■n -? 537 I8fc7 lA o P o 5 BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA v^ ; "?m CONSTITUTION M.\W.\ GliAND LODGE OF CALIFORNIA, AND MASONIC JUR] , THEREUNTO BELONGING, £m mi gvwiptol f$to ' tON WITH lL GRAND LODGE OF UNITED AMERICA, AS . A. L. 5867. C ISC 1867. CONSTITUTION^ ' -=g OF THE M.\W.\ GRAND LODGF FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND MASONIC JURISDICTION THEREUNTO BELONGING, ixu mi %ttt$tfL IjteWM, IN UNION WITH THE NATIONAL GRAND LODGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA, AS REVISED AND ADOPTED SEPT. 19th, A. L. 5867. f J* SAN FRANCISCO: PRANK EASTMAN, PRINTER, 509 CLAY STREET. 1867. HS637 C 2,4 23 W @f L@®@IS, ©to. / ?(} 7 Hannibal Lodge No. 1, San Francisco — B.Fletcher, W.\ M.\ ; A. F. Phillips, Secretary. Meets every Wednesday. PhilomatheanlLodgeNo. 2, Sacramento — N. A. Christopher, W.\ M.\ ; J. H. Hubbard, Secretary. Meets every Monday. Victoria Lodge No. 3, San Francisco— D. W. Buggies, W.-, M.*. ; J. B. Sanderson, Secretary. Meets every Monday. Mount Moriah Lodge No. 4, Nevada, California— D. D. Carter, W.\ M.\; L. H. Gardner, Secretary, Meets every Monday. Laurel Lodge No. 5, Marysville— I. M.Wiley, W.\ M.\. ; Jonathan B. Johnson, Secretary. Meets every Monday. Landmark Lodge No. 6, Sonora — Martin Jackson, W.\ M.\ ; Samuel Collet, Secretary. Meets every Monday. Ashlar Lodge No. 7, Virginia City, Nev. — George Cottle, W.\ M.\; James M. M. Moody, Secretary. Meets every Monday. VfiAJ] l\ |,l GRAND OFFICERS, A. L. 5867. if.'. IF.-. J. M. Whitfield Grand Master. R.\ W. '. D. D. Carter Deputy Grand Master. R.\ W.\ James Johnson Senior Grand Warden. R.'. W.'.I. M. Wiley Junior Grand Warden. R.\ W.\ Barney Fletcher Grand Treasurer. R.'. W.'. S. P. Clarke Grand Secretary. Reverend J. J. Moore Grand Chaplain. Reverend I. M. D. Ward Grand Orator. J. R. Starkey Grand Marshal. Isaiah C. Dunlap Senior Grand Deacon. J. B. Sanderson Junior Grand Deacon. John Adams Grand Standard Bearer. John Gale Grand Sword Bearer. J. M. Flowers Grand Bible Bearer. A. Osborne Grand Steward. E. Cooper Grand Steward. T. E. Randolph Grand Pursuivant. L. H. Brooks Grand Tyler. Committee of Foreign Correspondence, J. A. Barber, N. A. Christopher, J. B. Sanderson, S. P. Clarke, J. R. Johnson. CHAPTER I.— OF THE GRAND LODGE. ARTICLE t. TITLE, JURISDICTION, MEMBERSHIP, ETC. Section 1. Style and Title — The style and title of this Grand Lodge shall be " The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge for the State of California, and Masonic Jurisdiction there- unto belonging, of Free and Accepted Masons." In union with the National Grand Lodge of the United States of North America. Sec 2. Extent of Jurisdiction — The jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge shall extend over the State of California, and all the other States and Territories lying wholly or partially west of the Rocky Mountains, in which there is not a Grand Lodge in union with the National Grand Lodge. It shall have a seal (bearing such devices and inscriptions as have been, or may hereafter be, determined on), which shall be impressed upon all documents issued by its authority. Sec 3. Of Membership — The Grand Lodge shall be com- posed of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Senior Grand Warden, Junior Grand Warden, Grand Treasu- rer, Grand Secretary, and the past officers of the same rank; of the Grand Chaplain, Grand Orator, Grand Marshal, Senior Grand Deacon, Junior Grand Deacon, Grand Standard Bearer, Grand Sword Bearer, Grand Bible Bearer, two Grand Stewards, Grand Pursuivant, and Grand Tyler; of the Mas- ters and Wardens of all chartered Lodges, and the regular Past Masters of all chartered Lodges under this jurisdiction, each of whom shall be entitled to one vote, and in all tie votes, except election, the Grand Master shall have, in addi- tion, the casting vote. In addition to the individual votes of members, each Subordinate Lodge shall be entitled to three votes, to be cast by its Master and Wardens. In case of the absence of one of them, the senior officer present shall cast two of the three votes, and if but one of them is present, he shall cast the three votes of the Lodge ; and any brother acting as proxy for one or more Lodges, shall be en- titled to cast the whole vote of each Lodge he represents. Sec. 4t t Of Communications — The Grand Lodge, so con- stituted, shall meet in San Francisco, in Grand Annual Com- munication, at such time between the fifteenth and twenty- first of June inclusive, of each year, as the Grand Master may, by public notice, appoint. Special