UC-NRLF OF UJUVER? or 2EYSICS THE INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM BY ARTHUR S. KING WASHINGTON, I). C. PUBLISHED BY THE/ CARNEGIE INSTITUTION- OF THE INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM BY ARTHUR S. KING WASHINGTON, D. C. PUBLISHED BY THE/ CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1912 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION No. 153 PAPERS OF THE MOUNT WILSON SOLAR OBSERVATORY, VOL. II, PART I GEORGE K. HALE, Director PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. QCL75 PHYSICS LIBRARY TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION i THEORY AND FORMER INVESTIGATIONS. 1. GENERAL . : 3 2. POSSIBLE RELATION BETWEEN ZEEMAN SEPARATION AND PRESSURE DISPLACEMENT 5 3. FORMER INVESTIGATIONS OF THE ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON 7 4. FORMER INVESTIGATIONS OF THE ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM 8 APPARATUS AND METHODS. i. SPARK APPARATUS 9 3. THE ELECTRO-MAGNET n 3. THE SPECTROGRAPH 13 4. PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS 16 5. MEASUREMENT OF MAGNETIC FIELD 16 6. METHODS OF MEASUREMENT AND REDUCTION 17 EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES. 1. WAVE-LENGTHS 19 2. INTENSITY .19 3. CHARACTER OF SEPARATION 19 4. WEIGHT 20 5. VALUES OF AX 21 6. VALUES OF AX/X 2 21 TABLE i, MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON 22 TABLE 2, MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM 35 TYPES OF SEPARATION. 1. UNAFFECTED LINES 44 2. TRIPLETS 44 3. QUADRUPLETS 45 4. QUINTUPLETS 45 5. SEXTUPLETS . 45 6. SEPTUPLETS 46 7. OCTUPLETS 46 8. NONETS 46 9. MORE COMPLEX TYPES 46 RELATION OF SEPARATIONS TO THE NORMAL INTERVAL. 1. SUMMARIES FOR VARIOUS TYPES 47 2. DISCUSSION OF RELATIONS TO NORMAL INTERVAL 49 POSSIBLE RELATIONS BETWEEN LINES AS INDICATED BY THE ZEEMAN EFFECT 50 CASES OF DISSYMMETRY 51 LAW OF CHANGE OF THE AVERAGE SEPARATION OF THE ^-COMPONENTS WITH THE WAVE-LENGTH S3 THE EFFECT OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD UPON ENHANCED LINES 54 COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS FOR THE ZEEMAN EFFECT AND FOR PRESSURE DISPLACEMENT 56 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 64 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES 65 iii INTRODUCTION. The investigation of which an account is given in the following pages was carried out during the year 1910 in the Pasadena laboratory of the Solar Observatory. The object was to obtain as complete data as possible concerning the influence of a magnetic field on the spectra of iron and titanium through a con- siderable range of wave-length, and to present this in such form as would be useful for reference in con- nection with questions concerning the effect of a magnetic field on the spectrum lines, such as those arising in investigations on sun-spots, as well as for comparison with the known phenomena of the Zeeman effect for spectra other than those of iron and titanium. The tables are designed to give an accurate description of all lines between \37oo and X 6700, so far as it has been possible to photograph them. The measure- ments of magnetic separations for each spectrum through this range show clearly the degree in which the separation changes with the wave-length. The complex types as well as the simpler are studied with reference to the prevalence of a fundamental interval between the components. Numerous cases are noted of the recurrence of certain types of separation, and while the search for series relations in these many-lined spectra has not proved fruitful, the descriptions of the type of separation show whether certain lines are possibly connected, or whether they unquestionably arise from different radiating par- ticles. A few cases of dissymmetry among components are given in the tables. It has been possible, by reason of the large amount of material collected, to make a detailed comparison between the Zeeman separation and the displacement of lines produced by pressure around a light source, and it is shown to what degree a correspondence exists. The reproductions of spectra which are given are of selected regions showing the various types of magnetic separation and the behavior of groups of lines which are of special interest in other investigations on these spectra. The desirability of making the material as complete as possible has necessitated photographing the weaker lines in these two spectra so far as they were obtainable, a condition which has added to the labor and altered to some extent the experimental methods that would have been used for the stronger lines alone. The tables for titanium contain all but the weakest of those lines given in the regular lists of arc and spark lines. As much can not be claimed for iron, however, as numerous lines, fairly strong in the arc, are not brought out by the spark in the magnetic field even with an exposure of many hours. This is especially true of lines of diffuse appearance, which are particularly numerous in the iron spectrum. The results of a number of investigations on the Zeeman effect for certain parts of the iron spectrum have been published, and will be spoken of in the historical summary to follow. These are fragmentary, however, with some discordances, and it is believed that there is little real duplication in the present paper, even for those parts of the spectrum which have been treated to some extent by others. THEORY AND FORMER INVESTIGATIONS. i. GENERAL. It is not the purpose of the author to give here in any detail the development of the theory of the Zeeman effect or to summarize at length the many investigations which have led to the present state of knowledge regarding the phenomenon. Several such accounts have appeared in publications which are usually accessible. Among these may be mentioned the memoir of Cotton (i)* (1899), the chapter by Runge in Kayser's Handbuch der Spectroscopie (2) (1902), the detailed discussion by Voigt (3) (1908) in connection with the related optical phenomena, and the brief treatment by Lorentz (4) (1909) in his Columbia Lectures. Of these the second is by far the most complete, covering fully the historical devel- opment, methods of investigation, and the theory and spectroscopic results contained in the literature up to that time. For the purposes of the present paper, we shall consider the points in the theory which apply closely to the results of this investigation, and summarize the work of other investigators in so far as their results relate directly to those of the present research. The later work on the Zeeman phenomenon has been concerned largely with the study of complex and unusual types of separation. It was shown during the earlier investigations by Zeeman (5) , Michelson (6), Preston (7), Cornu (8), Becquerel and Deslandres (9), (10), Ames, Earhart and Reese ("), Reese (12) , and Kent (13) that a large proportion of the spectrum lines of any of the elements that have been examined are split into more than three components. This involved an extension of the original theory of Lorentz, which satisfactorily explained the triplet separation, in which two components are given by the light vibrations in a plane perpendicular to the lines of magnetic force, these showing respectively a right- handed and a left-handed circular polarization, and a central component by the light vibrations paral- lel to the magnetic force-lines. Since the phenomenon in its simplest form justified taking the electron theory as the basis of all conceptions of the action of the magnetic field upon spectra, a series of investi- gations, among which those of Lorentz (14), Larmor (15), Voigt (16), and Robb (17) may be mentioned, have greatly extended the mathematical theory, both for radiation in general and for the explanation of the more complex forms of magnetic separation. Voigt and Robb have based their theory on the idea of mutually connected systems of electrons, and have thus been able to account for many of the more com- plicated types of Zeeman separation. However, both the nature of the connections and the way the magnetic field effects such systems are but imperfectly explained. The proportionality of separation of components to field-strength has been worked on by Reese ("), Kent ( 13) , Runge and Paschen (18), Farber ( 19) , Weiss and Cotton (20), Paschen ( 21) , and Stettenheimer (22), and established to a very close approximation. The law enunciated by Preston (23 ) that the character of separation and distance between components (measured in terms of change of vibration frequency) is the same for corresponding lines in the series of Balmer, Rydberg, and Kayser and Runge has been investigated by Reese (12), Kent (13), Runge and Paschen (24), Runge and Precht (25), Miller (26), and Lohmann (27). The last two have found some exceptions, though Runge and Paschen observed very close agreement for the series lines of a number of elements. This relation has frequently been used, recently by Moore (28) , in an attempt to find series among spectra containing many lines. There has been considerable work in recent years on the commensurability of the separations of spectrum lines, that is, on the existence of a fundamental interval of which the separations of all com- plex lines are multiples, and on the extent to which this applies to the separations of triplets in which * Numbers in parentheses indicate references to the literature on p. 65. 4 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. there is always a great diversity for the lines of the same element. As this point will receive a good deal of attention in the consideration of the results for the spectra of iron and titanium, it may be well to go briefly into this portion of the theory. If the Zeeman phenomenon were in full accord with the simplest form of the electron theory as given by Lorentz, all lines would show the separation of the "normal triplet," in which the distance of each side component from the central line would be given by the relation e HX 2 AX= m 4-irv where e/m is the ratio of charge to mass of the electron, H the field-strength, and v the velocity of light. This is derived (*a) from the fact that the change of period of the light producing one side com- ponent is eH/2tn in 2ir seconds, or eH/4irm vibrations in one second. The number of vibrations per second is n=v/\. The change of frequency is then , vd\ eH dn===- X 47TWI from which e HX 2 AX= m 4irv If v be expressed in centimeters per second, the change in frequency per cm length is AX ^ e H X J m 4 The factor e/m is here expressed in electro-magnetic units. This value of AX/X 2 for a given field deter- mines the separation of the side components of the "normal triplet" from the central line, and a con- siderable number of lines in a spectrum will usually give a value of e/m in close agreement with that obtained for cathode rays. The separation of the majority of triplets, however, differs from the normal type, though sometimes by even multiples. This means either that there are real differences in the values of e/m for different negative electrons, or that the relation derived from the elementary theory is not sufficiently general. Lorentz inclines to the latter view (40). In discussing this question, Voigt (30) observes that it is by no means certain that the field acting upon a given electron is the same as that which we measure by one of our regular methods. The field due to the movement of charged parts of the molecule itself must be recognized as possibly superposed on the external field due to the magnet. The elementary theory does not provide for the more complicated types of separation, nor does any extension so far worked out cover them satisfactorily. However, an examination of the results of Runge and Paschen (18) (24) for several elements and of Lohmann (27) for the spectrum of neon (with the echelon spectroscope) enabled Runge (g) to enunciate the following: Die bisher beobachteten komplizicrten Zerlegungen von Spektrallinien im magnetischen Felde zeigen die folgende Eigentiim- lichkeit: Die Abstande der Komponenten von der Mitte sind Vielfache eines aliquoten Teil des normalen Abstiindes _AX^g H X 2 m 4^v Sicher beobachtet sind bisher die Teile a/2, 0/3, 0/4, 0/5, a/6, 0/7, a/n, 0/12. This work of Runge is regarded by Voigt as showing that the internal field acting on the electron can have little effect, that the electrons within the molecule have the same value of e/m as that of cathode rays. Such a relation between the separation for individual lines and that of the normal triplet is of high interest when applied to spectra containing many lines. It has been examined by Moore (28) for the spectra of barium, yttrium, zirconium, osmium, and thorium, and relations similar to those observed by Runge have been obtained. The objection can be raised to this method that, by choosing small fractions of the interval a and correspondingly large multiples, the difference between the calculated and observed values THEORY AND FORMER INVESTIGATIONS. 5 can be made as small as we please and brought within the errors of measurement. Runge gives a cri- terion as to how far it is allowable to go in such calculations. This question of commensurability will receive attention in the following study of the iron and titanium spectra. Dissymmetry in the separation and in the intensity of components on the red and violet sides has been observed many times in Zeeman investigations. Voigt (3*) arrived at the conclusion that light observed at right angles to the force-lines should give a triplet whose red component is slightly closer to the central line and stronger than the violet component. Observations by Zeeman (30) on the iron spectrum gave a number of cases where such a dissymmetry seemed to exist. Reese (12) also found triplets and lines of higher separation for several elements which appeared to show the effect. More recently a series of papers has been published by Zeeman (31) comparing the mercury triplets A 5770 and \57gi by various optical methods. The latter line is distinctly shown to have its red component nearer the central line than is the violet component, while A 5770 remains perfectly symmetrical. The amount of dissymmetry appeared to vary as the square of the field-strength. This confirmed a measurement made about the same time by Gmelin (32) with the echelon grating. A dissymmetry of this sort is always small and difficult of detection. Large dissymmetries are to be classified as abnormal separations. A few lines of such a character occur in the iron and titanium spectra, which will be noted later. Lines of very pro- nounced dissymmetry were measured by Jack (33) in the spectra of tungsten and molybdenum. Chromium also shows a great number of unsymmetrical separations. Some striking cases were observed by Dufour (34) , and many others have been photographed in this laboratory. The theory of coupled electrons, by which Voigt (35) has sought to explain complex separations in general, allows for the occurrence of such dissym- metries. The magnetic separation of absorption lines, or the "inverse Zeeman effect," has been investigated by a number of observers, as a rule for only a few lines. In such experiments white light is passed through the vapor of a luminous source placed between the poles of a magnet. It was shown by Konig (36) and Cotton (37) that there is a full correspondence between the effects of the magnetic field for both emission and absorption lines. The splitting of lines in the spectra of sun-spots observed by Hale (38) was thus proved to be due to the action of magnetism by comparing the Zeeman effect for the same lines as pro- duced in the laboratory. The peculiarities in separations of sun-spot lines can thus be studied, as is being done in this laboratory and by Zeeman and Winawer (39) in their investigation of special polarization effects for absorption lines, especially when the light passes at different angles to the magnetic force-lines. 2. POSSIBLE RELATION BETWEEN ZEEMAN SEPARATION AND PRESSURE DISPLACEMENT. A preliminary paper on this subject has been published by the author (40). In the discussion of the present results material will be offered for an extended study to test the hypothesis of a direct connection between the Zeeman effect and the pressure displacement for spectrum lines. That such a relation exists has been strongly advocated by Humphreys (4 ) in a series of papers which have been summarized (4) by him, together with all other pressure investigations up to the year 1908. Humphreys's hypothesis, briefly stated, is that the part of the atom to which the light impulse is due is a ring of electrons, rotating with a period of the order of the light vibration. Each of the electron rings will then set up a magnetic field of its own. The luminous gas will be in a condition of minimum potential energy when the planes of the rings are parallel and the electrons revolving in the same direction. We must, however, in view of the Zeeman effect, consider that different rings may rotate in opposite directions, and assume merely that the regular condition is a rotation of the electrons in orbits approximately circular, with a tendency for the planes of these to become parallel. The effect of pressure in the surrounding medium will be to bring the rings closer together, thereby altering their mutual induction. If two rings rotating in the same direction are made to approach, the current in each ring will decrease, which means a retardation of the rotating electrons and an increase of period in the corresponding light vibration, resulting in a shift of the spectrum lines toward the red. 6 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. If rings of opposite rotation are forced closer together, their motion will be accelerated, resulting in a shift of the spectrum lines to the violet. Assuming that both directions of rotation are present for electrons producing each spectrum line, the general result will be a widening of all lines as the pressure increases, with a prevailing shift of the maximum of each line toward the red. This last is due to the fact that the condensing action of the pressure on rings rotating in the same direction is assisted by the effort of these rings to get into the strongest part of their mutual field; while for oppositely rotating rings the approach is opposed by the magnetic action, so that on the whole the retardation of the period for a given line is greater than the acceleration, and the line, while being widened toward both red and violet, has its maximum intensity moved toward the red. Another theory, by Richardson (43), opposes the connection of pressure displacement with Zeeman effect. Instead of basing his reasoning on magnetic perturbations, Richardson considers the electron as an oscillator which sets up an alternating electrostatic field in its neighborhood. This field would produce forced vibrations in the electrons belonging to neighboring atoms, an effect increased by pres- sure in the medium. The electric field produced by the forced vibrations would then react on that of the radiating electrons. The mathematical development gives a change of wave-length proportional to the pressure and toward the red. Worked out numerically with the available data, the electrostatic resonance theory requires values for the pressure displacement many times greater than those observed experimentally. A modified conception of the equilibrium conditions might account for this discrepancy. Richardson objects to Humphreys's theory largely on the ground that the magnetic disturbances of period would be far too small to account for the observed displacements of lines unless the magnetic field for any atom is greater than that corresponding to saturated iron, which Richardson holds to be an upper limit. This is replied to by Humphreys in a later paper (41*, in which he questions the right to base the possible magnetic intensity of iron atoms upon the properties of iron in large masses, since the permeability and saturation point depend upon many factors of composition and physical condition. Going farther, Humphreys considers an ideal electron ring and deduces an expression for the change of rotation frequency brought about by an external magnetic field H, such as that due to a neighboring electron ring. This is found to give an expression for the change of wave-length AX in the ether vibra- tions of original wave-length X which reduces to AX/HX 2 =C, a constant, which is Preston's law for the Zeeman phenomenon, indicating that the ideal electron ring is very similar in structure to the actual radiating particle. If this similarity be admitted, Humphreys is justified in his next step, which is the substitution of known values in the expression for the change of wave-length of ether vibrations pro- duced by a change in the period of the electron ring. This gives a field-intensity for the rotating ring of 45 X io 7 , which is about ten thousand times that of the strongest fields used in spectroscopic work. The change in mutual induction by pressing together electron rings having fields of this magnitude may be expected to give shifts of spectrum lines of the order of those measured. A third theory is that presented by Larmor (44), who treats the electron as a Hertzian doublet in a field of electric force. This field would be altered by any change in the distribution of material particles in the medium such as would result from increased pressure. A molecule approaching a vibrating electron would decrease the rigidity of the ether at that point. A lowering of the ether strain would tend to increase the period of the electron, and it is shown that this might give displacements of the magnitude observed for spectrum lines. A note by Humphreys (4'c) points out that several consequences of Larmor's theory agree only to a limited degree with observed facts, although his claim that Larmor's equations should give the amount of displacement inversely proportional to the wave-length is incorrect. The interacting magnetic atoms of Humphreys seem to provide a very plausible theory, but experi- mental data have been lacking to show the probability of a connection between the effects of pressure and magnetic field on spectrum lines. Humphreys considers that, in general, lines of large Zeeman separation are strongly displaced by pressure, but admits that there is scanty material on which to THEORY AND FORMER INVESTIGATIONS. 7 base this conclusion. The refusal of banded spectra, notably that of carbon, to show either Zeeman effect or displacement has often been cited as probably resulting from a connection between the two phenom- ena, and interesting developments on this point have recently been presented. Dufour (45) obtained Zeeman separations for the component lines of the band spectra of the chlorides and fluorides of the alkaline earths, the magnitude of separation being about the same as for line spectra. A short time after, Rossi (46) selected three of these, the fluorides of calcium, strontium, and barium, and obtained distinct pressure shifts for the bands, the shift being of the same order as for line spectra. Comparing his results with those of Dufour, Rossi did not find any general relation between the magnitude of the two effects. Numerous investigations on the Zeeman effect for banded spectra have been made during the past two years, part of which are summarized by Dufour (47), but corresponding results for pressure have not been obtained. A detailed comparison of Zeeman separation and pressure displacement for the line spectra of iron and titanium will be made in the present paper. 