:MN ^h '^aUiUVJJvj .^WE•UNIVERS•/A >• ■^/Ad3AINn-3WV ■i\-- o o mm ^CAIIFO/?^: CAll ■^/^aHAiNn-JWv >&Aavaani^ ^(^Aavji ^t! JAINlHV\v -< ^lllBRARYOc^ ^llIBRARYOc >i ^ '^/^a3Al^ 2 "- ce -- ^TiijoNYsov^'^ '^^mm 'FHARYr)-' •1^ , .vii- VI. I . vMu/At ^clOSANCtltJ^ ^WEUNIVER% < - CO :=: <: .aEUNIVER^// IW 'Mojito- jo^ U DP ^ -^ ^ .#^ a^S^'k ^OFCAl! ^JIlVOjO^ Cx: JL/J I 1 » w' 3>J !rtEUNIVER5//. o «■ ivrci r^ ^OFCAIIFO% ^ Ad 1 (i G I I 3 ' :^ ^OFCAllFOff^ 4? %r. -\U Y UCll I 3^ <^ ■^■^JIJJ,> \RYO/r ^AtllBRARYQ-c. ^ "^ 1 1 r^ ^ \WFUNIVERV/, (25 'V/ja3AlNil-3\\V'* OFCALIFO/?^ ^OFCALIFO% ^^\ji >.nui I v/;j/i^ AWEUNIVER5'//i 5f- ^lOSANCElfT^ "^/saaAiNQ-av^ ^OFC rtEUNIVERS/Zi vKin'5AsTfl/'r o ;5' "^/^aaAiNn-awv^ aOSANCElfj^ -< ^OFCAllFOff^ %. .o.OFCAIlFO;?^. I ^ 'vlllBRARYGr sjAlllBRARYQ^ '^ '^AOJIIV ^w^UNlVER% A GENEALOGY OP Runnels and Reynolds Families IN AMERICA; WITH KECOEDS AND BRIEF MEMORIALS OF THE EARLIEST ANCESTORS, so FAR AS KNOWN, AND OF MANY OF THEIK DESCENDANTS, BEAIUNG THE SAME AND OXJIEK NAMES. IN THREE TARTS, WITH AN APPENDIX. BY Rev. M. T. RUNNELS, A. M., Pastor of the Conf/rcr/ationul Church in Sauboriiton, N. II. "And tliu Lord said unto Moses, Write this for a 'Memorial' in a Book." — Exodus xvii. 14. BOSTON: AI.FJtED MUDGE & SON, PIUNTEKS, No. 34 SCHOOL SlUEKT. 1873. ^ 1047 Runnels and Reynolds Families \ ;^ .ycnoalooy of. m America, with records' and brief nie^itonals of the earliest ancestors ( CONTENTS Page pneface and explanations v General Introduction — Origin ajjd Orthography of the Name, xi Part I. A Genealogical Memoir of Samuel Kunels, 1703-1745 . 1 Part II. A Genealogical Memoir of Job Runels, or Eunals, 1713-1762 117 Part III. A Genealogical Memoir of John Eunels, or Eonals, 1718-1756 171 Appendix "A." The Earliest Reynolds Families of New Eng- land, with a Partial Genealogy of Egbert Eeynolds, of Boston, 1632-1659 252 Appendix "B." Genealogical Notices of other Reynolds Fam- ilies Originating in New England 270 Appendix " C." Genealogical Notices of Eeynolds Families that settled ln America Outside of New England . . 273 Appendix " D." Genealogical Notices of other Runnels Fam- ilies IN New Hampshire 274 Appendix "E." Notices of other Eunnels Families in Maine, 279 Appendix " F." A Genealogy of Valentine Eunnels, in Massa- chusetts 2.S1 Appendix "G." Miscellaneous Notes on a few others, as yet unconnected with the foregoing Families .... 284 Addenda . 289 EoLL OF Honor . 295 Index I • . .'301 Index TI . 317 PREFACE AND EXPLANATIONS. A FEW words, both apologetic and explanator}', are here premised, inasmuch as this book of genealogies is believed to contain some features peculiar to itself, — at least, in the extent to which they are carried out ; while, from previously observing the difTieult y which persons of no more than ordinary intelligence have found in tracing the records of books of this kind, so familiar to the gene- alogist, the author has been convinced that explanations and direc- tions for using cannot well be made too minute or explicit. The first design of this collection was simply to furnish a register of all the children, both of sons and daughters, of those who, being descended from the three ancestors assumed in the respective " Parts," originally bore their surname, in souie one of the various styles of its orthography. This register is now very nearly com- plete. A few supposable omissions among the earlier generations it is now impossible to supply', — and for the very few among later generations, it is not advisable longer to wait. Entire uniformity and impartiality have also been observed in the registry of these descendants. The well-approved plan of the " Shifter " and " Spalding Memorials " has been substantially fol- lowed. Consecutive numbers are used on the left margins of the pages all through the book, no two individuals ordinarily appeariug with the same nuuiber, and many being entered twice, or with two numbers, both as members and as heads of families. All descend- ants, bearing the original patronymic, can therefore be readily traced by observing the following simple directions. For finding any name of a Runnels or Reynolds, consult Index No. 1, where all the Christian names, only, arc alphabetically arranged, to which viii rnKFACE and explanations. i:illy, (linroroni phasos of life, in difrercnt periods or localities, could 1)0 illustrated ; as, for example, of Revolutionary life in [82], [136], [21.0], and [2208] ; of pioneer life in [123], [458], [1924], and [2434]. Here, too, as in respect to the fulness of the female lines, niust the principle obtain, that only where much is given can much be reiiuired. In every case the substance, at least, of all informa- tion sent has been incorporated. A few epitaphs, anecdotes, and scraps of poetry are introduced, not as a matter of literary pretension, but for variety's sake, and to gratify, in some cases, the desires of those whose buried treas- ures may thus more vividly be kept in memory. In accordance with the wise saying ascribed to John Quincy Adams, that " Posterity delights in details," more full and minute citations from old registries of deeds, probate records, and other public documents, are here given, than are customary in most sim- ilar works, for the reason that the proof of many genealogical points, established, is thu^ presented ; while all the information which can be gathered respecting one's earlier ancestors is naturally gratifying, and barren facts or dates thus grouped together, though of no general interest except to immediate descendants, frequently suggest far more than can be expressed in words. No effort has been made to trace our ancestry to the old country, as such attempts are rarely attended with sufficient satisfaction to warrant the requisite outlay of time and money. Our family his- tory in America is all we need, while the "Roll of Honor" is a silent but eloquent reminder of what sacrifices our fathers and their sons have made in the several national struggles. A few minor explanations are here appended. If two different dates were found, — as of births on toion conflicting with prioate records, — or if a similar uncertainty existed as to names, etc., the more probable is given first, and the other directlj' after, in parenthesis. Sometimes, however, a word in parenthesis is only explanatory of what precedes, and such cases are to be determined bj' the sense alone. In the female lines, the children of Runnels or Re3-nolds daugh- ters (as well as sons), though man-ying into other families, and thus changing the name, are yet entered with consecutive numbers ; but the surname is designed invariably to follow the oldest child of PREFACE AND EXPLANATIONS. IX the given family, in parenthesis, and likewise to be supplied with all the other children (cousccutive uunibers) of that famil}', unless repeated. Other family names, introduced by marriage, also appear in parentheses after each oldest child of that name in the next gen- eration ; and on returning to the previous generation, the previous surname is usually repeated, in parenthesis, after the Christian name of the next child. Several deviations from this rule will indeed be observed, through an oversight in preparing copy, the most important of which will be corrected, in " Errata," at the close of the volume. All Christian names, appearing in the direct line of descent from common ancestors, are printed in small capitals, except by mistake in a few instances; they were also designed to be given in full, though we still have only the initials of middle names from some families. The term " unmarried " is never, or rarely, employed. The fact may be inferred, if nowhere stated to the contrary, except in those families of which the records are evidently not filled, and mere names are given. Where one place of settlement or residence is stated in immediate connection with the head of a family, it may be left as a matter of inference that the children were all born in that place, unless otherwise stated. On the other hand, places of parents' residence are sometimes to be inferred from the given places of children's births. Consecutive numbers are always referred to in brackets. The usual abbreviations for the names of States are emploj^ed, and usually but once each after each family name, when the place of residence is first given. Every town afterwards mentioned is supposed to be in the same State, if without special designation. Other abbreviations are those in common use, as "b." for "born," " m." for " married," " d." for " died," etc. A mark of interrogation (?) after a nauie or date implies un- certainty. Previously to 1752, the year, in England, commenced on the 25th of March ; hence, for many years afterwards, writers antl tran- scribers of dates occurring Ijetween Jan. 1 and March 25, were accustomed to signif\' lK)th years, thu^: "Mar. 5, 1744-5," i. e. "1714" according to the "Old Style" of reckoniug, "1745" according to the " New Style." X TliErACE AND EXPLANATIONS. The csfalc's and moneyed transactions of our fathers were often Tiinch larger than the>' seem to us, judging from the figures ; the vahie of money in former times — except during the Revolutionary war — l)eing nuich greater than at present. A blank " Family Record " is inserted at the end of each book, thus enabling different families to supply deficiencies in their records, or continue them in future yeaii?. Some patrons of this work, especiall}^ among the female lines, may be liable to a lack of general interest and a feeling of disai>- pointmcnt in the same, because their personal acquaintance is confined to a very limited circle of the numerous families and indi- viduals here recorded. But such must bear in mind that the book could never have been printed except by thus collecting the greatest possible number of families, all of whom could claim a direct con- nection with some common ancestor. They must also content themselves with the charitable conclusion that all other parts of the work, though uninteresting to them, may yet prove gratifying to other i)ersons in other family groups. Tlie labor of compiling and arranging these records lias been great, but to the compiler himself exceeding^ pleasant. No less than eight hundred letters have been written, and at least an equal number of circulars sent out. Much time has also been sjKjnt in the inspection of public documents in town and county archives, and niany pleasant visits have been enjoj'ed at the homes of numerous " cousins," all of which are thankfully remeral>ered. To all those who have kiudl}" aided him in the supply of mate- rial, the author would here express heartfelt gratitude, — next to II im who only hath " made him to prosper." To the printers, also, for their kindness and courtesy during the eight months occupied in going through the press, with continuous additions and emenda tions ; for the remarkable fewness of errors and mistakes, cousid ering the character of the work ; and for the highly satisfactory mechanical execution of the book itself, — the thanks of all inter- ested are justlj' due. M. T. R. Sanbornton, March 15, 1873. GENERAL INTRODUCTION, REMARKS OPON THE ORIGIN MD ORTEOGRAriiy OF THE Ml. The true genealogist is not solely or chiefly influenced b}^ a Tooling of fiimily pride. He distinguislics, as a late writer in the " Boston Journal " has hapjnly done, " between a pride of ancestry and a taste for pedigree." " The former is senseless ; but the latter, he claims, is at least harmless." Adopting the noble sentiment of Burke, that " those who do not treasure up the memory of their ancestors, do not deserve to be remembered by posterity," he would yet l)y no means expose liimself to the quaint sarcasm of Sir Thoma;3 Overl)ur3% tliut " those who rest tlieir claim to considera- tion on the merit of their ancestry, and not their own individual worth, resemble a hill of potatoes, — the best portion is under ground ! " It, therefore, matters not that his ancestors or their descendants are unknown to fame. He desires to glorify the God of his fathers by rescuing their names, however humble, from oblivion, l>y com- mending their Christian virtues, and b}' transmitting their history, whatever it was, to those who shall come after. He is thus enlarg- ing the field of actual knowledge to the "rising generations" of the several families represented, and his inquiries, as another has said, are " fraught with instruction in ailbnling us an insight into the habits of life and social ways of periods long past, and in fixing in the memory historical epochs and events," by enabling different persons to associate at least the chronology of such events with their own forefathers or relatives who may have been inci- dentally connected with them. He (the genealogist) would also xii r;F.\Ei:.\L iNTi:oT)T'fTTOX, etc. afn.nl fo o.'icli (Minily <-irclo of llio iiioro rncont. gonoralions a per- m:moiit, Uu>ii;j;l» l)ii('r, nioinorial of the loved wlio have passed from tlicir cnduace, — " not lost, but gone before," — feeling assured that the treasured name, even of the youngest child in a family record, is, to some hearts, no unmeaning expletive. Actuated by such motives, the author's original design in prepar- ing the present work was to collect and present a complete list, with brief biographical sketches, of all persons, aiTauged by families, who bore or still bear the cognate surnames of Runnels, Runnals, or Reynolds, and are proved to have been descended from the com- mon ancestor whose name stands at the head of each Part. On commencing his investigations, however, he was soon con- fronted by the troublesome fact that his own and his ancestors' name is one of the most difficult to trace and connect in the way proposed. Assuming that those records which contain actual sig- natures, like wills, deeds, etc., and the records of towns where the individuals lived, were to be regarded as most reliable for the or- thography of the name, he found such records unanimous in giving it " Runels " or " Runnels " in the earlier generations of Part I; though clerks, or transcribers of other records, had spelled the name variously, either by confounding it with the several ancient methods of spelling the English " Reynolds," by using the vowels indiscriminately in either of the two syllables ; or, by doubling the consonants n and I. Hence he found, for the varied orthogTaphies of Part I, nineteen in all: " Runels, Runnels, Runeles, Runells, Runnells, Runiles, Runils, Runnils, Runills, Runiels, Runniels, Runails, Runnals, Runnalls, Reunals, Rennalls, Renolls, Rennolds, and Reynolds." Only one branch of this family (Part I) is now known to re- tjun the more ancient " Runels " ; several branches, or rather indi\iduals, in later times have adopted "Runnells," while sev- eral other branches, mostly in the later generations and in the family of Stephen [10], have taken refuge from all confusion in the more common and less ambiguous " Reynolds." As, how- ever, " Runels " was found to be the only well authenticated name of the common ancestor Samuel [1], and as " Runnels" is the or- thography more generally used by his descendants, the author felt obliged to regard this as the standard, though leaving each family GENERAL INTRODUCTION, ETC. Xlll at liberty to retain its own method of spelling, whether traditional or assumed. Similar remarks would apply to the other Parts of the book. Among the records consulted for Parts II and III (mostly in New Hampshire), were the following sixteen varied orthographies, besides a greater part of those already given : " Runals, Runnalds, Kanals, Ranells, Renels, Renells, Renals, Reneles, Rcnnels, Renolds, Rennalds, Ronals, Roneles, Ronels, Roniels," and the evident contraction " R'nls." The Reynolds and Runnels families of the *' Appendix " also afforded fourteen additional variations, as follows : " Raynolds, Roynalds, Reinolds, Rcnold, Ranalls, Renes, Renls, Rennell, Ren- alls, Reanols, Ronalls, Runolds, Runnall, and Runalls." Thus there are furnished no less than forty-nine different ways of spell- ing the names under consideration, while a glance at the last cita- tions (or the " Appendix " at the close of this volume) will show that even the " Rej-nolds" orthography is not of undeviating usage. This latter name, indeed, is generally admitted to have been derived from the old German " Reginald" ; and it cannot certainly be de- termined whether Runnels (or Runels), as above, is a corruption of this English Rej'nolds, as is claimed by some, or whether it has an independent Scotch derivation. Probability favors the latter supposition The loord " Runnel " is a Scotch term, meaning a small brook, or rivulet. It is found in the poetry of Sir Walter Scott ; see " Introduction" to " The Bridal of Triermain" : — " For here, conipell'd to disunite, Hound petty isles tlie runnels glide." Also, Canto 2d, of the same poem : — " See how the little runnels leap. In threads of silver, down the steep, To swell the brooklet's moan." Nor is this an obsolete Scotch word, as claimed by some ; for in one of the later works of Hngli Miller, ix. n., "The Cruise of the Betsy, with Rambles of a Geologist; or, Ten Thousand Miles over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland," printed in 1858, arc the following allu.-jions ; p. o2G, " Wliilo at the IjoUoiii of tlio XIV OENERAL INTRODUCTION, ETC. hollows, washed by the runnels, which, in the slow lapse of years, have been the architects of the whole, we find cairn-like accumula- tions of water-rolled stones, the disengaged pebbles and boulders of the deposit" (boulder clay) ; p. 514, "The sun broke out in great beauty after the showers, glistening on a thousand minute runnels, that came streaming down the precipices, and revealing through their vapory haze the horizontal lines of strata." See, also, pp. 51, 301, 330, 334, and 376. As confirming the above supposable derivation, Bowditch, in his " Suffolk Surnames," calls "Runnells" "a name taken from the face of nature" ; instancing " Kev. Mr. Runnells, teacher" (prob- ably mistaken for trustee, see [2046]) " at the New^ Hampton Institute, N. H., 1858." Another possible derivation of the name has been suggested from the old Norwegian " Ronald," as we find the name of " Baron Ronald Urka," who was present at the death of King Haco, the last of the Norwegian invaders, who died at Orkney in the thir- teenth century. Hence Ave have North and South '' Ronald sha" among the present names of the islands of the Orkneys ; as, also, the unfortunate hero of one of Walter Scott's minor poems, " Lord Ronald." This derivation is, however, less probable ; and Runnels might as reasonably originate in Reynolds as in Ronald, except as the latter was afterwards a Scotch rather than an English name. But the fact that the Runnels families are undoubted!}^ of Scotch extraction (see Introductions to Parts I and IH, and [3936]), would seem to favor an independent Scotch derivation for the name itself, probably from an object in nature, as shown above. Rey- nolds, to be sure, in pronunciation, often soimds like Runnels, and the latter, on that account, is thought to be a very reasonable cor- ruption of the former ; yet we must, evidently, go farther back than any of the dates or records cited for the Runnels families of this work, to prove their identity with the name or race of Rey- nolds. The conclusion to which the writer has arrived is this, that Ruimels is, for the most part, Scotch, while Reynolds is English and Irish. He has found numerous lainilies b3' the name of Reynolds in Lowell, Lawrence, Salem, Boston, and Hartford, which were of Irish origin, and some of them were evidently of very recent arrival ; but no Scotch families have been discovered beariuo- that name. GENERAL INTRODUCTION, ETC. XV The old Reynolds families, noted in the Appendix, are of undoubted English origin ; and their descendants have quite generally and tenaciousl}'^ held to the original spelling of their name, — "vvith slight occasional variations, as before noted, — at least, there is no documentary evidence that any of them have changed the name to Runnels. On the other hand, many branches of the Runnels families, as will be seen in various parts of this book, have changed to Reynolds, on the supposition that this was the original name of which Runnels was only a corruption. Hence the case stands that /many of the Reynolds name are found among Runnels families, but none of the Runnels name are found among Re3'uolds families ; and the conclusion is that, aside from the changes just noted, the two names, though sounding alike in rapid pronunciation, are really separate and distinct. No " coat-of-arms " of Runnels or Rc3'nolds families has come to the author's knowledge, except that noticed under [2003], claimed to have been obtained in England from a book of heraldry in the library of the royal college. Not being versed in the science of heraldry, the writer confesses that he cannot interpret all the terms employed in this description, of which an exact copy is here given for the gratification of those who are skilled or interested in armorial ensigns, and who also may be better able than himself to judge of its genealogical importance. ^^Arms; Argent (white) ; masoned; sable (black), upon a chief indented of the last (black). A plate charged with a rose, gules (red), barbed and seeded, etc.; between two lleurs d Ij-s. Or (gold). — Crest; a fox passant, gold, holding in its mouth a rose, as in the arms, slipped and leaved, vert (green). — Motto : " Murus aheneus esto." — (Underneath) " Ruunells." — (On the back) "The family of Runuells is originally from the town of Biddeford, in the county of Devon. There are five descents in Sir Wm. Seagcr's visitation, in 1619." This latter statement, seeming to point to an English rather than a Scotch origin, might lead one, in view of the foregoing conclu- sions, to quest i<»n the historical accuracy <»f the whole documont ; unless we fall back on another fanciful derivation of the name whicli has been suggested, viz., that tlio first who bore it, and lor wliose services this cuat-of-arms was cicated, was a courier, jr XVi GENERAL INTRODUCTION, ETC. bonrcr of dcspatchcg, of rcmnikaljlc swiftness radford again, wliere they were tiually settled, as proved by the following abstract of Deed and Will from the Essex Records in Salem, IVIass. " Dec. 2(1, 1710. .Tohn Bointoii to Samuel Runels in Bradford, Husband- inau, in consideration of £7, part paid and part secured by bill, a certain piece of land lying in the townsiii]) of Bradford, 20 acres as it is bonnded, he it more or less; bounded on the N. E. corner on a little small red oak marked and on the South side of a froi; pond; and so runninir on the East side upon land of Thomas West till it come to Boxford line ; and on the South on B(jxford line to tlie stump of an old tree, with stones Ijy it, on lioxford line; and from that stump, on the West side, by land of Kicharil Kimball, unto a stake and stones on the N. W. corner." We have no evidence of real estate as possessed in Massachusetts at an earlier date by a meml)er of this family ; impl3-ing that though married some eigiit or ten years i)reviously, this ancestor did not liave a " home of his own," iu Bradford, till 1710-11. It is evident, too, from this deed, and the price paid, that his oriuiual twenty-acre lot must have been comparatively wild and less valuable land at the time of purciiase. The northern bounds arc not given, but its loca- tion ou Boxford line is made certain. This was afterwards known iu Bradford as tlie "Job Runnels Place," where the "Job Ruunels ajjples," excellent for their keeping (puilities the year round, were found growing. J. Warren Chadwick now owns the same site, near Chadwick's or Little Pond. The land was translerred from John Kuuuels [22] to James Buswell, and by the latter to Jona. Chadwick. The old Ruunels house was standing as late as 18-10, 6 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. on a kuoll a fmv rods soiitliwcHt of Mr. Cluulvvlck's, witli tlie famous apidc-lrcc near it. Tlie sUiiii|) of tlio " little small rod oak," alluded to ;is the iiortlicast-coriier bound, afterwards a gij^antic tree. Was (lu«; ii|» in .Inne, 1H71, ami a piece of the same is now preserved l)y 111(7 writer as a choice relic. Five other deeds show that this orig- inal farm in Bradford was nearly doubled by Sanmel [1], and that he purchased a tract of land in Newl)ury of Nath:ini(!l Dole. lie was also assessed for taxes in Boxford, 1712-17, one of those years, as per record, £2 6s. His descendants in Concord, N. H., have a tradition that he yvas interested in the early settlement of that town ; hence he is mentioned in Dr. Bouton's ilistory as " signing a petition to Gov. Shute for the granting of Penacook, 1721;" " enrolled as a settler, 1725 ;" " taking a home lot near the present city, 1727," and " having a house erected, 1731." His home lot, "No. IG, 1st Div." was "fenced and improved," — afterwards deeded to William Stickney. His house, built but " not inhabited " by him, stood nearly opposite the old Al)bot Fort, Main Street, on the spot now occupied by the house of Woodbridge Odlin, Esq. He also owned five acres on the " Sugar Ball Plain." (Hist, of Concord, p. 126.) The Church Records say that " Samuel Runnels was admitted to full connnunion with the Congregational Church in Bradford, Nov. 27, 1709, was baptized, and owned ye Covenant said dny." Ever after he brought his children verv early to baptism as " chil- dren of the Covenant," the names of iiis five youngest appearing on the same Church Records, as below. His Will was dated "March 5, 1744-5," and "Proved, at Ipswich, Nov. 25, 1745." Abstract as follows : — "I, Samuel Runels, of Bradford, etc., yeoman, * * bequeath to Abi- gaill my dearly and well beloved wife one cow, four sheep and mj' mare for her own use, also household goods and wearing apparel, and the free use and improvement of the East end of my house during her natural life. I give to my sous, Stephen and Job all my lands iu Bradford, (they paying the legacies here mentioned) also to Stephen the East end of my house to come in possession after the decease of my wife, and to Job the West end of my house which he now lives in. As to mij lands that may fall to me in the Eastern parts, by my Gi andfather or Father liunels, I give them to my four sons, Stephen, Samuel, Job and Ebeuezer to he equally divided between them for quantity and quantity. " I give unto my beloved son Samuel Runels 25 shillings lawful money, and that to be his portion iu my estate with what I have already given him. ♦♦ I give and bequeath unto my son Ebenezer Runels the sum of £35 lawful money (or other payable bills of credit equivalent thereto) or to his lawful heirs, when he comes to the age of 21 years, to be paid by my Executors in equal parts, and that to be his portion out of my estate. "I give to Sarah Lakeman, or her heirs, £10 in six months after my decease ; and to my grand son, William Atwood, or his heirs, £5 lawful money to be paid when he is 21 years of age. " I constitute my beloved sons, Stephen and Job, sole executors (to whom I give my live stock except what I have given to ray wife by will), ordering thoni to pay my houest debts and funeral charges and legacies al)ove mentioned, and to give their mother, my now present wife, a decent burial at her decease." PAET I. — FIRST GENERATION. 7 The " Enventory " of his estate was taken by T homas Kimba ll and two others, Dec. 3, 1745, and is still to be seen among the old papers of Ensign Enos Reynolds [04] : " Amounting, whole, in bills of ye last Tenor, £222 17s. 3d." Among the items spe- cified are "About 30 acres of land with buildings thereon, ,€1GU." " One pare of oxen £9." " Thirteen barriels of syder, with bariels £3." " Waring apareal £5 7s. 6d.," and various " Utensiels for husbandry." He d. and was buried in Bradford. The writer was so happy as to discover his grave, in the old Bradford cemetery, in 1871 ! The rich satisfaction was also afforded of resetting the prostrated gravestones and re-marking their inscriptions, v,hich read, upon the headstone, " Here lies buried the body of Sergt. Samuel Runels who died the 27th of October, 1745, aged 51st years"; on the footstone, "Samuel Runels." Date of death corresponds with that upon the Town Records ; but a mistake of " 5 " for " 7 " was undoubtedly made in the age, as well as in the manner of expressing it. He must have been more than 51 years old, as appears from the birth of hia oldest son, and the age of his second son's wife, buried at his side. Calling it "71 years," the year of his birth, not otherwise ascer- tained, is reasonably fixed at 1G74. This synchronizes with his supposed arrival from IS'ova Scotia in 1690. AVe also learn, only from the above inscription, that he bore the military title of "Sergeant." His widow d. Oct. 11, 1753, in Bradford (Town Records). Their children were \\\\ b. in Bradford except the second. 2. Stephen [10], b. May 14, 1703. 3. Samuel [17], b. Dec. 17, 1706, probably in Haverhill, as his birth appears on the Haverhill, and not on the Bradford Records ; the only child given on the former under his parents' names. 4. John, b. March 9, 1710; d. witiiin a year and one month. 5. John, b. April 8, 1711; d. July 0, 1713. The baptism of "John, child of Samuel and Abisrail Runels," appears on the Ch. Rec- ords "Apr. 1, 1711." If this is 7iot a mistake, it belongs, evi- dently, to the older John, who must therefore have d. between Apr. 1 and 8, 1711. It is probably, however, designed for "Apr. 10 or 11, 1711," and so marks the baptism of this younger child. __6^__JiiJDL£2Ii3, b. June 18, 1712; bap. July 27, 1712. 7. Sakah [30], b. Oct. 31, 1710; hap. Nov. 4, 1716. 8. AitiOAiL [-13], b. Nov. U, 171^2; bap. 1722. y. Euenk/.ek [45], b. Nov. 20, 172G; bap. the next day. SECOND GENERATION.. 10. Stephen^ [2] (Samuel^), m. Esther Hovey, of Rowley, 1728, and was adinitted to lull communion with the Congregational Cliurch in Bradford, as "Stephen son of Samuel," "Aug. 3, 1720." He lived in B. and there acquired some property as " a cooper," till "Jan. 14, 1735-6," under which date Zechariah Hard}'^ deeded to him, "for £140 a piece of land in Boxford, which was formerly Nathaniel Hardy's." This marks the probable time of his settling in Boxford as a farmer, and about the same time he first appears among the tax-payers of that town. From the Essex Probate Records : " Inventory of Stephen Runnels, late of Boxford, yeo- man, deceased, intestate, prized, Apr. 12, 1753, and witnessed by Esther Runnels his widoAV " ; who also " rendered account, as ad- ministratrix of her husband's estate, Mar. 21, 1755." His estate, however, seems never to have been fully settled till after his son Stephen's death; as "Sept. 3, 1771, a Committee was appointed, by Nathaniel Ropes, Judge of Probate, to divide and set off, both for quantity and quality, one third part of all the real estate of Stephen Runnels unto his ividoiv, Esther RunneU^ now Hovey, as her right of dower in said real estate, to and for her use and im- provement during her natural life." According to the Boxford Records, she had m., 2d, Luke Hovey, of Boxford, " published Mar. 16, 1755," thus regaining her maiden name. He did not come in possession of a part of his father's house in Bradford, as by terms of the will, his own death preceding that of his mother hy some months, "Mar. 10, 1753," aged 50. (Boxford Town Records.) Children:-^ 11. Stephen [62], b. 1729, in Bradford ; bixp. as "sou of Stephen, Oct. 19, 1729" (Brad Ch. R.). 12. Martha, b. 1732, in Bradford; bap. as " dau. of Stephen, Dec. 31, 1732," and probably d. young, as her name is not remembered in the family. 13. Esther [72], b. 1734, in Bradford; bap. as " dau. of Stephen, Dec. 20, 1734." 14. Asa, b. 1737. in Boxford; d. young, 15. Whxiam [74], b. June 28, 1740, in Boxfoi'd. 16. Daniel [82], b. Sept. 15, 1742, in Boxford. 17. Samuel^ [3] (SamueP), was admitted to full communion with the Cong. Church in Bradford, as " Samuel sou of Samuel," TAUT I. SECOND GENERATION. iJ "Mar. 3, 1728." He m., 1st, Mrs. Anna Sessions, Fel). 18, 1730. Her cruni])ling gravestones were accidentally fountl, 1871, in the old Brailford cemetery, near the grave of Samnel [I]. Inscriptions Avith dilllciilty deciphered as follows: Head, '• Here lies buried the liody of Anna, the wife of Mr. Sanuiel Kunels In'" (Jun.), " who died 20tli of Septenilier, 1746, and in the oGth year of her age." Foot, "Anna Hnnels." This maizes tiie year of her l)irth 1G90, while the date of her death agrees with the Bradford Kecs. He m., 2J, Hannah Emerson, of Haverhill. Nov. 19, 1747. (Haver. Recs.) He is called a "House Wright," "June 3, 1738," when Maxwell Hazeltine convej^ed to him, for £36, " a parcel of marsh or meadow, scituate lying and being in Rowl}', on Plumb Island" "May 1, 1747," he bought of Eben Sherwin "for £650, old tenor, two pieces of land in Boxford, 51 acres." From these and seven other deeds, we infer that within twenty years after his first marriage he added to the small property given him 1)3^ his father (and probably by his own industry at his trade) some fort}' acres of land in Bradford and at least eighty acres in Boxford ; also. that his estate at first was near that of his father's and the line of the two towns, at Little Pond, where he lived, perhaps at a home furnished by his first wife as the widow Sessions, till between 1747 and 1749. He then became, probably at his second marriage, a resident of Boxford, on the other side of Little Pond, at the home- stead still occupied by some of his posterity. Two deeds are also" found of "Apr. 2 " and " May 20, 1777," the latter giving him possession of a small "tract of marsh" in New- Inuy ; and the following deed will show to his Concord (N. H.) descendants the origin of their Horse Hill estate: "July 26, 1777 ; John and Benja. Jones of Beverly to Samuel Ruiuiels of Box- ford, Gentleman, for £48 a certain lott of land situated in Con- cord, in the county of Ilillsboro' and State of N. Hamp , being a certain 80 acre lot in said township, l^'ing at or near Horse Hill, so called." Tradition says that he was a lieut. in the old French war of 1756, with his son as a drum-major. He d. Apr. 12, 1783, aged 76 ; and " Feb. 3, 1784, administration of the Estate of Sam- uel Runnels, late of Boxford, gent., deceased, was granted to Sam- nel R, his son." His Inventory was given in, "Apr. 6, 1784." Property amounted to £699 4.s., including farm, personal property, and one quarter part of a "gondola," rated at £2 5.s., defined by Collin (llistoiy of Newbury) as a " hay boat," and probably used by Sanniel [3] on Menimack River for visiting his Plum Island and Newbury purchases. Return of commissioners, appointed for division of his estate, was made " May 8 " ; and " assignment made by Judge of I'robate to Sanuiel Runnels and Anna Page, his only children, July 6, 1789." Children: — 18. SAMn-.r, [O.'i], b. Di-c. 19, 17:^0, in BracUbrd (1st wife) ; bap. as " Son of Samuel .Jun., Dec. 20. 17.U) " r.'. Anna [102], 1). 17+8-i), prol)al)ly in Boxford; hut bap. at the Brarl- I'onl Church, "Feb. 2ij, 174'J," as a "daughter of Samuel aud Hannah 11." >^ 10 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 20. .Toi;- [G] (SiimiicP), hud sottlcd as a farmer in Bradford ^ witli his fatlKM-, as noticed in tiie hitter's will, 1745; also, before this, ".June G, 1743," he had i)urchased of William Eastman for "X'219 14.S., old toner, 15 acres and 34 perches of land in Brad- ford, adjoininsi; his fatlier's." lie doubtless bought out his brother Stephen's share of the original homestead, which ever afterwards, increased as above, was called after his own name. (See under 8amuel[l].) He was admitted to full communion with the Cong. Church in Bradford, Oct. 3, 1736. His 1st wife, Abigail, whom he m. 1733, d. Oct. 14, 1753. He m., 2d, Mary Woodman, Oct. 5, 1758. The following is an abstract of his Will, made at Bradford, Mar. 9, 1770, and proved at Salem, June 3, 1776, soon after his death (aged 64), of which we have no nearer date : — " To my wife Mary the use of one cow and four sheep durinf? her wid- owhood, — to be kept by my two sons, — and the household j;oods that she brouf^ht with her : the remainder of the goods (household) to be divided equally between my two daughters Marthtr (Martha) and Sarah, with £G 13s. Ad. to be paid to each of them by my two sons, within three years after my decease. All my real estate in Bradford or else where to my sons, in equal division. To ray three daughters Abigail, Phebe and Elizabeth, five shillings apiece, with what they have already had, to be paid at my decease. Also, to the heirs of my daughter, Mary Bussel, deceased, the sum of five shillings apiece, to be paid at my decease. My two sons, John and Thomas, are appointed Executors " [Clerk of Pro- bate wrote the former " Job," by mistake] and are directed " to give ray wife, above named, a comfortable support in sickness aud health during her life, aud a decent burial at death, in case she dies my widow." Receipts given by the above legatees, except Sarah, June 4 and 10, 1776, alluding to '"the last Will and testament of our honored Father, Mr. Job. Runnels." Children all b. in Bradford, as per Records. 21. Abigail [109], b. Oct. 12; bap. Oct. 13, 1734. 22. Jonx, b. Feb. 27, 1736 (Town Rec. says, by mistake, 1735) ; bap. Feb. 29, 1736 (Ch. Recs.). He was in both the old French aud the Revolutionary wars. Admitted, with Sarah his wife, to full communion with the Bradford Church, Nov. 20, 177-1:. Hem., 1st, Sarah Kimball, June 8, 1758, after his first military service. She d., and he m., 2d, "late in life," Mrs. Rebecca Kituball, of Boxford, 1807. He d. at the old homestead, 1821, aged 85. 23. Mauy [115], b. July 22 ; bap. July 24, 1737. 24. PuKiJK, b. May 8; bap. May 10, 1739; m. Abraham Kimball (per receipt as above). 25. TuoMAS [120], b. Feb. 26; bap. Mar. 1, 1741. 26. Elizabeth, b. 1743; bap. June 12, 1743; d. young. 27. EuzAiiETH, b. July 1, 1748; m. " Mikel Kimball" (as per receipt). "Michael Kimball aud his wife owned Covenant but came not to the Lord's Table, Sept. 30, 1764" (Brad. Ch, Recs.). 28. Mautha, b. July 3; bap. July 29, 1750. 29. Sau.vh, b. May 10, 1759 (2d wife) ; bap. May 13, 1759; m. Nathaniel GriUiu, of Bradford, Dec. 31, 1778. 30. Sarah^ [7] (SamueU), was admitted to full communion with the Cong. Church in Bradford, as " Sarah, dan. of Samuel PART I. — SECOND GENERATION. 11 Knnnols, July 2 (4), 1732" ; and was m. by the Rev. Joseph Par- sons to Natlianiel Lakenian, of Byxtbrd, Jan. 2o, 173 L Kcsided in Bradford, where all their children were b. 31. Elizabeth (Lakeman), b. Nov. 28; bap. Nov. 30, 1735; d. Jau. 20, 17o(;. 32. Samuki., b. Jan. 7; bap. Aug. 12, 1737. 33. Sakah, b. Oct. 25, 1738. 34. Mary, b. Julv ; bap. July 13, 1740; d. before 1758 (see 42, below). 35. Abigail, b. Julv 21 ; bap. Julv 25, 1742. 36. Nathaniel, b. Aug. 11; bap. Aug. ID, 1744. 37. Ebenezek, b. Apr. 12; bap. Apr. 20, 174G. 38. EsTHKK, b. Mar. IG, 1748(7); bap. Mar. 20, 1748. 3'J. Daniel, b. July 2',), 1750. The three followiug are not upon the Town Records, but ap- pear among the cliurch baptisms as the "sous aud daughter of Natlianiel Lakeman." 40. Amos, b. 1752; l)ap. Nov. 5, 1752. 41. Job, b. 1755; bap. Feb. 9, 1755. 42. Mahy, b. 1758; bap. Sept. 17, 1758. 43. Arigail^ [8] (Samneli), m. William Atwood, of Bradford, Doc. 24, 1739. She d. prior to the date of her father's will, 1745, leaving tlie son then mentioned. 44. William (.Itwood), b. Jan. 20, 1740, in Bradford. The circumstances of his early training were unfavorable, as is often the case, his father soon marrying again and having numerous other chil- dren, lie therefore became a sort of Isiimuel in the world, and no descen- dant of his can ever arise to charge us with disrespect to his memory, if, for variety's sake, we venture a little episode at his expense, as related by Mr. Alfred Poor, genealogist, of Salem, Mass. " He was very fond of ' the ardent,' but, like many others in the same situation, did not al)Ound in means for gratifying his appetite. One ingenious device of his, however, was this : he would go to a country store with two bottles of the same size and shape, one in eacli side pocket of his slouched overcoat, — one filled with water and the other empty. Lurking in the back store for a while, he would watch his opportunity and slyly till the empty bottle. On leav- ing the premises, if detected, he wouUl stoutly deny the theft at tirst ; l)ut wlieu hard pressed, would draw the bottle of water from his pocket and deliver it, with great apparent disgust, to the storekeeper, exclaiming, ♦ Here, take your miserable rum; I don't want it ! ' Witii real satisfaction the trader would turn its contents into his cask, thinking that so much was saved from his thievish customer, while William, with tlie genuine article, would coolly make his escape ! " 45. Ebenezek^ [9] (SanuieP), learned a diirorent trade from either of his older brothers, — 'that of a blaeksmith, — and prob- al)ly in the neigliborinir village of Haverliill, wliere we lind liim, "• Jan. 7, 1748" (b}^ mistake on tlie county records, " 1744," as he was then a minor) receiving, by deed from " agents of the town of Haverhill, for £33 lO.v. (N. T. in hand l)efore), a certain piece of parsonage land, on Merrimack River, and containing al)oiit 8 acres " ; " Mar. G, 1748," just atler his first marriage, he buys of EdnnuKl Mooors, for " £750, O. T., a lott of hind witli a dwellinu- house there on"; "Apr. 7, 1748," with " AI)i'j:ail his wife," lie conveys to "William Greenleaf, for £220, O. T., one half an acre iu Haverhill, 12 RUNNKLS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. formerly of tlio pursonaf^c land so culled " ; iind "Apr. 17, 174'J," to Siuiuiel While, for " £75, about J of an acre, at a place ooiiimoiily known by the name of the River Parsonage Lots." He must have received a dowry by his wife, or else have worked (piile siicccssfnlly at his trade before 1748, since the amount re- ceived from his father's estate by will at " twenty-one years of a<'"e," could only have heli)ed him to the Jirat or parsoyiage purchase (above), out of which the two last deeds show that he was making what would l)c called, in these days, a " handsome speculation," while reserving the second purchase for his own homestead. Eight other deeds are found conveying real estate in Haverhill to him, and eleven others, from him to others, also in Haverhill, and all prior to 1784, showing that his business relations were quite ex- tensive in that place. The following also marks the time of his purchasing the estate, afterwards given to his son Samuel [54] in Hollis : " Feb. 5, 1777," Ebenezer and Thomas Jaquith and wives (their marks), " to Ebenezer Runels, for £666 13s. 4tZ. 255 acres of land partly in Hollis, N. H., and partly in Dun- stable, Mass." As a blacksmith in Haverhill, he had, for the times, a large establishment, devoting himself mainly to the over- sight of his numerous employes. Was engaged considerably in the ironing of vessels, and was also partner in a ship-building interest at Newbur^'port, according to tradition among the descendants of his oldest son in Maine. His residence in Haverhill was situated on the present Washington Square ; house, where now the Lafayette and Washington Blocks, with garden in rear and extending east to the Little River ; shop, opposite the house, in rear of the present Christian Baptist Meeting-house. He m., 1st, Abigail Sollis, of Beverl}^ 1747. She d. Oct. 3, 1765, and the next 3-ear he m., 2d, Hannah Smith, of Haverhill, who was b. May 31, 1742, in H., and there d. Mar. 29, 1814, aged 72. The waiter has a copy of his Will, dated Feb. 10, 1795, agreeing with the Essex Prob. Recs. ; abstract as fol- lows : — •' I give unto my oldest son, Benjamin, £10 lawful money, to be paid out of my estate in three years. To Stephen, £15, ditto, in two years. To ?/i// so/i, Ehenczrr's children, Ebenezer and Abigail, £20 each. To my daughter, Mary Ayer, £5, in one year. To my daughter, Abigail Hagget, one feather bed, one mahogany case of drawers, and £10, in two years. I give to Samuel 40 shillings, and require him to pay to his mother 30 shil- lings yearly, during her natural life." [This in consideration of the Hollis property which he had previously received.] " To Nathaniel, £50, to be paid in two years. To Daniel and Ebenezer, equally, one half the house and garden I now possess. To Hannah, £30, in one year after ray decease. To Thomas, a piece of land in Haveriiill, with house thereon, in which he now lives. To Daniel and Thomas, e(iually, the shop, shop lot and tools, ordering them to pay Stephen 50 shilliugs each, within two years. Finally, to my wife, Hannah, and my son Thomas, jointly, all otlier property in Haverhill, making them Executors of my will, and ordering them to raise money as needed, by the sale of my Pepperell farm (so called), dividing the balance equally among all my chiklreu." Account of Executors was rendered " Dec. 14, 1795." Prop- erty prized, in all, '-at §4,632.73," including his "Pepperell fanu PART I. — SECOND GENERATION. 13 at S1,68G.67," and bis "Mansion house, ami land adjoining in Haverhill, at S1,000." The words "•Memento Mori" are on his gravestone in the old Haverhill cemetery, which also gives his death, "Aug. 4, 1795," aged 09. Children, b. in Haverhill, — an equal number b}- each of his two wives. 46. Benjamin [123], b. Mar. 31, 1748. 47. Ehknkzkk [133], b. Apr. 21, 1750. 48. JouN, b. Aug. 14, 1752; d. Sept. 14, 1753. 49. Stkpukn [13G], b. July 3, 1754. 50. John, b. June 18, 175G; d. Juue IG, 1700. 51. MoiXY (Mary) [14G], b. July, 1758. 52. Abigail [158], b. Doc. 7, 17G0. 53. Thomas, b. Dec. 14. 17G3; d. Nov. 10, 1705. 54. Samlel [1G3], b. Mar. 15, 1707. 55. Thomas [171], b. Feb. 7, 1709. 50. Nathanikl Stevens [180], b. June 23 ("22), 1771. 57. Da.vikl, b. Oct. 22, 1773; d. Sept. 22, 1774. 58. Daniel [192], b. Dec. 18 (Fam. Hec. says " Sept. 22"), 1775. 69. EiJENEZEK [1981, b. 1778; uot found ou the Haverhill Itccs. 60. Hannah, b. Apr. 22, 1783; d. Feb. 22, 1787. 61. Hannah [201 J, b. July 12 (4), 1787. THIED GENEKATION. 62. Stephen^ [11] (Stephen^, SamueP), m. Hanuali Pearl, of Boxford, April 11, 1754. As appears from the following and one other deed, he inherited and oeeupied, as a farmer, his father's real estate in Boxford, adding to the same and selling from it : " April 13, 1763, Stephen Kunnels of Boxford, yeoman, to James Lendall, for £20 14s. 2d., a certain tract or piece of land in B., 4J- acres, more or less, being one half of what I bought of Daniel Wood." He d. probably in the summer of 1771, aged 42, as we have from the Essex Probate Recs. " Administration of the estate of Stephen Kunnels, late of Boxford, deceased, granted to Hannah Runnels, who gave bonds with Samuel Runnels and Richard Pearl, this Sept. 23,^1771." Inventory presented Oct. 24, 1771. Real estate, £257 13s.; personal property, £122 2s. 7^d.: Total, £379 15s. 7|d. His widow did not render her account as administratrix till " Mar. 2. 1779," the troublous times of the Rev- ohition, and the absence of her oldest son no doubt preventing*. At this latter date, " £42 " are added to the above figures as the " Increase " of his estate, bespeaking her good management. At the same time the guardianships of '' Eunice Runnels, a minor, aged 18," of " Billey, 16," and of "Hannah, 14," are granted to John Pearl ; also, of the younger children, "Phebe aged 12, Esther aged 10, and Sarah aged 8," granted to their mother. Commission- ers appointed to divide the property, Apr. 21, 1779; who made theii' report June 8, 1779. She probably d. late in the year 1789, as widow Hannah Runnels is among the tax-payers of that and previous years (but not afterwards) on the Boxford Records, where also ai'e found the births of theu' children. 63. Abigail [205], b. Aug. 21, 1755. , 64. Enos [215], b. Feb. 20, 1757. 65. Hannah, b. Nov. 29, 1758; d. youug. 60. Eunice [228], b. Jau. 6, 17(51. 07. BiixKY, b. Jan. 24, 1703. Was in the Revohitiouary war, having enlisted when a mere youth, winter of 1779-80. He was known to have been taken prisoner by ilie British, and d., as supposed, in a prison-ship near New York, 1781, aged 18. 08. Hannah l'2-SS], b. Dec. 30, 1704. 69. riir.HK [243], b. Dec. 8, 1706. 70. EsTHKU, b. Sept. 1768; d. Mar. 2, 1789. 71. S.usah, b. Nov. 1770; d. Aug. 1, 1789, iu Saknn, N. H, PAUT I. THIRD GENERATION. 15 72. Esther^ [13] (Stephen^, SamueU), m. Moses Sargent, of ]\Ietlmen, Nov. 29, 17G7. She was his secoud wile, and succeeded to tiie care of his live cliildren by his former wife Elizabeth ; to these was added her only child. 73. Asa (Sargent), b. Sept. 25, 17G8 (Methuen Records). 74. William^ [15] (Stephen^, SamueP) ; m., 1st, Rebekah Foster, of Audover, Mass., 1771-2, aud moved from North Audo- ver to Metliuen in 1774. He had previously taken land in Lon- donderry, N. II., — conveyed to him, in company with Ebenezer Runnels, of Haverhill, in 17G9, — of which his part, sixty acres, was deeded awa}^ in 1773. (Rockingham Records.) This shows that he may have contemplated settling in London- derry, with his brother Daniel [82]. He was in tlie Revolutionary war, — how long, cannot be ascertained. At Metiuien again, "June 14, 1779," as under that date, "William Runnels, of Me- thuen, 3'eoman [dee 77. Da.nux [25(5]. b. Apr. 21), 1777. 78. AjiiGAiL [25yj, b. Feb. 10, 1780. 16 KUNNKI-S AM) KKVXOLDS MKiMOlIIALS. 70. EsTiiKK. h. Sept. 8, 1782; m. Leonard Carlton, of West Boxford, and there d. Apr. 8, 18(18. 80. John [207], b. Oet. 30 (Fam. Rcc. "28"), 1786. 81. Saham [277J, b. May 18, 1791. 82. Daniel^ [10] (Stci)licii2, SannicP), had settled in London- derry, N. II., as early .'is ITC;'), since he was sa'd, "'June 20, 17G5," to he " of Derrylield, now resident in Londonderry, Joyner," and received hy deed ironi James Karr, of Goli'stown, "for £ijf>3 lis., one seventh part of a certain tract of land lying in Hopkinton, on the north side of Contoocook River, 3303 acres," He made two other ])urc]iases in Londonderry in October of the same year, — called "Daniel Kiumels of L., carpenter"; while two convey- ances of land to otheis, by himself and wife, in 1773 and 1774, are also recorded among the Kockingham deeds, at Exeter, N. H. He m. Hannah JSpotford, Apr. 14, 1767, who was b. March 16, 1746, and d. in Derr^-, Jan. 23, 1829, aged 83. His homestead was one mile north of the centre meeting-house in Derrj', not far from the celel)rated Beaver Pond, and the spot where the first sermon was preached to the early settlers of Londondeny. It is now (1872) owned l)y his grandson, William Reynolds [284]. Parker's Hist, of Londonderry, p. 152, states that he was one of the undertakers of the work (with Joseph Morrison) of building the new meeting- house in the east parish, 1769. His military history, during the Revolutionary war, is gathered as follows, chiefly from the ""Adj. General's Report of New Hampshire," Vol. II. "Dec. 2, 1775, General Sullivan, at Winter Hill, called for thirty-one companies of New Hampshire men (commonly called the ' six-weeks' men') to take the place of the Connecticut troops who had left. Daniel Runnels, of Londonderr}', was the captain of Co. 3" (p. 278). Same account iu the " New Hampshire Provincial Pai)ers," to wit, that the "Committee of Safet}', Dec. 2, 1775, ordered Daniel Runnels and fifteen others to enlist a compan}' of sixtA'-one able- bodied men to serve in the Continental army under General Washington, and to join them immediately to General Sullivan's brigade." In April, 1776, he signed the "Association Test," with others of his fellow-townsmen. September of the same year, two more regi- ments were raised to reinforce the Continental army in New York. Col. Thomas Tash conunanded the second regiment, and " Daniel Runnels was captain of Co. 7, Sept. 26, 1776/' He next appears as - Daniel Runnels, captain of Co. 1 in Col. Nichol's regiment," which went with Gen. Stark to Bennington. He was undoubtedly engaged in that renowned battle, his regiment being " sent by a circuitous route to gain the rear of the left wing of the enemy," Aug. 16, 1777. Parker's History confirms this, informing us that "a company of seventy volunteers" (Co. 1 above; "was enlisted in Londonderry, July 20, 1777 " ; that it was " commanded by Capt. Daniel Reynolds, and was in the battle of Bennington." Oct. 18, 1777, he was ordered to pay otf the roll of his conipany. General Whipple had conunaud of a New-IIami)shire brigade 'sent to oi)e- KVKT 1. TUllID GENKIJATION. 17 rate against the British under (ien. Sullivan, in Rhode Island, in the summer of 1778. In this brigade, '' Daniel Reynolds was cai> tain of Co. 3, Col. Peabody's regiment." Here this spelling of the name appears for the first time in the military history of New Hampshire ; though it is afterwards ordered that ',' Capt. Daniel Runnels be paid as an oflicer in Col. Stei)hen Peabody's regiment, raised for the defence of Rhode Island, April 28, 1778." In the spring of 1779, a regiment was ordered from Xew Hamp- shire for service in Rhode Island under Col. Hercules Mooney, of Lee, in which " Daniel Reynolds was captain of Co. 2," at first, "Ma}' 29, 1779" ; and afterwards "Major" of the same regiment, as under dates of " Sept. 4 and 18, 1779." One regiment onljs and the last, for the Revolutionary struggle, was raised in New Hampshire in 1781, "the prospect of i)eace relaxing military operations." Of this, '• Daniel Reynolds " was " Colonel" A " note" here, in the military history, remarks (Adj. General's Report, Vol. II, j). c5fJ4), that "he had served his coun- try on various occasions," as above ; that " his name was often written Runnels, and hence there has arisen some doubt as to the oftices held by him ; but there is now no doubt that Capt D. Run- nels and Col. D. Reynolds are one and the same man, from Lon- donderry." Whether the change of his patron^'mic was first made in 1778 1)3' himself, or bv the regimental clerk, it seems to have been adoi)ted by him about that time, and to have been followed, generally, b}^ his townsmen and his descendants ever since. We may add that but few Revolutionary records are more praise- worthy than his. His gradual groioth in acknowledged merit and distinction as an officer, and his perseverance to the end, give him a high rank among the revolutionary soldiers of New Hampshire. Col. Reynolds was honored by his town by being elected first representative to the General Court of New Hami)shin', 1780-S4 inclusive, also in 1786 and 1788. He was one of the selectmen of Londonderry in 1785, 1787, 1789-92 inclusive, and in 1794. He d. at his home, greatly beloveil and respectdl, Dec. 13, 179.3, a^ied 53. Inventory of his estate taken Dec. 21, 179(1. His cliildriMi were all b. in Londonderry, now Derr}'. 83. Stkphen [282], b. Jan 10, 1768. 84. S.vLLY [201], b. Oct. 22, 170;). 85. D.vxiKL [^03], b. Oct. 7, 1771. 8fj. H.vMii/rox Davidson [3111, >. t„i„ .i ^~- MK.MOIMALS. 1. Soi'iiiA (^Tnisk), t). Dec. 29, 1788 ; m. Thomas Morrison, of Derry, N. II. ; 2 <;liil(lreu. 2. Maky (I'ollv). b. ]^o\. 18, 17'J0. 3. Matilda, b. Jan. '2',, 17U8; d. July 16, 1804, uged Hi years. 4. Ei,i/,A, b. Mar. l.*}, 1705; ni. David Burpee; 1 child. 6. Saiiah, b. May 4, 1797; m. Joseph Page, of Nevvburyport; Icliild. fi. Ann, b. Mar. 1, 1799. 7. Ikkna, b. July 10, 1804; m. William Elliot, of Beverly; now resides in Bradford; 1 child. 117. Sakaii, b. 1701 ; bap. as dau. of Daniel Buswell, Mar. 8, 1761 ; d. l)efore June, 1776, not being mentioned with the other three children in receipt of their guardian appended to the will of Job Kunnels [20]. 118. Danikl, b. April 3, 1763; bap. same day; a soldier in the revolu- tionary war,— last three years; m. Ede Bodwell, of Haverhill. Apr. 1, 1789. She was b. Feb. 18, 1772, in Methuen. They first settled in Bradford ; but after birth of their second child, moved to Antrim, N. H., where he d. Sept. 3, 1859, aged 96, and she d. Mar. 12, 1870, aged 98. Children : — 1. AniGAii, (Buswell), b. Aug. 22, 1789 ; a tailoress for many 5'ears in Haverhill, Mass., where still residing (1871). 2. Sally, b. May 31, 1791; m. Sewall Spalding; 11 children, "two daughters, seven sons, and lastly, two daughters more." 3. CiiAKLOTTE, b. Mar. 17, 1794, in Antrim ; m. and settled in Iowa ; 4 children. 4. Thomas, b. Feb. 1790; d. Oct. 1825, aged 29. 5. JosutJA, b. 1798; d. aged 1 year and 3 months. 6. Priscilla, b. Oct. 1799 ; m. Aaron Parker, of Boxford ; children. 7. Zklinda, b. 1801 ; d. Dec. 1821, aged 20. 8. Ann Seaton, b. Aug. 1803; m. John Kobinsou; d. 1851(7), at Concord, N. H. 10 Eliz"e[ma^^^^^' 1 ^- "^"S- ^^^''' Wi"iam A. settled on his father's place in Antrim; m. Betsy Ann McMasters, and d. 1850, aged 43. Two of his sons, (1) Thomas Alfred and (2) Isaac, were in the late war, and both d. in service, the latter being a musician with his uncle, Isaac J. Eliza E., d. May, 1808. aged 9 mos. 11. Eliza Messer, b. Aug. 1809; m. Thomas Thompson; i-esides in Antrim; 2 children. 12. Isaac James, b. July, 1811. Enlisted as leader of a band in one of the New York regiments for the late war of the rebellion, and d. of yellow fever in Florida. 119. James, b. Nov. 25, 1765. Left an infant at the death of his mother ; he was adopted by his uncle, John Runnels [22], and inherited from him the ancestral farm, on which he lived till 1815. He then moved to Andovcr, and there d. 1856, aged 91. He m. Sarah Pearl, of Boxford, 1793. Children : — 1. Sally (Buswell), b. 1794; d. 1820, aged 26. 2. Eliza, b. 1796; d. 1819, aged 23. 3. AscKNATii, b. 1798; d. 183-^ aged 34. 4. John Runnels, b. Dec. 18, 1800; now residing in Bradford, having m. Harriet H. Payson, of Pembroke, N. H., July, 1827, who was b. June i7, 1807. Children : (1.) Charles Elliot, b. May 20, 1830, in Bradford, aud there d. Mar. 1, 1851, aged 21. (2.) James Eustace, b. Jan. 17, 1834. in Pembroke, N. H. ; was a shoe merchant in Martha's Vineyard; enlisted in the 3cl Mass. Regiment, 1801 ; served six mouths in North Carolina, was sick of consumption, and d. at Bradford, Sept. 16. 1865. aged 31. He m. Julia A. M. Gibbs, of Middleboro', 1861(2), who was b. Aug. 15, 1839, and d. Nov. 28. 1867, aged 28. PART I. THIRD GENERATION'. 21 5. Benjamin Pkakl, b. Jan. 1^03; a slioe raaniil;icturer; residing ill }Iavt;rhill ; 3 sons and 1 daughter. 6. Cha«i.ks Spori'OHi), h. 180") ; a Congregational clerTyman, for- merly settk'd in West Fairlee, Vt. ; removed to Cliicago, 111., about 185G, and there d. soon after; m. Caroline Martin; 4 daughters. 7. FiDKLiA, b. 1807; residing in Boston. 8. JIakianxi;, b. 1809; m. Stephen Drew, of New Haven, Ct. ; 1 son and I daughter. 9. James Otis, b. 1811; a broker in Boston; resides in Wakefield; 1 daughter. 10. Emily, b. 1813; in. James Callaham, stone-cutter, of Andover; 5 children. 120. TnOM.\s3 [2.5] (JolA Samiieli), m. " liLs wife Phebc," in Bnulford, about 1763. " Tliomas Runnels owned covenant, but came not to the Lord's table, Nov. 18, 17G4." This seems to have been in order to have his tir.st child liaptized. As the birth of his second daughter is taken from the Methuen Records, we infer that he had moved to tliat town 2)nor to 1771. He there lived till after " March 3, 1777," as under that date we have (Rockingham deeds), '• I. Young, conveying hind in Salem, N. IT., to Thomas Runnels, of Methueii." He had removed to Salem, •' Mar. 21, 1781," as we then lind " Edward Patee " deeding " land to Thomas R. oi' i>akm " ; and that he was liviny and still owning land in Methuen as late as 1785, is implied in one of the deeds of NVillinm [74]. Nothing further can be ascertained respecting him or his daugh- ters. It is presumed that they lelt no families ; hence, in the want of sons, his branch, as well as his father's, in the Runnels name, becomes cvtinct. Children : — 121. " Meuiteuai.l," b. Uct. 28, 17G4, in Bradford; bap. "Nov. 18, 17(U" (Ch. Kecs.). 122. PiiEBK, b. Feb. 2(J, 1771, in Methuen, called -'a dau. of Thomas and Phebe," like her sister. 123. Bbkj.vmin3 [^4G] (F^benezer-, Samuel'), having learned the lilacksmith's tnule of his father, and m. Ilepliziltah (or " Ilipse^'") liradley, of tiaverhill, in 1768, he emigrated the next 3'ear to the " District of Maine," and first settled at Pondleborough, on the Kennebec. Removing up the river two or three years later, he was among the lirst settlers of what is now Augusta, then a wilderness, and is said to have owned one hundrctl ;icres on the site of the present city, which he afterwards sold for two dollars per acre! While there he was drafted into the revolutionary army about 1770, aiita (the Indian Cushnoe), greatly annoyed l)y tiieir savage neighbors. On one occasion, sieven Indians came to their house, ransackc(l it, and spent the night, to tiie terror of his wife and children. She always said her life was s[)ared only by the resolute intervention of a squaw, wlio wa-< one of the company, in hor behalf. Preferring 22 liUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMOKIALS. the country !il)ont Ticoiiict Falls, farther up the river, lie moved tliitlior Ibr his final settlement, 1778. Added to his trade the business of a himbeinian and speculator. Erected the first framed house on the site of Waterville village, and about the year 1793, built a small vessel, — claimed to be the first launched on the upper Kennebec. — and run it to Augusta, twenty miles, before being riiiged. lie also built the first mill in "Waterville, and, subse- (]U('ntly, the first at PittsOeld, up the Sebasticook. Was the first representative from the combined towns of Waterville and Winslow to Boston, and became the possessor of so much land in Winslow, where he lived, as to obtain the sobriquet of " King Runnels." But he w^as afterwards much reduced in property by the failure of one Shepard, an English contractor, — after whom Miepard's wharf, in Hallowell, is uamed, — aud by other misfortunes, especially by losing a contract of his own for furnishing masts to l)e sent to England. The timbers were cut too short, in attempting to lade them upon tlie short vessels sent to transport them. With his affairs in a very unsettled state, he d. suddenly, of apoplexy, in Winslow, ,Iunc"22, 1802, aged 54. His wife had d. Dec. 25, 1798. The beautiful spot selected by her for a family burial-place, on the east bank of the Kennebec, a mile or two above W^aterville, is now neglected and almost forgotten ; the gi'avestones are crumbling to dust, and a thrifty 3'oung cedar is drawing its nourishment from the ashes of the departed ; while the majestic river, still floAving near at hand, and roaring from the distance, as of old, serves only to intensify the reflection, so readily suggested, that of all human works and devices upon earth, " there is none abiding." Children : J24. Jamks [376], b. Jan. 1769, in Haverhill, Mass. 125. Mauy [380], b. May, 1770, in Poudleborough, Me. 126. John [388], b. Nov. 19, 1771 (iiravestoiiej^iu Poudleborough. 127. Benjamin [395], b. Apr. 1773, iu Augusta, Me. (as since named). 128. Stepjikn [401], b. Feb. 1775, in Auijusta. 129. KuTU [404], b. Dec. 177(>, iu Augusta. 130. Abigail [414], b. ]\Iarch 4, 1778, in Winslow. 131. Kachel [423], b. March 24, 1782, iu Winslow. 132. Daviu [433], b. Oct. 5, 1783, in Winslow. 133. P:benezek3 [47] (El)enezer2, Samueli). He "followed the sea and d. in the West Indies, July, 1774," aged 24. Had m. and " left two children in this country," who were living, according to their grandfather's will, in Feb. 1795, but are supposed soon after to have died without issue. 134. Ebenezeu, b. about 1771. 136. Abigail, b. about 1773 ; is said to have m. aud lived in Chester, N. H. 13G. Stephen^ [49] (Ebenezer^, Samuel'), was enrolled, ac- cording to the " History of Haverhill, Mass.," p. 382, among the " Minit men, trained in Capt. Jas. Sawyer's Co., by voat of the town. Mar. and April, 1775" ; also in the "List of eight months' service men, raised immediately after the battle of Lexington, 1st Co.," ninety-four iu all, thus earlv conuneneinu' his Kevoruti(marv PAUT I. — TJIIHD GENERATION. 23 career. Afterwards, his name appears, p. 301, ainoiiij "those who lost guns at the battle of Bunker Hill, from llaveriiill," twenty-one in number, — -an evidence of hard ligliting. Also, " Drafted for the Continental service, in 177a-G," p. ;3'j;}. His brother, Nathaniel 8. \_oG^, used to nay he was " six 3'i'ars in the revolutionary war, a seriieant, and present at the surremler of Burgoyne." Others make his time as a soldier l»ut three or four years. In the New-Hamp- shire Provincial Records we have "• Corporal Stephen Runnels, belonging to the Continental army," to whom the ''' Treasurer is ordered to pay 40 shillings discount out of the taxes to be ac- counted for, out of ills depreciation, Feb. 13, 1783." Hardly intel- ligible ; but the date favors the longer term of service. He was a blacksmith, like his fiither, and b}'^ reason of the hitter's investment in HoUis, N. H.. he changed his residence to that place in 1777, where also he became affianced to Chloe, dan. of Moses Thurston. Afterwards, when absent as a New-Ham[)shire soldier, he was ac- customed to send to her his wages, which she faithfully kept in her possession, intending to purchase her marriage (Mitfit with the money. As the currency was depreciating, and likely soon to be worthless, she was advised by a friend, at one time, to lay it out in rye ; l)ut she listened to no such suggestion, and when at last she came to " buy her furniture," was ol)liged to pay •* 87 for a white cream pitcher," and for other things in like proportion ! Haviug m., as proposed, in 1782, they followed their brother-in-law — the Rev. Stephen Fuller, who m. Phebe Thurston — to Vershire, Vt. (1789), where he d. suddenly, July 22, 1798, aged 44. " He had a loving disposition and great muscular powers." She afterwards moved to Fletcher, Vt,, but finally settled on the wild lands owned by her husband, in Topsham, Vt , and there d. Dec. 13, 1807, aged 49. The five ohlest children b. in Ilollis ; the others in Vershire. 137. Stki'IIicx, b. 1783; d., by scaklini;, at the age of 13 moutbs. 138. Makv Cuockkk [44.5], b. Aug. 4, 178+. 13'J. Stkpuk.v [458], b. Sept. 1, 1785 (lloUis Recs.), 1786 (Family Rccs.), yet " 13 mouths younger tliau Mary." I4l' Hanxau ^^- ^^^- ^^' ^"^' (.Hollis), 1788 (Family). Chloe (1. Aug. 21), 1804, ut Fletcher, Vt. ; Ilannjih d. 1808, at Ti)psham, Vt. 142. MosKs TnuKsrox [472], b. Mar. 5, 17'J0, at his uucle Fuller's, in Vershire. 143. Sakaii [475], b. June 14. 1703. 144. SoLLis [489], ). . ... . ,-,,- 145. 8EWALL [500], r'"^'^"' ••'''■*'• Named after their two graiKhuotiiers, — tiie one beim; a .Sollis, the other a Sewali, before marriage. 14G. Mou.Y (Mary):' [51"] (Eheuezer^, Samuel'), was ni to William Ayer, of Haverhill, Jime 9, 1778, at Hollis, N. H., by Rev. Daniel Emerson. He was b. Oct. 1753, in Haverhill; was a .sol- dier in the Revolution, and lived as a farmer in Bow, Concord, Hillsboro', and finally, Fishersficid (now Newbury), N. H., where and in which vii-iiiil\ niauv of their descendants remaiu. Hf il. 21 lU'NNELS AM) ItEYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Juiic 0, 1H27, nticd 71 ; :iii(l hIio d. Apr. 22, 1842, aged 84, both in Ncwl)iiry. Children : — 117. Wii.MA.M (Aycr), 1). Mar. 2, 1771), in Ilollis; a farmer, Bradford and llillsboronslii N. II.; ni., Lst, Al)i|;iall Eaton, of B. ; m., 2d, Mflictahil Gay, of II., and d. 1870, aged 91. Children : — 1. Hannah, 1) Aii<^. 22, 1805; ra. John Kobbins, Auj;. 4, 1824; d. •July 21), 1858, Ved r>3. 2. Dki.ia, I). Aug. 3, 1807; m. Hiram Monroe, May 17, 18r)0. Ilills- horoniili. 3. Mai:y K., b. May 17, 1811; m. Leonard West, May 8, 1834. Bradford Centre. 4. Cakoi.ink S., b. Aug. 13, 1816 ; m. William J. Murdough, July 17, 1838. Bradford Centre. 5. Rokna F., b. Dec. 22, 1818; m. Elisha H. Eaton, Mar. 17, 1840. 148. John, b. June 4, 1780, in Bow; a farmer; ra. Annis Broclcway ; d. March 1), 1819, at Bradford, aged 3i). She d. 1872, Children : — 1. Jamks, b. Feb. 8, 1804 (3). Res. Danvers, Mass. 2. William, b. Mar. 29, 180G. Res. Hillsborough. 3. John IIodgman, b. Oct. 1809; d. Mar. 1813, aged 4 years 5 mos. 149. Mauy (Polly), b. Feb. 8, 1782, in Concord; m. Humphrey Jack- man, and settled in Abbotsford, C. E. She d. Dec. 1801, in her 80th year. Nine children, of whom the six following — three sons and three daughters — are still living. 1. Oilman (Jackman). 2. Elmond. 3. Humphrey. 4. Eliza. 5. Clakissa. 6. Lavinia. 150. Betsy, b. Nov. 17, 1783, in Concord; m. Moses Boynton; lived in Thornton, N. H., and d. Aug 21, 1867. aged 84. 11 children :— 1. Hazkn (Boynton), d. 2. William. 3. Betsy. 4. Moses. 5. Samuel. G. Nancy, d. 7. Nathaniel. 8. Clarissa, d. 9. Eleazer, d., and two others, who d. young. 151. James, b. May 12, 1788, in Concord; a farmer, residing, first, in Fisherstield. till 1814; afterwards, in Washington, N. II., where he d. Mar. 29, 1863, aged 75. He m., 1st, Lucy Brockway, Feb. 19,1811; m., 2d, Mary Harriman, June 5, 1833. All his chil- dren by 1st wife, and the two oldest, b. in Fishersfield. 'J be whole number of his grandchildren, 1870, were 18 ; then living, 16. Whole number of his great-grandchildren, 6. Chil- dren : — 1. Leonard, b. Oct. 3, 1811. 2. Hazen, b. June 5, 1813. 3. Lucy, b. June 22, 1815. 4. Matilda, b. July 13, 1817. 5. Simon, b. May 4, 1819; m. Hannah N. Oilman, of Gilraanton, N. H., Nov. 13, 1845. She d. May 13, 1872. 6. Mary B., b. Apr. 7, 1821; m. Simeon D. Glidden, now of Man- chester, N. H. 7. Roxana p., b. Aug. 8, 1823. 8. Harriet, b. June 18, 1825; d. Oct. 20. 1866. 9. Jonatii.\n B., b. Sept. 23, 1827; d. June 19, 1863. 10. Cyrus, b. Dec. 20, 1829. 11. John Alvin, b. Aug. 1, 1832. 152. Moses, b. Feb. 8, 1790, in Concord; m Abigail Proctor, Feb. 18, 1810. She was b. June 3, 1787, in Washington, N. H. Places of residence various, as appears from their children's births. He d. July 19, 1868, in Putney, Vt., aged 78. Children : — 1. Elmond, b. June 22, 1812, in Washington ; a former, Putnev, Vt. 2. Mary, b. April 26, 1814, in Ncwl)urv; m. Daniel Farnsworth, Aug. 9. 1849, in Langdon, N. H. "lie was b. Jan. 23, 1813, in Washington; a farmer, now residing in Clareniont, N. II. Children all h. in Washington, X. II. i\.^ Lucy M. (Farns- PART I. THIRD GENERATION. 25 worth), b. Apr. 14, ]8ol ; d. Mar. 3. 1854, in lier ;kl year. (2.) Aduik, 1). Mur. 11, 1853. (3.) Vkkona, b. May 4. 1854. 3. Louisa, b. Apr. 27, 18U;, in Nc\vl)ury ; ni. to Otis G. Watkins, by Rev. Moses Adams, Apr. 0, 1847, at her fathir's, in Rockinir- ham, Vt He was b. Dec. 31. 1817, in Ciiester, Vt. ; attcr marriage, a farmer in Si)ringtlel(!, Vt., till ls50, wlien tiiey moved to Baraboo, Sank Co., Wis., and there still reside. Children: (1.) Gicorgk R. (Watkins), b. Jan. 13, 1848, in Springfield Enlisted Feb. 6, 18('>5, in Co. E, 49th regiment Wisconsin volunteers; discharged .June 20, 18*;5. at St. Louis, Mo (2.) Ai.UKUT E., b. Aug. 17, 184;», in Springfield. (3.) Ei.iZA An.n, b. Dec. 15, 1851, in Baraboo, Wis., as were the remaining children. (4.) Oi.ox Aykk, b. Alar. 27, 1853. (5.) Lucy Viola, b. Mar. 19, 1854. (fi.) Maky Ei.uoua. b. Jan. 24, 1850. (7.) Chick Wilmam, (8.) Oris Gould, Jr., twins, b. Feb. 2, 18G0; Otis d. Aug. 3, 18G0. (9.) E.mma Jank, b. Nov. 18, 1801. 4. MosKs, Jr., b. July 8, 1817, in Washington, N. II.; a farmer, Putney, Vt. 5. William P., b. Dec. 27, 1818, in Washington ; a fiirmer, Putney, Vt. ; UL Mrs. Elizabeth S. (Johnson) McMullen, Feb. 25, 1807. She was b. June 23, 1830, in Putney. Children : (1.) Axdhkw J., b. Dec. 14, 18G7. (2.) Willik'E.. b. Dec. 25, 1809. C. Nancy, b. June 5, 1821, in Springfield, Vt. ; m. Erastus T. Corser, farmer, of Chester, Vt., Aug. 14, 1850. He was b. Jan. 20, 1812, in Compton, C. E. She (1st wife) d. Sept. 24, 1854, in Chester, aged 33, leaving (1.) Maria N. (Corser), b. Oct. 10, 1851. 7. Geokge Wasiiixctox, b. Sept. 28, 1822, in Springfield; d. Dec. 19, 1870, in Putney, aged 48. 8. Royal, b. Mar. 27, 1824, in Rockingham, Vt. ; a farmer ; m. Xancy Jackson, of Abington, Mass., Nov. 9, 1848 ; settled in Fairfield, Sauk Co , Wis., in 1855, soon after the organization of the town, in which he has served four ,years as town treasurer and assessor, and is at present (1872j cliairnian of the board of town supervisors; also, one of the county supervisors. En- listed Feb. 7, 1805, Co. E, 49lh regiment Vvisconsin volunteer infantry; discharged with the regiment, Nov. 14, 1805. Chil- dren: (1.) Lucy A., b. Oct. 13, 1849, in Abington, Mass. ; d. Jan. 22, 1803, at Fairfield, Wis , in her 14th year. (2.) Ahbik E., b. May 4, 1852, in Rockini:liam, VI. ; a sciiool-te;iclier. (3.) CAiiiai-. F., b. Jan. 30. 1857' in Fairfield, Wis. (4.) Ella Vk.sta, b. May 19, 18.59. (5.) Cmallks J., b. Nov. 23. 18i;i. 9. Mautiia M., b. May 15, 1825, in Kockingham; m. George W. Barnes, farmer, of Hillsboro', N. H., Nov. 19. 1851. Present residence, Fairfield, Wis. Child: (1.) Gkokok (Barnes), b. Feb. 20, 1802, in Fairfield. 10. John Q., b. Oct. 31, 1S20, in Rockingham, Vt., and there d. Apr. 29, 1828, in his 2d year. 11. Alkxandkij A., b. July 4, 1828; d. May 3, 1829, in Rockingham, aiicd 10 mos. 12. AnnY A., b. Sejit. 10, 1829, in Rockingham ; m. William R. Glover, farmer, of Baraboo, Wi.'-., Apr. 23, 18.-)3. Ciiildren : (1.) Ika F. (Glover), b. Aug. .30, 1854, in Haraboo. (2.) Janet, I». Sept. 20, 1859, in Greenfield, Wis., and there d. Sept. 10. 1804, aged .5. 13. Lucy, b. Apr. 20, 1832, in (irafton, Vt. ; in. Erastus T. Corser, 2d wife, now of Dummcrston, Vt.. June 21, 1S55. Children: (1.) FuAXK E. (Corser). b. M;ir. 31, 1857, in Chester. Vt ; il. Jan. 20, 1802, in Bartonsville (Rockingham), Vt., in his 5th year. (2.) Ali-i;i:i>. b. Jan. 29; d. Dec 22. 1801, in Hartons- ville. (3.) Adelmkki M., b. Jniie 30. Is03, in Harloiisville. 26 KUiNNELS AM) h'KVXOLOS MEMORIALS. (4.) Gkohgk E., b. July 8, 180'), in Rartonsville. (5.) Mai'.y E., t). .Inly ;■>, 1808, in DiiiiinnTston. 153. S.VHAII, 1). Nov. 2r>, 171)1, in Ilillsborouiich ; m., 1st, Enoch Ilowlitt, of llillsboro'; in.. 2d, Zabinii Colburn. Child: — 1. Zkkaii (Coll)urn), b. Jan. 13, 1832, in Saratoga, N. Y. He was iKuned after liis uncle, the celebrated arithmetician. His father d. a lew years after his birth, and his mother returned to llillbborough, N. II., where, during his boyhood, he earned his living on a farm, proving himself an insatiable reader, but enjoying no means for an early education besides a few months' attendance at a district school, and a short clerkship in a fac- t-.ry. He first entered a machine shop in Lowell, Mass., April. 1846 ; but " his professional career commenced on the Concord railroad, under the late Charles Minot, then its manager, who was attracted by the brightness and practical ideas of this sin- gular youth. In a few months he had mastered the anatomy and physiology of the locomotive engine, tabulated the dimen- sions and proportions of those under his obs«rvation, and published a small, but excellent and still useful, treatise on the subject." The locomotive was ever after his chief study. Was superintendent of the works of Mr. Souther, in Boston, — for a few months of the Tredegar Works, at Richmond, Va., and for a year, or more, of the New Jersey locomotive works at Patersou, N. J., "during which engagement he made some improvements, still standard, in the machinery of freight engines." But he " early found that the literature of en- gineering was his true calling." His writings were vai'ious in scope, and vigorous in practical treatment. " On the locomo- tive, the steam-engine and boiler at large, steam navigation, bridges, railway works and mechanical engineering in general, he became a first-rate authority. His thoroughly practical education in the workshop, his extended observation of en- gineering works, his intimate acquaintance with pi'ofessional Hterature, his remarkable quickness of comprehension, his more remarkable memory, and his mechanical talent and inborn engineering ideas, combined to give him a distinction that no engineer in the world will deny him, — the best general writer in his profession." In 18,')4, he started in New York the '• Kailroad Advocate," which he afterwards enlarged and en- titled the " American Engineer." He was commissioned, with his associate, Mr. A. L. Ilolley, by several railroad presidents, in the autumn of 1857, to visit Europe, and report upon the systems of railway management in use there. In 1858, he returned to London, began to write for the " Engineer," and soon became its editor. In addition to his editorial labors, he wrote several pamphlets on boiler explosions, heat, etc.. the originality of which attracted great attention. He received two medals for papers before the " Institution of Civil Engi- neers," one on " Iron Bridges," the otber on " American Locomotives and Rolling Stock " He also served one jear as president of the " Society of Civil Engineers." But the high tension which he always maintained upon his mental powers too early destroyed the balance of his over-wrought brain, and he d. soon after his last arrival in this country, April 20, 1870, aged 38, under a cloud of temporary insanity, having accomplished more than most men in thrice as many years of active life. Had he early received the advantages oi' a sys- tematic and liberal education, it might have proved difticult to prescribe the limits to his usefulness or his fame. Extraor- dinary instances of his powers of memory are related. He couhl state cxact1>i the height of the summit of every railway TAUT I. TIllUD GENERATION. 27 of wliich reports had ever reached his eye, toji:etlier with their leadinii jj:radiei!t.s and othrr iiiatLTJal leatun'S. lie was hiirlily esteemed for Ins social traits, iiis amiability and kind- ness. While residing in London, he deliiihted" to bottjw valuable attention upon American engineers visiting England, by whom his memory is cherished with allection. He was m. and left one child, (1.) Sakaii, now living with her mother in New York. (The above is an abstract of two puiilished sketches of his life; one of which, from the pen of Mr. lloliey, appeared in the "New York Times" of May 2, and the '• IScientilic American" of May 14, 1S70.) l.")4. Clarissa, b. May 30, 1793. in Hillsborougli ; m. Benjamin Nichols, farmer, of Bradford, N. 11., Nov. 1811. lii^ d. Aug. 11, 1851. Children : — 1. JosKPii (Nichols), b. April 20, 1813; d. Sept. 3, IHoi, aged 41. 2. Nancy Aykk, b. Apr. 5. 1815; m. William Dunlield, 18:'.7. He was b. in New Brunswick; was the runner of a saw-mill, in Ilillsboro', tifteeu years; enlisted, at the age of 51, in Co. .A, 7th regiment N. 11. volunteers; served one year and a half; was discharged on account of ill health, and d. .June 7, isTl, in Newbury. Children: (1.) Wilmam N. (^Dunliehl;, b. Jan. I'.i, 1838, in Bradford; a carpenter; m. Eaura E. Garfield, May, 18()1; enlisted in Co. H, 16th N. II. volunteers. Sept. I8(;i', and d. of disease in New Orleans, La., June, 18G3, aged 25, leaving, I. Wii.lip, C, b. Aug. 15. 18G2. (2.) Gkokge T., 1). June 3, 1840, in Washington, N. II.; a farmer; m. Sarah L. bobbins, of Bradford, N. H., Mar. 18(il. Enlisted in Co. B, N. II. IGth regiment, Sept. 18G2; served out his time, and now lives in Bradford. Children: I. Cauhik E., b. Dec. 10. 18G1. II. Lizziic E., b. Apr. 15, 18G7; d. Mar. 4, 1871, in her 4th year. (3.) LizzKTTK L. (adopted child), b. Sept. 9, 1848; d. July 4, 1858, in her 10th year. 3. lIuniJAUU Newto.v (Nichols), b. Nov. 10, ISIO ; a farmer in Brad- ford; m. INIary Ayer [155,3], Apr 2, 1840. Chihlren : (1.) Camsta, b. Apr. 12, 1841 ; m. Francis Smith, of Brailford. Child: I. Makv (Smith), b. July, I8(!7. (2.) Bkn.iami.n, b. Sept. 8, 1842; m. Jane Dole, of Claremont; resides in Mis- souri; 1 child. (3.) IlKNUY II.. b. Apr. 21,1844. (4.) William A., b. Nov. (J, 1845. (5.) Maky A., b. Mar. 21, 1847; d. June 2, 184!), aged 2. (0.) Soham's G., b. June 0, 1848; d. Apr. i». 1851, in his 3d year. (7 ) Ciiai!Lks N., b. May 1. 1850. (8.) (iKOiiCiio, b. May 18, 1852. (!i.) Fuank, b. Aug. 22, 1854; d. Apr. 14. 1855, aged 8 mos. (10.) Alm.ian, b. July 24, 1858. (11.) Nkllie, b. Apr. 3, 18C0. (12.) ..kifkuson D., b. June 18, 1802. (13.) SILA.S D , b. Sept. 21, 18(;5; d. Mar. 30, 1871. in his 6th year. 4. HriiAM (Nichols), b. Sept. 12, 1818. Learned the stone trade in Virginia and Quincy, Mass. ; m. Il.arriel Brockway, of Hills- borough, Apr. 4, 181."