Communications may be ordered by the Grand Master whenever, in his opinion, the welfare of the fraternity may require it. Every order for a special Communication shall designate the object thereof, so far as is proper to be written, and shall be issued to each Lodge and Grand officer at least fifteen days before the day named for meeting. The officers or representatives of at least three chartered Lodges shall be necessary in order to open any Communication of the Grand Lodge for the transaction of business, but upon occasions of ceremony only, the Grand Master, or his duly authorized representa- tive, with a sufficient number of brethren to fill the offices, may, at any time, open the Grand Lodge and perform the ceremony for which it was convened. Sec. 5. Of its Powers and Authority — The Grand Lodge is the supreme Masonic power and authority in this jurisdic- tion, possessing all the attributes of sovereignty — legislative, executive, and judicial, limited only by a strict adherence to the ancient landmarks of the Order, and the provisions of the Constitution of the National Grand Lodge, Sec. 6. Of Election — The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Secre- tary, shall be elected by ballot upon the third evening of each Annual Communication; shall be installed before its close; and shall hold their respective offices until their sue- f cessors are elected and installed, and a majority of all the votes east shall be necessary to an election. All other Grand officers shall be appointed by the Grand Master, immediately after his installation, at each Annual Communication ; shall be properly invested before the close thereof ; and shall hold their respective offices during his will and pleasure. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any elective office of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master shall have power to fill the same by appointment, which appointment shall be valid un- til the succeeding annual election and installation ; and the officer so appointed shall be charged with all the duties and responsibilities of one regularly elected. Every member of this Grand Lodge shall be eligible to any office therein, and may be elected whether he be present or absent. Sec. 7. Of Voting— All questions before the Grand Lodge, except election of officers, shall be decided by the usual show of hands. No Past Grand officer, or Past Master, voting in one of those capacities, s'hall vote in the other of them; but any such member may, as Master, Warden, or proxy of a Lodge, cast also the vote, or votes, to which such position entitles him. Sec. 8. The following regular committees, to consist of three members each, shall be appointed by the Grand Mas- ter at the commencement of each Annual Communication, namely: A Committee on Credentials, a Committee on Grievances, a Committee on Finance, a Committee on Char- ters, By-Laws, and Returns of Subordinate Lodges. In ad- dition to which the Grand Master elect shall appoint a stand- ing committee of five on Foreign Correspondence. Special committees may also be appointed by the Grand Master whenever it may be deemed necessary by the Grand Lodge, ARTICLE II. OF REVENUE AND FEES. Section 1. Of Revenue — The revenue of the Grand Lodge shall be derived from fees charged for dispensations, char- 8 ters, diplomas, dimits, and other documents issued under ts authority; from uniform assessments levied upon the Lodges for members, affiliations and degrees ; and from the funds and property of dissolved Lodges, which shall, in all cases, revert to the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2. Of Fees — The following shall be the fees charged as above : For a dispensation to open a new Lodge, including five dollars to the Grand Secretary, thirty dollars; for a charter or warrant of Constitution, including five dollars fee to the Grand Secretary, thirty dollars; for a dispensation to hold an election outside of the regular time, including tvvo dollars fee to the Grand Secretary, five dollars; for a dispen- sation to ballot for a candidate for the degrees without the reference to a committee and laying over to the next si ated communication, five dollars, including two dollars fee to the Grand Secretary; for a diploma, dimit, or certificate of mem- bership, the brother furnishing the written or printed form, two dollars. In no case shall either of the foregoing docu- ments be issued until the fees therefor shall be paid. Sec. 3. Of Assessments— The following assessments shall be paid as annual due s by each of the Lodges, whether char- tered or under dispensation. For each degree it shall have conferred during the year, the sum of fifty cents. For each member it shall have received during the year, the sum of fifty cents. For each Master Mason borne upon its roll at the date of its annual return, the sum of fifty cents. The Grand Lodge may levy such additional assessments as it may think proper. CHAPTER II.