J. Henry Senger A GERMAN READER WITH GEKMAK EXERCISES BASED UPOK THE TEXT FOR FIRST READING IN GERMAN SELECTED AND EDITED WITH NOTES AND VOCABULARY WILLIAM HERBERT CARRUTH, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF GERMANIC LANGI/AGES AND LITERATURES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS JT IN MEMORIAM COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY WILLIAM HERBERT CARRUTH. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 24.10 PREFACE THE opinion is growing yearly that beginners in foreign languages should not be set to reading scraps, but should begin directly upon complete pieces of moderate length and of worthy literary quality. Great numbers of such stories and plays are now accessible in separate editions, but a book like the present Reader has the advantages that it saves the annoyance of several separate purchases, offers a given number of selections at less expense, and that it can present them in a wise gradation. The Exercises following and based upon the text are also carefully graded. (1) The sentences in German with the various inflections to be supplied can be taken up by the time the student has learned the declensions and the simpler verb-forms. (2) The English versions of the original to be turned back into German are more advanced, but yet comparatively easy, because the vocabulary and the constructions are all found in the original German. (3) The German questions leading to an outline of the original in the student's own words call for more ingenuity, but the material for the answers is all in the original German or in the exercises of the second kind. As a rule all these exercises should be prepared by the student at home. The poems are suited to memorizing and should be used largely in this way. iv PREFACE The Editor has had throughout the cooperation of his colleagues in the German department of the University, Messrs. E. F. Engel and Erich Mtinter and Dr. Alberta Corbin, and of Mrs. Frances Schlegel Carruth, of which he here makes grateful acknowledgment. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, March, 1904. CONTENTS DIE NACHTIGALL . HANS IM GLUCK . DER ZERBROCHEN KALIF STORCH DIE LUGNERIN GEDICHTE : Das Bachlein Das Veilchen Gefunden Wandrers Na< Wandrers Na< Mignon . Der Handschuh Hoffnung Die Worte c Gute Nacht Die Lorelei Du bist wie Leise zieht ( Ein Fichten Der gute Ks Die Kapelle Heimkehr PAGE i HERAKLES .... Niebuhr 1 Andersen . 16 Grimm . 28 IE KRUG ..... Zschokke . 35 Hauff . . 61 Benedix . 75 . Anon. . . 107 Goethe . . 107 Goethe . . 108 chtlied . . . Goethe . . 109 .chtlied . .... Goethe . . 109 Goethe . . 109 uh Schiller . 110 Schiller . 113 js Glaubens .... Schiller . 114 Kdrner . 115 Heine . . 116 ine Blume .... Heine . . 117 irch mein Gemiit . . . Heine . . 117 aum steht einsam . . . Heine . . 118 nerad Uhland . 118 Uhland . 119 Uhland . 119 'ochterlein .... Uhland . 119 hwert Uhland 120 VI CONTENTS Das Schloss am Meere . Frtihlingsglaube Reiters Morgenlied Excelsior .... Der Regentag Hiawatha . . . Mein Herz ist im Hochland . Wiegenlied .... Der sterberide Schwan . Die Wasserrose Der Tannenbaum . Die Weiber von Winsperg Drei Paare und Einer . Barbarossa .... Das Herz .... Gott griisse dich . Es hat nicht sollen sein . NOTES ...... EXERCISES VOCABULARY .... PAGE . Uhland . 122 . Uhland . 123 . Hauff . . 123 . Longfellow, Freiligrath 124 . Longfellow, Freiligrath 126 . Longfellow, Freiligrath 127 . Burns, Freiligrath . 128 . Tennyson, Freiligrath 129 . Tennyson, Freiligrath 130 , Geibel . . 131 . Volkslied . 132 . Chamisso . 133 . Euckert . 134 . Rilckert . 134 . Neumann . 136 . Sturm . . 136 . Scheffel . 137 139 177 205 efdjidjten turn toar em ofyn be$ 3eu$ wtf> ^ er 2Mhnenc trtpn toar ber Sftann ber SUfmene unb $onig don l)eba in riedjenfonb. 2lmpl)itrt)on it)ar be^ eraf(e3 ttefdater, aber er ^atte ifyn Iteb, al^ tDenn er fern etgener @ol)n geti)e[en iuare, unb 2Hfmene fatten etnen @o^n, ber l)te{} $$lfe 5 atfo li)ar er be^ eraf(e$ ttefbrnber. nnb 3^P^ff e ^ fG^n ntrfjt in einer SBiege, fonbern in einem gro^en, eljernen ScfyUbe : in biefent ^atte bie 3Jfntter i^nen i^r Sett gemadjt, nnb iDenn fie fc^Iafen foftten, fo tour* ben fie in bent djilbe getoiegt ; aber erafle$ fd)rie niental^, 10 era toar [einer Gutter 2Ulmene feinb unb toottte eraf(e^ toten laffen. g^ tpar aJcttternacfjt, unb 9ImpI)itri)on unb 2ltf= ntene fdjliefen, unb bie beiben Snaben ft^tiefen cmdj in bent @c^i(be, toeldjer neben bent 35ette ber Sautter ftanb. X)a frozen jtoei gro^e djlangen bur^ ein 2oc^ unter ber iire 15 in ba^ @d)fofgtmmer ^inein unb Irodjen nad) bent @d)ilbe I)in S5ie 9Iugen ber djtangen leudjteten toie ^euer r fo baf; ba^ ganje @d)taf5intnter t)el( toarb, al^ toenn ein groj}e$ geuer barin angejilnbet toare, @ie ^oben i^re Si)|)fe auf an ber @eite, too eral(e^ tag, unb toottten in ben @c^i(b ^ineinfrie- 20 d^en unb ifjn beiften, aritber betoegte fi(^ ber @d)itb, unb efd)id)ten Don erafte$ toadjte auf unb fing an entfe^(id) ju-frfjreten, toeit et bange roarb. SUfmene ertoadjte and) Don fetnem efdjrei unb fal) ba$ 8tdf)t in ber tube nnb toed te iljren 2ftann Slmpfyitrtpn, nnb ber fyrang auf unb nafym fcin djtoert, toeld)e$ an einem 5 s 37agel ^tnter bem Scttc tying, Site era38k$ Me ,d)(angen fa^ r toarb er gar ntd^t bangc unb fd)i;te nid)t,, fonbmv {arf)te unb griff mit Jeber anb eine djfange u-ni bte te^te unb britcfte ganj feft* 5Bun lonnten fie ifyn nic^t bei^en; fie toanben fid) um i^n Ijerum mit ifyren io@c^toanjen: eraf(e^ I)ielt aber fo feft,ba fie ftarben/ 3Bie fie tot toaren, (eurf)teten i^re 2lugen nidjt mel)r r unb afe 9lnt- pl)itrt)on I)infant r toar e^ fdjon toieber gan5 bunleL Sa rief er bie SMener, ba^ fie 8irf)t ^ereinbringen fot(ten r unb ate ba$ 8id^t fam, jeigte eraf(e$ bie beiben toten @df)(angen unb 15 (ad)te fe^r Dergniigt* eraf(e toar fd^on ate ^inb feljr gro^ unb a^ t)ief ^Braten unb S3rot, aber feine Serfereien. & [ernte lefen unb fdjreiben unb reiten unb mit bem 3^ e ^ un ^ SSiergefpanne fa^ren unb mit bem 53ogen f^ie^en unb mit bem SBurffpie^e nad) bem 20 3ide toerfen unb ringen unb mit bem geftu^ fampfen. & toar ein guter Sentaur, ber I)ie^ (Sf)eiron, ber te^rte i^n bie @terne fennen unb bie Srauter unb @etodd)fe unb eqcifytte i^m bat)on unb Don ben ieren ; ba^ fyorte eraf(e^ fe^r gern unb fernte alle^ fe^r gut, 25 @r toar fef)r gut, nur fyatte er einen ge^Ier, ba^ er rafenb toarb, toenn er bofe tourbe, unb bann tat er 53ofe unb toeinte na^I)er iiber ba^, toa er getan Ijatte, aber e^ toar gu fpcit, unb er fonnte e^ nid)t toieber gut mat^en, Kfmene unb 3lm* i^n bafur nic^t geftraft, ate er ftein toar. (Sr efd)id)ten Don eraffe$ l)atte einen ?et)rmeifter, ber J)ie 2ino3, bcr leljrte tljti bic tfjer fpielen, unb-ba eraf(e$ unaufmerffam toar, fdjtug il)n, unb baritber toarb eraf(e$ fo bofe, baft er bic ,3itljer nafym unb 8ino$ bamit auf ben $opf fdjlug, baft er ftarb. a tooflte ifyn 2lm|3l)itrt)on nidjt langer im aufe be^aften 5 unb fdjtdte i^n ju [einen SRmberljcrbcn auf ben 53erg tit^d^ ton, iefer Serg ift ntd^t toett Don X^ebci unb itar gans mit SBalb beit)ac^fen, ba gingen bie $Rinber auf ber SBeibe. $m SBalbc lt)ol)nte ein grower, fe^r bbfer 8otDe, ber tnele Stinber unb Diele @irten unb anbere 9}Jenf(^en gerriffen ^atte, benio fdjtug eraf(e^ mit einer eifernen $eute tot. arauf erfaubtc ifym 3lmp^itr^on, ba^ er totcbcr nad) J^eba unb in fein au$ juritcffommen burfte. Die J^ebaner ntu^ten attc 3 a ^ re Hubert Od)fen an ben $onig ber 3Ktnt)er geben ; ba^ gefiet eraffe^ nidjt, ba^ feine is Stabt jin^pfli^tig fein fofite, unb ate ber Sonig ber 3Rtnt)er ^erotbe frfjtdte, urn bie SDcfjfen ju forbern, fdjnitt eraf(e i^nen 9?afe unb Dfyren ab unb jagte fie fort, a jog ber $onig SrginoS mit einem gropen cere gegen I)ebcL 3)er Sonig Don SEfyeba Ijtcg Stcon, ber tt)ar fetg unb f)atte fein erg 20 gegen ben geinb ju ge()en, unb be^njcgen Ijatte er and) bie dja^ung beja^It : er madjte crafted sum gelbfyerrn, unb baruber JDaren bie Jfyebaner fe^r Dergnitgt unb fatten nun groften 9JJut in ben Srieg ju ge^en. Unb 2ttf)ene fdjenfte eraKe^ eine 9vitftung, ^)erme^ fd)enfte i^m ein @d^n?ert, unb 25 Sfyotton einen Sogen unb ^feile, unb ber ganger, ben 2ltt)ene fd^enlte, ar Don olb. eraf(e$ unb bie JI)ebaner ftegten iiber bie geinbe unb tbteten ben Sonig (grgino^, unb bie 2J?t* nljer, beren @tabt Orc^omeno^ ^ie^ mu^ten nun ben efd)id)ten t>on nern alle ^afjre ^toeifynnbert Ddjfen geben. $reon aber gab erafle$ feine od)ter 2Regara jnr gran, bie gebar ifym brei $inber, unb eraf(e$ lebte fcergnngt p l)eba einige ^a^re. 2lber era madjte i()n franf, baft er rafenb toarb unb glanbte, 5 baft feine Sinber 9taubtiere mdren; ba na!)m er feinen Sogen nnb fd)o^ jte tot. Unb al^ er ba$ getan Ijatte, [a^ er, baft e$ feine Sinber it)aren r nnb lonnte fid) nid)t tr often nnb lief cms ber tabt in bie Stilber. Senn bie 3lUen nirfjt iDn^ten, U)a^ fie tnn fotlten, fo gingen 10 fie ju ben Orafeln nnb fragten 3lpollon nm 9tat. 3)ie Drafel iDaren Sentpet, IDO ein ^5riefter ober eine ^3riefterin fail, bie fragte man, nnb an bie fagte 2lpotton, toaS fie anttDorten fo((- ten. SBenn ein $dnig Srieg anfangen oolite, fo fcl)i(fte er an ein Orafet, nnb toenn Sl^oIIon Ujnt fagen lief}, baft er gefdjfa- 15 gen roerben mitrbe, fo Heft er ben trieg bleiben. befte Drafel tDar jn "Defp^i, ba faft eine ^riefterin im anf einem 5)reifnfte nnb anttrortete alien benen, bie ^infamen : nnb toenn fie bem )ra!e( geljorfant timren nnb e^ i^nen gnt ging, fo fdjenften fie golbene ober filberne ober 2oe!)erne fd)one @ad)en an ben Xempef, ber ganj Dolt Don e^ fd)enfen tt)ar. 35ie ^5riefterin l)ieft bie ^tytfyia, nnb (iegt in riedjentanb am gu^e be^ Serges ^arnaffoS. X)er arme eraftes fam nat^ DeI|)I)i nnb ging in ben pet nnb fragte bie ^?t)tl)ia, ii)aS er tnn foflte, ba er fo tranrig 25 war, meil er feine inber getdtet I)atte. S)ie ^tjtljia fagte tljm, er folte nad) ber tabt JirijnS geljen nnb bem $onige @nrt)ft^enS bienen nnb gebntbig alleS tnn, H)aS ber ifym befet)- (en tDilrbe. @ie fagte ifym, baft @nrt)ft^enS ifjm jtoolf Sampfe befe^ten tt)erbe, bie fo gefafyrlid) iDaren, baft er bei jebem nm^ efd)id)ten toon Derailed 5 fotnmen ftinnte : ftenn er abcr 3)iut fjatte unb gebulbig toftre, fo ttnirben bie otter il)m fyelfen; unb toenn er bie gtttflf Sampfe itberftanben fyatte, fo ttnirbe er toieber ttergniigt fein unb narf) feinem Stobe ein ott toerben* )er Sonig gurtyftfyeuS ftmr bofe unb fdjlecijt unb fyattes feinen 9J?ut unb tat nicf)t3 ute3 unb f)a^te bte r toeldje frf)5ne unb gute S)tnge tun fonnten* erafle^ ging gebulbig fyin nac^ Ztr^ti^ unb fagte il)tn, ba^ Ipofion if)m burcf) bte befo^fen I)abe tt)m 311 btenen, unb ba er afle$ tun it)ol(e, er tfym befe^ten it)itrbe. 10 a fagte ber ^dnig Surt)ft^eu^ r er fotte nad^ 91emea ge^en unb ben Stitoen totfdjtagen. 97emea mar ein Sat mit etnem btdjten SBalbe jtDtfc^en ^otjen Sergen tm 8anbe b ft^eu^ : in bem SBalbe mo^nte ein fefyr bofer 8ott)e r beffen toar f o ftarf, ba^ fein Sifen i^n tiermunben lonnte, unb toenn 15 bie irten @pie^e auf il)n marfen, fo ftelen fie nieber, o{)ne bem ?ott)en @d)aben ju tun, unb ber Sotoe fprang auf fie unb 3erri fie, era!te^ ftetlte fic^ im SBatbe, iine bie ^ager e$ tun, I)inter bie Sdume, ba i^n ba 9?aubtier nid)t falje, menn er fc^iepen tDottte, a fam ber Some burd^ ben 93?alb ;2o er ^atte 9?inber gefreffen, unb fein 3J?auI unb feine 3Kdt)ne maren ganj blutig ; er (edte fid) mit feiner groften $nn$e ba^ Slut, toeldjes ifjm am 9Kau(e fa, unb britHte. SBenn ein Sdtoe im SBalbe britllt, fo flingt e^ inie onner, unb bie @rbe jittert. 2Jfit feinem @d)tt)an^e fdjtug er fi(^ bie @eiten unb 25 bie 53aume. erafle^ fd)o, aber ber ^5feil fprang ab. era- fle^ f(^o^ no^ einmat, aber ber ^5fei( fonnte nidjt bur^ bie be^ dft)en bringen, unb tt)enn er auf einen geljarnifdjten gefdioffen fjatte, fo murbe ber ^fei( burd) ben 6 efd)id)ten t>on unb burd) ben Sorter be3 SftanneS gegangen fein, )a' fafy ber 8otoe erafle$ unb fprang auf ifyn 311. 2Benn ein ott)e fpringt, fo mad)t er fid) frumm, legt fid) mit ber 33ruft auf bie @rbe unb ief)t ben (Sdjtoetf grcifdjen bie interbeine : er faun 5fo toeit fpringen, ate bie tube tang ift erafle8 toicfelte feinen Sftantel urn ben linfen 2lrm, um il)n abjuljalten, unb in bie redjte anb na!)m er eine gro^e ^eule, bie er fidfj int SBalbe gef)auen ^atte, unb mit ber fcfyfug er ben 8btt)en auf ben Sopf . )er 8i)ipe aber btieb nidjt tot, fonbern ftanb auf ben 10 gitften, er tDar aber gang erfcfyrocfen, a fprang era!Ie^ itber i^n unb fapte feinen al$ 3lt)ifrf)en feine beiben 3lrme unb fyob i^n auf unb ertourgte t^n : mit ben gitften ftanb er auf ben in* terbeinen be^ 8oit)en. 2lte ber ?ott)e tot tear, jog er if)m ba^ gelt ab unb fjing e fi(^ um : ben 9tad)en be^ gomen fe^te er fid) auf 15 ben $opf, al ob e^ ein elm tt)are, unb ba^ gctt t)on ben 33or^ berfit^en Inotete er um feinen ate gufammen. Seine ^eule tDar gerbro^en, ate er ben gotten auf ben topf gefdjlagen {)atte : fo ftarl ttaren bie ^not^en be$ Jiere^. S5a ^ieb er fid) eine anbere Seufe, unb fo ging er immer mit ber ettte unb bem ?oti)enfe(L 20 9htn fam eraf(e^ ttieber juritcf natf) Jirijn^ unb lie^ bent $5nige fagen, ba^ ber 8oft)e tot fei. !Do fitr^tete GmrtyftfjeuS fi(^ fe^r t)or i^m unb lie^ fic^ unter ber (Srbe eine hammer t?on (Srj macljen, in bie ging er Ijinunter, ttenn eral(e^ !am ; unb e$ ttar ein itter baran, burt^ ba^ fprad) er mit i^m unb 25 befall i^m Ijinjuge^en unb bie Dtybra t)on 8erne totjufdjlagen. iefe t)bra ttar eine gro^e @d)Iange, fo (ang ttie ein @d)iff, bie ^atte neun S'opfe unb tto^nte tm @umpfe t>on Seme. eraf(e^ fe^te fic^ auf einen ffiagen, unb fein greunb lenlte bie ^Jferbe, unb fie fuljren f)in nac^ ?erne. efd)id)ten Don erafle$ 7 |)t)bra Derfrod) fid) Dor geraKeS, ber naljm feinen 33ogen unb micfelte SBerg mit ^ed) unb (gdjtoefel um bie a3 er tun fofite, bamit ba ilngeljeuer nid)t tnefyr 5au ber ee lomme, unb ba Orafef befaljl, ba^ er feme ^oc^ter ^efione an einen gelfen am lifer btnben fotfe, bte iDerbe ba3 llnge()euer freffen unb bann nid)t tt)ieberlommen 3lfe eraf(e^ anfam, brad)te man bte arme efione I)tn, IDO fie angebunben iDerben folfte. eraf(e^ fagte bem Sbntge, 10 ba er nic^t^ fitr feme STocfyter fitrdjten fottte, benn er tooHe ba^ Unget)euer belampfen; toenn er e^ aber tote, fo folle Saomebon i^m bte ^ferbe geben, iDett^e 3 e ^ il)^ gefdjenft ^atte; ba maren bte atterfdjbnften in ber gan^en SBelt. gaomebon fagte, ba^ er fie ifym geben ti)o((e S)a liep era- 15 Hc affe anberen in Me @tabt ()ineingef)en unb blieb bei @efi* one, unb a(3 ba llngef)euer ^erau^ftieg unb gegen efione Io^ge()en oolite, griff er e$ an unb f^Iug e$ tot unb bradjte efione ttrieber ju i^rem 2Sater* er tear aber fo frfjfec^t, ba^ er eraf(e3 bie ^Pferbe ni^t gab, eraf(e3 lt)arb bbfe, 20 aber er toottte feinen ^frieg anfangen, toett er noc^ niii)t atte 9lrbeiten dollenbet ^atte, bie il)m bie otter befo^Ien fatten, @r tie^ atfo Saomebon fagen, baft er i()n fitnftig ftrafen toerbe, unb fegelte nacf) 5lirt)n^ unb gab ben itrtet an !J)ad lt)ar bie neunte 2lrbeit 25 (2lte je^nte 9lrbeit mu^te eraf(e^ bem (urt)ft^eu^ bie ber be^ ftarfen tbnig^ ert)one$ don grt)tf)ia bringen. iefer Ijatte fe^ 3lrme unb ferf)^ 33eine unb fein unb Ort^ro^ tjatte jtDet fi'fipfc ; aber eraf(e ^at bie 9tinber bod) toeggetrieben unb nad) Jirt)n gebrad)t.) efdjicfyten t>on erafle$ 11 befafyl gnrt)ftf)en an eraffe$, baft er ifjm bie golbenen ber efperiben bringen fottte. 21(3 era orf)3eit mit bem 3en$ madjte, fdjenfte fie if)m golbene 2fyfe(, bie legte er in bie (Srbe im arten ber Sfttympljett, bie efperiben fyeiften, nnb baran$ ftmrfjfen 53dnnte, bie i^ieber gotbene 3tpfet trngen5 S)ie fjatten tnefe gcrn ftc^Icn mogen, nnb beStoegen mn^ten bie e[periben felbft ben arten betoacfyen nnb ^ietten einen groften rac^en barin, ber fynnbert ^opfe ^atte. era!(e^ aber ftmftte gar nid^t, IDO ber arten fei, nnb mn^te erft triele Xage nm^erge^en, bi^ er erfnfyr, ti)o er [ei. 10 3lnf bem SSege begegnete ifjm 3lntao^, ber it)ar ein P^n ber @rbe nnb getDattig ftarf ; ber rang mit aHen r bie er antraf, nnb bradjte fie nm ; benn lt?enn einer fo ftarf tear, bap er 9lntao3 5n Soben tuarf, fo fprang er gleic^ U)teber anf, inett bie (grbe feine SKuttcr ti)ar nnb if)n intmer ftarfer nta^te, iDenn er fie 15 beritljrte ; nnb tt)enn er ben egner niebergeiDorfen {jatte, fo bracfyte er c^n nm, SBie eral(e^ ba^ merfte, ba^ 2lntao$ ftdrler h)arb, l^enn er il)n anf bie grbe tuarf, fo fyob er i^n 5tt)if^en feinen 3lrmen in bie o^e, baft er bie grbe anc^ nicfyt mit ben ^itften beril^rte, nnb brMte bie 3lrme fo feft, baft 20 2tntcio3 ftarb. 35aranf lam er nad) 3lgt)pten, ft)o -33nfiri$ Sonig tt)ar, ber al(e gremben am Slltare ate Dpfertiere opferte. eraf(e tieft fid) bie anbe binben nnb eine Sinbe toie ein Dpfertter nm ba anpt (egen nnb gnm Slttare fitl)ren nnb ftc^ @alj nnb 25 2ftef)I anf ben ^opf ftrenen : toie aber bie ^riefter ba 9J?effer nefjmen tt)ol(ten nnb ifyn erfterfjen, ba rift er bie tride, h)omit fie feine anbe gebnnben fatten, ent^mei nnb fdjtng bie ^5rie^ fter nnb ben granfamen $tinig Snfiri^ tot. 12 efcf)icf)ten toon SBetl eratteS fo groft unb ftarf tear, fo fyatte er and) fefjr groj^en Stypetit ; einftmats, ba er fcljr fyungrtg tear, begegnete er einem 33auer, ber jtoet Ocfyfen Dor ben ^flug gefpannt fjatte unb pflitgte : ben bat er, baft er il)tn ettoaS gu effen sgeben fottte, nnb ber 33auer toottte i()m ntdjt^ geben. a toarb eraf(e$ bijfe auf t^n unb jagte i^n U)eg unb [pannte Me )tf)fen au3 unb fd^Iac^tete ben etnen unb f^Iug ben ^3f(ug in @tfl(Ie unb marfjte etn geuer mtt bent ^ol^e be3 ^3fluge^, unb babet briet er ben Otf)fen unb a^ i^n ganj auf, 10 ann fam er an ben Saufafo^, ba3 i(t etn fe^r ^ot)er 33erg, gegen onnenaufgang ; an einer 9Banb btefe^ ^erge^ r ber gang ftett mar unb fo tyodj, ba^ ntemanb ^tnauffontmen fonnte, ^atte ^eu^ ben ^romet^eu^ mtt etten annagetn laffen, unb afie age fam etn Slbler, ber tljm bte ette I)acfte, i5nal)m fetnen Sogen unb f^o^ ben Slbler tot unb bat ba^ er ^rometl)eu^ lo^Iaffen fottte, unb ba tat 3eu6, unb ^5romett)eu lam iDteber auf ben DttympoS ju ben anbern ottern. (Snblt(^ fam er ju 2ltla$, ber am 9tanbe ber Srbe ftanb unb 20 ba DtmmetSgetodlbe mtt fetnen @cf)u(tern trug, ba e^ ntc^t auf bte grbe fatte. 3ltta mar etn 33ruber be 2Sater^ ber ^efpertben, unb erafte bat i^n, ba^ er feme SRtdjten itber= reben mbtijte, i^m 2tpfe( ju fcfjenfen, eraf(e$ fitr^tete fief) nttf)t bor bem )racf)en unb mitrbe ben and) totgefd)(agen ^aben ; 2saber er toottte ben ^^mp^en bte Spfet ntdjt mtt etDalt ne^ men, 2lt(a$ gtng I)tn ju ben ^efpertben, unb bte er ttneber- fam, na^m erafle ba^ tmme(3gett)olbe auf feme c^ultern. !Dte Defpertben gaben t^rem D^eim brei 3lpfe(, bte fottte er ben, tDenn er Derf^ra^e, ba^ fie fie toieber be!om= efcf)id)ten Don |)eraf(e$ 13 men folften, benn atfe toirgten, ba geraffeS fyielt, tt)a er Dcr* fprad). 2tt3 2tt(a3 gurudfatn, toottte er eraHe$ immer ftefjen nnb ben immet fatten taffen, aber eraffe$ broljte, baft er ifyn fallen taffen oolite, nnb ba nafjm ifyn 2ltfa$ toieber nnb gab Me @eratte$ trug fie $n (nr^ft^en nnb fagte tl)m, ba^ ers fjabe, fie toieber^ngeben, nnb Snrtjft^en^ tjatte fie gern beljatten ; er innate aber, ba^ 3 eu ^ cil^bann eraffe er* (anben mitrbe i^n n ftrafen, nnb fo gab er fie ftrieber anera^ ^ r nnb ber brac^te fie an Sltfjene, nnb bie fc^tcfte fie an Me a ii)ar bie elfte Slrbeit, 10 tear nod) eine Slrbeit itbrig, nnb toenn bie noHenbet tt?ar, fo tear era!fe$ frei, nnb @uri)ftl)eu^ ^atte il)m ni(^t tnel)r jn befefjlen. a gebot ber ifym ben nnb terbero^ aM ber Untertoelt I)eranfgnbringen eraf(e^ ging an ben Janaro^, a^ ift ein I)ol)e3 SSorge^is birge in ried)enfanb, nnb in bent gelfen finb gro^e @palten nnb of)Ien r bnrdj bie man in bie Untertoelt Ijinabfteigen fann ; nnb ba ging |)eraffe3 immer tiefer I)innnter, bte er an ben ghxfi Stijy fam, ber nm bie ganje llnterit)elt tt)o Chiton Sonig war. liber ben $(nf$ get)t leine fonbern (Stjaron faljrt mtt einem Soot fyinitber nnb ^eritber Sfjaron fagte, geraffeS fet gar jn gro nnb f^tt)er, nnb ba^ Soot fonne i()n nid)t tragen, aber er mn^te gel)ord)en, er- me^ begleitete ifyn nnb geigte i^m ben ffieg. 3H^ er iiber ben trom gefommen it)ar, erfd)ien ifyrn ba anpt ber 9)Zebnfa ober ber orgo, bie al(e, ttetcfje bat)or erf^ralen, in @tetn t>ertoanbe(te ; aber eraf(e^ fiirc^tete fid) nid)t t)or i^r, fonbern $og fein @d)tt)ert nnb ^ieb nad) i^r, nnb ba f(o^ fie. $erbero$ ()atte ieben anberen lebenbigen 9)fenf(^en g(ei(^ jerriffen, aber 14 efd)id)ten Don era!Te3 toie er eraffe fal), fing er an gu fyenlen nnb Derlrod) fid) unter ^Inton^ SHjron* )erafle3 toolfte ben tittern ein Dpfer bringen, nnb ^Inton fyatte eine grofte erbe SRinber, ba nafym er einen tier, nm 5tt)n gn fdjlacfyten, )er irte 3ftenotio$ lam fyerbetgetanfen nnb ft^lng na^ tfym. S5a fa^tc er i^n nnb britdte t^n fo er[^re(JU(^ r baft er tf)m bie Snodjen jerbrorfjen ^aben tDiirbe, tt)enn ^Jerfe^^one ntcfyt fitr t^n gebeten ^atte r ba Iteft er t^n to^ Chiton nnb 'perfe^fjone begritftten erafle^ freunbttdj 10 nnb fagten i^m r er fdnne ben ^erbero^ gern ntitnet)men, toenn er i()n 3it)ingen lonnte nnb tterfpredjen toollte t^n iDteberjn^ bringen* ^erbero^ tDar fo groft tote etn Slefant nnb ^atte bret o^fe nnb an ben ^opfen eine 3rtal)ne Don @rf)[angen r nnb fein ctjtoanj toar eine grofte flange* eraHe^ ^atte isfeine 9?itftnng angetegt, bie e^afto if)m gefcfyenft ^atte r nnb totdette bie 8otoen^ant feft nm fid) nnb pacfte Serbero^ beim a(fe nnb jog ifyn fort; bie flange, bie ber @d)toanj be^ nnbe toar, bift if)n immer, aber eral(e^ tieft nit^t (o^ nnb ftieg bnrd) bie o^(en toieber fyinanf, bnr(^ bie er ^erabgelom- 20 men toar; nnb a(3 ^erbero^ fjeranffam nnb 8id)t fa^, toarb er erft ganj toittenb, nnb ber @cf)anm lief i^m an^ bent SJhtnbe, nnb too^in ber fief, toncfjfen giftige Sranter ; toelcfje bie effen, bie fterben babotu SIHe, bie ben Serbero^ fa^en, flofjen, nnb @nrl)ft()en^ Derlrot^ fid) ; baranf brad^te erafle^ ben nnb 25 toieber jnritcf nnb gab ifyn an (Sharon, baft er ityn mit feinem Soot an ba$ anbere Ufer be$ @tt)y fa^ren fottte. J)a^ toar bie gtoblfte nnb (e^te 2lrbeit, nnb nnn toar era- fteS toieber frei, Slber fein 23ater toollte ni(^t, baft er Dergnitgt (eben foltte, o^ne bie $rafte jn gebran^en, bie er ifym gegeben efrfjidjten &on eralle$ 15 fyatte, um bte 33ofen 311 ftrafen unb benen ju fyeffen, toefdjen llnrecfyt gefdjafy ; fonbern er follte e$ fid) fauer toerben laffen, fo lange er auf ber Srbe Iebte r unb follte fetnen $QVU be^tDtngen unb, h)enn er ba3 nirf)t tat, bte trafe bafur tragen, tt)ie er e3 getan ^atte, afe er @urt)ft^eu^ btente; unb trenn er bfe ju-s le^t gut gelnefen, fo toolfte er i^n in ben Dimnte( aufne^men unb i()n reit^ti^ befofynen fiir atte 3Jfii^e r bie er auf ber (Srbe au^geftanben, erafle3 ^atte ben f^Ie^ten gur^ft^eu^ fitr alte bte 3Ki^ fjanblungen, bie er ifjm angetan, Ieicf)t ftrafen fbnnen ; aber 10 er irmfcte, ba^ er bte $ned)tfd)aft al Strafe getragen, unb ging Don irtyn$ lueg, o^ne tfjm etma^ juletbe ju tun. 25ic g^rtfttan 2lnberfen $n 6I)ma, ba$ toeiftt bu tool)l, ift ber Saifer em Eljinefe, unb afte, bie er urn fid) fyat, finb and) Sfyinefen. S3 fittb nun fdjon triete ^ a ^ re fy er r ba fid^ bort bte efcfytdjte eretgnete, tt)el(^e id) Je^t erjd^Ien toitt. S)e^ Hatfer^ @d)(o^ iuar ba^ 5 prcic^tigfte auf ber SBeft, ganj nnb gar Don fetnem ^or^elfan, aber [o fetn nnb fprdbe, ba^ man firf) gar fel|r in ad)t nefymen ntn^te, baran jn rii^ren. $m arten [a^ man bie ttmnber^ barften tinmen nnb an bie pradjttgften tDaren Ubergfocfen ge^angt, toeldje flangen, bamtt man nic^t fcorbetgeljen mo^te, 10 o^ne bie 33(nmen jn bemer!en $&, a((e6 toar in be arten anfS feinfte eingeri^tet nnb er erftrerfte ftt^ fo ba ber cirtner felbft ba Snbe be$felben nic^t fannte* ing man toeiter, fo !am man in ben ^errti^ften SBalb mil ^ol)en 33anmen nnb tiefen Seen, 3)er SBalb ging bi^ jnm 3)?eere r 15 ft)efdje$ btan nnb tief toar ; gro^e t^iffe lonnten nnter ben ber Sixnme fyinfegeln, nnb in biefen iDo^nte eine , trett^e [o ^err(id) fang, baft felbft ber arme gifdjer, er t)iet gn fdjaffen l)atte r ftitt ^ielt nnb fyordjte, tuenn er nad)t^ an^gefa^ren toar, nm ba 3?e^ an^^niDerfen, ,,2(d), 20tt)ie ift ba^ ft^Sn!" fagte er ; aber er mn^te anf fein 9?e^ at^t^ geben nnb fcergaft babet ben SSogeL od) menn biefer in ber 16 )ie 9?ad)tigal( 17 folgenben 5ftacf)t ttrieber fang unb ber gifdjer bortfjin lam, fagte er baSfelbe : ,,2ld), tone ift ba$ fcfyon!" 2ln3 alien Sanbern fanten 9?eifenbe nad) ber @tabt be3 $aifer& unb bettntnberten biefe, ba$ (Scfjtojs nnb ben arten. 35od) tuenn fie bie Sftadjttgatt fyflrten, fagten fie atte : ,,Da$ ift 5 bod) ba$ S3cftc! w 3)ie SReifenben erja^lten bation nnb bie etefyrten fi^rieben t)iefe Sitter iiber bie @tabt, ba^ @(^(o^ nnb ben arten, 9tber and) bie SKadjttgatt tierga^en fie ntd)t r fonbern ftettten fie am pdjften, nnb bie )id)ter fdjrieben I)errlid)e ebidjteio itber bie ^Ja^ttgalt im SSSalbe bei bent tiefen See, 2Son btefen ^Bitdjern famen einige ant^ einntal gnm Saifer. @r fa^ in feinem golbenen Stnl)(e nnb (a3 nnb Ia^ ; jeben 2lngenb(i(f nicfte er mit bent Sopfe, benn er frente fid) itber bie pradjtigen ef(^reibnngen ber tabt, be^ @d)(offe^ nnb is be^ artenS. , f 2lber bie 5a^tigalt ift bod) ba Siller be ftc!" ftanb ba gefdjrieben. f; SBa^ ift ba3 ?" fagte ber taifer. )ie 9?a^tigatl lenne id) fa gar nifytl $ft ein folcf)er SSogel in nteinent Saiferreidje nnb fogar in nteinent eigenen arten? 35a3 I)abe id) nie ge^o fybrt! @o ettt)a mu it^ erft an^ itd)ern crfa^rcn!" Unb fog(eid) rief er feinen @ofmarfd)atL )er it)ar fo t)orne^nt, ba^, toenn jentanb, ber geringer al^ er war, mit if)tn ^n fpredjen ober i^n nad) etiDa^ gn fragen tDagte, er tDeiter ntdjtS ertt)iberte r at^ *$!" nnb ba^ ^at ni(^t jn bebenten. 25 ,,ter foil ja ein ^ot^ft merfmitrbiger 23oge( fein, tt)e(d)er 9?ad)tigafl ^ei^t!" fagte ber ^aifer. Man fagt, bie^ fei ba^ SIflerbefte in nteinent 9f?eid)e. SBarnnt fjat man mir nie ettt)a^ bation gefagt?" 18 SDie 5ttad)tigan ,,3d) fyabe ifyn nie nennen fyoren!" fagte ber oftnarfdjatL ,,@r ift nie bet ofe ttorgeftettt toorben!" ,,3^ toitt, ba er fyente Slbenb fomme unb bor mir finge!" fagte ber ftatfer. ,,)ie gan^e Sett toei, toa id) fyabe, unb 5 id) toeift e$ nid)t!" ,,.3?d) fyabe t^u iDa^rli^ nie nennen fyoren!" fagte ber of^ marfrfjalL ,,$cf) irerbe i^n fu^en, id^ it)erbe iljn finben!" 3a r aber too toar er? er ofmarf^aQ lief atte Jreppen anf nnb nieber, bnr^ @a(e nnb cinge, aber feiner Don alien iob.enen, bie er traf, ^attc t)on ber StacfytigaH ge^ort. Unb ber 2ftann lief toieber pm ^aifer nnb fagte, ba bie efd)i(^te Don ber SRadfjttgatt fi^er eine gabel fei, toeliije bie 53nd)fcf)reiber erfnnben fatten. f ,35ero ^aiferlidje 3Kajeftat fonnen gar nic^t glanben, toa^ fitr 8ngen gefd)rieben toerben!" 15 ,,3lber ba^ S&VL&), in bem id) biefe^ gelefen Ijabe/' fagte ber ^aifer, ff ift mir t)on bem gro^ntat^tigften ^aifer t)on 3 a P a ^ gefanbt, nnb e^ lann alfo feine llntoa!)rt)eit fciu. Qfy toitt bie SJfadjtigatt ^5ren! ie mn^ fyente Slbenb ^ier fein! @ie tjat meine ^ot^fte nabe ! Unb fommt fie nid^t, fo foil bent 2oganjen of anf ben 8eib getrampelt toerben, toenn er Slbenb- brot gegeffen ^at!" ,,fing ^c!" fagte ber ofntarf^att nnb lief toieber atte Jreppen anf nnb nieber, bnr^ atte @ale nnb ange ; nnb ber Ijatbe of lief mit, benn fie toottten nic^t gern anf ben 8eib 25 getrantpelt toerben, 3)a gab e^ ein gragen nat^ ber 91at^ti^ gatt r toeldfje bie gan^e SBett fannte, nnr nientanb bei ofe ! gnbtid^ fanben fie ein f(eine^ r arnte 3Kabc^en in ber U(^e, )ie fagte : ff O, bie 5ftacf)tigatt !enne id) gnt ; ja, ftrie fann bie fingen! @te tootjnt nnten am tranbe, nnb toenn id) am )ie SRadjttgall 19 Slbenb natf) aufe 511 meiner artnen, franfen 3Jhttter gef)e unb miibe bin unb int Salbe au$rul)e, bann fyore id) bie ^adjttgall fingen ! (S3 fontnten nttr babet bie ranen in bie Slugen, unb e$ ift, al$ ob meine Gutter mid) fixate!" ,,S(eine$ Sftabdjen!" fagte ber ofmarfdjaH, ,,\ toerbe5 bir eine 3ln(tetlung in ber Hitdje unb bie grlaubni^ ber* fcfjaffen, ben S'atfcr (^eifen ju feljen, menu bu un gur yiafy tigatt fit^rft, benn fie ift Ijeute 3lbenb pni ofe eingetaben." Hub fo sogen fie affe ^inau^ in ben 2Ba(b, too bie ^at^tigatl ju fingen pflegte. 3luf bent 3Bege fing eine $itl) ju briiden an. 10 )!" fagten bie of(inge r , f nun ^aben toir fie! )a3 ift botf) eine merf toitrbige $raft in einem fo fteinen iere ! ie ^aben toir ficfyer fd)on fritter ge^drt!" , f 9Jein, ba3 finb Sil^c, toettf)e briiflen!" fagte ba3 Keine Siirf)enm(xb(f)en ,,3Bir finb nod) toeit bon bent Drte ent-is fernt!^ qualten bie groftfje im @umpfe fagte ber cfjinefifc^e ^ofprebiger, ,,9Jun ^ore itf) fie ; e$ Kingt gerabe toie fleine $irdjeng(oden." ,,^ein r ba finb grof^e!^ fagte bie Heine $dcl)in. ,,3lber20 nun toerben toir fie balb Ijoren!" a begann bie ^at^tigatt U fingen* rr 2)a ift fie!" fagte ba Heine TOab^en. ff drt! ort! a fi^t fie \" Unb fie seigte nac^ einem Heinen, grauen 2?ogef oben in ben ^toeigen. 25 f ,3ft e mog(icf)?" rief ber ofmarf^aff, fr @o Ijatte td&. fie nttr nintnter gebat^t ! 2Bie getoo^nlii^ fie auSfiefyt ! @ie t)at getoi^ iljre garbe t)erloren r toeit fie fo triele torne^me urn ftd^ fte^t!" 20 ,,IHeine 9?acf)tigalt!" ricf bie Heine od)in tout, ,,unfer gnabigfter Satfer tiri'mfrfjt, baft bit Dor iljm ftngft!" ,,5fttt bem groftten 33ergnugen!" fagte bte 9lad)tiga(I nnb fang bann, baft e$ eine nft ft>ar, 5 (& fttngt gerabe toie ta^gtoden!" fagte ber Dofmann. ,,(3 tft bod) merfnmrbtg, ba^ intr fie fritter nie geljort Ijaben! @ie tmrb gro^e 5luffel)en bei ofe marfjen!" ff @otl id) no(^ einmal fcor bem ^aifer fingen?" fragte bte Slacfytigatt, iDe((^e glaitbte, ber Saifer fei aud) ba 10 , f 9ftetne tjortreffltdje fleine 91ad)tigal(!" fagte ber @of- marfd)afl, lf \d) ^abe bte Sljre, ie gu einem offefte l)eute Slbenb ein^utaben, IDO te J)ero ^o^e faifer(id)e naben mit ^errlidjen efange be^aitbern toerben!" Hingt am be [ten tm ritnen!" fagte bie s JJad)tigaH; 15 aber fie fam bod) gern mit, ate fie I)tirte, baft e$ ber Saifer $n bem d)(offe glanjten bte SBanbe unb ber gnpoben, lt)e(d)e t?on 'porjeQan tDaren, tm @tral)[e trieter taufenb otb- lampen; bte prci^tigften tinmen, melt^e am ^etlften ffingen 2ofonnten, iDaren in ben angen anfgefteHt. a tt)ar ein 8anfen, nnb atte loden Hingelten fo, baft man fein eigeneS Sort nid)t ()oren fonnte. kitten in bem groften @aal, too ber Uaifer faft, mar eine gofbene an(e anfgeftettt, anf biefe fottte bie 9^ad)tigatt fi^en. er ganje of toar ba, nnb bie 25 Heine ocf)in ^atte bie (SrfanbniS erfjatten, ^inter ber itr gn fte^en, ba fie nnn ben ite( einer toirHidjen offbd)in belom^ men ^atte. 3lHe toaren in i^rem gr5ftten ^nfe nnb fafyen nat^ bent He men granen SSogeL ^Jfa^tigalt fang fo fyerrlid), baft bem ^aifer bie granen 21 itber bie 2Bangen ijeroieberttefen ; ba fang bie 5ftadjtigatt nod) fdjoner, ba$ ging recfyt jn ergen* )er Saifer toar fo ent- jutft, ba er fagte, bte 9Jad)tigatt fofle feinen golbenen toffel afe )eforation urn ben ate tragen. Slber bte banlte, fie fei fdjoti genug beio^nt. 5 ,,3^ I)abe Jrctnen in bes Sai[er^ Slngen gefeljen, ba^ tft mir ber rei^fte c^a^! Sine^ Satfer^ Xrcinen I)aben etne befonbere Sraft! ott iDei^ e^ r id) bin genng belofynt!" aranf fang fie ftrieber mit i()rer fit^en, ^errHdjen timme. ff a^ ift bie angenefymfte 2lrt, fid) betiebt gu mad)en!" fag* 10 ten bie S)amen ring umljer, nnb bann na^men fie SBaffer in ben Sftnnb, nm jn glncffen, toenn jentanb mit ifjnen fpradje. @ie glanbten bann r and) ^adjtigatlen jn fein* ^a, bie 5)iener nnb Uammermcibdjen lie^en i^re ^odjfte gufri^ttfydt an^^ fpred^cn nnb ba^ toift Diet fagen, benn biefe finb am fcfytoerftenis jn befriebigen, Snr$, bie 9Ja(^tigatI ma^te tDirfUt^ litd @ie follte nnn bet ofe bleiben, i^ren eigenen Safig belom- men, aber babei bie (5rfanbni3 ^aben, ^tDeimal be^ Xage6 nnb etnmat be^ ^JJadjt^ aMjnge^en* @ie befam bann immer gtt)o(f Wiener mit, tt)e(c^e ein eibenbanb nm ifyr ^Bein gefc^Inngen 20 fatten, an iDefdjem fie biefetbe feft^ietten, g lt)ar fein SSergnitgen bei einem folt^en 2ln^f(nge. 3)ie ganje @tabt f^rat^ t)on bent merfttwrbigen 23ogeL e(f arme Sinber n?nrben na^ i^r genannt; aber nidjt t)on iljnen ^attc einen Xon in ber $el)Ie. 25 (Sine^ STage^ erfyiett ber ^aifer ein gro^e^ 'palet mit ber 3lnffcf)rift : ,,)ie ^a^tigaH/' ff S)a ift gen?i^ ein nene$ Sn^ itber nnfern SSogef!" fagte ber ftaifer r 3lber e3 mar fein 53n^, fonbern ein Kernel 22 T)ie SRadjtigaH Swtfttoerf, toeldjes in einer @d)ad)tel tag, cine fimftUcfye StacfjtigaU, bie ber lebenben gleidjjen folfte, altein liberal! mit (Sbelfteinen befe^t war. @oba(b man ben 3!unftt>oge{ aufoog, lonnte er ein3 ber tilde, toeldje ber ttrirflidje 23oge( fang, 5 fingen; unb bann betoegte fid) ber @d)toeif auf unb nieber, nnb gtanjte tton itber nnb @olb. Urn ben al$ ^tng ein fleine^ 33anb mtt ber ^ttf^tift: ,/De SatferS t)on 9?arf)ttgaH i(t arm gegen bte be$ ^?atfer^ &on Sf)tna^' fr S)a^ tft ^err(t(^ !" fagten alle, unb ber, tt)eld)er ben iot)oge( gebra^t tjatte, er^telt fogtet^ ben Jttel: aiferttd)er SJat^tigattbrtnger, n yinn mitffen fie jufammen ftngen, lt)a tDtrb ba^ fitr ein nett tDerben \" Unb fo fangen fie pfammen ; aber e$ oolite nit^t rec^t paffen, benn bie ^atfjtigatl fang anf H)re SBeife nnb is ber Snnftfcogel ging anf SBatjen, ,,)er I)at feine c^utb," fagte ber pietmeifter ; ff ber ift taftfeft!" 5ftnn fotttc ber Snnftt)oget afietn fingen, @r mac^te ebenfot)ie( (ltd, al$ ber tt)irfli(^e, nnb bann tear er ja tiiel niebtidjer ; er gtan^te tt)te 3lrmbanber nnb 33nfennabefn. 55reinnbbret^igmal fang 20 er ba$fetbe @tit(f, nnb tt)ar borf) nidjt mitbe, 3)ie 8ente fatten e$ gern nod) einmal ge^ort, aber ber atfer meinte, ba^ nnn and) bie (ebenbige 9la(^tigatl ettoa$ fingen fotte. Slber bie ft>ar an^ bem offenen genfter ju ifyren gritnen SBalbern fortgeftogen, f ,3Ba$ ift benn ba!" fagte ber aifer. llnb atte of(ente 25 flatten ttnb meinten, ba bie S^adjtigalt ein fe^r nnbanf bare$ Jier fei. f ,35en beften SSoget ^aben \mv Ja aber nod) !" fagten fie ; unb fo mu^te benn ber $unfttoge( it)ieber fingen, unb ba^ toar ba^ i^ierunbbrei^igfte 9KaI, ba^ fie ba^fetbe titcf ^u ^oren befamen. 3^ro^bem lonnten fie e^ bod) nidjt au^tt)enbig ; e^ SDie ^a^ttgalt 23 tear gar ju fcl)tt>er* llnb ber pietnteifter lobte ben 33ogel an^erorbenttid) ; {a, er fcerficfyerte, baft er beffer ate. eine 5ftad)- tigatt fei ,,)enn fefyen ie, gner faiferliclje naben! bet ber ttrirf^ tirfjen $ftad)tigatt fann man nie berecfynen, ftwS ba fontntens iDtrb; aber bet bent Swtftoogel tft atte befttmmt! 3Kan fann e^ erHaren, wk bie SBatjen Itegen, ftrie fie ge^en, nnb tDte ba etne an^ bem anbern fotgt !" ff @o benfen anc^ ttrir!" fagten al(e r nnb ber ptelnteifter erl)telt bie grlanbnte, ant ncicfyften onntage ben SSoget bent 10 33olfe jn jeigen. @6 foftte i()n ant^ fingen I)dren, befa()( ber Saifer. Unb e^ Ijflrte i^n ; nnb e^ tDnrbe fo tiergnitgt, ate ob e m in Xee beranfc^t Ijtitte. a^ fontntt nant(itf) bei ben @I)inefen ofter^ uor, J)a fagten atte : ff O^ !" nnb ^ieften ben ^eigefinger in bie |)t5Ije nnb nicften bajn, )ie arnten gif^eris iebod), tDeldje bie ttrirfUdje ^a^tigatt gefjort fatten, fagten: ,,J)a3 ftingt ^nbfrf) genttg, bie 3Mobteen gfei^en fic^ an^; aber e^ fe^It nod^ etrna^!'' )ie iDirlH^e ^a^tigatl trnrbe an^ bent SJeid^e t>erlDiefen. Ser ^nnfttogel tyatte feinen ^(a^ anf einent eibenliffen bi^t 20 bei be^ SaiferS ette ; atfe bie efdjenfe, metc^e er er^alten, lagen rings nnt ifyn ^er r nnb int Zitel n?ar er gu einent ,,| laiferli^en ^adjttifdj-Sanger" geftiegen, int 9fange bte nter @in$ jnr linlen eite, enn ber fiaifcr ^ielt b i e eite f ttr bie tJornefjntfte^ anf ber ba3 erj fa^ Unb ber pie(^ 25 nteifter fcfyrieb ein SBerf ton fitnfnnbglDan^ig 33anben itber ben tnnftDogel; baS nmr fo gele^rt nnb fo lang, bag atte 8ente fagten, fie fatten eS gefefen ; benn fonft tDaren fie ja bnntnt gett)efen nnb anf ben eib getrantpelt luorben, 24 'Die SJUdjtigaU @o ging e$ ein gan^e^ Qaty. >er Saifer, ber of unb alle anbern (5l)inefen fonnten jeben on in be# $nnftdogel$ e* fange an^toenbig, Slber gerabe be^fyalb geftel er ifynen jefct am beften ; fie fonnten felbft mitfingen nnb baS gefte( ifynen. )ie 5 @traenbnben fangen: ft j&lilillu&$n8$n&l" nnb ber taifer fang e^ ebenfatte. 2lber eine^ 3lbenb r att ber Unnftbogel am beften fang, nnb ber $aifer tm ^Bette lag nnb gnfytirte, Inarrte e^ intt)enbig im SSogel n&fymw." a fprang ettt)a$! ff @d)nnrrrr!" 3lt(e io$Rciber lief en fjernm, nnb bann ftanb bie SJhtfif ftttt. er Saifer tie^ gfeicfy feinen Seibaqt rnfen; aber tt>a$ lonnte ber ^elfen! ann lieften fie ben llljrmadjcr !)o(en, nnb er bradjte nacf) tielem S^acfyfefyen ben SSoget tDteber ettra^ in Drbnnng ; aber er fagte, ba er gefcf)ont lt)erben miiffe, benn 15 bie 3 a Pf en f e i en cibgenn^t, nnb e^ fei nnmbglicf), nene ein^n^ fe|en. 91nn toar eine gro^e Sraner! 9?nr einmal be$ ^a^re^ bnrfte man ben $nnftt>ogel fingen laffen, nnb ba$ f(^on faft gn t>iel 2lber bann ^iett ber pielmeifter eine nnb bett)ie, ba e^ eben fo gnt fei, ttrie frittjer, iDa bie ente 20 bann anc^ tt)irf (id) glanbten, ^e^t tnaren f nnf ^ a ^ re tergangen, nnb ba^ 8anb befam grofte Xrauer* 3)er ^aifer toar Iran! nnb lonnte, it)ie man fagte, nid)t (ange mel)r (eben. @(^cn inar ein nener $aifer getDd()It, nnb ba SSoIf ftanb braufjen anf ber @tra^e nnb 25fragte ben ofmarftf)a(I, tt)ie e i()rem alten ^aifer ge^e, <$ \ u fagte er nnb fcpttelte mit bem Sopfe. Salt nnb b(eicf) (ag ber ^aifer in feinem prad^tigen Sette ; ber gan^e of gtanbte il)n tot, nnb ein ieber lief fyin, bennenen Saifer jn begrit^en. )ie Sammerbiener tiefen ^inan^, nm )te SKadjttgaH 25 baritber ju fdjtoafeen, nnb bie Sammermcibdjen Ijielten gro|e Jeegefeltfdjaft 9ting3 umljer in alien @ci(en nnb angen mar Jnd) gefegt, bamit man feinen gn^trttt tiernefytne, nnb besfyalb mar e3 ba gan^ ftitt ! 2lber ber Saifer mar nod) nidjt tot; fteif nnb bleid) lag er in bent prad)tigen 33ette ; I)od) obens ftanb ein genfter off en, nnb ber SDionb fdjien ^eretn anf ben ^aifer nnb ben ^unftdogel. J)er arnte ^aifer fonnte fanm atmen ; e3 mar, at^ ob etma anf feiner SSnxft fa^e ; er f d)Iug bie Slngen anf nnb fal), ba^ e^ ber Job fei, ber anf feiner Sruft fa^ nnb fid^ feine golbene Srone anfgefetjt ^atte nnb in 10 ber einen anb be$ Saifer^ gotbenen abet, in ber anbern feine ))rctd)tige gafyne [)teft, 9Jtng^ nml)er an^ ben fatten ber gro^en 53etttor^dnge fafjen mnnberbare S'opfe f)ertor, einige fydfttid), anbere Uebtic^ nnb milb* )a$ maren be^ ^aifer^ bofe nnb gnte Xaten, me(d)e itjn anblicften, {e^t ba ber Job anfi5 feinent Bergen fa, ff (5ntfinneft bn bic^ biefe^ ? u pfterte einer nad) bent anbern* f ,Srtnncrft bn bid) beffen?" llnb bann eqcifylten fie i^m fo t)ie(, baft ifym ganj angft nnb bange mnrbe, I)abe id) nidjt gemn^t!" fto()nte ber ^aifer, ,,9Jhtfif !20 bie gro^e djineftfcfye Jrommel!" rief er, ,,bamit id) ntd)t allc^ ^ore, ma^ fie fagen!" 9lber fie fnf)ren fort, nnb ber Job nirf te jn attem, ma^ gefagt ttmrbe. fr aufif! aKnfif!"f(^rie ber taifer. ,,it fjerrli^er olb^25 uogel ! @inge bod), finge ! $3) fjabe bir ja olb nnb Soft* barfeiten gegeben ; id) fyabe bir fetbft meinen gotbenen ^an- toffel nm ben a(^ get)dngt, finge bod^, finge l u )er 25ogel aber ftanb ftitt, benn e^ mar nientanb ba, iljn 26 3Me aufgujieljen, aber bet ob fuljr fort, ben Saifer mit feinen fyofyten 2lugen ansuftarren, unb e$ toar fcfyredlid) ftUU )a ertonte auf einmal am genfter bet fjerrlidjfte efang : e3 toar bie tebenbige 9?acf)tigat(, toelcfye auf bem genftergefimfe 5 faft. @ie Ijatte t)ott ber s Jot be$ Satfer^ ge^ort unb foar ge- lomnten, i()tn roft unb ^offnung ju fingen. llnb tDte fie fang, tt)urben bie efpenfter intmer bleidier ; ba$ 53(ut lam immer rafter in be$ ^aifer^ Uebern in -23ett)egung, unb felbft ber 2ob ^or^te unb fagte : ,,ga^re fort, Heine SRacfyttgaH! fa^re fort!" 10 tr $a, \mll\t bu mir ben pracfytigen gotbenen @abet geben? SBUfft bu mir bie reit^e gafjne geben? SBidft bu mir be$ taifer^ trone geben?" S)er ob gab jebe^ Sleinob fiir einen efang, unb bie S^ad)- tigatl ful)r fort ju fingen ; fie fang Don bem ftitfen griebljof , is IDO bie toei^en 9?ofen lt)ac^fen unb too ber glieber buftet, unb too ba frifcf)e ra^ t)on ben ranen ber Uberlebenben be- feudjtet toirb* S5a belam ber ob e^nfudfjt nac^ feinem arten unb eifte toie ein latter, toei^er tytebel fort, ,,anl, anl I" fagte ber Saifer. ,,S)u Ijimmtifrfjer 3Sogef ! 20 Qdj lenne bicJ) toof)( ! 35id^ Ijabe i(f) au^ meinem 9teirf)e gejagt ! llnb boif) ^aft bu bie bcifen eifter toeggefungen unb ben ob t)on metnem erjen toeggefdjafft ! 2Bie lann id) bir banlen ?" nQn fyaft mid) f(^on befo^nt!" fagte bie SftadjtigalL $$ ^abe beinen Slugen S^ranen entfotJt, al^ id) ba$ erfte 3)?al 25 fang; ba fcergeffe i^ nie! a^ finb ^utoefen, bie einem (Sixnger^erjen too^ltun ! 3tber ft^tafe nun unb toerbe toieber frif^ unb ftarl! Qd) toil! bir ettoa^ oorfingen!" Unb fie begann toieber ju fingen unb ber Saifer fief in einen fiiften 2ltf) ! toie toof)(tuenb toar ber 3Me SKadjtigall 27 3Me @onne fcfyien ju iljm therein, al3 er geftarft unb gefunb eriuadjte. Reiner Don feinen ienern toar juritdgefefyrt, benn fie gtaubten, er fei tot; nur bie 9?ad)tigatt faft nod) bei il)m unb fang, ,,3mmer mu^t bn bei mir bleiben!" fagte ber $atfer. w u foflft nur fingen, menu bu felbft ttJtttft, unb bens $unfttioge( fd)(age id) in taufenb @tit(Je." rf Xuc ba^ nifytl" fagte bie 9?ad)tiga(l ff cr I)at j[a ute^ getan, fo fange er lonnte ! 