)rnia iii^iMn .JI\'H?]r!#' J^vlJIYNnnT^ "^^rmni or .^•OBRA ilTVDJO '^/SNT'MMn i\\v -i) {)N}\m''^-b •LIBRARYQ^ \WE-UN1VER%. -_^ PC 5o M-i \9VdHii- \WH3r BRARY<9/ ^^'AHVHani^ ^'^Awaan-^ ^WEUN1VER% ^10SANGEI% ^^l-UBRARY^^ ^i %{30Nv-soi^" "%a3AiNn-mv^ ^odnv^jo^ %( AWEDNIVER^Jj^ ^lOSANGEIijj^ ^OFCAL1FO%^ ^01 ?7;i)ivHan-i'^ ^0' ^•UBRARYO^ <5^HIBRARYa^ %OJ11VDJO^ •\WEUNIVER% <^30NV-S01^ AOFCAL{FO%. \\IEUNIVERS// 0- ^' ^^AavHan-^' "'^^AHVHani^' ougl)ton, apicliigan CONSISTING ALMOST WHOLLY OF RARE BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Co be ^oIU at Stuction auD following Da^sf %n Ccn i^onting anti Afternoon ^ejeJjstonjJ Commencins; at 10:30 anU 2:30 o'clock Bailp rrtoin ^ales Companp 16 East 40th Street, New York MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY EXECUTED Telephone, 1106 Murray Hill Conditions of Sale. 1. All bids to be PER LOT unless otherwise stated in the cat- alogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judg- ment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser and this Company will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed. Goods remaining in our rooms more than two weeks after sale will be charged storage or placed in storage for account of the buyer. 5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each Sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are ren- dered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condi- tion is widiout prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Accounts remaining unsettled after thirty days from date of sale will be charged interest at the rate of six per cent, from date of sale. 6. All goods are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good second-hand condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given profmptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. This condition will be strictly enforced. 7. All manuscripts and autographs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots and all pamphlets in lots or volumes will be sold with all faults, imperfections and errors of description. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our cus- ^omers. All bids being used competitively. THE MERWIN SALES COMPANY, 16 East Fortieth Street, New York. HSC V pvtiatoxv The widespread interest displayed in tlie announcement of the dis- persal of Mr. Hubbard's extensive and well-cliosen collection of books relating to America, bears ample testimony to the esteem in which it is held In- collectors and bibliophiles the country over. There have been. ]icrhaps. brought under the hammer in recent years collections containing a larger number of conspicuous rarities and more full on books relating to particular sections of the older parts of the United States : but it is not easy to point to a sales catalogue issued within the last decade, in which is to be found a more comprehensive and well rounded-out assemblage of rare books encompassing in a general way the discovery, early exploration, colonization and settlement of lioth continents of the Western hemisphere. In the s])?;ial department of books on tlie \\'est — that vast and interesting region extending from the borders of the older settle- ments along the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific Coast — Mr. Hubbard's collection is particularly rich ; and will, perhaps, be long remembered as the first great collection of the kind ever oft'ered for sale, the first in wliicli tlie number and rarity of the items included were in any way connnensurate with the importance of the subject. .\n examination of sales records during the i^ast tliirty years for prices realized l\v books and pamphlets in this class, is sure to reveal an astonishing lack of judgment en the part of collectors and auction house habitues during that time. Few there were it stems who were aware what opportunities were passing away. Few there were also who realized, while accounts of the earlier voyages across the Atlantic were bringing fabulous prices in the market, that those narratives of the first expeditions to the remoter parts of the continent of America itself, would also at a later day become eagerly sought after by a new generation of collectors sprung up amidst the wealth and literary culture of the territories but recently explored. And it is perhaps owing to this untimeh' neglect, that books on the early history of the West, now that they are called for in every direction are no longer to be had in sufficient quantities to supply the demand. To suggest, however, that Mr. Hubbard confined his purchases ex- clusively to books on the ^^'est would be to convey an erroneous im- pression. On the contrary, as has been stated, he sought to cover the entire range of American History in its broadest sense as will be seen by a perusal of the following pages. Xew Fr.\xce and Caxad.v are liberally represented. Among works on this widely extended region are the writings of Champlain, Lescar- bot, Charlevoix, Le Clercq, the Jesuit Relations, La Hontan (repre- sented in a long series of original and important editions in French, Dutch and English), Bressani, Du Creux. ]\Iargry, Bacqueville de la Potherie, Smith, Heriot, Vancouver, Palliser, and a number of the more recent authors on the far Western parts of the Dominion. Mexico, Central axd South Americ.v. A large portion of the library is composed of works relating to the republics of Latin America, among which may be mentioned Las Casas. Acosta. Cortes, Eenzoni, 704608 Herrera. Clavigero, Diaz de Castillo, Gomara, De Solis, T. Gage, Zarate, Garcilaso de la Vega, D'Acugna, Grynaeus, Juan and Ulloa, La Condamine, etc. Among the rarer books relating to the older settlements of the East are : Wassenaer's "Historisch Verhael," containing the earliest printed reports of transactions in the New Netherlands, 1623, the original Dutch edition of "Kort en Bondigh Verhael," with a con- temporary account of the loss of New Netherlands to the English, the works of De Laet. Montanus, Bishope, Campanius, Acrelius, Byfield; — Beverley's Virginia, Smith's New York, Lawson's Carolina, Stith's Virginia, Roberts's Florida. McCall's Georgia, Burke's Virginia com- plete. Peters's History of Connecticut, Force's Tracts, Hutchinson's Massachusetts complete, an important series of rare books relating to the State of Maine, collections of Historical Societies, and a fine copy of the original Paris edition of Jefferson's Notes on Virginia. The Western States and American Aborigines. Bowles' Authen- tic Memoirs. 1791; Carver's Travels (several edns.) ; Catlin's Indians, a colored copy; Colden's Five Nations; Compleat History of the Late War, Dublin. 1763; Eliot's Indian Bible, 1685-80; Evans' Geographical Essay, with the rare map ; Franchere's "Relation d'un Voyage," original edition ; Lewis and Clark, Gas and Fisher, various works and editions ; Haywood's Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee; also the "Civil and Political ;" Hennepin, an extensive series of rare and im- portant editions in French, Dutch and English ; Heriot's Canada, colored copy; Hopkins' Housatannuk Indians, Boston, 1753; Hub- bard's Indian Wars, London, 1677 ; Long's Expedition, with the Atlas ; Kelly's Oregon, original edition; McAfee's "Late War;" Prince Maxi- milien's magnificent work on Western Travel, 1839-'44 ; Metcalf's Narratives, Lexington, 1821 ; Long's Voyages of an Indian Interpreter, in boards, uncut; Mohawk Prayer Book, Quebec, 1780; Pattie's Narra- tive, 1833; Maj. Robert Rogers' "Journals" and "Concise Account;" St. Clair's Narrative, Philadelphia, 1812 ; Sanders' Indian Wars, the Rare Second Edition; Schoolcraft (various works) ; Thomson's Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians. 1759 ; Wil- kinson's Memoirs, with the Atlas ; Wyeth's "Short History of a Long Journey," etc. The above titles are chosen at random and are not to be taken as giving more than a representative selection of some of the .'^career items. The Library also contains a collection of books on Mushrooms and other branches of Natural History including Audubon's Birds (1st 8vo edn.i. Sargent's North American Silva, works illustrated by the Bewicks, a long run of rare and important editions of Walton's Com- pleat Angler and an Illuminated Manuscript Hours of the Virgin, Paris. 1500. It has been our good fortune in the past to assist in the handling of many important and valuable collections of rare books; and it is with pleasure we inform our patrons that we do not remember ever to have surveyed a library of Americana as a whole in which the condition of the volumes contained was superior to those comprising Mr. Ihilibard's most interesting: collection. 3^are Americana THE PRIVATE EIHRARY OF HOUGHTOX. MICH. FIRST SESSION Tuesday Morning, May 5, 1914. Commencing at 10:30 o'clock. 1. A -^ (CORXELIS VAX DER AA;. Geschiedenis ^- a\ van den Joiigst-Geeindigdeii Oorlog, tot op liet Sluiten van den Vrede te Amiens. Bijzonder met Betrekking tot de Bataafsclie Republiek. Portrait, map and copper-plates. 10 in 11 vols, 8vo, calf, leather labels. Amsterdam: Johannes Allart, 1802-08. 2. [AA (PIETER VAX DER).] Xaaiikeurige Ver- ^ ^ sameling der Gedenk-AYaardigste Zee en Land-Reysen, na I- Oost en West-Indien, 1593-1599. 21 Deel. 9 parts in one vol. Thick small Svo, vellum. Leyden : 1707. I'rinted in Dutch, each one of the parts complete in itself, with separate paaiuation and title. Contains MEiioiRS of voy- ages TO THE East Ixdies axd other pabts of America. Ad- ventures OF Capt. Smith and Sir Walter Raleigh. With numerous fine copper-plate maps and- engravings. :j. ABB ATT (WILLIAM). The Crisis of the Revolu- r?. *" tion. Being the Story of Arnold and Andre, now for the First Tiiiii- collected from all Sources, and lUustrated with Views of all Places Identified with it. 4to. cloth, paper label. X. Y.: 1899. One of only 2.50 copies pbinted. ,25 4. ABBOT (ABIEL). Letters written in the Interior of I — Cuba, between the ^Mountains of Arcana, to the East, and of Cusco. to the West, in 1828. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Bost. : 1829. 5o 5. ABBOTT (JOHX S. C). The History of Maine, from the Earliest Discovery of the Region by the Northmen until the Present Time. Portrait and many illustrations. 8vo. ^^^ep. Boston: 1875. 5 / i- ^ 6. ABDY (E. S.). Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States of America, 1833-34. 3 vols, small 8vo, half calf (bindings rubbed). Lond. : 1835. Contains much information relating to Public Institutions. Owinjr to the author's remarks on Slavery, a republication of this work was suspended. 7. A'BECKETT (GILBERT A.). The Comic History of England. With 10 colored etchings and 120 woodcuts hy John Leech. 2vols.. 8vo, original cloth. uncTit. Lond. : Punch Office, 1847-48. First editiox. Tall Copy. 8. A'BECKETT (GILBERT A.). The Comic History of Rome. With 10 colored illustrations iy John Leech, he- sides text woodcuts. 8vo. original cloth, gilt edges. Lond.: Bradbury and Evans, n. d. [1852]. 9. A'BECKETT (GILBERT A.). The Comic Blackstone. Illustrations hy George Cruikshank. 8vo, cloth. Chicago: 1869. 10. ABERT (LIEUT. J. W.). Report of the Secretary of War communicating in answer to a Resolution of tlie Senate a Report and Map on the Examination of New ^le.xieo. Folding map and lith. plates. 8vo, half roan, uncut with the original Avrappers bound in. Wash.: 1848. 11. ACORN CLUB. Relation of the Pequot Warres. Written in 1660 by Lieutenant Lion Gardener, and now First Printed from the Original ]\Ianuscription. With an His- torical Introduction. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. [Hartford, Conn.] : 1901. Limited to 102 copies and seldom offered for sale. 12. ACOSTA (JOSEPH DE). Historia Xatvrale. c Mor- ale delle Indie; Scritta dal R. P. Gioseffo di Aeosta Delia Compagnia de Giesu; Xellaquale si trattano le cose notabili del Cielo, & de gli Elementi, Metalli, Piante, & Animali di quelle: i suoiriti. & ceremonie : T>eggi. & gouerni, & guerre de gli Tndiani. Xovamente tradotta della lingua Spagnuola nella Italiana da Gio. Paolo Galvcci Salodiano Academic© Veneto. Small 4to, red leather, gilt back, sides and edges, by HEKixG (slight defect on margin of three leaves neatly re- paired. — Lenox Library duplicate with stamp on back of title j. In Yenetia: Presso Bernardo Basa, 1596. Fine ropv. "tfte only Italian version, pbinted in the 1 Yi'Ks OF Alijx;s." — Sahin. Rabe. 13. ACOSTA (JOSEPH DE). Josephi Aeosta Societatis Jesv. de Xatura Xovi Orbis. Libri Dvo. et De Promvlgatione Evangelii Apvd Barbaros sine, de Procvranda Indorvm sal- 6 ACOSTA (.i(»si:i'ii i)i;». lite. Libi-i su|)iuic<';ni (III the lauiruaues nf the Amcric'an Indians and >;hort dialogues in the Language of the Lenui Lenape. -1- 56. A:^IER1CAN REVOLUTIOX. Tile Journals of ' ~ ]Ma.ior Saiimel Shaw, the First AuKn-ieaii Consul at Canton. With a Life of the Author of Josiah Quiiicy. Portrait. Svo, cloth, uneiit. Bost. : 18-17. 57. AMERICAN REVOLUTIOX. Orderly Book of the l^^ Northern Army. At Ticonderoga and ^It. Independence, 1776- 1777. AVith Biographical and Explanatory Notes, and Ap- pendix. Portrait. Small Ito. green cloth, gilt top, uncut. Albany: :\Iunsell, 1S59. -7^ 58. A:\1ERICAN SOCIETY for Promoting the Civiliza- - tion and General Improvement of the Indian Tribes in the United States. The First Annual Kej^ort. Svo, half crimson calf, gilt back. New Haven : 1824. 59. A:\IERICAN state papers. Important Docu- - ments and Dispatches which accompanied the ^Message of the President of the United States of America (John Adams), to both Llouses of Congress, on the Third of April. 1798. respect- ing the Differences between America and France ; including the Instructions to the American Envoys, and their Entire Correspondence witli the Executive Directory of France, to- gether witli the President's ^Message to Congress on 19th March. 1798. Small 4to. half calf, uncut. Lond. : 1798. Fine copy of a very rare item, relating to the French Spolia- tions on the Commerce and Personal Injuries to the Citizens of the United States. ,4f G". AMERICANS AS THEY ARE (THE): Described in a Tour through the Valley of the ^Mississippi. By the author of "Austria As It Is." Small 8vo. half calf, gilt back and top. Tuicut. Lond. : 1828. BL rA:\IES (XATHAN^.] Childe Harvard; a Romance ■^ of Cambridge, first edition. 12mo. boards, uncut (two leaves torn into\ ^ Boston: 1848. 62. MNBUREY (THQ^lASy] Travels through the In- - terior Parts of America. 3oIdimg map and 7 plates. 2 vols.. '^^- 8yo. half calf (one plate sli^Mly torn\ Lond.: 1789. Good souxd copy of i^iesrare First Editiox. The plates in- clude TWO FINE FOLDIXC VIE\\s. one a "VlEW OF THE WEST BAXK of the Hudson- Ri^^. showfcg General Frazer's Funeral" and the other an "Exc^cpmext of\he Coxvextiox Army at Char- lottesviixe. Vaj / 3o 63. lANIU'REY (THOMAS).] Journal d'un Voyage fait dans I'lnterieur de TAmerique Septentrionale. Ouvrage dans leqnel on donne des details precieux sur 1 'insurrection des Anglo- Americains et'sur la chute desastreuse de leur pa- pier-monnaie. Traduit. . . .par M. Noel. Folding map and copper-plate engravings. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, uncut. Paris: 1793. First Edition of the first French translation. Fine copy. Scarce. 64. AXCOXA (ELTGIO). Historia de Yucatan desde la epoca mas remota hasta nuestros dias, Editor. ^Manuel H. Argiielles. Portrait. 4 vols., 8vo, half morocco. Barcelona: 1889. 65. ANDERSON (ALEX. D.). The Silver Country: or, The Great Southwest. A Review of the "Wealth. . . .of ^fexico and the Mexican Sessions to the United States. 12rao. cloth. N. Y.: 1877. Contains t.ists of- books on California. Mpxioo. Texas?. Col- orado. New Mexico, T'^tah, Arizona, Nevada — besides general works on New Spain, etc 66. ANDREWS (C. C). Minnesota and Daeotah : In Let- ters descriptive of a Tour through the Northwest in the Autumn of 1856. 12mo. cloth (lib. stamped, otherwise fine clean copy.) Wash.: 1857. 67. ANDREWS (ISRAEL D.). :\raps to Andrews' Re- port on the Trade and Commerce of the British North Ameri- can Colonies. Folded into 8vo. cloth case. [Wash.: 1853.] 68. ANDREWS (WTLLTA:\r LORING). An Essay on the Portraiture of the American Revolutionary War. Being an Account of a number of the Engraved Portraits connected thercAvith. remarkable for their I'arity or otherwise interesting. 20 full-page plates. Svo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. : Printed for the Author. 1896. Fine copy. In the Appendix are lists of Portraits of ■Revo- lutionary characters to be found in various English and Ameri- ran publications of the eighteenth and early part of the nine- teenth century. 6f). ANSON (GEORGE). Thomas (Pascoe). A True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South-Seas, and Round the Globe, in his ^la.iesty's Ship the Centurion, under the Command of Commodore George Anson, wherein all the material Incidents during the said Voyage, from its Com- monccment in 1740 to its Conclusion in 1744, are fully and faitlifully related. . . .Together with some Historical Accounts of Cliili. Porn. ^Mexico. Svo, calf. Lond. : 1745. First Edition. 14 7(1. AXSON (GEORGE). A Voyage Hound the World, 174(1-44. (.'oiupilcd from liis Pajx'rs and Materials, by Rich- ard Walter. Fifth Edition. FitK copper-iJhitc map and en- grarhigs. 4to. calf (binding worn i. Lond. : 1749. 71. APACHE INDIANS, .^remorial and Affidavits show- ing Outrages l*erpetrated by the Apache Indians, in the Ter- ritory of Arizona, for the Years 1869 and 1870. 8vo, original wrappers, in board covers. San Francisco: 1871. Uaiv. 72. APES (WILLIA:\I). A Son of the Purest. The Ex- perience of William Apes. Comi)rising A Notice of the Pe- quod Tribe of Indians. W^ritten by Himself. ISmo, boards, sheep back (Ifinges cracked, name on title). New York: 1829. 7:5. APES (WILLIAM). Indian Nullification of the un- constitutional Laws of ^Massachusetts, relative to the Marshpee Tribe : or. the pretended Riot Explained. Frontispiece. 12mo. half polished calf, uncut. Bost. : 1835. Fine copy. The author was an Indian Preacher of the Pequod Tribe, who espoused the cause of the Indians in preventing the whites from taking wood from their plantations. 74. APTAXrS (PETER). Libro dela Cosmographia de Pedro Apiano, el qual trata la descripcion del Mundo, y sus partes, por muy claro y lindo artificio, augmetado por el doc- tissimo varon Gemma Frisio .... Agora nueuamete traduzidos en Romace Castellano. Woodcut maps and illustrations throughout text. Small 4to. old calf, stamped panel sides (re- backed, binding worn, lacks large folding map). Enveres: 1548. 75. ARBER (EDWAR,D— £Z)/rOi2). The First three English Books on America. ( ?1511)-1555 A. D. : being chiefly translations, compilations, etc., by Richard Eden, from the writings, maps, etc., of Pietro ^lartire, of Anghiera (1455- 1526) Sebastian Miinster, the Cosmographer (1489-1552) . . . .Sebastian Cabot, of Bristol .(1474-1557) . . . .with extracts etc., from the works of other Spanish. Italian, and German writers of the time. With reprints of original title pages. 4to, cloth, uncut and unopened. Birmingham : 1885. 76. ARFWEDiSON (CARL DAVID). De Colonia Nova Svecia in Americam Borealera Deducta Ilistoriola. Quam .... Pneside ]\Iag. Erico Gust. Geijer. Map. 4to, half claret pol- ished morocco, gilt back and top. uncut (slight tear in title neatly repaired). Upsaliffi': Excudebant Regiie Aeademiff' Typography [1825], Very .scarce. An exceptionally large copy, with wide mar- gins. This Dissertation, which is but little known out of Sweden, contains a number of extracts from original documents preserved in the Palmskjold collection of the Upsala University Library, including an interesting account (in Swedish) of the hostile at- tack made upon the Swedish colonies in New Sweden by the r>utch under the command of Peter Stuyvesant, in IGSo. 15 •:^ 77. AKGEXSOLA (BARTHOLOMEW LEONARDO DE). The Discovery and Conquest of the ^loluceo and Philippine Islands. Containing, Their History, Ancient and Modern. Nat- ural and Political: Their Description, Product, Religion, Government, Laws, Languages, Customs, Manners. Habits, Shape, and Inclinations of the Natives. With an Account of many other adjacent Islands, and several remarkable Voyages through the Straights of ^Magellan, and in other Parts. Map and 3 plates. Small 4to, half green polished morocco, gilt back and top. London : 1708. Origix.vi. Edition of the First Exglisii Traxslation. An exceptionally fine copy. A work of the first historical importance as regards the early history of the Philippine Islands, for the compTling of which the author, being employed by the Council of the Indies, had the command of all authentic manuscript relations which were either in the King's custody, or in private hands, besides the testimony of eye-witnesses. Very bare. 78. ARMSTRONG (A. N.). Oregon: Comprising a Brief History and Full Description of the Territories of Oregon and W^ashington, Interspersed with Incidents of Travel and Adventure. 12mo, cloth. Chicago: 1857. Pi-esentation copy from the author. Rare. 79. ARMSTRONG (JOHN). Notices of the AYar of 1812. 2 vols., 12mo, half red morocco, gilt backs and tops, by STiKEMAN. N. Y.: 1836-40. Genuine First Edition, with the correct dates. Having been published in different years, the complete work is very scarce, the two volumes being seldom found together. 80. ARMSTRONG (P. A.). The Piasa; or, the Devil Among the Indians. Woodcut. 8vo, -wrappers. Morris, 111.: 1887. 81. ARNOLD (BENEDICT). Proceedings of a Gen- eral Court Martial for the Trial of ]Major General Arnold. With an Introduction. Notes and Index. Portrait on india paxter. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. N. Y^. : Privately printed. 1865. One of an edition of 100 copies privately reprinted from the rare original Philadelphia edition in 1780. 82. ARNOLD (SAMUEL GREENE). History of the State of Rliode Island and Providence Plantations. Maps. 2 vols.. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. : 1859. Fine sound copy. 83. ASHE (TH0:MAS). Travels in America, performed in 1806. for the purpose of exploring the Rivers Alleghany, IMonongahela, Ohio, and ^Mississippi, and ascertaining the Produce and Condition. 3 vols., post 8vo, original boards, PAPER LABELS, T-xcuT, in cloth casc. Lond. : Phillips. 1808. A siip«-rb copy. "An unmeasured hatred of the American 16 LA HISTORIA DEL MONDO NVOVO DI M. GIROLAMO BENZONI MILANESE. L^QS^^ TK^TT^ DELL'ISOLE, ^ Aiari nuouamente ritrouati & dellenuoue cut a da luiproprio yedute per acqua & per terra in quatiordeci anni. ConPriuilcgio dellallluftrifsimaSignoria di Venetia,Feraniu XX. (See Xo. 1791 c; - zi • o ASHE (THOMAS). pervades the whole of Mr. Ashe's narrative. His account of the Atlantic States forms the most comprehensive piece of national abuse \v<' ever recollect to have perused. Their inhabitants, it seems, are all abominably vicious ; b>it in deprees very nicely dis- tinjruished ; the middle states beinj; bad — the northern very bad — and the southern execrable." ^q 84. ASHE (THOMAS). Travels in America, Performed 2 — in 1806, For tlie Purpose of Exploring the Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi. 16mo, old sheep, London: (Newburyport), 1808. 85. ASHE (THOMAS). Travels in America, Performed in 1806, for the Purpose of Exploring tlie Rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio and Mississippi. 8vo. lialf calf. Lond.: 1809. 86. ASHE (THO:\rAS). Travels in America, performed in 1806, for the Purpose of Exploring the Rivers Alle'ghany, [Monongahela, Ohio, and ^Mississippi, and ascertaining the Produce and Condition of the Banks and Vicinity. Small 8vo, new cloth, uncut, with liberal margins (somewhat foxed throughout). 'N. Y. : Printed for the Publishers, 1811. 87. ASIITOX (JOHX). The Adventures and Discourses of Captain John Smith, sometime President of Virginia, and Admiral of New England. Facsimile illustrations of the original Woodcuts. 12mo, half cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1883. ^' 88. ATKINSON (W':\l. CHRISTOPHERS. A Historical " and Statistical Account of New-Brunswick, B. N. A., with Ad- vice to Emigrants. With folding map (neatly repaired) 16mo, cloth. Ediiib. : 1844. 89. ATLAS. Grosser Hand-Atlas des Himmels und der ~o Erde. Numerous fine double-page maps. Large folio, cloth, leather back (rubljed). Thuringer: Weimar Geographisches Institut, 1873. . I a 90. ATWATER (CALEB). A History of the State of " Ohio, Natural and Civil. 8vo. sheep {autograph of J. Allen on title — binding rubbed"). Cincinnati: [1838], Pages 187-244 relate to the War of 1812. •7 0- 91. ATWATER (CALEB). Remarks made on a Tour + "■ to Prairie du Chien: thence to Washington City in 1829. 16mo, old tree calf. Columbus, 0. : 1831. Contains a Vocabulary of the Sioux Language. 92. AUDUBON (JOHN JAMES). Ornithological Bio- 'Z. " ?^i'^phy, or an Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America ; accompanied by descriptions of the ob.jects represented in the work entitled "Tlie Birds of America." Interspersed with delineations of American scenery and man- 17 AUDUBON (JOHN JAMES). ners. 5 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened (bind- ings somewhat worn, few margins slightly soiled). Edinburgh: 1831-49. Original Edition, entirely uncut. 93. AUDUBON (JOHN JA^IES). the birds of Am- erica, from Drawings made in the United States and their Territories, illustrated with 500 finely colored plates of BIRDS. 7 vols., royal 8vo, full black morocco, gilt lines on ?backs and sides, gilt edges (vol. 7, slightlv marred by damp.) N. Y. : J. J. Audubon, 1840-44. A LARGE AND HANDSOME COPY OF THE RARE FIRST OCTAVO EDI- TION, WITH RICH IMPRESSIONS OF THE INTERESTING FULL-PAGE COLORED PLATES, which, in this issue, are incomparably superior to those in the re-issue of a later date. Rare. 94. AUDUBON (JOHN JAMES) AND BACHMAN (JOHN). The Quadrupeds of North America. 154 finely colored plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo, three quarter green pol- ished morocco, gilt backs and edges (lacks plate No. 130). N. Y. : Published by V. G. Audubon, 1854. Plates and text in fine condition. 95. AUDUBON (JOHN JAMES) AND BACHMAN (JOHN). The Quadrupeds of North America. (Parts 4, 18 and 29.) With 15 colored plates, Nos. 16-20, 86-90 and 141-145. 3 parts. 8vo, wrappers (few margins stained). N. Y.: V. G. Audubon, n. d. 96. AT'DUBON (JOHN JAMES). Audubon's Western Journal : 1849-50. With biographical Memoir by his daugh- ter, ^laria R. Audubon. Introduction. Notes, and Index by Frank H. Hodder. With folded map, portrait, and original 'illustrations. 8vo. cloth, gilt top. uncut. Cleveland: 1906. Compri.sing the MS. record of a trip from New York to Texas, and an overland journey through Mexico and Arizona, to the gold fields of California. 07. Al^DI30N CMARIA R.). Audubon and his Jour- nals. With Zoological and other Notes by Elliott Coues. With 37 illustrations, including three hitherto unpuhlished drawings and 10 portraits of Auduhon. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. : 1898. Fine copy. 98. DACK (CAPTAIN). Narrative of the Arctic IJ Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River and along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean in the Years 1833-35. Map and plates. 8vo. calf anti(|ue, (hinges ^ little weak). Lond.: Murray, 1836. A wxtj.-prixted volume with large type. Scarce. 18 99. JiACK (CAPTAIN). Xarratiw of the Arctic LaiiJ Expedition to the Mouth of the ({reat Fish River, and Along tile Shores of the Arctic Ocean. lS;^:i-:ir). Folding map. Svo, boards, uncut (few pp. slightly spotted). Phila. : 1S3G. 100. RACK (TAPTAIN). Narrative of an Expedition in ?I. .M. S. "Terror" undertaken with a view to Geographical Discovery on the Arctic Shores in the Years 1836-37. Map and nmni rolls full-page plates. Svo, cloth, uncut. I.ond. : Murray, 183S. 101. BACKUS (ISAAC). A History of New England, with particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists. .. .Collected from authentic Records and "Writings. Vol. I., Bost. : Printed by Edward Draper, 1777 : — Vol. II. extending from 1690 to 1784. including a Concise View of the American War and of the Conduct of the Baptists therein. Providence: Printed b}' John Carter, 1784. 2 vols., Svo. old sheep (lacks Vol. III)."^ Boston and Providence : 1777-1784. The kake ohiginai, issues. The third volume is not always found with the set. 102. BACKl'S (ISAAC). An Abridgement of the Church History o-f New England, from 1602 to 1804. Svo, sheep (broken, name on title). Bost.: 1804. 103. BACON'S REBELLION. The History of Bacon's and Ingram's Rebellion in Virginia, in 1675 and 1676. Svo, half morocco, gilt back and top. uncut (original wrappers bound in). Cambridge: 1867. One of the copies specially peinted foe Chables Deane, with prefatory note by Mr. Deane. 104. BACQUEVILLE DE LA POTHERIE (:\I. DE). Histoire de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Maps and copper- plate engravings, illustrative of Indian life, etc. 4 vols., 12mo, half mottled calf, gilt backs. Paris: Chez Brocas: 1753. Fine copy. This woek is devoted entirely to a histoby OF Canada and the Indian nations. Contains the voyage to Fort Nelson and the first French settlement in that country, Government of Quebec, descriptions of Montreal, the Mississippi River, etc.. with a full history of the Iroquois nation and the Abnaquis Indians — also an account of the alliance between the French and Indians. 105. BATLLIE-GROHMAX (W:\r. A.). Camps in the Rockies. Map. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1882. A narrative of life on the Frontier and Sport in the Rocky Mountains, with an account of the Cattle Ranches of the West. 106. BAILLY (M.). Lettres sur TAtlantide de Platon et sur I'Ancienne Histoire de I'Asie. Pour servir aux Lettres sur I'origine des Sciences, addressees a ]\I. de Voltaire par yi. Bailly. Folding map. Svo. paper, uncut. Londres: 1779. 19 -^ 107. BAKER (SIR SAMUEL W.). The Nile Tributaries — of Abyssinia and the Sword Hunters of the Hararan Arabs. Portraits and illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. Phila. and Lond.: 1867. 108. BAKER (.SIR SAMUEL W.). Ismailia: A Narra- ■^o tive of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. With maps, portraits, and upwards of 50 full-page illustrations. 8vo, cloth. ^N. Y. : 1875. 109. BALDWIN (JOHN D.). Ancient America, in Notes •^_^ on American Archaeology. With illustrations. 12mo. cloth. Lond. : 1872. .^o L3 C.O 110. BALFOUR (WALTER). An Inquiry into the Scriptural Import of the Words Sheol, Hades, Tartarus and Gehenna ; all translated Hell. 12mo. cloth (few pages slightly spotted). Bost.: 1832. Very curious. 111. BALLANTYNE (ROBERT M.). Hudson 's Bay ; or Every Day Life in the Wilds of North America. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh : 1848. 112. BALLANTYNE (ROBERT M.). Hudson 's Bay ; or. Everyday Life in the Wilds of North America. Illustrations. 12mo"^, cloth. London : 1888. 113. BALLARD (REV. EDWARD). Memorial Volume of the Popham Celebration, August 29, 1862 : Commemorative of the Planting of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino. (]Maine) 1607, establishing the title of England to the Continent. Folding map. 8vo, cloth. Portland : 1863. 114. BANCROFT (HUBERT HOWE). History of Al- aska. Maps. 8vo. half morocco, gilt back. San Francisco : 1890. 1 1 5. BANCROFT (HUBERT HOWE ) . History of Utah, 1540-1887. Portrait and illustrations. Thick 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened (covers somewhat worn). San Francisco: 1891. 116. BANDELIER (A. F.). Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America; comprising: I. Historical Introduction to Studies among the Sedentary Indians of New ^Mexico. 2 Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos. Illustration. 8vo. boards, uncut. Bost. : 1881. 117. BANDELIER (A. F.). The Delight Makers. 16mo, cloth. N. Y.: 1890. Til is story is the re.sult of 8 years spent in ethnological and archifologiral research among the Indians of New Mexico. First edition. 20 ^o ]i> liAXDELIP^R (A. F.). Contributions to the History of the Southwestern Portion of tlie United States. Map. 8vo, Itoai'ds. uncut. Cambridge: 1890. I'aptT.s of the Archceological Institute of America. 119. BAXDELIP:R (A. F.). Final Report of Investiga- tions among the Indians of the Southwestern United States. Part 11 (only). Map and iUiists. 8vo. boards, uncut. Cambridge: 1892. 121'. BAXDIXI (AXGELO MARIA). Vita e Lettere di r Amerigo Vespucci Gentiluomo Florentino. Raccolte e illu- ~ strate dalU abate Angelo ^Maria Bandini. Small 4to. half leather. Firenze: 1745. An olaborate panegyric of Vespucius, in which he is called the Discoverer of America. 121. BANGOR HISTORICAL MAGAZIXE (THE). .'zz' Edited and published by Joseph W. Porter. (Vols. 1 to 6 TVith Index to Vol. 1.) 55 parts, 8vo, as issuer, in the origi- nal wrappers, uncut. Bangor: (Maine), 1885- '90. Contains many valuable historical papers relating to Maine, and apnea logical matter relating to early Maine families, etc. ^ 121a. BAXGOR HISTORICAL MAGAZIXE (THE). Vols. 1 to 4. Portraits. 4 vols.. 8vo, cloth. Bangor: 1885-89. 122. [BARAGA (REV. FREDERIC).] Otchipwe An- ^o amie-^Iasinaigan. Frontispiece. 18mo, half sheep (cracked ~ at hinges). Paris: 1837. Ojilnvay Prayer-book. 123. BARAGA (REV. FREDERICK Kotolik Anamie- _ Masinaigan : a Catholic Prayerbook and Catechism in the Otchipwe-Indian Language. With an Appendix. .. .Prayers in the Ottawa-Indian Language, by J. B. Weikamp. Illumin- (ttt d frontispifcf and other iUustrations. ISmo. cloth. X. Y.. Cincinnati and St. Louis: Benziger Brothers. [1874]. 124. BARAGA (REV. FREDERICK A Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the Otchipwe Language for the use of ^Missionaries and other persons living among the Indians. A second edition, by a ^Missionary of the Oblates. 12mo. half morocco. Montreal: 1878. 125. BARAGA (REV. FREDERIC). A Dictionary of the Otcliipwe Language, explained in English. Both ways. 2 vols.. 12mo. half morocco. ^^lontreal : 1878-1879. 1 26. BARBARITIES OF THE ENEMY. Exposed in a Re- - - i^ort of the Committee of the House of Rej^resentatives of the United States, appointed to Enquire into the Spirit and IMan- ner in which the AVar has been "Waged by the Enemy, and the Documents, accompanving the said Report. 12mo. sheep. Troy: 1813. Includes the Massacre and Burning of American Prisoners surrendered to officers of (ireat Britain. l)y Indians in the Brit- ish service during the War of 1S12. 21 5o 127. [BARBE-MARBOIS (FRAXgOIS)]. Complot d'- Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton contre les Etats-Unis D 'Am- erique et contre le General Washington, Sept. 1780. En- graved portraits of Washington and Arnold, and plan of West Point. Svo. half calf. Paris: 1816. First Edition. The portraits are usually missing. 128. BARBE-MARBOIS (FRANgOIS). Histoire de la Louisiane. et de la Cession de Cette Colonic par la France aux Etats-I'nis de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Folding map. 8vo, half leather, uncut. Paris: 1829. 129. BARBER (J. AV.) AND HOWE (HENRY). His- ."" torical Collections of the State of iXew Jersey. Colored frontispiece and numerous woodcut views throughout text. Svo, half morocco, red edges. N. Y. : 1845. 130. BARBER (JOHN W.). Connecticut Historical Col- lections. . . .relating to the History and Antiquities of Every Town in Connecticut, with Geographical Descriptions. Second Edition. Colored map, engraved plates and numerous wood- cut views throughout text. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut (few pp. very slightly spotted). New^ Haven: [1846]. Presentation copy from the author, with inscription. ^J 131. BARRERE (PIERRE). Nouvelle Relation de la France Equinoxiale. contenant la Description des Cotes de la Guiane ; de 1 'Isle de Cayenne ; le Commerce de cette Colonic ; les divers changemens arrives dans ce Pays, les Aloeurs et Coutumes des differens Peuples Sauvages qui I'habitent, 4 maps and 16 copper-plate engravings. 12mo, calf, gilt back. Paris: 1743. Original Edition. Rare. Contains information concerning the Indians of Guiana. 132. BARRINGTON (DAINES). Miscellanies. 2 por- traits, 2 maps, and 7 charts and tables. 4to, russia (binding broken). Lond. :1781. Contains the celebrated, ''Tracts on the possibility of approach- ing the North Pole" in which are laid down the results of nu- merous inquiries, addressed to Whaling Captains. Rare. 133. BARROWS (WILLIAM). Oregon. The Struggle for Possession. Map. 12mo, cloth. Bost. : 1884. 134. BARRY (JOHN S.). The History of Massachusetts. - The Colonial Period — the Provincial Period — the Common- wealth Period. 3 vols., Svo, cloth. Bo.st. : 1855-57. Clean copies. 135. BARTH (HENRY). Travels and Discoveries in "o North and Central Africa: Being a Journal of an Expedi- " tion. . . .in the years 1849-55. Full-page colored plates, maps, iroodruts, etc. 5 vols.. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, un- cut. Lond.: Longmans, ]857. Nice set of the Large Type Library Edition. 22 l:Ui. HARTLETT (JOITX R.). Personal Narrativ,. of Explorations and IneitU-nts in texas, new mexico. California, soNORA. and CHIHUAHUA, connected with the U. S. and Mexi- can Bonndarv Commission. Maps and fuU-pagp plates. 2 vols.. Svo. cloth. "N. Y.: 1854. ] Ti. BARTON (BENJAMIN S. ) . New Views of the Ori- prin of the Tribes and Nations of America. Svo, half roan. Phila.: 1798. Tht> "Preliminary Discourse" relates to the origin of the American Indians, the following 81 pages are devoted entirely to a Vocabulary of forty Indian tongues. i:]S. BARTRiA^r (.TOHN). Observations on the Inhabi- tants, Climate, Soil, Rivers, Productions, Animals, and other ^Matters worthy of Notice. Made by Mr. John Bartram. in his Travels from Pennsylvania to Onondago. Oswego and the Lake Ontario, in Canada. To which is annex 'd a Curious Ac- count of the Cataracts at Niagara. By Peter Kalm. Folding chart. Svo, full light polished calf, gilt back, red leather labels, border lines on outside cover, gilt inside border, by LLOYD. Lond. : J. Whistou and B. White, 1751. Ax EXCEPTIONALLY FINE AND DESIRABLE COPY OF THIS RABE EniTiON. "This visit of the father of the naturalist, William Bartram. to the Central Council Fire of the Six Nations, is es- pecially interesting, not only as having been made at so early a period, but for affording us in this work a plan and view of the Long-House, peculiar to the tribes of that Confederacy." — Field. 189. BARTRAM (JOHN). Observations on the Inhabi- tants. Climate. Soil. Rivers, Productions. Animals, and other matters worthy of notice made by John Bartram, in his Travels from Pensilvania to Onondago, Oswego and the Lake Ontario, in Canada. To which is annex 'd. a curious account of the Cataracts at Niagara. Facsimile maps. Svo. boards, uncut. Rochester: 1895. No. n of .')00 copies printed from the rare original by G. P. Humphreys. 140. BARTRA:\[ (WILLIAM). Travels through North and South Carolina. Georgia. East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the ^lus- cogulges. or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws. Engraved portrait, map and hotanical plates. Svo. original calf, red leather label. Phila.: 1791. TriE Rare Original Edition. Fine copy, complete, with all the plates. 141. BARTRA:\I (WILLIAM). Travels Through North and South Carolina. Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the ^lus- cogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws. Port., map and plates. Svo. three quarter brown polished morocco, gilt back and top. Lond.: 1792. Fink copy, with all the plates. Book-plate of George Ban- croft, the historian. ^vo 142. B ARTE A^I (WILLIAM). Voyage dans les Parties sud de rAmerique Septentrionale. Portrait, ,niap and 3 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half vellum. Paris: [1799-1801]. A French translation of the preceding. 143. BATES (MRS. D. B.) . Incidents on Land and Water ; or Four Years on the Pacific Coast. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Bost. : 1858. 144. BATES (HENRY WALTER). The Naturalist on '." the River Amazon. Fidl-page plates and woodcuts in the text. 2 vols., ]2mo. cloth, uncut. Lond. : ^Murray. 1863. First Edition. Scarce. ^^ 145. BATES (HENRY WALTER). The Naturalist on b - the River Amazon: a record of adventures, sketches of Bra- zilian and Indian Life, etc. Map and illustrations. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London : 1864. 146. [BAUDRY DES LOZIeRES (LOUIS NAR- _" CISSE).] Voyage a la Louisiane. et sur le Continent de rAmerique Septentrionale. .. .1794 a 1798. Folding map. Svo, half calf. Paris : 1802. Contains vocabularies of the Dacotah and Chippeway Indians. 147. BAUDRY DES LOZIERES (LOUIS NARCISSE).]. '^ Second Voyage a La Louisiane. . . .1794 a 1798. 2 vols.. 8vo, half sheep (weak at hinges and slightly foxed). Paris: 1803. 148. BAXTER (J. P.) The British Invasion from the North. The Campaigns of Generals Carleton and Burgoyne, ■ " from Canada. 1776-1777. With the Journal of Lieut. William Digby. . . .With Historical Notes. Portraits and illustrations. Thick, small 4to, cloth, uncut. Albany : 1887. 149. BAXTER (J. P.) The Pioneers of France in New England. With Contemporary Letters and Documents. Illus- trated. Square, 8vo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Albany, IMunsell : 1894. Fine unopened copy. ^J 150. BAXTER (JOSEPH). Journal of Several Visits to the Indians on the Kennebec River. 1717. With notes by Elias Nason. Svo. half russia, original wrappers bound in. Boston: 1867. ^- 1.51. BAYARD (FERDINAND M.). Voyage dans lln- : ' tf'rieur des Etats-Unis, a Bath. Winchester, dans la Vallee de Shenandoah, etc.. Pendant I'ftte de 1791. First Editiox. Svo, half sheep ('few of the top margins slightly stained). Paris: 1797. 24 '^"•— 152. BAYARD'S JOURNAL. A Narrative of an Attempt made by the French of Canada upon the Mohaque's Country. Reproduced in facsimile from the first edition printed by Wil- liam Bradford, 1693. With an Introductory Note by Adelaide R. Hasse. Small folio, uncut. New York : 1903, Japan Paper Edition. Only 25 copies printed. 153 BAYLIES (FRANCIS). The Origin of Local and other Xames. A Letter from Hon. Francis Baylies of Taunton, Mass., to Hon. P. W. Leland of Fall River, Mass. 4to, half calf, gilt top. Brooklyn : 1879. Elzevir Club Series. No. 1. Only 80 copies printed. 154. BAY PSALM BOOK (THE). Being a facsimile Re- print of the First Edition, Printed by Stephen Daye at Cam- bridge, in New England, in 1640, with an Introduction by Wil- berforce Eames. 12mo, calf back and boards uncut. N. Y.: 1903. One of only 25 copies printed on Japan Paper. 155. BEACH (W.W.— Editor). The Indian Miscellany; ^ - containing papers on the history, antiquities, arts, languages, religions, traditions and superstitions of the American Abor- igines; travels and adventures, incidents of border warfare, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth, unopened. Albany : ^Munsell, 1S77. 156. BECKFORD (WILLIAM). A Descriptive Account b.~ of the Island of Jamaica : with Remarks on the Cultivation of the Sugar-Cane. 2 vols., Svo, original calf, leather labels. Loud.: 1790. The author resided for several years in Jamaica, and was largely concerned in its plantations and traffic. 157. BECKLEY (REV. HOSEA). The History of Ver- '2)~ mont ; with Descriptions. Physical and Topographical. 12mo, half green polished calf, gilt back and top. Brattleboro : 1S46. Fine copy. 158. BECKW^OURTH (JAMES P.). The Life and Adven- 5 " tures of James P. Beckwourth, ^Mountaineer, Scout, and Pioneer, and Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. ■ Written from his own dictation by T. D. Bonner. Portraits and illus- trations. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : 1856. ^^ 159. BEECHEY (CAPTAIN F. W.). Narrative of a i — Voyage to the Pacific and Peering 's Strait to co-operate with Polar Expeditions performed in H. M. Ship " Blossom '' in the Years 1825-28. Svo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Phila. : 1832. With autograph (on title) of H. B. Sawyer, U. S. N. The Pines, July, 1835. ^-' 160. BEECHEY (CAPTAIN F.W.). A Narrative of the (~ -~~ Voyages and Travels of Captain Beechey to the Pacific and Beiiring's Straits, in 1825-28 and of Capt. Back to the Thlew-ee Choli River and the Arctic Sea. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. morocco, gilt border. Lond. : 1S36. 25 ^Z5 161. BEG-G (ALEXANDER). The Creation of Mani- ^ toba; or a History of the Red River Troubles. Portraits. 12nio, cloth (binding a little spotted). Toronto: 1871. Scarce. - 162. BELCOURT (REV. GEORGE A.). Anamihe-Ma- "b — sinahigan. Jesus ot ijittwawin gave Anamihe-Nakamunan Takobihikatewan. 18mo, cloth. Kebekong (Quebec) Otenag: 1839. Catechism and Sacred Hymns, with Primer Lessons, in the Chippewa language. c^ 163. BELKNAP (JEREMY). The History of New T — Hampshire. Map. 3 vols, in 2, 8vo, sheep (binding rubbed, small embossed stamp on one title, margin of last 3 leaves of vol. 3 slightlv worm-eaten). Phila., 1784, and Bost. : 1791-1792. First Edition. Autograph signature of Thomas Walicut, and a note by J. W. Thornton. 5o 164. BELKNAP (JERE^IY). A Discourse intended to • ~ commemorate the Discovery of America by Christopher Col- umbus. Delivered at the request of the Historical Society in ^lass. Oct. 23, 1792. To which are added Four Disserta- tions. 8vo, half bro^\Ti polished calf, uncut, with the original wrappers bound in. Bost. : Printed at the Apollo Press, 1792. Very scarce, particularly in this state. ^^ 165. BELKNAP (JEREMY). The History of New - " Hampshire. Second Edition, with large additions. Map. 3 vols.. 8vo. cloth (first title-page foxed). Bost.: 1813. This is the second edition, with the changed map. 166. BELL (ANDREW). History of Canada from the - ~ time of its Discovery till the union Year 1840-41. Trans- lated from "I'Histoire du Canada" of F. X. Garneau, and accompanied with illustrative notes. Frontispuce portrait of Cartier and folding colored map. 2 vols.. 8vo, cloth. Montreal: 1866. ^■"J 167. BELL (Wn.LIAM A.). New Tracks in North America: a Journal of Travel and Adventure whilst Engaged ill the Survey for a Southern Railroad to the Pacific Ocean, 1867-S. J/r/p.9 and tinted lithographic views. 2 vols., 8vo, half blue polislied morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Loud.: 1869. Contains accounts of the native Indian Races of New Mexico and Arizona. i._f 16S. BELLOY (AUOUSTE). Christophe Colomb ft In DtV'Ouverte du Nouveau ]\Ionde. Full-page etched por- trait and phitts on india paper, by Leopold Flameng and tt.rt iU iixtrations. 4to. half red morocco, gilt top. uncut. Paris: Eugene Ducrocq [1864]. 26 169. BELLOY (AUGUSTS) . Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of the New World. From the French of "SI. le ]\Iar(iuis de Belloy. With 51 draivl)i<;s on wood and six etch- ings on Japan paper hy Leopold Flameng. 4to, cloth (a little worn). Lond. : 1878. 170. BELTRAMI (G. C). La Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi et de la Riviere Sanglante. Description du Cours entier du Mississippi. .. .Observations Critieo-Philoso- phiqncs sur les ]\ra?urs. . . .I'Origine. etc.. des Plusieurs Na- tions Indiennes. 8vo, half claret polished morocco, gilt back and top. uncut, by Sangorski. Xouvelle-Orleans: 1824. An exceptionaixy fixe copy of the Original Edition, with wide margins and rough uncut outer and lower edges. Rare. 171. BELTRAMI (G. C). A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and the Bloody River: witli a Description of the whole Course of the former, and the Ohio (River). Portrait, map, plan and 3 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half brown polished calf, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Lond. : 1828. Ax EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE COPY. WITIf ROUGH L'NCCT EDGES. Vol. 2. is ahnost entirely devoted to the author's travels among the Indians of North America, of whom he gives some novel particulars. 172. BELTRAMI (G. C). Le Mexique. 2 vols, in one, thick 8vo. half vellum and boards, uncut. Paris : 1830. Scarce. The author accompanied Major Long in his Second Expedition. 173. BELTRAMI (G. C.) Pennesi (Giuseppe) Costan- tino Beltrami Alia Ricerca delle Sorgenti del Mississippi. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Roma : 1886. 174. BENEZET (ANTHONY). Some Historical Account of Guinea, its Situation. Produce, and the General Disposition of its Inhabitants. With an Inquiry into the Rise and Prog- ress of the Slave Trade, its Nature and Lamentable Effects. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Lond. : 1788. Fixe copy. In scarce original state. 175. BENNETT (JOHN C.l. The History of the Saints; or. An Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. Portraits and plate. 12mo. cloth (edges of binding slightly rubbed). Boston: 1842. 176. BENSON (EGBERT). Memoir, read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, Dec. 31. 1816. Second Edition. With Notes. 12mo. full polished calf, gilt lines on back and sides, gilt top, uncut. Jamaica : 1825. Fine Copy of a scarce item. An account of the Spanish, Dutch and English Names of Places in New York. 27 )\V- :to, Y 5). A 3 - 177. BENSON (EGBERT). Vindication of the Captors of ^lajor Andre. With Introduction and Appendix. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : 1865. One of an edition of 80 copies privately reprinted from edi- tion of 1817. -i_- 17S. BENTON (THOMAS H.). Thirty Years' View: or, ~ a History of the Working of the American Government for Thirtv Years. Frontispieces. 2 vols., roval 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1856. 179. BENZONI (GIROLAMO). Historia del Mondo I _ Nvovo di M. Girolamo Benzoni Milanese. La qval tratta dell' ^ ■ Isole. & ]\Iari nuouamente ritrouati, & delle nuoue Citta da lui / proprio vedute. per acquffi & per terra in quattordeci anni. - 'Woodcut portrait of the author on title and several curious woodcut engravings throughout text. Small 8vo, vellum (low- er edge of title slightly frayed). [Colophon] In Venetia appresso Francesco Rampazetto MDLXV (1565) the earliest book of travels in AMERICA, the author, ap- parently, having been the first to come to the new world MERELY TO GRATIFY HIS CURIOSITY AND RECORD HIS OBSERVA- TIONS. "This rare book is the work of an Italian traveller who, in- cited by the wonderful stories of the world discovered by his countryman fifty years before, adventured in 1541 to gain per- sonal knowledge of it. The Aborigines of the countries he visited always seemed first to attract his attention ; and he has ac- cordingly afforded us some of the rarest pictures of their condi- tion and habits at that early day, of which the rude wood-cuts printed in the text are quaint but spirited illustrations." — Field. THE HUTH COPY, WITH AUTOGRAPH On title-page of ABRAHAM OBTELKR. THE CELEBRATED GEOGRAPHER and author of "Thea- triim orlih terrarum" and numerous other early works relat- ing TO AMERICA. AN EXCEEDINGLY INTERESTING COPY OF THIS RARE AND VALU- ABLE WORK. [See Illustrations]. 180. BERNARD (JOHN). Retrospections of America. "^ 1707-lSll. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. New York: 1887. 181. BERNERS (DAME JULIANA). The Boke of Saint __ Albans. Containing Treatises on Hawking. Hunting, and Cote Armour. Introduction by William Blades. Heraldic lUustraiwns. 4to. stamped vellum boards, uncut and un- optMied. London: Elliot Stock, 1881. Facsimile reproduction, on hand-made paper, of the original edition printed at Saint Albans in 1486. 1^2. BERNHARD (KART.— Duke of Sachsen-Weimar- -^. " Eisf^iiaeh ). Rcise'Sr. Hoheit des Herzogs Bernhard zu Sach- sen-Weimar-Eisenach durch Nord-Amerika, 1825 und 1826. Heransgt'gcbon von TIeinrich Luden. 8 folding maps avd 28 • r.KKMIARD (KARL). jilmts. and vignettes. 2 vols, in one. Svo. half calf (few pages slightly spotted). Weimar: 1828. A Journal of travel from Falmouth (Portsmouth, N. II.), tlirough Boston. Woropstor. All):uiy. Montreal, Quebec, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Scarce. 1S3. [BERQUIX-DUVALLOX]. Vue de la Colonie Es- pagnole dii ^Mississippi, on des Provinces de Loiiisiane et Floridc Occidentale, en I'Annee 1802, par un Observateur Resident sur les Lieux. 2 folding maps (colored). Svo. half green polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Paris : 1803. Attributed by Barbier and Querard to Berquin-Duvallon as the author. 184. [BERQUIN-DUYALLOX]. Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas, in the Year 1802. giving a Correct Picture of those Countries. Translated from the French, with Notes, etc.. by John Davis. 12mo, half browii polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. N. Y. : 1806. An exceptionally fine copy, with wide • margins and rough uncut edges. Rare. 1S5. [BESSE (JOSEPH^]. An Abstract of the Suffer- ings of the People call'd Quakers (1650-1666). .S vols., thick 8vo. old panelled calf, gilt backs. Lond. : 1733-1738. This edition is not an abridgement of the larger edition, as is generally supposed, but contains much additional matter NOT IX later issues. Contains the sufferings of the Quakers under the Long Parliament. Oliver and Richard Cromwell and their sufferings IX Colonial New Exglaxd. 186. [BEYERLEY (ROBERT;) ] . The History and Pres- ent State of Virginia, In Four Parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Yirginia. and the Government thereof, to the present Time. II. The Natural Productions and Con- venieneies of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement. III. The Native Indians, their Religion. Laws, and Customs, in \Yar and Peace. lY. The present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land. Engraved title and 14 fine copper-plates, engraved hy frrihelin. Small 8vo. full blue levant morocco (faint stain on lower margins of last 8 leaves') . Lond.: Printed for R. Parker, 1705. The Rare Origixal Editiox. With fine Chippendale book- plate of .Tohn Hughes of Brecon, engraved by J. Skinner, and dated 1745. 1^7. [BEYERLEY (ROBERT)^ Histoire de la Yirginie. . . . .Par \m Auteur natif & habitant du Pais. Traduite de I'Anglois. Engraved title and 14 copper-plate engravings. 12mo. old calf. Amsterdam : Chez Thomas Lombrail, 1707. The First AirsTERDArsr Edition. Contains a history of Virginia and an account of the Native Indians, including their laws, customs, religion, etc. 29 188. [BEVERLEY (ROBERT)]. The History of Vir- + ^, .' giuia. In Four I'arts. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. Second Edition, revis'd and enlarged by the author. Engraved title and 14 plates engraved by Grihelin. Small Svo, full olive crushed levant morocco, gilt back, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by ramage (a few margins slightly soiled — au- thor's name written on title). Lond. : Printed for F. Fayram and J. Clarke. 1722. TiiK Rare Second Edition. With many corrections and additions, the preface being entirely rewritten. The author spells his name "Beverely" on page 72. The plates by Grihelin (the same as in the first edition) are reduced copies of those in Hariot's Virginia, drawn by the brothers De Bry. 189. BEWICK (THOMAS). History of British Birds. "3." Vol. I containing the History and Description of L'and Birds. Vol. II containing the History and Description of Water Birds. Nearly 450 fine vignette cuts, figures of birds and tail- pieces. 2 vols., Svo, full calf, leather labels (rubbed at hinges, text and plates in fine condition). Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Beilby & Bewick. 1787-1804. First ftDiTiox. One of 850 copies in royal Svo, on thick iind thin paper. This is one of the thick papkk copies, and has the facetious "sty" cut (which does not appear in later editions), in a partially inked condition. The "Magpie" cut has two branches on the stump, evidently the first state of the plate, as in some copies it appears with only one branch, while in others it is left out altogether. The letter-press of vol. I * was written by Beilby, while owing to a separation of partner- ship, the second vol. was written by Bewick himself. The best of Bewick's cuts appeared in the first volume of the above, for although many extra cuts were inserted in subsequent editions, yet they are not equal to those which had previously aijpeared. 190. BEWICK (THOMAS). A General History of Quad- rupeds. Many fine vignette cuts engraved on wood by T. Bewick. 8vo, calf, leather label (rubbed at hinges — tcrt in fine condition). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Hodgson, Beilby and Bewick, 1791. Second Edition. One of an issue of 30(> copies in royal Svo. This edition was increased to 483 pp. (the First Edition having only 456 pp.), with the addition of 12 figures and 4 tail-pieces. Bound uniformly with the First Edition of The liirdH. 1. 191. BEWICK (T.). A History of British Birds, ^yith numerous engravings on wood by Bewick. 2 vols.. Svo. original hoards, uncut (backs a little worn). Newcastle: 1821. A superb copy of the First Edition with Supplement. With the illustrations in brilliant state. 192. BEWICK (THOMAS .\.ND JOHN). Select Fables: -i. ivith Cuts, designed and Engraved by Thomas and John Bfwick, and others, previous to the Year 1784. Together with a .Memoir: and a Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of the Bewicks. Svo. scored calf (rebacked). .Newcastle: 1820. First Edition. 30 go V.K]. liKWICK (THOMAS AND JOHN). Select Fables : With cuts, designed and engraved by Thomas and John Be- wick, and otiiers. previous to the Year 1784. Together with a Memoir : and a descriptive Catalogue of the Works of the Bewicks. Portraits and vigncttt s. 8vo, calf. gilt. Newcastle: 1820. Fine olean copy from the libra ry of Lord Farnham. with his bookplate. ,_ 194. BIARD (P. PIERRE). Relation de la Nouvelle ^' France, de ses Terres, Naturel du Pais, et de ses habitans. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. uncut. Lyon: 1616 (reprint). A choice reiirint of this scarce work, with liberal margins, printed in exact facsimile of the original. .- 195. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL TRACTS. Number One. — "Spurious Reprints of Early Books.'' By "Delta." (Re- printed, with additions, from the Boston Advertiser, 1865). Small 4to. marbled boards. Boston : 1865. Only i:>0 copies printeo. 196. BIBLIOGRAPPIY. Catalogue d'Ouvrages sur I'His- lo toire de TAmerique et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de la Louisiane. de I'Acadie. et autres Lieux. Avec Notes Bibliographiques. Critiques, et Litteraires. Redige par B. G. Faribault. Svo. original wrappers, uncut. Quebec: 1837. Scarce. 197. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Books in the io Library of the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, ~" ]\Iass. Svo. new cloth, uncut. W^orcester : 1837. 19S. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ludewig fHermann E.). The '^ Literature of American Local History : a Bibliographical — Essay. Thick Svo. half morocco (interleaved copy — stained). N. Y. : Prixted for the author, 1846. .T(»sKPir Sarin's copy, with autosraph inscription regarding the interleaving of the volume, and ^[S. additions by him tln-miulidUt tile text. Rark. 199. BIBLIOGRAPHY. [Harrisse (Henry)]. Biblio- , _ theca Americana Vetustissima. A Description of Works '• Relating to America. Published between tlie Years 1492 and 1551. Thick royal Svo. three-(|uarter crimson polished mo- rocco, gilt back and top. uncut. N. Y. : G. P. Philes. 1S66. <)xi.Y ."OO COPIES PRINTKI). of wliich 400 are in the above sizH. 200. BIBLIOGRAPHY. [Harrisse (Henry) ]. The same. Additions. Royal Svo. half green polished morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. Paris: Librairie Tross, 1872. 201. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of John A. Rice's [ - Librarv ; Americana). Priced in ink. Svo. half roan, uncut (back missing . N. Y. : 1870. 31 »f 202. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliotheca Historiea. Henry Stevens. Svo, wrappers, uncut. Bost. : 1870, Catalogue of 5.000 books and manuscripts relating to North and South America. 203. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Field (T. W.). Catalogue of the Library of Thomas W. Field. Priced in ink. Svo, buck- ram, uncut. X. Y. : 1875. 204. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Books, Manu- ~ scripts and Engravings belonging to William Menzies. By Joseph Sabin. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. X. Y. : 1875. 205. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the American Li- % brary of the late George Brinley. The Five Parts Complete, with printed list of Prices, together with the Index. 6 vols., Svo. original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Hartford: 1S79-1S83. Complete A\ith the printed pbices and index. Rare in com- plete form. 206. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Pilling (James C). Bibliogra- ^ phy of the Indian Languages, comprising: Algonquian. Iro- '' quoian, Athapascan, Siouan, Salishan, Chinookan. ]Musk- hogean, Wakashan and Eskimo Languages. 9 vols., Svo, wrappers, uncut. Washington : 1S87-94, 207. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Pilling (James C). The same. Comprising: Eskimo, Muskhogean and Siouan Languages. 3 l)amphlets, Svo, wrappers, uncut. Washington: 1887-89. 208. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Pilling (James C). Bibliogra- phy of the Iroquoian Languages. Reproductions in facsimile -i of early title pages. Imperial Svo, wrappers, uncut and un- opened. Washington: ISSS. 209. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the American Li- ^-__ brary of Samuel L. M. Barlow. Svo, wrappers, uncut (lacks back wrapper), X. Y. : 1SS9. 210. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Gagnon (Phileas). Essai de Bibliographic Canadienne. Inventaire d'une bibliotheque ~ comprenant Imprimes. Manuscrits, etc., relatifs a THistoire du Canada et des pays adjacent. Royal Svo, paper, uncut. Quebec : 1895. 211. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Williamson (Joseph). A Bib- liographv of the State of Maine, from the Earliest Period to 1801. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Portland: 1S96. Describins 11.032 items. 212. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Library of the late Charles Deane. Rare Americana. Early Voyages and Discoveries, etc. lV?7/i Printed List of Prices. (Also bound ill — CataloETue of Librarv of F. B. Haves). Svo. half morocco. Bost.: (1898). 32 AUTHENTIC MEMOIRS OF WILLIAM AUGUSTUS BOWLES, Esquire, AMBASSADOR From the Unjtsd Nation* of CREEKS AND CHEROKEE S, T O T HE COURT OF LONDON. L O N D O Nt Printed for R. F a tr l d e r, New Bond-ftrcet, M.DCC.XCI. (See Xo. 269) 213. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Library of the late Howard T. Goodwin of Phila. Rare Editions. Fine Bind- ings. Illustrated with facsimiles of bindings in color. Royal Svo, half crimson morocco, uncut. Phila.: (1903). 214. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Private Li- brary of Howard T. Goodwin. Many fine facsimiles in colors. 3 parts, Svo, wrappers, uncut. Phila. : 1903. 215. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Library of Harold Peirce. Facsimiles. 3 parts, Svo, wrappers, uncut. Phila.: 1903. 216. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Library of Henry W. Poor. Many fine facsimiles. 5 parts. Svo, wrap- pers, uncut. N. Y. : 1908-09. 217. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogues of Heckscher, Brush and Private Angling Collections : Lefferts. Pennypacker and others. 9 pieces. 218. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of Collections of Sir John Bourinot: E. B. O'Callaghan: W. H. TVhitmore, Jos. Baer and others. 10 vols. 219. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Andre (Major John). Andre 's Journal ; an Authentic Record of the Movements and Engagements of the British Army in America, from June, 1777, to Nov., 1778, as Recorded from Day to Day by Major John Andre. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Illustrated with numerous facsimile reproductions of maps and plans drawn hy Major Andre ivhile serving the British cause, 2 fine por- traits of Major Andre, one a Signed Proof on India Paper, etched hy ^Y. H. W. Bichnell, the other a Signed Proof on Japan Paper, engraved hy TT. F. Hopson, 2 engraved titles^ hy E. D. French, one with signature and 2 illuminated titles^ 2 vols., 4to, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: The Bibliophile Society, 1903. Only 467 copies printed on handmade paper. 220. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA. Perrot (Nicholas). ]\Iemoire sur les !Moeurs, Coustumes et Relligion des Sauvages de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Public pour la Premiere fois, par le R. P. J. Tailhan. 4to, sewed, uncut (lacks front wrap- pers). Leipzig: 1S64. Large Paper Copt. 221. [BIDDLE (RICHARD)]. A Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the History of IMaritime Discovery. Illustrated by Documents from the Rolls, now First pub- lished. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. : 1831. 222. BIGELOW (JOHN). Memoir of the Life and Pub- lic Services of John Charles Fremont. Account of his explora- tions, etc. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1856.. 33 4- 223. BIGLY (CAXTELL A.). Aurifodina; or, Adven- tures in the Gold Region. 12mo, original boards and label (back slightly chipped). X. Y. : 1849. An account of the author's personal knowledge of the Gold Regions in California, and the extraordinary occurrences which befell him on his attempting a journey thence across to Santa F6. 224. BIGSBY (JOHN J.). The Shoe and the Canoe; or, Pictures of Travel in the Canadas. Illustrative of their Scenery and of Colonial Life. With numerous plates and maps. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Chapman and Hall, 1850. The second volume contains the narrative of a tour through the wilds of Canada on the borders of the upper Great Lakes, with accounts of the Aborigines of the section, etc. 225. BIG TREES OF CALIFORNIA. Report on the Big Trees of California. Many fine illustrations and 2 folding maps. 8vo, half roan (rubbed). Washington, 1900. 226. BINGLEY (WILLIAM) . Travels in North America. With Views of New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Montreal, etc. 12mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Lond. : 1821. 227. BIORCK (TOBIAS E.). Dissertatio Gradualis de Plantatione Ecclesiae Suecanae in America, quam....d. 14 Jun. An. MDCCXXXI. Map. Small 4to, half green morocco, gilt back and top. Upsalise Literis Wernerianis: (1731). VERY BABE, AXD ESPECIALLY SO WITH THE SIAP, which shoWS STATEX ISLAND, NEW YORK and parts of LONG ISLAND, NEW JEBSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, etc. The author, who was born in America, gives a history of the establishment of the church in "New Sweden" with notices of the early pastors and an interesting account of the country and the native Indian inhabitants. The dedication by the author is in English verse. There is a commendatory epistle also in English, by Andrew Hessell. THE MAP, WHICH IS SELDOM FOUND WITH THE BOOK, IS EX- TBEMELY BABE. 228. BIRD (ISABELLA L.). The Hawaiian Archipelago. Six Months among the Palm Groves. Coral Reefs and Vol- canoes of the Sandwich Islands. Numerous illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Murray, 1875. First Edition. 229. BIRD ( ISABELLA L. ) . A Lady 's Life in the Rocky ^Mountains. Illustrated. 16mo, half scored calf (name st. on title). N. Y.: 1888. 230. BIRDS OF NEW YORK. Zoology of New York. (Part 2. — Birds.) With 141 lithographic plates hy Endicott, containing 308 beautifully colored figlties op the birds FOUND in New York State. 4to, three-quarter morocco, gilt top, uncut. Alban}': 1844. Book-plate of H. W. Poor. 34 •- 2;n. lURKBECK (^rORRIS). Xotes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virj^inia to the Tei-ritory of Illinois. Folding map. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. : 1818. Original Eoitiox. ^^ 232. JilRKHECK (MORRIS). Xotes on a Journey in '_' America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois (1817). Folding map. Fourth Edition. 8vo, half calf (slijrhtly cracked, few pages foxed;. Lond.: 1818. 2;^;5. BIRKBECK (:\IORRIS). Xotes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. Fourth Edition. Folding map: (also) Letters from Illinois. Second Edition. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, half calf, gilt back. Lond.: 1818. 284. BISHOP (XATHAXIEL H.). Four :\lonths in a Sneak-Box : a Boat Voyage of 2600 ]\Iiles Down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and Along the G-ulf of ^Mexico. Many illus- trations. 8vo. cloth. Boston : 1879. 235. BISHOPE (GEORGE). New England Judged, by the Spirit of the Lord. In Two Parts. First. Containing a ,' BRIEF RELATIOX OF THE SUFFERINGS OF THE PEOPLE CALL'd QUAKERS IX NEW-ENGLAND, from the Time of their first Ar- rival there, in the Year 1656, to the Year 1660. AVherein THEIR MERCILESS WHIPPINGS, CHAINING^S, FININGS, IMPRISON- INGS, STARVINGS, BURNING IN THE HAND. CUTTING OFF EARS, AND PUTTING TO DEATH, with divcrs Other Cruelties, inflicted on the Bodies of Innocent ]\Ien and Women, only for Conscience sake, are briefly described. In Answer to the Declaration of their Persecutors Apologizing for the same, ]\IDCLIX. Sec- ond Part. BEING A FARTHER RELATION OF THE CRUEL AND BLOODY SUFFERINGS OF THE PEOPLE CALL 'd QUAKERS IN NEW-ENLAND, continued from anno 1660. to anno 1665. Beginning with the Sufferings of William Leddra, whom they put to Death. Form- erly published by George Bishop, and now somewhat Abrevi- ated. With an Appendix Containing the Writings of several of the Sufferers; with some Xotes. showing the Accomplish- ments of their Prophecies ; and a Postcript of the Judgments of God that have befallen divers of their Persecutors. Also, An Answer to Cotton Mather's Abuses of the said People, in his late History of X'ew-England. Printed anno 1702. The whole being at this time Published in the said Peoples Vindi- cation, as a Replv to all his Slanderous Calumnies. Thick 8vo, panelled calf' (neatly rebacked). pp. (6), 498, 212, (12). London: Printed and sold by T. Sowle (etc), 1703. FIXE COPY. WITH THE FIVE TITLE-PAGES. Very scarce. In- cludes at end, Whiting's ''Truth and Innocency Defended, etc." "'£ 236. BLACKBIRD (ANDREW J.). Complete both Early and Late History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of 35 BLACKBIRD (ANDREW J.). Michigan; A Grammar of their Language; (and) Personal and Family History of Author. 16mo, ^^Tappers. Harbor Springs, Mich.: 1897. ( ^J 237. BLACK HAWK. Autobiography of ^Ma-Ka-Tai-Me- She-Kia-Kiak, or, Black Hawk. "Written by himself. Por- trait. 12mo, cloth. Oquawka : 1882. 238. BLENNERHASSBTT PAPERS (THE). Embody- Lf ~ ing the Private Journal of Harman Blennerhassett, and the hitherto unpublished correspondence of Burr, Alston, and others in the attempted Wilkinson and Burr Revolution ; em- bracing also the first account of the "Spanish Association of Kentucky, ' ' and a memoir by W. H. Safford. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati: 1864. 239. BOCCACCIO. Del Decamerone di Messer Giovanni . 5 J Boccacci Cittadino Fiorentino. Volume Secondo. Small 8vo, ~ full polished mottled calf, leather labels. Amsterdam© : 1761. 240. BODDAM-WHETHAM (J. W.). Western Wander- ^— ings. A Record of Travel in the Evening Land. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Bentley, 1874. Large Type Edition. 3 241. BODGE (GEORGE M.). The Narragansett Fort Fight, Dec 19, 1675. Map. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Boston : Privately printed, 1886. 242. BOLLrAERT (WILLIAM). The Expedition of Pe- ■^ ' dro de Ursua & Lope de Aguirre in Search of El Dorado and Omagua in 1560-61. Translated. Introduction by Clements R, ^Markham. Folding map. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Hakluyt Society, 1861. ^cS 243. BOLLER (HENRYA.). Among the Indians. Eight • Years in the Far West: 1858-1866. Sketches of Montana and Salt Lake. Folding map. 12mo, cloth, Phila. : 1868. 244. BOND (J. WESLEY). Minnesota and Its Resources. - With Notes of a Trip from St. Paul to Pembina and Selkirk Settlement on the Red River of the North. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Chicago: 1856. Very Scarce. 245. BONNTCASTLE (SIR RICHARD HENRY). New- ^ . f oundland in 1842. A sequel to ' ' The Canadas in 1841. ' ' Fold- ing map and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut and partly unopened. Lond. : Colburn, 1842. At the end is a copious Appendix, with accounts of the early Discoverers, and A Bibliogbapht of Works on New- foundland. 3a SECOND SESSION Tuesday Afternoon, May 5, 1914. Commencing at 2:30 o'clock. So 246. BONWICK (JAMES). The Mormons and the Silver Mines. 12mo, cloth. London: 1872. Scarce. 247. BOOK OF MORMON. Smith (Joseph, Jr.). The Book of Mormon: an Account written by the Hand of - Mormon upon Plates taken from the Plates of Nephi. Trans- lated by Joseph Smith, Jr. Thick 18mo, mottled calf, gilt back (top margin of the leaf of "Testimony" slightly torn, not damaging text). Liverpool: Printed by J. Tompkins, for Brigham Young, Herber C, Kimball and Parley P. Pratt, by order of the Translator, 1841. Rare First European Edition. 248. BORDONE (BENEDICT). Libro Di Benedetto Bordone. Nel qual si ragiona de tutte 1 'Isole del mondo con li ',' lor nomi antichi & moderni, historic, fauole, & modi del loro uiuere, & in qual parte del mare stanno, & in qual parallelo & clima giacciono. Title printed in red and 'black with a wide woodcut ornamental border, and 112 ivoodcut maps and plans, including 3 large double-page maps, 1 full-page map and 116 text maps and engravings. Folio, new vellum, gilt (a few of the pages are slightly time-stained, some margins have notes in ink). [Vinegia per Nicolo d'Aristoli], ]\[DXXVIII. FIXE AND PERFECT COPY OF THE VEP.Y BARE FIRST EDITION of a treatise on the islands of the world. In the Western Hemis- phere, shown on the large map preceding the first leaf appear. "Terra del Labradore," the West Indies and a part of South America. Several of the smaller maps throuahout the text show the various islands of the West Indies, including "Jamaiqua," "S. Maria antica," etc. and "Brasil."' appearing as an island. 249. BORTHWICK (J. D.). Three Years in California. With 8 tinted plates by the author. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1857. 250. BOSSI (C. BARTOLO:\rE). Viage Pintoresco por r- los Rios Parana. Paraguay, Sn Lorenzo. Cuyaba y el Arino L tributario del grande Amazonas eon Provincia de Mato Grosso. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth (letters on title). Paris: 1863. 251. BOSSU (N.). Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occi- dentales: Contenant une Relation des ditferens Peuples qui Qq habitent les environs du grand Fleuve Saint-Louis, appelle " vulgairement le ^Mississipi ; leur Religion ; leur gouvernement ; leurs moeurs (sic) ; leurs guerres & leur commerce. 4 fine copper-plate engravings after designs by G. De St. Aubin. 2 vols, in one, 12mo, old calf. Paris : Chez Le Jay, 1768. Fine Copy of the Rare First Editiox. 37 252. BOSSU (N.). Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occi- dentales. 4 copper-plate engravings. 2 vols, in one. 12mo, calf. Amsterdam : Chez D. T. Changuion, 1769. The plates in this edition are the same as those in the first issue, the engraving however being reversed and without engraver's name. 253. BOSSU (N.). Travels Through that Part of Am- erica formerly called Louisiana. Translated by J. R. Forster. To which is added by the trftnslator A Systematic Catalogue of all the Known Plants of English North America. With early copper-plate map of/Xouisiana, hij T. Kiichin. engraved for the London Magazine inserted. 2 vols., 8vo, original calf bindings (one slightly ©racked at hinges). Lond. : 1771. Largely devote^ to historical sketches of the Indians of the Southern States., Armorial Boqlc Plate of Robert Grimston, Xeswick, in each volume. 254. BOSSU (5^.). XouveauK Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. contenant une Qollection de Lettres ecrites sur les lieux, par I'Auteur, a son,' ami, M. Douin, Chevalier Capi- taine .... ci-devant son caomrade dans le Xouveau blonde. 4 fine copper-plate engr^'ings by St. AuMn. 8vo, old calf, gilt back. ^-^ Amsterdam: 1777. An account of Bossu's Third Voyage to Louisiana, According to Sabin, this work is much scarcer than the author's account of his first two voyages, owing to the fact that it has not been reprinted, or translated into any other language. 255. BOSWORTH (XEWTOXO. Hochelaga Depicta ; the Early History and Present State of the City and Island of ^Montreal. Map and illustration^. r2mo, half green morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Montreal : 1839. Rare First Edition. Extra-Illustrated by the inser- Tio.v OF 14 extra portraits a>d views. Fine crisp copy. 256. BOTERO (GTOVAXXI). Relatione Vniversale De' Continenti del Mondo nuouo di Giovanni Botero. Small 4to, boards (a few pages time stained). Roma : Appresso Giorgio Ferrari, 1595. Rare. This portion of the author's work on the various fountries of the world, relates almost entirely to the Wf.stern He.misphere and includes chapters on Nirembega, Florida. Mexico. Yucatan, Guatemala, Nicaragu.\, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Paragua,y etc. 257. BOTTA (CARLO). Ilistoire de la Guerre de riiidf'pendence des fitats-Unis d'Amerique. Traduite de ritalien et precedee d'une Introduction, par M. L. de Seve- linges. Portrait of Washington and' folding copper-plate mops. 4 vols.. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris: 1812-13. Fine uncut copy. 38 258. BOTTA (CARLO). Storia della Giierra dell' Tn- dipoiidenz dogli Stati Uniti d'Ainorica. Portrait and illus- trations. 8vo, roan back and boards, uncut. Livorno: 1836, ^ 259. BOUCHER (JOX^II AX). A View of the Causes I I '— and Consequences of th A/American Revolution : in thirteen Discourses, preached in /njicrica, between the years 1763 and 1775. With an Histori^^al Preface. Fine stipple portrait of the author inserted. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. Lond. : 1797. 260. BOUCHETTE (JOSEPH). A Topographical Des- Fo cription of the Province of Lower Canada, with Remarks upon ^ " Lpper Canada and on the Relative Connexion of both Pro- vinces with the United States of America. Engraved por- trait, plans and views. Thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, (lacks one plate). Lond.: 1815. EXTRA-IlLUSTUATKD by the insertion of 7 ENGRAVED VIEWS. 261. BOUCHETTE (JOSEPH). The British Dominions — in North America : or, a Topographical and Statistical Des- cription of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada .... and a Topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada. Portrait and 30 engraved maps and views. 2 vols, in one, 4to. half calf. Lond. : 1831. 262. BOUGAINVILLE (LOUIS DE). Reis Rondom de ! " "Weereldt, gedaen op bevel des konings van Frankrijk, in de jaren 1766 tot 1769. Uit het Fransch vertaeld. en met eenige Aenteekeningen verrijkt, door Pieter Leuter. 20 maps and one plate. 2 parts in one. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Dordrecht: 1772. The Rare First Dutch translation. _Zf 263. BOURKE (JOHN G.). An Apache Campaign in -^ the Sierra Madre. . . .in the Spring of 1883. Illustrations. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : 1886. 264. BOUSSUETUS (FRANCISCUS). Francisci Bovs- sveti Svrregiani Doctoris Medici, de Natvra Aqvatilivm Car- Q- men. In universam Guli-elmi Rondeletii doctoris Medici.... quam de Piscibus marinis scripsit historian! : Cum vivis eorum imagnibus. Opusculii nunc primum in luce emissum. With an extensive series of woodcuts throughout the text, displaying a great variety of fish. 2 vols, in one. Small 4to, full pol- ished mottled calf, gilt back, elaborately tooled, panel sides, inside gold borders, red edges, by root. Lugduni : Apud Matthiam Bonhome : 1558. Fine Copy of an Excellent Work on the fishes of the deep. Not mentioned in Westwood and Satchell's ''Bihliotheca Piscatoria." This rare work, including the second part, with a separate title-page, forms a pictorial history of fishes, each engraving be- ing explained by short Latin verses epigrammatical in form. The woodcuts include monsters of the deep alluded to by Walton, are from Rondeletius. 39 .br ^5 265. BOUS'SET (W.). The Antichrist Legend. A chap- ~ ter in Christian and Jewish Folk-Lore. With a prologue on the Babylonian Dragon Myth, by A. H. Keane. 12mo, cloth. Lond. : 1896. 266. BOWLES (SAMUEL). Across the Continent: A (^o Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, The Mormons, and — The Pacific States, with Speaker Colfax, first edition. Colored folding map. 12mo, cloth (map slightly torn into). Springfield: Mass., 1865. 267. BOWLES (SAMUEL). The Pacific Railroad— 4i Open. How to Go: What to See. Guide for Travel to and Through Western America, first edition. 16mo, cloth (back cover stained). Boston: 1869. 268. BOWLES (SAMUEL). Our New West. Records of Travel Between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean ; In- cluding A Description of the Pacific Railroad, first edition. Map, portraits, and illustrations. 8vo, sheep (back loose). Hartford: 1869. 269. BOWLES (W. A.). Authentic Memoirs op Will- iam Augustus Bowles, Esquire, Ambassador from the United Nations of Creeks and Cherokees, to the Court of London. 16mo, half claret polished morocco, gilt back and top. London: Printed for R. Faulder, 1791. Of Excessive Rarity. Contains the scarce half-title and the blank leaf after page VI. Not in any of the large Americana collections dispersed in this country. Mr. Field during his long period of collecting was unable to obtain a copy, although de- scribing one in his bibliography under a star number (indicating that he was unable to obtain it). The subject of this biographical sketch was the son of a Bri- tish school-master, who ran away from home and joined the British army at Philadelphia. Later being dismissed from the service he entered that of the Creeks and married one of their women. He attracted much attention to himself in England, whither he went to enlist the interposition of the Crown in favor of the independence of the Creek Nation of Indians. Field says that the book is ranked among the rarest of works relating to the American Aborigines. [See Illustrations]. 270. BOX (MICHAEL JAMES). Captain James Box's Adventures and Explorations in New and Old Mexico. 12mo, ■cloth (back cover somewhat stained). New York: 1869. 271. BOZMAN (JOHN LEEDS). A Sketch of the His- o tory of ]\Iaryland, during the Three First Years after its '- "~ Settlement: to which is prefixed a Copious Introduction. Portrait. 8vo, sheep (name on title). Baltimore: 1811. 272. BOZMAN (JOHN LEEDS). The History of Mary- land, from its First Settlement, in 1633 to 1660. With a Copious Introduction, and Notes and Illustrations. 2 vols, in on<\ 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut (two slight tears in title). Baltimore: 1837. Large, clean, uncut copt. 40 L — 273. BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.). Views of Louisiana: together with a Journal of a Voyage Up the Missouri River, in 1811. 8vo, half light calf, full gilt back and edges, by LLOYD. Pittsburgh: 1814. First Edition, Fine clean copy. Scarce. 274. BRACKENRIDGE (H. :\r.). Journal of a Voyage Up the River Missouri, performed in 1811. second edition, Revised and Enlarged by the Author. 12mo, half calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Baltimore: 1816. Fine clean copy, with wide margins and rough uncut edges. 275. BRACKENRIDGE (H. 31.). Journal of a Voyage Up the River IMissouri; performed in 1811. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by the Author. 12mo, original printed boards, uncut (rebacked). Baltimore: 1816. An unusually desirable copy, with wide margins, rough uncut edges. 276. BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.). Voyage to South Am- erica, performed by order of the American Government in 1817 and 1818, in the Frigate Congress. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut (covers somewhat worn.) London: 1820. 277. BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.). History of the West- ern Insurrection in Western Pennsylvania, Commonly called the Whiskey Insurrection, 1794. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt back, marbled edges. Pittsburgh : 1859. 278. BRADBURY (JOHN). Travels in the Interior of America, in the Years, 1809, 1810 and 1811 ; including a Des- cription of Upper Louisiana, together with the States of Ohio, Kentucky. Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinois and West- ern Territories. Foldmg copper-plate map. 8vo, half mo- rocco, uncut (name on title, few pages somewhat foxed). Lond. : 1819. The Appendix contains an "Osage Vocabulary," also (pp. 242- 286) an Historical Description of the Missouri Territory. 279. BRADFORD (ALDEN). History of Massachusetts. (Vol. 1.) From 1764 to Julv, 1775; (Vol. 2.) From Julv, 1775 to 1789; (Vol. 3.) From the Year 1790 to 1820;— {also) History of Massachusetts for Tw^o Hundred Years, from 1620-1820. Folding map. 4 vols., 8vo, half red pol- ished morocco, heavy bands, gilt tops, uncut by Matthews. (library stamp on one leaf). Bost. : 1822-35. Complete set of the Original Editions of Bradford's His- tory OF Massachusetts. As each volume was issued separately and covers a different period, it is necessary to have all four vol- umes, in order to form a complete and unbroken series. The above volumes are all uniformly bound, and with the exception of the small stamp are all clean perfect copies, and together form a most desirable set. Lefferts bookplate in first 3 volumes. 41 q- 280. BRADFORD (ALDEX). History of Massachusetts, '' from 1764, to July, 1775;— From July, 1775, to 1789: — From 1790 to 1820. 3 vols.. 8vo, half brown morocco. Bost.: 1822-29. Nice copies. 281. BRADFORD (ALDEX). Historv of Massachusetts Z - for Two Hundred Years, from the Year 1620 to 1820. Port- raits. 8vo, half morocco. Bost. : 1835. 282. BRADFORD (ALEX. W.). American Antiquities 5*0 and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. I "" 8vo, cloth, uncut. X. Y. : 1841. 283. BRADFORD (WILLIA:\I). History of Plymouth Plantation. Xow first printed from the Original Manuscript 3~ for the Mass. Hist. Soc. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost.: Pub. for the Society. 1856. FiBST Printed Edition, not to be confounded with the later reprint. 284. BRADFORD (WILLIAM). Bradford's History "Of Plymouth Plantation." From the Original Manuscript. • ■2. With A Report of the Proceedings Incident to the Return of the Manuscript to ^lassachusetts. Portraits and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston: 1899. 285. BRADFORD (WILLIAM J. A.). Xotes on the ^1 ' Xorthwest, or Valley of the Upper Misissippi. 12mo, cloth, " "" uncut and mainlv unopened. (Some pp. slightlv foxed) 12mo, cloth. ^ X. Y. : 1846. Fine copy. Jo 286. BRADFORD (WILLIAM J. A.). Xotes on the ^ """ X'orthwest, or Vallev of the Upper Mississippi. 12mo, cloth. X. Y.: 1846. 287. BRADFORD CLUB SERIES. The Xorthern In- / c vasion of October 1780 : a series of Papers relating to the Ex- — peditions from Canada under Sir John Johnson and otliers against the Frontiers of Xew York which were supposed to have connection with Arnold's Treason. Prepared from the originals, with an Introduction and Xotes by F. B. Hough. Fi-oiitispiece. Roval 8vo, three quarter morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. ' X. Y. : 1866. f'l.VB Copy. Only ^ printed. Autograph presentation in- scription by John B. Moreau. 288. BRADFORD CLUB SERIES. Xarratives of the - ' Career of Hernando De Soto in the Conquest of Florida, as told by a Knight of Elvas and in a Relation by Luj's Hernan- dez de Biedma, Factor of the Expedition. Translated by Buckingham Smith. Portrait on India paper and plate. Roval 8vo. three quarter brown morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. X. Y.: 1866. ri.rn Copy, limited to 125 copies. With presentation inscrip- tion bv .John B. Moreau. 42 CO c 2S9. BRADY (S.). Sketches of the Life and Indian Adventures of Captain Samuel Jirady, a Native of Cumber- land County (Pa.). 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Lancaster: 1891. Only 150 copies pbintei). 2!)(). BRATXERD (DAVID). An Abridgement of :\rr. David Brainerd's Journal Among the Indians; or, the Rise and Progress of a Remarkable Work of Grace among a Num- ber of Indians, in the Provinces of New Jersey and Penn- sylvania. To which is prefixed a Dedication, by P. Doddridge. 16mo. sheep. Lond. : 1748. 291. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (E. CHARLES). Histoire du Canada ; de son Eglise et de ses Missions. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, half roan. Paris: 1852. 292. BRiAY (MRS. A. E.). Life of Thomas Stothard. With Personal Reminiscences, first edition. Portrait and illustrations. 4to, three quarter blue polished morocco, gilt back and top, by Root. Lond. : J. ^Murray, 1851. Fine copy. 293. BRETT (REV. W. H.). The Indian Tribes of 2j^ Guiana ; Their Condition and Habits : with researches into their past history, superstitions, legends, antiquities, langu- ages, &c. Folding map, colored and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: 1868. -,- 294. BREVOORT (J. C). Verrazano the Navigator: or, — Notes on Giovanni da Verrazano and on a Planisphere of 1529 illustrating his American Voyage in 1524. ^Vith a reduced copy of the Map. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1874. One of 2.50 copies printed. Auto.irraph presentation copy from the Author. , 7f 295. BREWERTON (G. DOUGLAS) . Wars of the West- ern Border ; or. New Homes and a Strange People, first edi- Tiox. 12mo. cloth (binding slightlv worn). New York: 1859. 296. PRICE (WALLACE A.}. History of Fort Wayne, E_^ from The Earliest Known Accounts of this Point, to the Present Period. With A Sketch of the Life of General An- thony Wayne. With Sketches of Several of the Early Pion- eer Settlers. Portraits. 8vo, cloth (binding slightlv spot- ted). Fort Wayne : 1868. 297. BRICKELL (JOHN). The Natural History of ;p " North-Carolina. W^ith an Account of the Trade. Manners, and Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants. Cop- per-plates (map and 4 engravings), whereon are curiously engraved the Map of the Country, severed strange Beasts, 43 oO BRICKELL (JOHN). Birds, Fishes, Snakes, Insects, Trees, and Plants, etc. 8vo, full light polished calf, gilt back, red and green labels, gilt border lines and inside gold border, gilt edges by worsfold. Dublin : Printed by James Carson, For the Author, 1737. Rare Obiginal Edition. An exceptionally fine copy. 298. BRIfiVE ET FIDfiLE EXPOSITION de I'Origine, 1+ — de la Doctrine, des Constitutions, Usages et Ceremonies Ec- clesiastiques de I'Englise de TUnite des Freres, connus sous le nom de Freres de Boheme & de Moravie, Tiree de Leurs Actes & Titres Autentiques. Par un Auteur Impartial, Ami de la Verite. 16 fine double-page engravings. 8vo, contem- porary boards. N. p.: 1758. Rare and interesting volume. The plates contain elaborate representations of the Moravian ceremonies, showing different modes of baptizing, feet washing, marriages, etc., including the Indians, Greenlanders, etc. ^- 299. BRINE (LINDESAY). Travels Amongst American ^ "— Indians, their ancient Earthworks and Temples; including a journey in Guatemala, Mexico and Yucatan. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: 1894. ^-: 300. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). A Lenape-English Die- ■^ - tionary. From an Anonymous ]\IS. in the Archives of the Moravian Church at Bethlehem, Pa. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila. : Hist. Soc. of Penn., 1888. Fine copy. 301. BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (J. P.). Nouveau Voy- lO.~ age dans les Etats-Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale, fait en 1788. 3 vols., 8vo, mottled sheep (bindings rubbed — name on titles). Paris: 1791. Origixal Edition. These volumes contain the result of the author's enquiries respecting a suitable place to establish a French Colony. The third vol. relates to the importance of the American Revolution to the Interest of France. niciits. Not mcutioned bj' Fole.v. ;c: 320. BROWNE (J. ROSS). Adventures in the Apache ~ Country: A Tour through Arizona and Sonora, with Notes on the Silver Region of Nevada. Illustrafrd. 12nio, cloth. N. Y.: n. d. (1868). -^^ 321. BROWNE (J. ROSS). Indian War in Oregon. Re- - port of J. Ross Browaie on the Indian War in Oregon and Washington Territories. 8vo. sewed. [Washington. Jan. 25, 1858]. 