JOURNAL OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DETROIT 1802-1805 Corporation of the Town of Detroit Act of Incorporation and Journal of the Board of Trustees 1802—1805 Printed under Authority of the Common Council of Detroit with an Introduction by C. M. Burton, Historiographer. PREPARED FOR PUBLICATION BY THE BURTON HISTORICAL COLLECTION DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 922 ■IOO? 3 . * • . » . • . ... • . . . . • • ... . . Foreword The Journal here printed and the copy of the Act of Incor- poration which precedes it, occupy about eighty-six pages in an ordinary note book of the period, thirteen inches long by eight in width and less than three-quarters of an inch thick. This is now in the Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library. The aim in this transcription has been to preserve the essential characteristics of Peter Audrain's quaint record, as far * as the limitations of typography allow. Introduction To the Honorable, the Common Council of the City of Detroit, Gentlemen of the Council: I propose to prepare for publication the first charter granted to Detroit by the General Assembly of the Northwest Territory at Chillicothe, January 18, 1802, together with the proceedings of the council that was appointed and elected under that charter. These proceedings extend from 1802 until the organization of the Territory of Michigan in 1805. The proceedings end abruptly in June, 1805, a few days before the great fire that destroyed the village and most of its contents. Destructive as that fire was, we have to be thankful that, so far as is known, none of the official records of the place were burned. - The legislative proceedings that relate to Detroit up to the time of the fire are very interesting and I will undertake here to give a short account of them. Michigan formed a part of what was called the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River. This is usually designated as the Northwest Territory. It was governed by the provisions of the Ordinance of 1787. Detroit was not under the jurisdiction of the United States until the British troops evacu- ated it in 1796, and the Americans took possession through the coming of General Anthony Wayne and his army in July of that year. The people who were living in Detroit as that time were nearly all French Canadians, and others who had come from England, Ireland, and Scotland. Only a very few were from the American colonies. There was no form of local government in effect under Canadian laws, except, perhaps, there were some rules laid down and enforced for the prevention of fires. These rules were necessary for the protection and preservation of the place, and were such as the necessities of the case demanded. There were no local officers excepting justices of the peace and notaries public, and these men were appointed by the British military authorities and were not elected. The self government that came into operation immediately upon the coming of the Americans was scarcely known to the people of Detroit at that time. The town meetings of New Eng- land were looked upon by the British officials as being the cause of the Revolutionary war and every effort was made to prevent their introduction in Canada. VI. American rule brought with it the desire for local self-gov- ernment, and fostered and encouraged ideas that were then latent in the people who were here. Only a few American civilians came with Wayne. It has been stated that James Henry, a native of Pennsylvania, was in Detroit when Wayne came, and that within a short time five or six other Americans came to settle in the place. Under American rule seven justices of the peace were ap- pointed August 19, 1796, by Winthrop Sargent, acting governor of the Northwest Territory. These justices were Robert Navarre, James May, James Abbott, Lewis Beaufait, Joseph Voyer, Francis Navarre, and Nathan Williams. The entire num- ber were Canadian citizens and not one had ever lived in the older American colonies. In the following year, 1797, Solomon Sibley came, originally from New England and immediately from Marietta. It was ascertained in 1798 that the Northwest Territory was entitled to be governed by a legislative body or council, and an election was held in Detroit on the third Mon- day in December, 1798, and Solomon Sibley was elected a mem- ber of the assembly. His opponent in this election was James May, a native of Birmingham, England, who had never resided in the United States until he became a citizen by virtue of Jay's Treaty of 1794. Two other members of this council were elected January 15, 1799. There were three men who claimed to have received this election, Charles Francois Chabert de Joncaire, a native Canadian, Oliver Wiswell, and Jacob Visger. The two latter gentlemen were the accepted members and were native Americans ; Wiswell was a recent accession to Detroit, but Visger had lived here for many years, coming originally from Schenectady. In the year 1798 or 1799 a petition of the citizens of Detroit for the establishment of a local government was drawn up, numerously signed and presented to the general court of the Territory. This petition was as follows : To the Honorable the Justices of the General Court of the Terri- tory of the United States North West of the River Ohio The petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Detroit in said Territory Humbly Sheweth That in Comformity to a certain Statute Law of this Territory, wherein among other things it is and stands Enacted, "that if "any Number of Inhabitants, Citizens of said Teritory, Shall be "desireous of associating together for any Civil or religious pur- poses, for the promotion of social happiness and good order, and "shall be desirous to acquire and enjoy the powers and immunities "of a Corporation or body politic in Law, it shall and may be "Lawfull for them so to do, first having prefer'd to your honors "their petition for that purpose, therein Specifying the Objects, vu. "articles, Conditions And Name Stile or title under which they "have or mean to associate, and Obtain'd the Consent of your "honors, with the like approbation of the Governor of said Terri- "tory for that purpose" We therefore the Inhabitants of said Town of Detroit, living not only remote from any of the Sister States under the General Government of America, to which Government we now owe protection, and have become a meanable for our Conduct, in the like manner as Citizens of other States are; but likewise remote from the seat of Government and the General Population of this Territory, and placed in a situation to enjoy few of the rights and Previledges incident to the Members of society, living under the Immediate Auspicies of a well regulated Government, merely on account of our local situation — and the lnnability of the Infant Legislature of this Territory to foresee at once and provide for the several Necessities we stand in need of — From which situation we view ourselves and property to be very Insecure, and in a hazardous situation; For the security of our Persons therefore — The protection of our Property; and the advancement and regulation of our own Internal Government and Police ; we deem it our indispensable duty to ask of you those previledges and immunities which are tended to us by the Munici- ple Laws of this Territory; and when we fondly anticipate your complaiance to the above request, you may rest assured that no abuse shall be made of your power by virtue of any Authority vested in us under the following articles: Article 1 st That the said Corporation when formed, shall be known and Denominated by the name of, the Corporation of Detroit — and shall be invested with full power and Authority to Elect by ballot or Otherwise their own officers for the Government of said Corporation as often as shall be adjudged Necessary. Article 2 nd That it shall have perpetual succession. Article 3 rd That it shall be capaciated to seu, or be seued ; — plead, or be impleaded; Grant or receive, by its Corporate name, to purchase lands and hold them to the benefit of themselves and successors, and do all other acts which nattural Persons may. Article 4 th That it shall have one common seal, which shall be affix'd to all Acts and Laws past by said Coporation, and to all Instruments in Writing entered into by said Corporation, and no Instrument Obligatory shall be deem'd binding on said Corpora- tion unless the seal shall be thereto annexed Article 5 That it shall be invested with full power and Author- ity, to make such, bye-laws and Statutes for the better Govern- ment of said Town as shall be deem'd necessary which said Laws shall be as binding to all intents and purposes upon the Inhabitants thereof as the Laws of the Territory are ; provided always; that said laws are not found repugnant to the laws of the United States or to any existing law of this Territory. Article 6 th That it shall have sufficient power and Authority to levy and Collect such taxes to be apply'd to the use of said Town as to them shall be deem'd necessary, provided always; that no taxes shall be levy'd by virtue of this article in any one Year that shall exceed the Value of P r . Centum on all real & personal Property, and Cents on single Men not having visible Property to the amount of Dollars Vlll. Article 7 That said Corporation shall extend to and Include all the Inhabitants to the distance of one mile on each side of the Town. The general court, to which this petition was addressed, was the supreme court of the Territory. At the time this petition was presented to the court that body had the right to act upon it by the provision of an act passed July 6, 1798; but as the court sat very infrequently in Detroit the petition never was called up for action, and the act of 1798 was repealed the 19th of December, 1799. A bill was introduced in Congress to divide the Northwest Territory and establish the territory of Indiana. This was passed May 7, 1800, and the eastern line of the new territory was the line of the present state of Indiana projected northward to the national boundary line. This act left Detroit and the eastern half of Michigan in the Northwest Territory, and placed the re- maining portion of Michigan, together with Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, in the territory of Indiana. The second session of the territorial assembly of the North- west Territory met at Chillicothe, November 5, 1800. The De- troit members were Solomon Sibley, Oliver Wiswell, and Jacob Visger ; though Wiswell did not sit in the assembly as there was some doubt about the validity of his election. Upon the separation of Indiana Territory the office that was held in the upper house, or council, by Henry Vanderburgh be- came vacant, because he was a resident of the new territory and therefore could not hold office in the old territory from which Indiana was separated. It became necessary to appoint a new member to the council of the Northwest Territory in his place. President John Adams appointed Solomon Sibley to this vacancy, December 3, 1800. The term of office was for five years from the date of the appointment of Vanderburgh in 1799. The election for members of the second assembly for Wayne County took place in Detroit October 14th, 15th, and 16th, 1800. The limits of Wayne County had been greatly curtailed by the erection of Indiana Territory, which took more than half the county, but the electors lived mostly in Detroit and on the River Raisin (French Town, now Monroe). The contestants at this election were George McDougall, Colonel Charles Francois Cha- bert de Joncaire, Jonathan Schieffelin, Benjamin Huntington, Joseph Cissne, James May, and Jacob Visger. Sibley was not a contestant, as he expected to receive the appointment as member of the council. Again the election was contested, but the accepted members were Chabert, Schieffelin, and McDougall. The assembly met at Chillicothe in November, 1801. IX. One cannot, as a traveler, visit Chillicothe in the fall of the year, now, without noticing and being pleased with the aspect and location. It is not a busy market place, but its wide streets with overhanging branches of great trees that seem almost to meet in the air, its quiet surroundings and well kept yards and lawns, are pleasing and restful ; it is an ideal place for the meet- ing of an assembly to create laws for the government of a people. No disturbances here to prevent that quiet and useful discussion that should prevail in every legislative body. And yet in 1801 there was much discontent and disturbance in the place. The choice of Chillicothe for a capital, instead of Cincinnati, where the assembly had previously met, was felt by Governor St. Clair to be a political move on the part of Congress. St. Clair's open criticism of the act displeased the people, and on the 25th of December it was seriously proposed to burn the Governor in effigy. The plan would have been successful had it not been for the interference of one of the members of the council. The next night the rioters undertook to create a disturbance in the house in which the Governor was a boarder. Mr. Schieffelin lived in the same place. He also was attacked, and, drawing a brace of pistols, he drove the rioters and disturbers from the house. These were political events taking a concrete form of revolution and rebellion. The immediate result of this riot was a bill to change the location of the seat of government from Chillicothe to Cincin- nati. The bill passed and became a law on the first of January, 1802. There was another bill in the assembly which passed and was approved December 21, 1801, which incidentally became of in- terest to Detroit. This bill declared the assent of the territory to the alteration of the boundary lines of the states to be formed in the Northwest Territory from the lines laid down in the Ordinance of 1787. There was considerable discussion over the bill and much hard feeling resulted. Many of the people wanted to form a state government. Governor St. Clair and his friends undertook to force the passage of the bill of December 21, hoping thereby to postpone, or prevent, the formation of the new state. It was provided in the Ordinance of 1787 that when the Northwest Territory was divided into states, the line of division between the states should run in an easterly and westerly direc- tion through the south end of Lake Michigan. If a state was now formed to include what was left of the old Northwest Ter- ritory, Detroit would have to be excluded unless the Ordinance was changed so as to allow the eastern portion of the present Michigan to become part of the proposed state of Ohio. Petitions and protests numerously signed were sent to Congress for the purpose of influencing the action of that body. The bill as orig- inally introduced in Congress included the eastern part of Mich- igan in the new proposed state, but the strenuous opposition of the people of Detroit led to an amendment so that the boundary lines laid down in the Ordinance were not altered. It was in this amended form that the bill became a law, April 30, 1802, and thereafter, until June 30, 1805, Detroit was located in the Territory of Indiana. The subsequent change in the boundary lines at the time Michigan was seeking admission as a state, whereby the Toledo district was included in Ohio, led to the, so-called, Toledo war. While these proceedings were taking place before Congress, efforts were being made before the assembly at Chillicothe to incorporate the town of Detroit. A petition of the citizens of Detroit was presented to the assembly and a bill drafted for dis- cussion. The bill was amended and passed the lower house, but could not be made satisfactory to both houses and it was referred to a committee of conference. Finally, near the end of the ses- sion, both houses agreed upon the form, and it became a law on the 18th day of January, 1802. It was largely the work of Solo- mon Sibley, and when he returned to Detroit at the end of the session, a public meeting was held at which he was voted the "Freedom of the Town," the village being specially illuminated for the occasion. The act speaks for itself and needs no further introduction. Respectfully yours, C. M. Burton, Historiographer. CORPORATION of the Town of DETROIT. Began the 9 day of february 1802 John Askin, Sen r John Dodemead James Henry Esq" Trustees Charles francis Girardin Joseph Campeau Peter Audrain Secretary Rob 1 . Abbott Assessor Jacob Clemens Collector Elias Wallen Marshall Louis Pelletier Messenger COPY of an act to incorporate the Town of DETROIT Sec. I st . BE it enacted by the legislative Council & house of Representatives in general assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the Same that Such parts of the townships of Detroit and Hamtramck in the County of WAYNE, as are con- tained in the following boundaries & limits, to wit ; bounded in front by the River or Strait of Detroit, Eastwardly by the divi- sion line betwen John Askin Esq 1 ", and Antoine Bobien — West- wardly by the division line between the farm belonging to the Heirs of the late William M c Comb deceased, and Pierre Chene, and extending back from Said river two miles, at an equal Width in rear, as in front, and including all Wharves & buildings in front of Said town, be and the Same are hereby erected into a town Corporate which Shall henceforth be Known and distin- guished by the Name of "THE TOWN of DETROIT." Sec. 2. AND be it further enacted that for the better order- ing and regulating the police of Said town of Detroit & the In- habitants thereof, there Shall henceforth be in Said town five Trustees, a Secretary, an Assessor, a Collector, and a Town Marshal, who Shall be Inhabitants of Said town, and who Shall be Chosen, as hereinafter mentioned. The Trustees Shall be a body politic in law by the Name of "THE BOARD of TRUS- TEES of the town of Detroit" one of whom Shall act as Chair- man of Said board, and one as treasurer, to be appointed by Said trustees, any three of Said Trustees Shall Constitute a board for business, the Secretary being present. Sec 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the Said Trustees and their Successors in office Shall be able in their Cor- porate Capacity and for the use of Said Corporation, to receive, acquire, hold, & convey any Estate, real or personal, and Shall also be Capable, in law by their Corporate Name aforesaid of Suing & being Sued, of pleading and being impleaded in any action or Suit, real or personal, in any Court of record whatever, and they are hereby authorised to have & use one Common Seal for the purposes of Said Corporation, and the Same to alter, break, or renew at their discretion. Sec. 4. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the In- habitants of Said town of Detroit, who are freeholders, or house- holders paying an annual rent of forty dollars, and Such other persons residing within Said town, who Shall be admitted to the freedom of Said Corporation by a Majority of the Electors at their annual Meetings, Shall & may assemble at Such place, within Said town, as Shall be pointed out by a Majority of the Said Trustees, on the first Monday of May yearly and every year, and there elect by the highest Number of Votes of the Electors present five discreet & Suitable persons resident within Said Corporation to Serve as Trustees of Said town for one year next ensuing, and untill other trustees are chosen & qualified ; also a Secretary, an Assessor, a Collector, and a town Marshal, who Shall Serve for a like term of time. — the Trustees and all other officers of Said Corporation Shall within ten days after notice of their respective appointments take an oath or affirma- tion faithfully and impartially to execute & discharge the duties of their Said offices before Some persons in Said County author- ised to administer oaths, a certificate whereof Shall be given to the person taking the oath, and by him filed with the Secretary of Said board. Sec. 5. AND be it further enacted that the Said Trustees, when convened for business, Shall be called "THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF DETROIT" and they or any three of them, Shall have full power and authority from time to time, and at any time, to hold a meeting in Said town, at Such place as the Chairman or in his absence the Secretary Shall point out, and to make, ordain, & establish in writing Such laws and ordinances, and the Same from time to time to alter or repeal, as to them Shall Seem necessary and proper, for the health, Safety, cleanliness, Convenience and good government of Said Town of Detroit, and the Inhabitants thereof ; to appoint a Treasurer of their own body, to administer all the necessary oaths, to impose reasonable fines, penalties & forfeitures upon all persons who Shall offend against the laws & ordinances that Shall be So made as aforesaid, and to levy and cause to be Col- lected all Such fines & forfeitures by warrant of the Chairman with the Seal of Said Corporation directed to the Marshall who is hereby authorised & directed to Collect the Same by distress & Sales of the goods & chattels of the offender, and the Same to pay to the treasurer to & for the use of Said Corporation ; and it Shall [be] the further and particular duty of the Said board of Trustees to make, adopt and establish regulations for Secur- ing Said Town against injuries from fires, to cause the Streets, lanes, and alleys of Said town, and the public Commons to be kept open & in repairs and free from every Kind of nuisances, to regulate markets, and if necessary, to appoint a clerk of the market, to regulate the assize of bread, both as to weight & price, having due regard at all times, in establishing the Same, to the market price and value of flour in Said town ; and to pre- vent Swine and other animals from running at large in the Streets, lanes, alleys and on the public Commons of Said town, if in their opinion the interest or Convenience of Said town Shall require Such prohibition ; all Such laws, ordinances, and regulations So to be made Shall be in force and binding from thenceforth untill the next annual meeting for the election of Corporate officers, when all laws, regulations, and ordinances made, adopted, and in force under the authority of this act Shall be by the Secretary of Said board laid before the electors of Said town for their Consideration, and if any of Said laws, rules & regulations made & adopted by the Said board of trustees for the good Govern- ment and Well being of Said Corporation, Shall be disapproved of and rejected by a Majority of the Voters present, the Said laws, ordinances, and regulations So disapproved of Shall thence- forth become Null and Void and of no effect; provided that the laws & ordinances So to be made by the board of trustees as aforesaid, Shall be Consistent with the laws & ordinances of the Territory. Sec. 6. AND be it further enacted that the freeholders, householders, and residents aforesaid of Said town Shall at their annual Meeting have the power and authority to vote Such Sum or Sums of money as a Majority of Such Voters present may think proper to be raised, for the use of the Said town for the ensuing year, which Sum or Sums money So voted Shall be assessed by the Assessor in Such Manner, upon Such objects, and in Such proportion, as Shall be agreed upon by a Majority of Such meeting, and Shall be Collected by the Collector at Such times, and be paid & disposed of in Such manner as the board of trustees Shall direct, and Said Collector Shall have the Same power to Compel payment, as is or Shall be given to County Col- lectors, for the Collection of County votes and levies. Sec. 7. AND be it further enacted that the board of trustees Shall have the power of filling all Vacancies that may happen in any of the offices that are herein established and made elective and the appointments So made Shall Continue Valid untill the next annual Meeting and no longer, and it Shall be lawfull for the board of trustees to appoint Such other Subordinate officers as they may think necessary and who are not hereinbefore men- tion'd, and to fix and establish from time to time Such fees to the Assessor, Collector, Marshall and other Subordinate officers of the Corporation and to impose Such fines for the refusing to accept Such offices and for neglect and misconduct in the Same as to them Shall Seem necessary & proper ; and it Shall be lawfull for the Chairman with the advice & Consent of any three of the trustees at any time to Call a meeting of the Inhabitants of Said town for the purpose of obtaining a vote for the raising any Sum or Sums of Money that may be deemed necessary to be raised for the use of Said town, and the Said board of trustees Shall have the Sole right of licencing and regulating taverns, ale houses, and other public houses of entertainement within Said town, provided that all fees established, or to be established and which Shall arise from licences aforesaid Shall be established by the Court of General quarter Sessions and paid into the County treasury to and for the use of Said County ; and the treasurer of Said board of trustees Shall receive, account for, and pay over the Same within thirty days after receiving the Same into the county treasury. Sec. 8. AND be it further enacted that if any person Shall think him or herself aggrieved by an officer or Individual of Said board, it Shall be lawfull for Such person to appeal to the Court of general quarter Sessions of the peace, who are hereby author- ized to hear & examine into Such Complaint, & to grant Such relief therin as to them Shall be thought proper. Sec. 9. AND be it further enacted that the Secretary of the Said board Shall Keep a book wherein he Shall enter in a fair hand and at length all & Singular the laws regulations, ordi- nances, rules and other business which Shall be done, made, & transacted by the board of trustees, and Shall carefully preserve the Same with all other papers belonging to Said Corporation and the Same deliver over whole and undefaced to his Successor in office, which books & papers Shall at all times be opened for the inspection of the members of Said Corporation ; and it Shall be his further duty to give Copies & extracts therefrom, when required, by a member for which he Shall be intitled to take and receive reasonable fees to be established by Said board. Sec. 10. AND be it further enacted that the Said Corpo- ration be allowed the priviledge & benefit of the Common prison of Said County, for the imprisonment of Delinquents & offend- ers against the laws, ordinances, rules, & regulations that Shall be made & adopted in pursuance of the authority given by this act to the board of Trustees for the good government of Said town, provided that no person Shall be imprisoned under the authority of this act, for a longer time than forty days. Sec. 11. AND be it further enacted that John Askin Sen r ., John Dodemead, James Henry, Charles francis Girardin, and Joseph Campeau be and they are hereby appointed trustees ; Peter Audrain Secretary ; Robert Abbott Assessor, Jacob Clemens Col- lector, and Elias Wallen Marshal, to hold their respective offices, and to perform and execute the duties thereunto appertaining, untill the first Stated meeting of the Inhabitants of Said town, as hereinbefore directed, and untill their Successors Shall have taken the oath prescribed and no longer, and the Said officers Shall respectively take the oath hereinbefore prescribed before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices. Sec. 12. AND be it further enacted that nothing in this act Contained Shall be So Construed as to prevent any future Legis- lature of this Territory from making any alterations, amend- ments or from repealing this act in whole or in part at their pleasure. — this act to take effect and be in force from and after the first of february next. Edward Tiffin, Speaker of the house of representatives Rob 1 . Oliver president of the Council approved the eighteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thouzand eight hundred and two. ARTHUR S*. CLAIR Governor of the Territory of the United [States], north-west of the OHIO. A true Copy taken from the inrolled bill. John Reily, Clerk of the 19 th . feb y . 1802. house of representatives. BY Arthur S*. Clair Governor of the Territory of the United States north-west of the ohio. I do hereby certify that Edward Tiffin is Speaker of the house of Assembly, and Robert Oliver Presi- ident, the first of the house of representatives and [ L:S: ] the last of the legislative Council, In Testimony whereof I have caused the Seal of the Territory to be hereunto affixed on the twenty second day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two. ARTHUR S l . CLAIR ON TUESDAY ninth of february in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two a board of Trustees was formed, at Which attended John Askin Sen 1 *., John Dodemead, James Henry, and Joseph Campeau, and took their Seats after having produced their respective certificates of having taken the oath prescribed by law, which certificates were filed with the Secretary. Peter Audrain Secretary was Sworn, and his Certificate filed. Rob 1 . Abbott Assessor, was Sworn, and his Certificate filed. Jacob Clemens, Collector, was Sworn and his Certificate filed. Charles francis Girardin one of the trustees, and Elias Wal- len Marshal did not attend, and were reported to be from home. James Henry Esquire was nominated by a Majority of Votes Chairman of the board of Trustees. John Dodemead was nominated by a Majority of Votes treas- urer of the Corporation. Louis Pelletier, of Detroit, was appointed Messenger for the Service of the board of Trustees, was Sworn, and his Certificate filed with the Secretary. The board order that public notice Shall be given to all free- holders & house-Keepers within the bounds of the Corporation that on monday next the 15 th . ins 1 , at 11. o'clock in the forenoon, a town- Meeting Shall be held in the Court house for the purpose of making Known to the Said freeholders & house-Keepers the act of the Legislature of the Territory, intitled "an act to incor- porate the Town of Detroit", and that the notice So given Shall be written in english & french by the Secretary of the board, a Copy thereof put up on the Engine-house and another Copy Served by the Messenger of the board on every house Keeper within the bounds of the Corporation, by reading to him the same, in english or french. The board adjourned to Monday next the 15 th . of february inst 1 . at the Court house. ON MONDAY the fifteenth day of february in the year of Trustees presen our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two the trustees met jorTn Dodemead at the Court house at 11. o'clock in the forenoon, agreable to ch s - f\ Girardh ' o Joseph Camppat adjournment, and a town Meeting was held. Esq Charles francis Girardin, attended, and having been Sworn as one of the Trustees of the board, he filed his certificate with the Secretary, and took his Seat. The Chairman opened the business of the Meeting by order- ing the Secretary of the board to read an act intitled "an act to incorporate the town of Detroit" which act was read first in english, and afterwards in french for the information of the Canadian Inhabitants present. The Chairman addressed the 10 people, informed them that the Trustees were preparing Some regulations, and had already made Some progress, and expected that when made they would meet with their approbation and Support, and the meeting adjourned Sine die. Trustees present James Henry John Dodemead Ch". f". Girardin Joseph Campeau Esquires ON TUESDAY the twenty third day of february 1802. the Trustees met at 10,o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of James Henry Esq r . The board having formed a quorum proceeded to establish regulations for Securing the town of Detroit from injuries from fires, and unanimously passed the following Ordi- nance, to wit : AN ORDINANCE made & established on the twenty fifth day of february A.D.1802. by the board of Trustees of the town of Detroit for the better Securing of the Said town against injuries of fire. Art. 1 st . That all Chimnies found insufficient, Shall be im- mediately repaired, in deffault of which the person or persons, who Shall make use of them, after one week's notice of their insufficiency, Shall, on oath of one creditable Witness forfeit five dollars, or any lesser Sum, at the discretion of the board of trustees. Art. 2. That all Chimnies, where fire is Kept Shall be Swept on[c]e in every two weeks from the last Saturday in October to the last Saturday in april, and once in every four Weeks through the remaining part of the year; the Sweeping to be performed on Saturday before nine o'clock in the Morning; any person or persons neglecting the Same Shall forfeit three dollars each time, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the Trustees. Art. 3. That the person or persons, whose Chimnies Shall take fire, Shall forfeit, for each time, ten dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Art. 4. That no person or persons Shall pass the pipe of a Stove thro a wooden partition, or of wood & lime, or thro a floor without leaving Six inches clear, all round Such pipe, betwen it and Such partition or floor; which is to be Secured with Sheet iron or tin nailed to the partition or flour, where Such pipe passes, and that the pipe of every Stove Shall pass into a chim- ney; any person or persons passing pipes of Stoves contrary to the above direction Shall for every Such offense forfeit five dol- lars or any lesser Sum, at the discretion of the board of Trustees. 11 Art. 5. That any person or persons, who Shall lodge, or allow hay, or Straw in his or their dwelling houses, or any place, where fire is Kept, or Shall Keep, or all allow warm ashes to be Kept in a wooden Vessell, or on a wooden floor, in his or their dwell- ing houses, out houses, or Store house, Shall, on the evidence of one creditable Witness, forfeit for every Such offense, five dol- lars, and all hay & Straw So found, or any lesser Sum at the dis- cretion of the board of Trustees. Art. 6. That every householder be provided with a light barrell to have ears, or ropes, on each Side, with a lever or pole to pass through, So as to enable Two men to move it, when full to where it is wanted ; which barrell is always to be Kept full of water, in a place where it cannot freeze, with two buckets to hold at least three Gallons, each, and a Substantial ladder to each Chimney fastened on the roof, and one long enough on the ground to Communicate with Those on the roof ; every house- holder without the pickets to be provided with bucketts and lad- ders only; any person or persons neglecting or refusing to pro- vide Such barrell, bucketts, and ladders, Shall for every Such neglect, or refusal forfeit five dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Art. 7. That every Shop Keeper Shall provide & Keep in his Shop a bag to hold at least three bushells, which he Shall, on the first allarm of fire, together with his buckets full of water take, or Send to the place where the accident happens ; any per- son or persons not providing Such bag, or not carrying or Send- ing it, and the buckets, as above directed, Shall for each Such offense forfeit five dollars, or any lesser Sum, at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Art. 8. That on the first cry of fire, the house Keepers Shall turn out every male Capable of assisting, any person or persons not attending, or concealing him or themselves, after being alarmed, Shall for every such offense forfeit two dollars, or be imprisoned two weeks at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Art. 9. That the following persons Shall, on the first notice of fire, assemble at the engine house, to take the engine to the fire, and there to work it as may be Judged most expedient under the orders & directions of James May Esquire, Viz, Jacques Girardin and Augustin Lafoy, Together with twelve Soldiers of the first United States regiment, who are appointed by Col°. Hamtramck for that purpose; any Citizen mentioned in this article, who Shall act contrary to its direction, Shall, for every Such offense, forfeit five dollars, or any lesser Sum at the dis- cretion of the board of Trustees. 18 Art. 10. That francois frero, director, Prisque Cote, Sen 1 "., Teophile Mette, Batiste Pelletier, Charles Poupard & Prisque Cote Jun r . Shall, on the first alarm of fire, appear, each with a good felling ax to be employed, as circumstances may require; any of the above persons not appearing, when alarmed, Shall forfeit five dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Art. 11. That no person within the limits of the picketts, Keep, or have at any one time more than a Keg or half barrell of gunpowder, in his house, lodging, or other place in the town, (the powder Magazin excepted) under the penalty of twenty five dollars and forfeiting the Surplus powder So found ; and also all persons having powder in their possession, as before Stipulated, Shall provide themselves with a leather bag Suffi- ciently large to contain the whole of Said powder, which, on the first alarm of fire they Shall have transported in Said bag to the public Magazin, if the fire is immediately in his or their neighbourood : whoever neglects providing Such bag, or omits transporting the powder So [enclosed], Shall for every Such offence forfeit twenty five dollars, or a lesser Sum at the discre- tion of the board of Trustees. Art. 12. That on the first alarm of fire all the male Inhabi- tants of the town, except those before appointed, are required to form a line for the Supply of Water from the river to the fire, following Such directions as they will afterwards receive from the Trustees, or civil Magistrates, whoever refuses to obey Such orders, or directions, Shall for each Such offense forfeit five dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Art. 13. That all barrels, buckets &c. ordered for the pur- pose of preventing or extinguishing fire, Shall be marked in the Owner's name, any of Such articles found in the possession of another, unless with the Owner's approbation, Shall for every Such offense pay ten dollars, or any lesser Sum, at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Art. 14. That no person or persons whatsoever Shall pre- sume, on any pretence whatsoever to quit the post or place, to which he or they Shall be appointed without orders, or permis- sion first had & obtained from one of the board of Trustees, or any civil Magistrate ; any person Convicted of having acted contrary to the above article, Shall, for every Such offense in- curred the penalty of eight dollars, or any lesser Sum at the dis- cretion of the board of Trustees ; And that as too many directors often create confusion at a fire, it is expected that no person will 13 order or direct, unless authorised So to do, and it is recom- mended that the Strictest Silence be observed by those not authorised to direct. Art. 15. That no person or persons Shall let remain any Shavings or Small chips in his work Shop (where fire is Kept) over night under the penalty of three dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Art. 16. That in all cases where information is given of the Violation of the above regulations, the informer is to have one half of the penalty incurred, but no penalty can be incurred under these regulations, where there is not a creditable Witness, besides the Informer. Art. 17. That fifteen days after the publication of these regulations, two reputable householders duly authorised by the board of trustees, will visit every house in town, to examine & See whether the ladders, barrels, buckets, and bags, as before required by these regulations, have been provided; any person who Shall refuse, at Such time, to Shew, or produce the Said articles, Shall be considered as not having provided the Same, and Shall, for every Such neglect forfeit & pay the Sum of five dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. The meeting adjourned to thursday next at 11. o'clock in the forenoon. ON THURSDAY the twenty fifth of february 1802. the Trustees present Trustees met at 11. o'clock in the forenoon, agreable to adjourn- joifnD^dem^ad ment. Ch s . f s . Girardin The fire regulations agreed upon last meeting were read sep E^uires and confirmed by the unanimous consent of the board and Signed by the Chairman & Secretary of Said board ; and the Secretary was directed to put up a Copy of Said regulations, on the engine house, in english & french. The meeting adjourned to friday 26 th . feb y . at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. ON FRYDAY the twenty Sixth february 1802. the Trustees Trustees present met at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. James Henry . . - . . John Askin The petition of William Kelly for a tavern licence was taken John Dodemead into Consideration, and rejected. josephCannpeau The petition of Louis Lognon for a tavern licence was taken Esquires into Consideration & rejected. The assize of bread being taken into Consideration, the fol- lowing ordinance was passed viz 14 Assize of bread AN ORDINANCE made & established on the twenty Sixth day of february A. D. 1802 by the board of Trustees of the town of Detroit regulating