STATE OF CAUIFORN'A DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES D!V!SiON OF RESOURCES PLANNING FOURTH SUPPLEMENT TC STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD BULLETIN NO 11 SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY INVESTIGATION BASIC DATA CALAVERAS UNIT 1957-58 iDMUND G. BROWN Governor HARVEY BANKS director of ■ 1; ater Resources March 1959 I STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING FOURTH SUPPLEMENT TO STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD BULLETIN NO. 11 SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY INVESTIGATION BASIC DATA CALAVERAS UNIT 1957-58 EDMUND G. BROWN HARVEY 0. BANKS Governor Director of Water Resources March, 1959 TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL OO0«O*OOOO* o fc a t> e o s ORGANIZATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING ooeooooo © • o CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION . . STOCKTON AND EAST SAN JOAQUIN WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AUTHORIZATION SCOPE oaoooooo#oo« » * « OCOCPOfr&Oeo o«ee*»»««fl«.c»a Page iii iv v vi 1 1 TABLES Table No. Depths to Ground Water in Calaveras Unit Fall of 1957 and Spring of 1958 . . o a s 2 3. Descriptions of Wells not Previously Published Partial Mineral Analyses of Ground Water in oa_Laveras uin"C oo<>oa«o«ce*o*«i Complete Mineral Analyses of Ground Water in Calaveras Unit , . © o © o o » « • 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Flow of Calaveras River at Jenny land - 1957 . . Flow of Calaveras River at Bellota - 1957 .... Flow of Calaveras River near Stockton - 1957 - . Flow of Mormon Slough at Bellota - 1957 ■ . . . - Flow of Stockton Diverting Canal at Stockton - 1957 Flow of Duck Creek near Stockton (Pock Lane) - 1957 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 APPENDIX A Agreement between the Department of Water Resources and the Stockton and East San Joaquin Water Conservation District . . • • A-l TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) PLATES Plates Nos. 1 and 2 are bound at end of report. Plate No. 1. Location of Wells and Stream Gaging Stations in Calaveras Unit 2. Elevations of Water Levels in Selected Wells in Calaveras Unit ii Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of California, Davis Libraries EDMUND G. BROWN t O. BANKS GOVERNOR ADDRESS REPLY TO HECTOR P. O. BOX 388 SACRAMENTO 2 1120N STREET HI CKORY S-471 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Efpartment at Hater Krantrrra SACRAMENTO March 27, 1959 Stockton and East San Joaquin Water Conservation District Bank of America Building Stockton, California Gentlemen: There is transmitted herewith the Fourth Supplement to State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 11, "San Joaquin County Investigation". Bulletin No. 11 contains an inventory of water supply, water utilization, cost estimates and plans for water development works in the Calaveras River, Mokelumne River, and Farmington-Collegeville areas in San Joaquin County. This supplement contains basic hydrologic data for the period fall 1957, through snring 1956. The agreement for this fiscal year, as in the case of the preceding year, provides for the collection of basic data in the Calaveras Unit only. The data were collected and this supplement prepared in accord- ance with the terms of a cooperative agreement entered into October 1, 1957, between the Department of Water Resources :;nd the Stockton and East San Joaquin Water Conservation District. This agreement is being discontinued in favor of a cooperative arrangement whereby the further measurement of ground-water levels and stream flow would be carried out on a county-wide basis through the contribution of effort by each party, and the data would be published in the annual reports of ground -water conditions and surface-water flow of the Department. Nego- tiations are currently underway to effect such an arrangement. The Fourth Supplement , therefore, constitutes the last of the series. Very truly yours, HARVEY 01 BANKS Director iii ORGANIZATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING Harvey 0. Banks oooooo. .0000.0.. Director of Water Resources Ralph M. Brody . . • . . o . o . » . • Deputy Director of Water Resources William L. Berry .........