Train Robberies Train Robbers ..AND., The "Holdup" Men ADDRESS BY WILLIAM A. PINKERTON ANNUAL CONVENTION International Association Chiefs of Police | JAMESTOWN, VA. 1907 Compliments of WILLIAM A. PINKERTON, ChicaRO, November, 1907 r A. PiNKKKTON, Clilcrtso «ud Now York. ^ ^^^i pml^ertoq'^ platioiiL Detective J^gei Founded by Ai,i,an Pinkerton, 1850. m A. PMERTON, chic^o. ]' GEO. D. BANGS, General Manager, New Y ^' Principals. ALUNPIMEETON, New York. John Cornish, Manager, Eastern Division, New York. Edward S. Gaylor, Manager, Middle Division, Chicago. James McPari^and, Manager, Western Division, Denver. J. C. Fraser, Manager, Pacific Division, San Francisco. NEW YORK, BOSTON, MONTREAI., Canada, BUFFAI.O, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, PITTSBURGH, CLEVELAND, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, KANSAS CITY, - ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI, DENVER, OMAHA, PORTLAND, ORE., SEATTLE, SPOKANE, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, - offices: 57 Broadway 30 Court Street Merchants Bank Building Fidelity Building 1 1 2-1 16 North Broad Stree Continental Building Machesney Building American Trust Building 201 Fifth Avenue Manhattan Building 622 Main Street Wainwright Building Mercantile Library Bldg Opera House Block Brandeis Building Marquam Block Alaska Building Rookery Building Wilcox Building Flood Building ATTORNEYS FOR AGENCY. CRA VA TH. HENDERSON & DeGERSDORFF, NEW YOM This Agency is prepared to undertake all proper Detective bu entrusted to it by Railroad or other Corporations, Banks, Merc Houses, Attorneys or Private Individuals. It does not operate for Re- or engage in Divorce Cases. Train Robberies Train Robbers .AND.. The "Holdup" Men ADDRESS BY WILLIAM A. PINKERTON ANNUAL- tOrN VH-NttGN* • International Association Chiefs of Police \^':aJ AMES TOWN, V A. 1907 Compliments of -;- WILLIAM A. PINKERTON, Chicago, ROBERT A. PINKERTON, Nce(l to be inimical to the band were terrorized, by their cattle l)cing poisoned or maimed and their homes and barns burned until a reign of terror actually existed all over Southern Indiana. The Renos met their first Waterloo during the Winter of 1867 and 1868. John Reno had robbed the county treasur- er's office at Gallatin, Mo., of $20,000 and returned to Seymour, Ind., the stronghold of his criminal brothers, and where he considered he was safe. But on plans arranged by my father for a certain day, John Reno was decoyed by one of our secret operatives to the Seymour depot for the arrival of a through train, on which a Missouri Sheriff with six deputies arrived and pounced upon Reno and pulled him aboard. There was no time for Reno's usual savior, the writ of habeas corpus, or any other legal technicality to prevent his removal ; a good friend had looked after the telegraph wires so that no detaining despatches could head off the train and John Reno was landed over the Indiana line into Jail at Gallatin, Mo., where he was soon convicted and sentenced to 20 years in the Missouri Penitentiary, serving every day of his sentence. During the Winter of 1868, there were heavy robberies of safes of county treasurers' offices in Western Iowa, the last occurring at Glenwood, Mills Co., Iowa, when $20,000 was stolen. Our investigations had determined the crim- inal- to be Frank Reno, Al Sparks, Miles Ogle and Mike J\<»,i;cr-, the last named a wealthy land owner of Council Bluffs, a pillar of the Methodist Church and highly respected in his community. Following a robbery at Magnolia, Har 13 risonville, we had traced the robbers to Council Bhiffs, where a watch on Rogers' house resulted in the capture, the day after the Glenwood robbery of the criminals named, the proceeds of the raid still in their possession, they quickly shoved it into a kitchen stove, from which we recovered it partially burned. They were all taken to Glenwood, Iowa, but on April i, 1868, broke jail and fled, Frank Reno going to Windsor, Canada, where he became associated with Charles Anderson, a clever burglar and general criminal and with him eventually returned to Seymour. Shortly after the Glenwod robbery. Walker Hammond, afterwards noted as a counterfeiter, and Mike Colleran, of Seymour, "held-up" an express messenger on a Jefferson- ville railroad train, robbing him of $15,000 only to be "held- up" by the Reno brothers and relieved of their plunder. Hammond and Colleran were convicted and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment in the Indiana State Peniten- tiary. Subsequently Frank, Sim and Billy Reno, with Aliles Ogle and Charles Anderson, heavily armed, ''held-up" a train near Seymour, threw the messenger into a ditch from the moving train and robbed the Adams Express Company's safe of $90,000. For this crime, Anderson and Frank Reno were arrested at Windsor, Canada, and after a contest lasting all Summer, were remanded for extradition and later in charge of Pinkerton detectives were lodged in the New Albany, Ind., jail. Meanwhile, Sim and Billy Reno were arrested in Indianapolis, Ind., and also lodged in the same jail. Henry Moore, Gerrold and Sparks and an unknown 14 MILES OGLE. One of the first train robbers. Member Reno Band " Hold ups.' 15 man who "held-np" and robbed the J. ]\I. & I. R. R. had been arrested at Seymour, and while enroute to the Brown- stone jail were forcibly taken from their escorts and lynched by excited citizens who had become incensed at the outrages the Renos and their associates were committing. This was followed by a Vigilance Committee, supposed to have come from the neighborhood of Seymour, visiting the New Albany jail, battering in the doors, over-powering the guards and hanging Frank, Sim and Billy Reno and Charles Anderson in the jail corridor. Notices were also posted in public places about Seymour, naming 25 people supposed to be affiliated with the Renos and warning them that if any house, cattle or other property was destroyed, the Committee would ''meet" but once more to clean out the friends of the Renos remaining in the community. These drastic, though apparently necessary measures stopped train robbery in Southern Indiana; there has not been a train robbery there since and the identity of the Vigilantes is still a secret. The State of Missouri has probably produced more train robbers than any other state in the Union and of whom the James brothers were the most desperate and vicious. Among the Kentuckians who settled in Clay County, Mo., before the War were Doctor and Mrs. Samuels and their sons, Frank and Jesse James, sons of Mrs. Samuels' previous marriage. When the War broke out, the brothers joined the Quantrell band in their guerrilla warfare. After 17 the War the James boys, under the leadership of Bill An- derson and operating with Cole, Jim, John and Bob Young- er, Clell and John Miller, Charles Pitts, the Tompkins brothers, Jim Cummings, Dick Liddell, and other members of Ouantreirs band, began prowling through West and Southwest Missouri and Eastern Kansas, looking for what spoils they could get and for years committed a series of the most despicable crimes of that period in Missouri, Ken- tucky and Minnesota, "holding-up" banks in the day time, robbing trains at night, murdering respectable citizens who resisted them and killing officers who attempted their ar- rest. The published reports of the exploits of this band had more to do with the making of bad men in the West than anything which occurred before they began operating or since. At the time Jesse James was killed and his brother sur- rendered the statement was made that neither was ever arrested or captured by officers, State