/ ; Y. ** - ." - . * THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Thomas Q. Lemper tz SONNETS SONNETS BY FANNY PURDY PALMER PAUL ELDER #> COMPANY PUBLISHERS SAN FRANCISCO Copyright, 1909 by Paul Elder and Company PS TO MY DAUGHTER HENRIETTA I INSCRIBE THESE RECORDS OF SCENES IN WHICH WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER, AND OF THOUGHTS AND FANCIES WHICH WE HAVE SO OFTEN DISCUSSED IN LOVING SYMPATHY 8808 CONTENTS PART I SONNETS OF CALIFORNIA f * 5 CALIFORNIA^ II 6 I III 7 THE MEADOW-LARK 8 A SEA-GULL 9 MY GARDEN BY THE SEA 10 MONTEREY CYPRESS 11 WHEN THE OVERLAND STARTS EAST 12 LA JOLLA 13 IN A CANYON 14 THE CARMEL VALLEY FROM THE RIVER'S MOUTH .... 15 ROSES 16 SEA FOG 17 NEW YEAR'S EVE 18 PART II POST MERIDIEM COMPENSATION 25 QUENCH NOT THE FIRES 26 TEMPERAMENT 27 CHOOSING 28 NEGLECT 29 IN THE MAKING 30 JUDGED BY THE SPHINX 31 GEORGE MEREDITH 32 OUT OF THE EAST 33 VIKINGS 34 MY BOOKS 35 GREEK ART 36 PENALTY 37 SPECULATION. . . ... 38 SONNETS OF CALIFORNIA 'Regions Caesar Never Knew." CALIFORNIA i. DISTINCTIVELY adorned, with joy caressed By sun and wind, for Her exalted seat The rocks are gold-inlaid, and at Her feet An Ocean brings its argosies to rest. Pensive Her mien, for close within her breast Forest and stream and shining sands secrete The stories of adventurous lives replete With daring hopes staked on some baffled Quest. Thro' meadows green She muses on her past When Mission bells ring out their call to prayer; Or, rapt in Self, surveys Her heavens that brood O'er lofty Peaks with lonely Valleys vast The bees drone heavy in the honeyed air, The Mourning Dove laments in solitude. CALIFORNIA ii. stolid Indian's tread had crossed this land, Crossed and recrossed and left but scanty trace, When, from afar, men of a bolder race Sighted its shores, set foot upon its sand With praise to God ; In haste, as rovers, planned Return: An interval and then gold lace, Doubloons, fandangoes, senoritas' grace ! But, steadily, by plain and pass, a band Of Fortune's soldiers armored for the age With wit and vigor ; for the Wilds endowed With prescient resource, strength of stubborn wills, Came pressing on to this their heritage, Seeing in dreams its future cities proud Of palaces made worthy of their hills. CALIFORNIA in. COMPOSITE, unassimilable, crude As Her unsmelted ores, the social state Where differing races struggle to create Their planes of life anew. Needs must intrude Fallacious dreams, false reasonings which delude Th' unpracticed mind ; But, She'll in time be great Enough to find, amid the turns of fate, The Way to shun the Way to be pursued. Purples and gold in groves and orchards glow, And, housed in pearl, the Abalones cling To the wet rocks : Mid fairest scenes at home Her people dwell, and tides of travel flow From ends of earth; Such various folk they bring As once they brought up to the Caesars' Rome. THE MEADOW-LARK Sweet Master of Strange Dialects of Tune. 'LERT his eye, half hushed his liquid note When twilight gathers where the barley green For his rough nest provides a doubtful screen; But bold and high bursts from his swelling throat In praise of the brown mate not far remote His morning lay, a loud rejoicing paean Wherein the joy of living well has been Resolved anew. Later, at times he'll quote Some jargon, with a muffled trill to add Confidingly, " I'm one of you^ Not bad' Ripe cherries, eh ! " Then, settled for a stay, He brings his friends, melodiously gay, To revel with him while the world 's in tune And play the Bacchant 'mong the grapes at noon. 8 A SEA-GULL nE WAS not born a safe and happy bird To pledge his mate in April evenings how Sweet fruits would hang at length from yon slim bough To feed their callow brood. Too soon he heard From an imperilled nest the fateful word That calls each to its own: 'Twas his to know The driving gale, the spent ship's battered prow, The wild tide-vigil ; and so, undeterred He gave the waves his wings ! His frightened heart Of all those thundering breakers felt the start ! No shelter but the cliff for his white breast Where, panting, mid the cold salt spray 'tis pressed: And last a wave-washed beach and wreck-strewn shore And beaten bird whose stormy life is o'er. MY GARDEN BY THE SEA I MADE a garden by th' unmindful Sea So close, the breakers tossed among the flowers Their flecks of foam ! Yet, in serener hours Profuse and brilliant, wonderful to see, My flowers outvied the waves' temerity : Lamarques and Banksias flung their bloom in showers; From the Old World with legends for their dowers Iris and Cinerarias: Glad to be The gayest of them all Geraniums red As Cardinals' hats their dazzling clusters spread, And Chinese Lilies stood in rows so white You saw them even in the darkest night. All was most fair! and then th' unmindful Sea With its grey Breath effaced my flowers and me ! 