17 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS B. R. BUCKINGHAM, Editor No. 3 June, 1922 The Iowa Spelling Scales Their Derivation, Uses, and Limitations ERNEST J. ASHBAUGH Professor of School Administration and Assistant Director, Bureau of Educational Research OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY PUBLIC SCHOOL PUBLISHING COMPANY BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS B. R. BUCKINGHAM, Editor No. 3 June, 1922 The Iowa Spelling Scales Their Derivation, Uses, and Limitations ERNEST J. ASHBAUGH Professor of School Administration and Assistant Director, Bureau of Educational Research OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY PUBLIC SCHOOL PUBLISHING COMPANY BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Copyright 1922 By Public School Publishing Co. Bloomington, Illinois ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was undertaken as a direct service to the schools of the State of Iowa through the suggestion of Professor Ernest Horn, to whom I owe the greatest debt of gratitude for continuous en- couragement and helpful criticism. I wish to thank the superintendents, teachers and pupils who gave so freely of their time and effort in securing the spellings and also the Dean of the Graduate College and the Director of the Extension Division who financed from their budgets the collection and scoring of the data. Acknowledgments are also made to Dean Russell, Associate Professor Lewis, and Dr. Harry A. Greene for their sympathetic counsel and assistance throughout the progress of the study. E. J. A. 519735 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Section I. Introduction 7-13 Fields of experimental pedagogy 7 Studies in determination of vocabulary 8 Studies in derivation of scales 10 Section II. The Problem 13 Section III. Method of Gathering the Data 14-15 Selection and arrangement of words 14 Cooperation of the schools of the state 14 Section IV. Method of Handling the Data 15-16 Section V. Assumed Distribution of Ability 16-20 Normal probability curve assumed 16 Some properties of the curve 17 Placing words in the scale 18 Section VI. Use of the Scales 20-22 Measurement of status of ability 21 Measurement of growth of ability 22 A minimum spelling list 22 Section VII. Limitation of the Scales 22-26 Number of spellings used 23 Distribution of spellings 24 Words given in list form 24 Words of varying difficulty placed in the same list 25 No zero point on the scale 26 Section VIII. Bibliography 26-27 Section IX. The Iowa Spelling Scale, Grade 2 30-43 Section X. The Iowa Spelling Scale, Grade 3 46-59 Section XI. The Iowa Spelling Scale, Grade 4 62-75 Section XII. The Iowa Spelling Scale, Grade 5 78-91 Section XIII. The Iowa Spelling Scale, Grade 6 94-107 Section XIV. The Iowa Spelling Scale, Grade 7 110-123 Section XV. The Iowa Spelling Scale, Grade 8 123-139 Appendix 142-144 Exhibit A 142 Exhibit B 143 Exhibit C . 144 INTRODUCTION The Iowa Spelling Scales have been extensively used. The relatively large number of words included in them and their free- dom from excessive statistical manipulation have rightly com- mended them to practical workers. They have, however, been -out of print for some time. Moreover, even those who are fortunate enough to possess the scales in their original form no doubt realize that they are capable of a more useful presentation. Accordingly this monograph is offered for those who desire a complete representation of the scale in permanent form. The per- cents of correct spellings in each grade are given for each of the nearly 3,000 words of the scale. Nowhere else has such a detailed showing of the difficulty of the spelling of words been made. An account is also given of the derivation of the scale; and this is no inconsiderable contribution. The reader will no doubt be impressed by the author's scientific attitude and by his unwilling- ness to compromise with his ideals of accuracy through adopting all-too-prevalent devices for smoothing out difficulties and then pretending that such difficulties do not exist. We are glad to observe the position which Doctor Ashbaugh takes on the question of the degree of difficulty of the words which constitute the best testing material. In substance he says that the nearer they are to 50 percent accuracy for the grade in question the better. There has been a strong tendency among users of spelling tests to select words which were much too easy. This tendency has been fostered partly by the fact that the Ayres Scale lists for each grade only the words spelled by 50 percent or more of the children, and partly by the naive desire to see larger figures. Somehow one thinks more highly of a class average of 87 than of one of 46, although the latter may indicate a better performance. The publication of the Iowa Spelling Scales in this form will place at the disposal of school people a far larger number of eval- uated words than have hitherto been generally available. This richness of material will greatly enhance the usefulness of the scale. Duplicate lists can easily be made, and a prolonged program of testing can be carried on without the necessity of making al- lowance for practice effects. Moreover, the fact that the words of the scale are selected on the basis of frequency of use in correspond- ence renders the material particularly appropriate for teaching and drill purposes. In fact as a spelling book this monograph has high value. The appropriateness of the words is assured because of their frequent use in correspondence that is, in the only situa- tion where spelling ability is sure to be required while the known difficulty of the words permits intelligent grading and distinctions in teaching emphasis. B. R. BUCKINGHAM, Editor. SECTION I INTRODUCTION FIELDS OF EXPERIMENTAL PEDAGOGY The last two decades have witnessed a large amount of work in the field of experimental pedagogy. This has principally fol- lowed three general lines, namely, (1) the selection of subject matter, (2) the determination of efficient methods of teaching or learning, and (3) the formulation of more or less objective meas- ures for checking the results. The Committee on Economy of Time of the National Educa- tion Association through its three reports (1) has done a large amount of work in the selection of subject matter. These reports have challenged the attention of superintendents and the rec- ommendations have been written into numerous courses of study. State Teachers' Associations have taken up the work; their committees have attacked the problem and in many cases have added something to this re-direction of education. The determination of efficient methods of teaching and learn- ing has appealed to psychologists and teachers. In laboratories and experimental schools much time and effort has been spent in gathering bit by bit the evidence for the different subjects. The experimental evidence in reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, drawing, and music, and such conclusions as are warranted thereby, have been collected from the various schools and are pre- sented by another committee in the Eighteenth Yearbook. (2) Further consideration will not be given to this field since it is not pertinent to the research in this monograph. The effort in the third line has brought forth the large number of scales and tests now available. The measurement of progress requires an accurate means of measuring initial status. The com- parison of one class with another, or of one school system with another, especially when the testing must be done by different persons, also requires a measuring instrument little influenced by different personalities. One of the goals of the makers of standard- ized tests and scales has been to obtain an objective measuring in- strument as little disturbed as possible by the individual using it. Perhaps in no subject has there been more experimental work done than in spelling. The subject lends itself to careful study in the fields already designated. The investigations which we wish to review briefly as an introduction to the present study have dealt with two problems: (1) the determination of the vocab- T7c Iowa Spelling Scales ulary which should be included in children's spelling, and (2) the derivation of objective scales for the measurement of spelling ability. STUDIES IN THE DETERMINATION OF VOCABULARY An examination of the tabulation 1 shown in Table I will reveal the fact that the sources investigated for the selection of spelling vocabularies fall into four general groups; (1) occurrence in reading vocabulary, (2) occurrence in school lessons or classroom work, (3) occurrence in children's compositions, and (4) occurrence in correspondence, usually that of adults. The first attempt to compare carefully the spelling work of different school systems seems to have been reported by Rice (14) in 1897. In 1895 he sent out a list of fifty words to superintend- TABLE I. CONSPECTUS OF VOCABULARY STUDIES. AUTHOR DATE SOURCE OF MATERIAL Knowles, Eev. J. (3) 1904 Passages from the Bible and various authors Eldridge, E. C. (4) 1911 Articles of Sunday Newspapers Ayres, L. P. (5) 1913 Personal and Business Letters Jones, W. F. (6) 1913 Children 's Composition Cook, W. A. and O'Shea, 1914 Family Correspondence M. V. (7) Nicholson, Anne (8) 1914 Selected by teachers and supervisors (Editor) from dailv lessons New Orleans Public 1916 Children's School Work School List (9) Kansas City Public 1916 Selected from pupil's misspelled words School List (10) and teachers' judgment of words pupils should know how to spell Houser, J. D. (11) 1916 Letters of farmers Anderson, W. N. (12) 1917 Written correspondence of Iowa People Horn, E. (13) 1918 Correspondence of Bankers to Bankers ents in various sections of the United States. Twenty responded sending in the work of more than 16,000 children. The results of the test showed enormous variations, but a two months' tour spent in visiting the various schools convinced him that much of this variation was due to the peculiar manner in which the ex- aminations had been conducted. Also careful pronunciation of several of the words would have given a clue to the spelling. 1 This tabulation presents only the more important studies from the dif- ferent sources. For a more complete list see Anderson, W. N. ' ' The determi- nation of a spelling vocabulary based upon written correspondence." (Dis- sertation, University of Iowa, 1917.) The Iowa Spelling Scales 9 For these reasons the results of the test were considered un- satisfactory. A second test involving fifty words in grades four and five, and seventy-five words in grades six, seven, and eight in sentence- dictation form, was given to 13,000 children in eight school sys- tems. In these cases the tests were given under his personal direc- tion and checked by his assistants. Dr. Rice made no statement in his report regarding the manner of selecting his words except that in the second test ' ' special care was exercised to omit words whose pronunciation would tell the secret" (15) of the correct spelling. Too much credit can scarcely be given Rice for his pioneer efforts. He initiated the whole measurement movement. Two criticisms, however, may be directed against his work: (1) the words were not selected on the basis of those which children need to learn to spell; and (2) the words were of greatly varying dif- ficulty but were given equal value in scoring. The best evidence in support of the first point is, that of the 77 words used in the second test, 15 do not occur among the 4,000 words of highest frequency in the combined results of the nine most extensive studies of correspondence. 2 These words are : almanac, ascend- ing, changeable, conscientious, deceive, elegant, fatiguing, hop- ping, laughter, listened, praise, sensible, slipped, sweeping, whistling. Of these, six do not appear in any form, even the most simple. Rice recognized that the material for spelling instruction should be selected in such a way as to eliminate unusual words. This is shown by two quotations : ' ' The absurdities incident to the so-called 'natural method' were shown very clearly during one of my visits to a fifth-year class, when the pupils, who had studied the pine, were about to write a composition on the subject. In preparation, the spelling lesson of the day consisted of the follow- ing words : exogen, erect, cylindrical, coniferal, irregular, inde- structible, pins, resinous, and whorls." (16) His fourth recom- mendation concerning the course in spelling reads thus: "Pre- cedence should be given to common words, while technical and unusual words should be taught incidentally." (17) However, he gave us no clue as to how the "common words" should be de- tected. That Rice's words were of greatly varying difficulty was pointed out by Thorndike (18) who gives the relative frequency of mistakes within the same group of children for each of the forty-nine words taken by Dr. Rice to be equal measures of spell- 3 The results of this compilation have not been published. Access to the data was secured through the kindness of Dr. Horn. 10 The Iowa Spelling Scales ing ability. These forty-nine range from a frequency of forty- two errors to zero. Unfortunately, the table does not give the total number of children attempting the test, so it cannot be placed on a percentage basis. The reader's attention is called to Table II. This table gives the frequency of error of fifth-grade children on five of Dr. Rice 's words as found by Thorndike and the percent of error of fifth- grade children on the same words as shown by the Ayres scale and the present study. TABLE II. DIFFERENCE IN DIFFICULTY OF FIVE WORDS RE- GARDED BY DR. RICE AS OF EQUAL DIFFICULTY. Word Frequency of Error Grade V Thorndike Percentage of Error Grade V Ayres Percentage of Error Grade V Ashbaugh necessary disappoint learn because picture 42 37 3 1 58 79 12 6 8 77 64 14 6 5 STUDIES IN DERIVATION OF SCALES The studies intended to evaluate the words to be used in meas- uring spelling ability have been but two in number previous to this monograph. Buckingham. (19) In 1913, Buckingham presented the educa- tional world with the first spelling scale. He did preliminary testing with a list of 270 words selected from a much larger list of graded words used by the author in his own school. These had been selected by taking from five of the popular spelling books then in use, a vocabulary of 5,000 words agreed upon by two or more of the books, and then following two principles: (1) "that all of them should be sufficiently common to be in the speaking vocabulary of third-grade children," and (2) "that the spelling difficulty of many of them should be great enough to test the ability of eighth-grade children." (20) These words were placed in sentences and dictated to grades three to eight. On the basis of the results, a group of 100 words were chosen which in general showed the following character- istics: (1) That the word was not so difficult that it offered no test of third-grade ability. (2) That it showed a steady increase through the following grades but did not reach so high a figure in the highest grades as to prevent its being a test of ability there. These words were placed in sentences and their difficulty de- termined by additional testing. By this process he finally arrived at a first and a second preferred list of 25 words each. In order The Iowa Spelling Scales 11 to get a measure of zero ability, an easy list of fifty words was devised. These words were then evaluated with a high degree of precision and were presented for testing purposes in the form of ten-, twenty-five-, and fifty-word scales. The small number of words limits the usefulness of the scale since the entire list can be quickly learned to 100 percent median accuracy by a class of ordinary ability in the upper grades. The study is of great interest to advanced students of education be- cause of the great refinement of method. It is doubtful, however, if the high degree of refinement adds anything to the value of the scale for practical use by teachers, principals, and superintendents in the field. Ay res. (21) Probably the most advanced step in spelling measurement was taken by Ayres in 1915 in presenting his Meas- uring Scale for Ability in Spelling. The 1,000 words in this scale were secured by combining "the results of the several studies so as to secure the most reliable list as a foundation for the work." (22) The placing of the "one thousand commonest words" in the measuring scale assumes that children should be taught and be able to spell these "commonest words" even though they are unable to spell other words. With this assumption we agree. Two criticisms will be offered concerning the selection of the words : 1. The list is a hybrid since it is made up by combining cor- respondence frequencies with newspaper and literary frequencies. A comparison of these 1,000 words with the most extensive studies of correspondence reveals 33 words which never occur in these correspondence lists, and 71 others which do not occur in the 3,000 words of greatest frequency. Such words as: arrest, convict, capture, estate, jail, mayor, police, testimony, victim, and witness, occur frequently in newspapers but only a few people ever have any occasion to write them. Why then should they be admitted to our minimal spelling lists? 2. In the selection of these words, root forms and derivatives were counted as one form unless they presented "different spelling difficulties." "Plurals and verb forms presenting no characteristic spelling difficulties beyond those inherent in the singular or infinitive have not been included. (23) Researches by the writer (24) have convinced him that almost without exception derived forms are spelled with less accuracy than root forms, however simple the change involved, and that one cannot select by inspection the forms having slight variation from those having wide variation. A further criticism must be made on the regularity of the ad- vancement of words in the scale. If all words were learned at the 12 The Iowa Spelling Scales same rate, this regularity might exist. Buckingham found that most of the words which he tried out did not progress regularly and that frequently there was a reversal instead of advance in accuracy from one grade to another. He says, * ' In order that this list should be of greatest value it should be so constituted that the increases in percents correct so keep pace with the increase from grade to grade of general spelling ability that a word tends in all grades to maintain the same difficulty relative to all other words in the list to which it belongs. A word which is twentieth in point of difficulty for the third grade ought to deviate as little as possible from the same rank in the other grades. The experience gained in making this investigation leads us to think that most words do not meet this condition, even approximately. The span between the third and the eighth grades is very wide. Accordingly, a very large class of words is impossible for the earlier yet easy for the later grades. Still others are really difficult in the lower grades, but of almost no difficulty in the upper grades." (25) The following illustration from Buckingham 's Preferred Lists show that although he purposely rejected the most irregular words, irregularities still existed. TABLE III. PERCENT OF ACCURACY WITH WHICH CHILDREN OF SUCCESSIVE GRADES SPELLED EACH OF THE GIVEN WORDS. 8 Word Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth saucer raise already grease 11 21 16 11 29 54 42 18 42 67 43 37 58 84 62 35 79 93 44 42 81 94 77 57 This table is read as follows : The word ' ' saucer ' ' was spelled by third-grade children with an average accuracy of 11 percent ; by fourth-grade children with 29 percent ; by fifth-grade children with 42 percent, etc. The percents for the other words in the different grades are read in the same manner. The first two words show rather consistent increases up to the seventh grade and practically no increase from seventh to eighth. The other two show actual instances of lower accuracy of spelling in one grade than in the previous grade. The present study shows numerous illustrations of the same phenomenon. Since no word was rejected, lapses appeared, as might have been anticipated from the fact that they occurred in Buckingham's highly selected list. Further, these lapses occur 1 These words with their accuracies were selected from Buckingham, B. R. Spelling Ability Its Measurement and Distribution. Table III, page 14. The Iowa Spelling Scales 13 much more frequently in cases of high accuracy (i. e., very easy words) than in those of medium or low. Because of these findings, a serious question must be raised concerning the amount of smoothing which Ayres must have done to get the perfect regularity from grade to grade which he has upon his scale. In order to present the situation as it was actually found, it was decided to provide in the present study a separate scale for each of the grades and to include in each scale the whole number of words. Ayres arbitrarily rejected from consideration all words for each grade whose accuracy fell below the middle step. In the present study, no smoothing has been done to show regularity of progress from grade to grade and no words have been rejected from any grade scale regardless of the low percent of accuracy involved. In the field of measurement, the Ayres scale has had a much wider influence than that by Buckingham. More than eighty-five thousand copies have been distributed in less than four years. Many spelling tests, such as those by Courtis (26), Monroe (27), Fordyce (28), and the writer (29) have been based directly upon it, and probably hundreds of superintendents have adopted it out- right as a minimal list for their schools. SECTION II THE PROBLEM Extension work by the writer among the school people of Iowa has brought the following facts clearly to his attention : 1. School people are eager to use the results of scientific re- search in their school rooms. 2. They have used and appreciated the Ayres Spelling Scale but rightly think that there should be a larger list. 3. For this larger list to be of most worth, the words must be evaluated in some manner. It was therefore believed that a distinct service would be ren- dered the schools of the state if a much larger list, scientifically selected, should be evaluated and made available. At the time the work was begun, the most extensive study of correspondence vocabulary was that of W. N. Anderson. Through the tabulation of 3723 letters of Iowa people, 361,184 running words revealed 3105 different words having such a frequency as to justify, in his judgment, their being taught in school. The An- derson list was an Iowa correspondence list, scientifically selected and containing sufficient words for a much larger list than had ever before been evaluated. Thus the problem became definite tlie making of an Iowa Spelling Scale. 14 Tine Iowa Spelling Scales SECTION III METHOD OF GATHERING THE DATA SELECTION AND ARRANGEMENT OF WORDS For administrative convenience, only 3,000 words were taken from Anderson 's list. The words were listed in order of decreas- ing frequency and the first 3,000 were arbitrarily chosen. These 3,000 were divided into three sets of 1,000 words each, dividing the frequency as equally as possible. For example, the words and, the and to being in order the words of greatest frequency in An- derson 's tabulation, became the first word respectively of each of the three sets. The 4th, 5th and 6th words in order of highest frequency became respectively the second words of each set, and so on. Each set of 1,000 was then divided into ten lists of 100 words each. 4 In each set, the 1st, llth, 21st, etc. words became list 1 ; the 2nd, 12th, 22nd, etc. became list 2 ; etc. Thus each list included words ranging from very high to lowest frequency of occurrence in Anderson's study. These lists were printed 100 words on a sheet, and the ten lists of a set clipped together. CO-OPERATION OF THE SCHOOLS OF THE STATE An invitation to co-operate in a state-wide survey of spelling was sent to the superintendents of schools in all cities and towns of the state, having a population of 1,000 or more. A few smaller places were also invited to participate. More than 150 superin- tendents promised the co-operation of their teachers in this work. Enough sets of words were sent to each of these superintendents to supply his teachers and printed instructions accompanied each set. A copy of these instructions and list 1 of the set will be found on pages 142 and 1^3. These instructions requested ten days work from each class. The children in Grades II-IV were to spell 500 words at the rate of 50 per day and those in Grades V-VIII were to spell 1,000 words at the rate of 100 per day. All spellings were to be made without preliminary study or any teacher help. Children in all grades were thus asked to spell all the different words, although it was surmised that many of them would not be spelled by lower grade children. Preliminary experiments, however, had definitely shown that one could not predict with a high degree of accuracy what words the pupils in any particular grade would misspell. 5 4 The reason for the division of the 3,000 words into sets of 1,000 and lists of 100 will be understood from the instructions to teachers. See page 143. 8 A very simple experiment in this line was made by the writer with his University class composed of school superintendents and teachers. List 1 of the present study (see page 142) was given to each member of the class with The Iowa Spelling Scales 15 It was therefore deemed necessary to ask a large number of pupils in each grade (II- VIII inclusive) to attempt to spell each word. After the 3,000 words were printed and sent out, it was dis- covered that there were twenty-three words duplicated. Seventeen of these were duplicated in Anderson's original list, while there were six other duplicates due to typographical errors. Thus the list of 3,000 was reduced to 2,977, the number which appears in the completed scales. The response of the superintendents, teachers and pupils was most gratifying. More than 100 school systems were able to do the work and send in the results. A list of these cities and towns is given on page 144. A conservative estimate indicates that nearly 1,400 teachers and 45,000 children participated in the work. SECTION IV METHOD OF HANDLING THE DATA This very generous response brought in several times as much material as could be used. Hence, a random selection of papers on each list was made from all schools returning data in any grade. This means that on the average, about thirty-five cities and towns are represented by pupils in the determination of the position of each word in each scale. At least 200 spellings were used for each word and the total number of spellings used on the 2977 words in the seven grades was 4,662,200. All data used were scored or re-checked by the writer or by assistants carefully instructed by him. As has been found by everyone investigating spelling, a number of arbitrary decisions had to be made. Words omitted; words illegibly written; words the request that he should mark each word as follows: H if in his judgment the pupils of fifth grade would spell the word with an accuracy of from 67 percent to 100 percent; M if they would spell with an accuracy of 34 percent to 66 percent; and L if they would spell with an accuracy of 33 percent or less. The results showed that in spite of the great latitude allowed, but 45 per- cent of the judgments were correct as compared with the results in this mono- graph ; 31 percent of the judgments were one unit wrong and 14 percent were two units wrong. Two units wrong means that words which pupils spelled with an accuracy of 67 percent or higher were judged as 33 percent or lower and vice versa. Even when the nineteen words whose spelling accuracies by the pupils fell within 5 percent of the dividing points, 33-34 and 66-67, were not considered, only 48 percent of the judgments were correct; 40 percent were wrong one unit and 12 percent were wrong two units. In other words, when experienced school men and women attempted to judge the accuracy with which children would spell a set of words, they were more than 10 percent wrong with more than half the cases and more than 33 percent wrong in 12 to 14 percent of the cases. 