THE DES 1 1 OF AMERIC BY THE R O A D B U I L THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Philip D, Swing The Destinjr gf America "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance. This principle is contempt prior to examination". — Dr. Paley. A greater than Paley has said: "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is a folly, and a shame unto him. — Proverbs XV III. 13. The Destinjr ^c^merica WITH AN APPENDIX Who Are The Japanese? BY THE ROADBUILDER i.p5e^^^^y^:3 TORONTO, CANADA: T. H. BEST PRINTING CO., LIMITED BOSTON, MASS. : A. A. BEAUCHAMP, 603 BOYLSTON ST. Copyright, Canada, 1921 By T. H. BEST PRINTING CO., LTD. All Sights Eesfrved. 131 RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE SHORT-HAIRED BUSINESS MEN OF AMERICA, Me'n, Chuck Full of Sentiment, Enterprise and Goodwill who, given facts, can usually deliver an intelligent opinion and judgment quicker, it is alleged, than *'hell can scorch a feather." Having never been nearer hell than France and Belgium during war-time, I am unable to say if the above time limit is a reasonable one, but cheerfully and with confidence I submit the following facts, history, statements, and deduc- tions, both Biblical and profane, to your mature business judgment, well knowing that they will be dealt with by a fifty-fifty mixture of grey matter and horse sense, which is all one could ask. THE ROADBUILDER. October, 1920. THE OBJECTIVE. Our fighting troops in France and Flan- ders, after several years warfare and at the cost of many thousands of lives, learned that a limit- ed objective properly planned was the one thing necessary before leading troops ''over the top." This lesson remains seared somewhere in my interior economy; and before leading you across what might be called a "No Man's Land," it might be well to explain that the objective at present in view is to cause you business men of the U.S.A., citizens of the greatest republic tlie world ever has seen, or ever will see, to look into some facts of history that in so many unmis- takable ways seem to connect your country with the promises made by God through the mouths of His prophets several thousand years ago, fore- telling the great people you were to become as descendants of Manasseh, the eldest son of Joseph, whom you will remember as the food con- troller who saved not only Egypt and his Hebrew brethien but the world at large, for it is stated, "The famine was over all the face of the vii viii THE OBJECTIVE earth. . . . And all countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn." It is hoped with tliis limited objective in view to secure your interest and goodwill suffici- ently to cause you to study the subject, though I must advise you before you start that, when you study it, you're a ''gonner"! The theme is so captivating, the side lines so many, and every one so interesting that your golf or other pursuits are apt to be neglected while you delve for data as to what is going to be the outcome of the present un- settled condition of Europe, of America, and the whole world, because it is all foretold in Bible history, which I like to call His-storj, i.e., God's story. The dime novels of your youthful days were no more thrilling than is this subject to every man who has looked into it carefully ; and the more and the deeper you delve, the richer the plunder. This limited objective, therefore, is only to provide you with a jumping-off spot or bridge- head for the real attack you will make when you have absorbed the fact that God selected America for you and foretold through the mouths of the prophets of old, the ''people" and the "great people" you were to become. WHien away from home, you speak of the U.S.A. as God's o^mi country; and you do well, for in Psalms 60: we read: ''God hath spoken THE OBJECTIVE ix in his lioliness. . . . Manasseh is Mine," and the U.S.A. is Manasseh. You and your country are His, as I hope you will agree, if you have the patience to wade through the following pages. It surely will not make you think less of your country to know that the Creator in His plan for this world selected America for you to grow up in and become the freedom-loving peo- ple you are. It mil not make you think less of your national inheritance and the Anglo-Saxon- Celtic-British stock from which you sprang to learn that God foretold, through the mouths of His prophets several thousand years ago, that you were to break away and set up in business for yourselves and from a little one you would grow into a great nation; and that you would, like Brother John Bull, be invincible in war ; and that He would give you both the wealth of the mine, the forest, the sea, and the wealth of the land, — all of which has made Young America the wonder of the world, and has thus enabled you to help do His work with wealth at your command. God also laid down the specifications for the job you were to help to do in this world: in freeing the slaves, in breaking all yokes, and in helping to carry His Word and good works to all nations together w^ith that British love of freedom and justice that forms a part of your inheritance from your forefathers. X THE OBJECTIVE If any of your immediate forefathers had left you the one-thousandth part of what God bequeathed to you and your fathers as an inlieri- tance, you would be breaking your neck to find out all about it, so I hope this prospect will not leave you "cold footed." FOEE WORD. Say, reader, did you ever write a book? No! Well, neither have I, so we break even on that score. When I came back from the Front in the spring of 1919, I had a decided hunch that I should put on paper these views for the benefit of my numerous Yankee friends and perhaps for a few others. Now, a brain wave to most people is a creature of a moment or two and then passes off, but with this bit of Scotch it is a real force to be reckoned with and to be humored, or got rid of, or else followed. Choosing the latter course, I started to put on paper these ideas, but I found that when I conmienced looking up any of the reference books or the Bible, I at once became so interested in reading — and I read night after night and never put a page on paper — ^that my writing languished. Besides, I realized I was never made to sit still long enough for quill driving and my mental equipment was unsuited for such work, for, be it known, the call of the "out of doors" at the age of thirteen caused me to play "hookey" for several months (there being no truant officers xi xii FOREWORD in those days) and my young form darkened school doors no more. I also soon recognized that this was essen- tially a religious question ; and while I have been accused of many things, up to date I have never heard of my being accused of being pious or religious, as I have never felt good enough to join a church, though I once had the compliment passed by a very reverend gentleman asking me to be a sidesman, deacon or churchwarden, I don't remember which. But I was not for having any, though I attend service every Sunday, rain or shine. Amid these discouragements, the calls of business with a turn-over of two million dollars, and the thronging duties that fall to one's por- tion in a big city, absorbed a good deal of my steam, so that when I reached home in the even- ing, it was slippers, a grate fire, a game of bridge, and a growing family that took my attention ere the feathers wooed me thitherward. My conscience or the aforementioned hunch, however, never lost its grip but kept urging me on despite the numerous times I waved it aside with many a ''to-morrow perhaps," or ''next week." Sitting one day in the Club after luncheon, talking to a young friend of about sixty-five or seventy summers and an equal number of winters, mostly hard ones I should judge, we chanced on FOREWORD xiii this subject and I unloaded some of the following- data off my chest. Turning to me with real passion in his voice, he said, ''I would give anything in the world that I possess if I had your faith!" "Say, Tom, it's not that costly! Just in- vest a few dollars in some books I '11 give you a list of, and I'll bet you cannot come to any other conclusion than I have." Turning to me with real earnestness, he said, **The world is just crying out for the faith that you have ; and you would be doing more real service and good than you could estimate if you would publish what you have just told me, as you have a way of saying things that make them stick in one's mind. You would be doing a real service to humanity in renewing the faith that we were taught by our mothers in the years long ago. We need it sadly. ' ' This talk stirred me to renewed action ; so, here I am with my finger in the ink-pot under the urge of my young friend, whose opinion and judgment I value highly, trying, and trying hard, to write a book that will show you the everyday road to God's Kingdom that is right here on earth. You don't have to die to get it as it is part of your inheritance while you are alive and going strong. Having served this notice of what to ex- xiv FOREWORD pect, I seem to have cleared my conscience, be- cause, if you delve further into these pages, its your own funeral, as you have had fair warning that I am far removed from being properly equipped or suited to the job of bookwriting. Think of it rather as a series of letters from a friend direct to you. I'm appalled at the num- ber of capital ^'I's" in tlie foregoing, but it seems impossible to dodge them, due doubtless to my inexperience and not knowing how. I really have little that is original to offer you ; but, during the last thirty-seven years, I have read over 250 books and pamphlets on this sub- ject and the data contained therein has been ab- sorbed during those years. My test of every book has been to check up its statements or data by the Bible, and my father might have been from Missouri, instead of from Glasgow, Scotland, by the way they had to ' ' show me ! " It is impossible, therefore, to quote all the authors whose material I have absorbed, but when I make a statement you can bank on its being based on the good horse sense that you apply to your business daily, and you can be sure that it is all truth as it is given me to see it. Furthermore, a book like this is only of as much good to you as the use you make of it; and if you desire to get anything out of it, it will have to be studied and checked up, not merely read for entertainment. I always read with a FOREWORD XV soft pencil in my hand. For every opinion ex- pressed that I cannot see or do not believe, I put a question mark in the margin. I tick off the things I agree with or wish to refer to again. I turn down the corner of pages I wish to refer to hurriedly, and I can glance through a book a second time from cover to cover in half an hour. / would ash as a favor that you do likewise with this hook, because to really get it, you will have to study it over many times to absorb most of the truth it contains. Question anything you cannot see or do not believe; heavily pencil any items that strike you as good stuif ; and don't be afraid of digging into the Bible to do a bit of mining on your own account, as not one-half of it as yet is properly understood by most people. You do your business six days a week on the basis of taking other men's word for details and things you have not time or inclination to go into or figure for yourself. I would ask that you do the same with me as you do with your sub- ordinates and place the same confidence in my judgment and accept my word for everything I put do^\Ti here until you finish the book and until you find me in error, because its facts are as true as the fact that you have a head on your shoulders. As you may be undecided w^hether to accept the foregoing suggestion, I may mention that my bank backs my word and judgment to the tune of between a quarter and a half million dollars over- xvi FOREWORD draft each season and tliey, as you know, have the habit of looking into the innermost recesses of one's make-up ere they loosen to the above tune. Mention is made of this, not in a boastful manner, nor to encourage you to seek a loan, but solely because I think it well you should know that my head is screwed on shoulders as straight and as tight as is the ordinary business man's who has to rustle among his competitors daily for his provender in the marts of a large city. THE KOADBUILDER. November, 1920. DETAILS OF CHAPTER I. 1. My early chief. 2. U.S.A. God's chosen land and people. 3. Enquiry about the war in France and Flanders. 4. Germany's aim to maim France for life. 5. Turkey's doom by Ephraim (England) foretold. 6. The mills of God grind slowly. 7. What it cost Britain for breaking of God's laws. 8. AMiat it cost U.S.A. for breaking one of God's laws. 9. Moses and Abraham Lincoln both called to carry out God's laws. 10. Abraham Lincoln's belief that Almighty God ruled in America, but that Americans had forgotten God. .11. Wliat it cost America for not knowing in 1861 that they were Israel. 12. The League of Nations cannot and will not stop war. 13. A league of Anglo-Saxon nations only will bring ordered peace and justice. 14. Then Schwab can scrap his armament de- partment, not before. 15. The farseeing stockbroker vs. the farther seeing Creator. 1 2 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 16. God said Ephraim, Israel, would free Jerusalem from Edom, the Turk, and as Britain did so she must be Israel. 17. Where is the nation, Israel, whom Christ came to save. His ten servants whom He told to occupy His Kingdom until His re- turn? (Luke 19). 18. Why did Christ send His Disciples to ''The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel?" 19. The Creator says preachers of America have fallen down on their job and He will take it over and find ''His Lost Sheep," Israel. The Destin3r gT c/lmerica CHAPTER I. Thirt)^ years ago I was toiling in one of the large cities of Wisconsin, U.S.A., second in com- mand of a roadbuilding company. My chief was a young man of my own age, as fat as a match and measuring six feet two inches in hi^ nightie (in those >days pyjamas were not standard eqniioment for roadbuilders). This young man was a down east Yankee of, I think, the Mayflower extraction, with a strong belief and hope that the U.S.A. would finally float the Stars and Stripes from the north pole to Panama. Now, while I respected him muchly for his many charming qualities of head and heart, we, nevertheless, used to split hard and fast on the Yankee flag proposition ever floating over Canada, for, be it known, I was a '^Canook" born of Scotch and English parents: on my mother's side descended from those fighting war- rior Normans whom William the Conqueror led into Britain, and on my father's, from the low- land Scotch wdio always were bonnie fighters, wherever the cause Avas, igood — or where they thought it was, which was the same thing to them. 3 4 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA I had a strong working belief — namely, the Anglo-Israel theory — that the Anglo-Saxon- Celtic people headed by Jolin Bull and Brother Jonathan were God's chosen peoples with whom He was going to subdue the heathen and whom He was going to use as His battle axe and as His weapons of war, to bring about His Kingdom on earth, according to Jeremiah 51 : 20 : "Thou [Israel] art my battle axe and weapons of war : for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms [in and through Israel should His Kingdom be manifest on earth] ." These peoples were to be invincible in war. Their mission was to free the slaves and the oppressed, to bind up the broken, to break every yoke, to keep God's laws, to carry the Gospel to the heathen, to settle the waste places of the earth, etc., and in this way make manifest God's King- dom right in America, Canada, Britain, and the other Anglo-Saxon nations. Ferrar Fenton's Version in modern Eng- lish of Isaiah 58 : 6 and 7 reads : "Is not this the Fast I approve? — To free those who are wrongfully bound? And to loosen your slaves from their yoke? And to seek out and free the oppressed? And that you should remove every wrong? And to give to the famishing food? And poor wanderers to bring to your house? And those whom you see naked to clothe? And to hide not yourself from your kind?" THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 5 I had been inoculated with this belief in 1884 and it had what the doctors would call a good take; but, unlike the measles, flu and a few other odds and ends that have come my way before and since and left me none the worse for their visits, this Anglo-Saxon-Celtic invasion of microbes in my system has grown until now I believe if I was scratched anywhere, I would ooze Bible prophecies concerning Israel and her future. When my slim chief talked about God's country (the U.S.A.), I agreed that it really was God's country and belabored him with what the prophets said about America. I furthermore gave him books on the subject printed in 1879, which, by the way, predicted the taking of Egypt; — as was accomplished in 1882; — also the taking of Palestine, by Ephraim Israel (England) "doing in" Edom (Turkey); the handing of the Holy Land to the Jews for a national home under Britain; the absolute break-up of Russia; and many other things that were based on the Saxon- Celtic people alone fitting into the scheme as God's chosen people Israel — Israel later being divided into two separate Hebrew nations: Judali being the Jews, and Levi and the other ten tribes form- ing the nation Israel, which was lost to most his- torians. Times change; and men with them. My early chief drifted to that big city of skyscrapers 6 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA — New York — and became tlie father of a lovely family of boys and girls, covered his bones with nmnerons layers of surplus tissue until a two hundred pound scale would not scale him, and the war found him general-manager of one of America's big trusts turning out munitions at a rate to surfeit his shareholders with British and French gold taken in exchange for materials for the stuffing of high explosive shells, etc. One day in the spring of 1918, in a war- ridden section of France, my batman brought to my billet a letter that I at once recognized as the handwriting of my boss of about thirty years before. Congratulating me on my work, he wound up his epistle by asking how the war fitted into the ideas that I used to bethump him with in the early nineties. Wliat did I think would be the outcome of the war? In replying, I pointed out that when we had been duly punished for our na- tional sins, we were as certain to win throug'h as the sun was to rise. Israel was told that when they obeyed not God's connnandments and God's laws they would be punished. And how would they be punished ? With the stripes of men. By tlie Assyrian coming down on them lil?:e a wolf on the fold. The Assyrians took Israel captive starting in tlie year 741 B.C. and finishing in the year 676 B.C., thereby fulfilling wliat the prophet Isaiah had predicted, — that in seventy-five years Ephraim should be broken and not a people. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 7 Tliey were scattered among the Assyrians across the Euphrates, At that time the Assyrians cut down Israel's vines and fruit trees, a thing for- bidden in the Bible. Prussia is modern Assyria, and when the Huns retired to the Hindenburg line in the spring of 1917, they ran true to type. In the Bapaume sector they cut down every vine and fruit tree in every French garden for fifty miles, and many of these trees came out in bloom weeks later as they lay murdered on the ground. It was one of the saddest sights I saw at the Front. Wil- fully to saw down fruit trees that were of no use to them or to us was fouling the usages of war. But Germany was out to maim France for life, and their poisoning wells and murdering fruit trees was a small item in the long list of barbari- ties and wilful premeditated destructions. Though at the time of writing to my friend we had been driven back on Amiens and ''had our backs to the wall, ' ' I wrote that when we had received our due punishment for our neglect to clean up Turkey for their slaughtering of the Armenians in Gladstone's time; for our neglect to fulfil our word to help Denmark when Germany stole Schleswig-Holstein from her; for our neg- lect to help France in 1870 ; for our other national sins ; and for our neglect of God ; — then we would win through because we are the everlasting king- dom, the Kingdom of Israel, spoken of by Jere- miah the prophet. 8 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA "For I am with thee [Israel], saitli the Lord, to save thee : though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee : but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished." (Jer. 30:11.) I had promised my ^\T.fe in Jime, 1918, to eat Christmas dimier, 1918, Avith her and the kiddies in Canada Avith the war all over, and I ventured the opinion to my friend that we would be likely to have Germany licked by August, 1918. The newspapers of my home towm pub- lished this opinion in June of 1918, because the real soldiers on the British staffs then said we were in for two more years war. Tlie mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding sure. Doubtless Gladstone thought he was saving lives by not cleaning up the "Sick Man of Europe" when all Christendom cried out at the Armenian murders of that day. But what was the direct result of his saving the Turks? The hundreds of thousands of British and their Allies killed and wounded at Kut, Gallipoli, etc., by Turkey. If Britain had per- formed her national duty then, there would have been no vigorous Turkey to assist Germany in 1914. What did it cost Britain for this national political weakness in wounded, in lives lost, and treasure spent during those five awful years of carnage in Europe's cockpit — Flanders and Nor- THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 9 them France? If Germany had not been allowed to take Schleswig-Holstein and had not been given Heligoland (given to Britain by the Creator as a waste place), there would have been no Kiel Canal ; and if, in addition, Germany had not been allowed to overrun France in 1870, this last war would have been finished in perhaps six months or a 3^ear. I believe it pays nations as well as business men to do the right thing at the right time. God gave Israel a world commission down through the ages, to break every yoke and lift every burden. But the American or United States section of Israel broke this law of God by placing 5^okes on negro men and women and making them slaves. "With what result? Did they get away with it? For a time, just as Britain did with saving Turkey ; but the mills of God were grinding out His judginent on this sec- tion of His chosen people, and that wrong had to be righted. How? Again by the stripes of men. South against North, and your President Lincoln finally said, *' Slavery must be and will be abol- ished and these United States will not be divided in twain, half slave and half free. ' ' Wlien the tribe of Manasseh, U.S.A., were in Canaan, they were in two parts, as divided by Joshua: east of the Jordan and west of the Jor- dan. It is co-incident that, when they were in 10 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA America, 2,500 years later, the Dixie line divided them again into two parts. North and South. God raised np Moses to unite and lead the united states or tribes of Israel out of bond- age in Eg}^t. So, I believe, did he raise up Abraham Lincoln, Man of Grod, born of Puritan stock from Britain, the great leader of Manasseh, the United States of America — that "great peo- ple" the prophets had predicted they were to become. Witli what wise and farseeing judgment did Lincoln work towards unity, to win the war and establish peace! Read John Wesley Hill's Ahraliam Lin- coln Man of God, with Forewards by Major-Gen- eral Leonard Wood, David Lloyd George, and President AVarren G. Harding, if you desire to know how like Moses he was in leading the Ameri- can children of Israel through their trials and tribulations toward peace and unity. Lincoln ciuotations herein are all taken from Mr. Hill's book. If ever a man placed re- liance on God for actual everyday perforaiance right on American soil, in answer to prayer, that man was your martyred President, Abraham Lin- coln. Lincoln believed that God answered prayer for America ; and after the bitter disappointments and agonies of the dark days of 1863, after Fredericksburg had fallen, when treason stalked through the land, he issued the following pro- clamation, Mar U 0^ r^ Oh ~. -H ,— ( --H J^' 0) a ^1 in 1— 1 en a; 0-* c J2 Cl; '" 2 c«-i o r ! o THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 115 everything to make it and keep it the foremost Industrial and Commercial Nation of the ivorld," Charles M. Schwab says that America has everything necessary to keep it in front of the whole world, and that it was endowed by God with it; and that is exactly what Moses proph- esied for the house of Joseph. Gentlemrn, J rest my case there. If you know of any better authority on prophecy than the Bible or any better authority than Charles M. Schwab on prosperity or on the material possessions of America, just trot them out. Abraham Lincoln at twenty-six years of age sensed God's goodness to His servant Israel in America. '^He was firm in the belief that God was at the helm, and that man was but the lium])le though co-operating agent through whom the Al- mighty was working out the destiny of man- kind.''* In a speech before the Young Mens' Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, at about that age, he said: "We find ourselves in the peaceful pos- session of [1] the fairest portion of the earth, [2] as regards fertility of soil, [3] extent of ter- ritory, and [4] salubrity of climate. . . . We .... find ourselves the legal inheritors of these funda- mental blessings. We toiled not in the acquire- ment or the establishment of them."* * Abraham Lincoln Man of God, hy John Wesley liill. 116 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA *'As Lincoln journeyed from Illinois across the country," Mr. Hill writes, "he declared all along the route that he was going forth in the name of the Living God of Israel."* Well, reader, the point here is that if Lincoln knew that he was going forth ''in the name of the Living God of Israel" and he could recognize the source of America's blessings, there is no reason why you need be ashamed to see it and to acknowledge it. America has in full measure the very things promised to Ephraim and Manasseh, — brothers in 1713 B.C. as they are to-day, — Brother John and Brother Jonathan. It is noted that the sphere sketch does not show any oil in Abyssinia, formerly called Ethiopia in Bible times. I had a commander of the Koyal Navy at my home recently and was telling him how it was Britain's and America's job to settle the waste places of the earth and they would receive payment therefore by gettting the wealth of the everlasting hills and of the deep below the earth. He was a Scot, a canny Scot, a man of few words. I had been telling him that Abyssinia would be against us in the great battle of Arma- geddon, though I had noticed in September, 1919, I think it was, that the British had given the Mad * Abraham Lincoln Man of God, by John "Wesley Hill. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 117 Mullah a bad licking with aeroplane and machine guns. "Man," says he, "we have been policing it and pouring in millions of money there year after year and I often wondered why we did it, as the bally place was no use to us." Well, sir, as a result of the last licking we gave the Mad Mullah, we have found more oil in Abyssinia than there is in all Persia. So, again Mother Britain is repaid for policing and main- taining order, law and justice in these waste places of the earth that were to be your in- heritance as well as hers. "Ask of me, and I shall give thee [Israel] the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." (Ps. 2:8.) Both Britain and America have made good the prophet's words and promises. Strange, but this new find is just where Britain will need it for going into the Suez Canal from the South, also the American Navy and Merchant Marine, which by that time will perhaps all be equipped with oil- burning apparatus. I notice in this morning's paper, December 28, 1920, that your Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Josephus Daniels, has a belief that your govern- ment should prohibit the use of all fuel oil save for ships, and he proposes a brand new policy for the United States. 