintosh, Sir James. Mazzini, Joseph. Milton, John. O'Connell, Daniel. Palmerston, Lord. Peel, Sir Robert Phillips. Wendell. Pitt, William. Plunket, Lord. Pym, John. Robertson, Frederick Wil- liam. Russell, Earl. Saint Aubin, Sir John. Shell, Richard Lalor Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Stanley, Lord. Strafford, Lord. Thurlow, E., Lord. Walpole, Sir Robert. Washington, George. Webster, Daniel. Wellington, Duke of. Wilberforce, William. Wilkes, John. Windham, William. Wiseman, Cardinal. Brougham, H. Greek orators : tors : Cicero. ORATORS 614 OREGON Orators {continued) — Magoon, E. L. Living orators in America. — Orators of the American revolution. Parker, E. G. Golden age of American ora- tory. Orators in America. Magoon, E. L. Living. N. y. 1851. 12° Benton, Thomas H. Calhoun, John C. Cass, r.ewis. Clay, Henry. Corwin, Thomas. Orators of France 1870. 8° Contents : Everett, Edward. McDufHe, George. Preston, William 0. Webster, Daniel. By Timon. N. Y. 1851. Contents . Berryer, M. Bonaparte, Napolfion. Constant, BenJ. Dan ton. Dupln, P. Foy, M. S. Garnier-PagSs, E. J. L. Guizot, F. P. G. Lafayette, M. J. P. I.amartine, A. M. L. P. d( Orators of the age. 1847. 12^ Manuel, J. A. Mirabeau, H. G. O'Connell, D. Odillon-Barrot, C. H. Pgrier, Casimir. Koyer-Collard, P. P. Sauzet, J. P. P. Serre, P. F. H. de. Thiers, L. A. Francis, G. H. N. Y. Contents : Bentinck, Lord George. Bowring, John. Bright, John. Buckingham, Duke of. Dunconibe, T. S. Gibson, T. Milner. Grabam, Sir J. B. G. Grey, C, Earl. Hawes. Mr. Lvndhurst, Lord. Macaulay. T. B. M'Neile, Rev. Hugh. Morpeth, Lord. PalmerstOM, Lord. Orators of the American revolution E. L. N. Y. 1850. 12° Peel, Sir Robert. Radnor, Earl of. Richmond, Duke of. Roebu<;k, Mr. Russell, TiOrd John. Sandon, Lord. Sheil, Mr. Stanley, E. H. Villiers, C. P. Wakley, Mr. Ward, Mr. Wellington, Duke of. Wilde, Sir Thos. Wise, Mr. Magoon, Contents : . Lee, R. H. Otis, James. Patriotic piety of 76. Pinkney, William. Quincy, Josiah. Randolph, John. Warren, Joseph. Wirt, WiUiam. Adams, John. Adams, Samuel. Ames, Fisher. Battle-fields of early Amer- ican eloquence. Emmet, T. A. Hamilton, A. Hancock, John. Henry, Patrick. Oratory — Aristotle. Khetorica. (Gr. et Lat.) (In Opera omnia.) Didot's Script. Graec. bib- lioth. Cicero, M. T. De inventione rhetorica ; de optimo genere oratorum ; de oratore ; parti- tione oratoria. (In Libri rhetorici, v. 2, 3.) — Oratory and orators. Bohn's Class, lib. McQueen, H. Orator's touchstone ; or, elo- quence simplified. Mandeville, H. Elements of reading and. Parker, E. G. Golden age of American. PiTTENGER, W. Oratory : sacred and sec- ular. QuiNTiLiAN, M. p. Institutes of. See also Eloquence ; Orators ; and the names of orators. Orbigny, Alcide d'. Voyage pittoresque dans les deux Am^riques ; accompagn^ de cartes et de nombreuses gravures sur acier. Paris, 1836. 2v. 8° Orbs around us, The. Proctor, K. A. Orchids. See Plants. Ordeal, An. (In Novels and tales from House- hold words, V. 1.) Ordeal for wives. Edwards, Mrs. A. B. Ordeals — Lea, H. C. Superstition and force. Mackay, C. Duels and. (In his Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions.) Ordenanza militar para el regimen, disciplina, subordinacion y servicio del ejdrcito aumen- tada con las disposiciones relativas, anteri- ores y posteriores & la independencia, con las tarifas de haberes, formularies de la plana mayor. Mexico, 1842. 2 v. 12? Ordericus Vitalis (1075-1141). Ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy. Tr., with notes, and the introduction of Guizot, by T. Forester. Lond. 1853. 4 v. 12° Ordnance — Benton, J. G. Course of instruction in ord- nance and gunnery. Eeport on heavy ordnance, 1869. SiMPsou, E. (Lieut.). Ordnance and naval gunnery. See also Arms ; Artillery ; Guns and gunning. Ordo nobilium urbium. AusoNius, D. M. (In Opera omnia, v. 1.) Ordronaux, John. Manual of instructions for military surgeons, on the examination of re- cruits and discharge of soldiers. N. Y. 1863. 12° Oregon (state)— Davidson, G. Coast pilot of California, Ore- gon, and Washington territory, 1869. EAPPLEYE'smapofOregon, Washington, Ida- ho, and part of Montana, 1868 . [In frame.] DescrlpUon and blstory: Abbot, H. L. Narrative of explorations from Sacramento valley to Columbia river, made by K. S. Williamson, 1855. See Pacific railroad, Keports of explorations, etc., v. 6. Beadle, J. H. Way to. (In Undeveloped west, The.) Bekson, J. Facts and features of late war in Oregon [1855-6]. (In Plea for the Indians.) Bowles, S. Our new west. BuL FINCH, T. Oregon and El Dorado. Coke, H. J. Hide over the Rocky mountains to Oregon and California. Dana, C. W. Great west. The. Dix, J. A. Oregon question : territorial gov- ernment in. (In Speeches, etc., v. 1.) Dunn, J. History of Oregon territory. — Oregon territory and Br. N. Am . fur trade. Farnham, T. J. Travels in Oregon and Cali- fornia. Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to Oregon and California in 1843-4. Gray, W. H. History of Oregon [1792- 1849]. Greenhow, E. History of Oregon and Cali- fornia. HiNEs, G. Oregon : its history, condition, and prospects. Hopkins, C. T. Explorations in Oregon. By C. T. H. (In Pioneer, The, v. 1, 2.) King, C. Fall of the Shoshone. (In Over- land monthly, v. 5.) Ludlow, F. H. Travels in. (In Heart of the continent.) McClellan, E. G. Golden state, The. NicoLAY, C. G. Oregon territory, (/ra Back- woods, The.) OREGON 615 ORIGINAL Oregon (continued) — Parker, S. Exploring tour beyond the Kocky mountains. Ross, A. Fur-hunters of the far west. Eossi, — (AbbS). Six ans en Am6rique [1856- 62]. Small, H. Oregon and her resources. Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and California in 1848. Victor, Mrs. F. F. Kiver of the west, The. "Wilkes, C Exploration of the interior and southern portion of Oregon [1840-41]. (In Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 4, 5.) — Western America, including California and Oregon ; with maps. Phil. 1849. 130 pp. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 8.) "WiNTHROP, T. Canoe and saddle. Bfstural liistory and resources: Blake, "W. P. Observations on the extent of the gold region of California and. [In Pamphlets, v. 33.) Cassin, J. Illustrations of the birds of. Conrad, T. A. Report on the tertiary shells of Abbot's explorations from Sacramento valley to the Columbia river, 1855. /See Pa- cific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., V. 6. Cooper, J. G., and Suckley, G. Natural history of "Wash, territory ; with much re- lating to. GiRARD, C. Report on the fishes of Abbot's explorations from the Sacramento valley to the Columbia river, 1855. See Pacific rail- road, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 6. HoRSFORD, E. N. Report on an analytical examination of waters and minerals from the hot springs in Des Chutes valley, with Wil- liamson's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 6. Newberry, J. S. Report on the botany of Abbot's explorations from Sacramento val- ley to the Columbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., v. 6. — Report on the geology of Abbot's explo- rations from Sacramento valley to the Co- lumbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad, Re- ports of explorations, etc., v. 6. — Report on the zoology of Abbot's explora- tions from the Sacramento valley to the Co- lumbia river, 1855. See Pacific railroad, Re- ports of explorations, etc., v. 6. Raymond, R. W. Condition of the mining industry in. (In his Silver and gold.) — Statistics of mines and mining. 8ee also — Columbia river. Puget sound. Fuca, J. de. Walla Walla. Nisqually. Willamette val- Portland. ley. Oregon spectator. The. V. 3, no. 24 (Jan. 25, 1849). Oregon city, 1849. Sm. f° [Bound in ' Alta California' of 1851.] O'Reilly, Edward. Irish - English dictionary, with copious quotations from the most es- teemed ancient and modern writers, to eluci- date the meaning of obscure words, and numerous comparisons of Irish words with those of similar orthography, sense, or sound in the Welsh and Hebrew languages. With a supplement, containing many thousand O'Reilly (continued) — Irish words, with their interpretations in English, by John O 'Donovan. Dublin, 1864. Roy. 8° O'Reilly, John Boyle. Songs from the southern seas; and other poems. Bost. 1873. 12^ (2 cop.) ^ Contents : Amber whale, The : a harpooner's story. Dog guard, The : an Australian story. Duklte snake, The : a West Australian bushman's story. King of the Vasse, The : a legend of the bush In West Australia. Monster diamond, The : a tale of the penal colony of West Australia. O'Reilly, Miles (pseud.). See Halpine, C. G. O'Reilly, Mrs. Robert Eleanor Grace. Daisy's companions ; or, scenes from child -life. Bost. 1871. 16° Deborah's drawer. Bost. 1872. 16° (2 cop.) Doll world ; or, play and earnest. Bost. 1872. 16° Giles's minority ; or, scenes at the red house. Bost. 1873. 12° Orellana, Francisco de (d. 1550). Voyage down the river of the Amazons, 1540-41. Tr. from the 6th decade of Herrera's Hist, of the western Indies, and ed., with notes, by 0. R. Markham. (In Hakluyt soc, v. 23.) Orestes. Storch, L. (i>i Ausgewahlte schrif- ten und novellen, v. 19.) Organic architecture. Ogilvie, G. Organisms. Bastian, H. C. Modes of origin of lowest organisms. Organization in daily life. Helps, A. Organon, The. Aristotle. Organon of homoeopathic medicine. Hahne- mann, S. Organs. Bishop, C. K. K. Notes on church organs. Orgueil, L'. Sue, E. (In Sept p^ch^s capitaux.) Oribasius. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. [By Eunapius.] (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Orient et ses peuplades, L'. Audouard, 3fme. O. Oriental, The ; or, 'Tung-ngai-san-luck.' (Jan. 4, 1855, to Dec. 1856.) S. F. 1856. Sm. f? Oriental and linguistic studies. Whitney, W. D. Oriental language and literature — Alger, W. R. Poetry of the east. — Poetry of the orient. Cory, I. P. Ancient fragments of the Phoe- nician, Chaldean, Egyptian, Tjrrian, Indian, and other writers. GoTHE, J. W. von. Auswartige literatur. (In Samm. werke, v. 5.) — Orientalische literatur. [In Werke, v. 46.) See also India (language and literature) ; Ve- da ; Zend-Avesta. Oriental religions. Johnson, S. Orientales, Les. Hugo, V. (M.) Origen (126-253). Writings. Tr. byF. Crom- bie, (In Ante-Nicene Chr. lib., v. 10, 11.) Origin. »S'ee Life. Origin and development of religious belief. The. Gould, S. B. Origin of species. Huxley, T. H. (In his Lay sermons.) Origin of the stars. Ennis, J. Original poetic effusions : moral, religious, and sentimental. From the pen of A. S. G. ORIGINALE 616 OS Original©. Hoefer, E. ( Jn Erzahlende schrif- ten, V. 7.) Origine du langage, De 1'. Kenan, (J.) E. Origines. Drummond, W. Origines del teatro EspaSol. Moratin, L. F. DE. Origines sacrse. Stillingfleet, E. Orion. Horne, K. H. Oriya. See Aryan language. Orkney islands. Brand, J. Description of the Orkneys. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 3.) Orkneyinga saga. Orknesringa saga, Tr. from the Icelandic, by Jon A. Hjaltalin and Gilbert Goudie. Ed., with notes and introduction, by J. Anderson. Edin. 1873. 8? Orlando furioso. Ariosto, L. Orlando innamorato, The. Berni, E. Orleans, House of. See Monstrelet, E. de. Orleans, Charlotte Elisabeth {duchesse d'). M6- moires de Madame, mere du regent. See Staal-Delaunay, M^moires. Orleans, H^lene Louise Elisabeth (duchesse «?'), (1814-1858). Memoir of. Tr. from the French, by Mrs. Austin. Lond. 1859. 12° Orleans, Marie d' (princesse de CiSves), (1426- 1487). Princesse de Cleves, La. Londres, 1791. 2 V. 16? Orleans, Philippe (due d'), (1674-1723). Du- CLos, C. p. M^moires secrets. Dumas, A. (D.) Kegence, La. Touchard-Lafosse, G. Chroniques de I'CEil de boeuf, v. 1. Vallee, 0. de. Due d' Orleans et le chan- celier Daguesseau, Le. Orl6ans, Pierre Joseph d' (P8re), (1644-1698). History of the two Tartar conquerors of China, inchiding the two journeys into Tar- tary of Father Ferdinand Verbiest, in the suite of the emperor Kang-Hi. To which is added Father Pereira's journey into Tartary in the suite of the same emperor, from the Dutch of Nicolaas "Witsen. Tr. and edited by the earl of Ellesmere ; with an introduc- tion, by K. H. Major. Lond. 1854. 8? {In Hakluyt soc, v. 15.) Orley farm. Trollope, A. Ormath"waite (Lord). See "Walsh [Benn-], J. Ormerod, Edw. Latham. British social wasps : an introduction to their anatomy and physi- ology, architecture, and general natural his- tory, with illustrations of the different spe- cies and their nests. Lond. 1868. 12? Ormerod, Thomas Holden. Coliseum , The. [A poem, 1818.] {In Oxford prize poems.) Orraond. Edgewoeth, JifmM. (/« Tales, etc., V. 9.) Ornaond's peace. Milton, J. Observations on. (In Prose works, v. 1.) OrmsTby, R. McKinley. History of the "Whig party, or some of its main features ; with a hurried glance at the formation of parties in the U. S., etc. Bost. 1859. 12? (2 cojp.) Ornament — HuLME, F. E. Adaptability of our native plants to purposes of ornamental art. Jones, O. Examples of Chinese ornament. — Grammar of. PiRANESi, G. and F. Opere. PuGiN, A. "W. Floriated ornament. Ornithology— Audubon, J. J. Ornithological biography. Cooper, J. G. Land birds of California. [V. 1 of Whitney's Geol. survey of Cal.] Samuels, E. A. Ornithology and oology of New England. . Wilson, A., and Bonaparte, C. L. J. L. American. See also Birds ; Pacific railroad ; and the names of countries and states. Orosius, Paulus (390-417 ?). History. Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version ; with English transla- tion, by B. Thorpe. See Pauli, E. Oroville (Butte co., Cal.). Plain statement of facts relating to the building of the district school-house in Oroville ; with a financial report of the amounts received and expended by the trustees up to the time of the comple- tion of the work. 8? (/w Pamphlets, V. 13.) Orphan and the foundling. The. Leslie, E. Orphan asylum (S. F.). Billings, F. Address, at the 5th anniversary, Feb. 1856. (Jn Pam- phlets, V. 14.) Orphan of the old Dominion. Silvertale, L. Orphan's triumphs. Potwin, H. K. Orphans of Normandy. Sherwood, Mrs. M. M. (In Works, v. 2.) Orpheline de Solferino, L'. M±ry, J. (/nCEu- vres, V. 43.) Orpheline du Waterloo, L'. Souli^, M.F. (In (Euvres, v. 26.) Orpheus C. Kerr papers. Newell, R. H. Orr, James Lawrence (1822-1870). See Presiden- tial candidates. Orr, William S. Principles of physiology. (In Circle of the sciences, v. 1.) et at. Circle of the sciences : a series of treat- ises on the principles of science, with their application to practical pursuits. (New ed.) Lond, 1860. 9 v. 8? Contents : Ansted, D. T. : geology and physical geography, V. 4. ■Breen, H. : practical astronomy, v. 5. Dallas, W. S. : zoSlogy, v. 2, 3. Gore, G. : electro-deposition, v. 7. Imray.J. See Mitchell, V,'. (below). Jardine, A. : practical geometry, v. 8. Latbam, K. G. : varieties of tbe human race, v. 1. Lowe, E. J. See Scoffern, J. (below). Mitchell, W., el al. : mechanical philosophy, v. 9. Mitchell, W. See also Tennant, J. (below). Orr, W. S. : principles of physiology, v. 1. Owen, R. : structure of the skeleton and teeth, v. 1. Scoflfern, J. : chemistry of food, and of artiflcial il- lumination, V. 7. Scoffern, J. : elementary chemistry, v. 6. ScofTern, J., and Lowe, E. J. : meteorology, v. 5. Smith, E. : botany, structural and systematic, v. 2. Sparling, M. : photographic art, v. 7. Tennan t, J. , ami Mitchell, W. : crystallography and mineralogy, v. 4. Twisden, J. F. : spherical trigonometry and men- suration, V. 8. Young, J. R. : nautical astronomy, v. 5. Young, J. R. : simple arithmetic, algebra, and ele- ments of Euclid, V. 8. Young, J. R. See also Mitchell, W. (above). Orthopaedic surgery. See Deformities. Orthophony. Russell, W. Orthoptera. See Insects. Orton, Edward. Report on the geology of Mont- gomery county. (In Newberry's Geological survey of Ohio.) Orton, James. Andes and the Amazon ; or, across the continent of South America. N. Y. 1870. 12? Orville college. Wood, Mrs. H. Os Lusiadas. Camobns, L. de. OSBON 617 OTTO Osbon, B. S. Hand-book of the United States navy ; being a compilation of all the princi- pal events in the history of every vessel in the U. S. navy, from April, 1861, to May, 1864. N. Y. 1864. 12^ Osborn, H. S. Metallurgy of iron and steel, the- oretical and practical, in all its branches, with special reference to American materials and processes. Phil. 1869. 8? Osborn, Henry S. Holy land, past and present : sketches of travel in Palestine. Lond. 1868. 12° Palestine, past and present; with biblical, literary, and scientific notices. Phil. 1859. 8° Osborn, Sherard (Capt.). Greography of the bed of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, and Med- iterranean sea. [In Eoy. geog. soc. Jour- nal, V. 41.) Stray leaves from an arctic journal ; or, eight- een months in the polar regions in search of Sir John Franklin's expedition, 1850-51. N. Y. 1852. 12? Osborne, L. Arthur Carryl. N. Y. 1841. 12? Vision of Kubeta, The : an epic story of the island of Manhattan. Bost. 1838. 8°. Osborne, Thomas. See Statesmen, Lives of emi- nent British. Oscanyan, C. Sultan and his people. The. N. Y. 1857. 12? Oscar Bertrand. Bkaddon, Miss M. E. Osgood, Mrs. Frances Sargent (1812-1850). La- bor. (In Boston book.) Poems. N. Y. 1850. 16? Poetry of flowers, and flowers of poetry ; with a simple treatise on botany. N. Y. 1860. 12? Osgood, Jas.R., anrf Co. (Pub.) New England: a hand-book for travelers. A guide to the chief cities and popular resorts of New En- gland and to its scenery and historic attrac- tions, with the western and northern borders, from New York to Quebec. With six maps and eleven plans. Bost. 1873. 12? Osgood, Samuel (6. 1812). American leaves: familiar notes of thought and life. N. Y. 1867. 12? Contents : American boys. American girls. American nerves. Art among the people. Easter flowers. Etliies of love, The. Flag at home, The. Fortune. Garden philosophy. Learning statesmanship. Little children. OfT-hand speaking. Our old pew. School influences. Toward sunset — Hearth-stone, The : thoughts upon home- life in our cities. N. Y. 1854. 12? MiLE-STONEsin our life-journey. N. Y. 1855. 12? Osier, Edward. Life of Admiral Viscount Ex- mouth, Osraim der suchaer. Eellstab, L. (In Gres. schriften, v. 16.) Ossian. Poems; with notes, by M.Laing. Edin. 1805. 2 V. 8? [V. 1 missing.] Contents : Cath Loda, v. 2. Cathlia of Clutha, v. 2. C'olna Dona, v. 2. Macpherson's (James) po- ems, V. 2. Miscellaneous poems, v. 2. Olna-Morul, v. 2. Sulmalla of Lumon, v. 2. Temora, v. 2. Poems. Tr. by J. Macpherson ; with a dis- sertation on the aera and poems of Ossian. Bost. 1864. 16? Ossoli, Sarah Margaret Fuller (Countess), (1810- 1850). Article on Gothe. (In Character- istics of men of genius, v. 1.) Same. (In Dial, The, v. 2, p. 1.) At home and abroad ; or, thoughts and things in America and Europe. Ed. by her brother. Bost. 1856. 12? Life, without and within. Edited by A. B. Fuller. Bost. 1860. 12? Woman in the xix. century ; and kindred pa- pers relating to the sphere, condition, and duties of woman. Bost. 1855. 12? Ames, M. C. Article on. (In her Outlines of men, women, and things.) Osten Sacken, R. Catalogue of the described diptera of North America. (In Smithson- ian mis. coll., V. 3.) Osteology— Maclise, J. Comparative. Owen, R. Structure of the skeleton and teeth. (In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 1.) See also Anatomy ; Comparative anatomy ; Physiology. Os'wald, John. Etymological dictionary of the English language. (JVew ed.) Phil. 1855. 12? Os'wald Cray. Wood, Mrs. H. Otaheite. See Tahiti. Otcheredin-Aphanafltei. Coxe, W. Voy- age of [1765]. (In his Account of Russian discoveries.) Otero, Mariano. Oracion civica pronunci6 el dia 16 de Setiembre de 1843, aniversario de la gloriosa proclamacion de la independencia el ano de 1810. Mexico, 1843. 16? (/n Pam- phlets, V. 37.) Othello. Hauff, W. (JnSamm. werke, v. 3.) Other girls, The. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Other life. Holcombe, W. H. Other people's windows. Friswell, J. H. Other side, The. Ramsey, A. C. Other worlds than ours. Proctor, R. A. Otho, Marcus Salvius (32-69). Plutarchtjs. Vita. (Gr. et Lat.) (In Vitae, v. 2.) Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Life of. (In Lives of the twelve Caesars.) — Vita. (In Opera omnia, v. 2.) Otis, Calvin N. Sacred and constructive art : its origin and progress. N. Y. 1869. 12? Otis, Harrison Gray (1765-1848). See American eloquence, v. 1. Otis, Mrs. Harrison Gray. Barclays of Boston, The. Bost. 1854. 12? Otis, James (1725-1783). Bowen, F. Life of. (In Lib. of Am. oiog., v. 12.) Tudor, W. Life of. Bost. 1823. 8? See also American eloquence, v. 1 ; Orators of the American revolution. Otondo, Don Isidro. Two expeditions to Cali- fornia, 1683-5. (In Burney's Voy., v. 4, pp. 345-348.) Ott, Adolph. Art of manufacturing soap, can- dles, etc. Phil. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Otto, Emil. German conversation-grammar : a new and practical method of learning the German language. (12th ed.) Heidelberg, 1872. 12? Otto, Friedrich. History of Russian literature ; with a lexicon of Russian authors. Tr. by Geo. Cox. Oxford, 1839. 8? OTTO 618 OVERWEO- Otto, Friedrich Julian {h, 1809). Bier brauerei, brantweinbrennerei,etc. (inBoUey'sHand- buch der chemischen technologie, v. 4,) EssiG-FABRiKATiON, ziicker und starke-fabri- kation. ( In Bolley's Handbuch der che- mischen technologie, v. 5.) Manual of the detection of poisons by medico- chemical analysis. Tr. from the German. N. Y. 1857. 12? Otto der Schiitz. Kinkel, G. Otway, Thomas (1651-1685). Cheats of Scapin. (Com.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 10. Orphan. (Trag.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 8. Same, Inchb. Br. th., v. 12. Venice preserved. (Trag.) Br.^dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 12. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 32. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 3. Life of. (In English dramatists, v. 2.) Otylia, la Polonaise. Malot, H. (In Beau- frere, Le.) Oude. Kevoil, B. H, Koi d'Oude, Le. Oudney. Schauenburg, E. Account of his travels in Africa. [In Eeisen in central Afrika.) Ought we to visit her ? Edwards, Mrs. A. Ouida (pseud.). See Kame, L. de la. Ouno (pseud.). See Ashworth, T. M. Our artist in Cuba. Carleton, G. W. Our artist in Peru. Carleton, G. W. Our boys and girls. Adams, W. T. (JSd.) Our Charley, and what to do with him. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Our common insects. Packard, A. S., Jr. Our convicts. Carpenter, M. Our eternal homes. By a bible student. Best. 1866. 16° Our eyes. Williams, H. "W. Our family : a domestic novel. Hood, T. (In Tales, etc.) Our family picture. (In Novels and tales from Household words, v. 6.) Our Father's business. Guthrie, T. Our forefathers. (A series.) Freytag, G. 1, Ingo ; 2, Ingraban. Our forest home : its inmates, and what became of them. By author of ' Life's battle lost and won.' Lond. n.d. 12? Our girls. Lewis, D. Our globe : a universal picturesque album. Phil. n.d. Obi. 8° Our great captains. Brockett, L. P. Our inheritance in the great pyramid. Smyth, C. P. Our journal in the Pacific. "Wilmot, S. E. Our living poets. Form an, H. B. Our living representative men. Savage, J. Our mutual friend. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Our national resources ; and how they are wasted. HOYLE, W. 0\ir neighbors in the corner house. Arthur, T. S. Our new masters. Wright, T. Our new way round the world. Coffin, C. C. Our new west. Bowles, S. Otir old home. Hawthorne, N. Our own birds. Baily, W. L. Our poetical fevorites. Kendrick, A. C. Ovir press-gang. Wilmer, C. A. Our reptiles. Cooke, M. C. Our seamen. Plimsoll, S. Our seven churches. Beecher, T. K. Our sister republic. Evans, A. S. Our social bees. (1«; and 2d ser.) Wyntee, A. Our standard-bearer. Adams, W. T. Our village. Mitford, Miss M. K. Ouranogaia : heaven on earth. Digby, K. H. Out-door papers. Higginson, T. W. Out in the world. Arthur, T. S. Out of debt out of danger. Haven, Mrs. A. B. Out of harness. Guthrie, T. Out of his head. Aldrich, T. B. Out of sweet solitude. Donnelly, E. C. Out of the foam. Cooke, J. E. Out of the heart. Andersen, H. C. Out of the past : literary papers. Godwin, P. Out of the world. Thackeray, Miss A. I. (In her Writings.) Out of town. Coffin, K. B. Outcast, An ; or, virtue and faith. Adams, F. C. Outcasts of Poker flat. Harte, F. B. (In Luck of Koaring camp, etc.) Outcroppings : selections from California verse. S. r. 1866. 12? Outhier, K. Journal of a voyage to the north, 1736-7. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Outline study of man. An. Hopkins, M. Outlines of history. Keightley, T. Outlines of men, women, and things. Ames, Mrs. M. C. Outpost. Austin, J. G. Outre-mer. Longfellow, H. W. Out"ward bound. Adams, W. T. Over sea ; or, England, France, and Scotland. MORFORD, H. Over the cliffs. Chanter, Mrs. C. Over the ocean. Guild, C. Over turf and stubble. By Old Calabar. Lond. 1873. 8? Over yonder. John, Mrs. E. Overbury, Sir Thomas (1581-1613). Miscel- laneous works, in prose and verse, now first collected. Ed., with notes, and a biograph- ical account of the author, by E. F. Kim- bault. Lond. 1856. 12? See also Lives of English poets, v. 2. Overland. De Forest, J. W. Overland, inland, and upland. TJ., A. Overland journey to Lisbon. Hughes, T. M. Overland monthly. The : devoted to the devel- opment of the country. V. 1 (July, 1868) to 10 (June, 1873). S. F. 1868-73. 10 v. 8? [Duplicate set for circulation.] Overland through Asia. Knox, T. W. Overman, Frederick (d. 1852). Practical min- eralogy, assaying, and mining ; with a de- scription of the useful minerals, and instruc- tions for assaying and mining according to the simplest methods. (5th ed.) Phil. 1862. 12? Treatise on metallurgy, A ; comprising min- ing, and general and particular metallurgical operations. (5th ed.) N. Y. 1860. 8? (2 cop.) Overweg, Adolf (1822-1852). Schauenburg, E. Account of his travels in Africa. (In Eeisen in central Afrika.) 619 OXENFORD Amorum, lib. tres, v. 1. Artis .iinatorlse. lib. tres, v. 2. Consolatio ad Llviam Au- gustani, v.. 2. Epistolre ex Ponto, lib. iv., V. 5. Fastorum, lib. vL, v. 3, 4. Halleuticou : fragmenta, v. 2. Ovidius Naso, Publius (43 B.C. to a.d. 18). Opera omnia. Ex editione Burmanniana ; cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphi- ni. Lond. 1821. 9 v. 8= Valpy's Script. Lat. Contents : Heroides : epist. xxl., v. 1. Ibis, V. 5. Medicamina Faciei : frag- menta, V. 2. Metaniorphoseon, lib. xv., V. 2, 3. Nux : elegia, v. 2. Kemedia amoris, v. 2, Trlstium, lib. v., v. 4. — Works ; translated by Dryden, Pope, Con- greve, Addison, et al. N. Y. 1836. 2 v. 16? Fam. Class, lib. Fasti, The. Tristia, Pontic epistles, Ibis and Halieuticon. Tr. by H. T. Eiley. Lond. 1851. 12° Bohn's Class, lib. Hkroiden, Die. Uebersetzt von Johann G. L. Beutler. {In Chrestomathie der Lat. dich- ter.) HeroTdes, The, or epistles of the heroines ; the amours ; art of love ; remedy of love ; and minor works. Tr. by H. T. Riley. Lond. 1852. 12? Same. Lond. 1864. 12? Bohn's Class, lib. Metamorphoses. Literally translated into English prose, with copious notes and expla- nations, by H. T. Riley. Lond. 1851.' 12? Yerwandltjkgen, Die. Uebersetzt von J. G. L. Beutler. {In Chrestomathie der Lat. dichter.) Dryden", J. Translations from. {In "Works, v. 12.) RiEHL, W. H. Ovid bei hofe. {In Cultur- geschichtliche novellen.) Oviedo y Valdez, Gonzalo Hernandez de (1478- 1557). Histoire du Nicaragua. {In Ter- naux-Compans's Voy.,v. 22.) Relaciones ineditas de. {In Kingsborough, E. K. Antiquities of Mexico, v. 8.) Ovind : a story ofcountry life in Norway. Bjorn- SON, B. Ovingdean grange. Ainsworth, W. H. Ovolau island. Wilkes, C. Descriptive ac- count of. {In Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., V. 3.) 0"wen, Ash ford. GeorgySandon ; or, a lost love. Bost. 1865. 12; Lost love, A. Bost. 1873. 8? (5 cop.), Same. [Bound with ' Chrisna, the queen of the Danube.'] Owen, David Dale (1807-1860). Report of a geo- logical exploration of part of Iowa, Wiscon- sin, and Illinois, made under instructions from the secretary of the treasury of the U. S. in the autumn of 1839 ; with charts and illustrations. Wash. 1844. 8? Report of a geological reconnaissance of the Chippewa land district of Wisconsin, a por- tion of the Kickapoo country, and a part of Iowa and Minnesota territories, made under instructions from the U. S. treasury depart- ment. Wash. 1848. 8? Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska territory. Phil. 1852. 4? (2 cop.) Owen, John (1560-1622). See Lives of English poets, V. 2. Owen, John Pickard. Fair haven. The : a work in defense of the miraculous element in our Lord's ministry upon earth, both as against rationalistic impugners and certain orthodox defenders. Edited by W. B. Owen, with a memoir of the author. Lond. 1873. 8? Owen, Richard {b. 1804). Anatomy of verte- brates. Lond. 1866. 3 v. 8? Contents : Birds, V. 2. Fishes and reptiles, V. 1. Mammals, v. 2, 3. Odontography ; or, a treatise on the com- parative anatomy of the teeth, their physio- logical relations, mode of development, and microscopic structure in the vertebrate ani- mals. Lond. 1840-45. 2 v. 8? On the classification and geographical distri- bution of the mammalia ; being the lecture on Sir Robert Reade's foundation, delivered before the university of Cambridge, May 10, 1859. To which is added an appendix ' On the gorilla,' and ' On the extinction and transmutation of species.' Lond. 1859. 8? Structure of the skeleton and teeth. {In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 1.) See also Cartoon portraits. Owen, Robert Dale {b. 1801). Beyond the break- ers : a story of the present day. Phil. 1870. 8? (4 cop.) Debatable land between this world and the next ; with illustrative narrations. N. Y. 1872. 12? {5 cop.) Footfalls on the boundary of another world. Phil. 1860. 12? Same. Phil. 1871. 12? Threading my way : twenty-seven years of autobiography. N. Y. 1874. 12? Wrong of slavery ; the right of emancipation ; and the future of the African race in the United States. Phil. 1864. 12? (2 cop.) Owen, William (1769-1829). Cunningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors, v. 4.) H. F. lib., V. 66. Owen's valley earthquake ( Cat. ). Whitney, J. D. Papers on. {In Overland monthly, v. 9.) Owl creek letters ; and other correspondence. Prime, W. C. Oxberry.W.H. Matteo Falcone. (Melo-drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 83. Norma. (Trav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 55. Oxberry, William. Dramatic biography and his- trionic anecdotes. Lond. 7i.d. 6 v. 16? Same. {New ser.) Dramatic biography and green-room spy. Lond. 1825-35. 6 v. 16? [For contents, see Dramatic] Oxenford, John (6. 1812). Adrienne Lecouvreur, the reigning favorite. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 1. Beauty or the beast. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 60. Billing and cooing. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 65. Bristol diamonds. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 56. Cleft stick, A. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 68. Day well spent. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 34. OXENFORD 620 PACIFIC Oxenford. (continued) — Doubtful victory. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 36. Family failing. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 29. Five pounds reward. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 24. Freischutz, Der. Lacy's Plays, v. 69. I couldn't help it. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 55. Legal impediments. (Farce.) Lacy'sPlays, V. 53. Magic toys. (Ballet farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 42. Monastery of St. Just. (Play.) (From the French.) Lacy's Plays, v. 63. My fellow-clerk. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 48. Neighbors. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 73. Only a half-penny ! (Farce.) Lacy'sPlays, V. 22. Please to remember the grotto. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 70. Porter's knot. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 38. Ketained for the defense. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 41. Sam's arrival. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 56. Twice killed. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 34. Uncle Zachary. (Comic dr.) Lacy'sPlays, V. 45. "World of fashion. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 55. Young lad ft-om the country. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 64. awe? Brooks, (C.) S. Timour the Tartar. (Ex- trav.) Lacy's Plays, v. 49. and WiGAN, H. Life chase, A. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 86. Oxford {Eng.). Jeaffreson, J. C. Annals of. Oxford prize poems ; being a collection of such English poems as have at various times ob- tained prizes in the university of Oxford. (1th ed.) Lond. and Oxford, 1826. 12° Contents : Adolphus, John Leycester : Niobe. Barber, Ambrose: Palmyra. Boone, James Shergold : Farnese Hercules, The. Burdon, Richard: Parthenon. But8on, Christopher : Love of our country, The. Chinnery, George Robert: Statue of the dying gladiator, The. Ewart, W. : Temple of Diana at 'Ephesua, The. Hawkins, Francis: Pantheon, The. Heber, Reginald : Palestine. Hope, John Thomas: Arch of Titus. Howard, G. Pfestum. Howard, Middleton : Conquest of Quebec, The. Johnson, C. H. : John the baptist Lipscomb, William : Beneficial effects of Inocula- tion. Macdonnell, Alexander : Horses of Lycippus, The. Milman, Henry Hart: Belvidere Apollo, The. Ormerod, Thomas Holden : Coliseum, The. Richards, George : Aboriginal Britons, The. Richards, Samuel : Temple of Theseus. RoUeston, Matthew : Mahomet Eolleston, Matthew : Moses conducting the Israel- ites from Egypt to the promised land. Salmon, Thomas Stokes : Stonehenge. Sewell, Richard Clarke : Temple of Vesta. Tireman, William Walter : Trajan's pillar. Urquhart, Henry John : Iphigenla of Timanthes, The. Wilson, John : On Grecian and Roman architect- ure, sculpture, and painting. Oxford reformers : Colet, J., Erasmus, D.,More, T. Seebohm, F. Lond. 1869. 8° Oxides. See Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 24. Oxley. By Lyndon. Bright, Miss — . Oxnam, John. Enterprise of J. Oxnam in the south sea, 1575. [In Burney's Voy., v. 1, pp. 293, 296, 298.) OXUS river. See Tartary. Oxygen. Chace, 'G. J. Oxygen and its com- binations. [In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) Ozanam, J. Dictionnaire mathematique, ou idee g^nerale des mathematiques. Paris, 1691. Roy. 4^ Ozone and antozone — Fox, C. B. Their history and use. Wetherill, C. M. Paper on. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1864.) P. Paca, "William (1740-1797). Sanderson, J. Life of. {In his Signers to decl. of indep., v. 8.) Pacha of many tales. Marryat, F. Pacheco, Mrs. Eomualdo. Montalban. N. Y. 1868. 12? Pacific, The. (Aug. 1, 1851, to Nov. 3, 1854.) S. F. 1851-4. Imp. i% Pacific coast — I>irectorIe«, maps, etc.: Alta California almanac. Bancroft, H. H. , and Co. {Pub.) Map of the Pacific states, 1868 ; compiled by "Wm. H. Knight. [In frame.] Davidson, G. Directory for the Pacific coast of the U. S. [1858]. Guide-book of the Pacific : state, territorial, and ocean, 1865. Knight, W. H. Hand-book almanac for the Pacific states, 1862-4. Langley, H. G. Business directory for 1867. Same. For 1871-3. Pacific coast charts. [77 charts of the U. S. coast survey.] Sliacellaneoaa : Ashburner, W. Geological formation of the Pacific slope. Associated alumni of the Pacific coast. Pro- ceedings, 1864-8. Bates, Mrs. D. B. Four years on the. Beadle, J. H. Life and adventure on the Pacific coast [1869-71], {In Undeveloped west, The.) Browne, J. R. Altitudes of the principal points on the Pacific slope. {In Resources of the Pacific slope.) — Borax, tin, and coal in the states and ter- ritories west of the Rocky mountains. — Copper resources of the. — Resources of the. CowDERY, J. F. Pacific law encyclopaedia. Drake, Sir F. Discovers New Albion, 1579. {In Burney's Voy., v. 1, pp. 342, 344-354.) Hall, E. H. Guide to the great west. Harrison, J. M. Guide and resources of the Pacific slope, including Washington and Ida- ho territories, and the states of Oregon, Ne- vada, and California. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) King, C. U. S. geological exploration of the 40th parallel. Kip, L. Army life on the Pacific. PACIFIC C)21 PACIFIC Paoiflo coast {continued) — LoxoiTUi>E, topography, etc., of the. (In IT. S. coast survey, 1869.) MoLLHAUSEN, B. From the Mississippi to the. Newman, Mrs. M. "W. Poetry of the Pacific. North Pacific review, The. NuTTALL, T. Forest trees of the. (/n North American sylva, v. 4-6.) Pamphlets of the. [For contents, see Pam- phlets.] Parker, W. H. Kemarks on the navigation of the coasts between San Francisco and Pan- ama. Raymond, R. W. Mines and mining of the. ^Rearden, T. H. Overcrowded professions on the Pacific slope. {In Overland monthly, v.l.) Revere, J. W. Tour of duty in California. Richardson, A. D. Beyond the Mississippi. Shuck, O. T. {Ed.) Representative and lead- ing men of the. Stimpson, W. Crustacea and echinodermata of the Pacific shores of N. A. {In Pam- phlets, V. 10.) Thomson, M. Gold sands of the Pacific. {In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Tyler, R. O. Posts and stations of troops in the military division of the Pacific. "Whympe^, F. Travel and adventure in Alas- ka and other parts of the north Pacific. "Wilmot, S. E. Our journal in the Pacific. See also — Alaska. Pacific ocean. California. Sierra Nevada. California (lower). "Washington (terr.), Oregon. Pacific coast business directory for 1867. Com- piled by H. G. Langley. S. F. 1867. 8^ Same. For 1871-3. S. F. 1871. 8? Pacific coast charts. [77 charts of the U. S. coast survey, including the bays, harbors, rivers, and water fronts of the Pacific coast, col- lected and bound.] Eleph. f^ Contents . Alaska and adjoining terri- tories, no. 2. Alluya bay, no. 6. Anacapa (Island), no. 70. Bay of Waterfalls, no. 13. Belllngham bay, no. 22. Blakely harbor, no. 30. Bodega bay, no. 50. Boundary line bet. U. 8. and Br. possessions, no. 15. Bucarelli bay, no. 11. Cape Flattery and Nefi-ah harbor, no. 23. Cape Hancock, no. 45. Captain's harbor, no. 12. Catilina harbor, no. 74. Chernotfskv bay, no. 8. Chichagoff'harbor, no. 13. Coal harbor, no. 8. Columbia harbor, no. 13. Columbia river. Mouth of the, nos. 35, 36. CoquUIe river, entrance and part of, no. 42. Cortez bunk, no. 77. Coxo harbor, no. 67. Crescent city harbor, nos. 44, 46. Cross sections of parallels of 48° 25<, 48° 35', 48° 45', 49°, no. 16. Cuyler's harbor, no. 72. Delarof harbor, no. 8. Destruction harbor, no. 33. Drake's bay (Cal.) : prelimi- nary chart, nos. 36, 38. KtoUne harbor, no. 10. False DunKeness harbor, no. 21. Fort Tomgas, Passages to, no. 7. Gray's harbor, no. 34. Half Moon bay, no. 62. Humboldt bay, no. 48. I'-Youk-een cove, no. 7. Illiouliou^ harbor, no. 12. Kiluluk bay, no. 8. Kiriloff bay, no. 13. Koosbay, no. 41. Kootsnoo rapids, no. 10. Korovinsky bay, no. 13. Kukak bay, no. 6. Lindenberg harbor, no. 7. Mare island straits, no. 55. Mendocino city harbor, no. 44. Monterey bay, no. 63. Monterey harbor, no. 64. Napa creek, no. 52. Nazau bay, no. 13. New Duugeness harbor, no. 21. North-west coast of Ameri- ca (3 maps) : 1, Cape Flattery to Dixon entrance, no. 3. 2, Dixon entrance to Cape St. Elias, no. 4. 3, Icy bay lo Seven islands, no. 5. North - western Ameri:;a : territory ceded by Kujsia to U. S., no. 1. Olympia harbor, no. 32, San Pedro anchorage, no. 75. San Pedro harbor, no. 73. San Simeon harbor, no. 67. San ta Barbara, no. 69. Santa Barbara and vicinity, no. 75. Santa Cruz harbor and vi- cinity, no. 65. Santa Cruz island, no. 70. Semi-ah-moo bay, no. 20. Shelter cove, no. 44. Shiisbole bay, no. 28. Shoalwater bay, no. 36. Smith's, or Biunt's island, no. 24. Steilacoom harbor, no. 31. Suchikova bay, no. 13. Suisuu bay, no. 53. Tillamook bay, no. 40. Tomales bay, no. 51. Trinidad bay, no. 47. Umpquah river, entrance to, no. 43. XJnalaska bay, no. 12. Washington sound and ap- proaches, no. 17. Western coast of U. S., recon- naissance of the 1st part, from Umpquah river to the boundary, no. 37. Same. 2d part, San Francis- co to L' mpquah bay, no. 49. Same. 3d part, from San Francisco to San Diego, no. 61. Pacific coast {continued)- Paciflc coast: Point PlnoB to Bodega head, no. 59, Petaluma creeK, no. 52. Plover bay, no. 14. Point Concepcion, no. 71. Point Pinos, no. 66. Point Iteyes and Drake's bay, no. 56. Point sal, no. 68. Port Bazin, no. 11. Port Chalmers, no. 6. Port Chatham, no. 6. Port Conclusion, no. 11. Port Etches, no. 6. Port Gamble, no. 27. Port Graham, no. 8. Port Ludlow, no. 26. Port Madison, no. 19. Port Mulgrave, no. 6. Port Orford, or Swing har- bor, no. 44. Port Stewart, no. 11. PortTownsend, no. 25. Port Wrangel, no. 8. Prisoner's harbor, no. 72. Puget sound, no. 18. St. Paul harbor, no. 9. San Clemente harbor, no. 72. San Diego bay, no. 76. San Francisco bay, entrance to, no. 58. San Francisco bay, upper part, no. 67. San Francisco city, no. 60. San Luis Obispo, no. 67. San Pablo bay, no. 54. Pacific coast mercantile director. V. 1 (May, 1872, to March, 1873). S. F. 1873. f=. Pacific law encyclopiiedia. Cowdery, J. F. Pacific medical and surgical journal. V. 1 (1858) to 8 (1867). Edited by Drs. Trask, Woos- ter, Blake, Fourgeaud, and Gibbons. S. F. 1858-67. 8 v. 8° Same. {New ser.) V. 1 (1867) to 6 (April, 1873). Edited by H. Gibbons and H. Gib- bons, Jr. S. F, 1867-73. 6 v. 8^ Pacific Methodist college {Cal.). Catalogues (1st and 2d annual), 1862-3. S. F. 1862-3. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 5.) Religious or denominational education. An address, delivered at inauguration of Pacific Methodist college, Feb. 27, 1861, by Rev. O. P. Fitzgerald. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 5.) Pacific monthly, The. V. 1 (June, 1863) to 2 (Dec. 1864). S. F. 1863-4. 2 v. 8° Pacific news, The : (tri-weekly), v. 1, nos. 5-10 (Sept. 1849) ; (weekly), v. 1, no. 3 (Sept. 15, 1849). S. F. 1849. [Bound in ' Alta Cali- fornia,' 1851.] Pacific ocean — Balboa, V. N. de. Discovery of the Pacific ocean, Sept. 26, 1513, and voyages in [1516]. {In Robinson, C. Early voyages to Amer- ica.) Beechet, F. W. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Behring's strait, 1825-8. Circumnavigation of the globe, and account of the progress of discovery in the. H. F. lib., V. 82. Clippings from the California press in regard to steam across the Pacific, March and Nov. 1860. {In Pamphlets, v. 27.) CoLNETT, J. Voyage to the south Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific [1793] . Cook, J. Voyages in the Pacific ocean [1776- 80]. {In his Voyages, v. 2.) CooLEY, W. D. Voyages in the. (Ira Maritime and inland discovery, v. 2.) Coulter, J. Adventures in the. Dalrymple, a. Historical collection of the several voyages and discoveries in the. PACIFIC 622 PACIFIC Pacific ocean {continued) — Dana, R. H., Jr. Two years before the mast [1835] . Delesskrt, E. Voyages dans les deux oct- anes, 1844-7. FiNDLAY, A. G. Directory for the naviga- tion of the. Life and adventures in the south Pacific. By a roving printer. LisiANSKY, U. Voyage round the world [1804-5]. Porter, D. Journal of a cruise to the Pa- cific ocean [1812-14]. PuMPELLT, 11. Across America and Asia. Rhodes, W. H. Discovery of the Pacific ocean : a sketch. By Caxton. {In Hespe- rian, The, March, 1859.) Sevtard, W. H. Speech on whale -fishing and American commerce in the. {In Pam- phlets of Pacific coast.) "Wilkes, C. Voyages in the. {In Narrative of U. S.expl. exped., 1838-42.) "WiLMOT, S. E. {£d.) Our journal in the Pacific. See also — Australia. E. I. archipelago. China sea. New Zealand. Chincha. Sandwich islands. Also subdivisions generally. Pacific pneumatic gas co. Reply to the circular of the S. F. gas co. about petroleum gas. {In Pamphlets, v. 28.) Pacific railroad — Bowles, S. Pacific railroad open : how to see, what to see. Brooks, J. On, to, and over the. {In Up, down, and around the world.) Carroll, A. E. Star of the west, The. Davis, J. Speech on the Pac. R. R., 1859. {In Pamphlets, v. 22.) Deqrand, p. p. F. Addresses on a plan for a railroad from St. Louis to San Francisco, 1849. {In Pamphlets, v. 17.) Disturnell, J. Across the continent, and around the world. — Distance tables ; or, the traveler's pocket- companion, giving the great lines of travel across the continent. Fitch, H. S. Essay on the Pacific R. R.,by < Pacificus.' {In Pamphlets, v. 23.) Gilpin, "W. Observations on the. {In Cen- tral gold regions.) GwiN, W. M. On bill to establish a railway to the Pacific, 1853. {In Pamphlets of Pa- cific coast.) — Speech for the construction of a railroad from valley of Mississippi to the Pacific ocean, 1854. (In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Humphreys, A. A. Letter to W. M. Gwin on the Pacific railroad, 1858. {In Pam- phlets, V. 23.) Kelley, "W. D. New north-west: an ad- dress on the north Pacific railway. {In his Speeches, addresses, etc.) Latham, M. S. Speech on the Pacific rail- road, 1862. {In Pamphlets, v. 27.) McDougall, J. A. Speech advocating the great. {In Pamphlets of Pacific coast, 1854.) Map of the territory of the U. S., from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, to ac- Pacific railroad {continued) — company ' Explorations for a Pacific R. R. route,' 1865-8. [In frame.] Memorial of Pacific railroad convention. [In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) Overland, for a railroad. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v." 2.) Pacific railroad convention (first). Address to the people of the states and territories on the Pacific [1855 or 6]. {In Cal. state agri- cultural society's reports, 1856.) Phelps, T. G. Speech on P. R. R. in house of rep., April, 1862. {In Pamphlets, v. 23.) Railroad resolutions of the state of Nevada, 1865. {In Pamphlets, v. 23.) Walbridge, H. Speech on P. R. R. bill [1854]. {In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Pacific railroad open. Bowles, S. Pacific railroad reports. Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, made under the direction of the secretary of war, in 1853-6. Wash. 1855-61. 12 v. in 13. 4; Contents : Abbot, H. L. : report upon the explorations from Sacramento valley to the Columbia river, made by R. S. Williamson, 1855. v. 6. Agossiz, L. (J. R.): notice of the fossil fishes of Williamson's explorations, v. 6, p. 313. Antisell, T. : geological report of the explorations, by J. G. Parke, from San Francisco bay to Los Angeles, Cal., west of the coast range, and from the Pimas villages on the Gila to the Rio Grande near the 32d parallel of north latitude, 1854-5, v. 7. Astronomical observations, v. 4-6. Bailey, J. W. : letter relating to infusorial fossils found by Dr. .Schiel in Cal., with Beckwith's ex- plorations of the 41st parallel, 1854, v. 2. Baird, S. F. : Reports— On birds of Beckwith's explorations, v. 10. On birds of the several explorations, v. 9. On mammals of Beckwith's explorations, v. 10. On mammals of Williamson's explorations, v. 10. On mammals of the several explorations, v. 8. On natural history of Pope's explorations, v. 2. On reptiles of Abbofs explorations, v. 10. On reptiles of Beckwith's explorations, v. 10. On reptiles of Whipple's explorations, v. 10. On reptiles of the several explorations, v. 10. Beckwith, E. G. : report upon the route near the o8th aud3yth parallels, explored by J. W. Gunni- son, v. 2. Beckwith, E. G. : report upon the route near the 41st pai-allel, v. 2. [For zoology of the expedition, see V. 10.] Bigelow, J. M. : report upon the botany of Whip- ple's explorations, v. 4. Bigelow, J. M. : report upon the forest trees of Whipple's explorations, v. 4. Binney,W. G. : reportupon the land shells connect- ed with Abbot's explorations, v. 6. Birds. See Baird, Cooper, dewberry. Blake, W. P. : report on the geology of Pope's ex- plorations, V. 2. Blake, W. P. : report on the geology of Whipple's explorations, v. 3. Blake, W. P. : report on the geology of William- son's explorations, v. 5. Booth, J. C. : report on the mineralogy of Pope's explorations, v. 2. Campbell, A. H. : report (with tables) on the me- teorology and barometric results of Parke's ex- plorations, v. 7, appendix A. Conrad, T. A.: description of the fossil shells or Williamson's explorations, v. 5, p. 3iy. Conrad, T. A. : report of the tertiarj- fossils collect- ed on Abbot's explorations, v. 6. Cooper, J. G. : Reports— On birds collected on Stevens's explorations, v. 12, pt. ii. On botany of Stevens's explorations, v. 12, pt. li. On Crustacea of Stevens's explorations, v. 12, pt. iL i On mammals of Stevens's explorations, v. 12, pt , On reptiles of Stevens's explorations, v. 12, pt. IL : Cooper, Wm. ; report on moUusca of Stevens's ex- ' ploralions, v. 12, pt. ii. ^ .^,. v, » Durand, E., and Hilgard, T. C. : report on the bot- i any of Williamson's explorations, v. 5. Emory, W. H. : extract from the report of a mili- tary reconnaissance of the portion of the route PACIFIC 623 PACKARD Pacific railroad {continued^ — near the 33d parallel, lying between the mouths of the San Pedro ancl Gila rivers, v. 2. EnKelmanii, O. : description of the cactacese of Whipple's explorations, v. 4. Ewbaiik, T. : report on Indians. See Whipple and Ewbank (below). Examination of route near the 32d parallel of lati- tude N., explored by Parke and Emory, v. 1. Examination of route near the 32d parallel of lati- tude N., explored by Williamson, v. 1. Examination of route near the 35th parallel of lati- tude N., explored by Humphreys and Ives, v. 1. Examination of route near the 35th parallel of lati- tude N., explored by Whipple, v. 1. Examlnatioti of route near the 38th and 39th paral- lels of latitude N., explored by Gunnison et al., V. 1. Examination of route near the 38th and 39th paral- lels of latitude N., explored by Humphreys etaJ., V. 1. Examination of route near the 41st and 42d paral- lels of latitude N., explored by Fremont et al., V. I. Examination of route near the 41st and 42d paral- lels of latitude N., explored by Humphreys et al., V. 1. Examination of route near the 47th and 49th paral- lels of latitude N., explored by Humphreys e< al., V. 1. Examination of route near the 47th and 49th paral- lels of latitude N., explored by Stevens et al., v.l. Examination of the several routes concluded, v. 7. Fishes. See Agassiz, Girard, Suckley. Gibbs, G. See .Suckley, G. Girard, C. : Reports— On fishes of Abbot's explorations, v. 6. On fishes of Beckwlth's explorations, v. 10. On fishes of Whipple's explorations, v. 10. On fishes of Williamson's explorations, v. 10. On fishes of the several Pacific routes, v. 10. Gray, A. : catalogue of plants collected east of the Rocky mountains on Stevens's explorations of 47th and 49th parallels, St. Paul to Pugec sound, V. 12, pt. ii. See also Torrey (below). Gunnison, J. W. See Beckwith (above). Hallowell, E. : report on the reptiles of Parke's ex- plorations, V. 10. Hallowell, E. : report on the reptiles of William- son's explorations, v. 10. Heermann, A. L. : report on the birds of Parke's explorations, v. 10. Heermann, A. L. : report on the birds of WUllam- son's explorations, v. 10. Hilgard, T. C. See Durand, E. (above). Homans, S. : table of distances and altitudes for Beckwlth's explorations, v. 2. Horsford, E. ]S'. : report upon an analytical exam- ination of waters and minerals from the hot springs in Des Chutes valley with Williamson's exploraions, v. 6. Indians. See Whipple. Insects. See Le Conte. Jesup, T. S. : report upon the cost of transporting troops and supplies to C'al., Oregon, and New Mexico, V. 1, p. 130. Kennerly, C. B. R. : field notes and explanations on the zoology of Whipple's explorations, v. 4. Kennerly, C. B. R. : report on the birds of Whip- ple's explorations, v. 10. Kennerly, C. B. R. : report on the mammals of Whipple's explorations, v. 10. Lander, F. W. : report of a reconnaissance from Puget sound, via South pass to the Mississippi river, v. 2. liC Conte, J. L. : report upon the insects collected with the explorations of the 47th and 49th paral- lels, V. 12, pt. ii. McClellan, G. B. : memoranda on railways, v. 1. Mammals. See Baird, Cooper, Newberry, Suckley. Maps, charts, etc., of topography, v. 11. Maps, Description of, v. 7, appendix D. Marcou, J. : report on the geology of Whipple's ex- plorations, V. 3. Meteorology. For meteorological and barometric tables, see v. 1-4, 6, 7, 12, pt. ii. Mosses and liverworts. See Sullivant. Newberrv, J. S. : Reports— On botany of Abbot's explorations, v. 6. On geology of Abbot's explorations, v. 6. On zoology of Abbot's explorations, v. 6. Parke,J.G. : reportofan exploration for a railroad route near the 32d parallel, lying between Dona Ana on the Rio Grande and the Pimas villages on the Gila, v. 2. Bame. Zoological portion in v. 10, for which see Heermann and Hallowell (above). Parke, J. G. : report on routes in California to con- nect witli the routes near the .32d and 35th paral- lels, and upon that portion of the route near the 32d parallel lying between the Rio Grande and the Pimas villages on the Gila, 1853, v. 7. Poole, C. H. : report upon a route from San Diego to Fort Yuma via San Diego river,Warner'spass, and San Felipe caQon [in appendix], y. 7. Pacific railroad {continued) — Pope, J. : report on the route near the •S2d parallel, lying between the Red river and the Rio Grande, 18.>4, v. 2. [For botany and geology of this explo- ration, see Torrey and Blake.] Reptiles. See Baird, Cooper, and Hallowell. Schaeffer, G. C. : description of the structure of the fossil wood from the Colorado desert (with Wil- liamson's explorations), v. 5, p. 339. Schlel, J. : report of the geology of the explora- tions under the 3sth and 41st parallels, 1853-4, v. 2. Secretary of war. Reports of the, on the explora- tions, V. 1. Shells. See BInney. Stevens, 1. 1. : report for a route, near the 47th and 49th parallels, from St. Paul to Puget sound, v. I, p. 135. Stevens, 1. 1. : supplemental and final report on the same, v. 12, pts. i., 11. [For botany, see Cooper and Gray ; for zoOlogy, see Cooper, Le Conte, and Suckley.] Suckley, G. : Reports— On the fishes of the explorations In Stevens's re- port, v. 12, pt. ii. On water birds of the explorations in Stevens's report, v. 12, pt. il. Suckley, G., and Gibbs, G. : report on the mam- mals of the explorations in Stevens's report, v. 12, pt. 11. Sullivant, W. S. : report on the mosses and liver- worts oif Whipple's explorations, v. 4. Torrey, J. : report on the botany of Parke's ex- plorations, v. 7. Torrey, J., and Gray, A. : Reports— On the botany of Beckwlth's explorations, v. 2. On the botany of Pope's explorations, v. 2. On the botany of Whipple's explorations, v. 4. Turner, W. W. See Whipple. Warren, G. R. : notes on the route from Independ- ence to Santa ¥6, and from Indiauola via Saa Antonio to El Paso, v. 1, p. 109. Whipple, A. W. : report upon the route near the 35tn parallel, v. 3. Whipple, A. W., Ewbank, T., and Turner, W. W. : report on the Indian tribes, v. 3. [Pot geology of the route, see Blake, and Marcou ; for botany of the route, see Bigelow, Engelmann, Gray, Sulli- vant, ana Torrey ; for zoology, see Baird, Ken- nerly, and Girard.] W'illiamson, R. S. : report of explorations in Cal. for railroad routes to connect with routes near the 32d and 35th parallels, N. lat., v. 5. Williamson, R. S. See also Abbot, H. L. Zoology. See Agassiz, Baird, Binuey, Cooper, Qi- raru, Hallowell, Kennerly, Le Conte, Newberry, Suckley, Whipple. Same. [Duplicate set except v. 2.] Same. Wash. 1855. 4 v. 8? [iVo?e.— This 8vo. ed. of the P. R. R. reports was pre- pared and published as a preliminary report. It, with the accompanying maps, was made before the astro- nomical and barometric worKs were completed, and is not so reUable as the quarto ed. above.] Contents : Beckwith, E. G. : report upon the routes near the 38th and 39th parallels, v. 3. Humphreys, A. A. : examination of the reports of the explorations to determine the most practica- ble ana economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, v. 1. Jesup, T. S. : report on the cost of transporting troops and supplies to California, Oregon, and New Mexico, v. 1. Parke, J. O. : report of explorations for that por- tion of a railway route near the :J2d parallel, lying between Dona Ana on the Rio Grande to the Pi- mas villages on the Gila, v. 4. Pope, J. : report of explorations of a route for the Pacific railroad near the 32d parallel, from the Red river to the Rio Grande, v. 4. Report of the secretary of war on the several Pa- cific railroad explorations, v. 1. Stevens, I. I. : report of explorations of a route for the Pacific railroad near the 47th and 49th par- allels, from St. Paul to Puget sound, v. 2. Whipple, A. W. : report of explorations for a rail- way route, near the 35th parallel, from the Miss, river to the Pacific ocean, v. 3. W'illiamson, R. S. : report of a reconnaissance and survey in Cal., in connection with explorations for a practicable railway route from the Miss, river to the Pacific ocean in 1853, v. 1. Pacific rural press, The. V. 1 (Jan. 1871) to 5, (June 1873). S. F. 1871-3. 5 v. 4^ Pacific sentinel, The. (June 14, 1856, to June 6, 1857.) Santa Cruz, Cal., 1856-7. f? Packard, Alpheus Spring, Jr. Entomological re- port. {In Agriculture and geology of Maine, 2d ser., for 1862.) PACKARD 624 PAINTERS Packard {continued) — Our common insects : a popular account of the insects of our fields, forests, gardens, and houses. Salem, 1873. 12? Keports on insects and geology. (In Agri- culture and geology of Maine for 1861.) Packard, John H. Hand-book of operative surgery. Phil. 1870. 81 Packard, S. S. See "Williams, J. D. Packard's monthly. See Phrenological journal. Padovanni, Girolamo. Novel, (in Roscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 4.) Peestum. [Poem, 1821.] Howard, G. (In Oxford prize poems.) Paez, Jos6 Antonio (6. 1785). Sketch of. (In Times and places.) Paez, Ramon. Travels in central and south America. (1st ser.) Life in the llanos of Venezuela. N. Y. 1868. 12° (2 cop.) Wild scenes in South America ; or, life in the llanos of Venezuela. N. Y. 1862. 12? Pagan and Christian sepulchres. Milman, H. H. Article on. (In his Essays.) Paganism — BucKMiNSTER, E. Parthenia ; or, last days of. ElG-TEDA-SANHITiC. Vishnu Purana : a system of Hindu mythol- ogy and tradition. Tr. by H. H. Wilson. Zend-Avesta. Pagano-Papismus. Spofford, J. Page, Abraham, esq. (pseud.). See Holt, J. S. Page, David. Elements of geology. N. Y. 1851. 12? Geology for general readers : a series of pop- ular sketches in geology and palaeontology. Edin. 1866. 12? Page, H. A. Memoirs of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Page, Thomas J. Explorations of La Plata, the Argentine confederation, and Paraguay, in 1853-6, under orders of the U. S. govern- ment. N. Y. 1859. 8? Page, William P. Life and writings of Samuel Johnson. N. Y. 1847. 2 v. 16? H. F. lib., V. 109, 110. Page du due de Savoie, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Paget, James (b. 1814). Lectures on surgical pa- thology. (Zd Am. ed.) Phil. 1865. 8? Same. Third ed., revised and edited by W. Turner. Lond. 1870. 8? Study of physiology. (In Youmans, E. L., et al. Culture demanded by modern life.) Treatise on sinus and listula, ulcers, innocent tumors, contusions, wounds. (In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Paget, John. Hungary and Transylvania ; with remarks on their condition, social, political, and economical. Phil. 1850. 2 v. 12? Paijkull, C. W. Summer in Iceland. Tr. by M. R. Barnard. Lond. 1868. 8? Pain. HiNTON, J. Mystery of. Paine, Caroline. Tent and harem : notes of an oriental trip. N. Y. 1859. 12? Paine, Martyn (6. 1794). Institutes of medicine. N. Y. 1847. 8? Same. (8th ed.) N. Y. 1867. 8? _ Materia medica and therapeutics. N. Y. 1847. 8? Medical and physiological commentaries. N. Y. 1840-44. 3v. 8? Paine (continued) — Physiology of the soul and instinct, as dis- guished from materialism; with supplement- ary demonstrations of the divine communi- cations of the narratives of the creation and flood. N. Y. 1872. 8? Paine, Robert Treat (1773-1811). Irving, W. Review of works of. (In his Spanish papers, V. 2.) Sanderson, J. Life of. (In Signers to decL of indep., v. 2.) Paine, Robert Troup. Memoir of, by his parents. Printed for private distribution, especially fortheclassmatesof hisyouth. N.Y. 1852. f? Paine, Thomas (1737-1809). Works ; with an ac- count of his life. Phil. n.d. 12? Contents: Age of reason. Examination of the prophecies. Letters. Miscellaneous poems. Works. Phil.w.d. 12? Contents : Examination of the prophecies. Life of Paine. Miscellaneous theological writings. Letter to George Washington, president of the United States of America. (2ded.) Lond. 1797. 12? Political works ; with an account of his life. Comprising 'Common sense,' 'The crisis,' and 'The rights of man.' Phil. n.rf. 12? ViLLEMAiN, A. F. Critical review. {In (Eu- vres, V. 4.) Pains of pleasing. Ellis, ifr*. — . (In Pictures of private life.) Painter, gilder, and varnisher's companion ; con- taining rules and regulations in everything relating to the arts of painting, gilding, var- nishing, glass-staining, etc. Phil. 1858. 12? Painter's camp. Hamerton, P. G. Painter's dream. The. Fisher, Miss F. E. (In Nina's atonement, etc.) Painters — Atkinson, J. B., et iil. English painters of the present day. British schools of art. Bryan, M. Dictionary of painters and en- gravers. Cunningham, A. Lives of most eminent British painters and sculptors. N. Y. 1846. 5 V. 16? H. F. lib., v. 17-19, 66, 67. Contents : Allan, David, v. 67. Bacon, John, v. 19. Banks, Thomas, v. 19. Barry, James, v. 18. Beaumont, v. 6' Bird, Edward, v. 18. Blake, WiUiam, v. 18. Bonington, v. 66. Burnet, v. 67. Cibber, Caius Gabriel, v. 19. Copley, V. 66. Cosway, v. 67. Damer, Anne, v. 19. Flaxman, John, v. 19. Fuseli, Henry, v. 18. Gainsborough,Thomas,v.l7. Gibbons, Griming, v. 19. Harlow, v. 66. Hogarth, William, v. 17. Hoppner, v. 66. — Dumas, A ris, 1862. Jackson, v. 67. Jamesone, v. 66. Lawrence, v. 67. Liverseege, v. 67. Morland, George, v. 17. Mortimer, v. 66. NoUekins, Joseph, v. 19. Northeote, v. 67. Opie, John, v. 18. Owen, V. 66. Raeburn, v. 66. Ramsay, v. 66. Beynolds, Sir Joshua, v. 17. Romney, v. 66. Roubiliac, Louis Francis, v. 19. Runciman, v. 66. West, Benjamin, v. 18. Wilson, Richard, v. 17. Wilton, Joseph, v. 19. (D.) Italiens et Flamands. Pa- 2v.ini. 12? Contents : Bandinelli, Baccio, v. 2. I Bellin, Jean, v. 1. Barbarelli, Georges (QiorKi- Berck-Heyden, Gufoard, v. one), V. i '2. PAINTERS 625 PALESTINE Pinturicclo, Bernardino, v. 1. Pontormo, Jaques de, v. 2. Porta deUa Bacclo(Fra Bar- tolomeo), V. 1. Razzi, Jean-Autoine, v. 2. liomain, Jules, v. 2. Sarto, Andre del, v. 2. Sogliaiii, Jean-Antoine, v. 2. Vannucci, Pierre (Le Peru- gin), V. 1. Viucl, Leonardo da, v. 1. AUston, W. Brown, G. L. Chapman, J. O. Cole, T. Copley, J. S. Deas, C. Durand, A. B. Bkinionds, F. W. Stuart, G. C. Sully, T. TrumbuU, J. Vanderlyn, J. Weir, R. W. West, B. West, W. E. Painters (continued) — Bottlci'Ui, Alexandre, V. 2. Cranat'li, Lucas, v. 1. Dtirer, Albreeht, v. 1. Gaddi, Aiigo, v. 2. Holbein, Jean, v. 2. Lippi, FrCre Philippe, v. 2. Mantegna, Andrfi de, v. 2. Masaccio, San Giovanni de, V. 1. Metzys, Quintin, v. 2. Mifiris, Francois, v. 2. Peruzzi, Baldassare, v. 2. — DuNLAP, W. History of the riee and progress of the arts of design in the U. S. Hamerton, p. G. Contemporary French. Heaton, Mrs. C. Masterpieces of Flemish art. Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Memoirs of early Ital- ian. MoNKHOXJSE, W. C. Masterpieces of English art ; with sketches of some of the most cele- brated of the deceased painters of the English school, from the time of Hogarth to the pres- ent day. KusKiN, J. Modern. Seguier, F. p. Dictionary of the works of. Spooner, S. Memoirs of the lives of eminent. (In his Biog. hist, of fine arts.) Stories of boy genius, from the lives of great painters. TucKERMAN, H. T. Sketches of eminent Am- erican painters. {2d ed.) N. Y. 1849. 12^ Contents: Fiagg, G. w. Freeman, J. E. Huntington, B. In man, H. Iieslie, C. &. Leutze, E. Malbone, E. G. Morse, S. F. B. — Vasari, G. Lives of the most eminent. "WoRNUM, K. N. Epochs of painting. See also Artists ; and the names of artists. Painting — Arlot, M. Complete guide for coach. Barry, J., Opie, J., and Fuseli, H. Lect- ures on painting, by the royal academicians. BuRCKHARDT, J. Cicerone, The ; or, art- guide to painting in Italy. Burnet, J., and Murray, H. Landscape painting in oil colors. Cennini, C. Treatise on. Croze-Magnan, S. C. Discours historique sur la peinture ancienne. {In Mus^e Fran- ^ais, Le, v. 1.) Eastlake, C. L. Materials for a history of oil. Fielding, T. H. Theory of. GoTHE, J. W. von, Diderot's versuch iiber die malerei. {In Samm. werke, v. 4.) GuLLicK, T. J,, and Times, J. Painting pop- ularly explained. Hamerton, P. G. Painting in France after the decline of classicism. Hand-book of young artists and amateurs in oil. Harris, J. Treatise on. {In Works.) Howorth, G. Kestoration of. {In Pam- phlets, V. 33.) Jarves, J. J. Art-hints. — Art-studies. Jewitt, E. Manual of illuminated and mis- sal. Kuqler, F. T. Hand-book of. [Illustrated.] 41 Painting {continued) — Lanzi, L. History of painting in Italy. Palgrave, F. T. Gems of British art of the XIX. century. KusKiN, J. Essay on. {In True and beauti- ful.) — Lectures on painting and architecture. — Modern painters. — Seven lamps of architecture. — Stones of Venice. Twining, H. Elements of picturesque scen- ery, considered with reference to landscape painting. — Philosophy of. Urbino, Mme. L. B., and Day, H. Art-rec- reations. Vertue, G., and Walpole, H. Anecdotes of painting in England. ViARDOT, L. Merveilles dela peinture, Les. "Waagen, G. F. Hand-book of. WoRNUM, K. N. Epochs of. See also — Art. Landscape painting. Color and coloring. Painters. Galleries of art. Also the names of painters. Paints. See Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 29. Pair of blue eyes, A. Hardy, T. Palace and cottage. Adams, W. T. Palaces and prisons. Stephens, Mrs, A. S. Palaeontology — FiQuiER, L. (G.) World before the deluge. The. Gabb, W. M., and Meek, F. B. Palaeontol- ogy of California. V. 1, 2. {In Whitney, J. D. Geol. svirvey of Cal.) Hall, J. Palaeontology of New York. — Palaeontology of the Mexican boundary survey. {In Emory's Eeport, v. 1.) Huxley, T. H. Principles and methods of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) MacEnery, J. Cavern researches. Meek, F. B. Reports on the palaeontology of Illinois. {In Geol. survey of 111., v. 3.) — and Hayden, F. V. Palaeontology of the upper Missouri. Pt. i., invertebrates. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 14.) Oldham, T., et al. Memoirs of the geologi- cal survey of India. Palaeontologia Indica. See also Chili; Fossils; Geology; Petrifactions. Palatine emigration to England in 1709. Homes,, H. a. {In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Palermo. See Tacchini, P. Palestine — Blyden, E. W. From west Africa to Pales^ tine. Browne, J. E. Yusef. Chateaubriand, E. F. A. de. Travels in\ Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary, Clemens, S. L. Innocents abroad. Cochran, W. Guide to a practical knowl- edge of sacred geography. Forty days in the desert on the track of the- Israelites. Freese, J. R. Old world, The. FuLLKHTON, A. F. Lady's ride through, Pal- estine and Syria. Hacklander, F. W. Eeise in den orients {In Werke, v. 8, 9.) PALESTINE 626 PALMER Palestine (continued) — Herschell, K. H. Visit to my fatherland. Macgkegor, J. Kob Roy on the Jordan. Macleod, N. Eastward. MoTT, Mrs. M. Stones of. Hand - book for travelers in Murray, J. Syria and. Newman, J. P. OSBORN, H. S. From Dan to Beersheba. Holy land, past and present. E.ITTER, C. Comparative geography of Pal- estine and the Sinaitic peninsula. EoBiNSON, E. Biblical researches in. — Later researches in. E1T68ELL, M. Palestine ; or, the Holy land. Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Journey round the Dead sea and in the bible lands. Seward, W. H. Travels around the world. Stanley, A. P. Sinai and. "Wood, J. G. Bible animals. "Wright, T. (Ed.) Early travels in. See also Jerusalem ; Jews ; Lebanon ; Syria. Palestine, [Poem, 1803.] Heber, R. (In Oxford prize poems.) Paley, "William (1743-1805). "Works. Phil. 1831. 81 ^ ^ Contents : Clergyman's companion. Philosophy, Moraland poUt- Evidences of Christianity. ical. HorsR Paulinse. Sermons, Life of Paley. Tracts. Natural theology. ' — Natural theology ; or, evidences of the ex- istence and attributes of the Deity, collected from, appearances of nature. Bost. 1853. 12? Natural theology ; with illustrative notes, by Henry Brougham and Sir Charles Bell. To which are added preliminary observa- tions and notes, by A. Potter. N. Y. 1847. 2 V. 16° H. F. lib., v, 96, 97. Natural theology ; and Horse Paulinae. N. Y. n.d. 2 V, in 1. 12? Smith, "W. Discourse on ethics of the school of Paley. Palfrey, John Gorham (b. 1796). Academical lectures on the Jewish scriptures and antiq- uities. Bost. 1838. 2 V, 8° History of New England during the Stuart dynasty. Bost. 1858-64. 3 v. Large 8? Life of "William Palfrey. (In Lib. of Am. biog., V. 17.) Lowell lectures on the evidences of Chris- tianity. "With a discourse on the life and character of John Lowell, Jr., by E. Everett, Bost. 1843. 2 V. 8°. Palfrey, Sarah H, (B. Foxton). Herman; or, young knighthood, Bost. 1866. 2 v. 12? Palfrey, "William (1741-1780). Palfrey, J. G. Life of. (In Lib, of Am. biog., v. 17.) Palfrey, The. Hunt, (J. H.) L. Palgrave, Francis (1788-1861). History of Nor- mandy, and of England (741-1002.) Lond. 1851-7. 2v. 8? Rise and progress of the English common- wealth. Anglo-Saxon period, containing the Anglo-Saxon policy, and the institutions aris- ing out of laws and usages which prevailed before the conquest. Lond. 1832. 2 v. 4? Palgrave, Francis Turner (b. 1824). Essays on art. Lond. 1866. 12? Five days' entertainments at Wentworth grange: [ Backed ' Children's stories.'] Lond. 1868. 8? Palgrave (continued) — Gems of British art of this century : twenty- four pictures from national collections, print- ed in colors. Lond. 1869. 4? Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language, selected and arranged, with notes. Lond, 1870, 12? Palgrave, "William GifFord. Essays on eastern questions. Lond. 1872. 8? Contents . Abkhasian Insurrection. Eastern Christians. Mahometan ' revival,' The. Mahometanism in the le- vant (3 articles). Monastery of Sumelas. Poet 'Omar, The. Ta'abbet Shurran, the brig- and. Turkomans and other tribea of the north-east Turkish frontier. N. — Hermann Agha : an eastern narrative. Y. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Narrative of a year's journey through cen- tral and eastern Arabia, 1862-3. (2d ed.) Lond. 1865. 2 v. 8? Pali language and literature — Childers, R. C. Dictionary of the. TuRNOUB, G. Essay on Pali Buddhistical lit- erature. See also Mahfiwanso. Palimpsests. Russell, C. "W. Palimpsest lit- erature, and its editor. Cardinal Angelo Mai. (In Afternoon lectures, v. 4.) Palissy, Bernard de (the potter), (1506-1589). See Celebrated characters. Pall Mall. See London. Pallas, Peter Simon (1741-1811) . See Naturalists. Pallas armata. Turner, Sir J. Palleske, Emil. Schiller's leben und werke. Schiller's life and works. Pallett, Henry. Miller's, millwright's, and en- gineer's guide, The. Phil, 1866. 12? Palliser, Mrs. Bury. Historic devices, badges, and war-cries. Lond. 1870. 8? History of lace. Lond, 1865. 8? Palliser, F. and M. A. Mottoes for monuments ; or, epitaphs selected for study or application. Lond. 1872. 12? Palm-tree, Moody, S. Palm-tree, The ; with illustrations. Palmer, E, H. Desert of the exodus: journeys on foot in the wilderness of the forty years' wanderings. N. Y. 1872. 8? Palmer, F, P., and Forrester, A. H. "Wander- ings of a pen and pencil. Lond. 1846. 8? Palmer, George. Kidnaping in the south seas ; being a narrative of a three months' cruise of H, M, ship Rosario. Edin. 1871. 8? Palmer, Mrs. Henrietta Lee (b. 1834). See Liv- ing female writers of the south. Palmer, John "Williamson (b. 1825). Golden da- gon; or, upand downthelrrawaddi. Being passages of adventure in the Burman empire. By an American, N. Y. 1856. 12? New and the old ; or, California and India in romantic aspects. N.Y. 1859. 12? (loop.) (Ed.) Poetry of compliment and courtship. Bost. 1868. 16? Palmer, Lynde. Drifting and steering. Troy, 1867. 16? Palmer, O . H. Statement of origin and prospects of the Russian- American telegraph, "Western imion extension, CoUins's overland line via Behring strait and Asiatic Russia to Europe. Rochester, 1866. 8? (In Pamphlets, y- 23.) *AL2£ER 627 PANAMA Palmer, Mrs. Phoebe. Four years in the old world ; comprising the travels, incidents, and evangelical labors of Dr. and Mrs. Palmer in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. {lOth ed.) N. Y. 1866. 12° Palmer, ASiV Koundell (6. 1812). {Ed.) Book of praise, from the best English hymn-writers. Camb., Mass., 1864. 12^ Palmerston, — {Lady^. Hayward, A. Arti- cle on. {In his Biog. and crit. essays, v. 2.) Palmerston, Henry John Temple (Viscount), (1784-1865). BuLWER, H. L. Life of. \Vith selections from his diaries and corre- spondence. Phil. 1871. 2 V. 12°. Fraxcis, G. H. Orators of the age. See also English statesmen since the peace of 1815. Palmerston island. Cook, J. Visit to [April, 1777]. {In Voyages, v. 2, bk. iij Palmetto leaves. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Palmieri, Luigi. Electro-magnetic seismograph, The. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Eruption of Vesuvius in 1872 ; with notes, and an introductory sketch of the present state of knowledge of terrestrial vulcanicity, the cosmical nature and relations of volca- noes and earthquakes. By Kobert Mallet. Lond, 1873. 8i Presence of electricity during the fall of rain. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Palmistry. Craig, A. K. Modern palmistry ; or, the book of the hand. Palmyra. Drake, E. C. Journey to [1751]. Taken from Wood's ' Antiquity of Palmy- ra.' {In his Coll. voy.) Palmyra. {;Poem, 1822.] Barber, A. (7?i Ox- ford prize poems.) Palmyra. (Poem.) Bright, J. H. {In Cam- bridge prize poems.) Paludan-Miiller, Frederick. Fountain of youth. The. Tr. from the Danish, by H. W. Free- land. Phil. 1867. 12? Pamela. Richardson, S. Pamphlets. [Miscellaneous addresses, reports, orations, etc., etc., collected, indexed, bound, and catalogued under the author's name and subject.] 37 v. 8° Pamphlets, Collection of rare, 1731 to 1748. 12° Contents: Appeal to men of reason and religion. By J. Wes- ley. Apprentice's vade-mecum ; or, young man's pock- et-companion. Europe's catechism. Groans and miseries of Great Britain. Speech against Sir R— W— 's proposals. Stuart family, Secret history of the. Word in season ; or, advice to an Englishman. Pamphlets, Collection of religious. IT. Contents : Ballen tine, William. Christian education : in three parts. 1, connection between children and their Christian parents ; 2, advantages tochildren from that connection ; 3, parental duties. Lond. 1H07. Ballentine, William. Two letters to Mr. Greville Ewing, on recommending thegospel ; the mirac- ulous gifts ; and divinity schools. Occa.sioned by his 'Attempt,' and ' Memorial.' Edin. 1809. Brown, John. Apology for the more frequent ad- ministration of the Lord's supper, with answers to the objections urged against it. Edin. 1804. McLean, Archibald. Letter on the sonship of Christ ; to which is added a review of Dr. Walk- er's defense of the doctrine of the trinity and eter- nal sonship of Christ. Edin. 1788. Marked separation in all religious meetings fa novel regulation lately adopted by some of the newly formed churches in the country}, considered la a Pamphlets {continued) — letter addressed to the profeRsors of the truth as It is in Jesus. By a member of the church of Christ in Sligo. Dublin, 1805. On the meaning of the word ' baptize.' (n.t.p.) Itemarks on a late publication by Mr. Jonathan Blackwell, entitled ' Keasons, etc.' Armagh, 1805. Taylor, John. The covenant of grace, and baptLsm the token of it, e^cplained upon scripture princi- ples. Edin. 1808. Pamphlets of the Pacific coast. [Bound.] 8° Contents : Address of the majority of the Democratic mem- bers of both branches of the legislature of Cal., In Benicia, Feb. 1854. Benton, T. H. : speech on bill to appropriate ten million dollars for Mexican treatv, 1854. Bours, Allen Lee: Life's pack of'card.s, a poem; also. Scandal, a satirical poem. Delivered in Stockton, 18»4. Breckenridge, J. C. : speech in house of rep., on Nebraska and Kansas, 1854. California state almanac and annual register for 18.55. Carson, J. H. : life in California. Cass, Lewis : speech on Nebraska and Kansas bill, 1854. Cheves, Langdon : speech in southern convention, Nashville, 1830. Clemens, Jer. : speech in reply to remarks of Mr. Rhett, ofS. C, 18.52. Dodge, Mr., of Iowa: speech on Nebraska and Kansas bill, 1854. Douglas, S. A. : speech on Nebraska and Kansas bill, 18.54. Everett, Edw. : speech on Nebraska and Kansas bill, 1854. Gwin, Wm. M. : .speech for the construction of a railroad from the valley of the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean, 1851. Gwin, Wra. M. : speech on bill to establish a navy yard and depot on the bay of San Francisco, 1852. Gwin,Wm. M.: speech on bill to establish a rail- way to the Pacific, 1853. Gwin, Wm. M. : speech on deficiency appronria- tion bill, and on bill in relation to private land claims in C«l., 1852. Gwin, Wm. M. : speech on government exiJendi- tures in California, 1852. Gvvin,Wm. M. : speech on the Collins Une of steam- ers, 18.52. Idle and industrious miner, The. Poem. Illust.bv C. Nahl, 18.54. Illustrated California almanac, 1855. Last night of the assembly of the C^. legislature, 18.54. Latham, M. S. : speech on bill to establish a line of mail steamers bet. S. F. and Shanghae, touching at Sandwich islands and Japan, 18-5,5. Latham, M. S. : speech on the civil fund of Cali- fornia, 1854. Latham, M. S. : speech on the rights of neutrals- Cuba, 18.54. McDougall, J. A. : speech advocating thegreat Pa- cific railroad, 1854. Marshall. Mr., of Cal. : speech in house of rep., in reply to Mr. Breckinridge. Money, W. : reform of the new testament church, 1854. Pioneer magazine, The, for Nov. 1854. Preston, Mr. : speech on the Nebraska and Kansas bill, 18.54. Proceedings of Democratic state committee, held In Sac, 1852. Report of engineers on the survey of Marysville and Benicia railroad, 1853. Seward, W. H. : speech on Nebraska and Kansas bill, l»54. Seward, W. H. : speech on whale flsherv and American commerce in the Pacific ocean, 18.52. Slidell, J. : speech on Nebraska and Kansas bill. 1854. Walbridge, H. : speech on Pacific railroad bill. 18.54. Weller, J. B. : speech in defense of his conduct as boundary commissioner. Weller, J. B. : speech in U. S. senate ou homestead bill, 1854. Wierzbicki, F. P. : California as it is, and as it may be ; or, a guide to the gold regions. Second ed. Wright, H. B. : speech ou Nebraska and Kansiis bill. Panama (isthmus) — Arosemexa, J. Examen sobre la franca co- municacion entre los dos oceanos por el isi- mo de Panama. {In Pamphlets, v. 8.) Bidwell, C. T. Isthmus of Panama. GiSBORNE, L. Isthmus of Darien in 1852: expedition of inquiry for the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. PANAMA 628 PARDEY Panama {continued) — PiM, J3. Considerations of routes for com- munication across, (/w Gate of the Pacif- ic.) — and Seemann, B. Dottings on the road- side. Prospectus of a company for the introduc- tion of the electric telegraph across the isth- mus, from Aspinwall to Panama. {In Pam- phlets, V. 17.) Scarlett, P. C. Advantage of using the isthmus of Panama as a more rapid means of communication between Europe and the ports of the Pacific ocean . {In South Ameri- ca and the Pacific.) Seemann, B. Geography, description, and natural history of. {In Voyage of H. M. S. Herald, 1845-51.) Short cut across the globe. {In World here and there.) Wafer, L. New voyage, aiid description of. WiNTHROP, T. Isthmiana. {In Canoe and saddle^ . See also Darien ; Interoceanic canals and rail- roads. PiBlnama star. The. V. 1, no. 19 (Sept. 24, 1849). Panama. Sm. 8: [Bound in ' Alta Cali- fornia' for 1851.] Pandour and his princess, The : a Hungarian sketch. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 9, 10-) Panegyric! veteres. Ex edit. C. G. Schwar^ii and Arntzeniorum ; cum notis et interpreta- tione. Lond.18'28. 5 v. 8° Valpy's Script. Contents : Index, V. 5. Notae variorum, v. 1, 2, i, 5. Kotitia literaria, v. 5. Panegyric!: auctoris incer- tis ; Claudii, M. ; Eumenii; Drepanii, P. L. ; Nazarii, V. 3. Panegyric! : Plinii, C. C. S., V. 1. Recensus editionum, etc., v. 5. Testimonia, v. 1, 5. Vita de Constantinus Mag- nus, V. 3. Vita de Diocletian, v. 3. Vita de Drepanius, P. L., v. 3. Vita de Eumenlus, v. 3. Vita de Julianus, C, v. 3. Vitade Mamertinua, C, v. 3^ Vita de Plinius, C. C. S., v. 1. Vita de Theodosius Magnus, v. 3. Vita de Trajanus, v. 3. Panjabi. See Aryan language. Panorama, The. Whittier, J. G. {In Po- etical works, V. 2.) Panorama of science and art. The. Smith, J. Pansies. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Pantheism — GifizoT, F. P. G. Meditations on the actual state of Christianity. Manning, J. M. Half-truths and the truth. Pantheon, The. [Poem, 1813.] Haavkins, F. {In Oxford prize poems.) Papegault, Le. F:6val, P. {In ffiuvres, v. 7.) Paper — Herring, R. Practical guide to the varieties and relative value of paper. Munsell, J. Chronology of paper and pa- per-making. Eeports on the manufacture of paper in Ja- pan. See also History of silk, cotton, linen, wool, and other fibrous substances ; Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 5. Paper money. Meyer, A. Introduction of pa- per money involves the abolishment of tax- ation. {In Pamphlets, v. 27.) See also Currency. Papers for thoughtful girls. Tytler, S. Papers from Overlook house. Beasley, F. W. Papier mach6. See Patents, Abridgments of Brit- ish, V. 5. Papuans. Earl, G. W. Native races of the Indian archipelago. Paquet de lettres, Un. Dumas, A. {fils). {In (Euvres, v. 4, 5.) Para papers. Ditson, G. L. Parabere, Marie Madelainedela Vieuville {com- tesse de). Capefigue, B. H. R. Coni- tesse de Parabere et le Palais royal sous la r^gence. Parables — Arnot, W. Parables of our Lord. Guthrie, T. Parables in the light of the present day. Hake, T. G. Parables and tales. Krummacher, F. a. Parables. Trench, R. C. Notes on the. Parabosco, Girolamo {d. 1557). Novels. {In Roscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 2.) Paradis perdu. Milton, J. Paradise in the Pacific. Bliss, W. R. Paradise in the Pacific. Warren, S. {In Mis- cellanies.) Paradise lost. Milton, J. {In Complete poet- ical works, V. 1.) Same. {In Poetical works, v. 1, 2.) Same. {In Aikin's British poets, v. 1.) Same. Illustrated by G. Dor4. Paradise regained. Milton, J. {In Complete poetical works, v. 2.) Same. {In Poetical works, v. 2.) Same. {In Aikin's British poets, v. 1.) Paradiso. Dante Alighieri. Paradoxes. De Morgan, A. Budget of. Paraguay (S. A.) — Caddell, C. M. History of the missions in Paraguay and Japan. CoMETTANT, O. Civilisations inconnues, Les. Exact description of. {In Concise history of Spanish America, etc., app.) Famin, C. Provinces-TJnies du Rio de la Pla- ta. {In Univers, L', v. 25.) Page, T. J. Explorations of La Plata, the Argentine confederation, and. Thompson, G. War in. Washburn, C. A. History of. See also Argentine republic. Parallel lives of ancient and modem heroes. Yonge, C. D. Paralysis. Taylor, G. H. Paralysis, and oth- er atfections of the nerves. Paraquaria {S. A.). Sepp, A., and Behme, A. Voyage from Spain to Paraquaria [1691] ; with a description of the country and in- habitants. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 5.) Parasites — BUBK, G. Treatise on parasites, and the dis- eases which they produce. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Jeffries, B. J. Animal and vegetable par- asites of the human skin and hair. See also Entozoa. Parasols. See Patents, Abridgments of British, V. 28. Pares et les jardins, Les. Lefbvre, A. Pardey, Henry Oake. Nature's nobleman. (Com- edy.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 13. I PARDOE 629 PARIS Pardee, Miss Julia (1808-1862). Confessions of a pretty woman, The. Lond. n.d. 16^ Court and reign of Francis i., king of France. Episodes of French history during consulate and first empire (1805-10). N.Y. 1859. 122 Louis xiv. and the court of France in the xvii. century. N, Y. 1865. 2 v. 12? Poor relation, The. Lond. 1858. 3 v. 12° Pardon, George Frederick. Tales from the operas. N. y. 1864. 12? Pardoner's tale. Chaucer, G. (In Chaucer soc.) Parent's assistant. Edgeworth, Miss M. Parents de Bernard, Les. About, E. (F. V.) (In Trente et quarante.) Parents pauvres, Les. Balzac, H. de. {In (Eu- vres completes, v. 22, 23.) Parenty, — . {Abbe). Life of Saint Ursula Me- rici, foundress of the order of St. Ursula. Paresse, La. Sue, E. {In Sept p6ch6s capi- taux.) Parfura de Kome, Le. Veuillot, L. Parfumeur imperial, Le. Bertrand, C. F. Parhelion. Wilkes, C. Description of a re- markable case in straits of Le Maire. {In Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 1, chap, v.) Paris, J. A. Treatise on diet : a system of rules for the prevention and cure of the diseases incident to a disordered state of the digestive organs, {bth ed.) Lond. 1837. 8? Paris, Matthew {d. 1259). Chronicles : English histoiy from the year 1235 to 1273. Tr. from the Latin, by J. A. Giles. Lond. 1852. 3 V. 12? Paris (France) — Cr n i de-books : Galiqnani's new Pa;ris guide, 1848 and 1860. Murray, J. {Pub.) Hand-book for visitors to Paris [1872] . — Paris guide. Plan guide special aux Strangers dans la ville de Paris. Paris, n.d. 12? Seienlific society: AcAD^MiE des sciences. See Comptes rendus. Description and liistory : Bartlett, D.W. Paris with pen and pencil. " -'I^ffeNE, L. Briefe aus Paris. (/« Ges. werke, V. 8-12.) — Schilderungen aus Paris. {In Ges. werke, V. 3.) Forester, T. Paris and its environs. Gardner, A. K. French metropolis : Paris, as s^en during the spare hours of a medical student. — Old wine in new bottles. Goodrich, F. B. Tri-colored sketches in. Hacklander, F. W. Tagebuch blatter : Pa- ris im winter, 1851. {In Werke, v. 40.) Head, Sir F. Paris ; or, a fagot of French sticks. Headley, J. T. Kambles and sketches. HoussAYE, A. Grandes dames, Les. — Parisiennes, Les. Jarves, J. J. Parisian sights and French principles. King, E. My Paris. KoTZEBUE, A. F. F. von. Sketch of life ; with journal of a tour to Paris in 1790. Lister, M. Journey to Paris, 1698. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 4.) Paris {continued) — Merv, J. Journ^es de Titus, Les. {In CEu- vres, V. 18.) — Salons et sotterrains de Paris. {In (Eu- vres, V. 15.) Mitchell, D. G. Battle summer. Morford, H. Paris in '67 ; or, the great ex- position, its side-shows and excursions. Paris ; or, the book of the hundred-and-ooe. Piatt, Mrs. S. M. B. Bell Smith abroad. Robinson, W. Parks, promenades, and gar- dens of Paris described, and considered in relation to the wants of our own cities. St. John, B. Purple tints of. Tenot, E. Paris in December, 1851. Thackeray, W. M. Paris sketch-book. Touchard-Lafosse, G. Histoire de Paris. Tuckerman, H. T. Maga papers about. Veron, L. M^moires d'un bourgeois de Pa- ris, 1789-1850. Veuillot, L. Odeurs de Paris, Les. Exiilbltions : Exhibition of art industry in Paris, 1855. Lond. n.d. 4? Universal exhibition of 1867. Account of collections in the ethnological department. {In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) — Arnold, H. P. Great exhibition. The. — Blake, W. P. Bibliography of. (/n Pa- ris univ. expos, of 1867, W. P. Blake, ed., V. 1.) — Catalogue g^n^ral, public par la commis- sion imp^riale. — Catalogue officiel des exposants recom- penses par lejury international. — Chevalier, M. Rapports du jury inter- national de 1' exposition universelle de 1867 ii Paris. — DucuiNG, F. Exposition universelle de 1867 illustree, L'. — Reports of the United States commission- ers. Wash. 1869. 6 v. 8? Contents : Asphalt and bitumen. Beckwith, A., v. 2. B^ton-coignet : its fabrication and uses. Becliwith L. F., V.2. Buildings, building materials, and methods of building. Bowen, J. H., v. fi. Cereals. . Ruggles, S. B.. and Hazard, G. S., v. 2. Clothiiigand woven fabrics. Stevens, P., v. 7. Cotton. Miidge, E. R., and Nourse, B. P., v. 7. Education, universities, etc. Hoyt, J. W., v. 4. Fine arts. Leslie, F., v. 7. Fine arts, and same applied to the useful arts. Leslie, F., Morse, S. F. B., and Evans, T. W. General survey of the exhibition, with a report on the U. S. section. Beckwith, N, M., v. .'5, con- taining reports on— Apparatus and application of the liberal arts. Apparatus and processes used in the common arts. Articles with the especial object of improving the physical and moral condition of the people. Clothing, etc. Food, dried and preserved. Furniture, etc. Live produce and horticultural works. Live stock and agricultural buildings. Products of mining industry and forestry. Works of art. Industrial chemistry: progress and condition. Smith. J. L., v. 6. Instruments and apparatus of medicine, surgerj-, and hj'giene. Evans, T. W., v. 2. Iron, steel, etc. Hewitt, A. S., v. 6. Macliinery and processt s of the industrial arts, and apparatus of the exact sciences. Barnard, F. A. P., v. 1. Munitions of war, arms, etc. Norton,.C. B., and Valentine, W. J., v. 2. Musical instruments. Stevens, P., v. 7. Precious metals: gold, platinum, silver. Blake, W. P., V. 3. PARIS 630 PABKEB Paris (continued) — Silk and silk manufactures. Covvdin, E. C, v. 7. Steam-engineering. Auchincloss, W. S., v. 6. Wool and manufactures of wool. Mudge, E. K., and Hayes, J. L., v. 7. _ Same. Ed. by W. P. Blake. Wash. 1870. 6 V. 8° [iVbte.— Reports In this edition not contained in the pre- ceding will be found under the authors and subjects.] — Sala, G. a. Notes and sketches of the Paris exhibition, 1867. — Universal exposition of 1867 ; with a full description of awards rendered to the United States department, and notes upon the same, by J. M, Usher. BoSt. 1868. 12? Paris ; or, the book of the hundred-and-one. Bost. 1833. 16? Paris commune. Fktridge, W. P. Kise and fall of, in 1871. Paris futur. Mkry, J. (In (Euvres, v. 20, 42.) Paris guide. Par les principaux ecrivains et ar- tistes de la France. Premiere partie :, la science, Part ; deuxieme partie : la vie. Edi- teurs, A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven, et cie. (2e M.) Paris in America. Laboulaye, E. Paris in December, 1851. Tenot, E. Paris sketch-book. Thackekay, W. M. Pariser in Wien. Holtei, K. von. (In Thea- ter, V. 4.) Parish, papers. Macleod, N. Parisian sights and French principles. Jakves, J. J. Parisiennes, Les. Hotjssaye, A. Parisiens en province, Les. Balzac, H. de. (In ffiuvres completes, v. 12.) Parisina. Byeon, G. G. JST. (In Complete works.) Parisot, J. T. M^moires autographes de Don Augustin Iturbide, ex-empereur du Mexique. Paris, 1824. 8° Park, Mungo (1771-1805). Lifeand travels ; with an account of African discovery. N.Y. 1847. 16? H. F. lib., V. 105. Travels of. (In Cooley, W. D. Maritime and inland discovery, v. 3.) ScHAUENBURG, E. (Br.). Account of his travels in Africa. (In jReisen in oentral Af- rika.) See aho Heroes of discovery. Park, T. W. See Stanley, E. Park street pulpit (Bost.). Murray, W. H. H. Sermons preached in. Parke, John G. Report of an exploration for a railroad route near the 32d parallel. See Pa- cific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., V. 2. Report of explorations for that portion of a railway route near the 32d parallel lying between Dona Ana on the Rio Grande to the Pimas villages on the Gila. (In Pacific rail- road reports, 8° ed., v. 4.) Report on the routes in California to connect with the routes near the 32d and 35th paral- lels, and upon the portion of the route near the 32d parallel lying between the Rio Grande and the Pimas villages on the Gila. See Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations, etc., V. 7. Parker, Mrs. A. P. Constance Aylmer. N. T. 1869. 12? Parker, C. S. History of classical education. (In Essays on a liberal education.) Parker, Charles H. General laws of the state of California, from 1864 to 1871, inclusive ; be- ing a supplement to ' Hittell's general laws.' V. 3. S. F. 1871. 8? Parker, Edward G. Golden age of American oratory. Bost. 1857. 12? Contents : Ames, F. I Choate. R. I Phillips, W. Beecher, H. W. Clay, H. Pinkney, W. Chapin, E. H. 1 Everett, E. ! Webster, D. — Reminiscences of Rufus Choate, the great American advocate. N. Y. 1860. 12? Parker, Foxhall A. Naval howitzer ashore. N. Y. 1865. 8? Parker, H. C. Some account of the yellow fever, as it appeared in Galveston and Houston, Texas, in 1867. (In Pamphlets, v. 31.) Parker, Joseph. Ad clerum : advices to a young preacher. Bost. 1871. 12? EccE Deus : essays on the life and doctrine of Jesus Christ. With controversial notes on ' Ecce homo.' Bo.st. 1867. 12? (Ed.) Springdale abbey. Extracts from the diaries and letters of an English preacher. Phil. 1869. 12? Parker, Samuel. Exploring tour beyond the Rocky mountains, under the direction of the A. B. C. F. M., in the years 1835-7. Itha- ca, N. Y., 1842. 12? Parker, Theodore (1810-1860). Additional speeches, addresses, and occasional sermons. Bost. 1861. 2 V. 12? Contents : Address on the condition of America, v. L Aspect of freedom in America, v. 1. Boston kidnaping, The, v. I. Dangers which threaten the rights of man In America, v. 2. Law of God and the statutes of men, v. 2. My ministry, Some ac.'ount of, v. 2. Nebraska question, The, v. 1. New crime against huinanit.y. The, v. 2. Progress of America, Some thoughts on, v. 2. Sermon on old age, v. 2. Sermon on the public function of woman, v. 2. Speech at ministerial conference in Boston, v. 1. Webster, Daniel, Discourse on the death of, v. 1. Function and place of conscience, in relation to the laws of men : a ^rmon for the times. Preached at the Melodeon, Sept. 22, 1850. Bost. 1850. 8? (In Pamphlets, v. 30.) Historic Americans. Bost. 1870. 12? Contents : Adams, John. Franklin, Benjamin. Jefferson, Thomas. Washington, George. New crime against humanity, The: sermon. (7ft Addresses, v. 2.) Picture "of war. (In Boston book.) Speeches, addresses, and occasional sermons. Bost. 1861. 3 V. 12? BartlEtt, D. W. Sketch of. (In Modern agitators.) Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. (In Off-hand takings.) Weiss, J. Life and correspondence of. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. 8? Willis, F. L. H. Theodore Parker in spirit life. Bost. 1868. 8? (/n Pamphlets, v. 30.) See also De Wette, W. M. L. ; Modem agi- tators. I. 631 PARRY Parker, "William H. Instruction for naval light artillery, afloat and ashore. (2d ed.) N. Y. 1863. 8? K KM ARKS on the navigation of the coast be- tween San Francisco and Panama. S. F. 1871. 8° Parkes, Bessie Eayner. Yignettes. 12 biographi- cal sketches. [For contents, »ce Vignettes.] See also Belloc, B. P. Parkes, Henry. Australian views of England: 11 letters, written in 1861-2. Lond. 1869. 16° Parkhurst, John (1728-1797). Hebrew and En- glish lexicon without points ; to which is pre- fixed a methodical Hebrew grammar without points ; also, a short Chaldee grammar with- out points. Designed for the use of those who already understand Hebrew, (n.t.p.) 4° Lond. 1762 (?). Parkinson, J. C. Ocean telegraph to India. Edin. 1870. 8° Parkinson, S. Elementary treatise on mechan- ics, for the use of the junior classes at the university and the higher classes in schools. {2d ed.) Camb. 1861. 8? Parkman, Francis (6. 1823). Book of roses. Bost. 1866. 12° Chase, The. (In Boston book.) Discovery of the great west. Bost. 1869. 12° History of the conspiracy of Pontiac, and the war of the North American tribes against the English colonies after the conquest of Canada, Bost. 1855. 8? Jesuits in North America in the xvii. cent- ury. Bost. 1867. 12° Pioneers of France in the new world. Cham- plain and his associates ; Huguenots in Flori- da. Bost. 1865. 12? Prairie and rocky mountain life ; or, the California and Oregon trail. N. Y. 1852. 12° See also Smith, "W. Parks and gardens — Lefevre, a. Pares et les jardins, Les. KoBiNsoN, W. Parks, promenades, and gar- dens of Paris. See also New York ; Philadelphia ; San Fran- cisco ; and the names of public parks. Parkyns, Mansfield. Life in Abyssinia ; being notes collected during three years' residence and travels in that country. N. Y. 1854. 2 V. 12? Parlament of foules. Chaxtcer, G. (In Chau- cer soc.) Parley, Peter (pseud.). See Goodrich, S. G. Parliamentary la^w — CusHiXG, L.S. Elements of the law and prac- tice of legislative assemblies. — Kules of proceeding and debate in deliber- ative assemblies. Jefferson, T. Manual of parliamentary prac- tice. Same. (In Works, v. 9.) Parlor tableaux and amateur theatricals. Bost. 1867. 12? Parmenides. Diogenes Laertii?s. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D.Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Gr. et Lai.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Parmenides. (Dial.) Plato. Parnell, Edward Andrew. Elements of chemical analysis, qualitative and quantitative. (New ed.) Lond. 1845. 8? Pamell, Thomas (1679-1718). Poetical works ; with a life, by O. Goldsmith. Bost. 1864. 12? See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1. Parochial and plain sermons. Newman, J. H. Parr, Miss Harriet (Holme Lee). Beautiful Miss Barrington, Bv Holme Lee. Leipzig, n.d. 2v. 12? Same. Leipzig, 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? Kathie Brande. N. Y. n.d. 12? Life and death of Jeanne d'Arc, called the maid. Mr. Wynyard's ward. N. Y. 1867. 8? (3 cop.) Sylvan Holt's daughter. N. Y. 1860. 12? Same.. Lond. 1859. 3 v. 12? Parr, Louisa. Dorothy Fox. Phil. 1871. 8? (6 cop.) Hero Carthew ; or, the Prescotts of Pamphil- lon. A novel. N. Y. 1873. 16? (10 cop.) How ft all happened. Phil. 1871. 16? (Scop.) John Thompson, blockhead ; and companion portraits. Phil. 1872. 12? (4 cop.) Parr, Samuel (1747-1825). (Ed.) Metaphysical tracts, by English philosophers of the xviil. century. Contents: Clavis universalis ; or, a new Inquiry after truth. Arthur Collier. Conjecturse quaedam de sensu, motu, et idearum generatione. David Hartley. Inquiry into the origin of human appetites aod af- fections. Anon. Man ih quest of himself. Abraham Tucker. Specimen of true philosophy. Arthur Collier. De QtJiNCEY, T. Article on. (In his Essays on philosophical writers, v. 2.) Field, W. Memoirs of the life, writings, and opinions of S. Parr, with biographical notices of many of his friends, pupils, and contem- poraries. Lond. 1828. 2 v. 8? Parrhasi, Theodore (pseud,). See Le Clerk, M. Parrhasiana. Le Clerk, M. Parricida, La. Nombela, J. Parrot, Priedrich. Journey to Ararat. Tr. by D. W. Cooley. N. Y. 1846. 12? Parrots. Selby, P. J. (im Jardine's Nat. lib., v. 10.) Parry, C. C. Keconnaissance to the mouth of the Gila river, from San Diego, Cal., Sept. 11 to Dec. 10, 1849. Keport on the geological features of the Kio Grande valley, from El Paso to the mouth of the Pecos river. (In Emory's U. S. and Mex- ican boundary survey, v. 1.) Parry, Tom. Cure for love. ( Com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 13. Lucky horse-shoe. The. (Domest. dr.) La- cy's Plays, V. 26. P. P.; or, the man and the tiger. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 11. Parry, William Edward (1790-1855). Ap- pendix to journal of second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; performed in the years 1821-3. Lond. 1825. 4? Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; performed in the years 1819-20, in PARRY 632 PARTRIDGE Parry (contimied) — his majesty's ships Hecla and Griper. With an appendix, containing the scientific and other observations. Lond. 1821. 4° Contents report on Sabine, E. : report on birds. Sabine, E. : report on fishes. Sabine, E. : report on mam- malia. Sabine, E. : report on marine Invertebrated animals. Brown, Bobert : botany. Gray, J. E. : report on shells. Kirby, W. : report on land invertebrate animals. Konig-, C. : report on rock specimens. — Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; performed in the years 1821- 3. in his majesty's ships Fury and Hecla. Lond. 1824. 4° Same. Appendix. See above. Journal of a third voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; performed in the years 1824- 5, in his majesty's ships Hecla and Fury. Lond. 1826. 4° Narrative of an attempt to reach the north pole, in boats fitted for the purpose, and at- tached to his majesty's ship Hecla, in the year 1827. Lond. 1828. 4? [Backed 'Fourth voyage.'] Voyages. (In Cooley's Maritime and inland discovery, v. 3.) Same. {In Herv6, A., et Lanoye, F. de. Voy- ages dans les glaces du pole arctique, 1790- 1813.) Parsees. See Avesta. Parselle, J. My son's a daughter. (Com. drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 56. Parson, G. S. Nelsonian reminiscences. Parson's bulkhead bill. See San Francisco. Parsonage of Mora. Bremer, Miss F. Parsons, C. G. Inside view of slavery; or, a tour among the planters. With an intro- ductory note, by Mrs. H. (E.) B. Stowe. Bost. 1855. 12° Parsons, George Frederic. Life and adventures of James W. Marshall, the discoverer of gold in California. Parsons, Theophilus {chief just, of Mass.), (1750- 1813). Parsons, T. Life of; with notices ofsome of his contemporaries. Bost. 1859. 8° Parsons, Theophilus [b. 1797). Address, before the Phi Beta Kappa soc. of Harvard (1835). {In Addresses, v. 1.) Deus-homo : God-man. Chicago, 1867. 12^ (2 cop.) Essays. Bost. 1845. 12° Correspondence. Human form, The. Life. Contents : I New Jerusalem, The. Providence. Religion. — Infinite and the finite. Bost. 1872. 16° Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, chief justice of Massachusetts ; with notices of some of his contemporaries. Bost. 1859. 8° Parsons, Thomas William (6. 1819). July. {In Boston book.) To a lady. {In Boston book.) See also Dante Alighieri. Parsons, Usher (1788-1868). Life of Sir Wil- liam Pepperrell. {In Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants, v. 2.) Parsons, William (1755-1836). Hunt, F. Life of. {In his Lives of Am. merchants, v. 1.) Parthenia. Buckminster, E. Parthenius, Nicseensis. De amatoris affectibus. (Gr.etLat.) (/« Erotici scriptores.) Didot's Script. Gra^c. biblioth. Parthenon. [Poem, 1811.] Burdon, R. {In Oxford prize poems.) Parthia, Ancient. Bawlinsok, G. Sixth great oriental monarchy. Partington, Mrs. {pseud.). See Shillaber, B. P. Partisan leader. Tucker, B. Partnership. Story, J. Commentaries on the law of. Parton, James {b. 1822). Famous Americans of recent times. Bost. 1867. 8° Contents : Astor, J. J. Calhoun, J. C. Randolph, J. Beecher, H. "W. Clay, H. Vanderbllt, C. Bennett, J. G. Girard, S. Webster,!). Burr, Theodosla. Goodyear, C. — General Butler in New Orleans : hietory of the administration of the department of the gulf in 1862. With an account of the capt- ure of New Orleans. N. Y. 1864. 12° Life and times of Aaron Burr. N. Y. 1858. 8° Same. {Enlarged ed.) Bost. 1867. 2 v. 8° Life and times of Benjamin Franklin. Life of Horace Greeley, editor of the New York tribune. Life of Andrew Jackson. Smoking and drinking. Bost. 1868. 16? Topics of the time. Bost. 1871. IT. {2 cop.) Contents: International copyright. Log-rolling at Wa.shington. Our Israelitlsh brethren. Our Roman Catholic breth- ren. Clothes mania, The. Congressional peccadilloes. Correspondence of Napolfi- on Bonaparte. Government of the city of New York, The. How Congress wastes its time. Uncle Sam's treatment of his servants. Yankees at home, The. — {Ed.) Humorous poetry of the English lan- guage, from Chaucer to Saxe. {Qth ed.) N. Y. 1857. 12° {Ed.) Words of Washington. Bost. 1872. 16? et al. Eminent women of the age. [For con- tents, see Women.] See also Parton, Mrs. S. P. Parton, Mrs. Sara Payson {Fanny Fern), (1811- 1873). Caper-sauce: a volume of chit-chat about men, women, and things. N. Y. 1872. 12° Fern leaves from Fanny's portfolio. {2d ser.) Auburn, N. Y., 1853. 12° ■ Folly as it flies : hit at by Fanny Fern. N. Y. 1868. 12? (3 cop.) Fresh leaves. N. Y. 1857. 16? Ginger-snaps. N. Y. 1870. 12? (3 cop.) Ruth Hall. N. Y. 1854. 12? Ames, Mrs. M. C. Outlines of men, women, and things. Fanny Fern : a memorial volume, containing her select writings, and a memoir by James Parton. N. Y. 1873. 12? LiFH and beauties of Fanny Fern. Lond. 1855. 12? See also Parton, J., et al. Partridge, J. Arthur. Democracy. Phil. 1866. 8? From feudal to federal ; or, free church, free school, the completed bases of equality. With some of its results in state, constitu- tion, and empire. Lond. 1872. 8? L„ 633 PATENT Partridge {continued) — Making of the American nation, The ; or, the rise and decline of oligarchy in the west. Phil. 1866. 8° Parvenus, Les. F:6val, P. {In (Euvrep, v. 18.) Parvin, J. B. Habits of the gopher of Illinois. {In Smithsonian rept. 1854.) Parzival und Titurel. Wolfram's von Eschen- bach. {In Deutsche classiker des mittelal- ters, V. 9-11.) Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662). Provinciales, Les, ou lettres ^crites par Louis de Montalte »ur le sujet de la morale et de la politique des peres .J^suites. Paris, 1850. 12? Thoughts, letters, and opuscules. Tr. from the French, hy O. W. "Wight. N. Y. 1859. 12? Thoughts on religion, and other curious sub- jects. Tr. into English, by B. Kennet. (2cf ed.) Lond. 1727. 12? BowEN, F. Essay on. {In Characteristics of men of genius.) Same. {In North Am. rev., v. 60, p. 257.) Cousin, V. Etudes sur Pascal. See also Extraordinary men ; Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Pascal, Jacqueline (1625-1661). CousiNjY. Jac- queline Pascal. Paris, 1864. S° — et. al. Glimpse of convent life at Port Koyal. Pascarel. Eame, L. de la. Pasha papers, The. Howe, W. W. Paso Robles hot springs (Oal.) — Morse, E. M. Analysis and treatise on the water of the Paso Kobles hot springs, and comparison with the analysis of some of the most celebrated springs of Germany and the U.S. {In Pamphlets, v. 32.) Walton, G. E. Mineral springs of the "U.S., etc. Pasquin, Anthony (psetid.). See Williams, J. Passage du Saint Gothard. Hervet, E. {In Delille, J. (Euvres, v. 1.) Passages from a relinquished work. Haw- thorne, N. {In Memoir — Page.) Passages from the American note-books. Haw- thorne, N. Passages from the diary of a late physician. Warren, S. Passages from the English note-books. Haw- thorne, N. Passages in the life of a soldier. Alexander, J. E. Passe defini, Le. NoRiAC, (C. A.) J. {In Ou- vrages, v. 4.) Passion and principle. Grey, Mrs. E. C. Passion dans le desert, Une. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 27.) Passion in tatters, A. Cudlip, Mrs. P. Passional hygiene. Lazarus, M. E. Passionate pilgrim, The. Shakespeare, W. Passions — Historical illustrations of the origin and prog- ress of the. HuTCHESON, F. Essay on the nature and con- duct of the passions and affections. Past and present. Carlyle, T. Past meridian. Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Pasteboard. See Patents, Abridgments of Brit- ish, v. 5. Pasteur d'Ashboume, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Pastimes with my little friends. Bennett, M. H. B. Paston letters. Fenn, J. Pastor and people. Macaulay, G. Pastor and people. Spooner, E. Pastor's fireside. Porter, Miss .T. Pastor's wife. Sherman, J. Memoir of Mrs. Sherman, A. By her husband. Phil. 1849. 12? Patagonia (S. A.) — Drake, E. C. Description of. {In his Coll. voy.) Guinnard, a. Three years' slavery among the Patagonians. Lacroix, F. Histoire et description de la Pat- agonie, etc. {In Univers, L', v. 25.) — Provinces-TJnies du Kio de la Plata. {In TJnivers, L', v. 25.) Muster, — {Lieut.). Year in Patagonia, (/n Roy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) Reed, A. Account of human remains from. {In Smithsonian rept. 1862.) Wallis, S. Voyage to, and description of Patagonia ; with an account of the inhabi- tants. {In Hawkesworth's Voy., v. 1.) See also Rio .Janeiro ; Rio Negro. Patent oflBce (Eng.) — Abridgment's of the specifications of British patents. Printed by order of commissioners of patents, by G. E. Eyre and W. Spottis- woode. Lond. 1857-72. 35 v. 12? Contents AcMs, alkalies, oxides, and salts, V. 24. Agronaiitica. v. 8. Alkalies, v. 24. Aqueducts, v. S. Artists' instruments and materials, v. 25. Bleaching, v. 10, IL Books, V. 5. Bricks, v. 1. Bridges, v. 8. Card-cases, v. 5. Carriages and other vehicles for railways, v. 30. Clocks. V. 7. Dentistry, v. .31. Drain tiles and pipes, v. 1. Dyeing, v. 10, 11. Electricity and magnetism, V. 13, 14. Embroidery, v. 27. Farrier.v, v. 31. Fire-arms and other weap- ons of war and ammuni- tions, V. 12. Furniture, v. 32. Games, v. 27. Gas, Manufacture of, v. 15. Hides, V. 32. H.vdraulics, v. 21. India-rubber and gutta per- cha, V. 26. Iron, Manufacture of, v. 3. Lace and other looped and netted fabrics, v. 19. Lamps, chandeliers, candle- sticks, etc., v. 28. Leather, v. 32. Locomotion, Aids to, v. 6. Magnetism, v. 13, 14. Manure, v. 2. Marine propulsion, v. 4. Medicine, v. 31. Metals and alloys, v. 16. Music and musical Instru- ments, V. 25. Needles and pins, v. 27. Oxides, V. 24. Paints, colors, and varnish, V. 29. Paper, v. 5. Papier machC, v. 5. Parasols, v. 2S. Pasteboard, v. 5. Photography, v. 7. Pins, V. 27. Plating and coating of met- als with metal, v. 3. Portfolios, V. 5. Pottery, v. 1. Printing, v. 9. Printing calico and other fabrics and yarns, v. 10, IL Kaihvays, Carriages, etc., for, V. 30. Eailwa.vs and railway sig- nals, and communicating apparatus, v. fi. Raising, lowering, weighing, V. 20. Roads and ways, v. 8. Saddlerv: harnessesand sta- ble-fittings, V. 32. Salts, v. 24. Sewing, v. 27. Ship-building, sheathing, re- pairing, and launching, v. Skins, V. 32. Spinning, v. 18. Steam culture, v. 8. Steam-engine, v. 33-3.5. Steel, Manufacture of, V. S. Sugar, V. 2. Surgery, v. 31. Tiles, V. 1. Tobacco, Preparation and use of, V. 2. Toys, V. 27. Umbrellas, v. 28. Upholstery, v. 32. Ventilation, v. 31. Viaducts, v. 8. Walking-sticks, v. 28. Watches, clocks, and other time-keepers, v. 7. Weaving, v. 17, 18. Weighing, v. 20. Writing instruments' and material, V. 25. Archer, W. H. {Comp.) Abstracts of En- glish and colonial patent specifications re- lating to the preservation of food. PATENT 634 PAULDING- Patent office (U. S.)— Annual reports of Gommissioner of patents. Agricultural, 1847-61. Wash. 1847-61. 15 V V. 8? [For reports since 1861, see Agricult- ure.] Same. Arts and manufactures, 1849-69. Wash. 1849-69. 46 v. 8". [V. 2, 3, 1858, wanting.] MuNN and Co. TJ. S. patent laws. See also American artisan ; United States. Patent office. See New South Wales. Pater mundi. Burr, E. F. Paterculus, Caius Velleius (20 b.o. to A.D. 30). Compendium of Roman history. Tr. by J. S. Smith. Bohn's Class, lib. HisTORiA Eomana. Ex editione J. C. H. Krausii ; cUm notis et interpretatione. Pathfinder. Coopkr, J. F. Pathology— HiLDEBRANT, — . Pathology. {Russian.) Paget, J. Surgical. Patience of hope. Green well, D. Patience Strong's outings. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Patient waiting no loss. Haven, Mrs. A. B. Patmore, Coventry (b. 1823). Angel in the house. Bost. 1856. 2 v. 12? Contents : Betrothal, The, v. 1. Espousal, The, v. 2. Faithful forever. Bost. 1861. 12? Victories of love. The. Bost. 1862. 12? Forman, H. B. Our living poets. Patmore, Peter George (1786-1855). My friends and acquaintance. Paton, Andrew A. History of the Egyptian rev- olution, from the period of the Mamelukes to the death of Mohammed Ali. (26? ed.) Lond. 1870. 2v. 8? Patriciennes de I'amour. Aubryet, X. Patriot boy ; or, life and qpreer of Maj.-Gen. O. M. Mitchel. Headley, P. C. Patriot preachers of the American revolution, with biographical sketches, 1766-1783. N. y. 1860. 12? Contents ■ Duch6, Jacob. Duffield, George. Gordon, WUliam. Hart, Oliver. Hurt, John. Langdon, Samuel. May hew, Jonathan. Patriotic and heroic eloquence : a book for the patriot, statesman, and student. N". Y. 1861. 12? Patriotic speaker. Eaymond, R. R. Patriotism ; and other papers. King, T. S. Patriotism, in poetry and prose. Murdoch, J. E. Patronage. Edqeworth, Miss M. {In Tales, etc.,v.8.) Patten, B. A. 'See Barry, T. A. Patten-Saunders, W. H. Black and gold; or, the signal scarf. Lond. 1865. 16? Patterson, Robert. Campaign in the valley of the Shenandoah in 1861. Phil. 1865. 8? Patterson, Robert. See Sharpless, T. Patterson, Sarah Elizabeth B. Masters and workmen. Lond. 1858. 16? Patteson, John Coleridge (Ji^.). Life of. Lond. n.d. 122 Rodgers, John. Smith, William. Stillman, Samuel. Tappan, David. Whitaker, Nathaniel. Zubly, John Joachim. Pattison, Mark. Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688-1750. {In Essays and re- views.) Patton, Alfred S . Losing and taking of Mansoul ; or, lectures on the holy war. N. Y . 1859. 12? Patton, J. H. History of the United States of America, from tbe discovery of the continent to the close of the first session of the thirty- fifth congress. N. Y. 1860. 8? (2 cop.) Patty. Macquoid, K. S. Paty, John. Day, Mrs. F. H. Sketch of. {In Early settlers of California.) Paul (Saint)— Besser, W. F. St. Paul, the apostle. CoNYBEARE, W. J., and HowsoN, J. S. Life and epistles of. {Sd ed.) N.Y. 1855. 2 v. 8? Geer, G. J. Conversion of. HowsoN, J. S. Metaphors and companions of. Irons, W. J. Christianity as taught by. [Bampton lectures for 1870.] Locke, J. Essay on understanding the epis- tles of. {In Works, v. 8.) Paley, W. Horae Paulinas. {In Natural the- ology.) Same. {In Works.) Paul of Tarsus. Renan, (J.) E. St. Paul. Paul I. {emp. of Russia), (1754-1801). Mas8*K, C. F. P. M^moires secrets sur la Russie. Paul, Howard. Change of system. (Com.) La- cy' s Plays, V. 45. Locked out. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 27. Man who follows the ladies. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 48. Mob cap ; or, love's disguises. (Domest. dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 11. Opposite neighbors. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 17. Queen of Arragon. (Petite com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 30. Rappings and table-movings. (Farce.) La- cy's Plays, V. 11. Thrice married. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 45. Alger, H., Jr. Saint-Pierre, (J. H.) B. de. ScHiJCKiNG, L. {In Ausge- wahlte romane, v. 4-6.) Paul Clifford. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir's!. G. E. L. Paul et Virginie. Saint-Pieree, (J. H.) B. DE. {In CEuvres choisies.) Paul FerroU. Clive, C. {Lady). Paul of Tarsus : an inquiry into the times and the gospel of the apostle of the Gentiles. By 'a graduate.' Bost. 1872. 12? Paul's letters to his kinsfolk. Scott, Sir W. Paula Monti. Sue, E. Paulding, James Kirke ( Launcelot Langstaff)^ (1779-1860). Book of vagaries, comprising the new mirror for travelers, and other whim- whams : selections from the papers of a re- tired common-councilman, erewhile known, as Launcelot Langstaff, and in the public records as Jas. K. Paulding. N. Y. 1868. 12? Contents : Paul, the peddler. Paul and Virginia. Paul Bronckhorst. Epistle dedicatory, and peti- tioa. Haschbasch, the pearl-div- er. History of Uncle Sam and his boys. History of Uncle Sam and his womankind. Jonathan's visit to the ce» lestial empire. Killing, no murder. Mood of nature and of man. lULDING 635 PEABODY Nvmph of the mountain, The. Six weeks In the moon. LUlding (continued) — New mirror for travelers. New mirror for travelers, Preface to. > — Bulls and the Jonathans ; comprising John Bull and Brother Jonathan, and John Bull in America. Edited by Wm. I. Paulding. N. Y. 1867. 12= DtJTCHMAN's fireside, The. N. T. 1868. 12? Puritan and his daughter, The. N. Y. 1849. 2 V. 12i Salmagundi ; or, the whim-whams and opin- ions of LauncelotLangstafF, esq., and others. N. Y. 1835. 2 V. 12? Contents : Mine Uncle Charity Little man In blacfe, v. 2. Rfemoranflum for a tour, to be entitled 'The stranger In New Jersey, or cockney traveling,' v. I. Mr. Wilson's concert, v. 1. New year, v. 2. New^ York a.ssembly, v. 1. Plans for defending our har- bor, v. 2. Poem from the mill of Pin- dar Cockloft, esq., v. 2. Poetical account of ancient times, v. 1. Poetical address from P. Cockloft, V. I. Poetical proclamation from P. Cockloft, v. 1. Kettections, Autumnal, v. 2. Retrospect, or 'what you will,' V. 2. Sketches from nature, v. 2. Some account of Jeremy and Pindar Cockloft, v. 1. Stranger at home, or a tour in Broadway, v. 2. Style at Balston, v. 2. Tea (a poem ), v. 2. Theatrical intelligence, V. 2. Theatrics, v. 1. N. Y. Account of John,' v. 1. Account of Miss Cockloft. V. 1. Accoinit of Mustapha Bub- a-dub Keli Khan, v. 1. Accountof thefamily of the Cocklofts, V. 1. Advertisement, V. 1. Chap. ci.x. of the chronicles of the renowned and an- cient city of Gotham, v. 2. Christopher Cockloft's com- pany, V. 2. Cockloft hall, v. 2. Description of the library at Cockloft hall, v. 2. Fashionable morning dress for walking, v. 1. Fashions, v. 1. F"rom my elbow-chair, v. 2. Lannce Langstaff 's account of his friends, v. 1. Letter from Demy Semi- quaver to Launcelot Lang- staff, esq., v. 1. Xietters fromMustapha Rub- a-dub Keli to Asem Ha- chem Eb'n al Rahab and Murley Helim, v. 1,2. — Paulding, W. I. Literary life of. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) See also Irving, W., et al. Paulding, "William I. Literary life of James K. Paulding. Paulet, Ang^lique. Cousin, V. Biographic de. [In Society Francjaise au xvii. siecle, v. 1.) Pauli, Keinhold. Life of Alfred the great [848- 901]; to which is appended Alfred's Anglo- Saxon version of Orosius, with literal English translation and Anglo-Saxon alphabet and glossary, by B. Thorpe. Lond. 1857. 12? Pauline. DudeVant, A. L, A. D. (In Nou- velles.) Pauline et Pascal Bruno. Dumas, A. (D.) Pauline Seward. Bryant, J. D. Paulus, Lucius .^milius (23t)-160 B.C.). Hkr- bert, H. W. Life of. (In Captains of the Koman republic.) PlutarchUs. Viede. (Par A.Eeillet.) (In Vies des Romains illustres.) Paumotu archipelago. Wilkes, C. Historical, physical, and social description of the. (In Narrative of IT. S. expl. exped., v. 1, 4.) Paupers. Hill, F. Children of the state. See also Poor, The. Pausanias (Gr. author )f (lived ab. 150-200). Descriptio Graeciae. (Gr. et Lat.) Kec. L. Dindorf. Paris, 1845. 8? Didot's Script. Grfec. biblioth. Pausanias (Spartan general), (d. ab. 468 B.C.). Herbert, H. "W. Life of. {In Captains of the old world.) Nepos, C. Vita. (In Vit» excell. imper., v. 1-) Pau"W, Cornells de. Philosophical dissertations on the Egyptians and Chinese. Tr. by G. J. Thomson. Lond. 1795. 2 v. iti 1. 8? Pav6, Le. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. (In The- atre de Nohant.) Pavilion sur I'eau, Le. Gatttibr, T. (In (Eu- vres, V. 17.) Pavy, F. W. Treatise on the function of diges- tion, its disorders, and their treatment. Phil. 1869. 8? Pavy, Octave. Walker, D. Pavy's expedi- tion to the north sea. {In Overland monthly, v. 8.) Pay. See Pensions. Pa3rn, James (pseud.). See Sauzade, J. S. Payne, A. R. Middletoun. Geral-Milco ; or, the narrative of a residence in a Brazilian val- ley of the Sierra-Paricis. N. Y. 1852. 12? Payne, J. Bertrand. Haydn's universal index of biography, from the creation to the pres- ent time ; for the use of the statesman, the historian, and the journalist. Lond. 1870. Roy. 8? Pajnae, John Howard (1792-1852). Brutus ; or, the fall of Tarquin. (Trag.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 3. Charles the second. (Hist, dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 80. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 3. Love in humble life. From Scribe and Du- pin's • Michael et Christine.' Lacy's Plays, V. 21. Mrs. Smith. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 84. Peter Smink. ( Comic drama. ) Lacy's Plays, V. 75. Therese, the orphan of Geneva. ( Drama. ) Adapted from the French . Mod . stand, dr. , V. 14. 'TwAS I ! (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 9. Two galley-slaves. (Melo-drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 72. Paysans, Les. Balzac, H. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 30.) Paz-Soldan, Mariano Filipe de. See Mariat6- gui, F. J. Peabody, Andrew Preston (b. 1811). Christian- ity the religion of nature. Lectures, deliv- ered before Lowell institute. Bost. 1864. 12? Oration on positive philosophy, delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa soc. of Amherst college, July 9, 1867. (In Pamphlets, v. 12.) Reminiscences of European travel. N. Y. 1868. 12? Peabody, Ephraim. Life of Samuel Appleton. {In Hunt, F . Lives of American merchants , V. 1.) Seen and the uns6en, The. (In Boston book.) Peabody, George (1795-1869). Everett, E. {In Orations, etc., v. 3.) WiNTHROp, R. C. Eulogy, pronounced at the funeral of G. Peabody, Feb. 8, 1870. (In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Peabody, Joseph (1757 - 1844). Ward, G. A. Life of. (In Hunt, F. Lives of Americau merchants, v. 1.) Peabody, Mrs. Mark, Miss Slimmens's window; and other papers. N. Y. 1859. 12? (2cop.) Peabody, William Bourne Oliver (1799-1847). Report on the ornithology of Massachusetts, 1839 . (Irt V. 1 of Scientific survey of Mass . ) PEABODY 636 PECK Peabody education fund (Bost.) — Proceedings of the trustees at their annual meeting (Washington), Feb. 15, 1870 ; with their tribute to the memory of Mr. Peabody, and the annual report of their agent, Dr. Sears. Camb., Mass., 1870. 8? (/« Pam- phlets, V. 29.) Proceedings of the trustees at their annual meeting (Phil.), Feb. 15, 1871 ; withthean- nual report of their general agent. Dr. Sears. Camb., Mass., 1870. 8° (7n Pamphlets, v. 29.) Peabody institute (Baltimore). Eeports, 1868- 70. [Collected and bound.] 8° Peabody museum. Second annual report of the trustees of the Peabody museum of Ameri- can archaeology and ethnology, Jan. 11, 1869. {In Pamphlets, v. 33.) Peace. Hancock, T. Principles of. Peace, war, and adventure. An autobiographical memoir of George Laval Chesterton, Peach and peach culture. Fulton, J. A. Peach culture. Peachy, Archibald C. Argument on a motion for a commission to Mexico to take testi- mony in case of the U. S. vs. Andres Cas- tillero (New Almaden mine). (In Pam- phlets, V. 21.) Peacock, Edward. (Ed.) Army-lists of the Eoundheads and Cavaliers, containing the names of the officers in the royal and parlia- mentary armies of 1642. Lond. 1863. 8° Peacock, Thomas B. On some of the causes and effects of valvular diseases of the heart ; be- ing the Croonian lectures of the Koyal col- lege of physicians for 1865. Lond. 1865. 8° Peacock, Thomas Love (1785-1866). Headlong hall. Lond. 1837. 16° Peacocks. Jardine, Sir W. Gallinaceous birds : peacocks, etc. (In Jardine's Nat. lib., V. 14.) Peake, Richard Brinsley. Comfortable lodgings. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 82. Evil eye. (Mus. drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 43. Haunted inn, The. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 1. Peaks, passes, and glaciers. Ball, J. Peale, Titian R. Method of preserving lepldop- tera. (In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) Uses of the brain and marrow of animals among the Indians of North America. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870,) Pear and pear culture. Field, T. "W. Pear cult- ure. Pearce, R. R. Memoirs and correspondence of Richard Marquess Wellesley. Pearce, Stewart. Annals of Lucerne county [Penn.] : a record of interesting events, tra- ditions, and anecdotes, from the first settle- ment at Wyoming to 1860. Phil. 1860. 8° Pearce, William. Hartford bridge. (Op. farce.) Inchb. Farces, v. 3. Pearch, G. Collection of poems by several hands, A. Lond. 1783, 4 v. 12° Peard, Frances Mary, One year ; or, a story of three homes. Bost, 1871. 12° (4 cop.) Rose garden. The. By the author of ' Una- wares. ' Bost. 1872, 12° (6 cop.) Unawares, Bost, 1872. 12° (6 cop.) Pefare, William, Netley abbey. (Op, farce.) Inchb. Farces, v. 3. Pearl-hunting in the Pomotous. Stoddard, C. W. (In his South-sea idyls.) Pearl of great price. Smith, J. (In Pamphlets, V. 30.) Pearl of Orr's island. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Pearl of the Antilles, The. Gallenga, A. Pearl of the Antilles, The ; or, an artist in Cuba. Goodman, W. Pearls. Our pearl-fishing expedition. (/« World here and there.) Pears, Edwin. (Ed.) Prisons and reformatories at home and abroad ; being the transactions of the international penitentiary congress, held in London, July 3-13, 1872. Includ- ing official documents, discussions, and pa- pers presented to the congress. Lond. 1872. 8? Pearson, Charles H, Cabin on the prairie. (n.t.p.) 12° Pearson, Charles H. On some historical aspects of family life. (In Woman's work and wom- an's culture.) Pearson, Emily C. Gutenberg, and the art of printing. Bost. 1871. 12^ Pearson, Samuel. Facets of truth : eight dis- courses on religion. Lond. 1873. 12° Peasant life in Germany. Johnson, A, C. Peasant life in Sweden. Lloyd, L. L. Pease, Calvin. Import and value of the popular lecturing of the day. (In Pamphlets, v. 22.) Pease, W. Harper. Catalogue of works relat- ing to the Hawaiian, or Sandwich islands. Honolulu, 1862. 12? Peat— Johnson, S. W. Peat and its uses. Leavitt, T, H. Facts about peat as an arti- cle of fuel. Peaude chagrin. La. Balzac, H. de, (In(En- vres completes, v, 31,) Peau de tigre. La. Gautier, T. (In (Euvres, V. 15.) Pebbles and pearls for the young folks. Sage, A. Peche, Thomas. Voyage of T. Peche to the Mo- lucca and Philippine islands, 1672-6. (In Burney's Voy.,v. 3, pp. 392-394; v. 4, p. 75.) Peche, La : en eau douce et en eau salee. Karr, (J. B.) A. Peche de Madeleine, Le. Albane, P. (In Ro- mans.) Peche miraculeuse, La. Erckmann-Chatrian. Peck, George W. Melbourne, and the Chincha islands ; with sketches of Lima, and a voy- age round the world. N. Y. 1854. 12° Peck, J. L. Dress and care of the feet ; showing their natural perfect shape and construction, their present deformed condition, and how flat-foot, distorted toes, and other defects are to be prevented or corrected, etc. N. Y. 1871, 12° Peck, Jesse T, (Bishop). Central idea of Chris- tianity, Bost, 1858. 12? True woman, The ; or, life and happiness at home and abroad. N. Y. 1857. 12? What must I do to be saved ? (n.t.p.) 12? Peck, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth. See Living female writers of the south. Peck, William G, (b. 1820). See Davies, C. PECULIAR 637 PENN Peculiar. Sargent, E. Pedagogics as a system. Kosenkranz, K. Pedder, Henry C. Man and woman, conBidered in their relations to each other and to the world. N. Y. 1871. 12° (2 cop.) Pedestrian in France and Switzerland. Bar- RELL, G., Jr. Peel, Sir Kobert (1788-1850). Doitbleday, T. Political life of. Lond, 1856. 2 v. 8? Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. See also English statesmen since the peace of 1815 ; Extraordinary men ; Orator, The. Peel island — Fahs, C. F. Keport on the exploration of. (/n Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Taylor, (J.) B. Report of an exploration of. {In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Peele, George (d. ab. 1598). Dramatic works. LFor contents, see Greene, R.] Edward the first. {In Dodsley's Old plays, V. 11.) Peeps from a belfry. SheltON, F. W. Peerage and baronetage— Burke, Sir J. B. Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British empire. Dacre, — {Lady), Tales of the peerage and peasantry. Maunder, S. Synoptical view of the peerage of the united kingdom. {In his Treasury of knowledge.) Peg WofRngton ; Christie Johnstone ; and other stories. Reade, C. I Pegge, Samuel. Anecdotes of the English lan- guage ; chiefly regarding the local dialect of London. Ed. by H. Christmas. Lond. 1844. 8^ P6got-Ogier, E. Fortunate isles ; or, archi- pelago of the Canaries. Tr. from the French, by Francis Locock. Lond. 1871. 2v. 12? Peintre, Le. Tilleul, B. Peirce, Benjamin (6. 1809). Elementary treatise on sound. Bost. 1836. 8? System of analytic mechanics. Bost. 1855. 4? Peirce, Bradford Kinney (6. 1819). Half-century with juvenile delinquents ; or, the New York house of refuge and its times. N. Y. 1869. 8° Peken, Mathews. Course of medical instruction. St. Petersburg, 1801. 8° {Russian.) Physiology of human nature. St. Peters- burg, 1781. 8° {Russian.) Pelayo. Beach, Mrs. E. T. P. Pelegrims wandring. Bunyan, J. Pelerinaged' Harold. Lamartine, A. dk. (In (Euvres completes, v. 2.) Pele-w islands — Discovered by Drake, 1579. {In Burney's Voyages, v. 1, p. 357 ; v. 5, pp. 12-14.) Wilson, H. Account of. Pellxam, E. Preservation of eight men in Green- land, 1630. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., y. 4.) Pelican papers. The. Noble, J. A. Pelikan island. The. Montgomery, J. {In Poetical works, Phil, ed., v. 1.) Same. {In Poetical works, Bost. ed., v. 4.) Pellico, Silvio (1789-1854). Mie prigioni, Le. Parigi, 1837. 8? Pelopidas (rf. 364B.C.). Nepob, C. Vita. {In Vitas excell. imper., v. 1.) Plutarchus. Vita. {Gr.etLat.) (J/iVitae, V. 1.) PelopOnnesiaca : supplement to ' Travels in the Mor^a.' Leake, W. M. Peloponnesian war — Thucydides. Historia belli Peloponnesiacl. (Gr, et Lat.) Cum nova translatione Latina F. Haasii. Accedunt Marcellini vita, scholia Graeca. Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. — History of Peloponnesian war. Ed. by T. Arnold. Pelsart, Francis. Voyages of. {In Harris, J. Voy., V. 1.) Peltier, F. A. Memoir of J. C. A. Peltier. {In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Peltier, Jean Charles Athanase (1785-1845). Peltier, F. A. Memoir of. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1867.) Pelvis. Birkett, J. Treatise on injuries of the. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Pemberton. Peterson, H. Pembroke, — {earl of) , and KiNGSLE Y, — {Dr.). Sou th-sea bubbles . By the earl and the doc- tor. N.Y. 1872. 12° Same, {bth ed.) Lond. 1873. 12° Pen Owen. Hook, J. Pen photographs of Charles Dickens's readings. Field, Miss K. Pen pictures of popular English preachers. Dix, J. R. Pen pictures of the war. Bill, L. Pendennis. Thackeray, W. M. Pendleton, Mrs. H. Husband and wife ; or, the science of human development through in- herited tendencies. N. Y. 1863. 12° Pendu de la Piroche, Le. Dumas, A. {fils), {In (Euvres, v. 4, 5.) Penelope ; or, morning olouds dispersed. Lea- thes, Mrs. S. P6nelope Normande, La. Karr,(J.B.) A. {In (Euvres, v. 6.) Peninsular campaign. See U. S. (war of 1861-5). Peninsular scenes and sketches. Irving, W. Peninsular war, The — Foster, J. Article on. (Zw Aw Critical essays.) Maxwell, W. H. Stories of. Napier, W. F. P. History of the war in the peninsula and in the south of France (1807- 14). See also France ; Gibraltar ; Portugal ; Spain ; "Waterloo. Penitent confession. {In Good stories, v. 2.) Penley, Samson. Sleeping draught. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 58. Penmanship— Ellsworth, H. W. Text-book on. Theory and art of. Williams, J. D., and Packard, S. S. Orig- inal gems of. See also Alphabets ; Writing. Penn, John (1741-1788). Sanderson, J. Life of. {In Signers to decl. of indep., v. 6.) Penn, William (1644-1718). No cross, no crown : a discourse, showing the nature and discipline of the holy cross of Christ. To which are added the living and dying testimonies of many persons of fame aad learning, in favor of this treatise. Lond. 1851. 12? PENN 638 PEQUINILLO Penn (continued) — JJklknap, J. Life of. {In American biogra- phy, V. 3.) Ellis, G. E. Life of. (In Lib. of Am. biog., V. 22.) Memoir of. Phil. 1858. 16^ Pennant, Thomas (1726-1798). Tour in Scot- land, 1769. (jTnPinkerton's Coll.voy.,v. 3.) See also Naturalists. Penniman, Major (pseud,). See Denison, CW. Pennock, A. C. Fall and rescue of man : a dis- course. 'Waupun,'Wis., 1867. 8° (Jn Pam- phlets, V. 30.) Pennsylvania (state) — OOTernment, society, etc i BuRROWES, T. H. Manual of directions and plane for building the common schools of. Colonial records : minutes of the provincial council, from the organization to the termi- nation of the proprietary government in 1776, and of the supreme executive council from that date to the close of the revolution (March 10, 1683, to Dec. 20, 1790). Phil, and Harrisburg, 1852-3. 16 v. 8° Constitution of. (In American's guide, The.) Franklin, B. Historical review of constitu- tion and government of. (In Works, v. 3.) Message of the governor, Jno. W. Geary, to the general assembly of Pennsylvania, 1871. Keport of superintendent of common schools of Pennsylvania for the year ending June 2, 1856. Harrisburg, 1857. 8? History ! Albach, J. K. Annals of the west. Bancroft, G. Joseph Keed : an historical es- say. (In Pamphlets, v. 7.) Ptfb, J. H. British enterprise beyond the seas. Historical society. Memoirs. Jacobs, M. Notes on the rebel invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania [1863]. Pennsylvania archives. Eupp, I. D. Early history of. (In Hist, of Lancaster co.) Thomas, G. Historical and geographical ac- count of Pennsylvania and west New Jersey. "Watson, J. F. Annals of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia. Oeolosy and natnral liiBforT-i Bache, a. D. Magnetic survey of. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 12.) Barnard, V. Catalogue of the birds of Ches- ter county, with the times of their arrival in spring, from observations annually for ten successive years. (In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Macfarlane, J. Colored geological map of. (Jn Coal regions of America.) KoGERS, H. D. Geology of. Wright, W. Oil regions of. Pennsylvania archives. Selected and arranged from original documents, by Sam. Hazard, from 1664 to 1790. V. 1-12, including ap- pendix. Phil. 1852. 12 v. 8° Pennsylvania college. Catalogue of the offi- cers, alumni, and students, 1867-8. Phil. 1868. (In Triennial cat. Am. coll., v. 2.) Pennsylvania Dutch ; and other essays. Gib- bons, Mrs. P. E. Pennsylvania historical society . Memoirs. V. 6, 7. Phil. 1858-60. 2 v. 8°. Contents^ v. 6 : Acadian exiles ; or, French neutrals In Pennsylva- nia. By W. B. Reed. A relation of their mis- fortunes, by John B. Galum. Andre, The case of Major ; with a review of the statement of it in Lord Mahon's History of En- gland. By Charles C. Biddle. Insurrection of 1794. By W. Townsend. Presentation to the Historical society of Pennsyl- vania of the belt of wampum delivered by the Indians to William Penn, at the great treaty un- der the elm-tree, 1682. Society of the Cincinnati, Account of the. By A. Johnston. Society of the Cincinnati, Journal of the general meeting of, in 1784. By W. Sargent Contents J v. 7 : Record of the court at Upland, In Pennsylvania, 1676-81 ; and a military Journal kept by Major E. Denny, 1781-95. Pennsylvania hospital. Keport of bpard of managers. May 2, 1861, and May 6, 1864. Phil. 1861-4. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 32.) Pennsylvania pilgrim, The; and other poems, Whittier, J. G. Penny, Miss Virginia (b. 1826). Employments of women : a cyclopaedia of woman's work, Bost. 1863. 12t Think and act : a series of articles pertaining to men and women, work and wages. Phil. 1869. 12° See also Living female writers of the south. Penny magazine of the society for the dllFusion of useful knowledge. (March 31, 1832, to March 31, 1837.) Lond. 1832-7. 5 v. in 4. 4^ Penny post company of Cal. Memorial of the Penny post company of California, praying indemnity for losses sustained in consequence of the unlawful detention of letters at the post-office at San Francisco, by direction of the postmaster -general. Wash. 1856. 8i (In Pamphlets, v. 17.) Penrhyn islands — CuAMisso, (L. C.) A. V. Penrhyn inseln. Die (1815-18). (In Werke, v. 4.) Wilkes, C. Description of. {In his Narra- tive of TJ. S. expl. exped., v. 4.) Penruddocke. AVde, H. Pensions. Kaff, G. Manual of pensions, bounty, and pay. Pentateuch, The — CoLENSo, J. W. Lectures on the Pentateuch and the Moabite stone. — Pentateuch and book of Joshua critically examined. CuMMiNG, J. Moses right, and Bishop Co- lenso wrong. People, The. Michelet, J. People I have met. Willis, N. P. People the sovereigns. The. Monroe, J. Pepper, K. N. (pseud.). See Morris, J. M. Pepper, William. See Meigs, J. F. Pepperrell, Sir William (1696-1759). Par- sons, U. Life of. (In Hunt, F. LivCs of American merchants, v. 2.j Pepys, Samuel (1632-1703). Diary of corre- spondence of S. Pepys ; with a life and notes, by Lord Braybrooke. Lond. 1854. 4 v. 12^ Wilson, J. G. Mr. Secretary Pepys and diary; with extracts from his diary. Being a sketch of the times of Charles ii. and James u. N. Y. 1867. 16° (2 cop.) Pequinillo. James, G. P. E. CRCE 639 PERIODICALS ?eroe, Elbert. Battle roll : an encyclopaedia, con- taining descriptions of the most famous and memorable land battles and sieges in all ages. Arranged alphabetically and chron- ologically, N. Y. 1858. 8° {2 cop.) Perch. Jardine, Sir W. Fishes of the perch family. (In Jardine's Nat. lib., v. 38.) Peroival, James Gates (1795-1856). Poetical works ; with a biographical sketch. Bost. 1859. 2v. 16? Contents i Miscellaneous poems, v. l, 2. Prometheus, v. a. Dream of a day, The, v. 2. Life of the author, v. 1. Mind. The, v. 2. I — Dream of a day ; and other poems. New Haven, 1843. 12? Lowell, J. R. My study windows. Ward, J. H. Life and letters of. Bost. 1860. 12? Percussion. See Auscultation. Percy, John. Manufacture of Russian sheet-iron . Lond. 1871. 16? Metallurgy : the art of extracting metals from their ores, and adapting them to vari- ous purposes of manufacture. Fuel ; fire- clays ; copper ; zinc ; brass, etc. Lond. 1861. 8? Metallurgy of lead, including desilveriza- tion and cupellation. Lond. 1870. 8? Same. Lond. 1864. 8? Percy, Sholto and Reuben, (pseud.). 8ee Byerly, T,, and Robertson, J. C. Percy, Thomas (1728-1811). Hau-kiou-choaan ; or, the pleasing history. A translation from the Chinese language. To which are added : 1, the argument or story of a Chinese play ; 2, a collection of Chinese proverbs ; 3, frag- ments of Chinese poetry. Lond. 1761. 4 v. 12? [Note.—V. 1-3 were translated by J. Wilkinson, an En- glish merchant, and v. 4 was translated by T. Percy.] Reliques of ancient English poetry ; consist- ing of old heroic ballads, songs, and other pieces of our earlier poets ; with memoir and critical dissertation, by G. Gilfillan. Edin. 1864. 3v. 8? Same. Lond. 1856. 8? Percy Effingham. Cockton, H. Percys, The. Prentiss, Mrs. E. Pere Antoine's date-palm. Aldrich, T. B. (In Maigorie Daw, and other people.) Pere Camarade. Fi;vAL, P. (In (Euvres, v. 15.) Pere Duchene, La (pseud.). See Hubert, J. R. Pere Gigogne, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Pere Goriot, Le. Balzac, H. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 19.) Pere Lacordaire. See Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Pere la Ruine, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Peregrin. Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. von. (In Werke, v. 12.) Peregrine Pickle. Smollett, T. Adventures of. Pereira, — (Father). Narrative of a hunting excursion performed by the present emperor of China [Kang-Hi] beyond the great wall, in the adjacent district of West Tartary. Written from personal observation ; from which the condition of these desert wastes may be in some measure apprehended. (In Hakluyt soc, v. 15, app.) Perfect horse. The. Murray, W. H. H. Perfect life. Channing, W. E. Perfect light ; or, seven hues of Christian char- acter. Olin, J. M. Perfumes and perfumery — Bertrand, C. F. Parfumeur imperial, Le. CooLEY, A. J. Hand-book of perfumes, cos- metics, etc. Deite, C. Darstellung der seifen, parflime- rien, und cosmetica. (In BoUey's Hand- buch der chemischen technologie, v. 3.^ Rimmel, E, Book of perfumes. Pergamos. Svoboda, A. Seven churches of Asia. Periander (d. ab. 585 b.c). Diogenes Laer- Tius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Pericles (487-430 b.c). Capefigub, B. H. R. Aspasie et le siecle de Pericles. Lamartine, a. de. Sketches of. (In (Eu- vres completes, v. 51.) Plutarchus. Viede. (ParA. Feillet.) (In Vies des Grecs illustres.) — Vita. (Gr. et Lat.) (In Vitse, v. 1.) Pericles and Aspasia. Landor, W. S. P6rier, Casimir (1777-1832). See Orators of France. Perilous adventures. Davenport, R. A. Perilous incidents in the lives of sailors and travel- ers. Tr. from the German. Phil. 1873. 8? Contents : Cuban coast, A sea-fight on the. East Indies, Voyage to the. Frozen ocean, A winter in the. Japanese, Captivity among the. Pirate life. Shipwreck, The. Siberian, Home-sickness of a. Perinchief, Octavius. See Education in Japan. Periodicals — Cross, M. Preliminary dissertation on the progress of periodical literature. (In Selec- tions from Edinburgh review, v. 1.) PooLE, W. F. Index to periodical literature. Publications of learned societies, and period- icals in Smithsonian library. Parts i., ii. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 7, 8.) Same. (In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 3, 9.) See also Astor library. Periodicals, society journals, transac- tions, etc. (bound)-— [Note.— For extent and full description of the following, refer to running title In the general alphabetical arrange- ment.] Academician, The. Academy, The. Academy of natural sciences [Phil.]. Jour- nal ; Proceedings. Album du grand journal. Aldine, The. All the year round. American agriculturist. The. American annual register. The. American artisan, American historical record, The. American journal of education (Barnard's). American journal of horticulture and florist's companion. American journal of science and art. PERIODICALS 640 PERIODICALS Periodicals, etc. (continued) — Amekican mechanics' magazine. Amekican notes and queries. American register. American repertory of arts, etc. ' Annales des mines. Annual register. Appletons' journal. Architect, The. Architectural review and American build- er's journal. Argosy, The. Art : pictorial and industrial. Artizan, The. Athen^um, The (Lond.). Atlantic monthly, The. Autographic mirror. Bankers' magazine. {Am. ed.) Same. (Lond, ed.) Beloravia. Belle assembl^e, La ; or. Bell's court and fashion magazine. Bentley's magazine. Bibliotheca, The. (Russian.) Bibliotheca sacra, The. Bibliotheque illustree des classes ouvrieres et des conferences de Saint rran9ois Xavier (Nisard, T.). Blographical magazine. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine (N. T.). Blake's mining magazine, The. Boston weekly magazine. British association reports. British quarterly review. Brother Jonathan. Builder, The. California academy nat. sciences. Proceed- ings. California farmer. California horticulturist and floral magazine. California mail-bag. California medical gazette, California mercantile journal. California nautical magazine. California state board of health. Reports. Catholic world. Chambers's Edinburgh journal. Chatterbox, The. Chemical news, The. Chemical society. Publications. Chinese repository, The. Christian library. Civil engineer and architect's journal. Classical journal. Commercial and financial chronicle, and Hunt's merchants' magazine. Contemporary review. Continental monthly. CoRNHiLL magazine. Cottage magazine, The. Dial, The. Dingler's Polytechnisches journal. Dublin university magazine. Eclectic magazine. Edinburgh review. Engineer, The (Lond.). Every Saturday. Farmer's magazine. The. Ploricultural cabinet, and florist's maga- zine. Periodicals, etc. (continued) — Poreign quarterly review. PoRTNiGHTLY review, The. Pranklin institute. Journal. Prazer's magazine. Priend, The. Galaxy, The. Gartenlaube, Die. Gentleman's magazine. Geological magazine. Godey's lady's book and magazine. Good words. Graphic, The. Harper's new monthly magazine. Harper's weekly. Hesperian, The. Historical magazine. Hogg's weekly instructor. Hours at home. Household words. Hunt's merchants' magazine. HuTCHiNGs's illustr. California magazitie. Illustrated London news. Industrial fair evening gazette (S. P.). Industrial monthly, The. Intellectual observer, The. International monthly magazine. Iron. [New ser. of ' Mechanics' magazine.'] Journal of social science [Am.]. Journal of speculative philosophy. Keepsake, The. Knickerbocker, The. Lady's companion. Lakeside monthly. Leisure hour, The. Lens, The : a quarterly journal of microscopy, etc. Leypoldt's publisher's and stationer's weekly trade circular. LiNN^AN society. Transactions. Lippincott's magazine. Literary world. Littell's living age. Littell's museum. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophi- cal magazine and journal of science. London lancet. The. London news. See Illustrated (above). London quarterly review. London society. Macmillan's magazine. Masonic mirror, The. Mechanics' magazine. Mechanics' register. Metropolitan, The. Microscopical journal. Mining and scientific press. Mirror, The. Miscellaneous magazines (bound). Monthly review of 1769. Moore's rural New Yorker. Mus:feE des families. Nature. New England historical and genealogical reg- ister. New Englander, The. New review. New Zealand gazette. Nicholson's journal. NiLEs's weekly register. PERIODICALS 641 PERRY II Periodicals, etc. (continued) — North British review. North Pacific review. Notes and queries. Old and new. Once a week. Our boys and girls. Overland monthly. Pacific coast mercantile director. Pacific medical and surgical journal. Pacific monthly, The. Pacific rural press. Penny magazine, The. Philadelphia society for promoting agricult- ure. Memoirs. Philosophical magazine. Phrenological journal and Packard's month- ly. Pioneer, The. Popular science monthly. Popular science review. Portfolio, The. Puck. Punch ; or, the London charivari. Punch and Judy. Putnam's monthly magazine. Quarterly oriental magazine. Quarterly review. Radical, The. Republic of letters, The. Retrospect, The. Retrospective review, The. Revise des deux mondes. Revue retrospective. Riverside magazine, for young people. Royal American magazine. St. James magazine. San Francisco medical press. Scientific American, The. Scribner's monthly. Select reviews. Sharpe's London magazine. Six-penny magazine. Skinner, J. S. Journal of agriculture. Social science association. Transactions. Southern literary messenger. Southern review. Sunday magazine for 1865, The. Technologist, The. Temple bar. Thomson's annals of philosophy. Tilloch's philosophical magazine. Town and country magazine. Trans-continental, The. United service magazine (Colburn's). Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering mag. Western monthly. Westminster review. Workshop, The. Periscopics. Elder, W. Perkins, Charles C. Italian sculptors ; being a history of sculpture in northern, southern, and eastern Italy. Lond. 1868. i°. Tuscan sculptors : their lives, works, and times. With illustr. from original drawings and photographs. Lond. 1864. 2v. Sm.f? Perkins, E. E. Practical treatise on gas and ventilation, with special relation to illumi- nating, heating, and cooking by gas. Phil. 1856. 16? 42 Perkins, F. B. Sketch of the life and works of Charles Dickens. N. Y. 1870. 12? Perkins, James Handasyd (1810-1849). Gregory vii. and his age. {In Characteristics of men of genius, v. 1.) Same. {In North Am. rev., v. 61, p. 20.) Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. (In Characteristics of men of genius, v. 1.) Same. (In North Am. rev., v. 59, p. 412.) Louis ix. (In Characteristics of men of gen- ius, V. 2.) Same. {In North Am. rev., v. 62, p. 294.) Perkins, Thomas Handasyd (1764-1854). Cary, T. G. Life of. (J« Hunt, F. Lives of Am- erican merchants, v. 1.) — Memoir of. Bost. 1856. S". Peron, Fran<;ois (1775-1810). See Naturalists. Perote, Prisoners of. Stapp, W. P. Perouse, La. See La Perouse. Perpetual curate. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Perpetual motion. Bircks, H. Perpetual mo- tion ; or, search for self-motive power, dur- ing the XVII., XVIII., and xix. centuries. Perrault, Charles (1628-1703), et al. Contes des f^es. (n.'t.p.) 8°. Contents : Adroite prlncesse, ou les aventures de Finette. Babiole. Barbe-bJeue, La. Belle an bois dormant, La. Belle aux cheveux d'or, La. Belle-Belle, ou le chevalier Fortune. Belle et la bftte, La. Biche au bois, I^a. Cendi-illon, ou la petite pan- toufle de verre. Chatte blanche, La. F6es, Les. Finette Cendron. FortuuSe. Gracleuse et Percinet. His oire de Fleurd'Eplne. Histoire de Ph.) Biographie de. (In Italiens et Fla- mands, v. 2.) Pervigilium veneris. Catullus, C. V. (In Opera omnia, v. 1.) Peechel, C. F. Elements of physics. Tr. from; the German, by E. West. (2c? ed.) Lond. 1854. 3 V. 12° Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich (teacher), (1746- 1827). ZscHOKKE, J.H. D. Biographie von. (In Ges. schriften, v. 32.) Feter {Saint). Life and writings. Lond. 1873. 12'J Peter, Epistles of— Fronmuller, G. F. C. Commentary on the. (In Lange's Com., new test., v. 9.) Leighton, R. Commentary on the first epis- tle of Peter. (In Works.) LiLLiE, J. Lectures on the first and second epistles of Peter. See also Apostles of our Saviour. Peter, William. Poets and poems of the ancients. Fhil.n.d. 8° . Peter Carradine. Chesebro', Miss C. Peter Goldthwaite's treasure. Hawthorke, N. (In Good stories.) Ppter Killip's king ; or, the fishers of Derby ha- ven. By the author of ' Children of Cfover- ly' and 'Fern hollow.' Bost. n.rf. 16: (2 COJ}.) Peter Lebrecht. Tieck, L. (In Schriften, v. 14, 15.) Peter Lipp. Gouraud, J. Peter of Alexandria (d. a.d. 381). Writings of. Tr. by J. B. H. Hawkins. {In Ante-Ni- cene Chr. lib., v. 4.) Peter Parley's annual. Martin, W. Peter Schlemihl. With plates, by Geo. Cruik- shank. Chamisso, (L. C.) A. von. Peter Schlemihl in America. Wood , G. Peter Schlemihl's wundersame geschichte. Cha-. Misso, (L. C.) A. VON. (In Werke, v. 2.) Peter Simple. Marrtat, F. Peter the great (emperor of Russia), (1672-1725). Abbott, J. History of. N. Y. 1860. 16° Barrow, J. Memoir of. N. Y. 1845. 16? H. F. lib., V. 65. Lamartine, a. de. Sketch of. (In (Euvres completes, v. 51.) MoTLET, J. L. Essay on. (In Character- istics of men of genius, v. 2.) Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de Charles XII., et histoire deRussie sous Pierre le grand. — Pierre le grand. (In (Euvres completes, V. 4.) See also Extraordinary men. Peter van Auwn. Hoefer, E. (/« Erzahlende schriften, v. 8.) Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. Lockhart, J. G. Peterchen and Gretchen ; or, tales of early child- hood. Tr. from the German, by Mrs. E. Prentiss. N. Y. n.d. 12? PETERMANN 644 PEVERELLY Petermann, Augustus Heinrich (b. 1822). At- las of physical geography ; with descriptive letter-press, embracing a general view of the ph3'-.sical phenomena of the globe. By T. Milner. Lond. 1850. f? Peters, De Witt C. Life and adventures of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky mountains. Peters, John E., Jt. Miscellaneous remarks upon the history, government, religions, literature, agriculture, ai;ts, trades, manners, and cus- toms of the Chinese, as suggested by an ex- amination of the articles comprising the Chinese museum, in the Marlboro' chapel, Boston. {I?i Pamphlets, v. 36.) Peters, Richard (1744-1828) . Full and arranged digest of cases decided in the supreme, circuit, and district courts of U. S., from the organi- zation of the government. Phil. 1838. 8? See also United States statutes at large, v. 1-8. Peterson, Charles J. Old stone mansion. The. Phil. n.d. 12? Peterson, Edward. History of Rhode Island. N. Y. 1853. 8? Peterson, Henry. Pemberton ; or, one hundred years ago. Thil. 1873. 12? (3 cop.) Peterson, R. E. Familiar science ; or, the sci- entitic explanation of common things. Phil . 1852. 12? PetigTU, James Louis (1789-1863). Grayson, AV. J. Life of. N. Y. 1866. 12? Petit chien de la marquise, Le. Gautiek, T. {In (Euvres, v. 14.) Petit gars, Le. F^val, P. (In (Euvres, v. 7.) Petit mouton, Le. Schmid, C. von. (In Con- tes, V. 1.) Petit pecheur, Le. SouLi:fi, M. F. (In GCuvres, V. 27.) Petit Savoyard, Le. Rousseau, J. J. (In (Eu- vres et correspon dance in^dites.) Petite Fadette, La. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Petite guerre, La, et le service des avant-postes. Tevis, M. Petite Ma'delaine, La. Southet, Mrs. C. A. B. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, 4.) Petites miseres de la vie conjugale. JBalzac, H. L)E. (In (Euvres completes, v. 38.) Petits chefs-d'oeuvre. Rousseau, J. J. Petits drames bourgeois. Mol:6ri, J. D. Peto, Sir Samuel Morton (b. 1809). Resources and prospects of America ; ascertained dur- ing a visit to the states in the autumn of 1865. N. Y. 1866. 12? (3 cop.) Taxation : its levy and expenditure, past and future. N. Y. 1866. 8? Petrarch, Francesco (1304-1374). Gedichte. Uebersetzt von W. Krieger. (2te ausgabe.) Hannover, 1866. 12? One hundred sonnets. Tr. by S. Wollaston ; with a life. Lond. 1841. 12? Selection of sonnets and odes ; with notes. Bost. 1809. 16? Sonnets ; Triumphs ; and other poems. Tr. by various hands ; with a life of the poet, by T. Campbell. Lond. 1859. 12? Contents : Life of Petrarch. Miscellaneous poems. Sonnets to Laura, Triumphs, The. Triumphs, The. Tr. by H. Boyd. Lond. 1807. 12? Petrarch (continued) — Greene, G. W. Article on. (In Character- istics of men of genius.) Same. (In North Am. rev., v. 40, p. 1.) See also — Literary and sciwitific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Quattro poeti Italiani, I. Petrarch and Laura. See Historical difficulties. Petrifactions. Mantell, G. A. Petrifac- tions, and their teachings. See also Fossils. Petroleum — Allen, T. Paper on the explosibility of coal oils. (In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) Bone, J. H. A. Petroleum and petroleum wells. BowEN, E. Coal and coal oil. Daddow, S. H., a7id Bannan, B. Coal, iron, and oil. Hunt, T. S. Notes on the history of petro- leum, or rock oil. (In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) Morris, E. Derrick and drill. Wright, W. Oil regions of Pennsylvania. PetroniuB Arbiter (ab. 66). Matrona Ephesia, sive lusus serius huic adjiciuntur dissertati- unculae quatuor philosophicse, i. e. de amore in genere ; de amore inter marem et foemina ; de amore determinato ; de amore Platoni- ca. Londini, 1665. 16? Petsetilla's posy. Hood, T. Pettenkofer, Max. Description of apparatus for testing the results of perspiration and res- piration. (In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Relations of the air to the clothes we wear, the house we live in, and the soil we dwell on : three popular lectures, delivered before the Albert society, at Dresden. Abridged and translated, by A. Hess. Lond. 1873. 16? Pettigrew, James Bell. Modes of flight in rela- tion to aeronautics. (In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Pettus, Sir John (d. 1690). Fleta minor. The laws of art and nature, in knowing, judging, assaying, fining, refining, and inlarging the bodies of confin'd metals. In two parts : the first part contains assays of Lazarus Erckern, chief prover (or assay - master- general of the empire of Germany), in v. books : originally written by him in the Teutonick language, and now translated into English. The second contains essays on me- tallick words, as a dictionary to many pleas- ing discourses. Illustrated with forty-four sculptures. Lond. : Printed for and sold by Stephen Bateman, 1696. f? Petty annoyances of married life. Balzac, H. DE. Peuple, Le. Michelet, J. Peuples et voyageurs contemporains. Cortam- BERT, R. Peverelly, Charles A. Book of American pas- times ; containing a history of the principal base-ball, cricket, rowing, and yachting clubs ofthe United States. (2ded.) N.Y. 1863. 12? PEVERIL. 645 PHEMIE'S Peveril of the Peak. Scott, SirW. Peyrere, Isaac de la. Account of Greenland and Iceland. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 2.) HiSTOiRE duGroenland ; translation from, by _ Adam White. Lond. 1855. 8° (In Hak- ''hiyt soc, V. 18.) Pfadflnderin, Die. Hetse, P. (Jw Novellen, V. 3.) Pfeffel, Gottlieb Conrad. Fabeln und poetische erzahlungen in auswahl herausgegeben von H. Hauff. Stuttgart, 1840. 2 bandfe in 1 v. 12° Pfeiffer, Franz. Deutsche classikerdes mittelal- ters ; mit wort- und sacherklarungen. Leip- zig, 1870. V. 1-4, 8-12. 9 v. 12? Contents : Erec der wunderaere (Hartmann von der Auel, v. 4. Erz'hlungen und schwanke (herausgegeben von Hans LamelX v. 12. Kudrun (herausgegeben von Karl Bartsch), v. 2. ICibelungen lied, Das (herausgegeben von Karl Bartsch), v. 3. Parzival und Titurel (Wolfram von Eschenbach), V. 9-11. Tristan (Gottfried von Strassburg), v. 8. Walter von der vogelweide, v. 1. Pfeiffer, Mine. Ida (1795-1858). Journey to Ice- land, and travels in Sweden and Norway. Tr. by C. F. Cooper. N. Y. 1852. 12= Lady's second journey round the world, A. Lond. 1855. 2 v. 12? Last travels of Mme. I. Pfeiffer ; inclusive of a visit to Madagascar. Tr. by H. W. Dulck- en. N. Y. 1861. 12? Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian north. Tr. from the German, with notes, and an essay on Icelandic poetry, from the French of M. Bergmann ; translation of the ' Vo- luspa,' and brief sketch of Icelandic history. (2d ed.) Lond. 1853. 12? CoRTAMBERT, R. Voyages de. (In Peuples et voyageurs contemporains.) Pflanzer in Cuba, Der. Zschokke, J. H. D. (In Ges. schriften, v. 7.) Pflegesohn, Der. Eellstab, L. (In Ges. schriften, v. 17.) Phaedo. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Phaedo. (Dial.) Plato. Phaedrus. Fabulae yEsopiae. Ex editione J. G. S. Schwabii ; cum notis et interpretatione, Lond. 1822. 8? Valpy's Script. Lat. Contentg : Appendix fabularum Mso- piarum, etc., v. 1. Fabulae, v. 1. Index, V. 2. Notse variorum, v. 1, 2. — Fables. Tr. from the Latin, by C Lond. 1831. 16? Notitia literaria, v. 2. Recensus editionum et codi- cum Mss., V. 2. Testimonia, v. 1. Vita, V. 1. Smart. I Fables, literally translated into English prose. "With notes, by H. T. Eiley ; with metrical translation, by C. Smart. Bohn's Class, lib. [Bound with 'Terence.'] Phaedrus. (Dial.) Plato. Phantasien im Bremer rathskeller. Hauff, W. (In Samm. werke, v. 3.) Phantastes. MacDonald, G. Phantotn face : a story for Christmas. Moltl- TON, Mrs. E. L. C. Phantom flowers : a treatise on the art of pro- ducing skeleton leaves. Bost. 1866. 12? Phantom island. The. Irving, W. (In Wol- fert's Roost.) Phantom regiment. Grant, J. Phantom ship, The. Marryat, F. Phares, Les. Renard, L. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of Am- erica : fifth decennial revision. By authori- ty of the national convention for revising the pharmacopoeia, held at "Washington, 1870. Phil. 1873. 12? Pharmacy. Hooper, R. Lexicon medicum ; or, medical dictionary. See also Materia medica. Pharsalia, The. Lucan, M. A. Phelan, Michael id. 1873). Game of billiards, The. N. Y. 1857. 12? Phelps, Jfr«. Almira Hart Lincoln (6.1793). Fa- miliar lectures on botany. N. Y. 1845. 12? Hours with my pupils ; or, educational ad- dresses, etc. The young lady's guide, and parent's and teacher's assistant. N. Y. 1859. 12? Same, (^th ed.) N. Y. 1870. 12? Reviews and essays on art, literature,^nd sci- ence. Phil. 1873. 12? Contents : England under the Stuarts. Glance at the fine arts. Gothe, Life and writings of. History and defense of Em- ma Willard's theory of cir- culation by respiration. Hitchcock, Edward ; or, the union of religion and sci- ence. Maintenon, Madame de,and her tinu's. Popular botany. Popular science, Essay on. Saussiires, The, and their writings. Sigourney, Lydia Huntley. Social life in America. Phelps, Charles A. Life and public services of Ulysses S. Grant ; with biographical sketch of the hon. Henry "Wilson. Phelps, Miss Elizabeth Stuart. Gate, The, and the glory beyond it. (2c? ed.) Lond. 1872. 16? , Gates ajar. The. Bost. 1869. 12? (6 cop.) Gypsy Breynton. Bost. 1870. 16? (2 cop.) Gypsy's cousin Joy. Bo.st. 1870. 16? (Bcop.) Gypsy's sowing and reaping. Bost. 1869. 16? (2 cop.) Gypsy's year at the Golden Crescent. Bost. 1867. 16? (2 cop.) Hedged in. Bost. 1870. 12? (5 cop.) Men, women, and ghosts. Bost. 1869. 12? (3 cop.) Silent partner. The. Bost. 1871. 12? (10 cop.) Trotty book. Bost. 1870. 12? Trotty's wedding tour, and story book. Bost. 1874. 12? "What to wear? Bost. 1873. 12? Phelps, Sylvanus Dryden (b. 1816). Holy land, with glimpses of Europe and Egypt : a year's tour. N. Y. 1863. 12? Sunlight and hearth-light ; or, Fidelity, and other poems. N. Y. 1856. 12? Phelps, Thomas G. Speech in house of rep. on the Pacific failroad, April, 1862. (In Pam- phlets, V. 23.) Phemie Keller. Traffobd, F. G. Phemie's temptation. Terhunk, Mrs. M. V. H. PHERECYDES 646 PHILLIPPO Pherecyd.es. Diogenes Laebtius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Phi Beta Kappa soc. (Harvard coll.). Everett, E. Oration, before the society of Phi Beta Kappa, Cambridge, Aug. 27, 1824. Camb. , Mass., 1824. 8° Philadelphia (Penn.) — Description and Iiistory; Belisle, D. W. History of Independence hall. Philadelphia and its environs. (Illustra- ted.) Smith, K. A. Philadelphia as it is in 1852. Watson, J. F. Annals of Philadeli^hia and Pennsylvania. Iilbraries : Apprentices' library company. Reports, 1842-71. [Collected and bound.] 8° Library company. Catalogue. Phil. 1835 and 1856. 3 v. "in 2. 8° LoGANiAN library. Catalogue ; to which is prefixed a short account of the institution, with the law for annexing the said library to that belonging to the ' Library company of Philadelphia,' and the rules regulating the manner of conducting the same. Phil. 1837. 8? Mercantile library company. Catalogue. Phil. 1870. Roy. 8° 9IiK«eIlaneonH : Carey, M. Malignant fever in Philadelphia in 1793. {In his Miscellaneous essays.) — Public charities in. [In his Mis, essays.) Directory for the year 1865. Phil. 1865. 8° Same. (Gospill's.) For the year 1869. Phil. 1869. 8° Fairmount park. Report of a special com- mittee of the commissioners of Fairmount park upon the preservation of the purity of the water supply, 1867. iSee Water-works, ■ V. 1. Water department. Annual report of the chief engineer, presented to councils, Feb. 8, 1872. See Water-works, v. 1. See also Academy of natural sciences (Phil.). Philadelphia (o/ ^4 «ia). Svoboda, A. Seven churches of Asia. Philadelphia medical times : a semi - monthly journal of medical and surgical science, v. 2, 1871-2. Phil. 1872. 8° Philadelphia society for promoting agriculture. Memoirs. Phil. 1815. 8° Philalethes (pseud.). «See Morgan, T. Philalethic society (Santa Clara coll.) . Address and poem, delivered before the, Aug. 10, 1870. (In Pamphlets, v. 33.) Phile, Manuel (lived ab. 1300). De animalium proprietate. (Poem.) [Gr. et Lat.) (In Poet.fi bucolici et didactici.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Philebus. (Dial.) Plato. Phileleutherus Lipsiensis (pseud,). See Bent- ley, R. Philemon (360-262 b.c. ?) Fragmenta. (Gr. et Lat.) [Bound with <^schylus.'] Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Philemon, Book of. Van Oosterzee, J. J. Commentary on. (In Lange's Com., new test., V. 8.) Philidor, Francois Andr6 Danican (1727-1795). Studies of chess ; containing Caissa, a poeim by Sir W. Jones, a systematic intwuction to the game, and the whole analysifr-irf chess. (Neto ed.) Lond. 1810. 2 v. 8° Philip (St.). See Apostles of our Saviour. Philip II. (of Spain), (1527-1598). GAYABRt, C. A. History of. N. Y. 1866. 12^ Prescott, W. H. History of the reign of. Bost. 1855-8. 3 v. 8? Philip, A. P. W. Treatise on the means of pre- serving health, and particularly the preven* tion of organic diseases. Lond. 1830. 8? Philip, Mrs. Herman. Above her station : the story of a young woman's life. N. Y. 1863. 12° Philip. Thackeray, W. M. Adventures of. Philip Blandford. Smith, J. F. Philip of Pokanoket. Irving, W. (In his Sketch- book.) Philip Thaxter. Washburn, C. A. Philip van Artevelde. [Poem.] Taylor, H. Philippe de Commynes. See Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Philippians, Epistle to. Braune, K. Com- mentary on. (In Lange's Com., new test., V. 7.) Philippine islands — BoWBiNG, Sir J. Visit to. Chamisso, (L. C.) a. von. Philippinen in- seln. (In Werke, v. 3, 4.) Chronicle and directory for China, Japan, and the Philippines for the year 1869. Discovered by Magalhanes, 1521. (In Bur- ney's Voyages, v. 1, pp. 60, 66-86, 236, 260 ; V. 2, p. 464 ; v. 4, p. 373 ; v. 5, p. 61.) Gemelli-Careri, G. F. Travels in the Phi- lippines, 1686. (In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 4.) GiRONiERE, P. P. de la. Twenty years in the. LABiLLARDii;RE, J. J. H. Visit to. (In Re- lation du voyage a la recherche de La P6- rouse, 1791, v. 1, 2.) La Perouse, J. F. G. de (Milet-Mureau). Visit to Manila, 1830-32. (In Voyage autour du monde, v. 2.) La Place, C. P. T. Visit to Malacca and Manila in 1830-32. (In Voyage autour du monde, v. 1.) MoRGA, A. de. Philippine islands, Moluc- cas, Siam, Cambodia, and China at the close of XVI. century. (In Hakluyt soc, v. 38.) Van Noort, O. Account of the Philippine islands [1598]. (In Drake's Coll. voy.) Warren, T. R. Dust and foam. See also Luzon ; Manila. Philips , Am brose ( 1 670-1 74 9 ) . Di stressed moth- er. The. (Trag.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 9. - Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 7. See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1. Philips, S. See Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1. Phillip, Arthur (Gov.). Voyage to Botany bay ; with an account of the establishment of the colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk island. Compiled from authentic papers, etc. Dub- lin, 1790. 12? PhMlippo, James M. United States and Cuba. Lond. 1857. 12? PHILLIPPS 647 PHILO Phillipps, G. Jenkin. System, ?Jhe, of mining coal and metalliferous veins flilly explained. Phil. 1858. 12? Phillips, -Mrs. Alfred. Master passion. (Com.) Lftcy's Playg, v. 7. Organic affection. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 5. Uncle Crotchet. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 10. Phillips, Anna H. Love and fame. {In Boston book.) Phillips, Frederick. Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 29. Phillips, George S. Divine evolution of the churches ; or, the new church as the church of humanity. Its position and prospects. Phil. 1871. 16° Phillips, George Searle [January Searle), (b, 1818). Gypsies of the Dane's dike. The. Best. 1864. 