— OF THE GRAND MASTER. ARTICLE" I. PREROGATIVES OF THE GRAND MASTER. Section 1. To preside over the Grand Lodge, and over any Subordinate, wb^ w • -vt. 9 Sec. 2. To call emergent Communications of the Grand Lodge, and of any Subordinate Lodge, as often as he may deem it expedient. Sec. 3. To appoint all committees of the Grand Lodge, and to be ex officio the chairman thereof. Sec 4. To determine all questions of order in Grand Lodge, without appeal. Sec 5. To fill all vacancies in office in the Grand Lodge. Sec 6. To make Masons at sight — this power being, how- ever, restricted to the conferring of the degrees according to the ritual, in the presence of a lawful number of Masons, and of all the necessary elements of a regular Lodge ; the presence of the Grand Master supplying the warrant. Sec 7. To grant dispensations for the formation of new Lodges, or for the revival of decayed Lodges, and to revoke the same at pleasure. Sec 8. To arrest the charter of Lodges, and to suspend the functions of Masters of Lodges until the next session of the Grand Lodge. Sec 9. To grant dispensations to Lodges for the election for officers when the first three offices for any cause shall be vacant, or when default shall be made in the election of t offi- cers on the day of the annual election. Sec 10. To exercise, temporarily, all the powers of the Grand Lodge during the interim between its sessions, and subject to its appproval at its next session. Sec 11. To grant dispensations, on good cause shown, authorizing the installation of a Master elect, who is not a Past Warden. Sec 12. To grant dispensations shortening the time in which any act is required to be done. Sec 13. Exemption from trial during his term of office, and afterward for any official act while Grand Master. Sec 14. To perform any act necessary for the enforce- ment of his prerogatives or the orders of the Grand Lodge* 10 Sec. 15. To give give the casting vote in case of a tie, in addition to his own vote. ARTICLE II. OF THE DUTIES OF THE OK AND MASTER. Section 1. To discharge all the necessary functions of the Grand Lodge when that body is not in session. Sec. 2. To exercise a general and careful supervision over the Craft, and see that the Constitution and regulations of the Grand Lodge are strictly maintained, supported and obeyed. Sec 3. To constitute all chartered Lodges, either in per- son or by a duly authorized representative, in accordance with the ancient usages and regulations. Sec 4. To pregent, at each Annual Communication, a written message, setting forth therein all his official acts during the year, exhibiting the general condition of Masonry throughout the jurisdiction, and recommending such legis- lation as he may deem necesary or expedient for the welfare of the Order. CHAPTER III.^OF THE GRAND OFFICERS, ARTICLE I. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. Section 1. The duty of the Deputy Grand Master is to assist the Grand Master in the discharge of his duties, and in case of his absence or inability, to preside in the Commu- nications of the Grand Lodge, and perform all the duties of Grand Master. Sec. 2. Of the Grand Wardens— In the absence or inability of both the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master, the Grand Wardens, according to seniority, succeed to the pow- ers and duties of the Grand Mastership. In the absence or inability of them all, the Master of the oldest Lodge is to preside, in regular succession, 11 Sec. 3. Of the Grand Treasurer — The duty of the Grand Treasurer is to receive all moneys belonging to the Grand Lodge from the Grand Secretary, giving duplicate receipts therefor, and keeping, in proper books, a just account there- of. To take charge of all other property of the Grand Lodge, keeping an accurate account of the same. To pay all orders drawn upon the proper funds, when signed by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary. To attend the Grand Lodge at all its Communications, and the Grand Master, when required, with the books and all necessary papers ap- pertaining to his office. To report at each Annual Commu- nication a detailed account of his receipts and disburements ; present a statement