., and settled as a farmer and sIdui-- workcr in Bradford, one mile from his father's. .Aug. 1, IsTo. he was thrown from a mowing machine, and his right hand iind wrist were so badly injurcil that ami)Utatioii was necessary. Is still enabled to prosecute his work by the use of artill<-ial means. Children : (1.) Juii.n O., b. Dec. 28, 184C. (2.) H.vTriK E., b. July 28, 1851. (3.) Gkokck II., b. Oct. 20, 1854. (4.) Etta F., b. Dec. 27, 1856. (5.) Claka J., 1). Nov. 14. 1S61 5. Maky (Nichols), b. Aug. 16, 1820; m. Henry 1). Nichols, Aug. 7, 1844, at Bellows Falls, Vt. He wa.s b. Jidy 22. 1823; a workman in an iron foundry; death occasioned by the falling of a tree at Hillsborough. Feb. ;», 1858, in his ;!5(h ye;ir. ('hiJ- dren : (1.) Eu«ii;.\K S., b. Feb. 28, 184(1, in Ki'ene. .\. II.; m. 28 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Clara J. Hood, of Wincliendon, Mass., Apr. 14, 18G7; resides ill W. ; worjsinan in iron foundry. (2.) Gkokgk A., b. Mav^."), 1«4I», in Koone. f.3.) ClahaJ., b. Auj;. IS, 18.53, in Hillsborough. (4.) Hknuy B , b. Aug. 10, 18.55, in H. C. Clarissa (Nichols), b. Apr. If), 1822; m. Jacob C Bailey, carpen- ter, Nov. 28, 1845; residence in Bradford Village. N. IT. Chil- dren: (1.) IIkrmax Ai.onzo (Bailey), b. Sept. 19, 1847, (2.) Cvurs Nichols, b. Jan. 16, 1853. (3.) Elva Julia, (4.) Eva Jank, twins, b. Fob. 20, 1855; Eva J. d. Apr. 1857, aged 2. (5.) Willis Nkwton, b. Sept. 9, 18G6. 7. Edwin (Nichols), b. June 22, 1824; a farmer, retaining his father's homestead in Bradford; m. Almira Stuart, June 3, 1847. She was called to suffer the amputation of her foot, Nov. 8, 1871, as the final result of a sprain some four years previouslv. Children: (1.) Ella F., b. June 23, 1848. (2.) Emma J., b. Sept. 27, 1849. (3.) Nancy M., b. Jan. 29, 1850. (4.) Lucy A., b. Julv 25, 1853. (5.) Alice J., b. Dec. 30, 1854. (6.) LoREX E., b. June 1, 1856. (7.) Oilman S., b. Feb. 27, 1864. (8.) Minnie K., b. Feb. 20. 1867. 8. Eliza (Nichols), b. Feb. 13, 1826; m. Samuel Bates, carpenter, of Bradford Village, Nov. 2, 1848. Children: (1.) Byron (Bates), b. June 15, 1851. (2.) Clarabel, b Aug. 28, 1868. 9. JuMA (Nichols), b. July 10, 1828; resides in Bradford. 10. Sarah J., b. Oct. 15, 1830; m. Samuel W. Colby, of Warner, N. H., farmer, Aug. 21. 1866. 155. Benjamin, b. Jan. 15, 1795, in Hillsboro', N. H. ; settled as a farmer on his father's place in Newbury (where he still resides), having m. Sally McCrellis, of Goshen, N. H. Children : — 1. John, b. Nov. 5, 1819; m. Miss J. T. Gillingham, Nov. 30, 1843; a carpenter, Claremont, N. H. 2. Hannah, b. Feb. 17, 1821; m. J. Peabody Bl.y, Oct. 26, 1843; Newbury, N. H. 3. Mary, b. May 11, 1822. See [154, 3]. 4. Ann Caroline, b. Nov. 13, 1823; d. July 30, 1824, aged 8 mos. 5. Ann Caroline, b. Dec. 25, 1824; m. Jona. W. Buswell, May 31, 1849; New London, N. H. 6. Henrietta, b. Sept. 25, 1826 ; ra. Henry Fisher Stowell, farmer, of Washington, Feb. 20, 1850; residence, first. Unity; now Claremont, N. H. He was b. May 14, 1826, in Lempster. Children b. in Claremont. (1.) Benjamin Frank (Stowell), b. Sept. 5, 1851. (2.) Elgin Ware, b. Mar. 26, 1854. (3.) Annie GR.iCiA, b. Nov. 3, 1864. 7. Alma Ann, b. Feb. 6, 1828; ra., 1st, Frederick Brackett, Mar. 12, 1846; m.. 2d, Abner Stowell, Sutton, N. H. 8. William, b. Mar. 19, 1829; m. E. A. Bailey, Nov. 30, 1854; a farmer in Newbury, on the homestead. 9. Adalaide, b. Oct. 18, 1830 ; ni. Daniel W. Barney, Mar. 26, 1850 ; resides in Illinois. 10. Almedia, b. June 20, 1832; d. Aug. 28, 1835, aged 3. 11. Adaliza, b. Oct. 30, 1833; d. Mar. 14, 1835, in her 2d year. 12. Benjamin Franklin, b. Sept. 22, 1835; ra S. P. Bailey, Mar. 31, 1857; a farmer, residing in Unity, N. H. 13. Sally Banden, b. Sept. 29, 1837; ra. Ezekiel F. Barnard, Nov. 26, 1859; Newbury. 14. Addison, b. May 28, 1839; m. Sarah A. Barnard, Aug. 15, 1863, in Bradford; now residing at Sutton Mills. N. H. She was b. Oct. 8, 1841. Children : (1.) Elton, b. Aug. 5, 1864, in Wash- ington. (2.) LoKEN, h. Sept. 7, 1866. in Sutton. (3.) Annie, b. Aug. 1, 1868. (4.) Sherman, b. May 30, 1870. 15. Zeroida, b. Mar. 21, 1841; m. Daniel G. Peaslee, Mar. 11, 18G3; Bradford. I'AKT I. — TllIlID UENEliATlUN. l^'J 10. La Favkttk, b. Dec. 1, 1844. 156. Nancy, b. July :30. \7'.)H, in Hillsboro'; in., 1st, Jonathan Brock- way; m., 2d, Thomas ypaldiug, of Newbury, and d. Nov. 10, 18(J8, aged 70. 157. Samuel, b. May 15, 1800, in Newbury, and there d. Aug. 30, 1803, aged 3 years 3i months. 158. AiJiGAiL^ [52] (Ebcnezer-, Sainiiol'), in. Bcnjninin llag- gett, of Bradford, Mass., .Tune 30, 17a5, and d. al)ont 1M23, aged 63. Children : — 159. Lydia (Haggett), b. about 1789 ; ra. James Pevere (1st wife), 1810, and d. soon after. ICO. Polly, b. 1793; m. James Pevere (2d wife), 1815, and d. of con- sumption. 161. Ebkne/.ek, b. 179G; was a hack-driver in New York city when last lieard from. 1G2. Hannah, b. 1800; d. about 1830, in Bnulford. 163. Samuel^ [54] (Ebenezer^, SamueP), received from lii-s father's estate the farm in the sonth part of Mollis, N. II., which the latter had ])nrc'hased in 1777; also the mill site on Nashua river, Avhere he built the saw and grist mills (two runs of stones), since known as " Runnels' Mills," near the so-called ^ Runnels* Bridge." He also added a carding mill, which was carried on by his sons. These mills were sold to the Nashua Manulacturing Co., Aug. 1865, shortly before the death of his son Ebenezer. He .scrupulously fulfilled the terms of his father's will relative to his mother, paying her regular annual visits till her death in 1814. He m. Abigail Smith, of Nottingham, Sept. 20, 1791, at Ilollis. She was b. Jan. 29, 1768. He d. June 5, 1834, aged 67, in Ilollis, and the following a})pears on his gravestone : — " Sickness sore, long time he bore, Physicians were in vain; Till death did seize, and God did please. To ease him of his pain." She d. Dec. 30, 1848, aged 81, and her gravestone lieais this inscription (Ilollis cemeter}'^) : — " How wide the torrent rolls That l)ears us to tlie tomb I Which ends our toils and sorrows here. And bears our spirits home." Children, b. in Ilollis : — 104. FuKDKKiCK [503]. b. June 28, 1792. 1(15. Ei'.KNK/F,u [511 1, 1). July 8, 1794. IOC. Hannah, b. July 27, 1790; d. Mar. 18, 1830, in lier 40lh year. 107. Pkksis, b. Aug. 29, 1798; m. llonice Whitney, Nov. ls35; lived i?) Nashua, and d. at her father'.s, in Ilollis. July 2, 1842, aged 44. 108. Bethia [518], 1). Dec. 1, 1800. 109. SlsAN [525], 1). Jan. 29, 1803. 170. Samuki., b. June 22, 1805; d. July 27, 1800, aged 13 month.s. 30 i;iiN\Ki-s A\i> i:i:v\<)Li>s .mka;orials. 171. Thomas^ [55] (E])en('zcr2, Samuel'), inlieritofl most of his fntlior's i)ro|M'rty in Havorhill, and successfully continued the sanic liusiuess there for many years. Was m. to Lucy Laphani, of Bradford, Sept. (An«;-.) 9, 1792. He d, Oct. 30, 1840, in his 78th year; and slie d. Dec. 28 (29, gravestone), 1859, at tlie advanced age of !>1 years 10 mos. 9 days. Their children were all b. in Haverhill: — 172. Sophia, b. Apr. 11, 1794; d. Mar. 12 (11), 1815, aged 21. 173. John [529], b. May 7, 1790. 174. Bktsy [533], b. Mar. 12, 1798 (called "Elizabeth" on the Town Records). 175. LonsA [540], b. Apr. 25, 1800, (Town Record.s give " Oisa, b. Mav 10 ") nc. King Lapham [552], b. Mar. 20, 1802. 177. WaupvKX [559], b. Feb. 10, 1804. (At fir.st " Ebenezcr " on the Town Records, and "altered bv desire of Mrs. R., Apr. 9. lt'04.") 178. MosKS Clemknt [565], b. Nov. 20, 1805. 179. Mauy, b. Nov. 1, 1807; m. Simon Pearson, of Byfiild, Nov. 1828; d. Mar. 31, 1831, la her 24th year. 180. Nathaniel Stevens^ [50] (Ebeuezer^, Samuel^), followed the natural current of emigration from Haverhill, Mass., to Haver- hill, N. H , where he m. Polly Merrill, Dec. 1, 1790. Moved back to Haverhill, Mass., in 1804,' but returned in 1806, and finally set- tled in Piermont, N. H., in 1818. Here he lived, as a farmer, greatlv beloved and respected, and d. Aug. 24, 1857, aged 86. She d. Oct. 6, 1838. Children b. in Haverhill, N. H., except the two youngest : — 181. MiKA [570], b. Sept. 12, 1797. 182. Harriet [577], b. Mar. 6, 1799. 183. Ebenezer [582], b. Dec. 17, 1800. 184. Sally Hazen; b. Nov. 24, 1802; d. Dec. 28, 1823, aged 21. 185. Arthur [589], b. Nov. 26, 1806. 186. Mary Merrill [592], b. Jan. 29, 1809. 187. Hannah Smith, b. June 6, 1811. 188. Bartlett [601], b. July 18, 1S13. 189. George [604], b. Aug. 17, 1815. 190. Charles Swan, b. June 15, 1818, in Piermont; d. by drowning in Coimecticut river, July 18, 1830, aijed 12. 191. IIazen [616], b. Sept. 13, 1820, in Piermont. 192. Daniel^ [58] (Ebenezer^, SamueU), continued the business of a blacksmith at Haverhill, Mass., with his brother Thomas, but a short time after their father's death (see his will), when he moved to Warner, N. H., and there settled for life, following the same trade, and retaining the " Runels " orthography. He in., 1st, Chloe George, in the summer of 1799, the couple standing, as its pros- pective occupants, on the sills or sleepers of the ueAvly-framed house, in which the}' afterwards lived together till her death, May 23, 1829, aged 50. She was b. Jan. 14,1779, in Hopkinton, N. H. He was m., 2d, to Mary Bailey, of Newbury, Vt., bv Rev. G. W. Campbell, Oct. 4, 1831, and d. Dec. 21, 1838, aged "63. Children In' first wife, and all b. in Warner : — TAirr I. — riiinij (!i:vki: atiox. L>1 103. Daxiki, Gkohgk [r.l8], b. Jan .s, 1801 101. Hannah, 'o. Sept. 17. 1801'; d. Apr. 10. 18.34, in her 32d year. l'J.5. Sally, b. Au;;. 24, 1810; il. Nov. 1. 1828, ii<,'ed 18. 196. CiiAitLKS, b. May 23, 1817; d. at Burliiigtou, la., July 19, 1838, aged 21. 197. Geokge [625], b. Feb. 3, 1823. 198. EiJENEZEU^ [o9] (El)enezer2, SamueP), was m. to Hannali Lane, of Newbury port, by Hev. John Giles, Sept. 22, 180>5 (Town Records). She lived with her mother at Newburyport, wliile he was absent as a sea-captain. He was taken ])y the Hriti.sh during the war of 1812-15, with his vessel, crew, and cargo; was impris- oned in England, and afterwards heard of in tiie State of Georgia, though never seen by his friends. Cliihb-en : — 199. Almika, b. June 18, 1801), in Newburyport (Town Records). Was insane, and d. at Haverhill. 200. Ebuxkzkk, b. 1811 ; d. in infancy at Havorlnll. ^ 201. Hannah^ [G1] (Ebenezer-, Samuel^) ; m., 1st, Benjamin Cole, of Haverhill, iVIai-. 9, 180G. He was "drowned with livi» other persons in Merrimack river when returning from Newbury- port,*' May 24, 1807, aged 25. Hence this epitaph on his grave- stojie in Haverhill cemetery : — "Death's ."^udden stroke dissolved m}' feeble frame; Header, prepare, yonr lale may be the same. Kenounce your sins, by faith to Jesus lly; Then, welcome death, — 'tis gain for you to die." She m., 2d, Henry Clement, of Salem, N. H., Jan. 12, 1812, and lived in Thornton, N. H., and Boxford, Mass. He d. Dec. 14, I84a. She d. at Boylston, Mass., Oct. 1, 18G4, aged 77. Children : — 202. Mary Runnkls (Clement), b. July 18, 1813, in Thornton; was m. by Rev. Peter Eaton, at West IJoxford, to Gilmaii Hull, Sept. 19, 1843. He was b. Jan. 2S, 18U9, in Northwood, N. II. ; now a shoemaker, residing at Georgetown, Mass. 203. Sakaii Louisa, i). Dec. 14, 1819, in West Boxford; ni. Lyman Whipple, larmer, of Somerville, Apr. 24, 1845; alterwards re- sided at Boylston; now at Siu-owsbury, Mass. Cliildren : — 1. William Hknky (Wliipple), 1). May 7, 1846, in Soniervillf; was in tlie army of the hite war fourteen monllis. Co. K, 57111 Mass. regiment; ui. Mina A. Hill, of Marll)oro', Mass., Aug. ;il. isc.'.i, and now resides in Worcester. Ciiild : (1.) Gkokue ALUKur, b. Nov. 15, 1871. 2. Lyman IIoLintooK, b. Sept. 6, 1849, in Boylston. 3. Mauy Louisl, b. Apr. 24, 1852, in Boylston ; m. George K. Adams, of Nortlil)oro', Mass., Jan. 1, 1872. 4. Jt)HN Alhkut, b. Dec. 11, 1858, in Boylston. 201. William llK.Nitv, b. June 20 (14), 1824, in West Boxford ; d. Dec. 28, 1833, in his lotli year. FOURTH GENERATION. 205. Abigail'' [63] (Stephen^, Stephen-, SanuieU) ; m. Abel Gnge, of Pelham, N. H., Jan. 13, 1780 ; d. Aug. 2, 182^., aged 70. Slie was truly a mother^ rightly guiding her housenold, and wisely trnining her children. Her advice and assistance were much sought for in her neighborhood, in cases of sickness and difflculty. Her husband Avas b. in Pelham, Nov. 18, 1755, — the day of the great earthquake, — and d. Sept. 3, 1846, in his 91st year. He served as a soldier in the Revolutionary war, during the year 1776, for which service he received a pension the last twenty-eight years of his life. Kept school several seasons in different parts of the town, in private houses, before school-houses were built, and when "reading, writing, and ciphering" were the only branches taught. He was active in all his emjilo3^ments, and possessed the confidence of his fellow-townsmen in so large a degree that he was elected as selectman more than half the years between thirty and sixty of his own age. Was also a devoted member of the church to which he belonged, and held the office of deacon about forty-five years, till the infirmities of age admonished him to resign. Having Itpnrd that granite ledges had been riven in pieces with wedges, in some distant localit}', he resolved to try the experiment on his own farm, which abounded in granite, and was surprised at his success. His tools were of a primeval pattern, like the material on which he wrouiiiit ; but it is claimed that he was the first, in this part of the country to attempt stone quarrying, and to start that important business, which has reached such a height in Concord, N. H., Quincy, Mass., and other places. The centre meeting-house in Dracut, built about 1782, and the present town-house in Pelham, as it was originally, afford specimens of his earliest work. A ten- dency to mechanical pursuits, a taste for vocal and instrumental music, and a marked religious character, are noticed in this family, through theii' several generations. The parents, all the children, who lived to mature age, and a large majorit}' of the grandchildren, have professed their faith in Christ. Children, all b.iu I'elham : — 206. Sakah (Gage), b. Jan. 20, 1781 ; m Heury March, fanner, of Loii- doticlerry. May 11. 1819; d. Sept. 8, 1827, in her 47th year. 207. BiMA- KiTNXELs, b. Feb. 20, 1783; a farmer; m., 1st, Ahlijail Hall. of Pelham, July 23, ISOj, who d. Apr. I'.t, ISOS; m., 2d." Kt-bLcra PART I. FOURTH GENERATION. 33 Wilson, of P., Nov. 11, 1813, who d. 181G; m., M, Xaiicy An- derson, of Londonderry, where he then resided, Jan. 1818. He d Mar. 7, 1837, aged 54. Children : — 1. Calkh (Gage), b. Oct. 2, 1805 (lirstwife); a blacksmith, Man- chester, N. H.; ra. Susan Claggett, of Londonderry, .June 25, 1830. Children: (1-) Mi;mnua CLAOiiKrr, b. Dec. 4, 18"U. (2.) Lkandkk, b. Nov. 23, 1833; a blacksmith, Manchester; m. Cordelia B. Kenne, May 3, 1857, and tl. Aug. 20, 18(;.>, aged 32. Children: I. Susax Akdefx, b. Feb. 14, 18(i0. 11. Chaki.i-:8 Hknrv, b Sept. 8, 1803. (3.) Geougk F., b. Apr. 30, 1S3'J; a fancy painter, Montreal, C. E. (4.) William Clacgictt, b. Jan. 10, 1842; a printer, Manchester, N H. ; m. Nellie .Jones, Mar. 2, 1800. Childrcu : I. Fmkokric William, b. Apr. 5, 18Gtt. II. FuANK HmtMON, b. June 9, 1808. 2. CiiAia.Ks, b. Mar. 5, 181.") (second wife); a carpenter; Bedford, N. 11.; m. Mary Newton, of Henniker. 3. William Washington, b. Dec. 30, 1818 (third wife); a trader in dry goods. Boston, Mass. ; m. Sarah W. Grilfln. Sept. 27, 184G. Children: (1.) Ciiaules Augustus, b. Aug. 8, 1847. (2.) Alick Augusta, b. Oct. 15, 1854. (3.) Annik S., b. Sept. 27, 1856. (4.) Abbie Fkances, b. Oct. 5, 1858. (5.) Wil- liam Washington, b. May 31, 1804. 4. Lkandek, b Oct. 2, 1820; a boot and shoe maker, Braintree, Mass. ; m. Mary Denton Allen, of B., .June 18, 184'.. Children : (1.) William L., b. Dec 20, 1845: "enlisted for the late civil war in the 42d regiment Mass. volunteers; served his time, anil returned." (2.) Kichahd Allen, b. Apr. 2, 1848; d. .Jan. 30, 1851, in his 3d year. (3.) Chakles Hknky Hall, b. June 28. 1850; d. June [), 1863, aged 13. (4.) Kicilvku Allen, b. July 10, 1852. (5.) Elizabeth Denton, b. July 10. 1854; d. Oct. 7, 1854. (6.) Fkedekic Allen, b. Aug. 15, 1855; d. Oct. 11, 1855. 5. Abkjail, 1). June 20, 1822; m. Charles Henry Hall, of Braintree, Mass., blacksmith. May, 1850; now residing in California. 6. Aakox Haudy. b. Nov. 13, 1824; resided in Londonderry; there m. Hannah Humphrey, of L., May, 1850; '"joineil the L'nioii army in the West; became captaiu of a compa.ny ; was a brave soldier and olticer for two or three years, and after the war removed to California." Four children ; two d. 7. John Andehson, b. June 25, 1827; a boot anil shoe maker, Derry, N. H. ; in. MartiiaTenney, of Londonderry, .May 6, 1851. Children: (1.) Ella F., b. May 23, 1852. (2.) M. Flokenck, b. Jan. 15, 1855. (3.) Charles F., b. Jan. 20, 1857; d. Feb. 28, 1800, aged 3 years. (4.) Nancv Jane. b. June D, 1861. (5.) Lydia p., b. July 20, 1803; d. May 4, isi;5, in her 2d year. 208. Mehetabel. b. Jan. 30, 1785; d. Feb. 5, 1781), aged 4. 2011. Hannah, b. Ai)r. 20, 1787. See |231.] 210. Mehetabel, b. Fel). 5, 178!h d. July 31, 1861, aged 72. 211, Amos, b. Mar. 22, 171)1; a shoemaker; m. Celcnda Hovey, of B<>.v- ford, Mass., — where he then resided, — Mar. 1815. She d. Julv 4, 1830. Chikhvn: — 1. Waisuen, b. Mar. 17, 1816; a carpenter, Bradford, M:lss. ; m. Caroline Bartlett Foster, of Pembroke, Nov. 15, 1842. Chil- dren: (1.; Ellen Isabel, I). May 0. islO. (2.) Mary Kimball, b. Oct. 25, 181'.t; d. Jan. 4, ISOO, in her 17th year. (;f.) Geo1£«;k Waruen. b. Sept. 11, 1852; d. Oct 22, 1S03, a-.-d 11. (4.) Carrie Madoua. b. Mar. 11, 1857. (5.) llATrn: I'ennev, b. Oct. 3, 185'.); d. Oct. 21, 1863, aged 4. (6.) Henrv Wu. lls, b Sept. li), I8(i3. 2. Abigau., b. Mar. 21, 1818; m. James Carlton, carpenter, of Box- foril, Mass., Apr. 20, 1837. Children: (1.) Charles Warren 3 34 EUNNELS AND EEYNOLUS MEMORIALS. (Carlton), h. Sept. 21, 1838; d. Apr. 22, 1857, in liis 19th year. (2.) Cki.knda IIovky, b Sopt. 27, 1840; m. f'liarles Robert Anderson, nieclianic, of West Box ford, Mass., Sept. 21, 1800. Children: I. Wim,i.\m II. (Anderson), b. Jan. 13, 1H(;2. II. Cii.MM.K.s CAiii.TON, b. Jan. 12, 18G3. III. Fuank I1ki!BKRT, b. July 7, 18(;.-). IV. Davjd Albert, b. Nov. 16, 1867. (3.) Lkwis'A., 1). Mar. 22, 1851. 3. Hai!1!Ikt liKYNOi.Ds, b. Mar. 4, 1820; m. Daniel Chamberlain, of Boston, mathematical in.striiment mal, in Andover. Ife was ii carpenter, lived at West Boxford, and d. Apr. :>, 18(57. aged 82. 218. M.ATiLDA, b. Apr. 1^3, 17S7, in Hoxford. as also flic following children. She m. Jedidiah Harker, of Boston, at B. {Inn 2d wife), Nov. 24, 1816. See [244]. 219. Eliph.vlet [635], b. Apr. 4, 1781). 224. 225. 38 IlUiNNKLS AND KEVNOLDS MEMORIALS. 220. SAMtTKi. SroFrOKi) [C,4iij, h. Nov. 14, 1701, 221. Wii.LiAAr. 1). Jan. 20, 17!)4'; fl. Mar. 25, 1818, aged 24. 222. Sakaii [0.52], h. PY-b. 10, 179(5, 223. Hakkikt, b. Feb. 11, 170'J; resides at the paternal home, West Boxford (1872). Er.nixcA Adai.ink, > , 7,,- , 01 iof,i . S ^^- ^ept. 1801. Hannah Evkunt, <) "' '^"'^ •^^' ^^^^^l d. Juue 17, 1803, in her 2d y. 22G. EicHKCCA EvKUNE, b. IS'ov. 11, 1803. "Was distinituished," says her p.astor, "for force of character, ener;j;y of ^vill, iiit(';;rity of conscience, and a spirit of self-sacrifice, with intelleclnal traits no less reinarl6. (2.) Samuel Wakkex, b. May 20, 1844; resides in Andover; ni. Abbie M. Lilllohalo, May 20, 1871. (3.) David Alonzo, b. Oct. 6, 1^46. (4.) Hannah Ehmixa, b. Jan. 28, 1853. (5.) A.scen.\th Pekuis, b. Oct. 14, 1859. 2. Amu. Gage, b. Apr. 19, 1817; residence, Andover; m., 1st, Betsy T. Arnold [221), 4], Jan. 18, 1844, who d. Sept. 18, 1845, a-jed 26; m., 2d, Ann M. West, Dec. 'J9. 1846. Children : (1.) Han- nah M., b. Apr. 9, 1845 (1st wife) ; ni. Joel Merrill, of Ando- ver, Dec. 19, 1868. (2.) Leandiok A., b. Oct. 19, 1847 (2d wife). (3.) JohnW., b. Mav 5, 181'.'. (4.1 Cklinda G., b. Aug. 1, 1851. (5.) FUANCEN-A P., b. Julv 24. 18.53. (6.) Nora M., b. Jan. 4, 1856. (7.) .Akvilla W., b. Aug. 24, 1858; d. Nov. 20, 1865, aged 7. (8.) Walteu E., I). Dec. 4, 1860. (9.) Lauua C, b. Mar. 21, 1863. (10 ) Mautha H., b. July 23, 1865. (11.) Ellen I., b. Jan. 21. 1867. 3. Hannah Peaul, b. July 11, 1819; in. Thomas Howarth. 1840. He was then a clothier in Andover, Mass.; afterwards lived in Virginia, where she d. Children; (I.) Elizabkih (How- arth). (2.) Thomas J. 4. William Runnels (Marston), b. Feb. 23, 1821 ; m., 1st, Lucy A. Hall, Sept. 20, 1846. who d. .Jan. 29, 1867; m., 2d, Ann M. Delano, Oct. 12, 1868. Children: (1.) Lucy V., 1). Sept. 13, 40 lUJNNKLS AM) J! F'.YNDLDS MEMORIALS. 18t8; m. Diuiiol frowlev, AiiR. H'., 18C0. Child: I. Ralph L. (Crowloy), b. Dec. 2, 1871. (2.) Ciiakles II., b. June 10, 1851. ('^.) AiM\ G., b. Dec. 2, 1852; m. Ihuvey L.Newton, Sept. 1.5, 1870. (4.) Wii.i.iAM H., b. Apr. 9, IHofi. (5.) Emma A., b. June 13, 1857. (C.) Etiikl M., b. .July 15, 1859. (7.) Nkllib ¥., h. Oct. 8, 18r,2. (8.) Mahy F., b. Apr. 13, 1864; d. Feb. 5, 1807, in her 3(1 year. (9.) Lkttik A., b. July 0, 18GG. (10.) Elmkr N., b. Aug. 2, 1809 (2d wife). (11./ Hkkbeht H., b. Dec. 30, 1871. 5. CiiAKi.KS llAKDiNG, b. Mar. 17, 1823. G. Lkandkk AuNoi.n, b. Apr. 23, 1825; m. Clarissa B. Merrill, Aug. 21, 1852, who d. .Apr. 24, 18G7; re.sideuce, Andover, Me. Children: (1.) Ji>a H., b. Apr. 17; d. Apr. 20. 1854. (2.) Catik S., b. Dec 13, 1855. (3.) Ci.aua E., b. Sept. 9, 1857. (4.) Gkorgk L., b. May 18, 18G4. 7. A15IGA1L G., b. Apr. 1, 1827; m. Benjamin J. Masterman, 2d wife, [230,9], 1852, and d. Aug. 1855, aged 28. Children: (1.) Alice (Masterman), b. 1853; d. 1861, aged 8. (2 ) Eva, b. 1855: d. same year. 8. Matilda Barker, b. Feb. 3, 1829 ; m. Asa A. West, Mar. 18, 1854. Children: (1.) AiniLLA (West), b. June 18, 1855; d. Feb. 18, 18G3, aged 7 yrs. 8 nios. (2.) Dioxtha, b. Aug. 20; d. Oct. 12, 1857. (3.) Anna P., b. Aug. 12, 1860; d. Feb. 20, 18G8, in her 8th year. (4.) Lizzie F., b. Nov. 5, 1864. (S.'l Scott C, b. Sept. 21, 1866. 232. William Kunnels (Marston), b. Apr. 8, 1788; supposed to have d. youug. 233. Sarah (Marston), b. Sept. 4, 1790; m. a Proctor. Child : — 1. Dolly A. (Proctor); m. Asa A. Proctor, 1845, Children; (1.) Charles A. (Proctor), b. 1847. (2.> Mary A., b. 1849; d. Aug. 22, 1863, aged 14. 234. Molly (Marston), b. Feb. 18, 1793; m. John Sweat, Oct. 29, 1811. Children: 1. John A. (Sweat). 2. Mary A. 3. Sarah B. 4. Elizabeth R. 5. Persis. 6. Benjamin. 7. Hiram. 8. James. 9. Joshua. 10. Sophia. 11. Martha. 235. Anna (Marston), b. Sept. 2, 1795, in East Andover, Me. ; m. Daniel Sweat, Nov. 10, 1814. Children: 1. Ann (Sweat). 2. Fred- eric; resides in Canada. 3. Daniel; d. 4. Charlotte; re- bides in Vermont. 5. Elvira ; resides in Paris, Me. 6. Clara ; resides in Roxbury, Me. 7. Matilda. 236. Charlotte (Marston), b. July 12, 1801, in East Andover; m., 1st, Eben Nutting, in East Cambridge, Mass., May 7, 1835. He d. and she m., 2d, Jonathan P. Stevens, of Andover, Me., May 20, 1845. Child: — 1. Jason S. (Nutting), b. June 7, 1836; d. Jan. 9, 1865, in his 29th year. 237. Eliza (Marston), b. May 7, 1806, in East Andover ; ra. Ebenezer Cutting, Apr. 8, 1824. Children : — 1. Ebenezer M. (Cutting), b. Aug. 14, 1825; m. Dolly F. Bodwell, Mar. 4, 1850; residence, Andover. Children: (1.) Oscar WiNKRED, b. M;iy 19, 1851. (2.) Ella Adelia, b. Feb. G, 1853 : d. July 9, 1864, aged 11. (3.) Moses Nelson, b. Dec. 5, 1854 ; d. July 16, 1864, in his 10th year. (4.) Katie Elvie, b. Dec. 22, 1856. (5.) Adra Lora, b. Jan. 4, 1859; d. Aug. 4, 1864, aged 5 yrs. 7 luos. (6.) Agnes Eda, b. Mar. 26, 1862; d. Aug. 5, 1864, aged 2 yrs. 4 nios. 10 days. (7.) Charley Brown, b. Mar. 3; d. Sept. 11, 1864. (8.) Nellie Adelia, b. July 13, 1866. (9.) Fred Milton, b. Apr. 10. 1870. 2. William H., b. Aug. 30, 18.-6; m. Sarah E. Pulcifer. Mar. 1852; residence, Weld. Me. Children r (].) Ella J., b. May 27, 1853. (2) Alura E., b. Nov. 28, 1857; d. Aug. 6, 1861, in her 4th PART I. FOURTH GENERATION. 41 year. (3.) William A., b. Feb. 2, 1SG3. (4.) Siikrmax l'.. b. Jan. 5, IBOG. 3. Cjiahlk.s H., b. May 7, 1828 ; m. Al)igail A. Roberts, Mar. 4, 1851 ; resuleiice, Audover. Children: (1.) Bkt.sy E., b. Nov, .'T, 1853; d. Apr. 10, 1854, aged .j nios. (2.) Luklla A., b. May 3, 1856. (3.) Cuaulks K., b. Mar. 10, 18.5!»; d. Feb. 9, ISCI. aged 2. (4.) Nkllib E., b. Jnue IC, 18t;i; d. .Jan. (I, 18i;2, aged 6 nios. 20 days. (5.) Lizziic E., b. Dec. 17, 1^62 ; d. bept. 13, 1871, in her Dth year. (0.) Coija M., b. Apr. 27. isr.c. (7.) Gkokgk M., b. .Apr." 16, 1868. (8 ) William W., b. Jan. 13. 1870. 4. Eliza C, b. Apr. 28, 1830; m. Sylvester Roberts, of Andover, .Inly 1, 1851. Children: (I.) LAiiMnTA E. (Roberts), b. June 5, 18.55. (2.) Chaulks H., b. Aug. 13. 18.58 5. David (^Cutting), b. Apr. 1, 1832; ni. Ainiira Roberts, June 15, 1856; residence, Andover; enlisted in Co. C. 2Utii Maine reg- iment, July, 1862, and d. Jan. 8, 1S6;'., in his 3 1st vear. at Washington, D. C. She d. Mar. 17, 1862, leaving, (L) It>.v MiitA, b. Dec. 30, 1857. (2.) David Homkk, b. Apr. 20, 1860. 6. Sauah B., b. July 3, 1834; m. Sanniel Akers, June 15, 1858. Children: (1.) Aktiiuk W. (Akers), b. June 1, 1850, (2.) Leslik M.. b. Aug. 21), i860. (3.) Ettik P., 1). May 30, 1863. (4.) FijKi) C., b. Feb. 22, 1865. (5.) Hkxky S . b. M.iy :}u. ls6,s. 7. Samuel E. (Cutting), b. Nov. 20, 1836; in. llattie ,J. Morse, Apr. 5, 1866. Children: (1.) Walter J., b. Oct. 18, 1867; d. July 25, 1868, aged U months. (2.) KosE E., b. July 30, 1861). 8. Eunice C, b. Jan. 6, 183S); ni. John D. Xewtou, May 6, 1858. Children: (1.) John F. (Newton), b. Apr. 17, 185y"; d. Feb. 14, 1861. in his 2d year. (2.) J. Ouvillk, b. Apr. 5, 1864. (3.) CiiAitLiE M., b. Sept. 15, 1869. 9. IIakkiet M. (Cutting), b. Feb. 23, 1841: m. George Newton, Oct. 10, 1863; d. Sept. 13, 1864, in her 24th year. "" 10. Pehsis B., b. Feb. 20, 1843; m. Carlton Hutchius, of Andover, Mar. 7, 1861. Children: (1.) Eduaud C. (Hutchius), b. Dec. 22, 1861. (2.) Edgak H., b. iMar. 7, 1865. (3.) Eben F., b. Fel). 26, 1867. (4.) John L., b. Aug. 1, 18C9. 11. George M. (Cutting), b. Mar. 17, 1845, 12. Moses P.. b. Jan. 29; d. Mar. 13, 1847. 13. Loiis(a) M., b. Apr. 15, 1818; m. Alonzo N. Rand, of Lvnn, Mass., July 10, 1866. Children: (1.) Lluellyn A. (Rand), b. Oct. 18, 1867; d. Jan. 1868, aged 3 months. (2.) John G., h. Aug, 3, 1871. 14. Caleh O. (Cutting), b. June 3, 1850. 238. HANNAiif [C)8] (Stephen•^ Stephen^, Sainuel'), ni. James Kiml>all, fanner, in 178G, ami settled in Nelsf)n, N. II, Her name is found in a list of twenty persons who Joined the Coiiirreijational church at N,, in 1794, the fust 3car of the Hev, (J;i(l Newell's min- istry. She d, Nov, 9, 1797, in her 33d ye.-ir. The ehililren of James and Hannah Kimball — he having eight otluTs liy ;i secoiul wife — were all b. in Nelson, as follows : — 239. Hannah (Kimball), b. Aug. 22, 1787; ni. Calvin Greenwood, of Nelson, farmer and mechanic, Apr. 9, 1807. He was b. Sept. 14, 1785, and d. Nov. 11, 1835, aged 50, She d. on her 77th liirtli- day, Aug. 22, 1864. Children : — 1. AlVin (Greenwood), b. May 9, 1808. Lives in Na.',hua, N. H. ; two children. 2. Oklan, b. Mar. 28, 1810; ra. Eunice Washburn, Sept. 2, 1834; 42 RUNNELS AND UEYNOLDS MEMORIALS. resided l;ist in Nashua, and there d. Oct. 1S45, in iiis 3Gth y(!ar. Cliildten : (1.) Ficank VVamk), b. Au;?. 11, 1835, in I.ndlow, Vt. ; in., 1st, Amelia B. Kennedy, of Canton, N. Y., Nov. 27, IH'iG; siie d., and lie m., 2d, Adda L., dan. of Henry T. ChicUerin;;, Nov. 2, 1871. He was in the late war nearly live years, enlistinij in the Gth Mass. r(;.ii;iMient, am! partici- patini; in its tryin^^c march throii^ih Baltimore. Was after- wards drum major in the Mass. 2(ith, and llnally a ca|)tain in the 8i>d (colored) re, 1>*VJ; graduated at Harvard University, 1870. 3. Joux Si'KAc'uK, b. Dec. 27, 181.3. 4. Wahukn' Wimtk, b. Nov. 27, 1815; ni.. 1st, Betsy Copeland Sprague, in 1837, who d. Oct. 13, 18r.5. He m., 2d, Mrs. Sarah (Baker) Sprague, Nov. 18fiG. Child, 1st wife: (1.) Clahenck Si'itAOi'E, b. Dec 2. 18+2. 245. JaSIes (D\\inell), b. 1787; "married young, and soon died," — about 180.")-f;. 240. PoM.Y, b. 1789; d. Apr. 1, 1816, aged 27. 247. Stephe.v, b. Nov. 16, 1791 ; d. Apr. 1864, at Cxrovelaud, Mass., in his 73d year. 248. Rebekah^ [75] (Willi.-iiu^, Stephen^, SamueU). m. Joseph IMcsser, fanner, Nov. 21), 1792(3), and settled soon after in New London, N. H , then a wUdcrness, where their ehihh'en were b. and d., as per records of that town. She also d. at N. L., Doc. 29, 1814, in her 72d year. Children : — 249. Hezek-iaii (Messer"), b. Nov. 20, 1794 ; d. Mar. 26, 1795, aged 4 mos. 6 (lavs. 250. MKnEi-ABEt-, b. Jan. 19, 1797; d. 1816, aired 19. 251. Joseph, b. Sept. 22, 1798; d. Mar. 24, 1799, aged 6 mos. 2 days. 252. William, b. Oct. 19, 1800: d July 31, 1802, in liis 2tl year. 253. William, b. Nov. 28, 1802; d. May 5, 1804, in his 2d year. 254. Ri.iiEKAii, b. May 31, 1805; d. Dec. 1824, in her 20th year. 255. Jacdh, b. Dec. 17(15), 1807; a farmer, in New I,f)ndon : m., 1st, Mary Putney, of N. L.. Sept. 27. 1832, who d. Feb. 6, 1S4S; m., 2d, iio.\il:uia Pingree, Feb. ), m. Lydia Webster, of Salem. N. 11., '• May 1, 1«0G" (Town Kecs.), M:iy C, 1807 (Family Hecs.). She was J). INIay is, 17S7. From the K<>ck- ingham Deeds we have — provin;; former d;ite of marriage correct — "Apr. 27, 1807, Daniel Runnels, (^f Metlmcn, and Ij'/did In's ici/i'," deeded land in Sah'in, for iJ700, to Enoch INIerrill ; " May 5, 1807, Daniel R. of M., Hatter," to Stephen Hnnnels, of M.,"for 8300, thirty-one acres of land in Salem ; also ''Nov. 10, 1807, Daniel R., of INI., Felt maker," to Jesse Webster, "certain lands in Salem, for Si, 400." Yet he allerwards lived ami carried on his trade in Salem, where he d. Jan. 8, 1854, in his 77th ye:ir, and she d. Oct. l.S, 1842, aged 55. Children b. in Salem : — 257. Sali.ie WehstA, b. July 11, 1809; ni. Willi:im .Merri 1. of S., Sept. 30, 1852, who d. Aug. 27, 1S62. She now living at Salem. 258. Elizaueth Foster, b. Feb. 19, 1811 ; d. Jan. 2'), 1819, in her 8lli year. 44 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 259. AiJir.AiL'' [78] (Willi:iin^ Stephen^, Sanmel'), m. Kimball Cole, of Boxford, May 10, 18U4. His love letter, '' ImnyiiiiT up" the ceremony, is now in the possession of Mrs Mary II. Cole [6GU], AVcst Boxford. He d. Jan. 14, 1822 ; she d. Apr. 7, 18G1, aged 81. Children : — 2G0. Sarah Foster (Cole), b. Aug. 23, 1805; Mrs. Town ; d. Mur. 8, 1834, in her 29th year. 2G1. RK15KCCA, b. Apr. 2, 1807; d. Feb. 19, 1834, aged 27. 2G2. EniKAiM FosTKK, b. July fl, 1809. 263. Mkiiktahki, Eaukek, b. June 9, 1811; Mrs. Sullivan; d. Feb. 9, 1835, ill her 24th year. 264. Abigail, i). Feb. 22, 1813; d. June, 1833, aged 20. 265. John Kimhaix, b. Doc. 16, 1814. 266. William Runnels, b. Jan. 15, 1817. See [660]. 267. JoiiN^ [SO] (William^, Stephen^, Samueli), m. Prudence Harris, of Draciit, May 18, 1818, and settled as a farmer in North Andover, where he lived ncarl}^ fifty years on one retired and beau- tiful place, and there d. Jan. 11, 1868, aged 81. Children : — 268. RuFUs AxDEKSON, b. Feb. 15, 1819; a former, occupying the old homestead In N. A. 269. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 15, 1821 ; d. Jan. 19, 1823, in her 2d year. 270. Mary Harris [660], b. Jan. 19. 1.S24. 271. William Bartlett [666], b. Apr. 9, 1826. 272. Elizabeth Foster [671], b. Feb. 11, 1829. 273. GAyton Osgood, b. May 28, 1831 ; m. Kate L. Hill, .June 14, 1860; a farmer, now living (1871) in Derry, X. H. 274. Abby Minerva [673], b. Sept. 23, 1834(3). 275. Prudence Lavinia [677], b. Feb. 27, 1837. 276. James Harris, b. Oct. 23, 1839 ; a farmer in North Andover. 277. Sarah"* [81] (William^, Stephen-, Samuel'), m. Benjamin Porter, May 10. 1821, at Boxford ; settled first in Merrimack, X. H. ; moved to Sebago, Me., in 1833, and afterwards lived in Buxton, Me., where she d. Apr. 11, 1865, aged 74. Children all b. in Merrimack : — 278. Stephen Runnels (Porter), b. Oct. 27, 1824. 279. John Tyler, b. Dec. 18, 1826. 280. kSarah, b. Aug. 26, 1828. 281. Martha Osgood, b. Juue 4, 1830. 282. Stephen'* [83] (DanieP, Stephen-, SamueP), was a car- penter, and occupied the old homestead at Londonderry. He was major of the New Hampshire 8th regiment (first battalion), in 1812, and served for the defence of the State in the war of that period. Afterwards a colonel in the New Hampshire militia. He m. Sarah P^la, of Londonderry, Feb. 1811. who was b. June 6, 1785, and d. Sept. 19, 1860, aued 75. He d. Apr. 15, 1848, aged 80. Childi-en b. in Londonderry : — 283. Alfred [679], b. Dec. 15, 1811. 284. William [680], b. Mar. 4, 1814. 285. Eliza, b. Aug. 25, 1816; d. June 14, 1844, jin her 28th year. Oi her gravestone, Derry cemetery : — PART I. FOUllTTI GENEIJATIOX. 45 "Yet again we hope to meet thee, AVlieii the day of life is tied ; Then in Heaven with joy t(j frreet thee, Where no farewell tear is slied." 286. Mauy Ann [Oni], b. July 2, 1818, 287. Stkpiikn [fi'jr,], b. Aug. '8, 1820. 288. Sakah [701], b. June 2, l.s22. 289. Lucy [70:5], b. Jan. ir;, lb2G. 21)0. Ellkn Mak [708], b. July 15, 1828. 291. Sali.y" [84] (DanioP, 8tepheii2, Smnuel'), m. Capt. .Joseph Gretjg, Feb. 178«, at Londonderry, N. H. He was there b. Jan. 22, 17G3; a carpenter and joiner by trade; settled early in Ac- worth, N. H., — see Hist, of Acwortii, p. 223, — and there d. Dec. 30, 1840, aged 78. Slie d. at A., Ang. 11, 1842, aged 73, Chil- dren b, in Acworth, all but the first : — 292. Hannah (Gregpc), b. May 19, 1789, in Londonderry; ni. Ithiol Silsby, of Acworth, Feb. 20, 1812, who , in Marhlehead, and d. July 14, 18G9, at Koxbur^^, aged 84. Children : — 312. LouLSA Ha:\iiltox, b. Feb. 19, 1811, in Salcin; in. Capt. Joseph P. 'J hompson, mariner, of Salem, Sept. 1, 1834. She d. Aug. 30, 1850, in her 4Cth year, at Roxbury, where he still resides (1869), Warren Street, Boston Highlands. 313. William Jamks [7C(J], b. Oct>J, 1814, in Salem. 3 1 4. PoLLY^ [87] (DanieP, Stephen^, SamneU) , m. John Rogers, of Acworth, wiio was b. Aug. 1763, in Londonderry, N. H., and moved Avith his father, Lieut. John Rogers, to Acworth, in 1768 (see Hist, of Acworth, p. 261). They resided first in A , after- wards in Lempster, where she d. Oct. 16, 1829, aged 56. He then lived and kept the '' Monument House " in Lexington, Mass., where he d. Sept. 24, 1832, aged 69. Children : — 315. Daniel (Rogers), b. 1797; d. young in Acworth. 31C. Maria, b. 1799; m. Lorriu Way; lived in Lempster, and d. May 7, 1859, aged GO, 317. Hannah Ophklia, b. 1801(?) ; m. R,ev. Joseph Hemphill (2d wife), Jan. 27, 1857, in Lowell, Mass. He was b. Feb. 1, 1805 ; officiated as a clergyman of the Uuiversalist denomination in Ridgeway, N. Y., and other places; d. May 19, 1863, at Yarmouth Port, Mass., aged 58. 318 John Aoams. b. 1807(?); graduated at Union College, N. Y. ; studied law at Watcrtown, N. Y. ; was admitted to 1the bar iu Albany; practised law in New Hampshire, for some time iu company with Lyman B. Walker, E.sq. ; in. Hellen R. Eastman, and (1. Feb. 23, 1SG7, at Ridgeway, N. Y. 319. Eliza Jank, b. 1809, in Acworth; d. young in Lempster. 320. MaLVINA BOUDWELL, b. 1811. 321. Steimien Reynolds, b. Jan. 24, 1813; was a trader five years in Concord, N. H. ; now residing (1872) iu Warner; m. Rebecca Rogers, of Billerica, Mass., Sept. 1849. She d. Oct. 25, 1851, at Concord, N. II., aged 27. 322. Susan He.mi'iiill, 1l l-'eb. 28, 1814; m. Jesse Eaton, of Salisbury, N. II., June 10, 1832, in Lexington. Mass. He was a farmer, tax collector for man}' years, and deputy postmaster in Salis- bury, where he d. July 30, 1861. She d. Feb. 22, 1872, iu Warner, aged 58. Children : — 1. Samiel (Eaton), b. May 5, 1833; m. Adello Fisher, of Prince- PART I. FOURTH GENERATION. 47 ton, 111., where he resided as a merchant till 1872. f'hildren : (1.) Fanmk Fisiiki:, h. Aim. 2(J. ISOl ; d. .Iiilv 15, 1SG3. in her 2d year. (2.) Guack IIai!Im:k, b. Oct. 2.!, ISO;}; d Jan. ;50, 18(54, aged 3 nios. 7 davs. (3.) Jkssik Ki;v.\<)I.i»s, b. Nov. 27, 18(1.5. (4.) Anxik Lawimk, b. Dec. 12, 18(;7. (5.) Maky EsTKM.K, b. Apr. 1, 1870. 2. Mahy Uogkks, b. Oct. 17, 1835 ; d. July 4, 1859, in her 24th year; "a young lady of much promise." 3. Haijkikt Ella, b. Feb. 2(!, 1845. 323. HAi:i:iia- Eliza (Hogers), b. isii;(?); m. Charles P. Talbot, now of I^owell, an extensive manufacturer, tlrin of " C. P. Talbot \; Co ," — " Works " in North Hillerica. Mass. Children : — 1. Fannik Mi'.i.iiuUxN (Talbot), b. July, ls37, iu Williamsburg, Mass. 2. EmvAUi) Klvnolds, b. ^lay 2!), 183'.). in Lowell ; was in company with his father, and resided at North Bilkrica. His sudilen death. Feb. 2, 1872, in his 33d year, tiirew a deep gloom over the community. The "Lowell Daily Courier" of Fel). G, speaking of his funeral the day before, says : " It seemed as though all the people of this place and the surrounding neighborhood had assembled to pay the last tribute of re- spect. Never before was seen such a gathering in North Billerica, or one which more fully bore out the words of tiie poet, — ' One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.' How an.xious was each friend and neighbor to sec what remained of him who had won the love and esteem of all classes!" He was one of those "who never close the hand against the widow and the fatherless, the poor, and him that hath no helper, or to any benevolent or worthy object." At a meeting of the working people iu the employ of ('. P. Talbot & Co., held at the mills on Saturilay, Feb. 3, very expressive and sympathetic lesolutions were jiassed. He had u\. Eliza J. Jaques, of Lowell, tlau. of John Jai|Ues. a native of Sanborii- ton, N. IL, and left children : (1.) Hakkiict, b. Dec. 10, 18(i7. (2.) Geijtuudk, b. May 28, 1871. 3. JuLL^N, b. May 27, 1841, in Billerica; is in business with his father (1872;, and a member of the Lowell City Council. 324. Danikl (Rogers), b. 1818 (?) ; d. young. 325. Hannah'' [88] (DanieP, Stephen-, Suimu'lM, m. Heiijainiii Carter, a wheelwright, of Dover, N. 11., Feb. 23, 1792, at Lijiidon- derry. She d. at Dover, Apr. 180'), aged 33. He d. Jidy 5, 182G, at Wakcfiehl, N. H. ChiUh'eii h. in iJover : — 32G. IIanxaii (Carter), b. Jan. 28, 17'.)3; m. Stephen Varucy, 1813, who was b. June 3, 17*!) I, in Dover. Chihlren : — 1. Gi-.oufiK Cahtkk (Varney), b. Aug. 18, lsl4, in Meredith, N. H. 2. IlANNAn Rkyxolds, b. Ai)r. 1!», IHIC, in M. 3. CiLVULKS, 1). Mar. 18, 181".t, m Boscawen. X. H. 4. Mauy Elizaiskth, 1). Aug 3, 1sl'l>, in Boscawen. 5. Bktsy, b. Apr. IU, 18l'(; in B. See [771J. G. Wii.LLVM 1Ikm:y, b. June 27, 182!». 327. Danikl Rky.noli.s (Carler), b. Oct. lt», 17t)4; d. Se|)t. >, 1842, iit Rochester, N. IL, in his 48th year. 328. CiiAiiLKS, b. Aug. 3, 17!)(J; d. at Wakelleld, N. IL, Oct. 15, 1854, aged 58. 329. Gkoiick W.. b. Oct. 12, 17'J8; d. at Wakrjlidd, Mar. II, \>M. in his 33d year. 330. Bknjamln, b. Apr. 2, 1800 ; d. Oct. 28, 1802, at Dover, in his 3d year. 48 RUNNELS AND ItEYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 3.'n. Bkx.iamix AuoM'iiu.s, ]). Feb. 28, 180:3; m. Margaret C. Haskell, Dec 3, IHl-'O. 3:52. Spki'iikn llAMii/roN, b Mar. 1, 180."); d. at Dover, Oct. 21, 1806, in liis LM yoiir. 333. Hamilton, b. June 10, d. Oct. !), 1807, at Dover. 334. Thomas K.'» [DO] (DunieF*, Stephen^, Samueli), ^y^s a cnrpcMitor, tind in. Sail}" Moody Pillshiny, of Che.stev, N. 11 , Oct. 30, 1>^04, at Loiulouden-y. He may have been the soldier enlisted as "Thomas Runnels in Capt. N. G. Bradley's Co , Sept. 15, 1814, for three months" (N. 11. JNIilitary Hist.). His business was in Lowell, Mass., his family residing at Deny, where all his children were b. She d July 30, 1843, aged GO, probably at Derry, as she is there buried. He d. June 13, 1845, at Lowell, in his 65th year. Children : — 335. EuzABETn Louisa, b. Apr. 30, d. May 2, 180G. 33G. Malvina Auigail, b. Oct. 7, 1809; m. John A. Cobiirn, of Bosca- weii, June 20, 1839, at Derry. He is a native of Wlieelock, Vt. ; a harness and trunk maker; has resided at Fisherville, N. H., since 18-15. 337. Adalink Ann, b. Mar. 21, 1815; was a teacher in South Boston, and tliere d. suddenly, Feb. 9, 1839. On her tombstone in tlie Derry cemetery : " Reader, choose this day wliom you will serve, and prepare to meet your God ; for He will call for you in an hour when you think not." .838. Betsy Augusta [7(59], b. Jan. 11, 1819 ("1822," as afterwards jiiven; but we do not feel at lil)erty to change the next date). 339. Moses Cross [771], b. Nov. 28, 1821. 340. Sakah Faurak [776]. b. June 26, 1824. 341. Joseph^ [94] (SamueP, Samuel-, Samuel'). As early as " Sept. 21, 1780," he had conve3'ed to him by his grandfather and father, jointl}', '' two certain eighty-acre lots of land in Concord, I^. H., lyiug at or near Horse hill ; " and "■ Dec. 15," of the same year, " for £30, an additional six-acre lot in Concord." Accordingly, having served in the Revolutionary war as a Mas- sachusetts soldier, he m Joanna Farnum, of Andover, Mass., in 1780 or '81 (1779 says one), and settled on one of the above lots, probably in the spring of 1781, being the second to make a clearing in that part of Concord. It is related that the same season he one day stuck a tviUoiv tivig into the ground near his rude tenement, which he had used as a riding-stick from near the present village of ^Yest Concord. It grew into a wide-sp'reading tree, aftbrding a delightful shade, till his children found it necessary to cut it down in the fall of 1871 ; when the stump, after a growth of ninety years, was found to measure, for its greatest diameter, seven feet and four inches ! He appears, by the Hocklniiham records, to have sold one of his eighty-acre lots to Charles Emer}-, "Dec. 31, 1807." His wife was b. Dec. 8, 1759 (Hist, of Concord savs '• Sept. 25, 1761"), and d. in Concord, "Nov. 16, 1833, aged '74." He d. Dec. 18. 1843, aged 85. Children b. in Concord : — 342. JosEPn, Jr., b. Mar. 27, 1782; lived on tlie old place at Concord, and tliore d. Aug. 14, 1863, aged 81. PART I. FOURTH OEXERATIOX. 4!> 343. Isaac [780]. b. Nov. 16, 1783 (Nov. 27, 1784). 344. TiiKODouK [7SG], b. Apr. 2. 17H(;. 345. Sarah, b. Mny 2, 1788; still residiiif; at C. 346. Jonathan [795], b. Jan. 28, 17'J1 (Fain.), Mar. 28, 1700 (Hist, of Concord). 347. JosiAH. b. Apr. 10, 1792; still resides with his sisters on the home- stead (1872). 348. Farnum, b. Mar. 1, d. Mar. 3, 1794. 349. Farxum [808], b. Jan. 25, 1795. 3.''0. Dorcas, b. July 9, 1797; residinj; at C. 351. Hazkn- [815], b. Sept. 21, 1801. 352. RiioDA'* [96] (SamueF, SamneP, SamueU). ni. Amasa Peabody, of Dracut, Mass., see [364], in 1780 ; lived lirst in iiox- ford, tlien in Dracnit, where siie d. suddenly, Jul}- 10, 1805, aged -42. Children b. in Dracut, except the oldest : — 353. Sarah (Peabody), b. May G, 1787, in Roxfor'd ; m. Clark Pearsons, and removed to Vermont and Canada. 354. JoxATHAX, b. 1789; (1. in Dracnl at mature aye. 355. Amasa, b. Aui;. 25, 1791; a Ijlacksmith ; m. Hannah Woodbury ; lived first in Pelhani, N. II. ; afterwards in lietlford, and there d. Sept. 1830. a<,'ed 39. 356. Tryphkna, b. Nov. 28, 1793; m. Daniel Goodhne, of Dracut, who was b. May 19, 1784; was a clothier; d. Jan. 20, 1862, in his 78th year. She is now residing (1870) with her son (6) in Dracut. Children : — 1. OziAS (Goodhue), b. Nov. 2, 1815; a carpenter; married. 2. Ag.nk.s. b. Apr. 4, 1818; m. John Pierce, of Ueadiiij;, Mass. Children- (1.) Augusta A. (Pierce). (2.) Jonx M. (3.) Flora E. 3. Adalink (Goodhue), b. Jan. 26, 1820; d. Aug. 28, 1825, in her 6th year. 4. Imi.a, b. Apr. 8, 1823; d. Auij. 28, 1825, in her 3d year. 5. Mary Jaxk, b. An:;. 10, 1825; m. Joseph B. H()i)kins, of Read- ing, Mass. Children: (1.) Gkougk W. (Hopkins), b. 1815; was a shoemaker; served in the late war, 50th regiment Mass. volunteei's, and participated in the seige of Port Hudson, La., forty-live days, 1863; d. Feb. 20, 1869, aged 24. (2.) Sarah J. (3.) Mary A. (4.) Emma E. 6. Danikl J. (Goodhue), b. Dec. 17, 1827; a farmer, residing in Dracut. 7. Chari.ks W., b. Sept. 5, 1831; a machinist; married; culisted in Co. C, 6lh Mass. regiment, nine months' men. 8. Daviu H., b. Dec. 30, 1833; a shoemaker; m. Emma E. Ben- nett, who d. Dec. 16, 1861, aged 23. He enlisted in Co. C, Mass. 6th regiment, nine montlis' men, in 1S63; was woniuh-d in the foot, in a skirmish, taken prisoner, and d. in the lAhUy Prison, Richmond, Va., June 30, 1864, leaving one child (1.) Emma E. 9. Samaxtha a., b. Aui;. 31, 1836; d. Mar. 9, 1869, in lier .13d year. 357. KiKis (Peabody), b. Mar. 31, 1796; m. Betsey Town, and lived in Dracut. 358. Frt-dkrick, b. Sept. 15, 1798; ni. Susan Frost; lived in Huilson, N. \., and now residing at Alstead. N. H. 359. EuzA, 0. May 6, 1803; ni. Charles Bancroft; resided first in Dracut, now at South Reading. Ma>^s. 360. Rhooa, b. 1804; d. 180.-), ni her L'd year. 361. KnoDA, b. July 6, ls05; m. Alviu Flint, of Dracut; d. 1830, aced 25. 50 ItUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 302. Jonathan-^ [97] (Snmuor', Sumiicl-, Sniiniel'), followed Ins older brotlier Josc'[)li to Concord, N. II., tlioiigli not sooner than " Jnnc 7, 17'J4," us nnder that date himself and Samuel Runnels, .Jr., "both of Boxford, yeomen," deeded a shop from the Messrs. Morse, for £30, " now standing on the widow Sarah Farnum's land." He next ai)i)ears as Jonathan Runnels, Jr. (why "Jr." is not evident) ; called also " a trader," "Jan. 31, 1795," and receiv- ing from D. Farnum " a piece of land and one-half of lot whereon stands a grist-mill." He m. Ruth Farnum, of Concord, previously to " May 30, 1799," as we then lind him and " Ruth his wife" deeding the last mentioned property to John Hart for SoOO, and taking in exchange, at same price, " a piece of land with buihlings in Concord on road leading from Concord meeting-house to Bosca- wen." Having returned to Boxford ])efore 1811, he there spent his last days, and d. IMay 18, 1817, in his 52d year. She d. Apr. 6, 1827. Child : — 363. Moses [821], b. Feb. 5, 1801, in Concord, N. H. 364. Lois'* [98] (SaraueP, Saranel^, Samuel^), m. Aixiasa Pea- body, of Dracut, as his 2d wife, see [352], Dec. 28, 180G. She d. Apr. 4, 1825, aged 57. He was b. May 23, 1755; d. Sept. 1830 (1811), aged 75 (or 5G). They show^ed a commendable spirit in desiring to retain their share in her father's pew in the Boxford West meeting-house, see [93] ; but for what purpose — as they were not residing in Boxford — is not apparent. Their only child, but the tenth in his family, was : — 365. Amanda Malvina, b. Mar. 21, 1810, in Dracut; ra. Joseph V. Fox, June 16, 1831. He was b. Oct. 10, 1805; d. Juue 13, 1843, in his 38th ,vear. She now resides (1870) at No. 45 Booth Corporation, Lowell. Children : — 1. Mautua M. (Fox), b. May 13. d. July 21, 1837, in Lowell. 2. Diana L., b. Oct. 6, 1838, iu Grotou, N. H. ; d. July 21, 1867, in her 29th year. 3. Geouge I., b. July 20, 1811, in Dracut; served in Co. C, 6th regnneut Mass. volunteers (nine months' men), and d. of gun- shot wound, at Jerusalem, Va., Juue 18, 1863, aged 22. 3G6. Samuel'* [99] (SamneP, Samuel^, SamueU), though pur- chasing a shop in Concord, N. H., with his brother Jonathan [3G2], in 1794, did not settle there till Feb. 17^8. Hence, "May 31, 1797," he is still called " Samuel Runnels, Jr., of Boxford^ Mnas." and deeded from " James Walker, of Concord, for SI. 100, one hun- dred and eighteen acres, more or less, being the whole of Lot No. 98." This was the so-called " Walker lot," on which he settled as aboAe, near the Contoocook River. He had been a shoemaker in his younger years, and had also pursued the study of mathematics, fitting himself for a land-surveyor and purchasing instruments, "Mar. 1796," with which he did much of the survej'ing in the vicinity of his new home for many years. He was a captain iu the third company of intautry, eleventh regiment New Hampshire militia. In 1814, a compauj- of "Home Guards" was formed iu PAIJT I. FOUKTir GEXEnVTIOX. 51 Concord, of persons exempt from doiii<; military duty, and " Ex- Capt. Samuel Kunnels was fcnirtii sergeant." He was selectman of the town of Concord two years, 181G-18, and ever took an active part in the atfairs of that i)art of the town where he resided. Was a famous hunter of piffeon/i in his time, capturint? the birds in nets. United with the first Congregational church in Concord, Mar. 12, 1820, at the same time with his wife, and was a very con- stant attendant at the old North meeting-house, though living at a distance of seven miles. He is hence mentioned in the " States- man " of Jan. 14, 1870, as one of the "portraits" in the '* Old North Picture Gallery." He m., 1st, Anna Hardy, of Bradfunl, Mass., Sept. 1, 1795. who d. in Concord, Jan 27, 1823; m., 2d, Abigail Hardy, of Warner, N. H., Dec. 1821 (Feb. 1825), who d. May 21, 1848. He d. Sept. 19, 1836, aged 06. Oldest child b. in IJoxford ; the others in Concord : — 3fi7. Samuel [824], b. Dec. fi, 179C. 368. Lois, b. May 26, 1798; resides at the okt homestead (1870). 369. Pjiiscir.i.A, "b. Au^. 26, 1799; m. Dodge Ilayward, Apr. 1852, and resides in Concord. 370. Anna, b. Aujr. 17, 1803; see [780]. 371. Edwahd [832] (adopted), b. May 5, 1836. 372. JoxAS-i [101] (SamueP, Samuel^, Samuel'), resided in Boxford ; a shoemaker ; m., 1st, Anna (Nancy) I\Ierrill, of Brad- ford, Nov. 25, 1802, who d. Mar. 1817; m., 2(1, Sarah Davis, of Boxford. July, 1819, who d. Apr. 9, 1855, aged 71. He d. Jau. 8, 1853, in his 78th year. Children : — 373. Jessr [837], b. Auj. 31, 1808. 374. Mauy Emeuxk [840], 1). July 1, 1811. 375. CAxnAuixE [845], b. Mar. 27, 1814. 376. Jamks'' [124] (Benjamin^, p^benezer^, SannieP), was a farmer in Winslow, Me., and m. Sarah Whitten, of Hancock, Mar. 12, 1791 ; d. Nov. 25, 1796, in his 28th year, under the following l)ainful cireumslances : "Three weeks after the birth of his youngest child," while crossing the Kennebec in a boat, :il>ove Ticonic falls, on a dark evening, he was drawn into the rapids and cairied over. His wife waited, in intense anxii'ty, all night. Boat found Itelow the falls the next morning Body recovered at Hal- lowell the following spring, — reco-iuizcd only Ity a piece of paper in his pocket bearing his name, — and buried at II. He letl, b. at " Ticonic " or Winslow : — 377. John [848], b. Mar. 2, 1792 (nee. 1791). 378. JEitKMiAn Hoi.MKs [859], b. May 1"., 1794. 379. AiuCAii., b. Nov. 4, 1796; d. Jnly 1, 1797, ajjed 8 montlis, l)eiii;; stran. 1704; was in the war of 1812; now rcsidiiij; in Pittsflold, Mc. 40G. Jamks (Proclor), h. Mar, Tl, 1798; settled in the West, "on the Mississippi river." 407. AnicAiL. b. Au^. 30, 1800, inWinslow; ra. "Willard Robbins, of NaKliiia, N. 11. 408. JosiAii, b. Jan. 21, 1804; d. " at Dunstable, N. H." (now Nashua), Oct. 22, 1841, in his 38th year. 409. Aaron, b. Jan. 18, 1807; present residence, Watervilie, Me. 410. Eliza, b. Apr. 12, 1809. See [921]. 411. Sykena, b. Apr. 27, 1812, in Brookline, N. H., to which place her parents had moved ; m. Samuel Kobbins, of Nashua. 412. RiioDA, b. Feb. 0, 1814, in Brookline; m. B. F. March, and now resides at Taylor, Ogle Co., 111. 413. jEiiKJiiAH, b. Nov. 19, 1818, in Dunstable, Mass.; now living in Waterville, Me. 414. Abigail'^ [130] (Benjamin^, Ebenezer^, SamueU), m. Eobert Spear, of TV'inslow, Me., Apr. 17, 17'J6, He was b. Mar. 22, 1775 ; served in the United States army in the war of 1812-15, enlisting near the time of the birth of his youngest child ; d. at Saeo, Me., soon after the war. She d. at AVinslow, Ma}- 31, 1859, aged 81, The live oldest children b. in Winslow ; the three 3'oungest at Moose Pond, now Ilartland, Me. 415. William fSpear), b. Sept. 7, 1797; settled in Athens, Me., and there d. Jan. 2, 1834, in his 37th year. 416. Chaklotte, b. Dec. 20, 1798; m. Asa Getchell, of Winslow, Dec. 23, 1815. Her son : — 1. Henky (Getchell) was in the late war, " I9th regiment Maine volunteers ; " present at the battle of Gettysburg. Her scm : — 2. Sebastian S., in one of the New Hampshire regiments during three years' service, "participated in eighteen pitched battles without iiijur3v" 417. Ei.iZA (Spear), b. Sept. 17, 1801; m. Asa Merrow, of Farmington, Me. 418. Nkhkaiiah, b. Jan. 10, 1804; now living in Winslow, near Water- ville. 419. HEi'nzinAii, b. Feb. 27, 1808 ; m. Leonard Tibbetts, of Athens, Me., and d. Mar. 18o8, aged 50. Her sons : — 1. Sumner (Tibbetts), and 2. Frederick, were both lost in the late war, the former by disease, the latter being shot in battle. 420. Alfred (Spear), b. Oct. 31, 1810; d. at Gardiner, Me., Nov. 1864, aged 54. 421. Stki'iikn, b. July 17, 1812; resides at Athens, Me. His sons : — 1. William, and 2. Stephen, were both lost in the war of the rebellion. 422. Mauy Ann, b. Aug. 1814; m. H. Bragg, of Vassalboro', Me.; d. Dec. 3, 1835, aged 21. 423. Rachel'' [131] (Benjamin^, Ebenczer-, SamueP), m. Jo- seph Eiiiery, in 1801, who was b. Apr. 3, 1776, in Brookline, Mass. The}' made several removals, from Maine to JNIassachusetts, Ver- mont, and New York, and finally back again to Elaine, as appears from the birthplaces of their children. He d. at Montvillc, ^le., i\l). 17, 1)S4'J, aged 73. She d. at the same place, Feb. 17, 185G, aijred 74. Children : — PART I. FOURTH GENERATION. 55 424. Hfpiizirah (Emery), b. Dec. 20, 1802, in Wiuslow; m., 1st. an Anderson; 2d, a Brashior; now residing at Moutville, Me. (Freedom Vill. P. O.). 425. Julia A., b. 1804, in Winslow; m. a Lonfrfellow. 42(i. Mei-INDa (Belinda), b. 18()t;, in Brookline, Muss. See [902]. 427. JosKPH, b. 1808, in Montpelier. Vt. ; d. tlie same year. 428. Geougk W.. b. Aug. 7, 1810, at Little C'hazy, n! Y. ; now living in Palmyra. Me. 429. MmANUA,"b. 1812, at Little Chazy: m. Samu.;! Crawford. 430. Alkxandkh, b. .Tan. 1, 1818 (IG), in Waterville; now resides near East Pittsfield, Me. 431. Mauy, b. Aug. 5, 1822, in Augusta, Me.; m. a Baker, of Pal- myra. Me. 432. Susan, b. Feb. IG, 1824, in Ilallowell, Me.; m. a Furplus, of Bangor. 43.3. David'' [132] (Benjamin^, Ebonczcr-, Saniuol' ), was one of the earliest permanent settlers in Pittsfield, Me., to which place his attention may have first been called by his father's mill ; but he finally " went seven miles thron^^h the woods, b^' a spotted line, and commenced on a lot of wild land to make him a farm." He continued to reside in P. — lastly with his oldest son — till his death, July 30, 1871, in his 88th year, " like as a shock of corn Cometh in his season." He m., 1st. Betsv Emerv, of Hollis, Mar. 1802, who d. Dec. IG, 1814 ; m., 2d, Sarah McDonald, of Pittsfield, June, 1815, who d. Oct. 11, 1849. Children b. in Pittsfield : — 434. Daxikl [930], b. May 7, 1803 (1st wife). 435. Annib. b. June, 1807; d. Dec. 9, 1814, in her 8th year. 436. Mauoaukt Davis [937], b. Oct. 10, 1812 (13). 437. Gi{KKXWD [941], b. Dec. 21, 1816 (2d wile). 438. Sybil [951], b. Mar. 15, 1819. 439. David [957], b. Feb. 13, 1821. 440. Isaac [960], b. Mar. 20. 1823. 441. Thomas Lkwis [964], b. July 31, 1825 (24). 442. Eliza Waitt [969]. b. .July 16, 1826. 443. Sakah Ann [973], b. Oct. 20, 1829. 444. Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1833; d. Sept. 9, 1859, aged 26. 445. Mary Crocker'* [138] (Stephen^, Kbenezer-, Samuel'), having moved to Fletcher, Vt , with her mother, after her fatlicr's death, m., 1st, Moses Melvin, of Cambridge, Nov. 1800. lie d. l.sil, and she m., 2d, William Elmer, of Oranjze, Vt., Feb. 15, 1812, who d. June 12, 1840, a-rcd G5 years 8 months. Residcil with her son [455], at Orange, till her death, June 18, 18G3, in In-r 7Uth year. Her seven oldest children (first husband) were b. at Cambridge, Vt. ; the five youngest in Orange : — 446. Nathan (Melvin), b. Oct. 13, 1801 ; d. 1820, aged 19. 447. Anna E., b. May .30. 1803 (Cambridge Kecs.); m. Milton John Wolcott, of Vershire, Vl., Oct. (I, 1823. who wa.s b. Sept. J6, ISOL', in Holderness, N. H., and d. at V., .July 14, 1S62, in ids 601 h year. She d. Oct. 12, 1850. in her 48lh year. Children b. in Verslure, except the two ohU-sl : — 1. SoLLis AlcondoI! (^"''"^0. '>• Sept. 8, 1824. in Barn.-t. Vt. ; ni. Louisa Angeline Morey. Feb. 7, 1m5(i. in Boston. Mass.; is now (1872) engaged in liie railroad business at l)ul»u<|uu, 66 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Iowa Cliildrcn : (1.) Solomon, h. Sept. 20, d. Sopt. 2«, 1851, ill Clielsea, Vt. (2.) Ida Ann, b. June 20, IH.JG, in Nortlilleld, Vt. (;i.) Emma Jane. b. Apr. 22, Mi')'.), in Floyd, Iowa. (4.) Mii.ToN Da.mkl, b. Dec. 22, 1808, in Floyd. (5.) EuniB Skwahi), b. Mny 15, 18()B; in ])ul)U(|ue. {(>.) Sf)i,u.s Ai.vi:kd, b. M;ir. 25, 18(;i), in Diibiuiue. Also an adopted child, (7.) Mahtiia, b. Jan. G, 1848, in Boston. 2. Edwin, b. Dec. 7, 1820; d. Jan. 27, 1827, in Barnet, Vt. 8. Skwai.l Aijjkht, b. Apr. 27, 1828; m. Elvina E. French, Apr. 3, 1851, at Manchester, N. H. 4. Saijaii Jane, b. June 30, 1830; m. Stephen Titcomb, of Boston, Mass. 5. Ai.oNZO, b. Sept. 14, 1831; m. Hannah T). Jones, Nov. 0, 1850, at Manchester, N. H. ; d. Nov. 5, 1870, at New Hartford, la., a.ucd 39. 6. Am'iionso, b. Feb. 9, 1834; m. Lucy Ann Woodworth, Mar. 10, 1856, in Chelsea, Vt. ; was first a farmer in Lyme and Orf'ord, N. H. ; now (1872) in the railroad business at Dubu^iue, la. Children: (1.) Hokace Eddie, b. Dec. 10, 1802, in Lyme. (2.) CAimiE Louisa, b. Jan. 2, 18GG, in Orford. 7. CiiAitLOTTE Lemika, b. Sept. 7, 1836; m. William Fhilo, of New Hartford, la. 8. Norman Maltby, b. Feb. 17, 1839; m. Martha Wolcott (1. (7.) above), Mar. 20, 1872. in Dubuque, la. 9. Chloe Annette, b. May 28, 1840; m. Morton Hammond, of New Hartford, la. 10. Newell Nason, b. Jan. 22, 1842. 448. Moses (Melvin), b. Apr. 1, d. Apr. 6, 1805. 449. Maky, b. May 17. 1806; d. young. 450. Stephen, b. Sept. 19. 1807; d. Aug. 30, 1808, aged 11 raos. 11 days. 451. Chloe, b. July 11, 1809; m. Sewall Peck, and resided in Licking Co., Ohio. 452. Jackson, b. 1811; d. 1815, aged 4. 453. RiCHAHD (Elmer), b. Jan. 22, 1813; d. Mar. G, 1815, aged 2. 454. Louisa, b. Feb. 5 (9), 1815; m. Lyman Woodward, of Mansfield, Vt., and d. July 18, 1852, in her*38th year. 455. Geokge Washington, b. Apr. 18, 1817; in. Emeliue Fowler, Oct. 8, 1839. Children b. in Orange : — 1. Louisa H., b. Aug. 28,1840; m. George Blanchard. of Barre,Vt. 2. LuELLA Maiua, b. Mar. 4, 1845; in. Mason K. Griflith, of Tun- bridge, Vt. 3. Myha L., b. Mar. 29, 1849; ra. Origen Blanchard, of Barre, Vt. 4. Eva Estelle. b. Sept. 8, 1852. 5. Fhances Adella, b. July 29, 1854. 6. George Eugene, b. Dec. 29, 1857. 456. EoxANA, b. Mar. 9, 1819; m. Hiram Cilley, of Topsham, Vt. 457. Richard Fowler, b. Dec. 30, 1821 ; was married, and d. Jan. 9, 1854, at Orange, Vt., aged 32. 458. Stephen"* [139] (Stephen'"^, Ebonezcr-, SamneU), m. Jane Brown, at Cambridge. Vt., Jan. 2G, 1806, and located first as a fiarmer in Topshani, Vt., where his six oldest children were born. In 1818, ho niioratod to Ohio, and Apr 1, 1819, settled, as a pio- neer, in McKean township, Lickiiiir Co Built his log cabin in the woods, and moved into it the third day, without "chinking," floor- ing, or chimney, small timbers of split bass-wood being afterwards nsed for a floor. That 3-ear he planted two acres of corn among the logs, the product of which must needs bo carried thirty miles to a grist-mill. Salt was brought from a distance of forty miles, TART I. — FOURTH GENERATION. 57 costing five clollars per bushel, and the clothing of himself :m7f)], b. Dec. 28, 1R07. 460. Louisa [iiOI], b Jan. 2, 1810. 461. LuKK Bhown [9!»3], b. Dec. 20, 1811. 4G2. LvDiA .Tank [1003]. b. .bnie 17. 1813. 463. Adamnk, b. May 18, ]8ir>; d. May 21, 1816, at Top.vham, Vt., aged 1 vear. 464. Stkpukx [1010], b. June 9, 1817. 465. Soi.Lis [1016], i). May 10, 1819, in Liekinii Co , Oliio. 466. Emki.ink, b. Apr. 24, 1821 ; d. Jan. 17, ls_'.'), in her 4tli vear. 467. Bk.vjamix Fkankmx [1022], b. Apr. (i, 1.S23. 468. Jamks Monkok [1028]. b. Sept. 4, 1824. 469. Mai!Y Makiaii [1037]. b. Sept. 4, 1826. 470. Thomas Bkowx [1046], b. Jan. 28, 1830, in Licking Co., as were eaeh of the six youngest. 471. Sama.ntha, b. Nov. 18, 1832; d. the same day. 472. Moses TiiL'R.STON'' [142] (Stephen-', Elx'Ufv.ei-, Samuel'), was named after his grandfather, Moses 'riuirstou, of Ibdlis, N. H., who, "• at a religious conference, Apr. 0, 18U0, while .addressing the throne of grace, being fervently engaged, was called into eternity, and, without strugirle or groan, resigned his spirit to CJod who gave it, in his 80th year" (Hollis Cemetery). Thrown entirely upon his own resources in early life, he had bound himsi-lf to a Mr. Melvin, of Cambridge, V^t., till the age of 21, but bought tlie re- mainder of his time, the year before, for the purpose of .studying with his uncle. Rev. Stephen Fuller, of Veishire. Thus fitting himself to teach school, he engaged in that employment, for sev- I'lal winters, in Cambridge, Vt., Haverhill, M.ass., and other pl:ic«'s. In 181(), he went into busines.s at Camluidge Horougli, with .Mr. Trowbridge, and there continued as a successful inerch.ant, undt-r the firms of " 'I'rowhridge & K'unnels," "Runnels it Hunt," ami " Hunuels & AVilley," for about ten yeais. Was the h'ading busi- ness man in the place, and tlid much for its werin<4- eonsnmi)tioii, Oct. 5, 1831, in his 42d year, " rejoic- ing in hope," and having united with the Congregational church by a profession of liis faith in Christ, in his sick room, l)ut a few weeks before his death. His gravestone sa3^s, ''An honest man, — the )ioblost work of God " He ra., 1st, Adaline Willey, of Jericho, Vt., at J., Nov. 25, 1819. She d. at Hinesl)urg, Vt., on her way home from Saratoga Springs, Sept. 10, 1821, ag(Ml 23. He m., 2d, Caro- line Stearns, of Jaifrey, N. II., at Burlington, Vt., Feb. 10, l82.o. She Avas a former pupil of his in Cambridge ; was h. Nov. 25, 1797, in Waltham, Mass., being in the seventh generation from Isaac Stearns, of Watertowu, Mass., 1630. Children: — 473. MosKS TnuKSTON, b. May, 1828; cl. aiicd 4 clays. 474. MosKS Thurston [1050], b. Jau. 23, 1830, in Cambridge, Vt. 475. Sarah^ [143] (Stephen^, EbenezerS, SamueP), m. William Cox, Jr., of Vershire, Vt., Dec. 16, 1810. He w^as a farmer in the cast part of V., sold his estate to a copper-mining company prior to 1860, and removed to the neighboring village of West Fairlee, where he d. Apr. 11, 1869, aged 84 years 8 months, and she still resides (1872). Children b. in Vershire : — 476. William R. (Cox), b. Feb. 15, 1812; a former in Prophetstown, 111., aud there cl. Dec. 16, 1856, in his 45th year. 477. HuLDAH Maltby, b. Dec. 11, 1813 ; m. John A. Gayety, iron factor, of Van Bureu, N. Y., 1837. Children : — 1. William C. (Gayety), b. 1838; d. 1842, aged 4. 2. Francis, b. 1842. 3. HuLDAH Ann, b. 1844. 4. Edwin C, b. 1846; d. 1848, aged 2. 5. Sarah Elizabf:tu, b. 1848. 6. Mary C, b. 1849. 7. William Edwin, b. 1851. 478. MosKS Thurston Kunnels, b. Aug. 12, 1815; a farmer; Lyme, N. H. ; now (1871), Thetford, Vt. ; m. Louisa Bunker, at Ver- shire, Mar. 30, 1841. Children: — 1. Arabella Ophelia, b. Apr. 13, 1844, at Vershire; m. .Jesse M. Cook, farmer, of Thetl'ord, Feb. 24, 1869. He enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 (2), in Co. G, 9tli Vermont regiment; di.schargcd June 13, 1865. Child: (1.) Mabel Louisa (Cook), b. Oct. 25, 1871. 2. Phebe Louisa (Cox), b. Nov. 5, 1847, at Lyme, N. H. ; d. Apr. 9, 1851, in her 4th year. 3. Henrietta Maria, b. Nov. 31, 1849; d. at Lyme, Apr. 6, 1851, in her 2d year. 479. Sewall Fuller, b. June 10, 1817; a farmer in Vershire; m. Lucina Bunker, 1843; d. Sept. 14, 1853, aged 36. Child: — 1. Fhancina, b. 1S45. 480. Salina Sawin, b. May 29, 1819; m. Rodney Carr Tarbox, mill- wright, Nov. 12, J839. Resided in Piermout, N. H., v.here he d. July 16, 1855. Children: — 1. WiLLi.vM Fellows (Tarbox), b. June 16, 1811; d. Sept. 6. 1842, aged 15 mouths. 2. Rodney Waltei:, b. Nov. 19, 1842; resides at Wiuooski, Vt. 3. 1) v\ ii>, b. May 23, 1846; d. May 21, 1849, aged 3. PART I. FOURTH GENERATION. 50 4. GronGK MiNOT, b. Nov. 7, 1847 ; d. Sept. 30, 1849, in his 2d 5'ear. 5. Lucy Ann, b. June 2'.), I8r)2. 481. PiiKUK M. (Cox), b. Jan. 7, 1821; d. Dec. 20, 184G, at Mctliuon, Miiss., (?) a^'ed 26. 482. Ei.iA-s. b. Feb. 16, 1823; d. Aug. 18, 1825, in his 3d year. 483. Soi.MS RuNNKLs, b. Feb. 10, 1825; a farmer in Vcr.shire; moved to Prophetstown, 111., and tliere d. May 19, 1868, a{,'cd 43. He had m. Luclla F. George, of Vershire, 1850, wlio was b. May 22, 1825. Children: — 1. William Aktiur, b. Aug. 17, 1851, in Vershire. 2. Mai:y Jane, b. Oct. 15, 1853, in V. 3. Nkitik Y., b. Jan. 27, 1864, in Frophetstovn, 111. 484. Edwin Fl'LLKK, b. Sept. 22, 1826; larn)er in Ver.^hire, Vt., and Prophetstown. 111., moving to tlie latter place after liis oldest brother's death, in 1857 ; m. Lucy George, of Versliire. Clill- dron : — 1. LorisA. 2. Eva. 3. Danikl Edwin. 4. Ella. 485. Stki'IIkn Runnels, b. Aug. 2U, 1828 ; d. Apr. 9. 1831, in his 3d year. 486. Elias Waltek, b. Sept. 16, 1830; d. Feb. 15, 1834, in his 4th year. 487. Lucy Makia, b. Feb. 27, 1833; ni. James Sleeper, Jr., farmer, of Sandown, N. H. Children: — 1. Skwall I. (Sleeper), b. Oct. 5, 1853. 2. Carhie W., b. Nov. 10, 1855. 3. Katik I , b Aug. 17, 1857. 4. Annahklle, b. Oct. 16, 1859. 5. Luetta, b. Aug. 3, 1861. 6. Coka G.. b. Jan. 6, 1863. 7. Myhtie L., b. Dec. 8, 1865. 8. James Bukton, b. Aug. 10, 1867. 9. Andrew J., b. Oct. 26. 1868. 488. Daniel Waltkij, b. Sept. 22, 1834; a farmer in Versliire, south- west pan of the town; ni. Mary Ann Swan, Mar. 26, 1861, who was b. Oct. 15, 1841, in Tunbridire, Vt. Children: — 1. Jennie Ardelle, b. Apr. 19, 1862. 2. William Wallace, b. Apr. 17, 1864. 489. SoLLis^ [144] (Stephen^, Ehenezer^, SainiieP), was m. to Mary D. Parker, of C'lielsca, Vt., by Rev. J. .loliiison, Sept. IS, 1825. First located, as a merchant, in C'anil)ri(l«ie, Vt., where his six oldest children were I)orn. Keinoved to Hiirlin<;toii, Ohio (^villaije of Homer), wlierc the four yonnj^est were liorn. Finally settled in 8i be still living with her daughter [509] in Wisconsin. Children : — 504. Samukl, b. Oct. 9, 1818; d. June 10, 1820, in his 2d year. This 7nay have been the "child of Mr. Uunnels," referred to in Bou- ton's Hist, of Concord, p. 378, as dying near that time by a singular casualty. .505. Hannah, b. June 4, 1820; d. Mar. 8, 1846, in her 26th year. 506. Maky An.v, b. June 18, 1822; d. Sept. 19, 1844, aged 22. 507. Samuel B., b. Apr. 18, 1824; m., 1st, Roxaua G. Savery, June 17, 1856; lived first at Warehani, Mass., afterwards at South Bos- ton, where she d. of heart disease, Nov. 5, 1868. He m., 2d, Anna Tiafton, of Boston, Apr. 10, 1871 ; is now a machinist in the Norway Iron Works, South Boston. 508. Euzauktii S'., b. July 18, 1826; m. Monroe Cook, of Wakefield, N. H.. June 11, 18.H, and d. Nov. 21, 1856, aged 30. 509. Louisa G. [UOS], b. Feb. 23, 1827. 510. Amos, b. Nov. 25, 1831; d. May 5, 1832, aged 5 mos. 10 days. 511. Ebenezer'* [165] (SamueP, Ebenezer^, SamueP), inherited his father's farm and mills iu HoUis, N. H., and m. Mrs. L3'dia (Lawrence) Hale, of Littleton, Mass., " Dec. 30, 1828," according to the Ilollis records, though another date is given by some of the family, bhe was b. Nov. U, 1794, and d. at Hollis, Dec. 8, 1857, aged 63. He d. at H., Sept. 26, 1865, aged 71. Children b. in Hollis : — 512. Lydia Abigail, b. July 12, 1830; d. April 1, 1833, in her 3d year. 513. CiiAKLES Smith, b. June 7, 1831; ni. Fidelia Wheeler, of Hollis, Feb. 6, 1867; I'esides on the okl homestead in H. 514. Daniel Frederick [1116], b. Mar. 25, 1833. 515. Mary' Abigail, b. July 5, 1835; d. at Hollis, Mar. 25, 1859, in her 24th year. 516. Lydia Ellen, b. Oct. 30, 1837; m. John Henry Poole, merchaQt, of Boston, Nov. 26, 1863; residence in South Boston. 517. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1840; d. Sept. 1, 1845, aged 5. 518. Bethia'' [168] (SamueP, Ebenezer^, SamueU ) ; m. James R. Read, Dec. 19, 1822, at Hollis, N. H. He was b. Mar. 30, 1800, and d. Feb. 4, 1859, aged 59, having resided at Temple, Me., Med- ford, Mass., and Marion, Linn Co., Iowa. She d. Aug. 18, 1864, in her 64th year. Children : — 519. Erenezer Runnels (Read), b. June 20, 1824. 520. Hiram Augustus, b. Oct. 10, 1826; a carpenter; served three years in the last war, being sergeant in Co. H, 19th regiment Illinois volunteers. 521. Calvin Ricuakdson, b. Mar. 3, 1829; a carpenter, now residing in Central City, Linn Co., Iowa; m. Lvdia Ann Dewitt, Nov. 27, 1861, wiio was b. Apr. 12, 1841. Children: — 1. Gkacie Dakling, b. May 23, 1863. 2. Ct.audie CEurRUDE, b. Jan. 10, 1866. 3. 1 Kfe.siK Mary, b. Dec. 5, 1871. PART I. FOURTH GEXERATIOX. 61 622. James Dkxtkh, b. Aujr. 28, 1831; a fiirmcr; three years In the service of his country, sori;eant of Co. K, in the 6th Iowa cav- alry; m. Joanna Aiifieline Gardner, Dec. 8, 1853. She was b. Mar. 2, 1830. Children: — 1. Bkhth.v Ettik, b. An, aged 1 year. 570. Mira4 [181] (Nathaniel^ Ebenezer^, Samuel'), in. George Hib])ard, of Pierniont, farmer, Apr. 29, 1820, who oecupied a val- uable and attractive homestead on the Connecticut River, in the northwest part of P., now held by llicir eldest son. He d. altoiit 1863. Children : — 571. Ben.jamin (Ilibbard), b. Jan. 27, 1822. 672. Sahau a., b. Nov. 21), 1823; ni. John H. Sawyer, of Bradford, Vt. ; a farmer on the ojjposite side of tlie rivi r from iier latiier's. 573. MosKs, b. Dec. 25, 1826; a farmer in Lancaster, X. II. 574. William, b. Feb. 1, 1828; also a tarnier in Lancaster. 575. LlAXNAn Jknnettk, b. Aujr. 31, 1830; in. Edward .Vuiruslus Lam- bert (second wife), of Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1851). He is a native of New York city, where now (1870), an importer of paper and stationery, and president of the "Craftsmen's Life Assurance Company." Was mayor of Brooklyn, N. Y., 1853-4; an oriifinal trustee and connnissioner for locaiion of tlie "New York Slate Inebriate Asyhnn." Was active in ellbrts as a ci\ilian in tlie late war of the rebellion, callin;^ tlie first great war meeting on Fort Greene in Apr. 1861. An ollicer in the synods and general assembly of the rresbyterian chinch; treasurer of its liome missions, and member of committee appointed in 1866 for its re-union. (From the "Hi>toiy of Brooklyn," " Fresb. He-union Memorial," etc.) ChiUlren b. in Brooklyn : — 1. Edwaiu) IIiiujAiu) (Lambert), b. Aug. 20, 1860. 2. KL'i't;s Ckook, I). Apr. 13, 1862. 3. Ji^NNKTTK HinnAi:i), b. May 31, 1865. 4. Anmk Cuyi ek, b. Oct. 3, 1869. 670. MiKA (ilibbard), b. Dec. 23, 1832 (3); was m. to Rufns Crook, of Brooklyn, N. Y , by Rev. I. Davis, at l'iern;ont. Mar. 4, 1^51. He was a native of Fiermont; went in early life to New York, and became very successful in the hiisiiicss of a restaurant. Was a member of the Lafayette .Vveniie I'ri'sbyleriaii Cliurcli (Kev. Dr. Cuyler's), and one of the pioneers, a trustee, and a member of the committee in the noble enterprise of lliat society for building a church eilillce. He d. Mar. 14, 18(;8. Cliildreu b. in Brooklyn : — 1. Julia (Crook), b. Nov. 26, 1851 ; d. Mar. 23, 1854, in her3dyear. 2. LouisK, b. Feb. 10, 1S55. 3. Eeeik, b. Nov. 17, 1856. 4. GKinuunE, b. Aug. 8, 1858. 6. A LICK, b. Fel). 25, 1S6L 6. Geokge Edwakd, b. Sept. 27, I8GG. 64 RUNNKLS AND llEYNOLDS MKMOUIALS. 577. IIarrikt'* [1'*^2] (NnthanioP, Ebonozer^, Samtioli), was m. to Abncr Tarhox, ol" Picnnuiit, N. II., by Rev. Robert Blake, Mar. 12,1829. He. (I. Apr. 20, 1853. Children: — 578. CiiAiiLKS (Tarbox), b. Sept. 12, 18;'>I : a farmer in Piermont. 579. MiKA Ann, b. Fel). 23, 1835; m. Willard Williams, of Bradford, Vt. 580. Hahuikt R., b. June 4, 1840. 581. Sarah Jane, b. Aug. IG, 1843; ni. Alfred M. Robie. 582. Ebknezer'* [183] (NathanieP, Ebenezer^, SamueP), re- sided in Portsmonth, N. H., having m. Ann Jane Donnell, of York, Me., Ang. 1826. She was b. 1808, in St. Domingo, W. I. (or New York City). He repaired to California soon after the discovery of gold, and was there assassinated, at Sonora, Mar. 13, 1861, aged 60. She having remained in Portsmouth, there d. Nov. 27, 1861, aged 53. According to the Rockingham Prol)ate Records, Joseph M. Edmonds, Esq., of Poi'tsmouth, was appointed to settle his estate, 1863. lie was highly esteemed as a citizen, and a member of the Christian Baptist Church, in Portsmouth. His children, b. in P., were : — 583. George, b. Aug. 1827; d. 1829, aged 2 years, by accident of scalding. 5S4. Mary Elizabeth [1153], b. Feb. 13, 1829. 685 Charles Eben, b. Nov. 22, 1830; went to California witli liis father, and there d. Mar. 31, 1858, in his 28th year. 586. Ann Marlv [1157], b. Sept. 11, 1832. 587. George Hazen, b. May, 1834; was a printer by trade; took a voyage at sea for his liealth in the capacity of steward, and was last heard from at Liverpool, Eng., 1858, when about embarking for the East Indies. 588. Hannah J.vne [1159], b. Feb. 7, 1837. 589. Arthcr'* [185] (NathanieP, Ebenezer^, SamueP), inherited the farm occupied by his fiither in Piermont, N. H. ; sold the same after his father's death, and purchased another near the site of the old meeting-house in P., where residing, with new buildings erected ' (1872). Was m. to Lnella Hall, at her father's, in Newbury, Vt., Nov. 5, 1838, by Rev. Mr. Dow. She d., after a wearisome and protracted illness of drops}^, Apr. 18, 1872. Children b. in P. : — 590. Mary Morrill Wortukx [llGfi], b. May 24, 1841. 591. Ezra Bartlett, b. Aug. 4, 1847; m. Elia J. Merrill, of Bradford, Vt., Sept. 7, 1871, and settled with his father in Piermont. 592. Mary MoRRjfct.^ [186] (NathanieP, Ebenezer^, SamueU), ■was m., 1st, to John Adams Worthen, of Bradford, Vt., Nov. 14, 1.S28, by Rev. Robert Blake, of Piermont. He d. Aug. 5, 1847, aged 43. She was m., 2d, to William Pollard, of Barnet, Vt., Nov. 18, 1858, l)y Rev. George Webber, of St. Johnsbury. He is a farmer, residing in Bath, N. II., on Connecticut River, near Mclndoe's Falls. Children (first husband) all b. in Bradford except the youngest : — PART I. — FOURTH GENERATION. 65 593. Mauy Ann (Worthen), b. Mar. 28. 1830; m. William Edwin Pockett, of Bnuif'onI, July 15, 1849; ri-sitliiif;, 1872, in Suulh Boston, Mass., 190 Dorcliestt-r Street. Children: — 1. Ada Isaukixk (Peckett), b. May 28, 1850. 2; Gkokgk FiiANKMX, 1). Nov. 4, 1801 ; d. .luly 8, 1803, iu his 2d year. 3. Hattie Lhwis. b. Apr. 17, d. Au-j. 4, 1800. 694. John Adams (Worthcu), b. Jan. 24, 1832; m. Lncy Flagj; Crafts, Jniy 2, 1854; resides at Melrose, Mass. (Wyoming; Station). Children : — 1. FitANK Fayi:ttk, b. June 13, 1855. 2. SU.SIK S., b. Jan. 17, 1.S59. 595. IlARniET, b. Dec. 17, 1833; m. John W. Lewis, of St. Johnsburv, Vt., Dec. 1803. 596. Georgk B., b. Dec. 4, 1836 ; enlisted in the U S. navy, at Charles- town, Mass., June 12, 1856; cruised on the coast of Africa for two years; was discharged at Portsmouth, N. 11., June 12, I.sOO. The following November — having I)een on a merchant vessel to St. Helena, and thence to Vera Cruz, Mexico — he enlisted at the latter port on the U. S. steamer " Sus(|uehanna" ; cruisi-d in the Mediterranean, and visited the Holy Lanil. Called home by the impending war, he re-enlisted on the U. S. steamer '■ Cambridge," and followed the fortunes of that vessel as cor- poral of marines. Was wounded at Roanoke Island, Fel). s, is02, but afterwards took part in the engagement with the rebel steamer "Merrimack"; in conse([uence of which, with his head wounded, ribs badly broken, and lungs diseased, he was sent to the Brooklyn, N. Y., hospital, in Nov. 1802. Re- ceived his linal discharge. Feb. 9, 1803. Remained with his friends in Brooklyn, Bath, and Bradford, — a great sufferer in his country's cause, — and d. a true patriot, at Bradford, .Sept. 15, 180;'), in his 27th year. (Funeral attended i)y the writer.) 697. Artiiuk Enoch, b. Jan. 5, 1839; m. Letitia Hancock, Nov. 8, 1800; was in the regimental l)and of the 3d Vermont regiment; served tliirteeii months, and narrowly esca|)ed in the seven days' li:;lit. and retreat before Richmond, Va., 1802. Now residing in .Mel- rose, Mass. Cliildren : — 1. Gkokgk Akthuk, b. Sept. 16, 1863. 2. INKZ Emma, b. Aug. 31, 1806. 598. MruA Jknnktte, b. July 8, d. Aug. 26, 1841. 599. Adams Mki!1:ii,l, b. Nov. 13, 1842; being adopted by Mr. John Poor, of Landalf, N. II., he has taken the name of Adams M. Poor, and resides iu L ; m. Jane S. Ciough, Jan. 27, 1804. Children: — 1. FiiANK Cr.ouGH (Poor), b. May 17, 1865. 2. IIattik Cl.AKABKLi.K, b Apr. 18, 1867. 3. Maky Louisa, b. Mar. 27, 1869. 4. Emma Rovvkna, b. Apr. 0, 1871. COO. Jane Ei.iZAitKrH (Worthen), b. Sept. 17, 1844; m. Luther B. Pollard, June 16, ISOH. He is the son of her mother's second husband, and they now reside with their conunou parents, at Bath, N. 11. Children: — 1. John Wokthen (Pollard), b. May 28, 1809. 2. Mvit.v HinuAKD, b. Oct. 27, 1870; d. Jan. 22. 1872, aged 1 year 3 months. 001. lUuTLETT"' [18H] (Xatlmiiier', Khcno/.or^ Samuel'), ni. J.iicimhi Elvira Clark, Nov. 15 (Oft. i2), l.s.'lT, at nartlunl. Oliio. Slic was b. Oct. 12, l-Sll), and d. Nov. 17, ISCO, a-ro-l II. lie was a carpenter, moved early in lilb to Ohio, and there d., al .\K\;iH- dria, Lickino- Co., Aiig.'iH), 1.S19, a,!;vd 'M>. Children : — 66 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. r,02, Mary Isabkixa [1170], b. Sept. 6, 1830, in Hartford, O. G0;3. Lucy Okmnaii, b. Feb. 1, d. Mar. 17, 184G, at Alexandria, O. G04. Gkokgk'' [18!)] (XatlKinioP, Ebenczor^, SamuoU), mi- grated to Oliio, and in. llannali Gorrell, at Monnt Vernon, O,, May 20, 1841. Moved back to New England, again to Ohio, and finall}'- to Sigonrnc}', Iowa, about 1854, where he d. Jan. 4, 18Gii, in his 55th year. Children : — 605, Lydia [1175], b. May IG, 1842, in Alexandria, 0. 60(5. Natuanh^l [1180], b. June 20, 1844, iu Alexandria. C07. Charles, b. Sept. 1, 184(J, in Bradford, Vt. 608. Geokge Francis, b. Jan. 10, 1849, in Alexandria. 609. Flora, b. Sept. 18, 1851, in A. 610. Emily, b. Dec. 8, 1853, in A. 611. MiiiA, b. Mar. 26, 1856, in Sigournej', la. 612. Maky Piccolomixa, b. Oct. 7, 1858, in Sigourney ; d. Oct. 29, 1870, aged 12. 613. Merrill Fremont, b. Oct. 26, 1861 ; d. Jan. 8, 18C3, in his 2d year. 614. Jessie, b. Mar. 25, 1864. 615. Joseph Hazen, b. Jan. 31, 1867. 616. Hazen^ [191] (NathanieP, Ebenezer^, SamueP). Having made a successful expedition to California, he was m. to Harriet A. Metcalf, of Piermont, N. H., by Rev. I. Davis, Dec. 20, 1853, and lived iu Pierniont village till his lamented death, Oct. 10, 1857, aged 37. He left one child : — 617. Hazen Fayette, b. Sept. 2, 1857; now residing, with his mother, in Zumbrota, Minn. 618. Daniel George'* [193] (DanieF, Ebenezer^, SamueP), succeeded his father as a blacksmith in Warner, N. H., and m., 1st, Rachel Corser, of West Boscawen, Jan. 25, 1829. She was the sister of Rev. Enoch Corser, and d. July 14, 1839. He m., 2d, Dolly Weed, of Topsham, Yt., Dec. 6, 1840, and d. June 26, 1866, in his 6Gth year. His children, — three by each wife, — b. in Warner, were : — 619. Sarah George [1182], b. Aug. 9, 1830. 620. Mary Clough [1188]. b. Dec. 27, 1832. 621. Daniel Henry, b. July 8, 1835; d. July 25, 1837, aged 2. 622. Daniel, b. Oct. 31, 1841; resides chiefly in Lowell, Mass. 623. Helen, b. Apr. 30, 1845. 624. Ella Jane, b. Jan. 1, 1849; now (1872) in the "Mirror" printing office, Manchester, N. H. 625. George'* [197] (DanieP, Ebenezer^, SamueU), is now senior partner of th eBrm " Runels, Clough & Co.," stone-cutters and dealers in granite, in Lowell, Mass., where he resides, with a summer residence at Gloucester. Thej" have one hundred and fifty men in their employ, with stone-yards at Lowell, West Con- cord, N. H., Fitzwilliam, N. H., and more recently at Gloucester. Amount of business from one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand dollars per annum. This firm furnished all the stone for the Masonic Temple, in Boston, 1867. and for Booth's PART I. FOURTH GENERATION. 67 Theatre, New York, 18G8. "Were also furaishing, in 1S'"9, for the new Custom House in Portland, ]Mo., for the building of the "Equitable Insurance Conipan\' " in New York, and for several other edifices, both public and private. He m. Mary Ann Morrill, at Springfield, N. H., Dec 31 , 1845. Children : — 626. Emma, b. Doc. 21, 1847, in Lowell, Mass., and there d. July 9. 1871, in her 24tli year. "At a niectinji; of the trustees niul teachers of the Independent Union Mission," in Lowtll, .July 23, ''her death was suitably noticed, and ready and hearty testimony borne to her fidelity and worth." In the resolution of sympathy communicated from the same meeting to her family and the press, she is said to have been "for several years a faithful, constant and successful teacher of the Sunday school," so that, in her death, "the mission experiences a serious loss." 627. Chaiu.ks, b. Oct. 18, 1849, in Lowell. 628. Henky, b. Mar. 27, 1852, in Waterbury, Vt. FIFTH GENEKATION. 