L UC-NRLF llllili $B m M^7 i iunmnifW- tlMHABW tnw«^«it|r Df la^i^*'^"^^' No Division Range Shelf. 7... Received. M^.<.-,.-m.t 1 87^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, GIFT OF DANIEL C. OILMAN \ >v Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofbooksOOnewyrich CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS ON BIBLIOGRAPHY, TYPOGRAPHY AND ENGRAYING, NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. ALBANY: CIIAIU-ES VAN BENTHIJYSKN, PRINTER. 1858. ^vo o^ ^ ^ EXPLANATIONS, The Abbreviations used have the following signification : Gen. Lib. Catalogue of the General Library. L. Lib. Catalogue of the Law Library. C. L. Books originally in the Chancellor's library. W. C. Books purchased from D. B. Warden. B. C. Books added in the Bleecker Collection. Cat. Collection of miscellaneous catalogues. Pam. Collection of volumes of pamphlets. Fol., 8°, 12°, etc. refer not to the absolute folding of the sheets, but to the average size of the volumes. V. Volume. .... Indicate omissions made in the title. Italics in the body of the title indicate additions of the editor. Titles are alphabetically arranged under the names of the authors, States or Societies publishing the books. Catalogues of libraries will usually bo found under the name of the proprietor, unless the catalogue is also descriptive and critical, when it is placed under the name of the editor. Anonymous works are arranged under the first substantive or important word in the title, unless the name of the author is generally known. In the Index to subjects following the Catalogue, the arrangement is alphabetical as in a dictionary; and either directly, or by means of a cross-reference, the inquirer will find the books grouped together with short titles, which refer more or less extensively to the subject in which he is interested. H.A.H. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS OX BIBLIOGRAPHY, TYPOGRAPHY AIVD ENGRAYIKG. Abella, Manuel. Noticia y plan de un viage para reconocer archives y forma la Coleccion diplomatica de Espaila, encargada por el R^y, a D. Manuel Abella. Madrid, 1795. 56 pp. 4°. Abkoude, Johannes van. Naamregister van de bekendste en meest in gebruik zynde Nederduitsche boeken 1600 tot 1761 Nu overzien ... tot 1787, door R. Arrenberg. 2d ed. Rotterdam, 1788. 593 pp. 4°. AcADi^MiE R. DES SCIENCES, DES Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique : Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque. Bruxelles, 1850. 228 pp. 8o. Academie des Sciences : France. Accounts and Extracts of the manuscripts in the library of the King of France. Published under the inspection of a committee translated from the French. (Notice des Manuscrits, etc.) London, 1789. 418, 466 pp. 2 v. 8°. Account ( A critical and historical ) of all the celebrated libraries in foreign countries, as well ancient as modern ; with general reflections upon the choice of books, and the method of furnishing libraries . . . * * * By a gentleman of the Temple. London, 1739. 206 pp. 18^. Adams, Thomas F. Typographia ; or the Printer's instructor : A brief sketch of the origin, rise, and progress of the typographic art, with practical directions for conducting every department in an office, hints to authors, publishers, etc. Third edition. By Thomas F. Adams, Typographer. Philadelphia, 1845. 282 pp. 18^. ^m 6 NEW- YORK STATE LIBRARY. Adamson, John. Bibliotheca Lusitana ; or Catalogue of books and tracts relating to the history, literature and poetry of Portugal : forming part of the library of John Adamson, M.R.S.L. Newcastle- on-Tyne, Hodgson, 1836. 6 fasciculi. 115 pp. 12^. Library destroyed by tire. GenVs Mag. 1849. Adelung, Johann Christophe. An Historical Sketch of Sanscrit Lite- rature, with copious bibliographical notices of Sanscrit works and translations. From the German of Adelung, with numerous additions and corrections. Oxford, Talboys, 1832. 234 pp. 8o. Advocate's Library. A Catalogue of the Law Books in the Advo- cate's Library. Edinburgh, 1831. 680 pp. 8". Law Library. Affo', p. Ireneo. Vita di Yespasiano Gonzaga . . . Scritta dal P. Ireneo Aflfo' . . . Yice-Bibliotecario di S. A. R. il Sig. Inf. Duca di Parma . . . Con gli Annali Ebreo-tipografici di Sabionetta, del Si- gnore Dottore Giambernardo De-Rossi . . . Parma, 1780. 168 pp. 4*^. Agassiz, Louis. Bibliographia Zoologies et Geologise. A General Catalogue of all books, tracts and memoirs on Zoology and Geo- logy : By Prof. Louis Agassiz . . . Corrected, enlarged and edited by H. E. Strickland and Sir \¥illiam Jardine Yol. I, Pars prima. Acta Societatum, Diaria, et Tractatum syllogas continens ; Pars secunda, Auctorum nomina alphabetice ordinata et singulorum opera continens. Yol. II, III, lY, Pars secunda [continual a). Lon- don, printed for the Ray Society, 1848-1854. 4 v. 8«. Albany Institute. Catalogue of the Library. Albany, 1855. 454 pp. 8°. . Catalogue of MS. works on the Indians and their languages, in the Library. Ed. by P. S. Duponceau. See Trans, of Hist. Committee. 1819. Ames, Joseph. Typographical Antiquities ; being an historical account of printing in England : with some memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of the books printed by them, from the year MCCCCLXXI to the year mdc. With an appendix concerning printing in Scotland and Ireland to the same time. By Joseph Ames, F.K.S. London, Faden, 1749. 598 pp. and index. 4°. Enlarged editions of the same. See Herbert, W. and Dibdin, T. F. Amherst College : Catalogue of the library. Amherst, 1855. 178 pp. 8o. Amoretti, A. Lettere sull'anno natalizio d'Aldo Pio Manuzio, ed alcune stampe Manuziane : Diretta al Sig. Abate Gaetano Marini, primo custode della Biblioteca Vaticana . . . de Antonmaria Amo- retti ... In Koma, 1804. 25 pp. 8'\ Amstel, Ploos van. Printers. See Ploos van Amstel. 2 NEW-yOKK STATE LIBRARY. Amsterdam, Royal Academy of Sciences. Catalogus der Boekerij van de koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, gevestigd te Amster- dam. Eerste Aflevering. Amsterdam, 1855. 83 pp. 8°. Amsterdam. Catalogus van de Bibliotheek der Stad Amsterdam. Eerste gedeelte. Tweede gedeelte. Amsterdam, 1856-57. 419 pp. 8°. Analectabiblion, on Extraits critiques de divers livres rares, oublies ou pen connus, tir^s du Cabinet du Marquis D. R***(Dm Roure), Tome premier, second. Paris, 1836-37. 2 v. in 1. 8o. First published in the Bulletin du Bibliophile, Techener. Anderson, Christopher. The Annals of the English Bible. London, 1845. 2 V. 8o, Anecdotes of books and authors. London, 1836. 260 pp. 18°. Annonces de Bibliographic moderne, ou Catalogue raisonne et ana- lytique des livres nouveaux. Tome I, II. Paris, chez Lavilette, 1790. 407, 404 pp. 2 v. 8°. Besides the bibliography contained in these volumes, much is included illu- strating the French revolution of 1789. Anselin, M. Livres militaires chez . . . Paris, 1833, 35. 12, 22, 60, 88 pp. 8°. Cat. V. 1. Anthon, Charles. A Manual of Greek Literature, from the earliest authentic periods to the close of the Byzantine Era : By Charles Anthon, LL.D. . .New- York, 1853. 580 pp. %^, Antonio, Nicolas. Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus, sive Hispani scriptores qui ab Octaviani August! aevo ad annum Christi md floruerunt. Auctore D. Nicolao Antonio Hispalensi, I. C. . . . Curante Francisco Perezio Bayerio . . . Reg. Bib. Pal. Mat. Praefecto, qui et prologum et auctoris vitae epitomen, et notulas adjecit. Tomus primus, com- plectens milliarium saeculum. Tomus secundus, ab anno M ad md. Matriti, 1788. xxviii, 556, 8, xxii, 467 pp. in 2 v. f^ — Bibliotheca Hispana Nova, sive Hispanorum scriptorum qui ab anno md ad mdclxxxiv floruere notitia. Auctore D. Nicolas Antonio Hispalensi I. C. Nunc primum prodit, recognita, emendata aucta ab ipso auctore. Tomus primus, secundus. Matriti, 1783, 1788. xxiii, 830, 670 pp. 2 V. fo. Appleton & Co, Home Book Circular, N. Y. 1842. Cat. v. 58. Appleton's Literary Bulletin, 17 Nos. New-York, 1843, Cat. V. 5 J 1844-45, Cat. v. 8 ; 1846, Cat. v. 16. Library Manual ; containing a Catalogue raisonne of upwards of 12,000 works. New-York, 1847. 8°. The same. New-York, 1852. 434 pp. 8o. New Catalogue of American and English books ... in every department of literature and science, with a complete index. Part IV. New-York, 1857. 242 pp. With, Lists of new works, 1856, and Descriptive Catalogue of School, Academy and Collegiate text books, 1856. In 1 v. 8°. Aprosio (Angelico) da Ventimiglia. Bibliotheca Aprosiana, liber ra- rissimus et a nonnullis inter anekdotous numeratus, jam ex lingua BIBLIOGKAPHY. 9 Italica in Latmam conversiis. Preaemisit praefationem notasque nonnuUas addidit Job. Christ. Wolfius . . . Hamburgi, 1734. 248 pp. and index. 12". Wolf did not translate the First Part, but only the titles of the Italian books into Latin. Bib. Univ. Aretin, J. C. von. Beytrage zur Geschiclite und Literatur, vorziiglicli aus den Schiitzen der Pfalzbaierischen Central Bibliotbek zu Mun- chen. Munchen, 1803-7. 9 v. 8^. Argelati, Phil. Philippi Argelati Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medio- lanensium ; sen Acta et Elogia virorum omnigena eruditionc illus- triiim, qui in metropoli insubriae, oppidisque circumjacentibus orti sunt Praemittitur c. 1. Jos. Ant. Saxii Historia literario- typographica mediolanensis .... cum indicibus. Tom. I, II. Medio- lani, 1745. In 4 v. f^. Conttnls : Vol. 1. Praefatio. Saxii Historia. Lit. Typog. Catalogus librorum qui Medio- lani editi fuere, 1>165-1500. Index. Vol.2. (Tom. I.) Syllabus Scriptorum Mediolanensium per cognomina digestus. Bibliotheca Script. Mediol. A J. Vol.3. (Tom. II.) Bib. Scrip. Mediol. L Z. Vol.4. (Tom. II.) Appendix, sou Scriptores prajtermissi, et minoris notae. Addenda et corrigenda. Scriptores exteri sed variis de causis Mediolanen- sibus adjiciendi. Indices. Mantissa. Epistolai, A. M. Quirini Card, et J. A. Saxii. 64 col. Armenian Convent of St. Lazarus. Catalogue des livres de I'impri- merie armenienne de St. Lazare. Venise, 1848. 32 pp. 12\ Arrenburg, R. Nederduitsche Boeken. See Abkoude. Artigny, Antoine Gachet. Nouveaux Memoires d'bistoire, de critique et de litterature : Par M. I'Abbe D'Artigny. Tome I-YII. Paris, 1749-56. 7 V. 12°. Vol. I, p. 287 contains Reflexions sur les Ana. Catalogue raisonne de ces sortes d'ouvrages. Arwidsson, A. I., Forteckning ofver Kongl. Bibliothekets i Stockholm Isliindska Handskrifter. Utgifven af Adolf Iwar Arwidsson. Stock- holm, 1848. 199 pp. 8°. Asher (A.) & Co. List of Curious and Rare books. Berlin, 1844. Cat. V. 35. Catalogue of books for sale, 1842 ; Cat. v. 34 ; 1848, Cat. Cat. V. 30; 1854, Cat. v. 75, 86. • Catalogue of Library for sale. See Schumacher. Asher, G. M. Bibliographical and Historical Essay on the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New-Netherland and to the Dutch West- India Company, as also on the maps, charts, etc. of New-Netherland, accompanied by an historical map of the country : ... By Gr. M. Asher. Amsterdam, 1854 - 55. 5 numbers, 4°. Work 7wt completed. A List of the Maps and Charts of New-Netherland, and of the Views of New- Amsterdam : By (x. M. Asher. Being a Supplement to his Bibliographical Essay on New-Netherland, 1855. This is in- cluded in one of the 5 Nos. above. Ashmole, Elias. Catalogue of his MSS. See Black (W. H.). [ Bib. Lie.] 2 10 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Askew, Anthony. Bibliotheca Askewiana : Sive Catalogus librorum rarissimorum Antonii Askew, M.D. Quorum auctio fiet .... 13 Feb. 1775. Lond. 149 pp. 8°. With the prices at the sale. AsTLE, Thomas. Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hieroglyphical as elementary. Illustrated by engravings taken from marbles, manu- scripts and charters, ancient and modern : Also some Account of the origin and progress of printing. 2d edition, with some additions. By Thomas Astle, Esq. F.R.S.. . . London, 1803. xxiv, 240 pp. 4°. The same. 1st ed. London, 1784. 4^. ASTOR Library. Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library : Part 1. New- York, 1849. So. Alphabetical Index ... or Catalogue, with short titles of the books now collected, and of the proposed accessions, as submitted to the trustees of the library for their approval, Jan. 1851, by J. G. Cogsivell. New-York, 1851. 446 pp. 8°. Catalogue or Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library. In two parts. Part I, authors and books, A-L. New- York, 1857-8. 1000 pp. 2 V. 8°. Catalogue of Books in the Astor Library, relating to the lan- guages and literature of Asia, Africa, and the Oceanic Islands. New- York, 1854. 434 pp. 8o. Lithog. List of Periodicals and Transactions taken in at the Astor Library, 1855. 24 pp. S^. Lithog. Report, 1854. Pam. vol. 170. See also N. Y. State Documents. Athenjeum of London : Catalogue of the library, London, 1845. 536 pp. 8o. Supplement to the catalogue, with a classified index of subjects. London, 1851. 8«. Atkyns, Richard. The Original, and Growth of Printing : Collected out of History and the Records of this Kingdome. Wherein is also demonstrated, that Printing appcrtaineth to the Prerogative Royal, and is a flower of the Crown of England. By Richard Atkyns, Esq. ; White-Hall, April the 25th, 1664. By order and appointment of the Right Honourable Mr. Secretary Morice, Let this be printed. Tho. Rychaut. London : Printed by John Streater, for the author, MDCLXiv. Title, Two dedications and 24 pp. 4°. Ms. copy. 110 pp. 40. AuER, Alois. Das Raumverhaltniss der Buchstaben. Wien, 1849. 4^. Sprachen Halle; or. The Lord's Prayer in 608 languages and dialects, with a Second Part containing the Pater Noster in the letters peculiar to 200 nations or countries : Ed. by A. Auer, Imperial printing office, Vienna, 1847. ob. gr. f'^. Die Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes, oder die Erfindung von ganzen herbarien, stofifen, spitzen, stichereien und iiberhaupt alien originalien und copien, wenn sie auch noch so zarte erhabenheiten Tind vertiefungen an sich haben, durch das original selbst auf einfache BIBLIOaHAPHY. 11 und schnelle weise druckformen lierzustellen, womit man sowolil weiss auf gefirbten grimde drucken und pragen, als audi mit den natiirlichen farben auf weissen papiere abdrucke dem originale identisch gleicb, gewinnen kann, ohne dass mann einer zeichnung oder gravure auf die bisber iiblicbe weise durch menschenbande bedarf .... Yon Alois Auer .... Zur allgemeinen beniitzung frei gegeben .... Wien, 1854. 75 pp. 4*^. Witlt illustrations. Album der H. H. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei in Wien : Natur- selsbtdruck. Moose, glatzte steine, versteinerungen, spitzen, und stofife : Verscbiedenes. 1853. imp. P. 69 plates. AuRiViLLius, Petrus Fabianus. Catalogus Bibliot. Upsalensis. See Upsal. Austria. Gescbicbte der k. k. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei in Wien, von einem Typograpben dieser Anstalt. In zwei Tbeilen : I Grescbicbte ; II Bescbreibung. Mit Planen, Abbildungen und Statistischen Aus- weisen. Ende 1850. Wien, 1851-53. 40 pp. With, Uebersicbt der von Wiener k. k. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei in London, ausgestellten gegenstande aller graphischen kunstzweige. Wien, 1851. 16 pp. and 6 plates, etc. 1 v. 8^. Katalog der Bibliotbek des K. K. Hof-Mineralien-Cabinets in Wien. Zusammen gestellt von Paul Partscb, Gustos . . . Heraus- gegeben von der kais. kon. geologiscben Eeicbsanstalt. Wien. . . Staatsdruckerie, 1851. 333 pp. 4o. AzARA, N. J. De. Bibliotbeca Excellentissimi DD. Nicolai Josepbi de Azara, ordine alphabetico descripta ab H. P. D. Francisco Iturri et D. Salvatore Ferran : Aestimata a Mariano de Komanis. Romas . . 1806. 334 pp. 8'^. B. Bachelier, M, Catalogue des livres de fonds. Paris, 1830. 91 pp. 8°. Cat. V. 1 ; Catalogue 1845, Cat. v. 23 ; Catalogues 1848, Cat. v. 30 ; Catalogues 1853, Cat. v. 68. Bacon, T. S. A Catalogue of thre Library of Thomas Sclater Bacon, esquire, deceased, wbicb will be sold by auction . . . March 14th, 1736-7. London. 516 pp. S^. With the -prices at the sale. Bagford, John. An Essay on the invention of printing ; with an Ac- count of his collections for the same by Mr. H. Wanley. Roy. Soc. Phil. Trans. 1707. See aZ^o Wolf. Mon. Typog. For biog. notices of Bagford, see Dibdin's Bibliomania, p. 316-331. Bagster, C. B. The Catalogue and Specimen book of Oxford and Polyglott Bibles, works in theology * *= * * and miscellaneous lite- rature : Published by C. B. Bagster and C. S. Marshall. * * * Lon- don, 1838, etc. 8^ See also Cat. v. 46. Baillet, Adrien. Jugcmens des Savans sur les principaux ouvrages des auteurs : Par Adrien Baillet. Revus, corriges et augmentes, par M. De La Monnoye, de I'Academie Frangoise. Tome I - VII, Paris, 1722. With Tome YIII, Anti Baillet ou Critique du Livre de M^ 12 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Baillet, intitule Jugemens des Savans : Par M. Menage. Avec les Observations de M' De La Monnoye, et les Reflexions sur les Juge- mens des Savans. Paris, 1730. 8 v. 4°. Contents : Vol. 1. Yie de Baillet; Jugemens sur les livres en general; Notes de Mr. De La Monnoye; Jugemens sur les principaux imi>rimeurs. Vol. 2. Jugemens sur les critiques. ... les bibliothecaires. . . . sur les princi- paux grammairiens. Vol. 3. Jugemens, des principaux traducteurs; Jugemens sur les poetes; Liste des Poetes tant Grecs que Latins. Vol. 4. Jugemens sur les Poetes latins depuis les guerres puniques; Juge- mens sur les Poetes modcrnes. Vol. 5. Suite des Poetes modernes; Auteurs qui ont traite dei-'art poetique. Vol. 6. Enfans celebres par leurs etudes; Auteurs deguises, et la liste. Vol. 7. Les Satires personelles; Table generale des Anti; Table gen^rale. Vol.8. Anti-Baillet, ou Critique du livre de Mr. Baillet par Mr. Menage; Observations de Mr. De La Monnoye ; Reflexions sur les jugemens, par M. le P. Tellier. Auteurs Deguisez, sous les noms etrangers, empruntez, supposez, feints, a plaisir, chiflrez, renversez, retournez, ou changez d'une langue en une autre. A Paris, 1690. 615 pp. 18°. Bailliere, J. B. Catalogues de Livres de Medecine et d'Histoire naturelle : Librairie Scientifique, Paris, 1833, 102 pp., a?id, 1844, Cat. vol. 1 ; Catalogue 1836, Cat. v. 59; Histoire naturelle, 1842, Cat. V. 60 ; Catalogue 1847, Cat. v. 30 ; Catalogues, medecine 1848 -49, Cat. V. 39 ; Catalogues, Paris, 1853, Cat. v. 68 ; Catalogues, Livres scientifiques, New- York, 1853, Cat. v. 50 ; Catalogue 1856, Cat. V. 86. Livres d'Histoire naturelle qui se trouvent cbez J. B. Bailliere A Paris Juin 1855. 122 pp. 8^ Baker, D. E. Biographia Dramatica, or a Companion to the Play- house ; containing historical and critical memoirs and original anec- dotes of British and Irish dramatic writers. . . .also an alphabetical account of their works, the dates when printed .... By David Er- skine Baker, esq. A new edition. . . .continued from 1764 to 1782. London, 1782. 2 v. 8*^. Bangs, Brother & Co. Catalogues of Auction Sales, New- York, 1852, Cat. V. 49 ; 1853, Cat. v. 61, 84 ; 1854, Cat. v. 63, 84 ; 1854-55, Cat. V. 72 ; 1855, Cat. v. 76, 79 ; 1856, Cat. v. 80, 84, 92 ; 1857, Cat. V. 91. Barbier, Antoine Alexandre. Dictionnaire des Ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes, composes, traduits ou publies en fran§ais (et en latin, vol. 3, 4), avec les noms des auteurs, traducteurs et editeurs ; ac- compagne de notes historiques et critiques, par Antoine Alexandre Barbier, Bibliothecaire du Conseil d'Etat. Paris, 1806-08. 4 v. 8°. The same : Seconde edition, revue, corrigee, et considerable- ment augment4e. Paris, 1822-27. 4 v. 8o. BIBLIOaRAPHY. 13 Barbosa-Machado, Diego. Summario da Bibliotheca Luzitana. Tome 1-3. Withj Bibliotheca Luzitana escolhida. 1 v. Lisboa, 1786-87. 4 V. 180. Abridgment of Barbosa's Catalogue in 4 vol. folio, and prepared by B. J. de Souza Farinha, Barnard, Henry. List of Books on Education. See Barnard's School Architecture. Barnard, Sir Frederick Augustus. Bibliothecse Regias Catalogus. See G-eorge iii. Barrett, J. T. Library of for sale by Leslie. London, 1851. Cat. V. 46. Barrois, J. Bibliotheque protypographique ; ou Librairies des Fils du Roi Jean, Charles v, Jean de Berri, Philippe de Bourgogne, et les siens. De Timprimerie de Crapelet. A Paris, 1830. 346 pp. 4o. Bartlett and Welford's Catalogue of books for sale. New- York, 1841, 154 pp. L. L. ; 1844, III parts. Cat. v. 5 ; 1846, Cat. v. 16 ; 1847, Cat. V. 20. Bartlett, Richard. Remarks ...... relating to the preservation of public archives. See N. H. Hist. Soc. Coll. v. 5. Bartolocci, Jul. Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica, de Scriptoribus et Scriptis Hebraicis, ordine alphabetico hebraice et latino digestis : Pars prima, secunda, tertia, quarta. Post eius obitum absoluta, aucta et in lucem edita a D. Carolo Joseph Imbonato Mediolanensi. Praeter indices huic quadripartito operi accedit torn us alter, nempe, Bibliotheca Latino-Hebraica, sive de Scriptoribus qui .... contra Judaeos, vel de re hebraica utcunque scripsere Loco coronidis Adventus Messiae a Judaeorum .... calumniis vindicatus .... una cum Chronotaxi totius sacrae scripturae. Opera et studio ejusdem D. Caroli Joseph Imbonati. Romae, 1775-93, 1794. 5 v. f^. Basan, Pierre Francois. Dictionnaire des Graveurs anciens et mo- dernes, depuis I'origine de la gravure ; avec une Notice des princi- pales estarapes qu'ils ont gravees : Suivi des Catalogues des G]uvres de Jacques Jordans et de Corneille Visscher, par F. Basan, graveur. Paris, 1767. 3 v. IS^. The same : Seconde edition, mise par ordre alphabetique, con- siderablement augmentee, et ornee de cinquante estampes par dif- ferentes artistes celebres .... Paris, 1789. 2 v. 12^. Baskett, John. A Previous View of the Case between John Baskett, esquire, one of His Majesty's printers, plaintiff, and Henry Parson, stationer, defendant. Edinburgh, printed by James Watson, one of His Majesty's printers, 1720. 35 pp., and appendix, 3 pp. 4°. Batines, Colomb de. Bibliografia Dantesca ; ossia Catalogo delle edizioni, traduzioni, codici, manoscritti e comenti della Divina Corn- media e delle Opere minori di Dante, seguito dalla serie de'biografi di lui : Compilata d^l Sig. Visconte Colomb de Batines. Traduzione Italiana, fatta sul manoscritto francese dell'autore.*** Tomo primo. Prato, Tipografia aldina, 1845-46, in 1 v. 769 pp. 8°. 14 NEW-YOKK STATE LIBRARY. Battdry's Catalogues of English, Frencli, etc. books, 1845, 1847, 1849. Paris. Cat. v. 1, 22, 30. Bauer, Joh. J. Bibliotheca Librorum Rarioruni Universalis : Oder VoUstiindiges Yerzeichniss Rarer Biicher, aus den besten Schrift- stellern mit fleiss zusammen getragt, und aus eigener vieljiilirigen erfahrung vermehret, von Johann Jacob Bauer, Arg. Buchhandler in Nurnberg : Theil 1-4, A - Z, 1770-72, 4 v. Supplement, A - Z, 1774, 2 V. Dritter Supplement, A - Z, 1791, 1 v. Niirn- berg. 7 v. 12°. Interleaved, with MSS. Notes of C. G. Gunther and others. Bavaria. Renseignements sur la Bibliotheque Royale a Munich : in German ; suivis d'une precis en frangais. 12*^. Bavarian Academy of Sciences. Yerzeichniss der von der K. Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben Druck- schriften von den jahren 1849 - 54. See Bav. Akad. Almanach. Bayle, Pierre. Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. Ed. de M. Mai- zeaux. Amsterdam, 1740. 4 v. f^. B. C. The same : From the FrcQch. London, 1734-38. 5 y.P. Bearzi, J. B. de. Catalogue de Livres rares et precieux composant la Bibliotheque de feu M. I'Abbe Jean Baptiste Chevalier de Bearzi dont la vente aura lieu 31 Mai 1855. Paris. V, 2'^^ partie, 222, 192 pp. in 1 v. 8". Contains Lists of Aldine editions, Editions of Dante, Petrarch and Boccacio, Bibliography, etc. Beauclerk, T. a Catalogue of the Library of Topham Beauclerk, of 30,000 volumes . ..which will be sold April 9, 1781. London, xiv, 231, 137 pp. in 1 v. 8°. Beck, J. B., M.D. Catalogue of Library of. . sold. New- York, 1851. Cat. V. 44. Beckfctrd, William. The Yaluable Library of Books of Fonthill Abbey : A Catalogue of ... . ( 20,000 volumes). . . .Also the books of prints, galleries of art. . . . which will be sold by auction, Sept. Oct. 1823. London. 