SJ13AINn-3Wv ^\jrL/uiru/r/j^ ^AjrurtLiru/T/)^ ^ ^OFCAIIFO% %a3AiNfi3Wv ^ ^' sa3AiNn-3\<^ 33 -s;j>^lLIBRARYQc ^tUBRARYOc. .^WEUNIVERS//) %jnV3J0^ ^JO^ o u. s AOSANCElfjv^ ft y . cw '^a3AIN(]-3WV ^OFCALIFOfi*^ ^OFCALIFO/?^ ^^ ^^AaviaiH^ '^fi'Aavaani^ ^WEUNIVERJ/A v;^lOSANCE o I-IIBRARY^^ ' o %mim^ ^'^omwi^ -^nvmm^ %a3AiNn-3WV ^ V;lOSMElfXy> o ^illBRARY6k -^HIBRARY/?/;^ ^ o - .^WEI ,^WEUNIVER% v>:lOSANCEl% o ^OFCALIFO/?;l^ .^.OFCALIFO/?^ ,^WE sri ^'^^iji D^ai h)i^r\ hyr\r\ nj T T IT T : - ■ T j^^nn [tSj'^n nS*n This great mckedness. The wickedness is great. The old man. That old man. An old man. This is the old man. That girl is young. A man, and a boy, and a mountain (see Ex. 6, pretonic )). Thou art the man. Who are ye? He was in (?) sickness. This oppression is evil. Thou wast great. This boy is good. This sickness is evil. EXERCISE 8. ntpT]^ cattle (coll. f.) Pjiy birds (coll. m.) Translate : ^iri new, f. ntj'nn T T 7 T T -: 'p some of... (Gr. p. 50, 1.9) IP! '^^ npiTj nx-iri nnnn T T -: - • t: IT 1 T -: IT • V •• • ELEMENTAKY EXERCISES » Who is that man? What is this (f.)? Some of the birds. Those men (p'^)^) are old (Gr. p. 62). Thou (f.) art young. Those cattle are not clean. Those boys are not tall. You (m.) are dust from the ground. He was a farmer (man of the ground). EXERCISE 9. Gr. : Pronouns, p. 46-50; Order of Words, p. 123, 124. nb'y he made ^^5 ^^ came, went (^) «nj'5 he called n^| he built \T\'l he gave, put, made Hj^? he took nnnn dry land "l1^^ light Translate : : Dnxn-'^rnxi ^r\^^\ ^ni« rim n^intpn r\'fpr\':fr^ Sia npS \ V IT T T T IV t| T T . T •• - T V T • • • -.- T (Gr.p.l24,3,subj.afterpred.) DV ^ixS DWX Nnp He came unto you. Art thou like us? The cattle which were upon the earth. He made all living 10 HEBEEW PRIMER. (n*nn ^^5) from man to cattle. You have that sword (to you that sword). He made mankind on the earth. Great was the wickedness on the earth. Yonder man came to me {verb first). The wise man went to the mountain ("Tinn, Gr. p. 52, H locale). He gave you all that you have (all which to you). He took some of the people. He called us out of the dust. He called the weapon (V?) a sword. 5)D3 silver nriT gold \yi^ shield rm^ the Underworld Ur)^ health, peace nbi^ food EXERCISE 10. Gr. pp. 54, 55. rh^^ night (m.) pt^"^^ deep n5S;3 well (f.) nbV bird (c.) 1^:^ sheep (coll.) TVi* moon Translate : iir!5(Ex.2)Dmr| Sm •^ibs (pi.) D^nSxg ^D T IT • T •• T : IT (Ex. 2, n inter.) iS DiSk^H ELEMENTARY EXERCISES. 11 That well is deep. This bird is clean. Is the lion clean ? Who made this shield ? What did he call (to) this bird? He made the gold like the dust. He took some of the sheep from thee, and to us he gave them for food. Are ye well? {Is health to you?) The moon is large to-night (the night). EXERCISE 11 Gr. p. 55, 6, pp. 56, 57, 2, 3. 1. Write down the abs. pi. of n*[J<, f., ^^^^ m., Th% f., nr, m., r\yp^ f., Tli^'pa, m., D^, m., ^135, m., pSx, m., n|D, f., n*ririri, f., nn^v, f., n^n^, m., nny, iild, 2. The f. sing. abs. (Gr. p. 56, h) and constr. (p. 57, 3) of 7n|, "11!^^, Cp^, Dp, D1 (qame9 in qdm^ ram, does not change). 3. The constr. sing. (p. 57, 2) of l^^l, p^^, :3nS, [p, n?3, 1|T^ ; and the constr. pi. of DID, D^, Sx, nHNI, 11^5, Jib^^ (none of these vowels change). 4. The constr. sing, and pi. (p. 57, 3) of the following words with mutable vowels : H^S?^, nXO, ni<3, HS*^ ; also constr. sing, of H^^, Hiy, H^H, Hlnyin. (Gutturals do not take simple sh'wa, Gr. p. 25, 4.) 5. Make the dual of 1) hand, p^^ leg, S^ll foot (add the new ending to the stem ragl), DV day, ]^ tooth (stem shinn), ^ nostril (stem 'app), py eye, "^l^ {birk) knee. 12 HEBREW PRIMER. EXERCISE 12. Gr. p. 46; The Suffixes, pp. 58, 59. SING. PLUR. ^hf2 king D^5^? kings f INiri TlS^ king of the land pxri"";?'?^ kings of the land ^37^ my king ^^^0 my kings «("'<■ m.) king T^t? thy (m.) kings 115^0 thy (f.) king ybhf2 thy (f.) kings 137^ his king ^^^7? liis kings nS?^ her king C*?*?? her kings ^ii?^ our king ^^*??? out kings Dp57^ your (m.) king S5^?r^ your (m.) kings p57^ your (f.) king P'*57^ your (f.) kings D37^ their (m.) king DH''!]?^ their (m.) kings ]^b^ their (f.) king [nO^^? their (f.) kings Learn the above by heart, and notice (i.) that all suffixes in the sing, attach to the stem walk; (ii.) that in the pi. all attach to mHdkhay (ey^ -ey) except khem^ khen, hem^ hen, which four attach to malkhey ; (iii.) that kaf in the pi. is aspirated. EXERCISE 13. See last Exercise, and Gr. p. 59. Write out with all the suffixes the sing, and pi. of (i.) '^'I'l a way, pX a stone, D'13 vineyard, [|| vine; (ii.) tOlK^ a rod, "Tli a vow. ELEMENTARY EXERCISES. 13 SING. PLUR. ?137^ queen niD/?? queens pNinnsS;? „ ofthelandpxnniD'p^ „ of the land ^nS?^ nay queen ^Hi^?^ my queens '?[n|)7^ thy (m.) queen '^''fei^?^ thy (m.) queens 'Jjri^?^ thy (f.) queen "Tj^ni^?^ thy (f.) queens inS?^ his queen VHI^^^ his queens fnri37^ her queen ri''J0i^7^ her queens ^^n37^ our queen li^'HI^'p^ our queens D^n^i?^ your (m.) queen D^l'^rili?^ your(m.)queens pri57^ your (f.) queen p'*ni^7^ your (f.) queens ^^hU*. , . / X DH^ni^S^:) their (m.) Dm^^ their (m.) queen ^^^^ ^^^^^^ i^hU*. 1 . .^x P^niriS^:] their (f.) iWS^ their (f.) queen '-j^^^^^j ^JJ Learn the above by heart, and notice (i.) that in the sing, all the sufl5xes but khem, khen, are preceded by qame9 in the open pretonic syllable ; (ii.) that in the sing, the kaf is unaspirated all through; (iii.) that all suffixes in the pi. attach to malkhothay {-ey, -ay, -ey); (iv.) and that the kaf is aspirated, and therefore without dagesh, throughout the plural. ;EXERCISE 14. Write out H^?^ and n7f2^ a shirt, wrapper, with all suffixes sing, and pi. See last Exercise, and Gr. p. 59. 14 HEBREW PRIMEE. EXERCISE 15. Gr. p. 59 ; Suffixes, p. 46. D5?j pleasantness im pillar 1DJ precious, costly, f. ri'lj^''^ /^n a breath, vanity *^D;3 idol U^2 vineyard [35 vine hyi_ foot t!iy slave pNI stone Translate : ^^1^ Snn i^Nt n^xn D^^inNin nn)*^^^ n^ "=11"! way *ini? vow t]w^ ear 7"T[il greatness m^ life, soul (f.) trntr root ^DT remembrance iriT gold P|D| silver Cy"Tp shrine D'-'inn p^i ■AT - I : V V T - •• T •• T "it: : - -: • - n^yn ^in5 vnSx S5'n■n^{ n^a Dp^ pxjb "^yiT j<3 t^'pr'^^^ D'-!n d:£5 ^ug^ Those oxen are lean. He saw them in the streets. Her eyes are weak. Your fruit is very good. All these kids of the goats belong to that man. Ye killed the tender kids in the midst of the streets. He poured the water of the river into his bucket. How great is thy (f.) beauty ! The trees of the land yielded not their fruit. He poured their wine on the ground. Their great God saw their grievous oppression. EXERCISE 20. SING. PLUR. "ll*^ a word D'^'lll words T T * T ; D15| ^"l'^^^;. 15"^5? * Gr. p. 148, 4. t Gr. p. 141 (c). Ye spake unto me,* saying, What is his name? They shall perish (pausal form with 9ere), but (1) thou shalt abide (stand) ! Ye will say, What shall we eat ? Say (f.) now (^5^), Thou art my sister. But (1) from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, said God, Ye shall not eat from it! The woman gave also (D5) to her husband with her (Dy), and he ate. Dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life * Gr. p. 152 (c). 38 HEBREW PRIMER. (D''*ri) ! / And the women said (impf. with 1 conv.) True (pnv), king ! * Saith the fool (bn^) in his heart, There is no ("P*^) God. Trees ye have planted (^tp^), but ye shall not eat of (p) their fruit! And I loved (!inx, iinpf. c. 1 conv.) Yisra'el more than (p) all peoples of the earth. In the day of your eating (see Gr. p. 84, 5<"S, ad inii.) from it, I will punish you! The way of the wicked is lost (freq. impf. 3 sing. Gr. p. 141, B (c), f. gere in last syll.) ! * Gr. p. 140, ad init. EXERCISE 33. Verbs 'Ayin Guttural. Gr. p. 85. 7X5 to redeem, ransom "^ /O,^ possession, heritage '^']5 to bless (pu. pass.) T\T\'0 to destroy [y^^ to lean, /S? upon . . , to rest Parse : T : A" T : • -: IT • • t : • t ": : • Translate : IT : * O draw near! Gr, p. 70, 8. ELEMENTARY EXERCISES. 39 pin dSx^ ^3 I T T T -: I May God bless us (impf. c. suff.) ! House of Yisrd'el, bless ye Yahwe ! Ask thou of me, and I will give thee the nations for thy heritage ! From death will I redeem them. And I, I know my Avenger (p^^) liveth ! He hath blest thy (f.) sons in thy midst (qirb) ! Above women in the tent shall she be blest (pu. impf.) ! I will bless those who bless thee (ptcp. with suff.)! Have ye not asked whence yonder (Gr. p. 43, b) man has come ? Rest yourselves under (nnn) the trees. When they leaned upon thee (in their leaning, inf. c. suff.) thou begannest to break in pieces ("1^^, impf. nif ). All the nations of the earth shall bless themselves (hithpa.) in thee! Upon (/N) thine own understanding thou shalt not lean. A woman asked of her neighbour 40 HEBREW PEIMER. (nriJ^t?^^) ornaments ( v5) of silver and ornaments of gold. Ask (sing, f.) for him the kingdom, for he is my elder brother (Gr. p. 137 (1) (2). EXERCISE 34. Verbs Lamedh Guttural. Gr. pp. 86-88, 4, 24. n7^ to send VpS to cleave )^^p to hear HHB to open '^1)^ still am I . . . yn^ to be satisfied ^^^n lo, I ! = here am I H^^ to anoint np3 to open H^^ to forget Translate : •^I^^^. 'TihiA rin^a^ n^x: ^niw^ nW dvi n^^vf^ pjn nrr\ *3-iiy • : • - T AT : V • V T -: | v ' - : vit D^i^^'n n!3>Nt3 n^n Din;^ myip ^yp:?i n-jn Di*^ J inns:! ELEMENTARY EXERCISES. 41 V : - : T : •.• I ■• t t t -: it | • v : - - . -- * Gr. p. 147, 1 (a). Then (TJ<) shall the eyes of the blind be opened (HpS, nif. impf.). Thou (f.) didst eat, and wast not satisfied. They shall eat, and be satisfied (pf. c. "j, and 9ere in pause). Thou shalt eat, and not be satisfied. Thou hast forgotten (f.) the covenant of thy God. Send ye one of your number (from you one). Pray send one of thy brethren. God will send me before you. He is not going to dismiss thee (J^X, with suff. and pi. ptcp.). And I said unto thee, Let my son go (pi. imp.) that he may serve me (1, c. impf. and suff.); and thou refusedst (JX^, pi. impf. c. waw conv.) to let him go (7, c. inf. pi. and suff. 1). Lo, I am about to send (hif. ptcp.) a famine in the land. And the earth opened (qal impf. c. ')} her mouth, and swallowed them and their families (C'riJ?). If I forget thee (impf. c. f. suff.), Y^riishaldyim, let my right hand forget (impf. 3 l).^^^'^\^'\ EXERCISE 35. Verb Pe Nun (fS). Gr. p. 89; see also p. 27. [HJ to put, give '^V^ to keep, guard ^^J to approach ^S^ to fall 2 HEBREW TTLUTER. n:ii (in hif.) to declare pm to kiss Sifi (in hif.) to escape Translate ; m^m r\:mr\) ^:!1 i<:-r\m *3in!i3 vnssj^ni vsn ntn Dyn tJ'^ij : ■ T T : • ■ : v - t t n^QX? *^3i nS^n t^h'^}\ 0*^5^ nan D^iiin ^nSw^? Dni« ^S^vr^D '^^^'n?? oyn Hi*?*! YJ?*? Y91^ ^^^1 "l!^'^^^ 1^09 ^l'?5 YO^^ "^^^^^ I 1" T - - -: IT • : Av •• : - ": i- : • - - : t | - ^ nhyp 'iHiSi D5?S )nm nnS-na *nnjpKi * Gr. p. 143 (2). We cannot escape (nif. inf. constr. c. 7) of ^^^) from the face of the king of ' Asshiir. He cannot deliver you2.CvU«w from my hand. Thou shalt not give up (I^D, hif.) a^^.'j^i, slave to his lord, that escapeth (nif. impf. ^^J) unto ELEMENTARY EXERCISES. 43 thee from (05?^) his lord. He will deliver you from the hand of your foes. I will give as (Jcaasher) ye may 1^ bid me (say to me, impf.); so (and) give ye me (1) the damsel ("^V^) for wife. Iron is taken (hof. impf.) out of n .\, earth. Their daughters we will take to us for wives. And next (y^^) Y6sef drew near (pf. nif ). And it j)^ was told (impf pu.) to Ldban on the third day that Ya'aq6b had fled (pf. qal ni!!). Tell us, pray (Ni"), how (Y^) ^1^0^ wrotest all these words from his mouth. He sent me to tell thee all these things. From dread of the foe thou wilt keep my life. EXERCISE 36. Verbs Pe Waw and Pe Yodh (V'S, ^"3). Gr. pp. 90-92; also pp. 6 note 1, 7 ad init.^ 25, 26, Weak Letters. 1^\ to sit, dwell p^) to suck ^y to seize, occupy ; hif. dispossess, expel \)\ to bear, beget *1VJ to fashion (as a potter) \>T} to walk, go ^y to be dry yij to know T)) to go down VS^** (in hif.) to save, rescue Translate : 44 HEBREW PRIMER. nn nyhv D^v \n^ ^;)^ D^b ^S-np] tN5cri-V^ ^r^S v?in| n^SS '^^n^x ni^a ib^ri *;^f ^5 riyi!l 'p,:?'i^ d^:dS^ nb'i D^i-i iSd ripri D*ri ^y^v ni*;i« *^;i{< n'pN: d^hni nn*^ nvni^< T : - IT J V ■• - • A" T '?|55'?3 "^^n^ ^n^'O T T -: IT I • T T T T T V V • - : m'' r\iWT]'h2 n^yi rnxn Sn^'=^ and the moon and eleven stars were bowing down§«^ !C (ptcp. njnri^ri) to me! When thou goest (in thy going) to-day from me (H^syp), thou wilt find (pf. c. I) \hj^ two (constr.) men near (Dy) Rdhel's grave. And thej/ two made a covenant before Yahwe. I will not destroy the city (HH^J^, hif.) if I find there forty and five. And the waters were gradually failing (going and failing, inf. abs.*) until (^5?) the tenth month ; in the tenth, on ^- Gr. p. 151 (5) ad med. 68 HEBREW PRIMER. the first of (?) the month appeared the heads of the mountains. And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth (20) day of the month, the earth had dried (^5^)- And Shaul went down, and with him 3000 men {^'^). The youth shall die 100 years old (a son of 100 years). Those who were mustered were a hundred thousand, and one and fifty thousand, and eight hundred and seventy (= 151,870). PAET 11. READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT, WITH SHORT NOTES, AND REFERENCES TO THE MERCHANT TAYLORS' HEBREW GRAMMAR. PART 11. READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. § 1- The Creation of Heavens^ Earthy and Light. I VlT T •• : -v- T - •• /.• v: TT V .. ; /iinni '^r\T\ ^^nn^n nxm T T : IT I V T T : «:D^gn ^jrSy ^nsnn?: d\H^« m) Di^ ''ni^S DNi^K K'ipn. 62 HEBREW PRIMER. '^ " At first." * See Gr. p. 130, No. 1. " Gr. p. 44, note ad init. '^ 3 f . sing. pf. qal of H^n, verb H"?, Gr. p. 106 ; see also p. 139, N.B. and footnote. " Notice absence of dagesh; Gr. p. 22, Dagesh, 1. / Pretonic qameg; Gr. p. 17 (1). ^ Ptcp. f. piel of ^ni; see Gr, p. 149, Participle, 1 {a). ^ Pausal qame9; Gr. p. 17 (1), 37 (a). ^ Jussive of T]'^^^ (resolution of ^H"*; so ^5 became **1^). ^ ^"t) verb; Gr. p. 147, note 3, ad init. The yod not doubled in way^hi; Gr. p. 23, note 1. "' Impf. with waw conv. of HX"!; Gr. p. 24, 2. " 1 and = 1 {labial vowel) before a labial ; wayyahdel = hif. impf. with waw conv. fr. 7ll. " Gr. pp. 43, C, 44, note, the Article; = niNH^ con- tracted; so ^T\l for lliahosheh ; see also p. 125, ^8. ^ Metlieg marking open syllable wa ; Gr. p. 37 (6), ad init. ^ Accent retracted because of penacute word which follows. § 2. The Expanse of Heaven between the Upper and the Nether Waters. READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 63 5?"'pnS ^ h)2J2 im D^an '" r:i*i - )/>• TT - • S.V -: - - I •• 't:'^^ m'^h mhi^ i^^npn •ATT - )v- TT • v: TJ: .- " See § 1, L * Constr. of *^|ri, weak segholate; Gr. p. 60 (ii). " See § 1, h. ('' '•n'"') = ^rr* + \ and let it he; distinguish this from "Tl)") and it was; Gr. p. 144, note 2. ' Hif ptep. / See § 1, /. ^ Impf. with waw con v. of rib's?, T\"7 and fi guttural verb; see Gr. pp. 24, 2, 106. ^ See § 1, n. * Mittahath = mm + tahath = ah infero^ on the under side, below; so meal^ in next clause, = a supero, on the upper side, above. ^ From Vp^iri/; see § 1, o. " See § 1, n. '^ See § 1, ^. § 3. Dry Land and Water ; Trees and Grasses 64 HEBREW PRIMER. t\:i''T\') n^^i'n 'n^^"ln^ 1 1" • : I- AT T - - vv T 1" : "'w^ n|) '''nb'y ns ^-fy H ^ynp ^^S? '^ Nif. impf. 3 pi. fr. n)p, verb r\'h, Gr. p. 106, a command; jussive use of impf., Gr. p. 142 (b). ^ See § 2, ;?;. "" Nif. impf. (jussive) 3 sing. f. fr. nX"!; "and let be seen ;" gere compensative, see Gr. p. 24, 1, and fi guttural verb. '^ See § 1, 0. ^1=1 before sh'wa. Miqwe, constr. of miqwe; see Gr. p. 64, Rem. 1. f Weak segholates, A, Gr. p. 60 (i.). ^ See § 1, m. ^ Hif. jussive 3 sing. f. fr. N^, verb 5<"S; Gr. p. 102. '^ Hif. ptcp. fr. yiT. I Constr. READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 65 " Ptcp. of n^V- " Look out \'f2. " 'dsher bo = in which, Gr. p. 128, 6; supply is. ^ Hif. impf. with waw conv. 3 sing. f. of X^^; see Gr. p. 109. ^ Equals ):'^)>. §4. The Great Lamps for the rule of Day and Nighty and the Stars. DW'n ^y^pin 'Tiriw^ *\n^^ D^nW naxh I" T : v.- T : • -: I : : t : ^D^Sw niiK^n ''•';?^-nvSt D^rIS^f "byn ♦ n^H'^y '"T^?^IV t3W'n y^pi^ tD^oS* cniws*qrin 6 66 HEBREW PRIMER. • § 1, ?. » § 1, i. " PI. of ^1x9 '■) tbe shortening of qameg in this and the next word is due to the loss of accentual support. ^ Inf. constr. hif. ^ § 1, ^• / Gr. p. 148 {b). 