629. Stepiikn'^ [210] (Kilos'*, Stephen^, Stephen^, Samuel'), was for many j^ears a merchant at Honolulu, Oaliu, Sandwich Islands, and returned home with his sister, Rebecca E. [220], in very poor health. May, 1856. He d at his father'^ homestead in Boxford, Mass., July 17, 1857, in his 75th year. He m. Susan Jackson, of Honolulu, in 1829. Children, all b. in Honolulu : — G30. Matilda Euela [1192], b. Oct. 8, 1880. G31. EvKLiNE, b. Dec. 25, 1831; d. Feb. 19, 1856, at Boxford, aged 24. G32. John Rice, b. Nov, 21, 1833; d. at San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 10, 1855, in his 22d year. 633. IIauuiette, b. Auj;. 27, 1835; ra, Roger Sherman Littlefleld, of Boston (second wife), Aug. W, 18G4. See [642]. 634. Edward Jackson, b. Aug. 28, 1838; was educated iu New Eug- laud, and d. at Honolulu, Jan. 27, 1865, in his 27th year. G35. Eliphalet^ ['-^19] (Enos^, Stephen^, Stephen^, Samuel'), m Hannah Hall, of Diacut, Nov. 14, 1«15. He d. in New York, Apr. 17, 1838, aged 49. She d. Aug. 1867. Children: — 63G. Sarah Clement [1195], b. July 18, 1817, in Boxford. G37. William James [1203], b. July 11. 1819, in Haverhill, Mass. 638. Charlotte Matilda, b. Aug. 20, 1821 ; a teacher in East Lyme, Ct. (1870). G39. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 21, 1827; ra. John Butterworth, iu Boston, Nov. 27, 18G1. He was a native of England; a druggist; now residing (1870) at Boston. G40. Walter Scott, b. Jan. 15, 1831; m. Mary Ann Outhank, oi Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 9, 1858. He was a book-keeper in Bo.ston ; afterwards a teacher in Sabinetovvn, Texas, where he d. Jan. 15, ISGO, aged 29. She was b. Aug. 29, 1838, iu (joncord, Vt. ; now employed (1870) at Allen's photograph rooms, 13 Temple Place, Boston. 641. Eleanor Analette [1210], b. Feb. 7, 1833; she and the two last were probably b. iu Bradford, Mass., as their births are on the Bradford Records. 642. Harriet Isabella [1214], b. Mar. 15, 1837. 643. Samuel Spofeoud'" [220] (Enos'*, Stephen^, Stephen-, Samuel'), resided iu Charlestown, Mass.; a morocco dresser ; d. Dec. 3, 1855, at West Boxford, aged 64. Had m. Beulah Reed, of Concord, Vt., 1817, Avho d. Aug. 29, 1868, at Woburn, Mass. Children, all b. in Charlestown except [650] : — PART I. FIFTH GENERATIOX. 69 G44. Caroi.ixk MATir.nA [1217], b. Dec. 20. 1818. 645. Samukl AitciiKR, b. Keb. 1821; a incrcliant at Honolulu, S. I., wlierc he d. Oct. 2(;, 1S47, in his 27tli year. 646. Hakhikt Kli/.a, b. Mar. 1823 ; d. at Charlcstowu, Mar. 1830, aged 7. 647. EmvAiU) Evkuktt [1224], b. Dec. 20. 1825. 648. Fhancks Ann Diunkwatkk, b. Nov. 13, 1827; m. William Eu.stis Skilton, in ( haiiestown, .July 12 (13), 1854. He is an importer; residinf< at Charlestown (1870). 649. Harhiict Aucx'sta, b. Mar. 1830; d. 1832, aged 2. 650. CnAiu.Ks Pkaiu., b. Apr. 12, 1831, in Boxford, probal)ly, as his birth appears alone on the Boxford Records; was an cnjrineer, and d. at White Pine, Nevada Territory, Feb. 13, IbOM, in lii.s 37th vear. 651. Sakaii isAHELLA [1228], b. Mar. 1835 (7). 652. SaraiiS [222] (EnosS Stephen^, Slephen2, Saraueli), m. Joshua Baldwin, of Charlestown, Mass., at West Boxford, Nov. 26, 1824. lie was a morocco dresser; afterwards lived at Bil- lerica, and now (1870) at Townsliend Ilarhor, Mass. She d. Oct. 27, 1833, in her 38th 3'ear, at Charlestown, where their children were b. : — 653. Sakah Eveline (Baldwin), b. Mar. 14, 1826; d. in Boston, Anu'. 19, 1852, in her 27th vear. 654. Harhii-.t Matilda, b. Nov. 20, 1828; d. at West Boxford, :\Iay 5, 1847. iu her l!>tli year. 655. Wii.MAM, b. 1830; d. aged 2 months. 656. Susan Isabella, b. Sept. 13, d. Oct. 26, 1833. 657. Mary Isahella^ [227] (Enos^, Steplien^, Stephen^, Sani- iieP), m, William Lund, of Charlestown, Mass , May 2, 1831, and d. Apr. 27, 1834. at C, aged 27. Children, b. iu Charlestown : — 658. Matilda Barker (Lund), b. Feb. 12, 1832. 659. Mary Isarklla, b. Jan. 27, 1834; d May 19, 1865, a^'ed 31. Her poetical eflusioiis, as well as the testimony of her friends, i:ive proof that she was both amiable and fjifted. with rare i|ualities of mind and heart. We extract from a little volume entitled "Stray Leaves," published in ls(;7 (pp. .".1-2), tiiis Itcantiful " Birth-Day" tributt; to lier aunt, Matihla Barker L2is], in ls(;4. Its allusions, as verilled by the Au'eiroiiii; records, make it most an appropriate close to this generation of her grandfather's family : — "A greeting from the homestead Is sent to you this day, To remind you that we're near in thougiit, Though we seem so far away. " But not to these few hours alone Are all our thouglits confined, For tliey ari' flying far tiirough air. For tiiougiits are trie as wind. " At seventeen hundred t-iirhty-sevcn, We see tlicm pause \vilii care; For tlxMc they find a d.ite Is given That mariis a day most fair. 70 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS, " For at t.liiil, f.imo onn precious {^cm To a f^oldoii cliaiii was f ; to his sister Ellen Kent, wife of Hiehard Kent, .Ir., S'.'.". ; to Ids nephew Kdward 1". Uey- nolds, §101), against he is twenty-live years of ai:e, or, in case he dies, to the American Board V. V. M. ; to the last named Hoard, for Foreign Mis- sions, ^300; to the American Home Missionary Society, §3(X»; to the 72 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Amoriran Kduralion Sorioty, .'a!200; to Mic American and Forf'istn Christian ITiiioii, $\i)0. lie wills liis pow in Dcrry incotin'^-liousc, No. Hi, to Iiis brotlior Stcplicii ; ;i aixnl set oC n\ DaiiicP'. Stephen^, Samuel') ; m., 1st, Martha R. Pratt, of Roxbury, Mass., Aug. 15, 1843, who d. July 13, ls.-)() ; m., -lii, Harriet E Wiu'cl- wright, of New York, Mar, 27, 18G1. He was a l)ool\selhM- and l)ui)lisher on Cornhill, Boston, till 1857; afterwards a ivprcsenta- tive in the jMassachusetts legislature, for two years, from Roxluu-y, and a director of the First National Bank, Boston. He resiiled in Roxbury (now Boston Highlands), where he d. of heart disease, Jan. 17, 18G5, in his 51st year, and where hi ! widow still resides. Children, tirst wife. b. in lii)xbury : — 767. MAitTiiA Louisa, b. July 7, 1845. 768. William James, b. Feb. I, 1849. 76 RUNNELS AND IlEYNOLDS MEMOUIALS. 7C9. Betsy Auousta-'^ [HHS] (Thomns K.^ Dnniol^ Stopben^, S.iniueP). 8I10 now writes her iiaiiic " Anj^tista B." ; 111., 1st, David A. Oreg;,^ Dec. ;">, 1841, who d. Feb. 1, 1842; in., 2d, Angustns Bowers, Jan TJ, 1854 ; a dealer in ready-made clothing, 472 and 474 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. ChiM : — 770. Willie Fred Reynolds (Bowers), b. Apr. 17, 1S(;2. 771. Moses Cross^ [339] (Thomas K.'*, DanieP, Stephen^, Sanniel"), '«• Betsy Varney [326, 5], of Boscawen, N. H., May 10, 1845. Has resided for many years in Salem, Mass., as a wholesale grocer ; residence, 14 Chnrch Street. Has been a mem- Dcr of the city government of Salem, — an alderman in 1855 and 1H68, — also one of the directors of the board of trade. She d. May 18, 1870, aged 44, in Salem, where their children were b. : — 772. Anna Adaline, b. Aug. 29, 1846; d. Sept. 18, 1854, aged 8. 773. Hkxry Elwix, b. Aug. 17, 1848. 774. Mahy Ella, b. June 5, 1851; d. at her father's, in Salem, Jan. 8, 1870, in her 19th j'ear. 775. Carrie Augusta, b. Mar. 5, 1853. 77G. Sarah Farrar^ [340] (Thomas K.^, Daniel^, Stephen^, SainueP), ni. William Gilmore, of Ware, Mass., Feb. 4, 1842. He d. Jan. 27, 1854, at Lowell, Mass., where they had resided. She d. June 10, 1856, at Fisherville, N. H., aged 32. Children : — 777. Ellen Augusta (Gilraore). b. Jul.v 14, d. July 31, 1843, at Lowell. 778 Helen Lexera, b. Oct. 7, 1844, in Lowell; d. May 30, 18G4, in her 20tli year, at Barre, Mass. 779. Edward Clarence, b. Oct. 5, 1846, in Lowell; was a soldier in the late war, enlisting first in the New Hampshire 5th regiment, Co. A, afterwards in the Vermont invalid corps ; now residing in Boston, 74 Boylston Street. 780. IsAAC^ [343] (Joseph^, SamueF, SamueP, SamueU), en- listed "Sept. 26, 1814, for sixty days, in the 2d regiment New Hampshire detached militia, John Steele, of Peterboro', colonel, compan}' of Capt Edward Fuller, of Pembroke." Was stationed at Portsmouth. Afterwards settled on a portion of his lather's homestead in Concord, N. H. ; m. Anna Runnels [370], of C, Aug. 9, 1821, and there d. Dec. 16, 1851, aged G8. Bouton's History of Concord says of Mrs. R. (p. 529), that she " often walked from her house, seven miles, to the old North Church on the Sabbath," to attend meeting. " Would start at eight in the morning, and reach home again at 4 p. m., with occasional rides part of the way with neighbors overtaking her, on horseback or in wagons." Children : — 781. Sabina, b. June 1, 1825. 782. Francis, b. Apr. 2, 1828; m. Mary Jennett Brewster, Dec. 1859. 783. LuTiiEK, I). Jan. 20, 1835. Also, adopted by Mrs. li , after his death, the two following : — 784. Florentine Scott, b. July 12, 1852; d. Mar. 27, 1869, in his 17ui year. 785. Georgia Ella, b. July 2, 1854. PART I. FIFTH GENERATION. 77 78G. TnEODORE'i [344] (Josophi, SaimicP, SiumioP, Samuel'), having moved back to the ancestral soil of Massachusetts, m. Mehetabel Philips, of Bradford, June 22, 1815; lived in Hradftjrd and Hoxford, and d. at his son Horatio's [13"2G], in Bradford Vil- lage, Sept. 25, 18G9, in his 84th year. The " New IIami)shire ^^t:ltesman," noticing his death and his father's, adds : " The family is very remarkable for its longevity'." The compiler of this (Gene- alogy recalls a most interesting and satisfactory interview with him in 18G8. Much valuable information was obtained. Hiscomliined intelligence and genialit}" seemed unusual for a man of his years. His children were : — 787. CvNTniA [1311], b. Sept. 5, 1810, in Bradford. 788. Lkonaki) [1313J, b. Feb. 5, 1818, in Bradford. 789. Danmkl Lakkman [131GJ, b. Feb. 2t), 1820, iu Boxford. 7i)0. LomcNZO [13--'2], ), ,, in Boxford 71)1. lloKATio [1320], 5 "• ^^^^- •^' ^*^-'' ^° ^oxioia- 792. LuTUEK [1329]. b. June 27, 1825, in Bradford. 793. Levkrett, b. Dec. 27, 1827; d. Auj;. 1831 (2), in his 4th year. 794. George Moody [1337], b. Oct. 2, 1829. 795. Jonathan-'' [846] (Joseph'*, SamueP, Samuel^, Sanniel'), m. Lydia Prcssy, 1812, who was b. Mar. 17, 1795, and d. 18G1, aged GG. Settled first in Concord, near the present Mast Yard Railroad station, where all their children were b. ; afterwards migrated to I'ennsylvania ; now living (1872) with his grandson [l.'>59], to whom he has rented his farm, iu Erie County. Children : — 790. Bktsy KiMiiAEL [1339], b. Apr. 10, 1813. 797. KsTiiER IlERKiCK [1342], b. Sept. 3, 1814. 798. Gardner Kimball, b. Sept. 18, 181G; d. 1841, aged 2.>, "having just learned his trade." 799. Steimien Chandler [1347], b. Sept. 30, 1818. 800. KnoDA IIoiT [1354], b. Sept. 3, 1820. 801. Ahkjail [1304], b. Apr. 7, 1823. 802. FuLSOM Brown [1370], b. Apr. 20, 182.5 (0). 803. Francis Newell [1382], b. Apr. 22, 1828. 804. Mary L. [1390], b. Oct. 13, 1829 (30). 805. Bartlett Dimond [1390], b. Mar. 15, is:52. 806. Joanna Farnum, b. Sept. 17, 1834; d. Sept. 20, 1837, aged 3. 807. OsMYN (Osmond), b. Oct. 10, d. Oct. 25, 1830. 808. Faunum^ [349] (Joseph'', SamneP, Samuel-, Samuel'), m., 1st, Jerusha Webber, of Boscawen, N. H., Mar. 27, 1823, who d. July 4, 1848, aged 4G ; m., 2d, Gracia Trussell, of llopkinton, June 11, 1850; a farmer, now residing in Hopkintou. Children, first wife : — 809. Jeremiah Farntm [1402], b. Oct. 14, 1S2«. 810. Marianne Jewett [1400], b. A])!-. 12, 1827. 811. JEitusiiA Augusta [141(IJ, b. June 19, 1831. 812. Osmyn Katun [1415], I). June 12, 1S34. 813. Helen Carrol [1418], b. .May 18, 18:$9 814. Edward Oilman, b. Dec. 0. 1H43; resides with his father, in li.ip- Icintun; \i\. Maria Jennie Mills, ofll., Jan. 1, 1Jih year. 894. Adai.inio, b. Fob. 14, d. Ang. 4, 183.3, 895. Gkokck Wasiiinctox, b. Feb. 28 (27), 1837; a farmer, occupying tlie lioniosteacl at South Albion; ni. Mary A. Dutch, at Belfast, Me., Apr. 29, 18G7, who was b. 1839. 896. Danikl, b. Dec. 11, 1839; enlisted in Boston, Mass., Apr. 8, 1864; served in the U. S. A. signal corps; discliarged, Aug. 1805; now living (1871) at North Weymouth, Mass. 897. Almika (Myra) [1521], b. Sept. 28, 1843. 898. Syp.iL^ [397] (Boiijamin^, Benjaniin^, Ebenezer^, SamueP), m. Isaac Douglitv, mariner, of Ilallowell, Jan. 27, 1823. He d. Aug. 1829; she d. at Waterville, Jan. 17, 1862, aged 60. Children : — 899. Mahala (Doughty), b. Feb. 23, 1824, in Hallowell; m. Reuben Emery, of Waterville. 900. Clai:issa Ann, b. Feb. 1, 1827, in H. ; m. Isaac Wiley, of Boston, and d. July 2, 1850, in her 30th year. 901. Louisa Makia, b. Kov. 10. 1829, in Winslow; m. Alfred Norton, of Greenland, N. H., and d. Apr. 23, 1858, in her 29th year. 902. Warren-^ [399] (Benjaniin-*, Benjamm^, Ebenezer^, Sam- iicP), m. Belinda Emery [426], of Winslow% "Sept. 12, 1825" (Pill). Records), or, "Dec. 1826"; resided in Waterville, as a farmer, till her death, Aug. 1868, aged 62, since which he has lived chiefly with his son [905], in Boston. All their children were b. and nine of them d. in Waterville. Were ever parents more sadly " bereaved of their children " ? 903. George Warren, b. Oct. 1, 1827; d. Dec. 25, 1850, aged 23. 904. Julia Ann, b. Jan. 28, 1828 ; d. Dec. 30, 1847, in her 20th year, 905. Hiram Crammer, b. Mar. 15, 1831 ; m. Mary F. Pattee, at Bath, ;Me., Apr, 13, 1854; studied medicine in Philadelphia and Bos- ton, at the Harvard Medical School ; commenced practice in Boston, 1868; office (1870) as " Dr, H. C. Reynolds," 1265 Washington Street, 906. Joseph Jackson, b. Apr, 14, 1833; d. May 18, 1845, aged 12. 907. Charles Alfred, b. July 31, 1835; was an engraver by occupa- tion; moved to California (starting) Aug. 1853; returned June, 1860, and d. Nov. 14, 1862, in his 28th year. 908. Moses, b. Nov, 30, 1837 ; d. Oct. 1, 1838, aged 10 months. 909. Calvin, b, Sept. 16, 1839; d. Feb. 8, 1852,ln his 13th vear. 910. Margaret, b. July 20, 1843 ; d. Jan. 25, 1852, in her 9th year. 911. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 12, 1847; d. Mar. 4, 1852, aged 5, 912. Caroline, b. Apr, 27, 1850; d. Jan, ^9, 1852, in^her 2d year, 913. Warren Henry, b, Dec, 1, 1852; was studying medicine with his brother in Boston (1870). 914. Columbus^ [402] (Stephen^, Benjamin^, Ebenezer^, Sam- uel), migrated in early life to New Brunswick: resided at St. Stephen's, chieflj^ as a lumberman, and there m, Marijaret Alward, 1822. He d. at"'St, S,, July, 1864, aged 65. Children : — 915, Jane, b, 1825; m. Phinehas Tvler, 916, Mary Ann, b. 1828; m. William J. Walker, and d. 1851, aged 23, 917. LuciNDA, b, 1832; m. Miles Towers; d. 1854, aged 22. 918. Eliza Alice, b. 1835; m. William Hanson. PART I. FIFTH GENERATION. 83 919. SuSAX, b. 1837; d. 1855, ajred 18. 920. Gkokgiana, b. 1840; d. 1857, aged 17. 921. Samuel-^ [403] (Stephen^, Beiijamin^, Ebenozer^, Sajiinel'), was a, farmer first in Wiiislow, Me., afterwards in Waterville, two miles north of the vilhige, where he d. Auu:. 30, 1869, in his GHth year. Had m., 1st, Charity Davenport, of Winslow, Aug. 8, 1820, who d. 1831; m., 2d, Eliza Proctor [410], of Winslow, Oct. 10, 1835, who d. Aug. 19, 18G0, aged 51. Four children by each wife, as follows : — 922. Lkvi, b. Nov. 21, 1822, in Wiuslow; was killed by being precipi- tated upon a cart wheel in motion, while assisting in the hay field, at CHiiton, Aug. 8, 183(1, in his I4lli year. 923. Emily, b. Sept. 17, 1824, in Winslow ; d. Mar. 12, 1825, aged 5 mos. 25 days. 924. Emily [1524], b. May 1. 1826, in Winslow. 925. Elizabctii (Betsy) [1530], b. Feb. 11 182'J, in Winslow. 926. Mauy Lamson, b. Oct. IG, 1838 ; m. William E. Nichols, of Water- ville, May 15, 18G1. 927. Kandoli'u Maushal, b. Mar. 20, 1840; d. Aug. 6, 1858, in his 19th year. 928. Soi'niA Frances, b. May 28, 1845 ; m. Shepard Eldridge, of Clinton, Feb. 14, 1870. 929. Abbie Anna, b. July 22, 1849. 930. Daniel^ [434] (DavidS Benjamin^, Ebenezer^, Samuel^), is a farmer in Pittsfield, Me., and m. Sybil McDonald, of P., Apr. 7, 1823. Theirs is a pleasant and hospitable home. Children, b. in P. : — 931. Julia Ann [1535], b. Oct. 28, 1824. 932. Walter McDonald, b. Mar. 8, 182G; d. Apr. 9, 1847, aged 21, being carried over Clinton falls, on the iSebasticooke, with a raft; body found after nine days. 933. Geohge [1543], b. Oct. 1, 1829. 934. Hakuikt Smiley [1545], b. Apr. 29, 1833. 935. Daniel Nelson [1552], b. Dec. 18, 1836. 936. Margaret Davenport [1557], b. Oct. 23, 1839. 937. Margaret Davis^ [436] (David^, Benjamin^, Ebenezer^, SannieP), m. Nathaniel Davenport, grocer, of Ilallowell, Me., June 19, 1836. He was b. Feb. 29, 1792, and d. Nov. 19, 1866, iu his 75th 3'ear. Children : — 938. Stephen Franklin (Davenport), b. Jan. 22, 183H; a sewing nia- cliine dealer and i-epairer, occupying (1870), with his mother, the attractive residence left by his father, in Maliowell. He ni. Ei/.zie A., dan. of Capt. S. C. Cox, of Ilallowell, Oct. 10, 1871. 939. Georciana, b. Jan. 24, 1842; m. Edwin Il;irtshorn, sign and orna- mental painter, of Ilallowell, May 19, 18G3. Children: — 1. Alui'-kp Henry (Hartshorn), b. Nov. 4, 1804. 2. Frank Davenport, i». Dec. 19, 18(;8. 940. Ammi (Davenport), b. Mar. 27, 184(;; a clothing dealer (1870) in Gardiner, Me.; m. Abbie A. Clark, of G., Dec. 18, 1870. 941. Greenwood^ [437] (David', IJonjaniin^, Ebenczer'^, Sam- uel^), settled as a farmer and lumltcriuan in the east part of 84 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Pittsfiold, Mc, with real estate in and near the now flonrishing vill.'ipe of P. Has business connections, in the himber trade, with Poithmd niid other sc.'iports. He m. Louisa Mahone}', of Pittsfield, May 13, 1831). Children: — 942. ANr.ENKTTR, b. Sept. 16, 1840; ni. 11. C. Chandler, boot and shoe iiierc'haiit and ])ostniaster in rittsflckl, Feb. 13, 1870, but d., to tlie ene/.er^ S:iin- neU), was a farnu'i- ; u\. ]\Ialinda.I. llrawder, in Marsh:dl, Cl.ark ('»>., 111., Apr. 28, 1812; d. at Broadway, Union Co., Oliio, Apr. IG, 18G2, in his 45th 3'ear. Children: — 1011. Mai:y J [1584], b. Apr. 23, 1843, in Marshall, 111. 1012. Vitalis S. [1587], 1). May 14, lsl5. In Lickhig Co., O. 1013. Martha J. [1589J, b. Aug. 24, 1847, in Evansvlllc, Ind. 88 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. lOU. Eliza L., b. July 4, 1851, in Evansville. 1015. KOSA E., b. Apr. 17, 1857, in lirouUway, O. 1016. SoLLis^ [4G5] (Stephen^, Stephcn3, Ebenozer^, SamueU), settled as a farmer, first iu Licking Co., then in Delaware Co., O., and d. at his latter home, Jul}' 15, 1854, aged 35. Had m. Eliza G. Nash, in Licking Co., Feb. 24, 1842. Children : — 1017. Caroline Stearx, b. Nov. 24, 1843, in Licking Co., and there d. Apr. G, 1848, iu her 5th year. 1018. Albixa Jane [1591J, b. Oct. 23, 1845. 1019. Richard Cohvdon, b. June IG, 1849. 1020. Marion Parker, b. Mar. 27, 1852. 1021. Solus, b. Dec. 1, 1854, iu Delaware Co. 1022. Benjamin Franklin^ [467] (Stephen'*, Stephen^, Eben- ezer^, SamiieU), was first a farmer iu Licking Co., O., and moved thence to Page Co., la., 1859; m. Luc}^ Snow Wyeth, Jan. 23, 1852, who was b. Dec. 13, 1830, in Franklin Co., Mass. Chil- dren : — 1023. Irving, b. Mar. 15, 1855. 1024. Walter, b. Apr. 12, 1856. 1025. Fremont, b. Eeb. 12, d. July 24, 1858. ]?B' l^""-^^ '^'^''^' I b. Nov. 16, 1861. 1027. Ryland, 5 Eyland d. Feb. 19, 1862, aged 3 months. 1028. James MonrgeS [468] (Stephen^, Stephen^, Ebeuezer-, Samneli), a farmer; m., 1st, Emily Jane Menser, in Licking Co., O., Mar. 27, 1844 ; moved to Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa, where she d. May 23, 1855, and he m., 2d, Mrs. Eliza Ellen Burchard, Dec. 2, 1857. Five oldest children b. in Licking Co. : — 1029. Harrison, b. Feb. 11, d. Apr. 11, 1845. 1030. Denison, b. Oct. 5, 1846 ; d. May 10, 1848, In his 2d year. 1031. Thomas Taylor, b. Sept. 1, 1848. 1032. Justin, b. Aiar. 25, 1851. 1033. Frances Jane, b. Oct. 25, 1853 ; d. Jan. 27, 1854, aged 3 months. 1034. Fran-klin Benjamin, b. Dec. 27, 1854, in Clarinda, la. 1035. Parley, b. Jan. 11, 1859 (second wife), iu Licking Co., O. 1036. Emer, b. Jan. 10, 1864, in Buchanan Co., Mo. 1037. Mary Mariah^ [469] (Stephen4, Stephen^, Ebenezer2, SamueU), m. Matthew Eli Hopkins, farmer, of Appleton, O., Feb. 26, 1846, at Newway, Licking Co., O. ; settled at Benton Ridge, Hancock Co., O. Children, all b. in Blanchard township : — 1038. Cortland Runnels (Hopkins), b. Apr. 23, 1848. 1039. Amanda Jane, b. Sept. 21, 1849; m. Joab Moffith, farmer, of Blauchard township, O., Dec. 30, 1869. Child: — 1. Eva (Moffith), b. Nov. IG, 1870. 1040. Meroa Mariau (Hopkins), b. Jan. 10, 1852. 1041. Amelia Caroline, b. Nov. 8, 1853. 1042. Cary Mead, b. Sept. 17, 1857. 1043. Laura Duices, b. Jan. 20, 1861; d. Aug. 20, 1862, in her 2d year. 1044. Norah Dell, b. June 9, 1863. 1045. Alma Ethael, b. July 28, 1867. PART I. FIFTH GEXERATIOX. 89 1046. Thomas BR0^VN^ [4 70] (Stephen-', Stephen^, Ehonczor', Samuel^), remained as a farmer near his fatlier's old phice in Lick- ing Co., O. ; m. Mahala D. Pnmphrey, Oct. 23, iHi'A) ; d. Oct. G, 1865, in Knox Co., O., in his 3Gth year. Children : — 1047. Sewai?d, b. Nov. C, 1861. 1048. Cahlktox, b. Jan. 12, 1863. 1049. Alson Winter, b. Mar. 23, 18G4. 1050. Moses ThurstonS [474] (Moses Thnrston'*, Stephen^, Ebenezer^, Samucli), moved with his mother to JallVey, N. II., 1832; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1853, and at the "Theo- logical Institute of Connecticut," East Windsor Hill, 1856 ; labored for the " American S. S. Union," in Wisconsin, Texas, and Kansas, and at Boston, Mass., in all four years ; was pastor of the Orford, N. II., West Congregational Church till 1865, and then of the Congregational Church in ISanl)ornt()n, where still residing (1«72) ; m. Fannie Maria, dan. of H. 8. Baker, Esij., of Haverhill, N. H., July 9, 1861. Three oldest children b. in Orford; two youngest iu Sanbornton : — 1051. Caroline Stearns, b. May 16, 18G2. 1052. Fanny Huntington, b. Dec. 5, 1863. 1053. Mary Ainswortii, b. July 22, cl. Sept. 24, 1865. 1054. Catharine Baker, b. Dec. 7, 1868. 1055. Moses Thurston, b. June 13, 1870; d. suddenly, of brain disease, Oct. 24, 1871, aged 1 year 4 months. This darlini^ child was taken at nearly the same age at which his fatiier was left au orplian ; and at tiie same age at wliich his grandfather was taken. Ins father was again left. The first and last of three successive generations, bearing the same venerated name are thus joined in the spirit world. See [472]. As anotluT striliing coincidence, he died the same da>/ on which his father, more than one hundred miles from home, in Jericho, Vt., was ex- huming and removing, from a private to a pul)lic cemetery, the mortal remains of his grandfather, buried forty years before. His parents can only add, iu the beautiful lines of Uryaut : — " Oh ! we shall mourn him long, and miss His ready smile, his ready kiss; The patter of his little feet. Sweet frowns, and stannnered plirases sweet; And graver looks, serene and iiigh, A light iif heaven in that young eye; All these will haunt us, till the heart Shall ache and ache — and tears shall start. But he who now, from sight of men, Wc hide in earth, shall live again; Shall break these clouds, a form of light, With nobler mien and clean-r sight; And in the eternal ;;lory stand. With tliose who wait at God's riglit hand." 1056. Annis C.5 [490] (Sollis^ St»•pllon^ Ebcnczer^. .S;iniiicl'), m. Hiram V. Perkins, at Dresden, ()., N(.v. 18, 1849. He w.is 1). Sept. 29, 1815 ; residence, 1H58, in Keokuk Co., la. ; 1868, at Cole Camp, Benton Co., Mo. Children: — yO RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 1057. Parkku IIazen (rcrkins), b. Aus- 8, 1850. 1058. Mauii-i.a K., b. May 21, tl. May 20, 1853. 1051). AiUKi. Jacoi!, b. Oct. :',0, 1855. 1000. Edcak Mookk, b. July 10, 1858. 1001. Lawkknck TaI'T, b. July G, 1802. 10G2. James Lawrence^ [492] (Sollis'*, Stephen^, Ebenezer^, SnnmeU), ni. Hannah Shoemaker, at Ashley, Delaware Co., O., Dec. 7, 1804 (3) ; resided at Si.o-onrney, la., 1857 ; d. at Atchinson, Kansas, Apr. 29, 1865, in his 36th year. She has now returned to Ashley, O. Children : — 1063. Ella, b. Sept. 1, 1855, in Ashley. 1004. Jennie Elizabeth, b. Aug. 3, 1850, in Sigourney, la. 10(;5. Lillie, b. Aug. 19, d. Sept. 3, 1858, in Ashley. 1000. Lawiience Authuk, b. Nov. 13, 1801, in A. 1007. Mary, b. Feb. 19, 1865, in Atchinson, Kansas. 1068. AzRO DennisonS [493] (Sollis^, Stephen^, Ebenezer^, SamueP), m. IMary Ann Glanden, of Sigourney, la., Dec. 31, 1862 ; moved to Yam Hill Co., Oregon, in 1864, where she d. an exceed- ingly happy death, Dec. 16,^867, aged 23. He is still (1872) in North Yam Hill, Oregon, " carrying on the boot and shoe business." Child : — 1069. SoLLis Shelton, b. Oct. 13, cl. Nov. 16, 1867. 1070. Mary Lucretia^ [494] (Souls'*, Stephen^, Ebenezer^, SamueU), m. Charles W. Rosecrans, brother of Gen. William S. Rosecrans, at Sigouruey, la., Feb. 12, 1862. She was remarkable, alike for her vivacity, intelligence and amiability ; d. at Lafayette, la., Jan. 1, 1863, in her 30th year. He d. June 18, 1865, leav- ing : — 1071. Marv Lucretia (Rosecrans), b. Nov. 27, 1862. 1072. Emeline Sophia^ [495] (Sollis'', Stephen^, Ebenezer^, Samuel^), m. Joseph B. Moore, farmer, Aug. 31, 1858, at Sigour- nc}^, la., and settled in Liberty, Adams Co., 111., where were b. : — 1073. Robert Dennison (Moore), b. Feb. 5, 1860. 1074. Mary Harriet, b. 1866. 1075. SoLLis Albert, b. Nov. 7, 1809. 1076. Harriet Mariah^ [496] (Souls'*, Stephen3, Ebenezer^, Samuel*), m. JohnR. Hartzell, farmer, Nov. 18, 1855, at Sigourney, la. Children : — 1077. Sollis Runnels (Hartzell), b. Sept. 21, 1856. 1078. Bruce P., b. Jan. 5, 1858. 1079. Ira S , b. Dec. 8, 1860. 1080. Mary E., b. Nov. 18, 1862. 1081. Nellie M., b. Apr. 5, 1800. 1082. Charles Dennisox, b. Oct. 22, 1808. 1083. Thomas Ahtiiur Hatch, b. Dec. 31, 1870. 1084. Emily Elizabeth^ [498] (SollisS Stephen^, Ebenezer2, Sanuu'l'), m., 1st, Edward Carris, Jan. 1, 1861, at Sigourney TART I. FIFTH GENERATION. 91 lie was b. Feb. 22, 1835, in Orange Co., N, Y. ; was a soldier in tlic war of tlie rebellion, Co. C, 8Ui Iowa regiment, and d. at Seda- lia, Mo., Feb. 28, 1862, aged 27. She m., 2d, James R. Turner, Sept. 8, 18G6, at Sigourney. lie was b. Nov. 4, 1835, in Trum- bull Co., Ohio ; was enrolled in Capt. Isaiah ]\Ioore's company, 17th regiment Illinois infantry. Ma}' 24, 1861 ; discharged June 4, 1864. They afterwards resided on a farm in Talleyrand, la., where they were both members of a Congregational church ten miles distant from their home ; are now (1872) keeping a hotel at Keota, a new railroad town in Keokuk Co., la. Ilcr children were : — 1085. Faxny Eorrn (Cards), b. Nov. 18, 18G1, in Keokuk Co. 1086. Skwall a. (Turnerj, b. June 17, 18G7. 1087. Julia Fidelia^ [499] (Sollis^ Stephen^, Ebcnezer2, SamueU), ra. Joseph P. Seaton, at Carris' Corner. la., Sept. 15, 1863 ; have resided, since 1868, in Sigourney. Children : — 1088. Amanda Vihginia (Seaton), b. July 20, 1805, iu Van Buren, la. 1089. Alma Etta, b. May 23, 18G7, in Van Burcn. 1090. Geougk Edward, b. June 13, 18f!9, iu Siijouruey. 1091. RoiiERT E. Lee, b. Apr. 22, 1871, in. S. 1092. Henrietta^ [501] (Sewall'', Stephen^ Elienezer^, Sam- neP), m. Lewis P. Blood, of Libert}', 0., Jan. 26, 1842 ; residence (1872) at Stockbridge, Wis., wliere he owns a valuable farm on the shore of Lake Winneljago. Children : — 1093. FuANKLiN (Blood), b. Apr. 3, 18*3, in Ohio; was a solilier in the 21.st Wisconsin regiment, from Oct. 10, 1SG4, till the close of tlie war. 1094. CuAin-ES Sewall, b. Feb. 25, 1845; d. iu Grovesville, Wis., Mar. IG, 18G5, aged 20. 1095. Natuax Lewis, b. Jan. 5, 1847, in Wisconsin, as also tlie remain- ing children. 1096. Setu, b. June 6, 1849. 1097. Edwln, b. July 6, 1851. 1098. Amanda Melinda, b. Feb. 4, 1853. 1099. Almekon, b. July 3, 1854. 1100. Addison, b. July 8, 1857. 1101. Guv, b. Aug. 8, 1859. 1102. Adaline, b. Jan. 5, d. Sept. 17, 1862. 1103. Fhanklin=5 [502] (Sewall', Steiihen^, Ebenezer^, Sam- neP), is an enterprising and successful farmer at Grovesville, Wis.; m. Lenora Ellen Blood, of Elmira, 111., Nov. 18, isGI. Children : — 1104. Willie Franklin, b. Mar. 18, 1863. 1105. Mary Lenoka, b. June 3, 18GG. IIOG. Herbert Skwam., b. Apr. 19, 1869.- 1107. Setu Alueut, b. Nov, 3, 1871. 1108. Louisa G.^ [509] (Frederick', SamueP, EbenezerO, Sanuu'l'), m. Benjamin Franklin Cartel-, of Concord, N. H., Dee. 8, 1850, at Carthage, Me.; residence, 1870, at Mcnasha, Wis. Children : — 92 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS, 1109. Frkdkiuck Uunnkls (Carter), b. Mar. 23, 1852, in Carthage, Me. 1110. CiiAHLKs FuANKt.iN, b. Juiie 22, 18o4, in Concord, N. II. 1111. Sahaii Kijzabkth, b. Sept. 15, 1855, in C. 1112. John Hall, b. Oct. 31, 1857, in 0. 1113. Maky Louisa, b. Feb. 22, 18(51, in C. 1114. Henry Wklls, b. July 18, 18G3, at Fond du Lac, Wis. 1115. Benjamin Gauvin, b. Dec. 17, 1865, at Empire, Wis. 1116. Daniel Frederick^ [514] (Ebenezer^, SamueP, Eben ezer-, Samnel^), is a, merchant in Nashua, N. H., firm of " Runnells & Cliase " ; owns a pleasant residence on Main Street, and is build- ing a new store, 1872 ; m. Sarah E. Farley, of Hollis, Sept. 9, 1858. Children : — 1117. Belle Maude, b. Sept. 30, 1861 ; d. Mar. 23, 1865, in her 4th year. 1118. Flora, b. Mar. 20, 1863. 1119. Myrta Belle, b. Dec. 16, 1864; d. Oct. 30, 18G6, in her 2d year. 1120. Kate Sarah, b. Nov. 24, 1868. 1121. Frederick Daniel, b. Dec. 21, 1870. 1122. Thomas King^ [530] (Johu^ Thomas^, Ebenezer2, Sam- uel^), was a seaman, and mate of a vessel; m. Elizabeth Lee Davis, of Liverpool, Eng., 1839, who d. Dec. 1843; was finally cast away at sea, his ship having sprung a leak ; d. from exposure, Jan. 31, 1845, in his 27th year, and was buried on an island between Norfolk, Va., and Baltimore, Md. Child : — 1123. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 12, 1842; d. Nov. 16, 1844, aged 2 yrs. 3 months. 1124. Lucy Ann^ [531] (John'*, Thomas^, Ebenezer^, SamueP), m. Joseph Elbridge Smith, of Haverhill, Mass., Apr. 27, 1846 ; residence in H., 1870. Child: — 1125. Mary Lucy (Smith), b. Nov. 22, 1847; ra. a Darling, of Haver- hill, 1868. 1126. John S.^ [532] (John"*, Thomas^, Ebenezer^, Samueli), in. Abby H. Gage, a native of HaA'erhill, N. H., Nov. 5, 1846 ; a soldier in the 14th Massachusetts regiment (first heavy artiller}'') ; d. at Fort Whipple, Va., Sept. 18. 1863, in his 38th year, having served his country two years and three months. His home was in Haverhill, Mass., where Ms widow still lives (1870). Children : — 1127. Thomas Gage, b. Aug. 5, 1847. 1128. Ellen Frances, b. Nov. 5, 1849 ; d. Apr. 28, 1850, aged 5 mos. 23 days. 1129. Emma Estelle [1593], b. Mar. 20, 1851. 1130. ISADORE Frances, b. Sept. 16, 1853; m. George R. Huse, of Haverhill, at Kingston, N. H., July 3, 1871. 1131. Cora Ella, b. Feb. 18, 1855. 1132. Abby Ettie, b. June 23, 1859. 1133. HiRAM^ [560] (AYarren4, Thomas3, Ebenezer", Samuel^), m.. 1st, Catharine Garret, in London, Eng., June 5, 1850, who d. at Fall River, Mass., 1862 ; m., 2d, Hannah , May 4, 1864, in Boston, Mass. Child : — 1134. Hiram, b. Oct. 26, 1866; d. Apr. 2S, 1868, in his 2d year. PART I. — FIFTH GENERATION. 93 1135. Harriet Ann^ [5G2] (WarrenS Thomas^, Ebenezer', SamiicP), ni. John R. Fish, of Fall River, Mass., at Tiverton, R. I., who was b. July 29, 1833. Children : — 1136. Charm:s IIazkn (Fish), b. Sept. 7, 185G. 1137. HiKAM Francis, b. Dec. 28, 1858. 1138. J(jnx Ei.LSWoimi, b. July 29, 18G1. 1139. Frank Henuy, b. Sept. 20, 1865. 1140. Amklia Emzabeth^ [oG3] (Warren*, Thomas'', Ehen- ezer^, SamneP), m., 1st, David Furrell, at Fall River, June 4, lH"i7, who was b. June 9, 183G, in Paterson, N. J., and d. Julv 21, 18.j9, a.<);ed 23; m., 2d, Alfred Seymour Wingate, at Tiverton, R. I., Aug. 27, 18G0, who was a native of Watertown, N. Y., and d. Aug. 1 (July 7), 18G7; m., 3d, AVilliam Alfred Gosling, of New Bedford, Mass., npholsterer, Mar. 9, 18G9, who was b. Apr. 7, 1843, in Stockport, Cheshire, Eng. Her children were : — 1141. Warkkn Matthias (Fariell), b. May 4, 1858, in Fall River. 1142. Mauia (W Innate), b. Oct. 27, 1862, in Adams, N. Y. 1143. HiCN'uv Hekkick, b. Nov. 18, 1865. in Trov, N. Y. 1144. Walter Raymond, b. Nov. 30, 1867, in Bristol, R. I. 1145. Warken HazenS [664] (Warren'', Thomas^, Ebeiiezer^, Samuel^), m. Han-iet K. Dyer, Sept. 10, 186'), at Proviucetown, ]\[ass., who was there b. June 27, 1844 ; residence. Fall River, ]\Iass. Children : — 1146. Lucy Ann, b. Apr. 15, 1865. 1147. William Hknry, b. Feb. 14, 1867. 1148. George Warren, b. June 12, 1870, in Fall River. 1149. Eliza A.^ [56G] (Moses Clemenf, Thomas^ Ehenezei-s, SamneP), m. James Simpson, 1851, and d. Nov. 28, 18G0, in her 35th year. Child : — 1150. Charles (Simpson), b. 1852. 1151. Sauaii Jane^ [^67] (Moses Clement', Thomas^, Eben- ezei-, Samuel'), m., 1st, William Tavlor, 1>!49 ; ni., 2d, Grcenleaf Lull, 1863, and d. Nov. 2G, 186G, aged 38. Child : — 1152. Mary E. (Taylor), b. May 29, ls5i, in Cliarlestown. Mass. 1153. Mary Elizabeth^ [5S4] (Ebenczer^ Natlianicr', Ehcn- ezer^, SamiieU), m., 1st, Nathaniel Donnell, of York, Mc , 1.S|7. He was a tin and sheet iron worker ; two years later, went to Cal- ifornia, and there d. Jan. 12, ISJI. She m., 2d, Levi P. Thavi'r, of Lowell, Mass., Aug. 1856; a boot and shoe maker; residence (1872) in Lynn, ALiss. Her eliiidrrn : — 1154. Octavius (Donnell), 1). Fel). 1S18; ni. Kiln Koone. of Lowell, Mar. 18, 1869; a iniR-liinist in tin; (.'iiiwlrsiown navy-yard, 1S72. 1155. Emma Flouence (Tlniyer), I). Jan. 30, 1858. 1156. Anna Maria, b. July 10, 1862. 94 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 1157. Ann Maria'^ [580] (Ebenezor^, NallianioP, EbenozerS, Samuel^), m., 1st, Charles Brown, shoemaker, of Seabrook, N. II., Apr. 15, 1852. He d. "in consequence of his service in the war of the rebellion," 1801. She rn., 2d, Charles Elwood Pickering, Dec. 21, 1802. He is a railroad emplo^^e. Chief residence in Boston (1872), though she still retains her father's homestead in Portsmouth, N. H. Child : — 1158. Ella Maiua (Browu), b. Jan. 30, 1855; d. Nov. 18, 1858, in her 4th year. 1159. Hannah Jane^ [588] (Ebenezor*, NathanieP, Ebenezer^, SamueU), m., 1st, Albert Foye, stone and marble cutter, of Dover, N. H., Mar. 8, 1853 ; resided in Portsmouth ; served in the late war, and d. Feb. 17, 1807. She m., 2d, Frederick Danielson, of Portsmouth, mariner, Jul}' 24, 1808. He had served in the Atlantic and East Gulf blockading squadrons, U. S. N., from 1800 to 1800, continuousl3\ Present residence iu Portsmouth, No. 55 Daniels Street. Her children, b. in Portsmouth, were : — 1160. Henry Albert (Foye), b. Aug. 20, 1854. 1161. Charles Ebex, b. Apr. 10, 1857. 1162. Edward Drew, b. Feb. 29, 1860; d. Feb. 27, 1863, aged 3. 1163. Nellie Alberta, b. Oct. 24, 1866. 1164. Katie Mabel (Danielson), b. Oct. 8, 1869. 1165. Gracie Marshal, b. Mar. 20, 1872. 1100. Mary Morrill Worthex^ [590] (Artlun-^, NathanieP, Ebeuezer^, Samuel^), was m. to Asa Ames, by Rev. Mr. Bean, of Haverhill, N. H., Feb. 25, 1808. He is a farmer in Orford, N. H., where their children were born : — ''7 1167. Lxjella PAMELiAj/b. Dec. 12, 1868. 1168. Arthur Edwin, |^^_ ^^^ 29, 1870. 1169. Ezra Asa, 5 The two last " look so much alike," that their grandfather finds it diflicult to distinguish the one from the other. 1170. Mary Isabella^ [002] (Bartletf*., NathanieF, Ebenezer^, Samuel^), m George Munsell, m. d., at Kirkersville, 0., July 3, 1858. He studied medicine in Alexandria, O., and there practised ; also in Hamilton, la., having moved to the latter place, 1800. Children : — 1171. Henry C. (Munsell), b. Sept. 25, 1859, in Alexandria, O. 1172. Emma, b. June 28, 1862, in Hamilton, la. 1173. Anna, b. Jan. 29, 1865, in H. 1174. William, b. June 10, 1868. 1175. Lydia^ [005] (George'*, NathanieF, Ebenezer-, SaraueP), ra. John W, Stokesbury, ftirmer in Keokuk Co., la., June 11, 1803. Children, b. in Sigourney, la. : — 1176. George Arthur (Stokesbury), b. Nov. 26, 1864. 1177. Mary Jane, b. Sept. 17, 1866. 1178. Flora Kpiiel, b. Feb. 27, 1869. 1179. Eliza Ellen, b. Feb. 21, 1871. PART I. — FIFTH GENERATION. 95 1180. Nathaniel^ [606] (George^ NathanieP, Ebenezer^, SanuieP), m. Ann Eliza Euos, of Uskaloosa, la., Sept. 11, 1805, and d. of tj-phoid fever, Jan. 12, 1868, in his 24th year, leaving : — 1181. Cauy Alberta, b. Apr. 9, 1867. 1182. Sarah George^ [619] (Daniel GeorgeS DanioP, Ehon- ezer^, Samuel'), m. Jere C. Call, Apr. 2, 1850, who is foreman in a machine shop ; residence in Lowell, Mass., 13 Railroad Street. Children, all b. in Lowell, except the third : — 1183. Frank Hanson (Call), b. Juue 8, 18o2; d. Feb. 19, 1S58, iu his tjth year. 1184. Mahy Ei.r.KN, b. May 24, d. Oct. 2, 1850. 1185. Ciiarf.ks Hknrv, b. Oct. 15, 1858, in Warner, N. IT. use. WiLUK F., b. May 7, 18(i3 ; d. Mar. 23, 1864, aged 10 mos. 10 days. 1187. Emma Francks, b. Aug. 4, 1870. 1188. Mart Clolgh^ [620] (Daniel GeorgeS DanieP, El.en- ezer^, SanuieU), was m. to Charles S. Pillsbury, at her nncle's, the Rev. Enoch Corser's, in Boscawen, N. H., Dec. 24, 1863. He re- sides in Londonderry, N. H., 1872, as a farmer. Children : — 1189. Charles George (Pillsbury), b. Feb. 15, 1805, iu Webster, N. H. 1190. Adams Dix, 1). Mar. 23, l.sos, in Londonderry. 1191. John Arthur, b. Aug. 26, 1872, iu Loudonderry. SIXTH GENERATION. 1192. Matilda Euela^ [630] (Stephen^, Enos^ Stephen^ vStophen^, Samuel'), m. Heniy Dun Wilmarth, at Boston, Mass., Jan. 17, ]855. He is a native of Taunton, Mass. ; now (1871) a merchant in Boston, firm of " Talbot, Wilmarth & Co.," 67 Franklin Street. Children : — 1193. Arthur Reynolds (Wilmarth), b. Nov. 7, 185 1, in Boston. ll\)i. Edward Nathan, b. Jan. 2, 18G5, at Jamaica Plain. 1195. Sarah Clement^ [636] (Kliphalet^, Enos'', Stephen^, Stephen^, Samuel^), ra. Charles Kimball Blanchard, at Charles- town, Mass., May 30, 1844. He was b. Dec. 25, 1815 ; first went to Texas at the age of 19, and there chiefly resided, after marriage in Jasper Co., and at Milan and Hemphill, Sabine Co. ; was county clerk most of the time, also a land agent As a true patriot, he " stood by the old flag amidst threats and persecutions," in the late war, and d. at Sabine, Texas, Jan. 24, 1870, aged 54. Children : — 119G. Marjery Cathakixe (Blanchard), b. June fi, 1845, in Jasper Co., Tex. ; m. James T. Shaw, at Hempliill. July 24, 1864. Child : — 1. Edward Ciiaulks (Shaw), b. Mar. 1868. 1197. Mary Marl\ (Blanchard), b. Sept. 23, 1846, in Jasper Co.; m. William Stroud, Oct. 13, 1870. 1198. IsAHELLA Arietta, b. July 10. 1848, at French Grove, Bureau Co., 111. ; d. Aug. 29, 1849, aged 13 mos. 19 days. 1199. Elizabeth Kobins, b. July 7, 1850, in Sabinetowu, Texas; m. Ciiarlos W. Smith, Mar. 8, 1870. 1200. Clara Lilla, b. Nov. 13, 1852, in Milan, Tex. 1201. Charlotte Hannah, b. May 24, 1855, in Milan. 1202. Charles William, b. May 7, 1858, in Sabiue Co. 1203. William James« [637] (Eliphalet^, EnosS Stephens, Stephen^, Samuel^), m Mary Frances Chesley, dau. of Col. A. P. Chosley, of Virginia, July 6, 1848. Was living (1S70) at Dan- ville, Vermillion Co., 111. "Most of his time since moving West, has been devoted to the science and profession of music." Chil- dren ; — 1L'04. Isabel Gertrude, b. Apr. 12, 1849. 1205. Wu.LiAM Walter Scott, b. July 7, 1851. 120G. Ida Blanchard, b. June 26, 1854. PART I. — SIXTH GENERATION. 97 1207. Mary Eatox, b. Oct. 24, 1801. 1208. Maud I,ei.ia, b. Jau. 7, 1800 1209. James Aujxandek, b. Aug. 12, 1868. 1210. Eleanor AnaletteS [641] (Eliphalets, EnosS Stephen^, Stei)heu-, SaraneP), m. Molzur Eaton, of Stoueliam, Mass., Nov. 27, 1851, at "Wobuni. He was b. INIay G, 182'J, in W. ; a survo3'or of leather; enlisted in the Massaehnsetts 4th regiment heavy artil- ler}', for ten mouths, till the close of the war, 1865. Children: — 1211. Walter Keyxolds (Eaton), b. Mar. 5, ISoG. 1212. Hahuv Wilmautii, b. Sept. 3, 1857. 1213. Eu\VAiii> Melzak, b. Dec. 29, 1859, 1214. Harkiet Isabella^ [642] (Eliphalet^, Enos^ Stephen^, Ste|>hen-, Sanuiel'), m. Roger Sherman Littleficld (first wife), July, 1858, and d. Apr. 21,1861, aged 24 (?). He was b. Nov. 14, 1834, in Randolph, JMass., his mother, Luciuda Sherman, being a granddaughter of Hon. Roger Sherman, f)f Connecticut, a franier and signer of the Declaration of Independence. He enlisted as a private in the 1st regiment Massachusetts heavy artillery, 1861 ; was in twelve regular battles, twice wounded ; promoted to cai)tain in his regiment, and was pi'eseut at the surrender at Appomattox Court House, Apr. 9, 1865. Was still in government service 1870, "Harbor Improvement," at Green Bay, Wis., where then residing. See [633]. Children (first wife) : — 1215. Clara Isabella (Littlefleld), b. Apr. 8, 1859. 121G. Walteu, b. Jan. 1801; d. same month. 1217. Caroline Matilda^ [C-^*] (Samuel SpofforcP, Enos^, Stephen^, Stephen^, Samuel'), ni. Isaac Wilder Blanchard, Apr. 28, 1840. He was b, Nov. 1815, in Charlestown, Mass. ; a l)anker in the Eagle Bank, Boston, 1870, and residing at Charlestown, where their children were born : — 1218. Samuel Wildeu (Blanchard), b. Apr. 3, 1841; d. Jau. 2, 1850, in his "Jill year. 1219. Annv IIeusey, b. Apr. 29, 1845; m. Joseph Warren Guppey, Dec. 0, 180"), who was b. July 13, 1834, in Dover, N. II.; assistant sni)erintc'nilent of tiie Erie railroad, 1870, with residence in New York cily, where wore born : — 1. Cauolixe Wakuex (Guppey), b. May 30, 1807. 2. Bex.jamln Wilder, b. May 13, 1809. 1220. Emma Fraxces (Blanchard), b. Mar. 21, 1847; d. Mar. 26, 1850, a;,'ed 3. 1221. Cakiue Wilder, b. Oct. 18, 1850; d. Nov. 21, 185G, aged G. 1222. Mary Tiio.mas, b. Dec. 1, 1852. 1223. Isaac Aikjueu, b. Oct. 13, 1854; a deaf-mute; misfortune occa- sioned by disease of the brain; was bcinjjf educated, 1870, at the "New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb." 1224. 1m>wakd Evkuett'' [<;i7] (Samuel Spoirord'*, Eiios', Stfpheir', St('|»lii'u-, SamiieP), is a morocco dresser, residing at Woburn, Mass., 1870; in. Sarah Maiiu Bro>vn, of Chelsea, Mass., 7 98 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Oct. 20, 18,01 (2), wlio was 1), Oct. 9, 1833, and d. at Woburn, Sept. 8, 1870, ill luT 37tli year. Cliiklron : — 1225. Makia (Minnie) Dunn, b. Nov. 5, 1854, in Cliaiiestown. 1220. Fannik Ei.iza, 1). Feb. 4, lii'>7, in North Woburn. 1227. William Bkown, b- Sept. 3, 18<;2, in N. W. 1228. Sarah Tsarella^ [^^-^l] (Samuel SpofTord'', Enos'*, Stejilicn^, Stephen^, SaniueP), m. Cliarles Allison McDonald, of \V(»l)iirn Centre, Mass., Oct. 15, 1857. Children, b. in Wo- burn : — 1229. Charles Edward Allison (McDonald), b. Oct. C, ISoS; d. same year. 1230. Bkulaii Rkkd, b. Dec. 22, 1805. 1231. Samuel Allison, b. June 4, 1870. 1232. Frank Mellen^ [G81] (William^, Steplien'', DanieP, Stophon", SamueP), is a teamster in Boston ; m. Lizzie Ray, of B , 18G0, and there resides. Child: — 1233. Frank, b. Sept. 18G1. 1234. Eliza Sargent^ [684] (William^, Stephen^, DanieP, Stephen^, SamueU), m. Gustavus Claamberlain, at Lowell, Mass., May 24, 18G6. He is a farmer, 1870, at Fayette llidge, Me. Child : — 1235. Grace Mabel (Chamberlain), b. July 16, 1867, in Fayette. 1236. Abigail Jane'^ [725] (DanieP, Daniel", DanieP, Stephen^, SamueP), m., 1st, Henry Sherman, of Boston, Mass , June 15, 1843. He was freight master of the Providence Railroad ; a native of Edgecomb, Me., and there d. of consumption, Aug. 3, 1848. She m., 2d, James Clinton Watson, farmer, of Northwood, N. H., Sept. 10,1850. Fost-offlce address, " Northwood Nar- rows." See [1261]. Her children : — 1237. AxGELixE (Sherman), b. Apr. 7, 1844, iu Boston; d. May 17, 1845, aged 13 months 10 days. 1238. CnAKLKS,1). May 3, 1845; d. Dec. 15, 1846, in his 2d year. 1231). CoxvEKSE McCuRDY, b. Jan. 10, 1847; now engaged (1871) iu a woollen factory, at Amesbury Mills, Mass. 1240. Charles Uexrv, b Aug. IG, 1848, iu Edgecomb, Me.; now a merchant at Northwood Narrows, N. H., tirni of "Lancaster & Co." 1241. Eunice Matilda (Watson), b. Aug. 14, 1852, in New Market, X. II. ; d. Oct 7, 1853, aged 14 months. 1242. Herheut, b. Jan. 8, 1859, in Northwood. 1243. Grace, b. Dec. 31, 1862. 1244 Damel Tiiomas*5 [726] (DanieP, Daniel^ DanieP, Stephen-, Samuel'), in. Hannah P. Eaton, of Kensington, N. H., Sept. 18, 184S, in South New Market. She was b. Dec. 31, 1830, at Kingston Plains. He is a shoemaker, now living at East Kingston, N. H. Children: — PAP.T I. SIXTH GENERATION. 99 1245. Staxlky Woodbury, b. Oct. 8, 18-1!), in New Market; is in the slioe business near his father's; m. Mrs. Mary E. Currier, of East Kiiiij;ston, Apr. 1, 1871, who was there b. July 7, 1840, and has one child by her former liusband: — 1. Nkttik Audbm, (Currier), b. Aui;. .5, 1807, in East Kingston. 124G. Ensox KonoLi", b. Oct. 25, 1851, in Kensington. 1247. EuMCK Maki.ija., b. Feb. 9, 1854, in K., and there d. June 14, 1855, aged IG months. 1248. Mary Frances^ [728] (D:inicl% Daniel^, DanicP, Stc- phon^, Samuel'), m. David D. Tuttle, at Exeter, N. H., Ma^^ 30, 1852. He was b. June 27, 1832, in Nottingham, N. H., wliere still residing, as a shoemaker. Children : — 1240. WooDUUKY DuRGix (Tuttle), b. Sept. 25, 1858; d. Aug. 10, 1869, in his 11th year, in consequence of a distressing accident, while descending from a tree, five weeks l)efore. 1250. IvoKY BuKTKN, b. Juuc 15, 1800; d. Mar. IG, 18G1, aged 9 mos. 1251. Manson, b. Nov. 17, 1861. 1252. Alvah, b. Dec. 6, 1863. 1253. Nkttik Jank, b. Jan. 7, 1866. 1254. MAitY Hannah, b. May 23, 1868. 1255. Ci.AUA DiiJGiN, b. Mar. 13, 1870, 12oG. Sarah Elizabeth^ [729] (DanieP, Daniel', DanieP, Stephen-, Samuel'), m. William II. Locke, at Lowell, Mass., .July 7, 1857. He was b. May 25, 1835, in New Durham, N. H.'; residing (1870) at Amesbury Mills, Mass., employed in a woollen factory. Children : — 1257. Walter Heriskrt (Locke), b. Mar. 16, at Northwood, and d. Aug. 16, 1858, at Dover, N. H. 1258. Gkorgk Edgar, b. Aug. 16, 1860, in Northwood. 12.59. WiM.iK Hknuy, b. Apr. 17, 186;'., in East Kingston, N. 11. 1260. CoJiA Bellk, b. Oct. 1, 1866, in E. K. 12G1. William Addison''' [730] (Daniel^, Daniel^ Daniel-'', Stei)hen-, Samuel'), m. Caroline Frances Pendergast, of North- wood, Aug. 8, 1S59, who was b. Aug. 13, 1840 ; his home is at Northwood, business that of a shoemaker and farmer. Enlisted with his two brothers [12G3] and [732], Aug. 29, 18(J4, in the 1st New Ilamiishire heavy artillery, Co. E, Col. Long and Capt. Davis. The three l)r(jthers were nmstered in together, Sept. 5, and dis- charged at Fort Sumner, near Washington, D. C, at the same time, June 15, 18G5. James C. Watson, see [123G], was also en- listed in the same company, and discharged as aI)ove, and one brother and another brother-in-law of his, all three, with W. A. K., from Northwood. Child, of the last : — 1262. Charles Everett, b. June 6, 1860. 12G3. Nason FhekmanG [731] (Daniel"', DanicH, DanieP, Stephen-, SamueU), was a shoemaker at K:ist Kingston, but now (1x71) resides at Amesbury ]Mills, Mass., engaged in the woollen factory, with his brother-in-law and nephew [i25G] and [1239] 100 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 8cc also [1201]. lie m. Faustina Marshal, of Islcsborougli, Me., Apr. 14, 18G9, at Lowell, Mass. Child : — 12G4. Kalpu Nason, b. Apr. IG, 1870. 12G5. Ai.MiKA GoomviN^ [734] (Ebonezer Thompson^, Daniel'', Daniol-', Stephen-, SamueP), m. Oliver Wetherbee Holt, of Aliens- town, N. 11., Get. 31, 1851. JHe was b. Dec. 31, 1821. Was a machinist in Lowell and elsewhere, but has now lost his eyesight and his reason in part. Her present home is in L. Children : — 12f)0. MiiiA Eva (Holt), b. July 30, 1852, in Lowell. 12G7. FiJAXK Ouvr.K, b. Apr. IG, 1855, iu L. 12(!8. Fkkddh: Eugenic, b. Nov. 2G, 1859, in Andover, Mass. 12fiy. CnAKi-Ks Hamilton, b. May 8, 18G1, iu Manchester, N. H, 1270. AuiJY Hattik, b. Sept. 8, 1863, In Lawrence, Mass. 1271. Daniel*^ ["35] (Ebenezer Thompson^, Daniel'*, DanieP. Stephen-, Samuel^), an engineer, formerly on the Vermont Central Kaihoad; home at Korthfield, Vt. ; now living at Lowell, Mass., "in the city employ." He m., 1st, Laura Ann Hassam, of North- field, July 27, 1848, at Nashua, N. H,, who d. Mar. 10, 1854, at Northfield ; m., 2d, Melissa Lewis, of East Lempster, N. H., Jan. 29, 1856, at Lowell, who d. at East Lempster, Apr. 19, 1857 ; m., 3d, Sarah Jane Cannavan, of Dover, JS\ H., Feb, 3, 1865, at Alton, N. H. Child, first wife: — 1272. Hamilton Eugene, b. Mar. 10, 1850, iu Northfleld ; a carpenter, iu Lowell, 1870; m. Laura A. Jones, of Methueu, Feb. 3, 1872. 1273. AuBY Pkkkixs^ [^36] (Ebenezer Thompson^, Daniel^, DanieP, Stephen^, SamueU), m. John Augustus Reed, Feb. 5, 1852. He was b. May 11, 1825, in Bedford, Mass. ; employed, 1870, in the nav3'-yard at Charlestown, Mass., gun carriage department ; residence, 45 Warren Street. Children : — 1274. AiJBiE Hattie (Eeed), b. Aug. 22, 185G, aud d. Sept. 15, 1857, at Charlestown, aged 1 year and 2-1 days. 1275. Aduie Coka, b. Oct. 28, 185t), in Charlestown. 1276. Charles Leacii^ [737] (Ebenezer Thompson^, Daniel^, DanieP, Stephen-, SamueP), is a machinist, formerly of Lowell, :Mass. ; at Cochituate, Mass., 1870; m. Halina Maria Loker, of Lowell, Jan. 1, 1864, at Boston. Child: — 1277. Andrew Justin, b. Aug. 31, 18G6. 1278. Hamilton^ [738] (Ebenezer Thompson^, Daniel'*, DanieP, Stephen^, Samuel^), is a shoemaker, having lived (1«70) at Alton, N. IL, near his father's old place, for fifteen j'ears, except two years iu Iowa, [)rior to 1866. He m. Corysand A. Glines, dau. of Rev. Josiah Glines, of Alton, June 14, 1857. Children : — 1279. CoiiA Eva, b. Sept. 24, 1858, in Alton, aud there d. May 23, 1SC2, iu her 4tli year. 12S0. Cmaules Hamilton, b. Mar. 31, 18G1. TART I. SrXXn GENERATION. 101 1281. Cary Homkk, b. July 1, 18G+. 1282. Willis, b. Apr. ID, ISGG, in Hardin, Clayton Co., Iowa. 1283. Mart Eltzabeth« [741] (Stephen\ DanicH, DanieP, Stephen-, SamueU), m. Levi Leiglitoii Elder, of Falmouth, Me., Dec. 28, 1858, at Dover, N. H. He is a stone-cutter ; was in business at Concord, N. H., in 1870. Children : — 1284. WiLi.iK Lincoln (Elder), b. May 27, 1805, in Portland, Me. 1285. AxNiK Gkktkude, b. Apr. 1, 1807, in Portland; d. at Madbury, N. H., Aug. 28, 1809, in her 3d year. 1286. Lydia Margaret" [742] (Stephen"', Daniel'', DanieP, Stephen-, SanineP), ni. John M. Davis, of Xew Market, N. II., shoemaker, Mar. 27, 1853, at Dover. He was b. Nov. 15, 1833, and d. Dec. 25, 18G3, ajred 30. She d. at Madbuiy, N. II., Dec. 29, 1868, aged 35. Children : — 1287. Annie Beunice Davis, b. Nov. 20, 1854; d. Sept. 10, 1855, aged 10 mos. 1288. Jaspek Wingate, b. Aug. 25, 1859. 1289. Stephen Henry^ [743] (Stephen^, Daniel'', DanieP, Stephen-, SamncP), served in the late war under two enlistments ; first, in the Massachusetts 5th regiment, Apr. 1861, three mouths, being at the first battle of Bull Run ; again, in the 1st Massachu- setts battery, Aug. 1861. Seven previous engagements, — West Point, Va., Gaines's Rlill, Savage's Station, Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, and Antietam, — till finally wounded at the 1 tattle of Fredericksl)urg, and discharged, lame for life, Aug. 15, 1863. He is now a gold-beater, in Boston, firm of " Hood & Rc^'- nolds"; m. Lucy Adams, of Brookline, Mass., Sept. 8, 1866, at Boston. Child : — 1290. Lizzie Geutuude, b. Mar. 12, 1808, at South Boston. 1291. James Addison'^ [744) (Stephen^, DanicH, DanicP, Stephen-, Samuel'), is a shoe manufacturer, at Charlestown, N. H., now of the firm " Briggs & Co. " ; m. Miriam Hanson, of Madbury, Mar. 16, 1864, at Dover, She was b. Dec. 9, 1833, in Madbury. Child : — 1292. Willie Sauge.nt, b. Apr. 0, 1805, in Madbury. 1293. Hannah Jane^ [745] (Stephen^, DanieH, DanieP, Ste- phen-, vSamueU), m. Hiram Siiepard Wcntworth, of New Durham, N. II., Oct. 29, 1864. He was a shoemaker, lived in Dover, and there d. of consumption, May 12, 1871. Child: — 1294. Edgar Newland (Wcntworth), b. Oct. 9, 1808, in Madbury. 1295. Charles WilliamC [746] (Stephcn\ DanielS DanieP, Stephen-, Sanuiel'). enlisted in the New IIam[>shire 5th regiment, ("o. K, Oct 12,1801; [)romoled to corporal; captured .huw ."JO, l.sCd ; kept at AudersoMvillc prison till exciiang»'d, Dee II, 1861 ; mustered out Feb. 22, 1865. He is a shoe manufacturer (1871) in 102 IJUNNELS AND ItEYXOLDS MEMORIALS. Detroit, Midi., 10 Wnricii Street; having in. Elizabelli C. Small- idge, Dec 20, 18GG. Children : — 1206. CoiJA B.. b. Sept. 2fi, 1807, in Tecumseh, Mich. 125)7. Geohgk E., b. Jan. 4, 1871, in Cincinnati, O. 1298. Josephine Maria" [748] (Stephen""', Daniel^, DanieP, Stephen^, Saiiuu'l'), in. Joseph Frank Beny, Aug. 25, 1868, who was 1). Ma}' 24, 1845, in Alton, N. H., was a shoe rnamifacturer, witli home at IMadhury, 1809, and moved to New Durham the next \Qiu- to reside. Child : — 1209. Gkorge Olivkr (Berry), b. Oct. 28, 18G0, in Dover. 1300. William Addison" [753] (Addison^, Daniel"*, DanieP, Stephen^, SamueP), is now (1872) a dealer in groceries, provis- ions, etc., 104 and 108 Southbridge Street, and 55 Madison Street, AVorcester, Mass. ; having m. Sarah Rebecca Deining, dau. of Thomas and Maiy Noyes, of W., Jan. 8, 1:562. Children : — 1301. Gkorge William, b. Jan. 23, 1863. 1304. Walter Lucius, b. July 12, 1869; d. July 11, 1870, aged 1 year. 1305. Albert Audisox, b. Jan. 21, 1872. 1306. Lizzie Mary" [754] (Addison^, Daniel'*, DanieF, Ste- phen-, SainueP), was in. to John Forbes Sutton, ly her uncle, Rev. Converse L. JNIcCurdy [759], Nov. 18, 1856. He was the son of Thomas and Lucy Sutton ; a machinist, having charge of Coe's wrench shop, in Worcester, 1870. Child : — 1307. Emma Louise (Eorbes), b. May 5, 1858, in Worcester. 1 308. Fmily Jane" [756] (Addison^, Daniel^ DanieP, Stephen^, SanineP), m. James Booth, son of William and Mary Booth, of Central Falls, R. I., June 13, 1860. He is a machinist ; residence in AVorcester, Mass., where children were born : — 1309. Herbert Addison (Booth), b. Jan. 13, 1862. 1310. Willie Earnest, b. Oct. 12, 1868. 1311. Cynthia" [787] (Theodore^, Joseph^, SamueP, Samuel^, Samueli), m. AVilliam AVhipple, of Bow, N. H., Oct. 17, 1841. He has since resided in Bradford, Mass. ; a stock-fitter in a shoe manufactory. Child : — 1312. Emma Georgiana (Whipple), b. July 4, 1846. 1313. Leonard" [788] (Theodore^, Joseph^, SamueF, Samuel^, Samuel'), m. Sarah M. Bradley, of Hampstead, N. H., Nov. 13, 1843; is a shoe manufacturer, residing in Bradford, Mass., where children were born : — 13 4. Levereit Augustus, b. Mar. 23, 1847. 1315. Marv Ella, b. Sept. 13, 1849. PART I. — SIXTH GENERATIOX. 103 131G. Daniel LakemanC [789] (Theodore% Joseph'*, SamueP, Samuel^, Samiioli), settled as a fanner in Hoxford, Mass., ocenpy- ing the ancestral homestead of Samuel- [17] and SamneP [93] ; m. Abigail Perkins, of Boxford, Dec. 9, 1842. Children : — 1317. Georgk Lakemax [1595], b. Auff. 12, 1818. 1318. Amanda Jane [15!)7], b. Aug. 29, 1850. 1319. LiLLiE Augusta, b. Oct. 11, 1855. 1320. Emma Estella, b. Dec. 5, 18G0. 1321. Hattie Flouence, b. Feb. 18, 18G2. 1322. LorenzqS [790] (Theodore^, Joseph^, SamneP, SamneP, SamueP), m. Susan Catharine Evans, Mar. 29, 1848, who was b. in Strafford, N. H., and after his death m., 2d, John K. Foster. Dec. 17, 1858. He d. Oct. 15, 1857, in his 3Gth year, at Bradford, where he had lived as a shoe manufacturer. Children : — 1323. Ida Jane [1599], b. Jan. 12, 1849. 1324. Gakdnek Bkyaxt, b. Sept. 29, 1850; w\is engaged in the meat l)usiiiess, at Bradford, 1870. 1325. William Wendall, b. iMar. 23, 1854. 1326. II0RAT106 [791] (Theodore^, Joseph'', SamueP, SamueP, SaraueP), is a shoe manufacturer in Haverhill, Mass. ; resilience in Bradford; m. Augusta Marsh, of Dover, Vt., June 12, 1*59. Children : — 1327. Ernest Wilder, b. Nov. 8, 18G0, in Bradford. 1328. Mabel Harriet, b. Jau. 30, 18G3, iu Boxford. 1329. LuTHKuG [792] (Theodore^ Joseph'*, SamueP, SannieP, SamueP), was also a shoe manufacturer, with residence in Boxford and Bradford ; m. Sarah A. Caiieton, of Bradford, Oct. 13, 184G, and there d. Oct. 1, 18GG, aged 41. Children : — 1330. RoswELL IIoPKiNSON, b. June G, 1848. 1331. Charles Elton, b. Mar. 27, 1850; d. Mar. 1858, aged 8. 1332. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 22, 1851 ; d. June, 185G, iu her 5lh year. 1333. Edson Dana, b. June 18, 1853. 1334. Julia Makia, b. Sept. 21. 1854. 1335. Sauah Anna, b. Aug. 11, d. Nov. 1856. 1336. AijBY Jane, b. Oct. 11, 18G0. 1337. George MoodyG [794] (Tlicodorc% Joseph^ SamneP, SamueP, Samuel'), m., 1st, Abb}- Kiinl)all, of Bradford, June (July), 18r)3, who d. June 8, 18G0 ; m., 2d, Lucy Bragden, of Blue Hill, Me., Apr. 9, 1863. He was enlisteil for the late war, in the New Hampshire 2d regiment, and afterwards in tlie heavy artillery, in all, over three years ; escaped unharmed ; a shoe manufacturer in Bradford, 1870. Child, second wife : — 1338. Louis Verxon, b. Nov. 12, 1S64, In Chelsea, Ma.ss. 1339. Betsy Kimball'' [TIMl] (.louathan'', .loseph', SMnnu'l-', Sanuiel-, Samuel'), m. William Dow, J;in. 844, iu Waterford, I'a. He was b. June 8, 1818, in New London, N. H. ; a millwright lot TIUNNKLS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. by tr;i(Io, now residing at Drake's Mills, Crawford Co., Pa. Children : — 13-10. Lyoia Ann (Dow), b. Dec. 14, 184(;, in Cambridjjo, Pa. 1341. Cakoi.ini; Wkst, I). Feb. 25, 1840; m. by l{ov. T. B. Ernest to William G. Nason, Feb. 18, 18<;«, who was b. May 28, 1840, in Utica, N. V ; a cooper by trade; present residence, Union City, I'a. Child : — 1. Edgar Gikaud (Nason), b. July 1, 18C7, in Cambridge, Pa. 1342. Esther IIkkrick'^ [797] (Jonatlian-'', Joseph'', SamiieP, Samuel^, SannicU), ni. Alvin Houghton, of Harvard, Mass., at Lowell, Oet. 22, 1835. He was residing, 18G8, in California, and she at Manehester, N. H. Children : — 1343. Wealthy Maria (Houghton), b. Feb. 8, d. Ang. 29, 1838. 1344. Ai.viN Oscar, b. Feb. 1, 1840. 1345. Gkorgk Alijkkt, b. Dec. 8, 1843. The two last were drowned togetiier in Stevens' pond, Manchester, N. H., May 31, 1864, aged 24 and 20. 134C. IvEviLO Gardner, b. Aug. 15, 1857; first name, '* Oliver," spelled backwards. 1347. Stephen Chakdler'' [799] (Jonathan^, Joseph^, SamueP, Samuel^, Samuel'), m. Henrietta Craudall, at Leboeuf, Erie Co., Pa., July 12, 1846, where he lived as a farmer, and his five oldest children were b. ; moved thence to Eichford, Waushara Co., Wis. : — 1348. Sylvester [1601], b. July 19, 1847. 1349. Wn-LiAM, b. Ang. 12, 1848; a farmer; ra. Agnes Hodge, of West- lield, Marquette Co., Wis., Oct. 24, 18G8. 1350. CiAitDiNER [1U04], b. Sept. 1, 1860. 1351. Adaline, b. July 31, 1853; d. May 17, 1854, at Leboeuf, aged 10 months. 1352. KoiJEKT, b. Sept. 7, 1854. 1353. KosA, b. Nov. 15, 1858, in Eichford, Wis. 1354. Rhoda HoitG [800] (Jonathan% Joseph^, SamneF, Sam- uel-, Samuel^), m. Levi Craker, Apr. 1840, in Leboeuf, Pa. He was formerl}' of Waddersdon, Berkshire, Eng., b. Feb. 27, 1816. She d. Dec. 15, 1863, aged 43, " in consequence of her unremit- ting attentions to her brother £1396] during his war sickness." Children : — 1355. John Willlvm (Craker), b. Mar. 19, 1842, in Waterford, Pa. ; m. Kose Skimicr, of W., 1870. 1350. Lvcv S., b. Dec. 19, 1843, in Waterford; m, at Leboeuf, by Francis N. Kunuels. Esq., Mar. 25, 1863, to Alfred M. Barrett, tanner, of Waterford, who was there b. Apr. 29, 1843. Chil- dren, b. in Waterford: — 1. Miles E. (Barrett), b. Dec. 17, 1864. 2. Charles E., b. Jan. 24, 1867. 1357. Pni-.HE W. (Craker), b. July 23, 1845, in Waterford, as were all the foUowina' : — 13.")8. EsTUEK II., b. Julv 23, 1847; d. Aug. 13, 1865, aged 18. 1359. Bennkh, h. Juno 10, 1849. 1360. M\RY A., b. xMay 21, 1851. PART I. — SIXTH GENERATION. 105 l.".f!l. FiJANCiS II., b. May 10, 1853. 1SV,2. JotiKPii E., b. July iJO, 18r.5. 13(J3. Lkox S., b. Feb. 28, 1850. 1364. Abigail^ [801] (JonathnnS, Joseph^ SamueP, Samuel^, Samneli), m., 1st, Calvin E. Craiidall, at Leboeiif, Pa., July 31, 1h3S, Avho d. JMay 19, lfS45 ; ni., 2d, Amos T. Bishop, at Mercer, Pa., Sept. 9, 1848, and moved in 1800 to Hiclilbrd, Wis., wliere bcr two youngest children were born ; the others, except the oldest, at Leboeuf : — 13G5. HouACE M. (Crandall), b. July 15, 1839, in Richmond, Pa.; d. May 12, 1855, in his ICth year. 1300. EsniKU L., b. Dec. 2, 1841 ;'d. Aug. 9, I8C0, in her 19th year. 13(i7. WiLLAim C, 1). July 14, 1845. 13(i8. Fi.ouA M. (Bisliop), b. Dec. 19, 1849. 1369. MiKox F., b. Nov. 13, 1851. 1370. ZiLi'UA A., b. Aug. 14, 1853. 1371. Thomas M., b. June 21, 1855. 1372. Mkussa a., b. Feb. 4, 1857. 1373. Hiir.KN J., b. Sept. 13, 18.59. 1374. WiKTTK F., b. Apr. 27, 18(11. 1375. Aluk v., b. Oct. 14, 1867. 1376. FuLSOM Brown'5 [802] (Jonathan^, Joseph'', Samn(>l-', Samuel-, Sanniel^), m. Mary Elizabeth Courtney, at Rochdale, Pa., Dec. 20, 1840, who was b. in R., Dec. 23, 1827. Children : — 1377. BuHNiiAM Shkrwood, b. Dec. 24, 1850, in Leboeuf. 1378. Lois Loimi.i.a, b. June 16, 1852, in Rochdale. 1379. Ja.mks Ai.vix, b. May (',. 1855, in R. ; d. .July 9, 1863, aged 8. 1380. Maky Lydia, b. July 10, 1858, in Leboeul". 1381. Flokknck Jane, b. Apr. 22, 1866, in L. 1382. Francis Nkwkll^ [803] (Jonathan^, Joseph', SamueP, Samuel^, SannieP), is a dealer in drugs, i)aints, groceries, and h:u(l\vare, at Mill Village, Erie Co., Pa. ; m., 1st, Eunice Walker, vVug. 15, 1849, who d. Aug. 4, 1802, aged 29 ; m., 2d, Betsy Ann Parker, Dec. 1, 1804, who was b. 1832. Cliildren: — 1383. Mai-INDA a. (first wife), b. Mar. 27, 1852. 13S4. CnAKi.KS .L, b. Aug. 24, 1854. 1385. John F., b. ,lune 19, 1S56; d. Aug. 23, 1862, aged 6. 1386. Ckougic W., b. June 16, 1858. 1387. Wii.i.iAM R., b. July 13, 1861 ; d. Sept. 13, 1862, aged 14 inonth.s. 1388. Fkancis N., Jr. (.second wife), b. Jan. 27, 1866. 1S89. Dklly May, b. Aug. 23, 1868. 1390. Mahy L.6 [804] (.TonathanS, Joseph'', SamneP, StunueP, S;inuiel'), ni. Hamilton O. Perry, of Waterford, Pa., Mar. 29, is"),"), wiiere were born : — 1391. Charlie S. (Perry), b. July 21, 1857; d. Mar. 15, 1864, in liis 7tli year. 13'.i2. Ayir.i.nc N., b. Aug. 9, 1861 ; d. Mar. 16, 1S64, in his 3d year. Holii the two last d. of diplitheria, aud uere buried in one grave. 1.".93. FuKPniE I., b. Feb. 12, 1865. i:!9t. llAisiK ()., I). May ;;. IsdC. 1395. EuNiCK I., b. Ai)r. 19, 1868. lOG RUNNELS AND KEYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 1300. P.Ainr.KTT Dimond'"' [S05] (.Toiiatlnin'', Joseph'', SamueP, Samuel^, Samuel'), in. Marion Iladle}^ of Covington, N. Y., Feb. 1.'5, IM')! ; served in the hite war, and d. of disease thus contracted, Nov, 9, 1863, in his 32d year. Children : — 1.107. JonN FitANKi.iN, b. May 8, 18')'), in Cambridge, Pa. 1398. Iins Oi.KVA, b. Oct. G, \Hr>(;, in C. i;}!)l). ri:Ki!Y IIi:m>i:i:sox, b. May 12, 1859, in Lebocuf, Pa. 1400. Edwin Lincoln, b. Jan. 31, d. Dec. 30, 1860, in Cambridge. 1401. Edciau Bautlett, b. July 15, 18G3. 1402. Jeremiah Farnum'' [809] (Farnum'', Joseph'*, SamneP, vSainnel-, SaniueU), m. Harriet M. Sawj-er, of Warner, N. H., Nov. 24, 1848. Was a member of the Concord city council, and its president in 1858. Had settled on his grandfather's homestead, and had built a new house near the old one, occupied by his uncle and aunts [34."), etc.], — serving also as station-master at the Mast Yard railroad depot, — where he d. of tv'phoid fever, Oct. 9, 18G8, after a sickness of seventeen da3s, aged 44. He was an earnest Christian, a man greatly respected in the community, and a pillar in the Concord West Congregational Church. Attended the annual meeting of the "" Kearsarge Bible Societ}-," at Contoocookville, but the da}' before his final sickness commenced Children : — 1403. Nklson Irving, b. July 28, 1850; d. of the same disease as his father, Oct. 19, 1868, aged 18. 1404. Jkuomk Sawvkk, b. Novr29, 1853. 1405. Willis Evekictt, b. July 7, 1856. 1-100. Marianne Jeavett*^ [810] (Farnum^, Joseph'*, SamueP, SanuK'l-, SamneP), m. Emulous Warren Bnrbank, of Boscawen, N. H., Feb. 10, 1848, and now resides in Lawrence, Mass. Children : — 1407. Alvin H. (Burbank), b. .July 30, 1851, in West Boscawen. 1408. Anna A., b. Oct. 19, d. Dec." 10, 1861, at Lawrence. 1409. E.\UNEST, b. Oct. 29, 1863, in Lawrence. 1410. Jerusha Augusta*^ [^H] (Farnum^, Joseph^, SamueP, Samuel^, SamueP), m. Abraham P. Burbank, Nov. 13, 1850. He is a miner, residing in California, where were born ; — 1411. Waiter C. (Burbank), b. Nov. 15, 1856. 1412. Skwall p., b. Dec. 5, 1858. 1413. Ella M., b. Ffb. 21, 1861. 1414. Helen A , b. June 15, 1863. 1415. OsMYx Eatox^ [812] (Farnunv% Joseph'*, SaraneF, Sam- uel-, SamueP), resides in Lawrence, Mass.; a wood and coal dealer; m. Eliza Jane Eaton, of Concord, N. H., Nov. 5, 1856. Children : — 1416. CUARLES Farnoi, b. M-ir. 31, 18.58; d. Aug. 15, 1871, at Hopkin- ton, N. II.. of internal intlanimatiou, in his 14th year, thus sadly terininaliiig his vi.sii with beloved (riends in the country. 1417. Lizzie May, b Apr. 22, 1869. PAKT I. SIXTH GENERATION. 107 111 8. Helen CaurolG [813] (F:\rnunv', Joseph^ SamucP, Samuel-, SamiieP), in. George W. French, farmer, of Hopkinlon, N. II., Nov. 1^3, 1857. Child: — 1419. Augusta Jehusha (French), b. :Mar. 23, 18(50. 1420. Sabra M.6 [82-^] (Moses^, Jonathan^ SamueF, Samuel^, Saniuoli), m. Justin E. Butler, of Pelham, Oct. 23, 18.^1, aud d. Ma^' 31, 1853, in her 2Gth year, leaving : — 1421. TnuKSA A. (Butler), b. Sept. 23, 1852, who was makinj; her home at her grandfather's [821], in relhara, 18C8. 1 422. Farnum J.6 [823] (Moses^, Jonathan^ SamueP, Samuel^, SamueP), m. Letitia M. Underwood, of Nashua, N. II., Dec 10, 18G3, who d. at N., Jan. 9, 1SG5. He was an ensign in the U. 8. Nav}' during tlie late war. Afterwards, having assisted in buiMing a schooner, and named her the " Letitia," arter his lamented wile, lie commanded the same, on a voyage to Galveston, Tex., arriving at that port, Aug. 8, 18G7, and there d. of yellow fever, Aug. 23, 18G7, aged 28. He left : — 1423. Letitia, b. Dec. 20, 18(54, in Nashua, who was also living at her grandfather's home, in Pelham, 18(58. 1424. AlmikaC [830] (Samuel-', SamueH, SamueP, 8amuel2, SamueU), m. Moses E. Long, farmer, of Ilopkinton, N. H., Oct. 20, 1850 ; residence in Concord, near her father's, where were born : — 1425. John Kdwin (Long), b. Jan. 5, 18G1. 142r,. Hkhuekt Ika, b. June 1, 1864. 1427. Minnie Almika, b. Mar. 16, 1866. 1428. Fkank Oilman, b. June 23, 1868. 1429. Emma Jane Fiiances, b. leb. 14, 1870. 1430. Geokge Peteu Cvkus, b. Apr. 11, 1872. 1431. Anner Ai'.iiOT" [831] (Sanuiel^, Samuel^ SamueP, Sam- uel-, Samuel'), in. Frank li. Chase, of Ilopkinton, N. II., Nov. l.l, 18G7. He was formerly emph)yed in a woollen mill; is now a farmer and lumberman. Child : — 1432. Samuel Ambrose (Cha&e), b. Feb. 1, 1872. 1433. Lyima Emeline^ [838] (Jonas-% Jonas'*, SamueP, SamuoP, SamueP), in. Alfred Adams, slioemaker, of Andovi-r, Mass., Au". 23, 18G4. Cliild: — 1434. CiiAKLEs Franklin (Adams), b. Jan. 20, 1866. 1435. Sarah Ann'' [849] (.Iolin\ James'. Benjamin-', Ebonezer^, Samuel'), m. Lsaac Horn, farmer, of llallDWcll, ^ie., .Sept. 2G, l.s39. He was 1). Oct. 3, 1.S15, and has lived, since marriage, in Augus(;i, where their children were b. : — 1436. Aucusta Ann (Horn). 1). July 21, 1840; m. Sears Witliaui. of Burksport. and rc.siiles in .\ugusta. 1137. Hei.i.n Maria, 1). .Inly 13, 18L3: m. Ia-wIs Ileudorsoii, of llal- lowcll ; now living in .Aroo.slook County. lO.S KUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS, 1)38. Frances Em-kx, b. Dec. 2, 1845 ; m. AlVcrt A. Cr.i\<^, of Windsor; resides in Aroostook County. 1 I."?;!. Cl.AKA I>AWSC)N, b. Nov. 9, 1848. 1440. Kmma CiiAiu.orrK, b. Oct. 28, 1851; m. Jolin L. Canip))cll, work- ni.'in in an oil-clotli factory, June 11, 1871. 1441. Li/.zii; I'liii.uuA, b. May 22, 1853. 1442. GKoiKiio IlKNiiY, b. Apr. 21, 18or,. 1443. CiiAiiLics MoKUis, b. May 23, 1859. 1444. Ii>KLLA, b. Oct. 11, 18G5. 1445. Fkkuuik, b. Aug. 31, 1867. 14 IG. Elisiia WiiiTE*^ [8'tI] (John'', James'*, Benjamin^, Eben- czer^, Sauiueli), m. Cordelia Smith, of Ilallovvelli Me., 1847; '* followed the sea ; " sailed on the ship " Hungarian," from Hath, l.SoG, and was prol)ably lost with that vessel the same year, aged 31. She has since m. again, and moved to Connecticut. Children : — 1447. PniuJUA, b. Feb. 27, d. Apr. 8, 1848. 1448. Gkougk Henry, b. Mar. 1850. 1449. PniMJKA Emma, b. Mar. 5, 1852. 1450. LizziK (Elleu Maria), b. May 13, 1855. 1451. James Cox^ [852] (John'', James'*, Benjamin^, Ebenezer^, Sanuiel*), is a lumberman, residing (1 [872] (Damon-""', Jobn^, Benjamin^, P^henezer^, SanuieP), m. Watson Burgess, farmer, of Fairfield, Me., Oct. 1858 (48), and d. Dec. 7, 1859, in her 28th year, leaving : — 1494. Charles Siikuman (Burgess), 1). Nov. 28, 1859. 1495. Elizabeth Florence^ [^'''^] (Daraon'^, John"*, Benjamin^, Ebcnczer-, SamueP), m. Watson Burgess, second wife, see [149)], then residing in Benton, Sept. 9, 1865. Children : — 1490. JosHPH (Buraess), the second of his children, b. June 22, d. July 3, 1860. 1497. HEiiBERT Edward Rosville, b. Sept. 9, 1807. 1498. Emelixe, b. May 2 J, 1809. 1499. Lydia Ann^ [880] (James"^, John^, Benjamin^, Ebenezer^, SannieU), m. Frederick William Hansen, mariner, Dec. 31, 1851, who was 1). Apr. 12, 1827, in Elsinore, Denmark; present family'' residence at 8earsport, Me., where all their children were born, except the two oldest : — 1500. Charles Henry (Hansen), b. Oct. 10, 1852, in Frankfort, Me. ; d. at Searsport, Apr. 14, 1805. in his 13th year. 1501. Mary Carolena, b. Oct. 3, 1855, in Frankfort. 1502. Jaaies Clarence, b. Dec. 3, 1857. 1503. Herman Willis, b. Feb. 15, 1801; d. June 21, 1802, aged 1 year 4 months. 1504. Frederick Eleazer, b. Apr. 13, 1805. 1505. Louis Sumner, b. Sept. 15, 1807. 1506. William Thomas Curtis'' [881) (Jamos^, John"*, Benja- min^, Ebcnczer-, SamueU), is a lawyer by profession, having studied with Nehcmiah Abbott, Esq., of Belfast, Me., and prac- tised law in Searspoit since 1861, where also he in. Carolena Sophia Frederikke Hansen, Jan. 1, 1864. She was b. Jan. 27, 1841, in Elsiuore, Denmark, a sister of F. W. H. See [14991. Child : — 1507. William Franklin, b. Feb. 18, 1805, in Searsport. 1508. Charlotte^ [890] (Washington^, Benjamin^, Benjamin^, Ebcnczer-, bamucl*), ra., 1st, Winthrop Morse Wing, merchant, of Waterville, Me., jit Winslow, Jan. 1, 1838. He enlisted in the *• U. S. 3d Artillery, Co. L," Aug. 10, 1845 ; participated with Gen. Taylor in Iho preliminary battles of the Mexican campaign, PAKT I. SIXTH GENERATION. Ill and cl. Oct. "26, 1846, in the hospital at jMatainoras, Mexico, after a sickness of twentj' days. She m., 2d, Thomas Francis Jones, of Scituate, Mass., at Chelsea, Jan. 1, 1800, who was a cigar manu- factnrer and importer, and d. Sept. 1854. She was residing, 1871, in Charlestown, Mass., 4 Adams Street. Children, first husband, born in Waterville : — 1509. Lucy Annik (Wiiiir). b. Sept. 24, 1839. 1510. FuAxcis M.vHiON, b. Dec. 10, 1840; was drowned below Ticonic Falls, at Waterville, Sept. 25, 1843, in his 3d year. 1511. CnAKLOTTK AutiUSTA, b. Jan. 10, 1843; m. William II. Taber, of Albion, Me., Feb. 22, 1SG4, who was a lieutenant in the war of the rebellion ; d. July 21, 1870, at Charlestown, in her 28th year. Mrs. Taber was assistant editor of the " Waverley Magazine" (pulilished in Boston) at the time of her death, and for some years previously. Mr. Dow, in his tribute to her memory, in the "Waverley" for Auj?. 27, 1870. says: " Her education and her natural talents fitted her especially for this position. Her tine poetic taste, her love of order, and her knowledue and appreciation of the beauties of the best authors, rendered her a valuable acquisition to our editorial circle." The Kev. James B. Miles, of CharU'stown, at her funerai, ascribed to her " three traits which constitute a lovely woman" : "a beauty and .u;race of exterior which is seldom S'^en ; " "intellectual endowments which were far al)0ve mediocrity," and "a moral deportment and religious turn of mind which gave a finish to all." She was the secretary of the " Parker Fraternity Association," in Boston, and composed an ode which was sung at the anniver- sary of that society in 1870 ; the two last stanzas as follows : — " But for all true and earnest souls Life wears a fadeless glow; For those who seek, with patient hearts, Some fragrant blossoms grow; The trust that faints and falters not Will lind the blessed way — The golden rain of peace will fall On all who work and pray. "Then let our hearts be glad to night; Bright Pleasure, linger nigh; May happy meetings stdl be ours, As years come gliding by ; Let Hope its smiling promise give, Be Faith our guiding star. Whose light shall lead us through the mists That veil the • gates ajar.' " As illustrating the controiliiig sentiment of her own life, wo add another stanza from a poem written by her for a previous anniversary of the same association : — "Though we meet some 'tangled crossings' In the m3^stic web of life, And our years, though few or many, May not all with joy be rife ; Let the seasons, hast'uiug o'er us, Find i»ur hearts still warm and true, Strong of faith and bravely earnest In the work we have to do I " 112 RUNNELS AND RKVNOLDS MEMORIALS. ir)12. WELLiNciToN'"' [^91] (Wasliingloii'', BenJ;iniin'*, Benja- min-', El»(Miczt;r~, Sannieli), is a tanner, now residing (1871) at South Albion, Me. ; ni. Louisa Bennett, Nov. 14, 1852, who was b. May 13, 1828 (?), in Montville. Children, b. in Montville, except the fourth : — ir,13. Charles Bkn.iamin, b. Aus- 13, 1853. 1514. Augustus Amos, b. July 7, 1855. 1515. Akthuh Eli.wood, b. Fel). 4, 1859. 151(). OuKD, b. Aiij^. 14, 1802, in South Albion. 1517. Annie, b. Oct. 23, 18G5. 1.518. JoHN^ [892] (Washington'"', Benjamin'', Benjamin^, Eben- ezer^, Sanineli), m. Susan Getcliel, of \VinsU)w. Me., Sept. 8, 1852 ; business not reported, but probably a tiller of the soil, as are the majority of the Runnels sons, both East and West. Children, b. in Winslow : — 151i). Clara, b. Jan. 29, 1855. 1520. Mary Elizabutu, b. Apr. 28, 1858. 1521. Almira'' [897] (Washington^, Benjamin'*, Benjamin^, Ebenezer^, SamueU), m. James Henry Coombs, farmer, of Albion, Me., Nov. 4, 1865. He was b. in A., June 21, 1842, and had served in the war, being drafted at Augusta, Jul}' 14, 1863, where he remained on detached service, one 3'ear and six )uonths. Left Augusta, Feb. 3, 1865, joined the 17th Maine regiment in front of Petersburg, Va., Mar. 6 ; was in a number of engagements around Richmond, to the time of Gen. Lee's surrender, and discharged, Sept. 11, 1865. Children, b. in Albion: — 1522. EsTELLA (Coombs), b. Sept. 2, 1866. 1523. James, b. Dec. 13, 1868. 1524. Emily^ [924] (Samuel-'', Stephen'*, Benjamin^, Ebenezer-, Samuel*), m. William Henrj' Watson, mason, of Winslow, Me., Nov. 14, 1850. P. O. address, Waterville, Me. Children, b. in Winslow, except the oldest : — 1525. Charles Pharez (Watson), b. Jan. 25, 1852, in Waterville. 1526. Francis Lewyllex, b. Apr. IL 1853. 1527. Clarixgtox Leslie, b. AuA, b. Oct. 3, 1856, in Clinlou. 1534. Ellen May, b. June 24, 1862, in Waterville. 153.). Julia Ann^ [931] (DanieP, David^ Benjamin^, Eben- ezer-, Samuel*), m Hiram Iv. Maine, farmer, of Pittsfield, Me., Apr. 18, 1846. Children: — PART I. — SIXTH GENERATION. 1 13 inSG. Gkouok Waurk.v (Maine), b. Oct. 17. 1S49. 1537. Hahkisox Woodvim.k, b. Oct. 24, 18;")!. ir.38. Lauka Ann, b. Feb. 3, 18.-)4. 1539. Mak(;akkt Kr.Licx, b. Feb. 17, 1857. 1540. GiCNKVA, b. Apr. II, 18.VJ. 1541. SviJir. Rknnki.s, b. Apr. 23, 18fi3. 1.542. WiNKiKLD Scott, b. Oct. I'J, 1805 ; d. .Mar. 2.1, 1807, in his 2(1 year. lo43. George'^ [933] (Daniel"', David', Benjamin^, Ebenezer-, SaiiiiR'U), has located (1870), as a fanner, in riUslield, Me., near the village; ni. Frances A Small, of P., Ai)r. 3, 1853. Child: — 1544, Gkorgk a., b. May 17, 1850, in Pittsfield. 1545. IlARitiET Smiley<5 [934] (Daniel% David'', Benjamin^ Ebenezer-, Samuel'), m. Ezra E. Town, carpenter and mechanic, INIar. IC), 1851 ; residence in Pittsfield, on a farm (1870). Chil- dren : — 1540. Annv Lukixa (Town), b. May 18, 1853. 1547. Walter Varian, b. Jan. 24, 1855. 1548. Flora Lelia, b. Oct. 25, I«57; d. June 27, 1858, aged 8 months. 1549. CoitA Lkll\, b. Apr. 4, 1859. 1550. Ada 8ki>all\, b. Fel). 27, 1801. 1551. Elmkr ELLswoRTn, b. Jan. 12, 1864. 1552. Daniel Nelson^ [935] (Daniel^ David'', Benjamin^, E])enczer2, Sanuien), settled in Port Huvon, Mich., and there m. jNIary Goodwin, a native of New York, Sept. 9, 1858. Children : — 1553. Charles Neison, b. June 19, 1859. 1554. Elmkr Ellsworth, b. June 18, 1801; d. Apr. 22, 18G2, aged 10 months. 1555. Halmer Emmons, b. May 28, 1864; d. May 6, 1865, aged 11 mos. 8 days. 1556. Ida Botseord, b. May 19, 1868. 1557. Makcaret Davenport" [936] (Daniel'', David"*, Benja- min^, Ebenezer^, SamueU), m. P3noch Avery Hogers, I\\rmer and joiner, of Pittsfield, Me., Apr. 24, 1858. Children: — 1558. Ernest Howard (Hogers), b. Aug. 31, 1801. 1559. SusiK Bell, b. Jan. 5, 1805. 1560. Greenwood Charles^ [944] (Greenwood'", David'', Ben- jamin-', Ebenezer'-^, Samuel'), enlisted Sept. 10, 1802: was present at the siege of Port Hudson, I. a., and discharged with his regi- ment, ]\Iaine 24th (nine months' men), Aug. 25, 1863. Has since settled near his father's in Pittsfiehl, JNIe. ; :i farmer ; m. I'hilena I'ushor, of P., July 2, 1805. ChiUl : — 1561. Gertrude, b. Mar, 31, 1869. 1502. Carlton Klmball" [958] (David^ David^ Benjamin3, El)enezer-, Samuel'), is a merchant, now in company with his father, at Flint, Mich. ; also jointly in the lumbering business at All Sable; m Mary McKay, youngest dau. of Dr. A. McKay, of 8 114 KUNNELS AND llEYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Dumfries, ScoIImikI, Juno 8, 1870, at Victoria, Norfolk Co., Do- iiiiiiioii of Canada. Cliil rilicks), b. May 7, ISoS, in Bloomfleld, O. 15GG. Mauy Willianna, b. Jan. 13, 1805, in MidtUebury, O. 1507. Ormond6 [984] (Edwin^, Stephen'*, Stephen^, Ebenezer^, Samuel'), was first a farmer in Licking Co., O , now settled in Iowa; m. Mar}^ Elizabeth INIcFarland, of Mt. Vernon, O,, June 1, 1864. She was b. June 18, 1844. Children : — 1508. LoREXA, b. May 20, 1805. 1509. Edwin- M., b. Aug. 4, 1807. 1570. IloLLix, b. Oct. 3, 1809, in Ilawtliorne, Montgomery Co., la. 1571. David Scott, b. May 3, 1871, in Hawthorne. 1572. Orlando Leman^ [995] (Luke Brown^, Stephen"*, Ste- phen'', Ebenezer^, Samuel*), is a farmer in Licking Co , O , where ho m. INIary Jane Hand, Nov. 5, 1857. She was b. July 23, 1841. Children : — 1573. .Tonx "Wesley, b. Jan. 15, 1800. 1574. Everett Haumox, b. Mar. 23, 1801. 1575. Jennie Joanna, b. Oct. 16, 1804. 1576. Joseph Alonzo^ [996] (Lnke Brown^, Stephen'*, Stephen^, Ebenezer^, SamneU), settled as a farmer in Licking Co., Ohio, and there m. Amanda Pike, Sept. 3, 1863. Children : — 1577. MvRTiE Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1864. 1578. Elvada Jane, b. Nov. 4, 1866. 1579. PuRLONA Jane6 [998] (Luke BrownS, Stephen^ Stephen^, Ebenezer^, Samuel*), m., 1st, Wesley J. Evans, farmer, in Licking Co., O., Sept. 2, 1863. He d. July 24, 1864, at Bermuda Hun- dred, Va., — a soldier, belonging to the " 142d Ohio National Guards." She m., 2d, Calvin i). Hand, farmer, Oct. 19, 1865, and moved to McLean Co., 111., 1867. Child : — 1580. Maggie Joanna (Hand), b. Oct. 6, 1866, in Licking Co., O. 1581. AlzenaS [1000] (Luke Brown^, StephenS Stephen^, Eb- enezer^, Samuel*), m. Frederick Dumbauld, farmer, Oct. 12, 1865, and moved to McLean Co., 111., in 1867. Children : — 1582. Loamina (Dumbauld), b. Aug. 9, 1866, in Licking Co., O. 1583. Dennis Everett, b. Apr. 9, 1868, in McLean Co., 111. 1581. Mary J.^ [1011] (Stephen^, Stephen^, Stephen^, Eben- ezer-, Samuel*), m. George ^Y. Walters, of Union Co., O., June 8, PART I. SIXTH GENERATION. 115 1861. He (1. as a soldier (?) July 19, 18G5, at Washington, D. C. She moved to California in tlic spring of 1868. Children : — 1585. STKrnEN S. (Walters), b. Mar. 9, 1862; d. Sept. 14, 1866, aged 4 years 6 months. 1586. Dellie Kosa, b. Jan. 18, 18G4. 1587. ViTALis 8.C [1012] (Stephen^, Stephen^ Stephen^ Eben- ezer~, Samuel'), was a farmer in Union Co., O., and there m. Eliza Miller, Apr. 8, 186G ; has since moved to California. Child : — 1588. Charles A., b. Mar. 31, 1867. 1589. Martha J.^ [1013] (Stephen^, Stephen^, Stephen^, Eben- ezer^, SamueP), m. John Carpenter, farmer, in Union Co., O., Feb. 25, 18GG ; supposed to be in California with " all her father's chil- dren " ; located in or near Stockton, " at last accounts." Child : — IS'JO. Annie M. (Carpenter), b. Apr. 21, 18G7. 1591. Albina JaneC [1018] (Sollis^, Stephen'', Stephen^ Eben- ezer^, Samuel'), m. George W. Titts, farmer, of Delaware Co., O., Feb. 22, 1865. Child : — 1592. Tloka (Pitts), b. Feb. 13, 1867. 1593. Emma Estellf^ [1129] (John S.^, John^ Thomas', Eb- enezer^, Samuel'), m. Frederick W. Berry, of Haverhill, Mass., June U, 1867. Child : — 1594. Willie Eugene (Berry), b. Feb. 24, 1869. SEVENTH GENEKATION. 1595. Georgr Lakeman'' [1317] (Daniel Lakeman^, Theodore^, Joseph"', SaniueP, Samuel^, SarnueP), resides with his father at the ancestral home in Ikxxford. Mass ; m. Anna Leslie, of West Box- ford, at naistow, N. H., Sept. 15, 18G9. Child : — 159G. Annie Bef-lk, b. Jan. 7, 1871, in Boxford. 