12? (3 cop.) Phillips, Henry. History of cultivated vegeta- bles ; comprising their botanical, medicinal, edible, and chemical qualities, natural his- tory, and relation to art, science, and com- merce. {2ded.) Lond. 1822. 2 v. 12? Phillips, Henry. Musical and personal recollec- tions. Lond. 1864. 2 v. 8? Phillips, John. Life on the earth : its origin and succession. Lond. 1860. 12? Treatise on geology, A. (.New ed.) Lond. 1852. 2 V. 12? Vesuvius. Oxford, 1869. 12? Phillips, John Arthur. Manual of metallurgy ; or, a practical treatise on the chemistry of the metals. (3See Lives of the presidents. Polko, Elise. Musical sketches. Tr. by F. Fuller. Phil. 1864. 12^ Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bar- tholdy. Tr. by Lady Wallace. »OLLARD 665 PONSONBY Pollard, Edward A. Black diamonds gathered in the darkey homes of the south. N.Y. 1859. 12° First year of the war. Eichmond, Va., 1862. 8° Last year of the war. N. Y. 1866. 8° Life of Jefferson Davis ; with a secret history of the southern confederacy. Phil. 1870. 8? Lost cause regained. N. Y. 1868. 12? Third year of the war. N. Y. 1865. 8° Virginia tourist : sketches of the springs and m6untains in Virginia. Phil. 1870. 12? Hard, Eliza F. Hope deferred. N. Y. 1872. 8° {6 cop.) 'Ollen, J. H. Decorative art in its connection with modern science. (In Afternoon lectures, V. 3.) Pollock, Edward. Ode, delivered before the So- ciety of California pioneers, at celebration of the seventh anniversary of the admission of the state of California into the union, Sept. 9, 1857. {In Pamphlets, v. 25.) Poem, delivered before the Society of Cali- fornia pioneers, Sept. 9, 1856. (In Pam- phlets, V. 25.) Pollock, G. D. Treatise on injuries of abdomen. (In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 2.) Treatise on the diseases of the mouth and ali- mentary canal. (In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Pollock, James. Brief account of the processes employed in the assay of gold and silver coins at IJ. S. mint. (In Smithsonian rept, 1868.) Pollock, Kobert (1799-1827). Course of time ,• withamemoirofthea^thor. Phil. 1864. 12? Same. (In Aikin's British poets, v. 2.) PoUywog papers. Linen, J. (In Poetical and prose writings.) Polo, Marco (1252-1324?). Travels. ( Jn Cooley's ^L Maritime and inland discovery, v. 1.) ^B Travels. Translation of Marsden revised, ^B with a selection of his notes. Ed. by T. ■ Wright. Lond. 1854. 12? ^" Voyages. (In Harris, J. Voy., v. 1.) Murray, H. Travels of. Polybius (ab. 200 B.C.). General history. Tr. mk from the Greek, by Mr. Hampton. (5th ed.) V Oxford, 1828. 2 v. 8? Polycarp(«^), (rf. a6. 166). Wake, W. Epis- tles of. [In Apostolic fathers.) Polygamy. Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. Ex- pose of polygamy in Utah. 8"e also Salt Lake ; Utah. Pol3rtnetis. Spence, J. Polynesia— Crawfurd, J. General observations on Poly- nesian language. (In History of the Indian archipelago.) Ellis, W. Polynesian researches. Hale, H. Ethnography and philology of. (In U. S. exploring expedition.) Melville, H. Typee : a peep at Polynesian life. Kussell, M. Polynesia. iSee also — Feejee islands. Micronesia. New Zealand. Philippine islands. Samoa. Sandwich islands. Society islands. South sea islands. Also the names of special groups and divisions. Polynesian, The (weekly). (May 18, 1844, to May 3, 1845.) Honolulu, 1844-5. f? Polynesian languages — DwiGHT, T. Sketch of the. (In Am. ethnol. soc. Transactions, v. 2.) Grammar of. (In Tahitian dictionary.) Introductory remarks on the. (In Tahitian and English dictionary.) Polynesian researches. Ellis, W. Pol3rtechnic college (Penn.). Catalogue, 1864- 5. (In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 5.) Polsrtechnieche journal. See Dingier, E. M. Pomeroy, John Norton. Introduction to muni- cipal law. N. Y. 1864. 8? Pomeroy, Mark M. (Brick). Gold dust for the beavitifying of lives and homes. N. Y. 1871. 12? Nonsense ; or, hits and criticisms on the fol- lies of the day. N. Y. 1868. 12? Tucker, M. E. Life of. N. Y. 1868. 12? Pomology. See Apples ; Fruit. Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson (mar- quise de), (1721-1764). Hausset, Mme. du. M^moires. Le Koi, J. A. Curiositfe historiques sur Louis xiii., Louis XIV., Louis xv., etc. See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Pompeiana. Gell, Sir W., and Gandt, J. P. Pompeii — Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. Last days of Pompeii [79]. (Hist, fiction.) Dyer, T. H. Pompeii: its history, buildings, and antiquities. Gell, Sir W. , and Gandy, J. P. Pompeiana. Herculanum et Pompei. MoNNiER, M. Pomp6i et les Pomp^iens. — Wonders of. NiccoLiNi, F. and F. Case ed i monument! di. Pompeii. Macaulay, T. B. (In Cambridge prize poems.) Pompeius, Cneius (106-48 b.c). Plutarchtts. Vie de. (In Vies des Komains illustres.) — Vita. (Gr. et Lat.) (In Vitae, v. 2.) Pomponius, T. Atticus (109-32 b.c). Nepos, C. [In Vitae excell. imper., v. 1.) Pond, Enoch (b. 1791). Lectures on pastoral the- ology. Andover, 1866. 12? Poniatowsky, Stanislaus August (roi de Po- Zoi^we), (1732-1798). SiiGUR, L. P. M^- moires, souvenirs et anecdotes, v. 1. Ponsard, Francois (1814-1867). (Euvres com- pletes. Paris, 1865. 2 v. 8? Contents . Homfire, v. 2. Honneur etl'argent.L'.v.Z. Horace et Lydie, v. 1. Lucr6ce, v. 1. Ulysse, V. 2. (Trag.) Theatre Fran- Theatre Agnes de Mfiranle, v. 1, Bourse, La, v. 2. Ce qui plait aux femmes, v. 2. Charlotte Corday, v. 1. — Charlotte Corday 9ais mod., ler s6r. Same. (Z« (Euvres completes, v. 1.) Honneur et I'argent, L'. (Com.) Fran pais mod.. Be s6r. Same. (In (Euvres completes, v. 2.) Lion amoureux, Le. Paris, 1866. 82 Contents : Lion amonreux, Le. Malheur aux vaincus (par Th. Barrifire). Ponsonby, Emily (Lady). Mary Lindsay. N. Y. 1863. 8? Mother's trials, A. N.Y.1860. 12? (2 cop.) PONTANUS 666 Holrterlin. Iffland. Kleist, H. von. Klopstock, F. G. KOrner, T. Kosengarten, L. T. Lessin^, E. Matthisson, F. Milliner, G. A. Novalis. Ranpach. Sails, J. G. Schlegel, P. Schlegel, W. Schubart. Schulze, E. Stolberg, F. Tieck. Voss, Johann H. Werner. Wieland, C. M. Pontanus, J. I. Dissertation concerning the north-east passage. [In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 1.) Pontes, Mme. L. Dav^si^s. Poets and poetry of Germany ; with biographical and critical no- tices. Lend. 1858. 2v.ini. 12° Contents: V. 1— Crit. notices. V. 2- Arndt Burger, J. G. Chamisso, L. C. Claudius. Drama, The. Fouqug, La M. Grillparzer. Herder. Hoelty. — Same. 2 v. 12° (2 cop.) Pontiac (1712-1769). Parkmak, F. , Jr. His- tory of the conspiracy of. Pontmartin, Alexandre de. Clotilde ; or, the secret of three generations. Tr. from the French, by Kate C. Barton. Phil. 1871. 12; See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Ponton, Mungo. Earthquakes and volcanoes: their history, phenomena, and probable causes. Lond. 1868. 16? Material universe : its vastness and dura- bility. Lond. 1863. 12? Pontoppidon, Erich. Natural history of Nor- way. (In Drake's Coll. voy.) Pontormo, Jacques de (1492-1523) . Dumas, A. (D.) Biographic de. [In Italiens et Fla- mands, v. 2.) Pontrincourt. Belkkap, J. Life of. {In Am. biog., V. 2.) Pony express. Paper on. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., V. 5.) Poole, Charles H. Keport upon a route from San Diego to Fort Yuma via San Diego river, Warner's pass, and San Pilipe canon. 8ee Pacific railroad, Eeportsof explorations, etc., v. 7, app. Poole, John. Comic sketch-book ; or, sketches and recollections. [Containing also 'Or- pheus C. Kerr papers.^] {New ed.) Lond. 1859. 12? Deaf as a post. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 14. Hamlet travestie. Lacy's Plays, v. 10. Intrigue. (Com. interlude.) Lacy's Plays, v. 54. Little Pedlington and the Pedlingtonians. N. Y. 1852. 2 V. 16? Married and single. (Com.) Mod. stand. dr., V. 10. Match-making. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 27. Paul Pry. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 15. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 10. Scapegoat. (Farce.) Dicks' Br. dr., v. 12. Simpson and CO. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 74. Turning the tables. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 40. 'T WOULD puzzle a conjurer ! (Com. drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 14. Poole, Sophia. Englishwoman in Egypt : letters from Cairo, written during a residence there in 1842-4. Phil. 1845. 16? Poole, "William Frederick (6. 1821). Index to periodical literature. N. Y. 1853. 8? POPE ■ Poor, Henry V. Manual of the railroads in the United States for 1871-2; with appendix, containing a full analysis of the debts of the United States and of the several states. N. Y. 1871. 8? Same, {bthser.y For 1872-3. N.Y. 1872. 8? Poor, The— Emminghaus, a. {Ed.) Poor relief in dif- ferent parts of Europe. Gerando, J. M. de. Visitor of. Mayhew, H. London labor and the Londoa poor. See also — Charities. Labor. Missions. Poor fellow, A. Poor humanity. Poor Miss Finch. Paupers. Population. Working. N. Y. 1858. 12? KOBINSON, F. W. Collins, (W.)W. Poor relation. The. Pardoe,' J. Poor Kichard's almanac for 1851, as written by B. Franklin for the years 1736, 1737, 1738. The astronomical calculations adapted to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and Charleston. To which is added the continuation of the life of the great philosopher, written by himself. N. Y. 1850. 12? {In Pamphlets, v. 16.) Poor scholar. The. Carleton, W. {In Irish stories.) Poore, Ben Perley. Congressional directory for the third session of the 41st congress of the U. S. {1st ed.) Wash. 1870. 8? (2 cop.) Congressional directory of 42(1 congress, second session. Wash. 1872. 8? Pope, Alexander (1688-1744). Poetical works. Edited by H. F. Cary, with a biographical notice of the author. Lond. 1853. Contents . Author's preface. Biographical notice. Brutus, Two choruses to the tragedy of. Cato, Prologue to tragedy of. Dunciad. Dunciad, Appendix to. Dunciad, Index of persons celebrated in. Dunciad, Matters contained In. Dunciad, Prolegomena and illustrations to. Dying Christian to his soul. Elegy. Eloisa to Abelard. Epilogue to the satires. Epistle to Mr. Addison. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot Epitaphs on— Atterbury, F. Charles, earl of Dorset Corbet, Mrs. Craggs, J. Digby, R., and his sister. Edward, duke of Bucking- ham. renton,E. For one who would not be buried In Westminster abbey (2). Gay, Mr. Harcourt, Dr. Kneller, Sir G. Newton, Sir I. Trumbal, Sir W. Withers, H. Essay on criticism. Essay on man. Fragment of a poem. General view of epic poem. Homer's Iliad. Homer's Odyssey. Imitations of English poets : Chaucer. Cowley, Imitations (continued) : Earl of Dorchester. Earl of Dorset. Spenser. Swift. Waller. Imitations of Horace. Jane Shore, Epilogue to the tragedy of. Lines to Elkanah Settle. Lines to Lady Frances Shir- ley. Messiah : a sacred eclogue. Miscellanies. Moral essays : To a ladv. To Allen, Lord Bathurst. To Richard, earl of Bur- lington. To Richard Temple, Lord Cobham. Ode on St. Cecilia's day. Ode on solitude. Pastoral poetry, Discourse on. Pastorals : Autumn, or Hylas and J& gon. Spring, or Damon. Summer, or Alexis. Winter, or Daphne. Postscript to the Odyssey. Preface to Iliad. Rape of the lock. Sappho to Phaon. Tr. from Ovid. Satires of Dr. J. Donne vers- ified. Translations and imitations : Fable of Dryope, Jainiary and May. Statius's Thebaid, book i. Temple of fame. Wife of Bath. Universal prayer. Windsor forest. 1 I POPE 667 PORTER Pop© (continued) — Poetical works. With a life, by A. Dyce. Bost. 1853. 3 V. 16° Contents : Dunciad, v. a. Elnisii to Abelard, v. 1. Kpitaphs, v. .'i. Essay on criticism, v. 2. Essay on man, v. 2. First book of Statius's The- bais, V. 1. Imitations of English poets, Memoir, bj' A. Dyce, v. 1. MessiaJi, v. 1. Miscellaneous poems, v. 1,2. Moral essays, v. 2. Pastorals, v. I. Kape of the lock, v. 1. Sappho to Phaon, v. 1. Satires of J. Donne, v. 3. Temple of fame, v. 2. Wife of Bath, from Chaucer, Windsor forest, v. 1. Carruthers. Lond. 1858. Imitations of Horace, v. 3. January and May: from Chaucer, v. 2. — Same. Ed. by K. 2v. 12° EssAi sur I'homme. Traduit par J. Delille. (In (Euvres, v. 17.) Essay on man. (In Poetical works.) Ayrh, W. Memoir of the life and writings of. Lond. 1745. 2 v. 12° Carkuthers, R. Life and letters of. Lond. n.d. 12? De Qtjincey, T. Essay on. (/n his Bio- graphical essays.) Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. Lowell, J. R. My study windows. Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt^rature Anglaise, v. 4. — History of English literature. Thackeray, W. M. English humorists of the XVIII. century. See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1 ; Homer ; Lives of English poets, v. 2. Pope, Gr. U. Brief outline of the grammar of the Tuda language. (7>j Marshall, W. E. Phre- nologist amongst the Todas.) Pope, John. Report upon the route near the 32d parallel, lying between the Red river and I. the Rio Grande. See Pacific railroad, Re- I ^L ports of explorations, etc., v. 2. ' ^P Same. See Pacific railroad reports, 8° ed. , v. 4 . Pope, Mrs. Mary E. Poems. Phil. 1872. 12'i See also Living female writers of the south. Pope and the council. The. Janus (pseud.). Pope Gregory and the pear-tree. Jerrold, D. (W.) (In Fireside saints, etc.) Pope Joan. See Historical diflSiculties. Pope or president. Startling disclosures of Ro- manism, as revealed by its own writers. Facts for Americans. N. Y. 1859. 12? Popery. Milton, J. True religion, heresy, schism, toleration against popery. (In Prose works, V. 2.) Popes — , ^ Milman, H. H. Popes of the xvi. and xvii. I^H centuries. (In his Essays.) I^H Ranke, L. History of the popes of Rome. I^V — Romischen papiste, Die, ihre kirche und 11^ ihr staat im xviten und xviiten jahrhun- dert. Poplicola. Plutakchus. Vita. (Or.etLat.) (In Vitae, v. 1.) Popoff, Nikito. Justin's ancient universal his- tory. St. Petersburg, 1768. 8? (Russian.) Popular follies of great cities. Mackay,C. (In his Memoirs of extraordinary popular delu- sions.) Popular science monthly. Conducted by E. L. Youmans. V. 1 (1872) to 3 (Oct. 1873). N. Y. 1872-3. 3 v. 8? Popular science review, The : a quarterly review of entertaining and instructive articles on scientific subjects. Ed. by H. Lawson. V. 1 (1861) to 11 (1873). Lond. 1861-73. 11 v. 8? Popular tales. Edgeworth, Miss M. Popular traditions collected and narrated by Ot- mar. (Jre Roscoe, T. German novelists, v. 2.) Popularit6, La. M:feRY, J. (In (Euvres, v. 14.) Population — Mac AULA Y, T. B. Sadler's law of. (In Es- says.) Malthus, T. R. Essay on the principles of. Seaman, E. C. Population of the new world. (In Progress of nations.) "Wiss, W. E. Gesetze der bevolkerung. Die. Sec also Census. Porcelain. See Pottery. Porcupine, Peter (pseud.). See Cobbett, W. Porphyrius. Sententiae. (Gr. et Lat.) Ed. F. Diibner. [Bound with ' Plotinus.'] Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Diogenes LaI^rtius. Life of. [By Euna- ' pius.] (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Porphyry. See Aristotle. Porpoises. See Cetacea. Port folio. The. Commenced by Jos. D. Ennis (Oliver Oldschool). V. 1 (Jan. 1816) to 14 (Dec. 1822). Phil. 1816-22. 14 v. 8? Port Jackson (JV. S. W.). Phillip, A. Voyage to Botany bay ; with an account of the set- tlement of the colony of. Port of refuge. Hopkins, M. Port Royal society — Cousin, V., et al. Glimpses of convent life at Port Royal. — Jacqueline Pascal. Sainte-Beuve, C.A. Port-Royal. (Jra (Eu- vres, V. 4-10.) See also Jansenists. Porta della Baccio (Fra Bartolomeo),(l^Q9-\^VJ). Dumas, A. (D.) Biographie de. (In Ital- iens et Flamands, v. 1.) Porte Crayon (pseud.). See Strother, D. H. Portent, The. MacDonald, G. Porter, Mrs. A. E. Married for both worlds. Bost. 1871. 12? (5 cop.) Porter, Miss Anna Maria (1781-1832). Hunga- rian brothers. The. Lond. n.d. 16? Lake of Killarney, The. (N^ew ed.) Lond. 1853. 16? Recluse of Norway. Wash. 1834. 12? Porter, David (1780-1843). Account of a hail- storm on the Bosphorus. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Journal of a cruise made to the Pacific ocean, in the U. S. frigate Essex, 1812-14. Sec- ond ed., with the transactions at Valparaiso ; the fate of the party left at Madison's island; and an introduction, refuting the charges in the Quarterly review. N. Y. 1822. 2 v. 8? Irving, W. Biographical sketch of. (In Spanish papers, v. 2.) Porter, George Richardson . Treatise on the ori- gin, progressive improvement, and present state of the manufacture of porcelain and glass. Phil. 1832. 16? See also Long, G. \ PORTER 668 PORTRAITS Porter, J. L. Five years in Damascus ; includ- ing an account of the history, topography, and antiquities of that city. With travels and researches in Palmyra, Lebanon, and theHanran. Lond. 1855. 2 v. 8° Giant cities of Bashan, and Syria's holy places. Lond. 1865. 12° Porter, J/i«« Jane(177fl-1850). Pastor's fireside, The. Lond. 1849. 2 v. 16? Scottish chiefs, The. Phil. 1871. IK (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1869. 12? (2 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1866. 8°. Same. Lond. 1850. 2 v. 16? Thaddeus of Warsaw. Phil. 1869. 81 Porter, John A. Selections from the ' Kalevala.' Tr. from a German version. N. Y. 1868. 12? Porter, Noah {presH of Yale college), {b, 1811). American colleges and the American public. New Haven, Conn., 1870. 12? Books and reading ; or, what books shall I read, and how shall I read them ? N. Y. 1871. 12? (2 cop.) Elements of intellectual science : a manual for schools and colleges. Abridged from his 'Human intellect.' N. Y. 1871. 12? Human intellect ; with an introduction upon psychology and the soul. N. Y. 1868. 8? Porter, Sir Kobert Ker (1775-1842). Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, ancient Babylon, etc., during the years 1817-20 ; with numer- ous engravings of portraits, costumes, antiq- uities, etc. Lond. 1821. 2 v. 4? Porter, Thomas C. Catalogue of plants collected on Prof. Hayden's explorations of the terri- tories. See Hayden, F. V. Prelim, rept. Porter, W. T. Big Bear's adventures and trav- els ; containing the ' Big Bear of Arkansaw,' aVid other sketches. Phil. n.rf. 12? Brinley, F. Life of. N. Y. 1860. 12? Portfolios. See Patents, Abridgments of Br., v. 5. Portia. Clarke, Mrs. M. C. Portland {Oregon). Directory for the year 1866. Compiled and published by S. J. McCor- mick. Portland, 1866. 8? Same. For 1871. 8? Portland sketch-book. Stephens, Mrs. A. S. PortlOCk, Nathaniel {Capt.), and Dixon, — ( Capt.) . Voyage round the world, but more particularly to the north-west coast of Am- erica, 1785-8. Lond. 1789. 4? Porto, Luigi da. Novel. {In Roscoe, T. Ital- ian novelists, v. 2.) Porto Rico — Latimer, G. Meteorology of. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1871. TuRNBULL, D. Travels in the west : Cuba ; with notices of Porto Rico. Portrait annual of illustrious and eminent per- sonages of the XIX. century. Jerdan, W. Portrait-gallery of distinguished poets, philos- ophers, statesmen, divines, painters, archi- tects, physicians, and lawyers since the re- vival of art ; with their biographies. Lond. 1853. 3v. 4? Portraits contemporains. Sainte-Beitve, C. A. {In (Euvres, v. 40, 41.) [For contents, see Sainte-Beuve, C. A.] Portraits de femmes. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In (Euvres, v. 48.) [For contents, see Sain- te-Beuve, C. A.] Portraits et biographies. Lamartine, A. de. {In CEuvres completes, v. 42.) Portraits litt^raires. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. {In (Euvres, v. 42-44.) [For contents, scf Sam- te-Beuve, C. A,] Portraits of celebrated women. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of eminent Americans now living. Liv- ingston, J. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit- ain ; with biographical and historical mem- oirs of their lives and actions. Lodge, E. Lond. 1849. 8 v. 12? Contents: Abbott, archbp. of Canter- bury, V. 3, p. 285. Abercronibie, Sir Ralph, v. 8, p. 123. Albemarle, Duke of, v. 5, p. 20'J. Allen, Cardinal, v. 2, p. 231. Amherst, Ist lord. v. 8, p. 105. Anne, Queen, v. 7, p. 29. Argyll, 1st duke of, v. 6, p. 281. Argyll, 2d duke of, and dnke of Greenwich, v. 7, p. 137. Argyll, 9th earl of, V. 6, p. 189. Argyll, Marquis of, v. 5, p. Arlington, Earl of, v. 6, p. 171. Arran, Earl of, v. 2, p. 75. Arundell (Fitzalan), Earl of, V. 2, p. 129. Arundell (Howard), Earl of, V. 2, p. 249. Arundell and Surrey, Earl of, V. 4, p. 195. Arundell of Wardour, Bar- oness, V. 4, p. 285. Aston, 1st lord, v. 4, p. 1. Atterbury, bp. of Rochester, V. 7, p. 2. Bacon, Sir Nicholas, v. 2, p. 107. Banks, Sir Joseph,v. 8, p. 233. Bath, Earl of, v. 7, p. 217. Beatoun, Cardinal, V. l,p.99. Berlford, Ist earl of, v. 1, p. 217. Bedford, 4th earl of, v. 4, p. 53. Bedford (Carre), Countess of, V. 6, p. 131. Bedford (Harrington), Coun- tess of, V. 3, p. 213. Bedford, Duke of, v. 6, p. 253. Bedford, 4th duke of, v. 7, p. 255. Bedford, 6th dnke of, v. 8, p. 1.31. Blount, earl of Devonshire, V. 3, p. 37. Bodley, Sir Thomas, v. 3, p. 6.3. Bohemia, Queen Elizabeth of, V. 5, p. 127. Bolingbroke, 1st viscount, v. 7, p. 191. Boyle, Hon. Robert, v. 6, p. 227. Brackley, Viscount, v. 3, p. 115. Braganza, Queen Catherine of, V. 6, p. 297. Brandon, duke of Suffolk, V. 1, p. 91. Bridport, 1st viscount, v. 8, p. 203. Bristol, 2d earl of, v. 6, p. 23. Brooke, 1st lord, v. 3, p. 239. Brooke, 2d lord, v. 4, p. 87. Buckingham, 1st duke of, v. 3, p. 223. BuUen, Anne (queen), v. 1, p. 53. Burghley, Lord, v. 2, p. 267. Burlington, 3d earl of, v. 7, p. 205. Burnet, Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury, v. 7, p. 37. Bute, 3d earl of, v. 8, p. 61. Caernarvon, 1st earl of, v. 4, p. 101. Camden, 1st earl of, v. 8, p. 8.3. Canterbury (Abbott), Abp. of, V. 3, p. 285. Canterbury (Cranmer), Abp. of, V. l,p. 235. Canterbury (Laud), Abp. of, V. 4, p. 15.5. Canterbury (Parker), Abp. of, V. 2. p. 87. Canterbury (Tillotson), Abp. of, V. 6, p. 239. Canterbury(Warham), Abp. of, V. 1, p. 33. Capel, Lord, v. 4, p. 22.3. Carew, Sir Nicholas, v. 1, p. 65. Carlisle, Countess of, v. 5, p. 107. Cavendish, 1st duke of Dev- onshire, v. 7, p. 1. Cavendish, Ist duke of New- castle, v. 7, p. 1. Charles i. (king\ v. 4, p. 235. Charles ii. (king), v. 6, p. 135. Charlotte (princess), v. 8, p. 225. Chatham, 1st earl of, v. 7, p. 289. Cherbury, Lord Herbert of, v. 4, p. 261. Clarendon, Earl of, v. 5, p. 265. Clifford, countess of Pem- broke, V. 5, p. 289. Clifford of Chudleigh, Ist lord, V. 5, p. 2.55. Cllve, Lord, v. 7, p. 277. Cornwallis, 1st marquis, v. 8, p. 161. Cottington, Lord, v. 5, p. 17. Courtenay, earl of Devon- shire, V. 1, p. 247. Coventry, 1st lord, v.4, p. 41. Cranmer, archbp. of Canter- bury, V. l,p. 2:i5. Craven, 1st earl of, v. 6, p. 247. Cromwell, earl of Essex, v. 1, p. 69. Cromwell, Oliver, v. 5, p. 75. Cumberland, 3d earl of, v. 3, p. 29. Danby, 1st earl of, v. 4,p. 149. Darnley, Lord (king of^Scot- land), V. 2, p. 27. Denbigh, 1st earl of, v. 4, p. 113. Denny, Sir Anthony, v. 1, p. 155. Derby, Countess of, v. 5, p. 139. Derby, 1st earl of, v. 1, p. 7. Derby, Earl of, v. 5, p. 9. Devereux, earl of Essex, v. 2, p. 97. Devonshire, Countess of, v. 6, p. 225. Devonshire (Blount), Earl of, V. 3, p. 37. Devonshire ( Courtenay ), Earl of. V. 1, p.247. Devonshire (Cavendish), 1st duke of, V. 7, p. 1. Digby, Sir Kenelm, v. 5, p. 147. Dorset, Earl of, v. 3, p. 47. Dorset, 4th earl of, v. 5, p. 37. Drake, Sir Francis, v. 2, p. 237. Dudley, duke of Northiun- berland, v. 1, p. 181. Dudley, earl of Northum- berland, V. 3, p. 275. Dudley, earl of Warwick, v. 2, p. 205. Duncan, 1st viscount, v. 8, p. 143. [ [■OBTRAITS 669 PORTUGAL Portraits [continued) — > Dundee, lat viscount) v. 6, " p. 215. Iward VI. (Idng), v. 1, p. , i69. Sliaabeth (queenX v. 3, p. 1. X^ex (Cromwelll, Karl of, V. 1, p. Git. Bssex (Devereux), Earl of, V. 2, p. if:. Essex, 2d earl of, v. 2, p. 375. Essex, 3d earl of, v. 4, p. 209. Exeter, 1st earl of, v. a, p. 1-17. Exmoutb, Viscount, v. 8, p. 275. Falkland, 2d viscount, V. 4, p. 131. Finch, earl of Nottingham, V. 6, p. 83. Fit2alun,earl of Arundell,v. 2, p. 129. Fox, Charles James, v. 8, p. 193. Godoiphln. Earl of, v. 7, p. 9. Goring, Lord, v. 4, p. 313. Granby, Marquis of, v. 7, p. 249. Grandison, Viscount, v. 4, p. 107. Gresham, Sir Thomas, v. 2, p. 115. Grey, Lady Jane, v. 1, p. 199. Guildford, 1st lord, V. 6, p. 181. Guildford, 2d earl of, v. 8, p. 51. Hale, Sir Matthew, v. 6, p. 13. Hamilton, 1st duke of, v. 4, p. 271. Hamilton, 2d dulie of, v. 5, p. 1, Hamilton, 1st marquis of, V. 3, p. 23. Hamilton, 2d marquis of, v. 3, p. 167. Hardwicke, 1st earl of, v. 7, P,227. Hatton, Sir Christopher, v. 2, p. 221. Hawke, Lord, v. 8, p. 1. Heathfleld, 1st lord, v. 8, p. 3.3. Henrietta Maria (queen), v. 5, p. l'J5. Henry viii. (king), v. 1, p. 121. Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, v. 4, p. 261. Hertford, 1st marquis of, v. 5, p. 99. Holland, 1st earl of, v. 4, p. 291. Holland, 1st lord, v. 7, p. 265. Holies, duke of Newcastle, v. 7, p. 237. Hood, 1st viscount, v. 8, p. 213. 'Hopton, Lord, v. 5, p. 25. Howard, earl of Arundell, v. 2, p. 249. Howard, 1st earl of Notting- ham, v. 3, p. 173. Howard, earl of Suffolk, v. 3, p. 195. Howe, Earl of, v. 8, p. 109. Huntley, 2d marquis of, v. 4, p. 307. Hyde, Anne, duchess of York, v. 5, p. 231. Jones, .Sir Wm., v. 8, p. 91. Keppell, Viscount,v. 8,p. 21. Knox, John, v. 2, p. 43. Lancaster, Margaret of, v. 1, p. 13. Lansdowne, Ist marquis of, V. 8, p. 171. Laud, archbp. of Canterbu- ry, V. 4, p. 155. Lauderdale, Cuke of, v. 6, p. 75. Leeds, 1st duke of, v. 7, p. 19. Leicester, Countess of, v. 5, p. 93. Leicester, Earl of, v. 2, p. 189. Lincoln, Earl of, v. 2, p. 157. Lindsey, 1st earl of, v. 4, p. 7«. Lindsey, 2d earl of, v. 5, p. 159. Liverpool, 2d earl of, v. 8, p. 253. Locke, John, v. 6, p. 289. London (Kidley), Bishop of, V. 1, p. 2'25. Iiotbian, 3d earl of, v. 5, p. Maitland, Sir Wm.,of Leth- Ineton, V. 2, p. (17. Maitland, Is t lord, v. 2, p. 2.57. Munchesier, 2d earl or, V. 5, p. 22.3. Mansfield, Ist earl of, v. 8, p. 73. Marlborough, Duchess of, v. 7, p. 145. Marlborough, 1st duke of, v. 7, p. 67. Mary (queen), V. 2, p. 1. Mary Stuart fqueen of Scot- land), V. 2, p. 183. Middlesex, 1st earl of, V. 4, p. 169, Mtddleton, Sir Hugh, v. 3, p. 267. Monmouth, Duke of, v. 6, p. 155. Montagu, 2d duke of, v. 7, p. 187. Montrose, 1st marquis of, v. 4, p. 323. More, Sir John, v. 1, p. 39. More, Sir Thomas, v. 1, p. 41. Morton, 4th earl of, V. 2, p. 137. Murray, Earl of, v. 2, p. 35. Nelson, Viscount, v. 8, p. 149. Newark, 1st lord, v. 6, p. 91. Newcastle (Cavendish), 1st duke of, V. 6, p. 1. Newcastle (Holies), Duke of, V. 7, p. 237. Newton, Sir Isaac, V. 7, p. 111. Norfolk, Duke of, v. 1, p. 191. Norfolk, 4th duke of, v. 2, p. 53. North, 1st lord, v. 2, p. 21. Northampton, Earl of, v. 3, p. 93. Northampton, 2d earl of, V. 4, p. 95. Northumberland (Dudley), Duke of, V. 1, p. 181. Northumberland (Percy), Earl of, V. 5, p. 187. Northumberland, Earl of, V. 3, p. 275. Nottingham (Howard), 1st earl of, v. 3, p. 173. Nottlngliara (Finch), Earl of, v. 6, p. 83. Orford ( Waipole), 1st earl of, V. 7, p. 161. Orford (Waipole), Horatio, 4th earl of, v, 8, p. 97. Ormond, 1st duke of, v, 6, p. 199. Ormond, 2d duke of, v. 7, p. 153. Oxford and Mortimer, Earl of, V. 7, p. 97. Paget, Ist lord, v. 2, p. 13. Parker, archbp. of Canter- bury, V. 2, p, 87. Parr, Catherine (queen), v. 1, p. 137. Pembroke (Clifford), Count- ess of, V. 5, p. 289. Pembroke (Sydney), Count- ess of, V. 3, p. 1.39. Pembroke, Earl of, v. 3, p. 257. Pembroke (Montgomery), Earl of, V. 4, p. 337. Percy, earl of Northumber- land, V. 5, p. 187. Peterborough, 3d earl of, v. 7, p. 127. Pitt, William, V. 8, p. 179. Pole, Cardinal, v. 1, p. 253. Portland, 1st earl of, v. 3, p. 295. Queen Anne, v. 7, p. 29. Queen Anne Bullen, v. 1, p. 53. Queen Catherine of Bragan- za, V. 6, p. 297. Queen Catherine Parr, v. 1, p. 137. Queen Elizabeth, V. 3, p. 1. Queen Elizabeth of Bohe- mia, V. 5, p. 127. Queen Elizabeth of York, V. 1, p. 1. Queen Henrietta Maria, v. 5, p. 195. Queen Jane Seymour, v. 1, p. 61. Queen Lady Jane Grey, v. 1, p. 199. Portraits (continued)— Queen Margaret Tudor, v. 1, p. 79. Queen Mary, v. 2, p. 1, Queen Mary Stuart, v. 2, p. 183. , , «- Raleigh, Sir Walter, v. 3, p. 125 Rich' 2d earl of Warwick, V. 6, p. 67. Richmond, Duchess of, v. 4, p. 13. Richmond, Duchess of, v. fl, p. 271. Richmond, Duke of, v. 3, p. 181. Richmond, Duke of, v. 5, p. 69. Ridley, bishop of London, v. 1, p. 225. Rochester i, Atterbury),Bish- op of, v. 7, p. 2. Rockingham, 2d marquis of, V. 8, p. 11. Rodney, 1st lord, v. 8, p. 41. Rothes, Duke of, v. 6, p. 49. Rupert, Prince, v. 6, p. 57. Russell, Liady, v. 7, p. 89. Russell, Lord, v. 6, p. 109. St. Alban, Viscount, v. 3, p. 187. St. Vincent, Earl of, v. 8, p. 243. Salisbury, Earl of, v. 3, p. 73. Salisbury (Burnet), Bishop of, V. 7, p. .37. Sandwich, 1st earl of, V. 5, p. 243. Scott, Sir Walter, v. 8, p. 263. Selden, John, v. 5, p. 47. Seymour, Jane (queen), v. 1, p. 61. Seymour of Sudeley, Liord Thomas, v. 1, p. 147. Shrewsbury, Duke of, v. 7, p. 57. Sidney, Algernon, v. 6, p. 119. Sidney, Sir Philip, v. 2, p. 165. Somers, Lord, v. 7, p. 51. Somerset, Duke o^v. 1, p. 161. Somerset, 6th duke of, v. 7, p. 179. Southampton, Earl of, v. 3, p. 156. Southampton, 4th earl of, V. 5, p. 179. Stafford, Viscount, v. 6, p. 41. Strafford, 1st earl of, v. 4, p. 59. Stuart, Lady Arabella, v. 3, p. 101. Stuart, Mary (queen of Scot- land), v, 2, p. 183. Sutfolk (Brandon), Duke of, V. 1, p, 91. Suffolk (Grey), Duke of, v. 1, p. 213. Suffolk (Howard), Earl of, V. 3, p. 196. Sunderland, Countess of, v. 6, p. 99. Sunderland, 1st earl of, v. 4, p. 121. Sunderland, 2d earl of, v. 6, p. 201. Surrey, Earl of, v, 1, p. 113. Sussex, Earl of, v. 2, p. 149. Sydney, countess of Pem.- broke, v. 3, p. 139. Tillotson, archbp. of Canter- bury, V. 6, p. 239. Totnes, Earl of, v. 3, p. 247. Tudor, Margaret (queen of Scotland), v. 1, p. 79. Wales, Prince of, v. 3, p. 83. Waipole, Horatio, Ist lord, V, 7, p. 209. Waipole, Horatio, 4th earl of Orford, v. 8, p. 97. Waipole, Robert, 1st earl of Orford, v. 7. p. 161. WaJsingham, Sir Francis, v. 2, p. 211. Warham, archbp. of Canter- bury, V. 1, p. 33. Warwick ;Dudley), Earl of, V. 2, p. 205. Warwfck (Richard), 2d earl of, V. 5, p. 67. Wellington, Duke of. v. 8, p. 287. Winchester, 1st marquis of, V. 2, p. 61. Winchester, 5th marquis of, V. 5, p. 281. Wolsey, Cardinal, v. 1, p. 21. Worcester, Earl of, v. 3, p. 205. Worcester, 1st marquis of, v. 4, p. 181. Worcester, 2d marquis of, v. 6, p. 165. Wotton, Sir Henry, v. 4, p. 27. York, Elizabeth of (queen of Henry vii.), v. 1, p. 1. York (Hyde), Duchess of, v. 5, p. 231. Portraits of my married friends ; or, a peep into Hymen's kingdom. By Uncle Ben. N. y. 1858. 12? Portraits of the parliamentary officers of the great civil war ; being the fac-similes of a rare series published in 1647. With new brief bio- graphical notices of their lives and actions. [100 copies printed.] Lond. 1873. im Ports. See Harbors. Portsmouth {duchess of). See Keroual, L. P. Portugal— Akdersen, H. C. In Spain ; and a visit to. Beckford, W. Italy ; with sketches of Spain and. BoLLAERT, W. Wars of succession of Port- ugal and Spain, 1826-40. BtJSK, M. M. History of Spain and Portugal, from the earliest records to the peace of 1814. Drake, E. C. Description of. {In his Coll. voy.) DuKHAM, S. A. History of Portugal and Spain. Hughes, T. M. Actual state of. {In his Over- land journey to Lisbon.) Murray, J. Hand-book for travelers in. iSee also Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal ; Peninsular war; Port- uguese language and literature. PORTUaUESE 670 POULTRY Portuguese — CooLEYjW. D. Conquest of the. (/nAt« Mar- itime and inland discovery, v. 1, 2.) — Early discoveries of the. [In his Mari- time and inland discovery, v. 1, 2.) Portuguese language and literature — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. SisMONDi, J. C. L. S. de. Literature of the south of Europe. Posey, Thomas (1750-1818). Hall, J. Life of. [In Lib. of Am. biog., v. 19.) See also Self-made men. Posies for children. Lowell, Mrs. A. K. (Ed.) Positive philosophy — CoMTE, A. Cours de philosophic positive. — Discours sur I'ensemble du positivisme. — Positive philosophy of A. Comte. Tr. by H. Martineau. GuizoT, F. P. G. Article on positivism. (In his Meditations on the actual state of Chris- tianity.) Mill, J. S. Positive philosophy of Auguste Comte. Possibilities of creation ; or, what the world might have been. Lond. 1863. 12° Post, Alfred C. Anniversary oration, before the N. Y. academy of medicine, Nov. 14, 1849. N. Y. 1849. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 24.) Post, Henry A. V. Visit to Greece and Constan- tinople in the years 1827-8. N. Y. 1830. 8° Post, Lydia Minturn (Sidney Barclay). Personal recollections of the American revolution : a private journal. "With reminiscences of Washington and Lafayette. N.Y.1859. 12° {Ed.) Soldiers' letters from camp, battle-field, and prison. Published for the U. S. sani- tary commission. N. Y. 1865. 121 (2cop.) TPOBt-oSi.ce (E^iff.). Lewis, W. Hermtgesty's mails. Post-office (U. S.)— Alphabetical list of the post-offices and post- masters, the names of new offices, counties, county seats, rate of postage, money-order offices, and a list of the post-offices in Can- ada. Wash. 1872. 4^ BowEN, E. United States post-office guide. N. Y, 1851. 8° List of post-offices and postmasters in the U. S., and other postal information. Eevised and corrected by the department to Oct. 20, 1867. Wash. 1868. 4? Post-office directory ; or, business man's guide to the post-offices in the U. S. [1856]. Eees, J. Foot-prints of a letter-carrier. Table of the post-offices in the United States on the first day of Jan. 1851, arranged in alphabetical order, etc. Wash. 1851. 8° Post-office directory ; or, business man's guide to the post-offices in the United States . Com- piled by D. T. Leech. N. Y. 1856. 8° Postal telegraph. Washbukn, C. C. Speech on the. {In Pamphlets, v. 27.) Poste, Beale. Celtic inscriptions on Gaulish and British coins ; intended to supply matmals for the early history of Great Britain. With a glossary of Archaic Celtic words, and an atlas of coins. Lond. 1861. 8? Potato disease. Liebig, J. Origin of the. {In Complete works.) Potemkin, Gregor Alexandrovich (1736-1791). Masson, C. F. p. M^moires secrets sur la Russie. S:6guk, L. p. (comte de). M^moires, souve- nirs et anecdotes, v. 1. Potiphar papers. Curtis, G. W. Potomac and the ilapidan. Quint, A. H. Potter, Alonzo. Hand-book for readers and stu- dents. N.Y. 1847. 16^ H.F. lib.,v. 165. Political economy : its objects, uses, and principles. N.Y. 1841. 16° H.F. lib., v. 183. Potter, Edward Tuckerman. World pictures in capitals ; with a descriptive legend, by H. Copp^e. Phil. 1869. 4° Potter, W. War in Florida ; being an exposi- tion of its causes, and an accurate history of the campaigns of Gens. Clinch, Gaines, and Scott. Bait. 1836. 12° Potteries. See Wedgwood, J. Pottery, porcelain, etc. — BoHN, H. G. Guide to the knowledge of pot- tery, porcelain, etc. BuRTY, P. Chefs-d'oeuvre of the industrial arts. FoRTNUM, C. D. E. Descriptive catalogue of the Maiolica, Hispano-Moresco, Persian, Damascus, and Rhodian wares in the South Kensington museum. Jacquemart, a. Meryeilles de la c^rami- que, Les. Knapp, F. Chemical technology. Marryat, J. History of pottery and porce- lain. Origin of the manufacture of porcelain, etc. Porter, G. E. Treatise on the manufacture of porcelain and glass. Pottier, a. Histoire de la faience de Ebuen. Eau, C. Indian pottery. . (In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Treadwell, J. H. Manual of pottery. See also Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 1. Pottier, Andr^. Histoire de la faience de Eouen. Orn6 de soixante planches imprimees en couleurs ft de vignettes d'apres les dessins de Mile. Emilie Pottier. Eouen, 1870. 4° Pot"win, Mrs. H. K. Orphan's triumphs. The : a story of Lily and Harry Grant. N. Y. 1869. 12° (2 coj).) EuBY Duke. Bost. 1872. 12? (5 cop.) Pouched rat. Gesner,W. Paper on the habits of the pouched rat ( Geomys pineti) of Georgia. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Pouchet, F. A. Universe, The ; or, the infinitely great and the infinitely little. Tr. from the French, and illustrated by 343 engravings on wood and 4 colored plates. N.Y. 1870. 4. Poulkova observatory. Abbe, C. Account of Poulkova and Dorpat observatories. {In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Poultry— Bement, C. N. American poulterer's com- '. pan ion. Burnham, G. p. History of the hen fever. ! Dixon, E. S. Treatise on ornamental and domestic. Geyelin, G. K. Poultry breeding, in a com- mercial point of view. Lewis, W. M. People's practical poultry- book. t I POULTRY 671 PRE-RAPHAELITISM Poultry {continued') — Teqktmkier, W. B. Poultry-book, The. I Watts, E. Poultry-yard, The. Wright, L. Practical poultry-keeper, The. See also Gallinaceous birds. up6e de la fete aux loges. SouLiiS, M. P. (I71 (Euvres, v. 26.) Tir ne pas etre treize. Karr, (J. B.) A. (In (Euvres, v. 4.) Pourquoi Hunebourg ne fut pas rendu. Erck- mann-Chatrian. Powell, Baden (1798-1860). History of natural philosophy, from the earliest periods to the . ^L present time. Lond. n.«?. 12^ I ^m Ox the study of the evidences of Christianity. ^B (In Essays and reviews.) I ^B Order of nature, considered in reference to the ^^ claims of revelation. Third series of essays. Lond. 1859. 12? Powell, John Joseph. Essay upon the law of contracts and agreements. Dublin, 1790. 2 V. in 1. 8° Powell, Thomas W. Analysis of American law. Phil. 1870. 8° Powell Vardray's life. Fisher, Miss P. E. (In Nina's atonement, etc.) Power, John, Handy -book about books; for book-lovers, book-buyers, and book-sellers. Lond. 1870-71. 8° Power, Philip Bennett. 'I will ; ' being the de- termination of the man of God, as found in some of the ' I wills ' of the psalms. N. Y. 1863. 12? Pivot words of scripture. N. Y. 1869. 12° Power, Tyrone (1797-1841). Born to good luck. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 2. Cauth Malowney ; or, the lost heir. Lond. n.d. 16= Paddy Carey. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 26. Power of the pulpit. Spring, G. Powers, Stephen. Muskingum legends ; with other sketches and papers, descriptive of the I young men of Germany and the old boys of I America. Phil. 1871. 12° (5 cop.) I Northern California Indians. (In Overland I monthly, v. 8, 9.) W Paper on the Indians of California. [The t Meewocs.] (/« Overland monthly, v. 10.) f Paper on the Indians of California. [The Modocs.] (In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Poyas, Miss Catharine Gendron. See Living fe- male writers of the south. Practica de los ejercicios espirituales de San Ig- nacio de Loyola. Torrubia, P. T. Practical American millwright and miller. Craik, D. Practical astronomer. Dick, T. (In Works, v. 9.) Practical magazine, The: an illustrated cyclo- piedia of industrial news, inventions, and improvements, collected from foreign and British sources, for the use of those con- cerned in raw materials, machinery, manu- factures, building, and decoration. V. 1. Lond. and Bost. 1873. 4° Practical piety. More, 3Iiss H. Practice act of California. Labatt, H. J. Pradt, Dominique Dufour de(^166^), (1759-1837). Congress of Vienna. . Tr. from the French. Phil. 1816. 12° Pradt (continued) — Europe and America in 1821 ; with an exami- nation of the plan laid before the cortes of Spain for the recognition of the independence of South America. Tr. from the French, by J. D. Williams. Lond. 1822. 2 v. 12? Praed, Winthrop Mackworth (1802-1839). Ath- ens. [Poem, 1824.] (In Cambridge prize poems.) Australasia. [Poem, 1823.] (In Cam- bridge prize poems.) Poems ; with a memoir, by D. Coleridge. N. Y. 1865. 2 v. 12° (2 cop.) 'PTa,gVLe( Bohemia). AcHARD, L. A. E. Descrip- tion of. (In H^ritiere d'un minLstre, L'.) Prairie, The. Cooper, J. F. Prairie and Rocky mountain life. Parkman, F. , Jr. Prairie farming in America. Caird, J. Prairie flower. Aimard, G. Prairie life in early days. Meeker, N. C. (In Life in the west.) Prairies. Lesquereux, L. Origin and forma- tion of prairies in Illinois. (In Geol. sur- vey of Illinois, V. 1.) Prater, Horatio. Letters to the American people on Christianity and the sabbath. Lond. 1856. 12° Pratt, Mrs. Mary E. Ehoda Thornton's girlhood. Bost. and N. Y. 1874. 12? (3 cop.) Praxede. Dumas, A. (D.) (In Jehanne, la Pu- celle.) Pray, Isaac Clark (1813-1869). Prose and verse ; from the portfolio of an editor, Bost. 1836. 12? Prayer — More, Miss H. Spirit of. Prime, S. I. Fifteen years of prayer at the Fulton street meeting. — Five years of prayer, with the answers. — Power of prayer. See also Lord's prayer. Prayer-book. Book of common prayer of the Protestant Episcopal church. See also Liturgy. Prayers — 13eecher, H. W. Prayers from Plymouth pulpit. France, J. F. Preces veterum. NiERSis (St.). Preces Sancti Nersetis Clajensis Armeniorum patriarchae. TiLLOTsoN, J. Prayers composed by him. — Prayers used by King William iii. (In Works, V. 10.) Praying and working; being some account of what men can do when in earnest. Ste- venson, W. F. Lond. 1862. 12? Contents : Talk, J. Fliedner, T. Gossner, J. E. Harris, L. Wichern, I. Pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen ; illustrated by translations from the Icelandic sagas. De Costa, B. F. Pre-historio man. Force, M. F. Pre-historic man. Lubbock, Sir J. Pre-historic nations. Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic times, and man. Lubbock, Sir J. Pre-Raphaelitism ; also, notes on the con- struction of sheepfplds. . Kuskin, J. PREACHERS 672 PRESCOTT Preachers — Dix, J. R. Pen pictures of popular English preachers ; with liranings of listeners In church and chapel. Lond. 1852. 12? Contents : Seattle, A. O. Beaumont, J. Bennett, W. J. E. BInney, T. Buckland, W. Campbell, J. Caudlish, Dr. Close, F. Croly, O. Camming, J, Cunningham, J, W. Dale, t>r. Fletcher, A. Oavazzi, Father. Jack, J. James, J. A. Jay, Wm. Liefchlld, J. M'Nelle, H, Melville, H. Milman, H. H. Newton, B, Noel, B. W. Parsons, J. Pusey, Dr. Raffles, T. Koper, I. Sortain, J. Winter, T. Wiseman, N. Wolfe, J. — Hood, E. P. Lamps, pitchers, and trumpets. Preaching — Beecher, H. W. Yale lectures on. Glanvill, J. Essay concerning preaching, 1703. Parker, J. Ad clerum : advices to a young preacher. ZiNCKE, F. B. Duty and discipline of extem- porary preaching. Preachingr for Selwyn. TBowBRiDaK, J. T. {In Coupon bonds, etc.) Preble, Edward (1761-1807). CooPEK, J. F. Life of. {In his Lives of Am. naval offi- cers.) Sabine, L. Life of. {In Lib. of Am. biog., V. 22.) Preble, George Henry {b. 1816). Sailing direc- tions for Kelung. {In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 2.) Precaution. Cooper, J. F. Precedence. Dodd, C. R. Manual of digni- ties, privilege, and. Preces veterum. France, J. P. Precious metals — Blake, W. P. Report on the. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867.) Raymond, R. W. Silver and gold. See also Gold ; Silver. Precious stones. Babinet, J. Diamond, The, and other precious stones. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) See also Gems ; and the names of different stones. Precious thoughts : moral and religious. Rub- kin, J. Pr6cis de I'art de la guerre. Jomini, H. db. Pr6cis des 6v6nement8 de la campagne du Mex- ique en 1862. Martin, C. Predestination — BoHME, J. Concerning the election of grace ; or, God's will towards man. Zanchius, J. Doctrine of absolute. Prejudice. Goodrich, S. G. {In Boston book.) Prelude, The. "Wordsworth, W. (In Poeti- cal works, v. 7.) Prentice, George Denison (1802-1870). Pren- ticeana ; or, wit and humor in paragraphs. N. Y. 1860. 12? (2 cop.) Prenticeana. Prentice, G. D. Prentiss, Daniel Webster. See Coues, E. Prentiss, Mrs. E. {Aunt Susan). Aunt Jane's hero. N. Y. n.ife in Mexico. Cervantes. Chateaubriand's English lit- erature. Da Ponte's Observations. Irving's Conquest of Gra- nada. Italian narrative poetry. Moll^re. Poetry and romance of the Italians. Scott, Sir Walter. Scottish song. — Character of Sir Walter Scott. {In Boston book.) HisTORiA del rejTiado de los reyes Catolicoa D. Fernando y Da. Isabel (por A. C. Itur- buru). Madrid, 1855. 8? History of the conquest of Mexico ; with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican civilization, and the life of the conqueror Hernando Cortez (1518-1540). Phil. 1860- 65. 3 V. 8? (4 cop.) History of the conquest of Peru ; with a pre- liminary view of the civilization of the incas. N. Y. 1848. 2 V. 8? (3 cop.) History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isa- bella, the Catholic, of Spain. K. Y. 1851-4. 3v. 8; History of the reign of Philip ii., king of Spain [1527-98]. Bost. 1865. 3 v. 8? (2 cop.) Life of Charles v. after abdication. See Robertson, W. TiCKNOB, G. Life of. Bost. 1864. 8? Winthrop, R. C. Death of. {In Addresses, 1852-7.) I PRESENT 673 PRIEST Hale, John P. Hammond, Joseph H. Hunter, R. M. T. Lane, Joseph. McLean, John. Orr, Jiimes L. Seward, William H. Stephens, Alexander H. Wilson, Henry. Wise, Henry A. Present and the future, The. ('Le present et I'avenir.') Ed. by E. Theller. (June 16, 1853, to July 30, 1853.) S. F. 1853. Sm. ft Presentment. Bryant, W. C. (In Poems.) President's daughters. Bkemkr, Miss F. President's words : a selection of passages from speeches, addresses, and letters of A. Lincoln. Kesidential candidates ; containing sketches — biographical, personal, and political — of prominent candidates for the presidency in 1860. Bartlett, D. W. N. Y. 1859. 12° Contents : inks, N. P. Bates, Edward. Bell, John. Botts, John Minor. Brecken ridge, John C. Chase, Salmon P. Cobb, Howell. Davis, Jefferson. 1 Dickinson, Daniel S. ' Douglas, Stephen A. Fremont, John C. Presidential election, 1872. Proceedings of the National Union Republican convention held at Philadelphia, June 5 and 6, 1872, which nominated for president and vice-president Ulysses S. Grant and Henry Wilson. Re- ported by F. H. Smith. Wash. 1872. 8° Presidential medals and tokens. iSee Medals. Presidents (U. S.)— Abbott, J. S. C. Lives of the presidents of the United States of America, from Wash- ington to the present time. Bost. 1867. 8? Co7itents: Adams, John. Madison, James. Adams, John Quincy. Monroe, James. Buchanan, James. Pierce, Franklin. Fillmore, Millard. Polk, James Knox. Harrison, Wm. Henry. Taylor, Zichary. Jackson, Andrew. Tyler, John. Jefferson, Thoraa.s. Van Buren, Martin. Johnson , Andrew. Washington , George. Lincoln, Abraham. — Annual addresses and messages of all the presidents, from 1789 to 1839. (In Coe, J. True American.) TiLESTON, E. G. Hand-book of the admin- istrations of the United States. Williams, E. Lives and administrations of the presidents, from Washington to Pierce. {In Lossing and Williams's National his- tory, V. 2.) Press — Ekskine, T. Speeches on subjects connected with the liberty of the. Griffin, J. History of the press in Maine, 1872. See also Newspapers. Pressens§, Mme. E. de. from the French. I Tr. Theresa's journal. Phil. n.d. 12? Pressense, Edmond de. Early years of Chris- tianity : the apostolic era. Tr. by Annie Harwood. N. Y. 1870. 12? (2 cop.) Heresy and Christian doctrine. Tr. by An- nie Harwood. Lond. 1873. S° Contents ; Alexandrine school. Theol- ogy of— Clement of Alexandria. Disciples of Origen. System of Origen. Apocryphal literature of the second and the third cent- uries, and its influence up- on the formation of oral tradition. Carthage, The school of. Development of Christian doctrine in the n. and the iji. centuries. First Unitarians, The. Gnosticism. Greco-Asiatic school. Greco-Roman school. Judaizing heresy in the n. and the in. centuries. Manichaeism. Montauism. — Jesus Christ : his times, life, and work. Lond. 1860. 8° 44 Prest, Thomas Prescott. Miser of Shoreditch. (Romant. drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 18. Preston, Harriet W. Aspendale. Bost. 1871. 12? (3 cop.) Love in the nineteenth century : a fragment. Bost. 1873. 12? (5 cop.) Preston, John (1587-1628). Liveles life, A ; or, man's spirituall death in sinne. [ith ed.) Lond. 1641. 12? [Containing 3 other ser- mons, printed in 1637-8, as below.] Contents : Judas's repentance. Paul's conversion. Liveles life, A. Saints' spiritual strength. Mount Ebal; or, a heaven- Sermon on Gen. xxii. 14, ly treatise on divine love. preached at Lincoln's Inn. Preston, Laura (pseud.). See Heaven, Mrs. S. M. Preston, Mrs. Margaret Junkin. Old song and new. Phil. 1870. 12? See also Living female writers of the south. Preston, Mary. Studies in Shakespeare : a book of essays. Phil. 1869. 16? Preston, William Campbell (1794-1860). See Orators in America, Living. Pretended aunt. Cervantes Saavedra, M. DE. {In his Exemplary novels.) Pretenders and their adherents. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of [1688-1788]. Pretendus, Les. Soulie, M. F. (In (Euvres, V. 37.) Pretre, la femme, et la famille, Le. Michelet, Prevost d'Exiles, Antoine Fran9ois (1697-1763). Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier Desgrieux. Paris, 1868. 12? Manon Lescaut. Tr. from the French. Lond. 1841. 12? Prey of the gods. Church, 3Irs. R. Priaulx, Osmond de Beauvoir. Indian travels of ApoUonius of Tyana and the Indian em- bassies to Rome, from the reign of Augustus to the death of Justinian. Lond. 1873. 12?: National education : its principles and ob- jects, exemplified in a plan for a normaL school. Lond. 1842. 8? Price, E. See Forester, T. Price, Edmund E. Science of self-defense:: a treatise on sparring and wrestling. N. X. 1867. 16? Price, George. Treatise on fire and thiefi-proofi' depositories, and locks and keys. Lond... 1856. 8? Price, Henry (Maj.). Hayden, S. Washing- ton and his masonic compeers. Prichard, Albert H. Church patronagpv. (:&» Ecclesiastical reform.) Prichard, James Cowles (1785-1848 J. Natural history of man ; comprising inquiries into, the modifying influence of physical and. moral agencies on the diflerent tribes of the- human family. (4th ed.) Lond. 18i55. 2 V. 8? Pricke of conscience, The (stimulus conscientise)^ Hampole, R. R. de. (In Philological soc Early Eng. vol.) Pride and prejudice. Austen, Miss J. Pride of life. Scott, J. (Ladt/). Pride of Moses Grant. Moulton, Mrs. E. L. C. Pride of the village, The. Irving^ W. (In. Sketch-book.) Prideaux, John. -See Self-made men. Priest and nun. Wright, Jf/«. J. McN. I PRIESTCRAFT 674 PRINTING- * * »). Odeurs ultra- Gaiet^s Eomaines. {In *retre, la femme, et la fa- Priestcraft — Del:6on, — {Ahb6 montaines, Les. Kark, (J. B.) A. (Euvres, v. 25.) MiCHELET, J. i*i mille, Le. Voltaire, F. M. A, de. Droits des honimes et les usurpations des papes, Les. {In (Eu- vres completes, v. 5.) Priestley, Joseph (1733 - 1804). Experiments and observations on different kinds of air. Lond. 1774, 12° Views of Christian truth, piety, and morality, selected from the writings of Jos. Priestley ; with a memoir of his life, by H. Ware, Jr. Camb., Mass., 1834. 12; CuviER, G. C. L. F. D. Memoir of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1858.) See also Philosophers of the time of George in. Prime, E. D. G. Around the world : sketches of travels through many lands and over many seas. With illustrations. N. Y. 1872. 1637. 12; Contents ; California. Egypt. Mormons. China. Italy. Turkey. East India. Japan. Prime, Samuel Irenseus {b. 1812). Alhambra and the Kremlin : the south and the north of Europe. N.Y. 1873. 12? Bible in the levant ; or, the life and letters ofEev. C. N. Kighter. Fifteen years of prayer in the Fulton street meeting. N. Y. 1872. 12° Five years of prayer, with the answers. N. Y. 1864. 12? (2 cop.) Letters from Switzerland. N. Y. 1860. 12? Power of prayer, illustrated with wonderful displays of divine grace at the Fulton street and other meetings in N. Y., etc., 1857-8. {New ed.) N. Y. 1872. 12? Thoughts on the death of little children. N. Y. 1865. 12? Travels in Europe and the east : a year in England, S(?otland, Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Svria, Palestine, and Egypt. N. Y. 1855. 2 V. 12? (Ed.) Songs of the soul : gathered out of many lands and ages. N. Y. 1874. 8^ [iVbte.— For biographical sketch, see Harper's weekly, Sept. 25, 1858. Prime, Temple. Monograph of American corbi- culadte. (Eecent and fossil.) {In Smithson- ian mis. coll., V. 7.) Prime, William Cowper {b. 1825). Boat life in Egypt and. Nubia. N. Y. 1857. 12? Same. N. Y. 1864. 12? Coins, medals, and seals, ancient and modern, illustrated and described. N. Y. 1861. 8? (2 cop.) I GO a-fishing. N. Y. 1873. 8? Later years. N. Y. 1863. 12? Old house by the river. N. Y. 1859. 12? Owl creek letters ; and other correspondence. N. Y. 1848. 12? Tent life in the Holy land. N. Y. 1857. 12? Primeval world of Hebrew tradition. Hedge, F. H. Prim.itive culture. Ttlok, E. B. Primitive man. Fiouier, L. (G.) Prince, John Critchley. Dreams and realities ; in verse and prose. Lond. 1850. 12? Prince, L. Bradford. Articles of confederation vs. the constitution. The progress of na- tionality amongthe people and in the govern- ment. N. Y. 1867. 12? Prince Charles. Smith, J. F. Prince Charlie, the yoimg chevalier. Jones, M. Prince de la Boheme, Un. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 17.) Prince Ed-ward's islands — Cook, J. Description of Prince Edward's islands, 1775. {In his Voyages, v. 2, bk.i.) Martin, R. M. History of Nova Scotia. Prince Eugene and his times. Mundt, 3Irs. C. (M.) Prince of darkness. Soxjthworth, E. D. E. N. Prince of Kashna. Kimball, R. B. Prince of the house of David. Ingraham, J. H. Prince William's sound. Cook, J. Descriptive account of. {In his Voyages, v. 2, bk. iv.) Prince's island {Malay archipelago). Cook, J. Account of, 1771. {In his Voyages, v. 1.) Same. {In Hawkesworth's Voyages, v. 3, ed. of 1773; V. 4, ed. of 1785.) Princes of art. Urbino, S. R. (TV.) Princess Bob and her friends. Hakte, F. B. ' {In Mrs. Skaggs's husbands, etc.) Princess of Babylon. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. {In Works, V. 18.) Princess of Brunswick- Wolfenbiittel. ZsCHOK- KE, J. H. D. {In Tales.) Princesse de Babylone, La. Voltaire, F. M. A. DE. {In (Euvres completes, v. 8.) Princesse de^Cleves, La. See Orleans, M. d'. Princesse d'Elide, La. Moli^re, J. B. P. {In Works in French and English, v. 10.) Princesse de Monaco, La. Dumas, A. (D.) Princesse Flora, La. Dumas, A. (D.) Princesse Palatine, La, St. Mars, C. de C. dk. Princeton college {N. J.). Catalogus eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique ali- cujus gradus laurea donati sunt. Novse Ar- cs, 1866. {In Triennial cat. Am. coll., v. 2.) Pring, Martin. Belknap, J. Life of. (In Am. biography, v. 2.) Prinsep, Henry T. Thibet, Tartary, and Mon- golia : their social and political condition^ and the religion of Boodh as there existing. Lond. 1852. 12? Printing — Drew, B. Pens and types. Johnson, J. Typographia ; or, the printer's instructor. Mackellar, T. American printer. Morgan, H. Dictionary of terms used in. Pearson, E. C. Gutenberg and the art of. RiXGWALT, J . L. American encyclopaedia of. Savage, AV. Dictionary of the art of. Thomas, I. History of. Timperley, C. H. Dictionary of printer and. — Printer'smanual, etc. [Bound with 'Dic- tionary of printers and pnnting.'] , Trow, J. F. Specimen book of letter-presS] etc. See also Alphabets ; Bibliography ; Patenti Abridgments of Br,, v. 9 ; William Caxtor etc. t 'RINZESSIN 675 PROCTER i^ Prinzessin Morgana. HacklXnder, F. W. {In Werke, v. 13.) Prinzessin von "Wolfenbiittel, Die. , Zschokke, J. H. D. {In Ges. schriften, v. 7.) Prior, James (1790-1869). Life of the right hon. Edmund Burke. (5th ed.) Lend. 1854. IT- Memoir of the life and character of the right hon. Edmund Burke ; with specimens of his poetry and letters. Bost. 1854. 2 v. 12° Prior, Matthew (1664-1721). Poetical works ; with life, by J. Mitford. Bost. 1853. 2 v. 12? Thackeray, W. M. English humorists of the XVIII. century. iSee also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1 ; Lives of Eng. poets, V. 2. Prioress' tale. Chaucer, G. (Jw Chaucer soc.) PriscianiiS Philosophus {lived ah. a.d. 550). Solutiones eorum de quibus dubitavit Chos- roes Persarum rex. (Gr. et Lot.) [Bound with 'Plotinus.'] Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Priscus. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. [By Eunapius.] {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Prismatics. Haywarde, K. Prison association of Xew York. Twenty-sixth annual report of the executive committee of the P. A., and accompanying documents for the year 1870. Albany, 1871. 8° Prison discipline society (Bost.). Keports, 1826- 54. Bost. 1855. 8? Prison life ; or, short biographies of Picciola, her- oine of Siberia, Silvio Pellico, and Baron Trenck, who were imprisoned for political offenses. N. Y. 1860. 16^ Prison life in the south. Abbott, A. O. Prison of Weltevreden. Gibson, W. M. Prisoner of Chillon, The. Byron, G. G. JST. {In Complete works.) Prisoner of the border. Myers, P. H. Prisoners of Perote. Stapp, W. P. Prisoners of St. Lazare. Grandpr^, Mme. P. DE. (Ed.) Prisons, prison discipline, and prison life— Boston prison discipline society. Eeports. California state prison. Reportof the direc- tors for 1865. (In Pamphlets, v. 19.) Carpenter, M. Our convicts. — Reformatory prison discipline in the Irish convict prisons. Massachusetts, Special report on the prisons of [1865]. Mayhew, H., and Binney, J. Criminal prisons of London. New York prison association. Reports [1867] . Onderdonk, H., Jr. Incidents of the British prisons and prison ships at New York [1766]. {In Revolutionary incidents of Long island.) Pears, E. {Ed.) Prisons and reformatories at home and abroad. Report on the prisons and reformatories of the TJ. S. and Canada [1867]. Tallack, "VV. Humanity and humanitarism ; with special reference to the prison systems of Great Britain and the United States. ToCQUEVlLLE, A. C. H. C. de. Penitentiary system of the United States, and its applica- tion in France. Prisons, etc. (continued) — Woods, C. H. "Woman in prison. See also — International penitentiary congress of Lon- don. National prison association. Sociology. United States (war of 1861-5). Pritchard, W. T. Consulate among the Fijis, A. {In Overland monthly, v. 2.) Privateers — Coggeshall, G. History of American . Lester, E. C. History of privateers of the southern rebellion. (/« Glory and shame of England, v. 2.) Martens, M. Essay on privateers' captures, and particularly recaptures, according to the laws of Europe. Palmer, G. Kidnaping in the south seas : cruise of H. M. ship Rosario. Semmes, R. Cruise of the Alabama and Sum- ter. Story of the Kearsarge and Alabama [June, 1864]. See also Coggeshall, G. ; Voyages. Prix d'honneur, Un. Second, A. Prix de pigeons, Le. Dumas, A. (Jih). (In (Euvres, v. 4, 5.) Prize from the sea. Hawthorne, N. (/n Mem- oir.) Prize questions of scientific societies. (In Smith- sonian repts. 1862, 1865, 1867, 1869.) Pro aris et focis. Davis, Mrs. R. (B.) H. Proseresius. Diogenes LaIcrtius. Life of. [By Eunapius.] (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Problem of human destiny. Dewey, O. Problematic characters. Spielhagen, F. Problematische naturen. Spielhagen, F. (In Ges. werke, v. 1-3.) Problems of life and mind. Lewes, G. H. Probyn, J. W. National self-government in Eu- rope and America. Lond. 1870. 12° Proceedings at the Universalist centennial, at Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 20-22, 1870. Bost. 1871. 12-; Proclus, Diadochus (412-485). Commentaries on the ' Timieus' of Plato, in five books, con- taining a treasury of Pythagoric and Pla- tonic physiology. Tr. from the Greek, by T. Taylor. Lond. 1820. 2 v. Roy. 4: Institutio theologica. (Gr. et Lot.) Ed. F. Diibner. [Bound with ' Plotinus.'] 'Di- dot's Script. Grasc. biblioth. Remaining fragments of the lost writings. Tr. from the Greek, by T. Taylor. Lond. 1825. 12? Six books on the theology of Plato, to which a seventh book is added ; also, a translation from the Greek of Proclus's elements of the- ology, to which are added a translation of the treatise on providence and fate ; a transla- tion of extracts from his treatise, entitled ' Ten doubts concerning providence ;' and a translation of extracts from his treatise on the subsistence of evil. By Thos. Tavlor. Lond. 1816. 2 v. 4? See also Taylor, T. Procter, Adelaide Anne (1825-1864). Legends and lyrics. Lond. 1861. 2 v. 121 Same. N. Y. 1858. 12? PROCTER 676 PROPORTIONS Procter, Bryan Waller {Barry Cornwall), (b. 1790). Charles Lamb : a memoir. See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2. Proctor, Edna Dean. Poems. N. Y. 1866. 12° KussiAN journey. Bost. 1872. 12° Proctor, Richard A. Borderland of science : a series of familiar dissertations on stars, plan- ets, and meteors; sun and moon; earthquakes; flying machines ; coal ; gambling ; coinci- dents ; ghosts, etc. Lond. 1873. 8° Antarctic regions. Coal, A few words about. Coincidents and supersti- tions. Earthquakes. Flying and flying machines, Notes on. Gambling superstitions. Ghosts and goblins, Notes on. Giant planet. Contents : Her.schels and the star depths. The. Mars, Life on. Mars, Whewellite essay on. Meteors, seed-bearing and otherwise. Moon, News from the. -Recent star -shower, and star-showers generally. Voyage to the ringed planet. Voyage to the sun. — Essays on astronomy : a series of papers on planets and meteors, the sun and sun-sur- rounding space, stars and star cloudlets, and a dissertation on the approaching transits of Venus. Preceded by a sketch of the life and work of Sir John Herschel. Lond. 1872, 8? Half-hours with the stars : a plain and easy guide to the knowledge of the constellations, etc. (ith ed.) N. Y. 1873. 4^ Half-hours with the telescope ; being a pop- ular guide to the use of the telescope as a means of amusement and instruction. N. Y. 1873. 12° Light science for leisure hours : a series of familiar essays on scientific subjects, natural phenomena, etc. (Ist ser.) N. Y. 1871. 12? (3 cop.) Same. {2d ser.) Lond. 1873. 12? Orbs around us : a series of familiar essays on the moon and planets, meteors and comets, the sun and colored pairs of suns. Lond. 1872. 12? Other worlds than ours : the plurality of worlds studied under the light of recent sci- entific researches. iS'.Y.1871. 12? {Bcop.) Saturn and its system. Lond. 1865. 8? Star atlas ; showing all the stars visible to the naked eye, and 1,500 objects of interest, in twelve circular maps on the equidistant pro- jection. Two index plates, with colored con- stellation figures. Lond. 1870. Sm. f? Sun, The : ruler, fire, light, and life of the planetary system. Lond. 1871. 8? Prodigal in Tahiti, A. Stoddard, C. W. {In his South-sea idyls.) Production des metaux pr^cieux au Mexique. Duport, St. C. Professions. Eearden, T. H. Overcrowded professions on the Pacific slope. {In Over- land monthly, v. 1.) Professor, The. Nichols, Mrs. C. B. Professor at the breakfast- table. Holmes, O. W. Professor's wife ; or, it might have been. M ac- GREGOR, A. L, Progres, Le. About, E. (F. V.) Progress. Spencer, H. Illustrations of uni- versal. Progress and prejudice. Gore, Mrs. C. G. F. Progress of doctrine in the new testament. Ber- nard, T. D. Progress of nations. Seaman, E. C. Progress of religious ideas. Child, Mrs. L. M. Progress of the intellect. Mackay, R. W. Progressive power and wealth of our country. Hartford, 1867. 8? Projet de loi. SouLi:i!, M. P. {In (Euvres, v. 34.) Prokopus. Stifter, A. {In Erzahlungen, v. 1.) Promenade dans Florence. M:&ry, J. {In (Eu- vres, V. 7.) Promenade en Am^rique. AMPi;RE, J. J. Promessi sposi, I. Manzoni, A. Prometheus. Percival, J. G. {In Poetical works, V. 2.) Prometheus bound; and other poems. Brown- ing, Mrs. E. B. Prometheus in Atlantis : a prophecy of the ex- tinction of the Christian civilization. N. Y. 1867. 12? Promissory notes. Story, J. Commentaries on the law of. See also Bills of exchange. Propellers. Nystrom, J. W. Treatise on the construction of ships and screw propellers. Propertius, Sextus Aurelius {lived ab. 50 B.C.). Opera omnia. Ex edit. Ch. T. Kunoeilis ; cum notis et interpretatione. Lond. 1822. 2v. 8? Contents : Elegise, V. 1, 2. Elenchus alphabeticus, etc., V. 1. Notse variorum, v. 2. Recensus edit, et cod. mss., V.2. Testimonia, v. 1. Vita, V. 1. Property — Leonards, St. Handy-book on property law. LiEBER, F. Essays on property and labor. Story, W. W. Treatise on the law of per- sonal. Prophecies — Baldwin, S. D. Armageddon ; or, the over- throw of Romanism and monarchy. The existence of the United States foretold in the bible. Gumming, J. Great consummation, The. — Great preparation, The. — Great tribulation, The. — Last warning cry, The. — Seventh vial. The. Fairbairn, p. Prophecy viewed in respect to its distinctive nature, special function, and proper interpretation. Mackay, C. Modern. (Jm Memoirs of extra- ordinary popular delusions.) More, H. Synopsis prophetica. (/w Mystery of iniquity, pt. ii.) Pitts, F. E. Defense of Armageddon. PusEY, E. B. Sermons. Read, H. Coming crisis of the world. Sherlock, T. Uses and intent of. {In "Works, V. 4.) Smith, R. P. Prophecy a preparation for Christ. Thorp, W. Destinies of the British empire. Prophecy of famine, The. Churchill, C. {In Poetical works, v. 1.) Prophet, Der. Mugqe, T. {In Romane, v. 31-33.) Prophets. Noyes, G. R. New translation of the Hebrew. Proportions of the human figure. Stoet, "W. W. PROPRIA 677 PRUSSIA Propria quae maribus. Rkade, C. Proscrits, Les. Balzac, H. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 36.) Prose and verse from the portfolio of an editor. Pray, I. C. Prose writers of America. Cheever, G. B. Prose writers of America. Griswold, R. W. Prose writers of Germany. Hedge, F. H. Prosper Randoce. Cherbuliez, V. Prosser, Mrs. — . Days of the cattle plague. Lond. n.d. 12? Prostitution — Acton, W. Prostitution in its moral, social, and sanitary aspects. Sanger, W. W. History of. Prostrate state. The. Pike, J. S. Protagoras. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. (Iti Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. [Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Protagoras. (Dial.) Plato. Protection. See Free trade. Protestant, The. Bray, Jtfrs. A. E. Protestant church in Hungarj'^, Histoiy of, from the beginning of the reformation to 1850 ; with special reference to Transylvania. Tr. by J. Craig ; with an introduction, by J.H. Merle d'Aubigne. Bost. 1854. 12? Protestant Episcopal church — Dorr, B. Churchman's manual. GoRRiE, P. D. Churches and sects of the United States. Hawks, F. L. Rise and progress of the Prot. Epis. church in Virginia and Maryland. Sera^ices in the United States of America, as ordered by the bishops during the civil war, for the benefit of the U. S. sanitary commis- sion. Brooklyn, 1864. Sm. f°. Vox ecclesisB ; or, the doctrine of the Prot. Epis. church on episcopacy. "WiLBERFORCE, S. History of the Prot. Epis. church of America. See also Liturgies. Protestant Episcopal church (of Cal.), Proceed- ings of the special convention of the, Sacra- mento, Feb. 5, 1857. [In Pamphlets, v. 1.) Protestant exiles from France. Agnew, D. C. A. Protestantism— Balmes, J. European civilization : Protes- tantism and Catholicity compared. Chillingworth,W. Religion of Protestants a safe way to salvation. DoRNER, I. A. History of Protestanttheology. Lewis, J. Merits of Protestantism demon- strated by the character of man. See also Sisterhoods. Proud and lazy. Adams, "W. T. Proud Miss MacBride, The. Saxe, J. G. Prout, Father (pseud.). See Mahony, F. Prout, Hiram A. Supplement to descriptions of invertebrates ; consisting of descriptions of polyzoa from the palaeozoic rocks. (In Geol. survey of Illinois, v. 2.) Prout, William (1786-1850). Chemistry, me- teorology, and the function of digestion, considered with reference to natural theology. (Bridgewater treatise.) Proverbial and moral thoughts. Hanger, C. H. Proverbial philosophy. Tupper, M. F. Proverbs — BoHN, H. G. (Ed.) Polyglot of foreign prov- erbs. BtcHMANN, G. Gefliigelte worte. Der cita tenschutz des Deutschen volkes. Elphinstone, J. Poetse sententiosi Latini. HisLOP, A. (Ed.) Proverbs of Scotland. Magoon, E. L. Proverbs for the people. Queer discourses on queer proverbs. Ray, J. Hand-book of. Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, proverbs, maxims, and mottoes. Wit and wisdom of Don Quixote. See also Maxims ; Quotations. , Proverbs, Book of— Arnot, W. Laws from heaven for life on earth. Coxant, T. J. Book of proverbs. Pt. i., Hebrew text ; King James's version ; and a revised version. Pt. ii., the revised version, with introduction and explanatory notes. JSToYES, G. R. New translation of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles. Providence (R. I.) — ATHENiEUM library. Reports, 1864-65, 1870- 71. [Bound.] 8? Directory for the year 1871. Prov. 1871. 8° Same. For 1872. Prov. 1872. 8°. Reform school. 13th annual report, 1863. (In Pamphlets, v. 19.) Water commission. Quarterly reports for 1870-71, together with report of the chief engineer, Jan. 1871. (In Water-works, v. 2-) — Report of a committee of the city council appointed to examine the sources of water supply fcr the city of Providence, Oct. 1868. (In Water-works, v. 2.) Providence, Divine — Mather, I. Remarkable providences. Plumer, W. S. Jehovah-Jireh : a treatise on. Swedenborg, E. Angelic wisdom concerning. Providence, La. Mery,J. (/rt(Euvres,v. 8.) Provident association of Boston. Winthrop, R. C. Address, at opening of the new rooms of. (In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Province de Paris, La. Feval, P. (In (Eu- vres, V. 20.) Provinciales, Les. Pascal, B. Provost, The ; and other tales. Galt, J. Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens (348-410). Opera omnia. Ex editione Parmensi ; cum notis et interpretatione. Lond. 1824. 3 v. 82 Contents . Notse variorum, v. 2, 3. PeriRtephanon, v. 1. Psychomachia, v. 2. Kecensiis editionuni, v. 3. Eelatio Symmachi, v. 2. Symmachlum, Contra, libri ii., V. 2. Testimoiiia, v. 1. Apotheosis, v. 1. Cathenierinon, v. 1. Diptychon, v. 2. Elenchus alphab., v. 1. Epistola Sancti Ambrosil ad Valentinianum, v. 2. Hamartigenia, v. 1. Index, V. 3. Metris, P. de, v. 1. Prudy keeping house. Clarke, R. S. Prue and I. Curtis, G. W. Prussia — Chesney, F. R., and Reeve, H. Military resources of Prussia and France. PRUSSIA 678 PUQIN Literatur geschichte und iUre stelluiig zur gegen- wart. V. 1. Poetischer an und nach wuchs, V. 1. Politische dichter, v. 1. Koman, Der, v. 'L ( 3.) Contents ; Beauty of Vicq d'Azyr. Cecil Castlemame's gage. Deadly dash. General's match-making, liady Marabout's troubles. — Chandos. Phil. 1871 Same. Phil. 1872. 12^ Little Grand and the mar- chioness. Story of a crayon-head. Study a la Louis quatorze. Study a la Louis quinze. 12? (3 cop.) Folle-Farine. Phil. 1871. 12? (14 cop.) Granville de Vigne ; or, held in bondage. Phil. 1867. 12? (15 cop.) Idalia. Phil. 1869. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1872. 12? (3 cop.) Leaf in the storm ; and other stories. Phil. 1872. 12? (9 cop.) Contents : Branch of lilac. Dog of Flanders. Leaf in the storm. Provence rose. Pascarel: only a story. Phil. 1873. 12? (25 cop.) Puck : his adventures. Phil. 1870. 12? (4 cop.) Eandolph Gordon ; and other stories. {2d ser.) Phil. 1867. 12? (3 cop.) Contents : How one fire lit another. Marquis's tactics. Randolph Gordon. Trente-et-un. Belles and blackcock. Blue and yellow. Donkeyshire militia. How I was tracked by trap- pers. — Strathmore ; or, wrought by his own hand. Phil. 1870. 12? (9 cop.) Tricotrin: the story of a waif and stray. Phil. 1869. 12? (6 cop.) Under two flags. Phil. 1870. 12? (3 cop.) Same. Phil. 1872. 12? (3 cop.) Rameses the great. Land ye, F. de. Ramrod broken, The ; or, the bible, history, and common sense in favor of the moderate use of good spirituous liquors. Bost. 1859. 12? Ramsay, Allan (1686-1758). Gentle shepherd, The. {In Deliciae poetarum Scotorum.) Ramsay, Allan (1713-1784). Cunningham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most eminent British painters' and sculptors, v. 4.) H. F. lib., V. 66. Ramsay, Andrew Michael {Chevalier), (1686- 1743). Philosophical principles of natural and revealed religion in a geometrical order. Lond. 1749-51. 2 v. Sq. 8? Travels of Cyrus, The ; also, a discourse up- on the theology and mythology of the an- cients. Tr. from the French. Lond. 1727. 2 V. 12? Ramsay, David (1749-1815). See American elo- quence, V. 1. Ramsay, Edward Bannerman {Dean), {b. ab. 1793). Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. Bost. 1861. 12? Rogers, C. Memorials and recollections of Edward B. Ramsay, dean of Edinburgh. Lond. 1873. 8? Ramsey, Albert C. {Ed.) Other side. The ; or, notes for the history of the war between Mexico and the United States. Written in Mexico, translated from the Spanish, and edited, with notes. N. Y. 1850. 12? Rana pipiens. See Reptiles. Ranald Bannerman' s boyhood. MacDonald, G. Rand, Edward Sprague. Bulbs : a treatise on hardy and tender bulbs and tubers. Bost. 1866. 12? Garden flowers : how to cultivate them. Bost. 1866. 12? Rhododendron and American plants, The. Bost. 1871. 12? Randall, Henry Stephens {b. 1811). Fine wool sheep husbandry. Read before the N. Y. state agricultural society, Feb'y 12, 1862. With an appendix. N. Y. n.d. 12? Life of Thomas Jefferson. Practical shepherd. The : a complete treat- ise on the breeding, management, and dis- eases of sheep. N. Y. 1871. 12? Sheep husbandry in the south ; comprising a treatise on the acclimation of sheep in the southern states, and an account of the differ- ent breeds. Phil. 1848. 8? Randall, Samuel S. First principles of popular education and public instruction. N. Y. 1868. 12? History of the common school system of the state of New York, from its origin in 1795 to the present time. Including the various city and other special organizations, and the re- ligious controversies of 1821, 1832, and 1840. N. Y. 187L 8? Randolph, Edmund (1738-1813). Hayden, S. Washington and his masonic compeers. See also American eloquence, v. 1. Randolph, Edmund. Address, on the history of California, from the discovery of the country to the year 1849. Delivered before the So- ciety of California pioneers, at their celebra- tion of the 10th anniversary of the admission of the state of California into the union, Sept. 10, 1860. {In Pamphlets, v. 25.) Randolph, J. Thornton. Cabin and parlor; or, slaves and masters. Phil. n.d. 12? Heiress of Sweetwater. Phil. n.d. 12? (5 cop.) RANDOLPH 686 RAPTU Bandolph, John (of Koanoke), (1773-1833). Garland, H. A. Life of. N.Y. 1851. 2 v. 12° See also American eloquence, v. 2 ; Famous Americans of recent times ; Orators of the Am. revohition. Randolph, Peyton (1723-1775). Hayden, S. Washington and his masonic compeers. Bandolph, Kichard. Sober thoughts on staple themes. Phil. 1871. 12° Randolph, Tliomas (1605-1634). Muse's look- ing-glass, The. Dodsley's Old plays, v. 9. See also Lives of English poets, v. 2. Randolph Gordon ; and other stories. Rame, L. DE LA. Random recollections of the house of commons, from 1830 to 1835. Grant, J. Random recollections of the house of lords, from 1830 to 1836. Grant, J. Random sketches. Edwards, J. E, Rane, C. G. Annual record of homoeopathic lit- erature, 1870-71. N. Y. TC.rf. 2v. 8° Ranke, Leopold {b. 1795). Civil wars and mon- archy in France in the xvi. and xvii. cent- uries : a history of France, principally dur- ing that period. N. Y. 1853. 12° Ecclesiastical and political history of the popes of Eome during the xvi. and xvii. centuries. Tr. by S. Austin. Phil. 1841. 2v. 8° Englische geschichte im siebizehnten jahr- hundert. (3d. Sumner, J. B. Sermons on Christian faith and character. Talmage, T. De W. Sermons. Taylor, I. Natural history of enthusiasm. — Spirit of Hebrew poetry. Taylor, J. Holy living and dying. Taylor, W. M. Lost found, The. Temple, E. Christian's daily treasury. Thompson, J. P. Theology of Christ, from his own words. TiLLOTSON, J. Sermons. Tuck, R. More excellent way. Tucker, Mrs. C. House Beautiful. TuLLOCH, J. Beginning life. Vaughan, C. J. Plain words on Christian living. Voice from the back pews, in answerto ' "What think we of Christ ? ' "Wadsworth, C. Sermons. Ward, S. H. Christ at the door. "Ware, H. Formation of the Christian char- acter. "WiLKs, S. C. Christian essays. "Williams, "W. R. Religious progress. "WoLLASTON, "W. Christianity as old as the creation. — Religion of nature. See also — Christ. Morals. Christian. Piety. Conscience. Prayer. Faith. Sermons. Family. Society. Gospels. Truth. Heaven. Young. B^Iielous flc&lon : Anderdon, W. H. Antoine de Bonneval : a tale of Paris, in the days of St. "\nncent de Paul. BuNGENER, L. F. Trois sermons sous Louis XV. BuNYAN, J. Pilgrim's progress, The. Charles, Mrs. E. R. Tales and sketches of Christian life. Cottage magazine. Eastwood, F. Geoffrey, the Lollard. — Marcella. Gould, S. B. Legends of old testament char- acters. — Legends of the patriarchs and prophets. Gray, G. Z. Children's crusade. Holcombe, W. H. In both worlds. Ingelo, N. Bentivolio and Urania. Inqbaham, J. H. Pillar of fire. Religion {continued) — — Prince of the house of David. — Throne of David. Jerrold, ("W.) B. Christian vagabond, The. L., H. L. Missionary evenings at home. Lifting the veil. Newman, J. H. Loss and gain. Phelps, E. S. Gates ajar. Prentiss, 3frs. E. Stepping heavenward. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Religious poems. Tucker, 3frs. C. Exiles in Babylon. — Miracles of heavenly love in daily life. — Rescued from Egypt. Ware, W. Julian ; or, scenes in Judea. Warner, Miss A. B. Word, The. Wood, G. Gates wide open. Yeager, G. Garden of Eden. Religion de Jesus compar^da con las enseHanzas de la iglesia. La. Plongeon, A. le. Religion of geology. Hitchcock, E. Religious duty. Cobbe, F. P. Religious poems. Prentiss, Mrs. E. Religious poems. Stowe, Mrs. H. (E.) B. Reliques of ancient English poetry. Percy, T. Reliques of Father Prout. Mahony, F. Rellstab, Ludwig (1799-1860). Gesammelte schriften. Leipzig, 1860. 24 v. id 12. 8= Contents : 1812, V. 1-4. Algier und Paris, v. 13, 14. ArtilleristPn, Die, v. 16. Bartreise, Die, v. 8. Bergtiold, v. 5. Bianca, v. 11. Biographien, v. 24. Blume des gebirgs. Die, v. 21. Briider, Die, v. 15. Deserteur, Der, v. 21. Diatnantne lireuz, Das, v. 22. Donna Anna, v. 6. Drei blatter aus dem tage- buche eines reisenden, v. 6. Drei tage au den ufern des Orinolco.v. 18. Drei tanzmeister, Die, v. 19. Edmund, v. 6. Elsbeth, V. 5. Elvira, v. 18. Empflndsame reisen im jahre 1832, v. 9. Eugen Aram, v. 19. Familien schiclcsale, v. 22. Franz von Sickingen, v. 11. Gedichte, v. 12. Gemsjiiger, Die, v. 15. Gesehwister, Die, v. 23. Gevverke, Die, v. 15. Goldschmidt von Augsburg, Der, v. 6. Habakuk, v. 21. HarzUeder und Harzsagen, V. 5. Heinrichs denkwUrdigkei- ten aus, v. 18. Hochzeitsfest, Das, v. 5. James Skey, v. 15. Jaromir, v. 5. Julius, v. 6. Kamaraden, Die, v. 16. Karl der kiihne. v. 11. Leiohtsinnige ehe, v. 23. Miller und miiller, v. 18. Musikalische beurthellun- gen, 1826-47, v. 20. Kachbar Salactitius, v. 23. Neue empflndsame reisen, v. 10. Osraim der Suchaer, v. 16. Pflegesolm, Der, v. 17. Rauber im schwarzwalde, Die, V. 7. Reise durch's Aarthal, v. 23. Keise durch's riesengebirge, V. 15. Keise Idyllen aus dem jahre 18.35, V. 9. Steinkohlen gruben,Die,v.7. Strandbewohner, Die, v. 17. Theodor, v. 6. Venetianer, Die, v. 17, 19. Vergeltung, v. 21. Vermisehte aufsatze,v. 9, 10. Wildschutz, Der, v. 8. Remains, in verse and prose. Hallam, A. H. Remarkable people. Hall,S. T. Biographi- cal sketches of. Remarkable providences. Mather, I. Remarkable trials and notorious characters, from 'half-hanged Smith,' 1700, to Oxford, who shot at the queen, 1840. Ed. by Cap- tain L. Benson ; with numerous illustrations by 'Phiz.' Lond. n.d. 12° Contents : Abershaw, Jerry. Aram, Eugene. Bateman, Mary; or, the Yorkshire witch. Bellingham, John. Blake, John, alias Blueskln. Bradford, Jonathan. Bristol, Countess of, other- wise duchess of Bristol. Brownrigg, Elizabeth. Burke, William. Campbell, Mungo. Cock-lane ghost, The. Corder, William. Dagoe, Hannah. Derwentwater, The earl of. Lord Kenmure, earl of Winton, ef. al. Dodd, Dr. William. Duel between Sir C. Deerlng and Mr. ThornhiU, 1711. Fleet weddings. Rev. Jolin Grierson, and Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, transported for unlawfully performing. Galley and Chater, Murder of, by Benjamin Tupner, John Cobby, and others. REMARKABLE 700 REPORT Remarkable trials {continued) — 'Galloping Dick. Grant, Jeremiah. Greeiiacre, James. Haokman, Rev. James. Half-hanged Smith. Hamilton, Colonel John. Haj'es, Catherine. Howard, William. KinnaistOD, Charles, and others. Laurence, Earl Ferrers. Luddites, The. Mutiny of the Bounty (ship), The. Oxford, Edward. Picton, Governor. Eann, John, aliaa Slxteen- stringed Jack. Eesurreetion men : John Holmes and Peter Wil- liams. Eiots at Canterbury. Riots at London. R.van, John, and Matthew Kearinge. Scanlan, John, esq., and Stephen Sullivan. Sheppard, Jack. Smith, Francis. Smith, John. Thurtell, John, and Joseph Hunt. TurjJin, Richard. Vaux, James JIardy. Waldron, George, alias Bar- rlngton. Watson, James, the elder, James Watson, the young- er, Arthur Thistlewood, Thomas Preston, and John Hooper. Wild, Jonathan. Wilkes, John. Williams, Renwick, com- monly called ' the mon- ster.' Witchcraft in xvi. and xvii. centuries. Young, Mary, alias Jenny Diver. Remembrances of a Polish exile. Remembrancia. See London (libraries). Reminiscences of an officer of Zouaves. Tr. from the Fr. (of Gen. Cler). N. Y. 1859. 12? Reminiscences of an old traveler. Brown, T. Reminiscences of European travel. Peabody, A. P. Reminiscences of fifty years. Boyd, M. Reminiscences of the opera. Lumley, B. Reminiscences sur I'empereur Alexandre i., et sur I'empereur Napoleon i. Choiseul- GouFFiER (com-on), (1764-1813). M^moires. Paris, 1864. 12^ See also Cl^ry, J. B. M^moires. Rip van "Winkle. Irving, W. (/« his Sketch- book.) Same. Illustrated. Ripa (Father). Memoirs of Father Ripa during thirteen years' residence at the court of Pe- king, in the service of the emperor of China; ■with an account of the foundation of the col- lege for the education of young Chinese at Naples. Tr. from the Italian, by F. Pran- di. N. Y. 1846. 12^ Ripley, George. See Dana, C. A. anrf Taylor, J. B. (Eds.) Hand-book of lit- erature and the fine arts. N. Y. 1852. 8? (2 cop.) Ripley, Henry J. (b. 1798). Acts of the apostles ; with notes, chiefly explanatory. Bost. 1852. 12f Notes on the four gospels, chiefly explanatory. Bost. 1852. 2 V. in 1. 12^ Ripley, Mrs. Mary Ann Ewart. See Living fe- male writers of the south. Ripley, R. S. War with Mexico. N. Y. 1849. 2 v. 8°. Rise and fall of the Irish nation. Barrington, J. Rise and progress of the English constitution, De LoLME, J. L. Rise and the fall ; or, the origin of moral evil. In three parts : confirmations of theology ; dis- closures of revelation ; suggestions of reason. N. Y. 1866. 12° Rising faith. The. Bartol, C. A. Rita: an autobiography. Aici:, H. Ritchie, Mrs. Anna Cora Mowatt (1819-1871). Clergyman's wife, etc. N. Y. 1867. 12^ Fairy fingers. N. Y. 1865. 12° (4 cop.) Fortune-hunter : a novel of New York so- ciety. Phil. n.d. 8°. Italian life and legends. N. Y. 1870. 12° Mimic life ; or, before and behind the curtain. Bost. 1866. 12° Mute singer. N. Y. 1866. 