118 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA ''I am in favor of the nationalization of coal, oil and water-power wealth of the nation. The statesmanship of our day should redeem the folly of earlier days," he says, ''when these prime necessities were left unregulated to our lasting injury." What a pity our politicians, as well as yours, chuck out stuff like this tulien leaving office instead of bringing it about while they are in office ! It would have been a feather in Mr. Daniel's cap if, when war was declared, he had taken the Standard Oil and the other oil refiners by the scruff of the neck and the seat of their pants and said, "NoAv, you chaps must work for Uncle Sam for a dollar ten per day, just like our fighting men at the Front. AYe will take your output at cost plus 10 per cent. ' ' America then would have saved enough to help pay her share of the war, in- stead of bulging out the already overfilled pock- ets of the oil magnates. President Harding has served notice that conscription will be for all in America's next big war, plants as well as men and he does well. I had not noticed that Secretary Daniels was particularly keen along these lines during his turn at the wheel, but then I was very busy at the Front and may have overlooked some things. I don't suppose it would be any use for an ordin- ary dock-wholloper like myself to tender an old sea-dog, like Mr. Daniels, any advice on fuel for ships. But I would like to say to the Secretary, THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 119 ''Mr. Daniels, if I were you, I wouldn't get all het up worrying over the fuel supply for your big navy. It's just possible that the Creator fixed it all up for America when this world was put on its turning points and that he saw to it that your cellars had a good stock of coal, oil, copper, silver, gold, etc., because, 'When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.' " You will note that God had a plan for this universe in Adam's time, which was before there was a U. S. Navy, long, long before there were any children of Israel. And as the bounds of the na- tions were set then so the United States of America was provided for and as the descendants of Manasseh were to become a "great people," as the prophets foretold, they would need plenty of elbow room, plenty of coal, plenty of oil, plenty of iron and other necessities ; for they were to take in all peoples and become the melting pot of all nations who would obey America's laws and so become Israelites hy adoption and hy their belief in Christ. In comparatively a few years the King of Israel, whose right it is, will come to His King- dom to see what his ten servants (the 10 tribes) have done during his absence with the talents he gave them when he commissioned them to Oc- 120 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA cupy until I come. AVhat will America's answer be in those days if asked why they ducked their share of the white man's burden in Armenia in 1919 or 19201 America must stick by the com- mission. "Go ye into all the world" and not live for America alone. AVhen your country was settled only on the East and South, the lure of the gold in Cali- fornia's ancient hills drew your citizens across the great wilderness that then was between the East and the West ; and so while giving them the wealth it also succeeded in peopling all America from East to West with an hundred and ten million intelligent prospective Israelites, and more com- ing. As Ephraim was promised the crown for David's seed, America had to be satisfied with a republic, and you are. But day and night are still doing business with us and so is God's Covenant, and somewhere ruling to-day over Israel is the seed of David, his servant — if not in Brith-ain, where is it? I happened in New York City in 1919 and called on my early chief do\ATi at Battery Place the morning our Prince of Wales landed on the Battery steps, where his grandfather had landed some sixty years before. America took that young Prince to its heart in a way that could not have been more real, true, and lasting, if he had been their own Prince. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 121 New York honored itself and did honor to as fine a young man as ever stepped in army shoe- leather that morning. We Canadians are prond of him and of his work, and it warmed the cockles of my heart to see that you were proud of our Piince, the Prince of the House of Israel. I some- how wished that morning that he might fall in love with an American beauty of the old covenant stock who might become his Better Half and so join the two sections of Israel ("ruling with God") together even more closely than they are now, because to-day there is a world-wide con- spiracy to drive these brothers apart that must and will meet defeat. The Prince's motto is "I serve"; and many times I passed him beating it alone and on foot along the railway tracks near an R. E. park called "Ondank Siding" on his way up to the Front of the 14th Corps to which he was attached during the terrific Paschendale fighting in front of Ypres in 1917. Having an extra star on my tunic above what he wore, the Prince always saluted it as I passed him, as if I were the King of England and he the Roadbuilder, a lesson in true democracy to those who serve. "\\nien the Prince stayed with the Canadian Corps at the Front, he showed himself as true a democrat as ever grew on America's verdant soil. It is customary in any army mess at even- ing dinner for all to remain seated until the senior 122 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA officer rises. The Cliief in this case was Lieu- tenant- General, Sir Arthur Cnrrie, who before the war was a real estate agent in Vancouver, B.C. and a major in the local volunteers, and who won his promotion at the Front step by step by sheer merit and hard work from the earliest days of the war. The Prince was the latest arrival at the mess and the evening he arrived when General Currie rose to leave the table, the Prince lived up to his motto of "I serve" by going to the door and opening it for the corps commander and the senior officers to pass out while he stood at at- tention. It was a delightful touch, and its spon- taneity showed the true heart and instinct beneath his khaki tunic. America, when she knows it, is as much a part of the House of Israel as is Canada, Aus- tralia or New Zealand and I have a feeling before many 3^ears you chaps living below the 49th parallel will be glad to think and to know that you nationally are of the House of Israel. The British Isles were visited by Pytheas, a Greek navigator who sailed around Britain in the third century B.C. and reported that in those days they made an attractive drink "Kurmi" which gave one a pain in the head and also af- fected one's nerves (both, presumably the morn- ing after).* So times have not changed much along some lines during 2200 years. *Leclure on Britain, by Sir Bertram Windle. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 123 AVlien the Romans invaded Britain, these Brythons were in possession of a gold coinage, were manufacturers of beautifully wrought shields of bronz and enamelled ornaments and were not the naked skin-clad barbarians depicted in some histories. They had a civilization far in advance of Rome of that time. They carried Christianity from the Isles and planted it firmly in Rome itself through and by means of their royal family when the British Christian King Caradoc or Caractacus being defeated was taken there as a prisoner together with his son Linus and his daughters. St. Paul, in his second Timothy 4 :21, sends greetings to this early Welsh Christian whose home was a meeting place for the Apostles and all Christians. The first Bishop of Rome was a Welshman, the Welsh Prince Linus. This is stated by Clemens Romanus who became the third Bishop of Rome only thirteen years after. It is also proved by the unimpeachable Irenaeus, of the second century: ^'The blessed Apostles having formed and built up the church, put into the hands of Linus the ministry of the Episcopate. These facts and many others just as interesting are proved in a little book by George Howard-Wright, M.A. — Glastonhiiry our Mother (price 1 shilling), and also by Rev. R. W. Morgan's St. Paul in Britain or the Origin of British Christianity. CHAPTER VII. 1. Sky pilots in our mess. 2. My first cousin, Major Blank, the Jew. 3. I foretell we will win the Holy Land and give it to the Jews for a national home. 4. "WHiat Arthur J. Balfour, Secretary of State, did not know. 5. AVliy the Jews have to go back to Palestine representatively. 6. "WHiy Arthur J. Balfour had to turn a somer- sault and eat his own words within a few weeks of uttering them. 7. Sir Herbert Samuels, Ephraim Israel's re- presentative in Palestine, representing King George V. 8. AVhy the tribe of Benjamin was left with the Jews for some years. 9. AVhy God divided what had been the joint kingdom of Judah and Israel. 10. This, the key of all prophecy concerning Israel, is not understood by the churches. Why! 11. Why Benjamin was to be a liglit to lighten the world. 12. Why America was to be partially blind to their origin until Britain chased the Turk out of Jerusalem. 124 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 125 13. Where your forefathers first said ' ' We are a great people." 14. Canadians and Americans at the Front always brothers. 15. Our Lord took God's Kingdom from the Jews and gave it to a nation. 16. To an enduring nation who would bring forth the fruits thereof it was to endure for a thousand generations, as the sun and moon it was to be daily and nightly before us. Where is that nation to-day? There are not many to pick from ! CHAPTER VII. One evening we were dining in onr mess, located in a small village behind Betlmne, during March, 1917. We had an old chateau to ourselves, barring a dozen families of chimney martins that shared the hallways with us, there being no windows to keep them out. Each nest later had four wide-eyed young ones in it with their heads out over the edge as we went to and fro. As will happen when ten or twelve men eat several meals a day together for almost 365 days of the year, talk languished. We had two Sky Pilots with us as a regular diet and they favored us with manj^ visiting clergjmien with such glorious appetites ! VThy are parsons always so hungry, I wonder. It always seemed as if it was my luck to foregather with from one to three of them in each mess I got into, until I grew to think that some one in authority thought I was in special need of the daily and personal attention from them or else they desired to have the Padres' vocabularies enlarged along- certain explosive lines very necessary in driving army mules, of both varieties — two legged and four legged! Well, this evening conversation languished, and to make talk, I chucked out something about the Jews to my clerical friends across the table, 126 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 127 The good-looking young major sitting next to me on the right gently tapped me on the knee under the table and whispered, ''You know, Major Blank is a Jew." Major Blank sat next to me on my left. Of course I knew he was a Jew^, as did everyone else, because he had a typical Jew nose and face, and the Jews' business capacity. I replied out loud, ''Of course I know Major Blank is a Jew; he is a first cousin of mine! The Major belongs to the tribe of Le^d or Judah, while I am from the tribe of Benjamin on my mother's side and from the tribe of Gad on my father's side." Turning to the Major I said, "By the way, Major, I suppose you remember that the Bible said of your tribe of Judah (Isaiah 3:9): 'The shew of their countenance doth witness against them'? And so dowTi through the ages you can always tell a Jew as far away as you can see his face." "Y^ou know. Major," I continued, "we are going to win Jerusalem, Palestine, and the Ploly Land back from Turkey (or Edom, as the Bible refers to it) as predicted in the single chapter of Obadiah, and we are going to give it to you chaps for a national home for Jews under Great Britain.-' But, the Major wouldn't have any! In the first place he didn't believe the Bible was in- spired; 'twas just Hebrew symbolical literature, 128 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA and in the second place the Jews didn't want Jer- usalem and wouldn't go back if they had it. ''Well, Major, you ought to be an authority on Jews, but I 'm sure you will pardon me if I pre- fer the authority that has been proved correct, in hundreds of predictions extending dowTi through the ages, as to the persecution, etc., the Jews were to receive for their actions and for having re- jected and crucified our Lord. 'His blood be on us and our children,' they cried, and for nineteen hundred years it certainly has been, and they got what they asked for all right. If you take the Bible prophecies about Judah and the Jews in Isaiah, first five chapters, and then read history you will see that each Bible prophecy or prediction due up to date has come true. Therefore you might expect the prediction that the}'- Avere to be joined to the house of Israel on the hills of Palestine, after Ephraim Israel had cleaned out the Turk, to come true" — as it has to the very letter, both to Judah (the Jews) and to Ephraim Israel (Britain). "The Bible says. Major, that you hooked- nosed chaps are going to hike back to Palestine representatively, one of a city and two of a family. There will be two Cohens, two Abraliams, two Leons, two Moses, etc." Nothing doing for the Major, 'twas all bunk! But this is what we read in Jeremiah THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 129 3 :14, ' ^ And I will take you one of a city, and tAvo of a family, and I will bring you to Zion" — or the Holy Land. However, General Allenby, that most sympathetic of all our army commanders, hap- pily selected for that job, finally won Jerusalem; and immediately the Zionist societies of Britain and elsewhere set up a holler for a national home for the Jews. But Arthur J. Balfour, then Secre- tary of State for Foreign Affairs, turned them down flat — nothing doing. The Major met me at breakfast the morning the London Times reached us with this news. ''Well sir," says he, ''you don't get your national home for Jews in Palestine." "You bet your last pair of socks we will," says I. "Why? Didn't you see what Balfour saidi" "Sure I did, but that doesn't cut any ice," says I. "Britain's ministers and prime ministers have had to eat their words dozens of times with- in my recollection when they got off the track of the plan the Creator has laid down for Britain to follow. Take Gladstone's promise to get out of Egypt. Did he do it? Not on your life ! Because he couldn't and he had to eat his words and promises time after time about that and other things. Balfour, Major, is a big toad in the Brit- ish pus, neither shall they be divided into two king- doms and more at all." Pretty strong medicine to hand out to an unbelieving Jew, eh what? I knew I'd have about as much chance of getting anyw^here by quoting it to my friend the Major as a snowball has of becoming an icicle in the warm place, so I didn't trouble him with this data. You may not know that tJie Hehreiv people were finally divided by the Creator into two na- tions about the year 974 B.C. For hundreds of years they had been numbered and referred to separately even when under one king. Just here note that it is the lack of this knowledge and its application to Bible prophecies made about either Judah or Israel that is the cause of Churches' failure to properly grasp, interpret and see the prophecies concerning Israel's future and God's 134 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA plan for her redemption after their dispersion by Shalmaneser, King of Assyria, and their being taken across the Euphrates. You will see, in First Kings, Chapters 11 and 12, how these Hebrews were finally separated into two nations by God. King David had joined Judah and Israel together and ruled over them, yet note how in II Samuel 5:4, 5 Israel is men- tioned separate from Judah : 4. "David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years. 5. "In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven j^ears and six months: and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years over all Israel and Judah." Solomon, David's son — born in 1033 B.C., crowned King of Israel in 1015, and died in 975 B.C. — was told that because of his idolatry and so forth (mostly so forth, as you will see by read- ing this interesting chapter), nine out of the ten tribes of Israel would be taken from his kingdom, not in his day but in his son's time. "And unto his [Solomon's] son will I give one tribe, that David my servant maj^ have a light alway before me in Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen me to put my name there," (I Kings 11:36.) This was the tribe of Benjamin whom Moses blessed and said: "The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by liim; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 135 and he shall dwell between his shoulders." (Dent. 33:12.) This tribe received Christ gladly wlien the Jews persecuted him. Eleven of the twelve apostles were Benjamites; the twelfth, Judas, a Jew, sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. The Jews would not receive Christ ; but Benjamin, you will remember, was left temporarily with Judah when the kingdom was divided after the reign of Solomon, "that David my servant may have a light alway before me in Jerusalem." This Benjamin tribe received Christ and as His disciples started out to be the light to lighten the world, Jesus, instructing them, said: "Go not into the wa}^ of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter }^e not : but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" — the sheep that had been taken captive. The sheep that had for- saken God and become idolaters had quit the Mosaic rites and laws and their first order to go to Israel rather than to Judah was afterwards amplified by a command to "go ye into all the world." Jesus knowing Israel was to be scat- tered among all the nations commanded his disciples to go into all the world. When Rehoboam, King of Judah, with whom, as we said, were temporarily the tribe of Benjamin, numbering "an hundred and four score thousand chosen men, which were war- 136 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA riors," was making ready to fight against the House of Israel (who kicked over the traces be- cause of the high taxes and heavy yokes, etc. — the sort of taxes their descendants to-day are conv plaining about in U.S.A.), "the word of God came mito Shemaiah, the man of God, saying, speak unto Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, king of Judah, and unto all the house of Judah and Benja- min, and to the remnant of the people, saying, Thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren, the children of Israel : re- turn every man to his house; for this thing is from me. They hearkened therefore to the word of the Lord." Now then, whether you believe in prophecy or not, history shews that Judah and Israel were divided and have been separate and distinct until, as foretold, they were joined together in Palestine after Edom or Turkey had been smashed in 1917. Just seven times (a time being 360 years) after it had fallen, i.e., 2520 years, and in the 2520 year General Allenby captured it and entered Jer- usalem on foot, not as victorious troops but as a redeemer of the Holy Places. If our clergyman could only see this divis- ion commanded to be made by God and would realize that when the Bible refers to Judah or the Jews, it means exactly what it says, since the THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 137 nation Israel (ruling with God) is as separate in prophecy from Judah as it is possible to make it, they would get such new revelations that they would get us all to take out our disused Bibles and find the living Word of God more up to date than any publication in America or anywhere else. Recently I heard one of the best educated Episcopal clergymen on this continent refer to St. Paul as "a little Jew." Now, St. Paul was as much "a little Jew" as I am "a little Newfound- lander ' ' and no more ! I telephoned this venerable gentleman and asked him why he called St. Paul *'a little Jew." ''Well, he wasn't a Gentile was he?" — shoAving that he considered it necessary to be one or the other. St. Paul himself said in the 11th chapter of Romans, 1st verse: "I say then, Hath God cast away his people [Israel] ? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin." It is true his tribe was temporarily with the Judah Kingdom and he could say he was a Jew, temporarily, in tlie same way he could say he was a Roman citizen without stretching the truth, but, by birth he was of Israel and of the tribe of Benjamin, ''beloved of the Lord," and he knew it, was proud of it and proclaimed it to the Jews and to Israel. 138 THE DESTINY OP AMERICA You will rementber that the tribe of Benja- min was left w^ith Judah, ' ' that David, my servant, may have a light always before Me in Jerusalem." This light was to lighten the world and here vras St. Paul who, together with Luke, Timothy and Mark in A.I). 61, carried this light to the British or Covenant Isles* where his brethren were. Read Romans 11 : 25, 26, 30, where he was speaking to his own people, Israelites: 25. "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in yonr own conceits ; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." 26. And so all Israel shall be saved : as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. 30. For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their un- belief. Here you will notice that this partial blindness of Israel had a time limit. How long? "Until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." "Well, that time limit expired when the Holy City, Jerusalem, ceased to be trodden down by the in- famous Ottoman, or T'Heman, when Britain took possession by capture in 1917. This blind- ness in part is therefore now to be removed and it is just possible this screed may help along that line. Anyway, its up to Manasseh, the United *Far Hence unto the Oentiles, by I^uiuen (Major J. Samuels, V. D.). THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 139 States section of Israel to get wise to the fact that they are that "great people" who in early days B.C. thumped their chests and hollered for more land because they were a great people, and they got it ; since which time ' ' though blinded in part, ' ' they have not entirely forgotten their chest- elevating habits, nor the inclination to holler "We are a great people. " " We won the War ! " " We will have the biggest navy afloat," etc Bless your hearts, you can't help it any more than the rest of us. We, your neighbours on the North know" you from your boots up. We know it is hard to live in the ozone-filled atmosphere of this North American Continent (of which don't forget we Canadians owm the larger half) and not boast. We above the 49th parallel have our ardor a bit tempered by those gentle zephyrs wafting down from the Aurora Borealis area several months of the 3^ear ; but even with this and among ourselves, there is a saying that a man cannot tell the truth about Canada anywhere west of Port Arthur. They just boast ! 'Twas odd, but whenever we Canadians met a man from the U.S.A., whether officer or "Doughboy" at the Front, we felt 'twas someone from home. Motoring back from Germany in January, 1919, I passed through the American headquarters area at Coblenz, then into Treves where Marshall Foch has his headquarters. We went to the tovm. major for a billet. I noticed he 140 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA wore one of those straight corset-like, uncomfort- able looking (for working) tunics of the U. S. Army, so I said. "Hello, Yank! What are the chances for a shake-doi\Ti for two officers and my chauffeur for the night!" *'Not very good, Sir," he replied, looking me over. "AYhere do you hail from when you are home?" I told him. He knew my city. He was from Detroit (Park Davis Co.), and he dug us up a splendid billet, had my motor filled with gasoline and forgot to charge it, because our cities were not over a thousand miles apart, and be- cause we told stories that each could understand without the aid of a mallet and chisel. We were brothers in ideas, in ideals, and in service. We motored through beautiful old Luxem- bourg, Metz, Nancy and Verdun, Kheims, Noyen, Amiens and back to Lille. At Metz an American showed us the figure of the prophet Daniel, cut in stone, with the other prophets on tlie cathedral. Emperor William had had his own face, with its up-turned mustache, carved in place of the prophet Daniel's, but still retaining the latter 's gown and folded arms! An Anglo-Saxon would have been tempted to smash it with an axe when they took over the city, but the French had a more subtle wit. They had a pair of large iron manacles made and placed on Daniel's folded arms, so THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 141 there stands the Kaiser in irons on the corner of the Cathedral in Metz Public Square for future generations to admire! At Verdun the only eating-place available was an American Y. M. C. A. in one of the semi- demolished buildings. 'Twas a cold, wet day and their roof was only a quarter left on and the balance badly splintered. My nose told me it was a Yankee chuck-house for I smelled flapjacks and maple syrup when I got inside the battered door. Noticing a vacant space on a plank alongside a young lady I hastily filled it, as women's com- pany at "the Front was a real treat. ''Well, Sister, what part of Yankee Land do you hail from?" ''Lincobi, Nebraska," says she as if with a clothes peg on her nose. ''Good gracious, but you're a long way from home aren't you? How did you make it?" She was only about a handful and so frail- looking I Avondered how she passed inspection. "Is your billet dry?" I asked, seeing that she had a bad cold. "Well, at times." If the wind and rain blew from the west, they, she and another young lady, pushed their cots to the east side of the room where it was dry, but if it changed direction during the night their cots and blankets got wet. They gave us a bang-up hot meal, for we were chilled to the bone 142 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA and they made us feel as much at home as if we were a William Jennings Bryan Jr. It was always thus when Americans and Canadians met: we were brothers in fact, as we are by inheritance and by that long distance relationship dating from our forefather as well as your forefather Joseph, the food controller in Egypt for those seven lean years 1700 B.C. to 1693 B.C. When we realize the final division of the Hebrews into two separate nations as shown in this chapter, one is in a position to read intelli- gently future references, predictions and proph- ecies made concerning Israel as Avell as Judah throughout both the Old and New Testaments, and — if I may be pardoned for saying it (es- pecially by the parsons, who, I find, dislike having a la\mian prod them or their Union when it comes to Bible facts) — no person can understand one half of the Old and New Testaments without this knowledge. In Matthew 21: 43 Jesus speaking to the Jews said: ''Therefore say I unto you, the kingdom of God shall be taken from you [Jews], and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 143 Many Episcopalian and other churchmen hold that God's Kingdom has been passed on to the church as custodians and they forget entirely the "nation" referred to by Jesus, a nation bring- ing forth the fruits thereof. Such a nation does exist to-day, who, with their offspring, are ful- filling every prophecy foretold about Israel ; but the church is in no sense filling these prophecies. '* There are none so blind as those who will not see ! ' ' — churchmen included ! Had I the time I would like to explore the churches' contention that they are Israel, as I could prove to your satisfaction that not one or even all the churches can qualify for this name since they are neither "a nation" nor do they properly bring forth ' ' the fruits thereof. ' ' Their failure to properly bring forth the fruits as churches (not as nations) and carry forward the Creator's design therein caused to spring up those zealous Dissenters who in turn have not seen this truth except in spots, — Puritans, Baptists, Metho- dists and last but not least, that splendid host raised by that eminent Father in Israel, General Booth, for the further world-wide propagation of God's Word by deeds and works among those who need it most. I do not mention herein the Church of Scotland, offspring of the church Jeremiah founded in Ulster about the year 575 B.C., whose ministers (provided they were not educated at 144 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA Oxford) still largely believe the Bible is inspired from cover to cover. I would not for a moment depreciate the good work done by the churches ; but in my time they seem mostly in what the sailors would call the doldrums, sails all up ready for business but idly flapping from side to side. Since the German- made higher criticism fell by the wayside in 1914, they seem waiting for a breeze to carry them along towards their haven, and the congTe- gations aboard are mostly busy dodging the boom as it idly flaps from side to side in the gentle roll of a calm undisturbed sea and getting nowhere. The breeze they need is in the Bible but their blind leaders spiritualize it away as the higher critics in Germany have done. They see the cross but fail to see the Crown or Kingship of National Israel the ten workmen Jesus told to ''occupy" his kingdom until he comes to Earth to rule from Jerusalem. I really have little license to criticize be- cause I have never joined a church, though our parson, my children say, once referred to me from the pulpit "as a staunch pillar of the church," when I was in France — I wonder if he mil with- draw it now! But being a religious animal I at- tended cliurch regularly both at the Front, in Eng- land on leave, and at home, and I must confess that most churches seem to have a tendency to run to seed, side and formalism, ^\dthout being especially hotbeds of brotherliness and light. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 145 They refuse to look through this window that God has opened for them in His inspired Word as if it was a man-made window and they bethump those who do as if they were infidels. They seem to worship idols of Success, Glad Rags and New Bonnets quite as much as they do the Creator, and most of the ministers I have happened to hear, especially in England, reading the living Word of God make it about as attractive as is the reading of a dictionary of the last century. As an alleged custodian and interpreter of God's Word given to men through the mouths of His prophets in our Old and New Testaments, every clergyman preaching from God's AYord should be prepared to answer this question which I think a layman is entitled to ask . What did Jesus mean by saying that the Kingdom of God would be taken from the Jew^s and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof? Where is there such a nation? Where is the enduring throne of an enduring nation to be seen daily as the sun and moon are seen, as promised to David about 1024 B.C. in Psalm 89. Is it Germany, Russia, Austria, or Turkey? Is it Portugal, Italy, Spain or Ireland? Methinks that only among the Anglo- Saxon nations can you find a people who, 146 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA even imperfectly, are still bringing forth the fruits of the Gospel our Lord taught when on earth. The seed of David Avas to rule until Christ came again ; therefore to-day, somewhere, there is reigning the seed of David. Where are they? Who are the nations bringing forth the fruits of Bible teaching? What nations are spreading God's AVord and laws broadcast over the earth? Alfred, the Great, in his day placed the Ten Commandments at the beginning of British laws and further adopted many of Moses' national laws and statutes laid down for Israel in the Bible, and he did well. He also built the first national Brit- ish navy. Psalm 89 says: "I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers." Since the time of Alfred the Great Britannia, or Covenant of the sea, has ruled the waves and will now share it with Brother Jonathan, and perhaps Japan. AMio is doing tlie missionary work of the world to-day? Sir Walter Raleigh in 1588 gave £100 to the Virginia Company for the propa- gation of Christianity in that settlement, being the first recorded missionary work done in America ; and it was done by a Covenant man — ^^Brith," Covenant and ''isli," man. Under CroniAvell, in 1649, the Corporation for the Propagation of tlie Gospel in New Eng- land, new Bull land, was formed. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 147 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America are the two nations carrying on about 75 per cent, of the missionary- work of the world as the following data will show, and whenever there is distress or famine or want the world over, the Anglo-Saxons give their sub- stance, give heartily and give quickly, and give three times as much as all the rest of the world put together. Why, I wonder? This was fore- seen by the prophets when we were given our world-wide commission. The following figures just give you a faint idea of how Anglo-Saxons have been carrying on their job as missionaries to the heathen Gentiles and the demands for light and Bibles during the next few years will double and treble. 148 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA Missionary Work. Work carried on in Asia, Africa, India, West Indies, China, Japan, Persia, Palestine, Central Asia, Brittany, Italy, Madagas- car, South America and elsewhere by British Agencies. •2 .2 "S c 5 -^ .2 .2 rt .2 5 £ 2^0 Soc. for Propagation of Gospel 1701 4,520 520 186 5,200 £152,350 Moravians 379 200 194 1,864 21,606 Baptist Miss. Soc. and Gen'l. Baptist Soc. 1702 859 141 183 808 97,624 London Miss. Soc. (Congre- tional) 1795 1,357 210 239 6,462 145,271 Church Miss. Soc. 1799 590 571 757 8,106 252,161 C. of E. Tenna 1880 64 210 917 56,733 Wesleyan Meth 1813 2,818 216 243 3,640 52,789 Ch. of Scotland 1829 84 50 82 855 41,967 United Free Scot. 827 99 207 2,813 108,309 Pres. Ch, of Ireland 1840 37 19 32 284 5,081 Pres. Ch. of England 1847 261 43 58 401 26,510 Welsh Calvanistic Moth. 1840 20 20 19 1,074 10,303 United Meth. Free Ch 1857 193 26 22 584 12,647 Universities Miss. (Africa) 1859 69 48 207 30,371 Friends Foreign Miss 1865 248 35 59 978 24,512 American Miss 1844 54 38 33 46 5,746 and dozens of others. There are about thirty thousand foreign missionaries in the field and only about 1,500 are of other nations than the Anglo-Saxon-Celts, though all who accept Christ as their Saviour are grafted into Israel and so become Abraham's seed, CHAPTER VIII 1. Your Pilgrim Fathers, God-fearing men. 2. They believed they were Divinely lead in founding their Israel in the waste places in America. 3. God preserved the Pilgrim Vine which His own right hand had planted — they wrote. 4. The Pilgrims kept the Sabbath just as God said Israel would throughout their genera- tions. 5. The book of Common Prayer is a book of conmion sense. 6. The Anglo-Saxon nations doing the mission- ary work which the Almighty said would be done by His servants Israel. 7. The waste places given to Israel to establish the earth. 8. In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia and America. 9. In Flanders' fields and America's reply. 10. The Ensign set up by the root of Jesse is the Union Jack or Jacob. 11. The first national flag of United States had the Union Jack or the Union of Jacob in the corner and was called the ^' Grand Union ' '. 12. America's section of waste places. 13. America's Divine Commission was to take on with Brother John these waste places of the earth. 149 CHAPTER VIII. Your Pilgrim Forefathers were a God- fearing body of men. ''They entered into cove- nant to walk with God and one with one another, in the enjoyment of the Ordinances of God, ac- cording to the Primitive Pattern in the "Word of God. But finding by experience they could not peaceal ly enjoy their own liberty in their Native Country, without offence to others that were dif- ferently minded, they took up thoughts of remov- ing."* They first went to Holland, and from there the spirit moved them to go to America. It took two years, however, before they could secure the right and a patent to take up land in Virginia. They had to explain that they were Englishmen and Protestants, that they assented to the doc- trines of the Church of England and acknowl- edged the King's authority; and they agreed not to become rebellious or dangerous colonists. The government seemed to have a hunch even in that day that they were to lose America and so tied them to an agreement not to be rebellious, etc. *ChronicJes of the Pilf/rim Fathers with an Introduction by John Mascfield, New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. 150 THE DESTINY OP AMERICA 151 After those in Holland had embarked and had stopped for their friends in England, the I^ilgrims left Plymouth and started across the ocean in the "Mayflower" and the "Speedwell." On two occasions they had to sail back to Eng- land because of the unseaworthiness of the ' ' Speedwell ' ' ; and they finally had to give up the "Speedwell," sell part of their provisions, and overcrowd the "Mayflower" when they made their final start, September 6-16, 1620, for Virginia. The "Ma^^flower" had a tough passage, encountering many gales, in one of which her main beam was broken. But one of the Pilgrims had a jack screw and with this a repair was made and the voyage was continued. They made land November 9-19, 1620, at Cape Cod. The crew refused to sail down the coast in the teeth of the November gales, and the Pilgrims had to land and stay in Massachusetts though their patent was only for Virginia. Right here may I mention how Providence guided these people and took care of them. Had they landed on any other section of the coast than where they did, they never could have survived the winter and the Indians. A plague had struck this section of country two 3^ears before and wiped out the Indians but left in a cave some eight bushels of Indian corn, which the Pilgrims 152 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA used for seed for the season 1621, as they brought none from England. On December 25th they commenced their first house. During that first winter they en- dured many hardships and lost their governor and one half the colony by death and the rest were so weakened that had the warlike Indians of the other parts of the coast been in this section of country, the Pilgrims could not possibly have survived. In 1621 they secured a patent, granted by the English Council for New England (the new bull or Engle land). Israel was to settle the coasts and waste places of the earth and drive the heathen before them. Was that promise fulfilled in the case of the Pilgrims when as Englishmen thej^ settled New England? Can we do better than to take the words of the Pilgrims themselves? You can readily see that the heathen were driven out be- fore them by the plague and the way made easy for them to build homes and become installed peacefully. Nathaniel Morton, the historian addressed a Memorial to the Right Worshipful Thomas Prince, Governor of New England, published by E. P. Dutton & Co., N.Y., from which I have taken the following quotations : "Have never seen nor heard of any [memorial writings] especially respecting this our plantation of THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 153 New Plimoiith, ivhich God hath honored to he the first in this land, I have made bold to present your Wor- ships with, and to publish to the world, something of the very first beginnings of the great actions of God in New England, begun at New Plimouth. "I should gladly have spoken more particularly of the neighboring united colonies, whose ends and aims in their transplanting of themselves and families, were the same with ours, viz. the glory of God, the propagation of the Gospel and enlargement of His Majesty's Dominions "And declaration of God's wonderful works for, by, and to his People in preparing a place for them by driving out the Heathen before them . . and making this howling wilderness a chamber of rest, safety and pleasantness." As early as 1623 these Englishmen kept days for fasting, humiliation, and prayer and in 1637 passed an ordinance: "That it be in the power of the governor and assistants to com- mand solemn days of humiliation, and also for thanksgiving," and since then their American descendants have eaten the November Thanks- giving turkey and cranberry, with or without the aforementioned humiliation and prayer attach- ments and in many cases I'm afraid have forgot- ten what their predecessors knew in their souls, namely, that God had been and still was looking after them and "prospering their undertakings," as your Great Seal of State says, above the all- seeing eye. Here are some paragraphs from Chronicles of tlie Pilgrim Fathers that is particularly appro- 154 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA priate to these times (when authority is looked askance by so many "Reds" and semi-" Reds," profiteers, etc.) and for electing representatives: "Lastly ... let your wisdom and godliness appear not onl,y in choosing such persons as do entirely love, and will promote the common good; but also in yielding unto them all due Honor and Obedience in their lawful administrations, not beholding in them the ordinariness of their persons, but God's ordinance for your good; not being like the foolish multitude, who more honor the gay coat then either the virtuous mind of the man, or the glorious ordinance of God. "Ought not, and may not the children of these fathers rightly say, our fathers were Englishmen, which came over this great ocean, and were ready to perish in this wilderness, but they cried unto the Lord, and he heard their voice, and looked on their adversity." About March 16, 1621, an Indian called Samoset came to the Puritan settlement. He could speak a little English and proved to be, they wrote, " a special instrument sent of God for their good, beyond expectation." He told them how to plant the corn they found left by the plague-killed Indians, w^here to fish for the fish so necessary for them to live and helped in divers manners so long as he lived. "By that time all their corn was planted, all their victuals [that were brought from England] was spent and they were only to rest on God's providence; many times at night not knowing where to have any- thing to sustain nature the next day, and so had need to pray that God would give them their daily THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 155 bread . . sometimes for two or three months together they neither had bread or any kind of corn. * # * * When the Pilgrims had no rain on their corn from the third week in May until the middle of July in 1624, "they set apart a solemn day of humiliation, to seek the Lord by humble and fervent prayer" for some eight hours in their great distress. Though the morning was clear and hot, without a cloud in the sky, at evening they were blessed with gentle showers in abundance until the parched ground was wet and soaked, much to the admiration of the Indians who wit- nessed their prayers and supplications for rain. * * * * "And whoso rightly considereth what manner of entrance, abiding, and proceedings we have had among these poor heathens [the Indians] since we came hither, will easily think that God hath some great work to do towards them. They were wont to be the most crnel and treacherous people in all these parts, even like lions; but to us [Pilgrims] they have been like lambs, so kind, so submissive, and trusty, as a man maj' truly say, many Christians are not so kind nor sincere. * * * # "Thus God preserved the vine, which }iis own right hand had planted and has enlarged our borders, by giving to us the heritage of the heathen, wh ich they justly forfeited by their unreasonable rebellion. Oh ! that the people of this, and the other colonies, would praise the Lord for his goodness, and wonder- ful works unto them." 156 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA Upon the deatli, in 1667, of Mr. John Wil- son, for thirty-seven years pastor in Boston, one who signed himself J. M. wrote some blank verse from which I quote a few lines : "Ah ! now there's none who does not know, That this da}' in onr Israel Is fall'n a great good man too, A Prince, I might have said as well: A man of princely power with God, For faith and love of princely spirit ; Onr Israel's chariots, horsemen good. By faith and prayer, though not by merit!" Moses in Exodus 31 :13 was commanded : ''Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, say- ing. Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep : for it is a sign between me and you throughout your genera- tions; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you." Your Pilgrim Forefathers kept the Sab- bath as did the British from whom they sprang, and the Anglo-Saxons are the nations and the only nations the world over who do keep it, by the law of the land as well as by general observance of doing no work, etc. At the Paris Exposition in 1889 every nation had their exhibit wide open on the Sabbath day as on the other six days of the week, save for two exceptions. Both the United States and Great Britain closed their sec- tions each Saturday and did not open them until Monday morning — why I wonder? THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 157 Israel was to keep the Sabbaths through- out Israel's generations and 'twas a sign between Him and us as to who we are. Well, here we are, the only people on earth (with our cousins, the Jews) keeping God's Sab- bath! We keep the day of the risen Lord and the Jews who do not believe Christ is the risen Lord continue keeping the old Sabbath. By that brand alone we are Israel, or I am a Dutchman and do not know how to reason from promise to performance! Every Sabbath of the year the Protestant Episcopal Church all over the United States of America repeat from their Prayer Book the Benedictus or Jubilate Deo. They say they are God's chosen people, Israel, and yet some of their ministers will, I am certain, be heaving half- bricks my way, because of statements taken from the Bible to explain this. As I have lived most of my life on a diet of half -bricks, I'm certain that a few extra ones, even at the hands of my friends the parsons, won't do me much harm, and the ex- ercise may do them some good, they often need it. BENEDICTUS REMARKS St. Luke Chap. I. Jesus said he came but to "the [68] Blessed be the lost sheep of the house of Israel" — Lord God of Israel; for "my heritage," "my chosen," "my he hath visited and re- dispersed," "my outcasts," "my in- deemed his people; heritance," "my first-born," "my sheep," "my witnesses," "mine elect," "the well beloved of my soul," "the Lord's flogk," "my servants," "my nation," and "my people Israel," and he knew whereof he spoke. 158 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA BENEDICTUS [69] And hath raised up a mighty salvation for us; in the house of his servant David; REMARKS Jesus was of the royal seed of David and was raised up for us and has been our salvation; and through us the whole world has had an op- portunity for salvation. The ruling house of Windsor is also descended from David's seed and so belongs to the House and Throne of David. [70] As he spake by the mouth of his holy pro- phets: which have been since the world began; Every prophecy inspired 'by God has or wiU come true at its ordained time. [71] That we should be saved from our enemies: and from the hand of all that hate us. As we have been. This has been made true down through the ages. November 11, 1918, was one recent example of hundreds. The hand of those vrho hate us has never suc- ceeded in downing God's "battle axe" and His servants. [72] To perform the mercy promised to our forefathers: and to re- member his Holy cove- nant ; Have we carried out our part after being saved from our enemies? Have we remembered the Covenant God made with our forefathers? I doubt it! [73] To perform the oath which he swore to our forefather Abraham: that he would give us; Every item i)r()miscd by any of the prophets has been fulfilled. Man- asseh (U.S.A.), forgetfulness, has left undone much; they do however take on high ideals quicker than any of the other Anglo-Saxon-Celtic nations. The British flag to-day floats over all the land given to Abraham and Israel by a Covenant. [74-] That we being de- livered out of the hand of our enemies: might serve him without fear; Are you doing this freely or has mammon first call? THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 159 BENEDICTUS [75] In holiness and rigMeousness before him: all the days of our life. [76] And thou, child, shalt be called the pro- phet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to pre- pare his ways; [77] To give knowledge of salvation unto his people for the remission of their sins. [78] Through the ten- der mercy of our God: whereb)^ the day-spring [or light] from on high hath visited us [Israel]; [79] To give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death: and to guide our feet into the way of peace. REMARKS Are we doing our best along this line? John the Baptist who preached repentance as the first step in the knowledge of salvation. All Anglo-Saxondom and most of the world have had this knowledge given them through his 10 servants Israel of the Anglo-Saxon breeds. Christ said he came but to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel." He was the light that through Israel was to lighten the whole world. And he left his Kingdom on earth in charge of his ten servants the Ten Tribes until He should come again. See I.iike 19: verses 12, 13. The light has shone through Israel and over the face of the whole earth. Goodness knows the world that sits in darkness as to the Creator's plan has much need of redemption through His executives the Anglo- Saxon nations, His servant Israel and the seed of David who are to rule until Christ comes again, this time to take the Kingdom. If this Book of Common Prayer is also a book of common sense, it must mean what it says. Why say we will be saved from all our enemies — which was promised only to Israel — if we are not Israel? Parsons, long-haired and short are invited to answer that question the next time 160 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA they repeat the Benedictus to their congregations. Never in the world's history has there been such a need for divine guidance to guide our feet into the way of peace as in this year 1921 A.D. When we had our hack to the wall in the spring of 1918, wiien Germany was making her final thrust to dominate this world, materially, politically and religiously, every Anglo-Saxon nation, colony or settlement (all Israel) got on their knees in prayer and humiliation before the Supreme Ruler of this universe and admitting their sins and shortcomings, asked for divine guidance and strength to win through, — as you did in Abraham Lincoln's time. We M^on through and I've often since won- dered how many people really recognize who won the war. Every nation secretly thinks it was the big factor, but surely it was the God of Israel! God used our nations as His battle axe and weapons of war, and through His help we finally won the war while the politicians of your country and Britain have lost us the peace. Read Isaiah; its all good and its so hard to pick from the many, many references one that is better than the rest! Take the 49th Chapter for instance: 1. "Listen, isles, nnto nie [tlie Brith-ish or Covenant Isles] ; and hearken, ye people, from far" [U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, etc., all "from far."] THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 161 3. "Thou art my servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified. 6. "I will also give thee [Israel] for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth." Well, who have been the peoples to carry the light, God's laws and commandments and light, to the Gentiles and to the ends of the earth? God's servants, Israel, were to do it. The Anglo- Saxons alone have done it, therefore, the Anglo- Saxons are Israel. Note in Chapter VII. where the Protestant missionary societies have almost 100,000 missionaries and helpers working. Brit- ain and her offspring are doing what Israel was to do, therefore Britain, America, Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand, South Af- rica and the other Anglo-Saxon Celtic communi- ties the world over are God's chosen people. His instruments, Israel, which means ''ruling with God."* They have a divine commission and the specifications are interwoven throughout both the Old and the New^ Testaments, that the wise who search the Scriptures may understand. Had the Anglo-Saxons the world round made a proper job of "searching the Scriptures" as they were instructed to do, they would be wise on how to deal with all the problems that now afflict the world. What would that be worth in dollars and cents to America in this 1921st year of our Lord? How much? What would you give to know how •Younjr's analytical concordance. 162 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA business prospects were going to pan out for the next five, ten or fifteen years'? There are hundreds of statements made •ab'out Israel in the Bible, and no nation or assort- ment of nations other than the Anglo-Saxon- Celtic nations can fulfill or have fulfilled the prophecies laid down, and I know of no single instance of a prophecy about Israel that the Anglo-Saxon people can not and do not fill to the very letter. Let us take for instance this statement of the prophet Isaiah, born about 778 B.C.: "Thus saith the Lord, in an acceptable time have I heard thee [Israel], and in a day of salvation have I helped thee : and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages." (Isa. 49:8.) If ever a nation was helped when they sought salvation, surely it has been our fore- fathers of Brith-ish or covenant stock ; and Israel has been preserved and given for **a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, and to cause to inherit the desolate heritages." I take the following facts from Whittaker's Almanac for 1920 to establish the fact that this promise to Israel has been fulfilled up to date and is still going strong. Americans feel proud of their flag. Old Glory, and they do well! But what aliout their ''Older Glory," the flag that braved a thousand THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 163 years the battle and the breeze, the glorious Union Jack? To-day it proudly floats over the following countries, in Europe, Asia, Africa, Aus- tralia, and Canada, as a visible evidence that the British (Ephraim) section of Israel is carrying out her God-given covenant to establish the earth, however imperfectly, — still no other nation is do- ing it so well, and we may well remember that there is nothing perfect under the sun and even it is alleged to have spots on it! Waste places settled by Ephraim Israel IN EUROPE The United Kingdom Isle of Man Channel Islands .... Malta and Gozo .... Gibraltar When Acquired How Acquired Population 45,500,000 50,000 1066 Duke Normandv 97,000 1814 Treaty Cession' 211,000 1713 Treaty Cession 20,000 IN ASIA. Indian Empire 1757-1897 Cevlon 1802 Straits Settlements .1785-1909 Fed. Malay States. 1874-1888 Other Malay States. 1842-1900 Hong Kong 1842-1906 Weihaiwei 1898 North Borneo 1877 Brunei 1888 Sarawak 1888 Cyprus 1914 IN AFRICA. Cape Province 1814 Natal 1843 Transvaal 1900 Orange Free State.. 1900 South West Province 1914 Basutoland .... Bechuanaland 1895 Conquest , Treaty Cession - Treaty Cession Treaty Cession Treaty Cession Treaty Cession Treaty Cession Cession , Treaty Cession Proctectorate . Annexation ... 315,000,000 4,000,000 700,000 1,000,000 800,000 440,000 130,000 204,000 30,000 650,000 275,000 Treaty Cession .... .... Annexation Annexation .... Annexation 6,000,000 Conquest 120,000 Conquest 350,000 Conquest 126,000 164 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA When Acquired Rhodesia 1889 Gambia 1807 Gold Coast 1787 Sierra Leone 1787 Northern Nigeria . . 1891 Southern Nigeria . . 1891 German West Africa 1914 Somaliland 1884 East Africa 1888-1918 Uganda 1894 Zanzibar 1890 Nyassaland 1891 Egypt 1882 Soudan 1898 Mauritius 1810-1814 Seychelles 1814 Ascension 1815 St. Helena 1675 IN AUSTRALIA. New South Wales... 1788 Victoria 1832 South Australia 1826 Queensland 1824 Tasmania 1803 West Australia 1828 New Zealand 1835 Fiji 1874 Papua ■ 1884 Pacific Islands 1895-1914 IN AMERICA. Newfoundland 1.583 Jamaica 1655 Bahamas 1629 Leeward Islands ...1621-165C Windward Islands .1763-1783 Barbadoes 1605 Trinidad & Tabogo. 1797 British Guiana 1803-1814 British Honduras .. 1798 Bermuda 1612 Falkland Islands . . . 1771 South Georgia 1771 How Acquired Population Conquest 1,700,000 Treaty Cession 146,000 Treaty Cession 1,400,000 Treaty Cession 1,100,000 Treaty Cession 10,000,000 Treaty Cession 7,000,000 Conquest & Mandate 4,000,000 Treaty Cession 300,000 Conquest & Cession 10,000,000 Treaty Cession 2,500,000 Treaty Cession 200,000 Treaty Cession 1,000,000 Occupation 12,000,000 Conquest 2,000,000 Conquest & Cession. 370,000 Treaty Cession 23,000 Occupation 150 Conquest 3,500 Settlement 6.50,000 Settlement 320,000 Settlement 409,000 Settlement 606,000 Settlement 191,000 Settlement 282,000 Settlement and Conquest 1,050,000 Cession from Natives 170,000 Annexation from Natives 360,000 Annexation 200,000 Treaty Cession 4,000,000 Conquest 3,200,000 Settlement 475,000 Settlement 676,000 Cession 800,000 Settlement 1,850,000 Conquest 4,500,000 Concjuest & Cession. 2,500,000 Contjuest & Cession . 500,000 Settlement 736,000 Treaty Cession 600,000 New Brunswick .... 1763 Prince Edward Isl.. 1745 British Columbia . . . 1670 Manitoba 1813 Alberta 1670 Saskatchewan 1670 North West Terr'tes 1670 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 165 When Acquired How Acquired Population Ontario 1759-1762 Conquest & Cession) Quebec 1759-1762 Conquest & Cession) Nova Scotia 1657-1713 Conquest & Cession) Treaty & Cession..) Conquest ) Settlement ) Settlement ) Settlement ) Settlement ) Settlement ) 7,200,000 Quite a list for the Mother of Free Parlia- ments to take on in a few hundred years since she began to settle the waste places of the earth ! What glorious comment on Brith-ish or Covenant rule was presented to the world when His Majesty Our King and Governor in 1915 sent out a call for more men! By hundreds of thousands, aye by millions they, like the disciples of old, dropped everything and followed the call to save the world from the forces of evil bent on destroying with fire and sword that human free- dom which the Anglo-Saxon civilization had through centuries been the means of preserving and building up. Behind our front lines where civilized methods of burial could prevail, every British soldier, from Tommy to the topmost general who lost his life in the cause, wrapped in his army blanket was taken to the cemetery under the folds of that grand old banner, the British Ensign, for Christian burial; and to-day their bodies lie in thousands, row on row, while they rest in God in peace, and their rest shall be glorious. 