391 pp. 8«. Beckmann, John. Bibliography of the History of Inventions. See Beckmann's History of Inventions, Yol. I. History of Catalogues of books and book censors. See Beck- man's History of Inventions, Yol. III. Belgium. Chambre des Representants, Catalogue de la Bibliotheque, 1844 : l^"- Supplement, 1847 ; 2™« Supp. 1851. Bruxelles. 1 v. 8^. Bell, J. G. Catalogue of Autograph letters. Historical mss. on sale, Manchester, Eng. 1856. 87 pp. Cat. v. 82. Catalogue of Books, mss. and prints, relating to T. Bewick's .... works, for sale. London, 1850. Cat. f. 46. Beloe, William. Anecdotes of Literature and scarce books : By the Rev. William Beloe London, 1807-12. 6 v. 8^. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 15 . Tlie Sexagenarian ; or the Recollections of a literary life. 2d edition. London, 1818. 2 v. S^. Bennett, Francis. Catalogue of his library for sale, 1733, London. See Montagu, R. Bent, Robert. London Catalogue of Books, from 1814 to 1839. Lon- don, 1839. 8o. Monthly Literary Advertiser : Aug. 1846, July - Aug. 1848, Oct. 1849, Nov. 1852, March 1853. London. 4°. Cat. v. 1. Berard {Prof.), of Westpoint. Library, sold, New-York, 1848. Cat. v. 4. Bergel, Jo. Am. de. Poema de Chalcographiae inventione. Moguntiae, 1641. See Wolf, Mon. Typ also Marchand, Histoire. Berkenhout, John. Biographia Literaria ; or a Biographical History of literature, containing the Lives of English, Scotch and Irish authors, from the dawn of letters in these kingdoms to the present time, chronologically and classically arranged : By John Berken- hout, M.B. Vol. 1, from the beginning of the fifth to the end of the sixteenth century. London, Dodsley, 1777. xxiv, 537 pp. 4°. All that was published. Berlin Royal Library : Index Librorum manuscriptorum et impressorum qiiibus Bibliotheca Beroli- nensis aucta est, 1835. Beroliui. 89 pp. 4°, Index Librorum. . . . quibus aucta est anno 1836. Berolini. 353 pp. 4°. Index Librorum quibus aucta est annis 1837 et 1838. Prsemissa est Ilistoria Bibliotbecae regige a 1828 - 39 Berolini. xxxvi, 119 pp. 4°. Index Librorum quibus aucta est anno 1839. Berolini. 4°. Index Librorum ad celebranda sacra saecularia reformationis ecclesiasticse tertia annis 1817 et 1819, quos Bibliotheca R. Beroiinensis ad hunc usque diem comparavit. Berolini, 1821. 68 pp. 8°. Die Handscliriften-Verzeichnisse der K. Bibliothek herausgegeben von Dr. Pertz. Erster band : Yerzeichniss der sansitrit handschriften, von I)r. Weber. Berlin, 1853. 481 pp. 4°. Sectis Sanskrit-schrifttafeln zum ersten band der Handschriften-verzeichnisse der K. B.: herausgegeben. . . .von Dr. G A. Pertz. Berlin, 1853. 4°. Anderer Theil des Catalogi der Sinesischen Biicher bey der Chu. Brander- burgischen Bibliothek zu Colin an der Spree, anno 1683 von Andrea Muliero auffgesetzt. f °. Yerzeichniss der Chinesischen und Mandschu - Tungusischen Biicher und Handschriften der K. B. zu Berlin von Dr. Wilhelm Schott. Berlin, 1840. 120 pp. 8^. Yerzeichniss von Incunabeln, Aldinen, Etiennes, Elzeviren und andern wertli- vollen werken Avelche in der K. Bibliothelt. . . . verkauft werden sollen. Berlin, 1851. 126 pp. Cat. v. 48. Bernard, Auguste. De I'Origine et des Debuts de I'imprimerie : Par Aug. Bernard, Membre de la Societe des Antiquaires de France. Paris, a I'imprimerie imperiale, 1853. 313, 452 pp. 2 v. 8°. Bertrand-Quinquet, M. Traite de I'imprimerie ***. Paris, an vii (1798). 280 pp. and plates. 4". Besoldus, Christ. Dissert, de Inventione Typographite. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. 16 NEW-YOEK STATE LIBRARY. Bewick, T. & J. A Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of Works illu- strated by Thomas and John Bewick, wood-engravers, of Newcastle- upon-Tjne ; with an Appendix of their miscellaneous engravings, brief sketches of their lives, and notices of the principal pupils of Thomas Bewick. London, J. Gr. Bell, 1851. 79 pp. imp. S\ Beyer, Augustus. M. Augusti Beyeri Memoriae historico-criticse li- brorum rariorum : Accedunt Evangeli Cosmopolitani Notae ad Jv. Burch. Menckenii De Charlataneria eruditorum declamationes, in quibus exempla nonnulla praecipue hispanorum adferuntur. Dresdae et Lipsiae, 1734. 304 pp. 18°. Biblical ( The) Student's Assistant ; containing references to works on doctrinal and practical theology, with occasional notes ; together with an index to four thousand texts of sermons by eminent divines : By Clericus. Edinburgh, 1844. 122 pp. 8°. BiBLiOGRAFiA Italiana ; ossia Elenco Grenerale delle Opere d'ogni specie e d'ogni lingua, stampate in Italia e delle Italiane pubblicate al'estero. Anno v, Vi. Milano, 1839. 4°. 383, 368 pp. 8". BiBLioGRAFiA ; od Elenco ragionato delle Opere contenute nella Col- lezione de'Classici Italiani. Milano, 1814. 260 pp. 8\ BiBLiOGRAPHiA PoETiCA. See Ritson, J.; also Longman. Bibliographical Memoranda. See Fry, John. Bibliographical (The) and Retrospective Miscellany : Con- taining Notices of and Extracts from curious and useful books, in all languages ; original matter illustrative of the history and anti- quities of Gi-reat Britain and Ireland ; abstracts from valuable ma- nuscripts. . . .and notices of book sales. London, J. Wilson, 1830. 160 pp. 12^^. BiBLTOGRAPHiE Agronomique. See Musset-Pathay. Bibliographie de la France ; ou Journal general de I'imprimerie et de la librairie, et des cartes geographiques, gravures, lithographes, oeuvres de musique. Periodical. Paris, 1820 -40. 21 v. 8°. The same. Paris, Jan. - Dec. 1833. 824 pp. Cat. v. 13. Bibliologue de la Belgique. -See Ilennebert, F. Bibliotheca Americana. See Rich, Warden, Triibner, Kennett, Smith ( J. R.), etc. Bibliotheca Americana ; or a Chronological Catalogue of the most curious and interesting books, pamphlets, state papers, etc. upon the subject of North and South America, from the earliest period to the present, in print and manuscript j for which research has been made in the British Museum and the most celebrated public and private libraries, reviews, catalogues, etc. : With an Introductory Discourse on the present state of literature in those countries. By A. Homer. London, 1789. 271 pp. 4o. W. C. 103. Bibliotheca Londinensis. See Hodgson, T. BiLBiOTiiEQUE d'un Homme du Gout. See Chandon, L. M. BIBLIOaRAPHY. 17 BiNGNER, A. Literatur iiber das Grossherzogthum Baden in alien seinen staatlichen bezieliungen, von ca. 1750 - 1854 : In systemati- scher iibersicht zusammengestellt von Dr. A. Bingner. Karlsruhe, 1854. 115 pp. 8-. BiOGRAPHiE Universelle, ancicnne et moderne ; on Histoire par ordre alphabetique de la vie publique et privce de tons les homines qui se sont fait remarquer. . .1811-28, 52 v. Supplement A - Tey, 1834-53, vol. 56-83, 27 v. Partie mythologique ; ou Histoire par ordre alphabetique des personnages des temps heroiques, et des divinites grecques, italiques, egyptiennes, hindoues, japonaiacs, scandinaves, celtes, mexicaines, etc. : vol. 53-55, 1832, 3 v. Paris, Michaud freres. 83 v. 8". BisciONi, A. M. Bibliothecae Mediceo - Laurentianae Catalogus ab Antonio Maria Biscionio, S.T.D., et. . . . ejusdem bibliothecoe regio praefecto .... digestus ac editus. Tomus primus, Codices orientales complectens. Tomus secundus, Codices grascos complcctens. Elo- rentiae, 1752. liv, 199, 77 pp. et indices decem. 2 v. in 1 f'^. The Oriental MSS. described are principally Hebrew and Syriac: 28 engraved fac similes. Black, William H. A Descriptive, Analytical and Critical Catalogue of the manuscripts bequeathed nnto the University of Oxford, by Elias Ashmole, Esq. M.D. F.R.S. Windsor Herald ; also of some additional MSS. contributed by Kingsley, Lhuyd, Borlase, and others. By William Henry Black. . . . Oxford, 1845. 1522 columns. 4^. Blackwood, W. A Catalogue. . . .of books in various languages, for the year 1812, now on sale. . . Edinburgh. 380 pp. 8". With prices. Catalogue 1844 : Cat. v. 6. Blake, Alexander Y. The American Bookseller's Complete Beference trade list and alphabetical catalogue of books published in this coun- try, with the publishers' and authors' names, and prices, arranged in classes. . . .compiled by Alexander V. Blake. To which is added, An Article on the law of copyright. Claremont, N.H. 1847. 232 pp. 4°. Blanchard & Lea's Catalogue of medical books for sale. Philadelphia, 1854. Cat. V. 72. Blancken, J. H. Bildnisse Beriihmter Kunstler, Buchhandler, Buch- driicker, und anderer manner welche sich so wohl in als auserhalb Teutschland verdient gemacht. Erster theil. Ausgefertiget durch Jo- hann Leonhard Blancken, Kupferstechern in Niirnberg. Niirnberg, 1725. 50 portraits. 1 v. f '. Blaufus, J. W. Yermischte Beytrage zur Erweiterung der Kentniss seltener und merkwiirdiger biicher : Herausgegeben von M. Jakob Wilhelm Blaufus Jena, 1753. 388 pp. 12«. Blume, Friedrich. Iter Italicum : Von D. Friedrich Blume. . .Berlin und Stettin, 1824 ; Halle, 1827, 30, 36. 4 v. 18^. Contents : Vol. I. Archive, Bibliotheken und Inschriften in den Sardinischen und Q^sterreichischen Provinzen. YoL. II. Archive, Bibliotheken und Inschriften in Parma, Modena, Massa, Lucca, Toscana, dem Kirchenstaat und S. Marino. f Bib. Lib.] 3 18 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Vol. III. Archive, Bibliotheken und Inschriften in der Stadt Rom. Vol. IV. Konigreich Neapel : Nebst Nacbtragen und Registern zu alien vier banden, und zur Bibliotheca Librorum MSS. Italica. Bibliotheca Librorum Manuscriptorum Italica : Indices Biblio- thecarum Italiae, ex Schedis Maieri Eslingensis, Haenelii Lipsiensis, Gottlingii lenensis, Car. Wittii, suisque propriis. In Supplementum Itineris Italici congessit Fridericus Blume, J. C. Hamburgensis. Gottingse, 1834. ^VZ pp. 12o. Blumhof, J. G. L. Bibliotheca Ferri ; seu Collectio Librorum Scrip- torumque de ferro tractantium, systematice completa : In usum o3icin86 ferrarise peritorum, technologorum, literatorumque. Edidit J. G. L. Blumhof. Brunsvig^, 1803. 271 pp. 8^ Bock, C. P. Lettres a Monsieur L. Bethmann, sur un manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de la Bourgogne, intitule Liber Guidonis. *** With Notice of an Elegy by A.van Hasseli. Bruxelles, 1850. 183 pp. IS*^. BocKENHOFFER, Jo. Phil. Brevis Relatio de origine typographise : "e Danico, 1691. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Bodleian Library. See Oxford University. BoDONi, G. Manuale Tipographico del Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni. Volume primo, secondo. Parma, presso la vedova, 1818. Large paper, imp. 8^. Ixxii pp. and 267, 279 leaves. Specimens of types and ornaments. BoECLER, Jo. H. Oratio de Typographiae Divinitate. Argent. 1640. See Wolf, Mon. Typ.; also Schmidt, J. BoEHMER, G. R. D. Georgi Rudolphi Boehmeri, Universitate Wittenb. senioris : Bibliotheca Scriptorum historiae naturalis, oeconomiae, aliarumque artium ac scientiarum ad ilium pertinentium realis sy- stematica. Lipsias, 1785-89. 5 parts bound in 8 v. 8°. Contents : Pars I. Vol.1. Seel. Litterati, Commentatores ; 2. Descriptores, Ichno- grapbi, Systematici, Physici ; 4. Biblici et Critici; 4. Microscopici ; 5. Muscographi; 6. Topographici. Pars I. Vol. 2. Sec. 7. Medici; 8. Pharmaceutici; 9. Chymici; 10. Dietetici; 11. (Economici; 12. Technologici. Pars II : Zoologi. Vol.1. Seel. Universales ; 2. Particulares : De Mam- malibus, Mastologoi, etc. Pars II. Vol. 2. De avibus, amphibiis, piscibus, insectis, vermibus, etc. Pars III : Phytologi. Vol. 1. Universales : (Economici, agri- prati- sylvi- horticultura, stercoratio, etc. Pars III. Vol. 2. Speciales : Monographi. Pars IV : Mineralogi. Vol. 1. Universales. Pars IV. Vol. 2. Particulares. Pars V : Hydrologi. Sec. 1. Litterarii et Historici; 2. Aqua; 3. Ros; 4. Pontes; 5. Mare et Flumina; 6. Balneae; 7. Thermae et Acidulse. Ac- • cedit Index universalis. Pars I, Vol. 1, contains List of Voyages, etc. in America. BoEKEREN, W. van. Catalogus Theologicarum Dissertationum. . , et juridicarum et litterarium quae veneunt Groningae apud W. van Boekeren, 1853, etc. Cat. v. 67. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 19 BoHN, Henry Gr. A Catalogue of Books : Henry Gr. Bohn, York-street, Covent Garden, London, 1841, 1948 pp. With, Books of which the advertiser has purchased the entire editions or remainders, 148 pp. in 1 V. 8°. Henry G. Bohn's Catalogue of Books : Vol. 1, containing Natural History, Books of prints. Science, Language, Bibliography, Oriental and Northern literature. Old English historians. Early voyages. Games, etc. London, 1847. 467 pp. With, New, Valuable, and most important books, 108 pp. in 1 v. S°. Catalogue of 1856 : Cat. v. 83. Various other catalogues, 1843, etc. See Cat. v. 6, 21, 71, 89. Bohn, John. A Catalogue of books printed by the family of Aldus Manutius from 1494 to 1597. ... on sale by. . . ,with prices. London. 22 pp. 8^. BoHUN, Edmund. The Diary and Autobiography of Edmund Bohun, esquire. . . Licenser of the press in the reign of William and Mary, and subsequently Chief Justice of South-Carolina ; with an intro- troductory memoir, notes and illustrations, by S. Wilton Rix. *** Privately printed at Beccles, Eng., by Read Crisp, xxxiv, 148 pp. 4". Bon, Johannes, and T. Stook. Catalogue of their theological libraries for sale. Amsterdam, 1842. 126 pp. Pam. v. 40. B. C. Book ( The) Trade. A Monthly Record of new publications. New- York, H. H. Wilson, 1851-52 : Various numbers. Cat. 4o. v. 1. Books : Rare, curious, elegant and valuable, in the departments of the classics, civil law, etc for sale at auction in Boston, Mass., 20 Dec. 1815. 42 pp. 8'. Pam. v. 20. B. C. This catalogue is remarkably correct and detailed, with descriptive notes of the editions. Bordeaux. Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque de la ville. Paris, 1830-48. 6 vol. 8^. BoRROMEO, Anton-Maria. Catalog© de'Novellieri Italian! posseduti dal fii Conte Anton-Maria Borromeo, gentiluomo padovano. Edizione terza, con aggiunte. Sold by auction. Londra, 1817. 77 pp. 8''. With English titlepage also. BossANOE, Hector. Catalogue (General) de Livres frangais, anglais, allemands, espagnols, grecs, etc.: suivi de prix courants. Paris, 1845. 984 pp. 8^ Premier Supplement. Paris, 1847. 985 - 1222 pp. 1 v. 8°. Troisieme Supplement. Paris, 1850. 1223-1466 pp. 1 v. 8". Liste Alphabetique des ouvrages periodiques, journaux reli- gieux, scientifiques, politiques, litteraires et des beaux-arts, publics a Paris : Cinquieme Supplement au Catalogue General. Paris, Juil- let 1853. So. See the same. Cat. v. 68. Extrait du Catalogue General : Jurisprudence ancienne, mo- derne ; Economic politique ; Diplomatic. . . .Paris, 1845. 8°. Bulletin Bibliographique : No. 1, 2, 6. 1853. Cat. v. 68. 20 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. et FiLS. Ma Bibliotheque Frangaise. Paris, 1855. 480 pp. 12o. This List of 1100 works contains full tables of their contents, of the contents of collections, with biographical notices of many living French authors. BossANGE, Martin. Catalogue des Livres fran^ais, italiens, espagnols, portugais, etc. qui se trouvent chez Bossange, Barthes et Lowell.. . Part I, published in 1830 ; Part II (supplement), 1836. Londres, 1836. 595 pp. in 1 v. 8o. Catalogue de la Librairie de M. Bossange pere, dont la vente aura lieu 25^ Jan. 1853. Paris, 1853. 113 pp. 8 BosscHA, Herm. Carmen de inventse typographise laude. See Lennep, D. J. van. Boston. Catalogue of the Public Library of the City of Boston. Boston, 1S54. 180 pp. 8^ Proceedings on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of . . . . Sept. 17, 1855. 72 pp. 8". Reports, 1852, Pam. v. 169 ; 1854, Pam. v. 209 : Donations from Paris. See Yattemare, Reports ; Boston City Documents. Boston Athen^um : Catalogue of the Library. Boston, 1827. 8o. Catalogue of Books added since 1827. Boston, 1840. 8°. Memoir of :. 1807. Boston. Pam. v. 42. Boston Trade Sales of Book publishers, 1844, 45, 48, 49. Cat. v. 40; 1851, Cat. v. 45. BoswELL, James. The Decision of the Court of Session, upon the question of literary property, in the Cause of John Hinton of Lon- don, bookseller, pursuer, against Alexander Donaldson and John Wood and James Meurose : Published by James Boswell, esquire, advocate, one of the counsel in the cause. Edinburgh, 1774. 37 pp. See Burrow, J. BoTFiELD, Beriah. Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England : By Beriah Botfield. London, 1849. 528 pp. 8^. BoiJCHER DE LA RiCHARDERiE, G". Bibliotheque Universelle des Yo- yages ; ou Notice complete et raisonnee de tons les voyages anciens et modernes dans les differentes parties du monde, publies tant en langue frangaise qu'en langues etrangeres. . . . avec des extraits. . . . et des jugemens motives sur les relations anciennes qui ont le plus de celebrite : Par Gr. Boucher de la Richarderie Paris, 1808. 6 v. 8o. Boucher, Jonathan. Catalogue of the Library of. . . .sold by auction, Feb. 1806 - May 1807, London. 3 parts : 220, 85, 27 pp. 1 v. 8". Bourgogne, Dues de. Inventoire des Manuscrits de I'Ancienne Bi- bliotheque Royale des Dues de Bourgogne : Public par ordre du Ministre de I'lntcrieur et des AiFaires etrangeres. No. 1 - 18,000. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1840. xix, 360 pp. gr. 4«. This Collection is now in the Royal Library at Brussels. The Catalogue was edited by J.Marcal, Conscrvateur des manuscrits. BIBLIOGllAPIJY. 21 BoUTERWEK, F. History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature : trans- lated from the original German, by Thomasina Ross. London, 1823. 2 V. 8o. BouTOURLiN, B. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de Son Exc. M. le Comte D. Boutourlin *** By C. L. I. C Audin. Florence, 183L 1 V. 8o. Contents : Manuscrits. 25 pp. Editions du XV Si6cle. 155 pp. Collection Aldine; ou Recueil d' editions par les Manucci et autres imprimeurs qui ont employe I'ancre. 18 pp. Collection Bodonienne. 13 pp. Classiques Italians, etc. 74 pp. Miscellaneous. 26, 42, 49, 54 pp. BoWYER, W.and J.Nichols. The Origin of Printing. In two Essays: I. The substance of Dr. Middleton's Dissertation on the origin of printing in Englaixl ; II. Mr. Meerman's Account of the invention of the art at Haarlem, and its progress to Mentz. With occasional remarks and an appendix. The second edition, with improvements. London, 1776. With, Supplement to the Origin of Printing, 1781 ; Correspondence of Dr.Ducarel and Mr. Meerman, in 1 v. 300 pp. 8". BoxiiORN, M. Z. Marci Zverii Boxhornii, De Typographicae artis inventione et inventoribus dissertatio. Qua B. Mallincrotii., v. cl. rationes quibus earn Mogantinis\ non Harhinensibus, dthere contendit^ potissijnum refelluntur. Lugd. Batav. 1640. 51 pp. 4^. See also Wolf, Mon. Typ.,/or other extracts from same author. Boydell's Illustrations of Shakspeare : Prospectus of Am. edition. New- York, 1851. Cat. v. 52. Brady, II. A. Catalogue of the Collection of to be sold Nov. 1851, New- York. 126 pp. Cat. v. 76. Branca, Carlo. Catalogo della Libreria di Carlo Branca in Milano .... preceduto da brevi cenni bibliografici. *** Catalogo de'libri. . vendibili, Milano, 1844. cii, 264 pp. 8°. The 102 pages of the prefoce arc entitled, Cenni clemcntari di Bibliografla per uso de'novelli libraj. Brand, Rev. John. Catalogue of library of. . . .sold by auction, 1807, London. 369 pp. S^. With prices and purchasers at the sale, ms. Braun, Placidus. Notitia Historico-litteraria de libris ab artis typo- graphicae inventione usque ad annum mcccclxxviii impressis, in Bibliotheca liberi ac Imperialis Monasterii ad SS. Udalricum et Afram Augustas extantibus. Pars secunda : Notitia ab anno MCCCCLXXX usque ad annum md impressis .... Aug. Vindel. 1788. 208, 333 pp. 1 V. 40. With 11 fac-similcs of early alphabets used in printing. Bray, Thomas. Bibliotheca Parochialis, etc. ; or a Scheme of such theological and other heads, as seem requisite to be perused or oc- casionally consulted by the reverend clergy : together with the books which may be profitably read on each of those points, in order to promote the forming and erecting libraries of three degrees, viz. 22 NEW- YORK STATE LIBRARY. general, decanal or lending, and parochial libraries, throughout Her 5lajesty's dominions both at home and abroad. Vol. I. The second edition, with large additions. By Thomas Bray, D.J). London, 1707. 08 & 412 pp. 8<^. No other volume was pi^blished. Brayley, Edward W., Editor. See Russell Inst. Cat. London. BreGEAUT, L.-R. Manuels Roret : Nouveaux Manuel complet de I'imprimeur lithographe, par L.-R. Br^geaut. Nouvelle edition, tres augmentee, par M. Knecht. . . .et M. Jules Desportes. . . .directeur du Journal Le Lithographe. Ouvrage orne d'un atlas Paris, Roret, 1850. 401 pp. 18 '. Brehmen, C. Expositio inventionis artis typographicse. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Brenton, James I. Voices from the Press ; a Collection of sketches, essays and poems by practical printers : Edited by James I. Brenton. New- York, 1850. 312 pp. 8^. Bridgman, R. W. a Short View of Legal Bibliography; containing some critical observations on the authority of the reporters and other law writers. ... To which is added a plan for classifying a public or private library : By Richard Whalley Bridgman, esquire. London, 1807. 429 pp. 8o. L. L. British and Foreign Medical Review Advertiser. London, 1838-42. Cat. V. 58, 61. British Critic ; a new review : Vol. 1, 1793 - vol. 42, 1813, Lon- don, 42 V. New series, 1815 - 18, London, 9 v. G-eneral Index, 1815, in 1 V. 52 V. 8«. British Museum. A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum : Printed by command of His Majesty Greorge iii, &c.&c.&c Lond. 1802. Edited by J. Planta. 618 pp. and index, f °. L. L. A Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Mu- seum ; with indexes of persons, places and matters : Printed by command of His Majesty George iii Edited by R. Nares. Loud. 1808. 656, 735, 540, 518 pp. 4 v. f ■. L. L. A Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum, with indexes of persons, places and matters : Printed by command of His Majesty Greorge the third Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Lond. 1819. 303 pp. and index. 1 v. f". Catalogus Bibliot. Regige. See George iii. A Catalogue of the duplicate books, coins, and medals which will be sold by auction March 6, 1788. Catalogue of duplicates .... sold .... 1818. Catalogue of duplicates .... sold. . . . 1832. London. 171, 115, 98 pp. l_v. 8^. With prices in MS. of sale in 1788. A Short Guide to that portion of the library of printed books now open to the public, 1851. 12°. See Simma*a Synopsis ; also Great Britain, Parliamentary Reports- BIBLIOGRAPHY. 23 Brockhaus, F. a. Bookseller's Catalogue : Leipzig, 1853. Cat. v. 68. Brooke, Edward. Bibliotheca Legum Angliae, Part II. See Worrall, J. Brown, Goold. A Digested Catalogue of English grammars and grammarians. New-York, 1851. See Brown ( G-.), Grammar of Grammars. Brown, W. Catalogue of English and Foreign Books .... London, 1840. 422 pp. 8°. Catalogue of Classical Literature, 1847. 144 pp. 18o. Cat. v. Brown University. Catalogue of Brown University in Providence, Rhode-Island; with an index of subjects. Ed. by Charles C.Jewett, librariaa. Providence, 1843. 560 pp. 8 ». Brulliot, FranQois. Dictionnaire des monogrammes, marques figu- rees, lettres initiales, noms abreges, etc. avec lesquels les peintres, dessinateurs, graveurs et sculpteurs ont designe leurs noms : Par Francois Brulliot. . . Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee, et augmen- tee d'un grand nombre d'articles. Premiere partie, contenant les monogrammes ; Seconde partie, contenant les lettres initiales ; Troisieme partie, contenant les noms abreges et estropics, ainsi que les appendices. Munich, 1832-33-35. 