16 The Iowa Spelling Scales substituted due to misunderstanding the pronunciation; wrong form of homonyms; changes in number and tense except when the change involved an addition to, but no change in, the form given were all counted wrong. But one form of spelling for a word was considered right except the few words for which Webster 's New International Dictionary lists two spellings as equally correct. SECTION V ASSUMED DISTRIBUTION OF ABILITY It was stated in Section II that part of the problem was the evaluation of the words which had been scientifically selected. When the percent of accuracy of spelling has been determined, one form of evaluation has been made, but this is not entirely satisfactory, as will be shown later. NORMAL PROBABILITY CURVE ASSUMED Figure 1 presents a typical normal probability or normal fre- quency curve. The curve has the mass of its area in the central part and but a small part near the ends. FIGURE 1 This form of distribution has been found to hold true in such human traits as height, weight, length of arms, etc. The great majority of adult men cluster closely around the mean height or weight of all adult men while a decreasing number divide about equally in varying above and below this mean. Only a few vary widely, but those who do are about equally divided as to the direction of their variation. Does this normal frequency distribution hold true in mental as well as physical traits ? The Iowa Spelling Scales 17 It is a well recognized fact that people with mediocre ability are much more numerous than the dull or the brilliant, and that the very dull and very brilliant are few indeed. Hence, common observation would suggest that general mental ability is distrib- uted in the same manner as physical traits. Does this hold true, also, of the distribution of special abilities such as spelling, arithmetic, language, etc? The various scales for measuring special abilities such as the Buckingham and Ayres Spelling, Woody 's Arithmetic (30), Green's Organization (31), and Trabue's Language (32), have been developed upon the assumption that special abilities are so distributed. The best proof perhaps that the assumption is valid, is that if the assumption is made the results that follow are in very close agreement with the known facts. For these reasons, it was decided to make the same assumption in the present study. SOME PROPERTIES OF THE CURVE The mathematical properties of the normal probability curve have been very carefully and elaborately worked out on two bases, namely, the Probable Error (P. E.) or mean deviation, and the Sigma (o-) or standard deviation. The Probable Error, as a function of the normal probability curve, is that perpendicular distance from the mean at which, if an ordinate is erected, the surface included between this ordinate, the curve, the mean ordinate, and the base line includes 25 percent of the surface included by the whole curve and the base line. 6 In 6 In theory the curve and base never meet, the lines being in asymptote, but for practical purposes they are considered as meeting at some given distance from the mean. It is in this sense that we may speak of the surface included between the curve and the base. 18 The Iowa Spelling Scales Figure 2, ob is 1 P. B. distance and bcyo includes 25 percent of the surface x y x. Likewise, Sigma or the standard deviation, as a function of the normal probability curve, is the perpendicular distance to the mean ordinate from the point on the curve where it changes from concave to convex; mn in Figure 2 represents this distance. Both Probable Error and Sigma, being functions of the normal probability curve, bear constant relationship to the curve re- gardless of the variability of base and altitude. Through easily accessible tables, the amount of area included by the curve, mean, base, and an ordinate erected at any given Probable Error or Sigma distance, can be found. 7 Buckingham, in the development of his spelling scale, used Probable Error and arbitrarily broke off the curve (which theo- retically forever approaches the base but never meets it) at 4.6 P. E. This disregards but about one-tenth of one percent of the total surface on either side of the mean. Ayres, in making his scale, used Sigma and arbitrarily broke the extremities at 2.5 o- which disregards about six-tenths of one percent at each end. After considerable experimentation, the writer decided to fol- low Ayres and use the 2.5 o- curve for the following reasons : 1. In practical schoolroom work it is doubtful if it is worth while to differentiate spelling differences of less than one percent. To extend the curve beyond 2 . 5 cr which is approximately the same as 3.75 P. E., necessitates this finer differentiation. 2. Since 893 words 8 are common to the Ayres Scale and this study, the use of the same form of distribution would permit com- parisons not possible otherwise. PLACING WORDS IN THE SCALE Having assumed the normal probability curve, and having de- cided upon the measure of variability to use and the limits at which the curve should be arbitrarily broken off, the next prob- lem was to decide on the number of steps into which to divide the base. The spelling accuracies varied in most grades from at or near zero on some words to at or near 100 percent on others. That is, there were some words which children of any grade spelled with perfect or nearly perfect accuracy while there were other words which were missed by all or nearly all the children. 7 For further discussion of the theory of the normal probability curve, the reader is referred to: Rugg, H. O., Statistical Method Applied to Education, Ch. VII. 8 There are 893 words which appear in both studies which are identical in form while there are 25 others which differ in suffix only. Of these, 10 differ in the suffix "e-d" and 5 in the suffix "a." The Iowa Spelling Scales 19 In theory the number of steps or divisions into which the base may be divided is infinite, but practical considerations limit the number to but a few. Since our assumption of normal distribu- tion predicates that the number of very good and very poor spellers are few, it is necessary to make finer discriminations be- tween those percentages lying near the extremes of the scale than between those lying near the middle. The larger the number of steps or divisions into which the base is divided, the finer the dis- tinctions drawn all along the scale, but especially is this true near the extremes. As has been stated, however, a finer discrimination than whole percentages can hardly be justified in an instrument designed for practical schoolroom measurement. On the other hand, but few divisions would tend to cover up differences which should be revealed. Again, after much experimentation it was decided that the division of the base line into twenty-five equal steps, as Ayres did, gave the best results since it permits single whole percentage discrimination of differences near the extremes and does not group together too large percentage differences in the middle. If there were an equal number of each grade of ability, ex- cellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor; that is, if the frequency surface were a rectangle, then the percentage valuation would be very satisfactory. But we know this is not true and have assumed the distribution to be that of the probability curve instead. There- fore, words which differ by a single percent in the accuracy of spelling do not always represent equal differences in difficulty. Reference to Figure 1 will show quickly that the linear distance between two ordinates so erected as to include between them, the base and the curve, one percent of the whole surface will differ much depending upon whether the ordinates are erected near the median or near the extremes. One of these twenty-five parts into which we have divided the base will underlie approximately nine percent of the surface if located at the median, about four per- cent if located midway between the median and the extremes and only one percent if located near the extremes. It is this recognition of the type of distribution of ability which makes the percentage evaluation unsatisfactory. On the basis of the accuracy of the children's spellings, each word was then placed in its proper step or position on the scale. Because it was thought that students of experimental education might care to have the finer distinctions which are not afforded by the step position alone, it was decided to keep the percentage groups within the steps of the scale separate and designate the exact percentage accuracy with which each word was spelled by the children. 20 The Iowa Spelling Scales If the difficulty of words be defined in terms of differences in position among the steps of the scale, then the words which lie in a single step are of approximately equal difficulty and the words in one step are as much more difficult than those in the pre- vious step as the words in any other step are more difficult than those in the step preceding it. That is, the degree of difficulty be- tween steps is constant throughout the length of the scale. It will be perceived, of course, that the difficulty of spelling a word is thus defined in terms of the accuracy with which children in a given grade responded to the word under the conditions de- scribed in this monograph. It has nothing to do with the inherent difficulties of teaching or learning the word except to the extent that these may be reflected in the accuracy of the spellings of the pupils. Throughout this monograph, spelling ability is spoken of in terms of efficiency of performance. The only measure of ability which we have for mental traits is in terms of performance. This is common usage and we believe it is perfectly justifiable. We measure ability to read, ability to add, ability to hit a target, ability to lift a weight, etc., in terms of performance. In all these activities, we find by measuring a large number of cases that a few are very good, a few very poor and the majority of all cases occupy an intermediate position. In other words, these various abilities distribute themselves about in the form of the normal probability surface of frequency. It has been the assumption upon which these scales have been built, that spelling ability, ability to do this particular thing under the given conditions, is distributed in this same manner. The scales do not concern themselves with the child's inherent capacity to learn to do, or the difficulties inherent in the words themselves. SECTION VI USE OF THE SCALES These scales lend themselves to at least three uses, namely, (1) measurement of status of spelling ability, (2) measurement of growth in spelling ability, and (3) a minimal spelling list for. teaching purposes. Each word having been placed in the scales on the basis of the accuracy with which children in the respective grade spelled it when presented in ordinary list form, any teacher, principal, or superintendent may use the scale to determine how well his own class or school can spell any group of these words in comparison with the children of Iowa as a whole. In making this comparison, the following things should be remembered. TJie Iowa Spelling Scales 21 1. That to secure comparable results, the words should be pronounced in accordance with the original instructions (See page 143) and the words scored according to the criteria stated on page 15. 2. That these spellings were from pupils who had on "the average completed approximately one-half of the year 's work for the grade. Tests given at the beginning or end of the year's work should be interpreted accordingly. 3. That to secure equally reliable results, a much larger list of words must be used with a small group of pupils than with a large group. 4. That in general, words located near the middle of the scale, those with an accuracy of 35 percent-65 percent, are prob- ably more reliable for measuring purposes than those near the extremes. Words spelled with 100 percent accuracy furnish no test be- cause all the children have mastered them. Some of them could undoubtedly spell much more difficult words. Likewise, words which are missed by all the children furnish no test since we have no means of knowing how much too difficult they are. Since there are many possibilities of wrong spelling against one possible right form, it is probable that 50 percent represents the maximum point of critical measure of a group. This conforms with the experi- mental work of Otis. (33) MEASUREMENT OF STATUS OF ABILITY In using the scales for measuring class and school status, it should be kept in mind that words of differing percents within a step are of approximately equal difficulty but to equalize even small differences, a random selection of words from all the per- centage groups in a step should be made and these words pro- nounced as an ordinary spelling test without instruction or pre- vious study. If the average of the class is the same as the average for the step or within the limits of the percents listed under one step, the class has a spelling status on these words about the same as the children of like grade in Iowa. If the class average reaches a percent higher than the highest listed under the step, the class is above average; if below the lowest listed under the step, it is below average. A word of caution is perhaps in place. The teacher in using these scales must remember that the fundamental assumption upon which the scales have been built is that spelling ability dis- tributes itself according to the normal probability surface of fre- quency. It must not be expected, therefore, that all the children in her class will spell all the words in a given test, even though 22 The Iowa Spelling Scales the words are chosen from a single step on the scale, with the same percent of accuracy. A wide range of variation is to be expected and a very narrow range would be quite unusual. Further, the words in a step have been placed there as of approx- imate equality on the basis of a large number of spellings and it is not to be expected that, with a small group such as a class, the accuracy of spelling on each of the words will be equal. MEASUREMENT OF GKOWTH OF ABILITY In measurement of growth, two objects may be distinguished, (1) the measurement of growth or change due to a term or year of school work, and (2) the measurement of growth or change due to the use of a special method, device, or time variation during a greater or less period. The first measurement will probably be the one of most sig- nificance to teachers and superintendents, and gross differences will be of greatest interest. For this reason, the differences may well be considered mainly in terms of step changes. The second measurement will be of primary interest to special supervisors and students of experimental education. Since these persons are interested in more refined results, they should con- sider the individual percentage groups within the step. Whole step differences may frequently be larger than the changes brought about by the conditions involved in the experiment. A MINIMAL SPELLING LIST This list presents with a high degree of accuracy the words which people use most frequently in written correspondence. For this reason it is highly important that pupils in the elementary school learn to spell these words. By using the words of the scale as the material for regular class instruction, teachers may note class improvement, but they must recognize that as a scale- it is becoming less and less valuable as a measuring instrument. However, the writer agrees completely with Ayres when he says, "Probably the scale will have served its greatest usefulness in any locality when the school children have mastered these words so thoroughly that the scale has become quite useless as a measuring instrument." (34) SECTION VII LIMITATIONS OF THE SCALES The scales presented herewith are subject to certain limita- tions, some of which will be discussed in this section. The Iowa Spelling Scales 23 NUMBER OF SPELLINGS USED In general, with a random selection the reliability of results increases as the square root of the number of cases involved. In the following scales, the number of spellings on each word in each grade was 200 or more. This number was selected as being a suf- ficient number to give a degree of reliability acceptable in this type of measurement. However, in order to ascertain the range of variability which might be expected on the basis of 200 spellings in comparison with a larger number, 700 spellings were selected at random on a list of 100 words. The accuracy of spelling on each word was checked out per 100 spellings and three combinations of 200 each were compared with the accuracy of 700. The spelling accuracy of the 100 words in the 700 spellings varied from 100 percent for the three easiest words to 11, 15 and 20 percent respectively on the three most difficult words. Since the words were to be placed in the scales in terms of steps of equal value as stated previously, it was thought that this examination of reliability of placement should be in terms of steps rather than in terms of percent. The total scale was divided arbitrarily into three-step groups on each side of the middle step. Then the three on each side adjacent to the middle step and this middle step were thrown together since there seemed no valid reason for keeping them separate, the percents in each step being symmetrically placed above and below the middle step. When the 100 words were distributed according to this grouping on the basis of accuracies obtained from the 700 spellings of each word, it was found that there were 12 words in the easiest group, 32 in the next, and so on as shown in column four of Table II. Next the accuracy for each word on the basis of each of the first, second, and third 200 spellings was taken from its accuracy TABLE IV. AVERAGE DEVIATION OF SPELLING ACCURACY IN TERMS OF SCALE STEP OF RANDOM SAMPLINGS OF 200 SPELL- INGS FROM THE ACCURACIES OF 700 SPELLINGS. Accuracy in Percents on 700 Spellings Number of Scale Steps Within These Limits Average Range in Percent Included in One Step Number of Words in Group Average Deviation in Scale Step First 200 Second 200 Third 200 ~^42 .63 .41 .34 .93 98-100 91-97 77-90 24-76 10-23 3 3 3 7 3 1.00 2.33 4.67 7.57 4.67 12 32 20 33 3 .42 .55 .49 .38 .50 .42 .60 .69 .27 .07 24 The Iowa Spelling Scales on the basis of the total 700 and the average difference of devia- tion of all words within the group was determined. This average deviation in terms of percent was then converted into average deviation in terms of scale step by dividing by the average range in percent included in one step. From these data it is concluded that since the average var- iation is less than 0.7 of a step in all cases but one, and is 0.5 of a step or less in more than half the cases, 200 spellings is amply sufficient for the degree of accuracy required in placing the words in a scale of this type. DISTRIBUTION OF SPELLINGS It may be considered a limitation on the scales that all spellings used were secured from Iowa school children. The answer to this is two-fold: (1) that the scales were designed primarily for ser- vice to the school people of the state of Iowa. From this stand- point this limitation becomes a positive recommendation. (2) On the basis of a state- wide study of spelling, involving 8818 children in Grades III to VIII inclusive, on spelling tests devised from the Ayres scale, the school children of Iowa spell with about the same average accuracy as children in the 86 cities involved in the Ayres study. This is shown by Table V. TABLE V. COMPARATIVE SPELLING RESULTS: AYRES SCALE AND 27 IOWA CITIES. 20 WORDS, LIST SPELLING. Grades Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Number of Children 1620 1635 1841 1338 1228 1156 Iowa Average Scores 73 85 74 83 77 86 Ayres Standard 73 88 73 84 73 84 The table is read as follows : 1620 third-grade children spelled the 20 words with an average accuracy of 73 percent and the Ayres standard for these words is also 73 percent ; 1635 fourth- grade Iowa children spelled the 20 words with an average ac- curacy of 85 percent while the Ayres standard on these words is 88 percent. The number of children and the average accuracy for Iowa children and the Ayres standard for the other grades are read in the same manner. WORDS GIVEN IN LIST FORM It is recognized that the spelling of words in list form does not give an exact measure of the accuracy with which children will spell words in their ordinary daily work. This condition is per- haps more closely approximated by a timed-dictation test. In neither case, however, can we be certain that the ability displayed The Iowa Spelling Scales 25 is exactly the same as that which will function when the child is writing spontaneously. These scales do present the accuracy with which children did spell these words when presented under the conditions described in the monograph. WORDS OF VARYING DIFFICULTY PRESENTED IN THE SAME LIST Making up the list of words on the basis of approximately equal distribution of words of high, median, and low frequency in written correspondence necessarily brought into the same list, words of widely varying difficulty. How far this tends to produce an inaccurate result in the spelling of the common words is not definitely known. Due to the fact that 23 words were duplicated in the lists sent out, it is possible to make some comparison between the accuracy with which words were spelled when they occurred early in the list, preceded by words which were comparatively easy, and when the same words occurred late in the list, preceded by words of greater difficulty. Thirteen of these 23 words involved this situation of appearing one time rather early in the list and a second time rather late. A comparison of the accuracy with which the children in each of the different grades spelled the word when it occurred early in the list with the accuracy with which it was spelled by children of the same grade when it occurred late in the list, showed two things : 1. That in all grades there was a somewhat higher average accuracy on the words when they occurred early in the list, though some words showed the opposite situation. The median increase in accuracy in the seven grades on words occurring early in the list over the accuracy on the same words when occurring late in the list was but 2 percent. This difference in accuracy was greatest in the third and fourth grades, though a priori judgment had decided that this factor would most affect second-grade chil- dren and have less influence thereafter from grade to grade. 2. The average difference of spelling accuracy in these two grades which seemed to be most greatly influenced by this factor was practically identical with the range of percents included in a single step in the portion of the scale in which these words appear. Since these words were placed in the scales in an intermediate position determined by the average accuracy of spelling in the two positions, it is quite certain that no word is misplaced more than a single step. It is probable that half the words are mis- placed less than half a step (that is, not at all in the scale) due to this factor. 26 The Iowa Spelling Scales No ZERO POINT ON THE SCALE These scales in common with the Ayres scale, place the words on the basis of relative difficulty rather than absolute difficulty from a point which would indicate no ability at all. Because of this limitation, it is not possible to state that words appearing in any single step are so many ' ' times as ' ' difficult as words appear- ing in some other step. It is only possible to state that words in any step are as much more difficult than the words in the step preceding as the words in any other step are more difficult than the words in the step preceding that. In other words, the inter- step difficulty is approximately equal throughout the scale. From the standpoint of practical usage the lack of an absolute zero-point presents no serious objection. In the measurement of progress, school people are interested in making comparison with norms and with previous status rather than in determining "times as ' ' relationships. For this reason, a zero-point was not considered of sufficient importance to justify the large amount of additional work which would have been necessary to have secured it. SECTION VIII BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Yearbooks of the Na- tional Society for the Study of Education, 1915, 1917 and 1918. 2. Eighteenth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Pt. II, 1919. 3. Knowles, Rev. J. The London Point System of Reading for the Blind. London, 1904. 4. Eldridge, R. C. Six Thousand Common English Words, Ni- agara Falls, New York, 1911. 5. Ayres, L. P. The Spelling Vocabularies of Personal and Bus- iness Letters. Russell Sage Foundation, 1913. 6. Jones, W. F. Concrete Investigation of the Material of English Spelling. University of South Dakota, Vermilion, South Dakota, 1913. 7. Cook, W. A. and O'Shea, M. V. The Child and His Spelling. Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1914. 8. Nicholson, Anne (Editor.) A Speller for the Use of the Teachers of California. Sacramento, California, 1914. 9. New Orleans Public School List. School Bulletin, 1916. 10. Bureau of Educational Research Bulletin No. 2. Kansas City, Missouri, 1916. 11. Houser, J. D. An Investigation of the Writing Vocabularies of Representatives of an Economic Class. Elementary School Journal. 17 :70 8-18. The Iowa Spelling Scales 27 12. Anderson, W. N. The Determination of a Spelling Vocabu- lary Based Upon Written Correspondence. Dissertation, Uni- versity of Iowa, 1917. 13. Horn, E. A Study of the Vocabulary of Letters Written by Bankers to Bankers About Banking. (Unpublished.) 14. Rice, J. M. Futility of the Spelling Grind. Forum 23 :163-72, 1897. Later published again in Scientific Management in Education, New York, 1913. 15. Rice, J. M. Scientific Management in Education, p. 71. 16. Ibid. p. 93. 17. Ibid. p. 94. 18. Thorndike, E. L. Mental and Social Measurements, p. 8. 19. Buckingham, B. R. Spelling Ability, Its Measurement and Distribution. Columbia 'Contributions to Education No. 59, 1913. 20. Ibid. p. 6. 21. Ayres, L. P. Measurement of Ability in Spelling. Russell Sage Foundation, 1915. 22. Ibid. p. 8. 23. Ibid. p. 11. 24. Ashbaugh, E. J. and Horn, E. Necessity of Teaching Derived Forms in Spelling. Journal of Educational Psychology, 10:143-52, March, 1919. Also Variation in the Spelling of Root and Derived Forms of Words. (Unpublished.) 25. Buckingham, B. R. Op. cit. p. 13. 26. Courtis, S. A. Standard Research Tests in Spelling. Detroit, 1916. 27. Monroe, W. S. Timed Sentence Spelling Tests. Emporia, Kansas, 1916. 28. Fordyce, Charles. The Nebraska Spelling Test. University of Nebraska. 29. Ashbaugh, E. J. Iowa Dictation Exercise and Spelling Tests. University of Iowa, 1916. 30. Woody, C. Measurement of Some Achievements in Arithmetic. Columbia Contributions to Education No. 80, 1916. 