1597. Amanda Jane^ [1318] (Daniel Lakeman^, Theodore^, Joseph'', SannieP, Samuel-, SamueP), ni. Stephen G. Holt, of An- dover, Mass., Jan. 19, 1865. Child : — 1598. Stephen Hokace (Holt), b. Mar. 23, 1866; d. July 20, 1867, aged 1 year 4 mouths. 1599. Ida Jane^ [1323] (Lorenzo^, Theodore^, Joseph^, Sam- ueP, Samuel^. SamneP), m. George Henry Mitchel, shoemaker, of Groveland, Mass., Dec. 31, 18G8." He was b. in G., Mar. 6, 1845. Child : — 1000. Eorrii May (Mitchel), b. Apr. 1, 1870, in G. ICOl. Stlvestku'^ [1348] (Stephen Chandler'^, Jonathan^, Jo- sepli^, SamueP, Samuel^, SamneU), enlisted, 1862, in Co. I, 1st AVisconsin cavalry, and served till the close of the war. He was employed as a scout, under Gen. E. M. McCook, and was known through the western army as the " Cumberland Scout " Has since settled, as a farmer, at Richford, "Wis., where he m. Fannie Durgin, Nov. 4, 1866. Children : — 1602. Scott, b. Mar. 16, 1870. 1603. Fkancis S., b. Dec. 3, 1871. 1004. Gardineu^ [1350] (Stephen Chandler^, Jonathan\ Jo- seph-*, SamueP, Samuel^, SannieP), is a farmer in Richford, "Wis. ; m. Mary Davis, Jan. 27, 1870. Child : — IOOj. Alice Maud, b. July 23, 1871. I^A.RT II. GENEALOGICAL MEMOIR OF JOB RUNELS, OR RUNALS, OF DURHAM, ^. II., 1713-1762. INTRODUCTION. Tradition in Durham, N. II., and vicinity has been nniform that the earliest Runels or Runals ancestors in that town, by the names of Job and John, were brothers. This is also confirmed b}' the impressions of their oldest descendants, elsewhere met in later years, though not the slightest connection can be established, in this way, between these brothers and any other families of kindred name in Maine or New Hampshire, as noticed in the Appendix. There are, however, these three points of presumptive evidence that the brothers Job and John were also the brothers of Samuel, of Bradford, Mass., whose genealogy has been given in Part I. 1st. The existence of similar tradition or impressions, in both these Durban] families, that tlicir ancestors had " an older brother, Samuel, in Bradford, Mass.," with concurrent tradition in some branches of the famil}^ of Samuel, from individuals now passed away, that their ancestor had " two younger brothers who after- wards followed him from Nova Scotia to this countr}'," and finally " settled in the New Hampshire colony." 2d. The similarity of Christian names ; the names Job and John being favorite ones with the ancestor Samuel, as three of his children wore thus called ; and Sanniol, on the other hand, being frequently found in the families of Job and John. 3d. The striking family resemblance which is found between nianj^ of the descendants of Samuel on the one hand, and of Jol) and John on the other. For these reasons, though our relationship could not be substan- tiated in a court of law, yd we, the Runnelses and Keynoldscs of Part I would hereby extend a cordial greeting to those of Parts II and HI, as ''Kinsmen and cousins, all." riEST GENERATION. 160G. Joi)^ is first mentioned in the Rockingham Deeds, " Nov. 13, 1713," when he is said to be "of Dover," and liad conveyed to him from '' Joseph Davice, for £28, 3 score acres of land lying on the West side of Wensday's brook." Tliis is probabl}' the time of his settling, as a 3'oung man, in the then "Oyster river Parish" of Dover, afterwards Durham, now Lee, N. H. His residence was on the now beautiful slope of land, near the above-mentioned brook, a little south of the " Mast road," and between that and the present house of Thomas Chesley, where a solitary barn was standing in 1870. About the same time (1713), he m. his wife " Hannah," who is said to have joined the church at Durham, under the Rev. Hugh Adams, "Maj^S, 1723" (see Hist, and Gen. Register, July, 1869). She was living as late as "June 28, 1731," as under that date we have " Jobe Runels and Hannah," deeding " to John Bradford of Portsmouth, one third share of land in Rochester." She w'as also, more probably, the " Hannah Runnels," of Durham, men- tioned "Feb. 3, 1748-9," as deeding "to Joseph Smith, all her right to the estate of her grandfather, Robert Burnam " ; and if so, her maiden name may have been Hannah Burnam. "May 29, 1719," his original sixt}- acres seems to have. been increased hy " 30 acres more or less, in Oyster river, in ye to^^niship of Dover, in ye Province of New Hampshire," bought of " Naphalie Kincaid" ; and "Jan. 31, 1726-7," by "a parcel of land scituate lying and being on ye south side of ye Mast path, against turtel pond, being the half of 60 acres," etc. On the earliest town records of Durham, soon after its incorpo- ration, " Mar. 18, 1733-4," we find a "Committee of freeholders" granting " to him his heirs and assigns forever, 25 acres of land" ; and at a meeting in the meeting-house at Durham Falls, same date, another (?) "Committee of fifteen" is mentioned, "which was then chosen to divide the common and undivided lauds as the maior part of them shall orant." " The names of the Committee are as followeth. Job Runals " heading the list. He was also the ownfer- of landed property in other towns, as "Nov. 13, 1753," he deeded to Samuel Moore, of Canterbury, for £55, one home lot in the town of C, where we elsewhere learn he possessed an " original right." PART II. FIRST GENERATION. 121 He was liviiiG; " Dec. 2, 17.")8," as he then convc3'ecl to " Job Ruiiels Jun. husbandman, my son," " 100 acres of hind, being all my home- stead estate, wherecm I now dwell." "Job Runalls Jun." is also mentioned in deeds of "July G, 1754," and " Mar. 21, 1755" ; but "Oct. 22, 1762," "Job Runells of Durham" bought of "Waldo Emerson of Weils, Me., for £60 lawful money of the Massachusetts Baj', a tract of land in Nottingham," and four days later, " Oct. 26," "Job Runels" sold the same "to Aaron Hays, for £66!" The nature of these two last transactions miglit lead us to ascribe them to the younger Job, in whicli case his father must have died before Oct. 22, 1762, so that the "Jun." had disappeared from his (the son's) name. If, however, they are ascribed to Job Runels, Sen., he was evidently still alive and active in Oct. 1762, but nnist have d. between that time and "Ma}' 1, 1763," when " Jonathan Runels yeoman of Durliam " deeded "to Joseph Sias for £100, 5 acres of land, being Lott No. 25, which was proportioned unto my father. Job Runels, late of Durham deceased, in that division called the North River Lotts." The probable yeav of his birth was 1685, in Nova Scotia (?) (see Introductions to Parts I and II) : and his corresponding age at death would be from 7-i to 77, according to the times assumed above. No probate allusions to this ancestor are found, except the inventory of his estate, taken "Apr. 25, 1765." His children, by his wife Hannah, were born in Durham ; and, as nearly as can now be ascertained, in the years and order here assigned to their names : — 1C07. Job [IG15], b. 1714. 1G08. AiiiGAiL (Nabby) [1620], b. 1717. 1G09. Susan [1G27], b. 171'J. IGIO. Exocn [IC.'^GJ, b. 1721. ICll. iMaky [1G39], b. May 15, 1724; from an old Bible at North Con- way, N. H, 1012. Jonathan' [164G], b. 172C. 1613. Hannau [1657], b. June 4, 1728. 1GI4. Samuel [IGCl], b. 1730. SECOND GENERATION. 1615. Job2 [1607] (Jol)i), inherited his father's home estate, as appears above, and is otherwise known to have occupied parts, at least, of the farms now owned in Lee, N. H. (1870), bj' Thomas Chesley and the widow of the late Hon. Jeremiah Smith. He afterwards divided his land between his two sons, Job and Miles, giving to the latter what is now occupied by Mrs. Smith, south of the road, as appears below\ Quite early on the town records of Durham, we find him chosen one of five " Searvars of High Wa}'" ; and again " surve3'or, 1762-3"; "fence viewer, 1758;" "tithing man, 1764." No later, on Durham records, than 1765, the Lee Parish being incorporated as a town. Jan. 16, 1766 ; after which, on the Lee records, we have " Lef. Job Runnals, Sessor." 1768 and 1761). His wife's name was Sarah ; as " Apr. 29, 1771," " Job and Saiah K. of Lee," — his son Job not yet being married to Sarah Ellison, — deeded thirtj'-four acres of land to Jeremiah Buruam, of Durham ; also " July 4, 1774," " to Simeon Taylor for £15, one half of a hundred acre lot," — probably in Canterbury, — " of which Job Runels deceased was the original grantee." "July 5, 1781," "Job Runals of Lee," to "John Colomy of New Durham," " all right to one hundred acres, in N. D." He probably died Apr. or Ma}', 17>5, aged 71, certainly between the two dates next given ; for, among the deeds, we find that " Job Runals of Lee," — then living, — conveyed " to Job R. Jxin. certain tracts of tillage land on the Mast road, and one half his pasture," ^'- Mar. 26. 1785;" and, same date, " to his son Miles, a tract of land called the upper field," — on the present Smith farm, as above, — "and half his pasture ; " while, also, from the Slratt'ord Probate records we learn that " Sarah Runels widow of the late Job Runels" relinquished " all right in his estate to her two sons Job and Miles," '•'' June 8, 1785," to whom the administration of his estate was granted at the same time. His widow m. John Hill, of Nottingham, for her sec- ond husband. Proof of this appears a few 3-ears later (1790, or 179;}), when J. Hill conveys to Job Runnels " his right to dower of his wife Sarah, who was mother of the said Job and former wife of Job Runels late of Lee ; " whose children, there born, were : — PART II. — SECOND GENERATION. 123 1616. Susan [ir.G5], b. 1746. 1617. Job [1(;75]. b. Jau, 12, 1749. 1618. Abigail [1686], b, 1753. 1619. Miles [1695], b. Oct. 29, 1761. 1620. Abigail^ [1608] (Job^), m. Miles Randall, of Lee, N. H., find occupied the so-called " garrison house," on what has since been' known as the " Dea. Randall place," now owned (1871) by Philip Chesley, fii'st farm above the Hale or Smith mansion, towards Lee Hill Mrs. Giles, of Durham [1626, 2], remembers to have seen " the log house " in which her grandparents lived, " w^ith holes cut out of its walls for shooting the Indians." She there d. about 1784, aged 67, and he d. 1789. Their children were : — 1621. Deborah (Randall), b. Aug. 24, 1747, Durham records (or 1749) ; in. Benjamin Chesley, of DurJuun. who was b. Jan. 24, 1743, and d. Feb. 3, 1831, aged 88. She d. May 28, 1830, in her 83d year. Children, as by Durham records : — 1. Abigail (Chesley), b. Apr. 5, 17G5. 2. Maky, b. Oct. 17, 1767. 3. Milks, b. Jau. 23, 1770. 4. Dkbouaii, b. Feb. 2, 1772. 5. Isaac, b. June 7, 1774. 6. Susannah, b. June 9, 1776. 7. Jamks, b. Aug. 12, 1778; see [1782]. 8. Benjamin, b. Oct. 12, 1781. 9. Valkntink, b. Apr. 5, 1784. 10. Nancy, b. Apr. 12, 1786. 11. Israel, b. Nov. 24, 1788; was a Baptist clergyman. 12. Thomas, b. Mar. 13, 1792. 1622. IsjUEL (Kandall), b. 1751 (?); settled in Vermont. 1623. Anna, b. 17r)3 (?) ; m. a Morrison, of Northwood, N. H. 1624. Louisa, b. 1756 (?) ; in. a Huckins, of Lee. 1625. Thomas, b. 1758; m. Mary Huckins, of Lee, 1777, who was b. 1700. He settled Hrst as a merchant in Lee ; moved to Canada, 1808, and there d. 1818, aged CO. Child ; — 1. Thomas, b. June 18, 1778; went to sea, and visited several foreign countries; settled, on his return, in ParsonsUeld, Me. ; removed to Eaton, N. H., and there d. Mar. 1869, in his 91st year. He m. Lydia Mathis (Matthews), 1798, who was b. Dec. 11, 1779. Children: (1.) Anna, b. Feb. 19, 1799. (2.) Gideon M., b. July 3, 1801; now of Bidileford, Me. (3.) Reuben W., b. Aug. 25, 1803. (4.) Lvima M., b. Jan. 13, 1807; m. Stephen Allard, Esq., of East Madison, N. H., Dec. 22, 1825. He was b. Oct. 17, 1802; has been a farmer, though also engaged in " milling ami lumbering." Children : I. Alanson (Allard), b. Jan. 21, 1828. II. Mauy Ann, b. Apr. 18, 1830. III. Joanna M., b. .May 16, 1832. IV. Dana, b. Mar. 26, 1836. V. Mavhew^ C, b. Jan. 28, 1843. VI. IIaukison R., b. Sept. 4, 1844. (5.) Sally (Kandall), b. July 9, 1812. (G.) Mauy, b. Aug. 29, 1814. (7.) Thomas C, b. Jan. 5, 1817. (8.) Ahioail, b. July 21, 1819. 1C26. Jon (Randall), b. June 7, 1761; settled in Lee, and m. Sarah Langley, Dec. 19, 1783, who was li. Apr. 1, 17GI (Lee records). Children : — 1. Abigail, b. Dec. 10, 178G. 2. Sakah (Sally), h. Aug. 3, 1789 ; m. Paul Giles, of Durham, N. IL, who was b. Oct. 4, 1790, and d. JaiL 16, 1855, aged 64. She is still living at Durham (1871). Children: (1.) I'aul 124 RUNNELS AND KEYNOLDS MEMORIALS. (Giles), 1). Nov. 29, 1812. (2.) Wiixiam, b. Sept. 10, 1814. (3.) John, b. Oct. 24, IBlfi; d. Sept. 11, 1857, in his 4Lst year. (4.) Susan M., b. Sept. 10, 1819. (5.) Emzahktu, b. Junu 2, 1822; d. Sept. 22, 1838, a<:ed IG. (0.) Sau.y, b. Nov. 21, 1824; d. Jan. 5, 1853, aged 28. (7.) Ciiaim.ks H., b. Sept. 24, 1827. (8.) Job Handall, b. Aug. 6, 1829; en- listed in Co. K, 4th New Hampshire rejiiment, and served tlirce years, from Sept. 18, 18G1 ; Jiad m. Maria Nelson, 1856. Children: I. FKA^•K Eugene, b. May 20, 1857. II. Maukl, d. aged 3 mos. III. Freddie, d. aged 8 mos. (9.) Jo.sepu, b. June 2, 1832; d. Jan. 22, 1856, in his 24lh year. 3. Miles (Randall), b. Jan. 18, 1791. 4. Hannah, b. June 29, 1794. 5. JoiJ, b. July 7, 1798. 6. Thomas, b. Aug. 14, 1800. 7. Eliza, b. Aug. 6, 1803; see [1630, 2]. 8. John, b. Apr. 19, 1806. 9. Maky, b. Dec. 1, 1808. 1627. Susan2 [1609] (Job^), m., 1st, Samuel Thompson, and 2(1, Jonathan Thompson, both of Durham (Lee). Children, — oldest only by first husband: — 1628. Hannah (Thompson), b. July 25, 1750; m. Smith Emerson, of Lee, or IHirham, who was a captain in the Revolutionary war, being enrolled as " Captain of Co. 6," Col. Thomas Ta.sh's New Hampshire regiment, of "Sept. 1776, to reinforce the Conti- nental army in New York." She d. Dec. 25, 1841, in her 92d year. Children : — 1. Samuel (Emerson) ; m. Sally Fields, and lived in Lee. Children : (1.) Joshua F., b. July 28, 1799; m. Sarah Durgin, 1819; now resides at Durham Point. Children : I. Smith, b. Nov. 15, 1820; served in Co. I, l>th New Hamp- shire regiment, from Feb. 21 to July 29, 1865; m. Mary Abbv Snell, of Lee, May 31, 1852, who was b. Aug. 20, 1828. Children : (I.") Maky Abby, b. July 25. 1853. (II.) Edwin Smith, b. Nov. 10, 1855. (III.) Martha Anna, b. June 25, 1858. (IV.) Flora Belle, b. Mar. 14, 1863. II. Hannah, b. Aug. 20, 1823; m., 1st, a Giles; 2d, a Jndkins; d. 1868, aged 45. III. Mary, b. Oct. 1, 1825; d. Jan. 1, 1835, aged 9 yrs. 3 mos. IV. George W., b. July 27, 1827 ; d. Dec. 15, 1856, in his 30th year. V. John, b. Dec. 30, 1833;" lives with iiis father at Durham Point. VI. Samuel, b. July 20, 1836; resides near his father's. VII. Sarah, b. Dec. 6, 1840; ra. Stephen Rand, of Durham Point; two children. VIII. Em- ily, b. Sept. 30, 1842; m. Jeremiah Langley; three children. 2. Smith (Emerson) ; m. Betsy Buzzell, and lived in Barrington, N. H. (2.) Timothy. (3.) James. (4.) &A>ruEt: 3. Jonathan; m. Mary Davis; resided in Litchfield, Me. 4. Avis; m. Lemuel Buzzell, of Lee. 5. Betsy; m. Joshua Fields, and lived in Merrimack, N. H. 6. Susan; m. Israel Tibbetts ; I'esided in Madbury, N. H. 7. Timothy ; d. at Lee, aged 10 years. 8. Hannah; m. James Pendergast; residence in Durham, N. H. 9. Maky; m. Andrew Deuicritt; lived in Lee. 1629. Maky (.Thompson), b. 1752; was bliud for forty years ; lived with her nephew, Job Thompson, Juu., in Lee [1635, 5], and d. 1832, aged 80. PART 11. SECOND GENERATION. 125 / 030. S-vMUKr,, b. about 175G; m. Lovo Hill, and resided in Lee. Cliildren : — 1. Samuel; settled in what Is now Acton, Me., and m. Miss Fo.x; three children. 2. Jonathan; settled as a tailor and farmer, near Lee Hill, towards Durham, und m. Kliza Kandall [lO-JO, 7], 1822. Childri'U: (L) Sannn-l, b. .Apr. 17, 182:5; a farmer in Not- tingham; ni. Khoda Davis, 18.j0; enlisted in the New Hanip- shire 10th reiiinient, at Dover, July, 18C2, and served three years, till the end of the war. Cliildren: L Er.iZA, b, 18.">1. II. KlIODA. IIL BUKTROLS. IV. IdA. V. HiKAM. b. 1858; d. 1804, aged (i. VI. Walter. VII. Lizzik. VIII. Willii:. IX. Anna. (2.) Strpiikn, b. Sept. 20, 18;'.;?; a farmer, re- siding in Lee, at the "Hook"; m. Sarah Lamos, ,Ian. 1851). Children: I. Frank Lkslie, b. Mar. 18G0. II. Frkddik, b. 18G2 (?); d. aged 2 years. III. Mary Ella, b. Aug. 18G4. IV. MiNNiK Florkncio, b. Dec. 18(15. (3.) ELiZAiumi, b. Oct. 13, 1843; m. Wright True Ellison, of Barrington. N. H., Dec. 25, 1870. He was b. Apr. 18, 1845; a shoemaker and blacksmith; enlisted in the 13th New Hampshire regiment; enrolled Aug. 30, 18G2; was corporal of Co. F; discharged June 21, 18G5. 3. Abkjail; m. Daniel Goodwin, first wife, and settled in or near Acton, Me,; two children. 4. Lois; m. Stephen Twombl}'; settled in Dover ; live children. r>. LovKY; m. and settled in Alton, N. II. G. Eliza; m. Daniel Goodwin, second wife; now lives in New- buryport, Mass. ; four children. 7. Rkuijkn; moved to New York ; there m. and died. 1G31. Jonathan, b. about 17G0; m. Jane Kelsea. 1C32. Sakaii, b. about 17G3; m. John McCrellis, of Nottingham, N. II.; the present John McC. of N. is her grandson. IG33. Susannah, b. about 17G5; m. Daniel Fox, who was among the early settlers of Acton, Me., on the so-called "Fox's Kidge." 1C34. Elizarkth, b. about 17G8; m. Pelatiah Thompson, of Lee, who was b. July 15, 1766, in Lee, and d. Nov. 8, 1843, aged 77. Of their cliildren : — 1. Pelatiah. b. Nov. 1, 1705; see [1722]. 1635. Jon, b. Sept. 2, 1772; m Abigail Burnham, May 13, 1799, who was b. Jan. 15, 1774, and d. Oct. 21, 1859, in her 86th year. He d. Mar. 2G, 182G, in his 54th year. Had resided as a farmer in Lee. Children : — 1. Susan, b. June 2G, 1800; m. James Buzzell, Sept. 10, 1825; resided first in Nottingham, N. H. ; now in Lee. CMiildren: (1 ) LucRKriA Ann (Uuzzell) ; d. (2.) Burnham; in. Mary Ann Bickfortl, of Newington, N. H ; three children. (3.) AruvJane; d. (4.) John. (5.) Mary; d. ((!.) James. 2. JosEiMi Burnham, b. Aug. 1, 1802; d. Sept. 8, 1803, aged 13 months 7 days. 3. Elizauetii, b. Sept. 10 (?), 1804; d. Sept. 24, 1807, aged 3. 4. Mary, b. July 4, ISOG; in. John H. Marston ; lived in Manches- ter, N. H., and there d. 18.")1 (?), aged 45; three chiklren; two living: (1.) Daniel (Marston). (2.) Elhridce. 5. Joii, b. May 2, 180S; m., 1st. .Adaline Grillin, of Durham, June, 1845, who was b. Dec. 8, 1804, and il. Feb. 1854, aged 4',t ; m , 2d, Emma Demcritt. of Lee, Dec. 13, 185G. He retains the old homestead in Lee as a farmer, and is now (1871) it wealthy land-holder in that vicinity. Child, secoiul wife: (1.) George Josei-h, b. Apr. 24, 1858. 6. John, b. June 19, 1810; a farmer in Lee, occupying a very de- sirable situation iie.\t adjoining the paternal homestead of 126 RUNNELS AND KETNOLDS MEMORIALS. liishrollicr; m. Lj'diaWatcrlion.se, of Barrington, N. II., Jane 12, 18"):!, who was b. May 2, 1823. Cliilaren : (1.) Amanua Fi.oiiA, b. Feb. 15, 1804. (2.) John IIavkn, b. Sept. 15, 1857. 7. Paktiikna, b. Oct. 19, 1812 ; m. Gordon Bean, of Candia, N. H. ; tlireo children, all deceased. 8. Sajhtki,, b. Mar. 30, 1815; m. Lonisa Cilley, of Nottingham ; now resides in Barrin^ton. Children : (1.) Anx. (2.) Vic- toria. (3.)LKRoy. (4.) (Jkohok. (5.) Louisa. (6.) Mary. (7.) Jay. (8.)FnKMONT. (0.) ElmkrEllswoutii. (10.) Edith. 9. Danikl Fox, b. Mar. 19, 1817; m. Mary Frances Emerson, of Durham, Apr. 16, 18.39, who was b. July 28, 181G. He d. at Braintree, Vt., Dec. 7, 1852, in his 3r)th year. Children : (1.) John Winsi.ow Emkrsox, b. Apr. 16, 1840, in Deerlield, N, H. ; now the station-agent of the Boston and Maine Kail- road, at Durham; m. Susan Almira Clough, see [1764, 2], of Durham, at Exeter, Dec. 14, 1865. Children : I. Fkedkrick WiNSLow, b. May 16, d. Aug. 30, 1867, at Durham. II. Car- rie Geokgk, b. Nov. 25, 1868. III. Alice Gertrude, b. Sept. 29, 1870. (2.) Ellen Augusta, b. Sept. 17, 1841, in Nottingham. (3.) Daniel Gordon, b. Jan. 24, 1843, in N. ; m. Mary E. Gardner, Jan. 12, 1868. (4.) Jennette Annaly, b. Jan. 21, 1845, in Durham ; m. Frederick JI. Knights, Aug. 26, 1867. (5.) Caroline Elizabeth, b May 16, 1847, in Durham. (6.) George Edwin, b. July 31, 1851, in Durham, and there d. Jan. 4, 1852, aged 5 mouths 4 days. 1G36. Enoch2 [1610] (Job^). Very little has been learned of him or his family, after the most persistent inquiries, except by wa}' of inferenca from seven different registries of deeds in the county records, and from two or three allusions in the State mili- taiy papers. Adj. General's office, at Concord, N. H. He is said to have been a resident " of Lee," " Oct. 23, 1766," when he bought of •" Ilcnr^' J. Brown, for £38, 100 acres in the town of Canterbury, westerly side of Suncook river." He had settled in Canterbury, "Loudon Parish," "May 14, 1779;" was still in Canterbury-, "Sept. 9, 1785," when he deeded to Samuel Morrill '• a certain tract of land in the parish of Loudon, belonging to the original right of Job Runnels"; is called "husbandman of Canterbury," " Nov. 22," same j^ear, receiving from Job Runnels, his nephew, of Lee, " for £100, 100 acres. Lot No. 39, 2d division," of which, fifty acres (" East half of one hundred acre lot No. 39") is conveyed to Samuel Weeks by " Enoch R. of Canterbury and Frances his wife,"' "Jan. 10, 1786," — thus only we ascertain his v:ifes first name; — and finally, "Mar. 1, 1788," "to Obadiah Clough, for £37, 63 acres, in the parish of XorthfieJd," — now the toNvn of that name, — giving us the probalile location of his father's " 2d division lot," above mentioned. He is known to have left Canter- bury, probably soon after the last date, and to have settled and died in Canada ; whence his onl}' daughter returned and paid a visit to some of her distant relatives in New Hampshire many years ago. Tradition, in Lee and vicinity, reports him to have been a very large 7»a?i, ph3-sically. His children were : — 1637. Enoch, b. 1754; said to have been "a husbandman of Lee," "21 years of age," iu "List of Capt. Wiuboru Adams' Co.," PART II. SECOND GENERATIOX. 127 "May 2G, to An?:. 1, 177.");" "Miles travel GO, *]•"; is afterwards mentioned as " Corporal, Capt. Smith Emerson's companj', at Seavey's Island;" and linally, "in Capt. Emer- son's Co. for 2(1 rejiiment, to join the continental army in New York, Sept. 10, 177G." (New Hampshire Military Papers.) 1638. FuANCKs (?) ; m. a Blair, and resided in Canada. 1639. Mauy2 [ICll] (Jol)i), m. Nathaniel Randall, of Leo, N. II., who was b. Mar. 5, 1723; d. 1814 (1811), aged UO. Children : — 1640. IIkzkkiaii (Randall), b. Mar. 28, 1745; m. Elizabeth Chesley, Apr. 10, 1768, who was b. Au^. 13, 1744. They were among the first settlers at Nortli Conway, or " Peqnawket," N. 11., in 1772, loca'ini: on the Saco interval, just west of the villajje, and afterwards "movinj? their house up tiie bank on account of fresliets," to the spot now occupied l)y their {;reat grandson, Hezekiah Randall Seavey [1,(1), IVJ. Their children were : — 1. Molly, b. .Jan. 6, 1769; m. Simon Seavey, and inherited her father's phxce. Children : — (1.) Rand.\ll (Seavey), b. Apr. 11, 1792; m. Betsy Marston, Oct. 7, 1813. She was b. Mar. 8, 1788, and d. Aug, 14, 18.58, in her 71st year. He d. Jan. 17, 1862, in his 70ihvear; both of dropsy. Children: I. Douglas 13KAN, b. Apr. 7, 1814; d. 1823, aged 9. II. Polly, b. Oct. 12, 1816, d. Sept. 27, 1823, aged 7. III. Stkphkx Jacksox, b. Dec. 19, 1819; ^1. Sept. 20, 1823, in his 4tli year. IV. Hkzkkiaii Randall, b. May 24, 1821; retains the Randall homestead, see above; m. Elizabeth A. Hanson, of Conway, Jan. 8, 18.54. ChiUlren : (I.) Hkk»kut Akdkll, b. Jan. 27, 1857. (II.) EiJNKST Ellswoutii, b. Oct. 21, 18«3. (III.) Hakuik Randall, b. Aug. 25, 1866. V. Ste- niKN' Jackson, b. Nov. 12, 1823; resides in Norway, Me.; five children. VI. William, b. June 16. 1825; in. Theodora Pierce; residence in North Conway. Children: (I.) Caukik H., b. June 30, 18.55. (II.) Willis Piekck, b. Oct. 1857. (III.) Dk Wit Clin- ton. (IV.) MiNNiK May; d. aged 2 years. (V.) Viola. (VI.) Jamks. (VII.) Paulina. (VIII.) AirniUK. (IX.) Hknky Bhagdon, b Dec. 1869. VII. Maky, b. Nov. 6, 1829; m. Justin Lord; re- sides in Biddeford, Me. (2.) Simon; was a trader at North Conway ; deceased. (3.) Polly; m. Stephen Jackson, of Eaton, N. 11. 2. Bktsy, b. Feb. 2, 1775; see [1741 J. 1641. MosKs (Handall), b. June 20, 1747; m., 1st, Agnes Forest, who wash. Nov. 9. 1719, and d. July 4, 1784, in hor 3.5th year, at Sanbornton, N. H. (old cemetery), where they first settled and their children were all b. (town records of Saiiborntou and Conway). He m., 2(1., Mrs. Lydia Ames, Sept. 9, 1784, who was b. Aug. -20, 1744, and d. Dec. 16, 1818, aged 74. He moved ;o Nortii Conway about 1797, as his youngest son, at 16, i-, saiii to have "led a two-year old colt all the way from Sanl)i)rn- ton"; built his first log house north of his brother's on tlie Saco interval, and a few rods west of the present residence of his grandson Moses [5, (3)], and there d. Apr. 3, 1809, in his G2d year. Children, first wife : — 1. William, b. Oct. 7, 1772; m. Betsy , and resided at North Conway. Children: (1.) Ellison Fokkst, b. Apr. 17, d. June 5, 1803. (2.) Annk, b. Jan. 2, 1805; d. Mar. 1847, aged 128 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 42. (:?.) Lydia, b. July 1, d. Nov. 27. 1808. (4.) Mary, (.'>.) Ei.iZA, twins, 1). ,JiUi. 7, 1812; hotli rcsidiiiir at Norlli Conway; Kli/a liaviiif; ni. S;iniuol Willi y 'riionipson, of ('on- way, .\i)r. IHiJO. He is a staije jn'oprictor, and joint owner with his son, of the "Kiarsarge House" (1870). Children: I. Wji,ija:m Fhancih (Thompson), b. July 10, ]H?,'ii. II. Sam- iiKL Dkmickit, 1). Sept. 29, 1S3G. III. Jamks \Vim,ky, b. July i:i, 1840. IV. FiiiCDKKiCK, b. Sept. 13, 184.5. V. Anmk Euza, b. May 27, 18.")1. VI. Cahiue Champney, b, July 8, 18.">.'">. 2. Natiianikl (Randall), b. July .">, 1774; bore the title of" Capt. "; n». Susanna Kniglit, of Durham, who was b. Jan. fi, 1779, and is still living, as his widow (1871), at North Conway. He d. Nov. 28, 1858, aged 79. Children : — (1.) Geouok Knight, b. Sept. 21, 1798; m. Martha Haynes Merrill; resides at North Conway. Children: I. James T., b. Feb. 1, 1828; in business at North Conway; m. Susan, daughter of Joshua D. Osgood, of Fryeburg, Me., Nov. 28, ISfiC, who d. Oct. 10, 1870, leaving: (I.) CAHini.; Maky, b. Nov. 1, 1SG7. (IT.) He.nuy IlAKJiisoN, b. May 7, 1809. II. Henky IlAniiisoN, b. June 1(!, 1830; d. at Fryeburg; three children, two living. III. Hannah Forest, b. Sept. 1832; d. 1801, aged 29. IV. Susan Knight, b. 1834; d. 1855, aged 21. V. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 21, 1839; a merchant with his brother [I.], at North Conway; m. Kate L. Eastman. Child: (I.) Mattie Eliza- beth, b. May 4, 1860. VI. Elizabeth W., b. 1842; d. 1803, aged 21. VII. rj?ANCES Adelaide, b. 1844; m. Moses Chandler; one child. (2 ) Agnes Forest, b. Aug. 22, 1800; m. Samuel Forest, of Northtield, N. H. (3.) SuKEY K., b. Dec. 6, 1802; m. Charles Whitaker, of North Conway; two children, one living. (4.) Hannah, b. Nov. 10, 1804; m. Abiel Lovejoy, of Con- ■wav ; seven children, six living, "all West." (5 ) William Harkison, b. Mar. 14, d. Sept. 30, 1814. (0.) Betsy' Forest, b. Sept. I, 1815; m. Luther Whitaker, of Conway; two sons. 3 Polly (Molly, on Sanbornton records), b. Feb. 5, 1777; m. Joseph Mason, of Conwav. Children: (1.) Betsy Forest (Mason) ; m. William Page, of East Concord, N. H."; d. 1808. (2.) Hannah Randall; deceased. (3.) John Randall; m. and d. in Conway. (4 ) William Randall; d. in Biddeford, Me.; nine children, three living. (5.) Moses Randall; re- sides in Waterford, I\Ie. ; six children. (0.) Nathaniel Ran- dall; present proprietor of the " North Conway House " ; m. Rulh llutchins, of Fryeburg, Me. (.hildreu: I. Frke- MAN Hutchins (Mason) ; resides at North Conway; keeper of the "Sunset Pavilion" hotel, with his brother [III.] II. Francis Le Roy. III. Mahlon Lee. IV. Mangum Edson; d. aged 18. V. Nathaniel; d. young. 4. Hannah (Randall), b. Nov. 20, 1779; m. Stephen "Whitaker, of Conway. Child: (1.) George (Whitaker) ; m. and lives in the south part of the town (Conway). 5. John Forest (Randall), b. Dec. 28, 1781; m. Abiah Carleton, Apr. 13, 1S09. who was b. Aug. 10, 1786. He was a black- smith by trade, and d. Doc 1820, aged 45. Children: (1.) Samiel Carleton. b. Jan. 17, 1810. (2.) Rebkkah Carle- ton, b. July 18, 1812; d. Dec. 1829, in her 18th year. (3.) Moses, b. Feb. 3, 1810; m. Irene Shackford, of Eaton, N. H., Jan. 1830. Children : I. RrjiECCA Clement, b. Dec. 30, 1840; PART 11. SECOND GENERATION. 129 m. Stephen Stark, of Conway; one child. II. Emzabeth Fraxcks, b. Aus;. ISol. (4.) William, b Apr. 23, 1823; re- .sides near the old homestead at North Conway ; ni. Lizzie Ann White, of Bartlctt. Dec. 11, 1802. 6. AxxA, b. Feb. 11, d. Feb. 22, 1784. . . . NoTK. — We insert liere, though a little out of its proper place, an enlarged and corrected record of 1G41, 2, (2.) which came too late for insertion on tiie previous page : — (2.) Agnks Fdkkivst (Kaniiall), in. Samuel Forrest, ofNorth- fleld, N. H. He was b. Mar. 10, 1780, in N. ; was a former, al.so justice of the peace, a worthy citizen, and prominent in town allairs, for many years; d. Mar. 3, 1807, aged 81 Ciiil- dren, born in Northlleld : I. Axnk Km.ison (Forrest), b. Nov. 3, 1821. II. Susan- Kni«;iit, b. Nov. 2, 1823; ra. Samuel B. Rogers, of Sanborntou Hridge, who d. June, 1865. Children : (I.) OuviM.K FoKUKST (Rogcrs). b. Oct. G, 1844 ; a physician ; now in Dorchester, Mass. (II.) Samuki. B., b. July 11, 1852. (III.) LTVi.vr.sTON, b. June 20, 1800. III. Lafaykttk (For- rest), b. June 2'.), 1825 ; resides in Bangor, Me. ; four children. IV. Jamks Natiianikl, b. July 12, 1827; a farmer in North- field on the homestead of his father and grandfather; in. Mary Auiiusta Eaton, of Jay, Me. Ciiildren : ([.) 'Katk, b. June 12, 185t). (II.) S.vmukl, b. July 8, 1801. (III.) Fukddik, b. Aug. 15, 1803; d. Sept. 2, 1804, aged I year 18 days. (IV.) Edwin Davih, b. Sept. 3, 1805. (V.) Ruth, b. June 8, 1872. V. Mai!TI1a Randall, b. Oct. 1, 1831 ; nssldes witii her mother and eldest sister, at the (jld homestead, in Nortlillold. 1042. "William (Randall), b. 175U, in Lee; settled in Canterbury, N. H., and t lie re d. 1G4.3. Mauy (Uandall), b. Aug. 10. 1753, in Lee; was m. to William Laskev, by Rev. Sanuiel llutchins, Oct. 17, 1760. lie was b. Oct. 28, 1745, and d. May 0, lso7, in ins 62d year; was a far- mer, inheriting from his father the place now owned by his grandson [lU, (<))], near the inoutii of " Wednesday's brook," in Lee, on the " Mast road," not far from Durham line, and just l)elow tiie original homestead of ho- grandfather. Job Runels [1000 J. The brook still meanders, — a marvel for crookedness, — through verdant meadows behind the ancestral home, in which reside (1871) representatives of the second, tiiird, and fourth generations from herself. She d. Oct. 3, 1828, aged 75. Children (Lee Records) : — 1. Jonathan (Laskey), b. "Mar. 25, 1771. 2. John, I). Mar. 4, 1772. 3. Sauah, b. Mar. 8, 1774. 4. Anu.AiL, b. June 10, 177G. 6. JusKi'H, b. Jan. 12, 1778. 6. Maky, b. Apr. 24, 1780. 7. Susannah, b. Oct. 22, 1782. 8. William, b. Apr. 22, 1785, d. Nov. 1, 178G, iu his 2d year. 9. Louis, b. Aug. 12, 1787. 10. LovK, b. Dec 12. 1780; m. .Tonathan Bartlett. of Nottin, 1788; in. Daniel Smart, faniipr, 1805, and ^(;ttle(l in North Etlinfjham (now Freedom), N. H., 1818, where she (1. Sept ^0, 1852, ayed G4. Children: (1.) Levi L. (Smart), h. Feb. 17, 1800. (2.) Osboux, b. May 23, 1807. (;}.) JosKPH, b. Mar. 7, 1801). (4.; Kvkkktt, b. Dec. 3, 1811 ; d. youn.!?. (5.) Damkl, b. Oct. 15, 1812. (0.) Abigail, b. Dec. G, 1815. (7.) EvEUirrr, b. Mar. 18, 181G. (8.) John, b. Oct. 10, 1818; resides in Freedom, N. H. ; m. Amanda M. Jackson, Dec. 22, 1842. Children: I. Mary E., b. Dec. 17, 1843. n. Vina S , b. Nov. 2G, 18^5. III. John O., b. July 10, 1851. IV. CoKA A., b. Dec. 18, 1858. V. Joseph E., b. Sept. 4, 1861. (9.) Mauy E, b. Jan. 20, 1819. (10.) So- PHUONiA, b Jan. 11, 1823. (11.) Lydia N., b. May 15, 1824. 2. Nicholas D. (Langley), b. Feb. 20, 1790. 3. Samuel, " Jnn ," b. ^iay 1, 1792. 4. David, b. Oct. 2, 1794. 5. OiJLAND, b. Jan. 19, 1797. 16G0. Susannah (Langley), b. May 22, 17G6; m. a Woodman. 1G61. Samuel- [1G14] (Job^). Less can be ascertained of him than of his older brothers, from pulilic records or the verbal testi- mony of descendants, though there remains but little doubt that he was a soldier in the old French war. He was probably the " Sam- uel Runnells, sentinel," "entered Apr 3l) ; discharged Oct. 27, 175,0," and belonging to Co. 6., in the regiment of six hundred men furnished that year by New- Hampshire for service against Crown Point (see Vol. 11. "Military History of N. H," p. 137). He is known to have resided chiefly in Lee, and it is the common impres- sion of at least two aged people in that town (visited in 1871), that he moved thence to Peeling (now AVoodstock), N, H., in its early settlement, and there d. soon after, about the year 1774, aged 54 ^ also, that he was twice married, having "two or three children by his first wife, who d. soon after the birth of the youngest"; and that he " m., 2d, Love Tibbetts, just before moving to Peeling, by whom he had no children." " She was many years younger than he," b. about 1750 ; and having returned to Lee, there lived to ar> advanced age, " bearing the name of Love Runnels as his widow." The names of his two j'oungest children, and the meagre facts re- specting them, are wholl}' on the authority of the venerable Miss Joanna Farnham, formerly of Acton, Maine, and for man}' 3'ears a resident at the " American House," Boston. All attempts to ob- tain information respecting the Drew family, if a family, from other sources, have proved abortive. Children : — lfiG2. Samuel [1753], b. 1754, in Lee. lGt!3. Hannah, b. about 1750; m. a Drew, who settled " back in the country," probably in Albanj', N. H., and is remembered by our informant (see above) from tiie circumstance of his "having no palate ! " 1(;64. LovKV, 1). aliout 1759; d. early in life. Ker name favors the sup- position that she might have been a child of his second wife, but this is emphatically denied by our informants in Lee, as above. THIRD GENERATION. 1665. Susan3 [1616] (Job^, Jobi), m. Joseph Demeritt, Esq., of Noitlnvood, N. H., about the jear 1764. He was a f:irmer and justice of the peace, residino: near the Nottingham line on the place more recently occupied by Samuel Bennett. See [1673.] She d. Jan. 20, 1807, aged 61. "He d. Sept. 1822, aged 82. Children: — 1666. Moses (Demeritt'), b. about 1705; m. Lydia Odell (Odle), of Nottingham, Mav 24, 178!), and settled in Northwood. He d. 1846 ( ?), a£:ed 81. She d. at tiie aire^ of 7'J. Children : — 1. Bktsy, b. 17i»l (?); m., 1st, Thomas Furber, of Nottingham; m., 2d, Samuel Bean, of Deerlield. Children, first hus- band: (1.) Lydia (Furber), m. James Bean. (2.) Haukisox. See [6, (1)]. (3.) Zkpiikkus Pagk. (4.) Thomas. (5.) Eliza. 2. MosKS Odkli. (Demeritt), b. Nov. 8, 1793 ; m. Sarah .A.nn Messer, of Newfleld (Stratham), Apr. 10, 1820. She was b. May 30, 1802. He d. Feb. 28, 18.56, aged 02. Children : (1.) Buackktt Johnson; b. Nov. 12, 18:11; had kept the " Northwood House,"' iu East Northwood, for tvveutv-eight vears, in 1871 ; m. Fiuett. Welch [1672, 11], Apr. 12, 18'43. Child: I. Sai:ah M., b. Aug. IS, 1844. (2.) Langdox, b. Dec. 13, 1823; d. July 1, 1845. iu his 22d year. (3 ; Hooksruky Buackktt, b. Oct. 28, 1827; m. John A. Virgin, Sept. 13, 1849. (4.) Wil- liam, b. July 28, 1830; d. May 21, 1833, in his 3d year. (5.) Elizabktii, b. July 14, 1833; d. same day. (6.) Gkokgia Parsons, b. Oct. 4, 183t; m. John W. Drake, Mar. 1857. Chihlreu: I. Gkokgr Waltkr (Drake), b. Nov. 23, 1862. II. CUAULES BlJACKKTT, b. NoV. 3, 1864. (7.) PlIEKSIXA, b. Oct. 7, 1843; d. July 7, 1845, in her 2d year. (8.) Appleto.v, b. Oct. 9, 1848. 3. Sally (Demeritt) ; m., 1st, Jarves Knowltnn, of Northwood; m., 2d, Benjamin Iloyt; now living in Nottingham. Chil- dren: (1.) Betsy (Knowlton) ; m. Andrew Woodman. (2.) Gilbert G. (3.) Sakaii (Hoyt); m. Charles Kingsbury, of Boston. (4.) Anna; m. George Mauuiug, of Northwood; three children. 4. GoitDON (Demeritt) ; m. Lavina Sanborn ; live(d) in Notting- ham. Children: (1.) .Vddison. (2.) Alma. (3.) Haydk.v. 6. Tiio.MAS; ni. Mary Clark, of Barnstead; live(d) in Northwood. Children: (1.) Clark. (2.) Jaxk; in. George Knowlton, of Sanbornton. N. II. (3.) Makia; ra. ; two children. C. Naxcy; m. Miles Knowlton, of Northwood. Children: (1.) KoxANA (Knowlton), m.. 1st, a Tutile, of Dover; one child; nj.. 2d, Harrison Furher [1, (2)] ; resides in Boston ; one sou. 134 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. (2.) Ilr.NitY; in. a Morrison. (3.) Jame.s; m. a Morrison. (4.) Angki.i.na; m. John Morri.son. (5.) EuzAiiiyni. 7. Natiiamki. (Domeritt); was first an over.st-er in JJover; m. and moved to Pennsylvania, where residing as a furnier. 8. DoncAS; ni. John Batcholder, of Northwood, and moved to Sanbornton. 1C67. Sai.ly or Sakah (Demeritt), b. 17G7(?); m. Simeon Johnson, of Nortliwood, ^vho was b. 1704, and d. July G, 1830, aged 12. Slie d. Nov. 1842, aged 75( ?). Children : — 1. Levi (Johnson), b. Mar. 23, 1789; was a soldier in the war of 1812, and d. in Canada. 2. Josii'ii, b. Sept. 10, 1791; was a farmer in Northwood; m. Mary Weeks, of N., and there d. Oct. 6, 1866, aged 75. Child: (1 ) Sally; m. Jacob Knowles Oilman, a merchant in New Market, who there d. 3. John, b. Sept. 5, 1794. 4. Betsy, b. Sept. 16, 1797; d. Sept. 23, 1867, aged 70. 5. Samuel, b. Oct. 19, 1799 ; deceased. 6. TiiEODATE (l)aty), b. Oct. 9, 1801 ; lived in Northwood, and there d. Sept. 30, 1871, aged 70. 7. Matilda, b. June 4, 1804; resides in Northwood. 8. Oilman, b. July 6, 1806; ra. Eleanor French, of Deerfield, and d. Jan. 16, 1861, in his 5oth year. Cliildreu : (1.) Charles; now residing in Concord, N. H. ; an agent for a carriage manufactory. (2.) Loenek; a milliner in Chicago, 111. 9. Dennis, b. Dec. 13, 1808; deceased. 10. Jessie, b. July 13, 1810; deceased. 11. Hauuison, b. Sept. 7, 1814; now living in Northwood. 1668. Betsy (Demeritt), b. 1768(?); m., 1st. Joseph Priest, of Not- tingham ; m.. 2d, Clark, and lived in Barnstead. Children, first husband : — 1. Samuel (Priest) ; m. Patty Jones (published), "Jan. 2, 1804 "; lived in Nottingham, wliere his son (1.) Samuel now resides. 2. Susannah, b. Mav 3, 1787, in Nottingham ; m. Andrew Daniels, of Nottingham", (published), "Nov. 20, 1803." He was b. Jan. 31, 1780, in Barrington, and d. July 3, 1862, in liis 83d year. She d. Sept. 26, 1864, aged 77. Children: (1.) Eliza (Daniels), b. June 15, 1805, in Barnstead; ni. a Daniels, and d. in Barrington, leaving I. Eliza, b. Dec. 26, 1825, who was brought up by her grandfather, and m. John Bodge, of Barrington, May 2, 1852. (2.) Sally Priest, b. Dec. 5, ls06; m. a Welch, who was lost at sea; now lives at Oreat Falls. (3.) Henky Pkiest, b. Feb. 23, 1809; a farmer in Nottingham, on the turnpike ; see [1671, 6]. (4.) Nathan, b. June 17, 1812 ; lost at sea. (5.) Joskph Demeritt, b. July 16, 1816; d. Jan. 13, 1817. aged 6 months. (6.) Ira Tasker, b. Mar. 18, 1820. (7.) Mary Susan, b. Oct. 8, 1830, in Dur- ham; m. John A. Buzzell, of Barrington (?), Mar. 24, 1856. 3. Sally (Priest), b. about 1790. 4. Nathan; lived "on the Oreat Island" (New Castle), near Portsmouth. 5. Joseph. 6. William; m. Nancy Evans, of Barrington, and resided in New Market. 7. Hiram. b. Polly'; m. Tliomas Jones, of Barrington, now residing in Portsmouth 9. Jeffkuson ; m. Harriet True, of Pittsfield. 10. Harriet. 11. Nancy; m. Daniel Clark, of Barnstead. 12. Betsy; in., 1st, a Clark; 2d, a Proctor. PART ir. — THIRD GENERATION. 135 Ifi69. Jqskpji (Deraeritt), b. 1771 (?); m. Rebecca March, and lived in Norlhwood ; was in tlie war of 1812, and d. at Greenbush, N. Y., from wounds received iu battle. Children : — 1. Polly, b. about 1797: m. Ebenezer Chase, Jr., of Sanbornton; now residing in Gilmanton. ' ' ' 2. AIiiULiiXAlilii- ; ni. a.Cheslej', of Durham; deceased. 3. Elkanor; m. a Kimball, of Dover; deceased. 4. Harry; d. at Dover, by drowning. 6. John ; lived lirst iu Dover: moved thence to Philadelphia, Pa., and agiiin to ilanchester, N. II., where an overseer in the print works. 6. Susan ; m. a Tuttle of Dover, where still residing. 1C70. Paul (Demeritt), b. 1774 ( ?). ni. Martha Woodman, of Deerfield, and lived with his father in Northwood. Children : — 1. EuNiCK. b. Mar. 23, 1799; m., 1st. Geor<:e Seward, of Strafford, by whom six cJiildren; m., 2d, Gilman Johnson, and now residing near the •' ISow Pond," in Straflord. 2. Samuicl, b isOl ; l.ved in Nottingham. 3. Bi:tsy, b. 1803 (4); d 1^17. aged 14. 4. Susan, b. Dec. 22, l.sOC; m. Alfn-d lloitt, Oct. 26, 1827. He was b. Jan. 11, isOij; a general in the New Hampshire militia; keeper of a hotel in hee for fourteen years; a mem- ber of the New Hampshire legislature, 1819-1853, being a representative from Lee, iu the House, and from District No. 1, in the Senate. He now resides in Durham, as a hay merchant, doing business with his sons on Canal Street, Boston. Ail their thirteen children are now living (1871), as here numbered, and nineteen of their twenty-five grand- children : (1.) Franklin Woodbury (lloitt), b.' Apr. o', 1829. (2.) ALrRKU DK.MKRrrT, b. Oct. 14, 1830; m. and had three children. (3.) Alvina Amanda, b. Feb. 8, 1832; m. and had four children. (4.) Samukl Pipkr, b. Mar. K!, 1833; occupies bis father's old stand in Lee; m. and had four cluldren,, (.5.) Elizarktu Susan, b. Mar. 1, is3.j; m Samuel Cntaye^, hay merchant, Boston ; two children. (G.) Lydl\ Olivk, b. Oct. 30, 1836; m. Rufus Willey, of Somerville, Mass. Children: I. Eddik (Willey), b. May, I8r)4; d. Jan. 185.5, aged 8 mos. II. Clark.nck, b. Jan. 17, 1858. III. Cuarlks, b. Nor. 1805; d. Mav, 18(i0, aged months. IV. Nkllik, b. May 30, lSfi7. (7.) Hknrietta (Hoitt), b. Feb. 28, 1838; m. Alden P. Sher- burne, jeweller. Main Street, Concord, N. H. Children: I. Alkrkd Alden (Sherlmrne). II. Elmer David. III. Charles Lewellyn. (8.) Mary Frances, b July 22, 1839; UK, 1st, Charles Bean; in., 2d, Franklin Young; four ciiildren, of whom I. Walter( LARK (Bean), b. Oct. 11. 18(;3. (9.) Mar- tha Ann (Hoitt), b. Apr. 20, 1841; in and had one child. (10.) Geoikie Irving, b. Feb. 2, 1843; enlisted for three months in Sprague's Rhode Island cavalry, 18ii2, while a member of Dartmouth College; now in the hay business with his father, in Boston. (11.) Washington, b. Dec. 25, 1844; same business as tlie last. (12.) Sylvia Victoiha, b. Jan. 12, 1847 (13.) Charles Edward, b. Mar. 8, 1849. 5. Calvin Suldin (Demeritt). 6. Edward. 7. Georoe. 8. Betsy Jane. 9. Rhoda; m. a Beales. l!71. John (Demeritt), b. Jan. 30, 1777; served three months in the war of 1HI2, at the fort near Portsmouth; m. Abigail Hill, who was b. -May 1;'., 1781; resided iu Nottingham. Children: — 1. Jacob, b. July 8, 1800. 136 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 2. JosF.rn, b. Nov. 11, 1^02; m. Stilly Colcord ; resides in West Notliii^'liam. Children: (I.) Ukxjamin Wii.i.aicd. (2.) Jo- sicrii Kdwakd. (3.) John Lkonai'.d; now (1871) in Nevada Territory. (4.) Kmza Ann; m. a Uoyt; deceased. (5.) Sahaii Jane; deceased. 3. Sophia, b. Jan. 8, 1804 ; m. Pelatiah Jones, of Lee. Children : (1.) Doi.LY Jank (Jones). (2.) Danikf. AuGfSTUS; served in Ihe (Itli New Hanipsliire reuinient till discharged on ac- count of sickness; was drowned near New Market, Mar. 1866. (8.) John Dejikkitt; a soldier in the New Hampshire 6th regiment three years. (4.) Jacob Demeiutt. (5.) Charles; enlisted in the 3i)th Massachusetts regiment, and d. in Salisbury prison, N. C, Nov. 22, 18G4. (0.) Abigail Ann. (7.) Maky Elizabeth. (8.) Martha Jane. (9.) Lydia Esther. (10.) Sarah Augusta. 4. John (Dtmeritt), b. Apr. 20, 1806; resides in Gilead, Mich. 5. Timothy, b. Mar. 23, 1808: lived in Nottin<;ham, and there d. Jan. 18G6, in his 58th year; m., 1st, Deborah Emerson, by •v\iiom twelve children; m., 2d, Hannah Clay, by whom four children. Of these, the six lollowing were in the war of the rebellion, and the father said he "would go himself if that was not enough." (1.) John. (2.) Jacob; d. in conse- quence of wounds received. (3.) Emerson; twice enlisted. (4.) Geohge; twice enlisted. (5.) Charles; d. of disease in the service. (6.) Albert. 6. Mehetabel Ford, b. Mar. 18, 1810; m. Henrv P. Daniels, of Nottingham [16G8','i. (3)], May 27, 1832. Children: (1.) Na- than Edwin (Daniels), b. Sept. 6, 183;v, m. Eachel Grant, of South Berwick, Me., Feb. 1854; resides in Nottingham; six children, one deceased. (2.) John Colby, b. Apr. 17, 1836; d. May 1, 1839, aged 3. (3.) Priest, b. Jan. 14, d. May 15, 1838. (4.) John D., b. June 17, 1839; was in the late war; m. Esther V. Tuttle, of Nottingham, Sept. 18G4; three chil- dren. (5.) Maria Sarah, b. Jan. 2, 1842; m. William F. Holmes, of Nottingham ; one child. He served with his brother-in-law, (4.), for three years, in the 13th New Hamp- shire regiment, Co. F. 7. Daniel (Demeritt), b. July 12, 1812; was a merchant at West Nottingham; m. Lorinda P. Batchelder [1674, 2], July 3, 1842. and d. Feb. 27, 1863. in his 51st year. Children: (I.) Hannah Adalaide, b. Jan. 15, d. Apr. 23, 1844. (2.) George Washington, b. Jan. 26, 1845. (3.) Hannah Abby, b. June 28, 1846 ; m. Samuel A. Colcord, Mar. 28, 1868 ; residence at West Nottingham. Child : L Kalph (Colcord), b. Aug. 7, 1869. (4.) John William (Demeritt), b. Jan. 4, 1848; d. Apr. 7, 1853, aged 5 years 3 months. (5.) John William, b. July 7, 1857. 8. Samuel Dyer, b. May 29, 1814 ; was in the Mexican war, being present at the taking of the capital, and is supposed there to have died. 9. Sarah Johnson, b. Dec. 29, 1815; m. Levi White, of Deering, N. H., July 4, 1842; three children. 10. Mary Ann, b. Mar. 18, 1818; m. John W. Joy, of Manchester, and d. Aug. 1857, aged 39, leaving: (1.) Josephine (Joy). 11. Benjamin Franklin (Demeritt), b. Jan. 15, d. Apr. 12, 1820. 12. Andrkw Jackson, b. Sept. 7, 1821 ; d. at Nottingham, Aug. 1852, aged 31. 13. Abigail Finett, b. Jan. 12. 1825. 1672. Lois (Demeritt), b. about 1783 ; m. Jacob Welch, and settled first in Sheflield; then in Lyndon, Vt. Children : — 1. Susan (Welch) ; m. a Miles, of Madbnry, N. H. PART II. — TIIIUD GENERATIOX. 137 2. Deliveranck; m., 1st, a French; 2cl, an Elliot. 3. JosKPH Demeiutt; m. Mary Ann Coe, and settled iu Notting- ham. Children: (I.) .Jo.sEPn Priest. (2.) Chakles L. (3.) IIakkisox. (4) Jacoij. (5.) Martua Ann; ni. a Langley, of Nottingham. (G.) Okkin. 4. William; resides in Lyndon, Vt. 5. Hendrick; enlisted in the 11th Vermont regiment at the age of 54, and was killed May G, 1SG4, at the battle of the Wil- derness, Va. 6. Prudence. 7. Maky Jane. 8. CuAHLES; d. at Lyndon, Aug. 10, 1871. 9. Freeman; was iu Texas at the commencement of the war, and is supposed to have been hung lor the crime of being a "Union man." 10. Isaac; now resides in Lyndon. 11. FiNETT, b. Aug. 25, 1824*; see [IGGG, 2, (1.)] 12. Hannah. 13. Greenleaf; now in California. 14. Louisa ; d. young. 1673. Susan (Demeritt), b. Oct. 4, 1789; m. Samuel Bennett, farmer, of Northwood, Mar. 5, 1808. He was b. Feb. 13, 1787, and d. Apr. 25, 1852, aged Go. She d. Sept. 23, 18G8, aged 79. They lived on the original Joseph Demeritt farm, still occupk-d by their daughter [10]. 1. Harriet Demeiutt (Bennett), b. Mar. 18, 1809; m. David Tut- tle, of Palmyra, :\Ie., and there d. Nov. 2, 1870, in her G2d year; three children. 2. Lucinda Abigail, b. Jan. IG, 1811. 3. Lovina Dusiin, b. July 30, 1814 ; d. Mar. 13, 1811, in iier 27th yr. 4. E.MiLY Ann, b. Dec. 181G. 5. Susan Cai'.oline, b. Dec. 1818; ra. Joseph Priest; d. at Great Falls, Sept. 13, 18G8, in her 50th year; one child. 6. William Pllmmeij, b. Apr. 28, 1820; d. Sept. 4, 18G9, aged 49. 7. Judith E.meline, b. July 15, 1823; d. Mar. IG, 1«2G, in her 3d year. 8. James IIollis, b. Jan. 19, 1825; d. Apr. 1, 1845, aged 20. 9. Sarah Oleva, b. Jan. 18, 1827; m. a Johnson; resided in Northwood; both deceased. 10. Elizabeth Jane, b. Jan. 24, 1830; m. Josiah S. Willey. Jan. 8, 1870; resides on her grandfather's homestead in Northwood; posl-ollice. West Nottingham. 11. A.MAXDA Malvii:a, b. Jan. IG, 1832; m. Jolin J. Noble, of Ep- ping; d. Mar 2, 18G2, aged 30; one child. 12. BEN.JAMIN Fi;anklin, b. Jan. 9, 1835; d. May S, 18G2, aged 27. 1674. Hannah (Demeritt), b. Aug. 23, 1793; m. William Batclielder, house carpenter and farmer, of Nottingham. Apr. 15, 181G. He was b. in Northwood, Apr. 27, 1788, and is still living iu West Nottingham (1871). Shed. May 14, 1837 (1839), in her 44th (4Gth) year; he m., 2d, Jlrs. Mary Kandall, who d. Dec. 13, 18G2. Cliildren, Orst wife: — 1. JosKiMi Demeritt (Batclielder), b. June 12, 1817; a farmer in A\'est Kottinghiim ; has been twice m. ; was first selectman and town treasurer of Nottingham in 1871. Children: (1.) William Edward, b. June 17, l.s44. (2.) Joseph Alueut, b. May 2, lis49. (3.) Hannah Klla, b. Mar. 27, 1853. (4.) Cai;rie Abiue, b. Aug. 1, 18GG. (^5.) EL>n:R Greenleaf, b. A Hi:. 28. I,s(i8. 2. Lorinda Priest, b. Nov. 11, 1818; see [1671, 7]. 3. CiiAULEs Henry, b. May 28, 1820; d. Mar. II, 1821, aged 9 mos. 11 days. 138 IIUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMOUIALS. 4. OuMAN, b. Feb. 4, 1822; was a tin manufacturer, residing in ('oncord, N. 11.. and Cleveland, O. ; lias now returned, as a farmer, to liis fatlicr's homestead in West Nottin<;ham; in. Su.san Titus, of Versliire, Vt., Jan. 25, IHflO. Child: (1.) Wii.i.ii.; OuMAN, b. Auf,'. 2, 18C0. 5. GmcEXLKAF Fuunr.K, b. Sept. IG, 1823; m. Josephine Lor^nils, of Ohio, June, 1801 ; residinjj, as a merchant, in Kendallville, Nol)le Co., Ind., 1871. Child: (1.) Katie, b. Jan. 1805; d. Feb. 18GG, tx-xcd 13 months. 6. Maikjahict Ann, b. Feb. G, d. May 9, 1827. 7. Sahaii Jane, b. Oct. IG, 1828; d. Jan. 14, 1832, in lier 4th year. 8. James Harden Pike, b. July i), 1833; resides in Kendallville, Ind., as principal of tlie high school, 1871; m. Martha Ann Knowlton, of Northwood, 18.58. Children: (!•) Viei.la, b. Aug. 4, 1859 (2.) Kay, b. 1862; d. 18G6, aged 4. (3.) L()1!a(?), b. Ang. 4, 1871. 9. Hannah Jane, b Sept. 25, 183G (" 1838" given, but less proba- ble, from date of her mother's death) ; d. Aug. 17, 1854, aged 18 (IG). 1675. Job3 [1617] (Job?, Jol)*), is styled on the town records " Lieut." and " Job Runnels Jan." till after the death of his father ; was in. to Sarah Ellison, of Lee, by Rev. Samuel Hntchins. June 2, 1772. She was b, Apr. 3, 1751. Is reported as a " Private in Smith Emerson's Co., at Seavey's Island, Nov. 5, 1775," in tlie New Hampshire military records. '• Mar. 28, 1780, Job Runnels, Jr., and Sarah, his wife," deeded to Samuel Hill " a hundred acre lot in the township of Canterbur}^ ; " and "May 4, 1780," they deeded away their title " to the estate of Thomas Ellison, her father in Barrington." He was selectman in Lee, 1781, and again in 1787 and 1790. • Said to be residing in the " Mast way district," 1807-1815. For locality, see [1606] and [1615]. This "Mast road," " way," or " path," found so frequently upon old records pertaining to Lee, was the original road opened from Lee Hill to tide-water, at Durham Falls, over which " His Majesty's pines for the royal navy" were drawn in the winter ! This brother's part of the ancestral estate did not probably go out of the family till after his death, Aug. 27, 1831, in his 83d year. His widow d. Jan. 20, 1840, in her 89th year. Children, born in Lee : — 1676. Susanna [1761], b. July 4, 1773. 1677. Thomas [1771], b. Feb. 2, 1775. 1678. AniGAiL, b. Dec. 20, 1776; d. at Rochester, Oct. 1826, in her 50th year. 1679. Sally [1782], b. Apr. 13, 1779. 1680. Polly b. Nov. 2. 1781 ; d. in infancy. 1681. Peggy, b. Jan. 3, 1784; d. iu infancy. 1682. Job [1788], b. Jan. 8, 1787. 1683. Hannah [1793], b. Apr. 8, 1790. 1684. John IL, b. Mar. 11, 1792; settled in Portland, Me., near the close of the wai% in 1815, where he kept a boot and shoe store for some time; m., 1st, widow Ellison, of Portsmouth, N. H , and had one child She d. 1820 He afterwards resided in Alexandria, D. C, took the management of a lottery scheme, authorized by Congress, and published iu its interest, a new.s- paper, entitled " Runuells' Lottery Register." He m., 2d, Miss Dade, iu Alexandria, moved thence to Washington after 1829, PART II. THIRD GENERATION. 139 and there d., leaving!; two cliildren by liis second wife, who were living in Washington as late as 1S4U. ijut are .suppostd to have d. soon after. We enter the notice of his family and children here, as the names and births of the latter have wholly eluded our long-continued search. 1685. Betsy [1799], b. May 21, 17'J4. 1686. Abigail3 [1618] (Job^, Job'), m. Eliphalet Taylor, joiner, 1772; lived first in Lee, but afterwards settled in North- wood, N. II. Children : — 1687. ZACnEUS (Taylor), b. 1773, probably in Lee; m. a Burnham, of Northwood. 1688. Jonathan, b. 1776, in Lee; m. a Fiske; settled in Tuftonborough, N. H., and moved thence to Allenstowu. 1689. Sally, b. " Mar. 11, 1779, in Lee" (Northwood records); m. John Durgin, Jr.. of Northwood, who was b. Aug. IG, 1771, in N. Children, b. in Northwood : — 1. Louis (Durgin), b. Mar. 3, 1790. 2. JoiJ, b. Aug. 1, 1798. 3. Milks, b. Sept. 20, 1802. 4. SuSANNA(n), b. Mar. 22, 1805. 5. Eliphalkt, b. June 23, 1809. 1690. Daniel (Tavlor), b. 1781 ; " was a seafaring man." 1691. Pt-LLY, b. 1784; m. John Shaw, of Northwood, Oct. 18, 1803. Children (Northwood records) : — 1. "LizzEY" (Shaw), b. Jan. 21 (26), 1805. 2. Nancy, b. Jan. 27, 1807. 3 Susanna, b. Jan 4, 1809. 4. Joseph, b. Feb. 25, 1811. 1692. John (Taylor), b. 1787; m. Love Durgin, Sept. 30, 1808, and moved to Ussipee (Effingham), N. IL 1693. Abigail, b "Sept. 28, 1790"; m. Thomas Durgin, who was b. Aug. 8, 1791, and settled in Effingham. Children: — 1. LovEY (Durgin), b. June 24, 1811, 2. Louisa Mead, b. Mar. 13, 1813. 1694. Joseph (Taylor), b. 1793; lived and d. in Ossipec, or Effingham. 1695. MiLEs^ [16 10] (Job'-, Job'), was a teacher as well as farmer, and disposed of his part of his father's estate in Lee, N. IL, "June .0, 1790," mider which date we find "Miles Hunels and IMargaret his wife," deeding to "Robert Paiker" (the ('apt. Parker who built the present Hale or Smith mansion), "of Portsmouth, the land in Lee which I bought of my honored father Job Kunels, by his deed to me Mar. 6 (26), 1785." lie remained in Lee till aft>-r 1815. Is called "Lieut Miles Reynolds," of the "North Kiver District," on town records of 1807, — though " Runnels " again on records of 1815. His is one of the few names found enrolled, for the service of his country, holh in the war of the Revolution and in the war of 1812. The former enlistment was when a young man, before his marriage, "July 5, 1779," " Capt. ICzekiel AVorthen's Co., Moonev's regiment for the defence of Rhode Island." "July 10, 1779," he "is said to be " of Lee," and received "£30 bounty" and "£12 travel money"; served six months anil five days; discharged -'.Jan. 9, 17SU." Also enlisted "Oct. 5, 1814," for sixty days, in Cai)t. .lohn Willey's Co., ad 140 KUNNKLS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. regiment fletacljed militia (New Hampshire military records). He m. INInrpiret Kclsoa, of Nottingliam, 1781, who was h. in N., Nov. 1, 17G2, and d. June 5, 1851, in her 89th year. He d. Mar. 24, 1847, at Tuftonborough, in his 8Gth year. Their children were : — IfiOG. Jamks, b. July 22, 1782, in L^^e, and there d. 1791, aged 9. 1697. Elizauktii, b. Jan, 30, 1785, in Lee; d. at Dover, Mar. 1857, aged 72. Ifi98. John [1811], b. Apr. 16, 1787, in Lee. 1699. Lois [1817], b. Dec. 5, 1792, in Nottingham. 17U0. OuvK, b. July 31, 1797, in N- ; now residing (1869) with her sis- ter, last named, in Tuftonborough. 1701. Hannah3 [1647] (Jonathan^, Job^), m. William McDan- iels, farmer, of Nottingham, N. H., 1784. He d. June 10, 1829. She d. June 27, 1841, aged 86. Children : — 1702. JouN (McDaniels), b. 1785; " left for parts unknown"; is sup- posed to have d. 1703. RIaktha, b, 1787; m. Otis Bruce; moved to Palmyra, Me., and there d. 1704. ]\Iauy, b. Mar. 17, 1789; m. Cliarles Bruce, farmer, of Notting- ham, Nov. 1825. He occupies the old McDaaiels farm in N. She d. Feb. 10, 1845, aged 56. Child : — 1. Angklina (Bruce), b. Mar. 27, 1827; ra. Edward Gibbs, of Boston, 1853. He is a gas and steam fitter; has resided in Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and various other parts of tlie West. Children: (1.) Eldoka (Gibbs), b. July 31, 1854; m. Lorenzo Kimball Garland, of Nottingham, shoemaker, Oct. 31, 1870. (2.) Charles, b. June 21, 1856; d. Sept. 14, 1857, aged 15 mouths. (3.) (huRLES, b. Feb. 22, d. Mar. 10, 1858. (4.) Mary Dorcas, b. Jan. 18, 1863. 1705. David (McDaniels), b. May 27, 1791; d. Sept. 17, 1816, aged 25. 1706. Fklatiaii, b. 1793; was blown up in a fort during the war of 1S12, — for which he had enlisted as a soldier, — on a 4th of July, and thus d. 1707. Eunice, b. 1796; deceased. 1708. Hannah, b. 1799 ; d. May 19, 1833, aged 34. 1709. Maktha^ [1618] (Jonathan^, Job^), m. a Batchelder, of Nottingham, of whose familj' little can be ascertained. Chil- dren : — 1710. Moses (Batchelder), m., lived, and d. in Portsmouth, N. H. 1711. Alice (or Elsie). 1712. Mark; is said to have settled in Conway, N. H. 1713. Keziaii ; d. with her aunt llincs [1649], in Nottingham. 1714. John; is supposed to have moved, with his older brother Mark, to Conway, 1715. Abigail^ [1650] (Jonathan^, Job^), m, Jonathan Thomp- son, of Lee, N. II., 1779. He was b. Jan. 23, 1758, the son of Robert and Susannah Thompson, and d. Dec. 9 (town records '• 29 "), 18U3, in his 46th year. She d, about 1802, aged 42. They lived in Durham or Lee, on land now owned by Thomas Chesley ; house removed. Children, — '• arranged by pairs ; two boys, then two girls, and one boy iowards the fifth pair! " — PART II. TUIKD GENERATION. 141 1716. Bexjamix (Thompson), b. 1780; d. 181G, in Durham, aged 36, by bleeding at the nose. 1717. Levi, b. Dec. 2, 1781; m. Comfort Ellison, and lived in Notting- ham, where he d. June 4, l.sTl, in his yoth year; and she d. Aug. 7 of the same j'ear, aged 84 years 9 mouths. Children : — 1. Joiix; deceased. 2. WiLMAM; deceased. 3. JosKi'H ; deceased. 4. Ahuaham; now residing at Nottingham Centre; a farmer and teamster; ni. Deborah Chesley, of N., May 24, 1840. 5. Levi; settled in Epping. 6. lioBEKT; settled in Epping; three children. 7. Joxatiiax ; lived witii his father in Nottingham. 8. CiiAKi-ES; resides in Lee. 9. Abigail; m. a Thompson; lives in Nottingham; four children. 10. MaiiyJank; ni. a Sewards, of Harrington ; twelve oiiiklren. 11. KicziAii; in. a Harvey; resides in San I'rancisco, Cal. ; nine children. 12. Ei,iZAi5ETii ; m. Robert Lucy, of Nottingham; Ave children. 13. Sylvksteic; served in the late war of the rebellion; was wounded, and d. of diphtheria. 1718. Poi.i.Y. b. 1785 ; m. a Speed, of Dover, and d. at New Market, N. H. Child : — 1. AniGAii. (Speed) ; m. Charles Young, of Dover; was living on Garrison Hill, 18G8. 1719. Abigail (Thompson), b. 1787; d. May 25, 1808, in Lee. aged 21. 1720. Robert, b. Apr. 22, 1790, iu Lee. Served us "sergeant in the State militia" (probably of Massachusetts in Maine) during the " war of 1812 ; " was a farmer ; resided at North Searsmont, Me., for fiity-two years, and there d. Aug. i», ISiiO, aged 70, after a ten-years' sickuess, — lameness ending in dropsy, lie m. Susannah French, Nov. 3, 1810, in Lee, wIkj was there b. .Apr. k;, 1790, and d. at North Searsmont, Aug. 27, 1871 (?), aged SI. Children : — \. Jonathan, b. Aug. 10, 1812, in Montville, Me.; a farmer; m., 1st, Elizabeth Duly, Apr. 14, 1842, in Camden. She was b. Feb. 9, 1810, and d! Mar. 4, 1845, aged 29. He m., 2d, Abi- gail Marion Sherman, Jan. 2, 1847, in Thomaston, Me., who was b. Nov. 27, 1823. Children: (I.) Ciiaui.es AiGisTrs (tirst wife), b. Nov. 6, 1843, in Camden; d. Nov. 10, 1844, aged 1 year 4 days. (2.) Li.ewei.lyx Augtstixe (second wife), b. Sept. 5, 1848, in Searsmont. (3.) Abbie JIakion, b. Feb. 3, 1850, in Searsmont. (4.) Kegixald Romaixe, b. Mar. 14, 1854, in S. (5.) Fkaxki.in Joxatiiax, ^Sept. 3, 185(1, in S. («.) Fehdinaxi) De Soto, b. Mar. 24, 1859. (7.) AitDKA Haxxaii, b. July (!, 18(il. (8.; M aiuia Eva, b. .\pr. 23, d. Oct. 11, 18(53. (9.) Tiikodoue Booxe, b. Dec. 21, istJt;. 2. Am-kki), b. May 11, 1814, iu Moulville; d. Jan. 11, 1822, at Searsmont, aged 7 years s mouths. 3. Eliza H., b. Mar. 20, 181G. in Searsuiout, as were all the fol- lowing. 4. Levi, b. Aug. 23. 1818; a farmer. 5. Sahaii J , b. Oct. 8, 1822; m. Albert King, house carpenter, of Searsmont, Dee. 28, 18l(;, who was b. .July 21, is 18, in S. Child: (I.) GEDiKiK Edwix (King), b. ,Juue 13, 1819, iu S. G. William (Thouipson). b. Oct. 4, (\. Oct. 10, 1823. 7. Maky S., b. Aug 3, 1825. 8. Jajies F., b. Sept. 4, 1828; a farmer. 1721. Joxatiiax, b. .Mar. 12, 1792; was :i farmer in Durham, ne;ir New Markel, till 18(18 ; now resitUng iu Lc; with his nephew Charles Tlionipsou [1717, 8] (?). 142 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 1722. SusANNAir; b. July i, 17!»+; in. rolatmliTIiompson, see [1634, 1], Nov. 1, 181(1. and lias livi-d till the present In Lee, on tlie farm still occupied by their sou Jonathan. No other individual has contributed so much information to the writer respecting? the I.'unnelses and 'J'homi)sons of Lee. Her aid, at frrst, was indis- pensable. He d. Apr. 18.')2. in his o7th yr. Children, b in Lee : — 1. J<.).sKi'ii ('riiompson), b. May 11, 1818; d. at Lea, Jan. 1851, in liis ;?;5(1 year. 2. Ei.iZAHKTii, b. Feb. 13, 1820; d. Apr. 18.52, aged S2. 3. Jonathan, b. Aug. 27, 1822; m. Lucy Moore, of Andover. Mass., June 24, 1852, wlio was b. Apr. 27, 1828. Children: (1.) LizziK Lucy, b. Aug. 4, 1853 (2.) Edwin Jonathan, b. Sept. 3, 18(!2. (3 ) Annv Susan, b. May 25, 18(J4 ; d. July 22, 18G7, aged 3 years 2 months. (4.) William, b. Sept. 21, ]86(). (5.) iHviNG AtiGusTUs, b. Jan. 20, 18G9. (6.) Ida Bkll, b. Aug. 10, 1870 4. Pklatiah, b. Nov 5, 1824; lives with his brother in Lee. 5. Susannah F., b. July 17, 1820; m. Matthew J. Harvey, of Ep- ping, June 1, 18.50. He was b. Oct. 14, 1821. Children: (1.) Abuv Elizaukth (Harvey), b. Aug. 14, 1857. (2.) Jamks Buchanan, b. Dec 3, 1858. (3.) Joskph Thompson, b. Mar. 11, 18G1. (4.) Mautha Fannie, b. Oct. 26, 18G3. (5.) Nathaniel D , b. Auir. 8. 18G5. (6 ) John Milton, b. Sept. 28, 1869. (7.) Matthew, b. Mar. 24, 1870. 6. Abigail E., b. Dec. 20, 1827; m. Rev. George L. Becker, Oct. 1850; then a Congregational minister in Sanford, Me.; now residing in Grenada, Kansas, whither he moved Mar. 1857. Children: (1.) Lizzie Piekson (Becker), b. Nov. 12, 1857. (2 ) Dana, b. Jan. 24, 1859. (3 ) Mara, b. Jan 23, 1861. (4.) "Susannah" (as we venture to call her, though "not named" by her parents), b. July 29, 1863; d. Mar. 27, 1864, aged 8 months. (5.) Emma, b. June ?4, 1867. 1723. Keziah (Thompson), b. Mayo, 1798; ra. Robert Thompson, of Lee; d. Mar. 19, 1871, in her 73d year. 1724. Asa, b. 1801 ; d 1804, at Durham, aged 3. 1725. Sarah^ [1651] (Jonathan^, Job^), m. John Thompson, of Lee, and settled in Conway, N. H., west side of Saco river, opposite tlie north village. He was b. Mar. 29, 1762, and d. Aiisj. 10 (12), 1798, in his 37th year. She d. at Conway, Sept. 2U, 1824, aged 62. Children : — 1726. Betsy (Thompson), b. June 17, 1790; d. Oct. 3, 1812, aged 22. 1727. Samuel, b. Sept. 1, 1792; lived on his father's place, and d. Sept. 20. 1829, aged 37. Had ra. Betsy Osgood, of Conway. Chil- dren : — 1. CiiAKLEs Osgood. 2. Samuel. 3. John ; m. Ann Thomas : lived at the old homestead in Conway, and there d. Dec. 1870. 1728. John, b. June 11, 1795; d. May 11, 1814, aged 18 years 11 mos. 1729. Keziah, b. Dec. 5, 1796; d. Nov. 16. 1834, aged 38. 1730. JoNATiLvN Runnels (middle name afterwards changed to "Rey- nolds "), b. Jan. 21,1 799. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1827, and at the Dartmouth Medical School, 1831. Commenced the practice of nuHlieine at Conway Corner, 1832, and there continued it till near his death. Represented his town in the New Hampshire le-iislature, 1835; held the office of town clerk ten years, and various other town offices. He was " a highly respectable citizen and successful physician ; a deep thinker on PART II. — THIRD GENERATION. 143 all subjects which claimed his attention." and "he died in tlie triumphs of aCiiristian fiiith. Durinjj; the last year of his life, in the investisation of Christian truth, he read the New Testa- ment throui^h three times in Latin and once in Greelv. besides a re<^ular use of the En;ilish translation." (P'rom tiie " Class Memorial," " D. C, 1827.") He m., 1st, Abigail Hill Eastman, of Conway, Jan. 21. IhSO (his birtiidav), who d. Oct. 3, ls4r, ; m., 2d, Mary Russell Hill, of Conway, Sept. 13, 1849, and d. Dec. 12, 1861), in his 71st year. Children, first wife, b. in Con- waj', were : — 1. Sahaii Ei.iZAiiKTii, b Dec. 30, 183G; m. (Rev.) Isaac S. Ham- blen, of Waterville, Me., May 15, 18.59. At first, principal of the Waterville Academy, he afterwards graduated from the theological seminary at Newton Centre, Mass., — class of 18(>s, — and has since been laboring as pastor of the Baptist church in East Abington, Mass , with mucli encouragemi'Ut. He is a man of strong intedectual powers, and tliorough in his scholarship. Children: (1.) Samue[. Willis (Hamblen), b. Sept. 12. 18(i2. (2.) Locise Hill. b. Mar. 18, IsGo. 2. Aunv Hill (Thompson), b. Apr. 10, 18:38; m. Levi Chadbourne Quint, tanner, of Conway. 3. JoNATHAX EuwAiiDS, b. Fcb. 2G, 1840; d. at Conway, Dec. 5, 1859, in his 20th year. 4. Maky Evans, b. Sept. 30, 1841 ; d. Jan. 2G, 18r,2, in her 21st year. 5. Eunice Jane, b. Apr. 7, 1843; d. June 2, 1859, aged 16. 6. Henuy AniATUER, b, Sept. 8, 1845; d. May 10, 1805, in his 20th year. 1731. SusANXAH^ [16.')2] (Jonathans, Job^), m., 1st , Benjainin Diirgin, of Lee, farmer, 1783, who d. Oct 16, 1 7«5 ; m., 2cl, Hkli- aid Eastman, Esq., of North Conway, farmer, Aug-. 27, 1791. lie had eleven children by a former wife, and made the luunorons re- mark, when on his wa^' to Lee for a second wife, that he was after a '' pullet to scratch for a dozen cliickens ! " His eighteen chiklren and her two (by former Inisband) were all professors of religion, all but one lived to be over seventy years of age, and three lived, or are living (1871), to be nearl}- one hundred! He d. Dec 6, 1826. She d. May 29, 1849, aged 84. Her children were : — 1732. SusAX (Durgin), b. Apr. 17, 1784; m. Abiather Eastman, Jr., of Conway, 1802. He was b. Aug. 1, 1781, and d. Oct. 22, 1813, aged 32, at Chatautiue Four Corners, N. Y., in an army hospital, having enlisted in the I'. S. service in June of the same year. She d. Apr 19, 1853, at Sweden, Me., aged (!9. ChiMren: — 1. Uen.iamin Dt'KGiN (Eastman), b. Dec. 21, 1S()2. He joined the Maine Conference of the Methddist Episcopal Church, June, 1831, and labored .>-uccessfully, for some twenty-six years, as a clergyman in various fields in liic eastern part of Maine, from one of which he was sent two terms to the House of Kepresentatives and once to the State Senate. Hass since resided to the present (1871) in North Conway, as a local preacher, trader, and postmaster. He m., 1st, Lois Fog Averill, Nov. 19. Is.",!, who was b. July 23, 1812, in M.acliias, Me., and d. at Limestone, Jan. 20. 1S49, in her o7th year; in., 2(1, Nancy Fisher Whitney, Feb. 21, 1850, who was b. June 30 1828, "in Corinth, Me "cinldien: (1.) Caroline Bancs, b. Jan. 7. 1833, in Castine, Me. (2.) Ciiaijles Warp, b. .hily 17, 1834, in UrooUsville, Me. (3 ) 1)()llv Averill, b. June 17, 1837, in Wesley, Me. (4.) Emma Ellkn, b. July 21, 1840, 1 II HUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMOHTALS. in Wesley. (•''•) Lois Anna, b. Mar. 10, 1843, in Cooper, Me. ((!.) Susan Ditmgin, b. May 10, 1848, in Limestone, Me. (7.) Gkokgk Vkhnon (second wife), b. Nov. 24, 1851, ia Limestone. (8.) Claha Alick, b. Jan. 23, 18.^1, in Lime- stone, (y.) Of.ivK Jkaniottk, b. Mar. 0, I8.'5f!, in Phillips, Me. (10.) Ella May, b. Nov. 9, 1858, in Bartlett, N. H. 2. Samukl, b June 17, 1804; went to South Carolina, where he proi)ablj' died. 3. Otis, b. Apr. 15, 1800; resides in Minnesota; m. Florilla Mer- rill; four sons, of whom: (1.) Hui'us Mkhijill, served in the late war, 1st Minnesota ref^iment; and (2.) Gkorge, lilie- wise, in a Maine regiment, was wounded in the James river campaign, Va., and '■ maimed for life." 4. Caholink, b. Dc;c. 2."), 1808; m. James Evans, of Sweden, Me. Three sons and two dangliters; of tlie former, (1.) Samuel East.man (Evans) and (2.) Gkorgk Mesekvk, both d. in the war, bein-r " lik Williams, b. Apr. 28, 1845; m. Alonzo Stillings, of Jackson, farmer, Oct. 2."). 1808. 1739. John Laxgdon (Eastman), b. Mar 12, 1S0.5; m. Margaret Doug- lass, Nov. 18, 1834, wlio was b. Jan. 10, 1812, in Portland, Me. He is a farmer, residing at North Conway, and deacon of the Congregational cliurcli. Chiklren : — 1. Baknaki) Douglass, b. Feb. .'», Is30; graduated at a New York medical sciiool ; now (1871) first assistant physician in the Government Hospital for the Insane, Waslnngtou, D. C. ; m. Carrie Ely, Oct. 12, 1805. Child: (1.) Mvky Sterne, b. Aug. 1868. 2. Edward Payson, b. July 15, 1838; enlisted in the New Hamp- shire 1st heavy artillery, Sept. 1804, servinir till the close of the war; graduated at the Bangor Theological Seminary, 1871, and ordained .Apr. 20, 1871, as pastor of tiie Congrega- tional church of Conway and North Conway, his old home; m. Eliza N. Sawyer, of Westbrook, Me , Mar. 8, 18i>8. Children: (1.) Fred Lan'gdon, b. June 17, 18()9, at North Conway. (2.) Louisa Snow, b. Aug. 9, 1871, at N. C. 3. Charles Henry, b. Feb. 14, 1841 ; enlisted in the 2d regiment N. H. volunteers, Co. F, June 4, 18(11, for three years. 4. Maria Cummings. b. Apr. 10, 1844; m James M. Durham, Sept. 30, isr.s, who is a lawyer in .Vshley, III. Child: (1.) Conway (Durham), b. Aug. 11, 1870. 5. Mar(;aret Doiglass (Eastman), b. June 12, 1846; see [1844]. 6. 11arrm;t EnzAUKrii, b. May 10, d. June 1, 1849. 7. John Langdon, b. Feb. 3, 1851. 8. Ellsworth, b. Dec. 21, 1801 ; d. June 20, 1802, aged 6 months. 1740. Irena (Eastman), b. Mar. 22, 1815; m. Jonathan E. Chase, of Conway. Children : — 1. George Henry (Chase), b. 1838; d. 1845, aged 7. 2. Isabella Eastman, b. 1844; d. 1805, aged 21. 3. George Mason, b. 1849; m. Carrie WilsoiL of Marblehead, Mass. ; was the esteemed superintendent of the North Con way Congregational Sabbath School, and died, leaving a mournful vend in many hearts, Mar. 1870, aged 21. His widow still residing at North Conway, 1871. 1741. Jonathan^ [10.54] (Jonathan-, Jol)>), came to Nortli Conway in 1790 to visit his two sisters, and tliere finally settled, receiving, jointly, with his consin, Ilezekiah Randall [1G40J, from ".](isei)li Whipple, of Portsmouth," " tiie intervale lot, No. 2, westerly sid(! of Saco river, Nov. 17, 1792." The s;ime year he m. Betsy Kamlall [1040, 2], the dan<2;liter of his cousin and partner. " .Mar. 11, 1790," the said Ilezekiah dc('(lpd to his children, " .lon- athan Itinmels and lietsy his wife, for .S1")0, the whole of said lot No. 2, with house lot included." This was the farm afterwards occupied by himself and family, now owned by Isaac F, Davis. "Oct. 11, i79.S," he deeded "to Samuel Bradley all his share of the original right of Nathaniel Eastman." He d. Apr. 27, 182.J, 148 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. a. 1744. BivrsY [183G], b. Oct. 30, 1799. 1745. Levi^ [1656] (Jonathan^, Job^), was a farmer at Lee, N. II., living in a house adjoining his father's, "Centre district, 1807" ; m. Mary "VVatson, of Nottingliam, 1796, who was b. July 14, 1774. He d. at Lee, JMar. 15, 1808, aged 34, and his widow received her right of dower " Apr. 14, 1808," same date with her husband's mother, see [1646], so that the ttno widows, of father and son, must have visited the Probate office for the same purpose at the same time! She rendered her account as administratrix, " Nov. 28, 1808," and " license to sell real estate of Levi Kunnels " was granted "to Polly his wife, Jan. 24, 1809." Her name is among the Lee "Inventories" as the "widow of Levi," 1812 and 1815 ; and again, 1827, as " Widow Mary Rnnels." She d. Aug. 23 (24), 1864, at Lee, aged 90. Their children's names are given on the Lee records, with surname changed to " Re3nolds," as follows : — 1746. Asa [1845], b. July 27, 1797. 1747. Betsy [1850], b. Feb. 10, 1799. 1748. Abigail [1854], b. Nov. 7, 1800. 1749. Maey [18G2], b. June 14, 1802. 1750. Jonathan [1867], b. Mar. 24, 1804. 1751. Levi, b. Oct. 9, 1806; moved to Michigan; but where at present, or whether living, is unknown. No responses, by letter, can be received. 1752. Jane, b. Nov. 15, 1808 ; d. at Lee, Oct. 2 (9), 1853, in her 45th year. 1753. Samuei.3 [1662] (Samuel^, Job^). One of his descend- ants says that he was " probabh" the j'oungest " of his father's children ; but this is on the mistaken supposition that he was the " brother of Job and Miles" [1617 and 1619]. By others of his descendants, and b}' the few aged people, still surviving, who knew him, his pedigree is noiv well established, as here given. It is further remembered that he " migrated from Lee to Shapleigh, now Acton, Me.," that at first he " located on Acton Eidge," and "worked for Daniel Fox, who had married his cousin," see [1633], " and had previousl}' moved from Lee ; " and that he afterwards " settled near Cesar's (Lovewell's?) pond, in the north part of the town." He m. Olive Farnham, of Acton, — sister of Ralph Farn- ham, " the last survivor of the battle of Bunker Hill," — in 1 783 ; and d. of dropsy, Dec. 19, 1797, aged 43, in Milton, X, H., where he last resided. She d. in Lebanon, Me. Children, b. in Shapleigh : — 1754. Polly (Mary) [1884], b. May 28, 1784. 1755. Eunice [1890], b. May 6, 1786. 1756. Samuel [1900], b. June 22. 1788. 1757. Paul [1910], b. Juue 4, 1790. 1758. Betsy, b. June 20, 1792; m. Miles Huckins, Feb. 20, 1832. 1759. Olive, b. 1794 (3); lived in Lebanon, Me., till 1850; d. Oct. 2, 1855, aged 61. 1760. Asa [1920], b. Julv, 1796. FOURTH GENERATION. 176J. Sdsannah^ [1676] (Job3, Job^, JoV), m. William Clough, of Lee, 1792, who was b. Dec. 5, 1768. She d. Nov. 25, 1865, in her 93d year. Children : — 1762. Sally (Clough), b. Apr. 11, 1793, in Lee; resided in Durham, and there cl. Apr. 18, ISfl'J, aged 76. 1763. David, b. June 20, 1795, in Nottingham. 1764. Benjamin, b. Sept. 3, 1798, in Lee; m. Eliza A. Magoon, in Dan- ville, C. E., Feb. 8, 1837. She was b. Mar. :mas Kunxklls, b. Dec. 18, 1843; served in the Union army about four years, during the rebellion, in Co. K, 12lh Kansas Infantry; present residence, San Antonio, Texas. 1935. STKriii:N,"b. May 15. 1847, in Jefferson Co., Ind. ; d. July 26, 1848, aged 14 months 11 days. 193C. Alhkkt, b. Sept. 9, 1849; d. Nov. 11, 18G6, in Cherokee, Kansas, aged 17. 1937. Davii)5 [1774] (ThomasS Job^, Jol)^, Job^), resided in Manchester, Ind , till Nov. ls.50, and then emigrated with all his family to Henry Co., 111., changing his occupation as a tailor to that of farming on the Illinois prairies. •" Having lived on the same farm for twenty years, he knows what can l)e done to supply the delicienc}' of tim])er. Of the shade, ornamental and fruit trees planted by hnn.sejf, the largest, a silver leaf, is now six feet eight inches in circumference ! These trees break off the bleak winds of winter, and afford a refreshing shade in the heat of summer, besides an aljundant sup|)ly of fruits and flowers." He m., 1st, Almira Tozicr, Nov. 11, 1S32, in IManchester. She d. Se|)t. 15, 1840, and he m., 2d, Sarah B. Clark, Feb. 18, 1841. Children : — 1938. Almiiu Jank, b. Aug. 13, 1833. in Manchester, and there d. June 22, 1831, aged 10 months 9 davs. 1939. MAKGAitr.r Jane [2108], b. Apr. 7, 18.35. 1940. WiLLL\M Alonzo. b. Aug. 13, 18.37; d. Sept. 1838, aged 13 mos. 1941. SiMKON ToziKU [2115], 1). Oct. 31, 18.39. 1942. Maky E. [2117], b. Jan. 27, 1842 (second wife). 1943. Thomas 11. [2119], b. Oct. 14, 1844. 1944. Calvin K., b. Apr. G, 1847; publisher's special agent; residing at I'ooria, 111. 1945. David Wkslkv, b. Feb. 2, IS.'SO. 1946. Sakaii Adklaide, b. Nov. 7, 1857, in Wheatland, 111. lOO IIUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 1047. Maky TiiuE^ [1776] (Thomas^, Job^, Job^, Job^), m., 1st, Hollin Tylei- Tozier, Dec. 25, 18.31. He was b. in Maine, Autr. i(j, 1H0!J; a f:innor, residing in Indiana, where he d. July 11, IS-IG. Slicm., 2(1,11. Sayles ; present residence in Olympia, Wiisliington Territory, where " the flowers are blooming all through the wcwds and ploughing commences by the middle of March." Children, b, in Indiana: — 1048. Charles T. (Tozler), b. Nov. 7, 1832. 1949. Hkn'ky H., b. Dec. 26, 1834; d. in Oregon, Mar. 10, 1864, in his 30lh year. 1950. Hahuikt T., b. Sept. 18, 1837. 1951. Caroline A., b. Dec. 19, 1839; m. a Magill. 1952. Mary Jane, b. June 6, 1842. 1953. JoHN-s [1778] (Thomas^, Job^, Job^, Job^), m. Rosanna Robinson, Sept. 1, 1850, in Manchester, Ind. ; present residence, Mineral, Bureau Co., 111. He enlisted as a private in Co. H, 1st regiment of Illinois artillery; enrolled, Mar. 7, 1862, for three 3^ears ; discharged, Oct. 20, 1862, at Memphis, Tenn., on surgeon's certificate, by reason of " disability from partial paralysis and con- stant neuralgia, contracted since enlistment." Children : — 1954. Louise Mercella, b. June 25, 1851, in Milo, 111. 1955. William David, b. Jan. 22, 1854, in Milo. 1956. Clarissa Clementine, b. Jan. 17, 1860, at Mineral, 111. 1957. Caroline T.^ [1779] (Thomas^, Job'^ Job^, Jobi), m. Stephen M. Clark, Mar. 29, 1842. The farailj^ removed to Bureau Co., 111., Oct. 1844, where she d. Feb. 22, 1865, in her 43d year. A coincidence seldom occurring appears in the following record, the birthdays of the eldest and the youngest children being the same, with nineteen years intervening ! Also seven daughters in succession : — 1958. Edgar A. (Clarlv), b. Aug. 13, 1843, in Manchester, Ind.; m. Louise Michael, Mar. 1870. 1959. Clara E., b. Oct. 18, 1845 ; m. Wilham W. Clement, of New Yorlc, Dec. 25, 1867; residing, at present, in Caldwell Co., Mo. Cliildreu : — 1. Clarence A. (Clement), b. Feb. 13, 1869. 2. Emma L., b. Oct. 26, 1870. 1960. Emma A. (Clark), b. May 19, 1848; m. Levi Rich, Oct. 3, 1868, and d. in Missouri, Oct. 20, 1870, in her 23d year. Child : — 1. WiLLi.xM L. (Rich), b. Aug. 1870. 1961. Sophia Jane (Clark), b. Nov. 11, 1851. 1962. Marianni, b. Aug. 15, 1854. 1963. Sarah Louise, b. June 12, 1857. 1964. Ella Gertrude, b. Oct. 24, 1859. 1965. Florence Caroline, b. Aug. 13, 1862. 1966. Haxnah TcketS [1780] (Thomas^ Job3, Job^, Job^), m. Aurel Albee, May 8, 1850, in Marshall, 111. Children : — 1967. William Runnells (Albee), b. Feb. 24, 185!. 1968. Edwin, b. Dec. 12, 1852; d. Mar. 2, 1854, in liis 2d year. 1969. Frederick True, b. Nov. 14, 1854, in Henry, 111. 1970. Joseph Tozier, b. Dec. 28, 1857. 1971. Mary Eliza, b. Jan. 1, 1861. PART II. — FIFTH GENERATION. 161 1972. Benjamin^ [1781] (Thomas'', Job^, Job^, ,Tobi), m. Caro- line Snell, Sept. 18, 1853 ; a farmer, first in Wheatland, 111., where his children were all born ; now the owner of a valuable farm in " 76 Township, Washington Co., Iowa," on a branch of the Rock Island Railroad. His crop of corn in 1871 was three thousand bushels. His wife d. Nov. 8, 1870. Children : — 1973. Sauah Frances, b. Oct. 24. 1856, 1974. Charles MAUiaci:, b. Feb. 28, 1859 ; d. Nov. 28, 1870, in his 12th j'ear. 1975. Florence Ada, b. Feb. 8, 1861. 1976. Laura Jane, b. Feb 11, 1863. 1977. Edna Elizabetu, b May 13, 1865. 1978. Ella May, b. Dec. 12, 1868. 1979. Harriet Ann^ [1789] (Job^ Job^, Job^, Jobi), m. Wil- liam Henry P^astman, of Portland, Me., Nov. 2U, 1840. He was a carpenter, living first in Boston, now in San Francisco, Cal. Children : — 1980. Henrletta (Eastman), b. June 1, 1843, in Boston. 1981. Edward, b. Jane 10, 1845, in B. 1982. Martha Elizabeth^ [1792] (Job^, Job^, Jqb^, Job'), took the name of Swan, having been adopted by William Swan, of Portland, Me., at the death of her mother; m. Rufus William Thaxter, of Portland, merchant, Aug. 7, 1844 ; now resides at Yarmouth, Me. Children : — 1983. Mary Swan (Thaxter), b. July 21, 1846, in Portland. 1984. William Swan, b Oct. 12, 1849, in P. 1985. Martha Ella, b. Sept. 20, 1852, in P. 1986. Edward Russel, b. Feb. 15, 1857, in Yarmouth. 1987. Adaline^ [1812] (John'*, Miles^, Job^, Job^), was m. at New Durham, N. H., by Rev. Joseph Boody, to William Sanders, farmer, of Pittsfield, Aug. G, 1848. Children, b. in P. : — 1988. Jennie E. (Sanders), b. July 17, 1849. 1989. Alvix W., b. Oct. 5, 1850. 