166 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA IN FLANDERS' FIELDS. (Written by Col. John McCrea of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Serving in France, 1917.) In Flanders' fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place, and in the sky The larks still bravely singing fly, Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow. Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders' fields. Take up the quarrel with the foe To you, from falling hands we throw The Torch — be yours to hold it high. If 3"e break faith with us who die We shall not sleep though poppies grow In Flanders' fields. AMERICA'S ANSWER. (Written by R. W. Lillard and appeared in the New York Eventing Post.) Rest ye in peace, ye Flanders' dead, The fight that ye so bravely lead We've taken up. And we will keep True faith with you who lie asleep With each a cross to mark his bed And poppies blowing overhead Wliere once his own life blood ran red In Flanders' fields. Fear not that ye have died for naught The Torch ye threw to us is caught Ten million hands will hold it high ; And freedom's light shall never die. We've learned the lesson that ye taught In Flanders' fields. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 167 Thus did the souls of millions from the land of Brother Jonathan respond to the appeal of the little poem "In Flanders' Fields," whose author later gave his life in the cause. Did you ever read Isaiah 11 : 12 and wonder whether that ensign was the British ensign? The King of Great Britain and Ireland and of the Brith-ish Dominions beyond the seas, Em- peror of India, is clearly of the seed of David as is proved in Britain an Enduring Dynasty by Milner, and the ensign which that root of Jesse floats is the Union Jack. To it the Gentiles do seek in Palestine and do rest under its folds. Britain first and later America have been a haven of rest for the oppressed of all the Gentile na- tions. "And his rest shall be glorious." Peace in Britain has been proverbial for centuries. 'Tis a bit unsettled at present, but even at that, Bri- tain is more settled than any other nation, with the possible exception of the United States of America. Isaiah 11: 12. Authorized Version .Perrar Fenton's Translation. And he shall set up an ensign And then He will raise up a for the nations, and shall Flag to the Heathen, assemble the outcasts of Israel, And all Israel's wanderers, and and gather together the dis- Judah's Dispersion persed of Judah from the four From the four Wings of the corners of the earth. earth will collect. What would we say are the facts in con- nection with this prophecy I I figure it out in this 168 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA way: Firstly, the British when they took pos- session of the Holy Land and City hoisted their ensign; and under the freedom of its folds all classes of heathen and nationalities are collect- ing for protection, and for rest from the persecu- tions under the Turkish, Russian and other flags. Secondly, the Jews are, representatively, hiking back to the Holy Land from the four corners of the earth and under a Governor from Israel, Sir Herbert Samuels ; and they will continue to come until the Holy Land will again blossom as the rose, as was predicted three thousand years ago. It may not be amiss to point out that the first national flag of the United States was called ''The Grand Union" and carried the Union Jack in the upper corner as does the Canadian, Aus- tralian, New Zealand and other Anglo-Saxon nations. This flag was composed of thirteen stripes of alternate white and red, one for each British colony, and in the upper corner was the British Union Jack of that period displaying the two crosses of St. George and St. Andrews, as introduced in 1707. "This American Grand Union flag was raised by Washino^ton over the camp of his Army at Cam- bridge, Mass., on January 1st, 1776, to the accom- panying sahite of thirteen guns. "By this flag the 13 colonies testified that though in arms, they still claimed to be Britons and were de- manding for themselves all the rights of citizenship which such relation conferred." The first Anserican flag called the "Grand Union", hoisted by Washingfton over his camp. (The colors being red, white and Ijliie). (See page 1(J8) ^^tMYW/T]V£5^^ IN GODC/^-s^^s-*^ UWE TRUST ISllAi:!. IIKIIJ OK THE WOIU.D (See i>age 232) THE DESTINY OP AMERICA 169 "On July 4th, 1776, The Declaration of Inde- pendence followed but this Grand Union flag still continued to be used as the National flag by the 13 States and it was not until about a year later, June 14th, 1777, that a new national flag was fully developed.* American Section of waste places promised to Israel Date How Secured Population Alaska 18G7 Purchased 100,000 Philippine Islands 1898 Capture 7,635,000 Guam 1898 15,000 Hawaii Islands 1897 250,000 Porto Rico 1899 1,120,000 Tutuila 1898 7,250 Wake and Johnson Isls. . . 1899 Aleutian Islands 1867 2,000 Virgin Islands 1917 27,000 Panama 1904 The United States have been so busy estab- lishing the immense continent the Almighty se- lected for them that your outside possessions are not yet very extensive. "I will preserve thee [Israel]" — what for? "To establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages." You are Manasseh-lsiYSiel, and your job is to carry out this commission, helping to establish these places. It is quite as much your job as it is John Bull's. Some day you will have to give an account of what you did with "the talents" committed to your care, 'Twill be of little use to plead: our politicians did it. Who elected them? Who is responsible for them? America's *History of the Union Jack by Barlow Cumberland. 170 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA business men, individually; and the nation, na- tionally. America will have to buck the line in- stead of crawling under the barn when asked to take a few shares of Israel's burden in desolate places like Armenia. America's commission was not to live to itself alone. Read Matthew 25 and note verses 31 and 32 particularly : "When the Son of man shall come in his glory Before him shall be gathered all nations : and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats." America's national stand during the next fifteen years will be decisive in more ways than one. It's up to you, gentlemen! You have had the wealth of the mine, the forest, the sea and the fertile earth all at your command and you will have to give an account of your stewardship ; because God has given you His plan to work to, which covers all the details you would require during your lifetime, even if you lived to be a hundred, and shows how you were to invest and how you were to spend the talents — golden ones — He put in your way. The "kingdom" spoken of in verse 34 will be right here on earth. In that day how many of your citizens and ours will wish they had spent their time, their energies and their magnificient organizing ability, as did that prince in America's THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 171 section of Israel, Herbert Hoover, clothing the naked and feeding the poor? — while your and our profiteers were profiting on the most urgent needs of humanity (and this includes Labor Unions' wage profiteers) during the war. Hoover and the type he represents were all giving their time for world service, which is our job, because Israel was to break and has broken the back of every menace to liberty that has threatened the world for hundreds of years and Hoover and others in more humble positions will get the re- wards for such princely service ''to the least of these." Say, reader, if you want to get in on a good thing, in on the ground floor of a good thing, a better one than any stockbroker you know can put you next to, just read the Bible through ; and every time you see Israel mentioned in its dis- patches, just say, "That's we-uns" or "us-all" and just note the job or work given to Israel, both the Manasseh (U.S.A.) and Ephraim (Eng- lish) sections, and particularly note what is due for the next fifteen years to Britain and to Ameri- ca, as you are going to be in it up to the neck. Harvey 0. Higgins asks in March McClures "Is there something wrong with the American Mind?" There most certainly is, Harvey! but your dissecting knife did not re- move it. The Soul of America knows more than the reasoning mind of America can either see 172 TPIE DESTINY OF AMERICA or understand. America's Soul was in seething unrest while for two years you were cautioned to be neutral in thought, word and deed. How free you felt the day your first citizen declared Amer- ica at war with Germany! The fetters binding America's Soul burst their bonds and freed the liberty-loving spirit they had in thrall. We at the Front, three to four thousand miles away, in spirit saw your shackles broken off and were glad, but no more happy than were the millions of Americans who had scarcely been able to look your brother Canadians, Britons, and Frenchmen in the eye because they were saving the world for America as much as they were for Canada, Britain or France and they and you knew it. To-day America's Soul is again filled with unrest, and Dr. O'Higgins prods the patient in the back, in the front, in this corner and in that and asks is the pain here or there, and finally with a flourish he shouts: ''I have it! It's the effect of your Pilgrim Forefathers' 'repression and Soul fear' that still sticks in the fifty-five per cent, of Americans descended from the Puri- tans!" I wonder if he is right? Not being a doctor or even a chiropractor, one hesitates to say; but being a Roadbuilder, one is not afraid to hazard a guess that the Soul of America knows more than its politicians understand. If Dr. O'Higgins is correct, he has only touched the fringe of the cause, because back of your Pilgrim THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 173 Puritan forefathers are your Brith-ish fore- fathers, and back of them are your Israel fore- fathers until you go back back to Joseph, Jacob, Isaac and Abraham, who was God's friend, a friend willing to go wherever God directed. The Soul of America, in my opinion, is troubled, because since the Armistice, your ideals (and no nation has had higher ones) have been temporarily scrapped and you apparently have had no Washington, no Lincoln, no Roosevelt to point the way in clear unmistakable tones and lead the nation towards its real goal. France was the friend of America at the time of America's greatest need! America stood silent for years, while France bled at every pore in saving the world from destruction, before General John Pershing stood in France beside the monument of that noble Frenchman who fought for America and saluting it said, ''Lafayette, we are here!" France spent almost everything she had; one and a half millions of her citizen soldiers lie buried along her battle-front from Ostend to Switzerland. Her maimed and wounded by the ten thousands still fill her hospitals. To-day Germany is winning the peace by the same bare-faced trickery her Von Bernstorfs and Von Papens practiced in the United States during the war, and what is America doing to help her friend of yesterday, France? 174 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA France owes America some dollars for shells used to protect your homes as well as hers. America owes France the lives of the mil- lion and a half of her citizen soldiers, which France spent to make safe the world. America proposes to collect her dollars. Will she REPAY France her lives spent in this world CAUSE ? If the Soul of America was not restless and unsettled under such a condition Hw^ere al- most useless to have souls. If America and Britain knew what the law laid down by God in his National Constitution, laws and statutes for all Israel nations was, they would not hesitate for a day as to the proper and only actions to take in this matter of debt. Every Israelitish debtor had to be released every seven years and the debt charged up to God who gives his word that He will repay it ! Is His credit good in America! Does '*in God we trust" on your national coins to-day mean what it says I If it does, you are challenged by God's constitution for America to forego all in- terest, and at the end of seven years the principle, and He will repay it. God promises such an outpouring of His spirit when Israel sees and believes God's plan for world redemption that they will become a nation of priests, when no longer will it be neces- sary for a preacher to say, ''Know the Lord," THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 175 because all shall know Him, from the least to the greatest. America's Soul knows that this is in the offing and will be unsettled and restless until she is doing her share to make God's Kingdom on earth kno\Mi to all the world and especially in the home acres where the Bible containing God's in- structions and prophecies is a much unread book to the old families raised here for generations as well as to the many who have swarmed into the country. America's eyes as well as Britain's eyes are to be opened, so it's up to you to personally rustle and get on to your job and study the plans laid dowm by Almighty God, from whom Abraham Lincoln and George Washington sought help and from whom they received the wisdom and judg- ment they possessed, and they humbly walked with God, thus seeking His aid and receiving it in due measure. CHAPTER IX. 1. American politicians twisting the old Lion's tail and kicking it in the ribs. 2. Nations surprised when British and Ameri- can Fleets cooperate at Alexandria in 1882. 3. Why we could not lose South Africa despite Kaiser William's congratulations to Paul Kruger. 4. ''List en, isles (British) unto Me and harken ye people from afar" [Americans etal."] 5. What the ships of Tarshish (Britain) have to do with their sons from afar. 6. Where was and where is Tarshish ? 7. Why the daughters of Tarshish had to settle in Britain. 8. Britons in Homer's time — 850 years B.C. — were the leading manufacturers in bright iron, gold, silver and lead, and her merchants furnished it for Solomon's Temple. 9. Apes and peacocks were exported then just as pigs (iron and steel) are now and they were just as little real apes and peacocks as iron and steel are real pigs now. 10. Herodotus, Pliny, Diodorus, Strabo, Homer, Ezekiel, Sir Edward Cressey and many others shew that Britain is the Isles of the West or Tarshish. 176 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 177 11. America's place is alongside of Britain, Can- ada, Australia, South Africa, et al, in the War of Armageddon. 12. The Kaiser's sister wondered what they would do with ''Poor Wilhelm". 13. Armageddon plainly set out in the Bible. We are heading for it now. CHAPTER IX In 1879 Rev. Joseph Wild, then preaching in Brooklyn, N.Y., published a book. The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, in which he predicted the break- up of Russia within fifty years, the taking of Jer- usalem and Palestine from Turkey and the giving of it to the Jews for a national home. This student of Israel about that time had also predicted that the United States of America would help Britain in her next war with Egypt; though at the time most U.S.A. politicians were so busy twisting the old lion's tail and kicking it in the ribs, almost without provocation save to secure the Irish vote, that anyone who predicted that they would work together was considered more kinds of a fool than is permissible to put in print. When 1882 came around and the world saw with surprise and some nations with deep resent- ment, that an American fleet did help the British fleet at Alexandria, Egypt, my Scotch instinct and reason told me that the Reverend Doctor's dope along prophetic lines was good stuff and proved to me the value of the Bible prophecies. 178 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 179 A certain merry-eyed, dimpled-clieeked young lady attended the Reverend Dr. Wild's church each evening, and I soon found my unat- tached feet straying thitherward not, I am afraid, for the sole purpose of absorbing spiritual truths, but for the pleasure of walking home with the aforementioned dimples in the twilight. However, I did absorb Bible facts that have never left me; though I am afraid I have not always made the best use of them, as I am just an ordinary everyday sinner like yourself, without as yet, my wife says, any sign of sprouting wings — and believe me, she knows ! When the South African war was at its height, I was much disturbed at the outlook after the Boers *'did in" General Buller's army and his reports came trickling through time after time: **I regret to report." I remember asking Dr. Wild if Britain was going to lose South Africa. *'No Sir! She will win. Great Britain is only to lose one of her offspring, according to the Bible, and she lost that a hundred years and more ago when Manasseh (U.S.A.) section set up in national business for themselves as had been foretold. Its not on the cards," he said, ''that Great Britain will lose another Colony." And she didn't, though at that time not a nation the world round seemed to be her friend, and the Kaiser, with almost Satanic glee, cabled his congratulations to 180 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA that great Boer leader, Paul Krnger, on his suc- cess. Here are some messages the Prophet Isaiah addressed to the Brith Colony in Brith-ain, which colony had been there many, many hundreds of years when he sent this epistle to them about 712 B.C., and they would be as well known in the Home acres as is Alaska known to Washington to-day, because of the unending commerce between them. 49 :1. "Listen, isles [the British or Covenant Isles], unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far [the Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, etc.]. 3, "Thou art my servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified. [In the Anglo-Saxon nations, God's name has been glorified down through the centuries.] 8. "Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped' thee : and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages; The Anglo-Saxon Celts have inherited the earth — the last war pitched a hundred and fifty million heathen into IMother Britain's lap and made her responsible for their up-bringing. What a white man 's burden ! 9. "That thou ma.yest say to the prisoners, Go forth ; to them that are in darkness, Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places. 12. "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 181 from the land of Sinim [South — The Vulgate has it Australi]. 59 :18. "According- to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompense to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompense." [Brith-ain of the Islands has been recompensed for her work among the lesser breeds without the Law]. 60:9. "Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, unto the name of the Lord thy God, and to the Holy One of Israel, 'because he hath glorified thee. 12. "For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee [Israel] shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted." Tlie "isles" referred to are the British Isles from which sailed the ships of Tarshish as is shown by Rev. Dr. Wm. H. Poole in his book Anglo-Israel, published in 1882, now out of print, from which I quote the following data on Tar- shish : "Tarshish was a name given to one of Noah's grandchildren. Gen. 10 :4. 'And the sons of Javan, Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.' It was the custom in those early days to name the country after the person who was the owner or ruler or chief. 'By these (persons named) were the Islands of the Gentiles divided in their lands.' To Tarshish was given the west coast of Europe and that country was so named i ? may be seen upon ancient maps, several of which I have before me. Upon one of these very ancient maps England is called Javan. "The Rev. James Mcintosh, curate, sa.y-s 'Tarshish when resolved into its elements is — 'tar' a border of fringe round about and 'shish' bright, shiny, white 182 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA and means the land is white or bright round about which is the name given to England from the white- ness of its cliffs on the southern coast. No name more fitly describes England to those early traders coming northward to Britain from the Bay of Biscay.' "In 2 Chron. 9:21: "For the king's [Solomon's] ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram : every three years once come the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and pea- cocks. "In Ezek. 27 :12, 19 : "Tarshish was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all kind of riches; with silver, iron, tin, and lead, they traded in thy fairs. " 'Dan also and Javan going to and fro occupied in thy fairs: bright iron, cassia and calamus, were in thy market.' "And in I Kings 10 :22 : 'For the king had at sea a navy of Tharshish with the navy of Hiram : once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.' " Tj^re was the great trading empormm in those days, and the bright iron, tin, and lead from Cornwall were apparently the heaviest cargo brought by the ''navy of Tharshish" and Sol- omon's ships, both of which were used in the com- merce carried on between Tyre and Tarshish. In the 66tli Chapter of Isaiah, Tarshish is mentioned in a manner confirming the above view. Verse 19. "And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glorj^; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles." THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 183 These passages make it clear that Tarshish was a long way from Palestine and was reached by sea route north and west and that Tarshish and the isles afar off were in the same direction and that Tarshish then, as now, was given to trade. ''Isaiah also affirms that the citizens of Tarshish did not worship Jehovah at that time that 'They had not heard my fame, neither seen my glory: and also that they would, in future, become missionaries to declare my glory among the Gentiles.' The remnant df Israel were sent to Tarshish and to the Isles of Tar- shish to the Isles afar off. The "escaped" of Israel and the "preserved" of Israel were sent over to Tar- shish and the Lord promised them four things — the comely, the beautiful, the excellent and the glorious." Have not the promises been fulfilled and have not the Isles been world missionaries and the means of declaring God's glory among the Gentiles ? The only answer is yes ! yes ! '^When the power of the Medo-Persian Empire was broken and all hindrances removed, the commis- sion from the Lord was given to Israel, Isa. 23 :6, 10 : 'Pass ye over to Tarshish .... Pass through thy land as a river, daughter of Tarshish.' "They could now go as a river, in streams (our historians say in waves), none to hinder them, so they are commanded to go to Tarshish. They went in a series of invasions. Benjamin the last tribe going over in 1066 making the Union of Jacob complete in the Covenant land Brith-ain. 184 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA "In Psalms 72 :10 : 'The kings of Tarshish and of the isles sliall hring presents that people on the isles of the west were a noble and generous people and they still run true to form as every calamity the world round attests in this day and generation." "Sir Ed'ward Cressey, a distinguished Anti- quarian in his history of England says : 'The British tin mines mainly supplied the glorious adornment of Solomon's temple.' " 'Tarshish', says Hillier, 'was the west coast of Europe, afterwards called Gaul and in later times Spain -.nd France " "In Ezekiel 27 :12 and 15 the place and destiny of the ships is described by its merchandise and its pursuits, and again Tarshish is spoken of in connec- tion with the trade of a western country. Of Tyre is said 'Javan was thy merchants in all riches, with silver, iron, tin and lead, they traded in thy fair and Dan (Ireland) is here associated with Javan or Eng- land." In the same chapter it is said, verso 25 : 'The ships of Tarshish did sing of thee in thy market and thou wast replenished and made very glorious in the midst of the seas.' "There is beauty and propriety in this allusion by the prophet to the sons of the Hebrew sailors as they made the name of Tyre honored, and glorious, away beyond the pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) or as viewed from Mount Zion it would seem to be in the midst of the seas. "All historians knew that the Western Isles sup- plied the East with all manner of elaborately wrought metals, of gold and silver, and brass, bright iron and tin. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 185 "In Homer, Book 18, a free translation de- scribes the smelting operations going on in the foundries on the Tarshish Isles : Homer lived about 850 B.C."' 'In hissing flames huge silver bars were rolled Stubborn brass and tin and solid gold. A darker metal intrenched the place And piles of glittering tin the enclosure grace.* Homer also describes the soldiers' coat of arms 'Ten rows of azure still the work enfold Twice ten of tin and twelve of ductile gold.' Again : 'The shields completed vast and strong A breastplate dazzling bright as flames of fire forged And next a weighty helmet for his head. Fair, richl}- wrought, with crests of gold : Then last, well fitted greaves of pliant tin. Now at his will, and as the work required, The stubborn brass, and tin, and precious gold And silver first he melted in the fire.' Brith-ain, at this early date, 850 B.C., was the ynanufacturing centre of the world, y-et your histories and ours would have it that in Caesar's time we were skin-clad barbarians. Such lying statements are easily refuted by any student who takes the trouble to look into the facts as pre- sented in St. Paul in Britain and histories that gave facts instead of fiction about our ancestors.* *St. Paul in Britain, by Rev. R. W. Morgan. 