of the existing condition of its property and finances, and at the end of his term pay over and trans- fer to his successor all funds or property of the Grand Lodge remaining in his possession. Sec. 4. Of the Grand Secretary — The duty of the Grand Secretary is to record all the proceedings of the Grand Lodge which are proper to be written; to receive and keep on file all papers and documents addressed to or belonging to the Grand Lodge, and present such as may require its action at each Annual Communication. To keep the seal of the Grand Lodge, and affix the same, with his attestation, to all instruments emanating from that body. To collect all moneys due to the Grand Lodge, keep a correct account thereof, in proper books, and pay the same to the Grand Treasurer. To report at each Annual Communication a de- tailed account of all moneys received by him during the year, with a specific statement of the sources whence they were derived, presenting therewith the receipts of the Grand Treasurer therefor. To report all Lodges which shall be in arrears to the urand Lodge, or whi<5h shall neglect or refuse to comply with any provision of its Constitution or regula- tion. To conduct the correspondence of the Grand Lodge, and submit copies thereof at each Annual Communication, for its inspection. To attend the Grand Lodge at all its 12 Communications, and the Grand Master when required, with the books and all necessary papers appertaining to his office. To transmit to each Lodge within the jurisdiction, once in every six months, a list of all rejections, suspensions, ex- pulsions, and restorations, of which he shall have been notified by the several Lodges. To present at each Annual Communication an estimate of the probable income from the known sources of revenue during the year. To issue notices of any special Communication ordered by the Grand Master to each Lodge and Grand officer within the jurisdic- tion. To issue notices to each Lodge of the granting of a dispensation by the Grand Master for the formation of a new Lodge. To take charge of the j ewe's, furniture, cloth- ing and paraphernalia of the Grand Lodge during its vaca- tions. To furnish every Grand officer elected or appointed with a certificate of such election or appointment. To report at each Annual Communication all unfinished business of the Grand Lodge, and to present such other matters to its notice as may properly come within his province, and to per- form all such other duties appertaining to his office as the Grand Lodge may direct. He shall receive such compensa- tion for his services as the Grand Lodge may direct. He may, with the approval of the Grand Master, appoint an As- sistant Grand Secretary, for whose official acts he shall be responsible, and who shall be considered an appointed officer of the Grand Lodge, and shall receive such compensation for his services as it may direct. ARTICLE II. OF THE APPOINTED GRAND OFFICERS. Section 1. It is the duty of the Grand Chaplain, during each Communication, to perform such services appertaining to his office, as may be required of him by the Grand Master. Sec. 2. It is the duty of the Grand Orator, at each Annual Communication, to deliver an address to the Grand Lodge, upon matters appertaining to the Craft. 13 Sec. 3. It is the duty of the Gland Marshal to proclaim the Grand officers at their installation, and to make such other proclamations as the Grand Master may direct; to in- troduce the representatives of other Grand Lodges, and all visiting brethren of distinction; to conduct all processions of the Grand Lodge, under the direction of the Grand Mas- ter, and perform such other duties proper to his office as may be required. Sec. 4. It is the duty of the Grand Deacons to assist the Grand Master and the Grand Wardens in such manner as the ancient usages of the Craft prescribe. Sec. 5. It is the duty of the Grand Standard Bearer to bear the banner of the Grand Lodge in all processions, and at all public ceremonies. Sec 6. It is the duty of the Grand Sword Bearer to attend upbn the Grand Master and bear the sword of the Grand Lodge in all processions, and at all public ceremonies. Sec. 7. It is the duty of the Grand Bible Bearer to bear the Holy Scriptures in all processions, and at all public cere- monies. Sec. 8. It is the duty of the Grand Stewards to superin- tend the preparations for all festive occasions directed by the Grand Lodge, and to provide suitable rafreshments at its Communications ; provided, that they shall not incur an ex- pense of more than twenty- five dollars at one