1990. Martin M., b. Feb. 13, 1853. 1991. Clara A , b. Au<;. 6, 1854. 1992. George D., b. Dec. 29, 1862. 1993. Horatio Gates^ [1815] (JohnS Miles^, Job^, Job^), m. Jennett Dingley, of Ca.sco, Me., Feb. 1859; was a shoemaker; resided in Casco, and there d. Apr. 27, 1864, aged 28. Child : — 1994. Scott, b. July 12. 1860; d. Mar 8, 1861, aged 8 months. 1995. John Henhy^ [1824] (Jonatha^^ Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Job^), was a " tin maker" in New York city, and doing a prosper- ous business, at 101 Houston Street, in 1848 ; m. Celia , 1812, d. of consumption, after nine months' illness, Jan. 11, 1852, aged 34, and war. buried in Greenwood CcMietery l»eside his beloved sister Josephine. Children : — 1G2 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 1000. IlKSTim, b. 1843. 1997. Ckckua, b. Apr. 1845. 1998. JosKPiiiNE, b. May 1, 1848. 1909. William Augustus-^ [1830] (Levi'*, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Jol)i), look his degree as a physician from the Philadelphia Medical School, and is now a resident of Jonestown, Lebanon Co., Penn. Has been a member of the Pennsylvania legislature ; changed his surname to " Barry," and m. Rachel Eaches, of Reading, Pa. Children : — 2000. Henry Augustus. 2001. Maky; d. 1871. 2002. Emma. 2003. Andrew Jackson^ [1832] (Levi"*, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Jobi), graduated, as a physician, at the American University, in Philadelphia, Pa., 1844. Practised first in Boston, Mass., for nine years; afterwards in Monument and Raynham, Mass.; is now (1872) successfully established in Stoughton, Mass. He is so for- tunate as to possess a " Coat of Arms" of the "Runnells" family, obtained for him by an English gentleman, "from the books of Heraldry, in the Library of the Royal College, in England" (see General Introduction). He m., 1st, Rebecca Smith Philips, of Providence, R. I., Oct. 10, 1844, who d. 1863 ; m., 2d, Susan Elder Perry, of Monument (Sandwich), Mass., Sept. 16, 1863, who was b. Sept. 16, 1836. Children : — 2004. Abby Eliza, b. May 2, 1847, in Dartmouth, Mass. 2005. Eugene Eoster, b. Mar. 7, 1850, in Providence, E. I. 2006. Andrew Foster, b. Apr. 7, 1852, in Boston ; d. at Woburn, Mass., Dec. 5, 1857, in his 6th year. 2007. Susie C. (second wife), b. Aug. 15, 1868, at Monument, Mass. 2008. Susan Elizabeth^ [1833] (Levi"*, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Job^), m. Josiah Johnson, of Plymouth, Mass., Sept. 2, 1848, who was b. Aug. 12, 1808. He was a cooper b}^ trade, and lived after- wards in New Bedford, Mass., where he d. Dec. 25, 1867, aged 59, and she still resides, his widow. Children, b. in N. B. : — 2009. William H. (Johnson), b. June 22, 1849. 2010. Henry A., b .June 22, 1851. 2011. JosiAii E., b. Apr. 21, 1853. 2012. George H., b. Oct. 18, 1855, and Levi R., b. Apr. 23, 1858 (record came too late to assign this youngest child a separate number). 2013. Levi Augustus^ [1835] (Levi^, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Job^), was formerly a merchant tailor, residing in Wareham, Mass. ; is now (1872) a resident of Hj^de Park, Mass., in the grocery business (?). He m. Selina G. Savery, of Wareham, Nov. 24, 1853, Avho was b. June 19, 1833. Children: — 2014. Edgar A., b. Mar. 22, 1855. 2015. Cora A., b. Apr. 24, 1864. 2016. I,EVi G.5 [1846] (Asa^, Levi^ Jonathan^, Job^), was a nuichiuist in Manchester, N. H., where he m. Angeline Cawley, PART II. FIFTH GENERATION. 163 Sept. 23, 1850 ; cl. Nov. 23, 1854, at Lawrence, Mass. (?), in his 25th year. Child : — 2017. EsrMA J., b. Oct. 30, 1851, in Lawrence; d. Nov. 16, 1855, aged 1 year and 17 days. 2018. Asa Jasper^ [1847] (AsaS Levi^, Jonathans, Job'), now resides, as a shoemaker, in Epping, N. H., having m. Mary S. Carr, Sept. 24, 1855. Children : — 2019. Herberi- J., b. Aug. 10, 1856. 2020. Frank C, b. Jan. 28, 1860. 2021. Mary Jane^ [1871] (Jonathan^, Levi^, Jonathan^, Job'), m. George Soule, of New Orleans, La., Sept. G, 1860. He was b. in New York, May 14, 1834, his ancestors being of German and French origin, and among the earl}'^ settlers of New York. He is the author of " The Anal^'tic and Philosophic Commercial and Exchange Calculator," the most elaborate work ever published on the subject. " All the known and approved improvements and contractions in the handling of numbers, and many new and origi- nal practical problems, embracing the whole field of business life, are contained in this book." " It presents the history, and dis- cusses and elucidates financial questions arising in connection with stocks and bonds, exchange, banking, insurance, manufacturing, merchandise, planting, etc." " It was composed, printed, and bound in New Orleans, and throughout its eight hundred and eighty pages, presents the rarest gems of the science of numbers." " The demand for the book by business men, teachers, and students is beyond precedent, and its superior merits win the highest enco- miums from all who peruse its pages." Mr. Soule is now (1872) the principal and proprietor of " Soule's Commercial and Telegraph College," in New Orleans, founded in 1856 ; chartered in 1861. He also publishes " Soule's Commercial College Journal," in New Orleans, a monthly, now upon its fifteenth volume. He served as captain, major, and colonel in the Confederate army, for three years and nine months, during the late civil war; was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Shiloh, Miss. Children : — 2022. Gkohge (Soule), b. Aug. 22, 1861, in New Orleans; d. Dec. 25, 1864, aged 3 years 4 months. 2023. Mauik Louise," b. Jan. 31, 1864, at Summit, Miss.; d. July 11, 1865, in her 2d year. 2024. Ar.HKKT Lkk, b. Dec. 16, 1865, in New Orleans, as were the fol- lowing children. 2025. Edwin, b. Sept. 8, 1867. 2026. Mary EuzAiuvrH, b. Nov. 0, 1868. 2027. Wii.MAM IIoLcoMBK, 1). Mar. 9, 1869. 2028. Frank, b. Sept. 11, 1871. 2029. George Washington^ [1873] (Jonathan'*, Levi^ Jona- than^, Jobi), served three years in the late war, belonging to the " 8th Mississippi regiment of cavalry, Co. II " ; m. Anna Mariah 1()4 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Wingate, Aug. 2H, 1870 ; is now a farmer, residing near Dry Grove, Hinds County, Miss. Child: — 2030. RouEKT Edmund Lee, b. Sept. 25, 1871, at Dry Grove. 2031. AsENATir'' [1901] (Sanluel^ SamueP, Samuel-, Job^), m. John Marsh, of Acton, Me., Feb. 7, 1838. He d. at A , Apr. 19, 1867. Children : — 2032. John EruRAiM (Marsli), b. Nov. 11, 1838; enlisted in the 2cl reg- inieut U. S. sharpshooters ; served three years nine months, and tlien re-enlisted in the 5th -New Hampshire regiment, till the close of tlie war. 2033. Hannah Elizaukth, b. Nov. 14, 1840. 2034. Thomas Dukw, b. Oct. 12, 1843; enlisted in the 7th New Hamp- shire regiment for tliree yeai's ; after which he served in tlie 18th N. 11. regiment till the close of the war. 2035. OsCAK FrrzoN, b. Jan. 23, 1846. 2036. AsENATH Annette, b. Dec. 8, 1848. 2039. MiRA (Amanda), b Dec. 4, 1854; d. May 17 (gravestone says "21"), 1859, in her 5th year. 2040. Eli5 [1902] (Samuel^ SamueF, SaraueP, Job^), settled as a farmer in Acton, Me., near Fox's Ridge, and m. Sally M. Dore, of A., Apr. 11, 1839. Children: — 2041. Mary Augusta, b. Feb. 2, 1840; d. Mar. 24, 1844, aged 4 years 1 month 22 days. 2042. Sabina Emily, b. Nov. 27, 1841 ; m. Gorham Parks Boston, of St Albans, Me., Jan. 1, 1866; now living in Acton. 2043. Charles Augustin [2121], b. Oct. 18, 1845. 2044. Joseph Fulton, b. Mar. 30, 1851 ; now " in the picture-frame business," Boston, Mass. 2045. Anson Eli, b. Oct. 28, 1853; d. Aug. 17, 1868, in his 15th year, in consequence of a fall from a swing "at the height of thirty feet" (as reported in the " Boston Journal"), "fracturing his scull," and producing other injuries which proved fatal. This distressing accident occurred at half-past nine on Saturday evening, August 15th, at the house of a neighbor; hence the allusions in the following "Lines," ceing the first of several stanzas, composed on his death by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Nellie A. Keynolds [2121], and afterwards printed: — ♦' 'T was evening, and his work was done, — His six days' toil was o'er; A happy boy he left his home, — Came back, alas, no more ! " He, with his friends, upon the hill Had often met to sing; But now ambition led him on Into the fatal swinf/." His brother Joseph F. [2044] also dedicated a few verses to his mother, — in view of this and her previous affiiction, — ot which are the following: — PART II. — FIFTH GENEKATIOX. 165 "There 's been a shadow in our home, — A drearj' void within niv iieart. — Since Anson, dear, went down alone Into the shadowed valley dark. " A sister, too, was called, before She ever dreamed of earthly care; But they will meet together now, And know and love each other there. " Her gentle tones, — his loving smile, — Will never, never greet us more. Till, freed by Christ from earthly guile. We meet them on that brighter shore." 2046. John"' [1903] (SamuelS SamueP, Samuel^ Job'), obtained his academical education at the Parsonsfield (Maine) Acadeniy, 1835-7, and studied for the ministr}' at the Free Will Baptist Theological School, same place. Was ordained Nov. 184/, at Acton, Me. ; labored as a minister of the gospel at North Her- wick. Me., 1842, at Eaton, N. H., till 1846, at Milton Mills, N. H., and Newport, R. I., one year each, and finally commenced his service as pastor of the Free Baptist Church, at Tamworth Iron Works, N. II., Jan. 18.')2, where he has since resided, and still continues his very acceptable and successful pastorate (187:^). He was elected chaplain of the New Hampshire House of Repre- sentatives for the June session, 1859 ; is a trustee of the Sew Hampton Literary and Theological Institution ; and being a lead- ing clergyman, is also an associational otllcer of his denomination in tlie State of New Hampshire. He m. Huldah Staples, of North Berwick, Me., Dec. 15, 1842. Children : — 2047. Jonx Sumxeu [2124], b. Julv 30, 1844. 2048. Abuy May, b. July 28, 1851. 2049. HoseaS [1905] (Samuel-i, SamueP, SamueP, Job^), is a blacksmith bj' trade, residing in AVakefield, N. II. (Union Village) ; m. Tryphena Davis, of W.," Dec. 6, 1842, who d. Sept. 19, 1871. He was " a soldier in the war for the Union." Child: — 2050. Josephine Augusta, b. Aug. 28, 1847. 2051. Israel^ [1906] (Samuel'', SamueP, Samuels, Jobi), suc- ceeded his fiither as a ftxriner on the old homestead in Acton, Me., and as deacon of the Free Baptist Church at Milton Mills. N. II., elected 1861. He m., 1st, Sarah Lowe, of Newlield, May 15, 1850, who was b. Sept. 29, 1829, and d. Dec. 11, 18G1, aged 35 ; m., 2d, Mary E. Rogers, of Parsonsfield, Me., Apr. 23, 1865, who was b. Mar. 22, 1840. Children : — 2052 William Victor, b. May 23, 1851, probably in Acton, 2053. Ella Francks, b. Oct. 3, 1853. 2054. Elmkr Pym, b. Apr. 2!), 185G. 2055. Sarau Inez, b. Mar 1, 185a. 1G6 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 20r)(;. Waltku EllswOKTII, b. Apr. 18, 1801. 2()r.7. Fj.oka NKr.iJK, b, July '2(\, ISOG Csfcond wife). 2058. IsKTTA, b. Mar. 12, 18C9, in Acton. 205i). Gkacih Bell, b. Mar. 8, 1871, in Acton. 2000. AlvaiiS [1907] (Samuel^, SamueP, Samuel^, Jobi), m. IMnrtha Wontworth, of Milton, N. IL, June 13, 1847, at Acton, Me. She was b. Mar. 17, 1827. He is a blacksmith, now living (1871) in Lebanon, Me. Children : — 2001. Jay [2120], b. Feb. 5, 1850, in Acton, Me. 20G2. Francina, b. Jan. 4, 1852, in Acton; m. John W. Trefethen, of Dover, N. II., May 8, 1870. He is a painter and paper-lianger, and was b. Aug. 1, 1841, in Dover. 2003. Eli.en IIurd, b. Oct. 21, 1853, in Acton ; m. Thomas A. Trefethen, Jan. 1, 1871, who was b. Dec. 2'J, 1840, a tin-plate and sheet-iron worker, formerly of Dover, now (1872) of Cambridgeport, Mass. 2004. Samuel, b. Sept. 20, 1855, in Wal^efield, N. H. 2005. Hannah, b. Oct. 14, 1857, in Milton, N. H. ; d. Nov. 21, 1859, aged 2, being scalded by a boiling tea-liettle, and surviving but seven daj'S. 2006. Abraham Lincoln, b. Sept. 25, 1859, in Milton. 2067. Hannah, b. Oct. 29, 1805, in Milton. 2068. William Buzzell^ [1908] (Samuel^, SamueP, Samuel^, Job^), studied medicine with private instructors, taking also one course of lectures at Bowdoin College, two at Dartmouth College, and one at Jefferson College, Philadelphia, 1856. Practised his profession at Union (Wakefield), N. H., till the breaking out of the rebellion. Enlisted, as a private, in Co. F, 2d regiment U. S. sharpshooters, in 1861 ; was promoted to second sergeant, then to assistant surgeon, and finally was appointed on the operating staff of the third division, second army corps, remaining in front of Petersburg, Va., and afterwards with the army of the James, as army surgeon, till the close of the war. He then resumed practice in Lawrence, Mass., till the death of his first wife ; again at Union, 1869, and settled as ph3'sician at Tamworth Iron Works, N. H., Jan. 1871. He was m , 1st, by bis brother, Rev. John Ruunells [2046], to Clara Ellen Swasey, of Milton, N. H., Nov. 14, 1851. She d. May 15, 1867, of paralysis, after twenty-five hours' illness ; m., 2d, Martha E. Lincoln, of West Medway, Mass., Mar. 9, 1870, at W. M. Children : — 2069. EvERARD GQethe, b. Sept. 23, 1852. 2070. Horatio McLeod, b. Apr. 13, 1857. 2071. Clifford Lincoln, b. Mar. 7, 1871 (second wife), at Tamworth Iron Worlis. 2072. ElmiraS [1909] (SamuelS SamueF, SamueP, Jobi), ra. John C. Grant, of Acton, farmer, Aug. 26, 1855, at Acton. He was b. Dec. 22, 1827. Chilcken : — 2073. Frank Wilbur (Grant), b. Apr. 4, 1859. 2074. Elmu{a (?), b. Aug. 14, d. Oct. 12, 1860. 2075. KoscoE Eknest, b'. June 9, 1868. PART II. FIFTH GENERATION. 107 2076. Jonathan Prescott^ [1912] (Paul4, SamueP, SamucP, Jol)^), m. Rachel E. Tapper, of Nova Scotia, Nov. 1, 1854, aud resides on his father's place in Acton, Me. Children : — 2077. Edward E., b. Aug. 15, 1855. 2078. Ida Isadore, b. Apr. 3, ISGO. 2079. Joanna Farndm^ [1914] (Paul'', SamneP, Samuel^, Job^), m. Nathaniel C. Decker, of Boothbay, INIe., Feb. 2, 1849. He had been, in 18G9, for eighteen years an officer of the Boston police ; residence, at that time, 12 Dexter St., South Boston. Children : — 2080. Isadore Ida (Decker), b. Mar. 6, 1851; d. May 13, 1854, aged 3 yeai'S 2 months. 2081. Walter Cuktis, b. Apr. 28, 1855. 2082. LucETTA Falls [1916] (Paul"*, SamueP, SamueP, Job^), m. John 8. Jones, of Lebanon, Me., Mar. 6, 1858, at Boston, Mass., and d. at North Lebanon, Me., Dec. 12, 1860, in her 31st year, leaving : — 2083. Hiram Leslie (Jones), b. May 19, 1859; d. Oct. 20, 1863, in his 5th year. 2084. Samuel^ [1921] (Asa^, SamueP, Samuels, Jobi), was settled first, as a mason aud stucco worker, in Portsmouth, N. H. ; purchased, in 1861, the Horn farm, near Wolf borough Centre, — one half of which was previously owned by his father, — where he has since resided, though still working part of the time at his trade, away from home. For fifteen years he taught vocal music during each winter. He m., 1st, Hannah Newsome, of Kittery, Me., Aug. 1849, at Saugus, Mass., who d. Mar. 1851, in Ports- mouth ; m., 2d, Lucy Maria Parker, daughter of William Parker, of Saugus, Feb. 18o2, who d. Oct. 1856 ; m.; 3d, Charlotte D. Trundy, daughter of John Trundy, Esq., of Portsmouth, Mar. 30, 1858, at P., who was b. Dec. 30, 1834. Children : — 2085. WiLLLUi Parker, b. Feb. 28, d. Dec. 11, 1854 (second wife). 2086. Willis Calee, b. Oct. 18, 1859, in I'ortsmouth (3d wife). 2087. Mary Louise, b. Aug. 2G, 1861, in Portsmouth. 2088. Lucy Hannah, b. Apr. 26, 1863, in Wolfborough. . 2089. Ceorim Goodhue, b. Dec. 4, 1865, in W. 2090. Mary Jane^ [1923] (Asa*, SamueP, Samuel^, Jobi), m. Alonzo Daniel Nuto, farmer, Aug. 20, 1854, at Wolfborough, N. H. He was b. Jan. 23, 1831, in Madbury ; resided first in Wolfborough ; at present (1872) in Madbury. Children : — 2091. George Daniel (Nute), b. Aug. 1, 1855, in Wolfborough. 2092. Hannah Susan, b. Apr. 22, 1857, in W. 2093. Mary Ahbie, b. Sept. 17, 1861, in W. 2094. John Andrkw, b. Sept. 25, 1863, in Madbury. SIXTH GENEEATION. 209.5. Mary Jane^ [1925] (William^ ThomasS Job^, Job^, Job'), m. J. A. Perkins, in Wellington, Ohio, Feb. 21, 1854. He is a general railroad agent ; present residence, Indianapolis, Ind. Children : — 2096. Edwakd L. (Perkins), b. July 12, 1855, in Wellin.irtou. 2097. KicHAKD, b. June 15, 1857; d. Dec. 6, 18(12, in his Gth year. 2098. Mauy Louise, b. July 13, 1859, in Columbus, Ohio. 2099. FuANCES Helen, b. Jan. 29, 1861 ; d. Aug. 13, 1864, in her 4th year. 2100. LucRETiA Day6 [1926] (William^, Thomas'*, Job^, Job^, Jobi), m. John A. Braman, farmer, Feb. 9, 1865, in Wellington, 0. Child : — 2101. Willie R. (Braman), b. Mar. 26, 1869. 2102. Elizabeth EbbkrtS [1927] (William^, ThomasS Job^, Job^, Job^), m. Newton E. Adams, railroad agent, Sept. 1, 1861, in Wellington, O. ; resides at Rushville, Rush Co., Ind. Children : — 2103. Mabfx Frances (Adams), b. May 23, ISQi. 2104. Florence Louise, b. Feb. 25, 1866. 2105. Louise Centenaria^ [1928] (William^, Thomas^, Job^, J0I32, Jobi), m. James A. Manchester, July 12, 1864, at Welling- ton, O. He is an insurance agent, in company with his brother-in- law, William Henry Runnells [1929], at Cleveland, O. Children : — 2106. Harry R. (Manchester), b. Oct. 18, 1866, in Cleveland. 2107. Edith, b. Dec. 29, 1871. 2108. Margaret Jane^ [1939] (David^, ThomasS Job^, Jobs, Jobi), m. William Moles, of Henry, Marshall Co., 111., Feb. 20, 1856, and d. Sept. 8, 1871, in her 3nh 3'ear. Children : — 2109. John Ralph (Moles), b. Apr. 12, 1859. 2110. Alice Jane, b. Jan. 28, 1861. 2111. Samuel David, b. Aug. 2, 1862. 2112. William Henry, b. June 1, 1865. 2113. Lizzie Laura, b. Nov. 8, 1867; d. Feb. 8, 1871, aged 3 yrs. 3 mos. 2114. Robert Herder, b. Aug. 23, 1871. 2115. Simeon TozierS [1941] (Davids Thomas^, Job', Job^, Jobi), enlisted in the 47th regiment Illinois volunteers, Co. D, and served three years, being most of the time clerk in the commissary PART II. SIXTH GENERATION. 109 department ; was three months in the hospital at St. Lonis, INIo., with severe inflammation of the eyes, and was honorably discharged. He m. Sallie Ellsbury, Dec. 1, 1869, at Lacon, III. Child : — 2116. Della, b. Nov. 4, 1870. In Sept. 1871, when ten mouths old, she took the ten dollars cash premium for belufr "the handsomest girl baby exhibited at the Marshall County Fair," in Illinois. 2117. Mart E.^ [1942] (David^ Thomas^, Job^, Job^, Job^), m. Snowden INIaffitt, May 30, 18G6. Child : — 2118. Elmer (Maffitt), b. Oct. 22, 18(!9. 2119. Thomas li.e [1943] (David^, Thomas", Job^, Job^, Jobi), enlisted in Co. K, 148th regiment Illinois volunteers, Feb. 1, 1865, and was honorably discharged, Sept. 16, 1865 ; m. Oliva Swift, Feb. 9, 1870. Child : — 2120 Lillian, b. July 22, 1871. 2121. Charles AugustinS [2043] (Elis, Samuel", SamueF, Samuel-, Job'), is a farmer residing with his father in Acton, Me. ; m. Nellie Augusta Sanborn, of Portsmouth, N. H , May 25, 1868, who was b. May 24, 1844. at Great Falls. Children : — 2122. Viola Belonia, b. Dec. 31, 1869, in Acton; d. Jan. 21, 1870, aged 21 davs 2123. Willis Leslie, b. Mar. 27, 1871, in A. 21 24. John Sumner^ [204 7] ( John\ Samuel", SamueP, SamueP, Job'), fitted for college at the New Hampton, N. H., Academical Institute ; graduated at Amherst College, Mass., 1865 ; taught the high schools of Rochester and Dover, N. H., 1866-7 ; admitted to the bar at Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 1869. He was the private sec- retaiy of Governor Merrill, of Iowa, for one year, meanwhile "performing the duties of secretary" of the Iowa Repul)liean Central Committee, " with masterly and honoring ability," and doing edicient service through the State, in company' with Hon. Peter Melcudy, M. C, in the Grant campaign, fall of 1868. He m. Helen 11. Baker (daughter of Gen. N. B. Baker, of Iowa, for- med}' governor of New Hampshire), Mar. 31, 1869, at Des IMoines, — alluded to in the " Register" of Apr. 1, as a " noted marriaxt of kin" who afterwards re- ceived license from Judge Badger, at Gilmanton, Sept. 21, 1792, to " sell certain tracts of land which belonged to the estate of John Runnals late of Barrington," and accordingly conveyed the same, one to Thomas II. Lewis, of Kittery, Me , "Oct. 19, 1792," and another to Thomas Langley, of Lee, " Nov. 8, 1792." 2142. Abraham^ [2131] (.Johni), was "tithing man" in Dur- ham, 1764 and 1705; also in Lee (set off from Durham, 1766), 1767 and 1768. Ilis name then disappears from the Lee Records, TART III. SECOND GENERATION. 179 and reappears on the New Durham Records several times in 1773 and from 1780 to 1797, as "fence viewer," or "tithing inan." Having exchanged his land in Lee at £(S0, for one hundred acres in New Durham at £G0, with Gideon Mathes, of Lee, — both deeds bearing date "Apr. 25, 1772," — he soon after moved, with his numerous family, to his New Durham home. His improvements here had scarcely commenced, when he responded to his country's call, — showing his genuine Scotch spirit against the English, — and on July 16, 1775. joined the American army at Winter Hill, "when more than fift^'-seven years old. " Kour of liis sons embarked in the same cause, — bearing the motto, ' Victory or death,' — two of wliom perislied in the conflict" (Rev. E. Place in "Morning Star" of Apr. 28, 1847). Some of his descendants allege tliat he had " six sons and two sons-in-law in the revolutionary war" ; but this lacks confirmation ; Mr. Place's is doubtless the true account. It is also stated that during the time of his service, his wife, daughters, and daughters-in-law " carried on the farm themselves, and made clothes or knit socks and mittens for their husbands and brothers, or for general distribution among the soldiers." We next find him (Abraham) in " Capt. John Brewster's compan}^ ; from Sept. 3 to Dec. 7, 1776 ; 95 days ; 35 miles travel ; place of abode New Durham." Again, in "Col. Pierce Long's regiment, Jan. 13, 1777," when he signs a receipt (" Runls") for "£2 advance pay" ; and yet once more on the alert, old as he was, the New Hampshire military records giving his name in " Capt. Gilman's company, Stickney's regiment, Stark's lirigade, July 2(», 1777 " ; on a " march to reinforce the northern army," from which, however, he was " discharged Sept. 30." This was probably " for disability," as tradition has it in his familj* ; as also that " his son James," being free from prior engagements, " took his place." The original one hundred acres, in New Durham which was im- proved at fii'st, as above stated, and was afterwards occupied by him, included nearly the farm owned in 1869 1)3' Baalis B. i'ibbets, in the south part of the town. He seems to have been a practical or assistant surveyor, when he first came to New Durham, as a deposition of his is found on the Strafford records, dated " Nov. 28, 1793," that he assisted one Timothy Murray " some time before the civil war ])etween Gieat Britain and tjie United States of America began," in running out a lot of hind in New Durham ; that "a certain beech tree was marked by them at coruer of Lot 3, 1st division, and that a certain stone. i)laced by David Elkins this day, stands where the bec'cli ti'ce stood, or not more than six feet iVom it " lie m. Hannah Smith, 17'14. She was b. June 30, 1718. l)ein^ a granddaughter of tiie venei-able Rev John Buss, who was settled as second minister and physician of Oyster River parish, in 1074, continued Jbr thirty-lhree years, lost his house and valuable lit»rary in the Indian attack oC 1*694, and d. in 1736, ageept. 1796, aged 67 ; she d. Jan. 26,, 1.S26, in her S»5lh year. Children, all born in Durham except the youngest : — 2176. IsAiAU (Mnnker), b. Oct. 1750; a soldier in Uie Revolution; m. Bel.>-y Smith, and settled in Maine. PART III. — SECOND GENERATION. 183 2177. Bradbury, b. 1752; m. Sarah Tibbetts; a drummer in the Revo- lutionary war, and d. of fever while in service. 2178. SoBHiKTY, b. 1755: m. Samuel Williams, of Barnstead, Apr. 7, 1777; a Revolutionary soldier, afterwards settled in B. 5v0, and was again prevented by the sickness of his wife, which continued for more than a j^ear. " He used to pray most devoutly to the God of armies, that his dear wife might recover her health, and he thus be permitted to fight the battles of his countr}-." He was a very sympathetic man, and never spoke of his brothers, lost in the war, without tears. "Was never known to speak a harsh or unpleasant word." Being the " seventh son " of his lather's family, he was consulted, according to the custom of the times, by Imndreds of people, for the cure of scrofula and other diseases. A deed among the Hockingham Records speaks of him as a " Clothier of Concord," receiving " May 1, 1787," fiom Ezekiel Dimond. *' a certain part of the stream called Tiu-key river, begin- PART III. — THIRD GENERATION. 191 ning at the mouth of Great Turkej' pond, and extending down stream to the head of the lesser pond ; also one half of the falling mill on said premises, — all Dimond's right and title to the same, — together with a dwelling-house near by." He also bought of D. Carter, "Oct. 21, 1799," "a small piece of land in Concord, Ij^ing upon Turkey Upper Falls, so called." He soon after moved to Deering, where he d. Apr, 18, 1804, in his 46th j^ear. She d. at Deering, July 10, 1825, aged 67. The following register of their children — born in Concord except the fifth — is mostly fi-om Bouton's History of Concord : — 2223. Sajiuel [2411], b. July 30, 1781. 2224. Miriam [2423], b. July 3, 1783. 2225. EZEKIEL DiMOND [2434], b. Jan. 21 (22), 1786. 2226. Abxer [2440], b. Mar. 2, 1789. 2227. James [2448], b. Mar. 28, 1791, in Pembroke, N. H. 2228. Israel [2454], b. July 14, 1793. 2229. Jonathan Currier [2463], b. Sept. 29, 1795. 2230. Alices [2152] (Abraham^, John^), m. Daniel Colomy, of New Durham, N. H., Dec. 1, 1780, and d. Feb. 15, 1830, in her 68th year. He d. Mar. 22, 1830. Children : — 2231. John (Colomy), b. May 20, 1782; see [2196]. 2232. AiJKAiiAM, b. bee. 10, 1784. 2233. Isaac, b. June 28, 1788. 2234. Jacob, b. May IG, 1790; d. Oct. 23, 1834, aged 44, being killed by the caving in of a well. 2235. Daniel, b. Aug. 9, 1792 ; m. Rebecca Pinkham, July 11, 1819, who was b. May 15, 1799. Children : — 1. John, b. Feb. 29, 1820; see [2794]. 2. Charles, b. Feb. 3, 1822 ; a carpenter at Alton Bay, N. H. ; m. Augusta Nute. 3. George Washington, b. Sept. 25, 1824; a shoemaker and farmer iu Farraington, N. H. ; m. Hattie Richardson ; three children. 4. Elsie (" Elcy "), b. Aug. 8, 1826; d. Nov. 10, 1834, aged 8. 5. Jonas, b. May 5, 1828; a "stitcher" in the shoe business ; m. Maria Pinkham; three children. 6. Daniel, b. Feb. 19, 1830; a shoemaker in Dover, N. H. ; m. Dorothy Locke; one daughter. 7. Stephen, b. Mar. 27, 1832; a shoemaker in New Durham; m. Experience Sumner; three children, — two daughters living, one deceased. 8. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 30, 1835; see [2809]. 9. Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 16, 1837; m. John Plummer, of Sandwich, N. H. ; two sons. 10. James Pinkham, b. Feb. 7, 1843; was a soldier in the 4th Co. New Hampshire cavalry, and d. Jan. 7, 1862, in his 19th year. 2236. Peggy, b. Mar. 9, 1795. 2267. Molly, b. May 2, 1797. y 2238. P'benezerS [2154] (Abraham^, John^), received by deed from " Amos Place, of Rochester, thirty acres of land in Middle- ton," N. H., " Nov. 4, 1786." He is called in this deed "■ Ebeiiezer Runals, of Harrington," showing that he first lived in that town. The time of his settling in Middleton is thus approximately ascer- 102 KUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. tniiicd, Avliorc he m. Betsey Stanton, of M., 1788. He atterwards located in Mew Durham, and there d. Sept. 1847, aged 79. She d. at N. D. with her youngest daughter, Oct. 1S36. Children, born Middletoii : — 2239. Patienck [2475], b. 1789. 2240. Alick (I-:isev) [2-181], b. Mar. 11, 1793. 2241. Jamks [2489], b. Oct. 26, 1794. 2242. Elizabeth [2495], b. June 13, 1799. 2243. MosEs3 [2156] (WilliamS, John'), m. Sarah Crosby, the adopted child of Paul Tasker, of Barrington, 1771, and after " administering" upon his father's estate, 1774, see [2155], receiv- ing by will " one half the farm," " a colt, a cow and blacksmith's tools," he entered the Revolutionary service Is noticed among the "soldiers from Lee" in connection with his brothers [2158] and [2159] ; has " £35 15s. 4d." against his name on account; said to be •' twenty-five years of age, Apr. 18, 1777," when a mem- ber of " Capt. F. M. Bell's Co." ; enrolled in '' 2d Co., 2d regiment. Col. George Reed's, for the jears 1777-9 " ; " amount of deprecia- tion, Sl7i.50"; "amount of wages, 1780-1, §80," and lastly, noted as '■'• noio in^ the Continental army, June 30, 1781" (N. H. military papers). Soon o/ier this latter date, he was discharged, went to procure his pay, and was never heard from afterwards. He is supposed, therefore, to have d.. perhaps, b}' violence, 1781-2, in his 30th year. His wife was b. 1752, and d., his widow, Apr. 18, 1814, aged 62. Their children, b. in Lee, j^'ere : — 2244. WiixiAM [2500], b. May 25, 1772. 2245. Polly [2514], b. 1774. 2246. Sarah [2521], b. 1777. 2247. WiNTHROp3 [2170] (Joseph^, John^), was a joiner by trade, and is said by his descendants to have been early " in the Revolutionary war at Ticonderoga." The military records say he was "mustered at Kingston, by Josiah Bartlett, Aug. 13, 1780," and that he " enlisted for Barrington to reci'uit the New Hampshire regiments in the Continental service, Dec. 31, 1780." This proves he had settled in B. prior to that date. He lived, finally, in the east part of Barrington, on a small farm given him b}^ his last wife's father, and was there killed b}' the falling of a tree, Jan. 13 (gravestone), more probabl}', as b^' famil}^ record, Feb. 15, 1832 (1), aged 78. He was four times m. ; 1st, to a daughter of the Rev. Samuel Hutchins, of Lee, 1780, by whom his oldest child. She d. 1781, near the birth of her son. He m., 2d, Ricker, of Somersworth, 1782, by whom his second child; m., 3d, Lucy Stone, of Ipswich, jNLass., 1783, by whom third and fourth chil- dren; m., 4th. Hannah Locke, of Barrington, 1791, who was b. Dec. 16. 1767, in B., and there d. Aug. 21, 1846, in her 79th year. Her will appears on the StraflTord Probate records ; abstract as follows: To her sons "Winthrop ("my oldest"), Jacob K., and i:phraim F., §3.00 each ; to George F. and Samuel L., §1.00 each ; PART III. THIRD GENERATION. 193 to Elizabeth L. "Weeks, a bed, and other articles of furniture ; to Job F., " all my real estate, or in case he is without heirs, the same to Winthrop Reynolds, son of my son Winthrop, now residing in Boston"; also " to Hannah L. Reynolds, of Boston, daughter of Winthrop, my black silk," and other articles of a[)parel. His chil- dren, as here given, are mostly from the Harrington records, on which the name is spelled " Runnels," though '* Reynolds " has since been adopted by the family : — 2248. John [2523], b. 1781, in Lee (first wife). 2249. Eleanor (.Lucy) [2.527], b. 1782 (second wife). 2250. Haxxah [252U], b. Mar. 2, 1784. in Lee (third wife). 2251. Edward T. [2540], b. July 17, 1785, in Durham. 2252. Wir.LiA.M, b. Sept. 23, 17!»2. in Barriugton, and tliere d. of brain fever, Dec. 1813, a^red 21. 2253. WiXTUROP [2542], b. Mar. 2, 1704, in Barrington. 2254. Samuel Locke [2552], b. Sept. 10, 17i)5. 2255. George Footman, b. Jan. 2G, 1797; d. 1798, aged 1 year. 225G. George Footman [2554], b. Oct. 9, 1799. 2257. Job Foss [2559], b. Feb. 19, 1801. 2258. Jacob KmRioDGE [25UI], b. Apr. 8, 1803. 22.59. Ei'HRAiM Foss [25*)7], b Dec. 27, 1804. 2260. Elizabeth Locke [2572], b. Mar. 12, 1807. 2261. Mary3 [2171] (Joseph^, John^), was m. to .Jacob Gar- land, of Durham, Dec. 2o, 1774, by the Rev. Jeremy Helknap, d. d., at Dover. They resided in Durham, near New Market, where he d. of spotted fever, about 1820, and she soon after, aged 66. Children : — 22G2. Francis (Garland), b. about 1778; resided in Kennebec County, and rorthuid, Me., and in Boston, Mass. 22C3. Jacob, b. about 1780; resided at Great Falls, N. H., and San- ford, Me. 2264. Hannah^ [2172] (Joseph^ Johni), m. David Ham, of Dover, N. H., July 'J, 1776, at D. He was the ninth son and eleventh child of Dca. Daniel Ham ; baptized, 1756 ; was a soldier in the Revolution, " leaving his two oldest as young children at home." hence, probably, not earlier than tiie year 1780; d. 1811. Tiie following list of their children agrees, mainly, with the pub- lished record of the " Hum Famil}- in Dover," b}' John R. Ham, M. D., "N. E. Genealogical Register," Oct. 1872, p. 392: — 2265. Joseph (Ilam), b. Jan 28, 1779; was a boatman on the Cocheco river, and d. at Dover, Jan. 1852, aged 7;?; eleven children. 226G. Hannah, b. Mar. 3, 1780, at Dover Neck; m. John Young, of D., and moved to Tuftonboro', N. H . where she was still living, with her son, in 1870. Of her children : — 1. John H. (Young) ; resides at Tuftonboro', " Mackerel Corner." 2. Mark F.; resiiles in Stratham, N H. 2267. Betsy or Elizabeih (ilam). b. Jiinco, 1783; m. Jonathan Gage, of Dover Neck, 1817, and there d. July 11, 1S<;2, ageil 79. iler son :— 1, Moses (Gage), still occupies the iiomestead on Dover Neck. 2268. Sarah (Ham), b. 1788 (?); m. Moses Sawyer, of Dover, and d. in Ossipee, wliere her son, — 1. David (Sawyer;, now resides. 13 194 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 22C9. Lyoia (Ham), b. Apr. 10, 1791; m. Samuel Tinkbam, of Dover; was residing' with her son, at Great Falls, 1«70. Children: — 1. KATiiANiicr- J. (Pinkham), b. Oct 15, 1821. 2. EmvAiu) J., b. Apr. 16, 1823; a merchant in Somersworth (Great Falls). 2270. David (Ham), b. 1793; went to sea in 1814, and d. in Liverpool, Eiif;., soon afterwards, aged 21. 2271. RoiiKUT, b. June 8, 179G; lived at Great Falls, and tliere d. Aug. 18G1 (?), aged 65. His widow still liviug with her daughter: — 1. Rkhkcca, who m. Charles PL Gilraan. 2272. Daniel (Ham), b. 1798 ( ?) ; resided in Dover ; d. suddenlj' on his way home from Harrington, 1833, aged 35 ( ?). Children : — 1. Abigail; m. Stephen Otis, of Springvale, Me. 2. Kl'KUS; resides in Boston, Mass. 2273. Mahy (Ham), b. 1805; m. Nicholas Tripe, of Dover; resided in Charlestown, Mass., and d. at Dover, June 2^, 1866, aged 61. 2274. Joseph^ [2173] (Joseph^, Johni), appears as a Revolu- tionaiy soldier among the '• twent3^-one men from Lee " ; afterwards as " enlisted for thi-ee years from New Durham " (at which place he must have been temporariW living), "in Capt. Drew's Co."; also, referring, probably, to the same enlistment, among those "raised for Canada, Col. Evans, 1776"; again, "in the Conti- nental service returned by Capt. Boody," and finally, ".Jan. 12, 1781," after his term of service had expired, he is noticed among soldiers entitled to "extra pay" on account of "depreciation" (N. H. Military Papers). He was also enlisted as a privateer's man at one time during the Revolution, on the testimony of his surviving children, who further say of him, — what is verified by his early enlistment at the age of 17, — that " he was of an enter- prising nature, and of rather a militar}^ turn through life." His business was that of a tanner, like most of his father's family. He m. Abigail Pinkham, at Dover, Dec. 17 (19), 1780 ; all his own children are said to have been b. in that part of Rochester which is now Farmington, where he first settled. He afterwards lived in Dover, and there d. Mar. 20, 1846, in his 87th year. His famil}'- record is found on that choice old " account book " of his father's, see [2166] and [2605], as follows : — 2275. William, b. June 11, 1781; was a shoemaker in Dover, and there d. 2276. John [2576], b. June 24, 1783. 2277. Martha [2589], b. Feb. 13, 1785. 2278. Joseph [2593], b. Aug. 18, 1787. 2279. Jehemiaii, b. Mar. 21, 1790; d. in infancy. 2280. James, b. Oct. 6, 1791 ; d. in infancy. 2:^81. Anna, b. July 15, 1794; has been a school-teacher and milliner; residing in Bangor, Me., 1870. 2282. Samuix [2600], b. Mar. 17, 1797. 2L'83. Geouce [2605], b. Feb. 16, 1800. 2284. Olivek [2607], b. Jan. 1, 1810, in Madbury, N. H. (adopted). 2285. Ben.tamin3 [2174] (Joseph^, Johni), m. Rebecca Weut- wortli, Sept. 17, 1787. She was b. June 7, 1766 (5), in Rochester, N. H., where they lived till Oct. 15, 1798, and then moved to PART III. THIRD GENERATION. 195 China, afterwards to "Vassall)oro', Kennebec County, Me. His father's old account book, see [21GG], says " Benjamin left for the State of Maine, Mar. 7, 1802," probably after a subsequent visit at his parents' home. He d. in Vassalboro', Dec. 27, 1834, aged 69, where also she had d. Mar. 6, 1833, in her 67th year. Children : — 2286. Lydia [2611], b. Apr. 15, 1789 2287. Hannah [2619], b. Apr. 7, 1791. 2288. Danucl [2623], b. " 6th moiitli " (June) 20, 1793. 2289. Benjamin [2631], b. May 7, 1796. 2290. Lois [2641], b. Oct. II, 1798. 2291. Rebecca, b. Nov. 12, 1802; d. Dec. 9, 1805, aped 3. 2292. Jonathan D. [264'i], b. Jan. 5, 1805, in China. Me. 2293. Isaac Randall [2G51], b. July 13, 1808, in China. FOURTH GENERATION. 2294. Isaac'' [2109] (Isaac^, Abraham^ Johni), was brought up by his Uncle Samuel [2208], after the death of his parents, "till'old enough to shift for himself." "Apr. 23. 1709," together with his sister Hannah, he deeded the land in Barrington, — " thirty-four acres, owned by our late honored father," — to Jona- than Glass, of Nottingham, for S204 ; having previously purchased fifty acres in Gilmanton of David Ames, for S3G0 ("Mar. 18, 1790 "), which he sold to John Mooney, of New Durham, for S400, about two years later. Gilford, N. H., was afterwards his home, from which place he enlisted for one year, " Mar. 26, 1813, in Capt. L. B. Mason's Co." ; was at Portsmouth, as a soldier, and drew a pension, accordingl}^ in after-life. He again lived in Gil- manton after his third marriage. He m., 1st, Mary Thurston, of Gilford, — mother of his eight oldest children, — 1798, who d. 1.S15 ; m., 2d, Eunice Eaton, of Tuftonboro', — mother of his ninth child, — 1817, who d. 1818 ; m., 3d, Sophia Leavitt, of Gilmanton ('•Province road"), Feb. 28, 1820, at G., who was b. Dec. 15, i7i'2, and d. Nov. 17, 1846, aged 54, having been the mother of his five 3'oungest children ; m., 4th, Mrs. Susan ^Yeei^s, of Gilford, Nov. 1847, who d. July, 1862 ; and, " last of all," he d. at San- bornton, N. H., with his daughter, Mrs. Buzzell, Jan. 14, 1864, aged 93 ; funeral attended by Rev. C. Curtice, Congregational pastor at Sanbornton Bridge. Children : — 2295. Isaac [2G57], b. June 2, 1799, in Gilmanton. 2206. Lydia, b. Jan. U, 1801; m. Levi Lovett, 1842, in Gilford; was residing, 1870, in Laconia, N. H., having been deaf and dumb from her earliest childhood, and yet enabled to lead a very useful life. 2207. Pou.Y [2663], b. Apr. 26, 1803, in Gilford. 22il8. Sami'kl, b. 1805; d. vouug. 22'J9. JosiAH, b. 1806; d. 1814, aged 8, at Gilford (now Laconia Village"), being killed by mill-logs while at play in the mill-yard with hi% vouuger sister. 2300. Bktsy [2GG9]. b. Oct. 3, 1808. 2301. Li:ciNi>A, b. 1810; d. 1814, aged 4, by the same distressing casualty as her brother, above. 2302. .Tuns [2677], b. Apr. 15. 1814, in Gilford. 2303. JosiAH, b. 1818 (second wife); d. 1839, of consumption, aged 21. PART III. FOURTH GENERATION. 197 2304. Julia Ann [2C,8'>], h. Apr. 2!). 1821 (third wife), in Gilmanton. 2ii05. Frkkman, b. Ih25; " led a free lilo ; " joiia-d the U. S. army; is supposed to liave d. 230G. Jkssk Saniu)kn, b. .Jan. 27, 1830, in Gilmanton; name now chanfred to "Joseph Georire Gerrisli"; is employed on the Amoskeag corporation in Mancliester ; residence at Pittsfiold, N. II.; ni. Lucy Wliite lilaisdell, of 1'., Ausey, of Hanove.-, N. M., and graduated at the Dartmouth Medical College, 1839, since which he has practised his profession constantly, — from 1845 to 1873, in Great Falls, N. H. He m. Hannah" M. Brown, of South Berwick, June 6, 1837. Children: — 1. JusKi'ii Wakjjen, b. Nov. 9, 1838. 2. John Bakku, b. Apr. 29, 1840; studied medicine with his father, and d. Jan. 18, 1871, in his 31st year. His death was finally occasioned by a piece ot whalei)one, about one-half an incii long, which he "carried in his left lung upwards of twenty- seven years." 3. Jacob Clements, Jr., b. Mar. 12. 1S44. 4. Ann Sakah, b. Aug. 5. 1819; d. Dec. 10, 18Gr>, aged 17. 2355. Debokau SMrnr, b. Aug. 20, 1815; m. Benjamin Wentworth, of Somerswortli. N. H., and d. Feb. 12, 1S72, in her 57tli year. 2350. Samcei, Kcnnals, b. Jan. 19, 1818; a farmer on the old home- stead; m. Elizabeth C. Furber. 2357. NATiiANiEr- Biiackett'' [2210] (SanuieU', Abraiiam^, John^), m. Nancy Kolsom, of Rochester, N. II., pul)lic records sav "June 7"; family, "July 2," 1812. He was fust a merchant in 200 RUNNELS AND KEYNOLUS iMEMORIALS. New Diirlinin, whcro also lio kept a pulilic house : remove Hanson, b. Dec. 1, 1839; d. Nov. 11, 1841, in h s 2d year. 2387. Gkougk Addison, b. Apr. 4, 1812; m. Clara Jane Tash, Jan. 1, 18G3, at Sanford, Me. ; owns a valuable farm in Poland, with orchards producing uo less than twenty-three varieties of grafted fruit. 2388. Bk.v.iamin Fhankux, b. Mar. 20, ks47; d. Dec. 15, 1849, in his 3d year. 2389. Nancv BmiTox-' [22 IG] (Samuel-\ Abraham^, John'), m., 1st, Joseph Phill)rick, Jr., of Andover, N. II., Jan. 9, 1820. He was b. Feb. IG, 17.S.) (by age on headstone), and d Deo. 20, 1826, in his 42d j'ear. She m , 2d, David Sleeper, of Andover, Apr. 8, 1832, who was b Apr. 11, ISO", and was killed by tiie falling of a tree while fencing on Ragged Mountain, Apr. 11, 18;{:J, aged 26. She m., 3d, John Shaw, Oct. 18-13 ; first lived, and had 202 RUNNEL8 AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. tlioir house Imrnofl, in West lioscawen, N. 11. ; afterwards lived in JSalisburv, near East Andover, where she d. Aug. 7, 18C5, aged 08. Children : — 2300. DriioitAii PoniROMA (riiilbrick), b. Oct. 22, 1820; resides with licr .sister, on Boston IIi;.Milc'in(Is, 1872. 2391. Samiki, IUnnai.s (rhilbrick), b. Dec. 22, 1822; studied medicine in Sonth Berwicl^, Me., with Dr. Charles Trafton ; took liis medical degree at the University of Pennsylvania, receiving also a diploma from the "Medical Society of Massachnset's," ".Tune 12. iSoG." He was first established as an apothecary 1111(1 manufacturing chemist in Boston, firms of "Colcord & riiilbrick," and "Philbrick & Trafton." His attention being < arly called to the manufiicture of coal oil, he became one of a (Oiiipany for that purpose in Waltliam, Mass. He was after- wards the leader of a colony whicJi formed a settlement called Merrimack, near the Asphaltum lake on the island of Trinidad, S A., for manufacturing oil from the contents of the lake; but the enterprise was only partially successful. He ra. Almira T. Gilmore, of Boston, 1850, who was the daughter of Eliab Gil- more, a well-known railroad contractor, and d. spring of 18")7, on Trinidad Islanfi, but was buried in her native land, at the Forest Hills Cemetery, beside her oldest child. After finally returning to this country, he assisted in establishing the " rortlaiid Kerosene Oil Companj'," and was its business man- ager till his death, at Portland, Nov. 23, 1850. in his 371 h year. On the beautiful monument erected to his memoiy at Forest Hills, we find this inscription : " A family reunited." " By his chemical discoveries, he made valuable contributions to the art of dyeing," and procured several patents on the products re- sulting from the coal oil manufacture, in the interest of which he visited Europe twice, and also the Island of Cuba. " For his intelligence and fine character, he was greatly esteemed." His death was called "the complement of his life"; and it was further said of him. " Truly a man has passed by." Children : — 1. FiiANiv, r.. June, 18.52; d. 1853, aged 1 year. 2. Hknuy March, b. Apr. 185-t; d. Feb. 1858, in his 4th year; " a very promising son." 2392. Elizabktii Ann, b. June 24, 1824; graduated at the Mount Hol- yoke Institution, in the last of Miss Lyon's classes, 1848, and m Asa Cheney Partridge, Oct. 17, 1852, iu Wheeling, Va., whither she had previously gone as a teacher. He was b. July 9, 1820, in Stockbridge, Vt. ; .was at first an eminent teacher ot penmanship; commenced the business of a daguer- reian artist in 1841, and is now, 1^72, one of the oldest living artists, if not the oldest, iu the country. He was the first op- erator in St. Johnsbury. Vt., and Lancaster, N. H.; travelled in difierent parts of the United States and Canada, and settled in Wheeling, Va., 1848. He claims to have been the Jirst to take pictures on glass, afterwards styled ambrotypes. Having previously moved to Winchester, Mass., lie opened a studio in Boston, 351 Washington Street, in the fall of 1871. Present residence on Boston Highlands. Children: — 1. Francis Ciiaulks (Partridge), b. Aug. 2, 1853, in Wheeling, Va. ; was admitted with his next younger brother [3] to the "Massachusetts Institute of Technology." iu Boston, 1872. 2. Ella Sophkonlv, b. Feb. 4, 1855. in Wheelinir; was a member of the "Jubilee Chorus," from Winchester, 1872; also of the graduating class iu the "New England Conservatory of Music," 1872 3. PART III. FOUKTH GENERATION. 203 3. Edward Joskpii, b. May 18. 185G, in Wheelins:, see [1] above; a "profici('nt in malliomatics, for his years." 4. Fi.oKA Ai.MiKA, b. Oct. I, 1857, in Whei'ling. 6. William IIknhy, b. Sopt. 21. 1858, in Wheelinj?. 6. Anna Eliza, b. Jan. 29. d. Dec. 28, 18fil, in Wheeling. 7. Samukl Ciiknky, b. May 9, 18(54, in Wheeling. 8. Asa. b. .Tune 9, 18G5, in Boston ; d. Aujr. 31, 18G5. in Winchester. 9. Jessie Elizabeth, b. Oct. 19, 18G8, in Winchester. 2393. David March (Sleeper), b. Mar. 5, 1833; m. Julia A. Norton, 1854-5; enftaccd, unfortunately, in the Trinidad enterprise, see [2391]. and d. in Xew Yorlc City, two or thi-ee days after arrivinir from that island, May 15. 1858, aijed 25. His widow is now Mrs. .\twood, of Portland, Me. Child : — 1. Helena (Sleeper), b. May 18, 1856; now residing with her mother in Portland. 2394. Samuel'* [2218] (SaraueP, Abraham^, Johiii), first re- sided in New Dnrliani, and m. Eliza Rickor, of N. D., Dec. 9, 1822. He migrated to East Tennessee, Nov. 1852, but was driven out by the rebels with a great sacriOee of the personal comfort and prop- erty of himself and family, early in the war of 18G1-G4. Now resides at Parker's Landing (Martiusburg), Butler County, Penn. Children, b. in New Durham : — 2395. John Smith, b. May 10, 1824; d. Aug. 30, 1826, aged 2 years 8 months 20 days. 2396. Jonas [2799]. b.'jiine 20, 1825, 2397. Samuel [2806], b. Sept. 28. 1827. 2398. Caleb Hickeu. b. Feb. 15, 1830; resides in New Durham ; a farmer; m. Mrs. Laurentina 1). Berry, widow of [2380J, Aug. 14, 1861. 2399. Paul March [2SU9], b. Apr. 14, 1832. 2400. Andrew Jackson, b. Doc. 18, 1834; d. Sept. 1848, in his 14th year, being caught in the shaft of a saw-mill, and thus fatally injured, so as to live but live and a half hours. 2401. Eliza, b. July 9, 1837 ; d. July 20. 1840, aged 3. 2102. Martin Van Buuen [2813], b. Sept. 15, 1839. 2403. Kyhena [2820], b. .Apr. 9, 1842. 2401. John Smith [2822], b June 12, 1814. 2405. Eliza Smith, b. Nov. 12, 1846; d. Oct. 14, 1851, in her 5th .vear. 2406. Eliz\ Rachel, b. Apr. 9, 1852; m. Lewis Herriok, PY'b. 4," 1870, who is a coal miner and engineer at Parker's Landing, Pa. 2407. Abuam'' [2220] (Natha;iieP, Abr.aham^, John'), is alleged to have come from New Durham, N. H., to Saugus, Mass., about the year 1S20, as a young man; was a carpenter, and was subse- quently engaged in the woollen factory at Saugus, where he ni. Lucy Smith, Apr. 1822, and d. Jan. 21," 1826. in his 29th year, in consequence of being kicked by a horse. His widow still resides at Clifion Dale, Saugus, 1872. Her decided atlirmations that hor husband "was a native of Now Durliam. the son of Nathaniel, and the probal)lo grandson of Al»raliam" ; that he " was visited by fiis cousin, ]March Runnels [2;^76J, just Ijofore his death," and that he " was intending to re-visit his New Durham friends the following season," are, altogether, our chief auliiority for connecting tliis family with that of Al)r.aham, of New Durham, see [2149] and [2219]; otherwise this supposed connection would be rendered 204 RUN|^ELS A'SD REYNOLDS MEMORIALS, quite improlKible by tho ignorance respecting it, which now prevails among the (Icscendants of Abraham [2142] in 2s ew Durham and vicinity. ("hil(h-en : — 2-lOS. Lucy Jank, b. Mar. 1823; d. Oct. 30, 1841, in her lOtli year. LMO'.i. Abuam [-.'.^25]. b. Oct. 3 ("4), 1824. 2410. Hannah, b. Doc. 2, 1825, being: seven weeks old at the time of her lalher's death; d. Apr. 1826, aged 4 months. 2411. Samiel'' [2223] (Jonathan^, Abraham^, Jobn^), m. Eliza Ncveus Lovi'joy, Apr. 26, 1809 ; was a millwright, and repaired, among othois, the mills of Elder M. Clark, at Union Bridge (San- bornton), IS". H. ; of Gov. Badger, at Gilmanton, and of John Wilson, at Lee. He resided successively at Bradford, Hopkinton, West Boscawcn, Meredith Bridge, Union Bridge, ]Sew Market, Kensington, and finally at Concord, where be d. Jan. 14, 1S59, in his 78th year. She d. Oct. 1, 1862. Children : — 2412. Albi-ut [2828], b. Dec. 23, 1809, In Bradford; named "Samuel Albert," at first. 2413. John Bcubank [2831], b. May 9, 1811, in Hopkinton. 2414. Elizaueth Clinton, b. Feb. 22, 1813, in Hopkinton; m. Eri •Coll)y, of Sutton, N. H., Dec. 10, 1882. He was b. Mar. l.i, 1807," in Danville, Vt. ; lived first .in Concord, N. H., as a me- chanic, then at Charlostown, Vt., Newark. Vt. (three years), Lowell, Mass. (eighteen years), Concord again, 18.'>G-(jO, and at Sutton again, as a farmer and speculator, lSCO-72. The writer would acknowledge himself as highly indebted to Mrs. Colby for aid m collating the records of her grandfather's famify. 2415. Asa Dakwix [2836], b. Dec 30, 1814. 2416. Hannah Dow [2839], b. Feb. 21, 1817. 2417. KoBivRT Knowlton, b. Feb. 21, 1820; resides in Lowell. Mass. ; a wholesale and retail grocer; m. Huldah Doe, of Highgate, Vt., July 4, 1850. at Lowell. 2418. Sakah Caroline, b. Sept. 7, 1822 ; d. June 10, 1825. in her 3d year. 2419. Mary Roxcila^ta, b. Oct. 11, 1824; m. Alvin Williams, shoema- ker, Nov. 4, 1849, at Hampton. N. H ; lived in Lynn, Mass., and there d. Apr. 10. lt<.")4, in her 30th year. 2420. Franklin Lovk.ioy |2842], b. May 17, 1827. 2421. Hamilton Djmond, b. Aug. 20, 1829; d. Aug. 15, 1834. aged 5. 2422. Cakoline Fiiances, b Apr. 19, 1832 ; d. Apr. 3, 18G3, at Concord, aged 31. 2123. Miriam^ [2224] (Jonathan^ Abraham^, Johni), ra. Wil- liam JIcFerson, at Bradford, N. H., 1802. lie was b. Oct. 17, 1784, iuHenniker (or GotTstown) ; settled first in Newport ; after- wards ''moved West," and d. at Freedom, Cattaraugus Co., >J. Y., May, 1825, in his 41st year. She d. in Lee Co., Iowa, 1848, aged 65. Children : — 2424. RoswELL Smith (McFerson), b. Apr. 15, 1803, in Bradford; d at Freedom, N. Y., Nov. 1823, in hi.* 21st year. 2-125. RoxANA, b. Mar. 24. 1805, in Newport, then 'Cheshire Co.," N H ; d. at Freedom, Mar. 4, 1825, aged 20 242C. Emkky Wood, b. Apr. 13, 1807, in Newport; m., 1840, and resided in Lee Co., Ga. PART III. FOURTH GENERATIOX. 205 2427. Dimon(d), b. June 15, 1800, in Newport; ra., 1st, Amilla Savase, Feb. 17, ]83;j, in Caldwell Co., Mo., who there d. May 1, 1841 ; m., 2d, Mary Ann Neas, Nov. 29, 184.3, in Nauvoo, Hancock Co., 111. lie united with the " Latter-Day Saints " in 1834, and has followed their various fortunes to the present, "leavinjj New Yorlv in 183G; Ijeini? driven from the State of Missouri, and afterwards from Illinois; travelling more than one thou- sand miles westward, with ox teams, carrying provisions and tools, in 1851, and keeping constant guard for months together against the Indians." He now resides (1872) in Kaysville (between Salt Lake City and Ogden), Davis Co., Utah Terri- tory; is a prosperous farmer, a member of the city council, and "an Elder in Israel"; " has been justice of the peace, or- derly sergeant and color-bearer"; "did not leave the military ranks till he was tifty-nine years old." Children : — 1. Thomas Jeifekson, b. May 8, 1840, and d. same day in Cald- well Co., Mo. 2. Amii.i.a Jank, b. May 1, 1841, in Calwell Co. ; m. Reddick New- ton All red, Jan. 11, 1857, at Salt Lake City, and resides in Saui)ete Co.. U. T. Cliildren : (1.) Xeuon Aloxzo (Allred), b. July 2, 1858, in Nephi. U. T. ; d. Sept. 7, 185'J, aged 14 months. (2.) Wii.lvkd Neas. b. Jan. 8, 18G0, in Spring City, U. T. ; d. Oct. G, 1870, in his 11th year. (3.) Alhekt MiLTox, b. Aug. 23, 1862, in Spring City; d. Aug. 23, 18G3, aged 1 year. (4.) Miriam Amiu.a, b. Apr. 5, 18G5. (5.) Cjiaules Rich, b. Sept. 24, 18G7. (G.) Pkatt Di.mox, b. Aug. 22, 1870. 3. Sahau Ei.i.ex (McFerson), b. Oct. 20, 184G (second wife), in Kanesville, Pottowatomie Co., la. ; m. Peter Van Orden, at Salt Lake City, Oct. 10, 1870; resides in Cache Co., U. T. Child: (1.) William Dimon Ruxxals (Van Orden), b. Oct. 30, 1871. 4. William (McFerson), b. May 10, 1848, and d. same day in Pottowatomie Co., la. 5. AuxEi;, b. Sept. 14, 184'J, in Kanesville, la. 6. Delila, b. Jan. 5, 1852, in Kaysville, U. T., as were the eight following. 7. Lydia, b. Aug. 26, 1853. 8. Israel, b. Sept. 14, d. Dec. 31, 1855. 9. Jedidiau, b. l)ec. 7, 185G. 10. Miriam, b. Oct. 12, 1858. 11. Morgax, b. Nov. 4, 1860. 12. KiioDA M.vtilda, b. May 6, 1863. 13. Dolly, b. Mar. 7, 1SG5. 14. Daviu, b. Mar. 31, 18G7. 2428. Batiisheba (McFerson), h. Apr. 5, 1812, in " Cheshire Co.," (Newport), N. H. ; m. Thomas Green, Nov. 1832. iu Cattarau- gus Co., and lived in Livingston Co., N. Y., where he probably died. Children : — 1. George M. (Green), b. Apr. 25, 1835, in Pittsford, N. Y. 2. William, b. July 24, 1837, iu P. 3. Miriam, b. Oct. 12, 1840, in Mendon, N. Y. 4. Amelia, b. Apr. 24, 1843, in Barre. 5 James, b. June IG, 184G, in MendoiL 6. Mary Anx, b June 2G, d. Sept. 2G, 1850, iu M. 7. Orlow DiMoxn, b. Jan. 2, 1854, in M. 2429. Sally Di.monij (McFerson), b. Mav 2, 1815, in Newport, N. H. • d. in Clark Co., Mo.. 1847, aged 32. ' 2^30. William, b. May 10, 1818, and d. same day in Freedom, N. Y. 2431. Orlow Hartwell, b. May 13, 181'.t, in Freedom; m. Kliza J. Johnson, iu Lee Co., la. ; eight children (?), all b. in Croton, 2()G KUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Ift., four of wliom were daufjliters, one daughter deceased; but one child's iimiiu- reported : — 1. Sui.iA Ann, b. Nov. 28, 1K50. 2432. KusiiKAUN, b. Jan. 1822, in Freedom; m. Thomas Johnson, 1840, in Caldwell Co., Mo.; subsequent residence in Iowa; eight children in all, — two deceased, of whom: — 1. GicoiuiK (Johnson), b. 1842, and d. Oct 1842, at Mount Rose, Lee Co., la. 2. Mahy Ann, b. 1844, in Lee Co. 3. IlKNKY Clay. 2433. PiMsciLLA (McFerson), b. Aug. 5,1825, in Freedom, N. Y. ; m, William Weldeii, of Claris Co., Mo., 1843. Had two children in 184G; residing in Iowa. 2434. EzEKiEL DiMOND^ [-2225] (Jonathan^, Abraham^, Johni), migrated from Concord, N. H., to the " Holland Purchase," — Western New York, — in 1810, and first located in what is now Freedom, Cattaraugus Co., with only his axe and rifle, several miles from an}'^ other white settler. Built him a shanty on the borders of a beautiful sheet of water, since called " Fish Lake," sul)sisting on its spotted denizens with wild game from the woods, while he cleared his land with the aid of a horse which he had ridden from Kew Hampshire, having also for compan}'^ during the season a young bear caught one morning near his premises ! Here he remained most of the time till 1816, when, having m. Rebecca rarker, Apr. 12, 1815, he sold out and took up his abode at her home, in what is now Arcade, W3-oming Co., N. Y. Received his deed from the "Holland company" for one hundred and thirty- eiglit acres of land, July 17, 1819, " being the first farm deeded in the town " ; afterwards increased this farm to two hundred and fifty acres ; bought another of one hundred and eighteen acres, two miles distant ; gained other property in Racine, Wis ; moved thither in 8ept. 1846, and there d. Jan. 28, 1847, aged 61. He was a hard-working farmer, and a man universally respected for his sound judgment and excellence of character. In religious views he sympathized with the Quakers. His wife was b. Apr. 8, 17«2, in Westford, Mass.; afterwards lived with her parents in Cavendish, Vt., and moved with them to the Holland Purchase in 1810. 8he taught the first schools in Warsaw and Sheldon (now Arcade), N. Y". After years of poor health, she became a very devoted Christian. The following, from her pen, was given as ad- vice to her oldest son, while away at school : " Repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, is the only foun- dation which is laid, or can be laid, for man's salvation." " Thus did Christ and his apostles preach, as you may find in Matt. iv. 17 ; Mark i. 15 ; Acts xvi. 31, etc. I wish you to examine these texts, accept them, and resign yourself into the hands of God, praying Him earnestly, for Christ's sake, to forgive 3'our sins, and yourself forgiving your erring fellow-men, as you hope to be forgiven." She d. Oct. 30, 1839, in her 58th year. Children, b. in China (now Arcade) : — 2435. HuUECCA, b. Apr. 1, d. Apr. 3, 1816. PART III. — FOURTH GENERATION. 207 2430. Leonard Parkkr [2840], b. May 26, 1817. 2437. Adna Wallaci:, b. Mar. 19, d. Nov. 30, 1819. 2438. Dolly Fokstkk [2852], b. Sept. 10, IBiO. 2439. Edmoxd Lucikn [2857], b. Dec. 28, 1825. 2440. Abner'' [222G] (Jonathan^, Abraham^, Jolini), settled in Pike Hollow, Alleghany Co , N. Y., previousl}' to 1810, or the time of his brother Ezekiel's first arrival in that vicinity ; returned to Is'ew Hampshire, on a visit, but was never heard from after leaving Concord for his final journc}' West He m. Diodema Rocelia Griffeth, at Pike, N. Y., where all their children were born : — 2441. Eli Griitkth [2859], b. Jan. 20, 1815. 2442. Mary Ann, b. 1817 (?); in. Benjaniiu Adams; d. about 1862, aged 35(?). 2443. Abnku Abkliono, b. 1819 (?) ; resides in Peoria, 111. 2444. Maria [2804], b. 1820 r ?). 2445. Susan M. [2870], b. 1822 (?). 2446. John D. [2875], b. July 5, 1824. 2447. Henry [2880], b. 1«26 ( ?). 2448. Janes'* [2227] (Jonathan^, Abraham^, John'), m. Rebecca Lovejoy, at Concord, N. II., June 19, 1814, and settled first in the State of New York ; afterwards moved to Ohio, as infen-ed from the births of his youngest children. He d. Aug. IG, 1827, aged 36, She was b. Sept. 14, 1793, and d. Apr. 6, 1858, in her 65th year. Children : — 2449. Mary Eliza [2880], b. Mar. 4. 1815. 2450. Jeremiau Ames [2891], b. Sept. 22, 1810, in Freedom. N. Y. 2451. Stella Al.mira [2901], b. May 18, 1S19, in Mentor, Lake Co., O. 2452. Soi'iiuoNiA Maria [2905], b. Jan. II, 1823. 2453. WiLLiA.M Caul [2912], b. Oct 2, 1821, in Mentor, O. 2454. Israel^ [2228] (Jonathan^, Abraham^, John^), m. Anna Cheney, Jan. 20, 1819, who was b. Jan. 30, 1796. He settled with his brothers in New York, where he d. Nov. 9, 1849, aged 56, and she d. Mar. 29, 1856, aged GO, both at Portageville. (Most of his children have adopted the "• Reynolds " orthograph}^ ; tliose of his oldest l)rotliers retained " Runals, or Runuals"; of his youngest, " Runnels") Children : — 2455. Lorenzo Dow [2917], b. Nov. 29, 1820, in Freedom, N. Y. 2450. PniLANOER McMiTCMER, b. Oct. 20, 1822, in Freedom ; d. June 9, 1844, in his 22tl year, at Manchester, Dearborn Co., Ind. 2457. Benjamin Cheney, 1). Jan. 9, 1825, in Perry, N. Y. ; was a hotel- keeper for twelve years, and was twice married; had one child by first wife; m., 2d, Catharine Post, of Gainesville, Wyomin.i,' Co., N. Y., Dec. 30, 185."). He d. Nov. 26, 1809, in his 45th year, at Attica, N. Y., and was there buried with Ma.sonic honors. 2458. Isi;akl Morris [2921], b. Mar. 31, 1827, in Freedom. 2459. Jonathan, b. May 20, 1829, in Perry; was drowned, at Portage- ville, in the Genesee River, May 5, 1834, aged 5. 240O. Warren William [2925], b June 7, 1831, in Freedom. 2101. LouLSA Ann [2927], b. May 25, 1S33, in Perry. 2402. George Williams [2930], b. Nov. 17, 1830, in Portageville. 208 KUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 2403. Jonathan CurmiEU^ [2229] (Jonathan^, Aliraham^, Joliiii), resided in Dceiiiig, N. 11.; by occupation a miller; m., 1st, Mary Dimond, of Concord, Dec 31, 1822. She was the mother of his six oldest childien ; was b. June 1, 1805, and d. Apr. 12, 1836, in her 31st year. He m , 2d, Kuth Dimond, of Concord, Sept. 26, 1836, wlio was b. Sept. 23, 1805. He d. at "NVearc, Dec. 19, 1861, aged 66. Children, all b. in Deering : — 24fi4. John Lohknzo, b. Mar. 8, 1824 ; d. Sept. 17, 1827, in his 4lh year. 24(;r). Maky Ann [2] (Moses^, Willijim^, JohiP), m. Solomon Knights, of liiiigliain, JMc. Children: — 2515. Solomon (Knights), who was probably the father of 1. Amos (Knighls), livery stable keeper, at South Berwick, Me., 1870. 2516. Polly; deceased. 2517. AiiiunAM. 2518. William. 2519. Hannah. 2520. Chandlkk. 2521. Sakah^ [2246] (Moses3, William^ Johni), m. Alfred Parlin, of Bingham, Me. Child : — 2522. Polly (Parlin). 2523. Joiin4 [2248] (WhithropS, Joseph^, John^). It is only known that lie was m., lived in Lee, N. H.. and there went by the undignified title of '' Gutt," though a grandson of the first clergy- man in Lee ! He resided in the " Centre district, 1807," and his name again appears among the '' Inventories " on town records, "1815"; soon after which time he is supposed to have d. "His two oldest sons were married, but neither left children " : — 2524. Samuel Hutchins, — named after the Rev. Samuel H, — was residing in Lee, " 1827," " 1834," and '• 1846 " (records). 2525. George; was living in Lee, " 1834" and " 1846"; m. Mrs. Sarah York, of Pittsfleld, Nov. 26, 1865, but d. before 1868. 2526. Daniel; supposed to have d. young. 2527. Eleanor" [2249] ( Winthrop^ Joseph^, Johni), is said to have m. Samuel Austin, of Madbury, N. H., who live(l in Somers- worth and moved to Canada about 1814. One of her chiklren : — 2528. Jacob Kittreuge (Austin), visited Newington, N. H., in 1837; afterwards resided for some time in Bo«lou, and then returned to Cauada. 2529. Hannah'' [2250] Winthrop3, Joseph^ John'), m. James Twombl)', at Dover, N. H., 1807. He was b. 2sov. 1787 ; lived, as a farmer, after marriage, at Wolfboro', Dover, Durham, and 2s ew- ington, and d. at N., Maj' 7, 186G, in his 79th year. She d. at jS"., Aug. 18, 1869, aged 85. Children : — 2530. Elhanan Charles (Twombly), b. Apr. 24, 1808, in Wolf borough ; now lives at Newington. 2531. Lucy Stone, b. Oct. 3, 1809, in Newington, and there d. Mar. 29, 1833, in her 24th year. 2532. Abigail Sahaii Uk'eenlkaf, b. July 10, 1811, in Dover; m. Gil- man Upham, of Newington. Of her children : — 1. WiNiiiuor (Upham), served on board the t^hip of war " Ports- mouth" during the late rebellion, at New Orleans, La., and there d. of ship fever. 2. Sarah A.; see [2535, 6]. 2533. Ezekikl WiNG.vrE (Twombly), b. Feb. 3, 1813, in Dover ; a farmer, now residuig in Newington. 2534. Isaac James, b. Oct. 4, 1814, in Dover. PART III. FOUltTH GENERATION. 211 2535. Euz.v(bkth) Hannah, b. May 18, 1816. in Dover; m. Bcnjaniin Swain, (ariner and teamster, Jan. 12, 1837. He d. at Exeter, of lieart disease, Sept. 28, 1870. Cliildrea : — 1. Lucy Ei.izauktii (Swain), b. Oct. 1, 1838, in Sauijas, Mas.s. ; ni. Almon Syivanus Langley, blaclvsraith, of Exeter, Apr. 17, 1857. He served in tlie array, Co. B, lltii reniment New Hampshire volunteers, from Sept. 18f;3 till the close of th'i war, and d. of disease thus contracted. Apr. 17, 1866, at Exeter. She also d. of consumption, Dec. 5, 1871, aged 33. Ciiildren: (1.) E.m.aia Grace (Lanjiley), b. Oct. 14,' 1858. C2.) Annie Mahelli:, b. Auir. 10, 1860. (3.) Frkddy, b. Mar. U, 1862; d. Apr. 186-1, aged 2. (4.) Chaules Almon, b. Dec. 1, 1865. 2. WiLLLOi Henry (Swain), b. Mar. U, 1841, in Xewington, and there d. June 21, 1847, aged 0. 3. Lavinia Antoinette, b. Apr. 11, 1843, in Newington ; d. Aug. 5, 1850, aged 7, in Amesbury, Mass. 4. Albert Ephraim, b. June 14, 1845, in Newington ; served three years in the army; is now ra. (1872), and resides in Boston, Mass., 5 Rochester Street. 5. Eugene Margakenia, b. Aug. 9, 1847; in Newington; d. at Amesbury, Aug. 19, 1850, aged 3. 6. James William, b. Mar. 30, 1849, in West Amesbury, Mass. ; ra. Sarah A. Uphani [2532, 2], July 28, 1872, present residence in Boston. 7. Claka Octavia, b. Feb. 20, 1852, in Newington; d. in Exeter, June 23, 1855, aged 3 years 4 mos. 8. Hariet Ann, b. May 6, 1854. in Newington; d. at Exeter, June 20, 1855, aged 13 months 14 days. 9. Edgar Clarence, b. .\pr. 20, 1856, in Exeter. 2530. Clara Augusia (Twombly), b. Aug. 18, d. Oct. 1, 1817(18), in Dover. 2537. Jame-s Runnels, b. Nov. 2, 1810, in Durham; " attended the U. S, Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., and was in the .Mexi- can war"; d. July 22, 1851, in his 32d year, at Maiden, Mass., being "killed by the cars when crussing a railroad." 2538. SiMES Frinck, b. May 29, 1sl>2, in Newington; "was in the Mexican war, and also in tlie last war at Fortress Mouroe"; a carpenter; now lives in Maiden, Mass. 2539. William Henry W'inthroi', b. May 9, 1824, in Newington, and there d. July 22, 1850, aged 26. 2540. Edward T.'» [2251] (Wiatlu-op3, Joseph-, John'), was twice married; linst wife is said to have ••joined the Shakers; second wife was from Maine." '• He used to go about the country, as a pack-peddler, a scissors grinder," and sometimes as a " teni- perauce lecturer " ! At one time lie "drew his little sou to liar- ringtou on a hand-sled ' ; d. 1»57 at Woodstock, N. H., aged 72. One child, second wife : — 2541. Edward, b. about 1843; is supposed to have d. young. 2542. WiNTiiROp-' [2253] (Wintlirop^, Joseph^, John'), was first a truckman, afterwards a •• ^iass manufacturer" in Boston, and there m. Eliz:ii)eth Coldin Jones, of B., Nov. 8, 1817. He d. at JBarrington, N. II., Aug. 7, 1819, aged 5». .She was residing with her olclest daughter, at Longwood, Mass., 1870. Children, all b. in Boston : — 212 i;UNNEL.S AND REYXOI.l>S MEMORIALS. 2r..i:?. SAitAii .ToNKs [.",028], b. May 5, 1810 :>AltAII iH>.M';« LiiU^nj, 1). iviiiy u. loii'. L'r>l-1. Ki.iZAiiKiH Adaiink, b Nov. 18, 1820; m. Joseph Windsor, Jr., of Hoston, Oct. 9, 1839. Me was a lisli dealer and book-keeper in H. She d. Mav 20, 1840, in her 20th year. 2.')fr>. Su.sAN Cahoi.in-k [30»4], b. Jan 0, 1824. 2.'>4(). WiNTiiiior, b. Au79. OuciiAiU) (^ooK, b. Jan. 2, 1812; resiaing in Bangor, 1870. 2580. Ei.iZA I 30(15], b. Sept. 11, 1814. 2581. Maky Pinkuam b. Aug. 23, 1816; m. E. N. Torrey, of Bangor, Aug. 23, 1835; was residing, 1870, iu San Francisco, Cal., 516 Dupont Street. 2582. John Emkhson [3067], b. Oct. 13, 1818. 2583 Maktha Ann [3071], b. Oct. 11, 1820. 2584. Emei.ink. b. Sept. 9, 1822; resides in Bangor. 2585. Geouge Washincston, b. Sept. 14, 1824; was a miner in California; afterwards an apotliecary in San Francisco, and there d. Sept. 13, 1860, aged 36. 2586. EuwAUD Hatch [3074], b. July 23, 1826. 214 uuNNr-:LS and Reynolds memorials. 2C87. AniGAir, Hatch, b. Oct. 3, 1S28; m. Albion K. P. Wilson, of Ban- ;,'()r, .Iiine 1, 1853. He wa.s a captain in the 2d Maine regiment during tlie late war. 2588. FiiANcis Aucr-sTUS, b. Aug. 8, 1830; resides, as an instructor, in ISan I'rancisco, Cal. 2r;81), MAirriiA^ [2277] (Joseph^, Joseph^, Jolin^), m. Jeremy Wasliiiioton Orange, of Milton, N. II., at Hochester, May 5, IHO'J. He was b. Oct. 25, 1788 ; was a joiner, and owned a farm in Mil- ton ; moved to Great Falls, N. H., July, 1823, and had been in the employ of the " Great Falls Manufacturing Company" for forty- seven years, continuously (1870), still holding his place at the age of 82 ! He was also deacon of the Congregational church at Great Falls. She d. Feb. 3, 1860, aged 75. Children : — 2590. FiiANKTJX (Orange), b. Oct. 25, 1810, in Milton, where he still resides. 2591. Gko];gk Washington, b. Dec. 22, 1812, in Milton ; is now in the employ of the "Erie Railroad Company," at Waverly, Tioga Co.,N. Y. 2592. Henry Smith, b. Feb. 12, 1815, in Milton; at present (1870) a grocer and flour merchant in Lowell, Mass., Merrimack Street. 2593. Joseph"' [2278] (Joseph^, Joseph^, John^),was " an officer in the war of 1812, but not in the regular service " ; settled as a shoemaker in Dover (and Rochester), N. H., having previously m. Phebe A. Walker, of Newington. He d Mar. 16, 1826, in his 39th year, at Dover, and was there buried, but his remains were afterwards removed to Manchester. She d. Apr. 12, 1856, aged 64. A monument over their graves and the graves of their two youngest children, in the Manchester cemetery, has this inscrip- tion : " Loved on earth, — will be loved in heaven." Children : — 2594. Olive [3077], b. June 20, 1812, in Dover. 2595. John, b. 1814; "was last heard of near Boston." 25UG. William [3081], b. Sept. 6, 1816, in Dover. 2597. Lydia, b. Sept. 8, 1818, in Dover; m. Robert Gilchrist, of GofTs- town, N. H., Nov. 1851. He was a crockery dealer in JSIan- chester, and there d. Dec. 25, 18G5. She still continues the business, 1870. 2508. Susan Abhy, b. Jan , d. Apr. 10, 1821. 2599. Mauy Jones, b. 1823; d. Dec. 18, 1825, aged 2 years. 2600. Samuel'' [2282] (Joseph^ Joseph^, JohnM, was enlisted at the age of 16 in the war of 1812, for the defence of Portsmouth. " Served the term of his draft," and w^as afterwards captain of a coiniiau}' of infantry, in Portland, Me., where he settled, as a shoe- maker, and in Hannah Gove, a native of Berwick, Me. Moved to Bangor, 1825, and there resided till his death, Feb. 16, 1865, in his 68th year. Chiklreu : — 2fi01. Dexti R Brkwek [3084], b. Apr. 25, 1822, in Portland. 2G02. Geoiu'.e Washington, b. 1825 (?); was drowned at Bangor, in Penobscot river, about 1834, aged 9 years. 2003. Antoinkttk Faustina, b. about 1827; d. 1851 (?), aged 24. 2i;u4. .-Vnna Kliza [3088J, b. Aug. 28, 1831. PART Iir. — FOURTH GENERATION. 215 2605. Geouge* [2-283] (Joseph^, Joseph^, Johu^), has been for many years a worthy citizen in Ban, Maky a. [3099], b 5tli mo , 13, 1828. 2G27. Al.viNA P. [3)04], b. 12th mo., 7, 1830. 2028. Clajja C. [3108], b. 1st mo., 30. 1833. 2629. Rkbecca M. [31 10], b. 2d mo , 11, 1836. 2G30. Emma R. [3114], b. 8th rao., 15, 1838. 2631. Bkxjamin'* [2289] (Benjamin^, Joseph^, Johni), was a farmer and justice of the peace, with residences as indicated by children's births ; m. Sally Webb, of China, Me., and d, Jan. 5 (1), 1843, in his 47th year. Children : — 2632. Benjamin Franklin [3118], b. Jan. 18, 1822, in China, Me. 2633. Samuel Webb, b. Sept. 11, 1823, in China; d. at Chelsea, Me., Nov. 18, 1844, aged 21. 2634. JojiN Wkntworth Ireland [3122], b. Apr. 23, 1825, in Vassal- boro'. Me. 2635. Isaac Randall [3124], b. Mar. 16, 1827, in V. 2636. AViLLiAM Moody, b. July 11, 1830 ; m. Henrietta B. Runnels [2648], Sept. 1852; was a farmer; residence, Wilson, Waseca County, Minn. ; is now deceased ; four children, all d. 2637. Albert Prescott [3128], b. June 3, 1832, in Vassalboro'. 2638. Joseph Emersox, b. Apr. 10, 1835, in Ciielsea, Me. ; there d. May 19, 18."j4, aged 19. 2639. Sally Omenia, b. Nov. 11, 1839, and d. Sept. 8, 1841, aged 1 year 10 months, in Chelsea. 2640. Sarah Omenia [3185], b. Sept. 18, 1843, in Chelsea. 2641. Lois'* [2290] (Benjamins, Joseph^, Johni), m. Aaron Brown, farmer, and d. Feb. 1869, in her 71st year. He had pre- ceded her a few months, June 7, 1868. Children: — 2642. John M. (Brown), b. Aug. 5, 1829; m. Mary Gardiner. 2G43. Rebecca, b. June 11, 1830; m. a Bessey; one child, deceased. 2G44. Benjamin, b. Oct. 11, 1832; d. Apr. 11, 1850, in his 18th year. 2G45. Omena, b. Aug. 11, 1841; married. 2646. Jonathan D.^ [2292] (Benjamin^, Joseph^, Jobn^), m. Hannah Clark, Mar. 2, 1828, who was b. Aug. 31, 1806. He was a blacksmith ; held a captain's commission in the Maine militia, and was for a time postmaster at Togus' Mills (East Hallowell), Me ; now resides in Portland, corner of St. Lawrence and Sher- brooke streets. Children : — 2647. Elizabeth S. [3138], b. Jan. 19, 1829, in Belfast, Me. 2648. Hknimetta B., b. Feb. 20, 1832, in Hallowell, see [2G36]. 2649. Frances H. [3143], b. Feb. 18, 1834, in Vassalboro'. 2650. \\ ILLIAM A., b. Nov. 14, 1837, in Hallowell; m. Kate Burgit, Jan. 10, l.sG(;, who d. Aug. 1867; is a cabinet maker in Fairbault, Rice Co., Minn. PART III. — FOURTH GENERATION. 217 2G51. Isaac Randall'' [2293] (Benjamin^, Joseph^, JohnM m , 1st, to Hannali Moody, at Vassalboro', Me., by Rev, W. S Bray, Apr. 19, 1831. She was b. Dec. 4, 1814, in Nobleboro', Me , and d. at V., Jnh' 4, 1849, aged 39 years 7 months. He m., 2d, Coretha Kendall, 1850, in Lo'.vell, Mass., who there (?) d. ; m., 3d, Mary D. Whitehonse, Dec. 8, 1858, who was b. Mar. 29, 1815, in Vassalboro', and survives as his widow, now living at South Vassalboro'. lie d. at Vassalboro', his residence, Jul}' 4, 1804, aged 5G. Children: — 2C52. AuHY J., b. Aug. 23, 1832, in Vassalboro'; d. at Lowell, Mass., Mar. 1, 18.")2, in her 20th year. 2r.53. AVii.LL\M S. B. [3145], b. Mav G, 1835, in V. 2G54. Isaac A., b. July 22, 1839, in V., and there d. Apr. 28, 1841, in his 2d year. 2G55. Isaac' A., b. Dec. 31, 1842, in Lowell, and there d. Oct. 13, 1843, ajjud 10 months. 2C56. ANNiUJELLA [3148} (second wife), b. Nov. IG, 185L FIFTH GENEKATION. 2G57. Isaacs [2295] (Isaac^ Isaac^, Abraham^ Johni), m., 1st, Mehctabel P. Sargent, June 16, 1822, at Gihnanton. N. H. She was 1). Jan. 2, 1802, in Loudon. He settled as a farmer first iu Gilmanton, then at Loudon, Bennington, Vt. (N. Y.), and finally at Warreusville, III., where she d. Apr. 18, 1867, aged 65, and he m., 2d, Mrs. Anna Vaughn, July 26, 1868. Children, first wife : — 2658. John Sargent [.3150], b. Nov. 7, 1823, in Gilmanton. 26.'>9. RicHAKn Sanborn Sargent [3158], b. May 31, 1825, in Loudon. 2Cf)0. Bedelia ELViiiA [31G8], b. Oct. 30, 1827, in Bennington. 2661. Mary Sophronia [3172]. b. Oct. 19, 1832, in B. 2662. Isaac Thomas Charles [3174J, b. Apr. 26, 1837, in Warrensville. 2663. PolltS [2297] (Isaac'', Isaac^, Abrahams, John'), m. Samuel Brown, farmer, Jan. 14, 1826, at Gilmanton, N. H. He resided first in G., afterwards in Northfield, and there d. Aug. 2, 1837. Children: — 2664. Harriet Jane (Brown), b. Oct. 26, 1826, in Gilmanton; ra. a Mawrey, and now resides in Providence, R. I. 2665. Mary E., b. Feb. 28, 1828, in G. 2666. Frances A., b. Jan. 24, 1831, in Northfield. 2667. Mehetabel B., b. Mar. 28, 1833, in N. 2668. Abbie S., b. May 4, 1835, in N. 2669. Betsys [2300] (IsaacS Isaac^, Abraham^, John'), ra. Elias Smith Buzzell, farmer, of Sanbornton, N. H., July 26, 1833. He was b. Aug. 6, 1810 ; furnished three sons and two sons-in-law for the late war, as recorded below. Children : — 2670. Mary (Buzzell), b. June 12, 1835; d. Aug. 20, 1847, aged 12. 2671. Cuaki.es Wkslky, b. Mar. 6, 1837; enlisted in the New Hamp- shire 15th regiment, Co. H. fall of 1862; was at New Orleans. He was m., by the compiler, to Caroline E. Morrison, of New Hampton, N. H., Jan. 2, 1866; settled as a farmer iu New Hampton. Child : — 1. Nin-iir. Etta, b. Dec. 1, 1867. 2672. Sarah Carter, b. Oct. 15, 1839; m. George Dawson, Feb. 25, 1858. He was b. Apr. 18, 1836; was intlie New Hampshire 15th regiment, Co. H; now a railroad employe, at Lathrop, Clinton Co., Mo. Children: — PART III. — FIFTH GENERATION. 219 1. Mary Hannah (Dawson), b. Aug. 18, 1859. 2. JosKi'ii Aii.KN, b. Dec. 6, 1861. 3. Georgia, b. Sept. 3, 18G5. 2C73. Ilr.NKY Cr.AY (I'.iizzell). b. Aug:. 15, 1842; enlisted in the 12tii New Ilanii)sliirc refriment, Co. D, 1862; promoted to sergeant; reniaiiud in 11k- aiinv two years; wounded in tlie breast and liiiflh at tlie battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, and d. of liemorrliajie, in the hospital at Washington, D. C., June 2t), ]8(;4, in his 22d year. 2674. Jamks MoxiiOK, b. "Sept. 14, 1844; enlisted in the 26th Vermont regiment, 1863; served at the gulf of Mexico, and continued till the end of the war. He is now an engineer on the Vermont Central Railroad; residence at Northlleld, Vt. ; m. Arlette L. Briggs, June 3. 1870. Child : — 1. Jkssik May, b. I^Iay 1, d. July 1, 1871. 2675. Emma Tilton, b. July 13, 1847; m. Sylvester D. Hunt, Apr. 1». 1863, who was b. Jan. 23, 1844, and was in the 15th New Hampshire regiment, Company G; now a railroad employe, Tilton, N, H. 2676. Ci.AKA HuNKiNS, b. May 10, 1849; ra. Augustus Shaw, farmer, now of Tilton, N. H.. Dec. 15, 1864. Children : — 1. Hknuy Ei.mkk (Shaw), b. Sept. 12, 1865. 2. FuANKiK, b. Apr. 3, d. May 30, 1868. 3. Bkktik Edward, b. Apr. 9, 1869. 4. Amos Cornklius, b. Nov. 4, 1872. 2G77. JoiinS [2302] (IsaacS Isaac^, Abrabam^, Jolin'), m., 1st, Sally Oilman, of Sanltorntoii, 1831. Sbe was tbe motbcr of bis tluce first cbildren, and d. Oct. 20, 1H37. He ni., 2d, Artcmesia Stewart AVliitcber, of Nortlifield, Feb. 22, 1839 ; resided in North- field and tbe sontb part of Sanboruton till 1>69-, tben moved lo Canterbiuy. Cbildren : — 2678. JosiAH Gkorge, b. 1832; d. 1834, a^'ed 1 year and 6 months. 2679. Ann, b. Aug. 23, 1833, in Sanl)ornton (Gilford); joined the Canterbury Shakers, 1841, with whom she still coutinucs, " maintaining a good reputation." 2680. Sai.i.y [3178], b. July 23 (Aug. 25), 1835, in Northfleld. 2681. JoMAii Gkorck (second wife), b. Apr. 3, d. Nov. 26, 1840. 2682. Fkances Jank, b. June 3, d. July 31, 1842. 2683. John, b. June 9, d. July 28, 1845, in Saubornton (town records). 2684. Hokack Sanhohn, b. July 20, 1848, in Saubornton. 2G85. Jui.iA Ann^ [2304] (Isaac^ Isaac^ Abraham^ Jobn^), m., 1st, Benjamin Kin)l)all Mason, Oct. 13, 1838. He was b. INIay 24, 1819, inCliiclioster, N. H., and there d. June 12, 18r)4, aged 35. Sbe m., 2d, Jolm Samuel Ilnssey, Fel). 4, ISTjO. He was b. Mar. 1, 182o, in Dover, wbeie they still reside. Children : — 268G. David BitowN (Mason), b. Nov. 16, 1839, in Chichester, with the seven following; enlisted in the7tli New Hampshire regiment, Co. (J, Nov. 23, 1861 ; served with his regiment ;it the Dry Tortugas, I'ort Hoyal, and St. Augustine; discharged for disa- bility, Jan. 7, ISC;!; returned home sick, and d. at Northlleld, May 28, 1865, in his 26lh year. 2687. Elvira, b. Apr. 6, 1841 ; »l. Ai)r. 16, 1842, aged 1 year 10 days. 2688. Jamks Monrok, b. Aug. 24, 1842; eidisted in Co. F, 12th New Hampshire regiment; d. on his passage home from Frcdrricks- burg, Va., Jan. 15, 1863, in his 21st year. 220 IIUNNRLS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 2080. CiiAiU-rs Frank, b. July 25, 1844; servod in Co, F, 12th New IInmi)sliiro rc^'irnent, and fell at the battle of Cliaucellorsville, Va., May 3, \H(^>:^, in liis I'Jth year. 2(!90. John ("oi.hy, 1). Apr. 20, 184G; enlisted in Company G, New Hamp.slure 15th regiment; d. at Cleveland, U., Aug. 7, 1803, aged 17. 2(191. Lkwis Cas.s, b. Junfi 30, 1847. 2692. Bknjamin Lkuoy, b. June 14, 1850. 2093. RiiouA Elvira, b. June 13, 1852. 2()94. Arby Jank (Hussey), b. Sept. 24, 1857 (probably in Dover, with the two following) ; d. July 14, 18G0, in her 3d year. 2095. Gii.BKRT EuGKNE, b. Oct. 28, 1859. 2090. Ella Marietta, b. Sept. 9, 1861. 2697. Samuel ITenryS [2307] (Isaac'*, Isaac^, Abraham^, John^), m , 1st, Eliza Ann Shaw, of Canterbury, N. H., June 22, 1852. Served in the 1st New Hampshire infantry, Co. D, three months, enlisting "from Loudon," May 2, 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 9, 1861. Afterwards in the 4th New Hampshire regiment, sergeant Co. A, mustered in Sept. 18, 1861 ; wounded May 16, 1864 ; mustered out Sept. 27, 18(14, having served two years and ei2ht months as color-bearer of the regiment His second cousin [2822], who stood beside him, bears testimony to his eminent bravery as a soldier. He m., 2d, Mary E. Currier, of Concord, Mar. 10, 1864, and was there residing, near Fisherville, 1869. Children, two oldest by first wife : — 2698. John Nason, b. Oct. 22, 1853, in Canterbury. 2099. Henry, b. Oct. 80, 1854, in Canterbury. 2700. Ira Willie (second wife), b. Nov. 23, 1865, in Concord. 2701. AoiiRA Rachel^ [2308] (Isaac'*, Isaac^, Abraham^, John^), m. Stephen Fletcher Weeks, Jan. 7, 1849. He is a cooper and farmer ; residences at Gilmanton, Loudon, and Epsom, N. H. (1864-69) ; served ten months in the New Hampshire 15th regi- ment, 1863, being at New Orleans and Port Hudson, La., till the surrender of the latter place, July 8, 1863. Children : — 2702. Mary Elizabeth (Weeks), b. Jan. 7, 1850, in Gilmanton. 2703. Sarah Adelaide, b. May 17, 1851, in G. ; m. H. D. Foss, 1869. 2704. Stephen Francis, b. Aug. 7, 1855, in Loudon. 2705. Albert Eugene, b Oct. 8, 1857, in L. 2706. Walter Harriman, b. Jan. 23, 1804, in Epsom. 2707. Addison True, b. Jan. 23, d. Feb. 11, 1806, in Epsom. 2708. Almira, b. Feb. 12, 1867. 