the assize of bread. Sec. 1 st . It is ordained & established by the Unanimous Consent of the board that all bakers Shall, from & after the third day of march next, Sell the loaf of bread of three pounds english weight, at Six pence new-york Currency, each, and So in proportion for any Smaller or larger loaf. Sec. 2 d . And it is farther ordained by the authority afore- said that every baker Shall furnish himself with a Stamp desig- nating the initial letters of his name, with which he Shall Stamp every loaf of bread by him offered for Sale from & after the aforesaid third day of march next. Sec. 3. any baker Convicted of having acted contrary to this ordinance, Shall, for every offense, forfeit the Sum of three dollars. The meeting adjourned to monday next 1 st of march at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. Trustees present James Henry John Dodemead Ch s . f". Girardin Joseph Campeau Esq ri ON MONDAY the first day of March A. D. 1802. the Trustees met at 10. o'clock A. M. agreable to adjournment. The petition of Ann Coates for a Tavern licence was taken into consideration & granted; and ordered to be filed with the Secretary. The Petition of Joseph Harrison for a tavern licence, was taken into Consideration, & granted ; and ordered to be filed with the Secretary. The board appoint & authorise Rob 1 . Gouie & Charles Curry, as two reputable householders, to visit each house in the town of Detroit, after the fifteen days publication, are expired, as mentioned in the ordinance passed by the board of Trustees on the twenty fifth day of february last respecting fire regulations ; and they are to make their report to this board at their first meet- ing following the 12 th . day of march instant; and the Secretary is directed to prepare & deliver them, a certificate of their appoint- ment and the authority vested in them by the board of trustees, Signed by the Chairman, and under the Seal of the board of Trustees. The meeting adjourned to monday the 15 th . march instant at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. Trustees present James Henry John Dodemead Esq" ON FRIDAY [Monday?] the fifteenth of march 1802. the board met agreable to adjournment at 10. o'clock in the forenoon but a quorum not being present, the board adjourned to Satur- day 20 th . march ins 1 . — 15 James Henry John Askin John Dodemead Ch 3 . f 3 . Girardin Joseph Campeau Esq" ON SATURDAY the Twentieth of march 1802. the board Trustees present met at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. The board took into consideration the report of Mess". Charles Curry & Rob 1 . Gouie appointed to visit every house within the town of Detroit, and ordered the Same to be filed. The board directed their Secretary to notify all Delinquents So reported to pay their fines on or before next Wednesday & Thursday, or to appear before the board on the Same day at 10. o'clock in the forenoon, to Shew cause, if any they have, why the fine Should not be exacted from them. The board took next into Consideration the propriety of estab- lishing a public Market, and passed the following Ordinance, viz= AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trus- tees of the town of Detroit this 20 th . day of march A. D. 1802, instituting a market within Said town. WHEREAS a well regulated market has always been found Market established highly usefull, convenient, and beneficial to the Vendors and purchasers of provisions within incorporate towns, Sec. 1 st . It is therefore ordained by the board of trustees of the town of Detroit, that from and after the first day of april next ensuing, there Shall be, and there is hereby established, a market within the Said town of Detroit to be holden on that Space of ground, without the picketts, and next to the river, included between the projecting angle, where the old bake house Stands, and the upper extremity of the line of Water pickets. Sec. 2 d . It is further ordained by the authority aforesaid that there Shall be two market days, in each & every Week, within the year, to wit Tuesday and friday; and that the market Open on the Said days at daylight, in the morning, and close at twelve of clock of the Same day. Sec. 3 d . Any person or persons, who Shall be Convicted, on the oath of one creditable Witness, of Selling or offering for Sale any beef, pork, Mutton, Veal, Venison, fish, Eggs, butter, poultry, fruit, oats, Corn, flour, or Culinary Vegetables at any other place, within the limits of Said town of Detroit, than the aforesaid Market, on the days, and betwen the hours before mentioned, Shall, for every Such offense, forfeit and pay the Sum of three dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. The board adjourned to Wednesday next 24 th . ins 1 , at 10. o'clock in the forenoon./. 16 Trustees present James Henry John Askin Jn°. Dodemead Ch. f s . Girardin Joseph Campeau Esq" ON WEDNESDAY the twenty fourth of March A. D. 1802. the Trustees met agreable to adjournment at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. The board took into Consideration the list of persons, who have been notified to attend this day and pay their fines, or Shew Cause why the Same Should not be exacted ; and upon full in- vestigation & mature deliberation the following persons were fined by the board, viz. Joseph Thibaud Math w . Ernest $5 5 " " paid to Collector . " d° to d° John Askin Esq 1- . James Henry Esq r . Peter Audrain 5 5 5 " d° " d° to d° to d° Rich d . Donavan 5 (i Rob 1 . Abbott 5 u Thomas M c Crae 5 (C John Gentle D r . W m . Scott 5 5 CI « Geo. Meldrum 5 u County of Wayne John Bentley D r . Eberts 5 « 2 '. " (for Jail) 50. Rev d . M r . Bacon 5 a John Dodemead 5 t( James fraser 5 " Total amount*, to $ 50. The whole amounting to Seventy Seven dollars & fifty cents, a list of which person [s] So fined was given to the Collector, who is hereby ordered to Collect the Same and pay it over to John Dodemead Esq 1 ", treasurer appointed by the board of Trustees, and take duplicate receipts, one of which he Shall fine [file?] with the Secretary of the board. Another report of Mess". Curry & Gouie was delivered to the board of Trustees, and was ordered to be filed, and the Sec- retary directed to notify the persons therein named for Monday next the board adjourned to tomorrow thursday at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. Trustees present James Henry John Askin Jn". Dodemead C. i". Girardin Joseph Campeau Esq" ON THURSDAY the twenty fifth of march A. D. 1802. the Trustees met, agreable to adjournment at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. The board took into Consideration the list of persons who have been notified to attend this day & pay their fines, or Shew Cause why the Same Should not be exacted; and upon full in- 17 vestigation, and mature deliberation the s following persons were fined by the board, viz Augustin Lafoy $2 « James Bracken 5 <( paid to Collector William Smith 5 « d° to d° William Choberg ] 50 Conrad Seek 5 (i d° to d° paid . /Jacques Pelletier 5 a for french church & priest's house Bells & Rocks & Longdon 5 ri Israel Hunt 2 50 Sarg 1 . Perkins 3 «< Luther Bunnell 3 << Joseph Voyez 5 << David M c clean 1 << David Anderson 3 (i Daniel M c clean a .50 Charles Lafleur 1 .50 Peter Desnoyers 2 .50 Teophile Mette << .50 Joseph Campeau 5 « Patrick M c niff Esq r . 5 a John Watson 3 a Total $64 dollars the whole amounting to Sixty four dollars ; a list of which per- sons So fined was given to the Collector who is hereby ordered to Collect the Same, and pay it over to John Dodemead Esq r . treasurer appointed by the board of trustees, and take duplicate receipts one of which he Shall fine [file?] with the Secretary of the board. The board adjourned to Monday next at lO.o'clock in the forenoon./. ON MONDAY the twenty ninth of march A. D. 1802, the Trustees present Trustees met agreable to adjournm 1 . at 10 o'clock in the jX^demead forenoon. C - f3 - Girardin r rr-t -kt i r «• Joseph Campeau A petition of Thomas Nowlan, for a tavern licence, was Esquires presented to the board of Trustees, praying to be authorised to open a house of entertainment at the Councill house in the Town of Detroit, where he now Keeps the mess for the Tavern licence Officers of the Garrison; the Board took the Same into t0 T. a Nowian consideration, and granted the prayer of the Petitioner on the condition that the Said Thomas Nowlan Shall enjoy the 12. doii. paid priviledge of Said licence in the Councill house only, and for^h^Counfy nowhere else, during the term of one year from this date, if he Continues So long to Keep the mess of his officers. (( [< << <( « I ■ • c (4 ■ A CI «( 18 The board took next into their Consideration the list of persons notihed to attend this day & pay their fines, or Shew cause, if any they have, why the Same Should not be exacted from them, and upon full investigation & mature deliberation the following persons were fined by the board to wit. francis Malcher $3. francis D x . Bellecour 3 Thomas Welch 1 Martin Myers 1 Thomas Walker 1 Batiste Lapierre 1 Simon Drouillard " .50 francois Lemaine " .25 Math w . Donavan 1 Cap 1 , fearson 1 William Allen 1 M de . Tremble 1 . " Joseph Vovez " .25 George Meldrum " .25 $18.25 The whole amounting together to eighteen dollars, & twenty five cents, a list of which persons So fined was given to the Collector, who is hereby ordered to Collect the Same, and pay it over to John Dodemead esq r . treasurer appointed by the board of Trustees, from whom he Shall take duplicate receipts, one of which he Shall file with the Secretary of the board of Trustees. The board adjourned to Thursday next at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. OX THURSDAY l 3t . april not being a quorum present, adjourned to thursday next the Eigth at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. Trustees pr«ent OX THURSDAY the eighth of april A. D. 1802 the Tn^ e *"in nry Trustees met, agreable to adjournment, at the house of James j n °; bodemead^ Henry Esq r . at 10. o'clock in the forenoon, and passed the following ordinance viz AX ORDIXAXCE made & established by the board of Trustees of the town of Detroit this eighth day of april A. D. 1S02 in order to promote the health, peace & Safety of its Inhabitants. WHEREAS the Streets of that part of the town of Detroit within the Stockade are So narrow that foot passengers have difficulty at times to Keep clear of horsemen & carriages, unless they go Slow &c. 19 Sec. 1 st . It is therefore ordained by the board of Trustees Horses that if any person or persons Shall ride, or drive a horse or carriages carriage quick, or Shall let or drive his horse or horses loose togosiow to water, within the limits before recited from and after the publication of this ordinance, Shall, for every Such offense, forfeit & pay the Sum of two dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees to be recovered on the oath of a creditable Witness, this Section repealed 21 st July 1802. See page .27. [36] Sec. 2. As incumbrances in the Streets, lanes, and alleys streets & alleys of towns not only impede the passage of those who may have dean&'free occasion to pass through them in the daytime, but must also of incumbrances. be a great hindrance and dangerous to those who may be employed in extinguishing fire in the Night, — It is therefore ordained by the authority aforesaid that each householder residing within the Stockated part of the town of Detroit, do immediately remove or cause to be removed all matter whatsoever that may prevent a free & open passage to the extent of half the width of all Streets, lanes, & alleys adjoining to the lot or lots which he may occupy, for the performance of which, time is given untill the twenty fifth ins 1 , april, when Inspectors will be Sent to ascertain whether due attention has been paid to this ordinance, and upon their report, each & every Delinquent Shall forfeit and pay ten dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Sec. 3. All the Midle of the Streets of the Town of Footpaths -r\ • • 1 • i t->- i 1 • 1 i • i i to De ma de Detroit, within the Pickets are almost impassable, in bad Sufficient weather for persons on foot, and as it has long been Customary for the Inhabitants thereof to make & Keep in repair foot paths made of logs or thick planks round the lots they occupy, It is therefore ordained by the authority aforesaid that all person or persons proprietors of houses or lots within the Stockated part of the town Shall on or before the twenty fifth day of april inst 1 . make, or cause to be made good & Sufficient footpaths of logs or thick planks, round Such part of their lots, where they have heretofore been Customarily made ; any person or persons who, upon the report of the Inspectors, Shall be found Delinquent. Shall for every Such neglect or offence forfeit & pay the Sum of five dollars or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Sec. 4. Whereas great inconvenience has been occasioned to the Inhabitants of the town by the negligent and disorderly manner in which firewood, Stones, & lumber are thrown along 20 the beach or Shore, in front of the town, and on the warf Stiled the merchants' warf, It is therefore ordained by the authority aforesaid that from and after the twentieth day of april ins 4 , no person or persons whatsoever Shall occupy for the purposes aforesaid a greater Space of ground along the beach or Shore in front of the town than one hundred feet without leaving a Sufficient road to the river for two carts to pass abreast, nor Shall any firewood, timber, or Stones, or any other Materials be left for any considerable time on the beach, or Shore, within the limits aforesaid, nor at all on the merchants' warf, as it prevents others from Coming in with additional quantities ; Those persons, who have now timber, firewood &c in any other State, than above directed, are hereby required to place it in the order prescribed ; any person or persons who, upon the report of the Inspectors, or other Complaint, Shall be found delinquents, Shall for every Such neglect, or offense, forfeit & pay five dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Sec. 5. It is further ordained that no person or persons Shall Collect, or fasten together a Number of rafts, or quantity of timber within the limits aforesaid, So as to prevent a free passage from the Shore to the Channell of the river, for boats and other crafts, any person or persons who, upon the report of the Inspectors, Shall be found guilty of a breach of this Section Shall for every Such offense forfeit & pay five dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Sec. 6. WHEREAS it appears to the board of Trustees that proper attention has not been paid to the Sixth article of an ordinance "made & established on the twenty fifth day of february A. D. 1802 by the board of Trustees of the town of Detroit, for the better Securing of the Said town against injuries from fire," many ladders, barrells, buckets &c being Still deficient, and to obviate any objection or excuse, that may be made, by those persons, who have heretofore been delinquents, It is ordered by the authority aforesaid that on the twentieth of april instant, the Inspectors heretofore appointed do visit each house in the town to examine whether the aforesaid articles required by law, have been duly pro- vided and are in perfect order, and more particularly to observe & report whether the Steps of ladders are Sound & Sufficiently Strong to bear a man with a bucket of water. The board adjourned to Monday next at 10. o'clock in the forenoon./. 21 ON TUESDAY the 14 th . of april A. D. 1802. the Trustees met at the house of James Henry Esq 1 ", at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. The board fined John Gentle in the Sum of ten dollars, for his chimney taking fire. WHEREAS Elias Wallen Esq 1- ., appointed by law, marshall of the Corporation, is absent, the board of Trustees do appoint Zadeck Lee Marshall of Said Corporation, and he was Sworn accordingly. The board of Trustees do order that a town Meeting be called for Saturday next at ll.o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of laying before the Inhabitants of Said Corporation the neces- sity of laying and assessing a tax for defraying the expence now incurred for the use of the Corporation, and do order that the Messenger notify the Same to the Inhabitants to meet at the Court house of the County. The board of Trustees do allow to their Subordinate officers the following fees, to wit: to the Treasurer . . . 3 . p r c l . on all monies received & paid over, to the Collector 3 . p r . c l on all monies collected & paid over, to the Secretary . . Two dollars for each meeting, and Six cents for Seventy two words of translation, to Messenger one dollar for each day attendance, to Marshall, to be allowed the Same fees for Serving process under the Corporation act, as the Sheriff is allowed under the laws of the Territory. The board adjourned to Saturday next at the town meeting. Trustees present James Henry Jn°. Askin Jn°. Dodemead C. f s . Girardin Jos h . Campeau Esq" town meeting ordered fees of Subordinate officers established ON SATURDAY the Seventeenth day of April, A. D. 1802 Town Meeting the board, agreable to their adjournment met at the Court house, Jame^Hen?" 11 * at ll.o'clock in the forenoon. John Dodemead The business of the day was opened by the Chairman of the Joseph Campeau board of trustees, who Submitted the two following questions Esq " viz 1 st . whether a tax amounting to one hundred & fifty dollars Shall be assessed on the Inhabitants within the Corporation, and for the use of the Said Corporation ; agreed to unanimously. 2 d . whether the Said Sum Shall be raised in the following manner to wit : Twenty five cents on each Individual of the age of twenty one years, and upwards living within Said Corpo- ration, and the residue wanted to be assessed on the fixed prop- erty within the bounds of Said Corporation, and it was unani- mously agreed to. at 4. oclock P M the meeting was dissolved. -V Trustees present James Henry John Dodemead C. f. Girardin Joseph Campeau Esq' 8 Ordinance respecting the Commons Preamble ON TUESDAY the twentieth day of april A.D. 1802. the board of Trustees met at the house of James Henry Esq r . at 11. o'clock in the forenoon, and passed the following ordinance viz AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trustees of the town of Detroit, on the twentieth day of april A.D.1802. WHEREAS it appears to the board of Trustees of the town of Detroit, that preparations are making by Some person or persons unknown, to inclose a part of the public Commons, adja- cent to the Said town of Detroit, in direct Violation of a law of this Territory intitled "an act to incorporate the town of Detroit," and whereas by the aforementioned act it is made the particular duty of the Said board to make, adopt, and establish regulations on this head Sec. 1. It is therefore ordained & established by the authority aforesaid that if any person or persons Shall erect or attempt to erect any fence, or inclosure whatever on that Space of ground north & north east of the Said town, Stiled the common or do- maine, he Shall for each and every Such offense forfeit & pay the Sum of ten dollars or be imprisoned in the Common goal of the County of Wayne forty days, or any less time, at the dis- cretion of the board of Trustees. Sec. 2. It is further ordained by the authority aforesaid that the board of Trustees of the town of Detroit, may Convict any person or persons offending against this ordinance upon the view of either of the Trustees of Said board or on the Complaint on oath of one creditable Witness, and the board adjourned. Trustees present James Henry John Dodemead Ch. f s . Girardin Jos h . Campeau Esq' 6 roll of taxes ordered ON WEDNESDAY the 28 th . day of April 1802 the board met at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. Agreable to the unanimous vote obtained in the town Meet- ing held at the Court house on Saturday the Seventeenth day of April inst 1 . the board have ordained that the aforesaid Sum of one hundred & fifty dollars be assessed & levied on the Inhab- itants within the bounds of the Corporation of Detroit in the following Manner, to wit, one fourth of a cent, on dollar, on all fixed property within Said Corporation, agreeable to the evalu- ation made by the Appraisers of houses, last year, for the County tax, and also twenty five Cents on every Individual of the age of twenty one years and upwards ; and the board direct their Secretary to make a roll accordingly, and The board adjourned. eau rs 23 ANNUAL MEETING of the Electors for chusing officers of the Corporation of the town of Detroit. ON MONDAY third of May A.D. 1802. the Trustees met Trustees present at the Court house of Detroit, at 11. o'clock in the forenoon, to johnDoIemead attend the election of officers of the Corporation to Serve during c. f s . Girardm ■* . ° Joseph Campe_ the next ensuing year, agreable to the public advertisement put Esq up ten days before by order of the board ; the election was pro- claimed opened at half after Eleven o'clock, to last untill half after one P M. And at half after one, the poll was closed, the votes were Counted, and the following officers were proclaimed duly elected, to wit: Charles f s . Girardin \ James Henry / John Dodemead ^ . .Trustees — Sworn George Meldrum S Joseph Campeau Peter Audrain Secretary — Sworn Robert Abbott Assessor — Sworn William Smith Collector — resigned Elias Wallen Marshall Sworn Conrad Seek, appointed, collector vice W m . Smith resigned i7 th juiy ON motion, the FREEDOM of the Corporation was unani- mously voted to Solomon Sibley Esquire, Counsellor at law, and one of the members of Councill of the territorial legislature, for the Services he rendered the Said Corporation in the framing of, and attending the passing of the bill intitled "an act to incor- porate the town of Detroit" and for other eminent Services to the County of Wayne at large ; and the Chairman & Secretary of the board of trustees of Said Corporation were directed by the Electors to present Said Sol . Sibley with a certified Copy of the Said Vote with the Seal of Said Corporation. The minutes of all the transactions & ordinances of the board, were, agreable to law, laid by the Secretary before the Electors, and were unanimously approved of by all the Electors present, and the Town meeting adjourned Sine Die. ON WEDNESDAY the 5 th . may, A.D.1802. the board met ? a ™ s Jf^ r r esent at the house of James Henry Esq r . at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. cT^Gira^dm the Several Trustees took the oaths prescribed by law, and filed Geo ^Mddr'um their certificates with the Secretary of the board, to wit, Tames J° sb - Campeau * J Esq r * u Henry, Ch s . f s . Girardin, John Dodemead, George Meldrum & Joseph Campeati, Esquires. Peter Audrain Sec y . was Sworn William Smith Collector d° Elias Wallen Esq r . Marshall d° James Henry Esq r . was chosen chairman John Dodemead Esq 1 *. d° Treasurer Louis Pelletier was appointed Messenger. Jacob Clemens, late Collector, attended, and made report that the Sum of $23.50 was remaining due on the whole amount of fines put in his hands to be Collected. $169.75. and his account was Setled in the following manner, viz Cash paid to the Treasurer, as p r . receipt. . . .