322. BROWNE (PATRICK). The Civil and Natural - History of Jamaica, containing, I. An Accurate Description of that Island .... II. An History of the Natural Produc- tions, including the various sorts of native fossils, etc. Illus- trated with map and 49 full-page copper-plate engravings of fishes, plants, etc., in which the most curious productions are represented of their natural sizes, and delineated immediately from the objects, hy George D. Ehret. Folio, half green mo- rocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Lond. : 1789. Rich, qfotixg from Ciiaiibers, says 250 copies oxly were PRixTED, and that all the plates were destroyed. 323. BRUCE (JAMES). Travels to discover the Source of the Nile in the Years 1768-1773. Illustraled with numer- ous fine full-page plates hy Heath. 5 vols.. 4to, contempo- rary calf, back richly gilt. (Hinges weak). Edinb. : 1790. Fine clean copy inside. 'f 324. BRCYAS (JAMES). Radical Words of the Mo- hawk Language, with their Derivatives. Imp. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : Cramoisy Press, 1862. Choice copy. "This volume contains undoubtedly the oldest grammatical or lexicographical treatise on the language of the Mohawks." Preface Forms No. X of Shea's "Library of Ameri- can Linguistics." 'o 325. BRYAND (EDOUARD). Histoire de St. Dominie, ~ depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1794. Traduite pour la premiere fois de r Anglais sur la derniere edition de Londres in 4to. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt top, uncut. Paris: 1812. ,^ 326. BRYANT (CHARLES S.) AND MURCH (ABEL : . B.) . A History of the Great Massacre by the Sioux Indians in Minnesota. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth (inscription on back of frontispiece and binding repaired). Cincinnati: 1868. 47 ^/^J 327. BRYANT (EDWIN). What I Saw in California r its Soil, Climate, Productions and Gold Mines. 12mo, half leather, original wrappers bound in. Lond. : 1849. This is one of the earliest works to draw attention to the de- posits of gold in California. Scarce. ^- L - 328. BRYANT (EDWIN). What I Saw in California: Being the Journal of a Tour, by the Emigrant Route and South Pass of the Rocky Mountains, across the Continent of North America, the Great Desert Basin, and through Cali- fornia, in the Years 1846-47. Frontispiece map. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.: 1849. 329. BRYCE (JAMES). The American Commonwealth. 2 vols., small 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1888. Contains the suppressed chapter on the "Tweed Ring." 330. BUCHANAN (JAMES). Sketches of the History, Manners and Customs of the North American Indians. Map. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. : 1824. Crisp copy in fine uncut condition. The author's curiosity led him to examine the character and condition of the Indians, and a much more respectable sentiment was soon aroused, resulting in this work. Over 200 pages are devoted to the "Cruel conduct exercised towards the Indians." ^c 331. BUDD (THOMAS). Good Order established in ,- 2- Pennsylvania and New Jersey in America, being a true account of the Country ; with its produce and commodities there made in the year 1685. Gowan's reprint, with Notes by Edward Armstrong. Folio, cloth, uncut. N. Y. : Gowans, 1865. Labge Paper Copy, one of 60 so issued. "^^ 332. BUDD (THO:\L\S). Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. With Introduction and Notes by Frederick J. Shepard. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cleveland: Burrows, 1902. One of 250 copies reprinted from the original edition of 1685. ^J 333. BUIES (ARTHUR). Le Saguenay et la Vallee du Lac St. Jean (Canada). Illustrations. 12mo, boards. Quebec: 1880. cj" 334. BUIES (ARTHUR). L 'Outaouais Superieur. FoZd- ing map. 12mo, cloth. Quebec: 1889. 335. BUIES (ARTHUR). Rccits de Voyages sur les Grands Lacs — a Travers les Laurentides — Promenades dans le Vieux Quebec, 12mo, half roan, with original paper covers bound in. Quebec: 1890. 336. BULKELEY (JOHN) AND CUMMINS (JOHN). A Voyage to the South-Seas, in the Years 1740-1 : containing a Faithful Narrative of the Loss of his Majesty's Ship the Wager on a Desolate Island With the Proceedings and 4S A N ACCOUNT O F T H E Eate l^etjolutiott 1 N NEW-ENGLAND. Together with the* DECLARATION O F T H E Gentlemen, Merchants, and Inhabitants of BOSTON and the Country adjacent. April i^. 1689. Written by M^ ^ATHANAEL BT F I E L D a Merchant of Briilol in New-England , to his Friend in Londcn. LICENSED, 'June i.j. 1689. J. Frujt LONDON: Printed for latC. CljlftDCll-, at the Rofe and Crown In St. Paul's Church- Yard. MDCLXXXIX. (See Xo. 362) BULKELEY (JOHN) AND CUMMINS (JOHN). Conduct of the Officers and Crew, and the Hardships they En- dured in the Said Island for the Space of Five Months. Interspersed with many Entertaining and Curious Observa- tions, not taken Notice of by Sir John Xarborough. or any other Journalist. . 8vo, half light polished calf, gilt back. Lond.: 1743. Rare First Edition. The "Wajror" was one of the ships Avhich sailed from England under Command of Commodore Anson. .^o 337. BULLOCK (W.). Six Months' Residence and ? "" Travels in Mexico. 4 finely colored costume plates, 12 acjuei- tint views and engravings, 2 folding maps and 1 table. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut (edges of binding slightly rubbed). Lond.: 1824. First Edition. Good, sound, clean copy. The author was the first English traveller in Mexico, since Father Gage, in 1640. 338. BULLOCK (W.). Le Mexique en 1823. ou Relation d'un Voyage dans la Nouvelle-Espagne. Par M. Buelloch. Precede d'une introduction, et enrichi de pieces justifica- tives et de notes. Par Sir John Byerley. With the vol. of plates, containing portrait, 2 plans and 18 folding lithographic plates including 10 views and 6 colored costume plates. 3 vols., 8vo, old mottled calf. Paris: 1824. 339. BULLOCK (W.). Six Months' Residence and ^5" Travels in IMexico. Colored frontispiece, folding map and plan and other engravings. 8vo, boards, uncut (binding rub- bed). London: 1824. In the various issues of this work there are several differences in the plates. Possibly the four colored plates, not contained in the above, were not meant for this issue. '^g 340. BULLOCK (W.). Six Months' Residence and — Travels in Mexico ; containing remarks on the present state of New Spain. Colored frontispiece and 10 engraved por- traits, views and map, some folding. 2 vols., 16mo, half mo- rocco (rubbed). . London : John Murray, 1825. 341. BULLOCK (AV.). Sketch '^ a Journey through the _ Western States of North America,' from New Orleans by the ]\Iississippi, Ohio, City of Cincinnati and Falls of Niagara, to New York, in 1827. "With a Description of the New and Flourishing City of Cincinnati. By B. Drake and E. B. Mans- field. 2 folding maps. .16mo, half calf. Lond. : 1827. Mr. Bullock's Narrative occupies 31 pp., followed by a re- print of "Cincinnati in 1826," with a separate title page. 342. BURDER (GEORGE). The Welch Indians; or, a Collection of Papers, Respecting a People whose Ancestors Emigrated from Wales to America, in the Year 1170, with Prince Modoc ( Three Hundred Years before the First Voyage 49 oO BURDER (GEORGE). of Columbus), and who are said now to Inhabit a Beautiful Country on the West Side of the Mississippi. 8vo, three quar- ter green polished calf, gilt top. (two letters of title erased) . Lond.: (1787). A Very Rabb rrEM, not mentioned by Field. The dedication is dated, March 10, 1797. 343. BURGOYNE (JOHN) . Orderly Book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyue, from his Entry into the State of New York until his Surrender at Saratoga, 16th Oct., 1777. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. Folding map, engraved portraits and plate. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Albany: 1860. 344. BURjK (JOHN). The History of Virginia, from its First Settlement to the Present Day. 4 vols., 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, elaborately tooled, gilt border lines, dentelle gilt inside borders, gilt over red edges, BY BEDFORD. Petersburg : Printed for the Author and bv Dickson & Pescud and M. W. Dunnavant. 1804-16. BEAUTIFrL AND PERFECT SeT OF THE ORIGINAL EDITIONS of all four volumes. Handsomely bound. The Fourth VoLUifE is EXCESSIVELY RARE, as most of the edition was destroyed by fire. 345. [BURKE (EDMUND).] An Account of the Europ- ean Settlements in America. Fifth Edition, with Improve- ments 2 maps. 2 vols., 8vo, original calf, gilt backs. Lond. : 1770. 346. BURXABY (ANDREW). Travels through the Mid- dle Settlements in North-America, in the Years 1750 and 1760. With Observations upon the State of the Colonies. 4to, half sheep, uncut. Lond. : 1775, Fine large uncut copy, with the leaf of Errata. A valuable and important historical work, exhibiting a view of the Colonies before the Revolution. 347. BURNABY (ANDREW). Travels through the Mid- dle Settlements in North- America, in the Year 1759 and 1760. With Observations upon the State of the Colonies. Second Edition. 8vo, calf. Lond. : 1775. Armorial, Chippendale book-plate and autograph signature Paul Panton. 348. BL'RNABY (ANDREW). Travels Through the ^Middle Settlements in North America, in the Years 1759 and 1760; with Observations upon the State of the Colonies. Third Edition, Revised. Corrected and Greatly Enlarged by the author. Folding map and 2 fine views of Passaic Falls, oigrnvfd hij Neale from designs hy Maj. Gen. T. Davies. 4to. three f|uarter blue morocco, gilt back and top. Lond. : 1798. Rest Edition, exhibiting a view of the Colonies immediately prcfj'diiig the Revolution. Rare. 50 bo 849. BURNET (JACOB). Notes on the Early Settlement of the North-Western Territory. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 184:7. Fine copy. Scarce. "+ - l^ 350. BURNEY (JAMBS). History of the Buccaneers ~ of America. Reprinted from the Edition of 1816. 8vo, cloth. Lond.: 1891. 351. BUSCHMANN (JOH. CARL ED.). Das Apache als eine athapaskische Sprache erwiesen. 4to, marbled boards, green morocco back. Berlin : 1860. 352. [BUTEL-DUMONT (GEORGE M.).] Histoire et _ Commerce des Colonies Angloises, dans I'Amerique Septentrio- '• nale. 12rao, new cloth. Londres : 1755. Chapters on New Foundland, Acadia, New Enj?laud, Pennsyl- vania, Carolina, New York, etc. In this latter state mention is made of a very rich copper-mine from which large quantities of the metal are exported to England. The author spent many years in America, principally in Louisiana. "T/ie Present State of America'^ (Lond., 1735), is principally translated from this work. 353. BUTLER (JAMES D.). The New Found Journal 5o of Charles Floyd, a Sergeant under Captain Lewis and Clark. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, with original wrap- pers bound in. Worcester : 1894. 354. BUTLER (MANN). A History of the Common- t^ wealth of Kentucky. Portrait and woodcut views. 12mo, sheep (name on back of portrait). Louisville. Ky. : 1834. Scarce. Contains the Journal of Colonel Croghan down the Ohio River in 176.5. Derived largely from the papers of General Geo. Rogers Clark. 355. BUTLER (MANN). A History of the Common- wealth of Kentucky, from its Exploration and Settlement by , _ the Whites to the close of the Northwestern Campaign, in 1813. With an Introduction, exhibiting the Settlement of Western Virginia. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged by the author. Portrait, Svo, boards, uncut and unopened. Cincinnati: 1836. Ax ExcEPTioxALi.Y FIXE LARGE COPY, with uncut cdgcs. Scarce in uncut state. 356. BUTLER (SIR WILLIAM F.). The Wild North "^^ Land: Being The Story of A Winter Journey, With Dogs, Across Northern North America. Map and illustrations. Svo, cloth, uncut. London: 1873. 357. BUTLER (SIR WILLIAM F.). The Great Lone ;- -^ Land. A Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North- West of America. With Boute Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1873. 51 2_ z — 358. BUTLER (SIR WILLIAM F.). The Wild Northland: being the Stor>' of a Winter Journey, with Dog, Across Northern North America. WtY/i a route map. 8vo, boards, uncut (front cover slightly soiled). N. Y. : 1903. Large Papeb, No. 44 of an edition of only 210 copies. 359. BUTTERFIELD (C. W.). History of Seneca County, (Ohio) : containing History of the Indians; Geo- graphical Descriptions, Early Customs, Biographical Sketches, etc. 12mo, cloth (rubbed, name on title). Sandusky: 1848. 360. BUTTERFIELD (C. W.). An Historical Account of the Expedition against Sandusky Under Col. William Crawford, in 1782. With Biographical Sketches. Engraved portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Cincinnati: 1873. 361. BUTTERFIELD (C. W.). History of the Girtys. Being a concise account of the Girty Brothers — Thomas, Simon, James, and George, and of their half-brother, John Turner — also of the part taken by them in Lord Dunmore's War, in the Western Border War of the Revolution, and in the Indian War of 1790-95. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 0. : 1890. The work recites also, the principal events in the West during these wars, drawn from authentic sources, largely original. 362. BYFIELD (NATH^AEL). An Account of the Late Revolution in New England. Together with the De- claration of the Gentleplen. Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country adjacent. April 18, 1689. Written by Mr. Nathanael Byfield, a Merchant of Bristol in New- England, to his Friend in London. Small 4to, full blue crush- ed levant morocco, gilt back, corners of sides with gilt floral spray, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. London : Printed for Rie. Chiswell, 1689. Beautifully Bound Copy of the Obigixal Edition, of this highly interesting and valuable New England historical tract. Now rarely met with. [See Illustrations]. 363. BYFIELD (NATHANAEL). An Account of the Late Revolution in New England. 4to, half calf, gilt tooled back, gilt top. N. Y. : Printed for Joseph Sabin, 1875. Sabin's reprints. No. 1. 364. BYINGTON (CYRUS). Grammer of the Choctaw Language. Edited from the original ■MSS. by D. G. Brinton. Svo. half light blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by- ]\Iat- thew.s. Phila.: 1870. Choif-e copy, with the original wrappers bound in. 365. BYRD (WILLIA]\I). The Writings of Col. William liyrd of Westover in Virginia. Esq. Edited by John Spencer P>assett. With portraits and illustrations. Royal 8vo, parch- ment gilt, gilt top. uncut. N. Y.: Doubleday Page and Co., 1901. No. 10 OF ONLY 15 COPIES PBINTED ENTIBELY UPON JAPANESE Vellum. Choice copy. 52 ^2 366. BYRON (JOIIX). The Narrative of the Honour- able .John Byron (Commodore in a late p]xpedition round the World) : containing an Account of the Great Distresses Suf- fered by Himself and His Companions on the Coast of Pata- gonia, from 1740 till their Arrival in England, 1746. . . .also a Relation of the Loss of the Wager Man of AVar. Written by himself. Frontispiece. 8vo, original calf. Lond. : 1768, Fixe copy of the originai, edition. With armorial book- plate of John Lord Sheffield. 367. BYRON (JOHN). Viaggio Intorno al Mondo fatto dalla Nave Inglese il Delfino Commandata dal Capo-Squadra Byron, nel quale si Contiene Una fedele descrizione di vari Luoghi. Nazioni, Piante, Animali. ec. veduti in varie parti e particolarmente una minuta, eel esatta descrizione dello Stretto ^Magellanico, e della Gigantesa Nazione de' Patagoni. Tradotto dall' Inglese. Engraved froniispiece. Small 4to, paper, uncut (few leaves slightly spotted). Firenze : 1768. First Italian translation of Byron's Voyage in the Dolphin. 368. ^ALDCLEUGH (ALEXANDER). Travels in V> South America, during 1819-20-21 ; contain- ,"" ing an account of the present state of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chile. Colored froniispiece, maps and other illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut (binding somewhat worn, one cover loose). London: John Murray, 1825. cr^ 369. [CALDERONDE LABARCA (MADA:\[E).] Life )'- in Mexico, during a Residence of Two Years in that Country. With a preface, bv W. H. Prescott. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1843. 370. [CALEF (JOHN).] The Siege of Penobscot by the Rebels; containing a Journal of the Proceedings of His ]\[a- o." jesty's Forces detached from the 74th and 82nd Regiments, consisting of about 700 Rank and File, under the Command of Brigadier-General Francis ]M'Lean, and of Three of His Majesty's Sloops of War, of 16 Guns each, under the Com- mand of Captain Henry Mowat, Senior Officer: when Be- sieged by Three Thousand Three Hundred (Rebel) Land Forces, under the Command of Brigadier-General Solomon Lovell and Seventeen Rebel Ships and Vessels of War, under Command of G. Saltonstall. 2 folding charts (colored), also 5 extra plates inserted. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt back and top. Lond. : 1781. Very Scarce. Contains, besides the above, the proclamations of Gen. M'Lean, Capt. Barclay and Brig.-Gen. Lovell, to the inhabitants ; also a short account of Penobscot. 7^ 371. CALIFORNIA. Life in California during a Resi- " dence of several years in that Territory. Comprising a De- scription of the (Country and the ]\Iissionary Establishments, etc. Bv an American. Lith. illustration. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1846. 53 372. CALIFORNIA. Dix Ans sur la Cote du Pacifique. '^ Par un Missionaire Canadien. 16mo, wrappers. Quebec: 1873. A narrative of the author's adventures and trials in California and Oregon, and the frontier settlements. 373. CALIFORNIA. Four Months Among the Gold- ^ \^ Finders, being the Diary of an Expedition from San Fran- -^ Cisco to the Gold Districts. By J. T. Brooks. What I Saw in California. By Edwin Bryant. 1849 ; Peregrine Scramble 'y or Thirty Years' Adventures of a Blue Jacket, by Capt. Sir H. Y. Huntle^^ 1849; Voyage of the Prince Albert, in Search of Sir John Franklin. By Lieut. W. P. Snow. 1851. Maps. 3 vols, in one. 8vo, half sheep. Paris: 1849-51. 374. CAMBRIDGE (MASS.). The Cambridge of 1776: .3^0 With Which is Incorporated The Diary of Dorothy Dudley. " Edited by A. G. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Cambridge: 1876. 375. CAMPANIUS HOLM (THOMAS). Kort Beskrif- ning Om Provincien Nya Swerige uti America, Som nu — __ fortjden af the Engelske kallas Pensylvania. Af larde och trowardige Mans skrifter och berattelser ihopaletad och sam- manstreswen samt med athskillige Figurer. 4 copper-plate maps and 3 engraved views, including a view of Niagara Falls, also 5 woodcut maps and views in text. Small 4to, full green morocco, heavy bands, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Stockholm: 1702. Fine Copy of the Obiginal Edition. With the leaf of Errata, usually wanting. The author in this work on the establishment of the Swedes in Pennsylvania, has derived most of his information from notes left by his grandfather, verbal accounts received from his father and facts |Obtained from the manuscript of Peter Lindstrom, an engineer. 376. C!AMPANIUS HOLM (THOMAS). Description of - the Province of New Sweden, now called, by the English, Pennsylvania, in America. Translated from the Swedish, for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. With Notes. By Peter S. Du Ponceau. Maps and plans. 8vo, full crimson morocco, gilt back elaborately tooled, heavy bands, gilt sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges, by hedberg. Phila. : 1834. Fine Copt, bound in Swedish morocco. Rabe. 377. CA:\IPBELL (ARCHIBALD). A Voyage Round the World, from 1806 to 1812. Japan, Kamschatka, The Aleutian Islands, and The Sandwich Islands. Chart. 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh: 1816. -^^ 378. CAMPBELL (CHARLES). History of the Colony ■" — and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. Thick 8vo, half morocco^ gilt top. Phila. : Lippincott, 1860. Fine copy. 54 f 379. C a:\IPBELL (CiLlRbES). The Orderly Book of That Portion of the American Army Stationed At or Near Williamsburg, Va.. Under the Command of General Andrew Lewis, 1776. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Richmond, Va. : 1860. Oxr.Y 10 COPIES PRINTED. Historical Documents From the Old Dominion. No. 1. -jC 380. CANADA. Eeport of the Commissioners for Ex- — ploring the SagLienay (River). Folding map and plate. 8vo, cloth (marked copy). Quebec: 1829. 381. CANADA. Transactions of the Literary and Histor- -_ ical Society of Quebec. (Vols. 1 and 2.) Maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards and labels. Quebec: 1829-1831. Contains many valuable and important papers relating to the Geology of Lake Superior, Canadian Minerals, American and Canadian Plants, Grammar of the Huron Language, by Wilkie, also Journey across the Continent of America, by an Indian Chief. 382. CANADA. Report of the Commissioners appointed _f under the Act 9th, George IVth., for Exploring that Part of the Province which Lies Between the Rivers Saint Maurice and Ottawa, and which still Remains Waste and Unculti- vated. Svo, wrappers, uncut and unopened. Quebec : 1830. Rare. Text printed in French and English. ^ g- 383. CANADA. ^lemoires sur le Canada, Depuis 1749 - Jusqu' a 1760. Publics sous la Direction de la Societe Lit- teraire et Historique de Quebec. Svo. half morocco, uncut , (lacks the maps). Quebec: 1838. 384. CANADA. Report on the Exploration of the Coun- 75 try between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement. '^ " With folding maps (one neatly repaired). Svo, morocco back and boards. Toronto: 1858. 386. CAXADA. Notice sur les Missions du Diocese de _ Quebec qui sont secourues par I'Association de la Propaga- ?^, tion de la Foi. Jan., 1S39. No. 1:— Jan.. 1840. No. 2:— Jan., 1841. No. 3 :— Jan., 1842. No. 4 :— Mission de la Col- ombie. Lettre et Journal de Mr. J. B. Z. Bolduc. Quebec. (1843) :— Juin, 1843. No. 5 :— Juillet, 1845. No. 6 :— Juillet, 1847. No. 7:— Avril, 1849. No. 8 :— Mars. 1851. No. 9:— Mars, 1853. No. 10:— Mars, 1855. No. 11 :— Avril, 1857. No. 12 :— Bound in 2 vols.. 12mo, half roan. Quebec : 1839-57. A rare collection of reports of the Indian Missions in Canada. Comprising those at Walla Walla, Hudson Bay, Labrador, Van- couver, Ottawa, Red River, Lake Abbitibbi, etc. 2!5- 387. CANNER (TPIOMAS). Scheeps-Togt van Martin '. — Prince. Gedaan in't Jaar 1603, Van Bristol na't Noorder- gedeelte van Virginien. Mitsgaders een Tweede Reys In't selve Jaar 1603, na Viginien, gedaan van Kap. Bartholomeus 55 CANNER (THOMAS). Gilbert. Vignette on title and 2 folding copper-plate en- gravings. Small 8vo, marbled wrappers. Leyden : Vander Aa, 1706. Rare. -^ 388. CAREY (MATHEW). Carey's American Pocket 1 - Atlas; containing Nineteen Maps, viz.: The United States, Vermont, N. Hampshire, Maine, JVIassachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut. New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, N. W, Territory, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro- lina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia. With a Brief Description of each State. Second Edition, greatly improved. 8vo, sheep (sides of binding somewhat rubbed). Phila. : 1801. 389. CARLIN HUNTING PARTY. In the Heart of the i ' Bitter-Root Mountains. "The iStory of the Carlin Hunting Partv." Sept.-Dec. 1893. By Heclawa. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1895. 390. CARLISLE (THE EARL OF). Travels in America; ■2,Q The Poetry of Pope. Two Lectures delivered in 1850. 12mo, ■ — cloth. N. Y. : 1851. 391. CARROLL (B. R.). Historical CoUections of South Carolina; embracing many Rare and Valuable Pamphlets, 3 "" and other Documents, relating to the History of the State, from its first discovery to its Independence in 1776, Folding map. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth (bindings slightly soiled — map re- paired). N. Y.: 1836.' 392. CARTIER'S VOYAGES. Voyage de Jaques Cartier au Canada en 1534. Nouvelle edition, publiee d 'apres 1 'edition uj. ' de 1598 et d 'apres Ramusio. Par M. H. Michelant: Bref Recit et Succincte Narration de la Navigation faite en 1535- 1536 par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux iles de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres. Precedee d'une Introduction Historique, par M, D'Avezae. 2 folding maps. 2 vols., small 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris: 1863-65. 393. CARTWRIGHT (GEORGE). A Journal of Trans- actions and Events, During a Residence of Nearly Sixteen Years on the Coast of Labrador ; containing many Interesting Particulars, both of the Country and its Inhabitants, not hitherto known. Portrait and 3 folding maps. 3 vols., 4to, calf (bindings rubbed). Newark: 1792. Original Edition. This Journal was written with great care and fidelity, the author asserting only such circumstances as he knew to be a fact. Among the great mass of details of a Fur-Hunter's life, some particulars may be gleaned which are not elsewhere attainable. 56 Dm PRO VI NCIEN mmt AMERICA, ©cm nu fixtit^m af t^t €n^c(|Te Ma$ PENSYLVA NIA. ^(fWtt)e (x() (vottj4vtfgc£0it1n^|lrirtcroc^6frdtte(fcr i()opa(c* ufjirab af THOMAS CAMPANIUS HOLM. (See No. ?.7r)~) 394. CARVALHO (S. X.). Incidents of Travel and s^ Adventure in the Far West: with Col. Fremont's Last Expe- ^ ditioii Across the Rocky ^Mountains, etc. Frontispiece. 12mo, - cloth. N. Y. : 1857. 1 Considorod to contain a l)(>ttor account of Fremont's Expedi- tion than that written by the explorer himself. Scare. 395. CARVER (JONATHAN). Travels through the In- terior Parts of North America in the Years 17GG, 1767 and "* 1768. Illustrated ivith tivo folding maps and four plates. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. Lond. : Printed for the Author, 1778. First Edition. Fine, tall copy. 396. CARVER (JONATHAN). Travels through the In- terior Parts of North America in the Years 1766, 1767 and 1768. Second Edition. (Bound in) Biography of the Author, - and an Index by J. C. Lettsom. Illustrated tvith portrait, 2 maps, colored plate and 5 fine copper-plate engravings, in- cluding a rare view of the Falls of St. Anthony, engraved by M. A. Booker, and 4 plates of Indian life. 8vo, new cloth, leather label, uncut. Lond.: 1779-1781. Fine copy of the Second Edition, with wide margins and rough, uncut edges, often described as large paper. A most desirable copy, forming with the extra matter (now first published), the Third and Best Edition. The plates are brilliant impressions, and include all of the extra plates, which consist of a Fine Mezzotint Portrait of THE Author, a Rare Colored Plate of the Tobacco Plant, besides an additional plate (plain) of the Tobacco Plant, not mentioned in the index. The volume also has title-pages for both the second and third editions. Exceedingly scakce in the present state. 397. CARVER (JONATHAN). Travels through the In- - terior Parts of North America in the Years 1766, 1767 and 1768. Portrait, 2 maps {colored), a view of the Falls of St. Anthony and 4 colored plates of Indians, etc. 8vo, half brown polished calf, gilt back and top. Lond. : For C. Dilly, etc., 1781. Fine Copy of the Third and Best Edition, to which is now first added a biography of the author, and a copious index, by J. C. Lettsom. The new plates consist of a fine mezzotint por- trait OF THE AUTHOR, and a RARE COLORED PLATE OF THE TO- BACCO Plant. Rare. 398. CARVER (JONATHAN). Reize door de Binnen- landen van Noord-Amerika. Naar den derden Druk uit het Engelsch vertaald. Door J. D. Pasteur. Vignette portrait on title, map, 4 colored engravings of Indians, folding view of Niagara Falls and one other engraving. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, original boards. Leyden: 1796. Rare Edition. The first translation into Dutch. 399. CARVER (JONATHAN). Three Years' Travels Throughout the Interior Parts of North America, .... Customs of the Indians, etc. 16mo, old sheep (cover slightly worn, few pages spotted). Charlestown (Mass.) : 1802. 57 400. CARVER (JONATHAN) . Travels through the In- terior Parts of North America in the Years 1766-68. Illus- trated with maps and plates. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1838. 401. OASATI (^lAJOR GAETANO). Ten Years in Equatoria and the return with Emin Pasha. Translated from the original Italian Manuscript by ^Mrs. J. Randolph Clay, assisted by I. Walter Savage Landor. 150 colored plates and 4 maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Lond. : 1891. Fine copy. 402. CASSIN (JOHN). Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America. In- tended to contain Descriptions and Figures of all North American Birds, not given by former American authors, and a General Synopsis of North American Ornithology. 50 -fine^ full-page colored plates. Royal 8vo, cloth. Phila. : 1862. 403. CATLIN (GEORGE). Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. Vn'ith map and full-page engravings hy the author. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1842. 404. CATLIN (GEORGE). Die Indianer Nord-Amerikas und die wahrend eines acht jahrigen Aufenthalts unter den wildesten Stammen erlebten Abenteuer und Schicksale. Von Heinrich Berghaus. 24 finely colored plates. Royal 8vo, half leather (binding somewhat rubbed). Brussels: 1848. FiBST German edition. 405. CATLIN (GEORGE). The Breath of Life: or, mal-Respiration, and its effects upon the enjoyments and life of man (manu-graph). Illustrations. First Edition. Svo, half morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : 1861. 406. CATLIN (GEORGE). Illustrations of the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. With letters and Notes written during eight years of Travel and Adventure among the Wildest and ^lost Remarkable Tribes now existing. 3 maps and 360 engravings (on 175 plates), BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, from author's original paintings. Third Edition. 2 vols.. Royal Svo, half red morocco, emblematic gilt tooling on backs, gilt edges. Lond. : Bohn, 1866. Fine copy, with the plates BEAUTiFtrLLY colored. Accnrdinpr to Sabin, only "Twelve or more copies were col- ored for Mr. Bohn after the fancy of the artist who did the work." 407. CATLIN (GEORGE). Life Amongst the Indians. A Book for Youth. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. London : 1867. 408. CATLIN (GEORGE). Last Rambles Amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. Illustra- tions. 16mo, cloth. N. Y.: 1867. First edition. Scare. 409. CATLIN (GEORGE). 0-Kee-pa : A Religious Cere- mony ; and other Customs of the .Maiidans. With 13 Colored Illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. London: 1867. This publicatiou was occasioned by the author's privately priuted book describinj? the celebrated "Bull Dance," a phallic rite among the Mandan Indians. -^ 410. [CATLIN (GEORGE)]. .Alatthews (Washington). _ The Catlin Collection of Indian Paintings. 21 full-page plates. Excerpt, pp. 593-611. Svo, wrappers. n. p. : 1890. ■ 5 411. CATOX (JOHN D.). The Last of the Illinois and — a Sketch of the Pottawatomies. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Chicago: 1876. 412. CATTELL (J. McKBEN,— jE;di7or). American Men of Science : a biographical directory. Thick 4to, buckram. N. Y.: 1910. 413. CAVENDISH (SIR HENRY). Government of Can- - ada. Debates of the House of Commons in the Year 1774, on the Bill for Making j\Iore Effective Provisions for the Government of the Province of Quebec. Maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Ridgeway, 1839. ^g 414. CAVERLY (COL. ROBERT B.). History of the In- — dian Wars of New England. With Eliot the Apostle. Illu- strations. 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1882. 415. CAVO (A.). Los tres siglos de ^Mexico durante el - gobierno espanol, haste la entrada del ejercito trigarante, obra escrita a Roma por el Padre Andres Cavo de la Compania de Jesus. Publicala con notas y supplemento el lie. Carlos Maria de Bustamente. 4 vols., Svo, half red morocco. Mexico : Imprenta de Luis Abadiano y Yaldes, 1836-38. Choice copy, and now very scare. Vol. 4 being particularly so. A MOST IMPORTANT WORK FOR THE HISTORY OF MEXICO. 5o 416. CANTON CLUB. Joutel's Journal of La Salle's ' Last Voyage. Facsimile map. Svo, boards, uncut. Chicago : Caxton Club, 1896. One of 203 copies printed ox hand-made paper by the Caxton Club. This edition is a reprint, page for page, and line for line, of the first English translation, Lond., 1714, with the map of the original French edition, Paris, 1713, in exact facsimile. The Notes are by Melville B. Anderson. 417. CAXTON CLUB. Relation of the Discovery of the ^Mississippi River. Written from the Narrative of Nicolas de La Salle, otherwise known as ''the little ]\I. de La Salle." Translated by Melville B. Anderson. Svo, boards, parchment back, uncut. Chicago : The Caxton Club, 1898. One of 266 copies printed on hand-made paper. Fine copy. S9 418. CAXTOX CLUB. La Salle Voyages. Relation of ' ' the Discoveries and Voyages of Cavelier de La Salle, from 1679 to 1681. The Official Narrative. Translated by Melville B. Anderson. Svo. boards, vellum back, uncut and unopened. Chicago : The Caxton Club, 1901. OXLY 224 COPIES PRINTED, ON HAND-MADE PAPER. ^ 419. CAXTON CLUB. Kinzie (Mrs. John H.). Wau-Bun ^•~ the "Early-Day" of the North-West. Ncav Edition, with Notes and an Introduction by Reuben Gold Thwaites. With numerous illustrations. Svo. cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1901. OnLT 256 COPIES PRINTED ON AMERICAN^ HAND-MADE PAPER. 5o 420. CAXTON CLUB. Stevens (Frank Everett). Wake- I ( ~" field's History of the Black Hawk War. With colored front- ispiece portrait of Black Hawk and photogravure illustrations. Svo. boards, parchment back, uncut, and mainly unopened. Chicago : The Caxton Club, 1908. One OF 200 copies printed on American hand-made paper, and the type distributed. A reprint of the First Edition by John A. Wakefield, Jacksonville, 111., 1834. The Robert Hoe COPY, with bookplate. 421. CECIL (E.). Life of George Washington : Written for Children. Many colored illustrations. 16mo, cloth. Boston: 1859. 422. CHABERT (JOSEPH BERNARD DE). Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi en 1750 et 1751, dans I'Amerique Sep- -. tentrionale, pour rectifier les Cartes des Cotes de I'Acadie, de 1 'Isle Roj'ale & de 1 'Isle de Terreneuve ; et pour en fixer les principaux points par des Observations Astronomiques. 6 copper-plate charts and one folding table. 4to, old calf (edges of binding slightlv rubbed, small library stamp on title). Paris: 1753. This work was hijihly praised by the Commission appointed by the French Academy of Science, and recommended as a model for future navigators. The first part contains an Account of the author's Voyage from Brest to Louisburg, and his four Expe- ditions to the neighbouring coasts. 423. CHAMBERLAIN (JOSHUA L.). Maine: Her Place _ in History. Maps. Svo, cloth. Augusta: 1877. 424. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE). Les Voyages du Sieur de Champlain Xaintongeois, Capitaine ordinaire pour le Roy, en la marine. Divisez en deux livres. Ou, Journal tres- fldele des observations faites es descuvertures de la Nouvelle France : tant en la deseriptio des terres, costes, rivieres, ports, &c., qu'en la creace des peuples, leur superstition, fa^on de viure & de guerroyer, &c., &c. : (also) Quatriesme Voyage du S. De Champlain Capitaine Ordinaire pour le Roy en La Marine, et Lieutenant de Monseigneur le Prince de Conde en la Nouvelle France, fait en I'anne 1613. Large folding 60 CHAMTLAIN (SAMUEL DE). map (in facsimile). 18 engraved charts, 5 engraved plates and one woodcut. Small 4to. full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, heavy bands, gold panel interlaced design on sides, marbled end papers, gilt edges, by Pratt (slight stain on two margins, 3 very small tears in plates so skilfully repaired as to be hardly discernible). Paris: Chez Jean Barjon, rue S. lean de l^eauuais, an Cheual volant, & en sa boutique au Palais, a la gallerie de prisonniers. 1613. Excessively rare original edition of the first four VOYAGES of Champlain to America, in 1604. 1610, 1611 and 1613. Complete with all the maps and plates, but having the larjre map in excellent facsimile. The present copy has, as far as we can ascertain, a unique feature. The editor or printer, having made the mistake of placing on page 232 the descriptive lettered references to the plate of the "Iroquois Fort," which appears at page 25.5, instead of the proper references to the plate of the "Defeat of the Iro- quois at Lake Champlain" which appears at page 232, the leaf was cancelled and reprinted with the correct references. This copy contains both the cancelled and reprinted leaves. Fine copy, handsomely bound. [See Illustrations]. 425. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE). Voyages et Des- _ covvertvres faites en la Xovvelle France, depuis Tannee 1615, Z. jusques a la fin de I'annee 1618. Par le Sieur de Champlain, Cappitaine ordinaire pour le Roy en la ]\Ier du Ponant. Ou sont descrits les moeurs, coustumes, habits faeons de guerroyer, chasses, dances, festins, & enterrements de divers peuples Sauuages. & de plusieurs choses remarquables qui luy sont arrives au dit pais, avec une description de la beaute, fertilite, & temperature d'iceluy. Seconde Edition. Engraved title, 2 folding plates and 4 full-page plates. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, leather bands, sides beauti- fully decorated with an interlaced panel and wreath design inlaid in gold, gilt inside borders, silk double and end papers, gilt edges, by Pratt (few of the outer edges cut close to marginal notes). Paris: Chez Claude Collet. 1627. Beautifully bound and perfect copy of this excessively rare edition : no copy having appeared at public auction in America, since the Brinley copy, in 1S7S. With fine, old armorial book-plate of "M. Adr. Fr. Langlois de Louures Ecuyer, Avocat en Parlement. Lege Sed Elige." dated 1731. Collation : Engraved title, 1 leaf ; printed title, 1 leaf ; preface (3 pp.) ; Extraict du roy (1 p.) ; dedication (8pp.) ; text, 158 numbered leaves ; 8 plates. [See Illustrations]. 426. CHAMPLAIN (SAMUEL DE). Les Voyages de la No\"vlle France Oecidentale. Dicte Canada, faits par le Sr. de Champlain Xainctongeois, Capitaine pour le Roy en la Marine du Ponant, & toutes les Descouuertes qu'il a faites en ce pais depuis I'an 1603. jusques en Pan 1629. pp. 16. 308; "Seconde Partie des Voyages dv Sievr de Champlain," pp. 61 CHAMPLAIX (SAMUEL DE). 310 ; ' ' Table povr Cognoistre les Lievx R«marqvables en Ceste carte," pp. 8; "Traitte de la Marine," pp. 54; "Doctrine Chrestienne dv R. P. Ledesme de la Compagnie de Jesus," pp. 20. Folding map (Tross' facsimile reproduction), 6 fine copper-plaie engravings in text, and two woodcuts. The five parts in one vol. Thick, small 4to, full olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt lettered back, heavy bands, sides with center scroll and ^vreath decoration in gilt tooling, wdde gilt ■dentelle inside borders, gilt edges (lacks the original map and the tAvo blank leaves). Paris: Chez Claude Collet, 1632. Beautifully bound and clean copy of the best edition. The description and collation of the above ajrree with that given by Sabin, the map, however, is the admirable facsimile by Tross, executed in 1860 ; the two blank leaves in the body of the work are not in the above copy. This copy, like the copy described by Sabin, has the reprinted pages (27-28). the originals of which were suppressed owing to an objectionable passage. A complete record of Champlain's Canadian Explorations, comprising narratives of all the expeditions made between 1603- 1629. The first work giving an account of the Indians OF the interior of New York, largely devoted to descrip- tions OF their habits, modes of life and warfare, with per- sonal observations and experiences among the Algonquins and Iroquois. Exceedingly scarce. 427. CHAMPLAIX (S A:\IUEL DE). Voyages du Sieur de Champlain. on Journal es Decouvertes de la Xouvelle France. 2 vols.. 8vo, half morocco, uncut (few pages slightlv soiled). Paris: 183(). Very Scarce. Only 2.50 copies printed, to give employment to the Journeymen Printers, and principally distributed among the Public Libraries in France, by order of the government. 428. CHAXDLESS (WILLIAM). A Visit to Salt Lake ; being a Journey Across the Plains and a Residence in the Mormon Settlements at I'tah. Map. 12mo, cloth. London : 1857. 429. CHAPIX (REV. ALOXZO B.). Glastenbury. (Conn.) for Two Hundred Years. A Centennial Discourse, 1853. With An Appendix (containing much valuable genea- logical material). Map. 8vo, cloth. Hartford: 1853. 430. [CHAPMAX (ISAAC A.)]. A Sketch of the His- tory' of Wyoming. With an Appendix, containing a Statisti- cal Account of the Valley and Adjacent Country. By "A Gentleman of Wilkesbarre. " Small 8vo, old sheep (few pages slightly foxed). Wilkesbarre, Penn. : 1830. 431. CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE (JEAX). A Voyage to California, to Observe the Transit of Venus. W^ith an His- torical Description of the Author's Route through Mexico, and the Natural History of the Province, also a Voyage to X'ewfoundland and Sallee, to make Experiments on Mr. Le Roy's Time Keepers. By ^lonsieur De Cassini. Map. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. Lond. : 1778. Fine Copy of the First English Translation. Rare. 62 ^r 482. CHAPPELL (LIEUT. EDWARD). Narrative of a "" Voyage to Hudson's Bay. . . .containing some Account of the Nortli-Eastern Coast of America, and the Tribes Inhabiting that Remote Region. Map and plates. 8vo, new cloth, uncut (few pp. slightly soiled). Lond. : 1817. 433. CHAREXCEY (II. DE). Le :Mythe de Votan. ^o f}tude sur les Origines Asiatiques de la Civilisation Ameri- ^ caine. Svo. wrappers, uncut. Aleneon: 1871. 434. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE). La Vie de la Mere - Marie de I'lncarnation, Institutrice & premiere Superieure '— des Ursulines de la Nouvelle France. Portrait. 12rao, full polished dark mottled calf, gilt back, leather labels. Paris : Chez Ant. Claude Briasson, 1724. Fixe Copy of the Rake First Edition. Complete with the scarce errata leaf and the last leaf containing the ''Privilege du Roy." 435. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE). Ilistoire de I'lsle . - Espagnole ou de S. Doiningue. Ecrite particulierement sur les Memoires IManuscrits du P. Jean-Baptiste le Pers, Jesuite. 18 copper-plate maps. 2 vols., 4to. old calf, gilt backs, (cor- ners of some leaves of Vol. 2 sliglitlv stained). Paris: J. Guerin, 1730-1731. 436. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE). Histoire et Des- ) ~ cription Generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal His- torique. 44 copper-plate engravings. 6 vols., 12mo. old calf (bindings worn, maps missing). Paris: Nyon tils, 1744. One of the most important works relating to the History of Canada and the establishments of the French in North America. The accounts of Indians are among the most authentic which have been given us. 437. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE). Histoire du Para- \ " guay. 7 copper-plate maps and cJiarts. 3 vols., 4to, calf (re- backed, cracked at one hinge). Paris: Didot, 1756. Collation of first vol. varies from that given by Sabin, the pres- ent copy, however, is complete. Contains many original Spanish documents with a French translation. 438. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE). Journal of a Voy- ^. age to North- America, undertaken by Order of the French '• King, containing the Geographical Description and Natural History of that Country, particularly Canada. Together with an Account of . . . .the original Inhabitants. Folding map. ■2 vols.. Svo, old calf (weak at hinges). Lond.: 1761. P'lRST English Edition. Rare. 439. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE)*. A Voyage to North America ; undertaken by Command of the present King of France, containing the Geographical Description and Natural History of Canada and Louisiana. 8 folding maps and 2 63 CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE). plates. 2 vols., 8vo, calf (2 maps torn, portion of one map missing). Dublin: 1766. This copy contains two more maps than the copy in the John Carter Brown library. An appendix of 46 pp. (not in the Lon- don editon) contains an Account of the West Indian Islands, the Trade of Mexico and La Vera Cruz. The maps include those of the islands of Cuba, Porto Rico, Jamaica. Rabe. 440. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE). The History of "5. Paraguay, containing. .. .a Full and Authentic Account of the Establishments formed there by the Jesuits. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, leather labels. Lond. : 1769. An abridged edition of the larger work by Charlevoix. With armorial book-plate of Sir Edward W. Watkin. 441. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE). History and Gen- ^ 5c eral Description of New France. Translated with Notes, by 2 r^ "■ John G. Shea. Engraved portraits, maps aiXd plates. 6 vols.,, imperial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. N. Y. : 1866-72. Large Paper Copy. Fine set. This is the first translation into English of this celebrated and important work. The transla- tor has added notes, corrected references and improved the Biblio- graphy. 442. CHARLEVOIX (P. F. X. DE). History and Gen- I 5. eral Description of New France. Translated from the Orig- inal Edition and Edited, with Notes, by Dr. J. G. Shea. With a new Memoir and Bibliography of the Translator by Noah Farnham Morrison. Many engraved portraits, plans, maps,, facsimiles, etc. 6 vols., royal 8vo, crimson cloth, uncut and unopened. N. Y. : F. P. Harper, 1900. Fine, cleax set. 443. CHARLTON (EDWIN A.). New Hampshire as it ^- Is. In three parts. A Historical Sketch from its First Settle- ment to 1788: A Gazetteer: A General View of the State. Illustrated with steel portraits and views. 8vo, half morocco. Claremont: 1856. -^1 444. CHARTERS OF THE BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA (THE). 8vo, calf. Lond.: J. Almon, [1774]. Original Edition, Contains the Charters of Massachusetts Bay (including the first Charter granted), Connecticut, Rhode Island, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Georgia. Rare. 445. CHASE (BENJAMIN). History of Old Chester c (N. H.). Portraits. Thick 8vo, cloth. Auburn: N. H., 1869. Pages 463-634 contain genealogical notices of early settlers an^ their descendants. 64 00 W "J o O ^--^ ^ OT) "O ^ w el "^ S s ^ S .S<« = ■3-2 g^ •H. -^ i! --3 S 2 -a Ji ^ o j„ X t; u u ^ ^l» a -^-^ O -3 3 3 S u rt -• iJ<^ S3 -^ rj j"^ rs o^ P-i E^* 3 ^ oo" ^ ui H-^ > _ o X t^ fi; "^ ■'S X < T^ u < w .Si d i:^ o ■-) UJ u ^ y. 00 W a C/5 p., < •^ r ^ < c- o ►C U u o u ,i:.H o ■« c * X ' § la -5 ■§ toe c-ii 3 u 2. « o § 3 " "> § 3^ S^ "§-"- = 446. CHASE (GEORGE WINGATE). The History- of Haverliill, (]\Iass.) from its first settlement, in 1640 to the year 1860. Engraved and other portraits and illustrations. Thick 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. Haverliill: Published by the Author, 1861. Fine copy. - 447. CHASTELTiUX (F. J.. MARQUIS DE). Voyage - de ]\1. le ^Tarquis de Chastellux dans I'Amerique Septentrion- ale, dans les Annees 1780, 1781 et 1782. Map and 3 plates. 2 vols., 8vo. old calf (small tear in one title, margins of bindings slightly rubbed). Paris: 1786. Socond Edition. With fine armorial book-plate of Alexandre Jean Mignot, Abb6 de Scellieres, Counselor to the King. One of the most interesting of all the books of Amebi- CAN TRAVEL Written at this period, abounding: with incidents and observations which convey a true picture of life and manners dur- ing the latter years of the Revolution. 448. CHASTELLFX (F. J., MARQUIS DE). Travels - in North-America, in the Years 1780. 1781 and 1782. Trans- lated from the French by an English Gentleman, who R^'sided in America at that period. With Notes by the Translator. 2 maps and 3 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, mottled calf (one binding slightly cracked at hinges, autograph of J. Sara. Waring on titles)! Dublin: 1787. An English translation of the above. 449. CHASTELLUX (F. J., MARQUIS DE). Travels ^ - in North-America, in the Years 1780-1782. Translated by an English Gentleman who Resided in America at that period. With Notes by the Translator. 2 maps and 3 engraved plates. 2 vols.. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs. Lond. : 1787. 450. CHASTELLUX (F. J., MARQUIS DE). Voyages Z5 de ]M. le Marquis De Chastellux dans I'Amerique Septentrion- ~ ale, 1780-1782. Second Edition. 2 maps. 2 vols.. 8vo. half calf, gilt backs. Paris: 1788-1791. 451 CHASTELLUX (F. J., MARQUIS DE). Travels ^° in North -America, in the Years 1780-81-82. Translated by an English Gentleman (J. Kent), with Notes by the Trans- lator ; also, a Biographical ■Sketch of the author. Letters from Gen. AVashington to the Marquis de Chastellux, and Notes and Corrections, by the American Editor. 8vo. half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. N. Y. : 1827. An EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE COPY, WITH W^DE MARGINS, BOUGH UNCUT EDGES. So 452. CHATEAUBRIAND (F. A. DE). Recollections of Italy, England and America, with Essays on various Sub- jects in Alorals and Literature. 2 vols., 8vo, scored calf, gilt borders. Lond. : Colburn, 1815. The Bancker copy with his book-plate. 65 ^.^o 453. [CHEETHAM (JAMES)]. An Antidote to John ^ Wood's Poison. By ''Warren." first edition. 8vo, half morocco. New York: 1802. The "Poison" is the suppressed "History of the Adminiatra- Hon of John Adams." See also under Wood (John). 454. CHEROKEE NATION OF INDIANS. Opinion of g- the Supreme Court of the United States, at January Term, — 1832. . . .in the Case of Samuel A. Worcester versus the State of Georgia. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Wash. : 1832. 455. CHEROKEE NATION OF INDIANS. Opinion of _ the Supreme Court of the United States, at Jan. term, 1832, .j?o delivered by Chief Justice Marshall, together -with the Opin- ion of Justice ^McLean, in the Case of Samuel A. Worcester, versus the State of Georgia. 8vo, wrappers. Wash. : 1832. , ^o 456. CHEROKEE PRLMER. WOODCUTS. 24mo, ' wrappers. Park Hill: Mission Press, 1854. L. 457.. CHEVALIER (MICHEL). Lettres Sur L'Amer- ique du Nord. Folding map. 3 vols, in one, thick 16mo, half calf, marbled edges. Bruxelles: 1838. 458. CHITTENDEN (HIRAM MARTIN). The Ameri- can Fur Traders of the Far West: a history of the pioneer trading posts and early Fur Companies of the Missouri Val- ley and the Rocky Mountains and of the Overland Commerce with Santa Fe. Illustrations and folding pocket map. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut (one cover soiled). N. Y.: F. P. Harper, 1902. 459. CHITTENDEN (HIRAM MARTIN). History of Early Steamboat Navigation on the Missouri River. Life and Adventures of Joseph La Barge, Pioneer Navigator and Indian Trader. Map and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York: F. P. Harper, 1903. I-iMiTED Edition. 460. CHITTENDEN (HIRAM MARTIN). The Yellow- stone National Park. Historical and Descriptive. Illustrated with maps, views and portraits. 12mo, cloth. Cinn. : 1904. Reused and enlarged edition. 461. CHRISTIE (ROBERT), memoirs op the adminis- tration OP THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENT OF LOWER CANADA, by Sir James Henry Craig and Sir George Prevost, from 1807- 1815, comprehending the jMilitary and Naval Operations in the Canadas during the late war with the united states op AMERICA. 12mo, half calf, gilt back and top (outer margin of title cut close;. Quebec: 1818. The veby kabe Obioikal Edition of these interesting -Memoirs. 66 462. CHRISTIE (ROBERT), the miutaby and naval OPERATIONS IN THE CANADAS, during the late War with the United States, including also the Political History of Lower- Canada during the Administrations of Sir James Henry Craig and Sir George Prevost, from 1807-1815. 12mo, half calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Quebec: Printed, 1818. Fine large copy, uncut, of the very bare Quebec Edition. Sabin mentions only the New York reprint with the above title. 463. CHURCH (THOMAS). The History of Philip's War, Commonly Called the Great Indian War, of 1675 and 1676. With Numerous Notes and An Appendix by Samuel G. Drake. Frontispiece. ]6mo, old sheep (title slightlv spot- ted). Exeter, N. 11.^: 1834. 464. CHURCH (THOMAS). The History of King Pliilip's War (Including the Eastern Expeditions of 1689- 1704 Against the Indians and French.) Introduction and Notes by Henry ]\Iartyn Dexter. Portrait and folding maps. 2 vols., small 4to. half crushed brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: 1865-67. Library of New Endand History, Nos. 2 and 3. Only 250 COPIES PRINTED, each numbered and initialed by the publisher. 465. CIECA DE LEON (P. DE). Cronica del Gran Regno del Peru, con la Descrittione di tutte le provincie, e costumi, e riti, con le Nuove Citta Edificate. & altre strane & marauigliose notitie. Parte Prima (all published) ; Historia delle Nuove Indie Occidental!. Composta Francesco Lopez. Parte Seconda (being a continuation of the first work). 2 vols., in one. thick small 8vo, vellum (small hole through cen- ter of one leaf). Yenetia : Per Francesco Lorenzini da Turino, 1560. The Italian translation by Cravaliz. One of the most interest- ing and authentic accounts of the early discoveries in the "In- dies." Cieca lived eighteen years in Peru. Of the original Span- ish text (1553) only two or three copies appear to be known. 466. [CIECA DE LEON (P. DE).] La Prima Parte dell' Historic del Peru. Composta da Pietro Cieza. 16mo, vellum. Yenetia : 1560. The second and third parts are by Gomara. 467. CIST (CHARLES). Cincinnati in 1841 : Its Early Annals and Future Resources. Engraved illustrations. 12mo, half roan (rubbed, title slightly spotted). Cincinnati: 1841. 468. CLARK (DANIEL). Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr, with a Full Refutation of his Slanderous Allegations in Relation to the Character of the Principal Witness Against Him. 8vo, new boards and label, uncut (some corners slight- ly stained). Phila. : 1809. Scarce. 67 2" 469. CLARK (GEORGE ROGERS). Col. George Rogers [? — Clark's Sketch of his Campaign in the Illinois in 1778-9; ■with an Introduction by Hon. Henry Pirtle, of Louisville, and An Appendix containing the Public and Private Instructions to Col. Clark and Major Bowman 's Journal of the taking of Post St. Vincents. Portrait on India paper. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cincinnati: 1869. Large Papeh Copy. 470. CLARK (REV. JOHN). "Father Clark," or The - Pioneer Preacher by "An Old Pioneer." Frontispiece. 16mo, cloth (few pages foxed). New York: 1855. Z- 471. CLARKE {^.—Minister of St. Bennets-Finck). A Geographical Description of all the Countries in the Known 3 ""Ji "World .... unto which is added a Description of the Rarest Beasts, Fowls. Birds, Fishes and Serpents. Curious en- graved title, hy E. Gay wood, representing the various coun- tries of the world. Small folio, half leather (some margins slightly mildewed, 3 margins torn into not damaging text) . Lond. : 1657. First Edition. America is described on pages 169-190, with an account of some of the Barbarous Cruelties of the Spaniards. 472. [CLA VERS (MRS. MARY).] Forest Life. By the h-o Author of "A New Home", first edition. 2 vols., 12mo, " " cloth. N. Y. : 1842. 473. CLAVIGERO (FRANCISCO S.). Storia Antica de Messico cavata da' migliori storici Spagnuoli; e da' manu- scritti, e dalle pitture antiche degl' Indiani: divisa in died ' libri, e corredata di carte geogratiche, e di varie figure: e dissertazioni- Sulla Terra, sugli Anioiali, e sugli abitatori de Messico. 2 folding maps and 20 fitie copper-plate engravings. 4 vols., 4to, contemporary binding, vellum backs, board sides (corner of 2 leaves torn). Cesena : 1780-1781. Rare Original Edition. Printed in Italian. The author, a native of Vera Cruz, was a Jesuit and a learned antiquarian, who spent thirty years of active research into the archseology and antiquities of Mexico. His work is a mine of precious historical documents and one of the most valuable works relating to the history of Mexico. 474. CLAVIGERO (FRANCISCO S.). The History of ^lexico. . . .to which are added. Critical Dissertations on the Land, the Animals and the Inhabitants of Mexico. Translated by Charles Cullen. 2 folding maps and many fine copper- plate engravings. 2 vols., 4to, calf (one binding broken). Lond.: 1787. Original Edition of the first English translation of Clavigero's famous work. From the library of F. W. Brydges. with his engraved book- plate, by Mordecai, not mentioned by Fincham. 68 47-"). CLAVncJERO (FKAXCISCO S.). Ilistoria Anti- '.' gua (le Mc'f^ico: sacada de los incjorcs liistoriadorcs Espanoles y (Ic los numuscritos y de las piiituras Aiitiguas de los Indies: dividid a en dioz libros. Illustrated with plates and folding maps (a little foxed). 2 vols., 8vo, half crimson morocco. Londres: Lo publica R. Ackerraann, 1826. Very scakce. Not in the Bahlow, Brini.ey oe Menzies collections. 476. CLINTON (SIR HENRY). The Narrative of Lieut- enant-General Sir Henry Clinton. K. H.. Relative to His Con- • duet during Part of his Command of the King's Troops in North America : particularly to that which respects the Un- fortunate Issue of the Campaign in 1781. With an appendix, containing Copies and Extracts of those Parts of his Corres- pondence with Lord George Germain, Earl Cornwallis, Rear Admiral Graves, etc. Sixth Edition. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Loud. : 1783. Fine copy. 477. CLINTON (SIR PIE'NRY). Observations on Mr. ^~ Stedraan's History of the American War. 4to. half calf, uncut. Lond. : 1794. Rare Origixal Edition. Fine large copy, with wide mar- gins and rougii uncut edges. 47S. CLINTON (SIR HENRY). Narrative of the Cam- , ». paign in 1781 in North America ; — Answer to Sir Henry Clin- ton 's Narrative of the Campaign in 1781 in North America. By Earl Cornwallis: — Observations on Earl Cornwallis' An- swer. By Sir Henry Clinton. 3 vols., 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt backs and top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Phila. : J. Campbell, 1865-66, OxLY 200 COPIES, reprinted from the rare originals. Relates to the Controversy between Clinton and Cornwallis regarding the Campaign in North Carolina, with Letters which passed between the two regarding the same. 479. CLUB OF ODD V0LU:\1ES. Littlefield (George). ^' Early Schools and Scliool-Books of New England. Facsimile illustrations of title-pages and prints. 8vo, half leather, un- cut. Bost. : The Club of Odd Volumes, 1904. Only 167 copies printed. A valuable Historical and Biblio- graphical work, relating to the early Catechisms, Hornbooks, Spellers. Readers. Grammars and other school-books of Boston, with a preliminary sketch of the early schools of Europe and New England. 1^ > 480. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. Littlefield (George). The Early Massachusetts Press, 1638-1711. Facsimile illus- trations of rare title-pages. 2 vols.. 8vo, half leather, un- cut. Bost. : 1907. Only' 17.5 copies printed. 69 481. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES, Morton (Nathaniel). ^- New England's ^lemorial. With an Introduction by Arthur Lord. S Universam Geographiam, tarn Veterem quam Novam. 39 en- graved maps (colored). Small 4to, calf (shaken — accord- ing to the index the copy lacks 5 maps) , Amstelaedami : 1682. Two of the maps show the Western Hemisphere. -Q 483. COBBETT (WILLIAM). Letters on the Late War 2, '— between the United States and Great Britain : together with other Miscellaneous Writings on the same Subject. 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. : 1815. Fine copy. Relates to the War of 1812. _ 484. COBBETT (WILLIAM). A Year's Residence in •Z? the United States of America. Folding map laid in. 3 parts. (each with separate title) bound in one vol. 8vo, half calf, Lond.: 1818 485. COBBETT (WILLIAM). A Year's Residence in ""o the United States of America. Third Edition. Folding map " 12mo. boards, original paper label, uncut (name on title). Lond.: 1822 Contains Hulme's Journal of a Tour in the West. 486. COBBETT (WILLIAM). The Emigrant's Guide ^ in Ten Letters, addressed to the Tax-Payers of England .... ' — including several Authentic and most Interesting Letters from English Emigrants now in America. 12mo, boards, uncut (top margins ink-stained). Lond.: 1829. FiBST Edition. 487. COCHRANE (CAPT. CHARLES S.). Journal of a Residence and Travels in Columbia, during the Years 182S <^~ and 1824. Folding map and finely colored frontispieces. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt backs (edges of binding slightly rubbed). Lond.: 1825. 488. COCHRANE (CAPTAIN JOHN D.). Narrative of A Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary^ from the Frontiers of China to the Frozen Sea and Kam- tehatka, 1820-23. 8vo, boards, cloth back (title spotted). Phila.: 1824. ^ r 489. CODMAN ( JOHN) . The Round Trip by way of Pan- ^ ama, through California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Colorado, with Notes on Railroads, Commerce, Scenery, People, etc. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : 1879. 490. COFFIN (CHARLES CARLETON). The Seat of Empire. Illustrated. 16mo, cloth. Bost. : 1870. 70 THIRD SESSION Wednesday Morning, May 6, 1914. Commencing at 10:30 o'clock. 491. COLDEX (CADWALLADER). The History of the Five Iiulian Nations of Canada, which are dependent on the (^ - Province of New Yorlc in America, and are the Barrier between tiie English and French in that Part of the World. With accounts of their. .. .several battles and treaties with the European Nations. .. .To which is added, Accounts of the several other Nations of Indians in North-America. Map. 8vo, old calf. Lond. : 1747. Second and Best Edition. The author spent upwards of fifty years iu America and was intimately associated with In- dian affairs. Having had access to the documents in the care of the Indian Commissioner, he had much of his material at first hand and was thus enabled to produce what is generally con- coded one of the most valuable contributions to the aboriginal his- tory of the period. 492. GOLDEN (CADWALLADER). The History of the - . Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are the Barrier Be- I' tween the English and French in that Part of the World. With particular accounts of their Religion, ^Manners, Customs, Laws and Government : their several Battles and Treaties with the European Nations; their Wars with other Indians. May, portrait of the author inserted. 8vo, full green polished calf, gilt l3ack. red leather label (title slightly foxed). ^ Lond. : 1750. Second Edition. Scarce. 493. GOLDEN (CADWALLADER). The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are Dependent on the , 5o Province of New York in America, and are the Barrier be- - "" tween the English and the French in that Part of the World . . . .their several Battles and Treaties with European Na- tions, their Wars with other Indians .... To which are added, Accounts of several other Nations of Indians in North-Am- erica. Folding map. 2 vols., 12mo, old calf, red leather labels. Lond. : l755. Third Edition, in which the dedication is changed to Gen. Oglethorpe. The work contains also several alterations, in which the editor shows his antipathy to Indian names. Rare. With two English armorial book-plates in each vol., one of which is engraved by Mutlow. ^ 494. GOLDEN (CADWALLADER). The History of the ■^O Five Indian Nations depending on the Province of New York. Reprinted exactly from Bradford's New York Edi- tion. (1727). With Introduction and Notes by John G. Shea. Portrait. Svo. half green morocco, gilt top. uncut. N. Y.: 1866. Only 12.!i copies printed. 71 495. COLDEX (CADWALLADER D.). Memoir, Pre- pared at the Request of the Common Council of the City of New York, and Presented to the ]Mayor of the City, at the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals. Portraits, maps and numerous plates. 4to, calf (weak at hinges) . N. Y. : 1825. Fi.NE COPY COMPLETE, with all the text and plates, including the Appendix, which contains an Account of the Grand Canal Celebration at New York, Nov. 4, 1825, and the Narratives of tlie Festivities observed in Honor of the Completion of the Canal, by William L. Stone. The illustrations comprise pobtbaits of CoLDEN, Mitchell, Paulding and Hone, eng. by Durand ; rabe PORTBAIT OF RiCHABD RiKEB, Recorder of N. T. ; lithographic plates by Imbert, including babe views of Bitffalo and Lock- port ; views of the various fire engines, Society badges and ban- ners ; Colden's map of the Five Indian Nations ; facsimile letters of Adams, Jefferson, Lafayette. Lettered on cover — "Pbesented by the City of New Yobk to •Tame-s Gulick. Engineer in the Fibe Department." Rare in complete state. 496. COLTON (WALTER). Three Years in California. With Portraits, facsimiles, and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : 1851. 497. COLTON (WALTER). Deck and Port: or, Inci- dents of a Cruise in the L'. S. Frigate "Congress" to Califor- nia. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1852. 498. COLTON (WALTER). Three Years in California. Portraits and map. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1860. 499. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). The Letter of Columbus on the Discovery of America. Facsimile of the Pictorial Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York: 1892. 500. COLUMBUS (FERDINAND). Historic Del S. D. Fernando Colombo; Nelle quali s'ha particoia*^ & vera re- latione della vita, & de' fatti dell' Ammiraglio D. Christo- foro Colombo, sua padre: Et dello scoprimento, ch'egli fece deir Indie Occidentali, dette INIondo Nvovo hora possedute dal Sereniss. Re Catolico. Nuouamente di lingua Spag- nuola tradotte nell' Italiano dal S. Alfonso Ulloa. 16mo, full brown crushed levant morocco, heavy bands, gilt ornamental centers, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by pratt. Venetia : Appresso Francesco de' Franceschi Sanese, 1571. VkBY fine copy OF THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE FiRST EDITION, in fine binding. Perfect and clean throughout. "The author was born at Cordova, in 1487. . . He accompanied his father in his four voyage of discovery in 1502, and after the death of Columbus, made two voyages to the New World. . . He was an eye-witness to the facts which he relates in the above volume, particularly the fourth voyage of his father, whose papers and charts he possessed." An invaluable historical work relating to the American conti- nent. 72 501. COLVIN (VERPLiANCK). Adirondack Wilder- ness of New York. Report of the Topographical Survey of, for 1873. Large folding maps. 8vo, cloth. Albany: 1874. 502. COLVOCORESSES (LIEUT. G. M,). Four Years '^ in a Goverment Exploring Expedition to the Island of Ma- ~ deira, Brazil, Chili, the north west coast of America, etc. Many illustrations. 12mo, cloth (back slightly rubbed). N. Y.:]852. 503. COMPLEAT HISTORY OF THE LATE WAR (A) ; or Annual Register of its Rise, Progress, and Events in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, and Exhibiting the State - of the Belligerent Powers at the Commencement of the War; their Interests and Objects in its Continuance. Interspersed with the Characters of the able and disinterested Statesmen, to whose Wisdom and Integrity and of the Heroes, to whose Courage and Conduct, we are indebted for that Naval and Military Success. Illustrated with 29 portraits and 10 maps. 8vo, full polished sprinkled calf, gilt back, leather labels, sides with panel of light polished calf and gilt lines, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by morrell. Dublin : Printed by John Exshaw, 1763. Fixe Extka-Illustrated Copy of the Original Edition, beautifully bound, with 19 extra portraits and 4 extra maps INSERTED. A Rare work on the French and Indian War. [Sec Illustrations]. r 50-4. CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collec- _ tions. Vol. I. 8vo. cloth. Hartford: 1860. Contnins Thomas Hooker's Letter to Gov. Winthrop, 1638; Trial of Ezekiel Cheever before New Haven Church, 1649 ; Let- ter from Gov. Winthrop respecting the Charter of Connecticut; Roger Wok'ott's Journal at the Siege of Louisbourg, 1745 ; Cor- respondence with the British Government, 1755-1758, etc. ;o 505. CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collec- - tions. Vol. 3. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Hartford: 1895. Contains Pierson's Some Helps for the Indians ; Gershom Bulkeley's Will and Doom ; Roger Wolcott's Memoir of Connec- ticut, etc. 506. CONSTITUTION. Constitutions of the Several In- dependent States of America; the Declaration of Independ- 1? ence ; and the Articles of Confederation .... To which are now added, The Declaration of Rights; the Non-Importation Agreement, and the Petition of Congress to the King. With an appendix, containing the Treaties between his most Christ- ian ]Majesty and the United States of America, the Provisional Treaty with America, and (never before published), an Auth- entic Copy of the Treaty Concluded between their High ]\Iiglitin esses, the States-General and the United States. 8vo^ old calf (cracked at hinges). Lond. : J. Stockdale, 1783. 73 5." 507. CONVERSATIONS on the Mackinaw and Green- Bay Indian Missions. In Two Parts. Frontispiece. 16mo, cloth. Bost.: 1833. Scarce. Fine copy. 508. COOK (FREDERICK). Journals of the MiUtary ^ Expedition of Major General John Sullivan Against the Six 2 Nations of Indians in 1779. "With Records of Centennial Cele- brations. Engraved portraits and folding maps. Royal 8vo, cloth. Auburn : N. Y., 1887. 509. COOK (CAPTAIN JAMBS). A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Undertaken by the Command of His Majesty, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, perform- •3 — ed under the Directions of Captains Cook and Gore. (Vols. I and II. written by Capt. James Cook. — Vol. III. by Capt. James King.) Numerous fine maps and charts, from the original drawings by Lieut. Henry Roberts, and a great variety of folio and ito engravings, including portraits, views and historical representations, drawn hy Mr. Webber. 3 vols., 4to, diamond russia (folio Vol. in half russia.) Together 4 vols., 4to. and folio, gilt backs (the three 4to, vols, have been neatly rebacked). Lond. : Printed by H. Hughs, 1785. Ax EXCEPTIONALLY FINE CLEAN COPY, WITH ALL THE MAPS, CHARTS AND PLATES, numbered 1 to 81, and including the babe LABGE FOLIO ATLAS, which Contains 64 folio plates. These voy- afjes were undertaken to determine the position and extent of the Western parts of North America ; its distance from Asia, and the practicability of a Northern Passage to Europe. 510. COOK (CAPTAIN JAMES) . Three Voyages Round .^ the World. With a Sketch of his Life. Edited by Lieut. Chas. R. Low. With numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Lond.: Routledge, n. d. Fine crisp copy. ^o 511. COOKE (P. ST. G.). Scenes and Adventures: or ~ Romance of Military Life. 12mo, cloth (name on title). Philadelphia: 1857. 512. COOPER (JAMES FENIMORE). The American Democrat, or. Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the _ United States of America, first edition. 12mo, original cloth (library label on front cover and margins of few leaves slightly spotted). Cooperstown: 1838. Good sound copy. 513. COOPER (JAMES FENIMORE). The History of u. " the Navy of the United States of America. Steel portraits and miip. 2 vols.. 8vo, original cloth, uncut (plates slightly spot- ted). Lond.: 1839. Best Libbaby Edition, published by Richard Bentley. Large, clear type. This issue is as scarce as the American edition is common. 74 g 514. OOPWAY (GEORGE). The Life, History and - Travels of Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, a young Indian Chief of the Ojibwa Nation. Written by himself. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. Albany: 1847. 515. COPWAY (GEORGE). Recollections of a Forest f Life: or, The Travels of Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Chief of the Ojibway Nation. 16mo, cloth, uncut. London: (1850). 516. COPWAY (GEORGE). The Ojibway Conquest. A o Tale of the Northwest. By Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh. Portrait. " 12mo, cloth. ' N. Y. : for the Author, 1850. 517. COPWAY (GEORGE). The Traditional History and characteristic sketches of the Ojibway Nation. Illustra- tions. 16mo, cloth, uncut. London: 1850. 518. COPWAY (GEORGE). Running Sketches of Men >o and Places, in England, France, Germany, Belgium, and Scot- ~ land. Portraits. 12mo, cloth, gilt top. N. Y. : 1851. 519. CORDOVA (ADMIRAL DON. A. DE). A Voyage 'J of Discovery to the Strait of Magellan: with an account of — the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants ; and of the Na- tural Productions of Patagonia. Engraved portrait and map. Svo. marbled wrappers. London: {ca., 1820) 520. CORNWWLLIS (KINAHAN). The New El Do- ."" rado : or, British Columbia. With a map and illustration by the Author. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1858. First Edition. Presentation copy from the Author, with auto- graphic inscription in the third person. 521. CORTES (FERDINAND). La preclara Narra- tione di Perdinando Cortese della Nuoua Hispagna del Mare ^^ Oceano. al Saeratissimo, & Invictissimo Carlo di Romani Im- peratore sempre Augusto Re Dhispagna, & cio che siegue, nel- lano del Signore, ]MDXX, trasmessa : Nella quale si c5tegono molte cose degne di scienza, & ammiratione. circa le cittadi egregie di quelle Provincie costumi d habitatori, sacrifici di Fanciulli. & Religiose persone, Et massimamente della celebre citta Temixtitan, & varie cose marauigliose di quella, e quali diletteranno mirabilmete il lettore per il Dottore Pietro Sav- orgnano . . . . dal iddioma Hispagniuolo in lingua latina. . . . dalla Facodia latna al spledore della lingua volgare p ^Nlesser Nicolo Liburnio co fidelta & diligeza tradotta. Woodcut border on title, map (in facsimile). 73 unnumbered leaves. Small 4to, full claret crushed levant morocco, gilt back, sides in gilt line panel tooling, inside gold border, gilt edges, by SAXGORSKi (original map replaced by a facsimile, last leaf with printer's mark of elephant missing). Colophon : Stampata in Venetia per Bernardino de Viano de Lexona Vercellese. . . .MDXXIIIL, (1524). B. A. v., No. 129. Very Rabe. 75 ■2>- i^.' 522. CORTES (FERDINAND). De Roem-Waardige Zee- en Land-To^en Door den vermaarden Ferdinandes Cortes, Als Bevel-hebber met een Scheeps-Vloot godaan na Nieuw- Spanje en ^Mexico, in de Jaaren 1518, en vervolgens. Map and 5 copper-plate engravings. Small 8vo, marbled wrappers. Leyden: P. Vander Aa, 1706. Rare issue of this account of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. 523. CORTES (FERDINAND). Correspondence de Fernand Cortes avec I'Empereur Charles-Quint, sur la Con- quete du Mexique. Traduite par j\I. le Vieomte de Flavigny. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, old dark green morocco. En Suisse: chez les Libraires Associes, 1779. A translation abridged from I^orenzana, the letters being called first, second and third, instead of second, third and fourth. 524. CORTES (FERDINAND). Brieven can Ferdinand Cortes, aan Keizer Karel V. Wegens de Verovering Van ]\lexico. Folding map, colored, and 2 copper-plate engravings. 2 vols., 8vo, marbled wrappers, uncut, (name stamped on titles). Amsterdam: 1780-81. Rabe Edition. Contains the Four first Letters of Cortes re- lating to the Discovery of Mexico. 525. COSTUME PLATES [Boucher (Guy).] Alsace Francoise ou Nouveau R Edition. 89 6 - 2 5 624. DILLON (JOHN B.). A History of Indiana, from C -y ~^, its p]arliest Exploration by Europeans to the Close of the Territorial Government, in 1816 ; comprehending a History of the Discovery, Settlement, and Civil and Military Affairs of the Territory of the U. S. Northwest of the River Ohio, and a General View of the Progress of Public Affairs in Indiana, from 1816 to 1856. Maps and plates. Royal 8vo, half red polished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Indianapolis: 1859, Fine clean uncut copy. 625. DIONYSIUS (ALEX.). Dionysii Alex, et Pomp. Melae Situs orbis descriptio. Aethiei Cosmographia. C. I. Solili Polyistor. In Dionysii poematium Commentarij Eusta- thii: Interpretatio eiusdem poematij ad verbum, ab Henr, Stephano .... In melam Annotationes loannis Oliuarii .... Emendationes Martini Antonii Delrio. 2 vols, in one, 4to, vellum. Excudebat Henricus Stephanus: 1577. 626. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, By Christopher Col- umbus. Illustrated with ivoodcuts. 18mo, original sheep. Dublin: 1824. 627. DISTURNELL (J.). A Trip through the Lakes of North America: embracing a full description of the St. Law- rence River, together with all the principal places on its banks, from its source to its mouth. With maps and illustra- tions. 18mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1857. 628. DISTURNELL (J.). Influence of Climate in North and South America: showing the varied climatic influences operating in the Equatorial, Tropical, Sub-Tropical, Tem- perate, Cold and Frigid Regions, Extending from the Arctic to the Antarctic circle. Maps and colored frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. N. Y.: 1867. 629. DISTURNELL (J.). The Great Lakes, or Inland Seas of America; embracing a full description of Lakes Su- perior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario. . . .together with a Guide to the Upper Mississippi. With maps and illustra- tions. 16mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1868. 630. DIXON (CAPTAIN GEORGE). A Voyage Round the World: but more Particularly to the North-West Coast of America, 1785-1788. Second Edition. Folding Maps, charts and engravings, including many fine copper-plate en- gravings of natural history. 4to, half sheep (binding rubbed). Lond. : 1789. 631. DIXON (WILLIAM HEPWORTH). New America. With illustrations from original photographs. 8vo, cloth. Phila.: 1867. 90 632. DOBRS (ARTHUR). An Account of the Countries _ adjoining to Hudson 's Bay, in the North-West Part of Amer- ica, containing a Description of their Lakes and Rivers. . . . shewing the benefit to be made by settling Colonies, and open- ing Trade in these Parts ; whereby the French will be deprived in great Measure of their Traffick in Furs, and the Communi- cation between Canada and Mississippi be cut oif. With copper-plate map, as described hy Joseph La France. 4to, old panel calf. Lond. : 1744. Original Edition. Rare. The map is particularly scarce. -75 633. DOBRIZHOFFER (MARTIN). An Account of the - Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay. Translated from the Latin. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf. Lond. : Murray, 1822. Fine copy of a very uncommon book, from the Library of Thomas C. Trench, with his book-plates. 634. DOBSON (AUSTIN). Thomas Bewick and his Pu- ^ pils. With 95 illustrations. 12mo, original pictured cloth. Lond.: 1889. 635. DODDRIDGE (JOSEPH). Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars, of the Western Parts of Virginia and Penn- ^ sylvania, from the Year 1763 until the Year 1783, inclusive. ^ Together with a View of the State of Society and Manners of the First Settlers of the Western Country. 16mo, original sheep. Wellsburgh, Va. : Printed at the office of the Gazette^ for the author. 1824. The very rake First Editioi^. An interesting and authentic work, drawn from original sources. With autograph signature of Samuel G. Drake, the historian. 636. DODDRIDGE (JOSEPH). Notes on the Settle- '^f ment and Indian Wars of the Western Parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania, from 1763 to 1783, inclusive. Together with a view" of the state of Society, and manners of the First Settlers of the Western Country. 12mo, roan back and boards, uncut and unopened. Albany: Munsell, 1876. 637. DODGE (COL. R. I.). The Plains of the Great West ,~ and their Inhabitants. Being a description of the Plains, Game, Indians, etc., of the Great North American Desert. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1877. A very uncommon and readable volume. Few authors have written with such charm on life in the West. bo 638. DODGE (COL. R. L). Our Wild Indians: Thirty- ~ three years' Personal Experience among the Red Men of the Great West. Portrait and illustrations, some colored. 8vo,. cloth. Hartford: 1882.. 91 5^ 639. DODSLEY'S ANNUAL REGISTER, or a View of — the Histor}-, Polities and Literature, 1774-1780. 8 vols., 8vo, old calf (bindings slightly rubbed). Lond. : 1775-1780. These volumes covering the period of the AsfEBiCAN Revolu- tion, contain much valuable information relating to aflfairs in America at the time. 640. DOMEXECH (ABB]&EM.). Missionary Adventures r^ « in Texas and Mexico : a Personal Narrative of Six Years ' ""'■ Sojourn in those Regions. Folding map. 8vo, cloth (small embossed stamp on title). Lond.: 1858. 641. DOMENECH (ABBfi EM.). Seven Years' R^si- ^ ?£ dence in the Great Deserts of North America. 58 colored ' wood cuts by A. Joliet, 3 plates of ancient Indian Music and a map. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Lond. : Longman, 1860. 642. DONNANT (D. F.). Statistical Account of the ^ United States of America. Translated from the French. By •££* William Playfair. Colored folding statistical chart. 8vo, original boards, uncut (back chipped). Lond.: 1805. -£ 643. DOUGHERTY (REV. PETERT. A Chippewa ^ Primer. Second Edition. Enlarged. 16mo, half roan. N. Y. : 1847. 644. [DOUGLAS (T.).] Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement of Kildonan, upon the Red River in - North America : its Destruction in the Years 1815 and 1816 ; and the ]\Iassacre of Governor Semple and his Party. Folding map. 8vo, half green calf, gilt tooled back, uncut. Lond.: n. d. (1817). A note at the beginning is dated January, 1817. It is the work referred to in a postscript to the "Narrative" as having made its appearance in the circle of Selkirk's friends. Rich had a copy with a manuscript note signed by J. Halkett, from which it would appear that he was the author of it. 645. DOUGLASS (WILLIAM). A Summary, Historical and Political, of the First Planting, Progressive Improve- ments, and Present State of the British Settlements in 5sorth- America. Large folding map. 2 vols., 8vo. half calf (bind- ings cracked at hinges). Lond.: 1760. Rabe. This copy contains the scabce map, of which Sabin says, "A^o copy has been found, in its original state, tcith the map." 646. [DRAGE (THEODORE SWAINE).] An Account of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage by Hudson's Streights, to the Western and Southern Ocean of America, performed in the Year 1746 and 1747, in the ship California, Capt. Francis Smith, Commander. By the Clerk of tlie California. 5 folding maps and 4 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, lialf morocco, gilt backs, uncut, Lond. : 1848-49. Fine copy. 92 647. DRAKE (BENJAMIN). The Life and Adventures ■of Black TIawk: with Sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians, and the late Black Hawk War. Woodcut portrait and ill list rat ions. ]2mo, original cloth, paper label. Cinn.: 1841. _ 648. DRAKE (BENJAMIN). The Life and Adventures of Black Hawk: with Sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians, and the late Black Hawk War. Seventh Edition, Improved. Woodcut portrait and plate. 12rao, full polished brown calf, gilt back, floral design, leather labels, gilt outside and inside borders, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorp\ Cincinnati : 1850. Fine copy, handsomely bound. 649. DRAKE (FRANCIS S.). The Indian Tribes of the " United States: their History, Antiquities, Customs, Religion, Arts, Language, Traditions, Oral Legends, and ^Myths. Illus- trated with over 100 full-page plates, line engravings, colored plates of Picture writing, scenes in Indian life, western views, remains of ancient art, etc. 2 vols., royal 4to, half russia. gilt tops, lower edges uncut. Phila. : 1891. The extensive and valuable materials collected by H. R. School- craft in his six volume work, are here by a careful process of elim- ination and condensation reduced to two portable volumes, with- out impairing the value of the work to the general reader. ij- 650. DRAKE (SAMUEL G.). Indian Biography; con- taining the Lives of more than two hundred Indian Chiefs. . . . Giving at large their most Celebrated Speeches. ^Memorable Sayings, Numerous Anecdotes and a History of their Wars. 16mo, cloth. Boston: 1832. 651. DRAKE (SAMUEL G.). /Biography and History of the Indians of North America ; also, A History of their Wars. Third Edition, with large additions and corrections. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, half leather. Boston: 1834. l^ 652. .DRAKE (SAMUEL G.). The Old Indian Chronicle; "" ... .to which are now" added marginal notes and Chronicles of the Indians. Illustrations. 16mo, cloth, uncut. Boston: 1836. ^^ 653. DRAKE (SAMUEL G.). Biography and History of — the Indians of North America ; also, A History of their Wars. Fifth Edition, with large additions and corrections. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. half sheep (binding rubbed). Boston: 1837. _ ; 654. DRAKE (SAMUEtK.G.). Tragedies of the Wilder- '" • ness; or, True and Authentic Narratives of Captives, who have been carried away by the Indians. Illusts. (Edges of binding slightly rubbed). 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1846. "- 93 655. DRAKE (SAMUEL G.). The History and Antiqui- ties of Boston (Mass.) from its Settlement in 1630 to the Year 1770, also an Introductory History of the Discovery and Settlement of New England. With Notes, Critical and Illus- trative. Engraved portraits, views and vignettes throughout text. Complete in the 17 original parts, as issued, with all the wrappers, uncut, in half morocco, slip-case, lettered in gilt. Bost.: 1856. Original Issue. An Exceptionally Fine Copy, crisp and clean, with all the wrappers, including all the rare numbers. 656. DRAKE (SAMUEL G.). A Brief Memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh. Portrait. Small 4to, half roan, uncut. Bost. : Printed for the Author for Private Distribution, 1862. Fine copy with the original wrappers bound in. 657. DRAKE (SAMUEL G.). A Particular History of the Five Years' French and Indian War in New England and Parts adjacent, from its Declaration by the King of France, March 15, 1744, to the Treaty with the Eastern Indians, Oct. 16, 1749. sometimes called Gov. Shirley's War. . . .Memoir of Ma j. -Gen. Shirley, etc. With portrait and other engrav- ings. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Albany: Munsell, 1870. 658. DRAKE (SAMUEL ADAMS). The Pine-Tree Coast. Profusely illustrated with full-page and text woodcuts. 8vo, original paper covers. Bost. : 1891. 659. DRAYTON (JOHN). A View of South Carolina as respects her Natural and Civil Concerns. With large fold- ing map, folding plans and Tables, View of the State House at Columbia, and other plates. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Charleston : W. P. Young, 1802. Fine copy of an exceedingly bare boopc 660. DRmiMOND (HENRY). Tropical Africa. 6 maps and many illustrations. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1889. 661. [DUBROCA (LOUIS).] L'ltineraire des Francais dans la Louisiane; contenant I'Histoire de cette Colonic fran- Qaise, sa Description, le Tableau des moeurs des peuples qui 1 'habitent .... Par Dubroca. 12mo, half crimson calf, gilt back and top, uncut (lacks map). Paris: 1802, 662. DUBROCA (LOUIS). La Vie de Toussaint-Louver- ture. Chef des Noirs Insurges de Saint-Domingue. Par Du- broca. Aquatint portrait. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris: 1802. 663. DUBROCA (LOUIS). Het Leven van Jean Jacques Dessalincs, Opperhoofd der Opgestane Negers van St. Do- mingo. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, Haarlem: 1805. 94 ^o 664. DU CHAILLU (PAUL B.). The Land of the .Mid- — night Sun. Summer and Winter Journeys through Sweden, Norway, Laphmd and Northern Finhmd. Map& and 2.'35 Illus- trations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1882. 665. DUDLEY (DOROTHY). Tlie Cambridge of 1776: '^£^' with which is incorporated The Diary of Dorotliy Dudley. Map and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Cambridge: 1876, 666. [DUMONT D'URVILLE (JULES S. C.).] Voyage 'c-^ Pittoresque Autour du ]\Ionde. With separate volume of maps, portraits, views, etc. 3 vols., small folio, original boards, uncut. Paris : 1834. 667. DUNLAP (WILLIAM) . History of the New Nether- ng lands. Province of New York, and State of New York, to the - Adoption of the Federal Constitution. Folding maps and portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, paper labels. N. Y. : Printed for the Author, 1839. Fine copy in the original boards. 5o 668. DUNN (JOHN). The Oregon Territory and the Brit- ' ish North American Fur Trade. 16mo, half sheep. Philadelphia: 1845. Scarce volume of Early Western History. ,g 669. DUNRAVEN (EDWIN, EARL OF). The Great ;i — Divide. Travels in the Upper Yellowstone in the Summer of 1874. ^Vith folding colored maps and fidl-page plates. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1876. 670. DU PONCEAU (ST. M. P[ICKERING).] Memoire t^ sur le Systeme Grammatical des Langues de quelques Nations Indiennes de I'Amerique du Nord. 8vo, half calf. Paris : 1838. 671. DURAND (COLONEL ALGERNON). The Mak- - ing of a Frontier: five years' experiences and adventures in — Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar, Chitral, and the Eastern Hindu-Kush. Portrait, illustrations and map. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: 1900. 672. DW^IGHT (TIMOTHY). Travels in New-England '. and New York. Engraved portraits and 3 folding maps. 4 vols., 8vo, new cloth, gilt tops, uncut edges. London : William Baynes & Son, 1823. -J5 673. [EASTMAN (EDWIN)]. Seven and Nine Years '- among the Comanches and Apaches. An Autobiography. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Jersey City : 1874. 674. EASTMAN (ROBERT). The Dangers and Suffer- Z^ ings of Robert Eastman, and His Deliverance from Indian Captivity. Reprinted from the original edition of 1758, with Introduction and Notes by John R. Spears. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Cleveland: 1904. Only 27 copies printed ox Japanese velluji. 95 675. EASTON (JOHN). A Narrative of the Causes- 9:' which led to Philip's Indian Wars, of 1675 and 1676. With other Documents concerning this event in the office of the- Secretary of State of New York. Prepared from the originals^ with an Introduction and Notes, by Franklin B. Hough. Folding Map. Small 4to, cloth, gilt top. Albany, N. Y. : 1858. Munsell's Historical Series, No. 2. _ 676. EATON (JOHN M.). A Treatise on the Art of ~^. Breeding and Managing Tame, Domesticated, Foreign and Fanc}^ Pigeons. 18 finely colored plates. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. : Published for the Author, 1858. 677. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORIES. The Greek Ec- 'c~ clesiastical Historians of the First 'Six Centuries of the Christian Era. 6 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : n. d. Eusebius' Life of Constantine ; Ecclesiastical History, So- crates. Scholasticus's History : Sozomen's Narrative ; Theo- doret's Ecc. Hist. ; Evagrius's Ecc. Hist. 678. EDDIS (WILLIAM). Letters from America. His- r torieal and Descriptive, comprising Occurrences from 1769 to '^ " 1777, inclusive. 8vo, half polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut, by Sangorski. Lond. : 1792. These 42 letters give an account of the state of public feeling anterior to the Revolution, the progress of the war, dangers the author experienced, etc. An impoetant histobical item. 6, — 679. EDEN (CHARLES HENRY). The Home of the Wolverine and Beaver; or, Fur-Hunting in the Wilds of Canada. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. London: (ca., 1870). 680. EDWARD (DAVID B.). The History of Texas. Folding map, colored. 12mo, sheep. Cincinnati: 1836. Contains accounts of Mexican tribes, Mexican Constitution and Colonial Laws, Laws of Coahuila and Texas ; accounts of early settlers, Indians, etc. Veby Scabce. 681. EDWARDS (BRYAN). The History. Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. Third Edition, with Considerable Additions. Portrait, maps and plates. 3 vols., royal 8vo, diamond calf, gilt backs and sides. Lond. : Printed for John Stockdale, 1801. Good sound copy. With book-plate of Edwd. Powell, in each volume. 682. EDWARDS (BRYAN). Geschiedkundige Beschou- wiiig van St. Domingo. Door Bryan Edwards. Hit bet Engelsch. Folding taUes. 8vo. half calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Haarlem: A. Loosjes, 1802. .\n kxceptionali.y ?ine copy, with rough, uncut edges. Ttie rare first issxie of the first Dutch translation of the author's Historical Survey of the French Colony in the Island of St. Domingo. 