3. FORMER INVESTIGATIONS OF THE ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON. Passing to special investigations on the iron spectrum in which the magnetic separations for certain lines have been described and measured, the first to be mentioned is that of Becquerel and Deslandres (9). In this, 10 lines are given from \^&2i to X3&73, most of them of complex separation. Shortly after, these writers used a stronger field and covered a larger region. This publication (10) gives no measure- ments, being confined to a description of a few interesting types of lines. A note by Ames, Earhart, and Reese (") speaks of the general characteristics of the iron lines between \35oo and X 4400, with special mention of the type of separation for a few lines. Reese (n) gives measure- ments of the separation for 23 of the stronger lines in this region, the source being a carbon spark with iron as an impurity. Kent (13) continued the investigation with better equipment, measuring about 90 iron lines between X 3550 and X 4550. Special attention was paid to a number of complex lines. Reese had observed that the lines on his plates could be classified as to amount of separation in about the same way that they were classified as to pressure displacement. Kent, with more material available for com- parison, found that this relation was not verified. The paper by Zeeman (30) was concerned chiefly with the question of a dissymmetry of the side compo- nents of triplets, as measured from the central line. Hartmann (48) investigated the structure of a num- ber of iron lines with the echelon spectroscope. He did not, however, obtain as good resolution of com- plex types as was given by the grating method in the present investigation. The most extensive set of measurements thus far published on the iron spectrum is given in the thesis of Mrs. van Bilderbeek (49) . These are from photographs made with a concave grating for a magnetic field of 32,040 gausses. Measure- ments are given for 137 lines between X 2382 andX452g. Of these lines 55 (40 per cent) are to the violet of the region covered by my photographs; the others are the stronger lines among those given in my tables, and have been of great service in determining the field-strength. As will be noted later, there is an excellent agreement between the two sets of measures for all lines whose components are sharp enough to give measurements of high weight. Besides checking my standard field, the agreement between Mrs. van Bilderbeek's field-value and that which I had obtained by other methods supports the contention in her paper that the field-strengths published by Kent and by Hartmann are both low. It will thus be seen that several investigations of special regions have been carried out for the iron spectrum with regard to the Zeeman effect. The region covered, however, has not extended beyond about X 4500, with the exception of a few lines in the green examined by Hartmann, leaving nearly three- fourths of the range included in this paper as new territory. For the region from X37oo to X45oo, which has been covered to some extent by others, the previous investigators have measured only the stronger lines, the description of the character of separation is usually brief or lacking, and the complex separa- 8 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. tions are but incompletely considered. The range of spectrum covered previously has not been sufficient to draw any conclusions regarding the variation of separation with wave-length, the comparison with pressure effects and other changes of physical condition has not been carried out, and no application has been made of Runge's rule for the commensurability of the distances between components. These points will be handled in the present paper as fully as the material will permit.* 4. FORMER INVESTIGATIONS OF THE ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM. A set of measurements was published by Purvis (50) for many of the stronger lines of titanium from \28oo to XSOQO. The majority of these are in the ultra-violet, 86 lines being measured in the region covered by my tables. Three violet triplets were measured by Reese (). A former paper by the author(s') gave descriptions and measurements for 291 lines between \39oo and X66oo. These were made from the first set of plates taken in this laboratory, the first and second orders of the i3-foot (4 m) spectro- graph being used, with a field of 12,500 gausses. The data for the present paper were compiled from a much more extensive set of plates, taken with higher dispersion and stronger field, the gain in all points being so great that these measures may be taken as superseding the previous ones. A still earlier paper by the author ( s) gave preliminary measures of some titanium and iron lines in a discussion of the charac- ter of their separation in the laboratory as compared to that observed in sun-spot spectra. * Note added January, 1912: A dissertation by Immina Maria Graftdijk on Magnelische Splilsing van ket Nikkei- en Kobalt- Spectrum en van het Ijzer-Speclrum (Amsterdam, 1911) has just been received. Measurements are given for 38 of the stronger iron lines between A 4300 and /". 6500 for a field of 32,040 gausses. The measured separations of triplet lines agree in general very closely with those presented in this paper. The only notable discrepancies are for a few complex lines where a large difference in field necessarily alters the appearance of the components which are measured. APPARATUS AND METHODS, i. SPARK APPARATUS. The source of light used in all of the work was a spark discharge from a 5-kw transformer made according to special design by the Peerless Electric Company, of Warren, Ohio. The coils of this trans- former are immersed in the best moisture-free oil and contained in a cylindrical iron tank 83 cm in diameter and 125 cm high. The primary and secondary leads are passed through the flat top of the transformer, on which is a large knife switch for the regulation of the secondary voltage. The bar of this switch forms the radius of a circle, one end being pivoted, while the other end fits into any one of a series of jaws along the circumference of the circle. The connections with the transformer coils are such that the secondary voltage may be 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, or 640 times the impressed primary voltage, according to which jaw the bar of the switch is fitted into. Thus with 100 volts on the primary the secondary voltage is 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 16,000, 32,000, or 64,000, according to the connection. The use of a rheostat in the primary circuit to regulate the impressed voltage will obviously give any secondary potential desired up to 64,000 volts. The adjustable rheostat used is one capable of carrying heavy currents con- tinuously. It is composed of sheets of tin cut into strips i cm wide by cutting almost across the sheet first from one side and then from the other. The sheets of strips thus made are mounted vertically against strips of asbestos fastened to a wooden frame, the distance between successive sheets being sufficient to provide air circulation for cooling. Copper wires soldered to the tin strips at the proper intervals lead to knife switches on the top of the rheostat frame. Various combinations of these switches place parts of the tin resistance in series or parallel, and permit the resistance to be reduced by short steps until all is out. One switch may be connected to an external resistance, thus allowing the latter to be connected in series with any part of the tin resistance for fine adjustment of the rheostat. A bank of twenty-four 32-cp incandescent lamps in parallel is usually used in this branch. The primary current is supplied at about 104 volts from one side of the three-phase connection of a 1 5-kw transformer. This transformer and one similar to it are mounted in the transformer room of the laboratory, fed by 2200 volts from the lines of the Southern California Edison Company, and are used together to supply the 2o8-volt three-phase current for the D.C. motor-generator set which furnishes current to the electro-magnet. Two glass-plate condensers were used for the spark circuit during the series of experiments. The more efficient one, used in taking the later photographs, is built up of 16 sheets of plate glass, of area 61 X 66 cm, and thickness 5.5 to 6.0 mm, laid horizontally in a strong, copper-lined wooden tank. Between the glass plates and at the top and bottom of the pile are sheets of copper, 17 in number, each 0.9 mm in thickness and with an area of 3330 sq cm, one side of each sheet having a tongue 2.5 cm long projecting beyond the glass plates for the connection, while the plates immediately above and below are cut away so as not to reduce the insulation at this point. Around the other three sides the copper is cut so as to come 2.5 cm inside the edge of the glass plates. This arrangement, together with the form in which the copper is cut on the fourth side where the tongues project, insures a distance of 5.7 cm along the glass from the edge of one copper plate to the edge of the next. The condenser plates are sepa- rated from the copper lining of the tank by a wood flooring 2.5 cm thick and held in place by a wooden box inside the tank. A thick copper wire is soldered to each of the tongues coming from the copper plates and the other end of the wire connected to a binding post set in a plate of fiber extending across the width of the tank, 7.5 cm below the top. This fiber plate was at first placed level with the top, as shown in the photograph of the laboratory (Plate I). This condenser is entirely immersed in the best transformer oil, which fills the tank up to about 5 mm above the fiber plate, thus insulating the condenser plates and also 9 10 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. the binding posts, the screw tops of the latter projecting from the oil to receive the wires connecting them in any desired combination to the discharge circuit, so that the whole or any part of the condenser may be used. An adjustable spark-gap between the nearer binding posts on each side protects the condenser against too long a spark in the circuit which might cause the glass to be punctured. Connecting wires from the two central binding posts are inclosed in thick glass tubes which pass through a second fiber plate directly above the first and level with the top of the tank to the high tension wires supported by glass insulators and extending across the laboratory below the ceiling. A wooden cover fits into the top of the tank and protects all parts of the condenser from dust. The leads from the transformer pass to the overhead wires and other leads drop down to any piece of apparatus under the wires, so that the heavy condenser can remain permanently in its place. In addition to the condenser, the circuit from the transformer contains a self-induction spool and spark gap in series with the spark under observation. Several self-induction coils are available, but the one regularly used consists of 207 turns of insulated copper wire wound on a wooden cylinder 132 cm long and 13 cm in diameter. A sliding contact may be moved to any point along the spool so as to include any desired portion of the self-induction. The terminals for the spark on which the magnetic field acts require different handling according as the sub- stance under examination is magnetic or not. In the experiments with titanium, small pieces of the substance known as "cast titanium," obtained from Eimer and Amend of New York, were held in small brass clamps, the vertical rods of which passed through larger horizontal brass pieces set in a thick piece of fiber, through the middle of which a brass rod passed and fitted into a clamp, movable up and down on a support attached to the base of the electro-magnet. When iron terminals were used it was necessary that they be held rigidly in place on account of the attraction of the magnet. In all cases small cylinders of Norway iron were screwed on the end of brass rods. The size of the iron tips varied somewhat according to the kind of spark desired and the width of the magnetic gap used. Those most generally used with a strong field were 3.5 mm in diameter and about 10 mm long. In the earlier work the iron-tipped brass rods were held in a hard-wood frame composed of two vertical rings held apart by four horizontal pieces. The wooden rings fitted over the magnet core, against the face of each coil, while the brass rods passed with some friction through two of the horizontal wood pieces at opposite ends of the diameter of the rings. A better holder for iron terminals was devised later. This is shown in Fig. i and is a modification of that used for non-magnetic substances, the parts being much more rigid. The rod of 6 mm diameter to which the iron tip is screwed passes through a square brass rod 16 mm in thickness, having a saw-cut from the hole out to the end. A screw at right angles to this saw-cut, worked with a bar, serves to clamp the rod so firmly that the magnet does not move it. As the column supporting the holder is screwed to the base of the magnet, all parts could be clamped so firmly that the iron tips were held exactly in place. The spark length for both iron and titanium was usually short on account of the proximity of the magnet poles and the tendency of the spark to jump to these. With iron terminals, particles were given APPARATUS AND METHODS. I I off rapidly by the strong transformer discharge and it was necessary to clean these off every few minutes and also to file off the oxide from the iron tip. Titanium terminals wore away rapidly, owing to disin- tegration of the metal, and the oxide also needed to be removed frequently if the brightest discharge was to be obtained. The short spark gap necessitated an auxiliary gap in series, as otherwise the discharge was not sufficiently disruptive to avoid melting the terminals. This auxiliary gap was a simple affair of brass mounted on fiber. When using the spark, the various parts of the secondary circuit, as well as the step-up connection and the current in the primary, were adjusted to give the sort of spark desired. In this investigation self-induction has been used in the spark circuit somewhat sparingly, since on the majority of the photo- graphs it was necessary to obtain the fainter lines of sufficient strength for accurate measurement. Self- induction in the spark circuit sharpens the Zeeman components in about the same degree that it sharpens the lines of the regular spark spectrum, but the brightness of the spark is greatly diminished at the same time, an effect only partially due to the decrease in intensity of the enhanced lines. The weaker lines as a whole, especially the faint and diffuse lines of iron, are so reduced by self-induction that very long exposures are required to bring them out. A compromise must be made, since in exposures running many hours, especially for more than one day, there is risk of instrumental disturbances. The method followed was to use the spark with rather high self-induction for one or more photographs of any region containing strong lines, and especially enhanced lines, for which moderate exposure time was sufficient, then to use small self-induction for photographs in which as many of the weak lines as possible were desired. The loss of sharpness in such cases was counteracted as far as possible by the use of a narrow slit and by selecting the kind of plate and developer which would give the sharpest definition and at the same time show the lines. 2. THE ELECTRO-MAGNET. This apparatus is of the Du Bois half-ring type, made by Hartmann and Braun of Frankfort. It is shown (in its present state, after being rewound) in the photograph of the laboratory (Plate I). The coils, as used until recently, were each wound with 1250 turns of No. 9 wire (diameter =3.0 mm). They are clamped to a horizontal iron base which completes the magnetic circuit. The magnetic gap is varied by moving the coils upon this base, which is itself supported by three legs on an iron plate. A hole in the center of this plate fits over a pivot in the middle of a round iron table, the ends of the plate resting on a planed ring which forms the rim of the table. The magnet can thus be turned in any desired direc- tion by rotating the base-plate upon the planed ring of the table. The magnet rests upon a cement pier 60 cm square and 82 cm high. The core of each magnet coil is pierced by a horizontal hole 17.5 mm in diameter for the transmission of light along the lines of magnetic force. These holes are filled with cylin- drical iron rods when such an axial opening is not needed. A variety of pole-pieces was used for the magnet according to the way in which the spark terminals were arranged and the directions in which the light was to be taken. Into each vertical face of the magnet core is screwed the first section of the pole-piece, a truncated cone of soft iron 16.5 mm thick, whose double angle is 1 1 2. The small end of this cone is a circular plane surface 39 mm in diameter. To this circular face was fastened a pole tip of one of the following forms, each of which has a double angle equal to that of the truncated cone just described. (a) For the observation of the light from the iron spark parallel to the lines of force, the magnet poles themselves were used as spark terminals in some of the earlier experiments. In this arrangement the faces of the tips were circular, of 6 mm diameter. One pole was left solid and the other pierced with a hole 3 mm in diameter, the spark being viewed through the tubular hole in the core. The pole-tips were each insulated from the core by mica plates and held in place by fiber screws. The method gave trouble, not only from the occasional breaking down of the insulation, but from the fact that the spark did not stay in front of the hole in the pole-piece. It had the advantage, however, that the field was not affected by the introduction of extra iron as spark terminals. I 2 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. (6) A stronger light from the spark was obtained for observation along the axis by not insulating the pole-tips, using one solid and the other pierced as in (a), with the spark between iron tips at the ends of brass rods held vertically between the magnet poles by means of a wooden frame or the brass and fiber holder described on p. 10. Titanium terminals were held in the simple clamp described above. This worked well for getting the "longitudinal effect" (w-component) without the introduction of a Nicol prism in the optical system. Such an end-on arrangement is of course necessary for the study of the circular polarization of Zeeman components. However, for general work in measuring the separation of components, this method has the disadvantage that there is a considerable increase of field-intensity close to the magnet poles, amounting with some gaps to 25 per cent, as well as an inequality at the two poles resulting from one of them being pierced, so that the sharpness of the Zeeman components is not all that could be wished. (c) The most useful method, and that used (with varying shapes of the pole-tips) for almost all of the best observations, was to set the magnet at right angles to the direction at which the light was observed, use both pole-pieces solid, and separate the light by means of a Nicol prism over the slit into that vibrating in a plane at right angles to the magnetic force-lines, or parallel to these. This arrangement made it possible to photograph successively the Zeeman components given respectively by vibrations perpendicular and parallel to the force-lines by turning the Nicol prism through 90, leaving the magnet unchanged. Furthermore, by projecting the image so that only the h'ght from that part of the spark midway between the magnet pole-pieces falls upon the slit of the spectrograph, the FIQ change of field near the pole-pieces does not disturb the definition of the Zeeman com- ponents. Even if the slit is long enough so that parts of the image come from regions of different field-strength, the spectrograph, not being astigmatic, shows merely a wider separation toward the ends of the components, the sharpness not being affected, so' that accurate measurements may be made by selecting the narrowest portion of the separation. Three forms of magnet pole-tips were used with this arrangement. In the first, the conical tips ended in circular faces 6 mm in diameter. This was used for most of the work on iron and for the earlier work on titanium. With titanium, however, the pieces of metal were irregular in shape and often rather large, so that with a short magnetic gap it was difficult to bring the terminals close enough together to avoid sparking to the magnet pole-pieces. The later and best set of titanium plates was taken with pole-pieces somewhat chisel-shaped, made by milling out opposite sides of a conical tip of 12 mm face to a thickness of 1.5 mm. The thin ends were then placed parallel to each other and in a line with the beam of light passing to the slit. This gave a very uniform field for the light of the thick spark, part of the vapor of which might otherwise have gotten into weak portions of the field. Probably the best design is a modification of that just described, in which the chisel edge was left 3 mm in thickness and 12 mm long, and not so deeply milled as before. This form of tip gave a very strong field and a gap of 6 mm could be used without diffi- culty. The drawing in Fig. 2 shows this design, with which a number of the later iron spectra were taken. A current of 10 to 12 amperes from a 1 2. s-kw generator was generally used for the magnet circuit. 15 amperes could be used for runs of two or three hours, but the magnet rapidly became heated. This current was almost sufficient to saturate the core and a larger current gave but a small increase of field. The heating of the core by long-continued runs, even at 10 amperes, was considerable in warm weather, when the two electric fans used to blow the sparks, and which also played on the magnet, exerted little cooling effect. Almost at the close of this investigation a very efficient means of cooling the core was devised. Injuries to the insulation of the wire made it necessary to rewind both magnet coils. When the cores were laid bare, a spiral of soft copper tubing of 6 mm outside diameter and 4 mm bore was wound around each core next to the iron. Strips of "sooo-volt linen" were wound over the spiral as APPARATUS AND METHODS. insulating material, the face-plates at the ends of the coil being protected by ebonite sheets, and 1300 turns of wire were wound on each coil, the extra 100 turns on the two coils more than compensating for the magnetic leakage caused by introducing the copper spiral. With a stream of water flowing through the spiral, the core remains perfectly cool and a current of 14 amperes may be used without serious heating of the wire. This improvement has given an increase of field of about 25 per cent over what could previously be used for long runs with the same magnetic gap. The current is controlled by means of two Ruhstrat sliding resistances in parallel and is read to o.i ampere by a Weston millivoltmeter with shunt used as an ammeter. 