3 nm T T ^ Equals 'J<2p + ^; see § 2, ^. So Urqia = b' -\- r^qia. See also Part I., Ex. 4, note. " Hif. inf. constr. of 11^^. '^ § 2, ^. ' 'Q\W. P Constr. of riS^?^; Gr. p. 63, ad Jin. ^ Pe min verb, Gr. p. 88, ad fin. ' § 1, m. §5- Fishes^ Birds, Reptiles, formed and blessed. r\r\^^^) «p|f D^jsn rirp\ u'rh^ lib^h "•nbxS D^^^S^? ^Dnix ^'^iw D^^*!i D^sn-nx ^xS^:^ Mini mis READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 67 " Accus. mater., Gr. p. 133 (b). * Collectives. " PU'el of f)iy (= pi'el, i.e., intensive stem), Gr. p. 97, 5. ^ hoi nefesh haJiayyd = all the animal life. Hahayyd is a genitive ; cf. yad yemini, hand of my right, yom haslishishshi, day of the sixth. ^ Ptcp. qal f. / See a. ^ See § 3, 72, q. ^ Gr. p. 129 (ii.). * Verb 'ayin guttural, pi'el imp£, Gr. p. 85; see also p. 147, note 3, ad init. ^ Gr. p. 47, 1, sign of accus. '" Gr. p. 26, h; inf constr. of 1»i<, with pref. S; = dicendo. " Imperatives qal of verbs lamedh he; Gr. p. 106. " Jussive of nnn; Gr. p. 105, Rem. 6. §6. Cattle and Reptiles ; Mankind and their Blessing. nli^nS n*n /^s:; pxn "^^^in n^rh^ "i^j^h T • : T - V V I ••' T T " • v; 68 HEBREW PRIMER. ^- ^iniD*i3 '' ):iph^fnii^ ^ ni^v} o'-hSx ^m^) II T T S.t1-- : T T "§3,p. Ml,/. "^ Archaic form = n*ri; Gr. p. 52, middle, ^ Adj. f. used as abstr. subst. in collective sense, " living creatures." / Collectives. ^ Qal impf. 1 pi. nsry. '' Gr. p. 59, Segh. A. * § 4, ^; see Part I., Ex. 4. Look out d^muth. I Constr. of T\^X *" Ptcp. with article = 6 epTrcou, rj epirovcra. « Gr. p. 125, /3. " § 5, h READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 69 ^ Gr. p. 47, ad fin ; qame9 pretonic. * § 5, n ' Imper. of tJ'^S, with f 3 pers. suffix. §7. Seeding Grasses a7id Fruit Trees given for Food to Animals and Man. The Seventh Day made holy. yil T)} fr'1? '\^"^^^. XW^^ ^^^. pNn-Sy ran ^:h^ wizm ^T^f)^ pxri n*n-^^S^ ^:DN;irS3i pxni Dwn ^^^^^d^ 70 HEBKEW PRIMER. in^{ ty^p^l ^ ''i2''2m uv-m mhi< " ^^y^). " Gr. p. 88, note. * Qal ptcp. lamedh guttural, Gr. p. 88, 1. '' 'dsher hd = wherein; Gr. p. 128, 6, ad ink. ^ Yihye V . . , it shall become . . ^ Greenness of grass = green grass; Gr. p. 128 (ii.), ad fin. f Equals plupf., " he had made." ^ Notice the article. ^ Pu al impf. 3 pi. of n':':D. ^ Pi'el jussive, 3 sing, of n?^ ; Gr. p. 105, Rem. 6. " Inf. constr. of HSJ'y, with 7 ; hard laasoth, fashioned so as to make. §8. 'lyob^ his Wealth and Piety. ^ IT .. jT : V v: >•• • JT T ; jT - r T -it T . '^\m'2 LrSsri ^D^::i nnti' iS /rh^'^ READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 71 A : JT - VT •.. -: 1- : D'lir^i?""^?;^ Snj mri tJ^^^n ^n^j A J" »•■■ V : • J T : T T •« : IT : DnnSs D^n^K ^ ):ii:i) ^h ^ixDn '^SJ|^^ ni»5< iibx ^5 AT T : • V v: > : I" - t j : it - • j- t .< <••• -:i- T^T *" " There was," emphatic = existed, once lived. * Supply was^ as usual in Hebrew, Gr. p. 124, 1, note. Look out D^. " Wehayd, impf. of habit, Gr. p. 148, c, 5. '^ Constr. of NT; see Part I., Ex. 4. ' "i^D, ptcp. / nS\ ' 15, Gr. p. 65. ^ n5, Gr. p. 65. * njipX); Gr. p. 64, Rem. 1. ^ Segholates A, Gr. p. 59. "* 79^1 ; lamedh doubled in pi. to preserve original a. '' Collective. " Gr. p. 137, 1. ^ Accus. loc, Gr. p. 133 (a). ^ " In the house of each, (on) his day ;" accus. temp., Gr. p. 132 (b). 72 HEBREW PRIMER. '" Verb ri"7, inf. constr. ' Verb ]% hif. ' D1\ " Apodotic waw ; " theii 'Iy6b sent," etc. "^ Equals impf. of habit; "he would rise early," etc., Gr. p. 148 (c). Heela, hif. of nSy. "^ Accus. ; " according to the number of them all." ^ Pf. with weak waw; "and have cursed," pi. pf. §9- The Adversary before Yahwe. AT : - v- : • : • v: it a- : t- - i- :i- AT 1 • i- •• I >.T T - V -y : V 1 - < IT •• jT : o v: J" : jt t : st i- !• V; V • ^'T t • i- READINGS PEOM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 73 ^:';I315^^ Y^5?>"^^ ^^S-^D^{ '•TIT' ^':?^n-S^^ v'^^ pn Ia-.-t V- : • - T •• J J- tnin^ ^:j3 ^d^d wn *kx*i IT : V : >.• •• J T T - ••••- " " Now there came a (Gr. p. 126, note 1) day when the sons of God went," etc. " The sons of God," i.e., the angels. Wayyaboic, impf. 3 pi. ^5^^. ^ Sy before. ' § 2, 5. '^ \\^ + p = from where, whence ? T T / Notice the pausal pathali; Gr. p. 37 (a). ^ "Hast thou set;" D^b', qal pf. 2 sing., with inter, prefix. ^' Gr. p. 49, 7. ^' "l^D, ptcp. qal. ^ Inter, prefix + hinndm, which look out; and see Gr. p. Ill, 2. '" Verb rV. " § 8, ^. " p verb; Gr. p. 88,2. ^ Gr. p. 158, N.B. 2. " He will doubtless curse thee to thy face!" Suppressed apodosis. ^ Pausal form (= yabarrakanka, with nun assimi- lated). *" Note pausal and non-pausal forms. 74 HEBREW PRIMES. * Verb "'^, * Compound prep. = "from," Gr. p. 116, 2. For this name read 'Adonay ; see Gr. p. 14, note 4. § 10. Three Messengers of Evil. P> DW1 ^ih:^^ vnhi vi::^ Di»n «*nn /:Dnn^-Sy 'Tim niihN*n"i ni^in '^vn npsn ^nnn-^^i)^ Man Dny|n-nKi ^Dnjprii ^n^ ^Sbrii nS '^'^rh "nnS ^ii<-pi "^nbSsxi I IT J- - : «.• - : i)- -: I - st : t • it nXDXh K!i nil « n!nX3 ni i niy jT V : •• - : Jv J • - T - I • T : IT • v: J" J IT J- - : V - : ;>• ■: I " st : r • it t JT : jt • : - I IT r - : <-■ - : ■>—.]- sr : t • it READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 75 "§9,a. * Gr. p. 149 (a), nm. " For this verb see Gr. p. 108. ^ r\"h. ' n"S, ptcp. pi. f. / 'al-y^dehem, by their side. ' \"Si; Gr. p. 88, 1. ^ ]"^ and r\"h; Gr. p. 109, ad Jin. * n3 mouth; Gr. p. 66, ad init. ^ Pausal; = niPI. "^ Gr. p. 143, note 2, is as true of the cohortative as of the jussive form of the impf. " Look out n|. " Verb ["3; hif. inf. constr. ^ K"3 verb, Gr. p. 84. m f. ^ The Kasdim, generally identified with the Chal- daeans. ' See § 9, g. § 11- The Last and Crowning Disaster; 'lydb's Pious Resignation. niD^n DH^nx n\ri5 p. ^D^niri bS^x ^™?^ T^? 76 HEBREW PEIMER. I IT V - : V - : ■>■ -: \ - :t : t • ir na^ :ii^i^ Dhvi ^^x i^|0 " to; D'Sy n^xh. Iatt 1.T I- I - T JT : I IT : vT : r- 3- : " While ; dum hie loquehatur. ' § 10, h. " Pf., as the accent shows; Gr. p. 97, Rem. 4. '^ § 9, ^. ^ § 10, g. f So in Greek edauov, were killed. ^ § 10, n. ^ mp; Gr. p. 93, note 3. ^' defective writing for /''VO. ^ TV', gdzaz, Gr. p. 99, note 4. "' " To the earth," Gr. p. 52, ad med. " nn^ ; hithpalel, shortened impf. with pausal qameg. Hishtahdwe, transposed from hithshahdwe ; yislitahu is a contraction of yishtahaw, like Ydhu from Yahwe or Yahawe, and ^H!!, ^nn, § 1, ^, /, from bdhew^ tohew. " i^, third radical, omitted. ^ Second qameg pausal. ' § 1, fc *" Equals meburrak^ i.e.^ pu'al ptcp. of J^ guttural verb. EEADINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 77 § 12. The Temptation and Fall of Man. ti'Th^ nin^ T\m ^m ft- v: JT : 1.T T y.' -; m-irrS^ r\mr\ "i^^ni AT T - V VT • IT V i - AT • IT V VT T - V )- " ITT ^ I." : I • 1" V • : !• Av ■• r- V ): ; • : S5^^^:'7 ryn nib ^5 n£rxn ^xini T -: - : I •• T J- T ■ IT vj" - • : - : I •• T ■^T : V : •- -it j t -: i- s- : 78 HEBREW PRIMER. '^ Gr. p. 137, 1; p. * ri*n is collective. " A question. ^^ = ^XH ; 'af ki, Is it even so that, Is it true that. '^ 72 . . . X?, not any, no; Gr. p. 49, 8, ad fin. ' Verb ^% Gr. p. 84. / Collective. ^ Potential use of impf. ; Gr. p. 142, C. '^ Constr. of *^)ri, weak segholate, Gr. p. 60 (ii.). ^ Gr. p. 22 (1), (2), Dagesh; verb f'S, y^p. i Older form of ^H^^Dn (verb Vp, Gr. p. 94). Note effect of shifting the accent. "" Emphatic, "Ye shall not die!" Gr. p. 151. " Verb '% ptcp. " Inf. constr. with suffix, Gr. p. 152, c, d. " In the day of your eating." ^ The waw marks the apodosis, like 5e in Greek ; Gr. p. 148, 4. ^ Note the vowels of this word ; pf. 2 pi. of H^n, verb r\'h. *■ Gr. p. 26, h. " Pretonic qame9. ^ Shortened impf. qal, 3 sing. f. of nX"!; Gr. p. 110, third verb. " Gr. p. 129, 2. ^ Ptcp. nif. of verb fl guttural; = cupiendus or amahilis. '" " To look at," or " for becoming wise." READINGS TROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 79 "^ See Gr. p. 88, verbs \'% 1, and note. ^ Notice the pausal forms; Gr. p. 37 (1). § 13. God^s Bow. AV : • jv -: V.T - •.•J-: t 1 j- v •• j- • •• IT ' v. : I IT T IV V kv- jT -. :• : AT T T : «.T- -.v.. T I 3" IT T T V - : - : . - - < V ; I' I : I ATT IV V |,.v- vT : ,T : n% nn!i ^"ib^ ^n^h^xi!) IT T - >V -: *.T T T : T - V iV T I " • V; I J" " Ptcp. in future sense: "I am going to put." * m {int\ with; Gr. p. 48, 3. 80 HEBEEW PRIMER. "^ " That it may become." ^ Equals *^^y5, pi. inf. of J^V (no qal); see Gr. p. 152 (c). / " Then shall be seen ;" apodotic waw, § 8, v. '•' Notice the place of the accent, Gr. p. 147. Pf. with waw conv. ''* " The waters shall not again become a flood ;" sing. verb, pi. subj., Gr. p. 156, 6. ^ ^^{'^ ; l sing. pf. qal, with suffix 3 f. sing. ^ Gr. p. 13, note 2. § 14. K^ndan promised to 'Abram. /.T jT - V -: )v. T - I • •• : ) V IT JT TAv : V j) : ".v 'r - V -: ) vjr t t v s- READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTASIENT. 81 AT : T : VT : T : | v t t 'j- - : • | < Tiv : V v) : J- "' Equals Wadonay =■ wa-ddonay ; see § 9, *. * Nif. inf. constr. 1*13; mark effect of maqqef; Gr. p. 36, note 1. ' i^m-, imperat. <^ Verb T\'h. ^ 'dsher *atta sham, " that thou there," = where thou art. / In these four words notice the old accus. ending, conveying the idea of motion, -ward, Gr. p. 52; the waw has pretonic qame9 with negba and qedma {negeh^ qedem). ^ Ptcp. = pres. -^ p^, impf. 1 sing, with suffix 3 f ; § 12, x. ^ § 9, ^; waw conv., as accent shows. "* " So that, if a man can count." 751\ impf. of /b); perhaps a hof 'al formation, though used as qal, which it may be. ^ n!l^; cf. /im, mina. " Both segholates U, Gr. p. 59. § 15. 'Abraham by 'Elohim\s Bidding goes to Sacrifice his only Son. a* T 7 82 HEBREW PRIMER. ^toun i2:Nh Dl™^^ M^'^^^ 1»^^h ^pn^!-n^ rl;l^^{-1^^f ^i^n^nj?^ ^n^ito n^"^^ ^"i^"'*^*?! T ' : T <■• -: r : ) IV •• >- >.v -: • T IV - - -< iibp-n« ji'in?) ^('jinii dh^^^s^ '"^W".) A : I JT : . V : • tt : v: v |--- 3T T. V ST T : - T • - • • : - j - A - VT : !•• : J- -; 1- . I jT ; . - V T- t' IT J"-: V T T : - |-'- IT : - w ■• : J : [••- • T ■CT T : - V I T : • V - iS- : -Jv • V V- • T V J- irh)h n|^n "Ti^ni ''D^vyDl ^^D '^l^i "^^^i READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. Si ':^ rhxh rim i^-nx"i^ D^hSx Dn^nx hf^tkh f,- : VT ^ : i)v - J ■■ ir • •;: t t : - " Way'lii . . . w'haelohim, "and it happened after these things that ; " the English subordinate clause is co-ordinate in the Hebrew, a mark of ancient speech. ^ Gr. p. 48, 5. ^ ri3n lo! (properly, here!) Hinneni pausal, hinnenni common form. '^ Gr. p. 88, f'S, note. * 'y. = "^7, Gr. p. 36, first note; imperative of yT\ &)■ ' f Ethic dative; cf. Fr. s'en aller; "betake thyself." , ^ Proper name, Gr. p. 126, y ; str. an epithet. ^ ri7y, hif. impf. with suffix. * Gr. p. 43, ad fin. ^ Impf. 1 sing. ; K"S, Gr. p. 84. "' Gr. p. 70, ad fin. for the form\ p. 147, note 3 for the use. '' § 4, ^. ^ I^y. P Gr. p. 93, note 3. ^ " It was on the third day that 'Abraham looked up and saw." Way' hi would more naturally have led off the sentence. Wayyissa\ ["3 and X"7, Gr. p. 110. *" ""'fi, imperat. pi. * 'ad-ko., thither, to yon place. Nel'ka, cohort., Gr. p. 143, 2. 84 HEBREW PRIMER. ^ See § 11, 72. " See § 9, g, and Gr. p. 93, note 3. " Adv. loc, Gr. p. 112. "" Gr. p. 64, Irreg. Nouns, 1. § 16. The Sacrifice Forbidden by the Angel of Yahwh. A- " IT V ) I. -: 1— - ■• : • - V T T. : - - - : V I :iT t- : • • IV • (.I : !• : :• i\- ■ " t : i- t ^ : ''V^^lp? "^^^^ "Tnxj "inx S^^?-^3^1 ni!i nnn nSyS nnSy-n S^^i^-n^< np*") hrrsi^^ p^^\ \ : - i- ,T^ : v-:i— • - t v (j--- t t: - | vv- KEADINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 85 * m-, impf. m\, shortened p^; Gr. p. 105, Kern. 6. ' § 15, V. '^ Gr. p. 47, 1, the objective pron. ' See § 2, k. Mdal, top. / § 15, c. ^ Shortened form (jussive) from Hb'yp, impf. 2 sing. of nb^i?. T T * M^'uma = n^^ n^ " anything whatever " (after a negative). /^ Constr. of KT,, § 8, d. I § 15, q. "" " Behind," adv. loc. "" Nif. ptep. Tn«. ' t1|'^. ^ § 15, e. i See § 15, li. § 17. Yddqob and the Shepherds at the Well. tuip-':^ ^^n^fiK nh') )hr\ npy* "nm nn^5 'nx? nani &i7:5 A- T-: IT Iv. : - • - J- : - I • •■; 1" : - r - V.T : ) v ^v t : • T -: IT T T jT : V IV : 86 HEBREW PRIMER. : It -: I vt t r- : j- "linrp pS-n« 'Dnyn^n ''dhS i2:«h AT I V I JT T V y.:- : - : - v t ■.• J- : ITT V : r t|X5:n-Dy "n«3 nri^i 'r'n^ n^ni Di'^a^ ^iixsj^h I I - • «.T T • J" T •■ • : T J : 1- ^ § 15, ^. ^ § 15, e. * f 1.^, with accus. ending to mark motion towards. ^ ^"ly, segholate 1st guttural, Gr. p. 60, Rem. 1. ' Ptcp. = "were lying;" Gr. p. 149 (a). / Sy before; § 9, h. ^ Hif. impf. frequent. Hp^; Gr. p. 141, B {a). ^' This word is the predicate, being without the article; Gr. p. 126, ad fin. ^ Constr. of (13; Gr. p. 66, ad init. ^ Pff. with waw con v., continuing impf. frequent. : " and all the flocks used to meet there, and men used to {or would) roll;" Gr. p. 148 (c). " Hif. pf. n^^; ry, Gr. p. 94. " Dlp^. ° Gr. p. 47, 2. P Gr. p. 65, ad init. ^ "Whence?" '' Inter, part., an novistis? pT, Gr. p. 112, note. * Notice the pausal vowel. READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 87 * ni, Gr. p. 65. " Fern, ptcp.^ as the accent shows; Gr. p. 97, Rem. 4. § 18. Yddqoh Prays to be Delivered fror)i the Hand of 'Esaw. V v: jT T • ■ T -: I- •« • • : |t I /,-.• : - V T V T A- -: ^:niina ^:3tJ^':> ^n^^n nnyi la^y n*D ^nj< n*^: j^i '"^jS^!s:n |. T _ V • - • : J T I ... 'IT <"T !• '^ Notice this contraction from '7X1; Gr. p. 26 (b). * Gr. p. 149 (a), ad Jin. " Who didst say, or keep saying;" the ptcp. marks unbroken continuance during a certain time. Or it may be present; "who ever sayest," etc. ' Gr. p. 48, 5. 88 HEBREW PRIMER. ^ HTi/i^, segh. noun. ' "That I may deal kindly;" 12^;, Gr. p. 91. As to the construction, see Gr. p. 144, 3. / Gr. p. 137, 1; "I am too small for," = "I am un- worthy of." ^ More usually "Dy "IDH Plb^V he showed kindness to. ^ " With my staff," 7(5^ ; note absence of daghesh, see Ex. 25. ^ Proper name, str. an epithet, and therefore with article. I rmp. "^ \% hif. imperat. "" Ptcp. of statim verb; Gr. p. 72, Sn5. " J"S verb; hif. pf of npj, Gr. p. 109, ad fin. The final n elided before suffix. The pf. with waw conv. continues the impf. as in § 17, I. "Lest he come and smite me, mother upon children;" upon = after, in addition to, like eVt with dative. § 19. The Brothers Meet. '^'2, ib'y-n^ni i!5i*i vj^y 'ipvi' ^m it:- J" : >.- : •■ t - : t •• - • t : - v ] -j-- AT 1- |vv •• : - V : 3 T : - v v st- HEADINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 89 :D^ihn« nov-nxi Snrnxi ^t!i35*i ^inp.^'*! mr'^'y ^'^3-':i Iat V J" • V V- 1 -: I- : !•- V t; I^.. /-• - - : '^ Ptcp. of KiS; "was coming." ^ See Gr. p. 138, 3, 4. " n^n ; shortened form of impf. n^H*. '^ " By, or with." ^ nns^. / "First, in front;" adv. ^ ipse. ^ 0^7 at face of, before. ^ § 11, 71. ^ See § 17, c; here = to the ground, ^afxa^e. " P, inf. with suffix, Gr. p. 89. " \T\. " "To meet him ;" inf. constr. fem. form of X'lD. 90 HEBREW PRIMER. ^ I"S. ^ r\"h. '■ nm, Gr. p. 65. * "He gave, bestowed," with accus. of person and thing. . § 20. Yosef sold by his Brothers. AT V V |v n V -: I- • :i- T A - V r : ~- -..It-- ^5^7:1 bn^^i^y /^n^!1 D^^S-S;)^fS '&^:'.i AT : • • V.T T • ■■ ; : • J- : i •• • : T : IT : • r : v : i AT V V >.T : :• J- A V.-T : V T !• nnriip n^ijn^ D^p'J^f nnv,»i READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 91 T : IT : • Jv V >• T- '^ "When." * Notice this word; the abs- is riihS. The next word is the usual constr. ; of. ^ltcov^ and our word " cotton." " *)1!l, with ace. ending, " into the pit." ^ Equals p''']; defective writing, Gr. p, 10, 7. « v/^ verb. / ]"3; the nun first assimilated, and then dropped, because a mere sh'wa follows, Gr. p. 23, note 1. ^ r\'h verb. ^ Is this pf. or ptcp. ? see Gr. p. 97, Rem. 4. * '% hif. inf. ^ Miprayim^ Egypt; accus. ending, marking motion to. *" HM ; the pf. with waw conv. continuing impT. nahdjvg. ^ n)n, Gr. p. 108. ^ M/. impf. ri/V; the qal impf. has the same form, '' See Gr. p. 139, note 1; "twenty sheqels of silver." ' Hif. Xim, Gr. p. 107. 92 HEBREW PRIMER. § 21. The Dream of the Fat and Lean Kiiie. nx;n-Sy ^i0 njrri ^n% nyiSJi nns) v^p ^^nVy ii<;n-)i5 nirrj i5<;n-];!: jrinnx niSy rnin« nns y5g^ riirri ^b'!! nipni nxn^ ^^nm 1 : - ,)- : - V T - V J- T : ^ =; I- 1- TT- M"! •.•:-- ;•.