Communica- tion, unless authorized to do so by a vote of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 9. It is the duty of the Grand Pursuivant to guard the inner door of the Grand Lodge, and communicate with the Grand Tyler without; to announce all applicants for admission, by their names and proper Masonic titles, and see that all who enter wear the jewel and clothing proper to their rank, and to allow none to withdraw who have not ob- tained permission to do so from the Grand Master. Sec. 10. It is the duty of the Grand Tyler to guard the outer door of the Grand Lodge, and communicate with the Grand Pursuivant within ; to report all applicants for ad- u mission to the Grand Pursuivant, and see that all who enter are duly authorized, and properly clothed ; to make suitable preparations for the accommodation of the Grand Lodge at all its Communications, and see that the hall is kept in order; to take charge of and safely keep the jewels, furniture and clothing of the Grand Lodge during its communications ; to carry all notices and summonses, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Grand Lodge, or Grand Master. He shall receive for his services such com- pensation as the Grand Lodge may direct. CHAPTER IT.— OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. ARTICLE I. ORGANIZATION/ Section 1. How Formed — A Lodge can only be formed by authority of a dispensation from the Grand Master, or of a charter from the Grand Lodge. At every Grand Commu- nication the Grand Master shall make a report of all Lodges under dispensation; when the Grand Lodge may grant a charter, or continue the new Lodge under dispensation. If a charter is granted, the Grand Master shall constitute the new Lodge in person, or by proxy, as soon as convenient. A Lodge shall consist of a Master, Senior and Junior War- dens, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior and Junior Deacons, two Stewards, and Tyler, with as many members as it may find convenient. Sec. 2. Of the Powers and Duties of a Lodge — The powers and privileges of a Lodge are such as are authorized by its dispensation or charter, by the Constitution and regulations of the Grand Lodge, and by the general usages and customs of ancient Freemasonry; and are, 1st. Executive, in the direction and performance of its work as prescribed by the Grand Lodge, under the control of the Master, and in all other matters in aid of the Master, who is the primary execu- tive authority of the Lodge ; 2d. Legislative, including all 15 matters of legislation relative to its internal concerns, which shall not be in violation of the general regulations and ancient usages of Masonry, or the Constitution and edicts of the Grand Lodge ; 3d. Judicial, embracing the exercise of dis- cipline over its own members (except the Master), and all other Masons within its jurisdiction, and the settlement of controversies between them, subject always to revision by the Grand Lodge upon appeal. Sec. 3. Of Communications and Business-vlZ&ch Lodge shall have not less than one stated Communication in each calen- dar month, but may hold such other communications as it may determine, or the Master may direct ; but no business of any kind, except collections, appropriations for relief, conferring of degrees, ceremonial observances, and the like, shall be done at any other than a stated meeting, unless by dispensation from the Grand Master. Sec. 4. Of Returns and By-Laws — Each chartered Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a full and correct re- turn of its transactions for the twelve months next preced- ing the eighth day of June in each year, within one week; and each Lodge under dispensation shall transmit a similar return from the day of its organization to the same date, and shall remit along with such return the amount of its dues to the Grand Lodge for the year. Each chartered Lodge shall have a seal, with the name and number of the Lodge, date of its charter, and any suitable devices engraved there- on, which shall be impressed upon all documents of every kind emanating from the Lodge, or from the Master or Sec- retary in their official capacity; and documents issued with- out the impress of the seal, shall be considered null and void. Each Lodge shall have all official communications from the Grand Master or Grand Secretary read in open Lodge at the stated Communication next following their re- ceipt. Any Lodge preparing a code of By-Laws, shall trans- mit a copy to the Grand Secretary as soon as adopted ; but np such By-Laws, or any subsequent amendments thereun- 16 