3. THE SPECTROGRAPH. The spectrograph which was used in this investigation was described briefly in the general account of the Pasadena labora- tory published in 1908 (53). It is of the Littrow or autocollimating type, placed vertically in a well 30 feet (9.1 m) deep. The design of this spectrograph was worked out during the early solar inves- tigations on Mount Wilson and the first instrument in the obser- vatory equipment was made by Wilh'am Gaertner of Chicago, and has been in use for over three years as a part of the 6o-foot tower telescope on Mount Wilson. A description was published in Contributions from the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory (54) . When the physical laboratory in Pasadena was equipped in 1908, an exact duplicate of the mountain spectrograph was obtained from Gaertner, with the addition of holders for lens and plane grating to give a focal length of 13 feet (4 m) when desired, as well as the full focal length of 30 feet (9.1 m). The details of the mounting of the spectrograph can be seen from the drawing in Fig. 3 and from the photograph of the upper end (Plate II). The well is made water-proof with a h'ning of brick, several layers of tarred building paper, and cement plaster, the dimensions being 30 feet (9.1 m) below the floor of the labora- tory and 8.5 feet (2.6 m) in diameter. Since the well was thor- oughly dried out, no moisture has appeared to come through the walls. The cover of the well is of reinforced concrete, with two openings. A circular opening at the east side is inclosed by a cement ring 70 cm high and no cm outside diameter, which supports the metal top of the spectrograph. Entrance to the well is provided for by an opening at the south side closed by a wooden cover, from which a vertical iron ladder leads to the bottom. Attached to the iron ladder is a stout wood platform, at such height that the parts of the spectrograph for the 13 feet (4 m) focus can be conveniently adjusted. The spectrograph consists essentially of a skeleton steel frame 50 cm square, at the top of which is a circular cast-iron plate on which is the slit and holder for the photographic plate, while below, the objectives and gratings are supported in the steel frame at the 14 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. proper levels for the focal lengths desired. The weight of the frame is supported by a concrete pier placed at the bottom of the well. This pier carries an iron plate with a spherical cavity, into which fits a lubricated hemisphere on the lower end of the spectrograph frame. The iron plate at the upper end of the instrument fits loosely inside a circular iron casting imbedded in the concrete ring already described. The whole spectrograph turns easily about a vertical axis by means of a gear and pinion in the outer casting. A simple clamping device holds the instrument against accidental turning when in use. The slit of the spectrograph, 51 mm long, is placed on the end of a brass tube sliding within another tube attached to the iron top. The divided head regulating the width of slit is graduated to read 0.025 mm - For strong light sources, a slit width of 0.075 mm was regularly used. When the 30-foot arrangement is in use, the light passes from the slit to an 8-inch (20.3 cm) visually corrected objective by Brashear, which lies horizontally in a holder capable of being moved vertically for focusing by turning a rod pass- ing to the top of the spectrograph and rotated by a hand-wheel. A metal box to hold a plane grating is just below the lens. A rod, geared to the grating box and passing above to a second wheel at the top of the instrument, permits the rotation of the grating about a horizontal axis to obtain the order or region of spectrum desired. Scales which show the position of the lens and the inclination of the grat- ing can be read by a small telescope at the top of the instrument when illuminated by incandescent lamps turned on from above. The light reflected by the grating passes again through the lens and the spectrum is brought to a focus above, the middle of the photographic plate lying in the same plane as the slit. The holder carrying the plate rests in an iron frame supported at its center so that by tilting the plate-holder good focus can usually be obtained over the whole of the plate, which is 17 inches (43 cm) long and 3.62 inches (9.2 cm) wide. The plate-holder can also be moved parallel to itself by means of a rack and pinion to permit the photographing of successive spectra. Two shutters, sliding horizon- tally, are placed 7.5 mm below the plate and can be adjusted to shut out all light except the strip of spectrum, the width of which is regulated by the.length of slit used. Light reflected from the lens sur- faces would reach the plate were it not for these shutters and for the fact that a narrow bar is laid across the center of the lens so as to cut off the reflected rays which would enter through the opening of the shutters. With the 30-foot focal length, a slight inclination of the objective removed the reflections without appreciably affecting the definition. The arrangement of lens and grating to give the spectrograph a focal length of 13 feet (4 m) follows the plan of that for the longer focus. The movements of lens and grating are regulated by the same rods which control those below. The grating-holder may be moved over to the side of the steel frame and the lens-holder swung back out of the way when the 30-foot arrangement is desired. The two plane gratings used during the investigation were a Rowland grating 12.5 cm long and 9 cm wide, having 568 lines to the millimeter and a Michelson grating 19 cm long by 7.2 cm wide, having 500 lines per mm. The former was used with the i3-foot arrangement for the majority of the plates. The Michelson grating was obtained near the end of the investigation and a number of the later plates were taken with this, which was adjusted for the 3o-foot focus. While longer exposure must be used with the longer focus, the large scale is very desirable and the field is much flatter, so that as a rule the whole length of spectrum over a 1 7-inch (43 cm) plate can be obtained in fair focus, even in the first order. For very weak light-sources, however, the 13-foot arrangement often gives better results, as there may be unavoidable changes in either the source or the spectrograph if the exposure is greatly prolonged. The scales of the photographs for the two focal lengths and the several orders used in this work are approximately as shown in the small table on the following page, there being a variation in the second decimal place according to the part of the spectrum observed. Other important features of the spectrograph are the occulting plate of the slit, the mirror support, and the polarizing apparatus. Plate II shows the form of the occulting plate. It is of brass, dull silver- plated, and supported on four pins screwed into the top of the spectrograph, so that it is entirely free APPARATUS AND METHODS. Focus. ORDER. o ANGSTROMS PER MM. 13 foot Second 2.05 13 foot Third i-35 30 foot First 1.92 30 foot Second -95 30 foot Third 0.60 30 foot Fourth o-45 from the slit, and about 2 mm above the latter. By moving the V-shaped opening a, by means of the rack and pinion, any length of slit up to n mm may be obtained. A further movement brings the double opening b, whose size may be adjusted by the sliding plate c, over the slit. By a proper setting of the scale d, a double comparison spectrum can thus be placed outside that made with the opening a without risk of instrumental displacement, since the plate-holder and all essential parts of the spectro- graph are left untouched. Plate II shows the arrangement of the mirror by which the light coming horizontally from any piece of apparatus in the laboratory is reflected to the slit of the spectrograph. The holder for the mirror, which is of plate glass 12.5 cm in diameter, silvered on its front surface, can be turned about a horizontal axis, and is supported at the lower end of a brass cylinder. This cylinder can either rotate or move up and down inside a stationary cylinder held in position by three curved iron supports which are screwed to the top of the spectrograph. The mirror may thus be placed in any position necessary to direct the beam into the instrument. As the mirror can be turned in any direction independently of the spectrograph, we may have any desired orientation of the slit with respect to the light source, which is usually out of the question with a spectrograph mounted horizontally. This is a very great advantage in an instrument free from astigmatism. For the Zeeman photographs the slit was regularly used parallel to the lines of force of the magnet. In photographing arc and spark spectra in general, it is desirable to use the slit sometimes parallel, sometimes perpendicular to the direction of discharge in the image projected upon it. The Nicol prism, by which the light polarized in one plane is transmitted to the slit, is held on a metal platform 3.5 cm above the slit. The Nicol prism which has been used thus far was loaned by Director Stratton of the National Bureau of Standards. The diagonals of the face are 25 and 30 mm and the prism is 6.5 cm long. It is held in a brass cylinder having a graduated circle by which the Nicol can be set at any desired angle to the plane of polarization of the incident light. A second platform can be placed above the Nicol to hold a Fresnel rhomb when this is desired for the study of circular polarization. Since the beam passing through the Nicol is displaced parallel to itself, when the prism is rotated 90 to transmit the other Zeeman component the image does not remain on the slit. The image is then brought back by moving the focusing lens, a simple glass lens of 58.4 cm focal length and 10 cm diameter. After such a change, it was always noted whether the grating was well centered in the beam of light, which usually had at least three times the diameter of the spectrograph objective. Although small movements of a focusing lens of the focal length used produce very slight changes in the direction of the beam to the grating, still care was taken never to move the lens when an instrumental displacement of the spectrum lines could have any disturbing effect. After an exposure with the magnetic field, the only change before starting the exposure for the spark without field was to move the occulting plate above the slit, so that the comparison spectrum would be on each side of the spectrum taken with the field. The light source thus remained unchanged in position, and all parts of the optical system as well as the photographic plate were left untouched. The spectrograph remains in adjustment for longer periods probably than with any mounting other than the vertical arrangement in a well. The temperature change at the bottom of the well is entirely negligible during short periods of time. A recent test showed that during three months in which tem- perature variations of over 15 C were experienced in the laboratory, a thermometer placed beside the grating rose very gradually from i86 to i9o C. During this time the lights were frequently turned on to read the adjustment scales, and there were occasional visits by observers to the bottom of the well. Mechanical vibrations are more disturbing. It has been necessary to close the driveway beside the laboratory during exposures with the spectrograph, and to take care that no machinery be used which would transmit a vibration to the spectrograph mounting. 1 6 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. 4. PHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS. The requirements as to photographic plates in an investigation of this sort are to some extent con- flicting. Speed, a fairly fine grain, good latitude, so that weak lines may be obtained without serious over-exposure of the stronger ones, together with enough contrast to give sharply defined lines, are ele- ments not easily combined in one plate. A number of plates have been tried, including the Lumiere "Sigma," the Seed "Gilt Edge 27," "23," and "Process," the Cramer "Crown" and "Inst. Isochro- matic." Each kind of plate will give superior effects for a certain type of line; but in general I have obtained the best results for the work from the Seed "Gilt Edge 27" for the blue end of the spectrum as far as about \46oo, and from there on into the red from the same plate bathed with the solution of pina- cyanol, pinaverdol, and homocol recommended by Wallace (55). This plate is the best adapted of those I have tried in regard to doing justice to all classes of lines. It is a fast plate without an objectionably coarse grain. The latitude is good. In the case of lines of complex Zeeman separation, a plate with more contrast will often fail to show weak components very close to stronger ones. A properly chosen developer will sharpen the lines to a great extent, avoiding troublesome shad- ing off from the central maximum. After trying several solutions, I have preferred a hydroquinone developer giving strong contrast, due to Mr. Wallace, but not published so far as I know. The propor- tions are as follows, using equal parts of A and B : Solution A: Solution B: Water. ... 48 oz. Water 48 oz. Hydroquinone 640 grains Carbonate soda (anhydrous) I oz. Sulphite soda (anhydrous) i oz. Carbonate potassium (anhydrous) 4 oz. Sulphuric acid (cone.) 30 drops Bromide potassium % oz. This developer does not stain the plates, even when warm. Development was usually carried to the point where chemical fog sets in. This comes on slowly, and the solution is as efficient in bringing up weak images as any I have tried. When used at 20 C a bathed plate is usually fully developed in 6 to 7 minutes. Some very good photographs were obtained for the region \52oo to \55oo by the use of the Cramer "Inst. Isochromatic"; but it was found best to soften its contrast by the use of a metol-hydro- quinone developer. For the region \48oo to ASIOO, where the "Isochromatic" is weak, as well as for the whole of the orange and red, the action of the bathed "27" has been unsurpassed by any plate used in these experiments. 5. MEASUREMENT OF MAGNETIC FIELD. The accurate measurement of field-strength presented some difficulties in the case of iron on account of the use of metallic terminals for the spark. The field for titanium was more easily obtained, and was based on direct measurements by a bismuth spiral. This instrument was obtained from Hartmann and Braun, but instead of using the regular formula for temperature correction, the spiral was sent to the National Bureau of Standards and there calibrated to provide a series of curves for the variation of field- strength with change of resistance for temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 C. When used at inter- mediate temperatures the interpolation was simple. The resistance in and out of the field was measured with a Kohlrausch bridge. A set of plates of the titanium spectrum, extending over the whole region investigated, was taken with the magnetic field as nearly the same as possible. All parts of the magnet were left unchanged and the same current was used throughout. By check measurements with the bismuth spiral and by comparison of plates which overlapped enough to measure some of the same lines on both, it appeared that a field-strength of 17,500 gausses was maintained for this set with a variation no greater than 200 gausses. Other photographs taken to supplement the measurement of certain regions had their values reduced to correspond to a field-strength of 17,500 by comparison of the separations of sharply defined lines. For the iron spectrum it is well known that indirect methods must be used to determine the field- strength, since the use of iron spark terminals distorts the field to such an extent that any object as large APPARATUS AND METHODS. I 7 as the bismuth spiral or an exploring coil for the ballistic method will not give true values for the field to which the spark vapor is subjected. It may be that the iron vapor, when sufficiently dense, has an appreciable permeability of its own. There is, however, no evidence on this point. The plates for the iron spectrum were taken at intervals extending over a year, during which various changes were made in the experimental arrangements which involved changes in the magnetic field. However, a considerable region in the blue and violet was photographed with the same field, and the pub- lication of Mrs. van Bilderbeek (49) gave an opportunity to make a comparison with her values. In her work some photographs were taken using a spark with one iron and one zinc terminal, thus obtaining the zinc triplet X 4680.3 17, as well as some iron lines in that region. Weiss and Cotton (20) by a series of very careful measurements obtained the relation AX/HX 2 = 1.875 x IO 4 f r the separation of the outer compo- nents of this triplet, from which Mrs. van Bilderbeek deduced the value 32,040 gausses for the standard field which she used when iron terminals alone were employed. I was able to select from my list 33 lines between the limits X37oo and X44OO, which are also given in Mrs. van Bilderbeek's table, in nearly all cases clear triplets, for which my measurements are of high weight. The ratio between Mrs. van Bilder- beek's values and mine for these lines was in every case very close to 2, the greatest deviation being given by the value 2.14. The mean ratio for the lines is 2.01, giving a value of 15,940 gausses for the field used by me in photographing the iron spectrum. This is in very satisfactory agreement with a value which I had already determined by photographing the strong line X 4383. 7 20 as given by a spark between car- bon terminals on which a little iron solution was placed in a field measured by the bismuth spiral as 17,600, and comparing the separation with that of the components of the same line very sharply photographed with iron terminals used in the standard field. Exactly the same value was given by com- paring the separation of X 4383. 7 20 in two photographs, one with iron poles, the other in which the line came up as an impurity in a titanium photograph taken with the standard titanium field of 17,500. Assuming that the value of the field for iron was established by the other measurements, this last test gave an excellent check on the standard field for titanium, which would otherwise depend on the meas- urement with the bismuth spiral. It would seem then that the value of 16,000 gausses can be safely taken for the standard iron field with an error less than i per cent. A considerable number of photo- graphs for both iron and titanium were made with fields close to 20,000 gausses, sometimes slightly higher, but the measurements were reduced to correspond to fields of 16,000 and 17,500, respectively. A similar system of checking field-strengths was applied for the region to the red of X44oo. A spark was used with one terminal of iron and the other of brass. Two photographs were taken in which the zinc triplet X 4680.3 1 7 appeared as well as a number of iron lines, among them the wide and sharp triplet X4878.407. Using the value of Weiss and Cotton, the field-strength for the measured separation of this iron line (20,360 gausses for AX= 1.389 A) was deduced. Spark terminals of the same kind with all parts of the magnet unchanged were then used for a series of photographs covering the iron spec- trum as far as X67oo. The field was thus kept as nearly constant as possible, and by comparing the separations of iron lines with this known field with those on former plates taken with various fields it was possible to reduce all values for the iron spectrum to the standard field of 16,000. 6. METHODS OF MEASUREMENT AND REDUCTION. The measurement of the earlier plates was carried out by Miss Wickham, while the later plates were measured by Miss Griffin. The machine used was a small Gaertner comparator having a range of 8 cm, the divided head reading to o.ooi mm. The process of measurement included the identification of lines, the determination of the reduction factor for the portion of the plate under examination and the measure- ment of the separation of the Zeeman components. Various tables were used in the identification of lines. For the iron spectrum the tables of Kayser and Runge (56) for the iron arc were supplemented by those of Exner and Haschek (57) for the spark, 1 8 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. also by the list of enhanced lines given by Lockyer (58) and by plates of the arc and spark spectra of iron taken in this laboratory. For the titanium spectrum the tables and charts of Hasselberg (59) were use- ful as far as X 5900. This was supplemented for the red end by the measures of arc lines by Fiebig (60) . The spark tables of Exner and Haschek and of Lockyer were used as for iron. The identifications of solar lines in Rowland's Tables are in most cases so close to the values in the tables of arc and spark spectra that there is no doubt of the correspondence of the lines. The wave-lengths given in this publication are entirely on the Rowland system. The chart of the iron arc spectrum by Buisson and Fabry (61) was of great assistance in the approxi- mate identification of lines, the scale being almost the same as that of my plates taken in the third order with the i3-foot focal length. In addition to using this chart for the iron spectrum, it served also for titanium when used in conjunction with a set of plates which I made of the spectra of the titanium spark and iron arc side by side. The definitive identification of lines was in the usual way by measurement from neighboring lines whose identity was certain. On account of the incompleteness of the general tables of spectra for the red region, a few lines are entered in my titanium table which may belong to other substances. Some of these, in all probability, are lines given stronger in the spark than in the arc, which explains their absence from Fiebig's list. The doubtful origin of such lines is indicated in the column headed "Remarks." The spectrum given by the plane grating spectrograph not being quite normal, the reduction factor of the plate, expressed in Angstrom units per millimeter, was determined at intervals usually of 2 to 3 cm. The change in the factor between successive determinations was thus almost always less than 5 in the third decimal place. This factor was multiplied by the distance in millimeters between the Zeeman components, which was the mean of at least four differential measurements taken alternately right and left, setting first on one, then on the other of the components whose separation was desired. The accu- racy of setting on first-class lines was usually well within 0.005 mm - From such lines there are all grada- tions up to those for which the measurements recorded can be taken only as indicating the order of mag- nitude of the separation. Frequently a line has its components on one side blended with those of an adjacent line. In such a case it is usually possible to make a more or less accurate measurement of half the separation by measuring from the clear component to the no-field line which was always photo- graphed in juxtaposition. The accuracy of measurement will be discussed further in the explanation of the tables when the weight of measurements is considered. After measurement by a member of the Computing Division each plate was carefully gone over by the author. In this examination the identification of lines was checked, the character of the separation and weight of the measurement as determined by the quality of the line were decided upon, and many check measurements with the machine were made, including all measures for determination of the mag- netic field by a comparison of the separation of lines on different plates. EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES, i. WAVE-LENGTHS. The wave-lengths given in the first column are on the Rowland system. The methods of identifi- cation and the tables used have been treated in the preceding section. 