•-: I t - j. '^ See § 1, d. Haya^ with ptcp.; "and M6she had turned shepherd to the flock . . . and he led the flock . . ." * " To Hor^b." ' Shortened from Hi^X, § 3, c. ^ Ptcp., " was burning." ' Ptcpl. form = S^IJ^. / niD. ^ " Why does not the bush catch fire ? " Impf. inceptive; Gr. p. 141, 2. h pf. = plupf. ^ n"7 verb. HEADINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 97 Adverb; Gr. p. 113. Yerb f'^. § 24. Moshe charged to threaten Par 6. - J- - J. \riJD-n^j "^nxin nii^ya ^^? ^P? "i:)^ ™ ^nys ^^Tp;?;^ \;jn Dnp5 'inS? n;n-N^ i^x / 98 HEBREW PRIMER. " See § 15, m. « § 9, h. " Note the accent. '^ " That they may serve, or to serve me ; " Gr. p. 144, 3. ^ Ptcp., = missurus sum,, " I am about to send." / Thy heart = thyself; Gr. p. 49, 8. ^ Final conj., "to the end that . . .;" strictly a prep. = on account of . . ., as below ; *)^{^ 'J? would be fuller. ^ Impf. of V^' . ^ Gr. p. 49, 7. ^ Gr. p. 109, ad. fin. ^ Qame9 for seghol in pause. '^ § 22, h. ° A question; "Wilt thou still resist my people so as not to dismiss them?" 77D raise a mound against (in sieges); ptcp. hithpo'el. ^ As to ptcps. see § 22, e. ^ "At this time;" art. demonstr., Gr. p. 43. '' ^dslier . . . kamdhu^ " like which " (that . . . like it), Gr. p. 127, 5, seq. * Notice the compound prep. = (going back) to (and starting) from the day of its founding: *^'D\ inf. nif. with suff. 3 f. ^ Miprayim used as name of the country; therefore the infin. has a fern, suffix, the construction being according to the sense. READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 99 § 25. Par 6 changes his mind and pursues Yisrael. Dyn n"i:3 ^5 u'^y^Ji t>u7 "n]i*i AT T v.- T J- • - : • (v Jv : -■..- ^ T V T T -:i- ''< : - - : I " t i-- T 1 ' : I- ^nray^ ^^"i^^^tijj 'mS^'''^ D*n-':'j? 'D^ih Dnix 1:1^2^*1 T- - J- T <• -- IT : V V T : • !•• ; \j -. : •- : : i-- AT : • - J T S.T : |- : • -: • : -t J; | ,•• <•:■-: iDxS bnpn y!?^^^ ^^151 ^'^^? "^^10 ni-NSLi n3^»5 ^^Jn^^ Dnp-n« nny b'p nib \3 100 HEBREW PRIMER. "Miisj'inn Dmi d:dS Dn^^ nin^ * ^T^y, inf. constr. with suffix and prefix. ' Ptcp. n"S. '^ Collectives; ?} miros- ' § 20, /. / *"3. ^ Mihheli = from lack; 'e^?i strengthens the idea of want: lit., "from the lack of (z.e., consisting in) the want of graves." Translate: "Was it for want of graves ..." ^ Cohortative = purpose. * "Rather than our dying;" Hltt, inf. constr. ^ Pausal form of ^5•• -: 1- V T T- A-." : • v-:i-:i- T : :- |j- ■•< - t- •• T : • J" : • T T • - : • v i- : Dnv»!i DnS DnSi hin^ ^3 • IT ; • ; vv T ^T ; • t ; j* AT- - v) :iT V /• : V V t : v <- 102 HEBREW PRIMER. T J" : I V .; : • t - t t - IT - I ^ i: • V- : • V i)T -: «••-:- ^ J. ^6r^(? eorum, " behind them." " "But it lit up the night;" ni«, hif. impf. '^ ze , . . ze, hie . . . ille, " the one . . . the other." ' n^y, Gr. p. 109, ad Jin. f ^Sn, hif. 3 U^'P; "and set (^.e., made) the sea into dry land." ''* A dextra eorum. Min + ifminam = miyifminam = miminam (one y disappearing because of shVa). ^ D^n. ^ niD, hif. impf. "' "And he drove it;" subject and suffix are both collective. " "I would fain flee!" Gr. p. 143, 2. ° niS; "at the turning of dawn," = at daybreak. ^ Ptcp., " Avere fleeing towards it," i.e.^ the returning flood. § 27. The Dying Prophet adjures Yisrael to Refuse the Evil^ and Choose the Good. Di*n 'r\*^h ^::J^{ is^i^ nwn T\r^'t:ir\ ^5 A - >.):-: <■ IT iv -: - jt : • - •< READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 103 A- • \.- T - J T IV -: I- : ^T J" • : - : T TJVJT-: T- V^" V T T -;i- a- A : >.T T - ) jv •• At 1. A - V : V - 1- V - ) V T : • <- T •• : ^ IT T V : v*-T - V : nvn ^!|V)b 'pbif; n|^^? vfinna ^n^S'p YD^^f ^r^^ ""^^^O?^^ vbfi^ibi vnpni rmf2 ibiih) A T^T ; • ".T ) ■•. : yT : • ■> : ■ : mhi< nin^ ^iini n^nii ^'^n^^ni P V v: jt : I : " 1" t • t : t j- t : ^{nncj'iS ^n»2J^-Kn nnx-itj^i^ nx!i it : • : t vt t jt - V "; I v t t I A" 1 >. T ^. - ... T • :•«- . T T -: JT - • T ]%:. • -: I- I 't^ir^^iS ntojy ^^nS n"i^n-n« nny nn^s n^j< IT : • : T vT y T I •• ;- - v •• ' ^t - ... -: 104 HEBREW PEIMER. AT T I : - : 1.T T : - I v t : • j- t v t " : <;■ - r ♦ "^Ol ^^P^* i;.np iv?^ ^'•''^3 ^^1™ " Pi. ptcp., HK * Nif. ptcp. f., contraction of nX7^1 ^ " It is hard above thee," = too hard for thee ; Gr p. 137, 1. "^ " So as to say," = that thou shouldst say. ^ meeber lay yam, lit., eV rep wepau rrj Odkaaafi = beyond the sea. / " For the doing it," = that thou may est do it. ^ Infs. constr. nrii<, "|Sn. ^ " That thou mayst hve." ^' Ptcp., " art going." '' § 11, n. " Emphatic repetition of stem, a device akin to re- duphcation. " Ye shall surely perish." Notice the pausal tobedun = ^l^xn. ^ Hif. DV- ^ Waw conv., " So choose thou life!" § 28. Battle of Bethhoron. " The sun, the moon stood still in their sphere ; In the blaze of thiiie arrows they vanished." V -: 1- 1- V -v.. : V I ; • •• : - a : : • - READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 105 IT T V : I V v: IT J" : - r •• •• i : \: • ••; A- - : ) :iT : y v •• jt • J IV T : vv •• j)- . i -: I- 1 D^■•.• " : READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 109 D^x:Si^ nnn nib ^^2:^3 n^y A- T »'i V. v|v "J- • <: I 1- - :■/■.■ : .T V iv -: 1- - • : - ^ -: nan Dinn ^2: /.T - J : V It T -: 1- ] JT V.T ?D52:ni» j^n ^::il^^ ^:Di« Av : V r : <■ •)• it »• it 'T\)b' mi^J2 '^xi^ni '■nx-^Jb A- : - : K" ^" -: i- :p75Dn npn ri*i *= : * yil, hif. masc. pL, because hol-hdare^ implies "all men." * V^\ ' Hif. Tn\. § 32. -4 Prayer for the Light of Gocfs Countenance. :w ntoT^3 hJ^Jii3 ''n5^i;!:S 5i::Diin Mi3n^ D^^lS^< A" -: JT • r- -r : • •;: T IV JT • \,T T r*V -; T : 1- • J. T ; V • *nw^n r\T\h " h of authorship. * V"V- READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 117 " D^p, ptcp. Rabbim is predicate ; " many are they who rise upon (i.e., against) me." "^ Really an old accus. form of HyitJ'J, but used as nominative. " Notice the euphonic dagh., Gr. p. 23, 3. / 1^3, prep. ^ Hif. ptcp. Dn /i « j\/[y voice . . . unto Yah we I cry ;" a change of construction {anacolutlion) : or qoli may be accus. mod. Gr. p. 132, c. ^ "And he answered me." These two clauses, and the next verse, refer, I think, to some past peril. The impf. 'eqrd is explained by Gr. p. 141, 1. ^ Gr. p. 129 (ii.) "" " And I slept soundly ;" cohortative form, marking intensity, earnestness, etc., of an act. '^ f^p, hif. " See Gr. p. 141, 1. ^ n*^, sc. nJHJP; "set, or marshal the array." r j//ftj_ "Xhou smotest all my foes on the cheek;" Gr. p. 134. * " Yah we hath the victory ! On thy people be thy blessing ! " § 35. The Good Sheplierd. -rrh '■mh 118 HEBREW PRIMER. '^t^jpm^^ nan f|wvra ^tj^^ ITT : y AT - J" : T • : :-v •.• jv t ^ | «- 1- T I V J : T : I" : /• : - : " Ptcp. nn, Avith suff. 1 pers. * Only in pi. constr. (H^i would be the abs. sing.) " Gr. p. 129 (ii.). ^ Pi. of Sh^; DHl ' Pilel of niB^. / § 32, g. ^ "Forthesakeof ..." * "Even if I walk ..." ^ Gr. p. ]25 {a). ^ " My cup is overflow, or fulness." " n^K^, inf. of IK';; "and my dwelling (is) . . ." The original vowel {a) is thus somewhat unusually pre- served, hireq being the common sound. Perhaps yod has fallen out, and '*i^5^)"! should be read. READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 119 § 36. A Triumphal Ode, on the Entry of the Ark into Yerushalayim. AT : I VJT T T -\. IT " : J : •* '* HID* D^»^-Sy x^n-^3 AT T : J- - - S. !• njn; nxD npn^ nst* AT : 1 J vv AT < J" : • : IT . :». 120 HEBREW PRIMER. A • : J • T :». IT T ; • J • T : nym^i i Dny^ ^x^ V •• IT • T : ^ : dS^v ^nns )m) AT ' J" : • : V "^ Gr. p. 135 (i.). * " Did He make her fast!" Gr. p. 141, 1. ^ "Who may ascend?" ^ Gr. p. 135, ad med. ^ "Who hath not lifted up his soul (his desire) to knavery;" to lift the soul to . . . = to long or hanker after . . . (nafsho, not nafshi, is right). / " A reward, cr recompense." ^ Defective for V^*}"! his seekers. " Of such a kind (lit., this is the kind) are those who seek him." ^ Prob. ^"^■S^f is omitted ; " God of Ya aqob." ' ze strengthens mi? = tls ttotc ; " who is . . . ?" "" Gr. p. 124, ad init. § 37. The Might of Yahwe shown in the Storm. READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 121 nhi^ ^^:s mh M^n ft- •• J" : T -V i T A : i : T -\ J T • J- - - T : I, A- : • V T - - A - >T : 1 1 IT T IV T : )> Dn^^< ^ ^:i^ nin* Sip A- T-; J" T :v I a :[m^n nix-nNt rip' '^0') nsn^: S^n^ nin^ Sip AT : • J- T T x ' ')j i"(T J- : • T : J- r nny^ 'tlb'.n*! niSjNi /hhp) i nin; Sip : ni!i3 i^.>< iSi ^ iS:D^nn!) I T J- •.. At 1" : ^ty' ^ h)2f^h h nin* AT T a T :v jDSiyS *^S5 hin; n^j^n IT a - V )vT : ' T : 122 HEBREW PRIMER. * Prob. = b'ney liaelohim^ § 9, a. See Gr. p. 131, 5. " " In holy array," i.e.^ festal robes (hddara = adorn- ment). '^ " The voice of Yahwe (is) in power," = is powerful, mighty. Notice this form of the predicate. So behadar. ' Gr. p. 146, 3, 150 {h). A habitual fact is marked in each case. / Pilel of 7^ri. " The voice of Yahwe maketh hinds to travail." ^ " And in his palace they all shout. Glory ! " Or more simply; "They all say {i.e.^ ascribe) glory." Cf. V. 1. ^ See Gr. p. 146, 2, for this verse. * 7 = at, point of time ; more commonly 5. § 38. God the Guardian of the Holy City. <^T jv -: r TV. i- v: :nx9 ^)ii2^ mnv^ n^iiy \ u^ip\ ' iSa Dnn DIM READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 123 A- v: *: <.:-,: t t : t t ni^S;^;^ ^tog n^i^ ^ari jpx n^gn )^)p^ p jnSp :i|by^. 'rh^ ^:^ ^5^a pNn n^rjr-Ty nianSx: n^^^^? npri f]^pi 15^;, nK'i';). n!. - j- I A -: 1- J- T - - s tnb'^ nnyg^ '*i^Djyi ym' ih v-tnya p I A- -:i- ■» T T -: r |j-- IT T; iT /■ T T T : - : AT : jr T iv jv -: READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 127 Mn3; nnyS ^\)2^ " Gr. p. 141, 1. * 13^p of it. ' "In thoughts." ^yD = divide; Cjyp a doubter, sceptic. [V-jn dream. d " Met, befel me." ^ Inceptives; Gr. p. 141, 1. / p3; "I could not discern its form." ^ Interrog. particle, Gr. p. 112, note. "Can mortal man be more just than 'Eloah?" ^ tohola^ folly? sin : only here. " And on his angels he fasteneth folly." '^ 'a/ =: ^af ki = much more. ^ "Whose foundation is in the dust." "" " They crush them " (impers. = they are crushed. " Hof impf nns. " "Without heed, no man heeding;" with mesim supply Ub ; = one who sets his heart or thought to a thing. § 41. The Unseen World^ Earth, Sea, and Sky, controlled of God. 128 HEBREW PRBIER. AT : T J : T : - n T : |T y T- T • I : '^\'h^ mun ^^-nj< AT : y T : IT A : ••• J : J T AT T : • y- "1 D^t5-^:irSy ^n pn •AT •■.: - ^^ ) ' AT : •J- T J" I T-;i- • : : • : D*n m inb!i AT - ^J- T A J inn f ng ihj^nnS AT : • -J- T :^ - I- T JT T T ^T : 1 )bri Tiiip 1 ^l^^5■l^^ T T : I .- • <■• I • READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 129 " lo-kdah = powerlessness ; and so lo-oz. "How hast thou helped the powtrless, succoured the arm of the defenceless!" * lo-hohnia = unwisdom. "How hast thou warned unwisdom ! " ' larob, plenteously. '^ Gr. p. 55, note; pi. of nfb. ' "AYhose breath?" / Pulal 7^n writhe, shudder. " The dead shudder, Below the waters and the dwellers therein." i.e.^ they tremble before God. ^ " He spreadeth the north (sky) above the void (of space)." * " He bindeth, prisoneth." * Pf. of habit: "the clouds burst not beneath them." ^ ilin. " A boundary hath he drawn upon the waters, (reaching) to the limit (extremity) of light and darkness." '" t)^"! are stricken, tremble. " "By his breath {or breeze) the skies are beauty." '' Ptcp. hhn. ^ "The flying serpent;" perhaps an ancient name personifying storm. So Rahab may be the sea as a proud and violent power. Ends = mere glimpses of his ways. 10 130 HEBREW PRIMER. * " What a mere whisper is heard of him ! And the tlmnder of his glorious deeds who can perceive?" § 42. The Praise of Wisdom. A" T • I • J- •• T : T - :«. IT • U : V i" : AT :? jv: <'i-T , A- • J - TV 1 :. T A--- : - J : M- ••. I n^|)i« nn?? ^^?r) ^^^ I- - : I^TT - V : A" T • J • T ;>. J T A - : • T V : - -V. I READINGS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. 131 AT 1 • a- •• I : T - :v AT T 1- •■ !•• T ; 7 IV A !ii2?« nipx pi^^ : ny^sj^ Jiiyp^ 'i^'^Ii^^ AT : - I J- •• • v^ : nxT D^g^'n-'?! nnri Iat : • - J T a -: 1- IT • : |y • ph iiDteS inb'ya I A ■" T - J -; r : niSip ^ vjrh 'rpi) AT : - : - T TV JT nXD:Dn N^n ^J^^5 nxn^ |n AT : T J- T -:v J- : • I <•• " 'ey ze^ where? * jHl ' Perhaps "l^^D IlHT shut {i.e.^ treasured, precious) gold. ^ " As its purchase." 10^ 132 HEBREW PRIMER. ^ Something " pure," i.e.^ glass, or crystal. " Gold equals it not, nor crystal ; nor is a golden vessel its exchange." / Ramoth^ coral ( ?) ; perhaps from Dl*!, to he high, and therefore tree-like. According to Lam. iv. 7, W^T^^ are red; and the word may mean red coral; cf. Arab. fanan, branch ; fannd, tree. ^ Gabish, crystal (gabash = congeal). ^' Piida, perhaps topaz. ^ \'^. ^ " Arrow," and so lightning (Arab, hazza^ to pierce). " " Marked it out." • " Gr. p. 152, a. PART III. A COLLECTION OF PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. WITH NOTES. PART III. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. I.' The Chaldean Cosmogony. When ^ the upper region was not yet called Heaven, And the lower region was not yet named Earth, And the abyss ^ had not yet opened its arms ; Then ^ the Deep of Ocean gave birth to all of them. And their waters were gathered ^ into one place. ^ Use D'l^?, with impf., Gr. p. 119, 2. Say, it was called to the upper place . . . , Gr. p. 153. Cf. Ex. XX. 4. ^ ^^^{K' the Underworld; or (Psa. Ixxxviii. 7), *^i3 ni*nnri. ^ Impf. with strong waw; the waw is resumptive. ' See Part II., § 3, a. 136 HEBREW PRIMER. Men had not banded ^ together ; no ^ animals wandered about : '^ When none of the gods had risen into being ; Their name was not spoken ; their honours ^ (were not known) ; Then ^ were born the eldest of the gods, Lahmu ^ and Lahamu arose into being^ and grew up ; Assur ^ and Kissur were born next/° Their days were prolonged. ^^ ^ Mankind had not joined ("l^C') ^ ^^^ to his brother. ^ px ; put the verb in ptcp. "^ Say, in the field. ^ Their glory., or their greatness. ^° Begin with '^^^<"l and afterwards. " T'^^0? hif- intrans. II. The Chaldean Cosmogony (continued). He made the year ; into quarters ^ he divided it. Twelve months, their constellations ^ three by three,^ he fixed up. From the days of the year he established festivals. ^ ^5*^. y51 = divide in four ; rabb. 2 h'p^. ^ Gr. p. 68, note 2. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 137 . 4 He founded the dwellings of the planets For their rising ^ and setting,^ That nothing might go wrong,^ nor stop, The dwelling^ of BeP and Hea he appointed^ with them. And he opened great gates on all sides ; ^° The barriers " he strengthened on left and right. And in the centre thereof he placed luminaries ; ^^ The moon he raised on high, to go round the night. And made ^^ her traverse the night until the rising of day. Every month without fail ^^ to feasts she assembled the people ; And in the beginning of the month at the coming forth of night, Horns she shot forth to enlighten the heavens On the seventh day, a feast ^^ he appointed ; To cease ^® from all work he ordained. * r\^7 ^^^'l^ travelling stars ; rabb. The fixed stars are TO^ "3. Coming forth (HX^), and going (^5^). j^bn, impf. mrv, ' \T\) or \'y)) with, m. 10 i''5p^ from around ; or as Assyr. (ina ^ili kilallan) ^^ Psa. cxlvii. 13. ^^ See Part IT., § 4. ^^ n^&*l and made her go round. ^* She ceased not to call holy assemblies ; ^^p **^?'lp^ i^'^p. 138 HEBREW PRIMER. III. The Chaldean Deluge. That flood happened ^ whereof Samas had spoken to me, saying : " In the night I will rain ^ from heaven ^ heavily." In the day I kept his feast,* the day of watching,^ terror seized ^ me. I entered ^ into the midst of the ship,' and shut my door. * * * A storm arose ^ at break of day,^ From the boundary of heaven dark rain-clouds^ gathered. Vul in the midst thereof thundered, And Nebo and Saru marched before ; ^^ The throne-bearers marched over mountains and plains :" The destroyer Nergal overturned, Ninip marched before, and cast down ; The spirits bore destruction; In their glory they swept ^^ the earth : ' Begin with '7}% ' Hif. of 11:^. 3 hn^ nm\ or IX? HiS?!!. * Gr. p. 136, 2. ... DV5 'H^. ^H :i^n to keep a feast. ' mpm DV. ^ Waw conv. with impf. ' Use n^n ark. ^ Say, at the going up of the dawn. Gen. xix. 15. ^ z^'^V.] j^V clouds and darkness. i« D^^ISS. " n^i-pS valley 12 Xto^{tD. Isa. xiv. 23. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 139 Vul's deluge reached ^^ to heaven. Six days and nights went by ; Wind, wave, and storm, overwhelmed.^^ On the seventh day, in its course,^^ The rain from heaven and all the flood, Which had destroyed like an earthquake, began to luU.^^ The sea he dried up,^^ And the wind and the flood began to cease. I perceived the deep uttering a roar ; ^® And all mankind turned to clay.^^ Like reeds ^° the bodies floated.