$ 100.0 d° now paid to the Treasurer 41.87 Com on . allowed him 4.38^4 146.25^4 to be collected 23.50 169.75^4 The petition of Louis Lognon, for a tavern licence, was pre- sented to the board, read, & rejected by a Majority of the board. The board adjourned to Saturday next. [ ?] Trustees present James Henry Ch. f. Girardin Jn°. Dodemead Geo : Meldrum Jos 1 '. Campeau Esq'. assize of bread ON SATURDAY the 17 th . July 1802. the board met at the house of James Henry Esq r . at 11. o'clock in the forenoon. The assize of bread was taken into Consideration and the following ordinance was passed viz AN ORDINANCE made & established the 17 th . day of July A.D. 1802. by the board of Trustees of the town of Detroit regu- lating the assize of bread. Sec. 1 st . it is ordained and established by the Unanimous consent of the board that all bakers, from and after the 18 th . July ins 4 ., Shall Sell the loaf of bread of 3 m . english weight, at eight pence new york currency, each and So in proportion for any Smaller or larger Loaf. Sec. 2 d . any baker, convicted of having acted contrary to this ordinance, Shall for every offense forfeit the Sum of three dollars. The board appoint Conrad Seek Collector vice W m . Smith resigned. And the board adjourned to Wednesday next 21 st July ins 1 , at 10. in the forenoon, and do direct their Secretary to notify 25 that meeting by public advertisement in english & french, in order that any person having business before the board, may attend, if they please. ON WEDNESDAY the 21 st . July A.D.1802 the board met, Trustce|prescnt agreable to adjournment, at the house of James Henry Esq 1- , at cT^Gira^dm lO.o'clock in the forenoon. cto^iSum The petition of Jacob Clemens for a tavern-licence "] Jos h . Campeau d° of John Bentley for d° V q " d° of W m . Kelly ' for d° J ordered to lay over for further consideration The board directed their chairman to Sign, Seal, & deliver a legal warrant to the Collector, with the duplicates of taxes to be Collected ; Conrad Seek, Collector appointed at the last meeting, Collector attended, was Sworn, and filed his certificate with the Secretary of the board. The board do order their Secretary to Cite before this board, at their next Meeting, Robert Smart, and Richard Smith, to Shew Cause, if any they have, why they Should not be fined for letting their horses loose in the Streets of the town of Detroit, contrary to an ordinance of this board. The board took into consideration the Complaint about bad chimnies in the town of Detroit, and the propriety of Keeping the Streets of Said town clean &c passed the following ordinance to wit. — AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trustees of the town of Detroit, on the 21 st . day of July A.D. 1802. WHEREAS great inconvenience has been occasioned to the Inhabitants of the town of Detroit by the negligence and inatten- tion of Individuals to that Cleanliness to be observed in all towns Sec. 1 st . It is therefore ordained by the board of Trustees streets to be Kept of the town of Detroit, that each and every householder within Clean the Picketts of Said town Shall on every Saturday from & after the present date untill the 15 th . day of november next, Sweep or cause to be Swept, and Carried away from before their respective lots, within the picketts aforesaid all the loose dirt or offensive matter that may be there collected, any person or persons offend- ing against this regulation Shall, if duly Convicted, upon Com- plaint, or view of any of either of the Trustees of the board, forfeit & pay the Sum of one dollar, for each & every offense. WHEREAS it has been reported to this board that there as [are] Several bad Chimnies in town, whereby the property of 26 Chimnies to be inspected the Inhabitants, in general, is greatly indangered, and as this is the most favourable Season to procure Materials to repair or rebuild Such as may be found defective Sec. 2 d . IT is therefore ordained by the authority aforesaid that Alexis Coquillard & John Palmer, masons of the town of Detroit, be, and they are hereby appointed inspectors of Chim- nies for the Said town, whose duty it Shall be to inspect and examine Such Chimnies in Said town, as Shall or may be pointed out to them by Mess rs . Jn°. Dodemead and Ch s . f s . Girardin who are hereby duly authorised So to direct, and to make their report in writing to the board of Trustees on the 30 th . day of July ins 1 . Sec. 3 d . It is further ordained by the authority aforesaid that if any person or persons Shall ride, or drive a horse, or carriage quick, or Shall let or drive his horse, or horses loose to water within the pickets of the town or Detroit from & after the publication of this ordinance, Shall for each and every Such offense forfeit & pay the Sum of two dollars or any less Sum, at the discretion of the board of Trustees; this penalty to be recovered on the oath of one creditable Witness or on View of any or either of the Trustees of Said Town. It is further or- dained by the authority aforesaid that from & after the publica- tion of this ordinance, the first Section of the ordinance intitled "an ordinance made & established by the board of Trustees this 8 th . day of april A.D.1802. in order to promote the health, peace, and Safety of its Inhabitants" be, and the Same is hereby re- pealed. The board adjourned to friday the 30 th . July instant. Trustees present James Henrv C. f. Girardin John Dodemead Geo : Meldrum Jos h . Campeau Esq" Rob 1 . Smart ) r , RicM. Smith J fined ON FRIDAY the 30 th . July A. D. 1802. the board met at the house of James Henry Esq r . at 10. o'clock in the forenoon agre- able to the last adjournment. A letter of Sol . Sibley Esq 1 ", addressed to the Secretary of the board of Trustees, was laid before the board, and ordered to be filed. Richard Smith & Rob 1 . Smart attended the board, and the Trustees after having heard their reasons, do fine them in the Sum of twenty five cents each. The following persons were reported to the board as having neglected to sweep or cause to be Swept before their premises on Saturday last the 24 th . July instant, viz.. Widow Abbott; Rob*. & James Abbott, Henry Hyman, James fraser, Widozv Callahan, RobK Gouie, & Th s . Nowlen; and were fined one dollar a piece and the Secretary of the board was directed to notify the Same to the Delinquents, and Cite them to attend this board 27 tomorrow Saturday 31 st . July ins 1 , at 10. in the forenoon to Shew cause, if any they have, why Said fine Should not be exacted. The board order their Secretary to notify D r . W m . Scott to attend this board tomorow Saturday 31 st . July ins 1 , at 10. o'clock in the forenoon, to Shew cause, if any he has, why he Should not be fined for his Chimney Ketching fire.&c. The board do appoint Joseph Thibaud & Jacob Clemens, and jos». Thibaud authorise them to Visit each house in the town of Detroit, to ex- j acob ciemens amine and See whether the ladders, barrells, bucketts, and bags, f^^'^dders required by the ordinance of this board of the [2] 5 th . february Barreiis-&c-&c' last, have been provided and Kept in Sufficient order, and to make their report after the tenth day of august next, and the Secretary is directed to prepare & deliver them a certificate of their appointment, and the authority Vested in them by the board of Trustees Signed by the Chairman and under the Seal of the board of Trustees. The board adjourned to tomorow Saturday 31 st . July ins 1 , at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. ON SATURDAY the 31 st . July 1802 the board met at 10. ]™ s £ e £?™* ent o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of James Henry Esq r . c. f. Girardin Robert Gouie attended, and was excused. Geo: Mdd?um d Rob 1 . & J 9 . Abbott d° and fined Esq " Thomas Nowlen d° and fined James fraser fined Widow Callahan fined Widow Abbott fined Henry Hyman fined D r . W m . Scott attended and was fined 3 doll. Dr - Scott— fined- The report of the Inspectors of bad Chimnies was examined j^ ^^ of and ordered to be filed. Chimnies filed The priest's chimney condemned reported very bad the Mess-house d°. Lower part very bad Chimney of the house occupied by Geo. Smart ) d° of d° d° by Monet ) the property of M c comb' Estate very bad d° of d° d° by Th s . M c crae not Sufficient, but not So bad as the rest d° of d° d° by Rich d . Smith very bad one Chimney of Jn°. Dodemead Esq 1 ", very bad — worst of all Chimney of the Indian Store very bad d°. of a house occupied by M r . Jordan very bad d°. of a house, property of M rs . Vincent very bad (midle chimney) 28 Chimney of the main guard very bad d°. of a house occupied by Meyers very bad d°. of d°. d°. by Sam 1 . Hall very bad And the Secretary was directed to notify the Occupiers of the above houses, where Chimnies are condemned, that their Chim- nies have been examined and found insufficient by the Inspec- tors of Chimnies for the town of Detroit; they are therefore notified that if they make use of them, before they are made Sufficient, they Shall incur the penalty pronounced in the ordi- nance of the 25 th . feb y . 1802. Trustees present James Henry C. f. Girardin Jn°. Dodemead Joseph Campeau Esq". M rs . Abbott Ja s . Henry Esq r . M r . Jordin The Ind". Store Jn°. Askin Esq r . ON FRIDAY the 28 th . of august A. D. 1802, the board Met at 10. o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of James Henry Esquire. The report of the Inspectors appointed to examine & See whether Each Occupier of houses within the Corporation is furnished with ladders, barrell, buckets, fire bags, agreable to the ordinance of this board, brought in their report, as follows, to wit. Thomas Nowlen wanting a barrell, and all ladders ; James Wallace d°. a barrell d°. one ladder d°. 1 . d°. . & a fire bag d°. 1. barrell d°. every article d°. ladders for 3 houses on the Commons, & 1. for his Store Houses in the Shipyard d°. every article the main guard house d°. one ladder Richard Smith d°. one d°. The report was ordered to be filed, and the Secretary directed to notify the Delinquents to attend this board on Saturday the 4 th . of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to Shew cause, if any they have, why they Should not pay the fine pro- nounced by the 17 th . art. of the ordinance of the 23 d . of february last. The board took into Consideration the Scarcity of flour, and repealed the ordinance of the 17 th . of July last and all ordinances anterior to that date, respecting the assize of bread. The petition of Louis Pelletier, Jailor, for a tavern-licence, was presented to the board, and ordered to be filed for further Consideration. The board adjourned to Saturday the 4 th . of Sept ber . next, at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. 29 ON SATURDAY the 4 th . of September A. D. 1802 the board met at 10 in the forenoon at the house of James Henry Esq r . M r . James Abbott attended the board, in behalf of his mother, to answer the report of the Inspectors, as above, and proved the report ungrounded. M r . James Wallace attended and was fined two dollars Rich d . Smith d°. & fine two dollars A Tavern licence was granted to John Bentley A Tavern licence was granted to Louis Pelletier The petitions of William Kelly "| Peter Chartron } were rejected & Jacob Clemens The account of Louis Pelletier, Messenger, was presented, and Setled at eight Dollars, for his Services to this day, and the Secretary was directed to draw an order on the Treasurer of the Corporation for the Said Sum of eight dollars, in favor of Said Pelletier. The account of Peter Audrain Secretary of the board of Trustees was presented and allowed, and the board ordered their Chairman to draw on the treasurer, an order for fifty Six dollars and fifty nine cents, it being the amount of Said account, for Services to this day exclusively. The board adjourned Sine die. Trustees present Jas. Henry C. f. Girardin Jn°. Dodemead Jos h . Campeau Esq". J 9 . Wallace rjned Rich*. Smith d°. Messenger's ace 1 . Setled Secretary s ace'. Setled ON THURSDAY the 23 d . September A. D. 1802. the board met at 3. o'clock in the afternoon at the house of James Henry Esq r . The board took into consideration the Several applications for tavern licences now on files, passed the following order, to wit, that no greater Number than five licences Shall be granted. The petition of Rich d . Smith was presented to the board, and rejected. adjourned Sine die. Trustees present James Henry C. f. Girardin Jn°. Dodemead Geo : Meldrum Joseph Campeau Esq". ON FRIDAY the 3 d . December A. D. 1802. the board met at 11. o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of James Henry Esq 1 ", agreable to notice given yesterday. John Dodemead's petition for a tavern licence was presented to the board and granted. The board appointed Thomas M c crae & Augustin Lafoi In- spectors to visit every house in town, to examine & See whether the ladders, barrells, bucketts, bags &c &c. were provided and in a State of Service in case of accident ; and directed their Secre- tary to publish in english & french that part of the ordinance respecting fire &c &c. the board adjourned Sine die. Trustees present Jas. Henry Jn°. Dodemead Geo : Meldrum Esq". Trustees present Jas. Henry Jn°. Dodemead Jos h . Campeau Geo : Meldrum Esq" 30 ON SATURDAY 19 th . march A. D. 1803 the board met at 11. o'clock in the forenoon at the house of James Henry Esq 1 ", agreable to notice given. The report of Thomas M c crae & Augustin Lafoy Inspectors appointed, at the last meeting of Trustees, was made, and ordered to be filed & entered in the Minutes — viz that the Indian Store is Wanting 1 ladder, 2 bucketts 1 bar- rell, and 1. Shop bag. James Henry Esq r . 1. ladder & 1. Shop bag. Maj r . Martin 2. ladders Rob*. & James Abbott 1 fire bag James Wallace 1 water barrell. And the board ordered their Secretary to Notify in writing to all Delinquents that they do attend this board on Saturday next the 26 th . of march ins 1 , to Shew cause, if any they have, why they Should not be fined agreable to the ordinance in that case made & provided. The board took into Consideration the Several Petitions for tavern-licences, now on the files, and granted licences to the fol- lowing persons — viz. Ann Coates \ Joseph Harrison J declined John Harvey / Richard Smith ( Jacob Clemens ) for one Louis Lognion / William Kelly V William Allen 1 declined Jeanb te . Comparet / declined And the board adjourned to Saturday next 26 th . of march in- stant at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. ON SATURDAY the 26 th . march 1803 Some of the Trustees met, but not being a quorum, the meeting is adjourned to Wed- nesday 20 th . april. Trustees present James Henry Geo : Meldrum Jos h . Campeau Esq" ON WEDNESDAY 20 th . of april 1803. the board met at 12. o'clock, at noon, at the house of James Henry Esq r . The Collector of the Corporation attended the board, agre- able to Notice given him, but the Treasurer not being present, the Settlement of his accounts was postponed to the next Meet- ing of this board. And the board adjourned to monday next 25 th . ins*. 31 ON WEDNESDAY 27 th . april 1803. the board met at 11. Trustees present o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of James Henry Esquire. jn^D^dem'Tad the following accounts were examined and passed, viz Geo:Meidrum ° r Joseph Campeau Account of Treasurer D r . to cash rec d . at Sundry times, $296. 7J4 deduct his Com on . on the Same at 3 p r . c*. 8 . 88 287.19^ C r . by Sundry payments as p r . ace*, rendered 269. 9 remains on hand 18.10^ To be paid dols. Secretary's ace 1 , examined & passed. 17.0 Messenger allowed 1.' 18 ' 10*4 ACQ. of Conrad Seek Collector. D r . — to am 1 , of duplicates of taxes put in his hands for Collection $153.87^ to d°. of fines. 30 th . July 1802 $4.0 to d°. d°. 31. d°. d°. 9 50 13.50 $167 37^ C r . by cash paid to treasurer as p. re- ceipt filed $ii8. ey 2 by d°. now paid before the board 27.25 U5.3V/ 3 ballance due $ 22.. 6 The above ballance to be Satisfied, By taxes due & not collected $18.6 By fines due & not d°. 4." $22.6 And the board adjourned Sine die. 32 ANNUAL Meeting for chusing officers of the Corporation of the town of Detroit. Trustees present James Henry Jn°. Dodemead Geo : Meldrum Tos h . Campeau Esq r " ON MONDAY the Second day of May A. D. 1803 the Trustees Met at the Court house of Detroit at 11. o'clock in the forenoon to attend the election of officers of the Corporation to Serve during the next ensuing year, the election was proclaimed open, to last untill one P. M. At one o'clock the poll was Closed the votes were Counted, and the following officers we [re] proclaimed duly elected viz Robert Abbott Charles Curry James May } Trustees D r . W m . Scott Elijah Brush Peter Audrain Secretary Thomas M c crae Assessor John Bentley Collector Richard Smith Marshall On motion, the freedom of the Corporation was, by a large Majority of the Electors present, Voted to Jonathan Schieffelin Esquire, one of the representatives in the late Legislature of the north-west Territory ; and the Chairman & Secretary of the board of Trustees were directed to present Said Jonathan a certified Copy of the Said Vote with the Seal of the Corporation. The minutes of all the transactions and ordinances of the board were, agreable to law, laid by the Secretary before the Electors present, and were unanimously approved of. The board directed their Secretary to notify their Election to the officers, now elected for the Service of the next ensuing year. Adjourned Sine die. Trustees present James May Rob 1 . Abbott Ch*. Curry W m . M. Scott E. Brush Esq" ON WEDNESDAY 18 th . May 1803. the board of Trustees met at the Court house at 11. o'clock in the forenoon. After the Trustees and other officers of the Corporation had been Sworn and their respective Certificates filed with the Sec- tary, according to law, the board was formed, and proceeded to elect their Chairman & treasurer. James May Esquire was elected Chairman Robert Abbott Esq r . was elected Treasurer Louis Pelietier was appointed Messenger. 