186 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA Britons and Bretons have always been the advance-guard of their time in education, mode of living, methods of doing trade as well as in all forms of culture. "The Prophet Jeremiah 9 :10, might well say ^Silver spread into plates was brought from these islands.' " What about ivory, apes and peacocks? Did Britain export them? Sure she did in the same way iron merchants now export their iron as ' * pigs ' ' by the ton. Dr. Poole says : "If I could peep into the ledgers of the merchants of Tarshish who spread gold and silver and brass and tin into plates for the Eastern markets, I would find in their bills of sale so many tons of Apes and Pea- cocks and Lambs, They used these terms as we now use "Pigs" in the iron trade. When these metals are in process of smelting and refining they give a fine speci- men of the variegated hues of the Peacock's plum- age and in certain processes of preparation they were named after the bird whose plumage they so much resembled. Three thousand years hence people may wonder that in our day gold eagles were so plentiful and of such high repute among us." [Since the war "there ain't no such bird" seen in commerce or ex- change!] "Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) wrote: 'Beyond the pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) the ocean flows around the earth. In this ocean, however, there are Islands, and those are very large and are called Britannic, Albion and lerne, which are larger than those before named. They lie beyond the Baltic and there are not THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 187 a few small islands around the Britannic Isles and around Iberia.' "Herodotus 484-425 B.C. describing the tin Islands in the West of Europe says: 'The tin came from Cornwall, which, when mixed with copper, form- ed the well-known Bronze of the early times.' "Diodorus says: 'Tin and bright iron were brought into Gaul from the Western Isles 620 years before Christ.' "Pliny says : 'The whole of the Roman Empire was supplied with metals and tin from Britannia. He says Greece too was supplied mth tin and sundry metals from the same source 907 B.C.' "Strabo, born 63 B.C., informs us of a Phoenician captain who destroj'cd a rival ship rather than let the crew know where Tarshish was or how to land their vessels at Tarshish. "To Javan was given the Brith (or covenant) Isles. Those Isles on the ancient maps and in the Bible are called Isles of the West and Isles of Tar- shish. To Javan's two sons, Tarshish and Kittim, was given the Western Coast of Europe, Spain, Portugal, and France. "Xenophon, who wrote 100 years later than Ezekiel, described one of those ships of Tarshish starting for Gades, which is Latin for Cadiz, on the Atlantic coast of Spain." These and dozens of other references show thai Spain, Portugal and France were called Tar- shish and that the Isles of Tarshish were the ad- joining British Islands. Having gotten that key 188 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA in your right hand you are now in a position to unlock doors that have puzzled Bible students without it, for ages. Now take, for instance, Armageddon, that great war which America and the world has still to fight. I was much interested recently listening to that great war correspondent and student of past and current events in Euiope, Sir Philip Gibbs, a typical Englishman, quiet, thoughtful, self-effac- ing, delivering a lecture "without a superlative, almost without emphasis, and without flam- buoyancy" — the kind that we all so much enjoy, and some of us wish we could imitate ; but we re- gretfully realize that, like British laAvns, it takes time and education to grow that sort. Well, Sir Philip said there were still two chances for war within ten years, one w^as by a union of Russia and Germany, and the other by an alliance between Russia and the Mohammedans. For the information of Sir Philip Gibbs and any others who may desire same, it may be mentioned that the Bible says that Russia will take advantage of both these unions, Russia is to combine with Prussia and also with all the Mohammedan and pagan nations, and led by "the Chief Prince of Rosh" will make their final world drive for the Holy Land, Constantinople and the Suez Canal. It is estimated that it will be timed to commence THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 189 about 1928 and end about 1936, and according to prophecy this will be the last war on this war- cursed earth for 1,000 years. I wrote to that effect last year to one of Britain's ablest army commanders, but he could not agree, saying Armageddon could not come for fifty years, — not a great war. Another British Army commander wrote that it could not come before a hundred years or Europe would be bankrupt; but either they or the stone Bible, the Pyramid, is mistaken and I'm sure they will both approve of my back- ing my faith on the latter, as up to date its pre- dictions have come true for the outstanding events in Israel's history since the world began. The Pyramid of Gizeh is the oldest build- ing in the world. It is without question the most wonderful building in the world to-day, though built by Shem, son of Noah, 2170 B.C. It was built, I believe, under divine guidance, because it foretells in stone and in Hebrew measurements what the Bible foretells in Hebrew words — the outstanding propliecies made concerning God's chosen Hebrew people, both the House of Judah and the House of Israel and even located their being joined together in Jerusalem before Arma- geddon. Isaiah said (Isa. 19:19, 20) : '*In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the 190 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA land of Egypt." Well, Mr. Business Man, there she stands just where they said it would be, ovei four thousand years old, God's witness giving visible, tangible confirmation to the prophecies contained in our Bible. And yet, men sometimes wonder if there is an unseen Ruler of the uni- verse ! To-day you can rub your hands over the measurements in enduring granite showing when the far-seeing and divinely inspired architect indi- cated that Armageddon would start and finish and as yet you and your leaders are blind to this visible evidence placed in Egypt, your early home, for your and your nation 's guidance. Why ? And again why ? Is it because the learned professors in your universities mostly *' finished" their education in Germany and absorbed so much of that German-Jewish-made antichristian higher criti- cism that belittles and pooh-poohs the ''more sure word of prophecy" and makes light of the bulk of our Bible that they fail to see God's prophecies being made good by history every year that we are on His earth. Mr. D. Davidson, M.C., M.C.I, one of the wisest students of the recent developments in Pyramid Chronology points out in the September issue of the Covenant People how the Pyramid in measurements in stone showed war was overhang- ing Israel from November 8, 1912, the time of the Balkan troubles, and how fiom August THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 191 4th, 1914, Israel had to bend her back and was not free to stand upright until we passed through the low passage which extended in these stone measurements from August 4th, 1914, to November 11th, 1918, when again Israel peoples could stand erect and breathe freely with war re- moved by the Armistice. July 12th, 1920, Israel again had to bow her head and pass under two removable yokes which extend until November 10th, 1921. These may be the yokes that Labor and the Sinn Fein Irish have placed upon all Israel, but whatever they are they will be removed November lOtli, 1921, when again we can stand upright until 1928 ushers in the time of trouble foretold as that great day of God Almighty, Armageddon. Our allies in Armageddon will be Sheba, which is India, Dedan, which is Arabia (the sons of Ishmael, who were always to dwell in tents as they always have, and who were to become a nation, as they did when that young Englishman, Colonel Lawrence, formed them into one during the late war ; and Winston Churchill has now made an Arab ally, Feisul, King of Mesopotamia;) the "merchants of Tarshish" (recently termed the "Shopkeepers of Britain"); and all the young lions thereof. The shopkeepers of Britain (formerly the "merchants of Tarshish") and their contemptible little army were referred to by his nibs, the alleged 192 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA all highest Emperor Wilhelm of Germany, now doing time at Doom, and dodging tax paying. In 1887 Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland was presented with a chart showing her descent from King Divid of Jerusalem, and a copy was also sent to the Emperor of Germany. Bill of the upturned moustache secured this data, believed it and thought, being the eldest son of Queen Vic- toria's eldest daughter, that he was the King Pin in Israel, and so was God's battle-axe and weapons of war, which he iig-ured were made for Germany, hence all his blather about ''Me und Gott," etc., and his condescension in taking Gott into partner- ship Avith him in his war schemes and placing ''Gott niit tens'' on the belt of every soldier who wore a German uniform. Had he been as wise as he was vain, he would have remembered that "by their fruits ye shall know them" applies to all nations, peoples and churches, kings and rulers. All are not Israel who say they are, but many are of the congregation of Satan ! The Kaiser and his nation will yet receive the punishment due for their outrages against humanity, against Israel and against God the creator and ruler of this universe. They cannot possibly dodge it. When in Germany, a friend asked if I would like to meet the Kaiser's eldest sister, as we were temporarily living under the same roof, her palace being occupied as Headquarters of the Corps Canadian. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 193 ''Sure, I'd like to do anything once, pro- vided it did not cost too much," I said. So we were introduced and spent a pleasant hour deciphering autographs in an album and reading character from them, though we were not sup- posed to fraternize at that time. But seeing a British staff general present when we entered, my conscience did not trouble me ; besides, rules and regulations were never a Canadian's long suit in the army or elsewhere. Well, the Princess was quite concerned in those days about ''poor Wilhelm"! and wondered to me, mind you, what they would do with him! Now, I had a whole lot of things I 'd wanted to do to him for four and a half yoars but tlie situation forbade me mentioning theai in detai], to his relative. Perhaps it was my temporary military training that prevented me from making a direct reply to the Princess' pointed question. Anyway, I sidestepped it and turned the conversation on to a side line. AVhat wouldn't I give to be able to "spill all the beans" I gathered in that chateau! 'Twould make interesting reading but 'tisn*t done, even among Canadians. Well, who else do you suppose are going to take part with the "merchants of Tarshish" in the great battle of Armageddon? The Kaiser re- ferred to the British as a nation of "shop- keepers," and we often speak of the old British Lion. Well, at Armageddon, there will be "the 194 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA merchants of Tarshish" and beside them will be "all the young lions thereof." "Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tar- shish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee. Art thou come to take a spoil? Hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey ? To carry away silver and gold. To take away cattle and goods, To take a great spoil ? .... In that day when my peo- ple of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou [Chief Prince of Rosh et al] not know it? And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days." (Ezek. 38:13, 14, 16). This war is to take place in the Holy Land and will be finished by 1936 according to the best authorities and as I have shown that America is a young lion from Britain, or the Covenant Land, the first born and the strongest of the old lion's cubs, and as the Bible specifically says that all the young lions will be there, America must be and will be on the job as she was at Alexandria in 1882. A fine healthy lot of use there will be in this land war for capital dreadnaught ships at forty mil- lion dollars a throw ! Fast cruisers and destroyers, yes, and ships for carrying troops, and aeroplanes, etc., yes, though I see your air officers' estimates for such aeroplane ships have been canned and chucked into the waste basket by Congress. ''Who is blind but my servant Israel?" What will it cost America when she enters Armageddon unprepared I wonder 1 If Americans THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 195 knew their prospects and future they would fear Japan as little as they now fear Canada, Aus- tralia or New Zealand. Armageddon and the forces who will fight it are plainly shaping up to-day for this war as were the forces of Germany getting ready, and discernibly so by students of warfare like Lord Roberts, Admiral Sir John Fisher, and our Late King Edward for fourteen years before 1914, and yet, instead of preparing for it, your vote-catching politicians, your Hearsts, your Sinn Feiners and pro-Germans are all trying to stir up strife be- tween Brother John of the Isles and Brother Jonathan from afar who will each need the help of Japan and of each other as never before in their histories. I ^\dsh I had the time to elaborate upon what the Bible tells of this coming war and lay dowTi the plan of campaign for it, but its beyond my limit of time and I have already strung this much farther than I had intended, until, I fear I will be wearing out my welcome staying so long at my first visit and partaking of such a hearty meal while marking out for you this bridgehead. That reminds me of a hotel I used to patronize in my younger days where they gave you a good full farmer's dinner, chicken or roast beef for twenty-five cents per head, which sounds almost unreal now. Well, this proprietor was a 196 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA real "Boniface" with a sign above his sideboard which read: "Eat Hearty and give the House a Good Name." I wish I could with confidence hang out such a sigTi for you to eat heartily of the food con- tained in this screed, but at any rate you can give the House of Israel a good name. Perhaps a sign like they used to hang out at the Barn Stormers ' performance of Macbeth in the Western States would be appropriate for me to put up : "Don't shoot! He's doing the best he can!" CHAPTER X 1. An incurable optimist at the front. 2. I knew we were to be punished by the stripes of men. 3. "But we have forgotten God! We are too proud to pray to the God who made us." 4. Isaiah's message to the Brith Colony of Hebrews in the British Isles. 5. Gentlemen of the cloth cannot sidestep or duck this question. 6. Westminster coronation stone was Israel's throne and house of God. 7. A new world brewing ; the new era. 8. Where unionism falls down. 9. A\Tiy the Turk is Edom of the Bible. 10. General Allenby's campaign was foretold three thousand years ago. 11. He lead God's battle axe in Palestine. 12. AVill university professors be selected as fishers of men. 13. Higher critics fail to get ''my goat." 14. What the old lion and the young lions did in Palestine in answer to prayer. 15. Armageddon is coming soon. 16. The world has to reap what the world sows. 17. ^Yhat H. G. Wells does not know about our Bible. 18. Business men with their good horse sense will see God's plan. 197 CHAPTER X. Do you wonder that during the late war — when ahnost everyone at times lost heart and felt that we were nearly at the end of our tether — I never for one moment felt that we would not win ! I was the incurable optimist ! At the Front a half-brick diet was my more or less constant companion, mostly deserved for breaking rules and the King's regulations while endeavouring to push on with roads. One compli- ment paid me I remember. After the Armistice, when every officer's record, ability, capacity, and usefulness had to be placed on paper and sent to the War Office, my record was sent to a certain major-general, and he endorsed on it : "A splendid organizer of Labor, A Fine Roadbuilder Constant in Adversity And wise in counsel." That was going pretty strong for a regular soldier not given to sprinkling sugar on your army rations.. But the main thing was ''Constant in Adversity," and I could be constant in adversity, because I believed the God-inspired words spoken 198 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 199 by the prophets, and I believed God meant just what they said He did. Goodness knows, there was room for a few optimists in the fall of 1917 at Paschendale and in the spring of '18 in front of Amiens ! I knew Israel was to be punished in measure by the stripes of men, and w^e certainly got an over- flowing dose, but no more than we deserved, and no more than was necessary to bring all the na- tions of Israel to their knees in prayer and humili- ation, asking for the help of the Almighty God. From that time on we went forward until we won. However, we still worship idols and golden calves, idols of wealth and idols of fashion and popularity; idols of ease and comfort and the movies ! We nationally waste much substance in more or less riotous living; we have food almost to burn, while sections of Europe and Asia are dying by the millions, without causing us to turn a hair ; yet they are our brothers. Abraham Lincoln in a proclamation to the American nation, in 1863, after describing the benefits bestowed upon his nation, said : *'But we have forgotten God! We are too proud to pray to the God who made us. ' ' I wonder what Lincoln would say to-day, could he see the nation he was chief executive of fifty- eight years ago. If it was true then that you had forgotten God, then how much more true it is to- day, with the mad hustle and bustle of life in your 200 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA big cities, and the Lord's Day given over largely to golf, motoring, and pleasure, while the churches with their few hundreds languish. Well, gentlemen, don't forget that you will have to pay the bill and will continue to do so, if you do not mend your ways, as you did in the sixties ; and the judgment for you and your sons and daughters is as surely being ground out by the mills of God as it was sixty years ago before your Civil War, when Lincoln saw it and made no bones of plainly telling you about it in his proclamations to your nation. As Boss Tweed once remarked, when caught with the goods, what are you going to do about it? For these and other national sins and short- comings and because of our failure to deal justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God, as your martyred President, Abraham Lincoln, did during his years of service to America, and as George Washington did before him, we will re- quire another term of many years of war to purify our nation and yours, and w^e will surely get it in Armageddon which still has to be fought; but it will be won as was the late war, with God's help, by His battle axe and weapons of war, with which He promises to smash nations and kingdoms, i.e., by Israel, His chosen servant, ''in whom and by whom he will yet be glorified." 1. Listen, isles [British], unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far [U.S.A.] THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 201 3. Thou art my servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified. 6. And he said, It is a light thing that thou [0 isles and people from far] shouldest be my servant [what for?] to raise up the tribes of Jacob [why the isles if the Ten Tribes were not in them?], and to re- store the preserved of Israel : I will also give thee [isles, or Israel] for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth. (Isa. 49:1, 3, 6.) Now, to every preacher I submit that as the end of the earth is not yet with us, somewhere is God's chosen people Israel who are the light- bearers tc the Gentiles. Gentlemen, where are they? Are they in Russia, Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Africa, or Iceland, or where ? This same people must possess all the other marks of Israel, among which are the following : They must keep the Sabbath. They must be invincible in war. They must possess the gate of their enemies, — the sea. They must be not the least, but the chiefest of nations. They must possess Joseph's blessings, now in the hands of Britain, U.S.A., and the other Anglo-Saxon nations. They must have ruling over the nation or com- pany of nations, a King, of the Royal seed of David. Who are the light-bearers to-day to the Gentile heathen nations'? Surely it is none other 202 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA tlian the Anglo-Saxons; who, therefore, must be God 's servant, Israel. Now, Gentlemen of the Cloth, — University professors not barred, — it is no use sidestepping this question. Either these statements are true or they are false. If they are true, God's King- dom is right here on earth with a visible enduring dynasty ruling over it just as foretold to David King of Israel (Psalm 89), and it will continue till Christ comes to rule His kingdom. Moreover, you don't have to die to be of it nationally; every believer in Christ, as St. Paul says, is of Israel. Mr. W. Pascoe Goard in the national message of the Bible writes : The Bible knows a threefold presentation of the kingdom of God. 1. The universal kingdom of God "The Lord hath set His throne in the heavens and His kingdom ruleth over all." Manifestly this is not the throne upon which David reigned. 2. The national kingdom of God on Mount Zion, of which we shall have more to say. This was David's kingdom. 3. The ecclesiastical, or spiritual kingdom, of which, for instance, the Lord spoke to Nicodemus. "Except a man be born again he cannot see the king- dom of God." This constitutes the apostolic message of the Church, and with that we shall not deal further. Regarding the national kingdom of God estab- lished upon Mount Zion, let us make enquiry. Of that Kingdom certain general things may be said in order to give direction to our thoughts. It is not an universal kingdom ! It is not a king- dom established at its inception, over all men, nor over THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 203 all nations ! It is not exclusively a spiritual kingdom, but a national and material kingdom, over which has been set a very material throne ! The purpose of this kingdom of Jehovah among the nations seems to resemble the purpose of Jesus Christ among individual men. It is the enlighteuer, the leader, the librator, and the savior of the nations. It seems indeed to be God's plan to save men, one by one, through the redemption wrought out by Jesus Christ the Saviour, and to save nations by the ministry of the chosen nation. What excuse will avail for being a blind leader of the blind when God's Word, which we are told to search, is so plainly written that the ordinary man who searches the Scriptures can read and understand ? How much good will it do you, Gentlemen of the Cloth, to plead: ''The higher critics mis- led me!" Were you, gentlemen, bidden to study the higher critics or to "search the Scriptures"? You ivere specifically hidden to find the sheep that were lost, "the flock of my pasture" and this flock according to the Word "are men"; the Lost Ten Tribes^of Israel were His "lost sheep," "his flock." Wliat have you or your church done to find them? Mostly nothing. Well its up to you! Now here is another waymark. When Jacob was on his way from Beersheba to Haran, he stopped at Luz, and that night he had a won- derful vision of a ladder reaching from earth to heaven and angels of God ascending and descend- 204 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA ing upon it, and the Lord stood above it and told liim his seed should be as the dust of the earth and in his seed all the families of the earth should be blessed and He would be with him and keep him. When Jacob awaked out of his sleep he was much awed, and he said, "This is none other but the house of God" and he not only called the name of the place Bethel (meaning house of God) but he anointed the stone Avhereon he had slept and called that the house of God. (Gen. 28: 22.) So Israel used this symbol to remind them of God's presence. In their travels they took this vener- ated stone representing to their minds God's house. Iron rings were inserted in either end to slip a pole through, for ease in transporting as they moved, and it was placed in a tent when they rested. A recent examination shows the iron rings to be worn to paper thinness and as it has only moved a few hundred miles since it was brought to Ireland by Jeremiah in 576-8 B.C., all this wear must have taken place during its moving from place to place with Israel before it reached Ireland. Throughout the Old Testament a stone or rock is freciuently mentioned, and considering their regard for the stone which Jacob called God's house, it is not difficult to believe that it was this same stone which was referred to in Exodus 17, when Moses smote the ''rock," and this may be what the margin refers to as the "throne of the The liritish Coronation (hair t)iiilt around Jacob's stone which tin- Iiil)le ri tcrs to as the Tlirone of God, {i.e. set up by God.) THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 205 Lord" in that same chapter. Again, it is not hard to believe that ''God's house" may have been "the throne of the Lord" npon which Solomon sat in place of his father. Three thousand years later, King George the Fifth sat upon the throne of Great Britain and Ireland and what did King George sit upon when he was crowned? Upon that very stone mth the old iron rings much worn through the years of travelling ; and it has had an honored place in the Coronation Chair for centuries. In fact, every English, Scotch, and Irish King who has reigned over Israel since Jeremiah took it to Ire- land has been crowned sitting upon it — with the exception of ''Bloody Mary" (who sat in a chair which had been blessed by the Pope of that day). To-day it is in Westminster Abbey in Bri- tain under a stone arch upon which is engraven "Surely this is the House of God" and looks out on the graves of those illustrious warriors who for centuries have served as God's battle-axe and weapons of war and have given their lives that God's throne and God's kingdom might endure. Armistice Day, November 11, 1920, wit- nessed a spectacle the like of which has never be- fore been seen on this round earth, when our King, as Chief Mourner, our Princes, our Prime Ministers, heads of the Army, Navy and Church followed the remains of "The Unknown War- rior" to his last resting-place in Westminster 206 THE DESTINY OP AMERICA Abbey — a fit representative of those hundreds of thousands who gave all they had and all they hoped to be and died in defence of God's King- dom on earth, not for pomp, vain pride or glory, but for service, service to humanity, service to our weaker brethren and nations, service to the whole world. "God of our fathers, known of old, Lord of our far-flung battle-line, Beneath whose awful hand we hold Dominion over palm and pine — Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget — lest we forget! The tumult and the shouting dies, The captains and the kings depart, Still stands thine ancient sacrifice, An humble and contrite heart. Lord God of Hosts be with us yet. Lest we forget, lest we forget!" This last war our politicians said was fought to end war — but how far from itl There is gomg to he a new world as a result of this and the next war, and the makings of this new world and the next war are already in the pot stewing. The ''Keds" wish to have this stew flavored with lots of blood, blood of the capitalists, the intellectuals, anyone who by merit has lifted himself above the common. Poor deluded people, they know not what they do ! THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 207 Labor wants this stew inside and out strongly flavored with unionism. "Join our union or you can't work; we won't let you!" High wages, higher wages and short, shorter and shortest hours until they won't have to work at all ! They want to say who shall work ; of course these chaps who went overseas to save the stay- at-homes' hides — they can't let soldiers, who have served the whole world so well, into the Carpen- ters', Painters' or Plumbers' Union; they might displace in time some of the stay-at-homes, so Lord Haig's pleading for his soldiers availeth naught. Their unions say it wouldn't do! This is the age when all autocracies are headed for the scrapheap- and the labor union that thinks to-day it can hold back fair-dealing with real justice to union and non-union labor does not see what is coming and is riding for a fall. Brith-ans never shall he slaves! to church, state, labor, or to any- one or anything! Just now it is unionized labor's turn to see it, to the extent of giving a good day's work with snap and vigor for a good day's pay — which they are not doing, but are slacking. Some capitalists want theirs and a big slice, and don't give a hoot what happens to the chap below the line. Thank goodness! this class is gradually dying out or giving way and will soon be gone ; the good time is coming when every man willing to give real honest work or service for real pay will never want, and that time won't be long in coming. 208 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA Unionism has largely spoiled men from giving a good day's work for a good day's pay, in Britain especially, and in America and Canada wherever they can enforce arbitrary autocratic power. "Go slow, Bill" is the general attitude. It was so noticeable when I changed from handl- ing Canadians to handling British labor units on roads in France. Labor fails to see that every man that is slacking on his job is putting a tax on everything he makes and, by raising the price, taxing all his fellow laborers. Union labor cannot live to itself alone, though they act as if they thought they could and often act as if they could lift themselves by pulling on their boot straps. Good will and not strife will eventually be the leaven that will leaven the whole lump, from capi- talist to labor with the great millions of people who are between these two warring elements. Drifting seems to be my "long suit" as I seem to have again left the rails. Perhaps you will wonder why early in 1917 I told my Jew friend. Major Blank, that we would take the Holy Land and hand it over to his hooked-nosed friends for a national home. I was banlving on Rev. Wild, Dr. Poole and state- ments made in the early seventies and eighties by many other authors on this point about the prophecies concerning these latter days. Ezekiel, who prophecied from 628 to 570 B.C., said : THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 209 ''I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of my people Israel." (Ezek. 25:14.) Knowing that we Anglo-Saxon Celts were Israel I knew our job was to take Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Turkey and make a place for the Tribe of Judah to gather together representatively. Esau is Edom, Mount Seir, Idumea, a Gentile nation, and Esau is also Turkey, the Ottoman nation who was to be in possession of the holy places when Joseph-Israel won that land back from the Gentiles, as they did in 1917, just in the 1295 solar years or 1335 lunar years (dating from the Hegira A.D. 622) foretold by Daniel. The prophecies of Leviticus 26 were also fulfilled in the return of the Jews to Palestine after the land had been laid w^aste for a period of seven times (a time in the Bible being 360 years), because Daniel, with the other princes, was car- ried to Babylon in B.C. 603 and Jerusalem was delivered in 1917, just 2520 years later to the year. Esau and Jacob were twin sons born 1836 B.C. of Isaac by Rebekah. See Genesis 25 : 23 : "And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people ; and the elder shall serve the younger." Esau was a red man and his offspring, the Turks of to-day, have this same characteristic as 210 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA a nation. To-day the elder, Esan, is serving the younger, Jacob. It was promised of Jacob's sons ''In Isaac shall thy seed be called," and they started out calling themselves Isaac-sons. In their travels, as the Hebrew had no vowels, the ''I" was dropped, and on old monuments in the Crimea these Israelites wrote it ''Saac-sons" or *'Saac-suns" and over thirty other ways, each having the same pronounciation. To-day the word pronounced the same is written in English Saxons. 