2709. Pauls [2321] (John^ James^, Abraham^, Johni), m. Sally Kanlet, Oct. 15, 1818, " both of Farmington." Resided, first, in Tnftonborough, N. H., where his children were all born; for several years past, in Milton (south part), as a shoemaker and farmer. Children : — 2710. Sarah Abba [3183], b. Jan. 0, 1824. 2711. James Orin [3186], b. Nov. 30, 1826. 2712. Mary Ann [3192], b. Oct. 8, l.s32. 2713. Andrew Tetuerly [3198], b. July 27, 1835. PART III. — FIFTH GENERATION. 221 2714. jKKEMiAir^ [2325] (Joseph'', .Jamcs^, Abraham-, .John'), m. Sally Colomy [2196, IJ, Fel). 27, 1821, at Vcrshire, Vt. He ■was a farmer; resided at Thetford, Vt., at Hanover, N, II. (after 1831), and finally at Lyme, where he d. Feb. 8, 1867, in his 66tli year. Children : — 2715. Martha Jank. b. Au;;. 21 (20), 1828, in Thetford; d. at Lyme, Aug. 30, 18.o8, aged Sr>. .2710. Mahy Ann, b. Oct. 23, 182."), in Thetford, and tliere d. Aug. 23, 1829, in her 4th year. 2717. Elsa [3202J, b. Mar. 1, 182S. in Thetford. 2718. Sarah Ann [3208], b. Jan. 23, 1830, in T. 2719. GiooKGK WAsniNGTON [3210]. b. May 14, 1832, in Hanover. 2720. .Iamks MdNuoK, 1j. Oct. 2f;, ls;J5, in Hanover. 2721. Maky [3214], b. Apr. 20, 1839, in II. 2722. Haklan Page, b. Dec. 20, 1841, in 11. 2723. Sally^ [2326] (Joseph^, James^, Abraham^, John^), m. Richard Everett, farmer. Nov 16, 1829 ; lived at time of marriage in HanoA'er, N. H. ; afterwards in Lyme, Hanover again, and Fairlee, Vt. (Bradford P. O. 1843-1870). Children : — 2724. Amos (Everett), b. Aug. 2G, 1830, in Lyme; d. at Fairlee, Fel). ."., 1852, in h\s 22d year. 2725. Mauia, b. Sept. 2, 1831, in Lyme; ni. Carlos Waterman, Hilis- boro'. Wis. 2720. JosKPH HuNNKi.s, b. Nov. 10, 1833, in Hanover; a fanner in Fairlee, Vt. (Bradford P. O.), 1870. 2727. Lucv Anna. b. May 16, 1835, in Hanover; m. Henry K. Wilkins, Lowell, Mass. 2728. Luchkiia, b. .Jan. 20, 1837, in Lyme; ni. Nelson Prescott, Wasii- ington, Vt. 2729. Ethkumnda, b. Oct. 4, 1842, in Hanover; m. Wesley Chamberlain, Tiietford, Vt. 2730. Ellkn Hki!i:cca, b. Apr. 19, 1844, in Fairlee; resides in Lowell, Mass., 1870. 2731. Ellovisa, b. Apr. 11, 18-16, in F. ; d. Jan. 14, 1848, iu her 2d year. 2732. Samuels [2327] (Joseph^, James^, Abraham^, Johni), m., 1st, f^lsie Coloni}', of Ver.shire, Vt., ISLar. 1823, and settled in v., near Strafford, where she d. from injnries received in the great luirricane, Ang. 31, 1825, being canght between two timbers of the falling house, and so injured as to live but five hours. Her child, — oldest of the following list, — was saved alive in her arms. He m , 2d, lietsy Moody [2194, 4], Aug. 11, 1829, and now resides (1873), as a farmer, in Duxbury, Vt., — Waterbury F. O. Children : — 2733. Louisa [3218], b. Jan. 16, 1825, in Veisliire (first wife). 2734. Pnii.KNA FAMa-iKi.D [3222], b. Jan. 1, 1831, iu Vtsrshire (second wife). 27.35. Gkoimjk Chksi.kv [3220], b. Aug. 11, 18.35, in Thetford, Vt. 2736. IIaimukt Angkunk, [32,i4], b. May 0, 1H37, in T. 2737. Flora Armina [3i'38], 1). May 23, 1840, in Waterbury, Vt. 2738. DaxiixS [2328] (Joseph^, James^, Abraham^, J,,hn'), m. Susan Everett, at Hanover, N. II., May 23, 1830. She was b. 222 RUNNKLS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Nov. 15, 1807, in Lyme. IIo rosidcd hitterly in Str.afTorfl, Vt. and tliLTC (1. .Ian. 27, 18.'>8, in liis oOili year. Slie ni., 2(1, Thomas Clogstou, farmer, and now resides in Stratford. Children : — 2739. CiiAiu.oTTK Ann [32-i2J, b. Oct. 5, 1832, in Thetford, Vt. 2740. Ukman Jaso.v [32-i4J, b. Apr. 8, 1834, in Hanover. 2741. WiLUAM ADni-soN [3240], b. Nov. 20, 1837. in Hanover. 2742. Danii:l IIaktwell, b. May 4, 1840, in Thetford; served in the New Ilanipsliire cavalry four years; mustered in (Troop I) Dec. 17, 18(;i ; appointed blacksmith, and transferred to Troop L, Apr. 1, 18G3; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 18(J4; was twice laiien prisoner, — first at Dutch Gap, — and was detained in the Libbey prison, Richmond, Va., and at Belle Island. He is now an iron smith in Lowell, Mass. ; m., 1st, Lucy L. Wilmot, Sept. 14, 18G5, who d. June 4, 18(;7; m., 2d, Hannah Mar.iiaret Elliot, of Lowell, Jan. 28, 1870, a native of Fairfax Co., Va. 2743. Lyman Hinckly, b. Aug. 15, 1842; d. Oct. 9, 1858, aged 16. 2744. CuAur.KS Cakhol, b. Nov. G, 1844, in riietford; was in the 9th regiment Vermont volunteers, Co. G, from Aug. 18G2 to its dismemberment; now a farmer in Stratt'ord; ra. Frances Morey, of Vershire, Mar. 31, 1869. 2745. Susan Adaline. b. June 9, 1848, in Vershire; ra. Joseph White, of Lowell, Mass., July 20, 1870, who was b Jan 19, 1848, in Boston, and is now a clothing dealer in L., 3 Central dtreet. 2746. Edwin Laekance, b. July 25, 1850, in Lyme, N. H. 2747. John Hanson^ [2329] (Joseph^, James^, Abraham^, John^), ra., 1st, Diana Pingree, Apr. 1835, and settled in Han- over, N, H., near Connecticut river, as a farmer and shoemalcer. She d. JNIar. 1840, and he ra., 2d, Beulah Piugree, in H., Mar. 6, 1841. Children, second wife, b. in Hanover: — 2748. John Ransom, b. June 24, 1842 ; enlisted Aug. 7, 1802. in the New Hampshire 9tli regiment; three times promoted to corporal, sergeant, and first sergeant ; nuistered (mt at the end of the war, June 10, 18G5 ; was in several severe battles, with repeated hair-breadth escapes, losing only his little linger, probably when "wounded, May 12, 1804." He was m. to Frances .J. Burnham, of Hanover, by Rev. B. Smith, Nov. 26, 1868; now settled in H. as a farmer. 2749. IIiK.vM Eugene, b. May 14, 1844 ; enlisted in the 11th New PLarap- shire regiment, Co. II, Aug. 2i ("mustered Sept. 2"), 18G2; d. Jan. 2, 18G3, in his IDlh year, — of fever contracted by ex- posure at and after ihe battle of Fredericksburg, Va., — at the " Harewood Hospital," Washington, D. C, "trusting in Jesus Christ, and with strong love for his God." 2750. James Am.ison, b. Oct. 7, 1810; enlisted in the New Harapsliire 17th regiment, Nov. 29, 1802; served three months, till its disbandment ayd consolidation with the 2d regiment; then in another, the 2d (?) New Hampshire regiment, six months; afterwards, being in I'oughkeepsie, N. Y., at the commercial college, enlisted for one year ni the 150th New York regiment, joined Gen. Sherman at .\tlanta, Ga , and remained under his command till the end of the war. 2751. Diana Keuecca, d. May 1, 1851 ; an invalid for many years at her faiher's in Hanover. 2752. FuEOKUKK -Vrursrus, b. Jan. 1, 1855. 2703. AiTLETON CuLUUKN, b. Aug. 4, 1859; d. Mar. G, 18j0, aged 7 months. PART III. FIFTH GENERATION. 223 2754. PoLLY^ [2330] (Joseph^, JanK'S^, Abraham^, Johni), m. Putman Webster .Silver, farmer, of Orford, N. H., Feb. 14, 1H32, at Hanover ; has since resideil at North Thetford, and now at Strafford (\Yest Fairlee), Vt. Children: — 2755. IIarhikt Mahia (Silver), b. Nov. 13, 1833, at Orfordville, N. H. ; m. James Cuimniiijjs; residence ut Bunker Hill, 111., 1870. 2756. Dkxtku Fkkkman, b. Nov. 11, 1835. at Orlordville; now (1870) a fanner in Strattbrd, Vt. ; post-offlce, West Fairlee. 27o7. Maugarkt^ [2337] (SannieH, James^, Abraham^, Johni), ni. David K. Perkins, stone-cutter, of New Durliain, N. H , Feb. 22 (Mar. 4), 1819. He was b. Sept. 3, 1797, in N. D., and d. at Manchester, Dec. 4, 1862, aged 65. Children : — 2758. Nathaniici. (Perkins), b. Apr. 21, 1820, in New Durham; a hatter and horse dealer; settled first in Manchester; m. Elizabeth T. Summers, Oct. 1842, who was a native of Norfolk, Va. He now resides in Brighton, Mass. Seven children, of whom five d. in infanc)' : — 1. Natiiamki, ; was residing with his parents in Brighton, 1869. 2. Mauv Ann, b. May 20, 1847 ; m. John E. Collins, formerly of Fall Kiver, Mass. ; now (1872) of Manchester, N. H. Children: (1.) Nathamki, Jonx (Coilins), b. Nov. 7, 1800. (2.) Euza- BKTH ISABKLLA, b. July 13, 1871. 2750. Samukl Kunn'ki.s (Perkins), b. May 2 (21), 1822, in Middleton, N. II. ; was a stone-cutter and horse dealer, but is now (1800) in the hotel business at Brighton, Mass. ; m. Mary Abbott, of Londonderry, N. H., Aug. 1840. Children: — 1. Elizauktii tiiKUivSA, b. 1842, iu,Manchester, N. H. ; ra. a Pratt, of Epping. 2. Mary Antio.n'kttk, b. 1843, in Somersworth ; m. T>oren Hunt, 1804; residences, Hartford, Ct., and Brighton, Mass. 3. Sasiukl U., b. 1845, in Manchester; served in the late war, and d. in a military prison, Georgia, 1803-4, aged 10. 4. IJaxa, b. 1847. in Manchester; d. 1801, aged 14. 2700. Mai{V Ann, b. July 20, 1824, in Middleton; m. James Eastman, mason, of Londonderry, 1841, and has resided chielly iu Man- chester. Children: — 1. Fkancks Angki.a (Eastman), b. June 24, 1843, in Manchester; d. Feb. 23, 1840, in her 3d year. 2. Jamks AuGi'STiNE, b. Sept. 7, 1845, in SpringQeld, Mass.; a mason by trade, as also the two following. 3. Ai.AYsii'S. b. Aug. 10, 1848, in Sprinirlleld. 4. Wii.i.iAM David, b. Sept. 11, 1850, iu 8. 5. loNATns Dana. b. Sept. 6, 1852, in Manchester; a student in college, ItiOO. 6. RiciiAKi) Stkphkn, b. Dec. 25, 1854, in Manchester; attending school, 1800. 7. JouN, 1) June 20, d. Dec. 25, 1857. 8. Gkoiujk Wnrr.MAN, b. Apr. 3, 1800; d. Jan. 8, 1802, aged I year niontiis. 2701. Manassku Hoi.mks (Perkins), b. June 18, 1H20. iu Middleton; is a mason; resides at Manchester; m. Louisa Dwinals, of Lon- donderry, 1845. Children: — 1. Maky Emma, b. June, 1847, in M. \ 2. Lsamki.i.a, b. 1M4H; d. in infiincy. 2762. Nathan Uandai.i,, b. Dec. 13, 1828, in Middleton ; a blacksmith and farmer; m. Elizabeth Hicks, ol' JeHerson, N. II., 1853. Child : — 1. Manassoi, b. 1855. 221 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 2703. AVii.i.iAM Dana. h. Fol). 27, 1831, in .Tefl'crson ; was first a ma- son; moved to (.'alifornia about 18r)0; tlK-rc m. antj lias tlireo cliildreii. lie was the Slate collector of California in l.SC'J. 27G-1. JoNANNA Randall (or Runnals), b. .Jan. 27, 1><31, in Wiiite- lleld, N. 11. ; m., 1st, Kicliard 11. .4. Burnes, of Manchester, Sept. Is54. He (1. Mar. 18r>'J. and she ni., 2d, M. M. Drew, in Cali- fornia; one child, first husband : — 1. Maky IIopk (Burnes); d. a-;ed 1 year 6 months. 2765. .Tank (Perkins), b. Apr. 7, d May 1, 1837. in Whitefield. 27GC. David, b. Apr. 10, 1838, in Whitelleld; a hotel-keeper; m. An- nette E. Stanley, 18(51, at Manchester. Children: — 1. David Waltek, b. .Jan. 14. I8G2. 2. Fukdkhick, b. Apr. 10, 1804 3. GicRTJtUDE Hopi:, b. Mar. 17, 186(5. 27G7. Samukl Daxa-'^ [2340] (SaimieH, James^, Abraham^, Jolmi), ni., 1st, Jane Greene, of Portland, Me., Nov. 24, IS^^O. She was b. Nov 17, 1809, and d. Nov. 29, 183,5, aged 26. He m., 2d, Mrs. Emeliue (Greene) Rogers, of Portland, ISS-^, who there d. Mar. 1871. Children, — two oldest by first wife : — 2768. Samuel, b. Dec. 17, 1831 ; d. Jan. 17, 1832. a^'ed 1 month. 2769. Kmily Jane, b. Dec 22, 1834 ; d. Feb. 13. 183.5, a.ijed I mo. 22 days. 2770. Lucy Jane, b. June 10, 183'J (second wife) ; m. William G. Read, of Portland, carpenter, June 11, 1868. 2771. Kate [3251], b. Mar. 18, 1841. 2772. Gkokge Albert [3254], b. Jan. 2, 1843. 2773. Dana, b. Apr. 29, 1845; enlisted from Manchester, N. II., 4th New Hampshire regiment. Co. G, Sept. 18, 1861 ; re-enlisted, Feb. 16, 1864. He is now residing in Portland, Me., as an engineer, engaged at Sebago Lake, for the city, in 1870. 2774. FitEDERiCK Gates, b. Feb 5, 1840; enlisted Mar. 3, 1864, Maine 18th (?) regiment; wounded Apr. 2, and discharged June 6, 1865; is now an engineer in Portland, employed like his bn^ther above; m Lizzie liawrence, of P., Jan. 1, 1870. 2775. Alice Luce, b. May 12, 1853. 277G. Benjamin Randall^ [23 U] (Samuel'', James^, Abraham-, John'), received the additional name of *' Paul," on being confirmed by the Bishop of Mobile in 1835. He was first a mariner and car- penter ; resided in Mobile, Ala., and there m. Margaret M. J. bawling, Jan. 7 (8), 1837. She was b. in Kerry Co , Ireland, her father afterwards moving to this countiy, and being killed, as sup- posed, at the battle of NewCrleans. Returning from the South, he settled in Strartbrd, N. H. where she d (?). His present resi- dence (187U) is in Manchester, 46 Concord Street. Child : — 2777. Mauy Ursula, b. Feb. (Jan.) 15, 1843, in Strafford: d. Feb. 17, 1846, aged 3. 2778. Joanna Oram^ [2343] (Samuel^ James^, Abraham-, John'), m. Col. Zechariah Boodv, of .Nesv Durham, farmer, Feb. 19, 1837. lie was there b. June 20, 181:^. Children : — -77;t. C.LVKLKs Hayes (Boody). b Dec. 27, 1838; a lawyer residing in New Durham, of which town he has beeu selectman, and was representative in the State Legislature in 1&6'J. PART III. — FIFTH GENERATION. 225 2780. Daniel Edwin, b. Au^. 25, d. Nov. 27, 1840. 2781. Ellicn Aukilla, b. Jau. 3, 1847; m. Frauds W. Colbatb, Sept. 25, 1867. 2782. John 8.^ [23G0] (Nathaniel Hrackett^, SainueP, Abra- liarn^, Johui), in. Asenath Burnliain, of Gailand, Me., Dec. 25, l^<42. Himself a fanner in G., his four oldest sons are machinists, in both iron and wood, now living (1872) in Pittsfield, Me. Children, all b. in Garland : — 2783. Leonora F., b. Oct. 31, 1843. 2784. Nathaniel B. [325(1], b. May 16, 1845. 2785. Samuel, b Oct. 15, 1847. 2786. John S., b. Oct 17, 1840. 2787. William F., b. May 20. 1852. 2788. Charles, b. Apr. 6, 1855 ; d. Jan. 14, 1856, aged 9 months 8 days. 2789. Frank, b. Oct. 10, 1857. 2790. Charles II., b. Jau. 2, 1860; d. June 18, 1864; aged 4i years. 2791. Mabel E., b. Oct. 8, 1862. 2792. RoxanaS [2361] (Nathaniel BrackettS SamueP, Abra- ham^, John'), m. Amos Dow, Jr., of Hampden, Me., Mar. 1842, and d. July 3, 1844, in her 27tli year, leaving : — 2793. Anna 11. (Dow), b. Feb. 3, 1843; m. Burnham W. Hinds, of North Vassalboro', Me. 2794. Marv ScsanS [2384] (John Smith^, SamueP, Abraham^, John'), m. John Colomy, shoemaker, of New Durham [223o, 1], Ma}' 23, 1852. He is now a farmer in Poland, Me., removing thither after the birth of their youngest child : — 2795. John Fiunic (Colomy), b. Jan. 15, 1854; d. Nov. 4, 1865, in his 12tii vear. 2796. Walter McCann, b. Sept. 18, 1858. 2797. James Addison, b. Oct 27, 1861. 2798. Caul Euvine, b. Apr. 22, 1867. 2799. JoNAS^ [2396] (SainuelS SainueP, Abraham^, Johni), was m.,lst, to Hannah Young Corson, of Milton, N. H.,b3' llev. J. Bodge, at Middleton, Dec. 22, 1845. She d. Mar. 19, 1854, at New Dur- ham. He m., 2d, Sophia E. Austin, of South Berwick, Me., 1856. Enlisted, lirst, in the 1st New Hampshire regiment, Co. B, Apr. 21, 1861 ; mustered in Ma}' 2, mustered out Aug. 9, 1861. En- listed, second, in tlie 17th Maine, July 22, 1862, and .served till the capture of General Lee, June. 1865, including the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville (the " midnight charge"), Gettys- burg, ^Vilderness, Pctersl)urg, Coal Harbor, and the battles around Richmond, till it was taken. Tliough present in all the above, lie was only once wounded, on the head. He is now a shoemaker, residing in Dover. Children, three by each wife: — Aroi'STA Ellen, b. June 4, 1847, in Karniingtou. Gkorcmanna Marii.la, I). Oct. 7, isr.t, in Niw Durliam. Jonas March, b. July 1 1, 1851, iu Fannluiitou ; was a shoemaker; in. Mary Tutlle, of Dover, Feb. 1672, aud d. Apr. 11, 1872, iu his 21bt year. She d. Sept. 1872. 226 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 2803. Scott Montk.z. b. Oct 18, 1857, in Rollinsford. 2804. Ll'ki.i.a (iKiniiunic, b. Jan. 11, 18(10, in K. ; d. at Farmington, Aiifi- 7, 18(;i, »ixc(\ 1 year 7 months. 2805. Lf.andkk Winfiki.d, b. Dec. 7, IHCl, in South Berwick, Mc. 2806. Samuel^ [2397] (Samuel^ SamuoP, Abraliam^, Johni), migrated to Tennessee in 1846, and has resided chiofl^^ at Nash- ville, as a shoemaker; m., 1st, Eliza Burns, at N., 184)S, who was ; native of Alabama, and d. Sept. ( ?) 1863 ; m., 2d, Emily Crockett, of Montoomery Co., Tenn., I8(i6. He entered the rebel army (by compulsion), "May, 18()1, and served two years in the 1st Ten- nessee (confederate) cavalry" ; enlisted in the Union army, 1864, 10th Tennessee cavalry, in which he " served one j'ear till the war was over." Children, second wife : — 2807. N. B. FouRKST, b. July 25, 1868. 2808. Maky Eliza, h. May 12, 1870, to whose number must also be assiirned a younger sister, — reported too late for a number of her own : — DiXEY, b. Nov. 13, 1871. 2809. Pail MarchS [2399] (Samuel'', SamueP, Abraham^, John*), m. Mary Jane Colom3% of New Durham [2235, 8], Dec. 28, 1856 ; served in the 4th company New Hampshire cavalry, Capt. William P. Ainsworth's, for eleven months ; atterwards in the New Hampshire heavy artillery', till the end of the war. He now resides iu New Durham, as a shoemaker, on the place formerly occupied by his father. Children, b. in N. D. : — 2810. FoHREST Lkhoy, b. Sept. 20, 1857. 2811. Ara Bkrtie, b. Aug. 1, 18(33. 2812. Ida May, b. Dec. i3, 1871; d. at N. D., May 2, 1872, aged 4 mos. 19 days. 2813. Martin Van Buren^ [2402] (SamueP, Samuel^ Abra- ham^. John*), m. Mar\' Catharine Crockett, sister of his brother's second wife [2806], Dec. 16, 1853. She d. Mar. 1, 1868, of measles, when their j'oungest child was nine days old ; residence, Nashville, Tenn. He " served in the rebel army " ; " is at present in Miss." Cliildren : — 2814. JoxAS Cat.vin, b. Oct. 1854; d. Apr. 1856, aged 18 months. 2815. Wii.i.iAM Franki.ix. b. Auir. 1860. 2f 16. Martha Axx, b. July, 1862. 2817. LuKTXA Maria, b. 1864. 2818. Samuel, b. 1866. 28 ID. Charles Hexry, b. Feb. 22, d. July, 1868. 28-20. Syhexa-^ [2403] (SamueP, Samuel-*, Abraham^, John*), m. C harles Ilerrick, of Salamanca, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., who was afterwards a soldier in the 7th (?) Indiana light artillery through the war. He is now engineer in an oil mill in Warren Co , Penn., where ihey reside. Child : — 2821. Sopukoxia (Ilerrick), b. Mar. 28, 1860. PART III. FIFTH GExVEKATION. 227 2822. John Smitii^ [2404] (Sam^el^ SamneP, Abrahain^, Joliii'), served in tlie 4th New Ilainpsliiie ix\G1 ; re-enlisted Feb. 15, 18(j4 ; wounded by a ball, June 15, 1864, losing liis thumb and lore-finger. He m. Elizabeth F. Evans, of New Durham, Jan. 18, 1805. Children, b. in N. D. : — 2.S23. John Newmakcii, b. Mar. 3, 1867. 2824. Edwin Evans, b. Jan. 1, 1869. 2825. Abraham^ [2409] (Abram'', Nathaniel, Abraliam-, John'), m. Eliza Ann Skinnei-, of LA'nnfield Centre, Mass., Mar. 9, 1845 ; resided in Sangus, as a shoemaker, and there d. Apr. 28, 1855, in his 31st year. She has m., 2d, R. H. Goodwin, whose residence is in INIalden, and place of business 37 Haverhill Street, Boston. Children : — 2826. Chari.ks Miltox, b. Au<,'. 20, 1840 ; d. Apr. 9, 1854, in Iiis 8tli year. 28ii7. Clarknck Ahuam, b. Apr. 11, 1851, now residing iu Maldeu; bussiuess in Boston. 2828. Albekt^ [2 112] (Samuel^, Jonathan^, Abraham^, Johni), settled as a farmer, with other extended business relations, in the south part of Hoscawen (now Webster), N. H. ; m , 1st, Ann Myra Colby, of Concord, Jan. 7, 1835. She d. Oct. 22, 18GG. He m , 2d, Lucy Jane Holmes, of Webster, Oct. 3, 1867. Children, first wife : — 2829. Mary Mauia, b. June 10, 183G; d. of paralysis, at Webster, Feb. 20, 1872, in her 30tli year. 2830. Makcia E. [3259], b. July 14, 1838. 2831. John Burbank^ [2413] (Samuel"*, Jonathan^, Alwaham^, John'), m. Louisa Towne, Sept. 20, 1835, at iMilford, N. H. She was a native of Lj'ndeborough. He is a carpenter, now residing, as for several 3'ears past, in Concord. Children : — 2832. Alonzo, b. May 20, 1837, in Nasluia ; m. Carrie Ward, of Concord, Dec. 19, 1S(!4, and d. at C, Due. 2i;, 18(U, in Ids 28lh year. Slie was residing, 1870, in Portland. Me. 2833. MKi.issA.b. Jan. 13,1840, in Concord; in. James Martin Hook, of C, Oct. 27, 1859, and d. at Concord, Aug. 10, l.s(;3, in licr 24tii year. 2834. John Mason, b. Sept. 11. 18.">0, in Concord; was establi^lll"d, 1870, as a druggist and apothecary, flrni of " Ilildretli & Runals," at Snncook, N. II. 2835. IlATriK Louisa, b. Mar. 10, 1854, and d. at Concord, Aug. 2, 18G7, aged 13. 2836. Asa Darwin^ [2115] (Samuel', Jonathan^, Abraham^, John'), first settled as a farmer, in Sebago, .Me , and there m. Hannah B. Pike, of Sebago, who was b. in S , Feb. 27, 1823. He was residing, 1869, in Andover, Mass., three miles from Lawrence. Children : — 2837. Josi-.rniXK, b. Oct. 10. 18.")2. in Sebago. 2838. Frank, b. Jan. 8, 1805, in S. 228 RUNNELS AND KEYN0LD8 MEMORIALS. 2839. Hannah Dow^ [241 G] (Samuel'', Jonathan^, Abraham^, John'), m. Eli Searles, wheehvright, Feb. 1836, and d. at liradlbrd, IS. H. (?), Aug. 7, 1841, aged 24 years 6 months. Children : — 28^0. Ji:ri r.iJSON Kockwood (Searles), b. Jan. 2, 1837, in Nashua, N. II. ; enlisted in tlie New Ilanipsliire 7tli refritnent, Co. E, Nov. 7, isr.l; "niissinji at Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, IHCA" (Mil. Hist.); is .supposed to have been taken prisoner, and soon after to have d. at the Audersonville prison, aged 27. 2841. Hannah Jane, b. 1839, in Merrimacii; d. 1840, aged 1 year. 2842. Fkankun Lovkjoy^ [2420] (Samuel'*, Jonathan^, Abra- ham-, Johni), jg an exten.sive wood and coal dealer in Lawrence, Mass., occui)ying a new and costly residence, in 18G9 ; m. Charlotte Durgin, of Lee, N. H., Feb. 5, 1850, at Lawrence. Children : — 2843. Ida Jank, b. Apr. 12, d. Nov. 7, 1855. 2844. Ella Estkllk, b. Sept. IG, 1859; d. Sept. 24, 1861, aged 2. 2845. Cakkie Cleon, b. May 5, 18G3. 2840. Leonard Parker^ [2436] (Ezekiel D ^, Jonathan^, Abra- liam^, John'), still owns and occupies the homestead in Arcade, first settled by his grandfather, Leonard Parker, and owned b}' his father over thirty years. Was a merchant in A. two years, in company with James Wadsworth ; afterwards in Strykersville, K. Y., four years, where also postmaster. Health failing, he re- turned to Arcade, where, for twenty-five years (1872), he has been justice of the peace, and also session justice (or side judge), the latter being an elective office in New York. As a farmer, he has been quite successful in raising horses and cattle, taking several "first prizes" at agricultural fairs, and devoting one farm of one hundred and eighty-four acres to the raising of stock, — some for distant markets, — besides his homestead of two hundred and sixty acres. He m. Emil}^ M. Bolcom, Sept. 1, 1841, at Strykersville. Children : — 2847. James, b. July 31, .1842 ; d. Mar. 21, 1843, aged 7 months 21 days. 2848. WiLLL\M, b Nov. 13, 1843; d. July 10, 1844"; aged 8 months. 1:849. WiLLAUD, b. Aug. 20, 1846; d. July 1, 1847, aged 10 mos. 11 days. 2850. EzKicn^L Dean, b. Aug. 11, d. Aug. 13, 1852. 2831. Leon.ujd Earl, b. Oct. 8, 1854. 2852. Dolly ForsterS [2438] (Ezekiel D.^, Jonathan^, Abra- ham-, John'), m. Charles Williams Arnold, June 25, 1843. He was b. June 30, 1816, in (^hina (now Arcade), N. Y., and has there resided as a farmer. Children : — 2853. James Henry (Arnold), b. Oct. 2, 1845 ; d. Mar. 2, 1846, aged 5 mos. 2854. Lavixl\ Ki'.hecca, b. Jan. 11, 1848; has been engaged as a teacher in the vicinity of Arcade. 2855. Charles Edmund, b. May 12. 1854. 2856. George Harvey, b. July 9, 1863. 2857. Edmond Lucien^ [2439] (Ezekiel D.'*, Jonathan^, Abra- ham^, John'), moved to Ripon, Wis., or vicinity, Sept. 1846, where now a practising attorney-at-law, — fii-m of " liunals & Reed," 1872. PAET III. — FIFTH GENERATION". 229 Had previously obtained his education at Bethany and Strykers- ville, N. Y., and m. Dorlesca Avery, of Livonia, Mich., JuW 15, 1847. Growing up with Ripon, from nothing to a city (1869) of five thousand inhabitants, he held the offices of assessor, school commissioner, town superintendent, and alderman, three years each, and of cit}' attorney five years. "Was two years a member of the State legislature, and four 3'ears judge of the municipal court. He also owned, i)uhlished, and edited the " Ripon Spur" (newspa- per), and the " Ripon Home," two years. Child : — 2858. Willie T., b. Oct. 10, 1849 ; a printer at Ripon, and proprietor of the "Prairie City Local," in 1869. 2859. Em Griffeth^ [2441] (Abner^, Jonathan^, Abraham^, John'), m. Hellen Charrilla Murray, June 7, 1844, in Pike, N. Y., where she was b. IVIar. 28, 1817. He was first a hatter in Xew York, serving his apprenticeship in Pike ; moved to Kenoslia, Wis., in 1846, where he has since resided, chiefly as a dealer in real estate. Children : — 2860. Em GuiFFivrn, Jr., b. .Jan. 2, 1846, at Honey Falls, N. Y., and there d. Oct. 13, 1848, in his 3d year. 2861. Ida Bf.lle, b. Jan. 6, ISoO, in Kenosha; m. Charles W. Weyl, June 15, 1869, and d. atK., June 16, 1871, aged 21 years 5 mos. lOdys. 2862. Frank AnRLiiKUT, b. Mar. 7, 1853, in K. 2803. Lilly Maude, b. Mar. 14, 1855, in K. Note. — Fuller records of the next younger sister and brother of [2859] coming too late for insertion in their proper places, are here given : — Mauy Ann- (Adams) [2442] left three children ; one son, deceased; one daughter, living in Toledo, O., and one daughter, supposed to be in Denver City, Col. Abneij a. [2443], b. May 30, 1819, in Alleghany, N. Y. ; settled in Lorain Co., O., with his uncle, 1829; lived and learned the trade of liarnoss-maker at Elyria, 0. ; m. Elizabeth A. Stevison, of Mt. Vernon, 0., 1847, and is now a fiirmer in Illinois, located seven miles from the city of Peoria. 2864. Maria^ [2444] (Abner'*, Jonathan^ Abraham^, Johni), has been twice married ; 2d, to S. Franklin Comstock, merchant tailor, of Chicago, III., at Newburg, O. Children : — 2865. Eugene (Comstock (?)), b. about 1836. 2866. Eliza, b. about 1842. 2867. Henuy, b. about 1847. 2868. Fkedekick, b. about 1854. 2869. Frances Maria, b. 1856 (?) ; d., aged 1 year 9 months. 2870. Susan M.-"' [2445] (AbncrS Jonathan^, Abraham^, John'), m. Asaph Shattuck, at Newburg, 0. He d. and she now lives, as liis widow, in Toledo, O. Children : — 2871. CiiARiLLA (Shattuck), b. 1848 (?) ; d., aged 2 years. 2872. Legrand, b. 1849(?). 2873. Annette, b. 1851 (?). 2874. Maria, b. Aug. 10, 1852, in Newburg, 0. 2875. John D.^ [2446] Abner', .Tonatliau3, Abraham^, John'), oame to Newburg, O., at the ago of 15, probably with his parents. 230 KUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. "wlicro lio lias since irifide it his home, with the exception of two ycMTs, rnnce l«7(i, Avhile he has I)een in business at Auburn, Ala., iuiderthe lirui of" Kunals, Switz & Taylor," I'onning the "Auburn Fiu-nilure C'onii)any," ^'manufacturers of chairs, bedsteads, etc." lie m. Annette Brainard, only daughter of Dudley IJrainard, at Newburg, Oct. 20, 1.S53, who was b. Apr. 1, 182G, in N. Children, b. in Newburg: — 287fi. Ada Anxkttk, b. May 8, 1855. 2877. Mary Estuku, b. Sept. 30, 1857; (1. Aug. 17, 1858, aged 10 inos. 18 days. 2878. Maijy Eliza, b. June 18, 1859. 2879. Fanmk Slsax, b. Sept. 4, 18G1. 2-80. IIenky^ [-^47] (Abner"*, Jonathan^, Abraham^, John^), resides in Lagrange, Lorain Co., , having m. Jane Jackson, 1850. (We regret that the records of his and of other branches of his father's family, not coming to hand for the first time till a late day, are nccessariiy left so imperfect.) Children, — the years of whose births, even, we will not venture to guess: — 2881. Hattik. 2882. Diudkma. 2883. Maky Ann. 2884. Jane. 2885. El.I Gun FKTH, 2886. Mary Eliza-'^ [2419] (JamesS Jonathan^ Abraham^, John^), m., 1st, Abel Travers, Dec. 23, 1831, at Dunkirk, X. Y. He was b. .Sept. 22, 1811, was a farmer in Pomfret, Chautauque Co., N. Y., and there d. from an accident with a threshing machine, Aug. 19, 1839, in his 28th year. She m., 2d, David Hufstader, farmer, Dec. 16, 1841, at Eliicottsville, N. Y. He was b, July 20, 1809 ; d. Jan. 12, 1862, in his 53d year. Children : — 2887. James (Travers), b. June 2, 1835, in Pomfret; m. Helen Kent, Oct. 8, 1857. 2888. Eli, EN, b Apr. 21, 1838, in Pomfret; m. James Austin, mechanic, Sept. 16, 1.^57, at Eliicottsville Cliildren : — 1. Eaknest (Austin), b. in Eliicottsville. 2. Walieu, b in Ashtabula Co., O. 3 LiLiE, b. in Kiniisville, 0. 2889. Mauy A. (Travers), b. Apr. 20, 1840, in Pomfret; m Harvey C. Armstrong, farmer, Sept. U>, 1857, at Eliicottsville. Cluldrea : — 1. Jeddie (.Armstronii), and 2. KosiE, both 1). in East Olto, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. 2800. Fkvncis (Hufstader), b. Mar. 9, 1844, in Ashford, N. Y. ; m. Temperance Cross, Nov. 1. \Si'>G. 2891. Elmiua, b. Apr. 15, 1840. in Eliicottsville; iii. George O. Sacket, farmer, of East Otto. Feb. 28, ksr.G. Child : — 1. Cakkie li. (Sacket), b. Feb. 19, 1SG9. 2892. Chaules J. (Hufstader), b. Apr. 3. 184S, in Eliicottsville ; a farmer. 2893. OsCAU, b. June 5, 1851, in EUicotlsville ; a farmer. 2894. Jeremiah Ames^ [2450] (JnmesS Jonathan^, Abraham^, Johui), m. Arvilla Winchester, Nov. 4, 1839, at Eliicottsville, N. Y., whore he resided as a farmer ; afterwards at East Otto. Children, all b. in Eliicottsville : — TAr.T TIT. — riFTTT GENERATION. 231 2805. SopnHONiA [3262], b Aug:. 9, 1840. 2.S96. Lkvkuktt B., b. Mar. 27, 18t -' ; cl. ^ray 1, 1802. at E. Otto, aired 20. 2897. Gkokge \V., b. Mar. 15, 184G: d May 9, I8G2. at E O , ajreil 10. 2898 M.\RY A., b. Feb. 13, 1848; ra. William H. Winchester, Nov. 11, 18(!5, at Gonanda, N. Y. 2899. iDv B., b. Jan. 17. 18.-.4; d. Apr. 27, 1SG2, at E Otto, a?ed 8. 2900. Ada B., b. Oct. 10, 18tJl. 2901 Stki.la Almiu.\5 [24.51] (James'', Jonathan^, Abraham-, John'), m. Jacob W. Travers, Jan. 10, 18.33, at Freilonia, N. V. He was b. Aug. 29, 1(S14. in Ken.sselaer Co. ; a mariner lor thirty j-ears ; afterwards a farmer; residence, Monroe Centre, O. (1872). Children : — 2902 Carolixr (Travers), b.'Jan. 4, 1834, in Huron Co , O. 2903. WiLMAM Gii.iiKKT, b. May 18, 1830, in Dunkirk, N. Y. 2904. CiiAiM.Ks IlKMjY. b. Apr 'J8, 1838, in Sandusky City, 0. ; d. at Monroe, July 3, 18C2, aged 24. 2905. SoPHRONiA RIakia^ [2452] (James'', Jonathan^, Abraham^, Joliu'), m. Leverett liarker Goldsmith, Dec. 5, 18^9, at Portland, N.Y. lie was a steamboat captain for thirty years prior to 18G9 ; residence, as now, at Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., O. Children, all b. in C. : — 2906. Jamios Lkvkuett^). ]\Tar.'4, 1841 ; d. Aug. 22, 1842, aged 1 year 5 months 18 days. 2907. CnAUi.Ks Wii.mam, b. Dec. 10, 1844. 2908. Hkxuy Lakk, b. Nov. .">, 1847. 2909. CiXKi.iA Ukhixca, b. St-pt. 27, 1849. 2910. Jknkttk Emki.ixb, b. Feb. 21, 18.>2. 2911. GEOUGic Dekuy, b. Aug. 13, 1860. 2912. William Carl^ [2453] (James'*, Jonathan^ Abraham^, John'), has resided as a farmer in EUicottsville and East Otto, N. y. ; ui Maiy M. Ballon, Jan. G, 1848, at Ashford, Cattaraugus Co. Children : — 2913. HoMKU C, b. Nov. 3, 1848, in EUicottsville; d. June 5, 1866, at East Otto, in his 18th year. 2914. Wii.Li.vM B., b. Sept. 23, 1850, in E., and there d. Mar. 28, IS.'.l, aged 6 months. 2915. Inkz K., b. Jan. 31, 1853, in E. 2916. MiN.NiK M., b. June 18, 1865, in East Otto. 2917. Lorenzo Dow'' [2455] (Israel^, Jonathan^, Abraham-, John'), was a hotel-keeper and fanner for twenty-one vears ; m. .Jane Scott, of Ilumo, AUeiihany Co., N. Y.. Se[)t. 20, 1842. She was b. Sept. 24, 1S2G. He now resides at Wiscoy, N. Y. Children: — 2918. Ai.oNzo Manly [3264], b. Jan. 9, 1814, in Hume. 2919. Kinaldo Scott [32(;7], b May 9, 1S49, in Sharon, Penn. 2920. Fked Bkonello, b. Nov. 25, 1857, in Caneadia, N. Y. 2921. IsKAKL MouRis'i [2458] (I.srael', Jonat!ian\ Abraham^, John'), m. Ani'eline Esther Rhodes, of Hnino, N. Y., Aui;. 1.3, 18 18. at Sharon Centre, Vn. She was b. Aug. 3, 18.32. lie is a hotel-keeper at Emporium, Cameron Co., I'a. Childien : — 2922. Fkanchs Maky [3269]. b. Aug. 13, 1849. 2923. Louisa Ann, b. Feb. 12, 1854; d. Oct. 7, 18C5, in her 12th year, at Scio, N. Y. 2924. Alice Jane, b. July 11, 1858. 232 IJUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 2925. Waijpkn William-^ [24 60] (Israel*, Jonathan^, Abrahams, John'), m., 1st, Alice Koscbrooks, of Rochester, N. Y., May 2, 185.'). She (1. at R., June 7, 1856, aged 19. lie m. a 2d wife, a Canadian lady, 1860. and now resides at Peterborongh, Ontario Co., C. "VV. Had one child by second wife, who d., aged 9 months ; also : — 292G. George Williams (first wife), b. Feb. 27, 185fi, in Rochester. 2927. Louisa Ann-^ [2461] (Israel*, Jonathan^, Abraham^, John^), m. Andrew Jacobs, Jnne 22, 1856, at Sharon Centre, I'a., whei'e he is now residing, as a farmer, — formerly of Warren, Bradford Co. He served nine months in Company F, 210th regiment Pennsylvania volnnteers, second division, fifth army corps. Children : — 2028. CiiAKLES Benjamin (Jacobs), b. June 3, 1858, at Sharon Centre. 2929. Katy Anna, b. Aug. 5, 1866, at S. C. 2930. George Williams^ [2462] (Israel*, Jonathan^, Abra- ham2, Johni), m. Martha Colton, of Attica, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1861, who was b. May 20, 1845. He is a merchant in Attica. Child : — 2931. Rose Grovenor, b. Mar. 16, 1863. 2932. Mart Ann^ [2465] (Jonathan C.*, Jonathan^, Abrahams, John^), m. Silas McKellips, Mar. 26, 1856, at Manchester, N. H. He is a farmer, residing in Weare. Child : — 2933. Wilbur H. (McKellips), b. Apr. 30, 1858. 2934. Almira Bartlett-'^ [2466] (Jonathan C *, Jonathaiv\ Abraham^, Johni), m. Jacob N. Flanders, Feb. 14, 1850, at Deering, ^'. H. He is a farmer, residing in Concord. Children : — 2935. Lucia Ann (Flantlers), b. Jan. 15, 1851. 2936. Mary Augusta, b. Oct. 5, 1862; d. Mar. 26, 1865, at Concord, in her 3d year. 2937. George Sullivan^ [2467] (Jonathan C.*, Jonathan^, Abraham^, John'), is a miller; settled first in the State of New York, bnt has since returned to New Hampshire ; m. Mary A. Brierly, July 4, 1855, at Little Falls, N. Y. Children : — 2938. Martha J., b. Sept. 5, 1856, in Stratford, N. Y. 2939. Bertha P., b. Sept. 13, 1860, in Deering, N. H. 2940. A.nna May, b. Aug. 5, 1862, in Weare, ij. H. 2941. Horace Herrick^ [2468] (Jonathan C.*, Jonathan^, Abraham-. John'), resides in Deering, N. H., as a miller ; m. Mary F. Carter, Feb. 12, 1862, at Henniker. Children : — 2942. Nettie E., b. Sept. 2, 1866. in Deering. 2y43. Dalton S., b. Juue 15, 1868, in D. 2944. Arvilla Jane^ [2470] (Jonathan C.*, Jonathan^, Abra- ham^, John'), m. John 0. Clark, of Deering, 1854, at Weare. He PART III. FIFTH GEXERATIOX. 233 has resided in D. as a dealer in produce, since 1856, where all the children were b. except the oldest : — 2945. Lucy J. (Clark), b. July 28, 1855, in Weare; d. at Deering, June 1», 1858, in her 3d year. 2040. FiiKi) A., b. Aug. 7, "l857. 2947. H. Gii.ME, b. Sept. 1. LS.'.t). 2948. Lucy E , b. Dec. «, 18t.2; d. Aug. 0, 1804, aged 1 year 8 months. 2949. Wakkkn J., b. Apr. 12, 18(55; d. July 17, 18GG, aged 1 year 3 inos. 2950. Ellie Ruth, b. Sept. 7, 1871. 2951. Laura Augusta'' [2471] (Jonathan C.'', Jonathan^, Abra- ham-, Johni), m., 1st, Warren H. Kniery, 1859, at Deering. He was a sash and blind mannlactnrcr in D. ; enlisted in the 1-1 th New Hampshire regiment, Co. D, Ang. 12, 18G2 ; was stationed with his regiment in and around Washington, D.C., till Mar. 1.SG4 ; then, after a short furlough, sailed on the "Daniel Webster" for New Orleans, encountering a terrible gale; came up the river to Morganza, where he was taken sick in June; was transferred, two weeks later, to the U. S. General Hospital in Natchez, Miss., and there d. July 25, 18G4. She m., 2d, Charles Dow, of North Weare, railroad engineer, Dec. 19, 1869, at New Boston. Child: — 2952. Sii.BiE J. (Emery), b. Nov. 29, 18G0, in Deering. 2953. Abigail Ann-'' [2492] (James'*, Ebenezer^, Abraham-, John'), m. George Newton Wallace, Dec. 25, 1858, at Alton, N. II. He is a fiirmer on New Durham Ridge, though he had been an invalid for some j'ears, in 1870. Children : — 2954. Almkn\ Augusta (Wallace) (adopted child), b. Aug. 8, 1851, in New Durham; m. Trask W. Averill, Dec. 15, 1870, in Farmington. 29.55. Geokgk Mki.vix, b. Apr. 13, 1800, in New Durham. 2956. Edgak Fkntox, b. Oct. 10, 18G1, in N. D. 2957. Orlando James-^ [2493] (James'', Ebenezer^, Abraham^, John'), was a shoemaker ; m. Maria Antoinette Young, of ^Volf- borough. Mar. 8, IJ^GO; enlisted in the 8th New Hampshire regi- ment, Dec. 7, 1861 (nnistered in Dec. 20, Co. 1) ; d. of disease at New Orleans, La., July 6, 1862, aged 28. Child : — 2958. Capitola, b. Aug. 2, 18G1. 2959. Sarah ELiZAnExn^ [2494] (James'*, Ebenezer^, Abraham-, John'), m. Elijah Wallace, July 8, 1860, and d. Feb. 10, 1862, in her 26th 3-ear. Child : — 29G0. Sarah Frances (Wallace), b. Sept. 2, 18G1 ; d. Oct. 9, 18C2, aged 1 year 1 month 1 week. 2901. AiUGAii/' [2501] (William'', :Moses^ William^, John^), m. William Adams, of Madison, Me., Aug. 26, 1817. Children, b. iu Carritunk, Me., except the fourth and fifth : — 29G2. Era.'^tus (Adams), b. Apr. 0, 1824; was in the late war, and has since d. in consequence of wounds received. 234 RUNNELS AND IlEYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 2903. Justus, b. July 20, 1827; also in the war, and barlly wonnded. 2'M'A. ()i!ii,i,A, b. Mar. 13, 1830; m Joscpii Adams, of Carritunk. 2'.t(;.'). P'r.AVii.i.A, b. Mar. 22, 1833, at the Forks (of tlie Kennebec river), Me 29n(5. Pkiscii-La, b. June 11, 1830, at the Forks. 2'J07. Ei.KANois, b. Jan. 11, 183!). 2UG8. Ai.MKDA, b. June 14, 1813. 29G'J. Sahah Cuosby^ [2502] (William'', Moscs^, WilliamS, John'), 111. Joscpli IJean, Oct. 1, 1822. He was b. July 23, 1799 ; settled first as a farmer in Carritunk, I\Ie , where all their children were b. ; moved to Norridgewock, 1852, and to Waterville (West), 186G, where still residing in 1870. Children: — 2970. Elizabkth Eastman (Bean), b. Oct. 21, 1823; m. Reuben Ham, Fayette, Me. 2971. Seldkn, b July 16, 1825; a clergyman, in Vienna, Me. 2972. Levi Heubeut, b. Aug. 7, 1827; now residing at Danvers, Mass. 2973. Sauah, b. Kov. 22, 1829; d. Mar. 18, 1832, in her 3d year. 2974. Isaac Hanson, b. Sept. 2, 1831 ; present residence, Danvers Centre, Mass. 2075. Jacob Emerson, b. Apr 6, 1834 ; now in West Waterville. 2976. William Runnels, b. Oct. 15, 1836; enlisted in the 7th Maine battery, Dec 1863; wounded at the Spottsylvania battle by a ball in the ankle, May 12, 1864; discharged, in consequence, Aug. 20, 1864, and has since lost his leg Resides at New Sharon, Me. 2977. Sarah Bates, b. May 26, 1841 ; now at West Watervile. 2978. P:lizabeth Randall^ [2504] (William^, Moses^, Wil- liam^, John'), m., 1st, William Forsvthe, farmer, of Carritunk, Me., Sept. 10, 1835. He d. Oct. 15, 1836, and she m , 2d, Thomas Doyle, farmer, of C, Jan. 22, 1837, who was b, Nov. 14, 1806. Present address, '• Bingham, Me." Children : — 2979. Elizabeth Randall (Doyle), b. Oct. 8, 1838, in Carritunk; m. Dudley L. Rollins, of C. 2080. Catharine Malvina, b Dec. 14, 1840; m. William Gate, of Car- ritunk, who was b. Nov. 8, 1834. Children : — 1. Elvira Lydia (Cate), b. July 3, 1861. 2. Miles Manley, b. Apr. 8, 1863. 3. Maloka Elizabeth, b. Nov 11. 1864. 4. Malvina Ellen, b May 16, 1867. 2981. Thomas Stewart (Doyle), b Feb. 12, 1843; m. Victoria L. Meserve; resides at the Forks, Me. 2982. Albert Smith, b. Apr. 23, 1845, in Lower Canada; m. Mary Ann Williams; residence, Harlem, 111. 2983. Nancy Bell, b. July 24, 1847; m. Samuel S. Cate, of Carri- tunk, Me. 2984. William Runnels, b. May 25, 1850, at Moose river, Me. 2385. PolltS [2505] (WilliamS Moses^, William^, John'), m. Isaac Hanson, June, 1830. Children : — 2986. Am(»s W. (Hanson), b. Dec. 1, 1831 ; d. in Ohio, Aug. 1868, in his 37th year. 2987. Maky .Ann, b. Sept. 6, 1833. 2988. J.isEPH Bean, b. Oct. 19, 1835 ; served in the late war three years. TAKT III. FIFTH GENERATION. 235 20S9. Moses Crosby^ ['oOG] (William", Moses^, William^, Johiii), m, Mary A. C'ate, of Canitiuik, Me., May IG, 1H47. She was b. June 15, 1826. lie resided at Carritiink till 18o5, where the four oldest children were b. ; since then at Hichmond, ]\Ie., where the three younuest were b. Business, first, that of a teamster ; DOW (1872) a dealer in groceries, etc, at Richmond. Children : — 2!)fl0. Willis Smith, b. Feb. 20, d. Sept. 6. 1848. 2!)i)l. Sauaii Fhaxcks [8272], b. Sept. IG, 1849. 2i)!t2. Elvira Ann, b. Aug. r.», ISol. 2:»93. Ansil Thuh.ston, b. June 12, 1853; d. May 12, 1854, ajjed 11 mos. 209 i. Ciiaklks U illiam b. July 13, 1857 ; d. Oct. 7, 1858, ajied 1 yr. 3 ms. 2'.l95. William Gate, b. Oct. 15, 18G7. 2996. AuTiiuu Ckosby, b. Nov. 15, 1870. 29:)7. George .TohxsonS [2507] (AVllliam'*, IMoses^, William^, John^), was a farmer; in., 1st, Kosaniia Rice, of Vassalbon/, Me., June 14, 1844, who d. May 2, 1851. He in., 2d, Sarah Forl)uss, of Brighton, Me.. Jan. 1852, and d. at B., Feb. 1854, aged 32. Children, first wife : — 2998. Edwin Crosby, b. July 2, 1845, in Carritunk. Me. ; enlisted Mar. 17, 18G4, in the 31st Maine regiment, Co. G ; " on detached ser- vice"; discharged July 15, 18C5; ra. Laura Greene, of Rockland, Dec. 19, 18(!5; was a stone-cutter at liallowell, iu 1870. 2099. Lyuia Ann [3274], b July 23, 1848, in Augusta. 3000. Albert, b. Apr. 3, 1851, in Brighton; d. Mar. 1852, aged 11 mos. 3001. Stephex Otis'^ [2508] (WilliamS Moses^, William^, John'), m. Emil^^ Pierce, of Brewer, Me., Oct. 1857; resided at B., and there d. Mar. G, 1865, in his 41st year. Children : — 3002. Ida, b. Feb. 1800. ."003. Charles, b. Jan. 0, 1802. 3004. William, b. Feb. 8, 18G4. 3005. Olive IJall^ [2509] (William^ Moses^, William^. Johni), m. Jonathan Kmery, of Carritunk, Me., Nov. 11, 1844 (P. O., '• Bingham, Me."). He is a farmer, and was b Dec. 3, 1815, in Concord, Me. Children, all but one, b. in Carritunk : — 300G. Olive Ball (Emery), b. Feb. 12, 184G. 3007. Silas, b. Nov. 24, is47 ; d. Dec. 2:i, 1848, aged 1 year 1 mo. 1 day. 3008. Jane Ann, b. Apr. 5, 1849. 3009. Claua Ella, b. Aug. 24, 1850; d. Aug. 10, 18G3, aged 13. 3010. Silas, b. Mar. 29, 1852. 3011. William Gates, b. Feb. 14, 1854. 3012. Sarah Auoi'sia, b. July 22. I.s50; d. Aug. 1, 18G3, aged 7. 3013. MosKs Gro.sby, b. Feb. 27, 18G0. 3014. Joseph Kin(;.man, b. Dec. 5, 18G4 ; d. .Vug. 10, 18G9, in his 5th year. 3015. Rachel Brigcs-' [2510] (^Villiam^ Mo.ses^ William^ John'), m. Seth Adams, of Carritunk, Me , Dec. 1851, and is now deceased. His P. O. address is " Forks, Me." Children : — 301G. Oriann (Adams). 3017. Rachel. 3018. John. 3'U9. Sakau. 230 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. P.n20. Wn.TJAM B.VT.T/'^ [2512] (William^, Moses^ WilliamS, John'), m. Almir.a Hum, of Ricliniond, Mc, Apr. 2G, 1H55. She was b. iSept IG, IS.'^G, in Medford, INIass. Present residence at Bath, Me. He enlisted May 1, 1861, in Co. G, 4th regiment Maine volunteers ; served in the army twenty months ; was engaged in seven battles, and was wounded in the face, occasioning the loss of his right eye. Children : — 3021. CiiANni-Kii Bakkr, b. Feb. 21, 1850, in Richmond. 3022. WiLi-iAM EvKiiKTT, b. Feb. 28, 1858, in liichmoncl; was drowned in Back river, Georjjetown, July 1, 1870, in his 13th year. 3023. Smith Spat.dixg, b. Mar. 31, 18G5, in Bowtown, Me. 3024 Levi IIoi-man, b. Apr. 9, 18(57, in Bath. 3025. Annik Coua Simi'SON, b. June 10, 18(J9, in Bath. 3026. JoRi-rn SpALmNG^ [2513] (William^ Mo.ses^, William^, John^), m. Esther M. Williams, of Forks, Me., 1858, at Carritunk. She was b. Dec. 9, 1840, and was residing, as his widow, at Skow- hegan, 1870 ; he having d. May 4, 1867, aged 32, leaving: — 3027. Allen W., b. Jan. 22, 1859, at the Forks. 3028. Sarah Jones^ [2543] (Winthrop^, Winthrop^, Joseph^, John'), m. Robert Newman, of Boston, Mass., a merchant tailor, June 5, 1836; present residence, Longwood. Children, all b. in Boston : — 3029. Robert (Newman), b. .July 12, 1838; enlisted in the 1st Massa- chusetts cavalry, spring of 1861. Time of service, one year; was at the first battle of Bull Run; has since m. Mary J. Her- ri man [308«(?)]. 3030. Elizabeth Adaline, b. Apr. 22, ISil ; was baptized by the Rev. Baron Stow, at the age of 15. "Amiable by nature, grace addled adornments to her character, and made her one of the loveliest of earth." She d. July 25, 18G1, aged 20 years 3 mos., and was buried in Forest Hills cemetery. From the "In Me- moriam " of a friend : — "0! never was a purer gem Committed to its trust; A fairer form of maidenhood Ne'er mingled with the dust." 3031. Hexry JoxKS, b. .Tune 23, 1844; m. Emma P. Hanford ; was in the commission business, Chicago, 111., 1870. 3032. Marshal Ferry, b. May 5, 1848; enlisted Sept. 1, 1862, with a company formed chietly from the Baptist church, Charlestown, Mass. (" Co. E, Putnam Blues, Massachusetts 47th regiment"), in the capacity of drummer. Discharged for disability, Dec. 17, 1862, Afterwards enlisted in the navy, — U. 8. frigate " Sabine," — Aug. 4, 1864, for three years. Having been trans- ferred to the U. S. steamer " Wabash," he was at the storming of Fort Fisher, Jan. 15, 1865; had nine hours' hard fighting with the storming party, and being captain's clerk, he took lists ot the killed and wounded, and maile the report of the battle for the squadron. Has since m. Louisa Walther (Ger- man), and is now (1870) in business with his father, in Boston. 3033. Frank Albkkt, b. Jan. 7, 1854. PART III. FIFTH GENERATION. 237 3034. Susan Caroline-'^ [2545] (Winthrop^ Winthrop^, Josephs, Johii^), ni., 1st, James Habbit, hatter, of Boston, July, 1842 ; wiio d. Oct. 18, 1843. She in , 2d, Charles Ilerrimaii, marine captain, Feb. 27, 1847, who d. June 9, 1858; she ui., 3d, John Grej^ory Beecher, trunk-maker, Feb. 20, 18G1, in Boston, where now resid- ing, Pleasant Street, near corner of Carver. Children : — 3035. Saijaii Elizaijeth (Babbit), b. July 12, 1843, in Boston; m. an Oliver, and d. Mar. 7, I'^TO, in Irt 27th year. 3030. Mauv .Jank (Ik-rriman), b. July ]\), 1(S48, in Clielsea; see [3029]. 3037. Chaules \Vintui;oi', b. July 14, 1«50, in Chelsea. 3038. KoBKKT Kkynoi.ds, b. May 20, 1852, in C. 3039. WiLLiK VVheklkk, b. Nov. 23, 1855, in C. 3040. Hknky Wako (Beecher), b. Oct. 14, 1862, in Chicago, 111., and there d. Jan. 20, 18(i4, aged 1 year 3 months. 3041. Lilian Gi:ace, b. Aug 31, 1804, in Chicago. 3042. Hannah Adams^ [2547] ( Winthrop^, Winthrop^, Joseph^, John'), m. John Godbold, of Chelsea, Mass., shipsmith, Jan. 184G. He d Apr. 3, 1»47. She d. Aug. 9, 18G3, in her 35th year. Child : — 3043. Annie Elizabeth (Godbold), b. Jan. 1847 ; d. Jan. 9, 1852, aged 5. 3044. Horace^ [2508] (Ephraim F.\ Winthrop^, Joseph^, John*), is a shoemaker, residing in Barrington, N. H. (1870) ; m. Sarah Elizabeth Young, of Durham, Jvme 18, 1849, who was b. ^ov. 11, 1819. Children: — 3045. Mary Josepmink, b. May 18, 1852, in Barrington; m. Orin W. Canney, of Dover, July 2, 1871. - 3046. Geokge Hamilton, b. May 27, 1855, in B. 3047. Sophia Locke^ [2569] (Ephraim F.S Winthrop^, Joseph^, John*), m. William Holmes Bal>b, of Barrington, Jan. 1, 1850. He is a farmer in B., b. May 3, 1822. Children : — 3048. Mauy Sophia (Babb), b. Mar. 20, d. Apr. 2, 1851, in Kochcstcr. 3049. Ida Flokence, b. Jan. 1, 1852, in K. 3050. FkED SUMNElt, ) , -^T nr\ io-t • T, i 3051. Fkank Ozell, V'' ^ov- 20, 18^7, )n Durham. It is said of these twins that their Own mother conjd scarcely tell them apart. The latter d. Nov. 25, 1858, aged 1 year 6 days. 3052. Lucy Locke-'"' [2570] (Ephraim F.^ Winthrop^ Joseph^, John*), m. Charles H. Hanlett, car[)entor. Nov. 5, 1^50. lie was b. Mar. 24, 1828 ; resided in Durham, where were b. : — 3053. Frank Edward (Ranlett), b. July C, 1853. 3054. Mary Abuv, b. Mar. 20, 1860. 3055. WiNTiiROP^ [2571] (Ephraim F.^ "Winthrop"', Joseph^, John*), first entered the U. S. Navy, Aug. 1849, on board the frigate " St. Lawrence," with which he cruised in the South Pacific and around the world. At the comnK'nceineiit of the late war, he served lirst on the U. S. frigate " Wab.ish" ; next on the ^nn-boat " Isaac Smith," Capt. Nicholson. Participated in bcven naval 238 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. eng.agements, incIiKlinuj that at Port Royal, Nov. 7, 1801 ; was ■womidod ill the le;^ l)y i^iiorrillas while cruisiui^ up St. Joliiis Kivor, in Florida; was coiiOned twenty-three weeks on hospital ship and in tlie Hrooklyn, N. Y., Hospital, and was finally discharged from the navy, Sept. 12, 1^03. Is at present (1809) a shoemaker, in Barrin-iton ; m., 1st, Olive Hoyt. July, 1854 ; m., 2d, Olive Wille}', June, 1804. Child, first wife: — 305G. Mary Sophia, b. Apr. 2, 1855, in Barrington. 3057. CiiAULKS Austin^ [2578] (John'', Joseph^, Joseph^, Johni), like his father, a clothier and tailor in Bangor, Me., and also a popular staff and drill officer in the art military ; was m. to ]\Iarianna Gould, of Bangor, Sept. 2, 1832, b}' Rev. Mr. Huntoon, in the Unitarian house of worship. Children: — 3058. Chahi.es Fukokkick, b. Aug. (?) 6, 183-f, in Bangor; d. on his passai^e to California, within four days' sail of San Francisco, Aug. (?) 27, 1853, aged 19 years 21 days. 3059. Mauia Louisa, b. Sept. IG, 183(j, in Bangor; d. at Levant, Me., 1837, aged 1 year. ,30G0. James Augustus, b Aug. 1, 1838, in Levant; d. at Bangor, Aug. 7, 1839, aged 1 year G days. 3061. Henhy AI'GUSTUs, b. Nov. 9, 1839, in Bangor. At the commence- ment of the rebellion, he was attending medical lectures at the Harvard University (Mass.), where he received his diploma, as M. D., two years before the war closed; he then liad an ap- pointment from the governor of Maine, as assistant surgeon in the first Maine heavy artillery; commissioned, "Apr. 6, 18G4"; started for the front and there remained till the end of the war; mustered out, "Sept. 11, 18G5." Now resides, as 'a physician, in Bangor, having previously been located in Winn, Me , for a few years. 3062. Fhank Saxfohd, b. May 8, 1844, in Houlton; d. at Bangor, Dec. 1847, aged 3 years 9 months. 3063. Fredekick Arthur, b. May 21, 1850, in Bangor. 3064. Mamie Allen, b. Sept. 8, 1862. 30G5. Ei.iZA^ [2580] (John4, Joseph^, Joseph^, John^), m. Greenleaf Bray, of Bangor, May 21, 1835, at Levant, Me. He was b. Oct. 19, 1810, in Minot, Me.; a dealer in horses, having resided in Burlington, V^t., Minot and Portland, Me. ; now (1870) in South Boston, Mass., 500 Seventh Street. Child: — 3066. Hattie Eliza (Bray), b. July 17, 1837, in Burlington, Vt. ; m. Isaac H. 'Ihompson, Feb. 7, 1863, at Portland, Me. 3007. John Emeuson'' [2582] (John'*, Joseph^, Joseph^, Johni), m., 1st, Martha A. Dearborn, of Portland, June 20, 1843. She d. and he in , 2d, Melissa B, Veazie, of Bangor. Dec. 4, 1853, at Coriuna, Me. Was commissioned adjutant of the 2d regiment -Maine infantry. May 0, 1801 ; promoted to captain in the 17th U. S. infantry, Feb. 19, 1802 ; transferred into the 20th Maine, as captain and brevet major. He was present at the battle of Bull Run. Business, that of a tailor, in Bangor, Me. Children : — PART III. — FIFTH GEXERATION. 239 3068. Helen Louisa, b. June 2, 1845 (first wife); d. June 6, 1847, aged 2 years 4 daj's. 30fi9. Fkki) LAwr.r.it, b. Jan. 8, 185.") (second wife); d. Aug. 19, ]8r,7, in his 3d ve:ir. 3070. Hetta Louise, b. Nov. IG, 1858. 3071. Martha Ann^ [•2.')83] (.lolin^, .Joseph^ Joseph^ John'), m. William Bryant, of Bangor. Oct. 17, 18-14. who d. at B., Mar. 2U, 1866, aged 47 years 7 months. Children : — 3072. Mary Cakoun-e (Bryant), b. July 25, 1845; d. June 17, 1847, ia her 2d year. 3073. Geouge FiiED, b. Apr. 23, 1848. 3074. EbWARD IIatcii^ [2586] (John^, Joseph^, Joseph^, John"), resides in Belfast, Me.; m. Margaretta J. Clark, Dec. 20, 1JS49. He was adjutant in the 8th regiment Maine infantry, commissioned .Ian. 8, 1862; promoted captain Co. A, Apr. 27, U 64 ; mustered out, Jan. 18, 1866. He was highly commended b}' Col. II. Boyn- ton, of the 8th Maine regiment, for his '• gallant conduct in the battle of Sept. 29, 1864" (perhaps at Fort Harrison (?), near Kichmond, under Gen. Butler), "when in command of the skir- mish line, consisting of three companies of the same regiment, he so bravely and successfully charged over the enemy's earth-works." "This was a very brilliant atlair, and reflected high credit upon [his] courage and management, as a careful examination of the ea[jtured works afterwards proved." Children : — 3075, Frank C, "b. M.iy 11, 1851, in Lincoln, Me. 30:6. Edward W., b. May 23, 1858, in Belfast. 3077. Olive^ [2.")94] (Joseph'', Joseph^, Joseph^, John"), m. William Potter, of Great Flails, N. II., Jan. 1, 133. He was b. Nov. 5, 1808, in Newport, R. I. ; a machinist, and now (1870) an overseer, Appleton corporation, Lowell, Mass. Children : — 3078. JosKPFi Wii.i.iAM (Potter), b. Apr. 24, 1834, at Great Falls; m. Lois McLellan, June 7, 1857; now a inacliiuist in Lowell. Children : — 1. LizziK Oi.ivK, b Mar. 6, 1858, in Dayton, O. 2. William ilKNi>Y, b. Aug. 25, 18(il, in Newton, Mass. 3 Blanch, b. Oct. ]8(;8, in i owcll. 3079. ELiZAHinii. b. July 29, 1835, at Great Falls. 3080. IIknkv, b. Nov. 2<), ls37, at G F. ; a pipe-layer, residing in Lowell ; m. Mary Eliza])elh Winn, Oct. 18(i4. Children: — 1. Chaki.ks Hknry, b. Oct. 15, 18(^5. 2. Alice Ann. b. June 29, 18G8. 3. J K.N NIK, b. .)an. 1870. 3081. WILLIAM'^ [2.'")96] (Jo.seph«, Joseph^ .Joseph^, John'), was a manufacturer in Rochester, N. H., 1834-1845 ; in Manches- ter, 184.')-1870. He has received patents on " raialicl Shultlo Motion " for looms in cotton machinery, and on a " Burglar Alarm," in progress 1870. He m , 1st, Mary Jane Cross, of Rochester, Nov. 12, 1838. She was b. May 8, 1817, and d. at II., 240 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Sept. 12, 1844, aji^ed 27 years 4 months. On her headstone in the Maucliester cemetery : — " Fare thee well ; with hopes of meeting In yon bri^'ht world above, Where i)arlinjj scenes will never enter, And 'fare thee well' be heard no more." He m., 2d, Sarah Smith Bean, of Woodstock, Vt., Jan. 7, 1849, at I\Ianchester. She was b. Mar. 30, 1828, in Salisbury, N. 11. Children, first wife : — 3082. Ei.izA Ann, b. Mar. 26, d. Mar. 2!), 1841, in Rochester. 3083. Maky JosEpniNE, b. Aug. 21, d. Sept. 7, 1842, in K. " Sweet buds of being, for a moment given To show how pure young spirits are iu heaven." 3084. Dexter Brewer^ [2601] (SamuelS Joseph^, Joseph^, John^), has been iu business as a merchant tailor in Boston since 1843, excepting one year at Fitchburg, Mass. Present residence in B., 44 Tennyson Street. He was m. to Ann Colby TracT, of Boston, June 4, 1845, by the Hev. Dr. Blagden. She was b. July 22, 1825, in B., as were all their children : — 3085. Geokgk Dextek, b Aug. 13, d. Dec. 20, 1846. 308G. CiiAKLEs GoiiDo.N Gkeene, b. Sept. 19, 1850; now (1870) a book- keeper in Boston. 3087. Geougie Antoinettk, b. Dec. 8, 18.55; d. Dec. 1, 1857, aged 2 years, wanting 7 days. 3088, Anna Eliza^ [2G04] (SamuelS Joseph^, Joseph^, Johui), m. Benjamin H. Morrill, carriage maker, of Bangor, Me., Sept. 20, 1849. Resided in B. till June, 1864 ; in Bolton, Mass., till Mar. 1868, and in Chelmsford, Mass., till Apr 1870. She d. Nov. 29, 1869, aged 38, "• an exeraplar}'^ Christian, — a true and faithful mother." He m., 2d, Abbie A. W. Lawrence. Children, first wife : — 3089. FuKDEiuCK Hekbert (Morrill), b. Aug. 5, 1852. 3090. Geouge William, b. Aug. 17, 1855. 3091. Lucy Axtoi.sette, b. Feb. 28, 1858; d.'May 17, 1859, aged 1 year 3 mouths. 3092. Peteu A.5 [2624] (Daniel*, Benjamin^, Josephs, John"), m. Martha A., widow of J. W. I. Runnels [3122], 11th mo. 1, 1«55. llesidenee, South China, Me. Children : — 3093. John H., b. 8th mo. 26, 1856 ; d. 4th mo. 8, 1857, aged 7 mos. 12 dys. 3094. DuKA M., b. 7th mo. 21, 18(J6. 3095. LvniAS [2625] (Daniel^ Belljamin^ Joseph^ Jolmi), m. John Jones, 9th mo. 30, 1847. Children : — 3096. Elizauetu M. (Jones), b. 12th mo. 9, 1S4S. 3097. Cykus, b. 4th mo. 10, 1851. 3098. Damkl R., b. 8th mo. G, 18G0. PART III. FIFTH GENEKATIOX. 241 3009. Mahy a.'' [2020] (Da^iol^ Benjamin^, Joseph^, John' ), m. William A. Jones, 3d nio. 23, 1851. biie is a preaclier in the Society of Friends. Children : — 3100. Ellwooi) W. (Joues), b. 6th mo. 9, 1852. 3101. FuANKLiN E., b. 5111 1110. 7, 1854. 3102. JcsiAH A., b. (Uli mo. 21, 185!). 3103. Aktuuk W., b. lllh mo. 31, 18(;4. 3104. Alvixa P.5 [2627] (Daniel'', Benjamin^, Joseph^, Johu^), m. Clarkson Joues, 5th mo 18, 1853, and d. 1st mo. 1, 1865, aged 34. Children : — 3105. Li.xm.KY Y. (Jones), b. 4th mo. 26, d. lltli rao. 8, 1854. 3106. Fkedkuick D., b. lltli mo. 30, 1855. 3107. Is.\AC L., b. I2th mo. 25, 1864. 3108. Clara C.^ [2628] (Daniel^ Benjamin^, Joseph^, John^), m. Plli Jepsou, 12 rao. 19, 1854. Child: — 3100. Hi:ubi:kt O. (Jepson), b. 3d mo. 21. 1859. 3110. Rebkcca M.s [2629] (Daniel'', Benjamin^, Joseph^, Johni), m , 1st, James P. Jones, 9th mo. 15, 1857. He was captain of Co B, 7th Maine regiment, 18G1 ; promoted to Major, 1863 ; d. from wounds received in battle, 7th mo. 12, 18G4. She m., 2d, Rev. Moses \V. Newbert, of Waldoboro', Me., 9th mo. 29, 1867. Children : — 3111. Jamks L. (Jones), b. 3d mo. 6, d. 9th mo. 25, 18.59. 3112. Jamks A., b. 2d mo. 16, 1861 ; d. 8th mo. 14, 1864, aged 3yr.s 6 mos. 3113. Aucii M., b. 8th mo 6, d. 8th mo. 11, 1864. 31 14. Emma R.^ [2630] (DanieV, Benjamin^, Joseph^, Johni), m. EbeuP. Goddard,of Vassalboro', Me., 9th mo. 1, 1857. Children : — 3115. Fkaxk E (Goddard), b. 1st mo. 2, 1859. 3116. CuAHLES E., b. 11th mo. 4, 1860. 3117. Mauy K., b. 9th mo. 26, 1865. 3118. Benjamin Fi{ANKr,iN^ [2632] (Benjamin'', Benjamin^, Joseph-, John'), m. Naomi Freeman Dearborn, Nov. 2, 1843, in llal- lowell (now Chelsea), Me, His princi|)al l)usiuess was the manufac- turing of lumber, at Chelsea, Me , till his removal to California. He first arrived in San Francisco, Jan. 15, 1857 ; his family joined him Aug, 1864, and he still resides there. Children, b, in Chelsea : — 3119. BicN.TAMiN FiiANKLix, Jr., b. Aug. 3, 1844; his present business, " pliotograpliing." 3120. William Howaku, b. Nov. 8, 1818; present business, "mercan- tile agt'iic)'." 3121. Ci.AKA Augusta, b. Aug. 12, 1851; m. Edward J. Baxter, of Sau Francisco (1109 Howard Street), Ocl. 18, 1871; had a s6n b. Oct. 1, 1872, name not reported. 3122. Jons Wentwohtii Ikkland'^ [2634] (Benjamin'', BtMija- min-', Joseph^, John'), was a farmer in Chelsea, Me., and clerk of the Free Will Baptist church: m. Martlia A. Woodburv, Jan. 3, 1849, and d. at Chelsea, Dec. 27, 18.'3, in his 29th year. \:iiild : — 3123. Letitia Olive, b. May 26, 1850, in Chelsea ; resides at Sonlli Cliina, 3124. Isaac Randall^ [2635] (Benjamin'', Benjamin^, Joseph^, 16 242 UUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. John'), \v;iK iiijuiied Jan. 3, 1847; removed to California, and d. at Sonora, June 8, 1857, aged 30, Children : — 3125. Sn.As Ilor.MAN, b. Ft-b. 27, 1849, in Chelsea, Me. 312f5. ricAia.Y Randall, b. Aiii,'. U, 1850, in C. 3127. CuAKLKS, b. Sept. 20, LSoO (?), in Sonora, Cal. NoTK. —The cliildren of [2036], received too late for inser- tion in the nsual form, are here <;iven : — 1. Eva Seadoua, b. Maj'^ 3, 1854, in Chelsea, Me.; there d. Jan. 31, 1855, aged 8 months. 2. Abbik Fhancks, b. Aug. 22, 1856, in Medford, Minn. ; d. Nov. 12, 18G3, aged 7. 3. WILLIE, Frkeman, )^_ j^, ,g 1862; 5^- ^^l' zf l^^ 4. Etta Floha, ) j ' la. Mar. 24, 1863, in Medford, aged 8 months. 8128. AlbkrtPrhscott^ [i:037] (Benjamin^, Benjamin3,Josoph2, John^), has resided in Minnesota since 1854, now at Freedom, Waseca Co. (P. O., Alma City) ; occnpation, farming; m. Rachel Melissa Clay, June 22, 185«, the daughter of Jonathan and Abigail S. Clay, of Kennebec Co., Me. Children : — 3129. Ella Frances, b. July 5, 1859, in Mianetonka, Hennepin Co., Minn. ; d. at Deerflold, Minn., Oct. 27, 1863, in her 5th year. 3130. Ellian Albert, b. Feb. 18, 1861, in Minnetonka. 3131. Mabel Melissa, b. Nov. 17, 18G3, in Deertield, Steele Co., Minn. 3132. FuEDEinc OscAB, b. Dec. 5, 1866, in Alton, Waseca Co. 3133. Abby Ella. b. Oct. 20, 1868, in Freedom. 3134. Benjamin Joseph, b. Nov. 2, 1870, in Freedom, and there d. Feb. 23, 1872, in his 2d year 3135. Sarah Omenia^ [2G40] (Benjamin'*, Benjamin^, Joseph^, John'), m. Emery Merrill Gatchell, Feb. 22, 1858. He is a black- smith, now residing in Hudson, Minn. (?) (1872). Children : — 3136. Leslie Emery (Gatchell), b. Dec. 1, 1858, in Medford, Minn. 3137. Preston Ellsw^okth, b. Feb. 16, 1862, in M. 3138. Elizabeth S.^ [2647] (Jonathan D,^. Benjamin^, Joseph^, Johni), m. George Gra3% Jr., May 29, 1851. He is a painter and dealer in paints, Commercial St., Portland, Me. Children, b. iu P. : — 3139. Edwin Augustus (Gray), b. Apr. 9, 1852. 3140. Anna Frances, b. May 6, 1854. 3141. Carrie Ethel, ). ^ . 92 1871 3142. Emma Neal, 5 ^- ^^P*' ^^' ^^^^• 3143. Frances H.^ [2619] (Jonathan D.^ Benjamin^, Joseph2, Johni). m. William S. Smith, Jan. 4, 1860. He was a machinist in South Boston, Mass. ; d. Apr. 15, 1872, leaving: — 3144. CoKA Belle (Smith), b. Aug. 31, 1861. 31J5. William S. B.'^ [2653] (Isaac R^ Benjamin^, Joseph^, John'), was m. at Vassalboro', Me., bj^ Warren Percival, Esq , to Alvira A. Hall, Apr. 22, 1860. She was b. June 7, 1840, in Bel- mont, Me. His present residence is in Lowell, Mass. ; employment at the blcachery. Children : — 3146. Charles E., b. May 6, 1864, 3147. George G., b. Aug. 22, 1868. 3148. Anxabella'^ [26.-/6] (Isaac R."*, Benjamin^, Joseph^, John^), m. Justin Buzzell, farmer, of Canaan, Me., Nov. 18, 1869. Child : — 3149. Oregon (Cuzzoll), b. Nov. 28, 1871. SIXTH GENERATION. 3150. John Sargent^ [2658] (Isaac^, Isaac*, Isaac^, Abraham^, John^), settled as afarmer in Illinois, havingm, Emma INI. Fountain, Mar. 13, 1851, at St. Charles, 111. ; residences as below. Children : — 3151. Calvin P., b. Dec G, 1852. in Warrensville. 3152. Mary E., b. Apr. 5, 1854. in W. 3153. Albert J., b. Apr. 25, 185G, in Butavia. 3154. Mkhetahkl C, b. Mar 30. 1859, in W. 3155. JuiiaA ,b. Apr. 21, 1802, inBatavia; d Feb. 20, 1863, aged 10 mos. 3156. EfI'Ii.: K., b. Dec. 2, 18G3, iu B. 3157. llE.NKY C, b. Dec. 13, 1866, iu Warrensville ; d. Feb. 14, 1867, aged 2 months. 3158. Richard Sanborn Sargent^ [2659] (Isaac^, Isaac'*, Isaac^', Abraham^, John^), has also been a farmer in Illinois, mostly at Warrensville, near his father's, where his seven oldest children were born. lie m. Julia Graves, Sept. 28, 1845, at W., who was b. Apr. 2, 182D. Children : — 3159. Mary E., b. Mar. 27, 1848; d. Apr. 24, 1851, aged 3. 3100. Isaac P. P., b. Aug. 11, 1852. 3101. AxnaM.. b. Aug. 30, 1854, 3102. CiiARLiic R. L., b. Mar. 20, 1857. 3103. Mary E., b. Mar. 31, 1859. 3104. Ida, b May 6, 1801 ; d. .same day. 3165. Amos S., b. Aug. 6, 1862. 3166. Emma G., b. Oct. 9, d. Oct. 14, 1805, in Campton, 111. 3167. Maggie, b. May 21, 1867; cl. Mar. 14, 1869, in her 2d year. 3168. Bedelia Elvira'' [2660] ( Isaac-'', Isaac"*, Isaac^, Abra- ham^, John'), m. Calvin P. Johnson, farmer, Sept. 25, 1815, :it Warrensville, 111. He was b. Nov. 16, 1815, in Sodus, N. Y. Children, b. in W. : — 3169. Clara M. (Johnson), b. Nov. 22, 1847; m. N. M. Trlplett, mer- chant, Feb. 23, 1808. Cliild : — 1. IIakijy M. (Triplett), b. Fel) 5, 1869, in Princeton, 111. 3170. ErriK M. (Johnson), b. Jan. 8, 1863. 3171. Hattie M., b. July 18, 180G. 3172. Mary SoniuoNiA'' [2661] (Isaac'', Isaac*, Isaac"', Abra- ham^, .lohn'), m. William S. Lindsay, mason, Auq;. 27, l.sis, :it Winlicld, 111 lie was 1) Dec. 1, 1826, at Middlebury, Vt. She d. Nov. 5, 1849, aged 17, leaving: — 3173. Mary B. (Lindsay), b. Sept. 30, 1849, iu Wiufleld, wlio tiiere d. Jan. 7, 1863, iu her )4th year. i>ll KI NNFI.H AND KEYNOLDfi MEMORIALS, 3174. Isaac Thomas Chaklks'"' [26C2] (Isaac^, IsaaC*, Isaac^, Al)r;ilifiin-. John'), is :i l;niiior ; in. Klizabctli A. Vanj^lin, Dec. 23, l.sno, ;it riinci'ton, 111. .She was b. Nov. 29, 1838, iu Cape Breton. Children : — :^]7r,. Mahy L., b. Dec. 18, 1801, in Wiiineld. 3170. IlAiiHY 0., b. .Tilly 4, 1804, in Warrensville. 3177. Eva M , b. Sept. 19, 1808, in W. 3178. Sally" [2G80] (,T()lni% Isaac'*, Tsaac^, Abraham^, John^), m. AlpliensWashintiton C'linplain, slioeniaker, of Canterbuiy, N.H., July 28, 1854. Children: — 3179. George Fkanklin (Chaplain), b. July 19, 1855. 3180. Maktha Ann-, b. June 28, 1857. 3181. HoitACK Sanboun, b. May 9, 1801. 3182. Thomas Alpukus, b. Sept. I, 1807. 3183. Sarah Abba^ [2710] (Paul\ John^ Jamos^ Abrahams, .lohiiM, ni. Robert Brown, of Ossipec, N. H , Mar. is, 1854. He is a fanner and shoemaker, now residing (1870) at Milton Three Ponds. Children, b. in Milton : — 3184. Everett Eugene (Brown), b. July 20, 1855. 3185. Elmer Ellsworth, b. May 4, 1801. 3186. James Orin^ [2711] (Paul^ John^, James^, Abraham^, John^), is an extensive and prosperons shoe mannfactnrer in Dover, N. H. (1870); ni., 1st, Mar^- E Cooke, of Wakefield, Nov. 10, 1856, at Great Falls. She d at W., July 4, 1858, and he in., 2d, Myra J. Hill, of Strafford, at Northwood, Nov. 8, 1860. Children, second wife : — 3187. Adella May, b. June 8, 1802. 3188. Emma Augusta, b. May 29, 1805. 3189. Arthur Dudley", b. Apr. 7, 1867. 3190. James Frei>, b. Oct. 12, 1809, in Dover. 3191. Bertha Myra, b. Aug. 28, 1872, iu D. 3102. Mary Ann^ [2712] (PauP, John", Jauies3, Abraham^, John'), in. Benjamin Derrick, Jr., shoe-cutter, Dec. 15, 1850, at Topslield, Mass. ; residence in Danvers. He served in the 13th Massachusetts regiment nearly four years during the late civil war. Children : — 3I9.i. Charles Edgar (Merrick), b. Apr. 14, 1852, in Topsfield, Mass. 3194. Ida Florence, b. Feb. 19, 1855, in Milton, N. H. 3195. William Henry, b. Oct. 17, 1850, iu M. 3190. Adelaide, b. June 25, 1858, in Dauvers, Mass. 3197. Cora May, b. Oct. 20, 1859, iu Miltou. 3198 Anprew TetherevG [2713] (Paul-, John^ James^, Abra- hain^, John'), was a shoemaker ; m. Elvina Augusta Runnels, of Tuftonborough, N. H., Aug. 26, l.So4, at Milton. She was the adt»pted daughter of [17iiO]. Part II. He enlisted for two years in the 5th New Hampshire volunteers, and d. IMay 29, 1868, in his 4i3d year, as the effect of his army service. Children : — PART III. SIXTH GENERATION. 245 3199. Frank Alms, b. Oct. 1, 1855, in Milton. 3200. CoKA May, b. Aui;. 20, 1858, in xMiltou; d. Oct. 1, 1859, aged 13 inonths 1 1 days. 3201. LizziK K.STKr.r.K, b. An;?. 5, 18G0, in Dover. 3202. Er.siK.e [2717] (Jeromiah"^, Joseph'', James^', Al)raliam2, John'), m. George Rlinkler ChiUls, farmer, July 3, 18o0. Settled first ill Lyme, N. H , where tiieir children were b. Has since removed to Springfield, 111. Children : — 3203. Juuus MiNKi.KR (Childs), b. Feb 1, 1853. 3204. Amklia llKNUY, b. Apr. 8, 1855. 3205. Gkougianna, b. Apr. 30, 1857. 3206. Jamks AurncK, b. Jan. 28, 18(;0. 3207. WiLLEY Chandlku. 3208. Sauaii Ann^^ [2718] (JoreinialV', Joseph'*, Jamos^, Abra- ham-, John'), m. James Alexaiuler Hammond Grout, Se[)t. 1, 18() 1. He was b. June IG, 1833 ; resided in Lyme, N. H , till 1869, then in I^Ianchester, where he d. of consumption, July 23, 1871, aged 38 The author was greatly aided by him in this part of the work. Child : — 3209. Walter Jamks Hammond (Grout), b. Jnne 2G, 18G7, iu Lyme. 3210. George Washington" [2719] (Jeremiah-^, Joseph"*, James^, Abraham^, John'), a farmer in L3Mne, N. H. ; m. Mary E. Tyler, of L., Dec. 1. 185.S Ciiildren : — 3211. AitKY Fraydilla, b. June 23, 18G0. 3212. Willie Henry, b. Aui;. 2, 1862. 3213. Emma Almira, b. Jan. 21, 18G6. 3214. Mary" [2721] (Jeremialv', Joseph'*, James^. Abraham- John'), m. David Carrol Stark, farmer, of Lyme, Mar. ID, 1861 ; now settled iu Springdeld, 111. Children: — 3215. Frank David (Stark), b. Jnlv 5, 18G2, in Lyme. 3216. Maktiia Jane, b. Mar. 8, ISGC. in L. 3217. Ida, b. May 8, 1867, in .Sprin,;,Miuld, 111. 3218. Louisa" [2733] (SamueP, Joseph-*, James^, Abraham^, John'), m. Clark J. Elliot, of Orford. N. H , May G, l>s47. She was residing at North Thetford, Vt., 1870. Ciiildren : — 3219. Mary (Klliot), b. Jan. 15, 1819, in Orford; d. 18G4, at Tewks- bury, Mass., aged 5. 3220. ELLA,'b. June 25, 1852, in Watcrliury. Vt. 3221. Ben.iamin Franklin, b. Mar. 17, 185G, in Duxbury, Vt. (name changed to Shaw, by atloption). 3222. rniLKNA Faikiikli)'' [2734] (Samuel"', Joseph', James^, Abraham^, John'), m., 1st, Daniel Nelson, farmer, of Waterlmry, Vt., Dec. 1853; m., 2d, William A7. 3241. Julia Eumina, b. Jan. 27, 1872. 3242. Charlotte Ann'' [2739] (DanieP, JosepM, James^, Abraham'-^, Johni), m James Adams. Feb. 26, 18G2, at Mancliester, N. H. He was b. in Lunenburg, Vt. ; a machinist ; now residing in Lowell, Mass., 21 Franklin Ntreet, Child : — 3243. Walter Arthur CAdains), b. Jul}' 29, 1809, in Lowell. 3244. Heman Jason" [2740] (DanieP, Joseph-*, James^, Abra- ham^, John^), went to California, there m. Annora Scannall, and d. Jan. 1, 1870, in his 36th year. Her present address is Bernicia, Salona Co., Cal , where he is supposed to have lived. Child : — 3245. Susan Adaline, b Apr. 1858, and one other, a twin with the last, who d. young. 3246. William Addison^ [2741] (Daniel^, Joseph"*, James^, Abraham^. John^), was a soldier in the 9lh regiment Vermont vol- uuteei-s, Co. G ; mustered in, July '.i, 1862 ; also as a " recruit" in the same regiment from Feb. 1«64 till Nov. 1865; engagements, "siege of Suffolk." May, 1«6;3, Chapin's farm, Va., Sept. 2'J, 1864, with several others, and finally at the taking of liichmond. He had m. Susan Savage, of Strafford, Vt., Apr. 1. 1862, who was b. Dec. 7, 1840, in Hartford, \'t. He is now a farmer in Strafford, where were born : — 3247. Florence Estella, b. Dec. 15, 18G3. 3248. Belle, b. June 29, 1807. 3249. William Addison, b Mar. 8, 1809. 3250. Charles Caruol, b. Aug. 1870. 3251. Kate6 [2771] (Samuel D.^, Samuel^ James-', Abraham^, Johni), n\. John H. Farrell, shoemaker, of Portland, Me., Oct 4, 1858. Children: — 3252. Charlie (Farrell), b. July 20, 1859. 3253. Leila Angie, b. Mar. 20, 1867. 3254. George Alhkrt^ [2772] (Sanniel D.^, SannieH, James^, Abraham^, John^), enlisted from Manchester, N. H., corporal Co. G, New Hampshire Ith regiment, Sept. IM, 1^61 ; promoted to first sergeant; wounded severely in left leg, when attempting to storm the confederate works at Petersburg, Va., .luly 30, 1864 ; mustered out, Sept 27, 1864. He m. Mary (ireene, Sept. 3, 1866; was a car] )enter, resided in Portland, and there d. Jan. 11, 18(;i>, a-'cd 26. Child : — 3255. George Washlngton, b. Feb. 22, d. Apr. 26, 1868. 248 UUNNELS AND IlEYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 32r)CK Natiianikl H.c [2784] (Jolin S.^, Nathaniel B.^, SamneP, Abialiaiii'^, Jolin^). Heiiig apprenliced as a macliinist in Worces tcr, Mass., during the war, lie enlisted July. 18G4, in Co. E, 42cl regiment Massachusetts volunteers, under a call for one hundred days' men, with which regiment he served and retunied He ra. Kliza V. AVarren, of Charlestown, Mass., July 29, 1 868 ; now resides in I'ittsfield, Me. ( ?). Children : — 3257. Maxtd, b. Mar. .5, 1870. 3258. Lilian, b. Nov. 30, 1871. 3259. Marcia E.e [2830] (Albert^, Samuel^, Jonathans, Abraham^, John^), m. Andrew P. Bennett, of Concord, N. H., farmer, Jan. 1, 18o6, and d. May 16, 1863, in her 2oth year. Children : — 32G0. Frank Roberts (Bennett), b. Aug. 28, 1857. cl2Cl. Eugene Albert, b. Nov. IG, 1862. 3262. SopHRONiA^ [2895] (Jeremiah A. 5, James"*, Jonathan^, Abraham^ John^), m. Edwin Quaokeubush, Jan. 1, 1857, at Spring- ville, N. Y. Child : — 32G3. Harlin S. (Quackenbush), b. June 5, 1863, in Ellicottsville, N. Y. 3264. Alonzo Manly^ [2918] (Lorenzo D.5, Israel^, Jonathans, Abraham^, John^), is a dentist, now residing (1869-1872) in Cou- dcrsport, Potter Co.. Penn. ; m. Jenny Lenora Ellis, of (janeadea, N. Y., Sept. 9, 18G5. Children : — 3265. Fred Eugene, b. Feb. 1, 1867, in Wliitesville, N. Y. 3266. Mary Edith, b. Aug. 24, 1868, in W. 3267. RiNALDO ScoTi''' [2919] (Lorenzo D.^, Israel^, Jonathan^, Abraham-, John^), m. Charlotte Loreua Pratt, of Kagle, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Jan. 3, 1868. Child : — 3268. Jessy Bell, b. Dec. 1, 1869, in Caneadea, N. Y. 3269. Francks Mary6 [2922] (Israel M.5, Israel^ Jonathan^, Abraham^, John^), m. Samuel Stoddaixl, Sept. 7, 1867, at Empo- rium, Cameron Co., Pa. He " was from Steuben Co., N. Y.," b. Apr. 27, 1846. Children : — 3270. William Henry (Stoddard), b. Mar. 1, d. Mar. 15, 1869. 3271. Louisa Estklle, b. in the autuiuu of 1870. 3272. Sarah Fraxces^ [2991] (Moses C.^ WilliamS Moses^, William^, Johni), m. James Kimball Hathorn, of Kichmond, Me., Oct. 18, 1865. Child: — 3273. Florence Kimball (Hathorn), b. Mar. 21, 1867, in Richmond. 3274. Lydia Ann6 [2999] (George J.s, William^, Moses^, Wil- liam2, Johni), m. George Alden Dailey, Oct, 16, 1868, at East AVcymouth, Mass. He was b. July 29, 1849, in E. W., and has there resided, first as a " nailer," now (1870) as a boot-maker. Child : — 3275. Etta WnncuMu (Dailey), b. Oct. 15, 1871, in East Weymouth. APPENDIX APPENDIX, INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Thk chief object of this Appendix is to preserve in a permanent form, for tlie aid of future genealogists, such notes and items respecting other Reynolds and Runnels families as came to hand incidentally, while the author was collecting materials for the main body of his work. These families, of course, could not be fully traced without swelling the book to an inordinate size, and delay- ing its issue far beyond the expectations of those interested in the preceding parts. The records are, therefore, fragmentary, desul- tory, and imperfect ; mere names are given in manj' cases, and there has bcei\ no oi)portunity to substantiate the doubtful or reconcile the conflicting allusions ; but the author flatters himself that the more laborious and competent annalists of the numerous Reynolds families in our land, who may yet appear, will feel grateful for the notes and suggestions herein contained. The remark has been well made, that any attempt to trace and connect all the Reynolds families, even in this country, would prove almost as fruitless a task as to do the same witii tiie families of Smith or Brown. Still it is to be liopcd that different individuals may yet be encouraged to trace out dilTeront branches of that truly honorable name. 252 UUNNELS AND KKYNOLDS MEMORIALS. A. TIIH EARLIEST REYNOLDS FAMILIES OF XEW ENGLAND; WITH RECORDS AND NOTICES OF THE DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT REYNOLDS, OF BOSTON, 1G32-1G59. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary mentions the twenty-two fol- lowing as being heads of families in New England prior to 1G90, and as bearing the names, chiefly, of "• Reynolds, Renold, or Renolds." Here given in chronological order, and numbered con- secutively for reference. The notes in quotations directly after the names are from Savage. 3276. RicuAKD, "passenger, 1634"; probably the same mentioned in the " N. E. Gen. Re. Natiiamkl [3299], "son of Robert [3278], Boston, 1657." 328G. Jou.v, " Saybrook to Norwicli, 1659"; probably the " Raynolds " mentioned in N. E. Gen. Reg., Vol. 2, as found "among Uie first inhabitams of Saybrook," and afterwards " iu Norwich," Ct. 3287. John, '• Weymouth, 1660 " 3288. Thomas. " New London. 1664" ; mav also have been the " Thomas Rennolds. Westerly, R I., 1669" (N. E. Gen. Reg., Vol. 10). 3289. John, " Weatlicrstield, 1667"; probably son of [3277]. ArPENoix. 2j3 3290. Jonathan, "Slainford, l(i<;7"; perhaps the same as "Jonathan IxL'iuikls" in list of citizens in Greenwich, Ct., Iij72 (N. E. Gen. Ke^., Vol. 4), and |)rolnibly another son of [3277]. 3291. KoBKitT, " Boston, 1(;70 " ; cannot l)e identical with Robert [3278J ^ see [.3298] ; was probably a tisheruian, lived at ruliing Point. 3292. John. 3293. JosiAii and 3294. Samitel ("Honalls"), "perhaps brothers at Wickford, 1G74, may have spelled varionsly." 3295. John, " Prjovidence, 1G76." 329G. Fhancis, "also" 3297. iliCM{Y„ " probably a brother, Kini^stown (Naragauset coun- try), 1086." From Ihc above ample storehouse of genealogical material, in the names of ancestors, as afforded by Savage, we are now onl}^ able 1o select, for more particular mention, — ' 3298. RomcKT^ [3278]. From well authenticated private "rec- ords of long ago," he is knoiva to have l)een in Boston in 1G32, where he is mentioned as a " shoemaUer and Irocman, Sept. 3, 1634 " ; shortly after to have moved to Watertown, Mass , — hence Savage's M hision [3278], — and finally to have migrated "with his brother .I(jhn" to Weathersfield, Conn., — hence "was dismissed by the church. Mar. 29, 1G30, to form a church at Weathersfield." He soon returned, however, to Hoston, and there lived and d. Apr 27, l(ir)9. Hence his will is referred to, " N. E Gen. Keg., Vol. 9," '•Boston, l().')8-9." Ilis wife's first name was Mary. She d. Jan. Ijs, 1G(J3. Children, all b. in England : — 3299. Natiianikl [3300- 3300. Kuril; in. John Whitney. 3301. TAUrrnA; m. Mattliew Abdy. 3302. Sauah; m. a .Mason. 3303. Mauv; m. a Sawyer ("Richard Sanger," according to Savage). 3304. Nathamkl^ [3:^99] (Robert'), was designated as "Cap- tain Nathaniel R ," probably for service in I'liilip's war "at Chelmsford, Feb. 25, 1676 " ; was also a " shocmalver " and " free- man, 166.^"; was ni., 1st, by Gov. John Endicott, to Sarah, daughter of John Dwile, or "Dwite" (Savage says " Dwight"), of Dedliam, Nov. 30, 16o7. .she d. July 8, 1663. He in., 2(1, Priscilla, (huighter of I'eter Brackett, " a well-to-do tradesman in Boston," l)reviously to Feb. 21, 1666. He moved to Bristol, R. I., in 1680; was recognized in the first town-meeting at Bristol, "and became one of the principal men of that town," where he d. July 10, 1708. Children : — 3305. Sauah, h. July 20, 1059; m. John Fosdick, — thus named in her lather's will. 3300. Maky, b Nov. 20, 1000; d. Jan 28, 1003, aged 2 years 2 months. 3307. Nathanhci, [3310], b. Mar. ;!. l(;ii2-3. 3308. J«)nN, b. Aug. 4, IOikS (.second wile); d. Jan. 30, 17."i7, in his .s;i(li ye.ir. IUn will, dateil "Mar. I(», 1749," leaves his property lo brothers, nephews, and cousins. 254 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. ;i;tno. Pktru t33l!)], b. Jan 26, lf.70. ;{:{|0. rjiii.ir, !>■ Sept. 15, K!72; d. previously to 1700. 3:511. JosKi 11, 1). Jiin. '.), ir.77; d. Jan. 10, 1750, a.i,'ed 82 years 7 days. IV.',1'2. Hannah, b Jan. 15, 10«2; m. .Samuel Rayall. 331:5. Mauy, b. 1084 ( ?) ; m. Nathauiel Woodbury, — thus named in lier fatlier's will. 33U. Bknjamin [3321], b. May 10, 1080, in Bristol; ^' si.xth .son and ninth or tenth child." 3315. Ruth, b. Dec. 9, 1088; m. Josiah Gary. 3316. Nathaniel^ [3307] ( NathanieP, Robert^). For a long time we had supposed this Nathaniel to have been the father of the two sons who settled in North Bridgewater ; but his birth now being established between twenty and thirty years earlier than our first reckoning, we are constrained to call him their grandfather. If so, he doubtless lived in Bristol, and there d. "Oct. 29, 1719," aged 50. His wife's name is said to have been Ruth, and he is thought to have had seven children, of whom we have the names of only two. " The oldest was," probably, — 3317. Nathanikl [3330], "b. Sept. 11, 1089," thus conflrminu the state- ment of one of his descendants that he was b. " about 1090, in Bristol." 3318. John [3333], b. Mar. 29, 1696. 3319. Peter^ [3309] (NathanieP, Robert^), was styled " Capt. Peter Reynolds, of Bristol," d. before May 26, 1732, and may have been the father of — 3320. Petkh, b. 1700, in Bristol ; called Rev. Peter BaynoUs in Sprague's Annals; graduated at Harvard College, 1720; settled as pastor of the church in Enlield, Ct., 1724 ; m. Elizabeth Taylor, the granddan.iihter of Rev. Edward Taylor, of Westlield, Mass , 1727, and d. 1768, aged 68. 3321. Benjamin^ [3314] (Nathaniel, Robert^), m. Susanna, eldest daughter of the Rev. Grindall Rawson, of Meudon, Mass., 17<>9. He resided in Bristol, R. I., and d. Aug. 4, 1770, aged 84. Children : — 3322. Priscilla, b. Apr. 13, 1711; m. Edward Eansom. 3323. Ann, ). t,,i„ ,9 ,,,5. < d. unmarried. 3324. Maky, 5 "• '^ ^ ' ^' ^"^ ' ( d., probably, very young. 3S25. Makv, b. Nov. 20, 1716. 3326. John [3:5381, b. Apr. 1, 1718. 3327. Benjamin, "b. Nov. 15, 1722; "moved to Ciquecto, N. S., but came back and served In the Revolulionarj' war." 3328. Grindall [3347] (given also, erroueousl}', as Wendal), b. July 11, 1726; settled in Putney, Vt. 3329. Sar.ui; m. Seth Chapin. 3330. N.VTiiAXiEL^ [3317] (NathanieP, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m. a Snell, 1712 ; came from Bristol to Boston, ll'Ab ; there owned a store, and d. 1740, aged 51, after which his widow settled in North Bridgewater, Mass., with her two sons : — 3331. Nathaniel [3354], b. 1716-17; though Kingman's Hist, of North Bridirewater gives to Nathaniel the date following. 3332. Tho.mas [3305],^b. Mar. 19, 1718. APPENDIX. 255 3333. John'' [331 S] (NutlKuiioP, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m- Anna Bl.-iMch, Oct. 10, 1717, and settled in Marblehead. Two oldest children only are made sure by our informant ; but by the Essex Deeds we know positively that he had a son John, as " John Hay- nolds and Anne, his wife," of Marblehead, conveyed property to "their son John" in 175t. He had d. before "Nov. 6, 1769," when the " Inventory of John Reynolds, late of Marblehead," was presented. Children : — 3334. Ruth, b. Oct. 10, 1719. 3335. Anna, b. May 17, 1721. 3336. John (see above). Ho or liis son may have been the "John Ren- nel, of Marblehead," in list of men taken in the "Grand Turk's Prize," and committed to "Old Mill Prison." England, during the war of the Revolution, 1781-2 (N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg.). 