454, 440, 195 pp. Registre, xxxviii pp. and the appendixes in 1 v. 4o. Brun, M. Manuel Pratique et Abrege de la Typographic fran^aise : Par M. Brun. Paris, 1826. 232 pp. 18^. Kurtzes Praktisches Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst in Frankreich : Aus dem Franzosischen des M. Brun iibersetzt, und mit zusiitzen, anmerkungen, und zeichnungen begleitet von W. Kasper. Carlsruhe und Baden, 1828. 252 pp. 8o. Brunck, M. Catalogue de. . .la Bibliotheque de feu M. le Professeur Brunck, dont la vente aura lieu 2 mars 1853 Paris, 1853. 171 pp. 8o. Brunet, Jacques Charles. Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur de Livres, contenant : 1° Un Nouveau Dictionnaire bibliographique, dans lequel sont decrits les livres rares, precieux, singuliers, et aussi les ouvrages les plus estimes en tout genre qui ont paru tant dans les langues anciennes que dans les principales langues mo- dernes .... on y a joint aussi une concordance des prix 20 Une Table en forme de catalogue raisonne, oii sont classes me- thodiquement tons les ouvrages portes dans le dictionnaire, et un grand nombre d'autres .... Par Jacques-Charles Brunet. 4°'* ed. originale, entierement revue par I'auteur Paris, 1842 — 44. 5 V. 8'. Contents of Appendix in Vol. V. Notice de la collection des Elsevier. Notice des editions de Wolfgang. Notice de la collection ad usum Delphini. Notice des auteurs cum notis variorum. Notice des classiques cum notis diversorum. Notice des editions de Tonson, Barbou, Brindley, Baskerville, Didot. Notice des editions imprimees a Milan, aux Deux Fonts. 24 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Reclierclies Bibliograpliiqiies et Critiques sur les editions ori- ginales des cinq livres du roman satiriqiie de Rabelais, et sur les differences de texte qui se font remarquer dans le premier livre du Pantagruel et dans le Gargantua. . .et le texte original des grandes et inestiraablos croniques de Gargantua. . . .Par Jacq. Ch. Brunet. Paris, 1852. 144, 58 pp. 1 v. 8". 100 copies only printed. See also Dictionnaire bibliographique, Supplement, 1802. Bryan, Michael. A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, from the revival of the art under Cimabue, and the alleged discovery of engraving by Finiguerra, to the present time ; with the cyphers, monograms and marks used by each engraver : By Michael Bryan. A new edition, revised, enlarged, and continued to the present time ; comprising above one thousand additional me- moirs, and large accessions to the lists of pictures and engravings by George Stanley. London, 1849. 938 pp. S\ Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton. Censura Literaria ; containing titles, abstracts and opinions of old English books, with original disquisi- tions, articles of biography, and other literary antiquities : By Sir Egerton Brydges, Bart. K.J. M.P. Second edition , , London, 1815. 10 V. 8«. 100 copies printed. The British Bibliographer : By Sir Egerton Brydges and Jos. Haslewood. London, 1810-14. 15 nos. in 4 v. " Scarce more than 100 complete sets can exist." Preface, v. 4. Restituta ; or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of old books in English literature revived : By Sir Egerton Brydges. . London, 1814-16. 4 V. 8o. BtJCHERSCHATZ der Deutschen National-litteratur des xvi and xvii jahrhunderts. Systematisch geordnetes verzeichniss einer reich- haltigen sammlung deutscher biicher aus dem zeitraume vom xv bis urn die mitte des xviii jahrhunderts ; besonders reich an einzel- drucken von volks- und kirchenliedern, historischen und andern gedichten, und flugschriften, volksbiichern in den altesten ausgaben, schauspielen, u.s.w. : Ein bibliographischer beitrag zur deutschen litteratur-geschichte. By Prof. K. Hey se? Berlin, 1854. 186 pp. 8". Buckingham, Joseph T. Specimens of Newspaper Literature ; with personal memoirs, anecdotes and reminiscences. Boston, 1850. 2 V. 12o. Personal Memoirs and Recollections of editorial life : By Joseph T. Buckingham. Boston, 1852. 2 v. 12^. BuDiK, P. A. Vorbereitungsstudien flir den Angehenden Bibliothekar. Wien, 1834. 56 pp. 8^. Bulletin du Bibliophile, public par J. Techener ; avec Notes par MM. Brunet, Chalon, Delmotte, Duplessis et Notices biblio- graphiques, philologiques et litteraires, par C.Nodier(et P.Paris). Paris, 1834-48. 1st to 8th series inclusive, bound in 11 v. 8^. Various numbers of 1834, 35 and 41. See Cat. v. 2. See also Analectabiblion of Marquis Du Roure. BIBLIOaRAPHY. 25 BuNAU, Henri, Count. Catalogus Bibliotliecae Bunavianae. Tomus I : Auctores antiques sacros et profanos, opera varia, scriptores historiae litterarias, philologos, epistolographos, rhetores et poetas, exhibens, in partes tres totidemque volumina distributus. Tomus II : Hi- storian! universalem, geographiam, genealogiam, artem heraldicam et chronologiam ; historiam item antiquissimam, cum G-rseca, Bo- mana, et Byzantina ; denique antiquitatum et rei numismaticae scriptores exhibens : Cum indicibus necessariis. Ed. Joh. Mich Francke. Vol. I, Pars 1 ; Vol. II. Lipsi^, 1750, 53. 1000, 638 pp. and index. 2 v. 4°. Contains ample lists of authors on numismatics, antiquities, classics, history, etc. The books are now in the Royal Library, Dresden. BuRE, G-. B. de. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de feu M. le Due de La Valliere. Premiere partie, contenant les manuscrits, les premieres editions, les livres imprimes sur velin et sur grand papier, les livres rares et precieux par leur belle conservation, les livres d'estampes, etc., dont la vente se fera Dec. 1783 : Par Guillaume de Bure fils aine. Paris, 1783. 602, 758, 388 pp., and tables 376 & 92 pp. With^ Prix des livres vendue Jan. 1784 - Mai 1784. 42 pp. In 3 v. 8^. Catalogues edited. See Gouttard, Perrot. Bure, G. F. de. Bibliograpbie Instructive ; ou Traite de la Connais- sance des Livres rares et singuliers. Contenant une Catalogue rai- sonne de la plus grande partie de ces livres precieux qui ont paru successivement dans la republique des lettres avec des notes .... et avec une description typographique ; dispose par ordre de matieres et de facultes. . . .et un systeme complet de bibliographie choisie : Par Guillaume-Frangois de Bure le jeune. A Paris, 1763 -69. 9 V. 8°. Contents : Vol. I. Theologie. Vol. II, III, lY. Belles-Lettres. Vol. V, VI, VII. Histoire, Table des auteurs. Vol. VIII, IX. Le Supplement, ou le Catalogue des livres du Cabinet de feu M. Gaignat. The two last volumes contain in MS. the prices at the sale. Bure, J. J. et M. J. de, freres. Catalogue des Livres faisant partie du fonds de librairie de Vente a Paris. . . .1834. 200 pp. 8°. Cat. V. 2. '^^^ Catalogue edited, 1817. <5ee M'Cartliy-Eeagh. BuRNOUF, E. Catalogue des Livres imprimes et manuscrits, compo- sant la bibliotheque de feu M. Eugene Burnouf. La vente aura lieu 5 Dec. 1854. Paris, 1854 pp. 8^. Burrow, James. The Question concerning Literary Property, de- termined by the Court of Queen's Bench, on 20th April 1769, in the Cause between Andrew Millar and llobert Taylor ; with the separate opinions of the judges, and the reasons given by each in support of his opinion. London, 1773. 127 pp. With, J. Boswell's Report on literary property, 1774. 37 pp. in 1 v. 4o. f Bib. Lib.] 4 26 np:w-yoiik state library. Butler, Charles. Horse Biblicas ; containing an historical and literary account of the original text, early versions and printed editions of the Old and New Testaments. . . .5th edition. See Works, vol. 1. BuTSCH, F. Catalog der Antiquarats-Buchhandlung von. Augshurg, 1856. 200 pp. 8o. BuTTERWORTH, H. Catalogues of Record Books printed under the direction of the commissioners .... London, 1847 ; and law books for sale. 8«. L. L. Cat. v. 3, 6. Catalogue of Law Works, including all the reports, intended as a guide to purchasers. London, 1850. xxxvi & 264 pp. 18*^. L.L. Catalogue, etc. 1854. Cat. v. 93. BuTTERWORTH, J. Catalogue of Law Books. London, 1801. 12°. L.L. BuXTORF, Johannes. Be Abhreviaturis Hebraicis : Operis Talmudici brevis recensio ; item Bibliotheca Rabbinica nova. Basilese, 1613. 18o. Bytermeister, H. J. Commentarius Historicus de Augustse Domus Brunsvigio-Lunebergensis meritis in rem literariam, e documentis editis atque ineditis conscriptus : Auctore Henrico Jo. Bytermei- ster. Helmstadii, 1730. 194 pp. 4o. Caballero, Raymund Diosdado. .See Diosdado, R. C. Cailleau, C.A. See Dictionnaire bibliographique, Cambridge University. Catalogus MSS. See Catalogi MSS. An- gliae. Campbell, James. Catalogue of his library sold, N. Y 1850. 118 pp. Cat. V. 33. Camus, Armand Gaston. Histoire et Proced.'iS du Polytypage et de la Stereotype : Par A. Gr. Camus, , . .Paris, Brumaire an x (1802). 135 pp. 8^. Memoire sur la Collection des Grands et Petits Voyages {de Bry), et sur la Collection des Voyages de Melchisedech Thevenot. Paris, 1802. 403 pp.4o. Bibliotheque Choisie des Livres de Droit, qu'il est le plus utile d'acquerir et de connaitre. . . .Quatrieme edition. . . .augmen- tee d'un grand nombre d'articles nouveaux, par M. Dupin. Paris, 1819. 691 pp. large paper 4°. Camusat, Denys Francois. Histoire Critique des Journaux : Par M. C***. A Amsterdam, 1734. 2 v. in 1. 8^. Contents : Vol. I. Chap. 1. Histoire du Journal des Sgavans de Paris. Vol. n. Chap. 1 contin. Histoire du Journal des S^avans, 1665-74. Vol. II. Chap. 2. Histoire du Journal, 1675 - 1702. Chap. 2. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire des journaux et autres livres periodiques qui out paru en France et ailleurs. Chap. 3. Memoires de I'Aeademie Royale des Sciences; des Belles- lettres. Chap. 4. Histoire du Mercure Galant. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 27 Canada. Catalogues of the Library of the House of Assembly : Quebec, 1834; Kingston, 1842 ; Toronto, 1850, 51. Quebec, 1852. 4 V. 8o. Catalogue of the Library of the Assembly, Montreal, 1846 : Withj Catalogue d'ouvrages sur I'histoire de I'Amerique, formant partie de la bibliotheque de I'Assemblee legislative du Canada. Quebec, 1845. 1 v. 8o. Catalogue of the Library of Parliament : General Library. Toronto, 1857. 1074 pp. Capponi, Aless. G. Catalogo della Libreria ; o Sia de'Libri del fii Marchese Alessandro Gregorio Capponi. . . . con annotazioni e coll appendice de'libri latini, delle miscellanee e dei manoscritti in fine : By Monsig. D. Georgi. In Roma, 1747. 476 pp. 4°. This library is now in the Vatican at Rome. The titles in the catalogue are often followed by explanatory notes. Capponi, Gino. Catalogo dei Manoscritti posseduti dal Marchese Gino Capponi : By Carlo Milanesi. Firenze, 1845. 268 pp. 8^. Carey ( Matthew) & Sons. Catalogues of Law Books for sale, Phi- ladelphia, 1820, 21. 8". L. L. Cat. v. 3, and B. C. Carlisle, N. Editor. See Soc. of Antiq. London, Catal. Carpzovius, F. B. Bibliotheca Carpzoviana ; sive Catalogus Libro- rum quos coUegit Frider. Benedictus Carpzovius In aedibus B. possessoris Lipsiae publicae auctionis lege. . . .cedet. Lip- siae, 1700. Pars prior, 486 pp.; Pars posterior, 536 pp. in 1 v. 12°. Casiri, Michael. Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana Escurialensis ; sive Librorum omnium mss. quos Arabice ab auctoribus magnam partem Arabo-Hispanis compositos Bibliotheca Coenobii Escurialensis com- plectitur, recensio et explanatio : Opera et Studio Michaelis Casiri, Syro-Maronitae. . . .Matriti, 1760-60. xxiv, 544, 352 pp. and index. 2 V. f \ Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae in unum collecti, cum indice alphabetico. Oxoniae, 1697. 2 v. in 1 f^. Catalogue of Books on the Masonic Institution in public libraries of 28 States, antimasonic in arguments and conclusions By a Member of the Suffolk Committee of 1829. Boston, 1852. 270 pp. 8o. Catalogue ( New) of Living English Authors, with complete lists of their publications, and biographical and critical memoirs. Vol. I : A - Ch. London, 1799. 