2. INTENSITY. This column is intended to give an approximate value of the intensity of the lines in the spark spec- trum. The numbers are taken (with occasional modifications) from the tables of Exner and Haschek for the spark spectrum as far as X47oo, beyond which the intensities were estimated on the same scale from my plates. Weak lines are graded " i " on this scale, but there is considerable variation in the strength of lines which are given this value. For the purposes of this paper, this grading of intensities is sufficient. 3. CHARACTER OF SEPARATION. In this column is described the type of separation of each line when the n- and ^-components* are combined, as is the case when the light of the spark is observed at right angles to the magnetic force- lines without Nicol or other apparatus to separate the light vibrating in the two directions. Thus in the reproductions the two portions of each spectrum showing the effect of the magnetic field should be superposed to give the appearance of the line as described in this column. The description gives the best judgment of the type of separation that can be made from the photo- graphs. It must be considered in connection with the measured separation and widening of components given in the columns for AX of the n- and ^-components, and is usually made clear by these. Frequently a supplementary remark is needed in the case of complex lines. A line designated as triple has its one p- and two w-components of sufficient sharpness to give no indi- cation that any of them are compound. Since the Zeeman components follow to some extent the general character of the spectrum line, when a line is itself wide and diffuse, its components may be simple and still not so sharp as those of lines which do not tend to diffuseness. The proximity of the no-field line on the plate aids in the judgment of such cases, but some of them are uncertain at the best. The tendency of some lines to reverse is very disturbing in this connection, since it is very difficult to obtain such lines with really sharp components. Several iron lines between \37oo and \39OO, which give wide reversals in the arc and spark between iron terminals, can be made to show the Zeeman components also reversed, by the use of a strongly condensed spark, so that a triplet appears as a sextuplet. To decide such cases it was necessary to make special photographs, using much self-induction and also with carbon terminals containing a little iron. The titanium photographs were also useful in this connection, since the titanium used contained enough iron to give the stronger iron lines which appear with sharp components under such conditions. The interrogation point is very freely used to indicate that the line is probably of the character given, though not clearly shown to be so on the plates. The reason for doubt is usually given in the columns for AX. Thus "triple?" means that the /^-component is slightly widened so that it may not be simple, but still the widening may be explained by the strength of the component or by the fact that the line * n and p are used throughout this paper as abbreviations of "normal" and "parallel." n denotes the Zeeman components given by light vibrations in a plane at right angles to the lines of magnetic force, and p those given by vibrations parallel to the force- lines. The symbols correspond to the letters s and p regularly used in German publications. 19 20 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. itself is slightly diffuse, which may account for the lack of sharpness in the components. "Quadruple?" means that the two w-components are fairly sharp, but the /(-component is probably double. A doubtful quintuplet will usually have five components measurable, with indications that others are possibly present. Doubtful sextuplets are very common. As a rule such a line has its two w-components widened so that there are probably two pairs, while the /(-component is either distinctly double, or unresolved and con- siderably widened. The decision between doubtful sextuplets and septuplets is frequently difficult and often quite uncertain. The /(-component in such cases is not resolved, but the character of its widening will often show whether it is double or triple. A widening with strong central maximum means usually three /(-components, but there may be five. Such a line, if it has two widened w-components, is classed as a probable septuplet. Octuplets and lines of higher separation are classified in a similar way, the widen- ing given in the two AX columns, together with the remarks, showing in what respect the given char- acter may be doubtful. Lines whose w-components are " fringed ' ' are difficult to classify. Such ' ' fringes ' ' indicate very close, unresolved components, and these may be numerous. A field double that available here would probably show the full structure. Many lines were fully resolved by a field of 20,000 which had to be described as "fringed" for a field of 16,000. The degree of widening due to the fringes is given in the AX column and a remark tells whether the fringes are toward the center or outwards. The number of components is estimated as closely as possible from the width of the fringes, but when the structure is very complex, an interrogation point is used without any attempt to give the number of components. Although the doubtful elements which have been mentioned come into the estimates as to the char- acter of lines, the large number of plates from which the material was taken gave an opportunity to study each line under various conditions of intensity and degree of separation, so that the classification as to character is probably as accurate as can be made without very much greater field-strength combined with as high resolving power as was here used. 4. WEIGHT. Under this heading, each line for which measurement was possible is given the weight 3, 2, or i, according as the quality of the Zeeman components for measurement is good, fair, or poor. This grading should be of much service in any use which is made of these tables. In attempts which the author has made to compare his measurements with those of others, the discordances were nearly always found to occur in the case of lines of such character that one or both sets of measurements were poor. If lines of high weight in each set are compared, a good check on the observations is obtained. Lines of weight 3 have sharply defined components, and for such lines measurements of the same plate by different observers or different sets by the same observer usually give differences in the third decimal place only, while for many lines of this class the probable error is not greater than two or three thousandths of an Angstrom. Only lines of weight 3 should be used in comparisons of field-strength. Lines are weighted 2, when the line is reasonably strong, because the components are widened and probably compound, fringed, or perhaps single and poorly defined for some reason, so that the measure- ment is not so close as for lines weighted 3. Measurements of weight 2 have usually a probable error not greater than 10 per cent and may be used for quantitative comparisons where a high degree of pre- cision is not required. When a component is measured from the no-field line, it is never weighted higher than 2. A line whose components are uniformly widened, each consisting of two or more components of about equal intensity, gives a better measurement than a line whose components are fringed, since in the latter case photographic conditions affect the distinctness of the maximum of each shaded com- ponent, this maximum being the part measured. Weight i is given to lines which are very faint, much disturbed by blends, or of such complex struc- ture that the components are extremely diffuse. The error of measurement for such lines may be large and the three decimal places are entered only for the sake of uniformity. However, the figures given EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES. 2 I show whether the line is to be classed as having small, medium, or large separation, and for this reason the inclusion of such lines is justified. When measurements are given for both the n- and the ^-components, the weight for each is given, separated by a comma. In case only the p-component is measured, a dash before the comma indicates the omission of the weight for the w-component. 5. VALUES OF AX. The fifth and sixth columns of the tables contain the separation in Angstrom units of the components given by light vibrating respectively perpendicular and parallel to the lines of magnetic force. (See foot-note, p. 19.) When there is an even number of components for the same polarization, measurements are made between the members of each pair which presents itself. A single value in one of these columns means that one pair of components is present. When there are two or more pairs, the largest separa- tion is given first, but the innermost pair is designated "Pair I." When there is an odd number of com- ponents, any outer ones that may appear are measured from the central component, instead of being treated as pairs, and the values are listed beginning with the outermost on the violet side, the presence of a central component being indicated by o.ooo. No attempt is made to give the relative intensity of the n- and ^-components, as this depends largely upon the optical system. However, if there are more than two components for the same polarization, the relative intensity of the pairs (or of each component when there is an odd number) is given in parentheses after the value of the separation. If either AX column is blank for a certain line, this indicates that a single, sharp component appears for this polarization. Thus for all clear triplets, the ^-component column is blank. If, however, the ^-component is unresolved, but widened so as to indicate that a higher field would separate it into two or more, the letter "w" with subscript i, 2, or 3 is used to show the degree of widening. Components marked "w 2 " or "w 3 " as a rule are certainly compound. A slight widening, which probably means more than one component, is indicated by "w u " but this may in some cases result from the diffuse character of the no-field line. There are many cases, especially in the w-component column, where a measurement is given, followed by "w" with a subscript. This means that a pair is measured, but each member of the pair is widened and probably compound. If the widening is uniform, there are probably two or more components of equal intensity. If the constituents of the widened component are of different intensity the component is shaded toward one side. Such a line has the degree of widening given and in addition is denoted in the "Remarks" column as "fringed" when each component shades off from the center, or as having "inner fringes" when the shading is toward the center. The letters "n.m." indicate that a separation exists but is not measurable, usually by reason of the faintness of the components. In such cases it is possible, as a rule, to tell the character of the separation with fair certainty and the line is included on this account. Thus a faint but sharp ^-component com- bined with traces of two sharp w-components is given as a triplet. The designation "n.m.w." is used when the components are hazy as well as faint. 6. VALUES OF AX/X 2 . Since in most points relating to the theory of the Zeeman phenomenon, the values of AX/X 2 rather than of AX are considered (p. 4), the former quantity is entered in the seventh and eighth columns, the positions of the numbers in the column being the same as that of the corresponding values of AX. When X is in Angstrom units, the values given for AX/X 2 are to be multiplied by icr 8 . 2 2 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. TABLE i. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON. g en CHARACTER | A' V AX A 2 HH SEPARATION. o 1 W-COMP. ^-COMP. K-COMP. p-COMF. 36^0 663 I Triple 2 o 176 I . 314 Triple? 2 Wl I 3O7 3670.240 2676 4-comps. almost resolved 3686 141 2 Sextuple? 2 O I94 W2 W2 1.428 n- and />-comps. diffuse Triple 2 286 3689.614 3690.870 2 I Sextuple? Sextuple? ? 2,1 2,1 0.373 Wi . 268 Wi 0.097 0.096 2-739 1.967 2 23? 0.712 0.705 H-comps. fringed. Probably 4 Triple />-comps. blended 3697-567 I Sextuple? ? -,I 2 n.m. Ws 0-345 I 723 2.522 w-comps. very diffuse. Probably more than 4 H-comps. fringed. Probably 4 3702 . 170 I Triple 2 o 2.1 1; 2 2o8 />-comps. blended Triple' 2 2 428 37O3 062 1 Triple Faint 3704 603 2 Triple? 7 O 3IO Wi 2 324 3705.708 3707.186 3707.959 3708 068 4 I I 4 8 or 10 comps. Quadruple Quadruple Sextuple? 2,3 2,1 2,1 2 . 294 W2 0,282 0.627 O 3 I < Wi 0.147 0.250 0.306 Wi 2. 141 2.052 4.560 2 2QI 1.070 1.819 2.225 Probably 3 pairs n-comps. May be 2 pairs p-comps. Blend with 3708.068 -comps. fringed 3709.389 4 Triple 3 O 3.12 2 268 37 1 1 ^64 i Triple 2 i i;68 3716.054 i 2 Quadruple 1,1 0.290 0.146 2.100 2 8?3 1-057 37I8.5S4 I Quintuple? 1,1 ' -* y4 , , 0.271 (i) o ooo (2) 0.286 1.960 O OOO 2.068 Unsymmetrical. Probably 3 n-, 2 p-comps. Red H-comp. not ? ? measurable. Red />-comp. half 372O.O84 TO Triple? 2 o 268 I 076 as strong as violet All comps. may be compound. I j Line reverses readily and comps. are never sharp Faint in spark 2722 O7I I Triple I I 02O Faint in spark 3722.729 4 12 comps. 2,2 Pair IV, 0.415 (2) Pair III, 0.311 (3) Pair II o 2ii (3) Pair II, 0.195 (5) Pair I, n.m. (i) 2.994 2.244 I <22 1.407 3724. <26 2 Triple 2 I 84? ?727 . 778 5 Septuple? 2 o 318 Wi W2 2 288 -comps have inner fringes. 27-10 ^34 i Triple? I Wi 2 4 A 2 & SEPARATION. M W-COMP. p-COMP. -COMP. ^>-COMP 3744.251 I Septuple? 1,1 O.4OI W2 0.283 (i) o ooo (i) 2.861 2.018 Probably 4 -comps. Apparent- 0.415 (i) Dare 3747 3745.717 i; Septuple? 2 O. 228 Wl W2 1.624 w-comps fringed. Probably 3 3746.058 3747-065 I Unaffected Septuple? 1,1 0.413 w 2 0.306 (i) o.ooo (2) 2.941 2.l8o p-comps. Apparently same type as 3744. 3748.408 4 9 comps.? 2 Pair III, 0.316 (4) 0-341 (i) W3 2.250 2.429 Probably 3 ^-comps. almost Pair II, 0.226 (3) 1 .609 resolved Pair I, o 101 (i) 3749.049 I Quadruple? 2 o . 240 wi W 2 1.708 3749.631 10 Triple 2 0.289 2 .055 3753.732 2 Triple 3 0.395 2 8oa 3756.213 j Triple? 2 0.300 Wi 2.126 3757.081 I Triple? I o. 197 Wl i 306 3757-597 I Triple I 0.388 2.747 Faint in spark 3758.375 8 Triple 3 0.269 .00? f 3760.196 2 Triple 3 0.235 .662 3760.679 I Quintuple? 2 0.146 (i) W2 .032 -comp. appears as unsymmet- o.ooo (i) o ooo o. 179 (i) 26<; blend 3763.945 6 Triple 3 0.218 n8 3765.689 i, Triple 3 0.228 .608 3767-34I 3768.173 5 T Unaffected Triple 2 0.600 4 22S 3770.446 I Triple 2 o. 191 I . 24. -2 3773-803 3774-971 I I Unaffected Sextuple 2,1 Pair II, 0.545 (i) Pair I, 0.274 (i) 0.240 3.824 i .922 1.684 />-comps. faint 3776.600 I Triple? 2 0.229 Wi i . 605 3777-593 3778.652 I T Quadruple? Triple I n.m. 0.344 n.m. 2 .408 Very faint. Wide separation of p-comp. 3779.569 T Triple? I 0.277 I Q38 3781.330 T n.m. W2 Many comps. n diffuse Not 3786.092 2 Triple 3 0.220 I. "^ resolved 3786.314 2 Triple? n.m.W2 W2 3786.820 3788.046 2 4 Unaffected Octuple 3,3 0.214 (4) 0.108 (2) o.ooo (i) o.ni (2) O. Ill (2) o.ooo (3) O.lOg W 1.491 0-753 o.ooo O 774. 0.774 o.ooo 0.760 Magnetic duplicate of 3743.508 0.219 (4) 3790.238 2 Sextuple? 2 O. 164 \V2 W2 I 142 3794.485 I Triple 3 o. 197 3795.147 1 Septuple? 2 0.325 W2 2 2-COMP. Triple i 8n Sextuple? I O 258 W2 W2 I . 772 7 Q T >7 7 6 Triple I I SO Difficult 22O C86 Triple o 282 I O32 Line reverses easily. Comps. 7821 728 Triple o 218 I 4,03 never very sharp 7821 081 Triple I O 141 o.o6c Triple I 2^8 Not given by Rowland as Fe. Triple Computed X = 3824 . 463 g Septuple? W2 I 872 w-comps. fringed. Probably 3 7827 080 Triple I C7C p-comps. 7870 806 Triple n m. Faint Triple ci2 7877 dc8 Sextuple? 716 6 Septuple? 2 o 248 Wi Ws 687 -comps. fringed. Probably 3 Triple o 266 808 p-comps. 7877 768 Quadruple? o 198 Triple O 222 -comps. 3883 426 Triple ?88? 6?7 Sextuple? 2 O 234. Wi Wl I ^^O 3886 ,-IA Triple 3887-196 3888.671 3 4 Sextuple? ii comps. 2,2 2,2 0.335 W 2 0.190 (2) 0.128(3) 0.072 (3) o.ooo (i) 0.077 (3) 0.117 Pair 11,0.235 Pair I, n.m. 2.217 1.256 0.846 0.476 o.ooo 0.509 o 886 0-774 I.SS4 Red n-comps. disturbed by blend I 2^6 3888 971 Triple 3800 086 Triple 2 o 8 3892.069 3893-542 i 2 Quadruple? Quadruple? 2 3 0.237 wi 0.269 Wl Wi i 564 1-775 Red n-comp. stronger. Violet -comp. stronger MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON. TABLE i. MEASUREMENTS or ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON Continued. 2 5 f 3 CHARACTER = A X AX, 'X 2 1 M SEPARATION. o 1 tt-COMP. />-COMP. M-COMP. p-COUP. Triple 2 Oil ?8nc 80 3 Triple 2 286 Triple 1.6^8 3898 032 Triple o 376 2.474 3898-231 2 Quadruple Triple 2,2 0.707 O 340 0-352 4.653 2.294 2.317 3903.090 3904.052 5 i 10 comps.? Sextuple? Triple 2,2 2,1 0.278 Wa 0-233 w l 0.152 wi 0.098 1.825 1-529 0.998 0.643 Probably 6 n-, 4 ^-comps. Enhanced line Triple 2 273 I 663 Triple 2.28o Difficult blend with 3909.802 Triple o 326 2.128 Triple? 2 O27 3917.324 3918.464 3018 163 2 I I Septuple? Triple Triple 2 2 Q.554W2 n.m. O 333 Wa 3.6lO 2.l69 w-comps. have inner fringes. Probably 4 n-, 3 />-comps. Triple O 17? I 130 Triple 2 . 271 Triple 2 28l Quadruple? Wi I .046 Triple 2 43Q _ 3028 071 Triple O 312 2.28l Triple 2 282 3O3O 41O 4 Triple 7 O 312 2.270 Quadruple? W2 2 670 3935.965 i i Sextuple? Triple 2,2 0.319 Wi O.227 2.059 2 .477 1-465 Enhanced line I Triple? Enhanced line. Diffuse Triple? 2 Wl 2 062 Triple I 77O 3Q47 142 Quadruple? I o 243 Wi W2 i . t;6o Quadruple? Wl 2 417 ?Q48 . 246 Triple I o 247 1.581; 2 Triple I 1OO 3Q1O. IO2 2 Triple 7 o 348 2 . 230 3QCI in 2 Triple? 2 288 Wi Wl I 844 3952-754 I I Sextuple? Triple 2,1 2 0.287 W I 0.145 1.837 I 862 0.927 Red p-comp. twice as strong as violet 2 Triple 3oc6 810 2 Triple -2 o 289 I 846 Triple I 807 Comps. hazy 3963-252 I I ? Triple W 3 Wl 2 672 -comps. not resolved Faint 3966. 212 2 Septuple? 2 O-474 W 2 Wl 3 OI3 Measurement is for wide pair 2066 778 2 Sextuple? 2 o 338 Wa W2 2 147 -comps. which have inner fringes, ^-comps. not resolved, probably triple 3967 . S7O 7 Triple 3 o. 198 i. 258 3968.114 3969.413 I 5 Triple? Septuple? 2 n.m. 0.354 Wi Wi W| 2 . 247 Probably 4 n-, 3 />-comps. 3Q7O. 14.O i Triple 2 o 348 2 2O7 2Q7I 4.7C i Sextuple? 2 Wl 3976.532 3976.692 3977.891 3981.917 3084 in i i 2 I 2 Triple? Triple Triple Sextuple? Triple I I 3 2,2 2 o-33 0.319 0.441 . 24O W2 Wi 0.127 2.088 2.019 2.787 1-513 } 0.800 Difficult blend 3985-539 3986.321 3990.011 3990-525 3994.265 I I I I I Triple Sextuple? Triple? Triple? Triple 2 2 I 2 2 0.282 0.196 W2 0.293 w i 0.251 0.283 W S Wl Wl 1.775 1-234 1.840 1-577 1-774 26 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. TABLE i. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON Continued. X INTENSITY. 1 CHARACTER OF SEPARATION. WEIGHT. AX AX/X 2 REMARKS. H-COMP. p-coup. W-COMP. />-COMP. 3996.140 3997.115 3997.547 3998 . 205 4001.814 4005.408 4006 . 464 4006.776 4007.429 4009 . 864 4013.964 4014.677 4017.308 4018.420 4022.018 4024.881 4029.796 4030 . 646 4032.117 4040.792 4044 . 056 4044 . 766 4045.975 4062.599 4063 . 759 4067.139 4068.137 4070.930 4071.908 4073.921 4074.947 4076.792 4078.515 4079.996 4080 . 368 4084 . 647 4085 . 161 4085 . 467 4096 .129 4098.335 4100.901 4107.649 4I09.9S3 4114.606 4118.708 4120.368 4121.963 4122-673 4123.907 4126.040 .4126.344 4126.798 4127.767 4130.196 4132.235 i i 3 2 I 6 i i i 2 I 2 I I 2 I I I I I I I 15 2 IO I I I 8 i i 2 I I I I I I I I I 2 2 I 3 i i i 4 ? Triple Triple Sextuple? Triple 13 comps.? Triple? Triple Triple Septuple Triple? Triple Sextuple? Triple Sextuple? Triple? Quadruple? Sextuple? Triple Triple ? Triple? Triple Sextuple? Triple Sextuple? Quadruple? Triple? Triple Triple Octuple? Triple Triple Triple Triple? Triple? Triple? Triple? Triple? Sextuple? Triple Triple Sextuple Sextuple? Triple Triple Triple? Quadruple? Triple? Triple? Triple? Triple Triple Triple 13 comps.? i 3 2 3 2 I I 2 2,2 I 3 2 I 2 I 2 2 2 2 2 3 2,2 3 2,2 2 2 2 2 2,2 2 2 2 2 I I 2 2 I 3 2,3 2,2 3 2 I I I I 3 2 W3 0.259 O.266 o. 226 wi 0.415 0.461 W3 O. 211 0.383 0.176 Pair II, 0.470 (i) Pair 1,0.284(3) 0.236 wi o. 250 0.397 wi 0.288 0.272 wi o . 209 wi 0.311 0.274 wi 0.2II 0.254 n.m. Wz 0.319 0.298 0.418 W2 0.269 O.4O2 W2 O.4l8 0.366 O.I7O 0.360 0.302 Wa 0.386 0.184 0.479 n.m. 0.300 0.311 0.400 0.237 0.383 wj 0.302 0-397 Pair 11,0.382 (i) Pair I,o.i88(i) 0.376 wi 0.271 0.244 n.m. n.m. 0.402 Wi 0.370 0-335 0.284 0.196 n.m. 0.510 ws W2 w-comp. not resolved Faint Measurement is for outer pair -comps. Wide inner fringes, probably at least 8 -comps. and 5 p-comps. Compare 4132.235 Blend Very faint K-comps. scarcely resolved Comps. diffuse Probably 6 H-comps. Very faint Blend makes measurement dif- ficult Faint -comps. hardly separated, p- comps. almost resolved Comps. faint and diffuse Blend makes measurement dif- ficult Faint, -comps. rather widely separated Measurement is for outer - comps. Wide inner fringes, indi- cating4pairs. 5 p-comps. almost resolved. Similar to 4005 . 408 I.62I 1.664 1.414 2.591 2.874 i-3i5\ 2-385! 1.096 2.923 1.766 Wi W 3 Wi 0.085 (i) o.ooo (2) 0.089 (i) Wl 0.529 O.OOO 0.553 1.465 i-SSi 2.460 1.784 .681 .290 915 .685 .298 555 W2 Wl Wi Wi Wl W3 Wi 950 .820 2.532 1.628 2.430 2.525 2.208 1.025 2.169 1.819 2.322 1.106 2.877 0.588 1.143 0.097 0.189 W 2 Wl 0.149 0.897 Wi Wl W 2 W 2 Wl W2 1.798) 1.864 2-397J 1.413 2.281 1.796 2-352 2.261 1.113 2. 22O 1-597 1.437 O.I9I 1.131 0.797 0.135 W 2 W 2 W2 W2 Wi Wi W 3 2.364 2-173) 1.968 i.66 7 J 1.150 2.987 MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON. TABLE i. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON Continued. \ !H H Dl CHARACTER JJ X AX A 2 I 3 SEPARATION. 1 M-COMP. p-COilf. W-COMP. p-COMP. 4133.062 2 Sextuple? 2 0.273 w i Wl 1.598 4134.840 2 Sextuple? 2 0.303 w, w l I 772 4136.678 I Triple? 2 o. 252 w, I .472 4137.156 I Triple 2 0.314 1.814 4140.089 T Triple n.m. Very faint 4142.025 4143-572 4144.038 4147 836 I 3 5 i Triple? Quadruple? Septuple? Sextuple? 2 2 2 2 0.392 w, 0.280 0-393 Wi O.34O W2 V/i Wi W 2 Ws 2.285 1.630 2.288 1.976 n-comps. have inner fringes. Probably 3 />-comps. Diffuse ^-comp. appears stronger 4149.533 i Triple? 2 0.397 Wi w, 2.305 on violet side. Possibly blend 4154.071 2 Triple I O. 37O 2 196 4154.667 2 Triple 2 O-379 2 ICK 4154.976 2 Triple I 0.385 2 . 2^O 4156.970 4157.948 2 I Sextuple? Sextuple? 2,2 2 0.367 wi 0.415 W2 O.I2I W2 2.123 2 .400 0.700 4158.959 4171 .068 4172.296 I I I ? Sextuple? Triple I 2,2 2 0.589 Wi o . 390 w 2 0.315 W 3 O.II7 3-405 2.242 I.SlO 0.672 p-comp. very diffuse 4172.923 4173.480 4173.624 I I I In pie Quadruple Triple 1,1 n.m. 0.470 n.m. 0.185 2.698 I .062 Blend with next line makes measurement difficult 4175.082 I Triple? 2 0.374 Wi 2 146 4175.806 2 Triple 2 o. 206 I 6o7 4176.739 I Triple j 0.420 2 4O7 4179.025 I V/3 W2 Comps. very diffuse, not re- 4181.919 4 Triple 3 o. 339 I CMS solved. Enhanced line 4182.548 i Quadruple? I 0.272 wi w I . ccc Faint 4185.058 2 Triple 3 0.390 2 227 4187.204 4 Septuple? 2 0.395 w i W2 2 . 2<;3 tt-comps. fringed. Probably 3 4187.943 4 Triple 3 0.402 ^-comps. 4191-595 3 Septuple 2,2 Pair II, 0.540 (i) Pair I, 0.264 (4) 0-135 (0 o.ooo (2) o. 143 (i) 3.073 1.502 0.768 O.OOO o 813 4195.492 i Triple 2 0.320 i 818 4196.372 i Triple I O. 35Q 4198.494 1 Triple 3 0.383 2 172 4199.267 s Triple 3 o. 276 i $6< 4200.148 i Sextuple? i o . 364 Wa W 3 2 062 Faint and diffuse 4201.089 i Triple i 0.438 2 d.82 Faint 4202.198 4204.101 6 i 10 comps.? Triple 2,2 3 0.323 w 3 0.373 0.147 wi 1.829 2 I IO 0.832 Probably 6 -, 4 p-comps. 