or Federal, but Judge Philander Lucas of Liberty, Mo., states that during 1865- 1866, about eleven o'clock one morning, the James boys, with Clell Miller, Jim Poole and George White, rode into Liberty, firing off their revolvers and acting like a lot of Indians ; that they entered Meffert's saloon, had drinks, and as they left the saloon Sheriff Rickards arrested and dis- armed the James boys, marched them into the Court House, arraigned them before him and that he committed them to the County jail. As a matter of fact, there were then no charges against them. iS 3 K ? V. 5o = Z 19 As a rule the James and Younger brothers and their as- sociates, after each crime, would return tg their home. Clay County, Mo., where they were virtually immune from arrest, either through fear of them by the respectable ele- ment or through the friendly aid they received from their admirers. The first of their robberies we were retained to investi- gate was that of June 3, 1871, when the James and Younger brothers visited Corydon, Wayne County, Iowa, intend- ing to rob the county treasurer of recently collected taxes. Jesse James entered the treasurer's office offering a one hundred dollar bill for change, but the clerk informed him of the absence of the county treasurer, who held the com- bination of the locked safe, but suggested that a new bank across the square, opened that day and which had one-halt of its capital on deposit, might accommodate him, where- upon Jesse consulted with his associates and the robbery of the new bank was agreed upon. On Jesse offering the one hundred dollar bill, the cashier opened the safe for the change, only on turning around to look into the muzzle of two revolvers. Jesse's associates who had meanwhile en- tered the bank, then forced the president and cashier into a^back room, emptied the contents of the safe, about fifteen thousand dollars into saddle bags, relieved a new depositor, a negro preacher, who had entered, of his handful of money, then mounting their horses fled from the town, passing on their way a public meeting, in the outskirts, where a site for a new school house was beinj^- discussed, and which 5! "^ 2 W accounted for the county trea>urcr's absence from his office, and saved his safe from being plundered. As the bandits rode by the meeting they fired, in the air, a fusillade from their revolvers and rifles, at the same time informing the gathering of the robbery of the bank and advising that they return to town and start a new bank. Robert Pinkerton, then a young man, with a posse traced the outlaws through the lower counties of Iowa. Then with an Iowa Sheriff, the balance of the posse having with- drawn, continued into Missouri as far as Cameron Junction, a cross road station, where the Sheriff left for additional help; but Robert Pinkerton continued following the trail to the Missouri River where the band separated, some cross- ing at Sibley Ferry, others at Blue Mill Ferry, all meeting afterwards at the Old Blufe Mill, -from which point they continued South, evidently making towards the James home in Clay County. Here, Robert Pinkerton, recognizing the folly of continuing alone withdrew. On July 20, 1873, the James brothers committed their first train "hold-up" robbery on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R., wrecking the train fifteen miles east of Council 1 fluffs, Iowa, murdered the unarmed engineer, wounded the fireman, injured passengers and robbed the ex- press car of a large amount of money. January 31, 1874, the James brothers aided by the Younger brothers, Clcll ^filler and Jim Cummings, com- mitted their second train "hold-up" robbery, this, on the Iron ^Mountain Roa^l ai < ;a1) and |im ^^ninq-cr and Jesse James 24 25 were wounded. Cole Younger picked up Bob and carried him away on his horse. A few days later. Cole, Jim and Bob Younger, surrounded in a swamp, were captured. Frank James managed to get Jesse into Dakota and thence to the Missouri River, where they stole a skill and made their escape. Cole, Jim and Bob Younger were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment in the Shelwater, Minn., State Prison. September i6, 1899, Bob Younger died in prison. July 10, 1901, Cole and Jim Younger were pardoned by the Minnesota State Board of Pardons. October 18, 1902, Jim Younger committed suicide at St. Paul, Minn. April 3, 1882, Bob Ford, a former associate of the James boys, for a reward of $10,000 offered by Gov. Crit- tendon for Jesse's body dead or alive, killed him w^hile he was hanging a picture in his home at St. Joseph, Mo. Bob and Charles Ford surrendered themselves for this crime anvi were convicted and sentenced to death, but pardoned by Governor Crittendon and paid the $10,000; thus to Gover- nor Crittendon is due the final disbanding of the James brothers band of outlaws and in this he was aided by Sherift* Timberlake of Clay County and Commissioner of Police Craig of Kansas City. Frank James afterwards surrendered to the Missouri authorities, stood trial, and w^as acquitted of the Gallatin, Mo., bank robbery. Governor Crittendon refused to sur- render him to the Minnesota authorities, and he subse- 26 quently settled in Western Missouri, and so far as I know, is now living a straightforward life. Jesse James and the Youngers are all buried at the scenes of their boyhood days in Western Missouri. Charley Bullard, alias *Tiano Charley" and ''Ike" Marsh, alias "Big Ike", who first came into prominence as "hold- up" robbers, have had rather an interesting career. In 1869, Bullard and Marsh concealed themselves in a Hudson River R. R. train between New York City and Buffalo, "held-up", bound and gagged the messenger of the Merchants Union Express Co., and stole one hundred thou- sand dollars. Bullard and Marsh were arrested in Canada, extradited and lodged in the White Plains, N. Y., jail for trial, from which, aided by ''Billy" Forrester, an old-time associate, they escaped. November 20, 1869, Bullard and Marsh with Adam Worth and "Bob" Cochran, stole from the Boylston Bank, Boston, Mass., cash and securities, valued at four hundred and fifty thousand dollars and fled to Europe with theil plunder. At the Washington Hotel, Liverpool, Bullard met and married a beautiful bar maid named Kittie Flynn, went to Paris, opened the famous American bar at Rue Scribe, where his wife's beauty and engaging manners attracted many American visitors as well as making it the head- 27 quarters of American gamblers and criminals who here planned many of their European crimes. Bullard was, however, eventually, arrested and after a sentence of one year in Paris for keeping a gambling house, returned to the United States, was arrested in New York City for the Boylston Bank robbery and sentenced to twentv years in the State's prison at Concord, Mass., from which he escaped September 13, 1878, and fled to Canada, where he was arrested for a safe burglary and sentenced to five years imprisonment at Kingston. After serving this, he went abroad and with Max Shinburn, the notorious bank burglar, was arrested in the act of robbing a Bank at Vi\-- eres, Belgium. Bullard was sentenced to seventeen years imprisonment, in the Belgium penitentiary, where he died in the early part of 1890. Bullard was well educated, spoke English, French and German, fluently ; was a skillful pianist, from which he gained the sobriquet of 'Tiano Charley." After the Boylston Bank robbery, "Ike" Marsh separ- ated from Bullard and with George Mason burglarized the First National Bank of Wellsboro, Pa., for which he was arrested, convicted and sentenced to seventeen years imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary, Philadelphia. While there he became a stationary engineer, and after his release, having reformed, followed his vocation as an engi- neer in Philadelphia, and is still so employed there. In the early seventies. Levy and Hillary Farrington, from near Gilliam Station, West Tennessee, William Taylor, 2S \\ illiain Barton, formerly a railroad brakeman and George Bertine, all from A\'estern Tennessee, commenced train *1iold-iip" robberies on the Nashville and Northwestern and Mobile and Ohio Railroads, and after each ''hold-up'' the only trace of the robbers would be a skiff, left by the bandits tloatini^- l)()ttnni up on the ^Mississippi. On the 6th of October, 1871, a train on the ■Mobile and Ohio R. R. at Union City, Tenn., was attacked, the guard and messenger overpowered and the safe of the Southern Express Company robbed of $20,000. I was then supervis- ing for our Agency, all train robbery cases, and with Pat- rick Connell, Special Agent of the Southern Express Co., and an assistant named Bedlow, traced the men, as usual, to the Mississippi River, where an over-turned skiff* was found and trace lost. After a most thorough scouring of the country and up and down the Mississippi River, we learned of a party of strange men in a swamp near Lester's Landing, Tenn., where we subsequently determined, they, to cover their real business of train robbery, had opened a small store. This we surrounded and attacked ; the train robbers, who were heavily armed resisting and in the re- sulting fight, Henry Bertine was killed and Hillary Far- rington and William Barton escaped. Hillary Farrington, we traced to Western Missouri, near Vinita, on the edge ot Indian Territory, where wdth the aid of a deputy sheriff and some residents of the neighborhood, we surrounded the house in which he was secreted, but finally had i^ hie to it in order to r]i<;]odge and arrest him. 29 A few days later Levy Farriiigton was arrested near Farmington, Ills., b}^ the City Marshal and Robert A. Pink- erton, while William Taylor, the last of the band, was ar- rested by Patrick Connell and myself at Real Foot Lake, Tenn., and all taken to Union City, Tenn., for examination. When Levy Farrington arrived here in the custody of Rob- ert A. Pinkerton, a friend named Toler, in attempting his rescue, shot and killed the Assistant City Marshal and seriously wounded a railroad watchman at Union City. Toler was pursued and captured and a Vigilance Committee was formed. Recognizing what might take place, we suc- ceeded in getting Barton and Taylor out of the hotel where they were confined and heavily guarded, to the Memphis, Tenn., jail, but being unable to get the other prisoners away, the Vigilance Committee overpowered the local officers who were guarding them and that night shot and killed Levy Farrington and lynched Toler. Taylor and Barton afterwards pleaded guilty to train robbery and were sentenced to long terms in the State Prison at Nashville, Tenn. For very many years after train robbery in West Ten- nessee was an unknown crime. In 1877, Sam Bass, Frank Hulfish, William Nixon, Henry Underwood and James Berry, a gang of cowboys, under the leadership of Joel Collins, near Big Springs, Neb., "held-up" a Union Pacific R. R. train, stealing $60,000 in gold, with which they started on horseback for Texas. Joel Collins, son of a preacher, came from near Dallas, Texas, 30 aii arrest, wa> sentenced to prison for life. In 1891, at Western Union Junction on the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul R. R. not far from Racine, Wis., a train was "held-up" and on the express messenger refusing to surrender the express car was attacked with dynamite, lit- erally blowing the safe to pieces and the messenger barely escaped with his life. Later at Mankato, Minn., on the Xorthern Pacific R. R. a similar robbery was attempted, d lie identity of the "hold- ups" in these two robberies was unknown, but in the latter case, two suspects ha\in.^ ])urchased tickets for California via Portland, Ore., we. In telegraphing the numbers of these tickets and descriptions of the suspects to our Portland, Ore., office the suspects were put under surveillance, located at \'isalia, Cal.. and identified as John and George Sontag, brothers, originall\ from Mankato. Minn., who 37 O o 38 had joined Chris Evans, an associate. Our watching of them developed the fact of their purchasing dynamite, and other circumstances towards verifying the suspicion against them, but not estabhshing evidence to act upon, our sur- veillance was stopped for the time being. At Collins Station, Fresno Co., Cal., August 3, 1892, a Southern Pacific R. R. train was "held-up", the express car dynamited and $2,300 stolen. With the information of our previous investigation the railroad detectives and ex- press special agents established the fact that the robbers were the men wt had followed to Visalia, Cal., and an attempt to arrest them resulted in one of the officers being killed, another dangerously wounded, and the bandits escaping. A regular man-hunt, one of the most exciting that ever oc- curred on the Pacific Coast followed for months through the mountains of California, resulting finally in the arres'. of George Sontag, who, forty hours after was sentenced to life imprisonment in the Folsom, Cal., Penitentiary. SeverJ months afterwards John Sontag and Chris Evans were cap- tured, after a long and desperate fight with a posse, both were badly wounded, Evans losing his right eye and one arm. John Sontag died in jail, soon after his arrest. Evans was sentenced to life imprisonment, but escaped from jail at Fresno, December 28, 1893; ^^as recaptured, February 18, 1894, and is now serving a life sentence in the Folsoni, Cal., prison. 39 CHRIS EVANS. Associate of Sontag Bros. 40 The Dalton brothers. Rill, Bob, Emmctt and Grattan, committed a series of robberies in Missouri, Arkansas, In- dian Territory, Oklahoma and California, from February, 1891, to May, 1894, operating with Joe Evans, ''Texa^ Jack,'' Tom Littleton, Jim Wallace, Charles White and ]wi Jones. They ''held-up'' a train on the Southern Paciiic R. R. at Alila, Tulare County, California, killed the express messenger and fireman ; '*held-up" the Wells Fargo Express at Red Rock, Indian Territory, ''held-up" a Missouri, Kan- sas and Texas passenger train at Adair, Indian Territory, securinj^ the contents of the Pacific Express Co.'s safe. At Cotteyville, Kansas, on October 5, 1892, one band attempted to rob a private bank, while the other made a similaV attack on the First National lUmk. The cashier of the former temporized with the bandits by telling them the safe opened with a time lock, and the money could not be reached until ten o'clock, giving time for a raiding party to be organized, resulting in the killing of Bob Dalton, Joe Evans, ''Texas Jack," Grattan and Emmett Dalton and sev- eral citizens. Bill Dalton, the only member who escaped, organized another gang and on May 23, 1894, *'held-up" the First National Bank at Longview, Texas, presenting the fol- lowing note to the president: "I Ionic, May 27,.'' First Xaii' Mial liaiik. Longview. This will intn^ducc to you Charles Sprecklcmcyer, who wants some money and is going to have it W. & F." aVftcr the president read the note, he found Dalton 41 o " m o PQ 42 pointing a rifle at him, while a confederate stole. $2,000 from the paying teller's cage and decamped. A posse, who pur- sued the robbers, killed Jim Wallace, one of the band, the other escaping. Of the stolen money, three ten dollar and nine twenty-dollar bills were new^ unsigned bank notes and through these Bill Dalton