to, shall be deemed valid until approved by the Grand Lodge, though they may be acted under until the next Annual Communication, if approved by the Grand Master. For the neglect or violation of any duty imposed upon a Lodge in this Constitution, its charter may be suspended or for- feited; and for the neglect or violation of any duty herein imposed upon a Secretary, his Lodge shall be held respon- sible. ARTICLE II. DISSOLUTION OF LODGES. Section 1. A Lodge may be dissolved by the voluntary surrender of its charter, when such surrender is accepted by the Grand Lodge ; or by the revocation of its charter by the Grand Lodge . Sec. 2. The charter of a Lodge may be surrendered when, after timely notice and free discussion at two successive stated Communications, two-thirds of all the members shall vote in favor of such surrender ; provided, that under no cir- cumstances shall a charter be surrendered so long as seven members can be found who desire to retain it; and no act of surrender shall be considered final until it has been approved and accepted by the Grand Lodge. Sec. 3. The charter of a Lodge may be forfeited by, 1st. Disobedience to any provision of the Constitution or regula- tions of the Grand Lodge ; 2d. Disregard to the lawful au- thority of the Grand Master ; 3d. Violation or neglect of the ancient and recognized usages of the Craft ; 4th. Failure to meet during a period of twelve successive months ; but no charter shall be forfeited unless charges against the Lodge shall be presented to and investigated in the Grand Lodge, of which charges the Lodge accused shall have due notice, though the charter may be arrested until the next Annual Communication, either by the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master, upon satisfactory reasons therefor being shown. The forfeiture or arrest of the charter of a Lodge involves 17 the suspension of all its members from the rights and privi- leges of Masonry, excepting those who may be specially ex- empted from such effect. Sec. 4. The surrender or forfeiture of the charter of a Lodge, when declared by the Grand Lodge, shall be conclus- ive upon the Lodge and its members, and all its funds, jewels, furniture, dues and property, of every kind, shall be taken possession of by the Grand Secretary, and held in trust for, and subject to the disposition of, the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE III. PROHIBITIONS. Section 1. Of Removals — No Lodge shall remove its place of meetings from that named inits dispensation or charter, unless notice shall have been given, at a stated Communica- tion, that a resolution for such removal will be offered at the next succeeding one, nor unless such resolution shall have been adopted by the votes of at least two-thirds of the mem- bers present at such succeeding Communication; nor shall such removal then take place until the action of the Lodge shall have been approved by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master. Sec. 2. Of Applicants — All applications for initiation, -nd also for affiliation, must be signed by the applicants, and recommended by two regular Master Masons, and no Lodge shall ballot upon such application (except by dis- pensation from the Grand Master) until it shall have been referred to a committee, whose duty it shall be to make strict examination into the moral, mental and physical qual- ifications of the applicant, and report thereon at the next stated Communication. No application shall be withdrawn after reference to a committee, and it shall require a unani- mous ballot to elect. But, if one black ball, only, appear in the ballot box, the Master, without declaring the result, may at once order a second ballot for the purpose of correct- ing a possible mistake. No dispensation shall be issued to 18 » r a Lodge to ballot for and confer the degrees upon a candi- date without reference to a committee unless the application therefor be made by the unanimous vote of the Lodge, and of the special Communication to be holden under such dis- pensation, and the purpose thereof, the members of the Lodge shall have due notice. Sec. 3. Of Balloting for Candidates— Ho Lodge, unless it be otherwise provided in its By-Laws, shall have more than one ballot for the three degrees; but, though an appli- cant be elected to receive them, if, at any time before his in- itiation, objection be made by any member, he shall not receive the degree until such objection be withdrawn; and if, after his initiation, but before being passed, or after passing, before being raised, objection to his