12° (2 cop.) Twin roses, (n.t.p.) 12? (Ed.) Memoirs of Madame d'Arblay. Ritchie, Charles G. Contributions to assist the study of ovarian physiology and pathology. Lond. 1865. 8°. Ritchie, J. E wing. Night side of London. (JVew ed.) Lond. 1869. 12. Contents : Alhambra. Life in the east. Aristocratic amusements. London, Concerning. Bal masque. Midnight meeting. Caldwell's. Modern theatre. Casino and Argyle. Music halls. Cave of harmony. Police court. Cremorne. Public-houses. Discussion clubs. Strand as It was. Judge and jury clubs. Up the Haymarket lieicester square. I Ritchie, James S. "Wisconsin and its resources ; with Lake Superior, its commerce and navi- gation. Phil. 18.57. 12° Ritson, Joseph (1752-1803). Ancient songs and ballads, from the reign of King Henry ii. to the revolution. Lond. 1829. 2 v. 12? KoBiN Hood. A collection of all the ancient poems, songs, and ballads now extant rela- tive to that celebrated English outlaw ; with historical anecdotes of his life. Lond. 1832. 2v. 12° Rittenhouse, David (1732-1796). Renwick, J. Life of. (In Lib. of Am. biog., v. 7.) See also Self-made men. Ritter, Frederic Louis. History of music, in the form of lectures. (Istser.) Bost. 1870. 16? Ritter, Heinrich (6. 1791). History of ancient philosophy. Tr. from the German, by Al- exander J. "W. Morrison. Oxford, 1838. 4 V. 8° Ritter, Karl (1779-1859). Comparative geogra- phy. Tr. by "W. L. Gage. Phil. 1865. 12? Comparative geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic peninsula. Tr. and adapted to the use of biblical students, by "W. L. Gage. N. Y. 1866. 4 V. 8? EiNLEiTUNG zur allgemcinen vergleichenden geographic. Berlin, 1852. 8°. Geographisch-statistisches lexikon. (5te auflage.) Unter redaction von A. Stark. Leipzig, 1864. 2 v. Roy. 8? Geschichte der erdkunde und der entdeck- ungen. Herausgegeben von H. A. Daniel. Berlin, 1861. 8? Gage, "W. L. Life of. N. Y. 1867. 12? Ritter vom geiste. Die. Gutzkow, K. Ritterbiirtigen, Die. Schlcking, L. {In Ausgewahlte romane, v. 9-11.) RitterTVOhn. Mosen, J. [In Samm. werke, V. 2.) Ritualism. Hall, C. H. True Protestant. Riva, Charles Theodore. See Toulotte, E. L. J. Rival belles, The. Jones, J. B. Rivalite de Murat et de Davoust. Soulie, M. F. (In (Euvres, v. 27.) River of the west. Victor, 3Irs. F. F. Riverius, — , Lazarus, — , Culpepper, N., and Cole, A. Practice of physick ; wherein is plainly set forth thenature, cause, diflferences, and several sorts of signs, together with the cure of all diseases in the body of man, with many additions never printed before. In 24 books. Lond. 1663. 4? Rivennouth romance, A. Aldrich, T. B. (In Marjorie Daw, and other people.) Rivero, Mariano Edward, and Tschudi, J. J. v. Peruvian antiquities. Tr. from the original Spanish, by F. L. Hawks. N. Y. 1853. 8? Rivers, Pearl (pseud.). See Poitevent, Miss E. J. Rivers, Thomas. Miniature fruit garden ; or, the culture of pyramidal and bush fruit trees. N. Y. 1866. 12? Rivers, "William James (b. 1822). Sketch of the history of South Carolina to the close of the proprietary government by the revolution of 1719 ; with appendix, containing many val- uable records hitherto unpublished. Charles- ton, S. C, 1856. 8? Rivers — Hittell, J. S. Dead rivers of Cal. (In Overland monthly, v. 1.) Stevenson, D. Canal and river engineering. Riverside magazine for young people. V. 4. N. Y. 1870. 8? Riverston. Craik, G. M. Rives, "William Cabell (1793-1868). History of life and times of James Madison. Rives, Mrs. William Cabell (b. 1802). Home and the world, (n.t.p.) 12? See also Living female writers of the south. RIVIERA 708 ROBERTSON Riviera. See Italy. Rivi6re, Henri. Mademoiselle d'Avremont. {In Semaine litt^raire.) Rivot, L. E. Docimasie : traits d'analyse des substances min6rales a 1 'usage des ing6nieurs des mines. Paris, 1861. 4 v. 8'; Pkincipes g^n^raux du traitement des sub- stances min^rales : traits de metallurgie th^- orique et pratique. Paris, 1859. 2 v. 8i Roads and road-making — Gillespie, W. M. Principles and practice of road-making. Law, H. Kudiments of the art of constructing and repairing common roads. KoGERS, F. Lectures on roads and bridges. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) See also Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 8. Rob Roy (canoe)— Macgregor, J. Kob Koy on the Baltic : a canoe cruise through Norway, etc. — Kob Koy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gennesareth. — Thousand miles in the. — Voyage alone in the yawl. Rob Koj'. Scott, Sir W. Roba di Roma. Story, W. W. Robbins, Archibald. Journal ; comprising an account of the loss of the brig Commerce of Hartford, Ct., Jas. Riley, master, upon the western coast of Africa, Aug.28, 1815. Also, of the slavery and sufferings of the author and rest of the crew upon the desert of Sahara in 1815-17 ; with accounts of the manners, cus- toms, and habits of the wandering Arabs. Hartford, 1836. 12° Same. Hartford, 1848. 12? Bobbins, Chandler. History of the second church, or Old North, in Boston ; to which is added a history of the new brick church. Bost. 1852. 8° Sermon, preached in Boston, on the death of A. Lincoln. See Lincoln, A. Robbins, J. W. See King, C. Robbins, S. S. Binding the sheaves. N. T. 1867. 16° Margaret Russell's school. N.Y. 1869. 12? My new home. N. Y. 1865. 16? Squire Downing's heirs. N. Y. 1868. 12? ToKY Starr's legacy, {n.t.p.) 12? Weighed in the balance. N. Y. 1868. 12? Robert Ainsleigh. Br addon, Miss M. E. Robert der teufel. Schwab, G. {In Deutschen volksbiicher. Die.) Robert Falconer. MacDonald, G. Robert Graham. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Robert Greathouse. Swift, J. F. Robert Severne. Hammond, W. A. Robert the deuyll. Thoms, W. J. {Ed.) {In Early English prose romances, v. 1.) Roberto il diavolo. (Opera.) Meyerbeer, G. Roberts, David (1796-1864). EgyptandNubia ; from drawings made on the spot. With his- torical descriptions, by W. Brokedon. Lond. 1846. 2 V. Atlas f? Holy land, Syria, Idumsea, and Arabia. From drawings made on the spot ; with historical descriptions, by G. Croly. Lond. 1842. 4 V. in 2. Atlas f? Roberts, George. Voyage to the Cape de Verde islands (1721). {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Roberts, George. Ample apology. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 66. Behind the curtain. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 90. Cousin Tom. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 58. Forty winks. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 57. Idalia. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 76. Three furies. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 66. Under the rose. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 57. Roberts, Henry M. Itineraries of routes in Ari- zona and southern California. S. F. 1869. 16? Roberts, Joseph. Hand-book of artillery, for the service of the United States army and militia, {bth ed.) N. Y. 1863. 16? (2 cop.) Roberts, William (1767-1849). Looker-on, The. {In British essayists, v. 35-37.) Roberts, William. Life of Hannah More ; with selections from her correspondence. Bost. 1872. 16? (2 cop.) Roberts, William. Practical treatise on urinary and renal diseases, including urinary de- posits ; illustrated by numerous cases and engravings. Phil. 1866. 8? Robertson, D. Tour through the isle of Man, 1791. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Robertson, David. Reports on the trials of Colonel Aaron Burr, late vice-president of the United States, for treason and for a mis- demeanor in preparing the means of a mili- tary expedition against Mexico, in the cir- cuit court of the United States, held in Rich- mond, Va., 1807. Phil. 1808. 2 v. 8? Robertson, Frederick Wm. (1816-1863). Lect- ures and addresses, on literary and social top- ics. Bost. 1859. 12? Contents : Address at the opening of the working-men's insti- tute. Address to the members of the working-men's in- stitute on the question of the introduction of skeptical works into the library. Influence of poetry on the working classes (2 lect- ures). Introduction of skeptical publications into the library, liccture to the members of working-men's reading- room. Speech at Brighton, before Brighton district asso- ciation for improving the dwellings of the indus- trious classes. Speech at Brighton, before Early-closing associa- tion. Speech at Brighton, in answer to an address pre- sented to him by one hundred young men of his congregation. Speech at Brighton, Nov. 4, 1850, at a meeting held for the purpose of addressing the queen in refer- ence to the attempt of the pope of Kome to parcel England into ecclesiastical dioceses under Cardi- nal Wiseman. Life and letters of. Edited by S. A. Brooke. Bost. 1866. 2 V. 12? Same. N. Y. 1870. 12? Sermons, preached at Brighton. {New ed.) N. Y. 1870. 8? Sermons, preached at Trinity chapel, Bright- on, {bth ser.) Bost. 1864. 12? See also Orator, The ; Sutton, G. Robertson, J. B. Lectures on the life, writings, and times of Edmund Burke. Robertson, James Craigie. Becket, archbishop of Canterbury : a biography. Robertson, John. Sermons and expositions. Lond. 1865. 12? i ROBERTSON 709 ROBtNSON Robertson, Joseph C. See Percy anecdotes. Robertson, Thomas "William. Cantab, The. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 50. Ernestink. (Drama.) From the French. Mod. stand, dr., v. 14. Society. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 71. and Lacy, T. H. Two gay deceivers. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 33. See also Modern literary men. Robertson, William (1721-1793). Ancient In- dia. Lond. 1821. 8^ [V. 10 of works.] History of America. To which is prefixed an account of his life and writings, by D. Stewart. Lond. 1821. 3 v. in 1. 8° History of Scotland [81-1586]. Lond. 1821. 3 V. 12? History of the discovery and conquest of Am- erica. N.Y. 1848. 16? H. F. lib., V. 185. Same. "With a memoir of the author, from that by D. Stewart. Lond. 1835. 16? History of the discovery and settlement of America. N. Y. 1846. 8? History of the reign of Charles v. ; with a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the subversion of the Koman empire to the beginning of the xvi. century. N. Y. 1845. 16? H. F. lib., v. 186. Eeign of Charles v. Lond. 1821. 8? Same. (V. 6 of Works.) Stewart, D. Life of. (In Eobertson's His- tory of Scotland, v. 1.) See also Men of letters of the time of George III. Robertson, William (of Hamilton, Scot.). Des- ert pathway, The. N. Y. 1863. 12? Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore (1758- 1794). MiCHELET, J. Femmes de la re- volution, Les. Robin Gray. Gibbon, C. Robin Hood. Eitson, J. Ancient poems relat- ing to. Robin Hood. Thoms, W. J. (Bd.) (In Early English prose romances, v. 2.) Robin Tremayne. Holt, E. S. Robinson, A. Life in California ; comprising a description of the country and the missionary establishments. To which is added an his- torical account of the origin, customs, and traditions of the Indians of Alta California. N. Y. 1846. 12? Robinson, C. S. (Ed.) See Jessup, H. H. Robinson, Conway. Account of discoveries in the west until 1519, and of voyages to and along the Atlantic coast of North America from 1520 to 1573. Prepared for the Vir- ginia historical and philosophical soc. Eich- mond, 1848. 8? Contents : Agiiado, Joan, Notice of, 1493. Aguilar, Jeronimo de : rescued by Cortez, 1519. Ampies, Juan de: voyage to Corlano, 1517. Avion, Luke Vasquez de: voyage to Florida, 1520, 1524. Balboa, Vasco Nuflez de, Travels of, 1503-U. Balboa, Vasco Nuflez de. Travels of, 1512. Balboa, Vasco Nuflez de : discovers Pacific ocean. Sept 26. 1513. Balboa, Vasco Nuflez de : voyage along coast of the Pacific, 1516. Balboa, Vasco Nuflez de, Trial and execution of, 1517. Bateta, Gregorlo de. Voyage of, on the Florida coast, 1549. Cabot, Sebastian : discovers North America, 1498. Cabot, Sebastian : appointed successor to Vespu- cius, 1512. Robinson (continued) — Cabot, Sebastian, Voyages of, 1515-18. Cabot, Sebiistian, Vovtiges of, 1526. Cabot, Sebastian, Death of, 15.54. Curthler, .Tm-qiies: voyage to Kewfoundland, 1534. earthier, Jacques: 2d voyage, and exploration of St. Lawrence river, 15;!5. earthier, Jacques : voyage to Canada, 1540. Columbus, Bartholomew, Notice of. Columbus, Christopher: discovers the W. I., 12th Oct. 14!)2. Columbus, Christopher: returns to Spain, 1493. Columbus, Christopher: discovers other islands, i4»;!-4. Columbus, Christopher: returns to Spain, 1496. Columbus, Christopher: discovers South America, 14l«. Columbus, Christopher: returns to Spain, 1504. Columbus, Christopher: his death, 1506. Columbus. Diego, Notice of. Cordova, Francisco Hernandez de: discovers Yu- catan, 1507. Cortereal, Caspar : voyage to the north-west, 1501. Cortez, Hernando, Notices of, 1519 and 1524. Enciso, Martin Fernandez de, Notice of, 1509-11. Oomfz, Stephen : voyage to the north-west, 1525. Gourge, Chevalier de. Notice of, 1568. Grijalva, Juan de : voyage to Florida. 1518. Hawkins, Sir John : voyages, and visit to Florida, 1565. Hore, Mr., and others: voyages from England to north-west, 1536. Laudoiinifire, M. R€n6 : voyages from France to Florida, loftl. Leon, Juan Ponce de, Notice of, 1.509. Leon, Juan Ponce de : discovers Florida, 1512. Leon, Juan Ponce de : voyage to Guadeloupe, 1515. Leon, Juan Ponce de : voyage to Florida, 1521. Menendez : ma-ssacres the French in Florida, 1565. Narvaez, Pamphilo de: voyage to Florida, 1527. Nicnesa, Diego de. Notice of, 1509-11. Ojeda, Alonzo de. Notice of, 1499. Ojeda, Alonzo de: voyage to north coast of S. Am- erica, 1502. Ovando. Notice of, 1502. Pedrarias, Notice of, 1514. Pedrarias, Expeditions of, 151.5. Piiizon, Vincente Yafiez, Expedition of, 1506. Pizarro, Francisco, Notice of, 1.509-11. Portufiuese, The, Discoverv of Brazil by, 1500. Ribault, Capt. John : voyages to Florida, 1562, 1565. Roche, John Francis de la : voyage to Canada, 1542. Solis, Juan Diaz de. Expedition of, 1.508. Soto, Ferdinand de, Expedition of, to Florida, 1539. Soto. Ferdinand de : his march thence to the Mis- sissippi, and death, 1541. Vaca, Cabeca de : journes' to Mexico, 1527. Verazzano. .lohn de : voyage along the coast of N. America, fiom Carolina to Newfoundland, 1524. Vespucci, Americus : voyage along coast of S. Am- erica, 1499-1.500. Vespucci, Americus : voyages to Brazil, 1501, 1503. Vespucci, Americus, Notices of, 1505-8. Vesjjucei, Americus, Death of, 1512. Robinson, Edw, (1794-1863). Biblical research- es in Palestine and in the adjacent regions : a journal of travels in the year 1838. Bost. 1856. 2 V. 8? Later researches in Palestine and in the ad- jacent regions : a journal of travels in the year 1852. Bost. 1857. 8? (Maps, 1 v.) Physical geography of the Holy land : supple- ment to the late author's 'Eesearches in Pales- tine.' Bost. 1865. 8? Robinson, Fayette (d. 1859). Account of or- ganization of army of the U. S. ; with biog- raphies of distinguished officers of all grades. Phil. 1848, 2 v. 12? Robinson, Frederick W- Bridge of glass, A. N. Y. 1872. 8? (6 cop.) Carry's confession. N.Y.1865. 8? (Scop.) Christie's faith. Lond. 1868. 12? For her sake. N. Y. 1869. 8? (4 cop.) Girl's romance ; and other tales. N. Y. 1872. Contents : Proud wife. Richard Arnott's craze. Sensation at Seasonville. Tito's trouble. Widow Silvani. William Smudge's amend- ment. 8? (6 cop.) Achille. Alice Dale's offer. Buries: a bad boy. Friend Karl. Girl's romance. Jenny Merton. Nantle Ferry. Odd fix. ROBINSON 710 ROCKY Hobinson (continued) — Her face was her fortune. N. Y. 1874. 8° (15 cop.) Little Kate Kirby. N. Y. 1873. 8? (15 cop.) Poor humanity. N.Y. 1868. 8° (3 cop.) Slaves of the ring ; or, before and after. Bost. 1863. 8? Stern necessity. N. Y. 1870, 8° (4 cop.) True to herself. N. Y. 1870. 8° (3 cop.) "Woman's ransom, A. (n.t.p.) 12° B/Obinson, G. T. Fall of Metz : an account of the seventy days' siege, and of the battles which preceded it. Lond. 1871. 8° Robinson, Henry Crabb (1776-1867). Diary, reminiscences, and correspondence of. Se- lected and edited by T. Sadler. Bost. 1869. 2 V. 12° Robinson, Miss J. Mauleverer's divorce : a run- away match. Edin. n.d. 16° Robinson, John. Belknap, J. Life of. {In American biog., v. 2.) Robinson, Ifrs. M. Harrison. Helen Erskine. Phil, 1870. 12° Robinson, Mrs. Mary (1758-1800), Memoirs of the late Mrs. Kobinson ; written by herself. From the edition edited by her daughter. Lond. 1827. 16° (In Autobiography, v. 7.) Robinson, Nugent. Miss Tibbett's back hair. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 90. Robinson, P, F. Designs for farm buildings, with a view to prove that the simplest forms may be rendered pleasing and ornamental by a proper disposition of the radest mate- rials, (-aded.) Lond. 1837. 4° EuRAL architecture ; or, a series of designs for ornamental cottages. Lond. 1836. 4° Robinson, Sara T. L. Kanzas, its interior and exterior life ; including a full view of its settlement, political history, social life, cli- mate, soil, productions, scenery, etc, Bost. 1856. 12° Robinson, Solon (b. 1803). (Ed.) Facts for farmers ; also, for the family circle, A compost of rich materials for all land-owners about domestic animals and domestic econ- omy, farm buildings, gardens, orchards, and vineyards, and all farm crops, tools, fences, fertilization, draining, and irrigation. N.Y. 1865. 8? Bungay, G. W, Sketch of. (In Off-hand takings,) Robinson, Stuart, Church of God as an essential element of the gospel, and the idea, structure, and functions thereof, Phil, 1858, 8° Robinson, Mrs, Th^rese Albertine Louise (von Jacob), (Talvi), (1797-1869), Fifteen years. N, Y, 1871, 12° (9 cop.) Robinson, W. Alpine flowers for English gar- dens, Lond. 1870, 12° Hardy flowers : descriptions of upwards of 1,300 of the most ornamental species, and directions for their arrangement, culture, etc. Lond. 1871. 12° Parks, promenades, and gardens of Paris ; described and considered in relation to the wants of our own cities and of public and private gardens. Lond. 1869, 8° SuB-TROPiCAL garden ; or, beauty of form in the flower garden. Lond. 1871. 12° Robinson {continued) — Wild garden, The ; or, our groves and shrub- beries made beautiful by the naturalization of hardy exotic plants. With a chapter of British wild flowers. Lond. 1870. 12° Robinson, W. S. ( Warrington). Salary grab, The : a history of the passage of the act in- creasing the salaries of members of congress, with full lists of the yeas and nays in both branches. With a sketch of the debates, and a review of the apologies for the bill ; with special reference to the responsibility of Gen. B. F. Butler therefor. Bost. 1873. 16° Robinson Crusoe. De Foe, D. Robinson Crusoe, in words of one syllable. GODOLPHIN, M. Robles, Isidro de, Novel. {In Koscoe, T. Spanish novelists, v. 3.) Robsart, Amye. Adlard, G. Amye Eobsart and the earl of Leycester : a critical inquiry into the authenticity of the various state- ments in relation to the death of A. Kobsart, and of the libels on the earl of Leycester, etc, etc. Lond, 1870. 8? Roche, Regina Maria. Children of the abbey. Phil. 1868. 12° (2 cop.) Rochefoucauld, Francois {due de la), (1613- 1680). (Euvres completes. Paris, 1825. 8°. Contents : Lettres. I Mfimoires. Maximes et rCfleilons mo- Notice sur la vie de. ralps. I — Maximes. Paris, 1855. 8° Contents : Maximes. (Euvres dlverses de Vauvenargues. PensSes diverses de Montesquieu, See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Rochejaquelein, Marie Louise Victoire de Don- nissan {Marquise), (1772-1857). Memoirs of; with a map of the theatre of war in La Vendue. Tr. from the French. Phil. 1816. 8° Rochester (iV.F.). Athenaeum. Reports, 1863- 70. [Collected and bound.] 8° [1868-9 wanting.] Rochester, Bishop of. Taine, H. (A.) His- toire de la litt^rature Anglaise, v. 3. Rock oil, /Sfe Petroleum, Rockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth {2d marquis of), (1730-1782). Keppel, G. T. Memoirs of Rockingham and his contempo- raries ; with original letters and documents, now first published. Lond. 1852. 2 v. 8° Rockwell, John Arnold (1803-1861). Report on railroad and canal routes between the At- lantic and Pacific oceans, Feb, 20, 1849 ; with maps. Wash. 1849. 8° Rocky mountains — Beckwith, E.g. Narrative of Gunnison's explorations from Fort Leavenworth to Sevier lake [1853]. iSee Pacific railroad, Reports of explorations, etc., v. 2. Bowles, S. Across the continent. Cox, R. Six years' residence on the western side of the. {In his Adventures on the Co- lumbia river.) Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains [1842] . HiLDRETH, J. Dragoon campaigns to the. Lester, J. E, Trees and plants of the. {In Atlantic to the Pacific.) I ■■lilOCKY 711 ROGERS Rocky mountains {continued) — Long, S. H. Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky mountains in 1819-20. Phil. 1823. 2 V. 8? McClure, a. K. Three thousand miles through the. Marcy, R. B. Thirty years of army life on the border. Parker, S. Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky mountains in the years 1835-7. Parkman, F., Jr. California and Oregon trail. — Prairie and Rocky mountain life. Raymond, R. "W. Mines and mining of the. Ross, A. Fur-hunters of the far west. RuXTON, G. F. Adventures in the Rocky mountains and Mexico. Stevens, 1. 1., et al. Rocky mountains : de- scription of the region of, passes of, timber on, lands, climate, ridge, rivers, snow, etc., etc., of. See Pacitic railroad. Reports of ex- plorations, etc.jV. 1, 12, pt. i. Victor, Mrs. F. F. River of the west. Rodentia ; or, gnawing mammalia. Water- house, G. R. Natural history of the mam- malia. V. 2, rodentia. Roderick Random. Smollett, T. Rodgers, John (1727-1811). /See Patriot preachers of the revolution. Rodney, Caesar (1730-1783). Sanderson, J. Life of. [In Signers to decl. of indep. , v. 8.) Rodney, George Brydges {Lord admiral), {1718- 1792). MuNDY, — {Maj.-Gen.). Life and correspondence of. Lond. 1830. 2 v. 8? Rodney, Mrs. Marian Reeves Legare {Fadette). Ingemisco. N. Y. 1867. 12° (2 cop.) Wearithorne ; or, in the light of to-day. Phil. 1872. 12° (5 cop.) Rodney, Robert Burton. Alboin and Rosamond ; and lesser poems. Phil. 1870. 12° Rodolphus. Abbott, J. Rod"well, G. F. Dictionary of science, preceded by an essay on history of physical science. Lond. 1871. 82 Contents : Astronomy. Cliemistry. Dynamics. Electricity. Heat. Hydrodynamics. Hydrostatics. Light. Magnetism. Mechanics. Meteorology. Pneumatics. Sound. Statics. — Notes on a course of nineteen lectures on natural philosophy, delivered at Guy's hos- pital during the session of 1872-3. Lond. 1873. 12? Rodwell, G. Herbert. I'll be your second. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 3. My wife's out. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 45. Teddy, the tiler. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 81. Was I to blame ? (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 32. Rodwell, Thomas G. More blunders than one. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 27. Young widow, The. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 22. Roe, Azel Stevens {b. 1798). Cloud on the heart. N. Y. 1869. 12? (3 cop.) How could he help it? or, the heart triumphant. N. Y. 1864. 12? Like and unlike. N. Y. 1872. 12? Roe {continued) — Long look ahead , A ; or, the first stroke and the last. N. Y. n.d. 12? Looking around. N. Y. 1865. 12? (2 cop.) Resolution ; or, the soul of power, N. T. 1871. 12? (2 cop.) Woman our angel. N. Y. 1866. 12? Roe, E. P. Play and profit in my garden. N. Y. n.d. 12? What can she do ? N. Y. 1873. 12? (10 cop.) Roe, F. A. Naval duties and discipline ; with the policy and principles of naval organiza- tion. N. Y. 1865. 12? Roe, Sir T. Journal of a voyage in India, 1614- 15. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 1.) Roebuck, John Arthur {b. 1801). Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. Roebuck : a novel. Russell, C. W. Roehrig, F. L. O. Language of the Dakota or Sioux Indians. {In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Roemer, J. Cavalry: its history, management, and uses in war. N. Y. 1863. 8? Roff, — . Natural history. St. Petersburg, 1796. 8? {Russiaii.) Roger Bontemps. F:6val, P. {In (Euvres, v. 22.) Roger de Hoveden {d. ab . 1200). Annals of Roger de Hoveden ; comprising the history of En- gland and of other countries of Europe, from 732 to 1201. Tr. from the Latin, with notes and illustrations, by Hy. T. Riley. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 12? Roger of Wendover {d. 1237) . Flowers of his- tory ; comprising the history of England, from the descent of the Saxons, 447, to 1235. Formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. Tr. from the Latin, by J. A. Giles. Lond. 1849. 2v. 12? Rogers, Charles. Century of Scottish life : Me- morials and recollections of historical and re- markable persons. Edin. 1871. 12? Contents . Cleric, civic, and rural anec- dotes. Country minister and his recollections. Highland bards. Lowland minstrels. Men I have known. — Memorials and recollections of the very rev- erend E. B. Ramsay, dean of Edinburgh. Lond. 1873. 8? Modern Scottish minstrel. The ; or, the songs of Scotland of the past half-century. With miemoirs of the poets, and sketches and spe- cimens in English verse of the most celebra- ted modern Gaelic bards. Edin. 1855. 6 v. 12? Rogers, Fairman. Lectures, on the construction of bridges. {In Smithsonian rept. 1861.) Roads and bridges. {In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Rogers, Frederick. Architect's text -book of useful information; for engineers, architects, etc. Lond. n.d. 12? Rogers, Henry {b. 1806). Eclipse of faith ; or^ a visit to a religious skeptic. Bost. 1852. 12? Essays from ' Good words.' Lond. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) Contents : Apdtres, Les. Christianity vindicated from alleged tendencies to per- secution. and Dialogue on strikes lockouts, Report on. Fletcher, Samuel, Sketch of. Huss, John, Story of. ROGERS 712 ROLAND Fuller, T., Life and writings of. Literature, Vanity and glory of. Luther's correspondence and character. Rogers {continued) — Novel antiquities. Bailwny accidents and the Proseconiposition.Thoughts chief securities against on. them. Public executions. Thoughts for a new year. — Greyson letters : selections from the corres- pondence of K. E. H. Greyson. Bost. 1857. 12° Eeason and faith ; and other miscellanies. Bost. 1853. 12° Contents : Marvel, Andrew. Pa.scal, Genius and writings of. Reason and faith. Right of private judgment. Sacred eloquence. Rogers, Henry Darwin (1809-1866). Geology of Pennsylvania : a government survey, with a general view of the geology of the United States, essays on the coal formation and its fossils, and a description of the coal- fields of North America and Great Britain. V. 1, 2 [pts. i., ii.], and maps. 4 v. 4° Rogers, Henry J. (6. 1811). American code of marine signals, designed for communicating important information between vessels at sea and oft" the coast during periods of calms, light winds, storms, or rough weather. {2d erf.) Bait. 1855. 12° Marine telegraphic list of merchant vessels of 150 tons and upward employed in the commerce of the United States ; furnished for the American code of signals, by direc- tion of J. Guthrie, sec. of the treasury. N. Y. 1855. 8° Rogers, J. E. Kidicula rediviva. Lond. 1869. Obi. f° Rogers, James E. Thorold. Colonial question. {In Cobden club essays, 2d ser., 1871-2.) Historical gleanings : a series of sketches. Cobbett, Wm. ; Montagu, Chas. ; Smith, Adam ; Walpole, Kobert. Lond. 1869. 12? History of agriculture and prices in England, from the year after the Oxford parliament (1259) to the commencement of the conti- nental war (1793). Compiled entirely from original and contemporaneous records. V. 1, 2 (1259-1400). Oxford, 1866. 2 v. 8? Social economy, Kevised for American read- ers. N. Y. 1872. 12? Rogers, John (1679-1729). Necessity of divine revelation, and the truth of the Christian revelation: eightsermons. A preface, with some remarks on a late book, entitled ' The scheme of literal policy considered.' Lond. 1729-36. 4v. 8° Rogers, Mrs. Loula Kendall {Leola). See Liv- ing female writers of the south. Rogers, Nathaniel Peabody (1794-1846). See Modern agitators. Rogers, Samuel (J763-1855). Complete poetical works ; with a biographical sketch, by E. Sargent. Bost. 1854. 12? Contents : Human life. I Memoir of the author. Italy. Miscellaneous poems. Jacqueline. I Voyage of Columbus, The. Kecollections. Bost. 1859. 12? Kecollections of the table-talk of S. Kog- ers ; to which is added Porsoniana. N . Y. • 1856. 12? See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 3. Rogers, Woodes {Capt.), {d. 1732). Account of the Cape de Verde islands, and of the find- ing of Alex. Selkirk on the island of Juan de Fernandez, 1708. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) ' Cruising voyage, round the world : first to the south seas, thence to the East Indies, and homewards by the cape of Good Hope ; be- gun in 1708, and finish'd in 1711. Contain- ing a journal of all the remarkable transac- tions, particularly of the taking of the Puna and Guiaquil, of the Acapulco ship, and other prizes ; an account of Alexander Selkirk's living alone four years and four months in an island ; and a brief description of several countries in our course noted for trade, espe- cially in the south sea. With maps, etc. Lond. 1712. 12? Voyage de (1708-9). {In Bajot, M. Abr^gg historique, etc.) Voyage round the world, 1708-11. {In Bur- ney's Voyages, v. 4, pp. 457-485.) Same. {In Harris, J. Voy., v. 1.) Roget, Peter Mark (1779-1869). Animal and vegetable physiology, considered in reference to natural theology. (Bridgewater treatise.) Roggewein, Jacob (1669-1733). Narrative of his expedition. {In Harris, J. Voy., v. 1.) Voyage, 1724. {In Bajot, M. Abr6g6 his- torique, etc.) Voyage round the world, 1721-2. [In Bur- ney's Voyages, v. 4, pp. 556-580.) Rogue's life, A. {In Novels and tales from Household word,*, v. 1.) Rohan, Louis Ken^ Edouard {cardinal de), (1734- 1803). Lf:vis, P. M. G. Souvenirs et por- traits. {In Souvenirs de F^licie.) Rohault, Jacques (1620-1675). Tractatus phys- icus cum animadversionibus Antonii le grand. Accedit huic editioni ejusdem trac- tatus mathematicus de arte mechanica. Am- stelsedami, apud Johannem Wolters, 1700. Rohlfs, Gerhard. Keise durch Marokko, und die grosse wiiste. {2te aujlage.) Bremen, 1869. 8? Rohrig, Ernst. See Crookes, W. Roi Candaule, Le. Gautier, T. (In (Euvres, V. 14.) Roi d'Oude, Le. Kkvoil, B. H. Roi de Kome, Le. Soulie, M. P. (In (Euvres, V. 27.) Roi Jean, Le. SouLii:, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 26.) Roi Misere, Le. SauniJire, P. Roi s'amuse, Le. Hugo, V. (M.) {In Theatre, V. 2.) Roi Victor-Emmanuel, Le. LaVarekne, C. de. Roi Voltaire, Le. Houssaye, A. Rois de France, Les : notices tiroes des galeries historiques de Versailles. Paris, n.d. 4? Rojas, Fernando. See Cota, K. de. Rokeby. Scott, Sir W. {In Poetical works, V. 4.) Rokitansky, Carl. Manual of pathological an- atomy. Lond. 1854. 4 v. 8? Rolamb, N. Journey to Constantinople, 1656-8. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 5.) Roland, Marie Jeanne Phlipon (1754-1793). Memoires particuliers de. Suivis des notices historiques sur la revolution , du portrait et anecdotes, et des derniers Merits et dernieres pens^es par la meme. Avec avant-propos et notes par M. F. Barriere. Paris, 1863. 12? ROLAND 713 ROMANCE Rola popo and Zambesi rivers. ^ft)YAL 719 RUMOVSKY Royal geographical society {continued) — Maiklinni, C. R. : on the seograplilcal position of tlie tribes whicli formed tlie empire of tlie yncas, with an appendix on the name '^Aymarn.' Miles, S. B.,nH(/ Muiizinger, VV. : account of an ex- cursion into the interior of soutliern Arabia. Montgomerie, T. G. : report of 'The Mirza's' ex- ploration from Caubul to Kashgar. Musters, Lieut. : year in Patagonia. Osborn, Sherard : geography of the bed of the At- lantic and Indian oceans and Mediterranean sea. Shaw, R. B. : result of observations taken during hlsjournev to Yarlcand in the year 1870. Sladen, E. B. : exploration via the Irawaddy and Bhamo to south-western China. Royal institution of Great Britain. Mailly, E. History of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1867.) Royal military chronicle, The ; or, the British offi- cer's monthly register, chronicle, and milita- ry mentor. V. 1, no. 1. Lond. 1810. 8^ Royal road to fortune. Miller, E. H. Royal society of literature (Lond.). Publications. Annual report for 1871. Lond. 1872. 12*^ Transactions. 1872. V. 10, pt. i. Lond. Contents: Babington, C. : on various Greek Inscriptions from Telos, Cos, Attala, and the region of the Black sea, copied by Capt. Spratt, R. N. Birch, S. : account of coffins and mummies discov- ered in Egypt on the occasion of the visit of H. R. H. the prince of Wales, 1888-9. Birch, W. de G. : the great seals of William the conqueror. Same. Three great seals of King Edward the con- fessor. Cooper, W. R. : some observations upon a Greek tablet bearing the name of ' Athanacioc,' found in the Assaseef near Gourneh, 'I'hebes, 1828. Hogg, J. : Abyssinian rivers which give rise to the Nilotic inundation. Hogg, J. : snows, rains, and thermal springs of Abyssinia. Lindsay, W. S. : ancient galleys, and their mode of propulsion. Royal society of London, Catalogue of scientific papers, 1800-63. V, 1-6. Lond. 1867-72. 6v. 4^ Alexander, C. A. Origin and history of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1863.) "Weld, C. K. History of the Koyal society ; with memoirs of the presidents. Royal society of Victoria {Aust.). Anniversary address of the president, K. L. J. Ellery. {In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) Royal truths. Beecher, H. W. Royalty in the new world ; or, the prince of Wales in America. Cornwallis, K. Royce, H. A. Sketch of organization of quar- termaster's department, 1774-1868. Wash. 1869. 8? Royer-Oollard, Pierre Paul (1763-1845). See Orators of France. Roznotovsky, Andrew. Agriculturist, The. Moscow, 1794. 8^ {Russian.) Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640). Galerie du palais du Luxembourg, peinte par Eubens, dessin^e par les S. de Nattier, et gravee par les plus illustres graveurs du temps ; d^di6e au roy. Paris, 1710. f= Rubina. N. Y. 1864. 12? Rubruquis, Willem de. Travels in Tartary and China. {In Cooley's Maritime and inland discovery, v. 1.) Ruby Duke. Potwin, 3Irs. H. K. Ruby Gray's strategy. Stephens, Mrs. A. S. Ruby's husband. Terhxine, Mrs. M. V. H Ruckert, Friedrich (1789-1860). Gesammelte po- etische werke. Frankfurt, 1869. 12 v. 12? Contents {principal poems) : Bllnde,per,v 1. i Erzahlungen, v. 3, 4. t/hrlstofero Colombo, V. 10. | Haus und Jalir, v. 2. Riickert {continued) — Herodes der grosse, v. 9. Herr MalegLs, v. 12. Hldlnba, v. 12. Kaiser Heinrich IV., v. 10. Kind-Horn, v. 12. Leben Jesu, v. 11. LiebesfrOhiing, v. 1. Nal und Uamajanti, v. 12. Pantheon, v. 7, 8. Rfitbselmaun, Der, v. 12. Rodach, v. 12, Kostem und Surah, v. 12. Saul und David, v. 9. Sawitri, v. 12. Vaterland, v. 1. Verwandlungen des Aba Said, V. 11. ..,_. Wanderung, V. 5, 8. Rlickwirkungen, Die, oder wer regiert denn ? ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. (In Ges. schriften, v. 10.) Rudder, William. Rationale of the church litur- gic worship. Phil. 1871. 12? Rude stone monuments. Fergusson, J. Rudolph, Ludwig. Schiller - lexikon. Berlin, 1869. 2 V. 12? Rue de Jerusalem, La. F^val, P. (In (Euvres, V. 48, 49.) ' Rueda, Lope de. Aceitunas, Las. (Paso.) {In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espaflol.) Caratula, La. (Paso.) (J7^ Moratin, L. P. de. Teatro Espaflol.) CoNviDADo, El. (Paso.) {In Moratin, L. P. de. Teatro Espaflol.) CoRNUDo y contento. (Paso.) {In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espaflol.) EngaSos, Los. (Com.) {In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espaflol.) EuFEMiA. (Com.) {In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espaflol.) Pagar y no pagar. (Paso.) {In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espaflol.) PRENDAsdeamor. (Coloquio.) (J« Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espaflol.) RuFiAN cobarde, El. (Paso.) {In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espaflol.) RuflOni, Giacomo {b. ab. 1800). Carlino. Phil. 1870. 8? {2 cop.) Doctor Antonio. N. Y. 1866. 12? Same. N. Y. 1870. 8? Lavinia. N. Y. 1861. 12? (2 cop.) Lorenzo Benoni. {n.t.p.) 12? Rufus and Eose. Alger, H., Jr. Ruggles, Henry S. Method of Shakespeare as an artist, deduced from analysis of his lead- ing tragedies and comedies. N. Y.1870. 12? Ruggles, Samuel B., and Hazard, G. S. Re- port on cereals. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, v. 2.) Ruined cities of Zulu land. Walmslet, H. M. Ruined statues ; and other poems. Spalding. L. B. Ruines de Paris. M^ry, J. (/n (Euvres, v. 20.) Ruins, The ; or, a survey of the revolutions of empires. Volney, C. F. Ruins of ancient cities. Bucke, C. Ruins of San Francisco, Harte, F. B. {In Mrs. Skaggs's husbands, etc.) Ruins of time. The. Spenser, E. {In Poetical works, V. 5.) Rule, William Harris, and Anderson, J. C. Biblical monuments. Croydon, 1871-3. 4? Rule of the monk. Garibaldi, G, Rulhiere, Claude Carloman (1735-1791), Essai sur la secte des Illumines. (2e M.) Paris, 1789. 12? Rumford {Count). See Thompson, B. Rumor. Sheppard, Miss E. S. Rumovsky, — . Letters on distinct physical and physiological matters. St. Petersburg, 1796. 2 V. 8? {Russian.) V RUNAWAY 720 RUSKIN Runaway match. Wood, Mrs. H. Runciman, Alexander (1736-1785). Cunning- ham, A. Life of. {In Lives of most emi- nent British painters and sculptors, v. 4.) H. F. lib., V, 66. Rundall, Thomas. Memorials of the empire of Japan in the xvi. and xvil. centuries. Lond. 1851. 8° {In Hakluyt soc, v. 7.) Narratives of voyages towards the north- west in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631. With selections from the early records of the honorable East India company and from mss. in the British mu- seum. Lond. 1849. 8? {In Hakluyt soc, V. 4.) Rundell, Mrs. — . New system of domestic cook- ery, founded upon principles of economy, and adapted to the use of private families. By a lady. {New ed.) Lond. n.d. 12i Runenberg, Tieck, L. Runkel, William M. Wontus ; or, the corps of observation. Phil. 1874. 12° (3 cop.) Runkle, John Daniel {b. 1822). Asteroid sup- plement to new tables. {In Smithsonian contrib., v. 9.) New tables of planetary motions. {In Smith- sonian contrib., v. 9.) Running a machine. 3Ieeker, N. C. {In Life in the west.) Running the gauntlet. Yates, E. (H^ Rupert {Prince). Warburton, E. Memoirs of Prince Kupert and the Cavaliers ; including their private correspondence. Now first pub- lished, from original manuscripts. Lond. 1849. 3 V. 8° Rupert Godwin. Braddon, Miss M. E. Rupp, Isaac Daniel (6. 1803). History of Lan- caster county ; to which is prefixed a brief sketch of the early history of Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Penn., 1844. 8° Original history of religious denominations of the U. S. Phil. 1844. 8° Rupture. Birkett, J. Treatise on hernia. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Rural architecture. See Architecture. Rural homes. Wheeler, G. Rural hours. Cooper, Miss S. P. Rural letters. Willis, N. P. Rural life. Moore's rural New Yorker. See also Country life. Rural life in Bengal. Grant, C. Rural life of England. Howitt, W. Rural New Yorker. See Moore's. Rural parsonage, The. By a clergyman. Lond. 1857. 12? Rural sketches. Miller, T. Rural studies. Mitchell, D. G. Ruschenberger, William S. W. {b. 1807). Elements of natural history, embracing zo- ology, botany, and geology ; for schools, col- leges, and families. Phil. 1852. 2 v. 12? Origin, progress, and present condition of the Academy of natural sciences, Philadelphia. {In Pamphlets, v. 24.) Three years in the Pacific ; containing no- tices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, etc., 1831-4. Lond. 1835. 2 v. 8? Voyage round the world ; including an em- bassy to Muscat and Siam, 1835-7. Phil. 1838. 8? Rush, Benjamin (1745-1813). Sanderson, J. Life of. {In Signers to decl. of indep., v. 4.) See also American eloquence, v. 1. Rush, James (1786-1869). Philosophy of the human voice ; embracing its physiological history, with a system of principles by which criticism in the art of elocution may be ren- dered intelligible. To which is added a brief analysis of song and recitation. Fourth ed., enlarged. Phil. 1855. 8? « Ehymes of contrast on wisdom and folly, I Phil. 1869. 8? _ ^ Rush, John. Hand-book of veterinary homoe- opathy : or, the homoeopathic treatment of the horse, sheep, ox, dog, and swine. Phil. 1858. 16': Rush, Kichard (1780 -1859). Court of London, from 1819 to 1825 ; with subsequent occa- sional productions, now first published in Europe. Ed., with occasional notes, by his son, Benjamin Eush, U. S. sec. of legation at London from 1837 to 1841. Lond. 1873. Occasional productions ic, and miscellaneous. political, diplomat- Phil. 1860. 8? Contents : CalhouM, Mr., Character of. Canning, Mr.. Character of. Diplomacy of the United States : two letters on. Glance at the court and government of rx)u1s Phi- lippe In 1*47-8, and the French revolution of 1848 which followed, while the author resided as en- voy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States at Paris. Labor necessary to eminence : an essay. Letter, referring to the question of African slav- ery, and the compromise aci of 18.50. Letter from Paris to chairman of committee of national convention of the Democratic party of" the United States. Letters to Mrs. Rush. Newfoundland fisheries. Correspondence with Mr. Maroy In relation to. Speech, at meeting of friends of the constitution and union. "Value of early eflforts at excellence : an essay. "Washington, La Fayette, and Mr. Bradford: a sketch _from memory'. "Washington, Synopsis of familiar letters of. Washington in domestic life. Rushton, W. Classical and romantic schools of. English literature as represented by Spenser, Dryden, Pope, Scott, and Wordsworth. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 1.) Buskin, John (6.1819). Works. Author's edi- tion. V. 2, 3. Lond. 1872. 8? Contents : Munera pulverls, v. 2— Coin-keeping. Commerce. Definitions. Government. Mastership. Store-keeping. — Crown of wild olive : three lectures on work, traffic, and war. N. Y. 1866. 12? (2 cop.) Elements of drawing : in three letters. N. Y. 1857. 12? Elements of perspective ; arranged for the use of schools, and intended to be read in connection with the first three books of Eu- clid. N. Y. 1860. 12? Ethics of the dust : ten lectures to little house- wives on the elements of crystallization. Aratra PentelicI, v. 3- Division of arts. Idolatry. Imagination. Likeness. School of Athens. Structure. Crystal caprice. Crystal life. Crystal orders. Crystal quarrels. Crystal rest. Contents : Crystal sorrows. Crystal virtues. Home virtues. Pyramid builders. "Valley of diamonds. RUSKIN 721 RUSSELL Ruskin [continued) — Fobs clavigera : letters to the workmen and laborers of Great Britain. N. Y. 1871. 12? Giotto and his works in Padua ; being an ex- planatory notice of the series of wood-cuts executed for the Arundel society after the frescoes in the Arena chapel. Pub. by Arun- del soc. Lond. 1854. ^See Arundel society. King of the golden river ; or, the black broth- ers. A legend of Styria, Bost. 1869. 12° Lectures on architecture and painting, de- livered in Edinburgh in Nov. 1853. N. Y. 1854. 12? Lectures on art. Oxford, 1870. 8? Modern painters. N. Y. 1856. 5 v. 12? Political economy of art ; being the sub- stance, with additions, of two lectures deliv- ered at Manchester, 1857. N. Y. 1858. 16? Pre-Raphaelitism ; also, notes on the con- struction of sheepfolds. N. Y. 1851. 12? Precious thoughts : moral and religious. Se- lected by Mrs. L. C, Tuthill. N. Y. 1866. 12? Queen of the air : a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm. N. Y. 1869. 12? Selections from the writings of. N.Y. 1868. 1 o° Contents: Miscellaneous. Painting and painters. Scenes of travel. — Sesame and lilies : two lectures, delivered at Manchester in 1864. Also, a lecture on the study of architecture in our schools. N. Y. 1866. 12? (3 cop.) Seven lamps of architecture : illustrations, drawn and etched by the author. N. Y. 1859. 8? Architecture and sculpture. Characteristics of nature. Ethical. Introdnptory. Lamp of beauty. Lamp of life. Lamp of memory. — Stones of Venice Contents : Lamp of obedience. Lamp of power. Lamp of sacrifice. Lamp of truth. Lond. 1858. 3 v. Koy. °' Contents: Fall, The, v. 3. Foundation, The, v. L Sea-stories, v. 2. Same. N. Y. 1860. 3 v. 12? Time and tide, by Weare and Tyne : 25 let- ters to a working-man of Sunderland on the laws of work. N. Y. 1868. 12? (2 cop.) True and beautiful in nature, art, religion, and morals ; with a notice of the author, by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. N. Y. 1859. 12? (2 ^''i'-) Contents: Architecture. Beauty. Morals and religion. Nature. Painting. Poetry. Sculpture. Two paths ; being lectures on art, and its ap- plication to decoration and manufacture, de- livered in 1858-9. ISr.Y.1859. 12? {2cop.) Contents: Architecture, The influence of Imagination in. Art, The unity of. Deteriorative power of conventional art over na- tions. Modern manufacture and design. Work of Iron, in nature, art, and policy. Unto this last : four essays, on the first prin- ciples of political economy. N. Y. 1866. ^ ' Contents : Ad valorem. Qui judlcatis terram. Koots of honor. The. Veins of wealth, The. 47 Buskin {continued) — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. See also Cartoon portraits ; Modern literary men. Russell, C. W. Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti ; with memoir of eminent linguists. Palimpsest literature, and its editor. Cardi- nal Angelo Mai. {In Afternoon lectures, v. 4.) Russell, Charles, Wonders of bodily strength and skill in all ages and all countries. Lond . n.d. 12? Russell, Charles W. Roebuck : a novel. N.Y. 1866. 12? Russell, George R. Room and work enough. {In Boston book.) Russell, J. C. See Essays for Wellington prize. Russell, J. Scott. Modern system of naval arch- itecture. Lond. 1865. 3 v. Atlas f? Systematic technical education for the En- glish people. Lond. 1869. 8? Russell, John {Lord), {b. 1792). Essays on the rise and progress of the Christian religion in the west of Europe, from reign of Tiberius to end of council of Trent. Lond. 1873. 8? Life of William, Lord Russell. Memoirs, journals, and correspondence of Thomas Moore. Memorials and correspondence of Charles James Fox. Francis, G. H, Orators of the age. See also Brief biographies ; Orator, The ; Po- litical portraits. Russell, Michael (1781-1848). History and pres- ent condition of the Barbary states. N. Y. 1846. 16? H. F. lib., v. 73. Life of Oliver Cromwell. H. F. lib., v. 62, 63. Nubia and Abyssinia. N. Y. 1845. 16? H. F. lib., V. 61. Palestine ; or, the Holy land. N. Y. 1846. 16? H. F. lib., V. 27. Polynesia. N. Y. 1848. H. F. lib., v. 158. View of ancient and modern Egypt; with an outline of its natural history. N. Y. 1833. 16? H. F. lib., V. 23. Russell, Odo William Leopold {b. 1829). S^ Political portraits. Russell, Rachel Wriothesley {Lady), (1636-1723)-^ Letters of. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 8? GuizoT, F. P. G. Love in marriage: an, his- torical study. Tr. by M. O. Stevens.. N. Y, 1864. 12? Russell, Robert. Lectures on meteorology.. (Z» Smithsonian rept. 18.54.) Russell, V. F. Olive and its oil in California, The. {In Overland monthly, v. 9.) Russell,William(iorrf), (1639-1683). Russell, J. Life of. {^th ed.) Lond. 1853. 8? See also Eccentric personages ; Extrjiordinary men. Russell, William. Orthophony ; or, the culti- vation of the voice in elocution. A manual of elementary exercises. (34^/t ed.) Bost. 1869. 12? Russell, William Howard {b. 1821). Atlantic telegraph; illustratedbyR. Dudley. Lond. 71.6?. 4? British expedition to the Crimea. {Rev. ed.) Lond. 1858. 12? RUSSELL 722 RUSSIA Russell (continued) — Diary in the east, during the tour of the prince and princess of Wales. Lond. 1869. 8° General Todleben's history of the defense of Sebastopol, 1854-5 : a review. N. Y. 1865. 12? (2 cop.) My diary, north and south. Bost. 1863. 12? iSame. N. Y. 1863. 12? (2 cop.) My diary in India. Lond. 1870. 2 v. 12? "War, The, from the landing at Gallipoli to the death of Lord Raglan (March, 1854, to June, 1855). Lond. 1855. 12? Hussell. James, G. P. E. Russia — Commercial i . Ammosoff, N. Benefit of free trade [1817]. {Russian.) General tariff at the ports in Eussia [1797]. (Russian.) Kossuth, L. Agencies of Eussian ascenden- cy and supremacy ; public piracy of Eussia ; Eussia and the balance of power ; Eussia the antagonist of the U. S. (In his Select speeches.) Statistics of foreign and domestic commerce and industry, The. St. Petersburg, 1842. 8? (Russian.) Geoloaryt MuRCHisoN, Sir E. I., et al. Geology of Eus- sia and the Ural mountains. Wyld, J. Notes on the distribution of gold throughout. Sllstory i Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of. Bell, E. History of Eussia [862-1867]. Chesney, F. E. Eusso - Turkish campaigns of 1828-9. Choiseul-Gouffier, — . E6miniscences sur I'empereur Alexandre i., et sur I'empereur Napoleon i. Chopin, J. N. Eussie. CoBDEN, E. Speeches [war of 1854]. CoXE, W. Account of Eussian discoveries. Dixon, (W.) H. Free. EcKARDT, J. Modern. General Eussian history, (n.i.p.) 8? (Rus- sian.) Grimm, A. T. von. Alexandria Feodorowna, empress of. Kelly, W. K. History of. Labaume, E. Campaign in. Lamartine, a. de. Histoire de la Eussie. (In Q5uvres completes, v. 31.) Latham, E. G. Native races of the Eussian empire. Manstein, C. H. Memoirs, historical, polit- ical, and military, of Eussia [1727-44]. Masson, C. F. p. M^moires secrets sur la Eussie pendant les regnes do Catherine ii. et Paul I., 1750-1801. MiLNER, T. Eussia : its rise, progress, trage- dies, and revolutions. Milton, J. Brief history of Moscovia. (In Prose works, v. 5.) Narrative of the mission to Eussia in 1866 of the hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox, assistant secretary of the navy. From the journal and notes of J. F. Loubat. Edited by J. D. Champlin, Jr. Notes upon Eussia ; being a translation from Russia (continued) — the earliest account of that country, entitled 'Eerum Muscoviticarum commentarii,' by Baron Sigismund von Herberstein, ambas- sador in the years 1517 and 1526. Lond. 1853. 2 v. 8? (In Hakluytsoc, v. 10, 11.) E — (Baron). Eussian conspirators in Siberia. EuLHifcRE, C. C. Histoire, ou anecdotes sur la revolution de Eussie en I'ann^e 1762. (In Essai sur la secte des Illumines.) SiiGUR, P. P. de. History of expedition of Napoleon to Eussia in 1812. Seume, J. G. Zwei briefe und iiber das le- ben der Kaiserin Katharine ii. (In Samm . werke, v. 5.) Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Histoire de Charles XII., et histoire de Eussie sous Pierre legrand. — Histoire de Eussie [1615-1725]. (In (Eu- vres completes, v. 4.J — Eussian empire, and Peter the great. (In "Works, V. 11, 12.) "Wordsworth, C. Invasion of Eussia by Na- poleon Buonaparte. (Poem.) (In Cam- bridge prize poems.) Deaerlplion »nd Iravel: Berlioz, H. Voyages en Eussie [180^-65], (In M6moires.) Blake, J. L. View of the world. Browne. J. E. Land of Thor. CoxE, W. Account of discoveries, etc. — Travels in. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V.6.) Custine, a. de. Eussia. Dumas, A. (D.) Impressions de voyage : Eussie. Fair of Nishni Novogorod. (/n Adventures by sea and land.) Gautier, T. Voyage en Eussie. (In (Eu- ^ vres, V. 8, 9.) GuRowsKi, A. de. Eussia as it is. Hacklander, F. "W. Feste in Eussland im jahre 1846, Die. (In Werke, v. 39.) Hommaire de Hell, X. Travels in the steppes of the Caspian sea. Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. Kohl, J. G. Eussia. Maxwell, J. S. Czar, his court and people. MoRLET, H. Sketches of Eussian life. Murray, J. Hand-book for travelers in Eus- sia, Poland, and Finland. Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin, The. Proctor, E. D. Eussian journey. Sala, G. a. Journey due north ; being ootes of a residence in. Bauer, M. Geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Eussia, 1785-94. Seume, J. G. Mein sommer 1805. (/nSamm. werke, v. 3.) Severgin, — . Letters of travel in Eussia [1800]. (Russian.) Six years' travels in Eussia. By an English lady. Spottiswoode, W. Tarantasse journey. A, through eastern. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in. Strahlenberg, p. J. von. Historico-geo- graphical description of the north and east- ern parts of Europe and Asia, 1738. RUSSIA 723 SABINE Kussia {continued) — Taylor, (J.) B. Travels in Bussia and Greece. Train, G. F. American merchant. TuRQ^NiEFF, I. S. Smoke. (Hist, fiction.) WiLLOUGHBT, Sir H. Voyage to Bussia in 1553. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 1.) See also Cnmea ; Moscovia ; Samoieda. Russian American telegraph. Palmkr, O. H. Statement of the origin, progress, etc., of the Bussian Am. telegraph. Western union ex- tension, CoUins's overland line via Behring strait and Asiatic Bussia to Europe. {In Pamphlets, v. 23.) Russian conspirators in Siberia. E — (Baron). Russian gypsy ; or, the palace of ice. Bdmas, A. (D.) Russian languag^e and literature — Collection of the literary works copied from celebrated authors. V. 1, 2, 4-7, 8, 10. St. Petersburg, 1790-1801. 8 v, 8? (Russian.) Otto, F. History of Bussian literature. Balston, "W. B. S. Bussian folk-tales. Eeiff, C. P. English-Bussian grammar, etc. Russo - German exercises, (n.t.p.) 8J {Rus- sian.) Russo-Gennan grammar, (n.t.p.) 8". Russo-Greek church, The. By a former^res- ident of Bussia, N. Y. 1865. 16? Russo-Turkish campaigns of 1828-9. Ches- NET, F. B. Rust, smut, mildew, and mould. Cooke, M. C. Rustic rhymes. Fisher, S. J. Riistow, W. War for the Bhine frontier, 1870 : its political and military history. Tr. from the German , by J . L . Needham . Edin . 18 71 , 3v. 8? Ruth (pseud.). See Hill, 3frs. A, P. Ruth, Book of. Bbaden, W. Beautiful gleaner, The. Ruth. Gaskell, Mrs. E, C. Ruth Chenery. Kelly, C. E. Ruth Hall. Parton, Mrs. S. P. Ruth Maxwell. Blake, — {Lady). Rutherford, John. Troubadours : their loves and lyrics. With remarks on their influence, social and literary. Lond. 1873. 12? Rutland (-l/a««.). Beed, J. History of. Rutledge. Harris, Mrs. S. S. Rutledge, Edward (1749-1800). Sanderson, J. Life of. (in Signers to decl. of indep., v. 3.) Rutledge, John (1739 - 1800). Flanders, H. Life of. (In his Lives of chief justices.) Van Santvoord, G. Life of. (In his Chief justices of the U. S.) See also American eloquence, v. 1. Ruttan, Henry. Ventilation and warming of buildings. Illustrated by 54 plates, exem- plifying the exhaustion principle. To which is added a complete description and illustra- tion of the ventilation of railway carriages, for both winter and summer. N.Y. 1862. 8°. Ruxton, George Frederick. Adventures in Mexi- co and the Bocky mountains. N. Y. 1855. 12? Life in the fkr west. (2d ed.) Edin. 1851. 16? Ruy Lopez. See Sarratt, J. H. Rydberg, Victor. Last Athenian, The. Tr. by W. W. Thomas, Jr. Phil. n.d. 12? Ryland, James E. Life and correspondence of J. Foster. Ryle, John Charles (b. 1816). Expository thoughts onthegospels. V. l,St.John. N.Y. 1866. 12? 8. S., E. D. Field of rivalry : an epic poem, in four books, written midst the xix. century. Lond. 1872. 12? S., E. O. Hungary and its revolutions, from the earliest period to the xix. century ; with a memoir of Louis Kossuth. Lond. 1854. 12? IsoLiNA ; or, the actor's daughter. Phil. 1873. 12? (5 cop.) S,, B. H. Tennysoniana. Notes bibliographical and critical on early poems of A. and C. Ten- nyson ; opinions of contemporary writers ; In memoriam ; various readings, with par- allel passages in Shakespeare's sonnets ; va- rious readings in later poems (1842-65) ; pat- riotic and minor jwems ; allusions to script- ure and to classic authors ; the Tennyson portraits; bibliographical list of Tennyson's volumes, and of his contributions to period- ical publications. Lond. 1866. 16? S., V. Dr. Gothe's courtship : a tale of domestic life. Founded on the German of Otto Miil- ler. Lond, 1866. 12? (2 cop.) Saadi (Sadi or Saadee), Musle-Huddeen (1184- 1291). Gulistan, or rose garden. Tr. from the original, by F. Gladwin. With an essay on Saadi's life and genius, by Jas. Boss ; and a prefece, by B. W. Emerson. Bost. 1865. 12? Selections from the Bostan of Saadi. Tr. into English verse, by D. M. Strong. Lond. 1872. 12? Saavedra, Alvaro de. Voyage of A. de Saave- dra from New Spain to the Moluccas, 1527- 9. {In Burney's Voyages, v. 1, pp. 147- 156.) Navarrete, M. F. de. Coleccion de los vi- ajes y descubrimientos del, v. 5. Sabbath — Brown, J. N., and Taylor, W. B. Obliga- tion of the sabbath : a discussion. Prater, H. Letters to the American people on Christianity and the. Sabbaths on the continent. Sherwood, Mrs. M. M. (In her Works, v. 15.) Sabine, Edward (b. 1788). (Ed.) North Georgia gazette, and winter chronicle. Lond. 1821, (/n Parry, W. E. Journal of 2d voy.,app.) Notices of the progress of our knowledge re- garding magnetic storms. (In Smithsonian rept, 1860.) Beports on birds, fishes, mammalia, and ma- rine invertebrated animals of arctic regions. {In Parry, W. E. Journal of fii^t voy., app.) Sabine, Lorenzo (b. 1803). Address, before the New England historic, genealogical society of Boston, Sept, 13, 1859 : the hundredth an- niversary of the death of Maj.-Gen. James Wolfe. See N. £. hist., geneal. soc. American loyalists ; or, biographical sketches of adherents to the British crown in the war of the revolution, alphabetically arranged. With a preliminary historical essay. Bost. 1847. 8? SABINE 724 ST. AUGUSTINE Sabine {continued) — Notes on duels and dueling, alphabetically ar- ranged ; with a preliminary essay. (Sd ed.) Bost. 1859. 12? Keport to the IT. S. treasury department on the principal fisheries of the American seas. Wash. 1853. 8? Sable cloud. Adams, N. Sabl6 et Voiture, J/me. de. Cousin, V. Bio- graphic de. (/n Socidt^ FrauQaise au xvii. siecle, La, v. 2.) — Madame de Sabl6. Sable islands. Martin, E. M. History of Nova Scotia. Sacchetti, Franco (1335?-1410). Novel. {In Roscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 1.) Sachs, Hans. Auswahl aus dessen werken, Eine. Herausgegeben von Dr. G. W. Hopf. Niirn- berg, 1856. 2 th. in 1 v. 12° Sackville, Thomas {earl of Dorset), (1536-1608). Ferrex and Porrex. {In Dodsley 's Old plays, v.l.) See also Lives of English poets, v. 2. Sacramento {Cal.). Directory for the year 1856. Compiled and published by S. Colville. S. F. 1856. 8° (2 cop.) Same. For the year 1870. Sac. 1870. 8? Same. For the year 1873. Compiled by J. F. Uhlhorn, Sac. 1873. 8° Sacramento daily union. (Jan. 1857 to Dec. 1858 ; July, 1863, to June, 1873.) Sac. 1857- 73. 23 V. Atlas n Sacramento mountains. See New Mexico. Sacramento transcript. V. 1, no. 105 (Sept. 2, 1850) to V. 2, no. 107 (March 3, 1854). Sac. 1850-54. 2v. f°. Sacramento valley — Morse, J. F., a7id Colville, S. Illustrated historical sketches of California. {In Pam- phlets, V. 16.) Keport of the engineer of the Sac. valley ir- rigation and navigation canal. {In Pam- phlets, V. 33.) Sacramento valley railroad company. Report of committee of board of directors, Aug. 7, 1855. {In Pamphlets, v. 17, 23, 33.) Sacred and constructive art. Otis, C. N. Sacred and legendary art. Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Sacred art. Picture-gallery of. Sacred dramas. More, Miss H. Sacred edict. Containing sixteen maxims of the emperor Kang-He, amplified by his son, the emperor Yoong-Ching ; together with a par- aphrase of the whole, by a mandarin. Tr. from the Chinese original, and illustrated with notes, by W. Milne. Lond. 1817. 8". Sacred mountains. Headley, J. T. Sacred poems, etc. Vaughan, H. Sacred quotations ; or, scripture themes and thoughts, as paraphrased by poets. Weld, H.H. Sacred scenes and characters. Headley, J. T. Sacrifice of praise. Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, designed for public worship and pri- vate devotion ; with notes on the origin of hymns. {Rev. ed.) N. Y. 1871. 12? Sacy, Antoine Isaac Silvestre de (1758-1838) . Re- nan, (J.) E. Sacy et I'^cole lib^rale. {In Essais de morale et de critique.) Saddlery: harnesses and stable -fittings. See Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 32. Sadyk Pasha (Czaykowsky, M.). Moslem and the Christian, The ; or, adventures in the east. Tr. by Col. Lach Szyrma. Lond. 1855. 3 V. 12? Saemund's Edda. See Longfellow, H. W. Po- ets and poetry of Europe. Saewulf. See Early travels in Palestine. Safes. Price, 6. Fire and thief-proof deposi- tories. Saffell, W. T. R. Records of the revolutionary war, military and financial ; correspondence of distinguished officers ; names of the offi- cers and privates of regiments, companies, and corps, with the dates of their commis- sions and enlistments ; general orders of Washington, Lee, and Greene at German- town and Valley Forge ; with list of pris- oners of war, time of capture, and exchange. N. Y. 1858. 12? Safford, James M. Geology of Tenn^see. Nash- ville, 1869. 8? Safford, William H. Blennerhassett papers ; embodying the private journal of H. Blen- nerhassett, etc. Cincinnati, 1864. 8? Saga of Frithiof, The. Tegn^r, E. Saga of King Olaf, The. Longfellow, H. W. {In Tales of a wayside inn.) Sage, Abby. Pebbles and pearls for the young folks. Hartford, 1868. 16? Sage. Use of. Moscow, 1792. 8? {Russian.) Sahagun, Bernardino {d. 1590). Historia uni- versal de las cosas de Nueva Espana. {In Kingsbo rough, E. K. Antiquities of Mexi- co, V. 7.) LiBRO sexto de la retorica y filosofia, etc., de la gente Mexicana. {In Kingsborough, E. K. Antiquities of Mexico, v. 5.) Same. Tr. into English, v. 6. Sahara (desert) — Daumas, E. Grand desert : itin^raire d'une caravane du Sahara au pays des Negres. Naphegyi, G. Ghardaia : adventures in the oasij of the desert of Sahara. Saigey, Emile. Unity of natural phenomena : a popular introduction to the study of the forces of nature. With an introduction and notes, by T. F. Moses. Bost. 1873. 12? Sail to Smyrna. Baillie, Mrs. — . Sailing directions for South America. King, P. P., and FiTZ-RoY, R. Sailor boy ; or. Jack Somers in the navy. Adams, W. T. Sailors and sailing — Brady, W. N. Kedge anchor ; or, young sailor's assistant. CoTTERiLL, C. C, and Little, E. D. Ships and sailors. Dana, R. H., Jr. Two years before the mast. Hall, B. Fragments of voyages and travel. See also Seamen. St., W. von. In exile. Phil. 1871. 12? (3 cop.) Saint Abe and his seven wives. N. Y. 1872. 16? Saint and Saviour. Spurgeon, C. H. St. Andrew. See Apostles of our Saviour. St. Aubin, Sir John. See Orator, The. St. Augustine (/?«.). Fairbanks, G. R. History and antiquities of. ST. BARTHOLOMEW 725 SAINT MARK Amis de Virgile, Les. C6sonie et Dana6. perni6reGallo-Romaine,La. Emilia. Femmes aimCes d'Horace, Les. Saint Francis, Order of. St. Bartholomew. See Apostles of our Saviour. Saint Cecilia. Manigault, C. or G. (?) St. Olair, George. Darwinism and design ; or, creation by evolution. Lond. 1873. 12^ St. Clair, Lady Harriett. Dainty dishes : a col- lection of receipts, ibth ed.) Phil. 1866. 12? St. Clar, Robert. Metropolites, The ; or, know thy neighbor. N. Y. n.d. 12? St. Clemens. See Apostles of our Saviour. St. Columbo. See Early English writers. Saint Domingo — Courtney, W. S. Gold-fields of. Hazard, S. Santo Domingo, past and pres- ent ; with a glance at Hayti. Keim, B. R. Pen pictures and leaves of travel. Kimball, R. B. {Ed.) Life in Santo Do- mingo. By a settler. Martineait, Miss H. Hour and the man, The. (Hist, fiction.) See also Hatch, D.; Hayti. St. Elmo. Wilson, Mrs. A. J. Saint-Felix, Fdlix d'Amoreux (connusous le nom de Jules de). Nuits de Rome, Les. Paris, 1864. 8° Contents : Lida, la baccliante. Lysistrata. N6roii , Le dernier souper de. Sylvia. Tibulle. TJsurier et I'empereur, L'. NiSARD, — . Biblio- theque illustr^e des classes ouvrieres et des conferences de Saint-Francois Xavier. Saint - Geran, Suzanne [comtesse de) . DuMAS, A. (D.) (In Crimes celebres, Les, v. 4,) St. Giles and St. James. Jerrold, D. (W.) St. Helena and the cape of Good Hope. Hat- field, E. F. Saint Helena island — Martin, R. M. History of British posses- sions in the Indian and Atlantic oceans. Tatlor, C. Five years in China, etc. Saint Hilaire. See Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire. St. Ignatius. See Apostles of our Saviour. St. Ignatius college, S. J. (S. F., Cal.). Pros- pectuses, 1863-4, 1864-5, and 1867-8. {In Am. cat. Am. coll., v. 4.) St. James magazine; conducted by Mrs. S. C. Hall. V. 1 (April, 1861) to 21 (Mar. 1868). Lond. 1861-8. 21 v. 8? Same. {Neio ser.) V. 1 (April, 1868) to 10 {March, 1873). Lond. 1868-73. 10 v. 8? St. James the great. See Apostles of our Saviour. St. James the less. See Apostles of our Saviour. Saint James's ; or, the court of Queen Anne. AlNSV^ORTH, "W". H. St. John, Bayle. Abridgmetat of the memoirs of the duke of Saint Simon on the reign of Louis XIV. and the regency. Montaigne, the essayist : a biography. Purple tints of Paris. N. Y. 1854. 12? Village life in Egypt ; with sketches of the Said. Bost. 1853. 2 v. 12? St. John, Charles. Short sketches of the wild sports and natural history of the highlands. Lond. 1847. 16? St. John, H. See Bolingbroke. St. John, Mrs. Horace Roscoe. Court of Anna Carafa : an historical narrative. St. John, James Augustus. Egypt and Nubia, their scenery and people ; being incidents of history and travel from the best and most recent authorities, including J. L. Burck- hardt and Lord Lindsay. Lond. n.d. 12? Lives of celebrated travelers. [For contents, see Travelers.] St. John, John. Mary, queen of Scots. (Trag.) Inchb. Mod. th., v. 8. St. John, Knights of. See Knights Hospitalers, etc. St. John, Percy B. Countess Miranda. Lond. n.d. 16? Mary Rock ; or, my adventures in Texas. Lond. n.d. 16? Sea of ice ; or, the arctic adventurers. Bost. 1859. 16? St. John's college {N. Y.). Catalogues, 1864-5, 1865-6, 1867-8. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 4.) Saint Lambert. Cousin, V. Philosophie sen- sualiste au xviii. siecle. St. Lawrence river. Carthier, J. Exploration of the, 1535. (//i Robinson, C. Early voy- ages to America. ) Saint Leger. Kimball, R. B. St. Leon : a tale of the xvi. century. Godwin, W. Saint Louis. See Louis ix. Saint Louis (Mo.) — Directories : Edwards's directory for the year 1868. St. Louis, n.d, 8? Same. For the year 1870. St. Louis, n.rf. 8? liibrarles : Mercantile library association. Annual re- ports, from 1849 to 1871. [Collected and bound.] [1850, 1855, 1859 wanting.] 8? — Catalogue of books, January, 1850. St. Louis, 1850. 8? Same. 1858. St. Louis, 1858. 8? (2 cop.) Public school library. Catalogue of books. St. Louis, 1870. 8? Same. First supplement, November, 1872. St. Louis, 1872. 8? — Report, 1872-3. [Bound with 'Cata- logue, first supplement, Nov. 1872.'] imiscellaneous. Board of trade. Proceedings of the fourth an- nual meeting, 1871. St. Louis, 1871. 8? Public schools. Annual report of the board of directors for 1869-70. St. Louis, 1870. 2v. 8? — Seventeenth annual report, for the year ending Aug. 1, 1871. St. Louis, 1872. 8? Reavis, L. U. St. Louis : the future great city of the world. Shepard, E. H. Early history of St. Louis and Missouri, from 1673 to 1843. St. Louis university {Mo.). Catalogues, 1863-9. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 6.) Debate, by the Philalethic society of St. Louis university, Feb. 21, 1870. {In Pam- phlets, V. 27.) Saint Mark, Gospel of. Gospel according to St. Mark in Tamil, {n.t.p.) 8? See also Apostles of our Saviour ; Mark, Epis- tle of. SAINT-MARS 726 SAINTE-BEUVE Saint-Mars, C. de C. de {Comteiae Dash), et al. H^ritiered'unministre, L'. IST. Y. 1866. 8° Contents : Capitaine Sauvage, Le (par Jules Noiiac). Derni6re passion, Une (par Mario Uchard). HfiritiSre d'un ministre, L'. Prague. Semalne Iitt6ralre. Journal. Princesse Palatine, La. Paris, n.rf. 2 v. 12? St. Martin's eve. Wood, Mrs. H. St. Martin's summer. Brewster, Miss A. H. M. St. Matthew. See Apostles of our Saviour. St. Matthias. See Apostles of our Saviour. St. Merisack. Life of. A Cornish drama. St. Olaves. By the author of ' Jeanie's quiet life.' N. Y. 1863. 8? St. Paul. See Paul, Saint. St. Paul in Kome. Butler, C. M. St. Paul's cathedral. Milman, H. H. Annals of. St. Paul's to St. Sophia. McCormick, K. C. St. Peter's river. Keating, W. H. Expedition to the source of. St. Philips. Harris, Mrs. S. S. Saint-Pierre, — {Abbe). See Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri Bemardin de (1737- 1814). (Euvres choisies. Paris, 1867. 12° Contents: Arcadie. L'. Chaumifere Indienne, La. Paul et Virglnie. Pierre d'Abraham, La. Paul and Virginia. Tr. by H.M. ■Williams. N. Y. 1870. 16= (2 cop.) Everett, A. H. Life of. -{In hit Essays, 1st ser.) St. Konan's well. Scott, Sir W. Saint-Simon, Louis de Eouvroy {due de), (1675- 1755) . Memoirs of the duke of Saint-Simon on the reign of Louis xiv. and the regency. Abridged from the French, by Bayle St. John. Lond. 1857. 2 v. 12? See a/soSwnte-Beuve, C. A. ; Staal-Delaunay. M^moires. St. Stephens. (Poem.) Bulwer-Lttton, Sir E. G. E. L. {In New Timon.) St. Thomas ( W. I.). Knox, J. P. Historical ac- count of. Saint Ursula. See Merici. Saint Valentine's day. Scott, Sir W. Saint Vincent, J. J. {earl of). Tucker, J. S. Memoirs of. Lond. 1844. 2 v. 8°. Saint Vincent de Paul. Bedford, H. Life of. N. Y. 1858. 12? St. Xavier college {Cincinnati, 0.). Catalogues, 1867-8, 1868-9. {In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 6.) Sainte-Amaranthe, — {marquise de). Cape- figue, B. H. E. {In Deesses de la liberty.) Michelet, J. Femmes de la revolution, Les. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804-1869). [Note. — The following, though distinct publications, are bound uniformly, and, for convenience, have been num- bered consecutively, forming one set of 51 volumes. The contents given below includes the entire collection.] Causeries du Lundi. Paris, 1870. 15 v. 12? [V. 14-28 of set.] Chateaubriand et son groupe litt^raire sous I'empire. Paris, 1861. 2 v. 12? [V. 45, 46 of set.] Sainte-Beuve {continued) — Desbordes- Valmore, Mme. Sa vie et sa correspondance. Paris, 1870. 12? [V. 49 , of set.] Etude sur Virgile. Paris, 1870. 12? [V. 11 of set.] GiiNiiRAL Jomini, Le. Paris, 1869. 12? [V. 50 of set.] Maurice de Gu^rin. Journal, lettres et poe- sies. Paris, 1868. 12? [V. 47 of set.] Memoirs of Madame Desbordes- Valmore. NouvEAUx Lundis. Troisieme Edition revue. Paris, 1870. 11 v. 12? [V. 29-39 of set.] PofeiES completes. Paris, 1863-9. 2 v. 8? [V. 1-3 of set.] Contents : Consolations, v. 1. Joseph Delorme, v. 2. Pensfies d'Aoflt, v. 3. Port-Eotal. (3e ed.) Paris, 1867. 7 v. 12? [V. 4-10 of set.] Portraits contemporains. Paris, 1870. 2 v. 12? [V. 40, 41 of set.] Portraits de femmes. Paris, 1870. 12? TV. 48 of set.] Portraits litt^raires. Paris, 1864. 3 v. 12? [V. 42-44 of set.] Portraits of celebrated women. Bost. 1868. 12? Tableau historique et critique de la po6sie Fran9aise et du theatre Fran9ais. Paris, 1869. 12? [V. 13 of set.] Talleyrand, M. de. Paris, 1870. 12? fV. 51 of set.] VoLUPTE. Paris, 1869. 12? [V. 12 of set.] of set : Boufflers, Com tesse de, v. 32 Bourdaloue, v. 22. Bourgogne, Duchesse de, v. 15. Bo vary, Mme., v. 26. Broglie, M. de, v. 15. Brosses, Le president, v. 20. Bruyire, La, v. 29, 38, <2. Buflbn, v. 17, 23, 27. Bussy-Rabutin, v. 16. Camp, M;txime du, Les chants modernes, v. 25. Campagne de Eussie, v. 14. Campagnesde la revolution, v. 30. Carrel, Armand, v. 19. Casaubon, Journal de, v. 27. Catherine ii., Mfimoires de, V. 30. Catinat, v. .36. Causeries du Lundi, v. 14-28. Caylus, Madame de, v. 16. Chamfort, v. 17. Charles quint aprte son abdication, v. 31. Charrifire, Madame de,v. 48. Charron, v. 24. Chateaubriand, v. 14, 15, 23, 31,40,45,46. Chateaubriand: hommed'6- tat et politique, v. 15. ChAtelet, Madame du, v. 15. Chaulieu, L'abbe de. v. 14. ChSnier, Andre, v. 17, 31, 42. Chesterfield, v. 15. ChoLsy, L'abbe de, v. 16. Christel, v. 48. Clermont, Comte de, v. 39. CoUe, v. 35. Condorcet : ceuvres, v. 16. Connalssance de Thomme au XVII. et au xvni. si&cle, V. 31. Constant, Benjamin, v. 24, 29. Constant, Benjamin, et Ma- dame de Charrifire, v. 44. Corneille, Pierre, v. 35, 42. Cosnac, Memoires de, v. 19. Coulmann, M., v. 37. Courier, Paul-Louis, v. 19. Contents Academie Francaise, His- toire de 1', v. 27, 28. A'isse, Mademoiselle, v. 44. Albany, Comtesse d', v. 33. Amp6re, M., v. 42. Amyot, Es.sal sur, v. 17. Andrieux, M., v. 42. Angoulfime, Mme. la du- chesse d', V. 18. Anthologie Grecque, v. 35. Antin, Le due d', v. 18. Appendice sur le Cinq-Mars de M. de Vigny, v. 41. Arago, Francois (.ceuvres), v. 23. Argenson, Le marquis d', v. 25. Argenson, Le marquis d': journal et mSmoires, v. 27. Arnauld, Agn6s, v. 27. Arnault, M., v. 20. Aublgne, A. d', V. 23. Bailly, Sylvain, v. 23. Ballanche, v. 41. Balzac, M. de, v. 15, 41. Banville, Theodore de, v. 27. Barbier, Auguste et Brizeux, V. 41. Bareith, La margrave de, v. 25. Barnave, v. 15. Bartheiemy, L'abbe, v. 20. Bayle, v. 42. Bazin, M., v. 15. Beaumarchais. v. 19. Beranger, v. 15, 21, 28, 40. Beranger, Correspondance de, v. 2:). Bernis, Le cardinal de, v. 2L Bernis, Sur, v. 28. Bertrand, Aloisius, v. 4.3. Besen val, Le baron de, v. 25. Beugnot. Le comte, v. 39. Biot, M., V. .30. Boileau, v. 19, 42. Boissonade, M., v. 34. Bonald, M. de, v. 17. Bonneval, Le comte-pacba, V. 18. Bonstetten, Ch. Victor, v. 27. Bossuet, V. 23, 30. SAINTE-BEUVE 727 SAINTE-BEUVE Sainte-Beuve {continued) — Cousin, Victor, v. 44. Couvreur, Adrieniie le, v. 14. Covvper, WUlInm, v. 24. Crequi, Ia marquise de, v. 2.5. Critique religleuse par Sche- rer, v. 28. Dacier, Mme., v. 22. Daguesseau, Histolre du chanceller, v. 16. Sangeau, Journal de, v. 24. Dante, La Divine com6dle de, V. 24. Daphniset Chlofi, v. 32. Dam, M., v. 22. DeflTand, Mme. du, Corres- pondance infidite, r. 14, 27. Delficluze, Stlenne-Jeau, v. 31. DelUle, V. 43. Delorme, Joseph, v. 2. D^m^trius, Les faux, v. 20. Deniie-Baron, v. 2S. Desbordes-Valmore, Mme., V. 41, 49. Desbordes - Valmore, Pofi- sles infidltes de, v. 27. Des HoullSres, Madame, ou une ruelle po6tique, v. 4S. Desmouliiis, Camille, v. 16. Diderot, v. 16, 42. Dleu, L'abb^ le. Journal de, V. 26. Dix ans apr^s en llttCrature, V.41. Dominique, v. 85. Don Carlos et Philippe n., V. 31. Don Quichotte, v. 36. Droi, M., V. 16. DUbner, v. 39. Dueis, V. 19. Duels fipistolaire, v. 32. Duelos. V. 22. Dupont, Pierre, v. 17. Duras, Mme. de, v. 48. Duveyrier, Ch., conferences de, V. 38. Duveyrier, Henri, v. 37. Kcole Fraufaise d'Athfines, fiducatlon des fiUes, Lettres sur, V. 24. Elections de I'Acadfimie, v. • 29. Elliott, Mme., Mfimoires de, V. 23. Entretiens de Giithe et d' Eckermann, v. 31. Epinay, Madame d', v. 15. Essai de critique naturelle, V. 37. EstrSes, Gabrielle d', v. 21. Etienne, v. 19. Etlenne de la Bofitle, v. 22. Etude sur Vlrgile, v. 11. Farcy, George, v. 42. Fare, Marquis de la, v. 23. Favre, Guillaume, v. 13, 26. Feletz, GeolTroy, Hoffman, etc., V. 14. Femme au xvrn. si6cle, La, V. .32. Ffinelon, v. 15, 23. Feuillet, M. Octave, v. 33. Feydeau, Ernest, v. 27. Fievfie, M., V. 18. Firdousi, le poete Persan, v. 14. Flammarion, CamUle, v. 38. Flfichier, v. 28. Fleurs, Les, v. 48. Florian, v. 16. Fontanes, v. 43. Fontenelle, v. 16. Foucault, Mfimoires de, v.31. Fouquet, Le surintendant, V. 18. France, Etat de la, sous Louis XV., V. 21. France,Histolre llttfiraire de la, v. 21. Franceschi-Delonne, Le g6- neral, v. 39. Francois i., poete, v. 44. Franklin, V. 20. FrM6ric le grand : corres- pondance, r. 20, 25. Frederic le grand, littera- teur, V. 16. Frederic le grand, CEuvres de, V. 16. Frederic le grand: sa cor- respondance, v. 20, FrCres le Nain, Les, t. 32. Friant, Vie de, T. 27. Frochot, v. .m Froissart, v. 22. Oaliani, L'abb6, v. 15. Gasparin, Madame de, v. 37. Gautier, Th6ophile, v. 34. Gavarnl, v. 34. Gay, Mme. Sophie, v. 19. Genlis, Mme. de, v. 16. Geoffrin, Mme., v. 15. Geoffroy, Feletz, Hoffman, etc., V. 14. Gerbet, L'abbe, v. 19. Gibbon, v.JJl. Girardin, Emile de, v. 16, 3.5. Girardin, M. Saint-Marc, v. 14. Gisors, Comte de, v. 39. Goncourt, MM. de, v. 38. GOthe et de Bettina, Lettres de, V. 15, 31. Gourville, M6molres de, v. 18. Grafigny, Madame de, v. 15. Grfece, Histolre de la, v. 38. Grfice en 1863, La, v. 33. Grimm, v. 20. Guerin, Eugenie de i reli- quiae, V. 25. Guerin, EugSnie de, Lettres de, V. 37. Guerin, Maurice et Eugenie de, V. 28, 31, 47. Gueroult, A., V. 32. Gui Patin, v. 21. Guizot, T. 14. Guizot, Madame, v. 48. Guizot, Memoires de, v. 29. Guttinguer, M. Ulric, v. 41. Haievy, V. 30. Hamilton, v. 14. Harlay, M. de, v. 33. Henault, Le president, v. 24. Henri iv., v. 24. Henri iv., Histolre du rSgne de, v. 26. Histolre, Entretiens sur I', v. 37. Histolre de la querelle des anciens et des modernes, V. 26. Histolre de la restauration, v. 37. Histolre de I'empire, v. 14. Hoffman, Feletz, Geoffrey, etc. v. 14. Huet,' Paul', v. 41. Hugo, Victor, v. 40. Instruction genSrale sur 1' execution du plan d'etu- des, v. 24. Janin, Jules, v. 15, 18. Jasmin, V. 17. Jeanne d'Arc, v. 15. Jeannin, Le president, v. 23. jesus. Vie de, v. 34. Joinville, v. 21. Jomini, Le general, v. .50. Joubert, Le general, v. 14, 28, 43. Jouffroy, M.,v. 42. Kriidner, Madame de, v. 44, 48. Labe, Louise, v. 32. Labitte, Charles, v. 44. La Bruyere. s.S. B.C. Best. 1871. Adele. 16? Ennisfellen. Bost. 1871. 16? Eric. Bost. 1871. 16? Herbert. Bost. 1871. 16? Nettie's trial. Bost. 1871. 16? San Bernardino hot springs (Gal.), Walto>', G. E. Mineral springs of the U. S., etc. San Domingo. See Saint Domingo. San Felice, La. Dumas, A. (D.) San Francisco (Cal.) — I>irec(orles; 1850. Kimball, C. P. (comp.). Sept. 1. S. F. 1850. 16? 1852. Bonnard, F. A. (pub.). (Business reg- ister, Oct.) S. F. 1852. 12? (2 cop.) 1852. Morgan, A. W., and co. (pub.). S. F. 1852. 8? 1852-3. Parker, J. M., and co. (pub.). S. F. 1852. 8? (2 cop.) 1854. Le Count and Strong (pub.). S. F. 1854. 8? 1856. Baggett, Joseph, and co. (pub.), com- mencing Jan. 1. S. F. 1856. 8? 1856. Harris, Bogardus, and Labatt (pub.), commencing Oct. 1. S. F. 1856. 8? 1856-7. Colville, S. (pub.), commencing Oct. 1. S. F. 1856. 8? (2 cop.) 1858-73. Langley, H. G. (comp.). S. F. 1858-73. 16 V. 8? [Extra copies of 1858, 1863, 1870.] Commercial record and business directory. (n.t.p.) (In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Manual of the city. Containing a map of the city, map of the northern portion of the county, with a copious index. S. F. 1853. 8? (2 cop.) Charts and registers: Chart of the city. (In Pacific coast charts, no. 60.) Chart of the entrance to the bay. (In Pacific coast charts, no. 58.) Chart of the upper part of the bay. (In Pa- cific coast charts, no. 57.) Great register of the city and county. S. F. 1867-73. 6 V. 4? Humphreys, W. P. OflScial map of the city and county of S. F., 1870. [In frame.] Map of the region adjacent to the bay of S. P. [state geological survey] . 1867. [In frame.] Same. Kevised. 1873. f? •* Topography of S. F. ; with map. (In U. S. coast survey.) I.) Sanford, Shelton P. Common-school arithmetic, on the analytic system. Phil. 1873. 12° Sanger, William W. History of prostitution : its extent, causes, and effects throughout the world. N. Y. 1858. 8° (2 cop.) Sangerin, Die. Grimm, H. {In Novellen.) Sangerin, Die. Hauff, W. {In Samm. werke, V. 1.) Sangerin, Die. Holtei, K. von. {In Erzah- lende schriften, v. 28.) Sanitary commission. See Franco-Prussian war ; United States (war of 1861-5). Sanitary economy : its principles and practice, and its moral influence on the progress of civilization. Edin. 1850. 12^ Sanitary measures — National quarantine and sanitary convention. Proceedings. Sanitary economy. See also United States. Sans dot. About, E. (F. V.) {In Trente et quarante.) Sans se voir. Karr, (J. B.) A. {In CEuvres, v. 9.) Sanskrit language and literature — Ballantyne, J. R. First lessons in Sanskrit grammar ; with an introduction to the Hito- padesa. Foster, J. Essay on Sanscrit literature. {In his Critical essays.) KjClidasa. Sacontalfi, ; or, the fatal ring. Milman, H. H. Nala and Damayante ; and other poems. Tr. from the Sanscrit. MuiR, J . {Tr.) Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India. MuLLER, (F.) M. Ancient Sanskrit literature. — Chinese translation of Sanskrit text. {In Chips from a German w^orkshop, v. 1.) See also Sindhi ; Purdna ; Veda ; Vishnu. Sansovino, Francesco (6.1521). Novel. {In Roscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 3.) Santa Ana, Manuel de. Compendio de mitologia. Madrid, 1844. 12^ SANTA 734 SARTORIUS Santa Barbara (Cat.). Topography and hydrog- raphy of S. B. channel, and of Point Con- cepcion. (Jw U. S. coast survey, 1869.) Santa Barbarahot sulphur springs (Ca^.). "Wal- ton, G. E. Mineral springs of the TJ. S., etc. Santa Clara college, S. J. {Gal.). Prospectuses, 1861-9. {In Ann. cat. Ana. coll., v. 5.) Santa Clara county (Oal.) — Directory for the year 1871-2. Sac. 1871. 8° Great register for 1872-3. {In bound vol. of great registers.) Santa Oroce. Everett, E. {In Boston book.) Santa Oruz island — Carteret, P. Passage from Masasuero to Santa Cruz island ; with an account of the discovery of, under the name of 'Queen Char- lotte's island,' and description of the inhab- itants. {In Hawkesworth's Voyages, v. 1, ed. of 1773 ; v. 2, ed. of 1785.) Cook, J. Voyage to, and transactions in Santa Cruz, 1769. {In his Voyages, v. 1 ; Hawkesworth's Voyages, v. 2, ed. of 1773 ; V. 3, ed. of 1785.) Discovery, by Carteret in 1767 ; by Mendana in 1595. {In Fleurieu, C. P. C. de. Dis- coveries of the French.) Santa Fe. See New Mexico. Santarem, M. P. {viscount de Bar rosy Sousa). Researches respecting Americus Vespucius and his voyages. Trans, by E. V. Childe. Bost. 1850. 12? Santi (or Sanzio), Giovanni {d. 1494). Layard, A. H. Sanzio and his fresco at Cagli. {In Memoirs.) See Arundel soc. Santi, Raphael. See Raffaello. Santo Sebastiano ; or, the young protector. By author of 'Romance of the Pyrenees.' Bost. 1832. 3 V. 12° Sanvitale, Luigi. Novel. (J«Roscoe, T. Ital- ian novelists, v. 4.) Sanzio. See Santi. Sapeur de dix ans. Souli:6, M. F. {In (Eu- vres, V. 27.) SapMr, M. G. Ausgewahlte schriften. {f>te au- flage.) Wien, 1871. 10 v. in 5. 8= Sja>ppho {lived ab. 600 B.C.). Adventures of Sappho, the poetess of Mitylene. Transla- tion from the Greek original, newly discov- ered. Lond. 1789. 2 v. 8; Sapphus, poetriae Lesbise, fragmenta et elogia, quotquot in auctoribus antiquis Graecis et Latinis reperiuntur, cum virorum doctorum notis integris, cura et studio Jo. Christiani "Wolfii, in gymnasio Hamburgensi professo- ris publici. Qui vitam Sapphonis & indi- ces adjecit. Londini, apud A. Vandenho- eck, 1733. A°. Arnold, E. Poets of Greece. Saracens. Ockley, S. History of the Sara- cens, to the death of Abdalmelik, the elev- enth caliph [571-705]. Sarah Martin, the prison visitor of Great Yar- mouth. Lond. n.d, 16° Sarawak. See Borneo. Sarchedon. Melville, G. J. "W. Sardinia. Murray, J. Hand-book for travel- ers in Corsica and. See also Victor-Emmanuel il. Sardis. Svoboda, A. Seven churches of Asia. SardOU, Victorien(6. 1831). (Euvres. {2QeSd.) Paris, 1867. 3 v. 12° Contents : Famille Benoitqn, La : comfidle, v. 1. Ganaches, Les : comgdie, v. 2. Intimes, Nos: com^dte, v. 3. Patrle : cirame, v. i. Fernande. Paris, 1870. 