was traced to Ardmore, I. T., and on June 8, 1894, was killed while resisting arrest. Nearly every member of this gang 'Vlied with his boots on. After the death of Bill Dalton, Bill Cook collected the remnants of the Dalton gang and formed one of the most desperate and notorious bands of outlaws, desperadoes and murderers in the West. The band at various times, in- cluding Bill Cook, Jim Cook, Jim French, Bill Doolin, Craw- ford Crosby, alias "Cherokee Bill," ''Buck Wightman,'* "Columbus Means," Thurman Palding, alias "Skeeter," Joe Jennings, Charles Clifton, Sam Brown, George Newton, Perry Brown, George Newcomb, alias ''Slaughter Kid." Charles Pierce, alias "Bitter Creek," Tom Ouarles, Elmer Lucas, Lou Gordan, Curtis Deason, Ol Yantis, Henry Mun- son, "Tulca Jack," Dick Yeager and Zip Wyatt. Bill, Tom, Jim, Lulu and Rose Cook were half-breed Cherokee In- dians. July 18, 1894, Bill Cook, "Skeeter," "Cherokee Bill," Henry Munson, Curtis Deason and Elmer Lucas, "held-up" a Frisco train at Red Fork, Ark. Munson was killed trying to escape, but Deason was captured. The others escaped. Deason was sentenced to a long term in the penitentiary. H O hf) H^ hJ r^ w fl H o P^ 'r? Q o « 44 July 31, 1894, ^t about ten o'clock in the morning, Bill Cook, Elmer Lucas, Jack Star, "Tulca Jack" and one other rode into Chandler, O. T., *'held-up" the Lincoln County Bank, killed a citizen named J. ^I. ^Mitchell, who had tried to give the alarm, rode from the town followed by a posse who came up with them and a fifteen-minute battle resulted. One of the bandits, Elmer Lucas, was badly wounded and captured, the rest escaping. Lucas was sentenced to 15 years in the penitentiary. October 20, 1894, this band wrecked the Kansas City and Memphis express at Corretta, L T., by throwing a switch running it into a string of empty cars, marched the engineer and fireman to the baggage and express cars, forced the messenger to open the door, but, as the messenger insisted that the safe was locked and could not be opened until it reached its destination, the gang went through the train and obtained about $500 from the passengers. While still en- gaged in this, a freight train whistled nearby and the bandits fled. October 23, 1894, at Watooa, the bandits under Bill Cook's lead, drove every citizen to cover and then robbed ^very store in town. November 13, 1894, some of the gang led by Bill Cook, ^'Cherokee Bill" and Jim French, "held-up" a Missouri, Kansas and Texas train, at Wybank, a blind siding, within four miles of Muskogee, L T., by side tracking the train. They attempted to enter the express and baggage cars, but failing, shot out all the windows in ihc c:\v<, riddled the sides of the cars and then robbed the passenger^. 45 WILLIAM MINER. An old time Pacific Coast stage and train robber. Escaped Aug. 8, 1907, from Westminster Penitentiary, British Columbia, where he wasyserving a life sentence. 46 November 28, 1894, Jim French and several others at Chrotah, I. T., '*held-up" nine people in a store, plundered the store, the bandits retiring without firing a shot. Little by little, however, at the cost of the lives of many brave officers and the expenditure of a large amount of money, the members of the Cook band were exterminated or imprisoned and after the United States Government had offered $250 each for the capture of these outlaws. Nov- ember 21, 1894, Jim Cook was sentenced to 8 years in the penitentiary for murder. November 22, 1894, "Skeeter" at Ft. Scott, Ark., pleaded guilty and was sentenced to the penitentiary. February 12, 1895, Bill Cook in the U. S. Court at Fort Smith, Ark., was sentenced to fifty years in the N. Y. State Penitentiary at Albany, N. Y. January 30, 1895. "Cherokee Bill" was captured at Nowata, I. T., after he had started to organize a new band. Others of these outlaws killed while resisting arrest were Dick Broadwell, Ol Yantis, Charles Pierce, alias "Bitter Creek,*' George Newcomb, alias "Slaughter Kid," Bill Dool- in, "Tulca Jack," Henry Munson and Zip Wyatt. "Black Jack" McDonald, who was originally one of the Dalton gang, began operations in the Southwest in 1896 with George Musgrave, Bob Hayes, Cole Young, Bob Lewis and Sid Moore, principally "holding-up" general stores and post offices and killing those who attempted to arrest them. August, 1896, they unsuccessfully attempted to rob a bank at Nogales, Arizona. October, 1896, they attempted to rob an Atlantic & Pacific R. R. train but a Deputy United States Marshal, who was on the train, organized a posse, 47 killed Cole Young and the others escaped without getting any booty. The others were eventually killed resisting ar- rest, ^'Black Jack," the last of the Mohicans, so to speak, being killed in Grant Co., New Mexico, in 1897. "Old Bill" Miner, who escaped from the New West- minster Penitentiary, New Westminster, B. C, August 8, 1907, where he was serving a life sentence for the robbery of the Canadian Pacific R. R. train at Furrer, British Columbia, on the early morning of May 9, 1906, in his early criminal career was one of the most remarkable single- handed stage and train robbers who ever operated in the far West, always going about his work in a matter-of-fact way, never posing as a bad man, and never taking human life. He never belonged to any organized band of "hold- ups," generally worked alone until later years he picked up others to assist him. As early as 1869, he served a term for stage robbery in San Quentin, Cal., prison. In 1879, after his release he, with others, robbed the Del Norte stage in Colorado, of thirty-six hundred dollars. An associate, Leroy, was cap- tured and hanged by a Vigilance Committee, but Miner es- caped with the booty, to Chicago, then to Michigan, where he posed as a California capitalist, until his money was ex- hausted when he again returned to Colorado and committed several other "hold-up" robberies. In 1 88 1, Miner, Jirh Crum, Bill Miller and a man named Jones, "held-up" a stage between Sonora and Milton, Cali- fornia. All were captured except Jones. Crum confessed. 4H Miller and MiiK-r were >ciUciice(l to 25 years each, Crum to twelve years. Miiur was released from San Ouentin, CaL, on June 17, 1901, and two year? later on September 23, 1903, with two others he "held-u]) " and n )bbed the Oregon Railroad and Navigation passenger train No. 6, at Mile Post 21, near Corbett, Oregon. One of his companions was badly wounded. The other was later arrested and both were sentenced to long terms, but ]^Iiner, for whom a re- ward of $1,300 had been offered, was not captured. ]\Iiner on September 10, 1904. at Mission Junction, British Colum- bia, "held-up" the Canadian Pacific Co.'s railway's trans- continental express, securing $10,000 in gold dust and cur- rency. For his capture $5,000 reward was offered by the Government of the Dominion of Canada, $5,000 by the Canadian Pacific and the Dominion Express Co. and $1,500 by the Province of British Columbia. Rewards of $12,800 seems to have had no terrors to Miner, for on the morning of May 9, 1906, he again "held-up'' the Canadian Pacific Railway train, this time at Furrer, B. C, the robbers com- pelling the engineer to uncouple the mail car and haul it a mile away, where they rified it of registered mail. ^liner believed the express packages were in the mail car and when he found they were not, he lost his nerve, abandoned the robbery and escaped. Large rewards induced posses to take up the pursuit. The Canadian Constabulary, after a fight in which one of them was wounded, on May 14, 1906, arrested Miner, also his confederates, Louis Colquhoun and Thomas Dunn. Miner anrl Dunn were given life sentences, Colquhoun 25 years. 