53e^alte ifjn nur ! $fy aber lann itn @c^(offe ni^t ft)o^nen r fa^ mid) baljer lontmen, lt)enn id) fetbft 8uft (>abe r ba toill id) be 2lbenb^ auf biefem ^ti^u^ 10 fifecn unb bir etlDa^ fcorfingen, bantit bu fro^ t^erben fannft! ^c^ lomnte ineit ^erum r ju Slrmen unb 9?ei(^en, ju titrf (id)en unb Unglitcfttdjen unb u^erbe bir Don tnelent fingen f()nnen, tt>a$ in beinent 9?eid)e paffiert unb bir Derborgen bteibt, 3lber ein mu^t bu mir t)erfpre^en^' , r 2tt(e$!" fagte ber ^aiferi5 unb ftanb ba in feiner taiferltcfyen Jra^t, bie er fetbft angetegt fyatte, unb briitfte ben golbenen @abe( an fein erg. f ,ilm ein^ bitte tt^ bi^ ! (Sqciljte niemanbem, ba^ bu einen Keinen SSogel ^aft, ber bir atfe fagt ; bann ttrirb e^ noc^ beffer getjen!" 20 )a flog bie S^a^tigatt fort unb bie iener famen, urn nad) bem toten taifer ju fefjen f)a, ba ftanben fie unb marten gro^e 3lugen unb ber Saifer fagte : w @uten 9ftorgen I" im tilrf unb ebritber rimm an$ fyatte fteben ^aljre bet feinem errn gebient, ba fpradj er ju ifynt: ,,|)err, tnetne ,3eit ift Return, nun tootttc id) gerne ttrieber Ijetnt 311 meiner Gutter, gebt mtr meinen 8o^n." )er err anttuortete : ff !Du fyaft mtr tren nnb e^rltcl) gebtent, tDic sber tenft tear, fo foil ber 8of)n fern/' nnb gab t^m cm @tiid otb, ba fo gro^ ate anfcn$ So^f ii)ar, an^ jog fetn Sit^Iein an^ ber S^afc^e, nridcttc ben ^(nmpen ^mcm, fcfetc i^n anf bte @rf)n(ter nnb macfyte fid^ anf ben 9Beg nacfy an^. 28te er fo bringing nnb tmmer etn 53etn Dor ba$ anbere lofe^te, !am tfym etn better in bte 2lngen, ber frtfc^ nnb anf etnem mnntern ^ferb Dorbettrabte, ,,9lcV fP rac gans tant r ff tt)a ift ba^ 9?eiten etn fcfjoneS 35tng ! a fifet einer tine anf etnem @tn^(, fto^t ftt^ an feinen Stein, fpart bte @(^n^ nnb lommt fort, er tt)ct ni^t tote." )er 9?eiter, ber i5ba ge^brt fyatte, fjielt an nnb rtef : , an, iDarnm Icinfft bn and) ?n gn?" , f ^^ mu ^ i a too^I/' anttnortete er, ,,ba I)abe ic^ einen Sfnmpen ^etm n tragen, @^ ift jtoar olb, aber id^ fann ben $opf babei nidjt grab' fatten ; and) brildt mirt anf Me gutter." w 2Bcigt bn toa^/' fagte ber 9teiter r 2o, f n.nr toolfen taufdjen, tc^ gebe bir metn ^Jferb, nnb bn gibft mtr betnen Slumpcn." , f 9Son crgcn gern," fprad) 28 im lud 29 ,,aber id) [age (Surf), 3f)r mitftt (Sud) bamit fdjleppen." belter ftieg ab, nafym ba$ otb unb fyalf bem an gab iljm bie giigel fcft in bie anbe unb fpract) : ,,2Mtn'$ nnn red)t gefdjtmnb fott gefyen, fo mufet bu mit ber ^nng^f^na.Isen unb or 3)urft bie 3 un 9 e am aumen Itebte, ff S5em 3Mng ift ju Ijelfen/' bad)te ans, ,,jet^t tt)itt id) meine Uul) melfen unb mid) an ber 3JliId) (aben." @r banb fie an einen bitrren Saum, unb ba er leinen (Simer 15 1)atte, fo ftetlte er feine 8ebertnttfce unter ; aber lt)ie er fid) and) bemit()te, e^ lam lein S^ro^fen 3)cild) ^um SSorfdjein. llnb iDeil er fid) ungefcfyirft babei anftctttc, fo gab it)m ba^ ungebutbige Z'm enbticf) mit einem ber interfitfte einen fo(d)en d)fag t)or ben $opf, baft er ju Soben taumette unb eine geit tang 20 fid) gar ntd)t befinnen fonnte, IDO er iDar* Iu(fIi(^enDeife lam gerabe ein 3)iei^ger be^ 2Bege$, ber auf einem d^ublarren ein }unge$ (^n)ein (iegen l^atte* ,,2Ba$ finb ba^ filr @treid)e !" rief er unb ^alf bem guten an auf* an ersatjlte, t^a tiorgefatten lt>ar. er Sfte^ger reit^te if)m 25 feine ^Iafd)e unb farad) : ff a trinlt einmat unb erljolt @uc^, ftritt it)ot)I leine 9)?ild) geben, ba$ ift ein alte Jier, nod) gum 3^ e ^ en taufl* ^ er S um d)(ad)ten/ / i r ti," fprad^ an^ unb ftrid) fidj bie aare iiber ben Uopf, t)ixtte ba geba^t ! @3 ift freiUd) gut, toenn man fo ein tm *~V7 r .l\ ier in$ cm$ abfd)(ad)ten fann. SBa3 gibf 3 fitr S^iftf) ! I Slber id) madje mir au3 bem $ul)ffeifd) nid)t Diet, e$ ift mir nid)t faftig genug, $a, toer fo ein Junge^ @d)tnein fyatte! ba$ fdjmedt anber$, babei nod) bie SBitrfte." ,,&wt, anV' fprad) ba ber SDZefcger, ,,(5ucJ) juliebe toil! id) tauft^en unb 'will 5 Surf) ba3 (^tDein fitr bie uf) (affen" f ,@ott to^n' Ghtd) (Sure greunbfdjaft/' fprac^ an^, itbergab iljm bie ^u^, lie^ fid) ba$ t^tueind)en nom barren (omad)en unb ben trid, tuoran e3 gebunben ivar, in bie anb geben* jog iDeiter unb nberbad)te, \me i^m bo^ a((e^ nadjio ginge ; begegnete i()tn ja eine 2Serbrief5id)feit, fo iDitrbe fie bod) gleid) tDteber gut gemad)t. @^ gefeMte fic^ banad) ein 33urfd)e ju it)m, ber tritg eine fcfyone it>eif^e an unter bem 2trm. @ie boten einanber bie ^eit, unb an^ fing an Don feinem fM ju er jcifjfen, unb iDie er immer f o tortei(I)af t ge^ 15 taufd)t I)citte er Surfd) erjaf)(te tljm, ba er bie aM ju einem Sinbtaitff^mau^ brad)te. , f ebt etnmaf," fu^r er fort unb padte fie bei ben ^Htgetn, ff ttrie fd^tt)er fie ift, bie ift aber ad)t SSo^en lang genubeft tuorben, 2Ber in ben 33raten bei^t, fic^ ba^ gett don beiben eiten ablinfd)en^' w^a/'ao unb lt)og fie mit ber einen anb, , f bte ^at i^r e- ^t, aber mein (^tt)etn ift and) leine an/' ^nbeffen fal) ber Surft^ nad) alien eiten ganj bebenl(id) urn, fd)ittte(te tooljt mit bem opf. ff ort," fing er barauf an, fr mit gurem d)tneine mag' nid)t ganj ridjtig fein* $n bem S)orfe, 25 burd) ba^ id) gelommen bin, ift eben bem cfyutjen ein au bem tade gefto^Ien toorben, ^c^ fitr^te, id) fitrt^te, 3=^r ^abt^ ba in ber anb. ie ^aben 8eute au^gefc^icft, unb e$ lt)are ein f^timmer anbef, D)enn fie u^ mit bem 32 an$ im Itt(J ermifcfjten. )a$ eringfte ift, baft ^fjr ins ftnftere 8odj gefted t merbet." )em guten an3 marb bang. ,,2ld) ott," fprad) er, ,,I)elft mir au$ ber 5Rot, Qfy toifjt fyier fyerum beffern 33efd)eib, nefymt tnein @tf)tt)etn ba unb (a^t mtr (Sure an." $$ mu^ 5[c^oti etlua auf^ @pie( fe^en/' antmortete ber 53urfd^c, ,,aber ic^ milt bot^ nttfjt fd)ulb fein r ba^ ^^r in^ Ungltid geratet." @r naf)m atfo ba$ eit in bie anb unb trieb ba c^tDcm ft^ttcU auf einen SeiteniDeg fort. Ser gnte an^ aber ging, feiner @orgen entlebigt, mit ber an^ unter bent 3lrme ber ioeimat gu. , f 3Benn tc^' re^t itberiege," fpra^ er mit ftt^ felbft, f ,f)abe ic^ no^ SSorteit bei bent Zan\dje : crftlic^ ben gnten 33raten, ^ernat^ bie TOenge fcon gett, bie ^eran^trciufeln lt)irb, ba$ gibt cinfefettbrot auf ein 2$ierte(jaljr : unb enbltcf) bie fdjftnen mei^en ^ebern, bie Ia^' id) mir in mein Sopfftffen is ftopfen, unb barauf n)itt idj IDO^( ungeiDiegt cmfd^Iafcn. 2Ba^ ttrirb meine 3Jfutter eine greube fjaben!" 311^ er burtf) ba (e|te orf gefommen tt)ar, ba ftanb ein @(^erenf(^(eifer mit feinem barren* @ein 9tab fc^nurrte, unb er fang baju : 20 ,,3d) fd)teife bie (Severe unb brefye gefcfjtDinb, Urtb ^dnge mein Mntefdjen nat^ bem blieb ftefyen unb fa^ i^m git. nblid) rebete er i^n an unb fpracf) : ff @uc^ ge()f 3 mot)!, ett 3^r fo luftig bei gurem (S^teifen feib." ,,3?a," antmortete ber (^erenf^Ieifer, ,,ba 25 ^anbmerl ^at einen gitlbenen 33oben. in renter c^feifer ift ein 9ftann, ber, fo oft er in bie afrf)e greift, and) efb barin finbet. 3lber mo fyabt ^^r bie f^tine an$ gelauft?" W 5)ic ^ab ? i(^ nicfyt gelauft, fonbern fitr mein djmein eingetaufd)t." tm liicf . 33 ,,llnb ba (d)ft)ein ? u ,,J)a$ fyab' id) fitr eine Sulj gelriegt" , f llnb bie Sul) ?" ,,3Me l)ab' id) fur etn $ferb befommetu" ,,Unb ba$ ^ferb ?" ,,)afiir fyab' id) einen ^lumpen olb, fo grog ate tnein Sopf, gegeben," ,,Unb ba3 olb ?" ,,@i, ba tear tnein 8o^n filr fiebett 3 a f) re tcnft*" n $fy ^abt urf) jctt jit ^etfen gettJit^t," fpra^ ber djleifer. f ,Sonnt nun ba^in bringen, ba^ ^^ r ^ a ^ e ^ i n ^ er ^cifd^c fpringcn toenn 3^) r auf(tef)t r fo ^abt $I)r Suer litd fod td^ ba^ anfangen?" fprac^ cm. r fterben, iuie id) ; baju gefjort eigentli^ nid)t^ r al^ ein 10 SBe^ftem, ba anbere finbet fid) fdpn Don felbft* a fyab' i^ einen, ber ift jtoar ein toenig fdjab^aft, bafitr foftt $fy mir aber au^ toeiter nid^t afe (Snre an^ geben ; toottt 3^r ba^ ?" w Sie fonnt ^^r not^ fragen?" anttDortete an^ r ff id) tuerbe }a jum g(itrflid)ften 9Kenf(^en anf (Srben ; ^abe it^ elb, fo oft id) in is bie afd)e greife r ma^ brandje it^ ba (anger jn forgen/ reic^te il)m bie an^ fyin nnb nal)m ben 9Be^ftein in (Smpfang. n yinn," fprad^ ber @c^(eifer nnb ^ob einen gett)b()nli(^en fdljtoe* ren getbftein, ber neben i^nt lag, anf r ff ba ^abt $fy not^ einen tii^tigen @tein bajn, anf bem fi(^' gnt fd)fagen ta^t nnb Qfy 20 Gmre alien S^aget gerabe Hopfcn fonnt, 9?el)tnt I)in nnb Ijebt ifjn orbentlit^ anf." an^ tnb ben tein anf nnb ging ntit bergnitgtem @ersen tt)eiter Seine 9tngen Iend)teten tor grenbe. $&) mnfs in einer tud^fjant geboren fein," rief er aM, (&&, toa$ ic^25 h)Unf(^e, trifft mir ein, tote einem onntag^finb." ^nbeffen, toeil er feit Xage^anbrn^ anf ben 33einen getoefen it)ar, begann er miibe jn toerben. 3lnc^ pfagte i^n ber ^nnger, ba er atten SSorrat anf einntat, in ber grenbe nber bie erfyanbelte 34 Dcin im lit (I Ijatte. (r fonnte enblidj nut mil 2ftitl)e iueiter gefyen unb tnu^te jeben 2lngenb(id Sjalt madjen ; babei britd ten ifyn bie teine gan^ erbarm(id). S5a fonnte er fidj be$ eban- fen$ nid)t ertDe^ren, tt)ie gut e^ tDdre, lt)enn er fie gerabe {et^t 5ntd)t ju tragen brand)te SBte eine @d)ne(Je lam er gu etnem getbbrnnnen ge|d)Hd)en, tDodte ba rnl)en nnb fic^ mit einent frifc^en Znmt laben* S)amit er aber bie @teine int SWeberfit^en ntd)t befd)abigte r fegte er fie bebtidjtig neben fid) anf ben JRanb be^ S3i 4 itnnen. 10 )aranf fei^te er fid) nieber nnb toottte fid) jum Xrinfen Widen. 35a Derfal) ert r ftie^ ein f(ein iuenig an, nnb beibe teine I)inab. an^, al3 er fie mit feinen Slngen in bie ^atte tierfinlen fetjen, fprang nor greuben anf , Iniete bann nieber nnb banlte ott mit Xranen in ben Slngen, baJ3 er il)tn 15 and) biefe nabe nod) erunefen nnb il)n anf eine f o gnte 2(rt, nnb ofyne baj^ er fid) einen SSorftntrf jn mad)en brand)te, t?on ben fcf)tt>eren teinen befreit ptte, bie ifjm attein nod) l)tnber* lid) getoefen inaren. fr @o glitdUd) line id)," rief er an^, , f gibt e feinen 3^enf(^en nnter ber @onne." 9fiit (eid)tem erjen 20 nnb frei non afier 8aft fptang er nnn fort, bi^ er bafyeim bet feiner 3JJntter toar. jcrfirodjene einrid) ,3fdjofle $toar Sa Sftaponfe ift nitr em ganj ffeiner )rt am bnfen Don anne$ ; aber man lennt Hjn bod) in ber gan^en ^roDence. Sr liegt im fatten etoiggrimer, I)ol)er Batmen unb bunffer ^omeranjen. )a$ nun ma^t tl)n fretti^ nicfjt beritl)mt. 3)od) fagt man, e3 luadjfen ba bie feurigften SBein^ tranben, bie fit^eften Stofen nnb bie [d)onften 3}tctbd)en. ^d) toe if; e^ nidjt ; glaub^ e^ inbeffen gern, Sdjabe, baf^ 8a 9?a- poitle fo ffein ift, nnb ber fenrigen rankn, fitften 9io(en nnb (djonen 3)?tibd)en nnmog(id) genng erjengen fann, @onft Ijtitte man bei nn^ sn Sanbe bod) and) banon. 10 @inb feit (Srbannng Don 8a 9?a|)onle al(e Sanaponterinnen @d)on()eiten getoefen, fo mnft of)ne ^toeifel bie Heine 3Jfariette ein SBnnber alter SBnnber getoefen [ein, toeit i^rer fogar bie Sfjroni! geben!t 3}?an nannte fie jtoar nnr bie f leine 3J?a* riette; bo^ toar fie nicfyt ffeiner, a(^ nngefafjr ein inb Doni5 fiebenge^n ^a^ren nnb baritber jn fein pflegt, beffen @tirn genan bi^ jnr Sippe be^ anfgetoac^fenen 9Wanne rei(^t, 3Me g^ronif Don 5y?apon(e ^atte il)re gnten ritnbe, Don SJfarietten jn erja^fen. Qtf), an ber tette ber S^ronif, e^ andj getan* 3)enn 3Kariette r bie mit iljrer 2Kntter2o 35 36 )er jerbrocfyene SJtonon biI)er ju Sltrignon getoofynt Ijatte, breljte, ate fie nrieber in ifyren ebnrtort lam, biefen beinafye gan^ nnu StgentUcf), ntdjt bie gwnfer, fonbcrn bie geutc unb bcrcn Sopf ; unb and) tool)l nidjt bie $opfe aHer gente, fonbern tJorgiigHd) fot^er, sberen $opf unb erg in ber SRttlje Don gtDei [eelent)o(ten 9lugen immer in grower efa^r ftnb* Qd) tDei^ ba^* $n foldjen gctHen ift nid)t ju fdjerjen* 3Kutter 3Kanon ^citte it)o^I beffer getfjan, tt)dre fie in 3lt)ignon geblieben. 3lber fie mat^te in 8a 9?apoule eine 10 Heine Srbfd^aft; fie erljieft ba ein ittc^en mit einigen SBein- bergen, nnb ein niebli^e^ @au^ im fatten eineS getfen, jlt)ifd)en Olbanmen nnb afrifanifdjen Jlfajien* @o etft)a^ fcf)Iagt feine nnbemittelte SBitttuc an S^nn tear fie in it)ter 3Jfeinnng reidj nnb gIU(Jti^ r ate toftr' fie rafin t)on ^rotience is ober bergteicfjen* efto f^Untnter ging'^ ben gnten Sanaponfefen* @ie ^at^ ten fid) foIcfyeS Un^eite nic^t tierfefjen, nnb nid)t im omer gelefen, ba^ eine artige gran ganj riet^enlanb nnb Sleinafien in arnifdj nnb ^^^trad^t bringen fonnte. a UnglM fam 20 $anm tDar 3Kariette tiietje^n S^age im anfe jtDif^en ben DIbanmen nnb afrifanifdjen Sllajien, fo tDn^te Jeber Jnnge Sanaponlefe, ba^ 3Kariette ba tootjne, nnb ba^ in ber ganjen ^rotience lein reijenbere^ 3ftabd)en tDo^ne, afe eben in biefem 25 ing fie bnrd) ben gleden, f(^tt)eBenb lei^t, ft)ie ein tier- Keibeter (Snget, im flatternben 9Jorf, bla^grimen 3)iieber, fcorn am ^Snfen eine Drangenbtiite neben 3Jofenfnofpen, nnb )er jerbrod)ene \$rng 37 men nnb SBanber tuefjenb nm ben granen ut, ber ifyr feines eftcfyt befcfyattete, }a, bann umrben Me finftern 2Uten berebt unb bie 3iingUnge ftnntnt, Unb iiberatt offnete fid) linU nnb recfyts ein genftetlein, eine nre, ber SReiI)e nadj, rr utcn SKorgen," ^ie^ e^, ober ff gnten Slbenb, 3RaricttcP llnb fie 5 nidte lac^etnb ret^t^ nnb ttnfs ^tn* SBenn 3)lariette in bie ^irc^e trat, t)erlie^en afie erjen (namltd^ ber Silttfllingc) ben immet ; alle 3lngen bie ei(i^ gen, nnb bie betenben 3to0 er terirrten fid^ in ben ^erlen ber 9tofenfranjf(^nnr, S)a^ ntn^ gennft oft gro^e 3lrgerni^ ge^io geben fyaben, jnmal ben gromnten, $u biefer tit finb o^ne ^iDeifel bie jnngen 9Kdbc^en Don 8a 9?aponle befonber^ frotnm geii)efen r benn fie argerten fi(^ ant meiften, llnb e iriar i^nen lanm 5n t)erben!en S)enn feit 2ftarietten3 Slnlnnft ft)ar nte^r ate ein 33rantigam litfjlis getDorben, nnb ntefyr ate ein 3lnbeter feiner etiebten abtrim- nig* a gab e$ benn biel 3^ ^ n ^ SSorttritrfe itberatt, nnb tiiele Jranen, gnte gefyren nnb ^orbe. 9Kan foradf) gar ni^t nte^r t)on ot^jeiten, fonbern ton Srennnngen, 9Wan fdjidte fi(^ fogar ^Jfanber ber rene, 9?inge nnb Sanber, 3nriicE )ie 20 3l(ten mifc^ten fit^ in ben $anf i{)rer Sinber. aber nnb treit lief Don @an$ jn au. S^ tear ein 3 ammer * 5D?aricttc ift an alfent f c^ntb ! f agten bie frommen 9JJ(ib^ c^en; bann fagten'3 i^re 3J?ittter; bann fagten^ bie 33ater, nnb ^nle^t alle, fogar bie jnngen 3}Janner 25 2lber TOariette, in i^re ittfamleit nnb Unfdjnlb eingepdt, lt)ie bie anfbredjenbe Int ber 9?ofenlnofpe in ba$ bnnKe riin be^ 53InntenfeI(^e, afynete Don bent gro^en (gfenbe nid)t$, nnb btieb gittig gegen atte, S)a ril^rte erft bie 38 )er gerbrodjene Slrng {nngen SMnner, nnb fie fpradjen : "2Barnm ba$ fyolbe, {jartn- (ofe Sinb betritben? (3 ift ofyne ou 23euce, aber fefy' it^ ba^ ^3i(b, fo ift mir, a(3 inareu \mv im @o fprad) SRariette, uub atte i^re greuubiuueu rief fie 42 QervjeTfttod^ene. ftrttj fyerbet, ben Srng p bettmnbern; unb ba(b ftanben bet ben g-rennbtnnen and) bie greunbe, itnb enblid) beinafye bie Ijalbe (Stniflofjnerfcfyaft t>on 8a 9taponte t>or bem ftmnberfdjonen Slber ttmnberfdjon toar er and), fcom aHerfo(t(i(^ften, snenben ^orgeKan, mtt Dergolbeten Danbfyaben unb brennenben garben, ^itc^tern fragte man tDo{)I ben Uanfmann : |)err, tDte tenet ? lln ber antmortete : nnbert 8tore$ tft er nnter 53ritbern iuert. S)ann [djtinegen fie al(e nnb gtngen, 211^ fetner mefjr t>on 2a 37apon(e t>or bem ett)otbe ftanb, 10 fam Sotin gefdjtidjen, iDarf bem ^lanfmann ^nnbert 8bre^ anf ben 2tf(^ r Itc ben ilrug in eine @d)ad)tet mit Sanmtootte gefiitlt legen, nnb trng il)n baoon, (Seine bo^^aften ^tdne fannte fein 3Jfenfcf), 5JJa{)e Dor a s Jfapon(e r anf feinem eimtoege, e^ li)ar fdpn 15 bnnfel, begegnete er bem alten -3 acc l ue ^ be^ 9tid)ter^ ber Dom getbe fam, 3a cc l ue ^ il)ar e ^ n 9 an S 9 u aber fyerjttd) bnmm, ff ^d) mitt bir etn Jrinfgetb geben, 3 acc l ue ^/' f a O^ Soltn, ff tt)enn bn biefe @d)ad)tet in 3Jfanon^ $au tragft nnb fie ba 2oliegen Id^t. Unb toenn man bt(^ bemerfen nnb fragen foHte: ton li^em fommt bte @d)ad)tef? fo fprid): e^ t)at fie mir ein grembling gegeben. 3lber meinen s JJamen serrate me, fonft gitrn' W$ bir ettrig," X)a Derfprad) ^y ac( 1 ue ^^ nal^m ba3 Xrinfgetb nnb bte 25@d)ad)tet nnb ging bamtt bem fteinen anfe entgegen jii)ifd)en ben Otbanmen nnb afrifanifdjen 3lfajien, er jerbrodjene $rug 43 $er itbcrbruttjer (SI)' er bafyin fam, begegnete iljm fern err, ber SRidjter autmartin, unb fprad): ,,3acque3, toa3 tragft bit?" ,,(5ine @d)aci)tel fitr gran Sftanon* Slber, err, id) barf nid)t fagen, Don toem!" ,,2Barum nt^t ?" 5 fr 2Betl tnir^ @crr Solin etDtg gttrncn toilrbe*" w @ ift gut, baft bit fdjtoetgen fannft* !Do(^ iff 8 fdjon fpcit. mir bte @d)adjtet; id) gelje tnorgen ofynefym jur grau 3^ toW it) r ^ e @^^d)tet itberreidjen, unb nid)t Derraten, baft fie Don golin lommt. S fpart bir einen SBeg, 10 unb madjt mir gute^ efc^ixft/' ^acque^ gab bie t^a^tel feinem errn, bent er ofyne 25Biberfprud) in alfem ju gef)or(^en gett)o^nt lt)ar, er 3ttd)ter trug fie in fein 3i mmer un ^ betrac^tete fie beim 2t(^t mit grofter 9^eugier* 2luf bent edet ftanb ntit roter Sretbeis jiertid) gefdjrteben: er tieben3toitrbigen unb ge- Hebten SKartette. @err autntarttn iDuftte aber baft bte nur @d)atf()eit Dont (Sofin fei unb baft etne arge bal)tnter laure, arum offnete er bie @d)acf)tel t)orft(^ttg, ob ntd)t etne 3JfaM ober Statte barin Derborgen fet* 3lber ate 20 er be iDunberf^onen SrugeS anfid^tig tnarb r ben er fetbft ?u 2?ence gefe^en, erfc^rad er Don eqen. enn err aut- martin tt)ar in ben 9tedjten ein eben fo tno^Ierfa^rener 9Kann, ate im llnre^ten, unb ftmftte, ba it^ten unb Jrad^ten be$ menf ^It^en ^erjen^ fei bofe Don ^^G^b auf . & faf) f og(eid) 25 ein, Sotin tootte 9JJarietten mit bent Srug in Unglitd bringen ; it)n, menu er in i^ren anben ttcire, Dietteic^t fitr ef(^en! 44 )er jerbrodjene eineS beglndten iebf)aber3 an$ ber @tabt ober fur fo anSgeben, ba atte recfytficfjen fieute fid) Don 3ftarietten fatten entfernen miiffen. )arnm befcfytof; err antmartin, ber Sttrfjter, um alien bofen Slrgtoofyn niebeqnfcfylagen, fid) fetber 5 ate eber baju ju befennen. Ofjnebem fyatte er 3Kartetten lieb unb fyatte gern gefe^en r tDenn 3Jfariette ben prnrf) be^ grei- fen ^Jfarrer^ Jerome beffer gegen i^n befotgt ^aben luitrbe : ^inbletn, Itebet eut^ nnter einanber! err antmartin tt)ar etn fiinbtetn Don funf^ig io2Kartette metnte, ber prutf) ^affe nid)t mefyr anf i^n. gegen, SJhttter 3Kanon fanb r ber 9?t(f)ter fet etn ^inb(ein r ^abe e(b nnb 9lnfe^en im ganjen etnem (nbe be^ gletfen bfe jnm anbern. llnb toenn ber 9ttrf)ter t>on oc^seit fprad) nnb 9)Zariette an^ ^nrrf)t ba^on 15 Itef, blteb 3)Mter Sftanon fi^en nnb fnrrf)tete fief) gar nirfjt Dor bem tangen, efyrbaren @errn. 2ln^ mn^te man geftefyen, an feinem ganjen 8eibe ftar feiti getter, Unb obtDot)! (Sotin ber fc^i)nfte 3Kann int glcclcn feinmo^te, ^atte boc^ ber in jlDei ingen Diet Dor i^m Doran^, namlirf) Me gro^en 20 nnb eine groe, gro^e 5yjafe. Qa, biefe 5Rafe, bie bem 9tid)ter immer ttrie ein Brabant Doran^ ging, feine 3lnlnnft gu Derlitnben, ein renter gtefant nnter ben menfcf)licf)en 97afen. biefem @(efanten, feiner gnten 2lbftd)t nnb bem rnge ging ber 9{i(^ter fotgenben 9ftorgen in ba^ aM giDtfc^cn ben .25 DIbdnmen nnb afrifanift^en SKajien, r ,gitr bie fd^dne SKaricttc/' fprarf) er, ,,ift mir ntd^t jn foftbar. 3=^r ^abet geftern ben rng jn SSence ben^nnbert. grlanbt, ^olbe TOariette, ba^ i^ if)n nnb mein tiebenbe^ er^ git (Snren git^en (ege," )er jerbro^ene $rng 45 unb 9ftartette toaren ent^udt unb erftawtt, a(3 fie ben Srng fafyen. 2ttanon3 2lngen fnnfetten felig ; aber 9fta* riette nwnbte fief) unb fprad) : ,,-3cf) barf toeber Suer @eq nod) (Snren Srng nefymen." a ttmrb Sautter 9)ianon sornig unb rief : 5 ,,3lber ic^ ne^nte erj nnb ^rng an, D bn Jorin, ft)ie lange mittft bn betn IM t)erfc^ma^en ? 2lnf men tDarteft bn? @o(I ein raf fcon ^rot)ence bic^ jnr 33rant macfjen, ba bn ben 9ti^ter Don 8a ^aponte t?eratf)teft? 3$ mei^ beffer filr bt(^ sn forgen, err antntartin, tc^ recfyne mir^ gnrio (S^re r (5n(^ nteinen d^tDtegerfo^n ^n Ijei^en!" a ging Sftartette fjtnan^ nnb metnte Mtterltd), nnb ^a^te ben fc^onen Srng t>on gan^em erjen. 3lber ber SRic^ter ftric^ fid) ntit ber ffadjen anb iiber bte SRafe nnb fprad) n)ei^(ic^: 15 Ranon r itberettet nit^t^. T)a^ cinbd)en tDtrb fid^ beqnemen, tuenn e^ mid) beffer fennen (erht Qfy bin nid^t nngeftitnt. 3$ toerftefye tnid) anf bie 2Beibercf)en r nnb e^e ein 23iertelj;a^r fcergefyt, fdjteid^^ ic^ micf) in 2ftarietten$ erg." 20 w !Dagu ift feine 9?afe yt gro^!" fluftcrtc Sftariette, bie bran^en Dor ber itre f)ord)te nnb ^eimlicf) lad^te. $n ber Zatf e^ merging ein SSiertetjafyr nnb ^crr antmartin mar nod) ntdjt einmat ntit ber 9Jafenfpi^e in erj gebrnngen. Slber tDaf)renb biefe^ 33ierte({al)r$ ^attc 3Kariette mo^f nod^ 25 anbere efd)tifte, S)er ^rng madjte t^r Diet 3Serbrn nnb SRttlje; nnb an^erbem mofjt fonft noc^ 46 er gerbrodjene $rng Sierjefjn age (ang fprad) man in 8a Japonic tion nid)t3 anberem, ate bem $rng. llnb jebermann fagte : e3 fei ein efdjenf be$ 3M)ter, nnb bie ocf^eit fd)on Derabrebet 2lte aber 2JJariette feiertid) atten ifyren efpietinnen erftart I)atte; 5 fie it)ol(e il)ten etb Ueber bem 3lbgrnnbe be 2J?eere3 ate bem Stic^ter t)ermat)(en r fnfyren bte 3)?abd)en nnr arger fort, fie jn neden, fprecfjenb : 9ld) li)ie felitj mu e3 fit^ rnfjen im fatten feiner 9tafe ! !Die toar ber erfte 3Serbrn^ T)ann fyatte 3Kntter 3Jfanon ben granfamen runbfal^ baj^ 10 fie 3J?arietten sitiang, ben $rng a((e 3Korgen beim S3rnnnen am gelfen ju fd)tuenlen nnb mit frifdjen 53tnmen gn fnften. S^abnrd) Ijofftc fie SKarietten an ben rng nnb an ba$ eq be^ eber^ ^n getoofynen. 2tber fie fn()r fort, abe nnb eber jn ^affen. llnb bie Slrbeit am Srunnen toarb eine trafe fiir fie, ^tneiter SSerbrn^ tr>enn fie morgenS ^nm rnnnen lam, lagen jft)et 3Jfaf in ber SBodje anf bem geteftitcf baneben immerbar einige ber fdjonften SInmen, fd)im georbnet, re^t fiir bie ^racfyt be^ rnge gef^affen. llnb nm'bie Sfnmenftenget mar immer 20 ein ^apierftreif gefdjtnngen, nnb barauf gef^rieben: 8iebe 2ftariette, 9^nn mn^te man ber Heinen 3Jfariette bod) ni(^t lt)ei^ macljen Rotten, ate menn e^ in ber SBelt nod) ^anberer nnb geen gcibe. ^otg(id) lamen bie tinmen nnb bie fii^e Slnrebe berfelben ton errn ^)antmartin 3Jiariette 25moc^te nnr nid)t baran ried)en, b(oj3 tt)ei( ber lebenbige 9Item an be^ 9Jid)ter s J?afe fie nmfanfelt I)atte. 3?nitt)tfc^ctt na()m fie bie 33hunen, meit fie beffer iDaren ate gelbblnmen, nnb 3errifc bie ^apierftreifen in tanfenb @tiiet> gleidjtid) groft tear in ifyrer 2lrt, ttrie feme s J?afe in ifyrer Slrt )ritter SJerbrufc. Sttbltd) aber entbecfte e$ fid) im efprad) ntit errn aut* martin, baft er gar nidjt ber eber biefer -3S(umen toare. 3Ber5 fottte e^ nnn fein? 9Rariette tear tibcr bie unt)cr^offtc @nt* be dung feljr erftaunt. @ie naljm Don ber tit an jtoar bie tinmen lieber tjom Self en, r rf) aU( J) baran, aber toer legte fie baljm? SRariette tear, toaS bie 2)Mbd)en fonft gar nid)t ju fein pffegen, fe^r neugierig. @ie riet anf biefen unb Jenenio 3'itngUng Don 8a ^apoute* oc^ erraten lie 5 fid) ba$ nit^t. @ie laufdjte nnb lauerte fpat ()inein in bie 9^a^t; fie ftanb fritter auf, 3lber fie er(anfd)te unb ertauerte nid)t^, Unb bod) jtoei 93Ja( in ber 26ocf)e be$ 3Korgen lagen ttnmer bie 2Bunberb(umen auf bem %tl\tn, unb auf bem barum getuun* is benen papier ftre if Ia fie intmer ben ftitfen eufjer an fic^ : 8iebe 9Jiariette! (So etn)a^ nwft boc^ auc^ ben teic^^ gitttigften neugierig macf)en, 3lber 5Jteugier madjt jule^t bren^ nenbe ^5ein SSierter iibev ^atte am onntag ^ater ^enmte n?ieber itber ben @a^ 20 geprebigt: T)e^ immeU gitgungen finb tuun^ b e r b a r. Unb bie Heine Sftariette bat^te : f o ttrirb ert auc^ fitgen, ba^ id) ben unfidjtbaren Stumenfpenber enbtic^ ent* be(Je. ^ater Qewme f)atte nie unredjt Qn einer ommerna^t, ba e^ aucf) a((jun)arm geit)efen, tear 25 3Kariette friit) ertuac^t, unb lonnte toieber ntd^t einfc^fafen. rum fprang fie freubig Dom 8ager, al& ba erfte 9Korgenrot 48 )er jerbrodjene $rug itber bie 9fteere$toet(en unb itber bie (erinifcfyen $nfeln l)er gegen ba genfter be $ammerlein$ bfi^te, ie fleibete fid) unb ging I)inau3, 2lntli, 33ruft unb 2lrme am fitfylen Srunnen ju toafcfjen ; ben ut nafym fie mil, am SJieer ein @tiinbd)en 5ju (ufttoanbeht. ie fannte ba eine Ijeimltdje tette jum Saben. llm aber U ber ^eim(t(f)en @tetle ju lommen, mu^te man itber bie getfen l)inter bem aufe gefyen, unb t)on ba tuieber abtoart$, neben ranatbitf^en Dorbei unb Batmen. ie^ io5DM lonnte 9J?artette ntdjt ttorbet* 55enn unter ber Jitngften unb ft^Ianleften ber Batmen tag im fii^en @d)taf ein Junger [(^lanler SKann neben ifym ein @trau^ ber alferfcfjonften 4BIumen, 3lu^ fa^ man tool)! ein toei^eS papier baran, auf trelt^em t)ermut(i(f) toieber ein @eufjer rebete* SBie lonnte 15 2ft ariette ba fcorbei f ommen ? @ie btieb ftefyen unb jitterte t?or i^recf an alien liebern. ann toottte fie ftrieber jur ntte ^eim, $aum toar fie ein paar cfyritte prittfgegangen, fa 1 ^ fie fit^ toieber natf) bem @(f)Iafer um unb blieb ftefjen. 01^ au ber gerne lie^ fii^ 20 f ein efid)t ni(^t erlennen, $e^t ober nie toar ein efyeim* ni^ ^u Ibfen* @ie trippefte teifer ber ^atme na^er, 3lber er f^ien fi(^ ?u regen* S^un lief fie toieber jur titte. o(^ toar feine Setoegung nit^t^ al^ fur^tfame Sinbilbung 3Jfariet- ten$ geiuefen* S^un ma^te fie fid) ttrieber auf ben SBeg pr 25 ^Jalme. 3lltein er tonnte fit^ t)ietlei(^t mit feinem @cl)fof tier* ftetten* ef^toinb rettete fie fic^ jur ttttc. SBer ttrirb aber toegen eine^ teeren 23ief(eidjt flie^en? @ie trat ^crg^after bie 9?eife jur ^5alme an, Set biefem @d)tt>anfen if)rer f^it^ternen unb tiifternen Der$erbrod)ette$rttg 49 eele gnrifdjen gnrdjt unb 9?engier, bet biefent in^ unb crtrtppcln jmifdjen tttte unb ^almenbanm mar fie bodj enblid) bent cfylafer immer nnt einige Heine djritte nafyer gefommen, inbem and) jngleid) bie SHeugier fiegreidjer mar, ate bie gnrd)t 5 ,,2Ba3 ge()t er mid) benn an? 3)er 2Beg fitfjrt mid) nnr an if)tn ttorbet d)(af er ober mad)' er ; id) gelje Ja nnr Corbel." o bac^te 9J?anon Xodjter. 3lber fie ging nid)t Dorbei, [onbern blieb ftefyen ; benn man mufjte bod) bent Sfnmenfpenber re^t in^ efit^t fd)anen, nnt feiner adje gemi jn fern* ^n^em 10 fdjltef er ja, ate ^citte er [eit t)ier SBot^en feinen gefnnben (2d)(nmmer ge^abt, Unb toer mar^ ? 9tnn mer fottte e^ benn anber$ fern, ate ber (Srgbofemid)t Golin ? Sltfo er mar'^ getoefen, ber crft an alter getnbfd)aft bent gnten 3Wabd)en fo triel Jobe^tocrbrtt| mit bem ^rnge gemadjt 15 nnb fie in ben t>erbrie^(i^en anbet mit errn ^antmarttn gebrad^t ^atte ; er toar'3 gemefen, ber bann Ringing nnb fie mit ben tinmen nedte nnt il)re ^Jfengier jn f ottenu SBojn ? (5r ^a^te 3)?ariette. Sr betrng fidj noc^ immer in atten efettfdjaften gegen ba^ arme Sinb anf nntierjeipdje Seife, 20 Sr ftricf) an^ r mo er fonnte ; nnb mo er nid)t fonnte, betritbte er bie fromme teine. egen alle anbern 9Kcibd)en Don 8a ^aponfe mar er gefpradjiger, frennbli^er, gefa((iger r ate gegen Sftariette, 9Kan benfe ! er fyatte fie nx)t^ nie jnm anj anfgeforbert, nnb fie tanjte bod) afterliebft 25 ^Jfnnlag er ba, t)erraten, ertap^t. Qn 9)?arietten^ 33rnft erma^te bie 9fa^e. 333e(d)e S^mad) lonnte fie i^m antnn? @ie nat)m ben Slnmenftran^ tofete ttjn anf, ftrente mit gere^tem ,3 tierat^ttid) fein ef(^enf iiber ben @dj(afer 50 erjerbrocljene^rng l)in. 9?nr ba$ papier, auf toeldjem toieber ber eufjer : Hebe 3ftariette ! ftanb, befyielt, 'fie, unb ftedte e3 gefd)rt)inb in ben 33nfen. @ie tooltte fitr litnftige gcifte biefe ^robe feiner anbfd)rift anfbeiualjren. SWariettc toar fdjlan, 5Kun toottte 5 fie gefyen* Slber il)re SRadje fdjien nod) nid)t gefcitttgt. @ie fonnte ntdjt Don ber @tel(e, ofyne GoIinS 48o^I)ett mit einer cifynlidjen ^n ftrafen. @ie rife Don itjrem ut ba tieitc^en^ farbene Sanb nnb fdjlang e^ Icife nm be @^tcifer^ 9lrm nnb um ben 53aunt, nnb fnitpfte ben Sotin mit brei Snoten feft an lobie Ratine, SBenn er nnn ertuadjte, tDte mnfete er erftannen! lt)ie mnfete tljn bie 5Keugier foltern, toer i^nt ant^ ben @treid) gef^ielt! 35a$ lonnte er nnmoglid) erraten* efto beffer, gef^al) ifynt rec^t. SJiariette n?ar nnr nod) align gntibig gegen i^n. $fy 26erl isfdjien fie jn renen, a( fie e t)ottbrad)t fyatte. -3I) re -Struft flog nngeftitm. 3d) gfanbe gar r e^ lam ifyr ein Jrant^en in bie 9lngen, mit benen fie nnr afign mitteibig ben SSerbre^er betrac^tete, Sangfam ging fie jn ben ranatbitfd)en am gelfen gnritd fie fa^ fid) oft nm ; tangfam ben gelfen ^inanf, fie 2ofal) oft fytnab nat^ ber ^Jalme, ann eitte fie jnr rnfenben aButtcr Slber no(^ ben gtei^en $Tag itbte Solin nene ZMt. tat er? Offentltdj befc^cimen mottte er bie arme 3JJariette. 2lc^! fie Ijatte nit^t bebad)t, bafe man iljr t)eil(^enfarbene^ Sanfe in gan$ 5)iaponle lenne ! Soltn fannte e nnr jn gnt (gr fd^Iang e ftotj nm feinen |)nt nnb trng e tor alter 2BeIt gnr @d)an toie eine grobernng* Unb jeber nnb }ebe rief : er ^erbrodjene $rug 51 ,,Sr l)at e$ fcon 3ftarietten." Unb al(e Sftabdjen riefen 5itr= nenb : ,,)er 33ofeund)t!" unb atte 3imgtinge, Me 2ftariette gent fafyen, riefen : ,,)er 3Sofeuncf)t !" ' ,,95He ? SKutter aWanon ?" fdjrie ber 9Jtd)ter autntartin, al$ er 311 9J?anott fam, unb er f djrie fo lant, ba e$ in feiner 5 gan^en 9Jafe umnberbar tPtcbcr^alltc : ff SBic ? ba$ bntbet 3^? meine 33raitt bef^enft ben Jnngen ^arfjter Soltn mtt il)rem vS^utbanb? ^ ift ^ol)e $p\i, ba^ tutr unfere ot^jett fctcrn. 3ft bte dorbet, fo t)ab^ id) ancf) ein 9ted)t jn reben." l)abt red)t ! " antnjortetc SDhttter SKanon. f ,3Benn bie 10 fo ftef)t, mu^ bie odjjeit f^nelt fein. 3ft bic toorbet, ift atte^ DorbeL" f ,3lber r TOntter 3Kanon r (gnre Softer iwcigcrt mir nod) immcr 9tttftct nitr ba^ o^jeitma^t ! is f ,3lber fie toiil mid) and) nid)t einmal frennbtid) anfefyen ; unb menu id) midj ju il)r fe^e, fpringt bie Heine SBilbe auf unb rennt bat>on." err 9?id)ter r riiftet nut ba$ o^geitma^L ,,2lber njenn fid) 9Kariette ftraubt ? u 20 333ir iDoUen fie nberrumpetn* Sir gel)en jum ^ater 3erome 9lm 3J?ontag SKorgen in alter gritfye unb alter tide fott er bie framing t)ollgte^en. T)a toofien mir i^nt ft^on beibringen, 3d) bin SKutter, 3^) r f e ^ ^ e er ft^ obrigleitlidje ^5erfon in 8a 5JJapouIe. & mn% gefjordjen* )odj 9Kariette 25 barf bat)on ni(^t lt)iffen* 9lm 3Jfontag frit!) fdjide ic^ fie jum Qervmt, ganj attein, ntit einem 2luftrag, bamit fie a^nt. )ann foil i^r ber ^Pfarrer an$ ers reben. @timbd)en barauf fommen tr)ir beibe. )ann 52 35er gerbrodjene rng gefdjunnb gum Stttar. llnb toenn and) 3Jiariette ba nod) nein tuft : ttm madjt'S ? er alte @err fann ja nidjt fyoren, Hber [till bi$ baljtn gegen 3ftarietten unb gang a Sftapoule. abei blieb'3 unter ben betben, 9)Zariette Iteg fit^ Don sbem IU(f nidjt traumen, ba ifyr bet)orftanb. @te ba^te nnr an Soltn^ 53o^I)eit r ber fie im ganjen Orte jnm efprat^e ber 8eute gemadjt I)atte D twe berente fie bte llnbefonnenl)eit mtt bent Sanbe ! unb bod) tierjtel) fie im erjen bem S3ofe- tt)t(^t feine @d)nlb, 3Jfariette it)ar t)iel ju gnt* @ie fagte ioil)ter SKntter, fie fagte alien efpielinnen : ,,X)er Solin ^at mein t>erlorene ntbanb gefnnben, Qfy IjaV e i()m nid)t gegeben. 5JJnn \rnil er mid) bamit cirgern, $fy lt)iffet ja, ber golin tft mir Don Jefyer nbelan geiDefen, nnb Ijat immer gefud)t r IDO er mid) Iriinlen fonnte !" is 2Id) ba arme ^inb! e twtftte nid)t, auf n)e((^e nene Slbfdjenlidjfeiten ber I)eimtU(fifd)e 3Kenf(^ tuieber fann. n ber grille trat 9)?ariette mit bem rng pm 53rnnnen agen leine 33(nmen anf bem gefeftittf, (g$ lt)ar ant^ tt)o^I jn frit^ ; fanm ftieg bie @onne an^ bem TOeere. 20 S)a ranf^ten Jritte. S)a lam Sotin; in feiner anb bie tinmen. 3J?ariette toarb blntrot im efitfjt Sotin melte : ,,@nten 9)?orgen r TOariette!" 2lber e$ ging il) Don Bergen mit bem rn ; er fonnte ifyn fanm iiber bie 8ippen bringen* 25 ff 9Barnm tragft bn fo offentti^ mein 33anb, Sotin?" fagte ajfariette, nnb ftettte ben Urng anf ba^ geteftttd. $$) gab birt 3erbrod)ene $rug 53 ,,)u gabft ntir'3 nidjt, liebe SDiartcttc ?" fragte er unb toarb btaft Dor innerer 2But SJiariette fdjamte fid) tfyrer Sitge, fenfte bie Slugentiber unb fagte nad) enter SBeite : ,,SBoI)l, id) fyab' e$ bir gegeben ; bod) bit follft e nic^t 5ur t^au tragen* tb mir^ jurud! *' y 5 a fnii^fte er'3 (angfam Io^ : [ein 2trger tuar fo gro^, ba^ er bie rane tm Sluge nidjt, unb nid)t ben eufjer feiner Sruft Derbergen fonnte, ,,8iebe SKariette, Ia^ mir bein 53anb ! " fagte er leife. rf $Rem!" antlportete fie. 10 35a ging fein tjcrftccfter rimm in SSer^tDeiflung ttber. @r blicEte mtt einem @eufjer gen imme(, bann bitfter auf 9Kart* cttcn, bie [tilt unb fromm am Srunnen ftanb ntit nieberge^ fd)(agenen 3lugen unb fyerabfycingenben 2lrmen. (5r tDanb ba^ tieilcfyenblaue Sanb um ben trau ber $Bln* is men; rief : ,,@o nimm benn atte I)in!" unb fcf)(euberte bie Stunten fo tila nur nod) bte 53etne feft(tel)enb ; bte change nnDerle^t trtnntpl)terenb, ben tger nnbef^cibtgt, aber ba^ Sammletn bt^ anf ben djtDanj t>erfcf)ttnmben, ate ber Xtger I)tnnntergefrf)In(ft, ba bra(^ 3J?ntter 3#anon in 3Serit)iinf^nngen be^ Sotin an nnb fagte : ,,3 10 fte^t^ IDO^I, ber 3Bnrf fam an^ S^enfete llnb fie natjnt ben $rng in ber etnen, 2ftarietten an ber anbern anb, nnb ging nm bie nennte Stnnbe jn errn ant= martin, too er jn erirfjt jn fi^en pflegte. J)a brac^te fie mit lantern efrf)rei i^re Stage tior, nnb jeigte ben gerbro- isdjenen Srug nnb ba t)erlorene ^arabieS. 9Kariette meinte er 9ticl)ter, ate er ben Srng jerbro^en nnb bie fd^one S3rant in ranen fa^ r geriet in fo gerecfjten f 3 orn 9 e G en ben Sotin, ba feine 5JJafe tieit^enbtan toarb \me 3)?arietten^ 20 berii^mte^ @ntbanb, (Sr lief; bnrcfy feinen Bergen atebatb ben greater fjerbei^olen* Sotin fam tiefbetritbt. 9Kntter 3ftanon tt)ieber()o(te nnn i^re Stage mit dieter Serebfamleit t>or 9ti(^ter, cfyergen nnb (^reibern. 3lber gotin t)orte ni^t^. @r trat jn SKartcttcn 25 nnb pfterte i^r jn : f ,2Sergib mir, tiebe a^ariette, ttrie ify bir dergebe. $tf) bradj nnr ben Srng an^ 23erfel)en ; bn aber, bn tjaft mir ba^ erj gebrot^en!" )er jerbrocfjene $rug 55 ffclf ba eflttfter ba?" rief mtt ridjterlidjer ofyeit @err autmartin ,,oret auf (Sure 2lnf(age unb tierteibigt ,,3d) fcerteibige mid) ntdjt. -3d) f) a ^ e ^ et ttriber tneinen SBitten I" fagte @oluu 5 f ,Sja^ gtaub' id) faft fctbft!" fagte f^tuc^jenb SKaricttc. $$ bin fo f^ulbig ttrie er ; benn id) I)atte ifyn beleibigt unb in ^orn gebracfyt S)a iDarf er mir ba$ 53anb unb bie tinmen untior- fid^tig gu, (5r fann nidjt bafitr." & fef)t mir bocl)!" f^ric SKutter SKanon, , f tt)itl ba3 9Kixb-io d)en nod) feine @d)Ui^rebnerin f ein ! err 3ttd)ter, f^redjet ! @r t)at ben Sintg gerbrod)en, ba^ Idugnet er nidjt ; unb it^ feinet* n)ilten ba^ genfter, will er lattgnen, fann er^ fefyen*" ,,S)a 3?I)r nid)t (augnen fdnnet, crr 6oKn/' fprad) ber SRidjter, fr fo jat)(et 3I) r f^ r ^ ^ r ^9 brei^unbert 8bre^ r benn 15 fo Diet ift er toert ; unb bann fitr" . . ff 9Jein/' rief Solin, ff fo Diet ift er nid)t toert ^d) faufte if)n ju 9Sence auf bem SRarft fitr SJiarietten um ljunbert it)n ge!auft r err llnt)erfd)cintter?" fd^rte ber unb trarb im ganjen efidjte b(au tt)ie 3)lartetten utbanb. od) mel)r fonnte er unb tDoItte er ntdjt fagen r benn er fitrd)tete tt)iberlidf)e Srorterungen in ber @ad)e. 3lber Sottn toarb gorntg tt?egen be^ 23ortt)urf^ unb fprad) : $&) fd)tcfte btefen Srug am 3lbenb be^ SJfarfttage^ burd) (uern25 eigenen ^ned)t an Sftarietten. 3)ort fte^t Ja (Jacques an ber gr ift 3 eu $ e * ^acque^, rebe; gab id^ Mr ntdfjt bie t, bu folfteft fie jur gran 3)?anon tragen?" err autmartin iDolIte ba^tDtfc^en bonnern. 3tber ber ein- 56 )er jerbrodjene $rug fcittige 3acque$ fagte : ,,33efinnet (Sue!) nur, err Sficljter, nafymet mir @olin$ Scfyadjtel ab unb trugt, tt>a$ barin gemefen, gur gran 3ftanon* )ie cfjacfytet liegt Ja bort nod) unter ben 5 a mit^ten bie djergen bett einfatttgen foerfen ; unb anc^ err goltn rt)arb ^tnan^geiDtefen, bi^ man ifyn tDteber rnfen lt)erbe. , f ans tt)ol)I, err a^ic^ter!^ entgegnete Solin, ,,aber tftdd^cn fott Sner (e^teS in 5Kapon(e fcin. -3^) **>&% lome^r al^ bie^, ba^ 3^r (Sntf) mit meinem Sigentunt bet 9Kanon nnb 3Rartettcn in nnft fe^en iDolltet, SBenn i^r mid) fud^t, fo toerbet ^^ r totffi ^un, nat^ raffe jnm errn Sanb* togt jn reiten." '33amit ging Solin. err ^antmartin tear itber ben anbel fefjr t)ertt)irrt nnb isipn^te in ber Seftur^nng nicf)t iDa^ er tat. gran 3Jfanon fd)UtteIte ben $opf. S)ie @a(^e tt)ar tfyr gar bnnfel nnb tier- badjtig morben. ,,Ser tt)irb mir nnn ben gerbrocftenen Urng ?" fragte fie. iv," fagte Nanette mit glufyenbem 3lngefit^te r ff mir ift er 2obeinal)e fd^on i ritt nod) gteitfjen age$ nad) raffe gum errn ! tiogt unb lam anbern 3Korgen3 in ber gritfye juritd err Dautmartin aber lacljte nur baju unb rebete ber gran SKanon alien 9lrgtt)o^n au unb frfjtDor, er tootle fid) bie 9?afe abfdjnei* 25 ben taffen, menu Sotin nidjt brei^unbert 8tDrc^ fiir ben jerbrodjenen ^rug ^a^Ien mttffc. 2lud) ging er mit gran 2ftanon gum ^5ater Jerome, toegen ber Xrauung, unb fc^arfte )er gerbrodjene Srug 57 tljm toof)l ein, Sftarietten ernftljaft ifyre ^fltcfyt fcorgufteUen al3 gefyorfame ocf)ter bem SBiHen ber SJJutter unb ber 93erma^ fung nidjt gu toiberftreben. )a3 fcerfprad) and) ber atte fromme err, obtoot)( er nur bte alfte Don altem fcerftanb, ma^ man i^m in'^ Dfyr fc^rie, 5 9lber 3Kariette nal)tn ben jerbrorfienen Srug in ifyre @(^Iaf- fammer nnb ^atte ifjn nun erft ret^t lieb, nnb i()t ti)ar r al^ mare ba$ ^arabie^ in tfjre Srnft eingejogen, feit e^ anf bem $rug bnr^Iotf)ert morben* 91B nnn ber 9Jfontag=9J?orgen lam, f^rad^ 2)?ntter Sftanonio ^n i^rer Jorfjter: , f ^(eibe bid) toofyf an nnb trage biefe$ 3J?t)r- tenfranjlein gum ^ater Jerome ; er t?er(angt e fitr eine S3raut" Nanette fteibete fid) fonntSglidj, na^m oljnc 3lrg ben 3JJt)rtenlran5 unb trug it)n gum ^ater Jerome, Untermeg^ begegnete ifjr Solin, ber grille fie freunbtid) unb 15 f c^ucf)tern ; unb al3 fie fagte, iDo^in fie ben rang trage, f|)ra^ Sotin : $$ ge^e ben gteidjen ang, benn ic^ mu^ bem ^farrer ba^ elb bringen fiir ben ^ird)enget)nten." llnb tuie fie beibe gingen, na^m er fd)toeigenb i^re anb ; ba gitterten beibe, al^ fatten fie gegen einanber gro^e 23erbred)en auf bem ettriffen. 20 , f aft bu mir fcergeben?" ffitfterte angftU^ SoHn, ,,2lcl), 3)iariette r n?a^ fyaV id) Mr getan, ba^ bu fo graufam gegen mitf) bift ? u 3lber fie fonnte nic^t^ fagen, al$ : ,,@et nur ru^ig r Solin, ba^ Sanb f ottft bu tDieber ^aben Unb id^ mill beinen Srug 25 be{)alten, elt, er ift bod) Don bir ?" ^SKariette, fannft bu gtDeifeln? @ie^ r toa^ idf) ^abe, bir modjf id) aHc^ geben* SiHft bu mir funftig freunb(icf) fein, tine anbern ? u 58 )er gerbrodjene Srug @ie cmttoortete nid)t 2ll fie aber in ba$ ^farrf)au traten, blidfte fie il)n feitft>art3 an, nnb ba fie feme fdpnen 2lugen naft fafy, lifpelte fie ifym ^u: ,,?ieber Solin!" 33a bog er fid) nnb litftte ifyre anb, a ging bie itre eine Dimmers au f un ^ 5 ^ater Jerome in efyttmtrbiger eftalt ftanb t)or i^nen. 3Me {nngen 8ente tDaren tt)ie Dom ^tt)inbel befallen, benn fie fyiel- ten feft ein^ am anbern, $tf) mei^ nifyt, tr>ar ba$ bie SBirfnng be^ anbfnffe^ ober bie (Sl)rfnrt^t Dor bem rei3 ? a reici)te i^m 2ftariette ba^ 9Jtl)rtenfran^Iein* & tegte e$ loanf i^r anpf nnb fprarf): Uinblein, Uebet end) nnter einanber! nnb rebete nnn bent gnten 3ftabd)en auf ba^ beit)eg(id)fte nnb ritfyrenbfte p r ben Solin jn lieben. 3)enn ber alte err (jatte toegen feiner artt)origfeit ben 3Jamen be^ S3riin^ tigam^ enttoeber f atf d) gel)drt r ober U)egen be$ atternben ebad)t- 15 niffe^ fcergeffen, nnb meinte, golin mitffe ber 33rantigam fein* a brad) nnter bent gufantci) be reife^ 9ftarietten3 erg, nnb mit Jranen nnb cfylndj^en rief fie : f ,2ld), id) lieb' it)n ja fd)on (ange, aber er t)affet ntid)." $$ bid) ()affen, 3)tariette ?" rief Sofin : ff 3)ceine eete lebt 2onnr in bir, feit bu nad) ?a ^aponle gefontnten. D aWartcttc, trie fonnte id) benn fyoffen nnb gtanben, baft bn mid) liebteft? 53etet bid) nid)t ganj 8a ^aponte an ?" f ,aBarnm flo^ft bu mi(^, Solin, unb jogeft alte meine efpie^ len mir t)or ?" 25 rr D SKariette, id) ging in gnr^t unb 3 a 9 en r hi Summer unb 8iebe unter, toenn id) bid) fat). Q$) fyatte ben 3)tut nid^t r bir nafye ju fein ; unb mar id) ni(^t bei bir, mar id) no^ unglndfeUger^' Site fie fo gegen einanber rebeten, meinte ber gute 93ater, fie )er ^erbrodjene $rug 59 Unb er legte feine 3lrme urn beibe, fitfjrte fie ju* fatmnen unb fprad) flefyenb : Sinblein, Sinblein, liebet end) itttter einanber! )a fan! 3ftariette an golin$ 33ruft, unb golin fcfylug beibe 2lrme um fie unb beiber 2lntU ftratjlte in ftntnmer gnt-s pitching. @ie t)erga^en ben ^fatter, bte ganje SBelt. olin$ 8ippe l)ing an 3JJartetten fiipem 9)innbe. &3 war stDar nnr ein $ufj, aber ma^rli^ ein Sn ber ttebtt^ften 23ernirf)tnng 23eibe luaren in einanber anfgetofet, 33eibe fatten fo ganj if)re ^Befinnnng Derloren, ba^ fie r o^ne e jn tt)iffen r bem ent^ 10 jltcE ten ^ater 3^^t)^^ tti Me $ird:)e fo(gten unb Dor ben 2Utar, fr aKaricttc !' J feufjte er. ,,goltn!" fcufgte fie. ^n ber ird)e beteten Dtete 9Inba(^tige ; aber tntt grftaunen murben fie f 3 eu 9 en ^vn (SoUn^ unb 3Karietten^ SSerntatjIung. SSiefe liefen no(^ Dor 33eenbigung ber geier(i(^feit I)inau^ r e^ is tinf3 unb red^t^ in 8a 5yjapou(e Derfitnben ju f5nnen : (o(in unb 9Kariette finb Dermafylt Site bie Jrauung Dotlbracf)t toar, freute fid) ^5ater 5 ero ^ e reblicfy, ba^ e^ i()m fo gut getungen unb Don ben Srautleuten fo menig SBtberftanb geleiftet mar. gr f itl)rte fie in^ $farrl)au$. 