10 MONTEREY CYPRESS SENTINELS old, posted along the way Beyond my garden's bounds a rugged Band Of Natives staunch, born to the salt sea sand, The fog's embrace, the Winter wind's rough play ! In sombre garb they greet their Captain grey When south winds lash his tides to loud command ! The tokens of his rage they understand And shuddering at their posts his Will obey. Nothing to them is nfan's intrusive care, For lives apart they lead beside the sea Rooted in creviced cliffs, where breakers dare Stretch wind-curled arms to clasp the twisted tree That, yielding, harkens to the roar and moan Of the wild ocean when it calls its own ! 11 WHEN THE OVERLAND STARTS EAST 'OOD-BYES all spoken: One last restless light Still flashing on the gear till word shall tell The moment come when, with slow clanging bell, And like some living creature stretched for flight, The long train moves beyond our straining sight. The night wind 's in our faces. " Is it well," It cries, " to part thus ? Fear ye not Farewell ? " 'Tis true we fear it. Few things can requite Th' attachments we abandon. Speeds the train! Grappling with mountains, plunged in snow-sheds grim, Skimming the desolate Lake, across the plain Hastening to city brisk and village trim : Ocean to Ocean traversed! We again Turn to the mountain Wall, the sunset's Rim. 12 LA JOLLA BARB, brown coast that curves to meet the Sea, With caves and clifis where gulls and cur lews dwell, And riven rocks whose wave-worn tables tell The Past's long story unforgetfully. High tides that hold their daily Jubilee With flying foam and .roar, that leap and swell Till the swift Ebb drowning its own wild knell Bears all the billows back regretfully ; The sky is blue above, the sea below, If care or sorrow ever crossed thy lot Rest here and drink of sea and sky thy fill, Learn Ocean's Secrets when the tides are low, And hear the lark sing ! while in yonder spot The Silent Sunrise crowns the lonely hill. 13 IN A CANYON way leads out? Where was the entrance to This strange domain? No answer but the sound Of your own footfall in the narrow bound Whose lofty walls close round you to the blue: Here, in the shade a Shape looks down on you; A Giant Warrior crouched against a mound, His narrow brow with one tall Yucca crowned He waits, till ancient foes their feuds renew. There, in the sun up arid heights afar Clambers the lonely desert's "bearded brood," While thick along your way the Shooting Star With its pale grace and scent of solitude, A Spirit more than blossom flowers alone Within the Canyon's jealous heart, unknown. 14 THE CARMEL VALLEY FROM THE RIVER'S MOUTH HIND me new feelings, Heart ! New vision, Eyes! For words befitting beauty that I've brought From other scenes, for this avail me naught. Beyond these dunes, where wooded Mountains rise, The sense beholds the Earth in Heaven's disguise And, stirred, recalls thro' vernal meadows fraught With broideries of flowers in symbols wrought The mediaeval dream of Paradise! Mantled in Manzanita lies the way Toward the Vale: the light of golden rose That after sunset serves the day's delay Is over all: the shadowy river flows Bearing, along the silvery sands it laves, The Willows' message to the Ocean's waves. 15 ROSES 'AFRANOS for the young and fortunate Who, with the roses, squander on an hour The bloom that comes but once to heart or flower: And fair Arguello's rose for those who wait Like her for love's return importunate. The lavish Banksias for the dreamer's bower, And Brides significant their gifts to shower On maids who lead processionals of fate. With flaring petals wide the Cherokee Takes to its heart the moonlight's mystery ; And there 's a rose dear to fastidious eyes, In whose complex repose perfection lies Beauty's excuse for being to convey 'Tis called the Madam Abel Chatenay. 16 SEA FQG IMMERGED are all the mountain tops in grey Of mists that cling to sloping pastures green, And on the crests, the lifting rifts between, The shrouded pines appear, to fade away Like Phantoms clad in Penitent's array. The sky is lost, the fortress'd point, and e'en The sated sea. In sight of reefs unseen A ghostly ship to windward shuns the Bay. The moisture gathers in the muffled Wood Where ferns refreshed their plumy branches spread, And Lilacs bud, as if they understood This medium of Dreams wherein we tread Beset by sparkling chains the spiders spin, While from th' unsated sea the fog rolls in. 17 NEW YEAR'S EVE darkening day that ends the dying Year Broods upon dusky wings within my room, And at the open door, where roses bloom, Wan, wavering Forms, with faltering steps, appear From far and travel worn, to find me Here ! They are the vanished Years, which reassume The guise they wore, peopling the twilight gloom With Memories more than heavy heart can bear : Yet stay, poor Wanderers, till the New Year's born While waning Moon sinks in the placid Sea, And