^^ I opened the window,^^ and the light broke ^^ over my face; I sat down and wept ; over my face ran my tears.^^ '' m or p^^ '' innn. ^' 'h)p |ni ^^ Returned to dust. The reed (H^D). Were carried upon the face of the waters. Say, mine eye ran down ("Tl)) with tears ip^'^'0% coll.) ; Gr. p. 133, ad fin. IV. The Chaldean Deluge (continued). I perceived the shore at the boundary of the sea:^ ^ D*ri S]in ; say, shore of the sea, its boundary. 1-2 140 HEBREW PRIMER. For twelve measures ^ rose the land. To the country of Nizir went the ship ; The mountain of Nizir stopped ^ the ship, And pass over it she could not. * * m On the seventh day, in the course thereof, I sent forth a dove,^ and it departed. Went the dove, and turned ; It found no resting-place,^ and it came back. I sent forth a swallow,^ and it departed. Went the swallow, and turned ; It found no resting-place, and it came back. I sent forth a raven,'' and it departed. Went the raven, and the corpses on the water it saw ; It ate, it swam,^ it wandered away, it came not back. I sent forth the creatures ^ to the four winds ; I poured a drink-offering;^'' I built an altar on the peak " of the mountain : Seven by seven I took bowls ^^ of wine ; Under them I put reeds, pine-logs,^^ and spices,^^ ^ "l!3V, jugerum, str. a yoke. ' Hif. -l^V- ^ nii*n-nx nW, Gen. viii. 8. T - V - • 7 ' m^. ' nn-i, f. - T - ' ' ^y. ' r\m; the impf. is rabb. ' n;n, coii. '' "^p;? y^ri cp:). 13 ^'•^^ ^vy. ^^ nxb^ PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 141 The gods assembled at its burning ; The ofods like flies ^^ orathered over the sacrifice.^^ '' niiT, coll. '' r\np, V. Tslitar goes down to the Underworld. To the land of Hades, the regions of corruption/ Ishtar,^ daughter of the Moon-god, turned her mind.^ To the house where all meet;^ the dwelling of the god Irkalla : The house whose entrance^ is without exit;^ The road whose way is without ^ return ; The house at whose entrance they bridle in the light ; ^ Where dust is their food ; their sustenance ^ clay ; ^ To She 61^ land of destruction (t^5^f) ; or use v^O regions. ^ Set her face., or her heart. * v-^:h im n^5. Job xxx. 23. ^ 5<^i23. Translate : from its entrance thou shalt not go forth. ^ Gr. p. 142, note ad init. ^ "IIX "]m_ the light is held back. ^ Bread ; or jIT^ victuals. 142 HEBREW PRIMER. Light they see not ; in darkness they dwell ; Ghosts,^^ like birds, flutter their wings ^^ there ; Upon the door and its bars lief^ abundance of dust. When Tshtar arrived at the gate of Hades, To the porter ^^ of the gate a word she spoke : To the porter of the waters quoth she, Open thy gate ! Open thy gate, and let me enter ! ^^ If thou open not thy gate, that ^* I enter not, I will force ^^ the door ; I will break down the gate ; I will force the entrance ; I will cleave the portals in twain ! I will raise ^^ the dead, the devourers of the living ; The living are outnumbered by the dead ! ^' 1" n'^^\ " eiJ3 nil '^ n^nyn or ^^n^, with suffix. • v: V • •• 7 ^^ Gr. p. 144, 3, ad init. '' p3; use ptcp., Gr. p. 150 (c). '' n^V, hif. ^^ Many the dead above^ etc.; Gr. p. 137. VI. The Descent of Tshtar (continued). Through the first gate he let her pass, and stopped lier; There was taken off ^ the great crown from^ her head. ' -im (^iD). 2 ^^.^^^^ ^^,^^^ PIECES FOK COMPOSITION. 143 "Porter, take not off^ from me the great crown from my head!" " Enter, Lady ! for the Queen of the land demands her * treasures ! " Through the second gate he let her pass, and stopped her ; There were taken off the earrings ^ of her ears. " Porter, take not off from me the earrings of my ears!" " Enter, Lady ! for the Queen of the land demands her treasures ! " Through the third gate he let her pass, and stopped her ; There were taken off the precious stones from her head. " Porter, take not off from me the precious stones from my head!" " Enter, Lady ! for the Queen of the land demands her treasures ! " ^ Through the fourth gate he let her pass, and stopped her ; There were taken off the small lovely gems ^ from her forehead.^ "Porter, take not off from me the small lovely gems from my forehead!" " Enter, Lady ! for the Queen of the land demands her treasures ! " Through the fifth gate he let her pass, and stopped her ; There was taken off the central girdle of her waist.^ ^ Hif. impf. "TlD. * Hp^p peculiar property. ' ni3^t?;i. « n^;^nn '% or D'i'35. • mf2, with suffix nnp. ^ The girdle of her loins from her middle. H^^J^^ "^ITJSI. 144 HEBREW PRIMER. " Porter, take not off from me the central girdle of my waist ! " " Enter, Lady ! for the Queen of the land demands her treasures!" Through the sixth gate he let her pass, and stopped her ; There were taken off the golden rings ^ of her hands and feet. " Porter, take not off from me the golden rings of my hands and feet!" " Enter, Lady ! for the Queen of the land demands her treasures!" Through the seventh gate he let her pass, and stopped her. There was taken off the last garment ^^ from her body.^" "Porter, take not off from me the last garment from my body ! " " Enter, Lady ! for the Queen of the land demands her treasures ! " T T ■• • ; T T VIL The Revolt in Heaven. The god of life divine ^ thrice ^ uttered ^ the beginning of a psalm. ^ ^ Assyrian elliti = hig\ noble. "nHX. ' Gr. p. 68, note 2. ^ T'^ri to pour forth {V^:i). PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 145 The god of holy songs,^ lord of obedience ^ and worship,^ Seated a thousand singers ^ and flute-players,^ And ordained a choir ^° to answer to his anthem in multitudes." With loud mockery ^^ they broke up ^^ his holy chant ;^* They spoil/^ confuse, confound, his strain of praise. ^^ The god of the precious diadem,^' willing to summon ^^ his followers,^^ Sounded ^" a loud blast that might wake the dead,^^ Which to the rebeP^ gods forbad return ;^^ Their service he stopped; he banished^* them to the gods his foes. ^ rrihi? service. ^ yt^^ ptcp. ; 7?ri, ptcp. ^° D^^I^IO /in band of singers. •:-')-t7 -t t-: 1^ Say, desired to call, . . . ? f 50- 1^ Dnnrj companions, ''^ ^^^ ^pn. 23 ^7ic? ordered the rebel, etc. ; *ri?57 "^ot to return (inf. constr.). 2^ B'lJl (pi. jyi:!). 11 146 HEBREW PRIMER. In their stead he made mankind : The first who received life ^^ dwelt with him. ^® WJiom he made alive, pi. rT^n. VIIT. A Prayer. Lord of all worlds, not on account of^ our own righteous deeds ^ do we lay^ our supplications before thee, but on account of thy manifold tender-mercies. What* are we? What is our life? What our goodness? What are our righteous deeds? What is our help? What our strength? What our courage? What can we say in thy presence, Lord our God, and our fathers' God? Are not all the mighty as nought before thee, and famous ^ men as though ^ they had not been, and the wise as without^ knowledge, and the shrewd^ as without understanding? For most of their doings are empty,^ and the days of their life are vanity before ' h^.. ^ PL of n|TO. ' Hif. of Ssi ~ T * Gr. p. 44, notes 1, 2. ' Gr. p. 129 (ii.). ' h^^. ' Nif. ptcp. of \% « See Part XL, § 1, line 2. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 147 thee; and man's excellence over ^"cattle is nought ;^^ for all things are vanity." '° p. " Pausal forms. IX. A Tlianhsgiving. Were our mouth ^ full ^ of song as the sea, And our tongue with shouting as the roar of its billows; And our lips with praise,^ as the spaces * of the firma- ment; And our eyes flashing, like the sun and the moon; And our hands outspread like the eagles of heaven ; And our feet swift as the hinds ; We could not thank ^ thee enough, Lord our God, and our fathers' God ! nor bless thy name, for ^ one in a thousand of the thousand of thousands of thousands and the myriads of myriads, in number, of the benefits ' which thou hast bestowed^ upon our fathers and upon us. Out of Egypt thou ransomedst us, Lord our God, ' Gr. p. 66, ad init. ^ Gr. p. 133 (/>). ' nn^, rabb. ^ nni22. " V 7 T : V ^ We suffice not for thanking ; [''5^, with ptcp. hif. pSD. ^ Say, hast done with (Dy). 11* 148 HEBREW PRIMER. and from the house of bondage ^ thou didst redeem us ; in famine thou feddest us, and in plenty thou main- tainedst ^° us ; from the sword thou didst rescue us, and from plague thou didst deliver us; and from sore and stubborn " sicknesses thou didst set ^^ us free. Hitherto thy tender-mercies ^^ have holpen us, and thy kindnesses have not forsaken us ; and thou wilt never cast us off, Lord our God. ^ House of slaves. ^° ^^r'^. " ]9«5 firm. ^2 p,lp^^^ p|_ ^^ D''^n'1 ^ TO, airXayxva^t viscera, as the seat of pity. X. A Hymn. Extolled ^ be the living ^ God, and all-praised ^ be He ! He is,* and His being ^ is unbounded by time ! He is one, and there is no oneness like His;^ Incomprehensible,'^ and His unity ^ is endless ! ' h'll ' Gr. p. 130, 1. ^ Hithpa. T\1^; rabb. * Say, is found. ^ niX^V^ ; rabb. Say, and there is no time to his being. ^ One (l^n^) li^s his oneness (^TlH^ ; rabb. '' Hidden = nif. ptcp. ^7]^. 8 nnn^t; rabb. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 149 He hath neither materiaP likeness nor substance ;^° He was before ^^ every created thing ; Tlie first, without beginning to His beginning ! Lo, He is Lord of the world ; To all creation ^^ He sheweth" His greatness and His sovereignty. The inspiration^* of His prophecy He gave to His peculiar ^^ and glorious ones. There hath never yet risen -in Israel one like Moses, A prophet, and beholder of His form ! ^^ A true law God gave His people. By ^'' His prophet, the faithful one of His house : God will never alter nor change His edict ^^ for another ! ^^ He watches and knows our secret ^° thoughts ; He beholds the end of a matter at its outset. ^^ He requites (to) a man with kindness according to his doing ; He gives the wicked woe according to his wickedness. He will send our Christ at the end of days, ^ Likeness of body (5|111, rabb.). ^" And he is not body. " pitSlj?. ^^ Every moulded thing. ^^ Hif. impf. n*1\ ^* yS?^; rabb. use. ^^ The men of his property and splendour (rip^D and '" r\y\t2T}. 1' Upon the hand of... ^® n*!, late word in Old Testament. ^^ For besides it iTh\\ with suffix). 2« nriD. 2^ nx3Tp. 150 HEBREW PRIMER. To redeem those who hope for His final deliverance. The dead will God revive in His great mercy : Blessed unto everlasting ^^ be His lauded ^^ name ! ^^ The end of his deliverance. 23 -ly-nS;. 24 Q£ 22. XL TJie Song of Zacharias. Blessed be the Lord/ God of Israel, For He hath visited and wrought ransom^ for His people ; And raised a horn of salvation for us, In the house of David His servant, (As He spake by the mouth of His holy prophets, Which have been since ^ the world began ;) Salvation from our enemies. And from the hand of all who hate us : To shew kindness ^ to our fathers, And to remember His holy covenant : The oath which He sware to our father Abraham, 1 Kuptoy = r\)r}\ ^ Made a ransom = MIlS HK^y. ' Who from everlasting they. * Inf. constr. with 7 ; to shew kindness to = HK^y DS? -TDH. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 151 That He would give ^ us, That we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, Might serve Him without fear. In holiness and righteousness before Him All the days of our life. And thou, child, — prophet of the Highest shalt thou be called, For thou shalt go before the Lord to prepare His ways. To give knowledge of salvation to His people Through forgiveness of their sins. By the tender mercy of our God. AVhereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us; To give light to them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death, And to guide our feet into the way of peace. ^ Inf constr. with 7. XII. The Temptation. Now Jesus, full of the Holy Ghost, turned back from the Jordan. And he was led in the spirit into the wilderness ^ for forty days, being tempted by the devil.* ^ Accusative; see Gr. pp. 132 (6), 138, 4, 5. * IJI^^T] the fiend ov foe. 152 HEBREW PRIMER. And he ate nothing ^ in those days ; and when they were completed,^ afterwards he became hungry. And the devil * said to him, If thou art Son of God, command this stone ^ to become ^ bread. And Jesus answered him, saying. It is written, that man shall not live on bread alone,'' but on every utterance ^ of Yah we. And the devil led him up into a high mountain, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world in a point ^ of time. And the devil said to him. To thee will I give all this lordship,^" and their glory ; Because to me it hath been delivered. And to whomsoever ^^ I will I give it. Thou, then, if thou fall down before me, — All'' shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said to him, Get thee '^ behind me, Satan, for it is written, ^ Did not eat anything^ H^'li^^. ^ 3, with inf. constr. of H^^, and suiF. ; Gr. p. 152 {d). ^ Say to this stone. " Weak waw with jussive ; Gr. p. 144, 3, and note 2. ^ ill? = in its separation. 8 >'r\> ^3 ^^^12, 9 ft|V^, rabbinic use. '" \^\:h^ (cf. sultdn). ^1 ^^^. '^ Say, all of them. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 153 Yahwe thy God shalt thou fear, And him shalt thou serve alone. And he brought him^* to Jerusalem, and made him stand upon the tower ^^ of the temple, And said unto him, If thou art the Son of God, throw thyself ^^ hence downwards. For it is written. His angels he will charge for thee, to keep thee ; And upon hands they will bear thee, Lest thou dash on a stone thy foot. And Jesus answered and said to him. It has been said. Thou shalt not tempt Yahwe thy God. And when he had finished every temptation. The devil departed from him ^^ until a fitting time. ^* Made him go^ hif. ^^ nil3 a mural tower, stans in praecipiti. ^^ vSi, hithpa. ^'^ Say, ceased from him. XIII. From the Qurdn (1). Lo, they who believe, and work righteousness, For them there are gardens of delight;^ Always shall they abide in them : 154 HEBREW PRIMER. God's promise ^ is sure, For he is the almighty,^ all-wise. He framed the heavens without pillars that ye see,* And he cast upon the earth mountain heights, Lest ^ she should rock with you. And he spread upon her some of all creatures. Also we sent down from heaven water, And caused to spring up ^ thereon of every noble kind.^ This was God's creation; And show ye me what those beneath him® have created ; Truly the godless are in plain error ! ^ T T - - .. * And their pillars are not seen. ' tOi^; Psa. xciii. 1. ' r\f2)i, hif. '' Every good plant after its kind ; Part II., § 3, n. « Less than He. ' nx^: D^S^HD. XIV. From the Quran (2). See ye not that God turneth darkness into light, And turneth light into darkness? And made the sun and the moon do service? Each ^ runneth to an appointed goal.^ ' Cf. Psa. xix. 6, 7. ^ p) h^'2^. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 155 And lo ! God knoweth whate'er ye do. This, because God is the truth, And because that which ye invoke beneath him is nought. And because God is most high, all-powerful ! See ye not that the ships run ^ along the sea by God's favour, To show you of his signs? And when the wave like shrouds * hath covered them. They calP on God, showing him pure devotion;^ But when he hath brought them safe to shore,^ Some of them halt between two opinions.® Yet no man denieth ^ our signs. Save every treacherous ingrate.^** Mankind, fear your Lord, And dread the day when father shall not atone for son, nor son for father, at all ! Lo, God's promise is true. ^ Psa. civ. 26 ; "J/H, pi. impf. ' Psa. civ. 6; m^i^. 'Cf. Psa. cvii. 28; "Sj^ p^V- ^ Worshipping purely. ^ Psa. cvii. 30; led them to the haven (Tint)) of their desire. 8 D^3V4)ri 'Pip-h)3 nD3, 1 Ki. xvii. 21. ^ y]^*!. = charge with falsity. 156 HEBREW PRIMER. Therefore, let not the world ^^ beguile you/^ And let not the Guileful beguile you as to God ! Lo, with God is the knowledge of that hour," And he sendeth down the rain, And he knows what lieth in the womb. And no soul foreseeth what it will gain to-morrow. And no soul foreseeth in what land it will die : Lo, God knoweth, is aware ! ^* " ^70^ Q^r^^ 'men of the world ; Psa. xvii. 14. 12 DjS ^'^':S^ [^m\ Isa. xxxvi. 14. " That day^ i.e., the judgment. XV. From the Qurdn (3). — Muhammad^ s Paradise. Verily we have prepared for the unbelievers chains,^ and yokes,^ and blazing fire ! But the righteous shall drink of a cup whereof^ the mixture shall be camphor, The fount whereof the servants of God shall drink,* They shall make it flow ^ in sluices ^ everywhere. 