31. Greene, H. A. Tests for the Measurement of Linguistic Organ- ization in Sentences. Dissertation, University of Iowa, 1919. 32. Trabue, M. R. Completion-Test Language Scales. Columbia Contribution to Education No. 77, 1916. 33. Otis, A. S. Reliability of Spelling Scales. .School and Society, 4:676-83, 716-22, 750-56, 793-96, October 28, November 4, 11, 18, 1916. 34. Ayres, L. P. Op. cit. p. 41. SECTION IX THE IOWA SPELLING SCALE GRADE II GRADE II STEP 5 94% in get singing 95% let play they day that some with it 82% told 65% 94% did 75% age and look ball am is so cannot box me tell hat came ring going STEP 692% STEP 9 79% this 74% hill its 93% 51% them like he have wind mad to-day no 73% Pig 92% up cold playing are will door red at 91% 50% big girl lot ship thank can but or top land think 67% STEP 788% old 72% call 90% all say ten bee doing end far cLll the 79% got from you ago May give J *-^v an sat had be hand three stop go 00 of hen into toy 71% 66% frpp 0070 dog of baby pnf XI tJo ice not on eat has king see she us 75% home pin put 57% boy may as last man to seeing then 70% 65% bed being my was tree bad j j fast STEP 884% 56% your 77% away cat dad looking much thing feet fill find flat good 55% book fat gold out time year green lay made for run STEP 1166% Miss if way 69% night 54% we bell one little cap sun 55% come STEP 1073% corn five 64% bat do 76% hit glad his cow love grass how dear over her 30 I inside lost make papa milk pen most poor must rich net room same seen telling snow 63% sold hot soon name sport now take wall took west STEP 1258% what 58% 62% aside apple asleep band fun bill him each landing fall miss nine mother when pay yet sin 61% state bid tip cup 57% down can't ever cut kiss fish mill food part grade rest hay school here send met six rain tent sleep till wet want 56% 60% child bay game cent keep forgot lift gave mud hold rock live sit Mr. small sent tenth stand than standing there week trip wish win 59% yes best 55% bring after income back TJie Iowa Spelling Scales cake coat holding left morning nut plan rose shop slip stove STEP 1350% 31 ask bear beside blow born dust farm feed finding helping lake late long post price ride seed song too well 54% along bank belong date deep foot happy joy kill noon plow sad said set shot snowing two under war where 53% about art ate cool fell life low near 52% place rug saying sell spell spot within around city forget hall just kind list pick stay Sunday town upon wife been bit black blank brand car fee gather grand head hers print shall side silk spring tie very went 51% 50% 49% arm display faster finger 32 The Iowa Spelling Scales gate while 44% colder Jan. why bringing cooking mind 46% card football nap barn clear hand never became corner however our become dark June read blue dinner leg rod bog fishing lone roll coming mend lump soft fair north nothing spent ford off older step gland past once street hear rush outfit such help show river wanting lived smart sixth 48% t)lkG maker mine stone tend stood these begin drop feeding four gray hard inch letter note paper pine open rent rip shut slow son sort who window wood test thinking trust try wild willing working yourself 43% blame boat both tile to-night winter 41% bright drive felt fit fort glee hog inform raining STEP 14 42% close lie rate real sheep starting thanking wide wool 1 45% banker behind better bird butter damp drum even handed hoping lives March master only pa page park report seem work calling more seven 47% cash new skate able drug nose something cord face ours start fine found passing teaching form gone pole wage glass grant pools walking goldfish kid render whenever light lady saw wishing mamma luck someone 40% meat mail sometime any nor mate walk apart oh might 42% brother order nice added bunch plate rust asking buy sight stamp below care sister still bet chop sweet store cane cream thin table cast forming were without class gown The Iowa Spelling Scales 33 herself hour hunt hunting ink jump large longer looked loved lovely mark myself outside ranch reader rice saved short snap snowed swell training yellow 39% afternoon bugs camp coy draft drill evening feeder getting goat handy having homesick horse I'll know lame leave lunch meet Monday neck printing reading renting right round Sat. shed sock spelling summer wake harder worker himself 38% keeping alive market backing move Christmas overcoat clay paying could sink die staying done storm egg train Feb. whatever finish 36% flower case forgive clock garment closer given grip darling don't ha farmer inclose filing kitten forth least hate ma held number herewith plum inasmuch porch need printed next road oldest rolling other scrap own slide pack spend rack stick rank stunt roof washing sick yard sorry south STEP 1534% supper tank 37% teeth across their again wash badly which bite won't boss 35% broke air clothing also contest aunt cost base cross blood dandy catalogue eye chair farther chill fight church frost clean fur cooler great cover deal fifty fire first fresh Friday grit ground happen killed kinder kindest liver longest noted pink posted recall sack safe sending sum taken trade word write 34% alone bean beg began bother boxes delay everyone feeling fellow filling gift handsome hardly hole indeed insist July kindly listed loud meal mostly mouth neat Nov. Oct. oil picking pride 34 Tine Iowa Spelling Scales riding row says shame shortly sir somewhat space spending taking tiny bench called dice dose east eve fear half holder house ill intend later less mean meeting peach pending profit rabbit remind renter sash saving soap spoke those 33% adding agree ahead belonging catch cattle check clever club count covering dead deed dress every father file flesh chairman heat folder change household gas charge merry gladly children Mrs. lighting chum named likely crib payment linen crop per making deliver printer many drew rained pain few shipping poorly forest thick race fourth thus seat frame true seventh harvest trying shade herein visit slept hundred warm stage I'm you'll stating joke 28% ton limit add water whereby larger pair attending basket 31% party Bible act asked please post card brought brush baking scout calf beat showed cheer chose sooner Dr. creep sound drilling enter strongly fitting floor together garden folk treat gfee funny trunk &^ w likewise grandma grind understanding washed manage mighty job weak nearly nearer wonder present needing 29% selling newspaper amount sleet none awhile speed pound beef ' stranger protest before sunshine sale belt talking shape smaller birthday booklet thankful track stair brick trained stock . t_ closing workmanship teach dearest 27% waste dearly anyone white depend behalf woven depending fail block cared STEP 1627% fix carpet 30% front carrying another grew chapter banking hair cleaner begun handling cleaning blew hearing cloth I The Iowa Spelling Scales 35 coffee unless kisses prior content wanted lace prize credit wheel largest proper dare yesterday lose pump Dec. yoke maid pupil does 25% member pure extent all right membership regard former body o 'clock regret growing delighted oven remit housekeeping dressed partly respond idea dresser planted sand lining eight proud September maple everything rail team nobody family removed throw opened glove rented understood packing heap sheet walked paint inclosing shipment would self jar shoe 22% strike loss sire absent strongest lung started adjust sure mailed tight afraid tax marking township anyway teacher maybe turned battle until overlooked twice beaten wishes people use board worked played wear chart 26% queen wise copy admit renew won disposed always seal world dollar branch silver worth dream coal somewhere flour danger December steel talk STEP 1721% forty fruit film trusting 23% gain granted twenty almost glasses grown understood beet investment heating voting bigger latest high weekly burn living insert welcome carry lowest isn't western closed lucky January knew wire 24% cloudy colt moved namely mass army deeply news month brain demand nineteen ninth broken died oblige November crowd dirty per cent oats early enjoying picture opening enjoy finest pocket pencil filled fixed quick point fund greater seemed press handled grove simple program haven't inviting sixty pull helpful main skating remark higher match soil saver invited October stuff thread joyful oversight toward tire kept plain tried 36 The Iowa Spelling Scales turn habit velvet hereafter 91% hereby aid iron because I've birth junk bought knowing cook law crew load daddy matter exchange permit foolish powder frankly public highest quit hotel Sept. I'd since inclosed single itself size Latin standard latter supply loaded title misses vote money wagon moving wedding nerve whole nicely withdraw pretty wrote setting yearly submit young taste youth tested 19% third address thought ans. voter anything wrong anywhere 20% blooming agreed buyer among center attend choose brown coin busy counting buying doctor coach edge dance entry dated fact death feel debate forwarding detail French dwelling friendly enclosed inches enclosing item fare join fever lumber forenoon mister forwarded monthly goose music grain perhaps pillow seller plenty shown quart sickness quite sitting regarding retail slight talked rushed throat seventy twelve struck vary thereafter violin travel waited tread weather Tuesday weigh upper whether watch writer wheat Xmas 17% STEP 18-16% acting adopted 18% artist above attain ache cabinet adjustment chain afloat chance already damage April benefit debating delivered charming else chicken enjoyed closely everybody company fifth delayed forgotten discount globe dispose haste extra hello grandfather independent greatest informed growth known hurt labor inspect lamb invite lately joined leaf laid liked mailing management minister needed moment person ninety power odd prevent otherwise reaches passed ready placed recently plainly refund postage rule railroad sore reported study sample tatting Saturday ticket The Iowa Spelling Scales 37 tired awaiting Aug. uncle transit booster basis useful Tues. bottom billed value used branches bowl waiting worm building buggy wearing zero cheerful captain weary 1 ROf client cartoon wouldn *t 26% comply change advise devoted dread changing cleaned STEP 19-12% agent auto await easy final finished clerk clothe control 13% alfalfa country dancing didn't enclose fern fifteen friend follow fourteen fully hasn 't hurry ideal island knot county covered dealing delightful elect expert failed flavor aren 't boiler booth bushel charged classes clearly confined froze further greeting handle heard helped hoped intended lesson loose lower message nurse owe range rapidly largely liberty locate lonesome losing loving mistake outlined painter pastor presented primary proved rainy raised repair fullest gasoline germ gotten gravy hardware hare improve inst. kindness ladies loan' lonely manual mere method constant dozen eager extend fairly fancy greatly industry learn learned leaves level lovingly model movement needle , return missed noise rGLCli scare office owing rGQ.cn.GCl reaching reply rubber sew square term that >s unpaid utmost whom wished woman score semester serve sewing shock spare speak stayed suit temple therefore visited ordering packed placing provided quickly renewed respect ribbon serving should slightly smooth speaker patent pavement pleased proof recent recovered remembering served share slipper taught thousand topic 15% aim wondering stated steam wasn 't watching anybody anyhow u% afterward thanksgiving thereof women you'd August ashamed unable zone 38 The Iowa Spelling Scales answered apply beyond breaking build candle caught checking choosing coasting color comfort cough decline dependent desire earth eighty eleventh enrollment fence forward freeze friendship furnish gaining guess health hence illness installed interest ivory leader letting located manner meantime northern obliged offering organ ought owned patch performed problem providing quarter rapid record refuse request rifle safety season second server settle skirt soldier tract using voice Wednesday 11% advantage agreeable amendment backed bluff careful carefully cause caused colored cottage court cute delivery disgusted during enough entirely express February federal formed formerly graze heavy history interested interesting manager modern nevertheless notion offered painted parlor penny piano picnic post office prevented promotion prompt promptly proves putting raising recover relation remove scale spirit splendid steady stopped strict subject suffering talent tanning taxes to-morrow truly we'll witch worry 10% abstract advising against allow ankje answer answering applicant automobile Ave. awful barley bridge Bro. button cheap coast collar condition crazy democrat destroyed due ease enroll entitle field furnishing gallon gentleman hadn't heretofore important including information invoice kitchen leaving length limb madam married middle misunderstanding ordered painting preparing properly publisher quiet quote reason refer remember represented result several simply spread stamped studying supplied text Thursday trace wonderful X-ray STEP 208% 9% acre addresses advance advertising appeal attach attached bass boarding broad candidate carried cheaper confident consist contain contained containing continue convince cotton credited The Iowa Spelling Scales 39 customer united relative graduation daily vacation renewal grammar dairy valued republican guide data view reputation heir dealer whose returning homestead degree writing satisfy honest deportment yourselves shipped human direct 8% shipper hurried discontinued addressed sign improved duty advertise situation increasing employed ample statement jury enrolled argument station justify entertainment assist sugar learning except assortment surprise leather favor attention thesis librarian firm barely though limited following believe touch listen fortune blackberries towel literary girlie braid visiting location happened builder waist loyal improving built we've merit instant bulk winner obtain instructed cellar 7% operation intention comfortable ability patron internal confer according perfect international continued acted perfectly machine daughter active piece nation education addition policy normal effort adjusted prepaid ocean establish administrator property pattern etc. ambition published peace figure auntie question phone fuel between register phoned gained bracelet regular potatoes gentlemen break regulation postal German breakfast remedy prefer good-bye capital remembered president grateful cashier rendered promised healthy checked resident proven meter concluded section raise officer consider seldom reasonable opera considerable shopping remain operated contract shoulder replying package conversation style represent payable cutting suppose requested pearl desired thirty returned ruin planning pleasant develop director total transfer running position discovered treated rye priced dodge vacant student Prof. drama valley suggest protected entire support provide exceptional STEP 21 6% through queer explained 6% trouble raiser fault account turkey realize fitted action uniform reduce force actor 40 The Iowa Spelling Scales advertisement ourselves convinced submitted allowed personal correct suggested although planned course suitable altogether appear popular possess deserve district supposed terrible applied possibly doesn't tickled appointment prayer doubt volume average preacher earnest watched avoid product employee ballot based prospect really entertaining ere STEP 22 4% believing realizing estimated 4% blessed repeat example absolute calendar require expected absolutely cherries retain explain accept choice route explaining accordance college saddle federation advised common sanitary female alley complete satisfactory foundation appearance congratulate secure general appointed consideration secured group arrive contemplated separate hauled arrived convention settlement headache assuring copies silence honestly bonus corporation slippery illustrated butcher correspondent studies include canvass couple subscriber included capacity cousin surprised invitation carrier curtain throughout Ibs. certain decide traveling lodge circular decided treatment maintain compelled desiring trial mentioned constantly earning weight million correction eighteen weren 't minute crippled either worrying moral cure election worse narrow democratic English worst noticed deposit entered 5% opinion depot envelope advertised owner described examination affair particular directed favorite amounting parties disappointment figured attractive personality disposal forced beauty pertaining earliest graduating biggest possible elected hesitate calm preparation entitled holiday cement prepared evidently honor central private exactly hospital chief quoted exam. husband cigar reliable excuse ironing cities reliability exhibit judge combination requesting expired label commence reserve expensive mention conduct salary expressed neglect congratulation select fabric notice consequently service factory notify considered sorrow failure orange considering stories future The Iowa Spelling Scales 41 genuine union disease graduate urge distribution guest valuable division handkerchief welfare dreadful happiness worthy durable headquarter written easily immense 3% employer improvement absence entering inclined accomplish epidemic increase accommodate equipped inquire acquainted error inquiry administration especially instead adventure established instruct agriculture excellent investigation allotment excited jobber animal exciting judgment anxious expense laugh application explanation lecture appreciated extensive legal arrange factor library arranged factories local article favorable manufacture assembly favored meant assistant feature merely athletics figuring nature attended freight neighbor author frequently neighborhood automatic frozen nervous available furnace nickel awfully furnished obligation balance garage obtained banquet geometry practical bargain ghost practicing brief guarantee procured bulletin guaranteed produce burden imagine progress business increased purchase carnival identify purpose cedar indicate quality certainly inducement receive climate immediately reference collect installment referring completely instance refreshment composition institution refused concern investigate required confirming involved respectfully connected journal satisfied connection justified search conveniently knowledge settled co-operating magazine signature couldn 't material signed council materially special crowded measure surface debt mortgage sweater difference national theater difficulty naturally treasurer direction object occupied operating ordinary organization organized original parcel parent period practically practice premium prepare presume principal principle privilege probably proceed profitable promise publication rec'd received recommend referred regardless relieve requirement reservation response resulting Sabbath salesman satisfaction satisfactory secretary securing society straight subscription superintendent surplus telephone thorough thoroughly timothy usually STEP 232% accordingly additional affectionately annual annually 42 The Iowa Spelling Scales anticipating elsewhere production appreciation appendicitis engineer proposition approved arrival engineering purchased arriving assessment entertain qualities assigned assure equipment quantity assignment assured excess readily assistance attempt exclusively receiving associated attendance executive recess association authorized exercise recite assume aware exhibition reduction assurance beginning existing registered attraction canned experience registration authority capable expression remembrance avenue certificate extreme representation barrel chautauqua fashion responsible calves Christian finally rough campaign circulation followed rural candidacy circuit fraternally selected celebrate circus funeral senior channel citizen geography similar choir civics glorious sincere circumstances coarse gratitude social commerce collection grocery solicit commercial commission Hallo we 'en strawberries community commissioner honorable succeeded companies committee illustration success conclusion communication importance successful conference companion impossible superior confirm complaint influence supervision connect concerning inquiries system consequence concert inspector telegram considerably confidence insurance territory constitution connected interfere themselves construction connecting issue transportation convenience conservatory junior university co-operation consultation language variety cordial contemplating legislation weighed cordially contrary liable wholesale corrected co-operative liberal worried correspond correctly literature crochet courage creamery machinery medicine STEP 24 1% crocheting coupon current mental accident dangerous cushion merchandise accomplished decision customary moderate accredited decrease definite musical acknowledge definitely deliveries neglected actual design demonstrated nephew actually destination deserved niece admission discourage development organize advanced duplicate different pardon advancement efficiency directly patient algebra efficient domestic permanent analysis electricity doubtless politics anniversary enormous duties positive announce enthusiasm effect preliminary appeared enthusiastic electrical presence appreciate essential The Iowa Spelling Scales 43 evidence opportunity type disappointed examine orchestra universal encourage examined originally unusually equally examiner particularly usual exact exception physician vision excitement exceptionally pneumonia zephyr executed exhausted politician extremely expecting extended possession previous STEP 25 0% familiar foreign extension famous fashionable favorably fierce produced prosperity receipt reception reduced acceptance accompanying acquaintance acquire activity fortunate fundamental generally inferior ingredients financial regretting advisable leisure furniture regularly affidavit majority generous government gradually relationship relieved remained agency agricultural alumni manufacturing maturity mountain grippe remittance ambitious natural hastily representative announcement occasion humor resigned anticipate occasionally hustling resource apparatus peculiarities illustrating scarce appreciating personally immediate impression inconvenience science selection series approval arrangement associate phosphorus physical possibility individual serious attitude prevail institute sincerely attorney process instruction soliciting auditor profession instructor specially blizzard professional instrument stationary bureau prosperous introduced stomach character qualities introduction straightened characteristic quotation issued strength collecting recommendation license strictly compliment responsibility lieutenant struggle confirmation rheumatism liquid studied continuous schedule mechanical substitute convenient scientific necessary succeed correspondence source necessity sufficient courteous specification neither supervisor demonstration unnecessary notary supplies description * unusual notified surgery difficult various numerous sympathy disagreeable vicinity official tuberculosis disappoint SECTION X THE IOWA SPELLING SCALE GRADE ni GRADE III STEP 1 100% 92% in by come STEP 299% get have is into may STEP 398% on QTP one ctl \j good he if play say time lu with STEP 496% your 91% 97% an can for my his see like that man 36% some and the be them book up day way she STEP 788% STEP 5 94% 90% 95% all big gold at but did got had her do of little not out over think this tree was wood you 94% dear 89% ask dog give how eat JS it go land me old to-day last let look year love STEP 692% tell ten 33% then ice 88% will being boy cannot hand run sent we ago as down home so toy when 87% STEP 884% 86% age bell door from letter live night or red thing till us bee box came coat forget going most three throat well what apple bad cat fast fish grade hat king light long 55% 84% looking make much must pay put sand sat six snow sun yet after bed* bring cold cow far foot ill just kill made meat they top week 83% 82% back ball black call doing five gave grass green hard has ink lot mother Mr. playing ring ship Sunday tent thank there wind 46 The Iowa Spelling Scales 47 STEP 979% singing song glad tenth soon here 81% about too town spell standing hunt mine am war start note baby bank bay best 75% along aside state told two under sad shop sold stand each feet fill food hill car colder face fat girl want why within stop table thanking to-night wall him goat STEP 1073% wan inside lay May more seeing send sheep without work hall house lake late left March off oil once 70% add bear calling card care corn fall find win 74% bid cap eye Feb. first flat help hot yes rain four Jan. 80% away boat same stay take happy hear hold Miss nice our butter cake cent very 77% backing joy keep kind pink print real cut band longer said ever belong low saw free blow never seen lost Monday cup end park pen spent to morning fell pin willing new fine plan yard no flower room 75% Pig fun seed better place grand sleep bill read hay spelling east stove sweet its mad sport stone forget goldfish went now summer lived west working nut overcoat upon where lives many 75% papa 75% myself become part able net child pine around nine hen ride banker noon milk rust cover open name side dad river pie silk every rock poor sister farm set rich snowing Friday show school son game sick 48 The Iowa Spelling Scales soft window winter any baker blue city cook dance die dinner gate head helping inch kiss maker mate mill near older paper picking post rent rose shot store thin tip were who wide bird brother date even felt finding forgive found gone kid landing life pick plow seven slow stage still stood supper telling 71% washing wish 70% afternoon barn became can't children cream deep drive dust faster father gray heat hit hog hour large mark mud oh outside page price rest round sell spring train true trust water wife STEP 1166% 69% ate beside bit clear close cost could dress drop fishing given ground Oct. other rate road rug saying step test wanting 68% arm asking bat behind below brand bright danger dark fair feed fit June lady lone mail north nothing order race rolling sin sit spot starting teach teacher thinking try walk yourself 67% art banking been blank both clay Dec. fort glass hair however master Nov. plate Sat. seat shut something stick street teeth those took walking which white write yellow 66% adding air alive belonging cane cattle clock coming done don't fire ford form garden gather handed holding kindly leave ma making market meal pa paying reading report stamp whatever 65% added author bet born bunch cool hers hunting income January lame met mind move right rush sending sort south The Iowa Spelling Scales 49 such talk wake wild 64% ahead bean buy camp cash class delay drum feeding handy horse later lift neck next pack peach rank short slip snowed storm these wet 63% also brick cast clean cooking cord dandy display flour fur ha held indeed mouth nap roof sound spend taking track STEP 1258% bringing draft eight eve farmer fear few fight finger July longest luck mean news nose own party per poorly reader rice sack safe sink sir smart tank tend thereafter tiny trip weak wishing would 61% another April asleep blame brush chair coal contest corner dead deal dearly died fellow hang hardly hearing herself hole inasmuch kinder know larger list miss nor ours pass past pencil please porch post card posted rail raining saved shoe small space sugar than their whenever worker yearly 60% always apart asked bite block body cloth count cross dream fifty