96 mikmi>i&um}.k^Mm^m^mimumi>^ •OS m MS ■OS TOS ■>s oos MIS •' M A M V S S E W'U N N E E T U P A N A T A M W E ' UP-BIBLUM GOD . , NANEESWE NUKKONE TliSTAMENT KAH WCNK WUSKil TESTAMENT- ' Nc i^uoAkionumuk nsftipe Wuttinncumoli CU1{IST noh afoowtfit fOH^K ELIOT. Nihobtocu ontchttoc PdnttposmaV. e A M'B Rl D eE, *;" Printfuoop nifhpe 5 so* SOB < &0i» m so* SO" SOI» s<^ s«" fH^ll^ll^lllgll^llflllJ^lfpiPjflfr (See Xo. 68S) ^- 683. EDWARDS (CLARENCE E.). Camp-Fires of a ~ Naturalist: the story of 14 expeditions after North Ameri- can Mammals. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: 1893. 684. EDWARDS (JONATHAN). An Account of the Jo Life of the Ri'V. David Brainerd, who died at Northampton ~" in New England, October 9, 1747. Chiefly taken from his own Diary, and other private writings, written for his own use. 8vo, half sheep. Worcester: Leonard W^orcester, 1793. The scarce First Edition. This edition contains also Ex- tracts from Mr. Rrainerd's Journal, comprising the most material things in that publication. 685. EDWARDS (JONATHAN). Memoirs of the Rev. :_ David Brainerd : ^lissionary to the Indians on the borders of New York, New^ Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Chiefly taken from his own Diary. 8vo, sheep. New Haven : Converse, 1822, Includes also Brainerd's Journal, now for the first time incorporated with the rest of his Diary in a regular chronologi- cal series. By Sereno Edwards Dwight. 686. EDWARDS (JONATHAN). Observations on the Language of the ^Muhhekaneew Indians ; in which the Ex- tent of that Language in North America is Shown. 8vo, half morocco. New-Haven : Printed by Josiah ]\Ieigs, 1787. Original edition. Very scarce. 687. EGEDE (HANS). Beschryving van Oud-Groen- land, Of eigentlyk van de zoogenaamde Straat Davis. Eerst _ in de Deensche Taal beschreven door ]Mr. Hans Egede, van den jare 1721 tot 1736, ^Missionaries of Luitersch Predikant aldaar, En nu in't Nederduitsch overgebragt. Folding map and 10 copper-plate engravings Delft, 1746; (also in the same vol.). Beschryving van Ysland Greenland en de Straat Davis. Door den Heer Johan Anderson. Uit het Hoogduits vertaalt Door J. D. J. Waar by gevoegt zyn de Verbetering- en Door den Heer Niels Horrebow. Map and copper-plate engravings. Amsterdam, 1756. 3 vols, in one. Thick small 4to. half leather. Delft and Amsterdam : 1746-1756. Fixe copies. The first gives an account of the discovery and settlement of Greenland in the ninth century, the old Nor- wegian Colony, etc. The second contains an account of the Natural History of Greenland, with an appendix of Horrebow's Iceland. Also a vocabulary of the Esquimaux language, ex- plained in German and Danish. 688. ELIOT'S INDIAN BIBLE. Mamvsse | Wunnee- lupanatamwe [ Up-Biblum God | Naneeswe j Nukkone Testa- ?r ment [ kah wonk | Wusku Testament. | Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ | noh asoowesit | John Eliot. | Nahohtoeu ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. Thick small 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, sides neatly gilt and blind 97 ELIOT'S INDIAN BIBLE. tooled, with coi-iier ornaments and gilt centre-pieces, richly- gilt back with heavy bands, inside gilt line borders, gilt edges on the rough (title-page, 5 leaves in the Old Testament and 25 leaves in the Psalms remargined — slight tear in title of New Testament strengthened — all repairs, most of which are slight, being neatly and skillfully executed) by f. Bedford. <3AMBRIDGE: PRIXTEUOOP NASHPE SAMUEL GREEN, MDCLXXXV [1685] -1680. LARGE AND PEBFECT COPY, Complete with the NEW TESTAMENT AND PSALMS, (some leaves uncut at outer edge), measuring 5% in. across lower margins (6 inches across top of page) by 7% inches in height, — about a dozen leaves having been sup- plied from another copy. The present copy belonged to the Rev. Samson Occom, a famous Indian preacher of New England, and bears his auto- graph inscription twice repeated on the blank leaves at end and dated in his autograph, — '"Sept. 27. A. D. 1748." Occom began preaching Christianity to his Indian brethren of Connecticut about this time and it is evident that he made use of the present volume in his labors. Another inscription in a contemporary hand, reads — ''Purchased of the Rev'd. Samson Occom by Thomas Shatc, Esq. of New London and by Mm presented to Yale College Library, A. D. 1790." A VERY HANDSOME AND DESIRABLE COPY OF THIS EXCEEDINGLY RARE VOLUME, bound by Bedford in his most elegant manner. For a complete collation and history of the present copy, see Filling's "Bibliographic Notes on Eliot's Indian Bible" (p. 37), a copy of which, bearing presentation inscripton from Mr. Wil- berforce Eames to Mr. Hubbard, accompanies the above. [See Illustrations]. 689. ELIOT'S IXDIAiN BIBLE. Mamvsse Wunneetu- pauatamwe Up-Biblura God, (etc.) Small 4to, unbound {im- perfect copy, — 20 leaves torn into — 6 11. slightly mutilated — several margins cut close — New Testament portion badly stain- ed. — several 11. rais-sing, including title to Old Testament). CAMBRIDGE : SAMUEL GREEN, 1685-1680. This copy was once owned by Henry R. Schoolcraft and later by Mr. Thomas \V. Field and is described under No. 30 in Fill- ing's "Bibliographic Notes on Eliot's Indian Bible." Mr. Hub- bard made use of several leaves extracted from this copy to complete the volume described in the preceding lot. No. 688. Collation: Old Testament, sigs. C 2 to Zzzzz 2 (lacking title and all of sig. F) : New Testament, sigs. A to Yy 2, with title- page ( lacking sig. Qq 2 and Qq 3, all of sigs. Tt and TJu and sig. Yy 3 and Yy 4), also two blank leaves, with manuscript notes in contemporary hand. [See Illustrations]. r- 690. ELIOT (REV. JOHN). A Brief Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians of New England, 1670. With Introductory Notes by W. T. R. Marvin. Small 4to. lialf morocco, gilt top, uncut. Host. : 1868. No. 1:0 OF ONLY l.">0 COPIES PRIXTKD. ^^ 691. ELLET (CHARLES, JR.). The Mississippi and Ohio Rivers: Containing plans for the Protection of the Delta from Inundation : and investigations of the practicability and cost of improving the Navigation of the Ohio and other Rivers by Cleans of Reservoirs. With an Appendix, on the Bars at the Mouths of the ^lississippi. Plans. 8vo, cloth, uncut. PhHa. : 1853. 692. ELLET (ELIZABETH F.). Pioneer Women of the AVest. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth (slightly rubbed). N. Y.: 1852. 693. ELLICOTT (ANDREW). The Journal of Andrew Ellicott, late Commissioner on Behalf of the United States dur- ing part of the Year 1796, the Years 1798, 1799, and part of _ the Year 1800: for Determining the Boundary between the United States and the Possessions of his Catholic Majesty in America, containing Occasional Remarks of the Situation, iSoil, Rivers, Natural Productions and Diseases of the Dif- ferent Countries on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Gulf of Mexico. With an Appendix. 14 maps and charts. 4to, half morocco. Phila.: 1803. Rare. This copy contains the scarce leaf of Errata. Tlie title calls for only 6 maps, but the errata gives 8 addi- tional plates. The present copy contains all of the 14 PLATES. "One of the earliest books by an American author, which describes the vast regions traversed by the ("oramissiou, and is indeed the pioneer account of the regions then desert and now teeming with life, activity and civilization." 694. ELLIOT (DANIEL G.). North American Shore 25 Birds : a History of the Snipes, Sandpipers, Plovers and their Allies inhabiting the Beaches and Marshes of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, the Prairies, and the Shores of the Inland Lakes and Rivers of the North American Continent. Their popular and scientific names, together with a full description of their mode of life, nesting, etc. With 74 full-page illustra- tions from drawings hy Edwin Sheppard. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : F. P. Harper. 1895. Large paper: only 100 copies printed and signed by THE author. 695. ELLIOT (DANIEL G.). The Gallinaceous Game Birds of North America, including the Partridges, Grouse, Ptarmigan, and Wild Turkeys ; with accounts of their Disper- sion. Habits, Nesting, etc. and a full description of their Plum- age both Adult and Young, together with their Popular and Scientific Names. With 46 ftdl-page illustrations and a color chart. Royal, 8vo. cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : F. P. Harper, 1897. Large paper: limited to 100 copies, signed by the AUTHOR. 99 ^- 696. ELLIOT (DANIEL G.). The Wild Fowl of the United States and British Possessions: or, the Swan, Geese, Ducks, and ]\Iergansers of North America. Illustrated with 63 plates. 12nio, cloth. N. Y. : 18»8. 697. ELLIOT (DANIEL G.). The Wild Fowl of the United States and British Possessions ; or, the Swan, Geese and ^Mergansers of North America. With accounts of their habits, nesting, migrations, and dispersions, together with descrip- tions of the Adults and Young, and keys for the ready identi- fication of the species. Portrait and 63 fine fidl-page illustra- tions. Roval, 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : F. P. Harper, 1898. Large paper: limited to 100 copies, sig.ned by the AUTHOR. 698. ELLIOTT (WILLIAM). The Washington Guide. With a map of Washington City (repaired) and lith. views. 16mo. half roan and boards. Wash. : 1837. Contains an account of the Chesapeake Bay by Capt. John Smith : Laws relating to the cession of the Territory by Mary- land and Va., Botany of the D. C, etc. 699. ELLIS (HENRY). A Voyage to Hudson 's-Bay, by the Dobbs Galley and California, in the Years 1746 and 1747, for the Discovering a North West Passage ; mth an Accurate Survey of the Coast and a short Natural History of the Country. Folding map and engraved plates. 8vo, old calf, gilt back. Lond. : 1748. Original edition, with fine impressions of the plates. Contains an important account of the Esquimaux Indians and their i)oculiar customs. With armorial book-plate of Edward, Ijord Suffield. 7fM). ELLIS (HENRY). Voyage de la Baye de Hudson, fait en 1746 et 1747. pour la Decouverte du Passage de Nord- Ouest. Traduit de 1 'Anglois de M. Henri Ellis. Folding map and 7 engraved plates, hy Flipart. 2 vols, in one, 12mo, mot- tled calf, gilt back. ' Paris: Ballard fils, 1749. Fine copy. With all the plates. Scarce. 701 . ELLIS (HENRY) . A Voyage to Hudson 's-Bay, by the Dobbs Galley and California in the Years 1746 and 1747, for Discovering a Nortli W^est Passage; with accurate Survey of the Coast, and a Natural History of the Country. With a new and correct Chart of Hndson's-Bay, engraved on copper. 8vo. half light calf, leather labels, gilt back and top. Dublin: 1749. Scarce Edition. 702. ELLIS (HENRY). Voyage a la Baye de Hudson, fait i-u 1746 (et) 1747, par les Navires le Dobbs-Galley (et) la California, pour la decouverte d'un Passage au Nord- Oiif-st. Traduit de I'Anglois et augmente de quelques Remar- 100 ELLIS (HENRY). ques. Folding map and 9 copper -plate engravings. 8vo, half calf, uncut. Leide: 1750. Fine copy of a rare edition, containing many curious obser- vations, a survey of the coast, natural history of the country and much valuable information relating to the attempt to find a North-West Passage. 708. ELLIS (T.). Kort Berigt van Mr. Ellis, Een der _ Kapiteynen van d'Heer Richard Hawkins, aangaande sijn Revs (loor de Straat Van Alagellanes. In't Jaar 1593.... ']\litsga(lers Engelse Reysen Na de Bermudas of Summer- Eyladen En eerst Hendrik Clay's Schip-breuk daar ontrent in't Jaar 1593 . . . . Doorhem selfs bescreven en van Richard Norwood vervolgd. Vignette on title and folding map. Small 8vo. half calf. Leyden: P. Vander Aa, 1706. 704. ELLIS (WILLIAM). An Authentic Narrative of _ a Voyage performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in ^' his Majesty's Ships Resolution and Discovery. 1776-1780; in Search of a North-West Passage between the Continents of Asia and America, including a Faithful Account of their Discoveries. Folding map and 21 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half polished mottled calf, gilt backs, red leather labels, gilt tops, uncut, BY SANGORSKi. Lond. : 1784. TiriRD EDITION. An exceptionally large copy, with wide margins and rough, uncut edges. Rare. 705. ELLIS (REY. WILLIAM). Narrative of a Tour _ through Hawaii : or, Owhyee : with Remarks on the History, Traditions. Manners, Customs and Language of the Inhabi- tants of the Sandwich Islands. Map and engraved plates. 8vo. original boards, paper label, uncut. Lond. : 1826. ^^ 706. ELLIS (REY. AVILLIA:\I). Polynesian Researches — During a Residence of Nearly Eight Years in the Society and Sandwich Islands. Engravings, maps and woodcuts. -1 vols., 16mo, cloth. London : 1853. 707. E:\IBARG0 laws (THE), with the Message from 1 5 the President, upon which tliey are founded. To which is — added an appendix (containing the Non-Intercourse Laws). 12mo, half calf, uncut. Bost. : 1809. 708. (EMERSON (GEORGE B.). A Report on the Trees £o and Shrubs Growing Naturally in the Forests of Massachu- setts. 17 plates. Svo. boards, cloth back. Boston : 1846. 709. E:\I0RY (WILLIAM H.). Notes on a Military Re- '£. connoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego in California, including part of the Arkansas. Del Norte and Gila Rivers, ^yith folding maps and lith. plates. 8vo, Iialf morocco. Wash. : 1848. 101 710. EMORY (WILLIAM H.). Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. Illustrated with nu- merous ( ngravcd and lith. plates many of which are colored. 3 vols.. 4to. half morocco. Wash. : 1857. Iiuhuh'd are iicoounts on the Geologj' and Palaeontology of tl'.e District by James Hall : The Botanj-. by John Torrey : the Zoology by S. F. Baird : the Ichthyology, by Charles Gir- ard. etc., each of these monographs being accompanied by numerous steel and lith. plates. 71L ENCARNACION PRISONERS: comprising an Ac- count of the March of the Kentucky Cavalry from Louisville to the Rio Grande, together with an Authentic History of the Captivity of the American Prisoners, including Incidents and Sketches of Men and Things on the Route and in Mexico, By ''A Prisoner." 8vo, half morocco, original yellow wrap- pers bound in. Louisville: Ky., 1848. A Very Rake Pamphlet. 712. ESQUEMELIN (A. 0.). Histoire des Avanturies *qui se sont signalez dans les Indes, Contenant ce qu'ils ont fait de plus Remarquable depuis vingt annees, avec la Vie^ les Moeurs, les Coutumes des Habitans de Saint Dominigue & de la Tortue, & une Description exacte de ces lieux. Engraved title and 3 maps. 2 vols, in one, 12mo, old calf (back some- what rubbed). Paris: Chez Jacques Le Febure, 1688. Second French edition. Veby babe. 713. [ESQUEMELIN (A. 0.).] Historic der Boecan- iers, of Vrybuyters van America. Van haar eerste Beginze- len tot deze tegenwoordige tyd toe. Engraved title, map and 7 copper-plate engravings. 2 vols, in one. Small 4to, vel- lum. Amsterdam: By Xieolaas Ten Hoorn, 1700. Fine copy. This edition has been much altered and the plates re-engraved. The second part is a translation of the voyages of Sharp and others. Rabe. 714. ESQUEMELIN (A. 0.). Histoire des Adventuriers- Flibustiers qui se sont Signales dans les Indes; contenant ce qu'ils y ont de remarquable, avec la vie, les moeurs et les- coutumes des Boucaniers, et des habitans de St. Dominigue, et de la Tortue. Par Alexandre-Olivier Oexmelin. Nouvelle Edition, Corrigee et augmentee de 1 'Histoire des Pirates Ang- lois. depuis leur etablissement dans I'lsle de la Providence. Engraved title and 7 maps and plates. 4 vols., 12mo, old calf, gilt backs, leather labels (one back slightly worm eaten). Trevoux : Par la Compagnie, 1775. irjooi), SOUND COPY OF THIS RARE EDITION. 7 1 5. ESQUEMELING (JOHN ) . The Buccaneers of Am- erica ; a True Account of the most Remarkable Assaults Com- mitted of late Years upon the Coasts of the West Indies by thf linceaneers of Jamaica and Tortuga (both English and Frt'iich). With facsimiles of the original illustrations. Roval .'^vo. cloth. Lond.: 1893. 102 716. EV^VXS (LEWIS). Geographical Historictil, Poli- q - tical, Philosophical and Mechanical Essays. The First, con- '■ taining au Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, and of the Country of the Confederate Indians : a Description of the Eace of the Country ; the Boundaries of the Confederates; and the Maritime and In- land Navigations of the Several Rivers and Lakes contained therein. With the original map, size 19y^ h\j 261/2 inch, (colored). 4to, half brown polished morocco, gilt back and top. PHILADKLE'HIA : PRINTED BY 1{. FRANKLIN AND D. HALL, * * * 1755. VkKY KAKE. ACCOMPAiNYIKU THE ABOVE IS A PERFECT COPY OK THE ElXCEEniNOLY RARE ORIfllNAL MAP, IN COLORS of the ''Middle British Colonics in America. .. .wherein is * * * shetvn the ancient and present state of the Indian Nations." Engraved by James Turner of Phila. This map, which is IN EXCELLENT STATE OF PRESERVATION, is generally considered to be ONE OF THE BEST MAPS OF THE AMERICAN COLONIES, EN- GRAVED IN America to that date (1755). The Memoir was written by Gov. Pownall. The western portion of the work is particularly interesting, as relating to the early history OF territory west OF THE AlLEGHANIES. Mounted on back of title is an interesting manuscript note, in a contemporary hand, referring to the author and the ■book. One of the very few copies containing "and sold by R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall Mall, London" on title-page after the date. [See Illustrations]. 717. EVERETT (EDWARD). Life of George Wash- 'O ington. Bust portrait. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1860. 718. EWBANK (THOMAS). Life in Brazil ; or A Jour- nal of A Visit to the Land of the Cocoa and The Palm. With ] 5 An Appendix Containing Illustrations of Ancient South Am- — -eriean Arts. Many illustrations. 8vo. cloth. X. Y. :1856. 719. pABEXS (JOSEPH W.). A Story of Life on o 1 the Isthmus, first edition. 12mo, wrap- — pers. N. Y.: 1853. 720. [FAILLOX (L'Abbe)]. Histoire de la Colonic Francaise en Canada. Portraits and maps. 3 vols., royal — 8vo, morocco backs and cloth. Villemarie, 1865. Very scarce ; and especially so with all the maps and in FINE condition AS ABOVE. This important publication was made from official documents, most of them unpublished, among the archives of France and Canada. 721. FAIRBAXKS (GEORGE R.). The History and 1^ Antiquities of the City of St. Augustine, Florida. Founded, A. D. 1565. Comprising some of the most interesting portions of the Early History of Florida. Map and lith. plates. 8vo, voriginal cloth. " N. Y. : 1858. 103 722. FAIRBANKS (GEORGE R.). History of Florida, from Its Discovery by Ponce De Leon, in 1512, to the Close of the War. in 1842. 12mo, cloth. Phila. : 1871. 72:1 FALCONER (THOMAS). On the Discovery of the Mississipin. and on the iSouth-Western, Oregon, and North- western Honndary of the United States. Folding map. 12mo, cloth, paper label, uncut. Lond. : 1844. Contains a translation of Memoirs of La Salle and Tonti. 724. FALCONER (THOMAS). The Oregon Question; or, a Statement of the British Claims to the Oregon Territory, in Opposition to the Pretentions of the Government of the United States of America. Folding map. 8vo, half brown polished calf, back lettered, gilt top. Lond. : 1845. First euitiox, with the rare errata slip. 725. FANNING (DAVID). Col. David Fanning 's Nar- rative of his Exploits and Adventures as a Loyalist of North Carolina in the American Revolution, supplying important omissions in the copy published in the United States. With an Introduction and Notes by A. W. Savary. 8vo, cloth. Toronto: 1908. 726. FARLEY (JOSEPH P.) Three Rivers: the James, the Potomac, the Hudson. Colored illustrations. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.: 1910. 727. FARNHAM (ELIZA W.). Life in Prairie Land. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half calf, gilt back and top, uncut. N. Y.: 1846. Fine copy. Sketches of early Western steamboats, life on the Prairie, progress of the Settlers, life in Alton, 111., etc. 728. FARNHAM (THOMAS J.). Travels in the Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Territory. 12mo, original boards, uncut. Ploughkeepsie (sic) : Killey and Lossing, 1843. Rare. Fine, clean copy. 729. FARNIIAI\I (THOMAS J.). Travels in the Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in. the Oregon Territory. 8vo, original printed wrappers. N. Y.: 1843. ^'ery scarce in this state. 730. FARNHA]\I (THOMAS J.). Life and Adventures in California, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean. Frontispiece. 8vo, half sheep, with the original pictorial wrappers bound in. (some 11. water-stained). N. Y. : 1846. Very scarce. 731. FARNHAM (THOMAS J.). Life, Adventures, and Travels in California. To which are added. Conquest of California and Travels in Oregon. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth (a few 11. in front foxed). N. Y. : 1857. 104 Geographical^ Hijlorical^ Political^ Philofophkal and Mechanical ESSAYS. THE FIRST, Containing A N ANALYSIS Of a General M A P of the MIDDLE BRITISH COLONIES I N AMERICA', And of the Country of the Cotifederate Indians : A Description of the Face of the Country j TIic Boundaries of the Confederates ; AND THE Maritime and Inland Navigations of the feveral RIVERS and LAKES contained therein. By LEWIS EVANS. PHILADELPHIA: Printed by B. FRANKLIN, and D. HALL. MDCCLV. And fold by R. and J. D O D S L E Y, in Pall-Ma!!, London. (See Xo. 716) i _ 732. FAUX (W.). Memorable Days in America: being a Journal of a Tour to the United States .... including Ac- counts of Mr. Birkbeck's Settlement in the Illinois, Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, new cloth. Lond. : 1823. 733. FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.). Excursion ^ - through The Slave States. Folding map, frontispieces and il- lustrated titles. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London : 1844. 734. FEATHEBSTONHAUGH (G. W.). A Canoe Voy- age Up the Minnay Sotor: with an Account of the Lead and " "oo Copper Deposits in Wisconsin : of the Gold Region in the I Cherokee Country, etc. Frontispiece and text illustrations. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut (slight tear in one title). Lond.: 1847. Best edition. 735. FEDERALIST (THE), on the New Constitution, , Written in 1788. By Mr. Hamilton, Mr. ]\Iadison, and Mr. _f Jay: with An Appendix containing the Letters of Pacificus and Helvidius on the Neutrality of 1793. Svo, sheep (one hinge slightly worn, name on title). Hallo well: 1857. FOURTH SESSION Wednesday Afternoon, May 6, 1914. Commencing at 2:30 o'clock. po 736. [FERGUS (HENRY).] The History of the Western — World. Vignette on titles. 2 vols., 16mo, cloth, uncut. London: 1830-32. 737. FERLAND (J. B. A.). Observations sur Un Ouv- rage Intitule Histoire du Canada, par M. I'abbe Brasseur du ^ Bourbourg, Vicaire General de Boston. 8vo, wrappers, uncut (shaken). Paris: 1854, 7£- 738. FERXOW (BERTHOLD). The Ohio Valley in - ~ Colonial Days. 4to, boards, uncut and unopened. Albany: 1890. 739. FERRIS (BENJAMIN G.). Utah and the Mor- 75" mons: the history, government, doctrines, customs, and pros- pects of the Latter-Day Saints. Portrait and many illustra- tions. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : 1854. 740. FERRIS (JACOB). The States and Territories of 5o the Great West ; including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, etc. Giv- ing a Table of Distances. Folding map a7id many illustra- tions. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1856. 741. FERRY (GABRIEL). Impressions de Voyages et Aventures dans le Mexique, la Haute Californie et les regions de rOr. 12mo, cloth back and boards. Bruxelles: 1851. Veby scarce. 105 h - 742. FEWKES (J. WALTER). Preliminary Account 2 ."" of an Expedition to the Cliff Villages of the Red Rock Coun- try, and the Tusayan Ruins of Sikyatki and Awatobi, Arizona, in 1895. (Excerpt, pp. 557-558). Many plates, some color- ed. 8vo, wrappers. N. P.: (1896). 743. FIDLER (REV. ISAAC). Observations on Profes- u^Q sions, Literature, Manners, and Emigration in the United ' — States and Canada, in 1832. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: 1833. 744. FIELD (J. M.). Colonel Thorpe's Scenes in Arkan- _ saw. Containing the Whole of the Quarter Race in Ken- ^. tucky. and other Sketches illustrative of "The Universal Yankee Nation". With Drama in Pokerville, etc. 16 illustrations hy Barley. 12mo, cloth. Phila. : (1858). 745. FIELD (STEPHEN J.). Personal Reminiscences ^ of Early Days in California, with other Sketches. To which "^ is added the story of his attempted assassination by a former associate on the Supreme Bench of the State. By George C. Gorham. 8vo, cloth. N. P. : privately printed, n. d. One of only a few copies privately printed for presen- tation TO friends. Very rare. 746. FILIPPI (FILIPPO DE). Alaska. The Ascent ^^ of Mount St. Elias. By H. R. H. Prince Luigi Amedeo di ^ ~ Savoia Duke of the Abruzzd. Narrated by Filippo de Filippi. Full-page photogravure plates besides numerous text Ulu- strations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Westminster: Constable, 1900. Fine copy. 747. FILSOX (JOHN). The Discovery, iSettlement, and Pres<'ut State of Kentucky, and an Introduction to the Topo- ^rL- graphy and Natural History of that Rich and Important ^^- Country; also Colonel Daniel Boon's Narrative of the Wars of Kentucky; with an Account of the Indian Nations within the limits of the United States, their Manners, Customs, Reli- gion and their Origin. Large colored sheet map of Ken- tucky, from actual surveys, with an inset plan of the Rapids of the Ohio River. By Capt. Thomas Hutchins. 8vo, half green polished calf, lettered back, gilt top. Lond. : John Stockdale, 1793. Fine copy of the first separate English edition, with the folon'd map in immaculate condition. The author, one of the first narrators of Indian warfare, obtained much of his information from Daniel Boone, James Harrofl and other early pioneers with whom he was personally actiuaiiited. The publisher's notice in this edition states that it contains considerable additions. 74S. FIlySON CLUB. First Explorations of Kentucky. Doctor Thomas Walker's Journal of an Exploration of Ken- tucky in 1750. being the First Record of a White Man's 106 FILSON CLUB. Visit to the Interior of that Territory, now First Published Entire, with Notes and Biographical Sketch ; also, Col. Chris- topher Gist's Journal of a Tour through Ohio and Kentucky in 1751, with Notes and Sketch, By J. Stoddard Johnston. Portrait. 4to, limp boards, uncut. Louisville : 1898. Filson Club rublications, No. 13. Scarce. Elliott CotTES' COPY with his autograph on title page. 749. FINLAY (HUGH). Journal Kept by Hugh Fin- i, - lay, SURVEYOR OP THE POST ROADS ON THE CONTINENT OP NORTH AMERICA, during his Survey of the Post Offices between Fal- mouth and Casco Bay, in the Province of ^Massachusetts and in Savannah in Georgia: begun the 13th Septr, 1773 and ended 26th June, 1774. (With Introduction by Frank H. Norton.) Maps. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt top (small ink stain on few edges). Brooklyn: 1867. liARGE PAPER EDITION, LIMITED TO 25 NUMBERED COPIES. Finlay's route by canoe through Northern Maine was down the west branch of the Penobscot, across Moosehead Lake and down the Kennebec River. g^ 750. FINLEY (JAMES B.). History of the Wyandott ) - Mission at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, under the Direction of the :\r. E. Church. 12mo, sheep (foxed). Cinn. : 1840. 751. FISCHER (JOSEPH). The Discoveries of the Norsemen in America, with special relation to their early ^ cartographical representation. Translated by Basil H. Souls- by. Facsimiles of manuscript title page and maps. 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut . St. Louis, Mo. : 1903. 752. FISHER (ALEXANDER). A Journal of a Voy- age of Discovery to the Arctic Regions, in his Majesty's 1, - iShips Hecla and Griper, in the Years 1819 and 1820. 2 maps. 8vo, original boards, uncut (few pages slightlv foxed, rebacked). Lond"! : 1821. First Edition. 753. FISHER (WILLIAM). An Interesting Account of ^5 the Voyages and Travels of Captains Lewis and Clark, in ^ " the Years 1804-6. Giving a faithful description of the River Missouri and its Source-of the various Tribes of Indians which, they passed, etc., etc. Woodcut portraits. 12mo, old sheep. BALTIMORE: 1812. Rare Account of the Lewis and Clabk Expedition. 754. FISKE (JOHN). Old Virginia and Her Neigh- ^ - hours. Illustrated with india proop portraits, maps, fac- ' similes, contemporary views, prints and other historical mar- terial. 2 vols., royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge : Printed at the Riverside Press : 1900. Large paper : Limited to 250 copies. 107 „ _ 755. [FLAGG (E.)] The Far West: or, A Tour beyond *' the Mountains. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, paper labels. J^. Y.: 1838. Fine copy of the First Edition. Embraces outlines of west- ern life and scenery ; sketches of the prairies, rivers, ancient mounds, early settlements of the French, etc. 756. FLEMING (SANDFORD). England and Canada. .To A Summer Tour between Old and New Westminster with "" Historical Notes. Folding map. 12mo, cloth. Montreal: 1884. ^ 757. FLEURIEU (C. P. CLARET). Voyage Autour du 3 ^- Monde, Pendant les Anees 1790, 1791 et 1792, Precede d'une ^ Introduction Historique. Maps and plates. 4 vols., 4to, calf, gilt (backs strengthened). Paris: [1798]. 758. FLINT (JAMES). Letters from America, contain- — ing Observations on the Climate and Agriculture of the Western States, the Manners of the People, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1822. Fine, tall, uncut copy, with signature of James Flint; also a few pencil corrections on margins, in handwriting of the above. -^ 759. FLINT (TIMOTHY). Recollections of the Last Ten ^ "- Years, Passed in Occasional Residences and Journeyings in the Valley of the Mississippi, from Pittsburg and the Missouri to the Gulf of -Mexico, and from Florida to the Spanish Fron- tier. 8vo. half brown morocco, gilt back and top, uncut (few pages slightly foxed). Bost. : 1826, First edition. An exceptionally large copy. 760. FLINT (TIMOTHY). A Condensed Geography '^ and History of the Western States (and Territories), or the Mississippi Valley. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Cincinnati: E. H. Flint, 1828. First edition. Comprises a General History of the West, including the Indian Wars, Whiskey Insurrection, Wab OF T>12, River Raisin Massacre, etc., etc., and separate account.s, history, etc., of Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan and the North West Territory, Kentucky, Ten- nessee. Texas, etc. Highly commended by Ward, North Am. Review, etc. The first edition is VERY scarce. 761. [FLINT (TIMOTHY)]. The Shoshonee Valley: A Romance. By the Author of Francis Berrian. first edition. 2 vols.. 12mo. original cloth, paper labels, uncut. Cincinnati: 1830. A romance dealing with the Shoshonee Tribe of Indians. Very scarce, particularly in boards, uncut. 762. FLINT (TIMOTH^t). Indian Wars of the West; - containing Biographical jSketches of those Pioneers who Ibadcd the Western Setters in Repelling the Attacks of the Savaf^cs. together with , a View of the Character, Manners, ^Monuments and Antiqnities of the Western Indians. 16mo, 108 FLINT (TIMOTHY). half crimson polished calf, gilt back, leather label, gilt top. Cincinnati: 1833. ^o 763. FLINT (TIMOTHY). The First White Man of the West, or The Exploits of Col. Dan'l ]:Joone, The First Settler in Kentucky. Woodcut portrait. Small 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati: 1854. 764. FLORIDA. Histoire de la Conqueste de la Floride, par les Espagnols sous Ferdinand de Soto. Ecrite en Portu- gais par un Gentil-homme de la ville d'Evas. [Traduite] Par .AL D. C. (Citri de la Guette). 16mo, old calf. Paris: Chez Denys Thierry, 1685. Rare. "o 765. FLORIDxV. Verscheyde Scheeps-Togten Na Florida, "" Door Pontius, Ribald, Laudonniere, Gourgues, En andere : Gedaan in het Jaar 1562 en vervolgens Door de Reysigers sefs opgeteekend, en door haar aan sijn Koninglijke Majes- teyt van Vrankrijk, Karel de IX, persoonelijk verstag gedaan. Map and 33 fine copper-plate engravings. Small 8vo, half green calf, gilt top. Leyden: P. Vander Aa, 1706. Rake. 766. FLORIDA. Scheeps-Togt Van Johan de Verrazano, Florentyner, Na Florida. . . .in het Jaar 1524. . . .Voor-af gaat een Kort Voor-berigt van de Scheeps-Togten en Volk-plant- ingen der Franssen, in het Noorder-gedeelt van America, te weeten in Florida en Canada, de eerste in het jaar 1524 en soo vervolgens. Nu alder-eerst nyt het Frans vertaald. Fold- ing plate. Small Svo, green wrappers (lacks register, 2 pp.). Leyden: 1706. Very scarce. 3o 767. FLORIDA. Colleccao de Opusculos Reimpressos Re- " lativos a Historia das Navegacoes, Viagens, e Conquistas, dos Portuguezes. Publicada pela Academia Real das Sciencias. Tome I. 8vo. wrappers, uncut (name on title). Lisboa: 1844. This volume (containing "Relacao do Descobrimento da Florida.") is a reprint of one of the rarest books first printed at Evora. 1557. 768. FLOWER (RICHARD). Letters from the Illinois, — 1820, 1821, containing an Account of the English Settle- ment at Albion and its Vicinity, and a Refutation of Various Misrepresentations, those more particularly of Mr. Cobbett. With a Letter from ]Mr. Birkbeck; and a Preface and Notes by Benjamin Flower. 8vo, three quarter green polished mo- rocco, gilt back and top, uncut, by sangorski (small corner of title neatly repaired). Lond. : 1822. Fine copy, with bough, uncut edges. 109 769. FOGG (MAJOR JEREMIAH). Journal of Major ^ • Jeremiah Fogg, during the Expedition of G«n. Sullivan in 1779. against the Western Indians. 8vo, half light brown polished calf, gilt back. Exeter, N. H. : 1879. Labge papeb, limited to 150 copies. 5„ 770. FOLSOM (GEORGE). History of Saco and Bidde- Q — ford, with some Notices of other Early Settlements and of the Proprietary Governments, in ]\Iaine, including the Provinces of New Somersetshire and Lygonia. Map, lithographic view and facsimile. 12mo, half light calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Saco: 1830. An exceptionally Une copy of this babe town histoby. With wide margins and rough, uncut edges. 771. FORBES (ALEXANDER). California: a History . ^ ." of Upper and Lower California, from their first Discovery to the present time. . . .a Full View of the ^Missionary Estab- lishments and Condition of the Free and Domesticated In- dians. ^Yith an appendix relating to iSteam Navigation in the Pacific. Folding map and lithographic views. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. : 1839. The author was one of the first of the Anglo-Saxon race to explore this region. Rabe. 772. FORCE (PETER). Tracts And Other Papers, re- _ ."■ lating principally to the origin, settlement and progress op THE COLONIES OF NORTH AMERICA, from the Discovcry of the Country to the Year 1776. Collected by Peter Force. 4 vols., 8vo. beautifully bound in half crimson morocco, uncut and MAINLY UNOPENED. Washington City: 1836-46. Very fine copy in babe, unopened state. An invaluable collection of early tracts relating to America, which at this time are practically unobtainable in their original form. 773. FORCE (M. F.). Some Early Notices of the In- — dians of Ohio. 8vo, wrappers. Cincinnati : 1879.^ 774. FORD (PAUL LEICESTER). Monographs of the American Revolution. Thomas Jefferson. 2 portraits of Jef- ~ ferson, one a Signed Proof hy W. H. W. Bicknell, also an imprcssirm of the cancelled plate of hoth portraits. 4to, vel- lum wrappers. Cambridge: Published for Subscribers, [1904]. •Tapan vellum paper edition. Limited to 500 numbered copios. not published or reprinted in any other form. r, 775. FORD (THOMAS). A History of Illinois from its ~ f'orninencement as a State in 1818 to 1847. 12mo, full light <^alf. rrilt back, leather label. Chicago: 1854. Contains full account of the Black Hawk War, bise. pbog- REss AND FALL OF MoBMONiSM, Alton and Lovejoy Riots, etc.. 110 776. FOKSTEK (J. R.). Animals of Hudson's Bay. Edited by P. L. Sclater. Vignette title. 8vo, boards, (back shaken, rubbed). London: 1882. Willoujihby Society publication. Presontation copy from the editor, with the autograph of "Elliott Coues" on title. 777. FORTIER (ALCEE). A History of Louisiana. II- ' lusiratcd ivith Map, and numerous Goupil photogravures, the frontispieces beautifully colored. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt emblematic tooled backs, gilt tops, un- cut. Paris: Goupil, 1904. Choice copy of a very handsome publication. ' 778. FOSTER (J. W.). Pre-Historic Races of the United States of America. Profusely illustrated. Svo, cloth. Chicago: 1874. 779. FOUNTAIN (PAUL). The Great North-West and the Great Lake Region of North America. Svo, buckram, uncut. ' London : Longmans, 1904. 780. FOWLER (JACOB) . The Journal of Jacob Fowler, narrating an Adventure from Arkansas through the Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico to the Sources of the Rio Grande del Norte, 1821-22. Edited with Notes by Elliott Coues. Facsimile of page of original MS. Svo. cloth, uncut and unopened. N. Y.: F. P. Harper, 1898. Fine copy. 781. FOWLER (JOHN). Journal of a Tour in the State of New York, in the year 1830. With Remarks on Agricul- ture, in those parts most eligible for Settlers: And return to England by the Western Islands, in consequence of Ship- wreck in the "Robert Fulton." 12mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Lond. : 1831. Nice, clean copy. 782. FRANCHERE (GABRIEL). Relation d'un Voyage • a la Cote du Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique Septentrionale, dans ■ les Annees 1810, 11, 12, 13, et 14. Par G. Franchere, fils. Svo. mottled sheep (weak at hinges). Montreal : C. B. Pasteur. 1820. The author was one of the party sent out by John Jacob Astor, to establish his colony at "Astoria." The work contains THE EARLIEST NARRATIVE OF ADVENTURES AMONG THE INDIANS OF THE Pacific Coast, as well as the first extended notice of the Oregon territory. This, the original edition, is very rare. The first copy we have .seen in many years. [See Illustrations]. 783. FRANCHERE (GABRIEL). Narrative of a Voyage ' to the Northwest Coast of America in the Years 1811-14; or, the First American Settlement on the Pacific. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1854. An English translation of the above. Scarce. Ill 784. FRANKLIN (JOHN). Narrative of a Journey to 5 — the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819-22. With an Appendix on various subjects relating to Science and Na- tural History. Illustrated with numerous maps and full-page engraved plates, some op which are beautifully colored. 2 vols.. 4to, half red calf (rubbed). Lond. : Murray, 1823. 785. FRANKLIN CLUB. Melvin (James). A Journal ^^S of the Expedition to Quebec, in the Year 1775, under the Command of Colonel Benedict Arnold. By James ]Melvin, a Private in Captain Dearborn's Company. 4to, half bro^vn polished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Phila.: Printed for the Franklin Club, 1864. Large papeb, only 20 copies printed. Extba-illustrateD' by the insertion of 9 portraits and 3 views, including por- traits of Guy Carleton. Richard Montgomery, H. Dearborn, Samuel Ward, Benedict Arnold, and views of Boston ani> Quebec. 786. FREMONT (J. C). Report of the Exploring Ex- "3?. pedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, and ta Oregon and North California in the Years 1843-44. Il- lustrated with large folding map and lith. plates. 8vo, half calf (small corner of title torn away). Wash.: 1845. Good, sound copy of the First Edition. ZC 787. FREMONT (J. C). Topographical Map of the ! — Road from Missouri to Oregon, commencing at the Mouth of the Kansas in the Missouri River and Ending at the Mouth of the Wallah Wallah in the Columbia. From the field notes and journal of Capt. J. C. Fremont and from sketches and notes made on the ground by his assistant Charles Preuss. Compiled by Charles Preuss, 1846. Lithographed by E. Weber & Co.. Baltimore. In 7 sections folio, folded in board covers. [Baltimore: 1846]. ^^ 788. FREMONT (J. C). Narrative of the Exploring- Z Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, in the Year 1842, and to Oregon and California in the Years 1843-44. With a map and liih. plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: 1846. 789. FRENCH (B. F.). Historical Collections of Louis- iana.... with Historical and Biographical Notes. Part 2 [only). Large folding map. 8vo, cloth. Phila.: 1850. Scarce. Contains a Narrative of the Expedition of De Soto^ into Florida. Description of the English Province called Carolina, by Daniel Coxe, Translation of Marquette and Joliet's Account of a Voyage to Discover the Mississippi River, etc. 790. FRENCH (B. F.). Historical Collections of Louis- iana and Florida, including translations of Original Manu- scripts relating to their discovery and settlement, with numer- 112 RELATION d'un VOYAGE A LA COTE DU NORD-OUEST FAmerique Septentrionale, DANS LES ANNE E8 1810, 11, 12, 13, et 14t. PAE O. FBANCHERE, TUB* MONTREAL^ X>E riMPRIMERIE DE C. B. PASTEUR. 1820. (See Xo. 782) FRENCH (B. F.). ous Historical and Biographical Notes. New Series. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. : 1869. Subscriber's Copy. Only a limited number issued. Contains Il6monville on the importance of establishing a colony in Louisiana ; The expedition of P. Le Moyne d'Iberville to La. ; Annals of La., 1698-1722, by Penicaut ; History of the first attempt to colonize Fla., by Laudonni&re, translated by Hakluyt. 791. FRENCH (B. F.). Historical Collections of Louis- iana and Florida, including translations of Original Manu- scripts relating to their discovery and settlement, with numer- ous Historical and Biographical Notes. Second Series. His- torical Memoirs and Narratives, 1527-1702. Svo, cloth, un- cut. N. T. : 1875. 792. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. The Beginning oo Progress and Conclusion of the Late War, with other in- " teresting Matters Considered; and a Map of the Lands, Is- lands, Gulphs, Seas, and Fishing-Banks, comprising the Cod Fishery in America Annexed, for the better Explanation of Several Proceedings relative to it. Folding map. 4to, half calf. Lond. : J. Almon, 1770. Presentation copy feosi the authob to "Mb. Wegg" (who was at one time governor of the Hudson's Bay Company). Fine copy. Scarce. o 793. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. Expedition of the British and Provincial Army, Under Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Am- herst, Against Ticonderoga and Crown Point. 1759. Folding map. Small 4to, green cloth, uncut, gilt top. Albany: Munsell, 1857. 794. FREYTAS (NICHOLAS). The Expedition of Don Diego Dionisio de Peiialosa, from Santa Fe to the River Mis- chipi and Quivira in 1662. By John Gilmary Shea. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. N. Y. : 1882. Contains an account of Penalosa's projects to aid the French to conquer the Mining Country in Northern Mexico, and his connection with Cavelier de la Salle. No. 27 OF limited edi- tion. Fine copy. 795. FREZIER (AMeDbE FRANQOIS). Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou, et du Bresil, fait pendant les annees 1712, 1713 & 1714. 2 frontispieces and 37 maps and plates. 2 vols., 12mo, new cloth. Amsterdam : Chez Pierre Humbert. 1717. Fine copy. Contains a curious relation concerning the missions of Paraguay "Memoire touchant I'etablissement des Peres Jesuites dans les Indes d'Espagne," not in the Paris edition of 1716. Rabe. 113 ^o 796. FREZIER (AMfiDfiE FRANgOIS). Reis-Besch- i, "" ryving door de Zuid-Zee langs de Kusten van Chili, Peru en Brazil, opgestelt op eene Reistocht gedaan in de jaren 1712, 1713 en 1714. Xevens eene Beschryvinge van de Regeringe der Yncas, Koningen van Peru, en hun ryk, zo als het was voor komst der Spanjaarden aldaar. Door Isaac Verburg. Engraved frontispiece, 22 maps and 15 engravings. Thick small -Ito, vellum. Amsterdam: by R. en G. Wetstein, 1718. Fine copy of the babe Dutch tbanslation. Sabin cites only 32 plates in all ; this copy contains 38 plates, including one showing the Indians of Chili playing Golf. 797. FREZIER (AMfiDEE FRAXgOIS). Relation du ^ Voyage de la Mer du iSud aux Cotes du Chili et du Perou, fait pendant les Annees 1712, 1713 et 1714. 37 maps and plates. 4to, old calf (signature "Jaques Prince de Monaco, 1732," on title). Paris: 1732. This edition has a supplement of 63 pp.. which consists of Frezier's Reply to Father Feullee's Criticisms in the preface of his third volume (1725). 798. FROGER (F.) Relation d'un Voyage fait en 1695, .~ 1696, & 1797. Aux cotes d'Afrique, Detroit de Magellan, Brezil, Cayenne et Isles Antilles, par une escade des vais- seaux du Roy. commandee par M. de Gennes. Par le Sieur Froger. Engraved title and 29 engraved maps and plates. 12mo, calf (lower corner of few plates slightly stained). >aris: 1698. Original edition. Rabe. -c 799. FROST (JOHN). The Book of the Indians oi L, — North America: Illustrating their Manners, Customs, and Present State. Many illustrations. 12mo, cloth (back slight- ly rubbed). Hartford: [1844], 800. FROST (JOHN). The Book of the Colonies. Illus- _. trated. 12mo, cloth. Hartford: [1844]. 801. FROTHINGHAM (RICHARD, JR.). History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Con- — cord and Bunker Hill. Folding maps and illustrations. 8vo, half calf. Bost.: 1849. Inserted is a MS. partial list of the names of the Officers belonging to the American Troops stationed near Boston in June. 177.5. 802. FROTHINGHAM (RICHARD). The Rise of the ■^ Republic of the United States. First Edition. 8vo, half calf. Bost.: 1872. 803. FULLER (HUBERT BRUCE). The Purchase of — Florida. Its History and Diplomacy. Maps. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Cleveland: 1906. U4 ^ 804. FUNNELL (WILLIAM). A Voyage Round the — World: containing an Account of Captain Dampier's Expedi- tion into the iSouth^Seas. . . .170;j-'(M. . . .the Passage round Cape Horn, and the Coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico. 14 folding and full-page maps and plates of birds, animals, plants, etc. 8vo, panelled calf (rebacked). Lond. : Knapton, 1707. The author accompanied Capt Dami)i«'r on his voyages, and the above account stirred up considerable controversy. Al- though contrary to Dampier's wishes, it was included in the 1729 edition of his "Voyages." The original edition as above is scarce. 805. /^ AGE (THOMAS). The English- American his V-I Travail by Sea and Land : or, a New Survey - of the West-Indies, containing a Journall of Three thousand and Three hundred Miles within the main Land of America. Wherein is set forth his Voyage from Spain to St. John de Vlbus. . . .and forward to Mexico ; W^ith the description of that great City. . . .likewise his Journey from Mexico. . . .with his abode Twelve Years about Guatemala, and especially in the Indian-towns of ]Mixco, Pinola ; Petapa, Amatitlan .... With his return through the Province of Nicaragua, and Costa Rica to Nicoya, Panama. Portobelo, Cartagena and Havana .... also a New and exact Discovery of the Spanish Naviga- tion to those Parts .... With a Grammar, or some few Rudi- ments of the Indian Tongue, called, Poconchi, or Pocoman. Small folio, full polished calf, gilt back panelled sides (small blank corner of two leaves torn, — one leaf slightly torn into). Lond. : Printed by R^ Cotes, 1648. The very rare first edition of this remarkably entertain- ing and instructive book. The only extensive work by an English author upon the Spanish Indies, as seen from THE inside. Contains the chapter relating to the author's journey to Rome, which was suppressed in later editions. 806. GAGE (THO:\IAS). Nieuwe ende seer Naeuwkeu- 5b rige Reyse Door de Spaensche West-Indien .... Overgeset door H. V. Q. Engraved title. 3 maps and 8 copper-plate views, en- graved by T. Doesburgh. Thick small 4to, vellum. Utrcht: bj" Johannes Ribbius, 1682. Rare Dutch translation, by H. V. Quellenburgh. 807. GAGE (THOMAS). Nouvelle Relation, Contenant 7o les Voyages de Thomas Gage dans la Nouvelle Espagne, ses " diverses Avantures, & son retour par la Province de Nicaragu, jusques a la Havane. avec la Description de la Ville de Mexi- que. Troisieme Edition, Reveue et Corrigee. Engraved titles, 4 mops and 12 copper-plate engravings. 2 vols., 12mo, old sheep (one back slightly torn). Amsterdam: Chez Paul Marret, 1699. Rare. 115 808. GAGE (THOMAS). Nouvelle Relation, contenant ^ ■ les Voyages de Thomas Gage dans la Nouvelle Espagne, ses di- verses avantiires, & son retour par la Province de Nicaragua, jusques a la Havane. Quatrieme Edition, revue & corrigee. Engraved titles, 4 maps and 12 copper-plate engravings. 2 vols., 12mo, old calf. Amsterdam: Chez Paul Marret, 1770. In this edition the translator changed the title, and altered the divisions of the chapters. 2.5 809. GALLATIN (ALBERT). The Right of the United I States of America to the North-Eastern Boundary Claimed by Them. Principally extracted from the Statements laid before the King of the Netherlands, and revised by Albert Gallatin. With appendix and 8 folding maps. 8vo, boards (few pp. slightly spotted). N. Y.: 1840. 810. GALLATIN (ALBERT). A Memoir on the North- Tg Eastern Boundary, in Connexion with Mr. Jay's Map. To- '— gether with a Speech on the same subject, by Daniel Web- ster. . . .April 15, 1843. Map. 8vo, boards, original wrapper bound in. N. Y.: 1843. 811. GALTON (FRANCIS). The Narrative of An Ex- , ^_f plorer in Tropical South Africa. Tinted illustrations and map. Small 8vo, half calf (slightly rubbed). London: 1853. 812. GARCES (FRANCISCO). On the Trail of a Span- ish Pioneer. The Diary and Itinerary of Francisco Garces - — (Missionary Priest) in his Travels through Sonora, Arizona, and California, 1775-76. Trans, by Elliott Coues. 18 maps, views, and facsimiles. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y.: 1900. Limited edition. 813. GARDEN (ALEXANDER). Anecdotes of the Revo- lutionary War in America, with Sketches of Character of Persons the most distinguished, in the Southern States, for Civil and Military Services. 2 vols., 12mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Charleston: 1822-1828. Original edition of both semes. Fine copy. Scarce. 814. GASS (PATRICK). A Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery, under the Command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke of the Army of the United • " States, from the Mouth of the River Missouri through the Interior Parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean, 1804- 06, containing an Authentic Relation of the most Interesting Transactions during the Expedition. With Geographical and Explanatory Notes, by the Publisher. 12mo, full blue pol- ished calf, gilt back, morocco labels, gilt outside and inside border lines, gilt edges, by sangorski. Pittsburgh : Printed by Zadok Cramer, 1807. The babe, original edition. Fine copt. U6 ^^ 815. GASS (PATRICK). Voyage des Capitaines Lewis '— et Clarke, Depuis rerabouchure du Missouri, jusqu'a I'en- tree de la Colombia dans rOcoau Pacifique (1804-06), con- tenant le Journal authentique des Eveneraents les plus remar- quables du Voyage, ainsi que la Description des Habitants, du Sol, du Climat. et des Productions animales et vegetales des pays situes a I'ouest de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Traduit en Francais par A. J. N. Lallemant. Avee des Notes, deux Lettres du Capitaine Clarke. Folding map by Tardieu. 8vo, half blue polished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Paris: 1810. Fine, large copy of the original edition of the first French translation. Scarce. ZG 816. GASS (PATRICK). Lewis and Clarke's Journal " to the Rocky Mountains in the Years 1804-5-6. As related by Patrick Gass, one of the Officers of the Expedition. Illu- strated with full-page wood engravings. 12mo, sheep. Dayton: 1847. Good, clean copy. 50 817. GASS (PATRICK). Gass's Journal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. By Sergeant Patrick Gass, one of the persons employed in the Expedition. "With an analj^ieal Index, and an Introduction by James Kendall Hosmer. Portrait and facsimile illustrations. Royal 8vo, boards, parch- ment back, uncut and mainly unopened. Chicago: Me Clurg, 1904. Large paper copy. No. 18 of only 75 copies printed. Reprinted from the edition of 1811, with the facsimiles of the original title-page, and the five original illustrations, a re- production of a rare portrait of Gass, and a map of the Lewis and Clark route. 818. GAY (JOHN). Poems on Several Occasions. En- graved plates hy L. du Guernier. 2 vols., 16mo, calf. Lond.: 1775. ,^ ^ 819. GAYARRE (CHARLES). Histoire de la Louis- '— iane. 2 vols., 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened (wrappers of Vol. I. missing and some pp. foxed). Nouvelle-Orleans : 1846-47. Scarce in original state. 70 820. GAYARRE (CHARLES). Romance of the History of Louisiana. A iSeries of Lectures. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.: 1848. 821. GAYARRE (CHARLES). History of Louisiana. Spanish Domination; — French Domination. 2 vols. Map. Together 3 vols., 8vo, cloth. N. Y.: 1854. 117 822. GEORGIA. A State of the Province of Georgia, At- ^^.'' tested upon Oath in the Court of Savannah, November 10,. 1740. 8vo, full light calf, gilt back, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by riviere. Lond. : Printed for W. Meadows, 1742. The rare original edition. Contains a Description of the country under the Trustees Charter, and petitions for German families and English and Welsh servants to help the- planters. r^ 823. GEBSTAECKER (FREDERICK). Narrative of A ^ '-- Journey Round the World, Comprising a Winter-Passage- Across the Andes, a Visit to the Gold Region of California. 3 vols., small 8vo, cloth. London: 1853. _^ 824. GERSTAECKER (FREDERICK). Western Lands •2 ^ and Western Waters. With illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Lond.: 1864. 825. GERSTAECKER (FREDERICK). Wild Sports in the Far West, lllusts. 12mo, cloth. [Phila.:] 1878. 826. GESNER (ABRAHAM). New Brunswick; With. ;jo Notes for Emigrants. Comprehending Early History, An <^ ■"* Account of the Indians, etc. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. London: 1847. 827. GHILLANY (DR. F. W.). Geschichte des Seefahr- 'C ers Ritter Martin Behaim. Eingeleitet durch eine Abhand- — lung; ueber die altesten Karten des Neuen Continents und den Namen Amerika, von Alex. v. Humboldt. Lithographic portrait, 3 charts and 3 colored folding hemisphere maps. Royal 4to, boards (shaken). Nurnberg: 1853. The large maps are reproductions of the three earliest MAPS relating to AMERICA. 828. GIBBS (GEORGE). Memoirs of the Administra- - r tions of Washington and John Adams. Edited from the — Papers of Oliver Wolcott. Secretary of the Treasury. En- graved portrait. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, (somewhat rubbed), N. Y. : Printed for the subscribers, 1846. 829. GIDDINGS (JOSHUA R.) The Exiles of Florida r or, the Crimes committed by our Government against the ■^ ^ Maroons, who fled from South Carolina and other slave States, seeking protection under Spanish Laws. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Columbus: 1858. 830. GIDDINGS (JOSHUA R). Speech of Mr. Giddings of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 9, 1841. 8vo, sewed. Hallowoll; Published by the Female Anti-Slaverj' Soc, 1841. Scarce edition. Relates to the Florida War. 831. [GIDDINGS (MAJOR L.)]. Sketches of the Cam- S l>aif?n in Northern Mexico, in 1846 and '07. By "An Officer of the First Regiment of Ohio Volunteers." Maps. 12mo^ doth. N. Y.: 1853. 118 c_ 832. GIFFEX (FANNIE REED). Oo-Mah-Ha Ta-Wa- _ Tha (Omaha City). Illustrations, some colored, by Susette La Flesche Tibbies {Bright Eyes). 1854-1898. 18ino, cloth, un- cut. Lincoln: (1898). Biographical and descriptive sketches of the Omaha Indians. 833. GIHON (JOHN H.). Geary and Kansas. Gover- 'o nor Geary's Administration in Kansas: with a complete his- - tory of the Territory until July 1857. 12mo. cloth (rubbed). Phila.r 1857. 834. GILBERT (BENJAMIN) . A Narrative of the Capti- vity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and His Family o (Surprised by the Indians in Penn Township). 8vo, wrap- pers, uncut. Lancaster, Pa. : 1890. One of only 150 copies privately printed. 835. GILBERT (BENJAMIN). The Captivity and Suf- ferings of Benjamin Gilbert and His Family, 1780-83. Re- o printed from the original edition of 1784 with Introduction and Notes by Frank H. Severance. Folding map and frontis- piece. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Cleveland: 1904. Imperial Japanese edition. Only 27 copies printed. ^ 836. GILDER (WILLIAM H.). Ice-Pack and Tundra. - An Account of the Search for the Jeannette and a Sledge Journey through Siberia. With maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1883. 837. GILES (J. A.). William of Malmesbury's Chron- ^ icle of the Kings of England. From the Earliest Period to the reign of King Stephen. With notes and illustrations. Frontispiece. 12mo, full calf, gilt back. London: Bohn, 1847. 838. GILES (J. A.). Hebrew and Christian R^^cords: An Historical Enquiry concerning the Age and Authorship of the Old and New Testaments. Now First Published Com- plete. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.: 1877. ^ 839. GILES (JOHN). Memoirs of Odd Adventures, - Strange Deliverances, etc. in the Captivity of John Giles, Esq. Written by Himself. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Cincinnati : Printed for William Dodge, 1869. 840. GILLIAM (ALB ART M.). Travels in Mexico, dur- :?o ing the Years 1843 and 44 ; including a Description of Cali- — fornia, the Principal Cities and Mining Districts of that Republic: the Oregon Territory, etc. 12mo, half calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Aberdeen and Ipswich: 1847. Fine, clean copy. Rare. 841. GILLIS (CHARLES J.). Another Summer. The 'S Yellowstone Park and Alaska. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. p.: n. d. Printed for private tistribution. 119 842. GILPIN (WILLIAM). The Central Gold Region. "Jo The Grain, Pastoral and Gold Regions of North America ~~ and Observations on the Pacific Railroad. Folding colored maps. 8vo, cloth (back slightly torn). Phila. : 1860. 843. GIRAVA (HIERONYMO). La Cosmographia yr Geographia del S. Hieronimo Girava Tarragones. En la qual se contiene la Descripcion de todo el mundo, y de sus partes^ Cl ^ y particularmente de las yndias, y tierra nueua. Islas de Espana, y de las otras partes del mundo ; con la nauegacion^ longitud, latitud, grandeza, y circuito de todas ellas. Folding map and woodcuts. 4to, calf (binding rubbed, tear in map- neatly repaired, autograph of A. Goodrich on title). Venetia: por lordan Zileti, 1570. Veey bare edition, with the scarce woodcut map, often wanting. The text printed in singular Italic letters. A note on fly-leaf says, "This is the same edition as the first printed at Milan in 1556, differing only in the title and preliminarv matter." Part two (pp. 44-270) relates to America. "o 844. GIRONIERE (PAULP. DE LA). Twenty Years in "" the Philippines. Translated. Illustrations. 12mo, half calf^ gilt top, uncut. New York : 1854. 1^ 845. [GLEIG (G. R.)]. The Campaigns of the British \ — Army at Washington and New Orleans, in the years 1814-1815. 12mo, full calf, gilt back (edges of binding slightly rubbed). London: 1836. 846. [GLEIG (G. R.) ] . War of 1812. A Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Or- " leans in 1814 and 1815. With some Account of the Countries. Visited. 8vo, original boards, uncut (a little worn). London : John Murray, 1826. Scarce. 847. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). Poems by Goldsmith and -_ Parnell. Illustrated with full-page woodcut illustrations and " vignettes by Bewick. 4to, cloth. Lond. : Bulmer, 1795. Large paper copy. The contents comprise : "The Traveller" and "The Deserted Village" by Goldsmith, and "The Hermit" by Dr. Parnell, with a life of both. 848. GOMARA (FRANCISCO LOPEZ DE). Historia de - Mexico, con el Descvbrimiento dela Nueva Espaiia, conquistada por el muv illustre y valeroso Principe don Fernando Cortes. Thick 12mo. calf (rubbed). Anvers: En casa de luan Steelsio, 1554. This forms the second part of the History of the Indies. Hoe^ $85.00. Rare. 849. GOMARA (FRANCISCO LOPEZ DE). Historia di C ~ Don Ferdinando Cortes, ]\Iarchese della Valle, Capitano Valo- rosissimo. con le sue ^larfivigliose prodezza nel tempo, che discopri, & acquisto la Nuova Spagna. Tr'adotta nella Itali- 120 GOMARA (FRANCISCO LOPEZ DE.). ana da Agostiiio di Cravaliz. Thick small 8vo, old calf (title soiled and small hole in margin of one leaf). Venetia: Per Francesco Lorenzini da Turino, 1560. Rabe. 850. [GOMARA (FRANCISCO LOPEZ DE).] Histoire , __ Generalle des Indes Occidentales et Terres Nevves, qui iusques a present ont este descouuertes. Traduite en Francois par M. Fumee, Sieur de Marly le Chastel. Small 8vo, vellum. Paris: Chez Michel Sonnius, 1580. Rabe. 851. GOMERA (FRANCISCO LOPEZ DE). Histoire Generalle des Indes Occidentales, et Terres neuues, qui iusques _ a present ont este decouuertes, Augmentee en ceste cinquiesme n ^S edition de la description de la nouuelle Espagne, & de la I grande ville de ]\Iexic(iue. autrement nomme, Tenuctilan. Com- posee en Espagnol par Francois Lopez de Gomara, & traduite en Frangois par le S. de Genille Mart. Fumee. Thick small 8vo, full green morocco, gilt arabesque design in center of covers, gilt edges, by pratt. Paris: Chez Michel Sonnius, 1587. Veky Rare. Apparently lacking in all the great private col- lections of Americana dispersed in recent years. 852. GOODE (G. B.). The Fishery Industries of the ;,Q United States. Section I. Natural History of Useful Aqua- — tic Animals. Plates. 4to, cloth. Wash.: 1884. 853. GOODELL (ABNER C.) . Further Notes on the His- g-^ tory of Witchcraft in Massachusetts, containing additional — evidence on the Passage of the Act of 1711, for reversing the attainders of the Witclies. 8vo, half brown morocco gilt top, uncut, with original "WTappers bound in). Cambridge: 1884. Only 200 copies printed. 854. [GOODRICH (SAMUEL G.).] Lives of Celebrated ,~ American Indians. Illustrations. 2 vols., 16mo. wrappers, uncut (slightly spotted). Boston: 1843. 855. GOODWIN (JOHN A.). The Pilgrim Republic. An -J 5" Historical Review of the Colony of New Plymouth, with 1 — sketches of the Rise of other New England Settlements, the History of Congregationalism, and the Creeds of the Period. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. • Bost. : 1888. 856. GORDON (DANIEL M.). Mountain and Prairie; a b "" Journey from Victoria to Winnipeg. Maps and illustrations, 12mo, cloth. Montreal: 1880c 121 L?. 857. GORDON (JAMES B.). An Historical and Geo- graphical IMemoir of the North-American Continent. "With a Summary Account of his Life, Writings and Opinions. (Edi- ted by Thomas Jones). Stipple portrait. 4to, new boards, uncut. Dublin: 1820. Large Paper Copy. Contains sketches of Mexico, North- west America, Canada, including the Hudson's-Bay Country, Virginia, etc., aboriginal and Indian sketches. 858. GOSSE (P. H.) and HILL (R.). A Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica. Plates, some colored. Small 8vo, half blue polished calf, full gilt back, red leather label, gilt top, uncut, (few pp. soiled). London: 1851. First Edition. 859. GOURCY (HENRY DE). The Catholic Church in the United States. Translated and enlarged by John G. Shea. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.: [1856]. 860. GRAHAM (LIEUT.-COL. J. D.). Mexican Bound- ary. Report of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the report of Lieutenant Colonel Graham on the subject of the boundary line Isetween the United States and Mexico. Folding maps. 8vo, cloth. (Washington: 1852). Presentation copy from Colonel Graham, with marginal corrections and inscription in his hand. 861. GRAHAM (LIEUT.-COL. J. D.). Mexican Bound- ary. Report of the Secretary of War, communicating. . . . the report of Lieut.-Col. Graham, on the subject of the Bound- ary Line between the United States and Mexico. Folding maps. 8vo, cloth. Wash.: (1852). 862. GRAHAM (GENERAL SAMUEL) . Memoir of Gen- eral Graham, with Notices of the Campaigns in which he was Engaged from 1779-1801. Edited by Col. James J. Graham. Lithographic portrait and plates. Small 8vo, half crimson polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut (few leaves at end slightly spotted). Edinburgh: 1862. Includes the author's services in the closing years of the Amer- ican Revolution. 863. GRAHAME (JAMES). The History of the Rise and Progress of the United States of North America, till the British Revolution in 1688. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, cloth backs, paper labels, uncut. Lond. : 1827. 864. GRANT (GEORGE M.). Ocean to Ocean: Sand- ford Fleming's Expedition through Canada in 1872: being a diary kept during a Journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Illustrations. 8vo, half calf, gilt back and top. London: 1873. 122 Plo 865. GRANT (GEORGE M.). Ocean to Ocean. Sand- — ford Fleming's Expedition Throngh Canada in 1872. Illus- trations. 12mo, cloth (binding stained). London: 1877. 866. GRAVIER (G.). Decouvertes et fitablissements de -jg Cavelier de Salle de Rouen dans I'Amerique du Nord (Lacs T — Ontario. Erie, Huron, Michigan, vallees de I'Ohio et du Miss- issippi et Texas). Illustrated with portrait, plate, and maps. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt tooled back, gilt top, uncut. Rouen: 1870. The present work is the only narrative of the notable discov- eries achieved by "the Columbus of his age" in the great tract of country lying along and about the course of the Mississippi ; and, in fact, over all the continent between Canada and the Gulf of Mexico. 867. GRAY (HUGH). Letters from Canada. Written I - during a Residence there, during the years 1806-1808 : shewing the Present State of Canada .... also the Commercial Impor- tance of Xova-Scotia. New Brunswick and Cape-Breton. Fold- ing map. 8vo, original boards, uncut (rebacked). Lond.: 1809. Fine large copy, with kough uncut edges. 868. [GRAYDON (ALEXANDER).] Memoirs of a Life, So Chiefly Passed in Pennsylvania, within the last Sixty Years. With Occasional Remarks upon the General Occurrences,^ Character and Spirit of that Eventful Period. 12mo, full polished mottled calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Harrisburgh: 1811. Fine copy of the First Edition, with the Errata slip. An "extremely interesting, gossipy memoir, full of culture and historical material." — Lamed. 869. GRAYDON (ALEXANDER). Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the last Sixty Years. (Edited with Introduction and Dedication bv John Gait). 8vo, half calf. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1822. Fine copy. So 870. GREGG (ALEXANDER). History of The Old Che- "" raws : containing An Account of the Aborigines of the Pedee, the First White Settlements. 1730 to 1810, with Notices of Families and Sketches of Individuals. Map. 8vo, cloth (loose in binding). New York: 1867. A VERY scarce book. 871. GREEN (GEN. THOMAS J.). Journal of the Texan Expedition xVgainst Mier; Subsequent Imprisonment of the Author: His Sufferings and Escape. With Reflections Upon the Relations of Texas, Mexico, and the United States. En- graved illustrations. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1845. Very Scarce. 123 ^^ 872. GREEN (WILLIAM SPOTSWOOD). Among the •S.^ Selkirk Glaciers: Being The Aecount of A Rough Survey in the Rocky Mountain Regions of British Columbia. Illus- trations and folding map. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London : 1890. 873. GREENHOW (ROBERT). Memoir, Historical and "__ Political on the Northwest Coast of North America and the Adjacent Territories. Map and a Geographical view of those countries. 8vo, boards. Wash.: 1840. 874. GREENHOW (ROBERT). The History of Oregon and California, and the other Territories on the North- West — Coast of North America. Large folding map. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Bost. : 1844. An exceptionally fine and laboe copy of the Fibst Edi- tion IN uncut state. 875. GREENLEAF (JONATHAN). Sketches of the Ec- ."^o clesiastical History of the State of Maine, from the earliest "~ settlement to the present time. 12mo, sheep (foxed). Portsmouth: 1821. ncr 876. GREE:NLEAF (MOSES). A Statistical View of — the District of Maine. 8vo, original boards, uncut (slightly cracked). Bost: 1816. Fine copy, with bough uncut eukjes. Rabe. 877. GREENLEAF (MOSES). A Survey of the State of . _^ Maine, in Reference to its Geographical Features, Statistics and Political Economy. With Atlas, containing 7 folding maps, plans and chart. 2 vols., 8vo, three quarter morocco (maps slightly torn in folds). Portland: 1829. With the babe folio Atlas of maps in half sheep. 878. GREGG (JOSIAH). Commerce of the Prairies: or, the Journal of a Santa Fe Trader during eight expeditions ■'." across the Great Western Prairies, and a Residence of nearly Nine Years in Northern Mexico. Maps and steel engravings. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1845. An unusually choice copy of this work, now veby scabce. 879. GRIFFITHS (D., JR.). Two Years' Residence in S the New Settlements of Ohio, North America : with Directions ~ to Emigrants. Frontispiece. 16mo, cloth (binding slightly soiled). Lond.: 1835. 880. GRINNELL (GEORGE B.). Pawnee Hero Stories - and Folk-Tales. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. New York : 1889. 881. GROLIER CLUB. Conway (Moncure D.). Barons _ of the Potomack and the Rappahannock. Portraits and fac- similes, together with head and tail pieces hy Harry Fenn. 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. : The Grolier Club, 1892. One of only 360 copies pbinted on Italian hand-made papeb. Fine copy. 124 5o 882. GROTIUiS (HUGO). On the Origin of the Native — Races of America. A Dissertation by Hugo Grotius. With a Treatise on Foreign Languages and Unknown Islands. By Peter Albinus. Translated by Edmund Goldsmid. 8vo, vellum wrappers, uncut. Edinburgh : Privately printed, 1884. Large 1'apeb. One of only 275 copies on hand-made paper. 883. [GRYNAEUS OR HUTTICIT (SIMON 0.).] Novvs Orbis Regionum ac Insvlarum Veteribvs Incognitarvm, una _ cum tabula cosmographica, & aliquot alijs consimilis argu- • menti libellis, quorum omnium catalogus sequenti patebit pagina. His accessit copiosus rerum memorabilium index. Large folding map, woodcut initials and 2 woodcuts in text. Folio old vellum (few pages somewliat spotted, some of the margins have MS notes in ink). Basileae apud lo. Hervagivm, Mense Martio : Anno MDXXXII. Very Rare Original Edition. Sound and perfect copy, WITH THE colophon and the exceedingly bare map, which ac- cording to Sabin is the original, with title, '^Typvs Cosmograph- icvs Vniversalis," a border and two inscriptions, the first begin- ning with the word ''India'' and the other ''Scytharum." The newly discovered world is represented by a long strip of land in the northwest bearing the inscription, "Terra de Cuba." The southern part contains these words only, "Farias, Canibali, Amer- ica, Terra Nova, Prisilia." The word "Asia," is in larger type. Regarding this map (of which there are several variations) Har- risse says, "Whether they were the maps really belonging to the work, and described by Munster, we are unable to say." The chapters which are of most importance to the student OF American history are the first three Voyages of Colum- bus, Vincente Yanez Pinzon's Voyage, Vespuccius' Third Voyage and his four Voyages copied from Gruningek's edi- tion and the extract of the fourth Decade of Peter Mabtyb. 884. [GRYNAEUS or HUTTICH (Simon 0.).] Nows ~ Orbis Regionum ac Insularum vetribus incognitarum, una cum tabula cosmographica, & aliquot aliis consimilis argument! libellis, quorum omnium catalogus sequenti patebit pagina. His accessit copiosus rerum memorabilium index. Woodcut on title and large douhle-page map. Folio, half morocco (small worm hole in title and first three leaves very neatly repaired, so as to be hardly discernible). Parisiis apud Joannem (colophon) Impressum Parisiis apud Antonium Augerellum, impresis Joannis Parui & Galeoti a Prato. Anno MDXXXII. VIII. Second issue. With the map which belongs pbopebly to the Paris edition. 885. GUEST (LADY THEODORA). A Round Trip in 1,5" North America Numerous illustrations from the author's — sketches. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Lond.: 1895. Sketches of Travel from Philadelphia through the West, includ- ing Utah, San Francisco, Canada, etc. 125 886. GUIZOT (M.). Washington. Portrait. 16mo, half red morocco. Paris: 1842. 887. GUNNISON (J. W.). The Mormons, or Latter-Day Saints, in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. Phila.: 1852. 888. If ADDEN (LIEUT. JAMES). Hadden 's Jour- 1 1 nal and Orderly Books: a Journal Kept in Canada and Upon Burgoyne's Campaign in 1776 and 1777, by Lieut. James M. Hadden : also. Orders kept by him and Issued by Sir Guy Carleton, Gen. John Burgoyne and ]\[ajor Gen. William Phillips. With an Explanatory Chapter and Notes, by Horatio Rogers. Facsimile maps and autograph. Thick small 4to, half blue polished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Albany: 1884. 889. HAKLUYT (RICHARD). Divers Voyages Touch- ing the Discovery of America and the Islands Adjacent. Edi- ted, with notes and an introduction, by John W. Jones. Fold- itig facsimile map, etc. 8vo, cloth uncut (edges slightly worn), London: Hakluyt Society, 1850. 890. HAKLUYT (RICHARD). The Discovery and Con- quest of Terra Florida, by Don Ferdinando De Soto, and six hundred Spaniards, his followers. Edited with notes and an introduction, and a translation of the Expedition by Luis Hernandez de Biedma. By William B. Rye. Folding map. 8vo, cloth (piece chipped from back). London : Hakluyt Society, 1851. 891. HAKLUYT (RICHARD). The Principal Naviga- tions, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Na- tion, made by Sea or Over-land to the Remote and Farthest Distant Quarters of the Earth at any time within the com- passe of these 1600 yeeres. Illustrated with reproductions of portraits, maps, charts, and plans from the original editions. 12 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Glasgow: 1903. The text of this edition is practically a reprint of that of 1598- 1600. References to the volumes and pages of the original text are inserted in the margins. 892. HALE (EDWARD E.). Kansas and Nebraska: the history, geographical and physical characteristics, and politi- cal position of these Territories, an account of the Emigrant Aid Companies, and Directions to Emigrants. Folding map. 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1854. 893. HALE (HORATIO). The Iroquois Book of Rites. Edited bv Horatio Hale. 8vo. cloth, uncut and unopened. Philadelphia: 1883. Brinton's Library of Aboriginal American Literature. No. 2. 126 ^J 894. HALKETT (JOHN). Historical Notes Respecting the Indians of North America. 8vo, calf, gilt back. Lond.: 1825. A note in the front of this volume states, that the author was a brother-in-law of the Earl of Selkirk, and wrote most of the tracts issued under the latter's name. 895. HALL (B. M.). The Life of Rev. John Clark. With an Introduction by Bishop Morris. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1857. 896. HALL (BENJAMIN H.). History of Eastern Ver- -_ mont, from its Earliest /Settlement to the Close of the Eight- eenth Century. With a Biographical Chapter and Appen- dixes. Thick 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. : 1858. Fine copy. 25 897. HALL (CHARLES H.). The Dutch and the Iro- — quois. Suggestions as to the Importance of their Friend- ship. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. N. Y. : 1882. - 898. HALL (FREDERICK). Letters from the East and ^J from the West. 8vo, cloth. Washington City : 1840. The author gives an interesting account of his trip down the Ohio and Kentucky Rivers, with descriptions of the early settle- ments. The volume relates also to the Geology and Mineralogy of the Connecticut River. 899. HALL (JAMES). Letters from the West : contain- — ing sketches of Scenery, ^Manners, and Customs : and Anecdotes connected with the First Settlements of the Western Sections of the United States, first edition. 8vo, original boards (re- backed) uncut, (some 11. foxed). Lond.: 1828. 900. HALL (JAMES). The Romance of Western His- ." tory : or. Sketches of History, Life and ^Manners in the West. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Cinn. : 1871. 901. [HALL (CAPTAIN JOHN).] The History of the , _ Civil War in America. Vol. I (all puhlished) , comprehending the CAMPAIGNS OF 1775, 1776, and 1777. second edition. With the rare folding map. 8vo, contemporarv calf. Lond.: 1780. Attributed to Major Hall, of Gen. Howe's army. The half- title of this copy, has inscription in contemporary hand, "By Capt. John Hall, 4(Mh Regimt." Although Volume I reached a so-called second edition, the work was never completed. Rake. 902. HAMILTON (J. C). The Prairie Province. Sketches of Travel from Lake Ontario to Lake Winnipeg. Maps and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Toronto : 1876. 903. HAMILTON (J. C). The Georgian Bay. An Ac- i €ount of Its Position, Inhabitants, etc. Maps and illustra- •9. iions. 12mo, cloth. Toronto: [1893]. 127 .^-c 904. [HAMILTON (CAPTAIN THOMAS)]. Men and ■^^ Manners in America. By the Author of Cyril Thornton, etc. 2 vols., 12mo, full calf (backs faded). Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1834. 905. HAMMOND (S. H.). Hills, Lakes, and Forest ("o Streams: or, A Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods. Lith. title — and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1854. First Edition. 906. HAMMOND (S. H.). Wild Northern Scenes; or Sporting Adventures with The Rifle and the Rod. Illustra- tions. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : Derby & Jackson, I860. 907. H ANBURY (DAVID T.). Sport and Travel in the Northland of Canada. Full-page half-tones and colored plates. ^ '"— 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1904. The Appendix contains."The Geology of North Canada" ; "Le- pidoptera from Arctic America" ; "Eskimo Words and Phrases," etc. 908. HANSON (J. W.). History of Gardiner, Pittston ^ and West Gardiner (Maine). With A Sketch of the Ken- ^ ^_ nebec Indians, and New Plymouth Purchase, Comprising His- torical Matter from 1602 to 1852. With Genealogical Sketches of Many Families. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth (back slightly rubbed). Gardiner: 1852. 909. HARDIE (JAMES). The Description of the City of New York .... to which is prefixed, a brief account of the -^ - First Settlement by the Dutch, in the year 1629 and of the most Remarkable Events which have occurred in its history. Folding map. 12mo, full polished mottled calf, gilt back, leather labels, gilt top, inside gold borders, by sangorski. N. Y. : 1827. An exceptionally fine copy, with rough uncut edges. In- cludes accounts of population, institutions, commerce, manufac- ture, public buildings, courts of justice, places of amusements, etc. Rabe. 910. HxVRDING (COL. COLIN). In Remotest Barotse- c land. Being an Account of a Journey of over 8,000 miles "~ through the Wildest and most Remote Parts of Lewanika's Empire. Profusely illustrated with full-page and text half- tones. 8vo, cloth. Lond. : 1904. 911. HARDINGE (E. M.). Field, Forest, and Wayside uj. Q Flowers. With Chapters on Grasses, Sedges and Ferns. Un- '— - technical Studies for Unlearned Lovers of Nature. By Maud Going. Many fine illustrations. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. :(1899). 912. PIARDY (CAPT. CAMPBELL). Forest Life in ^ Acadie. Colored frontispiece of American Brook Trout, and numerous full-page illustrations. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1869. Sketches of sport and Natural History in the Lower Provinces of Canada. 128 THE fflSTORY OF TIP TO THE FIRST SETTLEMENTS THEREIN BY THE IN THE YEAR 1768. BY JOHN HAYWOOD, or IHB cotrSTx or bavidsoh, is the btate of tesitissk j. NASHVILLE: PEINTED BY GEORGE WILSON. 1823. (See No. 936) 9i;i HARMON (DANIEL WILLIAMS). A Journal of - _ Voyages and Travels in the Literieiir of North America, be- '■ tween the 47th and r)8th degrees of North Latitude, extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific Ocean, a distance of about 5,000 miles, including an account of the principal occurrences during a residence of nineteen years, in different parts of the Country. To which are added, A Concise Description of the Face of the Country, its Inliabitants, their man- ners, customs, laws, religion, etc., and considerable speci- mens of the two languages most extensively spoken : to- gether witli an account of the principal animals to be found in the forests and prairies of this extensive region. Illustrated hij a map of the Country. 8vo, original sheep. Andover: 1820. Vkry Scarce. Fine sound copy, with tlie foldinj; map 7^ by ISYi; inches, and the babe portbait of the Autiiob by Leney. It contains also, the slip of Errata, which is usually wanting. The Journal of a Fur-Trader who spent 19 years among the In- dians. His accounts of the natives with whom he lived and the country generally are considered correct. 914. HARMON (DANIEL WILLIAMS). A Journal of " Voyages and Travels in the Interior of North America, Ex- tending from ^Montreal nearly to the Pacific. Portrait and map. 16mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1903. 915. HARRIMAN ALASKA EXPEDITION. Alaska: )^ Narrative. Glaciers, Natives. History, Geography, Resources. By John Burroughs, John Muir, G. B. Grinnell and others. Preface by Edward H. Harriman. Introduction by the editor, C. Hart Merriam. 39 colored and 85 photogravure plates, 5 maps and numerous cuts throughout text. 2 vols., royal 8vo, green cloth, gilt tops, uncut, in slip covers. New York: 1902. ^- 916. HARRIS (JOHN). Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca : or. a Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels : consisting of above Four Hundred of the most Authentick Writers, beginning with Hackluit, Purchass. in English; Ram- usio in Italian ; Thevenot, in French ; De Bry and Grynaei novus Orbis, in Latin ; the Dutch East-India Company, in Dutch. .. .relating to any Part of Asia, Africa, America, Europe. Copper-plate maps, views and portraits. 2 vols., folio, old calf (cracked at hinges). Lond. : 1705. Rare First Editiois'. Contains accounts of many voyages to the New World, including Hennepin's description of North America and his Observations on the Inhabitants ; Voy- ages of Lahontan, Marborough, Dampier, Cumberland, and others ; a long description of the Bucaneers OF America; La Saele's Discoveey OF THE MISSISSIPPI; General History of THE West Indies under the Spanish rule, from observations by Alex. Ursino and others ; Percy's Account of the Colony OF Virginia; Discovery of Newfoundland, and many other valuable historical papers. 129 T- f^- 917. HARRIS (T. M.). The Journal of a Tour Into the Territory Northwest of the Alleghany Mountains, made in .... 1803. "With a Geographical and Historical Account of the State of Ohio. 5 maps and view. 8vo, half morocco (plates slightly foxed). Bost.: 1805. A portion of the work is devoted to the wars and treaties of the Indians. Scarce. 918. HARRISSE (HENRY). Notes pour servir a I'Histoire, a la Bibliographic et a la Cartographic de la Nou- velle-France et des Pays Adjacents, 1545-1700. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, with the original wrappers bound in. Paris: 1872. Fine copy. Scarce. 919. HARRISSE (HENRY). Christophe Colomb, son Origine. sa Vie. ses Voyages, sa Famille et ses Descendants, d'apres des documents Inedits Tires des Archives de Genes, de Savone, de Seville et de Madrid, fitudes d'Histoire Criti- que, par Henry Harrisse. Illunwiated heraldic plate, maps mid genealogical tables. 2 vols., imperial 8vo, half leather (one back slightly rubbed). Paris: Ernest Leroux, fiditeur, 1884. 920. HARRISSE (HENRY). The Discovery of North America. A Critical, Documentary and Historic Investiga- tion, with an Essay on the Early Cartography of the New "World, including descriptions of 250 Maps or Globes, existing or lost, constructed before the Year 1536. Maps. Thick 4to, half morocco, uncut. Lond. : 1892. O.NLY 380 COPIES PBiNTED. Contains also, a Chronology of 100 Voyaffps Westward, projected, attempted or accomplished between 14.31 and 1504. with biographical accounts of 300 Pilots who first crossed the Atlantic. 921. HARRISSE (HENRY). John Cabot, the Discoverer of North America, and Sebastian his Son. A chapter of the ^Maritime History of England under the Tudors, 1496-1557. Illustrated with facsimile maps and documents. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: B. F. Stevens, 1896. Fine copy of the First English Edition, now very scabce. 922. HARRISSE (HENRY). Decouverte et Evolution Cartographique de Terre-Neuve et des Pays Circonvoisins, 1497-1501-1769. Essais de Geographic, Historique et Docu- mcntaire. Facsimiles of many rare and important old maps. 2 vols., 4to, half morocco, original front wrappers bound in (one cover soiled). Lond. and Paris: 1900. 923. HART (ADOLPHDS M.). History of the Valley of the Mississippi. 12mo, cloth, Cinn. : 1853. Choice copy of the scarce First Edition in crisp unspotted con- dition. 130 _? 924. HART (GERALD E.). The Fall of New France: 1755-1760. Man;/ portraits, views and facsimihs. Sq. 8vo, original brown cloth, gilt top, uncut (front cover somewhat stained). Montreal: 1888. 925. IIART.MANX ET MILLER. Le Texas, ou Notice 7 - Historique sur le Champ d'Asile; comprenant tout ce qui s'est passe depuis la formation jusqu'a la dissolution de cette Colonic, les causes qui I'ont amenee et la liste de tons les Colons franeais, (etc.) Folding plan. 8vo, half sheep. Paris: 1819. Rabe. 926. IIARTSIXCK (JAN JACOB). Beschryving van Guiana, of de Wildekust, in Zuid-America, Betreffende de 5o Aai'drykskunde en Historic des Lands, de Zeeden en Gewoon- tes der Inwooners. de Dieren, Vogels, Vissehen. Boomen en Gewassen. als raede de eerste Ontdekking dier Kust, de Be- zittingen der Spanjaarden, Franschen en Portugeezen en voornaamelyk de Yolk-plantingen der Nederlanderen. als Es- sequebo, Deraerary, Berbice, Suriname. Fine Copper-plate portrait, maps and engravings. 2 vols, in one, thick 4to, old russia. Amsterdam : G. Tielenburg, 1770. The Rake First Edition, with all the plates. The descrip- tion of (xuiana, its jieography. history, inhabitants, animals, etc., is said by Mr. Warden to be "&j/ far the best work ever puhlished on the countries described." The author was Director of the East India Company, and had access to all their records and docu- ments. .5 927. HARVEY (HENRY). History of the Shawnee lu- — dian from the Year 1681 to 1851, inclusive. Portrait. 16mo, cloth. Cinn. : 1855. 928. HAWKESWORTH (JOHN). An Account of th^ Voyages Undertaken by the Order of his Present -Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and Suc- cessively Performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook. . . .Drawn up from the Journals wliicli were kept by the several Commanders, and from the Papers of Joseph Banks. 52 full-page and large folding charts and views. 8 vols., 4to, calf, gilt backs, sides with gilt and blind tooled borders (back hinges of one cover cracked). Lond. : 1773. Fine and perfect copy of the original edition, with all the plates. This is the Narrative of Cook's First Voyage, and forms an indispensable part of a series of his Voyages. 929. HAWKESWORTH (JOHN). Relation des Voy- ages. . . .Pour faire des Decouvertes dans 1 'Hemisphere Meri- dional, et successivement executes par le Commodore Byron, le Capitaine Carteret, le Capitaine Wallis. et le Capitaine Cook, dans les Vaisseaux le Dauphin, le Swallow et 1 'En- deavour. Redigee d'apres les Journaux tenus par les differens 131 HAWKE3WORTH (JOHN). Commandans et les Papiers de M. Banks. Traduite de I'Auglois (ParSuard). 52 maps and engravings. 4 vols., 4to, calf. Paris: 1774. Good sound copt, with fine impressions of the plates. 930. HAWKINS (ALFRED). Hawkins 's Picture of Que- ^■'' bec; With Historical Recollections, first edition. Many illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Quebec: 1834. 931. HAWKS (FRANCIS L.). Narrative of the Ex- _ pedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and p- -^ Japan, in 1852-54. Under the Command of Commodore M. ■^ C. Perry, U. S. Navy. Profusely illustrated with full-page tinted and colored lithographic plates. 3 vols., 4to, cloth. Washington : 1856. Contains the scabce suppressed plate, showing the men and women bathing together in public. 932. HAWLE Y (ZERAH ) . A Journal of a Tour through Connecticut. ^Massachusetts, New York, the North Part of y _ Pennsylvania and Ohio, including a Year's Residence in that • part of the State of Ohio, styled New Connecticut or Western Reserve. 18mo, three quarter morocco, gilt back and top, un- cut. New Haven : 1822. Fine clean copy, ^VITH rough uncut edges. Very rare. 9.33. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Scarlet Let- 1 - ter ; The Blithedale Romance ; Twice-Told Tales ; Mosses from an Old :Manse; The Marble Faun. Together, 8 vols., 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1860-63. 9.34. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Our Old Home: a -^ Series of English Sketches. 12mo, cloth. Boston: 1863. First Edition. ZZ 935. HAYES (A. A.. JR.). New Colorado and the Santa " Fe Trail. Profusely illustrated. Square 8vo, cloth. N. Y.: 1880. 936. HAYWOOD ( JOHN) . The Natur.vl And Aboriginal History of Texnes.see, up to the First Settlements Therein - by the White People, in the Year 1768. 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, black with red morocco inlay and gilt leaf design, sides elaborately decorated with an arabesque design inlaid in crimson morocco with gilt lines and floral spray in gilt, gilt edges, in slip case, by riviere (with a small defect in upper margin of title, so skillfully repaired, as to be hardly discernible). Nashville: Printed by George Wilson, 1823. This Excellent Work, described by Mb. Field oveb thirty years ago as "Exceedingly Rare and Highly Prized," has latterly become one of the most sought after and difl5cult to pro- cure of the better class of works relating to the American Abori- >:ines. Judge Haywood, the author, a man of broad learning and decidodly iintiquarian tastes, came to Tennessee at a time when 132 HAYWOOD (JOHN). relics of the early Indians were not wanting in (luantities suflB- cient to afford ample oi>|)ortunit.v for his investigations, and in Ids works he gives a careful record of these researches, which has been accepted as a most valuable addition to the literature of the subject. [See Illustrations]. \m. HAYWOOD (JOHN). The Civil and Political His- _ tory of the State of Tennessee, from its Earliest Settlement ^- up to the Year 1796; including the Boundaries of the State. 8x0, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, heavy bands, sides beautifully decorated with ornamental frame panel de- sign, festoon corners, delicately inlaid in gold, inside gold borders, gilt over marbled edges, by lortic. Knoxville, Tenn. : Printed for the author, by Heiskell & 'Brown, 1823. The earliest history of Tennessee and very scarce. Con- tains an account of the "State of Franklin," the Indian "Wars of the section, etc., etc. This copy contains the rare copyright SLIP. 938. HAYWOOD (JOHN). The Civil and Political His- ." tory of the State of Tennessee from its earliest settlement up to the year 1796, including the boundaries of the state. With A sketch of John Haywood, by A. S. Colyar. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Nashville, Tenn. : 1891. An exact reprint of the 1823 edition. ^^, 939. HAZARD (EBENEZER). Historical Collections; — consisting of State Papers, and other Documents ; intended as Materials for an History of the United States of America. 2 vols.. 4to, full crimson morocco, full gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford (name faintly stamped on title of Vol. 1). Phiia. : printed by T. Dobson, for the Author. 1792-94. Original Edition. Fine copy. This scarce and valuable collection, comprises State Papers relating to Columbus, Cabot, and others, and includes Patents and Charters of the several Col- onies ; historical papers from Hakluyt's Voyages, etc., etc. !^ 940. HAZARD (SAMT^ELV Annals of Pennsvlvania, - 1609-1682. 8vo. cloth. Phila. : 1850. Fine copy. Z^ 941. HEAD (SIR FRANCIS B.). The Emigrant, first EDITION. 12mo, original pictorial boards (binding rubbed). London: 1846. ^g 942. HEAD (GEORGE). Forest Scenes and Incidents, ^ in the W^ilds of North America: being a diary of a Winter's route from Halifax to the Canadas, and during four months' residence in the woods on the borders of Lakes Huron and Simcoe. first edition. 12mo, old diamond calf. London: John Murray, 1829. 