4206.862 T Triple I 0.338 4207.291 I Triple I 0.317 I 7OI Faint 4208.766 I Quadruple? I 0.413 Wi 2 332 Faint 4210.494 3 Triple 3 0.806 4. ^4.7 4210.561 I Triple i 0.411 2 3IO Enhanced line Fe? Not identi- 4213.812 I Triple 2 0.392 2 2O7 fied by Rowland 4216.351 4217.720 I I Sextuple? Sextuple? 2,2 I 0.457 W2 0.402 w> 0.236 W 3 2.S7I 2 . 2?O 1.328 Comps. very diffuse 4219.516 4220.509 4222.382 3 i 2 Triple Triple Triple 3 2 1 0.284 0.368 0.475 1-594 2.066 2 66s 4224-337 4225.619 4226.116 I I I Sextuple? Sextuple? Triple I 2 0-439 wi 0.448 wi n.m. Wi W 2 2.460 2.508 4226.584 4227.606 4233-328 4233-772 I 4 2 2 Triple? Triple Sextuple? 9 comps. I 2 2 2,2 0.381 0.309 0.282 Wi Pair III, 0.780 (i) Pair II, 0.550 (2) Pair I, 0.265 (s) W2 W 2 0.140 (2) o.ooo (3) 0.140 (2) 2-133 1.728 1-574 4.3SI 3-068 1.478 0.780 o.ooo 0.780 Enhanced line 28 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. TABLE i. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON Continued. e 7 CHARACTER tj d X AX A 2 & SEPARATION. I n-COMP. ^-COMP. -COMP. p-cottr. 42?6 112 n Triple 2 O 4?2 2 SIO 4238.970 I Triple 2 O.32O 1.781 424O OI4 T Triple 2 o 440 2 44.7 4245 422 T Triple 3 O.402, 2 . 736 4246. 251 T Triple I 0.273 1 .514 4.247 "COT I Triple 2 o 2c6 I Q73 4248.384 I Triple 2 o. 377 2.089 42 CO 287 8 Septuple? 2 2 11$ w-comps. fringed. Probably 3 4250-945 4260 640 9 TO 12 comps.? Triple 2,2 2 o . 246 Ws O 423 0.21 I Wl 1.361 2 33O 1.168 />-comps Probably 8 -, 4 p-comps. 4267. 122 T Triple J o. 2,00 I 648 4267.985 T Triple I 0.528 2.800 4268.OI 1 T Triple? I o 462 Wj 2 C3C 4271 .325 Triple 3 O. 3Q4 2 160 4271 .934 TO Triple 3 0.341 1.868 4282 . <6i T Septuple? 2 O 3IO W2 Ws i 601 -comps. fringed. Probably 3 4285.605 T Triple 3 o 31 c I 7I"\ /-comps. 4294.301 4298. 195 5 i Sextuple? Triple? 2,2 2 0.319 w 2 0.457 0.138 Wi 1.730 2.474 0.748 -comps. almost resolved 4299 410 5 Triple 3 o 406 2 IO7 4302.353 T Triple 2 0.316 1 . 707 Enhanced line 433-337 4305.614 I T Sextuple? Quadruple? 2,2 I 0.415 w 2 0.328 Wi 0.265 Ws 2.241 I 76o I-43I Enhanced line 4308.081 IS Triple 3 o. 320 I . 724 4309. 541 T Triple 2 O 32< I 7^0 4315.262 4325.939 3 TS Sextuple? Triple 3,3 3 0.517 wi o. 245 0.090 2-777 1 . 3OQ 0.483 4327 . 274 T Triple 2 O 31 3 I 6?2 4328.080 T Triple 2 o 246 1 . 317 4337-216 4346.725 2 T Sextuple? Triple? 2,3 I . 264 W2 O 2O2 0.154 Wj? 1.404 I $4.$ 0.819 Blend with air lines 435I-930 4352.908 I 2 Septuple? Septuple? I 2,3 0.3II W 2 O.4l6 W2 W2 0.075 (i) o ooo (2) 1.642 2.195 0.396 o ooo Probably 3 p-comps. May be O, but given by Lockyer as en- hanced line Fe -comps. fringed 0.075 (*) o. 2,06 4367. 749 T Triple 2 O 311 I 63O 4369.941 7. Triple 3 o. 282 I 477 4376. 107 ? Triple 2 4383.720 ?.n Triple 3 O 332 I 727 4385.548 4388.057 i I Quadruple Triple 2,2 0.367 n.m. 0.391 1.910 2.032 Enhanced line -comps. blended with adjacent 4388.571 T Triple 2 O 432 2 243 lines 4391.123 T Triple n.m. Faint 4404.927 T5 Triple 3 0.334 I . 72O 4407.871 T Triple? 2 o 631 Wi 3247 4408.582 T Triple? 2 0.488 Wi 2 <;ii 44I5-293 4422.741 IO I Septuple? Sextuple 2 2,3 0.338 wj Pair 11,0.432 (i) Pair I. o i 3 Triple 3 0.42,0 2 . IO4 4430 . 785 I Triple 2 O 7IO 3 662 4433 . 390 T Triple? n.m. Wi W2 Comps. diffuse and blended with 4442.510 4443-365 4447.892 4454-552 4459-301 4461.818 4466.727 2 2 2 I 2 I 2 10 comps.? Triple Sextuple Sextuple? Sextuple? Triple Sextuple? 2,2 2 2,3 2,2 2,2 3 2 0.485 w 3 0.170 Pair II, 0.721 (i) Pair I, 0.449 (i) 0.445 Wl o . 449 w 2 Q-435 0.343 wi 0.184 w l 0.307 0.173 0.127 Wi 2.458 0.861 3-644 2.269 2-243 2.258 2.185 1.719 0.932 1-552 0.872 0.639 air band Probably 6 -, 4 p-comps. Close to air line MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON. TABLE i. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON Continued. 29 \ 1 CHARACTER a A \ AX /X 2 & SEPARATION. 9 N tt-COMP. p-COMP. n-coMP. p-cour. 4.4.6o ^4 ^ i Triple? 2 O 4^8 Wi Wi 2 IO2 4.4.76 18 s ; 2 Septuple? 2 I ?27 w-comps. fringed Probably 3 4482.338 4482.438 ddSd ^02 I 2 I Sextuple? Quadruple? Sextuple? I. 1 I.I 2 0.401 Wi 0.139 0.146 0.229 1.996 O.692 0.727 i . 140 p- comps. w-comps. very diffuse Probablyalso outer pair-comps. Close blend with preceding 4489.351 I Triple Enhanced line 4491 .570 I Triple? w -comps. close, not resolved. 4494 738 2 Septuple? 2 i 40 1; Enhanced line w-comps. fringed. Probably 3 4508.455 T Triple I o 184 o QOI ^-comps. Enhanced line. Comps. diffuse 4 <;i 5 508 I Triple 2 I 628 Enhanced line I Triple 2 4522.802 452S-3I4 4528.798 I I 3 Triple Sextuple? Septuple? 2 1,2 2 0.274 0.457 W 2 o 34 0.506 p-comps. 4549.642 i Triple O 3IO . ^41 Enhanced line 4556.063 T Triple I 408 Blend with 4556 306. Enhanced 4556.306 4584.018 I 1 Triple? Triple 2 n.m. o ^76 Wi 78o line 4592.840 4603 . 1 26 I T Sextuple? Sextuple? 2,2 2 0.416 Wi 0.126 .972 2 671 0-597 4611 .469 I Triple 2 0.652 3.OO7 4619.468 Quadruple? 2 2 723 4629.521 I Triple 2 o 308 i 8<7 Very close to air line. Enhanced 4637.685 I Triple? n.m. Wi line K-comps. diffuse. Close to air line 4638.193 T Triple n.m. 4647.617 T Triple 2 O. 3Q2 1.8l4 4654 . 800 I Triple? I o <;43 Wi 2 "CO6 n- and ^-comps. diffuse 4667.626 I Triple 2 o 481 2 2O7 4668.331 I Sextuple? O 362 Wa i 661 4679.027 I Triple 2 2 124. 4691.602 I Triple 2 o 8 .626 4707.457 T Triple? 2 o 36^ 647 4710.471 T Triple I o. 242 .OQI Blend with air line 4736.031 I Triple? I O 4O< Wi 8o< Weak, rather diffuse 4736.963 I Sextuple? 2 808 4741.718 T Triple n m Faint 4745.992 T Triple? Comps. weak and diffuse 4787.003 I Triple 2 o 400 i 78? 4788.952 T Triple? n m w-comps. diffuse 4789.849 T Sextuple? 4839.734 4859.928 I 1 Triple Octuple 2,2 n.m. n.m. Too weak to measure Strong central w-comp. Trace of 0.275 (0 o.ooo (4) 0.289 (0 n.m 0.271 (2) o.ooo (3) 0.269 (2) 1.166 o.ooo 1.222 1.147 o.ooo 1-139 faint outer pair 4871.512 4872-332 4878.407 4890.948 3 2 I 3 ii comps.? Sextuple Triple 10 comps.? 1,2 2,3 3 2,2 0.336 w 2 Pair II, 1.044 (3) Pair 1,0.515 (2) 1.092 0.635 W 3 0-193 (i) 0.093 (2) o.ooo (3) 0.087 (2) 0.181 (i) 0.538 0.341 I.4I4 4.400 2.I7I 4-574 2.656 0.813 0.392 o.ooo 0.366 0.762 2.264 1.424 -comps. fringed. Probably 3 pairs Violet comp. 3/2 stronger than red K-comps. uniformly widened, probably 3 pairs. Trace of in- ner pair />-comps. 30 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. TABLE i. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON Continued. g 55 CHARACTER | A X AX /X 2 1 SEPARATION. o 3 M-COMP. p-COMP. W-COMP. p-COtlf. 4801 68? ? 2 O 388 W2 i 620 M-comps. fringed. Probably 3 4903.502 4.OII .06^ i i Sextuple? Triple 2,1 2 0.866 wi 0.152 3.600 i .644 0.632 p-comps. 4919.174 4020.68? 5 8 Sextuple? Triple? 2,2 2 0.591 w 3 0.270 2.441 i 841; I.H5 Probably complex, but widening 4924 107 2 2 C77 may be due to strength H-comps. fringed. At least 3 p- 4024 Qt;6 comps. Enhanced line Comps. weak and diffuse 4038. O07 Quadruple? 2 ^ O23 4939 . 868 Triple 2 o <8o 2.378 4946 . 568 Triple 2 o 481 1.968 4957.480 4017 ?8<; Sextuple? Triple? 2,2 o . 630 wi O.IQO 2-565 2 3O7 0-773 Widening may be due to strength 4966. 270 Triple 2 o 588 2 H4. AQ-7-1 28l 4078 78 s Unaffected? Only narrow H-comp. visible. 4982 682 Triple? I 8OO Faintness of line may prevent appearance of others. Possibly similar to 4859.928 408 3 . 4 * ? Triple o <8? 2 ?62 Blend with adjacent lines 4984.028 Quadruple? 2 Wj 2 2OQ 4985.432 Triple 2 O 4?2 3.337 4985 . 730 Sextuple? 2 88? 40OI 4^2 Triple? Faint 4994.316 Triple 2 <&l 2 .332 5OO2 . 044 Triple 2 I 660 Close to air line 5005 . 896 Triple I 1 .Q?3 w-comps. blend with adjacent 5006.306 H H 5 CHARACTER | 2 kft A; tft a H X h-t SEPARATION. o I W-COMP. p-COMP. B-COMP. /i-COMP 5137.558 Sextuple? 2 0.567 wi Wa 2.148 5139-427 Triple? 2 0.716 Wl 2.713) Close blend makes judgment of 5139.644 5143 .III Quadruple? Triple? 2 i I 0.693 0.578 W 2 Wi 2.622) 2 184 ^-comps. difficult Blend with adjacent lines 5151 .020 Quadruple? I 2' 0.629 Wi W2 2.371 Very faint 5152.087 T Octuple? n.m. n.m. Probably 5 n-, 3 ^-comps Very 5159.231 T Triple? I 0.442 W2 W2 1.662 faint Comps. very diffuse 5162 .449 T Triple? 2 0.586 W2 2 . 2OO 5167.678 8 Triple 2 0.462 I .730 5169.220 in 7 or 9 2 0.563 W2 Wa 2.IO6 Enhanced line. -comps fringed 5171.778 . T comps.? Triple 3 o. 521 I -949 and probably compound, p- comp. much widened with strong center. Blend with 5169.069. 5191.629 T Septuple? 2 O . 7O2 W2 W3 2.6o6 -comps. fringed. Probably 3 5192-523 5195.113 I T Sextuple? Triple 2,2 3 0.749 wi 0.457 0.213 2.780 1.695 0.790 p-comps. 5195.647 T Quadruple? n.m. Comps. very diffuse 5197.743 Triple 2 0.304 I.I25 Enhanced line 5198.888 Quadruple? n.m. W2 Comps. very diffuse 5202.516 Triple 3 0.683 2.525 5208.776 Triple? 2 0.623 Wl 2.294 5215.353 Triple? 2 0.62*; 2.296 5216.437 Triple 2 0.305 I. I 2O 5217.552 Triple? 2 0.611; 2.259 5225.695 Quadruple? n.m. n.m. Very faint, p-comp. apparently 5227.043 5227.362 I 5 Sextuple? Triple 2,2 3 0.949 Wa O.4I T. 0.281 3-472 I.5I2 1.030 wide doublet Probably 4 -comps. 5230.030 T Triple? 2 o.6ic 2.248 5233.122 5 Septuple? 2 O . 507 W2 Wa 1.851 -comps. fringed. Probably 3 5234.791 T Triple 2 0.385 2.147 p-comps. Enhanced line 5242.658 T Triple 2 0.385 I .400 5250.817 Triple? 2 o 618 2. 243 5263.486 T Triple 2 o.6t;i 2.352 5266.738 3 7 or 9 2 O 5O2 W3 I.SlO ft-comps. widely fringed. Prob- 5269.723 R comps? Triple? 3 o. =;oi Wi 1.804 ably 3 p-comps. 5270.558 5 Triple 2 1.076 5273.339 T Triple 2 0.651 2.343 5276.169 T Sextuple? I O 431 W2 I .547 Enhanced line 5281.971 5283.802 2 3 ? Triple I 2 0.311 w 3 o 62? Wj i. US 2.232 n-comps. strongly fringed. Prob- ably 5 ^-comps. 5302.480 ?. Triple 3 0.632 2.272 5316 . 790 4 Triple? 2 O 4.^ Wi 1 .610 Enhanced line. Diffuse comps 5324.373 S Triple 2 o 648 2.286 may be due to character of line Red comp. slightly stronger than 5328.236 7 Septuple? 2 o 470 Wi Wa 1.656 violet K-comps. fringed Probably 3 5328.696 5340.121 5341.213 5353-571 5365-069 5365.596 5367.669 5370.166 5371-734 3 2 3 i I i i 2 6 Sextuple? Triple Triple Sextuple? Triple Triple? Triple? 9 comps.? 2,2 2 1,2 I I 2 2 2 0.488 W2 0.664 0.486 W3 n.m. 0.354 w 2 0.471 0.414 0.456 0.413 w 2 0-275 0.429 W 2 Wi Wl W2 1.718 2.329 1-703 1.229 1.636 1-437 1-581 I-43I 0.968 1.502 p-comps. -comps. blurred, probably at least 6 Very faint oomps. very diffuse Blend with preceding line Diffuse Diffuse -comps. fringed. Probably 6 -, 3 ^-comps. 32 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. TABLE i. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR IRON Continued. 1 CHARACTER | A \ AX /x 2 1 SEPARATION. o i * -COMP. p-COlfP. n-coitp. p-COMP. ^783 <78 Triple? 2 Wi i 6<;6 C7Q3 . 37C 3 Triple 2 o 673 2 7T4. 5397-344 S404-3S7 5405 989 6 6 Sextuple? Triple? 9 comps.? 2-3 2 2,2 . 630 W2 0.467 wi Pair II, 0.461 (i) Pair I, 0.222 (4) O.222 Wi O.II7 (2) o.ooo (3) O 121 (2) 2.l6.3 1-599 1-577 0.760 0.762 0.400 0.000 o 414 Diffuse Probably third pair n-comps. outside 5411 . 124 7 Triple? 2 O 43? Wi i 486 Diffuse 5415.416 C Triple? 2 o 510 Wi Wi I 73O Diffuse 5424.290 5 Triple? 2 o . 498 Wi Wi I -603 Diffuse 5429.911 5434.740 5445 . 259 6 5 2 10 comps.? Unaffected Triple? 2,3 2 0.607 w o 415 0.300 Wi 2.059 I 3QO 1.017 3 or possibly 4 pairs n-comps. Probably weak inner pair />- comps. Diffuse 5447.130 5 12 comps. 2,3 Pair IV, 0.874 (0 Pair III, 0.701 (2) Pair II, 0.477 ( 2 ) Pair II, 0.447 (6) Pair I, 0.226 (i) 2.946 2.363 I 608 1-507 0.762 -comps. barely resolved Pair I, 0.219 C 1 ) 0.738 5455.834 4 Quintuple 2,3 0-347 (i) o.ooo (2) 0.680 If 1.163 o ooo 2.283 Central line of triplet dis- placed 0.009 A toward red 0.345 (i) i . 160 from no-field line 5463 . 494 Triple I o ^6s i 8q? Very faint 5474.113 Triple I 0.686 2.280 Very faint 5476.500 Triple n.m. 5476.778 Triple 2 0.647 2.1*7 5487.959 Quadruple? n.m. Very faint 5497-735 3 Octuple 2,2 0.683 (4) 0.352 (2) o.ooo (i) o 34 (2) 0.346 (2) o.ooo (3) 0.341 (2) 2.260 1.165 0.000 I 127 1. 144 o.ooo 1.128 0.706 (4) 2 8 5501.683 3 Sextuple? 2 I OOI Wj 3 3O7 Appears as diffuse triplet. All 5507.000 3 9 comps.? 2 J'.5W 3 38? comps. doubtless compound Probably 6 -, 3 p-comps. Outer 5535.644 i Triple J I 4.27 w-comps. strongest Blend with air line 5555.122 i Sextuple? I o 502 wi I 628 Weak and diffuse 5563.824 T Triple 2 O.6-comp. double 6 3 c ? . 24.6 T Triple I 0.730 1. 808 Very faint 6358.898 f Sextuple? I O . 746 W2 Wi 1.845 Very faint 6380 958 T Triple I 0.464 1 . 140 Enhanced line 6303 820 g Triple 2 o SQ3 I 4^0 6400 217 Septuple? 2 o 802 Wi W2 i q<;8 H-comps. slightly fringed. Prob- 6408 233 x Septuple? t 2 n.m. O 34^ (i) o 837 ably 3 close /J-comps. Apparently 4 weak w-comps. o.ooo (2) o ooo about equally spaced O ?4O (i) o 852 6411.865 6417 133 5 x Septuple? ? 2 I 0.686 w 2 I Ol8 W2 W 3 W3 1.668 2 d72 w-comps. fringed, probably 3 />-comps . n~ and />-comps. very diffuse. X Sextuple? I O 74.2. W? Wj I 802 Enhanced line ff-comps diffuse. Enhanced line 6421 57O Triple 7 o 003 2 408 643 I . 066 t Sextuple? 2 o. 775 wi Wi 1.87? 64^6 63O X Triple? I o 840 Wi Wi 2 O27 Diffuse 6456 . 603 6462 06 c x x Sextuple? Sextuple? 2 } 2 0.781 Wi n.m. W 2 o ^8t; 1.873 I 400 Enhanced line. Possibly diffuse triplet H-comps. faint and diffuse 6469 408 x ? n.m. W-2 Very faint x ? n.m. W2 Very faint 64O -comps. o 224 (3) I 4"*6 O 6 SO o ooo (3) O OOO o 631 0.198 (3) 1.287 O 32O (l) 2 080 3924-673 3926.465 3 7, Octuple? Triple 2,3 3 O.292 W2 o 247 0.162 1.895 1 .602 1.052 Probably 3 pairs w-comps. 3930.022 3 ii comps? 2,3 0.264 (l) O.lS? (3) 0.292 1.709 I. 211 1.890 Trace of inner pair ^-comps. Compare X 3921 .563 O OCK (2) O 6l< 3932.l6l 3947.918 3948.818 3956.476 3958.35S 3962.995 4 3 4 5 3 ? ? Triple Sextuple? Triple ? 2 2 3 2 3 2 o.ooo (3) 0.094 (2) 0.178(3) 0.267 (l) 0.406 W2 0.098 w 2 0.186 0.229 w i 0.287 0.461 W2 W 2 W 2 Wi W 2 0.000 0.609 I.IS2 1.729 2.626 0.629 I-IQ3 1-463 1.832 2-935 Enhanced line, w-comps. have strong inner fringes -comps. strongly fringed w-comps. fringed -comps. have strong inner fringes, similar to X 3932 . 161 36 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. TABLE 2. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM Continued. 7 CHARACTER Ej A X AX /X" Z HH SEPARATION. o W-COMP. p-COMP. n-cowp. -COMP. 1064. 4.16 2 Sextuple? 2 O 2CQ Wi Wi 2 28? Probably inner pair -comps. 3081 .017 3 Triple 2 o 188 I.I86 3982 . 142 2 Sextuple 2,2 Pair 11,0.390 (i) Pair I, o 151 (i) 0.311 2.460 O (K2 1.961 3982.630 3 10 comps.? 2,1 Pair III, 0.784 (i) Pair II o 475 (2) 0-565 4.942 2 OQ4. 3-56I Probably weak inner pair p- comps. Difficult blend with Pair I, o 148 (4) O Q77 two preceding lines 2087 . 71$ i Triple n m Enhanced line 3989.912 ft Triple O 27$ I . 727 3998.790 6 Triple 7 O. 7T7 I .720 Unsymmetrical. M-comps. have 4.OOO O7Q 4 Sextuple? Ws 2 I CO inner fringes, broader for violet comp. ^>-comp. fringed toward violet 4009.807 2 2 o 086 ? O <*< Unsymmetrical. Violet -comp. 4012.541 4021.893 4 2 Octuple? ? 2,3 0.198 w 2 n.m. 0.169 1.230 1.050 3 times strength of red. p- comp. hazy, displaced toward violet Enhanced line. Probably 3 pairs w-comps. n-comps. diffuse, narrowly sep- 4024. 726 7 Sextuple? arated, p-comp. fairly sharp K-comps. have inner fringes 4025 . 286 4026.69! | 2 Sextuple? Triple 2,3 2 . 263 W2 o 220 o. 129 1.623 I 3C? 0.796 Enhanced line 4028 . 497 C Triple I 658 Enhanced line 4030 . 646 2 Triple? O 24.7, Wi Wi i 40=; 4035.976 2 Triple 2 O 3.S4 2 . 173 4053.981 5 Triple I 412 Enhanced line 4055.189 3 Triple ^ O ?CK 2 4O2 Enhanced line 4060.415 3 Triple 2 O ^Ol 2 . ?o6 4064.362 2 Triple 2 ^08 4065 . 239 3 Triple O 3QC. 2 7,QO 4078.631 4 Triple 7 O. Tnc 2.374 4082 . 589 3 Triple o 308 2 X88 4112.869 4122.306 2 2 Sextuple? Triple 1,2 0.3OI W2 o 261 0.236 1.779 i 1^6 1-395 n-comps. very diffuse 4123.713 2 Triple 2 o 264. I . C.<.2 4127.689 3 Triple 2 O. 2QI 1.708 4137.428 2 Triple o ^6<; 2 133 4151.129 3 Triple 7 o 3OC I .770 4159.805 2 Triple I 52O 4161.682 Sextuple? 2 858 Enhanced line, n-comps. have 4163.818 2O Triple I 696 inner fringes Enhanced line 4171.213 2 Triple 2 O 2IO I 2O7 4172.066 15 Triple 7 O 2^1 T ^^-> Enhanced line 4173.710 4184.472 3 i Sextuple? 2,2 0.361 Wi n.m. wz 0.096 W3 2.072 0.551 Enhanced line Enhanced line, all comps. diffuse 4186.280 2 Triple o 282 I 600 4200.946 Triple? ' Wi' ' Faint in spark 4203.620 2 Triple 2 ic86 Faint in spark 4238.050 2 Triple o 286 i ^02 4256.760 4261 . 748 4263 . 290 4270.329 4272.701 4274.746 4276.587 4278.39 2 2 4 2 4 Sextuple? Triple? Triple Sextuple? Septuple? Triple Sextuple? Triple 2 2 3 2,2 2 3 2 3 0.396 Wi 0.324 Wi 0.331 0.378 W2 0.364 w 2 0.291 0.443 Wl 0.304 Wi 0.248 Wi W2 2.186 1.784 1.821 2.073 1.994 1-572 2.422 1.661 1.360 X given by Fiebig as 4272-581 agrees better with solar line X4272.5OO. n-comps.have inner fringes. Probably 3 p-compa. n-comps. have inner fringes MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM. TABLE 2. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM Continued. 37 x >< H CHARACTER OF i iX A Vx 2 z HH SEPARATION. o H -COMP. p-coitp. n-CGMP p-COMP 4281.530 1 Octuple 3,3 o . 444 (4) 2 422 0.218 (2) o.ooo (i) 0.218 (2) 0.448 (4) 0.222 (2) o.ooo (3) O.224 ( 2 ) I.I89 O.OOO 1.189 2 44.3 I. 211 O.OOO 1.222 4282.860 3 Triple 3 o. 244 4285.164 4286.168 4287.566 4288.038 4289.237 5 4 4 2 4 Quadruple? Sextuple? Sextuple? Septuple? 12 Comps. 3 2,3 2,3 2 2,3 0.566 0.400 W: 0.421 wi 0.516 w^ Pair IV, 0.586 (i) Pair III, 0.443 (2) Pair 11,0.306 (2) W! 0.166 0.146 W 3 Pair II, 0.288 (6) Pair I, 0.140 (i) 3-083 2.177 2.290 2.806 3-186 2.408 i 66? 0.904 , 794 1-566 0.761 -comps. have inner fringes. Probably 3 p-comps. Pair I, 0.144 (i) o 78* 4290.377 10 ? 2 . 284 Wi Wi I . CA-1 -comps. strongly fringed 3 or 4291.114 2 Quintuple 3,3 0.221 (i) o.ooo (2) 0-445 I. ZOO O.OOO 2.417 more />-comps. Enhanced line O.22O (i) I I(K 4291.375 2 Triple i o. 210 4294.204 10 Triple 3 0.361 i 0*8 Enhanced line 4295-914 4298.828 4 4 Unaffected Septuple 2,3 Pair II, 0.292 (i) Pair 1,0.145(5) 0.060 (2) o.ooo (3) 0.086 (2) 1.580 0.784 0.325 o.ooo o 465 p-comps. distinctly unsymmet- rical 4299.410 1 Quadruple? i 0.430 Wl 2.327 4299.803 2 Triple? i 0.356 Wi 1 .021; 4300.211 & p 2 0.367 wi Wi 1.985 K-comps. fringed. 3 or more p- 4300.732 2 Septuple? 2 o . 265 wi W] 1 .4.22 comps. Enhanced line M-comps fringed probably 3 p- 4301 . 158 ? Triple? 0.350 Wi 1.892 comps. 4302.085 5 Sextuple 3,3 Pair 11,0.585 (i) Pair I, 0.151 (3) 0.016 3.161 o 816 1.167 Enhanced line 4306.078 8 Septuple? 2 0.367 Wi W2 I O70 K-comps. fringed probably 3 p- 4308.081 8 Octuple 2,2 Pair III, 0.588(1) Pair II, o 442 (2) 0.236 3.168 2 382 1.272 comps. Blend with iron impurity line Pair I, 0.291 (3) i <;68 4311.880 i Sextuple? 2 0.147 Wi 0.791 comps. Enhanced line Outer pair n-comps. not measur- 4313.034 4314.964 8 1 Sextuple? Triple 2,2 3 0.449 W 2 0.424 0.159 2.414 2 277 0.855 able. Possibly 3 ^-comps. Blend with faint lines Enhanced line 4315-138 4316.962 5 3 Quadruple Triple 3,3 3 0.392 0.207 0-349 2.105 I III 1.874 Enhanced line 4318.817 ^ Triple 3 0.337 1.807 4321.119 3 Sextuple 3,3 Pair 11,0.785 (2) Pair I, 0.257 (0 0.261 4.204 I .376 1.398 Enhanced line 4321-813 1 Triple 2 o. 310 I 660 4323-531 I Triple 2 0.464 2 4.82 4325.306 ^ Triple a 0.301 4326.520 2 Triple 3 0.403 2 1*2 4330-405 1 Sextuple? 2 0.415 Wi Wi 2. 213 Enhanced line 4330.866 4338.084 4341.530 3 10 1 ? Triple 2 3 O . 654 Wl 0.247 Wj w, Wi 3-487 1.312 Enhanced line, w-comps. have inner fringes Enhanced line Enhanced line Probably nu- 4344.451 4346.278 4351.000 4354.228 4360.644 3 2 2 2 2 Sextuple? Sextuple? Triple Quadruple? Triple 2 2 3 2 3 0.474 wi 0-453 Wl 0.387 0.300 wi 0.348 Wl w. w. 2.512 2.308 2-044 1-583 1.830 merous close -comps, not resolved, center strong Enhanced line Enhanced line 3 8 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. TABLE 2. MEASUREMENTS or ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM Continued. > 1 w CHARACTER - A, b AX/ X 2 1 HH SEPARATION. W-COMP. p-COVP. M-COMP. p-COMP. 4767 8^O 6 Triple 7 O 7,7,2 I 74O Enhanced line Triple Triple O 7.14 i 64^ 2 Triple 2 o 774 I 745 Enhanced line Triple I 528 4391.192 2 2 Septuple? Triple 2 2 0.304 W 2 O 72-comps. 4204 22< 2 Triple 2 O.42O 2.175; 2O Triple O 347 i 706 4396 . 008 4398.460 47QQ Q7C 2 I 6 Triple? Quadruple? Triple 3 2,3 7 0-374 0.144 O.47I Wi 0.224 1-935 0.744 2 226 I.I58 Enhanced line Possibly faint outer n-comps, but not visible on strong photograph Enhanced line Triple 2 O 411 2 IIO AAQC O82 i Triple I O 71 6 I 628 440=; .806 i Sextuple? 7 n.m. Wa 0.314 I .617 4409.408 4.400 68^ i T Sextuple? Sextuple? M ,i 0.523 wi n m Wa 0.171 o. 248 2.690 0.880 I 27^ c Triple 44.17 4^0 2 Triple o 381 4417.884 A4l8 4.OQ 6 2 10 comps.? Sextuple? 2,2 2 Pair II,o.288(i) Pair I, o.i 20 (2) o 402 Wi Pair II, 0.240 (2) Pair I, 0.072 (3) Wi 1.476 0.615 2 OOO 1.230 0.369 Probably weak pair n-comps. outside. Enhanced line 2 Triple I 478 4422.104 4422 08^ 2 2 Quadruple? Triple 2,1 2 0.358 wi O 777 0.107 I.83I I .Q27 0-547 I Triple 2 4.426 2OI 2 Triple 2 7,l8 I 623 4427 266 4 Triple 7 O 712 I ^02 2 Sextuple? 2 W] 2 78A 44.21 4C7 I Triple 2 O I C4 o 784 4427 . 74.2 I Triple 7 o 187 O QCI a Triple I 717 44.26 7CO 2 Sextuple? 2 o 466 Wi Wf 2 7.6? 4438.359 4440.515 4 4 -JT 433 I 2 j Sextuple? Sextuple? Quadruple? 1,2 2,3 I 0.441 Wa 0.270 Wi O 417 Wi 0.180 0.168 W2 2-239 1.369 2 OO4 0.914 0.852 I c Triple Enhanced line 4444.728 I Sextuple? Triple 2,2 0.317 w, o 388 0-24S 1.604 1.240 4450.654 4 10 comps.? Triple 2,3 0.388 w 0.264 wi 1-958 I 7l6 1-333 Probably 6 -, 4 p-comps. En- hanced line 44 c 7 486 a Triple 7 O 2IO I OSQ Quadruple ? Wi AACC 48? Triple 7 I 768 Triple Wa 2 ^^4 446 7 84? I Triple ? I o 509 Wi 2 ^?4 4464.617 2 Quintuple 2,3 0.285 (O 0.287 1-430 O OOO 1.440 Enhanced line 446 c Q7C 7 Wi 2 4.12 4468 663 Triple Enhanced line Triple 4471.017 4471.408 4475-026 4479-879 4480.752 4481.438 4482.904 2 2 2 2 I 3 2 10 comps.? 9 comps. Septuple? Triple Triple Triple Sextuple? 2,2 2,2 2 3 2 3 2 Pair III, 0.724 (i) Pair 11,0.386 (i) Pair I, 0.126 (i) Pair III, 0.826 (i) Pair II, 0.613 (2) Pair 1,0.364(4) 0.509 wi 0.829 0.611 0.548 0.498 Wi 0.458 0.113 (2) o.ooo (3) 0.116 (2) w, Wa 3.622 I-93I 0.630 4.132 3.066 I.82I 2-542 4.130 3-043 2.729 2.478 2.292 0.565 0.000 0.580 Trace of inner pair p-comps. Probably 4 n-, 3 p-comps. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM. TABLE 2. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM Continued. 39 x >< H % CHARACTER | i iX A> /x 2 1 hH SEPARATION. a n-cottp. p-COIfP. n-coMp. p-COUP. 4488 . 493 6 Triple 3 0.355 i 762 4489 . 262 4495.182 3 i 9 comps. Triple 2,2 I Pair III, 0.858 (i) Pair II, 0.597 (2) Pair 1,0.382(4) 0.353 O.III (2) o.ooo (3) o.no (2) 4.258 2.963 1.896 I 74-7 0.551 o.ooo 0.546 Compare X 4471 .408 4496.318 3 Triple 3 O.4Q3 4497.842 T Triple 2 O C24 4501.445 TI; Triple 3 o. 298 I 471 Enhanced line 4512.906 4 Triple 3 O. SOI 4518.198 4 Quadruple? 3 0.498 Wi 2 44O 4518.866 I Triple 2 O. 22O I O77 4522.974 4 Sextuple? 3 0.502 W| W2 2 4C4 4527.490 4 Octuple 3,3 0.324 (?) 0.162 (2) 0.000 (i) 0.166 (4) 0.164 (i) o.ooo (2) 0.165 (i) I.58l 0.790 0.000 0.800 o.ooo 0.805 0.338 (7) I 64O 4529.656 4533- 4 J 9 2 <; Sextuple? Triple 2,2 3 0.358 w 2 0.469 0.278 Wi 1-745 2 282 1-355 Enhanced line 4534.139 6 Triple? 0.360 Wi Wi 4534.953 4 Triple 3 0.449 2 l8? hanced line 4535.741 ^ Triple 3 o 424 4536.094 s Triple 2 0.323 I ^7O 4536.222 3 Unaffected? No resolution. Blend with 36 094 4537.389 I Triple I 0.355 1 . 72C may conceal slight widening of -comp. 4544-iQO 4544 . 864 I 3 Quadruple? Octuple I 3,3 0.308 0-334 (7) 0.168 (2) 0.000 (i) 0.170(4) O 312 (?) W 2 0.171 (i) o.ooo (2) 0.166 (i) 1.492 1.617 0.813 o.ooo 0.823 0.828 o.ooo 0.804 Comps. in all respects similar to X 4427. 490 4548.938 4549 . 808 3 70 Septuple? Triple 2 3 o . 560 Wi o 440 W 2 2.706 2 I2S n-comps. have inner fringes. Probably 3 p-comps. 