football great job loved month nearly need none outfit queen shipment sunshine tie Tuesday wise won't yesterday 59% across afloat beat begin blood farming harder holder jump kitten looked meet October only pain pillow pole roll sis sixty someone staying taken talking while wonder wool 58% army case chop church darling December everything forest gift glove goose half happen having high leaves matter pound rained seem shade shall soap sorry stated teaching thought twenty wash word world 57% agree alone anyone 50 Tine Iowa Spelling Scales anything basket bench content egg filling fix frost fruit grant growing kindest lie liver money oven peace reach renew row self should skate slide stock warm wheel 56% again aunt belt called carpet check clothing damp enter floor gladly law marking Mrs. nobody oats orange pocket printed protest rabbit renter silver third thread thus tile wishes 55% oldest color birthday Christmas packing passing creep deed cleaning point dresser closer ready heating evening recall homesick gland rented hoping grandma riding island hundred rod leader lace says learn least sight maid noted somewhat oblige number sore opened otherwise stranger overlooked pair swell rack planted township shape plum treat spoke pull use stunt pure wanted thankful quart washed trade ranch 55% wage saver boxes Wednesday sew branch 51% snap chart bother sometime earth bugs speed farther carry spending folk counting tested grain country worked I'll crib inform deliver STEP 1350% keeping early mend easy 34% mostly eighty badly penny finish because powder folder bought pride former brought quick forth cheer render greeting chill saving hate club selling hereafter covering sheet lovely crop sooner lumber dearest team mailed drill training mamma everyone trusting paint fee welcome person grandfather wheat proper himself whereby proud inclose worth railroad invited 52% shed itself above soil leg battle steam less begun study load cared thick lump chain throw might charge twice November closed unless The Iowa Spelling Scales 51 wagon tire speaker housekeeping youth e f\rrf trying 48% ton travel invite inviting 50% booklet anyhow before trunk used leaf learned brown Bible velvet liked candle depend does broke copy coy wire 46% afraid loaded loud painter grew grind intend i *n^i drew feeder front almost began behalf pending played pleasure killed, lighting heard herewith between chicken plenty press lose maple meeting higher hoped household closing dice enjoy reached simple sleet nearer opening payment listed match mister fail fifteen flesh Thursday together tried pools moment frame unable pretty remark seventy st Eiix* picture post office remind funny grip grown waited weather woman understanding wnllrprl rule seal inclosed junk wrong 44% VVctli4.t5lJ. weekly shame speak kindness kisses beet board young stating laugh calf 49% sum lesson cleaned all right tax liberty company bog ticket living cotton boss turn maybe dare bottle wear named Dr. brain 47% neat everybody busy catch painted feeling coffee change pleased filled colt cleaner printer gas doctor clever shortly harvest fence death strongest improve file dread watch inches forty drug won joke fresh garment woven joyful glee gee largest granted handle gown iron STEP 1442% likewise membership I'm knew 45% newspaper lunch main ans. odd moving member anyway pump partly merry blew regard people moved branches regret printing needing broken retail renting nineteen buying rubber September remove demand scout seventh rip French sewing sixth sash getting sock size scrap grove somewhere 52 The Iowa Spelling Scales started sure gallon lonely strike twelve hardware noise turkey understand insert regarding voter worm knowing reply western writing you'll 41% known latest reported seUer wrote act meantime sickness AQC/.. agent monthly utmost 40 *yo among nation weary auto charming ashamed Aug. program raw wished chose Ave. settle dated drilling enclosed awhile cause chairman sitting slipper taste STEP 1534% 37% filing cooler trace base finest handling delighted extent waiting whom building buyer helpful fourth writer coach hurt fully Xmas. comply I'd heat 39% deeply idea herein address delightful insist jar beef dirty latter leather lower likely loving music beg chum crowd during fact fairly mighty phone damage forward office potatoes discount guess plain power duty hare present prize feel heavy quite profit knot hereby recover removed prove range linen loss history informed running smaller reaching respond manage packed join listen that 's sale painting manner Tues. 9% sample steel perhaps remit minute movement afterward until retain namely amount wedding since ordering birth women slept organ classes 40% suit ought friend already therefore payable glasses answer title prevent globe anybody uncle provided grip anywhere visit quit handsome boiler vote reason hurry burn workmanship remain learning chance 38% seemed needed cloudy baking skating patch dose bushel thereof postage dozen coin tight quickly dressed cottage trained return fifth debate whole Saturday follow gotten witch second frankly greater withdraw Sept. fund limb worst The Iowa Spelling Scales 53 36% haven't permit crazy adjust highest raised earning backed inclosing rushed elect bottom outlined score expert buggy placing shoulder extra button remember soldier finished catalogue serve waist forgotten caused share waste formed checking single wonderful forwarding clearly skirt zone hotel county strongly St% item cutting thirty acting I've dancing toward build level depending visiting builder lining eighteen 34% changed lonesome field advise comfort narrow friendly agreed debating ninety further break delivered parlor habit Bro. desire picnic isn't choose disposed proof lamb coast eleventh recovered leaving court enough returned lucky devoted exchange season mailing dollar fourteen served misses figure froze shipping mistake film fullest thousand nerve frozen gum truly nevertheless gravy greatest upper owing handled homestead pearl proved kept letting independent inspect STEP 1627% quarter performed labor 80% ribbon repeat lowest advice setting scale needle barrel showed shopping nicely broad spread submit ninth careful talked through officer caught Thanksgiving value oversight charged tired 33% owe cheaper tread carrying placed cheerful treated changing providing credit wait collar quiet eager watching daddy reaches else dealing server enclose 35% dispose shone enjoying August edge simply February awaiting fancy square foolish bigger fever stuff helped bulk fitting though invoice center forwarded understood nickel chapter illness voting nurse daily intended whether plainly enclosing kitchen 91% provide express lung absent raising failed mass await recite family obliged beaten record fixed o 'clock clerk scare 54 The Iowa Spelling Scales sign middle artist slight notice beyond struck passed bowl vacation patent closely worry phoned continue 29% pupil contract admit putting cure alfalfa repair delivery answered saddle dreadful breakfast stayed ease checked studying explained cherries taught favor covered taxes force dealer touch gaining enjoyed united gentleman explain valued graze extend voice health German we'll hence laid 27% honest Latin addresses improving losing aid limit pavement attend married per cent blessed preacher prevented booth properly proven bridge public queer carefully refund raise coasting serving recent confined shock recess contain spare remembering detail stamped request entry trouble rough factory watched sire furnishing wearing smooth happened wondering supply holiday 25% temple including acted to-morrow instead amply turned investment ankle unpaid largely answering using loose balance worse ocean barley yoke respect blooming 28% returning captain built ruin clothe cheap secure common colored standard control consist statement cough decline suffering crew delayed surprise dairy fern throughout didn't gain useful either haste vary entering ideal violin excuse joined zero forenoon ladies 26% good-bye locate aim greatly lovingly amounting instant loan offering package perfect piano problem promise rainy recently renewed requested stories towel 94% active adjustment billed circus cousin cripple dodge figured friendship furnish hasn't hello industry inst. interesting lately management mention model obtained ordered owned! primary prior property rapid refuse suitable text whose wouldn 't STEP 1721% 23% advance aren 't breaking carried cellar contained containing explaining Tlie Iowa Spelling Scales 55 formerly freeze gentlemen group guide headquarter interest language manager message pastor postal presented slightly sorrow talent treatment abstract actor animal attending bluff boarding dependent earnest enroll entered fare firm headache healthy pattern publisher rye seldom steady studies surface term transit adopted against agreeable allow amendment attach automobile bass believe burden chief degree desired discovered English entertaining entire ere etc. except flavor following hurried improved jury maintain method owner promised represented strict suppose tract traveling visited wasn 't winner written you'd yourselves 20% addition adjusted advantage advertised alley aware beauty cabinet client constant convention decided deportment deserve direct dwelling enrolled female figuring fitted gained growth honestly honor increasing limited located machine missed modern northern prompt quoted rapidly receive refreshment rendered replying require search silence situation splendid stopped weigh 19% advising apply argument booster cigar confident creamery due favorite fortune fuel furnace furnished guest handkerchief husband important include included installed ironing jobber minister normal obtain planning pleasant promotion protected question realize refer represent required satisfied select settlement several station student subject support tatting uniform worrying STEP 18% addressed attain avenue avoid butcher cartoon climate companion couple described employed enrollment example final information intention interested lecture lodge mentioned notion offered operated popular prepared procured Prof. prospect raiser refused republican reserve safety semester settled slippery spirit 17% although benefit biggest calm carrier comfortable condition democrat desiring effort election entertainment 56 The Iowa Spelling Scales expressed theater separate doubt fault tickled valley exciting grocery topic 14% extended hadn't vacant adventure famous human we Ve advertise followed instructed 15% affair foundation ivory advertisement applied freight length advertising assist general local altogether auntie girlie loyal appear barely graduating nature based basis graduation piece bracelet candidate heir prepaid canned capable . inclined produce choice capital inspector really combination concluded location relation correct conduct meant rifle customer confer parcel shipper cute consideration period sweater destroyed continued personal weighed district copies positive 16% drama course prefer ambition entitle excited production average equally expecting realizing bargain expired factor salary blackberries erasoline fashion sanitary consider importance forced satisfaction considering increased judge secured contemplated international library selection conversation madam manufacture stomach daughter manual operation success decide measure parent telegram depot meter product telephone directed misunderstanding quote total direction moral relative welfare director mountain reputation worthy discontinued neglect Sabbath 12% disgusted neither studied advanced doesn 't object style assure education organized tanning attention entirely ourselves view believing federal pardon weight central future perfectly coarse garage grateful president publication STEP 19 12% college complaint inquiry published 13% complete Ibs. purpose ache congratulation parties reasonable action considered patron reduction advised constantly pertaining regardless appointment contrary prayer relationship arrange convince promptly renewal braid different result requesting certainly duties route resident choosing easily service resulting considerable elected shipped salesman couldn 't equipment struggle satisfactory credited exam. surprised scarce disposal existing The Iowa Spelling Scales 57 expected progress suggested arranged failure reference treasurer article favorable register trial assuring heretofore remembered valuable attended inquire section volume attraction invitation straight worried attractive justify surplus calves literary niece themselves 10% STEP 20 8% canvass carnival personality absolute 9% cashier preparation according absolutely Christian prepare agency account cities priced appeared administrator collect produced applicant arrive connect regular arrived assured connected remedy attached banquet consequently respectfully automatic certain council responsible beginning choir current sense cement companies deposit signed commence composition description strawberries concerning confirming design superintendent convinced deliveries disappointment transfer co-operating democratic entitled X-ray corporation deserved exception 11% crowded distribution favored ability data earliest instance appeal develop elsewhere involved athletics directly establish literature awful engineer established machinery calendar envelope examination merit capacity exactly extensive mortgage cedar exhibit factories ordinary concern fabric funeral particular concert grammar genuine preliminary conference happiness geography preparing congratulate hesitate hauled prevail correction hospital honorable proceed courage indicate improvement recommend curtain influence neighborhood representation duplicate instruct nervous requirement durable internal obligation resigned employee investigation organize satisfactorily entertain justified practice satisfy evidently million quality secretary explanation neglected received signature ghost nephew registration suggest identify noticed reliability supplied increase policy relieve supplies installment presume selected universal institution private strength 7% label proposition subscriber additional liquid ree'd thesis allowed mere reduced thorough application opera registered union assistant position regulation 8% attempt possess reliable absence authorized possible securing acre brief 58 The Iowa Spelling Scales channel submitted similar privilege collection supposed society process completely terrible succeeded prosperous confidence urge university readily connection weren 't variety regularly co-operation wholesale vision serious cushion 5% social dangerous STEP 21 6% accordance subscription debt 6% acknowledge successful destination accept acquire surgery difference accomplish allotment sympathy division agriculture alumni timothy employer announce anniversary type exact assigned anxious usual exceptional assortment attorney excitement ballot available exercise bulletin awfully STEP 22 4% expense celebrate bonus 4% expensive circuit citizen acceptance expression circular commerce accident extreme collecting committee acquainted feature communication constitution actual fraternally community contemplating advancement furniture compelled conveniently affectionately graduate confirm correctly algebra hastily correspond correspondence annual illustrated correspondent coupon appearance inducement decrease difficulty appointed instruction demonstrated domestic appreciated insurance disagreeable doubtless assignment introduced engineering effect assistance legal error electrical assume legislation estimated examine assurance magazine evidence exclusively blizzard medicine excess fashionable bureau musical experience federation business national fierce generally certificate notary frequently glorious character notify geometry government circulation occupied gratitude humor circumstances operating guaranteed illustrating conclusion opinion hustling immediate connecting organization imagine immediately conservatory patient junior impossible considerably permanent knowledge inconvenience convenience possibly material inquires cordially practical mental issue crocheting probably merchandise issued customary profession merely judgment decision receiving neighbor liable definitely reception numerous liberal development reduce original moderate disease remembrance planned notified efficient reservation quantity occasion electricity rural referring official enthusiasm special remittance polities epidemic straightened representative principle examined The Iowa Spelling Scales 59 excellent attendance appreciate apparatus executed civics assembly appendicitis executive convenient auditor appreciation exhausted cordial authority associate familiar corrected campaign associated finally definite candidacy attitude generous difficult commercial characteristic illustration disappoint commission chautauqua instructor discourage commissioner confirmation investigate efficiency compliment continuous journal encourage consequence courteous materially enormous construction exceptionally naturally equipped consultation extremely opportunity especially co-operative fundamental personally examiner crochet Hallowe 'en physician exhibition demonstration individual practically extension disappointed ingredients premium favorably enthusiastic leisure principal guarantee financial majority profitable impression gradually maturity purchased qualities instrument; interfere grippe immense necessary orchestra quotation librarian inferior pneumonia recommendation manufacturing institute politician referred practicing introduced possibility response presence lieutenant quantities science purchase mechanical resource series receipt natural responsibility sincere relieved necessity schedule strictly remained originally senior succee'd sufficient superior system sincerely solicit specification stationary particularly previous professional prosperity soliciting specially thoroughly transportation unusually supervision territory usually regretting rheumatism STEP 25 0% advisable various vicinity sourco anticipate 9% accommodate zephyr SU DSX1T/UT0 supervisor appreciating essential accordingly activity STEP 232% unnecessary unusual foreign fortunate affidavit accompanying license approval accredited STEP 241% occasionally approved actually peculiarities arrangement administration accomplished phosphorus arrival admission acquaintance physical arriving agricultural ambitious possession assessment announcement analysis scientific association anticipating annually tuberculosis SECTION XI THE IOWA SPELLING SCALE GRADE IV GRADE IV STEP 1100% hand all in dll into at did last dog let letter me thank thing to-day may mother must not old STEP 2 99% on and one are over big book say she but that day dear think this good have way when he will his with is it land STEP 4 96% like 97% little apple look bell May butter out by run cook see door ship eat tree green up ice was if what left year love you made make STEP 3 98% milk night as said away school be six boy snow can state come Sunday each them get they give three go top got under why wind your 96% an cake cent city corn down five food free going gold hard her how live looking man my read reader red sand south tell ten we STEP 5 94% about after age ago baby bank bill box dark date dinner do doing east ever face foot from frost gave 95% had hat head Jan. longer pay place pool- ring river same send some summer sweet table then time to-night us wish work working 94% am bad bed bee cannot coat end fast faster Feb. for has him just kind king Monday Nov. of papa Pig play real ride road Sat. seeing silk stove sun 62 The Iowa Spelling Scales 63 till ball blue bunch two below came cap wall best coal car where bird cover case wood blow fat country yet card forget delay cat game drive STEP 692% clear cold girl gone fellow fill 93% cream hang fine along cup help gate ask far house goldfish black farm ink grade blank feet July helping call found June hill child fun keep hog clean fur kid horse clock hall looked hour could happy lost hunt cow hear low late cut inch nine long eye home , & noon open meat most hot large page next however lay park nut inside lived pen outside kiss lot post peach lake March put people life mark rain pie light more reading plow Mr. mouth sat saying much move sell shop name no sent snowed near note show song never October side spent nice oil singing sunshine number report sister take Oct. rest so took off saw sport walk once small standing war overcoat stage stay wash playing stand stick went price telling supper whatever rich thanking there wife room told trip without store town very worker thinking want water write toy week while 89% walking yellow win bake well 91% window bear who air yes deep winter band earth yard 92% banker bay STEP 788% fell felt art belong 90% flat aside beside any forgot back better around grass 64 The Iowa Spelling Scales ground hen ill larger leave lunch new north oh older part paying rock sheep sir snowing such taken teach test the weak willing within word would yourself 88% able afternoon alive arm asked banking basket born bring can't care children dance dress drop early even fall finding Friday grand handy here hold hunting landing law loved mad mail maker market meal mine money mud now or our pick pin rail rent rice row seat seen set shipment son stop tent train trust 87% add added asking bat because become being brand bright brother calling class danger egg fire fish form lives luck meet morning myself net paper party plate print sleep spell step sugar taking tank teaching trunk wheel STEP 884% 86% block body cattle clay close count crop dad dandy December die dust eight farmer fishing flower gather hay heat holding inasmuch master mill Miss neck nothing oats order outfit oven pine point porch pure quick railroad round sack seed sick smart space spot spring stamp starting still stood street teacher wild wishing 85% adding also barn bean boat camp colder dead deal don 't feed first fort glass January job know leg many mate music/ nobody plan/ race] reacfti recall rust sad saved seven shall short should slow staying talking tenth trying upon washing watch wheat wool 84% above battle been birthday bringing brought brown The Iowa Spelling Scales 65 catch remove speak wonder chair renew talk yesterday church rush ' tip 80% forgive shoe twenty alone four sixty unless always glad someone used apart island sound velvet ate kill speaker wet bet kindly thin white between lesson thus worked Bible longest to \vorld board ma were both other ours whenever wide STEP 979% broke change own 82% 91% cool pink agree again cord pocket pole anyone Aug. ahead another covering cross recover aunt belonging drum sink backing blood eve spelling start became blame boss bother everyone fair stone bought cane find than boxes cleaner floor too buy clothing follow true Tuesday charge Christmas contest dearest granted herewith warm died death Til cr}i washed done display IU|g.I| I'm won't football doctor inches yearly 83% April given grandma grant dresser evening fifty income learned behind cared carpet cash cooking cost gray hardly hearing heating held hit fight ford hair harder having homesick listed liver load maid mailed counting kinder inclose mean dearly making later nap draft might lone none every moved noted pa farming paint patch pain father pass post card per finger forest . passing person renter rose plum rained glove picking shot removed great rate sin shape grove remark soon sight half right sum slip harvest safe swell sorry hole sit these started kitten soil thick tie lump sold thought wagon please sometime travel wake printed sort weather wanted 66 The Iowa Spelling Scales wear young 79% begin behalf cleaning darling deed feeding fence fit former garment goat ha handed handle invited its jump leather mend pack queen raining rank riding self shut simple skate soap storm stranger teeth thankful use walked wire 75% across beat belt burn called cheer cloth club coming company dozen fail grandfather hundred largest lift list lumber marking matter nation nearly neat officer otherwise overlooked pound printer proper roof sample sending seventh shade silver size somewhere speed spending spoke stock sure Thursday trade twice welcome wrote 77% brick brush carry check closed colt damp Dec. file friend garden goose grain himself labor lace leader member miss only pencil posted printing ready rug saver 75% sixth bit something blew thereafter branch thousand chart tiny chop try closer which crib whole does worth dollar drug STEP 10 73% everybody 76% glasses afterward heard amount holder beg I'll bench intend bite keeping calf kindest clever liberty depend lovely dream merry drew mighty enough flour month Mrs. forth need fresh newspaper gallon office grew pair happen hurt picture pillow idea proud jar provide killed rack met rented nose painted pools rip rolling rubber press scout pride seem program prove renting sash seventy shortly smaller soft selling steel Sept. stunt September team steam treat their 74% ticket act tire ans. unable anyway understanding bottle wedding chance wise chicken wishes cotton woven fact The Iowa Spelling Scales 67 farther field folder gladly guess heavy herself joke kisses leaves match mostly news November ocean oldest ordering phone post office quafrt rabbit reached rule shame sis sock somewhat tend those tile together trace track twelve uncle understand voter west witch 75% almost anything awhile building coffee county dread dressed easy enter everything failed front fruit grown heap inclosed inspect iron likewise payment peace pleased remain returned scrap seal spend study temple vote wanting whereby 72% acting agent anywhere army classes cleaned content dare deliver drill fear getting gift gown improve indeed kindness maple o 'clock odd planted postage protest providing pump roll seemed shed sore thread ton township turn wage 71% answer ashamed bid branches build bushel cast center discount during eighty elect fee feeling folk froze funny gain hate household lame latter least living loaded mailing moment moving ought packed partly pending prevent pull render return rough saving sickness slide stated tested thirty trusting visit wished 70% anyhow bog booklet coast copy corner depending enclose filled flesh formed itself junk learn main meeting named noise oblige plain raised ranch reason repair rushed talked trained won wrong Xmas STEP 1166% 69% afraid among AVe. badly brain candle cloudy court dated drilling family finish fourth French gee grind handling higher hoped kitchen leaf mistake nearer nicely nor orange past perfect range sale settle sewing snap strongly suit title withdrew 68 The Iowa Spelling Scales writer joined zone lighting 68% locate broad lung broken meantime busy mind cause needle demand nurse enjoyed filling obliged payable forward plenty globe pretty greater slipper greeting growing third through health turkey hers value kept western knew wonderful knowing known 66% laugh afloat letting all right perhaps beaten placing chain poorly chose powder coy raw dispose respond enjoy Saturday fancy says favor since fifteen stating frankly strongest gas waist history women joyful worm lie 67% liked already August lucky membership beef nerve bottom opening changed changing owned packing cottage dealing dice power proved provided expert express remind spread few stair haven r t that 's helpful throw hereafter vacation housekeeping voice including waited invite you'll 65% message absent mountain before phoned bugs picnic builder played chairman prize, cheap raising coin shipping colored shoulder contain shown delivered strike devotee! treated dose until frame valued fully weekly gland writing grit zero handled 63% highest auto hoping await hurry checking inviting delighted learning edge leaving