133 -6" 943. HEAD (GEOROE). Forest Scenes and Incidents, 3 "" in the Wilds of North America ; being a Diary of a Winter 's Route from Halifax to the Canadas, and during Four Months' Residence in the Woods on the Borders of Lakes Huron and Simcoe. first edition. Small 8vo, original boards and labels uncut. Lond. : J. Murray, 1829. .::>o c 944. HEADLEY (J. T.). The Adirondack; or Life in the Woods, first edition. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.: 1849. 945. HEAP (GWINN HARRIS). Central Route to the 2.5" Pacific, from the Valley of the Mississippi to California. " Journal of the Expedition from ^Missouri to California, in 1853. Full-page colored lith. plates. 8vo, cloth. PhHa.: 1854. 946. HEARNE (SAMUEL). Voyage de iSamuel Hearne, du Fort du Prince de Galles dans la Baie de Hudson, I'Ocean Z3 Nord, Entrepris par ordre de la Compagnie de la Baie de Hud- son, dans les annees 1769 .... 1772, et execute par terre, pour la decouverte d 'un passage au Nord-Ouest. Traduit de 1 'Ang- lais. 5 folding maps and 4 folding plates. 2 vols., 8vo, original calf (edges of binding somewhat rubbed). Imprimerie de Patris, An VII (Paris: 1799). The rare French Edition, translated by Lallement. 947. HEART (€APT. JONATHAN). Journal of Capt. -c" Jonathan Heart on the March with his Company from Con- " necticut to Fort Pitt, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from the Seventh of September, .to the Twelfth of October, 1785, in- clusive. To which is added the Dickinson-Harmar Corres- pondence of 1784-5. Illustrated with Notes and preceded by a Biographical Sketch of Captain Heart. By Counsel W. But- terfield. 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top. Albany: 1885. Limited to 150 copies. 948. HECKEWELDER (JOHN). A Narrative of the — ^Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mo- hegan Indians, from its commencement, in the Year 1740 to the close of the Year 1808. Comprising all the Remarkable Incidents which took place at their ^Missionary Stations during that Period. Interspersed with Anecdotes, Historical Facts^ Speeches of Indians, and other interesting matter. Portrait of Zcisbrrgcr. 8vo. original boards, paper label, totally uncut. Phila.: 1820. Rare in boards, uncut. Mr. Field gives an extensive and most intcre.sting account of this work. 949. HECKEWELDER (JOHN). A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren Among the Delaware and Mo- hegan Indians, from 1740 to 1808. Comprising All the Re- 134 HIX'KEWEI.DER (JOHN). inarkablc Incidents Which Took Place at Their Missionary Stations During That i*erio(l. Portrait. 8vo, old sheep (rubbed). Phila. : 1820. O.-iO. IIECKEWELDER (JOHN). Narrative of John _ Hecke welder's Journey to the Wabash in 1792. Edited by- John W\ Jordan. 8vo, wrappers. Phila.: 1888. 951. HECKEWELDER (JOII'X). Narrative of the Mis- sion of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan :5" Indians. Edited by William Elsey Connelley. Portraits, fac- "" similes, maps, etc. Thick royal 4to, three quarter pigskin, ' slight tear ui margin of one map). Amsterdam: Andries van Damme, 1702, This Uabe Dutcu Translation has the two maps found in the original edition of "Nouvelie D^^couverte," also the 2 I)Iates, one of the Falls of Niagara, the otlier that of the Buffalo. The ai)pen(llx contains Capine's Voyage through the Spanish AVest-Indies and an Account of the French Expedition to (Cartagena. 971. HENNEPIN (LOUIS). Voyage ou Nouvelie De- couverte d'un Tres-Grand Pays, dans I'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale. . . .avec un Voyage qui contient une Relation exacte de I'origine, ]\Ioeurs, Coutumes, Religion, Guerres & Voyages des Caraibes, Sauvages des Isles Antilles de I'Amerique, faite par le Sieur De La Horde, tiree du Cabinet de ]\Ionsr. Blondel. 2 folding maps, engraved title and 6 copper-plate engravings, including the View of Niagara Falls. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, red and green leather labels, gilt top. Amsterdam : Chez Adriaan Braakman, 1704. Fine Copy. Includes the "Voyage qui contient," pp. 517-604, with a separate title. Very Rare with the additional. VOYAGES, which are usually wanting. 972. HENNEPIN (LOUIS). Aenmerkelyke Voyage Ge- daan na't gedeelte van Noorder America, Behelzende een nieuwe ontdekkinge van een seer groot Land, gelegen tusschen Nieiiw Mexico en de Ys-Zee. Folding map and 6 copper-plate engravings, including the View of Niagara Falls. Small 4to, marbled boards (tear in map neatly repaired, margin of one plate torn). Ley den: By Pieter vander Aa, 1704, Sabin mentions two maps for this edition, the above copy has only one, entitled "Carte d'un tres grand Pais Nouvelle- nient decouvert dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. . .Chez Pierre van der Aa, Leiden, 1704." Rare. 973. HENNEPIN (LOUIS). Aanmerkelyke Voyagie Ge- daan na't Gedeelte van Noorder America. Behelzende een nieuwe ontdekkinge van een seer groot Land, gelegen tusschen Nieuw ^Mexico en de Ys-Zee. 3 copper-plate engravings. Small 4to, marbled boards. Rotterdam: By Barent Bros.. 1704, According to Sabin, this edition, which is the same as that printed by Van der Aa, at Leyden in 1704. should have 2 maps- niid C> plntes. The above copy contains only 3 plates. 974. HENNEPIN (LOUIS). Voyages Curieux et Nou- veaux de ]\Ieissieurs Hennepin & de La Borde, Ou I'on voit Une Description tres Particuliere, d'un Grand Pays dans L'Amer- ique. entre le Nouveau ]\Iexique, & la Mer Glaciale. avec une Relation Curieuse des Caraibes sauvages des Isles Antilles de L'Amerique. leur Moeurs, Coutumes, Religion, &c. Title printed in red and hlack on oMong sheet. 2 folding maps hy Vander Aa, and 6 copper-plate engravings, including View of Niagara Falls. 12mo, three-quarter crimson polished morocco, isa HENNEPIN (LOUIS). gilt top. Amsterdam: Aux depens de la Compagnie, 1711. This is the same as the edition of 1704, but with a new title- page, and the same misprint in pages 493-496. 975. HENNEPIN (LOUIS). Voyage Ou nouvelle Decou- oc r verte d'un tres-grand Pais, dans I'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaeiale .... Avec un Voyage Qui contient une Relation exacte de I'Origine, Moeurs, Coutumes, Religion, Guerres & Voyages des Caraibes, Sauvages des lies Antiles de I'Amerique, faite par le Sieur De La Borde, Engraved, title, 2 folding maps and 6 fine copper-plate engravings, including the View of Niagara Falls. 12mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, elaborately tooled, triple gilt border lines, inside gold borders, gilt over marbled edges, by Lortic, (slight tear in one map so skillfully repaired as to be hardly discerni- ble). Amsterdam: Chez Jacques Desbordes, 1712. Beautiful C!opy of this Babe Edition, in a handsome French binding. The collation of this copy varies from that given by either Shea or Sabin ; being as follows : Title, 1 leaf ; Dedication (10 pp.) ; Avis an Lecteur (13 pp.) ; Table des Chap. (9 pp.) ; Text, pp. 1-516; Title to "Voyage qui contient.," 1 leaf; text, pp. 519-604 ; Table des Matieres (32 pp.). 976. [HENNEPIN (LOUIS).] Relations de la Louisiane, ■^ et du Fleuve Mississippi (containing, "Relations de la Louis^ iane par un Officier de ]\Iarine, " ' ' Relation de la Louisiane & du Fleuve Mississippi," "Voiage en un pais plus grand que 1 'Europe, par Hennepin," "Voiages de Gosnol, Fringe & Gil- bert aux Cotes de la Virginie") : — (also) Recueil d 'Arrests et autres pieces pour 1 'Etablissement de la Compagnie d 'Occi- dent. Relation de la Baie de Hudson. Les Navigation de Frobisher au Detroit. Folding map of Virginia and copper- plates. 2 vols., 12mo, old calf (broken). Amsterdam: 1720. The above two vols, complete in themselves, comprise Vols. 5 and 6 of "Recueil de Voiages au Nord." 977. [HENNEPIN (LOUIS).] "Decouverte d'un Pays plus grand que 1 'Europe, situe dans L 'Amerique entre le Nou- veau Mexique & La Mer Glaeiale (Recueil de Voiages au Nord. Tome Neuvieme). Folding map. 12mo. old calf (weak at hinges). Amsterdam: 1737. 978. IIE.XNEPIN (LOUIS). A Description of Louisiana. By Father Louis Hennepin. Translated from the Edition of 1683, and compared with the "Nouvelle Decouverte," the La Salli' Docuiiiciits and other contemporaneous papers. By John G. Shea. Folding map. Royal 8vo, three-quarter blue pol- i.shcd calf, gilt back and top, uncut. N. Y. : J. G. Shea, 1880. This fine bepbint, contains a Biblioobapht of Hennepin, HY Shea, and an appendix containing accounts of Hennepin's voyages taken from various works. 140 979. HENNEPIN (LOUIS). A New Discovery of a Vast ." Country in America. Reprinted from the second London issue of 1693, ivith facsimiles of original title pages, and illustra- tions, and the addition of Introduction, Notes and Index. By Rouben G. Thwaites. 2 vols., Royal 8vo, half vellum un- cut. Chicago: 1903. Large Paper : limited to 150 copies. 980. HENRY (ALEXANDER). Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories, between the Years 1760 '• and 1776. Portrait. 8vo, full green polished calf, gilt back, morocco labels, gilt top, gilt inside borders, by sangorski. N. Y.: 1809. Fixe copy. The author escaped almost miraculously from the Massacre at Detroit, in the war occasioned by the Conspiracy of I'oiitiac, of which he gives a thrilling account ; his Narrative of his long captivity is one of the most authentic accounts relative to the domestic manners of the Northern Indians. Rare. FIFTH SESSION Thursday Morning, May 7, 1914. Commencing at 10:30 o'clock. 981. HENRY (ALEXANDER). Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories, between the Years 1760 ''— and 1776. New Edition, edited with Notes, illustrative and biographical by James Bain. With maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, paper label, uncut. Bost. : 1901. Limited Edition. Fine copy. 982. HENRY .(JOHN J.). Campaign Against Quebec: _ being an Accurate and Interesting Account of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Band of Heroes who Traversed the Wilderness, by the Route of the Kennebec, and Chaudiere River to Quebec, in the Year 1775. Revised edition, with cor- rections and alterations. Woodcuts. 16mo, roan (slightly foxed). Watertown, N. Y. : 1844. Scarce. ^ 983. HENRY (JOPIN J.). Account of Arnold's Cam- ■^— paign Against Quebec .... in the Autumn of 1775. Map. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Albany : 1877. 984. HENRY (PATRICK). Sketches of the Life and c Character of. By William Wirt. Engraved portrait hy Leney — after Sulhj. 8vo, old sheep (rebacked. name on title). Phila.: 1817. ^^ 985. HERBERT (HENRY WILLIAM). Frank Fores- '_ ter's Fish and Fishing of the Ignited States and British Pro- vinces of North America. With full-page and text illustra- tions. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Bentley, 1849. Very clean copy of the scarce First Edition. 141 986. HERBERT (HENRY WILLIAM). Frank Forest- 2;,"' er's Field Sports of the United States and British Provinces. of North America. Portrait and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo^ cloth. N. Y.: (1873). 987. HERIOT (GTEORG-E). The History of Canada, from its First Discovery, comprehending an Account of the Original ^ Establishment of the Colony of Louisiana. Vol I (all puh- ^ iff lished). 8vo, full claret polished calf, gilt back, green leather ^ labels, gilt top, uncut, by sangorski. (lower corner of title torn, but neatly repaired). Lond. : 1804. An exceptionally labge copy, with wide margins and rough uncut edges. The author was appointed First Postmaster-General of Can- ada in 1774 and later served AS an officeb in the Wab of 1812. The work, though based on that of the early Jesuit Relations and other travellers, is supplemented by the author's own notes. Rare. 988. HERIOT (GEORGE). The History of Canada, from -- - its First Discovery, comprehending an Account of the Original ^' Establishment of the Colony of Louisiana. Vol. 1 (all pub- lished). 8vo, half leather (top of title neatly remargined). Lond.: 1804. 989. HERIOT (GEORGE). Travels through the Cana- das: containing a Description of the Picturesque Scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes ; with an Account of the Produc- tions, Commerce, and Inhabitants of those Provinces. To- which is subjoined a Comparative View of the Manners and Customs of Several of the Indian Nations of North and South America. Illustrated with a map and 27 finely colored plates, from drawings made at the several places by the author. 4to, diamond russia (rebacked). • Lond.: 1807. Colored Copy. Devoted largely to the American Indians ; with a Vocabulary of the Algonquin Language. The plates in the work are all finely colored aquatint engravings, and include many rare views of Quebec, Montreal, Niagara, etc. — also 2 large fold- ing colored views of Canadian dances and 2 large folding colored plates, showing the Encampment and Costumes of the Domicil- iated Indians. A rare work, both text and plates in exceptionally fine condition. Colored copies like the above abe very MTrcH MORE DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN THAN THOSE WITH THE PLATES PLAIN. 990. HERIOT (GEORGE). Analysis of New Voyages lately Published in London. 4 acquatint plates, including view of Quebec. [Lond. : ca. 1807.] Apparently a Review or Resume of Heriot's book in 4to, from- Phillips' "New Collection of Voyages." 991. HERIOT (GEORGE). Travels through the Cana- das. 12mo, sheep. Phila. : 1813. 992. HERNDON AND GIBBON. Exploration of the Val- ley of the Amazon. With atlas to Herndon's Report. Plates. 3^ vols.. 8vo, cloth (lacks atlas to Gibbon's Report). Wash.: 1854> 142 .r 993. HERODIANUS. Ilerodiano delle Vite Imperiali. " Tradotte di Greco per M. Lelio Carani. 16mo, vellum. Vinegia; appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1552. 995. IIERRERA (ANTONIO DE). " Scheeps-Togten, West-Indise Landen. ' ' Numerous fine copper-plate maps and •engravings. 13 parts in one vol. Folio, calf (binding broken). Leyden: P. van der Aa, 1706. This collection of the most memorable voyages of the Spanish Discoverers to the West Indies, 1492-1517, printed in Dutch and published by Vander Aa, comprises the first Four Voyages of Columbus, the Voyages of Vesputius, 1499 ; Vincent Y. Pin- zoN, 1500 ; Fbanciscus de Pobbas, 1504 ; Ponze de Leon to Florida ix 1512, and others. Each part with separate pagina- tion and title. 996. IIERRERA (ANTONIO DE). Novus Orbis. Sive "" Descriptio India? Occidentalis. .. .metaphraste C. Barlaeo. Ac- cesseriint & alioriim Indiap Occidentalis Descriptiones. & Nav- igationis nuperas Australis Jacobi le ^Nlaire Historia, uti & navigationum oniniiim per Fretum ]\lagellanicum succinta nar- ratio. Engraved title, 17 engraved douhle-page maps, 5 en- graved views in text and portrait. Folio, vellum (slight tear in two margins). Amstelodami ; Apud Michaelem Colilium, 1622. This copy is apparently complete, though Sabin calls for 6 pre!., leaves. Brunet cites but four. The text illustrations are 5 in number, not four as quoted by Sabin. There is also an addi- tional portrait not mentioned by other bibliographers. 997. IIERRERA (ANTONIO DE). Eerste Scheeps-Togt 5 ter verdere Ontdekkinge van de West-Indieu door Jean Dias de Solis en Vincent Jamez Pinzon, gedaan naar Jukatan, in't Jaar 1506. Engraved vignette on title. Small 8vo, marbled wrappers. Leyden : P. Vander Aa, 1706, Rare. 998. HERRERA (ANTONIO DE). Uytvoerige Reys- Togteii door Pedrarias Da\ila, met vysten Schepen van zyn L Katholyke Majesteit voor Opper-Bevelhebber afgezonden naar de Vaste Kust van Darien ; in't Jaar 1514. Folding map and 8 folding copper-plate engravings. Small 8vo, half claret pol- ished morocco, gilt back and top. Leyden: P. Vander Aa, 1706. Rare. ^^ 999. HERRERA (ANTONIO DE). Heldhaftige Reys- Togten. Te Land Door Ferdinand Cortes, In Nieuw-Spanje, Ter Belegering der Koninglijke Hoofd-stad Mexico, Van Tlas- kala ondernoomen in't Jaar 1519. Folding map and 8 fine copper-plate engravings. -Small 8vo, marbled wrappers. Leyden: P. Vander Aa, 1707. Rare. 143 1000. HERRERA (ANTONIO DE). Historia General de- - los Heehos de los Castellanos en las Isles y Tierra Firme del 3-1 ^i? mar Oceano : Description de las Indias occidentales. Engraved \ title to each part, divided into compartments, in which are represented scenes from Indian life, portraits, etc. — also 14 folding copper-plate maps in the "Description de las Indias." 9 vols, in 5, folio, boards, uncut (bindings slightly cracked). MADRID: IMPRENTA REAL, 1726-1730. BEST EDITION, PUBLISHED BY THE LEARNED GONZALES BABCIA. and containing a copious index, fine clean cx)PY, entibelt UNCUT. On the subject of American histories, Ticknor says : "Of this class, the first in importance and the most comprehensive in char- acter, is 'The General History of the Indies' by Antonio de Herrera. It embraces the period from the first discovery of America to the year 1545 ; and as Herrera v^as a practised) writer, and from his official position as historiographer to the Indies, had access to every source of information known in his time, his work is of very great value" — Hist, of Spanish Litera- ture. THE EDWARD EVERETT COPY, with book-platc in each volume. 1001. HESSE-WARTEGG (ERNST VON). Mississippi- gr) Fahrten. Reisebilder aus dem Amerikanischen Siiden, 1879- ' — 80. Illustrations. 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. Leipzig: 1881. Travels through the Southern States. 1002. [HEWATT (ALEXANDER).] An Historical Ac- ~o count of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Caro- i 4- ~" lina and Georgia. 2 vols., 8 vo, full calf, gilt backs, gilt bor- ders on sides, by riviere. , Lond. : 1779. Good sound copy of this babe work. The author during his several years stay in South Carolina, collected many valuable papers and manuscripts, which form the basis of the present Tolame. 1003. HEWITT (J. N. B.). Polysynthesis in the Lan- ■_ guages of the American Indians. 8vo, wrappers. Washington: 1893. Presentation inscription by the author. ^ r 1004. HEWITT (J. N. B.). Polysynthesis in the Lan- guages of the American Indians. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Washington: 1893. Autograph presentation inscription by the author. 1005. HEYLYN (PETER). Mikpokoemoe. A Little De- scription of the Great World. Seventh Edition. Thick, small 4to, old calf (rebacked, stamp on title, margin of title torn). Oxford: Printed by William Turner, 1636. Pages 767-808 relate to America. 144 u > o ^ H 2 O U j: c ^^ ^ :^ "^ !u ,3 5 « .; u W 5.3 -I 4* 5^ O ■ = Ki '-i -a => .5 ' ^ 1 2 = O 5 2 Q .2 ^ "5i* •5 -s ^ 2 00 13 .S c z H 5 l"!, o '. > a ©.£•§ „^ ■= J , b •- 21:1 *t ■s ^ J i^-l i! o c ,>S '^l?' .s^ -gg- - ,T 3 j-i O »• "a -S e " |(S -4 ji -it — -c -= E r -J 1006. fllEYNS (ZACHARTAS).] Const-Thoonende Iv- weel, By de lotlijcke stadt Ilacrlera, ten versoecke van Troii raoet blijcken, int liclit gebracht (etc.). With a large number of folding copper-plate engravings of full-length figures in the costumes of the period, with musical instruments, etc. Small folio, original vellum. Tot Zwol: By Zacharias Heyns, 1607. Fine old Dutch costume book. Rare. [^P 1007. IIILDRETH (SAMUEL P.). Contributions to the Early History of the North-West, including the Moravian Missions in Ohio. 12mo, cloth. Cincinnati : 1864. 1008. HILLIARD D'AUBERTEUIL (MICHEL RfiNE). — Essais Historiques et Politiques sur les Anglo-Americains. 18 fine copper-plate maps a7id engravings. 2 vols., 4to, con- temporary calf, gilt backs. Bruxelles, 1782. Fine Copy. The plates in this quarto edition, by Le Barbier and others, are all fine impressions, and include many rare en- gravings, among which might be mentioned, portraits of Wash- ington, Hancock, Franklin and Pitt, views of First Assembly of Congress, Death of Montgomery, Fire in New York, Plan of the Battle of Monmouth, etc. At the end of Vol. 2, are a number of Epitaphs on American Officers. 1009. HIND (HENRY Y.). Northwest Territory. Re- ports of the Progress together with a Preliminary and G-eneral Report on the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Ex- pedition. Maps and illustrations. Folio, half roan. Toronto: 1859. Co 1010. HIND (HENRY Y.). Narrative of the Canadian "" Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857. and of the Assini- boine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition of 1858. Beautifully illustrated with colored lith. plates, and maps, besides woodcuts in the text. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Longmans, 1860. Fine clean copy of the Large Type Library Edition. 1011. HIND (HENRY Y.). Explorations in the Interior of the Labrador Peninsula, the Country of the ]Montagnais and Nasquapee Indians. Numerous fidl-page lith. plates, printed in color. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. Lond. : Longmans, 1863. Fine copy. The beautiful colored plates add greatly to the in- terest of these volumes. g 1012. HINES (GUSTAVUS). A Voyage Round the " World : With a History of the Oregon Mission .... Adventures among the Indians. . . .Description of Oregon Territory, etc. First Edition. 12mo. cloth. Buffalo : 1850. 1013. HINES (GUSTAYUS). Oregon, its History, Con- dition and Prospects. . . .with personal adventures among the Indians .... while connected with the Oregon ^Missions. Por- trait. 12mo, cloth. Buffalo : 1852. 145 1014. HINSDALE (B. A.). The Old Northwest. With a view of the Thirteen Colonies as constituted by the Royal Charters. Maps. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1888. 1015. HINSDALE (ELIZUR BRACE). Autobiography, with Reports and Documents. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : 1901. 1016. HIPPISLEY (G.). A Narrative of the Expedition to the Rivers Orinoco and Apure, in South America. 8vo, calf, gilt back. Lond.: 1819. 1017. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. Con- tributions, with Transactions, etc. Vols. 1, 2, 4 and 5. Maps and illusts. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. Helena, Montana: 1876-1904. Contains valuable historical and biographical papers relating to Montana and western history. 1018. HISTORY OF THE WAR IN AMERICA (THE). between Great Britain and Her Colonies, from its Commence- ment to the end of the Year 1778. In which its Origin, Prog- ress, and Operations are faithfully related, together with Anec- dotes and Characters of the different Commanders, and Ac- counts of such Personages in Congress as have distinguished themselves during the Contest. To which is added, a Collection of Interesting and Authentic Papers tending to elucidate the History; (also). Vol. Ill, being a Continuation to 1783, Fold- ing niap and table. 3 vols., 8vo, calf (lower portion of title, with imprint and "Vol. Ill," neatly inserted on title of vol. 3). Dublin: 1779-1785. The Rabe Original Edition. With the broken pagination (I'art II.) and the duplicate leaves (pp. 349-'52) in Vol. I. It would appear that the first set of these duplicates were intended to be suppressed, as they are uncomplimentary to British valor. The third vol. which continues the history to 1783, was a subse- quent publication, and is very seldom found with the set. 1019. HITCHCOCK (EDWARD). Final Report on the Geology of ^Massachusetts. With an appended Catalogue of the Specimens of Rocks and Minerals in the State Collection. Folding map and 50 plates, including fine lithographic views. Thick 4to, lialf morocco. Amherst: 1841. 1020. HITCHCOCK (EDWARD). Sketch of the Scenery of I\Iassacliusetts. 14 fine lithographic plates and woodcuts in text. 4to, cloth (few pages slightly spotted). Northampton : 1842. Fine Copt. Rare with all the plates, which include views of Mt. Tom, Mt. Holyoke, North Adams, Stockbridge Pond, Hadley, Ilavorhill, Saugus, Turner's Falls, Great Falls at Westfield, etc. 1021. HODGE (F. W.). The Early Navajo and Apache. 8vo. wrappers, uncut. Washington: 1895. 146 ■2. 1022. HODGE (F. W.). The First Discovered City of Cibola (Arizona). 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Washington: 1895. Autograph presentation inscription by the author, presented to Dr. Coaes. . 1023. HODGSON (AD aV).' Ri'marks During a Journey 2. Through North America, 18x9-1821 ... .with an Appendix, containing an Account of the Several Indian Tribes and the Principal Missionary Stations. 8vo, half calf (small corner of title torn, few pp. slightly spotted). N. Y. : 1823. o 1024. HOFFMAN (C.F.). Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie. 2 vols., 16mo, cloth. London: 1839. Contains much interesting material relating to Indians. 1025. IIOLLEY (0. h.— Editor) . The Picturesque Tour- ist ; Being A Guide Through The Northern and Eastern States and Canada. Plates and maps. 16mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1844. 1026. HOLLISTER (G. H.). The History of Connecticut, ^_. from the First Settlement of the Colony to the Adoption of the Present Constitution. Steel portraits. 2 vols.. 8vo, cloth. New Haven: 1855. Fine copy. f 1027. HOLLISTER (HIEL). Pawlett for One Hundred Years (Rutland County, N. Y.). (Contains over 100 pp. of genealogical material). Portrait. 16mo, cloth. Albany: 1687. Autograph of author on portrait. 1028. HOLMAN (JA]\IES). Travels in Madeira. Sierra Leone. Teneriffe, St. Jago, Cape Coast, Fernando Po. Princes Island, etc. With engraved portrait and folding lith. pano- rama plate. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1840. ^5 1029. HOLMES (ABIEL). American Annals: or, a Chro- — nological History of America. With additions and corrections by the author. Map. 2 vols., 8vo, diamond calf, gilt backs and sides. Cambridge: 1808. 1030. HOLIMES (ABIEL). The Annals of America, from - the Discovery by Columbus, in the Year 1492, to the Year 1826. 2 vols.. 8vo. original boards, paper labels, uncut. Cambridge: 1829. Fine crisp copy, mainly unopened. b 1031. HOLMES (E.). Report of an Exploration and Sur- vey of the Territory on the Aroostook River, during the Springs and Autumn of 1838 . 8vo, original wrappers. Augusta : 1839. 1032. HOLMES (ISAAC). An Account of the United _^ States of America. Folding colored copper-plate map. 8vo, half green polished calf, gilt back, red leather labels, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: [1823.] Fl>E LARGE COPY, VNCUT. 147 1033. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). The Professor at the Breatfast-Table ; with the Story of Iris. 12ino, cloth. Boston: 1860. First Edition. 1034. HOLTON (ISAAC F.). New Granada: Twenty £" ]\Ionths in the Andes. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth — (corners worn). N. Y, : 1857. 1035. [HOMANS (J. SMITH).] Sketches of Boston, if Past and Present. 120 illustrations. 16nio, cloth. '- Boston: 1851. 1036. HOOPER (LIEUT. W. H.). Ten Months among the Tents of the Tuski, with Incidents of an Arctic Boat Ex- 4- pedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, as Far as Cape Mac- kenzie, and Cape Bathurst. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut (slightly rubbed). London: 1853. 1037. HOORNB'EEK (JOHANNIS). De Conversione In- dorum & Gentilium. Libri Duo. Fine portrait of the author, — by Santvoort. Small 4to, three quarter red morocco. (Few margins slightly stained). Amstelodami: 1669. Rake Edition, with the scabce pobtait, often wanting. Prefixed is a Life of the Author. The supplemental chapter re- lates to the efforts of Mayhew, Eliot, Shepard and others among the Indians of New England. 1038. HOPKINS (SAMUEL). Historical Memoirs, Re- lating TO THE HousATUNNUK INDIANS : or, an Account of the Methods used, and Pains taken, for the Propagation of the Gospel among the, Heathen-Tribe and the Success thereof — under the ^Ministrj^ of the late Reverend Mr. John Sergeant. Together with the Character of that eminently worthy Mis- sionary : and an Address to the people of this Country, respect- ing the very great Importance of attaching the Indians to their Interest, not only by treating them .justly and kindly, but by using proper endeavors to settle Christianity among them. By Samuel Hopkins, Postor of a Church in Springfield. Small 4to, contemporary calf (back neatly repaired). Boston : Printed and sold by S. Kneeland, 1753. One of the Rabest wobks belating to the Indians of New England. An exceptionally fine copy. With auto- graph signature of "Stephen Williams, 1754," the first minister at Longmeadow, Mass. Pbesebved in a bbown mobocco solandeb case. [See Illustrations]. 1039. HOPKINS (SARAH W.). Life among the Piutes: ~ Their Wrongs and their Claims. Edited by Mrs. Horace Mann. J2rao, cloth. Bost.: 1883. Pbivately Pbinted fob the Authoe. 14S 5 1040. HORETZKY (CHARLES). Canada on the Pacific: being a Journey from Edmonton by the Peace River Valley; and Along the Western Coast. With Rx^marks on the Indian Tribes, etc. 2 folding maps. 12mo, cloth. Montreal : 1874, 1041. HORN (GEORGE). De Originibus Americanis. Libri Quatuor. Small 8vo, old calf (hinges weak). Hagae Comitis, Sumptibus Adriani Vlacq. 1652 (Colophon) Lug- duni Batavorum, Typis Philippi de Cro-y, Arnhemo-Geldri, 1652. The yehy scarce First Edition. Written at the suggestion of De Laet, in answer to the "De Origine Gentium Americano- rum" of Hugo Grotius, from whom it provoked an angry rejoind- er, which was answered by a counter-treatise by J. de Laet. c: 1042. HORN (HOSE A B.). Horn's Overland Guide, from the U. S. Indian Sub- Agency, Council BluflFs, on the Missouri River, to the City of Sacramento in California. Fold- ing map. ISmo, original cloth. N. Y. : 1852. Fine copy. Contains a table of distances, showing all the known rivers, creeks, lakes, mountains, camping places, etc., on the Western trail. ^ 1043. HORNADAY (JOHN M.). Camp-Fires in the Canadian Rockies. 2 maps and 70 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : 1906. Big Game hunting. Nature Notes, etc. 1044. HORSFORD (EBEN NORTON). The Discovery of the Ancient City of Norumbega (Mass.). Many maps and illustrations. 4to, red cloth, gilt top, uncut (back cover stained). Cambridge: Privately Printed (1889). Only 250 copies printed on hand made paper. ^ 1045. HOUGH (FRANKLIN B.). A History of St. Law- rence and Franklin Counties, New York, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Portraits, illustrations and fold- ing maps. 8vo, half roan (slightly rubbed). Albany: 1853. ,- 1046. HOUGH (FRANKLIN B.). Pemaquid Papers. - Papers Relating to Pemaquid (Me.), and Parts Adjacent in the Present State of >\raine. known as Cornwall County, when Under the Colony of New York. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tooled back, gilt top, uncut (name on title). Albany: Weed, Parsons & Companie. 1856. 'o 1047. HOUGH (FRANKLIN B.). Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affiairs, Appointed by Law for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Published from the Original Manuscript. Introduction and Notes, by Franklin B. Hough. Folding maps. 2 vols., small 4to. cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Albany : 1861. Scarce. 149 1048. HOUSTON (MRS. M. C). Hesperos: or, Travel* in the West. First edition. 2 vols., small 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: 1850. Impressions of New England, Canada, and the West. 1049. HOW (NEHEMIAH). A Narrative of the Captiv- - ity of Nehemiah How in 1745-1747. Reprinted from the orig- inal edition of 1748, with Introduction and Notes by V. H. Paltsits. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Cleveland: 1904. Only 27 copies pbinted on Japanese vellum. 1050. HOWARD (0. O.). Nez Perce Joseph ; an Account ^ — of his Ancestors, his Lands, his Confederates, his Enemies, hi» Murders, his War, his Pursuit and Capture. Portraits and maps. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bost. : 1881. 1051. HOWE (HENRY). Historical Collection of the T ~ Great West: Containing Narratives of the most important and interesting Events in Western History. Illusts. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, roan. Cincinnati : 1855. 1052. HOWSE (JOSEPH). A Grammar of the Cree ~ Language; With An Analysis of the Chippeway Dialect. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: 1844. 1053. HOYT (E.). Antiquarian Researches; comprising a History of the Indian Wars in the Country Bordering Con- necticut River and Parts i^jacent. . . .with Notices of Indian Depredations. Engraved iins. 8vo, half green polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. / n Greenfield: 1824. Fine copy. ' 1054. HUBBARD (JOHN N.). Sketches of Border Ad- _ ventures in the Life and Times of Major Moses Van Campen, a Surviving Soldier of the Revolution. 8vo, full polished sprinkled calf, gilt back elaborately tooled, red leather label, sides with inlaid panel of light polished calf, gilt dentelle borders, by morrell. Bath, N. Y. : 1842. A Very fine copy of this scarce book. The materials for thi» work were almost entirely gathered from Van Campen's own nar- ratives, and give many important facts relating to the American Revolution. Gen. Sullivan's Campaign, Battle of Wyom- ing, Anecdotes of Gen. Marion, Indian warfare, etc. 1055. HUBBARD (J. NILES). An Account of Sa-Go- Ye-Wat-Ha ; or, Red Jacket and His People, 1750-1830. Port- raits and illustrations. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Albany: 1886. Munsell's Historical Series, No. 13. 1056. HUBBARD (WILLIAM), the present state of XEW-ENGLAND. BEING A NARRATIVE OF THE TROUBLES WITH THE INDIANS IN nt:w-england, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the present year 1677: But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years 1675 and 1676. To which 150 HUBBARD (WILLIAM). is added a Discourse about the War with the Pequods in the year 1637. By W. Hubbard, Minister of Ipswich. Map. Small 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, heavy bands, gilt sides and edges, by pratt. (original map replaced by facsimile of the "White Hills" map, neatly mounted on linen). London : printed for tiio. p.\rkhurst, 1677, FINE COPY. EXTREMELY RARE. The autlior, who Came to Am- prica in 1621. was remarkable in an age and country of bigots for his liberality, moderation and piety ; and his narrative has been regarded for two hundred years by historians as a standard of authority. Mr. Field was of the opinion that this London issue was printed from manuscript simultaneously with the Boston edition of the same year. The present copy contains the rare "Leaf of License," dated June 27, 1677, and the original blank preceding it. :o 1057. HUBBARD (WILLIAM). A Narrative of the In- "" dian Wars in New England, from the First Planting thereof in the year 1607 to the year 1677. 16mo, original sheep (slightly cracked at one hinge). Worcester: By Daniel Greenleaf, for Joseph Wilder, 1801. 1058. HUBBARD (WILLIAM). A Narrative of the In- dian Wars in New England, from the First Planting thereof in the Year 1607 to 1677. 8vo, sheep (stamp on title, though text crisp and clean). Stockbridge, Mass.: 1803. 1059. HUBBARD (WILLIAM). The History of the In- ~ dian Wars in New England, from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677. Carefully revised, and accompanied with an historical preface, life and pedigree of the author, and extensive notes, by Samuel G. Drake. Facsimiles of map and title pages. 2 vols., small 4to, half green morocco, uncut. Roxbury, ^lass. : 1865. Only 350 copies printed. 1060. HUBLEY (BERNARD). The History of The Am- erican Revolution, including the most Important Events and Resolutions of the Honourable Continental Congress during that period, and also the most Interesting Letters and Orders of His Excellency General George Washington. Vol. 1 {all piiblisked) . 8vo, polished mottled calf, gilt back, red and green leather labels, gilt letters, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, BY SANGORSKI & SUTCLIFF. NORTHUMBERLAND, Pa. : 1805, Fine copy of one of the rarest and most important his- torical WORKS relating TO THE REVOLUTION. - 1061. HUC (M.). The Chinese Empire, second edition. ~ 2 vols., 8vo, full crimson calf, gilt backs, leather labels. Lond.: 1855. A sequel to Travels through Tartary and Thibet. Autograph presentation inscription by Henry Maxwell. 151 1062. HUDSON (W. H.). The Naturalist in La Plata. Many full-page and other illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London : Chapman & Hall, 1892. 1063. HUDSON'S BAY. Report from the Committee,. Appointed to Enquire into the State and Condition of the Countries adjoining to Hudson 's Bay, and of the Trade carried on there. Together with an appendix. Reported by Lord Strange, April 24, 1749. Folio, half calf. Lond.: 1749. Very Rabe. The appendix contains Papers of the Hudson's Bay Co., presented to the Committee, including List of Proprie- tors, Instructions to officers regarding the Discovery of the North- West Passage, copies of orders, accounts of exports by the com- pany, etc. 1064. HUGHES (JOHN T.). Doniphan's Expedition;, containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico ; Gen- eral Kearney 's Overland Expedition to California : Doniphan 's Campaign Against the Navajos ; his Unparalleled IMarch upon Chihuahua and Durango : and the Operations of General Price at Sante Fe. Wooducuts. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Cincinnati: (1848). Fine copy of a scarce item. 1065. HUGHES (JOHN T.). Doniphan's Expedition; containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico, Gen- eral Kearney 's Overland. Expedition to California, Doniphan 's Campaign against the Navajos, his Unparalleled March upon Chihuahua and Durango. Illustrations, original map replaced hy one of earlier date (1848). 12mo, new cloth, uncut, (slightly spotted). Cincinnati: 1850. 1066. HUGO (THOMAS). The Bewick Collector. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick, including Cuts in various states for miscellaneous pur- poses. Numerous cuts. With the Supplementary volume. Together 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1866-68. These volumes describe from the Originals, the illustrations of these famous engravers, contained in the largest and most perfect collection ever formed. 1067. HUISPI (ROBERT). The Last Expedition of Capt. Sir John Ross, for the Discovery of a North-West Pas- sage ; with an abridgment of the former Voyages of Captains Ross, Parry, and other celebrated navigators. Illustrations and maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: G^eorge Virtue {ca., 1835). 1068. HL^LL (WILLIAM). Report of the Trial of Brig. General William Hull, Commanding the North-Westem Army of the United States, by Court Martial, held at Albany, on Monday, 3rd January. 1814, and Succeeding Days. Taken by Lieut. Col. Forbes (With appendix, containing the Defence and copies of Letters). 8vo, half roan. N. Y. : 1814. Original Edition. 152 Historical Memoirs, Relating to the Houfatunnuk Indians : o R, An Account of the Methods ufed, and Pains taken, for the Propagation of the Gofpel among that !^eatl)em8)>3Cribe> and theSuc- ccfs thereof, under the Miniftry of the late Reverend Mr. JOHN SE RGEANTt TOGETHER, With xh^Cbara^ier of that eminently wonhy MiffwHary ; and an Addrefs to the People of this Country, reprefenting the very gre^t Importance of attaching the JnDiaflS to their Intereft, not only by treating them jullly and kindly, but by ufing proper Endeavours to fettle Chrijlianiiy among them. By Samuel Hopkins, A. M. Pallor of a Church in Springfield. I perceive that GoD is no Refpeiler of Per/$ns : Hut in every Nat. on, he that ftarttb bint, and ^norketb Rigbteou/ne/t, is accepted 'witb bim. Apollle Peter. B S r N: N.E. Printed and Sold by S. Knbeland, in Queen- Street, oppofitc :o the Prifon. 17 SZ' (See No. 1038) 1069. HULL (WILLIAM). Defence of Brigadier Gen- eral W. Hull. Delivered before the General Court Martial, of which Major General Dearborn was President, at Albany, March, 1814. With an Address to the Citizens of the United States. Written by himself. To which are prefixed the Charges Against Brigadier General Hull, as Specified by the Government. 12mo, original boards and label, uncut (two margins soiled). Bost. : 1814. First Edition. Scarce. 1070. HULL (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army of the United States, 1812 With an Appendix, containing a brief Sketcli of the Revolutionary Services of the Author. 8vo, original green paper wrappers, uncut (small library stamp on wrapper). Bost.: 1824. An exceptionally fine copy, with wide margins and rough uncut edges. The first Regimental History published in the United States. 1071. HUMBOLDT (ALEXANDER VON). Untersu- chungen iiber Amerika's Bevolkerung aus dem alten Kontin- ente, 12mo, new cloth. Leipzig: 1810. 1072. HUMBOLDT (ALEXANDER VON). Political Es- say on the Kingdom of New Spain. Translated by John Black. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. N. Y. : 1811. Researches relative to Mexico, including the Canals projected between the South Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. 1073. HUMBODLT (ALEXANDER VON). Researches, concerning the Institutions and Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America : with Descriptions and Views of some of the most Striking Scenes in the Cordilleras. Translated by Helen M. Williams. 14 engraved views and plans and 5 colored plates of hieroglyphical manuscripts. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards and labels, uncut. Lond. : 1814. 1074. HUMBOLDT (ALEXANDER VON). Vues de» Cordilleres, et IMonumens des Peuples indigenes de 1 'Amerique. 19 engraved plates hy Bouquet, some of which are colored. 2 vols,, 8vo, original boards, uncut. Paris: 1816, Good sound copy, with plates and text in almost spotless condi-^ tion. 1075. HUMPHREYS (ARTHUR L.). The Private Li- brary. What We do Know, What We Don't Know, What We Ought to Know About Our Books. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York : J. W. Bouton, 1897. Presentation copy from the Publisher. 1076. HUMPHREYS (DAVID). Historical Account of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. With the 2 rare folding maps, engraved bj/i 153 HUMPHREYS (DAVID). Moll. 8vo, calf, rebacked (title soiled). Lond. : 1730. The babe Fibst Edition, compiled from Papers transmitted to the society by the Governors of the various Colonies, etc., and embracing the labors of the society in the New England Colo- nies, New Yobk, Pennsylvania, New Jebsey, Nobth and South Cabolina, etc. 1077. HUNTER (JOHN D.). Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes Located West of the Mississippi, includ- ing some account of ... . the Indian Materia Medica : to which is prefixed the History of the Author's Life during a Residence of Several Years among them. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Phila. : 1823. The Rabe Obiginal Edition. An exceptionally tall copy, with wide margins and rough uncut edges. 1078. HUTCHINGiS (JAMES M.). Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. Upwards of 100 engravings. 8\o, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Chapman & Hall, 1865. Fine copy. 1079. HUTCHINGS (JAMES M.). In the Heart of the Sierras, the Yo Semite Valley, both Historical and Descrip- tive: and Scenes by the way. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Oakland: 1886. Fine copy. 1080. HUTCHINS (THOMAS). An Historical Narra- tive and Topographical Description of Louisiana and West Florida, comprehending the River Mississippi, with its Prin- cipal Branches and Settlements, and the Rivers Pearl, Pas- cagoula, Mobile, Perdido, Escambia, Chacta-Hatcha, etc. The Climate, Soil and Produce whether Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral. 8vo, three quarter dark polished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, by sangorski. Phila : Printed for the Author, 1784. Excessively Rabe. Fine copy, with wide margins and rough uncut edges. 1081. HUTCHINS (THOMAS). A Topographical Des- cription of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Caro- lina. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1778. Edited by Frederick Charles Hicks. With a facsimile of the original title-page of 1778. 8vo. original boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. Cleveland: The Burrows Bros. Co., 1904. No. 11 of only 20 numbeeed copies on hand-made paper. 1082. HUTCHINSON (FRANCIS). An Historical Essay concerning AVitchcraft. With Observations upon Matters of Fact. Second Edition, with considerable additions. 8vo, panelled calf (weak at hinges). Lond.: 1720. Autograph signatures of H. Owen and I. Bradley. 154 1083. HUTCHINSON (THOMAS. History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay, from tlie First Settlement There- of in 1G28, until its incorporation with the Colony of Plimouth (sic), Province of Main (sic), etc., by the Charter of King William and Queen Mary, in 1691 ■,—lalso) Vol. 2, The His- tory of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, from the Charter of King William and Queen Mary, in 1691 until the Year 1750. 2 vols., 8vo, original calf, (few pages slightly soiled). Boston: Thomas & John Fleet, 1764-1767. The Boston edition of these two volumes is much scarcer than the Salem edition. Contains autograph signature of Jonathan Saynard of Old York, County of York, 1766, on several leaves — also autograph signature of the Right Hon. Jonathan Sayicard Barrill. 1084. HUTCHINSON (THOMAS). The History of the Colony of Massachuset 's Bay. from the Fist Settlement Thereof in 1628 until its Incorporation with the Colony of Plymouth, Province of Main, etc. by the Charter of King Wil- liam and Queen Mary in 1691. second edition: — {also) Vol. II., From 1691 to 1750. second edition; — •(and) Vol. Ill, From 1749 to 1774. Edited by John Hutchinson. 3 vols. Lond., 1765, 1768 and 1328;— (also) Collection of Original Papers Relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusets- Bay (published by Lieut.-Gov. Hutchinson to support and elucidate the principal facts in the first part of his History). Original Edition. Bost., 1769; — (also), Index of Persons and Places Mentioned in Hutchinson's IMassachusetts. By J. W. Thornton, and somew^hat corrected by C. L. Woodw^ard, N. Y., 1879. Together, 5 vols., 8vo. full polished sprinkled calf, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops, (Index in half morocco). Lond., 1765-1828; Bost., 1769 and N. Y.: 1879. Fine Perfect Set. These five volumes together form the COMPLETE SERIES OF Hutchinson's HISTORY, Covering the period from 1628 to 1774. A VERY DESIRABLE COPY, including the Best London Edition of the third volume with the 16 pp. of preface, which was omitted in the issue sent to America ; also a fine uncut copy of the Original Edition of the "Collection of Papers." The whole forming a work of permanent value, indispensable in any Ameri- cana collection. 1085. HUTCHINSON (THOMAS). The Witchcraft De- lusion of 1692. With Notes by William F. Poole. 4to, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bost.: Privately Printed. 1870. From an unpublished MS. in the Mass. Archives. Fine copy^ with the original wrappers bound in. 1086. HUYSHE (CAPTAIN G. L.). The Red River Ex- pedition. Maps and illustrations. 12mo, cloth (hinge worn, embossed stamp on title). London: 1871. 1087. HYDE (JOHN). Mormonism: its leaders and de- signs. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. N. Y, : 1857. 155 1088. IDES (E. YSBRANTiS). Driejaarige Reize 1 naar China, te lande gedaan door den Mosk- ovischen Afgezant, E. Ysbants Ides, Van Moskou af, over Groot Ustiga, Siriania, Permia, Sibirien, Daour, Groot Tartaryen, Tot in China .... eine beknopte Beschryvinge van China. En- gravings, double-page and in text. 4to, vellum. 1710. An account of three years' travels, from Moscow, overland to China, with descriptions of the people and country. 1089. ILSLEY (CHARLES P.). Forest and Shore: or Legends of the Pine-Tree State. 12mo, cloth. Bost. : 1856. First Edition. 1090. IMLAY (GILBERT). A Topographical Descrip- tion of the Western Territory of North America. . . .with an Ample Description of the Several Divisions into which that Country is Partitioned, and an Accurate Statement of the Various Tribes of Indians that Inhabit the Frontier Country. To which is annexed a Delineation of the Laws and Govern- ment of the State of Kentucky. 8vo, original calf. Lond. : 1792. Rabe Fibst EornoN. Fine clean copy. 1091. IMLAY (GILBERT). A Description of the West- ern Territory of North America: containing a succinct ac- count of its Climate, Natural History, Manners and Customs, etc ... . statement of the various Tribes of Indians that inhabit the Frontier Country. . . .Laws and Government of the State of Kentucky .... in a series of Letters to a Friend. 16mo, new boards, leather label. Dublin: 1793. 1092. IMLAY (GILBERT). A Topographical Descrip- tion of the Western Territory of North America .... To which are added, the Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky, and an Essay towards the Topography, and Natural History of that Important Country, by John Filson. Second Edition, with considerable additions. Folding maps. 8vo, polished mottled calf. Lond. : 1793. Fine copy. Contains also the Adventures of Daniel Boone, the Minutes of the Piankashaw Council, 1784, and an Account of the Indian Nations. This second edition was issued by Debrett during Imlay's ab- sence in France, hence, probably, the error of printing his name "George" on the title-page. 1093. IMLAY (GILBERT). A Topographical Descrip- tion of the Western Territory of North America, containing a succinct account of its Climate, Natural History, Population, Agriculture, ^Manners and Customs, with an ample description of the several divisions into which that country is partitioned. And an accurate statement of the various Tribes of Indians that inhabit the Frontier Country. To which is annexed a delineation of the Laws and Government of the State of Ken- tucky. THIRD t:ditiox, with great additions. With four fold- 156 IMLAY (GILBERT). ing maps. 8vo, original boards paper label, uncut and en- tirely UNOPENED. Lond. : 1797. Veuy babe in such exceptionally cuoice state. In its present enlarged form, the work contains a valuable mass of material on early Western History embodying the entire works of Filson, Hutchins and various other tracts and original narratives. £ 1094. IMLAY (GILBERT). The Emigrants, etc., or, the History of an Expatriated Family, first edition. 3 vols., 12mo, old tree calf. Lond. : 1793. A philosophical novel, founded on facts, in the form of letters written chiefly from different parts of Pennsylvania, in which SEVERAL LIVELY DESCBIPTIONS OF AMEBICAN SCENES ABE INTBO- DUCED. Each vol. contains a fine book-plate of Richard Hall, ribbon and tcreath design. 1095. IMPARTIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR IX AM- • — ERICA between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Com- mencement to the end of the Year 1779 .... With an appendix containing a Collection of Interesting and Authentic Papers tending to elucidate the History. 13 fine full-page copper- plates, "representing real and animated likenesses of those celebrated Generals who have distinguished themselves in the important cause," map and a duplicate portrait of Gen. Ar- nold. 8vo, contemporary calf. London: Printed for R. Faulder. 1780. The Rabe Obiginal Edition. A wprk exceedingly difficult to find complete as many copies have been broken up for the plates. The above copy is perfect, with all the pobtraits, which in- clude those of Geobge Washington, Sib William Howe, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Gen. Abnold (2 copies), Robebt Hopkins, Chaeles Lee. Viscount Howe, Gen. Putnam, Benj. Franklin, Maj.-Gen. Woosteb, Hobatio Gates and an Ameri- can Rifle Man. 1096. IMPARTIAL REVIEW (AN) of the Rise and Progress of the Controversy between the Parties, known by the Names of the Federalists and Republicans, containing an In- vestigation of the Radical Cause of Division, and of some of the Subordinate or auxiliary Causes which have been Instrumental in Enlarging the Breach. . . .in a series of Letters from a Par- taker in the American Revolution to a Junior Citizen. 8vo, half crimson polished calf, gilt back, leather label, gilt top, uncut, by sangorski. Phila. : 1800. Fine copy of the original edition. g 1097. INDIAN MISSIONS. The Journal of the Bishop ■" of Montreal, during a Visit to the. . . .North -West American Missions. Illustrations and map. 16mo, cloth. Lond. : 1849. 157 \/ 1098. INGALLS (E. S.). Journal of a Trip to California^ by the Overland Route Across the Plains in 1850-51. 8vo, half brown polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Waukegan (Ills.) : Tobey & Co., 1852. Ax Unusvally Fine Copy of this Extbemely Rabe Item. This Journal gives a plain and interesting statement of incidenta^ in daily camp-life while on an overland journey, from Lake Coun- ty, 111., to the "Gold Diggings" of California, with General Re- marks on California. Apparently unknown to Sabin. 1099. INGERSOLL (CHARLES J.). A View of the Rights and Wrongs, Power and Policy of the United States^ of America. 8vo, half brown polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Phila. : 1808. Written in defense of Jefferson's Administration. Fine c»py.. 1100. [INGRAHAM (EDWARD D.).] A Sketch of the Events which Preceded the Capture of Washington, by the British, on the Twenty-fourth of August, 1814. 8vo, boards, uncut. Phila.: 1849. Benson J. Lossing's Copy. With A. L. 8. to Lossing by Horatio G. Jones, and portrait of the author laid in. Autogbaph INSCBIPTION, "For Benson J. Lossing, Esq., from the Author^ March, 1852." With several marginal corrections, possibly in the handwriting of Lossing. 1101. [INGRAHAM (JOSEPH H.)]. The South-West. By a Yankee, first edition. 2 vols., 12nio, original cloth, paper labels, (some pp. foxed). N. Y. : 1835. 1102. INMAN (COL. HENRY). The Old Santa Fe Trail. Portrait, full-page photogravure plates and maps. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. N. Y.: 1898. 1103. INMAN (COLONEL HENRY) and CODY (COL. WILLIAM F.). The Great Salt Lake Trail. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. , Topeka : 1899. 1104. IRVING (JOHN T., JR.). Indian Sketches, taken during an Expedition to the Pawnee Tribes, first editiox. 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth. Phila. : 1835. Nice clean copy. Scarce. 1105. IRVING (JOHN T., JR.). Indian Sketches, taken during an Expedition to the Pawnee and other Tribes of Am- erican Indians. 2 vols., small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs. Lend.: Murray, 1835. Rest Edition. The author accompanied Commissioner Ells- worth on this Government Expedition, and gives the result of hi» observations. n06. IRVING (THEODORE). The Conquest of Florida, by Hernando De Soto. Folding Map. 12mo. cloth. N. Y.: 1851. IBS 1107. [IRVING (WASHINGTON).] A History of New York. New Edition. 2 vols., 12mo, calf, gilt backs (bindings rubbed). Lond. : J. Murray, 1821. 1108. [IRVING (WASHINGTON).] A History of New York. Vifjnettc on title hy G. Cruikshank. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut (few pages slightly spotted), Lond.: 1824. Printed by C. Whittingham at the Chiswick Press. 1109. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Beauties of £? Washington Irving. 6 etchings hy William Heath. 16mo, original printed boards, uncut. Glasgow: 1825. Copies of this work having the uncolored plates, as above, are very scarce. 1110. [IRVING (WASHINGTON)]. A Tour of the "■ Prairies. 12mo, half scored calf. Lond. : IMurray, 1835. Best Edition. Scarce. 1111. [IRVING (WASHINGTON)]. A History of New 'o York, from the Beginning of the World to the end of the ~ Dutch Dynasty. Plates hy Cruikshank. 16mo, cloth, uncut (plates spotted). London: 1836. ^ 1112. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Astoria; or, Anec- - dotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains, first EDITION. Folding map. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth. Phila.: 1836. Nice copy. To 1113. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Astoria; or, Enter- — prise beyond the Rocky ]\Iountains. 3 vols., 12mo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. Lond. : Bentley, 1836. Best Edition. Scarce. -jq 1114. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Adventures of " Captain Bonneville ; or. Scenes beyond the Rocky ^Mountains of the Far West. 3 vols., 12mo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. Lond. : Bentley, 1837. Best Edition. Scarce. 'S 1115. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. With original designs hy F. 0. G. Darley. 8vo, original cloth gilt, giit edges. N. Y. : 1849. / 1116. IRVING (WASHD^GyTON). The Life and Voy- /ages of Chistopher Columbus\a(nd The Voyages and Discov- eries of the Companions of Cofumbus. Profusely illustrated. 3 vols., 4to, cloth, morocco yroacks, gilt tops, uncut. / \ N. Y.: 1892. Isabella Edition : Only a'^imi'tid numbeb pbinted. 159 1117. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Astoria; or, Anec- dotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Witk full-page Japan Proof illustrations, each page priyited within gold borders. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. : 1897. Choice Copy of the Waldorf EorriON, of which oitlt lOO COPIES WERE ISSUED. 1118. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A. in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West, digested from his Journal. Numerous fine photo- gravure plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, richly gilt with cloth covers, gilt tops uncut. N. Y. : 1898. Choice copy of the Pawnee Edition. 1119. IVES (JOSEPH C). Report upon the Colorado River of the West. Numerous folding maps, colored and plain lith. plates, besides text woodcuts. 4to, half red morocco. Wash. : 1861. U. S. Engineering Report. 1120. JACKSON (C. T.). First, Second, and «J Third Reports on the Geology of Maine. Woodcut illustrations. 3 vols., 8vo, original wrappers. Augusta: 1837-39. Very scarce. 1121. JACKSON (C. T.). Second Annual Report on the Geology of the Public Lands belonging to the two States of Maine and Massachusetts. Woodcut illustrations. 8vo, original WTappers. Augusta: 1838. 1122. JACKSON (FREDERICK GEORGE). The Great Frozen Land. Narrative of a Winter Journey across the Tundras and a sojourn among the Samoyads. Illustrations and maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1895. 1123. JACKSON (HELEN HUNT). A Century of Dis- honor: a sketch of the United States Government's dealings with some of the Indian Tribes, fibst edition. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1881. 1124. JACKSON (HELEN HUNT). A Century of Dis- honor. A sketch of the United States Government's dealings with some of the Indian Tribes. 12mo, cloth. Bost.: 1905. New edition, enlarged by the addition of the report of the needs of the Mission Indians of California. 1125. JACOBS (PETER). Journal of the Reverend Peter Jacobs, Indian Wesleyan Missionary, from Rice Lake to the Hudson's Bay Territory, and returning. .. .1852. .. . And a short History of the Wesleyan Mission in that Coun- try. Portraits. 12mo, limp cloth. N. Y.r 1858. 160 NOTES on the ftate of VIRGINIA; written in the year 178 1, fomewhat cor- reded and enlarged in the winter of 1782, for the ufe of a Foreigner of diftin£lion, in anfwer to certain queries propofed by him refpeding I. 1. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7. 8. 10. II. It. 14. 18. 19- 10. 11. 1%. Its boundaries _ - - Rivers - _ - - Sea ports - . _ Mountains - - - Cafcades and caverns Produdions mineral, vegetable and animal Climate _ . « Population . . - Military force Marine force - - - Aborigines Counties and towns Conftitution - - - Laws - - - Colleges, buildings, and roads • Proceedings as to tories Religion - _ _ Manners - . . . Maaufadures Subjeds of commerce "Weights, Meafures and Money Public revenue and expences Hiftorics, memorials, and ftate-papers page I 3 17 i8 3J - 41 134 16^ 166 IPI Ii>J »35 »75 285 187 ipS 301 304 3M 311 MDCCLXXXII. (See Xo. li;;4) 1126. JACOBS (SARAH S.). Nouantum and Natick. Map and illustrations. 12mo, cloth (few pages foxed). Boston: 1853. 1127. JAMES (EDWIN). Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains in the Years 1819- ." 20, under the Command of Maj. Stephen H. Long. From the Notes of JMajor Long, T. Say, and other ]\Iembers. With the atlas, containing 2 maps, 1 chart and 7 plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf and one vol, 4to, boards. Together 3 vols, (margins of plates slightly foxed, 2 margins torn into blank portion). Phila. : 1822-23. A VALUABLE RECORD OF EARLY WESTERN EXPLORATION AND ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF THE BOOKS ON THE INDIANS OF THE I'LAiNS. Best Edition, containing the Indian Vocabulary, me- teorological register and index, which are lacking in the London issue. The Atlas is very rare, being but seldom found with the two vols, of text. ^ 1128. JAI\[ES (THOMAS). Captain Tliomas James's _ Strange and Dangerous Voyage, in his Intended Discovery of the North-West Passage into the South Sea, in the Years, 1631 and 1632. Folio, half leather. Lond. : [1703]. Excerpt, pp. 479-544 from Churchill's Collection of Voyages. The descriptions of the various parts of North America, which the author visited are very interesting. 1129. JAIMESON (ANNA). The History of Our Lord - as Exemplified in "Works of Art. Continued and completed — by Lady Eastlake. Second Edition. Fully illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, full blue turkey morocco, gilt backs, sides with gilt panel design, gilt edges, by riviere (corners of one bind- ing slightly rubbed). Lond.: 1865. 1130. JANSON (CHARLES W.). The Stranger in Am- erica : containing Observations made during a Long Residence in that Country, on the Genius, Manners and Customs of the People of the United States: with Biographical Particulars of Public Characters. . . .and the Slave Trade. 11 fine aqua- tint views. 4to, mottled calf, gilt back (binding slightly rub- bed, — lacks the view of Boston). Lond.: 1807. The plates include rare views of Philadelphia, Hell Gate (New York), Bank of the United States, Philadelphia Theatre, etc. 1131. JARMAN (WILLIAM). U. S. A.: Uncle Sam's 5 Abscess, or Hell Upon Earth for U. S. Uncle Sam. By W. Jarman .... Knight of the Grant Legion of North America, who suffered twelve years in the IMormon Hell on Earth, as one of the "Virgins without Guile," and a Priest of the order of IMelchizedek : where Polygamy, Incest and Murder are Taught and Practised as Religion under the "All Seeing Eye." Illustrations. 12mo, original cloth. Exeter. England : 1884. Very Scarce. 161 ^o." / r£ 1132. JARVES (JAMES J.). History of the Hawaiian, ' or Sandwich Islands. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut (back slightly torn). Bost.: 1843. Autograph pbesentatiox ixscbiption by the authob. 1133. JARVES (JAMES J.). History of the Hawaiian » Islands: embracing their Antiquities. Mythology, Legends, Discovery by the Europeans. .. .with their Civil, Religious and Political History. Third Edition. 8vo, half sheep. Honolulu: 1847. Rare Edition printed at Honolulu. 1134. [JEFFERSON (THOMAS).] Notes On The State op Virginia ; written in the year 1781, somewhat cor- rected and enlarged in the winter of 1782, for the use of a Foreigner of distinction, etc. Woodcut "Eye-draught of Mad- ison's Cave," folding table of Indian tribes, and fine folding map (colored), the latter inserted. 8vo, contemporary mottled calf, leather label, gilt back, marbled end papers and marbled edges. [pARis] : 1782. The Extremely Rare Original Edition, of which only a limited number of copies webe pbinted and pbivately issued to fbiends. A copy presented to M. Malesherbe (the unfortunate defender of Louis XVI. who afterwards lost his head) had the following note in Mr. Jefferson's handwriting : "Mr. Jefferson, having had a few copies of these notes printed to present to some of his friends and to some estimable characters beyond that line, takes the liberty of presenting a copy to M. Malesherbe as a testimony of his respect to his character. Unwilling to expose them to the public eye he begs the favor of M. de M. to put them into the hands of no person on whose care and fidelity he cannot rely to guard them against publication." It is BELIEVED THAT ONLY A VEBY FEW COPIES WEBE PBINTED, hence it is now esteemed as one of the rarest volumes in the ENTIRE RANGE OF AMERICAN LITEBATUBE. FiNE COPY, with the rare map from the first French edition, inserted. [See Illustrations]. 1135. JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Notes on the State of Virginia. Large folding map. 8vo, half green polished mo- rocco, gilt back and top. uncut (small tear in map, also tear in one leaf, both neatly repaired). Lond. : 1787. Fine labge uncut copy of the edition printed by John Stock- dale, with THE BABE MAP which first appeared in the French translation. 1136. JEFFERSON (THOMAS). The Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Collected and edited by Paul Leicester Ford. 10 vols., 8vo. cloth, morocco backs, gilt tops, uncut (top and bottom of one back a little worn). N. Y. : 1895. Letter-Pbess Edition. Only 750 copies pbinted. 1137. JEFFERYS (THOMAS) . The Great Probability of a North West Passage : deduced from Observations on the Letter of Admiral De Fonte. wlio Sailed from Callao of Lima on the Discovery of a Communication between the South Sea 162 JEFFERYS (THOMAS). and the Atlantic Ocean ; and to Intercept some Navigators from Boston, in New England, whom lie met with, then in the Search of a North West Passage. Proving the Authenticity of the Admiral's Letter. With an appendix, containing the Account of a Discovery of Part of the Coast and Inland Coun- try of Labrador, made in 1753. 3 folding maps. 4to, half green, morocco, lettered back, gilt top. Lond. : Printed for Thomas Jefferys, 1768. Vkry rare. An vnusually fine copy. The author, accord- ing to Meusol, was Theodore Swindrage. According to Sabin, the maps were drawn and the work published and perhaps edited by Jefferys. 1138. JEFFERYS (THOMAS). The American Atlas, or a Geographical Description of the Whole Continent of Amer- ica, wherein are Delineated at large its several Regions, Coun- tries, States and Islands; and Chiefly the British Colonies, composed from numerous surveys (etc.). By ]\la.jor Holland, Lewis Evans, William Scull, Henry ]\Iouzon. Lieut. Ross, J. Cook (and others). 30 large and fine maps (mostly colored) on 49 copper plates. Large folio, board sides, sheep back (weak at hinges). London: 1778. The (tReat Atlas of the American Revolution, used by (jEnerai. Washington and other Commanders, comprising a valuable collection of separate maps on a large scale, mostly ex- ecuted by the surveyors of the various colonies between 1762 and 177G, as follows : The British Empire in North America, as now divided into several colonies and goveruments ; New Yoek and New .Tersey divided into Manors. Counties and Townships, with the whole country between Albany, Oswego. Fort Frontenac and Les Trois Riviere, exhibiting all the grants made by the French (tovernors on Lakt> Champlain and l)('t\\een the Lake and Mon- treal; Pennsylvania, including its extensive frontiers: New England, containing the provinces of Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire. Connecticut and Rhode Island, divided into Counties and Townships, with plan of Boston and its harbor ; North and South Carolina, showing their Indian Frontiers, the Roads and'Jn dian Paths, Townships and other divisions, with part oFtTSPBfeROKP.Es' Country, the Country of the Upper Creeks and a great part of Georgia, etc. ; Virginia and Mary- land: Florida. East and West, with all the Particulars hith- erto known of these provinces ; The River Mississippi from the Baliso to Fort Cliartres : Tlie Province of Qxehec according to the Royal Proclamation of 1763, from the French Surveys ; The River and (tUlf of St. Lawrence: New Fol'ndland, with its Banks: Nova Scotia and Cape Breton; Lake Champlain, Lake George, Crown Point and St. John ; The Coast of Asia and America and Hudson's Bay^ : Coasts of California and New Ai.bion; The Russian Discoveries; South America; The Straits of Magellan ; etc., etc. Very Rare. 1139. JEFFRIES (EWEL). Leith's Narrative. A Short Biography of John Leith with a brief account of his life among the Indians. (A reprint of the edition of Lancaster. Ohio, 1881) , with illustrative notes bv C. W. Butterfield. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati: 1883. Only' 143 copies printed. 163 M.„ 1140. JENKINS (JOHN J.). Life of Silas Wright. With ■— an Appendix, containing Selections from his Speeches, etc. Engraved portrait. 12mo, cloth (slightly rubbed, portrait foxed). Auburn, N. Y.: 1847. 1141. JENKINSON (ANTHONY). Early Voyages and Travels to Russia and Persia by Anthony Jenkinson and other ^ Englishmen. Edited by E. Delman Morgan and C. H. Coote. Facsimile portrait, map, charts and letter. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London : Hakluyt Society, 1886. 1142. JESUITS. Bressani (P. Francesco Gioseppe). Breve Relatione d'Alcvne Missioni De'PP. della Compagnia di Giesu nella Nuoua Francia del P. Francesco Gioseppe Bres- _ sani della medesima Compagnia, all'eminentiss E Reverendiss. Sig. Card, de Lvgo. Small 4to, full brown crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt dentelle inside borders, gilt edges. Macerata, Per gli Heredi d'Agostino Grisei, 1653. Fine Copy or the Very Rare Original Editiox. "Father Bressani, a Roman bj' birth, was one of the most illustrious mis- sionaries of Canada, where he suffered a severe captivity and un- heard of torments. He speaks but little o£ himself in his His- tory, which is well written, but is confined mainly to the Huron mission in which he labored." 1143. JESUITS. The Travels of several Learned Mis- ~ sioners of the Society of Jesus, into Divers Parts of the Arch- ipelago, India. China and America. Translated from the French Original published at Paris, 1713. First edition. Plates. 12mo, calf, leather label. Lond. : 1714. Consists of : Letters from F. Bouchet, Missioner at Madure ; Father Martin, at India ; Father de la Lane, Father F. Santiago, in East Indies ; Father Gabriel Marest, in Canada, etc. With book-plate of Steuart of AUanton, and label of Chas. F. Cox. Fine Copy. 1144. JESUITS. Lockman (John). Travels of the Jesuits into Various Parts of the World ; Compiled from their Letters. Now first attempted in English. Intermix 'd with an Account of Manners, Government, Religion, etc.. of the several Nations Visited by those Fathers. With extracts from other Travel- lers, and miscellaneous notes. 5 copper-plate maps and one plate. 2 vols., 8vo, full polished sprinkled calf, gilt backs, green leather labels, gilt outside, borders, by cecil & larkins. Lond.: 1743. Fixe copy of the First Editiox. Contains a scarce map of Ix)wER California. Accounts of the Missions of Califorxia, Settlemexts at Hudson's Bay. a Concise Account of the Span- ish Settlemexts in America, North Americax Ixdiaxs, etc. 1145. JESUITS. Relations Diverses sur la Battaille du -Malangueule. Gagne le 9 Juillet, 1765, par les Francois sous M. de Beaujeu. Commandant du Fort du Quesne sue les An- glois sous M. Braddock, General en Chef des troupes Angloises. Reeueillies par Jean Marie Shea. 8vo, limp morocco. N. Y. : 1860. Oxi.Y 100 copies prixtkd. 164 1146. JESUITS. Les Jesuites-Martyrs du Canada. Being a reprint of '"Relations Abregee de (iuel([ues Missions des Peres de la Conipagnie de Jesus dans la Xouvelle France." Par le Francois-Joseph Bressaui. Traduite de I'ltalien par le Pere Felix Martin. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Montreal: 1877. 1147. JESUIT RELATIONS. Ragueneu (Paul). Rela- tion de ce qui s'est passe de plus Remarquable es Missions des . Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Xouvelle France, es Annees 1650 & 1651. Envoyee au R. P. Provincial de la Pro- vince de France. Small 8vo, vellum (margins slightly stained). Paris: Chez S. Cramoisy. . . .et G. Cramoisy, 1652. Original edition. Rare. This relation comprises three chapters by Ragueneau, siiving a summary of the annual reports to him from the several missions ; followed by a journal and let- ter by Buteux. In the opening chapter is described the condition of the French settlements in Canada "which would be an earthly l)aradise for both the savages and the French were it not for the terror of the Iroquois." 1148. JESUIT RELATIONS. Gravier (Pere Jacques). Relation de Ce Qui S'est Passe dans la Mission de I'lmmaculee Conception au Pays des Ilinois, 1693-1694. Sq. 12mo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Manate : J.-^I. Shea, 1857. 1149. JESUIT RELATIONS. Bigot (Jacques). Rela- tion de ce qui s'est Passe de plus Remarquable dans la ^Mission Abnaquise de Sainct Joseph De Sillery et. . . .Sainct Francois De Sales, 1684. 12mo, half olive morocco, gilt top. uncut. :\Ianate : J.-M. iShea, 1857. 1150. JESUIT RELATIONS. Cavelier (M.). Relation du Voyage Enterpris par feu ]\I. Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle, pour decouvrir dans le Golfe du Mexique I'embouchure du Flenve de [Nlissisipv. 12mo, limp morocco. IManate : J.-:\r. Shea, 1858. 1151. JESUIT RELATIONS. La Vie du R. P. Pierre Joseph ^larie Chaumonot, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Mission- naire dans la Xouvelle France, Ecrite par lui-meme pfar ordre de son Superieur, I'an 1688. Small 4to. cloth, uncut. N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1858. 1152. JESUIT RELATIONS. Copie d'une Lettre escrite ^S par Le Pere Jacques Bigot de la Compagnie de Jesus, I'an 1684. pour accompagner un collier de pourcelaine envoiee par les Abnaquis de la Mission de Sainct Frangois de Sales dans la Nouvelle France. 12mo, limp morocco. :\Ianate : J.-:\l. Shea, 1858. 1153. JESUIT RELATIONS. Suite de la Vie du R. P. Pierre Joseph IMarie Chaumonot. de la Compagnie de Jesus, par un Pere de la meme Compagnie avec la maniere d'oraison du Venerable Pere, ecrite par lui-meme. 12mo, half roan. N. Y.: J.-M. Shea, 1858 (Albany, 1859). 165 r^ 1154. JESUIT RELATIONS. Relation du Voyages de& Premieres l^rsuliiies a la Nouvelle Orleans et de leur fitablisse- ment en cette Ville. Par la R^v. ]\Iere St. Augustin de Tran- ehepai. Superieure. Avec les lettres eirculaires de quelquea unes de ses Soeurs, et de la dite Mere. 12rao, half leather. ■ N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1859. 1155. JESl^IT RELATIONS. Relation ou Journal du " Voyage du R. P. Jacques Gravier. de la Compagnie de Jesus, en 1700, depuis le pays des Illinois jusqu'a I'embouchure du Mississippi. 8vo, half roan. 'N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1859. Only 100 copies pbinted. 1156. JESUIT RELATIONS. Dablon (Claude). R«- - lation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux mis- sions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, les annees 1673 a 1679. 8vo, half roan. Quebec: (Albany), 1860. 1157. JESUIT RELATIONS. Dablon (Claude). Rela- tion de Ce Qui S 'est Passe de plus Remarquable aux ]Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France les annes 1672 et 1673. 8vo, half leather. N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1861. Edition limited to 100 copies. 1158. JESUIT RELATIONS. Montigny (M. De). Rela- tion de la Mission du INIississipi du Seminaire de Quebec en 1700. Par MM. de Montigny, de St. Cosme, et Thaumur de la Source. Small 8vo, limp morocco, uncut. N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1861. OXLY 100 COPIES PRINTED. 1159. JESUIT RELATIONS. Jogues (R. P. Isaac). No- vum Belgium, description de Nieuw Netherland et Notice sur Rene Goupil. 8vo. limp morocco. N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1862. Only 100 copies printed. 1160. JESUIT RELATIONS. Sagean (Mathieu). Ex- ~ trait de la Relation des Avantures et Voyage de. 8vo, limp red morocco. iN. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1863. 1161. JESUIT RELATIONS. Milet (R. P. Pierre). Re- _ lation de sa Captivite parmi les Onneiouts en 1690-91. 8vo, cloth, uncut (slightly rubbed). 'N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1864. 1162. JEST^IT RELATIONS. Wintrop (Joannem). Epistola Rev. P. Oabrielis Dreuillettes, Societatis Jesu Pres- byteri. 13 pp., folded sheets. N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1864. 1163. JESUIT RELATIONS. Relation des Affaires du Canada, en 1696. Avec des Lettres des Peres de la Compagnie of Jesus depuis 1696 jusqu'6n 1702:- (hound in at end is) ~ Relation de la Mission Abnaquise de St. Francois de Sales, 1702. Par le Pere Jacques I3igot:- {also) Lettre du P^re Jacques Gravier. 1708, sur les Affaires de la Louisiane. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened (cover loose at back). N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1865. 166 1164. JKSriT RELATIONS. Allcniaiit (P. Charles L'.j. Relation de ee (|ui s'est Passe en la Xouvelle France en 1626. Envoyee an Pere llierosme L'AUeniant. 8vo, half olive mo- rocco, ^It top, uncut. Paris, 1620 (reprinted circa 1865). Edition limited to 25 copies. 1165. .JESriT RELATIONS. Relation des Affaires du Canada, en 1696, et des Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus iusqu'en 1702. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unoj)ene(l. N. Y. : J.-.M. Shea. 1865. Insfril)i'(l. "I'lioiiias W. Field, PJ.sq.. irith the regards of Hen. C. Mnrphy." 1166. JESl'IT RELATIONS. Recueil de Pieces sur la Xegoeiation entre la Xouvelle France et la Xouvelle Angle- teri'e, es 1648 et suivantes. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : J.-M. Shea. 1866. 1167. JESUIT RELATIOXS. Gendron (Le Sieur). Quel- ques Particularitez du pays des Hurons en la X'ouvelle France. R^digees par Jean Baptiste de Rocoles. 12mo, limp morocco. Troyes & Paris, 1660 (Reprinted Albany. 1868). Edition limited to 100 copies. 1168. JESUIT RELATIOXS. Copie de Trois Lettres es- crittes es annees 1625 et 1626. Par le P. Charles Lallemant, Superieur des Missions de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Xou- velle France. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany: 1870. Only 25 copies printed. 1169. JESLTIT RELATIOXS. Lettre du Reverend Pere L'Allemand, Superieur de la Mission des Peres Jesuites, en la Xouvelle France. Envoyee de Bordeaux au R. P. Superieur du College des Jesuites a Paris, et datee du Xovembre. 1629. 8vo. half olive morocco, gilt top. uncut. Paris, 1632 (reprinted Albany, 1870). Edition limited to 25 copies. 1170. JESUIT RELATIOXS. Juvencio (Josepho). Can- adicas Missionis Relatio ab anno 1611 usque ad 1613, cum statu ejusdem ]\Iissionis. 1703 & 1710. Svo. half olive morocco, gilt top. Rome. 1710 (reprinted Albany, 1871). Only 25 copies printed. . 1171. JESUIT RELATIOXS.' Relatio Rerum Gestarum in X^ovo-Francica Missione annis 1613 & 1614. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top. uncut. London. 1618 (reprinted Albany, 1871). Edition limited to 25 copies. 1172. JESUIT RELATIOXS. Letters from Xorth Ameri- can Missions. Le Journal des Jesuites (1645-1668) publie d'apres le ]\Ianuscrit original conserve aux archives du Semi- 167 JESUIT RELATIONS. naire de Quebec. Par ]\DI. les Abbes Laverdiere et Casgrain^ 4to, half calf antique, red edges. Quebec : Chez Leger Brousseau, 1871, Fine copy. Autograph presentation copy from Abbe Casgrain,. dated Quebec Dec. 12, 1871. 1173. JESUIT RELATIONS. Documents Rares ou Ine- • dits, 1. Mission du Saguenay. Relation inedite du R. P. Pierre Laure, S. J., 1720 a 1730. Par le P. Arthur E. Jones. 8vo, wrappers. Montreal: 1889. 1174. [JESUP (THOS. ,S.).] Annual Report of the -_ Quartermaster General, for 1850. Numerous lithographic views. 8vo, wrappers. Washington : 1851, With autograph presentation inscription — "To Col. E. Culler, from his old friend — Th. S. Jesup," Contains a journal by Maj. O. Cross of the march of a Regiment of Mounted Riflemen to the Territory of Oregon from May 10th to Oct. 5th, 1849. ^-^ 1175. JEWITT (JOHN R.). A Narrative of the Adven- tures and Sufferings of John R. Jewitt, only Survivor of the Crew of the ship Boston, during a captivity of nearly three years among the Savages of Nootka Sound : with an account of the Manners, etc., of the Natives. Frontispiece. Small Svo,^ old sheep. Middleto^vn : 1815. 1176. JEWITT (JOHN R.). The Adventures and Suffer- " ings of John R. Jewitt, only Survivor of the Ship Boston, dur- ing a Captivity of nearly Three Years among the Savages of Nootka Sound. 12mo, half crimson polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. America, Pi^inted: Edinburgh, reprinted, 1824. 1177. JEWITT (JOHN R.). Narrative of the Adven- 6. - tures and Sufferings of John R. Jewitt ; during a captivity of nearly three years among the Savages of Nootka Sound. Il- lustrations. 16mo, sheep, Ithaca: 1849. 1178. JEWITT (JOHN R.). The Adventures of John Jewitt, during a captivity of nearly three years among the Indians of Nootka Sound in Vancouver Island. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Robert Brown. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: 1896, 1179. JOHNSON (CAPTAIN EDWARD). Wonder- working Providence of Sions Saviour in New England. Lon- don, 1645. With an Historical Introduction and Index. By William F. Poole. Facsimile frontispiece. Royal 4to, half nioroceo, gilt back and top, uncut. Andover : Published by W. F. Draper, 1867. r.ARGE Paper: limited to 50 copies. 168 A GEOGRAPHICAL. SXETCH PART OF WORTH AMERICA, OREO ON: CONTAINING A.N ACCOUiNT OF rHL I.NDIAiN TITLE ;—THF. NATURK OF A RIGHT OF SOVFRKKi.NTV;— 'J'HF IIRST DISCOVERIF.S ;,— Cl.i.MA'I'F. AND SEASONS;— FACE OF THE COL ATRy AND MOLNTAENS— jNATUR- AL DIVISIONS, rnvsiCAE ai'1'Earan(;e and soil or^ACti;— FORESTS AND \Et;ETABLE FRODUCTIONS ;,— RIVERS, BAYS, &c. ; ISLANDS, cVc.;— ANIMALS;— THE DISI'OSITION OF THE INDIANS, AND 'J'HE NL.MBER AND SITLA'J'IO.N OF THEIR TRIBES;— TO- GETHER Wnil AN ESSAY ON THE. ADVANTAGES RESLLTIJNG FROM A SETl'LEMENT OF 'I'HK TERRITORY. TO WHICH IS XTTACHtD A J\EW MAP OF THE COUJNTRY. BY HALL, J, KELLEY, A. M. Boston : TRINTED AN0 PUBLISHED BY J. HQ-VVE, MERCHANTS ROW. SOLD BY l.INCOI,N fc ED.MANDS, 59. W ASHTIVGTON STREET; A. B. PAHKEH, 46, NORTH MARKET STREET ; AND IIY A. BROW.f AND THE PUBLISHER, C H ARLESTOW.W. "1930. (See Xo. 1218) 1180. JOHNSON (JAMES). Johnson's Narrative. Scout r" Journals, 1757. Narrative of James Johnson, a Captive during the French and Indian Wars. Edited by G. \V. Browne. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Manchester: 1902. 1181. JOHNSON (COL. R. M.— Vice President of the U. S.). Authentic Biography of Colonel Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky. 16mo, original cloth and label. N. Y. : 1833. An intorostinji account of the author's Indian services while Colonel of a Kentucky regiment, in the War of 1812. ^ 1182. JOHNSON (MRS. ^SANNAH). A Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Johilsc^, containing an Account of her Sufferings, during four yeaei^s with the Indians and French. Togetlier with an Appendix. . . .with sundry other interesting articles. Third edition, enlarged. 16mo, original sheep, leather label. Windsor (Vt.) : 1814. Rare edition. Fine copy. 1183. JOHNSTON (CHARLES). Incidents attending the Capture, Detention, and Ransom of Charles Johnston of Virginia. Reprinted from the original, with Introduction and Notes by Edwin Erie Sparks. Map. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Cleveland: 1905. OmY 27 COPIES PRINTED ON JAPANESE VELLtrM PAPER. 1184. JOHNSTON (J. E.) and others. Reports of the Secretary of War, with Reconnaissances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso. By J. E. Johnston. W. F. Smith, E. T. Bryan, N. H. Michler, and S. G. French; also Report of Capt. R. B. Marcy's Route, from Forth Smith to Santa Fe, and the Report of Lieut. J. H. Simpson, on an Expedition into the Navajo Country, and the Report of Lieut. W. H. C. Whiting's Reconnaissance of the Western Frontier of Texas. Large fold- ing map and 75 plates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Wash.: 1850. Rare. 1185. JOHONNOT (JACKSO'N). The Remarkable Ad- ventures of Jackson Johonnot, of Massachusetts, who Served as a Soldier in the Western Army, in the Expedition under Gen. Harmar and Gen. St. Clair, containing an Account of his Captivity, Sufferings and Escape from the Kickappo Indians. Written by himself. 8vo, half bro^^Ti polished calf, gilt back (small piece torn from margin of title, margin of last leaf defective). Greenfield, Mass.: 1816. A Rare and interesting Narrative of Indian Captivity. f 1186. JOLINE (ADRIAN H.). The Book Collector and other Papers. 8vo, original boards, vellum back, uncut. Green w^ich : Privately printed at the Literary Collector Press, 1904. Only 150 copies printed. 169 1187. JONES (CHARLES C, JR.). Historical Sketch of Tomo-Chi-Chi, Mico of the Yamacraws. 8vo, original boards, uncut (weak at hinges). Albany, iN. Y. : Munsell, 1868. 1188. JONES (CHARLES C, JR.). Antiquities of the Southern Indians, particularly of the Georgia Tribes. Plates. 8vo. cloth, uncut. New York: 1873. 1189. JONES (CHARLES C, JR.). The History of Georgia: covering the Aboriginal, Colonial and Revolution- ary Epochs. Portraits, views and maps from rare sources. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Bost. : 1883. 1190. JONES (DAVID). A Journal of Two Visits made to some Nations on Indians on the West Side of the River Ohio, in the Years 1772 and 1773. With a Biographical Notice of the Author by Horatio Gates Jones. With facsimile title of the rare original issue of 1774. Royal 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. N. Y.: 1865. Labge Papeb Copy, No. 25 of oxlt 50 copies issued. Laid in is the obigixal ms. by Horatio Gates Jones, of the Biographical Sketch contained in the above work, consisting of 6 pp. 4to. 1191. [JONES (JAMES A.).] Tales of an Indian Camp. 3 vols., small 8vo, half crimson calf, gilt backs. Lond. : 1829. The author's first book. Babe. 1192. JONES (JAMES A.). Traditions of the North American Indians. Outline plates. 3 vols., small 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. : 1830. Second and revised edition of "Tales of an Indian Camp." 1193. JONES (JOH?N PAUL). Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones, including His Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman. From Original Letters and Manuscripts. [Ed- ited bv Dr. Robert Sands.] Portrait. 8vo, original boards, uncut.' N. Y. : 1830. 1194. JONES (NELSON E.). The Squirrel Hunters of Ohio ; or. Glimpses of Pioneer Life. Mamj illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Cincinnati: 1898. Presentation copy from the Author to Db. Elliott Coues, whose autograph is on title. Inserted is an A.L.S. of the Author relating to the book. 1195. JONES (PETER). History of the Ojebway Indians. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: 1861. 1196. [JONES (PETER AND JOHN).] Mesah Oowh Meinvalijcraoowin. Kahenahjemood Owh St. ^latthew. Kah- k«'\v{ig\vonnaby (Peter Jones) kiya Tyentennagen (John Jonos). 8vo, buckram (somewhat foxed). York: 1831. The Gospel of St. Matthew in the Chippewa language. 170 g ni)7. .JONES (WILLIAM). Some Principles of Algon- - quiaii Word-Formation. (Reprinted from the American An- thropologist). 8vo, boards. N. P.: (1904). The author is an Indian of the Meskwaki Tribe. 1198. JONP]S (WILLIAM A.). Report upon the Recon- naissance of Western Wyoming, including Yellowstone Na- tional Park, made in the Summer of 1873. With Appendix. 50 folding maps and diagrams at end, besides illustrations in the text. 8vo, cloth. Wash. : 1875. U. S. Engineering Report. 1199. JONES (WM. C). Birch-Rod Days and other 3 Poems. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges. Chicago: 1909. 1200. JOSEPHUS (FLAVIUS). Gioseffo Flavio Histor- ico delle Antichita et Guerre Gividaiche. Numerous ivoodcuts throughout text. 3 vols, in one, thick, small 4to, vellum (hole in title and binding loose). Venetia: Alessandro Vecchi, 1620. 1201. JOSSELYN (JOHN). An Account of Two Voyages to New England, INIade During the Years 1638, 1663. By John Josselyn. Gent. Facsimile title-page of Second Edition. Small 4to. cloth, uncut. Boston : William Veazie, 1865. Only 250 copies printed. jg- 1202. JOSSELYN (JOHN). New-England's Rarities dis- covered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that Country. With an Introduction and Notes by Edward Tuck- erman. Illustrations. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost. : 1865. OXE OF ONLY 250 COPIES PKIXTED. 1203. JOURNAL DE LA GUERRE DU MICISSIPPI contra les Chieachas en 1739 et finie en 1740. Par un Officier de I'armee de M. De Nouaille. 8vo, half roan. iN. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1859. ■jg 1204. JOURNAL DE LA GUERRE DU MICISSIPPI contre les Chieachas en 1739 et finie en 1740. Par un Officier de I'Armee de ]\I. De Nouaille. Svo. half olive morocco, gilt top. N. Y. : J.-M. Shea, 1859. Only TOO copies printed, each numbered and signed by J. (J. Shea. 1205. JOURNAL (THE) OF THE BISHOP OF MON- TREAL during a Visit to the Church Missionary Society's North West America IMissions. With an account of the forma- tion of the ^Mission. Map and frontispiece. 16mo, cloth. Lond.: 1849. ^-'c 1206. JOUTEL (M.). Journal Historique du Dernier Voyage que feu M. de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, 171 JOUTEL (M.). pour trouver rembouchure, & le cours de la Riviere de Saint Louis, qui traverse la Louisiane. Folding map. 12mo, half morocco. Paris : Chez Estienne Robinot, 1713. Rare First Edition. With the scarce map, dated 1713. This map is one of the earliest accurate delineations of the Mississippi River, and has an inset view of Niaqaba Falls. Joutel accompanied La Salle on his last voyage and after the latter's death he and his companions travelled for 800 leagues across the interior of North America to Canada. The author here gives an interesting account of the bitter hardships encountered on their journey. Rabe. 1207. JUAN AND ULLOA. Relaeion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional. Por Don Jorge Juan. . . . (et) Don Antonio de Ulloa. 34 copper-plate engravings and maps. 4 vols., 4to, calf, gilt backs. Madrid : Por Antonio Marin, 1743, Good sound copy of the original Spanish Edition. 1208. JUAN AND ULLOA. iNoticias Secretas de America, sobre el estado naval, militar, y politico de los Reynos del Peru y Provincias de Quito, Costas de Nueva Granada y Chile: Gobierno y Regimen Particular de los Pueblos de Indios : cruel opresion y extorsiones de sus Corregidores y Curas: abusos escandalosos introducidos entre estos habitantes por los Mision- eros: causas de su origen y motivos de su continuacion por el Espacio de tres siglos. Por Don Jorge Juan, y Don Antonio de inioa. Sacadas a luz para el verdadero conocimiento del gobierno de los Espanoles en la America IMeridional. Por Don David Barry. 2 engraved portraits. 2 vols, in one, im- perial 8vo, half mottled sheep, gilt back. Londres : R. Taylor, 1826. These Revelations, which had lain in the Archives at Madrid for over half a century, exhibit the oppressive and extortionate practices of the Spanish officials and curates among the Indians, and the scandalous abuses introduced by the missionaries among the inhabitants generally. Written by order of Ensenada, first Secretary of State, and presented as a Secret Report to the King. Very babe. 1209. JUNIUS. Letters of Junius. Stat Nominis Umbra. Numerous fine portraits engraved hy Ridley, Hopwood, etc. 2 vols., Svo, original mottled calf, gilt. Lond. : 1805. 1210. JUNIUS. Junius Unmasked; or Lord George Sack- ville Proved to be Junius. With An Appendix. Portrait. 12mo, boards, uncut. Boston: 1828. 1211. KALM (JOHN R.). Travels into North America; containing its Natural History, and a Circumstantial Account of its Plantations, etc. Translated by John R. Forster. sec- ond EDITION. Plates. 2 vols.. Svo. half morocco (lacks map and one plate). Lond.: 1772. 172 7h 1212. KAL.M (PIETER). lleis door Xoord Amerika, rgodaan door don Pioter Kalni. Kngrax'vd title, large folding map, 3 plates of natural history and engraved view of the Cohoes Falls, New York. 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Utrecht: Schoonhoven, 1772. Crisp and clean copy. This edition is fab sufebiob to oitlior tlie Swedish ob English Editions. The nuthor, at the iustance of Linnaeus, was sent by the Swedish government to investigate the botany and natural history of North America. Landing at IMiiladelphia in 1748, he trav- elled extensively in Pennsylvania, New York and Canada, return- ing to Europe in 1750. 1213. KALM (PIETER). Des Ilerren Peter Kalms. . . . Beschreibung der Reise die er nach dem nordlichen Amerika .auf den 13efehl gedachter Akademie und offentliche Kosten unternommen hat. Engraved plates. 3 vols.. 8vo. half dark blue polished calf, gilt backs, red leather labels, gilt tops, uncut. Gottingen : 1754-64. Fink copy of the first German edition. The translators were Jo. I'hilippo and Jo. Andrea Murray. 1214. KANE (PAUL). Wanderings of an Artist Among the Indians of North America, from Canada to Vancouver's Island and Oregon, through the Hudson's Baj" Company's Territory and Back Again. Colored portraits and plates. "Svo, cloth, uncut. London : 1859. A work which has latterly become quite scarce, having risen considerably in value. 