<> Chief, Division of Resources Planning Irvin Mo Ingerson «... ... «oo. . Chief , Engineering Services Branch This supplement was prepared in the Hydraulic Section under the direction of Charles A„ McCullough Principal Hydraulic Engineer and Harlowe M. Stafford Supervising Hydraulic Engineer by William M. Miller, Jr. Assistant Civil Engineer and Richard M. Chapman Junior Civil Engineer Porter A. Towner, Chief Counsel Paul L. Barnes, Chief, Division of Administration Isabel C„ Nessler, Coordinator of Reports IV ORGANIZATION CALIFORNIA WATER COMMISSION A. Frew 9 Chairman, King City- James K„ Carr, Vice Chairman, Sacramento John P. Bunker, Gustine Richard H. Fuidge, Marysville Kenneth Q. Volkj, Los Angeles William H. Jennings, La Mesa John Bryant , Riverside George B„ Gleason Chief Engineer William M„ Carah Executive Secretary ORGANIZATION STOCKTON AND EAST SAN JOAQUIN WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Directors A. J. Zitlauj, President Francis C. Grupe Arnold To so Henry J„ Foppiano s Jr<> Frank G. Budiselich Steve Solari Richard A. Lundblad Irving L. Neumiller, Secretary and Attorney Walter B„ Hogan, Engineering Consultant Blain Simonich, Watermaster Clinton Henning, Consulting Engineer vi AUTHORIZATION This fourth supplement to State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 11, "San Joaquin County Investigation", was prepared in accordance with the terms of an agreement entered into as of October 1, 1957, between the Department of Water Resources and the Stockton and East San Joaquin Water Conservation Districto A copy of the agreement is included in the appendix of this report. SCOPE The work performed consisted of the measurement of stream flows and ground-water levels and the sampling and mineral analysis of ground waters in the Calaveras Unit during the fall of 1957 and the spring and summer of 195So The similar basic data collected prior to 1957 and descriptions of the wells in which the water levels were measured, have been published heretofore in the First, Second,, and Third Supplements to Bulletin No. 11 dated May 1956, April 1957, and January 1958, respectively. Table 1 of this supplement contains a tabulation of depths to ground water measured at selected wells throughout the Unit. Reference point elevations listed to tenths of a foot were determined by differential levels, whereas elevations reported to the nearest foot were obtained by interpolation from topographic maps. Table 2 contains descriptions of wells not previously published. Partial and complete mineral analyses of ground water are presented in Tables 3 and U s respectively. As noted in Bulletin No. 11, the quality of ground water throughout the Calaveras Unit generally is excellent, with the exception of the water in certain deep wells in the vicinity of Stockton. Therefore, the analyses listed in the afore-mentioned tables have been confined largely to the ground waters in the area of these deep wells. -1- Tables 5 through 10 give the daily flow during the 1957 calendar year at gaging stations on the Calaveras River, Mormon Slough, Stockton Diverting Canal, and Duck Creek. These records are preliminary and subject to revision. Final 1957 records of runoff and stream diversions will be published in the 1957 "Report of Surface Water Flow", formerly "Report of Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervision", an annual publication of the Department of Water Resources. Plate 1 delineates the location of wells and gaging stations at which the data reported herein were obtained. Plate 2 depicts hydro graphs showing the fluctuation