3337. Nathaniel [8374], b. in Beverly, is also supposed to have been the son of John [3333], or of John [3330], as a grandson of the said Nathaniel, Jotham G. [34f.3J, of Lubec^ Me., says his great-grandfather's name was John, and that he " migrated to Beverly, Mass." 3338. John'' [3326] (Benjamin^, Nathaniels, Roberti), n^,^ jst, Susanna Giles, Jan. 11, 1743. hhe d. and he ni., 2d, Dorothy Weld, of Roxbnry, May 3, 1753. He ma}^ have been the " Cajyt. J. (S.) Reynolds, of Bristol," somewhere noticed; but is known to have moved first to Providence, " and again, Feb. 12, 1765, to Boston," He d. 1801, aged «3. Children: — 3339. PmsciLLA, b. June 3, 1745 (first wife); d. about 176.5 or 1765, aged 10(?). 3340. Samuel, b. Apr. 3, 1754 (second wife); served in the Revolu- tionary war; was wounded for life by a bayonet "at the time of Lee's capture," and afterwards d. "in early manhood." 3341. Gki.n-dall [3384], b. Oct. 12, 1755. 3342. Benjamin, b. Nov. 17, 1757; moved to Norfolk. Va. ; d. Dec. 5, 1842, aged 85, and there left numerous descendants. 3343. John, b. Feb. 3, 1759; resided in ^trall'ord, Vt., and d. Jan. 11, 1848, in his 89th year. .3344. Edwahd [3388], b. Mar. 28, 1761. 3345. Wili.ia.m, b. June 3, 1763; d. without children. 3346. Tiio.MAS ; d. young. 3347. Crindai.l'' [3328] (Benjamin\ Nathaniel^, Roborti), moved from Bristol to Putne}', Vt , about 1755 or 1760, whore some of his descendants were still suppcjscd to be, in 1W6'J. Children : — 3348. Benjamin ("oldest"), b. about 1760; was deacon of the church jn Putney, and there d about 1848, aged 88. 3349. Natuamkl; " rai.', Nathaniel'', Na- thaniel"', Nathaniel^, Robert'), m. Betsy Reynolds, who was b. 1797, and d. 1845, aged 48. Children: — 264 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. .'JoGG. Elvira, b. 18]0; m., 1st, Sumner Dyer; rn , 2d, B. Bicknell, all now deceasecl. (Also "a child," who d. 1818, and "a son," wiio was h. 1820.) 3r>f,r,. Jonathan [3700], b. 1822. 35()7. Fkank B. [3700], b. 1825. 3508, Edwakd a., b. and d. 1828. 3r)f.!). S. EowAUij [3711], b. 1830. 3570. MosKS F., b. 1835; d. 1854, aged 19. 3571. Saraii^ [3430] (Nnthaiiiel«, NathanieP, Nathaniel'', Na- thaniel, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m. Jacob Faught, and d. ia71, aged 76. Children, all deceased : — 3572. Nancy (Faught). 3573. Bkihia. 3574. Jacob ; d. 1828 ; besides one other son, who d. an infant. 3575. Eliza^ [3431] (Nathaniel^, NathanieP, NathanielS Na- thaniel^, J^athaniel^, Robert^), ra Daniel D. Dailie. Child: — 3576. Sakah (Dailie), b. 1835 ; m. Charles Stevens, mason, of Ilallowell, Me. Child : — 1. Ruth D. (Stevens), b. 18G9. 3577. Calvin^ [3432] (Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m. Caroline B., daughter of Capt. Slmbael Baker, of Sidney, Me., 1826. She was b. 1807, and d. of consumption, 1850, aged 43. Children : — 3578. Maky Adajis, b. 1827. 3579. Eliza A. [3714], b. 1830. 3580. Gilbert B. [3721], b. 1832. 3581. Abbie H. [3723], b. 1835. 3-i82. Mercy A., b. 1837; d. 1854, aged 17. 3583. Ann M., b. 1840; m. Willard A. Field, farmer, 1871. 3584. MuLFARD B., b. 1843; enlisted in Co. C, 1st Maine cavalry, 1862; served during the war; was a prisoner five months, "living four mouths of that time in Andersouville on half a pint of meal per day " ! 3585. Nettie, b. 1846; m. John B. Scouller, farmer, of North East, Penn., 1871. 3586. Newton' [3433] (Nathaniel, Nathaniel, NathanielS NathanieF, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m. Lydia, daughter of Capt. Shubacl Baker, 1828. Children : — " 3587. Sarah Jane [3726], b. 1829. 3588. Hannah Porter, b. 1831 ; d. 1848, aged 17. 3589. Clarissa, b. 1833 ; d. young. 3590. William Henry, b. 1842; served during tlie war 1862-1865, and is now in the regular army. 3591. Lydia; d. 1852, 3592. Jonathan" [3434] (NathanieF, NathanieP, NathanieF, NathanieF, Nathaniel-, Robert^), in. Emily Spinny, of Phipsburg, Me., 1833 ; both d. 1870, he aged 65. Children : — 3593. Ai.KANOR [3729]. 3594. George S. 3595. Ann E. ; m. Isaac Pray, ftirmer, of Belgrade, Me. ; two children. 3596. Henry O. APPENDIX. 265 3597. Stephen^ [3435] (Nathaniel^, Nathaniel, Nathaniel^, NatlmnicP, Niitlianicl^, Robert'), ni. Aurelia P. Davis, 1831. Chiklreu : — 3598. Hklkx Mar [3732], b. 1832. 3599. Ada B., b. 1835; d. 18G8, aired 33. 3600. Alberi.ine A. [3735], b. 1837. 3601. GkokCxIanna [3737], b. 1841. 3G02. Llewellyn, b. 1843 ; started for Montana in 1867 (1), and has not since been heard from. 3G03. A. Lktta [373t)J, b. 1846. 3604. Fkkdkhika Jane, b. 1851 ; m. Albert N. Lord, cooper, of Upper Stillwater, Me., 1871. 3605. Mary^ [343G] (Nathaniel^, Nathaniel, Nathaniel^ Xu- thanieP, Nathaniel-, Eoberti), m. Reuben (?) Burgess, 1831. Children : — 3606. Alrert (Burgess), b. 1832; d. 1852, aged 19. 3607. Oriann, b. 1833; m. Albert Arnold, shoemaker, and moved to North Bridgevvater, Mass. Children : — 1. Frank (Arnold). 2. Henry. 3. Edwin. 4. Annie Louise. 3608. Angelie(c) (Burgess), b. 1835; m. Henry Woodbur}', mason, of Massachusetts. He d. leaving: — 1. Emma (Woodbury). 2. George. 3609. Elisha^ [3438] (DavicF', Nathauicl-\ Nathaniel^ Nathan- ieP, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m. Susan Hayward, and d. 1857, aged 61. Children: — 3610. Lorenzo. 3611. Ha'itie; ra. a Weymouth, of Braintree, Mass. 3612. Charles. 3613. Oro; m. a Dimmick, of Braintree. 3614. Lydia^ [3439] (David^ NathanioP, NathanioH, Xathan- ieP, Nathaniel-, Robert') ; m. .Samuel Hayward, of Sidney; now residing in Springvale, Me. Children : — 3615. Mary (Hayward) ; m. Lewis Smiley, now of Amesbury, Mass. 3616. Susan; m. Kev. Henry Stetson, now of Waldoboro', Me. 3617. Almira; in. L. Moulton, of Springvale, Me. 3618. Hannah. 3619. Paulina; ni. William Brown, of Amesbury, Mass. 3620. Oren ; m. Sarali Trussell. 3621. Narcissa^ [3441] (Davids Nathaniel'', Nathaniel, Na- than ioP, Nathaniel^, Robert'), m. Nathan liragg, of Sidney, Me. Children : — 3622. Laura A. (Bragg) ; in. Lutlier Ilutcliinson, of Sidney. 3623. Delia C. 3624. LoRiNG; ra. Abbie Grant, of Sidney. 3625. Charles'' [3-142] (David", Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Na- thanieP, Nathaniel^, l\ol)ert'), in. Anne Bragg, of Sidney, and d. 1864, aged 55. Grandchildren, fourteen in nunilior. C'liildrcn : — 3626. Arvilla. 3627. Annie; m. IIorl)ert Freeman, of Boston, Mass. 3628. Augusta; in. Edward Sibley, of Sidney. 26G RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. 3629. CvNTiiiA^ [3446] (Jonathan^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Na- thaniel-"', Nathaniel, Robert^), m. Shubael Baker, 1826. Children : — 3C30. John C. (Baker); m., 1st, Margaret Robinson; one child, who d. young. She d. and he m., 2d, Delia Manning; six children, .Sfi31. SiniBAEL A. ; m. Lydia Berrie, of Paris, Me. 3632. Anx M. ; m. Alouzo T. Jones, paper-hanger, of Boston, 1857. Children : — 1. Eddik Fkancis (Jones), b. 1859. 2. Jonathan ; d. young. 3633. Jamks L. (Baker). 3634. IcHABOD^ [3448] (Joseph^, Thomas^, Nathaniel, Na- thaniel, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m. Polly Brett, and moved to Minot, now North Auburn, Me. Children: — 3635. Otis. 3636. ICUABOD. 3637. Madison. 3638. LuKK. 3639. Samukl L. 3640. Adoniram J. 3641. Polly; m. a Kinsley. 3642. Nancy; m. a Hird. 3643. Betsy; m. a Farrington, 3644. Claka; m. a Kinsley. 3645. Lauka ; lu. Franklin Reynolds [3679]. 3646. John W.? [3460] (Benjamin^, Nathaniels, John'*, Nathan- ieP, Nathaniel^, Robert^), held a captain's commission in the war of 1812, and d. at Eastport, Me., June, 1844, aged 65. Children : — 3647. Simon M., b. 1807; d. at sea, 1826, aged 19. 3648. Benjamin R., b. 1808; was captain of a ship; d. on the island of St. Thomas. W. I.. 1840, aged 32. .S649. James W., b. 1812; was drowned, April, 1830, aged 18. 3650. John C, b. 1814 (?); was first mate of a ship, and d. at St. Thomas, W. I., 1838, ased 24. 3651. Nathaniel C. [3741], b. July 30. 1816, in Lubec. 3652. Sarah B. ; was married, and is now residing as a widow in Boston, Mass. 3653. George \V., b. 1830 (?) ; was also first mate of a ship, and d. at New Orleans, La., 1853, aged 23. 3654. Bela RJ [3472] (Jonathan^, Nathaniel^, John'», Nathan- ieP, Nathaniel^, Robert^), is presumed 1o have settled in Pembroke, Me., and d. by drowning, 1853, aged 56. Of his children : — 3655. Bela, was a soldier in the war of the rebellion, enlisting in the ()th Maine regiment, 1861. 3656. Charles E., also enlisted in Co. K, 1st Maine artillery, 1862; d. Aug. 1871, as the final result of "injuries received in his last battle." 3657. Nathaniel" [3475] (Jonathan^, Nathaniel^ John^, Na- thauieP, Nathaniel^, Robert^), is only known to the writer as the father of : — 3058. Freeman, who "enlisted in the 2d Massachusetts cavalry, 1862, went to New Orleans, and after nearly three years' fighting, was taken prisoner, and d. at Tyler, Texas. He was present APPENDIX. 267 at the taking of Columbus, Miss., and had previously been engaged in the Red liiver expedition. His letters from those places were full of interest." 3659. Bkn-jamin G." [34 76] (Jonathan*^, NathanieP, JohnS NathanieP, Jsalbaiiiel-, Robert^), resided in Pembroke, Me., and was the father of thirteen children, — five sons and eight daughters, — all but one of whom lived to grow up. Of these : — 36fiO. Benjamin Wesley [3743], b. Sept. 15, 1837. 3GG1. John W., was a soldier in the Maine Cth regiment from 1861 ; returned at the close of the war, but d. iu six weeks after, of consuniplion, caused bj' his exposure. 3G62. JoNATUAX S., was also in the war with his brother, and is now the "only one of the fourth generation" (from Nathaniel*) who remains "settled in business in the town of Pembroke." 3663. Frank Wayland^ [3502] (William B.S Edward^, John^, Benjamin^, Nathaniel^, Robert'), is a commission merchant, in the old lirm of his father, 201 State Street, Boston. During the late war, he " spent several weeks in garrison dut}' at Fort Indepen- dence, Boston harbor, as a member of the 4th battalion, and after- wards as captain, Co. K, 44th Massachusetts volunteers, a nine months' regiment, with which he " went to Is'orth Carolina." He m. Cordelia Frances Weld, Sept. 16, 1863. Children : — 36G4. Marion, b. Mar. IG, 18G7. 3GG5. Edith, b. June 14, 1870; d. Aug. 31, 1871, aged 1 yr. 2 ms. 17 ds. 3GGG. Duncan Hauding, b. Oct. 27, 1872. 3667. Nathan^ [3520] (William^, Philip^, NathanieP, Nathan- iel', NathanieU', Nathaniel-, Robert'), was a trader in Lewiston, Me. ; ra. Elizabeth Briggs ; both deceased. Children : — 3GG8. NEr..soN BiUGGS. 3609. CiiAKLES Horace. 3670. ZoPHAuS [3521] (William^Philip^Nath^niel^Nathaniel^ NathanieP, Nathaniel, Robert'), m. Mary Pollard, 1820; settled as a trader in Portland, Me., and d. 1847, aged 50. Child: — 3671. Charlks Henry; a physician; residing, with his mother, in Gorhain, Me. 3672. ChaklesS [3522] (William", Philip*'', Nathaniel^ Nathan- iel'', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'"^, Robert'), settled as a trader in Garland, Me., 1827, and there m. Harriet L. Fairfield, 1828 ; moved to Ban- gor, 1850, where she d. June, 1855, aged 47. Children : — 3673. Susan Helen, b. Mar. 1830; m. Daniel B. Head; d. at Bangor, 185!), aged 29, leaving one sou. 3G74. Charles Tappan, b. Apr. 1834; m. Eliza G. Storer; is a currier, and lives in Saco, Me. 3675. Mauy Eliza, b. 1830 ; a dress and cloak maker, residing in Bangor. 3G76. Henry Grknvii.i.k, I). 1841; now residing in Bangor; was a soldier in the L'll Miiinc regiment, army of the Potomac, 1861; wounded in botli legs, and tliseiiarged in 18G5. 3G77. Frank Orville, b. 1847; entered the army of the Potomac, Apr. 18G2; discharged, after four months, on account of sickness. 2G8 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Entered the U. S. Navy, 1804, steamer "Santiago de Cuba"; was a volunteer in the bombardment of Fort Fisher, Jan. 15, 1805; discharged at the close of the war. He now lives in Portland, Me., as a cigar-maker. 3078. Fkkdkkick Autuuk, b. Nov. 10, 1850; d. at Bangor, 1861, aged 11. 3079. Franklin^ [3533] (Isaac''', Jonas^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'', NatlianieP, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m. Laura Reynolds [3645], his third cousin. Children : — 3080. Isaac. 3081. Casander. 3682. ClIARLKS. 3083. Mary. 3084. Fred. 3685. PniLipS [3541] (Luther^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniels, Na- thaniel'*, NathanieF, Nathaniel'^, Robert^), m. Mercy C. Davis. Child : — 3686. Lemuel; d., aged 21 years. 3087. Jane France^ [3542] (Luther^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'*, NathanieF, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m. Jacob H. Faught. Children : — 3688. L. Orent (Faught). 3689. Nellie. 3690. Julia Ann« [3548] (NathanieF, Nathaniel, NathanieF, Nathaniel^, NathanieF, Nathaniel^, Robert^), m. Wally Ellis. Children : — 3091. Ann (Ellis). 3692. William; deceased. 3693. Sarah. 3694. James. 3695. Carrie; deceased. 3690. Carolines [3551] (NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, Robert*), m. a Whitman, of Bridgewater, Mass. Children, all deceased : — 3697. Nathaniel (Whitman). 3698. Hannah. 3699. Bethia. 3700. Jonathan^ [3566] (Moses', NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, Robert*), m. Susan Square. Children : — 3701. Betsy; d.. aged 20. 3702. Geokge; deceased. 3703. George. 3704. Albert. 3705. Fred W. 3706. Frank B.s [3567] (Moses"^, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, Nathaniel-^ Robert*), is a druggist in Cal- ifornia, where he m. Mary Picket. Children : — APPENDIX. 269 3707. Nettie. 3708. Elvira; d. young. 370D. Betsy ; d. youug. 3710. Maky Frank. 3711. S. Edward^ [3569] (Moses^ Nathaniel, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel"*, Nathaniel, Nathaniel-, Robert'), in. Isabella Water- man, of Middleboro', Mass., and d. of consumption, 1858, aged 28. Children : — 3712. Charlie. 3713. FiiAXK. 3714. P:liza a. 8 [3579] (Calving Nathaniel, Nathaniel^, Na- thaniel, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Robert'), m. Abram Moore, 1850. Children : — 3715. Fred L. (Moore), b. 1851. 3716. Frank C, b. 1853. 3717. Enos L., b. 1858. 3718. MiNNinC, b. 18G1. 3719. Alice M., b. 1864. 3720. Nettie R., b. 1868. 3721. Gilbert*^ [3580] (Calvin'', Nathaniel, Nathaniel^, Na- thanielS Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Robert'), m. Rose Ballard, 1860. Children : — 3722. Lutie Ella, b. 1861, and a son who d. in infancy. 3723. Abbie H.8 [3581] (Calvin^, Nathaniels, Nathaniel, Nathaniel'*, NathanieP, Nathaniel^, Robert'), m. William ]\I. Burgess, 1860. He served in the fii'st Maine cavalry, Co. C, during the war. Children : — 3724. Charlie H. (Burgess), b. 1»61. 3725. Hattie F., b. 18G8. 3726. Sarah Jane^ [3587] (Newton", Nathaniel^ Nathaniel-^ Nathaniel"*, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-, Robert'), m. AVhitman M. Tliayer, proprietor of the '^ Mansion House," Augusta, Me. Children : — 3727. Albert (Thayer). 3728. Nellie M. 3729. AleanorS [3593] (Jonatlian-, Nathaniel^, Nathaniol-\ Natlianiel*, NatlianieF, Nathaniel^, Robert'), m., 1st, AVebster Hutchinson. He d., and she m., 2d, Frank Colb}', of Augusta, Me. Children, first husband : — 3730. Charlie (Hutchinson). 3731. George. 3732. Helen Mar^ [3598] (Stephen', Nathaniel^, Nathanicl\ Nathaniels Nathaniel', Nathaniel^, Robert'), in. William A. Ellis, merchant, of Upper Stillwater, Me., 129. Thomas^ [3825] (Owen'), was probably occupying a part of his brother Owen's house in Stratham at the tiuie of tlie latter's 270 KUNXELS AND REYNOLDS MExMOIUAI.S. death, as ])y roi)()it of coinmittce for division lie receives, besides tlu' reiiiaining Unwth part of the said Owen's land, the " East lower room and cellar and garret in said house to be his part of the buildings." Thomas " Keanols" bought twenty acres of land in Chester from Samuel Kymes, of Portsmouth, in 1729, but sold it to his brother Robert, in 1741, for £45. He finally sold out in fStratham, " P'eb. 13, 1761," as we have, under that date, Thomas Kunnels, of S., and Elizabeth, his wife, conveying a lot of land to Satchell Clark, of 8., " lying and being within the estate which was my brother Owen Runnels's, late of Stratham, yeoman, deceased ; also some which fell to Mary, sister of deceased, to heirs of John, his brother, and also that which fell to Judith, daughter of Robert, brother of said deceased, twentj'-one and one fourth acres in all" ; thus con- firming our previous records. He moved to the " Parish of Deerfield, N. H.," and there under date "Jan. 27, 1766"; name "Thomas Runils," and condition " being very sick in bod}'," he wills to Elizabeth, his dearly beloved Mife, all his real and personal estate, and makes her his executrix. He d. between that time and " Feb. 17, 176'J," when Elizabeth Runels, v idoic, of Deerfield, sold out to P. Simpson, thirty-five acres for £25. Their children w'ere named in will with legacies as follow, each styled " m}- son " : — 3830. Owen, " Five shillings." 3S31. Thomas, 'A yolve of white- faced steers." 3832. Samukl, " Five shillings." 3833. John, ''Five shillings." One of the four last mentioned children, — probably Samuel, — was the father of — 3834. Owen, b. Oct. 29, 1790; lived in Candia, perhaps, also in Raymond; d. Mar. 25, 1835, in his 45th 3'ear. He m. Susan L. Roberts, of Raymond, Nov. 7, 1811, who was b. Mar. 13, 1794, and d. Feb. 15, 1854, in her 60th year. Children : — 3835. Thomas F. [.38-16], b. Feb. 24, 1813, in Eaymond. 3836. Charles W. [3851], b. Mar. 4, 1815. 3837. HKxNRIETTA P., b. Feb. 22, 1817; d. Apr. 9, 1835, aged 18. 3838- OvvEX, b. Mar. 15, 181it, in Candia; m. Betsy Keniston, of Barn- stead; was a blacksmith in PittsHeld for many years, and was sent to the New Hampshire legislature lor two years, probably from that town. He d. at P., Apr. 2, 1872, aged 53 years I'S days. His "Obituary" appeared in the "Morning Star." 2839. Susan C, b. June 15, 1821; m. David Lovejoy; d. Nov. 1, 1800, ayed 39. 3840. Samuel R. [3856], b. Jan. 12, 1824. 3841. John [3859], b. June 2, 1828. 3842. KouKHT Chawford, b. May 29, 1830; d. Sept. 30, 1857, aged 27. 3843. Olive M. [38G1], b. Jan. 9, 1826. 3844. Cvuus 8., b. Apr. 10, 1833; was married; d. Oct. 18, 1861, aged 25 years 6 months. 3845. Henrietta M. [3860], b. June 10, 1835. APPENDIX. 277 3846. Thomas F.5 [383.5] (Owen^, Samuel (?)3, ThomasS, Owen^), was a Free Will Baptist clerg^'man ; ordained about 1849, and pastor of the second Free Will Baptist church in Candia for fourteen 3-ears. He ni., 1st, Hannah C urrier, of Ha\mond, Feb. 21, 18 9, who d. one year later; m., 2d, Mar}' Currier, sistei- of first wife. Sept 10, 1841. Slie was the motlier of his children, and d. at Chester, of pneumonia, Apr. 8. 1860. He m., 3d, Nancy L. Dennett, of Pittsfield, Nov. 1, 1860, who survives him, and now lives in Deerfield. His will is found in the Kockinahain Proliate records, dated "Chester, Aug. 23, 1864"; '' to each of my three sons," as below, "one dollar each"; "to my wife Nancy 1^. Bey- nolds all the rest of my estate, provided she adopt and educate as her own, my daughter, Mary Jane R , till eighteen years of age, but no longer." He d. Aug. 27, 1864, aged 51 j-ears 6 months. Children : — 3847. Thomas O. [3869]. b. Dec. 24, 1842. 3848. William O., b. Sept. 15, 1844. 3849. Georgk F., b. Oct. 8, 1840. 3850. Mary Jank, b. Sept. 13, 1849. 3851. CuARLES W.5 [3836] (OwenS SamurP, Thomas^, Owen" ), was twice married, — second wife, Nancy Ciiftbrd, — and d. July 18, 1850, aged 35. Children : — 3852. Henrietta P. ; m. Benjamin Page. 3853. Laura A. ; m. John K. Simpson. 3854. Charles W. S855. Susan (second wife) ; was married, but husband's name unknown. 3856. Samuel R.^ [3840] (OwenS SamueP, Thomas^, Oweni), m. Sarah Dearborn ; d. July 3, 1858, aged 34 ^-ears 6 months. Children : — 3857. George. 3858. Sarah Alice; m. D. Bean. 3859. John5 [3841] (Owen'', SamueP, ThomasS, Owen'), m. Cynthia Buzzell, of Barnstead, and d. Feb. 8, 1855, in his 27th year. One child : — 38(30. Mary H. 3801. Olive M.^ [3843] (Owen'', SamueP, ThomasS, Oweni), has been twice married; once to Ed(ward) Bowell ; the only one of her father's children still living (1873). Her children were : — 3862. NoRRis (Rovvell ( ? ) ) , 3863. Charles. 3864. Susan. 3865. Willie. 3S66. Henrietta M.^ [3845] (0\vcn^ SamueP, Thoma.sS, Owen'), m. Benjamin Sauliorn, of Candia; d. Oct. 3l, 1865, aged 30. Children : — 3867. Nellie M (Sanborn)- 3868. Ma in 11 A. 278 UUNNKLS AND REYNOLDS ME:M0];IALS. 38G9. Thomas O.^ [8847] (Thomns F.^, Owen'», SamueP, Thoinns-, Owen*), graduated at the Danville, Ky., Seminary, and in medicine at the Albany Medical College, Dec. 21, 1866. He lirst i)ractised as a physician in Tort Huron, Mich., but returned East, and ccmmenced his professional labors at Kingston, N. H., Feb. 20, 1M70, where he already enjoys an extensive and lucrative practice. IJe ra. M. Fanny Smith, formerly of Kaymond, precep- tress of the Mystic Valley Fnglish and Classical Institute, at Mj'stic Bridge (Stonington), Conn., July liJ, 1870. Child: — 3870. Mabel, b. May 5, 1871. Still another Runnels family, which can neither be connected with any of the preceding, nor traced to any descendants of their own, appears in Barrington, N. H., as follows : — 3871. WiiLiAM, said to be "of Barrington, Jan. 4, 1766," and had pre- viously m. Eleanor Caveuoe, as tlie last date is that of tlie deed by which "Arthur Cavenoe, of Durham," conveyed to him sixty acres of land in B., Lot 256, "for and in consideration of ye love and aflectiou that I (Cavenoe) have and do bar towards my daughter Eleanor Kunuflls, wife of William R." There is similar evidence from two or three other deeds, — in one called William Koualls, — that he was still living in Barrington, "Apr. 1, 1772," and "Mar. 18" and "Apr. 14, 1775," in the last of which he conveyed "certain tracts of land to John Cavernoe." His children, as proved below, were : — 3872. Michael and 3873. BiciiAiiD, to whom, jointly, John Caverno deeded " certain tracts of land in Barrington," "Sept. 14, 1781"; and Kichai'd Run- nels, of B., exchanged land with Michael R., of B , "Feb. 26 and 27, 1793," — "one half the land deeded by our father, Wil- liam Hunnels, to John Caverno, and by Caverno to ourselves," for " one half the laud on which the said Michael" (" Runnalls ") was then living. Michael again appears iu deed of "Oct. 12, 1793," between which and "Dec. 12, 1793," he must have d. ; as under last date, " administration of the estate of Michael Runnels, of Barrington, taijler, deceased, intestate, is granted to Sarah R., his wife." His brother also d. before "Dec. 14, 1795," as administration of the estate of "Richard Runnels, of Barriugton, deceased," is then "granted to Jouathau Dame." Another isolated personage is found, from the Strafford Records, 1 — 3874. Pelkg ("Pelek") Runuels, of New Durham Gore (Alton), receiving from Daniel McDullee "live acres of land, more or less, beginning on Merrynieeting river," etc., "July 2, 1796." He may have lived in that vicinity till near " Oct. 5, 1835," and thus have been identical with " Peleg Ruunals, late of Alton," whose " Dower" at the last date " was appointed to his widow, Martha Runnals." APPENDIX. 279 E. OTHER RUNNELS FAMILIES IN MAINE. Passing over into the State of Maine, we find the following Runnels familj', whose oiigin is unknown. Names of descendants, mostly without dates, as here given, were furnished by George E. Fogg [3922], of Saco. The earliest ancestor was — 3875. Charles (Runnels), said to have been b. in Scarboro', Me. ; d. and was buried in ISaco. His children were : — 3876. Jonx [3882]. 3877. Chaulks [3893]. 3878. Gkack. 3879. Mary. 3880. Sarah. 388L Hannah. 3882. John2 [0876] (Charlesi), m. Rhoda P:dgecomb, of Scar- boro' ; served in the Revolutionary war ; d. and was buried iu 8aco. His widow was a pensioner till her death. Mar. 18Gi, aged 9G. 8he was hence b. 17G8. Children : — 3883. Sally [3898]. 3884. Gkack [3907], b. about 1790. 3885. Isaac [3914]. 3886. Eliza [3919J. 3887. Mauy; il. of consumption. Dec. 1842. 38«8. Hannah; m. Jouiitliau i'ogij, of Scarboro', whcru now living, his * widow. 3889. CuAKLKS [3923], b. about 1805. 3890. JosKi'ii; IU. Mar}' iVIann ; d. in New Portl.md, .Me. 3-<91. Jamks; d. of consumption, in Portland, when unite yonnattle of Antietam, " Sept. 17, 1862," and resigned on account of his wounds, "Nov. 13, 1863." He was afterwards on duty in the veteran reserved corps at Kalamazoo, Midi., and in commaiiil of tiie post at New .Viii.iiiy. Ind , from Aug. 1864 \o Sept. 1S65; was finally musteri-d out of the service, "June 30, 1866," and is now, as a miliiiu captain, in command of the same company in Salem, witli which he lirst enlisted. Since the war, Cai)t. Rcynohls has been engagetl in tiie 284 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. very coinnioiKlsible occupation of " designer and emblazoner of militarv and naval coats of arms, for perpetuating llie record of soldiers and sailors" in our country's service. IJe received a patent in this enterprise, "July 14, l^iGH," and his facilities for its j)rosecution are unrivalled. Judging from the rich beauty and ap- propriateness of his own coat of-arms, we feel inclined to commend the work and the p:itronar/e of Capt. R. to the living soldiers in our " Roll of Honor." Residence and head-quarters, 13 Northey Street, Salem, Mass. He m. Mary Ellen Henville, Nov. 5, 18G3, ■who was b. in New York city, Nov. 5, 1843. Children : — 3985. Augustus Govea, b. July 30, 1865, in New Albany, Ind. 3y8G. Sakah May, b. June 29,*18(J7, in Salem; d. July 17, 1869, aged 2 vciirs 18 days. 3987. John Pekkins, b. Sept. 28, 1871. G. NAMES OF INDIVIDUALS AND OF SMALL FAMILY GROUPS NOT AS YET CERTAINLY CONNECTED WITH ANY OF THE PRECEDING. " Mere mention," in conclusion, ma}^ be made of other nameft, as follows : — 3988. Capt. may 3989. Rein-olds, of the "Speedwell" (Pilgrim failiers), 1G20; be the same as " Mr. Runolds, maker of the Speedwell " (see Vol. 1, N. E. Gen. Register). "Chk." (Christopher) (Reinolds), age 24, passenger for Virginia in the '' Speedwell," May 28, 1()3") (Vol.2, N. E. Gen. Register). 3990. Bknmamix (Reynolds) ; m. Elizabeth Bradford. 3991. " Nico." (Nicholas) Reinolds and 3992. "Th" (Thomas) Reynolds, "passengers for Virginia." 3993. Electiacus (Renolds), "son of the same. b. Feb. 2, 170fi-7, at Middleboro'." (All four of the last from Vol. 4, N. E. Gen. Reg.) 3994. Harmon (Runnels"), alluded to near the close of Intro- duction to Part I (see p. 4), is only known to have been a colonel in the Revolutionary war, but is supposed to have been descended, as there stated, from an older brother of Samuel [1] who " settled in the South " His son — 3995. Hiram G. was governor of the State of Mississippi, afterwards removed to Houston, Texas, and there d. Dec. 15, 1857. His widow signs her name "0. A. Runnels," in letter of Nov. IG. 18H8, and states that he left an only son, who also has an only sou; but their names, and fuithei- information respecting the family, we have sought in vain to obtain, seemingly through an unwillingness, on their part, to acknowledge a conuectLon with aught pertaiuiug to the North ! APPENDIX. 285 Another son of Col. Harmon may have been — 3996. Hakdix W. Who ma}', in turn, have l)een the fatlier of — 3997. HniAM RicnAUD; known to hnve been the nephew of Ex-Gov. Hiram G., to liuve roiiled in the north part of Texas, and to have been himself the governor of thai State, about the years 1855-7. 3998. Deborah (Runnels) is aUuded to in Sprague's Annals, Vol. II, p. 37-5, as m. to Abijah Wines, Sen., of L. I., and as being the mother of — 3999. AbiJAn (Wines), Kev., b. Maj- 27, 17Gr>, at Soutiiold, L. I.; after- wards a resident and pastor of tlie Con.irre.national church at Newport, N. H., 179()-181(); d. Feb. 11, 18;«, at Charlestown, Mass., in his (>7th year. 4000. Jamks (Runnels), "late of Ncwburyport, mariner, deceased, intestate; iidminislralion granted Feb. 4, IfiOG" (Kssex Pro- bate Records). 4001. William Hoopku (Reynolds), administration granted "Apr. 20, 1S09," said to l)e " of Marblehead" ; hence probably descended from [3^30] ; as also 4002. Mauy (Reynolds), "of Marblehead"; administration granted 1812. 4003. GiDKON (Reynolds) is an oliinili:uii, ]Me.,:iii(l tlid'cd. 1831 , aged 7o. His; son : — 4010. John, b. 17!»(); m. Betsy , and d. in Burnham, Sept. 18G8, nfjed 72. . Kospectiii}i his widow and famili', we quote tlie fol- lowinj^ from tlu; " New En^^land Historical and Genealogical Register." for Octoljer, 1870 : — "A few months since a resolve was presented in the legisla- ture of Maine, in favor of granting a pension to Mrs. Betsy Reynolds, widow of John Heynolds, of Burnham, and the fol- lowing facts were stated in support of the resolve"; viz, that she "sent four sons, two sons-in-law, and one grandson to the war, neither of whom returned to tell their story. Tliey all died defending our Hag Wlien the war closed, she was left with thirty-one orplian grandcliildren, made so by the war. Her only surviving son, who is lame, volunteered, but was rejected on account of his lameness. Mrs. Heynolds is now depending ou her own labor for her livelihood. Seven of her orphan graadchildren were taken into the Bath asylum " "\Vc have made strenuous efforts, while waiting for the printers, to obtain the names of all the patriotic sons of this faniily, but can get ouly the following : — 4011. CniiiSTOPnER, " b. Sept. 1823; d. in tlie army, of consumption." 4012. GioiAN H., "b. Oct. 23, 182.5; d. in Ihe army, of neuralgia." 4013. Jk.sse S., " b. Oct. 19, 1839; never enlisted, but was enrolled and stricken from the rolls on account of lameness." The names of the "two sons-in-law" who went to the war, were: — 1. Chandler K. Church; d. of disease in the service. 2. Jamks T. Cakk ; still living, and a preacher, in the State of Maine. The "grandson," who enlisted, was shot in battle, name not given. This list (of Appendix G) might be indefinitely increased by adding soldiers of the Reynolds name, not previously noted in this genealog}', especially from the late adjutant generals' reports of Maine, New Hamsphire, Massachusetts, and other States ; as also from the triennial catalogues of several colleges, — ten of the name having graduated at Yale College (prior to 1852), three at Harvard University, and two, besides those alreadj- mentioned iu this work, at Dartmouth College. ADDENDA ADDENDA. I. For the future genealogists of the Reynolds families, we re-enter and odd tlie following citations, chiefly from Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, not previousl}' noted : — 4014. James [3283], of Wickford, was doubtless the father of these four sons : — 4015. FiiANCis [329G], of Kinirstown. 401G. Hknky [3297], of Kiugstown; m. Sarah, daughter of James Greene. 4017. Jamks, Jr., of Wickford; m. Mary, daughter of James Greene, Feb. II), H;S5. 4018. JosKi'n, of Wickford, 1087. 4019. John [3286], of Saybrook and Norwich ; d. at N., 1702 ; had cloven children, of whom, — according to Caulkin's History of Norwicli, — 4020. John, b. Aug. 1655, at Saybrook; was killed by the Indians, probably in Kins; Philip's war, Jan. 28, 167G, iu his 21st year. 4021. Sakam, b."N()v. IG.^O : m. John Post. 4022. Susanna, b. Oct. 1G.')8. 4023. Josr.pir, b. Mar. IGGO. 4024. Maky, b. 1GG4; m. a Lothrop. 402.'>. Emzahkiii, b. IGGG; m. a Lyman. 402G. SiKiMiKN, b. .Ian. IGGlt. 4027. LvniA, b. 1G71 ; ra a Miller. 4025. .ToiiN [3287], of Weymouth ; sold his estate in W., 1GG4, and probably removed at the same time. His wife's name was Ann. Child : — 4029. Mary, b. Mar. 15, IGGO. 4030. JonN2 [3289] (Johni), of Weathersfield ; d. 1682 ; wife's name was Mary. Children : — 4031. Kk/.ia. b. 1667. 4032. AxN (Anna), b. 1CG9. 40.33. llr.niNA, b 1G71. 4034. John, b. 1G74. 4035. JONATHAX, b. 1C77. 19 200 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMOIMALS. 4036. JoNATnAN^ [3290] (Jolui'), of Stjiniford ; representative in 1667 ; d. 1673. Children, at tliat time living, as by will : — 4037. Kkhkcca. b. If.nO. 4038. Jonathan, h. IGfiO. 4031). John, b. IOC-'. 4040. Sakah, b. IOCS. 4041. Ei.iZAHicrn, b. 1007. 4042. JosiciH, b. ICO'J. 4043. Robert [3:^91], of Boston; wife's name Elizabeth. Children : — 4044. Elizarkth, b. Jan. 2. 1GC9. 4045. Ann, b. Aug. 11, 1G70. II. Just as the work of the printers was being completed, the author was favored with material for the following genealogy of Henry and iSarali (Bunker) Ttbbeits, with the desire at least svggesttd, by some branches of the family, that it be herewith inserted. Having in- variably complied with such suggestions hitherto, he is very happy to make this, as the latest possible addition to his work, especially as several of the families here traced are found living near his home, and are reckoned among his most valuable acquaintances. He only regrets that their records did not come to hand early enough to be incorporated in their proper place in the main body of the work, under [2179]. He also avails himself of the oppor- tunity thus attbrded of explaining more fully, as promised in the Preface (p. ix), how the "female lines," generally, through the book, are entered and carried out. Re-entering, from p. 183, the name of 4046. Sauah (Bunker) [2179], she thus appears among the cousccutive numbers as being ol the second generation from (i. f. a cliild of) the common female ancestor, Sarah KunneLs [2175]. She was b. Jan. 7, 1759, not 175G, as before given, and sliould there- fore change places with her brother Joseph [2180]. She m., 2d, Henry Tebbetts, as before stated, the name l)eing found upon the old Barnstead records as "Tibbetts" and "Tibbits." He was three 5'ears older than his wife, and d. May 19, 1818. ia Ills (l;id year. The additional facts have been gathered that this second husband was also in ihe Kevolutionary service before marriai!e, tliat lie stood beside her first husband, Bradbury Sink- ler (or Sinclair), in his dying moments, and afterwards married her, ns the widow of his deceased comrade. Tlieir original location, on settling in Northlleld, N. H., was near tlie present " Snaker road," a little north of the residence of her grandson, ADDEXDA. 291 George S. Tebbetts [4016, 1, (4)]. She there d. Dec. 22, 183C, in her 78lh year. At least 5 of her descendants, in the Teb- betts name, liave taken the degree of m. d. Children, — being of the third generation from the common ancestress [2175]; here entered with the cardinal numbers 1, 2, and 3, falling under each other on the left margins of the pages, and appear- ing in Index No. 2, with the same numbers following the con- secutive number here emplo3'ed [4046, 1, etc.] : — 1. Bhadjutky (Teblietts), b. Oct. 23, 177'J; m. Polly Clough, who was b. Jan. 7, 1785. He was a farmer and storekeeper in iSIorthlield ; d. Nov. 22, 1833, aged 54. She d. Dec. 1, 1846, in her 62d year. Children, — entered like all others of the fourth generation from [2175], with cardinals in parentheses, (I), (2), (3), etc., and appearing in thelndex with the same num- bers directly after those previously given [4046, 1, (1), etc.] : — (1.) NATiiAN CLOUdii, b. Jan. 28, 1802; pursued preparatory studies at Gilnianton Academy, 1818-20; studied medicine with Drs. William Prescott and 11. D. Muzzey, graduating at the Dart- mouth Medical College, 1825; practised his profession in Gilmanlon. and was the representative of that town in 1841 and 1842. He m. Hannah, daughter of Maj. Hufus Parish, Feb. 28, 1826; d. in Louisiana, Feb. 15, 1848, aged 46. Chil- dren, — entered like all others of the ./(A/i generation from [rl75], with Roman figures I, IT, etc, and appearing in the Index witli the same ilgures directly after those previously given [4046. 1, (1), I, etc.]:— I. Gkohuic Paiush; resides in California; four children living. 11. KuKUS Buaduuky ; m. Mary Addle Slianuon; present residence, Pittstleld, N. H. III. Maky B.vixiKit; m. a Lake; now resides in California. (2.) Mklix)»a, b Aug. 18, 1803; m. Noah L. Merrill, a native of Deorrteld, N. H. ; resided in Manchester, and there d. Mar. 1847, in her 44tli year, leavin.r: I. Bkadhuuy Ti-.HHKrrs (Merrill); d. in the U. S. naval service at Cairo, III., near the beginning of the war. II. Noau L. ; d. at Hartford, Ct., being a student at the Episcopal Theological Seminary. III. Aurniiu TicuHinrs; ni. Arianna Elizabeth Dearborn, of Northtield, Sept. 16, 1862; was a Union soldier duriny; the last year of the late civil war; afterwards engaged in the shoe i)usiness at the South, and d. near New Orleans, Mar. 7, 1868. Siie also had previously d. at Northtield, within lliirty hours of the death ol her husband. ChiUlren. — left doubly orphans, and now l)eing brought up l)y their grandmother Dearborn ; — liere entered, like aM other.> of the sixth generation Irom their great-great-great grandmother of the Hunnels name before marriage [2175], with Koman Ilgures in parentheses (I), (II,) etc. ; appearing in the Index with same Hgures directly aller those (ireviouslv given [4046, 1, (1). I, (I), etc.] : — (I.; Fan- NiK La.\k( Merrill),!).. Inly 25 (?), 18()3. (II.) Wti.i.iK Akiiujr, b. Mar. 22, 1867. IV. Dk WrnCLixro.v ; only surviving son; resides in Haverhill, Mass.; is m. and has two children. (.1.) J.uix Cm)1(;h ( I'etibetts), b. Jan. l'.>, 1805; was a merchant in Boston ; m. Mrs. Sophia (Williams) Whitman, of B. ; she has since d. lie is now residii'g (1873) chielly in New Y'ork city. (4.) GicoKOK Si'i.i.iVAN (called " Henry," at Hrst), b. Apr. 16, 1807; has been a (jirmer in Northlleld, near the place lirst occupied by Ills grandfather ; m Olive Curry, da ghler of Kobert and (ilive Curry, of Northtifld, who was 1). Dec. 6, 1811, and d. Oet. 1".», 1H72, in lier 61st yi'ar, leaving a precious memory Ibr the excellence of her character as a wife, mother, sister, and in all the other relations of life. ChiUlren : 1. Samiici. Bkau- btuv, b. Aug. 31, d. Sept. 23, 1836. 11. Adalaiuu Cukkv, 292 RUXNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. b. Juno 12, 1838 ; d. Doc. 14, 1842, ajrod 4 yonrs C, months. III. Gkoim'.k Waltkk (aftorwards chanji'd to " Walter (ioorge "), b. Apr. 1, 1840; in. Klizabt-tli Klvira Bcldcn. of Cliicaiio, III.. May 10, 18(53; resides in C. a.s a "packer and provision dealer," firm of " R. I'nddy &Co.," 2.'30 S. Des Plains Street; is also an active and influential member of tlie tliird Presby- terian ciiurch, and has been snperintendent of its Sunday scliool. Child: (I.) AiniU'H Ukadblky, b. Oct. 4, 1806, in Chicaijo. IV. Ciiaulottk McFakland, b. .\u ^rp ,, »» x u t- i .^ ^o■,r, (7.) HuuACE Bradley ^ (r^^betts), b. Feb. 2, 1812. Hiram \i. took his degree at the Boston Medical College about 1830; was a physician, and afterwards a planter in Louisiana; now resides (1873) in Concord, N. H., 44 Main ADDENDA. 293 Street. lie m. Mrs. Laura Sophia (Watson) Boone, ^rar. 31, 1842. She was h. Mar. 14, 181(5, in Claiborne Co., Miss. Children, b. in Carroll Parish, La. : I. Hik.vm Watson, b. Dec. 22, 184.5; studied medicine, and took a medical dej^ree at Dartmouth CoUeji^e, 18G7, but is now employed in the ser- vice of the U. S signal corps, near Washini^ton. II. Lacra ' Sophia, b. Oct. 17, 1847; ni. Howard Fremont Hill, printer and editor, of Concord, Oct. 17, 1870. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 18G7. Child : (I.) John McClauy (Hill), b. Oct. 30, 1871; d. Dec. 4, 1872, aged 13 months 4 days. III. Makia Dix (Tebbetts), b. Feb. 7, 1852; d. May 19, 18(13, aged 11 years 3 months. IV. Wili.ik Bhai>huky, b. Mar. 10, 1855; is now (1873) a member of the Scientillc Department of Dartmouth College. IIoKACK IJ. [(7)]; in. Mrs. Keene, of Louisiana; present resi- dence in New York city. (8.) Chaklks Cahkoi.l, b. Jan. 14, 1813; m. Harriet Kimball Sibley, of Laconia, N. H.; was a physician, graduating at the Dart- mouth Medical College, 1845; settled at Iron Dale, Mo., and d. in the U. S. service as a surgeon, in Missouri, May I'J, 1803, aged 50; was buried near Springfield. Only living child, besides three or four who d. in infancj': I. Gf.oiigh Hauhison, b. Aug. 19, 1854; is an artist in Laconia; m. Emma Porter, of L., Dec. 28, 1870. Child: (I.) Hattie C, b. Nov. 30, 1872. (9.) AuTiiUR Beedk, b. Dec. 16, 1816 ; d. July 5, 1836, in his 20th year. 2. Hannah (Tel)betts), b. Mar. IG, 1781 ; ra. Edward Osgood, of Northfleld, and d Sept. 22, 1807, aged 26. Children, both reared by their grandmother Tebbetts : — (1.) Sally (Osgood), b. Apr. 5, 1805; m. Chase Ring. (2.) llKNKY T., b. Feb. 5, 1807; m. Hannah Tebbetts [4046, 3 (5)]; d. Mar. 28, 1841, aged 34. 3. Hkniiy (Tebbetts), b. Nov. 23, 1783; was a fixrmer in Northfleld; m. Polly Beck, of Canterbury, 1800, who was b. Apr. 8, 1783, and d. Dec. 13, 1851, in her obth year. lie d. Mar. 15, 1856, in his 73d year. Children : — (1.) Sahaii, b. Jan 1, 1«01; m. Ch.auncey Garvin, of Concord; a farmer in Northfleld for tlie last twenty years (1873). Chil- dren : I. Martha (Garvin), b. May 21, 1838; m. James Kenuard, of Manchester. II. Sarau Jane, b. Oct 10,1840; d. Dec. 31, 1843, aged 3. (2.) AiuEL FosTKK (Tebbetts), b. 1802; d. at the age of G months. (3.) Ai ICE, b. Apr. 4, 1804 ; m. John Laugdon Leach, of Weare, N. H. ; two childrc'n, living. (4.) Hiram, b. Apr. 28, 180G ; was a farmer on his father's homestead in Northtleld; m. Hainiah T. Bunker [2181, 2, (1)], of Barn- stead, Dec. 25, 1856; d. Oct. 19, 18G8, aged G2. Children: I. Mary A., b. Oct. 6, 1837. II. Charles A., b. Julv 22, 1839. III. Harriet 1)., b. Aug. 22, 1842. IV. Ai.nr.in- 11., b. Dec. 1, 1845 ; still owns the old homestead ; one other cliild d. young. V. Eliza W., 1). Dec. 15, 1847; was a youni; lady of excellent spirit, and a successful teacher; is gratefully remembered by tlie autiior as the instructor of his children, in Sanbornton, 18()8. Hlie d. of consumption, Sept. (i. 1870, in iicr 2;Ui year. (5.) Hannah, b. Nov. 3, 1808 ; m., 1st, lleiu-y T. Osgood [4046, 2,(2)] ; m., 2(1, Asa K. (Jsgood (1st wife), liroliier of Edwanl [4()4G,2], of ('anlerl)ury; slie afterwards d., leaving two sons, one l)y each huslnunl. 294 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. (G.) Mauy, b. Oct. 27, 1810; m. Joseph Babb, of Barrington; two sons. I. IlKNHY(Babb); d. in the army. II. Horace T. ; in. Carrie Nute, and resides in Farmiugton. (7.) RosAXNA. b. Feb. 11, 1813; d. June G, 18G1, aged 48. (8.) Haukiet, b. Mar. 6, 1815 ; in. Thomas Dennis, of Lowell, Mass. ; d. 1838, aged 23. (9.) Mklinda," b. Apr. 16, 1817; m. Asa K. Osgood, of Northfield (second wife); d. Feb. 23, 1872, aged 5.">. (10.) IIexky Bkadbuuy, b. May IG, 1819 ; studied medicine with Dr. Hoyt, of Nortlifleld ; graduated at tiie Dartmouth Medical School, 184G; practised his profession for a time in Weare, N. II., and d. about 1849, aged 30. (11.) Clementina, b. Oct. 25, 1823; d. July 27, 183G, in her 13th year. (^12.) Maxdaxa, b. Sept. 25, 1827; ni. Stephen Bean, of Piermont, N. H. ; now resides in Bradford, Vt. ROLL OF HONOR. The names of all persons referred to in the foregoing records, who are known to have been engaged for the American colonies, or the United States government, in their several wars against foreign or intestine foes, are here inserted in alphabetical order, with their respective consecutive numbers. At the same numbers in the main bod}' of the work, more full and definite allusions to their military services may usually be found. Many others, especiallj* in the female lines, were, doubtless, engaged in a similar service, which has not come to the knowledge of the compiler. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are known to have lost their lives in their country's defence, or as the speedy effect of their sufferings in the wars for which enlisted. The wliolc number in this catalogue is 291. — Belonging to Part I, 100; belonging to 1 art II, 5G ; belonging to Part III, 95; belonging to the Appendix, 40. King Philip's (Indian) War. — 1G75-6. Whole number (Appendix), 2. Reynolds, John,* 4020 ; Reynolds, Capt. Nathaniel, 3304. French War. — 1755-60. Whole number, 4. — Part I, 3 ; Part II, 1. Runnels, John, 22 Runnels, Lieut. Samuel, 17 Runnels, MaJ. Samukl, 93 Runnels, Samuel, 1661 War of the American Revolution. — 1775-1783. Whole number, 48. — Part I,' 12; Part II, 4; Part III, 22; Appendix, 10. 2D6 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. Ater, William, H6 BuNKKR, Bkaduury, 2177 BuNKKK, Elijah, 2182 Bunker, Isaiah, 2176 Bdnkkr, Jonathan, 2183 Bunker, Joseph,* 2180 BuswELL, Daniel, 118 Ciiesley, George, 2189 Emerson, Capt. Smith, 1628 Gage, Abel, 205 Ham, David, 2264 Reynolds, Benjamin, 3327 Reynolds (Runnels), Col. Daniel, 82 Reynolds, David, 3751 Reynolds (Runnels), Ens. Enos, 215 Reynolds, Grindall, 3395 Reynolds, Jacob, 3749 Reynolds, John, 3336 Reynolds (Runnels), Miles, 1695 Reynolds, Capt. Nathan- iel, 3374 Reynolds, Samuel, 3340 Reynolds, Squire, 3753 Reynolds (Runnels), Win- throp, 2247 Runnals, Abraham, 2142 RuNNALS, Ens. Isaac,* 2198 Runnals, Ens. James, 2201 Runnals, John,* 2145 Kunnals, Capt. Samuel, 2208 Runnels, Benjamin, 123 Runnels, Billey,* 67 Runnels, Corp. Enoch, 1637 Runnels, Col. Harmon, 3994 Runnels, Israel, 2158 Runnels, Job, 1675 Runnels, John, 22 Runnels, John, 3882 Runnels, Joseph, 341 Runnels, Joseph, 2274 Runnels, Moses, 2243 Runnels, Lieut. Samuel, 93 Runnels, Solomon, 2168 Runnels, Sergt. Stephen, 136 Runnels, Stephen, 2159 Runnels, William, 74 SiNKLER, Bradbury,* 2179 Snell, Edavard,* 2165 Tebbetts, Henry, 4046 Williams, Samuel, 2178 English War. — 1812-14. Whole munber, 27. — Part I, 11 ; Part II, 7; Part III, 5; Appendix, 4. Demeritt, John, 1671 Demeritt, Joseph,* 1669 Drew, John, 405 Eastman, Abiatiier, Jr.,* 1732 Johnson, Levi, 1667, 1 McDaniels, Pelatiaii,* 1706 Reynolds, Capt. John W., 3646 Reynolds (Runnels), Jo- SEPH, 2593 Reynolds, Jotham G. 3463 Reynolds (Runnels), Miles, 1095 Reynolds, Nathaniel, 3405 ROLL OF HONOR. 297 Eeynolds (Runnels), Sam- uel, Reynolds, Maj. Stephen, Reynolds, Thomas, Reynolds (Runnels), Thomas K., Runnels, Ebenezer, Runnels, Isaac, Runnels, Isaac, Runnels, Jeremiah II., 859 2G00 Runnels, John, 848 282 Runnels, John,* 2320 3801 Runnels, Paul M., 2376 Runnels, Sergt. Samuel, 366 334 Spear, Rouert,* 414 198 TeojiPSON, Sergt. Robert, 1720 780 Whidden, Benjamin, 383 2294 Whidden, David, 385 Mexican War. — 1846-7. Whole number, 5. — Peart I., 1; Part II., 1; Part III., 2; Appendix, 1. Demeritt, Samuel D.,* 1671,8 I Twombly, James R., 2537 Reynolds, John F., 3812 | Twombly, Simes F., 2538 Wing, Winthrop M., 1508 War of the Rebellion. — 1861-5. Whole niuuber, 205. — Part I., 73 ; Part II., 43 ; Part III., 66 ; Appendix, 23. Adams, Erastus,* 2962 Adams, Justus, 2963 Ayer, Royal, 152, 8 Babb, Henry,* 4046, 3 (6), I. Bean, William R., 2976 Blood, Franklin, 1093 Brown, Charles,* 1157 BuRBANK, Lewis L.,* 1734, 3 (1) Burgess, William M., 3723 BuswELL, Isaac,* 118,9 (2) BuswELL, Isaac J.,* 118,12 BuswKLL, James E., 119, 4 (2) BuswELL, Thomas A.,* 118, 9 (1) Butler, Henry, 213, 2 BuzzELL, Charles W., 2671 Buzzell, Sergt. Henry C.,* 2673 Bdzzell, James M., 2674 Carr, James T., 4013, 2 Carris, Edward,* 1084 Church, Chandler K.,* 4013, 1 CoLOMY, James P.,* 2235, 10 Cook, Jesse M., 478, 1 Coombs, James II., 1521 Cutting, David,* 237, 5 Daniels, John D., 1671, G (4) Danielson, Frederick, 1159 Dawson, George, 2(">72 298 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS, Dkmeritt, Alukht, 1671, 5 (G) Dkmkkitt, Ciiaklks,* 1671, 5 (5) Dkmkritt, Emerson, 1671, 5 (3) DEMEuixr, George, 1671, 5 (4) Demeritt, Jacob,* 1671, 5 (2) Demeritt, John, 1671, 5 (1) Dodge, George S,, 843 Downs, Calvin C.,* 1809 Downs, Levi,* 1802 Downs, William H., 1806 DuNFiELD, George T., 154, 2 (2) DuNii:iELt>, William, 154, 2 DuNFiELD, William N.,* lo4, 2 (1) Eastman, Charles H., 1739,3 Eastman, Cuauncy,* 1733,3 (1) Eastman, Edward P., 1739, 2 Eastman, George, 1732, 3 (2) Eastman, Rufus M., 1732,3 (1) Eaton, Melzar, 1210 Ellison, Corp. Wright T., 1630, 2 (3) Emerson, Smith, 162-^, 1 (1),I. Emery, Warren H.,* 2951 Evans, George M.,* 1732, 4 (2) Evans, Samuel E.,* i:32, 4 (I) Evans, Wesley J.,* 1579 Fox, George I.,* 365, 3 FoYE, Albert, 1159 Gage, Capt. Aaron H., 207, 6 Gage, William L., 207, 4 (1) Getcuell, Henry, 416, 1 Getchell, Sebastian S., 416, 2 Giles, Job R., 1626, 2 (8) Gilmore, Edward C, 779 Goodhue, Charles W., 350, 7 Goodhue, David H.,* 356, 8 Greenwood, Calvin W., 239, 2 (3) Greenwood, Capt. Frank W., 239,2(1) Ham, Sergt. Sylvester, 1805 Hanson, Joseph B., 2988 Herrick, Benjamin, Jr., 3192 Herrick, Charles, 2820 Hoitt, George L, 1670, 4 (10) Holmes, William F., 1671, 6 (5) Hopkins, George W., 356, 5(1) HuESTis, Thomas R., 1934 Hunt, Sylvester D,, 2675 Jacobs, Andrew, 2927 Jones, Charles,* 1671, 3 (5) Jones, Daniel A., 1671, 3 (2) Jones, Maj. James P.,* 3110 Jones, John D., 1671, 3 (3) Jordan, William, 845 Kinsley, Capt. E. B., 764 Langley, Almon S.,* 2535, 1 LiTTLEFIELD, Capt. ROGER S., 1214 Marsh, John E., 2032 Marsh, Thomas D. 2034 Mason, Charles F.,* 2689 Mason, David B.,* 2686 Mason, James M.,* 2688 Mason, John C.,* 2690 McCuRDY, Lieut. Charles W., 762 Merrill, Arthur T., 4046, 1 (2), HL Merrill, Bradbury T.,* 4046, 1 (2). L MiLLETT, Capt. Alonzo D., 953 Moody, Charles, 2194, 5 (1) ROLL OF HONOR. 299 Moody, Dexter, 2194,/! (2) Moody, IIaktwell, 2194, 1 (1) Moody, William, 2194, 1 (3) Newman, Marshall P., 3032 Newman, Robert, 3029 Perkins, Samuel R.,* 2759, 3 Quint, James M.,* 1645,4 (6), I, Read, Sergt. Hiram A., 520 Read, Sergt. James D., 522 Reynolds, Alfonzo S., 732 Reynolds, Bela, 3655 Reynolds, Charles C, 2744 Reynolds, Charles E.,* 365G Reynolds, Charles H., 2563 Reynolds, Corp. Charles W., 1295 Reynolds, Christopher,* 4011 Reynolds, Daniel H., 2742 Reynolds, Capt. Edward H., 3074 Reynolds, Frank O., 3077 Reynolds, Capt. Frank W., 3663 Reynolds, Freeman,* 3658 Reynolds, George II.,* 1816 Reynolds, Oilman H.,* 4012 Reynolds, Henry, 2565 Reynolds, Surg. Henry A. , 306 1 Reynolds, Henry G., 3676 Reynolds, Henry II.,* 2553 Reynolds (Runnels), Ho- SEA, 2049 Reynolds, Sergt. Jacob P., 1919 Reynolds, James S., 3742 Reynolds, Maj. John E., 8067 Reynolds, Gen. John F.,* 3812 Rey'NOlds, Capt. John P., 3984 Reynolds, John VV.,* 3661 Reynolds, Jonathan S., 3662 Reynolds, Lucius A.,* 758 Reynolds, Mclfard B., 3584 Reynolds, Nason F., 1263 Reynolds, Phinehas,* 2566 Reynolds, Stephen H., 1289 Reynolds, William A., 1261 Reynolds, William A., 3246 Reynolds (Runnels), Snrg. William B., 2068 Reynolds, Maj. William B.,* 3517 Reynolds, William H., 2562 Reynolds, William H., 3590 Reynolds, William W., 1915 Reynolds, Winthrop, 3055 Roberts, Charles H., 3737 Runnals, Charles E., 2385 RuNNALs, Dana, 2773 Runnals, Fkedeuick G., 2774 Runnals, John S., 2822 Runnals, Jonas M., 2799 Runnals, Paul M., 280^ Runnals, Samuel, 2806 Runnels, Andrew T.,* 3198 Runnels, Bartlett D ,* 1396 Runnels, Benjamin F.,* 858 Runnels, Benjamin F.,* 893 Runnels, Charles F., 1470 Runnels, Daniel, 896 Runnels, Edwin C, 299S Runnels, Ens. Farnum J., 1422 Runnels, George, 3929 Runnels, Sergt. George A., 3254 Runnels, George F.,* 886 Runnels, George M., 1337 Runnels, Greenwood C, 1560 Runnels, Henry B.,* 3928 Runnels, Hiram E.,* 2749 Runnels, James A., 2750 Runnels, John, 1953 300 RUNNELS AND REYNOLDS MEMORIALS. RiTNNELS, Joim R. * 981 RuNNKLs, Scrgt. John R., 2748 RuNNKLs, John S.,* 1126 RuNNKLS, Natiianifx B., 3256 Runnels, Orlando J.,* 2957 Runnels, Sergt. Samuel H., 2697 Runnels, Sanford E.,* 804 Runnels, Simeon T., 2115 Runnels, Stephen W.,* 997 Runnels, Sylvester, 1601 Runnels, Thomas H., 2119 Runnels, Lieut. Thomas L., 964 Runnels, William, 3926 Runnels, William B., 3020 Runnels, William F., 943 Runnels, William H., 1929 Seaules, Jefferson R.,* 2840 Spear, Stephen,* 421, 2 Speak, William,* 421, 1 Swain, Albert E., 2535, 4 Taber, Lieut. William TL, 1511 Tebbetts, Surg. Charles C.,* 4046, 1 (8) Thompson, Samuel, 1630, 2 (1) Thompson, Sylvester,* 1717, 13 Tibbetts, Frederick,* 419, 2 Tibbetts, Sumner,* 419, 1 Turner, James R., 1084 TWOMBLT, SiMES F., 2538 Upham, Winthrop,* 2532, 1 Walters, George W.,* 1584 Watkins, George R., 152, 3 (1) Watson, James C, 1236 Weeks, Stephen F., 2701 Welch, Hendrick,* 1672, 5 West, James G.,* 548 Whipple, William H., 203, 1 Wilson, Capt. Albion K. P., 2587 Worthen, Arthur E., 597 Worthen, George B.,* 596 I X I) EX 1. EXPLANATION AND SUMMARY This Index iijcludes all the Christian names, in the foregoinp records, with which the surnames Eunnuls or Reynolds, in some stjles of their orthography, are to be suiiplied. The figures before the names indicate years of birth, as found in the main body of the work. Where these years were not known the spaces are usuallj- left blank; though in several cases, mostly in the Appendix, the year of earliest mention is given instead, or the supposed year of birth, when any data were found from which to reckon it, approximately. The figures after each name denote the consecutive number at which the birth is recorded, or the name first occurs. (See Preface, pp. VII ana YHI). The whole number of names in this Index is 2,081; of which 24, marked thus (t), are the names of females, "marrying into the family," who.se maiden sur- names were unknown, and who, therefore, could not lie specified in Index II. Deducting the.«e, we have left, as original ancestors, and their descendants, bearing the same or similar patronymics, 2,057; distributed as follows: — Ancestor and dcscendaDta of Part I, 747; adding those marked with (t), 3; total, 7.'»0 III, 655; " " " " " 4; " 5.-9 Ancestors " " " the App., 543; " " " " '• H; " 557 Sums total, as above. 2,057 ; 24; Births. Karnes. Cons. Nos. 184il Abbie Anna 929 18.')t> Abbie Frances 3127. 2 mio Abbie H .'JoHl 18.-.;i Abby Rutler :«t81 1S47 Abby Kliza 2{Ki4 18 18.-.1 Abby May 2(t48 lK.i4 Abby Minerva 274 ]H;U Abby IVrkins 7;{i> 1717 Abigail (Nabby) ltK)8 1722 Abigail 8 Abigail (t) 20 17.'U Abigail 21 17.".:? Al.i-ail I(il8 17.V. Abi-aii (>;{ 17tiO Abi^'aii 52 17fi() Abij;ail KV.lt 1773 Abigail 135 Births. Names Cons. Xos. 177(; Abigail I 178'.J Abner 222(i 181'.t Abner Abcliono | -,^.\\ 1718 Abraham 2131 174(5 Abraham 2144 Aliraham ."iMM; .\brabam .WIO l.H.7.1 Abraham Lincoln 2(M;:i WH Adiiliiie LSl'2 1S;{.{ Adaline H'J4 JK.-,:! Adaline 1;«I l.Sir> AdaliiK! Ann -MJ 1«0.S Addison 3()!) 1H;{1 Addison 7'i7 lS(i2 Adcdla May 3187 lH(iJ Adie Anna 7(10 1H1!» Adna Wallace 2437 ISL'i; Adoiiiiam J 3(540 JM37 A IlK-rlinc A 3(100 l«0!t AlluTt 2412 l.S.-)0 All)eit 3704 isr.l Allicrt 3000 1S72 A Ihert Addison 1305 IHoli AlhiTt J 31,53 1832 All)(!rt Prescott 2(!37 184") AlliinaJane 1018 1841) All)i()n 1)4-, 1834 Ak-anor " 3-,<)3 184(i A. Let ta 3fi03 LS4(i A Itunzo Scott 73'> 1811 AltVfd ■ •>S3 1814 Alfred " a-)37 1824 Alfred 3484 183!) Alfred Wesley 755 1844 Alfred Wesley 757 17<)2 Alice 2152 1793 Alice ( Elsey) ' ' 2240 1851) Alice 34,S8 1858 Alice lane 2024 1853 Alice Luce 2775 1857 Alice Maria 145.5 1871 Alice Maud 1105 1850 Alien W 3(r'7 1800 Alniira m) 1831 Alniira 1000 1841 Alniira ,[,', 830 1843 Alniira 807 1828 Alniira Rartlett ].'].'.' 24ii() 1825 Alniira Goodwin 7.34 18.33 Alniira Jane 1038 1833 Alniira Rachel 2.308 1837 Alonzo 2832 1844 Alonzo Manly 2018 18.>7 Ajonzo V 1800 18(J4 Alsoii Winter '. 1040 1825 Alvah 1007 1853 Alvah Ernest 0(i3 1830 Al\ ina P 2(!27 1815 Alzena 1000 170S' Amanda ,3400 18.5(» Amanda Jane 1318 1842 Amanda Malvina 2472 1701 Amelia 3;:i0() 1840 Amelia Elizabeth 5(!3 1831 Amos ,510 I8ii2 Amo.s S '.'.'.[ 31(i5 ^1!» Amy 3,3(i(5 ^'•'•' Amy 3;}(y^ l'^^ Amy 3455 18>-' Andrew Foster 200l» 1823 Andrew .Taekson 1832 1834 Andrew Jackson 2400 IJirtha. Names. Cons. Nos. 18(M) Andrew Justin 1277 1835 Andrew T70 Ann 4045 1715 Ann 3323 1833 Ann 2«79 183!) Ann E 3505 18.35 Ann Eliza 3.507 18.32 Ann Maria 58(5 1840 Ann M 3583 1721 Anna 33.35 Anna 3421 1748 Anna 19 1785 Anna 2206 1794 Anna 2281 1803 Anna 370 1805 Anna 2339 184(1 Anna Adaline 772 1831 Anna Eliza 2(!04 1850 Anna Clover 187.'> 18.54 Anna M 3101 18(12 Anna May 2940 1840 Anna Thaxter 3503 1851 Annabella 2()56 1843 Anne 876 1844 Anner Abbot 831 1807 Annie 4.35 18.34 Annie .3f)27 18(»5 Annie 1517 1871 Annie Belle 1.596 18(i<) Annie Cora S 3025 18(59 Annie Estelle 1492 18.57 Annie Loui.se 949 LS45 Annie Philoma 986 182(5 AnnisC 490 1853 Ansil Thurston 2!)i)3 1853 An.son Eli 2045 1827 Antoinette Faustina 2603 18.59 Appletim Colburn 2753 1863 Ara Bertie 2811 180(5 Arthur 185 1870 Arthur Crosby 2996 18(57 Arthur Dudley 3189 18.5!) Arthur Ellwood 1516 1870 Anlmr Samuel H. L 835 1837 Arvila Jane 2470 1831 Arvilla 3026 1737 Asa 14 ]7!)() Asa 17f>0 1797 Asa 1746 1818 Asa 1J)04 1814 Asa Darwin 2415 1834 Asa Jasper 1847 1811 Asenath 1901 1840 Atemiza 882 18.3(5 Augusta 3(528 1847 Augusta Ellen 2800 1824 Augusta Hannah 8(59 1832 Augusta Theresa 3495 Augustus 3799 18.55 Augustus Amos 1.514 l.S(!5 Augustus Govea 3985 18.50 Aurelia Adelaide.". 8.S3 1782 Azel 3452 1831 Azro Deunison i93 INDEX. 303 Birfhg. fTamcB. Cong. Nos. J813 I'.artlett 188 183J Biirtlett Dimond 8()i5 IH'JT ]{e<» Beiijaniin 377'J 175;5 Benjaiiiin .■i.'?7<) 17.">7 Beiijainin :i'M2 17f>0 Benjamin 'SMH 17(ii") Benjamin 2174 1773 Benjamin 127 1783 Benjamin 34(il 17tH) Benjamin 2289 18Uf) Benjamin 3!t4 1829 Benjamin 1781 Benjamin 3782 Benjamin 3784 Benjamin (Rev.) 378.") Benjamin 3787 Benjamin 3!HtO 1825 Benjamin Clienev 24.57 1822 Benjamin Franklin 2(«2 1823 Benjamin Franklin 4(i7 1830 Benjamin Franklin 893 1844 Beiijamin Franklin 8.-)8 1H44 Biiijamin Franklin, Jr 3119 1847 Benjamin Franklin 2.388 18(J0 Benjamin Franklin 1473 18()(> Benjamin Franklin 14'.tl 180.-) Benjamin (r ■MIC 1870 BeiijaMiin ,J()sej)li 3134 18;j0 Benjamin March 2.377 1H:M\ Benjamin Oliver 2iilO 1833 Benjamin I'encin 8()3 18(19 Benjamin Ban.lall 2341 1808 Benjamin H ;{<148 1817 Benjamin Trne 1777 18.37 Benjamin Wesley ."{(iliO 1849 Berliice Ann 7.51 1872 Bertha Myra 3191 18(10 Bertha 1' 2939 1790 Bethia 3428 1800 Hethia U» 178.5 B.etsy 92 178(1 Betsv 34(i2 1788 Betsy 2212 1792 lietsy 17r)8 1794 Betsv 108.5 179.5 Betsy 3444 1798 ]?etsv 174 1799 Betsy 1744 1799 Betsy 1747 1800 Betsy (t) 4010 18(18 Betsy 4(1(1 1808 lU'tsy 2;MM) 182.3 Betsv 1H2(; 1832 Betsy .3C»43 1844 Betsv .3701 18(K) Betsy .3709 Betsy .391.5 1872 Betsy Ann 32.'i.3 1819 Betsv Augusta ."tiK 18-'9 Betsy Jaue 1814 Births. Narara. Cons. Xos. 1813 Betsy Kimball 79*; 17(M> Bettv 2102 17(i3 Hilley OT ]8.5(» I'.urnhaui Sherwood 1.177 18r.7 Cady Alherta 1181 IHm Caleb liicker 2.398 1799 Calvin 3432 18:«) Calvin !H)9 1R52 Calvin P 31.51 1847 Calvin H 1944 18(;i Capitola 29.58 1(520 Capt 39M8 18()3 Carleton li>48 1847 Carlton Kimball 9.58 1820 Caroline 3.5.51 1850 Caroline !d2 18.32 Caroline Frances 2422 1H43 Caroline Madera 1872 1834 Caroline Marijaret 3.501 1818 Caroline Matilda 044 1843 < ;aroline Stearn 1017 1828 Caroline Stearns 491 18()2 Caroline Stearns 1051 1822 (Caroline T 1779 18,53 Carrie Augusta 775 18(i3 (.'arrie Cleon 2S45 I8(i4 Cary Homer 12.S1 18.57 Casander 3081 1814 Catharine 375 1809 Catharine Alley 3!i.55 18(>8 Catharine Baker 1054 1845 Cecelia 19!t7 1832 Cecelia Amanda 2(i(i8 . 1834 Celestia 980 Celia(t) 1!«>5 180.5 Ceorim (4oridhue 2089 18.50 Chandler Baker .3021 1771 Chari(y M\3 18(KI Charles 3072 1805 Charles 3H89 1809 Charles ;{442 1817 diaries 1!N) 1830 Charles 3012 ia33 Charles .3512 184(1 Charles 5.58 lH4(i Charles 0(>7 1849 Charles 027 Charles 25.5(; 18.V) Charles 1471 18.55 Charles 2TK8 18.5() Charles 3127 ]8.5".t Charles .3082 1802 ('harles .3(103 Charles ;W(I0 Charles 3.S7.5 Charles .3.S77 ("harles ... ;{8!N; 1807 Charles A 1.5.V< l.sir. Charles A llVe.l 9(i7 1H15 Charles .\ngiistine 2n43 181(1 Cbarl<-s Austin 2.57S 1S.5K Charles H.irdelt 07(1 1H.53 Charles Benjamin 1513 1,S44 CharlesCarr.il 2744 1870 Charles (Carrol .32.50 1828 Charles E .H'M 304 INDEX. nirllis. NnmcH. Cons. Nob. ]Sfi4 ( 'liarlos 10 ;514(! 1h:M ( ;iiiirl.'S Eiirlo 2;w,-> IH.'iO (Jliiiili-s l':i).'ll .W5 l.HaO Cli;irlcs Kltoii l.'J.U lHt;n Charles lOverett 12(52 l«ri8 Charles Farniim 141() lS;i2 Chark'S Franklin 8(i2 18:U Charli'S Fivderick ■'iOaS 18(il (Jharies Froemaii 322'J 1850 Charles Gordon G 3()8() 1802 Cliarlcs ( ireene ."JBi^ Charles H 251)3 ISfiO Charles IT 2790 18ni Charles Hamilton 1280 1825 Ch.arles Henry 3(i71 18()8 Charles Henry 2811) 1830 Charles Horace 3t)(i"J 1854 Charles J 13S4 1834 Charles Leach 737 1848 Charles Lewis (>85 18.^<) Charles Maurice Iit74 184f) Charles Milton 282(i 18.5y Cliarles Milton <»50 185S Cora May 3200 18(50 Corian lt<79 nirtlis. Names. Cons. Nos. 1840 Corwin 983 17(.9 .Cynthia .3.3(54 1806 Cynthia 3446 181(i Cynthia 787 1821 Cynthia .3385 1823 Cyrus .35.50 1832 Cyrus 827 18.33 Cyrus S 3844 1868 Dalton S 2943 1800 Damon 391 1845 Dana 2773 1742 Daniel 16 17.16 Danicd 4009 1771 Daniel 85 1773 Daniel 57 1775 Daniel 58 1777 Daniel 77 1778 Daniel 34.50 1793 Daniel 2288 1799 I )aniel 305 1803 Daniel 4-34 1808 Daniel 2328 1828 Daniel 735 1839 Daniel 896 1841 Daniel 622 Daniel 2526 1833 Daniel Frederick 514 1801 Daniel (Teorge 193 1840 Daniel Hartwell 2742 1835 Daniel Henry 621 1820 Daniel Lakeman 789 1836 Daniel Nelson 93'. 1828 Daniel Thomas 726 1757 David 3751 17.59 David .3361 1776 David 3419 1778 D.avid 3775 1783 David 132 1805 David 3523 1807 David 1774 1821 David 4.39 1839 David Hanson 2386 1871 David Scott 1571 1850 David Wesley 1945 1745 Deborah SJKJS 1764 Deborah 2161 1799 Deborah 2217 1743 Deliverance 2137 1753 Deliverance 2169 1870 Delia 2116 18(58 Delly May 1389 1846 Denison 1030 1822 Dexter Brewer 2601 1851 Diana Rebecca 2751 Diodema 28.S2 1871 Dixev 2808 1820 Dolly Forster 24.38 1866 Dora M 30!>4 1797 Dorcas 350 1872 Duncan Harding 3666 1726 El>enezer 9 17.50 Ebenezer 47 1768 Ebenezer 2154 1771 Ebenezer 134 INDEX. 305 Births. NameR. Cons. Nos. 1778 Ebenez 18'i Edson Dana l.TJS 18.51 Edson Itodolf 124(i 17«l Edward 3.344 1787 Edward .3427 1793 Kdward .3.3!I0 Edward .'5407 18.30 Edward .371 1843 p:dward 2541 1828 Edward A 3.-)(;8 18.5;-. Edward E 2077 1825 Edward l^verett (547 1843 j:dward Gihnan 814 18.50 Edward Grindall .348(5 182(i Edward TTat 1820 E.lward Perkins .3!».5!t 1840 Edward Perkins 3907 1785 Edward T 2251 18,58 Edward W .307() 1848 Edward Warren .3!»7!» 1807 Edwin 4.5i» 18.58 Edwin Rrv.ant 1878 18.53 Edwin liu'r-iet i«»0 1845 Edwin ( "n.sby 2!»!I8 18(i!t Edwin Hvan.s 2824 18.50 Edwin Lafranne 274(5 18(W) Kdwin Lincoln 1400 1807 Edwin M 1.5(;!l 1803 Ettie U 31.5(5 Eleanor (t) 2141 1782 Eleanor (Luey) 2241) 183.3 Eleanor Analette 041 1707 Electiacus .3!>!).3 1815 Eli 1!)02 1815 FA\ fJriffeth 2441 1840 Eli (irifleth, Jr 2800 Eli Grid'eth 2885 178!) Eliphalet 2l!t 17015 Elisha .34.38 1817 Elisha T 3482 1825 Elisha White 851 1745 Eliza (Elizabeth) 2143 1797 Eliza 'MM Eliza .37!H> Eliza 3.S80 ISOil Eliza 310 1814 Eliza 2,580 181(5 Eliza 2.S5 18.37 Eliza 2401 1827 Eliza A .50(5 1830 Eliza A ;{.579 1835 Eliza Alice 918 1841 Eliza Ajin .30.S2 1851 Eliza L 1014 1852 Eliza Kachel 2400 20 Birtba. Names. Cons. Nos. 1845 Eliza Sargent 084 1840 Eliza Smith 2405 182(5 Eliza Waitt 442 KMKS Elizabeth 4025 1(;(;7 Elizabeth 4041 1(509 Elizabeth 4044 Elizabeth (t) ^829 1724 Elizal>oth 2133 1743 Elizabeth 20 1748 Elizabeth 27 1755 Elizabeth .^30!) 1785 Elizabeth 1(5:7 1799 Elizabeth 2242 1799 ?:iizab«'th 2.324 1805 Elizabeth S40:i 1829 Elizabeth (IJetsy) 925 Elizabeth (t) 4043 1820 Elizabeth Adaline 2.-44 1813 Elizabeth Clinton 2414 1829 Elizabeth Duncan MW) 18.38 Eliz.ibeth Ehbert 1927 18.50 Elizabeth Florence 878 181 1 F:iizabeth Foster 2.58 1829 Elizabeth Foster 272 1807 Elizabeth Locke 22(50 180(5 p:iizabeth Louisa 3.15 18.34 Elizabeth Maria 873 18(51 Elizabeth Murr 907 1809 Elizabeth Uandall 2.504 182(5 Elizabeth S .508 1829 Elizabeth S 2047 18.53 Ella 1475 18.55 Ella 1(k;3 18.59 ?:ila Estelle 2844 1.8.53 Ella Frances 2053 ia59 Ella FraniX'S 3129 1849 Ella Jane 024 18(58 Ella May 1978 1849 Ellen Frances 1 128 18.53 Ellen Hnrd 20(53 182« Ellen Mar 2!K) ].S,32 Ellen Maria P .3.5(K) ]8(il Elliaii Albert 31.30 1801 Elin-'i:'« lHlk"i KiimiJi Aiigiistii 'Mm lK(;o Kininii Kstclla 13-20 1K.-)1 Kiniiia Kstelle 112!) ISfkl Kuiina d .SIC.C IHrA Kiiima,! 2017 l«(i7 Kinina Jane 37 4o 183S Kiiiina K 2(i:i0 1721 Enoch KJIO 1754 Enoch 1037 17r)7 Enos (il 1804 Ephraim Foss 22r)!) lS(i!» Ernest (i!)0 iHiiO Ernest Wilder 1327 17;i4 Esther 13 urn Esther 70 17«2 Esther 79 1H14 Esther Horrick 7!»7 17H3 Esther S 91 l,H(i2 Etta Flora 3127. 4 18()7 Eusena 1882 18r)0 Eufjene Foster 2005 18(i9 Engene William 3232 1761 Ennice (i*) 1772 Ennice 1(^55 177(i Eunice 3;W3 178() Eunice 1755 1805 Eunice 34(>8 1854 Ennice ]SIatikla 1247 18()!t Kva 14fi0 18()8 Eva M 3177 1854 Eva Seadora 3127, 1 1831 Eveline (531 1852 Everard Goethe 20f)9 18(51 Everett H armon 1574 1851 Everett Hazen 819 1852 Ezekiel Dean 2850 1786 Ezekiel Diiuond 2225 1847 Ezra Baitlett 591 1857 Fannie Eliza 122(5 18(51 Fannie Susan 2879 1818 Fanny 3539 18(53 Fanny HuntinRton 1052 1838 Fanny Wells 497 1794 Farnum :U8 1795 Farnum 349 1839 Farnum J 823 1851 Flora (509 18(53 Flora 1118 1840 Flora Arniina 2737 18(;(5 Flora Nellie 2057 18(n Florence Ada 1975 1S(>3 Florence Estella 3247 18(i(; Florence .lane i;581 1S()1 Florence Mabel 1481 1852 Florentine Scott 784 18,j7 Forrest Lerov 2810 1838 Fraisette . . .' ,5.55 Frances (t) 1(5;5(5 Frances 1(J38 1825 Frances Ann 18:^7 1827 Frances Ann D (>48 1.S29 Frances Ellen a53 1834 Frauces H 2G49 Births. Nnrncn. Cons. Nob. 1842 Frances .Jane 20^2 18.5.3 Frances .Jane 1033 1833 Frances .lones .053 1849 Frances Mary 2922 1795 Frances McKay 3391 1852 Francina 2062 1G86 Francis | ^^,^5 1828 Francis 782 1830 Francis Augustus 2.588 18.54 Francis Lewis 9(55 1828 Francis Newell 803 18(5(5 Francis N., Jr 1388 1871 Francis S 1(503 185fi Frank 3713 1857 Frank 2789 18(51 Frank 1233 1,S(53 Frank 1482 18(55 Frank 28.38 18.53 Frank Adelbert 28(52 18.55 Frank Allis 3199 1825 Frank B 3567 1851 Frank C 3075 1860 Frank C 2020 18:38 Frank Mellen 681 1847 Frank Orville .3(577 1844 Frank Sanford .'i0(52 1836 Frank AVayland : . . . .^502 1867 Frankey 14.59 1830 Franklin .502 1832 Franklin 3533 18.54 Franklin Benjamin 1034 1827 Franklin Lovejoy 2420 18(53 Fred 3684 1853 Fred Augustus 959 1857 Fred Bronello 2920 1867 Fred Eugene 32^5 1855 Fred Lawler 3069 1852 Fred W 3705 18(56 Frederic Oscar 31.32 1785 Frederick 217 1792 Frederick 164 1850 Frederick Arthur 3063 1850 Frederick Arthur 3(578 1855 Frederick Augustus 2752 1870 Frederick Daniel 1121 1849 Frederick Gates 2774 18,39 Frederick J 1870 1856 Frederick Warren 698 18.30 Frederick Wingate 8(57 1851 Frederika Jane 3*504 1825 Freeman 2305 18.30 Freeman 3(558 18.58 Fremont 1025 1825 Fulsom Brown 802 18.50 Gardiner 1350 1850 Gardner Bryant 1."'24 1816 Gardner Kimball 798 1831 Gayton Osgood 273 1800 George . . . ^ 2283 1815 George- 189 1823 (ieorge 197 1827 (reorge 583 1.S29 CJeorge 9:^3 18;« George 39(51 1844 George 557 INDEX. 307 Births. Namt'8. Cons. Nos. 1844 OeorRe Xi\r, 1«4<) Oeorjre .'{702 1848 Geoifie ^^7(y^ (Toorge 2.52.5 George 2.">.");5 George 2.5(>4 George .'5K57 GeorL-e 31)2!) isnfi George A 1.544 1842 George Addison 2;iH7 184.? George Albert 2772 1847 George Albt^rt 7.50 1835 George Ohcsley 27;5.5 184<) George Dexter 308.5 1823 George Duncan o4!»8 1871 tJ((orge K 12!»7 1807 George lOdward E. L 834 184(! George F 384!» 1837 George Farringtou 88(5 17!t7 George Footman 2255 1799 CJeorge Footman 225() 184'J George Francis (!()8 18()8 George G 3147 18.55 George Hamilton 304(5 1840 f Jeorge Harrison 181() 18134 George Hazen 587 1850 (Jeorge Henry 1448 1822 (xeorge .Johnson 2.507 1848 George Liikcnian 1.317 184!) (ieorge Milton 1829 George Moody 794 18:«) George S .•C)!»4 18.32 George Sullivan 24(i7 1830 Cieorge W .3(;.5.3 1840 George VV 2897 1858 George W 1,«C, 18-27 George Warren !KI.{ 1870 George Warren 1148 1805 George Washington .39.53 1824 George Washingtcm 2.585 1825 George Washington 2002 18.32 George Wiushington 2719 1837 ( Jeorge Washi iigtori 895 1845 George Washington 1873 18(!8 ( Jeorge Washington .32.55 1822 (Jeorge William 850 18()3 (Jeorge William 1.301 1837 Hannah (t) li:« Hannah 2221 Hannah .'WSl Hannah 3HHH 1828 1 1 annah Adams 2.547 1817 Hannah Dow 241(5 1801 Hannah Eve line 225 1H37 1 1 annah .lane 588 ]s;w Hannah Jane 745 1H31 Hanniih l'urt<'r ;5.5S8 IHll Hannah Smith 187 1824 Hannah Tnkey 1780 17H8 1 1 ar'lin W .3!«K5 18,55 1 1 anl V L .3510 1841 Harlan Page 2722 1755 Harmon .39!(4 1799 Harriet 182 1799 1 1 arriet 223 18.37 llarrift Angeline 27;U5 1H15 Harriet Ann 1789 1,H;W Harriet Ann .502 l,s;;s Harriet .\ini 73!» ISll Harriet -Ann 887 1.S30 Harriet -Vnu'usta •"•49 1823 Harriet lOli/.a Mt\ 1837 Harriet Isabella 042 ;508 INDEX. I3lrlliR. Niimofl. CoiiB. Nos. iKi(\ Harriot Miiriah 4U(i l.S.'i.! Harriet Smiley !);54 ].s;i.") Hiirriette (!:'..". ]H4rj Harrison lOli'.t ]8);4 Harry O ;il7<) 1 h:m; i I arvey H artson 24(;!) 1828 Hattie 3()1 1 llattie 2881 ]8(i2 Hattie Florence i:}21 1H.-.4 Hattie Lonisa 28.S5 18()!» Hattie Maria A. C 8^5 1801 Hazen 'STA 1820 Hazen 191 18;M Hazen 561 liir,7 Hazen Fayette 017 1845 Helen 023 18;«) Helen Carrol 813 1845 Helen Louisa 30fi8 1832 Helen Mar 35!t8 18.54 Henian Jason 2740 1825 Henrietta 501 1832 Henrietta B 2048 1835 H eiirietta M 3845 1817 Henrietta P 3837 Henrietta P 3852 1042 Henry 3282 1670 Henry 3804 1.W6 Henry j 3297 1826 Henrv 2447 1852 Henry 628 1854 ]lenry 2699 Henry 25(55 Henry 3788 1839 Henry Augustus 3001 Henry Auj;ustus 2000 Henry B. 3928 1860 Henry C 3157 1848 Henry Elwin 773 1841 Henry (Jrenville 3676 1801 Henry Hardy 3401 1821 Henry Hill 2553 1841 Henry 3596 1830 Henry Russell 3387 1802 Henry Russell 3491 1850 Herbert J 2019 1858 H erbert Sargent 099 18()9 Herbert Sewall 1100 1843 Hester 1990 1858 Hetta Louise 3070 1831 H irani 500 18(;o Hiram 1134 1831 1 1 irani Crammer 905 1844 H irani Eugene 2749 179() H irani G 3995 1810 Hiram Ricbard 3997 IHlo H.N 3777 18:5(> Homer 3513 1848 Homer C 2"13 1800 Hopley ;M07 1820 Horace ... 2.")()8 1848 Horace Edward 901 18;U Horace Herrick 24()8 1S48 Horace Sanborn ''(i84 1822 Horatio 7<)1 1830 Horatio dates 1815 ]8.".7 Horatio McLeod 2070 1820 Hosea 1 .JauK^s Addison 744 IHfJH .J allies Alexander ... 120!) 27.''>(J 1H.J5 .James Alviii 1«38 James Augustus 1827 James Cox 1S<)!» James Fred IH'.iit .James 1 1 arris i;i7!) 30(10 852 3190 27() lK'>'i .James Henry 1453 182!) James Lawrence 1824 James Monroe 4!)2 4('»8 183/5 Jame.s Monroe 2720 182(i .James Orin 1840 James S 2711 3742 1812 James W ;j(U!) 1808 Jane 17.52 1825 Jane ill5 Jane 2884 .Jane 1824 .lane I'-ranco .'}8!)7 a542 XiH[) 32.'?0 18r)() Jay 20f)l 3458 1871 Jennett Addie F. . . . 18(J.'j .Icmnie l.-)(i3 1302 18.")(; .Jennie Klizabetli 18(H .Jennie .Joanna 17i)i) .Jeremiali 10C.4 1575 227!) 1801 .Jeremiali IKU; .Jeremiali iVmes 1824 .Jeremiali Farnum. . . 2325 2450 80!> ;578 18.">;5 .J.eronu! Sawyer 1404 811 17!J3 Jesse 18(»8 .Jesse 18. !» Jesse S 3397 373 4013 18;>0 .Jesse Sanborn 23(Mi 18(»4 .Jessie (!14 18 Joaiina Fariiliam. . . . !)9!) 1!I14 ]8.'{4 .loaiina I'^arnuin 80(; 1814 .luanna Oram 1(18,") .Job 2:'.43 lGO(i 1712 .Job () 1714 .Job 1007 174!) .lob 1()17 1787 .F(.b 1(;k2 IHOI ,l()b Foss ic.;;4 .folm .{•277 1()2 .John / 402H 403!) lG(i7 John ) 328!) inns John ... ... 1 4030 3308 1(174 .lolni .32! 12 I(i74 John 4034 BirthB. Names. Con?. Nob. ir.7); .John .32<)5 IdS!) .Ic.hn 212!) KliMi .foliii 3;il8 1710 .folin 4 1711 .John 5 17l(i .lohn 21.30 1718 .John 3;52() 17.{(i .John 22 1748 .John 2145 1752 John 48 175(5 .John 50 John .3;5;i«) 17.59 .John 3;i43 1771 .John 126 1774 .John 2202 1774 .John :i418 1778 .John .37f!l 1781 .lohn 2248 1783 .John 227(5 178(i .John 80 1787 John 1)5!)8 1792 -lohn 377 17!>(; .lolin 173 17!Hi .John .'{89 179(i John 4010 1807 John 3104 1814 .John 2;t02 1814 .lohn 2.5!I5 1817 John 1!)03 181!) .lohu 1778 1825 .John 1922 1827 .rohu 892 1828 .John 8(56 1828 .John .3841 1845 Jolin 2(583 18.52 .John 187(5 1857 .John 34!K) John .3.379 .John 3781 .John .'5817 .lohn ;W23 .lohn .38.33 John aS7(5 .John .3!I37 .lohn ;!!I42 182(5 .lolin Bennett 1813 1811 John Unrbank 2413 1.S14 .lohn (3 3(5.50 1854 .lohn Corliss 820 18J4 .lohn I) 244(5 1835 .John Ivlwin 8.55 1818 .lohn Kmorson 2.582 1820 .lohn V :W12 l,S5(i .John F 1.38.5 IS.'m .lohn l''ranklin 1.397 17!t2 .lohn II I(i84 18.5(! .John H .3093 ISll .lohn Hanson 2329 181,S .lohn Henry 1S24 1.S24 .lohn I^orciizo 24(i4 18.50 .John Mason 28.34 18.53 .John Nason 2(!!I8 18(17 .lohn Newmarcli 2823 1,S07 .lohn Perkins .iil.54 1h:«5 .lohn Perkins 3!m;4 1SK> .John Perkins 39C).5 1H71 .lohn Perkins 3!»87 1825 .lohn Phillips M'Ji 310 INDEX. Jtlrlli*. Names. Cons. No«. \HA'J, .lolm Kaiisoiu 274K l.s;i;! .((.im i;ic(! (!:« ]H.i(i .lolm Itylmid ilHl IHKi .luliii S '2:m) 1«'J(! .loliii S 6;i2 l.S4!l .lolm S 27«(i 1.S2:? .lulm SurKent 2m» 17'.I4 .lolm .Smith '221.5 1824 .Jolm Smith 23!I5 J.s;{2 .John Smith 2;«;i 1844 .lolm Smith 2404 1844 .fohn Siininor 2047 184.') .Toliii Tilton 749 177!) John W 34fi0 Lsiilt .Tohn \V ;5f;()l 182,-) .fohn Wcntwoith 1 2(«4 18(i{) .Jolm Wt'9l(!y L57^i John William 2557 1742 Jonas 33r,r> 1770 Jonas 3410 1775 .fonas 101 1825 Jonas 2.390 1854 Jonas Calvin 2814 1851 Jonas March 2802 10()0 Jonathan 4038 16G7 Jonathan | ^f^. ir.77 .Jonathan 4035 172(1 Jonathan 1012 17.58 Jonathan 2150 17()0 .Jonathan 95 1704 Jonatli.-vn 3363 1705 .Jonathan 97 1770 .Jonathan 1054 1774 Jonathan. 3382 1778 .Jonathan 3420 1791 .Jonathan 346 179.? Jonathan 1742 1801 .fouathan 3474 1804 Jonathan 1750 1805 .lonath.in 3434 1822 .lonathan 355 Laura A 3.S.53 1839 Laura Augusta 2471 imS LauraJane 1976 1861 Lawrence Arthur 1006 Lawristan 3927 1855 I^^auder 1454 1801 Ix^ander Winfield 2805 1847 Lemuel 3080 1819 Lemuel T 3483 1818 Leonard 788 1854 Leonard Earl 2851 1814 Ijeonard Orcutt 3.52(5 1817 Leonar.l Parker 2430 1814 I^eonora F 2359 1843 J^eonora F 2783 18(;4 Letitia 1423 1850 Letitia Olive 3123 1.S27 Lcverett 793 1847 Leverett Augustus 1.314 1.S42 Leverett B 28!K> 1774 Levi 1650 INDEX. 311 Births. Names. Cone. Nob. 17!)") Lovi 174;{ IHOC Levi 17.")! 1SL>-J U-\\ !»22 18'J» Levi AuKiistus IHliTt IH:H) Levi < } 1H4<) 18(i7 Lovi Hoi man 3024 1847 Lewis Harmon 1001 1871 Lilian 3258 1871 Lillian 2120 18rj8 Lillie lOCf) 18.V) Lillie Ani!;usta 1319 mw Lilly Maude 28(i3 lHor) Lizzie ( Ellen M.) H.W 18t;o I^izzio Estelle 3201 18(W Lizzie (lertrude 12!I0 18;{() Lizzie ISLiry 754 18 i'J Lizzie May 1417 1843 Llewellyn 3^102 174 Louis Vernon 1338 1800 Louisa 175 1810 Louisa m) 1825 Louisa 2733 Louisa 3 125 1833 Louisa Ann 24()1 1854 Louisa Ann 2!i23 1827 Louisa (r .50!) 1811 Louisa Hamilton 312 18;{."> Louisa .lano 828 1834 Louisa M 994 1S39 Loiiisi! (Jeutenaria 1928 1851 Louise Mercella 1954 1759 Lovey 1()8 1KM\ Lucrotia Day 192() 1774 Lucy 37.01! 18'2(! Lucy 289 1820 Lucy Ann 531 18(k-) Lucy Ann 114fi IHfA Fiucv Colby 089 1H49 Lucy Klleii .39(18 18,")2 Lucy ( Jilmore .3487 18(i3 Lucy Hannah 2088 1823 Lucy .lane 2408 1839 Lucy .lane 2770 18.30 Lucy Locke 2.570 184(i Lucy ( »rliiuili (k)3 18()i( Lui'llaCr.Tfrude 2804 18(14 LucUa Maria 2817 1822 Luke »;.'{8 1811 Luke Krown 4(>1 18.!8 Lurinda Moan.s HrAi 1778 Luilier .'M24 181G Luther .3538 Births. Names. Cons. Nos. 182.'i Luther 792 18.35 Luther 783 1835 Luther Calvin 1848 1801 Lutie Ella .5722 1071 Lydi.a 4027 1751 Lydia 3.375 1789 Lvdia 228(; 1792 Lydia .34<;4 1795 Lydia ^71 1797 Lydia .■5439 1801 Lydia 229»; 1815 Lydia .39.57 1818 Lydia Margaret 742 184!l Lyman Ueecher 818 1842 Lyman Hinckly 2743 1870 ALabel 2125 1871 Mabel .■W70 1802 Mabel E 2791 180,3 M;ibel Harriet 1.328 180.3 .Mabel Melissa 3131 1819 Madi-son .30.37 18()7 Maggie .3107 M. J .3811 18.T2 Maliuda A 13S3 1809 Malvina Abigail .3;a; 1802 .Mamie Allen .3004 1838 Marcia E 2.S.30 1801 Margaret 2.3.37 184.3 Margaret 910 18.3!) Margaret Davi'uport 9.30 1812 Margaret Davis 4.30 18 55 Margaret Jane l!(3!» 1820 Maria 2444 1840 ]\Iaria ;\rm 18.54 -Maria Dunn 1225 18;V) Maria Louisa .30.59 18110 Maria S ; .-q;; 18-27 Marianne .lewett 810 1807 Marion .30(J4 18.52 .Marion I'arker 1020 1732 .Martha 12 17.50 Martha 28 17.57 .Martha 1048 17.5!» .Martha (Patty) .3.371 1770 .Martha 37,5.5 17H.5 Martha 2277 1805 Martha .-{.524 Martha (t) ;3874 18.^5 Martha Amy h,S5 1817 Martha Awn l,-i.S3 1802 .Martha Ann 2810 312 INDEX. lilrtliB. Nmiips. Cons. Nog. lH4r» Martlia (liiroliiir 'iiJOC IMJ-J Marthu Kliziihetli IT'.t'J IHCO Miirtlia Kllcn 14(V1 1K47 Marlliii.J lOl.'J 1S.-,C, Martlia J l-'iKiS IHJ.'! Martha .Jane 271.5 1,S4") ^^a^tllil I^iiiisa, 7()7 1H27 Martha I'otter HCO 1,SL'() xMartiii .'«4:5 18:3!» Martin Van Buren 2402 KiiW ]Mary(t) ^^'-''JH KHJO Mary 3.i<)(i KJdO Mary 40'-'!) 1(;(>4 Mary 4024 l(hS4 ]Mary 3;3ia 171') Mary 3324 17l(i Mary 3325 1724 Mary Kill 1737 Mary 23 17r>4 Mary 3359 1755 Mary 2171 1755 Mary 3377 1770 Mary 125 1773 Mary 3414 17«0 Mary 2204 17i>7 Mary 346(; 1«()1 Mary 30(5 1H02 aviary 1749 1S07 Mary 179 1808 Mary 3478 1809 Mary 34:36 1810 ]\Iary 3525 ISK) Marv 2344 18;;3 M:\r\ 444 lS.Ht .Mary 2721 18()1 IVlary '.MW:i 18G5 IMary 10(!7 Mary 2001 Mary 3303 Mary 3824 Mary 3879 Mary 3887 Mary 4002 Mary (t) 3437 Mary (t) 4030 1828 Marv A 2626 1S4.S Mary A 2898 l.s;J5 Mary Abigail 515 1827 Mary Adams 3578 18()5 JIary Aiusworth 1053 1817 Mary Ann j ^JJa 1818 Mary Ann 28(5 1822 Mary Ann 506 182.-) Mary Ann 2716 182() Mary Ann 2465 1827 Mary Ann 639 1828 Marv Ann 861 1828 Marv Ann 916 1832 Mary Ann 2712 1847 Marv Ann 911 Marv Ann 2883 1840 Mary An.unsta 2041 18:>2 Mary Clou^h 620 17S4 Marv Crocker 138 1.S42 MarV E 1942 1848 Mary E ;31.-)9 1854 Mary E 3152 BlrthB. Nnmes. Cons. Nob. 1859 Mary E 3ir« 1861 Mary Eaton 1207 18()8 Mary Edith 32(M> 1815 Mary Eliza 2449 18.«J Mary Eliza 3675 18;-)9 Mary Eliza 2878 1870 Mary Eliza 2808 1821 Marv Elizabeth 269 1829 Mary Elizabeth 584 18.32 Mary Elizabeth 741 1858 Mary Elizabeth 1.520 Mary Elizabeth .3924 1849 Mary Ella 1315 1851 Mary Ella 774 1811 Mary Enieline 374 1828 Mary E.sther 2.560 18.57 Mary E.sther 2877 1843 Mary Exeline 985 18.34 Mary Frances 728 18()0 Mary Frances 1 489 1862 Mary Frank .3710 INIary H 38(M) 1824 Mary Harris 270 1807 Mary Isabella 227 1839 Mary Isabella (K)2 1852 Mary Isora 14.52 1843 Mary J 1011 1820 Mary Jane 1825 1822 Marv Jane 2490 1827 Mary Jane 1923 1833 Mary Jane 8.>1 1833 Mary Jane 1925 1841 Mary Jane 1871 1849 Mary Jane .38.50 1851 Mary Jane 13:52 18()5 Mary Jane E. V 8.33 18;5(> Mary Jane V 2549 1823 Mary Jones 259it 1842 INIary Josephine 3083 1852 Mary Josephine 3(45 1829 Mary L 801 18()1 Mary L 3175 18:58 Mary Lamson 926 1866 Marv Lenora 1 U»5 1851 Mary Lizzie 3<»80 1861 Mary Lonise 2087 18:5:5 iSIary Liicretia 494 1858 jMary Lvdia 1:580 183(5 jNIary iM'aria 2829 1826 INIary :SIariali 4(!9 1809 Mary Merrill ]8(> 1841 iSIary Morrill W 590 18.58 ^lary Piccoloniina 612 181(; :Mary IMnkham 2581 1824 Marv Koxcilaua 2419 1843 Mary S 1849 18(58 Mary Sabery 2127 1843 Mary Saunderson mM] 1.S55 Mary Sophia :;05»5 18:32 Mary Sophronia 2(i(il 1834 Mary Susan 2:584 1813 iSlary True 1776 1843 Marv Ursula 2777 1787 .Matilda 218 18:30 Matilda Euela (5:50 1870 Maud 3257 18(«j Maud Leila 1208 May Anna 3918 INDEX. 313 Birlha. Names. Cons. Nob. IS-,!) iMclietabel C 31.54 17(!4 iMeliiteball llil ]M(» Mi'li.ssa L'H:5.'$ 1H;}7 Mon-y A ^.WJ imi Merrill Fremont ((13 Michael .'WT'i 17*il Mile.s Kilit 1H(m Minnie M 2!»l5:! 17.")H Molly ( Mary) r,l 17.')2 Mosfs 21.'-.<; 17!i:{ Mosc'8 342!) IHOI MosfS ;«>;{ 1H37 Moses 908 180.5 Mo.se8 Cli-nieut 178 181!) Moses Crosby 250(i 1821 :\Io8es Cross 3:«t 18;{.-) Mos<-s F 3.570 17!K) Moses Thurston 142 182H Moses Th u rston 473 18;{0 Moses Thurston 474 1848 Mo.ses Thurston !»88 1870 Moses Thurston 10.5.5 18:5.5 Muses W .5(W 1843 Mulfanl U 3584 1804 Myrtii Helle 111!) 1804 Myrtie Elizabeth 1577 1801 Xaiiey 2.322 180!) Naiuy 2577 1812 Xaniy 3!t.5(i I8:!0 Nancy 3(^2 17'.'7 Nancy Hurton 221(i 1802 Narcissa .'5441 1841 Nason Freemen 7;U 1701 Nathan 21(iO 17'.Hi Nathan 3.520 1057 Nathaniel j '..r,,,,! 1C.(;:$ Nathaniel 3;i07 108!) Nathaniel .3317 1V17 Natlianiel ;i;i;{l 17.50 Nathaniel 214!) 17.57 Nathaniel 3;i<;() 170(> Nathaniel 3.W0 1780 Nathaniel .•^25 1705 Nathaniel 'Miir, 1803 Nathaniel 3475 1844 Nathaniel tiOti Natlianiel .33:{7 Nathaniel .'i.'Hit 1813 Nathaniel 15... 23.58 1.S45 Nathaniel H 2784 1785 Nathaniel Hraekett 2210 I81{i Nathaniel C 3051 «.H22 Nathaniel .Jiickson lilKl 1771 Nathaniel Stevens .5(i ISOS N. II. Fmrest 2807 ISO;} Nellie Maria .'1744 I K28 Nelson Hri;.'gs .'iOt W ls.-,o N( Isnu Irvinj; Mo,'. 1840 Nettie 3585 Births. Names. Cons. Nob. 18.5(! Nettie .VOT 18C, 1842 Orniond !)84 1832 Oro 3013 18:«) Osinyn (Osmond) 807 l,s:U Osmyn Eaton 812 1815 Otis 3();5.5 170(> Owen (Owin) .3820 1720 « »\ven .•{821 17ltO Owen iWM < 'wen WM) 1819 Owen 3838 1770 Parker :<:58l 1812 I'arker It MHO 1,8.5!) I'arley lo;i5 178!) Patience 22.«) 17!»0 Paul 17.57 17!>8 I'aul 2.321 17110 Paul March 2213 18.32 Paul March 2.3!)!l 1,S.50 Pearly Kandall 312(i 1784 PeKiry 1081 1700 l'eleK(Pelek) ;i874 18.5!) I'erry lienderson 13!i!) 1708 IVrsis 107 17!»!» I'ersis .3473 1070 Peter .3.