20 btcfcr mcrliuurbtgen cfd)td)tc a fam atemlo Gutter 2ftanon. @ie I)atte ju aufe (ange auf bie 3(nfunft be^ 33rautigam3 ge()offt. @r tt)ar nic^t gefrmtnten* ^eim le^ten (ocfengelaut ^atte bie Slngft fie getrieben unb fie felbft ficfy auf ben 2Beg jum errn autmar^ tin gentadjt S)ort aber lt)ar neue^ (Sntfe^en itber fie gefom- 25 men. @ie erfu()r, ber err ?anbDogt nebft ben 3)ienern ber SSiguerie fee erfc^ienen, l)abe 9?ed)nungen, Uaffen unb ^rotofotte 60 be$ 3fid)ter3 in Unterfudjung genommen; bann ben errn antmartin in ber gkidjen tunbe Devljaften laffen. ,,)a fyat geurift ber gottlofe golin geftiftet!" tear iljr ebanfe. s jfnn fyatte fie fid) eilfertig gum ietfeicf)t lennt er biefe ge^ er ge(et)rte @e(im mar balb f)erbeigef)olt, ,,@elim/' 3Me efd)ici)te Don tatif lord) 63 gu if)m ber $a(if, ,,@ettm, man fagt, bn feicft feljr gelefyrt; gnd;' eternal ein toenig in biefe @d)rift, ob bn fie tefen fannft ; fannft bn fie (efen, fo befommft bn ein neneS geftffeib Don mir, lannft bn e3 nid)t, fo befomntft bn gtoolf 33acfenftreid)e nnb fnnfnnb^iDan^ig anf bie gnfol)(en, toeit man bid) bann nm-s fonft ettm ben e(ef)rten nemtt." dim Derneigte fid) nnb farad): ,,)ein SBiKe gefd)el)e r o @err!" 8ange betrac^tete er bie @d)rift, |)Iot^[ic^ aber rtef er an$ : , f a^ ift tateinifd), o err, ober id) (a^ mid) fyingen/ ft &atf tDa^ brin fteljt," befal)t ber ^a(if, , f toenn e^ lateinifd) ift." 10 @elim fing an ^n itberfetjen : ff 3ftenftf), ber bn biefe^ finbeft, preife 2l((af) fitr feine nabe. SBer ton bem ^nttier in biefer 35ofe f(^nn|)ft nnb ba^n faric^t r Mutabor, ber lann fid) in Jebe# 2;ier tiertoanbefn nnb t>erftel)t and) bie prac^e ber iere. SBitf er tDteber in feine menfd)Iic^e eftalt snritdfe^ren, fo netge eri5 fit^ breimat gen Often nnb farecfye jene 2Bort 3lber I)itte bid), tt)enn bn t>ertt>anbett bift, ba bn nid)t Iad)eft r fonft t)er- fc^minbet ba 3 au ^ er ^ ort 9^3ltc^ an^ beinem ebad)tni$ nnb bn bteibft ein iei\" Slf-g elim ber ete()rte atfo gelefen ()atte r it)ar ber $a(if 20 itber bie 9J?aJ3en fcergnitgt & lie^ ben e(el)rten fd)tt)oren, niemanb etiva^ Don bem efjeimnte jn fagen r f(^en!te i^m ein fd)ime3 ^(eib nnb enttie^ ifyn. 3 U feinem ro^ejier aber fagte er : ,,$)a$ I)ei^ ; id) gnt einfanfen, 3Kanfor ! 9Bie frene it^ mic^, bi^ id) ein ier bin! 3J?orgen frit!) lommft bn jn25 mir. Sir gefjen bann mit einanber anf3 gelb, f^nnpfen ettt)a tDenige^ an$ meiner ofe nnb betanft^en bann, toa3 in ber 8uft nnb im SBaffeiytm SBalb nnb gelb gefaro^en t^irb !" 64 )ie @efd)id)te Don Sattf tord) II anm fjatte am anbcrn Sftorgen ber Satif Sfyafib gefrulj* ftiidt unb fid) cmgefteibet, ate fcfyon ber roJ3t>e$ier erftfjten, ifyn, tote er befofylen, auf bem pa^tergange ju begteiten. )er Saltf ftecfte bie )ofe mit bem ^anberpntfcer in ben itr* 5 tel, unb nad)bem er feinem ef ofge bef oljlen, jurudjublcibett,. mad)te er fid) mtt bem ro^e^ier ganj attctn anf ben @ie gingen juerft bnrd) bte toeiten drten be^ ^alifen, ten aber Dergeben^ nad) ettoa ebenbigem, nm tljr ^unftftitd gn probteretu er 23egier fd)Ing enb(id) Dor, toeiter ^tnau^ 10 an einen eid) jn ge^en, too er f d)on oft triele Jiere, nament- lic^ @tord)e, gefe^en ^abe, bie burd) i^r gratitatifd)e^ SBefen nnb ifyr eflapper immer feine 2lnfmerlfamfeit erregt Ijaben* 5)er Salif bidigte ben .^Sorfc^Iag feine^ 23e^ier^ nnb ging mit i^m bem eid) jn. Site fie bort angelommen toaren, 15 fa^en fie einen tordjen ernft^aft anf- nnb abgeljen, grof d|e fndjenb nnb I)ie nnb ba ettoa^ Dor fid) Ijinffappernb. 3 u 9^eid) fat)en fie andj toeit oben in ber 8uft einen anbern tort^en biefer egenb jnfd)toeben, $$) toette meinen S3art, gnabigfter err," fagte ber 20Dejier, ,,biefe stoei 8angfitB(er fitljren Je^t ein fdjone mit einanber* SBie toare e, toenn toir (Stort^e toitrben ?" ,,933oljl gef^rod)en!" anttoortete ber Salif* , f 2lber tootten toir not^ einmal betrad)ten, toie man toieber toirb. 9?id)tig ! S5reima( gen Often geneigt nnb Mutabor 25 gefagt, f o bin it^ toieber $a(if nnb bn SSejier* 3lber nnr nm^ immete toitten tttdjt getac^t, fonft finb toir Derloren!" SBa^renb ber ^atif alfo fprarf), fa^ er ben anbern @tord)en )ie efd)id)te t>on talif @tord) 65 itber ifyrem attpte fdjiueben unb (angfam fid) gur Grbe laffen* @d)neU jog er bie )ofe au$ bem itrtel, nafym eine gute ^rtfe, bot fie bem rojfrejter bar, ber gleidjfalte fcfynupfte, utib beibe riefen : Mutabor ! 35a fc^rumpften i^re 33etne ein unb tDitrben biinn unb rot, 5 bie f^dnen getben ^Jantoffeln be^ Safifen unb feineS Segtet^ ter tDiirben unfbrmtic^e @tord)fitBe, bie 2lrme trurben ju gliigeltt, ber @at^ ful)r aM ben Slc^feln unb tuarb etne gfle tang, ber Sart ti)ar t>erfcf)ttmnben unb ben Sorper bebedten toeidje gebern. 10 ff -3^r ()abt einen ^itbfd)en @(^nabe(, err ro^ester/' fprad) nac^ tangent grftauncn ber Salif. ,,33eim art be^ ^roptjeten, fo ettt)a$ ^abe it^ in meinem ?eben nid)t gefetjen." ff 5)anfc untertanigft," crlDtbcrtc ber ro^Dcgtcr, inbem er fidj bitcfte; , f aber tDenn id) e3 iragen barf, ntoc^te id) bef)aup-i5 ten, Sure o^eit fetjen ate @tort^ beina^e noc^ ^itb[d)er an&, benn ate Salif. Slber lontmt, iDenn e^ (gut^ gefcittig ift, ba^ tt)ir unfere $anteraben bort befauf^en unb erfa^ren, ob ttrir @tord)if(^ fonnen?" h)ar ber anbere @tort^ auf ber grbe angefommen* 20 pu^te ftc^ mit bent @cl)nabe( feine ^it^e, (egte feine gebern unb ging auf ben erften @tord)en gu. 5)ie beiben neuen tord)e aber beeilten fid), in ifyre ^cilje ju fontmen, unb t)erna^men ju i^rent (Srftaunen f olgenbe^ efpra^ : f ,uten Sftorgen, grau 8angbein, fo frit^ fdjon auf ber 25 SBiefe?" ,,@c^onen )anf, liebe ^(apperfd)nabel ! 3^ ^ a & e ^^ Itemed grit^ftitd gefyolt $\t eu^ Dielleic^t ein SSiertetdjen gefattig, ober ein grof d^f^enfefein ?" 66 Die @efd)id)te Don talif tord) ,,erfd)ftmnben, nnb ber arme S^afib nnb fein SSejier maren nnb btieben (Stdrdje. )te efd)id)te Don talif tord) 67 III Staurig ttmnbeften bie SSerjanberten bnrd) bie getber. @te ttntJ3ten gar nidjt, toa3 fie in ifyrem Stenb anfangen fotlten. 2lu3 il)rer torcfyenfyant fonnten fie nidjt fyeran3 ; in bie @tabt jwitrf fonnten fie and) nicfyt, nm fid) jn erfennen jn geben, benn toer I)atte einem @torrf)en gegtanbt, ba^ er ber ^atif fei, 5 unb toenn man e^ ancf) geglanbt fycitte, tt)itrben bie @intDot)ner Don Sagbab einen @tord)en sum Salifen getoottt f)aben? @o fcf)ti(^en fie meljrere Xage nml)er nnb erna^rten fic^ fitmmerlid^ don gelbfritdjten, bie fie aber ipegen i()rer tangen cfjnabet nidjt gnt derf^eifen fonnten. $n Sibedjfen nnbio grijfdjen fatten fie itbrigenS fetnen Slppetit. 3)enn fie befitrdj- teten, mit fofdjen getferbiffen fit^ ben 3Kagen 'gu tterberben. 3^v ein^ige^ SSergnitgen in biefer tranrigen 8age h)ar r ba^ fie fliegen fonnten, nnb fo ftogen fie oft anf bie cidjer t>on 53ag- bab, nm gu fefjen, \va$ barin Gorging. 15 ^n ben erften Xagen bemerften fie grofte ilnrn^e nnb raner in ben @tra^en. 2lber nngefat)r am dierten 3^age natf) tt)rer SSetjanbernng fa^en fie anf bent ^ataft be^ Ualifen, ba fafyen fie nnten in ber trafte einen prdd)tigen Slnfgng. Xrommetn nnb ^feifen erti)nten, ein 3Kann in einem golbgeftidten d)ar-2o (ad)mantet fa anf einem gefdjmittften *pferb r nmgeben don gtanjenben S)ienern, alb Sagbab f|)rang it)m nat^, nnb atte fdjrieen: , f eit 3)li^ra! bem errfd)er Don Sagbab !" a fa^en bie betben tordje anf bem )ad)e be^ ^alafte^ einanber an, nnb ber Satif g^afib fprad) : ,,2lf)nft bn Je^t, it)arnm id) 25 fceqanbert bin, ro^e^ier? ergeben$ ! )er $alif, bem and) miter bem tordjenffnget ein tapfereS crj fdjlng, ri fid) mit SSerhtft einiger gebern Io$ unb eilte in einen fin (tern ang. 53alb iDar er an einer nre angelangt, bie nnr angelefynts ft^ien, nnb ii)oran er bentUcfye (enfser r mit ein luenig efyenf, Derna^m* (Sr ftie^ mit bem cfynabel bie Jitre auf, bfieb aber itberra[(^t anf ber @cf)tt)ette fte^en. ^n bem Derfatlenen emad), ba nnr bnrt^ ein ffeine$ itterfenfter fparli^ er- len^tet toar, fa^ er eine gro^e 9lac^ten(e am ^oben fi^en. 10 35i(fe ranen roHten i^r au^ ben groften rnnben Slngen, nnb mit fyeiferer timme ftie^ fie i^re IHagen an^ bem Irnmmen c^nabet fyeranS. 311^ fie aber ben alifen nnb feinen SSejier, ber inbe$ ancf) ^erbeigefdjlidjen tt)ar, erbfidte, erfyob fie ein lante^ grenbengef^rei. gteriid) mif^te fie mit bem brann^is gefletften gtitget bie Jranen an$ bem 9lnge r nnb ju bem groften (Srftannen ber beiben rtcf fie in gntem, menf(^Iid)em Slrabifd) : ,,aBi((fommen, i^r tor^e, iijr fetb mir ein gnte^ ,3eid)en meiner grrettnng, benn bnrd) torcfje iDerbe mir ein gro^e6 Utd; fommen, ift mir einft propfyegett tt)orben !" 20 Site fic^ ber tatif t)on feinem (grftannen erf)o(t fjatte, bitdte er fid) mit feinem fangen ate r bradjte feine bitnnen git^e in eine gierlicfye tettnng nnb fpra^ : ff 9tad)tenle ! !Deinen SBorten nad) barf id) gtanben, eine 8eiben$gefal)rtin in bir jn fc^cn. 3lber a^! eine offnnng, ba^ bnrd) nn3 beine25 9tettnng fommen merbe, ift t)ergebli^. n mirft nnfere tofigleit felbft erfennen, h)enn bn nnfere efcf)id)te S^a^tenle bat i^n jn eqafyfen, ber Salif aber ^nb an nnb lte, tt)a totr bereit^ toiffcn* 70 >ie efd)id)te Don Satif @tord) IV 9I($ ber Sattf fcer Sitle [cine @efd)id)te Dorgetragen f)atte, banlte fie ifym unb fagte : ,,33ernimm and) meine @efd)id)te unb fjore, ttrie id) ntcfyt iueniger ungtMUd) bin afe bu. SKein 33ater ift ber Sonig Don ^^^^r id)/ f^ine eingige unglitdtidje S^o^ter, f)et^e 8ufcu ^ener 3ciuberer ^afdjnur, ber eut^ t>er^ jaitberte, I)at au^ mid) in3 Ungfit(f geftitrgt* gr lam eitte$ meinem 93ater unb begel)rte mid) jnr gran fitr feinen 3Kein 9Sater aber, ber ein fyi^iger 9)?ann ift r ifjn bie reppe l)inunter njcrfen. X)er (Stenbe iru^te fief) lounter einer anbern eftalt iDieber in metne ^JJafye ju ft^Ieid^en, unb a(^ id) einft in meinem arten Grfrifcfjungen ju mir nef)men iDottte, bradjte er mir, a(^ @f(ate tierffeibet, einen S^ranl bei r ber mid) in biefe abf(^euHd)e eftalt fcertoanbette, 33or d^reden ol)nmac^tig, brat^te er mid) fyierfyer unb rief is mir mit fdjretfticfjer timme in bie Dfyren : ff T)a folfft bu bleiben, fyaftfid), fetbft Don ben ieren Derad)- tet, bi^ an bein Snbe, ober bi^ einer au$ freiem SBitten bid), felbft in biefer fd)re(f(id)en eftatt, ur attin bege^rt* @o rac^e id) midj an btr unb beinem ftofjen 2Satei\" 20 ff @eitbem finb t)iete donate tjerfloffen. (Sinfam unb trau- rig (ebe id) a(3 Sinfieblerin in biefem emduer, fcerab- f^eut t)on ber Sett, fetbft ben ieren ein reuet ; bie fcfjone 9?atur ift Dor mir fcerfd)(offen, benn i(^ bin bUnb am S^age, unb nur, toenn ber SRonb fein b(eid)e$ 8i(^t uber bie e- 25mauer au^gie^t, fctHt ber t)ert)itt(enbe cfyteier Don meinem S)ie (Sule ^atte geenbet unb tt)if(^te fid) mit bent gtu SDtc efd)icf)te fcon Salif tord) 71 ttrieber Me 9lngen, anS, benn Me (gqafytnng il)ter geiben Ijatte tfyr ranen ent(od;t )er a(if mar bet ber (grjafylnng ber $rhtjeffin in tiefe$ 9?ad)benfen berfunfen. ,,2Benn mid) nicfyt atteS tanfdjt," fprad) er, ,,fo fmbet jttrifdjen unferem llngtud em gefjetmer gufam^ tnen^ang ftatt; aber ino finbe tt^ ben @^tit[fel jn Mefem 9tat[et?" S)te Snle antlDortete tfym: W O err ' a aljnet bie^ ; benn e tft mtr einft in meiner fritfyeften Don einer tDeifen gran propfyejeit morben, ba^ ein (Storc^ mir ein gro^e (U(f bringen tnerbe, nnb ic^ tt)U^te triefteidjt, luie 10 tt)ir nn^ retten fonnten," er Salif mar fefyr erftannt nnb fragte, anf toeldjem 9Bege fie nteine. w !J)cr anberer, ber un^ beibe nngtitcfti^ getnadjt fjat/' fagte fie, ff fommt atte nate einmal in biefe 9?ninen. yiifyt meit t)on biefem ift ein @aaL Sort pffegt er bann mit fcielen enoffen f^manfen. @(^on oft ()abe icf) fie bort belanfd)t ie ten bann einanber i()re fc^anbli^en Serle, t)ielkid)t baft er bann ba ^anbermort, ba$ if)r ^ergeffen f)abt, auSfpri^t." ) tenerfte ^rinjeffin/' rief ber ^alif, , f fag' an, mann f otnmt er, nnb m o ift ber @aa( ? u 20 )ie (gnle fc^mieg einen 3lngenblid nnb fprad) bann : , f ^e^ met e nid^t nngittig, aber nnr nnter einer 33ebingnng !ann id) enern SBnnfd) crftitlcn." , f pri^ an$! prid) an&l" fc^rie g^afib. ,,33efteI)I, e ift mir Jebe recfyt" ^^ixmlid^ ic^ mot^te and) gerne jngleid) frei fein, bie famt25 aber nnr gefc^e^en, menn einer Don end) mir feine anb reidjt" ie tor^e f^ienen itber ben 3Intrag etma^ betroffen jn fein, nnb ber Salif ttrinfte feinem iener r ein menig mit if)tn 72 )ie efd)id)te Don Sciltf torcf) fprad) tior ber iire bet Salif, ,,ba$ ift ein bummer anbel, abet $l)r fonntet fie fdjon nefymen*" ,,@o?" antftortete biefer, ,,baJ3 mir meine gran, toenn id) nad) au$ fomme, bie 2tugen au^fra^t? 2ludj bin id) ein 5 alter SRann, unb $()r f e ^ noc f) I un 9 un ^ unterl)eiratet r unb fdnnet efyer einer jungen fc^onen ^rtnjeffm bie cmb geben." ift e$ eben/' feufgte ber ^alif, inbem er.traurtg bie tjcingen Iie, ff ti)er fagt bir benn, ba$ fie jung unb fd)bn ift ? )a$ I)ei^t bie ae im @acf faufen ! y/ 10 @ie rebeten einanber gegenfeitig nod) lange gu, enblid) aber, a(3 ber ^alif fa^, ba fein 33egier lieber tord) bleiben, afe bie gule ^eiraten iDodte, entfdfjlojs er fid), bie Sebingung tieber felbft ju crfitUen. T)ie @u(e mar !)0(^erfreut @ie geftanb tfynen, ba^ fie gu feiner beffern tit fatten fommen fonnen, 15 toett tua^rf d)ein(id) in biefer 9?act)t bie Qanbtitr fid) tjerfam- meln toerben. @ie terlie^ mit ben tordjen ba emad), um fie in Jenen (Saat 5U fitfyren ; fie gingen (ange in einem finftern ang ^in ; enblid) ftrafylte it)nen an% einer fyalb DerfaHenen 9)iauer ein 2of)elfer t^ein entgegen. 2U^ fie bort angelangt maren, riet i^nen bie (u(e, fid) ganj rul)ig ^u Derl)a(ten, ie fonnten t>on ber Sitcfe, an tt)eld)er fie ftanben, einen gro^en aa( itberfe^en. (Sr tDar ring^um mit aulen gefd)mMt unb prad)tDo!t ter- jiert, 2?iele farbige dampen erfe^ten ba id)t be Xage^, 25 $n ber 9JHtte be aale^ ftanb ein timber ifd), mit t)ie(en unb au$gefud)ten ^eifen befe^t, a^ing^ um ben 2ifd) jog fi(^ ein @ofa, auf lt)e(d)em ad)t Scanner fafeen, 3n einem biefer banner erfannten bie @tbrd)e jenen Cramer mieber, ber t^nen ba^ ,3 au ^ er P u ^ er ^erfauft ^atte. ein 9?cbcnfifeer )te efd)id)te Don talif tore!) 73 forberte ifyn anf, ifynen feme neueften aten jn eqafylen. @r unter anbern and) Me efd)id)te be$ $alifen unb V f itr em Sort I)aft bu ifjnen benn anfgegeben ?" fragte ifyn ein cmberer ^anberer. ,,(in red)t fdjtoereS Iateinifd)e$, e$ 5 l)eit Mutabor." 31I bte tordje an i^rer 3Wauertfia gegen ben 33etritger SKtjra. @ic gogen in ben ^alaft nnb nal)men ben alten ^anberer nnb feinen oljti gefangen, Sen 9llten fd)icfte ber S'alif in ba^felbe ernat^ ber Stnine, ba bie ^ringeffin at$ @nle bett)o()nt l)atte f nnb Heft il)n bort anft)dngen, Sent 10 @o()ne aber, meldjer nitf)t^ fcon ben Sitnften be^ SSater^ tier- ftanb, Ue^ ber Salif bie 3Bal)I, ob er fterben ober fc^nnpfen n?olle. 9lte er ba$ (ei^tere ii)al)lte, bot i^nt ber ro^tiegier bie Sofe. (Sine titd)tige ^rife nnb ba 3 au ^ eriT)or ^ ^ Salifen tierJDanbette il)n in einen tordjen, er i?alif He^ it)n in is einen eifernen Safig fperren nnb in feinent arten anfftelten, ?ange nnb nergnitgt lebte Ualif Sfyafib mit feiner gran, ber ^rinjeffin ; feine tergniigteften tnnben toaren intmer bie, n)enn il)n ber roj^ejier nad)mittag befndjte ; ba fprad^en fie bann oft Don ifyrem torc^enabentener, nnb irenn ber $alif 2ored)t Ijeiter 'war, (ie er fid) l)erab, ben roj^ejier na^pat)- men, mie er als tor^ an^fat). & ftieg bann ernftl)aft, ntit fteif en gtt^cn im Dimmer anf nnb ab, f lapperte, tDebelte ntit ben 9lrnten, lt)ie mit glitgeln, nnb jeigte, lt)ie jener fi^ Dergeblid) nad) Often geneigt nnb Mu Mu bajn gernfen ^abe. gitr 25 bie gran tatifin nnb t^re tinber war biefe aSorfteHung atiemat eine grofte grenbe ; menn aber ber $atif gar jn lange Happerte nnb nidte nnb Mu Mu fcfyrie, bann brol)te il)m ber Sexier, er toottte ba^, ma Dor ber Xitre ber ^rin^effin 9^ adjtenle Der^anbelt morben fet, ber gran Salifin mitteilen. te Sugnerin 8nftfpief in ein em 2lnfsnge Don (onftan$e 33 r a n n , eine reid)e (Srbin* 5) r. angenberg, $bt>ofat, beren $ormnnb. gran r e i n e r , beren a^nenbetn, etfenfieber. Sin an!ptmann ber 33itrgermel)r. @ it ft d) e n , ^onftan^en^ ^ammermabd^en. ^cf ovntion : mit rctd^cn ^a^jeten wnb t)on 9leid)tu tcttitr, red)t3 itnb tinf^ cttcntitren. 9tec^tg $enfter. int$ ein @ofa. S)at>or cm runbcr ^ifd), toorauf cine bremtenbe ^cim^c* 3 tlt itrtctftntnbe an ber SSanb e, auf njetd)en td)ter. 3ln bcm @ofa ^uu redden anb ein 2lrt>ett^ttfd)d)em Sluftritt (mit einer ^cifefarbeit befdjciftigt, fi^t auf bent Saugcnberg (ft^t neben it)r). g* llnb @te be^arren auf 31) re w 5Jf ein ? e. $d) be{)arre baranf. Smtgenlierrj, $8a$ aber f onnen @ie alien meinen t)ernitnf^ tigen rimben cntgcgcnfcfeen ? citet * (Shiftmen (burcl) bie 2Rittc). (dug). 8W), err oftor r @crr oltor ! Sangcnbcrg. 9Ba^ gibt e$ benn ? tt Slufftanb, (Smporung, fie bauen Sarrifaben ! 20 ) 33arrifaben ? ! n. 2ltte$ rennt unb (auf t ! U)ic SilrgerlDe^r f ommt jufammen, e^ ttrirb enerafmarfc^ gefrfjlagen, @ie fdnnen e$ ^ier ^inten nac^ bem arten ^erau ntd^t ^oren* Sangcttbcrg, eneralmarf d) ! 2)ann muj} id) fort ju nteiner 25 80 )ie gitgnerin (Sonftattae (ffngflUrfj). 9Kein ott, unb id) bteibe attetn in bicfer Sing ft! Sirb e3 benji niemats rnljig toerben? 3Senn bod) mein Sruber gurittf toare t>on feiner JReifc ! Sangenberg (nimmt fetnen ut, eilig uttb leife). @ie fefyen, ftrie 5ndttg Qfyntn etn mctnn(icf)er @(^u^ ift in biefer aufgeregten ^eit geben @ie nafy ! ( gernes Srommctn. ) (^uftdjcu (am genfter), err S)oltor, fjoren @ie r ba trommelt e imeber. fiangenberg* ^a, it^ ge^e ft^on! 23ertmmfd)te 3eit r IDO 10 man feinen 2lngenbIi(J fetner felbft err ift. deafen @ie it)ol)( r iDenn ic^ fann, fomme idf) not^ einen 2tugenbU(f tor nnb bringe ^^tten s JJad)rid)t (@ilig ab.) @ttft^en. )a$ nimmt an^ gar fein gnbe, ba cnjige ?ar^ men* >ie Sot^e brei-, t)termal eneralmar[rf) ift ba$ twcnigftc. is 3Jfan gett)of)nt ftd^ am Snbe baran. (Sonftattse* SBa^ f o(( nod^ baran^ lt)erben ! ? Qtf) Ijabe f itr bie grei^eit gef(^it)armt, l)abe fie mir fo fd)on gebad)t nnb je^t, tt)o ade SBett t)on grei^eit fpri^t, fommt man an$ 3lngft nnb @d)re(fen nid)t ^eran. 20 ^uftdjett* @ie mitffen and) ni^t jn fnrdjtfam fein r gran- fein, e^ ift Ja meift nnr bftnber gftrtn. Sin gaufen mnt^ iDttttger nben bringt bie gan^e @tabt anf bie -Seine ! om alfe bi ju ben giifcen, ein ammetfa^c^en ; @efirf)t olme S3art; furdjtfam unb gittcrnb)* bin nnfd)utbtg r iDei^ ott, ic^ bin ganj nn[rf)n(btg ! is @:0ttftanae. ^nt auf c finb 8eute r ic^ ruf e nm gttlf c* nad) ber Sitre.) S3arfe^ (immer berb, o^ne grob 311 jein, toertritt il)r ben Seg, f)alb bittenb), @ie iDerben bod) nidjt? @o netjmen @ie bocf) nunf t an ! 20 atmenbew (ift tjereingeftiegen, angftUdj). 3Serraten @ie bin ganj nnfc^nlbig, fie {jaben mid) gejtonngen id) [ieben Sinber jn au[c. ( immer cingftUdjer ). nftd)en ! nftdjen ! . , f o laffen @ie bod^ mit fid) reben ! 25 (Shtftrfjeu (fommt Don Unf). 2Ba$ gibt e^ benn ? Gmtftattse, nftc^en, jn mir, lontm f)er jn mir ! grembe Scanner, fie lommen bnrc^ ba$ genfter geftiegen* ^ufttf)ett )a tDotten tt)ir batb ^elfen, ba ganje au tt)irb eben mit SnrgertDe^r befe^t,, id) ^ole ii(fe, (Silt nat^ ber )ie gitgnerin 83 S* o fyoren @ie bod), ^ungfer, totr finb }a efyrlidje geute! ($attfte.) ^aljneubeitt (f(agttd)). runbeljrltd) ftnb ftrir, toenigftenS id), fitr bie anbern fann id) fret(td) ntd)t ftefyen, (erfdjeint im genfter ; er ift in fetner f leibnng). $ft ! ^ft! 5 5Wod^ meljr ? ( @rf cnnt i^n. ) 2U) ! ri^* 'imme( unb otle r i^o finb fair I)tngeraten! Ijerein.) n. 3la r ba^ tDtrb lufttg ! (cirtauf (Eonftanse 311). 2(dj, metn graitlem, ^atte tdjio ba^ a^nen lonnen tone fte^e tt^ bef^dmt Dor - iDerben mtr nte fcergetfyen, [S5acfe ftel)t an ber SJHttettiire, urn uftrf)en nid)t ^i unb l)ord)t gutucilen nad) braugen,] [^aljitcubcut ift aufgeftanben nnb ftel)t mil gefalteten anben fte^enb 15 gegen @onftan$en.] t)tnter Sonftan^en.] e, SJZetn err fo fpdt unb anf fo ungetooljn- It^em SBege nnb in biefer efe((fd)af t ? movty. g\vti 9Borte lofen Qfyntn ba^ 9tcitfef, bann 20 fpredjen ie ba^ llrteit itber mic^ trafbaren* 6^ gab einen ffeinen 2lnfftanb r \mv errtd)teten eine 33arrtfabe. ^aljncttbeut, Wflid) ^aben fie gejtDnngen! ^ott^, -3Ttf> e ff e tt> e^e fie fertig iDar, tnnrben ir>ir Don jtt)et @eiten angegriffen, bie meiften tiefen baDon r an ernftltdjen 25 SBiberftanb bad)te nientanb nnb fo i^nrben wiv Derfyaftet 9Jlan fit^rte nn^ nac^ bent efangni$, nntent)eg aber gefang e$ nn^ breien jn entfommen. 2Bir iDurbcn Derfolgt, gerieten in ein @eitengaj}d)en, in einer offenen artentitre ftanb ba ein 9)?ann nnb Ijordjte. liefer iDiirbige ^Jrotetarier (anf 23arfe so 84 )te gitgnerin pacfte ben 3ftann mit rafcfyem Grntfdjfnffe, jog ifyn anf bie traj^e, iinr fdjlitpften in ben arten nnb luarfen bie Satre Ijinter nn$ in ba @d)foj^ 3lttein \mv toaren nod) ntdjt geret* tet. 3)ie S3iirgertt)e^r umftettte ben arten nnb burd) ba^ 5ait fonnten tnir nidjt entfontmen, ba Me 3atre, bie aM bem arten in ba$ au^ fit^rte, t>erfd}foffen iDar nnb tt)ir fetnen Sarnt mat^en bnrften* Snb(id) erblidten ftrir ba^ 8i(^t in ^^ re ^ r 3' mmer un ^ m ^ il ^ e ^ e ^ 2BeingeIanber3 ftiegen iDir ^inanf, Dtelletdjt f)ier einen 9?ettnng^ti)eg gn finben, 10 ift ba gan^e Stbentener, SBarfe^, ^Jfa a(fo r $ un 9f er r ftob tt)ir feine pipnben ^aben e^rtic^er SBeife nnr ein bifkfyen Sarrifabcn gebant, ^aljuenbem, 3 a r wtb ntic^ ^aben fie ge^tDnngen {jeffen, ba ber f a^par -33ade^ am meiften, mi^ r einen 15 Hen&ater ton fieben Sinbern* Wlont}. Unb nnn tt)ir fcernrfadjen 3^nen llnrn^e toir berlaffen @ie. @uftt!)en (^ort^t tnit SBatfe^ an ber ^iire) @ti(f, i$) tjore (Stimmen im anfe ! 20 SBarfe^, etteljre ftampfen auf ben S3oben ! al)ttcttbem (jatnmcrnb), @ie fommen, fie mitffen tor eri^t, am gnbe gar in'3 n* @ie tierteilen bie SBa^en, r% @o bleibt nn6 nid)t$ itbrig ; nm feinen 25biirfen @ie betaftigt irerben ; t)onmrt^ r $ameraben, lt)ieber pm genfter ^inan^ ! e, giber im arten toerben @ie fidjer ergriffen* @ie folten feine ttnrnlje )te SUgnerin 85 e. 9Jid)t bod) bteiben ie - rty* SBte? @ie toottten nn$ retten? (gogernb). $3) ipottte tool)( gent, aber toie? dhtftdjen. urd)'$ an$ fonnen @ie' nicfyt mefyr* $arfe& o terfteden @te wt3 ! 5 |>al)ttcttbeuu 2(d) {a, Derfteden @ie un^, Giwftattae. S)a tDtrb ntrf)t ge^en, tneine 3^^ e ^ bteten feinen 33erfte(f ! 2Benn tnati [ie burdjfu^te nfa J)a^ iPtrb jebenfato geft^et)en, Unfere SSerfotger un$ gefe^en r fie tt)tf|en r ba^ ttnr im aufe ober imio arten fern tnitffen* @uftd)eu (ift an' genfter ge(aufen). S)er artetl tDtrb blird)- fud^t, Sitrger^e^r mtt Saternen ! e 9Kem ott, tt)a^ f angen tt)tr an ? euu Unb id) fotmne fo un[(f)ulbig in bie efcfjic^te! 15 rt^ 28enn ntan in ^^ r f 3' mmer fommt, be^anbeln ^re a(te ! c err(i^, f)err(id), ba ge^t! ie trinlen ee bei mir. uftd^en, raf(^, beforge afte^! (@ic^t 55acfe^ unb af)nenbeitt an.) $d aber 20 Wlovty. $3) fcerftelje, meine Sameraben fel)en nifyt barnadj au^ r nm an 3^^^- eetifd) s |5(a^ ne^nten 5n fdnnen, Sonnte man i^nen nnr anbere $teiber donftatt^e, X)a^ ge()t uftd)en fil^re. ben errn in ba$ S^e^ benjimmer, im (^ranfe fyangt nod) ein Slnjng meine^ 33rnber$. 25 SBntfc^. J)a^ toirb Inftig ! ^a, meinettnegen, !ommen @ie r ^nngfer ! (Sttl mtt uftdjen fort.) |>at|ttcttbcttt. 3lber toa tuirb benn mit mtr? Qfy in meiner Slrbeit^acEe ipaffe bo^ and) nic^t anf 3^r of a !? 86 )ie giignertn @ie nur mit, id) gebe Store'e Don be$ ^perrn 33ebienten, fie ift gcmj neu in @d)nitt nnb garbe, ^atjucHbeut (beteibigt). .^ebienter? 3la, fyore @te, 5fer, id) bin ein Seifenfieber, ^Bitrger unb gtorfe? 9?e! tt* SBoIIen @ie tieber fcerfyaf tet fein ? ettt* 23ert)af tet ? %le, ne, @ie ^aben re^t, fyer tnit ber 8it)i^e ! 10 [$arfe3, $al)ncntiettt f (^wftrfjett, tin! ab.] Slufttitt . 2)amt rt^ (tjeilegen). 3ftein grantein ! ). 3ftein err nil. 3)ie eicjentitmlidje 8age r in ber i(^ fcor e, ma(i)t mid) tiertegen, nnb bo^ bod^ fyabe ic^ $t)nen fo is t)iel jn fagen c. ^d) toeift nic^t rt^ (immcr uubefaugener). @eit fed^^ SBod)en r feit bem Slngenblicf, mo id) @ie jucrft am gcnftcr erbtidte, I)abe ic^ lei- nen ^ei^eren, leinen bringenberen Snnfd), af^ @ie gn jefjen, 20 @ie fpret^en jn f bnnen, nm $f)nen gu f agen e. @tit( t)oren @ie ni^t^ ? in bie[em Slngenblid e. @tit(, mein Uammermab^en lommt jnritd ! 25 [<$htftd)ett uon ttnf, ^at ben tfittet be ^3a(fe unb bte ci|ilrje a^nenbetn iiber bem iegiignerin 87 Gonftattae. 2BoI)in, uftdjen ? dhtftdjen* )ie beiben erren jiefyen fidj an, idj toitt biefen $itte( unb biefe @d)itr$e Derfteden, fie lonnten 25erbad)t er^ toedfen, toenn man fie fanbe. e, )a$ ift gut, bann bef orge aber ben ee ! 5 tt. 3m Slugenblicf ! (^d)t ab.) ri^. 3Kein grdnlein, tDOjn foil i(^ etne (ginleitnng ma^ fen ja bod), tt)a$ tc^ ^^ e ^ f a 9 e ^ modjte, @ie H)if= fen baft id) ie liebe. (fcerttrirrt, guriitf tDeifenb). err artmntl) ! 10 (immer fecfer). etjen @ie, @ie fennen meinen 5yta- men, ie fyaben nafy mir gefragt ; benn @ie l^aben e^ tt)ol)( bemerft, ba^ mir bet fd)bnfte ^(a^ in biefer @tabt mein gen- fter it)ar, au^ bent id) ie feljen, @ie beoba^ten fonnte. @ie ^aben e^ \wljl bemerft, toie id) in 3I) rem 3lnb(id fd)tt)elgte, 15 JDenn @ie ben -SShtmen an 3^ rem S e ^f^ er Staffer gaben, iDenn ie bent SanarienDogel itber bent Xift^e fein gutter reid)ten, li)enn ie I)inter ben Slumen ^alb tierfterft bei 3f)rer 2lrbeit faj^en nnb gntneiten 3^r fiebe^ ilopfd)en iuanbten, I)in- abjnfdjanen. 3)?ein Xag I)atte ja nnr gtoei 3 e ^ en r e ^ e fetige, 20 too id) ie fefyen fonnte, nnb eine traurige, too id) ^I)ren 2ln- bticf entbe^ren mu^te, Gottftaitse (ernft). 3)Zein err, biefe SSorte 9Wuri^ ie pitmen itber meine ^ed^eit? S)ie brcingen- ben Umftanbe mogen ntit^ entf d)nlbigen. eit SSot^en mate 25 idj mir im eifte ben 3lngenblicf an^, too i(^ enblid) ^or ^^nen fte^en toitrbe, feit $3orf)en bereite id) mic^ anf biefen 2(ngen^ blicf Dor nnb Je^t ba id^ reben moc^te, fel)(en mir bie SBorte. ift Dergeffen, toa^ id) ^tjnen fagen tooKte, ^y^r 88 )ie gitgnerin nung btenbet, fcertirirrt mid), id) fyabe nttr ba3 cine SBort : id) Hebe @ie. (0nftanse* 2lber, |)err artmut(), id) barf ba$ nid)t preri tion einem Sftanne, ber bei mir nid)t eingefiifyrt ift itnb bann, 5 toir I onnen jeben 2lngenbttcf iiberrafdjt toerben, Wl$nt$. 3ftag e, id) lann je^t nit^t fd)tt)eigen, Je^t mid) nid)t be^tDtngen* efegnet jet ba3 3lbenteuer r ba^ mid) ju ^^nen bringt ; tt)er toetj}, ob i(^ fo balb ba titcf ge^abt ijatte, bei ^nen eingefii^rt ^u lt>erben Siarum geben @ie tnir ^Be- iofd)eib r mit einem ein^igen Sortdjen nui\ @ie ^abett meine rite freunbli^ ernribert, id) bitbe mir eitt r bafs 3^ ^tfter 53U(f , n)enn ie an^ genfter traten r nad) bem meinigen gerid)- tet tpar, urn gu feljen, ob ic^ ba fei ^abe id) mid) getaufdjt? 53in id) 3I)^ e ^ 9^3 g(eid)git(tig ? @ie fennen meitten 91amen r 15 alf o I)aben @ie nad) mir gefragt, alfo fyaben @ie erf al)ren, ba^ ic^ in ben gimftigften 9SerI)aItniffen lebe ! SBenn id) Qfyntn nun meine Ijeifse 8iebe geftet)e, toenn id) nm (rtt)ibernng it)erben @ie mein SBerben t>erf{^ma^en ? e, 3Keinen @ic, man fbnnte fo im @tnrm ein erobern? 35a gel)t nid)t fo rafd), mein err ! . r), @ie fagen ni^t $Mn, ba^ ift mir fc^on genug, mefyr t)ertange id) in biefem 3lngenbli(fe nid)t. ^a, id) I)abe mid) nid)t getauft^t, biefe fyimmHfcfyen 3lngen lonnten nid)t titgen, ranfame$ 9Kdb(^en r nnb @ie lonnten mid) fo lange 25 f djmadjten (affen, auf feinen meiner SBrtef e eine IntiDort ? ! (erttjunbcrt). Sriefe ? 3fy re Srtcf c ? $n benen id) 3^ e ^ "^^ine ?iebe geftanb, ^J^nen erj unb anb anbot r @ie nm bie unft einer Unterrebung anffe^te - )ie gitgnertn 89 (im tybdjften taunen). ^d) fabe feme 33riefe erljaf ten 3ori* (aernmnbert). SWidjt? Qi) fyabe fie felbft bem ftefyer 31jre$ anfe$ iibergeben. @ie toqren atte nnt Qty trcucr SScrc^rcr ! 5 Gmtftanae. $d) Ijabe leinen erfyatten ^a foCtc mein SSormunb ? Wiorify (fcurig), @te ()aben meine 53riefe nic^t er^alten? Unb bo^ gtirncn @ie mir ntt^t, unb bod) betDtefen @ie mir t)orl)tn fo t)tet Xetlnaljme ? 8iebe^ 9J?ctbd)en r reid^en @te mir 10 bie ^)anb ! ^uttftau^c (ben gan^en ^luftrttt fyinburcf) immcr mtt l)a(bem O^r nad) ber 3Jlittcltiire (aujd}enb). $dj bitte @ie bringenb ie anb rei^eu @ie mir, bie anb, id) tDtll Ja Better in bicfcm 9tugenbti(fe. 15 retc^t i^m bie anb.] (fiigt fie feurig). gfhin tft aHe^ gut, id) ftc^e am meiner feurigften SBitnfd)e, G^onftanse (ernft). @ad)te, mein err, fo toett finb \mv nid)t. 3Kan rei^t bie ^)anb an^ einem gtei^giiltigen fd)en au^ oflid)teit @ie merben nm mein eq meinen @ie, it^ iDerbe meine 8iebe einem fo nngeftitmen, toHfii^nen Sftenf ($en f c^enlen ? tt^. Ungeftitm ? ^d) bin e3 ja nnr au Siebe filr @ie. c, @ie Gotten mit^ ni^t t)erfte^en. 3lnf toeldje Slrt 25 fommen @ie j;et ju mir? Sie fte^en @ie t)or mir ? 311^ ein 33erbred)er, ben bie eret^tigfeit fcerfolgt! tlnb in metier efe((fd)aft bringen @ie in mein Qimmw, toetdjen SSerlegen- fjeiten fe^en @ie midj au ? ! 90 J)ie 8itgnerin rit}. J)a$ Se^te ift atterbingS ein SSerbredjen, em un- eS fonft fenne id) feineS ! (Sottftan^e* 2Bie ? te fyaben fid) an einem offenen Sluf * rnfyr beteitigt, fyaben mit 33arrifaben gebant ? WtovHt (mmiter). Slcf), ber Scirm it?ar ni^t fo ernft(id) ; e$ mar etne Xott^cit, ein SRutttritte, fonft nidjt^. Sir U)ol(ten bie itrgeni)e^r ein n)enig neden, (Sonftanse* ilnb biefer SJiutlDttte bringt bie ganje @tabt in Slufregung, [e^t t)tete granen in Sing ft, bie i^re 3)Mnner ben ammefplat^en eifen fe^en, biefer SKuttoritte lontmt nor bent 9ti(^ter tener p fte^en. rt^. @ie Ijaben re^t ! @d)etten @ie r tenre^ SDMbdjcn, fc^etten @ie, id) ^ore e^ gern. or bent @ofa.] (lad^enb). SBnrbtger ^rofetarter, @te fe^en prad^ttg 33alb mirb btc"3cit fommen, too @ie in biefem 3lnjnge an -^^re Slrbeit gefjen toerben, is $arfe3 (ftel)t in ber 9JUtte). S^a, in ber Qade fonnte i(^ bie 3lrme nidjt betoegen mein Stttct ift bo^ beqnemer. ri^ Unb tote fein @ie Qfytn Sart gcftufet ^aben, fanb ba ein 9faftrmeffer, nnb ba id) badf)te mein Sart Idnnte mi(^ t>erraten, ^abe id) mir ein gef^nitten* ^ 9lber toen ftcCc id^ benn nnn dor ? SBenn toir ge- fragt toerben, toa^ foil id) benn fagen ? ^ 33(% baran ^abe id) nod) nidjt gebacfyt 9)?an lt)trb 25 nid^t diet fragen, aber @ie toerben bod) einige 2lnttoort geben mitffen. 94 >te giignertn (tmmer angftUcf)er), - tlnb Me- Me bie breite 2ln3fpradje MefeS germ toirb ifyn tterraten. $lorile$, fontteraneS S3otf3mitglieb, tiermogen @ie nid)t etttw3 ocl)bentfd) gn fpre'djen. 5 arfc& 9?e, anber^ fann id) nidjt reben, f o Ijabe id) e^ Don metner Gutter geternt, c. 3>3 Derrat aHe^ ! ! iefer Stnjug - rt^, Unb biefe SKunbart, ba^ pafct nid)t 5u[ r 3 ! @ie mitffen gar nid)t reben, io9JJitg(ieb ber tnenfdjficfyen @efe(([d)aft r \mv geben @ie fiir einen gngfanber au^, ber nidjt !Deut[d) terfte()t ! S3nrfe^ ar nid)t reben? !Da iDerbe ify fcfyon fonnen, ba^ ift mir redjt Wlovi^ @e^en ie fid) an ben ifd), trinlen @ie Zee ir>nnb effen ie nd)en, Sarfc^, ^nd)en effen ? )a$ lt)erbe id) and) leiften fbnnen, ba$ ift mir nod) tnefyr red)t, (@efet fid) bent @ofa gegcniibcr.) 3)Zort^ SSknn @ie jemanb fragt, fo antuwrten @ie no ober yes, 9?ein ober Qa. 20 arfc. 2Bte ? rt^. ISTo ober yes. nt, yo nnb nes ! tifyt bo(^, no nnb yes ! ^ 2lf)a, no nnb yes, 25 $lor% er anptmann tr>irb I)offent(id) ni^t ngtifc^ t)erfte^en, tt)ir miiffen e^ baranf magen. SBa^ mid) betrifft, id) bin erft feit fed)3 SBodjen I)ier, bin toenig an^gegangen (gortiirf)). @ie iDiffen, \m% mid) jn anfe ^iett mid) fennt niemanb* )ie Sitgnerin 95 , 2ld) ott, mir toirb gang angftttdj gu 2Jhtte. ie angftigen fid) ? 9Jafdj, nod) fonnen toir bnrd) genfter in ben arten ! 9tein, netn, aitf feinen gall! (gartlid)). o faff en ie SKut ! 5 (fommt con linf ; er ift in moberner it>ree, mit l)ol)eu SSatcrmbrbern fud)t er few <$efid)t 511 tjerbergcn), @o, ba bin id) 2lber bie Steiber britden mid) in alien 9?al)ten. n. @nt, fommen <2ie, err tote fyeij^en @ie benn? 10 $al>ncnbeitu af)nenbein. 3d) 6in ber Sitrger nnb et^ fenfieber a^nenbein r gamittentiater iu 2Son fieben ^inbern, id) toeip e^ ft^on* 3l(fo al)nenbein, Ijelfen @ie mir' bie errfd)aften beim Jee bebienen* 15 al)nettbetn (beleibigt). Sebienen? ^e, ba$ ift gegen ntetne SBitrbe al$ Setfenfteber. Unb ber Sa^par 33acfe$ foil am Jifc^e fi^en nnb errfd)aft fpielen, toal)venb id) bie affen an^fpitle ? s JJe, ba3 ift offenbare llngered)tigfett, fy. 9la, toollen ie lieber eingeftecft fein? 20 9?e, err, ie toiffen ja am beften, ba^ id) gang unfdjulbig bin, ba^ @ie mid) gcgtoungcn l)aben, ^Barfe^ (auffte^enb, brof)enb) T)onnertoetter, macfjt nit^t fo t)iele giffematenten, ober i(^ fomme ilber ^alittcttbettt (er(cf)vocfen). 9^a, ftifl nnr, 33acfe3, ftill nnr! 25 t}. o tnn @ie r toa .^^nen gefagt toirb. Q$) toill alle^ tnn* (t(ft uftt^en toafyrenb ber fotgeuben ^itftrttte.) c, 2lflein, toir finb ja nod) gar nidjt einig, 96 )ie giignerin ttrir fagen tootten ; ttrir miiffen bod) itbereinftimmen, miiffen un$ bocf) fcerabreben. m tilf, fie fontmen! nt}. & ift gu fpat gaffen @te 9ftut, e$ n)trb nt^t s t)tet gefragt luerben* 2Btr fagen, tt)a^ ber 2lugenbIi(J wt$ ein- gtbt, (Sii^rt fie gum @ofa uub je^t ficl) neben fte Ijinter ben Xifd^O fid) auf @ofa), $d) t)ergel)e Dor Slngft [@ tt)irb geftopft] 10 eonftanae. erem ! SBiirgerttJe^^att^tmann (in Uniform). fie^t t)or ber iire etnige 53iirgertt)el)rmdnner.) n* @te entf (^ulbtgen, metn grdutein, baft id) @ie klaftige. te r err aupttnann, id) bin auf $1)^ t)orbereitet. nftc^en, tenc^te bem @errn r baft er bie 15 anftoftenben ^tomer nad)fe^en lann. uftd)eu (ntmmt bag ?t(^t nnb offnet Unfg). ier, err aupt^ mann. ^au^tmamt (geljt ^in nnb fiefyt in bafi 3^^ er ) ie ift tlie- manb! 20 aottftattae* 2Iu(^ ba^ anbere 3i mmer to^tbcn @ie leer finben. (cnt^tet in ba 3^^^ red^t.] (ftetjt tjinein). 2lixd) ^ier ift niemanb, igt nnb trinft tii^tig.] 25 [^atyttenbeitt bebient nnb ift fefyr dngfttt^.] rt^ fpri^t (^onftanaen leife an.] ie 8iignertn 97 ). @te fefyen, err auptmann, bie folgten finb nicfyt ju mir geflitrfjtet ^aujrtmaniu $d) fef)e. @ie miiffen mid) entfdjulbigen, id) tat meine ^flidjt (ottftanse ((teben^ttjiirbig), @ie bebilrfen fetner (Sntf(^utbi=5 gung, ^au^Jtmatttt (53a(fe^ unb 9)^ort^ ing s luge faffcnb), onberbar, au^ unb arten finb forgfalttg umfteHt, e^ ift nnbegretfltci), mie fie entlommen fein lonnten unb bod^ ift im ganjen aufe feine pur Don ifynen ju ftnben* 10 ^t itber ba )acl) ? tt. a^ au$ fte^t frei unb fto^t an fein aben @ie f^o m ^fyre f gte^ e ^ (tab bie (e^ten, bie idf) (mtftattse* llnb aut^ ^ier fucfyen @ie $au^tmatttt* Sftein grdufein, meine ^flidjt ^eif^t nod) eine grage. euttftanac, Unb bie ift ? 20 $attj>tmattit. Qd) leugne e^ nic^t, baft e$ mi^ einigerma^en itberraf^t, bei 3^nen efefff^aft ju finben. dmtftanse. 9}Jein @ott, i^ toerbe bot^ ba^ Dted^t ^aben, jemanben sum Jee bei mir ju fe^en? t* llns toeif el^af t, 25 c. 98a3 finben @ie 3luffaffenbe^ an meiner efett- fdjaft? ^. Qn ber !at r ba^ ift ein menig fonberbar. tt. 2ftein grciulein, id) bin ein Dertrauter greunb 98 )te ?itgnertn 2?ormnnbe3 wtb !enne Qlju SSerljaltntffe nan. 3>mnad) toeift id), ba @ie in Slbtoefenfyett $l)re$ errn 33rnber$ niema(3 @efettfd)aft bet fid) fyaben. @ie toerben mir alfo ertanben, baft id) bnrd) bte 3lnli)e[enl)eit bte[er erren 5 imrfli^ ettoaS itberraf^t bin* 3 u ^ em I a 9 te m * r ^^te au^lDtrtin r bte id) bat, @te aitf memen beretten, e^ totire etn junger 3Jfann bet -3^ e ^ ^^b je^t finbe id) stoet errett ^ter, ^ottftansc* 3l(^ grait retner bet mtr luar, befanb ftcf) lobtefer err itn 3mmur metne^ 53ruber^, urn nad)jufel)en, toa$ auf ber tra^e Dorgtnge. auptmon t^rem S3rnber an Sonbon gebradjt nnb ber jtoette err btent i^m jnm gittjrer. Unb biefer Wiener? tt* 3ft {a be^ grcintein^ )tener, lt)ie fie fagt. Sangenlicrg. @ett mann fjaben @ie benn einen T)iener, ton 20 bem id) ni(^t^ tDet ? auptmatttt (argtuo^nifd)). @te n?tffen nt(^t baton? Sangcuberg. ein SBort. Sonftan^e fyat nie einen J)tener ge^abt. 9Sol)l i^r Srnber, attein ber Ijat ben feintgen mtt na^ Gmgfanb genommen. 25 ^au^tmann* 2Bte tft ba^, metn granfetn ? Ctonftanse (fid) aufamtncnne^menb). ier ^errfc^t etn 3Kt^t>er* ftanbnfe. )a tft ber Wiener be^ SKiftcr teffenfon, ber meinem ^ammermab^en ettt)a jnr anb ge^t* u @ie fagten aber bo(^ r e$ fei ber - )te Sitgnertn 101 e* TOdjt bod) ; @ie fragten : tft ba$ ein )tener unb id) anttoortete : ^ a * * Qd) fragte au^brittflidf), ob ba $l)r )tener e* @o Ijabe id) ie f alf d) toevftanben. 5 t* SKein grditlein, ba^ tft boi^ fonberbar. Qfy ntrf)t ^offen, baft @ie au^ itbel angebradjter utmuttgtett irf) mu boc^ biefe erren bitten, fid) tt\i)a^ ngi^et au^u* toeifen. (3 U 35atfco ^iJnnetj'^Sip ba^? , , ,, N , > > )* No, no!' i - 10 err t?erfte^t @ie nid)t, (Icifc au ^angenberg), tonnen @ie ntcf)t nglif^? Sangenberg (Icifc). ^ein SBort ^au^tmatttt (teife). J)a^ tft buttlttL Sanoenbcrg (leife). ^d) fjabe e^ einmaf ternen follen, at(emi5 id) {)telt e^ fitr uberflitffig* 33ertDunf^t, je^t fdnnte man e$ brant^en. (laut). )er err retft bod^ fitter ntdjt o^ne (fodjenb). $3) ^fufd^c jtuar ber ^olisei tn^ merf, ttenn t(^ na^ bem ^affe frage, attein id) ntn^ toofyl ettt)a^ ^etf en* (3 S5adfc0 Have you a passport, Sir ? States* Yes, yes. eottftansc, 3)er err ^at feine $aptere tm aft^ofe, od^ mtr fatft eben ein, id) ^abe ja ben 53rief ^ter, ben mir SKtfter 25 teffenfon Don metnem Sruber nberbrad^t ^at, Dtelfei^t fcmn ber jnnt 53ett)eife bienen, (nimmt ben 33rtef tom 2lrbett8ttfdje). @ter tft et. 102 )te Sitgnerin (beftefjt U)ti, 511 gangenberg). )er 33nef tft of)ne ^oftftempel ; fjter ftefyt : bnrd) tite, er tft alfo offenbar itber- bradjt toorben. Sattgettberg (feife). @$ fann aud) ein alter $rief fehu 5 $aifytmattm 2Jfem grautem, barf id) ba^ Saturn nad)^ fel)en? ^onftan^e. @te geljen fefyr genait jit SBerfe inbeffen, um tnetnen @aft tor l!n^:uel;nin^leiten 311 f^ut^en ber 33rtef entl)(tft feme @el)eimraffe r fel^n @ie nadj. 10 ^au^tmauu (bffuet beivSrief). Sonbon, ben t)terten, (fyalb fiir m) ()eitte tft ber fe^fte, ber Srtef tft alfo pt^ neu. (3u eon- flatten.) ^ommt ber err gerabe ait^ Bonbon? ^onftrtttse. (gr ift ofyne Unterbred)ttng geretft unb fyeute mittag ^ter angefomtnen. is ^aitytmamu @d)iJn, btefer Srtef genitgt mtr DoHfomtnen jum 2lu^tt)et^ fiir btefen errn. Unb bann ttrirb e ja mtt errn ^einric^ eter auc^ feme 9?tcf)ttgfeit ^afien* Saugeuberg. emrt^ 35eter ? SBer tft einrtd) 33eter ? 20 Saugenberg. er ? )a tft {a err ber @o^n be$ ret^en ut^befifeer^ ! (fftr fic^). ^e^t tft e^ au^ ! 3Bte tft ba^? Sin fatfd)er 5Rame? griiuletn, ^^ re 23er(egenl)ett, bte @ie I)tnter 2ad)en jn t)cr*- 25 bergen fnt^ten, tft mtr g(eid) anfgefatten, fe^t ertappe icf) @te anf etner Unttmtjrfyett ! 9Ba f ot( id) bat)on benlen ? riicft feinett @effe( ^um ^ntfpringen.] (faftet bittenb bie cinbe unb ttnE fnieen). $&) bin ganj [(^uftdjen l)att it)m rafd) ben )te ^itfluerttt 103 (in lifter $erTe0enljeit). 3fdf) foetfe ttidjt (nutnter). afteitt granlein, Ijter Ijilf t nun fetn Sengnen tnefyr, fagen ie Me 2Baf)rf)eit (Sonftanse. )ie Safjrljett ? ie meinen $hn% 33erborgen fann e$ bod) nidjt bletben, erffaren @te5 ben erren in metdjem aSerfjattniffe imr [te{)en Saugenberg* 23erf)altntffe ? @te ftetjen in einem 23erl)d(t^ niffc ! ^au^tmattu, Unb in ^etdjem ? ^ golbc @d)am! 2Bie [d)li)er ba^ SSort iiber i^reio ge()t! Qdj bin c iefer err ift c. 3)Wn SSertobter, (j^reienb). 25erlobter ! (Sonftanje, it>a^ ntn^ id) is I)bren ! 3)lort^ (ift fd)on friiljer aufgeftaitben, reid)t jet Sonftanjen tie aitb imb fiifyrt fie Ijinter bent 3:ifdjc Dor). Unb ntit biefer SrKanwg inerben fi(^ at(e 9)?i^t>erftdnbniffe (ijfen. (3mmer launig.) Un- fer l$erf)d(tni Ijat fid) ol)ne SBiffen be3 errn 3?ormnnb^, 20 tie((ei(^t and) ettoa$ gegen [einen SBitten gemad)t nnb fottte ein e^eimni^ bleiben bi$ jnr 3 ur ^^^ un f^ ^ e ^ -St^nber^ meiner 53rant. at)er lt)ar fie Dertegen, a(^ @ie mid) I)ier fanben, barnnt legte fie mir einen falfd)en s JJanten bei, 2l( ber 8arm anf ber tra^e begann, eilte it^ I)ier^er, nm tneine 25 ^3rant notigenfate nit^t oljne t^n^ p (affen. 3Kifter tef^ fenfon lam beinafje gleid)^eitig mit mir nnb jtoar fe^r getegen, benn (Sonftan^e fonnte nn jufammen pm Xee be^alten, id) alfein ber c^idU^feit fjatber nicfyt f)atte bableiben 104 )te gitgnerin burfen* en errn SSormunb gfaubten ftrir aitf ber SBadje feft gefyalten unb furcfjteten nid)t, t>on ifym itberraf^t p toer- ben, -3d) *)ff e r i e fe* ift 3f)tten fc e $ grauteins 33er(egenljeit unb ifjre Heine 9tot(iige erlfarltd), 5 ^au^tmamt, SSoIIfommen, Q&) bin 3^ ne ^ ^^^ f^^ 3^ lange (dftig ge^efen, mein griinlein, ne^men @ie meinen beften IMttmnfcf) unb fctjtafen ie U)oI)L (SWit rug gegen Me iibrigen ab.) [@ttft(^ctt (eit^tet i^m I)tnau unb lommt utc^t ti)ieber.] 10 Sangettlierg, 3lber r Sonftanje, tt)a^ foil id) bat^on benfen? 35a^ ift ja gar nid)t ntoglid), fo rafc^ fnitpft man bo^ berartige 3SerI)iiItnif[e ntc^t ! eottftattsc (fdjefatifd)). D r ba ift au^ nirfjt fo rafd) ge^ gangen, err SSormunb ; @ie ftwren bo^ U)irf(i(^ auf ber is recfyten @))ur r afe @tc Dorfyin auf errn artmut^ anfpielten, Sangettlierg Qu Sonftauae). Slber geftern fatten @ie bod) ben errn not^ nit^t einmaf gefpro^en, (511 9ftori) @ie baten {a fo ftefyentlicl) urn eine llnterrebung, um eine 2lnt= n)ort nur? 20 $lort^ &, tpo^er ttriffen @ie benn ba^ ? dottftanse. (Si ei, err 23ormunb, ^aben @ie t)iel(ei^t bie 33riefe biefe^ errn getefen ? *}. 3Son benen feiner an ba$ grixulein gefangte ? e. ie @ie atf o unterf djlagen ^aben miiffen ? 25 Sangenberg (befdjamt, iuci6 P^ iW)t me^r au ^e(feu). 