advancement be made by any member, such objection shall be referred to a committee, with power to inquire into the cause thereof, who shall, at the next stated Communication, report thereon, and upon the reception of such report, if no cause for the objection has been assigned, or if the cause assigned be, in the opinion of two-thirds of the members present, not a valid and Masonic one, the Lodge may confer the degree in the same manner as if no objection had been made. Sec. 4. Of Proficiency— No Lodge shall advance an En- tered Apprentice or Fellow Craft to a higher degree until after a strict examination, in open Lodge, he shows himself proficient and well qualified in what he has already received ; and no Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft shallbe advanced to a higher degree in any other Lodge without the official consent of the Lodge in which he was entered or passed, if it be then in existence. Sec. 5, Of Fees for Degrees— -No Lodge within this juris- diction shall confer the three degrees for a less fee than twenty-five dollars; and in every case the fee for each, or all of the degrees, as may be regulated by the Lodge, shall ac- company the application. The fee for affiliation shall not be Jess than five dollars. 19 Sec. 6. Of Conferring Degrees— No Lodge shall confer de- grees upon more than five candidates at any one Communi- cation, nor shall confer more than one degree upon any one candidate at one Communicaion, nor shall confer either of the degrees upon more than one candidate at a time. No Lodge shall receive lectures from any person who is not duly authorized by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master. No Lodge shall receive an application for affiliation unless it is accom- panied by a proper dimit from the Lodge of which the appli- cant was last a member, or a satisfactory explanation, in writ- ing, of his inability to furnish such dimit. No Lodge shall hold Masonic communication with any Lodge which has been declared illegal by the Grand Lodge, or any person who has received degrees, or is a member of such a Lodge. No Lodge shall admit a visitor without inquiry or examination, nor if there be, in the opinion of the Master, a valid objec- tion made to such admission by a member of the Lodge. Sec. 7. Of Suspension for Non-Payment of Dues — No Lodge shall expel a member for the non-payment of his dues; but, in case any member shall refuse or neglect to pay his regular dues during a period of six months, he shall be notified by the Secretary that, unless at the next stated Com- munication, either his dues be paid, or sickness or inability to pay be shown as the cause of such refusal or neglect, he will be suspended from all the rights and privileges of Ma- sonry. If neither of these things be done, he shall be so suspended, unless for special reasons shown, the Lodge may otherwise determine; but any Mason thus suspended, who shall, at any time, pay the arrearages due at the time of his suspension, and one half of the affiliation fee, he shall by that act be restored. Sec. 8. Of Delegates-^No Lodge, until chartered and duly constituted, shall be entitled to representation in the Grand Lodge, but a Lodge under dispenstion may send dele- gates there, who may be admitted to seats, but shall have no vote. 20 ARTICLE IV. ELECTIONS AND OFFICERS. Section 1. Of Elective Officers— The Master, Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary, shall be elected annually by ballot, at the stated meeting next preceding the Anniversary of St. John the Evangelist, or at a special Communication ap- pointed for that particular purpose at that stated Communi- cation. Every Master Mason, who is a member in good standing, shall be entitled to vote at all elections ; and every voter shall be eligible to any office in the Lodge. Sec. 2. Of the Master — The Master has power to congre- gate his Lodge whenever he may think proper, and discharge all its executive functions ; to issue, or cause to be issued, all summonses and notices which may be required, and to per- form all such other acts, by ancient usage proper to his office, as shall not be in contravention of any provision of the Con- stitution or regulations of the Grand Lodge. It is his duty to preside at all Communications of his Lodge ; to confer all degrees in strict accordance with the ritual which has been, or may hereafter be, adopted by the Grand Lodge ; to give, in full, the lecture appertaining to each degree, at the time it is conferred, in accordance with the ritual; to superintend the official acts of all