82 See also Barriere, T. (Euvres. Sargent, Epes (6.1812). Biographical sketch of S. Rogers. {In Rogers's Poetical works.) Forget me not. {In Boston book.) Life and public services of Henry Clay. Peculiar: a tale of the great transition. N. Y. 1864. 12° Sargent, John T. Ministry at Suffolk st. chapel, The : its origin, progress, and experience. Bost. 1845. {In Pamphlets, v. 2.) Sargent, Lucius Manlius {Sigma), (1786-1867). Reminiscences of Samuel Dexter. Sargent, N. See Linn, E. A. Sargent, W. D. Influence of the aurora on the telegraph. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Sargent, Winthrop {b. 1825) . History of an ex- pedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755 un- der Major-General Edward Braddock, gen- eralissimo of H. B. M. forces in America. Edited from original manuscripts. Phil. 1856. 8° [V. 1 of Penn. historical society. Publications.] Life and career of Major John Andr^. Sarles, Mary E. Memorial of; by her husband. N. Y. 1867. 16° Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino {h. 1811). Life in the Argentine republic in the days of the tyrants ; or, civilization and barbarism. From the Sp., with biographical sketch of author, by Mrs. H. Mann. N. Y. 1868. 12° Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro. Voyages, 1567, 1579-1585. {In Burney's Voyages, v. 1, p. 283 ; V. 2, pp. 2-57.) Sarpi, Father Paul (1552-1623). Johnson, S. Life of. See Eminent persons. Sarracine. Balzac, H.de. (Jn (Euvres com- pletes, V. 21.) Sarratt, J. H. Works of Damiano, Ruy-Lopez, and Salvio on the game of chess ; tr. and ar- ranged, with remarks, observations, and co- pious notes on the games. Lond. 1813. 8° Sarsfleld, Dalmacio Velez. Codigo civil de la republica Argentina, redactado por D. V. Sarsfield, y aprobado por el honorable con- gresso de la republica, el 29 de Setiembre de 1869. N. Y. 1870. 8° Sartaroe. Maitland, J. A. SartO, Andrea Vanucchi del (1488-1530). Du- mas, A. (D.) Biographic de. {In Italiens et Flamands, v. 2.) Sartor resartus. Carlyle, T. Same. {In Past and present.) Sartoris, A. K. "Week in a French country- house. Bost. 1867. 8° (2 cop.) Sartorius, Charles. Earthquake in eastern Mex- ico of 2d Jan. 1866. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Eruption of the volcano of Colima in June, 1869. {In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Mexico : landscapes and popular sketches. Ed. by Dr. Gaspey. With steel engravings by distinguished artists, from original sketch- es, by M. Rugendas. Lond. 1859. 4° SATANELLA 735 SAVAII Satanella. Melville, G. J. "W. Satanstoe. Cooper, J. F. Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe : a compact itinerary of the British isles, Bel- gium and Holland, Germany and the Khine, Switzerland and France. N. Y. 1872. 12° Sathaniel. SouLifi, M.F. (/n (Euvres, v. 41.) Satires— HoRATitrs Flaccus, Q. Satires. JuvENALis, D. J. Satirae. LuciLius, C. Satires. Persius Flaccus, A. Satires. SuLPiciA. Satire. Satterlee, Alfred H. Medals and tokens struck in honor of the presidents of the United States, and of the presidential candidates, from the administration of John Adams to that of Abraham Lincoln, inclusive. N. Y. 1862. 8° Saturn and its system. Proctor, E. A. Sauer, George. Telegraph in Europe. Paris, 1869. 8? Sauer, Martin. Account of a geographical and astronomical expedition to the northern parts of Russia for ascertaining the degrees of lati- tude and longitude of the mouth of the river Kovina ; of the whole coast of the Tshutski, to East cape ; and of the islands in the east- ern ocean, stretching to the American coast. Performed by command of her imperial maj- esty Catherine the second, empress of all the Russias, by Commodore Joseph Billings, in the years 1785-94, Lond. 1802. 4i Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de. Narrative of a journey round the Dead sea and in the bible lands in 1850-51; including an account of the discovery of the sites of Sodom and Gomor- rah. Edited by Count Edward de "Warren. Lond. 1854. 2 v. 8° Saulib island. Wilkes, C. Hisfftrical, phys- ical, and descriptive account of. (ift Narra- tive of U. S. expl. exped., v. 3.) Saunders, Frederick (b. 1807). About women, love, and marriage. N. Y. 1868. 12° Mosaics. N. Y. 1859. 12° Contents . Author-craft. Books, Origin of celebrated. Bright side. Epistle to the reader. Fame. — Salad for the solitary 1853. 12° Contents : ' Human face divine.' Magic of music. Night and day. Single-blessedness. Youth and age. By an epicure. N. Books, Curious and costly. Creations from the ceme- teries. Dietetics. Dying words of distinguish- ed men. Flowers, Facts and fancies about. Infelicities of the intellect- ual. Matrimony, Monologue on. Pastimes and sports. Pleasures of the pen. Poetry of plants. Selfish and the social. Shrine of genius. Sleep and its mysteries. Something about nothing. Talkative and taciturn. Saunders, John. Bound to the wheel. N. Y. 1866. 8° Hirell. N. Y. 1870. 8° (3 cop.) Israel Mort Overman : a story of the mine. Phil. 1872. 12? (3 cop.) Shadow in the house. N. Y. 1861. 12^ Saunders, Katherine. Gideon's rock. Phil. 1871. 16? High mills. Phil. 1872. 8° Saunders, E. (pseud.). See Franklin, B. Sauniere, Paul. Eoi Misere, Le. N. Y. 1868. 8i Contents : Omelette, L' (par Oustave Droz). Roi Mis6re, Le. Truite blanche. La (par Emmanuel Domenecb). Saunterings. Warner, C. D. Saussure, Henri de. Electric resonance of mount- ains. (In Smithsonian rept. 1868.) See also Geneva (Society of physics, etc.). Saussure, Horace B6n6dict de (1740-1799). At- tempt to reach the summit of Mont Blanc, 1786. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 4.) Voyages dans les Alpes [1779]. Pr^c^d^a d'un essai sur I'histoire naturelle des environs de Geneve. Neuchatel, 1803. 8 v. 8? Phelps, A. H. L. De Saussures, The, and their writings. (In Eeviews and essays.) Saussure, Nicolas Theodore de (1767-1845). Phelps, A. H. L. De Saussures, The, and their writings. (In Eeviews and essays.) Sauzade, John S. (James Payn). Beggar on horseback ; or, a country family. N. Y. 1869. 8? (3 cop.) Blondel Parva. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 12? Bred in the bone ; or, like father like son. N.Y. 1871. 8? Carlyon's year. N. Y. 1867. 8? Cecil's tryst. N. Y. 1872. 8? (5 cop.) Found dead. N. Y. 1869. 8? (2 cop.) Garret van Horn ; or, the beggar on horse- back. N. Y. 1863. 12? (2 cop.) Gwendolike's harvest. N. Y. 1870. 8? (3 cop.) Lost Sir Massingberd. Phil. «.rf. 8? (Z cop.) Mark Gildersleeve. N. Y. 1873. 12? (6 cop.) Murphy's master. N.Y. 1873. 12? (bcop.) One of the family. N. Y. 1868. 8? (3 cop.) Woman's vengeance. N. Y. 1872. 8? (6 cop.) Won— not wooed. N.Y. 1871. 8? (b cop.) Sauzay, A. Verrerie, La, depuis les temps lea plus recul^s jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1868. 12? Wonders of glass-making in all ages; with 63 wood engravings. N. Y. 1870. 16? Sauzet, Jean Pierre Paul (b. 1800). See Orators of France. Savage, James. Genealogical dictionary of the Urst settlers of New England, showing three generations of those who came before 1692, on the basis of Farmer's Eegister. Bost. 1860. 4v. 8? Savage, John, '98 and '48: the modern revo- lutionary history and literature of Ireland. N. Y. 1860. 8? Life and public services of Andrew Johnson. Our living representative men. Savage, Marmion W, Women of business ; or, the lady and the lawyer. N. Y. 1870. 12? (2 cop.) Savage, Timothy. Amazonian republic, recent- ly discovered in the interior of Peru. N . Y, 1842. 16? Savage, 3/rs.W.T. Miramichi, Bost. 1865, 12? Savage, William, Dictionary of art of printing. Lond, 1841. 8? Savage Africa. Eeade, (W.) W. Savaii island. Wilkes, C. Descriptive and his- torical account of, (In Narrative of U, S. expl. exped., v. 2.) SAVANNAH 736 SCENES Savannah {ship). See Trial of officers, etc. Savant et le crocodile, Le. Meiry, J. {In CEu- vres, V. 14, 27.) Savery, Lillie. Home comforts ; or, economy illustrated by familiar scenes of every-day life. N. Y. 1854. 12? gavigny, Friedrich Karl von (1779-1861). His- tory of the Koman law during the middle ages. Tr. from the original German, by E. Cathcart. Edin. 1829. 2 v. 8? Savings-banks — Lewiks, W. History of banks for savings in Great Britain and Ireland. ScRATCHLEY, A. Treatise on. Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498). Milman, H. H. Savonarola. {In his Essays.) See also Pioneers. Savory, W. S. Treatise on scrofula, hysteria, and collapse. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Savoy. Murray, J. Hand-book for travelers in. Savu island — Cook, J. Passage from New South Wales to Savu ; with a description of the island, its produce, inhabitants, and their language. {In Voyages, v. 1.) Same. {la Hawkesworth's Voyages, v. 3, ed. of 1773 ; V. 4, ed. of 1785.) Sawtelle, H. A. Things to think of. S. F.1873. VH (2 cop.) Sa'Wyer, A. F. Mortuary tables of San Fran- cisco, Jan. 1, 1862. {In Pamphlets, v. 32.) Saxe, Hermann Maurice {Marshal)^ (1696-1750). Hayward, a. Essay on. {In Biog. and crit. essays, v. 1.) Saxe, John Godfrey {b. 1816). Clever stories of many nations, rendered into rhyme. Bost. 1865. Sm. 4? Fables and legends of many countries, ren- dered in rhyme. Bost. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Masquerade, The ; and other poems. Bost. 1866. 12? Money king, The ; and other poems. Bost. 1860. 12? Poems. Bost. 1864. 12? Contents : Miscellaneous poems. Money king, Ttie. Proud Miss MacJBride, The. Rape of the lock, The. Proud Miss MacBride : a legend of Gotham. Illustrations, by A. Hoppin. Bost. 1874. 12? Saxon, Mrs. E. L. (6. 1832). See Living female writers of the south. Saxon, Isabelle. Five years within the Golden gate. Phil. 1868. 12? Saxony — Batty, E. Hanoverian and Saxon scenery. Mayhew, H. German life and manners in. Saxton, CM. Hand-book on tobacco culture. N. Y. 1863. 16? Saxton, L. C. Fall of Poland ; containing an analytical and a philosophical account of the causes which conspired in the ruin of that nation, together with a history of the coun- try from its origin. N. Y. 1852. 2 v. 12? Say, Jean Baptiste (1767-1832). Treatise on po- litical economy ; or, the production, distri- bution, and consumption of wealth. Tr. by C. E. Prinsep. Phil. 1860. 8? Say and seal. Warker, Miss S. Sayer, Frederic. History of Gibraltar, and of its political relation to events in Europe ; with original letters from Elliott, Colling- wood, and Lord. Nelson. {2d ed.) Lond. 1865. 8? Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker and other learned men. Cozzens, F. S. Scalp-hunters, The. Eeid, M. Scammon, C. M. Eeport of U. S. revenue service on the west coast of California. See Browne, J. E. Eesources of Pacific slope. Scampavias from Gibel-Tarek to Stamboul. Wise, H. A. Scamper to Sebastopol and Jerusalem in 1867. Creagh, J. Scandinavia^ Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. Crichton, a., and Wheatox, H. Scandi- navia : ancient and modern. Discoveries of the Northmen. {In Cooley's Maritime and inland discovery, v. 1.) Keyser, E. Eeligion of the Northmen. Mallet, H. P. Northern antiquities. Merivale, C. Conversion of the northern nations. Pfeiffer, Mme. I. Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian north. Binding, P. C. History of. Wheaton, H. History of the Northmen. See also Denmark ; Norway ; Sweden. Scandinavian lang. and lit. — Buchanan, E. Scandinavian studies. {In his Master-spirits.) PiGOTT, G, Manual of Scandinavian mythol- ogy. Thorp, B. Northern mythology. Scapegoat, The. By Leo. Phil. 1871. 12? (5 cop.) Scarlet letter. The. Hawthorne, N. Scarlett, P. Campbell. South America and the Pacific ; comprising a journey across the pampas and the Andes, from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso, Lima, and Panama. To which are added plans and statements for establish- ing steam navigation on the Pacific. Lond. 1838. 2 v. 12? Scarron, P. Comic romance. Tr. by O. Gold- smith. Lond. 1775. 2 v. 16? Scenes and adventures in Spain, from 1835 to 1840. ByPocomas. Lond. 1845. 2 v. 8? Scenes and legends of the north of Scotland. Miller, H. Scenes and thoughts in Europe. Calvert, G. H. Scenes de campagne. Murger, H. Scenes de 1815. Soulie, M. F. {In (Euvres, V. 36.) Scenes de la vie de campagne. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 28-30.) Scenes de la vie de jeunesse. Murger, H. Scenes de la vie de province. Balzac, H. dk. {In (Euvres completes, v. 9-15.) Scenes de la vie militaire. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 27.) Scenes de la vie Parisienne. Balzac, S. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 20-23.) Scenes de la vie politique. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 24-26.) Scenes de la vie priv^e. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 1-8.) SCENES 737 SCHILLER Scenes in my native land. Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Scenes in the practice of a New York surgeon. Dixon, E. H. Scenes of clerical life. Lewes, Mrs, M. J. Schachtelnatz, Die. Holtei, K. von. {In Erziihlonde schriften, v. 1.) Schack, Adolph Friedrich v. Heldensagen von Firdusi. {lie auflage.) Berlin, 1865. 8': Stimmen vom Ganges, eine sammlung Indi- scher sagen. Berlin, 1857. 12^ Contents : Bharata. Druwa. Jadu's meerfahrt. KOnigssohn, Der. Knsa's heimkehr. Madhava und Sulotschana. Pradyumna. Pralirada. Raivata. Sakuntala. Saubhari. Tod des Dasaratha, Der. Schaefer, J. C. Manual of homoeopathic veter- inary medicine : an easy and comprehensive arrangement of diseases. Trans., with addi- tions, by C. J. Hempel. N. Y. 1871. 8^ Schaeffer, George C. Description of the struct- ure of the fossil wood from the Colorado desert, found on Williamson's explorations. See Pacific railroad, Keportof explorations, etc., V. 5, p. 339. Schafer von Kodeck, Der. Hoefer, E. {In Erzahlende schriften, v. 10.) Schaff, Philip {b. 1819). America: a sketch of the political, social, and religious character of the United States of North America, in two lectures, delivered at Berlin, with a re- port read before the German church diet at Prankfort-on-the-Main, Sept. 1854. N. Y. 1855. 12° Commentary on the gospel of John. {In Lange's Com., new test., v. 3.) History of the apostolic church ; with a gen- eral introduction to church history. Tr. by E. D. Yeomans. N. Y. 1864. 8i History of the Christian church, from the birth of Christ to the reign of Constantine, A.D. 1-311. N, Y, 1864. 8? Sohalk, Emil. Campaigns of 1862 and 1863, il- lustrating the principles of strategy. Phil. 1863. 12= (2 cop.) Schamyl, Samuel {b. 1797). Mackie, J. M. Life of. Bost. 1856. 12? Schatzkastlein des gevattersmannes, Das. Atr- ERBACH, B. {In Ges. schriften, v. 17, 18.) Sohauenburg, Ed. Keisen in central Afrika von Mungo Park, bis auf Dr. H. Barth und Dr. Ed. Vogel, 1796-1860. Lahr.re.rf. 2 v. Contents : Altere reiseberichte, v. 1. Barth, H., v. 2. Clapperton, H., v. 1. Denham, D., v. 1. Lander gebr., v. 1. Oudney, v. 1. Overweg, A., v. 2. Park, Mungo, v. 1, Richardson, J., v. 2. Vogel,Ed., V. 2. Schefer, Leopold. Artist's married life. [Be- ing that of Albert Durer.] Lond.1853. 12° Laienbrevier. ( 15te ausgabe. ) Leipzig, 1863. 12° Scheik von Alessandria, Der. Hauff, W. {In Stimm. werke, v. 4.) Schellen, H. Nebulae, comets, meteoric show- ers ; and the revelations of the spectroscope regarding them. Containing also ' Corals and coral islands,' by J. D. Dana. Bost. n.d. 12° Spectrum analysis, in its application to terres- 48 Schellen {continued) — trial substances, and the physical constitu- tion of the heavenly bodies. Tr. by J. and C. Lassell. Ed., with notes, by W. Hug- gins. Lond. 1872. 8° Schelling, Friedrich "Wilhelm Joseph von (1775- 1854). Systeme de I'idealisme transcendan- tal. Tr. de I'Allemand, par P. Grimblat. Paris, 1842. 12° Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. ScHENKEL, D, Character of Jesus portrayed. Scherr, Johannes. Bildersaal der weltliteratur. Zweite, umgearbeitete, vervollstandigte, und bis zurgegenwartfortgefiihrte auflage. Stutt- gart, 1869. 2 V. 8° Deutsche kultur und sittengeschichte. {A.te ausgabe.) Leipzig, 1870. 8° Geschichte der Deutschen literatur. {2te aus- gabe.) Leipzig, 1854. 8? Soherzer, Carl. Travels in the free states of cen- tral America : Nicaragua, Honduras, and San Salvador. Lond. 1857. 2 v. 12° Schicksal, Das. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, v. 14.) Schicksal, Ein. Hacklander, F. W. {In Werke, v. 25.) Schiel, James. Eeport on the geology of the explorations under the 38th and 41st paral- lels, 1853-4. See Pacific railroad, Keports of explorations, etc., v. 2, Schildbiirger, Die. Schwab, G. {In Deut- schen volksbiicher, Die.) Schildbiirger, Die. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, V. 9.) Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1759- 1805). Sammtliche werke. Stuttgart, 1857. 12 V. in 6. 12° Contents Braut von Messina, Die, v. 5, Briefe iiber Don Carlos, v. 19. Demetrius, v. 7. Denkwiirdigkeiten aus dem leben des Marschalls Vi- eilleville, v. 11. Don Carlos, v. 3. Gedichte, v. 1. Gegen wartige Deutsche the- ater, Das, V. 10. Geisterseher, Der, v. 10. Geschichte der unruhen in Frankreich welehe der re- giernngHeinrich'siV. vor- hergingen bis zum tode Karl's IX., v. 11. Geschichte des abfalls der verein. Niederlaiide, v. 3. Geschichte des dreissigjah- rigen krieges, v. S. Gesetzarebung des Lykurgs und Solon, Die, v. 10. Herzog von Alba bei einem frtihsttick auf dem schlos- se zu Rudolstadt im Juhre 1547, v. n. Huldigung der kilnste, Die, V. 6. Iphigenie In AuUs, v. 3. Jungfrau von Orleans, Die, V. 5. Kabale und Hebe, v. 2. Kinder deshauses. Die, v. 7. Kleine schriften vermlsch- ten inhalts, v. 11, 12. Macbeth, v. 6. Maltheser, Die, v. 7. Maria Stuart, v. 5. Menschenfeind, Der, v. 2. Netfe als otikel, Der, v. 7.. Parasit, Der, v. 7. Phadra, v. 7. Philosophische briefe, v:ltr. Rfiuber.Dle, v. 2. Schaubiihne als eine mora- lische anstalt beitrachtet, Die,v. 10. Sendung Moses, Die, v..lO. Spaziergang unter den lin- den, Der, V. 10. Spiel des schicksals, v..lff. Turandot, v. fi. Universal historische Uber- sicht der merkvviirdigsten begebenheiten zu dfen zei- ten Kaiser Friedrich des Ersten, v. U. Verbrecher aus veclorener ehre, Der, v. 10. Wallenstein, v. 4. Warbeck, v. 7. Wilhelm Tell, V. 6.. — Same. (Amer, stereot, ausgabe.) Phil. 1860. 2 v. 8? Contents : Braut von Messina, Die, v.2. Briefe, Elnige nach unge- druckte, v. 1. Briefe iiber Don Carlos, v. 1. Cabale und llebe, v. 2. Demetrius, v. 1. Don Carlos, infant von Spa- nien, v. 2. Gedichte, v. 2. Gegenvvftrtiges Deutsches theater, v. 1. Geisterseher, Der, v. 1. Geschichte des abfalls der vereinigten Kiederlande, v. 2. Geschichte des dreissigjah- rigen krieges-, v. 2. Huldigung der kiinste, Die, v.2. Iphigenie in Aulis, v. 2. Jungfrau von Orleans, Die, SCHILLER 738 SCHLEGEL Schiller {continued) — Kinder des hauses, Die, v. J. Kleinere schriften vermi- schten Inhalts, v. 1. Macbeth, v. 2. Malteser, Die, v. 1. Maria Stuart, v. 2. Menschenfeind, Der, v. 2. Neffe als onlcel, Der, v. 1. Parasit, Oder die kunst sein glilck zu machen, Der, v. 1. Phadra, v. 1. Philosophische briefe, v. 1. Phonizierinner, Scenen aus den, V. ]. Rauber, Die, v. 1. Schaubflhne, als eine mora- llsche anstalt betrachtet, Die, V. 1. Schiller's leben, Nachrich- ten aus, v. 1. Spatziergang unter den lin- den, V. 1. Spiel des schicksals, v. 1. Turandot, princessin von China, v. 2. Verbrecher aus verlorener ehre, Ein, v. 1. VerschwOrung des Fiesco zu Genua, Die, v. 2. Wallenstein, v. 2. Warbeck, v. 1. WilhelmTell, V.2. Zusammenhang der thlerl- sehennaturdes menschen mit seiner geistigen,Ueber den, V. 1. Works : historical dramas, translated. Lond. 1854. 12° Same. Lond. 1871. 12? Contents : Bride of Messina. Don Carlos. Maid of Orleans. Mary Stuart. Beiefwechsel zwischen Schiller und Gothe. {3te ausgabe.) Stuttgart, 1870. 2 v. 8° CoKRESPONDENCE between Gothe and Schiller, from 1794 to 1805. Tr. by G. H. Calvert. {In Specimens of foreign literature, v. 15, 16.) Earlt dramas and romances. Tr. from the German, chiefly by H. G. Bohn. Lond. 1865. 12° Contents: Demetrius. i Love and intrigue. Fiesco. Robbers, The. Ghost-seer, The. | Sport of destiny, The. History of the revolt of the Netherlands ; trial and execution of counts Egmont and Horn ; and the siege of Antwerp. Tr. from the German, by A. J. W. Morrison. N.Y. 1847. 12° History of the thirty years' war. Tr. from the German, by A. J. W. Morrison. N.Y. 1846. 12° (2 cop.) Letters, selected from his private correspond- ence prior to his marriage. Tr. by J. L. Weisse. Bost. 1841. 16° Lied von der glocke, Umrisse zu. Nebst an- deutungen von Moritz Retzsch. Stuttgart, 1843. Obi. f° Novels. {In Roscoe, T. German novelists, V. 4.) Poems and ballads. Tr. by Sir Edw. Bulwer- Lytton. N. Y. 1864. 12° (2 cop.) Same. Leipzig, 1864. 16. Contents : Cassandra. Hostage, The. Lay of the bell. The. Miscellaneous poems. Ring of Polycrates, The. Walk, The. Diver, The. Fight with the dragon, The. Fridolin. Glove, The. Hero and Leander. — Eevolt of the Netherlands (completed), and historical dramas. Lond.n.c?. 12° Contents : Death of Wallenstein. Tr. by S. T. Coleridge. Plccolomini, The. Tr. by S. T. Coleridge. Revolt of the Netherlands (completed). Wallenstein's camp. Tr. by James Churchill. WUhelm Tell. Tr. by Theo. Martin. Robbers, The. (Trag.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 13. Select minor poems. Tr.'by J. S. Dwight. {In Specimens of foreign literature, v. 3.) WiLHELM Tell. Stuttgart, 1853. 12° Bryant, W. C. Address, on occasion of the Schiller festival, Nov. 11, 1859, {In Ora- tions, etc.) Schiller {continued) — Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. Life of Schiller. {In Mis. prose works, v. 1.) Carlyle, T. Life of. N. Y. 1846. 12? De Quince y, T. Essay on. {In his Bio- graphical essays.") Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Characters of. Everett, A. H. Essays on. {In his Essays, 1st ser.) Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. Mcller, (F.) M. Life of. {In Chips from a German workshop, v. 3.) MuNDT, Mrs. C. (M.) Gothe and Schiller. (Hist, novel.) Palleske,E. Life and works. Tr. by Lady Wallace. Lond. 1860. 2 v. 12? — Schiller's leben und werke. (4e8crlptloii and traTel: Abbott, J. Rollo in. Garnet, — . Abstract from his account of the Drossacks. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 3.) Gonzales, M. Voyage to Scotland in 1730. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Lockhart, J. G. Peter's letters to his kins- folk. Mackenzie, G. Account of Hirta and Eona. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 3.) Martin, M. Description of the western isl- ands of. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 3.) Maxwell, W. H. Sports and adventures in the highlands and islands of Scotland. MoRFORD, H. Over-sea. Murray, J. Hand-book for travelers in. Pennant, T. Tour in Scotland, 1769. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 3.) Playfair, J. Geographical and statistical description of. Eamsay, E. B. Eeminiscences of Scottish life and character. SiLLiMAN, B. Visit to Scotland [1851]. Scotland {continued) — Historical fiction : Aytoun, W. E. Lays of the Scottish cava- liers. Blindpits. Chambers, W. Ailie Gilroy. Grant, J. Mary of Lorraine. LiPPiNCOTT, Mrs. S. J. (C.) Bonnie Scotland. Miller, H. Scenes and legends of the north of. Porter, Miss J. Scottish chiefs. Eeynolds, G. W. M. Kenneth : the earl of Glengyle. Scott, Sir W. Novels. Waterston, E. C. To Scotland. {In Bos- ton book.) Wilson, J. Lights and shadows of Scottish life. Wilson, J. M. Tales of the borders. See also Church of Scotland ; Highlands. Scotsman's tale. Lee, H. {In Good stories, v. 2.) Scott, C. L. Address, on constitutional right of secession. [In Pamphlets, v. 22.) Scott, David B. Smaller school history of the United States, from the discovery of Amer- ica to the year 1872. N. Y. 1872. 16? Scott, Dred. See Benton, T. H. Scott, Frank J. Art of beautifying suburban home grounds of small extent. N. Y. 1870. 4° Scott, George Erving. Waterloo. [Poem, 1820.] (In Cambridge prize poems.) Scott, Henry Lee (6. 1814). Military dictionary ; comprising technical definitions, information on raising and keeping troops, actual service, including makeshifts and improved materiel. N. Y. 1864. 8° Scott, Jane (iarf^). Prideoflife. Phil. n.rf. 12° Scott, Michael. Tom Cringle's log. Edin.1867. 12? Scott, Eobert. See Liddell, H. G. Scott, Eobert N. Analytical digest of the mili- tary laws of the United States: a compilation of the constitutional and statutory provis- ions concerning the military establishment, in all its branches and relations, accompa- nied by judicial and executive decisions ex- planatory of the text. Phil. 1873. 8° Scott, Eosa. Marian Wallace. N.Y. 1858. 12? Scott, Thomas (1747-1821). Holy bible, con- taining the old and new testaments accord- ing to the authorized version ; with explan- atory notes, practical observations, and co- pious marginal notes. Bost. 1830. 6 V. 4? Scott, Thomas. English life of Jesus. Loud. 1872. 12? Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832). Poetical works ; with a memoir of the author. Bost. 1857. 9v. 16? Contents : Auchlndrane ; or, the Ayr- shire tragedy : trag. , v. 9. Ballads, translated or Imi- tated from the German, v. 6. Bridal of Triermaln.The, v. 8. Doom of Devorgoll, The, v. 9. Field of Waterloo, The, v. 8. GoetzofBerlichingen: trag., V. 9. Halidon hill : dr., v. 8. Earold the dauntless, v. 8. House of Aspen , The : trag. , V. 9. Imitations of ancient bal- lads, V. 6. Lady of the lake. The, v. 3. Lay of the last minstrel, v. 1. Lord of the isles, The, v. 5. MacDulfy's cross : dr., v. 8. Marmion, v. 2. Memoir of Sir W. Scott, v. 1. Miscellaneous poems, v. 7. Koiceby, v. 4. Songs, etc., v. 6. Vision of Don Roderick, v. 4. SCOTT 744 SCOTT Scott {continued) — Same. Complete in one vol. With all his in- troductions and notes ; also, various read- ings, and the editor's notes. Bost, 1855. 8? Same. Complete in two vols. Leipzig, 1861. 16° Same. With a sketch of his life, by J. W. Lake. Phil. 1851. 8? Abbot, The. Bost. 1850. 2v.ini. 16° Same. Edin. 1856. 8? Same. Phil. 1860. 2 v. 16° Same. Leipzig, 1860. 16? Same. Bost. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Anke of Geierstein. Phil. 1860. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? Antiquary, The. Leipzig, 1845. 16? Same. Bost. 1850. 2 v. in 1. 16? Same. Bost. 1852. 12? Same. Phil. 1859. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1869. 2v.ini. 12? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? Betrothed, The ; and Highland widow, The. Edin. 1857. 8? Same. Bost. 1869. 12? Same. Bost. 1871. 12? Betrothed, The ; and Talisman, The. [Tales of the crusaders.] Bost. 1853. 12? Black dwarf. Edin. 1852. 8? Same. Leipzig, 1858. 16? Same. And Legend of Montrose. Bost. 1850. 2 V. in 1. 12? Same. Bost. 1869. 2v.ini. 12? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1, 12? Bride of Lammermoor. Bost. 1857. 2 v. 12? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. 12? Same. Bost. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 16? Same. Edin. n.d. 16? Castle Dangerous. Bost. 1852. 12? (In Tales of a grandfather.) Same. Bost. 1860. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1869. 12? (In Surgeon's daugh- ter.) Chronicles of the Canongate. ( lat ser. ) Bost. 1852. 12? Contents : Chronicles of the Canongate. Laird 's Jock , The. My aunt Margaret's mirror. Tapestried chamber, The. Two drovers, The. Count Eobert of Paris. Bost. 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. Edin. 1857. 8? Same. Phil. 1860. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1869. 2v.ini. 12? (2 cop.) Fair maid of Perth. Bost. 1867. 12? Same. Bost. 1871. 2v.ini. 12? (2 cop.) Fortunes of Nigel. Leipzig, 1846. 16? Same. Bost. 1850. 2 v. 12? Same. Edin. 1857. 8? Same. Phil. 1860. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1870. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? Guy Mannering. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? (4 cop.) Heart of Mid-Lothian, The. Edin. 1856. 8? Same. Phil. 1860. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1862. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1870. 2 v. in 1. 8? (2 cop.) Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 8? (2 cop.) Scott (continued) — Highland widow ; and other tales. Phil. 1864. 12? Contents : Chronicles of the Canongate. i My aunt Margaret's mirror. Highland widow, The. ^ Tapestried chamber, The. Laird's Jock, The. I Two drovers. The. — History of Scotland [81 to 1603]. (iVew ed.) Lond. 1857. 2 v. 12? IVANHOE. Leipzig, 1845. 16? Same. Bost. 1866. 2 v. 12? (4 cop.) Same. Bost. 1871. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Bost. 1872. 12? (2 cop.) Same, (n.t.p.) 12? Same. Traduit par A. Dumas. Paris, 1862. 2 V. in 1. 12? Kenilworth. Phil. 1860. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. Phil. 1861. 2 v. 12? Same. Bost. 1868. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Bost. 1872. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Lady of the lake. Illustrated. N.Y.n.d. 8? Same. (In Deliciae poetarum Scotorum.) Lay of the last minstrel. (In Deliciaa poeta- rum Scotorum.) Legend of Montrose. Phil. 1860. 16? Letters on demonology and witchcraft. N. T. 1848. 16? H. F. lib., v. 11. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, emperor of the French ; with a preliminary view of the French revolution. Life of Dryden. (In Dryden's Works, v. 1.) Marmion. (In DeliciiE poetarum Scotorum.) Memoir of H. Mackenzie. (In Miscellane- ous works.) Monastery, The. Edin. 1856. 8? Same. Bost. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. Phil. n.d. 2 v. 16? Old Mortality. Leipzig, 1846. 16? Same. Bost. 1850. 16? (Jn Black dwarf, etc.) Same. Edin. 1857. 8? Same. Phil. 1859. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1869. 2v.ini. 12? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? Paul's letters to his kinsfolk. Edin. 1816 16? Peveril of the Peak. Bost. 1850. 2 V. in 1 12? Same. Edin. 1857. 8? Same. Phil. 1860. 3 v. 16? Same. Leipzig, 1860. 2 v. in 1. 16? Same. Bost. 1871. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Bost. n.d. 2 v. 12? Pirate, The. Leipzig, 1846. 12? Same. Phil. 1860. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) QuENTiN Durward. Leipzig, 1845. 16? Same. Bost. 1853. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Same. Phil. 1860. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) Kedgauntlet. Edin. 1857. 8? Same. Bost. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 12? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? KoB Koy. Leipzig, 1846. 16? Same. Edin. 1852. 8? Same. Phil. 1859. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? St. Konan's well. Bost. 1853. 2 v. inl. 12< Same. Edin. 1857. 8? Same. Phil. 1860. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12? (2 cop.) SCOTT 745 SCREW Tapestried chamber, The. Two drovers, The. Scott (continued) — Saint Valentine's day. Bost. 1850. 2 v. in 1. 16° Surgeon's daughter. Bost. 1869. 2 v. in 1. 12^ (2 cop.) Contents : Castle Dangerous, v. 2. Surgeon's daughter, v. 1. Tales of a grandfather. {1st ser.) Bost. 1852. 2v.ini. 12^ Contents : Castle Dangerous. Tales of a grandfather. Same. (2d ser.) Bost. 1852. 2v.ini. 12° (2 cop.) Same. (Bd ser.) Bost. 1852. 2v.ini. 12° Same. (Uh ser.) Bost. 1852. 2 v. in 1. 12^ (2 cop.) Tales of the crusaders : 1, Betrothed ; 2, Talisman. Talisman, The. Edin. 1857. 8° Contents: Laird's Jock, The. My Aunt Margaret's mirror. TaUsman, The. i — Same. Phil. 1860. 16° Same. Bost. 1869. 12° "Waverley ; or, 'tis sixty years since. Leip- zig, 1845. 16° Same. Bost. 1850. 2 v. 16° Same. Edin. 1852. 8? 8ame. Phil. 1859. 2 v. 16? Same. Bost. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 12° (2 cop.) "Woodstock. Phil. 1860. 2 v. 16° Same. Bost. 1869. 2v.ini. 12° (2 cop.) Bryant, "W. C. Address, on the unveiling of the statue of Sir Walter Scott, in Central park, Nov. 4, 1872. (In Orations, etc.) Hazlitt, W. Scott, Kacine, and Shake- speare. (In Pli^in speaker, v. 2.) Hugo, V. (M.) A propos de Quentin Dur- ward. (In Litterature et philosophic melees, V. 1.) Jellett, J. H. Poetry of. {In Afternoon lectures, etc., v. 5.) Jerrold, (W.) B. Day with. (In Best of all good company, 1st ser.) LocKHART, J. G. Memoirs of the life of Sir "Walter Scott ; with autobiography prefixed. Edin. 1848-53. 10 v. 16? Mackenzie, E. S. Story of his life. Bost. 1871. IT. MacLeod, X. D. Life of. N. Y. 1854. 12? Prescott, W. H. Character of. {In Boston book.) — Essay on. (In Characteristics of men of genius.) Same. (In North Am. rev., v. 46, p. 431.) Schmidt, J. Critical and literary review of. (In Bilder aus dem geistigen leben.) Warner, K. Illustrations, critical, historical, biographical, and miscellaneous, of novels by the author of ' Waverley.' See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 3. Scott, William Anderson. Achan in El Dora- do ; or, the wedge of gold. S. F. 1855. 16? Christ of the apostle's creed. N. Y. 1867. 8? Church in the army ; or, the four centurions. N. Y. 1862. 12? Daniel: a model for young men. N. Y. 1854. 12? Scott (continued) — Esther : the Hebrew-Persian queen. S. F. 1859. 12? Giant judge, The ; or, the story of Samson, the Hebrew Hercules. S. F. 1856. 12? Influence of great cities, The : lecture, before the M. L. A. of S. F., June 16, 18.'S4. S. F. 1854. 8? (In Pamphlets, v. 14, 22.) Lecture on the Chinese empire, delivered be- fore the Mechanics' institute, Jan. 26, 1854. New Orleans, 1854. 8? (In Pamphlets, v. 17.) Scott, William B. Albert Diirer : his life and works. Including autobiographical papers and complete catalogues. Illustrated. Lond. 1869. 12? Gems of modern German art : a series of car- bon-photographs from the pictures of emi- nent modern artists, with remarks, and an essay on the schools of Germany. Lond. 1873. 4? Scott, Winfield (1786-1866). Infantry tactics; or, rules for the exercise and manoeuvres of the TJ. S. infantry. {New ed.) N. Y. 1858. 3 V. 16? Memoirs of Winfield Scott ; written by him- self. N. Y. 1864. 2 V. 12? Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In OflT-hand takings.) Headley, J. T. Life of Andrew Jackson and. N. Y. 1852. 12? Mansfield, E. D. Life and services of. N. Y. 1852. 8? See also Daring deeds of American heroes. Scottish ballads and songs — AiNSLiE, H. Scottish ballads and songs. Aytoun, W. E. Lays of the Scottish cava- liers. Child, F, J. {Ed.) English and Scottish ballads. Gilpin, S. Songs and ballads of the Cum- berland. Motherwell, W. Minstrelsy, ancient and modern . • KoGERs, C. Modern Scottish minstrel, The. Songs of England and Scotland. Scottish chiefs. Porter, Miss J. Scottish proverbs — HiSLOP, A. (Ed.) Proverbs of Scotland. Kelly, J. Complete collection of. Scottish surnames. See Names. Scouring of the white horse ; or, the long vaca- tion of a London clerk. Hughes, T. Scout, The. SIMMS, W. G. Scoville, Joseph A. ( Walter Barrett, clerk). Old merchants of New York city. (4 series.) N. Y. 1863-6. 4 v. 12? Scrambles amongst the Alps. Whymper, E. Scratchley, Arthur. Practical treatise on bene- fit building societies, and local enterprise en- couragement companies, {^th ed.) Lond. 1869. 12? Practical treatise on savings-banks. Lond. 1862. 8? Treatise on life assurance and reversions ; also, an alphabetical digest of the law, af- fording a ready reference to all decided cases. Specially designed for the use of managers and directors. Lond. 1867. 12? Screw propellers. See Propellers. SCREW 746 SEA Sore^w propulsion. See Steam navigation. Scribe, Augustin Eugene (1791-1861). (Euvres choisies. Paris, 1845. 5 v. 12? [V. 3-5 wanting.] Contents : Ambassadeur, L', v. 2. Charlatanisme, Le, v. 2. Coiffeur et le perruquier, Le, V. 2. Confident, Le, v. 2. Demoiselle ft niarier, La, v. 2. Deux prficepteurs, Les, v. 1. Intfirieur d'un bureau, L', v. 1. Int6rieur d'une etude, L', v. 1. Frontin, mari-gar('on,v. 1. Haine d'une femme, La, v. 2. Lege du portier, La, v. 1. Mattresse au logis. La, v. 1. Mansarde des artistes. La, v. 2. Mariage de raison, Le, v. 2. M6moires d'un colonel de hussards, v. 1. Menteur v^ridique, Le, v. 1. Michel et Christine, v. 1. Nouveau Pourceaugnac, Le, V. 1. Nuit d'un garde national, v. 1. Ours et le pacha, L', v. 1. Plus beau jour de la vie, Le, V. 2. Premieres amours, Les, v. 2. Quarantaine, La, v. 2. Secretaire et le cuisinier, Le, v. 1. Simple histoire, V. 2. Solliciteur, Le, v. 1. Somnambule, La, v. \. — Jewess, The. Tr. by T. H . Lacy . (Komant. drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 33. NoELiE. Paris, n.d. 12? Woman that was a cat. (Sketch.) Lacy's Plays, V. 72. Soribner's monthly : an illustrated magazine for the people. Conducted by J. G. Holland. V. 1 (Nov. 1870) to 6 (Oct. 1873). N. Y. 1870-73. 6 V. 8? Scripture portraits. Stanley, A. P. Scriver, Christian. Gotthold's emblems ; or, invisible things understood by things that are made. Bost. 1860. 12. Scrofula. Savoky, W. S. Treatise on scrofu- la, hysteria, and collapse. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Scrolls, panels, and general ornament. Gibbs, W. Hand-book of. Scrope, G. Poulett. Volcanoes : the character of their phenomena, with a descriptive cata- logue of all known volcanoes and volcanic formations. (2rf ed.) Lond. 1862. 8? Scrope, William. Days of deer-stalking in the forest of Atholl ; with some account of the nature and habits of the red deer. (3rf ed.) Lond. 1847. 8? Scrymgeour, Daniel. Poetry and poets of Brit- ain. Edin. 1864. 12? Scudder, David Coit. Sctjdder, H. E. Life and letters of. N. Y. 1864. 12? (2 cop.) Scudder, Horace E. Dream children. Camb., Mass., 1864. 16? (2 cop.) Life and letters of David Coit Scudder. Scudder, John (1793-1855). Waterbury, J. B. Memoir of. N. Y. 1870. 12? Scudder, Samuel H. Catalogue of the orthop- tera of North America described previous to 1867. {In Smithsonian mis. coll., v. 8.) Scudery, Madeleine de (1607-1701). Cousin, V. Mademoiselle de Scudery : son caractere ; les amis et amies de. {In Soci6t6 Fran9aise au XVII. siecle, v. 2.) Scully, William. Brazil : its provinces and chief cities ; with agricultural, commercial, and other statistics. Lond. 1866. 12? Sculpture and sculptors — BoTTA, M. P. E. Monument de Ninive. Clement, Mrs. C. E. Painters, sculptors, etc. Cunningham, A. Lives of British sculptors and painters. Exhibition of art-industry in Paris, 1855. Fergusson, J. Tree and serpent worship [Buddhist]. Sculpture {continued) — Flaxman, J. Lecture on sculpture. Jarves, J. J. Art-hints. Jones, O., and Goury, J. Plans, elevations, sections, and details of the Alhambra. LiJBKE, W. History of sculpture. Mus:feE Fran9ai8, Le. Musi&E royal, Le. NiccoLiNi, F. and F. Case ed i monumenti di Pompei, Le. Perkins, C. C. Italian sculptors. — Tuscan sculptors. E.U8KIN, J. Essay on sculpture. {In True and beautiful.) Sculpture-gallery, The. Smith, K. M..,and Porcher, E. A. History of the recent discoveries at Cyrene. Spooner, S. Lives of eminent sculptors. {In Biog. hist, of fine arts.) Vasari, G. Lives of the most eminent sculp- tors. ViARDOT, L. Wonders of. Waring, J. B. Masterpieces of industrial art and sculpture at the international exhibition, 1862. [Illustrated.] Wyatt, M. D. Sculpture in ivory. Sculpture. [A poem.] Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. {In Cambridge prize poems.) Sculpture -gallery. The: a series of eighty- one engravings ; with descriptive prose and illustrative poetry, by J. Dafforne and other living authors, preceded by an historical and critical essay on sculpture, ancient and mod- ern. Lond. n.d. f? Sc3rthians. Heeren, A. H. L. Historical re- searches of the, V. 2. Sea — Bertram, J. G. Harvest of the. Forbes, E. Natural history of the European seas. Hartwig, G. Sea, and its living wonders. KiNGSLEY, C. Glaucus ; or, wonders of the shore. Landrin, a. Monstres marins, Les. — Plages de la France, Les. Lewes, G. H. Sea-side studies at Ilfracombe. Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the. MiCHELETrJ. Mcr, La. — Sea, The. ScHLEiDEN, M. J. Meer, Das. SoNREL, L. Bottom of the. — Fond de la mer, Le. Thomson, C. W. Depths of the. Verne, J. Twenty thousand leagues under the. (Fiction.) Wraxall, L. Life in the. See also Naval ; Ocean ; Shipwrecks ; and the names of seas and oceans. Sea and shore. Adams, W. T. Sea and the sailor. Colton, W. Sea coast defense. Barnard, J. G. Notes on. See also Fortification. Sea drifts. McLeod, Mrs. G. A. H. Sea-gift. Fuller, E. W. Sea-gull rock. Sandeau, J. Sea kings and naval heroes. Edgar, J. C. Sea kings of Norway. See Heimskringla. Sea lions, The; or, the lost sealers. Cooper, J. F. Sea nettles. See Acalephs. Sea of ice. St. John, P. B. r SEA-SICKNESS 747 SECRET Sea-sickness — Barker, F. Sea-sickness. CoMETTANT, O. Physiologie du mal de mer. (In Nouveau monde, Le.) Practical description and cure of. Pts. i.,ii. St. Petersburg, 1800, 2 v. 8°. (Russian.) Sea-side musings on Sundays and week-days. ~ H. Lewes, G. H. 1858. 12° Boyd, A. K Sea-side studies. Sea stories. N. Y Barry O'Relrdon, the navi- gator. Byron's narrative of the loss of the Wager. Carl Bliiben and the strange mariner. Frigate and the privateer. Frigate's tender, The. Irish pilot on board the Iiuliaman. Contents : Manuscript found in a bot- tle. Pearl-diver of Bahrem. Saint Escarpio's bone.s. Story of Richard Falconer. Sunken rock, TTie. Vanderdecken's message home. Why the sea is salt Sea-"weeds — Clarke, L. L. Common sea-weeds of the British coast and the channel islands. Gatty, Mrs. A. British. Mackie, S. J. Sea-weeds as objects of de- sign. (In Art-studies from nature.) Seaboard parish. MacDonald, G. Seabury, Samuel (1728-1813). Hayden, S. AVashington and his masonic compeers. SeaclifF. De Forest, J. W. Seafleld, Frank. Literature and curiosities of dreams : a commonplace book of specula- tions concerning the mystery of dreams and visions, records of curious and well-authen- ticated dreams, and notes of various modes of interpretation adopted in ancient and in modern times. Lond. 1865. 2 v. 12° Sealed packet. Trollope, T. A. Sealsfleld, Charles (1797-1864). Adventures in Texas. Abridged from the German, by Frederick Hardman. (Maga, Nov. and Dec. 1843.) (In Tales from Blackwood, v. 5, 6.) Cabin book, The ; or, national characteristics. Lond. 1852. 12° Seaman, Ezra C. American system of govern- ment : its character and workings, its defects, outside party machinery and influences, and the prospeiity of the people under its protec- tion. N. Y. 1870. 12= Commentaries on the constitution and laws, peoplesandhistory of thelJ.S.; and upon the great rebellion. Ann Arbor, 1863. 8° Essays on the progress of nations in civiliza- tion, productive industry, wealth, and popu- lation. N. Y^ 1853. 12° Same. N. Y". 1868. 12°. Views of nature, and of the elements, forces, and phenomena of nature and of mind. N. Y. 1873. 12? Seaman's friend. The. Dana, K. H. Seamen. Plimsoll, S. Our seamen : an ap- peal. Search, after sunbeams. Herbert, M. E. [Lady). Search after truth. Malebranche, N. Treat- ise concerning the. Search for winter sunbeams. Cox, S. S. Searle, January {pseud.). See Phillips, G. S. Sears, Barnas, Edwards, B. B., a>id Felton, C. C. Classical studies : essays on ancient literature and art, with biography and cor- respondence of eminent philologists. Bost. 1843. 12° Sears, Edmund Hamilton {b. 1810). Athana- sia; or, foregleams of immortality. (Zd ed.) Bost. 1858. 12° Same, (llth ed.) Phil. 1878. 12? Fourth gospel the heart of Christ. (2d ed.) Bost. 1872. 12? Pictures of the olden time, as shown in the fortunes of a family of the Pilgrims. Bost. 1857. 12? Eegeneration. Bost. 1854. 12? Seasons, The — HowiTT, M. Pictorial calendar of. MossMAN, S. Origin of. Seasons, The. Thomson, J. (In Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1.) Same. (In his Poetical works, v. 1.) Seasons with the sea-horses. Lamont, J. Seat of empire. Coffin, C. C. Seaton,William Winston (1785-1866). William Winston Seaton, of the National intelligen- cer. Bost. 1871. 12? Seats and saddles. Dwyer, F. Sebald de Weert. Voyages of. (In Harris, J. Voy., V. 1.) Sebastian, Clerk. Eules on architecture. St. Petersburg, 1795. 8? (Russian.) Sebastopol — Creagh, J. Scamper to Sebastopol and Je- rusalem in 1867. KussELL, W. H. Todleben's defense of Se- bastopol [1854-5]. See also Crimea. Secchi, Angelo (Padre). Researches in electrical rheometry. (In Smithsonian contrib., v. 3.) Secessia. See South, The ; U. S. (war of 1861- 5). Secession — Bledsoe, A. T. Is Davis a traitor ; or, was secession a constitutional right previous to the war of 1861 ? Brownlow, W. G. Sketches of the rise, progress, and decline of. See also State rights ; U. S. (war of 1861-5). Second, Alb^ric. A quoi tient I'amour, etc. Paris, 1856. 12? Contents: Bienfaiteur et sa victime, Un. Dette ft la patrie, La. Idylle. MCmoires d'un horn me heureux,Les. Mercadet, LacentiSme representation de. Prix d'honneur, Un. Secondes noces de Sir Archibald Thornton, Les. Souhaits de mauvaise annCe, Les. Stalle deM. de Rothschild, La. Voyage d'agr6ment aux Pyrfinfies. Second church, or Old North (Boston). EoB- BiNS, C. History of. Second love. Martell, M. Secondes noces de Sir Archibald Thornton, Les. Second, A. Secondthoughts, Solomon (pseud.). See Ken- nedy, J. P. Secret de Gavotte, Le. Musset, L. C. A. de. (In Contes.) Secret passion. The. Williams, E. F. (In Shakespeare novels.) Secret societies — Brothier, p. Monita secreta societas Jesu. De Quincey, T. Essay on. (In Historical and critical essays.) Hodde, L. de la. History of the secret socie- ties of France. SECRET 748 SEINE Secret societies {continued) — Library of entertaining knowledge. Secret societies of the middle ages. Lond. 1837. 12° Contents . Assassins, The. Secret tribunals of Westphalia. Templars, The. Memoirs of the secret societies of the south of Italy, particularly the Carbonari. Lond. 1821. 12° Modern Ireland : its secret societies, etc. By an Ulsterman. ViLLETARD, E. Histoire de I'Internationale. See also Freemasonry ; Illuminates ; Knights. Secretaire intime, Le. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Secrets de la princesse de Cadignan, Les. Bal- zac, H. DE. {In CEuvres completes, v. 21.) Sects — GoRRiE, P. D. Churches and sects of the United States. Hayward, J, Book of religions. NoYES, J. H. History of American social- isms. "Where is the city ? See also Doctrines; and the names of sects. Sedaine, M. See Burgoyne, J. Sedgwick, Catharine Maria (1789-1867). Facts and fencies for school-day reading : a sequel to 'Morals of manners.' N. Y. 1873. 16? (2 cop.) Hope Leslie ; or, early times in Massachusetts. ISr. Y. 1855. 12° LiNWOODS, The. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. 12° Memoir of Joseph Curtis, a model man. New England tale, A. N. Y. 1852. 12? Dewey, M. E. Life and letters of. N. Y. 1871. 12? Sedg^wick, Mrs. S. L. "Walter Thornley ; or, a peep at the past. N. Y. 1859. 12? Sedgwick.Theodore (1811-1859). Treatise on the measure of damages ; or, an inquiry into the principles which govern the amount of com- pensation recovered in suits at law. N. Y. 1847. 8? Sedley, Henry. Dangerfield's rest ; or, before the storm. N. Y. 1864. 12? Marian Rooke ; or, the quest for fortune. N. Y. 1865. 12? (3 cop.) Seebohm, Frederic. Oxford reformers : John Colet, Erasmus, and Thos. More. A his- tory of their fellow-work. {2d ed.) Lond. 1869. 8? Seed-time and harvest. Reuter, F. 'Seeing the steamer off.' Harte, F. B. {In Mrs. Skaggs's husbands, etc.) Seek and find. Adams, "W. T. Seeley, John Robert. Ecce homo : a survey of the life and work of Jesus Christ. Bost. 1866. 12? Liberal education in universities. {In Essays on a liberal education.) Roman imperialism ; and other lectures and essays. Bost. 1871. 12? Contents : Art, Elementary principles In. Church, The, as a teacher of morality. English in schools. Liberal education In universities. Milton's poetry. Milton's political opinions. Roman imperialism (3 articles'). The teaching of politics : an inaugural lecture, de- livered at Cambridge. Seelye, Julius Hawley. "Way, the truth, and the life, The : lectures to educated Hindus, de- livered on his late visit to India. Bost. 1873. 12? See also Education in Japan ; Schwegler, A. Seemann, Berthold. Narrative of the voyage of her H. M. S. Herald during the years 1845- 51, under the command of Captain Henry Kellett, R. N. ; being a circumnavigation of the globe, and three cruises to the arctic re- gions in search of Sir John Franklin. Lond. 1853. 2 V. 8? See also Pim, B. Seerauller, Mrs. Anne Moncure Crane {d. 1873). Emily Chester. Bost. 1864. 12? Same. Bost. 1868. 12? Opportunity. Bost. 1867. 12? (6 cop.) Reginald Archer. Bost. 1871. 12? {10 cop.) Seen and the unseen, The. Peabody, E. {In Boston book.) Seer, The. Hunt, (J. H.) L. Seguier, Frederick Peter. Critical and commer- cial dictionary of the works of painters ; comprising 8,850 sale notes of pictures and 980 original notes on the subjects and styles of various artists who have painted in the schools of Europe between the years 1250 and 1850. Lond. 1870. 8? Segur, Eugene {comtesse de), {nSe Rostopchine), {b. 1799). Auberge de I'ange-gardien, L'. (5e M.) Paris, 1869. 12? BoN petit diable, Un. Paris, 1865. 12? BoNS enfants, Les. (4e 6d.) Paris, 1868, 12? CoMfiDiEs et proverbes. (Juvenile.) (3e id.) Paris, 1869. 12? Contents : Caprices de Gizelle, Les. Dtner de Mademoiselle Justine. Forga", ou a tout p€ch6 misfiricorde, Le. On ne preiid pas les mouches avec du vinaigre. Petit de Crac, Le. DiLOY le Chemineau. Paris, 1868. 12? Fortune de Gaspard, La. Paris, 1867. 12? Inn, The ; or, the guardian angel. Tr. from the French, by Miss H. T. Adams. Bost. 1871. 12? Jean qui grogne et Jean qui rit. {Be 6d.) Pa- ris, 1869. 12? Malheurs de Sophie, Les. (6e id.) Paris, 1868. 12? Mauvais g^nie, Le. Paris, 1869. 12? Vacances, Les. Paris, 1869. 12? Segur, Louis Philippe {comte de), (1753-1830). M^moires, souvenirs et anecdotes. Paris, 1859. 2 V. 12? Contents : LIgne, Prince de, Pensfies et lettres du, v. 2. Mfimoires, v. 1, 2. See also Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Segur, Philip Paul {comte de), {son of the preced- ing), {b. 1780). History of the expedition to Russia, undertaken by the emperor Napo- leon in the year 1812. N. Y, 1841. 2 v. 16? H. F. lib., V. 141, 142. Seigliere, La. Sandeau,J. (7n(Euvres,v.8.) Seiler, Emma. Voice in singing. The. Trans, from the German. Phil. 1868. 12? Sein oder nicht sein. Andersen, H. C. {In Ges. schriften, v. 1.) Seine frau. Putlitz, G. H. G. {In Lustspiele, v. 3.) SEJOUR 749 SELVES Sejovir, Victor. Outlaw of the Adriatic. (Ro- mantic dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 45. See also Barriere, T, (Euvres. Selborne {Eng.). "White, G. Natural history of. Selbovirne {Lord), (Roundell Palmer), ^e Po- litical portraits. Selby, Charles. Bonnie fish-wife. (Mus. inter- lude.) Lacy's Plays, v. 37. Boots at the Swan. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 34. Catching an heiress. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, V. 39. Caught by the ears. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 41, Day in Paris. Lacy's Plays, v. 69. Dbapkry question. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 33. Fkarful tragedy in the Seven Dials. Lacy's . Plays, V. 31. FiKE-KATER. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 4. Frederick of Prussia. (Burletta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 32. Harold Hawk. Lacy's Plays, v. 38. Hotel charges. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 12. Hour at Seville, An. (Protean interl.) La- cy's Plays, V. 58. Hunting a turtle. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 40. Husband of my heart. The. Lacy's Plays, V. 2. Kinge Richard ye third. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 40. Lady and gentleman in a peculiar perplexing predicament. Lacy's Plays, v. 69. Last of the pigtails. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 37. Marble heart. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 15. Married rake. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 71. My aunt's husband. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 37. My friend the major. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 16. Paris and pleasure. (Burl.) Lacy's Plays, V. 49. Peggy Green. (Comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 42. Pet lamb. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, v. 47. Pirates of Putney. (Naut. extrav.) Lacy's Plays, V. 60. Poor nobleman. (Serio-comic dr.) Lacy's Plays, V. 53. Robert Macaire. (Melo - drama.) Lacy's Plays, V. 30. Spanish dancers. (Burletta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 49. Unfinished gentleman. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 34. "Widow's victim. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 62. "Witch of "Windermere, The. (Com.) La- cy's Plays, V. 84. Young mother. (Drama.) Lacy's Plays, v. 39. Selby, Prideaux John. Parrots. Edin. 1833-43. 16? {In Jardine's Nat. lib., v. 10.) Pigeons. Edin. 1833-43. 16? {In Jardine's Nat. lib., V. 9.) Selby, Thomas H. Valedictory address ; with inaugural address of "Wm. Alvord, Dec. 4, 1871. S. F. 1871. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 28.) Selden, John (1584-1654). Table-talk; with a biographical preface and notes, by S. "W. Singer. {2d ed.) Lond. 1856. 12? AiKiN, J. Lives of J. Selden and Archbp. Usher. Lond. 1812. 12? Johnson, G. W. Memoirs of. Lond. 1835. 12? See also Lawyers, Lives of eminent British. Select British eloquence. Goodrich, C. A. {Ed.) Select decisions. Hare, J . I. C. , and "Wallace, H. B. Select methods in chemical analysis (chiefly in- organic). Crookes, "W. Select portions of scripture. Gibbons, T. Select reviews of literature and spirit of foreign magazines, selected as a monthly miscellany. Phil. 1812. 2 V. 8? Select works of the British poets. Frost, J. Selections from sonnets and odes. Petrarch, F. Selections of war lyrics. Darley, F. O. C. {Ed.) Selena, ou la famille Saman^enne. GLKizi:s, J. A. Self-aid cyclopaedia. Burn, R. S. Self-defense. See Physical training. Self-education. Gerando, J. M. de. Self-formation ; or, the history of an individual mind. Intended as a guide for the intellect through difficulties to success. Lond. 1837. 2 V. 12? Self-help. Smiles, S. Self-made. Welty, Mrs. E. A. Self-made men. Seymour, C. C. B. N. T. 1858. 12? ^ Contents : Andersen, H. C. Arkwright, Sir R. Bloomfleld, R. Booue, D. Bowditch, N. Bramah, J. Brindley, J. Burns, R. Burntt, E. Canova, A. Cartwright, E. Claj', H. Cobbett, W. Cook, Capt. J. Davy, Sir H. Dickens, C. Dodsley, B. Duval, V. J. Evans, O. Falconer, W. Fichte, J. G. Fitch, J. Fox, G. Franklin, B. Fulton, R. Gilford, W. Girard, S. Hargreaves, J. Henry, P. Heyne, C. G. Holcrolt.T. Hutton, W. Jackson, A. Jones, J. P. Jones, Sir W. Kant, E. Lawrence, A. Lawrence, Sir T. Ledyard, J. Leisler, J. Maury, M. F. Murray, Dr. A. Niebuhr, C. Phips, Sir W. Posey, T. Prideaux, J. Putnam, I. Rittenhouse, D. Rumford, Count. Sherman, R. Smith, Capt. J. Stephenson, Q. Vayrlnge, P. Watt, J. Wayne, A. Webster, D. West, B. White, H. K. Whitney, E. Whittemore, A. Williams, R. Wilson, A. Self-sacriflce. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. "W. Selkirk, Alexander (1676-1723). Account of the finding of Alexander Selkirk by Capt. "Woodes Rogers on his visit to the island of Juan de Fernandez in 1708. {In Drake's Coll. voy.) Notice of. {In Burney's Voyages, v. 4, pp. 448, 461, 465.) Rogers, W. {Capt.). Account of Selkirk's living four years and four months on an isl- and. (In Voy. round the world, 1708-11.) Selkirk, J. B. Bible truths, with Shakespearian parallels. Lond. 1872. 12? Selves {Col.), {Suleiman Pacha). MiLNES, R. M. Article on. {In Monographs, personal and social.) SELWYN 750 SERMONS Selwyn, 'Williain (1774-1855). Abridgment of the law of nisi prius ; with notes and ref- erences to the decisions of the courts of this country, by H. "Wheaton, T. I. Wharton, and E. E. Law. Sixth American ed., with a supplement, by J. G. Marvin. Phil. 1848. 2v. 8°. Semaine litt^raire. N. Y. 1868. 8? Contents : Ascension au Vfisuve, par L., C. Callirhoe, par Sand, Maurice. Fauvette, Une, par Salntlne, J. X. B. Mademoiselle d'Avremont, par RivlSre, Henri, Malnfrol, Jacques, par About, Edmond. Semaine littt5raire. Houssaye, A. {In Eoman de la duchesse, Le.) Semaine litteraire. Journal. N. Y. 1866 [odd numbers]. (In Heritiere d'unministre, L'.) Semanario de la Nueva Granada : miscelanea de ciencias, literatura, artes y industria. Cal- DAS, F. J. DE. Semele. Mereweather, J. D. Semeleder, Eriedrich. Khinoscopy and laryn- goscopy : their value in practical medicine. Tr. from the German, by E. T. Caswell. N. Y. 1866. 8? Semi-attached couple. Lewis, T. (Lady). Semi-detached house. Lewis, T. {Lady) . Seminary bell. Butler, C. Senainole -war — Clay, H. Speech on the. {In his Speeches, Florida war. Public documents relating to the. {n.t.p.) [Lettered on back 'Florida war.'] GiDDiNGs, J. E. Exiles of Florida. See also Florida. Seminoles, The. Irving, W. {In Wolfert's Koost.) Semiramis {Queen). Meltille, G. J. "W. Sarchedon : a legend of the great queen. (Hist, fiction.) Semiramis. (Opera.) Mf!RT,J. (7« (Euvres, V. 2.) Semitic (or Shemitic) languages. Franck, A. Histoire g^nerale et systerae compart d^s lan- gues S^mitiques, par E. Renan. {In Etudes oriental es.) Semitic monotheism. MUller, (F.)Max. {In Chips from a German workshop, v. 1.) Semmes, Raphael (6. 1810). Cruise of the Ala- bama and the Sumter. N. Y. 1864. 12^ Memoirs of service afloat, during the war be- tween the states. Bait. 1869. 8? Semple, Robert. Day, Mrs. F. H. Sketch of. {In Early settlers of California.) Seneca, Lucius Annseus (5 B.C. to a.d. 65). Workes. Newlv inlarged and corrected, by T. Lodge. Lond. 1620. tl Contents : Of the eonstancie of a wise man. . Rest and retirement of a wise man. Shortness of life. Tract of blessed life. Tranquilltle and peace of the mliide. Treatise on anger. — Morals, by way of abstract ; to which is add- ed a discourse under the title of 'An after- thought,' by Sir Roger I'Estrange. Phil. 1857. 16° Benefits. Comfort. Consolation of Helvia. Consolation to Marcia. Discourse of clemencle. Discourse of providence. Epistles. Life of Seneca. Natural questions. Seneca {continued) — Tragedies. Tr. by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. Hercules on Mount (Eta, v. 2 ; Thebaid, v. 2 ; Troades, v. 2. {In Brumoy's Greek the- atre, ed. of 1759, 3 v.) Seneca Indians. The case of the Seneca Indians in the state of New York, illustrated by facts. Printed for the information of the society of Friends, by direction of the joint 'committees on Indian affairs of the four yearly meetings of Friends of Genesee, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. Phil. 1840. 12°. Senior, Nassau William (1790-1864). Journal, kept in France and Italy, from 1848 to 1852 ; with a sketch of the revolution. Ed. by his daughter, M. C. M. Simpson. Lond. 1871. 2 v. 12° Journal, kept in Turkey and Greece, 1857-8. Lond. 1859. 12° Senora Cornelia, La. Cervantes Saavedra, M. DE. {In Obras escogidas, v. 8.) Sense and sensibility. Austen, Miss J. Senses— Bain, A. Senses and the intellect. The. Feeling and smell. {In Smithsonian rept. 1865.) Taste, hearing, and sight. {In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Sentimental journey through France and Italy. Sterne, L, {In Works, v. 2, 5.) Sentinel {pseud.). See Bogart, W. H. Sepp, Anthony, and Behme, A. Voyage from Spain to Paraquaria, 1691. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 5.) Sept p^ch^s capitaux, Les. Sue, E. Septimius Felton ; or, the elixir of life. Haw- thorne, N. Sequel to ' Ministering children,' The. Charles- worth, M. L. Seraphita. Balzac, H. de. {In (Euvres com- pletes, V. 36.) Sergeant, John (1779-1852). Select speeches. Phil. 1832. 8° Contents : Argum en t in the case of the Cherokee nation versus the state of Oeorgia. Discourse, delivered at Rutgers college. Oration on Jefferson and Adams. Speech on retrenchment and reform. Speech on the bank of the United States. Speech on the Mis.souri question. Speeches on the bankrupt bill (2). See also American eloquence, v. 2. Sergeant Atkins. Donaldson, J. D. Sergeant Dale. Sherwood, Mrs. M. M. {In Works, V. 3.) Serin, Le. Schmid, C. ton. {In Contes,v. 1.) Serle, Thomas Jas, Tender precautions. (Com.) Lacy's Plays, v. 5. Sermini, Gentile. Novel. ( J?i Roscoe, T. Ital- ian novelists, v. 3.) , Sermons — Godinez, J. de B. Old Spanish panegyrics, etc. [In Arco triumphal.) Sermons, preached at the church of St. Paul the apostle, New York, during 1864. N. Y. 1865. 12? Sketches of four hundred sermons, preached in various parts of the united kingdom and on the European continent. Furnished by the authors. Lond. 1864. 4 v. 12° SERMONS 751 SEWARD Sermons {continued) — See also the following authors : Alford, H. Alison, A. Arnold, T. Barrow, I. Beecher, H. W. Bonar, H. Bungener, Xj, F. Bushnell, H. Butler, J. Chalmers, T. Chandler, O. Channing, W. E, Chapln, E. H. Clarke, J. F. Clarke, S. Colyer, R. Dewey, O. Edwards, J. Fish, H. C. Fuller, A. Preston, J. Pusey, E. B. Robertson, P. W. Shedd, W. O. T. Shepard, U. Sherlock, T. Smith, H. Smith, Saml. 8. Smith, Sydney. Spring, G. Spurgeon. C. H. Stanley, A. P. Taimage.T.DeW. Tauler, J. Taylor, J. J. Thornton, J. Tillotson, J. Unitarian services. Watts, I. Wright, R. Glanvil, J. Ooulburn, E. M, Hall, K. Harrington, J. Johnston, J. B. Kingsley, C. Leighton, R. Llddon, H. P. MacDonald, O. Mann, U. Martin, 8. MassUlon, J. B. Maurice, F. D. Murray, W. H. H. Newman, J. H. Newman, Paul. Paley, W. Pau lists. Phillips, S. Plumptre, E. H. Sermons and lectures. Hamilton, J. Sermons in stones ; or, scripture confirmed by geology. McCausland, D. Serpent, The. Cervantes Saavkdra, M. de. {In Exemplary novels.) Serpent symbol in America. Sqtjier, E. G. Part i. of American archaeological researches. Serpent worship. Febgusson, J. Tree and serpent worship. Serpents. See Keptiles. Serra, Junipero (/"aMer), (1711-1781). Paper on the death and burial of J. Serra, founder of the missions of California. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) Kepobt on the early missions of California, made to Viceroy Buccarelli, 1773. [Tr. by Rev. Mr. O'Keefe, from the original Mss., found in the mission of Santa Barbara, 1864.] {In Taylor, A. S. Indianology of Cal., v. 2, Oct. 20, 1865.) Serre, Pierre Francois Hercule (1776-1821). See Orators of France. Sertorius, Quintus {d. 72 b.c). Plutarchus. Viede. (Par A. Feillet.) (Ira Vies des Ro- mains illustres.) — Vita. {Gr. et Lat.) {In Vitse, v. 2.) Servants of the stomach. MACife, J, Servia. Ranke, L. von. History of. Serving two masters. Meeker, N. C. {In Life in the west.) Servitude et grandeur militaires. Vigny, A. DE. Sesame and lilies. Rttskin, J. Sesamum. G., K. Instruction of the culture of. {Russian.) Seton, J. L. Notes on the operations of the North German troops in Lorraine and Picardy ; taken while accompanying principally the fortieth, or Hohenzollem fusileer regiment. Lond. 1872. 8° Setter. Laverack, E. Settlers in Canada. Marrtat, F. Setton, Thomas, and Dawson, G. Dictionary of photography. Lond. 1867. 12? Seume, J. G. Sammtliche werke. {6te aitsgabe.) Leipzig, 1863. 8 v. in 4. IT. Contents: Belagerung von Plataa, Die, v. 3. Einige nachrichten tiber die vorfalle In Polen im Jahre 1794, v. 5. Gedichte, v. 7, 8. Kurzes pflichten und slttenbuchfllr landlente, v. 6. Mein sommer 1805, V. 3. Obolen, v. 4. Rede des Philasters Patrokles, v. 3. Spaziergang nach Syracua im Jahre 1802, v. 1, 2. Ueber bewaffauug, v. 6. Seume {continued) — Ueber das leben und character der Kaiserin Katha- rine ii., v. 5. Zwel briefe tlber die neuesten veriinderungen In RussUind selt der thronbeateigung Paul i., v. 5. Seven churches of Asia. Svoboda, A. Seven cities of Cibola — Corona DO, P. V. de. Notices of the seven cities of Cibola, 1540. {In Burney's Voya- ges, V. 1, pp. 165, 189, 193, 216.) Simpson, J. H. Paper on Coronado's march in search of the seven cities of Cibola, and discussion of their probable location. {In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Seven curses of London. Greenwood, J. Seven decades of the union. Wise, H. A. Seven golden candlesticks. Tristram, H. B. Seven hills. De Mille, J. Seven lamps of architecture. RirsKiN, J. Seven months' run, up and down, and around the world. Brooks, J. Seven poor travelers. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Seven sons of Mammon. Sala, G. A. Seven stories. Mitchell. D. G. Seven weeks' war. See Germany (history). Seven years. Kavanagh, J. Seven years' war (1756-63) — Frederick ii. {of Prussia). History of the. {In Works, v. 2, 3.) JoMiNi, H. de. Histoire critique et militaire des guerres de Fr^d^ric ii. Seventh regiment (N. Y. S. militia)— Clark, E. History of the second company of. SwiNTON, W. History of. Seventh vial. The. Cumming, J. Severgin, Vasili. Chemical instruction. St. Petersburg, 1801. 8? {Russian.) Lessons in mineralogy. Pt.i. Moscow, 1798. S°. {Russian.) Letters of travel in western Russia. St. Petersburg, 1803. 8? {Russian.) Natural history. St. Petersburg, 1791. 8°. {Russian.) S§vign6, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal (1626-1696). Everett, A. H. Essay on. {In his 'Essays, 1st ser.) Hale, Mrs. S. J. Letters to her daughter and friends. Bost. 1869. 12° Lamartine, a. de. Madame de S^vign^. — Vie de. {In (Euvres completes, v. 36.) PuLiGA {comtesse de). Life of Mme. S^vign^, The : her correspondents and contemporaries. Lond. 1873. 2 v. 8= SuARD, M. Lettres de Mme. S^vign^ ; pr6- c^dees d'une notice sur sa vie. 'See also Queens of society; Sainte-Beuve, C. A.; Women, Portraits of celebrated. Sewage— Carpenter, A. Physiological and medical aspect of sewage irrigation. CoRFiELD, W. H. Treatment and utilization of. Stout, A. B. Hygiene, as regards the sewer- age of San Francisco. (In Pamphlets, v. 32.) See also Drainage. Sewall, J. B. Evenings with the bible and sci- ence. Bost. 1864. 12° (2 cop.) Sewall, Thomas. Examination of phrenology, in two lectures. {2d ed.) Bost. 1839. 8°. Seward, Olive Risley. See Seward, W. H. SEWARD 752 SHAKESPEARE Occasional speeches and ad- dresses, V. 3. Orations and discourses, v. 3,4. Pardon papers, v. 2. Political speeches, v. 4. Political writings, v. 3. Speeches in New York sen- ate, V. 1. Speeches In United] States senate, v. 1, 3, 4. Seward, William Henry (1801-1872). Works. Ed. by George E. Baker. N. Y. 1853-62. Contents : Biographical memoir, v. 1, 4. Clinton, De Witt, Biography of, V. 4. Correspondence, General, v. 3. Correspondence, Official, as governor of New Yorli, v. Executive speeches, v. 3. Forensic arguments, v. 1. Letters from Europe, v. 3. Notes on New York, v. 2. — International telegraph via Behring's strait (communication). Wash. 1864. 8°. {In Pamphlets^ v. 23.) Life and public services of J. Q. Adams. Eestoration of the union : speech at Cooper institute, Feb. 22, 1866. Wash. 1866. 8° {In Pamphlets, v. 22.) Speech on admission of California and the subject of slavery, 1850. {In Addresses, v. 2.) Speech on Nebraska and Kansas bill, 1854. {In Pamphlets of Pacific coast.) Speech on whale fishery and American com- merce in the Pacific ocean, 1852. (In Pam- phlets of Pacific coast.) Steam-engine, The : argument in U. S. cir- cuit court, Aug. 1853. Prov.1853. 8° {In Pamphlets, v. 12.) * The Keaper argument ' in the U.S. circuit court, Oct. 24, 1854. Auburn, 1854. 8^ {In Pamphlets, v. 4.) Travels around the world. Ed. by Olive Kisley Seward. N.Y. 1873. 8? (5 cop.) Adams, C. P. Memorial address on the life, character, and services of W. H. Seward, delivered before the N. Y. legislature, April 18, 1873. Attempted assassination of. See Lincoln, A. Baker, G, E. Life of W. H. Seward ; with selections from his works. N.Y. 1855. 12° Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In Off-hand takings.) See also Modern agitators ; Presidential candi- dates. Sewell, Elizabeth Missing. Amy Herbert. N. Y. 1863. 12. Gertrude. N.Y.1864. 12° Glimpse of the world. N. Y. 1863. 12? Home life. N. Y. 1867. 12? Ivors. N. Y. 1857. 2 v. 12? Journal, kept during a summer tour for the children of a village school. N. Y. 1859. 12? Katharine Ashton. N. Y. 1854. 2 v. 12? Principles of education, drawn from nature and revelation, and applied to female educa- tion in the upper classes. N. Y. 1866. 2 v. in 1, 12? Ursula. N. Y. 1858. 2 v. 12? Sewell, Kichard Clarke. Temple of Vesta, The. [Poem, 1825.] {In Oxford prize poems.) Sewell, W. Introduction to the dialogues of Plato. Lond. 1841. 12? Sewell, W. G. Ordeal of free labor in the Brit- ish West Indies. N. Y. 1862. 12? Sewing. See Patents, Abridgments of British, V. 27. Sex in education. Clarke, E. H. Sexes, here and hereafter. Holoombe, W. H. Sexton's tales. The ; and other poems. Tilton, T. Sexual organs. Humphry, G. M. Treatise on diseases of male'organs of generation, (ih Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1.) Sexuality of nature. Grindon, L. H. Seychelles islands. Martin, K. M. History of southern Africa. Seyd, Ernest. California and its resources : a work for the merchant, the capitalist, and the emigrant. Lond. 1858. 12? Sesrmour, Charles C. B. Self-made men. [For contents, see Self-made men.] Sesnnour, Horatio {b. 1811). Address, delivered before the Clinton hall and Merc. lib. assoc. on removal of the library to Astor place. N. Y. 1854. {In Pamphlets, v. 15.) Seymour, Mary H. Ned, Nellie, and Amy : a story of the White hills. N. Y. 1871. 12? Sejonour, Silas. Incidents of a trip through the great Platte valley to the Kocky mountains, connected with the Union Pacific railroad. N. Y. 1867. 16? Sforzosi, G. Compendious history of Italy. Tr. from the Italian, by N. Greene. N. Y. 1847. 16? H. F. lib., V. 79. Shachovskoy, — . ' If you love not it — do not hear it.' (Com.) St. Petersburg, 1818. 8? {Rtissian.) Shadow in the house. Saunders, J. Shadow of Ashlydyat. Wood, Mrs. H. Shadow of Dante, A. Eossetti, M. F. Shadow of Moloch mountain. Austin, J. G. Shad well, Thomas. See Lives of English dram- atists, V. 2. ShaflEher, Taliaferro P. Telegraph manual : a complete history and description of the sem- aphoric, electric, and magnetic telegraphs of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, ancient and modern. N. Y. 1859. 8? Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashly Cooper {earl of), (1671-1713). Memoirs, letters, and speeches. Ed. by W. D. Christie. Lond. 1859. 12? Kibot, T. Shaftesbury's characteristics. {In Free-thinking and plain-speaking.) See also Forster, T. Shahmah in pursuit of freedom ; or, the branded hand. Tr. from the original Showiah, by an American. N. Y. 1858. 12? _ Shairp, J. C. Culture and religion, in some of their relations. N. Y. 1871. 12? Studies in poetry and philosophy : Coleridge ; Keble ; Moral motive power, The ; Words- worth, Edin. 1868. 12? Same. N. Y. 1872. 12? Shakers and shakerism — Evans, F. W. Shaker's compendium. Green, C, and Wells, S. Y. Summary view of the millennial church. Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)— BIblioerrapliy and concordance : Catalogue of the Shakespeare memorial li- brary. Part i. , English editions of Shake- speare's works. Birmingham, 1872. 12? Clarke, Mrs. M. C. Complete concordance to. See also Allibone, S. A. Dictionary of authors — article, Shakespeare. SHAKESPEARE 753 SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare [continued) — Collected works: FiKST collected edition of the dramatic works of William Shakespeare : a reproduction in exact fac-simile of the famous first folio, 1623, by the newly discovered process of photo - lithography, under the superintend- ence of H. Staunton. Lond. 1866. f? Contents : All's well that ends well. Anthony and Cleopatra. As you like it. Comedy of errors, The. Coriolanus. Cymbellne, ting of Brit- ain e. Hamlet, prince of Den- mark. King Henry rv., parts i., 11. King Henry v. King Henry vi., parts I., ii., lit King Henry vm. King John, Life and death of. King Lear. King Kichard n., Life and death of. King Richard m., Life and death of. Love's labor lost. Macbeth. Measure for measure. Merchant of Venice, Merry wives of Windsor. Midsummer-night's dream. Much ado about nothing. Othello, the Moor of Venice. Komeo and Juliet. Taming of the shrew, The. Tempest. Timon of Athens. Titus Andronicus. Twelfth night ; or, what you will. Two gentlemen of Verona. Winter's tale, The. Plays ; with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators, and notes by Sam- uel Johnson and George Stevens, revised and augmented by Isaac Reed, with a glossarial index. Phil, and Bait. 1809. 17 v. 12° [V. 14, 15 wanting.] Contents : of Merchant of Venice, The, V. 4. Merry wives of Windsor, v. 3. Midsummer-night's dream, A, V. 2. Much ado about nothing, v. 4. Othello ; or, the Moor of Venice, v. 16. Pericles, prince of Tyre, v. Additional anecdotes Shakespeare, v. 1. All's well that ends well, v. 5. Antony and Cleopatra, v. 13. As you like it, v. 5. Coriolanus, v. 13. C.vmbellne, v. 16. Dissertation on King Hen- ry VI., v. 10. Epilogue, spoken by a dan- cer, v. 9. Essay on the learning of Shakespeare, v. 1. King Henry iv., parti., v. 8. King Henry iv., part iL, v. 9. King Henry v., v. 9. King Henry vi., parts 1., 11, ill., v. 10. King Henry vrn., v. 11. King John, v. 7. King Kichard ii., v. 8. Life and death of King Rich- ard III., V. 11. Life of Shakespeare, v. 1. Love's labor lost, v. 4. Macbeth, v. 7. Measure for measure, v. 3. 17 Poems on Shakespeare, v. 1. Preface of the players, The, V. 1. Romeo and Juliet, v. 12. Shakespeare's will, v. 1. Stratford register, The, v. 1. Taming of the shrew. The, v. 6. Tempest, v. 2. Titus Andronicus, v. 17. Troilus and Cresslda, v. 12. Twelfth night; or, what you will, v. 3. Two gentlemen of Verona, The, V. 2. Winter's tale. A, v. 6. — Same. Supplement to the plays ; comprising the seven dramas which have been ascribed to his pen, but which are not included with his writings in modern editions. "With notes, byW.G.Simms. {IstAm.ed.) N.Y.1848. 8? Contents : Sir John Oldcastle. Tragedy of Locrine, The. Two noble kinsmen. The. Yorkshire tragedy. The. Dramatic works, The, illustrated ; embrac- ing a life of the poet, and notas, original and selected. Bost. 1850. 8 v. Eoy. 8^ Contents : London prodigal, Tlie. Lord Thomas Cromwell. Puritan, The; or, the widow of Watling street. All's well that ends well, v. 2. Antony and Cleopatra, v. 6. As you like it, v. 2. Comedy of errors. A, v. 3. Cymbeline, v. 6. Hamlet, v. 7. Illustrations of 'A lover's complaint,' etc., v. 8. Illustrations of the sounets. 49 Julius Caesar, v. 6. King Henry iv., part i., v. 3. King Henry iv., part 11., v. 4. King Henry v., v. 4. King Henry vi., parts 1., 11., lii., v. 4. King Henry vm., v. 5. King John, v. 3. .Kiflg Lear, v. 7. King Richard ii., v. 3. King Richard ni., v. 5. Shakespeare (continued) — Life of Shakespeare, v. 1. Love's labor lost, v. 2. Lover's complaint, A, v. 8. Macbeth, v. 3. Measure for measure, v. 1. Merchant of Venice, v. 2. Merry wives of Windsor, The, V. 1. Midsummer-night's dream, A, V. 2. Much ado about nothing, v. New facts, v. 1. Othello, the Moor of Venice, V. 7. Passionate pilgrim. The, v. 8. Pericles, prince of Tyre, v. 8. Poems, V. 8. Preface of the players, v. 1. Rape of Lucrece, The, v. 8. Romeo and Juliet, v. 7. Shakespeare's will, v. L Sonnets, v. 8. Supplementary notes to the poems, V. 8. Supplementary notes to the Roman plays, v. 8. Taming the shrew, v. 2. Tempest. The, v. 1. Timon of Athens, v. 6. Titus Andronicus, v. 6. Troilus and Cresslda, v. 6. Twelfth night ; or, what you will, V. 1. Two gentlemen of Verona, V. 1. Venus and Adonis, v. 8. Verses among the additional poems to Chester's Love's martyrs, v. 8. Winter's tale, A, v. 3. Dramatic works. The ; from the text of John- son, Stevens, and Reed, with glossarial notes, life, etc. New edition by William Hazlitt. Lond. 1852. 4 v. 16? Contents ; All's well that ends well, v. 2. As you like it, v. 1. Comedy of errors. A, v. 2. Hamlet, v. 4. King Henry rv., parts 1., 11., v. 2. King Henry v., v. 3. King Henry vi., v. 3. King John, v. 2. King Lear, v. 4. King Richard n., v. 2. Life of Shakespeare, v. 1. Love's labor lost, v. 1. Macbeth, v. 2. Measure for measure, v. 1. Merchant of Venice, v. 1. Merry wives of Windsor, v. 1. Midsummer-night's dream, A, v. 1. Much ado about nothing, v. Othello, V. 4. Taming of the shrew, The, V. 2. Tempest, v. 1. Timon or Athens, v. 4. Twelfth night ; or, whatyou will, v. ). Two gentlemen of Verona, The, V. 1. Winter's tale, The, v. 2. — Works. The text formed from a new colla- tion of the early editions ; to which are add- ed all the original novels and tales on which the plays are founded ; copious archaeologi- cal annotations on each play ; an essay on the formation of the text ; and a life of the poet, by James O. Halliwell, esq. Illustra- tions and wood engravings by Frederick William Fairholt, esq. An India -proof copy, printed for the editor by C. and J. Ad- lard. Lond. 1853-65. 16 v. Sm. f. [iVote— Copy no. 8, originally the property of the suf>- scrlber, B. G. Windus, esq., one of the 150 copies printed, and of the 25 with the plates on India paper..] Contents : All's well that ends well, v. 7. Antony and Cleopatra, v. 15. As you like it, v. 6. Comedy of errors, v. 3. Coriolanus, v. 12. Cymbeline (1st three acts), v. 1.5. Cymbeluie (4th and 5th acts), v. 16. Essay on the formation of the text, V. 1. Hamlet, v. 14. Henry rv., part 1., v. 9. Henry iv., part 11., v. 10. Henry v., v. 10. Henry vi., parts 1., 11., ill., y. 11. Henry VIII., v. 12. Julius Csesar, v. 13, King John, v. 8. King Lear, v. 14. Life of Shakespeare, v. 1. Love's labor lost, v. 4. Macbeth, v. 17. Measure for measure, v. 3. — Pictorial edition of the works. Charles Knight. v. 8° Contents : Merchant of Venice, v_5. Merry wives of Windsor, v. 2. Midsummer-night's dream, V. 5. Much ado about nothiinff, v. Othello, V. 15. Pericles, v. 16. Poems, V. 16. Richard n., v. 9. Richard iii., v. 11. Romeo and Juliet, v.. 13. Taming of the shrew, v. 6. Tempest, v. 1. Timon of Athens, v. 13. Titus Andronicus, v. B. Troilus and Cressida. v. 12. Twelfth night ; or, what you will, V. 7. Two gentlemen of Verona, V. 2. Windsor and Brentford : lo- cal illustrations, v,2. Winter's tale, v. 8. Edited by {2ded.) Lond. 1867. 7 Comedies, v. 3, 4— All's well that ends well, V. 4. As you like it, v. 4. Comedies {continue'!)— Comedy of errors, v. 3. Love's labor lost, v. 3. SHAKESPEARE 754 SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare (continued)- Comedies (continued;— Measure for measure, v. 4. Merchant of Venice, The, v. 3. , Merry wives of Windsor ,v.3. Mldssmmer-night's dream, A,v. 3. Much ado about nothing,v.4. Supplementary and intro- ductory notices, v. 3, 4. Tauiing of the shrew, v. 3. Tempest, v. 4. Twelfth night ; or, what you will, V. 4. Two gentlemen of Verona, The, V. 3. Doubtful plays, v. 7— Arden of Feversbam. Birth of Merlin, The. Dedication, address, and commendatory verses prefixed to the edition of 1623 and 1632. Fair-Em. George-a-flreene. History of opinion on the writings of Shakespeare. Life and death of Thomas, Lord Cromwell. Locrine. London prodigal. The. ^ Merry devil of Edmonten, the. Mucedorus. Notice on the authorship of ' A Yorkshire tragedy.' Pericles. Puritan, The. Reign of King Edward ni., The. Shakespeare in France. Shakespeare in Germany. Sir John Oldcastle, part L Titus Andronicus. Two noble kinsmen, The. Yorkshire tragedj", A. Histories, v. 1, 2— Contention of the two fa- mous houses of York and Lancaster, parts i., JI., v. 2. Easay on the three parts of King Henry iv. and King Richard ill., v. 2. King Henry iv. , parts I., 11., v. 1. King Henry v., v. 1. King Henry vr., parts 1., li.. Iii.,v.2. King Henry vin., v. 2. King John, v. I. King Richard n., v. 1. King Richard iii., v. 2. Supplementary and intro- ductory notices, v. 1, 2. Poems, v. 6— Lover's complaint, A. Passionate pilgrim. The. Rape of the lock. The. Sonnets. Supplementary notices to the poems. Venus and Adonis. Verses among the additional poems to Chester's Love's martyr, 1601. Tragedies, v. 5, 6— Antony and Cleopatra, v. 6. Coriolanus, v. 6. CymbeHne, v. 5. Hamlet, v. 5. Julius Csesar, v. 6. King Lear. v. 5. Macbeth, v. 6. Othello, V. 5. Romeo and Juliet, t. 5. Supplementary notices to the three Roman plays, v. 6. Timon of Athens, v. 5. Troilus and Cressida, v. 6. — WoBKs. Edited, with a scrupulous revision of the text, by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. Lond. 1869. 4 v. 8^ Contents^ Address, prefixed to the first folioofl623, v, L All's well that ends well, v. 2. Antony and Cleopatra, v. 4. As you like it, v. 1. Chronolog. table of Shake- speare's life, V. 1. Comedy of errors, A, v. 1. Contention of the two fa- mous houses of York and Lancaster, parts i., ii., v. 3. Coriolanus, v. 3. Cymbeline, v. 4. Dedication, prefixed to the first folio of 1623, V. 1. Hamlet,prince of Denmark, V. 4. King Henry iv., parts t, It, V. 2. King Henry v., v. 2. JCing Henry vi., parts i., U., V. 2. King Henry vi. , part ill. , v. 3. King Henry vni., v. 3. King John, v. 2. Kmg Lear, v. 4. King Richard ii., v. 2. King Richard iii., v. 3. Lines on the portrait of Shakespeare, v. 1. — Dramatische werke Love's labor lost, v. 1. Lover's complaint, v. 4. Lucrece, v. 4. Macbeth, v. 4. Measure for measure, v. 1. Merchant of Venice, The, v. 1. Merry wives of Windsor, v. Midsummer-night's dream, v. 1. Much ado about nothing, v. 1. Othello, V. 4. Passionate pilgrim, The, v. 4. Pericles, prince of Tyre, v. 4. Phoenix and turtle. The, v. 4. Poems, v. 4. Romeo and Juliet, v. 3. Shakespeare's will, v. 1. Taming of the shrew. The, V. 1. Tempest, v. 1. Titus Andronicus, v. 3. Twelfth night ; or, what you will, V. 2. Two gentlemen of Verona, V. 1. Venus and Adonis, v. 4. Winter's tale. The, v. 2. Uebersetzt von A. W. Schlegel und Ludwig Tieck. Ausgabe durch die Deutsche Shakespeare gesellschaft. Ber- lin, 1870. 12 V. 8° Contents : AUgemeine einleitung, v. 1. Antonius und Cleopatra (L. Tieck), v. 10. Belden Veroneser, Die (W. A. Hertzberg), v. 8. Comodie der irrungen. Die (G. Herwegh;, v. 8. Coriolanus (G. Herwegh), v. 8. Cymbelin (W. A. Hertzberg), v. 12. Ende gut, alles gut (W. A. Hertzberg), v. 12. Hamlet, prinz von Danemark (A. W. Schlegel), v. 6. Julius Ciisar (A. W. Schlegel), v. 5. Kaufmann von Venedig, Der(A. W. Schlegel), v. 6. KSnig Heinrich der vierte (A. W. Schlegel), v. 1, 2. Konjg Heinrich der fiinfte (A. W. Schlegel;, v. 2. Shakespeare [continued) — Konlg Heinrich dersechste (A. W. Schlegel), v. 2, 3. Konlg Heinrich der achte (W. A. Hertzberg), v. 4. Konlg Johann (A. W. Schlegel), v. 1. Konlg Lear (L. Tieck), v. 11. Konig Richard der zwelte (A. W. Schlegel), v. 1. Konig Richard der driite (A. W. Schlegel), v. 4. Liebes leld und lust (L. Tieck), v. 7. Lustigen weiber von Windsor, Die (L. Tieck), v. 9. Maas fiir maas (.L. Tieck), v. 10. Macbeth (F. A. Leo), v. 12. Othello (L. Tieck), v. 12. Romeo und Julia (W. A. Schlegel), v. 4. Sommernachtstraum (W. A. Schlegel), v. 4. Sturm, Der (W. A. Schlegel), v. 5. Timon von Athen (L. Tieck), v. 10. Titus Andronicus (W. A. Hertzberg), v. 9. TroIIus und Cressida (W. A. Hertzberg), v. IT. Viel larmens um nichts Cij. Tieck), v. 7. Was ihr wollt (A. W. Schlegel), v. 5. Widers penstlgen ZJihmung, Der (L. Tieck), v. 7. Wie es euch gefiiUt (L. Tieck), v. 6. Wlntermiihrchen, Das (L. Tieck), v. 9. Shakespeare in Deutsch. iibersetzung. Hild- burghausen, 1871. 