-t> I'iSO 17H2 I'ullv •ii'^--i 17H4 I'ollv (Mary) 17">4 17.S7 I'ully (Mary) '-'211 Iso:; ]\,Uy 2232 Robert 32!»8 !3'"ll 4043 Robert 3822 Robert 3828 Robert 38!»4 Robert 3941 1854 Robert i;5.52 18:?0 Robert Crawfonl .3.842 1871 liobert Edmund L 20.30 18.U Robert Jones 2548 1820 Robert Knowlton 2417 18(i:5 Robert Lee 1880 18i;!» RoUin 1570 1,S.V) Rosa 147<» Sally 84 1779 Sally 1679 1795 Sally .^398 180;5 Sally 2:526 1810 Sally 195 1835 Sally 2680 Sally 3.151 Sallv .'J88.'J 1802 Sally Hazen 184 1839 Sally Omenia 26;«) 1832 Samantha 471 1844 Samantha Frye ... 2473 1674 Samuel 1 1674 Samuel 3294 1706 Samuel 3 1730 Samuel 18 1730 Samuel 1614 1754 Samuel 1662 1754 Samuel 2148 1754 Samuel 3340 1767 Samuel 54 1770 Samuel 99 1781 Samuel :.... 2223 1783 Samuel 2205 1788 Samuel 17-56 1796 Samuel 3(>7 1797 Samuel 2282 1801 Samuel 2218 1802 Samuel 403 1804 Samuel 2327 1805 Samuel 170 1805 Samuel 2298 1818 Samuel .5(>4 1823 S.amuel I!t2l 1827 Samuel 2.397 1828 Samuel 825 1831 Samuel 2768 1847 Samuel 2785 1855 Samuel 2064 1866 Samuel 2818 Samuel 3;i50 Samuel 3.S07 Sam uel ;W.32 Samuel 39;36 Samuel .3940 Samuel 3!46 Samuel 4005 1821 Samuel Archer 645 1824 Samuel B 507 1806 Samuel Dana 2340 18()6 Samuel (leorge 3231 1831 Samuel Henry 2.307 Samuel Hutcbius 2,524 1824 Samuel L 36.39 1795 Samuel Locke 22.54 1820 Samuel Newmarch 2.3«»2 1824 Samuel R 3840 INDEX. 315 Births. Names. Cons. Nos. 17!tl Samuel Spofford 220 1H2.} Saiimel Webb 2(;:« 1k:«I Sauford Eli HCA KM Surah (t) 3277 Kwli Sarah 4021 KW.t Sarah •XH)rj KMi.-) Sarah 4040 niC) Sarah 7 IT'M Sarah 213.5 n.W Sarah SilH 17.")!) Sarah 28 1820 Sarah Ann 849 1820 Sarah Ann 443 18.30 Sarah Ann 2718 18.')(; Sarali Anna 133.") 1822 Sarah H 32 18,')4 Sarah I'.artlctt (i(i8 1822 Sarah (Jaroline 2418 1817 Sarah Clement ^>:^^ 18(14 Sarah Crosby 2,")02 18.s:5 Sarah Elizabeth 3!i(>3 1KM Sarah Elizabeth 720 18:«; Sarah Elizabeth 2404 1840 Sarah Elizabeth .'■.17 1842 Sarah Klizabeth 1123 1824 Sarah Farrar MO 1840 Sarah Frances 2001 18o() Sarah Frances 1!I73 Sarah Frances 3017 18.'t0 Sarah Oeorp! ClO 18.-.0 Sarah Inez 20.-..') 18:r. Sarah Isalu'lla '..Il 1820 Sarah .lane .W7 1820 Sarah .(ano X2 1701 S(|uire 3753 1849 Stanley Woodbury 1245 1819 Stella Almira 2451 10(«t Stephen 402(5 1703 Stephen 2 1729 Stephen 11 1744 Stephen 2i:W 175(t Stephen 2107 UrA Stephen 4U 17.59 Stephen 21.50 17(iS Stejiben 83 1 775 Stephen 7(5 1775 St»'phen 128 1782 Stephen 2Ui 1783 Stephen 1.37 178.5 Stephen 1.39 1805 St47 1830 Susan Helen ;«)7:5 l.s_'2 Susan M 2445 KUS Susanna 4022 ]757 Susanna 3370 1773 Susanna H)70 17'J1 Susanna 3457 Susanna (f) ;5828 17fi5 Susannah 1()52 18(W Susie C 2007 183!) Swilt 3514 18(t2 Sybil 397 181!) Sybil 438 1847 Sylvester 1348 1842 Syreua 2403 Tabitha 3301 178!) Tanison 2207 178tJ Theodore 344 18:« Theodore Watson 18(58 Kilo Thomas 39!)2 KiCl Thonias 3288 1718 Thomas 3332 1741 Thomas 25 171)2 Thomas 3372 17<>3 Thomas 53 nil!) Thoni is 55 1775 Thomas 1()77 1784 Thomas 3453 1810 Thomas 1775 1818 Thomas 3!)58 Thomas 334(5 Thomas 3783 Thomas 3801 Thomas 3805 Thomas 3809 Thomas 3814 Thomas 3825 Thomas 3831 Thomas 3939 1830 Thomas Brown 470 1813 Thomas F 38:J5 1847 Thomas Gage 1127 1844 Thomas H 1943 1780 Thomas K 90 1819 Thomas King 530 1825 Thomas Lewis 441 1842 Thomas 3847 1848 Thomas Taylor 1031 174(j Timothy 3357 1803 Ursula 2338 Valentine .3948 1783 Valentine .'JU.IO I'S*" Vesta ;.:. m-,c, ISdii \ iolii Relonia 2122 1845 Vilalis S 1012 Births. Names. Cons. Nob. 1817 Walter ITM 185(i Walter 1024 18(11 Walter Ellsworth 205f» 18()9 Walter Lucius 1304 182(; Walter McDonald 9.32 1831 Walter Scott 640 184!) Walter Sweeny 69(i 1804 Warren 177 1805 Warren 399 1853 Warren 948 1843 Warren Hazen 5CA 1852 Warren Henry 913 1831 Warren William 24(M) 1800 Washington 390 1824 Wellington 891 1783 Wellwood 3815 184(i Willard 2849 103(1 William 3279 1()37 William 3280 1040 William 3281 1721 William 2132 1740 William 15 1763 William 3345 17() William Kraiikliu 1507 1810 William H 347'J 1831) William Harrison 8.-.7 183.". William Henry L'afii 1842 William Henry 192!) 1842 William Henry 3.-.SK) 18(J7 William Henry 1147 William Hooper 4(101 1848 William Howard 3120 1814 William James 313 181!» William James 037 1849 William .James 708 18fi8 William Lewis !IC>8 18:50 William Mootly 2(>:«i 1844 William 3848 18.>t William J'arker 208;") 18H1 William K 1387 183". William S. B 2(;.".3 1822 William Tliomas 34y7 18;{,-. William Tliomas C 881 1809 William V 340.5 1851 William Victor 2052 Births. Names. Cons. Nos. 1851 William Walter S 1205 18.>1 WilliaTM Wen.lall 132^5 1827 William Worster 1915 18(13 Willie Franklin 1104 18(;2 Willie Freeman 3127,3 1802 Willie Henry 3212 18(r. Willie Sargent 1292 1849 Willie T 28.58 18.5.5 Willie Waldo (i97 18(;(; Willis 1282 18.59 Willis Calef 208(; 18.5(! Willis Everett 1405 1871 Willis T^'slie 2123 1848 Willis Smith , 2!>!K) 1749 Wintlirop 2140 17.54 Wintlirop 2170 1794 Wintlirop 22.53 182(1 Wintlirop 2.54() 1834 Wintlirop 2571 1800 Zebedee Snell 3.522 1783 Zilpha 342(! 1798 Zophar :i521 INDEX II. EXPLANATION AND SUMMARIES. Tnis Index includes the names of all lineal descendants, male and female, of tJie original ancestors in tlie foregoing records, who Inire other names; also, the names of all persons who liecarae connected by marriage with tlie lieads or any of the branches of the families traced. The surnames are first alphabetically arranged, and under each the ChrLstian names, also in aljdiabotical order, followed by the consecutive numbers at or under which eacii name is found with dates of births or marriages, if ascertained. AVhcn the Christian name of the person uniting in marriage is unknown, its jilace in th(! Inde.x is supplied by the contractions "Mr.," " Mrs.," or "Miss." The whole number of names in this Index is 4,835, distributed as follows: — Descendants in Tnrt I 1,294 " " 11 095 •' "III 608 " IntheApp 116 Whole number of descenilants 3,07.1 Connected by marriage In I'.-irt I 6So " " " "II S94 " " " "III 459 " •« " InthcApp '---l Whole number connecled by inarrlape . 1,702 Sum total, as above 4,sa6 318 INDEX. Adding to tbcfin nntnbora tliosn found in Index T, wo have a final summary as follows: — The ancestor and his descendants of every name in Part I . . 2,041 • ( " «< '« «' " " II . . 1,207 14 i< <• <• '« <■ " III . . 1,223 " ancestors and their " " " in the A pp. • . 609 Wliolc number of ancegtors and their descendants 5,130 Persons connected by marriage in Part I C88 « •< '< "II 397 <« " «' "III 463 " " " IntheApp 238 "Whole numbef of persons connected by marriage 1,786 Total number of individuals whose names are recorded in the book and referred to in the Indexes 6,916 Names. Cons. Nos. Abbot Anner 8'24 Abbott iMary 27.")!! Marv K. (Mrs.) 147!) Abdy Matthew .TiOl Adams Alfred IVX^ Ahne.bi 2<)f).S Henjaniin -442 Charles Franklin 14.'>4 ICleanor 2;)(i7 Erastus 2!M)2 Flavilla 2!M)5 Florence Louise 2104 Freddie 3225 Geonje K 2ip3, 3 Henry 3.508 James 3242 John 3018 Joseph 2!Mi4 Justus 2i»(;3 Lucy 1289 Mabel Frances 2103 Mary ^423 Newton E 2102 Oriann 301() Orilla 2im IViscilla 2!»r)() rvachel 3017 Sarah 3019 Seth 301.5 Walter Arthur 3243 AVilliam 29ril' William 3222 Akers Arthur W 237, 6, (1) Puttie 1' 237.6. l3) Fred C 237,(5, (4) Henry S 237, 6, (5) Leslie M 237, 6, (2) Samuel 2.37, (> Albee Avirel 19(')() Edwin 19(58 Frederick True liKi9 Joseph Tozier 1970 ^fary Eliza Iit71 Wiliiam Kiuinells 1;k;7 Aldon Nanev 5.52 Allard Alauson l()2o, 1, (4). I Dana 1025, 1, (4), IV Names. Cons. Nos. Allard Harrison R . . . . 102.5, 1, (4), VT Joanna M 1()25, 1, (4), III Mary Ann 1(!2.5, 1, (4), II Mav'hew C 1(525, I, (4), V Stephen 1(525, 1, (4) Allen Mary 2(523 Mary Denton 207. 4 Allred Albert Milton 2427, 2, (3) Charles Kich 2427, 2, (5) Miriam Amilla 2427, 2, (4) Neron Alonzo 2427, 2, (1) Pratt Dimon 2427, 2, (6) PuMldick Newton 2427, 2 Willard Neas 2427, 2, (2) Alward Margaret 914 Ames Arthur Edwin 11058 Asa llfiG Ezra Asa 11(59 Lucinda Frances 1488 Luella Panielia 11(57 Lvdia (Mrs. ) IWl llufus 3945 Ander.son Charles Carlton. 211, 2, (2), II Charles Robert 211, 2. (2) David Albert 211, 2, (2), IV Frank Herbert 211, 2, (2), HI ]Mr 424 Nancy 207 William H 211, 2, (2), I Armstrong Harvey C 2889 Jeddie 2889, 1 Kosie 2889, 2 Arnold Albert 3fi07 Alice E 229,1, (2), II Annie Louise 3(507, 4 Betsy T 229, 4 Charles Edmund 2855 Charles Williams 2852 Cl.ara A 229,1, (8) Edith V 229.1, (9) Eilwiu 3G07, 3 Eunice Runnels 229, 1, (4) Eunice Runnels 229, 2 Flora 229, 1, (2), I Frank ;3<507, 1 Oeorge Harvey 28.5(5 Hannah C 229, 3 INDEX. 310 NampB. Cons. Nor. Arnold Honry SfiOT, 2 Janies Henry 2Sr.;< Joseph A '2-^J, 1, (li) Laviuil Rebecca 2854 Lof.tie C 229, 1, (5) JMaria G 229, 5 :MartliaM 229, 1,(7) Mary P: 229, 1, (;5) Saniiu'l J} 229, 1, (2) Samuel M 229, 1 Sherebiah 229 Slierebiah M 229, 1, (1) Atwood Mr 2393 William 43 "William, Jr 44 Austin Earnest 2888, 1 Jjicob Kittredge 2528 Janies 2888 Lilie 2888, 3 Samuel 2527 Sophia E 2799 Walter 2888, 2 Averill Lois Fog 1732, 1 Trask W 2954 Avevy Dorlesca 2857 Mr ;i473 Ayer Abbie E 152, 8, (2) Al>by A 152, 12 Adalaide 155, 9 Adaliza 155, 11 Addison 155, 14 Alexander A 152, 11 Alma Ann 155, 7 Ahiiedia 155, 10 Andrew J 152, 5, (1 ) Ann Caroline 155, 4 Ann Caroline 155, 5 Annie 155, 14, (3) lien jamin 155 iJenjamin Franklin 155, 12 lietsy 150 Caroline S 147, 4 Oarrie F 152, 8, (3) Charles J 152, 8, (5) Clarissa 154 Cyrus 151, 10 Delia 147, 2 Ella Vesta 152, 8, (4 ) Elmond 152, 1 Elton 155, 14, (1) CJeorge Washington 152, 7 Hannah 147, 1 llanniih 155, 2 Harriet 151,8 Hazen 151, 2 Henrietta 155, G James 148, 1 . Janies 151 John 148 John 155, 1 John Alvin 151, 11 John Hodgman 14H, 3 John Q 152, 10 Jonathan B 151, 9 La Fayette 155, K! Leonanl 151,1 I^iren KV), 14, (2) Louisa 152, 3 Names. Cone. Nos. Ayer Lucy 151, 3 Lucv 152, 13 Lucy A 152, 8, (1) ]\Iarv 149 ISIary 152, 2 Mary 155, 3 Mary B 151,0 Marv U 147, 3 Martha M 152, 9 Matilda 151, 4 ^Moses 152 ^Moses, Jr 152, 4 Nancy 152, fi Nancy 156 HoenaF 147. 5 lioxana P 151, 7 Koval 152, 8 Sally Bauden 155, 13 Samuel 157 Sarah 153 Sherman 155, 14, (4) Simon 151, 6 William 14(1 William, Jr 147 William 148,2 William 1.5.5,8 William V 152, 5 Willie E 1.-.2, 5. (2) Zcroida 155, 15 Ayers Aziah 2197 Babh Frank Ozell 3051 Fred Sumner 30.50 Henry 404(!. 3, ((5), I Horace T 404(i, 3, (O), II Ida Florence 3049 Joseph 4(.)4(>, 3, (C) iMiiry Sophia 3048 William Holmes .'?()47 Babbit Janifs 'MK^ Sarah Elizabeth :w:C> Bailey Bethia :W()3 Cyrus Nieluds 164, fi. (2) E. A. (Miss) 155, 8 Eliza Porter liTiiW Elva Julia 1.54, fi, (3) . Eva Jane 1.54, 0,14) Herman Alonzo 1.54, (5, (1) Jacob C 154, fi Marv 192 Paul (Dea.) .3.500 Paul .V)(;2 S. P. (Mi.ss) 1,5.5, 12 Willis Newton 1.54, fi. (5) Baker A nn M .•V;.i2 Caroline B .'(."•77 Emma A 1045, 4, ( 10) Fannie Maria 10.50 Helen M 1045, 4. (7) Helen II 2124 James L .*iO:;3 John C 3ll.".0 Lovina 884 Lvdia :i.")80 Mr 4;!1 SImbael .•m;29 Shubael A 'MM 320 INDEX . Names. Cons. Nos. BaMvviu Charles Fratikliii HW Harriet Matilda *'>■'>* Joshua ''•"'■- Sarali Eveline *>'>'^ Susan Isabella <>5(i Thomas HaT William 'iS") Ballard Rose 37lil Hallou Mary M 2!tl2 Bancroft Charles J^^S) Jlarker Clarence Sprague . . . 244, 4. (1) James 244,1 Jedidiah 244 John Spraf,'ue 244, 3 Mary Stickney 244, 2 Warren White 244, 4 Barnard Ezekiel F 155, 13 Sarah A 155,14 Barnes (Jeorjie 152, !>, (1) George W 152. !) Barney Daniel W 155, 9 Barrett Alfred M 13ofi Charles E 135(), 2 Miles E 135(), 1 Bartlett Havid Longfellow. 1(^3, 10. (7) DwightTitcomb. ... irA3, 10, (5). I Elizabeth 1643. 10, (5), IV Enoch 1()4.3, 10,(4) Frank Whitehou.se. .lf)43, 10, (5). II George True. ir>43, 10, (5), III Irving 1(543, 10, (7), I John 1(543, 10. {fy) Julin Frank 1(543, 10, (fi), I Jonathan ir>43, 10 Jo.seph 1043. 10. (2) Mary Frances 1043, 10, (4), I Samuel Haley 1043. 10, ((i), II Sarah 1(543, 10, (3) Sarah Ellen lf>43, 10, (5). V Susan 1643, 10, (5), VI Thomas 1643, 10, (5) William 1643, 10. (I) Batchelder Alice (Elsie) 1711 Carrie Abbie 1674, 1. (4) Charles Henry 1674. 3 Elmer Greenleaf 1674, 1, (5) Greenleaf Furber 1(574, 5 Hannah Ella 1674, 1,(3) H annah Jane 1674, !) James Marden P 1(574, 8 John 1666. 8 John 1714 Jo.seph Albert 1674, 1. (2) Joseph Demeritt 1674, 1 Katie 1674, 5,(1) Keziah 1713 Lora 1674.8. (3) Lorinda Priest 1(574, 2 INIargaret Ann 1674, 6 :Mark 1712 Mary E 1864 INIoses 1710 Mr 170!) Orman 1674, 4 Kay 1674. 8. (2) Sarah Jane 1674, 7 William Ifi74 William Edward 1674, 1, (1) NaniRS. Cons. Nob. Batcbelder Willie Orman. . 1674, 4. (1) Viella 1674,8, (1) Bates P.vron 1.54, 8, (1) Clarabell 154, 8. (2) Samuel 1.54. 8 Baxter Edward J :?121 P.eales Mr 1670, i» Bean A.seiiatb C 1915 Charle.s. 1670, 4, (8) D 38.58 Elizabeth Eastman 2W0 Gordon 1635,7 Isaac Hanson 2!>74 Jacob Emerson 2975 James 1666, 1.(1) Jo.seph 24 Be«sev, .Mr 2043 ; liickfunl, .Mary Ann 1035, 1, (2) ! Bickiiell, B 3oi)5 i Billings, Mr 34ti4 i Bird, Mr. 3(;42 Bisliop. Allie V 1375 Amos T 13(V4 Flora .M 13(18 Helen J 1373 ] Melissa A. 1372 I JVliron F m>i) \ Tliomas M 1371 WietteF 1374 \ Zilpliu A 1370 Bixl)V, Earnest Merle 212, 3, (2) iSloses H. ( Rev. ) 212, 3 I William 212,3, (1) Blair, Mr l(i3H | Blaisdell, Liicv Wliite 2;^0(} | Blake, Jeremiah (Kev.) 2181, 2, (5) John Carroll 2181, 2,(5), III Blanch, Anna 3:333 Blanchanl, Abby Hersey 121!) Carrie Wilder 1221 Charle.s Kimball ll'.i.j I Charles William 1202 Charlotte Hannah 1201 Clara Lilla 1200 Elizabeth Robins lliU) Emma Frances 1220 George 4.5.5, 1 ■ Isaac Archer 1223 I l.saac Wilder 1217 Isabella Arietta Il!t8 Marv Maria 1197 ; Mary Thomas 1222 i Marjcry Catharine lUMJ 1 Origen 4.5.5. 3 Samuel Wilder 1218 Blazo. Amos 2:'74 Anna 2375 Betsy 2373 Ebenczer 23(»» Joseith 2:570 Nanc V 2.57 1 Nanc V 2:572 -Blood. Adaline 1102 Addison 1100 Almerou lOtHJ Amanila .Melirula 1098 Charles Sewall in!»4 Edwin lOirr Franklin 1093 Guy 1101 Lenora Ellen 1103 Lewis I' 1092 Nathan Lewis... 109.5 Seth V'X, Blv. J. IVabodv 1.5,5. 2 Board, Charles. . . . 404r), 1, (.5), VII. (I) Jo.«e|)h 404(), I, (.5). VII Joseph Orten 4U4(), 1, .5), X. (I) Bodge, Ueiijamin 2:34(5 John..'. 1G(>8, 2,(1), I Bodwell, Dolly F 237, 1 21 Xnmpa. Cone. Xos. Bodwell, Ede 118 Bolcom, Emily 2^1 2.'-'4(i Boodv, Charles Hayes 2779 lianiel Kdwin 2780 Ellen Aiirilla 2781 Zeehariah 2778 Boone, Laura Soi.hia (Mrs.). 404(5, l.(i>) Booth, Herbert Addison 1309 Janie.s 13(!8 Willie Earnest i:310 Boston, Gorham Parks 2042 Bought(m, Etta 1858, 1 Freddie 18.58 2 Jeremiah 1858 Bowers, xVugustu.^ 7(i9 Willie Fred R 770 Boynton, Bertha B 3501, 1 Betsy 150,3 Clari.ssa 1.50, 8 Daniel 3o(il, 2 Eleazer 15o, 9 Greenleaf '. . . . 35()1 Hazen 150, 1 Moses ] 50 Mo.ses, Jr 1.50, 4 Nancy 1.50, (J Nathaniel 1.50, 7 Samuel 1.50, 5 William 150, 2 Brackett, Frederick 155, 7 Priscilla .'5:304 Bradford, Elizabeth 3990 Olive 212 Bradlev, Hephzibah 123 Sarah M 1313 Bragden, Lucy 1.337 Bragg, Anne 3(325 Delia C 3-523 H 422 Laura A 3022 Lori ng 3(524 Nathan 3021 Sarah (Mrs ) 8(5.5 Brainard, Antiette 2875 Bramati, John A 21(10 Willie R 2101 Bra.shier, .Mr 424 Brawder, Malinda J 1010 Brav, Greonleaf 30(k; 'Hattie Eliza :30(>(5 Brett, I'olly 30:54 Brewster, ^lary Jennett 782 Briden, Mr 1(54:5, iO, (4). I Brierlv, Marv A 2Jt:57 Briggs, Arlette L 2074 Elizabeth 3(5(57 Hannah R 2(iI3 Brockway. Annis 148 Harriet 154. 4 -Tonathan 1.5(5 Lucy 1.51 Brooks, "Adolphus L 100(5 Amanda M 1(07 Delilah D ir08 Joanna W.^ Mary Jane IdOJ Roselta M 1005 Ruhama 981 322 INDEX. Nnmcs. Cons. Nob. Urooks. Sarali C Ki'lit .S..loiii(.ii l'1'1 C'lmVlcs n57 diaries S !«•». 2 Cora M J8IW, 1 Ella Maria 1158 Elmer Ellsworth 3183 Everett Eugene 3184 Frances A ^(ifiG Haniiah 8(>8 Hannah M 2354 Harriet Jane 26(»4 Jane 458 JohnM 2fi42 Joseph T 18(54 Martha A 18f)6 Marv 388 Mary A 1865 Marj- E 2(565 MarvL 1863,1 IMfhetabel B 2(m Moses 18(53 Oniena 2645 liebecca 2643 Eobert 3183 Samuel 2(563 Sarah Maria 1224 Stephen (Dr.) 1862 -William 3619 AVilliam C 1831 Bruce, Angelina 1704, 1 diaries 17l>4 Otis 1703 Bryant, George Fred 3073 Mary Caroline 3072 AVilliam 3071 Bullard, Aaron 21)4 BuUis, Heiirv 3505 Mr ' 3504 Bunker, Abraham Runnels .... 2181, 2 Anna Gordon 2181,4 Betsy Hodgdon 2181, 2, (3) Bradbury 2177 Charles Sinclair 2181, 2, (2) Cyrus Edwin 2181, 2, (7) Eli 2181 Eli 2181, 8 Elijah 2182 Eli'sha Gordon 2181, 5 Elisba Gordon 2181, 2, (4) Eliza Sinclair 2181, 2, (9) Enoch Augustus 2181, 2, (6 = Gordon 2181, 3 Hannah 2184 Hannah Thing 2181, 2, (1) Isaiah 2176 John Elbridge 2181, 2, (8) John J 17(54, 1 Jonathan 2175 Jonathan 2181.7 Jonathan 2183 Joseph 2180 Joseph 2181, 1 Louisa 478 Lucina 479 Namog. Cons. Nob. Bunker, M.iry Ann 2181, 2, (5) Obadiali 2185 c , ( 2179 Sobriety 2178 Timotliv 2181, 6 Burbank, Abraham P 1410 Alice Maria 1734, 3, (11) Alvin H 1407 Amos Eastman 1734, 3, (7) Anna A 1408 Clara Lizzie 1734, 3, (8) Cora Ellen 1734, 3, (9) Earnest 1409 Edward Luellen 1734, 3, (3) EllaM 1413 Emulous Warren 1406 George W 1734, 3 George Washington 1734, 3, (6) Harriet Merilia 1734, 3, (12) Helen A 1414 Horace Herbert 17.34, 3, (5) Laura Ann 1734, 3, (2) Lewis Laroy 1734, 3, (1) Sarah Kezia 1734, 3, (10) Sewall P 1412 Susan Fabyan 1734, 3, (4) Walter C 1411 Burchard , Eliza Ellen 1028 Burgess, Albert 3(506 Alouzo John 952, 4 Angelie 3608 Charles Sherman 1494 Charlie H 3724 Emeline 1498 Hattie F 3725 Herbert Edward R 1497 John 952 Joseph 1496 Oriann 3(507 Reuben 3605 Watson 1493 William M 3723 Burgit, Kate 2650 Burnam, Hannah 1606 Burnes, Marv H ope 27(54, 1 Richard H. A 2764 Burnham, Abigail 1635 Asenath. .: 2782 Frances J. 2748 Miss 1687 Burns, Benajah 100 Eliza 2806 Burpee, David 116, 4 Buswelh Abigail 118, 1 Ann Seaton 118, 8 Ascenath 119, 3 Benjamin Pearl 119, 5 Betsey 116 Charles Elliot 119, 4, (1) Charles Spofford 119, 6 Charlotte 118, 3 Daniel 115 Daniel 118 Eliza 119,2 Eliza Elma 118, 10 Eliza Messer 118, 11 Emily 119,10 INDEX. 323 Names. Cone. Nos. Busvvell, Fidelia 119, 7 Isaac llH.it, (2) Isiiiio .Tallies 118, 12 JaiiK'.s 11!) .rallies Eustace 11!», 4, (2) Jaiiu-sOtis ll!l. y John Ituiiiiels ll!i, 4 Joii:itli:ui W loo, '> Jo.sliiia 118, ') Marianne 11!', 8 Pri,>*cilla 118. (5 Sally 118, 2 Sally Hi), 1 Sarah 117 Thomas 118, 4 Thomas Alfred 118, 'J, (1) AVilliam Alfred 118 ,«) Zeliiida 118. 7 Butler, AlLert SU'ele 213, 1, (2) Arthur Milton 21 .S, 1, (1) Blanche Maria 21.S, 1, (4) Charles Henry 213, 2, (3) Clara Adella 213, 1, (3) Emma Maria 213, 2, (2) Henry 213, 2 .Tallies Milton 213, I .Toel 213 Justin E 1420 Limiie Frances 213, 2, (1) Nellie, Marteiiah 213, 2, (4) Thursa A 1421 Bntterworth, John «i3!l Buzzell, Abhy Jane AY.io, 1, (3) Jietsy 1(128, 2 ]{uri"iham 1(;3.>, 1. (2) Charles Wesley 2ti71 Clara Munkins 2(>7(i (Jynthia IWo'J Elias. Smith 2()(iy Kmma Tilton 2(J7.') Henry Clay 2(i73 James Ki.'iS, 1 James I(j35, 1, (f.) James Monroe 23o, 1, (.'>) ]\Iary 2(J70 Nellie Etta 2(i7l, 1 Orejjmi 3l4!t Sarah Carter 2072 Call, Charles ITenry 118.", Emma Frances 1187 Frank llansou 1183 Jere C 1 182 Mary Ellen 1184 Willie V 118(! Callaham. dames ll!l. Id Camphcll, [sabell 821 dtdm L 1440 Mr 3.377 Caunavau, Surah Jane 1271 Names. Cons. Nos. Canney, Grin W 3045 Carl.ton, Ahiah 1641 , 5 Sarah A 1329 Carlton, AbbieE 230, 5, (5) Albion 2.30, H Ari 2-M), 4. (1) Bet.sy I' 230, 5, (3) Catharine B 230, 9 CeleiKla Hovey 211, 2, (2) Charles Warren 211,2.(1) Charlotte 230, 7 Charlotte 230, .% (!) Daniel II 230, .">, (2) Deborah 2:», 1 Elijah 2.30,3, (2) ICIizabeth 230, 3.(1) Elmer E 2;J0, r>, (10) Etta A 2.30, ."), (11) lOveus A 230, .5. (9) James 211, 2 John K 230, .'>, (fi) Joseph 230, 2 Josei)li S 2.30 Leona E 230, 5, (8) Leonard 79 Leroy P 230, .5, (4) Levi 230, 4,(4) I^!wis A 211,2, (3) Louisa 2;<0, o, (7) ISlarcilla 2.3(), 4, (3) Mary 230 3, (3) Mary W 22J), 1 Sally 230, G Saimiel S 2.30, 4 Sewall 2.30, 4, (2) Thomas 2:{0, 5 Viola 230,4. (5) William M '2M, 3 "NVilliam V 230, 5, (12) Carpenter, Annie M l.VJO .John 1,589 Carr, .Tames T 401.3, 2 Mary S l'oih Carrico, lienjamin .3074 Carris, Albeit Wyeth 1004. 3 Edward 1084 Eldrid^'e Grcenleaf 1004, 2 Eva Mav 1(KI4, H Fanny Edith I(i8.5 J Ilia Ann 1(104, 1 .John Smith 1004, t> Mary l(H)4, 9 Kosetta Melvina KM 14, .5 Puttis Tiipper 1(104 riysses S. (Irant 1004. 7 William Henry 10(i4, 4 Carter, neiijamin 32.') Henjaiiiiu ;{.{0 ]{en,jamiii Adolplius 'Xil Benjamin FranUlin 1108 Benjamin (Jarvin 1 1 hj (Mi.irles .•{28 Charles Franklin 1110 Daniel Keyiicdds .T27 Elizabeth ".Margaret '.W.Hi Frederick lluunels 1109 (JeorKe W ;<_';» Hauiilton 3b3 324 INDEX. NnnipH, Conn. Nos. Carf<>r, Mmiimli 3'2(> H.iirv Wflls 1114 •Ii.tmlliill 1112 Keziali l<>4ti Mary F 2:41 Marv Ixmisa M\'.i MiUi'l.livC 3H2, 7 Sarali Klizal)eth 1111 Stt'plitMi Hamilt>«ii .'«2 Gary, -losiah 3315 Gate, Klvii-a Lydia 2!»80, I Malora Elizabctli 21IS0. 3 Malviiia Ellen 2980, 4 Mary A 2!M) Miles Ma-.iley 2980, 2 Samuels 2!I83 William 21180 Cavonoe, Eleanor 3871 Cawlev, Angelina 2016 Chamberlain, Abbie Gray... 211, 3, (5) Gelen.ia Gage 211, 3, (2) Daniel 211, 3 Daniel Arthur 211, 3, (R) Edward Gage 211. 3, (1) George William 211, 3, (4) Grace Mabel 1235 Gustavus 1234 Hannah 50;^ Harriet Eliza 211, 3, (3) Mr. (Kev.) 5;i4 AVeslev 272'J Chandler. H. C 942 Huldah 2194, 2 Mdses 1641, 2, (1). VII Chapin, Seth 3329 Chaplain, Alphens Washington.. 3178 George Franklin 3179 Horace Sanborn 3181 Martha Ann 3180 Thomas Alpheus 3182 Chase. Ebeiiezer, Jr 16()!t, 1 Frank B 1431 George Henry 1740, 1 George Mason 1740, 3 Isabella Eastman 1740, 2 Jonathan E 1740 Samuel Ambrose 1432 Cheney, Anna 2454 Cliesle V, Abigail 1621, 1 Almira 2197. 3 Avice 2194 Beniamin 1621 Benjamin 1621 , 8 Benjamin 1786 Deborah 1621. 4 Deborah 1717, 4 Elizabeth 1640 Elizabeth 2193 Elsie (Alice) 2196 Enoch 2197 (Jeorre 2189 George 2197. 4 Hannah 2192 Isaac 1621, 5 Israel 1621, 11 •lames I(i21, 7 •lames 1782 •lonathan 2195 Names. Conw. Nos Cheslev, .Jonathan 21 W, 8 Lizzie 2197, 2 Louisa Jane 1785 Luthera 2197, 9 Lydia 21W, 6 Mary 1621, 2 Mary Frances 1203 Miles 1621, 3 Mr 1669, 2 Nancy 1621. 10 Pattv 2l!'7, 5 Perv'illa 21f»7, 7 Rebecca 2191 Sally Runnels 1787 Susannah 1621, 6 Thomas 1621, 12 Timotliy 2190 Timothy 2197,1 Valentine 1621,9 Valentine 1784 William J. (Esq ) 1783 Chickering, Adda L 239, 2, (1) Henry T 239, 9 William Henry 239,9,(1) Childs, Amelia Henry 3204 George Minkler 3202 Georgianna 3205 •Tames Arthur 3206 Julius Minkler 3203 Willev Chandler 3207 Church, Chandler K 4013, 1 Cilley, Hiram 4.56 Louisa 1635, 8 Claggett, Susan 207, 1 Claiip Mr 34.^6 Clark, Abbie A 940 Clara E 1959 Daniel 1668, 11' Edgar A 1958 Ella Gertrude 19()4 Ellie Ruth 29.50 Emma A 19()0 Florence Caroline 1965 Fred A 2946 Hannah 2129 Hannah 2(U6 H. Gillie 2947 Isadora 987 JohnO 2944 Lncinda Elvira 601 Lucy 2612. 3 Lucy E 2948 Lucv J 2iV45 ISIargaretta J 3074 :Marianni 19(52 Mary 166(>, 5 Mr lOfiS Mr 161W. 12 Sarah B 1937 Sarah Louise 1963 Sarah Tyler 214, 4 Sophia Jane 1961 Stephen M 1957 Warren J 2<«9 Clav, Hannah 1671 . 5 'Rachel :S[elissa 3128 Cleaves, Abigail SS93 Clement, Clarence A 1959, 1 INDEX. 325 Names. Cons. Nos. Clement, Emma 1 195**, 2 H). I (II) Helen Frances. . .404(5, 1, (5), I, (I) Nancy :w.jl Clojistoii, Thomas 27.« CUi.se. Ahel 3702 Clon;;h, Beiijamiu 17i>4 Hetsv 17(>.S David 17(;:J Jane S .")!>!» Jerry 17(!.i Ijouisa Victoria 17()4. 1 Lncinda 1770 Pollv 404(). 1 Sally 171)2 Su.san Almira 17(>4. 2 Su.s.ninah 17()() William 17(>1 William 1707 William 17()!l Cdlmni, .John A '■XMi Cof. Marv .Ann .' I(i72, ;j Colhatli, Francis W 2781 Collmrii, Sarah 153, 1, (1) Zahina 1.5.'} Zerah la."?, 1 Colby, Ann .Myra 282S Annah Mariah (WO Eri 2414 Frank .•{72t) Samuel W IM, 10 TlK.inas .382 Colcord, Ralph I(i71, 7, (.3), I Sallv 1071, 2 Samuel A 1(>71, 7, (3) Cole. Abbie U 214. (i Al)l>v Lavinia (>()2 Abigail 204 Ada l.j:i.3 Benjamin 2(il David l.'.;«) Ell.n May l.VU Epbraim Fo.ster 202 John Kimball 2(iJ Kimball 2.")!) Mary (r>r> Mehetabel Barker 20.3 Mira Ella l.j.32 Morris Lee 004 Norman Seaver 0( .3 Kebecea 201 Sarah Foster 2(W The. ..lore Ashley I.T;}! William Kimball (Wil M'illiam Uiinn.'ls 2(i»i Collins, Elizabeth Isabella. 27.V*, 2. (2) .John E 27.">H. 2 Jndith 21H.5 Nathaniel John 2758, 2. ( 1 ) Colomy, .Vbraham 22.32 Carl Erviue 27 iW Names. Cons. Nos. Colomy, Charles 2235. 2 D.Iniel 22.30 Daniel 2235 Daniel 22;^.. (i Elsie ( EIcv) 223.-). 4 Elsie 2732 George Washington 22;i"». 3 Isaac 22.3.3 Jacob 22:i4 James Adon 27!'7 James Pinkhani 2235. 10 John 2231 John 2235, 1 John Frank 2795 Jonas 22:i"., 5 .Marv Jane 22;i.".. « M.jllv 22.37 • Pe-sy 22a> Sally 21!M), 1 Sarah Elizabeth 22:15, 9 Stephen 22.35. 7 Walter McCaun 279(1 Colton, Martha 2!t:30 Comstook, Eliza 2H:dward .3913 Eunice .3912 Frank .3910 John .S911 I\h.)da .'iJMKj Kufus ;22 James 1.523 Jan>es Henry 1521 C.ipp, Hannah (WO Corliss, Sarah E 815 Corsir, .V.lelbert M l.")2, 1.3, (3) Alfre.l 152, 13. (2) Erastus T l.W, »> Frank K l.')2, 13, (1 ) (Jeorge E l.-,2. 1.3, (4) Maria N l,-,2. (!, (I) -Mary K 1,52, 13, (5) Hachtd ()18 Cors.iu. ( ;e<)ri:e .380. 4 Hannah Younv: 279!> Courtney. .Mary Elizal>etL 137(i Cox, Arabella Ophelia 478, 1 Daiii. 1 K.hvin 4«4, 3 I >aniel Walter 4H8 E.lwin Fuller 4.S4 Elias 4H2 El ias Walter 48<» Ella 4.S4, 4 Eva 4S4. 2 Fraiuina 479, 1 H.-nrielta Maria 47S. 3 H uldab Mallby 477 326 INDEX. Names. Cons.Xos. Cox,,I.-miio Anlello 48H, 1 Liz/.io A !>;iH Liiiiisa 484, 1 Liny Maria 4«7 Mary Jane 48:}. 2 Mnsis Thurston K 478 N.-ttie Y 4H.'{, :i rii.l)." Louisa 478, 2 IMi.-be M 481 Salina Sawin 480 RewaJl Fuller 47!» Sollis Itunnels 483 StcplKU llnnnels 4H5 William, Jr 475 William Arthur 483, 1 William K 47(5 William Wallace 488, 2 Crattit, Sarah 3819 Crafts, Lucy Flagg 5!>4 Crai-r, All>ert A ]4;« Crakcr, Bennett 135!) Esther H 1358 Francis H 13(51 John William 1355 Joseph E 13r;2 L«'on S 13(!3 I^'vi 1354 Lurv S 135(5 Mary A ISfiO Phehft W 13.57 Cram, John S 29!) Sarah Jane 0(5(5 Crammer, Hiram S 3!i8 Cran.lall, Calvin E 13(54 Esther L Um Henrietta 1347 H orace M 13(55 Willard C 13(;7 Crane, Khoila Adaline 523 Crawford, Samuel 42!) Crockett, Albina J 255. 4 Emilv 280(5 Mary Catharine 2813 Crook, Alice 57(>, 5 Etfie 57(5, 3 (Teor<;e Edward 57<5, (5 tiertrude 576, 4 Julia 570, 1 Louise 57(5. 2 Ittifus 57(5 Cro.shv, Sarah 2243 Cross," Mary Jane 3081 Temperance 28!»0 Crow lev, D:\niel 231, 4. (1 ) llniph L 231, 4, (1). I Cumniinjis, James 2755 Currie, Andrew 229, 1, (4) Currier, Hannali .... '.ifi'Ai .Mary 3846 MarvE. (Mrs.) 1245 MarV E 2(»)7 Nettie Ardell 1245. 1 Currv, .\nnett.> Carroll. 404(5, l,io),VIir Anihella Cloufjh. . . 404(5. 1. (5). IX Hen.jamin 404(5, 1, (5) Frances Susan 404fi. 1, (5). IV Georpianna Bradley .404(5, 1, (5), VI Hannah Augusta. . . 404(5, 1, (5), X Names. Cong. Nos, Curry, John Williams. . 404(1, 1, (5). If josepliine Hradl>ury.4(i4(i,l .(5), VII Mary Elizabeth 404(5. 1, (5), I Olive 4(J4(5, 1, (4) Olive Augu.sta 404(5, 1, (5), III Sophia Tehl)ett.S .... 404(5, 1, (5), V Curtis, Al.bie :i02 Cushiu};-, Maria L ^"ellie E 2.37, 3, (4) Oscar Winfred 237. 1. (1 ) Persis B 237, 10 Bose E 237, 7. (2) Samuel E 2:^, 7 Sarah B 2.37, 6 Sherman U 2,37, 2, (4) Walter J 237, 7, (1 ) William A 237,2. (3) William H 237, 2 William W 237, 3, (8) Dade, Miss 1084 Daegett. Susan E 3743 Dailey, Etta Wliitcomb 3275 Georsie Alden 3274 Dailie, Dauiel D 3575 Sarah .3576 Daniels, Andrew 1(5(58, 2 Eliza 1(508.2, (1) Eliza 16(58. 2, (1 ), I Henry Priest 10(58, 2, (3) Ira Tasker 1668, 2, (6) INDEX. 327 Namrg. Cons. Noi. Daniels, John Colby ICTl, 6, (2) John D 1(571, «. (4) Joseph Denieritt 1(«W, 2, (5) Maria Sarali l()7l. 6, ( ")) Mary Susan 1(H«, 2, (7) Mr ir.<'.«,2 (1) Nathan KMW, 2. (4) Nathan Edwin I(i71, fi, (1 ) Priest ir.71, 6, (3) Sally Priest lt)«]8, 2, (2) Dauielsoii, Frederick 1159 Gracie Marshal IIKT Katie Mabel lltU Darling, Mr llJo Davenport, Aniuii !t40 Charity !*2l Georgiana 93!) Nathaniel 937 Stephen Franklin 93S Davis, Annie Bernice 12H7 Anrelia P 3j97 Charles F 2181, 2, (9), 11 Charlie B 229. 5 D. F 2181, 2. (9) Elizabeth Lee 1122 | Jasper Win},'ate 1288 John >r l-_'Hti Mercy C .'KW5 Mary lt)04 Mary 1028, 3 Marv 2181, 2,(9), 1 Rhoda KJSO, 2, (1) Sarah 372 Trvphena 2049 William (Rev.) 2.'^W Dawlint:, Margaret M. J 2770 Dawson, (Jeorge 2(>72 Georgia \ ,. . 2672, 3 Joseph Allen 2672, 2 ]SIary Hannah 2672, 1 Day, Mr 3796 Dearborn, Ann 3923 Arianna Elizabeth . . 4(>4(), 1, (2), III Lonisa 212, 2 ISIartha A 3(i, ((i) Alma KkW), 4, (2) Andrew 16-_'«, 9 Andrew Jackson 1671, 12 Appletun KM'M}, *_>, (8) Benjamin Franklin 1671, 11 Beii'jainin Willard 1671, 2, (1) Betsy 16t>6, 1 Betsy KMW Betsy 1670, 3 Betsy .lano 1670, 8 Brackett Johnson U'Mi, 'J, (1 ) Calvin Sulden 1670, 5 Charles 1671, 5, (5) Nnmon. Cona. Xoo. Demeritt, Clark H'<»U], .">, (1) Daniel 1671, 7 Donas Itk'i6, 8 Edward 1670, 6 Eleanor KMHt. 3 Eliza Ann Hi71, 2. (4) EIizal>eth HWM;, 2, (5) Emerson 1671. .'». (3) Emma 16.'ir), 5 Eunice 1670, 1 George 1670, 7 George 1671, .'), (4) George Washington 1671, 7. (2) Georgia Parsons 16(;<). 2, (6) Gordon KMMl, 4 Hannah' 1674 Hannah Al.by 1671,7,(3) Hannah Adalaide 1(;71, 7. (1) Hiirry 1669,4 HavCt>\. 2, UM Sallv ' Um, 3 Sally (Sarah) Kki? Samuel 1670, 2 Samuel Dyer 1((71, 8 Sarah H^Mi, 2, ( 1 ), f Sarah Jane 1671,2. (.'i) Sariih .Johnson 1671, 9 Soi)hia 1671, 3 S\isan I(i70 4 Susan 1669. (J Susan 1673 Thomas 16<>6, 5 Timothy 1671,5 Williaui l<;«Hi, 2, (4) Deining, Sarah Hel>ecca i:UX) Denneit. Nancy L .'W446, 3, !«) Dewitt, r^vdia Ann .... 521 Dilljnghim, Juliauaa (Mrs.). . . 21IM, 3 328 INDEX. NiinicH. Con«. Noo. Diminii^k. Mr JWil.J Diiiiond, Dorotli V 2'J22 Mi.rv -'■*'» Until i-'4(;.'i Diiifjley, ,Ji-iiiu-tt 1!>!« Dixuii, KlizalM'tli yiooT illUI Dodtfc. ( MMUf^o Stuiiwoud 843 Liiov iMiiria 3485 Doe, Hiildah 2417 Doll-, Jane 154,3,(1.') Donnoll, Ant) Jane 582 Nathaniel 1153 Octavius 1 154 Dore, Sally M 2040 Doughty, Clarissa Ann DOO Isaac 8!>8 Lonisa Maria 901 Mahala 8!H) I>onj;lass, ^largaret 1739 Dow, Amos, Jr 2792 Anna E 2793 Caroline West 1341 Charles 2951 Lvilia Ann 1340 William 230, 6 William 1339 Downs, Ahisail 1805 Betsy Jane 1810 Calvin Cutter 1809 Elizaheth Ann 1898 Eunice 1893 Gershom 1799 Hiratn 189(i James Monroe 1803 John 1807 Levi 1802 Lonisa Chesley 1808 Lytlia 1801 Mary 1895 Mary R ISOH, 1 Mr 2312. 1 Nathaniel 189!t Paul 1892 Kacliel F 180r), 2 Sally 1891 Rauiuel 1894 Sarah Ann 1804 Simon P 1897 SimuTi Peter 1890 Stej.lu'n 1800 William Henry 180(5 Dovle, Alhert Smith 2ti82 ' Catharine Malvina 2980 Elizabeth Handall 2!)79 Nancv liell 2983 Thiunas 2978 Thomas Stewart 2!'81 William Runnels 2984 Drake, Charles Prackett .Ifififi, 2, («), II (Teor;;e D 1930 (ieorfze Walter l(ifi(i. 2, (fi), I John W IHfle, 2. (fi) Lyman D 1933 Drew" John 405 M. M 27fi4 Mr 405 Mr lfi<)3 Stephen 119,8 Xamcs. Corta. Nofi. Duly, Elizaheth 1720. 1 Duinhauld, Dennis Everett ].'583 Frederick 1581 Loaniina 1.582 Dunhar, Silas 33<)8 Duncan, George 2im, 9 Dunfield, Carrie E 154. 2, (2). I George T 154, 2, (2) Lizzette L 1.54, 2, (3) Lizzie E 154, 2,(2), II William 1.54,2 William N 154, 2, (1) Willie C 1.54, 2, (1). I Dunn, Henrv Claude. . . . 231, 1, (1), II Henry \V 2;il, 1, (1) Duran, Job Runnels 1797 Jo.siali.. 1798 Samuel 1793 Durgin, Benjamin 1731 Charlotte 2842 Eliphalet Ifi89, 5 Ella Gertrude 1853, 1 Fannie IfiOl George Edward 1853 Job 1689. 2 Jolin, Jr ir.89 Louis 1689, 1 Louisa Mead ims. 2 Love 1692 Lovey 1693, 1 Lydia 1733 Miles 1689, 3 Sarah 1628, 1,(-) Susan 1732 Susanna 1689, 4 Thomas 169."^ Durliam, Conway 1739, 4, (1) James M. (Esq.) 1739,4 Dutch, Mary A 895 Dwelley, Mary Elizabeth 879 Dwiglit, or Dwile, Sarah SaM Dwinals, Louisa 2761 Dwinell, Abigail 244 James 245 Jonathan 243 Pollv 246 Stephen 247 Dyer, Harriet K 1145 Sumner 3565 Eaches, Rachel li>R9 Eastman, Abiatlier, Jr 1732 Abiatber 1733. 6 Abigail Hill 1730 Adaline 1733, 2 Alaysius 2760, 3 Amos 17:36 Barnard Douglass 1739, 1 Benjamin Durgin (Rev.). . . 1732, 1 Betsy 1735 Calvin B 1732, 5 Caroline 1732, 4 Caroline Bangs 1732, 1, (1 ) Charles Henry 1739, 3 Charles Ward 1732, 1, (2) Chauncv 173;3, 3, (1 ) Clara Alice 1732,1, (8) DTDEX. 329 Nnmee. Cons. Nos. Eastman. Clarissa 1733. 7 Clarissa 1737 Daniel 1733.4 Dollv Averill 1732, 1, (3) Edward 1981 Edward Payson (Kev.) .... 173i), 2 EUaMav 1732, 1, (10) Ellsworth 173!), 8 Emma Ellen 1732, 1, (4) Frances Anj^ela 27(50, 1 Fred Langdcu 17:«l, 2, (1 ) George 1732. .3, (2) George Freeman . . 17."i.3, 10 George Vernon 1732. 1. (7) George "Whitman 27()0, H Harriet 1738 Harriet Elizabeth 173!l, Helen K 31H Henrietta liiHO Ignatius Dana 27ui;lasK 1739, r> Maria Cuniniings ,. . 173!», 4 Mary Kunnels 1733, 1 Marv Sterne 1739, 1.(1) Melvina Linlla 17;}«, 7 Olive Jeanette 1732. 1. (9) Otis 1732, 3 Pollie Keyuolda 1732. (5 Richard 1731 Richanl 1730, 1 Kichiird Stefihen 27f!(i, (5 liulus Merrill 1732, 3, (1 ) Samuel 1732.2 Susan 1733. H Susan Durgin 1732, 1, ((>) William Davi-l 27(iO 4 AVilliain Heiirv 1979 Eaton, Al)igail . . .' 147 Annie Liiwrie 322, 1, (4) Edward Melzar 1213 ElishaH 147,3 Eliza Jane 141.T Eunice 2294 Fannie Fisher 322, 1, (1) (Jrace Harper 322, 1, (2) Hannah I' 1244 Harriet Hlla 322. 3 Harry WilmarUi 1212 Jesse 322 Jessie Reynolds 322, 1, (3) Lvdia ..." 979 Martha 311 Mary Augusta. 1(541, 2 & (i.l2), IV Mary Estelle 321', 1, (5) Namcf). Con«. Nos. Eaton. Mary Kogers 322. 2 Melzar 1210 Samuel 322. 1 Walter Reynolds 1211 Eddy, Lu.ia..'. 2194.8 Pldgates, Philinda 295 Edward I) 37:« James 3(;!t4 Jenny I^enora 32f>4 Lvdia (Mrs. ) 2r.()0 Sarali IWJS Wallv 3»i90 William ;<(592 William 3734 William A .'<7.52 EllisDU, Comfort 1717 Mrs ](.84 Sarah 1(575 Wright True ... 1(530, 2. (3) Ell.sbury. Sallie 2115 Elmer, Eva Kstelle 455,4 Frances Adella 4 ">.'>, 5 George Eugene 455, (3 CJeorge Washington 455 I..uella Maria 45">. 2 Louisa 454 Louisa 11 4.'>5, 1 Myra L 45.'>, 3 liichard 4.'i3 liicliard Fowler 457 linxana 45<) William 445 Ely, Carrie 1739, 1 Emerson. Avis 1(528, 4 15etsv ](>28, 5 I>.l).)rah I(i71, 3 Eihvin Smith... 1(528. 1. (1). 1. (II) Emilv 1(528, 1, (1). VIII Flora Relle 1G28, 1. (1), 1. (IV) George W 1G28, 1, ll,>, IV 330 INDEX. Nnmng. Cons. No». EiiiorsoTi. HuniKih 17 Hiiniiali ir.'JS, 1, (1), II Hannah ir.28, 8 .Tanii'.s ir.28, 1, (3) Jolin 1()28, 1, (1). V Jonathan 1028. 3 Joshua F 1028. 1, (1) MariraretS 212.1. (1) Martha Anna. . 1028, 1. (1), I, (ITT) Mary 1028, 1. (1), III Mary 1028, 9 INIary Ahby 1028, 1, (1), T. (I) Mary France3 10.15, 9 Samuel 1028, 1 SamuPl 1028.1, (4) Samuel 1028, 1, (1). VI Sarah 1028, 1, (1 ), VII Smith 1028 Smith 1028, 1. (1),I Smith 1028. 2 Susan 1028,0 Timothy 1028, 1. (2) Timothy .' 1628, 7 Emerv, Alexander 4.30 Betsy 4.33 Clara Ella 3009 George W 428 Hephzibah 424 Jane Ann 3008 Jonathan 3005 Joseph 423 Joseph 427 Joseph Kingman 3014 Julia A 425 Marv 431 Meli'nda ( Belinda) 426 Miranda 429 Moses Crosby .3013 Olive Fiall 3006 lleuben 899 Sarah Augusta 3012 Silas 3007 Silas 3010 Silbie J 2952 Susan 4.^2 Warren H 2951 William Cates 3011 Enos, Ann Eliza 1180 Evans. Elizabeth F 2822 George Hill 17.35. 8, (1) George Meserve 1732. 4, (2) James 1732, 4 Nancy 16(», 6 Samuel Eastman 17.32, 4. (1) Simeon A (Dr.) 17;«. 8 Susan Catharine 1322 Wesley J 1579 Everett, Amos 2724 Ellen Rebecca 27.30 Ellovisa 2731 Etherlinda 2729 Joseph Runnels 2726 Lucretia 2728 Lucj' Auna 2727 jNIaria 2725 Rii'hard 2723 Susan 2738 Nnmc«. Conn. No8. Fabyan, Ella Louise 17.34, 4, (2) George Henry 1734, 4. (1) Oliver B 17.34, 4 Fairfield. Harriet L 3672 Farley, Sarah E 1116 Farnham, Hannah IfWO JohuE 212, 1,(2) Olive ... 17.53 Farnsworth, Addie 152, 2, (2) D.aniel 1.52. 2 Luoy M 1.52, 2,(1) Verona 152,2, (3) Farnum, Adaliza A 957 Joanna 341 Kuth .362 Farrcll, Charlie 32.52 David 1140 John H 3251 Leila Angle 3253 Mary 1823 Warren Matthi.as 1141 Farrington, Mr .3643 Faught, Bethia .3.573 Jacob 3.571 Jacob ... 3.574 .Jacob H 3f)87 L. Oreut 3688 Nancy 3.572 Nellie 3089 Sarah 35.30 Field, Willard A .3.583 Fields, Joshua 1628, 5 Sally 1628, 1 Fish, Charles Hazen 1 130 Frank Henry 11.39 Hiraiji Francis 11.37 John Ellsworth 11.38 John R 1135 Fisher, Adello 322.1 Fisk. Mr 3795 Sarah Blanch ard 815 Fiske. INIiss lt>88 Flau.lers, Jacob N 29;M Lucia Ann 29.35 Marv Augusta 29.36 Flint, Alvin 3(51 Flood. Samuel 1461 William Harrison 1462 Fogg, Ephraim H 3921 George 3919 George E 3922 Jonathan 3888 .Joseph Arthur .3920 Mr 1768 Folsoni, Nancy 2357 Forbuss. Sarah 2997 Ford, Miss .3.532 Forrest, Agnes 1641 Anne Ellison. . . . 1()41, 2 & 6. (2), I Edwin David. 1641.2&().(2).IV,(IV) Freddie . . 1(>41. 2 .J^: 6. (2). IV, (III) James Nathaniel 1(U1.2&6.(2),IV Kate 1641. 2 & 6, (2), IV, (I) Lafavette 1641, 2 & 6, (2), III Martha Randall. .1041. 2 & 0. (2).V Ruth 1(>41, 2 & 1), (2), IV, (V) Samuel 1641. 2 & 6, (2) Samuel . . 1611, 2 & 6, (2), IV, ill) INDEX. 331 NampB, Cons. Nob. Forre8t,StisatiKiii^'lit, 1G41,2&(5,(2),1I Forsvthe, Williuin 2!t78 Fosd'ick, John .■{;«»5 Foss, H. D 2703 Foster, Ann 33K8 Caroline Bartlett 211, 1 John K 1322 Eehekali 74 Susan C 182 Abel 214 Abigail 207, 5 Abigail 211, 2 Alice Augusta 207, .3, (2) Alice May 214, (J, (2) Amos 211 Amos 211, (i Angelina Matilda 214, 1 Annie S 207, 3, (3) Arthur Augustus 214, 2 Arthur Edward 214, 2, (1) Ascenatb 212, 5 liillv Itunuids 207 Caleb 207, 1 Caroline 212, 1 Carrie Alice 214, 4, (2) Names. Cons. Nos. Gage, Carrie Madera 211, 1, (4) Celenda 211, 7 Charles 207, 2 Charles Augustus 207, 3, (1 ) Charles F 207, 7, (3) Charles Henry 207. 1. (2), II Charles Henry H .207, 4, (3) Deborah 213 Elizabeth Denton 207, 4, (5) EllaF 207, 7, (1) Ellen Lsabel 211, 1,(1) Ellen Isaljel 214, 8 Ellen Isa.lore 211, 2. (3) Emma Addie 214, 4, (1) Emma Isadore 214, 7 Frank Hermon 207, 1, (4) II Frederic Allen 207, 4, (f!) Frederic William 207. 1, (4) I George '. . 211,4 George F 207, 1, (3) George Warren 211, 1, (3) Hannah 209 Harriet Reynolds 211, 3 Hattie Tennev 211, 1, (5) Henrietta Pliilena 214, 5 Henry Willis 211, 1, (fi) Herbert Edwin 214, fi. (1) John Anderson 207, 7 Jonathan 2207 Julia Angle 214, 4, (3) Laura Ann 212, 3 Leander 207, 4 Leander 207, 1, (2) Ivouisa D 212, 2, (1) Lydia P 207, 7, (5) Lyman Berkley 214, 4 isiary Ann 211, 5 Mary Anna 214, 2, (2) :Mary Kimball 211, 1, (2) Mthetabel 208 ^Mehetabel 210 Melinda Claggett 207, 1, (1) M. Florence 207, 7, (2) Miss 2311 Moses 22(i7, 1 Nancy Jane 207, 7, (4) Otis Allen 214, 10 Kebecca Eveline 212, 4 Itichard Allen 207, 4, (2) Bichanl Allen 207, 4, (4) Hosciie Wisner 214, fi Sarah 206 Saiah F 212, 2, (2) Stephen 212 Susan Ardell 207, 1, (2), I Sydney I'aysott 214, 9 Walter Edwards 214, 3 Warren 211, 1 William I? 2\2, 2 William Claggett 207, 1,(4) William L 207, 4. (1) William Washington 207,3 William Washington ... 207, 3, (!i) Gardiner, Mary 2fi42 Gardner, Joanna Angelina 522 Mary E inx\ 9, (3) Garlield, Laura E 154, 2, (1 ) Garland, Francis 22G2 332 INDEX. Nnmod. Com. Nog. Garhin.l, -I^'^ob 2261 Jiic.l) 22(;:i Lori-nzo Kimlmll 1704,1,(1) S.illv 7-K) riaiTct, Catliariiie 1 133 Garvin, Cliauiicey 404(>, .3, (1) Martin 404(i, 3, (1). I Sarali -lane 404«), 3,(1), II Gat William C 477,1 AVilliain Edwin 477, 7 Georiie, Cliloe I!t2 Liicv 484 Lueila F 483 Gerrish, MatiMa 508 Getchel, Susan 1518 Getchell, Asa 410 Henrv 416, 1 S.-bastian S 41(5, 2 Gibbs, Charles 1704, 1, (2) Charles 1704,1, (3) E.Uvanl 1704, 1 Eldora 17(>4, 1, (1) Julia A. M lit), 4, (2) Mary Dorcas 1704, 1,(4) Gilchrist, Ilobert 251)7 GUes, Charles H Ifrifi, 2, (7 ) Elizabeth l«2,2 Paul irv2fi, 2, (1) SiUly KWfi, 2, (6) Susan M 162(5,2,(4) Susanna 3-'i38 William 1626,2.(2) Gillinttham, J. T. (Miss) 155, 1 Gihnan, Charles H 2271,1 Hannah 21»U. 5 Hannah N 151, 5 Jacob Kuowles 1667, 2, ( 1 ) Julia 2194. 3 Sallv 2(577 Gllmore, Almira T 2.391 Edward Clarence 779 Ellen Augusta 777 Helen Lexera 778 William 77(5 William H 2472 Gilaou, Mr 3:551 Glandeu, Marv Ann 1(H)8 Gliddeii, Abby Tamson 2349 Harriet ("onant 2.34(5 James liuuuels 2347 NaraeK. Conn. No*. Glidden, Laurentina .' 2.'580 Mary Ana 2:548 Peter 2.34.5 Simeon D 151. 6 Glines, Corysand A 1278 Glover, Ira F 1.52, 12. ( 1) Janet 1.52, 12, (2) William R 152. 12 GodlH.Id, A nuie Elizabeth 3043 John ,3042 Godd.rd, Charles E 3116 Elwu P 3114 Frank E 3115 Mary R 3117 Goldsmith, Cecelia Rebecca 2909 Charles William 29'»7 George Derby 2911 Henry Lake 2908 Jaraes Leverett 2906 Jenette Emeline 2910 Leverett Barker 2i»05 Goodell, Almeron 2197. 9 Goodhue, Adaline 3.56, 3 Agues 35(5, 2 Charles W 356, 7 Daniel .356 Daniel J 356. 6 David H 356, 8 EnimaE 356, 8, (1) Inila 3.56, 4 Mary Jane .356, 3 Oiias 356, 1 Samantha A 356, 9 Goodwin, Daniel 1630, 3 & 6 Mary 1.552 R. H 2823 Googins, Stephen 37:i6 Thomas 37:53 Gordon, Anna 2181 Gorrell, Hannah 6(>4 Gosling, William Alfred 1140 Gould, Marianna .3057 Gove, Hannah 2(500 Grace, Aaron .3931 Charles 3934 ]VIo.ses 3933 Orin 3935 Samuel 3930 Susan 3932 Graham, Margaret 3406 Grant. Abbie 3624 Elmira 2074 Frank Wilbur 2073 John C 2072 Rachel 1671,6,(1) Roscoe Earnest 2075 Graves, Julia 3158 Gray, Anna Frances 3140 Carrie Ethel 3141 Edwin Augustus 3139 Emma Neal 3142 George, Jr 3138 Gregg, Clarinda 2i)9 Daniel R 301 David A 7(59 Eliza Reynolds 300 Esther 2t»5 Hauuah 292 INDEX. 333 Names. Cons. Nob. Gregg, Joiiatlian 2il3 Joflepli (Capt. ) 291 Jo.seph Ladii 302 Lucinda 2»8 Polly 2!)4 Sally 2!W! Sophia 21»7 Green, Amelia 24.'8, 4 (ieorgf M 2428, 1 JameH 242H, 5 Mary Ann 242K, (• Miriam 242S, ;5 Orlow Diniond 2428 7 Tlionias 2428 William 2428. 2 Greene, Abram '2VXi Jane 27iodenia Rocelia 2440 GrilHn, Adalino 1035, n Natliiiuicl 29 Sarah W 207, 3 Griftith, Dest.ii 1) 3238 .Julia Krmimi 3241 Mason Iv 45.5, 2 Netth' Hct.sy D 3240 Verium 1 )cstf"n 3239 Grout, .lanirs Alexander H 3208 Walter .lanie.s H 3209 GupjU'y, lUiijaniin Wilder 1219, 2 Caroline Warren 1219, 1 .loseph Warren 1219 Guptil, Lyilia 8()5 Hadley, ]Marlon 1.39f) Haggett. Henjamin 158 Ebeiiezer 101 Hannah 102 Lv8 Alma Ethael 1045 Anianila .TanH l('3y Amelia Caroline ](i41 Avis 37<)() Gary Mead 1(I4'J Cortland Kunnels 1()3H Daniel 37(i3 Daniel ;<7()7 Emma E SnCy, 5, (4) George W 350, 5, ( 1 ) Jereniiali 3770 Joseph H 35(), 5 Laura Dukes 1()43 Lucina 3~('A Lucy A 371)9 Mary A 356, 5, (3) Mary Ann 3771 Matthew Eli 1(137 Meroa Mariah 1040 Norah Dell 1044 Sarah J BUG, 5, (2) Thomas 37<>o Horn, Aufjusta Ann 143(i Charles Morris 1443 Clara Lawson 14.39 Emma Charlotte 1440 Frances Ellen 14:58 Freddie 1445 Gage 2312 Georfje Henrv 1442 Helen Maria' 1437 H. Mariah 2312, 1 Llelhv 1444 Isaac 14.'^ Lizzie I'hilura 1441 Marv 2320 Hou^'hton, Alvin 1342 Alvin Oscar I.'i44 George Alhert ];i45 lievilo Gardner 1.346 Wealthy Maria 1.343 House, (>larissa 1!(24 Hovey, Celenda 211 Pistlur 10 Luke 10 Howaril, Anna 3r).Vi Diihena 3o.j3 Fanny a>"). 1 Horarc 3.")5 Jennie . . 3.">5!> Joshua 3.").")2 Mr 34.55 Oliver 3370 Keynolds 3.557 Scott 3.5,58 Thomas J .3524 Zill.a .35,54 Howarth, Elizal)etli 231,3, (1) Thomas 2.31, 3 Thomas .» 231, 3, (2) ITowlitt. Enoch 1,5.3 Hoyt, Anna lG(5avid 2H8(3 Klmira 2H91 Francis 2890 Oscar 2893 Hull, (iilman 202 Humjdirey, Hannali 207, (i Hnnserford, Kuth E 3923 Hunt. Loren 27.59, 2 Sylvester D 2()75 Huntington, William R.(Rev.). 3495, 1 H use, George R HIJQ Hussey, Abby Jane 2(i!>4 Ella Marietta '2(i'.Hi Gilbert Eugene 2()95 John Samuel 2(i85 Hutchins, Carlton 237, lo Kben F 2.37, 10,' (3) Edgar H 2.37, 1(», (2) Edward C 2.37, 10, (1) 'lohn L -SSI, 10, (4) M iss 2247 I'^'itl' KMl, 3, ((J) Hutchinson, Charlie 37;j() i'<'"rK« 3731 J>u ther ;Mi'22 Mary ,Iane ih4(j Webster 3729 Huzzy, Enos H 38(i,"l Hyatt, Mary A ^^i Jack, Margaret Pawing 212(1 Jackman, Clarissa Hy 5 J'^'ii'ii '.". 149', 4 Elmon' l^"'-.'* otcj.hen 1640,1, (3) Susan (;-j;{, 2 Jenks, I< 2(il(i Elijiili 1) 2(;i;i, 1 GoorKe 2(il2. 2 Herl.»-it O .SIO!) Isiuic 2(il5 JeUiiliah 2(il2 John 2011 ,h,hn, Jr 2018 Lydia K 2613, 3 William 2017 M'illiani 2012, 1 Jewell, Mr (Rev.) 535 Johnson, Anna Moody 214 lietsy 16'i7, 4 Calvin V 3108 Charles 1C07, 8, (1) Clara M 3109 Dennis 1()07, 9 Eliza J 2431 Ettie iM 3170 Georse 2432, 1 George H 2012 Gilnian 10(i7, 8 Gilnum 1(>70, 1 Harrison 1007, 11 HattieM 3171 Henry A 2010 Henry Clay 2432, 3 Jessie 1()()7, 10 John 1007, 3 Joseph 1007, 2 Josiah 2008 Josiah E 2011 Levi 10()7, 1 Levi R 2012 Loener 1007, 8. (2) Mary Ann 2432, 2 Matilda 1(>()7. 7 Mr 1()73, 9 Sally 1607, 2, (1) Samuel 10()7, 5 Simeon I(i07 Theodate (Daty) 1007, (i Thomas 2432 Wilham H 2009 Jones, Ahifjail Ann 1071, 3, (0) Alice M 3113 Alonzo T 3()32 Arthur W 3103 Charles 1671,3, (5) Clarkson 3104 Cyrus 3097 Daniel Augustus 1671, 3, (2) Daniel K 3*^98 Dolly lane 1071, 3, (1) Edilie Francis 3(i32, 1 Elizabeth Coklin ...^ 2">42 Elizabeth M 30!'0 Elhvood W 3100 Eunice 2559 Franklin E 3101 Frederick D 3100 Hannah D 447, 5 Hiram Leslie 2083 NornGs. Oona. Xos. Jones, Isaac L 3107 Jacob Denieritt 1671, 3. (4) James A 3112 James L 3111 James 1' 3110 John 3095 John Demeritt 1071, 3, (3) John S 2082 Jonathan 3G32, 2 Josiah A 31U2 Laura A 1272 Lmdlev Y 3105 Lvdia Esther 1671, 3, (9) Martha Jane 1671, 3, (8) ftlary f:iizabeth 107 1, 3, (7) Nellie 207, 1, (4) Pattv lf)68, 1 Pelatiah 1071, 3 Sarah 2501 Sarah Augusta 1071, 3, (10) Thomas IIKW, 8 Thomas Francis 1508 William A 3099 Jordan, Mr 718 William 845 Jose, Lewis 3564, 1 Lucy 392;i Moses 3554 Joy, John W 1671, 10 Josejihine I(i71, 10, ( 1 ) Judkins, Mr 1628, 1, (1), II Stephen B 229, 3 Keene, Ella 1154 Mrs 4046, 1, (7) Keith, Bethiah 3423 Kelsea, Jane 1631 Margaret 1095 Kendall, Benjamin 384 Coretha 2651 Waldo 384, 1 Koiiiston, Betsy 3838 Kennard, James 4046, 3, (1 ), I Kenne, Cordelia B 207, 1, (2) Kennedy, Amelia B 239, 2, (1) Kenney, Ephraim 2194, 7 Mr 1804 Mr 2319 Kenniston, Emma Ladora 1856, 1 Etta 1856, 3 Henry 1H56 Lla /. 1856,4 James 1045, 2 Mabel 1850,8 Maria 1856, Mary Abby 1«5(), 2 JIary Lizzie 185(), 6 Nellie 1«50, 7 Kent, Helen 28S7 Lucie Montgomery 709 Eichard 708 Sallie Lois 710 Kenyon, Cyrus 2197, 7 Kilgore, J ohn 386, 8 Kiiiiball, Abby 1337 Abraham 24 Amos 114 INDEX. 337 Nnmon. Cons. No«. Kimball, Bette 112 Clarissa 2:Wi8 Estlicr Kuuiiels 'J4(( Ezra 2:im Hannah 23!> James 238 Jeremiah lOii Jeremiah Ill Lois 242 Matilda L 1G45, 4,j(8) Michael 27 I^foses 2.'i(;4 Mr lf)()!», o Na iicy L 2;i(>7 Itehecca (Mrs. ) 22 Richard 110 Sally 241 Samuel lluuiials 23(H> Sarah 22 Sarah 113 KinKshury, Charles IGfiT), 3, (3) Kinsley, E. B 7(i4 Mr 3 Kittreilse, Charles ITeury .. .382, 7, (7) Edward Paul .'582, 7, i'J) Geort;.^ Hra41, 2 Knijihts, Abraham 2.")17 Amos 2."»1 ."), 1 Chandler 2;">20 Frederick M 1G35, 1), (4) Hannah 2."»1<> Tolly 2.^dt; Solomon 2r)14 Solomon 2.")1."» William 2.T18 Kno'vUun, AiiRolina WiV), fi, (4) Betsy KiCO. .3, (1) Elizabeth KICrf), (>, (.'>) George ICdCi, .'>, (2) Gilbert G HIC.C, ;?, (2) Henry IVytU't, d, (2) James Kkki, C, (3) .larves H'ri'A't, 3 Martha Anu 1(174,8 Miles KMif), i; Koxatui Kilki, (i, (I) Kno.x, Mr 1822 Lake, Mr 4()4r., 1 , (1 ), 1 TI Lakeman. Abigail 30 22 Namps. Conn. Noii. Lakeman, A inos 40 Daniel 39 Eben./er 37 Elizalieth 31 Esther 38 Job 41 Mary 34 Mary 42 Nathaniel 30 Natlianiel 3G Samuel 32 Sar.ah .33 Lambert, Annie Cuyler o75, 4 Edward Aii<;nstus 'tl't lOdward Hibbard 57.1, 1 Jennette H il>bard 57,"), 3 Kufus Crook 575, 2 Lamos, Sarah 1630, 2, (2) Lang. Olive 1733. 5 Laugley, Abigail KW!) AlniDU Sylvaims 2.").'i"), 1 Annie Mabell.; 2o:5,-), 1, (2) Charles Almon 2.">3.J, 1, (4) David l(i.-)!>, 4 Emma Grace 2.-A-), 1,(1) Freddy 2.-)3.'>, 1, (3) Hannah lfi.58, (> Hannah l(i.j!», 1 Jeremiah 1(528, 1, (1), VIIE Jonathan ir).">8 Jonathan 1(>.J8, 3 Joseph . 1().")8, 8 Levi l(;.-)!» Lydia 1(;.")8, 5 Mariam l(i.'>8, 4 Mark 1(W8, !> Mr 1()72, .3, (5) Nicholas D l(i.V.), 2 Orland Km!). 5 Samuel 1(k)7 Samuel 1().")8, 1 Samuel Kw'J, 3 Sarah 1()2() Susannah KUK) Titus 1().-),S, 7 Varoill 1(»8. 2 Lane. Ilaiinali I!t8 Lapbam, Lucy 171 Luskey, Abigail 1(54.3, 4 Anna 1(^1.3, 11 Joanna I(i4.{. 12 Jonathan U'A'.i, 1 John I(i43. 2 Joseph ]('t43, r> Louis ICA'.i, 1) Love 1(>4.{, 10 Marv lt>4.3, (> Sarah 1(>43, 3 Susannah 1(143. 7 William 1(;43 William 1(143, 8 Lawrence, Abbie A W :«i.S8 Tii /.zie 2774 .Mr :U7l Loacli. John Langdou 4()4(i, o, (3) Tvcathers. Abigail 1(>,")8 I^-avitt, Siiphia ; 22'.>4 Loightou, Alviu ........ ■ 3o31 338 iNor.x. Nnmes. Con«. No«. ly^iKliton, Klizabcth 30:} Leslie, Anna ir)!tr> Lewis, Jolin W r,'X, Mt'lissa 1-71 LiblH'.v, Arthur !»5(i, 2 Herbert Aloiizo 956, 1 Ir.x 9.W Janiert 21()6 Stephen 21<)2, 2 Lincoln, ]\[artha E 20f.8 Lindsay, Mary B .S173 Willi.im S 3172 Litth'fiel.l, Clara Lsahella 121.5 Koper Sherman 1214 Walter 1216 Littlehale, Abbie M 231, 1, (2) Locke, Abigail 2o54 Cora Belle 1260 Dorothy 223.5, 6 George Edgar 1258 Hannah... 2247 Mary Piukbam 2.5<;7 Simon 23.50 Walter Herbert 1257 William H 1256 Willie Henry 12.59 Loker, H alina Maria 1276 Long, Emma Jane F 1429 Frank Oilman 1428 (Jeorge Peter C 1430 Herbert Ira 1426 John Edwin 1425 Mmnie Almira 1427 Mose.s E 1424 Tjongfellow, Mr 425 Looinis, Jo.sephine 1674, 5 Lord. Albert N 3604 Edith Viola 229, 1, (3), I George 229, 1, (3) Justin 1640, 1, (1), VII Matta E 229, 1, (3), II Lothrop, Mr 4024 Love joy, Abiel 1641, 2, (4) Albion 1844 Bessie Cummiugs 1844, 1 Carrie Osgood 1840, 3 David 38.39 Eliza Ann 1839 Eliza Nevens 2411 Emma 1843 Fred. B 1840, 2 George Douglass 1844, 2 Jedediah 1836 Jennie 1840, 1 Jeremiah A. (Esq. ) 1837 Marshal 1841 Marv Ann 18;i8 Kehecca 2448 Sophia Spring 1842 William 1840 Lovett. I^vi 221(6 Low, Eliz.ibetli L 25(52 Lowe, Abby 3!»74 John 3973 John 3il76 Nancy 3975 Rebecca 3977 Sarah 2051 Namen. Conn. No«. Luce, Bo.silla 879 Lucv, Addie lf>45. 4, (8), II 'Charles Frederick. . . ir4.5, 4, (8), I Charles Herbert... 1(H5, 4, (10), II Charles Warren 1645, 4, (8) Ebenezer 1645, 3 Franklin 1645, 4, (4), III Frederick 1(345, 4, (7), I George Emerson 1645, 4, (9) GcMirge Greenleaf 1645, 4, (10) Greenleaf Cilley 164.5, 4, (5) Helen M.iria 1645, 4, (1) Helen Maria 1645, 4, (4), II John 1645. 4 John 1645, 4, (10), IV John Alfred 1645, 4, (4) Laura Ann 1CA5. 4, (4), I Mark Erastus 164.5, 4, (10), I Mary Chandler. . . 1645, 4, (10), III ^lary Frances 214, 2 Iklary Jane 1645, 4, (6) Nancy 1645, 4, (3) Nathaniel Randall 1645, 4, (2) Nathaniel Thompson.. 164.5, 4, (7) Nellie O IfAo, 4, (8), III Robert 1717. 12 Roscoe 1645, 4, (8), IV Lull, Greenleaf. 11.51 Lund, Mary Isabella 6.59 Matilda Barker 6.58 William 657 Lymau, Mr 4025 Mack, Betsy Ann 1486 Macomber, Mr 34.54 Maffitt, Elmer 2118 Snowden 2117 Magill, Mr litol Magoon, Eliza A 17<)4 Mahoney, Louisa 1>41 Maine, Geneva 1540 George Warren 1536 Harrison W^oodville 1.537 Hiram K 1535 Laura Ann 15.'-i8 Margaret Ellen 1539 Sybil Runnels 1541 Wintield Seott 1542 Manchester, Edith 2107 Harry R 2106 James A 2105 Mann, Mary 3890 Manning, Delia 3630 George 1666, 3, (4) OrlandoL 816 March, B. F 412 Henry 206 Mary 2208 Rebecca 1669 Mark, Charles 1645, 4, (6). II Marsh, A.senath Aunette 2036 Augu.'sta 1326 Hannah Elizabeth 2033 John 2031 John Ephraim 20.32 Letitia 20;« Liicrotia 2037 INDEX. 339 Nfimei. Con*. Nos. Miirsh, Mira (Amanda) L'O.'J!) Oscar Fitzon ^(I.'W Tlioiiias Drew '_'().{4 Marshal, Faustina ll.'()3 Marshall, Subra SL'l MarstoTi. Abel Gage 231, 2 Abigail G 231, 7 AlniaG 231, 4, (3) Anna 2.'{5 Arvilla W 231. 2, (7) Ascenath Pcrris 231, 1, ("i) Betsv Ityo, 1, (1) Oatie S 231,0, (2) Celinda G 2:51, 2, (4) Charles H 231, 4, (2) Charles Harding 231, 5 Charlotte 236 Clara E 231, fi, (3) Daniel 1(>3.">, 4, (1) David Alonzo 231, 1, (3) Deborah 230 Eibridge 1035, 4. (2) Eliza 237 Ellen 1 231, 2, (11) Elmer X 231, 4. (10) Emma A 231, 4, (">) Ethel M 231, 4, ((I) Francena P 231, 2, (5) George L 2,31, 0, (4) Hannah 2211 Hannah Ermina 231, 1, (4) Hannah M 231, 2, (1) Hannah I'earl 231, 3 Herbert H 231,4, (11) Ida H 231, 0.(1) .John H 103,0, 4 John W 231, 2, (3) Laura C 231, 2, (!») L«'ander A 231, 2, (2) Leander Arnold 231, (! Lettie A 231,4, (!») Lucinda Mclvina 2.31, 1, (1) Lucv V 231, 4, (1) Martha H 231, 2,(10) Mary F 231, 4, (8) Matilda Barker 231, 8 Molly 234 Nellie F 231, 4, (7) Nora M 231, 2, (0) Sam nel 228 Samuel 231 Samuel 231, 1 Samuel Warren 231, 1, (2) Sarah '_>;{.{ \ValU-r E 231 2, (8) William H 231, 4, (4) William Runnels 231, 4 William Runnels 2.32 Martin, Caroline Hit. Mason, Benjamin Kimball 20H."» iienjamin Lcroy 20!»2 Bet.sy Forest 1011, 3. ( 1 ) Charles Frank 2(W<.» Clinton Sawyer.. 4046, 1, (5), VIIl David IJrowu 2(W0 Elvira 2('>87 Francis Lc Roy 1(^11, .3, (0). 11 Freeman Hutcbius.. 1641, 3, (0), I Namei. Conn. Noi. Mason, Hannah 1451 H aiinah Randall KWl, 3, (2) James .Monroe 2f!8H John Colby 261K) J(din Randall 1641, .3, (3) Mason .Joseph 1641, 3 Lewis Cass 2691 Mahlon Iv-^e 1641, 3, (6), II[ Mangum K.lson lf>41, 3, (0), IV Moses Randall 1(>41, 3, (.5) Mr 3302 Nathaniel 1641, .3, (0), V Nathaniel Randall..'.. . 1641, 3, (0) It hoda Elvira 2<;y3 Sybil 1463 William Ramlall 1641,. 3, (4) Masterman, Alice 231, 7, (1) Benjamin J 230, 9 Eva 231,7, (2) Mathes, David 1850 Elizabeth 18,'jl Judith 1S52 Lydia Ann 18.5.3 Mathis, Lydia 162.5, 1 Mawrey, Mr 2()(>4 MeCann, Susan 23S2 McCrellis, John 1(J.32 Sally LO.-) McCurdy. Charles Wesley 702 Converse L. ( Rev. ) 759 Elizabeth R liV) George Sumner 761 Hannah Nason "H'A Harriet Newell 7.5 McDaniels, David 1705 JC unite 1707 Hannah 1708 John 1702 Martha 1703 ]^Iary 1704 I'elatiah 17(K) William 1701 McDonald, Beulah Reed 12.30 Charles Allison 1228 Charles p:dward A 1229 Samuel Allison 1231 Sarah 4:53 Sybil 9.30 ISrcFadden, Eliz.abeth 1470 McFarland. I'harles 98«> Mary IClizabeth \M1 McFerson, Abner 2427, 5 Amilla .Jane 2427, 2 ]?athsheba 2428 David 2427. 14 I )<'lila 2427. 6 1 )imon (d) 2427 Dcdly 2427. 13 Emery Woll Smitli 2424 Koxiiiia 242r» RiislicJinii 24;t2 S;illv Itiiiioml 242;» Sarah Kllcn 2427, 3 Siilia Ann 24.M, 1 ThoTnas .U'frcrson 2427, 1 William 2423 William 2430 William 2427. 4 McKav, Mary 1502 MeKoilips, Silas 2!»32 Wilbur H 2h(>n 450 Menser, Emily Jane 1028 Merriam. Louisa J 1735, 5 Merrill, Anna (Nancy) 372 Arthur Tehbetts ". . 404fi, 1, (2), III Betsv E 173(5 Bradbury Tebbetts.. 4046, 1, (2), I Clarissa B 231, 6 DeWitt Clinton . . . 4046, 1, (2), IV Ella J 591 Fannie Lane .. 4046, 1, (2), III. (I) Florilla 1732, 3 .Foel 231,2, (1) Martha Haynes 1641, 2, (1 ) Noah L 4046, 1,(2) Noah L 4046, 1, (2), II Polly 180 Stephen ( Rev. ) 1737 William 257 Willie Arthur . 4046, 1, (2), III, (II) ^lerrow, Asa 417 Meserve, Alice Pendexter 1738, 2 Clara Eastman 1738, 5 Frank Marion 1738, 7, (2) George Pendexter 1738 George Washington 1738, 7 Hattie Douglas 1738, 6 James Monroe 1738, 1 J. Erving 1738, 1, (2) Lizzie Amelia E 1738, 8 Martha Trickey 1738, 1 Mary Davis 173S, 4 Samuel 2353 Sarah Adtlie W 1738, 9 Sarah Edith 1738, 1, (1) Susan Eastman 1738, 3 Victoria L 2981 Nam OB. OnriB. Nob. Meserve, Virgil Kent 173H, 7, (1 ) • Willard Alli.sou ]7;i8, 1. (3) Mes'^er, Adelbert 255, 4 Edwin 255, 2 Ilezekiah 249 Jacob 255 Joseph 248 Joseph 251 Mary Ann 255, 3 Mehetabel 250 Putney 2.55, 1 Rebekah 254 Sarah Ann 1666, 2 William 2.'J2 William 253 Metcalf, Harriet A 016 Michael, Louise 1958 Middleton, Abigail 1 Miles, Mr 1672, 1 Miller, Eliza 1587 Mr 4027 Sarah 997 Millett, Adoniram 9.51 Albro 953, 1 Alonzo Dixon 953 Isaac Runnels 955 John Cook 954 Lucy Stinson 9.^6 Melissa Jane 952 Mills, Maria Jennie 814 Mitchell, Edith May 1600 George Henry , 1,599 Moffith, Eva 1039, 1 Joab 1039 Moles, Alice Jane 2110 John Ralph 2109 Lizzie Laura 2113 Robert Herder 2114 Samuel David 2111 William 2108 William Henry 2112 Monroe, H iram 147, 2 Montgomery, Fanny 704 Joseph 703 Lizzie 705 Lucy 707 Nellie 706 Moody, Amos 2621 Angeline 2194, 9 Avice (Avis) 2194, 7 Betsey 2194, 4 Charles 2194. 6, (1) Daniel 2194, 1 Dexter 2194, 1, (2) Elisha 2194, 5 Elizabeth 2622 Emma 2194, 8, (1 ) Franklin 2620 George Washington 2194, » Hannah 2(551 Hartwell 2194, 1, (1) Joseph 2194 Joseph 21J)4, 6 Justin William 2194, 3. (1) Nathaniel 2l!t4, 2 William 21!>4, 3 William 2194, 1, (3) William 2619 INDEX. 341 Named. Cons. Nob. Moore, Abram 3714 Alice M .STl!* Deiinison P .3!W2 Enos L ."^TIT Frank C 371(! Fred L 3715 George 701 Joseph B 1072 Lucy 1722, 3 Marj' Emma 3!)a3 Mary Harriet 1074 Mary Helen 702 Minnie C 371H Nettie R 3720 Robert Dennison 1073 Sollis Albert 1075 Morey, Frances 2744 Ijouisa Angeline 447, 1 Morrill, Benjamin IT W88 Frederick Herbert 3089 George William 30iK) Lucy Antoinette 3091 Mary Ann (VJo Morrison, Caroline E 2r»71 John 10(50, fi, (4) Miss ICMiO, <;, (2) Miss 1()(!(>, 0, (3) Mr 1023 Thomas IKi, 1 Morse, Charlotte .^"(l Hatti(! J 2.37, 7 Mosier, Mr 3.")49 MouUon, L 3<)17 Munsell, Anna 1173 Emma 1172 George 1170 Henry C 1171 William 1174 Murdough, William J 147, 4 M\irr, Adclia Caroline 9(>4 Klioda Eliza 904 Murray, Helen Ciiarrilla 2859 Nash, Eliza G lOlfi Nason, Caroline Augusta 715 Cordelia 718 Daniel 711 Daniel 717 Edgar Girard 1341 , 1 Elizalieth Ifooton 710 Hannah 713 James 720 Joshua Pierce 722 ]Matilda 714 Olivia 712 Raymond I^ee 723 Stephen Hamilton 721 Sylvester 719 William G l.'Ml Keal, Mary E 2.U7 Neas. Marv Ann 2427 NeedliaTii, 'Frank 18(i(t, 2 Maria IXOtr. l Otis Sylvester 1800 Nelson, Angello Delbert 322:! Curtis Wells .3224 Daniel 3222 Names. Cons. Nos. Nelson, Maria 1020, 2, (8) Newbert, ISIoses W. ( Rev. ) 31 10 Newman. Elizal)eth Adaline .'JO.'W Frank Albert :m\3 Henry .1 ones ;-!03l Marshall Perry 3(t.32 Robert :i02S Robert, Jr :3029 Newsome, Hannah 2084 Newton, Charlie M 2.37, 8, (3) f Jeorge 237, 9 Harvev L 231,4. (3) John b 237,8 JohnF 2.37,8, (1) J. OrviUe 237, 8, (2) :Marv 207. 2 Nichols,'Alice J 1.54, 7, (5) Alili.an 1<>4, 3, (10) Benjamin 1.54 Benjamin 1.54, 3, (2) Cali'sta 1.54, .3,(1) Charles N 1.54, .3, (7) Clara J 1.54,4, (5) Clara J 154, 5, (3) Clarissa 154, 6 Edwin 1.54, 7 Eliza 1.54, 8 EllaF 154, 7, (1) Emma J 1.54, 7, (2) Etta F 1,54,4,(4) Eugene S 1.54, 5, ( 1 ) Frank 154, .3, (9) George 1.5i, .3, (8) George A 1.54, 5, (2) George H 1.54, 4, (3) Gilman S 154, 7, (7) Hattie E 1.54,4,(2) Henry B 154, .5, (4) HenrVD 1.54, r> Henry H 154,3, (3) Hiram 154,4 Hubbard Newton 1.54, 3 Jeflerson D 154, 3, (12) John 154, 4, (1) Joseph . ... 154, 1 Julia 154, 9 Loren E 1.54, 7, (Oi Lucy A 154, 7, (4) Marv 154, 5 Mary A 1.54, .3, (5) ISIinnie K 154, 7, (8) Nancy Ayer 1.54, 2 Nancy M. . . . 154, 7, (3) Nellie . ... 1.54, ,3, (11) Sarah J.. 154, 10 Silas I) ,. ... 154. .3, (13) SoranusG 1.54, .3, (0) William A 154, .3, (4) William K 92(5 Noble, John .1 107.3, II Norton, Alfred itOl James 853 Julia A 2.393 Nowell, Martha 2(505 Noves, Harry Lincoln 404(5. 1, (5), VIII, (1) Mary .Jo.-*ephine 404(5,1,(5), VI 11, (ID 342 INDEX. Nftitiei. Con§. Nod. NoycB, SiimuplBpan. .4046, 1, (5), VIII Nut«>. Alonzo Daniel 2(»!>0 AuniiHta 'I'lWb, 2 Carrie 4040, 3. ((i). II George I>iiiii<'l liO'tl Haniiiili Susan 2(i<.»2 Jolin Andrew 'JOW Mnrv Al.hie L'CC.IS Kuttinj;, Kl)eu 2;«) Jason S 230, 1 Kye, Sarah 2(512, 1 Odcll, Lydia IfifiG Odlin, Emma 886 Oliver, Mr 3035 Orange, Franklin 25(10 George Wasliiugtou 2501 Henry Smith 2502 Jeremy Washington 2580 Orcutt, Leonard a")30 Lydia 3531 Ordway, George E 3047 Osgofd, Asa K 4040, 3, (5), & (0) Hetsy 1727 Charles Hazen 1842 Charles Hazen 1842, 5 Edward 4040, 2 Elizabeth 1840 Fred 1842, 2 Georpianna Souther 1842, 4 Henry T 4040, 2, (2) Jenny Steele . 1842, 1 Marshall Lovejoy 1842, 3 Sally 4040, 2, (1 ) Susan 1041, 2, (1), I Otis, Stephen 2272, 1 Oulhank, Mary Ann 040 Packard, Ehenezer ( Dea. ) 3359 Hannah 3410 I'armcnas 3371 AVilliam 3;558 l*age, Anna . . 529 Benjamin 3852 Caleb 105 Hannah 103 Joseph 100 •Toseph no, 5 Joshua 102 Moses 108 Sally 107 Samuel 104 ,^ William K^l, 3, (i) Parish, Hannah 4040, 1, (1) Parker, Aaron 118, Betsy Ann 1382 Hannah 230, 5 Lucy Maria 2084 Mary I ) 4,S«) KfbtH'ca 'MS4 Pari in, Alfred "' 'Vm p.diy ;;;.■;; ;^j2 Partridge, Abby . 542 Anna Eliza 23i>2 6 -)"=' 2392! 8 Asa Cheney 2392 Name*. Com. T7os. Partridge, Ehena 356 Pearl, Hannah 02 Sarah 119 Pear.son, Benjamin H 3(M) Simon 179 Pearsons, Clark 353 Peaslee, Daniel G 165, 15 Peck, Sewall 451 Peckett, Ada Isahelle 693, 1 George Franklin 593, 2 Hattie Lewis 593, 3 William Edwin 593 Pendergaat, Caroline Frances. . . . 1201 James 1628,8 Lydia Maria G 1852, 1 Maurice D 1852, 2 Solomon 18.52 Perkins, Abiel Jacob 10.59 Abigail 1316 Anna 3415 Chase Burnham 1738, 8 Dana 2759,4 David 2706 David K 2767 David Walter Zim, 1 Edgar Moore 1060 Edward S 2096 Elizabeth Theresa 2759. 1 Ephraim 2332 Frances Helen 2099 Frederick 2706, 2 Gertrude Hope 2760, 3 HiramP 1056 Isabella 2701, 2 J. A 2095 Jane '27C)5 Jemima 33()7 Jemima 3447 Joanna Randall 2764 Lawrence Taft 1061 Manasseh 2762, 1 Manaaseh Holmes 2761 ^lariUaE 1058 Mary 2335 jNIarv Ann 2700 MarV Ann 2758, 2 Mary Antoinette 2759, 2 Mary Emma 2761, 1 INDEX. 343 n/ Names. Cons. Nog. Perkins, Mary Louise 20!t8 Mr 3421 Nancy 'i'.>r,'2 Nathan Randall 27()li Nathaniel 27"j8 Nathaniel, Jr 27->H, I Parker Hazen \ort7 Richard 201(7 Kunnels 2:m Saninel II 27o!», 3 Samuel Kunnels 2759 Staples 2.'J33 ^Villianl Dana 27(« Perry, Charlie S l.'Jyi Eliza 13 >>t'^ Eunice I I'i'X) Freddie L 1393 HalsieO 13!»4 Hamilton 13!tO Susan Elder 2003 Willie X 13<)2 Pervier, Patty 21!)0 Sarah 3226 IVvere, James 15!) Philhriek, Dehorah Sophronia . . . 2.3!HJ Elizabeth Ann 2:3'J2 Frank 2.391,1 Henry March 2391, 2 Joseph 2389 Samuel Runnals 2.391 Philips, Melu'tahel 7W! ll«!b., 2. (3) John 3.5(5, 2 John M :«(), 2, (2) Tli.'ud..ra 1640, 1, (1), VI I'ike, Amanda 1576 Maniiali B 2H36 Pillsbury, A.lamsDix 1190 Charles S 11S8 Charles ( Joorgo 1 1.S9 John Arthur 1191 Sally Moody X'A Pinj'ree, Beulah 2747 Diana 2747 Koxilana . . .y. .n.,* . .,i255 Pinkham. Abigail .k-'/iUw./^. 2274 Albtrt Day.T. 1738,\3, (5) Ann Dorcas 2482, 1 Charles 2485 Charles Luther 2482, 2 Clara Estella 1738, .3, (6) Ed war.l J 2269, 2 Enieline ^4S.3 Oi-orge Hale 2482, 3 "^^Jeorue Mayes (Ivev.) 17:38, 3 George Mescrve 17.'38, 3, (1 ) NamcR. Ck)n8. Nos. Pinkham, Hannah Averv 2487 Hattie Ali. Mary Susan 17:38, 3, (2) Nathan .3.")46 N.athan Pratt 2488 Nathaniel Edwin 2482, 4 Nathaniel J 22(»lf, 1 Rebecca 2235 Samuel 2269 Seth Taylor 2482, 6 Thomas 2484 Thomas Francis G 24!)9 Vincent T 24!»7 Willard 2495 Pitt.s, George W 1591 Flora 1592 Place, James D 2313, 1 Platts, Joanna 93 Plummer, John 22a5, 9 Pollard, John Worthen 600, 1 Luther B (MM) Mary .3670 Mira Hibbard 600, 2 William .">!»2 Pond, Mr ^378 Poole, John Henry 516 Poor, Emma Itowena 595), 4 Frank Clough 59!i, 1 Jlattie Clarabelle 599, 2 Joseph \V (i7;> Lincoln 67(5 Mary Louisa 59!), 3 Minnie White 675 William George (574 Porter, Men.jamin 277 (.'athariiie .3971 Emma 4046, 1, (8). I John Tyler 279 Joseph" 3970 Jo.seph Valentine 3972 Hannah .3.'47 Martha Osgood 281 Sarah 280 Stephen Runnels 'J78 William 8(51 Post, Catharine 24."»7 John 4(r_M Potter. Alice Ann .msd. -J Blanch ;<(»78, 3 Charles Henry 3080, I ElizalKJth .^079 Henry ;{o,SO Jennie 3080. 3 .Jo.seph William .■5078 Li/./.ie Olive ,307S. 1 Sahime ,S.V.t William ;!o77 William Henry ;tU78. 2 Pratt, Charlotte Lorena 32(57 314 INDEX. NnmcH. Cons. Nob. Tratt, .liuiies 380 MartliaK 7W Mr -T-W, 1 l^ray, Isaac •5."45, 4, ((5), I John Lucy 1645, 4, (G), VI Levi CluKlbourne 17.30, 2 Matilda 1645, 4, (6), V Kand. Alonzo N 2."7, 13 •'ohu U 237, 13, (2) Names. Cong. Nos. Rand. Lluellyn A 237, 1.3, (1) Stephen 1(528, 1,(1), VII Randall, Abifiail 1625,1. (8) Abigail 162(5, 1 Agnes Forrest 1641, 2. (2) Ann 2482 Anna 1623 Anna 162.5, 1, (1) Anna 1(541. 6 Anne 1641, 1, (2) liet.sy 1640, 2 Betsy 1641,1 I'.etay Forrest 1641, 2, (6) Carrie Mary 1641, 2, (1), I (I) Deborah 1621 Eliza 1626,7 Eliza 1641,1, (5) Elizabeth Frances. . 1641, 5, (3), II Elizabeth W 1641. 2, (1), VI Ellison Forrest 1(541, 1, (1) Frances Adalaide.. 1641, 2. (1), VII George Knight 1641, 2, (1 ) Gideon 1(545 Gideon M 1625, 1, (2) H annah 1 626, 4 Hannah 1641,4 Hannah 1641,2, (4) Hannah 164.5, 7 Hannah Forrest. . . 1(541, 2, (1), IH Henry Harrison.. 1641, 2,(1), 1,(11) Henry Harrison. .. . 1641, 2, (1), II Hezekiah 1640 Israel 1622 James T 1641, 2, (1), I Job 1(526 Job 1626,5 John 1626,8 .Tohn Forrest 1(541, 5 Jonathan 1644 Louisa 1(524 Lvdia 1641,1, (3) Lydia 1645. 2 Lydia M 1625,1, (4) Maria 2313,2 lyiary 1625, 1, (6) IMarv 1626, 9 Mary 1G41, 1, (4) Mary 1643 Mary (Mrs. ) 1674 Mattie Elizabeth. .1641, 2, (1), V, (I) Miles 1620 Miles 1626, 3 Molly 1(540, 1 Moses 1(541 Moses 1641, 5, (3) Moses 2318 Nabbv 1645, 6 NancV 1645, 3 Nathaniel 1639 Nathaniel 1641, 2 Nathaniel 1(>41, 2, (1 ), V Nathaniel 1()45, 1 Polly (Molly) 1641. 3 Polly 1645, 4 Rebecca Clement 1(541. 5, (3), I Rebekah Carleton 1(541, 5, (2) Reuben W 1625, 1, (3) Sally 1625, 1, (5) INDEX. 345 Names. Cons. Nos. Kandall, Sally KA5, 5 Sainufl (.'arleton 1041, ."», (1) Siirah (Sully) l(i'-'(), 2 Siikev K ir>41,'_', Ci) Susan Kni-,'lit 1G41, 2, (1), IV Tluiiiias 1(525 Tlioinas, Jr WS't, 1 Thomas KL'U, 6 Thomas C 1625, 1. (7) Ursula 233<) "William KVJl, 1 William 1G41, 5, (4) William lfti-2 William Harrison 1G41, 2, (.J) Rank't, Sally 2709 Kaulett, Charles H 3052 Frank Edward 3053 Mary Al.hy 3054 Eansom, Edward 3322 Raw.son, Susanna 3;521 Ray, Lizzie 1232 Eayall, Samuel 3312 Raymond, H enry 3!t8 Lydia .3.'?74 Read, Ahbio Ethel . . 522, (5 iJ.Ttha Ettie 522, 1 Calvin Kicliardson 521 Claudie (Jertrude 521, 2 Dana Dunbar .')23 Ebenezer Runnels 515) nCrtie Jenette 522, 2 Elmor Augustus 52.3, 2 (Jirtrudc Dexter 522, 5 Gracie Darlinf^ 521, 1 Hannah Abigail .'524 Harrv Lvman 523, 3 Hattie >iaud 523, 5 Hiram Au^u.stus 520 .James Dexter 522 James H 518 Ijlewellvn James .'522, 4 Lottie Josejdiine 523, 4 liaymond 1 >exter 522, 3 Tessie :Slary 521, 3 Walter Sidney 523, 1 William (1 2770 Redman, Abbie A 1(;45, 4, (7) Iteed, Abbie Hattie 1274 Addi(! Cora 1275 Heulah (i43 Clara J 1.54, 5, (1) .r(din Augustus 127.3 Reynolds. Hetsv .'^"><'4 R W ". .3.-)07 Mr .'MCS Mr .'U71 Ricker, Dorcas (Mrs.) 2208 Eliza 23!>4 Eliza .Jane 231.3, 1 George 887 Luther 2.;13 Miss 2247 Thomas 2.313, 2 Ring, Albert 1720. 5 Chase 404(i, 2, (1) George Edwin 1720, 5, (1) Eobbins, John 147,1 Lydia Frances 17c54. 1 P'hihira 848 Samuel 411 Sarah L 154.2, (2) Willard 407 William 3539 Roberts, Abigail 3.519 Abigail A 237, 3 Almira 2.37,5 Charles H 237, 4, (2) Charles H 37.37 Charlie Lewellyn 37.38 Lauretta E 237,4, (1) Sarah Rebecca 3!m;2 Susan L ;W34 Sylvester 237, 4 Robie', Alfred M .581 Robinson, John 118, 8 iSIargaret ."{(kU) ISIartlia S IS(K) Rosanna l!(.j3 Rogers, Arthur.. . 4o4(5, 1, (5), V, (III) iJcrtba Alice 978 Carroll Hurbank, 4(^0,1, (5), V.(ll) Charles Carroll (Esq. ), 4046, 1, (5), V Daniel 315 Daniel 324 Dorabelle 975 Eliza. lane 319 IClizabctli Winsbip 752 Emeline ( Mrs. ) 27(>7 lOnoch Avery l.").'>7 Enoch ( Jeorge 4046, 1, (5), IX Ernest I Toward 15"'8 (teorge Lincoln 97(5 Hannah Ophelia .317 Harriet Eliza .323 Ida Emnui 974 James 2314. 1 .Tohn 314 .lolin 973 .lulin Ailanis .ibS .Ii.bn William .. 404(5, 1, (5), V, (I) Kate .May !I77 l.iviugst.."n.. Kill, 2& 6, (2), 11,(111) 340 INDEX. NamcH. Conn. Nog. BogerH, Malvina 'nordwcll 320 Maria '51*> Mary E 2(«1 Mr 2314 Orvillo Forrest 1641, 2 & 6, (2), ir, (I) Rebecca 321 Samuel B IMl, 2 & 0, (2), II Samuel B. . ACAX, 2 & 0, (2), II, (II) Stephen Ite yiiolds 321 Susaa Hemphill 322 Susie Bell 1559 IloUius, Dudley L 2979 Hook, Katie 1G43, 10, (2) llosebrooks. Alice 2925 liosecrans, Charles W 1070 Mary Lucretia 1071 Eoundy, Philena 1474 llowell, Charles 38(53 Edward 38(il Morris 3862 Susan 3864 Willie 3865 Runnels, Elvina Augusta 3198 Sackftt, Carrie B 2891, 1 George O 2891 Sampson, Alfred 229, 1, (5, Mitie 229, 1, (5). I Sanborn, I$enjamin 3866 Lavina 1666, 4 Martha 3868 Nellie Augusta 2121 Nellie M 3867 Sanders, Alviu W 1989 Clara A 1991 George D 1992 Jennie E 1988 Martin M 1990 William 1987 Sandon. Dorcas 3395 Sargent, Abigail 76 Asa 73 Daniel 2477 Mehetabel P 2657 Moses 72 Mr 537 Sarah 695 Savage, Amilla 2427 Lydia A 2385 Susan 3246 Savery, Selina G 2013 IJoxana G 507 Sawver, David 2268, 1 Eliza N 1739. 2 Harriet M 1402 John H 572 :Mose9 22(58 Sawyer (or Sanger) Richard 3303 Sayles, H 1947 Scannall, Annnra 3244 Schmanouski, Mr 182.'" Scott, Jane 2917 Scoullor, .lolin B 3.'>S5 Scrihner, Esther 993 Scarles, Kli £8;fi) liauuab Jane 2841 NamoB. Cons. Nob. Sc.arles, Jeflferson Rockwood 2840 Sears, J ulia 21!>4, 6 Seaton, Alma Etta 1089 Amanda Virginia 1088 George Edward 10!>0 Jo.seph P 1087 Robert E. Lee 1091 Seavey, Arthur.. 1640, 1,(1), VI, (VUl) Carrie H KMO, 1, (1), VI, (I) DeWitt Clinton 1640, 1, (1), VI, (III) Douglas Bean 1640, 1, (1), I Earnest Ellsworth 1640, 1, (1), IV, (U) Harrie Randall 1640, 1, (1), IV, (III) Henry Bragdon 1640, 1, (1), VI. (IX) Herbert Ardell. .1(540, 1, (1), IV, (I) Hezekiah Randall. .1640, 1, (1), IV James 1(^40, 1, (1), VI, (VI) Jonathan Melvin 1838 Mary 1640, 1, (1), VII Minnie May. . 1(540, 1, (1), VI, (IV) Paulina..... 1640, 1, (1), VI, (VII) Polly 1640, 1,(3) Polly 1640, 1, (1), II Randall 1640, 1, (1) Sally 3914 Simon 1640, 1 Simon 1640, 1, (2) Stephen Jackson.. 1640, 1, (1), III Stephen Jackson . . . 1640, 1, (1), V Viola 1640,1, (1), VI, (V) William 1640,1, (1), VI AVillis Pierce. . 1640, 1, (1), VI, (U) Sessions, Anna (Mrs. ) 17 Seward, George 1670, 1 Sewards, Mr 1717, 10 Seymour, Mr 3403 Shackford, Irene 1641, 5, (3) Shannon, Mary Addie. . 4046, 1, (1), II Shattnck, Annette 2873 Asaph 2870 Charrllla 2871 Logrand 2872 Maria 2874 Shaw, Abigail Jane 1855 Amos Cornelius 2676, 4 Augustus 2676 Bertie Edward 2676, 3 Edward Charles 1196, 1 Eliza Ann 2(597 Emeline 1860 Frankie 267(5, 2 Harriet Ann 1858 Henry Elmer 2676, 1 Isabell 3554, 1 James T n!»6 John 1691 John 1854 John 2389 Joseph i 691, 4 Lizzey 1691. 1 Maria 18.")9 Mary Elizabeth 1857 Nancy KV.H , 2 Sarah 185(5 INDEX. 347 Narae§, Cohb. Nob. Shaw, Susan 1801 Susanna 1G91, 3 Blielfion, Kzra 241 Sherhurn, Abigail 527 George W 528 Oi'orge \Vashingto7i 525 Samuel 52(5 Sherliurne, Alden P I(i70, 4. (7) Alfred Allien lf!70, 4, (7), I Charles lycwellyn.. 1070, 4, (7), III Elmer David ItuO, 4, (7), II Sherman, Abigail Marion 172(1, 1 Angelina 1237 Charles 12.W Charles Henry 1240 Converse McCurdy 12:3!) Henry 12;u; :Mr. .^ 1H8, 4 Mr 34r.<; Olive -Mi, G Reuben 38G Sarah ."Wli, 8 Uriah ;{HG, 6 Sinclair, Polly C 2181. 2 Sinkler, liradbury 217!t Skilton, William Kustis CAH Skinner, Eliza Ann 2825 liose Viihi Sleejier, Andrew J 487, !) Annab«dle 487,4 Carrie W 4K7, 2 Cora (1 487, G David 2.!8!» David March 2:hi3 Helena 'S.i'JA, 1 James 487 James Burton 4S7, 8 Katie 1 4H7. :{ Luetta 4.S7, 5 Mvrtie L 4S7, 7 Sewall 1 4S7. 1 Small, Prances A 1.54.5 Smallidge, Elizabeth C 12;i5 Smart, Abigail . . Km'.I, 1, (G) Cora A Hid'J, 1, (8), IV NameB. Cods. Nob, Smart, Daniel IGoU, I Daniel KV/.t, 1, (5) Everett Hm«», 1, (4) Everett KmK, 1, (7 ) John 1().J, 1, (8), I Mary E IGSy, 1, (!>) t )sl>orn - 1(>5'J, 1,(2) Sophronia Um, 1, (10) VinaS 1059, 1, (8), II Smiley, Lewis 3isi5 Smith, Abigail 1G3 Adaline 2552 Alfre Francis 1.54, 3, (1) Hannah 45 H annah 2142 Herbert Augustine 5;{!> H. M 239,2, (2) Jane Underbill 537 Joseph Elbridge 1124 Lucv 24(17 Mary 154, 3,(1), I Mary Lucy .5.'« ISIarv Lucy 1125 M. Fanny .^J'J IMr 34«>2 Olive (Mrs.) 74 Peter Elkins 5;« Sophia Runnels 5:U Wdliani S 3143 Snell, Caroline 1972 Edward 21G.5 Martha :V,IH Mary .3;{30 Mary Abby 1G28, 1, (1), I Samuel 21(>4 Solomon 21t>H Sollis, Abigail 45 Soule, Albert Lee 2024 Edwin 2025 Frank .' JO'iH Oorge 2021 ( Jeorge 2(r22 Marir I>ouise 202;{ Mary Elizabeth 202G M'illiam Holcoml)e 2027 Spalding, Sewall lis, 2 Thomas 1,5G Spear. Alfred 420 Charlotte 4IG Eliza 417 llepbzibnh 419 Mary Ann 422 N.dirmiah 4IH Kuberl 414 348 INDEX. Numf'B. Conn. Nob. Sponr, Stcphon 421 St(!|)lii!ii 421,2 William 415 William 421, 1 Siu'e.l, Ahi^'iiil 1718, 1 Mr 1718 Spencer, George Ezra (Dr.) 404G, 1, (5), IV Spiiiny, Elizabeth 3r»45 ICmily 35!)2 vSpodor.l, I lanuah 82 Spraiiue, Hetsy Coiteland 244, 4 Harah Baker (Mrs. ) 244, 4 S(|uare, Siisin 3700 vStaiiley, Annette E 2706 Stanton, Betsey 22:38 Mary B 2385 Staj.le.s, Huldah 2040 Stark, David Carrol 3214 Frank Daviil 3215 Ida 3217 Martha Jane 3216 Stephen 1641, 5, (3), I Stearns, Caroline 472 Steele, Sarah Jane 213, 1 Stetson, Henry (Kev.) 3(110 Stevens. Anne H8'J Avice 1810 Charles 1820 Charles ;3o76 Daniel 1818 Ellen 3520 George 2181, 2, (5) John 1817 Jonathan P 230 ]Mary Jane 1822 IMehetabel 2561 Kuth D 3576.1 Sarah Ann 1821 Stevison, Elizabeth A 2443 & 2803 Stiles, Caroline Thompson 847 Charles Franklin 841 Elijah 840 Everett 846 Henry Everett M 844 Henry Leverett 842 Israel 845 Julia Jeauette 843 Lydia 837 Stillings, Alonzo 1738, 9 Stoddard, Louisa Estelle 3271 Samuel 3269 William Henry 3270 Stokesbury, Eliza Ellen 1179 Flora Ethel 1178 (Jeorge Arthur 1176 John W 1175 Mary Jane 1177 Stone, Lucy 2247 Storer. Eliza G ;5(i74 Stowell, Abner 155, 7 Annie Gracia 155, 6, {'^) Benjamin Frank 155, 6, (1) Elgin Ware 155, (i. (2) Henry Fisber 155. 6 Streeter, Mr a;5!IS Stroud, William 11U7 Stuart, Alniira 154, 7 Named. Cons. Nos. Sullivan, Mr 263 Summers, Elizabeth T 2758 Sumner, Ex[)erience 22.'J5, 7 Sutton, Jobn Forbes 1306 Emma Louine 1307 Swain, Albert Ephraim 2535, 4 Benjamin 25.35 Clara 0(;tavia 2.535, 7 Edgar Clarence 2.535, 9 Eugene Margarenia 2535, 5 Harriet Ann, 8 James William 2.535, 6 Lavinia Antoinette 2.5.35, 3 Lucv Elizabeth 2.5.35, 1 William Henry 2535, 2 Swan, Mary Ann 488 Swasey, Clara Ellen 2008 Sweat, Ann .^. . . 235, 1 Benjamin 234, 6 Charlotte 2.35, 4 Clara 2a5, 6 Daniel 235 Daniel 235,3 Elizabeth E, 2.34, 4 Elvira 235, 5 Frederic 235, 2 Hiram 2,34,7 James 234, 8 John 234 John A 234,1 Joshua 234, 9 Martha 234, 11 Mary 2.30, 2 ]Mary A.. 234,2 Matilda 235, 7 Persis 234, 5 Sarah B 234. 3 Sophia 234, 10 Sweetzer, Charles 970 Eliza 972 Martha 971 William B 969 Swift, Oliva 2119 Taber, William H 1511 Talbot, Charles P 323 Edward Reynolds 323, 2 Fannie Melburn 323. 1 Gertrude 32.3, 2, (2) Harriet 323, 2, (1) Julian 323, 3 Tarbox, Abner 577 Charles 578 David 480. 3 George Miuot 480. 4 Harriet il 580 Lucy Ann 480, 5 !Mira Ann 579 PodneyCarr 480 Eodney Walter 480. 2 Sarah Jane 581 William Fellows 480, 1 T.arltou. H.annah 1920 Tash, Clara Jane 2.3,S7 Taylor, Abigail 1693 Daniel 1690 Edward Reynolds 692 INDEX. 349 Names. Con*. No«. Taylor, Kliplialft ir,«(i KliziilM'th 3.VJ(t Frank Montgomery r.'.»:{ George Warreu A (>!>4 John 1(!1)2 Jonathan ItiHH Joseph levi P i\r,:i Mr 3410 Nellie M .3728 Tabitha 3372 "Whitman M 3726 Thomas, Ann 1727, 3 Mr 33in> Nathaniel P^ 231, 1,(1) Warren Nathaniel.... 231, 1, (1), 1 Thompson, Abbie Marion.. 1720, 1, (3) Abby Hill 17:i0, 2 Abby Susan 1722, .3, (3) Abigail 1630, 3 Abigail 1717, 9 Abigail 1711) Abigail E 1722, 6 Abraham 1717, 4 Alfred 1720, 2 Alice Gertrude. . . . 1635, 9, (1), III Amanda Flora UVVj, 6, ( 1) Ann... lG:ir,,S, (1) Anna 1^30, 2.(1), IX Annie Eliza UAl, 1. (5). V Ardra Hannah 1720, 1, (7) Asa 1724 Augustus C. (Rev. ) 173.".. 3 Benjamin 171(! Bet.iy 1726 Burtrous KWi, 2. (1 ), 1 1 1 Caroline Elizabeth Ki;!."), 9, (.">) Carrie Chanipney.. I(i41, 1, (5). VI Carrie George I(i35, 9, ( 1 ), II Charles 1717, 8 Charles 17.3.5, .3, (.")) Charles Augustu.s 1720, 1, (1) Charles C).«good 1727. I Daniel Fox l();i"i. 9 Daniel Gordon 1C^«, 9, (3) Edith 16:C>, 8. (10) Edwin Jonathan 1722, 3, (2) Eliza 16;«). (i Eliza 1630, 2, (1), I Eliza H. 1720. 3 Elizabeth HVM, 2, (3) Elizalteth 16.34 Elizabeth 16;«, 3 ElizalH'th 1717. 12 Elizabeth 1722. 2 Ellen Augusta 163"i, 9, (2) Elmer Ellsworth U)3\ 8, (9) Eujiici! .lane . . 17.'i. ( 1 ) Hannah IC'JH Henry Abiather 17'M), 6 Hiram... IChiO. 2, (1), V Ida 1(130, 2, (1). IV Ida Bell 1722, .3, (6) Irving Auguatu.s 11T2, 3, (5) 350 INDEX. Nnmes. Coi;«. Nos. Tlioninsoii, Taaac IT 3()(M"» .I:unc8 F 1720. 8 Jiiiiies Willey I(i41. 1, (5), II [ Jay 1H:55, 8,(7) Jeimette Annaly 1635, 9, (4) Job l<>:io J..b ir.3.5,5 Jolin llV.i'), G John 1717, 1 Joliii 17U5 John 1727, 3 Jolin 1728 John Haven 1035,6,(2) John L 712 John WinslowE 1636,9, (1) Jonathan 1627 Jonathan 1630, 2 Jonathan 1631 Jonathan 1715 Jonathan 1717, 7 Jonathan 1720, 1 Jonathan 1721 Jonathan 1722, 3 Jonathan Edwards 1730, 3 Jonathan Eunnels (Dr. ) 1730 Joseph 1717, 3 J<.sei)h 1722, 1 Joseph Burnham 16;3.5, 2 Joseph P. (Capt. ) 312 Jnlia 230,4 Keziah 1717, 11 Kcziah 1723 Keziah 1729 Le Roy 1635, 8, (3) Levi 1717 Levi 1717, 5 Levi 1720,4 Lizzie 1630, 2, (1 ), VII Lizzie Lucy 1722, 3, ( 1 ) Llewellyn Augustine . . 1720, 1, (2) Lois 1630. 4 . Louisa 1(335, 8, (5) Lovey 1630, 5 Marcia Eva 1720, 1, (8) Marj;aret E 1867 Mary 1629 Mary 1635, 4 Mary 1635, 8(61 Mary 1645 Mary 1735, 3, (3) jSIary Ella 1630, 2, (2), III Mary Evans 1730, 4 Mary Jane 1717, 10 Mary S 1720, 7 Minnie Florence... 1630, 2, (2), IV Mr 1717, 9 Parihena 1635, 7 IVlatiah 16;J4 Pelatiah 1634, 1 IVhitiah 1722, 4 Polly 1718 Ite.ijinakl Komaine 1720, 1. (1) lvenl)en 1630, 7 Wioda 1630, 2,(1), II Robert 1717, 6 Rol)ert 1720 Robert 17'23 Kuxaaua 230, 8 Names. Cons. No«. Thompson, Samuel 1627 .Samuel Vim Samuel, Jr lO.'iO, 1 Samuel 1630, 2, (1) Samuel 16;i5, 8 Samuel 1727 vSamuel 1727, 2 Samuel Demerit 1641, 1, (5). 11 Samuel Willey KWtl, 1. (5) Sarah 1(>32 Sarah Elizabeth 1730, 1 Sarah J 1720, 5 Susan ; 1635. 1 Susannah 1633 Su.sannah 1722 Susannah F 1722, 5 Stephen 1630, 2, (2) Sylve-ster 1717, 13 Theodore Boone 1720, 1, (9) Thomas 118, 11 Victoria 16.35, 8, (2) Walter Hi30, 2, (1), VI William 1717, 2 William 1720. 6 William 1722, 3, (4) William 1735, 3, (4) William Francis 1641, 1, (5), t Willie 1630,2, (1), VIII Thurston, Chloe 136 Mary 2294 Tibbetts, Ann 2559 Frederick 419, 2 Israel 1628, 6 Hannah R. (Mrs. ) 2482 Leonard 419 Love 1661 Sarah 2177 Sumner 419, 1 Titcomb, Elizabeth 1643, 10, (5) Stephen 447, 4 Titus, Su.san 1674, 4 Tolman, Mary 3a54 Torrev, E. N 2581 Towers, Miles 917 Town, Abby Luella 1546 Ada Sedalia 1550 Betsev 357 Cora Lelia 1549 Elmer Ellsworth 1551 Ezra E 1545 Flora Lelia 1548 Mr 260 Walter Varian 1547 Towne, Cordelia 2194, 6 Louisa 2831 Susan 841 Townshend, Hannah 3948 Tozier, Alniira 1937 (/aroline A 1951 Charles T 1948 Harriet T 1950 Henry H 1949 ]SIarv Jane 1952 Rolliu Tyler 1947 Tracy, Ann Colby 3084 Trafton, Anna 507 Trask, Aun 116, 6 Eliza 116, 4 INDEX. 351 Names. Cons. Nos. Trask, l-Lzia IIG Irena IKi, 7 Mary (Polly) IKI, 'J iSIatilda in;, 3 Sarah IKi, 5 Sophia IKi, 1 Travers, Abel L'HWi Caroline 2902 Charles Henry 2!i04 Ellen 2,S.SH Jacob W 2!K)1 James 2HS7 Mary A 2HH!) William Gilbert 2!H« Trefethen, John W 20(i2 Thomas A 2063 Trickey, Clara Lillian 1738, 2, ((i) Cieor^e Pendexter M. . . 1738, 2, (2) Frank Pierce H.W, 2, (5) James Coleman 17;5«, 2, (1) Josepli Hurnham 1738, 2 Josie Geraldine 1738, 2, (8) Martha 2^«0, 1 Nelson IriMnp 1738, 2, (3) Sarah Alice 17.«, 2, (7) William Wallace 1738, 2,(4) Tripe, Nicholas 2273 Tri])lett, Harry M 31(i!l, 1 N. M 31(li) True, H arriet I(;(i8, !i Sallv 1771 Samuel 1G43, 10, (3) Truiuly, Charlotte D 2084 Trussell, (iracia 808 Sarah 3(i20 Tucker, Kdwin liobbins 1734, 1, (2) KiizalH'tli Eastman 17.34, 3 Henry 17.34 Henry lOustman 1734, .5 Lewis Henry 1734, 1, (3) Lewis McI\Iillan 1734, 1 Lucv Maria 832 Mary Ann 1734,1, (1) Mary Ann \TM, 2 Susan Itunnels 17;i4, 4 Tukey, Oeor<;e W 17!»4 James G 17!)(; Sarah VV 17!t5 Williams 17!I3 Tuppcr, IJachel E 207(1 Turner, JOlizabeth 33(i.'j .lames 11 1084 S.- wall A 108(1 Tuttle, Alvah 12.VJ Clara Durgin 12.").") David 1(17:5, 1 David D 1248 Esther V I(i71, 6, (4) Ivory Burten 12i)0 Manson 12.51 Mary 2802 Mary Hannah 1 2.")4 Mr l(i Eliza 21!t4, 1 f Jeorge Melvin 2055 George Newton 20.53 Helen 3072 Mr 24.S7 Sarah Frances 21XiO Waller, Viann (Mrs.) 500 Wallis, Mary C 2482 Walters, Dellie liosa 1.580 ( leorge W 1.584 Stephen S 15.S.5 WaltluT, Louisa ;50;52 Ward, Carrie. . . 28:52 Maria 148(5 Warren, Eliza V :52.5(} Washburn, Eunice 230, 2 William 713 Waterhouse, T^iydia . 10:Ci, Waterman, Carlos 2725 Isabella ;5711 Watkiiis, Albert E 1.52,3, (2) Eliza Ann 1.52, .3, (3) Emma Jane 1.52, 3, (0) George It. 1.52, .3, (1 ) Lucy Viola 152, 3, (5) 352 INDEX. Nnmos. Cons. Nob. WiitkiiiH, IVFary KMora ]r)'2, .'!, {('<) Olo.i Av.T l.W, .{, (4) Oiick \Villi;un l.W, .'!, (7) Otis (Honlil) ir>2,:i Otis Gould, .Tr 152, .3, (H) Watson, ("harles Pliarez 1525 Clariii^ton Liislie 1527 Ellen Augusta 1528 Enoch 21!»2, fi Eunice IMatilda 1241 Francis Lewyllen 152(i George 21'J2, :{ Grace 124;i Herbert 1242 Ichabod 21i)2 James Clinton 123(5 John 21;.'ph, Jr 2.-.44 Wines, Abijah 399S Abijah(Uev.) :V.m Wing, Charles G li.",'.) Charlotte Augusta 1511 Francis Marion 1510 Lucy Annie 1.5(19 Winthrop Morse 1508 Wingate, Alfred Sevmour 1 140 AnnaMariah..^ 202«l Kmma 732 Henry Herrick 1143 Maria 1142 Walter Kavmond 1144 Winn, Mary Eiizabeth 3080 Winship, Adaline 2.30, 3 Winslow, Ellen 2012, 2 Witham, Abigail Runnels 2310 Abraham 2311 Hannah Ilunnals 2312 Isaac Itunnels 2;'>17 Louisa (Eliza) 2.")).3 Mary Sophia 2319 Moses 2315 ■Sir 2314 Nancv 2.514 Nathaniel 2.!(I9 Nathaniel 2.!10 Sarah Ann 2318 Sears 1430 Wolcott, Alonzo 447, 5 Alphonso 447, Carrie Louisa 447, 0, (2) Charlotte Lemira 447, 7 Cliloe Annette 447, 9 Eddie Seward 447, 1, (5) Edwin 447.2 Emma Jane 447, 1, (3) Horace Eddie 447, 0, (1) Lla Ann 447, 1, (2) Martha 447, 1, (7) Milton Daniid 447, 1,(4) :Miltou .lohu . 447 Newell Nason 447, 10 Norman Maltby 447. 8 Sarah Jane 447, 4 Sewall Albert 447, 3 Sollis Alconder 447, 1 Sollis Alfred 447, 1, (0) Solomon 447, 1. (1) Woodbury, Emma :v>n8. 1 ( 'reorge .(1 108, 2 H.annah .'t.'i5 Henrv .3' ^OFCAllFOfi*^ ^.OFCAll -< yoxwymm"^ .fT^g 5 I lln ^ ,^ I 11 ,^WE•UNIVER5•//, •^(i/OJIlVDJO' 5? IIVDJO"^ %i- L 005 492 919 5 = iZ]? ^CAavaaii-^^ UC SOUTHf RN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACIL'TY AA 001 216 547 8 i^ ■■'OQj;\i,i!i .r,'. ^yr.iiQ//: "'vAlivQfliri^' ^^l•llBRARY•c>/> ., ^ jO-^ '^^OJIIVJ 25 0- ,^-OF CAllFO^c ^Mfl'N'lVERT//,, .vVlO v: yo ^^^i E^ ?3 C UNIVERS/^ ^^lOSANCF'' -r" o i I O u_ ]0NVS01^ "^/^iiaAINrtJlvv 'fyAaVilulli^'^' ^. ^>NUIBRARY(?/ C Of ^^^^.