excuse lowest feeder ordered figure painter finest parlor fitting present handsome produce hare retail helped serve ivory share mister single monthly sooner opened square pearl taught penny tax reaches training regard understood sitting weary steady 64% waiting breakfast youth chapter closing earning STEP 1258% extent 62% extra birth fix breaking freeze chill frozen chum hotel contract inclosing cooler inform cough informed cousin join Dr. lamb enclosed The Iowa Spelling Scales explain ease 58% profit fifth improved address public fitted intended agreed shock forwarding invoice base surprised greatest listen carried taxes hardware lonesome caused turned herein loss coasting waste knot mamma collar watching level mass comfort 56% manage measure cure actor painting middle damage although quickly nature delightful baking reaching offering detail boiler refuse owe fever buying rod rapid fourteen cheaper score recovered guide confined station repeat habit contained stuff retain illness daily thereof scare I've dancing to-morrow setting ladies dealer wait settlement Jjjnguage feel workmanship sew linen figured 61% skating lovely foolish blessed tread narrow furnish charming tried needing German cheerful 59% nineteen happened clearly anybody obtain I 'I dairy appear organ improving dirty capital season instead disposed duty caught covered suffering Thanksgiving movement package extend crowd throat quarter friendly daughter united refund insist exchange voting regarding located fixed 57% reported loud following answering saddle lower force beet sign piano forwarded beyond slept reply headquarter bridge tired sheet hence crazy useful showed limb crew Wednesday stamped loving deeply whom subject manner delayed 55% though namely eager amounting Tues. pattern eighteen answered visited pavement eleventh backed worse per cent finished boarding 60% performed further buggy adjust placed homestead bulk advise proven honest charged awaiting quit husband choose Bro. quite latest crippled built record lose debate checked request married decline color requesting misses discovered comply respect needed enjoying direct woman prevented explained 70 The Iowa Spelling Scales fairly dodge enrolled forenoon gotten fund excited garage grip future film gentleman industry germ fullest greatly isn't holiday graze Ibs. lecture insert investment loose neglect ninth length notion nevertheless presented maintain potatoes notice primary outlined promised plainly proof Prof. queer pleasure ribbon property quoted production properly scale struck rainy remained shopping silence regret supply remembering sorrow require suppose renewed surprise suitable surface wearing wouldn 't server weigh throughout trial worst yoke worry upper 52% written valley STEP 1350% abstract advance 60% awful 48% 54% ample careful adjustment aid chief clerk animal aim debating closely avenue barrel else conduct aware begun entering entertaining break correct fuel entry calm directed furnishing factory central except headache February concluded flavor hello loyal degree friendship item minute deportment gaining likely northern dreadful gravy machine noticed either include maybe pupil fern intention model rapidly filing loan obtained owing oversight passed perfectly served sleet standard gasoline hereby judge permit postal statement lately raise requested truly niece second secure using parcel seller seldom wondering ,t/C*A V ' V -f A prospect spare stayed 49% pufting tight watched studies submit advice alley recently recess winner therefore < A "V ankle recite yourselves 53% treatment trouble biggesfr bar den returning settled adopted unpaid butcher skirt bigger 51% captain smooth bowl action consist splendid buyer attend containing stories continue balance delivery taste creep beauty election topic cutting coach example traveling desire daddy expressed visiting The Iowa Spelling Scales 71 47% we've ere addition whose explaining admit worried forced aren't worthy furnace cabinet instant cherries n _ STEP 1442% jobber due jury fare 45% mentioned lodge. against normal patent artist pardoa pleasant companion paren,t quiet considering popular strict couple rendered touch exciting reputation toward fault term uniform figuring utmost whether lining 42% 46% account prompt question allow circus acted active studied weight complete convention addresses 44% duties attending bass automobile fcooth English expected bluff carefully fashion booster carrying gentlemen button conversation grocery climate destroyed included clothe final information credit growth laid enclosing handkerchief location entered honestly recent entertainment human shipped forty independent slightly hasn't modern sweater honor neighborhood view increasing prepaid violin mention problem 41% pertaining replying addressed progress required apply promotion ruin blooming refused serving condition regulation relationship shipper soldier contemplated dependent rye union different satisfied 43% drama service advertised dwelling several arrive elected sire average entertain student control extended studying debt famous text depot favorable tickled decision ideal towel earnest important weighed effort interested we'll entirely liquid losing manufacture minister missed object parties piece preparing publisher reduced refreshment relation represent result rifle scarce situation worrying 40% agreeable barley blackberries catalogue creamery desired desiring expired gained healthy hospital inquire local offered pastor preacher prepare promptly realize reduce remember running struggle vary 39% arrange believe candidate carrier comfortable common complaint constant director factor failure female 72 The Iowa Spelling Scales group hurried respectfully arrived haste inclined strawberries braid installed interest 3 4 ofr, district ironing machinery manager operated product priced produced quote register republican t/tt /O appeal awfully capable certain cities exam, general geography increase largely promise protected remit talent telephone tract college consider c o n t inn 6 cL opera opinion positive reserve transit convinced published success 36% deserved satisfactory supplied advantage foundation signed ctvlp you'd 38% advanced adventure advising avoid instruct instructed mere styie succeeded themselves alfalfa calves moral valuable bargain billed cement cellar considered couldn 't neglected neighbor prevail 31% accomplish advertising cigar confident courage data procured reduction attain believing convince curtain describe didn't easily entitle formerly furnished reliable section separate source calendar combination constantly corrected employed firm forgotten limit lovingly manual increased international Latin limited management 33% bracelet channel composition congratulate dangerous disgusted followed graduation hauled heir method really resulting simply slippery STEP 1534% owner prepared receive select supposed transfer treasurer 35% customer democrat education enroll entire favored happiness importance liberal million misunderstanding neither ninety operation organized ourselves 37% attach improvement personal ache attached library raiser acre argument attention crowded decided doubt period realizing search regardless regular remedy choice expecting secured selected current factories securing stomach cute fierce slight straight decide guest tatting vacant deserve hadn't total discontinued madam vision doesn 't position 32% STEP 1627% domestic prayer adjusted 30% exact private advertise according exactly represented applied advancement feature resident arranged advised The Iowa Spelling Scales 73 appointed 28% deposit resigned appointment appeared engineering salesman attended approved freight secretary automatic beginning good-bye series banquet Christian graduating suggest cartoon commence issued tanning connected correction notify X-ray connecting correctly obligation copies corporation direction earliest personality prefer STEP 1721% credited exception quality 23% directly hesitate reasonable absence excess interesting relative absolute exercise nervous remembered arriving favorite prior rural article federal purpose sense client funeral representation stationary 4 collecting inspector requirement stopped connection inst. safety supplies deliveries moderate strength 25% difficulty nickel submitted advertisement engineer particular transportation author enrollment patron tOW rrf canned experience proceed publication reference 27% auntie based confer disposal doubtless frequently furniture graduate reservation route suggested theater wasn >t 29% accordingly affair altogether companies conference contrary democratic develop difference extensive fortune gratitude issue effect evidently influence inquiry junior liable meant musical organize grateful label occupied possible possibly practicing purchased quotation receiving ambition IP oral permanent registered amendment benefit cashier collect icgrti manufacturing nephew president presume purchase reception selection semester salary subscription succeed 22% concern connect registration resource serious society accent athletics course Sabbath strictly business etc. QQ 4-TQ-P-TT volume choir examined odtio-Ly spirit 24% collection expression ghost superintendent support assist ballot compelled consequently humor instance telegram employer examine consideration co-operating internal 26% existing coupon justified attraction generous demonstrated literary barely heretofore design medicine cedar imagine durable planning coarse impossible envelope refer concerning justify equipment system concert national explanation wholesale confirming process fabric 74 The Iowa Spelling Scales genuine supervision planned 15% hustling surplus probably agency inquires type relieve allotment installment 19% representative announcement insurance appearance responsible assignment investigate application universal assistance involved arrangement 17% assuring satisfaction timothy 21% actual admission assured attempt choosing circulation citizen considerably correspond administrator conclusion congratulation description disappoint estimated attorney electricity encourage exceptional extreme familiar celebrate crochet excellent generally construction decrease discourage establish difficult distribution equally excitement government inconvenience indicate inducement geometry grippe instructor instrument established expensive librarian literature hastily federation notified notary investigation . mental numerous preliminary operating T)rGSGHCG ordinary possess merchandise patient policy practice qualities quantity relieved straightened subscriber sympathy proposition prosperous readily received regretting practical previous profitable referring special reliability urge terrible surgery renewal weren 't usual sanitary signature variety STEP 1816% 18% 16% alumni arrival 14% absolutely additional auditor 20% ability assortment blizzard allowed assistant accident agriculture assure attractive completely consult Ei/tion basis algebra available expense brief carnival announce assembly capacity circular foreign fundamental commerce confidence assessment attendance crocheting electrical gradually honorable cushion destination authorized certainly entitled epidemic mortgage occasion elsewhere consequence evidence quantities examiner conservatory exclusively thesis identify considerable fashionable sincere instruction convenient grammar introduction judgment council decision individual invitation STEP 1912% legislation development merely 13% magazine examination rec'd applicant natural girlie remembrance association politics inferior remittance assume preparation institution successful canvass receipt introduced supervisor communication regularly knowledge territory constitution superior meter welfare co-operative The Iowa Spelling Scales 75 cordial physical committee guarantee demonstration privilege continuous maturity disagreeable recommend definite responsibility duplicate specification definitely 5% employee thorough fortunate accredited finally usually Hallowe 'en attitude illustrated 10% immediately convenience impression assurance interfere courteous necessity bonus occasionally efficient organization circumstances original essential premium commercial principal exceptionally profession enthusiastic prosperity physician senior executive tuberculosis professional social fraternally unusual science 12% acquainted agricultural anxious bulletin guaranteed journal possession practically recommendation 7% actually affidavit analysis appreciated specially sufficient various STEP 224% compliment co-operation disease response satisfactorily appreciation commissioner conveniently 4% acquaintance appreciating error executed STEP 208% cordially exhibition associate chautauqua exhibit 9% extremely commission glorious accompanying institute community majority accomplished materially financial merit activity necessary ingredients naturally advisable official license orchestra affectionately originally rheumatism similar annual personally solicit university approval phosphorus thoroughly unusually assigned associated pneumonia possibility 3% anticipating 11% certificate referred bureau acquire administration anniversary confirm circuit equipped extension illustration soliciting unnecessary vicinity zephyr efficiency lieutenant politician schedule contemplating immediate ^.F / sincerely correspondent leisure mechanical STEP 21 6% STEP 232% customary disappointed principle substitute 6% appendicitis disappointment accommodate enormous 8% acknowledge STEP 24 1% exhausted acceptance ambitious anticipate favorably accordance appreciate apparatus illustrating annually candidacy peculiarities immense authority confirmation scientific material opportunity campaign character correspondence enthusiasm STEP 250% particularly civics especially characteristic SECTION XII THE IOWA SPELLING SCALE GRADE V GRADE V STEP 1 100% nil corn could dll and of dear did at baby book but come dinner door dress each day good got hand every fast fish five have game he go her his how going happy hard home is ^4. hunt 1C TT let lot in July kind may old read lake land last run letter say like see this three little long look up love we what make will wish with wood year your man May Monday mother must my not STEP 2 99% Nov. on age out are over ball place barn play be rich big said boy seven by she call ship came snow can state card tell thank park that saw thing saying think school top show under silk was so way south winter spend work spring store taken STEP 3 98% ten add the am them away then bank train bell walking bill wall box why bring would cake yet calling yourself car care cash STEP 496% clear 97% dark about do after dog ago east along feet apple food asking foot back from bed gate bee gold blow had brother hay butter head city help class however clean ice count if cow inside cut into dance just date day down men earth much end nine fall oil farm one fat 78 . The Iowa Spelling Scales 79 fell fire free gave get give grade has hat hot ill ink June kindly left light live longer looking made milk more most Mr. night north nut off once outside page papa pay Pig put red rent river rush sand seen send sheep should sick six some stand stay such sun sweet take tent they thinking time to-day to-night two us very walk wash well whatever where white who within world you adding an 96% bad became best better bird block blue bright cap case cat cent chair children coat cold cook cover covering dad delay doing dust early ever face farming faster fellow fill for found fun glad goldfish grand green half hall heat hen hill hold inch joy king large late lost mail market mean mill move note number our pine point poor print rain reader reading real road same sell short side sister spell spelling standing stone summer Sunday table thanking there till toy tree used want war washing water went west wheat when wide window working yard STEP 594% 95% added afternoon art asked backing banking bay bean below beside black blank boat brick cannot change coal cream cup dead Dec. eat Feb. felt filling finding Friday frost girl glass grass ground grove handy him hog hour house hunting Jan. kid landing law lived low mad March meat morning mud myself 80 Tlfie Iowa Spelling Scales name near net never nice of oldest paper part pen picture playing price ready rest rice ride rock Sat. sent shoe singing sink sleep sound start storm stove teacher telling thin took unable were wind wise without worker able above ahead air also arm around ask banker bat bear because behind belong contest cost country 94% cross darling deep died don't drive even eye far fight first fishing fit forget glove gone great keep kiss lady larger leader leave leg life longest looked ma meal mine no now Oct. older open or overcoat party pick pie pin proper rail reach remove report room rose round rust sad slow son song soon sport stamp stated stick stop swell teaching teeth ticket trip upon wake warm wife willing worked yellow yes STEP 6 92% 93% sat shall sin slip act alone any anyone aside bake become belt board body boxes camp can't child colder cool crop done eight father flat fort four goat hair handed handle hear himself inches lesson list liver lives load loved luck mark master mate money mouth new noon nothing oats oh painted pass post postage press quick rule sack saved seed seeing sending set seventy silver sir sit small soft soil spending spent stage started staying still stood sugar supper teach test town walked week whenever while yearly zone 92% another April The Iowa Spelling Scales 81 army sold paint ate spot pump basket talking queen birthday cattle these told rubber snowed check trust soap cleaning twenty something clock western sorry close 91% speak December alive sum sunshine drop easily aunt band beat taking talk tenth egg fence fine been being branch than tip forgot form fnr bringing buy tire ton true J_UX grant heating helping job jump kill kinder lumber next cane charge chart church clay coffee danger deal deed depend trunk try Tuesday unless wanted wanting washed welcome wheel win only dream other pack packing enough feed fifty wire wishing wonder paying friend people given picking ha STEP 7 i pillow hardly pink heavy 90% planted high Aug. plate hole blood please homesick both plow horse brought pocket January brush pound keeping bunch pride lame burn printed railroad largest lunch called catch recall mailed chum renter matter classes seat meet club self mostly content September moved county shipment shop music nobody dearest dresser sickness order farmer smart oven fear snowing own file flower garden gift growing hang harder harvest here hit holding income itself kindness kitten know lace listed lump marking nation nearly neck none noted November office ours outfit person pure range rank rate recover remain remark rented retain return shame shape sort space station steam study tank thereafter those thus trained use wagon wet wild 82 TJie Iowa Spelling Scales wool word worth yesterday 89% acting booklet born bottle bought brain brand cared carry center chop closed coast cooking dated discount display dollar dozen drug drum duty everything express fact fail few filled gather getting happen hate hurry invite leaves less maid mailing maker many might news painter partly patch peach phone plenty pole post card printing protest pull race rained render roof row settle shortly shut sixty size speaker stranger street strongest suit sure temple thick travel trying understand watch weak woven young 88% agree bet blame cheer Christmas closer cord counting enter evening everyone fair finish follow football force forest former front funny garment grain gray grown holder hoped I'm indeed lift finger lovely ford membership forgive met frame newspaper goose nose grandma October grew passing hearing per herself plan inasmuch raw learned right learning ring leaving sale Miss saving miss selling month Sept. noise skate orange snap otherwise spoke pleased starting posted step prevent stunt printer team quart thankful raised thought removed tie respect township roll track seventh turkey share uncle shot understanding sight united someone vote somewhere wrote stock tend 87% tile across title again trace agent treat always apart trusting asleep awhile STEP 8 84% Bible 86% boss almost bother amount build answer calf charming anything begin chicken behalf cloth bid coin bite crib cleaner dandy coasting family cotton feeling death The Iowa Spelling Scales 83 deliver court clothing 88 demand damp cloudy active doctor dare company address draft dearly dispose ans. eve depending does badly exchange dressed enjoy beet failed drew fancy beg figure drill feeding bit finished edge folder broken gown greatest forth bugs grandfather grind frankly builder hardware heap fresh candle held honest glee changed history household having clever improve inform heard colt knew invited higher conduct learn island hundred copy making killed I'll drilling match kisses improved eighteen moving labor inclosed excuse named leather iron extent need locate joke field pain lower least formed peace nature loaded gladly pending overlooked lone hereafter poorly pa lonesome hotel power painting loud inclose rack pair lung lighting raining plum meantime located reaching porch member lucky renew present merry maple renting reported mighty meeting rug riding monthly middle sample rolling nap northern scout Saturday nicely offering sock seem produce packed tested sometime proud payment thereof third provide pearl thread thousand ir raise plain too Thursday record prize twice treated repair ranch value velvet turn waited request rod respond returned wear whole shade rough won wishes sheet scale 85% withdraw showed second absent 84% simple single anywhere afraid since sixth belonging August smaller slipper building auto somewhat sooner carpet battle stair thirty cast bench strongly to cause between taxes treatment caused branches their vacation chance brown tried visit contain bushel weather witch cottage chill wished won't 84 Tine Iowa Spelling Scales writing youth zero action afterward already among boiler broad broke cleaned cure decline delighted eighty elect everybody flesh floor froze fruit gaining globe granted herewith instead joyful kindest lamb leaf liberty lie living mountain Mrs. neat obtain ocean officer pencil pretty program prove proved provided question requested rip rushed scare several stuff thioat through tiny twelve understood voter waiting weary wedding whereby women wonderful yoke STEP 979% 91% advance anyhow blew button buyer caught central chain clearly damage daughter enclosed find finest flour folk fuel gallon greeting haven't helped hence later laugh mind mister nearer nor opening outlined payable phoned played prevented production quickly reduce refuse retail seal seemed setting spread square steel subject talked tread valley voice waist which worm 80% afloat anyway artist breakfast bridge cheap corner cutting delivered directed English fixed greater greatly health hers hurt junk likewise mass mend needed needle nevertheless notice o 'clock ordering pools post office potatoes raising repeat sew shed strike studies though trade 79% amounting before bottom carried charged climate comfort comply cousin dealer dealing deeply deserve dose expert extend feeder fifth foolish frozen germ guess homestead informed judge listen main moment obtained penny postal power product public reached reason recovered remind season serve speed stamped student suitable throw trouble turned union upper valued visited wait whom wrong 78% answering beef chapter crazy daily The Iowa Spelling Scales 85 dancing herein movement 74% dread insist perfect acre election intend permit actor factory joined plainly anybody farther Ibs. primary attend fix now reaches backed fourth nerve scrap barrel fully nurse sis beauty gas odd training beyond German opened truly buying grit ought until captain handling past watching color idea placed coy inspect pleasure 75% enclosing isn't jar proven rabbit although animal except explained kitchen require appear further knowing tax ashamed gee language weekly Ave. handled latest weigh beaten highest latter weight begun improving liked woman birth inviting message package perhaps reply Xmas. STEP 1073% changing checking coach creep ivory known length local returning 76% ease measure sash abstract factor million score skating slide steady that's tired visiting *n answered bigger built bulk capital cheaper checked forty fourteen friendly gained gland helpful its misses needing owner picnic profit rapid recite we'll clerk level relation worse 77% cough dairy linen manage relationship section acted detail notion secure blessed dodge object silence busy cheerful eager else ordered organ skirt soldier coming contract couple direct figured freeze furnish grip owing parlor providing ribbon sore statement taught throughout eleventh o lr headache slept to-morrow enclose excited housekeeping intended sorrow stating towel unpaid explain join term 75% extra kept together agreed fashion lecture touch await favor loving useful chairman gain machine view closing habit married worst collar handsome mistake writer cooler 86 The Iowa Spelling Scales covered holiday rainy couldn 't deportment hospital remember delivery disposed inclosing says director dreadful include serving district during intention sleet doubt enjoyed invoice suffering Dr. expected ladies Tues. example famous namely winner expressed French owe workmanship fitted furnished parties 70% fortune gasoline per cent admit forwarding hare promised advice geography healthy putting awaiting grocery including quit blooming headquarter investment recess bluff important letting reduction booth improvement lodge regard buggy insert lonely reserve butcher I've oblige sewing delightful lowest perfectly shipping desire manner piano shoulder earnest minute property stayed explaining normal prospect supply fullest obliged quarter uniform furnace quite regulation wage graze recently saddle 71% happened refreshment saver addresses loss refused settlement advise model sign shock alley neglect sitting submit barley nineteen surface Thanksgiving began parent topic traveling break placing waste voting carrier presented watched *> ' 3>of cities problem worry iZ/O apply containing continue progress quoted yourselves baking delayed reduced 68% base desired rye adjust bog dice scarce advising careful dirty seller ample cigar fitting served aware correct foundation server believe crowd curtain furnishing gentleman spare sweater chose common devoted discovered handkerchief hoping Wednesday we've condition consist dwelling human wouldn 't contained earning husband you'll credit elected illness employed enjoying entering increasing knot STEP 11 66% fairly forenoon feel likely 69% forgotten fever limb according friendship fifteen loyal aid fund film owned balance hurried flavor pavement calm I'd forward pupil cement inquire The Iowa Spelling Scales 87 jury rapidly produced followed location remembering required guide performed renewed shipper independent prepaid seldom smooth lately properly suppose surprise lining requesting utmost taste management result written therefore moral settled 65% toward oversight shown ache tract parcel stories aim using piece struck attention worthy proceed success closely 63% proof wasn 't convention addition regular 67% current against remit adjustment boarding debating due ankle complaint rifle strict circus education constant surprised companion entirely depot total dangerous fault entry fare didn 't direction trial you'd fern hadn't directly 61% figuring forwarded instruction item entered entertainment advised automobile included loan exciting biggest information neglected following calves ironing pattern general choice method preparing gentlemen concluded promise prompt gotten