10 v. 12^ Contents: Antonius und Cleopatra (K. Simrock), v. 9. Beiden edelleute von Verona, Die (K. Simrock), v. Coriolon (H. Viehoff), v. 9. Cymbelin (W. Jordan), v. 8. Endegut-allesgut (K. Simrock), v. 5. Gleiches mit glelcbene (K. Simrock), v. 7. Hamlet (L. Seeger), v. 7. Heinrich vin. (H. Viehoff), v. 3. Julius Casar CH. Viehoff), v. 9. Kaufmann von Venedig, Der (K. Simrock), T. 5. KomMie der irrungen. Die ^Fr. Dingelstedt), v. 6. KOnig Heinrich iv. (H. Viehoff), v. 1. Konig Heinrich v. (H. Viehoff'), v. 2. KOnig Heinrich vi. (H. Viehoff), v. 2. Konig Johann (L. Seeger), v. 1. Konig Lear ( W. Jordan), v. 8. KOnlg Richard ii. (H. Viehoff), v. 1. Kunst elnen trotzkopf zubrechen. Die (K. Sim- rock), V. 4. Leben und werke (R. Qen6e), v. 10. Liebe lohn verloren. Die (K. Simrock), v. 4. Lustigen weiber von Windsor, Die (K. Simrock), v. 4. Macbeth (\V. Jordan), v. 7. OtheUo (W. Jordan;, v. 7. Pericles (K. Simrock), v. 3. Richard nr. (W. Jordan), v. 3. Romeo und Juliet (W. Jordan), v. 5. Sonette (F. A. Qelbcke), v. 10. Sturm, Der (Fr. Dingelstedt), v. 8. Timon vou Athen i L. Seegerl, v, 9. Titus Andronicus (H. Viehoii'), v. 3. Troilus und Cressida (K. Simrock), v. 6. Vlel larmens um nichts (K. Simrock), v. 6. Walpurgis nachts traum (K. Simrock), v. 5. Was ihr wolt (Fr. Dingelstedt), v. 6. Wle es euch gefiillet (,Fr. Dingelstedt), v. 6. Winter mrtrchen (K. Simrock), v. 8. New variorum edition. Ed. by Horace How- ard Furness. V. 1, Komeo and Juliet. Phil. 1871. 8° Same. V. 2, Macbeth. Phil. 1872. 8° Poems ; with a memoir, by A. Dyce. Bost. 1856. 16^ Selections. By T. and S. G. Bulfinch. Bost. 1865. 12? Contents : Hamlet. King Henry rv., part I. King Lear. Macbeth Merchant of Venice, The. Midsummer-night's dream. Romeo and Juliet. Tempest, The. SoNETTE. TJebersetzte von P. Bodenstedt. (In Ges. schriften, v. 8.) Sonnets. Bost. 1865. 16? Sonnets. (In Hitchcock, E. A. Remarks on the sonnets of Shakespeare.) Sonnets, Les,traduits par Francois Victor Hu- go. Paris, 1857. 8? Illnstrated wortcs: BoTDELL, J. J. Illustrations to Shakespeare's dramatic works. Brough, R, B. Life of Sir John Falstaff ; il- lustrated by Cruikshank. Etching club. Songs of Shakespeare ; illus- trated. SHAKESPEARE 755 SHAKESPEARE Merry wives of Windsor. Othello. Motneo and Juliet Tempest. Inchb. Br. Inchb. 25. Br. th., V. 3. Inchb. Br. tb. 40. V.4. N". Shakespeare {continued) — Fkkukricks, a. Midsummer-night's dream. AVith illustrations. N. Y. 1874. Sm. f° Kaulbach, W. von. Shakespeare gallerie. Konig Johann (3 plates); Macbeth (3 plates); Sturm, Der (2 plates). Eleph. f? Retzsch, Moritz. Gallerie zu Shakespeare's dramatischen werken. In unrissen. Leip- zig, 1847. Obi. f= Contents : Hamlet King Henry rv. King Lear. Macbeth. IndlTldnal dramaii : Antony and Cleopatra. (Trag.) th., V. 4. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 75. As you like it. (Com. ) Same. Lacy's Plays, v. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 9. . Comedy of errors. (Com.) Inch.Br. th.,v. 1 Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 72. CoEiOLANUS. (Trag.) Inchb. Br. th., v. 5 Cymbeline. (Hist, play.) Inchb. Br. th. V. 4. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 64. Hamlet. (Trag.) Inchb. Br. th., v. 1. Same, Lacy's Plays, v. 23. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 3. Julius Caesar. (Trag.) Same. Lacy's Plays, v. Same. Mod. stand. d»., v. 11. Same. Ed., with not*, by "W. J. Eolfe. Y. 1872. Katharine and Petruchio. (Com.) Altered by D. Garrick. Lacy's Plays, v. 62. King Henry iv. (Hist, play.) th., V. 2. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 10. King Henry viil. (Hist, play.) th., V. 3. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 22. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 10. Same. Ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1872. 16° King John. (Hist, play.) Inchb. Br.th., v. 1. King Lear. (Trag.) Inchb. Br, th., v. 1. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 31. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 9. King Richard iii. (Hist, play.) Inchb. Br. th., V. 1. Macbeth. (Trag.) Inchb. Br. th., v. 4. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 9. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 7. Same. New variorum ed. (Furness), v. 2. Measure for measure. (Com.) Inchb. Br. th., V. 3. Merchant of Venice. (Com.) th., V. 2. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 25. Merry wives of Windsor. Br. th., V. 3. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 62. Midsummer-night's dream. Plays, V. 28. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 14. Much ado about nothing. ( Com.) Inchb. Br. th., V. 2. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 35. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 7. Inchb. Br. Inchb. Br. Inchb. Br. (Com.) Inchb. (Com.) Lacy's Shakespeare (continued) — Othello. (Trag.) Inchb. Br. th., v. 5. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 3. Richard ii. (Trag.) Lacy's Plays, v. 77. Romeo and Juliet. (Trag.) Inchb. Br. th., V. 1. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 18. Same. Mod. stand, dr., v. 6. Same. New variorum ed. (Fumess). Phil. 1872. 8° Tempest, The. (Play.) Inchb. Br. th., v. 5. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 37. Same. Ed., with notes, by "W. J. Rolfe. N. Y. 1871. 16° Twelfth night. (Com.) Inchb. Br. th.,.v. 5. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 36. Winter's tale. (Play.) Inchb. Br. th., v. 3. Criticism and afady: Abbott, E. A. Shakespearian grammar. Bacon, D. Philosophy of the plays of Shake- speare unfolded. Bryant, W. C. Address, at the unveiling of Shakespeare's statue in Central park. May 22, 1872. (In Orations, etc.) Campbell, J. Shakespeare's legal acquire- ments considered, in a letter to J. P. Collier. Carey, M. Critical remarks on the tragedy of Hamlet. (/« /»'s Mis. essays.) Clarke, M. C. Portia, and other stories of the early days of Shakespeare's heroines. Coleridge, S. T. Lectures on Shakespeare and other dramatists. {In Works, v. 4.) Collier, J. P. Memoirs of the principal act- ors in the plays of. — Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare's plays, from early manuscript corrections in a copy of the folio of 1632. Craik, G. L. English of Shakespeare, The. De Quincey, T. Essay on. {In his Bio- graphical essays.) Douce, F. Illustrations of Shakespeare, and of ancient manners, etc. Dramatic souvenir, The ; being literary and graphic illustrations of. Ellis, A. J. Early English pronunciation ; with especial reference to Shakespeare and Chaucer, (/w Chaucer soc, 2d ser.) Emerson, R. W. Representative men. French, G. R. Shakspeareana genealogica. Friswell, J. H. Life-portraits of William Shakespeare : a history of the various repre- sentations of the poet, etc. Genee, R. Leben und werke. (In Shake- speare in Deutscher iibersetzung, v. 10.) Gervinus, G. G. Shakespeare, zweiter band. — Shakespeare commentaries. Giles, H. Human life in Shakespeare. Green, H. Shakespeare and the emblem writ- ers. GuizoT,F. P. G. Shakespeare and his times, Hackett, J. H, Notes, criticisms, and cor- respondence upon Shakespeare's plays and actors. Halliwell, J, O, Historical account of the new place, Stratford-upon-Avon, [Uni- form with his Shakespeare.] Hamilton, N. E. S. A. Inquiry into the genuineness of the manuscript corrections in Mr. J, P, Collier's annotated Shakespeare, folio 1632. SHAKESPEARE 756 SHAW Shakespeare (continued) — Hazlitt, W. Characters of Shakespeare's plays. — Lectures on English poets. — Lectures on the literature of the age of Elizabeth, and characters of Shakespeare's plays. — Scott, Kacine, and. {In Plain speakers, V. 2.) Hazlitt, W. C. Shakespeare jest-books. Heine, H. Shakespeare's inadchen und frau- en. [In Samm. werke, v. 3.) Hitchcock, E. A. Kemarks on the sonnets of. Hudson, H. N. Lectures on. Hugo, V. (M.) "William Shakespeare. Ingram, J. K. Lecture on. (In Afternoon lectures, etc., v. 1.) Jephson,J.M. Shakespeare: his birthplace, home, and grave. Johnson, S. General observations on the plays of. (In his Works, v. 2.) — Miscellaneous observations on the tragedy of Macbeth ; with remarks on Sir T. Han- mer's ed. (/n his Works, v. 2.) — Preface to. {In his Works, v. 2.) — Proposals for printing the dramatic works of. {In his Works, v. 2.) Kellogg, A. O. Shakespeare's delineations of insanity, imbecility, and suicide. Knight, C. Studies of. — William Shakespeare : a biography. Lamartine, A. de. Shakespeare et son ceu- vre. {In (Euvres completes, v. 41.) Lamb, C. and M. Tales from. Malone, E. Inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal in- struments published Dec. 24, 1795, and at- tributed to Shakespeare et al. Mental photographs. MiJLLER, (F.) M. Speech, delivered at Strat- ford-on-Avon, 23d of April, 1864, the ter- centenary of Shakespeare's birth. {In Chips from a German workshop, v. 3.) Preston, M. Studies in. Eeed, H. Lectures on English history and tragic poetry, as illustrated by. Kuggles, H. I. Method of Shakespeare as an artist. The. Selkirk, J. B. Bible truths, with Shake- spearian parallels. Stearns, C. W. Shakespeare treasury of wisdom and knowledge. The. Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt^rature An- glaise, V. 2. Tweddell, G. Shakespeare : his times and his contemporaries. ViLLEMAiN, A, F. Criticism on. {In (Eu- vres, V. 7.) Whately, E. Lecture on Komeo and Juliet. {In Afternoon lectures, etc., v. 5.) Whipple, E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth (2 articles). White, K. G. Memoirs of the life of Wil- liam Shakespeare. — Shakespeare's scholar : historical and crit- ical studies of his text, characters, etc. Williams, E. F. Shakespeare and his friends. — Youth of. Wilson, D. Caliban : the missing link. See also Extraordinary men. Shakespeare and his friends. Williams, R. F. Shakespeare at Blackfriars. Wilson, H. S, Shakespeare jest-books. Hazlitt, W. C. Shakespeare's mental photographs. N. Y. 18fi6. 16? Shakespeareana genealogica. French, G. R. Shamrock and thistle. Ai>ams, W. T. Shaud, Alexander Innes. Against time. Bost. n.d. 8° (3 cop.) On the trail of the war. N. Y. 1871. 16? Shang'hai literary and scientiiic society. Jour- nal, no. 1, June, 1858. Shanghai, 1858. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 11.) Contents : Buddhist Sha.stra, A. Tr. from the Chinese. Coins of the Ta-ts'ing. orpresent dynasty of China. Contribution to the ethnology of eastern Asia. Cyclones, or law of storms. Inuugnral address. Record of occurrences in China, Visit to Simoda and Hakodadi in Japan. Shanks, William F. G. Personal recollections of distinguished generals. Shannon, — . Youthful queen. The. (Com.) Mod. stand, dr., v. 25. Sharp, Daniel. My youngest, (/n Boston book.) Thomas Chalmers. {In Boston book.) Sharp, William. Tracts on homoeopathy. {6th ed.) N. Y. 1865. 12? Sharpe, Samuel. History of Egypt, from the earliest times till the conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640 (2000 B.C. to A.D. 640). (iVew ed.) Lond. 1846. 8? History of the Hebrew nation and its litera- ture. Lond. 1869. 12? RosETTA stone, in hieroglyphics and Greek ; with translations, and an explanation of the hieroglyphic characters. With an appendix of kings' names. Lond. 1871. 8? Rudiments of a vocabulary of Egyptian hie- roglj^phics. Lond. 1837. 4? Sharpe's London magazine : a journal of enter- tainment and instruction for general read- ing. V. 1 (Nov. 1845) to 8 (Feb. 1849). Lond. 1845-9. 8 v. 8? [V. 6 wanting.] Same. {New ser.) V. 15 (1860) to 37 (Dec. 1870). Lond. 1860-70. 21 v. 8? [V. 26, 35 wanting.] Sharpies, Stephen P. Chemical tables. Camb., Mass., 1866. 12? Sharpless, Townsend, and Patterson, R. Re- port on phonography, A. {In Smithsonian rept. 1856.) Shars-wood, George (6. 1810). Public and gen- eral statutes, passed by the congress of the United States of America ; being a continua- tion of Story. V. 4, 1828 to 1836 ; v. 5, 1837 to 1847. Phil. 1848. 2 v. 8? Shaw, A. Treatise on disease of the spine. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 3.) Treatise on injuries of the back. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 1 .) Treatise on lateral distortion of the spine. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Shaw, Henry. Dresses and decorations of the middle ages. Lond. 1858. 2 v. 4? Shaw, Henry W. {Josh Billings), {b. 1818). Josh Billings : his sayings. N. Y. 1866. 12: Josh Billings on ice ; and other things. X. Y. 1868. 12? Josh Billings's farmer's allminax for 1874. N. Y. 1874. 12? SHAW 757 SHELLEY Shaw, James. See Worthen, A. H. Shaw, John (1773-1823). Cooper, J. F. Life of. (In his Lives of Am. naval officers.) Shaw, R. B. Result of observations taken dur- ing his journey to Yarkand in the year 1870. (In Roy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) Shaw, Robert. Visits to high Tartary, Yark- and, and Kashghar (formerly Chinese Tar- tary), and return journey over the Karako- ram pass. Lond. 1871. 8°. Shaw, S. Tour to the west of England, 1788. (In Pinkerton's Coll. voj'., v. 2.) Shaw^, S. Parsons. Odontalgia, commonly called toothache : its causes, prevention, and cure. Phil. 1868. 16° Shaw, Samuel (1754-1794). Hunt, F. Life of. (In his Lives of American merchants, v. 2.) Shaw, Samuel. Quincy, J. Journals ; with life of the author. Bost. 1847. 8° Shaw, Thomas Budd (1813-1862). Outlines of English literature. New Am. edition, with sketches of American literature, by H. T. Tuckerman. Phil. 1861. 12° Shaw, Thomas George. Wine ; the vine, and the cellar. (2d ed.) Lond. 1864. 8? Shaw, William J. Necessity of constitutional reform. Sac. 1856. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 22.) Shea, John Gilmary (6. 1S24). Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley ; with the original narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membr^, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay. (Part iv. of French's Historical collections of Louisiana.) N. Y. 1852. 8° Sheahan, James W. Life of Stephen A. Doug- las. and Upton, G. P. Great conflagration ; Chi- cago : its past, present, and future. Em- bracing a detailed narrative of the great con- flagration; origin, progress, and results of the fire, etc., and a statement of all the great fires of the world. Chicago, 1871 . 8? Shearer, Lewis. Digest of the decisions and opinions of the supreme court of the state of California, from its organization to Jan. 1, 1859, as reported in the California reports, V. 1 to 10, inclusive. S. F. 1859, 8° Shedd, William Greenough Thayer (h. 1820). History of the Christian doctrine. N. Y. 1864. 2 V. 8? Skrmons to the natural man. N. Y. 1871. 12° Sheen, James Richmond. Wines, and other fer- mented liquors, from the earliest ages to the present time. Lond. n.d. 12° Sheep and sheep-raising— BiscHOFF, J. Historj' of woolen and worsted manufactures, and the natural and commer- cial history of. Hayes, J. Sheep-farming in Cal. (Jra Over- land monthly, v. 8.) Jardixe, r the instruction of mathematicians. (2rf ed.) Lond. 1870. 12? Panorama of science and art ; embracing the principal sciences and arts, the methods of working in wood, metal, etc. Lond. n.c?. 2 V- 8? Contents: Afirostation, v. 2. Chemistry, v. 2. Agriculture, v. 2. Electricity, v. 2. Architecture, v. 1. Engraving, v. 1. Astronomy, v. 1. Hydraulics, v. 2. Smith, James {Col.), (1720-1806). Sandkrson, J. Life of. (Jra Signers to decl. of indep., V. 7.) Smith, James (1775-1839). 8ee Staith, H. Smith, Sir James Edward (1759-1828). English flora. (2c? ed.) Lond. n.d. 4 v. 8? and MooRE, T. Account of exotic cultivated ferns ; with general hints on their culture, and synopsis of genera and species. Lond. 1858. 4? Smith, Jephson Huband. Notes and marginalia illustrative of the public life and works of Alfred Tennyson. Mechanics, v. 1. Miscellanies, v. 2. Optics, V. 1. Pneumatics, v. 2. SMITH 770 SMITH Smith, Jerome van Crowninshield (b. 1800). Nat- ural history of the fishes of Massachusetts ; embracing practical essay on angling. {2d ed.) Bost. 1843. 16° Pilgrimage to Egypt ; embracing a diary of explorations on the Nile. Bost. 1852. 12° Smith, John (Capt.), (1579-1631). Travels and adventures, 1593-1629, in Europe, Asia, Af- rica, and America. {In Churchill's Coll. voy., V. 2.) True travels, adventures, and observations of John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America ; beginning about the yeere 1593 and continued to this present 1629. Rich- mond, Va., 1819. 2v.ini. 12° (Prom the Lond. ed. of 1629.) Adams, H. Captaine John Smith. [In Chap- ters of Erie, and other essays.) Same. {In North Am. rev., Jan. 1867.) Hill, G. C. A biography. Bost. 1858. 12° HiLLARD, G. S. Life of. {In Lib. of Am. biog., V. 2.) SIMMS, W. G. Life of. N. Y. 1846. 12? See also Self-made men. Smith, John. Domestic botany : an exposition of the structure and classification of plants, and of their uses for food, clothing, medi- cine, and manufacturing purposes. Lond. 1871. 8? Smith, John Jay. {Ed.) American historical and literary curiosities ; consisting of fac- similes of some plates, etc., relating to Co- lumbus, and original documents of the rev- olution, with a variety of reliques, antiqui- ties, and autographs. {2d ser.) N.Y. 1860. Sm. f? Smith, John Prince. English coinage question. {In Cobden club essays, 2dser., 1871-2.) Smith, John Pye (1774-1851). Relation between the holy scriptures and some parts of geologi- cal science, {^th ed.) Phil. 1850. 12° Smith, John W. Anniversary poem, delivered before the Mechanic apprentices' library as- sociation, Boston, Feb. 22, 1854. {In Pam- phlets, V. 15.) Sm.ith, John William. Compendium of mercan- tile law. {New ed.) Revised by J. P. Hol- combeandW.Y.Gholson. N.Y. 1850. 8° Smith, Joseph {Mormon prophet), (1805-1844). Pearl of great price ; being a choice selec- tion from the revelations, translations, and narrations of. {In Pamphlets, v. 30.) See also Mormons. :Sm.ith, Joshua Toulmin. Comparative view of ancient history ; embracing a sketch of the contemporary history of the nations of an- tiquity. To which are added observations on chronological eras ; comprising an ex- planation of the different ancient and modern systems of computing time, and the modes of reducing each to a correspondence with the Christian era. Bost. 1839. 12° Smith, Mrs. Julie P. Brazen gates ; compiled by Christabel Goldsmith, and ed. by J. P. Smith. N. Y. 1872. 12° Chris and Otho : the pansies and orange blos- soms they found in Roaring river and Rosen- bloom. "N. Y. 1870. 12° (5 cop.) Married belle ; or, our red cottage at Merry bank. N. Y. 1872. 12° {. Sydney (1771-1845). Works. Lond. 1869. 12= America (3 articles) Anasta.sius. Ashaiitee, Mission to. Australia. Ballot, The. Benthiim on fallacies. Bishop of Lincoln's charge. Botany bay (2 articles). Bowles, John. Bulls, Edgeworth on. Catholic claims, Speech on. Catholic question. Letter to the electors upon the. Catholics (2 artieles'. Catteau : cableau des 6X&ts Danois. Ceylon, Island of. Chimney-sweepers. Contents : Counsel for prisoners. Curates' salary bill, Letter on the. Delphine. Du ties of the queen , Sermon on the. Education, Female. Education, Professional. FiSvSe's letters on England. Fox, Charles. Fox. Charles James, Char- acters of. Fox, Charles James, Obser- vations on the historical work of. Fragment on the Irish Ro- man Catholic-church. Game laws C- articles). Sm.ith (continued) — Gran by. llaniil ton 'smethod of teach- ing languages. Indian missions. Ireland. King William iv.. Speech to celebrate the accession of. Langford, iJr. Lewis, Matthew. Mackintosh, Sir James, Let- ter on the character of. JIad Quakers. Madras, Distnrbances at. Man-traps and spring-guns. Methodism !2 articles). Modern changes. More, Hannah. Nares, Archdeacon. Neckar's last views. On American debts (3 let- ters). Palestine, Travels from. Parnell and Ireland. Parr, Dr. Persecuting bishops. Peter Plymley's letters. — Same. Phil. 1844. Same. Bost. 1854. Prisoners untried, Cruel treatment of. Prisons. Railways, S letters on. Reform bill, 2 speeches on. Rennel, Dr. Residence of the clergy, Thoughts on the. Rock, Captain, Memoirs of. Rules of Christian charity, Sermon on. Russell, Lord John, Letter to. Scarlett's poor bill. Sermon : the judge that smites contrary to law. Sermon : the lawyer that tempted Christ Singleton, Archdeacon, 3 letters to. Society for the suppression of vice. Proceedings of. Spring-guns. Toleration. Trimmer and Lancaster. Waterton. Wittman's travels. 3 V. 12? 3 V. in 1. 8? Miscellaneous sermons. Phil. 1846. 12? Wit and wisdom of. N. Y. 1870. 12? Holland, S. S. Memoirs of Sydney Smith ; with selections from his letters. N . Y. 1856. 2 V. 12? MiLNES, R. M. Article on. (Jw Mono- graphs : personal and social.) See also W^its and beaux of society. Smiith, T. Treatise on local or surgical affections of the skin and appendages. {In Holmes, T. System of surgery, v. 4.) Treatise on minor surgery. {In Holmes, T. Sj'stem of surgery, v. 3.) Smith, Sir Thomas. Belknap, J. Life of. {In American biography, v. 2.) Sraith, Thomas Assheton. Wilmot, Sir J. E. Reminiscences of. Lond. 1860. 12? Smith, W. H. {M. P.). See Cartoon portraits. Smith, W. H., et al. Drunkard, The. (Domes- tic dr.) Lacy's Plays, v. 7. Smith, W. L. G. Observations on China and the Chinese. N. Y. 1863. 12? Smith, Walter. Art education : scholastic and industrial. Bost. 1872. 8? (2 cop.) Drawing-book of standard reproductions and original designs ; for public schools, draw- ing classes, and schools of art in America. Bost. 1872. 2 pts. in 1. f? Smith, William (1727-1803). Historical account of Bouquet's expedition against the Ohio In- dians in 1764. With a preface, by F. Park- man, and a translation of Dumas 's biograph- ical sketch of General Bouquet. Cincinnati, 1868. 8? [1st reprint of the Ohio valley historical series.] Smith, William (1753-1821) . See Patriot preach- ers of the revolution. Smith, William {chief justice of N. F.), {d. 1793). History of New York, from first discovery to the year 1732. {In New York historical society, Collections of, v. 4.) Sinith, William {LL.D.), {h. 1814). Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 1st Am. ed., rev. by C. Anthon. N. Y. 1843. 4? Same. 3d Am. ed., rev. by C. Anthon. N. Y. 1847. 4? Same. {Med.) Bost. 1859. Large 8? Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythlogy. Bost. 1870. 3 v. 8: I SMITH 772 SMITHSONIAN Smitll {continued) — Dictionary of Greek and Koman geography. Bost. 1854. 2 V. 8° Dictionary of the bible ; comprising its an- tiquities, biography, geography, and natural history. Bost. 1863. 3 v. 8? History of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest ; with supplementary chapters on literature and art [1184-146 B .c] . N. Y. 1863. 12° Same. N. Y. 1870. 12? Latin -English dictionary, based upon the Works of Forcellini and Freuhd ; with tables of the Roman calendar, measures, weights, and money. (9/A ed.) Lond. 1870. 8° New testament history ; with an introduction, connecting the history of the old and new testaments. N. Y. 1869. 12° Old testament history, from the creation to the return of the Jews from captivity. N. Y. 1866. 12° {Ed.) Smaller history of England, from the earliest times to the year 1862. N. Y. 1868. 12? and Grote, G. Historical atlas- of ancient geography, biblical and classical. Part i. Lond. 1872. f? Smith, William. Discourse on the ethics of the school of Paley. Lond, 1839. 8? Dramas. Lond. 1846. 16? Contents : Athelwood. Guidone. Sir William Crichton. Gravenhurst ; or, thoughts on good and evil. Edin. 1862. 12? Smith, William. Memoir of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Smith, William F. {Lieut.). Report of a recon- naissance of a route for a road from San Antonio to El Paso, May 25, 1849. See Re- port of sec. of war ; U. S. (explorations and surveys). Report of a reconnaissance of the Sacramento mountains to ascertain if there existed a pass practicable for wagons, Oct. 3, 1849. See Re- port of sec. of war ; U.S. (explorations and surveys). Smith, William Prescott. Book of the great rail- way celebration of 1857 : a full account of the opening of the Ohio and Mississippi and Marietta and Cincinnati railroads, and histo- ries and descriptions of the same. N. Y. 1858. 12? Smiithson, James Lewis Macie {d. 1829). Gil- 15ERT, D. Notice of J. L. M. Smithson and his bequest. {In Smithsonian rept. 1850.) Sm.ithsonian institution (Wash.). Publications. Annual reports of the board of regents, show- ing the operations, expenditures, and condi- tion of the institution : 5th (1850), 8th (1853) • to 25th (1870). Wash. 1850-70. 19 v. 8? [JVo^e. - Reports of sec, 1st (1847) to 7th (1853), will be found in 8th report (1853), app.] Contents : Abbreviations used in England in 1867. De la Ene, W.. 18(i7. Academy of sciences of Paris, History of. Flou- rens, M.J. P., 1862. Acoustics applied to public buildings. Henry, J., 1850. Aeronautic voyages for advancement of science. Arago, D. F., 1863. Smithsonian institution (continued) — Aeronautics, Modes of tlight in relation to. Pettl- grew, J. B.,18fi7. Agricultural flint Implement") in southern Illlnoia. Itau, C, 1868. Alaska, Florapf. Rothrock, J. T., 1887. Algee, Marine. Harvey, W. H., ISoo. Anthropological Inquiry, Queries about expression for. Darwin, C, 1867. Anthropological society of Paris. Transactions, 1865-7. Broca, P., 1868. Antiquities of the Mississippi river, Estes, L. C, 1866. Antiquity, Study of high. Morlot, A., 1862, 1864. Arago, D. F. : history of my youth, 1870. Archaeological congress, Antwerp, Programme of, 1866. Archaeology— Lubbock, J. North American, 1882. Morlot, A. General view of, 1860. Troyon, F. Lacustrian cities of Switzerland: discovery of a lost population, 1861. Architecture, Progress of, in relation to ventila- tion, rooming, lighting, fire-r(roofing, acoustics, and preservation of health. Reid, D. B., 1856. Arctic explorations. Ha.ves, I. I., 1861. Artisan and artist, Identification of. Wiseman, N., 1870. Astronomy— Caswell, A. Lectures on, 1858. Dufour, C. Scintillations of stars, 1861. Lespiault, M. G. Small planets bet. Jupiter and Mars, 1>61. Loomis, E. Zone of small planets bet. Jupiter and Mars, 1854. Maedler, M. General mo%'ement of the stars around a central point, 18o!t. Atmosphere, Research on. Wetherill, C. M., 1866. Atoms, Research on. Herschel, J., 1862. Aurora horealis : its phenomena and laws. Loom- is, E., 1865. Aurora borealis. Directions for observing, 185.5. Bache, Alex. Dallas, Eulogy on. Henry, J., 1870. Balloon ascensions. Glaisher, J., 1863. Barometer- Green's standard, 1855. Vaillant, M. Horary variation of the, 1866. Barometer tubes. On tilling. Given, J., and Wurde- man, G., 18.5'J. Barometers, Aneroid, Experiments on. Stewart, B., 1868. Bats, Remarkable accumulation of. Morao, F. E., 1863. Beautemps-Beauprg, C. F., Memoir of. Elie de Beaumont, 1863. Birds— Baird. S. F. Review of A merican, 1866. Barnard, V. Birds of Chester co.. Pa., 1860. Blaklston and Bland, LIeut.s. Birds of Nova Scotia, 18.58. Bland, Lieut. Birds of Bermuda, 185S. Newton, A. Suggestion for saving parts of, 1860. Birds' nests and eggs. How to collect, 1858. Black mountain (N. C), Topography of. Clingman, T. L., 1855. Blackmore museum (Salisbury, Eng.), Notice of, 1H68. Blainville, Ducrotay de. Memoir of. Flourens, M. J. P., 186.0. Books, Classification of Lesley ^J. P., 1862. Bravais, Auguste, Memoir of. Elie de Beaumont, 1869. Bridges, Construction of. Rogers, F., 1861. Calilornia— Feilner, J. Explorations in upper Cal., 186-1. Logan, T. M. Climate of, 18.55. 18.57. California peninsula. Aboriginal inhabitants of. Baegert.J., 186.3, 1864. Camel, Jjecture on the. Marsh, G. P., 1854. Caoutchouc and gutta percha, 1864. Cara gigantesca of Yzamal (Yucatan). Schott, A., 1869. Carlsruhe, Scientific congress of. Nickles, M. J., 1860. Catalogues of libraries— Jewett, C. C. Construction of, 1850. Lesley, J. P. Construction of, 1862. Report of commissioners to examine the plan for forming a general stereotype catalogue of pub- lic libraries in U. S., 1850. Catalytic force. Phipson, T. L., 1862. Central America, Explorations in. Berendt, C. H., 1867. Charts and maps of America, Lecture on. Kohl, J. G., 1856. Chemical types, Theory of. Wetherill, C. M., 1863, Chemistry, Agricultural. Johnson, S. \V., 185a. Chemistry of the earth. Hunt, T. S., 1869. Clouds, Directions for observing, 1855. Coal, Lectures on. Le Conte, J., 1857. Coal oils, ExplosibUity of. Allen, T., 1861. Colors, Accidental or subjective. Moigno, Abbe, 1866. Copyright publications (musical compositions, maps, and prints) deposited prior to 1850. 1850. I ^Suthsonian 773 SMITHSONIAN Smithsonian institution {continued) — Coronado's inarch in search of the ' seven cities of Cibola.' .Simpson, J. H.. 1S69. Crania Helvetica. Troyon, F., 1864. Creation, Vastness of the visible. Alexander, S., 1857. Cuvier, G. C. L. F. D., Life and works of. Flou- rens, M. J. I'., 1SG8. Delanibre, Memoir of. Fonrier, J., 1864. Dewey, Prof. Chester, Life of. Anderson, M. B., 1870. Diamond, and other precious stones. Babinet, J., 1870. Dorpat and Poulkova. Abbe, C, 1867. Drilling in stone without metal. Rau, C, 1868. Dveing pin pie and azure. 1863. Earth, Figure of the. Merino, M., 1861. Earthquake in east Mexico, Jan. 2, 1866. Sartorlus, C, HH6. Earthquake of 1811 at New Madrid, Mo. Dudley, T., 18.58. Earthquake phenomena. Mallet, R., 18.59. Earthquakes, Directions for observing. Henry, J., 18.55. Earthwork, Ancient. Dille, I., 1S6G. Electric resonance of mountains. .Saussure, H. de, 1S68. Electrical currents of the earth. MatteuccI, C, 1869. Electricity- Considerations on, 1867. De la Rive, A. Electricity in rarefied elastic fluids. 1861). Duprez, M. F. Atmospheric, 1858. Leydeii jar, electrical brush and spark. See Mul- ler. J. (hel'iW), 18.57. Lightning discharges, 1867. Muller, J. Progress in, 1856-7. Electro-physiology. Matteucci, C, 1865. Encke, .T. F., Memoir of. Hageii, G., 1868. Ethnology— Agiiew, .S. A. Mounds in Mississippi, 1867. Barrandt, A. Sketch of ancient earthworks on the upper Missouri, 1870. Blydeii, E. D. Mixed races in Liberia, 1870. Brinton, D. G. Artificial shell deijosits of the TJ. .S., 1866. Danilsen, A. F. Mound in east Tennessee, 1863. Davis, E. H. Ethnological research, 1866. Dayton, E. A. Explorations in Tennessee, 1870. Dille, L Ancient earthworks, 18CR. Dunning, E. O. Account of antiquities in Tenn., 1870. Estes, L. C. Antiquities ; banks of the Mississippi river, and lake Pepin, 1866. Ethnological dept., Paris exhibition, 1867. 1867. Finck, Hugo. Account of antiquities in Vera Cruz, Mexico, 1870. Foster, J. W. Ancient relics in Missouri, 1863. Fowler, J. Shell-heaps, 1870. Gardner, W. H. Ethnology of the Indians of the valley of the Red river of the north, 1870. Gihbs, G. Language of the aborigines of America, 1870. Grant. E. M. Discovery of stone image in Ten- nessee, now in the Smithsonian institution, 1870. Harwood, A. A. Sarcophagus in the National museum, now in charge of Smithsonian insti- tution, 1870. Helhvald, F. von. American migration, 1866. Indians and Indian remains, 1867. International archseological congress. Antwerp, lh6'i. Jones, J. M. Kjoekken-moeddlng in Nova Scotia, 1863. Kellcy, O. H. Ancient town in Minnesota, 1863. Lubbock, J. North American archteology, 18n2. Lyon, S. S. Report of the exploration of ancient mounds in Union county, Ky., 1870. Moilot, A. High antiquity, 1862. Morlot, A. Lacustrian settlements, 1863. Peale, T. R. Uses of the brain and nlarrow of animals among the Indians of North America, 1870. Pilework antiquities of Olmutz, 1866. Rau,C. -Agricultural implementsof N. Am. stone period, 1863. Rau, C. Indian pottery, 1866. Stelle, J. P. Account of the aboriginal ruins of Savannah, Tenn., and on the Williams farm in Hardin co., Tenn., 1870. Stephenson, M. F. Account of ancient mounds in Georgia, 1870. Tinneh or Chipewyan Indians of Br. and Russian America, 1866. Trowbridge, D. Ancient fort and burial ground, Tompkins co., N. Y., 1863. Whitney, J. D. Cave in Calaveras co., Cal., 1867. Williams, H. C. Antiquities in some southern states, 1870. Wilson, D. Physical ethnology, 1862. Faraday, M., Life and works of. La Rive, A. de, 18S7. FishofN. Y. Gill, T.. 1856. Flight in relation to aeronautics. Pettigrew, J. P., 1867. Smithsonian institution {continued) — Flight in the animal kingdom. Marey, M., 1869. Food, Relation of, to work. Haughton, S., 1870. Force, Thoughts on the nature and origin of. Tay- lor, W. B., 1870. Forests and their climatic Influence. Becquerel,A. C.,186!t. Forests and trees of Florida and Mex. boundary. Cooper, J. G.. 1860. Forests and trees of North America. Cooper, J. G., 1858. Galvanism- Chemical and contact theories, 1855. Determination of the constant voltaic battery, 185.5. Phenomena of light and heat, 18.57. Resistance of metals and liquids, galvanic polar- ization, and passivitj', 18.55. Galvanometer, as a mea.suring Instrument. Pog- gendorff, J. C, 18.59. Geneva societv of phvsics and nat. history. Tran- sactions, 18.5S-69. 1859, 1863, 1866, 1868. 1869. Geott'roy-Saint-Hilaire, E, Memoir of. Floureus, M.J. i'..186I. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, I. Memoir of. Quatrefar ges de Br^au, J. L. A., 1862. Geology of Trinidad. Wall, P., and Sawkins, J., 1856. Gold coins of the U. S. mint, Assay of. Pollock, J., 1868. Grasshoppers, Means of destroying. Motschulsky, v., 18.58. Grasshoppers and locusts of America. Taylor, A- S., 18.58. Grasshoppers. See also Natural history. Greenland. Cryolite of. Quale, P., 1806. Gun-cotton and gunpowder, Products of combus- tion of. Von Karolye, 18(i4. Hailstones, Remarkable forms of, In Ga. Abich, S., 1869. Haiiy, Ren€-Just, Memoir of. Cuvier, G. C. L. F. D., 1860. Heat— Cazin, A. Recent progress in the theory of, 1868. Muller, J. Mechanical theory of, 1868. Powell, B. Radiant, 1859. Herschel, W., Eulogy on. Arngo. F., 1870. Hodgkinson, E., Memoir of. Rawson, R., 1868. Human remains from Patagonia. Reid, A., 1862. Hydrogen, as a gas and as a metal. Reynolds, J. S., 1870. Ice, Formation of, at the bottom of water. Engel- hardt, M., 1866. Indian ixittery. Rau, C 1866. Indian remains near Prescott, Canada West. Guest, W. E., 18.56. Indians. Tinneh, or Chipewyan Indians of Br. and Russian A merica. Ross, B. B. , anii Hardisty . W. L.. 1866, Induction and deduction. Liebig. J. von, 1870. Insect instincts and transformations. Morris, J. G., 18.55. Insects, Instructions for collecting, 18.58. Jussieus, and the natural method. Flourens, M. J. P., 1867. Kepler, J., Life and works of. Bertrand, M., 1869. Legendre, A. M., Memoir of. Elie de Beaumont, 18C7. Lepidoptera, Method of preserving. Peale, T. R., 1863. Light- Barnard, F. A. P. Undnlatory theoi-y of, 1862. Delaunay. Velocit.vof, 1864. Linguistic science. Principles of. Whitney, W. D., 18li3. Liquids. Researches on the figures of equilibrium of a liquid mass withdrawn from the action of gravity. Plateau, J., 1863-6. Locusts of America. TajMor, A. S., 1858. Magendie, F., Memoir of. Flourens, M.J. P., 1866. Magnetic observatory at the Smithsonian institu- tion. Description of, 18.59. Magnetism, History of discovery relative to, 1863. Magnus, Henry Gustavus, Life and labors of, 1870. Mauvaises terres and the upper Missouri, Journal of an expedition to, 1850. Culbertson, T. A., 18.50. Meteorology— Bache.G. M. Accountof haiI-storminTexas,1870. Description of meteorological instruments, 18.59. Description ofthe Smithsonian anemometer, 1860. Dewe.v, C. Best hours of daily observation to find the mean temperature of the vear,1857, 1860. Elliott, R. S. Climate of Kansiis, 1870. Fendler, A. Meteorology of ColoniaTovar, Ven- ezuela, 1857. Gardner, R. H. On the disappearance of ice, 1860. Guyot, A. Directions for meteorological obser- vations, 185.5. Logan, T. M. Meteorological observations at Sacramento, Cal., 1853-55. 1855. Same. For years 1844-7. 1857. Musterman, S. Observations in natural phenom- ena, 1857. Palmieri, Prof. Presence of electricity during faU of rain, 1870. SMITHSONIAN 774 SMITHSONIAN Smithsonian institution {continued) — Meteorology (continued)— Po8y, Prof. Andre. New classification of clouds, 1870. Porter, D. Hail-storm on the Bo.sphorus, 1870. Russell, R. On meteorology, 1854. Smith, J. L. Meteoric stones, 18.55. Tacchini, P. Evaporation observed at Palermo, 1865-6. 1870. Wie.ssner, J. Observations and results in the dist. of Columbia, 1857. Zantedeschi, Prof. F. Klectricity of induction in the aerial strata of the atmosphere, which, in the shape of a ring, surround a cloud that is re- solving into snow, rain, or hail, 1870. Mexico, Sclentiiic - xploration to, 1864. Microscope, The, 1860. Missouri, Explorationsof western. Hoy, P. R., 1864. Mollusca : shell-fish and their allies. Carpenter, P. P., 1860. Natural history— Baird,.S.F. Directionsforcollecting, preserving, and tran.sporting specimens of, 18.56. Candolle, A. de. Causes which limit vegetable species towards the north in Europe and similar regions, 1858. Coues, E., and Prentiss, D. W. Birds of dist. of Columbia, 1861. Eoff, J. Habits of the black bass of the Ohio, 1854. Gesner, W. Habits of the pouched rats of Geor- gia, 1860. Head, J. F. Of the country about Ft. Ripley, Minn., 1854. Mann.C. Habitsof a species of salamander, 1854. Parvin,J. B. Habits of the gopher of Illinois, 1854. Strang, J. J. Nat. hist, of Beaver islands, Mich., 1854. Vollum, E. P. Grasshopper (wingless) of Shasta and Kail river valleys, Cal., with plan for keep- ing them out of fields, 1860. Wurdeman, G. On obtaining specimens of fla- mingoes and other birds of south Florida, 1860. Natural history as applied to farming and garden- ing. Morris, J. G., 185-5. Natural history of organized bodies. Marey, M., 1867. Navajo Indians, Sketch of. Letterman, J., 1H5.5. Nebulie, Remarks relative to. Gautier, Prof., 1863. Neuchatel, Palafittes, or lacustiian construction, of the lake of. Desor, E., 1863. New Mexico, Spanish works on, 1855. Nitrifaction, Report on. Craig, B. F., 1861. North America, Physical atlas of. Gibbs, G., 1866. Northern seas. Babinel, J. , 186 1. Norwegian mountains, lakes, and the snow line, Statistics relative to. Dreutzer, O. F., 1866. Oersted, J. C, Memoir of. Elie de Beaumont, 1868. Ornithology. Egging expedition to Shoal lake. Gunn, D., 1867. Oxygen and its combinations. Chace, G. J., 1855. Ozone and antozone. Wetherill, C. M., 1864. PalaKontology. Principles and methods of. Hux- ley, T. H.,186;). Peltier, J. A., Memoir of. Peltier, E. A., 1867. Perspiration and respiration. Apparatus for testing the results of. Pettenkofer, M., 1864. Petroleum, History of. Hunt, T. S., 1861. Phalangidie, On collecting. Wood, H. C, 1866. Phenomena, Registry of periodical, 185.5. Phonography. Sharpless, T., and Patterson, R., 1856. Photo-chemistry. Jamin, M., 1867. Photographv, Astronomical. Lee, Dr., 1861. Physical atlas. Gibbs, G., 1866. Physical geography of the N. A. continent. Froe- bel, J.,1854. Physical observatory. Henry. J., 1870. Physics, Lecture on. Henry, J., 1856. Phvsics and natural history. Geneva society of. Transactions, 18-58-66. 18.5J, 186:i, 1866, 1868. Pilework antiquities of Olmutz, 1866. Planetary disturbances. Snell, E. S., 1855. Pottery, Indian. Rau, C, 1866. Preservation of copper and Iron in salt water. Becquerel, A. E.,1864. Preservation of wood and iron in salt water. Bec- querel, A. E., 1864. Priestlv, J., Memoir of. Cuvier, G., 1858. Prize q'uestions of scientific societies, 1861-2, 1861-5, 1867, 1869. Programme of Holland society of sciences, 1868. Programme of imperial academy, Bordeaux, France, 1868. Programme of organization of the Smithsonian institution, 1868. Publications of Smithsonian institution to July, 186!). 1868. Races, Intermixture of. Gibbs, G., 1864. Radiation, Lecture on. Tyndall, J., 1868. Roads and bridges. Rogers, F.. 1860. Royal institution of Great Britain, History of. MaiUy,E.,1867. Smithsonian institution {continued) — Royal society of London, Origin and history of. Alexaniler, C. A., 1863. Rust, Destructive effect of, on iron, 1861. San Franci.sco, Climate of. Gibbons, H., 1*54. Schoenbein, C.^F. (discoverer of ozone). Notice of, 1868. Scientific congress of Carlsruhe. Nickles, M. J., 1860. Senses, The : feeling and smell, 186-5. Sen.ses, The : taste, hearing, and sight, 1866. Serpents and wounds of poisoned arrows. Nature and cure of the bite of. Brainard, D., 1854. Shell deposits— Brinton. D. G. Artificial shell deposits of the U. S., 1806. Rau, C. Artificial shell deposits In New Jersey, 1864. Shells- Carpenter, P. P. Lecture on the shells of the gulf of California, 18.59. Lewis, J. Instructions for collecting land and fresh-water, 1866. Smithson, Jas., Notice of. GUbert, D. Also, his bequest, 18.50. Smithson, Jas., Will of, and acceptance by Con- gress, 18-53 fapp.). Smithsonian institution. Act to establish, and con- struction thereof by J. McP. Berrien. Report, 1853 (app.). Solar eclipse of July 18, 1860. Lamont, J., 1864. Spectrum analysis. Results of, applied to the heav- enly bodies. Huggins, W., 1866. Storms, Magnetic. Sabine, E., 1860. Sun,The- Laugel, A. Its chemical analj-sis, 1861. Meecli, L. W. Relative intensity of its heat and light upon different latitudes of the earth, 1856. Sun's disk. External appearance of the, 1866. Sun's distance. Means for correcting the measure of the, 18.59. Switzerland, Lecture on. Bache, A. D., 1870. Synthetical studies and experiments on metamor- phlsm,and on the formation of crystalline rocks. Daubree, G. A., 1861. Telegraph,. ■i.mericanfirealarm. Channing.W. F., 18-54. Terrestrial physics- Campbell, J. V. Earthquake in Peru, Aug. 13, 1868. 1870. Johnson, W. W. Distribution of forest trees in Montana. Idaho, and Washington, 1870. Palmier!, Prof. Electro-magnetic seismograph, 1870. Sargent, W. D. Influence of the aurora on tele- graph, 1870. Thenard, L. J., Memoir of. Flourens, M. J. P., 1862. Thunder and lightning. Masterman, S., 1855. Time and space. Relations of. Alexander, S., 1861. Trinidad, Economic geology of. Wall, G. P., and Sawkins, J., 1856. Union, Lectures on the. Reed, H., 1854. Vastness of the visible creation. Lecture on. Alex- ander, 8., 18-57. Vegetable colonization of the British isles of Shet- land and Faroe, and Iceland. Martins, C, 1858. Vegetation and the atmosphere. Jamin, J., 1864. Vibratory movement of matter, ponderable and imponderable. Magrini, L.,1S68. Victoria, Address of president of the Royal society of, 1868. Vitality, Researches on. Higgins, H. H., 1866. Volcano of Colima, Eruption of. Sartorius, C, 1S69. Voltaic battery. Determination of the constant, 1855. Von Buch, L., Memoir of. Flourens, M. J. P., 1862. M'eights and measures. Tables of, 186;i-5. Youcan (Russian America), Journey to. Kirbj-,W. W., 1864. Young, Thos., Eulogy on. Arago, D. F., 1869. Same. For the year 1871. Wash. 1871. 8^ Contents : America, North. Much, M. Ancient history of. Animal kingdom. Kornhuber, G. A. Alternate generation and parthenogenesis in the. Arago, D. F., Biography of; Fourier. J. Arizona. Grossman, F. E. Pima Indians of. Astronomy. See Stockwell (belowX Berthoud, E. S. Antiquities In Colorado. Botany. See Reichardt, H. W. [below). Brown, D. Shell-heap in Georgia. Collins, Col. Meteorology of Green river country. Comfort, A. J. Indian mounds in Dakota. Crook, G. Indian mode of making arrow-heads, etc. Dakota or Sioux Indians. Rcehrig, F. L. O. On the language of. De Forest, E. L. Methods of interpolation. Dodge, N. S. Memoir of J. F. W. Herschel, Ethnology— Berthoud, E. S. Antiquities on the Cache la Poudre river, Colorado terr. Smithsonian 775 SMITHSONIAN Smithsonian institution (continued) — Ktliiiology {cotttimied^— Comfort, A. J. Indian mounds near Fort Wads- worth, Dakota terr. Lyon, W. B. Antiquities In New Mexico. afcConnell, E. M. Account of the old Indian village KuRhknshkee, near Newcastle, Penn. Much, M. Ancient history of North America. Peter, R. Ancient mound near Lexington, Ky. IBoehrig, F. L. O. On the language of the Dakota or Sioux Indians. Schott, A. Remarks on an ancient relic of Maya sculpture. Spainhour, J. M. Antiquities in Lenoir co., N. C. Fourier, J. Arago, D. F. Biography of. Geneva society of physics and natural history. Saussure, H. de. Report on the transactions of, June, 1870-71. Georgia. Brown, D. Shell-heap in. Graham, T. Odling, W. Paper on his scientific work. Green river country, Colorado terr. Collins, Col. Meteorology of. Grossman, F. E. Pima Indians of Arizona. Hall, C. F., Instructions to, for expedition toward the north pole. Harrison, W. Account of a storm In Butler co., Kansas, 1871. Helmholtz.H. L. F. Relation of physical sciences to science in general. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Dodge, N. S. Memoir of. Indians. See Comfort, Crook, Ethnology, Gross- man (above). Kentucky. Peter, R. Ancient mound near Lex- ington. Knight, B. T. Connection of gales of wind and ap- pearance of the aurora. Kornhuber, G. A. Alternate generation and par- thenogenesis in the animal kingdom. Latimer, G. Meteorology of Porto Kico. Lyon, W. B. Antiquities in New Mexico. McConnell, E. M. Account of the old Indian vil- lage Kushkushkee, near Newcastle, Penn. Maya. See Yucatan (belmv). Meek, J. B. Account of tornado in Spruce creek valley. Centre co., Penn. Meteorology- Collins, Col. Meteorology of the Green river country. Harrison, W. Account of storm in Butler co., Kansas. Knight, R. T. Connection of gales of wind and appearance of the aurora. Latimer, G. Meteorology of Porto Rico. Meek, J. B. Account of tornado In Spruce creek valley, Centre co., Penn. Mortality tables. De Forest, E. L. Methods of in- terpolating. Much, M. Ancient history of North America. New Mexico, l^yon, W. B. Antiquities in. North Carolina. Spainhour, J. M. Antiquities in Lenoir co., N. C. Odling, W. Professor Graham's scientific work. Pennsylvania. McConnell, E. M. Account of the old Indian village Kushkushkee, near Newcastle. Peter, B. Ancient mound near Lexington, Ky. Physical sciences. Helmholtz, H. L. F. Relation of general science to. Pima Indians. Grossman, F. E. Pima Indians of Arizona- Porto Rico. Latimer, G. Meteorology of. Beichardt, H. W. Present state of our knowledge of cryptogamous plants. Boehrig, F. L. O. Language of the Dakota or Sioux Indians. Saussure, H. B. de. Beport on the transactions of the Geneva soc. of physics and natural history. Schott, A. Bemarks on an ancient relic of Maya sculpture. Shell-heaps. See Ethnology {above). Spainhour, J. M. Antiquities in Lenoir co., N. C. Stockwell, J. N. Secular variations of the plane- tary orbits. Yucatan. Schott, A. Bemarks on an ancient relic of Maya sculpture. Catalogue of copyright publications (books, maps, musical compositions, and prints) de- posited prior to 1850. (Jw Annual report, 1850.) Contributions to knowledge. "Wash. 1848- 72. 18 V. 4° Contents : America, North— Girard, C. Fresh-water fishes of [cottoldsl, v. 3. Harvey, W. H. Marine algre of, 3 parts, v. 3, 5, 10. Leldy, J. Memoir on the extinct sloth tribe of, V. 7. Loomis, E. Certain storms in Europe and Amer- ica, in Dec. 1836, v. 11. American fossil ox. Leidy, J. Memoir upon the extinct species of, v. 5. Smithsonian institution (continued ) — Animals. Leidy, S. A flora and fauna within liv- ing animals, v. 5. Archaeology— Haven, S. F. Archaeology of the United States, V. 8. Lapham, I. A. Antiquities of Wisconsin, v. 7. Mayer, B. Mexican archaeology and Zapotlc re- mains, V. 9. Squier, E. G. Aboriginal monumentsof the state of New York, v. 2. Squier, E. G., and Davis, E. H. Ancient monu- ments of the Mississippi valley, v. 1. Whittlesey, C. Description of ancient works In Ohio, V. 3. Arctic seas- Hayes, 1. 1. Physical observations in, v. 15. Kane, E. K. Astronomical observations In the, 18.5:j-5, V. 12. Kane, E. K. Magnetical observations in, v. 10. Kane, E. K. Meteorological observations ln,v. 11. Kane, E. K. Tidal observations in, v. 13. McClintock, F. L. Meteorological observations In, V. 13. Astronomy— Bache, A. D. Astronomical discussions at Qlrard college, parts l.-vi., v. 13. Same. Parts vii.-xii., v. 14. Downes, J. Occultations visible In the United States during 1851, v. 2. Gilliss, J. M. Total eclipse of the sun, Sept. 7, 1858, in Peru, v. 11. Kane, E. K. Astronomical observations In the arctic seas, 1853-5, v. 12. Newcomb, S. Investigation of the orbit of Nept- une, v. JS. New tables of planetary motions. Asteroid supplement to new ta- Eunkle, J. D. v. 9. Eunkle, J. D. bles, V. 9. Stockwell, J. N. Variations of the orbits of the eight principal planets, v. 18. Walker, S. C. Besearches relative to the planet Neptune ; with ephemerides from 1846 to 1853, V. 2 (app.). Atlantic coast Bailey, J. W. Microscopical ex- amination of the soundings off the coast of the U. S.,v. 2. Aurora borealis— Force, P. Auroral phenomena In the higher northern latitudes, v. 8. Olmstead, D. Becent secular period of the aurora borealis, v. 8. Botany- Gray, A. Plantae Wrightianae Texano-Neo-Mex- icanae, part i., v. 3. Same. Part 11., v. 5. Harvey, W.H. Marine algae of N. A. PartL,mel- anospermeae, v. 3; part ii.. rhodospermeae, v. 5 ; part iii., chlorospermese, v. 10. Leidy, J. Flora and fauna found In living ani- mals, V. -5. Torrey , J. Description of plants collected in Cali- fornia by J. C. Fremont, v. 6. Torrey, J. Observations on the Batls maritlma of Linnaeus, v. 6. Torrey, J. On theDarlingtonlaCalifornica,anew pitcher plant from northern Cal., v. 6. Bridgman, Laura. Lieber, F. Vocal sounds of, v. 2. California— Torrej-,J. DarllngtoniaCalifornica: anewpitch- er plant from northern Cal., v. 6. Torrey, J. Description of plants collected In Cal. by J. C. Fremont, v. 6. Chemistry. Gibbs, W., and Genth, F. A. Be- searches on the ammonia-cobalt bases, v. 9. China. Pumpelly, B. Geological researches in China and Japan, v. 15. Connecticut valley. Hitchcock, E. Illustrations of surface geology in, v. 9. Dakota language. Biggs, S. B. Grammar and dic- tionary of, V. 4. Electrical rheometry. Secchi, A. Besearches In, V. 3. Entomology. Le Conte, J. L. Coleoptera of Kan- sas and eastern New Mexico, v. 11. Europe. Loomis, E. Certain storms in Europe and America, Dec. 1836, v. 11. Fishes. Girard, C. Fresh-water fishes of N. A. [cot- toids], v. 3. Geology- Hitchcock, E. Illustrations of surface geology, especially that of the Connecticut valley, v. 9. Pumpelly, B. Geological researches in Japan and China, V. 15. Geometry. Ferrell, W. Series expressing ratio bet the circumference and diameter of a circle, v. 18. Glaciers. Whittlesey, C. Fresh -water glacial drift of the north-west states, v. 15. Gliddon mummy-case In Smithsonian institution. Pickering, C, V. 16. Human race. Morgan, L. H. Systems of consan- guinity and affinity of, v. 17. Indians. Swan, J. G. Indians of Cape Flattery, v. 16. SMITHSONIAN 776 SMITHSONIAN Smithsonian institution {continued) — Insects. Agassiz. L. fj. R.) Embryological class- ification of, V. 2. Japan. Pumpelly, R. Geological researches in Japan and China, v. 1.5. Lalfe Superior. Whittlesey, C. Ancient mining on the shores of, v. 13. Lakes. Whittlesey, C. Fluctuation of level in N. American, v. 12. Longitude. Gould, B. A. Trans-Atlantic, v. 16. Magnetism— Bache, A. D. Magnetic survey of Pennsylvania, V. 12. Harkness, W. Observations on terrestrial mag- netism, V. 18. Kane, E. K. Magnetical observations in the arc- tic seas, v. 10. Locke, J. Observations on terrestrial magnet- ism, V. 3. Sonntag, A. Observations on terrestrial magnet- ism in Mexico, v. 11. Marine algae. Harvey, W.H. Parti.,melanosper- mese, v. 3 ; part ii., rhodospermese, v. 5 ; part iii., chlorospermese, v. 10. Marine iiivertebrata of Grand Manan, New Bruns- wick. Stimpson, W., v. 6. Meteorology— Bache, A. D. Meteorological observations made at Girard coll., Phil., 1840-45, v. 11. Caswell, A. Meteorological observations made at Providence, R. I., 1831-60, v. 12. Cleaveland, P. Meteorological observations made at Brunswick, Maine, 1807-5!), v. 16. Hildreth, S. P. Meteorological observations made at Marietta, Ohio, between 1826 and 1859, v. 16. Kane, E. K. Meteorological observations In the arctic seas, v. 11. McClintock,F. L. Meteorological observations in the arctic seas, v. 13. Schott, C. A. Tables of precipitation in rain and snow in U. S., etc., v. 18. 8mith, N. D. Meteorological observations made near Washington, Ark., 1840-59, v. 12. Meteors. Coflfin.J. H. Orbit ahd phenomena of a meteoric flre-ball, seen July 20, 1860, v. 16. Mexico- Mayer, B. Observations on Mexican history and archaeology, v. 9. Sonntag, A. Observations on terrestrial magnet- ism, V. 11. Microscope- Bailey, J. W. Microscopical examination of soundings made off the Atlantic coast, v. 2. Bailey, J. W. Microscopical observations in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, v. 2. Baile.v, J. W. New species of microscopical or- ganisms, V. 7. Mining. Whittlesey, C. Ancient mining on the shores of lake Superior, v. 13. Missi.ssippi valley— Ellet, C, Jr. Physical geography of the Miss. valley, v. 2. Squier, E. G., aiid Davis, E. H. Ancient monu- ments of, V. 1. Missouri. Meek, F. B., and Hayden, F. V. Palre- ontology of the upper Missouri. Part i., inver- tebrates, V. 14. Mummy. Pickering, C. Gliddon mummy -case, V. 16. Natural history. Leidy,J. Memoiron the extinct sloth tribe of North America, v. 7. Nebraska. I.eidy, J. Ancient fauna of, v. 6. New York. Squier, E.G. Aboriginal monuments of the state of, v. 2. Nitre. Hare, R. On the explosiveness of, v. 2. Ohio. Whittlesey, C. Description of ancient works in,v.3. Oology. Brewer, T.M. North American. Parti., raptores and eissirostres, v. 11. Osteolog.v. Dean, J. Gray substance of the me- dulla oblongata and trapezium, v. 16. Palaeontology. Meek, F. B., and Hayden, F. V. Palaeontology of the upper Missouri. Part L, in- vertebrates, v. 14. Physical geography of the Mississippi valley. El- let, C, Jr.. v. 2. Providence, R. I. Caswell, A. Meteorological ob- servations made at, 1831-60, v. 12. Publications of learned societies and periodicals, in Smithsonian library. Part i., v. 7 ; part ii., v. 8. Reptiles— Gibbes, R. W. Memoir on mosasaurus and allied genera, v. 2. Leid.v, J. Cretaceous reptiles of the U. S., v. 14. Mitchell, S. W. Researches on the venom of the rattlesnake, v. 12. Mitchell, S. W., and Morehouse, G. R. Respira- tion in the chelonia, v. 13. W};man , J. Anatomy of nervous system of rana pipiens, v. 5. Smithsonian library, Publications of learned socle- ties and periodicals in. Part i., v. 7 ; part il., v. 8. Storms. Loomis, E. Certain storms in Europe and America, Dec. 1836, v. 11. Smithsonian institution {continued) — Sun. Meech. L. W. Intensity of heat and lightof the sun in different latitudes of the earth, v. 9. Teles<'ope. Draper. H. Construction and use of a silvered glass telescope, v. 14. Tides- Davis, C. H. taw of deposit of the flood tides, V. ?. Kane, E. K. Tidal observations In the arctic seas, V. 13. Whittlesey, C. Fluctuations of level In N. A. lakes, V. 12. Tornado. Chappelsraith, J. Account of a tornado in Indiana, April 30, 1852. v. 7. Trigonometry. Alvord, B. Tangencies of circles and of spheres, v. 8. United States. Haven, S. F. Archaeology of, v. 8. Vertebrata. Jones, J. Investigations relative to certiiin American, v. 8. Vocal sounds of Laura Brldgman. Lieber, F., v. 2. Volcanoes. Sonntag, A. Notes and illustrations of Popocatepetl and its vicinity, v. 11. Winds. Coffin, J. H. Winds of the northern hem- isphere, V. 6. Wisconsin. Lapham, I. A. Antiquities of, v. 7. Yoruba language. Bowen, T. J. Grammar and dictionary of the, v. 10. Zapotic remains. Mayer, B. Mexican archaeology and, V. 9. Zoology— Leidy, J. Ancient fauna of Nebraska, v. 6. Leidy, J. Flora and fauna found in living ani- mals, v. 5. Description of the anemometer at S. institu- tion. {In Annual report, 1860.) Description of the magnetic observatory at S. institution. {In Annual report, 1859.) Isothermal lines, based on observations made at the joint expense of the U.S. patent of- fice and the Smithsonian institution. [In frame.] List of the foreign correspondents of the S. institution. {In Mis. collections, v. 5.) Miscellaneous collections. "Wash. 1860-64. 9y. 8; Contents : Bats of N. America. AUen, H., v. 7. Birds- Arrangement of families of, v. 8. Baird, S. F. Catalogue of N. American birds, chietly In the museum of the Smithsonian Inst., V. 2. Instructions in collecting nests and eggs of N. American, v. 2. Catalogue of publications of learned societies, pe- riodicals, and encyclopaedic works in the Smith- sonian institution, v. 3, 9. Chemical arts. Booth, J. C, and Morfit, C. Re- cent improvements in, v. 2. Chinook jargon. Gibbs, G. Dictionary of, v. 7. Coleoptera of N. Amer. Le Conte, J. L. Classifi- cation, list, and new species of, v. 3, 6. Conchology of N. America. Binney, W. G. Bib- liography of, V. 5, 9. Corbiculadae. Prime, T. Monograph of American, V. 7. Correspondents of the Smithsonian inst, List of the foreign, v. .5. Diptera of N. America— Loew, H. Monographs of, v. 6. Osten Sacken, R. Catalogue of, v. 3. Ethnology— Gibbs, G. Ethnology and philology of N. A., v. 7. Morgan, L. H. Degrees of relationship among different nations, v. 2. Fossils of N. America. Conrad, T. A., and Meek, F. B. Invertebrate, v. 7. Hudson bay company. Circulars to officers of, v. 2, 8. H.vdrobiinae, Researches upon the, v. 7. Indians of N. America, Catalogue of portraits of, with sketches of scenery painted by J. M. Stan- ley, V. 2. Lepidoptera of N. America. Morris, J. Q. Cata- logue, V. 3, 4. Meteorological and physical tables, 1859. Guyot, A., V. 1. Meteorological observations and the registry of pe- riodical phenomena, Directions for, v. 1. Minerals, with their formulas, etc. Egleston, T. Catalogue of, v. 7. Natural history specimens. Directions for collect- ing, preserving, and transporting, v. 2. Neuroptera of North and South America. Hagen, H., V. 4. Orthoptera of North America. Scudder,S.H. Cat- alogue of, V. 8. Philology of Ajuerica. Gibbs, G., v. 7. SMITHSONIAN 777 SNELL Smithsonian institution {continued) — Psyclirometrioal tabic for deterniininK tlie elastic force of aqueous vapor and the relative humidi- ty of the atmosphere, from Indications of the wet and dry-bulb thermometer Fahrenheit. Cof- fin, J. H., V. 1. Reptiles of North America. Baird, S. F., and Gl- rard, C. Catalogue of. Pt. 1., serpents, v. 2. Shells of North America— Binney, AV. O., and Bland, T. Land and fresh- water, V. 7, 8. Circular in reference to collectinfr, v. 2. Lea, Isaac, et al. Check-list of Smithsonian in- stitution, V. 2. Telegraph, Proceedings of board of regents of the Smith.sonian institution in relation to the electro- magnetic, V. 2. Pkogramme of organization of S. institution. (/« Annual rept. 1868.) Publications, to July, 1869, {In Smith- sonian rept. 1868.) Kesults of meteorological observations made under the direction of the U. S. patentofRce and the Smithsonian institution, from 1854 to 1859, inclusive. Wash. 1861. 4^ Smoke. Tuegenieff, I. S. Smoked glass. Newell, E. H. Smoker's text-book. Hamer, J. Smoking. See Tobacco. Smoking and drinking. Parton, J. Smollett, Tobias (1721-1771). Miscellaneous works ; with memoirs of his life and writ- ings. {2d ed.) Edin. 1800. 6 v. 12? Contents : Account of the expedition against Carthagena, v. 4. Adventures of an atom, v. 6. Adventures of Ferdinand, Count Fathom, v. 4. Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, v. 2, 3. Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves, v. 5. Advice and reproof: a satyre, v. 3. Expedition of Humphry Clinker, v. 6. Life of Smollett, by R. Anderson, v. 1. Poems, V. 3. Regicide, The : tragedy, v. 3. Reprisal, The : comedy, v. 3. Roderick Random, v. 1. Travels through France and Italy, v. 5. History of England, from the revolution in 1688 to the death of George ii. , 1760 . Lond. 1854. 4 v. 12i Humphry Clinker. N. T. 1860. 12? KoDERiCK Kandom. N. Y. 1860. 12? Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litterature An- glaise, V. 4. Thackeray, W. M. English humorists of the xviii. century. See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1. Smucker, S.M. {Ed.andcomp.) Arctic explora- tions and discoveries during the xix. cent- ury ; being accounts of the several expe- ditions to the north seas, both English and American, conducted by Koss, Parry, Back, Franklin, M'Clure, and others, including the first Grinnell expedition, and the final eflTort of Dr. E. K. Kane in search of Frank- lin. N. Y. 1857. 12? History of the four Georges, kings of En- gland. Life and reign of Nicholas i., emperor of Kussia. Life and times of Alexander Hamilton. Life of John C. Fremont, Memoirs of the court and reign of Catherine II., empress of Kussia. Public and private history of Napoleon iii. Smuggler, The. Banim, J. Smuggler's leap. The. Hardman, F. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 9, 10.) Smyrna — Baillie, Mrs. — . Sail to. SvoBODA, A. Seven churches of Asia. Smsrth., Charles Bohun. Christian metaphysics ; or, Plato, Malebranche, and Gioberti, the old and newontologists, compared with mod- ern schools of psychology. Lond. 1851. 8? Smyth, Charles Piazzi. Antiquity of intellectual man, from a practical and astronomical point of view. Edin. 1868. 12? Our inheritance in the great pyramid ; with photograph, map, and plates. Lond. 1864. 12? Teneriffe, an astronomer's experiment ; or, specialties of a residence above the clouds. Lond. 1858. 12? Sm3rth, K. Brough. Gold-fields and mineral dis- tricts of Victoria. Melb. 1869. 4? {2 cop.) Smyth, Warington W. Coal and coal-mining. Lond. 1869. 12? Smyth, William (1766-1849). Lectures on mod- ern history, from the irruption of the north- ern nations to the close of the American revolution. From the second London ed., with a preface, list of books on American history, etc., by J. Sparks. Camb., Mass., 1841. 2v. 8? Same. Lond. 1854. 12? Lectures on the history of the French revolu- tion. Lond. 1855. 2 v. 12? Sm3rthe, George Sydney. Historic fancies. {2d ed.) Lond. 1844. 8? Contents : Ambleside church. Aristocracy of France. Barbarous. Barnave. Brissot. Cabinet dinner in the last centurv. Cambridge, 1837. Carrel, Armand. Catholic cavalier, 1641. Couthon. Dialogue between a Protest- ant missionarj' and a priest of Buddh. Dialogue between an Eng. racUpal M.P. and a French radical deputy. Dumouriez. Earl's rising, 1715. Eleanore. Eskdale. Fifteen and twenty-five. Grassmere. H6bert. Hoche. Jacobin of Paris. James ii.. King. La Rochefoucauld. Smythies, Mrs. Gordon. Breach of promise. Lond. n.d. 12? Jilt, The. Lond. 1858. 16? Life of a beauty, The. Lond. n.d. 16? Marrying man. The. Lond. n.d. 16? My pretty cousin ; or, a long engagement. Lond. n.d. 16? Warning to wives ; or, the Platonic lover. Lond. n.d. 16? Snake-bite. Halford, G. B. New treatment of. Melb. 1869. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 32.) See also Poisons. Snakes. See Herptology ; and the names of countries. Snarleyyow, the dog-fiend. Marryat, F. Snell, Ebenezer Strong (6. 1801). Lecture, on planetary disturbances. {In Smithsonian rept. 1855.) Louis xrv. and Charles u. Louvet. Loyalist of the VendSe. Marat. Merchants of old England. Mirabeau. New Athens. New market. Opposition scene In the last century. Orleans, Duke of, Death of. Question, The. Richelieu. Robespierre. Saint just. Serenade. Sonnets (5). Stuart, Charles: Conlshead priory. Stuart, Mary, and her last prayer. Tallien. Toleration. Touching for the evU. Tuileries. Venus and Adonis. Versailles. SNOBLACE 778 SOCIETY Snoblace ball ; or, Pill Garlic and his friends. By the Spectator. Snow, E. L. Bungay, G.W. Sketch of. {In Off-hand takings.) SnO"W, John . Chloroform, and other anaesthetics : their action and administration. Lond. 1858. 8° Snow. Glaisher, J. Crystals of snow as ap- plied to the purposes of design. [In Art- studies from nature.) Snow-berries. Gary, A. Snow-bound: a winter idyl. Whittier, J. G. Snow-flakes and sunbeams. Ballantyne, K. M. Snow image ; and other twice-told tales. Haw- thorne, N. Snow man. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Snow-storm, The. Botjrne, Miss E. M. Snowden, James Koss (b. 1810). Description of ancient and modern coins in the cabinet col- lections at the mint of the United States. Phil. 1860. 8° (2 cop.) Description of the medals of "Washington ; of national and miscellaneous medals ; and of other objects of interest in the museum of the mint. With biographical notices of the directors of the mint, from 1792 to 1851. Phil. 1861. Eoy. 8^ (2 cop.) So runs the world away. Steele, Mrs. A. C. Soady, France James. Lessonsof war, as taught by the great masters and others ; selected and arranged from the various operations of war. Lond. 1870. 8° Soane, George. New curiosities of literature, and book of the months. Lond. 1849. 2 v. 12° Soap and candles — MoRPiT, C. Chemistry applied to the manu- facture of. Ott, a. Art of making. Soares, G. de M. Sketches on the wing. Lond. 1870. 12° Soave, Francesco (1743-1806). Novels. (In Koscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 4.) Sober thoughts on staple themes. Kandolph, E. Social condition and education of the people in England. Kay, J. Social economy. Kogers, J. E. T. Social growths of the xix. century. Statham, F. R. Social life of the Chinese. Doolittle, J. Social science. See Sociology. Social science association. See National associa- tion for the promotion of social science. Societe Fran9aise au xvii. siecle, La. Cousin, V. Society premiere et de ses lois, ou de la religion, La. Lamennais, H. F. R. Society — Aristotle. Politics and economics. Brownson, O. a. New views of. Bushnell, H. Society and religion. (In Pamphlets, v. 30.) Dick, T. Improvement of society by the dif- fusion of knowledge. Hand-books of. Society and solitude. Emerson, E. W. Society in America. Martineau, H. Society islands — Beechey, F. W. Visits to, and description of. {In his Narrative, v. 1.) Society islands (continued ) — Cook, J. Account of a visit to the various ports of the Society islands, 1777 ; with de- scriptions of the islands and inhabitants, cus- toms, etc. (In Voyages, v. 2, bk. iii.) — Account of several passages among the Society islands ; with visits at numerous ports, 1772-3. (In Voyages, v. 1, pp. 333- 412.) Coulter, J. Adventures in the Pacific. Darwin, C. (R.) Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of countries visited during the voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, 1832-6. Ellis, W. Polynesian researches. FiTZ-RoY, R. Voyages in the Adventure and Beagle, 1832-6. FoRSTER, G. Voyage round the world, in H. B. M. ship Resolution, 1772-5. Gerstacker, F. Visit to the Society islands, 1850. (In Journey round the world.) Vancouver, G. Voyage round the world, 1790-95, V. 1. Warriner, F. Voyage of the Potomac. Wise, H. A. Los gringos. See also Eimeo ; Tahiti. Society of California pioneers (S. F.). Celebra- tion of the admission of Cal. into the union, 1853 (Sept. 9) : oration, by W. Van Voor- hies. S. F. 1853. Same. 1854. Oration, by E. J. C. Kewen ; poem, by F. Soul6. S. F. 1854. (In Pam- phlets, V. 14.) Reports of celebrations, transactions, etc. [Collected and bound.] (In Pamphlets, v. 25.) *■' Contents : Celebration of the seventh anniversary of the ad- mission of Cal. into the union. Oration, by T. W. Freelon ; ode, by Edward Pollock. S. F. 1857. 8vo. Celebration of the tenth anniversary of the admis- sion of Cal. into the union. Oration, by E. Kan- dolph. S. F. 1S60. 8vo. Celebration of the twelfth anniversary of the ad- mission of Cal. into the union. Address, by E. H. Washburn. S. F. 1S62. 8vo. Celebration of fourteenth anniversary of the soci- etv. Oration, bv H. W. Bellows ; poem, by F. B. Harte. S. F. 1861. 8vo. Celebration of fifteenth anniversary of the society. Oration, bv H. Stebbins ; poem, by J. F. Bow- man. S. F. 18ft5. 8vo. Celebration of the sixteenth anniversary of the ad- mission of the state of Cal. into the federal union. Oration, by J. \V. Dwinelle. S. F. 1866. 8vo. Celebration of the seventeenth anniversary. Ora- tion, by W. H. Clark ; poem, by C. W. Stoddard. S. F. 1867. 8vo. r.41so in Pamphlets, v. 20.] Celebration of the eighteenth anniversary. Ora- tion, by E. D. Wheeler ; poem, by Ina D. Cool- brith. S. F. 1868. 8vo. Celebration of the nineteenth anniversary. Ora- tion, by J. S. Hittell. S. F. 1869. 8vo. Ceremonies at laying of the corner-stone of the new Pioneer hall, Julv 7, 1862. Oration, by W. B. Farwell ; poem, by MLss E. A. Pittsinger. S. P. 1862. 8vo. Constitution and by-laws, as revised and adopted, April, 1869. S. F. 1869. 12mo. Inaugural ceremonies I't the opening of the new Pioneer hall, Jan. 8, 1863. Inaugural address, by O. P. Sutton ; oration, by E. Life. S. F. 1863. 8vo. Keport of the committee of the board of directors on the state of the society, Jan. 1, 1869. S. F. 1869. 8vo. Transactions. Jan. 1 to May 7, 1863. Part i., v. 11. S. F. 1863. 8vo. Society of the Cincinnati. Johnston, A. Ac- count of, and journal of the general meeting in 1784, by W. Sargent. (In Pennsylvania hist, soc, V. 6.) Society of the lakes. De Quincey, T. (In hit Literary reminiscences.) ™ SOCIOLOGY 779 SOLITUDES Sociology— About, E, (P. V.) ABC du travailleur. — Hand-book of social economy. — Progres, Le. Acton, W. Prostitution, in its moral, social, and sanitary aspects. Aknold, F. Turning-points in life. Arnold, M. Culture and anarchy. Beauty is power. Boom, C. de. Solution politique et sociale. Brace, C. L. Dangerous classes , of New York. Brougham, H. {Lord). Speeches, on social and political subjects. Browkson, O. a. Essays and reviews. Burgh, J. Dignity of human nature. Burkitt, E. Social and artistic science. {In Ten-minute talks.) Carey, H. C. Principles of social science. Chanxing, W. E. Elevation of the laboring portion of the community. City missions. CoBDEN, J. C. "White slaves of England. Collins, J. Nature's aristocracy. CoRTfe, J. D. Essay on Catholicism, liberal- ism, and socialism. Dewey, O. Moral views of commerce, so- ciety, and politics. Elder, W. Questions of the day. Essays : critical and social. Essays on social subjects. Greenwood, J. Seven curses of London. Greg, W. K. Enigmas of life. Hale, E. E. Sybaris ; and other homes. Hamilton, K. S. Present status of social sci- ence. Hearn, "W. E. Plutology ; or, the theory of the efforts to satisfy human wants. Home and social philosophy. Kaye, I. W. Essays of an optimist. Jenkins, E. Ginx's baby. Journal of social science. Low, S., Jr. Charities of London. MacKean, K. Manual of social science. Maurice, J. E. D. Workman and the fran- chise. The. Mayhew, H. London labor and the London poor. Michelet, J. People, The. — Peuple, Le. Nichols, T. L. Human physiology the basis of sanitary and social science. NoYES, J. H. History of American socialisms. Phelps, j¥mE.S. Silent partner. (Fiction.) Quetelet, a. Sur I'homme et le d^veloppe- ment de ses facultes : essai de physique so- ciale. EoBERTSON, r. W. Lectures and addresses. KoGERS, J. E. T. Social economy. KoussEAU, J. J. Contrat social. {In (Eu- vres, v. 2.) Seaman, E. C. Progress of nations. SiKES, Mrs. "W. W. Get thee behind me, Satan ! Social science association. Transactions. Spencer, H. Social statics. Statham, F. K. Social growths of the xix. century. Talmage, T. De"W. Abominations of mod- ern society. Sociology {continued) — Urquhart, D. Wealth and want. WiERZBiCKi, F. P. Ideal man. Wright, T. Our new masters. Wynter, A. Curiosities of toil. — Our social bees. See also — Emigration. Prisons- Government. Slavery. Labor. Statistics. Law. Trades unions. Political economy. Wages. Population. Work. Socrates (470-400 b.c). Apuleius. God of. Bohn's Class, lib. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed, 1688, V. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Lamartine, a. de. Homer and. Levien, E. Memoirs of. Life, teachings, and death of Socrates ; from Grote's history of Greece, with the defense of Socrates before the judges, by O. W. Wight. N. Y. 1860. 16= Plutarchus. Viede. (ParA. Feillet.) {In Vies des Grecs illustres.) Xenophon. Apologia Socratis. {Gr.etLat.) {In Scripta quae supersunt.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. — Memorabilia. {Gr. et Lat.) (7n Scripta quffi supersunt.) Didot's Script. Grsec. bib- lioth. Zeller, E. Socrates and the Socratic school. See also Celebrated characters. Sogliani, Jean Antoine(1530). Dumas, A. (D.) Biographic de. {In Italiens et Flamands, V. 2.) Soi-meme : a story of a willful life. Lond. 1868. 12^ Soirees de Sainte-Adresse. Karr, (J. B.) A. {In (Euvres, v. 13, 14.) Sola. Thackeray, Miss A. I. {In Writings.) Solace of a solitaire. Kelty, M. A. Solano CO. ( Cat. ) . Directory of Solano and Napa COS. for 1871-2. Sac. 1871. 8^ Solar system. Dick, T. {In Works, v. 10.) Soldier's dream. The. Campbell, T. {In Po- etical works.) Soldier's orphans. Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N. Soldiering and scribbling. Forbes, A. Soldiers and their science. Brabazon, L. B. Soldiers of the bible. Thayer, W. M. Solis, Antonio de (1610-1686). Historia de la conquista de Mejico. Paris, 1844. 8°. History of the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Done into English from the orig- inal Spanish, by T. Townsend. Lond. 1724. 4° Solitary, The. Bremer, Miss F. {In H — fam- ily, etc., v. 2.) Solitary hours. Southey, Mrs. C. A. B. Solitary lyre. Burtt, J. Solitary of Shawmut, The. Motley, J. L. {In Boston book.) Solitude. Zimmerman, J. G. Solitudes of nature and man. Alger, W. E. SOLL 780 BONGS Soil inul haben. Freytao, G. Solomon, Proverbs of. Zocklkr, O. Com- mentary on. {In Lange's Cora., old test., V. 10.) Solomon, Songs of— BuREOWES, G. Commentary on. ZocKLER, O. Commentary on. {In Lange's Com., old test., v. lO.J Solomon islands— Account of missionary labors in the. (Jn Life of Bishop Patteson.) Brenchley, J. L. Cruise of H. M. S. Cura- (joa, 1865. Churchill, A. awtZ J. Discovery of the. {In Voyages, v. 4.) Discovery of the Solomon islands by Bou- gainville, 1768 ; by Carteret, 1767 ; by Men- dana, 1567 ; by Shortland, 1788 ; by Sur- ville, 1769; identity of these discoveries with the archipelago of Arsacides, and situation . {In Fleurieu, C. P. C. de. Discoveries of the French.) Herrera, a. de. Description of the. {In Fleurieu, C. P. C. de. Discoveries of the French.) Solon (638-558? B.C.). Diogenes Laertius. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn 's Class, lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Plutarchus. Viede. (Par A. Feillet.) {In Vies des Grecs illustres.) — Vita. {Gr. et Lat.) {In VitiB, v. 1.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Solovioff, Ivan. CoxE, "W. Voyage of, 1764. {In Account of Kussian discoveries.) Solution politique et sociale, Une. Boom, C. de. Some account of a stage devil. Jerrold, D. ( W.) {In Fireside saints, etc.) Some acc&unt of my cousin Nicholas. Barham, K. H. Some account of the English stage, from the res- toration in 1660 to 1830. Bath, 1832. 10 V. 8° Some account of the last parachute. Jerrold, D. (W.) {In Fireside saints, etc.) Somebody's luggage. Dickens, C. (J. H.) Somers, — {Lord). See Lawyers, Lives of emi- nent British. Somers, Sir George. Belknap, J. Life of. [In American biography, v. 2.) Somers, Kichard. Cooper, J. F. Life of. (In his Lives of Am. naval officers.) Somers, Robert. Scotch banks and system of issije ; including translation of ' Les banques d'Ecosse,' by L. Wolowski, member of the French institute. Edin. 1873. 12= Somers islands. See Bermuda. Somerset, C. A. Day after the fair. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 76. Somerset, Edward. See "Worcester, E. S. Somerville, Mrs. Mary (1780-1873) . Connection of the physical sciences. N. Y. n.d. 12° Mechanism of the heavens. Lond. 1831. 12? Molecular and microscopic science. Lond. 1869. 2 V. 12? Physical geography. Sixth ed., revised by H. W. Bates. Lond. 1870. 12? Proctor, R. A. Sketch of the life of. (In Light science for leisure hours, 2d ser.) Somerville, T. Early hero of the Pacific, An [David Douglas]. (/« Overland monthly, V. 7.) Somerville, W. See Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1. Something new for my^ little friends. (Poems.) Original stories in verse. Phil. 1866. 12? Sommer reise, Eine. Tieck, L. {In Schriften, V. 23.) Somnambulism— Brierre de Boismont, a. J. F. History of. Eeichenbach, K. von. Somnambulism and cramp. TowNSHEND, C. H. Facts in mesmerism. Somo-Somo island. Wilkes, C. Historical and descriptive account of. (Iji Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 3.) Son of the organ-grinder. Schwartz, M. S. Son of the soil. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Song-book, The. Hullah, J. P. Song of Italy, A. Swinburne, A. C. Song of the bell, Schiller, J. C. F. von. {Ih Gems of German verse.) Song of the redeemed. Harsha, J. W. Song of the shirt. HooD, T. (In Poetical works, V. 1.) Same. (In Dana's Household book of poetry.) Song of the sower. Bryant, W. C. Song tide, etc. Makston, P. B. Songe de Plafeon. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. (In ffiuvres completes, v. 8.) Songs and ballads — Aytoun, W. E., and Martin, T. Book of ballads. Barham, R. H. Ingoldsby legends. CosTELLO, L. S. Specimens of the early poetry of France. CuRWEN, H. French love-songs. Delici.« poetarum Scotorum. Key, F. S. Star-spangled banner. The. Il- lustrated by Darley. KoRNER, K. T. Songs and ballads. Kortum, C. a. Jobsiad, The. Leland, C. G. Hans Breitmann's ballads. Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish ballads. Longfellow, H. W. Ballads ; and other poems. Macaulay, T. B. Lays of ancient Rome. Malory, Sir T. (Ed.) Mort d' Arthure, La : history of King Arthur and of the knights of the round table. Moore, F. (Ed.) Songs and ballads of the American revolution. OssiAN. Poems. Percy, T. Reliques of ancient English poetry. Richardson, Mrs. A. S. Songs from the old dramatists. RiTSON, J. Ancient. Schiller, J. C. F. v. Poems and ballads. ScoTT, Sir W. Poetical works. SiMMS, W. G. War poetrj- of the south. Slave songs of the United States. Swinburne, A. C. Laus Veneris, etc. Tegnkr, E. Frithiof s saga. Uhland, J. L. Songs and ballads. Waite, H. R. Carmina coUegensia. Wright, T. Political songs of England. See also Ballads ; Scottish ballads. Songs and ballads of the American revolution. MooRE, F. (Ed.) Songs for the little ones at home. N. Y. n.d. 16? r SONQS 781 SOREL Songs from the old dramatists. Richardson, Mrs. A. S. Songs from the southern seas. O'Rkilly, J. B . Songs in many keys. Holmes, O. W. Songs of Amherst. Northampton, Mass., 1860. Songs of England and Scotland. Lend. 1835. 2 - ''' Consents: Songs of England and Ireland, v. 1. Songs of Scotland, v. 2. Songs of nature, selected from many sources. Il- lustrated by Moran, Kensett, et al. N. Y. 1873. 12° Songs of the heart. Mob ax, T., et al. Songs of the seasons. Linen, J. Songs of the Sierras. Miller, C. H. Songs of the soul. Prime, S. I. {Ed.) Songs of the spirit. Odenheimer, W. H., and Bird, F. M. Songs of the sun-lands. Miller, C. H. Songs of Williams. N. Y. 1859. 12° Songstresses of Scotland. Tytler, S., and AVatson, J. L. Lond. 1871. 2 v. 12° Contents : Elliot, Miss Jean, V. 1. Glover, Jean, v. 1. Hanailton, Mrs. Elizabeth, V. I. Nairne, Carolina, Baroness, V. 2. Adam, Jean, v. \. Baillle, Lady Grisell, v. 1. Baillie, Miss Joanna, v. 2. Barnard, Lady Anne, v. 2. Blamire, Miss Susanna, v. 1. Cockburn, Mrs., v. 1. I Sonnambula. (Opera.) Bellini, V. Sonnets— HousMAN, R. F. Collection of English. Hunt, (J. H.) L., and Lee, S. A. Book of the sonnet. Petrarch, F. One hundred sonnets. Tr. by Susan Wollaston. Shakespeare, W. Sonnets. Smith, C. Elegiac. Whately, R. History of the English. [In Afternoon lectures, etc., v. 4.) Sonnets ; triumphs ; and other poems. Pe- trarch, F. Sonnini, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert (1751-1812). Histoire naturelle, g^n^rale et particuliere des c^tac^s. {In BufFon's Hist, nat., v. 116.) Histoire naturelle, g^n^rale et particuliere des poissons. Paris, 1803-4. 13 v. 8? {In Buffon's Hist, nat., v. 103-115.) Sonntag, August. Observations on terrestrial magnetism in Mexico. ( In Smithsonian contrib., v. 11.) Sonoma co. {Cah). Menefee, C. A. Histor- ical and descriptive sketch-book of. Sonora (Mex.) — Bartlett, J. R. Personal narrative of ex- plorations in. Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country. — ' Reisen und aventeuer in Apachenlande. Moody, W. G. Description of the mining districts of Nacosari and Coronilla in north- eastern. {In Pamphlets, v. 27.) Mowry, S. Geography and resources of Ar- izona and. Velasco, F. Sonora: its extent, population, natural productions, Indian tribes, mines, mineral lands, etc. Tr. by Wm. F. Nye. Sonrel, L. Bottom of the sea. The. Tr. by E. Rich. N.Y. 1870. 12? Fond de la mer, Le. Paris, 1868. 12? Sons of God. Alford, H. Sooner or later. Brooks, C. S. Sophie Printemps. Dumas, A. {fils). {In (Eu- vres, V. 10.) Sophisms of the protectionists. Bastiat, F. Sophist. (Dial.) Plato. Sophistry. Hobbes, T. Art of. {In Works, V. 6.) Sophists. Philostratus. Vitse sophistarum. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Sophocles (495-407 B.C.). Antigone, The ; with notes, by T. D. Woolsey. {M ed.) Bost. 1841. 12? Electra, The ; with notes, by T. D. Wool- sey. {Med.) Bost. 1841. 12? Tragedies. Oxford translation. Lond. 1849. 12? Confe?its : Ajax. Antigone. Electra. CEdipus Coloneus. Tragedies. Tr. by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. {In Brumoy's Greek theatre, ed. 1759, 3 v.) Co?itents : Ajax distracted, v. 2. Antigone, v. 2. Electra, v. 1. CEdipus Tyrannus. Philoctetes. Tracbinise. CEdipus at Colona, v. 2. Phiioctetes, v. 1. TrachiniK!, v. 2. CEdipus, V. 1 — Tragedies. Tr., with a biographical essay, by E. H. Plumtre. Lond. 1867. 12? Contents : Alas. Antigone. Appendix of rhymed choral odes and lyrical dialogues. Chronological table to illus- trate the life of Sophocles. Electra, Fragments. — Tragedies. Tr. by E. H. Plumtre. Lond 1865. 2 V. 12? Life and writings. Maidens of Trachis. CEdipus at Colonus. CEdipus the king. Philoctetes. Table of Gr. proper names dilTering from those la common use. Contents ; Ajax, V, 2. Antigone, v. 1. Electra, v. 2. Maidens of Trachis, v. 2, CEdipus at Colonus, v. 1. — Tragedies notes. CEdipus the king, v. 1. Philoctetes, v. 2. Sophocles, Life and writings of,v. I. Trachinise, v. 2. Trans, into English prose, with (3c? ed.) N. Y. 1837. 12? Contents : Ajax. Antigone. Electra. Philoctetes. Tragodien. TJebersetztvonH.Vichoflf. Hild- burghausen, 1870. 2 theile in 1. 12? Contents : Ajas rasende, Der, v. 2. Antigone, v. 1. Elektra, v. 2. Konig CEdipus, V. 1. CEdipus Coloneus. CEdipus Tyrannus. Trachinise. CEdipus in Kolonos. v. 1. PhiloktetPS, v. 2. Trachinieriunen, Die, y. 2. Sophocles, E. A. Greek lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine periods, from 146 B.C. to a.d. 1100. Bost. 1870. 8? Sophomores of Radcliffe ; or, James Trafton and his bosom friends. Kellogg, E. Sopolis. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. [By Eunapius.] {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Soprano, The : a musical story. Barnard, C. Sorcery. Michelet, J. Sorciere, La. See also Witchcraft. Sorcidre, La. Michelet, J. Sordello, Strafford. Christmas-eve and Easter- day. Browning, R. Sorel, Agnes (d. 14,50). Capefigue, B. H. R. Agnes Sorel et la chevalerie. SORGHO 782 BOUTH Sorgho and imphee. Olcott, H. S. Sorrell, W. J. Border marriage. (Com.) La- cy' s Plays, V. 65. Sorro-ws of Werther. Gothk, J. W. von. Sortain, Joseph {d. 1860). Count Arensberg ; or, the days of Martin Luther. Brighton , 1853. 