1215. KEATING ( WILLI A^[ H.). Narrative of an Ex- pedition to the Source of St. Peter's River. Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc. Performed in 1823 .... under the Command of Stephen H. Long. Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, ]\Iessrs, Say, Keating and Colhoun. Folding map and engraved plates, some colored. 2 vols., 8vo, half red mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut (a few of the pages are slightly spotted) . Lond.: 1825. Fine and large copy, with bough uncut edges. Known as "Long's Second Expedition." "The statements respecting THE Sioux and Chippeway tribes, are among the most valu- able we have." — Sahin. 1216. KEEFER (T. C). Ice Floods and Winter Navi- gation on the Lower St. Lawrence. Numerous folding dia- grams in color, besides fidl-page plates from photographs. Svo, cloth, with original covers bound in. Ottawa : 1898. 5 1217. KEIM (DE B. RANDOLPH). Sheridan's Troop- -ers on the Borders. Portraits and illusts. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia: 1870. Narrative of a campaign in the unexplored hunting-grounds of the Comanches, Kiowas, Cheyennes and Arrapahoes. 173 1218. KELLEY (HALL J.). A Geographical Sketch op THAT Part op North America called Oregon : containing an Account of the Indian Title ; the Nature of the Right of Sov- ereignty ; the First Discoveries .... the Disposition of the In- dians, and the Number and Situation of their Tribes. With an Essay on the Advantages resulting from a Settlement of the Territory. With the folding map by Pendleton. 8vo, full dark blue polished calf, red leather labels, gilt inside borders, by sangorski. Bost. : 1830. Fixe copy of an exceedingly bake book. [See Illustrations!. 1219. KELLEY (HALL J.). A General Circular to All Persons of Good Character, who Wish to Emigrate to the Ore- gon Territory. . . .and all Necessary Directions for Becoming an Emigrant. 8vo, half light polished calf, gilt back, leather labels, uncut. Charlestown : 1831. This pamphlet was issued by the American Society fob Encouraging the Settlement of the Oregon Terbitoby and is one of tue eabliest tbacts belating to the colon- ization OF THAT SECTION. VeBY RABE. 1220. KELLY (WILLIAM). An Excursion to California, over the Prairie, Rocky ^Mountains, and Great Sierra Nevada, with a stroll through the Diggings and Ranches of that Coun- try. 2 vols.. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: 1851. 1221. KELLY (WILLIAM). Across the Rocky Mountains from iNew York to California. 12mo, original printed boards, uncut (portion of back wanting). Lond: 1852. With an account of a visit to the celebrated Mormon Colony at the Great Salt Lake. 1222. KENDALL (GEORGE W.). Narrative of an Ex- pedition across the Great Southwestern Prairies from Texas to Santa Fe. Frontispieces and folding map (latter slightly torn, but perfect). 2 vols., 16mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Bogue, 1845. Best Edition. Scarce. 1223. KENDALL (GEORGE W.). Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition, comprising a description of a Tour through Texas and across the great Southwestern Prai- ries. With a map and full-page engraved plates. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1856. 1224. KENDALL (GEORGE W.). Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition, comprising a Tour through Texas, and Capture of the Texans. 16mo, half crimson polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Bristol (London) : n. d. An early English edition of this romantic narrative describing the terrible disasters which befell the expedition, from the attacks of the hostile Indians. Rare. 1225. KENLY (JOHNR.). Memoirs of A Maryland Vol- unteer. War M-ith Mexico, 1846-8. 8vo, cloth. Phila. : 1873. 174 SIXTH SESSION Thursday Afternoon, May 7, 1914. Commencing at 2:30 o'clock. ■^ 1226. KENNAN (GEORGE). Tent Life in Siberia, and - Adventures among the Koraks and other Tribes in Kam- tschatka and Northern Asia. Map. 12mo, cloth. X. Y. and Lond. : 1871. 1227. KENNEDY (WILLIA:\I). Texas: the Rise, Prog- - ress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas. Maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1841. Fine copy of a very scarce and early history of Texas. 1228. KER (JOHN) . The I\Iemoirs of John Ker. of Kers- land in North Britain Esq. ; containing His Secret Transac- - tions and Negotiations in Scotland. England, the Courts of Vienna, Hanover and other Foreign Parts. (Parts 1 and 2.) 2 vols., 8vo, contemporary calf, gilt back (rebacked, lacks the map and Part 3 which Avas issued as an appendix). Lond.: 1726. The Rare Original Edition, for publishing which, the authoi- was tined and ordered to stand in the pillory. The second volume contains curious details respecting Louisiana, and THE French Dominions in America. 1229. KER (JOHN). Memoires de Mr. Jean Ker de Kersland : eontenant ses Negociations secretes en Ecosse, en Angleterre, dans les Cours de Yienne. de Hanover, en d'autrcs Paiis etrangers. Traduit de I'Anglois. Folding map and 2 portraits. 3 vols., 12mo, old calf. Rotterdam: 1726-28. .- 1230. KERCHEYAL (SAMUEL). A History of the Yal- — ley of Yirginia. second editiox, revised and extended by THE AiTHOR. 8vo. shccp. AYoodstock. Ya. : 1850. Scarce. 1231. KETCHUM vAYlLLIAM). An Authentic and Com- — prehensive History of Buffalo, with some Account of its Early Inhabitants, both Savage and Civilized. Map. 2 vols.. 8vo. half morocco, gilt backs and tops. Buffalo : 1864. Relates largely to the Aboriginal history of the section. 1232. KIDDER (D. P.). and FLETCHER (J. C). r^p Brazil and the Brazilians. Portrayed in Historical and Des- — criptive Sketches. Many illustrations. Thick 8vo, half calf. Phila.: 1857. 1233. KIDDER (FREDERICK). The Abenaki Indians, Aa their Treaties of 1713 and 1717, and a Yocabulary. with a Historical Introduction. 8vo. half calf, with the original wrappers bound in. Portland. Maine : 1859. With autograph presentation inscription from Samuel G. Drake. 175 1234. KIDDER (FREDERICK). Military Operations in- h^ Eastern !Maine and Nova Scotia during the Revolution.. Chiefly compiled from the Journals and Letters of Col. John Allan. Folding- Map. 8vo, cloth. Albany : Munsell, 1867. 1235. KIMM (S. C). The Iroquois; a History of the Six .^<^ Nations of New York. Portrait. 12mo, wrappers. ■~ Middleburgh, N. Y.: 1900. e-Q 1236. KING (CLARENCE). Mountaineering in the "-■ Sierra Nevada. 12mo, half calf, gilt tooled back, uncut. Lond.: 1872. Fine copy. 1237. KING (RICHARD). Narrative of a Journey to _ the Shores of the Arctic Ocean, in 1833, 1834, and 1835 ; under the command of Capt. Back. Map and frontispieces. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth. London: 1836. 1238. KING (MAJOR W. ROSS). The Sportsman and . '-_f Naturalist in Canada. Notes on the natural history of the Game, Game Birds, and Fish of that country. Finely colored illustrations of fish and gams. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: 1866. 1239. KINZIE (MRS. J. H.). Wau-Bun, the ''Early "- Day" in the North- West. With interesting full-page plates. 8vo, cloth. N. Y.: 1856. The scabce Fibst Edition. This picture of the early days of the Northwest, drawn from the lips of an aged pioneer, is replete with authentic details of aboriginal manners, and the association of the frontiersmen with them in peace or war. 1240. KIP (LAWRENCE). Army Life on the Pacific. A Journal of the Expedition against the Northern Indians, the Tribes of the Coeur d'Alenes, Spokanes, and Pelouzes, in the Summer of 1858. 12mo. cloth. N. Y.: 1859. Inscbibed, "C W. Whitney, Esq., with regards of Mrs. Kip." Scarce. 1241. KIP (REV. WILLIAM L). The Early Jesuit Mis- " sions in North America. Compiled and translated from the Letters of the French Jesuits, with Notes. Folding map. 2 vols., original green cloth, uncut. N. Y. : 1847. Fixe copy, entibely uncut. The Wanderings of Father T{asle, Montcalm's Expedition to Fort George, Catherine the Iro- quois Saint, Father Marest's Journey through Illinois and Michi- gan, a Voyage up the Mississippi, etc., etc. 1242. KIRKE (HENRY). The First English Conquest of Canada ; with some account of the Earliest Settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. 8vo, cloth. Lond. : 1871. 1243. [KNIGHT (SARAH KEMBLE)]. Journals of rMadara Knight and Rev. Mr. Buckingham. From the Original) 176 I NEW !V O Y A G E S T O North-America. CONTAINING An Account of the feveral Nations of that vaft Con- tinent ; their Cuftoms, Commerce, and Way of Navigation upon the Lakes snd Rivers ; the feve- ral Attempts of the Engli(h and French to difpolTefs one another ; with the Reaforrs of the Mifcarriage of the former; and the various Adventures be- tween the French, and the Irocfuefc Confederates of England, from. 16.83 to 1694; , A Geographical Defcription of Canada, and a Natu- ral Hiftory of the Country, with Remarks upon their Government, and the Intereft of the Ettglijh and French in their Commerce. Alfoa Dialogue between rhc Author and a General of the Savages, giving a full View of the Religion and ftrange Opinions of thofe People : With an Account of the Au- thors Retreat to Portugal and Denmark^ and his Remarks on thofe Courts. To which IS adJeJ, A Didtionary of the Algonkine Language, which is generally ipoke in North-America. Liuitrated with Twenty Three Mapps and Currs. Written in French By the Baron Lahontan, Lord Lievtenant of the French Colony at Vlacentia in i^ew foundland^ now in England. Done into En^lilh. In Two VOLUMES. A great part of which never Printed in the Original. LONDOt^: Printed for H. Bonwjcke in St. PauJ's Church- yard ; T. Goodwin^ M. fVotton, B. Teeke, in Fleetfirtet ; and S. Manp^ip in Cornhil, 1703. ( See Xo. l:2(;i) [KNIGHT (SARAH KEMBLE)]. ]\Iainiscripts. Written in 1704 and 17] 0. 12mo, half crimson morocco, uncut. X. Y. : Wilder and Campbell, 1825. .Miidain Knight's Journal covers a Journey from Boston to New York in 1704, and that of tho Rev. John Buckingham, of the p]xpedition against Canada in 1710 and 1711. Fine copy! 1244. KNIGHT AND SLOVER. Indian Atrocities. Nar- ratives of tlic Perils and Sufferings of Dr. Knight and John g Slover, Among the Indians, during the Revolutionary War, '~ with short memoirs of Col. Crawford and John Slover, and a Letter from II. Brackinridge, on the Rights of the Indians, etc. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Cincinnati: 1867. Only 500 copies printed. 1245. [KNOX (WILLIAM).] The Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies Reviewed; the Several Pleas of the Colonics, in Support of their Right to all the Liberties ,"' and Privileges of British Subjects and to Exemption from the Legislative Authority of Parliament, Stated and Con- sidered. 8vo, half brown polished calf, gilt back and top, by MORRELL. Lond. : 1769. Written by William Knox, under Secretary of the State for American affairs. "A very close and shrewd examination of the Charter, Constitution, Government, Past Government and Present I'retentions of the British Colonies." Rake. 1246. KOHL (J. G.). Travels in Canada and through the States of New York and Penns^'lvania. Translated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1861. 1247. KOSTER (HENRY). Travels in Brazil. 2 maps and 8 finely colored plates, views of the country and costumes '-f, of the natives. 4to, half calf, gilt back (slight stain on mar- gin of few leaves hardly noticeable). Lond.: 1816. Good sound copy of a rare work. All the plates are finely colored aquatint engravings. A work highly esteemed in Brazil, where the author is called "Enrique de Costa." 1248. KOSTER. (HENRY). Travels in Brazil (1805-15). Maps and plates in sepia. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt backs (autograph of J. L. Luscombe on titles). Lond.: 1817. Second and best edition, with the plates. 1249. KOTZEBUE (OTTO VON). Voyage of Discovery 5 in the South Sea, and to Behring's Straits, in Search of a '— North-east Passage, undertaken in the years 1815-18, in the Ship Rurick. Colored portraits of natives, aquatint views and charts. 2 vols.. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. : 1821. 1250. KOTZEBUE (OTTO VON). A Voyage of Diseov- c; ery into the South Sea and Behring's Straits, for the Purpose — of Exploring a North-East Passage. . . .1815-18. [Translated from the German. By H. E. Lloyd.] Folding maps and colored plates. 3 vols.. 8vo, boards, uncut (somewhat cracked at hinges). Lond.: 1821. 177 1251. KRAUSE (DR. AUREL). Die Tlinkit-Indianer : Ergebnisse einer Reise naeh der Xordwestkiiste von Amerika und der Beringstrasse . . . .1880-1881. Folding map and many illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Jena: 1885. 1252 rf ABAT (JEAN BAPTISTE).] Nouveau L 1-^ Voyage aux Isles de 1 'Amerique : contenant I'Histoire Xaturelle des ces Pays, rOrigine, les Moeurs, la Re- ligion & le Grouvernement des Habitans anciens & modernes. Les Guerres & les Evenemens singuliers qui y sont arrivez pendant le long sejour que I'Auteur y a fait. 100 copper- plate maps and engravings. 6 vols., 12mo, old calf. Paris: 1722. There are two variations in the publisher's imprint in this edition. The present copy has "Guillaume Cavelier," as the publisher. Rare. 1253. LABAT (JEAN BAPTISTE). Nieuwe Reisen naar de Franse Eilanden van America. Behelzende de Xatuurlyke Histoire van die Landen, derzelver Oorspronk, Zeden, Gods- dienst, Regering der oude en tegenwoordige Inwoonders; als ook die der zwarte. Slaaven. En in't Nederduitsch in't ligt gebragt door W. C, Dyks. 6 maps, 7 plans and 81 copper- plate engravings, including plates of natural history, etc. 4 vols, in 2, 4to, mottled calf, gilt backs. Amsterdam : B. Lakeman, 1725. Original Edition of the First Dutch translation. Sabin gives the collation of Vol. Ill as pp. 254, evidently in error, as Vol. Ill in the set above described contains 2 Parts of 235 and 254 pp. respectively. This copy also has 94 plates, whereas Sabin mentions only 86 in all. Fine copy. 1254. LABAT (JEAN BAPTISTE). Voyage du Cheva- lier des ]\Iarchais en Guinee, Isles Voisines, et la Cayenne, fait en 1725. 1726 & 1727. Engraved title, 5 maps and 26 plates. 4 vols., 16mo, old calf. Paris: Chez G. Saugrain, 1730. Rare First Edition. Vols. II and III relate almost entirely to the French possessions in South America, and are illustrated with D'Anville's maps. 1255. LABILLARDIfiRE (JACQUES J. H.DE). Reise nach dem Siidmeer zur Aufsuchung des La Perouse. . . .auf Verordnung der franzosischen Regierung ausgefUhrt in den Jahren 1791 bis 1794. Fine folding plates. 2 vols., 8vo, ori- ginal boards. Hamburg: 1801. Fine copy of this very scarce German Edition of the Search for La Perouse. Not mentioned by Sabin. 1256. LACOMBE (LE REV. PERE ALB). Dictionnaire de la Langue des Cris. 8vo, half morocco. Montreal: 1874. With autograph inscription from the Author, in the third person. 178 1257. LA CONDAMIXE (CHARLES MARIE DE). Re- lation Abrogee d'un Voyage fait dans I'lnterieiir de rAmeri- que Meridionale. Depuis la Cote de la Mer du Sud, jusqu'- aux Cotes du Bresil et da la Guiane. en Descendant la Riviere des Amazones. Folding map and plate. 8vo, half dark pol- ished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Paris: 1745. Fine copy of the bare First Edition. One of only a few COPIES PRINTED ON THICK PAPER. 1258. LA CONDAMIXE (CHARLES MARIE DE) . Jour- nal du Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi, a TEcjuateur. Ser- vant d 'Introduction Historique a la mesure des Trois Premiers Degres du Meridien. With 6 maps and plates. Paris, 1751 ; — (also) Supplement au Journal Historique du Voyage a I'Equateur. Paris, 1752: — Mesure des Trois Premiers Degres du Meridien dans Hemisphere Austral, Tiree des Observa- tions de Mrs. de 1 'Academic Royale des Sciences, Envoyes par le Roi sous 1 'Equateur. 3 plates. Paris, 1751. Together 3 vols., 4to, original boards, uncut. Paris: 1751-2. Very fine copy in rare original state. The official account of the great French Scientific Expedition to South America, for measuring an arc of the Meridian at the Equator for more accur- ately determining the dimensions and figure of the Earth. 1259. LA COND AMINE (CHARLES MARIE DE). Re- lation Abregee d'un Voyage fait dans I'lnterieur de I'Ameri- que Meridionale. nouvelle edition, augmextee da la rela- tion DE 1 'Emeute populaire de Cuenga au Perou, et d 'une Let- tre de I\I. Godin des Odonais, contenant la Relation du Voy- age de ]\ladame Godin, son Epouse. Folding map and plate. Svo, half dark polished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Maestricht: 1778. Fine copy, with wide margins, rough uncut edges. 1260. LACTANTIUS (L. C. F.). Lucii Caecilii Firmi- ani Lactantii De ^lortibus Persecutorum, cum Notis Stephani Baluzii. Edito Secunda. Accesserunt Gisb. Cuperi, Jo. Golumbi. Tho. Spark, Nic. Toinardi, Jo. Georg. Gravaevii, Tho. Gale, Eliae Boherelli. Recensuit, suis auxit, cum Versionibus contulit. Paulua Bauldri. Fine engraved title and copper- plate engravings. Svo, polished calf, gilt back, leather labels, gilt sides, by Cecil & larkins. Trajecti ad Rhenum : Ex Officina F. Halma, 1692. Fine copy. 1261. LAET (JOANNES DE). [Nieuwe Wereldt Ofte] Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien. Engraved title and 14 double-page maps, including general map of America, New France (or Canada), New England, New Netherlandt and Virginia, Florida, etc. and numerous woodcuts in the text. Folio, vellum. Leyden : Elzevier, 1630. Second and Best Edition, enlarged. The author gives the first ACCOUNT OF THE SETTLEJIENT OF THE COLONY OF THE New Netherlands and the pttkchase and settlement of the Island of Manhattan. Rare. 179 1262. LAET (JOANNES DE). Histoire Ofte Taerlijck Verhael Van de Verrichtinghen der Geoctroyeerde West In- dische Compagnie, Zedert haer Begin tot het eynde van't jaer sesthienhondert ses-en-dertich. 12 engraved maps and plans, one of which is engraved on two sheets. Small folio, old calf, stamped panel sides (rebaeked). Leyden : By Bonaventuer ende Abraham Elzevier. 1644. Fixe edition of this important wobk. At the end (pp. 31) is a short account of the services and advantages which the West India Co. has rendered to the State ; giving details of the cap- tured booty, equipment of vessels of the company, etc., etc. 1263. LAFITAU (JOSEPH F.). Histoire des Decouver- tes et Conqiiestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde. Fold- ing copper-plate engravings and plans. 4 vols, in 2, thick 12mo. vellum. Paris: 1734. 1264. LA FIT AU (JOSEPH F.). De Zeden der Wilden van Amerika. Zynde Een nieuvve uitvoerige en zeer kurieuse Beschrj'ving van derzelver Oorsprong, Godsdienst, manier van Oorlogen, Huwelyken, Opvoeding, Oesteningen, Feesten, Dan- zeryen, Begravenissen, en andere zeldzame gewoonten. Xum- erous fiyie copper-plate engravings. Small folio, contemporary calf, gilt back, gilt panelled sides. Amsteldam: 1751. Fine Edition of the Dutch tkanslation of the author's work on the Savages of America, giving very extended and exact details of their manners, customs and religion ; principally of THE Indians of Canada. Rare. 1265. [LA HARPE (BERNARD DE).] Journal Histori- que de 1 'Etablissement des Francais a la Louisiane. 8vo, sheep (rubbed and stamp on title). Nouvelle-Orleans : 1831. Printed at Paris by Paul Renouard, and signed "Bernard de la Harpe."' who resided in r>ouisiana from 1818 to 182.3, at which time the journal ends. 1266. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). Nouveau.x Voy- ages de Mr. Le Baron de Lahontan, dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale, qui contiennent une relation des differens Peuples .... [Tome Second] ^lemoires de I'Amerique Septentrionale, ou la Suite des Voyages de ^Mr. Le Baron de Lahontan .... avec un petit Dictionaire de la Langue du Pais. 29 engraved maps and plates, including the douhle-page frontispiece, on the right side of which is the figure of an Indian, and on the left, in a circle, a globe. 2 vols.. 12mo, half morocco. A La Haye: Chez les Freres I'Honore, 1703. Earliest Isslt: of the Very Rare First Edition, with the vignotto figure of an angel and the motto, on both titles. Title in red and hlnck. . Collation: Vol. I., title 1 leaf, dedication (4 pp.), preface (7 pp.), table (9 pp.). text 1-279. with 15 maps and plates: Vol. II.. title. 1 leaf, text 3-220. table (16 pp.). 180 1267. l.AIIOXTAX (N., BAROX T3E). Xouveaux Voy- ages de Mr. Le Baron de Lahontan dans I'Americiue Septen- trionale. . . . : [Tome Second] Memoires de I'Amerique Septen- trionale ou la Suite des Voyages de Mr. Le Baron de Lehontan . . . .avec nn petit Dictionnaire de la Langue du Pais. Titles in red and black, 29 copper-plate maps and plates including the double-page frontispiece of the Indian and the sphere. 2 vols., 12nio, half calf, gilt backs (the original map follow- ing title of Vol. II is replaced by a finely executed pen and ink facsimile). A La Ilaye: Chez les Freres I'llonore, 1703. First Edition, second issue. With the scroll on titles in place of the vignette figure of an angel. The fontispiece in each volume, is that of the first issue, differing in this respect from the copy mentioned by Pilling, which contained only the figure of an Indian. Collation : Vol. 1., title, 1 leaf, Dedication (4 pp.), preface (7 pp.), table (11 pp.), text 1-279, with 17 maps and plates: Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text 3-220, table (17 pp.). Rare. 1268. LAHOXTAN (N., BAROX DE). Xouveaux Voy- ages de Mr. le Baron de Lahontan, dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale. . . . : [Tome Second] Memoires de I'Ameriqiie Septen- trionale ou la Suite des Voyages de ^Ir. le Baron de Lahontan . . . .Avec un petit Dictionnaire de la Language du Pais. Title printed in black. 26 engraved maps and plates, including frontispiece of an Indian. 2 vols., 12mo, old calf (small tear in margin of one title). A La Haye: Chez les Freres I'Honore, 1703. First Edition, third issue, with the vignette of a sphere on both titles, in place of the angel or scroll, the frontispiece being changed to a single-page plate with the figure of an Indian. The plates in this issue are on a smaller scale than those in the first issue. Collation: Vol. I., title 1 leaf, dedication (4 pp.), preface (7 pp.), table (11 pp.), text 1-279, with 15 maps and plates: Vol. II.. title 1 leaf, text 3-220, table (11 pp.). 1269. LAHOXTAX (N.. BAROX DE). New Voyages to America. Containing An Account of the several Xations of that vast Continent : their Customs, Commerce, and Way of N"avigation upon the Lakes and Rivers; the several Attempts of the English and French to dispossess one another; with the Reasons of the Miscarriage of the former; and the various Adventures between the French, and the Iroquese Confeder- ates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A Geographical Des- cription of Canada, and a N^atural History of the Country .... also a Dialogue between the Author and a General of the Savages, giving a full view of the Religion and strange Opin- ions of those People .... To which is added, a Dictionary of the Algonkine Language. Done into English. A great part of w^hich never Printed in the Original. 24 maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, full light polished calf, gilt backs, leather labels, 181 LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). gilt borders, gilt edges, by lloyd (smaU tear in one map so skilfully repaired as to be hardly discernible), London: Printed for H, Bonwicke (etc.), 1703. Fixe Copy of the Rake First English Edition, with all the engravings by H. Moll, including the map of New Foundland. Laliontan was in England when these volumes were being printed, hence, owing to his close supervision, they are mobe cobbect THAN the FBENCH EDmON. Collation: Vol. I., title 1 leaf, dedication (2 pp.), preface (8- pp.), contents (10 pp.), text 1-280, with 13 maps and plates: Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text 1-302, books lately printed 1 leaf, index (13 pp.). [See Illustrations]. 1270. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). Dialogues De Monsieur le Baron de Lahontan et d'un Sauvage dans I'Am- erique. Contenant une description exacte des Moeurs & cou- tumes de ces Peuples Sauvages. Avec les Voyages du meme en Portugal & en Danemarc, dans les quels on trouve des parti- cularitez tres curieuses & qu'on n'avoit point encore remar- quees. 2 maps and 4 plates. 16mo, boards. Amsterdam: Chez la Veuv de Boeteman, 1704. This dialogue between Lahontan and the American Indian chief contains an exact description of the manners, and customs of the Savages, with the voyages of the same in Portugal. Sabin mentions only one map. The above copy contains 2 maps, includ- ing Danemarc and Portugal. Collation: Title, 1 leaf, preface (12 pp.), avis de I'auteur (2 pp.), text 1-10.3. 1 p. blank, half-title "Voyages. . .en Portugal," 1 leaf, text 107-222. 1271. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). Voyages du Baron de La Hontan dans 1 'Amerique Septentrionale ; — [Tome Second.] Memoires de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Seconde Edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. Engraved title, 27 copper-plate maps and engravings 2 vols., 12mo, contemporary calf. Amsterdam: Chez Francois I'Honore & Co., 1705. Fine Copy of the First Complete Amsterdam Edition. Collation : Vol. I., title, 1 leaf, preface (8 pp.), table (8 pp.), text 1-376, with 13 maps and plates : Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text pp. 5-.3.36, table (2 pp.), with 14 maps and plates. For Vol. 11. of this issue, Sabin gives but one map and 9 plates. 1272. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). Voyages du Baron de La Hontan. A La Haye, 1705; — [Tome Second.] ^Memoires de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Amsterdam, 1705. Seconde Edition. Engraved title, 27 copper-plate maps and engravings. 2 vols., 12mo, half calf. A La Haye and Amsterdam: Jonas I'Honore, 1705. Fine Copy. Collation: Vol. I., title, 1 leaf, preface (8 pp.), table (8 pp.), text 1-376, with 13 maps and plates: Vol. II., title, 1 leaf, text 5-336, table (2pp.), with 14 maps and plates. Ff«r Vol. II. of this issue Sabin gives but one map and 9 plates. 182 1273. LAHONTAN (N., liAROX DE). Voyages du Baron de La Hontan dans I'Amerique Septentrionale : — [Tome Second.] Memoires de I'Amerique Septentrionale, ou la Suite des Voyages de Mr. Le I^aron de la Hontan. Seconde Edition, revue, corrige & augmentee. 27 maps and plates. 2 vols., 12mo, original calf. A la Haye: Chez Charles Delo, 1706. Fine clean copy. Collation: Vol. I. Title, 1 leaf; preface (8 pp.) ; table (8 pp.) ; text, 1-376. 13 maps and plates: "Vol. II. Title, 1 leaf; text, 5-336 ; table (2 pp.). 14 maps and plates. 1274. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). Nouveaux Voy- ages de Mr. Le Baron de Lahontan dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale: [Tome Second.] Memoires de I'Amerique Septen- trionale, ou la Suite des Voyages de ]Mr. Le Baron de Lahon- tan. 26 copper-plate maps and plates. 2 vols., 12mo, pol- ished calf, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops, by sangorski. A La Haye: Chez les freres I'Honore, 1709. Collation: Vol. I., title, 1 leaf, dedication (3 pp.), preface (5 pp.), table (8 pp.), text 1-280, with 14 maps and plates : Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text 3-222, table (IS pp.), with 12 maps and plates. 1275. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). Des Beriihmten Herrn Baron De Lahontan Neueste Reisen nach Nord-Indien, Oder dem Mitternachtischen America, mit vielen besondern und bey keinem Scribenten befindlichen Curiositseten. Aus dem Frantzosischen libersetzet von M. Vischer. Map of Canada. 2 vols, in one. 16mo, boards, uncut (name on title). Hamburg und Leipzig, 1709. First German Translation. Fine copy, with wide margins and uncut edges. Collation : Title, double-pag^e leaf, 4 prel. leaves, text 1-252, half-title to second part 1 p., text 254-459. 1276. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). Van den oor- sproiik en de kracht der Vooroordeelen Door J. T. Als mede een kort Uyttreksel LTyt de Aanteykeninge van de Baron de Lahontan, Rakende de Zeden, 't Geloof, en't verstant van de Wilden tot Canada. Door J. de Klerk. 12mo. half calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Amsterdam : Jan Blom. 1710. Comprises a short account of the Indians of Canada, from Vol. II. of Lahontan's Voyages, 1706. 1277. LAHONTAN (N.. BARON DE). Nouveaux Voy- ages de ]Mr. Le Baron de Lahontan, dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale [Tome Second.] ^Memoires de I'Amerique Septen- trionale. ou la Suite des Voyages de ]\Ir. le Baron de Lahontan. 26 maps and plates. 2 vols.. 12mo, original calf (small tear in corner of one leaf). A. La Haye: Chez les Freres I'Honore, 1715. Very Rare. Apparently unknown to Sabin. Collation: Vol. I., title 1 leaf, dedication (3 pp.), preface (5 pp.) , table (6 pp.) , text 1-2S0. with 15 maps and plates : Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text 1-232, table (18 pp.), with 11 maps and plates. 183 1278. LAHOXTAN (N., BARON DE) . Voyages du Baron de Lahontan dans I'Ainerique Septentrionale : (also Tome Second). Memoires de TAmerique Septentrionale, ou la Suite des Voyages de Mr. Le Baron De Lehontan. Seconde Edi- tion, re^^le, eorrigee et augmentee. 32 copper-plate maps and engravings. 2 vols.. 12mo, original calf. Amsterdam: Frangois I'Honore, 1728. Fixe Copy of this Rare Editio>'. Apparently unknown to Sabin. Collation : Vol. I., title, 1 leaf, preface (8 pp.), table (8 pp.), text 1-408. with 17 maps and plates: Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text 1-238; "Suite du Voyage" (forming Part II. of Vol. II.), title 1 leaf, preface (10 pp.), avis de I'auteur (2 pp.), text 15-257, with 15 maps and plates. 1279. LAHONTAN (X., BARON DE). Voyages du Baron de Lahontan dans I'Amerique Septentrionale; [Tome Second] Memoires de I'Amerique Septentrionale, ou la Suite des Voyages de Mr. Le Baron de Lahontan: {also a third series) . Suite du Voyage de I'Amerique ou Dialogues de Mon- sieur le Baron de Lahontan et d 'un Sauvage de 1 'Amerique. 31 engraved maps and plates. 3 vols., 12mo, calf, gilt backs, by BEDFORD (slightly rubbed at hinges). Amsterdam : Chez la Veuve de Boeteman, 1728. Fine Copy of this Rare Edition, varying as to number of plates from the copy cited by Sabin. Collation: Vol. I., title 1 leaf, preface (8 pp.), table (8 pp.), text 1-408, with 14 maps and plates : Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text 1-238, with 11 maps and plates : "Dialogues," title, 1 leaf, pre- face (10 pp.), avis de I'auteur (2 pp.), text 15-257, with 6 maps and plates. 1280. LAHOXTAX (N., BARON DE). Xew Voyages to North-America. 20 maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, full pol- ished sprinkled calf, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. OSBORN, 1735. Fine Copy of the Second English Edition. Title of both Volumes is the same as in the First Edition. This edition agrees, both as to text and number and character of the plates, with the issue published for John Brindley in the same year (1735). Collation: Vol. I., title, 1 leaf, dedication (2 pp.), preface (8 pp.), contents (12 pp.), text, 1-274 (without table which appears in the Brindley issue) : Vol. II., title, 1 leaf, text, 3-304. 1281. LAHONTAN (X., BAROX DE). New Voyages to North America. 2 vols., 8vo, three quarter purple morocco, gilt backs and tops. LONDON: PRINTED FOR JOHN BRINDLEY (ctc)., 1735. Fine Copy of the "Second Edition" in English, with Brindley imprint. Although the title-page calls for "23 maps and cutfi,'' the collation of this copy is complete according to Sa])in. Collation : Vol. I., title, 1 leaf, dedication (2 pp.), preface (8 pp.) . contents (12 pp.), t< xt, pp. 1-280 : Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text, pp. 3-304. 184 litre losrc-l meoios^oofratBarloloraeDdascafaJ'* ©toifpoD!icioDaoretlccJIJ?i«pa.'refiri» EpojraaTjDaooDelEmpcr«c>o:rcEnforc^i •i:in9::cnlo» truntimierof qmtw^«5crra, magcftaoDc perlac»o«t ^eff^^o^t petfo Has (raocl en i^iilUvoUo el fliie oe mill i qtiinlefotf tq«3fewt ^os'P^i'^ rcfojma ci« oel*0 '^ noitf • 2E I ^tan« en •:»( es el figuictc^oDe feaJignavcEUte ra3oncs; poi Its qlc* pjueua n© tcuerfc oar Ita m< piosaloeEfparidled en €ncomicDa:ni en teuo9:nienranail«)f:niDorr«m9ncrail gua.SifiimageftaocomoocfrcaqmcreU D^arlof 9c Id cf zanifl t peroicio «| |»aoece, como Dcia bo? a oelof o:agonee.t Q ^ ^^al mete.n» let cffuma f mate f ^oc VI510 roc ooa^lo;be6fu0tainnmtc$nacuraleflpa oiraooie«comoe«ia«tiofimoipoi?ia»9^ (See Xo. i:ui) 1282. LAHONTAN (N., BARON 1>E). New Voyages to North-America. 23 maps and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, contempor- ary calf (weak at hinges, otherwise a fine copy). LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. AND J. BONWICKE (and Othcrs), 1735. Anotiikr issue of the "Second Edition" in English. The text of this edition asrees with that issued for John Brindley in the same year (1735). The plates, however, which are 23 in number (not 20, as in the Brindh>y and Osborn issues), corre- spond with those in the First Edition (less one plate) including the map of Newfoundland. Collation: Vol. I., title, 1 leaf, dedication (2 pp.), preface (8 pp.), contents (12 pp.), text 1-280, with 13 maps and plates: Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text 3-304, with 12 maps and plates. 1283. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). Reizen van den Baron van La Hontan in het Noordelyk America, Vervatteude een Verhaal van verscheide Volkeren die het bewoonen ; den aart hiinner Regeering, hun Koophandel. hnn Gewoontens, hun Godsdienst, en hun wys van Oorloogen .... Vertaaltt door Gerard Westerwyk. 2 folding maps and 14 platis. 2 vols.^ 16mo, half morocco (perforated stamp on titles). Gravenhage: Isaac Beauregard, 1739. Rare Dutch Edition. Contains many historical and geo- sraphical notes, and in many respects is better than either the English or French editions. Collation : Vol. I., title and 5 prol. leaves, text 1-582 : Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text 1-5 (2), 1 p. blank, 5-552. 1284. LAHONTAN ON., BARON DE). Voyages du Baron de Lahontan dans I'Amerique Septentrionale : [Tome Second]. Suite des Voyages du Baron de Lahontan dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. Seconde Edition, revue, corrigiee et augmentee. 14 maps and plates. 2 vols., 16mo, sheep (bindings worn, some pp. spotted). Amsterdam: Francois I'Honore. 1741. Collation : Vol. I., title 1 leaf, preface (8pp.), text 1-188, table (4 pp.), with 9 maps and plates : Vol. II., title 1 leaf, text 1-220, table (4 pp.), with 5 maps and plates. 1285. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). Un Outre-Mer au XVII Siecle. Voyages au Canada du Baron de La Hon- tan. Avec une Introduction et des Notes par M. Francois de Nion. 12mo, wrappers, uncut. Paris: 1900. 1286. LAHONTAN (N., BARON DE). New Voyages to North America. Reprinted from the English Edition of 1703, with facsimiles of original title-pages, maps and illustrations and the addition of Introduction, Notes, and Index, by Reuben Gold Thwaites. 2 vols., royal 8vo, boards, parchment backs, uncut. Chicago : McClurg, 1905. Large Paper Copy. One of only 50 copies printed. 1287. LAMB (MARTHA J.). History of the City of New York. Profusehj illustrated with full-page and text en- gravings. In the original 32 parts, imp. 8vo, original wrap- pers, uncut. N. T.: (1877). Fine condition. With 4 extra title pages. 185 1288. LAMB (K). An Original and Authentic Journal of Occurrences during the late American War, from its Com- mencement to the Year 1783. 8vo, full polished mottled calf, gilt back, elaborately tooled, leather labels, gilt top, inside and outside borders, by sangorski. Dublin: 1809. One of the most interesting narratives relating to the American Revolution. The author, a sergeant in the Royal Welsh Fus- iliers, came to America in 1776, as a non-commissioned officer, and served throughout the War. In his Journal, he gives a min- ute account of important occurrences, his capture, both with Bur- goyne and at Yorktown, mfieting with Major Andr6 and an ac- count of the latter's death. \ Fine copy, cleaned. 1289. LAMBERT (JOHN).\ Travels through Canada, and the United States of North Am^i^ca, in the Years 1806, 1807 and 1808. second edition, corr^ted and improved. Folding plates, 2 maps, 6 finely colored /ostume plates and 10 aquatint views and engravings. 2 volg., 8vo, half calf, red and blue leather labels. Lond. : 1813. Scarce. Fine copy, with all the plates, including babe views OF MONTBEAL, QUEBEC, CaPE DIAMOND, THBEE RIVEBS, SOBEL and other Canadian views, also early view of Plymouth, Mass. 1290. LANG (JOHN D.) and TAYLOR (SAMUEL, JR.). Report of a Visit to some of the Tribes of Indians located West of the Mississippi River. 8vo, half calf. Providence: 1843. 1291. LANG (JOHN DUNMORE). Origin and Migra- tions of the Polynesian Nation : Demonstrating their original Discovery and Progressive Settlement of the Continent of Am- erica. SECOND edition, greatly extended and improved. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. Sidney: 1877. Presentation copy from the Author, with title inscription. Vebt SCABCE. 1292. LANGFORD (NATHANIEL PITT). Vigilante Days and Ways : the Pioneers of the Rockies, the makers and making of Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Wyom- ing. Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. : 1890, 1293. LANGWORTHY (FRANKLIN). Scenery of the Plains, Mountains and Mines: or, a Diary kept upon the Overland Route to California by way of the Great Salt Lake in the Years 1850-53. 12mo, cloth. Ogdensburgh: 1855, Vebt scabce. 1294. LANMAN (CHARLES). Essays for Summer Hours, first edition. 12mo, cloth (foxed). Boston: 1841. 1295. LAN:\IAN (CHARLES). Essays for Summer Hours. Frontispiece. 16mo, cloth, uncut. Boston: 1842, Recollections of Michigan, etc. 186 r, 1296. LANMAN (CHARLES). A Summer in the Wilderness; Embracing A Canoe Voyage Up the Mississippi and Around Lake Superior. 12mo, original wrappers (foxed, front cover loose and slightly torn). New York: Appleton, 1847. ■ g ^ 1297. LANMAN (CHARLES). Adventures of an Angler — in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States. Frontispiece portrait of the Author. 12mo, half morocco. Lond. : 1848. era 1298. LANMAN (CHARLES). Letters from the Allegh- ~ any Mountains, first edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. : 1849. 1299. LANMAN (CHARLES). Adventures in the Wild* of North America. (Edited by Charles R. Weld). 2 vols, in one, 12mo, original green cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1854. Fine copy of the First Edition. 1300. LANMAN (CHARLES). Adventures in the Wilds _ of the United States, and the British American Provinces. Many illustrations by the author and Oscar Bessau. 2 vols., 8vo, half crimson calf, gilt backs (appendix lacking). Philadelphia: 1856. Fixe clean copy of the Best Edition, which is usually found much time-stained. 1301. LA PEROUSE (J. F. G. DE). A Voyage Round - the World, in the Years 1785 1788. Published conform- ably to the Decree of the National Assembly. . . .Edited by M. L. A. Milet-Mureau. Translated from the French. Portrait^ mops and plates. 3 vols., thick 8vo, original boards and labels, entirely uncut, inclosed in cloth case, with drop front (backs and corners of bindings repaired). Lond.: 1798. Original issue of the First English translation. Valued particularly for its observations on the Indians of the North- west coast of North America. 1302. LA PEROUSE (J. F. G. DE). A Voyage Round the World : which was Performed in the Years 1785 .... 1788. By M. de La Peyrouse (sic). Abridged from the original French Journal. . . .published by Milet-Mureau. . . .To which are added: a voyage from Manilla to c.vlifornia, by Don Antonio jMaurelle ; and an Abstract of the Voyage and Dis- coveries of the late Capt. C Vancouver. 3Iap and engraved plates, including an early view in Manilla Bay. 12mo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh: 1798. Very rare. Apparently unknown to Sarin. 1303. LA PEROUSE (J. F. G. de). La Perouse'ns En- '^ deckungsreise in den Jahren, 1785. ., .1788. Herausgegeben von M. C. A. Milet Mureau. Mit Anmerkungen begleitet, von J. R. Forster und C. L. Sprengel. Folding plates. 2 vols., 8vo, boards. Berlin: 1799. First German translation. Apparently unknown to Sabin. 187 1304. [LA PEYRfiRE (ISAAC DE). Relation du Green- land. Folding map and plate. 12mo. calf (binding worn and small worm hole through margin of several leaves). Paris: 1647. This valuable book was prepared from the most authentic sources during the author's residence in Denmark. It contains some relations of the Esquimau Savages of Greenland, which are of value as being observations made upon them at that early day. 1305. LAPHAM (I. A.). "Wisconsin: its Geography and Topography, History, Geology and Mineralogy : together with brief Sketches of its Antiquities, etc. Second Edition, greatly improved. Folding map. 12mo, cloth. Milwaukee : 1846. 1306. LAPHAM (I. A.), BLOSSOM (L.) and DOUSMAN (G. G.). A Paper on the Number, Locality and Times of Re- moval of the Indians of Wisconsin. With an appendix contain- ing a complete Chronology of Wisconsin. 8vo, wrappers. Milwaukee: 1870. 1307. LAPHAM (WM. B.)and MARSH (.SILAS P.). History of Paris, Maine. From Its Settlement to 1880. With A History of the Grants of 1736 and 1771. Together With Personal Sketches, A Copious Genealogical Register and An Appendix. Portraits a7id illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Paris : 1884. Presentation copy from W. B. Lapham. 1308. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD-LI ANCOURT (F. A. DE). Reisen in den Jahren 1795, 1796 und 1797 durch alle an der See belegenen Staaten der Xordamerikanischen Repub- lik; imgleichen durch Ober-Canada und das Land der Iroke- sen. Nebst zuverlassigen Nachrichten von Unter-Canada. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards. Hamburg : 1799. First German Edition, of the Observations made during a three years' residence in America by this interesting traveller. 1309. LARPENTEUR (CHARLES). Forty Years A Fur Trader on the Upper ]\Iissouri. The Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872. Edited, with Many Criti- cal Notes, by Elliott Coues. Maps, Views and Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. New York: F. P. Harper, 1898. Limited Edition, 1310. LA SALLE. Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage, 1684-7. With a frontispiece of Gudebrod's Statue of La Salle and the map of the original French Edition, Paris, 1713, in facsimile. Small 4to, boards, paper labels, uncut. Albany: McDonough, 1906. In this edition, the historical and biographical Introduction and Annotations are by Henry R. Stiles ; together with a Bibliog- raphy of the Discovery of the Mississippi by Appleton P. C. Griffin. 188 1311. LAS CASAS (B. DE). Entro los remedios (j do fray Bartoloiiic de las casas. . . . Para Reformacio de las Indias. Title in red and black within woodcut border. Small 4to, half morocco, 53 unnumbered leaves (stami) erased from last page). (Colophon) Fue impressa. . . .Seuilla, en las casas de Jacome Croberger. [Seville : 1552]. TllK VEBY KABLIEST WORK EVEU ISSUED ADVOCATING THE ABOLI- TION OK si.AVEKY IN AMERICA, in wluoli are given, "twenty reas- ons which prove that the Indians ought not to be given to the Simiiiards in commanderies, in feudal bondage or in vassal- age OR IN ANY other MANNER; if His Majesty should desire to free thoni from the tyranny and perdition which they are suffer- ing, as from the jaws of dragons," etc. The author, the first priest ever ordained in the New World and the first to advocate the arolition of slavery in America, accompanied Columbus on his third voyage and his name "is second in eminence only to that of the great dis- coverer." The present is the rare original edition of the third of a series of tracts by Las Casas published in Spain in 1552-'53. From its great historical importance the present is probably the most valuable of the series. [See Illustrations]. 1312. [LAS CASAS (B. DE).] Xarratio Regionvm In- dicarvm per Ilispanos Qvosdam deuastatarura verissima : prius quidem per Episcopum Batholema3um Casaum, natione Hispaiium Hispanice conscripta, & Anno 1551. Hispali, His- panice, Anno vero hoc 1598. Engraved title and 17 engrav- ings by lodo a Winghi. Small 4to. half calf (weak at hinges, — name on title). Francofvrti: Sumptibus Theodori de Bry, (etc.), MDXCVIII. Very' Rare and much sought for on account of the beauty of the plates. This work, appearing 46 years after the publication of the original works of I^as Casas, was no doubt intended to pre- judice the public mind against the Spaniards in their war with the Netherlands, by representing their inhumanity and atrocities in America, which the plates most vividly portray. 1313 LAS CASAS (B. DE). Den Vermeerderden Spieghel der Spaensche Tierannije-geschiet in Westindien waerin te sien is de onmenschelijcke wreede feiijten der Span- jarden met samen de beschrijvinge der selver lant en volcken aert en nature. Engraved title and plates in the text. Small 4to. paper. Amsterdam: Cornells Lodewijkss, 1621. This copy contains the dedication to the directors of the "Oost- Indische Compagnie." and has the heading to the prologue in four lines — also the portrait of Columbus standing on the deck of his vessel surrounded by mermaids. The above forms the second por- tion of a work, the first of which relating to the Spanish tyranny in the Netherlands, has the following engraved title. "De Spaen- sche Tiranye. Geschiet in Neder-Lant, Waer in te sien is, de onmonschelicke ende wreede handelinge der Spaengiaerden." Amstelredam : Broer lansz, 1622. 180 c| - 1314 LAS CAS AS (B. DE). Istoria 6 breuissima rela- 5£ tione della Distruttione dell' Indie Occidentali. Di Monsig. Reverendiss. Don Bartolomeo dalle Case, 5 Casaus, Sivigliano Yescouo di Chiapa Citta Regale nell' Indie. Conforme al sva vero originale Spagnuolo, gia stampato in Siuiglia. Con la traduttione in Italiano di Francesco Bersabita. Dedicata all' Amicitia. Small 4to, boards. Venetia: Presso Marco Ginammi, 1626. The Rabe First Italian Translation of Las Casas' first and most celebrated tract. With the original Spanish in parallel columns. The real name of the translator was Giacomo Castel- lan!. 1315. LAS CASAS (B. DE). Historia de las Indias. — Ahora por primera vez dada a luz por el Marquis de la Fuen- santa del Valle y D. Jose Sancho Rayon. 5 vols., 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Madrid: Imprenta de Miguel Ginesta, 1875. Good sound set. 1316. LATOUR (IVfAjbRA. L.). Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida, 11^1814-15. Written originally in French, and translated forib^author, by H. P. Nugent. Fine stipple portrait of Gen. tmcks^ and Atlas containing 8 fine .copper-plate maps and plans \iQlored). 2 vols., 8vo, half red morocco (atlas in fiin moroccG) . Phila. : 1816. Very Scarce. Fine copt, with the maps complete. 1317. LATROBE (BENJAMIN HENRY). The Journal — of Latrobe : being the Notes and Sketches of an Architect, Na- turalist and Traveller in the United States from 1796 to 1820. Portrait and views. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York: 1905. 1318. LATROBE ( CHARLES J. ) . The Rambler in North - America, 1832-1833. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth (name on title and slightly foxed). N. Y.:1835. 1319. LATROBE (CHARLES J.). The Rambler in Mexico, 1834. Folding map. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: 1836. 1320. LAURENT (JOSEPH)). New Familiar Abenakis _ and Englisli Dialogues. The first ever published on the gram- matical system. 16mo, cloth. Quebec: 1884. Autograph presentation copy from the Author, who was an Abenakis Chief. 1321. LAW (JOHN). Law's Mississippi Company. Aus- fiihrliche Historische und Geographische Beschreibung Des an dem grossen Flusse Mississipi in Nord-America gelegen herzlichen Landes Louisiana ; In welches die neu-aufgerichtete Fraiitzosische grosse Indianische Compangnie Colonien zu scliicken angefangen ; Worbey zugleich einige Reflexionen 190 LAW (JOHN). iiber die weit-hinaus sehendo Desseins gedachter Compa^ie und des dariiber eiistandeiieii Actien-IIaiidels eroffnet werden. With a rare and interesting copper-plate map. {Portrait of John Law laid in.) Small 8vo, half calf, uncut. Leipzig: bey J. F. Gleditschens, 1720. Fine Copy of this Very Rare Tract, relating to the Coloni- zatiou of Louisiana under the patronage of the company organized by John Law in 1717 and known as the "West India Company." With description of the country. 1322. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AM- ERICA. Vol. 1 (1789-1791). 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y.: Childs & Swaine [1792]. Contains the Acts of the three first sessions of the First Con- gress, the Treaties between the United States and the several Indian Tribes and Foreign nations, etc., etc. 1323. LAWSON (CAPTAIxN J. A.). Wanderings in the Interior of New Guinea. Frontispiece and map. 12mo, cloth, uncut (slightly rubbed). London: 1875. 1324. LAWSON (JOHN). A New Voyage to Carolina; containing the Exact Description and Natural History of that Country : Together with the Present State thereof, and A Jour- nal Of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd thro' several Nations of In- dians. Giving a particular Account of their Customs, Man- ners, etc. By John Lawson, Gent. Surveyor-General of North- Carolina. Plate of animals. Small 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, heavy bands, sides with panel de- sign in gilt and blind tooling, gilt line inside borders, marbled end papers, gilt edges, by Pratt (lacks the map). London: Printed in the Year 1709. The Rare Original Edition. Although lacking the map, the text is perfect and clean and includes the scarce publisher's an- nouncement leaf at end. 1325. LE BEAU (CLAUDE). Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau, Avocat en Parlement, au Voyage Curieux et Nouveau, Parmi les Sauvages de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Dans le quel on trouvera une Description du Canada. Map and 6 copper-plate engravings. 2 vols., 12mo, old calf, gilt backs. Amsterdam: Chez Herman Uytwerf, 1738. Original Edition. Rare. A curious account of tbavels AMONG the Indians, their customs, manners and habits of LIFE ; also a description of Canada. 1326. LE BEAU (CLAUDE). Neue Reise unter die Wilden in Nord- America ; oder merkwiirdige Nachricht von den alten und neuen Gebrauchen und Sitten samt der Leben- sart diser Volker, nebst der Beschreibung seiner sonder- baren Begebenheiten. Map and 3 copper-plates. 2 vols, in one, thick small 8vo, half calf (map repaired, — 3 plates miss- ing). Frankfurt. 1752. Contains descriptions of the manners and customs of the Iro- quois, the Hurons, Algonquins and other Indian tribes. 191 1327. LECHFORD (THOMAS) . Plain Dealing : or, News^ from New England, With an Introduction and Notes by J. Hammond Trumbull. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bost.: 1867.. Only 285 copies printed. 1328. LE CLERCQ (CHRETIEN). Nouvelle Relation de la Graspesie, qui contient Les Moeurs & la Religion des Sau- vages Gaspesiens Porte-Croix, adorateurs du Soleil, & d 'autres Peuples de I'Amerique Septentrionale, dite le Canada. 12mo, old calf (back slightly broken). Paris: Chez Amable Auroy, 1691. This is perliaps one of the most important books relating to Northeastern Canada and the Province of Quebec. It contains the first full account of the conversion of the Gasp6 Indians. The author gives not only a record of his own missionary labors among the Indians of the St. Laurence, but has given an account of the peculiar traits, character, religious rites, etc., of the Indians be- fore their contact with civilization. Veby Scaece. 1329. LE CLERCQ (CHRETIEN). First Establishment of the Faith in New France. Now First translated, with Notes, by John Gilmary Shea. Illustrated with map, steel portraits and facsimiles. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. : 1881.. Fine copy. 1330. LECLERCQ (JULE.S). La Terre des Merveilles. Promenade au Pare ^National de I'Amerique du Nord. (Yel- lowstone). With 40 illustrations and 2 maps. 12mo, half calf, uncut. Paris: 1886. 1331. LEDERER (JOHN). The Discoveries of John Lederer, in three several Marches from Virginia to the West of Carolina and other parts of the Continent : Begun in March, 1669 and ended in September 1670. Map of the Territory traversed. 8vo, boards, paper labels, uncut. Lond. 1672. Reprinted, Rochester: 1902. Only 3(X) copies privately printed. 1332. [LEE (ARTHUR).] An Appeal to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain, in the Present Dis- putes with America. Fourth Edition, 1776; {also) A Second Appeal (on the same), first edition, 1775. 2 pamphlets in one vol., 8vo, half calf. Lond.: 1775-76. In these celebrated tracts, the author upholds the rights of the Colonies against the unjust taxation by the mother country. 1333. LEE (D.) AND FROST (J. H.). Ten Years in Orcpron. Frontvinicce map and vignette. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.:1844. Very Scarce. 192 w w p4 k4 k4 V-H W IjU'l 02 ^ ^ -• ^ " H z: ?-f 5 X H ^ -f m < "" c c- . - " ^ H-J ■^ 5 /i 2 '^ 5 hH w i 1 -^ -^ 1 1 »rr Q " 3 'B'u '5 •¥ :-^v T> i y. 1334. LEE (PIENRY) . Memoirs of the War in the South- ern Department of the United States. Portraits of Gens, Greene and Cornivallis engraved by Edwin. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt backs. Phila. : 1812. FnusT Edition. Kxtra-Ii.i.ustkatkd by the i.nsebtiox of 21 ADDITIONAL POKTKAITS OF REVOLUTIOXARY OFFICERS AND VIEWS. 1335. LEE (HENRY). The Campaign of 1781, in the Carolinas: with Remarks Historical and Critical on John- son's Life of Greene. To which is added an appendix of Orig- inal Documents, relating to the History of the Revolution. Portrait. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. ' Phila.: 1824. 1336. LEE (HENRY) . Memoirs of the War in the South- ern Department of tlie United States. New Edition, with Corrections left by the author, and with notes and additions, by H. Lee. 8vo. original boards, and label, uncut and un- opened (slightly cracked at hinges and some pages spotted"). Washington: 1827. 1337. LEE (R. H.) . Memoir of the Life of Richard Henry Lee. and his Correspondence with the most Distinguished Men in America and Europe, Illustrative of their Characters, and of the Events of the xVmerican Revolution. By Richard H. Lee. Engraved portrait. 2 vols., Svo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. : 1825. Fine copy, with wide margins. 1338. LEE (WILLIA:\r). The True and Interesting Travels of William Lee, Bom at Hadfield. near Doneaster. . . . who apprenticed himself to a Flaxdresser at Doneaster .... and afterwards, in 1768, went with a Venture to America, where he travelled through the Back Settlements, and endured innnerous hardships and many Vicissitudes of Fortune in the War between Great Britain and her Colonies, till he finally settled at Richmond, the County Town of Georgia. Engraved frontispiece. 16mo. half green polished calf, gilt back (lower margin of one leaf neatly repaired). Lond.: (circa, 1800). Rare Originai. Edition. Apparently uuknown to Sabin. 1339. LEE (WILLIAM). John Leigh of Agawam (Ips- Avich). Massachusetts, 1634-1671 and His Descendants of the Name of Lee. With Genealogical Notes and Biographical Sketches of All his descendants, so far as can be obtained ; in- cluding notes on collateral branches. (Contains index of names.) Small 4to. cloth, uncut (title soiled). Albany. N. Y. : 1888. 1340. LEETH (JOHN). A Short Biography of John Leeth, with an Account of His Life among the Indians. Re- printed from the original edition of 1831, with Introduction bv Reuben G. Thwaites. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. uncut. Cleveland: 1904. Only 27 copies printed on Japanese velll-m. 193 1341. LELAXD (C. D.) andPRINCE (J. D.). Kuloskap the ^Master and other Algonkin Poems. Illustrations. 12ino, cloth. N. Y. : 1902. FiBST Edition. 1342. LELEWEL (JOACHIM). Geographic du Moyen Age. With the special Atlas of Maps and the "Epilogue" to accompany the atlas. Numerous maps. 3 vols., 8vo, and 1 Vol., oblong 4to, Together 4 vols., half red morocco. Bruxelles: 1852-57. A work of great learning and research, embracing the whole subject of the early maritime discoveries, maps, etc., including the oriental geographies, Martin Behaim, Bianco, the Zeni, etc. With facsimiles of ancient maps, etc. 1343. LEMOINE (GEORGE). Dictionnaire Francaise- Montagnais, avec un vocabulaire Montagnais- Anglais, una Courte Liste de noms Geographiques, et une Grammaire Montagnaise. 8vo, half calf. Bost. : 1901. 1344. LEMOUXE (J. :\r.). Maple Leaves. Explorations on the Lower St. Lawrence. A Book for Tourists. (Canadian History, Legends. Scenery and Sports.) 8vo, wrappers (covers slightly worn). Quebec: 1889. 1345. LEXNARD (CAPT. €. E. BARRETT). Travels in British Columbia, With The Xarrative of a Yacht Voyage Round Vancouver's Island. Frontispiece. 8vo, half crimson calf, gilt back and top, uncut. London : 1862. 1346. LE PAGE DU PRATZ (M.). The History of Louisiana ; or, of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina ; containing a Description of the Countries that lye on both Sides of the River Mississippi (sic) : with an Account of the Settlements, Inhabitants, Soil, Climate and Products. Trans- lated from the French. With some Xotes and Observations relating to Our Colonies. 2 folding maps. 2 vols., 12mo, old calf, leather labels. Lond. : 1763. The Rare First English Translation of a very impor- tant WORK. It is from this author that historians have derived most of their knowledge of the Natchez and other Mississippi tribes of Indians. The author resided fifteen years in Louisiana, hence his observations are considered of the utmost authenticity. 1347. LE PAGE DU PRATZ (M.). Histoire de la Louis- iane, contenant la Decouverte de ce vaste Pays; sa Description geographique ; un Voyage dans les Terres ; 1 'Histoire Xa- turelle; les ]\I(Burs, Coutumes & Religion des Naturels, avec leurs Origines ; deux Voyages dans le Xord du nouveau Mexi- qup, dont un jusqu'a la Mer du Sud; Illustrated with 2 charts and 40 copper-plates, including many curious plates of ani- mals, plants, etc. 3 vols., 12mo. calf, gilt backs. Paris: 1758. Rare Original French Edition, showing the claims of Fran]UJT). The War with ^lexieo Reviewed. 12ino, cloth. lioston : 1850. 1871. LIVINGSTON (DAVIDS. Last Journals of, in ^^ Central Africa, from 1865 to his Death. Continued by Horace — Waller. Portraits and illustrations, and folding maps in separate volume. 3 vols., Svo, half calf. London: 1874. Iiisorted are three A. L. S., from H. N. Frere. J. Young, and E. D. Young, all relative to African Exploration. 1372. LIVINGSTON (DAVID AND CHARLES). Nar- rative of An Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries. ' 1866 ; Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. Portrait, maps and illustrations. Together. 2 vols.. 8vo. cloth. N. Y.: 1858-66. 1373. LIVINGSTON (WILLIxVM). A Review of the Military Operations in North-America ; from the Commence- ment of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia in _ 1753, to the Surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of August, 1756. Interspersed with various Observations, Characters, and Anecdotes: necessary to give Light into the Conduct of American Transactions in General ; and more especially into the political Management of Affairs in New York. 4to, half morocco. Lond. : 1757. Fixe copy of the rare original edition. The author's chief design was to vindicate Governor Shirley, and asperse the char- acters of those who opposed his measures. 1374. LONG {QY.O'ROYj.— Translator^ . The Meditations ■of the Emperor ]\Iarcus Aurelius Antoninus. Frontispiece on Japan paper. 8vo. half leather, gilt top. uncut. London and N. Y. : (ca. 1900). 1375. LONG (J.). Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader. Describing the Manners and Customs of the North American Indiarts ; with an Account of the Posts _ situated on the River Saint Laurence, Lake Ontario, etc. to ^. which is added, a Vocabulary\ of the Chippeway Language, Names of Furs and Skins, in\ English and French, a List of Words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee and Esqui- meaux Tongues. Folding map. \4to, original boards, uncut. \ Lond.: 1791. Fixe Axn Larg^ Copy ix boards, uncut, containing the scarce leaf of Errata and the List of Subscribers' names, which are usually missipg. A faithful picture of the life and manners of the Indians and the Canadian Fur Traders of the time. The author, who resided in the country for nineteen years, gives a candid view of the injustice perpetrated on the Indians by the British. Very Rare in sucn exceptional state. 199 1376. LONG (J.). J. Long's Westindischen Dollmetseh- ers und Kaufmanns See-und Land-Reisen, enthaltend: eine^ Beschreibiing der Sitten und Gewohnheiten der Nordameri- kauischen Wilden ; der Englisehen Forts oder Schanzen langs. dem St. Lorenz-Flusse, dem See Ontario, u. s. w., Herausgege- ben von C. A. W. Zimmermann. 8vo, half sheep (back crack- ed, map missing) . Hamburg : 1791. The first German translation, with a German-Chippewa Vocab- ulary. 1377. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADS WORTH). Com- plete Works of. With portraits mid facsimiles on Japan paper. 11 vols., 8vo, half cloth and boards, uncut, and partly unopened. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1886. Large Papee Edition. No. 62 of only 500 copies issued by The Riverside Press. Fine set. 1378. LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Me- moirs. (Vol. 1.) Journal of a Voyage to New York in 1679- 80. Thick royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut and unopened. Brooklyn: 1867. Large Paper. Only 100 copies so printed. 1379. LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Me- moirs of. (Vols. 1 to 4.) Steel portraits and maps. 4 vols.^ 8vo, half morocco (one vol. in cloth and one binding soiled). Brooklyn: 1867-89. Comprises : Journal of a Voyage to New York, 1679-80 ; Bat- tle of Long Island ; Campaign of 1776 ; George Washington and Mount V ernon. 1380. LORD (JOHN K.). The Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Illustrations. 2 vols., 12mo^ cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1866. First Edition. 1381. LORD (JOHN K.). At Home in the Wilderness: What to do there and how to do it. Illustrations. 12mo^ cloth. London : 1876. Gold Regions, Fur Traders, etc. 1382. LORGUES (ROSELLY DE). Vie et Voyages de Cliristophe Colomb, d'apres des Documents Authentiques. Steel plate illustrations, engraved hy Ed. Willmann, after designs hy A. Rouargue. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt back. Paris: 1862. 1383. LORING (AMASA). History of Piscataquis Coun- ty. Maine, from its Earliest Settlement to 1880. Map. 8vo^ cloth. Portland : 1880. 1384. LOSKIEL (GEORGE H.). History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. Translated by Christian I. La Trobe. 8vo, full polished 200 I.OSKIEL (GEORGE H.). sprinkled calf, gilt back, sides with gilt monogram in center, BY Charles Lewis. Lond. : 1794. . Fine copy. The labors of this mission lay chiofly among the Dclawiiro. tho Naiitikokos, the Shawancso and other Indians of Pennsylvania and New York, upon whicli it is considered the best authority, having been drawn up from the accounts of Spangen- berg and Zeisberger, missionaries among the Indian tribes dur- ing forty years. Rabe. 1385. LOSSING (BENSOX J.). The Hudson. From The ^ - Wilderness to the Sea. Steel frontispiece and 306 illustrations by the author. 8vo, morocco, gilt, gilt edges. X. Y.: (1866). 1386. LOUDON (ARCHIBALD). A Selection, of some of the Most Interesting Narratives of Outrages, Committed by the Indians, in their Wars with the White People, also An Account of their Manners. Customs, Traditions, Religious Sentiments, ^lode of Warfare, Military Tactics. Discipline and *-~ Encampments, Treatment of Prisoners, etc. which are better Explained, and more Minutely Related than has been hereto- fore done, by any other Author on that subject. Many of the articles have never before appeared in print. The whole com- piled from the best Authorities. 2 vols.. 16mo. full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt back, sides and inside borders, gilt tops, by Bradstreet (text somewhat spotted and pp. 73 to 81 of vol. 2, in facsimile). Carlisle: From the Press of A. Loudon, 1808- '11. Extremely Rake. Owing to its wide popularity, its constant perusal, the fragility of the soft cotton paper on which it is print- ed and the time elapsed between the publication of the first and second volumes, this work is now seldom found in complete state. For an extended notice of the same, see Field's Indian Biblio- graphy. 1387. LOVEWELL (CAPTAIN JOHN). The Expedi- o tions of, and His Encounters with the Indians; including the ~ Perquaket Battle, with a History of that Tribe ; and a reprint of Thomas Symmes's sermon. By Frederick Kidder. Map. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston : 1865. Only 200 copies printed. 1388. LOWE (E. J.). A Natural History of British Lr Grasses. Copiously illustrated with finely colored plates, 8vo, cloth. London: 1865. ^^ 1389. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). The Biglow - Papers. With Additional Notes, an enlarged Glossary, etc. 16mo. original cloth. Lond. : 1861. Second English Edition, with an etched frontispiece and two- full-page plates, ALL in colobs, by Geo. Cbxtikshank. Scarce. ^Q 1390. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Fireside Travels. - 16mo, cloth. Boston: 1876. 201 r. 1391. LUDLOW (WILLIAM). Report of a Reconnais- sance from Carroll, Montana Territory, on the L^pper Mis- souri, to the Yellowstone National Park, and Return, made in 1875. Plates and folding maps. 4to, cloth. Washington: 1876. 1392. LUGARD (CAPT. F. D.). The Rise of our East African Empire. Early Efforts in Nyasalaud and Uganda. With 130 illustrations from drawings and photographs, and 14 specially prepared maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut, Edinb. : Blackwood, 1893, Labge Type Libbaby Edition. 1393. LUMXIUS (J. F.). De Extremo Dei Judicio, et -y, ^S Indorum Vocatione. Libri II. Small 8vo, vellum, gilt top. Venetiis : apud Dominicum de Farris, 1569. Fixe copy of this babe issue. The author of this treatise considers the Indians of America to be the lost tribes of Israel, and infers from the prophecies of Isaiah, their conversion by the Jesuits. 1394. LYMAN (HORACE S.). History of Oregon. The u,. - growth of an American State. Illustrated with numerous portraits, views and maps, printed in brown. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1903. Fine copy. 1395. LYNE (CHARLES). New Guinea: an account of 3 c the establishment of the British Protectorate over the South- ~ ern Shores of New Guinea. Many illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London: 1885. 1396. LYON (CAPT. G. F.). A Brief Narrative of an _ Unsuccessful Attempt to reach Repulse Bay, through Sir Thomas Rowe's "Welcome" in His Majesty's Ship Griper in the Year 1824. With a chart and plates. 8vo, half calf. Lond. : Murray, 1825. 1397. lyyi'AFEE (ROBERT B.).] History op the IVl LATE WAR (of 1812) IN THE WESTERN COUN- TRY, comprising a Full Account of All the Transactions in - ~ that Quarter, from the Commencement of Hostilities at Tip- pecanoe, to the Termination of the Contest at New Orleans on the Return of Peace. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt back and top. Lexington, Kentucky : 1816. Fine Copy of tue Rabe Obiginal Edition and one of the hcst and most important histories on the War in the West, and th«' original authority on the Western Campaigns of the War of 1S12. The author was one of the first Kentuckians to join the Nortiiwf.'^tern Army at the opening of hostilities. His informa- tion regarding the Indian outbreaks on the frontier are of the greatest historical value, being derived mainly from persons who took purt in thtMn. All subsequent historians have drawn freely from this work. 202 1398. M'C'ALL (CAPT. HUGH). The History of 5 - Georgia, containing J3rief Sketches of the most Remarkable Events, up to the Present Day. 2 vols., 8vo, three quarter green polished morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut (tear in one margin neatly repaired). Savannah: 1811-16. One of the Rarest of State Histokies. An exceptionally LAittiE COPY, with kough UNCUT EDGES. Nearly th<' eutiro con- tents of both volumes is devoted to the history of Indian warfare with tiie Creeks and Cherokees. Veby Rare in uncut state. 1399. M'CLINTOGK (CAPTAIN F. L.). The Voyage of 15 the 'Fox' in the Arctic Seas: a Narrative of the Discovery of " the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. Mays and, 'illustrations. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, sides and edges. London: 1859. 1400. M'CLURE (SIR ROBERT J. LE M.). The Discov- ery of the North-West Passage by H. M. S. ''Investigator" , _ Capt. R. ^IcClure, 1850-1854. Folding map, engraved por- trait and nth. plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Longman, 1857. 1401. M'DONELL (ALEXANDER). A Narrative of Transactions in the Red River Country; from the Commence- , — ment of the Operations of the Earl of Selkirk, till the Sum- mer of the Year 1816. Folding map {colored). 8vo, three quarter orange morocco, gilt back and top. (map mounted on linen, — small tear neatly repaired). Lond.: 1819. Rare. Contains many interesting details relative to the at- tempted establishment of a Fur-Trading Colony on the Red RiVEK BY r>OBD SELKIRK, one of the agents of the Hudson Bay Company. z^ 1402. M'GREGOR (JOHN). British America. Folding ~" maps. 2 vols., 8vo, half green polished calf, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Edinburgh and Lond. : 1832. First Edition. Fine copy. Historical sketches of Canada. 1403. M'KEEVOR (THOMAS). A Voyage to Hudson's . ^ Bay, during the Summer of 1812.... also a Description of ' the Esquimeaux and North American Indians; their Man- ners. Customs. Dress, Language, etc. Plates. 8vo, half roan (back cover slightly stained). Lond.: 1819. Rare. Includes a Vocabulary of the Indian Dialects and Fam- iliar Phrases in the Chippeway Language. ga 1404. McKENNEY (T. L.). Memoirs, Official and Per- sonal, with Sketches of Travels among the Northern and South- ern Indians: embracing a War Excursion, and descriptions of Scenes along the Western Borders. Lith. portrait and plates. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1846. 203 1405. McKENNEY (T. L.) AND HALL (JAMES). His- tory of the Indian Tribes of North America, with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. 120 port- raits, FROM THE INDIAN GALLERY AT WASHINGTON, PRINTM) EST C0LC«s BY J. T. BO WEN. 3 vols., Imp, 8vo, half crimson mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. : 1858. Very fine copy, with plates and text in choice state. 1406. M'KENNEY (T. L.) AND HALL (JAMES), his- tory OP the INDIAN tribes OF NORTH AMERICA, with Biographi- cal Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal Chiefs. Vol. I (only). 30 finely colored portraits of Indians. Folio, half russia (slightly cracked at hinges). Lond. : J. M. Campbell, 1837. Rare. This issue is dedicated to William IV. by a London publisher. The work is probably an American publication and apparently only the first volume was ever issued. Not mentioned by Sabin. 1407. M'LEAN (JOHN). Notes of a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory, first edition. 2 vols., small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1849. Fine copy. A work depicting with great fidelity the trials and hardships of the Fur Traders and the manners and condition of the Indians. 1408. MacCANN (WILLIAM). Two Thousand iMiles' Ride Through the Argentine Provinces: being an account of the natural products of the country, and habits of the people ; with a historical retrospect of the La Plata, Monte Video, and Corrientes. Colored frontispieces and other illustrations. 2 /ols., small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1849. 1409. T^lAcDONALD (DUN-CAN G. F.). British Colum- bia and Vancouver 's Island. A description of these dependen- cies. . . .also an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Native Indians. With a comprehensive map. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. Lond.: 1862. 1410. MacFARLANE (THOMAS). To the Andes : being a sketch of a trip to South America ; with observations by the way on the family, the church and the state. 12mo, cloth (cover slightly spotted — name on title). Toronto: 1877. 1411. MacFIE (MATTHEW). Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Their History, Resources and Prospects. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, half calf. Lond. : Longman, 1865. Fine copy of the First Edition. 1412. Mackenzie (Alexander). Voyages from ^Montreal on the River St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in the Years 1789 and 1793. With a wreliminarj' account of the risf:, progress and present sta/e of the fur trade in that Mackenzie (Alexander). <;OLiNTRY. Fine stipple portrait of the author, by Condi and 3 folding plates. 4to, boards. Lond. : 1801. First and Best Edition of an account of the earliest Expe- dition made by a white man in this direction, remarkable for the iiccuriKy of the information contained. Includea some Indian Vocabularies. Rabe. 1413. Mackenzie (Alexander), voyages from ]\rontroal, on the River St. Laurence, through the Continent -of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in the Years 1789 and 1793. "With a Preliminary Account of . , . . the Fur Trade. Engraved portrait and 2 large folding maps. 2 vols., 8vo, original sheep (writing on one leaf). Lond.: 1802. First Octavo edition, with both maps. Scarce. 1414. Mackenzie (Alexander), voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, 1789- 1793. Fine portrait and large folding map. 8vo, half mo- rocco. Phila. : 1802. Fine clean copy. 1415. Mackenzie (Alexander), voyages from Montreal through the Continent of North America, to the Prozen and Pacific Oceans, in 1789 and 1793. With an Ac- •count of the Rise and State of the Fur Trade. Portrait on india paper and folding pocket map. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uncut. N. Y.: New Amsterdam Book Co., 1902. Large Paper : Xo 63 of an edition of only 210 copies. 1416. :\IacKENZIE (ALEXANDER S.). The Life of Paul Jones, portrait. 2 vols., 16mo, cloth, uncut and un- opened (edges of binding worn). New York: 1845. 1417. Mackenzie (ROBERT). The United States of America : a History. 12mo, cloth. London : 1870. First Edition. 1418. :MacKENZIE (RODERICK). Strictures on Lt. Col. Tarleton's History ''of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America." To which is added a Detail of the Siege of Ninety Six and the Recapture of the Island of New-Providence. [By Lieut. Hatton.] 8vo, boards, uncut (rebacked). Lond.: 1787. Very Scarce. Fixe, clean, tall uncut copy. The author defends l^ord Cornwallis and is very severe on Col. Tarleton. 1419. Maclean (J. p.). The Mound Builders. Over 100 figures. 12mo, cloth. Cinn. : 1885. An account of a remarkable people that once inhabited the val- leys of the Ohio and Mississippi, together with an investigation into the Archaeology of Butler County, Ohio. 2m 1420. MacMICKIXG (ROBERT). Recollections of" Manilla and the Philippines, During 1848, 1849. and 1850. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London : 1851. 1421. MacTAGGART (JOHN). Three Years in Canada : . An account of the Actual State of the Country in 1826*28. 2 vols., 12mo, half calf, gilt tooled backs, gilt tops. Lond.: Colburn, 1829. A CHOICE CKISP COPY. 1422. McALEER (GEORGE). A Study in the Ety- mology' of the Indian Place Name Missisquoi. Portrait of Author. 8vo, new boards, Math original wrappers bound in. Worcester: Blanchard Press, 1906. 1423. McCLUNG (JOHN A.). Sketches of Western Ad- venture: containing an Account of the most interesting Inci- dents connected with the Settlement of the West from 1755 to 1794. Together with an Appendix. Full-page woodcuts. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, by Root. Dayton, 0. : 1852. Fine crisp copy. Contains adventures of Daniel Boone, Gen. Simon Kenton, War in the Northwest, Indian Massacres, etc. 1424. McCLURE (A. K.). Three Thousand Miles through the Rocky IMountains. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. Phila.: 1869. 1425. McCONXEL (J. L.). Western Characters; or, Types of Border Life in the Western States, first edition. Illustrations hy Darley. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1853. 1426. McCOY (ISAAC). History of Baptist Indian ^lissions : embracing remarks on the former and present condi- tion of the Aboriginal Tribes: their Settlement within the Indian Territory, and their Future Prospects. 8vo, original cloth, leather label. Wash. : 1840. 1427. McCULLOCH (J. H.). Researches, Philosophical and Antiquarian, concerning the Aboriginal History of Am- erica. Folding map. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back, uncut. Baltimore: 1829. Fine copy, uxcut. The scarce enlarged edition, contain- in? considerable new matter. The author, in his varied researches on the antiquities of the Indians treats his subject much in the manner of .Judge Haywood in his "History of Tennessee." 1428. McDAXIELD (H. F.) AND TAYLOR (X. A.). Tho Coming Empire: or, Two Thousand Miles in Texas on Horseback. ]2mo, oil-cloth back and boards. N. Y. :(1877). 1420. McDonald (Archibald), journal. Peace River: a canoe voyage from Hudson's Bay to Pacific, by the Late Sir John Simpson, in 1828. Edited by Malcolm McLeod. Folding map. 8vo, wrappers. Ottawa: 1872.. 206 1430. McELWALXE (EUGENE). Tlie Truth About Alaska, the Golden Land of the Midnight Sun. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. (Chicago) : 19U1. 1431. [McGILLIVRAY (SIMON).] A Narrative of Oc- currences in the Indian Countries of North America, since the connection of . . . .the Earl of Selkirk witli the Hudson's Bay Company, and his attempt to establish a colony on the Red River : with a detailed account of his Lordsliip 's Military p]x- pedition to, and subsequent proceedings at Fort William, in Upper Canada. 8vo, original printed boards uncut. Lond.: Printed by S. McMillan, 1817. I.\ KARE STATE, MANY OF TItE LEAVES BEING UNOPENED, AND IN SPOTLESS CONDITION. This work is attril)utod to Thomas Douglas by Sabin and others, but to Mc(Jillivray by the Library of Conjiress and the J. K. Smith Catalojiue of Americana. An Appendix of 87 pp. adds considerable interest and value to the narrative, contaiiiinu' affidavits and statements from various members of the Red-River Colony. 1432. McINTOSH (JOHN). The Origin of the North American Indians. Colored Illitsts. 8vo, cloth (edges of bind- ing rubbed) . New York : 1859. 1433. McINTOSH (JOHN). The Origin of the North American Indians. New Edition, improved and enlarged. Illustrations. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : n. d. 1434. MeLEOD (DONALD). History of Wiskonsan (sic), prom its first discovery to the present period, in- cluding a geological and topographical description of the terri- tory, with a correct catalogue of all its plans. Folding map and plates of Indian Antiquities. 16mo. original cloth (few pages slightly spotted). Buffalo: Steele's Press, 1846. One of the Earliest Histories of the Territory now FORMING THE StaTE OF WISCONSIN, AND ONE OF THE RAREST OF State histories. With folding map, including Wisconsin, Mich- igan and parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. 1435. MADAGASCAR: or, Robert Drury's Journal, dur- ing Fifteen Years Captivity on that Island. Written by Him- self. Facsimile of original title page of 1729 Edition and numerous views, facsimile mans, etc. 8vo. cloth. Lond.: 1890. A further description of Madagascar is included by the Abb6 Alexis Rochon. 1436. MAGRATH (T. W.). Authentic Letters from Upper Canada ; with an Account of Canadian Field Sports. Edited by T. Radcliff. Etchings hy Samuel Lover. 12mo, original boards and label, uncut. Dublin : 1833. 1437. MAHAN (CAPT. A. T.) The Life of Nelson, the Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost. : 1897. First Edition. Inscribed by the Author. 207 z-- 1438. MAILLARD (N. DORAN). History op the Re- public OF TEXAS, from the Discovery of the Country to the Present Time, and the Cause of her Separation from the Re- public of Mexico. Folding map. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : Smith, Elder and Co., 1842. Choice copy, in original unopened state. Scarce. 1439. MAINE. The Popham Colony. A Discussion of Its Historical Claims. With a Bibliography of the Subject. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tooled back, gilt top, uncut. Boston : 1866. Only 300 copies peinted. A discussion carried on by Will- iam F. Poole, Rev. Edward Ballard and Frederick Kidder. 1440. MAINE (HENRY SUMNER). Ancient Law: Its. Connection with the Early History of Society, and Its Relation to Modern Ideas. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. London: John Murray, 1861. 1441. MAINE (HENRY SUMNER). Village-Communi- ties in the East and "West. Six Lectures Delivered at Oxford. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Murray, 1871. Includes, Communities in America. 1442. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. First Series. Engraved portrait. 8 vols., 8vo, cloth. Portland: 1847-81. Contains many accounts of Early Towns, Voyages, Families,, etc. ; History of Portland ; Allen's Expedition to Quebec, 1775 ; Benedict Arnold's letters while crossing the State of Maine on his expedition to Quebec ; Indian Troubles in Maine, 1702-04 ; In- dian Treaties ; Language of the Abnaquies or Eastern Indians ; Immigrations to Maine; The Abnaki Indians; The Indians of Hudson's Bay ; Slavery in Maine ; The North-Eastern Boundary,. etc. As is usual in this set, volume one is the reprint of 1865, almost all of the original issue of this volume having been destroyed by fire. 1443. ]\IAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second Series. (History of the Discovery of Maine. By J. G. Kohl. With an Appendix on the Voyages of the Cabots,. by M. D 'Avezac ; Discourse on Western Planting, By Richard Hakluyt. Preface and Introduction by Leonard Woods. Edited, with notes, by Charles Deane). 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Portland and Cambridge: 1869-77. 1444. MAJOR (RICHARD HENRY). The Life of Prince Henry of Portugal, Sumamed the Navigator ; and Its Results. Comprising the Discovery of Half the World, with...., the History of the Naming of America, Colored portrait, illus- trations and maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut (cover stained). London: 1868. Presentation copy from the author. 1445. MALLERY (GARRICK). Israelite and Indian: a I)ar Edition. Choice copy. Several of the plates are by the celebrated Jan Luiken, and are among his best produc- tions, one of them being a view of Cohoes Falls in the Mo- hawk srvEB. This work is a literary forgery, the Account of New Yobk having been taken almost bodily from Van Der Donck and Mon- tanus. 1525. MELVIN (JAMES). A Journal of the Expedition to Quebec, in the Year 1775, under Command of Colonel Bene- dict Arnold. By James Melvin, a Private in Captain Dear- born's Company (With Introductory Note, by W. I. Davis). Koyal Svo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. N. Y. : 1857. Only 100 copies printed pkivately fob "The Club." Ex- TRA-IlLUSTBATED by the insertion of 21 POBTBAITS AND VIEWS, including 2 rare early copper-plate views of Quebec and Mon- treal, rare portraits of George III. and-Gkn. Carletou, both in- laid, etc. 220 1526. MENDIETA (FRAY GP:R0,XIM0 OE). Ilistoria Eclesiiistica Indiana. Publica por priinera ves, Jpaquin Garcia Icazbalceta. Koyal 8vo, half sheep. Mexico : 1870. Of IIIIH IMPORTANT WORK OM.Y 420 COPIES WEBE PBi; Missionai"ies from the Venerable Society for the Pro- pagation of the Gospel in foreign Parts, to the ^fohawk In- dians. ... Rtnised with Corrections and Additions by Daniel Clans, Esq., P. T. Agent For the Six Nation Indians in the Providence of Quebec. 8vo, old calf (rebacked). [QiTEBEC:] Printed |by Willi.vm I^rowx] in the Year :\[DCCLXXX (1780). Ok Excessive Rakity. Fine perfect copy. The text is i)i'inted entirely in the Moliawk languaae, except the hendinjrs. which are in Mohawlc and English. I'aj^es V,)Q- 20S contain "I'art of the Singing Psalms." The first i)rinting in Canada was done by William Brown, who established a i)ress in lTf>'>-'(>4, in Qnebec. He associated with him 'J''h()mas Gilmore. who died in ITTo. and Brown continned the business alone and at the date of the above publication (1780) was the only printer in Quebec. Very few of the edition of 1769 remained among the Mohawks when they retired to Canada in 1777. Apprehensive that the book might be wholly lost in a little while, and desirous of a new supply, these Indians petitioned General Haldimand, then the Governor of that Province, for a new edition. This request was granted and 1,000 copies were ordered printed under the super- vision of Colonel Claus, who, the Preface states, read and under- stood the Mohawk language. Col. Claus was probably a native of the Mohawk Valley, where he acquired, in early life, a knowledge of the Iroquois language, and was in consequence attached as Interpreter to the depart- ment of Gen. Johnson. [See Illustrations]. 1557. :\IOLL (HERMAN). Atlas Manuale : or. a New Set of Maps of all the Parts of the Earth, as well as Asia, Africa, and America, as Europe. Wherein Greography is Rectify 'd by Reforming the Old ^laps according to the Modern Observa- tions. Engraved title and 43 double-page copper-plate maps (size 61 U by 7 \U inch. ) . 8vo. half calf. Lond. : 1723. Rare. The maps, which are executed by H. Moll, include 9 OF North and Soith America and the West Indies and a map of the western coast of North America, showing Cali- fornia AS AN ISLAND. 1558. MOLL (HERMAN). Atlas Minor: or. a New and Curious Set of Sixty-Two ]\Iaps. in which are shewn all the Empires, Kingdoms. Countries, States, in all the known parts bo MOI.L (HERMAN). of the Earth, with their Bounds, Divisions. Chief Cities and Towns. 62 copper-plate maps (size 8 by 11 inch.). Small 4to, half green morocco, gilt back and top. ' Lond. : Printed for Tlios. Bowles [1732.] Fine copy. 1559. MOLLHAUSEX (BALDWIN). Diary of a Journey from the ]\Iississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific. With an Introduction by Alex, von Humboldt. Trans, by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. Profusely illustrated with full-page plates in colors. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : 1858. Choice copy. 1560. MOLLHAUSEN (BALDWIN). Reisen in die Fel- sengebirge Nord-Amerikas bis zum Hoch-Plateau von New- ^lexico, unternommen als ^litglied der im Auftrage der Regier- ung der Vereinigten Staaten ausgesandten Colorado-Expedi- tion. Eingefiihrt durcli zwei Briefe Alexander von Hum- boldt's. Jiap AXD 12 COLORED PLATES OF INDIANS, e^C. 2 Vols., 8vo, half morocco. Leipzig: [I860.] The rabe Original Edition. Apparently unknown to Sabin. 1561. MOLLIEN (G.). Travels in the Republic of Col- ombia in the Years 1822-23. Translated from the French. Frontispiece and folding map (linen backed). 8vo. half roan, gilt top. uncut (some 11 slightly soiled). Lond.: 1824. 1562. MOLONEY (JOSEPH A.). With Captain Stairs to Katanga. With illustrations and map. 12mo, cloth. Lond.: 1893. 1563. MONDOT (ARMAND). Histoire des Indiens des £tats-Unis. Illustrations. 8vo, half morocco. Paris: 1858. 1564. MONETTE (JOHN W.). History of the Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi, by the Three Great European Powers, Spain, France and Great Britain, and the Subsequent Occupation, Settlement, and Extension of the Civil Government by the IJnited States until the year 1846. Maps and cuts. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt edges. N. Y. : 1848. Very Scarce. Valued as one of the rest works on the SUBJECT. 1565. :\IONTANUS (ARNOLDUS). De Nieuwe en On- bekende Weereld : of Beschryving van America en 'tZuid- Land, Vervaetende d'Oorsprong der Americaenen en Zuid- landers. gedenkwaerdige togten derwaerds, Gelegendheid Der vaste Kusten, Eilanden. Steden, Sterkten, Dorpen, Tempels Verciert Af-beeldsels na 't leven in America gemaekt. Illustrated with 7 portraits, 16 maps, 32 folding views and 70 engravings in text. Folio, old calf, gilt back and sides. Amsterdam : By Jacob INIeurs, 1671. Fink copy of the Rare Original Dutch Edition. A work 226 .AIOXTANTS ( AKXOLDrS). iiuu'h souglit after for tho beauty of its enpravinjrs, wbidi in this edition far surpasses in brillianey tliose of later issues. Tiie view of New York City is especially fine. Among the other plates are many fine engravings of Indian life, showing their games, festivals, habitations, battles, religious rites, manners, customs, etc. Devoted in the main to Mexico, Peru and Brazil, thou2h with chapters on New York, Virgixia and California. 1566. :\rOXTGOMERY (CORA\ Eagle Pass: or, Life ff* on the Border. First Edition. 12mo, limp boards. X. Y.: 1S52. 1567. MOXTULE (EDOUARD T>E). A Voyage to North America and the "West Indies, in 1817. By E. Montule. - ^\^oodcut vignettes. 8vo, half light polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. : 1821. Fine copy. 1568. MOODIE (SUSANNA). Roughing it in the Bush ; _ or, Life in Canada, first edition. 2 vols.. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1852. 1569. MOODIE (SUSANNA). Roughing it in the Bush; 5o or. Life in Canada. Frontispiece. 12mo. limp cloth. London: 1857. 1570. MOORE (GEORGE H.). "Mr. Lee's Plan.... :9 March 29, 1777." The Treason of Charles Lee. Major Gen- eral, Second in Command in the American Army of the Revo- lution. Portraits and facsimile letter. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York : 1860. Scarce. 7C 1571. MOORE (WILLIAM V.). Indian AVars of the ■^ United States. Illustrations, some colored. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia: 1858. 1572. MOOREHEAD (WARREN K.\ Fort Ancient, the Z.O great Prehistoric Earthwork of Warren County. Ohio. With ~" an account of its Mounds and Graves. With 2 maps, 35 full- page phototypes eind surveying notes in full. 8vo, cloth. Cinn.: 1890; La 1573. MOOREHEAD (WARREN K.). Primitive Man iu ~" Ohio. With numerous illustrations. 8vo. cloth, uncut. N. Y. : 1892. 1574. MOOREHEAD (WARREN K.;). The Stone Age in North America. An Archaological encyclopedia of the imple- .- ments. ornaments, weapons, utensils, etc.. of the pre-historic tribes of North America. Illustrated. 2 vols., roval 8vo. cloth. Bost.: H. M. Co., 1910. A wcrk of the most intense interest to the student of American History. The illustrations which enhance the value of the book, consists of more than 300 full page plates, many of which are in color, and 400 figures illustrating over 4,000 different objects. 227 1575. :\IORAVIAX MISSIONS AMONG THE INDIANS. :^ - The History of the ^Moravian Mission among the Indians in North America. With a preliminary account of the Indians. Bv "A Member of the Brethren's Church." 16mo. half calf. Lond.: 1838. 1576. MORE (THOMAS). Het onbekent en wonderlijk ^ Eyland Utopia, Ontdekt door Rafael Hythlodeus, en by ~^ t 'samenspraeke besehreven door den Geleerden Tomas Morus. In Nederduits vertaelt Door F. v H. Engraved portrait. 18rao, vellum. Rotterdam : by Fransois van Hoogstraeten, 1677. An early Dutch translation of More's "Utopia." 1577. :\IORGAN (LEWIS H.). League of the Ho-de-na- Fo sau-nee ; or, Iroquois. Large folding map, folding table and ~~ 22 lithographic plates. 8vo. original cloth (front cover slightly soiled). Rochester: 1851. Good sound copy of the First Edition. The work of a writer more than ordinarily fitted for the task. Scarce. ^c 1578. MORGAN (LEWIS H.). League of the Ho-De-No- Sau-Nee or Iroquois. A new edition, with additional matter, edited and annotated. By Herbert ^I. Lloyd. Many colored and other illustrations and map. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : Dodd, Mead & Co., 1901. Only .%0 copies printed. 1579. M0R:M0NS. The Mormons: or Latter-Day Saints. With Memoirs of the Life and Death of Joseph Smith, the "American ]Mahomet." Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, half red morocco (rubbed). London: 1852. 1580. MORMONS. History of the Mormons; or, Latter- Day Saints. With ^Memoirs of the Life and Death of Joseph Smith, the "American ^lahomet." 12 illustrations. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top. Auburn : 1852. 