conversation recent promptly group cute regret running hasn 't decide remained search hello deposit simply select honor deserved standard text interest difference wondering tickled period final 66% account tight wearing prayer replying musical ninth addressed weighed separate preacher attending breaking 64% allow struggle tanning violin promotion quality burden arrive quiet colored avenue regarding debate average STEP 1258% whose dependent bowl 90% expecting cherries 62% advantage February chief ability adventure ideal collect advanced argument industry crippled avoid Bro. maybe domestic blackberries comfortable modern entitle carefully complete neighbor fee creamery confined noticed hereby daddy consider passed interested describe continued pertaining minister duties debt private offered entertain extended protected ourselves entire factories queer prepare favorable future 88 TJie Iowa Spelling Scales ghost gravy inspector instant interesting limit lose madam mamma national published reputation shopping sire slightly studied vision 55% alfalfa channel connected contemplated decided destroyed different excess feature firm funeral laid liberal maintain mention natural notify operation pardon position presume procured remembered republican ruin satisfied service style supplied usual whether 55% appeal appeared aren 't braid cabinet capable assure STEP 1350% clothe cedar 54% connecting contrary choose considering */tfr /O affair awful control convince considered correctly courage corrected doubtless crew correction either enroll credited enrolled exact doesn't entertaining expired effect favored forced freight furniture generous hesitate garage graduating internal growth honestly loose guest impossible instructed library liquid losing lovingly machinery junior manufacturing neighborhood neither manufacture mentioned operated popular particular possible misunderstanding purchase purpose patent refer receive pleasant selection refund prepared slight reliable priced studying represented register supplies requirement represent vacant resident telephone worried resulting theatre route volume 55% salesman accept selected 57% advancement adjusted advertise 55% author agreeable advertised billed attended article cellar bass assist confer collecting automatic division commence carrying drama concert concerning federal constantly consideration filing effort course installed failure humor manager female increase nephew inclined jobber pastor instruct largely president liable nickel prevail limited patient publication missed Prof. secured publisher quotation signed rendered reference transfer series serious transportation shipped stomach special straight 56% transit support appointed treasurer supposed arrange valuable worrying The Iowa Spelling Scales 89 52% hauled beginning label actual justified booster notified cashier manual fierce quote catalogue niece hustling securing certain really investigation themselves crowded satisfaction Latin I v/v/ discourage situation moderate 44% disgusted stationary personality arriving o4-4-yQ p-f- inn earliest 49% prefer 1 1 1 I I ctL* L1UU circulation exactly arrival rural conference exam. benefit strictly PI! Q"f HTYl AT* federation certainly tatting Cub LUIIILI elsewhere formerly graduation increased introduction coarse confident convinced enrollment 46% advertising all right attach fortunate frequently honorable meant medicine operating opinion exception favorite instance banquet compelled cushion mere obligation policy personal practice reasonable regardless slippery telegram 51% involved literary occupied opera organized positive remedy data decrease difficulty envelope establish expensive fashionable purchased reception reservation suggest 43% accident absence adopted satisfactory splendid happiness nervous brief celebrate bracelet succeed ninety citizen calendar college system vary process relative combination established confidence 48% sanitary glorious connect copies applied attempt society source grammar influence desiring believing succeeded issue discontinued circular talent planned durable composition terrible practical employer connection type profitable encourage considerable realizing expression democrat relieved imagine democratic STEP 1^42% timothy realize good-bye 45/r> universal safety haste trc/ /O absolute 42% spirit strawberries importance numerous altogether amendment auntie available subscriber patron approved canned weren 't raiser assured collection 50% arrived respectfully responsible cartoon choosing congratulate destination bargain strength Christian difficult commerce wholesale concern electrical construction 47% conclusion ere deliveries accomplish develop examine easily announce equally government extensive attached exercise gratitude graduate attain inducement heretofore 90 The Iowa Spelling Scales introduced disease supervision resource invitation estimated welfare supervisor justify examined 31% knowledge mental impression received appreciate absolutely accordingly previous representation assurance assistance qualities social Daiiot auditor receiving regularly resigned submitted superintendent 0> Ofrt basis distribution engineering commercial council existing salary stopped university y-f rrf 38% barely considerably design heir prosperous quantity 34% foreign magazine politics various 41% allowed equipment expense assistant fabric vicinity companies explanation experience instrument illustration installment STEP 1627% grateful material merit indicate instructor registered renewal rec'd reliability oUyC administration advisable insurance international profession sincere 40% Sabbath semester signature subscription superior variety 33% activity based allotment announcement circumstances crocheting demonstration anxious assortment urge canvass conservatory exceptional executed awfully blizzard business candidate congratulation contemplating etc. generally identify investigate legal possibly readily relieve satisfy STEP 1534% 37% application authorized coupon description development disagreeable disposal engineer entitled error majority merchandise co-operative crochet demonstrated electricity excitement hastily literature meter notary presence prior registration secretary sympathy 32% illustrated inquiry journal organization principal principle remembrance similar 29% acquire actually assuring athletics enormous fundamental sense suggested proposition successful attendance client girlie institute surplus territory 36% compliment consequently naturally possess 39% advertisement consultation response agriculture agency duplicate straightened ambition arranged employee thesis appointment confirm examination unusual assembly disappoint inst. 28% attractive evidence issued acquainted choir favorably ordinary arrangement confirming genuine planning assignment co-operating merely practicing completely corporation organize preliminary convenient The Iowa Spelling Scales 91 co-operation confirmation mortgage 14% examiner cordially occasion analysis excellent decision physical appreciated extreme disappointment solicit enthusiasm finally epidemic 19% immediate gradually exhibit accompanying possession orchestra familiar bonus tuberculosis particularly permanent geometry illustrating campaign cordial STEP 1912% preparation interfere correspondent 13% quantities sincerely executive accredited senior license apparatus substitute X-ray STEP 1721% professional specification authority thoroughly 27% 23% 12% additional administrator acquaintance annual STEP 1816% accommodate associate admission annually 1S% courteous applicant association appreciating peculiarities civics essential bureau phosphorus commission exclusively convenience 11% consequence exhausted exceptionally affectionately evidently grippe extension ambitious inquires maturity Hallowe 'en politician institution necessary legislation specially premium opportunity necessity 10% receipt remittance pneumonia anniversary satisfactorily representative 17% conveniently usually unusually accomplished recommendation 26% algebra assigned affidavit appreciation STEP 20 8% appearance certificate commissioner 9% assume character community definite correspond communication inconvenience ingredients immense enthusiastic originally materially judgment librarian practically 8% official personally recommend chautauqua physician privilege referred committee probably regretting scientific definitely thorough science unnecessary zephyr 25% attitude carnival constitution continuous surgery *1% assessment especially extremely 16% candidacy capacity efficient exhibition 7% anticipating guarantee rheumatism soliciting customary inferior financial STEP 21 6% disappointed mechanical guaranteed equipped individual prosperity responsibility immediately leisure efficiency 1 1 on "fon Q TI "f occasionally 20% sufficient Mill 1 ( 11 1 1 1 1 I 5% original possibility acceptance accordance 1S% acknowledge appendicitis schedule alumni agricultural associated anticipate correspondence STEP 22 4% approval attorney fraternally 4% bulletin circuit referring characteristic SECTION XIII THE IOWA SPELLING SCALE GRADE VI GRADE VI STEP 1100% age and away best big bill book boy but call can care clear cover dear did dog door dress each end ever fast father feet found from get give go gold good grand happy has he helping his hog home how if is it just lake large larger let live long may me more most must my name old on one out over place put read reader real rest run said same say see she should stand tell thank that the them they thing this train tree under walk walked was way we went what when will wish with working year STEP 299% able about add all along am an apple are at back bad ball bank be bell better bird black blank blow box butter check child city clean coat cold come cook corn could day deal dinner do doing down eat even face farm farming faster fat fire fish five food girl got grass green hard have head help hold holding ice in inside into July land last lay letter light like little lot love made make man May milk Monday move much myself never not nut oil other park pay peach play rain rich ride ring rock rust saying school sell send seven ship 94 T~ke Iowa Spelling Scales 95 show battle singing because small bee snow brand so bring soil brother some bunch spell by sport cake state came stay cannot stone car table card take case taken changed ten class test clock thanking close think contest three country till covering time cow top cross understanding cut up dark us date very Dec. wagon December washing well delay early west eight wheat every while eye who fail why fall wide fill window foot without for wood four work free worked Friday would game yet gave you going your grade had STEP 3 98% hand hat after hay ago heat air her arm hill around him art homesick ask hot bake hour barn house however hunt ill ink Jan. June kind labor lady late law life lived longer look looking lost loved mark market master meal mill mine money mother nation near next night nine noon note Nov. of off once outside page paper part pick please point poor post print reach red remove rent report river room rush sample sand saw seed seeing shall sheep sick sickness silk slow soon south spelling spend spot spring standing start stop store stove such summer sweet swell talking thinking to-day ton trip Tuesday two unless used wall want wanting week white wife wild wishing within worker yard yellow yes yourself zone STEP 4 96% 97% above adding again agree 96 Tlfie Iowa Spelling Scales alone fur any glad asked glass baby gone backing growing band half banker handy banking harder basket harvest bat held bed here being high below holder beside horse birthday hundred blue hunting body joy bother killed branch kindly bringing building bushel kindness landing leader calling cat left looked cent low chair luck change Christmas clothing p/^ol ma mad mail maker CUcll meat coin count morning Mr. counting net crop dance danger north number office deep display only our dollar oven done overcoat drop earth pack party east people edge per far picture feed Pig fell pin fellow pine felt plate fifty playing fight pound finding price fishing proper forgot rail form reading fun ready renter bottle rice bought Sat. boxes sat braid sent burn set buy shoe called sink cap sister cash six cattle size charge sleep snowed charming children soap clay sound coast space cool stick cost sum cotton sun dandy talk depend tank dressed teaching drive then dust thin to-night earning enter took farmer town few treat figure try first ' unable flower walking forget wash fort water friend whatever fruit where garment wind gate winter gather wire gift write given yearly glasses 96% grain added great ahead ground alive hang also hate another himself anyone hit asking inch become inches behind income belonging jump belt kid block kinder blood king board learn boat leave boss leg The Iowa Spelling Scales 97 lesson slip degree lift smart delighted listed soft died longest lunch sold song draft dream mailed spent drew March spoke eighty marking stamp enough mouth started evening mud stated Feb. music station fence newspaper nice study sunshine filling follow no Sunday forgive nothing ocean supper teacher former frost Oct. telling glove October tent goat older than goose oldest third grove or track handle order trained hear outfit trunk heating paint war hereafter papa paying payment were whenever willing inspect job kill person phone pink wise wool word kiss learned leather pleased worth liver printed maple provide pure STEP 594% mate mean quart 95% meet raised act meeting rate bay mend reached bet moved remain blame new remark booklet now request born obtain return brick oh road bridge open roof brush otherwise row calf own sack camp painted sad carpet passing saved chicken pen sending cities pie settle club plain sheet shop company cord pole press short cup pump shut dad quick simple darling range sir dead rank sixty dearly recover rented renting rolling rose rule seat seem seen self selling Sept. shame shipment side sin snowing son sort spending step stood stump sugar taking teach teeth tenth tested thereafter these thick thousand ticket tire trace true trust trusting twice understood value watch win world young 94% advance afternoon always amount army aunt auto beat become 98 The Iowa Spelling Scales been between bright brought build catch center chart cleaning cloth coffee contract cooking crib dare dealing depending discount doctor egg English enjoy feeding file finish finished fit flat funny garden getting gladly goldfish grant granted greater hall hardly heap heavy hen January joyful kitchen kitten know lame least list load locate lower lump match nearly noise oats offering awhile pain bear partly began pass bench payable branches pending broken pillow chain post card chop power church pride cleaned pull closed railroad colder rained content recall copy removed correct reported cottage round court rushed cream scout cure season damage seventh daughter seventy dearest silver death skate deed something don't sometime dresser somewhat drug sorry drum speak easy stage enclose steam everybody still exchange street fact strongest farther subject fine thankful folder those folk thread fully trying gain twenty gallon upon ha vacation hair vote handed weather happen western hearing wet herewith whereby history wrote indeed island STEP 692% jar leaves 93% liberty agent likewise answer loaded anything located asleep lone ate lovely many matter member might mighty nature nerve nicely nose overlooked pa packing painting pair plenty pocket postage prevent printer protest ranch reaching repair respect retain rod rubber September serve share shortly showed sit slipper smaller somewhere sooner speaker starting staying stranger tend there Thursday tip training twelve union united valued weak wedding welcome withdraw yesterday The Iowa Spelling Scales 99 92% largest address learning already less appear living April loyal aside merry August moment author mostly bean named before nearer belong neck bite need both nobody broke officer busy ordering cane patch can't planted carry cast present printing caused production charged checking proved public chum queen classes reason contain renew cooler returned county safe damp dated shed shot does sixth dozen square drill strongly duty studies expert trade express uncle family use fancy visit filled waited flesh waiting fresh wanted friendly wheel front which grandfather wished grandma wonder gray wrong higher zero honest 91% hurt active instead among invited answered iron anybody itself beg join behalf joined Bible keeping broad kisses chance lace chapter cleaner closer cloudy cutting delightful demand desire elect eve everyone everything extend extra fear feeling fixed forest freeze French froze frozen gained greeting grown having hence herself hole including ivory joke judge knowing leaving listen lives location mailing membership mind Miss news none normal package plow pools postal product program provided race raise reduce remind render reply requesting require respond rug sale saving scale second snap stock taught tax team their thought tile title to treated understood washed wear whole STEP 788% 90% acting aim almost ashamed Aug. beef bid builder changing cheap cheaper coasting conduct contained continue corner daily deeply die direct dispose dread enjoyed excuse extent factory failed fair 100 Tine Iowa Spelling Scales favor turn meantime improve flavor turned mistake inclosed floor velvet nap increasing formed voter notice industry frame watching orange inform fuel weary painter informed gaining weekly pavement intend grind wishes posted kindest grit woven presented later heard youth prize latest hoped 89% property local I'm absent raw message inasmuch action reduction movement information junk afraid amounting regret relation moving noticed lamb lumber answering anyhow riding rip organ owned making anyway score perhaps met anywhere seemed phoned miss apart setting placed neat attend shape plum nor begin stair properly noted bottom steel proud November btigs suit recovered object button thirty reduced ours cared thus repeat packed central together result pearl cheer tried retail pencil chill valley returning picking clearly won ribbon plan closing won't rye played comfort 88% says poorly deliver acre silence porch detail acted suffering politics devoted against talked prove providing during factor artist blew text throat rabbit feeder boiler treatment reaches foolish careful trouble reserve force climate uniform right German colt wait sash glee dancing warm seal helped delivered witch secure hurry dodge worm several idea election 87% sight I'll enclosed across someone improved except attending sore intended fashion begun speed suppose invite knew field fifth b&r surface ladies find bluff temple language forth cause through latter greatest concluded tie leaf grew cousin township lodge hardware discovered toy loud hotel duties travel lung household example The Iowa Spelling Scales 101 expressed finest finger fix ford future gas gasoline geography graze health helpful highest holiday include inviting kept known laugh lighting liked lonesome lucky maid married middle month monthly northern nurse offered opening powder pretty private proven raising rapid rapidly record refuse relationship reliable required Saturday scare settlement since single sock soldier spread storm strike stuff submit suitable tiny useful visiting writer STEP 8 84% 86% adjust admit advice afterward apply await awaiting barley beauty beet built capital carrier checked coach common condition credit dairy deportment dice directed eager eleventh else fifteen figured film final flour following football general germ globe gown guess handled honor housekeeping ideal improving investment lecture lie lonely lowest machine manage modern enjoying Mrs. entering narrow firm odd fitting owe illness pastor inspector peace instruction perfect ironing permit length piano linen pleasure main prevented mister promotion mountain quickly parlor quoted perfectly rack placing saver prepared shade promised skirt prospect stating running student saddle throughout slide too steady topic though total tired turkey traveling visited voice wage weight waist women wasn 't wonderful whom 84% workmanship advanced worse afloat 85% ans. account baking adopted barrel advising beyond aware breaking badly bulk balance butcher base chairman bit chose brown circus carried clerk coming clever comply collect containing color conversation dealer cough decline covered district debate dwelling deserve forwarding directly frankly dirty handling disposed handsome drilling healthy eighteen herein 102 The Iowa Spelling Scales husband inclosing question prompt inclose knot scarce quantity included neighbor server reputation instruct notion serving ruin letting outlined sew secured million owner sitting select model parties sorrow sewing needing pertaining standard struck nevertheless proof stories supplied ordered pupil throw term penny quiet tread we'll performed quite weighed writing personal recess worthy SO of. primary protected refreshment refund yoke you'll Ql/ /O addition aid publisher resulting -A.ve regulation renewed roll served STEP 979% average T"ooth simply shoulder 81% UUULIl chief sis sign agreeable convention slept skating agreed crazy spare success avenue desired stamped that's blessed direction statement unpaid bowl division supply until break either sure taxes thereof written 82% captain caught collection enclosing excited pQ T*l upper view adventure boarding connect considering 1 ( I t! female fern winner buyer coy forwarded worry 83% candle cement couple curtain delivery dose greatly grip rfrmTn abstract ache advantage although debating depot education explained effort excess expected expecting giuup growth hospital inquire loss ample animal famous forward explain factories minister ou2rht appeal foundation fault ir Jr arrange automobile backed gotten haven't headquarter feature furnace future picnic prepare profit resident beaten homestead guide settled breakfast insert headache shown cheerful limb hurried sleet companion limit instructed utmost delayed method I've vision elected minute mass feel fourteen moral needed misses needle woman yourselves fourth neglect o 'clock 79% fund past oversight adjustment furnishing plainly pattern ankle habit presume post office attention important promise problem bog The Iowa Spelling Scales 103 burden crowd piece towel buying cellar destroyed due progress putting voting watched colored forty reasonable 75% constant further regard accept correction gland regular accomplish - crew humor remembering addressed different instant " replying appointment dreadful manufacture republican assist earnest mentioned route attractive entertainment musical selection biggest favorable namely service closely favored fee neighborhood parent situation subscriber connecting connection fitted patient sweater constantly forenoon preacher tight couldn 't fortune promptly touch creamery friendship quit truly doubt furnished rainy weigh effect happened human recently regarding worst wouldn 't enroll entertaining intention represent entire invoice manner mention section shipping shock STEP 1073% 76% exactly figuring gentleman natural oblige special waste applied attached hasn't honestly obtained opened reception Xmas. 77% attempt cabinet certain hoping interested international recite addresses choose its refused allow consider moderate remember arrive construction ourselves rendered assure convince per cent rough buggy creep position scrap carefully domestic produced seldom tanning certainly consist employed entitle publication represented telephone current failure rifle Thanksgiving dangerous fairly , studied toward director fullest supplies trial entered garage surprise volume extended gee tickled Wednesday federal grocery transfer forced interesting wondering 78% handkerchief -" level 74% according hare likely absolute actor hers measure automatic adjusted I'd owing avoid blackberries installed popular collar blooming isn't prayer commerce cherries Ibs. prepaid complaint cigar loan priced courage comfortable loving produce deserved complete machinery receive drama conflned! obliged slippery entry crippled particular smooth fever 104 The Iowa Spelling Scales filing 72% consideration importance advertise debt independent arranged decided internal arrived deposit jury attraction described laid bargain exam. largely choice favorite loose circular hello madam college increased manager commence indicate neglected composition interest opera concern introduced parcel conclusion issue procured considered pardon quarter cute period quote desiring remembered refer durable remit register encourage satisfied seller enrolled splendid shopping entertain strict strength entirely struggle supervision exception supposed to-morrow exciting taste tract expired wearing Tues. followed 70% usual freight appeared violin gentlemen assured we've hesitate awful whose improvement carrying you'd liberal considerable 73% neither contrary 9 *-* /O preparing control appointed Prof. course Bro. remained credited calm rural crowded circulation correctly dependent difference easily selected shipper slight social stayed employer explaining explanation expression forgotten extensive style funeral ghost surprised instance gravy telegram introduction hadn 't therefore Latin increase 71% limited justified ability maybe nineteen absence medicine organized accident nervous president actual notify proceed advise occupied queer advised passed signed aren 't positive sire argument prevail slightly booster reservation spirit braid satisfaction treasurer channel separate using confident straight support vacant STEP 11 66% 69% accordingly approved attain bracelet calves cedar collecting combination connected convinced copies corrected doubtless earliest enrollment February furniture graduating grammar gratitude library lovingly realize relieve satisfactory securing serious system themselves weren 't whether 68% capable citizen concerning daddy discontinued elsewhere graduation invitation item liquid numerous obligation possible published really The Iowa Spelling Scales 105 shipped received cashier doesn 't superior salesman choosing evidently 67% theater conference identify advancement transportation customer jobber advertised valuable discourage material attended 64% envelope various believe additional fabric 58% continued arrival knowledge anxious - didn 't article lose assistant exact assembly missed candidate examination clothe possibly compelled - examined decide prefer cushion frequently decrease profession difficult generous deliveries regardless equipment hustling evidence salary excellent impossible genuine sincere exceptional influence happiness suggested investigation manufacturing hereby transit majority ninth honorable 61% practice operated inclined advertising proposition profitable investigate alfalfa relative recent management allowed strictly - reference satisfy misunderstanding patron announce believing successful welfare 66% purchased congratulate eft of- applicant purpose corporation O 1 /O assortment available celebrate raiser realizing examiner expensive democratic electrical companies confirm contemplated Dr. federation signature studying worried 63% affair fierce liable mamma mental operation entitled equally impression inducement instructor maintain national opinion policy quotation arriving attach banquet brief confer process receiving reliability 60% activity instrument lining literary manual remedy requirement resigned society vary wholesale 65% agriculture alley canned concert design destination disgusted exercise graduate inquiry junior purchase registered respectfully source application cartoon develop engineer establish expense