33 Joseph Harrison \ were appointed inspectors of Ladders, & f buckets, fire bags, water barrells &c. to Joseph Campeau > report to this board on or before the l first day of June next, and once in every / two months afterwards. And the board directed their Secretary to notify the Said Inspectors [of] their appointment. The petition of Martin Myers for a tavern licence was pre- sented to the board, and was ordered to lay over for further Consideration. The board order their Secretary to advertise in english and french that a town meeting Shall be held at the Court-house on Saturday next at 12. o'clock at noon, for the purpose to lay before the electors of Said Corporation the necessity of repairing the Corporation warves and of raising a Sum of money for that purpose. The board instructed their Chairman to frame an ordinance respecting Swine, and another respecting dogs, to bring them to this board on Saturday next, for the inspection of the board, and to be finally determined. And the board ordained the following clause to be added to the 7 th . article of the ordinance passed the [2] 3 d . february 1802. viz "That it Shall be the duty of the Inspectors, of Ladders, "buckets water barrels &z. in case of fire to watch if any person "neglects to carry their bucketts full of Water, and their fire bags, "if Shop Keepers, or do not assist in extinguishing fire, and to "report to this board at their next meeting." And the board ordained also the following Clause to be added after the 3 d . Section of the ordinance regulating market passed the 20 th . day of march 1802— viz— "That any person bringing to market, meat, poultry of any "Kind, or any Sort of provisions Not Sound & Merchantable, "Shall on the oath of one creditable Witness, forfeit & pay the "Sum of fifty dollars, or any lesser Sum, at the discretion of the "board of Trustees, and the meat, poultry, or provisions Shall "be forfeited." And the board ordained the following Clause to be added to the first Section of the ordinance passed the 21 st . July 1802, after the word[s] from before, "and round their respective lots." The board adjourned to thursday, tomorrow, at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. ON THURSDAY 19 th . may 1803 the board met at the Court Trustees present house at 10. o'clock in the forenoon agreable to adjournment. ch^Curry The board took into Consideration the petition of Martin Wm - M - Sc ^ nr . Myers for a Tavern licence, and the prayer is granted. Esq' 34 The board passed the following Ordinance, viz AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trus- tees of the Town of Detroit the nineteenth day of May A. D. 1803. WHEREAS the dung & filth Carried out of the town and de- posited on the Commons or lanes, within the bounds of Said Corporation are become a perfect Nuisance It is therefore Ordained by the board of Trustees that no carter, or any other person whatsoever Shall be permitted to carry and deposit on the Commons or lanes within the bounds of the corporation, any dung or filth, but that [they] are at lib- erty to carry & deposit the Same in the dock of the public market, any person offending against this ordinance Shall forfeit & pay, for every Such offense, the Sum of five dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees, on the oath of one credible Witness or on View of any of the Trustees. This ordinance to be in force from and after the twenty fifth day of may instant. The board requested their Chairman to frame an ordinance respecting Swine and lay it before this board on Saturday next, to be finally acted upon. Adjourned to Saturday next 21 st . ins 1 , at 12 o'clock. Trustees present James May W m . M. Scott Ch". Curry Esq" Rob*. Abbott, Esq', present TOWN MEETING On SATURDAY the 21 st . may A. D. 1803 . the board met at 12. o'clock at the Court house, agreable to the advertisement ordered at their meeting of the 18 th . ins 1 . ; The Chairman laid before the electors present the object of the meeting, to wit, the necessity of repairing the Corporation Warves, and of Course to raise a certain Sum of money for that purpose; but So few Electors attended that the Trustees after waiting an hour ad- journed the town meeting Sine die. The board of Trustees was then formed upon their private business. The Chairman laid before the board an ordinance respecting Swine, which he had prepared at the request of the board, it was read, approved of, and ordered to be entered in the minutes in the following words — viz AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trus- tees of the town of Detroit, this twenty first day of may A. D. 1803, in order to preserve the health & Safety of its Inhabitants. WHEREAS Swine running at large within the Stockade are filthy, troublesome & dangerous 36 duty of the Marshall It is therefore ordained by the board of Trustees that no Swine will be suffered to run at large, within the Stockades of the town, on any pretext whatever, nor will any be suffered to run at large on the domaine nor below the town within the limits of Said Corporation, unless they are ring'd and yoked. That it Shall be the duty of the Messenger of Said Corpora- duty of the messenger tion to take up each and every Swine So found running at large, either on his own view, or on information, and it or them Secure within his enclosure, and Shall advertise the Same on the engine house for the Space of forty eight hours from the time they were So taken up, describing, as near as possible, the marks of the Swine So taken up. if any owner Shall appear & prove his or her property within the Said forty eight hours, he or She Shall pay the said Messenger the Sum of fifty cents per head, as a reward for his trouble & expence in taking up and feeding — and further Shall pay a fine of fifty cents more for the use of Said Corporation, which fine Shall by the Messenger be paid into the hands of the treasurer, taking receipt for the Same. And if no owner or Owners Shall appear within the Said forty eight hours, it Shall be the duty of the Marshall of Said Corporation to Sell the Same at public Vendue to the highest bidder, and out of the monies arising from Such Sale he Shall retain in his hands the Sum of fifty cents, for his trouble, fifty cents for the Messenger, and fifty cents more for the use of Said Corporation, for each head So Sold; and the overplus, if any, to be paid to the Owner by proving his or her property before the Space of thirty days — and if no Owner Shall appear within the Said thirty days, then the said Marshall Shall pay into the hands of the Said Treasurer the overplus for the use of the Said Corporation, taking his receipt for the Same, which receipt he Shall file with the Secretary of the Corporation to be by him laid before the board of Trustees at their next Meeting, this ordinance to be in force from and after the first day of June A. D. 1803. The board passed also the following ordinance respecting dogs, as follows, to wit. AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trus- tees of the Corporation of the town of Detroit, the 21 st . first day of may A. D. 1803 to promote quietness & Safety of the Inhabi- tants thereof, and for other purposes. WHEREAS the great number of dogs now in the town are unreasonable and have become exceeding troublesome. Sec. 1 st . It is therefore ordained by the board of Trustees that from and after the first day of June next no elector within Said Corporation will be permitted to Keep more than one dog 36 or bitch; any elector desirous of Keeping more will pay a tax of one dollar and fifty Cents for each over and above the one allowed. Sec. 2 d . The marshall of the Corporation is duly authorised after the first day of June next to Enquire of each and every householder within the Said Corporation for the Number of dogs which he or She are desirous of Keeping, and each and every person are required to produce them to him, in order to enable the said Marshall to take an exact list of the number and description of Said dogs, any Individual refusing to comply with the requisit of this Section, on complaint of the marshall to the board of Trustees, Shall pay a fine of ten dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the Said board. Sec. 3 d . In order to prevent the noise & trouble occasioned by dogs following bitches, when in Season for Copulation, each & every householder owners of Such bitches, are Strictly en- joined to Keep them Close Shut up during that period; and if any bitch Shall be found running at large, when in that State, the Marshall & Messenger are authorised to take her up and make diligent Enquiry for the owner who Shall pay a fine of five dol- lars, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. Sec. 4 th . It is further ordained by the board of Trustees that all and every person or persons residing within the bounds of Said Corporation and do not pay an annual rent of forty dollars are Strictly forbidden Keeping any animals described, as afore- said ; under the penalty of ten dollars, to and for the use of Said Corporation, or any lesser Sum at the discretion of the board of Trustees. I] g B91 And the board adjourned to the 1 st . day of June next at 12. o'clock at noon. Trustees present James May Rob 1 . Abbott Ch». Curry Esq" ON WEDNESDAY 1 st . June A. D. 1803 the board Met at 12. o'clock, at noon agreable to adjournment. Joseph Harrison & Joseph Campeau inspectors of ladders, water-barrels &c. attended, but made no report ; their excuse was that one of them had been confined by Sickness ; the board ad- mitted the excuse, but ordered that they Should report on mon- day the 20 th . June ins 1 , at 12 o'clock at noon. The board requested their Chairman to frame an ordinance respecting Carters, and have it ready for monday 20 th . ins 1 , at 12 . o'clock. Upon application Louis Pelletier is permitted to keep a dog for the Safety of the Jail, although he does not pay an annual rent of forty dollars. 37 And the board adjourned to monday 20 th . June ins 1 , at 12. o'clock at noon. ON MONDAY the 20 th . June A. D. 1803 the board met at Trustees oresem 12. o'clock at noon agreable to adjournment. "Rob" Abbott Joseph Harrison & Joseph Campeau Inspectors &c did not ^ha '^"scott attend and were fined five dollars, a piece, for not attending this Elij* Brush day and make their their report agreable to order, the board order q " their Secretary to notify them to attend their next meeting to Shew cause, if any they have why they Should not pay the fine, and also to make their report. Gabriel Godf roy was fined one dollar for one of his horses fine 15 ° having been taken up, when running at large in the Streets of the town of Detroit, for the use of the Corporation, and also half of a dollar to Louis Pelletier for feeding the horse. &c. The Messenger paid to the Treasurer 50 Cents for fine in- curred and paid to him by David M c Clain for one of his hogs taken up. Augustin Longon was appointed by the board, Messenger vice Louis Pelletier excused. Joseph Voyez esq 1 ", paid to the Treasurer a fine of one dollar incurred by francois Delille his apprentice for running a horse & Chair in the town of Detroit. A Negro-man of John Michel Yack, (on complaint of James May esq r .) was fined a dollar for Galloping a horse in the Streets of the town of Detroit. The board order the Marshall to attend at their next meet- ing, and make his report respecting dogs. The board adjourned to monday next 27 th . June ins 1 , at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. Previous to the above adjournment the Court ordered that the Collector to attend at their next meeting, and make his report, respecting taxes or fines due, agreable to a duplicate which the Secretary is directed to furnish him with — adjourned. — fine 0.50 paid to Treasurer dol. fine 1.0 paid to treasurer fine 1.0 ON MONDAY the 27 th . June A. D. 1803 the board met at Trustees present the Court house in the town of Detroit, at 10 o'clock in the fore- Robl Abbott noon, r.greable to adjournment. e Bmsh Scott Joseph Harrison & Joseph Campeau Inspectors &c. attended Esq" the board, and were excused of the fine pronounced against them at their last Meeting by the board of Trustees. The Said Inspectors laid before the board their reports against the following Delinquents viz. J. B te . Bouette — W m . Allen, Henry Berthelet, Rob 1 . Munro — Rob 1 . Gouie — Augustin Longon, 4 <~ ■ 3 38 5. doll. Taxes paid to the treasurer Ace*, of Pelletier Setled & Paid 4 doll. Th s . Jarden, David M c Clain, Joseph Voyes — J. B te . Comparet, frederick Bates, Rob 1 . & James Abbott; Geo: Smart, Chittendon & Horner, Rob 1 . Abbott, Geo: Meldrum, Vanderhyden, RicbA Smith, Charles Jouett, & Th s . Welch; they were all fined and the board ordered their Sec y . to notify them to attend this board on Wednesday the 20 th . day of July next at 10. o'clock in the fore- noon, to Shew cause, if any they have why they Should not pay the Said fine, and the board ordered the Said report to be filed. John Bentley Collector attended the board & reported that he had Collected five dollars on the old taxes due to the Corporation, and paid the Same to the treasurer before the Board. Louis Pelletier (former Messenger) presented his account to the board amounting to four dollars, the Board examined and approved the Same, and ordered their Secretary to draw an order on the treasurer for the payment of the Same, and it was done before the board. Richard Smith (Marshall) attended, and handed to the board of Trustees his report respecting dogs, which was filed by order of the board. The following ordinance was read by paragraph and passed viz. AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trus- tees of the Corporation of the town of Detroit this twenty Seventh day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three. WHEREAS injuries are oftentimes occasioned to Individuals by persons passing and repassing, or travelling thro Small & Compact towns in a hasty and unguarded & expeditious Manner, in order therefore to remedy the evil that might or could arise in consequence thereof, Sec. 1 st . Be it therefore ordained by the Said board of Trus- tees, that, from and after the promulgation of this ordinance, no person or persons Shall, under any pretence whatsoever, be per- mitted to run any horse, mare, or gelding through any of the Streets of the town of Detroit, within the Stockade; neither Shall any person be permitted to gallop, canter, trot, or pace, his or their Said horse, mare, or gelding, or to drive any carriage, or cart through any of the Said Streets, or to turn any corner or pass through either of the north-East or South-west gates leading out of the Stockade of the Said town of Detroit, but upon the walk only; and if any person or persons Shall be Seen or found offending against any part of the aforesaid ordinance, he, She, or they Shall for each and every Such offense forfeit and pay the Sum of one dollar. 39 Sec. 2 d . And be it further ordained by the authority afore- said that no person or persons Shall be admitted to turn any horse, mare or gelding into or drive them loose to Water or elsewhere, through any of the aforesaid Streets within the Stock- ade of the town of Detroit aforesaid, and if any person or per- sons Shall be Seen or found offending against any part of the aforesaid Section of this ordinance, he, She, or they So offending Shall for each & every Such offense, or for each and every Such horse, mare or gelding that is Seen loose or found to be driving or driven through any of the aforesaid Streets, within the Stock- ade, as aforesaid, forfeit & pay the Sum of two dollars. Sec. 3 d . And it is further ordained by the authority afore- said, that it Shall be the duty of the marshall of Said Corpora- tion, or of the Messenger to the Said board of Trustees, and lawfull for any other person or persons to take up and arrest any person or persons that Shall be Seen or found in Violation of any part of the aforesaid ordinance, and him, her, or them forthwith to Convey or take before Some one of the Trustees of the Said Corporation and upon his or their Complaint, on oath, that Such person or persons has been found in Violation of the aforesaid ordinance, it Shall be the duty of Such Trustee to impose the fine of one dollar on Such person or persons, which Said fine So imposed Shall be paid down by the person or per- sons against whom it is adjudged, and in case of his or their refusal, So to do, it Shall and may be lawfull for the said Trus- tee to Commit Such Delinquent or Delinquents to prison, there to be and remain at his own expence and Charges untill he Shall pay and Satisfy Said fine, together with all reasonable cost ac- cruing from his non compliance, or untill he be otherwise dis- charged by due Course of law. Sec. 4 th . And be it further ordained by the authority afore- said that if in case any horse, Mare, or gelding is Seen, or found loose in the Streets, within the Stockade, as aforesaid, it Shall be the duty of Said Marshall or Messenger, and lawfull for any other person or persons to apprehend and take them before Some one of the Trustees, and upon his or their Complaint, as afore- said, it Shall be the duty of the Said Trustee to impose the fine of two dollars upon every Such horse, mare or gelding, as is taken up, and if the Owner thereof be Known, and doth not appear to discharge Said fine, the Said horse, mare, or gelding Shall remain pledged with the person taking him, or them, up, and Shall moreover be liable to be put out to use Sufficient to pay and Satisfy his, her, or their Keeping — but if the Owner be unknown, at the time of taking up Said horse, mare, or Gelding, and imposing Said fine, it Shall be the duty of the trustee im- 40 posing the Same, to give public notice thereof, by causing the Same to be advertised upon the engine house for the Space of three months Successively, describing, as nearly as may be, all natural and artificial Marks; and if at the expiration of this time, no Owner Shall appear, the Said board of trustees Shall cause the Said horse, mare, or gelding to be Sold ; and the Said fine, together with all reasonable cost arising from the Keeping and Sale, to be first paid and Satisfied ; and the overplus of money, if any there be, Shall be and remain to and for the use of Said Corporation, Subject Nevertheless to be paid over to the Owner, if he Shall appear at any time within the Space of one year after the Sale of Said horse, mare, or gelding, and prove to the Satisfaction of the Said board of trustees that the Same was his lawfull and just property. Sec. 5 th . And be it further ordained by the authority afore- said, that if any person or persons Shall think him or themselves aggrieved by the definitive Sentence of an Individual Trustee, it Shall & may be lawfull for him or them to make, and exhibit his, or their complaint to the next general Meeting of the board of trustees Stating the Cause of Such his or their Complaint ; and if upon examination thereof, the Said board of Trustees, or a majority of them Shall be of opinion that the Complainant is truly aggrieved, they Shall award, and order Such fine or pen- alty, as was adjudged against him by the Said trustee, to be paid back and restored. Sec. 6 th . And be it further ordained by the authority afore- said that all fines & forfeitures imposed by virtue of the preceed- ing ordinance Shall be the one half to the use of the Complainant or complainants, and the other half to and for the use of the Said Corporation. Sec. 7 th . And be it further ordained by the authority afore- said, that So much of an ordinance passed by the board of Trus- tees of the Corporation of the Said town of Detroit on the 21 st . day of July A. D. 1S02 intitled "an ordinance for the Cleanlyness of the Said town of Detroit" as comes within the purview of this ordinance, be, and the Same is hereby repealed. And the board of Trustees passed also the following ordi- nance viz — AN ORDINANCE for the better regulating of Taverns within the Corporation of the town of Detroit, made and passed on the twenty Seventh day of June A. D. 1803. WHEREAS it has been represented to the board of Trustees that too great incouragement is given to druukness, idleness, and 41 profanity on the Sabbath day, by Publicans, or tavern-Keepers within the Corporation of the town of Detroit — Sec. 1 st . Be it therefore ordained that no licenced tavern- Keeper, within the corporation of the town of Detroit, Shall Suffer any minors, apprentices, Servants, or Negroes to Set drinking in their houses, at any time, or to have any Strong drink, without Special order & allowances of their parents or masters; nor Shall they Suffer any other persons, (Strangers & travallers excepted) to meet together in companies, in their tav- erns, on the Sabbath day or on either of the evenings preceeding, or following, the Said Sabbath day ; or after ten o'clock on the evening of any other day, and there to Sit tipling and drinking, under the penalty of ten dollars, or any lesser Sum at the discre- tion of the board of trustees, to be awarded against them on the evidence of one creditable Witness, or on view of either of the trustees ; the one half whereof Shall be given to the Complainant, and the other half to the use & benflt of the Said Corporation, and Shall moreover forfeit and loose his licence at the discretion of the board of trustees. This ordinance to be in force from and after the publishing hereof. The board adjourned to Wednesday the 20 th . of July next at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. ON WEDNESDAY the 20 th . July A. D. 1803. the board met Trustees present at the Court house, at 10. in the forenoon, agreable to adjourn- ment. Chittendon & Horner attended & Were fined $ " 50 for 1 bucket missing Geo : Smart David Vanderhyder Geo : Meldrum Rich d . Smith, J. B te . Comparet David M c Clain Thomas Jorden W m . Allen Henry Berthelet Rob 1 . & James Abbott Rob 1 . Abbott Rob 1 . Munro Austin Longon Thomas Welch frederick Bates 2. buckets wanted 2. d°. & 1 bll. d°. . 