1581. M0R:M0NS. The Doctrine and Covenants, of the Church of Jesus Christ or Latter-Day Saints, containing the Revelations given to Jo.seph Smith, Jun., the Prophet. 12mo, cloth. Salt Lake City : 1876. Scarce. Contains the passage relating to the Law of the Priesthood and the espousal of virgins. 1582. MORPHIS (J.-M.). History of Texas, from its Di.scovery and Settlement. W^ith a description of its principal Cities and Counties, and the Agricultural, ^Mineral, and Ma- terial Resources of the State. Illustrations. 8vo. cloth. N. Y.: 1875. 1583. MORRELL (CAPT. BENJ.). A Narrative of Four Voyages to the South Sea. North and South Pacific Ocean, etc., from the Year 1822 to 1831. Portrait. 8vo, half calf (hinges weak). N. Y. : 1832. 228 i:)h4. MOKI^IS (HHV. F. (). ). A History of liritisli liirds. , - lllustniii (I irith '-iMi fitKlij color/ d phitts. 6 vols., royal 8vo, half <;rt'i'ii morocco, gilt backs and edges (vol. 5 lacks last 2 l)lates. otliei-wise the set is })erfect ). Loud.: (irooiid)ritlge & Son, 1851-62. ir.sr,. MORRIS (MArRlCK OVOSSOH). Rambles in — the Rocky .Mountains, witii a Visit to the Gold Fields of Colo- rado. First Edition'. 12mo. cloth, uncut. Lond. : Smith. Elder and Co., 1864. ir)86. :\IORRIS (REV. T. A.). :\Iiscellany : Con.sisting of y-" Essays. Hiograj)hical Sketches, and Notes of Travel. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati: 1852. Xntt's (if Travol. inchulinfr a Trip from St. Louis to Texas, ^yllitt' ^lountains, etc. ^ 1587. :\I()RSE (JEDIDIAH). The American Geography ; t:^ or, a ^'ie^v of the Present Situation of the United States of America, ^yith the 3 scarce folding maps, including 1 of Kentucky bij Filson. 4to. original boards (rebacked), uncut AND UNOPENED. LONDON : 1704. Fixe copy ix boards, uxcut. Very Rare this. 1588. MORSE (JEDIDrAH^. The American Gazetteer - ... .also of the West India Islands. . . .with a Particular De- scription of the Georgia Western Territory. Second Edition. Illustrated tvith 7 new and improved maps. 8vo, tree calf. London : 1798. Best Eoitiox. tho maps being exeouted with greater care than those ill the earlier Boston edition. Scarce. 1589. MORSE (JEDIDIAH). A Report to the Secretary ^ of War of the United States, on Indian Affairs, comprising a Narrative of a Tour performed in the Summer of 1820 (With a large historical appendix). Portrait and folding map (col- ored). 8vo. original boards and label, uncut. New Haven: 1822. Fixe axd Large Copy, uxcut. 1590. MORSE (JEDIDIAH). Annals of the American d5 Revolution. . . .to which is prefixed a Summary Acecount of ~ the First Settlement of the Country and some of the Principal Indian Wars. . . .and an appendix, containing a Biography of the Principal Militr.rv Officers. Engraved plates. Svo, sheep. Hartford: 1824. 1591. MORTON (A. C). Report on the Survey of the -2 European and N. American Railway : ]\lade under the Author- ity of the State of ]\Iaine. Folding map. Svo. boards, with the original wrappers bound in. Portland : 1851; 229 1592. MOULTRIE (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the Amer- ican Revolution, so Far as it Related to the States of North and South Carolina, and Georgia. Stipple portrait. 2 vols., small 8vo, half green polished morocco, gilt backs and tops (few pages slightly stained). X. Y. : 1805. Scarce with the pobtbait. 1593. MOUND BUILDERS. The Book of Algoonah. Be- ing a concise account of the History of the Early People of the Continent of America, called >Mound Builders. 12mo^ cloth. St. Louis: 1884. 1594. MOURT (G.). Mourt's Relation or, Journal of the Plantation at Plymouth. "With an Introduction and Notes By Henry Martyn Dexter. Folding maps. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bost. : 1865. Only 250 copies privately printed by John K. Wiggin. Fine cop.v. 1595. MOWRY (SYLVESTER). Arizona and Sonora, The Geography, History, and Resources of the Silver Region of North America. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1864. Inscribed, "Elliott Coues, from the Author, Nov., 1866." 1596. MOWRY (WILLIAM A.). Marcus Whitman and The Early Days of Oregon. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. uncut. N. Y. : ( 1901 ) . 1597. MULLAN (CAPT. JOHN). Report on the Construc- tion of a Military Road from Fort Walla-Walla to Fort Ben- ton. Numerous fine colored plates and a large folding map. 8vo, half roan. Washington: 1863, 1598. [MtJLLER (GERHARD F.).] Voyages from Asia to America, for Completing the Discoveries of the North West Coast of America. To which is prefixed. A Summary of the Voyages made by the Ru(s)sians on the Frozen Sea, in Search of a North West Passage. Translated from the High Dutch of S. Muller by Thomas Jefferys. Geographer. 2 large folding copper-plate maps, including 1 of Canada and the northern part of Louisiana, also 2 smaller maps on one sheet. 4to, three-quarter brown claret colored morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. Lond. : 1764. Second Edition. Fine, uncut copy. Of the large map of Canada, the translator says, "by this may be perceived the great extent the French gave to Canada, even into the very remote I)firts of this vast Continent. What end they could purpose to themselves by publishing such Falsities in regard to the Form and Situation of Part of the Globe, is easy to determine." 1599. MULLER (GERHARD F. ) . Voyages et Deeouyertes: Faites par les Russes le long des cotes de la Mer Glaciale & sur 1 'Ocean Oriental, tant vers le Japon que vers TAmerique. On y a .joint I'Histoire du Fleuve Amur, et des pays adjacens. 230 MLM.I.KIt ((JKKIIAUD F^ Ouvragt'S ti-adtiits dc rAUcmaiKl dc .Mr. G. i*. (sic.) MuUer. Par C. (I. F. Dumas. Fine large folding copper-plate map. 2 vols., liiiiio, t-alf. gilt backs, anus on sides. Amsterdam: Chez ^larc Michel Rey, 1766. From tlu' liljrtiry of the Prince d'Aremberg, .son of Karl Leo- pold and friond of Mirabeau. With the Prince's arms in gilt on .sidfs of binding. 1600. :\[rXOZ (JUAXBAPTISTA). llistoria del Xnevo- ^Miiiido. Tomo I. Map and portrait of Columbus. Imperial 8vo, marbled boards, uncut. Madrid: 1793. L.VKGE Papkk. Fixe copy, with uncut edges. Undertaken at the especial order of Charles the Third, who demanded of its author, a complete history of the Spanish discoveries and con- quests in America. The continuation never appeared in print, as it was prohibited by the Spanish government. Volume I., up to the year 1500, was all that was published. 1601. :\irXOZ (JUAX BAPTISTA). The History of the Xew World. Translated from the Spanish. With X^otes by the Translator. Vol. 1 {all published) . Portrait and folding map. 8vo. half calf, gilt back and edges. Lond. : 1797. Fixe, cleax copy. 1602. MUXRO (ROBERT). A View of the Present Sit- uation of the Western Parts of the State of X^ew York, called the G-enesee Country. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Frederick-Town : For the Author, 1804. Reprinted, Rochester: 1892. Only 300 copies printed. 1603. ^RTRPHY (HEXRY C). Henry Hudson in Hol- land. An Enquiry into the Origin and objects of the Voyage which led to the Discovery of the Hudson River. With Bio- graphical Xotes. Portraits. 8vo. half calf, gilt top, uncut. The Hague: The Brothers Giunta D'Albani, 1859. Very Scarce. Printed for Private Distribution by Henry C. Murphy while in Holland for the purpose of ascertaining the circumstances which originated the voyage. 1604. MURPHY (JOHX MORTIMER). Rambles in Xorthwestern America, from the Pacific Ocean to the Rocky ^lountains. Folding map. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Chapman and Hall, 1879. 1605. MT'RPHY (JOHN MORTIMER). Sporting Ad- ventures in the Fa^ West. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1879. 1606. :\irRPHY (JOSEPH JOHN). The Scientific Ba- sis of Faith. FIRST EDITION-. 8vo. cloth, uucut. Loud. : 1873. 1607. MURRAY (CHARLES A.^. Travels in North America during the years 1834-36. 2 vols.. 12mo, cloth (some leaves at back wormed). N. Y. : 1839. 231 1608. MURRAY (JAMES). An Impartial History of the -3^ - War in America, from its Commencement, to the present time ^' .... With a Particular Account of the Several Engagements by Sea and Land. Plan of Boston and 23 fine copper-plate portraits of Washington, franklin, hancock, gage, lee, bur- GOYNE, and other Revolutionary officers. 2 vols., 8vo. three- quarter blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : 1782. Fine copy, with all the plates. Very scarce in choice and perfect state. Murray's is the most pro-American of the British- published Histories, but yet without the blindness, rancour and spite of the several American productions. It is a book to be read, a valuable contemporary record of the birth of a nation, 1609. MURRAY (W. H. H.). Daylight Land. The Ex- ^ periences. Incidents and Adventures, humorous and otherwise, which befel Judge John Doe of San Francisco. Mr. Cephas Pepperell of Boston, Col. Goffe of New Hampshire, and divers others, in their Parlor-Car Excursion over Prairie and Moun- tain. 140 designs in colors. 8vo. morocco, with pictorial gilt stampings on front cover, uncut. Bost. : 1888. Fine copy. ^c 1610. MUSHROOMS. Cooke (M. C). Handbook of Brit- "— ish Fungi, with full descriptions of all the species, and illus- trations of the genera. Colored frontispiece and many other text illustrations. 2 vols.. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt tops. London: 1871. 1611. MUSHROOMS. Cooke (M. C). Illustrations of __ British Fungi (Hymenomycetes). To serve as an atlas to the " Handbook of British Fungi. " 1198 finely colored plates. 8 vols., 8vo. half crimson calf, gilt backs, leather labels. Lond.: 1881-91. Fixe set. An invaluable work for the student of British Fungi, containing oveb 1,100 illustrations in color of all the known species of mushrooms. Rare. 1612. MI^SHROOMS. Champignons de France. Tableaux ^ Analytiques des Hymenomycetes. Par C. C. Gillet. ]2mo, wrappers, uncut and unopened. Alencon : 1884. 1613. MUSHROO:\IS. Cooke (.AL C). A Plain and Easy Account of British Fungi, with especial reference to the o Esculent and Economic Species. Many colored plates and ~ other illustrations. ]6mo. cloth (shaken). Iondon:1884. 1614. MUSHROOMS. Palmer (Julius A.). Mushrooms of America. Edible and Poisonous. 12 colored full-page l>laifs. Royal 8vo, cloth. (Boston: 1885). In this lot are two copies, one lacking a page of text, the other liaving one i)late torn into. Together, they would form one per- fect volume, with 11 additional plates. 232 ZF 1<)1"). MISIIROO.MS. St.'v.'iisoii (Rev. .loiiii). British Fungi (Ilyiiicnoiuycotes). Illnsiratuins. 2 vols.. 12ino. cloth, niK'ut. Kdiiiburfrh : Blackwood: 18S6. ^cr "I61(i. .MrsiIROO:\IS;. Cook-c f.AI. (M British Edible I ^ Funfi:i. How to Distinguish find How to Cook Them. Many colon d platis. 12tno, cloth, uncut. London: l.'^Ql. 1()17. Ml'SHROO.AlS. Phillips (William). A .Manual of n^ the British Disconiycctcs. with descriptions of all the .species ^ of Fungi hitherto found in l^ritain. lUusfrafioits of Mush- rootns, etc. Vlmo, cloth. London: 1893. 1()1S. Ml'SHROOCNLS. Laplanche piaurice C. de,). Dic- tionnaire Iconographi(|ue des Champignons Superieurs qui ^ Croiss(>nt en Europe. Algerie and Tunisi(\ ^^uivi des Tableaux de Concordance. 12mo. wrappers, uncut and unopened. Paris: 1894. 1()19. ArrSHROO:\I?;. Cooke (.AL C). Edible and Poison- " ous Alushrooms: what to eat and what to avoid. IS colored phdcs illustrating 48 species. 12mo. cloth. London: 1894. 1G20. AH'SIIROOMS. Gibson (W. Hamilton i. Our Edi- -jS' ble Toadstools and Mushrooms and How to Distinguish Them. - ~ With 80 colored plates and 57 other illustrations h]j the Author. 8vo. cloth, gilt top, uncut. X. Y. : 1895. Fine copy. ^o 1621. AirSHROOAIS. Peck (Charles IL^ Annual Re- , — port of the State Botanist of the State of New York. AVith 42 colored plates of Mushrooms. 4to. cloth. Albany: 1896. 1622. MUSHROOMS. Taylor (Thomas). Student's 1^ Hand-l^ook of Mushrooms of America. Edible and Poisonous. Colored plates. The fiv(» numbers complete in one volume. 8vo. cloth. AVash: 1897. 1623. MCSHROOAIS. Cooke (M. C). Rust. Smut. Mil- ^S dew. and Alould. An Introduction to the Study of Alicroscopic ' Fungi. 269 colored figures hi) J. E. Sowerhjj. 12mo. cloth (slight chip in front cover) . London : 1898. 1624. MUSHROOMS. Cooke (AL C.) A Plain and Easy gc Account of British Fungi. AVitli especial reference to the Esculent and Economic Species. Manij coloreel plates and ivoodcuts. 12mo. cloth (stamp on title). London: 1898. 1625. AIUSHROOMS. Alichael (Edmund). Fiihrer fiir 3o Pilzfreunde. ^yith Q^ colored Plates. 12mo. cloth. Zwickau: 1898. Relates to Mushrooms. 2.33 1 1626. MUSHROOMS. Memoir of the New York State tP Museum. (No. 4. Vol. 3.) Report of the State Botanist on Edible Fungi of New York, 1895-99. ^Vith 25 colored plates of mushrooms. 4to, boards. Albany: 1900. 1627. MYRAND (ERNEST) 1690. Sir William Phips de- _ vant Quebec. Histoire d'un Siege. Portrait. 8vo. half mo- rocco, gilt top. uncut. Quebec : 1893. Fiu-3 copy. 1628. KJADAILLAC (MARQUIS de). Pre-Historic i^ IN America. Translated by N. d'Anvers. Ed. by W. H. Dall. With 219 illustrations. Svo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1885. Fine copy. 1629. NAPOLEON. Letters written on board H.M.S. the _, r Northumberland and at St. Helena : in which the Conduct and • _^ Conversations of Napoleon Bonaparte and his suite, during the Voyage, are faithfully described and related. By William Warden. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. Lond. : Pub. for the Author, n. d. Also bound in — .Tournal of a Voyage up the Mediterranean in lSlO-12, by W. Birch. 1630. NARES (SIR G. S.). Narrative of a Vovage to the ir Polar Sea. during 1875-6 in H. M. Ships "Alert" and "Dis- — covery. " With Notes on the Natural History Edited by H. W. Feilden. With photo frontispieces, folding map (torn, but perfect) and illustrations. 2 vols.. 8vo, cloth. Lond.: 1878. Z'^ 1631. NASH (WALLIS). Oregon. There and Back in 1877. Illustrated, 12mo, half calf. Lond. : 1878. 1632. NASON (ELIAS). Sir Charles Henry Frankland, _ Baronet : or. Boston in the Colonial Times. Svo, cloth, uncut edges. Albany, N. Y. : 1865. 1633. NATIVE NAVAJO DYES (Pepper) ; El Curioso ^ Americano; Portraits of North American Indians; and other pamphlets and reports. (28 pieces). 1634. NAVARRETE (M. F. de). Relations des Quatre Voyages entrepris par Christophe Colomb pour la Decouverte " du Nouveau-]Monde de 1492 a 1504. Portraits of Columbus, folding maps and facsimile letter. 3 vols., Svo, half calf, gilt back. (lib. stamps partly era.sed from titles. Paris: 1828. \ work of considerable merit and scarcity. This edition was supported by many of tlie influential members of the Geographi- cal Society of Paris. 1635. NAVARRETE (M. F. de . CoUeccion de los Via- — .ies y Descubrimientos. que hicieron por ]\Iar los Espanoles tlf'sih' fines del siglo XV. con Varios Doeementos ineditos con- crnii'-ntts a la Ilistoria de la ]Marina Castellana y de los estab- ■2:u navaui:ttk (M. F. de). lec'imientos Espaiioles en Iiulias. 5 vols., square Svo. half brown polished calf, gilt backs and tops, uncut. :\Iadrid : 1829-58. IliUKlsomcly hoiiiul copy of tliis impditaiit work, to wliirli Rich (Ifvntcs 1. early .-i put;*' of commendatory matter. Contains the Four Voya.ues of Columbus, the Voyajres of Amerigo Vespucci, KstahliishuH'iit of the Spaniards at Darien, biographical notices, diplomatic documents, etc. ; some of the earliest and rarest rec- ords of American History, having been rescued from oblivion by the laborious compiler of these volumes. Vols. I and II are Second Edition : the rest the original issues. Washington Irving drew freely from these volumes in the com- pilation of his "Life of Columbus." 1636. XAVARRETE (M. F. de). Narrazione del Quattro - Viaggi Intrapresi da Christoforo Colombo per la Scoperta del Xuovo Continente dal 1492-1504. Portrait, maps and engraved plates. 2 vols.. Svo, half sheep. Prato: 1840. Contains a Narrative of the Four Voyages of Columbus to America. Rare. 1637. NEAL (DANIEL^ The History of New-England; 5^ containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiasti- — cal Affairs of the Country to. . . .1700. . . .and an Appendix. Fine copper-plate map. 2 vols., Svo. half calf, gilt backs and tops. Lond. : 1720. First Editiox. Good sound copy. 1638. NEAL (DANIEL). The History of New-England, -J 5" containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Eeclesiasti- — cal Affairs of that Country to the Year of Our Lord. 1700, SECOND EDITION, with many additions by the author. Folding map. 2 vols.. Svo, contemporary calf, gilt backs (slightly cracked at hinges). Lond.: 1747. ZJ 1639. NEILL (EDWAED D.). The History of :\Iinne- sota. from the Earliest French Explorations to the Present Time. Folding map. Svo. cloth. Phila. : 1858. Fine copy of a work devoted largely to the Indians of the Northwest. e,_o 1640. NELSON (WILLIA:\n. Personal Names of Indians of NcAv Jersey. Svo. cloth, uncut. Paterson: Paterson History Club, 1904. A list of 650 names, gleaned mostly from Indian Deeds of the Seventeenth Century. -,r 1641. NEWHALL (CHARLES S.). The Trees of North- L- eastern America. Illustrations from original sketches. Svo, cloth. New York : 1894. 1642. NEWS FRO:\I NEW ENGLAND. Small 4to. full If morocco, gilt top. Lond. : 1676. Bost., Reprinted, 1850. 2.35 1642a. NEW YORK IX 1623. Wassenaer (Dr. Claes). Historisch A'erhael al der ghedenckweerdichste geschiedenis- — sen, die liier en daer in Europa. als in Duijlsehlant. Vrauk- rijck. Enghelant, iSpaengien, Hungarijen, Polen, Sevenber- ghen. AVallaeliien, Moldavien, Turckijen en Xeder-lant, van den beginne des jaers 1621 : tot den Herfst toe. voorgevallen syn. Find}! engraved titles to each vol. containing views, BATTLE-SCEXES, ETC., MANY OF THEM RELATING TO AMERICA. 21 vols, in 6. Sni. 4to. original vellum. Amsterdam: Jan Evarts. 1622- '29. TiiK Earliest Prixted Rkports coxcebnixg Transactions IX New Xetherlaxd. 1623-'28. A fine and complete run of this EXCEEDiXGLY BARE SET OF BOOKS. Comprising a half-yearly Regis- ter of events in I]urope. America, etc.. and containing a fund of valuable information relating to the history of America and par- ticularly of such portions in North as well as in South America and the West Indies as were connected with the Netherlands. They embrace the earliest printed reports belatixg to New Netheriaxd. giving many curious details of the first attempts ox THE PART OF THE Dl'TCH TO COI.OXIZE WHAT IS NOW A POB- TIOX OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Having l)een issued at intervals of six months apart and thus sharing the fate of almost all early periodical publications, the volumes in complete and consecutive runs, as above, are now OF THE VERY GREATEST BABITY. Indeed, Mr. Hubbard has been in- formed by a prominent bibliographer that his is practically the only complete set every offered at auction in America. Following is a resume of the contents of the several volumes — Voi.s. I.. II. AXD III. — I'apers relating to the Dutch West India Company. Vols. IV. axd V.— The condition of Spain and the loss of the silver-fleet. Account of the proceedings of General Jacques I'Hermite. The West India Company, finding the people had deserted the coast, send ships to keep up the intercourse. Brazil- ian ships are captured by the adventurers. Vol. VI. — Affairs of the West India Company. Descbiption OF New Netherland. with information to those who desire to settle there, with precautions in order to avoid the fate that befell the Dutch and French in Florida. Vol. VII. — An account of the proceedings of the West India Company in Virginia: the conduct of the Spaniards in Florida. — Affairs in South America, — Conquest of Bahia, and Salvador. Vols. VIII. and IX. — Further accounts of New Nether- land. Portugal and Spain combine against Bahia and Salvador. Dis( ovKRiES IX Gbeexlaxd. Vols. XI. -XV. — Discourse ox New Netherland. Affairs in Brazil. — Exploit of Admiral Peter Heyn. Sea-fight near H.WANA. — Capture of the Silver-fleet. Vols. XVI. axd XVII. — Particulars of the taking of the Sil- ver-fleet under (Jeneral Heyn. Vols. XVIII. -XXI. — Taking of the town of Olinda in Pernam- hucd. Privileges graxted to the ixhabitaxts of New Neth- erland. Comiuest i>f IVrnami)Uco. 1643. NEW YORK CITY IX 1667. Kort en Bondigh Ver- hael. Van't geene in den Oorlogh. Tu.s.schen den Koningh van Etigelant. &c. de H. M. Heeren Statcn der vrye Vereenigde X>(lt'j'landen. en den Bisschop van Mimster is voorgevallen. Be- ginncndt' in don Jare 1664 en pyndigende met het slnyten van 236 Ni:\V YOItK ("ITV IN KiC.T. de Vredc tot Breda, in't Jacr KiBT. Waer in dc voornaoinste Geschiedonissen in den selven Oorloj^^h voorgevallen beschreven worden. .Met een korte Tnleydingli. vervattende de ballinghs- chap en herstelling van den tegreiiwoordigen Koningh van Engelandt. Folding chart, 3 foIdiHfj phitfs and 10 text en- gravings. Small 4to. contemporary velhuu binding (one plate slightly torn into and last 4 leaves slightly wormed in mar- gins). AmsterdaTH : voor ^lartns Willemsz Doornick. op den Vygen- dani. in't Kantoor Inektvat. 1667. Vf.ry Rare. The most complete a.nd authentic contem- i'ok ary accotxt of the war which resulted in the loss to Holland of New Netherlands ry the Treaty of Breda and containing the first printed report of the transactions WHICH RESULTED I.N THE SURRENDER OF NEW YORK. with the articles of capitulation. This issue varies somewhat from the two mentioned by Sabin, having: several additional engravings : also bound in at end — "Articnien van Vrede Ende Verbondt." lu'sGravenhage, by Hillehrant van Wouw... 16G7 (being the first printed form OF the ()rigin.\l TREATY OF Breda, Jui.y 31. 16G7. relating to the New Netherlands). [See Illustrations]. 1644. NEW YORK IX 1667. Description exacte De tout ce qui s'est passe dans les Guerres Entre le Roy d'Angleterre, le Roy de France, les Estats des Provinces Unies du Pays-bas. & I'Evesque de Munster. Commencant de I'An 1664 & finissant avec la conclusion de Paix. fait a Breda en I'An 1667. 9 engravings in text. Small 4to, calf. Amsterdam: Chez Jacques Benjamin, 1668. The A'ery Rare French Translation of the "Kort ex bon- DiGH Verhael." and one of the \y.k^ earliest BOOKS IN which THE N'AME NEW YoRK (NouvELLE Jorck) actually occurs. Con- tains a list of vessels captured from the Dutch in America, ac- count of the capture of New Amsterdam ; De Ruyter's Voyage to the West Indies and a Report of the capture of Surinam by the Dutch. Apparently unknown to Asher. Muller, Tromel. Le Clerc, Sabin. Stevens and other bibliographers. 1645. NEW YORK. The New York State Tourist. Des- criptive of the Scenery of the Hudson, Mohawk, and St. Law- rence Rivers. Folding maps and engraved views. 18mo. cloth. N. Y. : 1842. Choice copy. Among the engraved views of New York are : "Governor's Island, from the Battery" ; "United States Hotel. Fulton Street." 1646. NEW YORK. Natural History of Xew York. Zoo- logy. (Part 3,— Reptiles and Amphibia). With 102 finely colored lithographic plates hy Endicott, embracing 67 figures of reptiles and 250 figures of fishes. With text. 4to, three quarter red morocco, gilt top. Albany : 1842. Bookplate of Henry William Poor. 237 1647. NEW YORK. Documents, relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York ; procured in Holland, Eng- land and France, by John R. Broadhead. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. 1603-1778. With General Index. Numerous folding mops. 11 vols., 4to, cloth. Albany: 1856-61. 1648. NEW YORK. Annual Reports of the Commissioners of Fisheries. Game and Forests. First to 7th Reports, in- ehiding the separate portfolio of plates to accompany the 1th Report. Numerous fine colored plates of birds, fishes, etc., and many other illustrations. 8 vols.. 4to, buckram. N. Y. : 1896-1901. 1649. NEW YORK. Kimm (S. C). The Iroquois: A History of the Six Nations of New York. Portrait. 12mo, wrappers. Middleburgh, N. Y. : 1900. 1650. NEW YORK COLOXTAL TRACTS. Voyages of the Slavers St. John and Arms of Amsterdam, 1659. 1668: to- gether with additional Papers Illustrative of the Slave Trade under the Dutch. Translated from the original manuscripts, with an Introduction and Index, by E. B. O'Callaghara. 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Albany : 1867. Labge Papeb, LiMrrED to 100 copies. 1651. NEW YORK GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Annual Reports for 1837 to 1841. 5 vols., 8vo, wrappers and sewed (4 vols, uncut). Albany: 1840. The 1837 Report is the Second Edition, the others are the Assembly Documents, and they include the several reports for each year relative to the Geological survey of the state. 1652. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collec- tions. Vol. I (1809). 8vo, original boards, uncut. N. Y.: 1811. Contains narratives of the various voyajres of Henry Hudson to the New World, and documents relating to the early history of New York. 1653. NEW YORK (STATE) UNIVERSITY. Fifth An- nual Report of the Regents, on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History. Numerous examples of Indian Bead tvork in color. 8vo, half calf, with the original wrap- pers bound in. Albany : 1852. Fine copy. 1654. XIBLACK (ALBERT P.). The Coast Indians of South Alaska and Northern British Columbia. Maps and nnmfrou.<( illustrations. 8vo. wrappers, uncut. Washington: 1890. 1655. NICOLAR (JOSEPH). The Life and Traditions of thf Red ^lan. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Bangor. Maine: 1893. 238 1656. XlCOJ.xVY (C. G.). The Oregon Teritory ; (also). - The Backwoods of Canada. Frontispieces. 2 in one vol., 16mo. half calf (weak at hinges). London: 1S46. 1657. XORDEXSKJOLD (N. OTTO G.) AND AXDER- 7^ SOX (JOH. GUXiXAR). Antarctica: or, Two Years amongst the Ice of the South Pole. Frofuseh) illustrated with full- page and text half-tones, some of which are colored, and maps. 8vo, cloth. Lond. : 1905. 165S. XORDHOFF (CHARLES). Xorthern California, ;o Oregon and the Sandwich Islands, with map and numerous ■~ illustrations. 8vo, half blue calf, gilt top. Lond. : 1874. 1659. XORDHOFF (CHARLES). Peninsular Califor- nia : some account of the climate, soil, productions and present ^ conditions chiefly of the northern half of Lower California. Many illustraiions. 8vo, cloth (front cover soiled"). N. Y.: 11 1660. XORTIT (FREDERICK, LORD). Historia de la Administracion del Lord North, Primer IMinistro de Inglaterra y de la Guerra de la America Septentrionale. Obra escrita en Ingles, traducida al Frances, y de este al Castellano, con Xotas del Traductor. Por D. P. P. De A. Small Svo, half calf. Madrid : 1806. 1661. XORTH (JAMES W.). The History of Augusta, Maine, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time: With Xotices of the Plymouth Company and Settlement on the Kennebec : together with Biographical Sketches and Genea- logical Register. Many portraits, vieivs, plans, etc. Thick 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Augusta : 1870. Fine copy. 1662. XORTH AMERICAX BOUNDARY. Maps A and B appended to the Report of the British Commissioners, ap- pointed in 1839. to Survey and Explore the Territory in Dis- pute between the Governments of Great Britain and the United States of America, under the Second Article of the Treaty of 1783. 2 large folding maps, linen hacked, in slip case. (London) : 1840. 1663. XORTHERX TRAVELLER (THE). Containing the Routes to Xiagara. Quebec, and the Springs, with the Tour of X'^ew England, and the Route to the Coal Mines of Penn- sylvania. 19 maps and 8 engraved views, beautifully col- ored. ISmo. half crimson calf, with gilt emblematic tool- ing on back. X. Y. : 1826. Fine copy of the improved and extended Second Edition. Though bearins the 1826 imprint, it contains the additions for 1S27. 239 1664. NORTHERN TRAVELLER (THE) : (combined with the Northern Tour), containing the Routes to Niagara, Quebec, and the Springs, with the Tour of New England, and the Route to the Coal Mines of Pennsylvania, third edition, Revised and Enlarged. 19 maps and 18 engraved views, in- cluding some now first printed. Thick 18mo, half light calf, gilt back and edges. N. Y.: G. & G. Carvill, 1828. Fine Copy, including many fine views. 1665. NORTON (JOHN). A :\Lvxuscript Copy of "The Redeemed Captive ; being a Narrative of the taking and carry- ing into Capti\^ty, the Rev. John Norton, when Fort jVIass- achusetts Surrendered to a large Body of French and In- dians. Aug. 20, 1746. Written by himself. Small 4to, half morocco. Bost. : 1748." Manuscript copy of the Original Edition. Neatly copied in long-hand on 40 pages {circa 1880). 1666. NORTON (JOHN). Narrative of the Capture and Burning of Fort Massachusetts by the French and Indians, in the time of the War of ] 744-1749. Now first published with notes, by Samuel G. Drake. 4to, half light calf, gilt back and top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Albany: 1870. Only 100 copies printed from the edition of 1746. Autograph presentation inscription by S. G. Drake. 1667. NOTES ON CALIFORNIA AND THE PLACERS : how to get there, and what to do afterwards, by "One who has been there," (James Delavan ? ) Lithographic views. 8vo, new cloth. N. Y. : 1850. Discovery of Gold in California, etc. 1668. NOTICE SUR LE TERRITOIRE ET SFR LA HUSSION DE L 'OREGON, suivie de quelques Lettres des soeurs de Notre-Dame etablies a Saint Paul du Wallamette. 16rao, cloth. Bruxelles: 1847. Original Edition. Apparently unknown to Sabin. as he men- tions only an edition without date. 1669. NOTT (J. C.) AND GLIDDON (G. R.). Indige- nous Races of the Earth ; or New Chapters of Ethnological Inquiry; including ^Monographs contributed by A. Maury, F. PuLsky and J. A. ]\Ieigs. Colored frontispiece and numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth (back slightly chipped). Phila.: 1857. 1670. NULLIFICATION. State Papers on Nullification: including the Public Acts of the Convention of the People of South Carolina, assembled at Columbia, 1832 and 1833: The Proclamation of the President of the V. S.. and the Proceed- ings of the Several State Legislatures which acted on the Subject. 8vo, sheep (slightly rubbed). Boston: 1834. 240 Van 't geene in den O O R L O G H, Tu(K hen den Koningh van Engelant &c. de H:M:Heeren St at en dernjryeVereenigde NedtrUnden^ en dtnBiJ- fchop van CMunfler is voorgcvallcn. 25r5innmt>c in bni!3are \66\. cii epnbigenbc tnrt Ijrt flirotmban be Vrede tot Breda , in 't ^loft \66i. I0an: in De boo?nacmftc (^cfrtjicUmflen/ in Dm fcftjni voor Marcus mUemfk. Dunuh, op den VygcndUQ , io 't Kaa> toor Incktvat. Anno 1667. (See Xo. 1043) 5-0 1G71. NUTTALl. (THOMAS). .Journal of Travels into •? ~~ tho Arkansa Territory, during the Year 1819. With occasional Observations on the Mannei-s of the Ahorifrines. Colored map and lujuaiint vuws, hij Kcariiif. H\o. half green polished moroeeo, gilt back and top. Phila. : 1S21. \'kuv Kauk. Nciirl.v ('vcr.v (•liji|)tt'r t-ontiiiiis some incidents of the Miitlior's pei-.sonal intercourse with tiie Cliickasaw. Cherokee, and Osage Indians. Fine copy, cleaned. Tlie (Jeorfie Bancroft cop.v. with liis hook-iilate. ■ 5 1672. NTTTALL (TPIO:\IAS). An Introduction to Sys- ~ teniatic and Physiological Botany. 12 colon d plates. 12mo, original cloth, uncut (faded and a little worn). Boston : 1827. 167:5. Xl'TTALL (ZELIA). The Fundamental Princi- -Q pies of Old and New World Civilizations: a comparative re- - search ba.sed on a study of the ancient ^lexican Religions, Sociological and Calendrical Systems. Man\i plates and illus- trations in text. Thick 8vo, wrappers, nncnt (few margins slightly stained). Cambridge: 1901. 1674. NYE (EDGAR W.) AND RILEY (JA:\1ES W.). -75- Xye and Riley's Railway Guide. Many humorous illustrations '— hi/ DcGrimm, Zimmerman, and. others. 12mo. illustrated wrappers. Chicago: 1888. FlKST Kditiox. Ver.v Scarce. 1675. l^BER (FREDERICK A.). Camps in the -■ V^ Caribbees: the adventures of a naturalist in the Lesser Antilles. Illustrations. Svo. cloth. Boston: 1880. 1676. O'BRIEN (MICPIAEL C). A Grammatical Sketch of the Abnaki Xoun. as outlined in the Dictionary of the Rev. Sebastian Rale, S. J. Square Svo, wrappers. Portland: 1887. Pkivately rRIXTEn. 1677. O'CALLAGIIAX fE. B.). History of Xew Nether- _ land : or. X"ew York under the Dutch. Portraits, folding maps, and facsimiles, mainlij from rare sources. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. X. Y. : 1848. 1678. O'CALLAGHAX (E. B.V The Documentary Ilis- _ tory of the State of X>av York. Xumerous maps, portraits, views, etc. 4 vols., thick Svo. cloth. Albany: 1850. 1679. O'CALLAGHAX (E. B.). A Brief and True Xar- .-, _ rative of the Hostile Conduct of the Barbarous Xatives to- "— Avards the Dutch Xation. Svo. half brown morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. Albany: 1863. Large Paper. 241 1680. OCEOLA (X.) A Narrative of the Early Days and Bemiiiiscenees of Oceola Xikkanochee, Prince of Econchatti, a Young Seminole Indian, Son of Eeonchatti-Mieo, King of the Red Hills, in Florida ; with a brief History of his Nation .... and Amusing Tales, Illustrative of Indian Life in Florida. "Written by his Guardian. 3 finely colored plates of Indians, etc. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, (autograph of James Sher- man on title). Lond. : 1841. Excessively Rare. An oxceedingly interesting Narrative, re- cording all the events relating to the life and capture of tliis famous Indian Chief, obtained by the author from his protege's own lips, and from the reports of soldiers by whom he was taken. 1681. OGDEN (GEORGE W.). Letters from the West, comprising a Tour through the Western Country, and a Resi- ." dence of Two Summers in the States of Ohio and Kentucky : originally written in Letters to a Brother. 12mo, three quar- ter green polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. New Bedford: 1823. Very Scarce. Fine large copy, with rough, uncut edges. 1682. OHIO. The Mound Builders of Ohio. A Des- c <;ription of the Exhibit from M. C. Hopewell's Farm, Ross ~ County. Ohio. Illustrations. 12mo, wrappers (name on cover) . N. p. : n. d. Prixted oxlt for private circulation. ^ 1683. OJIBWAY PSALMS. Oodahnuhmeahwine Nuhguh- j- moowinun Owh David. 12mo. sheep (one sig. loose). Toronto: 1856. 168-1. OLAFSEN AND POVELSEN. Travels in Ice- • land : Performed by Order of his Danish ^Majesty ; containing c Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Inhabi- ~ tants. .. .Fossils. Petrifications; as well as of the Animals, Insects. Fishes, etc. Map. 8vo, half leather (autograph of J. Bedwell on title). Lond.: 1805. 1685. [0LD:\IIX0N (JOHN).] Het Britannische Ryk in Amerika, Zynde eene Beschryving van de Ontdekking. Be- volking, Inwoonders. het Klimaat, den Koophandel. en tegen- woordigen Staat van alle Britannische Colonien. in dat gedeclte Wereldt. Engraved titles, maps and plates. 2 vols, in one, 4to. vellum. Amsterdam : by R. en G. Wetstein, 1721. Thf: Rare Dutch Translation, to which is now added an account of coffee and coffee plantations. From tilt' lil)rary of (Jeorgi' Bancroft, the historian, with book- plate. 1686. OLIPHANT (LAURENCE). Minnesota and the ~ Fiir AVcst. Frontispiece, folding map, and mimerous fidl-page a lift tr.rt iroodcrits and map — neicspaper clippings inserted. ^vo. cloth, uncut. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1855. o 16S7. OLMSTEAD (FREDERICK I..)- A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, first kditiox. Tliick ]2mo. cloth. New York : 1856, 1G88. 0L:\ISTEAD (FREDERICK L.). A Journey ■^ Througli Texas; or, A Saddle-Trip on the South-Western Frontier. Frontispiece and map. 12mo, cloth. New York: Dix, Edwards, ISoT. FlKST EOITION. o 1689. OLMSTEAD (FREDERICK L.). A Journey in the Back Country, first edittox. 12mo. cloth. X. Y.: 1860. Fino cop.v. 161)0. OL.AISTEAD (FREDERICK L.). Journeys and S. Explorations in the Cotton Kingdom. 2 vols.. 12ino. cloth, un- cut (stamp on titles). London : 1861. 1691. OREGON. Kelley (Hall J.). A General Circular to All Persons of Good Character. Who Wish to Emigrate to _ the Oregon Territory, embracing some Account of the Char- acter and Advantages of the Country ; the Right and the ]\Ieans and Operations by which it is to be Settled ; — and all Neces- sary Directions for Becoming an Emigrant. By order of the American Society for Encouraging the Settlement of the Oregon Territory. Woodcut chart. 8vo. half polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Charlestown : 1831. Fl.XE TALL COPY. O.XE OK THE RAREST OF THE EARLY TRACTS RELATING TO THE SETTf.EMENT OF OREGOX. 1692. OREGON. Notice sur le Territoire et sur la Mis- -^ sion de 1 'Oregon, suivie de quelques Lettres des Soeurs de ~ Notre-Dame Btablies a Saint Paul du Wallamette. 12mo, half blue polished calf, gilt back and top. uncut, original glazed wrappers bound in. Bruxelles : 1847. The Rare Original Edition. Apparently unknown to Sabin, as he only mentions an edition without imprint, "n. p. 185S?" 1693. OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Quar- terly of the Oregon Historical Society. Vols. 1 to 10 (com- — plete) and Vol. 11, No. 1. Illustrations. 10 vols.. 8vo. in the original parts, as issued. Portland. Oregon: 1900-1910. A valuable and important historical publication, containing many articles on the early history of Oregon, frontier settlements, biographies of noted citizens, etc. Includes also the Proceedings of the Society for 1902-05 and the Proceedings of the 50th Anni- versary of the Admission of the State of Oregon. 169-1. OREGON TERRITORY (THE), consisting of a 5'o Brief Description of the Country and its Productions, and ~ of the Habits and ^Manners of the Native Indian Tribes. Map. 16mo. half calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Lond. : 1846. 243 1695. O'REILLY (HENRY). Settlement in the West. Sketches of Rochester: with Incidental Notices of Western New York. Folding map and views. 12mo. original cloth, uncut. Rochester: 1838. (jOOd copy. Veky scarce, a collection of material designed to illustrate the progress of Rochester during the first quarter century of its existence. 1696. OROZCO Y BERRA (MANUEL). Historia Anti- guay de la Conquista de Mexico, ^yith the illustrations and map in separate volume. Together 5 vols., 8vo, boards, roan backs. Mexico : 1880. Scarce. In good, clean condition. 1697. ORTON (JAMES). The Andes and the Amazon: or. Across the Continent of South America. Folding map and many illustrations. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : 1870. 1698. OSAGE PRIMER. Washashe Wageressa Pahugreh Tse. The Osage First Book. Woodcuts. 18mo, half sheep. Bost.: 1834. 1699. OSSOLI (S. MARGARET FULLER). Summer on the Great Lakes in 1843. 12mo. original cloth, uncut. Boston : 1844. First Edition. Deals with Mackinaw and other points on the Great Lakes, with Indian characters and with the writings of travellers through the North West. Occurs with and without plates. This copy has no plates. 1700. OTIS (JAMES). A Vindication of the British Colonies. 8vo, half calf. Bost. : printed. London. : reprinted, 1769. Otis' celebrated reply to Mr. Howard's Letter in answer to rjov. Hopkins' tract on the Stamp Act. 1701. OVIEDO Y VALDEZ (G. F. DE). Historia Gen- eral y Natural de las Indias. Islas y Tierra-Firme del ]\Iar Oceano. Piiblicala la Real Academia de la Historia. cote.jada con el Codice original. eiiri(|uecida con las enmiendas y adi- ciones del Autor, e ilustrada con la Vida y el Juicio de las Obras del Mismo. por D. Jose Amador de los Rios. 4 vols., folio dark red morocco backs and boards. Madrid : 1851-55. "Tliis Work of Oviedo is the fountain head from whence most succeeding \\ riters have drawn their accounts of the early occur- rences in the New World." — Rich. Fine copy. 1702. p-^^'^^'^J^^^ ^^^r^^^IT^'^'^ ^PRI^'G). The La- K brador Coast. A Journal of Two Summer Cruises To that Region. With Notes on the E.skimo, etc. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1891. , "BiMiojrraphy of books and articles relating to the geography and civil ami natural history of Labrador.'' 244 170:!. 1»A(JA\" (HLAISK FRAXrOIS DEi. Relation " IIistori(|ut' I't (r('ojri'aplii(|U(' dc la (irandc Riviprc des Aina- zoiit's dans rAmcriciiu-. Par h; C'oiutc de Pajjan. Extraite dc divers Autlieiirs. & reduitte en iiieilleure forme. Coppcr- pldh ni(i}>, I iiffnivrd hy Matheus and vign(it( rnoravcd coat of (irnis (III filh. Small 8vo. full brown crushed levant mo- roeco, ^dlt hack, heavy bands, sides in *rilt and blind panel design, gilt edges, BV Saxgokski (small stenciled stamp on titli". I*aris: Chez Cardin Hesongne, 16.55. \i\HK < )Ki(ii.NAi. Edition. Ix'autifully houiul. Tliis curious work, takou principally from Acuiia, ooutaius several chapters devoted to descriptions of tlie aborigines of the Valley of tlie Amazon. Till; MAI' IS I.\tI>()KTA.\T AM) IS FRKQIKNTLY MISSING OK DEFEC- TIVK. 17! 14. PAGAN' (BLAISP: FRANCOIS DP]). An Hi.stori- - cal and ( u^ographical Description of the Great Country and Jiiver of the Amazones in America. Written in P'rench by the Count of Pagan.... and now translated into P]nglish by AVilliani Hamilton. Fine copper-plate map. Small 8vo. anti- (jue calf, embos.sed panel sides (one leaf has small hole slight- ly damaging one word). Loud.: J. Starkey. 1H61. Kahk. The map is rsuAr.r.Y aiissing. 1705. PAGES (PIERRE :\rARIE F.). Voyage Autour du Monde, et Vers les Deux Poles, par Terre et par ]\Ier, 1767-1776. Par il. de Pages. 10 folding maps and plates. 2 vols.. Svo. old mottled calf. Paris: 1782. The oriuinai French edition, liare. 1706. PAINE (THO:\IAS). Letter addressed to the Abbe 'o Raynal on Affairs of North-America, in which the ]\Ii.stakes in the Abbe's accouxt of the revolutiox of A:\rERiCA are cor- rected and CLEARED UP. 8vo, scwcd. Phila. : 1782. First Edition. Rare. ^ 1707. PALLISER (JOIIN). Solitary Rambles and Ad- ventures of a Hunter in the Prairies. Many illustrations. 12mo. half morocco. London: 1853. 1708. PALLISER (CAPTAIN JOHNL Exploration' British North America. Papers relative to the PLxploration by Captain Palliser of that potation of British North America which lies between the northern branch of the River Saskatche- - wan and the frontier of the United States; and between the RED river and ROCKY MOU^'TAIXS. Loudoil. 1859: — FURTHER papers relative to the Exploration of that portion of British North America which Ijes between the Northern Branch of the Riv(^r Saskatchewan and the frontier of the Lnited States: and between the Red River and the Rocky ^Mountains, and tlience to the Pacific Ocean. London. I860: — the .jourxals,. detailed REPORTS AND OBSERVATioxs relative to the Explora- tion l)y Captain Palliser. of that ]3ortioii of British North America, which lies between the British Boundary line and the 24.-> I'AI.LISER (CAPTAIN JOHN). height of land or Avatershed of the Northern or Frozen Ocean- respectively, and between the western shore of Lake Super- ior and the Pacific Ocean, during 1857-1860. London, 1863 ; — Index and Maps to Captain Palliser's Reports, showing the date of each Journey, the Route, and the page in which it is described. London, 1865 ; — Papers relative to the Explora- tion of the COUNTRY BETWEEN LAKE SUPERIOR AND THE RED RIVER SETTLEMENT. London, 1859. Xumerous folding maps, mostly colored. 5 vols., folio, wrappers (one vol. in half morocco). London: 1859- '65. O.NE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EXPEDITIONS FOR THE EXPLORA- TION OF THE UNKNOWN REGIONS OF THE GREAT NORTH WEST. Complete sets of the work are extremely scarce, and particu- larly so when accompanied by the Index and Maps, which were issued separately two years after the appearance of the Journals. 1710. PALMER (JOHN). Journal of Travels in the ^ - United States of North America, and in Lower Canada, Per- formed in 1817: containing. . . .Remarks on the Country and People.... to which is added. A Description of Ohio, Indi- ana, Illinois, and Missouri. With a new colored meip. 8vo, half calf (back strengthened). Lond. : 1818. 1711. PAL:\IER (PETER S.). History of Lake Cham- plain, from its First Exploration by the French, in 1609 to o ^_5' the close of 1814 (including Indian Wars, the Revolution and the War of 1812). Woodcut plans in text. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. Plattsburgh : 1853. Original Edition. Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 10 engraved portraits and one plate. very scarce. ^ 1712. PALMER (PETER S.). History of Lake Cham- — plain, From Its First Exploration By The French in 1609, to the Close of the Year 1814. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Albany: 1866. 1713. PALMER (WILLIAM J.). Report of Surveys Ac- Z^ TOSS the Continent, in 1867-68. For a Route extending the '~ Kansas Pacific Railway to the Pacific Ocean at San Francisco and San Diego. Folding map. 8vo, cloth back and boards, with the original wrappers bound in. Phila. : 1869. L. S. from the Author, inserted. 1714. PALOr (FRANCISCO). Relaeion Historica de la Vida y Apostolicas Tareas del Venerable Padre Fray Juni- —' pero Serra. y de las IMisiones que fundo en la California Sept- fiitrional, \ nuevos estableciraientos de ^fonterey. Engraved map and plate. Small 4to, sheep, gilt back, gilt sides with hfraldic center design. Impreso en ^Mexico: 1787. Very Rare. With the scarce map, which is often want- ing. • Fathers Serra and Palou were among the earliest of the ("ATiioLir missionaries sent to California and established the first missions in that ( ountry. The letters from Fiitlier Serra to Father Palou, which chiefly make up the volume, irive not only an account of the founding of the missions but IN- TKIiEKTING !>f:TAII.S OK THE VARIOtS INDIAN TUIHKS. 246 ?c- 171-'). I'A.MI'IIIjETS. American Historical Xoinciiclaturc — fSpofford): (jrovcrninent and Religion of the X'irginia In- dians fllendren): The Voyage of Chanipdore (DeCosta; : The Nipniucks and their Country (Crane) and other pamph- lets on Indian and Areliti^ological subjects. (37 pieces,). EIGHTH SESSION Friday Afternoon, May 8, 1914. Commencing at 2:30 o'clock. 171G. PARIS (COMTE de). History of the Civil War in America. Xumerous folding iiiajys shoicittfj plans of bi'tth . 4 vols., Svo, cloth (binclings of two vols somewhat stained). Philadelphia: (1875-1888). Vory Scarce. 1717. PARK (MUXGO). Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa : Performed in the years 1795-97. With an Account - of a subsequent ^Mission to that Country in 1805. To which is added. The Life of Mr. Park. Svo. boards, leather label, uncut. London: ^Murray, n. d., (1805). Large Type Edition. 1718. PARKER (A. A.). Trip to the West and Texas. Jo Comprising a Journey of 8,000 ]\Iiles through Xew York, ■" ^Michigan. Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana and Texas in the Au- tumn and Winter of 1834-35 .... with a brief Sketch of the Texian War. Illustrated. 16mo. original cloth (corner of one leaf torn aAvay). Concord: 1836. Second axd Best Edition, with ax account of the Texan' War. 1719. PARKER (SAMUEL). Journal of an Exploring '- Tour beyond the Rocky ^Mountains, 1835, '36, and '37. Fold- ing map of Oregon Territorij. 12mo. cloth (some pages foxed and map neatly repaired). Ithaca: 1838. First Edition. 172(1. PARKER (SAMUEL). Journal of an Exploring £ Tour beyond the Rocky ^Mountains, 1835. '36, and '37. Sec- ond Edition. Foleling map of Oregon Territory and plate. 12mo, cloth. ' ithaca : 1840. Fine copy. 7^ 1721. PARKER (SAMUEL). A Journey Beyond the '— Rocky ^lountains, in 1835, 1836 and 1837. People's Edition, Corrected and Extended. Svo, wrappers, uncut. Edinburgh: 1841. Devoted almost entirely to a sl^etch of the Indian Tribes of the west ; with a description of the Sandwich Islands. 1722. PARKER (SAMUELS. Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky ^lountains. Folding map anel plate. 12mo cloth. Ithaca: 1844. 247 L. _ 1723. PARKER (W. B.). Notes taken during the Expedi- • tion commanded by Capt. R. B. ]Marey through Unexplored Texas, in the Summer and Fall of 1854. 12mo, cloth. Phila. : 1856. Fixe clean copy. Autograph of Author on Fly-leaf. A scarce item. 1724. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). Historical Works. Vort- 1 o. ' raits, maps and illustrations. 12 vols., small 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt backs and tops. Bost. : Little. Brown & Co.. 1898. New LiBRAKY Edition. ^^ 1725. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). History of the Conspir- 2 - acy of Pontiac and the War of the North American Tribes. Plates. 8vo. cloth. Bost.: 1851. First Edition. Fine copy. --^ 1726. PARRISH (RANDALL). Historic Illinois. The ""— Romance of the Earlier Days. Map and 50 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago: 1906. 1727. PARRY (WILLIAM E.). Journal of a Voyage of Discovery, to the Arctic Regions. Performed between the 4th Zf of Aprifand the 18th of November. 1818, in His iMajesty's Ship "Alexander." Wm. Edw. Parry, Lieut, and Commander. By "An Officer of the Alexander." Folding map and plate. Svo. half brown polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Lond. : 1819. Fine copy. Kelates to the Hudson's Bay District. 1728. PARRY (WILLIAM E.). Journal of a Voyage _ for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 1819-20. With an appendix, containing the Scientific and other Observations ; — Journal of a Second Voy- age for the Discovery of a North-West Pas.sage, 1821-23: — Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 1824-25 : — Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, in the Year 1827. Jllustrated with maps, charts and numerous engravings. 4 vols, in 3. 4to, half blue morocco (one back slightly damaged bv nail, — pp. 497-504 and 2 plates of vol. 2 missing). Lond.: J. Murray. 1821-28. Okkmnai. EiiiTioxs of tin* first Four Voyascs by Capt. Parry. F"'uII of interesting and characteristic sketches of the Esquimaux, etc. 1729. PATTTE (JAMES 0.). The Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie. of Kentucky, during an Expedition from St. Louis, through the Vast Regions between that place and the Pacific Ocean, and thence back through the City of Mexico to Vera Cruz, during Journeyings of Six Years, in which he and his Father who accompanied him. Suffered Unheard of Hardships and Dangers, had various Confiicts with the In- 248 PATTIE (JAMES O.). diaiis. .. .Together with a Deseription of the Country and the various Nations through which they passed. Edited by Timotliy Flint. 5 plates. 8vo. mottled sheep. Cincinnati: 1833. I'XTKKMKi.Y RACK. "Tlic mitlior rrosscd the (^nntinont by a mutt' wliicli his party woio the first tn innsin'. Ilo •■ncoiuitorod trilx's of Indians, who tiifii saw a white man for the first time. The story of tlie perilous expedition, the frightful extremities to whioli his party were reduced, the fights with the savages, and his final caiJture. are narrated with spirit and candor." — Field. ^ 1730. PAUSCH (CAPTAIN GEORGE). Journal of, — Cliief of the Horse Artillery During the Burgoyne Campaign. Translated and Annotated by AY. L. Stone. Portrait. Small 4to. cloth, uncut. ' Albany : :\[unsell. 1886. 1731. [PAl'W (M. CORNELLE de).] Reeherch.s Philo- ^5 sophiques sur les Americains, ou Alemoires interessants pour — servir a I'Histoire de I'Espece humaine. 2 vols., 12mo. calf, (lacks Vol. 3, "Defense," published at Berlin. 1772:'. Cleve: J. G. Bferstecher. 1772. .^r^ 1732. PAYER (JULIUS). New Lauds within the Arctic '— Circle: narrative of the discoveries of the Austrian Ship "Te- getthoff " in the Years 1872-1874. Numrroua illustrations and maps. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1877. 1733. PEARl^ (ROBERT E.). Northward Over the ^1? "Great Ice." A Narrative of Life and AYork. . . .in Northern: Greenland in 1886 and 1891-1897. Maps, diagrams, and 800' illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London: 1898. 1734. PECK (J. M.). A New Guide for Emigrants to the Z5 West, containing sketches of Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, " Michigan, with the Territories of Wisconsin and Arkansas, and the adjacent Parts. IBrao. cloth, uncut. Bost. : 1836. Fine copy. Interesting for the early sketches of Illinois and Chicago. 1735. PELZ (EDUARD). Minnesota, das Central-Gebiet "o Nord-Amerikas. Frontispiece and Ulustrertions. 8vo. wrap- pers, uncut. Leipzig: 1868. 1736. PENHALLOW (SAMUEL). The History of the ^ Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians, or a Xarra- — tive of their Continued Perfidy and Cruelty, from 1703 to 1726. (With Afemoir of Samuel Penhallow. by Nathaniel Adams). Small 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cincinnati : 1859. 1737. PENN (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the Private and tf Public Life of William Penn. By Thomas Clarkson. first EDiTiox. 2 vols.. 8vo, full light calf, gilt backs, blind tooled borders. Loud. : 1813. 249 173S. PP:XXAXT (THOMAS). Arctic Zoology. With a I - supplement "Histoire Xaturelle des Oiseaux, par le Comte de Biiffoir': [also) ''Supplement to the Introduction to the Arc- tie Zoology." 2 maps, chart of the Xorth-west Coast of Am- erica and 23 fine copper-plate engravings of birds, etc. 3 vols., -ito, calf (edges of binding slightlv rubbed). Lond.: 1784-1786. The Rare Original Edition. Relates to the Kurile Islands, Alaska. British America, California, the Polar Seas of America, Greenland, Baffin's Bay, Hudson's Bay, Canada and the Straits of Magellan. 1739. PERALTA (MANUEL M. de). Etnologia Centro- Amerieana. Apuntes Para Un Libro Sobre Los Aborigenes de Costa Rica. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Madrid : 1893. 1740. PERKINS (JAMES H.). Annals of the West: em- ^^ bracing a concise account of the principal events, which have "" occurred in the Western States and Territories. Revised and enlarged by J. M. Peck. 8vo, sheep (back worn). St. Louis: 1851. 1741. PERKIXS (SAMUEL). A History of the Political _: and Military Events of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo. original sheep, (some pp. foxed) . New Haven : 1825. Scarce history of the War of 1812. 17-li2. PERLEY (JEREMIAH). Debates. Resolutions, _ and other Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates, As- sembled at Portland on the 11th and Continued until the 29th day of October, 1819. for the Purpose of forming a Constitu- tion for the State of Maine. To which is prefixed The Con- stitution. 12mo, sheep, pp. 300 and 11 blank leaves. Portland: 1820. Pkksextatiox copy from Hon. Daniei, Cony. President of the Convention, with inscription on title — "Presented hy Hon. Daniel Cony. March, 1820," — also on 4 blank pp. at end, copies (in same handwriting) of Cony's letter to John Adams and Adams's reply. 1743. PERXETY (AXTOINE JOSEPH). HLstoire d'un — Voyage aux Isles Malouines, fait en 1763-1764; avec des Ob- servations sur le Detroit de Magellan, et sur les Patagons. Par Dom Pernetty {sic), xouvelle edition, refoxdce et AUGMEXT^E. ]8 engraved maps and plates. 2 vols, in one. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. Paris: 1770. 1744. PERRIX DU LAC (F. M.). Voyage dans les deux " - Louisianes et Chez les Nations sauvages du Missouri, par les Etats-Unis. I'Ohio et les Provinces qui le bordent, en 1801, 1802 et 1803; Avec Un appercu des moeurs, des usages, du Caractere et des Coutumes religieuses et civiles des Peuples de ft's divcrses contrees. ^S'ith folding maps. 8vo. original boards. Lj-on : 1805. A ( iioicE CRISP copy. Includes a "Life of George Augustus I'owie.x. an l-Inglishman, wlio abandoned civilization to become f Indians." 250 1745. PERRIN DU LAC (F. M.). Travels tlirough the Two Tvouisianas, and among tin; Savage Nations of the Mis- souri ; also, in the United States, along the Ohio, and the Adjacent Provinces, 1801-1803. 8vo, half light calf, lettered back, gilt top. Lond. : 1S07, FiBST English Edition. 7^ 1746. PETERS (DE AVITT (".). The Life and Ad- ~ ventures of Kit Carson. IlUists. Svo. cloth. X. Y. : 1858. 1747. PETERS (RICHARD). The Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia : argued and determined at the Supreme Court of the United States. January Term, 1831. "With an Appendix. Svo. half morocco (worn"). Phila.: 1831. The Appendix contains : Opinions of Chancellor Kent on the Case : the Treaties between the I'. S. aud the Cherokee Indians, etc., etc. 1748. PETERS (RICHARD). The Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia ; Argued and Determined at the Supreme Court of the United States. January Term, 1831. With an appendix (Treaties between the U. S. and the Cherokee Indians, etc.). 8vo, cloth uncut (slightly foxed, binding worn). Phila.: 1831, Autograph inscription, "To H. H. S. Dearborn, by the Hon. Justice Story." 1749. [PETERS (SAMUEL).] A General History op CoxxECTicuT, from its First Settlement under George Fen- - wick, Esq. to its latest Period of Amity with Great Britain ; including a Description of the Country, and many Curious and Interesting Anecdotes. To which is added, an Appendix, wherein new and true Sources of the present Rebellion in America are pointed out: together with the particular Part taken by the People of Connecticut in its Promotion. By a "Gentleman of the Province." Svo. half calf (weak at hinges). London: Printed for the Author. 1781. The ILxTREjfELY Rare Original Edition of this vert cuei- OrS AND VALUABLE BOOK. The author, having been mobbed as a Royalist during the Revo- lution, fled to England, where he remained till 1805. His His- tory of Connecticut, which is a remarkable tissue of misstate- ments and exaggerations, is very severe in its reflections upon the inhabitants of Connecticut, to whom he attributes some fictitious "Blue Laws." It also contains a cl'Rlors account of 'bund- ling,' and a description of a midnight invasion of Windham by frogs, and the consequent terror and flight of the inhabitants. t Speaking of the Upper Cohoes Falls, he says : "Here water is consolidated, without frost, by pressure, by swiftness, between the pinching, sturdy rocks, to such a degree of induration, that no iron crow can be forced into it ; here iron, lead, and cork, have one common weight," etc. [See Illustrations]. 2.51 Z^ 1750. PETROFF (IVAN). Report on the Population, In- ■" diistries. and Resources of Alaska. 8 colored plates, 6 maps and 2 large folding pocket maps. 4to. half brown morocco, gilt top. " [Washington: 1882]. 1751. PETTUS (SIR JOHN). Fleta Minor. The Laws of ^ Art and Nature, in Knowing, Judging, Assaying. Fining. Re- - fining and Inlarging the Bodies of Confin'd ^letals. Port- rait and copper-plate engravings throughout text. Folio, old calf (rebacked). Lond. : 1686. Contains Assa.vs of I^azarus Erckern ; also Essays on Mettallick Words and a Dictionary to Erckern. Rabe. 1752. PHELPS (NOAH A.). A History of the Copper 5o Mines and Newgate Prison, at Granby, Conn., also of the Captivity of Daniel Hayes, of G-ranby, by the Indians, in 1707. 8vo, original Avrappers. Hartford : 1845. 1753. PHILLIPS (WENDELL). Speeches, Lectures, and Letters. Engraved portrait. 8vo, cloth. Boston : 1863. 1754. PHIPPS (CONSTAXTINE JOHN). A Voyage to- r-, wards the North Pole undertaken by his Majesty's Command, ^ ~ 1773. With 15 fine engraved plates and maps. 4to, contem- porary calf (hinges a little worn). London: 1774. 1755. PHIPPS (CONSTANTINE JOHN). Voyage au __ Pole Boreal, fait en 1773, par ordre du Roi d 'Angleterre. 12 engraved maps and plates. 4to. half calf, uncut. Paris: 1775. First French translation of an important work on nautical science. 1756. PIC ART (BERNARD). The Ceremonies and Re- ligious Customs of the Various Nations of the Known World ; I "" togetht-r witli Historical Annotations. (Vol. 3. Ceremonies of the Idolatrous Nations.) Written originally in French. Illustrated with many fine full-page coppcr-pleite engravings, hn I'icort. Folio, half russia. uncut. Lond.: 1734. This volume relates entirely to the ceremonies of the \oKTi[ A.\rKKirA\ Indians. Fine impressions of the plates. Rabe. 1757. PTC ART (BERNARD). .Xaaukenrige Beschryving der ritweiidigc Codtsdienst-Plichten, Kerk-Zeden en Oewoon- tens van alle Volkeren der Waereldt : in een Ilistoriscli Ver- . " liaal. met eenige Naaukeurige Verhandelingen ontvouwen. door verscheiden Aamm-rkingen opgeheldert. Oeteekent door l^ern- ard Pi«-ard. lit het Fransch in Nederduitsch overgezet. door Ahraliam Moubacli. Estensivdji illustrated with numerous finf full-page copprr-plate engravings b}/ Picart. 6 vols., folio, gilt backs and sides (one vol. somewhat water-stained). Gravenhage, Amsterdam. Rotterdam: 1727-1738, .\ Di TfH Translation. The irreater portion of the third vol- uiiif relates to the ceremonies ok the Indians of North Vmkrk A. 252 17.>. I'ICKHIMXU (JOllXj. A Vocabulary or Collec- tion of Wofds and Phrases wliieh have been Supposed to be Peculiar to tlie United States of America. 8vo, half sheep (margins of several leaves at end damaged by fire, impairing only sliglitly one line of text). Bost. : 1816. FiiiST Edition. Kaic. 175!». PK'KEKIXG (.JOHN). An Essay of a I'niform Hibliography for the Indian Languages of .\orth America. 4to. lialf morocco, gilt edges. C-ambridge : 1820. Clioict' copy. Scarce. 176(1. PICKERING (JOIIX). I'eber die Iiidianischen Spraclu-n Amerikas. Ubersetzt. und mit Anmerkungen beglei- tet. von Talvj. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Leipzig : 1834. 1761. PICKETT (ALBERT J.l History of Alabama, and Incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period. Map and illustrations. 2 vols., 12mo. cloth. Charleston: 1851. Hak?:. The author's account of the Indians of Alabama, their (lances, war ceremonies, manners and customs are derived from persona! intercourse of over 20 years among the Creek Nation of Indians and among the chief men of tlu; tribe. Much of the His- tiirji-al matter is obtained from original journals of early settlers. 1762. PICKETT (THOMAS E.). The Testimony of the ^Mounds : considered with especial reference to the Prehistoric Archaeology of Kentucky .and the Adjoining States. Svo. wrappers. (^laysville. Ky. : 1875). 1763. PIERCE (GEORGE F.). Incidents of Western Travel: In a series of Letters. Frontispiece portrait. 12mo. cloth. Nashville : 1857. Scarce volume of Karly A\'estern Travel. 1764. PIERSOX (ABRAHA:\n. Some Helps for the In- dians. .\ Catechi.sm in the Language of the Quiripi Indians of X(nv Havt-n Colony. With an Introduction by -J. Hammond Trumbull. FacsimUc. 8vo. boards. Hartford: 1783. Oxi.Y 100 COPIES PRIXTED. 1765. PIGAFKTTA (ANTOXIOi. Primo Viaggio In- toriio al Globo Terracqueo ossia Ragguaglio della Navigazione allc Indie Orientali per la Vie d'Occidente fatta dal Cavaliere Antonio Pigafetta, Patrizio Vicentiuo sulla Squadra del Capit. Magaglianes negli anni 1519-1522. Ora pubblicato per la prima volta. . . .e corredato di note da Carlo Amoretti. . . .Con un Transunto del Trattato di Navigazione dello stesso Autore. 2 fchJinf/ maps. 4 colored woodcut maps and 10 vignette en- gravineis. 4to. original boards, uncut (back slightlv chipped). Milano: 1800. Fixe. i,.\kge copy, uncut. At the end are vocabularies — "Rac- rolt:i di vocaboli del Brasile. de' Patagoni. delle Isole del Mar Australe." This is a modernized version, with some alterations. of an Italian manucript of the 16th century. 253 1766. PIKE (WABBURTOX). The Barren Ground of Xorthern Canada. Folding map. 8vo, cloth, uncut, Lond.: 1892. Fine copy. 1767. PIKE (WARBURTOX). Through the Subarctic Forest. With illustrations and maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: 1896. A record of a Canoe Journey from Fort Wrangel to the Pelly Lakes and down the Yukon River to the Behring Sea. With autograph of Elliott Coues on title. 1768. PIKE (Z. M.). An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the "Western Parts of Louisiana, to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans. La Platte, and Pierre Jaun Rivers, performed by Order of the Govern- ment of the United States, 1805-1807. and a Tour through the Interior Parts of Xew Spain. Portrait, 6 maps and 3 folding tailes. 8vo, mottled sheep. Phila. : 1810. TiTE Origin.\l Edition, with all the plates. Major Pike was the first explorer of the vast regions now forming the States of Arkansas. Texas and New Mexico. His descriptions of the country and accounts of the Indians, their manners and customs, etc., are accurate and very interesting, 1769. PIKE (Z. M.). Exploratory Travels througli the Western Territories of Xorth/America : Comprising a Voyage from St. Louis on the Mississippi to the Source of that River, and a Journey through tli^Interior of Louisiana and the X. E. Provinces of Xew Spaing Performed in 1805-7. Maps. 4to, half alligator, uncut. / Lond. ilSll. Good sorNDyropY of the scarce London Edition. 1770. PIKE (Z. yi.). Exploratory Travels through the Western Territories of Xorth America : Comprising a Voy- age from St. Louis, on the Mis.sissippi. to the Source of that River, and a Journey through the Interior of Louisiana. Map and frontispiece. 4to. cloth. Denver: 1889. This issue is from the London edition of 1811. 1771. pi:\r (C0M:\rAXDER Bedford). The Gate of the Pacific. Colored ill u. ft rations and maps. 8vo. cloth (rub- bed). London : 1863. Relates to the construction of a Central American Canal, with extracts from various treaties. 1 772. PIM (COMMAXDER BEDFORD) . The Gate of the Pacific. Maps and tinted views. 8vo, half crimson calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Lond. : 1863. .\n account of Panama and Nicaragua, including the Railroads, Canals, etc. 1773. PITKIX fTDIOTHYV A Stati.stical View of the ( ommerce of the Ignited States of America, second edttion, WITT! ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 8vo. Original boards. paper Ifibol. uncut. X. Y.:1S17. Fine copy. 254 1774. I'l.AlX TRUTH: Addressed to the [iihabitants of America, eoiitaining Remarks on a late Pamphlet, intitled "Common Sense;" wherein is shewn that the Sclierae of In- dependence is Ruinous, Delusive and Impracticable. Written b\" "Candidiis. " 8vo, half red polished morocco, gilt top. Phila. : Printed. Lond., Reprinted, 1776. Writtfii with an 'outrageous' zeal, and contains many scur- lil'Mis icticctions upon the authoi' of "Common Sen.se." 177.1. PLATZMANX (JULIUS). Amerikanisch-Asiati- 5" sehe Etyniologien via Behring-Strasse. from the Ea.st to the West. Svo. cloth. Leipzig: 1871. 1776. [PLAUTIUS (CASPAR).] Nova Typis Transacta Navigatio. Xovi Orbis Indian Oceidentalis Admodvm Rever- endissimorvm. . . .Dr. Bvellii Cataloni Abbatis montis Serrati - & in universam Americam. . . . Avthore Venerando Fr. Don Honorio Philopono. Engraved title with portraits of "S. Brmidanvs" and " Bvell. Catalons," and 18 full-page plates, on< of irhich is a full-length portrait of Columhus. Folio, new vellum (slight ink spot on one margin). X. p.: 1621. Fine Copy of the Raee Original Editiox. Contains the Relations of the eakly Benedictines who accompanied ConiiBrs ON HIS voyage to America. The work is filled with miraculous accounts of their labors. Many of the plates repre- sent scenes in Aboriginal life, remarkable occurrences, etc., in- cluding view of a monk saying Mass on the back of a large fish, etc.. etc. "This is one of the impudentest books known. The author's real name was Caspar Plautus. a monk at Lintz in Austria. In the most fulsome style, under his assumed name of Philoponus, he inscribes the work to himself in a long and highly complimentary Dedication. He accuses the De Brys, in their great collection of Voyages, of telling outrageous lies, forgetting apparently his own whackers." — //. Stevens. 1777. POLITICAL PAMPHLETS. America and France, the Intire ^Message of the President of the I^ S., covering the Full Powers of the Envoys Extraordinary to France (1798) ; Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain Respecting Neutrals: — A Letter to Gen. Hamilton, occasioned by his Let- ter to Pres. Adams, by a Federalist : — ^]\Iessages of the Presi- dent of the U. S.. 1807-09. 11 pamphlets in one vol. Svo. ■half calf. 177>. POLITICAL TRACTS. ETC. Account of the Fun- — eral Honours bestowed on the Remains of Capt. Lawrence and Lieut. Ludlow. 1813: — ^lessages of the President, includ- ing the Commencement of the Second Session of the 12th Congress. 1812 : — ^lessage from the President, transmitting Documents relating to the Seminole War. 1818. etc. 12 pamphlets in one vol. 8vo. half calf. 1779. POLLARD (EDWARD A.^. The First Year of the -,o IVar in America. 12mo. cloth. Loud. : 1863. Tho scarce T>ondon issue. 255 I - 1780. POLLARD (EDWARD A.). The War in America, '■ 1863-64. Author's Edition. 12mo, original blue cloth (a little worn). Lond. : 1865. 1781. POLLARD (EDWARD A.). Southern History of ■S the War. Vol. 1 (only). Portrait. 8vo, sewed, uncut. X. Y. : 1866. 1782. POLO (MARCO). I Viaggi di Marco Polo. Tra- dotti per la prima volta dall ' originate Francese di Rustieiano di Pisa e corredati d 'Illustraziono e di Documenti da Vin- cenzo Lazari. Pubblicati per Cuba di Lodovico Pasini. Fold- ing map. 8vo, original boards. Venezia : 1847. 1783. POPE (JOHN). A Tour through the Southern and -7 - Western Territories of the United States of North America ; 2. •- the Spanish Dominions on the Mississippi, and the Floridas; the Creek Nations and Many Uninhabited Parts. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. : 1888. Practically the only edition obtainable. A re-issue of the edi- tion of 1792. 1784. PORCACCHI (THOMAS) . L 'Isole piu Famose del Mondo desccritte da Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione arre- " > tino e intagliate da Girolamo Porro Padovano con nova aggi- - ~ onta dedicate all' Illmo. et Revmo. ]\Ionsr. Gio Francesco More- sini, Abbate di Leno, etc. Engraved title and 48 fi)ie copper- plate maps throughout text. Folio, vellum. Padova : Appresso Paolo et Francesco Galignani Fratelli : 1620. Fine copy ok a Rare Edition. Contains additional matter as well as several new maps not in the first edition. Page's 154 to 184 relate to the various Islands of the West Indies, each with separate map. r , 1785. PORTLAND SOCIETY OF NATITRAL HISTORY. ~ Proceedings of. (Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2). Illustrations. 2 parts 8vo, wrappers. Portland : 1862-69. Autograph signature of I-^lliott Coues on both wrappers. 1786. PORTLOCK (CAPTAIN NATHANIEL). A Voy- age Round the World : but more particularly to the North- West Coast of America, 1785-1788. Portrait, folding maps and copper-plate engravings, including 5 finely coi>ored plates OF BIRDS. 4to, calf (back slightly cracked, — front hinges strengthened). London: 1789. Large Paper Copy of the First Edition. Contains accounts of the autiior's traffic witli the Indian.s, several Indian vocabu- laries, etc. Fine, clean copy. 1787. POTP: (WILLIA:\I, jr.). The Journal of Captain William Pote. Jr. during his Captivity in the French and In- dian War from ]May. 1745 to August 1747. Portraits, views, }naps, etc. and the "Morris Map" in separate volume. 2 vols.. 8vo, boards, morocco backs, uncut. X. Y.: Dodd, :Mead and Co.. 1896. ("IIOK E ((tI'V. O.M.Y ')~>0 COPIE.S PRINTED. 256 A GENERAL HISTORY O F CONNECTICUT, FROM ITS Firft Settlement under George Fenwick, Efq, TO ITS Latcft Period of Amity with Great Britain. INCLUDING A DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. And many curious and interefting Anecdotes, To which is added. An Appendix, wherein new and the true Sources of the prefent Rebellion in America are pointed out ; together with the particu- lar Part taken by the People of Gonnedicut in its Promotion. By a Gentleman of the Province. Plus apud me ratio 'vahblt^ quam vulgi opinio. Cic. Farad, i, LONDON: Printed for the. Author ; And fold by J. Bew, No. 28, Patcr-Noflcr-Row, MDCCLXX'XI, (See No. 1749) 1788. POIICIIET (M.). .^remoir upon the Late "War in North America, between the Freneli and English, 1755-60. Followed by Observations upon tlie Theatre of Actual War, and by Xew Details concerning the ^Manners and Customs of the Indians: witk Topographical Maps. Translated and edi- ted by Franklin B. Hough. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half claret calf, gilt toi)s, uncut. Roxbury: Printed for W. Elliot AVoodM^ard, 1866. C'iioicE COPY. No. 34 of only 200 copies pkinted. 1789. POUSSIN (GUTLLAUME TELL). The United States: its Power and Progress. Trans, by Edmund L. Du Barr^^ 8vo, pebbled morocco, gilt edges. Phila.:1851. Fiue copy. 1790. POWNALL (THO:\rAS). A Topographical Des- cription of such Parts of North America, as are Contained in the (Annexed) ^Map of the Middle British Colonies, etc. in North America. Large folding map. Folio, half morocco. Lond. : 1776. Fixe copy of the Rare Origixal Editiox. The appendix (•(intains. "Extracts from the Journal of Captain Harry Gordon, Chief Eufriueer of the Western Department in North America, who was sent from P'ort Pitt on the River Ohio, down the said River to Illinois, in 17G6." and a "Journal of Christopher Gist down the Ohio River in 1750." 1791. PRESTON (T. R.). Three Years' Residence in Canada, from 1837 to 1839. With Notes of a Winter Voyage to New York, and Journey thence to the British Possessions. To which is added, a review of the condition of the Canadian People. 2 vols., 12mo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. Lond.: 1S40. Fixe copy. With the slip of Errata. 1792. PRIEST (JOSIAII). American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West. Folding frontispiece plate, map and otlin- illustrations. Svo. original sheep (date defective). Albany: 1837. 1793. [PRDIE (W. C.\] Owl Creek Letters. 12mo. half russia. N. Y. : 1848. First Edition of the author's first book. Scarce. 1794. [PRi:\IE (W. C.).] Later Years, first edition. 12mo, half russia (2 pp. soiled). N. Y. : 1854. 1795. PRIME (W. C). Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia; Old House by the River ; Tent Life in the Holy Land. Ilhis- trations. Together, 3 vols., 12mo, half roan. N. Y. : 1868-72. 1796. PRi:\lE (W. C). I Go A-Fishing. 12mo. half rus- sia. N. Y.: 1873. 1797. PRi:\IE (W. C.^. Along New England Roads. FIRST EDITIOX. 16mo. three quarter green morocco, gilt top, uncut. . X. Y.: (1892). 257 1798. PRIME (W. C). Among the Northern Hills. •T^ FIRST EDITION. 16ino, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y.: 1895. 1799. PRINCE (THOMAS). A Chronological History - ^ of New-England in the Form of Annals. Vol. 1 (all pub- '^' lished). 12mo, old panel calf (rebacked). Bost, : 1736. Autograph inscription on fly-leaf — "To Capt. Alexander Midle- ton, Aberdeen. To be forwarded by Mr. George Cdtanach Merett in London." 1800. PRINCE (THOMAS). A Chronological History C7 " of New-England, in the Form of Annals. . . .With an (Histori- ~^ cal) Introduction. New Edition. 8vo, half green polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut. Boston: 1826, A \t:ry tall and desirable copy. Extba-Illustbated by THE INSERTIOX OF 27 POBTBAITS. The Bushnell copy. 1801. PRINCE (THOMAS). Some Memoirs of the Life - and Writings of the Rev. Thomas Prince, together wdth a pedigree of his family. By Samuel G. Drake. Engraved port- rait and reproduction of coat-of-arms. Thin 8vo. cloth. Boston: 1851. 1802. PRINCE (THOMAS). A Chronological History of ^ - New England in the Form of Annals. Third Edition. By Samuel G. Drake. Portraits and plates (11). 8vo, half mo- rocco. Boston: 1852. Very Scarce. The number of plates evidently varies. Sabin gives 7 as the correct number. The Manson copy had only 6 and the present copy 11. Sabin says. "The third edition consisted of thirty copies of the edition of 1826, with a new title-page." 1803. PRINCE SOCIIJTY. Wood's New-England's Pros- pect. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Bost.: 1865. Only 125 copies printed. 1804. PRINCE SOCIETY. Hutchinson Papers. A Col- _ lection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. 2 vols., small 4to, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Bost. : 1865. Limited to 150 copies. 1805. PRINCE SOCIETY. John Dunton's Letters from — New-England. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Bost. : 1867. Limited to 1.50 copies. 1806. PRINCE SOCIETY. The Genealogy of the Payne and Gore Families. Small 4to. half morocco gilt top, uncut. Bost: 1875. Fine copy. Compiled by W. H. Whitmore for the Prince Society. 258 1807. PRINCE SOCIETY. John Wheelwright. His Writ- - iiigs. . . .and a Memoir by Charles H, Bell. Facsimile of In- dian Deed of 1638. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Bost, : 1876. Limited to 200 copies. 1808. PRINCE SOCIETY. Voyages of the Northmen to , - America : including extracts from the Icelandic Sagas relat- '-" ing to AVestern Voyages by Northmen. Edited Avith an Intro- duction, by Rev. E. P. Slafter. Maps. Small 4to, cloth, uncut (wrappers bound in). Bost.: 1877. TilJIITED TO 200 COPIES. 1S09. PRINCE SOCIETY. Champlain (Samuel de) Voy- __ ages of. Translated from tlie French by Charles P. Otis. With Historical Illustrations and a Memoir by Rev. Edmund P. Slafter. With 5 illustrations. 3 vols., small 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, with original wrappers bound in. Bost.: Printed for the Society, 1880. Very fixe copy. Oxly 2.50 copies printed. 1810. PRINCE SOCIETY. Sir Walter Raleigh and his - Colony in America. With Historical Illustrations and a Me- moir, by Rev. Increase N. Tarbox. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. Bost.: 1884. Limited to 250 copies. 1811. PRINCE SOCIETY. Capt. John Mason, the Found- er of New Hampshire : including his Tract on Newfoundland, _' 1620 : the American Charters in which he was a Grantee ; with Letters and other Historical Documents. Together with a Memoir, by Charles W. Tuttle. Edited with Historical Illus- trations, by J. W. Dean. Plate. Thick small 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Bost. : 1887, Limited to 250 copies. 1812. PRINCE SOCIETY. Gorges (Sir Fernando) and his Province of [Maine. Illustrations. 3 vols., square 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. : Printed for the Society, 1890. Oxly 250 copies prixted. This edition is edited by James Phinney Baxter, and contains a Memoir and historical illustrations. Choice copy. 1813. PRINCE SOCIETY. Antinomianism in the Colony "- of [Massachusetts Bay, 1636-1638. Including The Short Story and Other Documents. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Facsimiles of original titles. Small 4to, half green morocco,, gilt top. uncut. Boston: 1894. Oxly 250 copies prixted. 1814. PRINCE SOCIETY. Constitution, List of Officers,. ^ and Publications. Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top. [Boston] : 1894. 259 1815. PRINCE SOCIETY. Slafter (Edmund F.). John Checkley: or, the Evolution of Religious Tolerance in Mass- achusetts Bay .... With Historical Illustrations and a Memoir. Frontispiece and facsimiles. 2 vols., square 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. : Prince Society, 1897. Only 250 copies printed. Includes Checkley's letters and other papers ; a bibliography of the controversy on Episcopacy by the Ministers of the standing order and the Clergy of the Church of England. Fine copy. 1816. PRINCE SOCIETY. Sir Humphrey Gylberte and his Enterprise of Colonization, in America. With Annota- tions and a ]Memoir by Carlos Slafter. Map and plate. Small 4to, half red morocco, gilt back and top, uncut (wrapper bound in). Bost.: 1903. Limited to 2.50 copies. 1817. PRITTS (JOSEPH). Mirror of the Olden Time, Border Life; embracing. . . .a History of Virginia and a Nar- rative of the Long continued and Bloody Struggle between the White Settlers and Indians in North-Western Virginia, Kentucky, etc Narratives of Captivities, Sketches of Fron- tier Men, etc. Portrait and illusts. 8vo. half morocco. Abingdon, Va. : 1849. 1818. PROCTOR (EDNA DEAN). The Song of the An- cient People. With Preface and Notes by John Fiske, and Commentarv bv F. H. Cushing. Plates. 8vo, undressed calf, uncut. " ' Bost.: Houghton, :\Iifflin Co., 1893. 1819. PROCTOR (ROBERT). Narrative of a Journey Across the Cordillera of the Andes, and of a Residence in Lima, and other Parts of Peru, 1823-24. 8vo. half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Lond. : 1825. 1820. PROUD (ROBERT). The History op Pennsyl- VAXiA, in North America, from the Original Institution and Settlement of tliat Province, under the First Proprietor, and Governor William Penn, in 1681, till after the Year 1742. With an Introduction respecting the Life of William Penn. . . . With an Appendix. Folding map and portrait of Penn, by Laivson. 2 vols., 8vo, mottled calf (titles slightly foxed, — signature of Gideon II. Wells, 1807, on title of vol. 2). Phila.: 1797-98. 1821. PROVISIONS (THE) made by the Treaties of T^trecht, for Separating Spain for ever from France, and for PREVENTING FRANCE FROM ENJOYING ANY SEPARATE EXCLUSIVE COMMERCE WITH THE SPANISH DOMINIONS IN AMERICA: and the Provisions made by several Treaties between Great Britain and Spain for the British Subjects enjoying a beneficial Trade with Spain, with certain Rights. Immunities, Liberties, etc. coUpcted and stated. Together with the late Treaty of Union between France and Spain. 4to, half calf, gilt top. Lond. : 1762. Rare. 260 1822. I'TOI.K.MY ((^). (Jcojrrapliia (M. Ptolcinaci Alex- aiulriui Olima a IlilihaUlo Pii-ckliciinlicrio traslata, at nunc ninltis tHxIicibiis ograiilHea^ enarrationis Libri octo. . . . Auctore eodem lo. Ant. Magino Patavino ^Vlathematicaruni in Almo Bononiensi Gymnasio publico professore. ^Vitk 64 maps showing both JIfmlspheres, Xortli and South America, Europr. Asui. Africa, and various portions of the American continent, North and South. Thick small 4to, sheep (binding rubbed and corners of second part somewhat stained). Venetiis: Apud Haeredes Simonis Galignani de Karera :\1DXCVL SoT'ND AND PERFECT COPY OF THIS RARE EniTioN. The Colla- tion, both as to text and maps, a.urees throughout with that given liy Sabin under Xo. G0402 : regarding which he saj"s — "A new edition, with new maps, and edited by Giovanni Antonio Magini, of Padua . . . The 64 maps prepared for this edition, and engraved by Girolamo Porro, are on a smaller scale, and somewhat better executed than those in the edition of 1562." Folios 279-201 (pp. 12) relate to America. 1824. PUMPELLY (RAPHAEL). Across America and Asia. Notes of a five years' Journey around the World and of Residence in Arizona. Japan and China. With maps and illustrations. 12mo. clotli. X. Y. : 1871. 1825. PURCIIAS (SA:\IUEL). Hakluytus Posthumus; or, Purchas His Pigrimes. Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells, by Englishmen and others. Numerous facsiniilcs of rare old charts, maps and prints. 20 vols.. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Glasgow: 1905-07. 1826. O'^^^ ^^^- '^•^- 1^"^^^^^^ (Augustin). Me- V^ moires Autographes de Don Augustin Itur- bide. Ex-Empereur du ]\Iexique. . . .avee une Preface et des Pieces Justificatives. Traduits de 1 'Anglais de M. J. Quin. Par J. T. Parisot. 8vo. half calf (few pages slightly spotted). "Paris: 1824. 1827. QUIXCY (JOSIAH). A Municipal History of the Town and City of Boston, during Two Centuries, 1630-1830. ^lapi and plate. 8vo, full light calf, gilt back, morocco labels, inside gilt dentelle borders. Bost. : 1852. 261 __ 1828. QUIXLAND; or Varieties in American Life. 2vols. £5 in one, ]2mo, cloth. Lond. : 1857. 1829. OAE (JOHN). Narrative of an Expedition to- ll the Shores of the Arctic S^a. in 1846-47. Maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond.: 1850. 1880. RAE (W. FRASER). Newfoundland to Manitoba. _ Through Canada's Maritime, Mining, and Prairie Provinces. Maps and illustrations. 12mo, cloth (binding stained). N. Y. : 1881. 1831. RAFINESQUE (C. 8^). Ancient History; or, An- nals of Kentucky; with a Su^ey of the Ancient Monuments " ~ of North America, and a Tajralar View of the Principal Langu- ages and Primitive Nation/ of the whole Earth. 8vo, half blue polished calf, leather IsLYiel, gilt top. Frankfort, in K«itucky : Printed for the Author, 1824. Fixe Copy of a bare pamphlet on the early history of Ken- tucky, 1832. RAFN (C. C). Narichten Betreffende de Ontdek- •If^ king van Amerika in de Tiende Euw. Naar het Deensche Carel C. Rafn. Door ]\Iontanus Hettema. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Leeuwarden: 1838. 1833. RAILROADS. Reports of Explorations and Sur- veys to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route - for a Railroad from the ^Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made under the Direction of the Secretary of War in 1853-4. Numerous fine plates of Mrds, plants, etc., many of them colored. 12 vols, in 13, 4to, half calf. Washington : 1855. Contains : Narrative of 1853 ; Botany, Geology, Birds, Indians, Zoology, Meteorology, Reptiles, Fishes, etc. 1834. RALEIGH (SIR WALTER). Drie Scheeps-Tog- ton Nat het Goud-rijke Koningrijk Guiana, In America gelee- ~~ gen. Door den Engelsschen Ridder Walter Raleigh, Gedaan in Jaren 1595, 1596, 1597. Eerst in het Engels bescreeven, door een der Reysigers. Map and 6 copper-plate engravings. Small 8vo, half brown polished calf. Leyden : P. Vander Aa, 1706. Rare. 1835. RALEIGH (SIR WALTER). An Historical Ac- ;:." count of the Voyages and Adventures of Sir Walter Raleigh. With the Discoveries and Conquests He made for the Crown of England. Also a Particular Account of his several Attempts for the Discovery of the Gold Mines in Guiana. . . .To which is added, an Account how that rich Country might now be with Ease, Posses 'd, Planted and Secur'd to the British Na- tion. .. .Humbly Proposed to the South-Sea Company. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top (small stain on margins of 3^ 262 RAI.KKJH (SIR WAI/nOR). leaves, — 3 small holes in title neatly repaired so as to be hardly noticeable). Lond.: 1719. Okigixal Edition. The author of this anonymous pamphlet rlainis to he a dtvsceudant of Sir Walter. 1836. RALPH (JULIAN). On Canada's Frontier. Sketches of History, Sport, Indians, Fur-Traders, etc. Many illustrations. 8vo, cloth. New York : 1892. 1837. RAMSAY (ALBERT C. —Iran slat or). The Other Side: or Notes for the History of the War between ^Mexico and the United States. AVritten in ^Mexico. Portraits and folding maps. 12rao, cloth. N. Y. : 1850. 1838. RAMSAY (DAVID). The History of South Caro- lina, from its First Settlement in 1670 to the Year 1808. Folding map and plan. 2 vols., 8vo, half bro^\Ti polished morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut (the titles have very slight offsets from the maps). Charleston: 1809. Fine Copy, with wide margins and rough uncut edges. Rabe IN UNCUT CONDITION. 1839. RAMSAY (J. G. M.). The xVnnals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Maps. 8vo, cloth. Charleston : 1853. Fine copy. Includes the Watauga Association, the "State of Franklin," etc. This work has latterly become quite scarce. 1840. RAMUSIO (0. B.). Delle Navigationi et Viaggi Raccolte de M. Gio. Battista Ramusio. [Vol. I, "Sixth Edi- tion" (a second issue of the Fifth Edition), 1613 ;— Vol. II, Second Edition (1573) — the original title-page having been replaced with one from the first edition of Vol. 3, dated 1556; — Vol. Ill, Second Edition, 1565.] 3 douhle-page cop- per-plate maps, 6 double-page woodcut maps, plan of the City of Mexico and a nmnher of ivoodcuts througJwut text. 3 vols., folio, half calf, gilt backs (vol. 2 stilted to match others — few margins slightly stained — map of New France missing and title-page in Vol. II altered at top with printed slip to read, ''Secondo Volume"). Venetia: Giunti, 1613—1573—1565. This Important Work contains many of the earliest voy- ages TO A>rERicA. including those of Columbus, Vespuccius, Vasco da Gama. Pizarro. Cortes and others. "Ramusio's collection of Voyages and Travels, the most per- fect work of that nature extant in any language whatsoever ; con- taining all the discoveries to the East. West. North and South ; with full descriptions of all the countries discovered ; judiciously compiled and free from that great mass of useless matter, which swells our English Hakluyt and Purchas ; much more complete and full than the Latin De Bry, and, in fine, the noblest work of this nature." — Locke. 1841. RA:\IUSI0 (G. B.). Navigationi et Viaggi, etc. [Volume III only] 6 folding maps and plans, plan of the City of Mexico and numerous ivoodcuts throughout the text. Folio, 263 ^ .: o RAMrsiO ((;. B.). vellum (title-page and margins of few leaves at beginning and end slightly wormed — one map missing). Venetia: Giunti, 1556. Fii:sT Edition. Very Rare. This third volume relates en- TiKKi.Y TO America and contains the first printed account of THE voyage of "Un GRAN Capitano di Mare Francese, sopra IE NAViGATioNi FATTE ALLA NuovA Francia," Supposedly that of Jean Parxientier, who sailed up along the American Coast soon after Verrazano and before Cartier and who refers to the voyage of his predecessor. The maps include those of New France, Brazil, etc. 1842. [RAND (S. T.).] A First Reading Book in the ]\licmac Language ; comprising the Miemac Numerals, and the Names of the Different Kinds of Beasts, Birds. Fishes, Trees, etc., of the ^laritime Provinces of Canada; also some of the Indian Names of Places. 16mo, half roan. Halifax: 1875. With presentation inscription by the author and thbee PAGES OF manuscript ADDITIONS (words and definitions), appar- ently in the handwriting of the author. This copy contains the rare "Index," which was not inserted in all copies. 1843. RASLES (FATHER SEBASTIAN). The Mission of Father Rasles, as depicted by himself. Translated by E. C. Cummings. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. N. p.: (ca., 1872). Father Raslos was a missionary in North America from 1689^ to 1724. 1844. RAVENEAU DE LUSSAN. Journal du Voyage fait a la Mer de Sud, avec les Flibustiers de TAmerique en 1684 (et) annees suivantes. 12mo, old calf (binding worn). Paris: Chez Jean Baptiste Coignard, 1689. Original Edition. A rare work, containing curious details concerning the countries described, with interesting notices of the Aborigines, etc. 1845. RAVENEAU DE LUSSAN. Journal du Voyage fait a la ISlvv de Sud, avec les Flibustiers de I'Amerique en 1684 & annops suivantes. Seconde Edition. 12rao, old calf (slightly rubbed). Paris: 1693. 1846. RAYNAL (G. T. F.). Revolution de L'Amerique. 12rao, half morocco, (rubbed). Lond. : 1781. The Barlow cf)py. 1847. RAYNAL (G. T. F.). A Philosophical and Poli- tical History of the Settlements and Trade of Europeans in the East and West Indies. 3 vols., 12mo, sheep (weak at hinges, lacks portrait). Edinburgh: 1782. 1848. REBOK (HORACE :\I.). The Last of the Mus-qua- kif'S and the Indian Congress. 1898. Many illustrations. 8vo, wrappers. Dayton, 0. : 1900. 264 1S49. IIKCEXT INQUIRIES IN THEOLOGY. By Emin- ent English Cliurt'hnien. 12mo, cloth. Bost. : 1860. 1850. RECONNOISSAXCES IX NEW :\rEXICO AXD TEXAS. By J. E. Johnston, W. F. Smith, V. T. Bryan, X. H. Miehler and Capt. S. G. Freneli : — also, the Report of Capt. R. B. ]\Iarcy 's Route from Fort Smith to Santa Fe, etc. Fold- ing maps and lith. plates, some colored. 8vo, cloth. Washington: 1850. 1851. REIXIXG (JAX E.). Zeer Aanmerkelijke Reysen Gedaan door Jan Erasmus Rening, ]\Ieest in de West-Indien en ook in veel andere deelen des Werelds. 6 coppcr-phite en- gravings. Small 4to, boards, cloth back (lacks engraved title and pp. 129-130). Amsterdam: 1691. I'mjk^s 25-26 are repeated, owing to the fact that the original h>af (i)p. 23-24) was cancelled and rewritten, the additional mat- ter added necessitating: an extra leaf after the forms were made up. 1852. REMIXGTOX (FREDERIC). Pony Tracks. Written and Illustrated by Frederic Remington. Numerous illusts. of Indian and Cow-Boy Life in the Far ^yest, Hunt- ing IScencs, etc. 8vo, decorated cloth in gilt and colors. X'^ew York : Harper, 1895. FiusT Edition of the Author's first book. "A clear and true delineation of that swiftly disappearing phase of American Life." 1858. RE.MIXGTOX (FREDERICK). Done in the Open. Drawings by Frederick Remington. Introduction and Verses. by Owen Wister and others. Illustrations. Folio, boards (cor- ners slightly rubbed) . X. Y. : 1903. 1854. RE:\IIXGT0N (FREDERICK). The Way of An Indian. Illustraiions hy the Author. Svo, cloth, uncut. X. Y. : 1906. 1855. REMY (JULES). Voyage au Pays des Mormons: Relation — Geographic — Histoire Xaturelle — Ilistoire — Theo- logie — ]\Iceurs et Coutumes. Steel portrait, map and engrav- ings. 2 vols., royal 8vo. half brown polished morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris: 1860. A sciU((> French work on the ^lormons of the West. 1856. REMY (JULES). A Journey to Great-Salt-Lake City. By Jules Remy and Julius Brenclilej'. 10 steel engrav- ings and a map. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth (backs somewhat rubbed) uncut and unopened. Lond. : 1861. 1857. REYXOLDS (JOHX). The Pioneer History of Illinois, containing the Discovery, in 1673, and the History of the Country. 12mo. original cloth (title slightly foxed, — lacks pp. 269-272. has duplicates of pp. 265-66 and 275-6). Belleville, 111. : 1852. The Rare Original Edition. 265 1858. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Col- lections of . (Vols. 1 to 6). 