30. "And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage ; for I am faint ; therefore was his name called Edom. 33. "And he [Esau] sold his birthright unto Jacob. 37. "And Isaac answered and said unto Esau, Behold, I have made him [Jacob] thy lord, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants ; and with corn and wine have I sustained him: and what shall I do now unto thee, my son? 39. "And Isaac his father answered and said unto him [Esau], Behokl, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; 40. "And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother [Jacob] ; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his [Jacob's] yoke from off thv neck." (Gen. 25:30, 33; 27: 37,39,40.) Esau hated Jacob with a hatred that has lasted down through the ages for Jacob's seed, Isaac-sons, Saac-sons, Caxons. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 211 ''By the sword shalt thou live" has been literally true of the Turks or Ottomans who have crowned their Sultans, not with a cro^^m, but Avith a sword. But the Master said, "All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword"; and this is still coming true. They have had the fatness of the earth for a dwelling place, the choicest land on earth in their possession and they have made it a desolation from one end to the other. "And thou shalt serve thy brother." That they did under David and Solomon, and for cen- turies they held the balance of power as the Sick Man of Europe in the middle East, keeping out Russia, and others, thus serving their brother Jacob (Brith-ish) in a way they did not under- stand until the fullness of the Gentiles came in and General Allenby took over the Holy Land section of Edom or Turkey. "And it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion ["Break loose" — R.V.] that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck." Here are some facts about the descendants of Esau: 1. In Egypt, the Pharoah of the oppres- sion was a son of Esau in the fourth generation — Eliphaz, Amalek, Thurdan, Rameses. He certain- ly tried to put the yoke on the neck of Jacob's seed when it was off his oa\ti. 212 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 2. The Amalekites who attacked Israel after their coming out of Egypt were of Esau origin by Amalek, the son of Eliphaz, oldest son of Esau and his concubine, Timna. (Gen. 36: 12.) 3. Haman was of an Amalekitish and Esau descent. He tried to destro}^ all the Jews and Benjamites, for Queen Esther and Mordecai were both of the tribe of Benjamin, but he was hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. 4. Herod the Great was an Idumean, and as King of the Jews when the Romans had do- minion over Judah sought the young child Jesus to slay him who w^as the hope and Savior of Israel. 5. In 1916 Edom, the Ottoman nation, had been in possession of the Holy Land for centuries — but where would they have been had their twin brother Jacob not fought for them against Russia in 1854?* Edom, O'Theman, or Ottoman has had dominion and lost it and now again Jacob's yoke in the shape of a mandate is on those of them who occupy the Holy Land because the time has come when no nation can live by the sword as Turkey has for centuries past in a Christian land. "Thus dwelt Esau in Mount Seir : Esau is Edom. And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in Mount Sier." (Gen, 36: 8, 9.) *Histori/ fiilfUin(f Prophecy, by Win. Reeve. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 213 Esau, as we said before, is also Idumea. Idumea is the Greek form of the name Edom or Mount Seir (rugged) whose original inhabitants were probably for two reasons called Horites — because Hori was the grandson of Seir, and be- cause that name Hori was descriptive of their name as troglodites or dwellers in caves.* Just remember these cave-dwelling habits on the cliffs of the Dardanelles when we come to look over Obadiah's prophecies concerning Turkey. You will note in the second chapter of Deu- teronomy that the Almighty commanded Israel not to molest their brethren of Esau and Mount Seir; they were to pay for any food and drink which they required as they passed through the land in those early days of Israel 's wanderings. Teman, you will remember, is an Edomite, being a son of Eliphaz, son of Esau. A writer in the Covenant People for July, 1913, says: "The Edomite family name Teman in Hebrew is Th'man and linguistically identical with Theman, Alth7na7i, Othman, Osman, or Ottoynan. Osman, Otto- man, or Othman is an Edomite family name. The historian Gibbon in his 47th chapter gives the original form of the name of O'thman, the son of Ertogrul as Thaman ; now Teman, or more strictly Theman, was a grandson of Esau. (Gen. 36:11.). And another of the same name (36:42) was one of the dukes of Edom and six times over in the Prophets the name is used for a prominent or leading section of the Edomite race. * Young's Analytical Concordance 214 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA "In the very place (Obadiah) in which the de- struction of the destroyers of Israel's land is detailed, it is WTitten 'Thy mighty men, Teman shall be dis- mayed.' Ottoman is, therefore, the Scriptural desig- nation of the House of Edoni in its dominance over Palestine and is a striking testimony of the truth of Holy writ." Having shown that Teman, Ottoman, and Esau are all Edomite or Edom, as is Mount Seir and Idmnea, we can now turn to Obadiah and see what that prophet, Avho died in 586 B.C. foretold and if it has come to pass, Ferrar Fenton's Translation into modern English is as follows: ''Thus says the Mighty Lord about Edom ; — We have heard a command from the Lord about Edom And a message is sent to the Nations ; — 'Arise ! and go up to the war against Her !' "Look ! I will make you be small among Nations ! And you shall be greatly despised ! — Your bold heart deceived you, who dwell on high clitfs — Whose home is on high, and Who says to his heart, — '^Who can drag me to earth V " (Obadiah 1:1-3.). Now just carry your mind back to the early days of the late war. Britain and France were doing their best to keep Turkey away from her natural ally, of the glittering armour, the great sword rattler of Europe, but those minions of the nether regions, Enver Pasha and Talaat THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 215 Bey (since gone to his reward!), with the help of the Goben and Breslau switched Turkey to Ger- many. Little did they think then or now that they were but the tools carrying out the Almighty's plan for taking the Holy Land from the Otto- mans. You may remember how, after much inde- cision or dilatoriness and delay, Britain decided to send dreadnoughts to bombard these Edomites •out of their high cliff forts cut in rock along the cliffs of the Dardanelles and so secure the last gate of their enemies, Constantinople, and also how we had to retire beaten in the task. Had Britain's politicians been students of prophecy and aware that Britain was Israel as was that grand old fighting admiral, Sir John Fisher, they would not have insisted on such a scheme, because the better plan of campaign laid down in the Bible was later practically [and probably unknomngly] followed by General Allenby with such good re- sults by land. Well, was a message sent to the nations to arise and make war against Edom or Turkey, as specified in verse 1? And has Edom or Turkey been made small among nations in comparison with what she was at the height of her dominion? She will be smaller yet! The Sultan was the big man among Mo- hammedan heathendom. But he lost Mecca, Jerusalem, Constantinople and other sacred cities 216 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA and immense territories and to-day he is "small potatoes" and despised among the aforemen- tioned heathen as predicted in verse 2. How about verse 3 ? "Your bold heart deceived you [Edom], who dwell on high cliffs [along the Dardenelles], — Whose home is on high, and Wlio saj's to his heart, — 'Wlio can drag me to earth f " After the retirement of our largest dreadnought can you not see the Turks puffing up their chests boastfully saying, "We have defeated the largest ships and the biggest guns in the world, who can bring us down?" Well, the inspired prophet, Obadiah, 2,500 years ago, said what would happen and declared in no uncertain accents in verse 4 : " *If with Eagles you soar, if you nest among stars, — I will drag down from there,' says the Lord." And down they came and also their fortifications along the Dardanelles and at Gallipoli. Verse 7, addressed to Edom or Esau, says (Ferrar Fenton's translation) : " 'Those men, your allies, to your borders liave driven; They deceived you ! Your friends [they] have o'er- whelmed ! Spread a net on your bread that j'ou did not per- ceive.' " THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 217 The Revised Version puts this verse 7 as follows : "All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee on thy way, even to the border : the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and pre- vailed against thee; they that eat thy bread lay a snare [marg., "wound"'] nnder thee: there is none understanding in him." Looking- back on what the German friends of Turkey did to her, could you possibly have a more vivid and true description of how they mis- led poor deceived Turkey, whose bread they were eating and whom thej^ prevailed against and un- der whom they laid a serious wound that Turkey could not possibly get awa^^ from and which fin- ally caused her downfall. They did bring her even to the border of Europe and over the border of the Promised Land i^ast the Euphrates, and to the border of destruction. 8. "Shall I not in that day, saith the Lord, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount [or high places] of Esau." The wise men in Turkey who did not agree to fight against their old-time friends and blood relations, Jacob (Britain), were removed from Turkey's government, and wisdom and under- standing have been destroyed out of the high places of Esau — from among Enver Pasha and his ruling circle, and their German masters. Wis- 218 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA ddm gave place to German hatred with its abso- lute lack of understanding of peoples and nations other than those made in the German mould. Then there follows in Obadiah a recital of what the Ottomans had done to their brother Jacob and the result to them of their actions. 9. "And thy mighty men, Teman [now Otto- man], shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter. 10. "For thy violence against thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 11. "In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his [Jacob's] forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou [0 Teman] wast as one of them. 12. "But thou shouldest not have looked on, the day of thy brother [Jacob] in the day that he be- came a stranger ; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their de- struction; neither shouldst thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress. 13. "Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity : yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity ; 14. "Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape ; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress." THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 219 All these things the sons of Esau have done unto their twin brother Jacob from the time Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem to Herod the Great and down through the ages. At the sacking of Jerusalem by the Romans they took part in the most hideous atrocities against their OAvn flesh and blood, since which time the mills of God have surely been grinding out the Almighty 's judgment as foretold in the following verses of Obadiah's single chapter devoted to Turkey's downfall, and confirmed by Isaiah 31 and Jere- miah 49. If you read of the sacking of Jerusalem, you will have some idea what Jacob's children had to suffer at Esau's hands. The Armenians in our day have met with a similar fate by Talaat Bey, the Armenian murderer who ordered that they be robbed of their substance and be cut off at the crossways and murdered. But the time of judg- ment has arrived — the judgment which the mills of the Ruler of the Universe has been grinding out for the O'Themans since then. 15. "For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou [O'Teman] hast done, it shall be done unto thee : thy reward shall return upon thine own head." Ferrar Fenton's translation puts it: But the day of the Lord will come on every Nation [not Turkey alone] ; — 220 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA And as you have done, He will do to yourselves ; — Your crime will return on your head ! 17. "But upon mount Zion [the hill of Jerusalem] shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions." Now what are the facts that will enable us to judge if these predictions were just so much east wind or if they were based on an understand- ing of divine law? Has Turkey's crime turned on her own head? Has the day of the Lord, the day of right and justice as opposed to might, come upon nations? Has there been deliverance upon Mount Zion or Jerusalem! Has the House of Jacob possessed their possessions'? To me all these questions are to-day an- swered in the affirmative and that without any spiritualizing of God's real promises to Israel, right here on earth. This spiritualizing our blind shepherds find so necessary to use to explain Bible prophecies, because, when they get you sky- piloting and have your feet and your reason off the solid ground and they state that this means that, and that means something else ''in the spir- itual sense" and in the world to come, you cannot usually argue back, because you don't know, neither do they; they are only guessing, and giiessing wrong at that and telling you only what they have been taught, like the doctors who used leaches a Imndred years ago and bled everyone — they were wrong, but they knew only what they THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 221 had been taught. I 've never yet heard a church- man, high or low, who could explain God's prom- ise to Israel intelligently, save by this sane and logical identity method. They can all see the propehcies about Judah and the Jews coming true to the letter through real people, some fif- teen million Jews; but when you ask them, what about the kingdom, Israel, who were ten times as many, where they are, they hum and haw and say, "Israel is God's church!" Has God's church b^en the Creator's battle-axe and weapons of war with w^hich he was to smash nations ? If so, what nations has the church smashed? Does God's church possess the ''gate of his enemies?" If so, what gate, what enemy and where? Has God's church become a nation, a great nation, and a company of nations? Not on your life! And the church never will and never can fulfil those grand prophecies foretold of national Israel, in the isles of the sea. The church sees the Cross of Christ but fails to see that He left His Kingdom on earth to His ten servants, the Ten Trilies of Israel, my chosen, My dispersed. My outcasts. My sheep. My witnesses, Mine elect, My nation, My servants and My people Israel who were to " occupji" until He comes. In my humble opinion, the allwise Creator caused the Bible to be written for the common 222 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA ordinary everyday variety of men and women whom Abraham Lincoln said God must have loved because he made so many of them — just plain folks. We, not particularly the parsons or Uni- versity professors, are bidden to search the Scrip- tures and to read God's Word. Surely then, that Word that we are bidden to search is understand- able by the ordinary man — we, us and company — else why are we bidden to read it ? Abraham Lin- coln when he was without education read it by the light of a pine knot and absorbed into his very soul the w^isdom contained in its pages. In one of the messes I was in, in 1917, we were blessed with three Oxford graduates, two of them parsons, one a don; and believe me, the higher critics had nothing that Oxford in their daj^ had not swallowed hook, line and sinker! They w^ere chuck full of it, and yet, they used to lament the condition of the church — as if you could grow oaks from thistle seed ! I often won- dered how they expected to inspire Tommy with faith in the Bible that they were in doubt about themselves. They lacked what they tried to pass on to the army, faith. I used to console myself with the fact that when the Master was on earth, there must have been the Oxford professors of that day, though I failed to remember his having picked any of them to carry his Gospel to the people and to be the light that was to lighteii the world. Rather lie THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 223 chose fishermen, and carpenters and tax collectors to be his fishers of men. It is possible, and I think most probable, if my mess mates were fair samples, that when He comes again to His King- dom right on this earth, this time to rule, and when His feet in that day stand on the Mount of Olives and it cannot be so very many years ere He does this — for He is coming in just the same manner that he went, — it is possible that Oxford and many seats of so-called higher education will have much to answer and some of them will be lucky if they don't get a goat tag tied on them because so many of our students w^hen they go through our Universities have lost their early belief in our Bible being inspired by the Creator and Ruler of His Universe. I remember once being asked by one of these Oxford chaps if I really believed that Christ was coming back to this earth. I said, '^AYell, what does the Bible say? 'Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.' (Acts 1:11.) Sure, He is coming back to this earth and He is coming back this time to rule His Kingdom of Israel and we Anglo-Saxons are Israel," I said. The glance of surprise mixed witli pity that he bestowed on me expressed his feelings fully ; a man who thought as I did was too simple 224 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA for this enlightened age. They (the Oxford bunch) know so much better than that now, that it was not worth while discussing further the mat- ter with a chap like myself. Higher education should enable men to see God's goodness to all those who ask for His guidance and help, but many students going to our seats of higher edu- cation lose much of the faith they had, after a few years there. AVell, I'm thankful I never knew enough for the higher critics to get ''my goat" and I still retain my absolute belief in the Bible and the more sure word of prophecy contained therein, because anyone can see prophecy becoming his- tory year after year just as foretold. Well, again I am drifting away from my theme and in danger of getting "het up." Let's go back to Obadiah! ''The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions," The whole of the Promised Land from the Nile to the great river Euphrates, the territory promised to Abraham, has now floating over it the ensign of Jacob, the Union Jack. This land promised to Israel is possessed by Britain. Are we then not Israel? Judah (the Jew) is joined to us under King George V. of Brith-ain (Covenant Land) — and they shall be no more two people. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 225 18. "And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble." Stubble is straw that has had the grain and top cut off. It still stands up, and Ephraim, Joseph, is the flame to consume it as they did after the Turk was chased out of Jerusalem. Ephraim, Britain, was like a flame among the stubble, burn- ing them up all along the line until the Turks quit fighting and got an armistice ; but the end of Tur- key is not yet. She will be finished with many others at Armageddon. Did it ever strike you as strange that neither France, Italy, or Belgium sent troops to help in the campaign in the Holy Land! It was left to the British alone, as it was in 1882, when they took the Egypt end of their possessions, to possess their (Jacob's) possessions — though America should have and will yet come in on it as she did in 1882. The Ephraimites always had trouble with their H's. See Judges 12:5 and 6 where it cost them the lives of forty-two thousand because of this peculiarity. Not being able to pronounce "Shibboleth," they all said Sibboleth and it is a strange thing that down through the ages that characteristic has stuck to the sons of Ephraim. The cockney of London A\'ill say "horanges" and 226 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA " 'orses" to this day and it was the cockneys of London who took Jernsalem and who held it, and they are Epliraim, the English, who were to be the head of the tribes, this stubborn stiff-necked people mth the bull's head emblem under which they marched when Moses brought them out of Egypt, and now knowTi as Brother John of the Isles. Even the Word of God must be confirmed by two witnesses. Obadiah mentioned that when Esau should have dominion, he would break his brother Jacob's yoke from off his neck and he did. Jeremiah 49 :2 predicts : ' ' Then shall Israel be heir unto them that were his heirs, saith the Lord." Eead that whole chapter through as it confirms Obadiah, they being contemporaries. Well, Israel to-day is heir to what the Ottomans had in the Holy Land. Ferrar Fenton translates Jeremiah 49: 19-22 as follows: "See he was like a lion coming up from the swell- ing of Jordan to the permanent meadows : ''I will be sly with them,' he said, 'I will assail from behind them, — what hero can defend them? for who is equal to me, and w'ho expects me? and what shepherd can stand before me ?' "Therefore hear the intent of the Ever-living, which He intends against Edom, and the plans He has planned against the people of Theman, if they do not w^ithdraw the young of the flock; if they do not put them in the Fold. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 227 ''The earth shall shake at the sound of her fall ; — the voice of his shriek to the Sea of Weeds ! "Look! He conies like an eagle, and flies! and spreads his wing's over Bozrah, — and the heart of the heroes of Edom in that day will be like the heart of a woman in terror !" AVell, Jeremiali wrote that description of how Israel Avas to take this land before 597 B.C., and strange as it may seem, the troops of the old British lion were sly in exactly the manner pre- dicted. They broke through and assailed the Turks from behind and took the heart out of the sons of Esau. In Jeremiah's day there were no aeroplanes, yet with the vision of the prophet and seer, he looks forward 2,500 years and says: *'He shall come up and fly as the eagle, and spread his wings over Bozrah"; and our fighting units with their flying squadron attachments did just that and uncovered the hidden places of Esau. And yet unwise people pooh-pooh Bible pro- phecy ! You will remember that Turkey at Ger- many's staff suggestion, started a campaign for the taking of Egypt and of the Suez Canal from Britain. Look up Isaiah 31 for a description of that campaign. 1. "Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help ; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong ; but they look not uato the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord ! 228 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 2. "Yet He also is wise, and will bring evil, and will not call back His words : but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the help of them that work iniquity." AVell, the workers of iniquity and their helpers who banked on their numbers and strength, were the recipients of woe ere they got back from that good sized expedition. 3. "Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the Lord shall stretch out His hand, both he that helpeth shall fall, and he tliat is helpen shall fall down, and they all shall fall together. The Egyptians who were stirred up into revolting and the Germans and Ottomans who went down to help them all fell together in that particular ''show." 4. "For thus hath the Lord spoken unto me, Like as the lion [the old British Lion] and the young lion, [Australia, New Zealand, etc.] roaring on his prey, when a multitude of shepherds [leaders or generals] is called fortli against him, he [the lion] will not be afraid of their voice, nor abase himself for the noise of them : so shall the Lord of hosts come down to fight for mount Zion and for the hill thereof. 5. "As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts de- fend Jerusalem ; defending also he will deliver it ; and passing over he will preserve it." Well, reader, what is the answer to verse four ! THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 229 Like as a lion, the old British Lion and the young lions which came from Australia, New Zea- land, etc., to help the old lion redeem Jerusalem, were not afraid of the multitude of shepherds or generals opposed to them ; but like lions all, they went for the Turks and their Hun masters, and they certainly put the fear of God into their hearts after their first encounters. Hoiv Jersa- lem Was Won, written by W. T. Massey, who was with Allenby's army, gives a splendid account of it. So did the Lord of Hosts "come down to fight for Mount Zion and for the hill thereof." I cannot do better than quote from the Covenant People, November, 1920, issue, extracts from a lecture by the Rev. Commander L. G. A. Roberts, R.N. "The Word of God is true ! 1917 is exactly seven times [the times the prophet foretold]' from the Babylonian captivity of Judah, and in that year the Holy City was delivered. Obadiah gives you exactly the strategical method in which their deliverance took place. Isaiah 31:5 telLs you exactly how God de- livered it 'As birds flying, so will the Lord of Hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it, "When General Allenby came over the Mount Gerizini — tho IMount of Blessing — the Turks were fleeing over Mount Ebal— the Mount of Cursing. "When Allenby came to Jerusalem the Turks were convinced that the Holy City never could be taken because it had been predicted that, unless the waters 230 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA of the Nile flowed into Palestine, the Turks would hold Jerusalem. What occurred ? When crossing the desert our gallant engineers laid a water-line — a pipe- line from the Nile — right across the desert, and near Jerusalem, they connected it through into the Holy City. When the Turks saw the fulfilment of their own prophecy — the waters of the Nile mingling with the waters around them — they knew all was lost. "The Arabs had also a prophecy. They said that Jerusalem would one day be delivered by the hand of a Prophet of God. General Allenby's name, in Arabic, is "Allah-Nebi,' which means a 'Prophet of God.' These two things coinciding the Turks were quite nonplussed. "Remember how Jerusalem was taken. General Allenbj^ did not want to fire a shot at the sacred city. He telegraphed home to the Premier to know what he should do. Bombard Jerusalem or not ? The Premier's reply was that he must be left to do as he thought right. That did not satisfy AUenby. He telegraphed home to the King and the King told him to make it a matter of prayer. Well, they had a service; the whole of the officers went to prayer. As they were rising from their knees a herald from Jerusalem ar- rived with a flag of truce, and the Governor of Jerusalem surrendered to the British forces. " 'Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear.' 'Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me.' What was the result? Instead of going into Jerusalem like that proud Kaiser, General Alien- by went in as if he understood it was a Holy jMission, on his feet in humble submission, "It was not he or the British arm}', but the act of God; and Allenby went in, not for the conquest of Jerusalem, but for its deliverance. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 231 ''Now the Turks were very sorry they had left and thought they would come back. They placed their guns, and prepared to bomlDard. Suddenly the areo- planes appeared, and then the Turks finally retreated. Not a shell was fired against the sacred city. "That date [1917] is stated in the Pyramid." We have God's two witnesses, the Bible and the Pyramid and both were correct. We have also God's two national witnesses who hear the Union Jack, the older glory, and the other "Old Glory," the Stars and Stripes; and the na- tions they represent will continue to be used for God's glory throughout the world. W. T. Massey writes : "The troops of the Turks and Germans who were entrenched on the hills beyond Jerusalem, when pre- paring to attack it were told that when Jerusalem was recaptured they were all going to have a free day to do as they liked in the City and so we saved Jerus- alem from being pillaged." On December 27th the Turks delivered thirteen attacks towards the city for the purpose of capturing it; but the British gained seven miles in these attacks, and the end of the day found Jerusalem defended by four strong lines so they made true the w^ords of the "Unseen Strategist of the Universe" — "Defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it." 232 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA In the face of this absolute fulfilling of prophecy how do men doubt the reality of God's promises to His servant, Israel, who was to win the Holy Land and who did win it in the year and in the manner predicted in those prophetic words describing how the Lord would defend and deliver Jerusalem, the city of which it is written in 2 Kings 21 : 4: ''In Jerusalem will I put my name." These words were uttered over 2,520 years ago and in 1917 they came true, seven "times" from the destruction of Jerusalem and the taking of Judah captive. What does this mean to you? Since these material, earthl)'-, and national promises dated for 1917 and all previous dates have been fulfilled, what about those for 1921, 1922, and 1923, and so on to 1936 when Armageddon is to be finished? You can depend upon it that every divinely in- spired prophecy from 1917 to 1936 will come true and at the allotted time. ' ' The arm of the Creator is not shortened." "Behold, he that keepeth Israel [and we are Israel] shall neither slumber nor sleep." George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and others of your wisest leaders have told you in their national proclamations what God has done for America, and you let it slide like water off a duck's back. How much are you doing towards THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 233 carrying on your share of the Creator's work? You have a large share to carry on, for you are a large part of His executive nation and company of nations and there are punishments which you or your children will receive just as surely as the sun rises if your share of the job is not performed. Good thoughts that are not transferred in- to good actions are not worth two hoots in the hot place. If the foregoing statements; are facts, then you personally have a job, a divine job, that you cannot pass over to your parson's shoulders. He is already overstocked with troubles and doubts of his o^^^l just now, since the German higher critics are in the discard. Armageddon will be upon us about eleven years from the time we took Jerusalem. We will need in that day a United Empire and a United States free from hyphenates, though there are world-wide forces to-day at work internally and externally trying to disrupt both these mighty nations wiio are destined to carry "good will" to the whole world. They were both given the di- vine commission to ''push the people together to the ends of the earth" and they have been carry- ing it out and will continue to do so, imperfectly of course, but still heading in the right direction. The late Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, that outstanding American and apostle of good will, wRose autographed photograph I am proud to look at hanging on my wall, believed that the man 234 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA who was opposed to cultivating the warmest friendship between the Anglo-Saxon nations was no friend of the world. Let us carry on the divine command with truth, justice and good will to all men, pushing peoples together, first among the English-speak- ing peoples and continuing until the whole world is one in aim. There are papers and institutions in all countries devoted to stirring up trouble and strife between us. Knowing that their aim is to breed "contention," let us not reply in kind, and when you see quoted in a paper a strife-breeding para- graph against your nation, just remember the class of people who are interested in propagating that strife and smile and remember that One greater than all has His hand on the helm, even if you and I do not and cannot understand the why and the wherefore of all "the mystery of God." How many men do you suppose there are in the steel business who understand what is go- ing on in the mind of that master of steel, Charles M. Schwab — even men helping him to run his big plants! Then what about His workmen, how can tliey understand the Master Mind? Should we, then, be surprised that so few know and under- stand the Creator's plan? They ask why He per- mits wars, famine, pestilence, and social disturb- ances, forgetting that the prophets saw and fore- told that just these things must come to pass as THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 235 the result of the nations not carrying out His laws which have never been abrogated, as were the ecclesiastical laws, but which were confirmed by Christ when he was on earth and they have been waiting ever since for our Israel nations to accept. The world has got to reap what the world sows; they can no more duck it than they can stop the sun from shining. The hatred of Prus- sian Germany against God's chosen people, Israel (The Anglo-Saxon-Celts) dates from the time they took Hebrew Israel captive 720 years before Christ, so 'tis fairly well ingrained. Russia has been taught for j-ears by those apostles of light and Soviet learning — Lenine and Trotsky (organized in New York and sent through Ger- many) — to hate the Covenant men, the Brith-ish (and Americans are as much Brith-ish as are Canadians), with a hatred that will not die, but will continue until they are almost wiped out at Armageddon ; but there will be enough left to take the news back to their people, that God not only rules in heaven, but also on earth as in heaven and that the Christ has come again to rule. Germany was pretty busy through all the underground and above ground channels before 1914, stirring up strife between us all and prepar- ing for ^'der Tag." Prussia, Russia and other unseen forces to-day are busier than ever before 236 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA along the same lines in India, China, Persia, Tur- kestan, Egypt and all the uneducated heathen nations. Prussia is prohibited from doing any- thing by the sea because of the navies of Britain, United States and Japan, and so that genial advo- cate of '^good will on earth" (?) Vor, Tirpitz by name, advises the U.S.A. to build a big fleet of dreadnoughts, hoping that some day the Huns may be able to stir up strife between America and Britain and have them destroy each other — when Germany would step into "her place in the sun" that we hear so little about these days. Before your big and growing navy is complete you wdll be again harboring the German type of embassy with Von Bernsdorf and Von Papen at- tachments for blowing up your munition plants and stirring up Mexico and Japan to attack you. The papers last week reported a certain Hugo Stinnes as buying up manufacturing plants in Russia. Prussia will eventually reorganize Russia. France will see that they do not manu- facture armaments in Germany, but she cannot prevent her from doing so in Russia and all the Armageddon war material required will be made in Russia. The' Bible says the Army of the Chief Prince of Rosh are all to be mounted on horses, and it is interesting to note that in 1901 Russia had thirty million horses, America about eight million and the rest of the world about eight mil- THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 237 lion, so the ''Chief Prince of Rosh" and his mil- lions will not have to hoof it as we did in Belgium along the pave. I think the ''day of the Lord" is come upon all nations and the almost unexpected wiping the slate clean of licenses for men to sell fire- water and the prohibiting of its being openly drunk in the United States and Canada is a de- finite mile-post showing how near is the approach of that "great day," because ere that day many things that offend have to be put into the discard. Still again I 've drifted from my text. The prophet Isaiah said: 8. "Then shall the Assyrian [Prussian] fall with the sword, not of a mighty man ; and the sword, not of a mean man, shall devour him : but he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall be discomfited. 9. "And he [the Assyrian] shall pass over to his strong hold for fear, and his princes shall be afraid of the ensign, saith the Lord [what ensign?], whose fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem." (Isa. 31:8, 9.) Did these things come true? Did the sword of General Allenby (unknown as a "mighty man," and not a "mean man") devour the Hun and Turkish troops? and did the Huns pack up and beat it back to Germany, their stronghold for fear, leaving poor Turkey to fight it out alone, which they proceeded to do? The history of this campaign shows these verses have come true to the letter. 238 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA ''And his princes [German or Prussian] shall be afraid of the ensign [that grand old cove- nant banner which was to be set up, the Union Jack], saith the Lord, whose fire is in Zion." "And the house of Jacob," said Obadiah, ''shall be a fire" — to burn up Edom, or Turkey, (for he says the house of Esau shall be for stubble) so that they could "possess their possessions in Zion," and, according to Isaiah, the Lord said this ensign whose fire is in Zion (our Union Jack which Jacob sets up), will make the Assyrian or Prussian princes afraid. Certainly it did put the fear of God in their hearts when they saw it floating over Jerusalem. See Isa. 11 : 12 : "And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather to- gether the dispersed, of Judah [the Jews] from the four corners of the earth." It is also predicted in this chapter that the envy of Ephraim (the English) should depart, which will be a fine thing for Britain, when Judah will no longer vex Ephraim, because the "inter- national Jew" has given Brith-ain (Covenant land) many a sore touch and has vexed Hebrew Ephraim (Britain) more ways than you have fingers and toes. AVhen all of Hebrew Judah works together with Hebrew Ephraim instead of partly with the Prussian Assyrian, their ancient enemy, for whom the "international Jew" worked THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 239 daring the war, a change will come over Jewry the world over. I have been interested reading Mr. H. G. Wells' articles, entitled The Salvaging of Civiliza- tion, in the Saturday Evening Post. He like many authors, Sir Philip Gibbs included, cannot see daylight out of the present troubled world condi- tions and suggests, as a partial improvement, re- writing the Bible, because he thinks its not up to date. Its too redundant, too much information about minor Kings of Israel and Judea, too much Obed begat Jehu, etc., etc., and it doesn't say any- thing about modern history! Too bad, isn't it, and nothing about elections ! Well, when Mr. H. G. Wells can write a condensed history of the world covering over 4,000 years and can foretell accurately what will happen to nations and people from 2,000 to 3,000 years before it does happen; when he can accur- ately foretell the work the American and British sections of Israel will do several thousand years ahead of the time they are to do it, then, and not till then, should he have the temeritv to rewrite the Bible. Because Mr. Wells does not know or under- stand why the redundancy in Leviticus, why the information about minor Kings of Israel and be- cause his pulse stirs feebly over the date that Nathan begat Zabad, etc., is not a good or a logical reason for cutting them out, but is rather a reason 240 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA why Mr. Wells should study why they were put in. One might as well argue that because junior students do not understand the books of Euclid when they read them over, therefore, they ought to be scrapped ! There are probably a whole lot of things Mr. H. G. AVells does not understand about other things as well as the Bible, but to my unsophisti- cated mind that does not appear a good reason why they should be scrapped but rather why we should study them and become more proficient in knowledge about them. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that before any man, even with the abundant knowl- edge Mr. Wells may possess, decides that he or a committee should meet and trim down our Bible, which has been handed down through the ages, they should first read the last chapter of Eevela- tion and the warning contained in it as translated by Ferrar Fenton which is as follows : The Last Solemn Warning. "I certify to every one listening to the statements of the prophecy of this book — If any one shall make an addition to it, God shall lay upon him the plagues which are recorded in this book; and if any one shall take away from the statements of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his portion from the tree of life, and from the city of holiness described in this book." THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 241 Men who place themselves on a par with the divinely inspired prophets of old who wrote our Bible, which has proven so true down through the ages, and who think it can readily be improved by their scissors, paste pot, and pen have an opinion of their qualifications that, to say the least, would not be condemned for modesty. Mr. H. G. AVells agrees that the Bible has held together the fabric of western civilization which could not have come into existence and could not have been sustained without it; but he says it no longer grips the community, so he'd scrap parts of it and chuck in some up-to-date ^'stuph" compiled by modest prophets like him- self! Is it the fault of the community that the Bible no longer grips it? or is it the fault of the Bible I This same Bible gripped Oliver Cromwell and the men of all ages when the Anglo-Saxons everywhere were at their best. It gripped George Washington, it gripped Abraham Lincoln, and it has gripped every great leader the English-speak- ing world has ever had — this same old-fashioned Bible. The wisest men down through the ages have absorbed wisdom from its pages, and to-day it will grip men who study it with a stronger grip than it has ever had before, because to-day they can see how its prophecies have been fulfilled in the British Empire and the United States of America; and they can see many things that our 242 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA forefathers took by faith that have now been made facts of present clay history in national Israel — facts which can be seen plainly, though most peo- ple condemn them before they have given ten minutes to study it. The power that is to rule the world — which Mr. Wells discusses at length — was settled and ordained thousands of years ago and given by the Creator through the mouths of His Hebrew pro- phets to Israel. Mr. Wells writes about the foundations of a world state, and discusses pro and con whether it should have a president or a king. If lie knew his Bible better he would know that these questions were decided and settled thousands of years ago. There will be a world state. Its foundations were laid thousands of years ago in Jerusalem. ''In Jerusalem ^yi[l 1 put my name." (2 Kings 21:4.) A king will rule this world state and Christ Avill be that king and Britain and America will be large factors in that world state. Mr. Wells refers to "that strange book, the Revelation of St. John the Divine, it comes to an end, it leaves off in the middle of the Roman Imperial and social conflicts," etc. Now the facts are that it does nothing of the sort. The Book of Revelation is exactly what it professes to be. It reveals or is a Revelation in synopsis form and in Hebrew symbolical langauge of the world his- tory from the time of Christ's appearance on THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 243 earth, when he was crucified, until he shall come again to His Kingdom on this earth. Further, when Mr. Wells understands his Bible better, he will find that there is not a ques- tion before any nation or nations to-day, neither of elections, independence, self determination nor anything else that is not amply provided for in our present Bible without its being added to or scissored away. Bibles are so cheap — yet so little read in the so-called Christan nations of to- day that they fail to grip ; but that is the fault of the people who do not study them. They contain all the wisdom of the ages, and there is no single question that I know of on the political horizon to-day that cannot be solved, properly and perma- nently solved, by applying the laws laid do\^^l in its pages. President Harding understood this when he was sworn in with his finger on the passage : "What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercv, and to walk humbly with thy God?" If people would only get it into their heads that the large world problems are being worked out by Israel according to God's plan and that the Cre- ator has His hand on the helm! The Brith-ish commonwealth, because it is not an Empire, and her offspring would have been on the scrap heap ages ago but for the guiding hand of Pro^ddence time after time; and this same unseen hand Avill 244 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA continue to protect His chosen people, the Anglo- Saxon-Celts, in the future, provided they continue to seek the help of the Almighty God from whom George AYashnigton and Abraham Lincoln sought daily help and received it irhfull measure. AYlien we had our back to the wall in front of Amiens, and every Anglo-Saxon nation the world round sought God's help, we received it in full measure and our arms prospered and we won through. Would to-day that we had a Moses in Israel, who would speak unto the people 'Uhat they go forward," as when the Red Sea was in front of them and Pharaoh behind, they went for- ward dry shod. Moses adhered to the plans laid down by God. Would that our leaders and your leaders could see God's national plan, adhere to it, and go forward! Then would God prosper your undertakings, as your Great Seal proclaims to the world. Gentlemen of the short-haired variety, its up to you for decision! If you will apply the horse sense and reasoning business ability you use daily, to this subject, you can absolutely wipe out sickness, disease and poverty in Anglo-Saxon countries by working to the Creator's plan and you can permanently solve every question now troubling your nation and the Avhole world. Isn't that a desirable basis for even the highest grade captains of production to aim for? IN CONCLUSION As one looks over the field of foreign af- fairs in so many nations and sees the vain striv- ings, leading in many cases to headlong national destruction, one wishes at times there was a power that would take some of our Secretaries of State for Poreign Affairs by the hand and instill some of this wisdom and light contained in our Bible into their perhaps not unwilling ears. How many Secretaries of State in the world are there, do you suppose, who realize that God the maker and ruler of this Universe laid dovm his plan in His Book for them to follow? How many men in the Cabinets of the world know there is a plan laid down for them to hew to ! Don 't all answer at once ! Yet . . . When the Most High divided unto the Na- tions their inheritance, ivhen He separated the sons of Adam, He set the bounds of the people according to the numhers of the children of Israel. For the Lord's portion is His People; Jacob is the lot {Cord. -mar gin) of his Inheritance. Deut. 32: 8-9. * * * * And he hath made of one blood all nations of 7nen for to dwell on all the face of the earth, 245 246 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA and hath determined the times before appointed, and the hounds of their hahifaflon. Acts 17 : 26. Well it seems to me, that as the Creator has taken the trouble to state that He set the hounds of the nations and hath determined the times he- fore appointed, that the wise thing for our States- men and Rulers, our League of Nations, etc., to do is to try and learn what that plan is : unless like Lenine and Trotsky with their New York Jewish backers who thinlv they are wiser than Jehovah and will make a plan of their own that will assur- edly come to naught carrying Avith it all the workers of iniquity. Yet that is unwittingly what we have for ages been trying to do and what a hideous, ghastly failure man-made laws and plans have made of this glorious old world of ours. Do you realize Mister Business Man that the God of Heaven laid down national laws. Statutes and sample judgments for use on this earth for all the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic nations and they were given by his servant Moses to Israel and that they were given to be used for a thousand generations [which time has not yet elapsed] and that they have never been abrogated except when reviewed by Christ who abrogated one statute, strengthened six and then adopted the whole of the law thus making the commandments, statutes THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 247 and jndgniGnts an integral part of His New Testa- ment gospel and of His new covenant. I noticed in an American newspaper some months ago that there were 79,422 new laws passed in America in 1920. I wrote to your Con- gressional Library to see if they could give me the numbers of laws, statutes and man-made judg- ments that have been ground out since 1776 and which were still in operation in U.S.A., but he could not say, neither can any one — but — there must millions of them and no one knows or under- stands them, yet we wonder that people to-day have little or no respect for law. How could it be otherwise? How can we have respect for what neither you, we nor anyone else can know is the law ? "VMien the United States of America and the other Saxon nations see that they are Israel and adopt Israel's National Constitution, laws and statutes, and follow the sample judgments, all three of which are contained in about 50 pages of the Bible, there will never be any question about the Judges giving right decisions, because anyone can study those pages as well as the Judges, and then you will appoint Judges for and only because of their character and ability to give justice and equity their proper place in the U.S.A. Speaking to an old friend connected with the law department of one of our governments some time ago, I asked liow many laws we were 248 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA operating under now, how many statutes and how many judge-made decisions that had the force of law did we have 1 He could not say (but admitted that law in Canada was in an absolute condition of chaos), neither can anyone else say but there are thou- sands upon thousands of volumes on hand to dig into and try and find some Judge who has ruled on a point that will help your client. How can we have respect for such man-made law and for the men who to-day are working to make black appear white and who to-morrow are working to make it appear green and the next day to make it appear yellow or whatever particular color that day's client pays them for trying to make it? Eespect? respect for that type of law is dead, dead as a door nail, never to return in this world, but the new Era, thank God, now on the way, will bring back to National Israel its God- given constitution, the honoring of which is again and again insisted upon in our Bible, (the last chapter and last verses in it specifically tell you not to forget the law of Moses) and upon the honoring of that Constitution and the keeping of its statutes, commandments and judgments, hangs the cure for every trouble tliat to-day afflicts man- kind in tlie United States of America. That sounds a bit unreal, a bit overdraA\m, doesn't it! And yet it is true, Rev. Wm. Pascoe Goard of Vancouver, author of *'New Light on THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 249 Old Paths," has printed a pamphlet *'The Na- tional Message of the Bible" that is absolutely astounding and illuminating in what it points out with reference to this matter. After careful perusal of his basis of argu- ment and the basic facts contained therein, taken solely from the Bible, I have no hesitation in de- claring that within 16 years the United States of America as well as Canada, Australia and the Mother Country, will each have repealed all their man-made laws and will nationally have adopted the digest of Constitutional law given to Moses by Jehovah, as laid do^vm in Deuteronomy, in which you will notice there are no ordnances, they being ecclesiastical and pertaining to the Altar and the ecclesiastical duties of the Priesthood. How did this Divine Constitution get mis- laid after it was given to Israel? Well, Jeroboam, whom you will remember as the first king of the ten tribes of Israel, abrogated the ecclesiastical law, and Omri, one of his successors, tiring of Jehovah's digest of laws and statutes put them aside, so causing Israel to sin, and then legislated to suit his own ideas (Micah 6:16), since which time the laws and statutes of Omri and his suc- cessors have ruled the world and a pretty mess they have made of it. My friend, Henry Ford, would try to cor- rect U.S.A. judgments by paying Judges from $25,000 to $75,000 per annum for passing out 250 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA judgment, and so make them independent of the big interests, but it won't do Henry. You've got to go back to the basic trouble which is not salary. If your engine is missing : fix your engine, don 't waste time playing with the horn (or mouthpiece), it won't get the flivver running. No Judge, I care not how able he is, can assure anyone Justice under the present system or lack of system of man-made law, "so scrap the lot," its the only remedy that will bring results, and fake on those uncliangeahle eternal laws laid down for us, appli- cable both on earth and in Heaven, which can no more he changed than can the immutable laws of nature laid doivn by the same author. AYhat has it cost America for not taking on and obeying these innnutable laws? Well I am certain that it is many billions of dollars each and every year that you are giving the go-by. The principles of right action, as Mr. Goard points out are few: ''They are all includ- ed in the Constitution, they cannot be changed, added to, or repealed : they are each one illustra- tively applied in the Constitution; thereforo, the Constitution is perfect in our age and is capable of full application under our complex life." ■* * * # Constitutional legislation belongs to God only and whenever a man or nation claims tlie right to make laws, whether autocratic or demo- THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 251 cratic, he or it is trespassing upon the divine pre- rogative, for God has not trusted men or nations to make laics for the government of their felloivs."