2. d°. . . d°. . 1 bll. wanted 1. bucket d°. 1 long ladder d°. wants 1 ladder on the roof 2 . buckets wanted 2 . ladders— d°. 1 bll & 2. buckets d°. 1 buckett d°. every article d°. 1 bll. d°. 1 ladder d°. 1 bucket I . 2. 1. 1. ".50 2. 1. 1. 3 2 ".50 5 1 1. " 50 James May Ch s . Curry W m . M. Scott E. Brush Esq r Amounting together to $23.0 42 On the report of Charles Curry Esq 1 "., one of the Trustees, the following persons were fined for Cantering in the Streets of the town of Detroit — viz — Barnabe Campeau John Meldrum James Henry Esq 1 ". at 1. doll, each $6.. Joseph Voyez, Jun r . Rich d . Smith D r . W m . Brown Thomas Jones was fined for cantering a horse 50 C ts . Sol. Sibley Esq r . d°. for his horse being loosse in town 1 00 by D r . Scott who paid the Money to Sec y . for the treasurer — then absent. M r . Newkam fined 2 doll, for a horse loose in town by D r . Scott — not paid. The board directed their Secretary to notify the Command- ing officer of the Garrison that the public Slaughter house is reported to this board as a nuisance, and that he is requested to issue his orders that the Same be Kept Clean. The board adjourned to Saturday next 23 d . July ins*, at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. ON SATURDAY 23 d . July A.D.1803 the board met at the Court house at lO.o'clock.A.M. agreable to adjournment. Thomas Dery & Prisque Cote, Sen r . were reported to have carried filth out of the gates, contrary to law, and the Secretary was directed to notify them to attend this board on Saturday the 30 th . July ins 1 , at 10. in the forenoon to Shew cause, if any they have, why they Should not pay fine. James Henry Esq 1 ". ) attended and were discharged of paying Geo : Meldrum > their respective fines pronounced against Rob 1 . & J 3 . Abbott J them at the last meeting of the board. The board ordered a warrant to be issued against RobV Munro. And the board adjourned to 1 st . day of august at 10.A.M. ON MONDAY the 1 st . day of august A.D. 1803, the board met at the Court house at 10. in the forenoon, agreable to adjournment. Prisque Cote attended the board, and was fined one dollars for carrying filth out of the North-East gate &. Thomas Derry attended and was fined one dollar for carting 1. doll. p«. to treasurer fikh Qut of the South-west gate. Trustees present Jas.' May R. Abbott ChV Curry W m . M. Scott Esq" 1. dol. p A . to treasurer 43 Rob*. Munro attended, was heard in his defence, and excused from paying the fine pronounced against him; but the Secretary was ordered to notify to the Commanding officer of the Gar- rison that the house occupied by M r . Munro is to be furnished with bucketts, barrell &c. ladders, and bags, &c agreable to the ordinance of the board of trustees passed the 25 th . feb y . 1802. On motion of W m . M. Scott Esq r . the board ordered that the words "in full Speed" and quick" inserted in the first Section of the ordinance passed the 27 th . June last, be erased, and they were erased accordingly by the Chairman in open board, with the Consent & approbation of the Majority of the board; and that the Section So amended Shall be in force after the Seventh day of august ins*. — On motion of the Sec y . is ordered to notify to John Gentle & Jacob Clemens that the drain from their respective lots to the river is reported as a nuisance ; which is to be removed by them and all persons Concerned in the Same, against the first monday in September next. On motion, a Similar Notification was ordered to Widow Abbott, Widow Callahan, Rob 4 . Gouie, & Jn°. Dodemead, Esq 1 ", that the drain from their respective lots to the river is reported as a nuisance, which is to be removed by them and all persons concerned in the Same, against the first monday in Septber next. On Motion, the Secretary was ordered to notify to James Henry esq r . that a necessary house (on a lot now in his charge) Joining the wall of M rs . Widow Abbott's house, is reported as a nuisance, which must be removed against the first monday in September next. And on motion ; the Secretary was ordered to notify to John Bentley & Jacob Clemens that the necessary houses on their respective lots, are reported as a nuisance which must be re- moved by them respectively against the first monday in Septem- ber next. And the board adjourned to monday the 5 th . of September next at 10. in the forenoon. SPECIAL MEETING— Called— On WEDNESDAY 3 d . August A. D. 1803 the board met at T rustees present the Court at 11. o'clock in the forenoon. Si 1 "- 9« r «;y W m . M. Scott On complaint Against James May Esq 1 ", for having Sent to lob^Abbott market yesterday morning, beef not Sound &c. Esq' 44 fine IS doll. fine - 25 c ts fine 50 c ts paid to treasurer were Sworn, in Support of the Com- plaint, & gave their evidence John Watson Joseph Thibaud Benj n . Chittendon Thomas Nowlen D r . James Wilkinson Jean Simare was Sworn ; in exculpation, and was heard And the board pronounced a fine of fifteen dollars to be paid by James May Esq 1 ". On Complaint against a young Negro boy of James May Esq 1- , for carrying filth out of the S. W. gate of the town &. Samuel M c Kee was Sworn in Support of the Complaint &c. and the board pronounced a fine of 25. cents to be paid by James May Esq r . On complaint Against Thomas Nowlen for Sending filth out of the S. W. Gate &c. Thomas Derry was Sworn in Support of the Complaint &c. and the board pronounced a fine of 50 Cents to be paid by Thomas Nowlen. And the board adjourned to the first monday in September next. Trustees present James May Rob 1 . Abbott Ch s . Curry Esq" ON FRIDAY the 9 th . of September A. D. 1803, the board met at the Court house at 12. at noon. The petition of John Bentley for a tavern licence was taken up, and granted. The board took in consideration the propriety & necessity of repairing the merchants' warf and Appointed Rob 1 . Abbott & Geo : Meldrum to contract with any person who will do it at the Cheapest rate, if the Sum demanded does not exceed fifty dol- lars over & above the Sum of money Subscribed for; and also upon the Condition that, if the Sum demanded exceeds the Sum subscribed for, the Contractor Shall wait for the overplus untill the treasurer of the Corporation, has in his hands money Suffi- cient to discharge the Same; and the Secretary Shall notify M r . Meldrum. The board appointed James Henry Esq r . & M r . James Abbott Inspectors of the fire regulations and to report to this board on monday 26 th . ins 1 , at 10. in the forenoon. Secretary is to notify their appointment. WHEREAS it is reported to this board that Some unknown persons did, on the night of the 31 st . august last, forced open the pound of the Corporation and took away nine hogs which had been taken & Shut up in it the day before, Now The board of trustees direct their Secretary to put up an advertisement in french & english offering a reward of ten dollars to any person who Shall discover & Convict the perpetrators. 45 And the board adjourned to Monday 19 th . Sept ber . ins 1 , o'clock in the forenoon. at 10, ON MONDAY the 19 th . September A. D. 1803 the board Trustees present met at 10. o'clock in the forenoon. fi^bT Abbott The petition of Conrad Seek for a tavern licence was pre- ct£ ^"scott sented to the board, and granted. Esq" On motion of D r . W m . M. Scott Esq r . the board ordered the following amendment to the ordinance of the 27 th . June last be entered, and published in english & french. viz. "That no persons be allowed to ride or drive any Kind of published "Carriage, thro, the Streets of the town of Detroit, faster than a "travelling gait, (to be left to the View of one of the Trustees "or to the testimony of one credible Witness) under the penalty "of one dollar for each and every offense." The board appoint James May Esq 1 ", to enquire about the engine, to ascertain whether it is in order fit [for] immediate use, and if not to cause it to be repaired and place [d] in the Engine house. And the board passed the following Ordinance, and ordered the Same to be published in english & french. viz AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of trus- tees of the Corporation of the town of Detroit, passed the 19 th . day of Sept ber . A. D. 1803. WHEREAS it is very dangerous to the Safety of the town to carry fire open & uncovered, through the Streets &c. &c. Be it therefore ordained by the Said board of Trustees, that no per- son or persons whatsoever be allowed to carry thro, the Streets of Said town fire open & uncovered, on a Shovel, or otherwise, any person or persons offending against this ordinance, on View of one of the trustees, or on the testimony of one credible Wit- ness Shall forfeit and pay the Sum of five dollars, or any lesser Sum, at the discretion of the board of Trustees. And the board adjourned to monday next 26 th . instant at 10. in the forenoon. ON MONDAY the 26 th . September A. D. 1803 the board met at 10. in the forenoon agreable to adjournment. The report of the Inspectors of houses & fire articles &c. was presented to the board, and ordered to be filed ; and the Secretary was directed to notify to all the delinquents, by a general adver- tisement, to attend this board on monday next the 3 d . day of October at 10. o'clock in the forenoon, to Shew Cause if any they have why they Should not be fined, according to law. Trustees present May Abbott Curry Scott Brush Esq" $1.75. —.75 —50 46 The board appointed the following persons to work the fire Engine under the direction of D r . William M. Scott Esq r . ap- pointed this day director of the Same, and to attend as often as required by Said director Batiste Picquet John Conner Conrad Seek Louis Lognon Thomas Jorden Abraham Cook viz Prisque Cote Jun r Joseph Cote Augustin Lafoy Batiste Pelletier Pierre Pelletier Jacques Girardin Jeanb te . Comparet, Jun r . The board do authorise D r . William M. Scott Esq r . director of the engine, to See that the Engine & engine house be in good order & a proper State of repairs, and to furnish his account of expenditure to this board. James May Esq 1 ", reported by the Inspectors to be deficient in a ladder & water barrell, was fined $1.75. D r . W m . M. Scott esq r . reported by the Inspectors to be de- ficient in a water barrell, was fined $0.75. Peter Audrain reported deficient in a Short Small ladder to hang on the Chimney . 50 Cents. RATES of FINES determined by the board viz for 1 long ladder 1 Small d°. $ 2 1 tt << 1 Water barrell (empty) « 75 1 Water barrell. wanting 1 pole ears 1. «< << 25 25 1 leather bag 1 Shop bag 1 buckett 1 « «< 50 50 And the board adjourned to Monday next the Third day of October next. Trustees present James May Rob'. Abbott Ch". Curry D r . Scott E. Brush Esq" p d . to treasurer p d . to treasurer ON MONDAY the third day of October A.D. 1803 the board met at 11. o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court house agreable to adjournment. Israel Hunt attended, and was fined $ Chittendon & Horner d° & d° Conrad Seek d° & d° Abraham Cook d° & d° Cap'. Pratt d° & d° Martin Myers d° & d° c ts . 50 .50 .25 75 50 25 47 d° & d° d° & d° d° & d° d° & d° Joseph Harrison d° & d° Peter Desnoyers d° & d° John Burrell d° and was excused Teophile Mette d° & was fined Thomas Jorden d° & d° Charles Jouett d° & d° Rob 1 . Munro did not attend & d° Louis Lognon attended & d° Rob 1 . Gouie did not attend & d° [continued on next page of journal] frederick Bates did not attend & was fined D r . James Wilkinson d° d° & d° Rev d . M r . Richard d° James fraser d° Geo: Meldrum d° Alexis Coquillard d° Amounting together to Seventeen dollars. $17.0 And the Secretary is directed to furnish the Collector with a duplicate for Collection. The board ordered their Secretary to notify James Abbott, Widow Callahan & John Dodemead Esq r . to attend this board on the 1 st . monday in November next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to Shew cause why they Should not be fined for not removing the nuisance Complained of to this board on the 1 st . of august. A Similar Notification for James Henry Esq r . A Similar Notification to John Bentley & Jacob Clemens. WHEREAS it is well Known to this board that the protestant Burying ground is in a very bad order, Charles Curry Esq r . is requested by this board to open a Subscription for that object and report thereon at next meeting of Trustees. And WHEREAS this board has information that Colonel Hunt has Sent down orders to remove the pickets betwen the garden now in the possession of the Commanding officer of this garrison, and the Garden formerly used by Cap 1 . Ernest, in order to make but one garden of the two for the use of Said Col. Hunt when he Shall come & take the Command of the Garrison, of Detroit, and also to extend the north-east pickets as far as the Store house in the Ship-yard ; now the board of Said Corporation meaning in futur[e] to exercise a right over those gardens, as an appendage of the Commons, and of right belonging to the use & benefit of the Said Corporation, request that the Said order u D. Vanderhyden, excused 5.75 The board ordered their Clerk to notify Joseph Campeau to attend this board on Thursday the 26 th . ins 1 , at 10. in the fore- noon to Shew cause, if any he has, why he Should not be fined for driving his horse immoderately through the Streets of the the town of Detroit. And the board made & passed the following ordinance viz — AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trustees of the Corporation of the town of Detroit this Sixteenth day of July A.D. 1804 ; to regulate the Warf age of the Corporation Warf, Commonly Called the Merchants' Warf; WHEREAS Considerable expences have been incurred by the Corporation of Detroit, in the repairs of what has been Commonly Called the Merchants' warf: and WHEREAS a constant attention, and also an occasional expenditure of money will be necessary to Keep Said Warf in a State Suitable for the lading and unlading of goods, and to answer the ordinary purposes of the town, the board of Trustees of the Corporation of the town of Detroit ordain, fix, and establish the following rates viz. Each & every vessell of, or above 20 tons burthen, to be paid on her arrival, without reference to the particular object of her Coming . . . . • • • • . $1 . 50 Each & every batteau, in like manner " 25 Each and every perogue or canoe, in like manner " 12J-4 Each & every freeholder, tenant, or heads of family desirous of getting their water from Said Warf, annually in advance . . . . .1.0 with this exception nevertheless, that during the market-hours of those market days established by this board, no warfage Shall be collected from boats, perogues, canoes, or other Small crafts coming to market with the produce of the Country. 67 Sec. 2 d . That James Abbott esq r . be appointed to Super- intend the observance of this ordinance : that it Shall be his duty to cause Such repairs to be made to the warf aforesaid, as this board Shall from time to time direct ; and that he be allowed five per Cent on the Collection of all warfage money : that he Keep fair accounts of receipt and expenditures, which Said accounts he Shall Setle quarterly, and the ballance, if any, remains in his hands, deposit with the treasurer of the Corpora- tion. This ordinance to be in force from and after the first day of August next. And the board adjourned to Thursday the 26 th . ins 1 , at 10 in the forenoon. -TOWN MEETING- ON THURSDAY the 26 th . July A.D. 1804. the board met Trustees present at 10 in the forenoon agreable to adjournment, and to notice j.' Abbott • Jos h . Wilkinson given, frederick Bates Jeanb te . Comparet applied to the board for a tavern-licence, Es i" and it was granted. John Bentley was appointed Inspector of fire regulations in lieu of Ben : Chittenden, absent The board proceeded to the business of the town, the object of which was to obtain votes from the Inhabitants for raising a certain Sum of money for the purpose of Defraying certain expences incurred and now due for the repairs made to the merchants Warf, and on the question Shall a tax be laid on the Tax of Inhabitants within the Corporation for raising a Sum of £2 twenty nine pounds eight Shillings new y k . Currency for the purpose aforesaid? it was agreed to unanimously; to be raised in the following manner, viz — a Capitation of 25. Cents per head, and the residue on fixed property. Adjourned to 1 st . monday in august next. ON MONDAY the 6 th august A.D. 1804, the board met at Trustees present 10. in the forenoon agreable to adjournment. Abbott The Chairman laid before the board a memorandum of the Wilkinson monies by him Collected by writing to Delinquents fined, instead Bate | sq „ of issued warrants, as prescribed by the board, amounting to Eleven dollars and twenty five cents, which he paid to the $ 1125 treasurer, on his receipt in open board. Viz 88 from James f raser . $2. if Geo. Meldrum 1 " Rob 1 . Munro 25 1 1 25 1. 50 25 Jos h . Campeau u 75 Rich d . Smith 2 75 Matt w . Donavan 1 a Gaspard Abraham 3 • i $11.25 The report of the Inspectors of fire regulations Mess rs . Smart & Bentley was filed, and is, as follows. Viz Elijah Brush Esq r . deficient in one ladder of the back house Communicating ladder too Short on the front house. James Dodemead Esq r . deficient in water-bucketts & barrell Woolsey Esq r . deficient in bucketts, Ears to the water- barrell and pole, the board ordered their Sec y . to notify Delinquents to attend this board on 1 st . monday in September next, at 10. in the fore- noon to Shew cause, why they Should not be fined. The board appointed Jeanb te . Picquet Collector in lieu of Peter Desnoyers absent. The board appointed Inspectors of fire regulation John Dode- mead and William M c . Scott Esq rs . to report on 1 st monday in September next, i. doii. Joseph Campeau was fined one Dollar for driving his horse immoderately thro, the Streets of the town. The account of Thomas M c crae clerk of the market was ex- amined and passed for $10.37^4 On Complaint the board order their Sec*, to notify to Ruland, Clerk to M r . Berthelet to attend this board on the 1 st . monday in September to Shew cause why he Should not be fined for Galloping a horse immoderately thro, the Streets of the town. And the board passed the following Ordinance viz AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trus- tees of the Corporation of the town of Detroit, this Sixth day of august A.D.1804. WHEREAS it is Suggested to this board that the ordinance made & passed by this board on the Sixteenth day of July A.D. 180-1., So far as it relates to the Inhabitants getting water by passing upon Said warf, is attended with great inconvenience, NOW therefore be it ordained by the board of Trustees that So much of said ordinance as requires each and every person making use of Said Warf for the purpose of getting water to pay one dollar per annum, be and the Same is hereby repealed. 