6 vols., 8vo, half green polished calf, gilt backs (top margin of first title-page neatly repaired). Providence: 1827-67. Fine set. Comprises many important historical papers, in- cluding a Key to the Indian Language, by Roger Williams ; His- tory of Narragansett, by Potter ; Annals of Providence, by Staples ; Thayer's Journal, by Stone, etc. 1859. RICHARDSON (ALBERT D.). Beyond the Missis- sippi : From the Great River to the Great Ocean. Illustrated. 8vo, sheep (hinges a little worn). Hartford: 1867. 1860. RICHARDSON (JAMES ) . Wonders of the Yellow- stone Region in the Rocky Mountains. 21 wood engravings and 2 maps. 12mo, cloth. Lond. : 1874. 1861. RICHARDSON (JAMES) . Wonders of the Yellow- stone. New edition, with new map and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.: 1895. 1862. RICHARDSON (JOHN). An Account of the Life of that Ancient Servant of Jesus Christ, John Richardson, Giv- ing a Relation of many of his Trials and Exercises in his Youth, and his Services in the Work of the Ministry, in Eng- land, Ireland, America, etc. 8vo, old calf. Lond. : Luke Hinde, 1757. Original Edition, including the two leaves of advertisements. Contains Accounts of the author's first and second visits to America. 1863. RICHARDSON (SIR JOHN). Arctic Searching Expedition. A Journal of a Boat-Voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea in search of the Discovery Ships under Command of Sir John Franklin. Map and lith. plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Longmans, 1851. 1864. RICHARDSON (MAJOR JOHN). War of 1812. First Series : containing a Full and Detailed Narrative of the Operations of the Right Division, of the Canadian Army. 8vo, half roan. [Brockville], 1842. Very scarce. Perfect copy, with the leaf of advertisement. Rolatos to the Campaign in the West, Capture of Detroit, etc. 1865. RICHARDSON (MAJOR JOHN). Wacousta; or, The Prophecy. An Indian Tale. 8vo, half sheep. N. Y.: (1851). A story founded upon incidents connected with the attempt on Fort Detroit by the Indians under Pontiac in 1763. 1866. [RICHARDSON (MAJOR JOHN)]. Richardson's War of 1812. With notes and a life of the author, by Alex- ander Clark Casselman. Portraits, maps and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Toronto: 1902. Limited edition. Indians in the British Army, Hull's Inva- sion, Brock's Capture of Detroit, Battle of the Miami, etc. 266 1807. RICHARDSON (W. II.). Journal of William H. r Richardson, a Private Soldier in the Campaign of New and Old Mexico, under the Command of Colonel Doniphan, of Mis- souri. Third Edition. 3 plates. 12rao, half crimson polished calf, gilt back and top, original wrapper bound in. N. Y. : 1848, 1868. RIEDESEL (FREDERIGA C). Die Berufs-Reise nach America. Briefe der Generalin von Riedesel auf dieser "" Reise und wiihrend ihres sechsjahrigeu Aufenthalts in Am- erica zur Zeit des dortigen Krieges in den Jahren 1776 bis 1783, nach Deutschland geschrieben. Dritte Auflage. En- graved title with vignette. 16mo, full blue polished calf, red leather label, gilt back, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by PRATT. Berlin: Haude und Spencer, 1801. Ft>;e Copy of the Rare German Edition. With the addition of a preface by the editor, Carl Spencer, and a short appendix not inchidod in the privately printed issue of the previous year. T1h>so interesting letters were written during the American Revolution, while Madame Riedesel and her husband were with Burgoyne's army. 1869. RIPLEY (R. S.). The War with Mexico. 2 vols., 8vo. cloth (has lib. stamp on verso of titles). New York: 1849. The Best History of the Mexican War. Inscribed on in- side of front cover — -''Executive Mansion. Nov. 6, 1850." Very Scarce. 1870. RITCHIE (JAMEiS S.). W^isconsin and its Re- !_J sources: with Lake (Superior, its Commerce and Navigation, including a trip up the Mississippi, etc. Illustrations and maps. 12mo, cloth. Phila. : 1858. 1871. RITCHIE (LEITCH). A Journey to St. Peters- burg and ]\Ioscow through Courland and Livonia. 25 en- '-' graved views. 8vo, stamped red leather (slightly rubbed). London : 1836. Heath's Picturesque Annual for 1836. 1872. RIVES (WILLIAM C). History of the Life and ^£ Times of James Madison. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, un- opened. Boston: 1873. 1873. ROBERTS (EDWARD). Shoshone and Other 2, Western Wonders. Preface by Charles Francis Adams. Illus- — trations. 12mo, wrappers. N. Y. : 1888. o 1874. ROBERTS (ORLANDO W.). Narrative of Voy- ages and Excursions on the East Coast and in the Interior of .ir Central America. Map. 18mo, calf, gilt (rubbed). Edinburgh: 1827. ■'Z 1875. ROBERTS (WILLIAM). An Account of the ^ " First Discovery^ and Natural History of Florida. With a 267 R0BP:RTS (WILLIAM). Particular Detail of the several Expeditions and Descents made on the Coast. Collected from the best Authorities by William Roberts .... With a geographical Description of that Coun- try, By T. Jefferys. Large folding map, 5 plans and a fold- ing view of Pensacola. 4to, original calf, leather label. Lond. : Printed for T. Jefferys, 1763. Fixe copy of the original Edition, in the original binding. Veky Rare. [See Illustrations]. 1876. ROBERTSON (J. P. AND W. P.) . Letters on Para- _ guay: comprising An Account of a four Years' Residence in that Republic, under the government of the Dictator Francia. Frontispieces and folding map. 2 vols., small 8vo, calf (bind- ings slightly rubbed), i Lond. : 1838, . 1877. ROBIN (C. C). No\ivea/voyage dans 1 'Amerique — _y Septentrionale en I'Annee, 1781 ;>^ Campagne de I'Armee de ]M. le Comte de Rochambeau. 8vo, half sheep. PhiladehQiie : et se trouve a Paris, 1782. Original Edition. R^re.V A series of letters exhibiting the history of the victorious'campaign of the allied armies of Wash- ington and Rochambean in 17S1, with other interesting particu- lars relating to the w/r, including a narration of the Capture of Gen. Burgoyne. 1878. ROBIN (C. (2.). Voyages dans I'lnterieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride Occidental e. et dans les Isles de la Martinique et de Saint-Domingue, 1802-1806. Large folding map. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf (bindings rubbed and not uni- form). Paris: 1807. 1879. [ROBINSON (A.)]. Life in California: During a -"' '^_ residence of several Years in that Territory. 16mo, original cloth. Lond.: 1851. Comprises a description of the Country and the Missionary Es- tablishments. Very Scarce. 1880. ROBINSON (CONWAY). An Account of Discover- — ins in the West until 1519, and of Voyages to and along the " Atlantic Coast of North America, from 1520 to 1573. 8vo, cloth. Richmond: 1848. Scarce. 1881. ROBINSON (H. M.). The Great Fur Land; or. Sketches of Life in the Hudson Bay Territory. ^lany illus- trations from designs hy Charles Gasche. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London : 1879. 1882. ROBINSON (J. H.). Journal of an Expedition 1400 Miles Up the Orinoco and 300 Up the Arauca : with an Account of the Country, the ^Manners of the People, and Mili- tary Operations. 7 engraved views, including a fine colored plate of a native soldier. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Lond.: 1822. Fine copy of the Original Edition. 2B8 1888. ROIUNSOX (SARA T. L.). Kansas: its Interior and Exterior Life. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Best: 1856. 1884. KOBTXSON (WILLIAM DAVIS). Memoirs of the i\Iexican Kcvolution: Including a Narrative of the Expedition of ( Jeneral Xavier Mina. With some Observations on the prac- ticability of opening a Commerce between the Pacific and At- lantic Oceans, through tlie Mexican isthmus in the Province of Oaxaca. and at the Lake of Nicaragua, etc. 8vo. original boai'ds, uncut and unopened, ])ap('r label. Phila. : Printed for tlie Author, 1820. 1885. ROBSOX (JOSEPH). An Account of Six Years Residence in Hudson 's-Bay, from 1733 to 1736 and 17-44 to 1747. Containing a variety of Facts, Observations and Dis- coveries. .. .With an Appendix, containing A Short History of the Discovery of Hudson's Bay, etc. 2 folding charts and 1 plaii. 8vo, calf, gilt back. Lond. : 1752. Fixe copy. The author was a Surveyor and Supervisor for the IIudsou's-Bay Company. The appendix contains, besides a history of the discovery of Hudson's Bay, an account of the oper- ations of the English there since the grant of the company's char- ter. Rabe. 1886. [ROCIIEFORT (CESAR de.] Ilistoire Xatur- elle et ^Morale des lies Antilles de I'Amerique. Avec un Voca- bulaire Caraibe. Engraved title and numerous fine engravings throughout text. Small 4to, old calf (lacks portrait of De Lorme, — fe^^' margins slightly Avormed at edges and one leaf torn into). Roterdam: Chez Arnould Leers. 1758. The First and scarcest edition. With 8 preliminary leaves and the dedication signed "L. D. P." The impressions of the plates are superior to those in later issues. 1887. ROCHEMOXTEIX (CAMILLE de). Les Jesuites et la X'ouvelle-France au XVII Siecle, d'apres Beaucoup de Documents inedits. Illustrated with portraits and maps. 3 vols.. 8vo, half morocco, with the original paper wrappers bound in. Paris : 1895. Fine set. 1888. ROGERS (MAJOR ROBERT). Journals of Major Robert Rogers : containing An Account of the several Excur- sions he made under the Generals who commanded upon the Continent of Xortli America, during the late War. From which may be collected The most material Circumstances of every Campaign upon that Continent, from the Commencement to tlie Conclusion of the War. 8vo, contemporary calf, leather label. Lond. : Printed for the Author, 1765. The Rare First Edition. With the leaf of ''Advertisements," and the leaf of ''Books printed iy J. Miller." Major Rogers was a native of New Hampshire, and during the French and Indian War, became one of the most noted Parti- 269 ROGERS (MAJOR ROBERT). san Chiefs of that period. In his Journals, which commence in 1755 and terminate in 1760, he gives many interesting details OF Border Warfare and Adventure, including an account of services in the Campaign abound Lake George and Ticon- deroga. 1889. ROGERS (MAJOR ROBERT). A Concise Account of North America : containing a Description of the several British Colonies on that Continent, including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Briton, etc .... also of the Interior, or Western Parts of the Country, upon the Rivers St. Laurence, the Mississipi, Christino, and the Great Lakes. To which is subjoined, an account of the several nations and tribes of INDIANS residing in those Parts. 8vo. calf, gilt back, leather labels. Lond. : Printed for the Author, 1765. Rare First Edition of this Noted Ranger's Account of North America, giving not only a description of the British Colonies, but an account of the Customs, Manners and Government of the Indians, including the "White Indians" of the Mississippi, the result of his own personal observations and experiences. An exceptionally Choice Copy, in the original binding. One of the most satisfactory accounts of the Interior of North Amer- ica at this period, and a companion volume to the author's cele- brated Journal. 1890. ROGERS (MAJOR ROBERT). Reminiscences of the French "War; containing Rogers' Expeditions with the New England Rangers under his Command, as published in London in 1765 ; with Notes and Illustrations. To which is added an account of the Life and Military Services of Maj.- Gen. John Stark. With lith. portrait of Stark by Pendleton. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Concord : 1831. An unusually crisp copy of this very scarce book. 1891. ROGERS (CAPTAIN WOODES). Voyage fait Autour du blonde, par le Capitaine Woodes Rogers. Traduit de 1 ' Anglois .... Avec la Relation de la grande Riviere des Amazones et de la Guyane dans le nouveau Monde, traduit de I'Espagnol. par feu ^lonsieur de Gomberville. Engraved title^ 6 maps and 15 copper-plate engravings. 3 vols., 16mo, old calf. Amsterdam: Chez THonore et Chatelain, 1723. Sabin quotes the title given by G. R. Howell, in which the platfs vary from the above. In addition to Capt. Rogers* Voy- age, this edition contains, also, "Description dos cotes, rades, havrcs. etc.. depuis Acapulco jusque a I'isle de Chilo4" (from a Spanish MS. found on board the vessel) and "Relation de la riviere des Amazones trad, par Gomberville." The famous Selkirk was rescued by Capt. Rogers on this voy- age and Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe" was founded on this narra- tive. This French edition is desirable for the matter contained, which does not appear in the English issue. Important for an early account of the coast of Cali- fornia and the aborigines of the section. 270 1892. ROOERS (CAPTAIN WOODES). Voyage fait Autour dii Monde, par le Capitaine Woodes Rogers. Traduit de I'Anglois. Copper-plate maps and engravings. 3 vols., ISmo, half calf. Amsterdam: chez I'Honore et Chatelain, 1725. Very Rare Issue. Sabin montions an edition of this year witli only 2 vols., the title for which he has taken from a book- seller's catalogue. The above copy has a third volume, containing "Relation de la Rivun-e des Amazones," and "Journal du Voyage que les Peres Jean Grill(>t et Francois Bechamel, de la Compagnie de Jesus, ont fait dans la Goyaue en 1674."' 1898. ROGERS (CAPTAIN WOODES). Life Aboard A British Privateer in the Time of Queen Anne. Being the Journal of Captain Woodes Rogers. With Notes, by R. C. Leslie. Many full-page illustrations with woodcuts in text. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London : 1889. I'rinted on hand-made paper at the Chiswick Press. 1894. ROJAS (F. MICHELENA Y). Exploracion Ofieial por la primera vez Desde el Norte de la America del Sud .... 1855-59. Maps. Royal 8vo, boards, morocco backs. Bruselas: 1867. Published under the auspices of the Governor of Venezuela. 1895. RONAN (PETER). Historical Sketch of the Flat- head Indian Nation from the Year 1813 to 1890. Embracing the history of the establishment of St. ]\Iary's Indian ^Mission in the Bitter Root Valley. ^Mont., Wars of the Blackfeet and Flatheads, etc. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Helena, :\Iont. : 1890. 1896. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. Sketches of Sport on the Northern Cattle Plains. Numerous illustrations hij A. B. Frost, Gifford, Beard, and others. Roval 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y.: 1886. Fine copy. 1897. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). Ranch Life and The Hunting Trail. Many very fine illustrations hy Frederick Remington. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. N. Y. : (1888). 1898. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). The Winning of the West. Profusely illustrated ivith portraits, views, etc. from old prints, original drawings, etc. 4 vols.. 8vo, three- quarter bro"^^^l morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. : 1902. Choice copy of the Alleghany Edition. 1899. ROPER (EDWARD). By Track and Trail. A Journey Through Canada. Numerous original sketches hy the author. 8vo. cloth. London: 1891. 271 1900. ROQUEFEUIL (CAMILLE de). Journal d'un Voyage Antoiir dii IMonde, pendaut les Annees 1816-1819. 2 large folding maps. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, gilt back. Paris: 1823. 1901. ROSS (ALEXANDER). Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or GTolumbia River : being a narrative of the expedition fitted out by John Jacob Astor, to estab- lish the "Pacific Fur Company". "With An Account of the Indian Tribes on the^oast of the Pacific. Folding map. 12mo, cloth, uncut, y London: 1849. "For fifteen j-ears, the author traversed the wastes of the Rocky Mountains and thus became as familiar with every trait of Indian character and phase of savage life as a white man may ever ex- pect to be." — Field. 1902. ROSS (ALEXANI^ER). The Fur Hunters of the Far West. With folding mapL, portrait and frontispiece. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. ~ Lond. : 1855. A narrative of adventures in the Oregon and Rocky Mountains. 1903. ROSS (ALEXANDER). The Red River Settle- ment: Its Rise, Progress and Present State. With Some Account of the Native Races, etc. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. London: 1856. 1904. ROSS (JOHN). A Voyage of Discovery, made under the Orders of the Admiralty in His ^Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the Purpose of Exploring Baffin 's Bay, and In(|uiring into the Probabiltj' of a North-West Pas- sage; (also) Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-West Passage, 1829-33. With appendix to the "Second Voyage," including the Reports of Captain James C. Ross, and the Discovery of the Northern ]\Iagnetic Pole. 82 maps, charts and engraved views, including colored plates op ARCTIC VIEWS, COLORED BIRD PLATE AND COLORED PLATE OF BUTTERFLIES. 3 vols. in 2. 4to, half blue morocco, gilt backs, (name on one title). Lond,: 1818-35. CONtPLETE SET OF THE ORIGINAL EDITIONS. 1005. ROSS (JOHN). A Voyage of Discovery, made Under the Orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, for the Purpose of Exploring Baffin's Bay. and Enquiring into the Probability of a North-West Passage. Second Edition. Folding map and plates. 2 vols., 8vo. half calf, gilt backs (few pages spotted). Lond.: 1819. Includes a large appendix, consisting of scientific observations and reports. 1906. ROSSI (L'ABBE L.). Six Ans en Amerique, Cali- foriiie et Oregon. Second Edition. 2 maps. 8vo, half green polished calf, gilt back. Paris: 1863. Scarce. 272 AN ACCOUNT OF THE FIRST DISCOVERY, AND NATURAL HISTORY O F FLORIDA. W I T H A Particular Detail of the feveral Expeditions and Descents made on that Coafl. Colleded from the beft Authorities By WILLIAM ROBERTS. Illaftrated by a general Map, and feme particular Plans, together with a geographical Defcription of that Country, By T. JEFFERYS, Geographer to His Majestv. LONDON: Printed for T. J e f f e r y s, at Charing-Crofs. M DCC LXin. (See No. I87r.) 1907. ROUTH (MARTHA). Memoir of the Life, Travels and Religious Experience of Martha Routh. Written by her- self (in the 71st year of her age). 12nio, boards, uncut (weak at hinges). York: 1822. The author, a Quakeress, gives an account of her travels in America during the years 1794-1796. 1908. ROUTHIER (A. B.). En Canot. Petit Voyage au Lac St.-Jean. first edition. 16mo, cloth. Quebec: 1881. 1909. ROWAN (JOHN J.). The Emigrant and Sports- man in Canada. With Sketches, Sporting Adventures, etc. ' Map. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: 1876. 1910. ROUX DE ROCHELLB (M.). fitats-Unis d'Am- j erique. Folding map and 96 views, plans and portraits of ■ Washington, Adams, Franklin and Jefferson. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt back. Paris: 1837. The author was French Minister to the United States. The phites comprise views of natural scenery, public buildings, por- traits and incidents in American history. 1911. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. First Ser- ' ies. Vols., 1 to 12 (1882-94) :— Second Series. Vols. 1 to 7 (1895-1901). Maps and illustrations. 19 Vols., 4to, and Roy. 8vo, cloth (9 vols, in half red morocco). Montreal : 1882-1901. Valuable set, containing many important Historical and Scientific papers, including Notices of Early Canada, the Jesuits, Indian Races, including the Huron-Iroquois of Canada ; Early Voyages, British Colonies, etc. ; Geology of Lake Superior, the Rocky Mountains, etc., Fauna, Fossil Plants and Animals of Canada, etc., etc. o 1912. RUSH (RICHARD). Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London, comprising Incidents Official and Per- sonal, from 1819-25 including negotiations on the Oregon, Question, first edition. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Phila. : 1845. 1913. RUSLIXG ( JAi\IES F.) . The Great West and Paci- fic Coast : or, 15,000 miles by Stage-Coach, Ambulance, Horse- back, Railroad and the Steamer, With a map of the entire route and 8 full-page engravings. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.: (1877). 1914. RUSSELL (ALEX. J.). The Red River Country, Hudson's Bay (and) North- West Territories, considered in Relation to Canada. Folding views. 8vo. half leather. Montreal: 1870. 1915. RUSSELL (FRANK). Explorations in The Far North. Portrait, map and many illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, uncut and unopened. (Cambridge: 1898), Saskatchewan Natives. Mackenzie Territory, Myths, Ethnol- ogy, Natural History, etc. 273 C o. 1916. RUSSELL (WILLIAM). The History of America, .... TO THE CONCLUSION OF THE LATE WAR. With an Appen- dix [ 220 pages] containing an account of the rise and pro- gress OF the present unhappy contest between great BRIT- AIN AND HER colonies. 51 excellent copper-plates — Maps, portraits of Indians, views of ancient 'buildings, heads of eminent leaders, views of new york, Quebec, etc. 2 vols., 4to, original calf (joints slightlv cracked). London : 1778. Includes A History of the Revolutionabt War brought down to February, 1778 (the treaty of the Colonies with Louis XVI). Perfect copy with all the plates, including portraits of Washington, Franklin, Clinton and others. Perfect copies are very rare, the plate, "Souih-West View of Fort George with the City of New York," being nearly always missing. 1917. RUSSELL (WILLIAM HOWARD). My Diary North and South, first edition. Large folding map (re- paired). 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: 1863. Contains much matter relating to conditions immediately pre- ceding the Civil War, Slavery, etc, 1918. RUTTENBER (E. M.). Obstructions to the Navi- gation of Hudson's River; Embracing the Minutes of the Secret Committee Appointed, 1776. Together with Papers Relating to the Beacons. Folding map. Small 4to, green cloth, gilt top, uncut. Albany: Munsell, 1860. 1919. RUTTENBER (E. M.). History of the Indian Tribes of Hudson's River: Their Origin, Manners and Cus- toms; Tribal and Sub-Tribal Organizations; Wars; Treaties, etc. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Albany, N. Y. : 1872. 1920. RUXTOX (GEORGE F.). Adventures in Mexico * and the Rocky IMountains. 12mo, half crimson calf, gilt top. London: 1849. A spirited and well-written narrative, now quite scarce in the original London issue, as above. As a work of literary merit, it is considerably above the avor- a?e of its class. 1921. RUXTON (GEORGE F.). Life in the Far West. '- ~ 12mo, half roan (some pp. foxed) uncut. X. Y. : 1849. 1922. RUXTON (GEORGE F.). Adventures in Mexico - "~ and The Rocky ^Mountains. 12mo, half blue calf. London : John Murray, 1861. 1923. RYAN (WILLIAM R.). Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower California. Illustrated with 23 plates. 2 vols., 12mo, half blue calf, gilt tops, uncut, by Morrell. London: 1852. Choice copy. 274 -, "oo ^o 1924. RYERSON (REV. JOHN). Hudson 's-Bay ; or, a if Missionary Tour in the Territory of the Hon. Hudson's Bay Company. With brief introductory Missionary Memorials. Portrait and views. 18mo, cloth. Toronto: 1855. The author, a Co-Delegate to the Wesleyau Missions, iu Hud- son's Bay, gives an interesting account of the Red River Settle- ment. 1925. QT. CLAIR (ARTHUR). A Narrative of the ^5 Planner in which the Campaign against the Indians in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and ).~ Ninety-One, was Conducted, under the Command of Major General St. Clair, together with his Observations on the Statements of the Secretary of the War and the Quarter Master General, relative thereto, and the Reports of the Committees appointed to Inquire into the Causes and Fail- ure thereof. Svo, original boards, uncut (label off). Phila.: 1812. A narrative of the crushing defeat and slaughter of 800 Ameri- can troops under General St. Clair by the Indians of Ohio. FI^"E COPY IN THB ORIGINAL BOARDS, UNCUT. VERY SCARCE THUS. 1926. SABIX (JOSEPH). List of the Printed Editions of the Works of Fray Bartoleme de las Casas, Bishop of Chia- pas, extracted from a Dictionary of Books relating to Am- erica. Svo, wa'appers. N. Y. : 1870. 1927. SABINE (LIEUT. COL. EDWARD.— £;^?7o7)'. ' Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea, 1820-1823. Com- manded by Admiral Ferdinand Von Wrangell. Mezzotint portrait and pocket map. Thick 16mo. cloth, uncut. London: 1844. ^ 1928. SABINE (LORENZO). The American Loyalists: -^ or. Biographical Sketches of Adherents to the British Crown in the War of the Revolution.-^ Alphabetically arranged, w^ith a preliminary Historical Essay. Svo, cloth, uncut and un- opened. Bost. : 1847. Very fine copy. From the Library of Daniel Webster, with HIS bookplate. r^ 1929. S AFFORD (WILLIAM H.). The Life of Harman ^-- Blennerhassett. Comprising an authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition. Frontispiece. 12mo. cloth. Chillicothe, 0.: 1850. The Rare Original Edition, printed at Chillicothe, with the frontispiece which was omitted in later issues. 1930. SAGARD (GABRIEL). Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, Situe en I'Amerique vers la ]\[er douce, es derniers confins de la Nouvelle France dite Canada, avec un Dictionnaire de la Langue Huronne. Nouvelle Edition. Publiee par ^l. fimile Chevalier. 2 vols., small Svo. half blue polished morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: Librairie Tross. 1865. Holland Paper Copy. 275 1931. SAGARD (GABRIEL). Histoire du Canada et ^ vo Voj'ages que les Freres Mineurs Recollects y ont Faits pour ^ la Conversion des Infideles. Depuis I'an 1615. nouvelle EDITION, publiee par M. Edwin Tross. 4 vols., small 8vo, half blue polished morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris: 1866. Holland Paper Copy. 1932. SAGE (RUFUS B.). Rocky Mountain Life: or, u^ - Startling Scenes and Perilous Adventures in the Far West, during an Expedition of Three Years. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Bost.: 1857. 1933. S AGRA (RAMON DE LA). Cinq Mois aux fitats- -,q Unis de I'Amerique de Nord. Journal de Voyage. Traduit — de I'Espagnol par M. Rene Baissas. Lithographic plates. 8vo, wrappers, uncut (stamp on title). Paris: 1837. 1934. SAHAGUN (BERNARDINO DE). Histoire Gen- _7^ erale des choses de la Nouvelle Espa^ne. Traduite et annotee ^ ~ par D. Jourdanet. Double-page mc^. Royal 8vo, cloth. Paris: 1880. 1935. SAINT-AMANT (M. DE). Voyages en Californie et dans I'Oregon. Par M. de Saint- Amant, Envoye du c " Gouvernement Frangais en 1851-52. Map and woodcuts. Royal 8vo, half dark polished morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris: 1854, A large portion of this work is devoted to the ludian tribes of the west. 1936. [SANDERS (DANIEL CLARK).] A History of The Indian Wars with the First Settlers of the United States ^^ to the Commencement of the Late War; together with an "-f ■" APPENDIX (with a separate title-page), not before added to this History, containing intere.sting accounts of the battle FOUGHT BY GEN. ANDREW JACKSON. 2 WOOdcuts. 12mO, BO-tVRDS, UNCUT (binding chipped, and text somewhat spotted owing to the softness of the paper used). Rochester, N. Y. : 1828. The Extremely Rare Second and Best Edition, which is much more difficult to obtain than the orisinal. The Appendix has a separate title page and is an important addition to the work. 1937. SANGSTER (CHARLES). The St. Lawrence and — the Saguenav, and other Poems, first edition. 12mo, cloth, Kingston, C. W. and N. Y. : 1856. 1938. SANGUINETI (A.). Vita di Cristoforo Colombo, del Professore Angelo Sanguineti. Portrait. Small 8vo, tree ~ calf, (stamp on verso of title). Genova: 1846. 1939. SANSOM (JOSEPH). Travels in I^wer Canada, '_! with the Author's Recollections of the Soil, and Aspect; the '■ ^Morals, Habits, and Religious Institutions of that Country. 276 SANSOM (JOSEPH). Frontispiece inserted. 8vo, half calf. Loud.: 1820. Comprises also: History of Canada; League of the Iroquois; Tour in Virginia, Tennessee, etc., by Ilev. Elias Cornelius. Scarce. 1940. SARGENT'S SILVA OF NORTH A.AIERICA. Sargent (Charles Sprague). The Silva of North America: a Description of the Trees which grow Naturally in North t^- America, exclusive of Mexico. With over 700 plates, dis- playing several thousand specimens — the figures and anal- yses drawn from nature by Charles Edward Faxon and en- graved by Philbert and Eugene Picart. 14 vols., folio, boards and labels, uncut. Boston and New York: The Riverside Press, 1891-1902. Fine set of this ^Iagxificent Wobk, complete with the two Supplementary volumes and tlie Index. The greatest contri- bution IX) THE science OF AMERICAN SiLVA OF OUR TIME. 1941. SARGENT (WINTHROP). The History of An Ex- ^ pedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755 ; under Major-Gen- eral Edward Braddock. Engraved frontispiece, maps and plaits. 8vo, cloth. Phila. : 1855. 1942. SARYTSCHEW (GAWRILA). Account of a Voy- ^5 age of Discovery to the North-East of Siberia, the Frozen > ^ Ocean, and the North-East Sea. Illustrated with colored and folding plates. 2 vols, in one, 8vo, half calf. Lond. : 1806. 1943. [SAUNDERS (RICHARD).] A Discourse of An- gels : their Nature and Office, or ^Ministry .... also something ..~ touching Devils and Apparitions, and Impulses (Preface by Geo. Hamond.) Small 4to, old calf (binding worn). Lond.: 1701. 1944. SCELTA DI LETTERE EDIFICANTI SCRITTB DALLE MISSIONI STRANIERE preceduta da Quadri Geo- P.~ grafici, Storici, Politic!, Religiosi e Letterari dei Paesi di Mis- sione Accresciuta di un Ragguaglio Storico sulle ]\Iissioni Straniere di Nuove Lettere Edificanti ed Altri scelti Pezzi. Traduzione dall' originale Francese. Numerous fine colored engravings. 18 vols., 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Milano: 1825-29. Fixe set of the Italian translation. Comprises Letters OF Catholic Missionaries throughout the world, with de- scriptions of the various countries and peoples. Vols. 11 to 14 relate mostly to North America, and include the Letters of Jesuit Missionaries to Canada, Louisiana, California, etc., giving accounts of their various missions, the state of the coun- try, the Indians, etc. ^5 1945. SCHARF (J. THOMAS). History of the Confed- '— erate States Navy, from its Organization to the Surrender of its Last Vessel. Profusely illustrated. Thick 8vo, cloth, paper label. Albany: 1894. Fine copy. 277 .j?o 1946. SCHMIDT (EMIL). Die Altesten Spuren des Men- schen in Nordamerika. Illustrations. 8vo, paper. Hamburg: 1887. 1947. SCHOMBURGK (ROBERT H.). A Description of British Guiana, Geographical and Statistical. Folding map. 8vo, cloth, uncut (autograph signature of Mortimer Harris). Lond.: 1840. 1948. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). A View of the Lead Mines of j\Iissouri; including some Observations on the 1^ Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, Antiquities, Soil, Climate, ' " Population and Productions of Missouri and Arkansaw, and other sections of the "Western Country. 3 engraved plates. 8yo, original boards and label, uncut and unopened (few- margins slightly spotted). N. Y. : 1819. Rake. 1949. SCHOOLCRAFT ^ENR^ R.). Narrative Jour- nal of Travels through the Y'Ortnwestern Regions of the 'o United States, extending from Betroit through the Great O ~" Chain of American Lakes, to tY^ Sources of the Mississippi River, performed. . . .in 1820. /Folding map, engraved title and 7 iine copper-plate engraviAgs. 8vo, full-polished mottled calf, gilt back, red and greei^leather labels, gilt border lines on sides, gilt top, uncut, by Sangorski (slight tear in margin very skillfully repaired sc/ as to be hardly detected ; the author's last name, which ^as been cut from dedication leaf, has been neatly repaired by the insertion of a newly printed slip). Albany: 1821. Fixe, tali, copy, uncut. One of the plates shows the famou* mass of native copper on the Ontonagon River, that led to the mining operations of Alexander Henry in 1771, the commence- ment of Copper mining on Lake Superior. Rare. 1950. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). Travels in the Central Portions of the Mississippi Valley. Performed under the Sanction of the Government, in 1821. 2 maps and 3 plates. 8vo, sheep. N. Y. : 1825. The greater portion of this work is devoted to Indian history, over 160 pages treating of their ceremonies, treaties, etc., etc. 1951. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual Source of this River. Embracing an exploratory trip through the St. Croix and Burnt wood (or Broule) Rivers, in 1832. Maps. 8vo, new cloth, paper label, uncut. N. Y. : 1834. (Jood sound copy of this scarce book, 1952. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). Algic Researches ; comprising Inquiries Respecting the Mental Characteristics of the North American Indians. 2 vols., 12mo, half bro^vn morocco. N. Y. : 1839. First Edition of these T iNresting Indian tales and legends. Issuod later under the title of "The Myth of Hiawatha." 278 c . 1953. SCHOOLCRAFT (ITEXRY R.). Onoota, or Char- acteristics of the Red Race of America. From Orig:inal Notes and Manuscripts, first edition. 8vo. half roan. N. Y.: 1845. 1954. SCHOOLCRAFT (HFA'RY R.). Notes on the Iro- quois : or, Contributions to the Statistics, Aboriginal History, Antiquities and General Ethnology of Western New York. Illustrations. Svo, half sheep (back rubbed). N. Y. : 1846. First Edition. 1955. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). Notes on the Iro- quois ; or, Contributions to American History, Antiquities and General Ethnology. 2 colored portraits and woodcuts in text. Svo, cloth. Albany : 1847. Fine copy of the Second Edition. 1956. [SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.).] A Bibliographi- cal Catalogue of the Books, Translations of the Scriptures, and other Publications in the Indian Tongues of the United States. Svo, half roan. Washington: 1849. With a few manuscript bibliographical notes laid in, and pencil notes on margins. 1957. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers; with brief notices of Passing Events, Facts and Opinions, 1812-42. Portrait. Svo. half claret pol- ished morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Phila. : 1851. Immaculate copy of a rare item. 1958. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). The American Indians, their History. Condition and Prospects, from orig- inal Notes and Manuscripts. Together with an Appendix, con- taining Thrilling Narratives and Daring Exploits, etc. new EDITION, REVISED. Portraits. Svo, cloth. Buffalo : 1851. . 1959. [SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.).] Western Scenes and Reminiscences: together with Thrilling Legends and Tra- ditions of the Red IMen of the Forest. Illustratimis. Svo, cloth. Auburn : 1853. 1960. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). Information, Res- pecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States; Collected and Prepared under the Direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Illustrated with numerous full-page engravings, woodcuts tinted plates, etc., hy S. Eastman. 5 vols., imperial Svo, cloth, uncut (few pp. of- text slightly spotted, 3 plates of vol. 5 missing). Phila. : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853-56. Complete set. 279 NINTH SESSION Saturday Morning, May 9, 1914. Commencing at 10:30 o'clock. 1961. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). Summary Narra- tive of an Exploratory Expedition to the Sources of the Missis- sippi River in 1820. Resumed and completed, by the Discov- ery of its Origin in Itasca Lake, in 1832. With Appendixes. 8vo, half morocco. Phila. : 1855. Very scarce. The Appendixes, comprising nearly one-half the book, consist of the original report on the Copper Mines of Lake Superior, and observations on the Geology of the Lake Basins, and the source of the Mississippi, together with all the official re- ports and scientific papers of both expeditions. 1962. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.). The Myth of Hia- watha, and Other Oral Legends of the North American In- dians. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. Phila. and London, 1856. 1963. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.) . History of the In- dian Tribes of the United States ; their Present Condition and Prospects, and a Sketch of their Ancient Status. Vol. 6 ,r (only). With all the steel plates and woodcuts. Thick 4to, cloth, uncut. Phila. : Lippincott & Co., 1857. Volume 6 of the original edition. Vebt Rabe and frequent- ly wanted to complete sets. 1964. SCOTT (LIEUT.-GEN. WINFIELD). Memoirs of - r- Lieut.-Gen. Scott. Written by Himself. Engraved portrait. — Thick 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : 1864. 1965. [SCUDDER (SAMUEL H.).] The Winnipeg^ _ Country, or, Roughing it with an Eclipse Party. By a Roch- ester Fellow. With 32 illustrations and a map. 12mo, cloth. Bost.: 1886. 1966. SEAVER (JAIIES E.). A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, who was taken by the Indians, in the I Year 1755, when only about twelve years of age, and has con- tinued to reside amongst them to the present time, containing an Account of the Murder of her Father and his Family, her Sufferings, her Marriage to Two Indians. . . .and many His- torical Facts never before published, Carefully taken from her own words. To which is added an appendix. 18mo, half calf. Howden : 1826. Gives many particulars of the highest interest relating to the Senocas. The subject of this narrative is sometimes referred to ns riiK FIRST WHITE womax that eveb descended the Ohio RrvEB. Rare. . 1967. SEAVER (JAMES E.). Life of Mary Jemison. Illustrations^ additional plates inserted. 12mo, half morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. N. Y. : 1856. lOxTRA-Ir.I.rSTBATED BY THE INSERTION OF 14 ADDITIONAL POR- TRAITS AND VIEWS. This edition is valued for the ancient Indian names of places in New York State added from the works of Lewis H. Morgan. 280 1968. SECUNDUS (JOANNES). Kisses: A Poetical Translation of the Basia, with the original Latin and an Essay on his Life and Writings. Third Edition, with additions; and the Epithalamiuin newly translated. 8vo, boards, (worn) uncut. Lond. : 1778. 1969. SELKIRK (THOMAS DOUGLAS, EARL OP). Statement Respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement upon the Red River, in North America ; its Destruction in 1815 and 1816 ; and the Massacre of Governor Semple and his Party. With Observations, upon a Recent Publication, entitled ''A Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries." Map. 8vo, BOARDS AND LABEL, uncut. Lond. : 1817. EXLARGED EDITION, CONTAINING MUCH ADDITIONAL MATTER, Fine copy, in the original boards. Rabe. 1970. SELKIRK (THOMAS DOUGLAS, EARL OF). Precis Touchant la Colonic du Lord Selkirk, sur la Riviere Rouge, sa Destruction en 1815 et 1816, et le Massacre du Gou- erneur Semple et de son Parti, avec des Observations sur un Ouvrage public recemment, et intitule "A Narrative of Oc- currences in the Indian Countries." 8vo, boards, paper labels uncut (part of label rubbed). Montreal : 1818. The Veey Rare Montbeai- Edition. 1971. SELKIRK (THOMAS DOUGLAS, EARL OF). Esquisse du Commerce de Pelleteries des Anglois, dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. avec des Observations relatives a la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest de Montreal. Traduit de I'-Edi- tion Angloise imprimee a New York, en 1818. 8vo, half mo- rocco, lettered back, gilt top, uncut. ^Montreal : 1819. Fixe Copy of this Rare Edition, with %vide margins and ROUGTi UNCUT EDGES. Early book label and autograph signature of Jean Dessaulles. An intoi'osting sketch of the British Fur-Trade in North Amer- ica, and the North-West Company of ^lontreal. Apparently UNKNOWN TO SaBIN. 1972. SELOUS (F.C.). Recent Hunting Trips in British North America. 65 illustrations from pJiotographs. 8vo, green cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: 1907. 1973. SEM:\TES (R.). The Cruise of the Alabama and Sumter. Portrait frontispiece. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : 1864. Fine copy. 1974. SENTER (ISAAC). The Journal of Isaac Senter, Physician and Surgeon to the Troops Detached from the Am- erican Army Encamped at Cambridge, Mass., on a Secret Ex- pedition against Quebec, under the Command of Col. Benedict Arnold, in Sept., 1775. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top. Phila.: 1846. Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 22 portraits and views: also (bound in), "A Discourse. Newport, the Sunday succeeding the Interment of Isaac Senter, who Died, Dec. 20, 1789." By William Patten, and 2 pp. of manuscript biographical notes relating to Senter. 281 f 1975. SETTLE (D.). A true reporte of the laste voyage into the West and Northwest regions, &c. 1577 worthily at- chieued by Capteine Frobisher of the sayde voyage the first finder and Generall. With a description of the people there inhabiting, and other circumstances notable. Written by Dion- yse Settle, one of the companie in the sayde voyage, and seruant to the Right Honourable the Earle of Cumberland. 4to, half green morocco, uncut by zaehnsdorf. Lond. : 1577 ; Providence, 1868. No. 9 OF ONLY 50 COPIES PRINTED FOB J. R. Babtlett. The present copy has autograph inscription from John Carter Brown to S. L. M. Barlow. Very Scabce. 1976. SEVERANCE (FRANK H.). Old Trails on the ^— Niagara Frontier. Folding map. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Cleveland: 1903. 1977. SE WALL (RUFUS KING). Ancient Dominions of Maine. Embracing the earliest facts, the recent discoveries "_ of the remains of the Aboriginal Towns, the Voyages, Settle- ments, Battle Scenes, Incidents of Indian Warfare, etc. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. Bath : 1859. Very fine, crisp copy. 1978. SHALER (NATHANIEL SOUTHGATE). The ^ £ Autobiography of. With a supplementary Memoir by his Wife. Numerous portraits and views. Svo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Bost.: 1909. Fine copy. 1979. SHANTZ (J. Y.). Narrative of a Journey to Mani- '^S toba. Together ^vith an Abstract of the Dominion Lands Act. Svo, wrappers (wrapper torn). Ottawa: 1873. 1980. SHAW (HENRY). Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages. Splendidly illustrated with full-page costume , - plates, MANY OF WHICH ABE BEAUTIFULLY COLORED AND FIN- "" ISHED IN GOLD, LARGE INITIAL LETTERS IN COLORS, and many finely colored woodcuts throughout text. 2 vols., folio, full red morocco, gilt backs and sides, with inside gold borders, gilt edges (bindings rubbed, front cover of vol. 2 damaged by nail). Lond.: W. Pickering, 1843. Large Papf^. Fine impressions of the plates, showing the costumes of the Anglo-Norman Period and of the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. Rare in this issue. 1981. SHEA (JOHN GILMARY). Perils of the Ocean - and Wilderness; or, Narratives of Shipwreck and Indian Captivity gleaned from early Missionary Annals. 12mo, cloth. ^ Bost. : 1857. Relates to Fathers Lalement. Jogues, Goupil, Bressani, Cres- pol and Jesuit Missionaries to Canada. 282 ^ 1982. SHEA (JOHN GILMARY). Early Voyages Up and Down the Mississippi, By Cavelier, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, Gravier. and Guignas, With An Introduction, Notes, and An Index. By John Gilmary Shea. Small 4to, green cloth, gilt top, uncut. Albany : Munsell, 1861. FiKST Edition. 1983. SHEA (JOHN GILMARY). History of the Catho- lic ^Missions Among the Indian Tribes of the United States, 1529-1854. Portraits. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.: 1883. 1984. SPIEA (JOHN GILMARY). The Catholic Church in Colonial Days. The Thirteen Colonies — the Ottawa and % Illinois Country — Louisiana — Florida — Texas — New ^Mexico — and Arizona, 1521-1763. Portraits, maps, vieivs and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, uncut and mainly unopened. N. Y. : 1886. Fine copy. 1985. SHEA (JOHN GILMARY). History of the Catho- lic Church in the United States, from the Fifth Provincial Council of Baltimore, 1843 to the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1866. Portraits, facsimile signatures, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened (slight tear in title). N. Y. : 1892. Fine copy. 19S6. SHEA (JOHN GILMARY). History of the Catho- ,, - lie Missions among the Indian Tribes of the United States,. 1529-1854. Portraits. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1899. 1987. SHEA (JOHN GILMARY). Early Voyages Up zB and Down the ^Mississippi, by Cavelier, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, 5 "" Gravier. and Guignas. Small 4to, boards, uncut, paper label. Albany: 1861 (Reprinted, 1902). O^r.Y 500 COPIES PKIXTED. 1988. SHEA (JOHN GILMARY). Discovery and Ex- bo ploration of the ^lississippi Valley. With the Original Narra- ^ tives of ^Marquette, Allouez. etc. second edition. Portrait, map and facsimile letter. Small 4to, boards, uncut, paper label. Albany: 1903. Only 500 copies prixted. 1989. SHEA'S LIBRARY OF A:\IERICAN LINGUIS- - TICS. [First Series, 13 vols. ; Series II, Nos. 1 and 2.] To- gether. 15 A'ols., roval 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. : Cramoisy Press, 1860-74. Only a small number of each printed. Comprises: A Frencli-Onondaga Dictionary (Shea); Selish or Flat-Head Grammar (Mengarni) ; Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language (Smith) ; Grammar of the ^lutsun Language (De La Cuesta) ; Grammar of the Pima of Nevome (Smith) ; Grammar and Dictionary of the Takama Language (Pandosy) ; Vocabulary of the Language of San Antonio Mission, Cal. (Sit- jar) ; Vocabulary of the Musun Language (De La Cuesta) ; Vo- cabulary of the Chinook Language (Gibbs) ; Grammar of the Mikmaque Language of Nova Scotia (Bellenger) ; Radical Words 283 SHEA'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN LINGUISTICS. of the Mohawk Language (Bruyas) ; Alphabetical Vocabularies of the Challam and Lummi (Gibbs) ; Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon (Gibbs) ; Grammar and Dictionary of the Language of the Hidatsa (Matthews) ; Hidatsa-English Dictionary (Mat- thews). 1990. SHEAFER (P. W.). Historical Map of Pennsyl- vania. Showing the Indian names of Streams, Villages and Paths of travel : The sites of old Forts and Battle-Fields : the successive Purchases from the Indians, and the names and dates of Counties and County Towns. Folding map. 8vo, cloth. Phila.: 1875. 1991. SHEBBEARE (J.). An Essay on the National So- ciety. Together with A Justification of the Legislature, in reducing America to Obedience by Force. An Appendix on Mr. Burke's Second Speech. 8vo, original wrappers (back worn), London: 1776. Fine, large copy, with wide margins and uncut edges. Rare. 1992. SHELDON (HENRY I.). Notes on the Nicaragua Canal. 32 illustrations and 5 maps. 8vo, cloth. Chicago : 1902. 1993. SHEPARD (THO]\IAS). Theses Sabbatic^; or, The Doctrine of the Sabbath: wherein The Sabbaths — I. Morality. II. Change. III. Beginning. IV. Sanctifieation — are clearly discussed. Which were first handled more largely in sundry Sermons in Cambridge in New England in opening the fourth Commandment. Lond. : Printed by T. R. and E. M. for John Roth well, 1650; — (also in same vol.) Certain Select Cases Resolved. By Thomas Shephard (sic). Lond.: Printed by "W. H. for John Rothwell, 1650. 2 vols, in one, small Svo, old calf (rebacked — margins of first title torn, but repaired). Lond. : 1650. Both volumes complete, with all the separate title pages. Rare. 1994. SHEPARD (THOMAS). The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel Breaking Forth upon the Indians in New Eng- land. With facsimile of the original title-page. Square 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : Reprinted for Jos. Sabin, 1865. Oxi.Y 250 coi'iES PRINTED in this size. Fine copy. 1995. SHIELDS (G. 0.). The Battle of the Big Hole. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. Chicago : 1889. A History of General Gibbon's engagement with Nez Perces Indians in the Big Hole Valley, Montana, Aug. 9, 1877. 1996. SHILLABER (B. P.). Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington and others of the Familv. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1854. FiHST Edition. 284 r^ 1997. SIIIPP (BxVRXARD). The History of Ilrrnando ^ - De Soto and Florida: or, Record of tlie Events of Fifty-Six Years, from 1512 to 1568. Folding maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut and mainly unopened. Piiila. : Privately Printed, 1881. UflatoK largely to vjirious Tribes of Southern Indians. 1998. [SIGOURNEY (LYDIA II.)]. Traits of the Ab- • i^ origiiies of America, first edition. 12mo, boards, uncut (one leaf torn into) . Cambridge : 1822. 1999. SIGOURNEY (LYDIA II.). Pocahontas. And 3 5 Other Poems. First edition. 12mo. cloth (rubbed). ■ — London : 1841. 2000. [SILLIMAN (BENJAMIN)]. Remarks, made on l5 a Short Tour, between Hartford and Quebec, in the Autumn I " of 1819. Engraved title and 9 engraved views h}) Jocehjn. 12nio. original boards, uncut (some-what spotted^. New-Haven : 1820. First Edition. Scarce. 2001. SBICOE'S :\IILITARY JOURNAL. A History of -, r the Operations of a Partisan Corps, called The Queen's 6 — Rangers. Commanded by Lieut. Col. J. G. Siraeoe. during the War of the American Revolution. Now first published, with a ^Memoir of the Author and other additions. 10 maps and plans of battles. 8vo, half brown polished calf, gilt back and top (four pages have ink spots). N. Y. : 1844. Scarce. 2002. SBIMS (JEPTHA R.). Trappers of New York, or, J. . a Biography of Nicholas Stoner and Natlianiel Foster, to- gether with Anecdotes of other celebrated Hunters, and some Account of Sir William Johnson, and his style of Living. Frontispiece portrait. 12mo, original cloth with gilt vig- nette. Albany: Munsell, 1851. The scarce First Edition. 2003. SIMMS (JEPTHA R.). The American Spy (Na- J.- than Hale); or. Freedom's Early Sacrifice: a Tale of the Revolution, founded on fact. Frontispiece. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top. Albany : 1857. Large Paper : only 28 copies pri>'Ted in this form. Rare. 2004. [SIMMS (W. G.).] TheWigwam and the Cabin. 3. Second Series. First edition. 12mo. half green calf. N. Y. : 1845. 2005. Si:\E\IS (W. G.). The Lily and the Totem: or, ^ J30 The Huguenots in Florida. First edition. 12mo. half blue ■^ morocco, gilt top. N. Y. : 1850. Fine copy. 2- 2006. SOIPSON (ALEXANDER). The Life and Travels Z "" of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic Discoverer. Engraved por- trait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London : 1845. 285 « ^ J 2007. SIMPSON (SIR GEORGE). Narrative of a Jour- •^ ney Round the World, during the Years 1841 and 1842. Por- trait and map. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1847. Red River Settlement, San Francisco, Sandwich Islands, etc. 2008. SIMPSON (JAMES H.). Journal of a Military ^ ?o Reconnaissance from Sante Fe, New CMexico, to the Navajo. '^ Country, made \^"ith the Troops under Command of Brevet Lieut. Col. John M. Washington. Large folding map and nu- merous full-page colored and plain plates. 8vo, cloth. Phila.: 1852. Fine copy. Very Scarce. 2009. SIIklPSON (THOMAS). Narrative of the Dis- c.c> coveries on the North Coast of America; effected by the Offi- "5 "'" cers of the Hudson 's Bay Company during the Years 1836-39. Folding map. 8vo, new cloth. Lond. : 1843. Winter Journey from Red River to Athabasca, Reconciliation of hostile Indian tribes, etc. 2010. SIMSON (ALFRED). Travels in the Wilds of t^ Ecuador. Folding map. 12mo, cloth. London: 1886. 2011. SIOUX SPELLING BOOK. Designed for the Use _ _ of Native Learners. Frontispiece and 15 woodcut vignettes. - • 12mo, wrappers. Boston : 1836. 2012. SITTEN UND MEINUNGEN DER WILDEN IN 5q A]MERICA. With many folding copper-plate engravings. , O " 4 vols., 12mo, half calf, uncut. Frankfurth am Mayn : 1777-1781. A Rare Work, relating to the Customs and Opinions of the North American Indians. With plates illustrative of their mode of life, ceremonies, etc. 2013. SIX YEARS IN THE BUSH; or, Extracts from - 2_5 the Journal of a Settler in Upper Canada, 1832-38. 16mo, ^ cloth (back slightly torn). Lond. : 1838. Published anonymously. Contains sketches of Indian life, early Settlers, Government Lands, etc. 2014. SMET (P. J. DE). Letters and Sketches, with a 2 - Narrative of a Year 's Residence among the Indian Tribes of the Rockv Mountains. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia: 1843. Fine copy with the rare Folding Plate. 2015. SMET (P. J. DE). Voyages aux Montagnes Roch- euses, et une Annee de Sejour chez les Tribus Indiennes du 4-." Vaste Territoire de I'Oregon, dependant des Etats-Unis d'xVmerique. Portrait, folding map and rare lithographic views. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt back and top, uncut .Alalines, 1844. The originat. Fbexcii Edition of "Letters & Sketches," which contains material and illustrations not in the American edition, including some specimens of the Indian language. Fine copt. Very Rare. 286 .^r- 2016. SMET (P. J. DE). Orof?on Missions and Travels O ''— Over the Rocky ^Mountains, in 1845-46. Illustrations and fold- ing map. 16mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1847. Fin(> ooi)y. Tho mnnnors and customs of the North American Indians arc described by this ceiel)rated Missionary of the Rocky Mountains, witli a fresliness and coloriiix, and an exactness of detail, that render them invaluable to posterity. 2017. SMET (P. J. DE). Viaggi alle :\rontagne Rocciose ^ ^ del P. Pietro de Sniet, IMisssionario. Tradotta dal francese da Luigi Previte. Lithographic portrait and views. 12mo, half roan. . Palermo: 1847. Rare Italian translation. 2018. SMET (P. J. DE). :\Iissioiis de I'Oregon et Voy- ages aiix ]Montagnes Rocheuses aux Sources de la Colombia ^.^ de rAthabasea et du Saseatshawin. en 1845-46. Portrait, maps and views. 12mo, half green calf, gilt back and top, un- cut. Gand : 1848. 2019. SMET (P. J. DE). Life. Letters and Travels. Ed- 5(3 ited from the original unpublished IMS., Journals and Letter 2 '^ Books and from his Printed Works, with Historical Geographi- cal, Ethnological and other Notes. Also a Life of Father De Smet. By Hiram M. Chittenden and Alfred T. Richard- son. Map and illustrations. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. X. Y. : 1905. Fine set. 2020. [SMITH (BUCKIXGHA:\r).] Coleccion de Yarios 29 Documentos Para la Historia de la Florida y tierras adya- ^ "' centes. [Tomo I.] Portrait. Small folio, half light bro\Mi calf, gilt back and top. uncut (library stamp on back of title). Londres [^Eadrid, 1857]. OxLY 500 COPIES PRINTED. After the issue of Volume I, the work was discontinued. 11 - 2021. SMITH (BUCKIXGHAMV Relation of Alvar ' ■ Xuiiez Cabeca de Vaca. Translated from the Spanish. Por- traits. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut. X". Y. : 1871. Large Paper Copy, of which oxly 100 copies were fob PRIVATE circulation. YeRY SCABCE. 2' 2022. SMITH (EDGAR CROSBY— Editor). Moses 2 - Greenleaf . IMaine 's First IMap-IMaker. A Biography With Let- ters, Unpublished Manuscripts, etc. Silhouette portrait and facsimiles of maps. etc. Square 8vo. boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. Bangor: Printed for the De Burians. 1902. No. 69 OF A \t;ry limited edition. Contained in the work is a reprint of Mr. Greenleafs rare paper on Indian Place Names — also a Bibliography of the Maps of Maine. . ^-2 2023. SMITH (ETHANE. View of the Hebrews: or. the Tribes of Israel in America. 12mo. sheep. Poultney, Vt. : 1825. 287 2024. SMITH (J. F. D.). Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de rAmerique, fait en 1784; Contenant une description de sa Situation presente, de sa Population, Agriculture, Com- merce, Coutumes et Moeurs de ses Habitants. Traduit de TAnglois par M. de B 2 vols, in one, 8vo, old calf (bind- ing rubbed). Paris: 1791. 2025. SMITH (CAPTAIN JOHN). Viertzehende Schif- fart Oder Griindliche und warhaffte Beschreibung dess Neu- wen Engellandts, einer Landschafft in Nordt Indien eines- Theils in America, unter dem Capitein Johann Schmidt. . . . Beneben einem kurtzen Discursz, wie es ihme auff der Reise ergangen, von den Frantzosen gef angen .... Durch einem Lieb- haber der Historien auss dem Englischen in Hoch Teutsch versetzt. Folding map, plate and engraved vignette on title. Small 4to, full crushed levant morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges by Chambolle-Duru. Franckfurt am Mayn, In- verlegung der Hiilsischen, 1617. Fine copy. Rare. First Edition of Part XIV. of Hulsius' Collection of Voyages. 2026. SMITH (CAPTAIN JOHN). The True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine John Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke and America; [also] The General His- tory of Virginia, New-England and the Summer Isles. Por- trait, map and 3 plates. 2 vols, in one, Svo, full polished tree calf, gilt back. Richmond : 1819, 2027. SMITH (CAPTAIN JOHN). Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England, or Anywhere ; or, The Pathway to Erect a Plantation. Facsimile Chart. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston : 1865. O.NLY 250 COPIES PBIXTED. 2028. SMITH (CAPTAIN JOHN). Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England, or Anywhere: or the Pathway to erect a Plantation. With facsimile of Smith's map of New England, with additions and correc- tions as published in 1635. 4to, brown morocco, gilt top. Boston: 1865. No. .3 OF O.VLY 6 COPIES PRINTED ON INDIA PAPER. 2029. SMITH (CAPTAIN JOHN). A Description of New England ; or. Observations and Discoveries in the North of America in 1614. "With the- Success of Six Ships that Went the Next Year, 1615. Facsimile of Original Map. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston: 1865. Only 250 copies printed. 2030. SMITH (CAPTAIN JOHN). A True Relation of Virginia. Introduction and Notes by Charles Deane. Fac- similr. plan and title. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. Boston : 1866. Only 280 copies printed. 288 ■f 2031. SMITH (CAPTAIN JOHN). New P^ngland's Trials. AVith a prefatory note bj- Cliarles Deane. Sq. 12mo, marbled boards, leather back. Cambridge : 1873. O.NK OF 50 COPIES riJINTED FOR PKIVATE DISTRIBUTION — tcith (iittof/raph inscription hy the editor. ?o 2032. SMITH (CAPTAIN JOHN). ^Yorks. 1608-1631. English Scholar's Library. p]dited by Edward Arber. Fac- simiUs of th( original maps. 3 vols., small 4to. half red mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. Birmingham : 1 884. Whatman Edition. No. G of an edition of 2.5 numbered AND SIGNED COPIES. A ropublioation of the author's valuable lliistorical Works relating to America. Rare. ,^ 2033. S:\HTH (JOHN MONTAGUE). History of Sun- '— derland, (Mass.), "Which Originally Embraced the Present Towns of ^Montague and Leverett. With Genealogies Pre- pared bv II. W. Taft and A. T. Montagne. Many illustrations. Thick 8vo. cloth. Greenfield, :\Iass. : 1899. 2034. SMITH (JOSHUA HETT). An Authentic Narra- tive of the Causes which Led to the Death of ^lajore Andre^ ~ Adjutant-General of his ]Majesty's Forces in North America. To which is added a Monody on the Death of INIajore Andre. By Miss Seward. Folding map and fine portrait of Major Andre hy Hopwood. 8vo, full light polished calf, gilt back, red and green leather labels, gilt dentelle inside borders, gilt top, uncut, Worsfold. Lond. : 1808. Fine uncut copy of the Best Edition. Rare in uncut state and with the portrait. ^ 2035. SMITH (JOSHUA 'tOULMIN). The Discovery '- of America by The Northmen in the Tenth Century, first EDITION. Plates and fol^hi^maps. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. '' London: 1839. 2036. SMITH (J. CALVIN). The Western Tourist and Emigrant's Guide, with a Compendious Gazetteer of the - States of OHIO. Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri, and THE territories OF WISCONSIN AND IOWA. Large folding map, shoiving the lines of the United States' Surveys. 18mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1839. Scarce Early Western Guide-Book. >g 2037. SMITH (RALPH D.). The History of Guilford, — From Its First Settlement in 1639. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth (front cover stained, — name on title) . Albany : 1877. Contains list of all the Deputies. Marshals. Town Clerks, Guil- ford's Roll of Honor, etc. Interiorly a perfect copy. g 2(338. SMITH ( S. COMPTON) . Chile Con Carne ; or, The — Camp and The Field. Maiiy illustrations. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : 1857. An interesting volume, recording many and varied incidents in Texas and during the Mexican War. 289 2039. SMITH (SAMUEL). The History of the Col- 5]p oxY OF Xova-Caesaria, or New Jersey: containing, an Ac- ' 2 count of its First Settlement, Progressive Improvements, the Original and Present Constitution, and other Events, to the Year 1721. With some particulars since; and a short view of its present state. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, heav>' bands, gilt ornamental centers, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. BURLINGTON, N. J. : PRINTED AND SOLD BY JAMES PARKER, 1765. Fixe and handsomely bound copy of the earliest Ameri- can PRINTED History of New Jersey, compiled by a native of the Colony and long esteemed a standard authority on the sub- ject. Rare. 2040. SMITH (SAMUEL S.) . An Essay on the Causes of I _ the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Race (including the North American Indian). "With an appendix, SECOND EDITION, Enlarged. 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened (broken at hinges — 4 margins stained). New Brunswick : 1810. 2041. SMITH (THOMAS). Journals of the Rev. Thomas Smith, and the Rev. Samuel Deane, Pastors of the First ^ - Church in Portland. With Notes and Biographical Notices, and a Summary History of Portland. By Wm. Willis. Por- traits. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Jortland, Maine: 1849. History of the Pro- vince OF NEW YORK, from the ^iscovery to the Year MDCCXXXII. To which is annesed, A Description of the - _ Country, with a short Account of trie Inhabitants, their Trade, Religious and Political State, smd the Constitution of the Courts of Justice in that Colo/y. with a fine impression OF the FOLDING PLATE, ''THE s/uTH VIEW OF OSWEGO ON LAKE ONTARIO," (ngraved by J. Mynde. 4to, original calf binding, leather label (back very slijfhtly cracked at joints). Lond. : Drinted for Thomas Wilcox, 1757, The Rare First Emtion. An exceedingly fine copy, in THE original BiNDiNG,nneasuring 8 by 10% inches. The folding plate is frequently minting. ^^ 2043. S:\IITH (WTLpAM). /ffistoire de la Nouvelle- ~r '— York, depuis la Decouvgrte de bette Province, jusqu'a notre siecle. Traduite de I'Ajfiglois, ParfM. E 12mo, contempor- ary calf, gilt back. ' Londres: 1767. Fine copy of the First EpiriON in French. Rare. 2044. SAHTH (WILLIA^kl). The History of the Province of New York, from the First Discovery. To which is annexed <-- a Description of the Coupfry, an Account of the Inhabitants, their Trade, Religious aiid Political State, and the Constitu- tion of the Courts of .Justice in that Country. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back auQ. top. Lond. : J, Almon, 1776. Fine copyof a scarce edition. y 290 2045. SMITH (WILLIAM). History of New York, With a Continuation, from 1732 to 1814. 8vo, ori^nal boards, un- cut (binding broken, — inscription on half-title). Albany : 1814. 204C). SMITH (WILLIA:\I). The History of the Late Province of New York, from its Discovery to the Appoint- ment of Governor Golden in 1762. 2 vols., 8vo, full liglit calf, gilt backs, red and green leather labels. N. Y. : 1830. 2047. SMITH (DR. WILLIAIM). Historical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764. Command- ed by Col. Henry Bouquet. Has one plate only (lacks title — map. introduction and 3 plates) 4to, half roan. Lond. : 1766. Rare. c ^e- 2048. SMITH (DR. WILLIAM). A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. : Reprinted for Jos. Sabin, 1865. Only 200 copies issued. 2049. [SMITH (DR. WILLIA^M).] Historical Account _ ^ of Bouquet's Expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764. -^ With Preface by Francis Parkman. and a translation of Dumas' Biographical Sketch of General Bouquet. (By Dr. William Smith.) 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cinn. : 1868. 2050. S:\IITH (WlhLlA:^!— Editor) . A Dictionary of the Bible : comprising Its Antiquities, Biography. Geography, l" and Natural tlistory. Maps and numerous illustrations in text. 3 vols.. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges. Boston : 1863. 2051. SMITH (WILLIA:\I) AND CHEETHAM (SAM- UEL, — Editors) . A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. to" Being a continuation of the Dictionary of the Bible. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols., thick Svo, half red morocco, gilt edges. London : John Murray, 1875. 2052. SMITH (WILLIA:\I) AND WAGE (H.). A Dic- ^ xf tionar\- of Christian Biography. [Vols. 1 and 2.1 2 vols., ^ thick 8vo. half red morocco, gilt edges. Bost. : 1877. 2053. SMITH (WILLIAM). The History of Canada: from its First Discovery to the Peace of 1763; [Vol. II. con- ^ - tinned to 1791] 2 vols., Ro^'al Svo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt tops, maiiy leaves uncut, by Alfred Mat- thews (name on one title and pencil notes in some margins). Quebec : Printed for the author, 1815. Original Edition and \'ery Rare. Only 300 copies printed. Volume I. concludes with '^Finis" and Volume II., "End of the Second Volume." As the work was not issued till 1826, it is possible that owing to certain matters contained which Justice Smith considered might prove objectionable to the Canadians, he 291 SMITH (WILLIAM). decided to publish only the first volume ; but, later, on his return to England, again took up the work with a view to continuing it. No more than the two volumes were ever published, however, and the work now is extremely scarce. Sabin declared that in all his experience he had never sold but one set of the original edition. Fine copy with the Erbata leaf in Volume I. 2054. SMITH ("W. L. G.). The Life and Times of Lewis Cass. With steel portrait. Thick 8vo, cloth (autograph of George F. Marshall on title). X. Y.: 1856. 2055. SMYTH (MAJ.-GEX. SIR JAMES C). Precis of the Wars in Canada, from 1755 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1844. AVith ^Military and Political Reflections. 8vo, half rus- sia (stamp on title). Lond. : 1826. ^'ery scarce, a note in the front of the volume reads — "This Volume is printed by Desire of His Grace the Master-General, FOR THE USE AND CONVENIENCE OF OFFICIAL PEOPLE ONLY. It is requested it may be considered as confidential by those Persons to whom Copies may be sent." 2056. SMYTH (W.) AND LOWE (F.). Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon, undertaken with a view of ascertaining the practi- cability of a navigable communication with the Atlantic by the Rivers Pachitea, Ucavali, and Amazon. Numerous plates. Svo, cloth, paper labels, uncut. Lond. : Murray, 1836. 2057. SNOW (CALEB H.). A History of Boston.... from its Origin to the Present Period. Second Edition. Maps and engraved and woodcut views by A. Bowen. Svo, original boards and label, uncut. Bost. : 1828. An exceptionally tall copy, with rough uncut edges. 2058. SOLIS (ANTONIO DE). Historia de la Conquista de ^Mexico, Poblacion, y Progressos de la America Septen- trional, Conocida por el Nombre de Nueva Espana. Escri- viala Don Antonio de Solis. . . .y la Pone a los Pies del Rev Neustro Senor. por ]\Iano de Excelentissimo Senor Conde de Oropesa. Engraved and printed titles. Small folio, old red morocco, gilt back, leather label, gilt edges. Madrid : En la Imprenta de Bernardo de Villa-Diego, 1684. Original Edition. Rare. A comprehensive narration of the painful story of the slaughter of the Mexican Indians by the Spaniards. The author is highly esteemed in Spain for the beauty of his style and the purity of his language. 2059. SOLIS (ANTONIO DE). Istoria della Conquista del ^lessico della Popolazione, e de'Progressi Nell' America Settentrionalo Conosciuta sotto nome di Nuova Spagna. Tra- dotta in Toscano da un' Accademico della Crusca. 3 en- grai-rd portraits, including a fine full-length portrait of Mon- tezuma. Thick 4to, boards, uncut. Firenze: 1699. P'iRST Itatian Edition. Rare. 292 2i|(;(). sous (AXTOXIO I)K i. i I isloiiv dc la Conqueste (III iM»'.\i(|iit' on (Ic la Nouvclic l\sj)ajiric. Tradiiitc de I'Espag- iiol (Ic Doiii Aiitoino de Solis, j)ar I'Aiiteur du Triuravirat. 3 maps and 9 copper-plate engravings. 2 vols.. Vlxno, old calf (somcwliat rubbed — aiitof^rapli of Carol Barbier on titles). Paris: Chez Jean k Michel Guignard, 1704. This trjiiislation is hy Bon-AiKJrr-, omnte df Brot'% soisiiour de ( 'itri ft (it' la (Jiictti'. 20(n. SOLIS (AXTOXIO DE). Istoria della Conquista del ^lessico. della Popolazione, e de' Progressi nell' America Si'ttciitrioiiale Conoseiuta sotto nome di Xiiova Spagna. Tra- dotta in Toseano da iin' Accademico della Crusea. Portrait and 2 plates. 4to. old calf (weak at hinges). Venizia: 1733. 2062. SO:\rE ACCOUNT OF THE COXDTXT OF THE RELIGTOr?; SOCIETY OF FRIEXDS TOWARDS THE IXDIAX TRIBES in the Settlement of the Colonies of East and West Jersey and Pennsylvania, with a brief Xarrative of their Labours for the Civilization and Christian Instruction of the Indians. Published by the Aborigines' Committee of the ^Meeting of the Sufferings. 2 maps, colored. 8vo. cloth, uncut (binding worn). Lond.: 1844. 2063. SOMERSET (H. SOMERiS). The Land of the Muskeg. Preface by A. H. Pollen. Many illustrations and maps. Svo. cloth, uncut. London : 1895. Tnterostiiig Inintinjr rfminisconces in Canada. 2064. SOTO (FERDIXAND DE). The Discoverer of the ^Mississippi. Bv John S. C. Abbott. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. ' New York : 1877. 2065. SOULe (FRANK). Annals of San Francisco. II- histraied irith 150 engravings on wood and steel. Thick 8vo, morocco (hinges a little weak). N. Y. : 1855. This work has lattorly bocomo quite scarce. 2066. SOUTH DAKOTA HISTORICAL COLLEC- TIOX'S. (Vol.3.) Portraits and illustrations. Svo. cloth. Aberdeen, S. D. : 1906. Contains an Account of the Aborigines of South Dakota. By C. E. DeLand. pp. 271-586. 2067. SOUTHESK (SIR JAMES OARXEGIE. EARL OF). Saskatchewan and the Rocky ^Mountains: Diary and Narrative of Travel, Sport, and Adventure, during a Journey through the IIudso-."s Bay Company's Territories, in 1S59 and 1860. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh: 1875. 2068. SOI'TH-SEA COMPANY. A View of the Coasts, Countries and Islands within the Limits of the South-Sea- Company, containing an Account of the Discoveries, Settle- ments. Progress and Present State ; together with the Bays. 29R SOUTH-SEA COMPANY. Ports, Harbours, Rivers, etc. Illustrated with a general map and particular draughts of the most important places, hy Herman Moll. 8vo, half morocco (lower margin of title re- paired). Lond. : 1711. Rabe, 2069. SOUTH SEA COMPANY. Remarks Upon Several Pamphlets Writ in Opposition to the South Sea Scheme. Par- ticularly, An Examination and Explanation of the South-Sea Scheme, etc. and a Letter of Thanks from the Author of the Comparison between the Proposals of the Bank and the South Sea, to the author of The Argument showing the Disadvan- tage that would accrue to the Publick from obliging the South Sea Company to fix what Capital Stock they will give for the Annuities. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. : 1720. Rabe. 2070. SOUTH^SEA COMPANY. The South-Sea Scheme Examin'd and the Resonableness thereof Demonstrated. By "a hearty Weil-Wisher to Publick Credit." Second Edition. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Lond. : 1720. Rare. 2071. SPANGLER (A. M.). ''Near By" Fresh and Salt Water Fishing; or, Angling within a radius of 150 miles of Philadelphia. Portrait and numerous illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Phila.: 1889. 2072. SPARKS (JARED). Memoirs of the Life and Travels of John Ledyard, from his Journals and Correspon- dence. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. : Colburn, 1828. Ledyard attempted to cross Siberia into Alaska but was turned back by order of the. Empress Catherine of Russia. 2073. SPAULDINigf (M. J. ) . Sketches of the Early Catho- lic ^Missions of Kentacky : from their Commencement in 1787 to the Jubilee of 1^6-27. 12mo, cloth, uncut (some 11. foxed). Louisville: (1844). Embraces a summary of the early history of the State ; adven- tures of the First Catholic Emigrants, etc., etc. Scarce. 2074. SPENCE (JAMES). The American Union; Its Effect on National Character and Policy, with An Inquiry into Secession as A Constitutional Right, and the Causes of the Disruption. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London : 1862. 2075. SPENCER (J. W.). The Duration of Niagara Falls and the Historv of the Great Lakes. Maps and illus- trations. 8vo. cloth. ^ N. Y.: (1895). 2076. SPIX (J. B. VON) AND MARTIUS (C. F. R. VON). Atlas zur Reise in Brasilien, 1817-20 6 maps, includ- ing very large map of South America (size 42 by 62 inch.) 2 charts and 38 fine lithographic plates, views of aboriginal life, scenes in the colonization days, picturesque scenery, etc. Folio, half sheep (back broken). [Munich: 1825]. 294 2077. SPIX (.J. B. VOX) AXI) MARTII'S (C. F. R. - VOX). Travels in Hrnzil in the Years 1817-20. Illustrated with fine lithographic plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. Lond.: 1824. 2078. SQIHER (E. G.). Observations on the Aboriginal - Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. Folding maps and il- lustrations. 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. : 1847. Choice copy. ^ 2079. SQtIIER (E. G.). Observations on the Aboriginal I 'ry Monuments of the Mis.sissippi Valley. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, wrappers. New York : 1847, Autograph presentation inscription by the author. 2080. [SQUIER (E. G.).] Waikna; or, Adventures on i^Q the ^losquito Shore. By Samuel A. Bard. 60 illustratioyis. ' — 12mo. cloth (rubbed). New York : 1855. 2081. SQUIER (E. G.). The States of Central America .... Chapters on Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa ^£ Rica, Guatemala, Belize, etc.,.. and the Hunduras Inter- Oceanic Railway. Folding maps and numerous illustrations, including tinted lithographs and tcoodcut views. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1858. Fine clean copy. 2082. SQUIER (E. G.) AND DAVIS (E. H.). Ancient - - Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. Numerous illustrative I ■ plates, maps, diagrams, etc. 4to, cloth. N. Y. : Bartlett & Welford, 1848. OXE OF A LIMITED ISSUE. SPECIALLY PRINTED FOR THE AVTHOBS and not to be confounded with the ordinary issue. Preserved in a crimsox straight grained morocco soland- EB case. Very scarce. 2083. STADEX (IIAXS). Beschrijvinge van America, "Wiens Inwoonders Wildt X'^aeckt seer Godtloos en wreede ]\Ien- +.~ schen-Eeters zyn hoehy selve onder de Brasilianen lange ge- vangen geseten heeft. Curious woodcuts. Small 4to, half bro\^Ti polished calf (few margins slightly stained). Amsterdam: By Gilbert de Groot [1686], The author, a soldier of fortune, who followed the Spanish in their conquests, gives a very curious and interesting account of his voyage to Brazil, his captivity and sufferings among the Carios Indians, their manners and customs, mode of warfare, etc, "Honest Hans Staden's book is the most interesting of all the relations of his time." 2084. STADEX (HAXS). De voorname Scheeps-Togten van Jan Staden Van Homburg in Hessen. na Brazil, gedaan •■^ ," Anno 1547 en 1549. X'"u eerst uyt't Hoogduytsch vertaald na den laatsten Vermeerderden Druk. Map, engraved vignette on title and 24 copper-plate engravings. Small 8vo, half claret polished morocco, gilt back and top. Leyden: P, Vander Aa, 1706. 295 J. 2085. STADEN (HANS). The Captivity of Hans Staden . '- of Hesse, in A. D. 1547-1555, Among the Wild Tribes of East- ern Brazil. Translated by Albert Tootal and annotated by Richard F. Burton. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London : Halduyt Society, 1874. 2086. STANLEY (HENRY M.). The Congo and Found- bo ing of its Free State. A Story of Work and Exploration. — With numerous illustrations and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. Lond.: 1885. 2087. STANLEY (HENRY M.). My Dark Companions ^^ and Their Strange Stories. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, — cloth. N. Y. : 1893. 2088. STANSBURY (HOWARD). Exploration and Sur- vey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including ^ - A Reconnoissance of A New Route through the Rocky Moun- — tains. [With volume of maps] . Many fine folding and other illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth (one binding faded). Phila.: 1852. The maps are usually missing. 2089. STANSBURY (JOSEPH). The Loyal Verses of — Q Joseph Stansbury and Doctor Jonathan Odell : relating to the — American Revolution. Now first edited by Winthrop Sargent. Small 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Albany : Munsell, 1860. Fine copy. Scarce. 2090. STATE PAPERS AND PUBLICK DOCUMENTS '^o OF THE UNITED STATES, 1801-15. 5 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut. Bost. : 1814-15. These vols, cover the period of the War of 1812, and contain the official papers of the government relating to the same. 2091. STAUDACHER (P. NICOLAO). Unsterblicher _ Tugend-iSchatz Durch Gute Handelschafft erworben Von der Weyland Durchleutigsten Ehur-Fiirstin und Frauen Frauen Elisabetha Amalia Magdalena, Verwittibten Pfaltz Grafin bey Rhein. 24 fiiie copper-plate emblematic plates, by Haagen and Pafner. Small folio, boards (one plate missing and few pp. of text stained). [Neuberg] : 1710. 2092. STEDMAN (C). The History of the Origin, Progress and Termination op the American War. By C. "_ " Stedman, who Served under Sir W. Howe, Sir H. Clinton and the Marquis Cornwallis. 15 fine copper-plate maps. 2 vols., 4to. full straight grained blue morocco, gilt backs, sides orna- mfnted with gilt line borders, gilt edges. Lond. : Printed for the author, 1794. The most valuable general history of the American Revolution by a British officer ; the Military Plans and Surveys are of the jrrcatfst importance and are"beautifu!ly engraved on large copper 1 dates. Fine, clean copy, \vitii am. the elaborate plates ix excel- ik nt state of preservation. 296 2Ui);}. STlvD.MAN (CAPT. .]. G.). Narrative of a Five Years' Expedition, Against th'' Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the AVild Coast of Soutli America, from the Year 1772 to 1777 : elucidating the History of the Country and Describing its Productions, viz. Quadrupeds. IJirds, Fishes, Keptiles, Trees, Shrubs, Fruits and Roots: with an Account of the Indians of Guiana and Negroes of Guinea. Maps and many fine coppcr-platc engravings, views of ntifive villages, plates of natural history, etc. 2 vols., 4to, calf, gilt backs (slightly cracked at hinges). Lond. : 1796. An extraordinary narrative of diabolical cruelties committed by the Xcfrroes and French. The plat(*s illustratintr such iitirtinns of the work are mostly engraved by Wiij.ia.m Blake. Tliere are also stit)|ile views by Bautoi.ozzi and two fine Indian portraits by I'.K..\Ki)Ki"i'K. The plates hy these celehratt'd artists are frt^jueiitly niissiiiL;. 2094. STED:\rAN (CAPTAIN J. G. i. Narrative of a Five Years' Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in ~ Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America, from 1772-1777. Describing the Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, etc. "With an Account of the Indians and Negroes. 80 engraved folding and full-page illustrations and maps. 2 vols.. 4to. full calf. London: 1806. 2095. STEPHENS (HIRA^I B.). Jacques Cartier and 2__ His Four Voyages to Canada: an Essay. Facsimile illus- trations. 4to, cloth, gilt top (slightly shaken, small stain on cover). Montreal: (1890). 2096. STEPHENS (JOHN L.). Incidents of Travel in "5 Central America. Cliiapas and Yucatan. Map (tor)), hut per- ~ feet) and numerous engravings. 2 vols.. Svo. cloth. Lond.: 1842. The scarce T.oynoN issue. 2097. STEPHENS (JOHN L.^. Incidents of Travel in ^o Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Revised, with Addi- ~ tions. by Frederick Catherwood. Map and illustrations. Svo, half blue morocco, full gilt back. Lond. : 1854. ,.. 2098. STEUART (J.). Bogota, in 1836-7. Being a Nar- '^-1 rative of an Expedition to the Capital of New Grenada. 12mo, cloth (name on title and few pages slightly foxed). N. Y.: 1838. 2099. STEVENS (FRANK E.). The Black Hawk War. Including a Review of Black Hawk's Life. Illustrated with ^ over 300 7'arc and interesting^ portraits and views. Royal Svo, cloth, paper label. Chicago : 1903. With accounts in the Appendix of Abraham Lincoln's and Jef- ferson Davis's participation in the War. 297 2100. STEVENS (HENRY). Historical and Geographi- l, .' cal Notes on the Earliest Discoveries in America, 1453-1530. With Comments on the Earliest Charts and Maps; The Mis- takes of the Earliest Navigators; The Asiatic Origin of the Atlantic Coast Line, etc. Woodcut title and 6 folding fac- simile maps contained in end pocket. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New Haven: 1869. Only 75 copies printed. With autograph of the author. -^ 2101. STEVENS (HENRY). Recollections of Mr. James — Lenox of New York, and the Formation of his Library. Port- rait on Indian paper. 16mo, original boards, uncut. Lond.: 1886. Choice copy. 2102. STEVENS (JOHN L.). History of Gustavus Adol- ■'l- phus. Engraved portrait. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1884. 2103. STEVENS (WILLIAM BACON). A History of ^ Georgia, from its First Discovery by Europeans to the _ Adoption of the Present Constitution in 1798. With maps and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth. N. Y. : 1847. Good crisp copy. 2104. STEWARD (JOHN F.). Lost Maramech and Ear- _, _ liest Chicago. A History of the Foxes and of Their Down- fall Near Maramech. Many illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Chicago: 1903. 2105. STEWART (JOHN). An Account of Prince Ed- _o ~ ward Island, in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, North America. " Folding map. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back and top, un- cut. Lond. : 1806. Very fine copy, uncut. Scarce. 2106. STILES (HENRY R.). Letters from the Prisons -o _ and Prison Ships of the Revolution. With Notes. 8vo, orig- ^- inal boards uncut and unopened, (one leaf slightly torn). No. 35 OF ONLY 45 COPIES printed. 2107. STIRLING (JAMES). Letters From The Slave ._ States. FIRST EDITION. Map. 12mo, cloth. London: 1857. 2108. STITH'S VIRGINIA, 1747. Stith (William). The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Vir- ginia : being an Essay towards a General History of this Col- _ ony. (With the appendix, with separate title page, contain- ing a Collection of such ancient Charters or Letters Patent, as relate to that Period of Time.) 8vo, full light polished calf, gilt back, leather labels, gilt dentelle inside borders, gilt edges, by Pratt. WILLIAMSBURG [VA.] : PRINTED BY WILLIAM PARKS, 1747. Original Edition of the First American Printed History OF Virginia, with the Appendix separately paged. In adverting to the considerations which impelled him to under- 298 STITirS VIKGINIA, 1747. tuko the cuinpilatioii uf tho al)ovo, the author, in his pri'face, says .... "It is now an Ilundrt'd and forty years since the First Dis- covery and Settlement of Vir^'inia ; and as many useful papers and records relating to our History may probably be found at I)rosent, which will jterhaps be lost hereafter, I conceived it high time that something material should be attempted in it. For I need not say how empty and unsatisfactory everything yet pub- lished on the subject is. . . ." Fink copy. Very Hare. 2109. STITII (WILLIAM). The History of the First DISCOVERY AND SETTLEMENT OP VIRGINIA; (also IH the Same VOl., with separate title), An Appendix to the First Part of the History of Virginia, containing a Collection of such ancient Charters or Letters Patent, as relate to that Period of Time. 8vo, contemporary calf (rebacked). Virginia : Printed. Lond., Reprinted for S. Birt. 1753. Fine, clean copy. Rare. 2110. STITH (WILLIA:\I). The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia. Facsimile title of the original Williafnshurg edition. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. X. Y. : Reprinted for Joseph Sabin, 1865. r.ARGE Paper. Oxi.y 50 copies prixted. Joseph Sabin's own copy, with signed pencil note in his handwriting, on both sides of the front fly-leaf, referring to the various issues of the V^''illiams- burg edition. 2111. STONE (EDWIN MARTIN). The Invasion of Canada in 1775 : Including the Journal of Captain Simeon Thayer, describing the Perils and Sufferings of the Army under Colonel Benedict Arnold, in its March through the Wilderness to Quebec. With Notes and Appendix. Port- raits. 8vo. half green morocco, gilt top. Providence : 1867. Privately Prixted. Scarce. 2112. STONE (WILLIAM L.). Life of Joseph Brant- Thayendanegea : including the Border W^ars of the American Revolution, and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns of Gen- erals Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne. Portraits, map and plates. 2 vols.. 8vo. half brown polished morocco, heavy bands, gilt tops {some of the plates ncathj mounted on linen). N. Y. : 1838. A biography of this Great Captain of the Six Nations, and the mastor-spirit of the Indians engaged in the British service dur- ing the American Revolution. Fixe copy of the First Editiox. 2113. STONE (WILLIAM L.). The Life and Times of Red-Jacket or Sa-go-ye-wat-ha ; being the Sequel to the His- tory of the Six Nations. Engraved title and frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. and Lond. : 1841. 2114. STONE (WILLIAM L. ) . Uncas and Miantonomah : a Historical Discourse. 18mo. original cloth. N. Y. : 1842. Scarce. Contains many Historical Notes and an Appendix re- lating to the Indians of New England. 299 2115. STOXE WILLIA:\r L.i. Life of Joseph Brant f 'j.' (Thayendanegea) including the Border Wars of the American Kevolution. and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns of Gen- erals Haniiar. St. Clair, and Wayne, and other matters con- nected with the Indian Relations of the United States and Great Britain, from the Peace of 1783 to the Indian Peace of 1795. Engraved portraits, maps and plates. 2 vols., royal 8vo. half blue morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Albany: 1S64. Large Paper. Oxly HO copies so printed. 2116. STOXE (WILLIAM L.). The Life of Sir William Johnson. Bart. Portraits, map and plate. 2 vols., royal Svo, half blue polished morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Albany: 1865. Large Paper. Oni y 50 copies so printed. The work was commenced by the biographer of Brant, but remained unfinished at his death and was completed in its present form, by his son. The appendix contains two original Journals of Johnson, kept while on Expeditions to Niagara. Oswego and Detroit. 2117. STONE (WILLIAM L.). The Life and Times of - ^- Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha. or Red Jacket. With a Memoir of the Author, by his Son. Engraved portraits and illustrations. Thick royal Svo, full crimson morocco, gilt back and top. un- cut. " Albany: 1866. Large Paper. One of only .50 copies so printed. With A. L. S. of the author inserted. 211S. STOXE (WILLIAM L.). History of Xew York ^~ City, from the Discovery to the Present Day. Numerous steel portraits, views and woodcuts throughout text. Thick Svo, half calf, gilt back (binding rubbed), X. Y. : 1872. 2119. [STORK (WILLIAM).] An Account of East- T _ Florida, with a Journal, Kept by John Bartram of Philadel- phia, Botanist to his ^lajesty for the Floridas; upon a Journey from St. Augustine up the River St. John's. Svo. half leather. Lond. : (1766). This octavo edition is extremely bare. The last 70 pages of the work were written by John Bartram, father of William P>arrrani. who published Travels in Florida, etc., 1791. 2120. STOWE (MRS. HARRIET BEECHER). The - ^Mayflower: or Sketches of Scenes and Characters Among the Drscen(]anTs of the Pilgrims. ISmo. cloth (slightly rubbed). X. Y.: 3844. First Kdition ok >fRs. Stowe's first book. 2121. STOWE (MRS. HARRIET BEECHER i. De " - Xcg.rliut ( I'nele Tom's Cabin . Een Verhaal uit het Slaven- leven in Xoord-Amerika. Uit het Engelsch vertaaki door C. ^I. ^knsing. Lithographic porfrait and title pages. 2 vols.; — De >laverni.i. Door H. B. Stowe: — Verlog en Slentel of de .30(' STOWE (MRS. HAPvRIET BEECHEIt). Nt'gfrliut. Together 3 vols., 8vo. lialf calf, gilt backs (slightly rubbod . Haarlem: 1853. Iiirludt's tilt' First Dutch tniiishitiiMi of Mrs. Stowe's "Uncle Tmiu's Cabin." 2lL'2. ^^TRICKLAXD (MAJOR) SAML'EL. Tvventy- ~ Stnt'ii Yt-ars in Canada West; or. The Experience of An Early S<'ttler. E(lit(^d by Agnes Strickland, hr.st editiox. 2 vols., small Svo. cloth, uncut. London : Bentley, 1853. 2123. STROAT (GILBERT M.). Scenes and Sketches of 2" Savage Life. Frontispiece. 12mo. half calf, gilt back. Lond.: 1868. All account of tlu^ Aclit tribes of Indians, inliabitinj; the re- irioiis around Vancouver Island, and Barclay and Nootkah Sounds. 2124. i STUART (ANDREW).] Succinct Account of the Treaties and Xegociations between Great Britain and the ', ~ United States of America, relating to the Boundary between the British Possessions of Lower Canada and New Brunswick, in North America, and the United States of America. 2 folding m(ip,', and Explanatory Notes, by W. Wotten and others. 12mo, half calf. Lond. : 1734. Rnro. Contains many curious and additional notes, now first printed. 2137. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Prose Works. Edited by Temple Seott. Vol. 12. Essays by Sir Frederick Falkiner — and the Dean of St. Patrick's. Bibliography of Swift's W^orks. bv W. S. Jackson. Portraits. 12ino, cloth, uncut. London: 1908. 2138. SYLVESTER (NATHANIEL B.). Historical Sketches of Northern New York and the Adirondack Wilder- -^-^ ness. Including Traditions of the Indians, Early Explor- ers, Pioneer Settlers, Hermit Hunters, etc. Portraits. 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. Troy : 1877. Large Paper. Only 50 copies so issued. Scarce. 2139. SY:\DIES (THOMAS). The Original Account of Capt. John Lovewell's "Great Fight" with the Indians, at - Pec|uawket, ]\Iay 8. 1725. A New Edition with Notes, by Nathaniel Bouton. Map. 8vo, half morocco, with the orig- inal covers bound in. Concord : 1861. Fine copy. Scarce. 2140. SYMONS (LIEUT. THOMAS W.). Report of an '^_? Examination of the Upper Columbia River and the Territory in its Vicinity, in 1881. Many maps. 8vo, wrappers (back a little worn). W^ashington : 1882. 2141. SYNCHRONOLOOY of the principal events in sacred and profane historv from the Creation of ^lan to the 15 Present Time. 8vo. cloth. Boston: 1869. 2142. nPACHE (ALEXANDRE). Vingt Annees de 7 5 1 Missions dans le Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique. " 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Montreal : 1866. 2143. TANNER (JOHN). A Narrative of the Captivity and Adventures of John Tanner (U. S. Interpreter at the Saut de Ste. Marie), during Thirty Years Residence among the Indians in the Interior of North America. Prepared for the press by Edwin James. Portrait and ivoodcuts in text. 8vo. original boards. New York : 1830. A scarce Northwestern "Captivity," edited by the compiler of Maj. Lonji's "Expedition from Pittsburgh, etc." Mr. Field pronounces this work one of the most minute and authentic ac- counts of the Northern Indians ever printed. 2144. TANNER (JOHN). A Narrative of the Captivity and Adventures of John Tanner (U. S. Interpreter at the -'_ Caut de Ste. Marie), during Thirty Years Residence among the Indians in the Interior of North America. Prepared for the press by Edwin James. Portrait and woodcuts. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back and top. Lond. : 1830. The rare London issue of the preceding. 303 (^- 2145. TARBELL (IDA M.). The Life of Abraham Lin- coln. Drawn from original Sources and containing many Speeches. Letters and Telegrams hitherto unpublished. Il- lustrated with portraits, maps, views, facsimiles, etc. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth backs and boards, uncut. N. Y. : 1900. No. 47 OF THE Special Illustrators' Edition, of which BUT 75 copies WEBE issued. 2146. TARLETON (Lt.-COL. BAXASTRE). History of q - the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781 in the Southern Pro%'inces i' of North America. 5 folding maps. 4to, calf (re-backed). Lond. : 1787. The most important history of the Revolution from the time of the arrival of the French troops. Includf^s numerous letters from Commanders on both sides, Clinton, Cornwallis, LaFayette, Greene, Pickens, Lee, etc., and gives details of all operations in the South to the Surrender of Cornwallis. Best Edition. Rare. 2147. TAYLOR (BAYARD). Eldorado, or, Adventures in the Path of Empire. Comprising a Voyage to California, via Panama : Life in San Francisco and Monterey. Mexican Travel, etc. With tinted plates by the author. 