4552.632 4 Quadruple? 3 0.510 Wi 2 460 4555-662 ^ Triple 3 o. <;o6 2 4^8 4560.102 T Triple 2 O 44.6 4562.814 T Triple 3 0.424 ' f - 1 45 2 036 4563 . 939 TO Triple 3 o 276 4568.499 4571.095 I T Quintuple? Triple ~,2 2 n.m. O.22I 0.293 i o H CO CHARACTER | A X AX A' t-H SEPARATION. o H tt-COMP. p-COtfP. fl-COMP. p-COUP. 4,6 cfi 644 7 Triple 7 O 2QS 1 . 360 ? Wj Wj Not resolved. -comp. has strong 4667 768 Triple 2 I 602 center with fringes. Enhanced line Triple 2 o c;o6 2 31? 4682 088 Triple I 820 ^688 CS4 Triple 2 I ?74 4.6OI AAJ Wl 2 OO3 Triple 2 S.SS Sextuple? 2 O 367 W2 Ws I 662 n-comps. fringed 47IO ^68 Quintuple Pair II, 0.486 (i) 2 . 191 Single sharp p-comp. Only line Pair I o 183 (i) o 82? of type in spectrum 4722.797 2 Sextuple 2,3 Pair 11,0.555 (i) Pair I, o. 224 (i) 0.390 2.488 I .004 1.748 4723-359 A77 I 2C6 2 2 Sextuple? Triple? 2,2 2 0.453 w 2 o 412 0.226 Wl 2.031 841 1.013 H-comps. fringed Triple 2 ?62 4.74.2 Q7O e Triple 1 O 2Os 7U 471:8 ^08 a Triple 2 o 382 .687 8 Triple 7 Soc) 4.764 108 i Triple? Enhanced line. Unresolved H- 4.760 ooi 2 O 583 W2 W2 2 <62 comp. Diffuse 4778.441 4780.169 4.781 QI7. 3 5 2 Sextuple? Quadruple 2,2 3,2 .1 0.338 W 2 0.498 n m Wa 0.184 0.243 O ^14 W2 1.481 2.180 0.806 1.064 I 277 Enhanced line All comps. wide and hazy. 4792 7O2 7 Sextuple? 2 O 37O Wa W2 i .6n Probably 3 pairs -, 2 pairs p- comps. Triple? 2 o 848 4798.169 I Sextuple 1,2 Pair 11,0.594 (2) Pair I, o 218 (i) 0.388 2.580 O.Q47 1.685 4798-293 4799.984 4805.285 I 3 10 ? Sextuple? Sextuple 2,2 2,2 W 3 0.329 w 2 Pair 11,0.643 (i) Pair I o ^64 (^) Wj 0.182 0.149 1.428 2.785 I <77 0.790 0.645 >i-comps. diffuse, not resolved Enhanced line 4805 606 Triple? i 7^:8 4808 7 Triple? Wi i 6<;6 4.811 . 27C i Triple 2 I 72O Triple I 678 4827 804 Triple? Wi I 7 7 .7 Triple I ^^6 484.1 O74 6 Triple I 664 4848 . 60S 2 Triple o 516 2 IQ? 4,8c6 203. Triple 1 70 i 4864 362 Triple i 864 4.86? 708 Sextuple? Titanium? 4868 4<;i Triple i ^^8 487O 3.27. e Triple i 640 Triple Enhanced line 488I.I28 Triple o 831 4881; 264 8 Triple I 78l 4QOO OQS 6 Triple I 64 "\ ft Triple? Enhanced line 401^ 803 8 Triple T AAJ 49I5-4I4 4920.047 4921 .963 i 3 Sextuple? Triple Triple 2,2 3 O.4I5 W2 0.387 0.234 1.718 1-599 i 812 0.969 4925.594 4926.334 4928.511 4938.467 4968 . 769 4975-530 4978.372 4981.912 4989.325 i i 3 3 I I I 10 2 Sextuple? Triple Sextuple? Triple Sextuple? Triple Quadruple? Triple Triple ->I I 2 3 -I I 3 2 3 3 n.m. wj 0.509 0.268 W2 0.392 n.m. wj 0.414 0.238 Wi 0.481 0.329 0.365 Wl 0.358 Wl 2.098 1.103 i. 608 1-673 0.960 1.938 1.322 I-54 1-450 MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM. TABLE 2. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM Continued. \ 1 CHARACTER j t ,x AX A 2 1 SEPARATION. i n-coMF. p-COMP. -COMP. p-COUP. 4991 .247 TO Triple 3 o 458 i 830 4997 . 283 2 -,3 n.m. o 415 1.662 Numerous w-comps. blurred 4999 . 689 IO Triple 3 0.413 i .652 Red n- and ^-comps. stronger than violet 5001.165 3 Triple? 3 O.4OS Wi i .610 5007 . 398 IO Triple 3 0.339 1 .352 5008.632 I Triple 2 0.414 1 .6 so 5009.829 T -,2 n.m. o 279 I 112 5010.396 I Triple? 2 0.354 W] i .410 5013.479 s Triple 3 0.455 1.811 5014.236 4 Triple I 0.177 0.704 Titanium? 5014.369 5 Triple 2 O. 217 0.863 5016.340 5020.208 5023 052 5025.027 7 8 8 7 Sextuple? Octuple? 12 comps.? 10 comps. 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,2 0-543 0.507 w 3 0.466 w 3 Pair III, 0.684 (i) Pair 11,0.416 (2) Pair I, 0.133 (4) 0.214 0.276 0.370 w, Pair 11,0.546 (6) Pair I, 0.269 (i) 2.158 2.OI2 1.847 2.709 1.647 O- 527 0.851 1-095 1.466 2.162 1.065 Probably 3 pairs w-comps. Probably 4 pairs w-comps. ^-comps. have inner fringes 5025 . 749 5 Triple 3 0.471 .86; 5036 . 089 TO Triple 3 O 4.5S 7O4. 5036 . 645 8 Triple 3 0.436 .718 5038.579 8 Triple 3 O. 34O 72Q 5040.138 8 Triple 3 0.404 . ^QO 5053 . 056 g Triple? 2 0.449 Wi I 7 CO 5062 . 285 3 Triple? 2 0.412 Wi i. 608 5064 . 244 T Triple n.m. Very faint 5064.836 8 Triple 3 0.463 i .805 5066.174 T Sextuple? -,i n.m. Wa 0.407 i <86 5069 . 592 2 Triple 2 0.235 0.914 5071.666 5072.479 4 6 Sextuple? Triple 1,1 3 . 47O W2 0.502 0.275 1.827 I OSI 1.069 Enhanced line 5087 . 239 4 Triple 3 0.329 i .271 5113.617 5 Triple 3 0.431 1.648 5120.592 7 Triple 3 O.4.34 i 6 i . 191 Unsymmetrical. Probably 4 n- normal comps., 2 violet blended, 2 red o 264 (i) o 060 0.400 (i) 1.468 0.062 to violet from normal. 5222.849 S223-79I 5224.471 5224.712 5225.198 5226.707 5238.742 5247.466 5252.276 5255-973 5260.142 5262.321 3 3 8 5 6 IO 3 2 3 3 i I Unaffected Triple Triple Triple Triple Triple Triple? Sextuple? Sextuple? Triple? Triple Sextuple? 2 3 2 2 3 2 I 2 2 2 2 0-437 0.631 0.608 0.548 0-349 0.379 wi 0.773 W 2 0.686 w 2 0.647 wi 0.430 0.739 W2 Wi W2 W 2 Wi W 3 1.887 2.312 2.227 2.007 1.277 1.381 2.808 2.487 2.342 1-554 2.671 All comps. measured from nor- mal Enhanced line Enhanced line 42 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. TABLE 2. MEASUREMENTS or ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM Continued. > H c/5 CHARACTER | A x X AX fV w H fc I I SEPARATION. o 1 W-COMP. p-COitP. n-coMp. p-coup. ^263.660 I Triple? 2 o. 701 wi 2.530 5266 141 6 Triple 2 o 4.08 i 706 5282 . 576 2 Sextuple? n.m. wj W2 caS^ 613 6 Triple 2 o 4.60 i 680 5284 281 I Triple n.m. 5295 .955 3 Triple? 2 o. 562 wi Wj 2.004 C2Q7 4.O7 c Triple 2 o ^80 i ?86 ^208 672 4 Triple 3 0.47^ I .602 Triple 2 O 4.CK I 7^8 Enhanced line C2CI 26l 4 Triple? 2 o 487 wj Wi I . 7OI t;^6o 782 sr Triple 3 0.480 1.665 5381 221 Triple 2 O 44O I C2O Enhanced line -comps. 1:488 *7J. Triple? I o ^8 Wi I 122 blurred 2 O 3QO W2 Wa I 204. K-comps. fringed K Triple 2, O ?I ? I . 7OO EX I 2 74.1 12 Triple 3 o. ?6? 1.869 Triple 2 o ^6^ I IQ3 cci4. 7^3 12 Triple 2 o 466 I . 112 5565-70 8 Sextuple? Triple 2,2 2 0-475 W 2 o ;o8 I. S42 5762.479 i Sextuple? Triple n.m. ws Wj I 6OQ -comps. diffuse, barely sep- arated Triple I 7O7 Sextuple? n.m Viz W} Triple I 807 5804.479 5823.910 5866.675 5880.490 5899.518 5903-555 5918.773 5922-334 5938-035 594L985 5953-386 2 2 10 3 7 2 3 5 2 5 8 Triple? Sextuple? Triple Triple Triple Triple Triple Triple Sextuple? Sextuple Triple 2 2,2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2,1 2,2 3 0.634 wi 0.480 W2 o 674 0.830 0.656 0.876 0.882 0.312 0.840 Wj Pair II, 0.905 (2) Pair 1, 0.295 (3) 0.637 Wl 0.268 0.226 0.547 1.882 I-4I5 1.958 2.401 1.885 2.SI3 2.518 0.890 2.382 2.563 0.836 1.798 0.790 0.641 1-549 Red comp. strongest? p-corap. scarcely resolved MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM. TABLE 2. MEASUREMENTS OF ZEEMAN EFFECT FOR TITANIUM Continued. 43 ^ > H V) CHARACTER | ^ ,X A> A 2 W g HH SEPARATION. s 1 K-COMP. p-COOP. -COMP. p-COUP. t;o66 .o<< 7 Triple 3 O tCQO I 6l7 5978.768 7 Triple 3 0.533 1 .491 5999 .920 7 Quadruple? 2 o. 823 wi W2 2 286 6064. 8*3t 1 Triple 3 a I-components, equally spaced. The outer w-components are usually the stronger and the central one quite weak, so that when the three />-components, if the central one is the stronger, are superposed, as when the light is viewed across the lines of force without a Nicol, the effect is to show five components of about equal intensity. Examples of such lines are XX 3743. 508, 3788.046, 5497.735, of iron, and 4281.530, 4527.490, 4544.864, of titanium. The last two were given as septuple ts in my former paper (51) on account of the weakness of the central -com- ponent. Another arrangement is presented by the titanium line X43o8.o8i which has three pairs of ^-components and two ^-components. 8. NONETS. Good examples of lines having nine components are found in XX 3840.580, 4233.772 of iron, and 4471 .408 4489.262, 4629.521 of titanium. These have each three pairs of w-components, the innermost pair being strongest, and three /'-components. The type is probably rather common in both spectra, since many lines classed as doubtful septuplets may have a weak outer pair of ^-components, making a total of nine. 9. MORE COMPLEX TYPES. Lines having ten components are represented by XX44I7-884, 4471.017, and 5025.027 of titanium. These are made up in each case of three pairs of n- and two pairs of ^-components. Eleven components are shown by X 3888.671 of iron, which has a central w-component in addition to the pairs of the ten- component type. Several good examples of twelve-component lines are given byXX3722-729, 3872.639, 5447.130 of iron and 4289.237 of titanium. These are all of similar structure, having four pairs of w-components, the two inner pairs having the same separation as the two pairs of ^-components. While twelve is the highest number of components which is measurable on my plates, the iron lines XX 4005. 408 and 4132.235 are given as probably having thirteen components each. Five ^-components are almost resolved in each case and the wide inner fringes for the -components are estimated to consist of four pairs. Many of the lines whose type is questioned without attempt to estimate the number of compo- nents have probably as many as the most complex of those measured, and some of them possibly more. Good examples of almost all of these types of separation are present among the violet iron lines shown in Plate III, which has the advantage of showing the n- and ^-components both separate and in combi- nation, the latter spectrum being taken at right angles to the force-lines without the use of a Nicol prism. Polarization by the grating reduced the intensity of the ^-component for this region of the spectrum, as is shown by the relative weakness of the central component of triplets in the spectra lettered b, for which the Nicol prism was not used. RELATION OF SEPARATIONS TO THE NORMAL INTERVAL, i. SUMMARIES FOR VARIOUS TYPES. The study of how generally the separations observed show a simple relation to the fundamental interval, the theory of which was summarized on p. 4, has been gone into in some detail. The relation e H a= m 4TW gives a value for a of 0.753 f r H = 16,000, and of 0.812 for H= 17,500, if e/m be taken equal to 1.75 X io 7 . The "normal triplets" for iron and titanium, with the standard field-strengths used in this work, should accordingly show values of AX/X 2 for the distance between the side components of about 1.500 and 1.600 respectively. In the following summaries an attempt has been made to show to what extent the separations for various classes of lines may be considered as multiples of the interval a. In Table 4 the clear triplets for iron and titanium are thus classified, those triplets given in Tables i and 2 as doubtful not being included. The allowable deviation for any line from the exact multiple was estimated as closely as pos- sible according to the weight of the measurement, knowing the probable error for each weight. Lines not falling into any class are placed in the "Odd" column. In the case of titanium a large proportion of such lines appeared to be definite odd multiples of a/4, while the regular classes consider only multiples of a/2. As in all of the following work relating to the interval a, greater field strength is desirable, as the accuracy of the classification increases with the numerical value of a; but Table 4 shows in a general way how the magnitudes of the separations may be grouped. TABLE 4. SEPARATION OF TRIPLETS AS RELATED TO THE NORMAL INTERVAL a. a 30/2 2(1 5a/2 3<* ?fl/2 4 have the arrangement 5603.186) , i X44&4.6I7 70/4 n 2 70/8 p i o no X 4710.368 40/3 n 8 a/2 n 3 o p o X572O.666 30/2 n,p o n Iron: Titanium * 3774-971 50/2 n 10 53/4 5 a p 4 : X 3982. 142 31/2 n 3 a p 2 a/2 n i X 4109. 953 30/2 n 30/4 , X4422 2 3a/2 I 0/2 X 4321. 119 2ia/8 7 a/8 n,p SEXTUPLETS 741 X4447. n 3 2a p 2 33/2 n i a X 4640.119 3 50/2 n 5 i 33/2 n 3 O #1 892 n 4 3 /> 2 X 472 3 I X 6213.644 33 n 6 33/2 w 3 o /> 2 169 X 4805 n 3 30/2 /> 2 3 I 3/2 .28 S 3 n 2 < i X 633 7. 048 33 n 6 30/2 n 3 3 /> J 30/2 n 3 3 /> 2 3/2 I X 4302. 085 20 n 8 3"/4 P 3 O/2 2 2.797 H 12 # 9 i X 4798 3a/2 a 3/2 SEPTUPLETS. Iron: X 4009. 864 20 n 8 o n 4 30/4 # 3 ^9 X 4191. 595 20 n 2 a n,p i o p o X 4352. 908 (20 n 4)? 30/2 n 3 a/2 p i o p o X 5079. 921 23 n 2 a n?,p i op o Titanium: X 4298. 828 3 2 3/2 H,p I o p o RELATION OF SEPARATIONS TO THE NORMAL INTERVAL. 49 Iron: X 3 748. 408 30/2 n 3 a n 2 0/2 ,/>?! o /> o OCTUPLETS. Iron: \3743- 58 X 3788. 046 X 4859. 928 X 5497. 735 20 n 2 20 n 2 (30 n 2)? 30 n 2 a n,p i a n,p i 30/2 n,p i 30/2 n,p i o n,p o o n,p o o n,p o o ,^> o Titanium: X 4281. 530 X 4308.081 X 4527. 490 X 4544. 864 X 4590. 126 34 n 2 20 8 20 2 20 2 30/2 n 12 30/2 ,^ i 30/2 6 a ,/> i a ,^ i a n 8 o n,p o a n 4 o , o o n,p o 70/8 p 7 30/4 A fit 1 ) yl NONETS. X 3840 . 580 X 4233. 772 X 5405. 989 Titanium: X447i.4o8 X 4489 . 262 X 4629. 521 30/2 n 3 30 n 3 (30/2 3)? 210/8 7 210/8 n 7 50/2 n 5 a n 2 20 n 2 a n 2 150/8 n 5 150/8 n 5 30/2 3 a/2 n,p I a n,p I a/2 n,p I 9"/8 n 3 90/8 n 3 a #2 o p O o p O o p O 30/4 p 2 30/4 p 2 0/2 n i o p o o p o O p O TEN-COMPONENT LINES. Titanium: X 441 7. 884 ? n ? a n 8 30/4 /> 6 30/8 3 a/4 p 2 X 4471. 017 90/4 TC 6 3 /4 4 90/8 n,p? 3 30/8 i X 5025. 027 30/2 24(5) 50/4 p 20(4) o n 16(3) 50/8 p 10(2) 50/16 n 5(1) The numbers in parentheses for X 5025.027 give a simpler relation between the intervals than the exact ratio of the multiples of parts of a. Another probable ten-component line 13X3982.630, for which the measurements are poor. Its w-components are in the ratio 5:3:1. Iron: X 3888. 671 30/2 3 o n,p 2 a/2 n,p? i o n o ELEVEN-COMPONENT LINES. X 4871. 512 (30/2 n 3)? a n,p 2 0/2 nf,p i o p o Titanium : X 3930 .022 90/4 n,p 3 30/2 ,/>? 2 30/4 n i o o X 487 1.5 1 2 has its w-components blended, but the structure indicates the above arrangement. The titanium line X392I.563 has probably the same structure as X393O.O22. The w-components have the ratio 3:2:1:0, but the measurements are not good enough to be sure of the relation to a. Iron: X 3722. 729 20 n 4 30/2 3 a n,p 2 a/ 2 ,/>?! TWELVE-COMPONENT LINES. X 3872. 639 X 5447. 130 20 n 4 20 n 4 30/2 n 3 30/2 n 3 a n,p 2 a n,p 2 a/2 n,pfi a 1 2 n,p i Titanium: X 4289. 237 20 n 4 30/2 3 a n,p 2 0/2 n,p i 2. DISCUSSION OF RELATIONS TO NORMAL INTERVAL. It is shown in Table 4 that for iron two-thirds and for titanium over one-half of the clear triplets are separated by the intervals 2a, 50/2 and 30. For both elements, however, a very large majority have separations of this order of magnitude, since almost all of the lines classified as "odd" give intervals within this range, the numbers corresponding to 7*1/4 and 90/4 of weights i and 2 being given for titanium in the "Remarks" column. A more precise classification, in which smaller fractional parts of a can be used, must await an investigation with greater field-strength, which will also decide the structure of most of the doubtful triplets, the separation of which is not included in any of these summaries. Table 5 shows how generally the separations of those lines showing two n- and two /'-components can be expressed in terms of the interval a, also the wide variety of separations which prevails. The ratios of 2 : i and 3 : i predominate for both elements. As has been previously noted, the /'-components almost always show the narrower separation. 4 50 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. The ease with which the separations of the complex lines both in iron and titanium can be expressed in terms of a affords a confirmation of Runge's law, since failure to give approximation to exact multiples of a appears to occur only in the case of measurements of small weight. It has been necessary only in a very few cases to use multiples of any quantity smaller than a/4, so that errors of measurement are seldom large enough to influence the ratios found. This question will become of more importance when very close components are resolved by a stronger field. The presence of "magnetic duplicates," lines exactly similar in structure, with the same intervals between components, furnishes a means of selecting lines which may be connected by series relations. Such duplicates occur for almost every type of separation. Six quintuplets of iron and two of titanium show the same structure and intervals. These are XX 3 733 .469, 3760.679, 3814.671, 3865.674, 5455.834, 5603.186 of iron and 4291.114, 5720.666 of titanium. Several types of sextuplets appear. The red lines of ironXX62i3-644 and 6337.048 are duplicates, also the titanium lines XX3982.I42, 4798.169, and 5491.985. Duplicate septuplets of iron areXX4i9i.s85 and 5079.921. The only titanium septuplet fully resolved, X 4298.828, has the same structure. The four iron octuplets are of the same appearance but have dif- ferent spacing, XX3743-5o8 and 3788.046 being alike, as are probably also XX4859-928 and 5497.735, though the former was not fully measurable. The blue octuplets of titanium XX452749O and 4544.864 are also duplicates. The iron nine-component lines XX 3 748. 408 and 3840.580 are alike, and X 5405. 989 has probably the same intervals. Another spacing is shown by the titanium duplicates XX 447 1 .408 and 4489.262. The lines of iron which probably have ten components are not fully resolved, while the three titanium lines show diverse arrangements. Perhaps the finest examples of spacing in multiples of a are the twelve-component lines XX3722.729, 3872.639, 5447.130 of iron, which are exact duplicates, while X4289-237 of titanium is in all respects similar. POSSIBLE RELATIONS BETWEEN LINES AS INDICATED BY THE ZEEMAN EFFECT. It is hoped that the measurements presented in this paper, especially the summary of complex sepa- rations given on pp. 48 and 49, may eventually aid in finding definite relations among the lines of these spectra. At present, nothing conclusive along this line is to be offered. Numerous cases of magnetic duplicates have been shown to exist in both spectra. Such lines, especially if they are in the same part of the spectrum, are often affected in the same way as to change of intensity in various light sources and show a similar magnitude of displacement by pressure. The same vibrating particle probably pro- duces them. The differences in wave-number (i/X) have been formed for the various pairs of magnetic duplicates. Only one case was found where two pairs of magnetic duplicates have the same difference of wave-number. The iron octuplets XX 3 743. 508 and 3788.046 have exactly the same difference in wave-number (314) as the sextuplets XX63I3.644 and 6337.048. No case was found where two pairs of magnetic duplicates of the same type have the same difference, though this was tried wherever promising, both between known duplicates and as a means of finding new pairs. The differences between duplicates were found to vary greatly for each element and to bear no simple relation to one another; so that as yet no clue has been found which will serve in building up series relations. IRON. TITANIUM. *37i8. 554 3760.679 3892.069 3952-754 4878.407 5324-373 5455-834 X 3998. 790 4009.807 4298.828 4645.368 4997 . 283 5219-875 5903-S55 CASES OF DISSYMMETRY. There are but few striking examples of dissymmetry in the iron and titanium spectra, either in spacing of the components or in the intensities of the violet and red components. However, fourteen lines show- ing distinct dissymmetry may be listed as shown herewith: The nature of the dissymmetry is covered in each case in the "Remarks" column. Several triplets show either the red or the violet component decidedly stronger. Quintuplets are likely to show irregular spacing or intensity, or both, as in the cases of XX 37 18.554, 3760.679 and 5455.834, of iron. The last line has its central w-component moved dis- tinctly to the red from the position of the no-field line (see Plate IV). The titanium septuplet X 4298.828 shows three /(-components, the interval between the central and violet components being about two-thirds that between the central and red. This line appears on Plate V. Several of the other lines are of complex type and highly unsymmetrical. The plates taken in this investigation are for the most part not suitable for the detection of a differ- ence in the spacing from the central line of the violet and red component of triplets, since a Nicol was almost always used to separate the n- and ^-components. However, two of the best plates in the set were taken without a Nicol for the iron spectrum in the blue and violet regions and include most of the lines mentioned by Zeeman (30) as showing a difference in the intensity or in the spacing of the violet and red components. These plates were taken with a field-strength of 19,500 gausses. A set of measure- ments was made for the sharpest triplets occurring in this region to test the question of a difference in the spacing of the violet and red components from the central line. The method was to make settings successively on the violet, central, and red components, and then repeat in the inverse direction, con- tinuing until four sets of readings were obtained from which the mean distance to each side component was computed. The measurements given in Table 6 are the mean of two independent sets taken in this way, which in general agreed closely. Thus each value of AX is the mean of eight determinations of the interval in question. The values of AX are not reduced to the standard field. Differences in favor of the violet interval are +, those in favor of the red interval . TABLE 6. SPACING OF VIOLET AND RED COMPONENTS OF IRON TRIPLETS FROM THE CENTRAL COMPONENT. AX AX X CENTER TO CENTER TO DIFFERENCE. X CENTER TO CENTER TO DDJFERENCE. VIOLET. RED. VIOLET. RED. 3687.610 0.204 o. 198 +0.006 3920.410 0.231 0.218 +0.013 3709.389 O.2OO O.2OI o.ooi 3923.054 0.228 0.223 + 0.005 3758-37S 0.179 0.165 +0.014 3928.075 0.227 0.223 +0.004 3763.945 0.148 0.136 + O.OI2 3930.450 0.230 O.22I +0.009 3765.689 0-153 0.142 + O.OII 3997-547 0.173 0.168 +0.005 3798.655 O.2I2 O.2O9 +0.003 4063 . 