2lngene^me c. ott f ei )anf , itf) atnte iDtcbcr auf* ftel)t auf), Slber Sonnermetter, graulein, tt)a^ fonnen @ie prixt^tig titgen* ie Sitgnerin 105 al)ttenbew (fommt sot), 2Bie gebrnrft ! 2W), id) Ijabe 3> beSangft anSgeftanben. [@teUung : (Eonftan^e, 2ftori, 23a(fe3, af)nenbein.] (Sottftanse. $d) f d)ame midj Dor mir fetbft ! o triefe Un* nmfyrfyeiten ju fagen ! 5 8to>ri$. 3l(^ Ja r @te !)aben re^t, fo t)te(e Unttmf)r()etten mttrbcn ^^r ctt)tffen 311 fdjtoer brudtcn, erne tocniflftcn^ mu^ gu einer SBa^r^ett tDerben, (alb bittenb, ^alb fragenb.) geine tjolbe Sraut? 9Bcin err 1 10 nt}. SBoHten @ie ^f)t 3Bort jurucfnefimen ? (Stttenb.) D nein, @te tun e^ nt(^t donftattsc (f^moHcnb). Scum id^' benn na^ mcincr dffent* lichen Srf larung ? 9)hmom bfanen imme( toefyt, )ie 9ftl)rte [till nnb fyod) ber gorbccr ftefyt, $ennft bu e$ tool)!? )af)in ! afyin 5 3ftod)f id) mit bit, o tnein eUebter, tennft bu ba au^ ? 9luf auten rul)t fetn S^ glan^t ber @aat, e^ fc^tmmert ba^ etnad), Unb 3)?armorbitber ftel)n unb fefytt mid) an: SBa^ ^at man Mr, bn arme^ Stnb, getan? 10 Sennft bn e it>ol)l ? 9Kocf)f id) mit bir, o mein ^3efd)ni^er r fennft bn ben 33erg nnb [einen Sollenfteg? a$ SDJanltier fnd)t im 9^ebe( feinen 9Beg; ^ SI|Ien U)ol)nt ber ra^en alte ^rnt; @3 fturgt ber gcte. nnb itber il)n bie glut; ^ennft bn iljn ii)ol)I? el)t nnfer 2Beg ! o 23ater, Ia oetfye* 20 SSor feinem Somengarten r ^ampffpiel jn ennarten, Unb um it)n bie ro^en ber Unb ring auf fyofyem alfone 25 ie amen in fdjtinem @ebid)te 111 Unb toie er toinft mit betn ginger, 3luftut fief) ber toette finger, Unb fyinein mtt bebcidjtigem cfyritt gin Sott)e tritt Unb fiefyt fid) ftumm lancjent Unb fd^ttttclt bie 2Ktil)nen Unb ftrcdt bie Ueber Unb legt fic^ niebei\ 10 Unb ber $onig tt)inft S)a offnet firf) (in gtoeite rennt urilbem prnnge 15 Jiger fyerdor, SBie ber ben ?dit)en erfdjant, Sriittt er (ant, @(^(cigt mit bent c^iDeif (Sinen fnrd)tbaren 5Keif 20 Unb retfet bie 3 un 9 e / Unb tm S'reife fc^en Untgefyt er ben ?en rtntnttg f cijnnrrenb ; ranf ftrerft er fid) tmxrrenb 25 ,3nr @eite nieber, Unb ber Sonig tt)inft ttrieber, ^Da fpeit ba^ boppelt geoffnete 112 @ebid)te Qtoti Seoparben auf einmal an$, ie fturjen mit mntiger $atnpfbegier 2lnf ba3 igertier; )a$ pacft fie mit feinen grimmigen Unb ber Sen mit ebriill 9tid)tet fid) auf, ba totrb^ ftttt; llnb fyerum im Srei^, 2Son 2Worbfu^t Ijetfe, ?agern bie greulit^en 10 a fftttt t)oti be in anbfd^u^ Don ftf)oner anb ben 5tiger nnb ben Seun llnb jn ^Jitter elorge^, fpottenbertDeif, 15 SBenbet fid^ grdutein Sunigunb': ,,err fitter, ift (gnre ?ieb ; fo ^ei^ r 2Bie ^^r mir'^ fdjtodrt jn Jeber @tunb' r &, fo fyebt mir ben @anbft^n^ anf!" llnb ber 9titter in frfjneHem 8auf 20 teigt ^inab in ben fnrdjtbaren 3 tt) ^9 er 9)?it feftem t^ritte, Unb an^ ber Ungefyener TOitte er ben Danbfcfjnf) mit lecfem finger* Unb mit (Srftaunen nnb mit ranen 25 efyen'S bie fitter unb (Sbelfranen, Unb gelaffen bringt er ben ^mnbfcfynl) S)a f^atlt iljm fein Sob an^ jebem 2)?nnbe, ebicfjte 113 Slber mit gartHdjem iebe$bHar ein ftotjer ing t)on be^ SSaterS -93nrg SBoftf raften tttdjt in 9Sater^ 20 SBottf tt)anbern in af(e 9BeIt ebicJjte 121 33egegnef it)tn maud) Slitter toert 3Kit feftem @d)ifb unb breitem @d)toert iegfrieb nur emeu tedett trug; tuar U)m bitter unb (eib genug. Unb a(S er ging im finftern 2Ba(b, s Sam er jn einer @cf)miebe batb. J)a fal) er Sifen unb @ta^I genug; (Sin luftig geuer glammen fd)Iug. ,,O 3)leifter r (iebfter 3Keifter mein, 8a bu mi^ beinen efeffen fein 10 llnb (e^r ; bu mid) mit gfeift unb 2ld)t, SBie man bie guten djtoerter (Siegfrieb ben @ammer tool)! fcfytoingen !unnt' f @r fcf)(ug ben 2lmbo in ben runb; (r f^fug, ba toeit ber SJBatb erffang is Unb atte^ gifen in titcfe fprang* Unb Don ber fe^ten gifenftang' f er ein cfjtoert fo breit unb fang: aV id) gefd)miebet ein gute^ bin id) toie anbre fitter toert; 20 fc^Iag^ idf) ttrie ein anbrer elb 5tiefen unb Sra^en in SBatb unb gelb." Utjlanb. 122 ebid)te am ,,aft bit ba3 @d)(oJ3 gefeljen, a$ fyofye @d)loJ3 am 3fteer? olben unb rofig toefyen Die SBoIfen britber f)er. g$ mdc^te fit^ niebernetgen .^n bte fptegetftare glut, g tnb(f)te ftrebett unb fteigcn Qn ber 10 a^ ^otje @djlofe am 3Wecr, Unb ben SKonb barilber ftef)en r Unb 57ebe( toett ff !Dcr SBtnb unb be aben fie f rtf d&en Sfang ? 15 Serna^mft bu au^ ben fatten @atten unb geftgefang ?" ,,!Dte 9Btnbe, bte SBogen at(e ?agen in tiefer SRul)' ; inem ^(agelieb au ber 20 ^ r ^ 7 ^ rott 3:ranen gu. bu oben ge^en en Sonig unb fein 35er roten ajfcinte 35er golb'nen kronen @tra()(? ebid)te gityrten fie tucfjt mit 3Bonne (Sine fdjone ^nngfran bar, errlid) toie eine onne @traf)(enb im golbenen "SBoljl fal) id) bie tern beibe DI)ne ber kronen id)t, Xrauerfleibe ; fat) id) nid)t.^ Utylanb. Hnben 8itfte finb @ie faufetn unb tteben 5tag itnb 9^ad)t r 10 @ie fdjaffen att atten (gnben* O frifc^er uft, o neuer Iang! , artne^ ^erje, fei nicfyt bang ! u^ fid) afte$, atle^ tt)enben SBeft ir>irb fd)oner mit jebent ag, 15 ei^ nic^t, toa$ nod) n^erben mag, 3UtI)en will nid)t enben. blitf)t ba fernfte, tieffte Jaf : rme^ &tv$, t?ergi ber Qnat ! 9inn mn^ fid) alfeS, alte^ tDenben* 20 Ufylanb. SKorgenrot, TOorgenrot ! 8eud)teft mir sum frit^en ob? tnirb bie Jrompete blafen, 124 ebidjte )cmn tnnft ici) mem 8eben (affen, Qdj unb manner $amerab! gebadjt, laum gebadjt, SBarb ber 8nft ein @nb' gemadjt! eftern nod) aitf ftol^en 9Joffen r eute bitrd) bie.33ruft gefc^offen, in ba^ fufyte rab ! ^ r tt)ie ba(b, bot^, wit balb, SBetfct @rf)ijnl)eit unb eftatt! 10 ^5ral){ft bn g(etd) mit betnen SSangen, 3KiI(^ nnb ^nrpur prangen : rf) r bte 9Jofen toetfen atf! Sarnm fttH, barnm [tiff, mt^, tt)te ott e^ tt)ttL ^nn [o wili ttf) ta|3fer ftreiten, llnb follf t(^ ben 3^ob erleiben, ttrbt ein braDer 9?eiter^mann ! ^ad)t fan! anf ber 9lfyen )a 5og bnrtf)^ 5)orf ein 20 t)er trng ein banner in ber 9lnf bent ber frembe SKatfprnd) ftanb: ycetfior! feine tirn'; fein Sing' ein n^ ber @c^eibe fa^rt; ebi^te 125 933te Hingenb (Srj melobifd) tief er timme on, ntit ber er rief: (Sycetfior ! in ben ftitten utten gtotntn er (Scfyein be$ erbe$, trcmt nnb frontm; efpenftifdd redten fi(^ im Die fetfdjer bod) er feufjte (Sjceffior ! alte orfner fpra^ : f ,D Ia ! unb gefd^rti^ ift ber ^aft! 10 bro^t ber (Sturm, ber iepacl) Slfe 2lntJi)ort Hang e3, tief nnb Doll: ycelftor ! : ,,23leib', ntitber aft! ^n meinen Slrmen ^alte 9?aft!" 15 @ein b(ane$ 3lnge ftra^Ite fenc^t; oc^ ftrieber fang er, nngebengt: (Sycelfior ! ,,2Bei(f)' an^ ber bitrren Prefer gatt! gfte^ ber 8att)tne jorn'gen SaB! JJ 20 tear be$ . 8cmbmcmn$ fe^te^ SBort; in ben 33ergen Hang e^ fort: , al^ jnm errn nm anft 33ernf)arb3 SrUberfd^aft, 25 126 ebid)te )a conte, toie an$ tiefer rnft, Grin fthtfen bnrcf) Me bange 8nft: (Sjcelfior ! Unb, fpnrenb, nnterm @d)nee jnr @tnnb' ganb einen 28anber3mann ber unb; I)telt er in ber eif'geti anb ^Banner, brauf ber SBatf^rud) ftanb: gycetfior! Sort, in be^ 3tt)ielid)t$ faltent 10 Sort lag er, IeMo$, aber fc^dn; erab tiom imme(, Har unb fern, eine timme, \me ein tern: ycetfior ! 5. ortgfefloit), iiberfe^t t er 3^ag ift fait nnb triib nnb traurig; 15 g^ regnet, nnb ber SJinb twe^t f^anrig; fjiilt fit^ bie 9teb ? an bie 9Kaner mit 9?ot, am 33oben fc^on liegen bie flatter tot, Unb ber !Jag ift tritb nnb tranrig* 3J?ein Seben ift fait nnb tritb nnb tranrig; 20 regnet, nnb ber SBinb U)e^t fc^anrig ; s JJorf) ^alt fic^ mein eift an ber geit bie geflol)n, bie Xrannte ber 3^9^^ bifyt fatten fie fc^on, llnb bie Jage finb tritb nnb tranrig. ebidjte 127 ei ftilf, mein erj, itnb (aft bein Siunmern; 3Bo(fen ftel) bie onne fdjimmern; bu atteitt fennft ber grbe }ual, )nrcf) JebeS 8eben branft tnrm einmat: ^er ag mu^ tritb fein unb trcmrig ! ^>enr^ 2S Songfefloto, iiberjc^t t^on ^ c r b i u a n t> ^ r e i 1 1 g r a 1 fy, t()r mid) titelleic^t, ton iDannen btefe 5Duftc fie b 9Sot( t)om unft unb au ber SBtefen, 2?o(( tom fteigcnben 9?aud) ber aBtgmam^, 10 2SoI( t)om 9?aufc^en grower trome, 3?o(( Don fteter SKteberljofung, 23ott t)on iDttbem al( nnb 9?itou $erbtnanb unb jadjt, fad^te SBinb bit com toeftftd&cn 3Keer; 10 @ac^t, facfyt, mifprc unb tDef)' r SBinb bu tom ineftlid)en 3)feer! Uber bte roffenben Saffer ge^, Uomm bom finfcnbcn 2)?onb r unb tre^, 2BeIj' t^n tDieber mir ^er: 15 mein ^otbefte^, nun mein eqen3finb f^Iaft! af unb rulj', f^Iafe bu feft, 23ater ja lommt ju bir balb ; geft, feft, an^ erg mir gepreftt, 3Sater ja lommt ju bir balb ; 20 3Sater lommt fu^en fein Sitbd^en im 9Jeft; llnter bem fUbernen Sftonb au^ SBeft ilber fegeft unb toaftt: @(^Iaf ? r mein I)olbefte^ r fd)(afY mein erjen^linb r fd^Iaf! 25 2Ufreb ^enn^fon, iibcrfe^t i?on ^erbinanb 130 ebirfjte ftctbcnbc 8anb toar graSbebecft unb bloft, 2Beit, tottb, unb off en rings bent tofc )er 8uft, bie tootbenb e3 umflojs Sftit einem )acf) Don bilfterm ran* )er breite Strom U)ar gelb Don d^Iamm; (Sin rf)it)att anf t^m ^ernteberf^twimm 5DZtt lantern $tagelteb. XageS SJitttc iDar'S genan, SBtnb nmftrtd) ber Grrfen tamm, 10 Unb rt bie pitmen ab tom 9tteb gem I)ob fief) Maner ipfel 51)'; Slnt fatten imnte( bli^te toeift 9tnf il)rent anpt ber cfynee. Gine SBeibe bog fid) am eftab, 15 Unb tranf bie glut unb feufjte lei^, 3m SBinbe fang bie (grfjtDatbe, @ici) fetber {agenb I)er unb fyin, Unb burtf) bas 3}?oorfanb r ftilf unb gritn, 53ejei(^net ioarb ber 9?innen ^fab 20 S)urc^ 33lafen, rote, f(^il(ernbe r fatbe* ?ieb ergrtff mit 8uft ber 28itftenei 3tt 8uft unb SBeI)\ ^nerft erfc^oll 35a$ SBirbetn tief unb flar unb Dott ; 25 S)ann toar eS nur ein matter @d)rei, er auS ber tobgen)ei()ten Srttft 9Jfit leifem c^merse quotl, ebtdjte 131 )od) bann anfs nene, ntcidjttg unb brett, 23alb em Steb ba iaudjjt, balb em 8ieb ba$ grollt, 3fttt lufynen Stangen fam e3 geroHt, 9Bte tuenn etn md(J)ttg 33olf fid) freut 9JJtt Sl)mbe(n, (S^almefn unb arfen t)on olb, 5 Unb I)tnan3ftrontt ben $v&d, ben e$ jofft, 35urc^ bte offenen Store ber @anptftabt fern em irten, ber anf^aut ben 3lbenbftern Unb ba3 frtec^enbe 5Koo nnb ba$ ranfige 3Koor r Unb ba^ SBeibengejtDetge, Dom @trom befpiitt, 10 Unb ba$ fd)tt)e(Ienbe r fenfjenbe, flitfternbe 3?ot)r, Unb ba^ ^attenbe Ufer, t>om SBaffer sertt)u^(t, Unb bte tinmen ber )be r jttternb nnb bang .^fjre Sdpf^en I)ebenb bte 33ncf)t enttang 2lir nberflntete iDtrbelnber @ang, is 5llfreb ^enn^fon, uberfc^t fcon ^erbinanb ^r SSaffettofe SDte ftttte SBafferrofe @tetgt an^ bent btanen See, te ^Blatter fltmntern nnb btt^en, er Sel^ tft luet^ tt)te @d)nee S)a gtef;t ber SJfonb t)om tntmel 20 5ltt fetnen gotbnen @c^etn r tet at(e feme tra^ten ^n tfyren SBaffer nm bte 33tnme ^reifet etn mei^er @(^tDan ; 25 132 ebidjte gr fingt fo fitft, fo (eife Unb fdjaut bie 33Inme an* @r ftngt fo fiifc, fo (eife Unb toritt im @ingen fcergefyn 5 O 33(nme, tteifte 33(nme, annft bn ba$ 8ieb serftefyn? (Smanuet D annenbanm, o Xannenbaum, tt)ie treit ftnb betne ^Blatter ! S)u griinft nit^t nnr pr ommerjett, S^ein, and) im SBinter tuenn e$ fdinett, 10 O S:annenbaum r o Xannenbaum, tt)te tren finb betne flatter ! D s DBgbeIein r o 9fttigbe(etn, it)te fatfd) tft bent entitle ! n fc^tourft ntir Zrtn' in nteinent titcf, 9?nn arm id) bin, gel)ft bn jnritd D 9Jtagbe(ein, o Sftagbetein, it)ie falfd) ift bein entitle! 15 3Me 91a(^ligatl r bie 9?adjtigaft, na^ntft bn bir jnm (Sjentpel! @ie bleibt fo lang ber ontmer ladjt, Qm erbft fie fid) fcon bannen ntat^t. )ie gfa^tigatl, bie 5fta^tigal( r na^ntft bn bir ^nm @jc entpet ! er Sa^ im Zai, ber Sad) im a(, ift beiner 20 @^iege( ! ($r ftromt aflein, tt)enn 9?egen ffiefjt, Set itrr' er batb ben duett terfd)(ie^t a^ im al, ber Sa^ im Sal, ift beiner pteqel ! ebid)te 133 turn )er erfte ol)enftanfe, ber $onig $onrab lag 9JHt eere3madjt Dor SBmSperg, feit mandjem langen Slag ; S5er Selfe toar gefd)lagen, nod) toefyrte fid) ba )ie wtfcerjagten tabter, bte fjteltett firf) no^ feft ungcr lam, ber unger ! ba^ 'ift em fc^arfcr 5)orn ; 5 [ud^ten fie bte nabe, nun fanben fie ben-^otn. ,,$fy ^abt mir f)ier erfdjfagen gar man^en S)egen mert, Unb iJffnct t^r bie 3Tore, fo trifft enc^ boc^ ba^ @d)tt>ert" 35a finb bie SBeiber fommen : w Unb mn^ e^ alfo fein, ettmfjrt un^ freien Stbpg, toir finb Don S3Iutc rein." 10 a fyat fid) Dor ben 3lrmen be^ e(ben 3orn gefit^It, J)a ^at ein fanft Srbannen im er^en er gefttljlt. f ,3)te SBeiber mogen abjieljn nnb }ebe ^abe frei fie Derntag jn tragen nnb tfyr ba^ Siebfte fei ; jie^n mit Ujrer 53iirbe fie nngefyinbert fort, 15 ift be$ ^onig^ 9Weinnng, ba^ ift be Unb ate ber friifye SKorgen im Often fanm gegrant, a ^at ein fettnes t^anf^iel im ?ager man gefrfjant* g^ ijffnet leife, leife fi(^ ba^ bebrangte Xor, f(f)n)anlt ein 3^9 t)on SBeibern mit f(f)n)erem @d)ritt ^er^or. 20 ief bengt bie ?aft fie nieber, bie anf bent ^acfen rn{)t r @ie tragen il)re gyijerrn, ba^ ift il)r Itebftc ut. an bie argen SBeiber!" rnft bro^enb manner anj(er fpri^t bebentfam : ")a$ lt)ar bie 3}feinnng 134 @ebicf)te )a fyat, ftrie ert txernommen, ber fromme err ge(ad)t : ,,Unb tocir' e$ nid)t bie 3fteinnng, fie fjaben'3 gut gemacfyt ; efyrodjen tft gefprodjen, ba ^omg^iDort befte^t tlnb stoar Don !einem Pansier jerbeutelt wtb jerbrc^t." 5@o tt)ar ba^ olb ber ^?rone tDo^I rein nnb nnenttrei^t, !j)te age fdjatlt fyeritber, au^ l)a(bt>erge^ner 3 e it* ^m 3 a ^ r e(ft)iinbert tiierjig, luie idf|^ fcerjeicfjnet fanb, @alt Hdntg^iDort notf) ()eilig tm bentf^en 23ater(anb, Slbalbert &on (S^amiffc, ei ^Jaate unb (fitter n I)a(t jU)et O^ren nnb einen 3Jhmb; 10 aBillft bu'S beftagen? ar Dieted fottft bn ^oren, nnb SBenig branf fagen. n l)aft 3it)ei 3lngen nnb einen 9)htnb: 9Jfarf)' bir'^ gn eigen; 15 ar mantfje^ follft bn fe^en, nnb Derftfjineigen, nnb einen 3Jhtnb: ermeffen! ^iDeie finb ba jnr Arbeit, nnb 20 giner ^nm gffetu atte Sarbaroffa, taifer ebid)te 135 nnterirb'fcfjen @d)(offe er bejcutbert ficfy. (gr ift nientat$ geftorben, @r lebt barin nod) }et; gr tjat int @d)lo fcerborgen ,3um djtaf fi( t)tnabgenommen errltd)lett r Unb ttrirb einft mieberfommen if)r git [enter 3^it 10 S)er @tttl){ ift etfenbetnern, 35arauf bet $aifer fifet; er $tt[(^ tft Tnarmetfteinertt, SBorattf fein attpt er @etn 53art t(t ni^t Don gfodjfe, 15 @r ift Don geuer^glttt, 3ft burd) ben ifd) gett)ad)fen r SBorauf fein Sinn a (gr ni(ft ate tt)ie int Xranme, ein 3lng^ ^a(b offen jtornft; 20 Unb jc nad) langent 9?aume (Sr einem Snaben lt)inft gr fpridjt im @d)fof jum Snaben: I) in t)or^ Sc^to^, o 136 ebtd)te Unb fiel), ob nod) Me $taben erffiegen urn ben 33erg. ,,Unb toenn bie atten SRaben 9?od) fliegen immerbar, @o ntnft id) and) nod) fdjfafen SSe^anbert ^nnbert f)at ba rtn ii)ol)nen ie grenbe nnb ber @d)tner^ 10 3Bad)t grenbe in ber einen, @o f^tnmntert S)er djnterj ftttt in ber feinen* D grenbe, ^abe a^t! @^ri(^ leife, 15 aft nid)t ber ^merj ertoadjt! $ermann Neumann, gtiifte bid) ! ott grille bi(^! ein anbrer (ei(^t bent an ^fnntglett. . ott grille bii^! ^ein anbrer ^apt fo gu atter eit. 20 ott grille bt(^! SBenn biefer @o ret^t t)om ^erjen gefyt, ilt bet bem lieben ott ber o t?ie( ftrie ein ebet, ebidjte 137 Ijiit iiicht fullcit few tft im 8eben fyaftltdj eingerid)tet, bet ben Stofen g(eid) bte )ornen ftefy'n, Unb toaS ba$ arme erg and) fcl)nt unb bicfytet, ^um cfjluffe fomtnt ba3 2?oneinanbergef)'n $n betnen 2lugen I)ab ; it^ einft getefen, ^ Mi^te brtn t)on 8ieb' unb titd etn 53e^itef bi(^ ott! e$ tDcir' 311 f(^o 33eI)Uef bi^ ott, e^ f)at nidjt fotlen fetn!- unb a^, aut^ t(^ ^ab' fie empfunben, (5tn fturmgepritfter, muber SBanber^mann* 10 Qd) traumf t)on grieben bann unb ftttten tunben, S)a fitfyrte mtd^ ber 93Seg ju Mr 'I)tnan. ^n betnen Slrnten toottf itf) ganj genefen, 3um )anfe btr metn {unge^ 8eben tretlfn: Seljtiet' btd^ ott! e^ tt)cir ? ju f(^dn gen)efen r 15 ef)Uef bid) ott, e3 ^at nid)t fotlen fein!- 3Bot!en flie^n, ber SBinb fauft burd) bie flatter, (Sin 9?egenfc^auer jie^t burt^ SBatb unb gelb, 3um 2lbf(^iebne^men Juft ba^ redjte Setter, ran ttrie ber ^intmel fte^t Dor mir bie 28ett, 20 35ocf) toenb' e fii^ jum uten ober Sbfen, u fd)tanfe 3Kaib r in Xreuen benf id) bein! bid) ott! e$ H)ctr ? su fd)on geiDefen, bi^ ott! e I)at nic^t fotten fein! NOTES 139 ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are used in the Notes and Vocabulary : ace., accusative. adj., adjective. adv., adverb, adverbial. appos., apposition. art., article. aux., auxiliary. caus., causal, c/., compare. colloq., colloquial. comp., compound. conj., conjunction. dat., dative. def., definite. dem., demonstrative. dial., dialectic. dim., diminutive. f.,fem., feminine. fig., figuratively. fut., future. gen., genitive. imp., imperative. impers., impersonal. indecl., indeclinable. indef., indefinite. indie., indicative. infin., infinitive. insep., inseparable. interj., interjection. intr., intransitive. I., line. lit., literally. loc., locative. m., masculine. mod., modal. n., neut., neuter. nom., nominative. n. pr., noun proper. num. numeral. obj., object. ord., ordinal. p., page. part., participle. pass., passive. per/., perfect. pi., plural. plupf., pluperfect. pr., pronounce. pred., predicate. prep., preposition. pres., present. pret., preterit. pron., pronoun. refl., reflexive. rel., relative. s., strong or irregular, f., fein. sc., supply. sep., separable. sing., singular. subj., subjunctive. subst., substantive. tr., transitive. v., verb. 140 NOTES @efd)trf)ten turn Barthold Georg Niebuhr, 1776-1831, a distinguished German his- torian and diplomat, was the founder of modern historical criticism. His chief work is his Rb'mische GescMchte in three volumes, reach- ing only to the war with Carthage. It was supplemented by a publi- cation of his lectures, History of Rome from the First Punic War to the Death of Constantine, first published in England. Many other works were published after his death from his lectures. His Griechische Heroengeschichten : an seinen Sohn erzahlt was published in 1842. PAGE 1 LINE 1. ^erallc^ : for pronunciation of this and other proper names, see Vocabulary. Notice that the vowels are to be pro- nounced as in native German words, and the unaccented vowels not to be slighted as is done in English. For the hero the Latin form of his name, Hercules, is more common in English. be $e\\ : since a proper noun ending in =3 does not add -% in the genitive, the article is used to show the case ; so also with undeclined feminine proper names. 4. tyatte . . . lief) : was fond of, stronger than tyatte . . . gern, which = liked, lieb stands at the end of the clause like a separable prefix. al ttemt : alS roenn, introducing a supposition contrary to fact, always takes the subjunctive. 5. bet : notice that the verb is not at the end, hence this is not a relative pronoun, but the strength- ened personal, he. 6. affo : notice the position of verb and subject ; an adverb beginning the clause causes inversion. 7. foubcrit : but ; notice that this word for but comes only after a negative, = on the contrary. 8. btc Gutter : their mother ; notice that German uses the article instead t>f a possessive when the relation is self-evident. 9. tyemt : roenn = when where customary action in the past is indi- cated. foflteit : were to. fu : this word is commonly used to intro- duce the conclusion after a tt)erm-clause ; do not translate it so ; render then, or better not at all. 11. fehtb : hostile; originally a present 141 142 NOTES participle, meaning hating ; it stands at the end of the clause and is supplemented by an object in the dative ; it is never used attributively. 12. tikett faffen : have H. killed, as though condensed from roollte jemanb . toten laften, wanted to have some one kill H. 13. bie foeibett : German prefers beib= to gruei after the article when the number is not especially emphasized. 14. $)a : then, not there. 15. ttttter : with dative because merely locating the hole. 16. in : with accusative because indicating the goal of the motion. fyiuctu : separable prefix of the verb ; it is not absolutely necessary, since it duplicates in, but the idiom is characteristically German and should be cultivated : @r ging au3 bem Qimmer tyincw^/ ins> ,3^ mmer ^inein, etc. Ijttt : separable prefix with frozen. 21. ^ariificr : from this. 2 1. fing an : from anfangen ; the order is rather better than fing entfefclid) gu fcfyreien an. 2. battge : either as here, or in the imper- sonal form tljm nmrb bange, with the same meaning. erttwdjte : not different from aufttwcfyen. 10. after : may stand wherever English however is found. JKHe : when, scarcely different from al or nad)= bem< 12. ma? C$ : inversion due to subordinate clause coming first. 17. lernte lefen : lernen, together with lefjten, fefyen, fjoren, lafjen, and a few others, takes no gu with a dependent infinitive. 18. gtoets unb 35iergef^atttte : = ,3 rae i9efPer armc $erafle3 : thus regularly in German (save in apostrophe) when an adjective precedes a proper name : bag alte ^tom, ancient Rome, ber junge oetf)e, young Goethe, etc. 28. ftampfc : struggles, labors, sometimes called in German Slrbetten. 29. toerbe, ttwren, etc. : subjunctives of indirect discourse. 5 6. nid)t3 @htte3 : thus also after etrrwg the adjective is declined neuter and treated as a substantive. 7. f)ttt : away; a separable prefix, which might stand after Xirnng. 9. ttw3 : that ; this word, instead of bag, is used as relative after alleg and superlatives; as, bag 33efte, nwg id) fyabe. 15. (ifcn : iron, steel, weapon. 18. e3 : not to be rendered in English ; but in German common when referring to a preceding adjective or phrase, as in May I speak ? do ! (or do so), Xun @ie eg jja ! 19. ttidjt ffltye : might not see; subjunctive of purpose. 21. fyatte * . . gefreffett: had been eating. 22. fid) : for himself; this word is either dative or accusative. 23. iljm am SOlauIe : on his mouth; dat. of possession ; why not fid) ? 25. fid) : dat. of possession. 6 9. WteB ttidjt tot: did not die; thus often with Metben, as groan- gig olbaten ftnb (auf bem gelbe) geblieben, twenty men perished (in the fight). 10. iifoer : upon; more commonly liber ifyn fyer. 17. ttwr ^erbrut^eit (sc. rcorben) : had been broken. 7 8. feiit ehte3 S3cin: one of his legs. 15. frf)fag er immcr: he kept striking. 8 21. Kef; . . . bcfamtt nta^en: made known. 22. in ben ^ricg : to war. 27. tniiffc t subjunctive of indirect discourse. 9 5. fdjlug , * in bic $htd)t : put to flight. 6. ntdjt3 5tt(cibc : no harm. 9. cw3 Sanb : on shore. 19. ttwrb . etntg : agreed. - wa : about what (lit. about that which). 27. au3 bet Sec see note to p. 1, 1. 16. 29. tuagtc e3 me^r: dared any longer; eg represents the infinitive phrase following and is not to be translated. 10 11. fotte : was to ; indirect discourse, depending on fagte, 1. 9. 16. gegett ^eftone foggetjen ttwflte : was about to start atHesione. 22. alfo : therefore at beginning of sentence. 11 2. ^odj^ett . ntadjte : was married; ^ielt is also used instead of tnatf)te. 5. tweber : in turn. 6. $ie fatten toiete gern ftefylett 144 NOTES morjen : many would have liked to steal them; since the object may precede the subject, the student must often determine which is which by the sense. iwifftcu : had to; avoid rendering the past tense by must. 18. fjofe er ifyn , * . in Me ti!)e : lifted him up (lit. into the height). 19. and) nidjt : not even, separated in English, did not touch the earth even, etc. 24. Ueff fid) bte ^>attbe bittbett : permitted his hands to be bound; the words might also be rendered had his hands bound, but this is not the meaning here, fief) here is dat. but must serve at the same time as ace. obj. of fiifjren, 1. 25. tuie eitt Dpfertier : more cor- rectly rote einem Dpfertiere. 25. @al$ itnb 3)le^( f etc. : such was the custom in offering sacrifices among the Greeks. 12 4. pflugtc : was plowing. 7. in Stiicfe : to pieces. 13. an* nageln laffen : had P. fastened. 20. bag e3 ntdjt . . * fatte : so that it might not fall 22. itberrebcn mijdjtc : would persuade; mocfyte is used here partly because the imperfect subjunctive of tifoerreben is not different from the indicative. 25. ben -Wtjmpljen : from the nymphs; after some verbs of separation a dative alone is sufficient to express from or away from. 26. fyin : might stand after efpertben. 28. foflte : was to. 13 6. tyatte fie gent fcefjaften : would have liked to keep them. 11. nod) eine : one more. 12. Jjatte ifym nid)t3 metyr 511 fcefeljlen: no longer had any authority over him. 18. immer tiefer : deeper and deeper. 23. er : i.e. Charon. 28. ba : and so. 14 18. fci Ujn immer: kept biting him. 21. nwrb er erft gan$ tuittenb t then he did become quite frantic, with stress on did. 22. U)01)tit ber fief : wherever it (the foam) fell. U)drf)C : those who ; unusual for bie, roelcfye. 15 2. tueldjen tlnredjt gcfdjalj : to whom wrong was done. e3 fii^ fatter nierben laffen : live strenuously, take life hard. 8. att^geftanbcn (sc. tyatte) : the omission of the auxiliary of tense is very common in subordinate clauses, cf. the same thing two lines below after angetcm, and again after getragen. $ie SWarfjttgaK Hans Christian Andersen, the celebrated Danish author, born April 2, 1805, died August 4, 1875, was the son of a poor shoemaker. When fourteen years old he went to Copenhagen, where philanthropic people became interested in him and sent him to the Gymnasium and the University. Later he traveled widely. NOTES 145 Andersen was a prolific writer. He is the author of travels, poems, dramas, novels, and tales (3Mrd)en). The last, of which Die Nachtigall is one, are known the world over. They were written primarily for children, but are appreciated by every one who is blessed with the power to value at its true worth the naive simplicity of childhood. The -Jftarrfjen are characterized by fresh originality and irresistible humor. In Die Nachtigall these qualities are accompanied by a satir- ical strain, directed against stiff stupidity. The nightingale is clearly a symbol for the poet. The text here given is that of the German edition of 1853-72 (the translation supervised by Andersen himself), as edited for D. C. Heath & Co. by Professor 0. B. Super, who also compared it with the original Danish. There are several other translations or versions, which differ widely. 16 2. ( ftnb : it is; e% is an expletive ; the real subject is iriele Safjre. 3. Ijer: ago. 5. ba3 prarfjtigfte: superlative in agreement with (Scfylof; understood. Don : either uon or CW> may be used to denote the material of which an object is made. 6. firf) , , in adjt nefymen : hesitate, lit. take oneself in heed ; ad^t is really a noun. 7. mufftc : Eng. must is present tense only. How do we supply the lacking tenses ? barnu $n ritljren : to touch it (lit. thereon). 8. an : here with ace. , denoting goal of motion. 9. mud)tc : might ; pret. subj. to denote purpose after bamtt. 10. oljne , $tt fcemerfeit : without noticing. Dfyne governs the infinitive with gu. How does one say without knowing, coming, going, etc.? 11. mtf3 feinfte : most splendidly ; adv. phrase, the so-called absolute superlative, denoting a high degree of the quality, but not comparison. What is the true superlative adverb ? 12. (S)tltfl tttfltt : inversion to denote omission of roenn. 13. fo : see note to p. 1, 1. 9. in : in with ace. denotes limit or goal of motion, into. I)of)CU : from Ijocf), which loses its c in declined forms and in the comparative. 14. Seen : from ber @ee, lake ; bie ee is ocean. fct3 -$nm : clear to the ; bi3 is frequently fol- lowed by an auxiliary preposition, as bt3 auf, M3 in, etc. 18. Dtel 5n frfjaffen Ijattc : had much to do. ttenn : roenn, when, is used instead of al3, to denote repeated or customary action in past time. It may often be translated by whenever, but hardly here. 2Benn also refers to future time. 2113 refers to a single event in past time. When in a question is rocmtt. 19. natf)t : adverbial gen. with imitative -3. fltt3 in a true comparison, but is omitted if "as soon as " = " the moment when." 8. rjecjett : in comparison with. bie : dem. pron., that 10. aiferltd)er ^acfytigaflfortttjjcr : Imperial Bearer of the Nightingale. 13. e3 tt)0flte r etc. : it would not go (fit) right. Observe the personality attributed by roollte to its impersonal subject eg. 14. attf ityre 233eife : in her (own) way. 15. ^er Ijat fcittc Sdjttlb : he makes no mistakes. @tf)ulb = defect. 16. meifter : musical director. 20. bod) : after all. fatten * . plupf. subj. for second conditional; would have liked to hear. 26. ja after : translate at beginning of sentence. 29. fmwtcu . ans tUCttbicj : knew by heart ; cf . f ontten ie Seutf d) ? do you know German ? 23 4. tier : your. This is an old undeclined form still in use. Bet : in the case of. 8. ba3 eitte : one thing. 11. e3 = bas> $olf. 13. namlidj : a particle difficult to render, but characteristically 148 NOTES German ; translate here you must know. 15. belt ,3ei(jcftlt(jet : a dis- tributive singular, for the Eng. pi. in Me ^>olje : up. 17. fid) : recip- rocal, one another. 21. erljnltcn : sc. fyatte ; cf. note to p. 15, 1. 8. 22. 4)0djfaifer(td)er ^adjttifdjfangev : Lullaby Singer to His Serene Majesty; f)odj= belongs to everything royal. 28. fatten: subj. of indirect discourse. 24 8. f ttarrte e3 : there was a whizziny. intoeitbtg im : lit. in- wardly in the; translate inside of the. 11. Uefj tttfen : cf. note to p. 1, 1. 12. 25 1. frijUwljen : chatter. 6. mtf: cwf denoting goal of motion governs the ace. 10. firf) : indirect obj. of aufgefe^t, not needed in translation. 14. <)a ttwreit : cf. note to p. 19, 1. 14. 18. beffeit : gen. of dem. pron. ber, normal case of object of this verb. 19. bdfj ifjm , * KHtrbe : that he was distressed and terrified; cmgft and bcmge are originally nouns, " that anxiety and fear came to him." 25. ^u l)errlirf)er : after a pers. pron. sing. nom. the adjective is declined strong. $0lbt)0gel : = golbener $ogel, precious bird. 26 7. immer Wetdjer : = blether imb blether ; a common idiom. fam * * , in SBetoegmtg : began to move. 24. beiuen 5lugen : dat. of separation, from your eyes. 27 7. ja: /or, at beginning of sentence. 22. madjtCtt gtO^C 3lttgett: stared (with surprise). tut littf Hans im Glilck is one of the famous collection of Kinder- und Haus- marchen made by the Brothers Grimm and published in 1812-15. Jacob, the older brother, born 1785, died 1863, was the great German philologist, author of Grimm's Deutsche Grammatik (a monument of learning and research) and discoverer of Grimm's Law. Wilhelm^ the younger brother, born 1786, died 1859, although not so well known as his brother Jacob, nevertheless shared with him the fame acquired by many literary works in the production of which the two brothers were intimately associated. 28 2. fyerttm: up; more frequently urn. ttJutttc , Jjeim : sc. gefyen. With the modal auxiliaries and feitt the verbs gefyen and fommen are frequently omitted, being implied by an adverb of direc- tion. Cf. English I want in, I want out. toollte is imperfect subj. to express wish ; mbd^te might be used in the same place. 6. aufeit : in personal proper nouns the genitive ending =en3 instead of ?$ is used NOTES 149 with masculines ending in 3 and with feminines ending in e, e.g. iDtoiens. 8. fid) auf ben SBeg ntadjen : start. 10. fam , * , in bie 5lngen : appeared in sight. frifd) nub frigid) : free and easy (lit. fresh and joyous) ; an alliterative couplet, such as German is fond of. 12. nw3 ift bo3 Dfetten eiu fd)iwe3 ^ing : supply fur before ein ; ttw3 fiir ein = what or what a in an exclamation, what kind of a in a ques- tion ; ttwgi, as here, may be separated from the fiir when not preceded by a preposition. enter : = man, cf. note to p. 21, 1. 24. 15. nwvnm . * * and) : and why. 16. ja tflofyl : the interjectional ja may usually be translated by the English why ; roofyl is concessive, = / suppose; translate the whole phrase why, I have to, I suppose. bfl : here. 18. bafcet : because of it. 19. j&eiftt bit ttw3 : let me tell you ; lit. do you know what ? 21. -iBmt ^per^en gent : with all my heart ! 29 1. $Ijr mitfjt (ndj bamit fdjleftyen : it will make you drag your feet; lit. you will have to drag yourself with it. 3. jeittt T $ tttttt redjt gef djtoinb f ofl geljen : now whenever you want to go right fast ; f otf should come at the end of the clause, the present order being very col- loquial. 6. frattf uttb frei : like frifrf) unb frofylitf), p. 28, 1. 10 ; the two words frequently express but one thought, as here, gaily or joyfully. 8. fing an : sc. er. 10. elje fidj r 3 $an toerfalj : before Jack was aware of it ; the e3 is here an old genitive form, this being the govern- ment of fid) t)erfefyen in the sense be aware of. nwr er a&getuorfeu : why roar instead of nwrbe ? 12. audj : moreover. 13. be3 28ege : adverbial genitive of place ; that way. Dor fid) fyer : along in front of him. 14. an3 fttdjte fetne ^Jlteber ^ttfammen : Jack gathered him- self together. ntadjte fid) auf bte S5ettte : started off, cf. p. 28, 1. 8. 18. ftiJ^t : jolts, kicks. emeu fyera&ttrirft : throws a fellow off. 19. famt : is liable to. 20. $a W id) mtr ure $ulj : so your cow is the thing for me, lit. I praise me your cow. 21. Jjat gctDt^ : is sure of. 23. 9?utt r . gef t^te^t ut^ fa ein grower ^efatten : well, if ifs doing you a great favor, lit. if thus a great favor is done to you. 30 1. nnb baratt ttrirb mir f bor^ ntdit feftlett : and I surely will have that. 4. a$ . rein dnf : ate up clean. 5. nia3 : rel. pron., instead of bag or tt)elcf)e> ; cf. note to p. 5, 1. 9. 6. (ie^ fid) ein? fdjenfen: cf. note to p. 1, 1. 12; had (causative) . . . poured out for him ; translate freely ordered. 8. nad) . 5tt : towards. 3 U i s se P- prefix meaning towards, the noun being either in the dative, with or without nacfj, or in the accusative with auf ; e.g. fie fommen auf mic^ gn, they are coming towards me. 9. je : in proportional phrases je occurs with comparatives, as je . . . je . . . or je . . . befto . . ., translated the 150 NOTES . . . the. If v as here, the independent clause comes first, the je in it is omitted or replaced by um fo. 11. ^a ttwrb e3 iJjttt gattj Ijeiff : then he became very warm ; cf . mir ift fait, I am cold. German does not say 3d) bin fait. 12. $em $ittg ift 511 tydfeit : there is help for this. The active infinitive with fein is to be translated as passive, lit. this thing is to be helped. 15. Hue * * ftttd) : however much. 16. e : expletive, there; the real subject is fein Xropfen. 17. fid) intgefdjirft babei anftettte : went at it awkwardly, lit. placed himself awkwardly. 19. Dor ben $0J)f : on the head. cine 3eit lattg : for a while, not a long time. 22. 28a3 . . * fitr: cf. note to p. 28, 1. 12. 25. $>a trutlt einmal: here, just take a drink. 26. foitt nurfjl Icttte WIM) gefcen : probably doesn't give any milk; njollen here, as frequently in German, strengthens the dependent verb (cf. 3d) will nttf)t Ijoffen, I hope not). 27. gieljett : pulling, draft. 31 1. itt3 ^>au3 : for home use, lit. into the house. 28a3 fltfot T 3 fiir fjffeifd) : what a lot of meat there is ! 2Ba3 fiir here implies quantity ; cf. note to p. 28, 1. 12. 2. id) ittadje mir au3 . * . uidjt triel : I do not care much for. 3. toer ^atte : sc. ber rccire gliicf lic^ ; trans- late if one only had a young pig like that ! 4. attber3 : different in the sense of better. bafcei nod) : and besides. 5. (ud) pliefce : as a favor to you. 6. d) Sure $reuttbfd)aft : lit. to you your kindness ; translate you for your kindness. 7. lief? fid) , Ifl^madjett gefcett : cf. notes to p. 30, 1. 6, and p. 1, 1. 12. 11. fcegegttete iljm ja cine SBerbriepidjfeit : even if a vexation did meet him. 12. bod) : after all. 14. @ic fcotett cinanbcr bic Stit : they bade each other the time of day, greeted each other. 17. ^pefct CUtmal: just heft it. 22. ift audj fcinc 6au: isn't a runt either. 25. morj^ nir^t jjatt5 rid)tig feitt : there may be something wrong. 32 1. i3 fwftere Sot^ : into the black-hole. 3. $I)r wifyt fyier ()erum Bcffern S3cfc^|cib : you are better acquainted around here. 5. fdjott : of course. auf3 @^jie( fe^en : risk. 8. auf cinen @eitcntticg : onto a side road. 2luf einem eitenraeg would mean along on a side road. 10. bcr ^cimat p : cf. note to p. 30, 1. 8. 15. Witt id) : I will undertake to. 21. fjftnge mcitt 9)Zantc(d)Ctt nadj bem IBinb : lit. hang my cloak according to the wind, i.e. adapt myself to circum- stances; cf. Eng. to trim one's sails to the wind. 25. ba3 ^attbtuerf Jjat ciuen gitlbcncn Soben : lit. the trade has a golden foundation ; translate there is money in the trade. 33 5. $fjr Ijafct <$ud) jeber^cit 511 fyelfen gewugt : lit. you knew how to help yourself each time; translate you made a good bargain NOTES 151 every time. 7. e3 baljtn fcringen : bring it about. 9. anfangen : go about; do not translate "begin." 10. ba$n gefyort : it takes. 11. bag anbere ftnbet fid) fdjon toon fefaft : the rest will come without any trouble. 12. after audj : but then. 14. $3ie fount Sfjr nod) fragen : how can you stop to ask. id) wcrbc ja : why, I shall become. $nm glitlflirf)ften SRenfdjett : the luckiest man. Predicate nouns with roerben in the sense of be changed into are usually put in the dative with gu. Cf. note to p. 3, 1. 22. 16. nw3 : why, as often. - 19. nodj * . . basil : to boot. 20. anf bcm fid) T 3 gnt fdjlagen faf^t : which is handy to pound on. 21. anflje&en : note difference of mean- ing of this verb in this line and in 1. 18. 25. (M3l)aut : caul. It is considered lucky to be born with a caul over the head or face. 26. trifft ntir cut : comes about for me. 34 2. bafcei : then, too. 3. $>a : and so. 6. fam . , . gefdjfidjen : came crawling. $ommen and gdjen are used with the past part, of the verb denoting the manner of coining, whereas in English the pres. part, is used. 8. ^amit : if the inverted order follows this word it is an adverb, meaning with that if the transposed order follows, it is a conjunction, meaning in order that. Which here ? 11. uerfal) er T 3 : he was careless ; contrast the reflexive use of this verb, p. 29, 1. 10, and note. 13. Jjatte uerfittfctt feljen t in transposed order with two infin- itives at the end the auxiliary stands just before them instead of after. 15. cruucfeu : the auxiliary is Ijatte, 1. 17. tljtt : object of befreit fytitte, 1. 17. anf cine fo gute 5(rt : in such a good way. 16. oljne baff er . . , urattdjtc : without his needing to. 20. fort : away, along, not forth. $er serfcrodjene Swig Johann Heinrich Daniel Zschokke was born March 22, 1771, and died June 27, 1848. Zschokke graduated in 1792, and attracted public attention by an extravagant play. In 1798 he became a prominent figure in the public life of Switzerland. He exercised a strong healthy influence on the educational and social affairs of that country. Highly honored as a citizen, his chief fame rests on his extensive literary work (forty volumes in all), including dramas, histories of Switzerland and Bavaria, prose fiction, and religious writings. These last were trans- lated into English at the suggestion of Queen Victoria, and later also published in this country. The present story is the outcome of Zschokke's relation with Ludwig Wieland, son of the author of Oberon, 152 NOTES and the poet Heinrich von Kleist. The three agreed one day to write each a sketch on an engraving in Zschokke's room. Kleist produced his well-known drama Der zerbrochene Krug, and Zschokke wrote our charming little tale. 35 1. a Sftajjonfe (pi*. la napal') : a small village on the Bay of Cannes in the Department of Var on the Mediterranean. 2. (amte3 : this place, to which belong the little Lerinian Isles just off the shore, is the most desirable winter resort in the Riviera. Near by is the Bay of St. Juan, where Napoleon landed on his return from Elba in 1815. 3. ^Srooence : the old name for the district in southern France which Caesar had called provincia. 4. $a3 tttttt * , , Itidjt : now it is not that, to be sure, which. 5. t : expletive, better omit ; 3Beintrauben, 9Jfabd)en, are the subjects, hence the plural verb with eg. 7. e3 : colloquial for id) glaube eg ; the apostrophe generally indicates the omission of the letter e. 3rf)abe : for @g ift fd)dbe, it is a pity. 9. genug : with genitive ber Xrauben, etc. 10. I)dttc man bet tutd 511 Sanbe, etc. : we should surely have some of them in our country too. bod): while often adversative (however, nevertheless), bod) many times adds a shade of meaning that according to the context must be rendered in many different ways, here surely. baton : = Don ifynen. 11. or jemanbem tiorauSfjafcett, to have an advantage over any one. 18. modjtc : not wished to be, but was, I suppose; concessive. 22. eitt redjter (Sfefant : a perfect elephant. 24. fofgenben SDIortjen : or ben folgenben Sftorgen, or am foltjenben Sftorgen. 27-29. $fjr fjafot, ($mtett : the capitalized second person pi. is used throughout for the polite form. git (Sttten Stiffen : or ltd) gu gii^en. 45 2. fettg : with delight. 8. pr S5railt : (to) his betrothed or bride; cf. note to p. 4, 1. 2. 10. fid) etttm $ur (fjre re^tten : to count it an honor; cf. p. 44, 1. 15. 13. Don a,att$cm ^pcr^eit : with (her) whole heart. 14. ftrtrfj f etc. : ftt^ dat. of possession ; translate stroked his nose with the palm of his hand. 18. 2Bei!6cr(^Ctt : patronizingly, these little women. The form is exceptional in adding the dim. ending to the plural. 26. $er $rufl * . * etttw3 : construe, ber $rug unb auer= bem, etc., macfjte, etc. 27. fonft Itod) ctttia^ : something else (besides). 46 1. $ter5eljtt ^agc (ace.) fang : for two weeks. 