462 pp. 8^. Catalogues. A Collection of Catalogues of books, of private libraries, publishers, auctions, and of second-hand bookstores, etc., in 93 v. 8°. Contents : Vol. 5 8 16, 20, 25, 31, 33, 44, 49, 50, 52, 72, 76, 79, 80, 84, 85, 92 : American. Vol. 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, 27, 32, 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, 51, 53, 54, 64, 65, 66, 77, 80, 82, 83, 87, 88 : English. Vol. 1, 2, 13, 29, 86, 91 : French. Vol. 22, 30, 32, 35, 48, 67, 68, 75 : French and German. 28 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Vol. 34, 74, 86, 91 : German. YoL. 14, 23 : German and English. Vol. 39, 40, 41, 45, 73 : New- York Trade Sales. Vol. 42, 43, 55, 69, 70, 81, 89, 90 : Advertisements from Reviews. Vol. 56-63 : Miscellaneous. Vol.93 : Law. A Collection of Law-book Catalogues. 6 v. 8-^. L. L. A Collection of Catalogues in 1 v. 4°. A Collection in 1 v. 8o. B. C. The contents of each volume of these collections, with unimportant excep- tions, are mentioned in detail under appropriate headings throughout the catalogue. Catalogus Librorum Rarissimorum Bibliothecce Jos. Smithy ab artis typographicae inventoribus, aliisque ejusdem artis principibus, ante annum millesimum quingentesimum excusorum : Omnium optime conservatorum. — Colophon. Prsetiosissima hsec librorum collectio cujusvis magni principis bibliotheca dignissima, constat voluminibus ccxlviii. 70 pp. sm. 8°. This is the second edition, printed at Venice by J. B. Pasquali, 1738. Catherinot, Nic. Ars Imprimendi. Biturici, 1685. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Caulfield, J. Calcograpbiana : The Printseller's Chronicle and Collector's Guide to the knowledge and value of engraved British portraits : By James Caulfield. London, 1814. 183 pp. 8". Cavender, C. H. See Decanver. Chalcographimania ; or the Portrait - collector and Printseller's Chronicle, with infatuations of every description. A humorous poem in four books, with copious notes explanatory : By Satiricus Sculp- tor, Esq.***. London, 1814. 212 pp. 8^ "Attributed to TV. H. Ireland." Lowndes. Chalmers, Alexander. The Greneral Biographical Dictionary ; con- taining an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation, particularly the British and Irish, from the earliest accounts to the present time. A new edition, revised and enlarged by Alexander Chalmers, F.S.A. Lon- don, 1812-17. 32 v. 8o. Chalmers, George. The Life of Thomas Ruddiman, A.M., the keeper for almost fifty years of the library belonging to the Faculty of Advocates at Edinburgh London, 1794. 467 pp. 8°. Chambers, Sir Robert. Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts col- lected during his residence in India, by the late Sir Robert Cham- bers, Knt., Chief Justice of Bengal ; with a brief memoir by Lady Chambers. London, 1838. 35 pp. With lithographed letters of Wilkins, Colebrooke, Rosen, etc. in 1 v. f*'. Chambers, Robert. History of the English Language and Literature ; to which is added, a History of American Contributions to the En- glish language and literature, by Rev. Royal Robbins. Hartford, 1837. 328 pp. 120. b. c. BIBLIOGKAPHY. 29 Chambers, W. & R. List of their publications. See Cat. v. 71. Champollion-Fig^ac, M. Documents Historiques inedits tires des Collections manuscrites de la Bibliotheque royale et des Archives ou des Bibliotheques des departements, publies par M. Champollion- Figeac. Premiere partie, Bapports et Notices .... Seconde partie, Texte des Documents. Paris, 1841-48. 4 v. 4o. From Collection des Docts. ined France. The first part of each volume contains descriptive notices and catalogues of documents in collections in various parts of France. Chapman's Catalogues of new and old books. London, 1842-56. Cat. V. 6, 12, 19, 45, 51, 90, and vol. in 4-. Charlevoix, P. F. X. de. Liste et Examen des Auteurs qui ont ecrit sur I'Histoire du Japon. See Hist. Gren. du Japon, v. 9. Liste des Auteurs consultes pour I'Histoire de la Nouvelle- France. See Hist, de la Nouv. France, v. 6. Chasse atjx Bibliographes. See Rive, J. J. Chatto, W. a. Facts and Speculations on the origin and history of playing-cards : By William Andrew Chatto ***. London, 1838. 343 pp. 8'^ With numerous illustrations. Gems of AVood-enoi;ra vine's, from the London Illustrated News ; with a history of the art, ancient and modern (1848). London, 1849. 93 plates and 28 pp. text, gr. 4^. Wood Engraving. See Jackson, J. Chaudon, Abbe Louis Maieul. Bibliotheque d'un Homme de Gout ; ou Avis sur le choix des meilleurs livres ecrits en notre langue sur tous les genres de sciences et de litterature, avec les jugemens que les critiques. . . . ont porte. . . . jusqu'en 1772 : Par L. M. D. V. . . . ***. Avignon, 1772. 2 v. 18o. Dictionnaire Universel Historique, Critique et Bibliographique ou Histoire abregee et impartiale des hommes de toutes les nations . qui se sont rendus celebres enrichie des notes et additions des Abbes Brotier et Mercier de St. Leger : D'apres la huitieme edition publiee par MM. Chaudon et Delandine. Neuvieme edition, revue, corrigee, et augmentee de 16000 articles environ ***. Suivie de tables chronologiques pour reduire en corps d'histoire les articles repandus dans ce dictionnaire. Ornee de 1200 portraits en medall- ions. L. Prudhomme, editeur. Paris, 1810-12. 20 v. 8°. Ch^nedolle, M. Ch. de. Napoleon le Grand et I'Almanach de Gotha ; ou Notice litteraire et bibliographique sur la double edition de cet Almanach pour 1808 (45""^ annee de la collection) : Par M. de Chenedoll:^. Bruxelles, 1849. 16 pp. 8^. Bibliographic Douaisienne. See Neve, E. Chetham, H. Bibliotheca. See Manchester Free Library. Chevillier, Andre. Dissertation sur I'origine de I'imprimerie, 1694. . Delandine, Ant. Fr. Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de Lyon ; ou Notices sur leur anciennete, leurs auteurs, les objets qu'on y a traites, le caractere de leur ecriture, I'indication de ceux a qui ils appartiennent, etc. Precedees 1° D'une Histoire des anciennes bi- bliotheques de Lyon. . . .2^ D'un Essai historique sur les manuscrits en general. . . avec une bibliographic speciale des catalogues qui les ont decrits : Par Ant. Fr. Delandine. Paris et a Lyon, 1812. 3 v. 8°. Bibliotheque de Lyon : Catalogue des Livres qu'elle renferme dans la classe des belles-lettres, avec des remarques litteraires et bibliographiques sur les ouvrages du xv™^ siecle, les editions rares et curieuses, leur prix, les noms des auteurs anonymes et pseudonymes . . . .precede d'une histoire de I'imprimerie, de son etablissement en France Par Ant. Fr. Delandine Paris, 18I8(?). 2 v. 8°. NEW-YOKK STATE LIBRARY. Memoires Bibliographiques et Litteraires : Par Ant. Fr. De- landine. Paris, Lyon, 1817. 488 pp. 8^. Contents : The Libraries of Lyons; Essay on Manuscripts; Manuscriptiana ; History of Printing : With a Special Bibliography of works on the origin and history of printing, etc. Dictionnaire historique et bibliographique. See Chaudon. Deleschamps, Pierre. Des Mordans, des vernis, et des planches dans I'art du graveur; ou Traite complet de la gravure : Par Pierre Deleschamps. . . . Paris, 1836. 284 pp. with plates. 8'^. De Morgan, Augustus. Arithmetical Books from the invention of printing, to the present time ; being brief notices of a large number of works, drawn up from actual inspection : By Augustus De Morgan *^*. London, 1847. xxviii, 124 pp. 8^. Denis, Michael. Die Merkwurdigkeiten der k. k. G-arellischen Oeffentl. Bibliothek am Theresiano : Von M. Denis, k. k. Rathe und ihrem Aufseher. Wien, 1780. 760 pp., index and 21 plates. 4^. Wiens Buchdruckergeschichte bis mdlx : Von Michael Denis. Wien, 1782. 694 pp. and indexes. 4o. Supplement to Annales Typographici. See Maittaire, M. Deutsch, S. i-See Austria, Imper. Library. DiBDiN, Rev, Thomas Frognall, D.D. An Introduction to the know- ledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Roman classics ; being in part a tabulated arrangement from Dr. Harwood's View, etc. ; with Notes from Maittaire, De Bure, Dictionnaire bibliogra- phique, and references to ancient and modern catalogues : By T. F. Dibdin, A.B.=***. Glocester, 1802. 64 pp. 12*. See also lelow, ed. of 1827. The Director ; a Weekly Literary Journal, containing, I, Es- says. ... II, Bibliographiana .... Ill, Royal Institution, analyses of the lectures IV, British Gallery, description of the principal pictures : To be published every Saturday during the winter season. No. 1, Jan. 24 — No. 24, July 4. London, W. Savage, 1807. 2 v. The Bibliomania, or Book Madness ; containing some account of the history, symptoms and cure of this fatal disease : In an epistle addressed to Richard Heber, esquire, by the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin ***. London, 1809. 88 pp. 8°. See title below of new edi- tion, rewritten. Typographical Antiquities, or the History of Printing in Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland ; containing memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of the books printed by them : Begun by the late Joseph Ames, F.R.A. & A.SS. ; considerably augmented by William Herbert of Cheshunt, Herts ; and now greatly enlarged, with copious notes, and illustrated with appropriate engravings ; comprehending the History of English literature, and a View of the progress of the art of engraving in Great Britain. London, 1810-19. 4 vol. 40. Bibliography ; a Poem, in six books. London, 1812. 24 pp. 8". '' Not published " : " Only fifty copies printed " . No titlepage. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 37 DiBDiN, T. F. (continued). Bibliotheca Spenceriana ; or a Descriptive Catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, and of many valuable first editions in the library of George John, Earl Spencer, K.G. &c. &c. &c. : By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin. Vol. I, II, III, lY. London, 1814, 15. 4 v. 8'>. jEdes AlthorpianaB ; or an Account of the mansion, books and pictures at Althorp, the residence of George John Earl Spencer, K.G. To which is added a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spence- riana : By Thomas Frognall Dibdin, F.R.S. S.A London, 1822. 2 V. 8o. A Descriptive Catalogue of the books printed in the fifteenth century, lately forming part of the library of the Duke di Cassano Cerra, and now the property of George John Earl Spencer, K.G. ; with a general index of authors and editions contained in the present volume, and in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana and ^des Althorpianae : By Thomas Frognall Dibdin. London, 1823. 1 v. S^. This and the two preceding titles, tbongli indicating independent works, em- brace in ihe seven volumes the Bibliotheca Spenceriana complete, The Bibliographical Decameron ; or Ten Days Pleasant Dis- course upon illuminated manuscripts, and subjects connected with early engraving, typography and bibliography : By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. Vol.1, II, III. London, 1817. vi, ccxxv, 411, 537, 546 pp. 3 V. imp. 8°. The Library Companion ; or the Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the choice of a library : By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, M.A. F.R.S. Second edition. London, 1825. 1, 899 pp. 8°. • A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany : By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D Second edition ***. London, 1829. 3 vol. 8^. — Voyage Bibliographique, Archeologique et Pittoresque en France : Par le Rev. Th. Frognall Dibdin. Tome I, II : Traduit de I'anglais, avec des notes, par Theod. Licquet, Conservateur de la Bibliotheque de Rouen. Tome III, IV : Traduit par G. A. Crape- let. Paris, 1825. 4 v. 8o. An Introduction to the Knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics ; together with an account of Po- lyglot Bibles, Polyglot Psalters, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Bibles and Greek Testaments ; the Greek Fathers and the Latin Fathers ; By the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, D.D. . . . Fourth edition, greatly enlarged and corrected ***. London, 1827. 