2 V. 12^ Sotheby, Samuel Leigh (1805-1861). Unpub- lished documents, marginal notes, and mem- oranda in the autograph of Philip Melanch- thon and of Martin Luther ; with numerous fac-similes. Accompanied with observations upon the varieties of style in the handwrit- ing of these illustrious reformers. Lond. 1840. 4^ Sotlieran,H., anrf CO. {Pub.) Catalogue of books for the library ; comprising a selection of the best library editions of standard works in all departments of literature by the best English authors. Lond. 1870. 16:; Soto, Hernando (or Fernando) de (1500-1542). Discovery and conquest of Florida. Written by a gentleman of Elvas, and tr. from the Portuguese by E. Hakluyt. Reprinted from the original ed. of 1611, and ed., with notes and an introduction, by W. B. Rye. Lond, 1851. 8^ {In Hakluyt soc, v. 9.) Abbott, J. S. C. Ferdinand de Soto, the dis- coverer of the Mississippi. N.Y. 1873. 12^ (3 cop.) Belknap, J. Life of. {In American biogra- phy, V. 1.) Robinson, C. Expedition of H. de Soto to Florida in 1539 ; his march thence to the Mis- sissippi, and his death in 1541. {In Early voyages to America.) See also Garcilasso de la Vega {Inca). Soudan. Hamilton, J. Sinai, the Hedjaz, and. Souhaits de mauvaise ann6e, Les. Second, A. Soul— CiCEKO, M. T. Immortality of the soul ; or, quaistionum Tusculanarum. Inquiry into the nature of the human. Newman, F. W. Soul, The : her sorrows and her aspirations. Paine, M. Physiology of the soul and in- stinct, as distinguished from materialism. Soul in nature, The. Oersted, H. C. Soul of things ; or, psychrometric researches and discoveries. Denton, W. and E. M. F. Soule, Mrs. Caroline A. Home life; or, a peep across the threshold. Bost. 1854. 12° Soule, Frank. Poem, on the anniversary of the admission of Cal. into the union, Sept. 9, 1854. S. F. 1854. 8^ {In Pamphlets, v. 14.) et al. Annals of San Francisco ; contammga summary of the history of the first discovery, settlement, progress, and present condition of California, and a complete history of all the important events connected with its great city ; to which are added biographical mem- oirs of some prominent citizens. N.Y. 1855. 8° (3 cop.) Soule, Pierre (1801-1870). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In Ofl-hand takings.) Soule, Richard. Dictionary of English syno- nyms and synonymous or parallel expres- sions : a practical guide to aptness and variety of phraseology. Bost. 1871. 12° Souli6, Melchior Frederic (1800-1847). (Euvres completes. Paris, n.d. 41 v. 12° Contents : Agent de change, L', v. 32. Aimery B6renger, v. 36. Ame meconnue, L', V. 32. . Anne de Pons, v. 12. Arc de triomphe de I'fitoile, L', V. 27. Art de dire non, L', v. 32. Au jour le jour, v. 31. Auberge de Sainte-Gabelle, L', V. 27. Aventure du chat galant, v. 40. Aventures de Safurnln Fl- chet, Les, v. 20, 21. Averses, Les, v. 3-1. Bananier, Le, v. 22. Baa-bleu, Le, v. 32. Bataille d'Au.sterlltz, v. 27. Bohgmienne au xv. sifecle, IJne, V. 40. Bourgeois canipagnard, Le, V. 32. Cliambre des dCputfis, v. 35. Chambrifere, La, v. 40. Chftteau de Montflllon, Le, V. 37. Chateau des Pyrfinfies, Le, V. 13, 14. Choix d'un nom, Le, v. 40. Christine ft Fontainebleau, V. 34. Cocherdu MarCchal C.,v. 26. Comte de Foix, Le, v. 24. Comte de Toulouse, Le, v. 23. Confession gfinCrale, v. 9, 10. Conseiller au parlement, Le, V. 26. Conseiller d'6tat, Le, v. 2.'>. Contes de ma grand'mfere, V. 2G. Contes pour les enfants, v. 27. Contr6Ieur des contributions directes, Le, v. 32. Deux aveugles de 1525, Les, V. 34. Deux roses, Les, v. 34. Diane et Louise, v. 7. Dramesinconnus, Les,v. l-.'j. pranies invisibles, Les, v. 32. Ecrivain public, L', v. 36. Knfant des grenadiers de la garde, L', v. 27. Espionne, L', v. 36. |;t« a Meudon, Un, v. 28. Etrennes des bons manages, V. ae. Eugenie, ou I'enfant sans ni6re, v. 27. Eulalie Pontois, v. 22. Femnae d'un Kusse, La, v. 32. Forgerons, Les, v. 29. Hult jours au chflteau, v. 30. Impressions de voyage, v. 29. Jane Grey, v. 27. Julie, V. 6. Lampe de Salnt-Jiist, La, v. 36. Lanterne magique, La, v. 27. L6on Baburrus, v. 34. Lion amoureux, Le, v. 1,32. Lionne, La, v. 3;J. Louis d'or, Le, v. 26. Louis Jacquot, v. 26. Mademoiselle de la Faille, v. 36. Magnfitlseur, Le, v. 8. Maison de campagne ft ven- dre, V. 40. Maison de .sante. La, v. 40. Maitre d'6c<>le, v. 7. Maitresse de maison de same. La, V. 32. Malheur complet, Un, v. 34. Marguerite, v. ;J5. Marguerite Lambrun, v. 32. Mfiuioires du diable, Les, v. 15-17. Misferes du Dimanche, v. 34. Mon.sieur Perroquet, v. 27. Mort de Duranti, La, v. 26. Mort d'un enfant, La, v. 27. Nuit du 28 au 29 Julllet, v. 36. Orage, L', v. 36. Orplieline de "Waterloo, L', V. 26. Petit p6rheur, Le, v. 27. Poupfie de la fCte aux loges, V. 26. Prfitendus, Les, v. 37. Projet de loi, Un, v. 34. Quatre fpoques, Les, v. 38. Quatre Napolltaines, Les, v. 11, 12. Quatre soeurs, v. 39. Kestaurants et gargotes, v. 35. R6ve d'amour, Un, v. 40. Rivalite de Murat et de Da- voust, V. 27. Roi de Kome, Le, v. 27. Koi Jean, Le, v. 26. Sapeu;- de dix ans, Le, v. 27. Sathaliiel, v. 41. Scenes de 1815, v. 36. Si jeunesse savait, si vieil- les.se pouvait, v. 18, 19. Sire de Terrides, Le, v. 36. Souvenirs de I'Ariege, v. 37. Tour de France, Le, v. 26. 27. Tour de Verdun, La, v. 34. Trappistine, La, v. 36. Un Montmorency, v. 36. Visite tiscale dans la May- en ne, V. :f7. Chateau des Pyr6n6es, Le. Bruxelles, 1843. 2v. 16? Vicomte de B4ziers, Le. Paris, 1840. 12° Soulouque, Faustin {emp. of Hayti), (1785-1867). Comettant, O. Hayti. {In Civilisations inconnues, Les.) Soiind — Deschanel, a. p. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy, pt. iv. MacDonald, J. D. Sound and color. Peirce, B. Elementary treatise on. Tyndall, J. Sound. (8 lectures.) See also Acoustics ; Natural philosophy. Soundings from the ' Atlantic. ' Holmes, O. W. Sounds from secret chambers. Redden, Miss L. C. Sous les tilleuls. Kakr, (J. B.) A. {In (Euvres, V. 15.) South, The (U. S.)— Andrews, S. South since the war. The. Appleton, D., anrf CO. {Pub.) Hand-book of American travel. Pt. ii. Duvallon, B. Vue de la colonie Espagnole du Mississipi, etc. SOUTH 783 SOUTHEY South, [continued) — EstvXk, B. War pictures from. !Feathkr8tonhaugh, Q. "W. Excursion through the slave states. Fremantlk, — {Lt.-Col.). Three months in the southern states : April to June, 1863. GiLMORE, J. K. Among the pines ; or, south in secession times. — Down in Tennessee. — My southern friends. Helper, H. R. Impending crisis of. Irene : a tale of southern life. Meek, A. B. Romantic passages in south- western history. Olmsted, F. L. Cotton kingdom. — Journey in the back country. Parsons, C. G. Inside view of slavery ; or, a tour among the planters. Vassar, J. G. Trip through. [In Twenty years around the world.) "Williams, H. C. Antiquities in some of the southern states. {In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) HiMorlcal fiction : Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Planter's northern bride, The. Ingraham, J. H. Sunny south. The. Lennox, M. Ante bellum. Sealsfikld, C. Cabin book. SiMMS, W. G. Woodcraft. See also Slavery ; U. S. (war of 1861-5). South Carolina (state) — Constitution of. [In American's guide.) GiBBES, R. "W. Documentary history of the American revolution. LiEBER, O. M. Report on the survey of. O'Neall, J. B. Biographical sketches of the bench and bar of. Pike, J. S. Prostrate state. The : South Car- olina under Negro government. Rivers, W. J. Sketch of the history of. SiMMS, W. G. History of. Tuomey, M. Report on the geology of. See also Carolinas. South Carolina college. Catalogue, 1854. Co- lumbia, S. C, 1854. {In Triennial cat. Am. coll., V. 3.) South Carolina historical society. Collections. Charleston, 1857. 8^ Contents : 1. Address at Inauguration of S. C. hist, see, 1857. 2. Appendix, containing documents, letters, etc., relating to Mr. Laurens's imprisonment in the tower. 3. List and abstracts of papers in the state paper office, London, relating to South Carolina, done under authority, for the Hist. soc. of S. C, 1857. 4. Narrative of the capture of Henry Laurens, of his continement in the tower of London, etc., 1780-82. South Kensington museum. Fortnum, CD. E. Descriptive catalogue of the Maiolica, Hispano-Moresco, Persian, Damascus, and Rhodian wares in the. South sea bubble— AiNswoRTH, W. H. South sea bubble. The. Mackay, C. Historical sketch of the. {In Library of commerce, v. 1.) Same. {In his Memoirs of extraordinary popu- lar delusions.) South sea bubbles. By the earl and the doctor. Pembroke and Kingsley. South-sea idyls. Stoddard, C. W. South sea islands — Bkenchley, J. L. Jottings among the [1865]. LABiLLARDiiiRE, J. J. H. Visit to. (in Re- lation du voyage a la recherche de La P6- rouse, 1791, v. 2.) La Perouse, J. F. G. de (Milet-Mureau). lies des Navigateurs ; Manille ; et iles des Amis. {In Voyage autour du monde, 1830- 32, v. 2-4.) Meade, H. Ride through New Zealand ; with some account of the. South sea sisters : a lyric masque. Hobke, R. H. {In Pamphlets, v. 33.) South seas — Bligh, W. Voyage to the. Burnet, J. Chronological history of the dis- coveries in the. CoLNETT, J. Voyage to the south Atlantic and round Cape Horn into the Pacific ocean. CooK, J. Voyage from cape of Good Hope in search of a southern continent [1772-3]. (In his Voyages, v. 1.) CooLEY, W. D. Voyages to the south seas ; voyages of privateers to the. {In Maritime and inland discovery, v. 2.) Haw^kesworth, J. Voyages in the south seas, by Byron, Cartaret, Cook, and Wallis ; and account of many islands visited by them. (/?i Voyages.) James, T. Passage into the south sea [1631-2] . {In Churchill's Coll. voy., v. 2.) Magellan, F., and Cano, S. del. Viajes al Maluco [1522]. {In Navarrete's Viajes y descubrimientos, v. 4.) Palmer, G. Kidnaping in the. Pembroke and Kingsley. South-sea bubbles. Walter, R. Voj'ages round the world by G. Anson, 1741-4. Wilkes, C. Southern cruise. {In Narrative of U. S. expl. exped., v. 1.) South-side view of slavery. Adams, N. South songs. De Leon, T. C. Southern, Thos. (1660-1746). Isabella. (Trag.) Br. dr., v. 1. iSame. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 2. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 7. Oroonoko. (Trag.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 9. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 7. Southern confederacy. See U. S. (war of 1861-5). Southern literary messenger ; devoted to every department of literature and the fine arts. V. 1 (Aug. 1834) to 21 (Dec. 1855). Richmond, 1834-55. 21 V. Roy. 8? Same. V. 3, 4 (1837-8). Same. {New ser.) V. 1 (Jan. 1856) to 8 (Dec. 1859). Richmond, 1856-9. 8 v. Roy. 8^ Same. V. 1-3 (1856-8). Southern Pacific railroad, Lands of the. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) Southern rebellion. See U. S. (war of 1861-5). Southern review. V. 1 (Jan. 1867) to 12 (April, 1873). Bait. 1867-73. 12 v. in 13. 8i Southey, Mrs. Caroline Anne Bowles (1787- 1854). Devereux hall. (Maga, Oct. 1832.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1, 2.) Petite Madelaine, La. (Maga, Aug. 1831.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, 4.) Solitary hours. N. Y. 1846. 12^ BOUTHEY 784 SOUVESTRE Southey, Robert (1774-1843). Account of the life of Henry Kirke White. {Iti White's Memoir and poetical remains.) Chronicle of the Cid. From the Spanish. Lowell, 1846. 8° Commonplace book. Ed. by his son-in-law, J. W. Warter. Lond. 1849. 8^ iSame. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. 12? Complete poetical works. N. Y. 1864. 8° Contents : Ballads and metrical tales Curse of Kehama. Joan of Arc. Juvenile and minor poems. Madoc. Maid of Orleans, Vision of. Oliver Newman; a New En- gland tale. Poet's pilgrimage to Water- loo. Eodericl£, the last of the Goths. Thalaba, the destroyer. Vision of judgment. Wat Tyler: drama. — Doctor, The. (8rf ed.) Lond. 1839. 5 v. 8° Life of Wm. Cowper. {In Cowper's Works, V. 1, 2.) Life of Nelson. Lives of the British admirals. MEMOiRof Isaac Watts. (In Horae lyricse, etc.) Selections from the letters of Southey. Ed. by his son-in-law, J. W. Warter. Lond. 1856. 4 V. 8? Cottle, J. J. Reminiscences of Coleridge and. Lond. 1847. 12? iSame. N. Y. 1847. 12? De Quincet, T. Wordsworth and. {In his Literary reminiscences.) Life and correspondence of Southey. Ed. by his son, C. C. Southey. N. Y. 1851. 8? See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 2 ; Essays from the London times. Southgate, Henry. {Ed.) Many thoughts of many minds. Lond. 1864. 8°. What men have said about woman : a col- lection of choice sentences. Lond. 1866. 12? Southgate, Horatio . Narrative of a tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Mesopota- mia ; with observations on the condition of Mohammedanism and Christianity in those countries. Lond. 1840. 2 v. in 1. 8? Southward ho ! Simms, W. G. Southwold. Umsted, Mrs. L. D. South-worth, Mrs. Emma D. E. Nevitte(i. 1818). AUworth abbey. Phil. n.d. 12? Beautiful fiend ; or, through the fire. Phil. 1873. 12? (5 cop.) Bridal eve. Phil. n.d. 12? (3 cop.) Bribe's fate: a sequel to ' The changed brides.' Phil. n.d. 12? Changed brides. Phil. n.d. 12? (3 cop.) Cruel as the grave. Phil. n.d. 12? (13 cop.) Curse of Clifton. Phil. n.d. 12? Deserted wife. Phil. n.d. 12? (3 cop.) Discarded daughter. Thil.n.d. 12? {2 cop.) Fair play. Phil. n.d. 12? (7 cop.) Fallen pride. Phil. n.d. 12? (4 cop.) Family doom, {n.t.p.) 12? (2 cop.) Fatal marriage. ThW.n.d, 12? Gypsy's prophecy. Phil. n.d. 12? (2 cop.) Haunted homestead ; and other novellettes. With an autobiography of the author. Phil . n.d. 12? Contents : Haunted homestead. Presentiment, The. Spectre revels. The. Widow's son, The. How he' won her : sequel to ' Fair play. ' Phil . n.d. 12? {2 cop.) SouthWOrth {continued) — India : the pearl of Pearl river. Phil. n.d. 12? (2 cop.) Lady of the isle. Phil. n.d. 12? Lost heir of Linlithgow. Thil.n.d. 12? (13 cop.) Lost heiress. Phil. n.d. 12? (3 cop.) Maiden widow : sequel to ' The family doom. ' Phil. n.d. 12? (3 cop.) Missing bride, The ; or, Miriam, the avenger. Phil.n.rf. 12? {icop.) MoTHER-iN-LAW : a tale of domestic life. ThW. n.d. 12? {2 cop.) Noble lord, A : sequel to the 'Lost heir of Linlithgow.' Phil. n.d. 12? (5 cop.) Prince of darkness : a romance of the Blue ridge. Phil. n.d. 12? (4 cop.) Retribution : a tale of passion. Phil. n.d. 12? Soldier's orphans. Phil. n.d. 12? (2 cop.) Tried for her life : a sequel to ' Cruel as the grave.' ThW. n.d. 12? (7 cop.) Two sisters. Phil. n.d. 12? ViviA ; or, the secret of power. Phil. n.d. 8? Widow's son. Phil. n.d. 12? (5 cop.) Wife's victory ; and other novellettes. Phil. Contents: Across the street : a new year's story. Annie Grey ; or, the neighbor's prescriptions. Eveline Murray ; or, the fine figure. Irish refugee. The. „ , _. x , Married .shrew, The : sequel to ' The wlfe'svictory." Sybil Brotherton ; or, the temptation. Three sisters ; or, new year in the little rough-cast house. Thunderbolt to the hearth, The. Wife's victory, The. Winny. and Baden, F. H. Christmas guest, The : a collection of stories. ThW.n.d. 12? {6 cop.) See also Living female writers of the south. Southworth, Mrs. S. A. Inebriate's hut. The ; or, the first fruits of the Maine law. Bost. 1854. 12? Souvenir de 1 'adolescence, Un. Mi:RY, J. {In (Euvres, v. 7.) Souvenir de Manin, Un. Legouv^, E. (W.) {In ffiuvres, v. 3, 4.) Souvenirs contemporains d'histoire et de litt6- rature. Villemain, A. F. Souvenirs d'Antony. Dumas, A. (D.) Souvenirs de Fdlicie. Genlis, S. F. D. Souvenirs de I'Ari^ge. Soulie, M. F. {In (Euvres, v. 37.) Souvenirs d'une favorite. Dumas, A. (D.) Souvenirs de vingt ans de s^jour a Berlin. Thi:6- BAULT, D. Souvenirs des cours de France, d'Espagne, de Prusse et de Russie. Holland, H. R. Souvenirs et portraits. Lf;vis, P. M. G. {In Souvenirs de Felicie.) Souvenirs of travel. Le Vert, Mme. O. W. Souvestre, Emile (1806-1854). Attic philoso- pher in Paris ; or, a peep at the world from a garret. Being the journal of a happy man. N. Y. 1863. 12? Same. N. Y. 1868. 12? Lake shore. The ; or, the slave, the serf, and the apprentice. Bost. 1855. 12? Leaves from a family journal. N. Y. 1855. 12? Pleasures of old age. Lond. 1868. 12? (3 cop.) SOUWAROFF 785 SPAIN Souwaroff, Alexandre Vasilievitch (1729-1800). Masson, C. F. p. M^moires secrets sur la Kussie. Seguk, L. p. M^moires, souvenirs et anec- dotes, V. 1, 2. Souza, Mme. A. F. de F. de. See Women, Por- traits of celebrated. Sovereigns. Jamkson, Mrs. A. M. Memoirs of celebrated female. Sowerby, George Brettingham (1788-1854). Popular history of the aquarium of marine and fresh- water animals and plants. Lond. 1857. 16^ Sowerby, George Brettingham, Jr. (b. 1812). Conchological illustrations. Lond. 1841. 8° CoxcHOLOOiCAL manual, {ith ed.) Lond. 1852. 8° (2 cop.) Sowerby, James (1760-1822). See Sowerby, J. E. Sowerby, James de C. (Jb. 1787). See Sowerby, J. E. Sowerby, John Edward. Ferns of Great Brit- ain, The; with colored illustrations. Lond. 1859. 8? English botany ; or, colored figures of Brit- ish plants. Edited by J. T. B. Syme ; the popular portion by Mrs. Lankester, the fig- ures by J. E. Sowerby, J. Sowerby, J. de C. Sowerby, and J. W. Salter. Third ed., en- larged, re-arranged according to the natural orders, and entirely revised, with descrip- tions of all the species by the editor. Lond. 1863-70. 11 V. 8° Sowing the wind. Linton, E. L. Soyer, Alexis (1800-1858). Culinary campaign : historical reminiscences of the late war. "With the plain art of cookery for military and civil institutions, the army, navy, etc. Lond. 1857. 12° (2 cop.) Pantropeon ; or, history of food and its prep- aration, from the earliest ages of the world. Bost. 1853. 8° Sozzini, Alessandro. Novel. {In Eoscoe, T. Italian novelists, v. 2.) Spain — History : Abbott, J. S. C. Komance of Spanish his- tory. Beach, Mrs. E. T. P. Pelayo. BoLLAERT, W. Wars of succession of Port- ugal and Spain, 1826-40. Brantome, p. de B. Gentillesses et rodomon- tades EspaignoUes. (ire (Euvres comp., v. — Sermons et juremens Espaignols. (Jre CEuvres comp., v. 6.) Busk, M. M. History of Spain and Portugal, from the earliest records to the peace of 1814. C^sar, C. J. Commentaria de bello Hispan- iensi. {In Opera omnia, v. 3.) Castro, A. de. History of the Jews in . Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. Congress of Verona [1822]. CoNDfi, J. A. Dominion of Arabs in. Dunham, S. A. History of. Freer, Mrs. M. W. Elizabeth de Valois and the court of Philip ii. Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles of Spain, En- gland, and France [1326-1400]. Irving, W. History of Granada. 61 Spain {continued) — Lafuente, M. Historia general de EspaSa [400 B.C. to a.d. 1840]. Leon y Gama, A. de. Antidiario de Madrid, 1808 ; resumen de los hechos del exercito Frances en Madrid en 1809. {In Descrip- cion orthographica.) Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish ballads. Macaulay, T. B. War of successions in. {In his Essays.) Prescott, W. H. (A. C. Iturburu). His- toria del reynado de los reyes Catolicos D. Fernando y Da. Isabel. — History of the reign of Ferdinand and Is- abella, the Catholic. Relation de ce qui s'est pass^ en Espagne a la disgrace du comte-duc d'Olivares. (Tra- duite d'ltalien en Fran^ais.) Sandoval, P. de. Historia del emperador Carlos V. Suprema junta gubernativa del regno d la na- cion Espanol. {In Pamphlets, v. 37.) See also Arabs ; Mines and mining ; Moors ;, Sovereigns. Deacrlptlon and IraTel : Andersen, H. C. In Spain, and a visit to Portugal. — In Spanien. {In Ges. werke, v. 4.) Beckford, W. Italy ; with sketches of Spain and Portugal, Blackburn, H. Traveling in. Borrow, G. Bible in. BouRGOiNG, J. F. Travels in Spain [1777]. {In Pinkerton's Coll. voy., v. 5.) Bryant, W. C. Letters of a traveler. Byrne, Mrs. W. P. Cosas de Espana. Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams 6i Algiers, the Eiviera, Corsica, and. CusHiNG, C. Reminiscences of. Dix, J. A. Winter in Madeira, and a sum- mer in Spain and Florence. Drake, E. C. Description of. {In his Coll. voy.) Dumas, A. (D.) De Paris §, Cadix [1846]. Elwes, a. Through Spain by rail m 1.872. Ford, R. Gatherings from. — Hand-book for travelers in. — Spaniards and their country. Gautier, T. Voyage en Espasgne [1840]. {In (Euvres, v. 5, 6.) Guillemard, R. Adventures of a French sergeant. Hacklander, F. W. Winter in Spanien, Ein. {In Werke, v. 22-24.) Herbert, M. E. {Lady). Impressions of Spain [1866]. Hughes, T. M. Overland journey to Lisbon. Mackenzie, A. S. Spain revisited. — Year in Spain, A. By a young American. Mackie, J. M. Cosas de EspaSa ; or, going to Madrid via Barcelona. Maximilian, F. Reiseskizzen [1851-9]. {In Aus meinem leben, v. 1-6.) Murray, J. Hand-book for travelers in. Poitou, M. Spain and its people. Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin, The. Scenes and adventures in Spain, by Poco mas. Swift, J. F. Going to Jericho. Urquhart, D. Pillars of Hercules. SPAIN 786 SPECIMENS Spa>in (continued)- — Wallis, S. T. Spain : her institutions, pol- itics, and public men. "Waking, J, B., and Macqtjoid, T. R. Ex- amples of architectural art in Italy and. Warben, J. E. Vagamundo ; or, the attach^ in. Slatorlcal fiction: BoHL DE Eaber, C. Gaviota, La. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L. Leila; or, the siege of Granada, 1491. Camoens, L. de. Lusiad, The [xvi. century]. DtJMAS, A. (D.) Jehanne, la Pucelle ; Pierre le cruel. Peninsular scenes and sketches. See also — Andalucia. Madrid. Granada. Moors. Literary and scien- Pottery. tific men of Italy, Queens of Spain. Spain, etc. Spain and its people. Poitou, M. Spainhotir, J . Mason . Antiquities in Lenoir co. , North Carolina. [In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Spalding', Louise Billings. Euined statues, The; and other poems. Phil. 1871. 12° Spalding, William (1809-1859). History of En- glish literature ; with an outline of the origin and growth of the English language. N. Y. 1870. 12° Italy and the Italian islands, from the earliest times to the present. N. Y. 1848 . 3 v. 16° H. F. lib., V. 151-153. See also Byron, G. G. N. Spallanzani, Lazzaro (1729-1799). Travels in the Two Sicilies. (iraPinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 5.) Spanish. America. See America (Spanish). Spanish-English lady. Cervantes Saave- DRA, M. DE. (In his Exemplary novels.) Spanish gypsy. Lewes, 3Irs. M. J. Spanish language and literature — EossEY, M. de. Comp6ndio de gramdtica Cas- tellan a. Grillparzer, F. Studien zura Spanischen theater. {In Samm. werke, v. 8.) Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. U EUMAN, H. , and Baretti, G. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. Ollendorff, H. G. Key to his new method. EascoE, T. Spanish novelists. SisMONDi, J. C. L. S. de. Literature of the south of Europe. Taboada, D. E. N. de. Nuevo diccionario port4til EspaHol-Frances. TiCKNOR, G. History of Spanish literature. Trijbner and co. (Fub.) Bibliotheca His- pano- Americana. Veitelle, I. de. Mercantile dictionary in English, French, and Spanish. Velazquez de la Cadena, M. Pronounc- ing dictionary of Spanish and Eng. lang. ViNGUT, F. J. Key to the exercises in the Spanish grammar. See also Bibliography ; Criticism. Spanish novelists. Roscoe, T. Spare hours. Brown, J. Sparing to spend. Arthttb, T. S. Spark of genius ; or, the college life of James Trafton. Kellogg, E. Sparks, Isaac J. Day, Mrs. F. H. Sketch of. (fn Early settlers of Cal.) Sparks, Jared (1780-1866) . Early days of John Ledyard. (In Boston book.) Catalogue of the library of Jared Sparks ; with a list of the historical manuscripts col- lected by him, and now deposited in the li- brary of Harvard university. Camb., Mass., 1871. 8? Correspondence of the American revolu- tion ; being letters of eminent men to George Washington, from the time of his taking command of the army to the end of his presidency. Bost. 1853, 4 v. 8° Inauguration of J. Sparks as president of Harvard university, 1849. {In Addresses, V. 1.) Letter to Lord Mahon in regard to Wash- ington's writings. {In Addresses, v. 1.) Library of American biography. {1st and Idser.) N. Y. 1835-48. 25 v. 12? [For contents, see Library.] Life of Benjamin Franklin ; containing the autobiography, with notes, and a continua- tion. Life of Gouverneur Morris. Life of Geo. Washington. 5(ee Washington — Writings, v. 1. Eemarks on a reprint of the original letters from Washington, {In Addresses, v. 1.) Mayer, B. Memoir of. {In Pamphlets, v. 35.) Sparks, W. H. Memories of fifty years ; con- taining brief biographical notices of distin- guished Americans, and anecdotes of remark- able men. Phil. 1870. 8° Sparks from a locomotive. Fuller, H. Sparling, Marcus. Photographic art. {In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v, 7.) Sparrowgrass papers. Cozzenb, F. S. Spas of Europe. Walton, G. E, {In Mineral spririgs of the U. S. and Canada.) Spas of Germany. Granville, A. B. Spaziergang nach Syracus im 1802. Seume, J. G. {In Samm. werke, v. 1, 2.) Spaziergang unter den linden, Der. Schiller, J. C. F. v. {In Samm. werke, v. 10.) Spaziergange eines Wiener poeten. {Qte an- fiage.) Berlin, 1861. 12? Speakers. Oldham, O. Humorous speaker. See also Eeaders. Speaking. Cox, E. W. Art of. Speakman, Thomas H. Division in the society of Friends. Phil. 1869. 16? Species — Darwin, C. (R.) Origin of species by means of natural selection. Huxley, T. H. Criticism on Darwin's ' Ori- gin of species.' {In his Lay sermons.) MiVART, St. G. Genesis of. — Man and apes. MuLLER, F. (M.) Facts and arguments for Darwin . Wallace, A. R. Contributions to the history of natural selection. WoLLASTON, T. V. Variation of. See also Evolution. Specimens of Douglas Jerrold's wit. ^SPECIMENS 787 SPENCER Speoimens of English dramatic poets who lived about the time of Shakespeare ; with notes. Lamb, C. Specimens of foreign literature. Bost. 1838-45. 16 V. 12? [V. 3, 5, 6, 16 missing.] Contents : Bflrger, O. A., v. 14. Constant, B., v. 2. Cousin, v., V. 1. De Wette, W. M. L., v. 10-13. Kckerniann, J. P., v. 4. GOthe, J. \V. v., V. 3, 5, 16. Jouflfi-oy, T. S., V. 2, 6, 6. KOrner, K. T., v. 14. Menzel, W., v. 7-9. Schiller, J. C. F., v. 3, 15, 16. Uhland, J. L., v. 14. Specimens of the California press to Sept. 1855. Taylok, a. S. Speoimens of the early poetry of France. Cos- TELLO, L. S. Specimens of the Greek and Koman classic po- ets. Elton, C. A. Spectacles for young eyes. Landkr, S. W. Spectator, The — Addisox, J., Steele, K., et al. [In British essayists, v. 5-12.) Same. Selections from the. N. Y. 1840. 2 V. 16= H. F. lib., V. 181, 182. Same. With prefaces, historical and biograph- ical. {n.t.2).) 8° Same. {In Addison, J. Works, v. 2, 3.) Spectator (pseud.). See Snoblace ball. Spectre bridegroom, The. Irvikg, W. (In his Sketch-book.) Spectre of Tappington, The. Barham, E. H. {In Ingoldsby legends, v. 1.) Spectropia ; or, surprising spectral^ illusions, showing ghosts everywhere and of every col- or. With 16 illustrations. N. Y. 1864. 4° Spectrum analysis — EsTES, D. Spectrum analysis discoveries. — Spectrum analysis explained. HuGoiNs, W. Results of spectrum analysis applied to the heavenly bodies. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1866.) KoscoE, H. E. Spectrum analysis. ScHELLEN, H. Nebulte, comets, meteoric show- ers, and the revelations of the spectroscope regarding them ; containing also ' Corals and coral islands,' by J. D. Dana. — Spectrum analysis, in its application to ter- restrial substances and the physical constitu- tion of the heavenly bodies. Spedding, James. Letters and life of Francis Bacon ; including all of his occasional works. Speech. T wisleton , E . Tongue not essential to. S''e also Stammering. Speeches. iSee the names of speakers, public men, etc. Speeches and addresses. Sumner, 0. Speeches on social and political subjects ; with historical introductions. Brougham, H. Speed, John (1542-1629). History of Great Brit- aine under the conquests of ye Eomans, Sax- ons, Danes, and Normans. Their originals, manners, warres, coins, and scales ; with ye successions, lives, acts, and issues of the En- glish monarchs from Julius Caesar to our most gracious soveraigne King James. Lond. 1614. 4° Speer, William. China and California : their re- lations, past and present. A lecture, deliv- ered in the Stockton st. Presb. church, San Francisco, June 28, 1853. S. F. 1853. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 17.) Speer {continued) — China and the United States : the oldest and the newest empires. Hartford, Ct., 1870. 8° Humble plea, addressed to the legislature of California, in behalf of the immigrants from the empire of China to this state. S. F. 1856. 8° {In Pamphlets, v. 6, 17.) Speight, Thomas W. Brought to light. N. Y. 1867. 8? Under lock and key. Phil. 1873. 12° (2 cop.) Speir, C. Life in ancient India. Lond. 1856. 12° Speke, John Hanning (1827-1864). Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile. N. Y. 1864. 8= (6 cop.) and Grant, J. A. Sources du Nil, Les : voy- ages des capitaines Speke et Grant, abr%6 par Belin de Launay. Paris, 1867. 12° Spelling. See Language. Spence, Joseph (1699-1768). Anecdotes, obser- vations, and characters of books and men ; with notes, and a life of the author, by S. W. Singer. Lond. 1820. 8? Polymetis ; or, an enquiry concerning the agreement between the works of the Roman poets and the remains of the antient artists. Being an attempt to illustrate them mutually from one another. In 10 books. Lond. 1747. f: Spencer, Ambrose. Narrative of Andersonville, drawn from the evidence elicited on the trial of H. Wirz, the jailer; with the argument of N. P. Chipman, judge advocate. N. Y. 1866. 12? Spencer, Bella Z. Tried and true. N. Y. n.d. 12? Spencer, Mrs. Cornelia Phillips. See Living female writers of the south. Spencer, Miss Eliza {Elise Beverly). See Living female writers of the south. Spencer, Herbert {b. 1820). Education: intel- lectual, moral, and physical. N. Y. 1861. 12? Essays : moral, political, and aesthetic. (iVew ed.) N. Y. 1868. 8? (2 cop.) Contents : Philosophy of style. Prison ethics. Kailway morals and railway policy. Kepresentative govern- ment. State-tampering with mon- ey and banks. Gracefulness. Mill versus Hamilton : the test of truth. Morals of trade. Over-legislation. Parliamentary reform : the dangers and the safe- guards. Personal beauty. — First principles; or, a new system of philoso- phy. N.Y. 1864. 12? Illustrations of universal progress. N. Y. n.d. 12? (2 cop.) Political education. (In Youmans, E, L., et al. Culture demanded by modern life.) Principles of biology. N. Y. 1866. 2 v. 12? (2 cop.) Principles of psychology. {2d ed.) Lond. 1870. 8? (2 cop.) Recent discussion^ in science, philosophv, and morals. N. Y. 1871. 12? Social statics ; or, the conditions essential to human happiness specified, and the first of them developed. N. Y. 1865. 12? See also Eibot, T. SPENCER 788 SPIRITUAL Spencer, Jesse Ames {h. 1816). Egypt and the Holy land. N. Y. 1857. 8° History of the United States, from the earliest period to the administration of James Bu- chanan. Hlustrated with steel engravings. N. Y.n.d. 3v. Sm. f° Spendthrift. Ainsworth, W. H, Spenser, Edmund (1553-1599). Poetical works. (Is;: Am. ed.) Bost. 1839. 5 v. 8= Contents : Mother Hubberd's tale, v. 5. Muiopotmos, V. 4. Riilnes of time, The, v. 5. Shepheard's calender, The, V. 4. Essay on the life and writ- ings of Spenser, v. l. Faerie queene, The, v. 1-4. Hymns, v. 5. Miscellaneous poems, v. 5. — Same. Bost. 1855. 5v. 16° Hazlitt, W. Lectures on English poets. Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt^rature An- glaise, V. 1. "WftiPPLE, E. P. Literature of the ago of Elizabeth. See also Early English writers. Sperm whale. See Whales and whaling. Sp6ronare, Le. Dumas, A. (D.) Sperry , H. T. Country love versus city flirtation ; or, ten chapters from a story of a life. N. Y. 1865. 12° Speusippus (d. 339 B.C.). Diogenes Laer- Tius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Sphserus. Diogenes Laertixjs. Life of. {In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Sphinx. Account of the sphinx at Mount Au- burn. Sphinx, Die. SchCcking, L. ( Jn Ausgewahlte romane, v. 12.) Sphinx, The. Emerson, E. "W. Spicer, Henry. Judicial dramas ; or, the romance of French criminal law. Lond. 1872. 8'J Contents : Am I myself ? Metz, The mystery of. Bloodhounds, Human. On your oath ? French Maeheath, The. Priest-magician, The. French wolf, A. Sl<'*•■■"•'. Stories and tales. Andersen, H. C. Stories from my attic. Mitchell, D. G. Stories from old English poetry. Richardson, Mrs. A. S. Stories in precious stones. Zimmern, H. Stories of a grandfather about American history. Dodge, N. S. Stories of boy-genius from the lives of great paint- ers. Tr. from the French, by Lady J. "W. Jervis. Lond. 1861. 16^ Contents : Buonarotti, Michael ADgelo. Perugino. Corregio. Ribera. Dirk. Rosa, Salvator. Giotto. Teniers, David. Gomez, Sebastian. Watteau, Anthony. Murillo, B. E. Stories of infinity. Flammarion, C. Stories of many lands. Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (C.) , . Stories of the gorilla country. Du Chaillu, P. B. Stories of the Hudson. (Srferf.) N.Y.n.rf. 12° Stories of the peninsular war. Maxwell, "W. H. Stories of the Volsungs. Cox, G.'W.,a««? Jones, E. H. {In Tales of the Teutonic lands.) Stories of travelers. Meunier, V. Stories of "Waterloo. Maxwell, "W. H. Stories that might be true. Greenwell, D. Stories told to a child. Ingelow, J. Stork, T. Unseen world in the light of the cross. Phil. 1871. 12° Storm, Theod or. Gesammelte schriften. Braun- schweig, 1872. 6 V. in 3. 8? Contents : Klelne hSwelmann, v. 6. Malerarbeit, Eine, v. 4. Martha und ihre uhr, v. 5. Posthuma, v. 5. Regentrude, Die, v. 6. Spate roseu, v. 2. Spiegel des Cyprianus, Der, Unter dem tannenbaum, v. 3. Veronica, v. 2. Von Jenseit des meeres, v. 4. Wenn die apfel reif sind, v. 5. Abselte, V. 3. Angelica, v. 5. Auf der universitSt, v. 5, Auf dem staatshof, v. 3. Bulemann's haus, v. 6. Drtiben am markt, v. 5. Gedichte, v. 1. GrUnes blatt, Eln, v. 3. Heinzelmeier, v. 6. Im schloss, v. 2. Im sonnenschein, v. 3. Immen-see, v. 2. In saal, v. 4. In St. Jtirgen, v. 4. — Immen-see. Trans, from the German, by H. Clark. Phil. 1863. 16? Contents : Grandmother and granddaughter. Esche, L. Immen-see. Storm, The. De Foe, D. Stormclilf. "Walworth, M. T. Storms. Loomis, E. Certain storms in Europe and North America, Dec. 1836. {In Smith- sonian contrib.jV. 11.) See also Meteorology. Stormy life, A. Fullerton, G. {Lady). Storrow, Charles S. Treatise on water -works for conveying and distributing supplies of water. Bost. 1835. 16? BTORY 800 STORY Story, James P. Choisy. Bost. 1872, 8° (2 cop.) story, Joseph (1779-1845). Commentaries on conflict of laws, foreign and domestic, in re- gard to contracts, rights, and remedies, and especially in regard to marriages, divorces, wills, successions, and judgments. {Bd ed.) Bost. 1846. 8^ OoMMKNTAEiESon equity jurisprudence as ad- ministered in England and America, {bth ed.) Bost. 1849. 2 v. 8^ Commentaries on equity pleadings, and the incidents thereof, according to the practice of the courts of equity of England and Am- erica. {A^th ed.) Bost. 1848. 8° Commentaries on the law of agency, as a branch of commercial and maritime juris- prudence ; with illustrations from the civil and foreign law. (3rf ed.) Bost. 1846. 8*^ Commentaries on the law of bailments ; with illustrations from civil and foreign law. (4S/^rm^^6W, 0.). Catalogue, 1867-8. .Springfield, 1868. {In Ann, cat. Am. coll., V. 6.) Wittwer, W. C. Alexander von Humboldt. Sein wissenschaftliches leben. und wirken. Leipzig, 1861. 8? Wives and daughters. Gaskell, Mrs. E, C. Wives and widows. Stephens, Mrs. A. S. Wizard, of the mountain. Gilbert, W. Woans ik tau 'ne fru kamm. Reuter, F. {In Olle kamellen, v, 1.) ' Woe to us when we lose the watery wall ! ' (En- glish patriotic poem.) (Maga, Sept. 1823.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, 4.) Wogan, — {baron de). Voyages et aventures. Paris, n.d. 12? Wolcott, John {Peter Pindar), (1738-1819). Works. Lond. 1856. 8? Lloyd, W. W. Elucidations of the Sicilian odes of, {In History of Sicily,) Wolcott, Oliver (1759-1833), Sanderson, J. Life of. {In Biog. of signers to decl. of in- dep., V. 3.) See also Gibbs, G. Woldemar. K6rner,K. T. (/nSamm.werke.) Wolfe, James (1726-1759). Sabine, L. Ad- dress, on the 100th anniversary of the death of. {In New England h., g, soc) — Sketch of the life and character of. {In Address before the New England historic, genealogical society, Sept. 13, 1859.) See New England h., g. soc. See also Military commanders, Lives of the most eminent British. Wolfe of the knoll. Marsh, Mrs. G. P. Wolfert's Roost. Irving, W, {In Works, v. 16.) Wolff, Joseph (1795-1862). Narrative of a mis- sion to Bokhara, in the years 1843-5, to as- certain the fate of Col. Stoddart and Capt. Conolly. {ith ed.) Lond. 1846. 8? Wollaston, T. Vernon. Variation of species, with especial reference to the insecta ; fol- lowed by an inquiry into the nature of gen- era. Lond. 1856, 12? Wollaston, William (1659-1724), Christianity as old as the creation ; or, the gospel a re- publication of the religion of nature. V. 1. Lond. 1730. 4? Religion of nature delineated. Lond. 1725. 4? WoUstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797) , Historical and moral view of the origin and progress of the French revolution, and effect produced in Europe. Lond. 1794. 8? Vindication of the rights of woman ; with strictures on political and moral subjects. {2d ed.) V, 1. Lond. 1792. 8? Wolowski, Le^is Francis Michael {b. 1810). Banques d'Ecosse, Les. Sec Somers, R. Wolseley, Gamet J. See Essays written for the Wellington prize. Wolsey, Thomas {Cardinal), (1471-1530). Cav- endish, G. Life of. {I^ew ed.) Lond. 1852. 8? Galt, J. Lifeof. {3d ed.) Lond. 1846, 12? See also Statesmen, Lives of eminent British. Wolstenholme, Elizabeth C. Education oi girls : its present and its future. {In Worn* an's work and woman's culture.) Woltman, Alfred. Holbein and his time, Lond, 1872. Large 8? Wolzogen, Alfred. Raphael Sant^ : his life and works. Tr.byF.E.Bunnett. Lond. 1866. 8? Woman — Abbott, J. S. C. Mother at home. Alcott, W. H. Young wife. The. Alex. As she would have it, Alger, W. R. Friendships of women. Amos, S. Difference of sex as a topic of juris- prudence and legislation. Bishop, G. Every woman her own lawyer. BOYD-KiNNEAR, J. Social position of woma in the present age. {In Woman's work and ■woman's culture.) WOMAN 911 WOMEN ^^Oman (continued) — BucKLK, H. T. Influence of women on the progress of knowledge. (In Mis. and pos- thumous works, V. 1.) BusHNKLL, H. Women's suffrage : the re- form against nature. Butler, J. E., et al. "Woman's work and woman's culture : a series of essays. Chapone, Mrs. H. Letters on the improve- ment of the mind ; addressed to a lady. Child, Mrs. L. M. History of the condition of women in various ages and nations. Clark, T. M. Dew of youth, The. Clarkk, E. H. Sex in education. Collins, S. Woman as a missionary. (In his Miscellanies.) Craik, D. (M.) M. Woman's thoughts about women. Crolt, Mrs. J. C. Jennie Juneiana : talks on women's topics. Curtis, J!fr«. D. Spirit of seventy-six ; or, the coming. Dall, 3frs. C. H. College, the market, and the court ; or, woman's relation to education, labor, and law. Davies, E. Higher education of. Davis, Mrs. R. (B.) H. Pro aris et focis. Dodge, Miss M. A, Woman's worth and worthlessness. — Woman's wrongs. Dumas, A. (fils). Man-woman. Eliot, W. G. Woman's work and education in America. (In Pamphlets, v. 29.) Ellis, Mrs. S. S. Education of the heart : woman's best work. Farkham, Mrs. E. W. Woman and her era. Fulton, J. D. True woman. The. Garnett, J. M. Lectures on female educa- tion. Grandpr:^, ifme. P. de. (Ed.) Prisoners of St. Lazare. Graves, A. J. Woman in America. Harbauqh, H. True glory of. Hartley, T. W. Universal suffrage. Harwood, a. King's daughters, The. H^ricourt, Mme. D'. Woman's philosophy of. Holland, J. G. Letters to young people. Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Characteristics of wom- en. Jessup, H. H. Women of the Arabs, The. Karr, (J. B.) A. Femmes, Les. Laudels, H. Woman : her position and power. Legouv^, E. (W.) Moral history of women. Lewis, D. Our girls. LoTT, E. Harem life in Egypt and Constan- tinople. (In her English governess.) Ludlow , J. M . Woman' s work in the church. McElheran, J. Condition of women and children among the Celtic, Gothic, and other nations. Mansfield, E. D. Legal rights, liabilities, and duties of. MiCHELET, J. Femme, La. — Woman. Mill, J. S. Enfranchisement of women. (In Dissertations and discussions, v. 2.) Same. (In Westminster review, July, 1851.) — Subjection of women. Woman (continued) — ' Modern women, and what is said of them. (From Saturday review.) Musings of a middle-aged. OsBOLi, S. M. F. d'. Woman in the xix. century. Peck, J. T. True woman. The. Pedder, H. C. Man and. Pendleton, Mrs. H. Husband and wife. Penny, V. Employment of women. — Think and act. Phelps, Miss E. S. What to wear? Phillips, W. Woman's rights. (In Speech- es, etc.) Reply to J. S. Mill's ' Subjection of women.' Report of the committee of the board of re- gents, university of Michigan, on the admis- sion of females as students to the university, submitted Sept. 29, 1858. (In Ann. cat. Am. coll., V. 3.) Saunders, F. About women, love, and mar- riage. Sewell, E. M. Principles of education, ap- plied to female education in the upper classes. SouTHGATE, H. What men have said about. Starling, E. Noble deeds of. Storer, H. R. Reflex insanity in women. Swift, J. Education of ladies. (/?i Works, V. 5.) Walker, A. Analysis and classification of beauty in. White, C. Ecce femina. WiCKERODE, E. K. von. Woman's educa- tional mission. Wollstonecraft, M. Vindication of the rights of. WooLSON, A. G. Woman in American so- ciety. See also — Beauty. Education. Convents. Marriage. Diseases of women. Prisons. Dress. Sociology. "Woman against woman. Church, Mrs. R. Woman and her master. Smith, J. F. "Woman in prison. Woods, C. H. "Woman in white. Collins, W. (W.) "Woman of business. Savage, M, W. W"oman our angel. Roe, A. S. Woman's friendship. Aguilar, G. Woman's kingdom. Craik, D. (M^ M. "Woman's poems. Piatt, Mrs. S. M. B. "Woman's ransom. Robinson, F. W. Woman's story, A. Hamilton, Mrs. C. V. (In Ropes of sand, etc.) "Woman's vengeance. Sauzade, J. S. "Woman's wrongs : a counter-irritant. Dodge, Miss M. A. Women — Adams, H. G. Cyclopaedia of female biog- raphy. Brantome, p. de B. Vies des dames galantes. (In CEuvres completes, v. 6.) — Vies des dames illustres Francjaises et ^trangeres. (In (Euvres completes, v. 5.) Burns, J. Mothers of the wise and good. Capefigue, B. H. R. Femmes de la con- vention et du directoire. (In Dresses de la liberty, Les.) Challicb, Mrs. A. E. Illustrious women of WOMEN 912 WOMEN "Women (continued) — France, 1790-1873. Illustrated. Lond. 1873. 12? Contents : Angouieme, M. T. C, Du- chesse d'. Berri, C. F. Li., Duchesse de. Bonaparte, Caroline. X}ug€niei Bmpress. — Clarke, Mrs. M. C Hortensei Queen. Josephine, Empress. Marie Am^lie, Queen. Mathllde, Princess. Tallien, Madame. World-noted women ; or, types of womanly attributes of all lands and ages. N. Y. 1868. 4? Contents : tiUcretla. Margaret of Anjou. Maria Theresa. Nightingale, Florence. Pocahontas. Sappho. Valentine de Milan, Vallifire, La,, Aspasla. Catherine n, Cecilia. Santa. Cleopatra. Grey, X>ady Jane. Heloise. Isabella of Castile. Joan d'Arc. Laura. — Cox, F. A. Female scripture biography. Crosland, Mrs, N. Memorable. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Pioneer women of the west. N. Y. 1852. 12° Contents : Allen, Ann. Allen, EliiSabeth. , Anderson, Mrs. Bailey, Ann, Bledsoe, Mary. Boone, Rebecca. Brown, Jane. Bryan, Sarah. Bull, Eliza. Carter, Mrs. Chapin, liUcy. Chapln, Sylvia. Clark, Charlotte A. Clark, Mrs. William A. Clendenin, Mrs, Archibald. Combs, Sarah. Comstock, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Edwardi Denis, Mrs. IDlck, Jane. Dunlevy, Mary. Edwards, Mrs. Geer, Charlotte. Glass, Mrs. Goodrich, Mrs. Greene, Kuhams. Harazthy, Mrs. Harper, Eliitabetb, Haynes, Ann. Heald, Rebecca. Heckewelder, Mary. Helm, Mrs. L. J. — "Women of the American revolution. N. Y. 1850. 3v. 12° tnnls, Anna. Kenton, Elizabeth. Lake, Mrs. Andrew. Lemen, Mrs. Catharine. LoVeJoy, Mrs. McMillan, Mary. Mason , Mrs. George. Moore, Mary. Mosely, Mrs. Noble, Harriet L. Robertson, Charlotte- Rouse, Rebecca. Rumsey, Mary Ann, St. Clair, Louisa. St. John, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Hector. Sevier, Catharine. Shelby, .Sarah. Sibley, Sarah. Snelling, Abigail. Snow, Mrs. Sparks, Ruth. Talbot, Mrs. Tappen, Elizabeth. Thorp, Sarah. Trask, Frances. Walworth, Mrs. John, Warth, Sally. Wilson, Sarah. Woodward, Mrs. Contents : Ackland, Harriet, v. 1. Adams, Abigail, v. 2. Allen, Frances, v. 2. Arnold, Margaret, V. 2. Bache, .Sarah, V. 1. Bailey, Anna, v. 2. Beekman, Cornelia, v. 2, Biddle, Rebecca, v. 2. Bleecker, Ann Kliza, v. 2. Boyd, Jane, V. 3. Bratton, Martha, v. 1, Bruyn, Blandina, v. 3. Buchanan, Sarah, v. 3. Butler, Behethland Foote, V. 2. Caldwell, Hannah, v. 2, Caldwell, Rachel, v. 2. Campbell, Jane, V. 2. Darrah, Lydia, V. 1. Draper, Mary, v. 1. Elliott, Susaimah, v. 2. Ferguson, EliKabeth, v. 1. Ferguson, Isabella, v. 3. Fitzhugh, Anne, V. 3. Franks, liebecca, v. 1. Gaston, Jane, V. 3. Gaston, Margaret, V, 2. Grace, Elizabeth, v. 1. Green, Nancy, v. 3. Greene, Catharine, v. 1. Hancock, Dorothy, v. 1. Hart, Nancy, v. 2. Israel, Hannah Erwiu, v. 1. Johnston, Mary, v. 3. Knoz, Lucia, y. 1. Knox, Lucy, V. 3. Laiigston, Dicey, v. 1. McCalla, Sarah, v, 3. McClure, Mary, v. 3. M'Crea, Jane, V. 2. M'Donald, Flora, v. 2. Martin, Rachel, v. 1. Mills, Mary, v. 3. Moncrleffe, Margaret, V. 3. Morris, Margaret, v. 2. Motte, Rebecca, v. 2. Murray, Mary, v. 3. Pickens, Rebecca, v. 3, Reed, Esther, v. 1. Richardson, Dorcas, V. 1. Riedesel, Frederica de, v. 1. Samson, Deborah, v. 2. Schuyler, Catharine, v. 1. Slocumb. Mary, v. 1. Steel, Katharine, v. 3. Steele, Elisabeth, v. 1. Stockton, Annis, v. 3, Thomas, Jane, v. 1. Van Alstine, Nancy, V. 3. Walker, Esther, v. 3. Warren, Mercy, v. 1. Washington, Martha, V. 2. Washington, Mary, v. 1. Whetten, Margaret, V. 3. White, Jane, v. 3. Wilson, Eleanor, v. 3. Wilson, Martha, v. 2. Women of Kentucky, V. 2. Women of Wyoming, v. 2. Zane, Elizabeth, v. 2, "Women {continued)-^ Griesinger, T. Damen - regiment au den verschiedenen hofen Europas. GrIswold, R. W. Female poets of America, The. — Republican court. Hale, Mrs. S. J. Woman's record. Hays, M. Female biography ; or, memoirs of illustrious and celebrated Women of all ages and countries. HoussAYE, A. Parisiennas, Les. KArLBACH, W. von. Female characters of Giithe. Menzieb, S. Political women. MicHELET, J. Femmesde la revolution, Les. Partow, J., et al. Eminent women of the age ; being narratives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present generation. Hartford, Ct., 1868. 8? Contents : Anthony, Susan B, Bateman, K. (Mrs. Crowe). BlackWell, Miss Elizabeth. Bonheur, Rosa. Brown, Antoinette. Brown, Olympia. Browning, Elizabeth Bar- rett Cary, Alice and Phcebe. Chlldf. Lvdla Maria. Crowe, Mrs. George. Dall, Mrs. Caroline H. Daseomb, Mrs. M. P. Dickinson, Anna Elizabeth. Dodge, Miss (Gall Hamil- ton). Eminent women of the dra- ma. Eugenie, empress of the French. Faucit, Helen (Mrs. Martin). Fern, Fanny (Mrs. Partonl. Gage, Frances D. Ooldschmldt, Jenny Llnd. Greenwood, Grace (Mrs. Lip- pincott). Grew, Mary. Qrlmke, Sarah and Angeli- na. Hamilton .Gail (Miss Dodge). Hosmer, Harriet G. Howe, Julia Ward. Hunt, Miss H. K. — Saiktk-Bkuve, C. a. Portraits de femmes, Les. (/n (Euvres, v. 48.) [For contents", ae« Sainte-Beuve.l — Portraits of celebrated. Tr. by Miss H. W. Preston. Contents : Duras, Madame de. Hutchinson, Abby. Kean, Mrs. Charles. Kelley, Abby. Kellogg, Clara Louisa. Kemble,Mrs. FrancesAnne. LIppincott, Mrs. (Grace Greenwood). Longshore, Mrs. Hannah E. Lozier, Mrs. Clemence S. Martin, Mrs. Theodore. Mott, Lucretia. Nichols, Mrs. C. 1. H. Nightingale, Florence. Os.soli, Margaret Fuller. Parton, Mrs. James (Fanny Fern). Phillips, Anne Greene. iMoneer educators, Our. Preston, Miss Anne. Ristori, Adelaide. Rosa, Euphrosyne Parepa. Severance, Caroline M. Slgourney, Lvdia H. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. Stone, Lucy. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Tree, Ellen (Mrs. Charlea Kean). tTrso, Camilla. Victoria, queen of England. Wlllard, Mrs. Emma. Woman as a physician. Gulzot, Madame. Krudener, Madame de. La Fayette, Madame de. R^musat, Madame de. Roland. Madame. Sfivlgne, Madame. Souza, Madame de. StaSl, Madame de. — Walbord, E. Men of the time. Welsh, W. Women -helpers in the church. See also Nurses ; Queens. Women ; or, chronicles of the late war. Maoill, M. T. Women artists, in all ages and countries. Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Women of Christianity. Kavakagh, J. Women of Israel. Aquilar, G. Women of the gospels. Charles, Mrs. E. R. Women of the war : their heroism and self-sacri- fice. MooRK, F. Hartford, 1866. 8? Contents : 'Aunt LiKZle' and 'Mother.' Barker, Mrs. Stephen. Bradley, Amy M. Brady, Mary A. Breckinridge, Margaret E. Brownell, Kady. 'Byckerdyke, Mother.' Chase, Nelly M. Cushman, Pauline. Dana, Emily W. Divers, Bridget. Dupee, Mary E. Etherldge, Anna. FoKff, Isabella. WOMEN 913 WOOD Mendenhall, Elizabeth. Moore, Miss Jniie Boswell, Kevnolds. lU'Ue. RlckcUs, Mrs. Fanny. Itoss, Anna Maria. Slieads, Carrie. Slielton, Miss A. Shelton, Mary K Stearns, Mrs. S. Burger. T'sher, Rebecca R. WiUets, Miss Oeorglana. Woman's sacrifices. Women as soldiers. "Women [continued)- Fowle, Ellda Rumsey. George, E.^"). Hall. Murla M. C. Harris, Mrs. John. Harvey, Mrs. Governor. Hawley, Harriet W. F. Hitz, Mrs. Ann. Hoge, Mrs. A. H. Hurd, P. B. Husband, Mary Morris. Lee, Mary W. Loyal southern women. McKay, Charlotte E. ■Won— not wooed. Satjzadk, J. S. Wonder book. Hawthorne, N. Wonder of Kingswood chace. Eoan, P. Wonderful balloon ascents. Marion, F. Wonderful characters. Wilson , H. , a«rf Caul- field, J. Book of. Wonderful escapes. Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes and daring adventures ; com- prising authentic narratives of marvelous es- capes, daring adventures, perils, and haz- ards, braved by intrepid explorers and trav- elers in the remotest places of the earth. N. Y. 1873. 8^ Wonderful inventions. Times, J. Wonderful woman, A. Fleming, M. A, Wonders of bodily strength and skill, in all ages and all countries. Russell, C. Wonders of science. Mayhew, H. Wonders of the Yellowstone. Richardson, J. Wonders of vegetation. Marion, F. Wondrous strange. Newby, Mrs. C. J. Wontus; or, the corps of observation. Runkel, W. M. Wood, Arthur. Romantic attachment, (Come- dietta.) Lacy's Plays, v. 90, Wood, Benjamin. Fort Lafayette; or, love and secession. N. Y. 1862. 12^ Wood, E. P. See Wood, Mrs. H. Wood, Edmund G. Ecclesiastical suits. {In Ec- clesiastical reform.) Wood, Edward J. Wedding-day, in all agefe and countries. N. Y. 1869. 12^ Wood, G. Irish doctor, The, Lacy's Plays, v. 27. Wood, George. Future life; or, scenes in another world. N. Y. 1858. 12° Gates wide open ; or, scenes in another world. Bost. 1869. 12° Modern pilgrims ; showing the improvements in travel, and the newest methods of reach- ing the celestial city. Bost. 1855. 2v. 12° Peter Schlemihl in America. Phil. 1848. 12° Wood, George B. Historical and biographical memoirs, essays, addresses, etc., etc., writ- ten at various times during the last fifty years, and now first published in collected form. Phil. 1872, 8° Contents : Biographical memoirs— Bache, Dr. Franltlin (2 addresses). Beasley, Rev. Frederick. Fisher, Joseph H. Essays and addresses- Address, delivered at the opening of the Ameri- can medical association, at Detroit, 1835. Communication from the board of trustees of Girard college for orphans to the common coun- cil of Phil., 1840. Dangers of hasty generalization in science : an address, in 18fiO. Removing prematurely falling fruit trees by use of alkali notassa as a fertilizer. Report of the committee on clothing, diet, etc., to board of trustees of Girard college for orphans, Temperance cause. 59 Wood (continued) — Historical memoirs- Christianity in India. Christianity In India Csupplement), being an ad- dress OJi the British East India empire, 1839. History of the Pennsylvania hospital : an ad- dress, in 18,51. History of the Pennsylvania hospital (supple- ment 1: addres.s, in 18.56. History of the university of Pennsylvania to 1827. Treatise on the practice of medicine. {5th ed.) Phil. 1858. 2 v. 8° and Bachk, F. Dispensatory of the United States of America. (12th ed.) Phil. 1865. 8° Wood, H. T. W. Changes in the English lan- guage, between the publication of Wiclif s bible and that of the authorized version, 1400-1600, Lond. 1870. 16° Wood, i/r«. Henry. Bessy Rane. Thil.n.d. 8° (6 cop.) ' Castle Wafer ; or, the plain gold ring. (n. t.p.) 8° Castle's heir. The. A novel in real life. Phil. 1863. 8° I Channings, The. Phil. n.d. 8° (2 cop.) Dene hollow. Phil. n.d. 8° (6 cop.) East Lynne ; or, the earl's daughter. N. Y. n.d. 8°. Heir to Ashley, (n.t.p.) 8° Life's secret, A. Phil. n.d. 8° Lost will. The ; and The diamond bracelet. Phil. n.d. 8° Master of Greylands, The. Phil. 1&73. K: (10 cop.) Mildred Arkell. (n.t.p.) 12° Orville college. Phil. n.d. 8°. (2 «t9j>,) Oswald Cray. Phil. n.d. 8° Red court farm. Phil. n.d. 12° (5 eop.) Roland Yorke : a sequel to ' The Channings.' Phil. n.d. 8° (4 cop.) Runaway match. Phil. n.d. 8° St. Martin's eve. (n.t.p.) 8: Shadow of Ashlydyat. Phil. n.d. 8° (2 cop.) Squire Trevlyn's heir. Phil.n.rf. S°. (Scop.) Within the maze. Phil. «.«?. 8° {7 cop.) W^OOd, Horatio C. Manual of materia medica and therapeutics ; being an abridgment of Dr. Pereira's Elements of materia medica. Phil. 1866. 8° On the collection of specimens of myriapods, phalangidae, etc., etc. (In Smithsonian rept. 1866.) Thermic fever ; or, sunstroke. Boylston prize essay. Phil. 1872. 12° Wood, J. G. Bible animals : a description of every living creature mentioned in the script- ures, from the ape to the coral. N. Y. 1870. 8° Common shells of the sea-shore. Lond. 1865. 16° Homes without hands : a description of the habitations of animals, classed according to their principle of construction. Lond. 1865. 12° Illustrated natural history. Lond. n.d. 3 V. Roy. 8°. Insects at home ; being a popular account of insects, their structure, habits, and trans- formations. N. Y. 1872. 8? Natural history of man ; being an account •WOOD 914 "WOOLER "Wood (continued) — of the manners and customs of the uncivil- ized races of men. Lond. 1868. 2 v. 4i Contents : Africa, V. 1. America, v. 2. Asia, V. 2. Australia, v. 2. Europe, Ancient, v. 2. New Zealand, v. 2. Polynesia, v. 2. Strange dwellings ; being a description of the habitations of animals. Bost. 1872. 122 "Wood, John (Capt.). Journey to the source of the river Oxus. New edition, edited by his son. "With an essay on the geography of the valley of the Oxus, by Colonel Henry Yule. Lond. 1872. 8° "Wood, John. Suppressed history of the admin- istration of John Adams (from 1797 to 1801), as printed and suppressed in 1802 ; now re- published, with not^s and an appendix, by J. H. Sherburne. Phil. 1846. 12? Wood, Oliver E. West Point scrap-book : a col- lection of stories, songs, and legends of the TJ. S. military academy. With original illus- trations. N. Y. 1871. 8° Wood, Thomas. Notes on the metals. Lond. 1868. 12? Wood, Wallace. Chronos : mother earth's bi- ography. A romance of the new school. Lond. 1873. 12? (2 cop.) Wood, William. Manual of physical exercises ; together with rules for training, and sanitary suggestions. N. Y. 1867. 12? Wood, William B. (1779-1861 ) . Personal recol- lections of the stage. N. Y. 1854. 8? Wood, William H. R. (Comp.) Digest of the laws of California ; containing all laws of a general character to 1858, and a supplement containing the acts of 1858-60 [1850-60]. S. F. 1860. 8? Wood, William Maxwell. Fankwei ; or, the San Jacinto in the seas of India, China, and Ja- pan. N. Y. 1859. 12? Wood, William Spicer. Luther. [Poem, 1838.] {In Cambridge prize poems.) Wood. Preservation of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) See also Timber. "Wood-cuts. See Arundel society. Wood-notes. Emerson, R. W. Woodbine, Jenny {pseud.). See Blount, Miss A. R. Woodbum. Jeffrey, R. V. Woodburn grange. Howitt, W. Woodbury, Daniel Phineas (1812-1864). Trea- tise on the various elements of stability in the well-proportioned arch ; with tables of the ultimate thrust. N. Y. 1858. 8? (2 cop.) Woodbury, Isaac B. (1819-1858). Anthem dul- cimer. N. Y. n.d. Qbl. 8? Dulcimer. N. Y. n.d. Obi. 8? Woodbury, W. H. Key to the exercises of Woodbury's new method with the German language. N. Y. 1858. 12? Woodcliff. McKeever, H. B. Woodcraft. Simms, W. G. Woodfall, Henry Sampson {d. 1803). See Wade, J. Woodhouse, S. W. Natural history of Arizona. {In Sitgreaves's Expedition down the Zuni and Colorado rivers.) Woodruff, Hiram (1817-1867). Trotting hor^' of America : how to train and drive him . With reminiscences ofthe trotting turf. Ed. by C. J. Foster. Including an introductory notice, by G. Wilkes ; and a biographical sketch, by the editor. N. Y. 1868. 12? Woods, Caroline H. Woman in prison. N. Y. 1869. 12? Woods, Julian Edmund. Geological observa- tions in South Australia. Lond. 1862. 8? Woods, Leonard (1774-1854). See Bush, G. Woods and by-ways of New England. Flagg, W. W^oods and waters. Street, A. B. Woodson, Miss Mary E. See Living female writers ofthe south. Woodstock. Scott, Sir W. Woodthorpe, R. G. Lushai expedition, 1871-2. Lond. 1873. 8? Woodville, Jennie. Left to herself. Phil. 1872. 12? (5 cop.) Woodward, Bernard Bolingbroke (1816-1869). History of Wales, from the earliest times to its final incorporation with the kingdom of England. Lond. 1853. 8? and Gates, W. L. R. Encyclopaedia of chro- nology, historical and biographical. Lond. 1872. 8? (2 cop.) Woodward, George E. Architecture, and rural art. N. Y. 1869. 12? (2 cop.) Country homes. N. Y. 1865. 12? National architect ; containing 1,000 original designs, plans, and details to working scale, for the practical construction of dwelling- houses. With full and complete sets of spe- cifications, and estimate of costs. N. Y. n.d. 4? and F. W. Graperies, and horticultural build- ings. N. Y. 1865. 12? Woodward, Joseph Janvier. Outlines of the chief camp diseases of the United States ar- mies as observed during the present war. Phil. 1863. 8? Wood worth, Samuel (1785-1842). Poetical works. Ed. by his son. N.Y.1861. 2 v. 16? Wooing and warring in the wilderness. Kirk, C. D. Wooing o't. The. Alexander, Mrs. — . Wool and w^oolen manufacture — BiscHOFF, J. History of woolen and worsted manufactures. History of silk, cotton, linen, wool, and other fibrous substances. MuDGE, E. R., and Hayes, J. L. Wool, and manufacture of wool. {In Paris univ. expos. of 1867, V. 7.) Wool gathering. Dodge, Miss M. A. Wooler, J. P. Did I dream it ? (Farce.) La- cy's Plays, v. 50. Faint heart which did win a fair lady. (Com.] Lacy's Plays, v. 57. Founded on facts. (Farce.) Lacy's Playsj V. 45. Haunted mill. (Operetta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 72. Hunt for a husband. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 63. I'll write to the ' Times.' (Farce.) Lacy'i Plays, V. 28. WOOLER 915 WORK "Wooler (continued) — Keep your temper, (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 55. Laurence's love-suit. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 65. Maid of honor. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 63. Marriage at any price. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, V. 55. Model husband. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 47. Old Phil's birthday. (Serio-comic dr.) La- cy's Plays, V. 54. Okanoe blossoms. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 54. RixQ and the keeper. (Operetta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 71. Sisterly service. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 44. Twice-told tale. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 37. Willful ward. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 65. Winning hazard,, A. (Comedietta.) Lacy's Plays, V. 84. "WooUett, William (1735-1785). Fairholt, F. W. Sketch of. (In Homes, works, and shrines of English artists.) Woolman, John (1720-1772). Journal; with introduction, by J. G. Whittier. Bost. 1871. 16= "WcXJlsey, Melancthon Taylor (1782-1838). CooPKR, J. F. Life of. (In his Lives of Am. naval oflScers.) "Woolsey, Theodore Dwight (b. 1801). Essay on divorce and divorce legislation, with spe- cial reference to the United States. N. Y. 1869. 12^ Introduction to the study of international law ; designed as an aid in teaching, and in historical studies. Second ed., revised and enlarged, N. Y. 1864. 8". Eelioion of the present and of the future: sermons, preached at Yale college. N. Y. 1871. 12; See also Education in Japan. Woolson, Abba Goold. Woman in American society. Bost. 1873. 12? "Wooster, David (1710-1777). Hatden, S. Washington and his masonic compeers. "Wooster, David. Diseases of the heart : their diagnosis and treatment. S. F. 1867. 12; EssAT on diphtheria ; with cases, (in Pam- phlets, V. 32.) Worcester, Edward Somerset (second marquis o/j, (1601-1671). DiRCKS, H. Life, times, and scientific labors of the second marquis of Worcester ; to which is added a reprint of his 'Century of inventions, 1663.' Lond. 1865. 8= "Worcester, Joseph Emerson (1784-1865). Dic- tionary of the English language. Bost. 1859. 41 Same. Bost. 1860. 4°. Worcester, Noah ri758-1837). Last thoughts on important subjects. Camb., Mass., 1833. 12? "Worcester (Mass.) — American antiquarian society. Catalogue of books in the library of. Wore. 1837. 8° "Worcester (Mass.) (continued) — Free public library. Annual reports, 1861- 71. [Collected and bound.] 8? Water supply. Report of a survey for wa- ter, for the city of Worcester, by M. B. Inches, 1854. (Sfee Water- works, v. 2. — Report of the committee on construction, and of the aqueduct commissioner, for the year 1864. See Water-works, v. 2. "Word, The. Warner, Miss S. "Words— Festus, S. p. Verborum significatio. Val- py's Script. Lat. SwiNTON, W. Rambles among. Trench, R. C. Study of. White, R. G. Words, and their uses. See also Etymology ; Language. "Words in season. Browning, H. B. "Words of the enemies of Christ during his sacred passion. Veith, J. E. "Words of Washington. Parton, J. "Wordsworth, Christopher (1774-1846). Ath- ens and Attica : notes of a tour. Lond. 1855. 12? Druids, The. [Poem, 1827.] (In Cambridge prize poems.) Greece : pictorial, descriptive, and historical. (2ded.) Lond. 1844. 8? Invasion of Russia by Xapoleon Bonaparte, The. [Poem, 1828.] (/n Cambridge prize poems.) "Wordsworth, J. C. Treatise on surgical ap- paratus. (In Holmes, T. System of sur- gery, V. 4.) "Wordsworth, William (1770-1850). Poetical works. Bost. 1854. 7 v. 12? Contents : Ecclesiastical sonnets, v. i. Evening volnntaries, v. 4. Excursion, The, v. 6. Life of Wordsworth, v. 1. Memorials of a tour in Italy, 1837, V. 3. Memorials of a tour in Scot- land, 1814, V. 2. Memorials of a tour on the continent, 1820, v. 3. — Yarrow revisited ; and other poems. N. Y. 1835. 12? Brimley, G. Wordsworth's poems. (In hit Essays.) De Quincey, T. Critical notice of Words- worth. (In Literary reminiscences.) — Wordsworth and Southey. (In Literary reminiscences.) Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. Graves, R. P. Recollections of Wordsworth and the lake country. (In Afternoon lect- ures, etc., V. 5.) Hutton, R. H. Wordsworth and his genius. (In his Essays.) Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry and philoso- phy- Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt^rature An- glaise, V. 4. Whipple, E. P. Article on. (In Charac- teristics of men of genius, v. 2.) Same. (In North Am. rev., v. 59, p. 352.) — Literature and life. See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 3. "Work : a story of experience. Alcott, L. M. "Work, play, and profit ; or, gardening for young folks. Hyde, A. M. Miscellaneous poems, v. 2, 4,5. Poems on various subjects, V. 1-3. Poems written In youth, v. Prelude, or the growth of a poet's mind. The, v. 7. White doe of Bylstone, v. 4. •WORK 916 WRIGHT Work and play ; or, literary varieties. BrsH- NELL, H. Work and wages. Brassey, T. Workday Christianity. Clark, A. Workhouse clock, The. Hood, T. (Jn Poeti- cal works, V. 1.) Working classes — Channing, W. E. Elevation of the laboring portion of the community. Granier de Cassagnac, (B.) a. History of the working and burgher classes. Wright, T. Our new masters. iSee also Labor ; Sociology. Workshop, The : a monthly journal, devoted <^o the progress of the useful arts. Ed. by W. Baumer, I. Schnorr, et al. V. 1 to 4 (1868- 72). N. Y. 1868-72. 4 v. 4° Workshop appliances. Shelley, C. P. B. W^orld, here and there. The ; or, notes of travel- ers. From ' Household words.' N.y.1854. 12° World, The. Moore, E., et al. World as it goes. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. {In Works, V. 14.) World before the deluge. Figuier, L. G. World before the flood. Montgomery, J. {In Poetical works, v. 1.) World-noted women. Clarke, M. C. World of mind. The. Taylor, I. World pictures in capitals. Potter, E. T. World to blame. The. Phillips, W. H. World to come. Watts, I. Wormley, Elizabeth. Amabel : a family his- tory, {n.t.p.) 12? Wormley, Theodore G. Micro-chemistry of poi- sons ; including their physiological, patho- logical, and legal relations. Adapted to the use of the medical jurist, physician, and gen- eral chemist. N. Y. 1869. 8? Womum, Ralph Nicholson. Epochs of paint- ing : a biographical and critical essay on painting and painters. Lond. 1864. 8? Hans Holbein and the Meier Madonna. Lond. 1871. Thin 4° See Arundel soc. Worship. DuNLAP, S. F. Vestiges of the spirit history of man. Worship of genius. Ullmann, C. Worthen, Augustus H. {director). Geological survey of Illinois. Chicago, 1866-73. 5 v. 4° Contents : V. 1. Geology. Assistants: J. D. Whitney, L. Les- quereux, H. Engelmann. v. 2. Palajoiitology. Description of vertebrates, by J. S. Newberry and A. H. Worthen. Descrip- tion of invertebrates, by F. B. Meek and A. H. Worthen. Description of plants, by L. Lesque- reux. V. 3. Geology and palaeontology. Geology, by A. H. Worthen, and assistants : H. Engelmann, H. C. Freeman, H. M. Bannister. Palaeontology, by F. B. Meek and A. H. Worthen. v. 4. Geology and palaeontology. Geology, by A. H. Worthen, and assistants: A. M. Bannister, F. H. Bradley, and H. A. Green. Palaeontology. Sect. 1., descriptions of vertebrates, by J. S. New- berry and A. H. Worthen ; sect, ii., descriptions of plants, by L. Lesquereux. v. 5. Geology and palaeontology. Geology, by A. H. Worthen and James Shaw. Paljeontology, by F. B. Meek and A. H. Worthen. Worthen, W. E, {Ed.) Appleton's cyclopae- dia of drawing ; designed as a text-book for the mechanic, architect, engineer, and sur- veyor. N. Y. 1857. 8° Worthies of England. Fuller, T. History of the. Wortley, Emmeline Stuart (Z-arfy). Travels in the United States, etc., during 1849-50, N, Y. 1855. 12° Wortley, Sir James. See Lives of English poets, V. 2. Wounded soldier. {In Sketches and stories of life in Italy.) Wounds. See Gun-shot wounds. Woven of many threads. Hamilton, Mrs. C.V. Wrangell, Ferdinand Petrovitch {b. 1795). Nar- rative of an expedition to the polar sea in the years 1820-23. N.Y.1845. 16° H.F.lib., V. 148. Wraxall, C. F, L. Life and times of her maj- esty, Caroline Matilda, queen of Denmark and Norway. Wraxall, Lascelles. Armies of the great pow- ers. Lond. 1859. 12? Life in the sea ; or, the nature and habits of marine animals. Lond. 1860. 12? W"raxall, Sir Nathaniel William. Historical memoirs of my own time [1772 to 1784]. (3c? ed.) Lond. 1818. 3 v. 12? Posthumous memoirs of his own time. {From 2d Lond. ed.) Phil. 1845. 8? Wreath around the cross. Brown, A. M. Wreath of rhymes, A. Mayfield, M. Wreck of the Golden Mary. Dickens, C. (J. H.) (fn Christmas stories.) Wrecked in port. Yates, E. (H.) Wren, Sir Christopher (1632-1723). Elmes, J. Memoirs of the life and works of. Lond. 1823. 4? Wright, Caleb E. Marcus Blair : a story of pro- vincial times, written for the young. Phil. 1873. 12? (5 cop.) Wright, Elizabeth C. Lichen tufts from the Al- leghanies. N. Y. 1860. 12? Wright, Elizur. Be happy. {In Boston book.) Wright, H indrick B. Practical treatise on la- bor. N. Y. 1871. 12? Speech, on Nebraska and Kansas bill. {In Pamphlets of the Pacific coast.) W"right, Henry G. Headaches : their causes and their cure. Phil. 1867. 16? Wright, Mrs. Julia McNair. Almost a priest. Phil. 1870. 12? (5 cop.) Priest and nun. Phil.w.rf. 12? {5 cop.) See also Malot, H. Wright, L. Practical poultry keeper : a com- plete and standard guide to the management of poultry, whether for domestic use, the markets, or exhibition. {Zded.) N. Y.ra.rf. 12? Wright, Eichard. Sixteen Unitarian missionary discourses. Liverpool, 1817. 12? Wright, Silas (1795-1847). Hammond, J. D. Life and times of. Syracuse, 1848. 8? Same. {In Political history of New York, v. 3.) Jenkins, J. S. Life of. Auburn, 1847. 12? Wright, Thomas {b, 1810). Anglo-Latin satir- ical poets and epigrammatists of the xil. century. Now first collected and edited. Lond. 1872. 2 v. 8? Biographia Britannica literaria ; or, biogra- phy of literary characters of Great Britaia and Ireland, arranged in chronological order, Anglo-Saxon period. Lond. 1842. 12? Same. Anglo-Norman period. Lond. 1846.; 12? WRIGHT 917 WYCHERLEY "Wrigllt (continued) — Caricature history of the Georges : annals of the house of Hanover, compiled from the squibs, broadsides, window pictures, lam- poons, and pictorial caricatures of the times. Lond. n.d. 12° Early travels in Palestine. Lond. 1848. 12° England under the house of Hanover : its his- tory and condition during the reigns of the three Georges. Illustrated from the carica- tures and satires of the day [1714-1820]. Lond. 1848. 2 v. 8f History and topography of the county of Essex; illustrated by a series of views taken on the spot, by Messrs. G. Arnold, Bartlett, and Campion. Lond. 1836. 2 v. 4°. History of Scotland, from the earliest period to the present time. Illustrated with por- traits of eminent Scotsmen, and celebrated personages connected with Scottish history. Lond. n.d, 3 v. 4° HoMKS of other days : history of domestic man- ners and sentiments in England, from the ear- liest known period to modern times. Lond. 1871. Large 8° Political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward ii. Lond. 1839. 4? Roll ofarmsofthe princes, barons, and knights who attended King Edward i. to the siege of Caerlaverock in 1300, ed. from the MS. in the British museum, with a translation and notes, and the coat-armors emblazoned in gold and colors. Lond. 1864. 4° Universal pronouncing dictionary and gen- eral expositor of the English language : a complete literary, classical, scientific, bio- graphical, geographical, and technological standard. With portraits of celebrated per- sons, views of places, and maps. Lond. n. d. 5v. 4° Uriconium : an historical account of the ancient Roman city, and of the excavations made upon its site at Wroxeter, in Shrop- shire. Forming a sketch of the condition and history of the Welsh border during the Roman period. Lond. 1872. 8°. and Evans, R. H. Historical and descriptive account of the caricatures of James Gillray ; comprising a political and humorous history of the latter part of the reign of George iii. Lond. 1851. 8? Wright, Thomas (the journeyman euffineer). Our new masters. Lond. 1873. 12° (2 cop.) Contents : Composition of the working classes. Condition of tlie working classes. English republicanism. English working classes and the Paris commune. Grievance ideas of the working classes. People in relation to political power and opinion. Press and the people, The. Belations between capital and labor. Two races of poor. Two sides of the social improvement question. Views and prospects of the working classes. Working-class education and mis-education. Wright, William. Oil regions of Pennsylvania ; showing where petroleum is found, how it is obtained, and at what cost. With hints for whom it may concern. N. Y. 1865. 12^ "Wright, William B. Brook, The ; and other poems. N. Y. 1873. 12° {2 cop.) Writers — Griswold, R. W. Prose writers of America. Hazlitt, W. English comic. Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. See also Living female writers of the south. Writing — Drew, B. Pens and types. Humphreys, H. N. Origin and progress of the art of. See also Alphabets ; Penmanship. W^riting instruments and material. See Patents, Abridgments of British, v. 25. Wrong confessed is half redressed, A. Brad- ley, Mrs. — . Wrottesley, George. Life and correspondence of field-marshal Sir John Burgoyne. Lond . 1873. 2 V. 8° Wunderlichkeiten. Tieck,L. ( Jw Schriften, V. 25.) Wundersiichtigen, Die. Tieck, L. [In Schriften, v. 23.) Wurdeman, Gustavus. On obtaining specimens of flamingoes and other birds from south Florida. (In Smithsonian rept. 1860.) Wurdeman, W. See Green, J. Wurtz, A. History of chemical theory, from the age of Lavoisier to the present time. Tr. by H. Watts. Lond. 1869. 12° (2 cop.) Wuthering heights. Bronte, E. Wyandotte. Cooper, J. F. Wyat, Sir Francis. Belknap, J. Life of. {In American biog., v. 2.) Wyatt, M. Digby. Notices of sculpture in ivory; consisting ofa lecture on the history,methods, and chief productions of the art, delivered at the first annual meeting of the Arundel society, June 29, 1855, and a catalogue of specimens of ancient ivory carvings in various collections, byE. Oldfield. With nine pho- tographic illustrations, by J. A. Spencer. Arundel soc. Lond. 1856. 4° See Arundel soc. Wyatt, Richard James (1795-1850). Fairholt, F. W. Sketch of. {In Homes, works, and shrines of English artists.) Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503-1542). Poetical works. Bost. 1854. 16° Wyatt, Thomas. Memoirs of the generals, com- modores, and other commanders who dis- tinguished th^mselvesin the American army and navy during the wars of the revolution and of 1812, and who were presented with medals by congress for their gallant services. Phil. 1848. 8° Wycherley, William (1640?-1715), Congrevb, W., Vanbrugh, J., and Farquhar, G. Dramatic works. With biographical and critical notices, by L. Hunt. Lond. 1849. Same. (New ed.) Contents — Country wife, The. Gentleman dancing-master, The. Contents— Double-dealer, The. Judgment of Paris, The. Love for love. Mourning bride. The. Contents — Vanbrugh Mson. Confederacy, The. Lond. 1860. 8° — Wycherley : I Love in a wood ; or St. James's park. I Plain dealer. The. Congreve : Old bachelor, The. Semele. Way of the world, The. Country house. The. False friend, The. WYCHERLEY 918 WYNTER "Wycherley (continued) — Journey to London, A. 1 Belapse, The; or, virtue In Mistake, The. danger. Provoked wife. The. I Contents — Farquhar : Beaux' stratagem. The. Love and a bottle. Kecruiting officer. The. Sir Harry Wlklalr. Twin rivals. The. Constant couple, The ; or, a trip to the jubilee. Inconstant, The; or, the way to win him, — Country girl. [Altered by Garrick.] Inchb. Br. th., V. 16. Taine, H. (A.) Histoire de la litt^rature An- glaise, V. 3. See also Lives of English dramatists, v. 2. Wyld, James. Notes on the distribution of gold throughout the world, including Australia, California, and Kussia. With maps. {Zd ed.) Lond. 1853. 12= Wylder's hand. Le Fanu, J. S. Wyler schlosschen, Das. Hoefer, E. [In Er- zahlende schriften, v. 11.) "Wylie, A. Coins of Ta-ts'ing, or present dynasty of China. [In Pamphlets, v. 11.) "Wylie, J. A. Awakening in Italy, and the crisis ofKome. N. Y. 1866. 12^ {Ed.) Life and missionary travels of Kev. J. F. Ogle. From his letters, selected by his sister. Lond. 1873. 12^ Wyman, Jeffries (6. 1814). Anatomy of nervous system of rana pipiens. [In Smithsonian contrib., v. 5.) Fossil mammals of Chile. {In Gilliss's U. S. naval astron. exped., v. 2.) Wyman, Morrill. Autumnal catarrh (hay fever). With three maps. N.Y. 1872. 8^ Wynne, A. B. Geology of the island of Bom- bay. {In Oldham's Geological survey of India, Memoirs, v. 5.) On the occurrence of frog-beds at a locality hitherto concealed, but exposed now by rec- lamation made in Bombay island, Decem- ber, 1867. {In Oldham's Geological survey of India, Memoirs, v. 6.) Wynne, Mrs. Emma Moffett {Lola), (b. 1844). /See Living female writers of the south. W"ynne, James (6. 1814). Private libraries of New York. N. Y. 1860. 8° Wynter, Andrew. Curiosities of civilization. Keprinted from the ' Edinburgh ' and 'Quar- terly' reviews. Lond. 1860. 12^ (2 cq/?.) Contents : Advertisements. Electric telegraph. The. Fires and flre insurance. Fooil and Its adulterations, odging, food, and dress of soldiers. London commissariat, The. Mortality in trades and pro- fessions. Police and the thieves. The. Rats. Shipwrecks. Woolwich arsenal. Zoological gardens, The. Lunatic asylums. — Curiosities of toil. Lond. 1870. Contents : 2 v. 12? Art of lighting a fire. The, v. 1. Artisans, Special diseases of, v. 1. Begging and almsgiving, v. 2. Bodily repairs, v. 1. Cadgers and tramps, v. 1. Cartes de visite, v. 1. Chignons and hair fashions, V. 2. Child-murder, v. 2. Children of the stones, v. 2. Crossing the Mont Cenis summit railway, v. 1. Dead-meat market, The.v. 1. Earth-closets, v. 2. Eccentricities of the flesh, V. 2. English at home. The, v. 2. False merchandise marks, and tricks of traders, v. 2. Fish and fisheries, v. 2. Fish farming, v. 2. Flowering plants of Great Britain, v. 2. Food, Adulterations of, v. 2. Gentlemen who are 'want- ed : ' their varieties and habits, v. 2. Getting on in life, v. 2. Gheel, Free lunatic colony at, V. 2. Homes without hands, v. 1. Horse-flesh in London : the ride and the drive, v. 2. House-hunting in town and suburbs, v. 2. "Wynter {continued) — Housebreakers, v. 2. Ice trade. The, v. 1. India rubber. The various uses of, V. 2. Indian museum, WhitehaU. The, v. 2. Indian textile fabrics, v. 1. London gamin, The, v. 1. London street traffic, v. 1. Madame Tussaud's, v. 2. Movable fever hospltals.v. 1. New St. Thomas's hospital, v. 2. No water on Sundays, v. 1. Nursery tales and toy books, Police and police officers In London, v. 2. Post-office, The, v. 1. Refuse, The use of, v. 1. Servants' ' regulars,' v. 2. Sham antiquities, v. 2. Shops and shop windows, v. 2. Signboards, v. 2. Smoky chimneys and bad ventilation, v. 2. Sufferings of lucifer match- makei-s, v. 2. Suicide and suicides, v. 2. Teetotalers' nightcaps, v. 2. Toys, and their makers,v. 2. Venice, v. 2. Wine, and the tricks of wine- dealers, v. 1. Our school-boys, A plea for, V. 2. Patriarchal engines at South Kensington, v. 1. — Our social bees ; or, pictures of town and country life. And other papers. {1st and 2d ser.) Lond. 1869. 12? Contents : Aerated bread, v. 1. Aristocratic rooks, The,v. L Artificial man. The, v. 1. Babydom, The philosophy of, v. 1. Brain difficulties, v. 1. Britannia's smelling-bottle, v. 1. Buried history, v. 2. Candle-making, v. 1. City companies. The, v. 2. Club chambers for the mar- ried, V. 1. Commercial grief, v. 1. Death in the match-box, v. Dipsomania, or thirst mad- ness, v. 2. Distinguished settlers from abroad, v. 2. Englishman abroad. The, v. 1. Fair, A suburban, v. 1. Fair, The German, v. 1. False hair : where it comes from, V. 2. Flesh-worm disease, The, v. 2. Foundling hospital. The, v. Longevity, v. 2. Machine tool-makers, v. 2. Mock auctions, v. 1. My first deal in horseflesh, V. 2. Needle-making, v. 1. Nervous system of the me- tropolis. The, V. 1. North Wales, a fortnight in, V. 1. ' Old clo',' V. 2. Old things by new names,v. 1. Orchards in Cheapside, v. 1. Our furniture, v. 2. Our great iron- workers, V. -2. Our lifeboats, v. 2. Our meat, A few words on, V. 2. Our modern Mercury, v. 1. ' Our once fat friend,' v. 2. Our peck of dirt, v. 1. Palace lights, club cards, and bank pens, v. 1. Photo-sculpture, v. 2. Physical antipathies, v. 1. Post-office, The, v. 1. Precious stones, A sermon on, V. 2. Preserved meat, v. 1. Saint George and the drag- on, V. 1. School of cookery. The, v. 2. Sensiitions of a summer night and morning, v. 1. Sewnig machine. The, v. X. Shop windows, A chapter on, V. 1. Steam-engine, The birth of the, V. 2. Suction post. The, v. 1. Sweetsfor the million, v. 2. Thames embankment. The, ' Times ' advertising sheet, The, V. 1. Turkish bath, The, v. 1. Wenham lake ice, v. I. Who is Mr. Renter ? v. 1. Wines, A word about, v. 2. Woman's work, v. 1. Gossip about the lakes, v. 1. Great military clothing es- tablishment at Pinalico, v. 1. Hedging against fate, v. 2. Horses and horse copers, v. 2. How to bny your own house and land, v. 2. Human hair, v. 1. Human wasters, v. 2. Hunterian museum at the college of surgeons, v. 1. Hyde park, v. 1. India-rubber artist, The,v.l. London, The water supply of, V. 2. London beggars. Thoughts about, V. 1. London omnibuses, v. 2. London smoke, v. 1. London stout, v. 1. — Subtle brains and lissom fingers ; being some of the chisel-marks of our industrial and sci- entific progress. Lond. 1869. 12? Contents : Dining-rooms for the work- ing classes. Doctors' stuff". Early warnings. Eff'ects of railway traveling upon health. English in Paris, The. E.xcursion trains. Fraudulent trade-marks. Garden scene, A : poetry. Half-hours at the Kensing- ton museum. Hospital distress. Illuminations. Life after death : poetry. Messages under the sea. Mudie's circulaing library. My room in the country: poetry. Advertising. Advice by a retired physi- cian. Air traction. Ancient garden. The : poet- ry. Associations of a shell: po- etry. Autumn on the hillside: po- etry. Be trustful : poetry. Boat-building by machinery. Bread we eat. The. Buried Roman city in Brit- ain. Clerk of the weather. Day with the coroner, A. Deserted cottage, The: po- etry. WYNTER 919 YANKEE Silvertown. Rmall-pox In London . Superstition : where does It end? 'Times' newspaper of 1798. Town telcgrapiis. Two pictures, Tlie : poetrj'. Tender-sea railroad, The. Village liospitals. Vivisection. Water slcetch, A : poetry. Westminster cloisters: po- etry. Working-men's show. flower- Wynter (continued) — New counterblast to tobac- co. New hotel system. The. Oh! the roast beef of old England ! On taking a house. Pa.sslng of the storm : poet- ry. Photographic portraiture. Physical education. Portsmouth dockyard. Bailways, the great civiliz- ers. Bailways and city popula- tion. Restoration of our soil. Wyoming (terr.)— Hayden, F. V. Preliminary report of the U. S. geological survey of Wyoming and portions of contiguous territories [1869], Leidy, J. Fossil vertebrates of the early ter- tiary formation of. (In Hayden, F. V. Pre- liminary rept.) Raymond, R. W. Condition of the mining industry in. (In hi.t Silver and gold.) — Statistics of mines and mining. Taylor, J. W. Mineral resources. Wyse, T., Reid, J., et al. Papers of the Central society of education. Lond. 1837. 2 v. 12? Wyse, Sir Thomas (1800-1862). Francts, G. H. Orators of the age. W3rtfliet, Cornelius. Histoire universelle des In- des orientales. Divis^e en deux livres, faicte en Latin par Antoine Magin. Nouvellement traduicte. Douay, 1611. 4" Wsrthe, George (1726-1806). Sanderson, J. Life of. (In Signers to decl. of indep., v. 2.) Wythe, Joseph H. Agreement of science and revelation. Phil. 1872. 