69 And the board adjourned to the first monday in September next. ON FRIDAY the 31 st . august A.D.1804. the board met at 10. Trustees present in the forenoon agreable to notice given by order. The board passed the following ordinance, to wit, AN ORDINANCE made & established by the board of Trus- tees of the Corporation of the town of Detroit, this 31 st . august A.D.1804. The board of trustees of the Corporation of the town of De- troit, for the better police, and in order to insure additional Security to the town from the Danger to be apprehended from Indians, as well as other persons, and from fire, owing to the negligence of the Inhabitants, do ordain as follows to wit, 1 st from the Voluntary inrollment & association of a number of Citizens heretofore made, there Shall be formed a patrole, who in regular rotation Shall be employed as a nightly Watch. 2 d . The Said Watch Shall be Composed of five persons, one of whom Shall be elected Captain, or Conductor for the night, all whose legal & proper orders Shall be promptly obeyed by those, a majority of whom have Chosen him. 3 d . The Said Patrole Shall have power, and it is hereby made their Especial Duty, to take up, question, and Confine in the Watch house, all disorderly and riotous persons found in the Streets, or elsewhere, within the limits of Said town, after the Commencement of their Watch, and all persons of every descrip- tion, after the hour of eleven o'clock in the evening, who cannot, or who refuse to give a Satisfactory account of themselves, to be further dealt with agreable to law. 4 th It Shall be the duty of the Said Watch, on observing a light in any house, after the Said hour of eleven, to enquire the Occasion thereof, lest it Should be burning without the Knowl- edge of the family. 5 th . John Dodemead Esquire is Charged with the execution of this ordinance: he Shall form the Watches, prescribe the order in which they Shall Serve, and in all respects endeavour to ac- complish the purposes of Security contemplated by this board. 6 th . And it is further ordained that the Court house be adopted as the Watch-house for the purposes of this Ordinance. 7 th . And be it further ordained that the first Watch, or patrole be held on the evening of the first day of September next, Sibley Abbott Wilkinson Berthelet Bates Esq". 70 and to be Continued each and every night after till the first day of December next; Such persons as may be ordered to Keep the Watch, to be and assemble, at Said Court house at the hour of nine, in the evening, and not depart therefrom, except to patrole through the town, till day-light in the Morning. And the board directed their Secretary to publish the above ordinance in english & french. And the board adjourned to Monday 3 d . day of September next, at 10 in the forenoon. Trustees present Abbott Wilkinson Bates Berthelet Esq". ON MONDAY the 3 d . September A.D.1804, the board met at 10. in the forenoon agreable to adjournment. The Collector reported that Joseph Campeau had refused to pay his fine of one Dollar — Rob 1 . Smart 2 fines of 50 cents, each and Mons r . Lasserier 1 fine of one dollar, and the board ordered that the Chairman to issue Warrants against them for the payment of Said fines. The Collector paid to the Treasurer to wit, $1.0 for James Abbott's fine 1.0 for Rob 1 . Abbott's d°. 75 for Charles Curry's d°. . 2. 75 M r . Allen Clerk to M r . Woolsey attended & was excused M r . Ruland, Clk to M r . Berthelet attended and was fined $1 James Dodemead was excused Elijah Brush Esq r . did not attend, and was fined 2. The Inspectors of fire regulations, Mess rs . Dodemead & Scott brought in their report as follows, to wit. Rob 1 . Abbott no water in his barrell Rev d . Gab 1 . Richard n° water in d°. James Abbott, long ladder not good Rob 1 . Gouie, no ears to his barrell & one bucket Wanting Charles Jouett Esq r . no water in his barrell Geo : Smart — one buckett Wanting James Dodemead no barrell Sam 1 . Allen, no ears & no pole to his barrell french School-Master, nothing Batiste Peltier's Shop nothing Jas. Henry Esq 1 *, long ladder wanting to his house in the garden The board appointed Mess rs . Teyneick & Watson Inspectors of fire regulations to report on the first monday in October, and to go round twice. 71 The board order their Chairman to draw on the Treasurer the Sum of Two dollars favor of M r . Bellecour as a Compensation for his trouble for taking the list of the Inhabitants within the bounds of the Corporation for a poll tax. The petition of John Bentley for a tavern-licence was granted. The petition of Conrad Seek for d°. ordered to lay over. Mess 1 " 8 . Abbott & Bates are appointed to assess the tax to be levied on fixed property. And the board adjourned to the first Monday in October next at 10. in the forenoon. ON MONDAY the first October 1804, the board met at 10. Trustees present o'clock agreable to adjournment. jo^wnkinlon The report of Mess 1 " 3 . TenEyck & Watson was presented, and frederic* Bates ordered to be filed ; as follows — Viz John Harvey no water in his barrell Richard Smith no Joseph Campeau no John fearson no D r . W m . Scott no M rs . Widow Abbott no Archer Horner no Sam 1 . Tupper no ears to his barrell M 1 " 3 . Widow Coates, no pole And the board do order their Secretary to notify the above Delinquents to attend this board on the 1 st . monday in November next at 10. in the forenoon to Shew cause, if any they have, why they Should not be fined &c. Conrad Seek renewed his application for a Tavern licence, and the board granted the Same. The board do appoint John Conner, and Abraham Cook In- spectors of the fire regulations, they are to go round twice, and report to this board on the first monday in November, at 10. in the forenoon. WHEREAS it is reported to this board that one Chimney in Cap*. John fearson's house had taken fire on the day of September last, now the board order their Secretary to notify Said Cap 1 , fearson to attend this board on the 1 st . Monday in november next at 10 in the forenoon, to Shew cause why he Should not be fined & c .& c . Mons 1 ". Lasserier f rench School master attended & was excused Rob 4 . Abbott, for having no water in his barrell, was fined $.0 75 Rev d . Gab. Richard for d°. " 75 James Abbott, Esq r . excused " " d°. in d°. d°. in d°. d°. in d°. d°. in d°. excused by the board 17 th . Nov ber . 1804 d°. in d°. d°. in d°. «« It II It n Rob 1 . Gome, no ears to his barrell & 1. buckett wanting " 75 Charles Jouett, gone & excused " " Geo: Smart one buckett wanting " 50 James Dodemead no barrell 1 . " Sam 1 . Allen no ears & no pole to his barrell Batiste Peltier excused James Henry excused amounting to four dollars and twenty five Cents $ 4. 25 The board order that the Screws of the engine be put in good order and the expences attending to be paid by the Treasurer. The board grant leave to Charles Curry to put up a Stable on the Commons, to be removed at the pleasure of this board or of their Successors in office ; Mess 1-3 . Wilkinson & Bates are charged to point out the Spot. WHEREAS it appears to this board, that it is very necessary that a new memorial be framed and prepared to be forwarded to the Congress of the United States early in their Next Sessions, for the purpose of obtaining the division of the Indiana Terri- tory, the board do direct their Secretary to put up an advertise- ment in french & english, that on Saturday the 13 th . October inst*. a town meeting will be held at the Court house at 11. o'clock in the forenoon, where all the Citizens of the Corporation and its Vicinity are invited to attend, to give their opinion and their help towards promoting this business. And the board adjourned to the first Monday in November next at 10. in the forenoon. ON MONDAY the 3 d . day of November A.D.1804. the Trustees met at 10. in the forenoon, agreable to adjournment, but could not form a board on account of the Hon ble . the Circuit Court being then Setting. Trustees present ON SATURDAY the 17 th . of nov ber . A.D.1804, the board p. Wilkinson met at 10. in the forenoon, agreable to public notice given, by f. Bates order Esq" uruer. D r . W m . Scott was reported for his Chimney having been in fire Sometime about the first of November ins 4 , he Came in & voluntary Confessed the truth of the report; and thereupon was fined five dollars. John Conner & Abraham Cook, last Inspectors bro*. in their report which was ordered to be filed, and is as follows viz Isidore Peltier Louisa Peltier Rob 1 . Abbott Sam 1 . Tupper D r W m . Scott Joseph Griffard Anderson, Sadler John Watson Hatch Paul Bellair f. Bates 73 deficient of Water oct b " 15 tJ d°. of d°. d°. of d°. d°. of d°. d°. of two handles to his barrell d°. of one in ladder d°. of four rungs in ladder d°. of water & barrell d°. of one ladder d°. of Water d°. of Water & barrell nov b " 3. And the board ordered their Sec y . to notify Said Delinquents to attend this board on the first monday in December next, at 10. in the forenoon, to Shew cause, if any they have why they Should not be fined & c . The board appointed Rich d . Smyth Esq r . and John Gent[l]e Inspectors of fire regulations, to go round once, and report to this board on the first monday in December next at 10 in the forenoon. And the board adjourned to the first monday in December next at 10. in the forenoon. ON MONDAY the 3 d . December A.D.1804 the board met at Trustees present 10 o'clock, agreable to adjournment. wYikinson The board took up the report of Mess rs . Theneick & Watson Abbott made the first October last. Esq" Jn°. Harvey deficient of Water in his barrell, was fined $.0. 75 Rich d . Smyth Esq r . d°. d°. d°. " 75 Jos h . Campeau d°. d°. d°. " 75 John fearson d°. d°. d°. " 75 M rs . Widow Abbott d°. d°. d°. " 75 Archer Horner d°. d°. d°. " 75 M rs . Widow Coates wanting a pole d°. " 25 Sam 1 . Tupper not notified & excused $ 4=75 The following persons presented their petition for tavern- licences, and the Same was granted — viz John Dodemead Esq 1 ". John Conner Louis Bourguinon Mess 1-3 . Smyth & Gentle were reappointed Inspectors of fire regulations, as it appeared to the board that they had neglected to go round the last fortnight. 74 The board took up the report of Mess". Conner & Cook & c . Isidore Peltier excused. Rob 1 . Abbott deficient of Watter in his barrell, was fined $ 75 W m . M c . Scott Esq r . d°. of ears to his Louis Peltier, excused d°. Joseph Griffard Jn° Watson Roswell Hatch frederick Bates John fearson d°. of a rung in his ladder d°. of water in his barrell d°. of one ladder d°. of water in his barrell for his Chimney Ketching fire d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. 1 u 25 50 75 <« 75 it $ 7.0 The board appointed John Conner Marshall vice Th s . M c Crae Jun r . who has left the Country. And the board adjourned to the first Monday in January next 10. in the forenoon. Trustees present Abbott Wilkinson Bates Esq" ON MONDAY 7 th . January A.D. 1805. the board met at 10 o'clock agreable to adjournment. Mess rs . Smith & Gentle, Inspectors of fire regulations made their report as follows, to wit : Conrad Seek barrell frose Lasseliere no barrell Gab. Godfroy nothing Peter Desnoyers Barrell frose Ch s . Curry d°. d°. Jos h . Thibaud d°. d°. The board ordered their Secretary to notify the above De- linquents in the usual form. The board do appoint Daniel M c neal & francois Gobey In- spectors of fire regulations, to go round twice & report to this board on the first monday in february next at 10. in the forenoon. Ordered by the board that the Collector of the Corporation do pay to the Treasurer all monies in his hands. And the board adjourned to the first monday in february next at 10. in the forenoon. Trustees present Abbott Wilkinson Bates Esq" ON MONDAY the 4 th . feb y . A.D. 1805 the board met at 10. in the forenoon agreable to adjournment. M r . Jones, the hatter, reported Wanting 1 ground ladder — twice John Williams, his bll of water frosen (excused 4 th . of march) fred k . Bates Esq 1 ", no water in his barrell Mess house one ground ladder Wanted. 75 Augustin Lafoy & Jos h . Cote were appointed Inspectors of fire regulations and to go round twice, and to report to this board on the first Monday in march next. And the board adjourned to the first monday in march next at 10. in the forenoon. ON MONDAY 4 th March A.D. 1805. the board met at 10. Trustees present in the forenoon agreable to adjournment. Wilkinson The petition of Ann Coates for a tavern-licence was taken Bat E S 3 q« up and granted. The report of Mess rs . Lafoy & Cote Inspectors of fire regula- tions was presented and filed as follows — to wit. Joseph Griffard no water in his barrell John Conner water frosen in his barrell Conrad Seek no water in his barrell Rich d . Smyth's Shop no ears to his barrell M r . Lassilliere no barrell Sam 1 . Allen no barrell And the board ordered the above Delinquents to be notified in the usual manner. M r . Jones (hatter) attended and was fined $4.0 frederick Bates Esq r . d°. ".75 The board appointed Jos h . Campeau & John Williams Inspec- tors of fire regulations, to go round twice & report on 1 st mon- day in april. The board appointed James Dodemead director of the Engine in lieu of W m . M c . Scott Esq r . The board direct their Chairman to draw on the treasurer the Sum of $15.0 for the repairs of the Engine. The board appoint Mess rs . Wilkinson & Bates to go & exam- ine a Nuisance, complained of, on a lot adjoining M rs . Widow Abbott's house, and do empower them to order Said nuisance to be removed. And the board adjourned to first monday in april at 10. in the forenoon. SPECIAL MEETING ON FRIDAY the 15 th . day of March A. D. 1805. the board Trustees present met at 10. in the forenoon agreable to public Notice given. Wilkinson Upon Complaint made that Isaac Bissell had Carried fire un- B Elqr covered thro the Streets, contrary to the Ordinance of the 19 th of Sept ber . 1803, the board ordered Said Bissell to be brought i" 76 forward to answer to Said Complaint, and the Trustees having heard witnesses in Support of the complaint, and the defence of j 2 50 Said Isaac Bissell, they pronounced a fine of two dollars and fifty Cents against Said Bissell. And the board adjourned to the 1 st monday in april next at 10. in the forenoon. Tn^teespresent ON MONDAY the 1 st . day of April A.D. 1805. the board Wilkinson met at 10 in the forenoon, agreable to adjournment. Esq" Conrad Seek attended and was fined $ . 75 Joseph Griffard " 75 Samuel Allen 1. " Rich d . Smith Esq r . " 25 $: 2 75 M r . Lassilliere was excused. The board do direct their Secretary to advertise in french and english that the law respecting Market will be in force on friday next, as also the ordinance respecting the Sweeping Streets on every Saturday. The board do direct their Chairman to issue warrants against all persons indebted to the Corporation for fines now unpaid. The board took up the report of Mess rs . Campeau & Williams and ordered that all Delinquents be notified in the usual Way and to attend this board on Saturday 27 th . april ins 1 , at 10 in the forenoon. The report is as follows — to wit. — Alexis Coquillard one ladder wanted, or broken Mons r . Gab 1 . Richard one Teoph Mette one Bonnet Griffard two Tho 9 . Welch, no ears to his James Abbott Esq 1 ", one bucket wanted R d . Smyth's Shop. l.bll. wanted. 2. bucketts Jos h . Hosford. no d°. 2. d°. & no firebag. Isaac Bissell. no barrell.2. d°. no d°. Sam 1 . Allen one d°. d°. d°. Serg 4 . Hudson one d°. d°. d°. The board do appoint Mess™. W m . Scott & James Dodemead Inspectors of fire regulations, to go round, twice & c . and report on Saturday 27 th . april ins 1 . The board passed the following Ordinance — to wit — AN ORDINANCE made & Established by the board of Trus- tees of the Corporation of the town of Detroit this first day of april A.D. 1805. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. 77 Be it ordained by the Said board of Trustees that from and after the passing of this ordinance no person Shall in future throw a leaden, iron, or other ball formed of heavy Materials in the Streets of this Burrough, and any and every one found offend- ing therein, Shall pay for the use of Said Corporation the Sum of five dollars for every Such offense. And the board adjourned to Saturday 27 th . april ins 1 , at 10. in the forenoon. ON SATURDAY 27 th . april A.D. 1805. the board met at 10. Trustees present in the forenoon agreable to adjournment. jos^wiikinson The board took up the report of Mess". Scott & James Dode- fred eSJ?* 8 mead Inspectors & c . by which it appeared no Deficiency. The Board appointed Joseph Hosford & John Watson In- spectors of fire regulations, to go round once & to report to this board on the 1 st Monday in may next at 8. in the forenoon. The board ordered their Secretary to advertise in french & english a new election to be held at the Court house in the town of Detroit on the first Monday of May next at 11. in the forenoon. Joseph Hosford attended & was fined Serg 1 . Hudson d°. d°. James Abbott d°. d°. Griffard & Robinson d°. d°. Alexis Coquillard did not attend d°. Gab 1 . Richard d°. d°. d°. Teophilus Mette d°. d°. d°. Thomas Welch d°. d°. d°. Sam 1 . Allen d°. d°. d°. Rich*. Smyth d°. d°. d°. Bissell & Son d°. d°. d°. $1. 50 2. it u 50 2. «< 1. tt 1 u 1 It 1. 25 1 << 2. 00 Reduced to 150 Cents 5 <( 3 d . June 1805 p d . to treasurer Amounting to Sixteen dollars Seventy five Cents 16. 25 And the board adjourned to the first Monday in May next at 8. in the forenoon. ON MONDAY 6 th May A. D. 1805. the board met at 8. Trusted present o'clock in the forenoon pursuant to adjournment. The report of Mess rs . Hosford & Watson was taken & filed, viz. D r . Jos h . Wilkinson Esq r . no water in his barrell D r . W m . M c . Scott Esq r . no d°. d°. John fearson no d°. d°. Stone & Jones no d°. d° & no bag. M r . Benjamin no buckets. The above delinquents to be notified in the usual form. 78 The board appointed Abraham Cook & Conrad Seek Inspec- tors of fire regulations to go round twice & report to the board of Trustees on the first Monday in June next. The ace 1 , of the Secretary amounting to 53. doll 66 Cents was examined & passed, and the Chairman drew an order of the treasurer for that amount in favor of Peter Audrain Secretary. ON MONDAY the 6 th . May A.D. 1805, the ANNUAL MEETING was held for the election of the officers of the Cor- poration of the town of Detroit, agreable to law. The Trustees met at 11. o'clock in the forenoon at the Court- house at Detroit to attend the election of officers of the Corpora- tion to Serve during the ensuing year, the election was pro- claimed open at 11. in the forenoon, to be closed at Twelve. At 12 o'clock the poll was closed, the votes were Counted, and the following officers were proclaimed duly Elected — viz — James Abbott D r . W m . Brown D r . Joseph Wilkinson frederick Bates John Williams Peter Audrain John Watson Jeanb te . Piquet John Conner Trustees. Sworn 11 th may Secretary. Assessor Collector Marshall. Sworn 11 th may d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. d°. The minutes of all the transactions & ordinances of the board were, agreable to law, laid before the Electors present. The board directed their Secretary to Notify to the officers now elected their election, for the Service of the next ensuing year. Adjourned sine die. Trustees present Jos h . Wilkinson James Abbott L>r vV m . Brown frederick Bates Jn°. Williams Esq" ON SATURDAY the 11. May A.D. 1805 the board met at 10. in the forenoon agreable to public Notice Given. Joseph Wilkinson Esq r . was appointed Chairman James Abbott Esq r . d°. Treasurer Louis Peltier d°. Messenger John Conner d°. Clk of Market & police officer. 79 The board appointed John Dodemead & W m . M c . Scott Esquires to examine the english hurrying ground, and ascertain as near as possible the probable expences to put the Same in Compleat repair and to report to this board on the first Monday in June next at 10. in the forenoon. The board do determine that, from & after the first monday in June next, the Inspectors of fire regulations do go round once every week during the time of their appointement. Abraham Cook & Conrad Seek appointed, at the last meeting of the board, Inspectors are to visit the Suburbs below & above the pickets of the town, twice and to report to the board on the first monday in June next at 10. in the forenoon ; And the board do appoint Mess 1 " 3 . E. Brush & Jones Inspectors to visit twice the town within the Picketts, and to report to the board on the first Monday in June at 10. in the forenoon. The board do direct their Secretary to renew the publication of the ordinance respecting the Market, in french & english. And the board adjourned to the first Monday in June at 10. in the forenoon. ON MONDAY 3 d . June 1805. Index Abbott, , 71. Abbott, James, vi, 26, 27, 29, 30, 38, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48, 49, 56, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 76, 77 ; see also Treasurer, Trustees. Abbott, [Mary Barkle], widow, 26, 27, 28, 29, 43, 53, 55, 56, 57, 71, 73, 75. Abbott, Robert, 7, 16, 26, 27, 30, 38, 41, 42, 44, 48, 53, 54, 55, 65, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74; see also Assessor, Treasurer, Trustees. Abbott' shop, 53. Abraham, Gaspard, 54, 59, 61, 64, 68. Act to incorporate town, 3-7. Adams, John, viii. Ale houses, see Taverns. Allen, Samuel, 70, 72, 75, 76, 77. Allen, William, 18, 30, 37, 41, 52, 53, 70. Alleys, cleaning, see Street cleaning. Anderson, - — , sadler, 73. Anderson, David, 17. Ashes, 11. Askin, John, 3, 6, 9, 16, 28, 57; see also Trustees. Assessments, levy and collection, 5. Assessor, to be inhabitant of town, 3 ; how elected, 4; (Abbott) 9, 23; (McCrae) 32; (Watson) 60, 78. Assize of bread, see Bread, assize of. Audrain, Peter, 7, 16, 46, 57; see also Secre- tary. Axes, see Fire axes. Bacon, [David], 16. Bags, see Fire bags; Gunpowder. Bake house, 15. Bakers, see Bread, assize of. Ball throwing, ordinance, 76-77. Barns, Robert, 48, 49. Barrels, see Fire barrels and buckets. Bates, Frederick, 38, 41, 47, 53, 65, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75; see also Fire inspectors, Trustees. Batteau, 66. Beach, see River shore. Beaubien see Bobien. Beaufait, Lewis, vi. Beef, 15; unsound, sent to market, 43-44. see also Meat. Bellair, Paul, 73. Bellecour, Francis [Desruisseaux], 18, 71. Bells & Rocks & Longdon, 17. Bentley, John, 16, 25, 29, 43, 44, 47, 71 ; see also Collector, Fire inspectors. Berthelet, Henry, 37, 41, 50, 51, 54, 55, 58, 61, 70; see also Trustees. Bissell, Isaac, 75, 76. Bissell & son, 77. Blanbo, sergeant, 55, 56. Boats, 66. Bobien, Antoine, 3. Bouette, Jean Baptiste, 37. Bourguinon, Louis, 73. Bracken, James, 17. Bread, assize of, trustees to regulate, 5; ordinance, 13-14, 24; repealed, 28. Brown, William, 42; see also Trustees. Brush, Elijah, 49, 54, 55, 58, 59, 68, 70; see also Fire inspectors, Trustees. Buckets, see Fire barrels and buckets. Buildings in front of town, 3. Bunnell, Luther, 17. Burrell, John, 47, 52. Burton, Clarence Monroe, x. Burying ground, English, repair of, 79; Protestant, repair of, 47, 64. Butter, 15. Cadoret, [Urcelle] widow, 52. Callahan, [Elizabeth] widow, 26, 27, 43, 47 48, 49, 56. ... Callan, sergeant, 49. Campeau, Barnabe, 42. Campeau, Joseph, 7, 9, 17, 52, 53, 56, 58, 66, 68, 70, 71, 73; see also Fire inspectors, Trustees. Canoes, 66. Carter, 34. Carters, ordinance requested, 36. Cattle, see Lane from Commons to River. Cemetery, see Burying ground. Cena, [Cene, Antoine], 49. Chabert de Joncaire, see Joncaire, Charles Frangois Chabert de. Chairman, to be appointed by trustees, 3; (Henry) 9, 24; (May) 32; (Sibley) 60; (Wilkinson) 78. Chartron, Peter, 29. Chene, Pierre, 3. Chillicothe, viii-ix. Chimney inspectors (Coquillard and Pal- mer) 26, 27. Chimnies, repair, 10, 25-26; sweeping, 10, 62; stovepipes in, 10; see also Fire; Forge chimney. Chittenden (Chittendon), Benjamin, 44, 77 [?]; see also Fire inspectors. Chittendon & Horner, 38, 41, 46, 64. Choberg, William, 17. Cincinnati, ix. Circuit court, in session, 72. Cissne, Joseph, viii. Clemens, Jacob, 7, 25, 29, 30, 43, 47; see also Collector, Fire inspectors. Clemson, [Eli B.], 53. Clerk of the market, see Market, clerk of. 82 Coates (Coats), Ann, tvidozv, 14, 30, 53, 56, 71, 73, 75. Collector, to be inhabitant of town, 3 ; how elected, 4 ; to have same power as County collectors, 5; (Clemens) 9, 21, 24; (Smith) 23, 24; (Seek) 23, 24, 25, 30, 31; (Bentley) 32, 37, 38, 57, 58; (Des- noyers) 60, 68; (Picquet) 68, 74, 78. Commons, cleanliness, see Street cleaning ; trustees to keep open, etc., 4 ; inclosure forbidden. 22; lane to River from, 56; stable on, 72. Comparet, Jean Baptiste, sen., 30, 38, 41, 46, 48, 54, 55, 67. Comparet, [Jean Baptiste] (Batiste) jr., 55. Conner, John, 46, 73, 75; see also Fire in- spectors; Market, Clerk of; Marshal; Police officer. Cook, Abraham, 46; see also Fire inspectors. Coquillard, Alexis, 26, 47, 58, 76, 77. Corn, 15. Corporation wharf, see Wharf. Cote, Joseph, 46, 48; see also Fire inspect- ors. Cote, [Magdeline Lefebvre], 65, 66. Cote, Prisque, sen., 12, 42, 48. Cote, Prisque, jr., 12, 46. Council house, tavern in, 17 ; drain, 56. Court house, meetings in, 9, 21, 23, 32, 33, 34, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 60, 65, 78 ; headquarters for night watch, 69. Court of general quarter sessions, 6. Courts, see Circuit court; Court of general quarter sessions ; Northwest Territory, General court. Crosswalks, see Foot paths. Curry, Charles, 42, 47, 48, 56, 57, 64, 65, 66, 70, 72, 74; see also Fire inspectors, Trustees. Delille, Frangois, 37. Derry, Thomas, 42, 44. Desnoycrs (Denoyer), Peter, 17, 47, 56, 74; see also Collector, Fire inspectors. Detroit, citizens' petition for local govern- ment, vi-viii ; act to incorporate, 3-7. Detroit River, see River. Disorderly house, 48, 49. Dodemead, James, 52, 68, 70, 72 ; see also Fire engine. Director of ; Fire inspectors. Dodemead, John, 6, 9, 16, 17, 18, 27, 29, 43, 47, 48, 49, 53, 56, 64, 69, 73, 79 ; see also Fire inspectors, Treasurer, Trustees. Dogs, ordinance, 33, 35-36. Domaine, see Commons. Donavan, Mathew, 18, 52, 57, 64, 68. Donavan, Richard, 16, 48, 49, 52, 53; see also Fire inspectors. Drains, etc., 43, 49, 56, 64, 75. Driving, see Traffic ordinances. Drouillard, Simon, 18. Eberts, Herman, 16, 56. Eggs, 15. Elections, see Town meeting. Engine, see Fire engine. Engine house, notices to be posted on, 9, 13, 35 ; engine to be placed in, 45 ; to be in repair, 46. English language, see French and English languages. Ernest, Mathew, 16, 47, 55, 57, 64. Fearson, John, 18, 71, 73, 74, 77. Fees, 5-6, 21. Fines, levy and collection, 4, 5-6; not to be incurred without a witness, 13 ; for vari- ous shortcomings, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 22, 25, 26, 33. 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 60, 61, 77. Fire, trustees to make ordinances against, 4; ordinance, Feb. 23-25, 1802, 10-13, amended, 33 ; carried uncovered through streets, 45. Fire alarm, able bodied males to obey, 11, 12. Fire axes, 12. Fire bags, shopkeepers to provide, 11. Fire barrels and buckets, householders to provide, 11; to be marked with owner's name, 12. Fire director, (Frero) 12. Fire engine, to be inspected and repaired, 45, 46; to be placed in engine house, 45; persons appointed to work, 11, 46; re- pairing, 59, 75 ; screws to be put in order, 72. Fire engine, director of, (Scott) 46; (Dode- mead) 75. Fire equipment, deficiencies in, fines estab- lished for, 46. Fire inspectors, duties, 13; (Gouie & Cur- ry) 14, 15, 16; to pay special attention to steps of ladders, 20; (John Dodemead & C. F. Girardin) to point out bad chim- nies to chimney inspectors, 26; (Thibaud & Clemens) 27, 28; (McCrae & Lafoy) 29, 30; (Harrison & Campeau) 33, 36, 37-38; (Henry & Abbott) 44, 45; (Har- vey & Hunt) 50, 51; (J. Girardin & Pelletier) 51,51-52; (Sibley & Donavan) 51, 53-54; (Seek & L. Lognon) 53, 55; (Bates & Desnoyers) 55, 59; (Curry & Picquet) 60, 61 ; (Campeau & Dodemead) 64, 65; (Tupper & Smart) 65; (Chitten- den, Bentley, appointed) 65, 67; (Smart & Bentley) 68; (John Dodemead & 83 Scott) 68, 70; (Teneick & Watson) 70, 71, 73; (Conner & Cook) 71, 72, 73, 74; (Smyth & Gentle) 73, 74; (McNeal & Gobey) 74; (Lafoy & Cote) 75; (Cam- peau & Williams) 75, 76; (Scott & Jas. Dodemead) 76, 77; (Hosford & Wat- son) 77; (Cook & Seek) 78, to visit suburbs, 79; (Brush & Jones) to visit town, 79; to make rounds weekly, 79. Fire ladders, householders to have, 11 ; steps to be noted, 20. Fire line to river, 12. Fire regulations, inspectors of, see Fire inspectors. Firewood, see River shore, firewood, etc., on. Fish, 15. Flour, 5, 15 ; scarce, 28. Foot paths, ordinance, 19. Forge chimney, 48. Fraser, James, 16, 26, 27, 47, 53, 56, 58, 68. Freedom of Corporation conferred : Sib- ley, x, 23 ; Schieffelin, 32. Freeholders, defined, 4 ; to vote, 5. French and English languages, act to incor- porate read in, 9 ; notices to be given in, 9, 25, 29, 33, 44, 45, 49, 50, 61, 62, 65, 70, 72, 76, 77, 79. Frero, Francis, 55, 57; see also Fire director. Fruit, 15. Garbage, see Refuse disposal. Garden, commanding officer's, 47. Garrison, commanding officer to order pub- lic slaughter house kept clean, 42; has ordered pickets removed, 47. Gates removed, 55 ; vote on replacing, 56-57. Gentle, John, 16, 21, 43; see also Fire in- spectors. Girardin, Charles Francis, 6, 9; see also Fire inspectors, Trustees. Girardin, Jacques, 11, 46, 48; see also Fire inspectors. Gobeye (Gobev"\ Francis, 56; see also Fire inspectors. Godfrov. Gabriel, 37, 57, 74. Gouie, Robert, 26, 27, 37, 43, 47, 48, 49, 56, 64, 70, 72; see also Fire inspectors. Griffard, Bonnet, 76. Griffard, Joseph, 73, 74, 75, 76. Griffard & Robinson, 77. Guard house, see Main guard house. Gunpowder, amount allowed, 12; bag, 12. Hall, Samuel, 28, 51, 52, 53, 55. Hamtramck, John Francis, 11. Hamtramck, township, 3. Harrison, Joseph, 14, 30, 47; see also Fire inspectors. Harvey, John, 30, 55, 57, 71, 73 ; see also Fire inspectors. Hatch, Roswell, 73, 74. Hay, 11. Henderson, David, 50, 51, 52. Henry, James, vi, 6, 9, 10, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. 31, 42, 43, 44, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 63, 64, 70, 72; see also Chairman, Trustees. Hill, Mrs., 64. Hogs, see Swine. Horner, Archer [Archibald], 71, 73; see also Chittendon & Horner. Horses, loose in streets, ordinance, 19, 26, 39-40; suspended, 55; riding or driving, see Traffic ordinances. Hosford, Joseph, 76 ; see also Fire inspectors. Householders, see Freeholders. Hudson, sergeant, 76, 77. Hull, Miles, 48, 49. Hunt, Israel, 17, 46; see also Fire inspectors. Hunt, [Thomas], 47. Huntington, Benjamin, viii. Hyman, Henry, 26, 27. Illinois, viii. Indian store, chimney condemned, 27; lack- ing fire equipment, 28, 30. Indiana Territory, established, viii ; Detroit in, x ; town meeting called to frame memorial to obtain division of, 72. Indians, security against, ordinance, 69-70. Informers, of violations, fire regulations, to have half of fine, 13. Jailor (Pelletier), application for tavern licence, 28, 29; allowed to keep dog, 36. Joncaire, Charles Francois Chabert de, vi, viii. Jones, [Richard Hall], see Stone & Jones. Jones, Thomas, 42, 74, 75; see also Fire inspectors. Jorden (Jarden, Jordan, Jordin), Thomas, 27, 38, 41, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59. Jouett (Jouet), Charles, 38, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 70, 72. Justices of the peace, vi. Kelly, William, 13, 25, 29, 30. Ladders, see Fire ladders. Lafleur, see Poupard, Charles, dit Lafleur. Lafoy (Lafoi), Augustin, 11, 17, 46, 48, 57; see also Fire inspectors. Lane from Commons to River for cattle, petition for opening filed, 56. Lanes, cleaning, see Street cleaning. Lapierre, Batiste, 18. 84 Lasseller (Lassellier, Laserrier, Lasseliere, Lassilliere) , French schoolmaster, 55, 57, 65, 66, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76. Lee, Zadeck, see Marshal. Legislature, see Northwest Territory. Lemaine, Frangois, 18. Licences, see Tavern licences. Lights in houses after 11 P. M., 69. Liquor selling, see Taverns. Local government, v ; Detroit citizens' peti- tion for, vi-viii. Lognon (Lognion), Louis, 13, 24, 30, 46, 47, 56; see also Fire inspectors. [Longdon] (Longon), Augustin (Austin), 41, 52, 53; see also Messenger. Longdon, see also Bells & Rocks & Longdon. Lumber, see River shore, firewood, etc., on. Lumber rafts, 20. McClean, Daniel, 17. McClean (McClain), David, 17, 37, 38, 41, 55, 57. McComb [Macomb], William, 3. McComb estate, 27. McCrae, Thomas, 16, 27, 59, 61 ; see also Assessor, Fire inspectors. Marshal, Police officer. McDougall, George, viii. McKee, Samuel, 44. McNeal, Daniel, 52, 56; see also Fire in- spectors. McNiff, [Catherine] widow, 51, 52. McNiff, Patrick. 17. Macomb, see McComb. Main guard house, chimney condemned, 28; lacking ladder, 28. Malcher, Francis Paul, 18, 53. Market, ordinance establishing, 15; amend- ed, 33; suspended, 50; enforced, 61, 76; publication, 79. Market, clerk of, trustees to appoint, 5 ; ordinance, 61-62; (McCrae) 61, 68; (Conner) 78. Market days, 15, 66. Market, dock of, dung or filth to be depos- ited in, 34. Market hours, 15; no wharfage collected during, 66. Market house, to be repaired, 62. Market place, 15. Markets, trustees to regulate, 5. Marshal, to be inhabitant of town, 3; how elected, 4; duties, 4, 35, 36. 39, 63; fees 5, same as sheriff of Territory, 21 (Wallen) 9, 21, 23, 24; (Lee) 21 (Smith) 32, 38, 58; (McCrae) 60 (Conner) 74. Martin, [Hugh R.?], 30. May, James, vi, viii, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59; see also Chairman, Trus- tees. Meat, unsound, 33, 62; see also Beef. Meldrum, George, 16, 18, 38, 41, 42, 44, 47, 58, 68; see also Trustees. Meldrum, John, 42. Merchants' wharf, see Wharf. Mess house, chimney condemned, 27. Messenger (Pelletier), 9, 21, 24, 29, 32, 35, 37, 38, 58, 59, 60, 78; (Longon) 37, 51, 57, 59. Mette, Teophile, 12, 17, 47, 48, 76, 77. Minnesota, viii. Mitchel, James, 65. Monet, , 27. Munro, Robert, 37, 41, 42. 43, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 64, 68. Mutton, 15. Myers (Meyers), Martin, 18, 28, 33, 46, 48, 49. Navarre, Francis, vi. Navarre, Robert, vi. Newkam, , 42, 58. Night watch, ordinance, 69-70. Northwest Territory, v, vi, 7; General court, vi, viii ; Assembly, viii, ix ; boundary lines of states formed from, ix-x. Nowlan (Nowlen), Thomas, 17, 26, 27, 28, 44, 52. Oath of office, town officers, 4. Oats, 15. Oliver, Robert, 7. Ordinances, 4-5; ball throwing, 76-77; bread, assize of, 14, 24, 28; carters, 34, 36; chimnies, sweeping of, 10, 62; Com- mons, inclosure of, 22; dogs, 33, 35-36; fire, 10-13, 33; fire carried uncovered through streets, 45; foot paths, 19; horses loose in streets, 19, 26, 39-40. 55 ; market, 15, 33; market, clerk of, 61-62; night watch, 69-70; refuse disposal. 34; river shore, firewood, etc., on, 19-20; river shore, passage to channel from, 20 ; street cleaning, 25, 33; swine, 34-35, 62- 63 ; taverns, 40-41 ; traffic and incum- brances in streets, 18-19, 26, 38-40, 43, 45 ; water supply, 66, 68 ; wharfage, 66. Palmer, John, 26. Patrol, see Night watch. Pelletier (Peltier), Batiste, 12, 46, 48, 57, 70, 72; see also Fire inspectors. Pelletier (Peltier), Isidore, 65, 66, 73, 74. Pelletier, Jacques, 17. Pelletier (Peltier), Louis (Louisa), 29, 73, 74; see also Jailor, Messenger. 85 Pelletier, Pierre, 46, 48. Perkins, , sergeant, 17. Perogues, 66. Pickets, 15, 47, 55, 56-57; see also Water pickets. Picquet, Jean Batiste, 46, 48; see also Col- lector, Fire inspectors. Poles, see Fire barrels. Police officer, 62, 63; (McCrae) 61, 63-64, 64, 65; (Conner) 78. Poll tax, see Tax, poll. Pork, 15. Poultry, 15 ; unsound, 33. Poupard, Charles, dit Lafleur, 12, 17. Powder magazine, 12. Pratt, captain, 46. Priest, chimney condemned, 27; see also Richard, Gabriel. Prison, sentence, 6, 22 ; Wayne County, may be used by town of Detroit, 6; see also Jailor. Property, fixed, see Tax, fixed property. Protestant burying ground, see Burying ground, Protestant. Provencal, [Catharine], zvidow, 57. Provisions, unmerchantable, 33, 61-62. Public commons, see Commons. Public market, see Market. Public slaughter house, see Slaughter house. Quarter sessions, court of; see Court of general quarter sessions. Rafts, see Lumber rafts. Refuse disposal, ordinance, 34. Regulations, see Ordinances. Reily, John, 7. Rent, $40.00 annually, 4, 36. Residents, see Freeholders. Richard, [Gabriel], 47, 70, 71, 76, 77. River, boundary of town, 3 ; road to, 20. River shore, firewood, etc., on, ordinance, 19-20; passage to channel from, 20. Road to River, see River, road to. Robinson, , see Griffard & Robinson. Robinson, William, 65, 66. Rocks, see Bells & Rocks & Longdon. Ruland, [Israel?], 68, 70. Sabbath observance, 40-41. St. Clair, Arthur, ix, 7. St. Cosme, Amable, 53. St. John, Joseph, 56. Saloon licences, see Tavern licences. Sanders (Saunders), B[arent], 65, 66. Sargent, Winthrop, vi. Schieffelin, Jonathan, viii, ix, 32. Scott, William McDowell, 16, 27, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 66, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 79; see also Fire engine, Director of ; Fire inspectors ; Trustees. Seal, trustees authorized to use, 3. Secretary, 3, 4, 6; (Audrain) 9, 21, 23, 24, 29, 32, 51, 58, 59, 60, 78. Seek, Conrad, 17, 45, 46, 52, 54, 56, 59, 61, 71, 74, 75, 76; see also Collector, Fire inspectors. Shipyard, houses in, lacking fire equipment, 28; storehouse in, 47. Shovel, carrying fire on, 45. Sibley, Solomon, vi, viii, x, 23, 26, 42, 65 ; see also Chairman, Fire inspectors, Trustees. Sidewalks, see Foot paths. Silence to be observed at fires, 13. Simare, Jean, 44. Slaughter house, 42. Smart, George, 27, 38, 41, 65, 66, 70, 72; see also Fire inspectors. Smart, Robert, 25, 26, 70. Smith (Smyth), Richard, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 38, 41, 42, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 68, 71, 73, 75, 76, 77; see also Fire inspectors, Marshal. Smith, William, 17; see also Collector. Soldiers, to assist at fires, 11. Speeding, see Traffic ordinances. Stable, see Commons, stable on. Stone & Jones, 77. Stones, see River shore, firewood, etc., on. Storehouse, see Shipyard, storehouse in. Stovepipes, see Chimnies. Straw, 11. Street cleaning, ordinance, 25, 33, 40, 61, 76. Streets, trustees to keep open, 4 ; to be clear of incumbrances, 19. Strong, Warham, 52, 53, 54, 59, 61. Swine, 5, 33, 44, 49, 55; ordinances, 34-35, 62-63. Tavern licences, fees, 6; number to be granted, 29; petitions for: (Kelly) 13, 25, 29, 30; (Lognon) 13, 24, 30; (Coates) 14, 30, 53, 75; (Harrison) 14, 30; (Now- lan) 17, 52; (Clemens) 25, 29, 30; (Bentley) 25, 29, 44, 71; (Pelletier) 28, 29; (Chartron) 29; (Dodemead) 29, 48, 49, 73; (Harvey) 30; (Smith) 30; (Allen) 30; (Comparet) 30,67; (Myers) 33; (Seek) 45, 71; (Conner) 73; (Bour- guinon) 73. Taverns, trustees to license and regulate, 6; ordinance, 40-41. Tax, for defraying expense of Corporation, 21 ; dog, 36 ; for repairs to Merchants' wharf, 67 ; on fixed property, 71 ; poll, 71. Tax roll ordered, 22. 86 Teneick [Ten Eyck] (Teneik, Theneick), [Conrad], 50, 51, 55, 57; see also Fire inspectors. Territory of U. S. northwest of river Ohio, see Northwest Territory. Thibaud (Thibault), Joseph, 16, 44, 57, 63, 64, 74; see also Fire inspectors. Tiffin, Edward, 7. Town marshal, see Marshal. Town meeting, may be called to raise money, 6. Town meetings, v; (Feb. 15, 1802) 9; (Apr. 17, 1802) 21; (May 3, 1802) 23; (May 2, 1803) 32; (May 21, 1803) 33, 34; (Apr. 28, 1804) 56-57; (May 7, 1804) 60; (Jul. 16, 1804) 65; (Jul. 26, 1804) 65, 67; (Oct. 13, 1804) 72; (May 6, 1805) 77, 78. Traffic ordinances, 18-19, 26, 38-40, 43, 45. Treasurer, 3 ; (Dodemead) 9, 21, 24, 31 ; (Abbott) 32, 35, 58, 60, 78. Tremble, M^., 18. Trustees, annual meeting, see Town meet- ing; selection, powers, duties, 3-6; board formed, Feb. 9, 1802 (Askin, Dodemead, Henry, Girardin, Campeau) 9. Trustees elected, May 3, 1802 (Girardin, Henry, Dodemead, Meldrum, Campeau) 23; May 2, 1803 (Abbott, Curry, May, Scott, Brush) 32; May 7, 1804 (Sibley, Abbott, Berthelet, Wilkinson, Bates) 60; May 6, 1805 (Abbott, Brown, Wilkinson, Bates, Williams) 78. Trustees' minutes laid before electors, 23, 32, 60, 78. Tupper, Samuel, 52, 53, 71, 73 ; see also Fire inspectors. United States regiment, 1st, 11. Vanderburgh, Henry, viii. Vanderhyden (Vanderhyder), David, 38, 41, 65, 66. Veal, 15. Vegetables, 15, 62. Venison, 15. Vincent, Mrs., 27. Visger, Jacob, vi, viii. Voyez (Voyer), Joseph, vi, 17, 18, 37, 38, 42. Voyez, Joseph, jr., 58. Walker, Elvin, 51, 52, 53, 54. Walker, Thomas, 18. Wallace, James, 28, 29, 30. Wallen, Elias, 7, 57; see also Marshal. Water pickets, 15. Water supply from Merchants' wharf, 66, 68. Watson, John, 17, 44, 55, 57, 73, 74; see also Assessor, Fire inspectors. Wayne, Anthony, v. Wayne County, viii, 3 ; prison, see Prison. Welch, Thomas, 18, 38, 41, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 64, 76, 77. Welsh, the late Mrs., 57. Wharf, 20, 33, 34, 44, 56, 65-67. Wharves, in front of town, 3. Wilkinson, , 72, 75. Wilkinson, James, 44, 47, 53, 54, 64. Wilkinson, Joseph, jr., 77; see also Chair- man, Trustees. Williams, John, 74; see also Fire inspectors, Trustees. Williams, Nathan, vi. Wisconsin, viii. Wiswell, Oliver, vi, viii. Woolsey, , 68, 70. Work shops, shavings, etc., in, 13. Yack [Yax], John Michel, 37, 58. Yards, cleaning, see Street cleaning. Yax, see Yack. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below f. :• 35wi-8,*28 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 515 860 5 JS13 UNIVERSITY of CALIFOKNj. AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY