2 UC-NRLF ^c ibM ?m %l i "^A;*' h'^i ^? '^' ^ wr ^' <* « *-^<< >• *• >. J .♦fl 4- ' .Jf-- '/ •if ?/ V y- LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class A i^ ''^ 1^^ ^' !%. L-. > - \ K- ^^^x.^ w K N ^ .^ ^ . X \ I \ \ -41 - » r Researches on the Multiplication of Elliptic Functions. By R. Fujisawa. Jacobi, in one of the Suites ties notices siir lesf mictions elliptiqves, gives, without denionstratioii, remarkable expreswiona of sn 2?/, sn 3?/, sii 4?/ and sn 5u in terms of tlie differential coefficients of \/a;-(l— x^Xl — ^-V) and y — ^ — ^— ! taken with respect to x^, whereby x stands for anu,* Namely, writing- we have 1 1 sn In. = (IB cl{x^) fPB /^>^of THe ,A7^' ( UNIVERSITY sn 'Sll — — .f* ^T-: — , V ^ (l-A dix^f 1 dM sn Au = 2.8 dix^f 1 d''B 1 dm dB 1 d^B sn 5?< = J^° 2 d(:x^f 2 £^(a;2)2 £Z(a-=^) 2.3 d{x-'f i_ .^!^ J_ ^-^ _i ^ _i_ ^'^ 2.8 (/(■r^)» 2.8 ^(.r^)» 2 (7(.r-V' 2.:i4 d(xh* _L ^^'^ _L '^^'-^ _ J_ dU 1 r/M 2.8 d of £„, and tben 1' + (J s vanishes in 2q ])oints '?/i {^^ i -Vl. /^ = •' '^' ^' ••• '7. 7+1. ■•• '^<7- Equation (1.) tlien takes the form (2.) 2 4^ = 0. We now take for the fundumentui irrsitionality Uiemann's form V-1-^. 1-A*?, and write 2« = / —7- — --. , so that * *^/T — sii /< . Two cjises are to be distiniiuished aecordinH" us n is odd or cvcm. §• -'• AVhen // is odd, put n = 2ni + 1 ^^q — l, and let one of tlie '2q jK)ints in which I'+Qs vanishes, coincide with the point |C|^} ''"^^ ^^^^ remaining (2y— 1) points- with the point | ^ | .s}. Ecpiation ('J.) then liecoines MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. (3) -^ + n = , n odd, Mild, writins" P + Qs in full, we must lijive, denoting differentiation with res|)ect to z by D, «■! + a22,~ + . . . + a,„,.,{m + 1 ),^'» + b,Ds + Z)iZ)(,,„_iD2'»(.s^'»-i)=0. Since a^, «,, , h^, h^ ... do not all vanish, the determinant obtained by eliminatinof «(,, a„ , /)(„ />, ... must vanish, that is, 1 , 2^, {m + 1 ).?'", Ds, D{sz}, Disz\ D(./nT 0-^) 2W + 1 Sm+1 Vi-A-*: (i-A^^) » = Po+Pl+...+P^^l ^ Pm + 1 P„A*"+«+PiA*-+...+P^^l P« + 1 In extracting square root, strictly sjX'jiking, we have to ])refix the double sign ± ; but by taking some pjirticular value of n or by putting fc=0 in the final results to be hereafter obtained, it comes out that we have to take the + sign. § 3- Let us now investigate the expressions which occur on the right- hand side of equation (8). For this purpose, put MUL'rrPLrOATIOX op ELLIPT[0 punttioxs. OM A = further let the ox J KUision nf A .'locordiuir t,) tlie elemouts of the first rcnv Ix' written : (10.) A = D"'ns . Ai+ 7:)"'+^s;' . A2+ . . . +D'"+V?'"-» . A, Xow (11.) Po = 1,2^,... (?« + 1 ) ?'», D.s, 7).s' r, 7).'??'»-i {m + 1 ) ! , D'" ^^s, 7)"'+'.s^, 7)"'+^«;?"-i = A ^, ^^ ~TO ^m+1 \,'2z, ^^i-^-SCw+l)?'" ?// ! , {7)1 + I )! ? -(w + l)!Ai -{vi + \)\A, Z, ^^ ;?"*, /? 1,"2^, w^?"'-^ D.S ?;/ ! , D"'.« 1, -2?, w/ ?"•"', T).*.? 7/t ! , D"*/? ? -(w+l)!A, 1,2?, 7nz''-\ Dxz'^-^ IJ. FUJISAWA. Writini»", i'or shortness, we liMA'e z, z^, 1! 2! ... m\^m\\, yln yW + X Z'", Z" 1,2,?, 7H.?'"-\(///+l)?"' m\ , {>n+\)\ z = m !! .?"'+^ ; Jilso " > -^ > • /i , •■< \,2z,...7nf" \Ds 1. I.... 1, .s 1, 2, ...yy/, :y).s /// ! , 7)"'.s' nt ! , ■:"'jy"s = (m— 1) !! [ r"'J)"'.s' — m.?'"-'D"' ^s+ . . . +(— l)"'//y ! .s] .siiniljirly ^ y* . ^ , .s.r 1. 2.?,...m.?"* ^ 7Mr y« ! , I)"'.s : - (m-1)!! ,r"'+^D'",| A -U/i+ 1) [[dY-^\Ai+D'".s. As+ ... +D'"«^--».A J |. Again (13.) P,„+i=(-l)'"+^ .SZ^ \.yZyZ^*»% Z y Of SZ y l,'2z,... mz'^-\ Ds, Dsz, Z)s^-»-» mlyD'^s, D'^sz, ...D'^sz'^-^ = (-l)"*+im!! A. Substituting the values oi Pq and P«+i just found in the first of equations (8.) and dividing by ^ ' , we get (14.) Vc~= (-i)"*+V'^ _A-(//t+ 1)|W— \Ai + Z)'".s.A2+ ... + D'",s I^Kt) d:Tyi^-r"' ?;i ! , {m + 1 ) ! ^ Now (w+1)! Ai 1,1, 1, 1,0 1, i2, Z^, Z"^, S l,2z, mz"'-^ Ds -(m+1;! As 1,1, 1, 1,0 ^, Z, Z^ Z^, RZ 1 , 1z, m?"'~\ Dsz m ! , Jy^8z :w + l)! A, 1,1, 1, 1, z, z}. 1,0 z^, ftz" },2z, mz'"-\ D.fz'"-^ VI ! , D'^sz"""^ 1,1, 1, 1,1 1,^, z^ l,2z, w^'"-\ {m + \)z' ^m ^"i+l m\ , {m+h\z = (_l)"'+i7?i!!(l-^)'»+» , u R. PUJISAWA. 1,1, 1, 1,0 \/2z, viz'"-\ Ds in ! , D'^sz = -(- l)-'+i(w - 1 )!!(! -zY'+W \-z ' 1,1, 1, 1,0 I, z, z^, z^, sz \,2z w,?'" S Dsz m ! , D'^sz HZ = - (_l)'-+i(7,j_l)!!(l-^)*+iD*^£ 1.1, 1, \,z, z\ 1,0 ^•1 n yW* 1 1, 2.?, w?"'-\ D«?-- 7n ! , !)■•«"•"* «^ i»-i = -(- 1 )"■*"'(?«- 1)!I(1 - :r"^'D"'-|3 Hence '^ . .A, + D«-^-— .A,+ ... 1-^ Pizr + /)"• j^ . A ■]l = (-l)'"+iw!!(l -.:)"•+« 1 — ^ J — ^' ]— ^ ir-^s, D^^^sz, D^+s,^"-! D»",S D^»\" nsc 7)«s _L__n"i+2e ___L__ 71«»+lc ___r)iH+2c __L_7~)2»»c (w+i)r *' (/;i+2)r ^' ■••{2w)r * MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 17 or )t=in-t'l m(Tit— 1) (26.) 2. ^V^-^^-^'-^^^-C-ir+X-l) '' (2w)!!(l-^^)' Sm+l -Ld^-A 2! l-h^z 1 A-D»-^ 1 8! l-^='^ -.D iTOfl (w+1;! i-A;*^^ D" •S\ l-k^'z' 4:1 l-k^z' (w+2)! i-A-2^ 1 s .D m+2 1 S {m + 1 )! 1 - k^z ' {m + 2)! 1 - A;^^ ' ' ' ' (2»0! 1 - kh Call the detenniiiaiit on the righthaiid side of (::^6.) M3, we have OT+l If Subatitutiiig' this in the last of equations (8.) we obtain (•27.) Vi-i%' =(l-i:^^)^ '^. §• fi. In case // is even, say n = 2/;?, put .«? = ^y — 1, and, referring to §. 1., let one of the 2r/ points in which P + Qs vanishes, coincide with the point \Z \ ^], another point with |0 | Of, and the remaining (2r/— 2) points with the point {z \ s\ . Then (28.) d: , dz —^ + n s , 11 even, and P + gs = {a^z -\-a^i'^-...-\r a^+iZ"'^') +{b,+ biZ+ ...+ 6„,_i^"'->, 18 R FUJISAWA. rto bein<{ zero. If, as will be convenient, we write A = yk<4^.,,^.y. l-z. l-k^z II, then ^' = {a^ + a2Z+ . +a„+iO + (60+ V+ • • + K V^) f , and (29.) ( + 6«_iD* (u^;'*-*} =0, whence (30.) 1 >« r2 r", 0, 0:, ...0r"-» 1, ^, Z^, . .. /.'", //, ?*-?, ...?*^"*-^ 1, 2^, . .. mz^'^, Du, Dnz, ... D<<2"»-^ W + 2,« ylH 1 2)m + 2^^^ i)- + 2^*2, ...D'^+^UZ D-'^-^u, D-'^-hiz, ... B-'^-^asr-^ Tlie expansion of this determinant according to the elements of the first row may be written : MULTIPLICATIOX OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 19 (31.) iPi+P2:+...+p,„+iC"i + {Q.+Q,:+-..+Q,n.-,r'} = 0. Hence (32.)Z|Pi + P2Z+... + P„Hi'^'''r-ia + (>i^+-.- + Qm-i^"'-^p(l-^)(l-A;^^ = PLi(^-cx^-^r'. Herein putting Z=0, Z = l, Z= -^3- successively, we obtain, after sligh) reduction. Vc '2'" = Qo (33.) Vl^d-.")" ^yi-kx{i-j(^^r = ^ w+l fi+p,+ ...+p^^l p ' PlP« + P2P«-2+...+P^^j P, »i+l The reduction of the expressions which occur on the righthand side of (33.) runs on the same line as the reduction of the corresponding expressions when n is odd, discussed somewhat in detail in preceding sections. We may therefore at once write down the results : (34.) m(m ' 1) P,»+i=(-l) ' (2m- 1^! D — — - D^— 2\^ z ' 'S\^ z m\ z (w+l)! z 1 .'x. /, />*^ •"(w+2/^" ' (m m.) '£ /v»(-ir^ V«--i)!?(i-*f" />)>- w: ?r=ro »./r - />"• (///4-h' (I ) a»7.) Ij iVA -"•"'- ("-ir"' 'Vim-l)!!(I A":)'- ^7>• ' *(!-*■*) V/i- i/r l)*^ >. Cnlliiiji( tlu* (IctniiiiiiiiiitM on tlio ri^lit-luiiKl hIiU'h of (>4|iia(ioiiH (81-87.) '^' V . '^ , V lit ••nh'i', hihI, Hii)Mtitiitiiiji( in (88.), w(» ohfjiin (HH.) JV, v\-^: - O-^^"* V Mi?ii.Tt]ruaiT«x>c ©iT cujme rv:?er»i»iss. il Wntitt^> »» k!^ i^wil^ «>«> ibait wbi»ig » k any e^e^a cr wid uil^i;^^ (csy>.> igj^ ^^ 3£ ^_ wl*i«v <(4^V> Jf» Km^\)r i Hw+:3or .1 I ^w-f' 1S»^*T .^ -.JJfc^J^ 99 R. FUJISAWA. (41.) M,= ^D2 "" ^-D' ^ 1 D".+i. " 2! 1-^' 3! l-z' "(w+l)! l-z Kd' ' il)^— 1 D" 3! 1-;?' 4! 1-^' "(^ + 2)! 1-^ J — :D'»+'— * -£)"»+«- * 1 £)2»- « (m+1)! l-;?'(w + 2)! l-^'"" (2wt)! 1--? (42.) M, = Jt-D' * Ld^-^ ^ 2)«*+L * 2! 1-F^' 3! 1-;^/ •••(w+1}! l-Pz 4tD^^ -hn* ' ^ X)«»+«_ * 3! 1-A^^' 4! 1-AV ■••(w + 2)! F^A^ 1 r)m+i ••' J 2)"»+2 — 1 yr-" (wi + 1 )! I - Jc'z' {in + 2)! l-h^z'"' (2w)! 1 - /r',: (43.) M = (w+1)! '(m + 2)! ' 1 (w+1)! 1 (7;i+2)! (27;t)! D*"« In case ;/ is even, say n — 2in, we have, in virtue of (38.), (44.) /sn,m = (-l)"^^, en mi = (1 — 5')"' -jTT^ , MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 23 whore (45.) N, —jn^s ——D*s ■6\ 4 ! -—D*s — -Z)*.s 4 ! 5 ! "(w+l)! 1 "■(w + 2)! 2)m + l, (46.) i^2 = 1-D- •^• 1 Z)2_ <^ 1 T^^ •'^ .J)rr tJ^D' -i-DB^ 1 ,s '2\ z{l-zy 3\ z(\.-zy "'(m+i)\ z{l-z) 1 T^_ .? — r-D 1 .9 1 D^" m\ z{i—zf i^m+{)\ z{l—zy"'{^m—l)\ z{l—z) (47.) N, = Id ■D' 1 _p« 1 rz{i - Wzi 2 ! /( I - A^^)' • • • m\ z({- k^z) l.B^ ' 1_^P s 1 s 2 ! ^(i - A;2^)' 5 ! ^(1 - F^)' " (7?i + 1)! z{i- kh) \d- ' 1 T)m+1 S 1 .9 mr z{Y-kh)' {m+ {)\ zi,l-k'z)' '" C2m-\)\ z{l-k^z) (48.) N = 1 ! ;? ' 2!^ ^ ' J_2)2A 2! ^ a ! z 1 T^^ 'f ... — T-D" — 1 s ■■■(?;i+J)! ^ ml z '{m+i)r z '■•■{'2m-i)\ z It will be observed that the formula3 of nnnu for w=2, 3, 4, 5, are those given by Jacobi in the Memoir referred to, which appeared 24 R- I'UJISAWA. on the opening page of the present p.iper. I was not aware of the existence of Jacobi's formula? when I first found the formula for snwM which was, in fact, then obtained in a slightly different form as furnished by (17.), and which is perhaps in some resi)ects preferable to the one here given. I have, however, given it its present shape, in order that, for the particular values of w, it may exactly coincide with the formuhc given by the illustrious mathematician whose memory is sacred to every student of the theory of elliptic functions. §. 9. IJefore proceeding further with the reduction of the multiplica- tion-formula3, il is necessary to give a few formulae relating to the differentiation of composite functions, U) which frequent reference will subsequently be made. Let « be a function of?/ and y a function of a:. It is required to find the n"' differential C(Xifficient of u with respect to x. l^y actual differentiation, we find du _ du dfi dx ~ dy dx' dx^- d^ii dx^ d*ii dx* _ dii_£y ^ / du \- ~ dy dx^"^ di/\dx)' _ du^ cPy ^ d?u dy d^y d^ii / dy V ~ dy W' "^ (tf'dx 'dx^ "^ Jy^ \llx) ' ^ ^d*y ^{ dy_^ ../dy\'l (Pu /dyVfy dy dx* "^ dyU dx dx^ "*" \dx'J ) "*" *" dyAdx ) dx^ ,d*u(dy\ ■^ dy*\dxj' MULTll'LlCA'1'lON OF ELLIPTIC FUNCJTIOXS. 25 dx'' ~ dy dy dx^ dy- ( dx dx* dx^ dx^ ) d^6 {.f./dyVd^ ^(^^i "^ dy^l \dx) dx^ "*■ dxXdxy) dy*^ \ dx / dx^ dy^ \ dx / and, geiierully, (49) d"ii_ _ du ^ .d^u ,^"^'^v \dx ) dx^ 8! + ;K/i - 1 )(yi - -iX/t - 8) / dy \ "-y r/'-z/X^ 2« (d^Y'ViriiX \dx) \d^'J , _ n{n-\) /dyy-'-d^y "-' 2! \dxj dx'' 26 R- i'UJISAWA. To find Xj observe that X, being a function of the differential coefficients of y with respect to x only, is independent of u na a function of y. Hence, putting u=y, y\...y" successively, we obtain ^ = rr'X,-\r,ir- 1)//-%+ . . . + r ! X, . \ ^-^ = »^r-'X,+n(n-l)y*-%+ +n! X. . To obtain X,, X,,..., we may solve tliese e(juations as was done by liertrand* ; but it is shorter to proceed as follows: — Put u=(^^, then c-*"-^^ = ;.Xi+/%+...+/'X,+ ... + /i-X., and, on the other hand, fix" ~ rfx" "^ 2 ! dx" '*■ 3 ! dx" ■*" " " "^ vi ! ^" "^ " ' Multiplying the last two equations together and equating the coefficients of the like powers of A,, we obtain * Bertrand, Traite de CaJcul Differential et de Calcul Integral, T. I, p. 139. MUT/ni'LIOATION OF KT-LIITir FUNC'I'IOXR. ^^ (51) /•! c/.r" (;-l;!l! Jr" ^(r-2)!2! da;" ^^ ^ l!(r--l)! (?a-"' ??. ! dx" {n-])\\\ dx""^ («-'2)!2! r/a-" ^^ ^ l!(?^-l)!(7a•"• It may be worth while to notice that the expression on the opposite side oi Xr is identically zero for all values of r greater than n. From the mode of derivation it is evident that X^ contains 1 d^iv^) differential coefficients of ?/ but not y itself. Hence, if — ; ^ be ' r ! dx" broken u\) into two parts such that one part contains all the terms independent of explicit // and the other part, terms having y as a factor, then 1 d'HiD X,. =: that part of -—^ • „ which is independent of explicit y 1 dHiD and that part of —-^ ^ n which contains explicit y together with V d^{y^^) y^ dnf-^) ^(^^n ?/"' ^"V (r-l)!l! dx"" ^ (r-2)!2! dx"" "* ' ' \\{r-\)\ dx" is identically zero. Now 1^ -^t^= coefficient of If in |,y + /,^ + _ -^,+ ., j . 28 K FUJI SAW A. 1 d"(i/^) Hence that ])art of -^-j — ^^ which i>< indeiKindeiit of exj)Iicit // is r ! dx equal to the coefficient of h" in that is, in r\ V dx "*" 2! dx''^'^ ' ^|/(-r + /0-/(^)f, where y =/(>) . Thus we ohtain (52) '^^ = 7t[(7;^)1a^-^^')-/^],..:- ,. This form of A'^ has been obt'iinetl in u (litfeivnt manner l)y U. Meyer. Bertrand gives the following form of A,, wliich is substantially the same as (51) :** r\ dx'' where a is to l)e regarded as constant duriniif ditierentiation and is afterwards to he rej)laced by //. Airain making* use of the form of A',, ^iven by (51), we get d"u _ y J_ dru d^ _ y 1 d^u d'y-^ dx''~^^r\ dif dx"" ^^ ,4iO--l)! rZ?/ dx" ^ ^ fTi,(r-2)\ dif dx" "-^^ '^ y di/^dx*' * Grunert's Archiv der Matheniatik, Bd. IX. ** Loc. cit. p. 140. MUT/I'TPLICATTOX OF ELLIP'['I(" FUNCTIONS. -}€) wliicli !ii>Toe8 Nvitli tlie form of -7—- <>iven by K. H()t)i)e.* Put // = //', then -jpr --== j>rf~'', wliere />,. denotes the continued product of /• (|UJintitie.s p, p-l, })-'2,...(p-r-\- 1). Mnltij)Iyinire(iUM- tions (51) by pjf"\ K/> — 1)//'"",-.. in order :ni(] nddini--, we obtain ^''' dr" n\y"" I p-\' dx'' "^ p-2 2! dx'' "' ^ ^ p-r r\ dx" ^■••^^ ' p-n dx") ' For/> = -^, we have ^KA^ ^"Vy _ (2-")! 1 \n, ,d-y jH y-r^ d-y' ^ ^ (/j-» ~ 22"0 '2)1 — 'Ir, that is, Mr > :^//. Denoting the integral ]Kirt of -^ hv /, \v(! liave + (-lr.l.:i ...C2//-2r-8X'2//)%. .+ ... + l.a...(2n-8)X„| , where ' "•■ («-2;+l)!(r-'2)! 1! V/r / V 2 r/W V C, (7x7 1 /i?v Y"'' Yl ^ijvV" Yl '?!^Y4- ( ■*" («. - 2r + 2;! (;• - 4)! 2! V ^/^ / V -^ ^•''V \ _ (w+l}! .s (G8) M/ = lis' 2 ! s ' m! « 1 2 "(w+l)! s _L_r)mj!_ __!__r)«+ij!_ ^ ram ^ m! «'(m4-l)I .'.s 2 I 8! = .s-5 1 1 o.^"*% !,D*s 8! 4! 1 _Lz)i _Ld^1 .s ' i ! s ' 2 ! s — -D— -—D-— — -D'— 1 ! s ' 2 ! .s ' 8 ! s JL2)2j — L^^^JL _L2)*_L 2 ! .s ' 8 ! i- ' 4 ! s MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. Thus we find C = (— l)"" Hnd thence 37 (72) —D\'i 2 ! ' — i r)"»+is = (— ]y",<;2"» + l .9 ' 1 ! .-f, 2* ^-T- -f • D- ' s J? «2 .s- 2* =0, Now VC^"'=7J a A/r-c(i--?r= 1M + 1 P« + 1 m+l and thence, ;i being even, snmi = ( — 1)"* ^:* (74) . cnnw = (I--?)"* ^, I dim?. =(1-A^^)-^ ^, MULTIPLICATION OF ELLiri'lC FUNCTIONS. 39 where [ir>) N': 1 ! .s ' — D* — '2 ! s ' ! D-+IJL {m+\)l s 1 ^ ■('2«t-J)I s 0, 1 (76) iv;= 1 ! s ' 1 J)ni-ll_ (7)1 - I ) ! s (?/i— I) ! s ' 1)1 ! .9 ^ jyin 1 _L ('2w-l)! s (1-^)'", (1-^)" (77) n:= 1 1 s -1-D — 1 ! s ' _1_ 2)2 — 2 ! s ' rD" m 1 1 (w+1)! J)m+\J_ 1 (w-1)! D" 1 Z -^ 2)2'» -1 _ ^27;t — i ) ! s (1-A;2^)"', k^il-Jc'zr-K (78) iv;: 1 ! s — D- 1 ! s — D2 — 2! s m ! s ^ r)m+i_L (?/i+J)! s 1 Z \ 7' 1 D*»-i— — - D'" — - (m— 1) ! s ' 7?i! ,s 1 D^" (2m- 1)! s 40 11. FUJISAWA. iV', N'-i, N\miiy also be written as follows (79) iV'- z, — , i ! s ' 2 ! .*«->— CJwi-l)! s ^80) ;y^;= 0, (i-^r, (I --?)"•-', 1 s ' (m-1)! v«-l -Ld-L 1 ! .s- ' (-ir+s 1 (7;i- 1) ! D--^— , -Ld jD*-»- 1 £)«_L in (81) n;== 0, —z' (i-k'zr, k\\-Pzr-\ 0, 1 ! J? -1- D-1 (?/i— I)! .s ?;t ! s {-ir^\ ^ r>m-i ^ ^ r)>i» _L ^ 7)2m-l_L {m- 1) ! s ' w ! s ' (2w- ])! .s § 1-^. We are now in a position to introduce 7i„ and (S'„ into the mulfi- plication-formulie. In some cases, we might have introduced -"'>«> B,H+1, Bo , ■*■ (88) on mt ^'sJV — z 1, -%-i.\-l^z, (XzX-Vzf, ...(-2.,^.l-^2^)'»+l 0, 1, B^ ... B„, \, Bi, i?2, ... B,„,i B,n-l, B,n, Bm+lf Bi, (84) dn;m ^V^ — k^^z 1 , -'2.k-z. l-z, {^2.Pz. 1-^A . . . {-2.k^z. l-zr^'^ 0, 1, Bi, ... B„t 1, Bi, B2, ... B„^^l Bm-lJ B„ B »»+i» Bo («5) denom. = 1, ill, ••• B^ Bi, Bn, ...B,„^i Bm^ B,n^l, ... il2„i 42 fa. FUJISAVVA. u even, m — n-l (86) sn?m = (- l)""2.s 0, ],...i2«_i i , Hi, . . . M,n , -^ (87) cii nu — 2.1 0, 1, -2.zA-hh, ... {-2.z.\-k^zr 1, 0, 1, ... B^.i i'ZA-zA-h'zr, K_i, H^, ^8»i-l (KS) till 7m — 0, 1, -±h^z.\-z, ... (-2.;fc«^.l-^)"» 1, 0, 1, ... B^_, 'lA-x.\~Jrz, I, n^, ... iJ^ r2.i-^. I -/.•-'?)"•, iC-1, K. ■'^S-. 1 (89) denom. = - 1, 1, Hi, •H'm-X 2.\-zA-r-z, Eu iVj, ... M^ v2A-zA-k^zr, iC B^^u-R^i MULTrPLrr.vrroN' of HLTiii'i'K' rcvcTroNs. ^3 Pari Second. To avoid mnfiision, we shall adopt once for all the following notafiou : Follow! iig Jacobi in his lectures, we write* H iu) = 1 + 2*2 i- 1 )" g" cos '^, 0,{v) = 2"fgCWcos ^'^"~^?^^^ ^i(«) = 2 2, ( - 1) ^ g^ - ^ sin ^ — 2Z ' -'^"^ = 1 + 2 2 g" cos -^; nnd then V /' !^ 1 w/ ^ ;i7-^, ^/ — cn u — Tj— -, —777- an u = - Put (,)==— log q= ^—r- , tlien (W ^ -^ir?^// 21 clK dti ^ lid) K- rhi- K (ho rf/i ' luit rho '"<^ /,ti-7,=/^Y -'■''"''■' ' \^} hence (90) Observe that the same difterential equation is s'ltisHcd by ^'1, ^2 <'ind ^, «?r VA- 9>\\nu — -y-, jJ-jp cnuu -^ -y-, v/- dn ;/// = -f^. where (93) V ^«\?/) ' ^'~ th\u) 'a — ^"» ' ' ^"'(70 Put /<« instead of?/ in equation (91), thus : — 1), ^^■e \fQ\ (04) !?5flS/ + (''i!^7+2,,'fe'5'''+7./-!5^',,i^ al- '( au^ ah ) . . r7log^(?^0 „^ ^ .,„- AiFF* dK E—Jf'^K (lift'creritiatino', and observini*; -yr- = — ^772 — ? we obtuiii (In Kn (9o) -^^^+211 —jj—--J,.nu. Substitiifiiig- tliiis ill (5)4), dir \ du / ( dv. dk ) -du .dk or + 2n'-kk'^^+ 7?2(7?2 _ 1 )Fsn«w F- 0. Introducing ?:=\/Fsn?< as the new indeixindcnt variable, and observing (92), * Jacobi's ^esammelte Werke, Pd. I, pp. 198 and 235. 46 B. FUJISAWA. Since efjnation*(97) tnkes the form r//.- This eqiijitioii is also siitisficd In- I',. I'.,, and Is. AVifh .I;i(()hi. wo may )»in /.■ + ,- = a and then efjuation (f).S) Ix^conies in wliicli form, tlie partial differential eou«(uet give also the following forms of the pirtial differential ecpiation '.- — * JiOc. cit. p. 529. MULTIPLICATION OF liLLIFTli: FUNCTIONS. V 47 (.00 (,-^V.C.)f-.(.-i<^V-.r)f /T 1 where 3j = ^-^ cii « and ;" = ypr- dn/^. § n- We «li;iJI luive, by «iiital)Jy deteriiiiiiiug the coiistunts!, / V^ = ^/Tx A{x-), A{0) - n, V2 - J~VY^^B{x\ B{0) = 1, V, ■■= -7j:,^/V^^U^C{x\ C(0) - J, \ V = £>(2-^), D(0) = 1, (102) (108) F2- JjpB{x\ B(0) = }, k J. Vk \ V - D{x\ n = -^ CU% C(0, = 1. AO) - 1, where J, B, C, JJ are ratioii:il ii»te<;ral f'uiictioiis oi x'. n odd, /I eveu, n ( tjveii, x^/\ -xVl-^*^ 'U{x') = B(x') D{xr Gix') 48 11. FUJISAWA. I>y division, we obtuin n odd, xA(x^) mum = — ,. ., , snnu ,,,,, ^/U^B{x^) (104) en nil = — r., t, , ciwm = £>(a*') , 'vT^=IVC(x») , ^1" '"* = S:^i) ' ^» »»" - ^(^- When /t ia odd, J, />, C, 1) are all ol' llie degree m*— I in .», and when n is even, .4 is of the deforce «'— 4 while A^ B, C are all of the degree n'- in x. Moreover, A, llj C\ D are rational integral functions of A;'- whose coefficients are integml numljers. The coefficients of tlie highest power of u; in A, 7>, 6', D are res|jectively It— 1 H* — I It*— 1 M*- 1 »t— I M*- 1 (-!)» k ^ , k ^ , k ^- , (-1) » ;t A- » , or (-1) « w A; 2 , ^>, A:», (_i)» ^s^ accordinii" as // is odd or e\en. Write A - I'A^x*^ = 2'^'3jl-x»r =- 1'AIJ\-Px:'r, (105) = 1' G^x^- ^ 1' c:^a-xr - 1' aj-i-^-'^r, D = I'D^x'- = 2- 1)^(1 -^r = Vi);^(l-AVr; then, we have the well-known relations* * Compare the work of Briot et Bouquet alreivtly referred to, or Baehr, .S»/' Ifx jonniiles pour la tnitltiplicattOH des fonctions elUptiques de la premiere expilce, (irunert's Archiv der Matheuiatik, Bd. XXXVI, pp. 125-176. MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 49 Observe that A.,,„, B.^„„ C\,,„, !).,„„ J',,„, h',,„, ( 1,„, V/,,,, arc integral functions of k^ of the degree at most equal to m. § 15. Consider firat the case where n is an odd number, and put n^~ \ =4p = Sq. Introducing the new variable c — \/^a: in l'D,„.x^' we get (107) VkHuim- ^-^2-' where rt.,^, ti,„, are rational integral functions of a = ^ + ^-. k We may suppose .^ and B to be arranged according to the powers of a, thus : — (108) D - VD^,^^^'« - yd,J'- ^ lBji:\ 50 K. FUJISAVVA. From the well known relations (109) A{x, k)=(- 1)VV-^, ^W^ D{x, A)=(- \)'TAt-l-, A;W^ which may jilso be written in the form (110) A{a, ^)={- l)^'i)(«, i)c*^ D(«, c)=(- if^A^rx, ly*", we see that A and i> are of the stime degree in a and tliat, moreover, (111) ^Jc)=(-l)'^H„(l)c^ H^{^)={-\y^E„,(^jy''. When the multiplicator // is required to be put in evidence, we shall write A[_n'\ and !.>[//]. Now the terms containing the highest power of a in J [8], .4 [5], J [7] are -2'c»a, 2«c"a», -2«c»««, and those in D[3], D[5], -D[7] are 2»c''«, 2«c»V, 2»c«a«. By virtue of the relation (112) J[/i+2]J[w-ii]=I>-[2]J-'[//]-(l -«c^+e*)^^'[-]^W» which is easily deducible from the addition-equation, we conclude by applying mathematical induction that, generally, the terms involving the highest power of a in -4[m], D[m] are (113) !?,«'=(- 1)'^2'^''"«", H,a' = 2'c'*"«», w here ^« + A«„ = «* — 1 • To find Kf I^m we deduce from (112) ^»+s+/,. s = 2/^„-|-2 = 2w«-2^, which may be written MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 5 { or, jmtting for ji moment (^n— 77 + 1 ) — v''.. . 1 3 Observing ^i=-q-, V^=— 9-1 we find ). For this purpose, it will be convenient to distinguish two cases according as -^— is even or odd. When ^-^ is even, //„=—»(» — 1) and jy,=2'c*"<"-", further =2'-«|(7t-2)(?? - l>Kn+ 1)$*''("-^> 2+ („ _ l)w.(«+ 1X«+ 2)?*"t«-i)+J| ^ so that equation (IHi) now assumes the form MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 53 Now, q being" equal to "7 , The complementary function i.s thus but, as 4'/(// — 3) is odd and //,_, contains only even powers off, C"=0. Again, a ])articular integTa] is — 2p^"(?i—l )»?*"<"- 1)-2_ 2" =';?,(7t + ])f*'*("-i) ^2 which, together with the complementary function just found, gives where /^j is an as-yet undetermined function of??. n—} When — ^ is odd, Ave find likewise P>y virtue of (111), z We may put the multiplicator n in evidence by writing and then equation (112) may be written n+2 n— 2 T " T 2 T " " — 1 2 (118) v^^«-. Vj5;„«'»=(1-c^)2[v^^«-J _4(l-«,^+e^;|^VH,„«"'J, whence, equating the coefficients of the second highest power of a, «+2 «— 2 Ji— 2 n+2 r- n -|2 f" " ^2 (119) E E ,-{-E E .=a-$*f\ E -4(1+$*)^ ^ ' qn+2 '?H-2-l (7».-2 gn+2-1 ^ ^^ L '^"J ^ '^ L^''J • In 2P»-«/fe"'-"--, <1 -f')' P,..]' >» 227'»^"*-"-2^ 4(l+f')[H„J M _ 22p«+ 2 •n» + n T> n >» 2ft.+3/'f"*-« + 2 Equating the coefficients of tlie lowest power of f (that is $•'-»-') on the two sides of equation (119), we get Ti = 2^''""^''*-'=2 * , ^ odd. or, writinjr " instejid of « + 2, /j=2 « =2'^" =2 ^^" , — g— even. Again, when —5— is even, so that - — 5 — is odd, the term con- taining the highest ]X)wer off m ^a A , 1 is 2''««r,r+«-^ »— S w+S 11+2 > , . „ (i-fy[i:,,,J „ 22p•'^'+"•*'^ MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 55 Equating- the coefficieuty of tlic Jiigliest power of-r (tluit i« ?"' + »*«) yn the two sides of equation (11^), we obtain /l=2-^"'-^^"-^='2 4 , 'l_i odd or, writing n instead of /i + 2, n (n-SXn+B) ^_;)^('/»-l) "'-^ r,=2 * =2^^^-^^^^'^--^', -1^ even. Thus we find, whether —-r— is odd or even, (120) ri=2^"~^=2^^^""^^ and thence, when —-r— is even, (121) i?g-i= -2''-\;i-l)Me*"<"-i)-2-2^-=*n(/i+ l)c*"^"-^^+H2^-'^*"("+8', (122) E _i= 2*-2^*"<"-»'-i-2*-»;i(«+l)^*'''»+i'-3-2M;i-3)«^*"^"^^'"^\ and, when — ^ is odd, (123) H,,_i=2^-2c*"<''-«^-2^Mw+ l)l^*"<"+^^2_2i^-8(,;^_ 2),jfi«(u+i)+2^ (124) E^_^=Q?^\)i- l)«|^4"("-i>-3+ 2''-37t(/i+ l)i4«(«-i)+i_2i^2^i«(/i+8)-i^ Consider next i^^_2, whereby we suppose — ^ to be even. i/^_2 satisfies dilferential equation (117) where C/,,_2 = - 2^5(;i - 1 )/i(;i2 - M - 4)(n2 - /t - 6)l^*"<"-»^ " * - 2'^^n\)v' - 2)(yi2 - y ) Ji-f"-" - "l^hiin + 1 )(?i2 + n^4)(7t2 + ;i-G)?^"<»-i)+* + '2J^*n{n + 3)(n2 + 8n^2)^*»<"+«-» + 2'^%(w-3)(w'- 3?i- 2)c*"("+8>+2. 56 »• FUJISAWA. The complementary function is «-VlTn H'-fVl7H and, as i/y_2 can not contjiin irrational powers of ^, we must have n— 1 C'=0, C"=0. Hence, — ^ being even, (125) H,_s= 2^'(n- lMn'-?i-6)^*"<''-^>-*+2*^V-iiXM*-y)c'"*'--" + 2^y« + l)(n»+;i-6)e*''<"^»+*-2'^*«(w+ 3)c*''<'*+*>-' -2»-*;i(»*-3)c»"<-+»^+» and thence, (126) E,,_a = - 2^»n(w - 3)c*'<*-»>-»- 2^«n(n + 3)^*'«("-»)+» + 2"-'/t(n + l)(n» + n- 0)$*"<"+>>-* + 2*^71'- 2)(w'- -» + 2'^«7i(»-3)^*"<"^«+^ Next, consider ii^_3 which satisfies the differential equation (/?-in(n+5))(-« + 2''-''(» - 1 )n{n - 'S){Sn + 2){n* + 2»''- 21 n'- 42«, + G())f>"("-"-2 + 2?-»m(71 + 1X» + 3)(3/i- 2)(n*- 2«»- 2br + 42»+ G0)c»«(''-i'+2 + 2'-»'/i(« + 1 ){n + 3)(n - 2)(7i2 +,i- H)(:,v' +n-l 0)c*"^"-^ '+« - 2*^ Vn + 3)(?i + 4)(n - 1 )(n2 + Sn - G)^«'<"+8»-* - 2'^^?i\n* - 1 9;*^ + 98)?*''< "+«^ -2'^'/i(7i- 3)(n- 4)(;i + 1 )(«.2- 3» - ^)^Mn+»)+*, A particular integral may easily 1)e found. The complementary function is /gf*"'"-®', where f^ k ii function of//. Hence Ave get, '-^^ being even, (129) H,_,= rg^^'^-s) - 2^i«3-^?i('i - 1 )('i' - 'i - S){n- - 11 - I0)c^"<"-"- " - 2^M/i- 3)(w*+ 2;i«- 21n-- 42« + (JO)^*"!"-^'-^ - 2"-i"«(m + 3)(n*- 2/t«- 21«- + 42/«. + G0)^^"<''-i'+2 - 2"~^^3-hi{?i + 1 )(7^2 + n - ^){n^ + n-l 0)^*''<«-i > +« + 2*-''?Kn + 3)(n2 + Sn - G)6*"<"+»^-* + 2^\n*-- I9;i2+ 98)?*"*"+»^ + 2^9w(n- •d){n--Hn - C)«^i"<''+»'+S (130) E,.,3 = 2"''n{:n - SKh' - 3n - (3)e*"'"-«>-* + 2" \«*- h)n^+ iJ8)e*"<"-''>-^ 4- 2''-''yi(vj + 3)(;r + 3?t - 6)^i«("-3)+3 _2'^i«3-^/i(n+ l)(/i2+M_8)(;i2+;i_ iO)f5'«o.