glorious haste legal nephew operating mere meter presence previous qualities representation senior series timothy worrying 56% fashionable strawberries safety character formerly submitted sanitary confidence heir stomach ' development insurance involved STEP 1258% tatting terrible etc. examine niece 62% 59% foreign patent altogether Christian government pleasant billed democrat hauled 106 The Iowa Spelling Scales imagine established 48% co-operative organize exclusively accomplished coupon personality gradually acknowledge finally renewal notified attorney literature stopped particularly consultation merit succeed planning co-operation 43% 55% principal disappoint administrator acceptance readily distribution approval ambition suggest electricity auditor amendment supervisor existing certificate bass university experience co-operating business 52% illustrated correspond catalogue advertisement preliminary familiar choir assistance premium journal confirming blizzard relieved legislation constitution calendar Sabbath merely difficulty commercial straightened organization disease data usually quantity error estimated 47% response extreme - generally responsible sense congratulation consequently surgery surplus issued stationary enormous 42% losing talent installment accordance magazine universal librarian arrangement orchestra 51% naturally circumstances politics appearance ordinary conservatory prosperous regularly crocheting ere secretary superintendent correspondent individual territory fortunate AKOff. justify type variety inferior label *o /o assignment assuring principle 41% meant based agricultural STEP 1350% nickel council assume 54% assigned practicing probably disagreeable employee auntie demonstration authorized 50% exhibit extension beginning admission girlie illustration benefit agency good-bye immense crochet appreciate grateful inquires customary favorably assurance barely hastily illustrating necessary remembrance merchandise carnival preparation subscription ninety coarse resource substitute occasion excitement semester unusual original possession registration sympathy STEP 1442% 40% commission similar 49% 45% communication succeeded announcement administration mechanical 53% attendance appreciation practically awfully attitude athletics k prior completely considerably contemplating duplicate cordial planned receipt remittance decision - engineering practical 39% demonstrated heretofore 44% actually description institution appreciated continuous disposal urge civics epidemic The Iowa Spelling Scales 107 possess professional science thorough X-ray 34% immediately recommend referred 21% accommodate appreciating specification vicinity compliment exceptionally responsibility satisfactorily 20% affidavit __ 38% executed 27% analysis advisable executive bulletin chautauqua all right license canvass unnecessary authority ballot basis notary sufficient 33% conveniently fraternally referring 19% recommendation geometry allotment 26/ interfere rec'd scientific associate materially occasionally opportunity candidacy committee equipped inconvenience STEP 1816% 18% apparatus STEP 1534% 32% maturity pneumonia 37% absolutely annually associated acquaintance algebra courteous financial sincerely necessity physical tuberculosis 25% 17% anniversary appendicitis guarantee lieutenant exhausted official $1% accredited campaign correspondence thoroughly regretting 36% acquire especially fundamental 16% efficient acquainted association privilege zephyr consequence disappointment solicit inst. judgment permanent specially thesis 35% enthusiastic extremely leisure prosperity anticipate assessment confirmation enthusiasm grippe STEP 1912% 13% definitely phosphorus ambitious STEP 1627% 11% annual 30% STEP 1721% characteristic bureau circuit *cg 10% client convenient cordially disappointed immediate institute soliciting 29% affectionately anticipating capacity accompanying convenience essential exhibition Hallowe 'en ingredients rheumatism STEP 208% personally physician commissioner unusually originally 22% 9% efficiency possibility 28% definite guaranteed quantities bonus mortgage peculiarities representative community politician schedule SECTION XIV THE IOWA SPELLING SCALE GRADE VH GRADE VH STEP 1100% fall able farm about adding afternoon again age air fast faster fell fellow fish five all forgive alone from an gate are get arm girl art give asking glove at go be gold because good bell best got grade better grain bill had black book box boy brain bring but half hand happy have help helping her call him called his came home can hot car how card ice case if charge class inside into coat is come it corn June could just country kind cut land day large deep last did late do left dog lesson early let eat letter every like eye little fail live long looking lot make man many master me milk more most mother must my name neck net Nov. nut old on one out paper park pay people pick pig place pleased point postage put reading rest row rule run school see sell send she silk sister six snow some space stage start started state stick i stone such take taken teaching tell test that the then think thinking this time top toy train tree unable unless up us very wall was way we well west what when while who why wife will window winter with without word work working year yellow your STEP 2 99% above active add added 110 The Iowa Spelling Scales any ask away baby back backing bad band bank banker bean bed been behind belonging below big bird birthday blank blue bought bright bringing brother bunch butter by calf cannot cap cash catch cent child children clean clear close cold cost cream cross cup dandy danger dear December dinner discount display doing down dress drop each earth east edge eight eighty face farming fat fight filled finding fine flat food for found free game getting given glad going gone grant green handed hang has he head hill holding hour house however ill in ink Jan. joy July kindly kiss lace lady lake landing larger law leader leave light longer longest look love loved mad made mail mailed maker market may meal mean mill Monday money mostly much mud music myself night nine north not note notice number oats of oil older oldest our outside oven over overcoat pack page paying payment pen picking pie plate play playing please poor press print proper quick rail railroad rain rate reach read real red report ride ring river rock rush rust sad said Sat. sat saw say saying seat self shall sheep ship shoe short should showed sick sign sixty slow snowed so son song sound spell spend sport spot spring stamp stand standing stay still store subject summer Sunday sweet swell table thank 112 The Iowa Spelling Scales thanking April them as they Aug. thing aunt three bake till ball tire bat told battle took become town bee trip behalf trust belt trusting beside try blood twice boat two body under booklet use boss vacation bother value bottle walk boxes want branch washing brush week building went burn were cake whatever calling wheat camp whenever care where carpet white chair wide chance willing change win check wind city wise classes wish closed wishing cloth wood club world coal would coffee wrote coin yard conduct yes contest yet continue you cook zone counting covering cow STEP 398% cutting act dance agent dark almost darling amount date and deal another Dec. apple delay delighted income died inspect dispose invited door January drill jump drug keep drum keeping dust kid easy kill end kinder evening kindness ever king example labor exchange ladies express lay far learned fear leather feed life feet lived felt liver fill lives filling living finish loaded first lost fishing luck Friday mark friend marking fully May gift meat glass meet glasses mine goat Miss goose mouth grand Mr. grandfather nation granted near great nearly hair never harder new hardly news hat nobody hay noon hearing off heat once heating only heavy or here other herself packing high paint hit painted hog part holder party hundred pass hunt peach hunting pine inch placed inches planted The Iowa Spelling Scales 113 pole post pretty printed printing provide race raised range rank ready reduction remain remove removal rent renting request respect rich rolling room round safe same sample sand saved seed seeing sending sent set seven seventh seventy shade shipment show shut silver sin singing single sink sit size slip small snowing soap soft sold soon sooner sort south spelling stood stop storm stunt sugar sum sunshine talk talking tank telling ten tested thin thousand ticket to-day ton travel treat true trunk Tuesday twenty united used valued visit voter walked walking wanting war wash washed watch western which wild wool worked write yearly yesterday yourself STEP 496% 57% abstract advance aim alive always anyone anywhere army auto awhile banking barn basket bay bear before begin being belong bench bet between block born brick bushel button buy cared cattle caused chain chum church clay clearly clock cloudy coast colder company contain cotton count cover crop dad daughter dearest deed demand depend direct dodge dollar don't dozen dream drilling drive egg election family farmer father Feb. feel few fifty finished fit flower folder foot forget four frost gain garden garment gather gave glee grass ground growing hall handy hard hate hear held higher himself hold homesick horse I'm iron island job judge kitten know largest learn leg less lift list listed load local locate location looked low lower lunch machine maid 114 Tlie Iowa Spelling Scales mailing September wire funny March serve within gladly matter settle worker greater membership several 96/ grove morning move share sheet anybody grown handle moved sickness anything happen nature side around hardware nice sleep asleep heard no smart backed hen noted soil became hence nothing November someone something branches brand highest history now sometime brought honest object spending busy hurt Oct. spent carry improve office standard center improved orange stated changed industry order station charged instead outfit staying cheer jar painting pair steam step chicken Christmas joined learning papa stove cleaner liberty per stranger cleaning lumber picture strongest cooking making pin stuff cord match pink suffering cottage mate plan sun crib meeting pleasure teacher cure message plenty teeth . damp mighty poorly tenth dare million pound than dealing mind prevent thereafter deeply named price thick degree nerve protest those desire next reached thought die nicely reaches thread directed none reader thus doctor nor recall to-night done normal recover total dressed nose remark township ease obtain renew trace English October reported twelve enter open require uncle even ordering required understanding extra overlooked respond understood fact packed result union farther partly retain velvet fence patch return vote figure payable rice wagon find pencil road waiting fire person rose wanted follow phone rye watching forgot potatoes sack water former present secure welcome fort primary seem wet fruit produce selling wheel fun product The Iowa Spelling Scales profit trying depending needed provided understand deportment noise pump upon does ocean pure voice draft offering quart waited dread oh queen whereby earning otherwise question wished enjoying own raise wishes enough package record won except pain reduce worth excuse passing regulation young extend pillow relationship zero extent pocket render factory postal rented STEP 5 94% failed post card renter famous power requested 55% favor presume returned roof acting action feeling file prize program rubber rug address afraid fix floor progress public scale agree form pull scare second anyhow apart formed frame raw reaching seemed arrived fresh reason seen Sept. August badly friendly fur regret reply shame base rushed shape beat furnish score shot sight beg begun gown grandma scout season simple bid grew shop sir birth guess skate smaller blame hoped sorry snap somewhat blow bottom hotel insist speaker square somewhere bridge joke suit speak broke killed team special brown kitchen tent spoke build knowing thankful spread can't known thirty stair cause language through starting steady central chapter laugh length Thursday tie stock street charming chop letting likewise trade treatment study cities located turned supper clothing lone wake sure colt lonesome warm taking content loud weary talked contract lovely weather temple cooler lowest wedding there court lump whole these damage maple witch third dated mind withdraw tile debate might worm tip debating month woven treated decline monthly wrong 116 TJie Iowa Spelling Scales 94% knew advantage moment among lame already movement answered leaving ample narrow attend lighting animal natural beef listen ans. nearer began lodge answering neat Bible loving aside newspaper bite lucky asked odd board ma ate officer boiler married bugs pavement broken meantime cane plum builder member cheap printer bulk mistake checked promotion cat mister collect quickly chart northern copy quoted climate notify correct rack comfort notion cough raining cool opened daily recess county ordered dealer refuse dead pearl district requesting dearly pending division retail deliver played domestic returning devoted powder dreadful rod duty presented dresser rough eighteen prevented during running elect production duties sale elected ranch education served else recovered eleventh serving everything refused expressed settlement expert relation factor sewing explain remind fancy shock feature repair female sorrow fifteen repeat field stamped fifth rip film stories figured shortly folk strongly fixed sixth football student flavor sock force tend flour studies front term forest froze supply taxes geography having their throughout frozen tried herewith tiny gallon trouble homestead to general turn human track gray uniform hurry training greatest valley idea turkey ha visited include unpaid harvest visiting indeed useful heap watched informed winner hole weak invite wonder I'd illness worry youth justify kisses wonderful worthy including increase STEP 692% leaves lecture 92% absent instruct 93% loyal acre itself account measure afterward join actor model aid joyful addition moderate arrive The Iowa Spelling Scales 117 artist kept attending refreshment attraction kindest beaten regular barley lamb beyond reliable barrel latest boarding reserve beet least breakfast says bit liberal built shipping blessed lonely candle silence blew lung caught simply bluff manage circulation since both merry circus skirt broad middle color speed burden modern common taste carried moving concluded taught cast need condition tax changing needle containing trained cheaper offered conversation until checking organ creamery upper cigar ours dairy wage cleaned painter detail written clerk parties difference closer coach peace perfect discovered encourage STEP 788% coasting permit enjoyed 90% companion complete pools private entering expected according anyway connecting corner prompt properly expression feeder appeal ashamed corrected prospect final attention covered proved followed aware credit rained foolish booth dancing remember forth butcher death riding greeting buying delivered right habit chill directly sash household connect enjoy saving ideal connected eve seal inform connection everybody setting r 3 intended couple everyone feeding snea shoulder ivory junk crazy delayed finest finger flesh steel suitable surface leaf main miss delightful dirty eager foundation though nevertheless effort frankly throat owe enclosed freeze title pastor entertainment French topic posted expecting furnace wait pride fairly gained wear problem fortune goldfish greatly worse writer promise protected friendship fuel headache 91% proud fund health advising prove furnished honor against proven gaining husband although pupil gas important amounting quotation gentleman information appear rabbit German inviting apply reduced gotten 118 TJie Iowa Spelling Scales grind author thereof mass grit automobile too national grocery beauty tread nurse healthy careful trial outlined I'll closely wasn 't parlor included contained won't perhaps investment current worst plow later curtain 88% possible level dangerous acted prepare liked debt admit president liquid direction advanced promised met entered adventure rainy minute failure allow register neglect fair attended renewed neglected fashion Ave. reputation noticed fee avenue scrap obtained fierce bigger seldom owner forgotten break server penny further buggy service period germ cement skating phoned globe certain slightly piano grammar chairman soldier porch graze cherries success prepaid guide chief therefore providing handling comply tired putting helped composition treasurer raising hereafter consider 87% rapid rapidly hesitate honestly considered correctly agreeable agreed refund inclosed cousin remained resulting saddle instruction isn't jury crew didn't difficult cUnDiLion appointed approved assist section secured loss method dwelling entire average await sis slept slipper mountain Mrs. nap exact explained fault awaiting baking balance smooth neighbor following blackberries social statement opening owned forty forwarding blooming buyer suppose Thanksgiving pa per cent fullest furnishing cabinet calm vision weigh _ !, 4- picnic plain future gasoline carefully cheerful weignt i _ popular gland collection whom property happened coming women wondering recite regard hare helpful commerce consideration 89% ribbon herein considering absolute settled holiday construction across sore housekeeping convention addresses strike increasing correction adjust struggle inspector depot advised style instructed desired arrange sweater lie dice assure text limb director T~he Iowa Spelling Scales 119 due clever copies colored enclosing closing drama comfortable entirely commence excess confined entitle courage favorable constantly excited described federal continued expired deserve forced cute firm different forward decided fitted dose forwarded discourage fitting earliest fourteen either funeral effect growth enrolled gentlemen fare inclose error ghost fourth increased extended impossible garage indicate favored improving gee intend federation inquire graduation international group ironing grip knot hospital limit machinery guest handled lately limited importance inasmuch manufacture handsome linen inclosing needing headquarter minister insert numerous humor musical I've parent hurried namely misunderstanding pertaining intention obliged past placing interest o 'clock patent position issue ought piece prayer latter ourselves process prepared manner produced purpose preparing oversight publication queer priced parcel quality received promptly performed represented reception proof personal rifle relative publisher plainly roll representation quiet post office route republican quite proceed select resident reasonable published seller saver Saturday recently signed scarce sew represent sleet society slide selected strawberries system spare selection suggest tanning strength situation themselves telegram struck traveling together telephone submit whose to-morrow that 's throw yourselves towel tract touch 85% volume waste transportation ache woman Wednesday truly advertised wouldn 't workmanship view appeared 84% 83% waist avoid adjusted absence weekly believe advertise capable weighed bowl advice circular yoke breaking advise citizen capital afloat confident STEP 884% celebrate chose ankle applied creep crippled 86% complaint approval doubtless banquet consist carrier earnest bog constant cashier enclose 120 TJie Iowa Spelling Scales enroll internal theater deposit exam. material tickled destroyed exciting mention toward explaining factories neither usual filing graduate oblige vacant hadn't graduating perfectly we'll haven 't gratitude purchase Xmas. hereby instance quarter 80% independent insurance recent actual institution interesting remembered adjustment introduction knowledge remit appreciate lovingly laid replying article management legal resigned attractive moral manager salary booster neighborhood manufacturing securing canned occupied misses subscriber captain opinion owing surprise course patient particular worried credited regarding preacher writing desiring requirement receive exercise rural ruin satisfied STEP 979% extensive fabric stayed studied search 81% figuring voting shipper shopping assembly bracelet forenoon hello 78% shone cartoon inclined ability stating supplied supposed tight violin 82% companies conference delivery develop disposed doubt interested jobber justified library likely manual agency argument certainly college conclusion considerable accept accomplish addressed entertaining fern fever notified positive quit convinced couldn't daddy adopted appointment arranged freight handkerchief happiness raiser remembering rendered difficulty entry established arriving assured invitation item source superior exception favorite assuring loan universal finally attached loose wearing hasn 't attempt mentioned you '11 heir awful nephew 79% involved biggest operated agriculture Ibs. cellar passed attach nineteen collecting pattern attain opera concern prevail authorized ordinary design realize automatic procured easily regardless calves sanitary employed satisfactory choose stationary entertain serious collar straight ford sitting concerning tatting generous slight convince Tues. hoping spirit coy utmost improvement supplies decrease we've instant support dependent whether The Iowa Spelling Scales 121 77% proposition suggested respectfully accident refer territory salesman activity regularly valuable 71% affair satisfaction vary assurance arrival transfer wholesale barely channel university worrying billed concert 75% 73% braid contemplated allowed choosing business crowd anxious commercial confirming deliveries assistant coupon control democratic blizzard cushion democrat deserved character description genuine destination Christian enrollment identify durable confer fashionable personality establish confidence government principal evidence crowded hers reliability exactly discontinued impression reservation examined duplicate instrument satisfy February expense issued senior hustling explanation Latin strictly junior favorably meant usually liable haste ninth weren 't lining influence orchestra 70% maybe installed previous advancement nervous introduced profitable alley policy Prof, purchased quote slippery^ journal largely organized registered relieve prosperous realizing receiving responsible type altogether carrying contemplating contrary disgusted supervision series vicinity electrical using signature *72% entitled you'd sire accordance evidently strict admission furniture STEP 1073% surprised transit alfalfa announce institute literature 76% 74% applicant practice application advertising bargain premium brief cedar based sincere Bro. combination believing splendid choice development disagreeable compelled customer Dr. employer disposal elsewhere STEP 1166% decide engineer examination 69% formerly envelope examine accordingly hauled expensive extreme benefit investigate frequently fortunate candidate investigation gravy glorious choir literary honorable illustration circumstances madam illustrating imagine considerably maintain its majority. doesn 't mamma merchandise medicine equally mere pardon mental equipment obligation possibly profession gradually operating remedy qualities invoice operation shipped really missed pleasant submitted reference politics 122 The Iowa Spelling Scales presence attitude 60% meter similar bass absolutely opportunity stomach capacity allotment probably terrible coarse assigned 55% various 68% corporation electricity assume attorney acceptance annual accomplished available executed foreign beginning conservatory catalogue installment estimated generally council official label niece inquiry practicing decision demonstration practically separate registration excellent STEP 1350% successful renewal exhibit 67% advisable appreciated stopped 63% administration inferior organization planned 54% athletics completely hastily constitution assistance response necessity engineering auditor safely occasion etc. awfully supervisor personally exceptional basis 59% preliminary instructor civics acquire quantities patron prosperity confirm congratulate appreciation co-operation quantity Sabbath substitute examiner crochet straightened welfare librarian excitement 53% 66% readily existing advertisement assignment timothy inducement agricultural clothe planning bulletin demonstrated distribution STEP 1258% science secretary community extension employee 62% talent geometry magazine mechanical practical preparation subscription succeed sympathy variety acknowledge appearance aren 't interfere naturally nickel particularly possession 58% announcement consequently consultation good-bye individual maturity relieved merit principle 52% acquainted alumni ambitious associate client 65% semester sense compliment amendment urge 57% cordially congratulation data exclusively 61% actually additional ballot carnival cordial correspond referred remembrance experience illustrated lose prefer resource studying calendar certificate commission co-operative customary exhausted disappoint grateful legislation remittance specification 56% superintendent 51% arrangement campaign disappointment enthusiastic succeeded heretofore administrator financial surplus inquiries appreciating girlie unusual losing association permanent 64% ninety co-operating 50% associated organize crocheting bureau assortment original disease communication The Iowa Spelling Scales 123 regretting sincerely solicit 44% assessment extremely 88% executive originally 29% accompanying guarantee thorough leisure 28% 49% possess STEP 1534% convenience enormous thoroughly 57% peculiarities - . license 43% analysis 27% materially accredited equipped chautauqua necessary annually fundamental essential physical responsibility anticipate circuit mortgage 36% guaranteed X-ray 48% epidemic n fraternally 25% all right ere especially judgment unusually 35% recommendation schedule exceptionally familiar inconvenience merely possibility professional receipt 47% auntie authority definite soliciting notary satisfactorily 42% commissioner correspondent politician 11% algebra bonus continuous enthusiasm prior efficient physician 34% affectionately 33% committee correspondence occasionally referring tuberculosis 32% accommodate 24% appendicitis conveniently pneumonia STEP 1721% 23% anniversary grippe rheumatism 21% 46% privilege anticipating Hallowe 'en attendance 40% apparatus 20% consequence disappointed immediately acquaintance exhibition immense characteristic unnecessary 31% definitely ingredients 19% STEP 14 42% 39% candidacy confirmation phosphorus canvass lUfftf 45% convenient STEP 1816% immediate rec'd courteous recommend STEP 1627% 18% f\ -flfi f\ Q TT1 "f specially representative 30% arouEivTt sufficient scientific efficiency 19% surgery thesis lieutenant zephyr SECTION XV THE IOWA SPELLING SCALE GRADE VHI GRADE VIII STEP 1 100% body able about above book bottle bought add added adding advance afternoon box brick bring brother bunch but again butter ago all by call alone called along am calling came an camp and can another car anything card apple are care cash army cause around cent art child as children ask city at class away clean baby clear back close backing coach bad coal ball cold band come bank contest banking corn bat cost bay country be COW because cross been cup behind dad being danger bell dare belong darling below date best day better December big decline bill deed bird degree blank did board died dinner done dream dust each earth east easy eat edge eighty end enjoy eye face fail fall farm farming feet few