3. sc. fet. 5. fictB : person; ifyren Seib cerma^len = fid) 7. f^ted)Cttb : this pres. part, construction is unusual in German. nwft e3 fid) ntfjen : = mufj eg fein, ftd^ 511 rufyen ; cf. also eg rufyt fic fc^bn, it is pleasant resting. 13. fie : for clearness German would generally use bie or btefe in this case. 18. ?edjt . , gefd)affctt : just fitted (lit. made). 21. muffte man nic^jt . ttJotten : it was useless to try. 22. jemanbem etttw3 luei^madjett : to make any one believe. aI3 toetttt e3 giiiie : translate that there were ; condition contrary to fact. 25. mtt : connective ; only, Marietta, etc. an etaw3 rtedjen : to smell of a thing. 26. ^ttSurifdjen : this word has almost the force of nevertheless. 156 NOTES 47 4. etttberfte t fid) : translate by Eng. passive. ^errtt : errn is used for the oblique cases of the sing., erren for the pi. 6. foflte : could (with especial emphasis). 7. ber : this. 8. lieber : with more pleasure. 9. bafyin : answers what question ? 10. aitf jemattbett rateu : to guess at one. 11. erraten Kc fid) : cf. note to 1. 4. The infinitive at the beginning for special emphasis. A nice illustration of the effect of the prefix er=, to get by guessing, guess out. 12. tytttein in Me $lati)t : more common, in bie yiafyt fyinein. 13. erfaitfdjte : cf . 1. 11. 14. It is unusual to have more than one pred. element before the verb. 15. bimtm gcttmubcucu : pres. and past parts., even when themselves modified, are often used between article and noun ; in Eng. such a phrase must follow the noun. 16. ftiflett : unuttered. 22. er : i.e. ber immel. 25. gettefett: sc. roar. 48 1. Serhtifdjen Snfeln : cf. note to p. 35, 1. 1. fjer : poetically hither ; direction toward the subject, or speaker. 9. nebett , , Durbci : along past. 13. $ud) fnty moil ItiD^l : furthermore one might discern (lit. saw perchance). The force of the particle roofyl can be learned only by close attention to the sentence-atmosphere. 17. uiotttc luieber , . . fyeim: sc. gefyen; cf. note to p. 38, 1. 4. 21. p lofeu: cf. note to p. 30, 1. 12. 25. fid) Tttit feinem Sdjtof Ucrftettcn : be sham- ming sleep. 27. ba3 $ielletd)t: cf. bag SSenn unb bag Slber. 29. S3ct : with, not by. 49 2. mar * . immcr . gclommen : had kept getting. 4. ftegs tetc^Cl* * ftl : lit. more victorious than; of course it means stronger than and victorious over. 6. 28a3, etc.: what do I care for him? cf. eg gefyt mid) nidjtg an, it is nothing to me, it does not concern me. 7. Sd)faf f ttwdj r : subj. of conjecture, whether he sleep or wake. 9. man tnu^tc : she (lit. one) had to. 10. feincr : the possessive of man ; feiner acfje gettrifj fein, to make (be) sure. 11. ja : as one could see. 14. er ttwr T 3 getoefen : it was he. 16, 17. e3 r fie : either is used with 3Mbcf)en the neuter, when closely following; when further away the natural gender reasserts its control. 24. ffian bettfe : just think. pttt att$ : to a dance. 50 6. turn ber <5tefle : cf . note to p. 38, 1. 4. 10. erfoad)te f tmtfjte : imagined as facts, hence indicative. 11. tuer * * twdj : (as to) who could possibly, etc. ; fyabe or fya'tte omitted. 13. (3 gefdjal) tljm redjt : it served him right, lit. it happened just right to him. 14. mtr : translate at beginning. 15. fie: ace.; in this verb subject and object are reversed as compared with English ; eg reut mid), I repent (of) it ; old English it repents me. ^Ijre $ruft flag : her heart beat. NOTES 157 16. gar : even. 20. rttfenben : cf. note to p. 47, 1. 15. 23. be* frfiamett: note the order; cf. p. 47, 1. 11. 26. afler 2$dt : all the world, everybody. 513. gertt fefjen : to be fond of. 9. $ft Me Dorbei : when that is past. 11. fdjnett : soon. 16. and) nidjt einntal: not even; audi) strengthens the etnmal. 17. 511 ifyr : beside her. 22. in after ^frulje, etc. : very early and very quietly. 23. Brattling : (church) ceremony ; distinguish from od)3eit, "wedding" festivities. $>a3 toolkit urir ifym * , . betbringen : we will get that into his head; familiar, we will fix him. fd)0n : all right. 28. aljnt : cf. note to p. 50, 1. 10 ; indie, to express a purpose imagined as accomplished. an 4>er$ I or in3 er3, seriously, lit. to the heart. 52 2. ttw3 madjt^ (sc. au3) : what is the difference ? 3. ftifl bi3 bafjut gegen : till then not a word to. 4. ^abei b(ieb r 3, etc. : that was their agreement, lit. at that it remained between the two. Ue fidj , , , nidjt tranmen: never dreamed, not "did not let herself dream"; trdumen is here impersonal, e<3 subject understood, with the person, fid), in the dative; cf. Safj bir'3 frf)on trdumen! pleasant dreams! 7. bercutc : in this form the object and subject are as in English; cf. note to p. 50, 1. 14. 13. turn jeijer : always. jcmanbcm iifcefan few : an uncommon phrase, to be against any one. geflldjt, tt)D : sought ways in which. 22. e3 gefyt mir fcmt ^per^cn : it comes from my heart, or I am in earnest. 53 3. iljrer Siige: gen., obj. of fid) fdjtimen. 12. gen: archaic for gegen. 21. merging : cf. note to p. 40, 1. 10 ; she lost. 22. ber (gen.) marfjttg : able to speak. 27. jebe : any. 28. (Hit elliptical, it was fortunate. 29. ntttft : cf . note to p. 38, 1. 4. 54 1. (? fofl , . . attfttJtegctt : he shall outweigh, shall pay for . . . with their weight in gold. 3. burdjlodjcf 1 1 lit. perforated ; say shattered. 4. $arabie3 : cf. p. 41, 1. 16. 7. a(3 : cf. note to p. 36, 1. 14 ; note that the object e3 here precedes the subject ; thus often in inverted order when the object is a personal pronoun and the subject a noun. 9. in $erttuutfd)Uttgett be3 : commonly iiber with ace. be3 (0ltu : South German dialects use the article with names of persons. 13. 511 endjt fiijeit : to hold court. 26. $dj Brarf) mtr * * . an$ S5crfc^cn : I did not mean to break . . . ; but perhaps, in contrast with foerg, I broke only the pitcher. 55 1. 28a3 fofl bat a common idiom, what means . . ., or what is ... for ? 9. (r famt nidjt bafitr : he cannot help it, or it is not his fault; nidjt is usually nid)t3 in this idiom. 10. feljt mir bod) : 158 NOTES just look at that ! nrir ethical dat. as in old Eng. and in poetry but me no buts, etc. 11. ,err : !egen , , aurf) : and for this reason; note that aucJ) is not here also. It is like bocf), roof)!, 160 NOTES fdjon, etc., for which there are no fixed equivalents in English. Here it adds a flavor of conversational ease. 13. tat : took. Xun is often used familiarly for ftellen, legen, fe^en, nefymen, etc. 15. em ttad)= ben!Ud)e3 eftd)t marten: to look thoughtful 16. fdjlug , , Ireu$n)ei3 : crossed. 19. ber l)at : is ber rel. or dem. ? 62 1. lange, gente : adverbs, ~e and =lid) were once adv. endings. 4. liefer: the latter. 11. fdjon toieber: already, again; fdjon goes with roollte, and roieber with gumadjen. UioUtc : was about to. - 18. eurty ftefjen fie . * * 511 $>ienft : = fie ftetyen (or finb) gu eurem 3)ienfte. 19. anfangen: do. 23. entljalte: subj. of mere uncer- tainty. 24. femte f fmtttte : why subjunctives ? cf. lonnte in 1. 21. 63 2. uB : i.e. urn git fefyen, ob. 3. fo : then, or omit. 5. auf bte Jynfjfotylcn : this punishment, the bastinado, is common among ori- ental peoples. umfunft : to no purpose. 11. ber bit : (thou) who. If the relative ber refers to an antecedent of the first or second person, the personal pronoun is inserted after the relative, and the verb agrees. 13. Mutabor : I shall be changed ; first person sing. fut. pass, of Latin muto. ber : demonstrative. 15. netge er fid) : imperative third person ; the second person fyitte bid), 1. 16, again takes up the direct address. 17. fadjeft: subj. depending upon the negative idea in fid) fyiiten. 21. Ue$ * frijtotiren: cf. notes to p. 1, 1. 12, and p. 42, 1. 11 ; here the infin. is active in Eng. also. 22. nientattb : dat. 24. gut : cheaply, at a bargain. 25. fct3 id) * bin : in anti- cipation of the moment when I shall be. 27. ctuw ttenige : to-day one would say ein roenig. 64 10. fdjon uft: often before, lit. already often. 11. Ijafeetsubj.; implied indirect discourse. 12. erregt Ijabcn : erregt fatten (requiring also gefe^en ^citte) might be better here, because ^aben does not show that it is subj. 16. dor fid) Ijtnflappernb : chattering to himself. 24. gettetgt : the past part, is a common form of command, condensed from an impers. passive, eg foil geneigt raerben. 65 7. fterbeu (nom.), toerben $u (dat.) : to become, grow into. 8. fuljr : shot up. 12. SBeittt 23fltt f etc. : a very common oath among Mussulmans. 13. ^Sro^fjeteit : Mohammed. 14. ^)anfe : the id^ can be omitted even when the dative 2$Ken, fotr, etc. is left out. tnbcm er fit^ biitfte : bowing ; note that this is the best and almost sole equiv- alent of the Eng. pres. part, construction. 15. toetttt tdj f etc. : if 1 may venture (to say) it, or if I may make so bold. 16. feljett : pi. verb with titles, cf. note to p. 18, 1. 13. Cf. aben err Hotter gut gefdjlafen ? In this story, as in the previous one, the second person NOTES 161 pi. is used for formal address. 17. beittt al : benn after a compara- tive is now used only in such a case as this with al3 following. 19. fiwttett : tbnnen implies t>erftefyen and fprecfyen or lefen and frf)reiben, as 3d) !ann lateinifd). 20. $ttbem : not here the conjunction, as shown by the order. 21. fid) : redundant dat. of possession. 27. 8d)ihtctt $>attf : ace. case, obj. of Ijabe understood. ftefce SHaWerfdjitafcel : very familiar for liebe gran $lapperfcfynabel. 28. $ft @ud) gefaflig : would you like . . . ? 66 2. ttegen : usually with gen. 3. ba : so. 14. IjaBett : note the order ; cf. note to p. 34, 1. 13. 15. and) ttod) gefttttgCtt : sung too before they finished. 18. beSftegett : in this connection. ^o^ Sfteffa ttttb Sftebttta : $o is a frequent introductory word in German oaths, a distortion of ott3 ; the two cities are famous in connection with the life of the prophet. Translate By Mecca and Medina I 20. fcringe , * I)crau : cannot get it out. 24. in eincm fort : con- tinuously. 26. fo oft audj : however often, etc. 67 3, 4. Ijeratt^, ^uriirf : cf. note on modal auxiliaries, p. 28, 1. 2. 4. ftdj 511 erlcnnctt geficn: to make oneself known. 12. fid) ben SJiagCtt toerberfcett : to get indigestion ; translate that they would get indigestion. 22. 4>al& Stogbab : or bag fyalbe Sagbab ; the uninflected form is used only before names of towns or countries. So also with 68 2. font ttoftett : quite common for roollen nrir, imp., let us. 3. tJtc((ctd)t ba : elliptical for t)iel(etc^t mag e gefd^e^en, baf;. 8. id) !)a(tc fltt : I shall not (be able to) endure it longer. 12. ga& , (dat.) ^cpr : gave (a) hearing to, complied with. 24. ctltcm Jtt SJlttt fcitt : to feel ; here I am uneasy, an uncanny feeling is creeping over me. Ijat e3 * gcftii^nt : impers., there was an audible sighing and groaning. 69 2. bem f^^tg : who had even ... a brave heart beating. 19. fterbe : subj. dependent upon the following propfyegeit. 24. ttadj : nad) = according to often follows its object. Translate the phrase after glauben as a clause. 28. Ijufc an : older form for (job an. 70 9. nwffte fid) . * . 511: managed to. 11. ctttia^ ^u fir^ ne^men : tc : conditional subj. because she is not sure that she is going to 162 NOTES tell them, perhaps I could tell 13. afle donate : cf. note to p. 3, 1. 14. 24. e3 ift mir jebe redjt : any will suit me. 25. SRamlid) : for. 72 2. bummer 4>anbe(: stupid business, bad fix. fdjott: all right. 7. $a3 ift t efcen : that is just the trouble. 8. wer fagt bir benn : pray who says. 73 4. bcmt : I wonder, or please, or tell us. 7. famcn fie * , au^er fid) : they were beside themselves. 18. ettwttber : dat. of posses- sion, in each other's arms. 74 5. Urn fo meljr : so much the more. 11. fdjttupfeu : to take a pinch (of the powder). 28. ba3, ttm$ , , Derljanbelt iomrben fci : the discussion that had taken place. $ie Sitgncrin Roderich Benedix, whose dramatic works fill twenty-seven small volumes, was born at Leipsic January 21, 1811, and died September 26, 1873. He became an opera-singer, a theatrical manager, and finally a dramatic writer. His first drama, Das bemooste Haupt, appeared in 1841. Forty-six of his one-act comedies and monologues are collected in his Haustheater, two volumes. 75, STAGE DIRECTION, uttb (mit) tjott Otct^titm ^cuocubcm $ans gerfite : lit. and with wealth-betokening furniture. The participial adjective in German, as here, often exercises also its verbal function. Its adjuncts always precede it. Cf. note to p. 47, 1. 15. WOfftllf cine fcremtenbe Snm^e : sc. ift or ftetyt. Sidjter : sc. finb or ftefjen. 5. men ein^ioen : sc. runb. ^u S5oben f i^lagen : to floor ; to overthrow. 76 1. empfmblidj : piqued. 8. nor^ Icinc Sie^e: not the same as love. 9. lieffe : would cause. 13. etnge^ogen : secluded. mcincS 233iffett3 : adv. gen., to my knowledge. 17. urn * * git fmttteit : infin- itive phrases depending on genug or the adverb $u are introduced by urn. 2$emt . einmal: when once. 18. 2litfjmtd) marficn auf : to presume. 772. rooljlgettttett : well liked. 5. mein 25erftanb : my head. - 7. fo oft fid) and) nod), etc. : and often as, etc. 8. redjt feeljaltett : come out ahead. 9. SJlatt fflgt, t foHe : they say, it is said : one of the expressions is redundant. 16. &mt flfocit Ijerab : from heaven above. 21. <>a @ic benn bur^j fortfa^rcn : well, since you keep on anyway, i.e. talking about my father. 23. nud) in bte fernft NOTES 163 even for the remotest future. 24. be3 ^crftor&eiten : of the departed. 28. JWtttt ja : very welt. 78 2. fottte , * fcitt : is it possible (conjecture) that my suspicion is well founded ? 8. biefem ftiflfdjluetgettben ^erljaltttiffe SBorte gefoe : 0ive utterance to this tacit relation. 13. biefe : sc. Slntroort. 18. tuofynt : pres. for perf. ; cf . note to p. 58, 1. 18. Translate has been living. 22. ewf Me Matter : for any length of time. 24. Hub toeiltt (sc. e3) bent mm fo Ware : and what of it ? 79 4. ber feit htr^em ba3 groftc 28ort . * fiiljrt : w/w of late has been prominent. 6. biefem itttruljigett $opfe fofl id) * * * nadjgef c*?t roerben : a/tt I ... to be slighted for this agitator ? 13. Sdjlag : idiomatic for cwf bem @rf)lag, at the stroke of. 22. 5We3 remtt wtb la'uft: everybody is racing and running. 23. e3 ttrirb (^eueralmarfd) gefdjlagen : the drums are beating a general (call to arms). 24. Ijter tyitttett: i.e. in the back room overlooking the garden. 80 2. 2Bemt fcorf) : ^ */> etc. 9. ^a f i^ ge^e fr^on : yes, Tm going. 15. am Chtbe : eventually. 18. fcwtmt man itit^t ^er^ au : one is kept in constant, etc. 22. fcrtngt bie gan^e (Btabt auf bte S3eilte : raises the whole town. 25. ^afj I before this supply too bad. 81 5. burr!) ($ittfd)fttf; : i.e. inclosed in another letter. 7. ttw3 e3 benn eigentlirf) gibt : what is going on anyway. 17. afcer id) Bin benn bud) and) fo fhtg r urn 511 ttriffett : but then I am shrewd enough too to know. 18. baff t %fy\tn . . . ^au^tfac^Ud) itm . . 511 tun tft : that you are principally concerned about. 19. Sfteitt Sperfoudjett : my little self. 21. tut ^reife ffalten : to value. 22. al ba| f etc. : than to, etc. 27. In pronouncing the German, stress ba3. 82 6. ^ nw3 : = @i wa%, pshaw. 7. tttmmt bte 9fttrte : stations himself in the middle of the stage. 8. 'Smtttermetter, Ijter tft e Jjitfcfd) : gosh, but it is fine here. 14. ftjei^ ott : inverted by an object eg understood. 18. Sie Jnerbeu bod) tttdjt : you aren't going to do that, are you ? 24. (t r fo faffett 6te bor^f mtt fid) rebett : there now, do let us talk to you. 28. $a molten iutr fcalb ^elfen : we shall soon fix that. 83 3. ruttbel)rttd) : thoroughly honest. 7. ,immef itttb $otte f mo fittb mtr ^tttgeraten : heavens and earth, what have we got into ! 9. 9fa : well. 14. fjurdjt * * ttac^ brau^eu : listens for (sounds from) without. 21. llrtetl fpredjett itber : pronounce judgment upon. mid) Straffcarett: lit. me, the punishable one; translate guilty me. After personal pronouns in the singular a substantive adjective is declined as after an "ein-word." 28. breteit: declined only when used substantively, as here. 164 NOTES 84 2. in ba3 @djloff tocrfett : lit. slam into the lock; translate slam shut. 12. eljrltrfjer SSeife : adv. gen. of manner, in honest fashion. 20. ftampfen : are thumping. 23. Dertetten : are detailing. 85 1. 9ftd)t bod) Mciuen Ste : O no, stay here. 8. burdj* fttd)te : imperfect subj., should search. 15. lomme , * * tit bic efd)td)te : got into the affair. 18. ^errlidj, Ijerrlidj, ba3 geljt: capital, capital, that will do. 21. fefjeu nidjt barnad) au3, nm\ . . $u fonneu : do not look fit. 29. Jwffe bod) and) nidjt : am really not fit either. 86 6. *tf e : dialectic for --Rein. 8. fyer mit : out with. - 20. fpredjcn : fprecfyen, to talk with, may govern either the ace. or the dat. with the preposition mit. 87 ll. immer fetter: still more boldly. 15. urie idj in Sljrem $lttulirf fdjluelgte : how I reveled in the sight of you. 25. mogcn : not may, but imperative, let, etc. 88 4. feei jemaubent eingefiiljrt toerbeu : to have a formal intro- duction to one. 5. jeben ^lugeuolirf : any moment. 6. Sftag e3 (sc. fein) : no matter. 16. in ben gimfttgfteit SBerljaltitiffett : in easy circumstances. 89 6. foflte mein SBormuttb : is it possible that my guardian. - 9. uttb bod) feettuefen @ie mir ttorljin fo tiiet Xethta^me : and yet you manifested so much interest in me just now. 24. e : cf. note to p. 5, 1. 18. 25. uwllcit : are determined. 90 10. fommt 3^nett tetter 511 fteljett : will cost you dear. 16. 5lfle3 fegett @te 511 Sft^cm SBeftett utt : you construe everything in your own favor. 24. Cerent : brief for $ommen @ie herein. 25. ($tttett 5(bettb : ace. after 3d) nwnfrf)e understood. 91 4. ber err 25ormunb f ber err ^Brttber : cf. note to p. 55, 1. 11. - 7. fiaffett Sie bod) : don't say anything more. 12. SBiutfdje : for 3d) routtfdje Sfynen. 17. ja ntt^t : not in the least. 24. ififjt mir fagett : sends me word. 26. in atter gritlje : very early ; all here, as frequently, has merely an intensifying force, e.g. allerliebft, etc. 92 3. atts ttttb gar nidft : not at all. 1. ^Ijre gran *\\& ttrirtitt : in apposition to ba3, the subject of the verb tft. 18. $ldj ja : alas, yes. 20. @o Bleiuett @ie boi^ : well then, stay. 24. urn 3f)t*etttriflett : an established perversion of urn %l)wn SBtUen. 93 5. ^rlauBen Sie : permit me. 8. bie t^m ttirgenb^ redjt ^a^t : which really does not fit him anywhere. 9. uric iljtt, etc. : lit. as the E. wear it; translate such as the E. wear. 11. georbnet: the past part., as here, is frequently used as an imperative. 23. men ftefle id) beun nun Dor : but whom am I representing anyway ? NOTES 165 94 4. ,$0djbctttfd) : in fact Backes's language is High German ; only the 3?e betrays dialect. 9. Sic ntitffen gar nirf)t rebeit : you will not have to speak at all. Notice that miifjen ntrf)t does not usually render the English prohibitive must not, but is simply the negative of be obliged, be necessary. For the prohibitive must not, biirfen tticfyt is the proper equivalent. 13. ba3 ift tttir redjt : that suits me. 17. ba3 tft mtr nod) mefjr redjt : that suits me still better. 26. urir miiffen e3 barauf roagett : we shall have to take the chances on that. 95 1. 9fd) ott, mi* toirb gaits angftlid) git Sftute : dear, I am feeling dreadfully worried. 4. attf feittett $dft : under no circum- stances. 14. bie 4w r fd)aftett * lit- the lordships. In the obsequious atmosphere of caste every one of greater wealth or rank is a err= fdfjaft ; so the salesman addresses his customers indiscriminately, metne errfrf)aften ; there is no American equivalent ; translate the company. 24. ober id) fomtne iifcer (nd) : or I'll get after you. 96 1. bod) : surely. 7. $d) Dergdje toor 5litgft : this suspense is killing me. 14. lettdjte : hold a light for. 24. titdjttg : vigorously. 977. tttS 2litge faffcnb : looking sharply at. 24. jemanbcu : jemanb as a rule is not inflected. fefjen : translate have. 98 3. @ic merbcn mir affo erlauBeu, ba^ : you will therefore excuse me if. 14. erfaufcett Sic, baf? id) bicfem 5luftrittc cttua^ UOn bem $ttftridj einc ^oH^eiU^en 25erpr^ neljme : permit me to take from this scene some of the color of a police examination. 17. ba cr feitt ^)eutf(^ tamt : cf . note to p. 65, 1. 19. 99 20. laftig fatten: with dat, annoy. 21. SBittc: Sittc is the conventional response to German expressions for "I thank you," "I'm very much obliged," "I beg your pardon," "excuse me," and the like, corresponding to the English not at all or certainly. Here, of course, certainly should be used. 23. Sdjfofen Sic rootyl : say, I bid you good night. 25. 23Ieifct erftaunt fteijeu : halts in astonishment. 100 2. miiglidjft : as much as possible. 4. @o redjt Jjittter mcittem Olitefett : behind my very back. 6. Sic wctbctt . , ge^iirt Jjafien : conjectural future ; probably you have heard. 14. Saffett Sie : never mind. 18. $ft ja : why, he is. - 23. SBofyl tyv Stltbcr : her brother, indeed, (had one). 26. ier Jjerrfdjt ein SJligtierftdttbtti^ : there is a misunderstanding (prevailing) here. 28. gut ^pattb getjett : assist. 29. Sic fagtett adcr borff : but you surely said. 101 1. 9ttd)t borff : no, indeed. 7. ^d) ItJitt nid)t Ijoffett : cf. note to p. 30, 1. 26. au ii&el aitgekat^tcr (^utmiitigfeit : from ill-timed 166 NOTES kindliness. 8. fid) au3U)cifctt : to give an account of oneself. 15. Ijafce e3 cinmal lenteit fatten : I was to learn it once. 20. i luerf pfufdjett : to meddle with thebusiness. 21. njemt id) , , fragc : in asking, etc. 22. ttjflfyf : I suppose. 102 2. burd) itte : &?/ kindness (of bearer). 7. Ct : the first ber is a rel. pron., the second is a dem. pron. and antecedent of the first. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, one of the world's greatest writers, was born August 28, 1749, at Frankfurt on the Main. In 1775 he went to Weimar, where he lived, excepting for travels in Italy, until NOTES 167 his death, March 22, 1832. He was intimately associated with Schiller. Among Goethe's works are the dramas Gotz von Berlichingen, Faust, Iphigenie, and Torquato Tasso, the novels Werther and Wilhelm Meister, the epic poem Hermann und Dorothea, the autobiography Dichtung und Wahrheit, and many ballads and lyrics. Goethe's lyrics are unsurpassed in literature. They are musical in character and filled with simple, sincere feeling. Many have been set to music by the best German composers. 107 14. in fid) gefcltrft : bending low. 15. ^cr^to^ (fyerjigeg) : calling forth feelings of love and tenderness, sweet, lovely. 108 1. better : sep. prefix of fattt ; along. 2. ^>ic SBtefe : adv. ace. with Ijet. 3. fear' (ttwre) : optative subj. 6. aogepffttrft : sc. fjcitte, cf. note to p. 15, 1. 8. 7. matt: factitive, till faint; cf. Eng. beat (until) black and blue. 12. (Srtrat : unusual for gertrat. efwtbett 108 17. A paraphrase of the entire stanza is as follows : "I happened to be going along alone in the forest one day, and had no intention of looking for anything." 18. So: just. fitr mid): alone. Jjut : along ; sep. prefix with ging. 17. toouT : was about to. 18. fettt : of the voice, softly. 20. QJefcrodjctt fein : for ge= broken roerbett. 109 3. ^toetgt e3 unmet : it keeps growing, lit. branches always. 4. bliUjt fo fort : keeps blooming on; omit the second keeps in translation. 2Sattbtet3 Sttadjttieb 109 5. $et bit: for bit, ber bit, cf. note to p. 63, 1. 11. )tt has for antecedent griebe, 1. 11. 10. fott : means. nft : fern. The art. is regularly repeated before nouns differing in gender, but is often omitted in verse. 28anbter3 Sttadjttieb Written on the wall of a summer-house at Ilmenau. 109 15. 28tyfeltt: applied to the tops of trees only ; (Jftyfel may refer to the tops of other objects as well. 19. fwlbe : =e is an old adverbial ending, no longer common, used here for meter's sake. 168 NOTES SJMgtum This song bears the name of a mysterious young girl who sings it in Goethe's novel Wilhelm Meister. 109 22. 01bs)ratt0Ctt : - bie golbenen Drangen. 110 2. ftttt: with ftefyt. 3. tooljl : I wonder. 9. %8a , , getatt * "his is what the statues seem to say to her. 13. SBolfettfteg : cloud-wrapped bridge. 16. ($3 ftiir^t, etc. : "the rock plunges and the flood (plunges) over it," over the precipitous crag the flood pours. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller was born in Marbach, Wiirtemberg, November 10, 1759, and died in Weimar, 1805. He spent much of his life in Jena and Weimar. He is the author of historical works, philosophical essays, ballads, and dramas. The best of the dramas are Wallenstein, Maria Stuart, Die Jungfrau von Orleans, and Wilhelm Tell. Among German writers Schiller ranks with Goethe. His ballads are vivid and full of action ; his lyrics are contemplative and inspired with an idealism that is highly character- istic of their author. The theme of this ballad was suggested to Schiller by an old French story. There are versions in other languages. 110 22. ^rait^ : Francis I, king of France. 23. bie (SJro^ett ber rwte : the nobles. Ill 2. 9Iuftttt, etc. : the order forced for meter's sake; what is the prose order ? 8. SRfifjnen : old declined singular. 19. Srf)laflt : describes, lit. beats. 23. Sett : archaic and poetic for Sorae. 28. boppdt geb'ffttete : twice opened, i.e. two doors for the two leoj? ar ds. _ 112 3. Xigertier : = Xiger. 10. $l(tan: here the same as SBatfon, p. 110, 1. 24. 12. gimfrfjett , * * Wlitttn fjinein: "between . . . midway in," midway between. 14. ^>e(urge : like Kunigunde, a fictitious personage. 14. tyottettberttetf : adv. gen. 17. $f)*: IJfyr, addressing one or more persons, is still retained in serious poetry = the Eng. thou, or ye. 113 5. $)ett $>tlttl: here ben Sofyn, the reward. 6. 511? fel&ett Stttltbe : = fogleid), immediately. 113 17. fiefdjlie^t : inverted order, denoting roenn and). 21. refers to the next line, which is the real subject of fiinbet. 22. tt NOTES 169 $te 28ortc be 114 1. ittfyaftfcfjUier : pregnant with meaning. 5. dat. of separation. 8. Uub : here concessive, taken with the inverted verb, even if. 12. cr^tttert tttdjt : the verb, without the negative, is understood in the preceding line. 15. fpflt* , , * aurfj : the inversion implies raenn ; roemt . . . and), even if. 17. itm : rel., ba3 in 1. 18 being the antecedent. 18. $)a3 : obj. of iibet. ftttblid) : cf . p. 107, 1. 8. 19. eitt fltt ift : thus, and not with e3 gibt, does German express absolute existence. 19, 22, 24. eitt ^eiltget 233ittc r bcr fyodjfte dtebanfe, cm ntljiger ($eift : attributes of God. 23. ob : concessive for 06 ... aitd) or Qleid), even if. 115 2. @ic : object of pflanjet. 3. gletd) : with roenn/ implied by inversion, although. Theodor Korner, born 1791, died 1813, is a heroic young figure in German literature. He was the son of Schiller's friend Christian Gottfried Korner, and looked largely to Schiller for his literary ideals. His patriotic and war lyrics, Leier und Schwert, are his best work. They were inspired by the War for Liberation. Korner himself fol- lowed the call for volunteers in 1813 and fell in battle at the age of twenty-one. 115 8. fei r 3 ftcbrnrfjt : be it offered, namely the greeting ; a phrase used in giving a toast. 20. etttfj : ethical dat. 21. 235cm : comp. rel., from whom after rcwbt, to him after befdjieben. $te Sorelei Heinrich Heine, born 1797, died 1856, belonged to a well-known Jewish family. He spent the last half of his life in France. He was a poet, journalist, and critic. He was a clear and brilliant writer, but much of his work is characterized by satire or bitter mockery. His best lyrics are among the fairest flowers of German literature, and, set to music, form some of the most popular songs. Heine is the greatest of the German Romanticists. Sotelct : the name is that of a dangerous rock on the right bank of the RHine between St. Goarshausen and Oberwesel. 116 7. fofl e3 "it is intended to signify," it means. 20. babct : at the 170 NOTES same time, the while. 21. uwnb erf ante : strange, weird. 22. , bet: usually 9Mobte. 24. (r(jmft e3 : impers., translate as if passive. 117 2. in btc $u Mft toie cine SBIumc 117 10. @rf)leirf)t: afeote. 11. SDKrift: "it is to me," I feel. Seifc jieljt burd) tneiu cmitt 117 22. fag r fie gritgen : send her greetings. in f$id)tenlmum ftcljt einfam 118 3. $fjn f()lafert : i m pers., es> understood ; he is drowsy. gute Samerab Ludwig Uhland, born 1787, died 1862, is the chief of the so-called Suabian school of poets. He is a lyric and ballad writer of high order, the author of valuable essays on old German literature, and was a member of the National Assembly in 1848. His interest in the folk-song and his enthusiasm for the glory of the German past ally him with the Romanticists, but he is always what they sometimes fail to be : sane, direct, and sincere. 118 10. nit: dialectic for ntdjt. 13. @rf)rttt Wtb rttt : keeping pace; rhyming and alliterative synonyms are more common in Ger. than in Eng. , cf. hearth and home. 14. geffagett t flying, cf. note to p. 34, 1. 6. 15. ift r : impers., is it meant for me? 17. Note the change to the present, tense for vividness. 19. SBitt : tries; sc. er as subject. nod): still, i.e. before he dies. 20. ^critieil : archaic for nwEjrenb. 21. amt : sc. id) ; this is the reply of the survivor to his dying comrade. 2>te 119 8. (anfrf)t cmpor : "listens upward," looks up and listens. NOTES 171 119 14. brehteft: poetic for brof) eft. 16. tnag : can. -JTCogen has here the primitive meaning now usually rendered by lontten. $>er SBirtiu Siirfjterleitt 119 17. Uiof)( : the word cannot be rendered here by any of the usual meanings ; it is about equivalent to once, or I ween, in similar connection. 18. $ei * ^ the tavern of. ba : pleonastic. 19. @ic : you ; the third person sing, was used in older Ger. for the familiar bit. gut : ordinarily the adj. would be repeated before the second noun. Both the omission of the ending and the failure to repeat are archaic and poetic. 120 1. SBtet llttb 238ettt ift : a singular verb after a compound subject is more common in Ger. than in Eng. 5. ber fdjhtg : ber is pleonastic. 7. lefctcft : subj. optative. SDfatb : poetic for 3Mbd)en. 10. ba^tt : the while; i.e. as he replaced the shroud. 13. Jjufo : more commonly )ob. Siegfried djtoert 120 17. 3mtg: c f. note to p. 119, 1. 19. tcgfmb : a mythical hero of German legend, especially the hero of the Nibelungenlied. 18, 19. ($Hug, 28oflt T : sc. er as subject. 121 1. foert : in verse the adj. may follow its noun, and is then not declined. 4. (etb : pain- ful 5. ging : W as walking; note the case after the preposition. 8. gtfammett fcijhtg : the rules of order are subject to much poetic license ; was blazing. 10. bit : bit and ifyr, unless emphatic, are usually omitted after an imperative, bit is used here for the meter's sake. 13. fuitut : obsolete for fonnte. 21. fcfjlng 1 : slay. cut attbrer : any other. 2>a3 @d)Io$ am 9Keer The poem is put into dialogue form . Some one who has been familiar with the castle questions a traveler who has recently passed the castle, in regard to it. 122 4. Ijet : along ; construe with tDefjen. 5. ($; modjtc : Longfellow translates the line And fain it would stoop down- ward. 22. G5cinuf)f : consort; a neuter noun which may be used for either husband or wife. The masc. ber emafyl, fern, bie emafylin, are the usual forms. 172 NOTES 123 11. fdjaffen: are stirring. an aflett ttben: on all sides. 13. ^cr^c : archaic for erj, cf. 1. 19. 16. nod) toerbeu mag : may yet come. 17. jwfl : will, emphatic ; it attributes the power of voli- tion to the inanimate subject, ba3 Slii^en. 19. ber dual: gen.; in prose sergeffen regularly governs the ace. For Wilhelm Hauff, born 1802, died 1827, cf. note to p. 61. 123 22. eitd)teft : subject bit omitted for meter's sake. 124 10. $raf)lft . * . gleirf) : cf. note to p. 115, 1. 3. (gjcelftor Ferdinand Freiligrath, born 1810, died 1876, is the author of excellent translations of modern verse, French, American, and Eng- lish. His early poems are vivid pictures of scenes in foreign climes. Later he wrote patriotic and political verse dealing with the condi- tions in 1848-9 and in 1870. To avoid persecution he spent some years in voluntary exile in England. His devotion to his country has won him the heart of the entire German people. 124 19. nod) : late as it was, or omit. 125 5. traut ttitb ftomm : cozy and peaceful. 6. fid) tecfctt : this verb gives the idea of increas- ing in size, they rose up like ghosts. 9. faff : for lafj ab, desist. 11. fdjttoft: for ift gefdjroollen. 19. au: sep. prefix with 3Beid)', which has gall for object. 25. Sattft 23ernf)arb3 : see Vocabulary. 126 2. bange : affrighted, startled. 4. gut Stunb 1 : just then, cf. p. 113, 1. 6. 9. 2Bef)tt : breath. JRcgcntag 126 15. fdjaurifl : causing a shudder. 16. ntit %lot : with diffi- culty. 21. geftofpt : ift understood. 127 8. fie: pleonastic. 16. Steven : this word renders prairies in the original ; for meter's sake instead of ^rairieen. 23. 2Sicber : sep. prefix with geb'. 128 3, ttrir&lia, : " whirling," eddying, renders wayward in the original. NOTES 173 ift im )0d)ianb 19. JRcotcr J region, from Italian riviera, region along a river. . 23. ttw3 : after littyn supply ift. 129 1. fcott : followed by the gen. or dat., or by r>on and the dat. 4. tl)r toft : ifyr is the repetition of the antecedent iljr in 2$r trome ; cf. note to p. 63, 1. 11. 129 9. fadjte : cf. note to p. 109, 1. 19. 10. Cf. p. 127, 1. 8. 16. ^er^ettjgftttb : " child of my heart," darling. 20. ja: cannot be translated ; the meaning is conveyed in English by a reassuring tone of voice. 23. Stfoer fcgdt ttttb ttwflt : silver sails and waves. The translator has taken " sails " in " Silver sails all out of the west " as a verb. Is he right ? $er fterknbe Sttyumtt 130 5. $>er fcrette Strom ttwr gelti Don Sdjlamm : cf . the corre- sponding line in the original. 9. umftrtrt) : whipped, lashed ; cf. the original. 15. trait! bie $fat : cf. the original. 19. JHimtcit : watercourses. 20. fd)tflerttbe : iridescent. 25. matter : feeble. 26. tobgeroetJjtett : fated, ''dedicated to death." 131 2. jaud^eu : shout jubilantly. fjruUcn : rumble. 3. geroflt : cf. p. 118, 1. 14. 9. ba rauligc 9Woor : fen filled with creepers, tanyled fen. 11. fdjroettettbe : swelling, describes the movement of the reeds in the wind ; it renders the words wavy swell in the original. 12. jerttwfylt: " undermined," worn. 15. 2lfl r : refers to the nouns beginning with baS fried^enbe 2ftoo3, 1. 9. ii^erflutete : translate as if passive, all were flooded with eddying song. te SBafferrofc Emanuel Geibel, born 1815, died 1884, is one of the most popular of modern German lyric writers. In a period when many poets spent their strength on transient political themes, Geibel held to sub- jects that appeal to men in all circumstances and ages. 131 23. @rf)o : translate heart. 132 4. fcrifl , , . fcrgc^tt : seems to wish to perish. 174 NOTES $er SanncnBaum The term 33olllieb is applied to widely popular lyric poems whose authorship is unknown. They apparently sprang up spontaneously among the people, and have been handed down for centuries by word of mouth. Herder in 1778 made the first collection of these lyrics. They have been appreciated since then, and imitated by Germany's greatest poets. One of Goethe's most popular poems, Heidenrb'slein, is an old 93olf3lieb, slightly retouched. 132 11. Sftagbeleitt : poetic and archaic for SMbcljen. $>ie SBeifcer ban Adalbert von Chamisso, born 1781, died 1838, was French by birth, but spent the greater part of his life in Germany and was German in language and spirit. He is the author of the well-known tale Peter Schlemihl, of ballads, and of lyric verse (such as Frauen-Liebe und Leben) of a high order. Some of his verse is pointed with allusions to the political conditions that prevailed in Germany after the War for Liberation. 133 1. ^o^ettftaufc : Hohenslaufen, the name of an important imperial dynasty of the Middle Ages. fag : imperfect where the English uses the progressive plupf., had been encamped. 2. 258tu3s $)Ctg : Weinsberg, on the Neckar in Wtirtemberg, formerly a free city. 3. $er 233clfe : the Welf or Guelph; here Welf, brother of Henry the Proud. "Guelph" was later a designation of the papal party in Italy. 8. ijffnet : inversion implying even if. 9. fommcit : an old form for gefommen. The past part, has not always had the prefix ge=. alfo : thus. 13. mogett : let, a mild imperative. 14. 28a3 , * Uei'tttag * , , fct : the second verb implies vagueness, whatever may be, the first does not. 16. 3Reimtttg : " intent," will. 23. an : sep. prefix with >alt, stop. 2$id)t : "wight," " creature," here man. - 134 1. nrie : when. 2. gut gemarfft : cf. note to p. 2, 1. 28. - 3-4. The implication is that the royal word is not so sacredly kept nowadays ; cf. biographical note on Chamisso. 2)m $rmre itnb iner Friedrich Riickert, born 1788, died 1866, is unexcelled as a master of verse-form. He is the author of political and patriotic poems, Deutsche Gedichte and Kranz der Zeit, and of didactic lyric, Weisheit NOTES 175 des Brahmanen. He has also written some pure lyric verse, e.g. Liebesfruhling, that ranks with the best in German literature. He translated poems from the oriental languages and wrote original verse in the oriental spirit. From 1826 to 1849 he was professor of oriental languages, first at Erlangen and then at Berlin. 134 12. brauf : in return. 14. SRarfj' bir'3 511 cigen: "make it your own," note the meaning. 19. ^toeie archaic inflected form for groei. 134 21. SBar&aroffa : Italian for ^otbart, Red-beard. Friedrich was drowned in Asia Minor while on a crusade. The people would not believe that their great ruler was dead, and the legend here related 'grew up. 135 1. UttterirVfdjett Sd)loffe: i.e. beneath the Kyff- hauser, a mountain northwest of Weimar. 5. berborgeu : past part., used absolutely. 10. ^u fciucr 3eit : in his own good time. 12. ^arwtf : = raorauf. 15,16. turn ^fodjf e r &*"* 8feue?3glttt : referring to the color. 21. jc ttad) (ait gem 91aume : every once in a long while. Hermann Kunibert Neumann, born 1808, died 1875, a German officer and inspector of fortifications, was the author of several epic- narrative poems and of many lyrics and sonnets. 136 15. $>a ttirf)t : lest. ott gritfje bid) Julius Sturm, born 1816, died 1896,. was a pastor and the author of various collections of poems, among them Fromme Lieder and Kampf- und Siegeslieder, the latter dealing with the War of 1870. 136 19. 3ett : translate plural. 22. @ift : counts. @3 Ijat nidjt fatten fein Joseph Viktor von Scheffel, born 1826, died 1886, is the author of the very popular epic poem Der Trompeter von Sakkingen, in which is incorporated the song Es hat nicht sollen sein; of Ekkehard, which ranks among the best historical novels ; and of widely popular student and convivial songs, collected in Gaudeamus. The title and refrain is best rendered It was not (thus) to be. 176 NOTES 137 2. gfeid): right, before fcei ben SfoSen. 3. feljttt: usually reflexive and followed by a prep., especially nacl) ; ficfy nad) ettoa3 fefynen, to long for. The line would read in prose, tDOnacf) e fid) aud) fefynt unb wa% e3 audj birf)tet. bidjtet : u makes believe," dreams. 7. SSeljuet' : dialectic for befyiite ; 33ef)iite btc ott is a common fare- well greeting. 8. foflett feitt : colloquial ; regularly in prose fein fotten. 10. fturmge^riifter : storm-tossed. 13. genefen : gain new strength. 19. juft : colloquial for gerabe. 21. $0d) tncttb r e fid), etc. : but whether it changes for better or worse. 22. XtettCtt : archaic declined dat. for Xreue. beitt: or beiner, gen. of bit, poetical for an bid). EXERCISES The following exercises are of three sorts : (1) Those on Geschichten von Herakles and Die Nachtigall present a condensation of the story in German, the various declensional forms being omitted or merely indicated T to be supplied by the pupil. In these the pupil finds the word-order and the vocabulary determined for him. The article and noun forms are taken up first, then the adjectives and pronouns, last the verbs. (2) The exercises on Hans im Gliick and Die Lugnerin present the story retold "in English, to be turned back into German by the pupil, the vocabulary being the same as the original and reference to the proper pages of the original being given. (3) The exercises on Der zerbrochene Krug and Kalif Storch consist in part of such English abstracts, and in part of questions, the answers to which will complete the outline of the story. The exercises on the poems consist entirely of questions such as might be asked by the teacher in the class-room regarding the meaning of the poems or parts of them. Those poems on which no exercises are given are especially adapted to memorizing. In answering the questions the pupil should usually repeat the subject of the sentence, and in any case make the answers entire sentences, so that the story may be continuous and complete. The teacher may use the exercises as seems most convenient, one by one along with the translation of the text, or at the completion of each selection, or all together as continuous work in composition. Probably the second method is the best. After the exercises have been written out and corrected they should be memorized and recited. I (Text, p. 1) roar b- tieffofjn unb 3pl)i!le3 b- oljn b- 2lmpl)itn)on. - roar $omcj in riecf)enlanb imb jetn- grau tyiefj 2U!mene. eralle3 177 178 EXERCISES unb 3pl)ille3 roaren tief unb lagen in ein- Sett-, bief- Sett tear aber ein grofc-, efyern- cfyilb. era nmr iljr- Gutter feinb unb n>ollte b- llein- $nab- t>on groei grofj- cfylang- toten laffen. 3)ief- frozen in b- 9?arf)t unter b- iiire b- tube, tx>o b- Sett b- ^naben ftanb, unb rooHten b- SperalleS tot beifjen. II (Text, pp. 1-2) @in tyell- irf)t ging Don ityr- Sluge- au3, unb bie3- Sic^t unb b- (Bdfjreien b- 3pl)ille3, raelc^- bange rcar, erroetfte b- Gutter unb b- SBater. 2)ief- lam mit fein- (Bdjroert in b- tube ^inein, aber era!le3 ^atte b- c^langen fdjon getbtet. 3J?it b- anb- tyatte er fie um b- $el)le gegriffen unb fo feft gebriitft, ba^ fie tot raaren. 2Bie er b- SSater mit fein- cfjroert- unb b- Wiener mit ein- 8id)t- lommen fa^ r lacfyte er unb ^ielt b- tot- @rf)langen ^in, III (Text, pp. 2-3) era?le3 lernte b- Ijieft b- ^onig b- SRintjer. @r brad)te ein grog- .'peer gegen b- Xfyebaner, raeil bief- b- ja'tyrlicfy- c^a^ung Don ^unbert Ddjf- nid^t me^r be^a^lten. ^eralle^ ttwrbe gu- ^elb^err- b- 3:()ebaner gemacfjt. @r ^atte ein- golbn- ganger, f- Sogen raar e- ejc^en! b- Slpollon, f- d^raert b- >erme3. eral(e^ totete b- dinner mit i^r- ^onig- unb erfyielt p- So^n b- Xoc^ter b- $reon gu- grau. @r nwrbe SSater Don brei ^inb-, aber in ein- $ran!fyeit raurbe er rafenb, Ejielt b- ^inb- fur Xier- unb fd^o^ fie all- tot. 2113 er nrieber ju fic^ lam, lonnte niemanD tf)n troften, er Derlie b- tabt unb lief ^inau^ in b- 2Balb. EXERCISES 179 V (Text, pp. 4-5) era!ie3 ging 311 b- ^riefterin in b- @tabt 3)elpfyi, um gu fragen, rate er b- Xob fein- $inber nrieber gut macfjen fonnte. 2)- ^riefterin befall ifjm, 511 b- $onig @uri;ftl)eu3 311 gefyen unb bief- 311 bienen. urnftfyeu^ nmr $onig son b- tabt iri;non b- ott- ge^olfen raerben. a ging era!leg E)in gu b- bof- ^onig ur^ft^eug unb fagte i^m, raa^ im t>on b- ^riefterin befo^len raurbe, unb baf; er b- 'priefterin ge^orfam fein raoUe. VI (Text, pp. 5-6) 2)- erft- 2lrbett, raeld^- era!(e tun mujjte, raar b- Sora- son 9^emea gu toten. 2)ief- Sora- t)atte e- gell fo bief, ba er burc^ !- ifen ju oerraunben raar. era!(eg ftfjofs mit fein- ^Pfeil- nac^ b- dro-, aber fie fielen Don fein- aut auf b- @rbe unb fc^abeten b- Son)- nidjt. a fprang bief- auf b- tapfer- -Iftann, roeld)- i^n je^t mit b- ^eule fc^lug. 3)a3 ^at b- Sora- nur erfdjrectt. S)a fa^te er b- Sora- um b- alg unb erraiirgte i^n. @r ftectte fid^ bann in b- gmut mit b- ^adjen iiber fein- raie e- elm, unb ging in b- tabt Xirnn^ VII (Text, pp. 6-7) 35- groeit- $ampf raar mit b- t)bra t)on Serne. 25icf- ^atte neun $opf- unb raar fo (ang rate e- Itein- , unb era!le^ fing an, mit (poss. adj.) $eule (pers. pron. dat.) b- ^opfe gu erfrf)lagen. Slber wo (pers. pron.) ein- ^opf gerfc^lug, ba n>urf)= fen 5tt)ei ^eraug, big 3olao3, b- ^reunb b- era!(e^, b- abgefcfylagen- brannte. 3) a ftarb b- Sptjbra, unb era!Ieg taudjjte (poss. adj.) in (poss. adj.) SBlut; baburc^ raurben (pers. pron.) all- 3ftenfdj- unb Xier- giftig. VIII (Text, pp. 8-10) 2(13 neunt- Arbeit follte era!le fiir b- Xod^ter b- 5nig3 b- iirtct b-^bnigin ippolt)te Ijolen. (Pron.) regierte iiber ein- $ol! Don lauter (Pron. fern.) roollte (pers. pron.) (poss. adj.) iirtel fc^en!en, 180 EXERCISES after (poss. adj.) $ol! trollte (pron.) nic^t leiben unb e entftanb e~ furcl)tbar- @d()lad)t gnrifdjen b- SBegleiter- b- erafle3 unb b- Stoa^on-. eratle3 fiegte unb nafym b- ^otiigin b- urtel ab. 2luf b- etm= n>eg- l)ielt (pers. pron.) ficfj in b- <3tabt Xroja auf unb retteie b- $onig- Saomebon (poss. adj.) od)ter efione oor b- Slngriff etn- Un= gefyeuer-. 2lber Saomebon nmr etn fd)led)t- -Jftenfd) unb gab b- era!le3 b- ^Pferb- nid)t, (rel. pron.) (pers. pron.) (pers. pron.) Derfprodjen tyatte. 25- ^Sferb- b- Saomebon ^olte era!Ie^ aber etn anber- 3JM. IX (Text, pp. 11-13) 2U elft follte era!le b b- efperiben bringen. (Dem. pron.) n>aren etn efcfyen! t)on era ober Suno an b- (fyotf), superlative) ott 3eu. 2)te 33aum-, (rel. pron.) (pers. pron.) trugen, ftanben in e- arten, (rel. pron.) ron e- unbert!opftg beraac^t raurbe. 2luf b- SBeg- ba^in ^at $jbera!leg> mit Slntcto^ gerungen, (rel. pron.) immer (ftarf, comparative) n)urbe r tuenn (pers. pron.) b- @rbe berii^rte. eralle^ be^raang (pers. pron.), inbem (pers. pron.) (pers. pron.) t)on b- @rbe auf- ^ob. 2)ann erfd)lug (pers. pron.) b- graufam- ^onig S3ufiri t)on , unb rettete b- ^romet^eu^ oor b- Slbler, (rel. pron.) taglic^ (poss. adj.) <5eite ^adie. nblid^ trug (pers. pron.) ein- $dt lang b- imme( fiir 2lila, b- Sruber b- ^efperiben, (rel. pron.) b- $(pfel fiir (pers. pron.) Ijolte. 2ltla^ raollte b- immel nid)t raieber auf (poss. adj.) (Sdjultern neE>men r big era!leg bro^te, (pers. pron.) fallen gu laffen, X (Text, pp. 13-15) X- (fdjroer, superlative) Slrbeit wax b- graolft- unb le^t-, b- unb ^erbero^ aus> b- 3ieice ^luton^ gu fyolen. 2)- tngang in b- Unter= n>elt ift an b- SSorgebirge Xanaro^. a (verb) era!le^ ^inunter unb rcurbe t)on Sharon iiber b- glu^ @t gefaljren. (Pers. pron.) fiircl)tete (refl. pron.) nic^t t)or b- aupt b- SRebuja, (rel. pron.) b- anber- Jftenjdj- in tein Derraanbelte. ^luton, b- ott b- Unterraelt, erlaubte (pers. pron.) b- unb gu nefymen, n)enn (pers. pron.) (pers. pron.) be^ttringen lonnte. (Dem. pron.) tat (pers. pron. subject) unb bracfyte b- unb su- ^onig urnftljeug, aber bief- fiirc^tete (refl. pron.) fefyr unb war fro^, (conjunction) era!le3 (pers. pron.) raieber in b- llnter= raelt brad^te. !>ftad)l)er ^at era!le^ t)iel me^r getan, b- ut- gu ^elfen unb b- 23bf- gu ftrafen, bi3 (pers. pron.) enblic^ auf b- Dlnmp lam unb in e- ott Derraanbelt rourbe. EXERCISES 181 $te GRAMMAR EXERCISE ox LL. 1-20 [Similar exercises may be profitably used in the class-room when- ever time will permit. The diligent student will invent such exercises for himself.] a) Verbs : I know, he knows, does he know ? I shall know, know ye, know thou. It is, was, will be, has been ; be thou, be ye. He takes care, did take care; take care (2d sing.). It is taken, was taken. Thou must, he must, he had to, has had to. He had to go, has had to go. He sees, see thou. It is seen, was seen, has been seen. b) Nouns and Adjectives: Decline (1) bag >tf)lofi; (2) bag pra cfjtigfte ; (3) ber arien; (4) bie ttwnberbarften 33htmen ; (5) fjotye 23aume; (6) ber arme gifdjer ; (7) etn armer gifcfjer. Compare arm, natye. XI (Text, p. 16) 2Bir roerb- ein- eftf)id[)te Don b- ^aifer b- f)inef- tyoren. Sief- grojj- $aifer rooljn- in ein- pradljtig- @d)loJ3-. @r (fyaben) ein- fdjon- arten mtt prtidjtig- 33lumen. 2ln b- SSIumen (fyangen plupf.) man ftein- lotfen. 2Benn man (tjorbetge^en), llangen b- lotfen, bamit man b- SBtunten bemerl- moge. SCm @nbe b- arten- (fcin) b- ^errlid^ft- 2Balb auf ber SDBclt. @r (ftc erftrecfen) big u b- tief- blau-2fteer- unb (^aben) otel- ^o^- 23aum-. 3n b- 3 rae ^9- tt)o^n- ein- -ftadjtigaH, roetc^- ^errltd^ fingen (!onnen pret.). (S- arm- gifc^er (!ommen pret.) nad^tg bort^in unb (augroerfen) bag 5^e^. 3Cenn b- -ftarf)tigatt aber (ftngen), (fttll fatten pret.) er, um Ijorc^en. XII (Text, pp. 17-18) )te ^etfenb-, raeld^- nac^ b- iabt (fommen), (fd^retben) t)ie(- (33uc^) iiber b- -ftadjtigaH. ing t)on bief- (33uc^) (fommen) gu b- ^aifer. )ann (lefen) er t)on b- ^ac^tigaK. ,,2Bag tft bag ? ;/ (fagen pret.) er 511 fein- t)ornef)m- ^ofmarfc^all. ,,3^ (fottcn) ein- fyi>rf)it merfraiirbtg- SSogel ()ab- ; id) fenn- (pers. pron.) aber felbft nid|t, S^atrttm fag- man- 182 EXERCISES ntir nitf)t3 baoon?" 3)er ofmarfd)all antroort-: ,,3d) (nriffen pres.) nicljtg t)on b- SBogel ; man (fyaben) ifyn nie bei >ofe (t>orftellen past part.), 3d) (finben) (pers. pron.) aber fcfyon." 2)ann (fudjen pret.) er b- $ogel in all- (on Sapan (fenben perf.) mtr b- Suc^. @g (miiflen) aljo tt)af)r fein. 5c (raollen) b- SSogel pren, unb raenn er nitf)t (fommen), fo (trampeln fut.) tc auf b- ganj- of. /; XIII (Text, pp. 18-19) )ann (laufen pret.) ber ofmarfd^all rcieber mit b- ^alb- >of b- gang- @d;lo^ unb frag- natf) b- 3Sogel. @ie (treffen pret.) enblirf) e- tlein- 3JJctbd)en, b- fag-, fie (tennen pres. subj.) b- S^arfjtigall gut, bie fing- fo fdjbn, baf} ein- (dat.) babei b- SBaffer in b- Slugen !omm-. 2)- arm- 9^ctbd)en fag- : ,,3or b- gndbig- 5^aifer gu fingen, unb fie fag-, fie (roollen pres. subj.) gern fommen, ba ber $aifer eg raiinfc^-. gn b- djlofc (gliin^en) uiel- Sampen, unb man (aufftellen plupf.) prcid)tig- Slumen in b- ange. 2)ie ;ftad)tigall (fommen) in (pass, adj.) einfad)- grau- 5lleib-. @ie (fi^en) auf ein- golben- aule or b- gro^- ^aifer. 2)- llein- $od)in (roerben plupf.) je^t ein- nrir!licl)- ^offoc^in, raeil fie b- -ftacljtigall (finben plupf.) @ie (fte^en) Ijinter b- ^iir unb man (geben plupf.) (pers. pron.) bie rlaubnig, nacl) b- fel)en. EXERCISES 183 3)ann (fingen) bie 9acl)tigall fo fyerrlidjj, bafj b- $aifer toein-. r (toollen) (pers. pron.) ein- golben- ^Bantoffel geben. Sie ban!- aber unb fag-, man (fyaben) fie fcfyon genug (belofynen), benn fie fyab- Xrctnen in b- $aifer- Slug- (feljen). &ie ;ftad)tigall (macfyen plupf.) ifyr lite! unb (miiffen pret.) bei ofe bleiben. @ie (roofynen plupf. subj.) lieber in b- XV (Text, pp. 22-23) in- Xag- (erfyalten) ber $aifer ein- gro- ^a!et. in !unftlic- SSogel (liegen) barin. @r (fein) itberall mit fcelftein- (befe^en). 3Jian (aufjieljen pret.) (pers. pron.), unb bann (fonnen) er fingen. Gr (!onnen pret.) nur ein on fprad) man nun ? 2Ber roar baran fcfjulb ? SOorin roar 3Jiariette eingerjullt? 2Barum blieb fie giittg gegen alle? 2Bie lange bauerte 4 eg, big jeber mit ifyr gefprocl;en tjatte? a^te man fie ? 2Ba3 irjollte nun jeber unb jebe ? 6e. 2 omit, and express by inversion. 3 reflexive. * last. XXVII (Text, pp. 38-40) Young Colin, the richest man in the entire region, 1 had a hardened heart. (The fact) that he had never asked what girls are made for, proves his hard-heartedness. Yet most girls thought him a very good fellow. He pleased them with his fine figure, his frank nature, and his kind smile. Can one trust these feminine judges ? 3Ber roar e, ber fid) SJiartetten nicfjt anfcfjloj} ? 2Bae> tat er, roenn er bem -Mbdjen begegnete? 28o rjerfammelte man fid) abenbg ? 28a3 fiir Steber fangen fie ? 2Bee>f)alb roarb ber bbfe (Solin ftill ? SBarum fa^ ifyn ^ariette gar nid)t art ? atte fie red)t ? 2Bte met rou^te er unb roie t)iele prten ir)m gn ? 2Bann brac^ er ab ? SBlieb fie nun ? 1 Me ($egenb. XXVIII (Text, pp. 40-42) Father Jerome, a man of great age, was hard of hearing. He had only two sentences about which * he always preached, yet all liked to hear him. They all loved each other, except 2 Colin who brooded mischief. Every year the people went to the fair in Vence. For the other girls Colin bought all sorts of trifles, but to Marietta he did not even speak. EXERCISES 189 3Bo roar ber $rug ? Sefdjreiben 3 @ie ifjn. 2Ba fagte 3ftariette iiber ben $rug ? 3lu3 roa3 roar er gemad)t? SBte met roar er roert? 2Ber faufte iljn, unb rote trug er ifyn ? 2Bem gab er iljn ? 2Ba3 roar 3<*cque3 ? 2Cie roar er ? 2Ba3 follte er tun ? 2Ba3 follte er fagen ? (indirect). 1 combine the prep, and the rel. 2 aufter. 3 describe. XXIX (Text, pp. 43-45) Jacques met the judge, who asked him what he was carrying. 1 Jacques said that he was not permitted 1 to tell [it]. His master said, it was 1 well that he could l keep silent. He was going l to Mrs. Manon anyhow, and would give l her the box. The servant was accustomed to obey the judge in everything. The curious master lifted 2 the cover in order to see whether 3 a mouse was l in the box, and he caught sight of the pretty present. At once he perceived that Colin wanted to get Marietta into trouble. 2Ba3 rooilte ber 9?irf)ter nun tun ? SMnte 2Jtoriette, bafj er etn lein roa're ? 2Ba3 fanb bie Gutter ? 23efd)reiben ie ben fagteer? (indirect).* 2Boilten fie ben $rug ? SOBarauf roartete Nanette ? SBoriiber ftric^ fid) ber 9ttd)ter ? SBorauf uerftanb er fid) ? SBo^u roar feine Dtfafe 1 pres. or impf. subj. 2 ^eben. 8 06 ntcfit. 4 (Srlaitbt, indirect fte mocfjte etlauben. XXX (Text, pp. 46-47) For more than ten days they talked of the judge's present, and many thought that the wedding was 1 agreed upon. Although Marietta's playmates knew that she would not marry the judge, yet they teased her. Furthermore she had to 2 rinse the pitcher every morning at the well and put flowers into it. 8 Twice a week she found at the well beautiful flowers which seemed just made for the pitcher, and on a piece of paper was written : "Dear Marietta ! " 2Ba3 !onnte man ifyr nidjt roei3 madjen ? $on roem bad)te fte, bafs bie SBhtmen ftimen ? SSarum nafytn fie fie ? SBofyin ftreute fie bie <5tiic!e? 2Bol)er famen bie Slumen nidjt? 2Bie entbecfte fie eg? ^Pflegen bie SJJabc^en neugierig u fein ? )ad)te fie, baf; e3 fic^ erraten lie^e, roer e3 roa're ? 2Bie oft lagen bie Slumen auf bem gelfen ? 2Borum roar ber treifen gerounben ? 1 pres. or impf. subj. 2 miiffen. 3 Btneintun. 190 EXERCISES XXXI (Text, pp. 47-50) Father Jerome had preached that God's dispensations were mirac- ulous. Therefore little Marietta hoped that He would help her to find the flower-giver. One summer morning when she had awak- ened very early, she could not go to sleep again. So she dressed and went out over the rocks to the palm-trees. She saw that under one of them a young man was sleeping, 1 and that he had a bouquet near . him.2 SBeSljalb blieb fie ftefjen ? 3Bof)in roollte fie ttrieber ? 2Gie roeit roar fie gegangen, al3 fie fid) umfal) ? 3iegte er fid) ? $am fie enblicl) bet ber ^alme an ? 2)ad)te fie, fie ginge ja mir uorbei ? 2Ba3 tat fie, um iljrer @ad)e geroifj 311 fein ? 2Ba3 bacf)te fie alle3 ? 2Ba3 ftreute fie iiber ifyn J)tn ? 2Boran fonnte er erraten, roer ifjm ben treic^ gefpielt ? ^eute fie 3 i^r 2Ber!? 2Bol)in eilte fie? 1 indie, pret. 2 fid^. 3 ace. XXXII (Text, pp. 50-52) If she had considered that he knew her silk ribbon, she would not have tied it to his arm. Soon everybody (man and woman) knew that he had it from her, and the judge asked her mother why she tolerated it. He thought l it was high time that they celebrated their wedding. The mother said that he was right and that the affair must soon be over. 2Ba tat 3Jtoriette, roenn ber $id)ter fid) gu i^r fefcte ? 2Bie roollten fie fie iiberrumpeln ? 3)urfte bte od)ter etroaS bat)on roiffen ? SBarm roollte bie Gutter fie fyinfd)ic!en ? 2Bie lange follte ber ^Pfarrer i^r an^ Sper^ reben ? SSe^^alb tnad^te e3 nic^t^, roenn 9}?ariette auc^ nein riefe ? SBarum lief; fid) Nanette Don bem IM nid)t3 traumen ? agte fie alien, ba fie Solin i^r utbanb gegeben ptte ? XXXIII (Text, pp. 52-54) One morning, 1 when the sun had hardly risen from the sea, little Marietta went again to the old well. As she saw young Colin coming with flowers in his 2 hand she blushed. Then she asked him why he was wearing 3 her ribbon; [saying] 4 she had not given it to him. EXERCISES 191 She thought that he became 3 pale with rage, and soon she was ashamed of her lie and said that she had given him the ribbon, but that he should not wear it openly. He gave it back to her, but he could hide neither his tears nor his sighs. SBegfyalb roar (Eolin in SSergroeiflung ? 2Ba3 macfyte er mtt bem 33anb ? 2Bo gefdjjalj bag Ungliic!? SBem merging oren unb efyen? 2Ba3 gefdjaf), al3 fie fief) jum genfter fjinauSbrangte ? 3Ba3 rief fie ? (indirect). 2Ba3 roar alle3 in bem ^3arabiefe uerloren ? !gen. 2 article. 8 pres. or impf . subj. * express by subj. of "had given." XXXIV (Text, pp. 54-56) At nine o'clock the judge was wont to hold court. When he saw his betrothed crying and when he heard that Colin had broken the pitcher, he had him brought thither l immediately. After Colin had come, Manon repeated her accusation. But Colin said to Marietta she should 2 forgive him, as he had also forgiven her; and to the judge he said that he had broken the pitcher unintentionally. Marietta sobbed that she was as guilty as he, that it was not his fault. 2Ba3 fdjrie bte Gutter ? 2Bie Diet follte (Eolin beaten ? 2Ba3 war ber $rug raert ? giir rate triel tyatte if)n oltn gefauft ? 2Ben Ijatte er an Sftariette gefcfyitft? SBo ftanb ber $nerf)t? agte er, ber 3itd)ter morf)te 2 fid^ nur beftnnen ? 2Ba3 tat olin ? 2Ba3 mac^te Jrau 3Jianon ? 1 Ijerbet. 2 mod^te (indirect for the imp.). XXXV (Text, pp. 56-59) When Colin came back from Grasse the judge laughed and said that Colin would have to pay for the pitcher anyhow. 1 Father Jerome promised the judge to tell Marietta not to resist her mother, and Manon made a myrtle wreath which she said the priest needed for a wedding. Monday morning Marietta carried the wreath unsuspect- ingly to the parsonage. On the way she met young Colin, who asked her whether she had forgiven him. 3tDetfelte fie ? SBofyin gingen fie gufammen ? 2Ber ftanb auf einmal Dor itynen ? SSorauf legte er bag ^ra'n^djen ? 2Be3fyal6 fagte er, fie mocfjten fic^ unter einanber Ueben ? 2Begraegen fyatte er ben ^arnen t)er= geffen ? Jpafjten fie fid) ? 2Ba3 meinte ber ^farrer ? 2Ba3 war bem gehtngen ? 1 botfj. 192 EXERCISES XXXVI (Text, pp. 59-60) After she had waited a long time for the arrival of the bridegroom, 1 Manon started out for the judge's house. Here she saw that the pre- fect had 2 had Mr. Hautmartin arrested. Her first thought was that wicked Colin had caused it. She quickly went 3 to the priest in order to excuse herself because of the delay. The latter, proud of his work, showed her smilingly the young bridal pair. Verier (olin bie SBefinnung ? 3Bot)on fing er an ? SBorum bat er bie Gutter ? 2Ber roar baran fcfyulb ? SSerftanb ber ^rtefter enbltd), roa3 gefdjefyen roar? SCe^alb gab 3ftanon bem neut)erma^(ten $aar ifyren egen nun boc^ ? 2Bo tft ber $rug je|t ? 1 ber SBrdutigam. 2 put Ijatte third last ; see grammar about order of auxil- iaries. 3 fitf) $ie ef^ic^te tion Salif Stordj XXXVII (Text, pp. 61-63) One hot afternoon, after he had slept a little, Chasid, the Caliph of Bagdad, was comfortably smoking his pipe. He was feeling very well about this time, and when his prime minister came he asked him quite kindly why he was looking so very serious. The vizier said that a merchant with many beautiful things was below, but that he unfortunately 1 had no money. SBaS tat ber $alif bann ? 2Bie jal) ber Cramer au3 ? 2Ba3 roar in ber @cf)ublabe ? 2Bof)er Ijatte er eg ? 2Besf)alb faufte ber ^alif bie (Sac^en ? 2luf roelc^e 5Beife erfutjr er ben Sn^alt ber 6c^rift ? 2Ba3 fagte elim? (indirect). 2Bag mufste er bann tun? SBann follte ber SSe^ier fommen 2 ? 3KoE)in rooltten fie gel)en? 1 leiber. 2 direct, morgen frii^ ; indirect ? XXXVIII (Text, pp. 64-66) The next morning Mansor came early, and after Chasid had put the box into his belt they started out together. First they went through the gardens, but finally they came to a pond where storks had often EXERCISES 193 been seen. There were two of them there, one at the pond and one up in the air. Soon they were holding a conversation. After the men had taken a pinch and spoken the magic word, their legs grew thin, their beards disappeared, and they became storks. 2Bag fagte bann ber alif ? 2Bie fafj er aug ? SBomit pu^te fttf) bte erfte torcfyin ? SBegroegen roar fie gelommen ? 2Bag fiir SBeroegungen tnadjjte fie ? fatten fie aucf) nod) gefungen ? 2Celd;en gef)ler marten bie beiben neuen ? SBorauf lonnten fie fid) nid)t befinnen ? 28ie oft biirften fie fid) ? alf eg i^nen ? XXXIX (Text, pp. 67-69) When they found that they could not get out of their stork-skin, they became very sad, and since they had no appetite for frogs they fed on (the) fruits of the field. One day, as they sat on a roof in Bagdad, they heard that Mizra had become ruler of the country. The Caliph knew now why he had been enchanted, but he said he would not give up hope. SBofytn roolltett fie rocmbern ? SBarum flogen fie nad) Sftebtna ? fyielt eg am langften au3 ? 2Bo fanben fie ein Unterrotnmen ? [cfyten eg ein djlofj geraefen gu fein? 2Bag fyorten fie? SBo^er lamen bie Xone ? SCovtn fa^ bie @ule ? Sefd^reiben @te, tuag roeiter XL (Text, 70-72) Both were very unhappy, and they told each other their story. The sorcerer had demanded the princess as a wife for his son, and because he had been thrown down 1 the steps he had changed her into that horrid form. Then he had told her that she should stay there until some one should be willing to marry her. The owl con- tinued that she was blind during the day. The tale of her misfor- tune started her tears. fagte bie @ule ? (indirect). 2Bte oft !am ber gau&erer baE)in ? 3u roeldjem Qraede lam er ? 2Beld)e3 roar bie eine SBebtngung ? 2Be3= f)alb gtngen fie fjinaitS? 2Carum lief; ber $altf bie gliigel Ijtingen? SBoruber roar bie @ule erfreut ? 2Ba3 fiir ein aal roar eg ? 2>n roem erfannten fie roen ? SBag taten fie ? 1 translate active with subject man. 194 EXERCISES XLI (Text, pp. 73-74) One of the guests asked Kashmir what kind of a word he had given to the Caliph. As soon as the birds heard it, they ran so quickly out of the ruin that the owl on her short legs could follow them only with great difficulty. After they had bowed toward the sun and had cried Mutabor, they became men again. How could one describe the joy of the Caliph when he saw that the owl had been changed into a beautiful lady ? 2Bot>on nmr er entjuclt ? 2Ba3 rief er au3 ? (direct). 2Ba3 faufte er ? 2Ba3 fjatte ber Setriiger liber if)n gejagt ? SBen natym man gefangen ? 2Bof)in rourbe ber 2llte gef djicft ? SBeldje SBaljl rourbe bem otyne gelaffen ? SBotyinein roarb er gejperrt ? SBte lange lebten ber $alif unb fein SSejier nod) ? 2Bann tuurbe t>on bem Slbentetter gefprocf)en ? giir raen roar eg ein 3Sergniigen? 2Barum brotyte ber heater? >ie Sitgneritt XLII (Text, Scene 1) It is evening. A lamp is burning on the table. Constance, who is occupied with crochet-work, is sitting on a sofa. Laugenberg, her guardian, is sitting beside her. He has asked (bitten) her to become his wife, but she steadfastly says no. He has faithfully administered her property and protected her. For all this she is very thankful to him, and esteems and honors him, but she cannot love him. He is thirty-six years old, a good lawyer, and Constance tells him a thou- sand girls would consider themselves fortunate to become his wife. Langenberg, however, interrupts her by (inbem) telling her that it was the will of her father, who had died eight years before and had given him the guardianship over her and her brother, that she become his wife. The father's own words were, u Perhaps you will win the heart of my Constance." But Constance tells him he has not won her heart. When he mentions Moritz Hartmuth, a young man who lives across (iiber) the street, she turns away and is silent. Although (obgleirf)) she confesses nothing, Langenberg says that he knows enough without her confession, and that she would not be allowed (biirfen) to marry without his consent. Constance answers that to-morrow is her birth- day, and that she will be of age. Then his authority will have an end. EXERCISES 195 XLIII (Text, Scene 2) Gustchen comes in (ein'treten) hurriedly and says there is an upris- ing, and that barricades are being built. The militia is assembling and Langenberg has to go to his company. Constance is fearful because (tDeil) she has to stay alone, and wishes that her brother were back from his trip to London. Then (ba) Gustchen gives her a letter from her brother, which had been delivered (uberrei'cfyen) by the porter. She opens it, glances over it, and learns (erfafyren) that he is not to return for four weeks. Suddenly (auf einmal) she hears some one whispering in the garden. She opens the window and starts back with a loud cry. XLIV (Text, Scene 3) Three men appear one after another in the window. One, Backes, is a day-laborer, and as (inbem) he jumps into the room he tells Con- stance that she need have no fear. One, Hahnenbein, is a soap-maker. He is timid and trembling, and as he climbs in he begs (bitten) Con- stance not to betray them. He says he is innocent, that he has been forced, and that he has seven children at home. Constance calls Gustchen, who is about to go to the door to get help when (a(3) Moritz Hartmuth appears in the window. Constance recognizes him. He jumps in, and says as (inbem) he stands abashed before her, " It is late and this is not very suitable (paffenb) company, but two words will solve the riddle. There was a little disturbance and we put up a barricade, but before it was finished we were arrested. As they were leading us to prison we three escaped and slipped into the garden. Seeing (ba trrir . . . fafyen) a light in your room, we climbed up by means of the grape arbor. If we are causing you any uneasiness we will leave you." They hear voices in the house and guns thumping on the floor, and Constance tells them they must remain. Says she, " I want to rescue you. But how shall I go about it ? " " Can't you treat us as your guests if they come into your room?" says Moritz. "My comrades do not look like it, but if they had different clothes they could sit on your sofa all right (fcfjon)." "That is splendid, that will go," says Constance. Gustchen leads the two men off to the left. XLV (Text, Scene 4) Moritz and Constance are alone and embarrassed. Moritz says he has a great deal to tell her. For six weeks he has had no more ardent 196 EXERCISES wish than to see her, to tell her what she already (fdjon) knows, that he loves her. Constance says she must not hear those words from a man who has not been introduced to her. Moritz begs for a response. She does not scorn his suit, but does not want to be taken by storm. Wooing, she says, does hot go so fast. That she does not say no is enough for Moritz. He says she is a cruel girl, because she has allowed him to languish so long without an answer to his letters in which he had offered her his heart and hand. Constance answers in the great- est astonishment that she has received no letters. She extends her hand to Moritz, who kisses it ardently. But all is not yet well. Con- stance reminds (ertntiern) him that he is standing before her as a criminal. There is a knock. Moritz tells (bitten) her not to be alarmed, and she says "Come in." XLVI (Text, Scene 5) Mrs. Greiner, the landlady, comes in and says that three escaped criminals have entered her house and that the whole house is being searched for them. " I have prepared you so that (bcunit) you will not be frightened when they come to you." Constance thinks (meinen) it must shock her landlady to find her alone with a young man at such a late hour. As (ba) she does not want to expose herself to any mis- interpretation she explains (erHtiren) that this gentleman comes from her guardian, who has to remain on guard all night. He comes to get (um . . . gu )olen) several papers which her guardian needed. Mrs. Greiner says she will think no evil, and goes off (the stage). Constance is provoked at Moritz because she had to lie on his account. 4 'You have reason to be provoked at me," says Moritz, "and I will not burden you any further." "I will not let you go," says Constance ; "they will arrest you and put you into prison. Stay here, and if they ask me about you I shall have to lie some more." Moritz says he will try to deserve her lying (translate, it that she lies) on his account. XLVII (Text, Scene 6) Gustchen comes in with a large tea-tray and arranges the round table in front of the sofa. Backes enters in a stylish suit which does not fit him anywhere. He has cut off a part of his beard with a razor and is wearing side-whiskers like an Englishman. He wants to know (will nriffen) whom he is to (f often) represent and what he is to say if he EXERCISES 197 should be questioned (active with man). Moritz had not thought of that. Backes's dialect would betray everything, and so (alfo) Moritz tells him that he must not speak at all and that they will pass him off as an Englishman who does not understand German. He is to sit at the table and drink tea and eat cake, and if any one questions him he is to answer " yes" or " no." Hahnenbein enters in stylish livery, and when Gustchen tells him he is to help her serve the folks at tea he is offended and does not want to do it, but Backes gets up and threatens him and he says he will do anything. Constance and Moritz sit down to the table. There is a knock (at the door) and Constance says "Come in." XLVIII (Text, Scene 7) The captain of the militia enters. He begs (bitten) Constance to excuse him for disturbing her. She replies that she is prepared for his visit. He looks into the adjoining rooms, but there is nobody there. He thinks (meinen) it is strange how the pursued could escape, as (ba) the house and garden were carefully surrounded. He is somewhat surprised to find company with Constance. Moreover, her landlady had just (eben) told him that there was a young man with her, and now he finds two gentlemen here. He must therefore ask the gentlemen to give him their names. Constance then (bcmn) introduces her guests to him. "This gentleman," she says, "does not know German. He is Mr. Steffenson, a merchant from London, who brings me a greeting from my brother ; and I have offered him a cup of tea. This gentleman is Heinrich Beier. He accompanied Mr. Steffenson from the last station, and since he understands English he had the kindness to serve him as guide." The captain points to Hahnenbein and asks (fragen) whether (ob) that is her servant, and when she answers "yes" he says he is satisfied. He asks (bitten) her to pardon him (dat.) if he has molested her, and is about to leave the stage when Langenberg enters in a militia uniform. XLIX (Text, Scene 8 to p. 102 1. 15) He stands astonished and asks what this means. He had heard of the search which the captain had to make, but he did not know a word about (bat)0n . . . bafj) Constance having company. The captain tells him he has found nothing here, and that everything is in order. The servant, he says, was the young lady's. Langenberg answers that 198 EXERCISES Constance never had a servant. Constance collects herself and says this is Mr. Steffenson's servant, and that she misunderstood the cap- tain if he asked her whether (ob) it were her servant. The captain remarks (bemerfen) that that is strange, and says he must ask these gentlemen to identify themselves more closely. He asks Constance whether Mr. Steffenson was traveling without papers. She answers that he has his papers at the hotel, but it just occurs to her that she has a letter which Mr. Steffenson brought from her brother, which might serve as proof. The captain examines the letter, looks at the date, and says it completely satisfies him as evidence for this gentle- man, and adds (fiigt fyin^it) that Mr. Heinrich Beier probably has his papers too. L (Text, p. 102 1. 15 to p. 106) Langenberg asks who Heinrich Beier is, and when the captain points to (jetgen auf) Moritz he says that is Moritz Hartmuth, the son of the rich property-owner. The captain has now caught Constance in a falsehood and does not know what he is to think of it. Constance in the greatest embarrassment now declares that Moritz is her betrothed. It is now Moritz's turn (e3 ift je^t an 2ft.) to lie a little. He says their relation was to remain a secret till the return of the brother; that Constance was embarrassed when the captain found him with her, and therefore gave him a fictitious name. The captain is perfectly satisfied with this explanation, and with a saluta- tion leaves (the stage). Constance now roguishly tells (fagen) her guardian that he was on the right track after all when he referred to Mr. Hartmuth a while before. Langenberg answers that it was not possible. Only (erft) yesterday she had not even spoken with the gentleman, and Moritz had asked so imploringly for an interview, for an answer. Moritz asks him how he knows that. " You must have read my letters and intercepted them, for not one of them reached the Fraulein." Langenberg is abashed and leaves. Constance breathes freely again, but is ashamed that she has told so many falsehoods. Moritz says one of them at least must come true, and asks her if she will be his bride. After her public declara- tion she cannot take back her word, and Moritz shouts " Happy ! Engaged !" Backes thanks her that she had helped him out of a pickle, Hahnenbein says his seven chMren shall pray for her, and the curtain falls. EXERCISES 199 LI 2Bie fieljt bag 33ad)lein aug ? SBer ftefjt am Ufer ? 2Bag fragt er ? 2Bag ernnbert bag Sacfylein ? 2Bag fagt eg con bent blauen >immel ? SBarum fjat bag 23ad)lein frozen $tnberfinn ? 2Bot)in roill bag 23ad)lein ? 2Ber ift fein gutter ? (the one who = berjenige, ber). S)a3 SBeildjen 2Bag fiir em SBetldjen raar eg, tDeld^eg auf ber SCieje ftanb ? 2Ber !am ba^er unb raag tat fie ? 2Bag Toollte bag SBeildjen fein ? 2Bie lange ? SBarum ^at bie @rf)a'ferin bag Heine 3Seild^en nirf)t abgepfliitft ? gefc^a^ bem armen $etltf)en ? SBarum freute eg fid) nod) ? (Sefwtktt 2Bo ging ber 2)id^ter fpa^ieren ? SSag fanb er bort ? 2Bie fa^ bag Sliimc^en aug ? 2Bag jagte eg, alg er eg brecfyen raollte ? 2Bag tat er bann ? tarb bag 33lumd)en ? $8efd>reiben @ie bag Sanb, rco 9ftignon gerao^nt ^at ! 2Bag mb'djte fie gerne tun ? (She would like to go with her lover to that land ; to nad)). Sefdjreiben @ie bag aug! SSag fdjeinen bie farmer bilber 511 fragen ? (They seem to ask what has been done to the poor child = what one has done, etc.) 2Bofytn gefyt ber 2Beg ? (It goes over the mountain ace. and through the mist, where the mule has trouble 3)Uif)e to find its way.) 23efd)reiben @ie benfelben ! (Dragons live in caverns in the mountains, and the flood plunges over the crag.) LII 2Bo fafc ber $onig ? 2Bte l)ief$ er ? 2Barum fafj er ba ? 2Bo fa^en feine greunbe ? bie Xamen ? 2Bag gefc^af), alg er mit bem ginger tDtnfte ? 2Bag tat ber Some, alg er fyinaugfam ? 2Bag gefdja^, alg ber ftb'nig jum graetten 2JMe n>in!te ? 2Bag tat ber Xiger ? 2Bag bebcutet 200 EXERCISES ,,ba3 boppelt geoffnete tat eine 2)ame ? (Je /aM = fallen laffen). 2Bo fiel ber anbfcl)ul) l)in? 3Bag> fagte bie Same 311 bem Skitter? (The lady said he should follen pres. subj. pick up the glove if he loved her.) 2Ba3 tat ber fitter ? 2Ba3 taten bie fitter unb bie belfrauen, al3 er guriicffam ? 2Bie empfing ifyn $umgunbe ? tat ber Setter ? fagt ber Sidjter t)on ben 3Kcnf^en ? 2Ba3 tun fie ? 2Ba3 tut bie offnung fiir un3? (We are led into life by hope.) giir ben Bungling ? (The youth is inspired by her magic.) 2Ba3 toirb Don bem rei^ gefagt ? 2Ba3 liinbet fic^ in bem I&ergen an ? 3Bag nrirb t)on ber Ijoffenben @eele gefagt ? (The poet says that the soul is not deceived by the inner voice. ) S)ie SBorte be lauBen^ $on raeld^en SBorten fpric^t ber Sidjter ? SBoran muf; ber 2ftenfcl) glauben ? SBa^ rairb won bem SDienfc^en gefagt ? SSor raem foil man gittern ? 3Ba3 fagt ber 2)trf)ter t>on ber Xugenb ? con bem 9ftenfcl)en ? (The poet says that man can strive for virtue even if he stumbles everywhere.) 2Ba3 fagt ber Sidjter t)on bem ^etligen SCillen ? t)on bem l)btf)ften ebanfen ? on bem ruljigen eifte ? 2Bae> foil man mit ben brei SSorten madden ? LIII $ie Sorelci 3Bie ift bem Sicfjter au 2Jiute ? SBarum ift er fo traurig ? 2Ba fagt er oon bem -Mrcfjen ? SBelc^e ^age^eit ift eg ? 2Bo fi^t bie Sungfrau ? 3Bag tut fie? 2Ba fiir etn Sieb fingt fie? 2Bo fi^t ber Differ? SBarum fd^aut er nur in bie Spofye ? 2Bag paffiert (happens) ilmt ? SBarum rairb er t)erfKfy a tt ber erften Strophe. SBa^ Ijort ber ^nabe? SBag bebeutet bie britte Qeile ber graeiten 6tropE)e? SBarum ^brt er auf gu fingen ? 9Ba^ rairb t>on ben ^Jienfd^en gefagt, bie fid) in bem Xale gefreut fyaben ? 2Ba n>irb t)on bem irten!naben gefagt ? LIV $er aSirtin Sii^terletn SBo^in gogen bie brei Surfc^en ? 2Bo fetyrten fie ein ? SBag fragten fie bie SBirttn ? (Indirect discourse. Use subjunctive.) 2Ba3 ant= roortete bie SCirtin ? 2Sa^ fafyen bie 33urfc^en, al^ fie gur hammer ^ineintraten ? 2Ba^ tat ber erfte ? 2Ba3 fagte er ? )er groeite ? &er britte ? djtuert 3Son went ^anbelt biefe^ ebidjt ? 2Ba^ raolite er tun ? 2Bem ift er begegnet (perfect tense) ? 2Sa^ tat bem jungen tegfrieb leib ? 2Bo ging er ^in ? 2Ga3 fanb er bort ? 2Ba3 fal) er in ber cfymiebe ? fagte er gum 2J?eifter ? 2Sa^ tat iegfrieb mit bem jammer ? tat bag ifen, al3 er e^ fc^lug ? 2Ba3 fiir ein @rf)tt)ert mad)te er ? SBarum raollte er ein cfyroert l)aben ? f am fragt man ben SReifenben ? (ob = whether and requires the subjunctive.) 2Ba3 rairb t)on bem cfyloffe gefagt? (That it would fain, etc.) 2Ba3 antraortet ber SReifenbe ? 2Ba^ roirb bann gefragt? (Whether the wind and the waves, etc., and whether the traveler heard, etc.) 2Ba^ fagt ber S^eifenbe ? (That he heard only a song of 202 EXERCISES lament.) SBag ^cttte ber $ragenbe gefefyen, alg er an bem @d)loffe Doriiberging ? 2Bag trugen ber $bnig' iinb bie $bnigin ? 3Ber roar mit ifjnen ? 2Bag fiir aar fyatte fie ? (She had golden hair which shone like the sun.) 2Bag fyatte ber 3?eifenbe gefefyen ? LV jcelftor SBofyin giefyt ber Siingling ? 2Bann ? 28ag fyat er in ber anb ? 2Bag ftefyt barauf ? 28ie fietyt er au^ ? 2Cag fiir eine timme ^at er ? 2Ba3 fie^t er ring^ fjerwn ? 2Ser fpric^t gu ifjm ? 2Ba fagt er ? (in- direct discourse). 2Ba fagt ba^ 3JJa'bc^en ? 2)er Sanbmann ? SBeffen timme !Ungt in ben Bergen ? 2Ba^ tut @an!t SBern^arbS 33riiber= fc^aft ? 2Ba prt bie Sriiberf^aft ? 2Ben at ber unb gefunben ? 2Bo l)at er tfyn gefunben ? 2Ba^ prte man in ber gerne ? SJleht ^erj ift int 2Bo ift bag er^ beg 2)id)ter3 ? 2Bag tut er tm ^oc^lanb ? 2Ba fagt er Don bem ^orben? 2Bp fte^t fein inn? 2Bag fie^t man in bem o$Ianb, raotjon er fingt ? $er fterfienbe Sd)toatt 2Bot)on ^anbelt biefe ebic^t ? 2Bie fa bag Sanb aug ? SBorauf (to what) be^iefyt fid) (refers) f ,S)ac^" ? 2Bie fa^ ber immel aug ? SSag tat ber d^tDan? (It swam down the stream and sang a loud lament.) 2Bag fat) man in ber gerne? 3n ber D^a^e? 9Bag tat bie djroalbe ? 2Gte erfc^alit bag SBirfceln ? SBie lam bag Sieb gerollt ? 2Bag tut bag matfjtige SSol! ? 3Bo ift ber irte ? 2Bag mac^t er ? 2Bag nrirb t)on bem wirbelnben @ang iiberflutet ? LVI 2Bag rcirb t)on bem Xannenbaum gefagt? (That its leaves are faithful, that it is green not only in summer, but fonbern also in winter when it snows.) SBag fagt ber 2)id)ter t>on bem SWabcfyen ? (indirect discourse), won ber -ft adjitgall ? Don bem 33ad^ tm Xal ? EXERCISES 203 $ie SBeifoer turn $on toem roirb biefe efrf)itf)te ergafylt ? 28ann roar er $b'nig ? tat er t>or SBeingberg ? (besiege = belagern). 2Bag taten bie inroofyner, alg ber >unger !am ? 2&a> l)at ber ^ontg ernribert ? 2Bag fii^Ite er, al3 bie 2Beiber urn nabe baten ? 2Ba^ erlaubte er ben SBeibern ? (It was allowed them to depart and to carry with thein ntit what- ever was dearest to them.) 2Ba3 faJ) man, al3 ber 3)Jorgen graute? 2Ba taten bie SSeiber ? 2Ba3 fagte ber dangler ? 2Ba3 jagte ber taifer, aB er bason prte ? 3n roelcfyem Sa^re ift bag gefd^efjen ? SBarfcaroffa 2Ba glaubt ba^ $ol! t)on bent grof;en ^atfer grtebricfj bent rften ? (People believe that Friedrich is bewitched in a subterranean castle.) Sebt ber $aijer nod^ ? 2Ba^ fagt bag Stolf, ba er in bem d^to^ tue ? (They say that he sits down and goes to sleep einfcfylafen.) 2Ba3 rtimmt er mit fic^ ? SBag fie^t man in bem @d)lofje ? 2Bo fi^t ber 'taifer ? Sefdjreiben @ie beg ^aiferg 33art ! 28ag marfjt er im Xraume ? foil ber $nabe tun ? 2Bag fiir ein $nabe ift er ? 2Bie lange foil ber fcfylafen ? (cease = aufpren.) VOCABULARY 205 EXPLANATIONS Accent is on the first syllable unless indicated ; but, the inseparable pre- fixes being always unaccented, no mark is set on words with these prefixes. On the other hand, separable prefixes always have the accent. Nouns, if weak, are marked with w. ; if strong, the gen. sing, and the pi. nom. endings, as well as the umlaut, if any, are indicated. The question of - or -e in the gen. sing, is one of euphony, hence -3 alone is indicated. Any strong monosyllable may take the euphonic e; polysyllables do not as a rule unless accented on the ultimate. Adjectives which umlaut the vowel in comparison are followed by the umlaut-letter in parentheses. All adjectives in the undeclined form are subject to use as adverbs, if the sense permits. Adverbs are marked as such only when they have divergent or independent meanings. Verbs not marked strong (.) are weak, and ''strong" is used for all so-called irregular verbs whether of the old or the new conjugation. The forms of the strong and irregular verbs are given in an alphabetical list of the simple stems at the end of this Vocabulary. Intransitive verbs con- jugated with fein are marked f. Others take 1) a 6 en. All verbal prefixes are marked as sep. or insep., hence this is not repeated with verbs com- pounded with these prefixes. Compounds are not always listed as such if the meaning is merely that of the components and if the latter are given in the Vocabulary. The stu- dent should learn to make use of this compounding facility of the German, in order to increase his own vocabulary. Thus, knowing guriidE 'back/ and fommen 'come', it should not be necessary to print gurucffommett, and should not be necessary for the student to look it up; so with 5lbenb-ftern ' evening star,' and with standard endings, as Uebe^fcoll ' full of love,' Sieb = cfjen ' little song,' 23efcfjetben=i)eit ' modesty.' 206 VOCABULARY aft adv. off, away, down ; also sep. prefix. abftrcdjcn s. tr. break off, inter- rupt ; intr. stop. ablwjjeu tr. expiate, atone for. 5lfcettb m- (-% -e) evening ; west. 5lbenbbr0t m. (-3 -e) supper. abeitb^ adv. in the evening. 5l&ettbfottttenfrf)eitt m. (-3 -e) evening sunlight. 5l&ettbftent m. (-3 -e) evening star. $ifteitbU)0ifc / w. evening cloud. Slbettteuer n. (-3 ) adventure, enterprise. abet conj. but, however, more- over. aberma(3 adv. again. abferttgeit tr. dispatch, dismiss, rebuff, get rid of. nbgdjen s. intr. (f.) go off, depart ; auf= imb , go up and down. $bgef(Utbte(r) m. adj. used as subst. envoy, ambassador, rep- resentative. 2tt)(jrttttb m. (-S *e) chasm, preci- pice ; whirlpool. (tb^dltcn s. tr. hold off, detain. aHfeljreit tr. turn aside ; refl. turn away. . (-ffeS -affe) remission, indulgence. abnc()iucn s. ^r. take off or away. tr. use up, wear out. tr. pluck, gather. fe /. w. departure. tr. pluck off. adj. horrible, abomi- nable, detestable. 9l&fdjett f lirf)feit /. horror, abom- ination. 5l&f(fjieb m. (-3 -e) leave, depar- ture, farewell. abfrfjfadjtett tr. slaughter, butcher. a&fdjnetbett s. tr. cut off, clip, seclude. /. w. purpose, intention. s. intr. (f.) rebound, recoil. a&ftetgett s. intr. (]".) descend, alight, dismount. nbtritmtift adj. faithless, recreant. adv. downward. adj. alternating, peri- odic. aBiuettbCtt s. tr. turn away ; reft. turn (from). afotoerfett s. tr. cast off, reject. 5(Bttiefctt^ett /. w. absence. ab^ic^Ctt s. tr. draw or take off; intr. (f,) withdraw. m. (-3 *e) departure. 207 208 VOCABULARY inter j. oh! ah! alas! /. w. shoulder. arf)t num. eight; eighth. 5ldjt / w. heed, care, attention ; fid) in ad^t nefymen take care, be on one's guard ; ad^tgeben take heed ; pay attention ; attend to (cwf, ace.). ttrf)tcn tr. esteem, respect. 5ld)tttttg /. esteem, regard. intr. groan, moan. m. (-3 -) field. 5lbel m. (-3) nobility. 2lbfcr m. (-3 ) eagle. 5lbttte f ta Admeta (daughter of King Eurystheus). 9Ibt)0!at f m. w. lawyer, attorney. ttfrifa'nifrfj adj. African. 9lg,Wtett n. (-0) Egypt, nfjncn tr. have a presentiment of, forebode ; suspect. aljulirf) adj. similar, like. Silage / w. acacia (tree). SHfttte'lte Alcmene (queen of Thebes, mother of Heracles). all adj. and pron. all ; each, every ; dUeefettljeit /. w. presence. ansiefjCtt s. tr. put on; intr. (j.) approach, begin. 2ltt5Ug m. (-g *e) attire, dress, clothes. tr. kindle. m. (-g *) apple. Apollo (god of day and of music). m. (-) appetite, ad;. Arabic, Arabian. eit /. w. work, labor. intr. or tr. work, study. 5lrfceiter m. (-g ) laborer. 5lrfceit3jafe /. w. working blouse, jumper. 9lrfceittifrf)rf)ett n. (-g -e) work- table. $('re Ares or Mars (god of war). arg adj. bad ; mischievous. 5lrg n. (-3) suspicion. $rger w. (-g) vexation, anger. argent r. annoy, tease; vex, make angry; refl. be vexed, be angry, be put out. $rgertu3 n. (-ffeg -ffe) vexation, offense. 2lrgtt)ol)n m. (-g) suspicion, dis- trust. argtuij^nett tr. suspect. argttaljmfdj adj. suspicious. arm (a) 007. poor, unfortunate. 3(fltt m. (-g -e) arm. n. (-g ^er) bracelet. Srmeljrtrfe /. w. sleeved jacket. 5(tt / w. kind ; manner, way. arttg adj. pretty, polite, good. ^(r^t m. (-eg ~e) physician. 9lft m. (-g^e) branch, bough. 2(tem w. (-g) breath. 9Itlje f tte Athena (goddess of wis- dom). 9l f tfo3 Atlas (a Titan who sup- ported the sky on his shoulders) . atmen intr. breathe. aurff adv. also, too, moreover, likewise ; even ; roenn , even if ; after roer, roag, rate, roo, ever (whoever, etc.); jo ... , how- ever. auf prep. (dot. or ace.) on, upon, at; for; toward, to; . . . gu at; baf{ conj. that, in order that ; adv. up, upon, open ; auf unb ab to and fro, up and down ; also sep. prefix. aufatmen intr. breathe, draw a breath. nufOeUwljrcu tr. keep, preserve. auffrittbett s. tr. tie up, fasten. auf effen s. tr. eat up. auffaflen intr. (f.) strike, astonish, impress (dot.). aufforbettt tr. summon, challenge, ask. auffiifyrett tr. erect ; refl. con- duct. aitfgebctt s. tr. abandon ; propose, impose. aufgeljett s. intr. (f.) go up; rise. auflja'ttgett s. tr. and intr. hang up, suspend. auffyefcen s. tr. lift up, pick up; preserve,- keep. VOCABULARY 211 auffjelfen s. tr. help, support, as- sist, help up. cmftyoreti intr. stop, cease. aitflijfcit tr. solve, dissolve. mtfmadjen tr. open. aufmerffam adj. attentive. $htfmerffam!ett /. w. attention, consideration. aufttctymett s. tr. take up or in. Ultf pitmen tr. adorn, dress up. auftegen tr. excite, stir up. nitfridjten reft, rise, get up. 3htfniJ)r m. (-g "e) commotion, revolt. auf3 = auf bag. auffd)fagen s. tr. raise; open. 2luffrf)faf! m. (-fjeg ^ffe) explana- tion. 5lttffd)rtft /. w. address, super- scription. 2luffrf)ttfc m. (-3 -e) delay, post- ponement. auffe^en tr. put on. auffpringen s. intr. (f.) spring up. 9lufftanb m. (-g *e) tumult, re- volt, uproar. aitfftefjett s. intr. (f.) stand up, arise. aufftetgett s. mr. (f.) ascend, rise. auffteflett tr. set up, erect. 9lttftrag m. (-g -"e) errand, com- mission. $htftritt m. (-g-e) appearance, scene. aitftutt s. reft. open. aufltiarfiett m^r. (f.) wake up. rwfttwrfifeu s. intr. (f.) grow up. auftwegett s. tr. outweigh, counter- balance, make good. aufcetyren tr. eat up, devour. s. tr. draw or pull up, wind. 2faf3W0 m- (-% ~e) procession, act (of a play). $fage w. (-g -en) eye. $(ttge r aS Augeas (king of Elis). 5(ugeuliUrf m. (-g -e) moment. 5iugeni)0f)k /. w. socket of the eye> ^iuglettt n. (-3 ) eye. mt3 prep, (da^.) out, from, out of ; because of ; adv. out, forth ; done ; also sep. prefix. au^fcrecfjen s. intr. (f.) break out or forth. (ltt3bel)tte!t iiroertt)el)rmann rn. (-g, ^er or ?leute) militiaman. VOCABULARY 217 m. w. (pi also -e) fel- low; student. SBttfrf) m. (-eg *e) bush, thicket. SBltfett w- (-3 ) bosom, breast. $ufettttabe( / w. breastpin. $ltft'ri$ Busiris (a king of Egypt). Slt^C / w. penalty, penance. Slitter / butter. (amte3 (pr. can) Cannes (a city and a bay on the south coast of France). (eftu3 m. ( -- ) boxing-glove. Gfya'rmt Charon (the ferryman of the Styx). (Efjttfib Chasid (an Arabic name). Gtyeirots (pr. $ei'rott) Chiron (a centaur, teacher of many heroes, and a famous doctor). (f)etOtuaif r m. Indian name for the plover. (f)hm n. (-3) China. Cf)UtC r fe m. w. Chinese, China- man. ifdj adj. Chinese. m. w. Christian. (fyriftentltm n. (-s) Christian- ity. d)rtft(id) adj.. Christ! an. Gfjriftug m. (gen. (Eljrifti; dot., abl, (Eljrifto ; ace. (Efyriftttm ; voc. fjrifte) Christ. Ctfyro'tttf /. w. chronicle, an- nals. (Sompagnte (pr. -panyee) /. w. company. (Xt)ttt6e( /. w. cymbal. ba adv. there, then ; conj. where, when, as, since ; also sep. pre- fix (bars). baOci f adv. there, near it, pres- ent; therewith, at the same time ; thereby, by it ; be- sides. $ad) n. (- *er) roof. babltrd)' adv. through or by it; by that means. bafiir' adv. for it or that, on the other hand, instead. bage f gen adv. on the contrary. baljetm' adv. at home. baljer' adv. hence, therefore; along, away ; sep. prefix along. batyerfommen s. Mr. (f.) come along. ba^tn f adv. thither, that way ; gone, past ; along on ; sep. pre- fix along. ba^tubrtttOCtt s. tr. bring about, bring to pass. bafjutein adv. in there. baljittfatyrett s. intr. (f.) ride or drive along. bafjingeljcn s. intr. (f.) go or walk along. baJjhtretteit s. intr. (f.) ride along. bfll)ttt f ter adv. behind that, be- hind. $>afo f tal) m. (-3 -) Dacotah (member of an Indian tribe of this name). ba f maI3 adv. at that time, then. $ame /. w. lady. bantit' adv. therewith, with that ; conj. that, in order that. 218 VOCABULARY baitttrf)' adv. after that, thereaf- ter ; accordingly. bane'beit adv. by the side, near. ^Uttf in. (-g) thanks, reward, baufimr adj. thankful, grateful. $attl&arfdt /. gratitude. bdttfen intr. thank (pers. dot.) ; owe ; decline with thanks. bairn adv. then ; in that case, be- sides. batmen adv. t)on , thence. bar = ba only as sep. prefix. barait' adv. thereon. baraitf adv. thereupon, to that; thereafter, afterwards. barau f adv. therefrom, thence ; by reason of that. bar'bieten s. tr. offer. barettt' adv. therein, into it or that. bariit' adv. therein, in it or that. bartn'nen adv. therein. bantarfj' = bemad). barii f oer adv. over it or that ; on account of that, at that. bantm r adv. concerning that ; for that reason ; therefore. barittt'tcr adv. under it or that ; among them. ba3 n. def. art. the ; dem. pron. that ; rel. pron. which, that. bafdoft' adv. there, in that place. ba$ conj. that, in order that, so that ; nidjt that . . . not, lest. ba^fettie see berfelbe. bafteljeit s. intr. stand there ; stand forth. n. (-) data, date. /. duration, continuance. bauettt intr. last, continue, tr. impers. grieve ; eg bauert mid) I am sorry. bttUOU' adv. thereof, therefrom; from that or it. baoonreiteit s. intr. (}.) ride off or away. ba^U f adv. thereto ; besides, then, moreover. bagttufdj'en adv. between or among. /. w. cover; ceiling. m. (-g ) cover, lid. m. (-g ) sword ; war- rior. beitt poss. adj. or pron. thy, thine. ^cf oration' /. w. decoration, scenery. 1>elor f ge3 (pr. -ges) Delorges (hero of "Der Handschuh"). benfen s. intr. think ; think of, call to mind, remember (gen. or an with ace.). benftflnrbia, adj. memorable. bctttt conj. for ; then ; than ; adv. then ; why. bcitltodj adv. but, yet, notwith- standing. ber, bie f ba3 def. art. the; dem. pron. this, he ; rel. pron. who, which, that. bcr'artitj adj. such, of that kind. berglei'djctt indecl. adj. and pron. such, the like, the like of which. ber* f bie*, baSjentge dem. pron. the or that one. bero poss. adj. (archaic for ber) your, his, her. VOCABULARY 219 bet*, bie*, ba^fdfce adj. and dem. pron. the same ; he, she, it. conj. while. adv. therefore, on tliis account. befto adv. the , so much, so much the more; je mefjr . . . befto . . . (with comparative). be^ttegeit adv. on that account, therefore. beuteit intr. point (out), inter- pret. bcutltdj adj. clear, distinct. beutfd) adj. German ; ber S)eutfrf)e German (person). 'Seutfd) n. indecl or bag 2)eutfrf)e German (language). ^eittfdjiattb n. (-g) Germany. $>iamattt f m. w. diamond. btd)t adj. dense, thick; adv. with prep., an close to, close by. bidjtctt tr. compose ; devise, con- trive. $tdjtett n. (-g) thinking, thought; usually in unb ^racfyten plans and purposes. X> tester m. (-g ) poet. bid adj. thick, stout, fat. bietten intr. serve (dat). > tetter m. (-g ) servant. $ienft m. (-eg -e) service ; einem 511 en fetn (ftefyen) be at one's service. biefcr f btcfc, btefe^ (or bieg) dem. pron. or adj. this, the latter. btettta( adv. for the moment, for the present, this time. n. (-g -e) thing. Diomedes (king of Thrace). bod) conj. but, yet, however, nevertheless ; adv. surely, in- deed, I suppose ; with imp. do, pray. m. (-g -'en) doctor. m. (-g) thunder. bonneru intr. thunder. ^OUtterttlcttcr n. thunder(storm) ; especially as inter j. boppdt adj. double, twice. 1)0rf n. (-g *er) village. $>b'rftter m. (-g ) villager. $0rit m. (-g ; -e, -en, or *er) thorn, thorn-bush. bort adv. there, yonder. bartfjttt adv. thither. ^ufc /. w. snuff-box. $>radje m.w., ^rar^cn m. (-g ), dragon. bran see baran. branjjett tr. press, urge, throng; intr. crowd; urge. brauen see broken. brauf see barauf. brait^en adv. outside, out of doors. breljctt tr. turn, twist; refl. turn. btet num. three. 1)reifttg m. (-eg *e) tripod. brct^ltnbert num. three hundred. brettt see barein. brci^ig num. thirty. brttt see barin. bringen s. intr. (f.) penetrate, force a way (in) ; tr. urge ; in urge upon. brittttcn see bartnnen. btitt ord. num. third. brofcett, baroben adv. up there. broken intr. (dat.) threaten. britften adv. over there, beyond. 220 VOCABULARY britfcer see barii&er. bntcfett tr. print. briirfett tr. press; oppress, pinch. brunt see barum. brwtten, barunten adv. down there. brmtter see barunter. bit (pi- ifyr) pers. pron. thou. $>itett f n. (-3 -e) duet. $>ttft m. (-3 *e) odor, fragrance. btlftCU intr. exhale, be fragrant. bttlben tr. bear, endure, suffer. btttttm (it or u) adj. stupid, fool- ish, unpleasant. bttttlel adj. dark. bttnfeltt intr. grow dark. bittttt adj. thin, slender. $unft m. (-eg "e) vapor, damp. bltrd) prep, (ace.) through, by means of ; sep. or insep. prefix. bttrdjait3' adv. thoroughly, quite ; absolutely. bttrdj'fjeljett s. intr. (f.) run away. burrf)tott f fett s. tr. run through, traverse. burd)lo f (J)ertt tr. pierce, break. bltrrfj'tttttftertt tr. examine. bltrd)frf|eutettb adj. transparent. fyett s. tr. look over, exam- burdjftt'djett tr. search thoroughly. bitrfett intr. (modal aux.), have permission, be allowed, may ; venture. bitrr(e) adj. dry, parched, with- ered. $>itm /. drought. $>tttft m. (-eg) thirst. bitfter adj. gloomy, dusky, sad, doleful. eBett adj. even, smooth; adv. just, even, precisely ; just now ; with pronouns, eben berfelbe, eben biefer, (that) very (one). efccttfa!tt3 adv. likewise. eBenfo adv. just so ; ebenfo . . . ttrie just as ... as. (&er m. (-g ) boar. ebel od/. noble, generous, pre- cious. (belfrmt /. w. noblewoman. (Sbelfteut m. (-g -e) jewel. elje conj. before, ere. (Stye / w. marriage. adv. before, formerly, wi. w. husband; lord. eljcmaftg adj. former. adv. formerly. n. (-g-e) married couple. (comparative of e^e) adv. sooner, rather. eljet'tt adj. brazen. adj. honorable. / w. honor. eljteu tr. honor. Gtyrfttr^t /. veneration, rever- ence. efjrltd) adj. honest, honorable, fair. efyrttwrbig adj. venerable, rev- erend. Ct interj. why, indeed, oh ! ($ttf)e / w. oak. @tb m. (-g -e) oath. tberfffe / w. lizard. etjjett adj. own ; strange ; fief) git mad)en comprehend, take in, grasp. VOCABULARY 221 eigClttttrfj adj. proper, actual, real. GHgetttum n. (-3 ^er) property, possession. ($Ue /. haste. eUeit intr. (f). or f.) hasten. ettfertig adj. hasty, speedy. eUtg adj. hasty, speedy. (imer m. (- ) pail, bucket. cut indef. art. a, an ; numeral einer, eine, ein>, one ; pron. one. Cttt adv. only as sep. prefix in, into. eittftttbet indef. pron. indecl. (dot. or ace. ) one another, each other. einftUben (dot. refl.) imagine. (Sttt&UblUtg / w. fancy, imag- ination. eittbrittgen s. intr. (f.) enter by force, penetrate. etttfaclj adj. simple. eittfaflett s. intr. (f.) fall in ; inter- rupt ; come to mind, occur (pers. dot.}. (tttfalt / simplicity. etttfafttg adj. simple, silly. eittfiifyrett tr. lead in, introduce. cingeften s. tr. suggest, put in mind. etngejoge.n adj. retired, restricted. ettttyaitbtgett tr. deliver, hand, give. eittljutfett tr. wrap, veil. Cttttg indef. pron. some, several, any. eimgermaftett adv. in a measure, to some extent. ctnfaufeit tr. purchase. eittlabeit s. tr. invite. (ittlettttttg /. w. introduction, preface. ettt'tttal adv. once, one time ; notf) , once more; especially when accented eintnal' once upon a time, formerly ; sometime ; nid^t , not even. ehtndjteit tr. arrange. einfam adj. lonely; solitary; alone. eiufdjarfen tr. impress, enjoin (upon) (pers. dat.). Ctttfc^cnfCtt tr. pour in, fill up. eittfdjlafett intr. (f.) fall asleep. ltt^ m. (-fle ^ffe) inclosure. intr. (f.) shrink in, contract. einfe^eu s. tr. perceive, examine. etttfeijCtt tr. put in ; pledge, stake. (Sittfiebleritt /. w. hermitess. etltft adv. once ; some day, some- time. CtnftCtf en tr. put in ; put up ; im- prison. etttftma(3 adv. once upon a time. eitttaufdjett tr. trade, give in ex- change. eitttreffctt s. intr. (f.) arrive; be fulfilled. ehttoerfett s. tr. smash, break in. ehtnrifligett intr. consent, agree to. ($itttD01)ner rn. (-3 ) inhabitant. (itttt)01)tterfd)aft /. population, inhabitants. ein^eltt adj. single, individual. cin^icJlCtt s. intr. (f.) march in, move in. ein^ig adj. only, single. (t3 n. (-eg) ice. ($ifen n. (- ) iron. ifCttftangC /. w. iron bar, rod. etfertt adj. of iron. eifig adj. icy, cold. 222 VOCABULARY (ttelfett / w. vanity, conceit. (lefcmt f m. w. elephant. elettb adj. miserable, wretched. ($(eitb n. (-3) misery. elf num. eleven. clfcnbeinern adj. of ivory. dft ord. num. eleventh. (fle / w. yard, ell. (Sftcttt pl- parents. emtys insep. prefix, see ent=. (mj)fattg f m. (-) reception ; in nefymen receive. empfangeu s. r. receive, welcome. em^feljlett s. r. recommend. empftttben s. r. feel, experience. empftnbftd) adj. sensitive, irri- table. eittpur' adv. upward, aloft ; also sep. prefix. emporfaufdjett Mr. look up and listen. Cmp8ritng /. w. insurrection, re- bellion. dmbe n. (-g -n) end; am , finally, at last. Cttbcu tr. or intr. end. cuMiri) adv. finally, at last. eng(e) adj. narrow. ($ttgel m. (- ) angel. @nglanb (pr. @ng=Ianb) n. Eng- land. (nglanber m. (-S ) Englishman. englifdj adj. English. tntf insep. prefix against, forth, away, out of ; un-, in-, dis-. Ctttfic^tett tr. or intr. do without ; dispense with (gen.). cntbccfcu tr. discover, detect. @ntbe(fung /. w. discovery, dis- closure. Ctttfafleit s. intr. (f.) drop from (one's memory) ; escape. entfernen tr. remove. entfernt adj. distant, far. entgegen prep, following dot. against, towards, opposed, to meet; also sep. prefix. entgegetteUen intr. (f.) hasten to meet. entgegcnge^cn s. intr. (f.) go to meet, encounter. entgcgentteten s. intr. (f.) advance toward. cntgegncn intr. meet, oppose ; tr. rejoin (dot.). entge^en s. intr. (j.) escape. Ctttljaftett s. tr. contain. eittfommett s. intr. (f.) get off, es- cape (dot.). ent(ang r adv. prep, following ace. of extent along. etttlatUCtt tr. unmask. Ctttlflffett s. tr. dismiss, discharge. Ctttlebtgen tr. deliver, release (from) (pers. ace., thing gen.). enttorfett tr. entice, draw (from, dot.). etttfdjieben adj. decided, deter- mined, resolute. Ctttfdjlieffett s. reft, resolve, de- termine. CtttfdjWtyfeit intr. (f.) escape, slip away (dot.). (Sutfdjhtg m. (-ffeS *fje) resolu- tion, decision. Ctttfdjulbtgett tr. excuse, pardon. ^tttfj^ulbigung /. w. excuse, apol- ogy ; urn bitten apologize. (Smtfe^Ctt n. (-g) terror, horror, amazement. VOCABULARY 223 etttfe*?ltdj adj. terrible, horrible. etttfprwgett s. intr. (f.) escape, run away. enttoeber , . * ober conj. either . . . or. Cttt^iffcrn tr. decipher. tr. transport, charm. /. w. rapture, delight. ei adv. in two ; also sep. prefix. Ct pers. pron. he. er= insep. prefix, expressing ori- gin, completion, attainment. etBarittCtt tr. impers. move to pity; refi. have pity (on, gen.). Crrfcarmett n. (-) pity, compas- sion. erbouen tr. build up, edify. crfmulidj adj. edifying. GirftaitUttg /. w. construction ; edification. (5*rfce n. (-) inheritance. (rMn /. w. (-nen) heiress. edtftcfett to*, catch sight of, dis- cern. (rfcfef)aft/. w. inheritance, legacy. (tbe / w. earth, ground. (rbid)tltttg / w. fiction, invention. ereignen refi. happen, take place. erfafjrett s. tr. experience, learn. erfaljrett adj. experienced, expert. erftnbett s. tr. invent. erfrcitCtt tr. rejoice, gladden ; refi. enjoy (gen. or iiber with ace.). (Srfrifrfjwtg /. w. refreshment. @rgi f noS Erginus (king of the Minyse). crgii^ett tr. please, delight ; refi. be delighted (with, an or mtt). ergreifen s. tr. seize. erljaltett s. tr. receive ; keep, pre- serve. Ctljanbeltt tr. get by trade. erlje&ett s. tr. raise; refi. rise, arise. erljeflett tr. light, make clear ; intr. appear, be clear. erljiiljett tr. raise, elevate ; ad- vance. erljofett refi. rest, recover. ertttnern tr. remind ; refl. remem- ber (gen. or an with ace.). Cmmterung /. w. remembrance, memory, recollection. erjageu tr. capture. erfemtCU s. tr. perceive, recog- nize ; gu geben make known. Cf fliirett tr. explain ; declare. rlfantttg /. w. explanation, dec- laration. erfltttgCtt s. intr. (begin to) sound, jingle. crlranfen intr. (j.) fall ill. erfaltfcen tr. permit (pers. dot.). ($rlaubtti3 /. (-ffe) permission. crlauertt tr. discover (by watch- ing). ertottfd)Ctt tr. discover (by listen- ing). ($rle /. w. alder. Ctteiben s. tr. suffer. crmcffcn s. tr. measure, estimate, judge. crmitbett tr. weary. Ctltaljrett tr. nourish, feed, sup- port. Ctttft adj. earnest, grave, serious. (Srtlft m. (-eg) earnest, serious- ness. ertiftffaft adj. earnest, serious. 224 VOCABULARY erubern tr. capture, overcome. Gtariermtg /. w. conquest. (SriJrtentttcj /. w. discussion, in- vestigation. erprofceu tr. test, try. (rqui -e) bread spread with goose-fat. gatt^ adj. whole, entire; adv. en- tirely, quite, very ; unb gar entirely, absolutely ; ba3 ange whole ; }idv. im garden on the whole. ganoid) adj. complete. gat adv. very, quite, altogether ; with negative at all. (kartell m. (-3 -) garden. m. (-$ ) gardener. m. (-> *e) guest. ($aftl)0f m. (-g -e) inn, hotel. ($atte m. w. husband. C^attttt / w. spouse, wife. (StotttttCtt m. (-g ) palate, roof of the mouth. ge insep. prefix; the sign of the past participle. geMtett s. tr. bear, give birth to. n. (-g ) building. s. tr. give; impers. eg gtbt there is, there are ; bte anblung /. w. action. attbfd)Vtft /. w. handwriting; manuscript. 4?anbfdjttfy m - (-3 ) glove. anbit>er! n. (-g -e) trade. Ijangett s. intr. hang, be sus- pended ; tr. (= fycmgen) hang. Ijattgett tr. hang, suspend ; Iaf= fen tr. droop. $att3, ott3^ett (dim. of 3oE)cm= neg) Jack. arfc /. w. harp. adj. harmless, innocent. m. (-g -e) armor, arms. I) art adj. hard, stiff ; adv. close. adj. hard-hearted. /. w. hard-hearted- g adj. hard of hearing, deaf. eit /. w. deafness. m. (-eg) hate, hatred. (jaffen to*. hate. pglid) adj. ugly ; bad. fmitdj m. (-g -e) breath ; breeze. fjrtUClt 8. tr. cut; strike. ^aufe(n) m. (-nS -n) heap ; band (of soldiers). n. (-3 -^er) head ; chief. m. (-3, ^er or -letite) captain, chief. au^tfttt^nt^ adj. chief, main. /. (*e) capital. n. (-eg ^cr) house, home; gu e at home ; nadj , home, to one's home. n. (-g -e) furniture. / w - domiciliary visit. ^au^tuirtut /. w. (-nen) land- lady. aut /. (^e) skin, hide. Ijefcett s. tr. lift, raise ; heft ; refl. rise. n. (-g -e) army. /. (^e) military forces. ad;, violent, passionate. /. w. heath. adj. whole, sound. n. (-g) health, welfare ; in- ter j. hail! IjeUtfl ad;, holy, sacred. etftgtum n. (-g ^er) sanctuary. Jjetnt adv. homeward ; also sep. prefix. /. w. home, native land. /. w. return home. adj. cozy; secret. w. secrecy. adj. mischievous, ma- licious. m- (-g -e) way home. tr. marry; intr. get married. fjetfdjCtt tr. demand, require. fyetfer adj. hoarse. Ijeiff adj. hot, heated ; violent, ardent. fjetfjCtt s. tr. bid, call, command ; intr. be named ; mean, signify, be ; bag fyetfjt that is to say. adj. bright, cheerful. m. w. hero. Ijdfett s. intr. help (dat.). fyefl adj. bright ; loud. 4?elm m - (- ~ e ) helmet. 234 VOCABULARY fto3 Hephaestus or Vul- can. Jjer adv. here, hither, this way, towards the speaker ; along ; ago ; often combined with prep- osition, as fytnter mir fyer along behind me ; also sep. prefix. 4>e'fft Juno (wife of Zeus). J)erafc f adv. and sep. prefix down here, down from, down. tyerabgeljen s. intr. (f.)comedown, descend. fjera&pngen s. intr. hang down. ijerabfommett s. intr. (f.) come down. Jjerafclafjen s. tr. let down ; refi. stoop, condescend. ^peraf(e3 Heracles or Hercules (a Greek hero and demigod). Ijeran' adv. and sep. prefix hither, near ; up hither. fyerauf adv. and sep. prefix up, upward, toward the speaker. tyenwf&rutgett s. tr. bring up (hither). Ijerauffteigett s. intr. (f.) climb up, ascend. tyerau f adv. and sep. prefix out, out of ; forth. fyerau^fcrhtgen s. tr. bring out. Ijerau3fal)rett s. intr. (}.) go or come out. Ijerau^ftoffen s. tr. push out; utter. I)erau3traufeltt intr. drip out. Ijerau^iefycn s. tr. draw out, draw; intr. (f.) come out. Ijetfcet' adv. and sep. prefix hither, up (hither). I)er&eif)0lett tr. fetch. tyer&ettaufen s. intr. (j.) run up (hither). Ijerbeitttfen s. tr. call hither, call up. tyerfeeifcfjfetdjeu s. intr. (j.) steal forward or up. ^erfcft in. (-e3 -e) autumn. in. (-% -e) hearth. / w. herd, flock. adv. and sep. prefix in hither ; fyerein ! come in ! IjereinBrhtgeit s. tr. bring in. IjereittfteitJCtt s. intr. (f.) enter, climb in. Ijerflicgett s. intr. (j.) fly near, come flying. Ijerfommen s. intr. (f.) come here or hither. ^>enite Hermes or Mercury (messenger of the gods, god of commerce). Jjentflcf)' adv. afterwards. ijerttie'ber adv. and sep. prefix down hither. m. (- -e) herald. 3 ( o'en) hero, warrior. m. w. (-u -en) master, employer ; lord, Lord ; Mr., sir. fjerrltdj adj. splendid, fine, mag- nificent, glorious. errlid)!eit /. w. glory. ^errfr^aft /. w. dominion, sov- ereignty ; meinc , my master or mistress ; pi. gentlemen and ladies. IjerrfcfjCtt intr. rule, govern; pre- vail, exist. errfrf|er m. (- ) ruler, mon- arch. VOCABULARY 235 adv. and sep. prefix across, over, to this side. tyeriifcerfdjaflett intr. sound across. Return' adv. and sep. prefix around, about. Ijentmfite^ett s. intr. (f.) flow about. Jjerumlommen s. intr. (\.) go about, get around. fjcrumnriubcit s. refi. wind about. fyertttt'ter adv. and sep. prefix down from, downward, down. Ijertior' adv. and sep. prefix forth, forward. Jjer&orbredjen s. intr. (f.) break out. Ijer&orragen intr. project, tower up, be prominent. fjertoortreten s. intr. (f.) step forth, appear. $et5 n. (-eng, dot. -en, pi -en) heart, courage ; t)on , heart- ily, cordially. ^ersett^geftthtbtttg n. (-ffeg -ffc) confession (regarding love af- fairs). aa J. courageous, resolute. tg adj. charming, sweet. adj. hearty ; adv. utterly. m. (-3, -e or ^e) duke. te Hesione (daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy). ^>efperi f bett Hesperides (daugh- ters of Hesperus, nymphs). Ijeufett intr. howl, roar. Ijcute adv. to-day. Ijeutig adj. present. Ijte = f)ier. ljtettie f bett adv. here below, on the earth. Jjier adv. here; unb ba now and then. Ijtercwf f adv. hereupon , thereupon. $ terljer' adv. and sep. prefix hith- er, here. Ijterfyemifen intr. (f.) journey hither. l)terl)itt f adv. and sep. prefix hither. Ijiermtf adv. herewith, with this. Ijiewadj' adv. after this, after- ward. Ijterue'feen adv. near here, close by. Ijierii'&er adv. on this account ; at this. ttfe /. help, aid. eit /. helplessness. m. (-g ) heaven, sky. 4jnmmeldgettoH>e w. (-g ) sky, vault of heaven. fjitttmlifdj adj. heavenly, divine. fyn adv. and sep. prefix hence, thither, along, toward ; unb fyer to and fro ; unb nrieber now and again ; f)in is often used combined with a preposi- tion, as t)or mir f)in along be- fore me. fyittal)' adv. and sep. prefix down. Jjhta&tteJjmett s. tr. take down, carry down. tytmtbpfumpcu intr. (f.) fall down, plump down. ^inabfinfen s. intr. (f.) sink down. ^inafiftetgcn s. intr. (f.) descend. J)inau f adv. and sep. prefix up to. Ijtnauf adv. and sep. prefix up; toward, upward. ^tnouf!ommett s. intr. (f.) go or get up. 236 VOCABULARY JjtttauS' adv. and sep. prefix out, tytttfegeln intr. (f.) sail along, hence, thither ; ahead, along. Jjut| ^Ctt tr. set or put down ; refi. si , down. Jjhtfteflett tr. put down, put (in a certain place). adv. behind, in the rear. prep. (dat. or ace.) behind; after ; also sep. prefix. n. (-g -e) hind leg. m. (-eg *e) hind foot. m. (-g -"e) back- ground. tttertyer' adv. along after ; after- wards. ttii'fcer adv. and sep. prefix over, across. s. intr. (f.) go out, leave. J)Utau3faffett s. tr. let out. Jjtnaugttwttbent intr. (f. or '.) wander out or away. fjtnau3tt)Ctfett s. tr. order out or away. Ijittatt^ttierfen s. tr. cast out; expel, put out. Jjttt&rtttgen s. tr. bring (to a place). Ijittberltdj adj. impeding, in the way of (dat.). Ijittburdj' adv. and sep. prefix through, throughout. adv. and sep. prefix in, Ijimttt'ter adv. and sep. prefix into. down, downward. Ijineingeljen s. intr. (f.) go in, Jjtmuttertoerfen s. tr. throw down. IjittttJeg' adv. and sep. prefix away, forth. Jjin^tt' adv. and sep. prefix to, to- wards ; in addition. ^ptWoi'tyte Hippolyte (queen of the Amazons). irn n. (-g -e) brain, brains. irfdj m. (-eg -e) stag. ^ptrt(c) m. w. herdsman, shep- herd. m. w. shepherd boy. I /. heat. adj. hot-tempered. od) (fyofyer, f)dtf)ft, attributive tjofy adj. high, tall ; adv. very ; f)brf)ft in the highest degree. adj. high German. enter. Ijuteinfrierfjen s. intr. (f.) creep in. Ijinewfrljte^en s. tr. or intr. shoot in. Ijinfaljrett s. intr. (f.) drive along, go away. fyinfaUcn s. intr. (f.) fall down. Ijinge'gett adv. on the contrary, on the other hand, whereas. Jjhtgeljen s. intr. (f.) go thither, go along. Ijtitflcratcn s. intr. (f.) get to or into. tyintfappcrn tr. clatter on or away. Ijittfummen s. intr. (f.) come or go up ; arrive at. s. intr. (f.) creep along Ijodjerfrcttt adj. highly pleased, or away. Jjinnetymen s. tr. take along or away. delighted. od)ianb n. (-3 -"er) highland, the Highlands. VOCABULARY 237 I)0djftett3 adv. at the most. 0d)5eit /. w. wedding; madden celebrate nuptials. 0rf|5eitgmal)i n. (-g -e) wedding- feast. 0(ty3eit3tag m. (-g -e) wedding- day. ^)0f m. (-g *e) court ; farm. I)0ffett tr. hope; intr. hope for (auf ace.). Jjoffentlidj adv. I hope, it is to be hoped. ^offeft n. (-g -e) court festivity. $offmtng /. w. hope. 0f jttttf Ct m. (-g ) page, squire. of!0d)itt / w. (-nen) court cook. ^>0flCttte pi- courtiers. $b'fttdjfeit /. politeness, courtesy. ^b'flhtg m. (-g -e) courtier. $0f'ttUKfdjatt' m. (-g -e) court marshal, master of ceremonies. 0fpreMger m. (-g ) court preacher. 0f)C / height ; summit; inbte , upward, up. 01)eit /. w. highness. ^)01)ettftcmfe m. w. Hohenstaufen (of the German imperial dynasty of Hohenstaufen, 1138-1254). 1)01)1 adj. hollow. bl)le /. w. cave. Ijb'Ijtttfd) adj. scornful, mocking. 0fet m. (-g ) hawker, huck- ster, grocer. Jj0Ib adj. kind, sweet, gracious. fjolen tr. fetch. 0% n. (-eg ^cr) wood ; woods. 0nig m. (-%) honey. interj. get up ! (to a horse). intr. listen, hearken. I)iircu r. hear ; heed, listen to, obey (auf ace.). ^0ttt n. (-g ^er) horn. ||U interj. ugh ! whew ! implying terror, dread. l)U&frf) aa)'. pretty, nice, fine. ^pttf m. (-g -e) hoof. /. w. hoof-print. m. (-g ) hill. ul)tt n. (-g *er) fowl. Rummer m. (-g -n) lobster. m. (-g -e) dog. num. hundred. m. (-g) hunger. rig adj. hungry. tyityfen intr. hop, skip, leap. ^>ut m. (-g *e) hat. Ijiiteu ir. guard; re/f. beware. m. (-g ) guard, keeper. /. w. cottage, hut. m. (-g, -e or -ten) cabin, lodge (of the beaver). Hydra (a fabulous serpent). id) pers. pron. I. ifyr poss. adj. and pron. her, their; also pers. pron. (dot. fern, sing.) to her. $|jr poss. adj. and pron. your. iljrer pers. pron. (gen. fern. sing. and pi.) of her, of them. im = in bem. ittttttet adv. always, constantly ; anyhow; roer . . . immer etc. -ever, in "whoever," "wher- ever"; auf , forever; tote- ber again and again. 238 VOCABULARY immerbar adv. always. ttt prep, (dot.) in; (ace.) into, to. inbent' adv. meanwhile; conj. while ; often by with pres. part. in English. inbe3 f , inbeffen adv. meanwhile, however ; conj. while, though. Snbten n. (-3) India. Snljali ra. (-3 -e) contents. infjaftfdjtoer adj. momentous, significant. ittttC adv. and sep. prefix within. tmtel) alien s. tr. contain ; detain ; intr. cease, discontinue. inner adj. inner, interior ; ba3 Snnere interior ; heart, soul ; tm 3nnern within. ittnerlid) adj. internal, intrinsic; adv. inwardly. inntJj adj. hearty, cordial. 3>nntgfeii /. w. heartiness, sin- cerity, fervor. tn3 = in bag. Sttfdjrtfi /. iv. inscription. /. w. island. adj. interior, inward; adv. inside. in-^ttrifrfien adv. in the meantime ; conj. while. 3j)l)ifle3 Iphicles (brother of Heracles). irgenb adv. (before other adverbs or pronouns) any, some ; eitt some one, any one ; irgenbroo anywhere. irren intr. err; tr. lead astray. Srrtnttt m. (- *er) error, mis- take. n. (-3) Italy. ja adv. yes ; indeed, you know ; of course, to be sure ; roof) I yes indeed, of course. 3actjne3 (pr. zhahk) m. French for Jack or James. jrttJClt tr. hunt ; chase, drive. m. (- ) huntsman. n. (-3 -e) year. n. (- -e) century. m. (-g -e) fair. m. (-g) misery; lamen- tation. n - Japan. intr. exult, shout. n. (-g) consent. je adv. ever, always, (before com- paratives) the ; je . . . befto the . . . the. jeber adj. andpron. each, either, every ; any ; ein jeber every or each one. jebermamt pron. (-g) every one. adv. always, every tim.e. adv. however, neverthe- less. jeljer adv. t)on , always, from the beginning. jemal3 adv. ever. jemanb pron. any one, some one. jener dem. adj. and pron. that, the former, above-mentioned. jenfeti^ adv. (gen.) on the other side, beyond. adj. present. adv. now. n. (-g -e) yoke. m. (-g) exultation, re- joicing. VOCABULARY 239 julidn inbr. rejoice, exult. /. youth. adj. young. m. w. lad, boy, fellow. /. w. maiden, young woman. /. w. virgin, maid. m. (-g-e) youth, young man. jttft adv. just, exactly. Snivel' n. (-g -e), 3ittue'(e /. w., jewel. fee m. (-g) coffee, m. (-g -e) cage. fdljl a<$. bare, barren; bald. ) noise, uproar, din. s. tr. let, allow ; cause, or- der (to do), have done ; yield ; cease ; abandon, leave ; intr. t)on etnmg , desist (from). Saft /. w. burden, load. la'fttg adj. burdensome; etnem fallen annoy. latei'nifdj adj. Latin. Satet'ttC / w. lantern. Sailfi n. (-g -e) foliage ; leaves. Imtettt intr. lurk, watch. Sauf m. (-^-^e) course. laitfctt s. intr. (. or f.) run. (auuig adj. merry, humorous, facetious. fattfd)Ctt intr. listen. fattt adj. loud. fottter adj. pure ; (inded.) mere, nothing but. Sattri'ne /. w. avalanche. fe&eit intr. live, exist ; lebe tt)0^l farewell ! Sebett n. (-g) life ; am , alive. (eBcn'big adj. living. lcblu adj. lifeless. (ecfen tr. lick. Serferei' /. w. dainty. Sebcrmit^C /. w. leather cap. leer adj. empty. (egCtt tr. lay, put ; refl. lie down. Seljre /. w. instruction, advice. fetyrett tr. teach. Setter m. (-g ) teacher. el)rmetfter m. (-g ) tutor, teacher. Sett) m. (-g -er) body ; ~ unb Sebett life. t m.(-eg^e) court physician. /. w. corpse. Seirfjendjor m.(-g ^e) funeral chant. VOCABULARY 243 Sctdjitam m. (-g -e) corpse. letd)t adj. light, easy, slight ; adv. lightly, easily, readily. leidjtfiifjig adj. light-footed. fetdjtfittttig adj. frivolous. letb adj. sorrowful, regretful (only pred.) ; jetn, tun (impers. with dat.), regret, be sorry for. Setb n. (-3) sorrow, grief ; Seib or ein eg tun do harm, injure ; einem etnws> guleibe tun harm one. Iciben s. tr. suffer ; allow. Seiben n. (-3 ) suffering. eibett3gefaljrtttt /. w. companion in sorrow or misery. letber adv. unfortunately ; interj. alas ! Ictf(e) adj. soft, low. letfteu tr. achieve, do ; render. letteit tr. lead, conduct, guide. leufett tr. guide ; steer. Seopflfb' m. w. leopard. Seme Lerna (a marshy forest in Argos). lerttett tr. learn. (efCtt s. tr. read. fei?t adj. last, extreme; gum le= tenmal for the last time. Sett m. w. lion (poet.). iettdjtett intr. shine ; gleam. leitgneit tr. deny, retract. SctttC pi. people, men. letttfeltg adj. affable, courteous. tcf)t n. (-3 -er) light; (pi. -e) candle. .Uefo adj. dear, beloved ; pleasing ; fein please (dat); fjaben like ; geimtmen fall in love with. fitefcdjeit n. (-g ) sweetheart. Sie&e /. love; etnem etra> guliebe tun do something to please one. liefeen tr. love. itefceit^ttwrbij} adj. lovable, ami- able. tteber adv. rather, sooner, more willingly. Siefctyafcer m. (-% ) lover. liebftd) adj. lovely, charming, sweet. StefcUttg rn. (- -e) favorite ; in compounds favorite . . ., asQieb- Iing3gebid)t favorite poem, etc. Sicb n. (- -er) song, poem. Hcgctt s. intr. lie ; be situated. Jittb adj. soft, mild. littl adj. left. littf^ adv. on the left, to or from the left. 2ttt03 Linus (a musician, teacher of Heracles). /. w. lip. tr. or intr. murmur, lisp. Store (pr. leevr) /. (-g -g) franc (20c.). St&ree (pr. leevra') /. (-n) livery. Sub n. (-g, pZ. Sobfpriic^e) praise, eulogy. loticit fj*. praise ; prefer (refl. dot.). Surf) n. (-g *er) hole. locfett tr. entice, allure. So^tt m. (-g *e) reward ; pay. (o^ttett tr. reward (pers. dot. , thing ace.}. Soubon London (English capital). Sorelei or Surlei/. mermaid, nix; a .cliff on the right bank of the Khine, between St. Goar and Oberwesel, the home of a nix. 244 VOCABULARY log adj. loose, free ; sep. prefix in- dicating vigor, haste, loose, off, away. lijfett tr. loosen ; solve ; break. lo^getjett s. intr. attack (with auf ace., or gegen). tr. untie. s. tr. let loose, set free. tr. loosen, set free. t s. tr. or refl. break loose. w. w. lion. n. (-g -e) lion's skin. . (-*) lion-garden, outdoor pit for lions. ihucn()(iut / (^e) lion's skin. Siicfc /. w. gap, opening. fittft /. (~e) air ; breeze. Siige /. w. lie; Siigen ftrafen ac- cuse of lying, contradict. fiigett s. intr. lie. Sliftl Lusa (a Hindoo feminine name). Sttft /. (^e) pleasure, desire; fjaben be inclined, like to. litftertt adj. longing, eager. Ittftig adj. merry, gay, jolly. Ittft'ttwnbeltt intr. (I), or f.) prom- enade, saunter. m marfjen tr. make, produce, do; matter; gu make, appoint, transform ; refl. fare, get on ; fief) auf ben 2Beg , set out, de- part; impers. eg tnacf)t fid) gut it goes well ; intr. hasten, pro- ceed; bag ntacfjt baj$ that is because. tttadjttjj adj. mighty; capable; large, vast. n. (-> ) girl, maiden. m. (-3 ) stomach. n. (-3 -e) meal, repast. f. w. mane. m. Indian name for the loon. SJltiljre /. w. mare. $laib / w. (poet, for Hftabdjen) maiden. 9ftajeftat r /. w. majesty, your Majesty. ntal = einmal adv. once ; with verbs it strengthens an impera- tive, as fief) , just look ! mal n. (-8 -e) time. tttdten tr. or intr. paint. tttafertfd) adj. picturesque. matt pron. indecl. one, they, people. tltnud) adj. many a, many ; pron. many a one. ntaitdjerlei adj. or pron. divers, of many kinds. tnnudjmul adv. many a time, often. SJZatttt m. (-g -er) man ; husband. iniiuiiUrl) adj. manly ; masculine. Sftattfor Mansor (an Arabic name). m. (-g *) cloak, cape. n. (-g ) cloak. ri^t f n. (-g -e) manuscript. . (-g ) tale, fairy-tale. fflarft m. (-g *e) market. SJlarfttag m. (-g-e) market-day. martttclftcitteru adj. marble. n. (-g -er) statue. n. (-g ^er) marshland. VOCABULARY 245 n. (-66 -e) measure, pro- portion, mode ; iiber bie 3JZa'= f;en exceedingly. miifni} adj. moderate, temperate. matt adj. faint, dim. Witttte /. w. meadow, turf. /. w. wall. /. w. gap in a wall. n. (-3 ~er) mouth (of ani- mals). SJlaitltter n. (-3 -e) mule, pack- animal. 9ttcw3 / (*e) mouse. Sftecca = 3M!a. Sftebi'na n. (-3) Medina (sacred city in West Arabia, the burial- place of Mohammed). SDlebtt'fft the Medusa (a feminine being with boar's teeth and ser- pent locks, called also Gorgon). n. (-3 -e) sea. m. (-3 ) bay. Megara (wife of Hera- cles). Witty n. (-S) meal, flour. ttteljr adj. and indef. pron. more ; adv. longer ; nicfyt , no longer; Uttt fo , so much the more. tttefjrere adj. and indef. pron. sev- eral. mcttt poss. adj. and pron. my, mine. mcittCtt tr. or intr. think, be of the opinion ; mean to say, intend. mcinetrtJCrjett adv. on my account ; so far as I am concerned ; I have no objection. SERetmtng / w. opinion, intention. Ittctft adj. and adv. largest, most, generally ; am meiften most. 3ftdfter m. (-3 ) master. n. (-3) Mecca (a sacred city of Arabia, birthplace of Mohammed). mclbcn tr. inform, announce. ntclfett s. or w. tr. milk. 9ttelobte f or Wltlobti'f.w. melody. mefo r bifdj adj. melodious. SRettge /. w. multitude ; quantity, abundance. Wlen'frtwS Mencetius (Pluto's herdsman). SDZettfd) m. w. man, human be- ing; sing, or pi. men, mankind. mettfcfylidj adj. human. metfett tr. mark, note, perceive ; remark. merfttmrbtg adj. noteworthy, re- markable. n. (-3 ) knife. m. (-3 ) butcher. SJtieber n. (-3 ) bodice. SKignOtt (pr. menyon) Mignon (a character in Goethe's " Wil- helm Meister"). mittf) / milk. jntlb(e) adj. mild, generous. ntinber adj. or adv. less. 2JlitM f te /. w. minute. $iittt)er m. (-3 ) Minya (pi. Minyse) (a member of a Greek tribe of Thessaly). mifdjett tr. mix; refl. in mingle in, interfere. tttifc prefix, usually insep. , imply- ing negation, failure, perver- sion. Sfttff'fcraurf) m. (-3 *e) abuse, misuse. $U^beutttttg /. w. misinterpre- tation, suspicion. 246 VOCABULARY /. w. abuse, mis- treatment. tttiffUdj adj. doubtful, precarious, awkward, risky. miftUtt'gett s. intr. (f .) and impers. fail, be unsuccessful (dot.). SKtg'tierftanbtttS n. (-ffeg -fie) misunderstanding. tttit prep, (dot.} with; adv. to- gether with, assist in; adv. and sep. prefix along or to join in doing, as mitnefymen, mitftngen, below ; with nouns = fellow-. SJJlitgtteb n. (-g -er) member. mitljelfett s. intr. lend a hand. 9Jiitleib(Ctt) n. (-g) pity, sym- pathy. tttitlcibig adj. compassionate, sympathetic. tttittteijmett s. tr. take with, carry along. tmtrebeit intr. take part in conver- sation ; eiu SBort , have a say. Ittttftngen s. intr. join in singing, m. (-g-e) noon ; fig. south, n. (-g -e) midday lunch, dinner. 3ftittag3tttaf)l n. (-3 -e) midday meal. 3fttttag3ftitte /. midday silence. SJHttC / 10. middle, midst. tttitteifett tr. communicate, impart. ttttttel adj. middle. Sftittel n. (-g ) means, instru- ment. 9mttdtiir(e) /. w. middle door. mitten adv. in the middle or midst; with prepositions : in, unter, in the middle or midst of. $tttterttarf)t /. (*e) midnight ; fig. north. mitUtttcr adv. at times, occasion- ally. Wli^va Mizra (an Arabic name), modjtc pret. o/mogen. tttobcttt' adj. modern, stylish. tnogett tr. and modal aux. may, be able ; like. adj. possible. m. (-g) Mohammed (Arabian prophet and founder of the Mohammedan religion, 571-632). m. (- -e) month. m. (-g -e) moon. m. (-g -e) Monday. . (-g -e) moor, fen, bog. 2Jl00rIjttl)tt n. (-g -er) moor-hen. 9)loor(anb n. (-g -e) moor, moor- land. n. (-eg) moss. m. (-g -e) murder. /. bloodthirstiness, de- sire for murder. adv. to-morrow. m. (-g ) morning; east ; beg 3ftorgeng in the morn- ing. n. (-g) Orient. . (-g) dawn, sunrise, u. in the morning. adj. rotten, brittle. /. w. mosque. ntiibe adj. weary, exhausted, tired (of, gen. or ace.). /. w. toil ; trouble, pains. /. w. mill, m. (-g ) miller. 