in elevation of water levels in selected wells in the Calaveras Unit during the period of record,, -2= TABLE 1 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER IN CALAVERAS UNIT FALL OF 1957 AND SPRING OF 1958 -3- TABLE 1 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER IN CALAVERAS UNIT FALL OF 1957 AND SPRING OF 1958 o o Dist R P. ► o Dist. R. P. Well number • o to water Well number : to water and R s P. elev,2/ : Date : O o o surface, in feet and , R. P. elev.S/ ! Date : surface, in feet 3N/7E-25C1 72.7 3-04-58 57o8 3N/9E-36G1 181.2 10-14-57 3-04-58 76,9 68.3 3N/7E-25G1 75.7 10-14-57 3-05-58 70.7 61.0 3N/10E-31M1 191.1 10-14-57 3-06-58 72.3 69.2 3N/7E-27F3^/ 61 .1 10-07-57 3-03-58 63o8 57.4 2N/6E-12H1 34.2 10-06-57 3-03-58 29.1 29.5 3N/7E-31B1 41.5 10-03-57 3-03-58 45.8 39.5 2N/6E-13M1 27o2 10-06-57 3-03-58 26.1 24.8 3N/7E-35C2 62o2 10-14-57 3-05-58 68.9 51.2 2N/6E-13R1 30.8 10-06-57 3-03-58 30.4 32.0 3N/7E-35L1 6^.5 10-14-57 3-05-58 59.4 54.1 2N/6E-15J1 20.6 10-06-57 3-03-58 18.5 15.9 3N/7E-36D1 68o7 10-14-57 61.4 2N/6E-24J2 30.7 3=03-58 30.2 3N/7E-36KL 78o2 10-14-57 69.1 2N/6E-26HL 23.0 10-06-57 3-03-58 Dry 24.6 3N/8E-29G1 93oO 10-14-57 3=04-58 81.6 74.3 2N/6E-26L2 21.7 10-06-57 3-05-58 37.8 27.8 3N/8E»30H1 85.3 10-14-57 3-04-58 79.9 68.9 2N/6E-34K1 £// 9-57 1=58 43.0 32.0 3N/8E=32P1 85o6 3-04-58 69.1 2N/6E-36A1 2 / 25.6 9-57 47.0 3N/9E-25R1 170 .0 10=14-57 3=04-58 48.9 36.9 2N/6E-36R3^ 23.9 9-57 59.0 3N/9E-33J1 L41.7 10-14-57 68.0 2N/7E-3N3 56.3 10-08-57 54.5 3N/9E-35H1 162.9 10=14-57 54.8 2N/7E-5E1 41.5 10-08-57 41.8 -4= TABLE 1 (continued) DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER IN CALAVERAS UNIT FALL OF 1957 AND SPRING OF 1958 e o 9 O Dist, R, P. 0' Dist, R, P. Well number • • 9 to water Well number e • • • to water and R. P„ elev.S/ o -U3.X»6 o surface, and . R, P. elev.S/ ; Date : surface, • • o • 9 in feet o e • • • * in feet 2N/7E-5R1 46 ,6 10-08-57 3-05-58 57,2 44o3 2N/7E-31F1 27.3 3-03-58 51.9 2N/7E-8D1 42,8 10-08-57 3-05-58 54.7 40,6 2N/7E-32R1 32.4 10-09-57 3-03-58 58.6 40.0 2N/7E-8K3 45.0 10-08-57 3-05-58 63.9 44.8 2N/7E-33R1 38.8 10-09-57 3-03-58 68.5 55.1 2N/7E-9B2 54*6 10-08-57 63.5 2N/7E-35L1 50,9 3-03-58 56,8 2N/7E-11HL 62 c 7 10-08-57 3-05-58 56o7 51.1 2N/7E-36H1 60,0 3-03-58 59.8 2N/7E-12A1 71,0 10-08-57 5-03-58 68,8 62,5 2N/8E-1R1 114,0 10-09-57 3-04-58 62,1 75,0 2N/7E-14P1 58.2 10-08-57 3-03-58 66,7 58,7 2N/8E-3G2 109,3 10-09-57 3-04-58 93,3 85.8 2N/7E=15C1 51.7 10-08-57 3-05-58 64.8 53.8 2N/8E-4C1 93.5 10-09-57 3-04-58 85.3 82.8 2N/7E-16L1 47.7 10-08-57 3-05-58 61,0 50,5 2N/8E-8N1 77,5 10-09-57 3-03-58 70,7 63.8 2N/7E-18K1 36.5 10-08-57 3-05-58 43,7 37,2 2N/8E-9G2 87,0 10-09-57 3-04-58 77.7 70,1 2N/7E-20ML 37o0 10-14-57 3-05-58 52,9 43.5 2N/8E-10H1 106,4 10-09-57 3-04-58 98.4 83,7 2N/7E-23J2 60.4 10-09-57 3-03-58 67,2 62.2 2N/8E-11B1 106,4 10-10-57 83.9 2N/7E-24B1 65.9 10-09-57 3-03-58 67.3 62.5 2N/8E-12L1 109.5 10-10-57 3-04-58 87.6 77.5 2N/7E-26N1 50o8 10-09-57 3-03-58 73.3 62.7 2N/8E-13K1 106,4 10-10-57 3-03-58 89.3 79.4 2N/7E-27D1 47.8 10-14-57 3-03-58 65.3 62.2 2N/8E-14C1 95.0 3-03-58 75.4 -5= TABLE 1 (continued) DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER IN CALAVERAS UNIT FALL OF 1957 AND SPRING OF 1958 • « Dist, R, Po • Dist, R, P. Well number % % to water Well number • • to water and i Ro Pc elev.^ 2 Date s • » surface , in feet and , R. P. elevM g Date s • « • • • • surface, in feet 2N/8E-15M2 85o6 10-11-57 79.5 2N/9E-5H1 132.7 10-14.