562, 580 pp., large paper. 5 v. imp. 8^^. Bibliophobia : Remarks on the present languid and depressed state of literature and the book trade ; in a Letter addressed to the Author of the Bibliomania, by Mercurius Rusticus ; with Notes by Cato Parvus ***. London, 1832. 102 pp. 8°. Reminiscences of a Literary Life : By the Rev. Thomas Frog- nall Dibdin ***. London, 1836. 982 pp. and index. 8^. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in the northern counties of England, and in Scotland : By the Rev. Tho- mas Frognall Dibdin, D.D., Chaplain in ordinary to Her Majesty ***. Vol. I, II. London, 1838. xxxvi & 1090 pp. in 2 v. 8". 88 NEW-YOKK STATE LIBRARY. Bibliomania, or Book Madness ; a Bibliographical Romance, illustrated with cuts : By Thomas Frognall Bibdin, B.D. New and improved edition ; to which are now added, Preliminary observations, and a supplement including a key to the assumed characters in the drama. London, 1842. xiii, 618, 64, xxxiv pp. 1 v. 8°. DiCTiONNAiRE Bibliographique, Historique et Critique des Livres rares, precieux, singuliers, curieux, estimes et recherches, qui n'ont aucun prix fixe. . . . soit manuscrits. . . . soit imprimes. . . .avec leur valeur. . . depuis la fin du xvii"^ siecle jusqu'a present. . . .Suivi d'un Essai de Bibliographic ; oii il est traite de la connoissance et de I'amour des livres ***. Pa?- I ^Abbe Diidos et C. A. Cailleau. A Paris chez Cailleau et fils, 1790. 3 v. Supplement, par J. C. Bruiiet. Vol. lY. Paris, chez Delalain 1802. 1 v. - 4 v. 8^. DiDOT, F. Lists of their Publications : Paris, 1840, Cat. v. 29 ; 1847, Cat. V. 22; 1855, Cat. v. 75. BiLKE, C. AYentworth. Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations : Catalogue of a Collection of works on, or having reference to the Exhibition of 1851, in the possession of C. WentworthDilke. Printed for private circulation, 1855. 116 pp. 8*^. Diosdado-Caballero, R. De Prima Typographiae Hispanica3 aetate specimen : Auctore Raymundo Diosdado Caballero. Romae, 1793. 134 pp. 4". BODD, James W. . Catalogue of his library, sold by auction, London, 1797. 93 pp. 8". With the prices in ins. Bodge, H. S. Law Library of, sold at auction, New-York, 1856. 52 pp. Cat. V. 93. Bodwell's Catalogue of early Christian writers. See Cleaver. BoiSY, M. Essai de Bibliologie Militaire, par le Chef de Bataillon Boisy ***. Paris, 1824. 124 pp. See Nodier ( C), Melanges. Bolman's Catalogues. Rom. Cath. Eccl. Lit. London. Cat. v. 15, 17; 1843, 188 pp. Cat. v. 19. BoucE, F. Catalogue of the printed books and manuscripts bequeathed by Francis Bouce, esquire, to the Bodleian Library. Oxford, at the University press, 1840. 311, 90 pp. in 1 v. f^. BouGLAS, B. B. Catalogue of his library, sold at auction. New- York, 1852. Cat. V. 49. Boyle, John. Catalogue. . . .of ancient and modern books. . .for sale. New-York, 1848. 240 pp. Cat. v. 31, 79. Also B. C. 1850, Cat. V. 44. Brake, S. Gr. Catalogue of a Private Library, chiefly relating to the antiquities, history and biography of America, and in an especial manner to the Indians. ... To be sold at auction. . . . Boston, 1845. 80 pp. Cat. V. 8. The same ; with new titlepage and preface, the books not having been sold. 1 v. 8°, and Cat. v. 25. BucLGS, Alb?. See Bictionnaire bibliographique, and Chaudon. DUMAINE, Librairie Militaire. Paris, 1848. Cat. v. 32. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 39 Duncan, J. Bookseller's Catalogue, 1740. See Montagu, R. DuNLAP, William. A History of the American Theatre. New- York, 1832. 420 pp. 8". DuNTON, John. The Life and Errors of John, Dunton, Citizen of London ; with the lives and characters of more than a thousand contemporary divines, and other persons of literary eminence : To which are added, Dunton's Conversation in Ireland ; Selections from his other works. . . .London, J. Nichols, 1818. 2 v. 8". Religio Bibliopolse : The Religion of a Bookseller ; after the manner of the Religio Medici, by the late ingenious and learned Sir Thomas Browne, M.D.^**. 2d edition. London, Corbett, 1728(?) 84 pp. 8o. Du Parc D'Avagour, Comte. Liste de 320 Auteurs qui ont ecrit sur la Guyane. See, by the same, La France rendu florissante par la Guyane. Paris, 1852. x, 48 pp. Pam. v. 230. DuPiN, A. J. J., aine. Profession d'Avocat : Recueil de Pieces con- cerning I'exercice de cette profession. . . T. I. . . T. II. Bibliotheque choisie des livres de droit qu'il est le plus utile d'acquerir et de connaitre : par M. Camus. 5"^^ edition, revue et augmentee d'un grand nombre d'articles et de notices biographiques, par M. Dupiu aine. Paris, 1832. 2 v. So. L.L. Bibliotheque Choisie a I'usage des etudians en droit ou Notice des livres de droit qui leur sont le plus necessaires. See Dupin, Manuel des etudians en droit. L. L. Du Pin, L. Ellies. Bibliotheque Universelle des Historiens ; contenant leurs vies, I'abrege, la chronologic, la geographic, et la critique de leurs histoires. . . .le denombrement des differentes editions de leurs oeuvres, avec des tables chronologiques et geographiques : Par M"" L. Ellies Du Pin. Amsterdam, 1708. 383 pp. 4". This volume includes all that was published, and embraces the times of the classic liistorians only. Duponceau, p. S. MSS. on Indian Languages. See Am. Phil. Soc. Dupont, Paul. Memoire sur la Litho-typographie, presente par M. Paul Dupont a MM. les Membres de la commission des produits de I'industrie du Departement de la Seine. Paris, 1839. 22 pp., with 8 pp. of specimens, and Memoire a M. Yillemain, Ministre de I'in- struction, in 1 v. 4'^. Histoire de I'lmprimerie : Par Paul Dupont. Paris, 1854. 523, 612 pp. 2 V. 12o. Contents : History of the discovery of printing; History of printing in Europe; Chapters on printers, books, bookselling, paper, printing, the Imperial printing- office, legislation; Bibliograi)hy of printing; Chronological tables. DuPRAT, F. A. Precis Historique sur I'lmprimerie nationale et ses types : Par F. A. Duprat. Paris, 1848. 158 pp. 8°. Du RouRE, Marquis. See Analectabiblion. Du Sacq, Librairie Agricole. Paris, 1847. Cat. v. 32. 40 NEW- YORK STATE LIBKARY. DuTHiLLCEUL, H. R. Catalogue Descriptif et Raisonne des Manuscrits de la Bibliotlieque de Douai, par H. R. Duthilloeul, bibliotliecaire : Suivi d'une Notice sur les manuscrits de cette bibliotheque relatifs a la legislation et a la jurisprudence, par M. le Conseiller Tailliar. Douai, 1846. 548, 135 pp. 8^. Bibliog. Douaisienne. See Neve, E. DuYCKlNCK, E. A. & G. E. Cyclopaedia of American Literature ; embracing personal and critical notices of authors and selections from their writings, from the earliest period to the present day ; with portraits, autographs and other illustrations : By Evert A. Duyck- inck and George E. Duyckinck. New- York, 1855. 2 v. imp. 8". E. Eastburn's ( J.) Catalogue of Books from two private libraries, on sale at the prices affixed, New- York, 1822. Pam. v. 24. B. C. East India Company. Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. East India Company, London, 1845. 325 pp. With, A Supplement to the catalogue. . . .London, 1851. 237 pp. 2 v. 8^. Ebert, F. a. a General Biographical Dictionary : From the German of Frederic Adolphus Ebert, Librarian to the King of Saxony. . . . In four vol. A - Z. Oxford, 1837. 4 v. 8^ Edinburgh University. Catalogus Librorum, ad rem medicam spectantium, in Bibliotheca Academiae Edinburgenae, secundum auctorum nomina dispositus. Editio altera. Edinburgi, 1798. 408 pp. Withf Nomina eorum qui gradum medicinae doctoris .... usque ad annum 1799 adepti sunt. 36 pp. and appendix prima ad editionem alteram catalogi, 42 pp 1805. In 1 v. 8°. Edinburgh Select Subscription Library : Catalogue of the books. Edinburgh, 1842. 580 pp. 8«. Edwards, Edward. Remarks on the paucity of libraries freely open to the public in the British empire in a Letter to the Earl of Ellesmere. 2d edition. London, 1849. 38 pp. 8'\ Administration of Libraries. See his Administrative Economy of the fine arts in England, chap. v. Egerton's Theatrical Remembrancer, containing a complete list of all the dramatic performances in the english language ; their several editions, dates and sizes, and the theatres where they were originally performed ; together with an account of those which have been acted and are unpublished, and a catalogue of such latin plays as have been written by english authors, from the earliest production of the English drama to the end of the year 1787 : To which are added, Notitia Dramatica, being a chronological account of events relative to the English Stage. London, T. & J. Egerton, 1788. 354 pp. With, Catalogue of the old quarto plays, including the greatest part of those printed from the year 1556 to the beginning of the year 1700 : Also several Treatises relating to the Stage. . .selling, 1770, at the prices printed. 22 pp. S'K In 1 v. 12°. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 41 EicHHORN, J. Gr. GrGschiclite der Litteratur von ihrem anfang bis auf die neuesten zeit : Von Joliann Grottfried Eichhorn. Vol. I ; Vol. II, Parts 1,2; Vol. Ill, Parts 1, 2. Gottingen, 1805-12. 5 v. 8°. Contents : "Vol. I. Alte Litteratur : A. Uebersicht derselben in allgemeinen. B. Uebersicht der alten litteratur im einzelnen, und nach volkern. II. Griechen. III. Romer. IV. Christliche Litteratur. V. Mittlere Litteratur; Armenier, Syrer, Araber, etc. Abendlander. Vol. II. Parts 1 & 2. Neue Litteratur : Europa; Uebersicht nach landern ( Italy, Spain, Portugal, France). Vol. III. Part 1. England, Schottland, Ireland, Deutschland. Part 2. Danemark, Schweden, Die ]\iederlande, Osmanen. The work contains also lists of the libraries, bibliographies, and scientific and literary journals of many of the countries mentioned. EiNEM, Johannes Justus von. Suceincta Introductio in Bibliothecam Graecam et Latinam Ecclesiasticam, qua praecipui scriptores sacri hermeneutico-exegetici, thetici, morales, polemici, casuistici, homi- letici, et historico-ecclesiastici a seculo post N. C. usque ad xviii breviter recensentur : Auctore J. Justus von Einem. Magdeburgi, 1738. IVitk^ Dissertatiuncula de aquis supra-coelestibus, quae e loco illo controverso Gen. i, 7, non probari sed refutari queunt et debent. 1738. 211, 15 pp. 12o. Elliot, H. M. Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Moham- medan India : By H. M. Elliot, Esq., Foreign Secretary to the Government of India. In four volumes : Vol. I, General Histories ***. Calcutta, 1849. 304 pp. With, Muntekhibat ez Tewarikhi Hind : Extracts from Histories of Hindostan. Forming part of v. 4. Calcutta, 1848. 94 pp. in 1 v. 8*^. Ellis, C. Invention of Printing. See Royal Soc. Phil. Trans. 1703. Ellis, Sir Henry. Catalogue of MSS. See Soc. of Antiq. London. Emmery, M. Catalogue des Manuscrits et Documents relatifs a I'Hi- stoire de la Province de Lorraine et des Trois-Eveches. . .Manuscrits autographes de Paul Terry sur I'Ecriture sainte. . . .provenant de la bibliotheque de feu M. le Comte Emmery. . , . Vente 22 Aout 1849. Metz, 1849. 153 pp. 8°. With prices at the sale. Engelmann, G. Traite ( theorique et pratique ) de Lithographie : Par G. Engelmann. Edited by A. Penot, Mulhouse, 1841(?). 467 pp. and 50 plates. 4o. Engelmann, "VVilhelm. Bibliothek der Neueren Sprachen ; odei Verzeichniss der in Deutschland besonders vom jahre 1800 an er- schienenen grammatiken, worterbiicher, chrestomathien, lesebiicher und anderer werke, welche das studium der lebenden europaischen sprachen betreffen, wie auch derjenigen auslandischen classiker welche eben daselbst vom jahre 1800 bis zu anfange des jahres 1841 zum abdrucke gekommen sind : Herausgegeben von Wilhelm En- gelmann. . . . Leipzig, 1842. 