49 '■ Black Bart," the I '.LACK BART. ' P. ()." ^ stage and train i 50 Miner is said to have originated the expression, "Hands- up," and was one of the first highwaymen to operate on the Pacific Coast. From 1877 to 1883, stages in the mountains of Califor- nia were *'held-up" by a lone highwayman, always wearing a conical circus clown hat, an old linen duster and a jute bag about his lower legs. At times, near the intended ''hold-up", he would arrange a screen of jute bagging or canvas, placing behind it dum- mies made of slouch hats on sticks and all so realistic as to readily deceive. While ordering the dummies not to shoot until he directed or there was some sign of resistance, he would request the driver to please throw out the box and mail bags, the "box" being the treasure box or safe of the Wells Fargo Express Co., containing a large sum of money. He was always polite to the passengers, especially to the ladies, and after each robbery there would be a few lines of doggerel poetry, signed "Black Bart, the P. O. 8." This and the handwriting showed the lone robber to be of more than ordinary intelligence, well bred, and not of the rufHan type. First a mail coach in the Sierras was attacked, next he would be heard from in the Siskiyou Mountains, on the old trail into Oregon, and so on, altogether committing twenty-three robberies, and for whose apprehension, a large reward was offered. Only once did a driver get a good look at him and described him a- an American, fifty years of age, with long gray hair, thin face, deep set eyes, promi- nent teeth and somewhat dignified appearance. 51 The only record of "Black P3art" being shot at was on November 3, 1883,, between Milton and Sonora, in Tiiolomne County, about three miles from Copperopolis, Cal., on the old mail road from Yosemite. On this particu- lar trip, McConnell, the stage driver, allowed a boy of the neighborhood, who had a gun, to ride with him, but the lad got down just before the stage was stopped and had gone into the woods. The robber who, as the stage approached, as was his custom, had used powerful field glasses to de- termine if an armed guard was aboard, as he "held-up'' the stage asked the driver what had become of the man with the gun. The driver told him the truth, but as ''Bart'' started off w^ith the boxes and mail bags of gold valued at forty- four hundred dollars, also five hundred and fifty dollars in coin, the boy returned and McConnell snatching the rifle from him, fired four shots at the retreating robber, but failed to hit him. Immediately after this, as well as after "Bart's" other robberies, detectives promptly explored the surrounding country, this time near a camp fire, finding a slouch hat, silk handkerchief and a linen cuff with blood stains upon it, the cuff having on it a laundry mark. This was the first real clue and resulted in the detectives finding the San Fran- cisco laundry that had placed the mark on the cuff and de- termining that it belonged to one E. C. Bolton. The arrev.t and identification of **Black Bart'* followed. He was also known as Charles E. Benton and Charles E. Bowles, had lived at an unpretentious boarding house in San Francisco, passing as a mining man and which accounted for his oc- FRANK SHERCLIFFE. Lone Highwayman. Train bank and Faro bank Robber. 53 casional absence. He pleaded guilty to his last robbery, but strenuously denied that he was the ''Black Bart" who committed the others and declared to the Court that it was only urgent necessity that drove him to commit this crime. On November 17, 1883, he was sentenced to six years in the prison at San Ouentin, Cal. He originally came from De- catur, Ills., where he had worked on farms, and from where in Company B, 160 Illinois Regiment, served three years in the Civil War. He w^as known in his regiment as ''Wrest- ling Charlie," and so far as could be learned outside of his "hold-ups" had led a respectable life, was a teetotaler, a man of fine education, a remarkably good story teller and since his release he has been seen more or less in honest occupations on the Pacific Coast. During "Black Bart's" criminal career he never took a life or injured a human being. Early in the evening of November 4, 1892, at Omaha, Frank Shercliffe, alias Sherman W. ^Morris, boarded a Sioux City and Pacific Railroad train, and as it neared California Junction, Iowa, completely disguised w^ith a false beard, he attacked William G. Pollock, a New York diamond mer- chant, with a bag of shot, until it was broken open, then seriously wounding him in the arm and shoulder with a revolver ripped open his vest and stole therefrom unmount- ed diamonds valued at twenty thousand dollars, signaled the train to stop, and escaped. As a result of our liandling the matter for the Jeweler-' Protective Union, Sherclift'e was arrested and tried at Lo- 54 "CAPT." EUGENE BUNCH. Southern Express Robber. Killed Evadinj;? .\rrest. 55 gan. Iowa, and >LMUL'nce(l to Mwiiiecn years in the Fort Madison, Iowa, penitentiary. He is believed to be the lone ''hold-up" man who, during 1892. prior to the attack on ]\Ir. Pollock, robbed gamblers and proprietors of gambling houses in the Northw^est, usu- ally entering at late hours of the night, while all were en- gaged in their games and relieving them of such money as they had on hand. He began his career as a criminal when a boy seventeen years of age, by robbing a safe at Aurora, Illinois, shot at the officers who attempted to arrest him, but was captured. Since then he has been engaged in a number of daring robberies in the middle and far West. Like the average professional criminal, he squandered his ill gotten gains, but since his release from prison in 1904, still young, but broken in health and prematurely aged he has married and, seemingly is endeavoring to lead an honest life. In November , 1888, a United States Express messenger was "held-up" on a train near New Orleans, La., and robbed of $20,000. , Investigation proved the robber to be Captain Eugene F. Bunch, alias Captain Gerald, a former newspaper editor of Gainesville, Texas. Acting with the special officer of the Southern Express Company, and a local official, we finally located Bunch in a swamp near Franklinton, La., where, on August 21, 1892, he was killed resisting arrest. September 30, 1891, Oliver Curtis Perry boarded a New York Central R. R. train at All)any. X. Y., sawed an opening through the rear door, crawled over the freight to OLIVKR CURTIS I'EKKV. Single handed train robber. Operated in Now York State- 57 the centre, covered the messenger with a revolver and stole five thousand dollars and some jewelry, after which nea" Utica he made his escape by cutting the air brakes, thereby bringing the train to a stop. February 21, 1892, Perry again boarded an express train near Syracuse, N. Y., concealed himself on the roof of the express car until the train was in motion and then with a rope fastened to a hook in the roof of the car while the train was traveling fifty miles an hour, lowered himself to a window and, covering the messenger with a revolver ordered him to throw up his hands. The messenger at- tempted to pull the bell cord, but Perry shot him in the hand, the messenger following with several shots. Just as Perry fired his last shot, the train pulled into Lyons and he, in attempting to escape drove the fireman and engineer from a locomotive which stood on a siding, started the engine at full speed, but was followed by railroad employees on another locomotive, who subsequently overtook him and after considerable shooting caused his arrest. On May 19, following