* Now you wise men of all our governments who are turning out the everlasting grist of Omri- made laws by the seventy-nine thousand per an- num in one nation, which no one knows about, which not one in a hundred thousand would un- derstand if they knew of them, and which no one obeys. Suppose j^ou take a day off and study those simple laws laid dowii in the 50 pages of our Bible for we-us-and-company the Anglo- Saxon-Celtic nations and all others who will take them on. If my friend Samuel Gompers and the Am- erican Federation of Labor, which he has guided so ably these many years, would put a little time in on this subject they would get the sure remedy for all poverty, for all sickness, for all disease, that now bears so hard on millions of the working people in America: because most of us work on this continent. How many hundreds of millions of dollars do you spend in county, state and federal hospi- tals for the sick, for the blind, for the insane, etc., every year in the century? And how many billion of dollars have been permanently invested in the *The National Message of the Bible. — Wm. Pascoe Ooard, Vancouver, B.C. 252 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA buildings for these necessary [at present] public institutions ? "WHiat does it cost America, in hundreds of millions per ammm for cattle diseases, for hog fever, for tubercular cattle, for ticks, for the boll weevil, for wheat rust, for the corn borer and the hundreds of other blights and things that afflict this present generation? "What is Afflicting America? Listen you cool-headed business man and you more hot-headed leaders of labor and you chaps now being ground between the upper mill- stone of Capitalism and the lower millstone of Autocratic Unionized Labor. The cure for all your ills has been awaiting your acceptance three thousand years — but ye would not. Look up Deut. 7 : "Thou [Israel] shall therefore keep the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments which I command you this day to do them." Verse 15: "And the Lord will take from thee all sickness .... and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt upon thee." Then see, in chapter 28, the benefits that would accrue Tf we kept these laws and statutes and the troubles that would afflict us if we did not THE DESTINY OF AMERCIA 253 keep them. Verse 1 : ''And it shall come to pass if thou shall harken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God to observe and to do all his com- mandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will see thee on high above all the nations of the earth." Then are she^^^l all the blessings due law- keeping Israel. Well ! AVe have not kept them but have been running along since Omri's time under man-made laws of several million sorts. No one knoAvs how many! and one is entitled to ask if we have re- ceived the punishments promised and due us for our neglect along this line. In verses 16-22 some of the curses or disa- bilities under which we shall labor are specified and it is due us to look into them and see if we are afflicted by them in America and Anglo-Saxondom, at this time; because, if we are, the remedy is so simple that the nation, were it so minded, could correct all sickness, all disease, both of man and beast; all influenza, all consumption and all pov- erty through-out the land in very short order. In verse 22: "The Lord shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflamation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with a mil- dew; and they (or these) shall pursue thee until thou perish," 254 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA Well gentlemen there they are ! Consump- tion at the head of the list, the white man's plague. Have we got it ? and got it bad ? " With a fever. ' ' Hay fever claims its victims by the million and our cities and farms are afflicted with scarlet, typhoid and other fevers like smallpox, diphtheria, etc. Over 50 per cent, of our population is afflicted with catarrah of various kinds, and so on do\\Ti the line. These and other diseases are pursuing us until lue perish by the hundreds of thousands. Take the '^ Flue'' alone, it killed more people thun the Great War. As foretold, we have acquired all the penalties mentioned by Moses fourteen hund- red and fifty years before Christ. ^'It is well to note that these physical troubles are not associated with the system of wor- ship but witli the system of government, and also tliat the punishments are physical and not spirit- ual," and it would seem possible for tlie nation to accept the divine challenge and obtain freedom from all its physical ills. To-day the whole world is upset by reason of the war debts and the dislocation of trade, and the consequences — exchange troubles. Well, Mr. Business Man, that was provided for in our statute on credits in Deut., chapter 51, THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 255 ''At the end of every seventh year thou shalt make a release and this is the manner of the release : Every creditor that lendeth ought to his neighbour shall release it ; he shall not exact it of his neighl)Our or of his brother because it is call- ed the Lord's Release." This wonld seem a pretty fair authority to quote (providing we really believe our Bibles are the word of God) for the settlement of war debts due by France and other nations all over the world, which everyone knows can never be paid. We seem -to have adopted it as far as ordinary debts are concerned, which are outlawed after seven years in Anglo-Saxondom. The highest authority in Heaven and on earth laid down this law for us and for our guidance. I wonder if we will accept it and ob- tain the blessings pertaining thereto? The reason Avhy you are to do this releasing of debts is also specified in verse 4, marginal read- ing : ''To the end that there shall be no poor among you," and also in verse 6: "For the Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee, and thou shall lend unto many nations, but thou shall not borrow, and thou shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee." God gave America the natura l wealth that Ch'as. M. Schwab says put he r as the foremost connnercial nation of the world and God also com- 256 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA manded lier to release her debtors every seventh year. Is America going to obtain her God-given wealth and then duck the obligations laid down for her guidance in our credit statues? Not on j'-our life. Not when she knows it ! America re- sponds ciuicker when her statesmen point the way than any nation on earth. It's up to you states- men! Well, gentlemen, that 's my story. Thus endeth the first epistle of the Road- builder to his friends in the United States of America, to his friends in France, Britain and the Dominion of Israel beyond the seas, whom he met in those years of service at the Front. Just note, that the two Frenchmen most re- sponsible for winning the war, Clemenceau and Foch, whose autographed photographs look do^vn at me as I write, both seem to be of Covenant stock from Brittany, w^here the early Britons settled and Avhere the Normans (Benjamin tribe) invaded, A.D. 1000, and nearly all the French Navy are Britons. I wonder how many more? Israel was to he among all nations and, after Armageddon, was to be drawn from the North, South, East and AVest to Jerusalem. I think all nations who have the Lion of Judah on their na- tional coat of arms are portions of Israel. THE DESTINY OF AMERICA 257 If there are things herein that hurt, kindly bear in mind that tliey were written with the best intentions and udth good will to stir people, par- sons and professors to action and not to give pain. If some of these words seem to bite and sting, kindly look them over and see if it is not the facts that hurt, facts that are, but should not be, that give pain. My most candid critic, my "better half," says I am too hard on the English and Scotch. Well, my mother came from Suffolk, England, of Norman or Benjamin (the light bearing) stock — hence, perhaps, why I'm impelled to send this, my candle of light, and in a small way try to help light the high road for wandering feet. My father came from Glasgow; so, I have no natural prejudice against my o^^^l forebears from the Isles. Being an optimist and Scotch, I have hopes that I've not wasted my time and my winter holidays as well, for I have spent my spare hours and days for the past year writing, rewriting and rearranging this material by hand. If you haven't grasped and absorbed the fact that national Israel's history is foretold down through the ages in our Bible and that the Anglo-Saxon-Celts fill every particular prophecy, and that we are the Israel of the Bible, I sure have misspent my time. I feel, however, like the optimist who fell otf the fifty-fifth story of the Woolworth building in New York, as he was falling through the air he 258 THE DESTINY OF AMERICA shot past a friend who was standing at his open office window on the eleventh story and was heard to say, "AYell, I'm alright so far!" I would like to put this book into print used by the blind, and present every soldier of the late war who lost his sight fighting for God, for free- dom, and for his country, with a copy of it, so that each blind soldier in America may know and understand the part he took with Israel as God's battle axe and as His weapons of war, to bring peace to this trouble-stricken world. May I sign myself The ROADBUILDEll; October, 1921. Toronto, Can. All .books referred to herein can be purchased: In Great Britain: The Covenant People, 14 Fetter Lane, London E. C.-4. In America: A. A. Beaucliamp, Copley Square, Bwston, Mass. In Canada: Albert Britnell, 815 Yonge St., Toronto, and British Israel Society, Vancouver, B.C. APPENDIX WHAT OF JAPAN? If Americans knew their future a-s laid down in the Bible they would fear Japan as little as they now do Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, because the Samurai and up, or the white Japanese, are apparently our own people of Joseph's seed who dwelt in Samaria, hence their name, Samurai. These Samurai, like the New England stock in America, have always ruled and are as thrifty, high spirited and libertj'-loving as are the Americans or the English. They possess all those sturdy characteristics that your Forefathers of Brith-ish stock possessed and I do not wonder that their blood boils when for years they have been referred to as a "yellow" race, by Pro- Germans and your trouble breeding yellow sheets, as well as this year by some people and newspapers who should know better. The Samurai are no more "yellow" than are the citizens of your Southern States, black, though the labor in the South is done b}^ the colored sons of America, so also in Japan the labor is performed by the Malay peoples or Yellow Japanese, but that does not make the white folks of the Southern States black any more than it makes the white peoples of Japan yellow. If the Americans in the Southern States were referred to and talked about as black men by Europeans, they would then understand how these Japanese (who can trace their descent farther back than can one in a thousand of American or English-speaking peoples) feel when they are spoken of and about as an inferior and "yellow" race and as a "yellow peril." 259 260 WHAT OF JAPAN? The Samurai records show they came from Eastern Asia over 2,600 years ago, about the time the Ephraim Tribe dwelt in the City of Samaria, which was the capital of the Ten Tribes, hence the prophets often refer to the Ten Tribes as Samaria. The City was 42 miles north of Jerusalem, built 925 B.C. by Orari, and the inhabitants were carried away captive to Media by Shalmaneser B.C. 720. Rev. W. H. Poole, on Page 453,* gives details of a tombstone found in the Crimea — "To one of the faithful in Israel, Abraham-ben-mar-Sinchah of Kertsch, in the year of an exile 1682, when the envoys of the prince of Rosh Mescheck came from Kiow to our Master, Chazar Prince David, Halah and Habor and Gozen, to which place Tiglath-Pileser had exiled the sons of Reuben and Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh, and from which they have been scattered throughout the entire East even as far as China." This date the 1682nd year of their captivity equals A.D. 961 and shews that portions of Israel were known to be scattered as far as China. Another tombstone inscription of nearly 1,000 years earlier states, "This is the grave of Buki, the son of Isaac, the priest, may his rest be in Eden at the time of the deliverance of Israel. He died 702 of our Cap- tivity." This would be about 19 B.C. Hundreds of these tombstones have been found in the Crimea on a high and dry ridge lying east of Sebastopol, on the road from Balaclava to Batshiserai, where there is an Israclitish cemetery in close proximity to a fortification called "IsraePs fortress" and the entrance to this spot still bears the name the Valley of Jchoshaphat. Professor E. Odium, M.A., F.R.C. Inst., etc., who for many years lectured in Tokio University, has given thirty years' study to this question and is enroute to Japan to make further studies along these lines, is cer- tain that these ruling families and their offspring of the * Anglo-Israel, W. H. Poole. Albert Britnell: Toronto. WHAT OF JAPAN? 261 white Japanese, the Samurai, are from the same stock as we Anglo-Saxon-Celts. In support of this the Professor points out that they trace their descent from the same mother that we do, The Princess of On, whom Joseph married in Egypt. They have among their oldest heraldry the Lion and the Unicorn of the Ephraim Tribe (English) the tribe from which they sprang. They have Moses' fiery serpent of the desert among their ancient relics. In one of their ancient temples they have an exact replica of The Ark of the Tabernacle and once a year with much ceremony the Priests of the Temple carry this ark on poles should- er high, down to the water, stretch their feet over the water and as it does not divide, they return the ark to its resting place in the inner court of the Temple until the next year. They have forgotten now why they do this, and have done it year after year, down through the centuries, the reason thereof having been lost to the present day priests. Their Shinto religion he finds after much study to be practically the Hebrew religion of the Desert where Moses lead the children of Israel for 40 years. In parts of Japan, far removed from routes of tourist travel, once a year the people are commanded by the priest to stay in doors on a certain night because the evil spirits are abroad and as a protection against same, the aforementioned priest sprinkles the door posts and lintels with a red vegetable stain so that the evil spirits will '^pass over.'' I wonder where their fore- fathers first practised this rite? If interested readers would look up in the En- cyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, from page 206 on they would find therein that the Japanese have every outstanding characteristic possessed by Anglo-Saxons and which to-day you claim as typical of America. May I enumerate a few of them ? Page 208. "Frugality, fealty and filial piet}^— these may be called the fundamental virtues of the Samurai." 262 WPIAT OF JAPAN? "Essentially a stoic, he made self-control the ideal of his existence, just as do our unexpressive, unadver- tising, Englishmen and also New England Americans. Page 209. "The Samurai entertained a high re- spect for the obligations of truth. "A bushi has no second word was one of his favorite mottoes," just as was and is the Quakers aye and nay in America. Page 222. The Shinto religion signifies The Divine Way. "Shinto may be said to be entwined about the roots of Japan's national existence. Its Scriptures, as the Kojiki must be considered — resembles the Bible in that both begin with the cosmogony." Page 252. "Japanese annals represent the first inhabitant of Earth as a direct descendant of the Gods." Page 220. "While adopting from Confucianism the doctrine of filial piety the Japanese grafted on it a spirit of unswerving loyalty and patriotism and believed that in the life beyond the grave the duty of guarding his country would devolve on every man." . . . the universally underlying principle was "serve the country and be diligent in j^our respective avocations !" Page 222. "Purity and simplicity being essential characteristics of the cult, its shrines are built of white wood absolutely without decorative features of any kind "there are no graven images." This is striking evidence that in the land from which they originally came images must have been for- bidden. To whom but oiir own people have graven im ages always been forbidden tlie same now as they were 2,600 years ago in Samaria. If they were pagan peoples graven images would be their long suit. The tenets of the Shinto creed divided itself into two doctrines that seem fairly close to our own. Page 209. Says the tenets of the Shinto creed divided themselves, broadly speaking, into two doctrines, "Salvation by Faith and Salvation by Works.'' What pagan land did they get this from? What heathen peo- ple ever had those beliefs as their national religion? WHAT OF JAPAN? 263 Page 206. As in Israel and in America so in Japan, every stalwart man had to bear arms at least as early as the 8th Century. The early English were the greatest long bowmen of Europe : Saxon bowmen won our wars and it was the same in Japan. "The bow was always the chief weapon of the fighting men in Japan. War and bows and arrows were synonymous terms" . . . . "Next in importance to the bow came the sword, which is often spoken of as the Samurai's chief weapon, though there can be no doubt that during long ages it ranked after the bow" as it also did among the Anglo- Saxons." Page 207. "The Japanese never at any time of their history used poisoned arrows : they despised them as depraved and inhuman weapons", wherein they differ from a more modern nation of alleged highest Kultur who poisoned men by the thousand, yet we and you ac- cepted Prussia on the basis of what our universities claimed for her and her damnable higher criticism, and where did our Professors of Science and Religion land us with their blind acceptance of those "Made in Ger- many" doctrines. Page 207. "Although ambuscades and surprises played a part in all strategy, pitch battles were the gen- oral rule and it was essential that notice of an intention to attack should he given hy discharging a singing arrow. Thereafter, the assaulting army, taking the word from its Commander, raised a shout of Ei ! Ei ! to which the other side replied, and the formalities having been thus satisfied, the fight commenced. "Generosity to a defeated foe was one of the tenets of the Samurai ethics"; where outside of their Anglo-Saxon brethren will yon find generosity to a defeated foe practiced, even in these days ? Page 212. It is interesting to note from the En- cyclopedia that Queen Victoria in 1858 presented Japan with one quarter of the nucleus of their first War fleet I wonder why 1 Can it be that blood is 264 WHAT OF JAPAN? thicker than water and that as John Bull was in Manilla Bay to help just when wanted, so our Queen helped Japan to her feet when she was in swaddling clothes, so to speak, and we have stood by her ever since as Japan has stood by us, because the word of Japan's statesmen is the equal of our oaati. Page 273. "The intense pride of the Japanese in their nationality, their patriotism and loyalty, arise from their histor}^, for what other nation can point to an Imperial family of one unbroken lineage reigning over the land for twenty-five centuries. Is it not a glor- ious tradition for a nation that its emperor should be descended direct!}^ from that grandson of "The great heaven illuminating goddess" to whom she said, "This Japan is the region over which my descendants shall be the Lords. Do thou my august child, proceed thither and govern it." Go! The prosperity of thy dynasty shall he coeval with Heaven and Earth." That almost sounds like the promises made to David that his seed shall endure as the sun and the moon before him. Well reader, here are all these facts that seem to favor Professor Odium's belief that Japan was, and therefore still is, a portion of Israel who took council among themselves when they were captives of the Assyrians saying, "let us go into a far country where never yet men dwelt that they might there keep the commandments that they had not kept in their own land." I have wondered if Isaiah, Chapter 41, which was directed to the Brith Colony of the Isles or Britain, might in verse 25 refer to Japan, also of the Isles, lo- cated in the north and towards the sun-rising, and they have on their banners the rising sun for a totem or way- mark ? The verse reads : "I have raised up one from the North, and he shall come : from the rising of the sun shall he call upon my name ; and he shall come upon princes as upon mortar and as the potter treadeth clay." WHAT OF JAPAN? 265 If the Samurai of Japan are of Israel from Samaria, then they are of Joseph's seed to whom was given the material blessings and material wealth and the commission to settle the waste places of the earth and to whom also were given the heathen for an in- heritance, then I submit is Japan entitled to take on her share of settling these waste places of the earth adjoining her bailliwiek, provided she carries out the God-given instructions of governing with truth and justice that Israel was commissioned to carry to the ends of the earth. By their fruits ye shall know them ! Suppose we examine Japan from this angle. This is still the Divine method for judging men, churches and nations. Let us forget the German-made propaganda made against Japan since the day she defeated Russia at Port Arthur, from which day Germany saw a possible rival in the East and commenced to holler "Yellow Peril" and her minions have been at it ever since, and to-day thousands of our best citizens, as well as yours, believe all the true and all the false things said about Japan by those paid employees of the Von Papen brand of Germans. Where was Japan in the late War? How long did she take to get into the game? These were the fruits she brought forth then and I believe she will do likewise in Armaged- don our next, greatest, and last war. What if Japan is a part of Israel ? then who are we to deny her that share of God's blessings promised to Joseph's seed, because "when God divided unto the nations their inheritance, he did it according to the numbers of the Children of Israel" who were to be scat- tered among all nations, and if Japan be of Israel stock then room must be found for her or she will find it and take it as God's purpose cannot be defeated ; all sections of Israel must have room to bloom and grow properly. America, Canada and Australia do not desire that Japanese immigrants be allowed to enter their ports (at present), though Israel was instructed by the Cre- 266 WHAT OF JAPAN? ator to keep their national doors open to all. America has been the melting pot for all nations. To-day she allows Jews from all countries under heaven, good, bad and indifferent, to enter her ports and overflow her cities ; and she refuses to receive the clean, thrifty, sav- ing, and hard-working Japanese, who largely works on the land, permission to enter. ... I wonder why ? There must be some unpublished reason why the type of Jews who fill the poorer quarters of your big Eastern Cities are preferred as immigrants to the clean, energetic, long-hour workers on the land where workers are so scarce and where more production is so badly needed to keep the working men fed, and such the Japs have shown themselves to be in California and in British Columbia as the vegetable growers in those sec- tions. For years I marvelled at the fear expressed by America's papers and politicians at little Japan's designs in the Pacific until I realized 'twas made in Germany to keep Japan from reaping the fruits of her victory over Russia. Gennany had intended taking the Philip- pines after your nation won them from Spain, in the same way she took areas in China after making Japan give them up, and that was why the German fleet steamed into Manilla Bay when Admiral Dewey had taken the Islands. Japan having had this humiliating experience does not propose in future to be in such a feeble condition on the sea that any nation can force her to give up what she is honorably entitled to possess. Japan would have as much chance in war against the U.S.A. as a Ford flivver would have in a head-on collision with a ten-ton Packard truck; the fliver might dent the radiator in front but that would be tJ>e begin- ning and end of the damage done, while it would be smashed in the head-on impact and run over by the truck and the Japanese are wise, enough to see that, and I believe they have no more idea of fighting with U.S.A. than has Canada your northern neighbor. WHAT OF JAPAN? 267 If Japan is a section of Israel then she as much as we, was promised the heathen for an inheritance and the waste places of the earth, and we should therefore treat her accordingly and judge her by her fruits, and by her past performance of her engagements. As another way-mark of where Japan is heading I noted in a Boston Herald, Sept. 15, 1921, issue, that learning to read English is now one of the requirements in Japanese schools and so it is being taught in all Japanese schools. Only ten per cent, of Japanese are illiterate, a much lower percentage than war tests found in America in 1917. When Japan acquires English how long will it be before she nationally adopts our Bible and becomes our Brother in language and ideals ? The U.S.A. years ago served notice by one ]\fun- roe to all European Nations "Hands Off America." Has Japan not quite as much right to-day to say to the world "Hands Off Asia" and if not, why not ? America had a Bible authority for her action in that respect. What if Japan has the same authority? Japan does not treat her engagements as scraps of paper. She came to the world's assistance in the world's hour of need. She did everything she was asked to do, did it surprisingly well and was willing to do more, and now we are told Amer- ica has asked Britain to throw her friend of 3'esterday overboard after using her and not to renew the treaty she has with her comrade in arms, Japan, and the present mouthpiece of Canada's Government says "Me Too." But John Bull, Australia and New Zealand are in the right this time and will, I think, prevail and a renewed treaty made with, I hope, the U.S.A. included. During the war, when Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa asserted their right as equal partners in the Brith-ish Commonwealth of nations and were granted the same, the nation to object was their brother, the United States of America, who had had to fight against and not for Great Britain to receive the same rights, all of which were God-given 268 WHAT OF JAPAN? rights laid down thousands of years ago and now being put into practice. America fears five votes to one when, as a matter of fact, the chances are that the younger nations of the Commonwealth (because it is not an Empire governed from a central point) are much more apt to vote with U.S.A. and against Great Britain, as all these young nations have a freedom of thought and a vision of the mind that is given to but few Englishmen in the tight little Isle, but is characteristic of the broad acres of the U.S.A., Canada, Australia and South Africa. At any rate they are nations the equal of and as self-governing as is America. Yet America stood against our signing the Peace Treaty and to-day we are not invited to take part in the November 11th disarmament conference, unless in- vited by Britain to make up part of their delegation. In other words Ave can only get in by crawling under the protecting wings of Mother Britain as little chicks do under the mother hen. How long will it be ere Brother Jonathan realizes that we are full grown nations with a large following of our own and to ask us to crawl under any shelter- ing wings is belittling to the dignity that we in com- mon with all other Israelitish nations possess as their birthright. If Japan is of Israel's brotherhood they must be treated as such or we and you will pay the penalty for standing in the way of the Creator's designs. If your Government and ours were only wise to what was coming during the next 15 years they would bind Japan to them with bands of steel at the coming conference, because they will need Japan as Japan will never need the U. S. A., because if they are not for us they will be against us in Armageddon. I, however, have every confidence in Japan being with us just as they were in the late war. WHAT OF JAPAN? 269 Instead of asking Britain to break with her friend who came to the help of the world in the time of the world's greatest need, which is an evidence of who they are, America should join with the Brith-ish Common- wealth of Nations and Japan in a triple open and above board covenant and then all quit building super-dread- noughts and build ships for carrying aeroplanes instead, and fast up-to-date cruisers, etc., because the time is coming when five men shall chase an hundred, but you must be ready to transport your series of fives in a hurry. The world witnessed its last big sea war, when the Battle of Jutland was fought in 1917. THE British-Israel- World Federation 14 FETTER LANE, LONDON. ENGLAND Patrons: H.R.H. Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, The Rt. Hon. The Countess-Dowager of Eadnor. His Grace The Duke of Buccleuch, K.T. The Et. Hon. The Earl of Dvsart. The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Meath,'P.C., K.P. The Rt. Hon. Lord Gisborough. The Et. Hon. Lord St. John of Bletso. The Rt. Rev. The Bishop of the Falkland Islands. The Rt. Hon. W. F. Massey, P.O., Prime Minister of New Zealand. President: The Rt. Hon. Lord Gisborough. Secretary-General : Herbert Garrison, F.R.G.S., F.R.C.I. Hon. Treasurer: J. Arthur Jutsum, Esq. (Manager, London Joint City and Midland Bank, Westminster, S.W.) Among the Vice-Patrons are: The Marchioness Dowager of Ileadfort; Tlio Dowager Lady Lurgan; The Lady Wilma Lawson; The Hon. Mrs. Adolphus Graves; Lady Smith Dodsworth; Laura Lady Grant; Lady Pearson; Lady Peirse; Lady Stanley; Rev. J. H. Allen (Bishop W.M. Church, U.S.A.); The Rt. Rev. Bishop Vaughan, D.D.; Admiral Sir Eichard H. Peirse. K.C.B., K.B.E., M.V.O.; Lt.-Col. The Hon. Stuart Playdell-Bouverie, D.S.O., E.F.A.; Sir James Outram, Bart., F.E.C.I.; Sir Mark J. MacTaggart Stewart, Bt.; Eev. Samuel Clements, D.D. (U.S.A.); Eev. A. B. Grimaldi, M.A.; Col. Ed. F. Gossct; Col. Frederick Horniblow, C.B.; His Honour Judge Corbet Locke, K.C. (Canada); Col. C. E. R. Mackesy, C.M.G., C.B.E., D.S.O. (New Zealand); Eev. G. IL Lancaster, M.A.; Landseer Mackenzie, Esq.; Eev. W. M. H. Milner, M.A.; Rev. James Mountain, D.D.; Rev. Wm. Pat- terson, D.D. (Canada); Rev. Mark Guy Pearse; Rev. Arthur Piitchard, M.A.; Rev. L. G. A. Roberts (late R.N.); Rev. R. H. Sawyer (U.S.A.); Rev. J. Anderson Watt, M.A.; Rev. E. J. Wemyss-Whit taker, M.A.; Rev. Dinsdale T. Young; Rev. Philip Young, L.Th.; Professor E. Odium, M.A., B.Sc; Col. F. Weldon. HISTORY FULFILLING PROPHECY BY WILLIAM EEEVE. 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A special feature of Our Invincible Race is the New Testament evidence that the Anglo- Saxon Race is the Israel of the later prophecies, the race who was to receive the Heaven-sent Word, which it was prophesied the house of Judah (the Jevrs) were to reject. Upon this house of Israel, because they accepted that divine Word, the Glorj- of the Lord has risen and has become the promised Light to the Gen- tiles, to whose brightness the Gentiles have come. Ready November 15th. Price $1.75. Correspondence invited regarding am- books upon the question of Anglo-Israel or upon any phases of the subject. A. A. BEAUCHAMP, Publisher 603 BOYLSTON STREET - BOSTON, MASS. THE WATCHMAN OF ISRAEL A MONTHLY PUBLICATION IN THE INTERESTS OF ALL ISRAEL. This magazine is published with the belief that a broad imderstanding of history and pro- phecy upon which the identity of Israel is based will revive the spirit and inspiration of Chris- tianity in all denominations. 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