filled fine fire fishing food foot form found free from gained get girl give given go going gone good got grade grain greater had half happy has hat have hav he" head help her herself high hill him himself his hog holding horse hot house hunt hunting ill important in inches ink inside into is it job July June just keeping kid kind kinder lake land large last late law lay leader left leg less let letter life like list little live lived liver lives load long look looking 126 The Iowa Spelling Scales love partly silk thousand low payment sit three mad pen six time mail people size train mailing person slow treat make pie small tree making place smart trust man plate snow trusting many play so trying market pleased soft twenty mate poor sold under may power somewhat understand me prevented sound understanding mean put spelling up membership question spend use message rail spent value milk raised! spoke waiting mill range sport walk mine read stamp wall money reader start wanted more ready started was most real starting wash mother reason state watch move red stated water must rent station way my report stay we named request stick well nature rest still were nearly return stock what net rich stone whatever next ride stood wheat nice rock store wheel night room storm when nine round stranger where nobody rug study while noon rule subject who not run such wife note rush summer will nothing said sunshine willing object sample take wind office Sat. talk wire oil saw teach wise old say teaching with oldest school tell without on see telling wood once seeing ten work one send tent worked open sending test worker order set thank working out setting thanking world over sheep that would overcoat ship the woven own shoe them wrote pack short thing year page should think yellow painted show thinking yes paper sick this yet 128 The Iowa Spelling Scales you yourself zone STEP 2 99% abstract account act action address after agent ahead air also amount answer any anybody anyhow April arm asking ate attend Aug. aunt awhile bake banker barn bottle bee before between black block blood blue boat booklet boss bother boxes boy brain branches bright bringing brush build built bushel cannot cap car carry catch cattle chain chair charge charged chart cheer church cities classes cleaned clothing flub coat coffee company conduct contract cook correct could count court cover covering cream cut cutting dandy dark dead deal dealing dear debate deep delay depending discount display district dog doing down dress drew drill drop drug drum duty early earning evening ever every exchange expected express fact factory failed far farmer fast faster father favor fear feed fell fellow fight figure file fill filling finding finish fish fit five flesh for force forgive formed fort Friday friend front gain gate gave gift glad glass glove goat gold goose green grew ground hair handed handy happen hard harder hate heard heat heavy helping here history hit hold holder home hotel hour how however hundred hurry ice if inch instead instruction invite invited ivory Jan. January joy judge keep kill kindly king kiss know lace ladies lady landing larger learn learning leaving light located longer longest looked lost lot loved lovely lower luck lump lunch made The Iowa Spelling Scales 129 mailed playing settlement they maker please seven thin mark pleasure seventy third married pocket several those master point shade thought match present shall thus matter press shame ticket Monday print share tip mostly printed she to-day mountain printer shut told mouth produce sickness took Mr. product silver top much protest simple town mud provided sin township music pull sir toy myself pure sister trade name quart sixty trip nation quick skate trunk near railroad sleep try never rain slip two new raise smaller unable nicely normal rate raw snowing soil union unless north reach some us nose notice -vr reading reduced something sometime used valued JNOV. number __ j. reduction remain son song wagon waited nut rvrj-f a removed soon wake OcLLS Opt rented sooner walked V/C t of renting space want off repeat spell wanting only reply spot war outside result spring warm oven rice square washing overlooked ring stage watching packing paint river rolling stamped stand went western painting papa roof rubber standing staying white why park running stove wild part rust strongest win party sack stunt window pass safe sugar winter patch same Sunday wish P av sand sweet wished peace sat swell wishes peach score table wishing personal seat taken within phone second talking word pick secure tank worth picking seed teacher wrong picture self teeth yard Pig sell tenth yesterday pine selling than your placed sent then zero 130 The Iowa Spelling Scales STEP 398% chicken feeling lift chum felt liked acre cleaner fifty listed acted acting active cleaning clearly clerk first fixed flat living loaded local actor closed flower locate against cloth forget location aid coast former loud alive colder four lung among colt frame machine answered condition French maid answering construction frost maple anyone anywhere contain continue fruit fur March marking aside asleep cooking- cool furnish gather May meal auto cord germ meantime aware corrected grant measure backed basket cottage cotton granted grass meat meet bean i _ -1 counting greatest method bed crop growing middle began daily hand might begun behalf damage damp hang hardly mighty mind belonging dance hardware Miss belt daughter health mistake bench dealer heap month beside debt hear monthly Bible Dec. heating morning birthday delighted held moved blame depend herewith neck born deportment highest news branch die hole noise bridge direct honest none broke do idea noted broken don't improved November brought door income now building draft inform offering burn dresser iron older buy drive island orange buying egg jar other cake eight jump our calf eighteen jury ours careful else kindness package carpet cat English entire kitten lamp parties paying caused even lame per center everything largest pillow chance example laugh pink change excuse learned plenty changed expecting leather popular chapter extend leave post charming family leaves posted cheap fat lesson pound check feeding liberty pretty The Iowa Spelling Scales 131 prevented spending STEP 496% duties price printing prize production promise proper property steam step stop street strongly student sum 97% advanced adventure advise afterward agree aim ease education elected election eleventh enough entered proud sun almost eve provide queen race supper taxes tested already ample animal everyone excited expert reached thereafter ans. extent reaches thick appointed extra reaching recall thirty thread base beat factor failure ~m "U record recover tile till beauty beg Feb. female refuse tire begin fence .Cl regular regulation relation remark ton topic trained travel bet blessed blew blow hlnflp film find finished folder follow remove renter treated U1U.JJ- boiler forest repair treatment true both brand fortune freeze require reserve respect respond retail turkey twelve twice understood bugs builder button buyer fully fun funny furnished j upon calm gaining road rushed j valley very carried cast garden gentleman sad 1 * visit cheaper glasses sale vote checked glee saying voter chill gotten season section walking washed chop clay gown grand seen watched clock grandfather Sept. September weak composition consider great greatly seventh welcome conversation hall shop Tjcrpai" crib handle shot W t/Bu cure having showed side sight whenever whereby dated dearly deeply hearing improve included sign which deliver increase simply singing wide witch depot devoted inquire insist snap wonder direction inspect snowed worm dodge instruct somewhere worse dose interest sort write dressed introduced south yearly drilling issue speed young during itself 132 T~ke Iowa Spelling Scales I've requested beaten general joined required became gladly kitchen resident become gland knowing retain beyond goldfish labor returned bid greeting leaf right bigger harvest least rod birth helped lecture saved brown hereafter letting scale buggy homesick lone settle burden homestead lonesome shed busy hoped lumber sheet cared hurt; meeting shipment carrier ideal member shortly caught illness mend single cigar indeed miss sink circus industry moment sixth closer information movement slipper collect inviting need sorry collection joke needed speak color kept needle special comfort killed nerve spread companion known obtain stair connect language October stories constant later opened stuff copy length or suffering correctly level otherwise suppose couple likewise outfit tie cousin limited packed tired covered lowest pain to dearest lucky passing total death ma payable trace demand manage pencil trouble desire mass per cent turn directly minister perfect turned dispose minute pin united does moderate plain velvet dollar narrow plan visiting dread nearer planted whom enclose neat poorly post card withdraw wonderful enjoying entering neglected nor potatoes wool everybody nurse prefer youth expressed odd problem 96% extended officer progress according federation ordering prospect addition field ourselves pump addresses fifth owe putting advantage finest owner rack always flavor pair rainy appeal floor particular ranch appear forgot pavement rank appeared foundation period recess apply frankly phoned reduce attended froze porch remind average fund postage render barrel gallon prepare reputation bear game president The Iowa Spelling Scales 133 pride STEP 5 94% farther owned primary QK of feature painter prompt properly public rained raining rapid Vo% absence accept adjust advised afraid feeder feel fifteen final fix flour pearl pending performed perhaps piano played refused allow football possible relative amounting fourteen postal remained remember reported anyway approved arrived ^ .!_ T friendly frozen furnishing presented produced program resulting rip asKea August future garage promptly protected rose awaiting gas proven seal barley geography providing seem beef getting published serve beet globe pupil served breakfast graduate quickly settled broad grandma raising shape cane grit recovered shock cement guess regret signed since central checking ha habit relationship rendered sock Christmas honor renew soldier circular hurried returning someone climate husband ribbon sorrow coasting I'll sash speaker commerce include saving steel common including says strike complete intended scout suit concluded interested search system connected investment service talked connecting join serving team territory contained content joyful kisses shipping skirt text corner knew sleet thankful crazy knot soap there credit limb steady these delivered lodge supplies Thursday deserve loyal supply tiny desired manner support to-night dirty mister supposed towel doctor moral sure training domestic Mrs. sweater trial dwelling musical taking Tuesday elect national temple until entertain neighbor their upper establish newspaper themselves vision exact northern though weary except noticed throat wedding explain notion through weekly factories obtained throughout won fair ocean title worst famous offered track yourselves fancy oh tract 134 The Iowa Spelling Scales transportation foolish spirit finger tread fuel standard fitted uniform garment statement folk visited gentlemen strength funeral voice gray studies furnace waist grind substitute gasoline woman grove success group written guide supplied hence f\ t frf hen tanning holiday 94% higher tax honestly absolute household term humor advising human thereof improving afloat although importance increasing vacation wait institute international artist informed wear introduction ashamed inspector winner ironing assembly intend worthy justified assist interesting Xmas. justify Ave. junk kindest avenue badly liberal lie STEP 692% latest liable balance lighting 93% limit bite likely adjustment loving bottom listen anxious main bulk lovely apart manager candle maintain application modern can't model arrive nap carefully moving assured neglect cashier natural attached nevertheless certain no attain notify chairman outlined attempt opening changing permit attending organ cheerful pertaining avoid pa citizen pole boarding penny complaint powder booth plainly connection preacher clever pools consideration priced cloudy prepaid convention process concert private cough promotion confined proceed county prove consist proved curtain publisher containing quiet dancing quality correction quotation dangerous quite decrease recite debating rapidly design refund democratic reception didn't regardless dice refreshment division reliable difference register dreadful requesting difficult replying enclosed scrap directed rough encourage seemed due row entirely server extensive rye exam. sire fairly satisfaction expired situation fare scarce fashion skating fault shopping fashionable slide favorable silence favored smooth fee sore federal struck figured spare fever struggle The Iowa Spelling Scales 135 style eager salary machinery subscriber employed secured majority suitable enjoyed seldom material surface enter seller mention taste entitle serious million taught evidence social needing telephone excess submit neither tend expensive Thanksgiving notified therefore explaining tickled oversight throw followed traveling parcel tight forced wage perfectly touch forgotten wearing position tried forth Wednesday purchase uncle fullest workmanship purpose unpaid government Q1 Cf responsible useful grammar yi% sanitary wasn 't headache adopted sew weather weight whole healthy hello hereby affair agriculture ambition sis stayed to-morrow wholesale housekeeping applied valuable whose I'd attraction we'll women inclined baking wondering worry increased indicate believe biggest STEP 788% you '11 instance bit 90% 92% instant blackberries actual ability instructed bowl addressed absent instructor cabinet admit accomplish adjusted invitation Ibs. certainly cherries arrange blizzard advancement appointment linen mental choice circulation blooming college article merry concern combination attention met creamery comfortable author obligation creep conclusion await parent crew confidence break parlor different considered breaking pastor drama copies butcher piece effort courage capable placing enroll coy captain policy explained cute chief prepared firm decided closely presume ford discontinued closing prevail German doubt considerable previous glorious doubtless considering promised graduation either constitution quarter grocery employer cooler quit handled established crippled rabbit handling estimated delayed recent herein examined delightful regard improvement expense detail represent inclose expression director roll internal favorite discover route invoice fierce disposed ruin legal following dozen saddle loan forward 136 The Iowa Spelling Scales frequently agreed weigh respectfully fresh argument won 't rifle gee arrival writing Saturday grown arriving 88% sewing guest banquet ache sitting helpful billed ankle society I'm impression inclosed cedar choose circumstances approval assure assuring source studied submitted insurance collar attorney surplus involved colored automatic view issued continued automobile waste item dairy braid weighed largely deliveries Bro. 87% lately delivery cartoon accordingly liquid discourage celebrate announce loss entertaining coming arranged madam error commercial attach manual exactly comply booster nephew fourth contrary calves nineteen freight credited canned oblige generous current cellar o 'clock gradually decide character ordered graze deposit collecting post office grip deserved commence preparing happened disposal conference proposition hesitate durable convince publication independent earnest course purchased insert engineer data realize installed exciting destination recently investigate exercise earliest remembered laid fern enclosing remembering mentioned fortunate fitting renewed numerous forty generally representation opera forwarding gratitude represented ordinary friendship hadn't riding past further happiness rural pattern ghost haste securing personality growth hospital select picnic hare illustrated selection plum headquarter institution series possibly identify intention shipper practice impossible investigation slept profitable inasmuch junior slight queer latter knowledge slightly reasonable manufacture misses splendid satisfactory misunderstanding namely suggest saver occupied ought treasurer selected plow owing university shown prayer realizing vacant stating procured regarding violin strawberries profit registered 89% suggested proof remedy accident supervision qualities remit across that 's quoted republican activity type received salesman agreeable volume reference sincere The Iowa Spelling Scales 137 slippery crowded 83% illustration superior examination acknowledge manufacturing telegram fabric administration official toward furniture advertise operated universal hustling association operating urge influence awful subscription _ weren 't journal business transfer we've library channel various worried loose compelled yoke you'd neighborhood politics contemplated crocheting STEP 979% positive desiring 81% STEP 884% premium enrolled acceptance 86f quote entertainment acquire accordance ambitious bracelet senior shipped shoulder envelope favorably filing choosing constantly convinced carrying companies customer signature stationary strictly gravy management organize daddy dependent duplicate democrat description development easily effect surprise terrible truly utmost whether organized profession raiser refer satisfied examiner February graduating individual its entry equally examine exception finally forwarded handkerchief honorable 84% advice allowed attractive authorized bog capital confident secretary stopped studying theater together too vicinity writer lining lose merchandise particularly science timothy 80% admission inclosing T 1 couldn 't 82% associated lovingly medicine described destroyed accomplished additional assume assurance missed obliged Prof, really etc. experience foreign heir agency altogether annual assortment commission confer congratulation decision receive reservation illustrating instrument attitude available enormous f enrollment resigned straight strict Latin literary meant beginning crowd develop equipment exceptional exhibit using usual operation difficulty explanation opinion disagreeable extreme voting wouldn 't pardon patent electrical elsewhere forenoon genuine 85% patient engineering hasn't auditor possession entitled hauled brief prosperity evidently isn't chose satisfy existing jobber concerning stomach figuring label contemplating tatting handsome nervous cordial transit hoping patron 138 The Iowa Spelling Scales practical mamma excellent exhibition regularly ninety exclusively hastily responsibility organization merit original succeed prosperous necessary preliminary supervisor successful quantity specification 75% sympathy reliability appreciate assistance ballot STEP 1073% response separate 73% STEP 1166% 69% bass 76% aren 't acquainted candidate applicant f choir correspondent certificate electricity commissioner disappointed Christian excitement committee epidemic civics familiar co-operative inferior^ distribution heretofore extension license executed immediate inquiry sincerely hers merely meter specially inducement orchestra ninth 68% legislation physical possibility athletics magazine planned practicing doesn 't maturity maybe preparation presence renewal safety exceptionally mechanical principal receiving straightened occasion readily relieved succeeded passed registration unusual 75% requirement similar variety 72% agricultural alley probably 67% t 9/lloi/niGirt; advertised appreciated assigned vary 75% advisable appearance capacity community announcement authority bonus assistant bargain algebra associate confirming corporation definite efficient believing awfully notary essential clothe confirm control cushion formerly interfere pleasant relieve carnival co-operation disease Dr. employee mere naturally necessity usually 71% administrator amendment attendance coarse compliment cordially exhausted librarian nickel personally planning professional regretting remittance resource surprised talent sense Tues. welfare customary installment sufficient 66% worrying 77% actually 74% advertising alfalfa niece soliciting surgery absolutely consultation ere consequently correspond appreciating basis 70% advertisement good-bye quantities coupon benefit appreciation receipt crochet campaign arrangement unnecessary demonstrated catalogue assignment 65% demonstration congratulate based barely disgusted consequence bureau communication haven 't conservatory considerably completely imagine especially convenience executive TTie Iowa Spelling Scales 139 extremely financial 55% enthusiastic 53% pneumonia 43% guarantee inquiries lieutenant referred rheumatism literature unusually 52% 4*% representative 64% calendar leisure opportunity solicit 55% all right alumni anticipate assessment candidacy continuous satisfactorily 51% bulletin disappointment grateful referring appendicitis - Hallowe 'en 41% conveniently enthusiasm guaranteed 63% fundamental 50% occasionally annually practically semester superintendent geometry girlie physician possess thorough apparatus co-operating inconvenience judgment rec'd 39% accommodate peculiarities 38% schedule 57% 49% STEP 12 58% thoroughly efficiency 62% client convenient council immense permanent principle 61% 56% accompanying acquaintance auntie originally recommendation 55% anticipating circuit inst. remembrance 48% grippe prior 47% affectionately 46% STEP 1534% 57% definitely fraternally 55% anniversary zephyr accredited characteristic disappoint equipped politician tuberculosis 55% chautauqua courteous immediately X-ray losing scientific STEP 1350% STEP 14 42% 51% canvass 60% analysis 54% confirmation 45% affidavit STEP 1627% correspondence mortgage Sabbath materially recommend thesis 44% ingredients . privilege 28% phosphorus APPENDIX 142 The Iowa Spelling Scales EXHIBIT A Set I, list 1 illustrates the form in which words were sent to the various schools. 1 and 2 me 3 some 4 think 5 say 6 each 7 way 8 great 9 put 10 picture 11 market 12 folk 13 real 14 sorry 15 leave 16 aunt 17 credit 18 supply 19 street 20 profit 21 begin 22 net 23 May 24 brought 25 Oct. Iowa Spelling List 1-1 26 recently 27 pupil 28 correct 29 walk 30 Dr. 31 happen 32 top 33 window 34 shipping 35 wife 36 standard 37 printed 38 fifty 39 cream 40 recommend 41 prior 42 crowd 43 forwarded 44 cool 45 rush 46 represented 47 publication 48 blow 49 fixed 50 newspaper 51 fraternally 76 attractive 52 broke 77 management 53 cake 78 toy 54 blood 79 singing 55 renewal 80 forenoon 56 confident 81 durable 57 58 colored roll 82 83 per cent kitten 59 clock 84 plow 60 forced 85 faster 61 outfit 86 breaking 62 thorough 87 brand 63 waste 88 soap 64 grown 89 calendar 65 stick 90 anniversary 66 deep 91 extreme 67 68 organized exceptional 92 93 possess kinder 69 weigh 94 slept 70 applicant 95 dice 71 porch 96 federal 72 staying 97 insert 73 instructed 98 likewise 74 slightly 99 identify 75 tie 100 daddy The Iowa Spelling Scales 143 EXHIBIT B Instructions sent with spelling material to all cooperating teachers. INSTRUCTIONS TO TEACHERS This work is a part of a state wide effort to grade a list of most commonly used words. The success of the work will depend upon the accuracy with which you and all other teachers follow these directions. Please have your pupils spell one list each day; 100 words if you are teaching grades V to VIII and 50 words if you are teaching grades II, III or IV. Pronounce each word distinctly and make sure that each child under- stands the word. Give a short illustrative sentence in all cases where different words have the same or similar pronunciation. The words are to be given with- out previous study or drill of any kind. Give plenty of time but no assistance. Have the work done with pencil, on paper of uniform size, writing two columns on a page but do not write on both sides of the paper. The child should write his name, sex, age, and grade and the name of his school and city at the top of each sheet. Pronounce the words in order numbered and have the pupils number the words as they write them. This is very important. Impress upon the children that in case of an error, they are to draw a line through the word and write it correctly above or beside the misspelled word. Words in which one letter has been written over another will be counted wrong, as it is almost impossible to know which was the child's final decision on the spelling. It is recognized that in the lower grades many of these words are quite unfamiliar to the children and that a large proportion of the pupils will not be able to spell most of the words in the list. The only way, however, to find out what words the children can spell and what words they cannot spell is to give them the opportunity to attempt to spell all the words. Keep them just as happy in the effort as possible by telling them that other boys and girls of the same grade are trying to spell the same words in other schools in Iowa. If you are teaching in grade II or III, it will probably be better to pronounce 25 words in the forenoon and 25 in the afternoon than to give all 50 at once. If your pupils are in grades VI, VII, or VIII, will you please assist in the scoring by having a few of the stronger pupils detailed each day to check the papers of all members of the class. Caution them that they are not to mark the word in any way but only make a cross through the number of the word which is misspelled. Four children can correct the papers for a room in twenty to thirty minutes and you will doubtless have no difficulty in finding some of the pupils who will very gladly do this. The papers are to be collected each day and tied together. At the end of the ten days, the ten bunches of papers which represent the ten days ' spelling of the pupils in your room, are to be sent tied in a single package to your superintendent. He will then forward these papers with all others from your city to the Extension Division. The Extension Division will score the papers from the lower grades and tabulate the spellings from all contributing schools and return the results to your Superintendent. To the extent that these instructions are carefully followed and your co- operation secured will the results be of value to all the schools of the state. Please give the work your best effort but do not attempt to improve the spelling of the children of your room on these words by assisting them in their spelling in any way. 144 The Iowa Spelling Scales EXHIBIT C Cities Co-operating in Spelling Study Adair Denison Lake View Oskaloosa Algona Dunlap Lansing Ottumwa Ames Eddyville La Porte City Pella Belle Plaine Eldon Le Mars Pocahontas Belmond Fairfield Lineville Postville Bloomfield Glenwood Manilla Red Oak Bonaparte Grinnell Manson Reinbeck Boone Griswold Marengo Remsen Britt Guttenburg Marshalltown Rockford Buffalo Center Hampton Montezuma Rockwell City Burlington Hartley Monticello Rolfe Carroll Hawarden Moulton Sheldon Casey Hopkinton Muscatine Sidney Centerville Humboldt Nashua Sigourney Chariton Humeston Nevada Sioux Center Charles City Ida Grove New Hampton Spirit Lake Cherokee Independence New London State Center Clarinda Inwood New Sharon Stuart Clarion Iowa City Newton Toledo Clinton Jewell Northwood Waterloo, E. Corning Keokuk Oakland Waukon Corydon Keosauqua Oelwein What Cheer Council Bluffs Kingsley Orange City Williamsburg Cresco Knoxville Osage Woodbine Davenport Lake Mills Ll >21-50w-8,.32 YC 03939 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY