The minister's rate for 1788, Richmond, Massachusetts , by Frank De Wette Andrews. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE MINISTER'S RATE FOR 1788 Richmond, Massachusetts Town votes for a new church, 1794 Rev. David Perry, minister 17844816 COMPILED BY FRANK D. ANDREWS PRIVATELY PRINTED FORTY COPIES ONLY V I N E L A N D, N. J. 1922 THE MINISTER'S RATE FOR 1788 Richmond, Massachusetts Town votes for a new church, 1794 Rev. David Perry, minister 1784-1816 COMPILED BY FRANK D. ANDREWS PRIVATELY PRINTED FORTY COPIES ONLY NUMBER 33 V I N E L A N D, N. J. 1922 PREFACE. Pleasantly situated in a charming valley among the Berkshire hills of Western Massachusetts is the town of Richmond, named from the Duke of Richmond, it is sup- posed, when incorporated, June 20, 1763. as the town of Richmont, afterwards changed to Richmond. The set- tlers soon built a meeting-house and raised money to pay a minister. The name of the first preacher is un- known, so it is stated. His successor was Rev. Job Swift who became their pastor in 1767. He was followed by Rev. David Perry in 1784. A sketch of Mr. Perry will be found on another page, also the names of the tax-payers and the amount of the tax necessary to pay the pastor's salary. As every property holder was taxed we have the names of the heads of families living in Richmond in the year 1788. The records on the following pages are. printed from the original documents in the compilers possession. It is hoped they may be of some interest to local historians and genealogists. f Acknowledgment is herewith made for the sketch of Rev. David Perry to the "Biographies and Annals of Yale College." ''History of Harwinton. Conn.," and "History of Western Massachusetts." F. D. A. Vineland, New J.ersey. December 8, i 922. 516174 LIB SETS TOWN VOTES FOR A MEETING HOUSE. In the year 1794 and 1795 the Congregationalist of Richmond, Mass., erected a Meeting House. The fol- lowing votes, printed from the original manuscript, may be of some interest to the present or former residents of the place. January 27, 1794: The meeting convened according to agreement, the committee reported. Chose Zachariah Peirson, Clerk Pro tern. Moved that the Sense of the Town be taken wether they like the report of the Committe and the price of the Land. Voted in the afermitive yeas 56, Nays 31. Moved to se if the Town will Grant Seven Hundred pounds for the purpose of building a meeting House on Zachariah Peirson Land near Majour Woods. Voted in the Afermative, Yeas 43, Nays 28. Moved to se if the Town will Chouse a committe to Contract with some Gentleman for building a meeting House. Voted in the afermative. Voted and Chose Capt. Nathan Peirson, Henry Sher- ril and Capt. Ebenezer Williams a committe to Contract with Sum Gentleman for building A meeting House. Voted to ajourn this Meeting four* weeks from the 27 of January. February 24, 1794, the Meeting Convened acording to agreement, the Commitle reporttd. Moved to se if the Town will impour the Committe to pay Mr. Jonson One hundred and fifty pounds for Com- pleeting the underpining of a meeting house acording fo the Committe Dementions. Voted in the afirmative. yeas 29. Nays 26. Voted to ajorn this Meeting til Next Monday at one of the O clock in the after noon. 3 March 3 1794, the Meeting Convened acording to n- jornment. Moved to se if the Meeting Consider the Moderator to be legally Chosen. Voted in the afarmative. Moved to try the minds of the Town to se if they will Build a Meeting House on Zachariah Peirson Land near Majer Wood. Voted in the afermitive, yeas 40, Nays 38. Moved to se if the Town will Chuse a committe. Moved that the Sense of the Town be taken \vether they will agree to meet at a futer meeting and vote for Six places, viz, Zachariah P. Land, Mr. Barns Land, Mr. Pixleys Lin.1, E>q Bishops L Mr. Edwards Land and the Old Meeting House, and that they will Build the Hous were the gatest Magorety of Votes Shall be. This Meeting is ajornd til Next thursday at One Of the Clock after noon/ Met acording to adjournment. Moved that the Town build a M. Hou^e on the Hill where the old house stands. Voted in the negative, yeas 32. Nays 71. Voted & Chose Capt. Nathan Pierson, Henry Sherril & John Brown a Committe to make and Report a plan of the Size, form and manner of Work for a house the Situation of the same and to see with whom they can make the most advantageous contract to accomplish this work, at this meeting, at the adjournment. Voted & chose D. Rosseter, J. Gates, J. Raymond, J. Ford & W. Barnes a Committe to direct the Situation of the Meeting house. Voted to reconsider a vote granting jCjoo for it. Voted Granted ^700 to be laid out in building a Meet- ing house. Voted and chose Capt. Nathan Peirson, Joseph Ray- 4 mond & Samnel Gates a committee who are hereby au- thorised to contract with any person with whom they can most advantagiously agree to build a Meeting house for this Town agreeable to a report of a committee made this day, to inspect and superintend the erection of the house and to borrow in behalf of the Town any sum or sums 'of Money that may be necessary to be advanced in the execution of the business before the money can be collected by taxes & procure of Zachariah Pierson a Deed of so much land & in such form as will accommo- date the Town for a Meeting house. ERRATUM:- Por Rev. Job Smith, page 6, read REV. JOB SWIFT. REV. DAVID PERRY. Rev. David Perry, who was installed minister of the church at Richmond, Mass. August 25, 1784, was born in what is now Huntington in Stratford, Conn. July 19, 1746. He was the son of a farmer, Joshua Perry- His mother, Mary Leavenworth, was the daughter of Dr. Thomas Leavenworth. David Perry entered Yale Col- lege and graduated from that institution in 1772. He studied theology with his uncle, Rev. Mark Leav- enworth of Waterbury, and it is believed he was also a pupil of Rev. Joseph Bellemy, the eminent theologian. He was licensed to preach by the New Haven County Association, May 25, 1772. The church at Harwinton Conn, having dismissed its minister, the Rev. Andrew Bartholomew, the society voted September 7, 1773, "a committee shall apply to Rev. David Perry to preach with them the winter coming." On the 21, the action was renewed and on October rr. the society voted "to settle Mr. Perry in the work of the ministry." Mr. Perry accepted the call and was ordained February 15, 1774. Mr. Bartholomew, the former pastor was in favor of the half-way covenant which he strenuously de- fended. It was understood Mr. Perry would baptize the children of the covenant-owners, but the time came when he could not conscientiously apply the baptismal ordi- nance to the infant offspring of non-communicants, and he told them so, this led to his dismission with the advice of other churches December 23, 1783. The church in Richmond, Mass., to which Mr. Perry was called after the close of his labors in Harwinton was formed in 1765, Rev. Job Smith, a graduate of Yale College, was the first pastor. Mr. Perry was installed August 25, 1784. In this new position he was not only well pleased but he pleased the people. The number of church members was increased from thirty- one at his installation by the addition of two hundred and twenty- nine during his ministry. His long service was brought to a close through ill health, which so impaired his ability to minister to his people that he was dismissed January i, 1816, Mr. Perry died the following year, June 7, 1817. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Alvan Hyde of Lee, Mass. The sermon was subsequently printed Mr. Perry married, August 20, 1776, Jerusha Lord of Middletown, Conn, daughter of Ichabod Lord of Col- chester. They had ten children, seven sons and three daughters. Three of their sons graduated at Williams College. Mrs. Perry died at the home of her son at Lee, July 13, 1832. It has been said: "the religious character of Mr. Perry was such as to furnish a bright example to every gospel minister. He was eminent for his expressions and daily exhibitions of piety and eminently devoted and faithful as a minister of Christ." THIS IS A TRUE COPY OF THE MINISTER'S RATE: ^100.. 17.. i Nov r roth 1788. John Bacon, Stephen Benton, Asses r. Comfort Wood, Names. ^ s d Austin, Levi 15 5 Andrus, Ozias 17 5 Ames, Elias 3 i Akins, Seth 311 Andrus, Asa 2 i Betts, Aaron 6 7 Bliss, Jacob 17 i Bacon, John r i o Bell, Soloman i 2 i Brown, Samuel 4 2 Bliss, Charles 2 5 Betts, Zebulon 2 6 Brittan, Benjamin 9 8 Do. as Guardeen 6 o Blodget, Abner 2 i Bryan, Joseph 6 o Booth, Samuel n 2 Bell, Jason 5 g Bishop, Leonard 2 9 Branch, Levi 8 5 Bartlett, John 5 8 Betts, Preserved 6 4 Bishop, Moses 2 6 Branch, Cyprian 8 3 Bishop, Nathaniel 19 6 8 MINISTER'S RATE 1788. Names. s d Branch, Vine 17 ll Brown, David 3 Barrit, John i i Barnes, William 15 2 Bentou, Stephen 15 5 Betts, Comstock 14 2 Belts, Enoch 2 i Barnes, Jeremiah 12 o Bartlett, William 3 9 Betts, Joel 6 o Bullard, Samuel 2 i Brainard, Daniel i 2 Crocker, Ezekiel 254 Crocker, Ezekil Jr. 2 i Crittenton, Levi 6 2 Coon, Timothy as Guard. 3 Cone, Darius 2 i Carpenter, Richard 12 10 Cone, Ashbell i i o Crocker, Oliver 5 Cogswell, Saml Jur. 16 10 Crocker, John 8 10 Cook, Philip 2 6 1 1 Collins, Dan 5 3 Cogswell, Asahel 10 4 Carpenter, Simiou 10 9 Cogswell, Nathan i 411 Chidsey, Jo. & Agustus i 2 i Cole, Timothy 2 5 Collins. Manasich i 3 9 Clark, Joseph 13 8 Colt, Jabez i i 4 Castle, Ebenezer i o 9 Carr, John 4 3 MINISTER'S RATE, 1788. 9 Names. s d Cook, Walter 5 8 Cogswell, Levi 6 9 Cogswell, Joseph n 2 Down, Samuel 2 i Dewey, Benedict 7 Day, Noah 2 2 Dewey, Solomon 16 i Dudley, Jno Jur. 3 4 Dudley, Wm 3 3 Dorchester, Stepb. & Alex. 14 5 Dupee, Charles 3 3 Dudley. Jno 19 6 Dean, Josiah 12 o Edwards, William 16 9 Edwards, Gamaliel 2 i Edwards, Daniel 5 10 Flower, George 6 4 Frazur, William 5 o Fuller, Bithiah Wid. 5 o Flower, Theoron 5 1 1 Fuller, L,evi 12 i Fish, Charles 2 5 Ford, Absalom 5 1 1 Ford, James Jur 5 o Ford, James i o 3 Guttery, Abel i i Gates, James 10 o Garton, Robert 10 7 Gates, James O. 6 4 Griswold. Jer h 4 2 Gould, John 2 i Gates, Jonah 6 i Griffin, Russel i o 4 Graves, Rufus 6 10 10 MINISTER'S RATE, 1788. Names. s d Gates, Samuel 8 5 Garton, John 14 8 Garton, Naomi n i Garton, Alex. 16 5 Goodwin, James 7 10 Hazzard, Nath 1 3 10 Hill, John 2 3 Hall, Gad 4 8 Hachley, Peter i 3 Hill, Titus 17 2 Hand, Daniel 6 2 Harrison, Abel 16 8 Harrison, Abel Jur 4 9 Hall, Daniel 9 o Hatch, Daniel 3 o Hatch, Stephen 7 o Hart, Eben r 8 6 Hedges, Lewes 9 5 Hall, Jno 13 i Holly, Jonathan 8 6 Hall, Titus Jur 124 Hand, Abram 2 2 Hough, Simon 2 9 Hough, Samuel 2 i Hillock, Robert 6 7 Hackley, Sam 1 10 4 Hoppen, Henry 2 5 Holly, David 9 Hurlbert, Matthias 3 5 Ingham, Joseph 3 T Johnson, Lemuel 9 2 Jessup, Nathaniel 5 5 Kellogg, Israel 10 ^9 Kingsley, Jeremiah 9 ^ MINISTER'S RATE, 1788. 11 Names. s d Lusk, William 16 9 Lusk, John 15 i L,eadbetter, Swift Wm 2 2 Lead better, Thomas 2 i Merriman, Benj a 95 Merriman, Amos 14 5 Merriman, Abram 7 9 Miller, Jeremiah 8 4 Minor, Rufus 3 Miller, Eleazer 4 9 Melody, Thomas- 3 i Nichols, John Jur 5 10 Newell, Eben r 211 Osborn, Wm 7 i Peirson, Nathan 4 18 i Peirson, Benj n 185 Peirson, Zach h 15 7 Peirson, Jerh 8 6 Pixley, Moses 10 3 Patterson, Amos 12 9 Patterson, Joseph 13 8 Plumb, Eben r 102 Parmele, Amos 9 r Parmele, Ab m 32 Perry, Rev. David 7 3 Peirce, Pardon 2 i Plummer, Frances ^ 4 Rosseter. Nathan i 5 9 Rosseter, David i 19 5 Raymond, Joseph 1 1 4 Rosseter, Nathan Jur 55 Raymond, Paul 8 8 Redington, Elipht 14 9 Rowley, Tho s i o 12 MINISTER'S RATE, 1788. Names. s d Rosseter, Noah 5 Redfield, Beriah 10 2 Root, Reuben 1 4 Redington, Daniel 7 6 Redington, Nathl 5 2 Rowley, Aaron i i 6 Rutley, Ebenr 2 i Scott, Thos . i? ' Scott, Thos Jur 5 3 Scott, Stephen 3 o Scott, Nathan 6 1 1 Stevens, Parker 7 6 Smith, Gager 2 3 Sherrill, Sam 1 10 7 Stevens, David i i i Smith, Azel / 2 i Spencer, Eliakitn 1 1 4 Slosson, Daniel 13 i Smith, Polhiayues 12 10 Smith, Ezra i 5 5 Sherrill, Henry 17 o Stevens, Elisha 9 2 Skeel, Jonathan 6 i i Spencer, Jude 2 9 Tilden, Isaac 9 Tilden, Calvin 10 9 Tarbell, Jonathan 17 9 Tubbs, Dan 2 3 Tildeu, Isaiah 12 o Tracy, Simeon 19 10 Do. as Guardian i 3 Wood, Ichabod 9 7 Williams, John 18 10 Wood, Comfort 15 5 MINISTER'S RATE, 1788. 13 Names. s d Williams, Ebenr 15 8 West, Abner 9 7 Williams & Miller Adm rs 4 Webber, Joseph 5 2 Welch, Nathan 3 3 West, Abner Jur 4 10 Welch, Ebeu r 1211 Webber, Chaimdler? i i Winston, Abram 2 5 West, William 6 2 Walters, Benj a 120 Williams, David 12 5 Adams, Thomas 2 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-25m-9,'47(A5618)444 *F74 R4A5 Andrews - The minister ! s rate for 1788. *F74 R4A5