he was sentenced to 49 years ^\v\ three months in the Auburn, N. Y., State Prison, from which he escaped October 22nd, but was recaptured in less than 24 hours. Soon after showdng signs of insanity he was transferred to the asylum for the criminal insane at Mar- teawan, from which he escaped April 10, 1895, but four weeks later was arrested by a railroad detective at Wee- hawken, N. J. This detective liad a di>])utc with the Super- intendent of the railroad about Perry's capture, killed him and was hanged in Xcw Jcr-cy for liis crime. After hi-, 58 return to Matteawan Asylum, Perry destroyed both eyes with a saddler's needle and is now a blind raving maniac. Perry was born in Amsterdam, N. Y. ; at fourteen was sent to a State Reformatory for burglary; afterwards served a term at Rochester, N. Y., then went to Minnesota, burglar- ized a store, served three years in the Stillwater, !Minn., prison, became a cowboy, returned East and imposed upon religious people by pretending to reform, and finally com- mitted the "hold-up" crimes as alleged. Bert Alvord, a train robber, was once City Marshal of Wilcox, Arizona, and Deputy Sheriff of Cochise County, said to have been a fearless, , diligent and conscientious officer, became a train robber and "hold-up" as he claimed, on account of a reward of $i,ooo offered for the arrest of a "hold-up" which he was not able to collect, "held-up" a train and took from the express messenger $i,ooo declar- ing he had earned this money and that there was no other way to collect it, thereafter committing many robberies, but was finally hunted down by the rangers and rurales. In January, 1902, Alvord joined forces with Bravo Juan, Augustine Chicon and Bill Stiles, Texas and Mexican out- laws, working along the border. Alvord and Bravo Juan were captured in the Sierra Madre mountains of Sonora, Texas, tried and acquitted. Later Alvord and Stiles were arrested for a train robbery at Cochise. • Alvord was sen- tenced to two years in the penitentiary at Tombstone, Ariz., but with Stiles awaiting trial in the same jail on six indict- ments and thirteen other prisoners on December 15, 1907,, While brakeman on St. L( express II HARRY SCHWARTZ. < and vSan Francisco Ry. with Newton Watt, murfk-red -t.ii<4er Kellogcr Xichols. Stole $20,000. 60 broke jail, this being the second time Alvord and Stiles escaped ivom this, prison ; on the previous occasion. Stiles seriously wounding the jailer. Alvord was later recaptured and served his time in the Yuma, Ariz., penitentiary and was released during October, 1905. Kellogg Nichols, a United States Express messenger, was found murdered in his car on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R. train, at Morris, Ills., on the night of March 13, 1886, the safe open and $21,500, mostly $100- bills, stolen therefrom. My personal investigation at the time, assisted by Frank Murray, then Chief of Police, of Joliet, and afterwards for many years one of our Superin- tendents, John T. Smith, Chief Special Agent of the Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R. and other officers de- veloped that Nichols had been shot in the shoulder with a .;^2 calibre pistol, a kind not used by train robbers, and his brains literally beaten out with a car stove poker, which, was returned to the hook where it belonged and where any Mi'linaiy criminal would not have placed it after making the use that was made of it. These circumstances together with being unfavorably impressed with the statements of Newton Watt, baggage- man and Harry Schwartz, front brakeman of the train, led to the suspicion that Nichols was killed by either Watt or Schwartz because Nichols by tearing off the mask of the robber had recognized the wearer. The following day on the railroad tracks near Minooka, between Joliet and Mor- ris, where Nichols was last seen alive, was found a mask t 61 FRED WHITROCK, alias Jim Cummings. Lone train robber. Stole $is7,ooo from St. Louis ^: San Francisco express train. Died recentlv. made from the tail of an old coat and which showed evi- dence of having been torn from the wearer. Ample evidence of their guilt eventually obtained result- ing in their conviction and sentence to life imprisonment. Watt died in the penitentiary, but Schwartz's sentence being commuted by Governor Altgeld, he was released from the Joliet penitentiary, September 2, 1896. A short distance out of St. Louis, Mo., October 25, 1886, a lone highwayman boarded a St. Louis & San Francisco R}-. train, pres-ented a forged letter from the Adams Ex- press Co., prevailed on the Adams Express messenger to open the door of the car. The robber then compelled the messenger, D. W. Fortheringham, to open the safe and de- liver the contents, $57,000, to him, then binding and gagg- ing the -messenger, left him lying on the floor of the car. Robert A. Pinkerton and two detectives from our Chi- cago office, several weeks afterwards arrested Fred Witt- rock, formerly of Leavenworth, Kas., for this robbery, who then admitted that four to five other men were concerned with him in the crime and that to each he had sent a por- tion of the stolen money ; that the robbery was conceived by ' I Taight, a fornu i rxpress messenger and associated V. iii iiiin was Tho-. W'r-Awv of Chicago. Aided by the local police, of his confc 1' i;ii(- w^ arrested Weaver in Chicago and Haight in \a^h\ ilK . Tenn., two of Wittrock's friends in Leavenworth and two in Kan -as City, to whom Wittrock had given some of the -toleii ni<;iK\ and a Chicago printer who printed the forged letter head. A\'e recovered 90 per cent of the stolen money. Wittrock, Haight and \\'eaver all pleaded guilty and were sentenced to long terms in the ]Missouri penitentiary. Wittrock served his sentence, returned to his old home in Leavenworth, Kas., and died quite recently. On the Mineral Range Railway, Michigan, at 9:30 A. M.,. September 15, 1893, ^^ ^ crossing in the woods, called Bos- ton, in a sparsely settled countr}^, masked men boarded the locomotive and express car and forced the express messen- ger to deliver to them a package containing seventy thousand dollars in currency, the pay roll of the Calumet & Hecia Mining Co. As there was no telegraph office at Boston, an alarm was not given until the train reached Calumet, when the local authorities were notified and arrested Jack Butler, . an ex-convict, and Jack King, at that time the champion Cornish wrestler of the United States. For the American Express Company, I took charge of " this investigation, going with the manager of the company and several assistants to the scene of the robbery. Our investigation assisted by the local authorities showed that the robbers had used a horse and buggy to escape with, and of which we obtained a good description from the natives thereabouts ; also a close examination of the foot prints of the horse, showed he wore racing plates, instead of the usual heavy shoes worn by horses of that section. This horse was subsecjuently identified as ^'Camp K," the property of a Red Jacket, ^Nfichigan, saloon-keeper, from . 64 LliAKlJvS I. SHAKCICV. Aquia Creek, Va., Express Hold-up robber. 