the first promise of a laggard morn Brings to dejected mood its remedy. But, ere the light, back back to whence you sped! For the Old Years, pale ghosts, are dead are dead. 18 POST MERIDIEM 'A Sonnet is a coin ; its face reveals The soul." COMPENSATION passionate Heart, resenting in thy Day Of lordly hopes and limitless despair Life's lost illusions, let me lead you where Sweet Nature hides her waste; in careless way Her waste* and losses Hides : In time of May 'Round nests forsook in shivering orchards bare She flings her wreaths abloom, and, blithe of air, Our trust entreats for what the Orioles say ! Comes Autumn brown and lo ! a cheat supreme Where blossom's pledge was false to blighted fruit ! Yet, ah ! the rosy transport of the Dream Before the petals fell or song was mute, The faith elate, th' apocalyptic Day, Compensate for the life lived after May ! 25 QUENCH NOT THE FIRES QUENCH not the fires that burn within the soul E'en though the world smiles chill upon their glow: But feed those lonely fires which flicker low With all that 's best out of thy fortune's dole : Thine ease consume, content, and proud control, And love dear love ! Some hearts must bear to know This last bereavement love consumed if so They feed the fires which burn within the soul Its utmost to inspire. The flames may blind, To ashes turn the toys thou did'st adore ; But trust the light that shines. Fear not to mind The inner impulse urging thee from shore On stormy ventures. Quicken thy desires For ports beyond thy sight. Quench not the fires ! 26 TEMPERAMENT 'TRONG souls, who seek through rending tumult name For their emotions eagle-beaked brood Create 'twixt^hope and fear some symbol rude Of that conceived within. For love and fame Careless of shallow praise or shallower blame They shape the visioned forms which still elude The comprehension of the multitude, And serve, devout, the Offspring which they claim. These are the souls who seek the Absolute In high conceits : entreat their verity Of human lives, of stars, and mountains mute ; Limners elect high priests of ecstasy They mold, with reverent hand and ardent heart, Truth's bold reflection fair, the mask is Art. 27 CHOOSING "When Italf-goda go, the goda arrive." QOT to the cricket shrill through lonesome eve Nor to the crimson bough above the pool Mere incidents of Summer's passing rule Who with it pass nor know to hope or grieve; To man alone 'tis given to perceive That, after all, Fate is no poor misrule, But rather an inexorable school Wherein he learns to endure and to achieve. Yet some there are who learn the first alone, Supinely learn to bear without complaint : Better that riskier wisdom gods condone, Some part to act as sinner or as saint Winning maybe, or, failing, to retreat Still armed and upright before full defeat. 28 NEGLECT "Lofty still loftier than the world suspects." ERE was a Book that bore a message kind From a full heart to an expected friend, But no such reader chanced this Book to find And such as read there failed to comprehend : The title's tarnished now, the leaves are loose, This clever book has fallen to decay; Wantonly slighted, warped from long abuse, None saw the light that on its pages lay. Yet was its message worthy to be heard Ere careless touch had blurred what insight penned, For some faint hint of an inspired word Clung to the faded pages to the end, The aura of some high-born task well done, What matters all the rest, neglected One? 29 IN THE MAKING "The purpose of life ia not happiness but development." ONE glimpse of beauty ere the clouds o'er- cast The rose of dawn ! One moment when we lean Toward love triumphant till doubts intervene And in their shadow Love and Dawn go past. One little glimpse! and then while life may last With lowered eyes we plod a toilsome mean, That which we would and must stand faint between, Or see our strength by others' strength surpassed. Yet is there solace for his hampered lot Whose hurts are laid 'neath patient Nature's spell ; Feast of the eye, thrill of the heart are not Her purpose set. Sufficient 'tis and well When pain and joy have borne their fruitage ripe, She finds within her world some nobler type. 30 JUDGED BY THE SPHINX HE Theban Sphinx who watched the road along, With brooding eyes upon the moving mass, Cried, "Halt! and Guess my Riddle ere you pass Why is Truth's quest the Right all else the Wrong?" In state advanced the leader of the throng An autocrat whom none in pomp surpass Flatterers and slaves he hears, but not, alas ! The still, small voice which makes the spirit strong. He cannot answer what the Sphinx demands, No time has he to judge 'twixt false and true ! " The world needs only him who understands This difference," quoth the questioner. She grew Colossal, cried : " Thus, sightless soul, atone ! " And crushed a despot 'gainst her breast of stone. 