1 3 n? n|)3 ^p9. * Nip. ' rhviK ^ nT, hif PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 157 For they fulfil the vow, And they fear the day whose evil shall be swift :^ And they feed ^ the needy, and the fatherless, and the bondman, with food. For the love of Him. " We feed you only for God's sake, "We want not from you^ return or thanks.^" Verily " we fear from our Lord a Day of Gloom, of 12 calamity!" Therefore God will keep them from the evil of that day, And will cast ^^ upon them bright looks and gladness. And He will requite ^^ them in that they were patient, with gardens and silken attire ;i^ There shall they lie upon couches ; They shall not see therein sun ^^ or moon.^^ And low down anigh them shall fall the shades thereof, ^^ And the grapes thereof shall hang low.^^ ' Its calamity tarries not (*lHNt T*}??). ^ Gen. xlvii. 12, 7573 (pilpel of 7l3) with dupl. accus. ^ Seek not from your hand. ^'^ Blessing. 1 D7^^{1 hut (on the contrary). 2 nri^'*^ terror. ^^ Make his face shine. ' ^^. '' Eze. xvi. 13, *^9 n^5. ^ The shadows shall incline around them. ; they shall descend in the shady place (r\v'$p). 1^ Shall bow as a rush (p^^N). 158 HEBREW PRIMER. And men will go round to ^° them with vases ^^ of silver, and flasks. The flasks shall be of silver ; They shall themselves fix the measure.^^ And there shall go round to them immortal youth s;^^ When thou lookest on them thou wilt think them scattered pearls. And when thou lookest, thou shalt look on loveliness, and a realm of glory. Upon them shall be robes of brocade,^* green ^^ and glistening, And they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver. And their Lord will make them drink a pure liquor.^^ Verily this shall be your recompense, And your effort shall be accepted ! ^'' 2" m wait on. "' t]D| n'l^^. ^ napn, Jud. V. 30. ^' y^V coloured robe. 2« p^p myp\', cf. Isa. XXV. 6. 2^ He will accept (n^"!) the works of your hands. XVI. The Merciful Eider. I know that Allah loves the poor, and that he gives riches to whomsoever he will try;^ but to the poor he ' ps, i=)1V- riECES FOR COMPOSITION. 159 sends all who speak his word, that they may rise in the midst of their misery.^ Does not he give rain, when the blade would otherwise wither,^ and a dewdrop^ in the cup of the thirsty flower?^ And is it not sublime to be sent^ to seek them that are weary, who have lingered ® behind after the work, and have fallen down exhausted ' on the road, because their knees were not strong enough to carry them to the place where they should receive their wages ? Should not I be glad to give a helping hand^ to him who tumbled into the ditch, and a staiF to him who climbs the mountains ? Should^ not my heart leap with joy, when it sees that I have been selected^ amongst many, to turn^° lamentation into prayer, weeping into thanks- ffivino^ ? 2 rriV (§arra), ')V. ^ Say, upon the grass when it begins to ivither; or, upon the drooping (y^'i^^) grass. Deut. xxxii. 2. ^ h± nV^V; Gr. p. 136, note (1). ^ Is it a s?naU thing that I should he sent ... ^5 tDy^H and impf. ; or, rTli^lsn-^^ HXT ^T\ and inf. ' T5SJ, pi. ' n«^;i, ^'vi. ^ Impfs. Shall not I reach {Vh^) the hand of my help. ^ God hath chosen me out of many. '' Cf. Isa. XXV. 2. 160 HEBREW PRIMER. XVII. The Unrighteous Judge. A time will come when the passenger will stand before a house and ask, " What is this, that the harp ^ is silent, and the song of the maidens is hushed?" And they will answer, " A man has died." And whosoever journeys ^ to the villages shall sit in the evening with the host,^ and round about him the sons and daughters of the house, and the children of those who live in the village, and he shall say : "A man has died who promised* to be just; and he sold justice to everyone who gave him money. He watered his field with the sweat of the labourer ^ whom he had called aAvay from his own labour.^ He did not pay the labourer his wages,^ but lived on the food of the poor. He became'' rich from the poverty of others.^ He had much gold and silver, and plenty of precious stones; but the labourer who lives in the neighbour- hood did not know how to appease the hunger of his ^ Isa. XXV. 8, the joy of the harp has ceased. ^ ^^n "liiri ; the stranger that sojourns in . . . * Said^ or sware ; inf. with ?. ^ iny ; nnhy. *• Tr\2m. ^ 'Ijyy, hif ^ His neighbour. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 161 child.'' He smiled like a happy ^^ man; but there was gnashing ^^ of teeth from the suppliant who sought justice. There was contentedness ^^ on his features; but there was no milk in the breasts of the mothers who would fain have given suck." Then the people of the villages will say: "Allah is great: we curse no one!" ^ Satisfy his child with bread. Gr. p. 133 (b). 12 His face shone. XVIII A Javanese Elegy. I know not where ^ I shall die. I saw the great sea on the south coast, When I was there with my father making salt ; If ^ I die at sea, and my body be thrown into the deep water, Then sharks^ will come, and swim round my corpse, and ask, " Which of us shall devour the body that goes down into the water?" I shall not hear it ! ^ Gr. p. 136 (ii.); omit relat. ' Gr. pp. 157, 158. ^ P^ri. 12 162 HEBREW PRIMER. I know not where I shall die. 1 saw the corpse of Palisoe who died of old age ; For his hairs ^ were white : If I die of old age, with white hairs, Hired women ^ will stand weeping near my corpse ; And will make lamentation^ like the mourners^ over Palisoe's corpse; And the grandchildren' will weep very loudly:^ I shall not hear it ! I know not where I shall die. I have seen at Badoer many that were dead. They were dressed in white shrouds, and were buried in the earth ; If I die at Badoer, and I am buried beyond ^ the village, Eastward against the hill,^" where the grass is high; Then will Adinda pass by there, And the border ^^ of her dress will sweep softly along the grass: I shall hear it ! * The hairs of his head; or, u'hite hairs were to him. ' Cf. Isa. vii. 20, HT^H 'm-, or nif. ptcp. of nsb'. ® 7!l^{, qal impf., and hithpa. ptcp. ; or 1^135?, with accus. pers. ' Sons of sons. ^ Cognate accus. ^ Without; Gr. p. 117, line 4. ^^ On the east before the hill. '' nVvO t|35, 1 Sam. xxiv. 5. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 163 XIX The Preaching of the Buddha. The angels ^ throng ^ to hear the discourse ^ until all the heavens are empty; and the sound* of their ap- proach is like the noise of a storm, till at the blast ^ of the archangel's trumpet they become as still ^ as a waveless '' sea. All nature ^ is moved ; the everlasting hills on which the world is built ^ leap for joy, and bow themselves before the Teacher; the powers ^^ of the air dispose all things as is most meet; gentle breezes sigh,^^ and delicious flowers ^^ fill the air with their scent. ^^ ' mh^ *;J5; or, D^^ilfp. "- TliilJ^n troop together (1^15 a troop). ' ni^N, or V3 "^m. * The voice of their goings (is) like a storm (that) roars. Gr. p. 128 (1). ^ When the prince (DON7!3n IB') of the angels blew the trumpet; Gr. p. 152 (d). ' ^'Q'^m, or ^D^*l. ' Gr. p. 130, line 5; D^S:i h ['N. ^ All things tremble (p\l2^ nif.). ^ Foundations of the earth, "KH HP^'^- ^" The mighty ones of the expanse order all their realm fittingly. Use Tp^Pl, with inf. of ^1^; Gr. p. 154, note. " im blow; tOX^ gently. '^ Flowers of delight. ^' Emit fragrance, n***! [H^, Cant. ii. 13. *12 164 HEBREW PRIMER. The evening was like a lovely maiden ; the stars were the pearls upon her neck, the dark clouds ^^ her braided hair,^^ the deepening space ^^ her flowing robe,^^ As a crown she had the heavens where ^^ the angels dwell ; these three worlds were as her body; her eyes were the white lotus flowers, which open^*' to the rising moon; and her voice was, as it were, the humming of the bees.^^ To worship the Buddha,^^ and hear the first preach- ing of the word,^^ this lovely maiden came. ^^ w^v riDf n. '' nmi ntj^j-jp, isa. iii. 24. ^^ The deep of the heavens ; or, circle of the heavens^ yT\ ; or perhaps ^Hh, Job xxvi. 7. Cf. also IX., 4, supra. " S^^^nS. '^ Gr. p. 136 (ii.), omit rel. -« nri3. Cant. vii. 13. '' Dnh"1 n^TO. ^^ Prophet^ or wise man. ^^ Beginning of his words. XX. Buddhist Ethics. As the vassika plant casts down ^ its withered blossoms, ^ Job XV. 33 ; as the olive casts away (*^??'!) its withered bloom (^I^^). PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 165 So cast out utterly,^ ^ mendicants,* ill-will and lust. Do no violence ^ to a Brahman,^ ' But neither let him fly at ^ his aggressor. Woe ' to him who strikes a Brahman ! More woe ^ to him who strikes the striker ! What is the use of plaited hair,^ fool ! What of a garment ^^ of skins ? Your low yearnings are within you ! And the outside thou makest clean. ^^ He who, though he has committed no offence. Endures reproaches, bonds, and stripes,^^ And out of much endurance ^^ ^ / V^, or hb. ^ ye poor. Bhikkhave, i.e., Buddhist monks, who lived on alms. ' Dy ynn, or D^n nb^y. ' A priest. ^ Fall upon; or, turn his hand against. His aggressor, V^p, pi. ^ Evil will befal (^IJ^^, ^\.) to . . . ^ And he will increase (H^l, hif. impf.) evil . . . ^' Pro. xxiii. 29. h 'Hi:? . . .h ^i^*, or ^IH n'^] . . . '\r\. ^ Zee. xiii. 4. "15?^ ^1"1^ ^ ^^^^''' cloak. Say, where- fore to thee the hair cloak. Isa. i. 11. ^' niy T\)T\2, Gen. iii. 21. ^^ Thy face only thou washest. ''- And the whip, tOi^J^I. ^' Cf. Pro. xvi. 32, in)iy Tti. 166 HEBREW PRIMER. Makes for himself a mighty army/* He it is I call a Brahman. ^* Founds for himself strength ; Psa. viii. 3, T^ 1D\ Note. — The last stanza may be paraphrased thus : " Lo, the man who is without fault (Pi<, with ptcp.)^ and bears (ptep.) reproach, etc., and from the greatness of his humility (or longsufFering, 0^35^ "^I"!.^) founds (impf.) for himself strength, to this man I will say, Priest." Isa. viii. 12. XXI. A Parable of the Sower. A wealthy Brahman named Bharadvaja was ^ holding liis harvest home, when ^ the Teacher came and stood by with his bowl. Some of the people went up and paid him reverence ; but ^ the Brahman was angry, and said,* Sramana,^ I plough and^ sow, and'^ having ploughed and sown I eat ; it would be better ^ if you in ^ ri^n, with ptcp. Was holding the feast of his harvest. ^ And a man from the sons of the prophets came and stood by him., and his bowl in his hand. ' And. * In pause. ^ Ha^ prophet ! " D^l. ^ And I eat my bread in its season. ^ Is it not good for thee to plough like me., etc. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 167 like manner were to plough and sow, and then you would have food to eat. Brahman, was the answer, I too plough and sow, and having ploughed and sown I eat. You say you are a husbandman ; but we see no signs of it,' said the Brahman. Where ^° are your bullocks, and the seed, and the plough? Then the Teacher answered, Faith is the seed I sow," and good works ^^ are as the rain that fertilizes" it; wisdom and modesty are the parts ^* of the plough, and my mind is the guiding ^^ rein. I lay hold of the handle ^^ of the Law; earnestness ^Ms the goad I use;^^ and diligence is my draught-ox. Thus^^ this ploughing is ploughed, de- stroying the weeds of delusion. The harvest ^ that it ' And thy work is not seen. ^'^ Where they., the bullocks which to thee, etc. " Draw forth, "^^fp, ptcp. ^^ Works of justice. " Makes it great. ^* HH^ handles. ^° D757 for restraining, Psa. xxxii. 9. '' Staves of the Ark of Covenant; nnyn \T^ ''^X 17 D^'iK'^tt straightforwardness; or say, zeal for my work. Diligence = n"iri2p 1\. ^^ Say, I set, i.e., sharpen; !2X3, hif., 1 Sam. xiii. 21. ^® So I plough the ground, ploughing and uprootiyig thorns of deceit ; Gr. p. 151 {h), inf. abs. ^^ My harvest, and the reward of the toil of my business. 168 HEBREW PRIMER. yields is the ambrosial fruit of Nirvana,^^ and by this ploughing ^^ all sorrow ends. ^^ Nirvana = extinction^ i.e.^ of the passions. For this substitute, '* fruit of the tree of life," ^^ And by the works of my hands I make to cease sorrow and sighing. XXII. Buddhist Ethics. He ^ who, himself not stainless, Would wrap the yellow-stained robe around him, He, devoid of self-control and honesty, Is unworthy ^ of the yellow robe. But he who, cleansed ^ from stains,* Is well grounded in the precepts,^ X. ^ He who longs to put on the robe of the ^efod (E xxviii. 4). And he profane^ lacking honesty (Ex. xviii. 21), and not pure^ that man, etc. ^ p |bp ; or say, is not accounted a master of the *ef6d in honour. ' nriD, hithpa. ' imi ^ And remembers the precepts to do them. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 169 And full of honesty and self-restraint,'' 'Tis he who is worthy of the yellow robe. The mendicant who controls his tongue/ speaking wisely, and is not puffed up,^ Who throws light on ^ worldly and on heavenly things, His word is sweet. ^'^ That mendicant whose life is love,^^ Whose joy the teachings ^^ of the Buddha, He will enter " the tranquil lot. Let his livelihood be kindliness," His conduct righteousness. Then in the fulness of gladness,^^ He will make an end of grief.^^ ^ And restrains himself (p3^^, hithpa.) iji the honesty of his heart (W). ' Psa. XV. 3, does not slander ; or Pro. xxi. 23, keepeth his tongue. ^ His heart is not high, Psa. cxxxi. 1. ■* Teaches his people. *inn, str. illustravit. ^^ He uttereth goodly words, Gen. xlix. 21. " The law of kindness upon his soul. '^ npb. Cf. Psa. i. 2. '' Inherit. Kind in all his works, and just in all his actions. nin^b' ynb^, Psa. xvi. ii. isa. xxi. 2, nmx n^s^n. 170 HEBREW PRIMER. XXIII. Paraphrase of Othello^ Act iv., sc. 3, 22. Emilia. — Lo, I have put the coverlets on thy bed, as thou didst bid. Desdemona. — What difference between coverlet and^ coverlet? Is not one like another? How do we resemble children, and folly is bound up with our heart ! If I die before thou diest, clothe my body, Emilia, in this linen robe.^ Emil. — Utter not with thy lips words like that ! ^ Desde. — My mother had a maid betrothed to a man, and her name was 'Aziiba;^ And her lover became mad,* and forsook her, and went his way. And in her mouth was set a song of old, by name. The Willows of the Brook, The words of which were sweet to a broken-hearted^ maid like 'Aziiba. ' To. ^ n-in p!i '^inpn-riwSi. ^ Thou shalt not make go forth loith thy lips according to that word. ^ niliy Forsaken. * Mad, j;?^?. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 171 And she sang that song at the time of her soul's going forth. And I, I have set to-night that song before mine eyes, And ahnost do I crave to sing it^ as did ' Aziiba : — But make haste ! Complete thy task ! (Desde. begins to sing.) Under the Oak of Weeping ' Aziiba is weeping for the husband of her youth : The willows weep, they shiver, for the broken heart ^ Of her that pineth away ^ through love : Her hand on her head, and her head between her knees : Shriek, wail, ye willows ! willows ! willows ! Her eyes were red from weeping, and stones were moistened by her tears : — {To EmM.) Put this aside,^ Emilia! Shriek, wail, ye willows ! willows ! willows ! {To Emil.) Make haste, complete thy work, he will come in a moment. Among the willows of the brook when I die, crown ye me with a garland ! Even in his wrath I love him; speak ye no treason® against him, — But not so is the end of the song. Lo, he is knocking ! ^° EmiL — It is not he; only the wind bloweth !^^ " ^?^. • T t: IT T T ; •.. T ' '^yp. T T - p3^. ^^ Nif. ptcp. 172 HEBREW PRIMER. XXIV. Paraphrase of Othello (Ithiel)^ Act v., sc. 2, 259. See, a sword in my hand ! A better than it thou hast not seen on warrior's thigh. 1 remember the days that with my sword that ^ is in my hand I clove me a path between twenty obstacles ^ like thee. But in vain ^ do I boast now ; for the wheel has turned,^ And who can reverse ^ its revolution ? Fear not me ! And let not my sword scare thee ! Lo, I am come to my end ! Here is the limit of my life;^ here the shore to my ship ! And wherefore, then, shouldst dread me? Even at the shaking of a feeble reed 'Ithi'el would turn backward ! Nay, whither ^ am I to go ? How can I look on thy face, victim of wrath,^ destroyed, faded flower ! Thy face is white as the snow, and thy flesh cold as the ice! When we shall stand in the judgment. ' IT. 2 D^V^?. ^ imS. ' Nif ' y\^, hif ' ^b^- ' Gr. p. 150 (c). ' nipiyj, PIECES FOK COAIPOSITION. 