65 whom the ''hold-ups" had obtained it. Our work resulted in the additional arrest of La Liberty, a former railroad fire- man, Dominick Hogan, an American Express messenger, and his brother Edward Hogan, who had planned the rob- bery. La Liberty made to me a confession that the stolen money had been placed in his trunk at. the depot, but on searching the trunk we found only eleven hundred dollars. It was then determined that the night depot master at Mar- quette, Michigan, and a local livery stable keeper had stolen the money from La Liberty's trunk, resulting in my re- covering altogether $69,935.00 of the $70,000 stolen. All of these men were convicted and sentenced to long terms in the Michigan penitentiary. In the fall of 1895, at Aquia Creek, Stafford County, Virginia, two men, shortly after the train was under way, boarded an express train, one the express car and the other the locomotive, cutting the locomotive and express car from the balance of the train, forcing the engineer to take them a considerable distance where the express messenger was overpowered, the safe blown and over ten thousand dollars stolen, the "hold-up" men escaping, notwithstanding a battle with a posse. Shortly afterward a stranger displaying considerable money, was arrested at Port Royal, Virginia, from whom Robert A. Pinkerton, representing the express company, who was investigating the robbery, obtained a confession. The robber proved to be Charles J., Searcey, of Texas, and he implicated Charles Morgan, alias Morganfield, whose 66 PAT CROWi:, 67 arrest we brought about in Cincinnati. Searcey was sen- tenced to ten years and ]\Iorganlield to seventeen years in the Richmond, Va., penitentiary. During 1902, 1903, 1904 and 1905, several train rob- beries occurred in California, Colorado and Oregon. The identity of the robbers could not be settled at the time but we eventually determined that they were committed by George and Edward Vernon Gates, brothers of California, who on March 15, 1905, at Lordsburg, New Mexico, with rifles attempted to commit a series of ''hold-up" robberies and wdio killed themselves when the officers attempted to arrest them. Pat Crowe, notorious as the kidnapper of Eddie Cudahy, son of John Cudahy, the millionaire Omaha packer, for which crime, through a miscarriage of justice, he was ac- quitted and afterwards acknowledged being the abductor, pleaded guilty to train robbery on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy R. R. in 1894, about which time there were a number of attempts upon trains in the vicinity of St. Joseph, Mo. Crowe was supposed to have the Taylor brothers of St. Joseph associated with him. After these robberies we located Crowe in the Milwau- kee Work-house, and had him held, charged with a diamond robbery in Denver, Col. Before the extradition papers arrived he sent for the officials of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy R. R. and stated that he was concerned in the 6S 69 robberies near St. Joseph. Certain parts of his story ap- peared very improbable to me and I went to Denver, made arrangements with the poHce authorities to permit him to plead to these train robberies in Missouri. The night the arrangements w^ere completed, Crowe escaped from the jail. Crowe, after his escape, wrote me that all the statements made by him were falsehoods. Later we caused his arrest in Cincinnati. He was taken to St. Joseph, Mo., where he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years in the Mis- souri States Prison at Jefferson City, from which he wrote letters to the railroad officials and myself, threatening to kill all who had to do with his prosecution. When his sentence expired in Missouri, Crowe was re- turned to Denver for the diamond robbery, but through friends it is claimed he compromised the matter. Crowe has lately written a book telling how he com- mitted some of his crimes. He claims he now intends to atone for all the crimes he ever committed by demonstrat- ing to the young the folly of criminal life. He was lately tried for robbery in Council Bluffs, but acquitted. One of the most notorious bands of train robbers and bank "hold-ups" who operated in the West and Southwest, from Wyoming to Texas from 1895 to 1902, was known as ''the Wild Bunch." After each robbery they would hide in the "Hole in the Wall" country of Wyoming, and after the excitement had blown over would return to then headquarters in small cities of Texas. This band from time to time included Tom Ketcham, alias "Black Jack," leader, wlio was lianged at Clayton, New ^ "\ 5 71 Mexico, April 26, 1901, for killing Sheriff Edward Farr, of Whalensburg, New ]\Iexico, who was attempting to arrest him for a train ''hold-up." William Carver, alias ''Bill" Carver, second leader, killed April 2, 1901, while resisting arrest in Texas for a murder committed at Sonora. Sam Ketcham died June 24, 1900, in the Sante Fe, New Mexico, penitentiary, of a wound inflicted by a posse of officers attempting to arrest him for the robbery of the Colorado Southern R. R. Co. at Cimarron, New Mexico. Elza Lay, alias McGuinness, is now serving a life sen- tence in the Sante Fe, New Mexico, penitentiary for par- ticipation with "Black Jack" Ketcham in the Cimarron train robbery. Lonny Logan and Harvey Logan, alias ''Curry broth- ers." Lonny was killed at Dodson, Mo., February 28, 1900, while resisting arrest. George Curry, alias "Flat Nose George," third leader, killed near Thompson, Utah, April 15, 1900, resisting ar- rest by a Sheriff's posse. Bob Lee, alias Bob Curry, now serving a ten-years'" sentence in the Rawlins, Wyoming, State Penitentiary, for the robbery of the Union Pacific train at Wilcox, June 2, 1899. Among the bank and train robberies committed by the "Wild Bunch" in recent years were : Butte County Bank, member American Bankers' Association, Belle FourchCj South Dakota, June 28th, 1897. Union Pacific Express train "hold-up." Wilcox, Wyom- ing, January 2d, 1899. 72 73 Union Pacific Express train "hold-up," Tipton, Wyo- ming, August 29th, 1900. About 1900, after these robberies^ under the leadership of Harvey Lv:)gan, alias ''Kid" Curry, the band included O. C. Hanks, alias "Camila" Hanks, alias "Deaf Charlie;" George Parker, alias ''Butch" Cassidy; Harry Longbaugh, alias "Sundance Kid;" and Ben Kil- Patrick alias "The Tall Texan." A part of this band on September 19, 1900, at the noon hour, "holding-up" the officials with rifles and revolvers, robbed the First National Bank, Winnemucca, Nev., a member of the American Bankers' Association, of $32,640 in gold. July 3, 1901, Logan, Cassidy, Longbaugh, "Will" Carver,. Ben Kilpatrick, "Deaf Charlie Jones," alias Hanks, at Wag- ner, Montana, "held-up" a Great Northern Express train, securing $40,500 of unsigned bills of the National Bank of Montana, and the American National Bank of Helena,. Mont., and for which Ben Kilpatrick, alias "The Tall Texan," was arrested by the police in St. Louis, Mo., No- vember 5, 1901, with a number of the unsigned stolen bills in his possession. He was sentenced to fifteen years in the Columbus, Ohio, penitentiary, since transferred to the United States Penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga. In Kilpatrick's room of the Laclede Hotel, the police arrested Laura Bul- lion, a companion of Kilpatrick, as she was leaving with a satchel containing several of the unsigned bills. She was convicted of being an accomplice and sentenced to two years and 'six months in the Missouri Penitentiary, at Jefferson. December 13, 1901, at Knoxville, Tennessee, two police- men who attempted to quiet a pistol fight over a game of pool were shot by one of the participants, a stranger who 74 K o w to o n o »• ►T3 - > n » p ?: afterward ''held-up" the occupants of the saloon, backed out of the rear door and jumped thirty feet into a railroad cut, but was eventually traced and arrested in an exhausted condition from cold, exposure and injury from his jump. We subsequently identified this man as Harvey Currey, alias Harvey Logan. Logan was convicted and sentenced to a term of twenty years in the United States Penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio, for uttering bank notes stolen at Wagner on which notes the signatures had been forged. On Novem- ber 29, 1902, while awaiting transfer to that institution, he made his escape by ''holding-up" the guards in the Knox- ville jail; fleeing to the mountains on horseback. He has not been recaptured. O. C. Hanks, alias ^'Camila'' Hanks, of Texas, another one of this band, in Nashville, Tenn., on October 2.y, 190T, offered a merchant one of these notes, circulars describing which had been sent by us broadcast throughout the United States. The merchant became suspicious and telephoned the police who responded quickly, but Hanks, noting what oc- curred, quickly drew a revolver, ''held-up" the officer tem- porarily, jumped into an ice wagon and forcing out the driver drove rapidly down the street ; abandoned the wagon and at the point of his revolver captured a buggy and in this escaped through the marshes to the Cumberland River, where he forced two negroes to row him across in a boaJ: and was lost trace of. On April 17, 1902, he was killed by officers in the streets of San Antonio, Texas, while resisting arrest. In 1892, Hanks and Harry Longbaugh ''held-up" a Northern Pacific train in Big Timber, AFontana, for which Hanks was ar- 76 ETTA PLACiv. Mrs, Kid Longbough. of "Wild I'.iuirli."- o 78 rested, convicted and sentenced to ten years in the Deer Lodge Penitentiary, from which institution he was released April 30, 1901, rejoining his old companions in "hold-up'* robberies. "Butch" Gassidy with Harry Longbaugh and Etta Place, a clever horsewoman and rifle shot, fled to Argentine Re- public, South America, where they, it is said, have been joined by Logan. Being expert ranch men they engaged in cattle raising on a ranch they had acquired, located on a piece of high table land from which they commanded a view of 25 miles in various directions, making their capture practically impossible. During the past two years, they committed several "hold-up" bank robberies in Argentina in which Etta Place, the alleged wife of Harry Longbaugh, it is said, operated with the band in male attire. We advised the Argentina authorities of their presence and location, but they became suspicious of preparations for their arrest, fled from Argentine Republic and were last heard from on the Southwest Coast of Chili, living in the wild open country. Edward Estelle, alias "Conn. Eddie," George Gordon, alias "Brooklyn Blacky," William Browning, alias "Browney," Thomas Clark, alias "Pa. Butch" and Johnny Bull, all "yegg" men, on August 5, 1902, "held-up" a train of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy R. R., near Marcus, Ills., after subduing the engineer, fireman and conductor, and shooting up and down the railroad track to intimidate the passengers, secured three thousand dollars from the Adams Express Company's safe in the baggage car. 79 <; 73 Q o o :r 80 George Gordon, alia- ' I '.r(>< )klyn Blacky," approaching: from the front of the locomotive was mistaken for a rail- road man and shot in the thigh by Estelle, who, when he discovered he had woinided a member of the gang, en- deavored to have Gordan flee with him, but on the latter pleading that he was too badly wounded, Estelle, uttering an oath and telling him that he would not be left to squeal on anybody, blew Gordon's brains out and then wanted to burn Gordon's bQdy in the fire box of the engine, which Clark prevented. We identified Gordon's body, found on the railroad? tracks and this materially aided us in establishing the iden- tity of the others of the ''hold-ups." We located the gang: at Memphis, where, acting with the police, we arrested Fstelle and Clark. Browning, alias "Browney," was shot and killed at McCloud, Texas, while attempting to rob a bank, the owner of which took Browning's pistol from him, killing him with it. Clark and Estelle were sentenced to life imprisonment in the Joliet, 111., States Prison. A gang of ''yegg" nun "lield-up" a through train of the Illinois Central Railroad near Harvey, 111., on the night of August I, 1904, with revolvers, compelling the passenger^ to deliver their money and valuables. These "hold-ups" were traced to a St. Louis lodging house by St. Louis and Kansas City police detectives, who arrested one man as he left the house. The detectives on entering the house to arrest William Bruce Morris and Albert Rosenauer were attacked by these criminals and a fierce battle ensued. Both rrimliinU were killed hnt nr)t before they killed Detective WILLIAM BR()\VXIX(;. Yegg Ivxpress "Mold ujj." 82 John J. Shea and Special Officers Thomas F. Dwyer an.l James A. McCluskey. Morris in an ante morten statement confessed to the IlHnois Central "hold-up" ; also to an at- tempted "hold-up" of a Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific train near Leets, Iowa, July 29, 1904. Although the "hold-up" men have usually been successful in their "holding-up" of stages, trains and banks, there have been occasional instances where the "tables were turned" on them. One of these was near Gilliam, Missouri, shortly afte: midnight, Sunday, December 26, 1906, when a lone robber, who had boarded the train at Slater, Mo., compelled the sleeping car porter and the train conductor to accompany him through the cars, the porter awakening the passengers in the Pullman sleepers, collecting their valuables and hand- ing them over to the robber. As the train reached Glasgow, Mo., the next stop for the train, the robber disappeared, but while the conductor was reporting the robbery to a tele- graph operator, the "hold-up" by signal to the engineer started the train, although the conductor succeeded in having it stopped and informing the engineer of what had occurred started through the train, when he met the porter, the flag- man and the "hold-up" man, who under the "hold-ups" direction were continuing to relieve the passengers of their valuables. The robber agaiji forced the conductor to be- come a member of the "hold-up" party. On reaching the last car, the "hold-up" locked the flagman and porter in the ladies* toilet and started to take the plunder fn^ii the ilag- V5 man's hat. Elias B. Haywood, the conductor, watching what was occurring, found the ''hold-up" robber off his guard, grappled with him and both wrestled about the car floor, but finally the robber released himself from the con- ductor's grasp and disappeared out of the door on the plat- form, the conductor firing several shots after him with the robber's revolver which the conductor had captured during the struggle. The conductor believed the robber had jumped or fallen from the train which was running at forty miles an hour, but on going on the car platform, found the ''hold- up" man crouching on the lower steps, gave him a severe beating, pulled him back into the car and held him until the train pulled in at Armstrong, Mo., where the police, having been notified by the Glasgow operator, were in waiting. The robber gave his name as Jesse Clyde Rumsey, and claimed that his brother "held-up" the Chicago passenger train near Glasgow, Mo., on November 8, 1906, at which time a similar robbery was committed, and from whom he received his instructions how to operate. What I have maintained that no crime pays and that 95 per cent of criminals die in debt and frequently in want is most aptly illustrated by the history of the "Hold-up" Rob- ber." I know of few train robbers or "hold-ups" alive and out of prison to-day. Only in a very limited number of in- stances are these in comfortable circumstances and from honest means only after giving up their lives of crime. Crime does not pay! ^4