31 GEORGE MEREDITH ITH sovran strength he plied his lofty art, Touched the world's pulse and felt its tell tale beat, Yet nowise judged Success, nor yet Defeat. Anon to us he spake ; anon, apart ; And balanced held the speculative dart His genius winged through ancient Forms effete, Through Pedant, Egoist, and Splendid Cheat, To sink and quiver in the Modern Heart. He 's gone ! But what he wrought's forever Real ! Think of his Child of light condemned to pay The costs of Love ; of Adriatic's breeze And Otley's sullen waves wherein we feel The Tragedy of type that lives for aye In Mad Commander and his French Marquise ! 32 OUT OF THE EAST , On the defeat of Italian troops in Abyssinia by Menelek, March 23, 1896. OUT of the East like Baal of the past A thing of fear a creature of the night, A Power of Darkness threatening Europe's light, Has risen like a huge Iconoclast! But noble land there is of resource vast, And noble race elect to stay this blight : Already art thou girding for the fight, O English land ! Thy whole heroic past And crucial present bid thee draw the sword This battle royal for the world to gain, And all thy Kinsmen pledge thee Time's reward For standards bravely borne with cost and pain Where English valor, conquering, strikes the spark That lightens all the dull barbaric Dark! 33 VIKINGS SROM stormy shores, red-bearded Norseman bold, From stormy shores over an unknown sea Thou cam'st, yet left not to futurity Record of conflict fierce for power or gold; No lands despoiled, no captives sought to hold. Soul-stirred with novel joy ! elate with free Dream of illimitable liberty, Thou cam'st, and went, thy story strange untold. Yet still while poets sing they 11 celebrate The fair-haired crew who roamed Rhode Island's shore; Still with their haunting presence consecrate Wild Vinland and bleak coast : and, evermore, On reckless bark which to the gale puts forth, See phantom Vikings steering for the North. 34 MY BOOKS I LOVE you well, beloved ! Companions dear, There was a time when other friends were few, Dull days, dark years through which I found in you The bread to strengthen and the wine to cheer. Lewes! 'twas through thy subtle insight clear I first divined the dispensation new : Then, Laureate, burst thy vision on my view Of "statelier Edens" seen from poet's sphere. Pale Bronte, and thou stronger woman-soul, Your patient strength has lightened all my load; Spencer ! thy mighty grasp will ere control My toiling thought along truth's arduous road. Each page meets eyes of mine with charmed looks, My heart is yours, O little band of books ! 35 GREEK ART 'MBODIED Beauty with indwelling Soul Survives in what it wrought ; but goddess fair And columned Temple move us to despair Of emulation : From beyond the goal At which we pause, Greek Art surveyed the Whole Of Life ; espoused its Scheme ; untrammeled dare Attempt the heavenly Heights, where blows an air, Native to those the Muses Nine enroll. Reverent not craven toward the Unknown Power It found and feared not ; with serenity Trusting itself to Growth, as any flower Unfolds out of an inmost symmetry, The Art of Greece untouched by primal ban "Pursue Perfection!" cries to downcast Man. 36 PENALTY "Pleads for itself the fact As Nature, unrepentant, leaves her every act." O GREAT grey Waves that clamor to the shore And leap against the cliffs with loud assault Of gathered thunders from that mystic vault Whose limits ending still stretch on before ; O lion waves with mad heroic roar Deafening to meaner sounds 'gainst black basalt Of frowning cliff! I count it as the fault Of partial comprehension to deplore That law which drives unerring to their bounds Life's mighty forces love where love belongs, Failures, successes in the unending rounds Where Nemesis rebukes ancestral wrongs With penalties, wherefrom no power to save Between the iron cliff and breaking wave ! 37 SPECULATION "Sans me plaindre ou m'effrayer, Je vais ou va toute chose, Ou va la feu We de rose Et la feuille de laurier." 'ND is death then a victory or defeat, Transition unremembered, or the end Of conscious being, point where Self shall blend With Other, Real and Apparent meet In that which gives, and takes, and is complete? Or is this true as oft you tell me, friend What 's here amiss by death at last we '11 mend ; Through finite pain progression infinite? Dear Soul ! thou saiTst amain but never yet A resting-place has found for stretched wing ! Faint sounds thy call of hope, thy cry of threat, To other soul that goes not voyaging But learns, attent, the laws of limits set, And bends to daily stint, as bow to string. 38 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-40m-7,'56(C790s4)444 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UCLA-Young Research Library PS2519 .P181S yr L 009 577 432 9 PS 2519 PlBls UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001217534 5