12? X. Xariffa (pseud.). See Townsend, Mrs. M. A. Xavier, Francois (Saint,) [apostle of the Indies), (1506-1552). Lettres. (Par A. M. F * * *, editeur.) Lyon, 1828. 2 v. 8? Dryden, J. Life of. (In Works, v. 16.) Xenocrates (396-314 b.c). Diogenes LaIJr- Tius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Or. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. bib- lioth. Xenophanes (lived ah. 550 b.c). Diogenes LAiJRTius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr.etLat.) Didot's Script. Graec. bib- lioth. Xenophon (444-355 ? b.c). Cyropaedia, or insti- tution of Cyrus ; and the Hellenics, or Gre- cian history. Literally translated from the Greek, by J. S. Watson and H. Dale. Lond. 1855. 12? Bohn's Class, lib. De Cyri minoris expeditione, libri septem. Oxon, 1866. 16? Memorabilia Socratis. Oxon, 1866. 16? Minor WQrks. Tr. by J. S. Watson. Lond. 1857. 12? Contents : Hiero: a dialogue on roj'- Agesllaus, Eulogy of. Athenian government, On the. Banquet, The. Fragments of letters. alty. Hipparchlcus ; or, the duties of a commander of cav- Xenophon (continued) — Horsemanship, On. CEconomlcus, or the man- Hunting, On. agement of a farm and Improving the revenues of household. Atliens. Socrates, Apology of. Lacedeemonlan governm't — ScRiPTA quae supersunt. (Gr. et Lat.) Paris, 1861. 8? Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Diogenes Laertius. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, V. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. . Bohn's Class, lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Herbert, H. W. Life of. (In Captains of the old world.) Xenophon Ephesius. De amoribus Anthiae et AbrocomsG, libri v. (Gr. et Lat.) (In Ero- tici scriptores.) Didot's Script. Graec. bib- lioth. Xer6s, Francisco de. Relation v^ridique de la conquete de P6rou et de la province de Cuzco, nomm^e Nouvelle Castille, subjugu^e par Francois Pizarre (Salamanque, 1547). Pa- ris, 1837. 8? (Jn Ternaux-Compans's Voy- ages, V. 23.) True account of the province of Cuzco, called New Castile, conquered by Francesco Pizar- ro. (2d ed.) Tr. and ed. by C. R. Mark- ham. Salamanca, 1547. 8? (In Hakluyt soc, V. 46.) Y. Yachting. Peverelly, C. A. Book of Amer- ican pastimes. Yale, Gregory. Address, in the case of U. S. vs. Andres Castillero, in behalf of the motion for a commission to Mexico to take testi- mony. (New Almaden mine.) (In Pam- phlets, V. 21.) Legal titles to mining claims and water rights in California, under the mining law of con- gress of July, 1866. S. F. 1867. 8? Yale college (Ne-w Haven, Conn.) — Addresses, at the inauguration of Noah Por- ter, D.D., LL.D., as president of Yale col- lege, Oct. 11, 1871. N. Y. 1871. 8? Catalogue, 1868-9. With a statement of the course of instruction in the various de- partments. New Haven, 1868. (In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 6.) Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui munera et ofQcia academica gesserunt, qui- que aliquovis gradu exornati fuerunt. Novo- Portu, 1868. (In Triennial cat. Am. coll., v. 3.) Four years in Yale. By a graduate of ' 69. Yale college in 1868. Some statenients re- specting the late progress and present condi- tion of the various departments of the uni- versity, for the information of its graduates, friends, and benefactors [1868]. (In Ann. cat. Am. coll., v. 6.) Yale pot-pourri. The, 1865-6. (Ire Ann. cat. Am. coll., V. 6.) See also Sheffield scientific school. Yale lectures on preaching. (1st and 2d ser.) Beecher, H. W. Yankee in Canada. Thoreau, H. D. Yankee stories. Halibdrton, T. C. Yankee zincali. The. Whittieb, J. G. (In Boston book.) YANKEY 920 YOAKUM Yankey in London ; being the first part of a se- ries of letters written by an American youth during nine months' residence in the city of London, addressed to his friends in and near Boston, Mass. V. 1. N.Y. 1809. 16? Yarrow revisited ; and other poems. Words- worth, W. Yassin. See Asia. Yates, Edmund Hodgson {b. 1831). Black sheep. N. Y. 1867. 8° (2 cop.) Dr. Wainwright's patient. N. Y, 1873. 8? (6 cop.) Forlorn hope, The. Bost. n.d. 8° Kissing the rod. N. Y. 1866. 8? Nobody's fortune. Bost. 1871. 8? {fi cop.) Running the gauntlet. Bost. n.d. 12° (4 cop.) "Waiting race. N". Y. 1872. 8° (5 cop.) Wrecked in port. N. Y. 1869. 8° (3 cop.) Yellow flag, The. Bost. 1873. 8° (4 cop:^ and Harrington, N. H. Hit him, he has no friends ! (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 47, — My friend from Leatherhead. (Farce.) Lacy's Plays, v. 30. — Night at Notting hill. (Sketch.) Lacy's Plays, V. 29. See also Cartoon portraits. Yeschyppe of fooles. Muller, (F.) M. Essay on. (/« Chips from a German workshop, V. 3.) Yeager, George. Garden of Eden, The. Phil. 1873. 16° Yeaman, George H. Study of government, The. Bost. 1871. 8? Year after year. Clive, C. {Lady). Year-book, The. Hone, W. Year-book of agriculture. Wells, D. A. Year-book of facts in science and art for 1872. Times, J. Year-book of nature and popular science for 1872. Draper, J. C. {Ed.) Yeardley, George. Belknap, J. Life of. {In American biography, v. 2.) Yeast. Huxley, T. H. On yeast, protoplasm, and the germ theory. Yeast : a problem. Kingsley, C. Yeats, John. Growth and vicissitudes of com- merce, from 1500 B.C. to a.d. 1789 : an his- torical narrative of the industry and inter- course of civilized nations. Lond. 1872. 12? Manual of recent and existing commerce, from the year 1789 to 1872 ; showing the de- velopment of industry at home and abroad during the continental system, the protec- tionist policy, and the era of free trade. Lond. 1872. 12? Technical hisfory of commerce ; or, skilled labor applied to production. Lond. 1873. 12? Yeiser, Mrs. Sarah C. {Aunt Charity). See Liv- ing female writers of the south. Yello-w fever — Parker, H. C. Account of the yellow fever in Galveston and Houston,^Texas, 1867. [In Pamphlets, v. 31.) Some general considerations with regard to the treatment of. {In Pamphlets, v. 31.) Yellow flag, The. Yates, E. (H.) Yellow mask. Collins, (W.) W. Yellow violet, The. Bryant, W. C. Yellowplush papers. Thackeray, W. M. Yellowstone valley — Barlow, J. W., and Heap, D. P. Recon- naissance of the basin of the upper Yellow- stone [1871]. Beadle, J. H. Wonders of the. {In Unde- veloped west, The.) Hayden, F. V. Yellowstone national park, The. {In TJ. S. survey of Montana, etc.) Raynolds, W. F. Report on the exploration of Yellowstone river [I860]. Richardson, J. Wonders of the. Yelverton, Mrs. Th^rese Longworth. Borneo cinnabar mines. {In Overland monthly, v. 10.) Zanita : a tale of the Yo-Semite. N.Y. 1872. 12? (5 cop.) Yemassee: a romance of Carolina. SiHMS, AV. G. ' Yes • or ' no ? ' Wilson, H. S. Yesterday, to-day, and forever. Bickersteth, E. H. Yesterdays with authors. Fields, J. T. Yncas. See Incas. Yo-Ham-i-te valley. See Yo-Semite valley. Yo-Semite book, The. Whitney, J. D. Yo-Semite valley (Oal.) — Account of the Yo-Ham-i-te valley. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 1.) Bancroft's tourist's guide : Yosemite, San Francisco, etc. Beadle, J. H. Visit to, and description of the. {In Undeveloped west.) HiTTELL, J. S. Yosemite : its wonders and beauties. HousEWORTH, T., and co. California scenery. [Photographs.] How the Yo-Semite valley was discovered and named. (In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 3.) HuTCHiNGS, J. M. Memorial, praying a grant of lands in the. {In Pamphlets, v. 34.) — Tourist's guide to the. {In his Scenes and wonders in California.) Kneeland, S. Wonders of Yosemite and California. Lester, J. E. Trees and plants growing in and around the. (In Atlantic to the Pacific.) — Yo-Semite : its history, its scenery, its de- velopment. Ludlow, F. H. Seven weeks in the. {In Heart of the continent.) MuYBRiDGE, E. J. Views of Yosemite and the Big trees. [Photographs.] Paper on the great Yo - Semite valley. {In Hutchings's Cal. mag., v. 4.) Prime, E. D. G. Yosemite and the big trees. {In Around the world.) Report of commissioners to manage the Yo- semite valley, 1867. {In Pamphlets, v. 21.) ViscHER, E. Pictorial of California. Washburn, J. B. Yo-Semite : a poem. {In Pamphlets, v. 33.) Whitney, J. D. Yo-Semite book. The. Yelverton, Mrs. T. L. Zanita : a tale of the Yo-Semite. See also California (description and travel). Yoakum, Henderson (1810-1856). History of Texas, from its first settlement in 1685 to its annexation to the United States in 1846. N. Y. 1856. 2 v. 8? YOLO 921 YOUMANS Yolo county (C'//.). Western shore gazetteer and commercial directory for lf*"0, The. Com- piled by C. P. Sprague and H. W. Atwell. Woodland, Yolo co., 1870. S° Yonge, Charles Duke (b. ab. 1812). English- Greek lexicon. Ed. by H. Drisler. N. Y. 1870. 8° LiFK of field-marshal Arthur, duke of Wel- lington. Parallel lives of ancient and modern he- roes : Epaminondas and Gustavus Adolphus, Philip of Macedon and Frederick the great. Lond. 1858. 12° Three centuries of English literature [1564- 1870]. N. Y. 1872. 12° Three centuries of modern history. N. Y. 1872. 12? {2 cop.) Yonge, Charlotte Mary (6. 1823). Beechcroft. N. Y. 1856. 12? (2 cop.) Bek Sylvester's ward, (n.t.p.) 12? Book of golden deeds, of all times and all lands. Camb., Mass., 1865. 12? (2 cop.) Boy cavaliers, The. Lond. ti.d. 16? Caged lion. The. N. Y. 1870. 12? (6 cop.) Cameos from English history, from Kollo to Edward ii. [900-1330]. Phil. 1868. 12? (2 cop.) Castle-builders, The. N. Y. 1855. 12? Chaplet of pearls, The ; or, the white and black ribaumont. N.Y. 1869. 8? (4: cop.) Clever woman of the family. N. Y. 1865. 8? (3 cop.) Daisy chain ; or, aspirations. N. Y. 1868. 2 V. 12? Dove in the eagle's nest. N. Y. 1866. 12? (3 cop.) Dynevor terrace ; or, the clue of life. N. Y. 1866. 2 V. 12? f3 cop.) Heartsease ; or, the brother's wife. N. Y. 1861. 2 V. 12? (icop.) Heir of Eedclyffe. N. Y. 1868. 2 v. 12? (5 cop.) Same. N. Y. 1870. 2 v. 12? Same. N. Y. 1871. 2 v. 12? Hopes and fears ; or, scenes from the life of a spinster. N. Y. 1869. 2 v. 12? (2 cop.) Kenneth. N.Y. 1855. 12? [2 cop.) Lady Hester ; or, Ursula's narrative. Lond. 1874. 12? (10 cop.) Lances of Lynwood, The. N. Y. 1856. 16? Landmarks of history : middle ages, from reign of Charlemagne to that of Charles the fifth. Kevised and partly re-written, by E. L. Chase. N. Y. 1867. 12? (2 cop.) PiGEON-PiE, The. Bost. 1864. 16? Pillars of the house ; or, under wode, under rode. Lond. and N. Y. 1873. 2 v. 12? (5 cop.) Pioneers and founders ; or, recent workers in the mission field. Lond. 1871. 12? Brainerd, David. Carey, William. Eliot, John. Gardiner, Allen. Heber, Reginald. Judson family, The. Mackenzie, Chas. Fredk, Marsden, Samuel. Contents : Marshman, Joshua. Marty n, Henry. Middleton, Thomas. Schwartz, Christian Fried- rich. Williams, John. Wilson, Daniel. — Pupils ofSt. John the divine. Lond.n.rf. 12? KicHARD the fearless ; or, the little duke. N. Y. 1»56. 16? Yonge {continued) — Two guardians, The. N. Y. 1868. 12? When are we happiest ? Bost. 1865. 16? Young apprentice, The. Bost. n.d. 16? Young step-mother ; or, a chronicle of mis- takes. N. Y. 1866. 2 V. 12? {Ed.) Recollections of a page at the court of Louis XVI. By Felix, count de France d'H6- zecques. Lond. 1873. 8? Yorke, Oliver (pseud.). See Mahony, F. Yorkshire penny bank. Akroyd, E. Yoruba language. Bowen, T. J. Grammar and dictionary of the. {In Smithsonian con- trib., V. 10.) Yosemite. See Yo-Semite. Youatt, William. Dog, The. Lond. 1871. 8? Horse, The : a general history of. A disserta- tion on the American trotting horse ; how trained and jockeyed. With an essay on the ass and mule, by T. S. Skinner, {n.t.p.) 8? Same. With a treatise on draught horses, re- vised and enlarged by W. Watson. Bost. 1872. Pig, The : a treatise on the breeds, manage- ment, feeding, and medical treatment of swine. N. Y. 1852. 12? Sheep : their breeds, management, and dis- eases. With illustrative engravings, and remarks on the breeds and management of sheep in the United States. N. Y. 1852. 8? and Martin, W. C. L. Cattle : a treatise on their breeds, management, and diseases. N. Y. 1851. 12? Youcan river {Russ. Am.). KiRBY, W. W. Journey to the. (In Smithsonian rept. 1864.) Youmans, Edward Livingston (b. 1821). Class- book of chemistry ; designed for the use of academies and schools. N. Y. 1859. 12? Hand-book of household science : a popular account of heat, light, air, aliment, and cleansing. N. Y. 1857. 12? et al. Culture demanded by modern life : a series of addresses and arguments, on the claims of scientific education. N. Y. 1867. 12? Contents : Barnard, H. Early mental training. Faraday, M. Education of the judgment. Henfrey, A. Study of botany. Hodgson, W. B. Study of economic science. Huxley, T. H. Study of zoology. Liebig, J. von. Development of scientific ideas. Paget, J. Study of physiology. Spencer, H. Political education. Tyndall, J. Study of physics. Whewell, W. Educational history of science. Youmans, E. L. Mental discipline in education. Youmans, E. L. Scien tiflc study of human nature. — Correlation and conservation of forces : a series of expositions, with introduction, and brief biographical notices of the chief pro- moters of the new views, by Edw. L. You- mans. N. Y. 1865. 12? Contents: Carpenter, W. B. Correlation of the physical and vital forces. Faraday, M. Some thoughts on the conservation of force. Grove, W. B. Corr«*ation of physical forces. Helmholtz, H. L. F. Interaction of natural forces. Liebig, J. von. Connection and equivalence of forces. Mayer, J. R. Celestial dynamics. Mayer, J. R. Forces of inorganic nature. Mayer, J. R. Mechanical equivalent of heat. See also Popular science monthly. YOUNQ 922 YUCATAN Young, A. Travels in France [1787-9] ; travels in Iceland [1776-8], (Jm Pinkerton's Coll. voy., V. 4.) Young, Alexander (1800-1854). Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of Massachu- setts bay, from 1623 to 1636 ; now first col- lected from original records and contempo- raneous manuscripts, and illustrated with notes. Bost. 1846. 8° Chroniclks of the Pilgrim fathers of the col- ony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625. {2d ed.) Bost. 1844. 8° Young, Brigham (b, 1801). McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. Waite, Mrs. C. V. Mormon prophet and his harem. Young, Charles F. T. Fires, fire-engines, and fire brigades ; with a history of manual and steam fire-engines, their construction, use, management, etc., etc. Lond. 1866. 8? Young, E. D. Search after Livingstone : diary, kept during the investigation of his report- ed murder. Kevised by H. "Waller. Lond. 1868. 12= YOTOng, Edward (1684-1765). Poetical works. Bost. 1854. 2 V. 16? Contents : Complaint, The ; or, night thoughts, V. 1. Last day, The, v. 2. Life of Young, v. 1. Love of fame,'.the universal passion, v. 2. iscellaneous poems, v. 2. JP — Night thoughts on life, death, and immortal- ity ; with a memoir of the author and notes, by J. R. Boyd. N. Y. 1851. 12? Revenge, The. (Tragedy.) Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Dicks' Br. dr., v. 1. Same. Inchb. Br. th., v. 12. Same. Lacy's Plays, v. 70. MiTFORD, J. Life of. (/w Poet. "Works, v. 1.) See also Aikin's Br. poets, v. 1 ; Lives of En- glish poets, V. 2. Young, Edward. Special report on immigration; with accompanying information for immi- grants. Wash. 1872. 8? Young, John. Christ of history. The : an argu- ment grounded in the facts of his life on earth. N.Y. 1870. 12? Young, John Radford {b. ab. 1800). Nautical astronomy. {In Orr's Circle of the sciences, V. 5.) Simple arithmetic, algebra, and the elements of Euclid, (ire Orr's Circle of the sciences, V. 8.) See also Mitchell, W. Young, Lambton. Acts of gallantry : a detailed account of each deed of bravery in saving life from drowning in all parts of the world, for which gold and silver medals and clasps of the Royal humane soc. have been award- ed from 1830 to 1871. Lond. 1872. 12? Young, Mrs. Maud J. See Living female writers of the south. Young, Thomas (1773-1829). Arago, D. F. J. Eulogy on T. Young [1832]. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1869.) See also Scientific men, Biographies of distin- guished. Young America in Wall street. Train, G. F. Young Americans abroad. Choules, J. O. Young apprentice. Yonqe, C. M. Young Benjamin Franklin. Mathew, H. Young Californian, The. V. 3, nos. 1, 2. S. F. 1861. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 18.) Young Christian, The. Abbott, J. Young Crusoe. Harley, — {I^i"-)- Young deliverers of Pleasant cove. Kellogg, E. Young desperado, A. Aldrich, T. B. {In Marjorie Daw, and other people.) Yoimg duke. The. Disraeli, B. Young forester. Sherwood, Mrs. M. M. Young housekeeper's friend. Cornelius, Mrs. M. H. Young husband, The. Grey, Mrs. E. C. Young ladies. Sigourney, J^ra. L. H. Letters to. Young lady of pleasure. N. Y. 1865. 12? Young mathematician's guide. Ward, J. Young mechanic. The ; containing directions for the use of all kinds of tools, and for the construction of steam-engines and mechan- ical models, including the art of turning in wood and metal . By the author of ' The lathe and its uses.' N.Y. 1871. 8? Young men — Arthur, T. S. Advice to. Clark, T. M. Dew of youth. The, etc. Evans, T. Examples of youthful piety. James, J. A. Young man's friend. Scott, W. A. Wedge of gold ; or, Achan in El Dorado. TuLLocH, J. Beginning life. Young men's Christian association. Quarterly of the. V. 2, no. 2 (Feb. 1868). {In Pam- phlets, v. 30.) Young men's Christian associations of the United States and the British provinces. First an- nual convention, at BuflTalo, N. Y. , 1854. Wash. 1854. 8? {In Pamphlets, v. 1.) Young Prince Marigold, etc. Maouire, J. F, Young ship-builders of Elm island. Kellogg, E. Young squire. Eiloart, Mrs. — . Young step-mother. Yonge, Miss C. M. Young student's library. The [1691]. Dunton, J . Young voyageurs. Reid, M. Young wife, The. Alcott, W. A. Yount, George C. Day, Mrs. F. H. Sketch of. (In Early settlers of California.) Youth, of Shakespeare. Williams, R. F. {In Shakespeare novels.) Youth's history of California. By Lucia Nor- man. Heaven, Mrs. S. M. Youth's history of the rebellion. Thayer, W.M. Youthful pilgrims ; or, memorials of young per- sons of the society of Friends. Phil. 1858. 16? Yslas del Arsobispo islands. Beechey, F. W. Visit to, and account of. {In his Narrative, V. 2.) Yucatan — Dix, J. A. Yucatan bill. (Ire Speeches, etc., V. 1.) Norman, B. M. Rambles in. Robinson, C. Discovery of Yucatan by Cor- dova, 1507. {In Early voyages to America.) Schott, a. Remarks on an ancient relic of Mava sculpture. {In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) — Remarks on the cara gigantesca of Yza- mal in. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in. YULE 923 ZOOLOGY Yule, Henry. Essay on the geography of the val- ley of the Oxus. (In Wood, J. Journey to the source of the Oxus.) Fortification ; for officers of the army and students of military history. Edin. 1851. 8° Yusef : a crusade in the east. Brownk, J. K. Yvan, Melchior (6. 1803). History of insurrec- tion in China. See Gallery, J. M. z. Zabdiel, the gypsy. (J/j Tales, old and new.) Zadig, ou la destin^e. Voltaire, E. M. A. de. (In (Euvres completes, v. 8.) Same. [In Works, v. 14.) Zaleneus. Diogenes Laertitjs. Life of. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class, lib. Same. {Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Grsec. biblioth. Zambesi river. See Africa. Zanchius, Jerom (or Gerolamo), (1516-1590). Doctrine of absolute predestination stated and asserted ; with a preliminary discourse on the divine attributes. [No place or date of publication.] Zanita : a tale of the Yo-Semite. Yelvekton, 3Irs. T. L. Zanoni. Bulwer-Lttton, Sir E. G. E. L. Zantedeschi, Fr. Electricity of induction in the aerial strata of the atmosphere. (In Smithsonian rept. 1870.) Zanzibar — Notes of travel. KuscHENBERGER, W. S. W. Voyagc round the world, 1835-7. SuLiVAN, G. L. Dhow-chasing in Zanzibar waters. ZajWDlya. Coleridge, S. T. (Jra Poetical and dramatic works, v. 2.) Zapotic remains. See Mexico (archaeology). Zarate, Augustin de. Histoire de la d^couverte et de la conquete du Perou (trad, de I'Es- pagnol). Paris, 1716. 2 v. 12° Zauberer von Rom, Der. Gutzkow, K, Zauberflote, Die. G6the,J.W.v. (InWerke, V. 11.) Zauberkrug, Der. Hacklander, F. W. (In Werke, v. 13.) Zauberring, Der. La Motte-Fotjquk, F. H. K. (/n Ausgewahlte werke, V. 4-6.) Zauberschloss, Das. Tieck, L. (/nSchriften, V. 21.) Zayas i Soto Mayor, Donna Maria de. Novel. {In Eoscoe, T. Spanish novelists, v. 2.) Zeisberger, David. De Schweinitz, E. Life and times of. Phil. 1871. 8° Zell, T. Ellwood. (Pub.) Popular encyclopaedia : a universal dictionary of English language, science, literature, and art. With over 2,000 wood-cuts. Ed. by L. Colange. Phil. 1870. 2v. 4° See also Bartholomew, J. Zeller, E. Socrates and the Socratic school. Tr. from the German, by O. J. Reichel. Lond. 1868. 12^ Zeloso Estremeno, El. Cervantes Saavedra, M. DE. (In Obras escogidas, v. 9.) Zeluco. MooRE, J. Zenaida. Anderson, F. Zend : is it an original language ? Someb, J. Zend-Avesta. MIjller, (F.) M. Study of the Zend in India. (In Chips from a German workshop, v. 1.) Zeno (the Eleatic). Diogenes Laertitts. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 2.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr. et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Zeno (the stoic) . Diogenes Laertitts. Life of. (In Lives, ed. 1688, v. 1.) Same. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. Bohn's Class. lib. Same. (Gr, et Lat.) Didot's Script. Graec. biblioth. Zeno, Nicolo (1330-1396?). Belknap, J. Life of. (In American biography, v. 1.) Zenobia ; or, the fall of Palmyra. Ware,W. Zerub Throop's experiment. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Zillah : a tale of the Holy land. Smith, H. Zimmernian, Mrs. Bettie M. See Living female writers of the south. Zimmerman, John George. Solitude ; or, the effects of occasional retirement on the mind and heart. Lond. 1827. 8° Zimmern, Helen. Stories in precious stones. Lond. 1873. 12° Contents : How the spell was broken. Kept from despair. Miieric goblet, The. Nellie's locket. Only an old bone. Who heareth me shall over- come. Beruna. Between sleeping and wak- ing. ' Clapper, clapper.' Fiery stone. The. From sire to son. Gift that fell from heaven, The. Zina'; or, morning mists. By the author of ' The wish and the way,' etc. Bost. n.d. 12? Zinc. Percy, T. Metallurgy. Zincke, F. Barham. Duty and the discipline of extemporary preaching. N. Y. 1867. 12° Last winter in the United States ; being ta- ble-talk collected during a tour through the late southern confederation, the far west, the Eocky mountains, etc. Lond. 1868. 12° Zizim. See Diem. Zockler, Otto (Dr.). Commentary on Ecclesias- tes ; Proverbs of Solomon ; Songs of Solo- mon. (In Lange's Com., old test., v. 10.) Zodiacal light. Jones, G. Olaservations on the. (In Perry's Expedition to Japan, v. 3.) Zoe ; or, the Martel papers . A manuscript of the Conciergerie. N. Y. 1865. Zohra)3, the hostage. Morier, J. Zola, Emile. Th^rese Raquin. Paris, 1868. 12? Zoological mythology. Gubernatis, A. de. Zoological society (Lond.). Proceedings, 1830- 71. Printed for the society. Lond, 1830-72. 25 V. 8? Same. Index (1848-60), in v. for 1860. Same. Index ^861-70). Lond. 1872. 8°. Revised list of the vertebrated animals in the gardens of the. Lond. 1872. 8°. Transactions. V. 1(1833) to 7 (1872). Lond. 1833-72. 7v. 4? Zoology — Adams, A. (Ud.) Zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang, under Sir E. Belcher, 1843-6. Agassiz, L. (J. E.) Contributions to the nat- ural history of the United States. ZOOLOGY 924 ZSCHOKKE ZoolOgry {continued) — Babington, CO., ei al. Annals and maga- zine of natural history. Baird, S. F. Zoology of the U. S. and Mex- ican boundary survey. {In Emory's Kept.) Brodkrip, W. J. Zoological recreations, BRUGUifeRE, M. Tableau encyclop6dique et m^thodique des trois regnes de la nature. Catalogue of the collection of z-nammalia and birds in the museum at Fort Pitt, Chatham. CoMPTES rendus. Dallas, W. S. Zoology : invertebrated an- imals. {In Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 2.) Same. Vertebrated animals, (/h Orr's Circle of the sciences, v. 3.) De Kay, J. E. Zoology ; or, the New York fauna. Emory, W. H. Mexican boundary survey. Fuller, C. B. Eeport on marine. {In Ge- ology of Maine, 7th rept.). GiLLiss, J. M. TJ. S. naval astronomical ex- pedition. GossE, P. H. Introduction to. Huxley, T. H. Study of. (/n Lay sermons.) — Study of. {In Youmans, E. L., et al. Culture demanded by modern life.) Ives, J. C. Report upon the Colorado river. Jones, T. R. Animal creation : popular in- troduction to. JouRDAN, A. J. L. Dictionnaire des termes. Leidy, J. Remains of extinct mammalia and chelonia from Nebraska. {In Owen's Sur- vey.) Nicholson, H. A. Manual of. Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations. Ross, J. C. Report on the zoology of the arctic regions. (J« Parry, W.E. Journal of third voy., app.) iSame. [Continued.] (/n Parry, W. E. Jour- nal of fourth voy., app.) Stimpson, W. Marine invertebrata of Grand Manan, N. B. {In Smithsonian contrib., V. 6.) Tenney, S. Manual of. Ward, H. A. Notice of the megatherium Cuvieri, the giant fossil ground-sloth of S. America. Wilson, A. Elements of. Wood, J. G. Homes without hands. — Strange dwellings. Zoological society (Lond.). Publications. iSee also — Animal kingdom. Mammalia. Animals. Man. Birds. Marsupialia. Comparative anat- Mollusca. omy. Natural history. Crustacea. Ornithology. Entomology. PaliBontology. Fish. Quadrupeds. Insects. Reptiles. Invertebrates. Species. Life. Zoophytes. Also the names of countries and other subdi- visions. Zooph3rtes — Dana, J. D. Zoophytes of the United States exploring expedition under C. Wilkes, 1838- 42. 1 V. 4°, and atlas f? Johnston, G. History of British. Zoroaster. Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. Zouaves de la mort, Les. Augu, H. Zschokke, Johann Heinrich Daniel (1771-1848). Gesammelteschriften. {bteauflage.) Aarau, 1859. 36 V. in 18. 12° Contents : Abellino, v. 15. Abend vor der hochzeit, Der, v. 10. Abentheiier der neujahrsnacbt, Das, v. 9. Add rich im moos, v. 4. Agathokles, tyrann von Syrakus, v. 7. Alamontade, v. 1. Aufruhr von StanRund der Urkantone, 1799, v. 34. Bay, Liidwi^, v. 32. Bein, Das, v. 9. Besitz.nabme von Curacao durch die Britten, 1800, V. 33. Besuch in Marlenbad, Der, v. 14. Bilder aus dem liiiuslichen leben, v. 14. Blatter aus dem tagebuch des armen Pfarr -Vikars von Wiltshire, v. 2. Blaue wunder, Das, v. 8. Blondin von Namilr, Der, v. 9. Bohne, Die, v. 9. Bonstetten, Karl von, v. 32. Branntweinpest, Die, v. 16. Burckhardt. Ludwig von, v. 31. BOrgerkrieg in der Italiiinischen Schweiz, Der, v. 3.5. Creole, Der, v. 8. Diocletian in Salona, v. 2. Erinnerungen aus Rhiitien wtibrendder staatsum- Wiilzung, I7W, I7!)S, v. 33. Erlach. Rudolf Ludwig von, v. 32. Eros. Der, Oder flber die liebe, v. 1. Erziihlungen Im nebel, v. 9. Es ist sehr mogllch. v. 9. Enphrasien Uber den nachruhm. An, v. 12. Feldwebel.Dcr, V. 8. Florette, oder die erste liebe Heinrich rv., V. 6. Fluc-htling im Jura, Der, v. 6. Freihof von Aarau, Der, v. 5. Filrsteiiblick, Der, v. 3. Gedichte, v. 1.5. Genfer novellen, v. 13. Geschichte vom kampf and untergang der Schwel- zer berg und wald kantone, 1798, v. 34. Geschichtliche darstellung der Ausbreltung des Christenthum's, v. 30. Glavre, Moritz, v. .32. Goldmacherdorf, Das, v. 16. Grosse und untergang des freistaates Venedig, v. 33, GrOndung von Maryland, Die, v. 6. Haas, Wilhelm, v. 32. Hans Dampf In alien gassen, v. 10. Harmonius, v. 1. Hermingarde, v. 7. Herrn Quints verlobung, v. 10. Herrnhuter-familie, Die, v. 1. Holland's schicksal, v. 3:$. Irrfahrt der I'hilhelenen, Die, v. 6, IsliindiscUen briefe, Die, v. 9. Jochmann, Karl Gustav, v. 32. Jonathan Frock, v. 2. Kleine ursachen, v. 2. Kriegerische ubentheaer eines friedfertigen, v. 9. Lampe des Aiiaxagoras und die Russlsche fOrstin, Die, V. 12. Liebe der ausgewanderten. Die, v. 11, Loch im armel. Das, v. 3. Lyonel Harlington, v. 12. liarvam in der wiiste, v. 6. Meister Jordan, Oder handwerk hat goldenen.bo- den, V. 16. Melignano, Marchese von, Der, v. 31. Millioniir, Der, v. 3. MoUere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, v.31. Nacht in BreczwezmcisI, Die, v. 9. Narr des neunzehnten jahrhunderts,.Der, v. 3. Nord und sUdstaaten Europa's in polit. hmsicht, Die, V. 33. Ochs, Peter, v. 32. Olavides, der neue Belizar, v. 14. Parteiuugen zur zeit des Veroneser kongresse's, v. 33. Pestalozzi, Heinrich, v. 32. Pflanzer In Cuba, Der, v. 7. Prinzessin von WolfenbUttel, Die, v. 7. Beding, Aloys, v. 32. Reise wider willen. Die, v. 10. Eosais, An, fiber ahnungsvermogen und scbutz- geister, v. 12. Bose von Dlsentis, Die, v. 11. Buckwirkungen oderwer regiert denn ? Die, v. 10. Schicksale der Freimaurerei in Europa, v. 30. Schiichtegroll, Adolf Heinrich von, v. 32. Schulze von Celle und Cacilie, v. 11. Schwarz von Sonnenberg, v. 31. Schweizer skizzen, v. 14. Schweizerlands geschichte fQr das Schweiaer volK v. 36. Selbstschau, Eine, v. 18, 19. ZSCHOKKE 925 ZWOLF Zschokke {continued) — iSpiiich unci schwunk lies Schweizerboteti, v. 11, Sifigor, Nicholiius Friedricli vou, v. 32. 8tiger, Piiul Pater, v. 32. Stunden der aiidacht, v. 20-29. Tantchen Uosniaiin, v. 10. Todte gast, Der, v. 3. Usteri, Paul, Dr., v. 32. Verklilrungen, Die, v. 2. Vermischte schriften, v. 30, 34, 35. ■Walpurgisnacht, Oie, v. 9. W'eiblicheii stufeiijahre, Die, v. 3. Wie raaii liebeii nius.s, v. 15. Adventures of a new year's eve. {In Good stories, v. 3.) AuTOBiooRAPHT. Lond. 1845. 8? Dead guest, The. N. Y. 1869. 8? (2 cop.) History of Switzerland, for the Swiss people. With a continuation to the year 1848, by E. Zschokke. Tr. by F. G. Shaw. N.Y. 1855. 12° Meditations on death and eternity. Tr. by F. Kowan. Bost. 1864. 12? (2 cop.) Meditations on life and its religious duties. Tr. by F. Rowan. Bost. 1863. 12? RcsE of Disentis, The. Tr. from the German, by James J. D. Trenor. N. Y. 1873. 12? (3 cop. ) Tales. Tr, by M. A. Faber, Leipzig, 1867. 16? Contents : Inn at Cransac, The. New year's eve adventure. Princess of Brunswick -Wolfenbtittel. Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany. Zuazo, Alonzo. See Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Mexico. Zubly, John Joachim (1724-1781). See Patriot preachers of the revolution. Zulu land. Walmsley, H. M. The ruined cities of. Zulu nursery tales. Muller, (F.) M. {In Chips from a German workshop, v. 2.) Zundel, John. Christian heart-songs : a collec- tion of solos, quartettes, and choruses. N. Y. 1870. 8? Zuni {river). SiTGREAVES, L. Expedition down the. Ziircher, — , et Margoll^, — . Ascensions c41e- bres aux plus hautes montagnes du globe, Les. Paris, 1867. 12? Glaciers, Les. Paris, 1868. 12? M6Tf:oRE8, Les. Paris, 1867. 12? Meteors, aerolites, storms, and atmospheric phe- nomena. Tr. from the French, by William Lackland. N. Y. 1870. 12? Volcanoes and earthquakes. Tr. from the French, by Mrs. N. Lockyer. Lond. 1868. 12? Volcanoes and earthquakes, ancient and mod- ern ; including geysers and Thermal springs, mud volcanoes, springs and wells of fire, mineral oil springs, lunar volcanoes, etc. , etc. Lond. 1874. 12? Volcans et tremblements de terre. Paris, 1868. 12? Zurita, Alonzo de. Eapport sur les diflerentea classes de chefs de la Nouvelle-Espagne. Paris, 1840. 8? [In Ternaux - Compans's Voyages, v. 15.) Zuversicht. Stifter, A. {In Erzahlungen, V. 2.) Zwei baronessen. Die. Andersen, H. C. {In Ges. schriften, v. 2.) Zweinachte. Hacklander, F. W. (/« Werke, V. 26.) Zwei schwestern. Hahn-Hahn, I. M. L. S. v. {In Werke, v. 13.) Zwei wittwen. Stifter, A. {In Erzahlungen, V. 2.) Zweikampf, Der. Kleist, H. von. {In Ges. schriften, v. 3.) Zwergen nest. Das. Hacklander, F.W. {In W(3rke, V. 13.) ZwiSchen himmel und erde. Ludwig, O. Zwolf apostel, Die. John, E. {In Thiiringer erzahlungen.) STJPPLEMEiq"T. A. Abbott, John Sebastian Cabot (6. 1805). Chris- topher Carson. Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dutch governor of New Amsterdam. Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill. See Kant, I. A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbot (1810-1856), and Lem- on, M. Peter Wilkins ; or, the flying island- ers. (Melo-dramatic spect.) Lacy's Plays, V. 25. Abend der Ninon, Eine. Spindleb, K. (Ira Werke, v. 54.) Abenteuer zu Flatz. Spindler, K. (Ira Wer- ke, V. 92.) Aboriginal Britons, The. (Poem, 1791.) Kich- ARD8, G. {In Oxford prize poems.) About men and things. Henry, C. S. Abramof, — (MaJ.-Gen.). Keport on the prin- cipality of Karategin. {In Koy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) Abyssinia — Hogg, J. Paper on the Abyssinian rivers which give rise to the Nilotic inundation. {In Koyal soc. of lit. Transactions, 1872.) — Paper on the snows, rains, and thermal springs of. {In Koyal society of literature. Transactions, 1872.^ Achard, Louis Am6d6e Eugene {b. 1814). Fils du fauconnier, Le. {In Romans.) Acht tage auf ehrenwort. Spindler, K. (In AVerke, v. 24.) Achter edelrnann, Ein. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 86.) Acis and Galatea. (Serenata.) Handel, G. P. {In Boosey's ed.) Adair, James. History of the North American Indians. (In Kingsborough, E. K. Antiq- uities of Mexico, V. 9.) Adams, Charles Francis (b. 1807). See Adams, J. Q. Adams, John {2d presH of U. S.), (1735-1826). Adams, J. Q. and C. F. Life of. Begun by John Quincy Adams, and completed by Charles Francis Adams. Eevised and cor- rected. Phil. 1874. 2 V. in 1. 12° Adams, John Quincy {6(h presH U. iS.), (1767- 1848), and C. F. Life of John Adams. Adams, Nehemiah (6.1806). Cochituate lake. (Ira Boston book.) Adams, William (1575-1621). Letters of [1611- 17]. Ed. by T. Eundall. (In Hakluyt soc, V. 7.) See Rundall, T. Adams, William T. {Oliver Optic). Money-mak- er ; or, the victory of the Basilisk. Bost. 1874. 16° (5 cop.) On time ; or, the young captain of the TJcayga steamer. Bost. 1870. 16° Adhemar'sball- und hochzeitsfest. Spindler, K. (Ira Werke, v. 63.) Adolphus, John Leycester. Niobe. (Poem, 1814.) {In Oxford prize poems.) Adrienne (pseud.). See Hooper, 3Iiss S. C. Adventure in the north-west territory. (Maga, Sept. 1821 .) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 9, 10.) Adventures by sea and land ; or, perils and hair-breadth escapes of travelers in every part of the world. Phil. 1873. 8? Contents : Ceylon, The island of. Circassian war, An adventure In the time of the. Desert, 'J'he. Fire at sea. Little African's adventures, The. Nishni Novogorod, The fair of. Shipwrecic and starvation. Tschutski, The. Adventures in Texas. Sealsfield, C. (In Tales from Blackwood, v. 5, 6.) Adventures of an attorney in search of practice. Warren, S. Adventures of Padre Vicentio. Harte, F. B. (In Mrs. Skaggs's husbands, etc.) Advertising. Wynter, A. Art of. (In Peeps into the human hive, v. 2.) ^none. Kip, L. Aeronautics. Pettigrew, J. B. Dissertation on. (In Animal locomotion.) .ffistbetics. Grillparzer, F. Aesthetische stu- dien. (In Samm. werke, v. 9.) Africa — BowDicH, T. E. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee. Boyle, F. Stories of sport and adventure in. (In Camp notes.) Hay, J. C. D. Ashanti and the Gold coast. Mann, R. J. Account of Mr. Baines's ex- ploration of the gold-bearing region between the Limpopo and Zambesi rivers. (In Koy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) New, C. Life, wanderings, etc., in eastern. AFRICA 928 AMHERST Africa (continued) — ScHAUKNBURG, E. H. Reisen in den sudaf- rikanischen binnenlandern. Stanlky, H. M. My Kalulu : prince, king, and slave. (Hist, tiction.) See also Ashantees. Aftermath. Longfellow, H. "W. Against the stream. Charles, Mrs. E. R. Agassiz, Louis (John Eudolph), (1807-1873). Instructions to Capt. Hall relative to glaciers. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Agriculture— LoKiNG, G. B. Agriculture and the horse. {In Murray, W. H. H. Perfect horse, The.) Rogers, J. E. T. History of agriculture and prices in England, from 1259 to 1793. Agrippina(c?. ai. 31). De Vere, (M.)S. Great empress, The. (Hist, fiction.) Aguilar, Gaspar de. Mercader amante. El. (In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espanol.) Aguilar, Marcos de. See Coleccion de docu- mentos para la historia de Mexico. Ahasver in Rom. Hamerling, R. Aide, Hamilton. Penruddocke. Bost. 1873. 8° (10 cop.) Ainslee, Herbert (pseud.). See Maitland, E. Air. Pkttenkofer, M. V, Relationsof the air to the clothes we wear, the house we live in, and the soil we dwell on. Three lectures. Albane, P. Peche de Madeleine, Le. (In Ro- mans.) Albornoz, Rodrigo de. See Coleccion de docu- mentos para la historia de Mexico. AlcedO, Antonio de (lived ab. 1750). Geograph- ical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies. Translated, with large ad- ditions and compilations from modern voy- ages and travels, and from original and authentic information, by G. A. Thompson. Lond. 1812-15. 5 v. 4° Alcohol. D'Aligny,H. F. Q. Manufacture of beet-sugar and. (In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, W. P. Blake, ed., v. 6.) Alcott, Louisa May. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. (Pt. iii., Cupid and chow-chow, etc.) Bost. 1874. Hi°. (2 cop.) Contents : Cupid and chow-chow. Fairy pinafores. Grandma's team. Huclileberry. Kate's clioiee. Mamma's plot. Marine merry-making, A. Moss peopie, The. Nelly's hospital. What Fanny heard. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (b. 1836). Marjorie Daw, and other people. Bost. 1873. 12'; (5 cop.) Contents: P6re Antoine's date-palm. Quite so. Rivermouth romance, A. Struggle for life. A. Young desperado, A. N.Y. Friend of my youth, The. Mademoiselle Olympe Za- briski. Marjorie Daw. Miss Melictabei's son. Alexander, Mrs. — . "Wooing o't. The. 1873. 16° (13 cop.) Algeria. Blackburn, H. Artists and Arabs. Alhaxnbra and the Kremlin, The. Prime, S.I. All the year round : a weekly journal, conducted by Charles Dickens. (Neto ser.) V. 9 (Nov. 1872 to April, 1873). Lond. 1872-3. 8°. Allen, Otis Everett (1850-1872). Sketch of the life of. (In Firth, F. R. Memoir.) Allopathic prescriptions. Hall, W. W. (In Health at home.) AUston, Washington (1779-1843). StTMKER, C. Article on. (In Boston book.) Almanacs^ Atlantic almanac for 1874, The. Bost. 1874. 81 Church almanac for 1874. Na8T, T. Illustrated almanac for 1874. Shaw, H. W. Josh Billings's farmer's all- minax for 1874. Almeria. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 98.) Alonso de Zurita. See Coleccion de docuraentos para la historia de Mexico. Alps. Stephen, L. Bad five minutes in the. (In Free-thinking and plain-speaking.) Alston, Edith (pseud.). See Goodale, Miss M. G. Alte geschichte zu neuer erbauung, Eine. BiT- ZIU8, A. (In Ges. schriften, v. 8.) Alte OrdelafTe und seine tapfres weib, Der. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 23.) Alte und neue zeit. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 97.) Amateur Casual (pseud.). See Greenwood, J. Amber whale : a harpooner's story. O'Reil- ly, J. B. (In Songs from the southern seas.) Ambrose, Paul (pseud.). See Kennedy, J. P. America— Alcedo, a. de. Geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies. Tr. by G. A. Thompson. Smith, A. R. (Pub.) Bibliotheca Ameri- cana : a catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets, illustrating the histo- ry and geography of North and South Amer- ica and the West Indies. America, North — Adair, J. History of the North American Indians. (In Kingsborough, E. K. An- tiquities of Mexico, V. 9.) Boyle, F. Stories of sport and adventure in. (In Camp notes.) Dodge, N. S. Stories of a grandfather about American history. Much, M. Ancient history of. (In Smith- sonian rept. 1871.) Phelps, Mrs. A. H. L. Social life in. (In her Reviews and essays.) American artisan : a weekly journal of arts, mechanics, engineering, chemistry, inven- tions, and patents. V. 16 (Jan. to July, 1873). N. Y. 1873. Sm. r. American ephemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1876. Wash. 1873. 8° American journal of sciences ; more especially of mineralogy, geology, and the other branches of natural history. (3d ser.) Conducted by J. D. Dana and B. Silliman. V. 5 (Jan. to Jime, 1873). New Haven, 1873. 8? American lineage in England. Kip, W. I. Traces of. (In his Olden time in New York, The.) American literature. Trubner, N. Biblio- graphical guide to. See also Bibliography. American pioneers and patriots. (Series.) Ab- bott, J. S. C. N. Y. 1873. 2 v. 12^ Contents : Christopher Carson. Peter Stuy vesant, the last Dutch governor of New Amsterdam. Ames, Mary Clemmer. (Ed.) See Cary, A. and P. Amherst college (Mass.). Songs of. Pub. by class of '62. Northampton, Mass., 1860. 16i AMOENS 929 ARTISTS Amoens. Shellet, Mrs. M. W., etal. Sketch of. See Literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, v. 3. A" der Beresina. Spindler, K. (Jn Werke, v. 50.) Anderson, Miss Florence. See Living female writers of the south. Anderson, J. Corbet. See Rule, W. H. Andre"WS, Miss Fanny {Elzey Hay). See Living female writers of the south. Anecdotes. Keddie, W. Anecdotes, literary and scientific. Angiolello, Giovan Maria. Short narrative of the life and acts of the king XJssun Cassano. (In Hakluyt soc, v. 49.) Ramusio, M. G. B. Discourse on the writ- ings of. {In Hakluyt soc, v. 49.) Anicet, Bourgeois, et Dumanoir. Black doc- tor. The. Lacy's Plays, v. 23. Animal kingdom. KoRNHUBER, G. A. Alter- nate generation and parthenogenesis in the. (/« Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Animal locomotion ; or, walking, swimming,'and dying. Pettigrew, J. B. Annales des mines. Recueil de m^moires sur 1 'exploitation des mines, et sur les sciences et les arts qui s'y rattachent. Redigees par les ingdnieurs des mines, et publi^es sous 1 'autorisation du m inistre des travaux publ ics. (7e s^r.) V. 2. Paris, 1872. 12'^ Annals, and magazine of natural history. The ; including zoology, botany, and geology. Con- ducted by Charles C. Babington, John Ed- ward Gray, "William S. Dallas, and William Francis. {4:th ser.) V. 2 (Jan. to June, 1873). Lond. 1873. 12? Anonymous works. Barrier, A.-A. Diction- naire des ouvrages anonymes. Antechrist, L'. Renan, (J.) E. Antiquities — Babingtox, C. Paper on various Greek in- scriptions from Telos, Cos, Attala, and the region of the Black sea, copied by Capt. Spratt, R. N. {In Royal soc. of lit. Trans- actions, 1872.) Cooper, W. R. Some observations upon a Greek tablet bearing the name of Athanacioc found in the Aasaseef near Gourneh, Thebes, 1828. {In Royal soc. of lit. Transactions, 1872.) Leibnitz, G. W. Antiquitates. {In Opera omnia, v. 4.) Antonio di Carara : a Paduan tale. (Maga, Oct. 1832.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 9, 10.) Antonius, Marcus {Mark Antony)^ (83-30 B.C.). Plutarchus. Life of. {In Lives.) Apes. MiVART, St. G. Man and. Appleton, D., and co. {N. Y.). {Pub.) Jour- nal of literature, s6ience, and art. V. 9 (Jan. 1 to June 28, 1873). N. Y. 1873. 4° Arabia. Miles, S. B., and Munzinger, W. Account of an excursion into the interior of southern Arabia. {In Roy. geog. soc. Jour- nal, V. 41.) Arabs. Jessup, H. H. "Women of the. See also Algeria. AragO, Dominique Francois Jean (1786-1853). Biography of Joseph Fourier. {In Smith- sonian rept. 1871.) 60 Arbouville, Sophie de Bazancourt {comtesse d'). Christine : a Dutch story. Trans, from the French, by Frederick Hardman. (Maga, Dec. 1847.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 5, 6.) "Village doctor. The. (Maga, May, 1849.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 5, 6.) Arch of Titus, The. [Poem, 1824.] Hope, J. T. {In Oxford prize poems.) Archaeology— Rule,"W. H., and Anderson, J. C. Biblical monuments. Tylor, E. B. Stone age. The, past and pres- ent. Archer, George "W. {Hesper Bendbow). More than she could bear : a story of t^e Gachu- pin war, Texas, 1812-13. Phil. 1872. 12? Architects. Clement, Mrs. C. E. ■ Painterp, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. Architecture — Freese, J. R. Report on school-houses, and the means of promoting popular education. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, W. P. Blake, ed., V. 5.) "Waring, J. B. Record of my artistic life, A. "Withers, F. C. Church architecture. Arctic regions. Winter in the frozen ocean, A. {In Perilous incidents.) Arena and the throne. The. Townsend, L. T. Argensola, Lupercio Leonardo de. Isabel a. (Trag.) (/« Moratin,L.F.de. Teatro Es- panol.) Arizona (terr.) — Beadle, J. H. Travels in Arizona [1871]. {In Undeveloped west, The.) Grossman, F. E. Pima Indians of. {In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Raymond, R. W. Condition of the mining. industry in. {In his Silver and gold.) Arme Katheli, Das. Bixzius, A. {In Gesv schriften, v. 8.) Armennoth, Die. Bitzius, A. (/« Ges.scbrif- ten, V. 17.) Arms and arming. See United States (army and navy). Arnot, "William. Church in the house. The : a series of lessons on the Acts of the apostles. N. Y. 1873. 12? Amould, Joseph. Memoir of Thomas, fii-st Lord Den man, formerly lord chief justice of En- gland. Around the world in eighty days. Vebne, J. Arp, Bill {pseud.). See Smith, C. H. Arriaza, Juan Bautista. Himno d& la "Victoria, para puesto en musica, y cantado a la en- trada de los victoriosos exercitos de los pro- vincias. {In Pamphlets, v. 37.) Art. Leibnitz, G. W. Artes. {In Oper» omnia, v. 2.) Art and artists. Redgrave, S. Dictionary of artists of the English school. Arthur, Timothy Shay (6. 1809). Cast adrift. Phil. 1873. 12? Three years in a man-trap. Phil. 1873. 12? Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland, J. G. Article 47. Belot, A. Artificial limbs. Wynter, A. {In Peeps into the human hive, v. 2.) Axtists and Arabs. Blackburn, H. ARUNDEL 930 SABA Arundel society. Publications. Plates. [4 for 1873, bound with preceding years.] Conle7ils: Giotto. St. Francis preaching before Pope Hono- rius III. From a fresco in tlie cliurch at Assisi. Meister Wiliielm. Virain and tlie cliikl. From fresco in tiie collectfon of the archblsliop of Cologne. KafTaelle. Poets of Mount Parnassus. From the fresco in the Vatican. Titian. St. Anthony of Padua healing the foot of a young man. From the fresco in the scuola del santo at Padua. Ar'wed. Gyllenstiema. Velde, Van der, P. K. [In Samm. schriften, v. 4.) Ashantees, The— Beaton, A. C. Ashantees, The. BowDiCH, T. E. Descriptive account of the kingdom of Ashanti . {In Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee.) Hay, J. C. D. Ashanti and the Gold coast. Ashanti and the Gold coast. Hay, J. C. D. Asia— Boyle, F. Stories of sport and adventure in. (/n Camp notes.) Hayward, G. "W. Letters on his explorations in Gilgit and Yassin. [In Koy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) MoNTGOMERiEjT. G. Reportof ' TheMirza's ' exploration from Caubul to Kashgar. {In Roy. geog. soc. Journal, v. 41.) Asmund Thyrsklingurson. Velde, Van der, P. K. {In Svimm. schriften, v. 1.) Asmus {pseud.). See Claudius, M. Asphaltum. Beckwith,A. Report on asphalt and bitumen as applied in construction, etc. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, W. P. Blake, ed., V. 4.) Assam. Cooper, T. T. Mishmee hills, Tlie: an account of a journey made in an attempt to penetrate Thibet from. Assaying. Mitchell, J. Manual of practical. Aston, W. G. Short grammar of the Japanese spoken language. {Bded.) Lond. 1873. 16° Astronomy— Flammarion, C. History of a comet. {In Stories of infinity.) Lee, T. J. Tables and formulae useful in practical. {In Professional papers of the corps of engineers U. S. A., no. 12.) Stockwell, J. N. Recent researches on the secular variations of the planetary orbits. {In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) At nightfall and midnight. Jacox, P. Athenaeum, The : a journal of literature, science, the fine arts, music, and the drama. (Jan. to Dec. 1872.) Lond. 2 v. 4° Athens. Praed, W. M. {In Cambridge prize poems.) Athol. Higham, Mrs. M. R. Atlantic almanac for 1874, The. Bost. 1874. 8° Atlantic ocean. Rosser, W. H. Navigation of the. Atlantic telegraph. D'Aligny, H. F. Q. Out- line of the history of the. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, W. P. Blake, ed., v. 5.) Atlases, charts, maps, etc. — Bartholomew, J. Zell's descriptive hand atlas of the world. DiSTURNELL, J. Township map of Lake Su- perior region and upper Mississippi. Gray, O. W. Atlas of the United States ; with general maps of the world. Atlases, etc. {continued) — Military maps of the operations of the ar- mies of the Potomac and James ; from May 4, 1864, to April 9, 1865. Ree8, a. Cyclopaedia. (Plates.) Whitney, J. D. Map of California and Ne- vada. State geol. survey, 1874. See also the names of places. Atmosphere, The. Flammarion, C. Atom, Ann {pseud.). See Hadermann, Miss J. R. Attempts made of late years to find a north-west passage. The. Venables,G.S. {In Cam- bridge prize poems.) Auersperg, Anton Alexander von {Anastasiug Grun),{b. 1806). Gedichte. Berlin, 1869. 8° Letzte ritter, Der. [Last knight.] Leipzig, 1852. 8° Schutt, Der. {8te auflage.) Leipzig, 1847. 8". Aunt Charity {pseud.). See Yeiser, Mrs. S. C. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. V. 3, Cupid and chow-chow, etc. Alcott, Miss L. M. Aunt Kitty (pseud.). See Mcintosh, Miss M. J. Aus dem leben eines gliicklichen. Spindler, K. {In Werke, v. 31.) Aus der mappe eines pilgers durch die welt. Spindler, K, {In Werke, v. 99, 100.) Austin, Mrs. George L. {Ed.) Little people of God, and what the poets have said of them. Bost. 1874. 12^ Australasia. Praed, W. M. {In Cambridge prize poems.) Australia — O'Rkilly, J. B. Songs from the southern seas. Ranken, W. H. L. Dominion of. Autobiography of a cat. Magtjire, J. F. {In Young Prince Marigold, etc.) Autor von eilf jahren, Ein. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 99.) Avila, Francisco de. Narrative of the errors, false gods, and other superstitions and diabol- ical rites in which the Indians of the prov- ince of Huarochiri lived in ancient times. {In Hakluyt soc, v. 48.) Axel. Velde, Van der, F. K. {In Samm. schrifcen, v. 1.) Aytoun, William Edmondstoune (1813-1865). Emerald studs, The : a reminiscence of the circuit. (Maga, August, 1847.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 5, 6.) How I became a yeoman. (Maga, Sept. 1846.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1, 2.) How I stood for the Deepdaily burghs. (Maga, Sept. 1847.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, 4.) How we got possession of the Tuileries : a ro- mance after the manner of Alexandre Dumas. (Maga, April, 1848.) {In Tales from Black- wood, V. 5, 6.) How we got up the Glenmutchkin railway, and how we got out of it. (Maga, Oct. 1845.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1, 2.) Aztecs, The. Beadle, J. H. Last of. (/n Un- developed west. The.) B. Baba, Tatui. Elementary grammar of the Jap- anese language, with easy progressive exer- cises. Lond. 1873. 16? BABINQTON 931 BEATON Babin^On, Charles C. See Annals and maga- zine of natural history. Babinglon, Churchill. Paper on various Greek inscriptions from Telos, Cos, Attala, and the region of the Black sea, copied by Capt. 8pratt, R. N. (/« Royal society of litera- ture. Transactions, 1872.) Bacchus, Miss Elizabeth W. (Latienne). See Living female writers of the south. Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). Rimbault, E. F. Biographical sketch of; with por- trait. {In Gallery of great composers.) Bacon, Miss Julia (Mollie Myrtle). See Living female writers of the south. Bad boots. Wyntkr, A. {In Peeps into the human hive, v. 2.) Baden bei Wien. Spindler, K. (JnWerke, v. 101.) Bailey, Mrs. Matilda A. {Forlorn hope). Living female writers of the south. Bailey, Samuel {h. 1787). See Ribot, T. Bain, Alexander {b. 1818). Mind and body theories of their relation. Lond. 1873 See also Ribot, T. Baker, George Melville. Temperance drama, The: a series of dramas, comedies, and far- ces, for temperance exhibitions, and home and school entertainment. Bost. 1874. 12° Contents : See the 12? Drop too much, A. Last loiif , The. Little brown jug, The. LitUe more cider, A. Man with the demijohn. Seeing the eiephant. Tempter, Tlie. We're all teetotalers. Balacchi brothers. Datis, Mrs. R. B. H. {In Kitty's choice, etc.) Balboa, Vasco Nunez de (1475-1517?). QuiK- TANA , M. J. Life of. Tr. from the Spanish, by Mrs. M. Hodson. Lond. and Edin. 1832. 16° Ball, Mrs. Caroline A. See Living female writers of the south. Ball, Der. BiTZius, A. {In Ges. schriften, v. 10.) Ballads for little folk. Gary, A. and P. Bamber, Edward Fisher. See Rankine, W. J. McQ. Bancroft, Hubert H. {Pub.) California lawyer and book of forms, The ; designed for the use of business and professional men, and adapted, under the revised laws and the latest judicial decisions, to California, Ne- vada, Oregon, Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Mon- tana, and the territory of Washington. (3d ed.) S. F. 1865. 8° {2 cop.) Bandmiiller von Danzig, Der. Spindler, K. {In Werke, v. 81.) Bankers' magazine, The, and statistical register {Am.). Edited by J. Smith Homans. (3rf ser.) Y. 7 (July, 1872, to June, 1873). N. Y. 8° Barbara, Josafa. Travels in Persia [1400]. {In Hakluyt soc, v. 49.) Barber, Ambrose. Palmyra. [Poem, 1822.] (In Oxford prize poems.) Barbier, Antoine- Alexandre. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. Troisieme Edition, re- vue et augment^e par MM. Olivier Barbier, Ren6 et Paul Billard, de la Bibliotheque na- tionale. Suite de la seconde edition des supercheries litt^raires d^voill^es par J. M. Qu^rard. Tome 4. Avec une table g^n^rale Barbier {continued) — des noms r^els des ^crivains anonymes et pseudonymes cit^s dans les deux ouvrages. Tome 1. A.— D. Paris, 1872. 8° Bardsley, Charles Wareing. Our English sur- names : their sources and significations. Lond. 1873. 12° Bareith, Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina {mar- gravine of), (1709-1758). Memoirs; writ- ten by herself. Tr. from the original French. Lond. 1828. 2 v. 16° (/n Autobiography, V. 20, 21.) Barham, Richard Harris. Some account of my cousin Nicholas. Lond. 1846. 16° Barlow, E. H. Manual of gymnastic exercises, arranged on hygienic principles, and adapted to music. [For use at Amherst coll.] {2d ed.) Amherst, 1866. 16° Bam elves. The. Knatchbull-Hugessen, E. H. {In Queer folk.) Barnum, Phineas Taylor {b. 1810). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In Off-hand takings.) Barnwell, Miss Annie M. [Leroy). See Living female writers of the south. Baron of Hertz. Labadye, A. de. Barry, Patrick. See Wilder, M. P. Barthli der korber. Bitzius, A. {In Ges. schriften, v. 10.) Bartholomew, John. Zell's descriptive hand atlas of the world. Phil. 1873. Sm. f; Bartol, Cyrus Augustus {b. 1813). Rising faith, The. Bost. 1874. 12° Sermon, preached in Boston, on the death of A. Lincoln. See Lincoln, A. Bastard, Der. Spindler, K. {In Werke, v. 8-12.) Bastiat, Frederic. Essays on political economy. N. Y. 1874. 16° Battey, Mrs. Sallie J. Hancock. See Living fe- male writers of the south. Bauernspiegel, Der. Bitzius, A. {In Ges. schriften, v. 1.) Baugean, — {designer and engraver). Collection detoutes les especesdebatimensde guerre etde batimens marchands qui naviguent sur I'oc^- an et dans la M^diterran^e : dessineed'apres nature et gravee par Baugean ; compos^e de soixante-douze planches et accompagn^e d' un texte explicatif. Paris, 1814. 8? Beach, Charles A. Pitzmaroon ; or, the magic hammer. Springfield and Bost. 1874. 12° Beadle, J. H. Undeveloped west. The ; or, five years in the territories. Being a complete history of that vast region between the Mis- sissippi and the Pacific, its resources, climate, inhabitants, natural curiosities, etc. Life and adventure on prairies, mountains, and the Pacific coast. Phil., Cin., St. Louis, 1873. 8° Beale, Miss Helen G. See Living female writers of the south. Beardsley, E. Edwards. Life and correspond- ence of Samuel Johnson, missionary of the church of England in Connecticut, and first president of King's college. New York. Beaton, A. C. Ashantees, The : their country, historj'^, wars, government, customs, climate, religion, and present position. With a de- scription of the neighboring tribes. With map. Lond. n.d. 16° BEAUTIFUL 932 BITZIUS Beautiful fiend, A. Soijthworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N. Beauty draught, The. (Maga, Dec. 1840.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 9, 10.) Bebee ; or, two little wooden shoes. Kame, L. DE LA. Beck-with, Arthur. Asphalt and bitumen as ap- plied in construction, etc. {In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, W. P. Blake, ed., v. 4.) Bed-time stories. Moulton, Mrs. E. L. C. Beebee, Charles Washington {Ravensicood). Ed- mund Dawn ; or, ever forgive. By Ravens- wood. N. Y. 1873. 12° (5 cop.) Beecher, Edward {h. 1804). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In Off-hand takings.) Beecher, Henry Ward {b. 1813), Yale lectures on preaching ; delivered before the theolog- ical department of Yale college. New Haven, Conn., in the regular course of the 'Lyman Beecher lectureship on preaching.' N. Y. 1873. 12° {2dser.) Contents : Bible classes, lect 7. Bringing men to Christ, lect. 11. Choosing the field, lect. 1. Conduct of revivals, The, lect. 10. Development of social ele- ments, lect. 6. Lay worit, lect. 7. Mission schools, lect. 7. Philosophy of revivals, The, lect. 8. Prayer, lect. 2. Prayer -meeting. The: its helps and hindrances, iect. 4. Prayer - meeting. The : its methods and benefits, lect. 3. Relations of music to wor- ship, lect. .5. Revivals subject to law, lect. — Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In Off-hand takings.) See also Murray, W. H. H. Beethoven, Ludwig von (1770-1827). Rim- BAULT, E. F. Biographical sketch of; with portrait. {In Gallery of great com- posers.) Beiden raben und der holzdieb. Die. Bixzius, A. {In Ges. schrifcen, v. 8.) Belgravia : a London magazine. Conducted by M. E. Braddon. V. 20 (March to June, 1873). Lond. 1873. 8° Bell, Mrs. M. W. Meriwether. See Living female writers of the south. Bellamy, Mrs. E. W. {Kampa Thorpe^, See Liv- ing female writers of the south. Bellehood and bondage. STEPHENS,]i/rs. A.'S, (W.) Belot, Adolphe, Article 47. Trans, from the French, by James Furbish. Phil. 1873. 8°. (4 cop.) Belvidere Apollo, The. [Poem, 1812.] Mil- man, H. H. {In Oxford prize poems.) Bendbow, Hesper {pseud.). See Archer, G. W. Benedict, Frank Lee. Miss Dorothy's charge, N. Y, 1873, (5 cop.) Beneficial effects of inoculation. [Poem, 1772.] Lipscomb, W. {In Oxford prize poems,) Bennett, James Gordon (1800-1872). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In Off-hand takings.) Benson, Carl {pseud.). See Bristed, C. A, Bentinck, George (1802-1848). Francis, G, H, Orators of the age, Benton, Thomas Hart (1782-1858), Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. (7rt Off-hand takings.) Benzenweiler. Spindler, K. {In Werke, v. 87.) Beresford, Hamilton Sydney. Mahomet. [Po- em, 1816.] {In Cambridge prize poems.) Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano de (1020-1655). MoRLEY, H. Sketch of the life of. {In Clement Marot, and other studies, v. 2.) Berlin arbitration. See Treaty of Washington. Bermudez, Jeronirno (A. de Silva). Niselasti- mosa. {In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Es- panol.) NiSE laureada. (/n Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro E.spaiiol,) Bernard's invention. Fishek, Miss F. E. {In Nina's atonement, etc.) Berryer, Antoine Pierre (1790-1868). See Ora- tors of France. Berthoud, Edward S. Antiquities on the Cache la Poudre river. Weld co., Colorado terr, {In Smithsonian rept, 1871.) Bertram's spat-enkel, Spindlkr, K. {In Wer- ke, V. 100.) Besenbinder von Rychiswyl, Der. Bitzius, A. {In Ges. schriften, v. 9.) Best of all good company, The. {\st ser.) Jer- ROLD, (W.) B, Besuch, Der. Bitzius, A, {In Ges, schriften, V. 8.) Besuch auf dem lande, Der. Bitzius, A. {In Ges. schriften, v, 9,) Bethvme, George Washington (1805-1862), Bungay, G,W. Sketch of, (/» Off-hand takings.) Beverley {pseud.). See Cox, Mrs. S. B. Beverly, Elise {pseud.). See Spencer, Miss E. Bible. Eraser, D. Synoptical lectures on the books of holy scripture. First series : Gen- esis ; Song of songs. Bibliography — Blake, W. P. Bibliography of the Paris universal exposition of 1867, ( In Paris univ. expos, of 1867, W. P. Blake, ed., v, 1-) BossANQE, G. Literary annual. Tkubner, N. Bibliographical guide to Am- erican literature. Bibliotheca Americana. Smith, A. R. {Pub.) Biggs, James. History of the attempt of Miranda to effect a revolution in South America. In a series of letters to his friends in the United States. See Miranda, F. Bild aus dem iibergang 1798, Ein. Bitzius, A. {In Ges. schriften, v. 15.) Bill Arp's peace papers. Smith, C. H. Binny, John. See Mayhew, H. Birch, Samuel. Account of coflSns and mummies discovered in Egypt on the occasion of the visit of H. R. H. the prince of Wales, 1868- 9, (/n Royal soc. of lit. Transactions, 1872.) Birch, Walter de Gray. Paper on the great seals of William the conqueror. {In Royal soc. of lit. Transactions, 1872.) Paper on the three great seals of King Edward the confessor. (Jji Royal soc. of lit. Trans- actions, 1872.) Bird, Frederic M. See Odenheimer, W. H. Bitumen. See Asphaltum. Bitzius, Albert {Jeremias Gotthelf), (1797-1854). Gesammelte schriften. {Neue wohlfeile aus- gabe.) Berlin, 1861. 24 v. 12° Contents : Alte geschlchte zu neuer erbauung, Eine, v. 8. Arme Kiitheli, Das, v. 8. Armennoth, Die, v. 17. BaU, Der, v. 10. BITZIUS 933 BOWRINQ Bitzius (continued) — Harthli tier korber, v. 10. Baiiernspiegel, Der, v. 1. Bekleii ruben unci der holzdieb, Die, v. 8. Besenbinder von llychiswyl, Der, v. 9. Besuch, Der, v. 8. Besuch auf dem landp, Der, v. 9. Bild aus dem OberKai)^ 1798, JSin, v. 15. Bitzius, Albert. Sein leben und seine scliriften von Dr. C. Manuel, v. 24. Deutscher fiiichtling, Ein. v. 9. Doktor Dorbach, der wuhler und die biirglenher- ren, v. 2:<. Drei bruder, Der, v. 7. Druide, Der, v. 16. Dursli der braimtweins'iufer, v. 12. EIsi, die seltsame magd, v. 7. Erdbeeri mareili. Das, v. 9. Erkiirnng der scluvierigern dialektischen aus- drucke, von Albert von Rutte, v. 23. Erlebnisse eines schuldenbaners, v. 19. Frau Pfarrerin, Die, v. 10. Gelbe vogelein und das arme margritli, Das, v. 15. Geld und geist, v. 13. Geltstag, Der, V. 18. Griindung Burgdorf's, Die, v. 16. Hans Berner und seine sohne, v. 10. Hans Jakob und Heiri, oder, die beiden seiden- weber, v. 17. Hans Joggeli der erbvetter, v. 12. Ich strafe die boslieit der viiter an den kindern bis ins dritte und vierte geschlecht, v. 10. Jacobs des handwerksgesellen, wanderungen durch die Schweiz, v. 11. Jesuiten, Die, und ihre mission im canton Luzern, v. 8. Kiiserei in der Vehfreude, Die, v. 20. Kfithi die grossmutter ; oder, der walire weg durch jede notb, v. 4. Knabe des Tell, Der, v. 16. Kurt von Koppigen, v. 8. Leiden un.) Makion de Lorme. Hugo, V. (M.) {In Thea- tre, V. 2.) Matinee du comddien de Per8<5polis, La. (Proverbc.) Mol6, F. R. M^DjfeE. (Trag.) Legouv^, E.W. (/n (Eu- vres, V. 4.) Manage en ville. (Com.) BARRitjRE, T, {In ffiuvres, v. 7.) MifcNfiTRiER de Saint Waast, Le., (M61o-dr.) BARRitiRE, T., et Plouvier, E. {In Giu- vres (Barriere), v. 6.) M:^pri8E8 del 'amour, Les. (Com.) Atjgier, E. {In ffiuvres, v. 2.) MoRT de Louis xvi., La: scenes historiques de Juin, 1792, a Janvier, 1793. (Drame.) Moses. (Sacred dr.) More, H. (Iw Works, V. 1.) Mouth of gold. The. (Drama.) Johnson, E. On ne prend pas les mouches avec du vinaigre. (Proverbe.) S^gur, — {comtesse de). {In Comedies et proverbes.) Papa du prix d'honneur. (Com.) Barri- t!RE, T., et Labiche, E. (In ffiuvres (Bar- riere), v. 5.) Pariser in Wien. (Nachspiel.) Holtei, K. voN. (In Theater, v. 4.) Percy. (Trag.) More, H. (In Works, v. 1.) pRENDAsde amor. (Coloquio.) Eueda, L. DE. {In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Es- panol.) Regit de Theramene, Le. (Com.) M^ry, J. {In (Euvres, v. 6.) R:6demption. (Com.) Feuillet, O. {In (Euvres, v. 2.) Reiseschatten, Die. Kerner, A. J. {In Dichtungen, v. 2.) Richard Savage oder der sohn einer mutter. (Trauersp. ) Gutzkow, K. (JwDr. werke, V. 7.) Salvage. (Com.) Cepeda, J. R. de. {In Moratin, L. F. de. Teatro Espafiol.) Seeing the elephant. Baker, G. M. {In Temperance drama.) Tempter, The. Baker, G. M. {In Tem- perance drama.) Village, Le. (Com.) Feuillet, O. {In (Euvres, v. 3.) We're all teetotalers. Baker, Q. M. (In Temperance drama.) ZAUBERMANTEL,Der. (OpCF.) VeLDE,VaN DER, F. K. {In Samm. schriften, v. 10.) Draxy Miller's dowry. Holm, S. {pseud.). Dredge, J. (Ed.) See Engineering ; Weekly il 1 u strated j ourn al . Drei briider, Die. BiTZius, A. {In Ges. schrif- ten, V. 7.) Drei Sonntage. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 26.) Dress. Lacroix, P. Manners, customs, and dress during the middle ages, and during the renaissance period. Druide, Der. Bitzius, A. {In Ges. schriften, V. 16.) Du Bose, Mrs. Kate A. {Leila Cameron), {b. 1828). See Living female writers of the south. Duch6, Jacob (1739-1798). See Patriot preachers. Duelists, The : a tale of the thirty years' war. (Maga, Nov. 1828.) {In Tales from Black- wood, V. 9, 10.) Duell in Fliltz, Ein. Spindler, K. (/n Werke, V. 92.) Duffleld, George (1794-1868). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In Oft-hand takings.) See also Patriot preachers of the revolution. Duke's dilemma, The : a chronicle of Niesen- stein. (Maga, Sept. 1853.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, 4.) Dukite snake, The : a west Australian bushman's story. O'Reilly, J. B. {In Songs from the southern seas.) Dumas, Alexandre (Davy), (1802-1870). Three guardsmen. Phil. ?i.rf. 8? {Z cop.) Duncombe, Thomas Slingsby (1796-1861). Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. Dupaix, William. Monuments of New Spain. (In Kingsborough, E. K. Antiquities of Mexico, V. 4.) Viages de, sobre las antiguedades Mexicanas. {In Kingsborough, E. K. Antiquities of Mexico, V. 5.) Same. Tr. into English, v. 6. Dupin, Philippe (1795-1846). See Orators of France. Dupuy, Miss Eliza A. See Living female writ- ers of the south. Durbin, John Price (b. 1800). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. (In Oft-hand takings.) Dursli der branntweinsaufer. Bitzius, A. (In Ges. schriften, v. 12.) E. Early conflicts of Christianity. Kip, W. I. Earthquakes. ZuRCHERa»tc?MARaoLLE. Vol- canoes and. Education — Clarke, E. H. Sex in. MoRLEY, J. Struggle for national. Stetson, C. B. Technical. Thomas, W. C. Symmetrical. Edwards, Amelia Blandford. In the days of my youth. Phil. 1874. 12"^ (14 cop.) Edwards, Mrs. Annie. Miss Forrester. N. Y. 1873. 8° (10 cojo.) Edwards, Mrs. Matilda Caroline Smiley. See Living female writers of the south. Eggrleston, George Cary. Man of honor. N.Y. 1873. 12° (5 cop.) Egypt. Leland, C. G. Egyptian sketch-book. Ein tag Ludwigs des xi. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 26.) Eitel, Ernest J. Buddhism : its historical, the- oretical, and popular aspects. In 3 lectures. {2ded.) Lond. J873. 8° Feng-shui ; or, the rudiments of natural science in China. Lond. 1873. 8° Elder, Mrs. Susan Blanchard. See Living female writers of the south. Elder's wife. The. Holm, S. (pseud.). Electricity. Stewart, B. Conservation of en- ergy. Eliot, Charles W. See Education in Japan. Elliott, Mrs. Sarah A. See Living female writers of the south. Ellis, Rufus. Sermon, preached in Boston, on the death of A. Lincoln. See Lincoln, A. ELSI 942 FARRAGUT Elsi, die seltsarae magd. Bitzittb, A. {In Ges. schriften, v. 7.) Emerald studs, The. Aytottn,W. E. (Iw Tales from Blackwood, v. 5, 6.) Emerson, Ralph Waldo (b. 1803). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In Off-hand takings.) Em.manuel d'Astorga. Spindler, K. {In Werke, v. 76.) Enchanter Faustus and Queen Elizabeth, The : an anecdote from the doctor's unpublished memoirs. {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1, 2.) Encyclopadisoher erdspiegel. Spindlkr, K. (In Werke, v. 59.) Energy. Stewart, B. Conservation of. Engel-the, Die. Spindler, K. {In Werke. v. 77.) Engellieschen. Spindler, K. (/n Werke, v. 67.) Engineering". Rankine,W. J.McQ., andBxu- BER, E. F. Introduction to the study of. {In Mechanical text-book. A.) England^ Greenwood, J. In strange company. Phelps, Mrs. A. H. L. England under the Stuarts. {In her Reviews and essays.) English language and literature — Chateaubriand, R. F. A. de. Sketches of English litcirature. MoRLEY, H. English for Englishwomen. {In Clement Marot, and other studies, v. 2.) — Influence of the Celt on English literature. {In Clement Marot, etc., v. 2.) — Old student of English, An. {In Cle- ment Marot, and other studies, v. 2.) English surnames. Bardsley, C. W. Our. Engravers. Clement, C. E. Painters, sculp- tors, architects, engravers, and their works. Engraving. Willshire, W. H. Introduction to the study and collection of ancient prints. Episcopal church. Kip, W.I. Double witness of the church. Ertaen des steinernen gastes, Die. Spindler, K. [In Werke, v. 78, 79.) Erdbeeri mareili, Das. Bitzius, A. {In Ges. schriften, v. 9.) Erk, Ludwig. Deutscher liederhort. Auswahl der vorziiglichern Deutschen volkslieder, aus der vorzeit und der gegenwart mit ihren ei- genthiimlichen melodien. Berlin, 1856. 8° Erlebnisse eines schuldenbauers. Bitzius, A. (In Ges. schriften, v. 19.) Eroberung von Mexico, Die. Velde, Van der, F. K. {In Samm. schriften, v. 2.) Erschlagene meister, Der. Spindler, K. {In Werke, v. 52.) Erzahlungen bei Ebbe und Flath. Spindler, _ K. (In Werke, v. 14.) Erzahlungen beim licht. Spindler, K. {In Werke, v. 84, 85.) Eschenbach, Wolfram von {ab. 1200). Parzi- val und Titurel. Herausgegeben von Karl Bartsch. (I71 Deutsche classiker des mittel- alters, v. 9-11.) Estelle (pseud.). See Brown, Mrs. M. W. Esther Wynn's love-letters. Holm, S. (pseud.). Ethics. Kant, I. Theory of. Ethnology — Berthoud, E. S. Antiquities on the Cache la Poudre river, W^eld co., Colorado terr. {In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Ethnology {continued )-~ Comfort, A. .1. Indian mounds near Fort Wads worth, Dakota terr. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Lyon, W. B. Antiquities in New Mexico. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) McCoNNELL, E. M. Account of the old In- dian village Kushkushkee, near Newcastle, Penn. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Much, M. Ancient history of North Amer- ica. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Pkter, R. Ancient mound near Lexington, Ky. (J« Smithsonian rept. 1871.) RcEHRiG, F. L. O. On the language of the Dakota, or Sioux Indians. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Schott, A. Remarks on an ancient relic of Maya sculpture. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Spainhour, J. M. Antiquities of Lenoir CO., N. Carolina. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) ' Eugen von Kronstein ; oder, des lebens und der liebemasken. Spindler, K. (/n Werke, V. 28, 29.) Europe — Fulton, C. C. Europe viewed through Am- erican spectacles. Peake, E. Pen pictures of* Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin, The : the south and the north of. Wachsmuth, E. W. G. Europaische sitten- geschichte. Evangeline (pseud.). See Moriarty, Miss E. A. Eve, 31iss Maria Lou. See Living female writers of the south. Everett, Edward (1794-1865). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. {In Off-hand takings.) Everybody's friends. Wynter, A. (/n Peeps into the human hive, v. 2.) Evolution— Haeckel, E . H. Vortrage iiber die entwicke- lungslehre im allgemeinen und diejenige von Darwin, Gotheund Lamarck im besonderen. (In Natiirliche schopfungsgeschichte.) St. Clair, G. Darwinism and design ; or, creation by. Ewart, W. Temple of Diana at Ephesus, The. [Poem, 1820.] {In Oxford prize poems.) Exodus, Book of— Murphy, J. G. Critical and exegetical com- mentary on the. Nevin, a. Notes, exegetical, practical, and devotional, on the. F. Fabian {pseud.). See Covington, Mrs. V. D. Facetiae. Beach, C. A. Pitzmaroon ; or, the magic hammer. Fairfax, Ruth (pseud.). See Stibbes, Mrs. A. J. Falknersbraut, Des. Spindler, K. (/n Werke, V. 32.) Fannie St. John. Delesdernier, E. P. Farjeon, B. L. Golden grain. N. Y. 1874. 8? (10 cop.) Famese Hercules, The. [Poem, 1817.] Boone, J. S. (In Oxford prize poems.) Farragut, David Glascoe (1801-1870). Ches- NEY, C. C. Farragut and the navy of the union. {In Essays in modern military biog.) FARRINGTON 943 FRAU Farrington, William G. {Ed.) See Church almanac. Faschings-freude. Spindler,K. (/wWer- ke, V. 6«.) Fata morgana. Spindlkr,K. (/nWerkejV. 15.) Fatal repast, The. (Maga, July, 1821.) {In Tales from Blackwood, v. 9, 10.) Father Tom and the pope ; or, a night at the Vatican. (Maga, May, 1838.) (/n Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, 4.) Favre, Jule?. Government of the national de- fense. The, from the 30th of June to the 31st of Oct. 1870. Tr. from the French, by H. Clark. Lond. 1873. 8? Fellowes, Gustavus. Dklesdernikr, E. P. Sketch of. ( Ju Fannie St. John.) Feng-sliui ; or, the rudiments of natural science in China. Eitel, E. J. Festallerseelen, Das. Spindler, K. (/wWerke, V. 26.) Festdesk6nigs,Das. Spindler, K. (/wWerke, V. 52.) Festivals. Cambiagi, G. Memorie istoriche reguardanti le feste solite farsi in Firenze per la nativita di San Giovdnni Batista, pro- tettore della citta e dominio Fiorentino. Feuer auf der gan/,en linie. Spindler, K. {In Werke, v. 93.) Feuerbach, Ludwig. Essence of religion. The ; God the image of man ; man's dependence upon nature the last and onlj'- source of re- ligion. Trans, by Alexander Loos. N. Y. 1873. 12? Fever. Murchison, C. Treatise on the con- tinued fevers of Great Britain. FeTVell, Miss Laura E. (Parke Richards). See Living female writers of the south. Fezensac, Due de. Chesney, C. C. Eecol- lections of the grand army. [In Essays in modern military biography.) Field, Maunsell B. Memories of many men, and of some women ; being personal recollec- tions of emperors, kings, queens, princes, presidents, statesmen, authors, and artists, at home and abroad, during the last 30 years. N. Y. 1874. 12? Fielding, Fanny (pseud.). See Upshur, Miss M. J.S. Filhol, M. Studies on the connection existing between the atomic weights, crystalline form, and density of bodies. (In Graham's Chem. reports and memoirs.) Fior di Levante. Spindler, K. (/n Werke, v. 50.) Fires. Wynter, A. London fires and fire-en- gines, (I?i Peeps into the human hive, v. 2.) Fireside saints. Jerrold, D. (W.) Firmenich, Johann Matthias. (Ed.) Germani- ens volkerstimmen, sammlung der Deutsch- en mundarten in dichtungen, sagen, mahr- chen, volksliedern, u. s. w. Berlin, n.d. 3 V. 8°. First and last. Mtjdford, W. (In Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, 4.) First and last kiss. The. (Maga, May, 1829.) (In Tales from Blackwood, v. 9, 10.) Firth, Frank Eussell (1847-1872). Memoir of. With a sketch of the life of Otis Everett Allen ; and an introduction, by Edward Ev- erett Hale. N. Y. and Bost. 1874. 12? Fisher, Miss Frances C. (Christian Reid). See Living female writers of the south. Fiske, J. Satford. (Tr.) See Taine, H. (A.) FitZ'William, W. (Viscount Milton)^ and Chea- DLE, W. B. North-west passage by land ; being the narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific for exploring a route to British Columbia through British ter- ritory by one of the northern passes in the Eocky mountains. Lond. 1865. 8? Flammen unter schnee. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 18.) Flibustier, Der. Velde, Van der, F. K. (In Siimm. schriften, v. 7.) Floating beacon, The. (Maga, Oct. 1821.) (In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1, 2.) Florida pirate. The. (Maga, Aug. 1821.) (In Tales from Blackwood, v. 9, 10.) Floyd, Mary Faith (pseud.). See McAdo, Mrs. M. F. Fogs and smoke in London. Wynter, A. (In Peeps into the human hive, v. 2.) Food. Wynter, A. Good food for the million. (In Peeps into the human hive, v. 2.) Foote, Henry W. Sermon, preached in Boston, on the death of A. Lincoln. See Lincoln, A. Ford, Mrs. S. Eochester (b. 1828). See Living fe- male writers of the south. Ford, Mrs. Theodosia. See Living female writers of the south. Forlorn hope (pseud.). See Bailey, Mrs. M. A. Fortunati welt- und gliicksfahrt. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 98.) Foundling hospital, The, in past and present times. Wynter, A. (In Peeps into the human hive, v. 1 .) Fourier, Joseph. Arago, D. F. J. Biography of. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Fowler, William Chauncey. Address, before the New England historic,, genealogical society of Boston, March 2, 1866, on the conditions of success in genealogical investigations,illu8- trated in the character of Nathaniel Chaun- cey. See N. E. h., g. soc. Foy, Maximilian S6bastien (1775-1825). See Or- ators of France. France— Bossange, G. Literary annual and catalogue of works published in France in 1870-71. Favre, J. Government of the national de- fense. The, from the 30th of June to the 31st of Oct. 1870. HiSTORiA secreta de la corte y gabinete de St. Cloud, distribuida en cartas escritas en Paris el ano de 1805 a un lord de Inglaterra. Ee- impresaen Nueva Yorck, y traducida al Cas- tellano por un EspaBol Americano. Mexico, 1808. 8° (In Pamphlets, v. 37.) Sybel, H. v. Geschichte der revolutionszeit von 1789 bis 1795. Francis, John Wakefield (1789-1861). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. (In Ofi"-hand takings.) Francis, William. See Annals and magazine of natural history. Franco - Prussian war, 1870-71. Wartens- LEBEN, H. V. Operations of the first army. Frau mit dem todtenkopf. Die. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 80.) Frau Pfarrerin, Die. BiTZius, A. (In Ges. schriften, v. 10.) FREDAIR 944 QOBIERNO Predair, Anna (pseud.). See Walker, Miss — . Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina. See Bareith. Free-thinking' and plain-speaking, Essays on. Stephkn, L. Freemasonry. Proceedings of the M. "W. G. L. ofF, and A. Masonsofthestateof Louisiana, at its 47th annual communication, held at New Orleans, Feb. 14, 1859. N. 0. 1859. 81 Freileute von dor herrenweise, Die. Spindler, K. (/« Werke, v. 60.) Fremont, John Charles (b. 1813). Bungay, G. W. Sketch of. (In Off-hand takings.) French, 3L-s. L. Virginia. See Living female writers of the south. Freund Omnibus. Spindler, K. (In "Werke, V. 44.) FreTond Pilgram. Spindler, K. (In Werke, V. 30.) Fridolin Schwerthberger. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 72-75.) Friemiillers sannchen. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 41.) From the earth to the moon. Verne, J. Fuller, Violet (pseud.). See FuUerton, Mrs. E. Fullerton, 3Irs. Eleanor ( Violet Fuller). See Liv- ing female writers of the south. Fulton, Charles Carroll. Europe viewed through American spectacles. Phil. 1874. 8^ Fulton, J. D. Sermon, preached in Boston, on the death of A. Lincoln. See Lincoln, A. Fiinf stockwerke. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 59.) Fur country, The. Verne, J. Fiir stadt und land. Spindler, K. (In Werke, V. 86, 87.) Furohtlos und treu. Spindler, K. (In Wer- ke, V. 67.) c. Galleries of art, illustrated works, etc. Mount Desert in 1873 ; portrayed in crayon and quill. Gait, John (1779-1839). Wearyful woman. The. (Maga, May, 1821 .) (In Tales from Black- wood, V. 3, 4.) Gang in's feindliche lager, Der. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v.,40.) Gamier- Pages, Etienne Joseph Louis (1801- 1841). /S'ee Orators of France. Gas. WvNTER, A. Poisonous sewer gas — the way it is laid on. (In Peeps into the human hive, V. 2.) GasthauB zur goldnen rose. Das. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 60.) Gazeta de Mexico. Del 18 de Enero de 1808 ; 30 de Julio de 1808; 14 de Diciembre de 1808 ; 11 de Enero de 1809 ; 14 de Enero de 1809. (In Pamphlets, v. 37.) Same. (Extraordinaria.) Del 29 de Julio de 1808 ; 31 de Julio de 1808 ; 1 de Agosto de 1808 ; 2 de Agosto de 1808 ; 15 de Octubre de 1808. (In Pamphlets, v. 37.) Same. (Suplemento.) Del 14 de Enero de 1800. (In Pamphlets, v. 37.) Gazetteers. Nason, E. Gazetteer of the state of Massachusetts. Geheime agent, Der. Spindler, K. (In Wer- ke, V. 51.) Geheimnis, Das. (Ein scherz.) Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 51.) Geheimnissvolle in Neapel. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 15.) Gelbe vogelein und das arme margritli. Das. BiTZius, A. (In Ges. schiiften, v. 15.) Geld und geist ; oder, die versohnung. Bitzius, A. (In Ges. schriften, v. 18.) Geleitstage, Die. Spindler, K. (In Werke, V. 66.) Geltstag, Der ; oder, die wirthschaft nach dei neuen mode. Bitzius, A. (In Ges. schrif- ten, V. 18.) Gemeli-Oareri, Giovanni Francisco (ab. 1680). Plates from his ' Giro del mondo, ' with an en- graving of a Mexican cycle. (In Kingsbor- ough, E. K. Antiquities of Mexico, v. 4.) Geneva (society of physics and natural history). Transactions. June, 1868, to June, 1869. (In Smithsonian rept. 1869.) Saussure, H. de. Report on the transactions of the Geneva soc, from June, 1870, to June, 1871. (In Smithsonian rept. 1871.) Geography. Grube, A. W. Geographische charakterbilder in abgerundeten gemalden aus der lander und volkerkunde. Georgia. Brown, D. Shell-heapin. (JnSmith- sonian rept. 1871.) German language and literature — Erk, L. Deutscher liederhort. Firmenich, J. M. (Ed.) Germanicns volk- erstimmen. Germany. Ranke, L. von. Deutschen ge- schichte, Zur. Gesandtschaftreise nach China, Die. Vel- DE, Van der, F. K. (In Sam m. schriften, V. 9.) Geschichte des diumisten Felix Fortuna. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 78.) Gesohichten eines hundertjahrigen. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 94.) Gesellen der schwarzen kunst. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 5.) Gesner, Conrad (1516-1565). Morley, H. Sketch of the life of. (In Clement Marot, and other studies, v. 2.) Gespenst vom Rodenstein. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 33.) Gespenstergesohiohte, Eine. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 87.) Gespenstige hof, Der. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 49.) Gestirnte nachte auf dem mittelandischen meere. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 15.) Gibson, Thomas Milner (b. 1807). Francis, G. H. Orators of the age. Giles's minority ; or, scenes at the red house. O'Reilly, Mrs. R. Gilman, Mrs. Caroline (b. 1794). See Living fe- male writers of the south. Glenn, Gertrude (pseud.). See Ware, Mrs, M. Gluck, Johann Christoph v. (1714-1787). RiM- BAULT, E.F. Biographical sketch of ; with portrait. (In Gallery of great composers.^ Gluck iiber alles. Spindler, K. (In Werke, V. 67.) Gliick und glas. Spindler, K. (In Werke, v. 80.) Gliickliche herd, Der. Spindler, K. (Iw Werke, V. 95.) Gobierno pronto, y reformas necesarias. (In Pamphlets, v. 37.) GOLDEN 945 HAECKEL Golden grain. Farjeon, B. L. Goodale, Mins Mary Green {Edith Alston). See Living female writers of the south. Gordon, C. G. Chesney, C. C. Chinese Gor- don and the Taiping rebellion. {In Essays in modern military biography.) Gordon, Sir J. William. Chesney, C. C. Sir William Gordon of Gordon's battery. {In Essays in modern military biography.) Gordon, Lewis D. B. (TV.) iSccGruner, M. L. Gordon, William (1730-1807).