+i)-7 - 2*^i«n(/i + 3)(yi* - 2n»- 2l/r + 42« + 60)l^«"<"+^)-» - '2r-^Mn-3){n*+ 2w»- 21 ;r- 42yi + GO)?*""*+"-i _2^W3-V';t- l)(n"-n-8)(/r-;i- I0)c'"<"+^^^'^ n— 1 When — ^ is odd, we get, by writing —n instead of /< in (ll^l'), ^^rXsT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LtlF.C 5^ K. FUJISAWA. (131) H,_3= 2''-»«(w-3)(/i'-3n-G)e»"<'^»>-* + 2'^n{7i + 3)(?i^ + '6n - 6)f *»<'^«+* _ ^p-^o^-hiin 4- 1 )(n2 + 71 - 8)(;r + /< - 1 ())et"<»+i>-« - 2'^i»n(n + 3)(n* - 2/t» + 2bt- + 42 w + 60)c""»+*>-« - 2r-^7jin - 'S){n* + 2yi» - 21 w«- 42/t + 60)e»"<-+"+» _^-ioQ-in(n- lXM»-n-8)(n*-n- 10)^'"<-+»+« and thence, by virtue of (1 1 1), (132) E,_8=-r,e»"'"-^^^ + 2^"3-^»(7i- l):n«- n - 8)(/t»- /t- lO)^'"*--"-' + 2'^^»n(7i - 3)(n* + 2n»- 21««- 42/t + 60)e»"<''->'-» + 2'^»Vn+ 3X«* - 27i« + 21 n'+ 42n + 0())c*"<*-*»^* + 2^^"3-'7i(/t + 1 )(/t' + » - 8)(?t» + /i - 1 0)c*"''-^'+» - 2^»»(« + 3)(;i= + 3« - 6)$»"<"+»>^ -2''-Vt*- I9;i*+ 98)c»"<"+">-^ -2'^»7i(n-3)(7i'-37i-6)^»»<*+»>+». -; Equating the coefficients of a * on the two .sides of (11'^), we obtain 11+2 n— 2 n+2 n— 2 h+2 «— 2 n+2 n— 2 = (l-f')'(2£,i,._, + i,._,E„_,) When — ^ is even, the lowest power of ^ in the above equation is $"*"'""-. Equating the coefficients of this jjower of f on the two sides, we ^et r3 2P''-2= 2^^P'^-^K whence MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 59 I «^ — ^ * , — PT— even or, writing // in place of m+2, n In like manner, we may shew that /^ has the same vakie in the case where -^^ is even. Thus, whether ;/ l)e odd or even, 'ill (133) r8 = 22<»-»). In determining H^-^, every time 8//+1 is of the form r^, where r n denotes an integer, there comes in the term r^^'"^"*'\ Indeed all the terms of H. and E may readily be expressed in terms of f. On the other hand, t\ may be determined by means of (11 ' 3> '' 6» ' 10> ^ !;■)> ' 21> > To = 22", Ti = 22(''-i), Tg == 22<^-«5, so that most probably l\, = 2^^''"''^; but I have not thus far succeeded in proving this generally. For a given particular value of /i, the constants r may be determined in a different manner. For example, take the case w = 9. Sin 9a; = a'(9-l20a;2+432a;*-576a;«+256a-«). Again E^_^ contains the term /;g*"(«-7)-i jj^^j jj^ ^^^ <-}^g ^^^.jj^ /"^^^4.a..-9)^ If we put fc=0, a becomes infinite but in the same manner as -77. K 9 9 Thus sin 9a; contains the term t\^^^ whence follows /g = 250. Obviously /io=l. 60 K- FUJISAWA. The elliptic functions of ;m for u = 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8 have Ijeen calculated by Haehr and othern* by the primitive method of .succes- sively applying the addition-e<| nation. Having found the values of /', sn 9u may be calculated by the above method without much difficulty. § 16. As regards sn ???/, n being odd, the analysis contained in the preceding section, whereby the variables are taken to be ^k sn v and a, leaves nothing to be desired ; yet for the other functions, this is not the case, and it is l^etter to have as the variables sn?/ and k. For the sake of uniformity, therefore, we shall once more invostiL'^nte sn mi, but this time consider it as a function of sn« and k. Changing the variable from c to x, ecjuation (OX) takes the form (134) |^-(l + A^)r2+^^J4|^+|((2,^«_l)F_l)J.~2(n'-lU•V^^ ajr- ax + 2n2A-(l -A-^-^+nV-l)A:'j'' F = 0, and the e(|uation is satisfied by the numenitors and denominator of ^/k sn n?/, Jrj-, en w?/, —7= dn nv. The numerator of sn «w, that is, xA(x-), satisfies the differential equation * See the pnper of Biielir already referred to, and Proceedinsfs of the Royal Society of London, Vol. XXXIII (1882) pp. 180-489. MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. (^^ (1:^0) 1 1 -(1 +AV+/'''-n'-T^+ {{{2n'-\)P-])x-^2{i,'- l)/rV}^ Wo inny suppose the nuinemtor of sn tiii to l)e arrnno^ed according to the ix)wers of A;- and write 0S6) xA{x') = 2p^k''". Then, denoting the operator x-j- by '>, we have (1 87) '^ + (;/\47H. + 1 ) - /y^Pg,,, =: ( (47« - 8)«2 _ 2>t'iJ + t^V\n-, For iii=i), we have and, if we put then ^i^"+{"'-'y-)p.-^o, Pn = 2A-.^^^^S ,9,(2r+l)2r = -^9,_i(»;_(2,._i)2^ And, snice ^3, = n, i^r = (-^Y— ,,, . i\ , — ^^ — ', tlius w( obtain the well-known series For ?;/ = !, we have ^'+(57i2_/^)P2=(n2-2n^+<:^Po+;rV-'?)(n*- 1 -'9)Po • Since the lowest power of x in Pg is 3, we write 62 R. PUJISAWA. (139) then P2 = lrrr'^'\ 2r(2;-+ l)jv + (rm2_(2,-2- 1) ) ;'^„j =(?i«-2n«(2r-l) + (2/--l)Vr-i-(«'-2/-+3)(n«-2r+2)/5^j We find Ti = _!^(!^), „=?Kn»:^2(2n«-8), n= - ^^"'-^y-% (3n^-5), 3! 7! GeneniJly, 2r(2r+ l)r,+(5««-(2;-- J )Vr-i (4;--l0r+5>;i« (2r— 1) ! ' + (2r-3)(2r-l) / - Km'- (2r - 1 ) ) (n«- (2r - 3)') + (5n«-(2r-l)«)(r-l) ((r-l)n«-(2r-3)) _ _ ,„_i »(7?«-l)...(n»-(2r-5)«) -^ '^ (2/-1)! )•■ u/'-( C2;-l)! + (5n>-(2r-l)'X- lr» "^"'~ ^!;, ^^^'-;^^'-^)'> (.- 1) ((r-lK-(2r-3)), or. 2H2r+l)[r,-(-l)- "<'''-^y;'-f'-'^>'' Kn.'-(2r-l))] MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. (53 whence follows (140) r. = (-ir "'"'-'>"''-;'V,^f-'^-^>\ t.«--(2.