-57 3-0^-58 90.9 86.9 2N/8E-16D1 80.9 10-11-57 3-03-58 78.3 64.1 2N/9E-5L1 130c 5 10-14-57 3-04-58 108,7 23.0 2N/8E-18C1 70.0 10-11-57 3-03-58 70 o 2 69 cl 2N/9E-5N1 127.0 10-14-57 85o3 2N/8E-19P2 69c 2 10-11-57 79.0 2N/9E-6F1 118.0 10-14-57 3-06-58 79.6 77.0 2N/8E-20F1 73o7 3=03-58 63 .4 2N/9E-7G2 120.0 10-14-57 3-04-58 84.1 80.0 2N/8E-21R1 80o8 10-11-57 3-03-58 73o6 66.6 2N/9E-8N1 138.0 10-14=57 3-04-58 112.9 106.4 2N/8E=24P1 126o6 10-11-57 3-03-58 119.7 99.5 2N/9E-9D1 133.2 10-14-57 3-04-58 89.1 83.2 2N/8E=25P1 101 o 5 10-11-57 3-03-58 87.9 82o8 2N/9E-17C1 192.6 10-14-57 3-04-58 147.5 147.0 2N/8E-30KL 70„ 5 10-11-57 73.3 1N/6E-1J12/ 25.2 9=57 71.1 2N/8E-31N1 63c7 10-11-57 77o9 1N/6E-3C1^ 10.5 9-57 1-58 57.0 35.0 2N/8E-34E1 82.9 10-11-57 3=0^-58 78c2 67.0 1N/6E-3J1 £// 13.2 9-57 1-58 61.0 45.0 2N/8E-35C1 89o8 10-11-57 78c 9 1N/6E-4B1^/ 7.5 9-57 1-58 44.0 20.0 2N/8E=36L1 97c7 10-11-57 3-06-58 75.1 72.9 lN/6E-4Dl£/ 5.7 9-57 3=58 49.0 23.0 2N/9E-3A1 150.1 10-11-57 66. 8 1N/6E-12C3 2 / 21.0 9-57 71.0 2N/9E-4H1 154.1 10=14-57 3-04.-58 67.8 64.8 1N/6E-13J1^ 20.2 9-57 1-58 67.0 54.0 -6= TABLE 1 (continued) DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER IN CALAVERAS UNIT FALL OF 1957 AND SPRING OF 1958 Well number and i R. P. elevM *> • ♦ • : Date s • Dist, R. P, to water surface, in feet Well number and 1 R, P, elev.^ ; Date 1 • Dist, R. P. to water surface , in feet 1N/6E-14-Cl£/ 12,6 9-57 1-58 65.0 55,0 1N/7E-12Q1 55o6 10-02-57 3-13-58 63o3 55,9 1N/6E-23J1 18,0 10-02-57 3-05-58 32,2 24.7 1N/7E-13EL 51.7 10-03-57 3-13-58 58,7 54.8 1N/7E-1ML 54.8 10-02-57 64,3 1N/7E-16N1 33,2 10-02-57 3-13-58 50.7 46,6 1N/7E-4P3 34o2 10-02-57 3-06-58 42,8 51.6 1N/7E-19R1 24,7 10-02-57 3-13-58 44.3 39.0 1N/7E^7E1 £ / 26„6 9-57 68,0 1N/8E-10B1 80,0 10-03-57 3-12-58 7^,7 66+ 1N/7E-8R1 32,0 10=02-57 12o5 1N/8E-13J1 95,1 10-03-57 3-12-58 80,9 68.1 1N/7E-11E1 49.1 10-02-57 63,2 1N/8E-17D1 68.7 10-03-= 57 3-13-58 69,9 63,5 1N/7E-11G1 51o7 3-06-58 57,4 1N/9E-7D1 116,0 10-03-57 3-12-58 94.9 90.1 a/ Reference point elevation in feet above mean sea level, U, S. G. S, datum, b/ Description of well not previously published^ see Table 2, c/ Measurements obtained from California Water Service Company. TABLE 2 DESCRIPTIONS OF WELLS NOT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED -8- TABLE 2 DESCRIPTIONS OF WELLS NOT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED 3N/7E-27F3 - Reference point - top of casing, elevation 61.1 feet. Located about 5.5 miles southeast of Lodi, 3,530 feet west of Waterloo Road and 200 + feet north of Live Oak Road. 2N/9E-7G1 - Owner - F. DeBenedetti. Located 0.25 mile south of Bellota bridge on Esealon-Bellota Road. 2N/8E-15L1 - Owner - Linden Water Service Company. Located on Anderson Street 0.15 mile north of Route 8, 0.15 mile east of Duncan Road. 2N/7E-1AN1 - Owner - L, Dentoni, Route 3, Box 798-A. Located 0.25 mile north of Fair child. 2N/7E-1J1 - Owner - Giamnechina, Box 141? Linden. Located 0.5 mile north of Waterloo Road on Jackson Road, 10 miles east of Stockton. 2N/6E-36P1 - Owner - Wilson Canning Company. Located at Cherokee Lane and Harding Way. 1N/9E-18G1 - Owner - Slang. Located 0.75 mile east of Hewitt Road and 0.7 mile north of State Highway U° 1N/6E-L&.H1 - Owner - California Water Service. Located at Fourth and Grant Streets,, Stockton. 1N/6E-10PA - Owner - Fiberboard Products. Located at Church and Stockton Streets,, Stockton. 1N/6E-10P2 - Owner - Fiberboard Products. Located at 800 West Church Street <9 Stockton. 1N/6E-10P1 - Owner - Fiberboard Products. Located at 800 West Church Street , Stockton, 1N/6E-10E2 - Owner - Union Ice Company. Located at Weber and Pershing Avenue s s Stockton. 1N/6E-4.J1 - Owner - City of Stockton. Located at Victory Park on Pershing Avenue between Acacia and Vernal Way. (Behind Pioneer Museum) -9. TABLE 3 PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN CALAVERAS UNIT -10- TABLE 3 PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN CALAVERAS UNIT Well number : Date sampled Chloride, in parts per million Conductance, ! Ec x 10 6 at 25° C. 1N/6E-3H3 9-19-57 6-04-58 36 121 406 691 1N/6E-4D1 1-20-58 4-08-58 6-04-58 59 59 64 338 509 528 lN/6E-4.nV 1-20-58 6-04-58 93 108 651 652 1N/6E-10E2S/ 9-19-57 1-20-58 4-08-58 6-04-58 180 212 195 191 849 870 917 957 1N/6E-10P^/ 1-20-58 4-08-58 408 432 1410 1610 1N/6E-14KL 1-20-58 4-08-58 6-04-58 44 44 42 432 416 425 a/ Description of well not previously published; see Table 2. -11- TABLE 4 COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN CALAVERAS UNIT -12- w a 3 I E-> 0* M ° a n CD c OO OO M = .. CO C +> o C "H CV!

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M -20- APPENDIX A AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES AND THE STOCKTON AND EAST SAN JOAQUIN WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT A-l APPENDIX A AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES AND THE STOCKTON AND EAST SAN JOAQUIN WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT THIS AGREEMENT, executed in quintuplicate, entered into as of October 1, 1957, by the Department of Water Resources of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as the "Department", and the Stockton and East San Joaquin Water Conservation District, hereinafter referred to as the "District". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, an investigation of the Calaveras River Area in San Joaquin County has been conducted by the Department of Public Works, acting by and through the agency of the State Engineer, between February 194-8 and September 1955, and the results of said investigation have been published pursuant to a cooperative arrange- ment between the Department of Public Works and the County of San Joaquin whereby the work accomplished, including publication of the bulletin, was financed with funds contributed equally by the County and the State of California; and WHEREAS, funds were appropriated to the Department by Item 265 of the Budget Act of 1957 for continuing work on ground water level, stream flow measurements, and a quality of water check, in the Calaveras River Area on a matching basis, pending accomplish- ment of solution of the water problems in the areaj and A-2 WHEREAS j by the State Water Resources Act of 1945, as amended , the Department is authorized to make investigations, studies, surveys, prepare plans and estimates, and make recommendations to the Legislature in regard to water development projects! and WHEREAS, by said act, the Department is authorized to cooperate with any county, city, state agency, or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agreement to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the purposes of said actj and WHEREAS, the District desires and hereby requests the Department to enter into a cooperative agreement for the making of ground-water level and stream flow measurements, and a quality of water check in the Calaveras River Area between October 1, 1957, and September 30, 1958, and prepare a supplement report thereon s NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Department and the District do hereby mutually agree as follows g ARTICLE I - WORK TO BE PERFORMED! The work to be performed under this agreement shall con- sist of stream flow measurements and a series of ground water level measurements in the fall of 1957 and spring of 1958, a general water quality check of purface and underground waters in the Calaveras River Area, and the compilation and preparation of a report on the results of such measurements and water quality checko A-3 The Department agrees to proceed with the work to be performed*, and to contract with the District to secure any por- tion of the necessary records and data required by this agreement, During the progress of said investigation and report, all maps, plans 5 information.) data, and records pertaining thereto, which are in the possession of any party hereto, shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objects hereof. The work under this agreement shall be diligently prosecuted with the objective of completion of the investigation and compilation of data and preparation of a report thereon on or before September 30, 1958<, or as soon thereafter as possible. ARTICLE II - FUNDSs The District,, upon execution by it of this agreement, shall transmit to the Department the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($l s 000) for deposits subject to the approval of the Director of Finance , into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury 5 for expenditures by the Department in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. Also, k-U upon execution of this agreement by the Department , the Director of Finance will be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) from funds made available to the Department by Item 265 of the Budget Act of 1957, as augmented, for expenditure by the Department in performance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Controller will be requested to make such transfer. The Department shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work provided for under this agreement any amount in excess of the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) as made available hereunder and when said sum is exhausted, the Department may discontinue the work provided for in this agree- ment and shall not be liable or responsible for the resumption and completion thereof „ Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement , the Department shall furnish to the District a statement of all expenditures made under this agreement. One-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to said Department, and one-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced by the District and any balance which may remain shall be returned to the Department, and to the District, in equal amount. A-5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement to be effective as of the date hereinabove first written. Approved as to Form and Procedure STOCKTON AND EAST SAN JOAQUIN WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT /s/ Irving L, Neumiller Attorney for Stockton and East San Joaquin Water Conservation District B y /s/ J, Ho Burton Chairman, Board of Directors Approved as to Engineering /s/ Io M, Ingerson Chief ? Engineering Services Branch STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES HARVEY Oo BANKS Director of Water Resources Approved as to Form and Procedure By /s/ Paul L» Barnes Chief, Division of Admini stration /s/ Po A n Towner Chief Counsel s Department of Water Resources DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE APPROVED January 7, 1958 JOHN Mo PEIRCE, Director By /s/ Emil Jo Relat Senior Counsel A-6 DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1958 LEGEND 3 MEASUREMENT WELL, FALL OF 1957 AND SPRING OF 1958 MEASUREMENT WELL WITH HYOROGRAPH OF WATER LEVELS - ^" ^ — ^~ ^^A \ A ^ V A Xa- - i,- !aum£ E it J II 1910 1945 (GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION 13) WELL IN/6E-I4CI 1940 1945 (GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION 9) WELL 2N/6E-34KI A /\ A / V -J | \ r v ^ A A /| A V v vj \ ' V V '\ a y V / f V j A A 1 \« V / A A A hi ' V A V \ — \J V v 1 'V V / \ / V w ' 1 1940 1945 (GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION 481 WELL 2N/7E-I6LI K ^^ ~^— v N \ I2PI ri -12 L N V \ 1 1 \ a/\a ^ N "J V V Y \ \ ^ i V \ \ \ / \ V 1940 1945 (GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION 110) WELL 2N/8E-I2PI, 2N/8E-I2LI !__ l^ \ A A A ^\\%L ' \A r. YM I' V 1940 1945 (GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION 81) WELL 2N/8E-2IRI 1940 1945 (GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION 71 ) WELL 2N/7E-IR2, 2N/7E-I2AI STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY INVESTIGATION ELEVATIONS OF WATER LEVELS IN SELECTED WELLS CALAVERAS UNIT DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES 1958 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY University of California Richmond Field Station, Bldg. 400 1301 South 46th Street, Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS To renew or recharge your library materials, you may contact NRLF 4 days prior to due date at (51 0) 642-6233 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW OCT 26 2011 DD20 10M 4-10 i\V V