2 vols.. 12mOi cloth. X. Y. : 1850. Nice copy of the scarce First Edition. 2148. TAYLOR (BAYARD). Eldorado, or Adventures in the Path of Empire. 2 vols., 12mo, original printed boards. Lond.: 1850. The scarce Loudon edition in the original boards. 2149. [TAYLOR, GEORGE.] Martyrs to the Revolu- ^ » tion in the British Prison-Ships in the Wallabout Bay. Fold- ^- ing map. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. X. Y. : 1855. Extb.\-Illustrateu by the insertion of 34 engraved por- traits, LITHOGRAPHS. VIEWS, etc. Au accouut of the old Jersey Prison ship and the American prisoners confined therein. The Bushnell copy. 2150. TAYLOR (WILLIAM). California Life. Illus- trations. 12mo, cloth. ^ X. Y.:(1858). 2151. TAYLOR (ZACHARY). Letters of Zachary Tay- lor from the Battle-Fields of the Mexican War. With In- troduction. Biographical Xotes, an Appendix, and Illustra- tions from Private Plates. 4to. cloth back and boards, uncut, Rochester: 1908. No. 10.3 of only 300 copies printed for Private Distribu- tion ONLY, from the Originals in the Collection of Mr. William K. Bixby. Autograph Presentation copy from Mr. Bixby. 2152. TEIT (JA:MES) . Traditions of the Thompson River Indians of British Columbia. With Introduction by Franz Boas. 8vo, cloth. Bost. : 1898. 804 A JOURNAL OF TWO CAMPAIGNS OF 7 BE FOURTH REGIMENT OF U. S. INFANTRY, IN THB MICHIGAN AND INDIANA TERRITORIES, VKDSR THS COMMAND OF COL. yoSN p. BOYD, AND LT. COL. JAMES MILLER JjURING tee YEARS 1811, IJ 12. BY ADAM WALKER, tAfE A SOLii/BJlor rilB ^TH MEGIMSNT. KEENE, N. H. PXTNtED AT THE tCNTINEL PSESS, By the Author. 1816. (See No. 22.36) 2153. [TEXESLES (XI COLA). J The Indian of Xew r England, and the North-Eastern Provinces. With Vocabu- laries in the Indian and English giving the names of the Animals, Birds and Fish. ]iy "A Citizen of ^liddletown, Conn." 12mo, half light i)o]ishe(l calf, gilt back, uncut, original wrapper bound in. ^liddletown : 1851. 2154. TEXAS. Constitucion del Estado de Tejas. Adop- ^£ tada en Convencion en la Ciudad de Austin, 1845. Traducida de orden de la Convencion. por Geo. Fisher. 8vo, sewed, uncut (margins slightly soiled- — ^2 margins torn into). Austin: 1845. Vkky Kakk. The first Constitution adopted by the State of 'I'l'xiis at a Convention to ratify an Act of Conjrress for its admis- sion into the Federal Union. 2155. TIIACHER (JA:\IES). A Military Journal During ,< the American Revolution, from 1773 to 1783. .. ."With num- "— erous Historical Facts and Anecdotes. To which is added an appendix, containing Biographical Sketches of Several Gen- eral Officers. Svo, half crimson jiolished morocco, gilt back and top. Bost. : 1823. FiKST EiHTio.v. Fine copy. 2156. TIIACHER (JOHN B.). The Continent of Am- erica, its Discovery and its Baptism : an Essay on the Xomen- -• clature of the Old Continents. A Critical and Bibliographi- -^ cal Inquiry into the Xaming of America, and the Growth of the Cosmography of the Xew World, together with an At- tempt to Establish the Landfall of Columbus on Watling Is- land, and the Subsequent Discoveries and Explorations on the ^lain Land by Americus Yespucius. Facsimile maps, charts and illustrations. Royal 4to. half vellum, uncut. Oxi.Y 250 COPIES PRTXTED ON AMERICAN ANTIQUE PAPER. 1 2157. [THAYER (JAMES BRADLEY).] A Western Journey with Mr. Emerson. Square 16mo, parchment wrap- ^^ pers. uncut. Bost. : 1884. Account of a trip from Boston to California and back, stop- ping at Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Mariposa Grove, etc. 2158. THELLER (E. A.). Canada in 1337-38. Showing 5o the Causes of the Late Attempted Revolution, and of its Failure, etc. 2 vols., small Svo, cloth. Phila. : 1841. 2159. THE VET (AXDREA). Historia dell' India Am- erica detta Altramente Francia Antartica. Di 31. Andrea Tevet (sic) ; Tradotta di Francese in Lingua Italiaua, da M. Giu- ?."" seppe Ilorologgi. 12mo. full light polished calf, gilt back, leather labels, gilt edges. Vinegia appreso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari, 1561. [History of the American Indies, otherwise called France Ant- arctic, etc.]. This copy contains the rare leaf at end with prin- ter's mark. 305 2160. THE VET (ANDREA). Historia dell' India Am- erica. Detta altramente Franeia Antartica, di M. Andrea Tevet : Tradotta di Francese in lingua Italiana, da INI. Giuseppe Horologgi, Di nouo ristarapata. Small 8vo, vellum (margins of few leaves slightly stained — very small hole in title). Venetia: appresso I. Gioliti, 1584. Rare issue. With the engraving of the arms of the printer on the recto, of the last leaf ( verso blank ) , which is usually missing. 2161. THEVET (ANDREA). Les Singularitez de la France Antarctique. Nouvelle Edition, avec Notes et Com- mentaires, par Gaffarel. Woodcuts in text. Small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back. Paris: 1878. 2162. THEVENOT (MELCHISEDEC). Recueil de Voy- ages de Mr. Thevenot. Dedie au Roy. ^Yith all the maps and plates. 12mo, calf (weak at hinges — slight tear in two plates — small stain on top margins of few leaves). Paris: Chez Estienne Michallet, 1681. Complete copy, with all the maps and plates, the leaf of errata and the full-title page to the Natural History of Ephemera and Hermit Crab. Collation : Title, on verso, "Suite du Recueil," 1 leaf ; Avis, pp. 1-11. with large folding map (of the discoveries of Abel Tas- man) (margins cut close) ; "Relations de ce Reciieil. .," pp. 12- 16 : Carte de la decouverte faite I'an 1673 dans I'Amerique Sep- tentrionale ; "Decouverte de Quelques Pays et Nations de I'Amer- ique Septentrionale," pp. 1-43 and 1 p. blank ; "Explication des Lettres de la Figure suivante," 1 p., on verso, 4 engraved figures ; "Discours sur I'Art de la Navigation. ..," pp. 1-32 ; "Voyage d'un Ambassadevr que le Tzaar de Moscovie Envoya par Tcrre a la Chine," pp. 1-18 ; "Les Histories Naturelles. .," title, verso blank. Errata, verso blank, 2 11. ; "Histoire Naturelle de I'Ephemere, pp. 1-20 and 7 plates (2 folded), with explanations, pp. 1-13. and 1 blk. p. ; "Histoire Naturelle du Cancellus," pp. 1-8. with 5 plates in text and a 6th on separate leaf ; "Le Cabinet de Mr. Svvam- merdam," pp. 1-16 ; Folding map with text "Explication de la Carte de la Decouverte de la Terre d'lelmer." 2163. THEVENOT (MELCHISEDEC). Recueil de Voy- ages de Mr. Thevenot. Plates. 12mo, calf (stamp on title — lacks the large folding map of Tasman's discoveries, woodcut chart, 2 large folding plates of "I'Ephemere," and all of "Histoires Naturelle du Cancellus" — Chart of the discoveries in America in 1673 is in facsimile). Paris: 1681. 2164. THOMAS (CYRUS). The Problem of the Ohio Mounds. Illustrations. 54 pp. 8vo, wrappers. Washington: 1889. 2165. THOMAS (DAVID). Travels through the Western Country in the Summer of 1816. Including Notices of the Natural IIistor^'^, Topography, Commerce, Antiquities, etc. With a map of the Wahash Country, now settling. 12mo, original sheep. Auburn : 1819. Goon sox'xn copy of this f.xceedixgly scarce book. 306 ^5 2166. THOMAS (E. S.). Reminiscences of the Last - Sixty-Five Years, Commencing -with the Battle of Lexing- ton. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth (slightly foxed). Hartford: 1840. 2167. THOMAS (GABRIEL). An Account of Pennsyl- Hjp vania and West New Jersey. With Introduction by Cyrus Townsend Brady. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cleveland : Burrows, 1903. One of 250 copios roprintod from the original edition of 1698. c- 2168. THOMASSY (M. R.). De La Salle et Ses Rela- _3 ~ tions Inedites de la Decouverte du Mississipi. Folding map. 4to, marbled boards, original wrappers bound in. Paris: 1859. 2169. THOMASSY (M. R.). Geologic Practique de la ^ " Louisiane. 6 mops and plates. 4to. cloth. Nouvelle-Orleans et Paris, 1860. Very Scarce. Contains a map frequently referred to in the historical discussion of the discovery and early settlement of Louisiana. ipo 2170. THOMASSY (M. R.). Geologic Pratique de la i Louisiane. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. (Paris: 1861). Scarce. Contains matter relating to the discovery and early settlements along the Mississippi river. oo 2171. THOMASSY (M. R.). Geologic Pratique de la i Louisiane. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. [Paris: 1861]. 2172. THOMPSON (BENJAMIN F.). The History of Long Island, to the Present Time, second edition, revised -- - AND GREATLY ENLARGED. Portrait, folding map, 14 litho- I' graphic views and 2 woodcut plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs and tops. N. Y. : 1843. Best Editiox, ix two volumes. Very Scarce. 2173. THOMPSON (MORTIMER M.). Plu-ri-bus-tah: a -^o song that's bv no author. Humorous illustrations. 12mo, ~ cloth. ■ N. Y. : 1856. First EniTioN. Fine copy. 2174. THOMPSON (WADDY). Recollections of Mexico. \,o 8vo, original cloth, uncut. N. Y. and Lond. : 1846. "" Fixe cleax copy. The author was U. S. Minister to Mexico ; his work written on the eve of the Mexican War is valuable as a calm estimate of tliat country. 2175. THOMPSON (ZADOCK). History of Vermont; go Natural, Civil and Statistical. Map and numerous woodcuts. r '" Thick 8vo, boards, uncut (shaken and slight tear in title). Burlington: 1842. 307 ■3^ 2176. THOMPSON (ZADOCK). History of the State of ■ — Vermont: for the Use of Families and Schools. (With an Appendix). 18mo, boards, leather back (rubbed). Burlington: 1858. 2177. THOMSEN (GRIMUR). The Northmen in Ice- land. Remarks on a Treatise of G. W. Dasent. Illustrations. 3c7 Svo, boards. (Copenhagen) : 1849. Publication of the Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord of Copenhagen. 2178. [THOMSON (CHARLES).] An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese In- dians from the British Interest, and into the Measures taken for Recovering their Friendship. Engraved map. 8vo, half . " morocco, uncut (original wrappers bound in). Lond. : 1759. The Rake Original Edition, uncut and with the Map. This work gives an account of the shameful fraud practised upon the Indians of Pennsylvania by Gov. Thomas Penn, through which the unwitting savages were robbed of over a million acres of land. Endless wars and bloody massacres, that devastated the borders of Pennsylvania and Virginia for over twenty years, fol- lowed in the train of this dastardly piece of chicanery. The work also includes the Journal of Christian Frederick Post, whose negotiations among the Indians on the Ohio, did much to win l)ack their friendship and alienate them from the interests of the French. 2179. [THOMSON (CHARLES).] An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese In- dians from the British Interest. . . .Together with the Remark- able Journal of Christian Frederic Post, by whose Negotia- tions, among the Indians on the Ohio, they were withdrawn from the Interest of the French. . . .Witli Notes by the Editor, explaining sundry Indian Customs, etc. Map. Royal 4to, half morocco. Phila. : 1867. r.ARGE Paper. One of only 7."5 copies printed. 2180. THOMSON (DAVID). Notes on a Recently Dis- ^ ^ covered Indenture relating to David Thomson of Piscatariua — and Massachusetts Bay. By Charles Deane. With a copy of the Indenture. Svo, wrappers, uncut. Cambridge : 1876. Edition limited to 100 copies. 2181. THI'RSTON (DAVID). A Brief History of Win- throp. ^Maine; from 1764 to October 1855. 12mo. cloth. Portland: 1855. 2182. TIIWAITES (RECBEN GOLD). On the Storied Ohio : a Thousand Miles on A Skiff, from Redstone to Cairo. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Chicago: 1903. 2183. TIIWAITES (REUBEN GOLD). A Brief History of Rocky ^lountain Exploration, with especial reference to "" the Expedition of Lewis and Clark, ^yit1l illustrations and maps. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : 1904. 30S 5o 2154. TILDEN (BRYANT P.. .JR.j. Xot.-s on the I'pper Rio Grande. Explored in the niontlis of (Jctober aii Charlevoix, tho Chevalier de Touty disclaimed all connection with this work. It is believed, however, to have been uiiiiu<'->tionably from his pen. The author descended the Missis- sippi in 108S in search of r,a Salle, but did not reach him till after he had been slain. De Tonty was a trusted companion of the ;;reat discoverer and performed important services for him in his explorations. 2155. TONTI (HENRI DE. Relation of Henri de Tonty Concerning the Explorations of La Salle from 1678 to 1688. • ~ Translated by ^lelville B. Anderson. 8vo, boards, vellum back, edges uncut. Chicago : The Caxton Club. 1898. OXLY 194 COPIES PRINTED OX IIAND-^rADE PAPER FOR THE CaX- TON Club, of Chicago. 2189. TOOKER (W1LLIA:\I W.). John Eliot's First In- ~'S dian Teacher and Interpreter. Cockenoe-de-Long Island. II- ^ lusts, on Japan Paper. 8vo. cloth, uncut. New York: 1896. Oxr.Y- 21.J copies printed. 219(1. TORRENTE (MARIANO). Historia de la Revolu- ^ \£ cion Hispano-Americana. Folding maps and platfs. 3 vols., i 8vo. half crimson morocco, gilt backs. !!Madrid : 1829-30. 21!)L TOWNSENI) (J. K.j. Narrative of a Journey -r across tile Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River and a Yisit du Roi d'Espagne. Par Don George Juan, et Don Antoine de Ulloa. . . .et qui Contient une Ilistoire des Yneas du Perou. Xumerous fine copper-plate maps and engravings. 2 vols.. 4to, mottled calf, gilt backs and edges (slightly cracked at hinges). Amsterdam: 1752. Obigixal Editiox. Text clean, and with fine impressions of the plates. With engraved armorial book-plate of Viscount Har- berton, in each volume. 2217. UNIVERSE DISPLAYED (THE) : or. A Survey of the Wonderful Works of Creation, etc. Maps and copper- — plates. 8vo, old calf. London : 1764, ■ c ■ o 2218. [UPHAM (C. W.)]. Life. Explorations, and Pub- __ lie Services of John Charles Fremont. Portrait and illus- — trations. 12mo, cloth. Bost. : 1856. 2219. UPHAM (C. W.). Salem Witchcraft: with an ac- count of Salem Village and a history of opinions on witch- ijQ — craft and kindred subjects. 4 vols., small 4to. half claret mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Wiggin and Lunt, 1867. OXLY 100 COPIES PKIXTED. 2220. URLSPERGER (SAMUEL). Ausfiihrliche Xach- richt von den Saltzburgischen Emigranten, Die sich in Am- erica niedergelassen haben. Worin nebst einen Historisehen ^ ^ Vorbericht von dem ersten und andern Transport derselben I — die Reise-Diaria des Koniglichen Gross-Britannischen Com- missarii und die beyden Saltzburgischen Prediger wie audi, eine Beschreibung von Georgien imgleichen verschiedenc hierzu gehorige Briefe enthalten. Portrait and map. 4to. half vellum. Halle: 1735. Rake Okigixai. Editiox. Contains a Narrative of the emi- gration of the persecuted Salzburgers to America ; of their settle^ ment in Georgia and of the inogress of that Colony, written in the form of a journal by two of their ministers, Bolzius and Gro- nan. to the Rev. Urlsperger. With an account of the Indians of Georgia. — c 2221. \/'^IL (EUGENE A.). Notice sur les Indiens V de I'Amerique du Nord. Folding map and 2 — finehj colored plates of Indians. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris: LS40. .313 2222. VANCOUVER (GEORG^E). Voyage de Decou- vertes, a rOcean Pacifique du Nord, et Autour du Monde ; dans lequel la cote Nord-Ouest de rAmerique a ete soigneusement reconnue et exaetement relevee. . . .execute en 1790-1795. Nu- merous engraved views. 3 vols., 4to, and folio Atlas, contain- ing 10 large double-page maps and 6 profile plates. Together 4 vols., sheep and half sheep (bindings slightly rubbed). Paris: [1801-02]. The maps and plates in this French edition are equally as fibae as those in the English issue of 1798. Raee. 2223. VANCOUVER (GEORGE). Voyage de Decou- vertes, a I'Ocean Pacifique du Nord, et Autour du Monde, en- trepris par ordre de sa Majeste Britannique, 1790-1795. Tra- duit de 1 'anglois par P. F. Henry. 8 folding maps, 17 copper- plate engravings and one chart. 6 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut (a few lower margins of two vols, slightly stained) . Paris : 1803. Good sound copy, with wide margins. 2224. VAN HEUVEL (J. A.) . El Dorado ; being a narra- tive of the circumstances which gave rise to reports, in the 16th century of the existence of a Rich and Splendid City in South America. Folding map. 8vo, half leather (foxed). New York: (1844). 2225. VARNHAGEN (F. A. DE). Examen de Quelques Points Le L'Histoire Geographique du Bresil. Map. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris: 1858. 2226. VARNHAGEN (F. A. DE). Das Wahre Guana- hani des Columbus. Folding map. 8vo, half leather, uncut. Wien: 1869. 2227. VEER (GfiRARD DE). Tre Navigationi fatte dagli Olandesi, e Zelandesi al Settentrione nella Norvegia, Moscovia, e Tartaria verso il Catai, e Regno de' Sini, doue scopersero il Mare di Veygartz, La Nvova Zembla, Et vn Paese nell' Ot- tantesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia .... Descritte in Ijat- ino da Gerardo di Vera e Nuouamente da Giouan Giunio Pari- sio Tradotte nella lingua Italiana. Engraved vignette on title, 3 maps, 1 chart and 28 plates, all finely engraved on copper, and brilliant impressions and each filling from one-half to three-quarters of a printed page. Small 4to, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, sides with gilt ornamental corners, anchor with scroll design, inside gold borders, gilt edges, BY Ram AGE (very small tear in blank portion of the mar- gin of three leaves, — 4 pp. have slight ink tracings). Venetia, Appresso Gio. Battista Ciotti : 1599. Excessively Rabe. A narrative of the celebrated voyage of William Barentsz, who wintered on the island of Nova Zemljla and who perished on his voyage home. 314 2228. VEGA (GARCILASSO DE LA). Primera Parte DE LOS COMMENTARIOS REALES, QUE TRATAN DEL ORIOEN DE I.OS Yncas, Reyes que fueron del Peru, de su Idolatria, Leyes, y gouieruo en paz en Guerra. Engraved plate. [Title and 10 prel. leaves, including plate and rare Errata leaf, text 263 numbered leaves (528 pp. with eolophon on last page).] LiSBOA Pedro Crasbeeck, 1609; — [also the continuation] His- TORiA general DEL Peru, trata el Descvbrimiento del ; y coma lo ganaron los Espanoles. Woodcut on title. [8 prel. leaves including title and Errata, text 300 numbered leaves, Tabla 12 pp.] Cordova: Andres Barrera, 1617. 2 vols., small folio, old calf (rebacked — small tear in margin of two leaves and few pp. in Vol. II slightly spotted). Lisboa, 1609, AND Cordova, 1617. Very Rake Original Eoitions of Both Volumes, with the scarce Errata leaf in each. Having been published in different places at different dates the two volumes are seldom found to- gether. 2229. VEGA (GARCILASSO DE LA) . Ilistoire des Guer- res Civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes; Causees par les Sousleuemens des Picarres, et des Almagres; suivies de plu- sieurs Desolations, a peine eroyables; Arrivees au Peru par r Ambition, & par I'Avarice des Conquerans de ee grand Em- pire. Escritte en Espagnol par I'Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. Et mise en Francois, par I. Bavdoin. (Also in same vol.) Suitte des Guerres Civiles des Espagnols dans le Peru. En- graved title. 2 vols, in one, thick 4to, vellum (few pp. slightly spotted). Paris: 1650. Rabe. 2230. VEGA (GARCILASSO DE LA). Ilistoire de la Conquete de la Floride: ou Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans la Decouverte de ce Pais par Ferdinand de Soto. Composes en Espagnol par I'lnca Garcillasso de la Vega. Traduite en Francois, par Sr. Pierre Richelet. Nouvelle edition, corrig^e ET augmentee. Map and copper-plate engravings. 2 vols., 12mo, marbled wrappers, uncut. Leide : P. vander Aa, 1731. 2231. VEGA (GARCILLASSO DE LA). Histoire des Yncas Rois du Perou. On a joint a cette edition L 'Histoire de la Floride. Folding map and many fine copper-plate en- gravings hy Picart (including 2 plates not mentioned in list). 2 vols., 4to, old calf. Amsterdam : Chez Jean F. Bernard, 1737. 2232. VENABLES (COL. ROBERT). The Experienced Angler. With Memoir of Col. Venables. Vignette illustra- iions on India paper. 16mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut (rubber, — some leaves spotted) . London : T. Gosden, 1827. The Gosden reprint of the first <^dition. 315 2233. VENEGAS (MIGUfiL). Xoticia de la California y (le sii Conquista Temporal, y espiritual Ilasta el Tiempo Pre- seiite. Saeada de la Historia ]\Ianuscrita. Fomiada en Mexico ano de 1739, por el Padre Miguel Venegas, de la Compania de Jesus : y de otras Noticias, y Relacioues antiguas, y raoder- nas. 4 maps. 3 vols., small 4to, sheep (one map slightly torn in fold • . Madrid : 1757. Rare Original Edition Fine copy. With the book-plate of George Bancroft, the Historian, in each volume. "The learned Jesuit father Andres Marcos Burriel deserves all the credit that is due this work, the manuscript of Father Venesas having formed but a small part of the materials made use of." — Rich. One of the most faithful narrations regarding the original con- dition of the Indians of any part of North America, connected with a history of their gradual progress towards civilization. 2234. VENEGAS (MIGUEL). A Natural and Civil His- tory of California : containing an accurate Description of that Country, its Soil, Mountains, Harbours, Lakes. . . .Fishery for Pearls. The Customs of the Inhabitants. . . .together with Ac- counts of the several Voyages and Attempts made for settling California (etc.). Folding map and 3 curious plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs. Lond. : 1759. First English Tbanslation. Rare. 2235. VENEZUELA. Interesting Documents relating to the United Provinces of Venezuela, viz Preliminary Remarks, the Act of Independence, Proclamation, ^Manifesto to the AVorld of the Causes which have Impelled the said Provinces to Separate from the [Mother Country. Together with the Constitution Framed for the Administration of their Govern- ment, in Spanish and English. Engraved title. 8vo, half calf, Lond.: 1812. With inscription, "From the Author." Text throughout in Spanish and English. 2236. VERGENNES (CHARLES GRAVIER, COMTE DE ) . ]\Iemoire Historique et Politique sur la Louisiane. Par ]\I. De Vergennes, Ministre de Louis XVI, Accompagne d'un Precis de la Vie de ce ]\Iinistre, et suivi d'autres ]\Iemoires sur rindostan. Saint Domingue. la Corse et la Guyannes. Copper-plate portrait. Svo, half claret polished morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. Paris: 1802. Fine copy, with rough uncut edges. 2237. VERWYST (CHRYS0ST0:\1. OF BAYFIELD, 'WIS. I. [Missionary T>abors of Fatliers [Marquette, [Menard and .Mlouez. in the Lake Superior Region. 12mo, new cloth. [\rilwaukee: 1886. 223S. VESPUCCI (A.) Varnhagen (F. A. de). Le Prem- ier Voyage de Vespucci definitivement explique dans ses De- tails. Vienne. 1869: — Nouvelles Recherches sur les derniers 316 \'i:SIM'( •< '1 lA.i. ^''oyages dii Xavigateur Florciitiii, et les reste dcs documents et (''claircisst'inciits siir lui, avec les texts. With Map from the ir)l:] l'ti)l( iivj, and a facsimile of Vespucci's Letter. Vieiiue, ISTit. '2 vols, ill one, folio, half g:i-eeu morocco. Vienna: 1869-70. Vkky fi.ne copy. Scakck. "Tlu'so valuable publications, whicli !U-<> the rt'sult of Varnlumoirs studies on Vespucci, contain the letters of Vespucci, both authentic and doubtful, illustrated with littT.iry and bioKrapliical notes, a critical analysis of his life, t'Xtracts from rare hooks, etc., which the Editor, as Brazilian Minister in Chili and Peru, had favorable opportunities of exam- ining:. Every thing that any one could desire in regard to Ves- liucci will be found in Varnhauen's treatises, by which it appears conclusive that Vespucci saw the American Continent in 1497-8, while Columbus did not see it till August, 1498." — Quaritch. 22S9. VETROMILE (EUGENE) . Indian Good Book. . . . for the Benefit of the Penobscot, Passamaquodd}', St. John's, ^lieuiae. and other tribes of the Abnaki Indians. Illustrated u-ith rare lithographic views. Thick 16mo, three quarter brown polished morocco, gilt edges. X. Y. : 1858. Third Edition, including much additional matter, in the Mic- mac language. Has both the Indian and English title-pages. Au- t')graph presentation inscription by the author, to Frederick Kid- der. Scarce. 2240. VETROMILE (EUGENE). Of Vetromile's Xoble Bible. Such as happened Great-Truths. ]\Iade by Eugene Vetromile. . . .for the Benefit of the Penobscot. ]\Iicmac and other tribes of the Abnaki Indians. Portrait and illustrations. Thick Itnno. half morocco, gilt back and top. uncut. New York: 1860. Written in the Penobscot and Micmac languages, with an Eng- lish literal translation. The illustrations form an important part of this work. 2241. VETRO:\IILE (EUGENE). The Abnakis and their History : or. Historical Notices on the Aborigines of Acadia. Lithographs and other illustrations. 16mo. cloth. N. Y.: 1866. 2242. VIUTOR (:\IRS. FRANCIS F.). The River of the West. Life and Adventures in the Rocky ^fountains and Ore- gon : embracing events in the Life-Time of a Mountain-]\Ian and Pioneer, with the early history of the North-Western Slope. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Hartford : 1871. 2243. VICTOR (MRS. FRANCES F.^. All Over Oregon and AVasliington. Svo, cloth. San Francisco : 1872. 2244. VIGNAUD (tIENRY). Toscanelli and Columbus: The Letter and Chart of Toscanelli on the route to the Indies by way of the West, sent in 1474 to the Portuguese Fernam ]Martins. and later on to Christopher Columbus. Svo, cloth, uncut. London : 1902. .SIT ^a LaO 2245. VIGNE (GODFREY T.). Six Months in America. 18mo, cloth, paper label. Phila. : 1833. 2246. VINCENT (FRANCIS). A History of the State of Delaware .... containing a Full Account of the First Dutch _ and Swedish Settlements, with a Description of its Geography and Geology. 8vo, half calf, gilt back, uncut. Phila. : 1870. Fine clean copy, partly unopened. 2247. [VINCENT (M.).] Lettres d'un Membre du Con- •^o gres Ameriquain, a Divers Membres du Parlement d'Angle- ~ terre. 8vo, wrappers. Philadelphie : 1779. 2248. VIVIAN (A. PENDARVIS). Wanderings in the _ r Western Land. With 2 folding maps, and numerous full-page '^r and text illustrations hy Albert Bierstadt and the Author. 8vo, half calf. Lond. : 1879. 2249. VON HODST (H.). The Constitutional and Poli- tical History of the United States, 1750-1833. State Sover- eignty and Slavery. 8vo, cloth. Chicago : 1876. 2250. VON TSCHUDI (DR. J. J.) . Travels in Peru, Dur- ing the Years 1838-1842, On the Coast, In the Sierra, Across the Cordilleras and the Andes, Into the Primeval Forests. Translated by Thomasina Ross. Lithographic frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: 1847. 2251. \\T AFER (LIONEL) . A New Voyage and Des- VV eription of the Isthmus of America, giving an Account of the Author's Abode There, the Form and Make of the Country .... the Indian Inhabitants .... with Remark- able Occurrences in the South Sea and Elsewhere. Map and 3 folding copper-plate engravings. 8vo, old panel calf, gilt back, (weak at one hinge). Lond.: 1699. Original Edition. One of the earliest and most valuable rela- tions in reference to the Isthmus of Darien. The author was a surpreon in Dampier's Expedition, and on being disabled by a wound, was left among the Indians. 2252. WAFER (LIONEL). A New Voyage and Des- cription of the Isthmus of America. Edited by George Parker Winship. Facsimile maps and plates. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Cleveland: 1903. One of 500 copies issued. 225.S. WAITE (MRS. C. V.). The Mormon Prophet and His Harem ; or, an Authentic History of Brigham Young, his numerous wives and children. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo. half red polished morocco, gilt back and top, by Pfister. Cambridge: 1866. 2254. WAKEFIELD (PRISCILLA). Excursions in North America, described in Letters from a Gentleman and his Young Companions to their Friends in England. 16mo, old sheep (rubbed). London: 1806. Contains at the end, the 4 pp "Itinerary." 318 2255. WALDO (S. PUTNAM). The Tour of James Mon- .^ roe, throiigli the Northern and Eastern States, in 1817; — " (also) Ilis Tour in the Year 1818. Portrait. 12mo, mottled sheep (portrait foxed). Hartford: 1820. 2256. WALKER (ADA:\I). A Joirnal of Two Cam- PAiGxs OF THE Fourth Regimknt of V. S. Infantry, in the ^ Michigan and Indiana Territories, under the Command of ^^ Col. John P. Boyd, and Lt. Col. James Miller, during the Years 1811 and '12. 12 mo, original boards and label, un- cut. Keene, N. II. : Printed at tlie Sentinel Press, 1816. Very Rare. Fine copy in the original binding, and entirely un- cut. With autograph signature of Stephen Salisbury, on title- page. This journal, written by a soldier of the 4th Regiment, is an interesting narrative of the campaign again.st the Indians and their British allies. Pages 87-143, contain an account of Gen. Harrison's Campaign at the retaking of Detroit and the defeat of the army under Gen. Proctor. - 2257. W^ALKER (ALEXANDER). Jackson and New Orleans. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1856. 2258. WALKER (DR. THOMAS). Journal of an Ex- 1 "^ ploration in the Spring of the Year 1750. With a Preface by William C. Rives. Frontispiece. Square 16mo. boards, uncut. Bost. : 1888. 2259. W^ALLACE (ALFRED RUSSELL). A Narra- -^r tive of Travels on the Amazon and the Rio Negro, with an 3, — Account of the Native Tribes, and observations on the Climate, Geology, and Natural History of the Amazon Valle.v. With a Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : 1853. 2260. WALLACE (ALFRED RUSSELL). My Life. A P — Record of Events and Opinions. With facsimile Letters, il- • lustrations and portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1906. 2261. WALSH (ROBERT). An appeal from the Judg- ( — ments of Great Britain Respecting the L'^nited States of Am- erica. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top (small tear in title and 2 leaves neatly repaired). Phila. : 1819. 2262. WALSH (ROBERT). An Appeal from the Judg- -Jq ments of Great Britain Respecting the United States of Am- ' — erica. Second Edition. 8vo, half morocco (some pp. faded). Phila.: 1819. Autograph of Wm. M. Field, 1826, on fly-leaf. 2263. WALTON (IZAAK) AND COTTON (CHARLES). The Compleat Angler; or, Contemplative ■f. ■" Man's Recreation. With exact representations of all the fish, and the addition of several copper plates, designed as an em- bellishment to the work. Carefully and correctly published from the best editions, with a number of occasional notes. 819 WAI.TOX (IZAAK) AND COTTON (CHARLES). By Closes Browne, author of Piscatory Eclogues. To which are added, The Laws of Angling. 12nio, sprinkled calf, gilt back, canary edges. Lond. : 1750. Sixth Edition. Fine copy. 2264. WALTON AND COTTON. The Compleat Angler: or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. With draughts of all the fish; ornamented with a number of copper-plates, and a great variety of useful and copious notes. By ^Moses Browne. Seventh Edition, very much amended and improved. 12mo, polished mottled calf, gilt back, green leather labels, inside dentelle borders, by larkins. Lond. : Henry Kent, 1759. Seventh Editiox. The plates used in the former edition have been re-engraved, without the artist's name and 4 new plates added. Fixe Copy. 2265. WALTON AND COTTON. The Compleat Angler ; or. Contemplative Man's Recreation. With draughts of all the fish ; ornamented with a number of copper-plates. By Closes Browne. 12mo, old sheep (worn — and a few margins wormed). Lond.: 1759. Seventh Edition. The preface has been rewritten, the "direc- tions for the sport" have been distinguished by "particular marks" and four new engravings by Burgh have been added. 2266. WALTON AND COTTON. The complete Angler: or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse of Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing. In two parts. The First written by ]\Ir. Izaak Walton, the Second by Cliarles Cotton, Esq. : To which are now prefixed Tlie Lives of the Authors. Fine copper-plate portrait of Cotton, 13 engraved plates by Ryland from designs by "Wale, 2 pages of engraved music and several engravings of fish in the text. 2 vols, in one. 12mo. lialf broAvn polished calf, gilt back, emblematic tooling, morocco labels, by Larkixs. Lond.: 1760. Hawkins' First Edition. Edited by Mr. John (afterwards Sir ,Tohn) Hawkins. This edition came into competition with that issued by Browne in the previous year, and gave rise to "sundry skirmishes and passages at arms between these rival edi- tors." Browne's charges of plagiarism appear unfounded. 2267. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or. Contemplative ^Man's Recreation. Illustrated with up- wards of thirty copper cuts of the several kinds of river- fish, and of the implements used in angling, views of the principal semes described in the book, engravrd by Ryland. To which is now prefixed the Lives of the Authors, and Notes. Historical. Critical and Explanatory. Small ^^vo. con- t.-mporary calf, emblematic gilt back, (hinges cracked and 2 leaves torn into). Lond.: J. Rivington. 1766. Hawkins' Second Edition. 320 2268. WAT/rON AND TOTTOX. Tho Compk-at Angler; or, Contemplative Man's Reeivation. Illustrated with up- wards of thirty copper cuts of the several ki7ids of River- fish, and of the implements used in Angling — Views of the principal Scenes described in the hook, and Notes, historical, critical and explanatory. 12ino. calf (rebacketii emblematic tooling. Lond. : Printed for J. Rivington. 1766. Hawkins' Second Edition. Good sound copy. 2269. WALTON AND COTTON. The Compleat Angler; or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. Illustrated with up- wards of thirty copper cuts of the several kinds of Biver- fish, of the implements used in angling, and views of the principal scenes described in the book. To Avhicli are pre- fixed the Lives of the Authors, and notes, historical, critical and explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins. ]2nio. old calf (hinges weak). Lond. : Printed for John and Francis Rivington : 1775. Hawkins' Third Edition. 2270. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or. Contemplative Man's Recreation, etc. Illustrated with upwards of thirty copper cuts of the several kinds of river- fish, etc. To which is prefixed the Lives of the Antliors, and Notes (Historical, Critical and Explanatory. Small Svo, calf (weak at hinges). Lond.: John and Francis Rivington, 1775. Hawkins' Third Edition. 227L WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or. Contemplative ]\Ian's Recreation. Engraved portrait of Cotton, 13 engraved plates by Eyland, 2 pag< s of ( ngravid music and several engravings of fish throughout tt xt. views of scenes mentioned in the book, etc. Small 8vo. half calf, gilt back, emblematic tooling red leather label, by Larkixs. Lond. : J. F. and C. Rivington, 1784. Hawkins' Fourth ICdition. For the memoir of Cotton by Oldys is sul)stituted a new biography by Hawkins. 2272. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or. Contemplative Man's Recreation. Fori rait of (\.iion, 11 engraved plates by Ryland, including 2 pages of engraved music, also severed engravings of fish throughoiit text. Small Svo. half mottled calf, gilt back, emblematic tooling, red leather label, by Larkins. (corner of one plate repaired). Lond. : J. F. and C. Rivington. 1791. Hawkins' Fifth Edition. "A reprint of the Fourth Edition, t^dited by John Sidney Hawkins, 'with some corrections and ad- ditions' as were found in the margins of his father's copy of the last edition." Fine Copy. 321 5o 2273. WALTON AND COTTON. The Compleat Angler; ~ or, Contemplative Plan's Recreation. With 11 plates, and portrait of Cotton. 12mo, old calf, gilt back (one signature sprung) . Loud. : Printed for F. and C. Rivington, 1792-1791. Hawkins' Fifth Edition. This is the 1791 edition, with a new title-page, the title of the second part, dated 1791, being re- tained. This is one of the Rare copies with the date of the second part 1791 instead of 1792. 2274. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: 2" or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. Portrait of Cotton, 11 — engraved plates by Ryland, including 2 pages of engraved music, also several engravings of fish in the text. Small 8vo, half calf, gilt back, emblematic tooling, red leather labels, by Larkixs. Lond. : F. and C. Rivington, etc., 1792-1791. Hawkins' Fifth Edition. -^ 2275. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: "^ or. Contemplative Man's Recreation. Illustrated with 5 plates, 3 of tackle and 2 of music — also 2 woodcuts. 12mo, mottled calf, (weak at hinges). Loud.: F. and C. Rivington, 1797. Hawkins' Sixth Edition. 2276. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. With Lives of the Au- ^^'' thors. and Notes, historical, critical, supplementary and ex- planatory, by Sir John Hawkins. Portrait, 14 engraved plates, 2 pages of engraved music, and engravings of fish in text. Royal 8vo, full green polished calf, gilt back, emble- matic tooling, morocco labels, triple gilt border lines, gilt den- telle iii.side borders, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. : Samuel Bagster, 1808. Fink T^akge Paper Copy of Bagsteb's First Edition, with improvements and additions. Owing to the fact that a large portion of this edition was con- sumed in the fire at Bagster's Warehouse, Perfect Copies are very rare and hard to find. This copy is perfect, with all the plates. 2277. WALTON AND COTTON. The Compleat Angler; or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. With tiie Lives of the Authors, and Notes, hi.storical. critical, supplementary and explanatory. Illustrated with 14 plates, besides engravings of fish in the text. 8vo, beautifully bound in calf, with gilt and blind tooling. Lond. : Printed for Samuel Bagster. 1808. Fine copy of Bagsteb's Fibst Edition. Autograph of Ridg- way Lloyd on title. Seventh Edition, with additions and im- Iiruvemcnts. Wale's drawings have been re-engraved by Audinet, who also exocutod the 17 e.vcellent engravings of fish in the text. .V large portion of this edition was consumed in the fire at Bag- star's warehouse. 322 227^ WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; or, Coiiteinplative Plan's Recreation: With the Lives of the Autliors: and Notes, HistoricaL Supi)k'mentary and Explana- tory. ])y ^^ir John Hawkins and the present p]ditor (Henry Ellis). Portrait of the author, full-page plates hij Audinet avd niijravings of fish in text, facsimiles, etc. 8vo, full straight grained green morocco, gilt back, sides and edges (back slightly damaged by nail). Lond. : 1815. Raostkr's SKcoxn EniTiox. Witli txwk-plate of Daniel Web- ster. 2279. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; or. Contemplative IMan's Recreation. With the Lives of the Authors : and Notes. Historical, Supplementary, and Explana- tory, by Sir John Hawkins and the present Editor (Henry EllisV Portrait of the author, many fine engravings hy Au- dinet, engravings of fish in the text and facsimiles. Svo. half green polished morocco, gilt back, with emblematic tooling, gilt top. BY Zaehxsdorp. Loud. : 1815. Bagster's Second Editiox. The pns:ravings of fish and the fuU-pase plates are all finely executed. Choice copy. 2280. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; or. Contemplative ^Man's Recreation. With the Lives of the Authors, and Notes, historical, critical and explanatory. II- lu.strations. 8vo. half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut bv Ro^vfant Bindery. Lond.:" Printed for James Smith, 1822. Very fine copy. Some copies of this edition have the portrait (inly. This copij has the portrait aud plates. 2281. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Extensively emhellish- cd with engravings on copper and wood, from original paint- ings and drawings hy first-rate artists. To which are added an Introductory Essay : the Linna^an arrangement of the vari- ous river-fish delineated in the work, and illustrative notes. 8vo, full straight grained green morocco, gilt back and sides, wide inside border, gilt edges (bindings slightlv rub- bed). Lond.: John Major." 1823. T.akgp: paper copy of Ma.jor's First Eoition. with plates ON INDIA paper. This edition ■nas edited by R. Thomson. The plates are re-engraved in a more finished style, by Cook and Pye, from the old drawings by Wale, which have been "greatly height- ened in effect" by the pencil of Fredrick Xash. 2282. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Extensively emhel- lishrd with engravings on copper and wood, from original paintings and drawings hy first-rate artists. To which are added, an Introductory Essay : the Linnn?an arrangement of the various river-fish delineated in the work ; and illus- trative notes. Small 8vo. full polished mottled calf, gilt back, double gilt border lines, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by Larkix>;. Lond.: John ]\Ia.ior. 1823. First issue of major's edition. 323 _-?5 2283. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler ^ "" of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton : Extensively embel- lished icifh engravings on copper and wood by first-rate art- ists. Small 8vo. full brown polished calf, back and sides in gilt and blind tooling, original leather label, gilt edges, by Saxgorski. Lond. : John Major, 1824. Major's second edition. Fine copy. 2284. AVALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler i .*" of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Fro)itispiece portraits and vignettes. With Lives and Notes, by Sir John Hawkins. 2 vols., 18mo, original boards (worn) uncut. Chiswiek: Printed by C. Whittingham, 1824. A reprint of the edition of 1797. 2285. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler ; _ or. Contemplative ]\Ian's Recreation. Being a discourse on 3. rivers, fish ponds, fish and fishing. By I. AValton and C. Cotton. With the Lives of the Authors, etc. by Sir John Hawkins, Knt. Portrait, engraved title by Bomney, and 4 plates of fish from well-engraved blocks. 18mo. original boards, uncut. Lond. : Printed for the Proprietors (of the English Classics) by J. F. Dove. 1825. The blocks of fish, eighteen in number, are believed to be the work of Thomas Bewick. 2286. W^\LTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler '; of Izaac Walton and Charles Cotton. Portraits and woodcut illustrations. 2 vols, in one, 18mo, old diamond calf. Chiswiek : Printed bv C. and C. Wliittingham. Sold by Thomas Tegg. 1826 2287. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler "5 or. The Contemplative ]\Ian's Recreation. In Two Parts. The ~" First by Isaac Walton, the Second by Charles Cotton. Wood cut illustrations. 24mo, green morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Pickering. 1826 Contains the engraved title, dated 1827. 2288. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; _ or. Contemplative Alan's Recreation. Embellishrd with port- raits of the authors and engravings of the river fish described in the work. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : Printed for AVilliam Cole. [1828]. -J 2289. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; or. Contemplative Alan's Recreation. Portraits and woodcuts in te.rt. 16mo, half green morocco, gilt back. Lond.: William Cole. [1828]. 2290. WALTON AND COTTON. Illl'.stratioxs to the. (■[:RIK> of extra plates. lM{(t«>FS I5EF0RE LETTERS. 51 plates, ''lacks No. 2 and 47) folio. Lond. : Pickering. 1832. 2292. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; I - or. Contemplative Man's Eecreation. Edited by James Ren- nie. Portraits, plates, and woodcuts. 12mo. original cloth, paper label, uncut. Edinb. : Published for the Proprietors, bv W. and R. Cham- bers, etc.. 1833. ^^I•. Ronnie was a naturalist, and his notes, all bearing liis initials, cliiefiy deal with Walton's natural history, which the iif"_'leot of previous editors made highly necessary. ^^ 2203. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; I — or. Contemplative Plan's Recreation. W^ith Lives and Notes. by Sir John Hawkins. Knt. Edited by James Rennie. A new edition. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo. original cloth, paper label, uncut. Edinb. : Pub. by Eraser and Co.. 1834. Very scarce editiox. Not in either the Heckscher or High collections. 2294. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler _ of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. E.vtcnsivdy emhel- ^- lished with < ngravings on copper and wood, from original paintings and drawings hij first cla.^s artists. To which are added, an Introductory Essay: the Linnaean arrangement of th(> various river fish delint^ated in the work : and illustrative Nott-s. 12nui. blue morocco, gilt borders, gilt edges. Lond. : Major. 1835. >[A.n)K's Tiuun Edition. A pa?iiiary reprint of Major's Sec- ond Kiiitiiin ( 1^24) with the 77 woodcuts and 15 copper plates, a porrrait of Dr. Thomas Wharton being, on this occasion, added. 2295. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; '' !j, - or. the Contemplative Plan's Recreation. With Original !Me- moirs and Notes, by Sir Harris Nicolas. Beautifully illus- trated with 61 line engravings, including portraits, full-page plates and text illustrations, engraved h>j Fox, Cooke and others, after the originals hi/ Stothard, etc. 2 vols.. Imperial 8vo. full green crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, emblematic designs within interlaced lines, heavy bands, wide inside green levant borders with gilt interlaced lines, angling designs in 325 zr WALTON AND COTTON. corners, sides decorated with gilt interlaced panel design, with emblematic design in corners, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. : W. Pickering, 1836. Superb copy of xicolas' first edition. Elegantly bound. Contains the variations of all the first five editions, voluminous notes, with original and elaborate memoirs of Walton and Cotton. An exceptionally fixe copy. 2296. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Frontispieces. 2 vols. in one, 24mo, cloth, gilt edges. London : Charles Tilt, 1837. Scarce. 2297. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or, Contemplative Man's Kecreation. With Notes, Biographi- cal and Explanatory', and the Lives of the Authors. 15 ew- graved plates, including portraits and scenes. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond.: V. A. Lewis, 1839. *A reprint of Major's edition, the "Introductory Essay" being omitted and the biographies of Walton and Cotton, by Haw- kins, replaced. 2298. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; or. The Contemplative Man's Recreation. Edited by John Major. 12 engraved plates arid numerous woodcuts in text. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : D. Bogue (and) H. Wix, 1844. Major's Fourth Edition. 2299. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. Edited by John ]Major. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, old green morocco, with tooled covers in facsimile of original title design, gilt edges (tw'o leaves damaged). Lond.: D. Bogue (and) H. Wix, 1844. Major's Fourth Edition. 2300. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler ; or. Contemplative Man's Recreation. Illustrated. With Lives and Notes by Sir John Hawkins, Knt. Edited by James Rennie. 12mo, original cloth, gilt back, uncut. Manchester : S. Johnson and Son, 1846. 2301. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; or. Contemplative Man's Recreation. With copious notes, for the most part original, a bibliographical preface, giving an ac- count of fishing and fishing books from the earliest antiquity to the time of Walton, and a notice of Cotton and his writings by the American Editor (i. e. George W. Bethune). With an Appendix. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. N. Y. : Wiley and Putnam. 1847. First American Edition. A very early copy corrected FOR the PRKSS by THE EDITOR. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION fOl'Y FROM GEO. W. BETHUNE. JOSEPH CRAWHALL'S COPY, WITH MIS AUTOGRAPH AND BCjOKPLATE. 326 •2M)-2. WALTON AM) COTTON. Tlic Complet,' Angler: ■" or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation. With eopiou.s notes, for the most ])art original, ,i Bibliogra])hical Preface, giving an Account of Pishing and Fishing-I^ooks, and A Notice of Cotton and his writings, by the American Editor (Gcorg*; W, Bethune). To which is added an Appendix, including illus- trative ballads, etc. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. New York: John Wiley. 1S48. ^^ 2303. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; '^— or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. With an Introduction and Notes; and embellished with So engravings on copper and ivooel. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Henry Kent Causton, 1851. 2304. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler. 1 ^ New Edition. Edited by "Ephemera," of "Bell's Life in London." Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Lond. : Ingram, Cooke & Co., 1853. 2305. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: -J or. Contemplative Man's Recreation. With Lives and Notes. 2 ~ Edited by Edward Jesse. To which are added papers on fish- ing-tackle, fishing stations, etc. by Henry G. Bohn. Portrait and illustrations. 12rao, half calf, emblematic tooling on back, canary edges, by Larkix. Lond.: Bohn, 1856. Choice copy. Z^ 2306. AVALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: - or. the Comtemplative Plan's Recreation. With original Ale- moirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, second editiox. Il- lustrated with engraved portraits, full-page plates and engrav- ings throughout text by Cooke, Fox and others, after Stothard and In slip p. 2 vols.. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.: Nattali and Bond. 1860. A r(>print of Pickering's edition of 1836, with pedigrees of Ken and Chalkhill added. 2307. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler. — Engraved frontispieces and woodcuts. 16mo, full blue mo- rocco, gilt edges (frontispiece foxed). Lond,: Bell & Daldy, 1864. 2308. AVALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: 7-? or, the Contemplative Alan's Recreation. Edited by John " Ala.jor. Portraits and plates on India paper and text illus- trations. Thick 8vo, full black pebbled morocco, gilt back and sides, panel design, wide inside gilt borders, gilt edges. Bost. : Little, BroAvn & Co.. 1866. Large paper copy. For this reprint of Major's 1844 edition the woodcuts have been re-engraved and are held to be finer than those used in the English edition. The steel engravings are from the original plates. 327 2309. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler : or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a facsimile reprint of the first edition, published in 1653. 16mo, wrap- pers, uncut. Lond. : Elliot Stock, (1876). 2310. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or, tlie Contemplative Man's Recreation. With 6 original etch- ings, 2 portraits, and woodcuts throughout text. Thick 8vo, half green morocco, gilt back, emblematic tooling, gilt top, uncut, by Blackwell. Lond. : J. C. Nimmo and Bain, 1883. Labge papee copy, with the plates in two states, one set on IXDIA PAPER. The woodcuts throughout the text are all on INDIA PAPER. Fine copy. 2311. W^ALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation. Edited and arranged by R. B. Marston. With 54 photogravures and about 100 woodcuts, and containing a reprint of "The Chronicle of the Compleat Angler." a Biographical (Bibliographical) Record of its various Editions and Imitations. By T. Westwood and T. Satchell. 2 vols., 4to. cloth, uncut (bindings slightly soiled). Lond.: Sampson Low, etc., 1888. The i.KA AND DOVE EDITION, limited to 500 copies, being the 100th edition of "The Complete Angler," with Lives of Walton and Cotton. 2312. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or. tlie Contemplative Man's Recreation. With an Introduc- tion (now first published), by James R. Lowell. Portrait and etched plates on India Paper, and woodcuts in text. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1889. Large paper. Only 500 copies printed. 2313. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler; or, Contemplative Man's Recreation. Edited, with notes from a naturalist's point of view, by J. E. Harting. With numer- ous illustrations, including etchings by Percy Thomas, from paintings by John Linnell, Sr., and engravings of Riverside, Animals and Birds, by G. E. Locke. 2 vols., 4to, vellum backs, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. : Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1893. Tkrck.ntexaky edition. Only 350 copies printed, with (•tellings on Japan Paper. 2314. WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler: or. the Contemplative Plan's Recreation. Edited with an In- troduction by Edward Gilpin Jolinson. With fine frontispiece portrait and each page printed in pictorial border. 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. Chicago : 1893. 2315. WALTON AND COTTON. The Compleat Angler: or. Contemplative .Man's Recreation. A new edition; edited, with an Introduction by Andrew Lang and illustrated by E. J. SuUiran. 12mo. half calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, (front and lialf title have been slit with knife). Lond. : Dent, 1896. 328 ^^c 231(i. WAl/rON AM) COTTON. The Compleat Angler. -^ Edited, witli an Introduction by Kieliard LeGallienne. Il- lustrated by E. II. New. Royal 8vo, Complete in the orig- inal 13 parts, uncut, as issued. Lond. and X. Y. : 1896-1897. In cloth case. 2317. WALTON AND COTTON. A Bibliography of 1^ "The Complete Angler" of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. ^ Being a chronologically arranged list of the several Editions and Ke|)rints from the First Edition in MDCLIII until the year MCM. By Arnold Wood. Illustrated by 86 photo-en- graved reproductions of title-pages. Small 4to, parchment back and boards, uncut. X. Y. : Scribner. 1900. No. 4S OF 120 COPIES PRINTED. 2318. WALTON AXD COTTOX. The Complete Angler. '"" Edited by John Major. With 8 original etchings and 74 wood engravings. 8vo. clotli. Lond. : Routledge »& Sons, n. d. 2319. WALTON AND COTTON. The Lives of Dr. John -^c, Donne. Sir Henry Wotton. Richard Hooker and George Her- I ~" bert. FOURTH EDITION. With portraits (corner of frontispiece torn away). 12mo, half calf. Lond. : Roycroft, 1675. 2320. WALTON AND COTTON. Lives of Donne. Wot- ton, Hooker. Herbert and Sanderson. To which are added the 1 "2^ Autographs, of those Eminent ^len, now first collected; and "t" "" Index and Illustrative Xotes. Portraits and pleites on India Paper, and woodcuts throughout text. 8vo, full dark morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges (slightly spotted"). Lond. : John INlajor. 1825. Kare editiox. 2321. WALTOX AXD COTTON. Walton and some Earl- Is o ier Writers on Fish and Fishing. Bv R. B. 3Iarston. 16mo. — cloth, uncut. ' Lond.: Stock, 1894^ 2322. WALTON (WILLIAM). An expose of the Dis- sentions of Spanish America. 8vo, original boards, uncut and partly unopened. 2i" ' Lond.: Printed for the Author, 1814. '"' This work was intended as a means to Induce the mediatory interference of Great Britain in order to put an end to a destruc- tive ("ivil War. and to establish permanent quiet and prosperity, (in a l)asis consistent with the dignity of Spain, and the interests of the World. 2323. WANSEY (HENRY). The Journal of an Excur- - ^ sion to the United States of North America in the Summer of -'• 1794. Embellished with a silhouette portrait of Washing- ton, and an aqu(ttint View of the State House, at Phila. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Salisbury: 1796. Vert fixe copy. "Particularly interesting from its personal description of Washington, whom the author visited, and for its chapter on literature, in which are given lists of English books and of original publications since the Declaration of Independ- ence." 329 1^ 2324. WAXSEY (HENRY). An Excursion to the United ' "" States of North America, in the Summer of 1794. second edi- tion, Avith additions. Portrait of ^^'asllington, and aquatint view of the State House at Phila. 12mo, calf, gilt back. Salisbury: 170S. 2325. WAR OF 1812. Congressional Documents, etc.» I _ Messages of the President, 1809-12, including the ^lessage '■ transmitting copies of certain documents obtained from a Secret Agent of the British Governme^it; — Address of the ^Members of the House of Representatives of the U. S. to their Constituents on the Subject of the "War with Great Britain, 1812. etc. 12 pamphlets in one volume. 8vo, half calf. 2326. WA-RBJJUTO^ CELJOT— Editor). Hochelaga : or, , ^ England in the New World. Frontispiece. 2 vols., 12mo, ^- cloth, uncut. London: 1846. Second Edition, enlarged. 2327. [WARBURTON (MAJ. GEORGE D.)]. The Con- 7^ quest of Canada. With engraved frontispiece portraits of i "' Jacques Cartier and Gen. Wolfe. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond. : Bentley. 1850. 2328. WARD (A. AND M. N.). The Husband in Utah; 2_5 or, Sights and Scenes Among the Mormons. 12mo. boards (back worn). London: 1857. 2329. WARD (EDMUND). An Account of the River St. ? — John, with its Tributary Rivers and Lakes, second edition. 8vo, original Avrappers. (small corner torn away). Fredericton, N. B. : 1841. Fine copy. Scarce. 2330. [WARD (NAHUM).] A Brief Sketch of the J — State of Ohio. One of the United States in North America . . . Exhibiting a View of the Unparalleled Progress of that State since 1879. By "A Resident of Twelve Years at Marietta, in that State." Folding map. 8vo, half roan. Glasgow : 1822. One of the rarest pamphlets relating to the state of OHIO: published by Xahum Ward, to induce emigration to the country around Marietta. ^£ 2331. WARDEN (D. B.). A Statistical, Political and Historical Account of the United States of North America. Large folding map (colored). 3 vols.. 8vo. boards, uncut (slightly foxed and one leaf torn into). Edinburgh : 1819. 2332. WAKNER (CHARLES DUDLEY). Backlog Stud- _rl ies. 21 illustrations b)j Jloppin. IGmo. cloth. Boston : 1878. 2333. WASHBURN (CHARLES A.). The History of ^ Paraguay, with Notes of Personal Observations, and Reminis- c«'iic('s of Diplomacy under Difficulties. Illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo. cloth. Boston: 1871. 330 -1? 2:m. WAJSIllXGTON (GEORGE). Journal oi my Jour- ney over the ^Mountains, while surveying for Lord Thomas Fairfax, in the Northern Neck of Virginia, beyond the Blue Ridg(! in 1747-48. Copied from the original with Literal Exactness, and Edited with Notes by J. ^1. Toner. Small 4to, original boards, uncut. Albany: Muusell, 1S92. Fine, unopened copy, with facsimiles of Wushington's draw- injis. 2335. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Orderly Book, Kept £f at Valley Forge, 18 May — 11 June, 1778. 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston : 1898. . 233G. WASSENAER (DR. CLAES). Llistorisch Verhael, y^ etc. For an extended description of this very rare work containing The Earliest Reports of Transactions in New Netherland, 1623, etc., See No. 1642a. 2337. WATERTO'N (CHARLES). Wanderings in South l'^ America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles ~ in the Years 1812, 1816, 1820 and 1824. Frontispiece of " A Nondescript." 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. Lond. : J. Mawman, 1825. -o 2338. WATSON (HENRY C). Cam:. -Fires of the Revo- lution. Original illustrations hy Croonie. 8vo. cloth. Providence : 1859. 2339. WATSON (HENRY C). Six Nights in a Block- 2 g House ; or. Sketches of Border Life : embracing Adventures ~ among the Indians, and exploits of Boone. Brady and others. Numerous illustrations. 12mo, cloth (few pages slightly foxed). Phila.: 1S60. 2340. AYATSON (WINSLOW C). Pioneer History of c;q the Champlain Valley; being an account of the Settlement ■" of the Town of Willsborough by William Gilliland. together with his journal and other papers. Historical and Illustra- tive Notes. Roval 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened (back worn). ' Albany: 1S63. 2341. WEARE (G. E.). Cabot "s Discovery of North Am- ^ erica. Maps and illustrations. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: 1897. 2342. WEB:B (LAURA S.). Custer's Immortality; a - Poem. With Biographical Sketches of the Chief Actors in the — late Tragedy of the Wilderness. Folding map and numerous iUu.'sts. 12mo. wrajipers. [N. Y. : n. d.] 2343. WEBB (WILLIAAl SEWARD;). California and Alaska, and over tlie Canadian Pacific Railway. Profusely il- " lusfratrd with original proof etchings, and photogravure plates. Thick royal Svo. brown morocco, with elaborate gilt tooled cover, gilt top. uncut. N. Y. : 1890. Antoiii'niili presentation copy from the Author, with in- scription. 331 2344. WEBSTiER (DANIEL). The Diplomatic and Of- ■£jP ficial Papers of. Engraved portrait and folding map. 8vo, cloth (corners rubbed — some parts of text a little spotted). N. Y. : 1848. 2345. WEBSTER (XOAH). Dissertations on the Eng- "^ lish Language. 8 vo, sheep (rubbed). Bost. : Printed for the Author, by Isaiah Thomas & Co., 1789. The rare first editiox. 2346. WEEDOX (GEORGE). Valley Forge Orderly I _ Book of General George Weedon of the Continental Army r. under Command of Gen. George Washington, in the Cam- paign of 1777-8. Diagrams of Battles. 8vo, buckram, paper label, uncut and unopened. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1902. Choice copy. Describing the events of the Battles of Brandy- wine, Warren Tavern, Germantown and Whitemarsh, and of the Camps at Nesharainy, Wilmington, Pennypacker's Mills, Skippack, Whitemarsh and Valley Forge. 2347. WEEMS (M. L.). Lebensbeschreibung des Georg Washington, mit merwiirdigen Anekdoten begleitet. Woodcut f.~ portrait and views. 12mo, full polished mottled calf, gilt back, leather labels, gilt top. Phila. : 1838. Fine copy. 2348. WEISE (ARTHUR JAMES). The Discoveries of I — America to the Year 1525. 12 facsimile maps, one in e7id pocket. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. X. Y. : 1884. 2349. WELBY (ADLARD). A Visit to North America AND THE English Settlements in Illinois, with a Winter Residence at Philadelphia. 14 rare lithographic views, includ- o." ing early western scenery — Frankfort and Maysville, Ky., Bridge at Columbia, Pa., etc, 8vo, half calf (edges of binding rubbed). Lond. : 1821. Rark. AVith the scarce leaf of ebbata. Jo 2350. WELD (ISAAC). Travels Through the States of " — Xorth America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, 1795-1797. Folding map and 15 pie engravings, vines Of Niagara Falls, etc. 4to, half calf, uncut (binding cracked). Lond.: 1799. Fine, labge and clean copy of the obiginal edition, in uncut state. A standard authority on society and manners in the T'liited States just after the Revolution. 2351. WELD (ISAAC). Reizen door de Staaten van , _ Xoord-Amerika, en de Provintien van Opper-en Xeder-Canada, in de Jaareii 1795, 1796 en 1797. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door S. van Hoek. Folding maps and many fine engraved views of American scenery. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, uncut. Haage : J. C. Leeuwestijn, 1803. Fine copy, uncut. 882 If 2352. AVEIJ) (ISAAC). Travi'l.s tlirougli tlie States of Xortli America, and the Provinces of Tpper aiul Lower Canada, dnrin^ the Years 1795, 179() and 1797. fourth edi- tion. 1(1 foldituj maps and plat^S»j. ?> 2355. AVELLS (WALTER). The Water-Power of Maine. Illustrated. Svo. cloth. Augusta: 1S69. 2356. WEST (JOHN). The Substance of a Journal dur- ing a Residence at Thp: Red River Colony, British North Am- erica : and frequent Excursions among the North-West Ameri- can Indians. 1820-23. Fronti</. R. Barilett. 2360. WHEELER (GEORGE AUGUSTUS). History of Castine, Penobscot, and Brooksville, IMaine : Including the Ancient Settlement of Pentagoelt. Many portraits and UIus- trati-enis. Svo, cloth. Bangor: 1875. 333 2361. AYHEELOCK (ELEAZAR). Dartmouth College. Indian Charity School. Wheeloek's Narratives. With Contin- uations. (Rochester Reprints, Xos. 1 to 9) 9 parts, 8vo, sheets, folded and uncut, as issued. X. p. : n. d. Only 12.5 copies printed on stkathmobe japan papeb. Comprises all the Narratives and Continuations relating to the Indian Charity School, from its origin at Lebanon, Conn., its incorporation with Dartmouth College and its continuation to Feb. 20, 1775. Reprinted from the rare original tracts. 2362. WHIPPLE (JOSEPH). The History of Acadie, Penobscot Bay and River, Avith a more Particular Geographi- cal and Statistical View of the District of ^Nlaine than has Ever Before been Published ; also Statistical Tables, shewing at one view the Comparative I'rogress. . . .with an Alpliabeti- cal List of all the Towns with their date of Incorporation, Census in 1810, Polls and Valuation in 1812. Counties, and Distances from Boston. 8vo. half brown morocco, gilt back and top. Bangor: Printed by Peter Edes, 1816. Original edition. Extba-Illustbated by the insebtion OF 40 portraits. 15 plates and 3 maps, including an early map of the District of Maine. An interesting copy of this RABE BOOK. 2363. WHIPPLE (JOSEPH). A Geographical View of the District of ]\Iaine. .. .including the History of Acadia, Penobscot River and Bay. Svo, half morocco, uncut (margin of one leaf torn, tear in title repaired). Bangor : Printed by Peter Edes, 1816. Rare. 2364. [WHITE (GILBERT).] The N.vtiral History AND Antiquities of Selborne, in the County of Southampton. Folding frontispiece and other illustrations. 4to, full olive crushed levant morocco, gilt back, elaborately tooled, inside dentelk' borders, triple gilt border line on covers, gilt top. Lond. : Printed by T. Bensley, 1789. Fine copy of the bare first edition, containing the leaf of Errata (which is usually missing) and all the plates, including tlu' "Bird plate" with good margins, the latter being almost always cut into. Very babe thus. 2365. WHITE (GILBERT). The Works in Natural His- tory of the late Rev. Gilbert White, comprising The Natural History of Selborne; The Naturalist's Calendar; and Mis- cellaneous Observations. To which is added, A Callendar and Observations, by W. Marwick. Frontispiece and 3 plates, including 2 finely colored plates of birds. 2 vols., 8vo, full green polished calf, gilt backs, red leather labels, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Lond. : T. Bensley, 1802. Fine copy of this rare edition. 2366. WHITE (GILBERT). The Natural History and Anti'iuities of Selborne. New edition, Avith Notes by several Ktniiieut Naturalists and an enlargement of The Naturalists' 334 wiirn; (Cimikut). ( alt'iidai-. Wdodrut ri:i70. AYIIITE (JOHN). Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales. With 6o finely colored plates of nondescript animals, hirds, lizards, serpents, curious cones of trees, and other uatured productions. 4to. half morocco, uncut. Lond.: 1790. 2371. WHITEFIELD (CHARLES E.). The Camp-fires of the Everglades. 16 full-page illustrations o)i Japan paper and several vieimttes. Roval Svo. cloth, gilt top. uncut. Edinburgh: 1891. Printed ox Holi^\nd paper. 2372. AVHITMORE (WILLIAM ID. A Handbook of American Genealogv. Small 4to. cloth, gilt top. uncut. Albany: 1862 2373. WHIT310RE (WILLIA:M H.V A Memoir of Sir Edmond Andros, Knt., Governor of New England. New York and Virginia. Portrait. 4to. half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bost. : 1868! Large paper. Limited issue. 2374. WHITAfORE (WILLIAM H.). Increase Mather, tlic Agent of Alassachusetts Colony in England for the Con- cession of a Charter. Small 4to, half calf, gilt top. uncut. Bost.: 1869. Reprinted from the "Andros Tracts" published b.v the Prince Societ.v of Boston. 237.5. WHITNEY (CASPAR) . On Snow-shoes to the Bar- ren Grounds. Twenty-Eight Hundred Aliles after ^lusk- O.xen and Wood-Bison. Many illustrations. Svo. cloth, gilt top. uncut (autograph of Elliott Coues on title"). N. Y. : 1896. Adventures in the Great North- West Territory of Canada. 335 ^■o 2376. WHITNiEY (ERNEST). Legends of the Pike's — Peak Region. The Sacred Myths of the Manitou. Illustra- tions. 8vo, parchment wrappers. Denver: 1892. 2377. WHYMPER (FREDERICK). Travel and Adven- ture in the Territory of Alaska. With map and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. X. Y.: 1871. 2378. WILCOX (WALTER DWIGHT) . Camping in The Canadian Rockies . . With A Sketch of the Early Explorations. 25 photogravures and many other illustrations. Roj'al Svo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York : 1896. '2379. WILKES (CHARLES). Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedition. During the Years 1838-1842. Nu- merous engraved and other portraits, maps and illustrations. 6 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila. : 181:5. Fixe clean copy of the best edition, with the steel plate engravings and the babe atlas. 2380. WILKES (CHARLES). Western America, includ- ing >California and Oregon. Folding maps. 8vo, wrappers. (Two round perforated holes through inner margins.) Phila.: 1849. 2381. WILKES (CHARLES). Report on the Deep River Country in North Carolina. Folding map. Svo. cloth. [Washington. 1859]. 2382. WIDKES (JOHN). The Speeches of John Wilkes, One of the Knights of the Shire for the County of ^liddlesex^ in the Parliament appointed to meet at Westminster the 29th day of November, 1774, to the Prorogation the 6th day of June, 1777. W^ith notes by the Editor. 3 vols.. 12mo. calf. Lond. : 1778-79. Best Edition. The value of John Wilkes' services to the cause of American Independence, as shown in these Speeches, is but little appreciated. He had an uncommon grasp of the real situa- tion, and a vocabulary that aided greatly in the making of his forceful appeals. 2383. WILKIE (FRANC. B.). Davenport (Iowa) : Past and Present ; Including Early History. Together with Biog- raphies, etc. Portraits and illustrations. Svo. cloth (back slightly worn ) . Davenport: 1858. 2384. WILKINSON (GENERAL JAMES). :\Iemoirs op ]My Own Times. With Atlas, containing the ''Diagrams and Plans Illustrative of the Principal Battles and Military Af- fairs." 4 vols., thick Svo, and 4to, original boards and labels, uncut (autograph of Joseph C. Yates on 3 titles. — all 4 vols, rebacked). Phila.: 1816. .\ complete set of this i.mpobtatnt work, including the RAKE atlas of PLANS AND DIAGRAMS. Wilkinson performed iireat services for his country in the early years of the republic and his "Memoirs" comprehend many incidents and anecdotes (if fiur early wars which are not to be found elsewhere. Text preserved tn cloth case. .3.36 OREGON; OR A SHORT HISTORY OF A LONP JOURNEY FROM THE ATLANTIC OCEAN TO THE REGION OF THE PACIFIC, BY LAND; DRAWN CP FROM THE NOTES IND ORAL IRFORMATIOir OF JOHN B. WYETH, ONE OF THE PARTY WHO LEFT MR. NATHANIEL J. WYETU, yjLY 28th, 1832, fodb dats' march betond the ridge of thb nOOKY moUNTAINS, and the ONLT ONI who has RETDBNED to new ENGLAND* CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED FOR JOHN B. WYETH, 1833. (See No. 2488) -JO 2:585. WILIJAMS (MRS. ('ATIIERIXE R.)- Biography of Revolutionary Heroes; (toiitaining the life of Brigadier (ten. AVilliaiii Barton and Captain Stephen OIney. Frontis- piece. 12uio, cloth. Providence: 1839. 288G. AVILL1A:\1S (E.)- All rnredeemed Captive; being the Story of Eunice AVilliains. who. at the age of Seven Years, was Carried Away from Deerfield b.v the Indians in the Year 1704 and who Lived among the Indians in Canada as One of them the rest of liis life. Written by Clifton Johnson. Illus- tnitions. Svo, wrapper. [Ilolyoke, 1897]. Tho same. Anotlior copy (wrapper soiled). 2:387. WILLIAMS (REV. JOHN). An Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition, concerning the Discovery of America, b.v Prince IMadog ab Owen Gwynedd, about the Year 1170. Svo. half brown morocco, gilt back and top (manuscript notes on three margins). Lond. : 1791. An attempt to prove that a tribe of Indians existing in the Western parts of America were descended from the Welsh. 2388. AVILLIAMS (JOHN). The Redeemed Captive Re- turning to Zion : or. a Faithful History of the Remarkable Oc- rences in the Captivity and Deliverance of IMr. John Williams. '- Drawn up by liimself . Annexed to which, is a Sermon preached bv him upon his return, also, an Appendix, by Rev. AVilliams, of Springfield, likewise, an Appendix, by Rev. Taylor, of Deerfield. With a Conclusion to the whole, by Rev. Mr. Prince, of Boston. 16mo. sheep. Bost. : S. Hall, 1795. Fixe copy of a kare edition of this celebrated Indian Nar- rative. 2389. WILLIA:\IS (JOHN). The Redeemed Captive Re- _ turning to Zion : or. a Faithful History of the Remarkable Oc- currences in the Cai)tivity and Deliverance of ]\lr. John Will- iams. Drawn up by himself. To which is added a Biographi- cal ]\Iemoir of the Reverend Author, with an appendix and notes, b.v S. W. Williams. Portrait. 12mo. half red morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Northampton: 1853. EXTRA-lLLrSTKATEI) BY THE INSERTION OF 26 PORTRAITS AND VIEWS, ongravinfis and woodcuts. r^ 2390. WILLIAMS (JOHN LEE). The Territory of Flor- ' "- ida : or. Sketches of the Topography, Civil and Natural His- tory, of the Country, the Climate, and the Indian Tribes. Large folding map, portrait and 2 rare views. Svo, sheep (portrait slightly stained) . N. Y. : 1837. Rare. With the map in perfect condition. 2391. WILLIAMS (ROGER). A Key into the Language of America; or, a Help to the Language of the Natives (In- ^o dians) in that part of America, called New England. Svo, half roan. Lond., 1643: [Providence, 1827]. Rhode Island Historical Soc. Collections. Vol. J. 337 -Q 2392. WILLIAMS (ROGER). Experiments of Spiritual — Life and Health, and their Preservatives, in which the weakest Child of God may get Assurance of his Spiritual Life and Blessednesse, etc. Small 4to, original boards. Lond., 1652: Reprinted, Providence, 1863. Title in facsimile of the original edition. 2393. WILLIAMS (SAMUEL). The Natural and Civil 5"o History of Vermont. With the folding map dated 1793. 8vo, original sheep. W^alpole, N. H. : Isaiah Thomas and David Carlisle, Jr., 1794. Fine copy. 2394. WILLIAMSON (HUGH). Observations on the Cli- ^^ mate in Different Parts of America .... with some Account of the Aborigines of America. 8vo, original boards, uncut. N. Y.: 1811. Fine copy. With autograph signature of Wm. Plumer, Gov- ernor of New Hampshire. 2395. WILLIAMSON (HUGH). The History of North . ^ Carolina. Folding tnap. 2 vols., 8vo, sheep. Phila. : 1812. Fl>fE COPY OF A VEBY SCARCE STATE HISTORY. 2396. WILLIAMSON (PETER). The Life and Curious Adventures of Peter Williamson, who was Carried Off from — Aberdeen and Sold for a Slave. To Avhich is prefixed an Essay on the Illegality of Kidnapping and the Slave Trade. 16mo, original boards, uncut. Aberdeen : 1826. Contains the History of the author's Surprising Adventures in America, iiis CAPiTiviTY AMONG THE INDIANS and the manner of his Escape, etc. 2397. WILLI AM«Ox/( WILLIAM D.). The History op ctq the State of ]\Iaine,- p-om its first Discoverv, 1602, to the f - separation, 1820. 2 voR, 8vo, half calf. Hallowell : 1832. A VERY SCARC^t' BOOK. 2398. WILLSON (MARCIUS). American History: com- prising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes ; a description __ of American Antiquities, etc. .. .AXD History OF Texas. Text illustrations. 8vo, half morocco (a few margins very slightly wormed). N. Y. : 1847. First Edition. ^^ 2399. [WIL:\rER.] Events in Indian History embra- cing Concise Biographies of the Principal Chiefs and Head- Saclicnis. . . .with Narratives and Captivities. 8 folding lith- ographic plates by Sinclair. 8vo, sheep (rebaeked). Lancaster : 1843. Scarce with the folding plates complete, as above. 388 'JO 2400. WILSON AND BONAPARTE. American Or- MTHOLOGV ; ov, the Natural History of tlio Birds of tlie United States. By Al(;xaiuler AVilsoii, with a Continuation, by (Uiarles L. Bonaparte. With illustrative notes, and life of Wilson, by Sir William Jardine. Portrait on India paper and !)7 jinelji colored plates, engraved bif W. H. Lizars. 3 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. : Whittaker, Treacher & Arnot, 1832. Fine uncut set. With book-plato and .signature of Basil Tlioraas Woodd. 2401. WILSON (DANIEL). Prehistoric Man : Researches into the Origin of Civilisation in the Old and the New World. Colored frontispiece and numerous woodcuts in the text. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. :. 1865. 2402. WILSON (JAMES GRANT.— A'cZi^or). The Me- morial History of the City of New York, from its First Settle- ment to the Year 1892. Copioushj illustrated with engraved a)td other portraits, reproductions of autographs, early views, seals, etc. 4 vols., royal 8vo, cloth. New York: 1892-3. An invaluable work of roforonoc. with copious Index, Bibliog- raphy of Rare, Early Books and Pamphlets printed in New York City, etc., etc. 2403. WILSON (ROBERT ANDERSON). A New His- tory of the Conquest of Mexico, in which Las Casas' denun- ^ ciations of the popular Historians of that War are fully vin- dicated. Frontispiece and illustrations in the text. 8vo, cloth. Phila.: 1859. 2404. [AVILSON (THOMAS).] The Knowledge and ~ Practice of Christianity made Easy to the Cleanest Capacities: or an Essay towards an Instruction for tlie Indians. 12mo, sheep (cracked). Lond.: 1781. Tins WORK WAS WRITTEN FOR THE INDIANS OF GEORGIA. 2405. WINES (E. C). Two Years and a Half in the So American Navy: comprising a Journal of a Cruise to England, in the Mediterranean, and the Levant, on Board the U. S. Frigate Constellation, 1829-1831. 2 vols., small 8vo, original boards, and labels, uncut (backs slightly chipped). Lond.: 1833. The scarce i.oxdon issue. ,^ 2406. WINGATE (GEORGE W.). Through the Yellow- J^ stone Park on Horseback. Map and illustrations. 12rao, cloth. N. Y. : 1886. 2407. WINGFIELD (EDWARD M.). "A Discourse of Virginia." Edited with Notes and an Introduction, by Charles Deane. 8vo, cloth. Bost. : Privately printed, 1859. Cancelled edition of this privately printed issue. Editor's copy with his marginal corrections and autograph in- scription — "This edition having a few errors was cancelled — - Charles Dcane." 339 2408. WING-FIELD (EDWARD M.). "A Discourse of Virginia." Edited, with notes and an Introduction by Charles Deane. 4to, half morocco (rubbed). Bost. : Privately Printed, 1860. Only 100 copies privately printed. Now first published from the Original Manuscript in the Lambeth Library. 2409. WINSHIP (GEORGE PARKER). The Coronado Expedition. 1540-42. Illustrated with numerous facsimiles of the earliest maps. Royal 8vo, cloth. Washington : 1896. 2410. WINSOR {JUSTUS— Editor). The Memorial His- tory of Boston, Including Suffolk County, Massachusetts. 1630- 1880. Illustrated with numerous portraits, plans, views, fac- similes and maps. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges (corners slightly rubbed). Boston: 1880. A comprehensive reference book, with copious Index, 2411. WINiSOR (JUSTIN). The Cartographical History of the North-Eastern Boundary Controversy Between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Cambridge: 1887. Only 75 copies printed. Presentation copy from the author. 2412. WINSOR (JUSTIN). The New England Indians. A Bibliographical Survey, 1630-1700: The Literature of Witchcraft in New England : — The Earliest Printed Sources of New England History, 1602-1629. 3 pamphlets in 1 vol., royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut, with original wrappers bound in. Cambridge: 1894-96. Only 100 copies of each pamphlet printed. The LefiEerts copy, with his leather bookplate. 2413. WINSOR (JUSTIN). Narrative and Critical His- tory of America. Portrait on india paper, numerous fine por- traits throughout text, and historical illustrations, maps, plans, etc. 8 in 16 vols., imperial 8vo, boards, uncut. Bost. and N. Y. : Houghton. Mifflin & Co., n. d. Large paper. Edition limited to 550 nu>[bered copies and printed at the Riverside Press. With autograph signature of the author. Fine set, entirely uncut. One of the most complete and valuable historical works relatinp to America, containing an immense amount of Bibliosraphical information, etc. 2414. WINTHROPVJO'ilN). The History of New Eng- land from 1630 to 1649, N^m his Original Manu.scripts. Witli Notes to illustrate the Cwil and Ecclesiastical Concerns, etc., of the Country, and ther Dives and Manners of the Principal Planters. By James paxetge. Engraved portrait and fac- simile letter. 2 vols., ^vo, oM sheep (somewhat rubbed). / \ Boston: 1825-26. / 340 ^_ 2415. WTNTIIROP (JOIIX). The History of Xow Eng- land from 1();U) to 164!). From liis Original Manuscripts. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut (names erased from titles). Bost.: 1853. FUJST Kditio.n. T1u> iK.tcs, illiistnitiiiK tlic Civil and Eoflcsi- :istic;il confcnis, tin; ( Jco^irjipliy, Sett Icinoiit, and Institutions of the Country, and Lives and ManiHMs of tlio principal I'iantor.s, art! by James Savajjo. 2416. WTXTTIROP (ROIiERT ('.). Life and Letters of ■^cS John Winthrop. Governor of Arassaehusetts-liay Company at ■^ their immigration to P^ngland, 16:{()-4?). Portrait and illus- trations. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half ci-imson morocco, gilt tops, niicut. Bost.: 1864- '67. Fine copy. -^, 2417. WINTHROP (TIIEODOREV The Canoe and the c_ — Saddle. Adventures among the Xorthwestern Rivers and Forests; and Isthmiana. 12mo, eloth. liost. : 1863. Fine copy. .^r 2418. WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I — Third Ainnial Report and Collections. 8vo, cloth. Madison : 1857. Contains many historical papers relatin;;- to the North-West, the Jesuit Missions, Indians, r>ai\e Superior, etc. 2419. WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 3. Collections. (Vol. XII.) Portrait and plate. 8vo, cloth. :\[adison: 1892. Indian traders. American Fur Co.. Black Hawl< War, Geo- .i;rapliical names in Wisconsin, 3Iinnesota and Michigan having Indian origin. ^IcCall's Journal of a Visit to Wisconsin in 1S.'30. (>tc. _-25 2420. WISLIZENUS (DR. A.). Memoir of a Tour to ■^ ~~ Northern ^Mexico, connected with Col. Doniphan's Expedition in 1846 and 1847. With a scientific appendix and 3 maps. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Washington: 1848. The author left St. I.ouis in the Spring of 1846 and followed the Santa Fe Road liy the Cimarron route to Santa Fe, thence down the Rio (Jrande Valley to El Paso and Chihuahua. Scarce. 2421. WISLIZENL'S ([DR.] A.). Denkschrift iiber eine I '^ - Reise nach Nord-^lexiko. verbunden mit der Expedition des Obersten Donniphan. in den Jahren 1846 und 1847. Aus dem Englischen iibertragen. von George ^I. von Ross. 3 folding maps and cluirts. Svo. origirud wrappers, uncut. Braunschweig : 1850. FiM-: COPY, entirely uncut and unopened. Scarce. 2422. WITHERS (ALEXANDER S.). Chronicles of iL i^ f Border AYarfare : or. a History of the Settlement by the Whites, of North-Western Virginia, and of the Indian Wars and Alassacres in that section of the State. Portrait. 8vo, clotli. Cincinnati: 1895. Autograph of Elliott Coues on title page. 341 1^ 2423. WOLLEY (CHARLES). A Two Years' Journal in — New York and part of its Territories in America. With an Introduction and Notes by Edward Gaylord Bourne. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cleveland: Burrows, 1902. OxE OF 250 COPIES from the original edition of 1701. 2424. WOOD (JOHN). A Full Exposition of the Clin- , - tonian Faction, and the Society of the Columbian lUuminati; '— with an Account of the Writer of the Narrative, and the Characters of his Certificate Men, as also Remarks on War- ren's Pamphlet. 8vo, half crimson calf, gilt top, uncut (title foxed). Newark: Printed for the author, 1802. Very rare. Contains an extraordinary account of a New York Club, then known as the "Theistical Society," and written in the most offensive style of the pamphleteers of the period. 2425. WOOD (JOHN). A Correct Statement of the Va- yg rious Sources from which History of the Administration of — John Adams was Compiled, and the Motives for its Suppres- sion by Col. Burr: with some Observations on a Narrative, by ''A Citizen of New York." 8vo, half morocco (title spot- ted). N. Y.: Printed for the author, 1802. The Rare Original Edition. 2426. WOOD (JOHN). The History of the Administra- 2 5 tion of John Adams, Esq., late President of the United States: " (also) A Narrative of the Suppression by Col. Burr, of the History of the Administration of John Adams .... written by John Wood. To which is added a Biography of Thomas Jef- ferson .... and of General Hamilton : with Strictures on the Conduct of John Adams and the Character of General C. C. Pinckney. Second edition, revised. [By James Cheetham.] 2 vols, in one, 8vo, half crimson polished morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut (small corner of 3 leaves torn — inscription on first title). N. Y. : 1802. The bare original edition of Wood's "History," which, owing to its i)oing full of scandal and untruth, was suppressed hy Aaron Burr. The title-page is usually imperfect, having the imprint cut off by the publisher. The above copy is complete. 7$ 2427. AVOOD (JOHN). The Suppressed History of the — Administration of John Adams, (from 1797 to 1801,) ; as printed and suppressed in 1802. With Notes, and an Appen- dix, by John H. Sherburne. Fine lithographic portrait by Duval. ]2mo, cloth. Phila. : 1846. 2428. WOOD (LIEUT. JOHN). A Personal Narrative ^o of a Journey to the Source of the River Oxus, by the Route — of the Indus, Kabul, and Badakshan, in 1836-1838. Folding map. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Murray, 1841. 342 ^ 242!). WOOD (WIMJAM). New Hm^'IhikI's I'rosp.-ct. A — True, Lively, and Kxpcrimciitall I)cs('rij)tion of that I'ai-t of America, roiiunoiily called New Eii<>:laii(l. (Introduction by Eben Moody J>oyiitoii. ol" West Xrwhury. 1S9S). Facsimile of original map. Small 4to. elotli . London. l(i;U (Reprinted. 18f)8). 24;U). AVOODAIM) (CAPTATX i)AVII)>. The Narrative , '-^ of Captain David Woodard and Foni- Seamen, wlio lost their Ship, while in a l^oat at Sea. and Siirrendeivd themselves up to the Malays, in the Island of Celebes; containing an In- teresting Account of their Sutl'erings, etc Together witli an appendix containing Narratives of various Escapes and Shipwrecks. Second EornoN. Portrait, viajyf; and platen. 8vo, half roan. Lond. : 1805. 24:n. AVOODS (DANIEL I?.). Sixteen :^Ionths at the . 2,_^ Cold Diggings. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. : 1851. 2432. WOODS (JOHN). Two Years' Residence in the Settlements on the English Prairie, in the Illinois Coun- try, United States. With an account of its Animal and Vege- table Productions. . . .a Description of the princij^al Towns, , j — Villages, etc., with Habits and Customs of the Back-AVoods- mcn. 3 maps. 8vo. original boards, uncut (autograph of Mrs. H. F. Priest on title — slight stain on corner of few pages). Lond.: 1822. TiUKi) AM) niiST isscK. WITH THE THREE MAPS. This edition is imicli rarer tlian the earlier issues with one or two maps, owin^ to the fact tliat a more limited numher was printed. Inserted is a t.vpewritton extract from a letter hy Stevens, the publishers, referriiiu' to the above work. 2433. WOOLEY (CHARLES). A Two Years' Journal .Bq in New' York, and part of its Territories in America. Intro- duction and notes bv E. B. O'Callaghan. 8vo. cloth, uncut. N. Y. : 1860. 2434. WORSLEY (ISRAEL). A View of the American -, c; Indians, their general Character, Customs. Language, Public — Festivals. Religious Rites and Traditions. Shewing them to be the Descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel. 12mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Lond. : 1828. Printed for the aittioij. Good copy of the very scarce FIRST EDITION, UXCUT. 2435. WRIGHT (G. F.) AND UPIIA:\I (WARREN). ^^ Greenland Icefields and Life in the North Atlantic. Numerous ~- illustrafions and maps. 32mo. cloth, uncut. London: 1896. 2436. [AVRTGHT (WILLIAM).] History of the Big Bo- _ nanza. An authentic account of the Discovery, History, and , ^ Working of the Woi'ld-renowned Comstock Silver Lode of ^ Nevada. J^v Dan de Quille. Profuschj illustrated. Svo, cloth. Hartford: 1877. The Introduction is by Mark Twain (S. L. Clemens). 343 2438. WYETH (JOHN B.). Oregon; or, a Short His- tory OF A LONG JOURNEY FROM THE ATLANTIC OCEAN TO THE REGION OF THE PACIFIC, by Land; drawn up from the Notes and Oral Information of John Wyeth, one of the Party who Left Mr. Nathaniel J. Wyeth, July 28th, 1832, four days' march beyond the ridge of the Rocky ]\Iountains, and the only one who lias returned to New England. 8vo, full blue polished morocco, gilt back and top, outer edges uncut (half-title and small margins of few leaves a little dust-soiled). Cambridge: printed for John B. Wyeth, 1833. Privately prixted for the author and excessively babe. For an extended account of Wyeth's Expedition to Oregon see Chittenden's History of the American Fur Trade of the Far West. 2439. AVYETH (NATHANIEL J.). The Correspondence and Journals of Captain Nathaniel J. Wyeth, 1831-6 : a Record of two Expeditions for the Occupation of the Oregon Country. Edited by F. G. Young. Maps. 8vo, wrappers. Eugene, 0. : University of Oregon, 1899. 2440. [WYTH (JOHN).] Graphic Sketches from Old and Authentic Works, illustrating the Costume, Habits, and Character, of the Aborigines of America. [Part 1, The Natives of Virginia.] With 2^ plates. 8 vo, cloth (lacks one plate). N. Y.: 1841. 2441. WZOKHILAIX (PETER PAUL). Wawasi Lagi- damwoganek ]\Idala Chowagidamwoganal tabtagil, Onkawodo- kodozwal wji Pobatami Kidwogan. 18mo, marbled wrappers. Bost.: 1830. Religious instruction and scriptural texts, including the Ten Commandments, with explanations, entirely in the Penobscot dialect of the Abnaki language. Scarce. 2442. y ERES (F.) . Relazione del Conquisto del Peru ^\. e della Provincia di Cuzco Chiamata Nuova Castiglia. [Volume unico.] Portraits and illusts. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. Prato: 1842. Vol. 5 of "Raocolta di Viaggi dalla Scoperta del Nuovo Con- tinente." Compiled by F. C Marmocchi. 2444. WOUXG (ALEXANDER). Chronicles of the T First Planters of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay, 1G23-1636. Steel portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost. : 1846. Fine copy, entirely uncut and partly unopened. 2445. YOING (WILLIA^I T.). Sketch of the Life and I'ublic Services of General I^ewis Cass, with the pamphlet on tlie Right of Search, and some of his Speeches on the great political questions of the day. 8vo, cloth. Detroit: 1852. 344 THE LIBRARY INIVERSITY OJ CALIFORNIA o 244G. VrLH (MA.JOK P... K.-marks on lii.- Disput.'d ^ - Xorth-Wi'sterii lioundary of New liruiiswiek, Hordcniig on the States of Xortli AimuMca, with an Exphiiiatory Skctcli. Second EDITION. Folding ma p. Svo. boards, liOiid.: l.S:}S. Auti)^'nil)Ii inscription hy the niitlmr — "Dr. Adam, from the irritcr." 2447. '7ARATE (AG()ST1.\(J DKj. Le llistorie (h-l ^^ Sig. Agostiiio di Zarate. . . .dello Scopri- - -'S meiito et Conquista del Peru. Nuovaniciite de Jjiiigua Castigli- ana tradotte dal S. Alfonso I'lloa. Small 4to, vellum. Vinegia : 1563. "Zarato filled tho ofiico of trca.siircr jjcncral in I'oru, from l."'>4.">-l."i IS. Ihniiii; not<'il carctMlly in ills journal, tlio incidents wliicii occurred within the range of his own observation, he was enabled, after his return to Spain, to write hi.s History of the Conquest of the Incas with great iidelity and (;learuess." The work is partly devoted to descriptions of the aborigines and the relations of their conquest. Tins Italian euitio.n is vkkv kake, being unknown to Ter- neaux, Brunet, Rich and others. 2448. ZARATE (AGOSTINO DE). Ilistoire de la De- couvcrte et de la Conqueste thi Perou. Traduite. . . .par S. D. C. (de Broe, seigneur de Citry et de La Guettej. ^J(rp and 13 capper-plate engravings. 2 vols., ]2ino, old calf (name on titles,— edges of bindings sliglitly rubbt'tli. Paris: 1716. First edition of this translation. 2449. ZARATE (AGOSTINO DE I. Ilistoire de la Decou- verte et de la Conqueste du Perou. Tradiute. . . .par S. D. C. (de Broe, seigneur de Citry et de La Guette). Seconde edi- tion, revue »& eorrigee. Map and 15 copper-plate engravings. 2 vols., 12mo, old calf. Amsterdam : Chez J. Louis de Lorme. 1717. 2450. ZEISBERGER (DAVID). Zeisberger's Indian Dictionary. English, German, Iroquois— the Onondaga, and Algon([uin — the Dela\vare. Printed from the Original ^Maiiu- script in Harvard College Library. Royal 8vo, cloth. Cambridge : 1887. 2451. ZrXIGA (MARTINEZ DE^ An Historical View of the Philippine Islands: exhibiting their Discovery, Popu- lation. Language. Government. Manners and Customs. Trans- lated by John Maver. Folding map. 2 vols., 8vo. half calf. Lond. : 1814. 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