3ftttttb m. (-g -e) mouth. VOCABULARY 247 $hwbart /. w. dialect. SJlttttbel n. (-3 ) minor, ward. tmutter adj. lively, gay. SJiuffyfobafa / Indian name for the moor-hen. SftttfiF /. music. mitffett tr. and modal aux. must, be obliged to, have to. muffte pret. of muffen. Sftttt m. (-3) courage, spirit ; mood ; mir ift 311 e I feel. Muta'bor (Lot.) I shall be trans- formed. mutti] adj. spirited, courageous. Stutter /. (*) mother. 9Jhttlwfle(tt) m. w. wantonness, caprice. /. w. cap. /. w. myrtle. ttad) prep, (dot.) toward, at, to ; after, behind ; for, about ; ac- cording to ; unb f by de- grees ; also sep. prefix. tmdjaljmett tr. model after, imi- tate. m. (-3 -n) neighbor. rttt /. w. (-nen) neighbor. ttadjbem' adv. thereafter, after- ward ; conj. according as ; after, when. ttadjbettfen s. intr. reflect, consider (liber ace.). ^a^bcnlen n. (-) reflection, meditation. na rfybcuf lief) adj. thoughtful, med- itative. nadjewattber adv. consecutively. ttadjgefieit s. intr. yield. ttad)l)er f adv. afterwards, later. m. (- -e) afternoon adv. in the afternoon. f.w. information, news. nadjfdjmeit s. tr. cry after. Jtadjfel)ett s. tr. or intr. look after ; look into, examine (dot.). ttadjfe^en tr. place after, subor- dinate (to, dot.). ttadjfjmttflen s. intr. (f.) leap or run after (dot.}. ttfi^lft adj. next, nearest ; ^dc^fter neighbor, fellow-man ; prep, (dat.) close to. /. (*e) night. /. w. night-owl. . w. nightingale. n. (-$ -er) night song. adv. by night, in the night. m. (-eg -e) bedroom table. m. (-3 ) neck. /. w. needle. m. (-s *) nail. nalj(e) (nether, ndc^ft) adj. near, nigh. !stf a'fye /. nearness, neighborhood ; in ber , near by. naljertt reft, approach. w. food, nourishment. / f e) seam. m. (-eg -e) sewing-table. . (-ng -n) name, a^v. especially, partic- ularly. Itchttltd) adj. same ; adv. namely, that is to say ; = the conj. for in explaining a preceding state- ment. 248 VOCABULARY see a -ftapoule. m. w. fool. Wafdjerei' /. w. dainty; coll. sweets. / w;. nose. /. w. tip of the nose. adj. wet. r /. w. nature. ttatttr'Udj adj. natural ; adv. of course. 9?fttt)ttbftf)ft wi. an Indian name, the singer in "Hiawatha." c adv. dialectic for neiru Sftefcel m. (-3 ) mist, fog, cloud. ncfeett prep. (dot. or ace.) next to, by the side of, near. adv. near by ; next door. adv. close by ; besides. m. (-3 ) neighbor (on a seat). tterfctt fr. tease, harass. Itefymett s. tr. take ; take from (dot.)] fid) in arf)t , take heed, take care. Stfeib m. (-) envy, jealousy. tteigett tr. bend ; refl. incline, bow, bend, decline. nein adv. no. We'tttea Nemea (a valley in Argolis). ttcttttett s. tr. name, call ; tell. Sttcft n. (-3 -er) nest. ttett GM$. neat, nice. Sfteij w. (-eg -e) net, network. ttcu adj. new, recent ; in com- pounds newly ; cwf3 e anew. 9eugier(i>e) /. curiosity. neugierig ac^j. curious, inquisi- tive. Jteitlidj adj. late, recent. ttCtttt num. nine. ttCttttt ord. num. ninth. neulcrma^lt adj. newly wed. ttidjt adv. not ; nod) , not yet. ^it^te /. w. niece. nid)t3 indef. pron. naught, noth- ing. ttirfett intr. nod. nic adv. never. nieber adj. lower; adv. low, down ; also sep. prefix. itieberfceugett tr. bow, bend. tueberfaden s. intr. (f.) fall down. nieberfntectt intr. kneel down. ttteberfoffctt s. tr. let down ; refl. alight (of birds) ; stop, settle down. ttteberfegen tr. lay down ; refl. lie down. ttiebentetgett refl. bend down ward. ttteberfdjfagett s. tr. cast down; refute; discourage. tttebctft^Ctt s. intr. (f.) sit down. ttteberftetjjett s. intr. (j.) descend. mebertoerfen s. tr. cast down. ntebltd) adj. neat, pretty. ttiemaI3 adv. never. ntemanb indef. pron. no one. nimmer adv. never. mmmermeljr adv. never, never more. ttirgenbg adv. nowhere. ntftCtt intr. nest. nit colloq. for nicfyt. jto^l adv. yet, still ; more, besides ; nid^t not yet ; etnmal once more; conj. weber . . . ttO(^ neither . . . nor. SRorb m. (-6) and 9J0rbett m. (-3) north. VOCABULARY 249 9?orblanb n. (-3 -e) northland. 9?ot /. need, want ; trouble, diffi- culty, distress; e3 tut mir , it is necessary for me ; e3 tyat feme , no need of that. nb'ttg adj. needful, necessary; fyaben (ace.) stand in need of. nottgen tr. force, compel. notigenfafl^ adv. in case of need. 9?0t(iige / w> white lie, fib. nottoenbig adj. necessary. mtbeln tr. fatten, cram. Stfnmero (Lat.) number. Summer /. w. number. nun adv. now ; well. nnr adv. only, but, merely ; just, please ; nicfyt not even. nitffgenfiljrt adj. nut-fed. 9htffljfiljer m. (-3 ) nutcracker. adj. useless, vain. /. w. nymph. O O interj. 0! oh! 0b conj. whether ; a(3 , as if. Obbad) n. (-) shelter, lodging. oben adv. above. obenbretn adv. besides, into the bargain. ubet adj. attributive only upper; superior ; frequent in comp. nouns, = chief- or head-. Oberft m. w. colonel. 0bgfeirf) r or ob . . . gleid^ conj. al- though. obrtgfeitftdj adj. official. obtt)01)l f or ob . . . raof)l conj. al- though. >d)3(e) m. w. ox. Sbc /. w. desert, solitude. obcr conj. or. )fen m. (- ^) stove, oven. uffcn adj. open; frank. offettbar adj. plain, obvious, evi- dent. tfffetttUdj adj. public, open. Officer' m. (-3 -e) officer. b'ffnen tr. open; reft. open. oft adv. often. b'ftcr^ acfo. frequently. >ljetm m. (-g -e) uncle. oljtte prep, (ace.) without; 511 (inf. ) without (pres. part. ) ; - bajj conj. but that ; ofynebem adv. besides. oljucljtn adv. besides; anyway. u^nmarf|tig adj. weak; faint. )I)r n. (-3 -en) ear. n. (-3 -e) oil. m. (-g ^e) olive-tree. Dlgarten m. (- *) olive-orchard. tr. sacrifice. n. (-3 -e) sacrificial animal. Dra'fel n. (-3 ) oracle. Orange (pr. o-rahng x zhe) /. w. orange. )Hf)0m f Ctto3 Orchomenus (the capital of the Minyse). Jjrbentli^ adj. regular; proper; adv. regularly, fairly. orbttcn tr. regulate, arrange. Drbttttttg/. w. order. )tt m. (-3, -e or-er.) point, spot, place ; village. )ft m. (-g) and Often (-) east, the East. Oft(er)teirf) n. (-S) Austria. 250 VOCABULARY interj. pooh 1 aar n. (-g -e) pair, couple ; ein paar a few, some ; ein paarmal several times. . (-g ) renter, farmer. tr. pack; seize. n. (-g -e) package. m. (-g *e) palace. /. w. palm. 'fel m. (-g -n) slipper. m. (-g ) breastplate, mail. apier' n. (-g -e) paper ; written document, record. a^terftrctfen m. (-g ) strip of paper. m. (-eg *e) pope. w. (-eg -e) paradise. Parnassus (a famous mountain in Greece, the fabled home of the Muses). /. w. excursion. m. (-eg "e) pass, defile ; pass- port. jfen intr. suit, be fitting (dot.) ; apply (to, cwf ace.). en intr. (f.) happen, oc- cur. m. (-g ) priest, monk. je /. w. dilemma, pickle. n. (-g) pitch ; trouble. /. pain, torment. /. w. pearl. Persephone or Pro- serpina (daughter of Demeter and wife of Pluto). tt' / w. person ; character (in a drama). n. (-g ) person, in- dividual self. $|$fab m. (-g -e) path, course. S 4fanb n. (-g ^er) pledge, security, pawn. m. (-g ) parson. n. (-eg ^er) parsonage. /. w. pipe ; fife. m. (-g -e) arrow. m. (-g -e) penny. n. (-g -e) horse ; ju , on horseback, mounted. . plant. cn tr. plant. s. or MJ. ^r. care for, at- tend to (ace. or gen.); cherish; intr. be accustomed to, be wont. fit^t /. w. duty. m. (-g *e) plow. ^. or infr. plow. irrfr. bungle, botch. 'rao Pharaoh (Egyptian ruler). (pr. pe-air x ) m. French for Peter. ^ifto'fe /. w. pistol; pistole (a Spanish gold coin). Jrfagen tr. torment. ^Ptott m. (-g -^e) green, common ; plan. })$la^ m. (-eg -^e) place, seat ; nefymen sit down, be seated. ^(ci^t^en n. (-g ) little place. pfottbettt intr. chat, talk. ) adj. sudden. Pluto (god of the under- world). m. (-g ) mob, rabble, fd) adj. political. f /. police. VOCABULARY 251 adj. police-, of the police. $0merait f 5C /. w. orange, orange- tree. $0t5eflatt' n. (-3 -e) porcelain, china. $0fei'b0tt Poseidon or Neptune (god of the sea). . (-g ) postmark. inter j. the deuce ! /. splendor, pomp, beauty. adj. splendid, magnifi- cent, sumptuous. prattgett intr. shine ; be splen- did. ^rat3 /. practice, clientage. pf ebtgCH tr. or intr. preach. $ret m. (-eg -e) price, value. pretfeit s. tr. praise. preffett tr. press. $* teftcr m. (-3 ) priest. $riefteritt /. w. (-nen) priestess. m. w. prince. fin /. w. (-nen) princess. /. w. proof, test. (pr. -i-er) m. (-3 ) proletarian, member of the pro- letariat. romet!jett3 f (pr. -tois) Prome- theus (a Titan, the especial friend of man). / tr. prophesy. n. (-S -e) record, min- utes. ^ro&ettce' (pr. -vahngs) /. Pro- vence (an ancient district of southern France). priifen tr. try, test, examine. ^Sft inter j. st ! hush ! ' ^ultier n. (- ) powder. m. (-3 -e) point; spot; period. m. (-3) purple. m. (-eg) gala dress, array. tr. adorn, dress up. Pythia (the priestess at Delphi). quofcn intr. croak (of frogs). Qua( /. w. torment, grief. duaft m. (-3 -e) or luafte /. w. tassel, knot. duett m. (-3 -en), aZso duefle /. to., spring, source. queflen s. intr. (f.) gush. m. 10. raven. /. revenge, vengeance. Ofadjett m. (-3 ) mouth, jaws. rarfjeit tr. avenge ; reft, take ven- geance on (an dot.). JHab n. (-3 *er) wheel. 9%anb m. (-3 -"er) edge, brink, rim. taitfig adj. full of tendrils or vines. tafrf) ad/, quick, swift ; rash. tafen intr. rave, rage. Ofaftr'meffer n. (-3 ) razor. Dflaft / w. rest, repose. tftftcit intr. rest, repose. OfJat w. (-3 ^e) council, member of council, councilor; counsel, advice. fftteit s. tr. or intr. advise (dot.) ; guess. n. (-3 ) riddle, problem. 252 VOCABULARY / w. rat. m. (-g) robbery ; booty. rnudcn tr. rob, steal. O^ftttfoer m. (-g ) robber, thief. SRuufctter w. (-g -e) wild beast. Oinnd) m. (-g) smoke. O^anm m. (-g ^e) room, space (time or place). tftttfdjcn intr. rustle; roar. OWe / w. tendril, grape-vine. redjnen tr. reckon. !)icd)mmg /. w. calculation; ac- count. redjt adj. right ; just ; true, real ; reasonable ; genuine ; tntt en 2)in(jen squarely, honestly ; adv. quite, very. Oledjt n. (-g -e) right, justice, law. redjtlidjl adj. lawful, honest, right- eous. tedjt3 adv. on or to the right. terfen tr. stretch, extend; reft. stretch. debe /. w. speech ; talk, conver- sation ; eine fjalten make a speech. rebett intr. or tr. speak, talk. tcbUrfj adj. honest, candid. tegen tr. stir, move ; refl. stir, m. (-g) rain. m. (-g ) shower, storm of rain. Oiegentag m. (-g -e) rainy day. regnen intr. rain. Oflel) n. (-g -e) roe, deer. adj. rich, abundant. n. (-g -e) kingdom, realm. tt tr. reach, hand, attain ; tie anb (dot.) offer one's hand (in marriage) ; shake . hands with. retdjttdj adj. abundant. SReirfjtum m. (-g *er) wealth, riches. if m. (-g -e) hoop, ring ; circle. /. w. row ; rank ; turn. m. (-g ) heron. tcitt adj. clean, pure ; adv. quite, entirely. O'ktfe /. w. journey, travel. rctfctt intr. (1). or f.) travel, go, set out ; ber S^eifenbe traveler. tci^Ctt s. ^r. tear, snatch away, rettett s. intr. (f. or fy.) ride. D'Jetter m. (-g ) horseman ; trooper. m. (-g ^er) trooper. tr. excite, stir up ; entice, charm ; nettle. retsettb adj. charming. $Re(tgion r /. w. religion. tennen s. intr. (fy. or f.) run, rush. tettcn tr. rescue, save, deliver. D^etterin /. w. (-nen) rescuer, deliverer. D^ettnng /. w. rescue, deliverance. 9kttnng3uieg m. (-g -e) way of escape. O^CttC / repentance ; regret. tCUCtt tr. repent, make repent; impers. eg reut mid) I regret. Dletitet' n. (-g -e) region, country round. 9lf)eitt m. (-g) Rhine. OfJtdjter m. (-g ) judge. ndjterltdj adj. judicial. ttt^ttg adj. right, correct; adv. certainly, of course. $trf)ttgfeit /. correctness, verity. VOCABULARY 253 rtedjen s. intr. smell. n. (-g -e) reed, rush. m. w. giant. n. (-g -er) ox ; pi. cattle. /. w. herd of cattle. m. (-g -e) ring. tiltgett s. mr. wrestle, struggle. rutg3 adv. (gen.) in a circle, around ; um, Ijerum, round about. O^ittue / w. channel. rtnnen s. intr. (f.) run, flow. fitter m. (-g ) knight. ri^Ctt tr. scratch, make a scratch. m. (-g *e) coat. n. (- *e) reed, cane. 92oi)rid)t n. (-g -e) reed grass. rotten r. or intr. (f.) roll. 9fam m. (-g) Rome. Ofofe /. w;. rose. 9%ofenl)ol$ w. (-eg) rosewood. e /. w. rosebud. m. (-eg *e) garland of roses. . rosy. SR0ff n. (-ffeg -fie) horse, steed. tut adj. red, crimson. Ofatttrilb n. (-g -e) red deer. OWritt f m. (-g -e) ruby. ir. push, move, stir. m. (-g ) back. O^itrf f)atf rn. (-g -e) reverberation. 8({ttf m. (-g -e) call, cry. tttfctt s. tr. or intr. call, shout, cry ; summon. ) (e) /. w. rest, peace. intr. rest, repose. adj. quiet, composed, at rest. m. (-eg) glory, reputation. tttljreit tr. touch, stir. 9fcti'ne / w. ruin. tttltb adj. round. 91ufc^ m. (-eg -e) rush, reed. tiiftcit tr. prepare, equip. /. w. suit of armor. = eg, rarely bag. m. (-g (Sale) hall, drawing- m. (-g ) sword. /. w. thing, affair; point; cause. fadjt adj. soft, light, slow ; low. farfjte adv. softly, cautiously. Sarf m. (-g -e) sack. fdftig adj. juicy, succulent. Sage /. w. saying, legend. fagen tr. say, tell. @aite / w. string, chord. Safs n. (-eg) salt. fammeln tr. collect, gather. Sammetyfa^ m. (-eg ^e) rallying- place. (5amm(e)t m. (-g -e) velvet. Sammetf appdjcn n. (-g ) velvet cap. famt prep, (dat.) together with. famtltc^ adj. all, all together. fattft adj. mild, gentle. Sang m. (-g ^e) song. Sange* m. (-g ) singer. (Sanft Saint (inded., only with names, as St. Bernard). Sapljir' m. (-g -e) sapphire. fatt adj. full, satisfied; weary (of, gen.)-, fid) fe^en see or look one's fill. 254 VOCABULARY m. (-eg -"e) sentence; text; phrase. San/. (~e) sow, hog. fau&er adj. neat. faner adj. sour; hard, difficult. Sanle /. w. column. fanfeln intr. rustle, murmur. fattfen intr. roar; whistle. Sri)acf)tel /. w. box (of pasteboard or other light material). fdjabe adj. pred. only, eg ift , it is a pity. <3d)abe(n) m. (-g *) damage, harm. fdjabenfrolj adj. malicious, mis- chievous. fdjabfjaft adj. damaged, defective. @djfifenn/. w. (-nen) shepherdess. fdjaffen s. tr. create, make ; w. tr. or intr. work, be busy ; do, bring about. Srfjalffjeit / w. roguishness, mis- chief. <5djaK m. (-g, -e or *e) sound. f ft) alien s. or w. intr. sound, echo. Srfjafatet' /. w. shawm. ) silver. fttfcerfyefl adj. bright as silver, sil- very. fil&cw adj. (of) silver; silvery. futgett s.tr. orintr. sing ; warble. (Singer m. (-3 ) singer. Siltgtiogel m. (-g ") singing bird, songster. fittfett s. intr. (f.) sink. Sinn m. (- -e ; .pJ. sometimes w.) mind, thought ; disposition ; taste; intention. finnett s. tr. or intr. think, reflect. <5itte / w. custom ; pi. manners, morals. fittfam adj. modest. Stttfamf eit /. w. modesty. Stt? m. (-eg -e) seat. ft^Ctt s. intr. sit ; sit down. Sftotoe m. w. slave. fo adv. so, thus ; in that case, then ; eitt such a. f0(wlb f conj. as soon as. ffle'&Ctt adv. just now, just then. fogar' adv. even. fogletdj' adv. immediately. Sflfjtt m. (- *e) son. fold) pron. or adj. (indecl. before ein) such. Softwt' 77*. w. soldier. folfcn tr. and modal aux. shall, ought ; be obliged ; be said to ; be intended or destined to. @ommer m. (-g ) summer. ett /. w. summer-time. adj. peculiar, strange. fottberit conj. but (used after a negative). Sarnie /. w. sun. Sunnenoufgang m. (-3 ^e) sun- rise, east. m.. (-3-e) Sunday. lit^ adj. (of) Sunday, fes- tive. Smttttaggfittb n. (-3 -er) Sunday child, lucky person. fottft adv. formerly ; otherwise, or else ; besides. urge /. w. anxiety, care. forgeit intr. care, take care, be anxious. forgfaltig adj. careful. Sou (French, pr. soo) m. (-3 -e) cent, sou. fwU)Cratt f adj. sovereign. triel' adj. as much as. ite' adv. as soon as, as. fpfitycn intr. spy, look or watch (for, ttacf)). @Jwlte /. w. gap, crevice. fpamteat tr. harness, yoke. tr. save, spare. ltrff adj. scanty, frugal, sparse. (Spafj m. (-eg ~e) joke ; sport ; atlg , in or for fun. ftwt adj. late. fpasie'rett intr. (f. or fy.) walk, go walking. Sjwsiergang m. (-g ^e) walk, promenade. fpeteit s. m^r. spit. <5tyeife / to. food, dish (article of food). fpeifeit tr. or intr. eat ; feed. fpeitbett tr. give, dispense. S^Cttbcr m. (-g ). giver, be- stower. tr. bar ; lock up. VOCABULARY 259 Jriegel m. (-3 ) mirror. fpiegelftor adj. clear as a mir- ror. piel n. (-8 -e) play; game; playing (of instruments). fjrielett tr. or intr. play; gamble. Spiefj m. (-e3 -e) spear. j. sharp, pointed ; cunning. m. w. rascal, rogue, knave. pifce / w. point ; top. fpitfg adj. = fpifc. fpottenbertoeife adv. mockingly. prodje /. w. speech, language. fpredjett s. intr. or tr. speak, talk, say, speak to. fJmeffCtt s. intr. (f.) spring, spring up, sprout, shoot. fprtttgen s. intr. (f. or fy.) spring, leap ; gush forth ; break, snap. adj. brittle ; coy, m. (-3 -"e) sentence ; say- ing ; proverb. @pritltg m. (-g *6) spring, bound. pur /. w. track, scent ; clew, print. fpiireu tr. trace, perceive, scent. m. (-3 -en) state ; pomp. m. (-3 *e) staff, stick. tabt /. (^e) city, town. tabtet m. (-3 ) citizen, city- dweller. Statyl m. (-3) steel. (Stafl m. (-3 -^e) stable ; shed. tamm m. (-3 ^e) stem, trunk. ftammeht intr. stammer, hesitate. ftammen intr. spring, descend, come from. ftattt^fett intr. or tr. stamp, beat, pound. m. (-3 ^c) stand, state ; gu ftcmbe bringen bring about ; im ftanbe able. Stange /. w. pole ; rod, piece. ftarf (a) adj. strong; brisk, fast; vigorous. ftarfcn tr. strengthen. @tatuw f /. w. station. fttttt prep, (gen.) instead of. Statt /. (pi- only in compounds) stead, place ; ju ftatten lomtnen come off ; transpire. ftattfmben s. intr. take place, exist. @taufc m. (-3) dust. ftedjett s. tr. prick ; stab. ftccfctt tr. stick, put, fix, hide ; lafjcn leave behind. tetfcn rn. (-3 ) stick, staff. teg m. (-3 -e) narrow path, bridge. fteljett s. intr. stand ; be ; blei= ben stop ; fiir answer for. ftefyfett s. tr. steal (pers. dat., thing ace.). fteif adj. stiff. ftetgett s. intr. (f.) rise, ascend, climb ; mount, step, stalk ; de- scend ; com ^Pferbe , dis- mount. fteil adj. steep. tettt m. (-3 -e) stone. Stefle/. w. spot, place. fteftdt tr. place ; value ; refl. place or post oneself ; pretend, act. teflttttg / w. position, posture. (Stengel rn. (-3 ) stalk, stem. Ste^e /. w. steppe. fterfcen s. intr. (f.) die. tent m. (-3 -e) star. 260 VOCABULARY ftet adj. continual. ftet3 adv. constantly, always. Stid) m. (-g -e) stab, sting; im tid^e in the lurch. Stteffcruber m. (-g *) stepbrother. Stiefel m. (-g, or -n) boot. Stieftoater m. (-g *) stepfather. Stier m. (-g -e) ox, bull. fttften fr. found, establish. (till adj. still, calm. Stifle /. MJ. stillness, silence. fttflett tr. still, silence. ftiflfdjtoeigenb oc{;. silent. Stttttme /. w. voice ; vote. Sttrn(e) /. w. forehead, brow. Stod* m. (-g ~e) stick, cane. Stuiftoerl w. (-g -e) story (of a house), floor. fttiljttett Mr. groan. adj. proud (of, auf). m. (-eg) pride. r. fill, stuff. Stord) m. (-eg -"e) stork. Stordjenafcenteuer n. (-g ) ad- venture as a stork. Stflrdjenfttigel m. (-g ) stork's wing. StordjCttfyattt /. (*e) stork's skin. Stord)fu m. (-teg *e) stork's foot. Stordjitt /. w. (pi -nen) female stork. Stordjtfdj n. indecl. stork lan- guage. ftiireit tr. trouble, disturb, stir up. Staff m. (-eg *e) thrust, blow ; gust (of wind). ftofjen s. ir. push, thrust, jolt. ffraffcar adj. culpable, liable to punishment, Strafe / w. punishment, penalty. ftrafeit tr. punish. Strafjl m. (-g -en) beam, ray. Mr. beam, shine. m. (-g -e) strand, beach. / w. street. m. w. street urchin. ftrdttfcett reft, struggle, resist. Strand) m. (-g, *e or *er) shrub. ftraut^eltt Mr. (f. or fy.) stumble. Strait^ m. (-eg *e) contest. Stran^ m. (-eg -^e) bunch of flowers, bouquet. ftrefceu Mr. strive (for, nadj). ftretfeu tr. or reft, stretch. Streid) m. (-g -e) stroke ; trick. ftretdjett s. tr. strike, stroke, touch ; whip, lash. Streif m. (-g -e) or Streifen m. (-g ) strip. ftreifett tr. touch, graze. Streit m. (-g -e) contest, quarrel. ftretten s. intr. or reft, strive, fight, contend (with, tnit; for, um, liber) dispute. ftreuen tr. or intr. strew, scatter. Strirf m. (-g -e) cord, rope. Strom m. (-g -^e) stream, current. ftriJmen tr. or intr. (f. or I).) stream. Sttt^e / w. room, chamber. Stiirf n. (-eg -e) piece, -fragment; groge e fatten auf think much of. Stitrfdjett n. (-g ) (little) piece, trick. Stttljf m. (-g *e) chair, seat. ftltmm adj. dumb, silent. Stiinb^en, Stiinblein, n. (-g ) short hour, little while. VOCABULARY 261 Stttttbe/. w. hour ; league ; gur , forthwith. Sturm m. (-3 *e) storm. ftiir-^ett intr. (f.) fall, tumble, rush, plunge ; tr. plunge, hurl ; refl. plunge, rush. ftll^eil tr. trim, clip. ftit^Ctt tr. prop up, support. 6tt)m f l)al03 Stymphalus (a lake in Arcadia). flldjeil tr. seek, look for ; try. (Siib m. (-3), Siiben m. (-3), south. 6ttm$)f m. (-3 *e) swamp, bog. Siinbe /. w. sin. Siittbenfatt m. (-3) the fall (of Adam). Sihiber m. (-3 ) sinner. fitnbtgen w*r. sin. /. w. soup. adj. sweet. m. (-3 -e) day, daylight. . (-3 *e) day- break. ttigltdj adj. daily. aft m. (-3 -e) touch; tact. taftfeft adj. steady in keeping time. al n. '(-3 ^er) valley. . (-3 ) dollar. Tsenaros (a promon- tory of the Peloponnesus, end- ing in Cape Matapan). Xattnett&aum m. (-3 *e) fir-tree. Xante /. w. aunt. m. (-e ^e) dance. iwtr. dance. /. w. tapestry, hang- ings. adj. brave. / w. pocket. Xaffc /. w. cup. Xat /. w. act, deed ; in ber , in fact. /. w. paw. m. (-3) dew. . w. dove, pigeon. taudjett ir. dip. Xaudjer w. (-3 ) diver, loon. aufe / w. baptism. tailfen tr. baptize, christen. Xauf^anblttttg /. w. act or cere- mony of baptism. Xaufltttb n. (-3 -er) child about to be christened ; parishioner, taiujeu intr. be good or fit (for); ttid^t3 , be good for nothing. taumeltt intr. reel, stagger. Xcwfdj m. (-e3 *e) exchange, trade. tauft^Ctt -e) table, board. Xitel m. (-8 ) title. Xorfjter /. (*) daughter. b'd)terleitt n. (-3 ) little daugh- ter. ob ?7i. (-3, pi. Xobe^fctl(e) death. 0bedan0ft/. (pi. ^e or ^en) mortal anguish. 0be3terbrug m. (-eg *e) mortal offense, vexation. obfetttb m. (-3 -e) mortal enemy. tobgelueiljt ao)'. fated. Solicit /. 10. folly. toUfitfjn adj. bold, reckless. 0tt m. (-3 *e) tone, sound ; note, accent. tihtctt intr. sound. or m. 10. , imn /. w. , fool. Xov n. (-3 -e) gate. timdjt adj. foolish. tofcn intr. rage, roar. tot adj. dead. tb'ten tr. kill. 0tettbaf)r(e) /. w. bier. 8- ^r. strike dead, wi. (-3 -e) trot, gait. rafitwt r m. 10. guard, satellite. Xrac^t /. to. costume, dress ; gar- ments. trajjett s. tr. bear, carry ; produce ; wear. tratttpeltt intr. trample, stamp. XrfittC / w. tear. wi. (-3 -^e) drink, liquid. /. w. grape, bunch of grapes. traucn tr. marry ; intr. trust (dot.). $raite? /. mourning, sorrow. $rauet ffetb n. (-3 -er) mourning garb. trauern iw^r. mourn (um ace.). Xraum m. (-3 -e) dream. traumctt tnerafc f rebett tr. agree upon. tiera&'fdjettett tr. detest, abhor. Ctt tr. despise. adj. contemptible, des- picable. SBcranlaffung /. w. cause, occa- sion. Der&erjjCtt s. tr. hide, conceal. SBerfceffcnwrj /. w. improvement. toerfeteten s. tr. forbid. SBerfcredjen n. (-3 ) crime, transgression. $erfcredjer m. (-g ) criminal, transgressor. s. tr. burn, consume. m. (-g) suspicion. tierbat^tig adj. suspicious. tierbettlcn s. tr. blame for, take amiss (pers. dot.). Derberbctt s. tr. spoil, destroy, ruin; corrupt. SBerberfceit n. (-3) destruction, ruin ; depravity. UerbtCttcn tr. earn, win. UerbrteffCtt s. tr. vex, annoy. fcerbrieptdj adj. vexed, cross ; an- noying. 25erbrie^n^Ictt /. w. vexation, annoyance. $erbnt m. (-e3 -"e) vexation, offense. SSerefjrer m. (-g ) admirer, adorer. herein m. (-g -e) club, society, order. toerfafleit s. intr. (f.) decay, go to ruin. toerftte^ett s. intr. (f.) pass away. Uerfolgen tr. pursue, persecute. m. (-3 ) pursuer. VOCABULARY 267 s. tr. forgive (pers. dot.). J?ergefeen3 adv. in vain. fcergebltdj adj. vain ; adv. in vain. toergefyen s. intr. (f.) elapse, pass away ; die. ttergeffen s. tr. forget (ace. or gen.). fcergniigen tr. satisfy, please, make merry. ^ergniigen n. (-3 ) pleasure; satisfaction. ttetgitiigt adj. satisfied, contented ; pleased, merry. fcergolben tr. gild. tr. arrest. ett s. refl. stand, be situ- ated ; be. $erf)alttu3 n. (-ffe -fieS) relation, situation. Derfyattbdtt tr. or intr. discuss, negotiate (ace. or iiber ace.). Derljeiraten tr. marry, give in marriage (to, an or mit); refl. marry. t)erljei$ett s. tr. promise. $erl)0r m. (-3 -e) examination, trial. Derljttflett tr. veil, cover, hide. fcerljiitett tr. prevent, avert; ott t>erfyute (es) God forbid. tieritVCtt intr. go astray ; refl. be lost, be confused. Derfaufett tr. sell. uerfteiben tr. disguise. toerfriedjen s. refl. creep or hide away. toerfiittbigeit tr. announce. fcerlentgett intr. or impers. wish or long (for, nad^) ; tr. ask (for), demand; require. n. (-%) desire, longing ; demand. UCtlaffett s. tr. leave, forsake ; refl. rely on (auf ace.). tierlegett adj. embarrassed, per- plexed. . embarrassment. adj. in love. tterliereu s. tr. lose. UcrloBt adj. engaged, betrothed ; ber $erlobte betrothed, fianc^(e). iSerluft m. (-eg ^e) loss. Ucvwaijlen ^r. marry (give in mar- riage) ; refl. marry, wed. $ermtif)lutt er by no means ; em , ein !lein , very little. tiJetttfjftCttJ? adv. at least; at any rate. ttJCtttt conj. when, whenever ; if ; aud), gleirf), jd)on, even if ; nur if only. foer interrogative and rel. pron. who, whoever. ttJCffoeit s. tr. enlist, recruit ; intr. woo, sue for (um). / w. enlistment ; wooing. s. intr. (f.) become, get, grow (followed by nom. or 311 with dot.}; come into existence ; fut. aux. shall, will; pass. aux. be. ttierfcn s. tr. throw, cast ; pelt. n. (-3) tow. n. (-3 -e) work, action, deed. adj. of value, worth (ace.); worthy (of, gen.). m> (-% -e) worth, value. for roefjen, gen. of roer. n. (-g ) being, creature. interrogative adv. where- fore ; rel. adv. on account of which. .(-3), 29Seften (-S), west. adj. western. yeZ. adv. on which account. Better n. (- ) weather, storm. 2$ei$ettt m. (-g -e) whetstone, grindstone. SBtdjt m. (-g, -e or -er) wight, creature. ttud)ttft adj. weighty, important. tr. wrap up, roll. prep, (ace.) against, con- trary to ; als3 insep. prefix. adj. disagreeable, repul- sive. 28tberftmtdj m. (-g ^e) contra- diction. SBtbetftanb m. (-$ ^e) resistance. ttriberfte'ljen s. intr. resist, oppose (dot.). U)iberftre f bett tr. or intr. resist, strive against (dat.). IWC interrogative adv. how ; rel. adv. as, like ; conj. when ; rate . . . aiid) however . . . ttrieber adv. and sep. or insep. prefix again, anew, back ; f)in imb , back and forth ; now and then. VOCABULARY 273 tuie'bcrbelommctt s. tr. get back or again. toie'ber&rittgett s. tr. bring back. tme'berge&ett s. tr. repeat. ttuebertyal'lCtt intr. reecho. ttueberljD'Iett tr. repeat. SSHeberljolttttg /. w. repetition. ttJte'beriiwtmett s. intr. (j.) come again, return. ttueberum adv. again. SSiegC /. w. cradle. ttuegett tr. rock, swing ; s. intr. weigh. SBiegettlteb n. (-g -er) lullaby, cradle-song. 23Siefc /. w. meadow, pasture- land. conj. although. m. (-g) wigwam. adj. wild, fierce. / fe) wild goose. 28itfe(tt) m. (-nS -n) will, pur- pose, design ; um . . . (gen.) roillen prep, for the sake of. ttriflfom'men adj. welcome. 28tltb m. (-g -e) wind. tmitben s. tr. wind, twist; wrap. ttUttfett intr. make a sign, beckon, n. (-g) see 2Beingberg. m. (-g ) winter. SBtyfel w.(-g ) top, tree-top. ttur pers. pron. (pi. of id)) we. ttrirlieftt intr. warble ; roll (of drums). toiv<tj adj. wild, violent. ttrirfett tr. or intr. work, pro- duce. tturflid) adj. actual, real. 2$trfwt(J / w. action, effect. tttin /. w. hostess, landlady. 2Birt3I)au3 n. (-eg ^er) public house, tavern. ttufrfjett tr. wipe. toif^ent intr. whisper, rustle. ttliff en s. tr. know ; ju (infin.) can, know how to. Stiffen n. (-g) knowledge ; learn- ing. SSitfoe /. w. widow. tu0 interrogative and rel. adv. where, in which place ; when ; roo . . . auc^ wherever. /. w. week. interrogative and rel. adv. whereby, how. / w. wave, billow. ', also often separated too . * * ^cr f adv. whence. tt)0f)ttt f f also often separated mo ^tn f adu. whither. fciuljl od. well ; indeed, probably ; I presume ; I wonder. tuol)lan f interj. well ! come on ! 2$oljlgefaflett n. (-g) good will, approval. ttwfylgdittett adj. well liked, tol- erated. 2B0l)ltat /. w. good deed, benefi- cence. ttofyfttttt s. intr. do well; rouse pleasant feelings; benefit (dot.). ttUJljuett intr. live, reside. ftb'Uien intr. arch, vault. m. (-g ^e) wolf. /. w. cloud. ttottcn tr. and modal aux. will, be willing, wish ; want ; intend ; be about to, be on the point of ; demand, claim, insist. 274 VOCABULARY interrogative or rel. adv. wherewith, with which. /. w. delight, bliss. interrogative or rel. adv. whereupon ; on which or what. ttJDtfttt^' interrogative or rel. adv. wheref rom, from which or what. 233ort n. (-3 *er) word ; (pi -e) expression, speech ; promise. tt)0t)0tt f interrogative or rel. adv. from which ; whereof. tt)0i$tt f interrogative or rel. adv. wherefore, to what purpose, why. ttmttb adj. wounded, sore. SSttttbe /. w. wound. 28ltnber n. (- ) wonder, miracle. ttMttberfcar adj. wonderful, mar- velous. ^BttttberfcUtttte /. w. enchanted or magic flower. ttmnbedtdj adj. strange, singular, odd. twtttberfam adj. wonderful, mar- velous, weird. ttmtberfdjim adj. wonderfully beautiful. SSSttttfdj m. (-e3 *-e) wish. ttmitfrfjett tr. wish. SSiirbe /. w. dignity ; office. ttuirbig adj. worthy, honorable. m. (-g -e) throw, cast. ; m. (-eg-e) javelin, spear. g$urft /. (~e) sausage. gftsrael /. w. , a&iirglein n. (-g ), root. miift adj. wild, fierce. 2Biiftenei r /. w. wilderness, waste. SSttt / rage, fury, mittcnb adj. furious. 3 z ^ r - tremble, be afraid, ^r. pay, pay for. -e) aim, goal. Stemltd) adj. tolerable ; moderate ; adv. somewhat, rather, pretty well. $terlid) adj. elegant, graceful, del- icate, neat, nice. Dimmer n. (-3 ) room, apart- ment. 5Ut3j)fttd)tttJ adj. tributary. 3ttto f ne / w. lemon, citron. intr. tremble, quake. intr. hesitate. tr. pay, give, pay tribute. m. (-%) wrath, anger. $orut(| adj. wrathful, angry. $U prep, (dat.) to ; in addition to ; for (purpose) ; at, in, on ; sign of infin. to ; adv. to, on, for- ward ; too (with adj. or adv. ) ; also sep. prefix together ; closing. ,3ud)t /. discipline ; chastity. 3nd)tl)an3 n. (-eg *er) peniten- tiary. 3iufer m. (-3) sugar. ^nberfen tr. cover over. 5ttbeitt r adv. besides, moreover. ^tterft' adv. first, at first. gttfafl m. (-3 -e) chance, accident. pfUiftertt tr. whisper to. 5ttfrte f bett adj. satisfied, content- ed, happy. gufrtebettljeit /. w. satisfaction, content. gug m. (-S -e) draft ; procession ; impulse ; character, trait. 5111} el) en s. intr. (f.) go to ; come to pass. giigel m . (-3 ) rein. 5ttjjfetdj f adv. at the same time. ,3ugttrittb in. (-3 -e) draft of air. pi) alien s. tr. hold shut. 5ttljan r fe adv. at home. intr. listen to (dat.). m. (-% ) listener. Bnfnnft /. future. c see etb. adv. at last, finally. see Siebe. intr. lisp to, whisper to. itnt = gu bem. 5ttmal r adv. especially, particu- larly. SUndrfjft' adv. first, next, shortly. 3nnetgnng /. inclination, affec- tion. gunge /. w. tongue. ^nnttfen intr. nod to, beckon. pr = au ber. . 5nrerf)t f adv. and sep. prefix to rights, in order. 276 VOCABULARY tr. lay in order, straighten out. gttrebett intr. talk to, urge, per- suade (dat.). 5iirttett intr. be angry with, be offended at (dat.). $ttriirf f adv. and sep. prefix back, backward, behind. 5ttriicf&let&ett s. intr. (f.) be or remain behind. pritcffaljrett s. intr. (f.) start back. 5tmtrf(jeljctt s. intr. (f.) go back, recede, return. 5ttriieffef)rett intr. (f.) return. 5tttii(ffommctt s. intr. (f.) come back. 3uritcflttttft /. return. 5uritrfttef)mett s. tr. take back, v withdraw. SUriicftuetfett s. tr. send back ; re- ject. ^tttttfett s. tr. or intr. call to (dat.). gltfam'men adv. and sep. prefix to- gether. 5Ufrttttmettfcrerf)Ctt s. intr. (j.) break down, collapse. 3ufammenl)ang m. (-g) connec- tion. pfamntenfmtttttett s. intr. (f.)meet, assemble. 5ufammettne^mcn s. refi. collect oneself. 5ufammen^affcn intr. agree, fit together. 5ttfammettfud)ett tr. gather to- gether. guf Baiter m. (-3 ) spectator. 3itfrf)rett)ett s. tr. ascribe to (dat.). 3ttfrf)tte&ett intr. (j. or Ij.) fly towards. s. intr. look on, witness (dat.). Sttfpredjett s. intr. speak to, talk to, encourage (dat.). 3utyfUrf) m. (-3 *e) exhorta- tion. 5ttt)0r f adv. before, previously ; also sep. prefix. 5ttttJci f (ett a^v. at times, once in a while, occasionally. 5Utt)erfett s. ft*, throw to or at. 5tttW f ber prep, (following dat.) contrary to. num. twenty, u. indeed, certainly ; of course ; to be sure. num. two. ,3>ueifel m. (-S ) doubt. 5tucife(tt tnger m. (- ) pit, garden (for wild beasts). gttrifdjett prep. (dat. or ace.) be- tween, among. gttufdjettettt adv. in between, among, meanwhile. gttjolf num. twelve. 5tuiilft ord. num. twelfth. LIST OF STRONG AND IRREGULAR VERBS Verbs which are marked with an asterisk are also weak, or weak with the meaning thus marked. The vowel in parenthesis after the infinitive indicates the modification in the present (indicative and imperative) , and that after the preterit the modification in the subjunctive ; the asterisk before the parenthesized vowel indicates that a form without the changed vowel is also found. Infinitive bacfen (ti) bake shaven (ie) only in gebaren bear beifjen bite bergen (i) hide berften (*i) burst biegen bend bieten bid, offer binben bind bitten beg, request btafen (a) blow bleiben remain bleidjen bleach (*tr., s. chiefly in erbleicfyen and nerbleidjen) braten (a or a) broil bredjjen (i) break brennen burn bringen bring ^beifyen only in gebeifyen thrive ben fen think =berben (i) only in Berber ben ruin, be ruined btngen bargain, hire brefcfyen (*i) thresh -briefjen only in nerbriefjen vex Preterit Past Part. *bul (ii) gebatfen =bar (a) -boren bif; gebiffen barg (a or ii) geborgen *barft (a), borft (o) *geborften bog (o) gebogen bot (o) geboten banb (a) gebunben bat (a) gebeten blieS geblafen blieb geblieben *blidj *geblic^en briet (*tr.) brad) (a) brannte (e) brad)te (a) -bie^ bad)te (a) =barb (ii) *bang *brofd)(o), brajc^(a') (b) gebraten gebrodjen gebrannt gebrac^t =bie^en gebadjt sborben *gebungen *gebrojd^en =broffen 277 278 STRONG AND IRREGULAR VERBS Infinitive bringen press, throng biinten seem biirfen (Pres. barf, barfft, barf; biirfen, etc.), be allowed effen (i) eat fafyren (a) go, drive, fare fallen (a) fall fangen (a) catch fetf)ten (*i) fight =fel)len (ie) only in befeljlen com- mand and empfeljlen recommend finben find fledjten (*i) braid =fleifjen only in befleijjen apply fliegen fly flieljen flee fliefjen flow fragen (rarely a) ask freffen (i) eat frieren freeze garen ferment geben (i) give geljen go gelten (i) be worth =geffen (i) only in tjergeffen forget gie^en pour, gush =ginnen only in beginnen begin gleicfyen resemble, be like gletten glide glimmen gleam, glimmer graben (a) dig greifen seize, grasp tyaben (Ijaft, fyat) have tyalten (a) hold fangen (*a) hang, be suspended fatten hew fyeben raise, heave fyeifsen bid ; call ; be called Selfen (i) help Preterit Past Part. brang (a) gebrungen *beucf)te *gebeurf)t burfte (ii) geburft (biirfen) afj (a) gegeffen fufjr (ii) gef a^ren ftel gefatten fing gefangen foc^t (o) geforf)ten fanb (a) gefunben *flod)t (o) *geflocfyten ;fii$ =fliffen flog (o) geflogen W (b) geflo^en flofe (o) gefloffen fragte, rarely frug gefragt fraf; (a) gefreffen fror (o) gefroren *gor (o) *gegoren gab (a) gegeben 9itt$ gegangen gait (a or b) gegolten =gafj (a) =geffen go^ (o) gegofjen =gann (a) =gonnen glid^ (*tr.) *geglid)en *glitt *geglitten *glomm (o) *geglommen grub (ii) gegraben griff gegriffen ^atte (ft) gefyabt ^ielt gel^alten l)ing gefangen ^ieb geljauen ^ob (o), l)ub (ii) geljoben ^ie gefyeifjen ^alf (ft or ii) ge^olfen STRONG AND IRKEGULAR VERBS 279 Infinitive fennen know fiefen choose flimmen climb flingen ring fneifen pinch, nip fommen (arch, b) come fbnnen (!ann, fannft, lann; fbn= nen, etc.) can, be able fried) en creep fiiren choose lab en (*a) load ; invite laffen (a) let laufen (ctu) run leiben suffer leifyen lend lefen (ie) read, gather liegen lie =lieren only in t>erlieren lose 4ingen only in gelingen succeed and mijjlingen fail Ibfcfyen (*i) extinguish (usually er= Ibfdjen) liigen lie marten grind meiben avoid melfen (i) milk ntefjen (i) measure mijgen (mag, magft, mag ; mogen, etc.) may, like, can miif jen (mttfj, mu^t, mujj ; miiffen, etc.) must, be obliged nefymen (nimmft, nimmt) take nennen name =nefen only in genefen get well -nie^en only in gente^en enjoy pfeifen whistle, pipe pflegen attend to, *nurse, *be wont preijen praise quelien (*i) gush, swell (*tr.) Preterit Past Part. fannte (e) gefannt fog (b) gefojen *flomm (b) *gellommen *flang (a or ii) geflungen *fniff *gefniffen fam (a) gefommen fonnte (b) gefonnt (fbnnen) frotf) (b) gefroc^en *for (b) *geforen *lub (ii) gelaben lieft gelaffen lief gelanfen litt gelitten lief) gelie^en lag (a) gelefen lag (a) gelegen =lor (b) 4oren =lang (a) 4ungen log (b) gelogen mafylte gema^len mieb gemieben *molf (b) *gemol!en ma (a) gemefjen motf)te (b) gemodjt (mbgen) mnjjte (ii) gemu^t (miiffen) nafym (a) genommen nannte genannt =nag (a) =nefen =no{5 (b) =noffen Pfiff gepfiffen *pflog (b) *gepflogen prieg gepriefen *quoll (b) *gequollen 280 STRONG AND IRREGULAR VERBS Infinitive raten (a) advise reiben rub reifjen tear reiten ride rennen run riedjen smell rtngen wring, wrestle rinnen run, flow rufen call fallen salt faufen (cm) drink faugen suck fdjaffen create; *procure;* be busy f fallen sound -jcfyefyen (ie) only in cjefdjeljen happen fcfyeiben part fd^einen appear, shine frfjelten (i) scold fdjeren (*ie) shear fd^teben push, shove fcfjiefjen shoot fcfjtnben flay, skin f deafen (a) sleep fdjjlagen (a) strike, slay jd^leid^en sneak, creep fdjleifen whet ; *raze, *drag jcfyleijjen tear, slit fcf)lie;en shut fcf)ltngen sling, wind fd^mei^en smite, throw jdmrelgen (*i) melt (*tr.) fd^nauben snort fd^neiben cut fd^rauben screw fd^retf en (i) be scared ; *scare frfjreiben write frfjreten cry, yell Preterit Past Part. rtet geraten rieb gerieben rifc geriffen rttt geritten rannte (e) gerannt (gerennt) rod) (o) gerod^en rang (b) gerungen rann (a or b) geronnen rtef (rarely *) gerufen fal$te gefalgen joff (b) gefoffen *fog (b) *gefogen f uf (ii) gefdjaffen (o) af)(a) ft^liff (o) (a) ! ( (3) .(d) fc^nitt *frf>rob (b) *jc^raf (ft) -fc^e^en fc^ieb *gefd)ieben fd^ien gefd^ienen fd^alt (b) gefrf)olten frf)or (b) gejcfyoren jd^ob (b) gefc^oben fcfyofj (b) gefc^offen fc^unb (ii) *gefc^unbet fd^Uef gefcf)Iafen fc^ug (ii) gefrf)Iagen *gefc^Iiffen gefc^Ioflen gefc^lungen gefc^miffen *gefdjnoben gejd)nitten *gefc^roben fc^rie gefd^rieben gefd^rieen STRONG AND IRREGULAR VERBS 281 Infinitive fc^reiten stride fcfynwren ulcerate fcfyroeigen be silent fcfyroellen (*i) swell (*tr.) fcfyttrimmen swim jdjtrrinben vanish fcfyttnngen swing fcfjrobren swear fefyen (ie) see fein be fenben send fieben boil, seethe fingen sing fin!en sink ftnnen think, meditate ft^en sit follen (foil, follft, foil) ought, shall fpalten split fpeien spit fptnnen spin fprec^en (i) speak fprtefjen sprout fpringen spring fted^en (t) prick ftecfen (*t) stick (#tr.) ftefyen stand ftefylen (ie) steal ftetgen ascend fterben (i) die ftieben scatter, fly off fttn!en stink ftofsen (b) push ftretrf)en stroke ftretten strive, fight tun do tragen (a) carry treffen (t) hit, meet tretben drive treten (trittft, tritt) tread Preterit Past Part. f d&ritt gefc^rttten fd^raor (b) gefrf)raoren fd^n)ieg gefd^rategen *fd^n)oll (b) *gefdjroollen fd^roamm (a or b) gefc^raommen frfjraanb (a) gefrfiraunben fd^raang (a) gefc^raungen fd^n)or(b), fd^raur(u) gefc^woren fa (a) gefe^en toar (a) geroefen *fanbte *gefanbt *fott (b) *gefotten fang (a) gefungen fan! (a) gefun!en *fann (a) *gefonnen fafe (a) gefeffen foUte gefollt (follen) fpaltete gefpalten *fpte *gefpteen fpann (a or b) gefponnen fpracl) (a) gefproc^en fprof; (b) gefproffen fprang (a) gefpmngen ftad^ (a) geftod^en *fta! (a) *geftotfen ftanb (a or ii) geftanben ftaljl (a or b) gefto^len ftteg gefttegen ftarb(ii) geftorben ftob (b) geftoben ftan! (a) geftun!en ftiefe geftoben ftric^ geftrtcfyen ftritt geftrttten tat (a) getan trug (ii) getragen traf (a) getroffen trieb getrteben trat (a) getreten 282 STRONG AND IRREGULAR VERBS Infinitive Preterit Past Part, triefen drip *troff (o) *getroffen trtnten drink trcmf (a) getrunfen triigen cheat irog (o) getrogen roacfyfen (a) grow ttwct)> (ii) geroacfojen ttwgen weigh (*tr.) *raog (o) *geroogen Tflajd)en (*a) wash nmfd) (ii) geroafdjen roeben weave *raob (o) gerooben ^roegen only in beroegen induce, *=roog (b) *move tt)etd)en yield, recede, ^soften rceifen show roenben turn Tflerben (i) sue, woo rcerben (rctrft, roirb) become, shall, be Tflerfen (i) throw nmrf (ii) Tfliegen weigh, *rock *n>og (b) Tfltnben wind rcanb (a) ^Tflinnen only in genrinnen gain, =raann (a or b) win Ttriffen (Tflei r Toeir^t, Tfletf;, Tflifjen, rcut^te (ii) gerau^t etc.) know wollen (iflill, Tflillft, mill, rooilen, TfloIIte gerooUt etc.) will (Tfloilen) gei^en accuse gte^ gejie^en 5teE)en draw gog (o) gejogen graingen force graang (a) gegnmngen geraiefen *raanbte *geit)anbt rcarb (ii) geraorben raarb or TDitrbe (ii) getoorben geraorfen *gen)ogen geraunben RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library 23454 LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. 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