759 0.179 0.177 + O.OO2 3799.693 0.213 O.2II + O.OO2 4236.112 0.285 0.280 + 0.005 3827.980 0.153 0.139 +0.014 4260.640 0.278 0.272 + 0.006 3856.524 0.222 0.213 +0.009 427I-934 0.218 0.216 + O.OO2 3860.055 O.2I7 O.2I9 O.O02 4308.081 O.2OO 0.194 + 0.006 3886.434 o. 225 0.214 + O.OII 432S-939 0.170 0.161 + 0.009 3895-803 0.223 0.223 o.ooo 4383.720 O.2I7 O.2IO + 0.007 3899.850 0.225 O.22I +0.004 4404.927 0.212 0.208 + 0.004 52 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. These measurements are intended only as a preliminary test of the reality of the difference in triplet spacings. The evidence, however, points strongly to the existence of a true difference for many, if not all triplets. Only 3 out of 26 lines fail to show a larger interval for the violet component. Although the settings on a component seldom show a range greater than 0.004 A, which would indicate a very small probable error in the mean of 8 determinations, it is likely that the actual probable error of the indi- vidual differences shown in Table 6 may amount to 0.003 or 0-004 A as a result of systematic errors in the settings due to the character of the lines. The mean of all the differences is + 0.006 A, with a calcu- lated probable error of o.ooi A, which can scarcely leave any doubt as to the reality of the difference. The measurements show that the magnitude of the difference can hardly be the same for all of the lines. The true probable error will then be somewhat smaller than that given above, which would only make the evidence for the reality of the dissymmetry predicted by Voigt the stronger. The lines from X 3930.450 toward the violet, 17 in number, are with one exception either normal triplets or have the separ- ation 30, usually the latter. Of the 9 lines showing a difference greater than 0.008 A, 3 are normal trip- lets and 4 have a separation of 30. The question of dissymmetry seems worthy of investigation through a long range of field-strengths for these lines, especially to test the generality of the change of spacing with the square of the field-strength observed for one of the lines in the mercury spectrum (see p. 5). An element which might sometimes affect the spacing of Zeeman components is the apparent differ- ence in the wave-lengths of arc and spark lines. The spark is made more disruptive by the magnetic field, and a greater disruptiveness seems in general to cause the lines of the spark to be moved slightly toward the red as compared with their positions in the arc spectrum. The reality of this effect is still a disputed question, but evidence published by a number of observers, as well as some photographs of the arc and spark which I have taken for this portion of the iron spectrum, indicate that measurements taken in the regular way will give a slightly greater wave-length for the spark lines, the difference being greatest for a very disruptive spark. If this effect has a part in the Zeeman phenomenon, we should expect all components of the triplet to be displaced alike. The greater strength of the middle component, however, would probably make the effect more perceptible for this, as the apparent displacement is more or less combined with unsymmetrical widening and is usually more distinct for strong lines. However, in the photographs from which the measurements of Table 6 were taken, triplets to the violet of X 4000 show the middle component only about as strong as either side component on account of the polariza- tion given by the angle of the grating used, so that the conditions of the spark discharge would not seem to be adequate to explain the difference in spacing, unless the direction of vibration of the electrons, parallel or perpendicular to the lines of force, affects their susceptibility to the displacing action of the spark discharge. On this point we have no evidence. The other point of dissymmetry predicted by Voigt, a greater strength for the red component of the triplet, is quite perceptible for many lines, especially in the iron spectrum. The difference is rarely greater than 10 per cent., and, to be clearly detected, the two components must be distinct but not of full density, since blackness of the components in the negative destroys so slight a difference. On account of this necessity for just the right degree of exposure, it is difficult to say how general the phenomenon is, but it is certainly present for many lines. LAW OF CHANGE OF THE AVERAGE SEPARATION OF THE ^-COMPONENTS WITH THE WAVE-LENGTH. A glance through Tables i and 2 shows that for both iron and titanium the tendency is for the values of AX gradually to increase as we pass to greater wave-lengths, while the values of AX/X 2 remain of about the same magnitude throughout. A statistical study of this apparent constancy of the averages AX/X 2 has been made; and both the range of wave-length and the number of lines available are sufficient to show clearly how the matter stands. The method of treatment has been to obtain the mean value of AX/X 2 for the w-components for each 500 A from X37oo to X67oo. When there are two or more pairs of w-components the mean of the separa- tions is taken. This is necessary for the sake of consistency if any lines other than clear triplets or quad- ruplets are to be considered, since the measurement of the widened -components given by a great many lines is merely the mean separation of two or more unresolved pairs. The averages thus obtained are presented in Table 7. The means for the six groups of 500 A are given first, then the means for the three groups of 1000 A. These latter are the means for the whole number of lines considered in the range, not the averages of the means for the 5oo-groups. Of course, no account can be taken in this summary of the considerable number of lines which are described, but whose w-components are not measurable. TABLE 7. MEANS or AX/X 2 (B-COMPONENTS) FOR SUCCESSIVE REGIONS OF WAVE-LENGTH. IRON. TITANIUM. RANGE OF X No. OF LINES. MEAN AX/X 1 . No. OF LINES. MEAN AX/X 2 . 3700-4200 267 2.003 80 1.009 4200-4700 IOI 2.051 152 2.027 4700-5200 74 2.123 81 .684 5200-5700 62 1-932 47 .819 5700-6200 37 1.837 34 .942 6200-6700 41 2.131 28 .764 3700-4700 368 2.016 232 .986 4700-5700 136 2.037 128 734 5700-6700 78 1.989 62 1.862 The close agreement of the means shows that there is a real relation, giving an approximate constancy of the values of AX/X 2 for different parts of the spectrum. Taking the successive means of the 5oo-groups, the average value for iron is 2.013, f r titanium 1.858. The largest deviation from the mean for any group is 8.7 per cent for iron and 9.4 per cent for titanium. For neither element is there any systematic change in the means for successive groups. The means for the groups of 1000 A show a still closer agreement, the largest deviation from the mean of these groups being only 1.2 per cent for iron and 6.8 per cent for titanium. It will be noticed that the mean values for titanium run smaller than those for iron, although the titanium measurements correspond to the larger field-strength. A number of spectra will have to be examined in this way and the measurements reduced to the same field-strength before we can say what significance, if any, there is in this point. It may prove to be connected with certain properties of the elements concerned. It is not difficult to see that this constancy of the mean value of AX/X 2 depends on the general relation of this quotient to the fundamental interval a, and that it results from the fact that the great majority 53 54 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM of the separations for the w-components range from the values of 2a to 30 and that the various values of the multiples of the interval are more or less uniformly distributed throughout the spectrum. This was shown for the triplets (p. 47), the greater number of which show a separation greater than 20. The exceptional large and small values for triplets, together with the mean separations of the complex lines, combine to form a fairly definite mean which holds for the whole range of spectrum examined. Since AX/X 2 is shown to be very nearly constant, it may be said that for the spectra of iron and titanium, and probably for spectra in general, the mean separation of the n-components varies as the square of the wave-length. A similar rule must hold for the ^-components, since it was shown (pp. 48-49) that complex lines of the same structure in different parts of the spectrum show the same relation to the interval a. It is of interest to note that a computation along the lines of that carried out here, but different in method and with comparatively little material at disposal, was made by Mr. Hale (38) in his comparison of sun-spot doublets with the Zeeman separations on some preliminary plates made by the author. The mean AX for a number of iron lines in the blue was divided by the square of the mean wave-length for the region considered. Measurements for lines extending from the green into the red were treated simi- larly. The quotients of the mean AX by the square of the mean X for the two regions agreed exactly. While this result does not have the same significance as the comparison of the mean values of AX/X 2 , it is clearly based on the same relation for the rate of increase of AX with X. THE EFFECT OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD UPON ENHANCED LINES. In my former paper (51) on the titanium spectrum, the behavior of the enhanced lines was examined to see if, as a class, they were affected by the magnetic field differently from the non-enhanced lines. The various types of separation were found to occur in about the same proportion for the enhanced lines as for the spectrum in general. The same conclusion was arrived at by Mr. Babcock (62) for the enhanced lines of chromium and of vanadium. Table 8 gives the numbers of enhanced and non-enhanced lines considered both as to type and magni- tude of separation. Here, as in Table 3, a given type includes both the clear and the questioned cases for that type occurring in Tables i and 2. TABLE 8. COMPARISON OF TYPES or SEPARATION FOR ENHANCED AND NON-ENHANCED LINES. CHARACTER OF SEPARATION. IRON. TITANIUM. ENHANCED. NON- ENHANCED. ENHANCED. NON- ENHANCED. Unaffected o 25 4 8 3 3 9 368 45 7 no 34 46 49 S i '3 i 13 4 242 23 4 64 II 28 Triple Quintuple Sextuple Complex Total 43 619 82 376 The enhanced lines of each element are found to present a diversity of types. The enhanced and non-enhanced triplets are in about the same ratio as the total number of enhanced and non-enhanced lines, both for iron and titanium, this ratio being about i : 14 for iron and about 1:5 for titanium. Those types for which the number is sufficient to give the comparison some weight are in the same ratios. There seems to be no undue proportion of any one type among the enhanced lines, considered as a whole. EFFECT OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD UPON ENHANCED LINES. 55 Since the triplets appear to be representative, and as their magnitudes of separation can be handled most readily, Table 9 is arranged to compare the values of AX/X 2 for enhanced and non-enhanced triplets. Triplets whose separation was not measurable are omitted, as are some non-enhanced triplets of very large separation, larger than is shown by any enhanced lines. TABLE 9. VALUES OP AX/X 2 FOR ENHANCED AND NON-ENHANCED TRIPLETS. IRON. TITANIUM. RANGE OF AX/X 2 . ENHANCED. NON- ENHANCED. ENHANCED. NON- ENHANCED. o i.o i 2 o 9 1.0-1.4 3 40 6 3 1.4-1.8 7 94 26 99 1.8-2.2 5 93 ii 66 2.2-2.6 3 84 4 26 On account of the small number of enhanced lines of iron, Table 9 serves to bring out little more than the distribution of the values of AX/X 2 . More enhanced lines are available for titanium, and in the study of these, two points are noteworthy: the absence of very small separations, and the disproportionately large number of enhanced triplets giving values from 1.4 to 1.8. This range includes the normal triplet at about 1.6, and the table shows that the separations of over half of the lines in question are close to this value. This is due in part to a condition which appears to be the only respect in which the enhanced lines are in a class by themselves as regards the Zeeman phenomenon. In the region from 3600 to 460x3, which is rich in enhanced line's for titanium, the strongest enhanced lines were selected, 22 in number. These are lines showing a high degree of enhancement in the spark and are as a rule much stronger in the spark than any of the lines characteristic of the arc. A short exposure with a strongly condensed spark would show these lines almost alone. Of these 22 lines 17 are clear triplets; the remaining 5, with one exception, the weakest in the list, are of more complex character, These lines, with their intensity on the scale here used, their type of separation, and the values of AX/X 2 for the triplets, are given in Table 10. TABLE 10. EFFECT OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE STRONGER ENHANCED LINES OF TITANIUM. X INTENSITY. SEPARATION. AX/X 2 X INTENSITY. SEPARATION. AX/X 2 3685.339 20 Triple 1.708 4302.085 5 Sextuple 3741-791 10 Triple 1.878 4308.081 8 Octuple 3759-447 20 Triple 2.038 43I3-034 8 Sextuple 3761.464 10 Triple 1-463 4338.084 IO Triple 1.312 3900.681 5 Triple 1.787 4395 201 20 Triple 1.796 3913.609 20 Triple 1-43 4443-976 15 Triple 1-509 4163.818 20 Triple 1.696 4468.663 15 Triple 1.702 4172.066 15 Triple 1.442 4501-445 IS Triple 1.471 4290.377 IO ? 4549.808 20 Triple 2.125 4294.204 IO Triple i '958 4563.939 IO Triple 1-325 4300.211 8 ? 4572-156 20 Triple i .526 The values of AX/X 2 for the lines in Table 10 do not appear to be as closely related to the interval a as is usual among a like number of triplets taken at random. The measurements are usually of high weight, the photographs being made with self-induction in the spark circuit, and still there is a total lack of 'normal triplets, the values of AX/X 2 being scattered rather uniformly from 1.3 to 2.1. The most we can conclude is that for titanium the strongest enhanced lines tend toward the triplet type, but not toward the simplest intervals of separation. When we extend the comparison to the weaker enhanced lines, many of which are of considerable strength in the arc, a large variety of types appears, with none predominating. COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS FOR THE ZEEMAN EFFECT AND FOR PRESSURE DISPLACEMENT. A summary of the theories on the possible connection between magnetic separation and pressure displacement is given on pp. 5-7. The data now at hand permit a considerable extension of the compari- son made in my former paper (4). This is mainly in two directions. First, photographs of titanium arc spectra under pressure made in this laboratory by Mr. H. G. Gale have materially added to pressure measurements for this substance. Although this material has not yet been published by Mr. Gale, he has kindly permitted me to use his values in this comparison. Second, spectra given by the electric furnace under pressure have recently been obtained by me, and the preliminary results (63) bear on one of the questions involved in the present discussion. In Tables n and 12 the values of the magnetic separations in the second column are taken directly from Tables i and 2 respectively. These values of AX are for the w-components, the mean being taken when there are two or more pairs. Numerous changes have been made as compared to the former paper on this subject, due to better photographs being available. The measurements of pressure displacements expressed in Angstrom units are taken from the publi- cations of Humphreys (416) and of Duffield (64) for the iron spectrum. For titanium, some measurements are given by Humphreys, but most of the pressure values are from the photographs of Gale. The meas- urements by Humphreys in the third column are for a pressure of 42 atmospheres, his other measurements, for 69 and 101 atmospheres, being for only a part of the lines. For the iron spectrum, the displacements of Duffield for 41 atmospheres are given in the fourth column. For titanium, the measurements of Gale taken for 9 atmospheres total pressure were multiplied by 4.7 to bring them to the same order as those of Humphreys, assuming a direct proportion between displacement and pressure. Occasionally a line was not obtained by these observers for the given pressures, in which case an approximate value was deduced from the measurement for some other pressure and is accompanied by an interrogation point. TABLE n. ZEEMAN SEPARATIONS AND PRESSURE DISPLACEMENTS FOR IRON. X SEPA- RATION H = 16,000. DISPLACEMENT. RATIO SEP. TO DISPL. CLASSES SEP. 1 AND DlSPL. X SEPA- RATION TT 16,000. DISPLACEMENT. RATIO SEP. TO DISPL. "IdSIQ ONV dag S3ssvi3 42 ATM. (HUMPH- REYS.) 41 ATM. (DUF- FIELD.) 42 ATM. (HUMPH- REYS.) 41 ATM. (DUF- FIELD.) 3659-663 3669.666 3670.240 3676.457 3677.764 3680.069 3683.229 3684.258 3687.610 3689.614 3695.194 3704.603 3705 . 708 3709.389 3716.054 3720.084 3722.729 3724.526 3727.778 3733.469 3735.014 3737-281 0.176 0.176 0.261 0.236 0.167 o. 296 0.480 0.170 0.311 0-373 0.261 0.319 0-294 0.312 0.290 0.268 0.260 0.256 0.318 0.315 0.310 0.254 0.050 0.050 0.047 0.050 0.052 0.062 0.040 0.053 0.090 0.084 0.070 0.046 0.054 0.095 0.107 0.047 0.050 0.054 O. IOO 0.050 0.092 0.040 3-54 3-54 5-55 4-V 3-21 4-77 12.00 3-21 3-46 4-44 3-73 6-93 5-44 3.28 2.71 5-70 5-20 4-74 3.18 6.30 3-37 6.35 S:S S:S S:S S:S S:S S:M L:S S:S M:M M:M S:M M:S S:S M:M S:L S:S S:S S:S M:M M:S M:M S:S 3738.4S4 3743-508 3745-7I7 3746.058 3748.408 3749.631 3758-375 3763.945 3765.689 3767-34I 3788.046 3795-147 3798.655 3799-693 3805.486 3813.100 3815-987 3820.586 3824.591 3826.027 3827.980 3834.364 0.207 0.318 0.228 0.214 0.289 0.269 0.218 0.228 0.326 0-325 0.326 0.326 0.204 0.203 0.264 0.282 0.345 0.274 o. 225 0.248 0.078 o. 100? 0.050 0.050 0.040 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.106 0.118 0.090 0.093 0.085 0.075 0.092 0.058 O.IIO 0.125 0.040 0.090 O.IO2 O.IIO 2-65 3-i8 4.56 5-35 3-40 2-99 2.29 2.15 3^62 3-49 3.84 4-35 2.22 3-50 2.40 2.26 8.63 3-04 2. 2O 2.25 S:M M:M S:S 0:S S:S S:M S:M S:M S:L 0:L M:M M:M M:M M:M S:M S:S S:L S:L M:S S:M S:L S:L 56 COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR ZEEMAN EFFECT AND FOR PRESSURE DISPLACEMENT. TABLE n. ZEEMAN SEPARATIONS AND PRESSURE DISPLACEMENTS FOR IRON Continued. 57 X SEPA- RATION H= 16,000. DISPLACEMENT. EJJ 53 QO So H CLASSES SEP. 1 AND DlSPL. I X SEPA- RATION H = 16,000. DISPLACEMENT. Sg tn 8 20 So f* H CLASSES SEP. AND DlSPL. 42 ATM. (HUMPH- REYS.) 41 ATM. (DUF- FIELD.) 42 ATM. (HUMPH- REYS.) 41 ATM. (DUF- FIELD.) 3840.580 3841.195 3850.118 3856.524 3860.055 3865.674 3872.639 3878.720 3886.434 3887.196 3888.671 3893.542 3895.803 3899.850 3903.090 3904.052 3906.628 3920.410 3923.054 3928.075 3930.450 3948.925 3950.102 3956.819 3969.413 3977.891 3981.917 3984.113 3986.321 3997.547 3998 . 205 4005 . 408 4009 . 864 4014.677 4017.308 4022.018 4045.975 4063 . 759 4071.908 4107.649 4109.953 4118.708 4127.767 4132.235 4134.840 4I43.S72 4144.038 4154.667 4156.970 4175.806 4181.919 4185.058 4187.204 4187.943 4I9I.595 4195.492 4196.372 4198.494 4199.267 4202.198 4204.101 4210.494 4219.516 4222.382 4227.606 0.221 0.164 0.341 0.341 0-343 0.284 0.346 0.348 0.335 0.264 0.269 0-347 0-349 0.278 0.233 0-347 0-349 0-351 0.352 0.352 0.234 0.348 0.289 0-354 0.441 O.24O 0.216 0.196 0.266 o. 226 0.461 0.377 0.250 0-397 0.272 0.298 0.269 o. 170 0-397 0.285 0.271 0.196 0.510 0.303 0.280 0-393 0-379 0.367 0.296 0-339 0.390 0.395 0.402 0.402 0.320 0-359 0.383 0.276 0.323 0-373 0.806 0.284 0-475 0.309 0.090 O.IOO 0.082 0.038 0.042 0.103 0.108 0.044? 0.056 0.073 0.089 0.072 0.030 0.036 0.095 0.056 0.050 0.033 0.032 0.038 0.047 0.050 0.066 0.036 0.089 0.042 0.060? 0.085 0.061 0.048 0.066 0.103 0.040 0.050 0.062 0.037 0.103 0.107 0.092 0.060 0.062 0.085 2.46 1.64 8.97 8.12 3-33 2.63 7.86 6.21 4.59 2.97 3-74 1.16 9.69 2-93 4. 16 6.94 10.58 10.96 0.92 0.75 4.68 5-27 8.03 3-98 10.98 4.00 2.54 3.21 5-54 3-42 4.48 9.42 5.00 6.40 7-35 2.89 2-51 1.85 6.62 4.60 3.19 2-39 4.86 5-Si 3-97 4.41 5-73 4-55 4.84 9-75 2.08 o-93 1.30 3^78 4.14 6.22 5-13 3.84 i-33 0.72 S:M S:M O:M M:S M:S M:L S:L M:S M:S M:M S:M S:M M:S M:S S:M S:S M:S M:S M:S M:S M:S S:S M:M S:S M:M L:S S:S S:M S:M S:S S:M L:L M:S S:S M:M S:S M:L S:L S:M M:S S:M S:M S:M L:L M:S S:M M:L M:M M:M S:M M:M M:S M:L L:L L:L M:L M:L M:L S:M M:M M:S L:L S:M L:L M:L 4233-772 4236.112 4245.422 4250.945 4260.640 427L934 4282.566 4294.301 4299.410 4308.081 4315.262 4325.939 4337-216 4352.908 4367.749 4369.941 4376.107 4383 . 720 4404-927 4407.871 4408 . 582 4415-293 4422.741 4427.482 4430.785 4442.510 4443.365 4447.892 4454.552 4459-301 4461.818 4466.727 4476.185 4494.738 4528.798 453L327 4548.024 4592.840 4603 . i 26 4647-617 4691.602 4710.471 4736.963 4787.003 4789.849 4859.928 4871.512 4878.407 4919.174 5171.778 5i95.ii3 5269.723 5328.236 5371-734 5397-344 5405-989 5429.911 5434-740 5447.130 S4S5-834 5497 -73S 5501.683 5507.000 5615-87? 0.532 0.452 0-493 0.246 0.423 0.341 0.310 0.319 0.406 0.320 0.517 0.245 0.264 0.416 0.311 0.282 0.424 0.332 o.334 0.631 0.488 0-338 0.293 0.430 0.719 0.485 0.170 0.585 o.445 0.449 0-435 o.343 0.306 0.302 0.358 0.400 0.311 0.416 0.566 0.392 0.358 0.242 0.426 0.409 0.352 0.564 0.336 i .092 0.591 0.521 0.457 0.501 0.470 0.413 0.630 0.341 0.607 0.568 0.692 1.040 I.OOI 1.026 0.586 0.240 0.274 0.060 0.089 0.246 0.083 0.043 0.084 0.370 0.405 2.22 1.65 8.22 2. 7 6 1.72 4. II 7.21 3.80 1.30 3.56 I4.36 2.52 2-93 8.00 5-18 5-i3 10.87 2.66 3-04 3-Si 3-05 3-89 4-Si 7.82 3-78 2-55 2.83 3-25 5-56 2.81 7.25 6.12 4-25 1-51 2.08 5-32 3-21 3.78 6.09 5.60 S-ii 4 03 S-oi 5-38 4.40 1-45 0.80 2-73 1-58 6-95 5-71 6.04 4.70 4-35 7.88 3-4i 7.14 5-98 6-59 9-45 10-54 8.55 7-33 L:L L:L L:S S:M L:L M:M M:S M:M L:L M:M L:S S:M S:M L:S M:S S:S L:S M:L M:L L:L L:L M:M M:M L:S L:L L:L S:S L:L L:M L:L L:S M:S M:M M:L M:L L:M M:M L:L L:M M:M M:M S:S L:M L:M M:M L:L M:L L:L L:L L:M L:M L:M L:M L:M L:M M:M L:M O:L L:M L:L L:L L:M L:L L:M 0.082 0.177 0.069 0.056 0.086 0.313 O.O6O 0.041 0.090 0.036 0.097 0.090 0.052 0.060 0.055 0.039 0.125 O.IIO 0.180 0.160 0.087 0.065 0.055 o. 190 0.190 0.060 o. 180 0.080 0.160 0.060 0.056 0.072 0.200 0.172 0.075 0.097 O.IIO 0.093 0.070 0.070 0.060 0.085 0.076 0.080 0.390 0.420 0.400 0.375 0.075 0.080 0.083 O.IOO 0.095 0.080 O.IOO 0.085 O.I 2O 0.095 0.105 O.IIO 0.095 O.I 2O 0.080 0.082 0.056 0.060 0.047 O.o6o 0.056 0.078 0.046 0.043 0.159 0.164 O.o6o 0.172 0.172 0.039 0.046 0.042 0.168 0.172 0.078 0.082 0.082 0.086 0.099 0.082 0.108 0.086 0.095? 0.099 0.086 0.065 0.065 0.105 0.055? 0.116 0.064? 0.070? 0.040 0.047 O.igo 0.431 0.310 Large Large Large 0.065 0.078 0.060 o.i57 0.078 0.358 0.431 0.073 0.071 0.074 58 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. TABLE 12. ZEEMAN SEPARATIONS AND PRESSURE DISPLACEMENTS FOR TITANIUM. X SEPA- RATION H = 17,500- DISPLACEMENT. RATIO SEP. TO DISPL. CLASSES SEP. AND DlSPL. X SEPA- RATION H = 17,500. DISPLACEMENT. Si co a g S CLASSES SEP. AND DlSPL. 42 ATM. (HUMPH- REYS.) 42 ATM. (GALE.) 24 ATM. (HUMPH- REYS.) 42 ATM. (GALE.) 3900.681 3904.926 3913.609 3914.477 3921-563 3924.673 3926-465 3930.022 3947.918 3948.818 3956.476 3958.355 3962.995 3964.416 3981.917 3982.630 3989.912 3998.790 4009.079 4009 . 807 4012.541 4024.726 4028.497 4035.976 4055.189 4060.415 4064.362 4065.239 4078.631 4082.589 4112.869 4151.129 4159.805 4163.818 4171.213 4172.066 4186.280 4203.620 4272.701 4276.587 4278.390 4281.530 4282.860 4285.164 4286.168 4287.566 4289.237 4290.377 4291.114 4294.204 4295.914 4298.828 4299.410 4299.803 4300.211 4300.732 4301.158 4302.085 4306.078 4313.034 4314.964 0.272 0.240 0.219 o-352 0.426 0.292 0.247 0.362 0.098 0.186 0.229 0.287 0.461 0-359 0.188 0.469 0.275 0.317 0.347 0.086 0.198 0-394 0.269 0-354 0-395 0-395 0.396 0-395 0-395 0-398 0.301 0-305 0.263 0.294 O.2IO 0.251 0.282 0-457 0.364 0.443 0.304 0.664 0.244 0.566 0.400 O.42I 0.370 0.284 0.441 0.36l 0.218 0.430 0.356 0.367 0.265 0.350 0.368 0.367 0.449 0.424 0.212 0.085 0.174 O.O28 O.Oig 0.047 0.235 0.042 0.028 0.075 0.047 0.080 0.042 0.038 0.094 o.oig 0.103 0.113 0.028 0.038 0.042 0.038 0.085 0.244 0.085 0.075 0.094 0.047 0.019 0.061 0.047 0.207 0.160 0.179 0.146 0.188 0.056 0.179 0.075 0.136 0.188 0.061 0.132 0.160 0.099 0.118 0.108 0.216 0.103 0.136 0.103 0.118 0.103 0.103 0.136 0.099 0.113 0.160 0.113 0.216 0.146 1.28 2.82 1.26 12.57 22.42 6.21 1-05 8.62 3.50 2.48 4.87 3-59 10.98 9-45 2.00 24.68 2.67 2.80 12.39 2.26 4-71 10.37 3.16 1-45 4-65 5-27 4.21 8.40 20.79 6.52 6.40 i-47 i .64 1.64 1.44 1-34 5-04 2-55 4.85 3-26 1.62 1.09 1-85 3-54 4.04 3-57 3-42 1-31 4.28 2.65 1.85 4-17 3-46 2.70 2.68 3.10 2.30 3-25 2.08 2.90 S:L S:M S:L M:S L:S S:S S:L M:S S:S S:M S:S S:M L:S M:S S:M L:S S:M M:M M:S S:S S:S M:S S:M M:L M:M M:M M:M M:S M:S M:M M:S M:L S:L S:L S:L S:L S:S L:L M:M L:L M:L L:M S:L L:L L:M L:M M:M S:L L:M M:L O:M S:M L:M M:M M:L S:M M:M M:L M:M L:L L:L 4318.817 4326.520 4338.084 4346.278 4360.644 4394.093 4395.201 4417.450 4421.928 4422.985 4426.201 4427.266 4434.168 4440.515 4443.976 4449-3!3 4451.087 4453.486 4453.876 4455.485 4457.600 4465.975 4468 . 663 4471.408 4475.026 4479.879 4480.752 4481.438 4489.262 4501.445 4512.906 4518.198 4518.866 4522.974 4527.490 4533.419 4534-953 4535-741 4536.094 4536.222 4544.864 4548.938 4549.808 4552-632 4555-662 4562.814 4563.939 4572.156 4617.452 4623.279 4629.521 4682.088 4691-523 4758.308 47S9.463 4841.074 4981.912 4991 . 