/ Or CALiR LOS ANGELES SEP 23 1952 LIBRARY GOVT. PUBS. BOOM j^> Edition ol June 10, 1911. United States Department of Agriculture, DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS CIRCULAR 7. ]OS. A. ARNOLD, Editor and Chief. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 26, 1911. PUBLICATIONS OF THE BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. NOTE. Application for publications In this list should be made to the Editor and Chief of the Division of Publications, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. The editions of some of the publications are necessarily limited, and when the supply Is exhausted and no funds are available for procuring additional copies applicants are referred to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, who has them for sale at a nominal price, under the law of January 12, 1895. Applicants are urgently requested to ask only for those publications In which they are particularly Interested. The department can not undertake to supply complete sets, nor is it allowable to send more than one copy of any publication to an applicant. REPORTS. Report of the Chemist for the Year 1890. Same, 1891. Same, 1899. Same, 1903. Same, 1908. Same, 1893. Same, 1900. Same, 1905. Same, 1909. Same, 1897. Same, 1901. Same, 1907. Same, 1910. Same, 1898. Same, 1902. BULLETINS. [In applying for these bulletins the name of the bureau as well as the number of the bulletin should be given, as "Bureau of Chemistry, Bulletin No. 13." ] Bul. 13. Foods and Food Adulterations. Pt. IX. Cereals and Cereal Products. Same, Part X. Preserved Meats. 14. Record of Experiments at Fort Scott, Kana., in the Manufacture of Sugar from Sorghum and Sugar Canes in 1886. 18. Sugar-producing Plants. 20. Record of Experiments Conducted by the Commissioner of Agriculture in the Manufacture of Sugar from Sorghum at Rio Grande, N. J. ; Kenner, La. ; Con way Springs, Douglass, and Sterling, Kans., 1888. 21. Report of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar by Diffusion at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, La. Season of 1888-89. 26. Record of Experiments in the Production of Sugar from Sorghum in 1889. 29. Record of Experiments with Sorghum in 1890. 31. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Columbian University, Washington, D. C., August 13-15, 1891. 34. Record of Experiments with Sorghum in 1891. 39. Experiments with Sugar Beets in 1893. 43. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Convention of Official Agricultural Chemists held at Washington, D. C., August 23-25, 1894. 44. Sweet cassava: Its culture, properties, and uses. 97302 Cir. 711 Bui. 46. Methods of Analysis adopted by the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, September 5-7, 1895. 47. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, D. C., September 5-7, 1895. 48. Zinc in Evaporated Apples. 49. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, D. C., November 6-9, 1896. 50. Composition of Maize (Indian corn), including the Grain, Meal, Stalks, Pith, Fodder, and Cobs. 52. Experiments with Sugar Beets in 1897. 53. Chemical Composition of the Carcasses of Pigs. 55. Fertilizing Value of Street Sweepings. 56. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, D. C., November 11-14, 1898. 57. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at San Francisco, July 5-7, 1899. 61. Pure Food Laws of European Countries Affecting American Exports. 62. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, D. < .. \..\ember 16-19, 1900. 68. Exhibit of the Bureau of Chemistry at the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901. 64. The Infhience of Environment upon the Composition of the Sugar Beet. 67. Proceedings of the Kiuhteenih Annual Convention >f the Association of official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, I>. C., November 14-16, 1901. 70. Manufacture of Table Sirups from Sugar Cane. 71. A Study of Cider Making in France, Germany, ami England, with Comments and Comparisons on American Work. 72. American Wines at the Paris Exposition of 1900: Their Composition and Character. 73. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Convention of ihe Association of official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington. I> C., < "dober 2-4, 1902. 74. The Influence of Soil and Climate upon the Composition of the Sugar I'.i-et, 1901. Culture in Ihe Southeast for the Man u fa- 'lure of Table Sirup. J. Fertilizer Experiments on Suir.ir Cane. II. Kep.rt> of Special Agents on Sugar-Cane < ulture. 77. Olive Oil and its Substitutes. 78. The Influence of Environment upon the Cmnp. -iii<.n ..f the B IIKI'J. 80. Adulterated I rugs ami < 'hemieals: I. Inferior Pni'/s and 1 1, -idi->u< Methods m Oil and its Subetitutea. ill I'lu-nac- niercial S 81. Proceed ir \ Mimal < 'on vent ion of the Association of < Mlicial Agrifultur.il Chemi.-K held at \\ . .\o\eml.er l! '-'I, 1903. 82. Paris Greet 84. lull . Health I'' >' Same, Part III Snlphurou- Acid itw. Same, Par 86. 'I Power <>f Road Mat* 86. ArwMn 87. Som- I A : Cuban Fruit*. II - d I'ine- app! 10t.fl Bui. 90. Proceedings of the Twenty- first Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at St. Louis, Mo., September 26-28, 1904. 92. The Effect of Water on Rock Powders. 93. Experiments in the Culture of Sugar Cane and its Manufacture into Table Sirup. 94. Studies on Apples. I. Storage, Respiration, and Growth. II. Insoluble Carbohydrates or Marc. III. Microscopic and Macroscopic Examinations of Apple Starch. 95. The Influence of Environment upon the Composition of the Sugar Beet, 1903. 96. The Influence of Environment on the Composition of the Sugar Beet, 1904,' together with a Summary of the Five-year Investigation. 97. Studies on Peaches. I. Compiled Analysis of Peaches. II. Changes ia. Chemical Composition of the Peach during Growth and Ripening. Ill, Effect of Storage on the Composition of Peaches. 98. Drug Legislation in the United States. 99. Proceedings of the Twenty-second Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, D. C., November 16- 18, 1905. 100. Some Forms of Food Adulteration and Simple Methods for Their Detection. 101. The Lime-Sulphur-Salt Wash and its Substitutes. 102. Foreign Trade Practices in the Manufacture and Exportation of Alcoholic Beverages and Canned Goods. 103. Experimental Work in the Production of Table Sirup at Waycross, Ga., 1905, together with a Summary of the Four-year Experiment on Fertili- zation of Sugar Cane. 104. Food Legislation during the Year ended June 30, 1906. 107. Official and Provisional Methods of Analysis, Association of Official Agri- cultural Chemists. 108. Commercial Feeding Stuffs of the United States: Their Chemical and Micro- scopical Examination. 109. Some Technical Methods of Testing Miscellaneous Supplies, including Paints and Paint Materials, Inks, Lubricating Oils, Soaps, etc. 111. The Fermenting Power of Pure Yeasts and Some Associated Fungi. 112.. Food Legislation during the Year ended June 30, 1907. Pt. I. Federal Laws and Laws of States and Territories, Alabama to New Hampshire, inclusive. Same, Pt. II. Laws of States and Territories, New Jersey to Wyoming, inclusive. 113. Injury to Vegetation and Animal Life by Smelter Fumes. 114. Meat Extracts and Similar Preparations, including Studies of the Methods of Analysis Employed. 116. Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Annual Convention of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at the Jamestown Exposition, Nor- folk, Va., October 9-11, 1907. 117. Commercial Sicilian Sumac. 118. Unfermented Apple Juice. 120. The Feeding Value of Cereals, as Calculated from Chemical Analyses. 121. Food Legislation during the Year ended June 30, 1908. 122. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual Convention of the" Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, held at Washington, D. C., November 12-16, 1908. 123. Metabolism of Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus. 124. Chemical Studies of American Barleys and Malts. 125. The Canning of Peas. 126. Harmful Effects of Acetanilid, Antipyrin, and Phenacetin. 127. Influence of Environment on the Composition of Sweet Corn, 1905-1908. 128. Tri-local Experiments on the Influence of Environment on the Composition of Wheat. [Cir. 7] Bui. 129. Enological Studies. I. Experiments in Cider Making Applicable to Farm Conditions. II. Notes on the Use of Pure Yeasts in Wine Making. 131. Lead Araenate. I. Composition of Lead Arsenates Found on the Market. II. "Home-made" Lead Arsenate and the Chemicals Entering into ita Manufacture. III. Action of Lead Arsenate on Foliage. 135. Commercial Turpentines: Their Quality and^Methods for Their Examina- tion. 136. Shellfish Contamination from Sewage, Polluted Waters, and from Other Sources. 140. Enological Studies. I. The Occurrence of Sucroee in Grapes. II. The Sugar and Acid Content of Different Varieties of Grapes Sampled at Frequent Intervals during Ripening and at Full Maturity. CIRCULARS. fin applying for these circulars, the name of the bureau as well as the number of the circular should be given, as " Bureau of Chemistry, Circular No. 2."] Circ. 2. Changes in and Additions to Methods of Analysis Adopted at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1896. 3. Needed Reforms in Fertilizer Inspection. Report of the Committee Ap- pointed at the Preliminary Meeting of the Official Inspectors of Fertilizers, 1897. 13. Extract*" from the Proceedings of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1903. 15. Results of Borax Experiment. 16. Officials Charged with the Enforcement of Food Laws in the United States and Canada. 18. Suggestions to Importers of Food Products. 19. Methods for the Ietec;inn of Renovated Butter. (Cooperative work, Asso- ciation of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1905.) 21. Proposed Regulations Governing the Labeling of Imported Food Products. 24. Analysis of the Mexican Plant Tecoma moUis II. B. K. 25. Coloring Matters for Foodstuffs and Methods for Their l>etoction. A Pre- liminary Report Made to the Association of Otlicial Agricultural Chemists. 31. General KcMilt.s of the Investigations, showing the KflVrt of salicylic Acid and Salicylates upon Digestion and Health. 33. Report on Methods of Beer Analysis. 34. Examination of Papers. 35. Report on Color-: The Solubility and Extract ion of Colors and the Color Rea !>>ed Filler and of Aqueous and Sulphuric Arid Solutions. 36. ( Method* f.-r I'lili/.ing Wood, Inrlu-lin- I'estructive l>i.-tillation. Recovery of Turpentine, Rosin, and I'ulp. and '1 'ion of Alcohol and of < Uulir A<-id. 37.i of the Fnvesti'Mtioi ; of Sulphurous Acid and Sulphite., up,, ,hh. : ; the Association of (Mlirial Agricultural IW7. 41. Paper-making Material* and Their Coiipcrvalion. 42. << :,-, hliowini; the Kfi'.-.-t of Formaldehyde upon I>ik'etion and Health. 43. I 'he I'rm-i-, the A.sori.i r i, .11 of (Hlirial Agricultural 48. The Co|, | , i,. r 61. The Value ( ,f iv.iehwi a* Vinegar Stock. 62. Extract* from the Proceedings of the Association of < itli. ial ALT i< ulUira 63. Suggested Modification* of the Winton I . ad Number. 64. Analyninof Canoed Peaaand BCMM, dunring Competition of Diffemil c.radee. Idr TJ Circ. 55. The Influence of Acids and Alkalies on the Activity of Invertase. 56. The Determination of Total Sulphur in Organic Matter. 57. Experiments on the Preparation of Sugared Dried Pineapples. 58. The Effect of Alcohol on Invertaee. 59. The Destruction of the Enzym Invertase by Acids, Alkalis, and Hot Water. 60. A Theory of the Influence of Acids and Alkalis on the Activity of Invertaee. 61. How to Kill and Bleed Market Poultry. 62. A Comparison of Beef and Yeast Extracts of Known Origin. 64. Studies of Poultry from the Farm to the Consumer. 66. Extracts from the Proceedings of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1910. 68. Tomato Ketchup under the Microscope; With Practical Suggestions to Insure a Cleanly Product. 69. Improvements in the Knorr Fat Extraction Apparatus. 70. The Comparative Rate of Decomposition in Drawn and Undrawn Poultry* 71. Extraction of Grains and Cattle Foods for the Determination of Sugars: A Comparison of the Alcohol and the Sodium Carbonate Digestions. 72. An Electrically Controlled Constant Temperature Water Bath for the Immersion Refractometer. REPORTS OF SUGAR-BEET INVESTIGATIONS. [In applying for these publications, the name of the bureau as well as the full title of the publication should be given.] Experiments with Sugar Beets in 1897. Published as a Part of "Progress of the Beet-Sugar Industry in the United States in 1897." Same, 1898. Same, 1899. Same, 1903. Analysis of the Sugar Beets Grown in Various States. MISCELLANEOUS. [In applying for these publications, the name of the bureau as well as the full title of the publication should be given.) Food Adulteration. Memorial Exercises in Honor of the Late John A. Myers. Model Denatured Alcohol Distillery. Knife for Killing Poultry. FARMERS' BULLETINS. [In applying for these publications, the number of the publication should be given, as "Farmers' Bulletin No. 52."] F. B. 52. The Sugar Beet. 135. Sorghum Sirup Manufacture. 269. Industrial Alcohol: Uses and Statistics. 359. Canning Vegetables in the Home. 377. Harmfulness of Headache Mixtures. 393.' Habit-Forming Agents. 410. Potato Culls as a Source of Industrial Alcohol. 429. Industrial Alcohol: Sources and Manufacture. SEPARATE REPRINTS FROM THE YEARBOOK. [In applying for these reprints, the number of the separate should be given: " Yearbook Separate No. 137.") Y. B. Sep. 137. Utilization of Residues from Beet-Sugar Manufacture in Cattle Feeding. 451. The Detail of the Enforcement of the Food and Drugs Act. 468. Changes Taking Place in Chickens in Cold Storage. 479. Suitable Paper for Permanent Records. 485. The Manufacture of Flavoring Extracts. o