University of California Berkeley JAN 4 1906 GENESIS and REVELATIONS OF THE FORMER II alifornia Society of Sons of Revolutionary Sires" BUT NOW THE California Society of Song of the Evolution, /to/P STONES LAID IN THE BASK OK THK SLOAT MONUMENT AT MONTEREY. KAST FACE COMPLETED. U. S Army, Mariposa Co., Kern Co., Lassen Co., Employees U. S. N. Yard, U. S. Navy San Diego Co., San Bernardino Co., Plumas Co., Placer Co., San Joaquin Co., N.S.G.W., V.M.W. Monterey Co., Santa Cruz Co., Contra Costa Co., Santa Clara Co., Alameda, Co., Pioneers NORTH FACE COMPLETED. U.S.N., Cal. Miners, Butte Co., Mendociuo Co., Bear Flag, Daughters Am. Revolution, G.A.R. Vets Mexican War, N. D. G W., C. P. R. R., Sonoma Co., Lake Co., Mas. Vets. Pacific Coast California. San Francisco Co., Sacramento Co., Solano Co., Napa Co., Public Schools SOUTH FACE HALF DONE DECEMBER 25, 1904. Rear Admiral S. F. Dupont, Los Angeles Co., U. S. A. San Benito Co., Cal. Fed. Woman's Clubs, San Diego Presidents, U. S. A. Santa Barbara Co., Ventura Co., San Luis Obispo Co., Monterey Co. WEvST FACE NEARLY HALF DONE DECEMBER 25, 1904. Grand Army of the Republic, Mas. Vets. Assn. Public Schools, California Pioneers, Oakland, San Mateo Co., Consul Parrott, President's 48 STONES LAID. 1 8 MORE REQUIRED FOR THE BASE. REAR ADMIRAL JOHN DRAKE SLOAT, U. S. N. Son of Capt. John Sloat of the American Army in the Revolutionary War for Independence. Born July 26, 1781, at Sloatbury, near Goshen, Rockland County, New York. Midshipman, U. S. Navy, February i2th. 1800. Sailing Master U. S. Navy, February yth, 1812. (He maneuvered the frigate "United States" under Com- modore Decatur, when he captured the crack trigate "Macedonian," of the British Navy, October 25th, 1812 and received the thanks of Congress ) Lieutenant, July 24th, 1812. (Commanded the schooner "Grampus," and suppresses Cofrecinas, the last ot the West India pirates, in March, 1825, who was captured and shot.) Post Captain, February gth, 1837. Commodore, November 151,1843. (August 27th, 1844, ordered to command the Pacific Squadron, and on July 7th, 1846, took possession of California aud hoisted the American flag at Monterey. He located the Navy Yard at Mare Island, California, in 1852.) Rear Admiral on the Retired List, August 6th, 1866. Died at Staten Island, New York, November 28th, 1867, aped 86 vears, 4 montlm and 2 days. Buried with Masonic and Naval-Military honors tn Green wo >d Cemetery, L. T.. by St. Nicholas Lodge, No. 321, F. & A. M., and Tompkinsville Lodge, F.