the officers of his Lodge, and see that their respective duties are properly discharged ; to carefully guard against any infraction by the members of his Lodge of its own By-Laws, of the Constitution or regulations of the Grand Lodge, or of the general regulations of Masonry. From the decisions of the Master there can be no appeal to the Lodge, but objections to such decisions may be laid be- fore the Grand Master, and by him be dealt with as the case may require. In all cases of a tie vote, except elections, the Master, in addition to his proper vote, has the casting vote. Sec. 3. Of the Wardens— It is the duty of the Wardens to assist the Master in the performance of his duties, and to discharge all those duties which ancient usage has assigned 21 to their respective stations. In the absence of the Master, the Senior Warden (and in his absence, also, the Junior Warden) shall succeed to all the powers and duties of the Master. Sec. 4. Of the Treasurer — It is the duty of the Treasurer to receive and safely keep all moneys and property of every kind which shall be placed in his hands by * order of the Lodge ; to disburse or transfer the same, or any part there- of, upon the order of the Master, duly attested by the Secre- tary ; to keep a book, or books, wherein a correct account of his receipts and disbursements shall be exhibited; to present a statement of the finances of the Lodge whenever required, and to perform such other duties appertaining to his office as the By-Laws may require, or the Lodge may at any time direct. Sec. 5. Of the Secretary— -It is the duty of the Secretary to record all the proceedings of each Communication which are proper to be written, under the direction of the Master ; to read the record of each Communication before the close of the Lodge for correction or approval, and at the opening of each stated Communication, read the record of the last stated, and all intervening Communications of every kind; to prepare and transmit a copy of the record, or any part thereof, to the Grand Lodge, when required; to collect and receive all money due to the Lodge, and pay it over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same ; to keep the seal of the Lodge, and to impress the same, with his attestation, to all papers issued under its authority, or in obedience to the requirements of the Constitution or regulations of the Grand Lodge; to transmit to the Grand Secretary, im- mediately after each election and installation in the Lodge, a certificate thereof, with list of officers; to transmit to the Grand Secretary the annual return required by the Consti- tutions ; to report to the Grand Secretary, immediately after their occurrence, all rejections, expulsions, suspensions and restorations; he shall keep a record book, in which he sha 1 t'l record all the transactions of the Lodge, proper to be writ- ten, after the same shall be approved by a vote of the Lodge, and signed by the Worshipful Master ; a roll book, in which he shall record the names of all belonging to the Lodge, the dates of their initiation, passing, raising, or affiliation, the name, number and location of the Lodges of which those affiliated were last members ; the age and occu- pation of each when received ; and the dates of their with- drawal, expulsion, suspension, death or restoration; a reg- ister to be kept in the Tyler's room, in which all members, names shall be recorded; and all visitors shall record their names and residence, and the names, numbers and locations of their respective Lodges before entering the Lodge. Sec. 6. Of the Appointed Officers — The Deacons, Stewards and Tyler shall perform such duties by the ancient usages of the Craft appertaining to their respective offices, as may be required by the By-Laws, or directed by the Master. Sec. 7. Of Virtual Past Masters — No Warden of a Sub- ordinate Lodge shall enter upon the duties of his office until he has taken the degree of Past Master ; but such degree shall give him no rights of an actual P.*. M.\, being only given to qualify him to preside in the Master's absence. CHAPTER V.— OF INDIVIDUAL MASONS. ARTICLE I, OF MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. Acquisition of Membership — Membership in a Subordinate Lodge may be acquired by having regularly received the degree of Master Mason therein, by having been duly elected for affiliation therewith, and by having been named as one of the petitioners for a dispensation for a new Lodge. A Mason may be a member of as many Lodges as see fit to receive him, provided he promptly pays his dues