-i)). For m = 2, we have Since the lowest power of a: in /^4 is 5, we write (141) P^ = ^d,x''^'; r-i then, 2r(2/-+ l)^,+(9M2-(2r- l)Vr-i =( (2r- 1)2- w2(4r- 7) ) rr-i-(/i'-2r+ 8)(?i2_2r+ 2) rr-2 , whence we find , _ n{nl-'[){fi'-9) (142) ^ ^• rl - _ Mn^Y^^ 6(?i«+85?i*-671nH945) , 9 ^s = ''^'''~y~'^^ 2(247n''+325w^-l3757;i'' + 28025). Thus the general law is not obvious as in the case of r, Jmd it seems to be impracticable to proceed further in this way. Reverting to the formulae »«=2p »»t=2p since, by virtue of (109), »-i A — (—})Tr> I.-(2p-2»») T) —(_^\^T'J T.-(2p-2m) g4 R- FUJISAWA. we need only determine either A or D. Let us take- D and apply (134). We obtain X>o= 1, A=0, A^=(- 1)^«A:^ and, generally, (143) (2w4- l)(2w + 2)Z)2,„+2+4w|(7^2-m)A;'-w}D»„+2w'A;(l -^2)^= + {(n'-2m+lXw'-2m+2)}A:*Z)^...2=0 . When m^p, (144) D2,=I>2„..o(l + A*") + D,„.,(^'+A;*-')+... + Z)8«.v(^+A**-'^)+... , the last term Ixiing Am-mA"* or Am,m i (A"'~^ + ^'"'"*^') according as m is even or (xid. Substituting this in (113), we obt;iin (2m+l)(2wi+2)|D^+,.o(l + A-*"-'')+£>j»+i,(^*+^'"-')+.-. + Z),«+,,^(^-«'+A-«-«^+ )+...} + 2n» |Dj^.o(* + 2w^-*'")+A'«.s(2^'+(2w-2)A^'' 2,^ + !>»..*. (2^*" + (2wi - 2nA«"' ^0 +.. . - 2n» |Z)»^.o(*+2w^*"+») + I>j^.2(2A-*+(2w-2)^*-)+ ... + !>,„. 5, (2/A^'-^*+ (2;/i- 2r)A'--*'+') + . . . + {n'—2m+ 1Xh=-2w+2){D,«.,.,. (A=+ A-='")+ Z>s„_s., (A*+ A-*-^)+ . . . = Hence (2wi+l)(2w + 2)D„^+2.s = -4(/r-„i2)Dj^ J (2w+l)(2m+2)Z)2^+j., = -4{{m-l)7i'-7n^\D,^,, -4(^2n'^m^)D^,^ , -{n^-2m+ 1)(m'-27/i+2)Z)„,_2. J , (2w+l)(2w + 2)^2^+0. 6 = -M{m-2),i'-m^\D^,^ -M3n'-m^D^,,, -(,n^-2m+ l)(««-2m + 2)i)2„.-2,4 . MULTIPLICATION OP ELLIPTIC FUNCTION'S. 55 and, generally, (145) (2m+l)(2wi+2)Z)2,„+,.2, = -4{{„i-r+l)n'-m'\D,„^,,_, the last coefficient being given by (2m+l)(2m+2)A„+2.„.+i = -H^J^n'-M']^D,„,,,., -.in'-2m+l)(7i'-2m + 2)D,^_,^^., , or (2m+lX2m+2)A.+2.. = -2{im+2)7i'-2m'\D„„^_, 2»»-2, j»-2 > according as m is odd or even. By means of (145), we find (146) Do = 1, A = 0, A = -■^^^^2Jc^, b ! ^^_ ^^'(^^'- 1)( ^^^^- 4X/^^ - 9) 321 4(,,2_i6)(fe2 ^ ;^)^ I5(n^-4)(^H A«) } , + 8(n2- 16X47^2- 185XA;*+ J<^)+ I5(45w*- 569^2+ l544);t«} , + l6(/i2- l6X34/i*~ 9827^2+ 3300)(A;H ^^") + (1549/t«-489257i*+357196/i2-8l5040X^+A-8)}. QQ R. FUJISAWA. Again equation (143) muy be written in the form (147) (2m+2)(2m+8)A;''Ap-2.-2+'^»'^(l-^')^^^^ + (n»-27»)(7i«-2w+ l)Z)«^s^+, = . Now, m being less than ;;, (148) A,-2« = D,^^,,^^{Jc^'^+J^+D,^^,,^^^,(k*'^*'+J^^+... the last term being according as m is even or odd. From (147) and (148), we obtain (2m + 2)(2w+3)D,,_j,_5.^s,., + l7i»-(2m + l)'}D^^.,^,„ = 0, (2w+2)(2m+3)D^_s^_s.s^,«+{5n»-(2m+l)'[D4^j^.,p_j«+, + |(4w+ l)^i»-(2m+ 1)'[I>^»..^^ + (n«-2wXn'-27n+l)D^^+,,,^^+, = , (2w+2)(2m + 3)D^2^_j,s5^,^+, + iU;i'-(2;«+ ])'}D4p_s,.jp_2«,4 + |(4m-3)»'-(2m+l)«|D^5,,5sp_5„+, + (7i«-27nXn»-2wj+ l)D4p_a«+j,sp_j^^4 = , generally, (149) (2m + 2)(2w+3)D,^2^_s,j,_s«+^, + |(4r+l);i2-(2w+l)2}D,^j„.3^j^+s, + |(4/;i-4r+5)««-(2w+l)^}D,p_,„,j,^j„+2,_, + (?l' - 2w)(n'- 2m + l)D4p-2„,+2. 2^ -2m+2r = , MULT [PLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. QJ and, lastly, + |(2w+5)7l2-(2w+l)n Ap-2«..Sp-,„-2 + (n2-2m)(n2-2wi+l)D,^2„+2,2,_„ = , or (2m+2)(2w + 3)I),^2„_2,2p_^_i+2{(2w + 3y-(2m+l)21A;^.^,2^,„-i according as m is even or odd. From the above equations, we find (150) + 6(n2-25)(w2-49)(n2- 81)(6n-'- U){}£'+ k'") - 3(l927n«- 33068n« - 962n* + 1033308712-181 9125)(A;^ + A-«) - 4(3046?i« - 38037??'' + 32799?i* + 7086477^2- 1299375)^"} , D,^io = - (- 1)""^ ,,(„'- W- 9) ;^2p-io |(,,2_ 25)(^2_ 49)(,,2_ 81)(1 + ¥') + 5(7i2-25Xw2-49X5??2_9)(P+ ^ - 2(2477i«+ 325?i*- 13757?^^+ 23625X/iH A") }, A,^8 = (-1) ' g , ^ F^M0^^-9)(n^-25Xn2-49Xl + A:«) + 4(?i2_ 9Xn2- 25X4?i2- 7XA-2+ A") -6(?i"'+ 85n*-671w2+ 945)A^}, 68 E. FUJISAWA. ^4p-4 = (-1) ' r^ , A:^M(^^'-9)a + ^)+2(2n^-3)^}> The first five a^eflicients were given by Jacobi himself. Tlie first jind the last six coefficients of all the four functions have been found by Baehr by a different method. §17. Let us now consider the rational integral functions of a:', J5, C which enter into the numerators of en //7f and dn?iw, // Ixiinj; odd. From the well-known relations (151) B {X, Jf)==C (^-^, l^ l-'" x*p, C {X, I') = B (~^, l^ l-^ .rr (152) B (I'x, ^) = C (x, k), C (kx, y ) = -B (x, k), we deduce (153) B (kx, x) = ^ (^ ' ^ **'' whence (154) B^^ik) = B^ (j) P", Bjjc) = B,^J^\^ k^. MULTIPLICATIOX OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. ^g Hence, if we put then m-2p / 1 \ so that we need only determine B^^ and this only for the initial values of m in view of (154). Now (134) may easily be modified in such a manner that the resulting equation is satisfied by B. We find (155) {l-(\ + k^x^-\-k'x*\-^+ { [{'2n'-l)k'-'S]x-2{n'-2)7c'x']^ -{-'lim\-¥)^ + {n^-\)\l + {n'-2)k'x^\ B = 0, whence follows (156) (2m+l)(2w+2)B2„+2+[ [n'-{2m-\-m +4m{n'-m)¥}B,^ + '2,n'k(i-k^^^ + {7i'-2m){n'^2ni+l)k'B,^_, = . Further we find, for m < p, (2w+l)(2w + 2)B2„+2,„ +[n2-(2m+l)2}B2„,,o = 0, ^2«,o = , »i— 1 <: 27W < 2p, {2m+l){2m+2)B^^,^,+l5n'-{2m+\f}B^^, + 4m(?i2-w)B2„,o +{n'-2m){7i'-2m+l)B^_,^, = , {2m+ 1X2^+2)^2^+2,, + {9n'-{2m+ lf}B„„, + 4{{m-l})i'-m^}B^^, +{n'-2m)in'-2m + l)B^^,^, = 0, generally, 70 R FUJISAWA. (175) (2m+l)(2m+2)B2„+2.,, +{(4r + lK-(2m+l)nB^ 0, and, lastly, . {(4w+l)n'~(2w+l)']B»..», +(n«-2mXn«-2m+l)B,^.,^ = . By means of the above equjitions, we find (158) •Bo = 1, B, = — 2! ' B, = ^ [(n«-9) + 2n»F}, Bb = - '^^{^n«-9)(7J»-25)+6nV-9)A:'+8n«(n«-4)^}, Bg = ^4rT^ (K-^K-25)(//»-49)+12n*(n«-9Xn'-25);fc« + 4nV-4Xl5n'- 107)A:*+ 32nV-4Xn'-9)^} , Bxo = - - — j^ — - {«'-25Xn«-49X«'-8l)+20nV-25X«'-49)A^ + 1 2;i V- 4X297t«- 329)A^ + 'S2n\n*-4){Un^-S9)l(* + 1287iV-4Xw*-16)A^}, Bi2 = ^'''~22f~^^ {(««-25Xn'-49Xn»-8lX«*-121) + 30wV-25Xn«-49Xn«- 81)^ + 4?i^593n«- 1708271*+ 1 795 17n'- 482708)^* + 871^(71* - 4X575W* - 101 1 ln» + 44276)^ + 1927iV-4X»i*- 16Xl57i^-89)A:« + 5l27i\n^ - 4X71* - 1 6X7** - 25)A-i°} . MULTIPLICATION' OP ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 7^ § 1«. Consider next the case where n is even. To l)egin with, take sn nu. Here D is exactly of the same form jis in the aise where n is odd, so that we may restrict ourselves to the consideration of A alone. Now A is of the degree n*— 4=4p say, and (159) A {X, k) = (- 1)'"^' A (j^, k^ k^ x\ and, therefore,' (160) A^^ = (- 1)"^ A^ A;*^'-. In consequence of (104) and (134), A = ^ -^i«-^^"* satisfies the TO-O differential equation (161) {a:-(l + A;V+A;»x»}^2+ |2+ [(2n»-5)A;»-51a;»-2(;i5-4)A;V}^ dx^ ' ^ dx dA dk dA + %i^k{l - k^x^ + {n^-4t){{i + k^x + (w^- 3)A;V }^ = , whence follows, (102) {2m + 2)(2m+'6)A^+i+ {;i»-4(w+ 1)H L(4/m+ l);r-4(;;t+ l)'^] k'lA 2m fj4 + 2ii^k{i-k^)-^^+{n'-2m-2){ii^-2vi-l)k^A^_^ = 0. By virtue of (IGO), we need only determine the first half of the coefficients A^^. Again, ^2m is of the form the last tenn l)ein<>" A^^,„k'" or ^2m.m-i ('>^"'^^ + ^"'^^), according as ?« is even or odd. Substituting this in (162), we get 72 K. PUJISAWA. (2w+2)(2m+3)^2„+2.o+ |w'-4(m+l)«M^.o = , *'"•""" ^ ^ ('2w+l)! (2/^i+2)(2m+3)^2„+j., + |9n«-4(m+ 1)*M»,.4 + |(4w-3)n'-4(wi+ l)»f^»*., + (ro'-2»t-2Xn»-2m-l)-4ft^_^, = , (2m+2)(2w+3Mj«+,.e +{l3n*-4(m + l)»}^ft».« + {(4w-7)n«-4(w+l)«[^H.,4 + (n»-2w-2Xn'-2m-l)^^_,,4 = 0, generally, (103) (27« + 2X2w+3Mj^+2.2r +i(-A/-+l)»'-4{m+l)'}^^.^ 4 |(4w-4r+r,^n*-4(m+l)»[^^.,.,_, + (/i- - 2;;i — 2X/t' — 2wi — 1 )^ j^.,, ^_ 2 = , and, lastly, (2m+ 2X2w+ 3)^2^+2. «+i + 2 U2m + 3);t*-4(m+ !)-[ A.r^^ ^_, + {n- - 2w - 2Xm- — '2^n — 1 )A 2^_2. „_x = , or (2wi+2X2m+3M2»+2.« + {(2'»+ l)n2-4(w+ ir[^2«,« + (M^-2w-2X«^-2m- 1)^2^-2. „_2 = , according as m is odd or even. MULTIPLICATION OP ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 73 By means of the abo\e equiitions,'we find (164) A, = n, A,= -'^^^^{\ + n A, = '^^^^rp^ K'*'- 16)('^--36) [(n--G4)(l + k')+M4n'-\'S){r-+ A«)l -(5(n«+ iy6/i*-21147iH4752)A^|, -2(247?i«-882yt«-7'2l02/i*+(36lll2/i2_l368000)(A*+A")'f, ^"^^f"^^ |(;j2- l6)(yi2-a6)(M2-64X7i2- l00)(/i2- 144)(1 + k'^-) + 6(yt-- lGX?r- 36X^2- 64): M^- 100X6?^'- 19XA;2+ A;i") + (- 578bii°+ 170472?^«- 490 i40?i«- 22744752/1* + I989868l6n^-383754240X^*+ A;**) + 4(-30467i^'' + 75579n»-260532yi«-590l554;i* + 48907368n- - 93493440)A;« | . A,,= § 19. Lastly we consider the numerators of en nu and dn nu^ n being even. In this case, put n^ = 4/y. As in the case where n is odd, C.2„ik) = B^Jj-jk-'" by (106), so 74 R- FUJISAWA. that we may here also restrict ourselves to the consideration of B, Moreover, since in this case (165) B {X, k) = B (J^, A-) k'-" x*", it follows, (106) B,p-5„ = B^ A*-*», and we need only determine the first half of the coefficients B.,^. Now B satiiifies the differential equation (167) {i-a + J^)x'+}i^x*\^,+ \[(^27i^-l)Jc'-l]x-'2{ii^-l)J^x^\^ + 2n'A:(l-^)^+ {n\n*-l)J('x*+n^\ B = 0, whence we deduce (168) (2m+ l)(2m+2)Bj^+,+ |(w'-4m')+4wt(»'-w)A:»}Bj^ +2n'A:(l-A:»)^^+(n»-2w+ \){7i^-2vi+2)k'B,^^^ = . Substituting B2m = B^n^o + Ssnt.S "^+ ••• + ^2»».2r k '+ ... + Bj^ jm ^"j in (168), we get (2m+lX'2m+2)B2«+j.o +i7i--^ni')B^,o = , jBj^ = , w <: 'Zvi < 2p, (2m + l)(2w + 2)B2„+2. 2 + (5n»- 4w')B2„, ^ + 47»(«--wi)B2«,o +(n'-2m+l)(?i2_2m+2)Ba«_2.o = 0, MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 75 (2m + ] )(2 w + 2)B,„.+., , + (9«2 - 4m')B„„^ , generally, (1C9) {2m+]){2m + '2)B„„,,,,, + [{4r-\-}W-4m']B„„^^ ^4{(,f,^r+\)n'-m']B,^^,^, + in'-2m+ l){n^-2m+2)B^_,^^_, = , jmd, lastly, {2m+l){2m+2)B^^,^,„,^, + {{4m+ lW-4m'}B,^^„, By means of the above equations, we find (170) Bo = I, -Kg = — "21' ^8 = ^V-4) [(^2- 16X^2-36)+ I2(M^- IXn^- 16)A:^+ + 4(w2- 1X15^2- 5 W + 32(71^- IXn^- 9)A:«} , + 12(^2- l){7v'-9){29iv'- I04)k* + 64(?v'- }){n^-9XIn^-22)k'^ + 128(^2- lX;t'- 9)(w2- 16)^], 76 li. FUJISAVVA. "'%2^.'^^ ^^'*'~ 10XM--36)(7i2_64)(»i2_ 100) + 4(>i*- lX593;i«- 14305m*+ 1 1 3\)72n^-25n60)k* + 40(?i'-lXn2-9Xll5?^*-1283;i''+2968)A^ + 2880(m2- lXn«-9Xw»- l6Xn'-8)A:« + 5l2(n»- lXw'-9Xn'- l6Xn'-25)A:^']. 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