173 Shall I not at the sight of thine eyes throAv myself from heaven to the underworld, between evil angels? Cursed art thou, treacherous slave ! Come, ye ghouls and demons, smite me, hack ^ me to pieces ! That I may not look thither, towards the desire of ray eyes! Put my flesh in burning sulphur ! Scatter my dust to the wind ! And bring down my soul to streams of fiery torrents ! Alas ! my wife ! my wife ! my dead ! Woe's me ! woe's me ! XXV. Paraphrase of Othello^ Act iv., sc. 2, 47. that God had tried me with abundant distress and disaster ! ^ that he had rained on my head fire and brimstone (^<^ from heaven ! Given my substance to plundering,^ so that my bread and my clothing I lacked ! Or made me walk in captivity, without ^ a hope of the future,^ ' r\\m\ nnv, isa. xxx. 6. '' nn, from tt^. ' D3N!l. * And hereafter, nnHwNt. 174 HEBREW PRIMER. Still should I find comfort, still all my life (would be) within me ! But to set me up as a mark ^ for ttie arrows of scorn and contumely,^ To become a gazing-stock ^ all day long, and a laughing- stock to every passer-by, — Alas ! who could stand it ? Yet even in an iron furnace ^ like that, may be ^ I could play the man,^" and I should come forth purified. But he hath destroyed the fountain ^^ from which are the springs of my life ! ^^ And my well, upon which I live, or cease to be, Has become a well of alien trouble, full of scum ^^ and abomination. Therein the melting snaiP^ walks, and frogs leap^" there, And who can longer hope in this vale of misery?^® ' r\'y2>f2. ' D^pl jyS, Psa. xliv. 14. ' niN^, Eze. xxviii. 17. T -: 1-7 ^*^ 1!3!l, hithpa. impf. pausal. ^2 Pro. iv. 23, D-^n HI^VH^. '^ Lam. iii. 45, Di^?^^ ^Hp. " Psa. Iviii. 9. Sto^ snail. D^J^l melting, liquefactio. (The passage in the Psalm is : k^rno shablul temes yahalok, i.e., like the snail which departs a-melting '--= perishes by melting.) 15 13-13. i« ni3y. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 175 And now, change thy visage/^ Patience, ^^ though thou be young and fair as an angel of God, And become hideous ^^ as an apostate ^^ spirit ! '' Or, mah thy face fall. '^ njjy nS. '' HNiib yn. 20 Tip. XXVI. The Power of Imagination. Hip. — 'Tis strange, my Theseus, that these lovers speak of. Thes. — More strange than true.^ I never may believe These antique fables,^ nor these fairy toys. Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,^ Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend More than cool reason ever comprehends. The lunatic, the lover, and the poet,* Are of imagination all compact:^ ^ Things wonderful above the truth. ^ Trifles of yore (Dlp'^S) a7id words of vanity like these. ^ For the spirit of the lover and the maniac i^r^P'O) boils over much (^Sn), and their heart fashions vanities (7iri) above all that a man of sense (73K^n) understands. * The man pleasant of songs (Hn^^T 0"^^); or, the singer., ^''5?^, pil. ptcp. ° What are these if not seers of vanity and nothingness? 176 HEBREW PRIMER. One sees more devils^ than vast hell can hold;^ That is the madman : the lover, all as frantic,^ Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt : The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,^ Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven ; And as imagination bodies forth ^° The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing ^^ A local habitation, and a name. — Shakespeare. c DH??^; orig. lords (Assyr. demigods). ^ Many above S/f'6l. ^ n^ri, hif. ptcp. And this one wanders like his neigh- bour^ and the brow (HV^) of the Egyptian is fair in his eyes. ^ The singer''s eye looks to the heaven above and to the earth beneath^ Isa. li. 6; Gen. xv. 5 (Gr. p. 113), in his exalted frenzy. ^° When he sees in his heart . . . Gr. p. 152 ( upon grass. ° that{Gr. p. 1 60, ad init.) then I might say in my heart. How happy to repose (]v) in my Saviour's breast (p''n)ybr ever I Psa. cxxxiii. 1.. « ^m ny twUight. '' Terrors of death will fall upon me. Psa. Iv. 5. ® Interrog. ; Hath a man rejected . . .? Like a perverse {^2"^) son {that) chooseth not to hearken. ' tJ^3«, nif ^'^ From the ivealth of the storehouse of the fulness of thy blessings. " pr, ptcp. '2 Without sin. 192 HEBREW PRIMER. Come near, and bless us, when we wake, Ere through the world our Avay we take;^^ Till in the ocean of thy love We lose ourselves in heaven above ! ^'^ ^^ When we go forth to our works until evening. Gr. p. 37 {a). ^^ And in our end (HnnX) may we rejoice (^i3y, hithpa.) in the abundance of thy love^ In the greatness of the delights of thy heaven ! XXXVIII. Reading from the Pirke Ahhoth. nm [K^Ji m:i px^ n \rr\y^_ ^^h xn nri« p^i (?)*^^iM nm |«^i ^nnnp snatp^ (?)n5<3 j\s*^ " Reflect on three things ; rabb. =■ Heb. 7^5^n. * *Sm, lit., transgression; rabb. " 'athid litten = daturus es, tliou ai^t going to give. 'athid = ready, litten, rabb. = latheth. '^ Reckoning., account. ^ From an unclean germ (lit., foul drop). PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 193 VI \rh ynvi ^n^^ 't2 '^^h) nySini /nan nsy DipxsS (?) ppn] J H)n "^ina syhi'pn d^dS^h ^;?^;b "^jS^ *;j$S / T - T ^ T ny^:^ nan xsn oSiyn ^*n hbt2 nn oSip D^nib / Both words mean worm. ^ T]^1 to be like. T T ^ IlpoOvpov^ porticus, vestibule. ^ Prepare^ hif. \\^'^', rabb. use. ' Enter., nif. D^3; rabb. use. *" Triclinium = palace or dining-hall. ** ^n Aowr. " Repentance. ^ Refrigerium animi, refreshing of the spirit; rabb. XXXIX. The Value of the Law. Rabbi Yose ben Qisma ^ said : 1 was ^ once travelling * Use n^ri, with pi. ptcp. of "^Sh. 14 194 HEBREW PRIMER. on the road,^ and met * a man who saluted ^ me with, Peace, and I returned^ his salutation. He then said unto me, Eabbi, whence art thou?^ I answered him, I come^ from a great city abounding in sages and scribes. He then said to me, If^ thou art willing to dwell with us in our city, I will give thee thousands of gold dinars, besides diamonds and pearls. Whereupon I answered him, If thou wouldst give ^ me all the silver and gold, diamonds and pearls, that are in the world,* I would not ^^ dwell save ^^ in a place ^^ where the law is studied ; for thus is it written * in the Book of Psalms," ^ In the road ; pausal form. * All these verbs are pfs. with waw. Say, and there met me one man, and gave me peace, and I returned to him peace. Returned, ^I^JD? fj'OHi the Chald. use. ^ r\m Dip;p nrx^?. ^ From a great city of icise men, etc., / (pausal pron.). Of expressed by bp, a very common rabb. pt. = ? + ^ ' Say, Thy pleasure {\\T\) that thou divell ("inri^) with us, in our place, and I, I will give thee a thousand of thousands in dinars Cl^"''^) of gold, and goodly stones, and pearls (niv^*!^, cf. papyapiTTf). ^ Ptcp. = about to give. " D7iy!l^ which (are) in the world. " xWs*, rabb. from Chald. = xS-D«. ^^ A place of law. * Ptcp. m. '* ^'h^^ "Ifip. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 195 by^^ David, king of Israel, ^etttv^^ is t^v lato'^ to me tijan tijousantJs of goia anU silbcr.'^ Besides,^^ at the time of man's departure from this world, he is not^^ accompanied either by silver or gold, by diamonds or pearls, but by the law and by good deeds only,^*' as it is written,^^ Wi'^tn'^^ tijou iualliest it si)an leaU tijce, h)i)Ctt tijott Imt Uoirnt it sljall iuatci^ obcr tijee, antr toijcn ti^ou atoafeest^^ it si^all talft toiti^ fi)tt.^' "When thou walkest it shall lead thee," that is, in this world; "when thou liest down it shall watch over thee," that is, in the grave ;^^ and "when thou awakest it shall talk with thee," in the future world.^^ And it is said,^^ ST^e '' 'X ^^- '' Gr. p. 137, 1. -^^ Law of thy mouth. ^'' Pausal form. ^^ And not, further, is it the case that, at the hour of his departure, i.e., of man, QtQ. inTp3 ny^'3^ liy N7l Cli^ 7^. ny^ = moment^ in Daniel ; Arab, sa'at, hour, Petira is rabb. ^^ Use p^?, and ptcp. pi. of HP = cleave to . . , rabb. Say, cleave not to him, i.e., to man, not (lo') silver and gold, etc. ^^ Nif. pf. 3 sing. m. with -^ prefixed. "^ Inf. hithpa. with prefix and suffix, Gr. p. 152 {d). " "Pp, pf. hif with waw con v. 2^ '^n''b'Jl (rfb') ; use pausal forms. T - T ^ T ^" Ptcp., and one saith to me ; impers. use. 14* 196 HEBREW PRIMER. stlbtT is mintf anU tijc goW is mm, sattii^^ tljc ILorD of 2'' DX5 = utterance, oracle. Constr. of unused abs. DIXi uttered. XL. Beading from the Pirke Ahhoth. ^"^^ "^Wl ^h^ 'W n!?i5^B^ ♦Tpn ^'^iW "^iWi ^W 'W •y^-) /W ^V^i ^W "^V^ " Heb., measure; rabb., mores, dispositions, natures, characters. * T'TAa^ 25 mm« es mzTze, or what I have is mine. " Middle, between the extremes of bad and good. "^ Common people. ' Temperaments. / Easy. ^ To be pleased ; here to he appeased, pacified ; pi. in rabb. = to pacify. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION, 197 m-j? n^p] Diy5^ n^p -n;)^? Mip^n j^v' •T^Dn m'h r\):) Dip':' n^p -nD^jri!! h^sr ^<^f* •VK'-) ^ni^iS riK^p^ Diy:pS n^ij i^ih n^pi yi23?y^ n^n^ *)^^p^ npijn k^) ♦ Vl p'?n IT iz^h y^^'^ v^^pb HK'p -nito pSn ir * Hif. inf. of "1D3 ^fo /6>5^, corrupt^ destroy. " His loss goes away (= disappears through) his gain." * To forget. XLI. The Almsgiver and the Student. Four dispositions are found among those who give alms.^ Tliere is he who is willing to give,^ but^ icho does not wish others to give ; he has an evil eye * towards others. There is he who ivishes others to give,^ ^ He who is willing that he may give, ptcp. of M^'l, followed by • ^ and impf. ^ Simply N7I, and impf. 3 pi. ^ Say, his eye evil; 7^5 = in what belongs to = as regards = towards; rabb. ^ These and the following verbs are all impf. t^ini sed ipse. 198 HEBREW PRIMER. but who will not give ^ himself ; he has an evil eye towards himself.^ He who is willing to give,^ and wishes others to give,^ is pious. He who neither gives ^ himself^ nor wishes others to give./ is wicked. Four dispositions are found among those who go to college.^ There is he who goes, but does not^ work; the reward of going is all he gets.^ There is he who works, but does not go; he gets the reward of work. He who goes and works is pious. He who neither goes nor works is wicked. Four dispositions are found among those who sit for instruction before the wise : the sponge, and the funnel, the strainer, and the sieve. ^^ The sponge is ^^ that which sucks in ^^ everything ; the funnel, that which takes ^^ in at one end,^* and gets rid of ^^ at the other ; the strainer is what gets rid of the wine, but retains ^^ the lees;^^ and the sieve is that which gets rid of the bran,^^ but retains the flour.^^ ^ tJ^'nnteri rr'S house of study ^ rabb. ® pNI, with suffix, followed by ptcp. ^ The reward of going (n^vil) is in his hand. '' :i13p, cf. cTTToyyoy. "^S^^, fr. ^32J' to pour. H W^p, pi. ptcp. of "1^^ to keep. HS^, fr. 5)^^ to shake. Ptcp. hif. of D53 to gather^ with prefix 'p. iT5 . . . in, Gr. p. 42(a). '' Hif. ptcp. of NX!- '' toSp, ptcp. f. '' Dn^^. nW (in Heb. meal). '' rhb. PIECES FOR COMPOSITION. 199 XLIL Fruits of the Study of the Laic. y T - .. " Rabb. to study. * For its own sake. " Heb. to he pure ; rabb. to have merit^ deserve ; lidh^bharim harbe, is deserving of much. '^ And not only so^ but (that) all the world is under obligation to him. ' Rabb. n + 5 = sufficient ; sufficient is he for it. f Maq6in, place, in rabb. = God, as containing all in Himself. ^ Creatures, from X"!^, Heb. ^ Hif. ptcp. f. ; a?id it (i.e., the law) invests him with humility and reverence, etc.; dupl. accus., Gr. p. 134, line 6. ^ IK'S, late in Bibl., to be proper, fit, suitable ; hif. = to make fit. 200 HEBREW PRIMER. ^in^^i'^^pi ^Ntpnn-p nnprii??^ j^j^fji v ypn pnv r\i)2y) ny^ n^tr^im nvy ^liDD " m:) "' nor nh / . T : T • T ■ : T ■• V ■ I • v: IV ; / : " • "'n 'h ^p^^tji ^p_ ^^)pr\] nS^"^£5i n)^ht$ 'h n;™ mm in^ibn^i in'?^^^:^ ^^ijjis^r'^i? "^hm^ "nn i|>sii y^^v ^ Pi. ptcps. "* ^7z N.T. "•n^n^^, pi. c. sufF. ^nix, ^n)i^, ^ijniw^, etc., see HNt TNI then, adv. temp. TN^ from the time (lohen), ever since, of yore 1T« in hif. jnxr) he hear- kened PRIMER. ])}!< ear, f. D^JJX ears, du. ; ^JTi<, constr. hithpa. gird oneself m brother, 'm^ ""^'m, vnx, ^rix,, etc., see Gr. p. 65. mriK sister, inhx 7^25 §.; see Gr. p. 65. *l^^!» o?ze. in{<, constr. ; nnx, f. inx Ag grasped, seized. THi^l, imper. a/zc? sezVe.' pi. sAwi, shut off T\Vr\^ possession "inx another. H^inx, f. ( n); Dnni<, nnnx,asiffromnnx. Cf. m *ln^ after (lit. back), af- terwards. *1D^!» ^/^^'N behind, loc. and temp.; nnw>{, vnn«, etc. pini< next, hinder ^J< island, sea-coast n^X he opposed, air. 2m foe, adversary n*X whei^ef i*X z/;A6re (is) AeP HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 207 U'^^ sea-coasts h\H ram. nh^ pi. 7^K strong; pi. chiefs^ nobles nS»X hind T T - Tyjy^ terror ^dread. riH^'^J^ id. (old ace. like HH'!!^, |^i< where! |^t<^ whence! j^5< 720 f, nothing (akin to last word). j^{<, eonstr. J^X a?26? zy ( (?ac/i (?^A^?', in- ter se. |^l"'^^ continuance, prim- ness, strength '^ii onli/,modo ; 2)surely, profecto h^^ he ate. h:2i<\ impf. SpN^ and h^i<\ pans. ':'bxS, ger. inf. ; t ^3^ = 73X^, pu. ptcp. ■7i< ne, fjLy, (do) not, pro- hibitive 7^5 6^(?(i. In prose usu. with some defining adjunct, e.g., 'el shad- day "7^^ to, unto. vX, p. ^Sx, vSnI, D5^^^f, see 'Gr. p. 48, 5. nS« 6^0^, poet. U'rh^ gods, pi. intens., (76>g? nksi /A^5^. ':'{s*n, id. c. art. ; usu. H ?xri ji/K a!?z oah c^^ dumb ^7^ <2 thousand. ^$?5<, constr. pi. D&«t mother. 1SX Azs ?n. "DX if, when n^{< handmaid. i^H^X ^i123^? firmness ; (2) /a/^A- fulness, truth, honour ]b'^ prop up. p^Xn, hif., c. 5, ^/'W5? m, c. 7, be- lieve ; f ^^f,!, impf. ; nif. >X!1 was firm, sure 208 HEBREW PRIMER. nJ^X truly ^D5< he said. ^Di<\impf. ^I2iik^\ c. waw conv., npS\ npXh., pausal; nk^S, ger. inf. ; nbJJ, imp.; IpX!*., nif. impf. s/m^/ he called n^5< irz«#/i, sincerity^ good faith ^^'y^ mortal man^ poet. ^^i^? groaning^ sighing ^;^5 /. ^iix id. *iX fleet^ ship Um^ See ^'^«. T'pi^ boimd^ prisoner P|D5< A^ scraped, gathered. P]DX!l i(;(25 gathered, as- sembled, 'mr^^ ^DX,!'. /id shall join his people, i.e., shall die. ^BJ^^H, pi. ptcp. ^/id rearguard (as gathering up strag- glers) tj5:? also,even. f]t72/y, restrictive adv. "•S D35S> hoioever,ti\xa&[i v^NI (szc?^) wear, &gszc?d nS'nX locust, coll. ^i5'^^? floodgates 'j^y\^ four,i. mT\^ forty \r\l$ chest, Ark (of the Covenant) nrili< caravan IT ; 1 •^inx to be long. yi^^Q, hif il, he prolonged, lengthened D*^) Zzje (of God granting long life, and of living long) length. With D^p) = always f, ear^/?, Z(27zc/, 7^, terra, fl^f^i, c. art.; nvn^t, *n^>;< ^(? the earth, yafia^e, after verb of motion HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 209 ^'li^ he cursed. Cf. dpa. nxri, impf. 2 s. ; HnNI, prec. imp. ; J ^^'^\ hof. impf. m fire, f. n^'X woman. HK'X, cstr. ^ri^J:^ ?7zy wife; ^m, 'PI pL, see Gr. p. 65. n'lbp'NI a icatch (of the nio;ht '^^^^ (place, Assyr. asru), indecl. part, marking relat. clauses, ^^^f^ where ? '^??'^^5 as, so as, when n.^X Miss of .. .! ex- clamation nm constr. of r\m wo- man, wife, n. f.; c. suff. r\H, -asi, c. sufF. ^ni<; mark of obj. of trans, verb (= old n. mean- ing existence) m, -n«, c. suff. ^m; prep, luith, /lera, ^vv, cum. nxp from, airo. nrii< ^/iczf, pron. 2 m. ; pi. DJ^lt:? you, ye, m. |in5< she-ass 5 xVz, ^?/, ?/?z7A, instr. 13, ^i3, [n!p, c. suff. ; for, at (of price) 135 garment. n;i3, V1^5 15 j9ar/. l^l' a part, separately, alone ; ^^4? by itself Sin In nif. SinJ /^e 56- parated himself; "OI^T^ imp. pi. nif. to separate ^m emptiness Snn No qai. Snn; ^c^ shake, quake for fear nbn^ cattle, coll. nans, constr. ; in^O?? with suff'. 15 210 HEBREW PRIMER. Xi!l to go. X!l, HwSS, pf. Xii;,Nn;i,impf.; «;3*i, hif. impf. (also 1X^3*1); V\'i<'1ir^\ hif. impf. 3 s. f. ^13 pit. JTlSn into the pit. ^I^n n''5 /wMse of dungeon = prison TT3 Ae spoiled ins Ae c/icsg. in5\ c. 5 riD5 ^rw-si^, confidence., se- curity P5 between |''5 ^t> distinguish^ un- derstand. l''2n, hif., ^0 explain; nif. #o ^^ intelligent; pi^r^'! hith- pal. perceive., see ri^5 house., m. 7^*5, cstr. nn^3 m^c . . . T l" n^3 ;c> zi*^^^:*. 135*1, impf. c. waw con v., "^^l*!, id. shortened form ; H^lS, ptcp. "li^S firstborn., firstling "•^J^ weeping nrip5 terror., poet. V5 nothing., not. v?P n^''75 nothing ^73 Ag swallowed. y?5! ^ri^5 720?. DX "^5 non si = nisi, except., unless. "•ri/i? so as not., c. inf. [5 son. "15, *i?5, ir-, D^;i3,^;?5; see Gr. p. 65. niS /ie built. \2.% impf. shortened, with waw conv. Dp55 See Dli IllsyS /or ^/ie .sa^-g {?/, in order that "1^3 around^ over lyS f'^ a valley 1M ox, coll. oxen. Dp1p5 your oxen 1p5 morning JJ^j5!l {^i.oWp':i)he sought after, ^^y^ ™pf- c- waw con v., followed by ger. inf. 15 pure ; (2) cor?z N'13 Ae made, created. ir\y ni3 to flee. Impf. A; ^J$D from . . . Nn| fat n^'lS fleeing ri''*!^ covenant "^13 ^(9 ^72^^/. "^I^, pi. fo ^/^S5; impf. *^*!^^1; pu. ptcp. "^1^^ "^^5 ^7266. d:3^5, du. riD'l^ gift, present. ''TS'T^, c. sufF. p*!!! lightning ^m flesh *12?^5 pi- ^^ ^^^^ ^006? news, c. ace. of recipient ri5 daughter. IDS, etc. c. sufF., see Gr. p. 107. Dv^nS maidenhood njJ^i majesty, pride \m id. 7i<5 ^(? ranso7n ; 2) rescue T\\2^ high rri^^l prowess *l3il A^rc*, soldier ^5^ ^(9 conquer. 7 15' 212 HEBREW PRIMER. 7n5 great niS^'^il jeers n^ kid 7"l|l to grow up. Impf. A 5)'15 to m.och^ jeer at n*l*l5 fence *iil nation n^lwl a body ^lil <(? sojourn -T 1 * T N)^ valley n?! to lay bare, disclose ; (2) to fte e^eVec? 775 to roll. iS^^I ^726? ^Aey ti56#Agr(good or evil) 7^5 camel. D^7^5 ^55 to stoa/. Pu. z^as stolen; (2) brought by stealth n7y5 rebuke vine. *5S5 ri''7S5 brimstone 75 foreigner (resident)., ptcp. of 715 [75 threshingfloo7% corn- floor 2^75 to d'?^z'ye o?/^, and so "T ' pi. tJ^75"*. c?nue (2?/7a?/, or /(9?^^/i D^l ram, shower pyi to cleave to; hif., Ao^/y pursue 7!17 ?(;orc?, 5 tor?/, eiJ^/i^. n!i7 717 In pi. 7!37 Ae spoke. 057573 ^5 ye said, inf. constr. HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 213 1^*1 plague^ pestilence tJ^^"^ Jioney T\ a fish T\yi fish^ coll. in uncle 'in generation, age. m^'l, Dnii jn to judge. ]% ptcp. i^^'l No qal. Pi. cn^5^ ''yi_ roaring. D^p"^, c. suff. /I. poor, weak. ^'y% pi. rh'l draw water. T^jllPt) impf. 2 pi. f. V*! bucket D1 ^;/oo^ ni^"l likeness D^"! ^(9 oe silent, still, dumb. ni\ pi. W^. (Aram, form) ; Dil, imper. starid still ntt^l silence T T : nyi knoiiiedge (inf. cstr. of yn:) ^p'l to pierce Ij*!*! f(? ^gyzfZ (a bow) '^'I'l a ?^c>(2C?, way^ journey 5<^'l grass, esp. young N^"^ to sjt?row^. Hif. id. [e^-n to6e/<2if i^i^'l /ig anointed n nin ^2V6, ^ra?/ / C(??7ie ! nn\ !an, pi. 7^n nothingness (breath) inn ornament, majesty rmn id. Nin /i^, ^Aa?. In Pent also she "iVTy he became, was. *n^, juss. ; ^'^^3 72)^'^ temple, palace 214 HEBREW PRIMER. ^n|ri See n:Dj pri inf. abs. hif. of pS to fix; steadfastly^ mo- tionless "^/H he walked^ went. '^T impf. ; "Tl?*^ and he went^ ^5 7*1; njll?^ weioillgo; r\^^ limii go; '^Sxri shall Igof ^^7 go thou., f.; *ri?\l, hif imp. s. f. to^e away! 1^7 ^o y^/ ^^71, paus. ; "^Sn. ^726? A^ made go., brought 7}>T\ to praise^ pi. Pu. ptcp. = praiseworthy., laudandus D/H hither n^n, ri/^n,^ murmur., roar D^ri /6» c?rzu^, r^M^. 511*1 ; D&ri»1, c. suff. riiiri thither., hither n^n /^/ ^>eA(?Zi.^ *33n, : *^j3n, paus., behold me! here am I ! ?n to turn., overturn. "^bn*; ^3^ri*"! and were changed ? zVi^o; *2l3hn, ptcp. c. old gen. ending T\'2^'n overthrow ^n MIL mountain. 0*111, ' • T ' pi. ^"in to hill, ^hn*, impf Dill to pull down. Din* ' nt^irf ri5T to sacrifice n^l sacrifice nj ^/i/5, m. IT this^ m. and f. ; also as rel. which HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 215 ilT to flow. n^T, ptcp. f. constr. n2lT, nsr to he pure ■^51, ^3T to he pure *)DT ^6) remember. Impf. 0; in nif. to he men- tioned "l^jf memory^ remem- brance |i^2T memorial TTp] song, poet. T T tpt <^^<^- *i?p!? constr. ^T strange, foreign. rTHT unlawful, f. ynj seec?. "^yiT thy pos- terity yiT ?o 5(?i(7. Hif. #0 6ear 7in a /mg p^n in pi. to embrace ^J'iO ^ ^^ep a feast. yr\\, impf. "in sharp 7"in to cease. 7'iri.^, impf. ^in to (ir<2zy a circle (air) h)n to shudder. Pil. S^^H to hri7ig on travail /in sand y)r\ outside, m^fin, pi., sti^eets. pn^ 072 fAe outside nin to 56;^ pTH to ^6 strong, to urge, 7y ; hif. to lay hold of, c. 3 216 HEBREW PRIMER. pin strong pTH strength XDH to sin. ^?^n;., impf. Xtpn sin nXJpn a sin, an offence mm id. DppN^n, c. suff. "•n living. ri*H, f. T\''T\ to be alive, live. n^ni". T T ' • • ' impf.; juss. ^n); pi. ri*n to preserve n*ri animals, coll. D^*n life ~>\T\ wealth; 2)host,army TVyTJ cave DDH wise ^Sn milk. !37n, constr. T T .. -; ; DPn a dream p7n equipped, ready. Coll. warriors vH sickness HTSn /ar 6e i7.' (ad pro- fan um) ^/H In po. to wound. Pi. to profane Llbn grind \J2iO to hide ^D /iV^^6 owes, coll. DSD D^D not yet. D'^bl before, usu. c. impf. bx^ In hif. S^Nin ifo w;?//, &e willing, undertake. 7X1*5, impf. c. waw conv. ; foil, by ger. *l^{^ an arm of the Nile, the Nile; (2) a 7'iver b^y, produce (of the soil) HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 219 ^y to be dry, withered. tJ'l^:, impf. nK'3^ dry land p3) sorrow -lil) to fear. Pf. V''^ weary 11 hand, side (locally), n;, c. suff. r\y to throw. Hif. min TT T to thank, praise yT to know; 2) to regard in) togive, provide,? to. ^yi, imp., ascribe ye ^n; See m. nV day. PI. 0^2?:, 'f?) D^V ^y ^^2/ (^^^ ^^^') in! (union) together. HH! (/iz5 unions) id. I**!!) (??2??/ (}7i6, esp. 50?2. vTl* In pi. 711) ^() wait, hope, '7^ for; hT^I] impf.; hif. hm to trust in, ? ntD* In impf. 1^^) 2^ 25 wje^/. Hif yii'T} to do well j!) wine ny In. hif nOin to ar- bitrate, dispute, decide (a cause) h'y to be able. Pf. 0; 7^^ impf, to master, c. 7 ly boy; rriT ^M D) sea. D^S* pi. n^_) seawards = west- wards y^l right hand py to suck. py\ impf. ; hif. p'^yT) to suckle; ptcp. ^ipT^ nurse ID) to found, constitute; nif. Ipli /^ sit down, espec. sit together in council; (2) pass, of qal. PjP) to add, do a thing again. Impf. hif. ^^pi\ 5)01*1; nif t)D1i to join, c. Sy. I*!!?) to counsel IT a wood. nilVl, pi. ^IJ beauty. *3]J, paus. 220 HEBREW PRIMER. t^r to go out. «r,impf.; Vmp. N;?; hif. X^V^n to bring out y^' In hithpa. l^^inn to station oneself^ take one^s stand ^T to mould., fashion. nV^!l, impf. with waw conv. 1^^ In impf. c. waw conv. h n^*l, impers. and it was iiarrow to Jiim = and he teas vexed., grieved j*p^ In impf. f|^'*l and he woke (f |T:) ^T>\ precious.) costly «T to fear. ^^T^ ''^TJ nif. N*11i terrible ^'y, fearing^ fearful. ^"^.^ constr., ^^{'^^^, f. n«7. fear IT to go down. Impf. "T?.!, "^Tl, ^7)-'^ inf. nnn; hifii/nnin to bring down rr\' to throw. Hif. rm TT ^ to point out., show., teach H'^^ moon., m. •^Ii; //iz^/i, f. Constr. p"!^. greenness t^y^ to get, win, take. tJ^n;:, impf. ; n^n, inf.; gerund c. suff. nn^l? 5 hif'il SJ'nin /() 6^;?^/ (nations), to seize (their lands) ^l* property, means. h'li^^ I have, opposed to v"r^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^' with interrog. pt. tJ'.^H an est? Is there'? '2P\ to sit, settle, dwell. ^^\', nif. nC^'li; inf. ]P\ to sleep. I?''?^. impf. c. waw, pans. ; HJ^^XI and I slept soundly T\'^'\^\ deliverance, victory y^r^ Nif. y^li to be saved. Hif. y^^in to save, rescue, help ^'^1 straight, upright U\r\1 fatherless, orphan nn^ In nif. ^m to be left, to remain; hif. *T*niri to leave alive 1T)l remnant HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 221 3 as^ like. ^p3 UJce me. T\b^ like him. "^^^^ like thee 1^X3 as, when 153 to be heavy. Irapf. A. Nif. to be ho?ioured 133 heavy, great n^133 heaviness 1133 glory nb'33 lamb, f. SJ'^I ^0 trample down, subdue (13 ^Aere, ?Aws. n3"15? thither, yonder |ri3 priest, prince 3313 stor T p3 nif. Ji3i to be estab- lished, set up. ]^y<, impf. ; hif. pH he ap- pointed; pil. pi3 jt?re- 2?«re, establish Di3 c'wp HwSb so. '131 "T3 so and so ri3 strength, power ^113 w??/ s. in3 to conceal. Pi. 1H3i ?z7e i(/77^ Az6?6 (a fact), shalt be hidden, de- stroyed, nif. c. ]*15^n"]^ *3 for, if, when ^^3^3 = '^] + :2 = as in days (of) 133 cii^cle, circuit, coun- try round; (2) a talent ^3 all; c. suff. D^ all of them ^^1 dog Th'2 to be finished. Pi. to finish. 131)^ ^3^. he left off from speak- ing v3 vessel, tool, iceapon, ornament. PI. C]v3, n?373 reproach, disgrace, shame i^3 poet. = 3 as, /xX-e 222 HEBREW II SO, thus. p'Sy there- fore |3 gnat t]i3 wing. D!5i3, du. ; ''£^5, constr. 1133 /ia?p, cittern. PI. Hi yji In nif. ^c> be brought low., vajiquished HM In pi. to cover., hide niD3 covering KD3 ^/irone. With suff. 5|D|I silver., money., price PRIMER. t|5 ^a?m(ofhand). 0^33 du. 1S3 In pi. *1$3 to atone., 3113 cherub. Cf. Assyr. kurubi, man-headed bull D1| vineyard ni3 ^0 cz^#. Nif. to ^'f? cut off., destroyed 3n3 to write n^nS a tunic, ■)(ltu>u ; c. suff. ^nin3 V 7 to, /or, at ; c. suff. w, 1|7, paus., D37, DnS ^<7 not. k7) neque, nor \M2 a people. D^^i^^?, pi. 33^ heart. 'f|;i3^ 37 heart. "137, c. suff. 137 in separation, alone. ^3^, c. suff. n37 Jlame (air.) |37 white r\;:h brick. D*33^, pi. mh to be clothed. C^^s'pl he clothed another, c. two ace. n3n'7 flame. nbiS h if, if! HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 223 nh tablet, r\^r\h *ri? cheek. ^n7, paus. ; D::n^, du. ■ nrh Nif. nrh; he fought, warred, 5 against DH? bread u7 frankincense hh night. Usu. rhh', c. art. 'hr^ ; rhh^, p. [v lodge, pass night. 1?7 ^^^^1 captured. liD?*! 1^7 ^c) learn. In pi. ^o rnh whyf r\J2-^h. rrth iT IT J T T IT nj 7^ A?/, pray, t'l wore ; T*D7 lamp, flame ^JS? before, prep. See imp. tDj^7 if6> gather, collect. So pi. t3,l?'?p. p25'7 tongue, wedge, ingot D 1>{D might; adv. mi^cA, greatly nX2p « hundred. HXp, constr. ; ^1^{0, pi. ^^'l^{^ anything, quidquam (after a negative) ^1^5^ a lamp, luminary [X^ In pi. j{SI^ /(? refuse j^^ shield T\hyi2 stroke, plague *l!l*]^ desert rri^ measure mh whyf (=yn;-n^) na, n^, n^ ivhat? *in^ /6> hasten rrnn^ haste ; adv. hastily 224 HEBREW PRIMER. m and nif. :ii^? melt away, espec. through fear U\t2 to totter. Nif. id.; impf tDI^* d)f2 tottering 7)f2 to circumcise 7^23 opposite Tni\t2 birth ; (2) birthplace ; (3) offspring "ty^l/^ a set time, festival; (2) set meeting, as- sembly ^023 snare, noose T n^22 ^0 c?2^. Impf. ni23), n»*i; ptcp. n^; hif. JT'pIl he killed r\)j2 death. Jli^, constr. np = nrn^ what is that f ^itoTp a psalm, ode nn^ lie wiped out, blotted out ninp camp, army. Hl^np "pi. npnp refuge ^n^, n"in^ to-morrow T T 5 tt: IT l^n^ ^0 crws/i, bruise T\r\T\'t2 censer ntSD a roof ntOX: r«m. Hif. I'tOXDH T T ; to send rain 'p loho? D^/p icater. ^12 and ^^^!?, constr. Di^Z:^)!: See p^ JVp kind 1\^^^ straightness ; (2) up- rightness ; (3) adv. T\2J2 stroke, slaughter [i^^ jylace, spot, poet. "ID^ ^0 s^/{. Impf. ih^ full. nxSp, f «^^ to fill, be full. VI to fill X7p fulness, to ttXtj- pco/xa '^ip^ messenger, esp. a di- vine one nEBREW-ENGLISII GLOSSARY 225 n!5S7p icork^ product of labour \hl2 halting-ijlace^ stage vh'b salt Tr)'!^ Nif. to vanish T\l2Thl2 battle, war \:hj2 In nif. vht^} to es- cape j*Vp inteipreter *^7p to be king np7pO k{?igdom n?^^^ sovereignty, domi- nion ■|P from, out of airo, eV, ab, ex. With suffix, ''yfp^ from me T\}J2 to count nn^ip rest niip id. ; (2) place of rest nn^p present, offering D^'^D times n^Dp casting, smelting yDp journey, march 7^VP path, track toyp little, few. tO^V?^', hif. to make few /"•yp tunic (a long sleeve- less robe) nyp a well 7i?^ surface. ? ^^^^^ ??i upon (17^^ ascent /or i^/ie sa^'6 o/, and conj. in order that rrny^ cave. fT^V?, constr. nb'yp work, task, nmip, ■ pi. ^{y^ to find; c. ?, obtain; nif. jc>r<9z;e to ^6 i^p standing-place, sta- tion n^5ip pillow niyP bidding, command. niyx?, pi.' •^IP^ gathering Si^'ljpi? sanctuary S^^ 5to/. ^Sp;b 16 226 HEBKEW PRIMER. Hipp gains, wealth, esp. cattle. C. suff. DH^ipp (where ^ is third rad.) riNfl^ aspect, Jigure; Tjsight Di*1^ height T\'2Tp chariot. T\y2Tp, constr. pi. n^^D deceit D^*l^ trampling n^VlD pasturing n'l? ^(? ^>g ^^zVif^r. Hif. I^n if(? embitter "^l^^ #() prolong., draw out dwelling, tent hm to rule. Hif. inf. 7pf2in sovereignty 7^^ similitude, proverb r\)Wl2 staff lOS^^ judgment, equity, manner, custom nnS^^ hind, tribe, family y[^V1^ weight T\T\pt2 banquet K^^ burden 'STp^'O wages ^^12 stronghold. ^3^^^ prip to ^^ sweet. Impf. A ^{!l now, pray, enclitic particle of entreaty nii<^ pastures, constr. pi. Y^) and pi. to mock, de- spise, reject tD^lJ Hif. ^'IIT] to gaze at, ^■•5? prophet ^{^i nif. and hithpa. to prophecy 75^ to fade, wither (1755 corpse 3^5 the south. T]^^) south- wards l^i /r6»?i^. Prep, before, c. suif. HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 227 IJli In hif. yTl to bring to thefro7it, declare^ tell "T'-Jli prince^ chief n^j brightness J^wlJ to touchy strike, y^!, impf. Pjjii to smite, strike. f|ill, impf, ; nif. pass. ^^5 ^^ oppress tJ'Jli In nif. m to draw near, approach; impf. qal, ^'^\ ; inf. constr. ny^^ stringed instrument., lyre 1}. heap Tli ?6> wander., flee n"1i ^(7 thrust; nif. ^a 6e expelled; hif. trans. ^ alight., rest, ? o?z. Hif. H"^!! to set down ; (2) give rest Dli /(? slumber y^i ^(7 shake, quiver Xlii terrible, nif. ptcp. of ^■■T^ prince (nazar, to consecrate) DvTi streams (nazal, to drop) nn^ ^0 ^eac?, guide. ^X})\i qal pf,, hif. impf. 7ni <2 wady, mountain torrent n7rtj p>ossession Dili pi, ifo comfort; nif. reflex, comfort oneself = take vengeance nKTI^ copper, brass ntpi ^{) stretch, sp>read out. t3*5, impf. c. waw conv.; (2) /(} bend. So hif. )i^^ to plant. y^\ impf. 16* 228 HEBREW PRIME !l. nXJJ fipicery n:Di In hif. r\^ri to smite. "^"X impf. c. waw conv. ; see Gr. p. 109. nnj In hif. "1^5n to gaze at, recognise, discern HDi a stranger, foreigner D"''l^y^ youth, ju vent us D]3 pole, banner HDJ In pi. to tempt, try "Ijp^ idol, molten image yD!l to move camp,march. W, ^yip:, impf. D^'VJ pleasant Sy^ sandal, th^}, du. Dy^ p)leasantness ^yj ^oy, servant ; cf. 7rat9, puer. D''1V^? pl- nnyj girl 'ly^ /(? shake. So pi. nS^ ;^ breathe h^) to fall, hb', impf. 73^ untimely birth CrSJ 50w^, ///"e ; (2) will, desire ; (3) self 2)^:1 In nif. n^;i to stand; l**-^!! fo .se< up ._.,^ 7^i In nif. to escape ; hif. 7''V'n to rescue, de- liver ^V^ to guard T]'2'p} female 1p3 spotted ''P^ c^eaw, innocent jVpil purity Up) to avenge, c. accus. Dp^, impf. t]pi In hif. to go round "IJ a lamp - T Tp) to draw out or off. 7^, imp. n^^^ blowing, breath, blast ^m to blow p^^ to kiss. p^\ impf. i^m to lift, bear; (2) to forgive (sin). HXtJ^?? inf. ; m\ impf. HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 229 :\m In hif'ii, :^''m to overtake^ to win^ ob- tain N^b^i piHnce^ chieftain pi to put, set, give, p, imp.; |ri^, impf.; ri!ir)5< / will give ! fnj to pull down nXD a sea. D'XD (the third part of an 'Efd, sesquimodius) ilp to go roimd^compass. ±1 2B\ impf. (np not found in O.T.) y^p around. DU^^D places round, with sufF. *?[5P thicket 7^b burden. Dri/^D their burdens ^-1D to shut. Hif. deliver up (into power of) ilD to go away from. i1D!l, inf. draw back from DID horse. D^D^D, pi. 5]1D re^Js, sedge, coll. "^ID to turn aside. 'TTW^ T I T ^^3 Ze^ me now turn aside. ^p*1 "inp /ig traded IHD trader, merchant "^D (ie^z, /azr n3D trellis, booth 7pD pi. /ig stoned TuD to lift up. Pu. 06 weighed 77D to ^/i?'c>?^? z/:/) (a rampart). 77Wpn to oppose oneself to y7p rock (str. ravine) n^b flour, very fijie "Tj^p to uphold *l^p and pi. to bristle up n3p thicket, brush Dp 7?/c>^/i, weevil, arjs 230 HEBREW PRIMER. lyp to prop^ support rriyp a storm. H'lyp, constr. ISp to mourn. "T3p* nSp to destroy. T\^'D\ y^'O sapphire ^SD hook ^3p ^0 count. ^Sp*, nif. impf. zV can he counted. ^3p)^, pi. and he told *inp hiding-place^ lair, covert inp ^0 AzW^. Hithpa. hide oneself T " T n^y s/aye. ^^^. thy s. "T135? to serve ■ T rrniy service = servants^ servitium *155? to cross., pass ovei\ away. I^J^ (^P?) wi<>- 72^y ^/ia? passes., cur- rent, n^^^n inadepass., transferred^ / wto '1^5? the other side, "l^yp 7 (??2 ^Ag c>?/igr 52(i(? of rrilS? work., taskwork hy^ huiiock. rh^vi, f. ri/^y. ca?*#, wagon^ chariot "li? to, 50 /ar as to, usque ad. As a conj., U7itil "ry everlasting. 1 1'S\ paus. rriy (a?z appointed) meet- ing, assembly. '^''^fllV T\TiV testimony, law T.y flock, nnny, nny, pi. *liy sfz7/, longer, any more (after neg.) niV to 5«?/ «^(3m (a7r). T'yn /ig called to wit- ness, appealed to ri/iy sacrifice, hurnt-offer- ing HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 231 D/iy hidden^ i.e., inde- finite time; (2) eternity 77iy child, hoy, poet. cjiy to fly. piy;n P]iy 62Vc?5, coll. n|I.V blind TJ? s;r()?2(/ (of a gale). nty, f. ty TOZ^/i?, poet. *TV and niy Ae left T^iy strong nm Ae /i^Zped *1TV! nn|y help tD^V &zVc?s (?/ j9r6?/, coll. j:y gyg, f. D'^'y the eyes; V^^y /izs e?/es Dny, ny, pi. '7!) Mj90?i. n vy heside-i near it. *=|")'!|"^y «A^?' ^Ae manner of riSy ptcp. pi. f. of next word nSy ^(? ^0 2/^re^ Ami; npyn nlf. inf. ; rhT, impf. ]V?y jy/^A, a name of God, if6>5^ High oSy Nif. <(? ie hidde7i T\a7^ damsel Dy j9ec>p/g. -Dv, ^»y "Dy ?yz7/i, o-uz^, fxera. n^y z6'z7A m^. Dxy 2vith, amongst you nay to stand. nby!,impf. "T^Sy pillar pt2V glen pa^ deep n^V toansioer. IZX^'^- njy ^c &e oppressed. Pi. inf. constr. IHIiy /o oppress him ni3y lowliness ^^y oppression 232 HEBREW PlilMER. ISy dust T T nnsy lead |*y tree^ also coll. trees. D^Vy, '^ logs, firewood pn!