247 4999.689 5007.398 5013.479 o.337 0.403 0.247 0-453 0.348 0.325 0-347 0.381 0.289 o.377 0.318 0.312 0-259 0.270 0.298 0.388 0.340 0.210 0.263 0.351 0.400 0.481 0.340 0.601 0.509 0.829 o.6n 0.548 0.612 0.298 0.501 0.498 O.22O 0.502 0.495 0.469 0.449 0-424 0.323 0.502 0.560 0.440 0.510 0.506 0-424 0.276 0.319 0.404 0-379 0.527 0-399 0.441 0.382 0.430 0.390 0.481 0.458 0.413 0-339 0-455 0.042 8.02 2.86 2.78 1.62 1.90 4.92 2.94 3-00 1.61 3-34 2.61 4.46 1.49 1. 01 2.89 3.29 2.79 1.15 2.43 1.82 2.07 3-94 i-57 6.75 1.41 6.28 4-49 4.85 4.19 1.38 3.8o 3-66 2-34 3-44 3-75 3.13 2.81 3.12 2.86 6. 27 3-73 1-95 3-86 3.83 1. 12 1.84 1-36 2.97 3-21 3.12 5.18 5-51 5-70 4.67 13-44 6.25 3-39 3-44 2.26 8.12 M:S L:L S:M L:S M:L M:M M:M M:L S:L M:M M:M M:M S:L S:L S:M M:M M:M S:L S:M M:L L:L L:M M:L L:M L:L L:L L:L L:M L:L S:L L:L L:L S:M L:L L:L L:L L:L L:L M:M O:L L:L L:L L:L L:L L:L L:S S:L M:L L:L M:M L:L M:M L:M M:M L:M M:S L:M L:L L:M M:L L:S 0.073 0.141 0.089 0.028 0.183 0.066 0.118 0.127 0.179 0.113 0.122 O.O7O 0.174 O.I4I 0.103 O.II8 O.I22 0.183 0.108 0.193 0.193 O. 122 0.216 0.089 0.362 0.132 0.136 O.II3 0.146 o. 216 0.132 0.136 0.094 0.146 0.132 0.150 0.160 0.136 0.113 0.160 0.136 o. 150 0.226 0.132 0.132 0.038 o. 150 0.235 0.136 0.118 0.169 0.045 0.030 0.045 0.024? 0.056 0.049 0.047 0.055 0.176 0.124 0.080 0.103 0.087 0.115 O.IOO 0.077 0.080 0.067 0.092 0.029 0.077 0-135 0.120 o. 150? 0.056 0.104 O.IIO 0.104 COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR ZEEMAN EFFECT AND FOR PRESSURE DISPLACEMENT. 59 The fifth and sixth columns contain ratios of Zeeman separation to pressure displacement, the one numerical, the other of letters denoting the order of magnitude. In the numerical ratios for iron the values of Humphreys are used for the sake of uniformity, those of Duffield for an almost equal pressure being taken when a line was not measured by the former. In the case of titanium the values of Gale are the more numerous and are used in the ratios when possible. The letters S, M and L in the sixth column stand for small, medium and large values, respectively, of separation and displacement. The limits covered by these classes are as follows: SEPARATION. DISPLACEMENT. IRON. TITANIUM. S . o.400 O.IOO < 0.060 0.060-0.125 >O.I2S M L . . The reasons for this classification are given later. The question as to whether there is a close proportionality between magnetic separation and pressure shift is decided in a definite manner by the sixth column in Tables n and 12, giving the numerical ratio of separation to displacement. The separations for each spectrum are taken for a constant field and the displacements for a constant pressure. The probable errors in measurement can explain only in a very small degree the larger differences in these ratios. For iron the ratio-values run from 0.72 to 14.36, for titanium from 1.05 to 22.42. The distribution between these limits is such that any range which might reasonably be assumed as due to poor measurements covers but a fraction of the lines. Thus in Table n, ratios ranging from 2.00 to 5.00 take in 90 out of 173 lines, or 52 per cent; the same range for titanium includes 67 out of 122 lines, or 55 per cent. The range from 3.00 to 5.0x3 in the two spectra covers 35 and 34 per cent respectively. The lack of constancy in the ratio being apparent, the question arises as to whether there is any real connection between separation and displacement. A broad classification of the values in order of magni- tude may be of service in this connection. For this purpose the separation and displacement values are classified as small, medium and large, the range for each class being given above. The ratios showing the comparative magnitudes of separation and displacement for each line are given in the sixth col- umn of the tables. The displacement measures for titanium run in general larger than for iron, so that a higher point of division between the medium and large classes is chosen. The following summary of the data will show to what extent a general agreement exists between the Zeeman and pressure phenomena. The ratios of classes from Tables n and 12 enable us to form Table 13, in which the 173 iron and 122 titanium lines are placed in three main groups. Group i consists of the ratios S : S, M : M, L: L, and shows that the separation and displacement for the corresponding lines are relatively of the same order. Group 2 contains those lines for which separation and displacement are not in the same, but in adjacent, classes; while for Group 3 the separation and displacement are of very different magnitude, one small and the other large. Those lines which show no Zeeman effect, but distinct pressure displacement, are also in Group 3, the letter O being associated with S, M, or L according to the magnitude of the displacement. It will be seen that 44 per cent of the iron lines are in good agreement as to order of magnitude, 44 per cent show a probable discordance, while 12 per cent strongly contradict the hypothesis of equality of relative magnitude. Titanium shows a somewhat larger proportion of its lines in poor agree- ment as to separation and displacement. This indicates clearly that the two phenomena are not very closely related as regards size of one increasing with size of the other. The large number of lines in Group 2 renders any positive conclusion difficult on account of the possible influence of errors of measurement. 6o INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. Trials with other limits for the small, medium and large classes have shown that the group percentages are not materially altered, as this results in a transfer back and forth of lines near the limits chosen. An attempt to reduce Group 2 was made by taking all those lines which had one or both values so near the limit of the class that the error of measurement, if in the favorable direction, might have put the two values into the same class and so have brought the line into Group i . Lines of complex Zeeman separa- tion were also treated in this way; 35 iron lines were thus selected, which when added to Group i as given in Table 13 raised its total to 64 per cent of the whole. This number, then, may be in fair agreement as to order of magnitude, while the remaining 36 per cent are divergent beyond the errors of measurement and in some distances widely different. This last device is of course not a fair treatment of the data, since the error of measurement is as likely to move the values wider apart as closer together, and if the same treatment had been applied to the lines of Group i, some of them would have moved into Group 2. However, giving the agreement hypothesis the benefit of the doubt, the proportions of 64 and 36 per cent appear to be the most favorable that can be gotten out of the list of iron lines. TABLE 13. SUMMARY OF CLASSES. IRON. TITANIUM. RATIO OF MAG. No. OF LINES. GROUP TOTAL. GROUP PERCENTAGE. RATIO OF MAG. No. OF LINES. GROUP TOTAL. GROUP PERCENTAGE. Group i s-s 24 29 23 27 22 13 IS 8 8 i i 2 ) 1 J 76 v 77 > 20 44 44 12 Group i S:S 6 21 26 12 10 12 12 IS 6 I I I- 1- 23 43 38 19 M:M M:M L:L L-L Group 2 S-M. Group 2 S:M M- S M:S M-L M:L L-M. L:M Group 3 S-L Group 3 L-S L:S o-s O:S O-M O:M O-L O:L In Group 3 we have those lines for which either separation or displacement is small and the other large, and in addition 4 lines of iron and 2 of titanium which appear to be unaffected by the magnetic field, while they show a variety of displacements, in some cases large. These offer examples of ability to respond to one displacing agency and not to the other. A closer quantitative comparison is afforded by taking the average separations and displacements for large groups of lines. This is done in Tables 14 and 15. The method in forming Table 14 was to make a list of all pressure displacements classified as small, place opposite them the Zeeman separations for the same lines, and take the mean of each list for comparison of the magnitude of the two effects. Means were formed in the same way for lines of medium and large displacement. The ratios of mean separa- tion to mean displacement can then be compared. In obtaining the results for each class, means were formed for the lines in three groups according to wave-length. The whole table thus gives a comparison of the means for the several groups, and also an indication as to how the means for both separation and displacement change with the wave-length. Table 15 was made in the same way as Table 14, except that here the class of Zeeman separation, small, medium, or large, was taken as the basis, and the corresponding pressure displacements used for a comparison of means. COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR ZEEMAN EFFECT AND FOR PRESSURE DISPLACEMENT. TABLE 14. MEANS OF SEPARATION AND DISPLACEMENT CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO AMOUNT OF DISPLACEMENT. 6i IRON. TITANIUM. RANGE OF X. No. OF LINES. MEANS. RATIO SEP. DlSPL. RANGE OF X. No. OF LINES. MEANS. RATIO SEP. DlSPL. SEP. DlSPL. SEP. DlSPL. Displacement: Small J 3660-4000 4000-4500 4500-5600 35 18 i 0.290 0.361 0.242 0.046 0.051 0.060 6.30 7.08 4-03 3900-4000 4000-4500 4500-5000 9 10 3 o.339 0.319 0.423 0.034 0.038 0.041 9-97 8.39 10.32 Total of lines and weighted means 54 0.313 0.048 6.52 22 0.340 0.037 9.19 Displacement: Medium . . . . J 3660-4000 4000-4500 4500-5600 3 22 19 0.272 0.297 0.478 0.084 0.080 0.085 3-24 3.71 5.62 3900-4000 4000-4500 4500-5000 6 30 9 0.249 0.378 0.385 0.092 0.099 0.093 2.71 3.82 4.14 Total of lines and weighted 71 0-335 0.083 4.04 45 0.362 0.097 3-73 Displacement: Large J 3660-4000 4000-4500 4500-5600 8 24 9 0.221 0-452 0.679 O.IOQ 0.207 0.245 2.03 2.18 2.77 3900-4000 4000-4500 4500-5000 3 3i 19 0.246 o.379 0.446 0.207 0.175 0.157 1.19 2.16 2.84 Total of lines and weighted 41 0.462 0.196 2.36 53 0.396 0.170 2-33 TABLE 15. MEANS OF SEPARATION AND DISPLACEMENT CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO AMOUNT OF SEPARATION. IRON. TITANIUM. RANGE OF X. No. OF LINES. MEANS. RATIO SEP. DlSPL. RANGE OF X. No. OF LINES. MEANS. RATIO SEP. DlSPL. SEP. DlSPL. SEP DlSPL. Separation: Small ! 3660-4000 4000-4500 4500-5600 42 18 i 0.240 0.258 0.242 0.072 0.077 0.060 3-33 3-22 4.03 3900-4000 4000-4500 4500-5000 ii J9 3 0.230 0.247 0.265 0.107 0.128 0.153 2.15 i-93 i-73 Total of lines and weighted 61 0.246 0.073 3-37 33 0.243 0.123 1.98 Separation: Medium 3660-4000 4000-4500 4500-5600 28 24 8 60 o.337 0.346 0.356 0.065 0.098 0.136 5.18 3-53 2.62 3900-4000 4000-4500 4500-5000 4 34 7 0.348 0.360 0.362 0-359 0.055 0.114 0.113 6-33 3.16 3.20 Total of lines and weighted means . o.343 0.088 3-90 45 0.108 3-32 Separation : Large ! 3660-4000 4000-4500 4500-5600 2 23 2O 0.460 0.495 0.629 0.041 0.173 0.137 11.22 2.86 4-59 3900-4000 4000-4500 4500-5000 3 18 21 0.452 0.519 0.471 0.027 0.138 0.127 1.67 3-76 3-71 Total of lines and weighted means 45 0-553 o. 151 3.66 42 0.490 0.125 3-92 62 INFLUENCE OF A MAGNETIC FIELD UPON THE SPARK SPECTRA OF IRON AND TITANIUM. In Table 14 the ratios of classes given by the weighted means for the three magnitudes of displace- ment are M : S, M : M, and L : L for both iron and titanium. Table 15 gives for the three magnitudes of separation the ratios S : M, M : M, L : L, for both elements. There is thus good agreement as to magni- tudes except for the first class in each table. A large proportion of the lines for this class come from the region below X4ooo and there is a sufficient scattering of high values for both separation and displace- ment to put the means into different classes when formed in this way. The behavior of the ratios of weighted means in the two tables is interesting. Those in Table 15 decrease very nearly in the ratio 3 : 2 : i for the three classes in the iron table, and about 9 : 4 : 2 for titanium, showing that the displace- ments increase in size much faster than the separations. The same material is used in Table 15, but here we find an approximate constancy for iron and a gradual increase for titanium. It is probable that the change as shown in Table 14 is a real one and that it is obscured in Table 15 by the large difference in range of values of separations and displacements. The limits of this range are in the ratio of about i to 3 for the separations (omitting a few extreme values) and about i to 10 for the displacements. Thus, in Table 14, when the displacements are grouped so as to increase in magnitude, there is a much smaller variation among corresponding values of separation than we have among the displacement values when the separations are graded as in Table 15. The widely divergent values of displacement scattered through Table 15 would thus act to make the ratios of means more or less discordant. A classification by Duffield (640) may be used in comparing the displacements measured by him with the corresponding Zeeman separations for iron. He forms three main groups according to amount of displacement. Table 16 gives the mean separation and displacement for each of these groups, at first singly, then combined so as to form two groups with more lines in each. TABLE 16.- MEANS OF SEPARATION AND DISPLACEMENT FOR DUFFIELD'S DISPLACEMENT GROUPS. No. or LINES. MEAN SEP. MEAN DISPL. CLASSES SEP. AND DlSPL. Group I Unreversed 26 M-M Reversed M- M Group II 6 o 483 o 168 L-L Group III L- L Total of Group I 0.319 o 068 M-M Totals of Groups I and II 16 0.431 0.262 L:L We see that separation and displacement are of the same order of magnitude throughout. In the last two lines the larger number of values gives means of higher weight. These means show as before that a much larger range is covered by the displacements than by the separations. Two additional points are to be considered in this comparison. The first is the rate of increase of the two effects with magnetic field and pressure, respectively. Duffield found that the displacements of lines belonging to the three groups treated in Table 16 have very different rates of increase with increase of pressure, the lines of Group III showing the most rapid change. A corresponding phenomenon in the Zeeman effect would mean a different rate of increase of separation with field-strength for different lines. We are not certain that this does not exist, since the proportionality of separation to field-strength has been established by careful measurement for only a very few lines, but no evidence of a difference for different sets of lines has thus far been presented. The second point is the relation of the variation of separation and displacement with the wave-length. In Tables 14 and 15 the division into regions of wave-lengths shows the distribution of magnitudes in these regions. Following down the columns headed "No. of Lines" in each table, we see that the propor- tion of small values for both separation and displacement is greater in the region of short wave-lengths. COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR ZEEMAN EFFECT AND FOR PRESSURE DISPLACEMENT. 63 For the medium and large values in each table, the proportion of lines increases in the region of greater wave-length, this being very decided for the "large" group. Thus there is a clear increase in magnitude of both separation and displacement as the wave-length increases. The lines here compared seem to be representative of the spectrum, as the same relation holds in the complete Zeeman tables, which contain a much larger number of lines for this range of wave-length. When pressure measurements of high accuracy are available for an extended region of wave-length, the rate of variation with the wave-length will appear, and the closeness of agreement with the relation found for iron and titanium, namely, that the magnetic separation increases proportionally with the square of the wave-length (p. 54), will afford strong evidence concerning the common physical basis of the two phenomena. An attempt at a comparison of this sort has been made by the author in a recent paper (63) on the effect of pressure upon electric-furnace spectra. The displacements of iron lines given by the electric furnace for a pressure of 9 atmospheres were measured for two regions 1000 A apart, from \4O5o 10X4450 and from X5O5O to \545o. The list for the latter region did not include as many of the weaker lines, whose displacements are often large, as was available for the blue region, so that a compari- son of the means of all displacements would not have been fair. It seemed best to limit this preliminary comparison to those lines in each region which show the same general behavior in various light sources. In the furnace they appear at low temperatures and show reversal with strong widening under pressure. They are lines which, although not connected by series relations, show such similarity in their response to the excitations of furnace, arc, and spark that the vibrating particles which produce them can be assumed to have many points of similarity. Fifteen lines of this character in the blue region were compared with nine similar lines in the green. The mean pressure displacement for the two sets was found to be almost identical, being 0.058 A for the blue and 0.060 A for the green lines. The magnetic separations of the same lines, taken from Table i, give mean values of 0.330 A and 0.520 A, respectively, for the blue and green regions, an increase of 60 per cent for a difference of wave-length of about 1000 A. The evidence from these selected lines is, there- fore, against a close connection between the magnetic and pressure phenomena. Measurements for the arc under pressure, however, show a more frequent occurrence of large displacements as we pass toward greater wave-lengths, and more complete measurements will show the rate of change. Summarizing the comparison here presented, it may be said that there is a fair agreement between magnitude of magnetic separation and pressure displacement for the lines of iron and titanium when the means of large groups are considered. The number and character of the lines not in agreement, however, show that the correspondence is not close enough to justify preferring any one of the theories for the pressure effect on this ground, or to predict the effect upon a given line of one influence from that observed for the other. The degree of concordance which we have could perhaps result entirely from the fact that the magnitude of each effect increases with the wave-length. This does not prove a close physical relation, since any theory of the pressure effect that might be offered would probably involve a change with the wave-length. A comparison of the rates of change of the two effects appears to be a more prom- ising line of investigation than an extension of the method followed for iron and titanium; as the number of lines treated for those spectra is sufficient to show clearly the degree of correspondence. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. The leading features in this investigation may be summarized as follows: 1. The effect of a magnetic field upon the spark spectra of iron and titanium has been studied for a total number of 1120 lines between the limits \366o and X 6743. The character of the magnetic separa- tion is given, with weighted measurements as complete as was permitted by the magnetic fields available. 2. The types of resolution, ranging from lines unaffected by the magnetic field to those having thirteen and possibly more components, have been classified and the important features of each class have been discussed. 3. The relation of the measured separations to the "normal interval" e H a= - m 4irv has been studied for all types of resolution. A large majority of the separations of triplets and quadru- plets show a close relation to this interval, while the generality with which the more complex types show the spacing of their components to be simply related to this interval indicates a full confirmation of Runge's law. 4. Many cases of "magnetic duplicates," i.e., lines exactly similar in resolution, with the same inter- vals between components, have been found among the more complex types, indicating close similarity in the light vibrations which give rise to these lines. Large groups of lines showing triplet separation are similar in this respect. 5. The large range of wave-length covered has made it possible to observe the rate of increase of magnetic separation with the wave-length. This increase is such that the mean value of AX/X 2 for suc- cessive intervals throughout this range shows a close approach to constancy for both iron and titanium, with no systematic variation. The conclusion is that for these spectra the mean separation of Zeeman components varies as the square of the wave-length. 6. Cases of unsymmetrical separation of Zeeman components, so distinct as to be classed as abnormal, have been pointed out. The theory of Voigt concerning a slight dissymmetry in the intensity and spacing of the components of triplets has been tested for a number of iron lines, with the result that this effect appears to be real in many cases, although some lines fail to show such a difference. 7. The enhanced lines of the two elements have been compared with those showing no enhancement in the spark, both as to type and magnitude of separation. The only difference between the behavior of the two classes in the magnetic field appears to be that among the stronger enhanced lines of titanium the triplet type strongly predominates, the separations usually being of medium amount and not closely related to the interval a. 8. On account of a possible similarity between the actions of the magnetic field and of pressure around the light source as displacing agencies, a detailed comparison has been made of the magnetic separations and corresponding pressure displacements for these spectra. It was proved that a close correspondence does not exist, but there is a general agreement as to magnitude of the two effects when the means for large numbers of lines are considered. In conclusion, I wish to acknowledge my great obligations to Mr. Hale for his unfailing support and interest in the equipment and development of the physical laboratory and for much advice as to the conduct of the investigations. A great deal of credit is due also to Miss Wickham and to Miss Griffin for ^their careful and often difficult work in the measurement and reduction of the photographs. The large number of spectrograms required to do justice to the iron spectrum, in particular, increased the work of measurement out of proportion to the total number of lines treated. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. 1. A. COTTON, " Le Phenomena de Zeeman," Scientia, (5), Paris, 1899; (a), p. 52. 2. H. KAYSER, "Handbuch der Spectroscopie," 2, ix, 1902; (a), pp. 635, 636; (i), p. 620; (c), p. 672. 3. W. VOIGT, "Magneto- und Elektrooptik," Leipzig, 1908, (a), p. 86; (i), Ch. m. 4. H. A. LORENTZ, "The Theory of Electrons," Leipzig, 1909; (a), p. 109. 5. P. 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DUFFIELD, "The Effect of Pressure upon Arc Spectra, No. i, Iron," Philosophical Transactions, Royal Soci- ety, London, A, 208, in, 1908; (a), p. 160. PLATE 1 PLATE 2 A.-OCCULTIN6 PLATE. B.-SPECTR06RAPH. PLATE 3 a a. c% o- a & a. 3* O 385 3860 3866 372 -3728 3735 3- S o o - 3 P. P o I 2 3 m -3873 -3878 3744 c 3 O o 3 o o 3 a O o 13 O 3 -3889 -3896 393 375 3758 3764 37 6 7 PLATE 4 in V s ? 6302 6318 6337 -6137 15397 5406 6192 5415 -S424 -4250 4271 4294 6394 -6231 1543 5435 4308 4326 6412 -5447 -4337 -6253 lu 643 1 5456 14353 S- E. 351 LeConteHall 642-3122 LOAN PERIOD 1 1-MONTH 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Overdue books are subject to replacement bills DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MOT-&4H984 4UL-i-fl_inoc ^^^^^^^l FORM NO. DD 25 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 A T7