^*y ;6>27, trouble, pain n^y counsel, plan Ij^V to hind. npp*l,impf. K^j>?y crooked, perverse I'ly evening D^!liy ivillows DnV ?2al^e^. D^DnV, pi. '^'ly to arrange. "^hV*! <2WcZ /i6' laid (the fire- wood) ; {2) to compare 7^*15? gloom )^'y smoke. [Ei^y, constr. JK^y smoking i^y verdure, grass rib's? he made, did. HW, impf. ; b^yri-Sx ^0 72(7^ ny ^z/72g. ny3 a^ this time riny ?2o?y T " n^ny he-goat ' nj<3 5iVZ^, corner T / yj3 Ae treated, made a compact, 5 ?^'iV^«; (2) A^ struck. ^yi?|3^"||) Z^5/ Ae strike us ^1^3 corpse ^^^ lie met rriB Ae ransomed; 2) ^e- livered riQ mouth. ""B, constr.; V3 A/s mouth HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 233 p3 to disperse. Hif. I^^Sn, LlT^% ^0 scatter T3 gold (str. purified) inS) fear^ dread, poet. in3 to tremble. Hif. ^6> ~ T frighten N73 a ivonder, miracle, and coll. t<7S /o separate (no qal). X/S^ 25 iconderful ^73 stream 773 No qal. Vi. to judge; hithpa. intercede for, pray to, y^', ^V? 0^ behalf of t073 In pi. deliver n^v3 escape ; (2) concr. 2^;/ia^ /i«5 escaped T T : • 7 inf. ger. D^^fi the face, looks. ^j?3; ^^37 6e/6>r^, coram ; ''JS? before me; fjiShf^fvm before me = out of ray sight; ''^l^TlX ^/^ /Ae presence of 1123 corner ; (2) ^ow;^?' D''D3 T\yr\'^ atunicofends, i.e., reaching to wrists and ancles 7yG maZ:^, (io, poet. 7^3 deed 0^3 ^w?,e {stroke, blow). D^^yS y^^ 5^z;^?i times; DV3 ^0 strike. Nif. D^Sni ^6> 6e disturbed n^3 ^(9 (}/?e?i npS to visit, review, mus- ter, punish "13 a bullock ni3 Nif. n^SJ Ae parf^dZ /r(?m (him) rriS heifer, cow >*15 y*n«Y. V73 /«5 /riuV j^^S spread, increased. n^3 ^c bear young, etc. p^3 and pi. break off tJ^'lS horseman. D^Ei'13, pi. Tt^'13 to spread out 234 HEBREW PRIMER. 10^3 to strip oneself; hif. another ; (2) to attach yi2^3 rebellion, fault, tres- pass nS a piece of bread D5 n^*1_ a/Z(i Ae was troubled ^1^ oppressor, besieger, foe 1*5^ ^^ grasp, collect. Nif. reflex. ^V^P^? /i^^'^ «-5- sembled "l^p grave. C. sufF. il^p; njp,, paus. ; ^jn^p ^5p /i6 buried D*lp ^Ae ^asil; (2) yore, old times. n^Hp? ^^^^ ward tJ'np ^0 6e Ao^y. Pi. he hallowed K'np holiness ; (2) Ao/y place, sanctuary, shrine ^yi\> holy /r\'D congregation mp Nif. to be gathered ; pi. M^lp waited, '^^, 7 ; n^p^, impf. 7ip voice. Tw)'p thunders D^p ^(9 rise. Dp, ptcp., assailant, foe. Dp*1 a^zcZ Ae rose pp Only in liif. f ^pH Ae awoke Pp ^(?/mr. !i:i^p*l [top sma//, little, young |bp ^(? &e little ; and adj. 236 HEBREW PRIMER. TTltDp incense "litOp smoke •^//p cursing^ curse n^p meal ^^p Pi. was zealous '"^^p he acquired^ gof^ bought. Ip*5, impf. c. Avaw conv. }*p end n^p g/zc? (loc). nvp edge ^"'Vp harvest ^Vp ?^a5 angry N'lp to happen^ meet. Inf. constr. riN^p, whence riiSnpS to ??2e^^ Nnp to cr?/, call. Nnp:, impf. ^Ip /i6 came nigh. yip\ impf; ^^Ipn, idem; (2) he brought near, offered ^"^p midst l^'lp offering np ^^^^'^- ^^^Ipj du. ; yip to 7'^?ZC? Ei^p stubble ^It^'p to attend (air). i^^pH /i(3 listened^ attended ng'p Aarc?. n^p, f. "l^"p to ^'mc?. Impf ng^p bow. '•ri^p, f. nx*! Ae saw. nj;?'!*, impf ^^7-^5 with waw conv. ^1^\ 3 f. ^N"]!) vision. ^i scare, rebuke. Hif. ) no- thingness, nought b^^ to row; (2) to run, 5 over p\^ leg ^'W lane. ^'0, pi. nity ox. Dn^^, pi. nnjJ^ to horn doum. Hith- T T pal. npriC^n to pros- trate oneself, le or lifn^y, before. (In this form the third radical is repeated ; shaha = shahawa orig.) Short impf. c. waw, ^nri^*^, (= wayyishtahaw) lon^ to slay (a victim), macto "in^ c/az672, poet. ^ri^,p. nn^ Pi. to destroy. Hif. destroy ; 2) corrupt, e.g. one's life, dark6 y^ to sing ^'P and mp a song n**^ to set, put, appoint. n^*^ to lie dow7i. 1'2^' - T • * n5^ to forget. r\^'^\ vb^ to be bereaved. Pi. to bereave DD^ Inhif. D^3^n;impf. c. waw conv. C^SJ'*^, to rise early Dp^ upper part of the back, including both shoulders. Dpl^, paus. \)^'2X^, c. sufF. jlDK^ to abide, dwell, settle nn;^^ f., c. 3 f. sufF., from p^ inhabitant T!>^ snow Uv>^ soundness, health., peace Dp name. "^^^, paus. "^W, W,c.suff.; pi. D^^I^" the heavens. No sing. (Assyr. sing., samu ; pi., sami and samamu) D!?^ to be silenced., as- tonished; 2) laid waste, dispeopled, destroyed. Impf. m\ and D^;: HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY Tv?^ to put forth (e.g., hand), send. Pi. let go, dismiss ]rh^ table 'ph^ third ^Sk' Hif. 'r\hm to throw, cast. ^h^\ 77^ spoil u7U to be safe and sound. Pi. cans. ; (2) finish ; {^)pay, repay t|7^ to draw out (e.g., sword) \ih^ and r\'^^^ three W there. n»K^ thither 241 T]f20 a waste, desolation. So r^tzb^^ T T : oil a rapid, transient sound, whisper. (Arab, shuma^un, hurrying) y^^ to hear, listen to, obey, c. ace, and le or 'el ^J2p report 112^ to guard, ivatch ; (2) keep (e.g., a law). Impf. ^b'^ sun, f. p tooth. n\-\^ teeth (stem shinn) nil^ to change. Nif. re- flex. n;i^ year. PI. D*;i^ and Ty)p sleep ti\)P tivo. ^J^, constr. ; f. D:n^, ^n^ 'y^ second. mV, f. Also adv. a second time 'im U'y^ twelve 17 242 HEBREW PRIMER. n]n:p du. of n:^, bien- nium IV^ In nif. \0:, to lean upon, c. 'al; (2) rely upon > ^w gate. DnysT, ny^. T\'n^P maid (servant). PI. D3^ to judge. Impf. 0. tD3K^ ptcp., a judge "^^W to pour out. '^bSJ'), impf. 73^* to he brought low. Hif. to humble., bring down TTl^P beauty np^ to drink, np^n, hif., to water; short impf. c. waw conv., fpf 1^. ; V. T\'h tOp^ to rest. Impf. /j^^ <2 sheqel (a certain standard weight) 7p^ to z^^zyi. Impf. t]p^ In hif. t)^p^n to look forth (from a window, etc.) X'l^ reptiles, coll. J*'^^ to creep, or tor?w^ m and nW S2> D:n^ two, f. 7^n^ planted n *)>{n form, look 75Jn f. world, poet., never c. art. ^nn emptiness, (empty) space DinJil roaring deep. PI. HEBREW-ENGLISH GLOSSARY. 243 TvpTli^ praise \"i:ji See n;n Tn)T\ confession^ thanks- giving '^T\ middle. "^irijConstr.; ^iptnS in our midst T\vy\'F\ worm^ maggoty grub niiyi^l an abomination ^^M to traverse^ spy out, reconnoitre Tn\T\ instruction, law ri*K^^n aid^ counsel, sageness nnri under, instead of nvD^l completion, end, ex- tremity pjjl to poise, prove. Pi. weigh TDl^ he hung n^ri was astonished, a- mazed, startled "^^Jl grasped, upheld, 3 n^'lDri likeness, shape rriltori exchange "T*ttJjl continually, always Wl2iS^ perfect, complete Dri id. D^J^ icas finished, spent. • ' AT : • j- quite cut off ^^n a palm-tree ^:^T\ See \T\) Pilfl sea-monster nyj^ ^(? wander, stray ypjjl Ae 5^62^ (a trumpet) J D^n it shall be unpeopled, impf. 3 s. f.; see DDSJ^ 17* ENGLISH-HEBREW GLOSSARY. ENGLISH-HEBREW GLOSSARY. Abide, to, dwell, l^) able, to be, 7b\ 75V, impf. c. 7, and inf. abomination, Hliyin above (over), /^ according to, 5 pref. account on, of, //^'^ accounted, to be, 12^1, nif. act, Syb, rhhv^ add, to, ^l?:, impf. tj^DV advantage, ji^H*. afraid, to be, N"!; ; of, *iS^ after, nn{< again, 1)}J; to do again, see Gr. p. 154 (b). against, *^y, ^^^P, c. sufF. all, 7^ (noun) ; c. sufF. 173 almost, t3y^?3 alone, "157; c. suflf. HI/ (in his isolation) altar, 1151^ alter, to, t|7n, hif. and, 1 angry, to be, ^Vp ; ^^^, and hithpa. another, "iPliiit answer, to, n;iV; Hjy;, |V*1 appal, to, nyi, pi. appear, to, come into sight, nX'l, nif. 248 HEBREW PRIMER. appearance, look, ^^r\ arbitrate, to, D^^in, hif. of ny ; between, 1^5 arise, to, D*lp ark, riiri arm, ynj; pi. D^yilT, and army, 7^n around, l^^lD, adv.; HIl^lnD, c. suff. as, like, 2 prefixed as, adv. n^^f^ ask, to, /i<^; from, [^ asleep, |^), v. and adj. ass, ni^n, m.; pHJ^, f. assailant. Dp, c. suff. assemble, to, ^DX^ atone, to, *133 ; for, 7^ avenge, to. Dpi; DHD, nif. awful, 5x frame, to, *1VJ free, 'ppn free, to set, "H vhp frog, y^iijy from, "1^; ^ prefixed to gutt. fruit, n|) fulfil, to (vow), dW G Gain, to, n3j5 gape open, to, nv|) garden, j3, 1133 gate, lyK' gateway, nri|) gather, to, ]^5p ; reflex. gathering, b'HO generation, 1)1 ghoul, I^V^ (hairy goat) girdle, IIT^, rTlUri girdled, to be, 'ITNI, c. ace. girl, nih'. give, to, p^ give up, to, *)^ilpn ; to, 1^5 glide, to, t)^n, tj':'ni ffioom, nicj'n O 7 T T -: glorify, to, HSS glorious, ini< glory, mn3; \m 256 HEBREW PRIMER. glow, to, Vl^in go, to, "^Sn go by, to, l^y (of time) go out, to, 5<^) go round, ^5P; ^""jpn goad, I^ll^l goat, ly, D'TV God, mh^ going, march, ^IIIvm gold, ^HT; poet. T3, DHS, pin good, niD, f. nniD gradually, see Gr. p. 151 (b) grapes, bunch of, ijy, ^5?^ grass, nb^S?; i^^ grave, ^5)7 ; •^11^'? great, to be, 13^5 great, to make, 7*1^ great, 7*1*15 greatly, IXp greatness, 7*15 grieve, to, HiS^, nif ; 7^t^, hithpa. grievous, to be, ys?*! o;round, n^*li< grow up, to, 7*15 guard oneself, to, ^^tJ^5, c. guerdon, Hj^'lV guide, to, y/'^'^, hif of guilt, pv H Ha! n.N?n hail, nn3 hair, a, rTiy^; white hair, T •* hallow, to, ^"""^pn (also, to acquit) halt, see lame hand, 1), f. ; DH), du. ; '% constr. handmaid, nilfiK^ harm, to, n^'^I)! 7^|; (the verb takes a sufF.) ENGLISH-HEBREW GLOSSARY. 257 harp, 11i!l3 harvest, "T'Vp hasten, to, ^H^, pi. hate, to, X^^, and pi. ptcp., foe hatred, r\i

:iy 7 T : V help, to, nm help, n^Ty hence, 113^ (from here) herdsman, Hyh here ! Hiiri (voici !) c. suff. ^ewn-stone, T\''U high, D1 (ptcp., of D*I1) hind, n'^^i^ holy, 2i^np honour, *lii3 honoured, to be, 15P^; honour, to, ^5-? hope, nipri hope, to, n^n, pi. c. ace. and 7 hope (wait), 711^ pi. ; Sh^.*, impf. horn, Pi"?; du. D^;i'lfp horseman, SJ^l^ (parrash) house, n^5; constr. n*5 how! n^, n^, D^, see Gr. P- how, quomodo, ^^ howl, to, hh'ri humble, to, h'^n humility, 11)^5? hundred, HN^; constr. HX^ hungry, to be, yOl^; also adj. husband, tJ'^N, ^^5 husbandman, ")5X; see farmer hushed, to be, ^t2'l 18 258 HEBREW rniMER. I, ^isi, ^5^X ice, rrij^ idol, '^w, dSv if, -DX, ^3 ill-will, n^p in, into, 5 pref. inherit, to, ^1) innocence, |VJp^ innocent, ^j5^ instead of, Pnri; DJ^riJ?, c. suff. interpreter, |* v!?, hif. ptcp. of yh into (of change), ? invoke, to, 5 ^^*lp iron, 7n5 it, X\n, nXT, f.; Nin, m. Joy, nn^^; mm judge, tOSJy judge, to, tOS^ judgment, t03^D just, to be, p'lV, impf. A justice, pn^; tOB^p K Keep, to, 1^'^ kid, n;i, pi. D^n?, constr. kill, to, :iin kind, Tpn kindness, lOT) king, "^^9 kingdom, nD7&^ knee, "Tl-ll, du. D:313 know, to, VI); pass., nif. ENGLISH-HEBREW GLOSSARY. 259 Lack, to, icn, ion* 7 7 - T 7 ' : V lack, pPn lacking, IDtl ; 1. honesty, lad, nS;, nyj lair, "^b lame, HDS lamentation, 7i^^5 lamp, ^i land, p«, pi. ni^f'^^{ lano^uao-e, HSb^ last, see end laugh, to, pnb' lay hold of, to, JTSri, 5 lead, to, "^h^r^ ; N*^nri (hof. pass.) ; nnj, impf. hif. leaf, nSy 7 V T lean, thin, p% pi. D^jp*! lean upon, to, J^^-?; /S] leap for joy, P^, 7^^ leave, to, iiy left, the, '?i^<^:^ lie down, to, '2^^ life, D^*ri; tJ'Sj, pi. msi'Sp lifted up, to be, D1*l (of pride) light, ""li^ likeness (look, aspect), IXh, line (measure), vJH lion, nj<, nn« lip, nSb'; du. D:n|5^, cstr. little, tb|5 live, to, ri^n " J T T living, *n loftv, D^, flbH ./ 7 t7 - T long, to, ri)J<, hithpa. c. inf. and 7 look at, to, £D^5ri; HXI; on, 5 lord, JTO; my lord! ^;l^^? lot, 7*11;!, p7n (portion) love, to, rini^, fsn loveliness, '•S'!, Isa. xxxiii. 17. low, to be, ^SK' IS* 260 lower, to, bring low, TBK'n lower, adj., ""liinri, f. n"'jyinn HEBREW PRIMEK. lowliness, ni3y lust, Tm}^ M Maiden, ThT\'2 virgfo; H^Sy 7 T : O ' r : - puella maidenhood, Dviri3 make, to, TW'Q] (appoint), maker, nb'y man, DnX; a, ^'^J< mankind, DIJ^H 7 T T T many, 11, D'*51 meet, to, yJ3, c. 5 (= hit upon) midst, "^^fl might, TJ^ mighty, liSil milk, nSn moan, ^^J^{ modesty = humility moistened, to be, lb*l moment, in a, ^^"^3, VT] money, f)p5 ; (a bribe), IH^ month, ^^n moon, T\y more than, "|p morning, "IPS mother, DJSt mould, to, *)V* mountain, 'IH mourn, to, SlN, S:3K* mouth, n3 much, ih (multitude) myriad, H^ll'l N Name, b^' name, to, X*lp, 1^^{, 'p nation, DV, ""lil near, ihj:?; prep. S^X ENGLISH-HEBREW GLOSSARY. 261 near, draw, to, I'll"? neck, "IJ^'lV, and pi. neighbour, see near new, ^"in next, adv., *inx night, riT? noise, [i^H no longer, 1iy . . . k? no man, 73 . . . ^^7; px c. ptcp. nose, D^£)J|{ nostril, PjX not, N7 (gen. non); 7^{ (gen. ne); see Gr. p. 163. not (is, are not), "px, c. suff. nothingness, 7^n, px now, nriy now (hortatory enclitic), i<2l" Oak of weeping, nm pW oath, nyiin^ occupy, to, ti^y offence, HX^H offend, to, XtOH 7 7 T T offspring, VIT old, IpT old age, D^^lpl old time, D'l|!5 on (of time), 5 on (upon), 75? ; c. suff. vp, see Gr. Suff. Pron. once, nri5< D^B (one time) one, '^^^5 / T V only, adv. restrict, pi open, to, np2; pass., nif. open, to (intr.), HHS ; (the mouth), n^£) oppression, ''^y order, to, H^V, c. ? order, set in, arrange, '^'1)2 ornament, Dv?, v3 {crKevrD ourselves, see Gr. Pronouns out of, "p 262 HEBREW PRIMER. outstretched, ^1tO!l overturn, to, "^SH ; impf. ox, y\'J oxen, np3, coll. Pain, ]mVt palm (of hand), f)3 pant, to, n^sn, ff^p pass over, to, cross, 1^^ passenger, ^l!!^ path, S|yp, ^'I'l patient, ))V pay, to (a vow), DT^ peace, to make, Dv^H; with, "HN* peace, D17^ pearls(?), D^i^J?) people, Dy perfect, D^^H perish, to, *I5^5 perverse, ^j^J) pillar, n'lay, nn^o pity, to, pH; impf. [h: place, Dip^ plague, ^51 plant, to, yt:;i planted, 'r'ln^ pleasant, D**!?^ (amaenus) pleasantness, Dpi plenty, ynb' plow, to, s^nn plow, a, n^")DD plunder, ri7TH poor, JVliS*, ^;^, D^*;iy portioned out, to be, pyH pour, to, "^3^ poverty, tJ'^l praise, to, /^H praise, n^njjl pray! i sanctify, to, ^'^p satisfied, to be, V^^ save, to, W)r\ (V^:) say, to, ^^X scare, to, nyS scatter, to, HnT (pi.), pSH sceptre, L3^^ scribe, *1$D sea, D), "D) ENGLISH-HEBREW GLOSSAKY. 265 seat, n^iD second, W, ^'^^ see, to, DNI 7 / T T seed, yiT seek, to, J^P5 seize, to, THi^, T^^^^ sell, to, 1^f2 send, to, D?^ serve, to, 1^)3 set, to, D^B^ set, fix, to, n^K^ set up, to, y^ri (:2XJ) settle, to, ymr\ ci^') seven, seventy, see pp. 66, 67 shadow, 7V shaking, HSI^ri shame, HB^S sharp, in shed, to, "^S^ sheep, ]X^ shepherd, nyi shield, ]yf2 shine, to, y3\ hif. ship, n*;iNi Gr. shiver, to, yiJ shoot forth, to, ri^ib^fH shoulder, DD^ shoutino^, n-J^ show = make see, hif. shriek, to, py^ shrine, l^lb shut, to, IJp sickness, vD sighing, nn^X sight, nxi^ (look) sign, m^{ silver, P]p3 sin, to, ^{tD^, Nton^ sin, a, ^^{^^ sincerity, ntJK sing, to, y^ sinner, NISH sister, ninK, Gr. p. 65 slander, to, Cj'in, 7^*1 slave, l^Vl slay, to, Jl'iri sleep, T])^ sleep, to, [SJ';, J^^^. small, fbp, [bp 266 HEBREW PRIMER. smile, see laugh smite, to, ri3n (H^i) smoke, [^V smoothness, p/H snow, J^p softly, tDih son, [5 song, y^ sore, y*1 sorrow, fl^l soul, ^|3i sound, zip south, ]m, :2^^. sow, to, J^^T speak, to, "n^"^ spirit, T}T) spoil, ^^^^ sport, to, pH!^, pi. spotted, np^ spread out, to, HDJ, ^^13 spring, a, J^VO stafF, ':'pO stand, to, lt2iV star, 135^3 statute, pn, D*pn steal, to, 335 (also qal) steer, "13, S^y still, yet, niy stone, |3NI stop, to, intr., l^V storm, "lyp straightness, pl^, 1)^''^ strange = wonderful stranger, ^3 stream, J7|l street, p^K^, fin strength, pin, T^ strengthen, to, pTH strife, nn strike, H^J, hif. stripes, ri3D, coll. strong, pjn, nw^ suckle, to, py, hif. substance (wealth), ^13") sulphur, nn?^ sun, m*^ supplications, D^^l^np swallow, to, y7^ swear, to, V^^^ sweat, nyf sweet, to be, I'll? EXGLISII-HEBREW GLOSSARY. swift, 7p swim, to, TiTlHi^ / 7 T T 267 sword, yy!) T Take, to, T]p7 ; (a city) *1j7 take down, to, inin, hif. of IT; pass. hof. tall, tlh^ teach, to, ynin, hif. of tear away, to, 7T| ; from, p tear in pieces, to, Vj^'2 tell, to, *151; (good news) tempt, to, JlDi; p!! (to test); nif. pass. temptation, riD^ ten, nb'y tender, '^'n tender mercies, D^isn'l tent, SniS terror, ririp!3, Jl^^PS poet. thank, to, nnin, hif. of m^ thanksgiving, ITliJ^ that, N^n, f. N^ri; pi. nm, f. n^n thigh, "^jn;; constr. *^T, f. thin, pi, thinor, -iin"! O' T T this, nj, f. nwst; pi. rhi^ thorn, ]*ip thou, nrix, f. ri5< thousand, 5)7?;^ throne, ^sD^ throw, to, '^h^n thrust through, to, Ijyi thunder, to, D^yiH till, to, nny time, ny together, *in^ toil, Xl% h^V 1 - • •,> T T 268 HEBREW PRIMER. token, nSI^ tongue, pSJ^7 tooth, J^'; teeth, U'W totter, to, tOltti, nif. of treasure, ^)^)i<', pi. nm^ tree, J*y trouble, nnv trust in, to, [""P^f^? ^- ?' npn (take refuge with) turn (round) to, intr. H^S, n:3^; ]|)n5 and she turned turn into, to, "^SH, c. v turn backward, to, ^IID, nif. two, D:^^'; constr. ';^p; f. u Under, nnri understanding, HJ^S, ^5|^l' Underworld, the, hi^f upon, by upper, Py^, adj. upright, *1^J uproot, to, tJ^IK^, pi. Valley, X^|, p^^ vanity, Snn (a breath), i

o _ CO '''A^J13AINf1]\^> ^.OfCAllfO/?^ ,^Of-C/ U-l ,^ ,^\\ILIBRARY^. ± § 1 ir- o 01^ '^/5J13AINn-3W'^ , \\A[ L'NIVti:i7/, ANtLICRARYQr ""'llDNVSOl^ %a3AINaj\ ;4,OFCALIF0 <^\mmO/^_ ^ILIBRARY/y/ ^lOSANCElfj".^,