320 pp. 8°. Bibliotheca Philologica ; oder Alphabetisches Verzeichniss derjenigen grammatiken, worterbiicher, chrestomathien, lesebijcher und anderer werke, welche zum studium der griechischen und la- teinischen sprache gehoren, und vom jahre 1750, zum theil auch f Bib. Lib.] 6 42 NEW-YORK STATE LIBllARY. friiher, bis zur mitte des jahres 1852 in Deutschland erscbienen sind : Herausgcgeben von Wilhelm Engelmann. Dritte. ..auflage. Leipzig, 1853. 236 pp. 8^. Ersch, Job. S. Bibliographisches Handbueli der Philologischen Li- teratur der Deutschen von der mitte der aehtzehnten jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste zeit : Nach Johann Samuel Ersch in systemati- scher ordnung bearbeitet, und mit nothigen registern versehen, von Dr. Christian Anton Geissler. Dritte auflage. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1845. 1029 columns. 8°. See Meusel, J. G-., Das Gelehrte Deutschland. EscHENBERG, J. J. Classical Antiquities ; being part of the Manual of Classical Literature, from the Grerman of J. J. Eschenberg With additions by N. W. Fiske, Professor Amherst College. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1837. 8o. EssAl sur la Bibliotheque du Roi. See Le Prince. Evans, A. C. Catalogue of Engravings for sale, London, 1851. 87 pp. 8o. Cat. V. 46. — Catalogue of works on architecture, London, 1851. Cat. V. 44. Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1855 : Catalogue de Livres origi- naux publics en HoUande, et exposes a Paris en 1855, au nom des divers editeurs, par la Societe pour les interets de la Librairie Neerlandaise a Amsterdam. 78 pp. 8^^. Extrait des Rapports du Juryde la xxvi^classe. Calligraphic, Gravure, cartes a jouer, reliure et registres : Rapporteur, M. R. Merlin. Gravure des cylindres pour impression sur etoffes : Rap- porteur, M. Barbet Paris, 1856. 224 pp. 18o. Eysengrein, G. Catalogus Testium Veritatis Locupleti'simus, omnium orthodoxge matris ecclesiae doctorum, extantium et non extantium, publicatorum et in bibliothecis latentium, qui adulterina ecclesiae dogmata, impuram, impudentem et irapiam hgsresum vani- loquentiam, in hunc usque diem firmissimis demonstrationum ra- tionibus impugnarunt, variaque scriptorum monumenta reliquerunt, seriem complectens : Gulielmo Eysengrein de Nemeto Spirensi auctore. Dilingge. . . . 1565. 422 pp. sm. 4°. F. Fabre, Louis. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque k Orleans. See Prou- steau, W. Fabricius, J. A. Joh. Albert! Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina ; sive Notitia auctorum veterum latinorum quorumcunque scripta ad nos pervenerunt. Accessit duplex appendix, qua de fragmentis et col- lectionibus veterum scriptorum latinorum, monumentis antiquis, poetis christianis, J.Ctis, medicisque et scriptis quibusdam hypo- bolimseis disseritur. Obiter suppleta ingens lacuna aliquot pagi- narum in Scholiis Eustathii ad Dyonisium Periegetem. . . . Adjecta praeterea ad calcem Procli Philosophi Platonici vita, a Marino Neapolitano Grsece scripta. Londini, 1703. 320, 25, 95 pp. 8". BIBLIOGRAPHY. 43 Falkenstein, Karl. G-eschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in ihrer Entstehung und Ausbildung, von Dr. Karl Falkenstein Ein Denkmal zur vierten siicular-feier der erfinding der typographie. Leipzig, 1840. 406 pp. with plates. — With, Typenschau von orien- talischen schriften, satz, driick und papier von der Koniglichen Buchdruckerei in Paris. 16 pp. In 1 v. 4*^. Faribault, G-. B. Catalogue d'Ouvrages sur I'Histoire de I'Ame- rique, et en particulier sur celle du Canada, de I'Acadie, et autres lieux, ci-devant connu sous le nom de Nouvelle-France ; avec Notes bibliographiques, critiques et litteraires. En trois parties. Quebec, 1837. 207 pp. 8o. Farmer, Richard, D.D. A Catalogue of the Library of. . . .including all the old chronicles, the most rare and copious assemblage of old English poetry. . . .a great variety of old plays. . . .which will be sold by auction May 7, 1798, London. 479 pp. 8^. With the prices. Fekno, p. p. Programma de typographis et pulvere pyrio, 1713. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Felton, S. On the Portraits of English Authors on gardening, with biographical notices*^** : By S. Felton. Second edition, with con- siderable additions. London, 1830. xxxvii, 221 pp. S^, Ferchl, F.M. See Senefelder, A. Fertel, Martin Dominique. La Science pratique de I'lmprimerie ; contenant des Instructions tres faciles pour se perfectionner dans cat art. On y trouvera une description de toutes Ics pieces dont une prcsse est construite Le tout represente avec des figures en bois et en taille douce. A Saint Omer, M. D. Fertel, 1723. 272 pp. and index. 4«. Feuerlein, J. C. D. Joh. Conr. Feverlini. . . .Supellex Libraria, seu Catalogus librorum ex omni scientiarum genere selectiorum partim- que rariorum juxta seriem alphabeticam in qualibet forma digestus : variis notis literariis illustratus, justisque instructus pretiis. Prostat Svobaci, 1768. 648 pp. and index. 4°. Fevret de Fontenelle, Charles Marie, Editor of Bibliot. Hist.de la France. See Lelong. Field's Library Reporter. Wilbraham, Mass. 1856. Cat. v. 80. Fielding, T. H. The Art of Engraving, with the various modes ot operation, under the following different divisions : Etching, soft- ground etching, line engraving, chalk and stipple, aquatint, mezzo- tint, lithography, wood engraving, medallic engraving, electrography and photography ; illustrated with ten specimens of the different styles of engraving : By T. H. Fielding. London, 1844. 112 pp. 8^. Fifty Years Recollections of an Old Bookseller ; consisting of anecdotes, characteristic sketches, and original traits and eccen- tricities of authors, artists, actors, books, booksellers, and of the periodical press for the last half century, with appropriate selections. 2d edition, first series ; to which is added. Some additional sketches of the life of Capt. Grose, including his rules for drawing carica- tures, and an unlimited retrospect***. London, 1837. At p. 94 a second title : Three hundred and fifty years retrospection of an old 44 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. bookseller, comprising an account of the origin of printing, type- founding and engraving also the origin of the earliest books, pamphlets, magazines, reviews, periodical essays and newspapers; with biographical anecdotes and portraits***. Cork, 1835. In all 200 pp. 8". FiGGiNS, V. & J. Specimen of Book and Newspaper Types, from the foundry of Vincent and James Figgins. London, 1838. 130 leaves. 4^ Fischer, Gotthelf. Beschreibung einiger Typographischen Selten- heiten, nebst Beytragen zur erfindungsgeschichte der buchdrucker- kunst. Erste - sechste lieferung. Bei Erofnung der Universitats- Bibliothek zu Mainz : Herausgegeben von Gotthelf Fischer. Mainz, Niirnberg, 1800-04. 86, 132, 185, 140, 168, 200 pp. With illu- strative plates. In 1 v. 8". FiSKE, Nathan W. Manual of Classical Literature. See Eschenberg, J.J. Fix, T. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de : dont la vente aura lieu Dec. 1846, Paris. Cat. v. 30. Flugel, Dr. J. G-. Literarische Sympathien, oder Industrielle Buch- macherei : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der neueren englischen lexikographie Leipzig, 1843. 41 pp. 8°. FoLKES, M. Catalogue of the Library of. . . .which will be sold Feb. 2, 1756, London. 156 pp. 8^. FoLLETT, Frederick. History of the Press of Western New- York ; and Printers' Festival Jan. 18, 1847. Rochester, 1847. 76 pp. 8o. FoNTANiNi, Giusto. Biblioteca dell'Eloquenza Italiana di Monsignor Giusto Fontanini, Arcivescovo d'Ancira ; con le Annotazioni del Signer Apostolo Zeno, Istorico e Poeta Cesareo, cittadino Vene- ziano. Tomo primo, secondo. Yenezia, 1753. 494, 515 pp. 2 v. 4°. FOPPENS, J. F. Bibliotheca Belgica ; sive Virorum in Belgio vita, scriptisque illustrium catalogus, librorumque nomenclatura conti- nens, a clariss. viris Yalerio Andrea, Auberto Miraeo, Francisco Sweertio, aliisque, recensitos, usque ad annum mdclxxx. Tomus primus, secundus. Cura et Studio Joannis Francisci Foppens, Bru- xellensis Bruxellis, 1739. 1233 pp. 2 v. 4°. FoRTiA d'Urban, M. le Marquis. Nouveau Sisteme de la Biblio- graphic alfabetique. Seconde edition, precedee pardes considerations sur I'ortographie fran^aise : divisee en trois parties. . . Paris, Fev. 1822. 68, 82, xxvi, 330 pp. 12°. FoRTiN ET C'°. Livres de Fonds. ..medicales et scientifiques. Paris, 1841. 8o. Cat. V. 1. FoRTUNATUS {Fr.) A D. BoNAVENTURA. Fr. Fortunati a D. Bona- ventura Commentarium de Alcobacensi MStorum Bibliotheca libri tres : In quibus baud pauca ad rem litterariam illustrandam, ac fortassis augendam facientia, hucusque abdita, reserantur. Co- nimbricae, 1827. 632, 7 pp. and index. 4°. FouRNiER, Fr. Ign. Nouveau Dictionnaire portatif de Bibliographic, contenant plus de vingt-trois mills articles de livres rares . . . avec BIBLIOGEAPHY. 45 les marques connues pour distinguer les editions originales Precede d'un Precis sur les bibliotheques et sur la bibliographie ; et suivi du Catalogue des editions citees par I'Academie de la Crusca, des collections cum notis diversorum in 4°, cum notis va- riorum in S'', ad usum Delphini, et des editions imprimees par les Aides, les Elzeviers, Tonson, Cominus, Baskerville, Barbou, Didot, Herhan, etc. 2*^^ edition : Revue et augmentee, par Fr. Ign. Fournier***. Paris, 1809. 566, 48 pp. 8°. With estimated prices. FouRNiER, Henri. Traite de la Typographic : Par Henri Fournier. 2*^® edition, corrigee et augmentee. Tours, 1854. 408 pp. ]2o. The same. Paris, 1825. xlii, 315 pp. 8°. Fournier, Pierre Simon. Dissertation sur I'Origine et les Progres de Part de graver enbois,pour eclaircir quelques traits de I'histoire de I'imprimerie, et prouver que Guttemberg n'en est pas I'inven- teur : Par M' Fournier le jeune A Paris, 1758. 95 pp. 18o. Manuel Typographique ; utile aux gens de lettres, et a ceux qui exercent Part de I'imprimerie : Par Fournier le jeune. A Paris, 1764. 66, xxxii, 324, xliv, 306 pp. and plates. 2 v. 18°. These volumes relate almost entirely to the casting and forms of types. Fox, Henry S. Catalogue of his library, sold by auction, Washing- ton. 32 pp. Cat. V 25. FruEHN, M. Indications Bibliographiques, relatives pour la plupart a la Litterature historico-geographique des Arabes, des Persans et des Turcs, specialement destinees a nos employes et voyageurs en Asie. St. Petersbourg, Acad. Imp. des Sciences, 1845. 87 pp. 8o. France. Bibliotheque Imperiale : Departement des Imprimes ; Cata- logue de I'Histoire de France. Tome I*^""- IV'"*'. Under the direction of J. Taschereau. Publie par ordre de I'Empereur. Paris, 1855-57. 4 V. 4o. Contents : VoL.l. Preliminaires : Trait^s g^neraux; G^ographie de la France; Hist. generale; Collections; Histoire par epoques; Ethnographic; G6n6- ralites de la revolution; Histoire par regnes. YoL. 2. Histoire par regnes : Bourbons; Suite. YoL. 3. Republique Fran9aise : Empire: Premiere restauration ; Cent jours; Seconde restauration; Gouvernement de juillet. YoL.4. Seconde Republique; Second Empire; Journaux et Publications periodiques ou semi-periodiques; Societes historiques ou arch^olo- giques; Annuaires. — Yol. 5 is yet to appear. . See Academic des Sciences, for mss. Departement de la Marine et des Colonies : Catalogue general des livres composant les bibliotheques du Paris, 1838-43. 5 v. 8°. Catalogue general des Cartulaires des Archives departemen- tales. Public par la Commission Paris, 1847. 285 pp.4o. Tableau General numerique par fonds des Archives departe- mentales anterieures a 1790. Paris, 1848. 251 pp. 4^. Commission de la Propriete litteraire : Collection des Proces- verbaux. Paris, 1836. 342 pp. 4^. Specimen Typographique de I'imprimerie royale. Paris, 1845. 202 leaves, f^. 46 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Notice sur les Types etrangers du Specimen de I'Imprimerie royale. 67 pp.f^ ' Docts. ined. etc. See ChampoUion, Thierry. Francke, Joh. Mich. Catalogue. See Bunau, H. Frank, 0. Ueber die Morgenlandischen Handschriften der K. Hof- und Central-Bibliothek in Miinchen : Bemerkungen von Othmar Frank. Miinchen, 1804. 82, Hi pp. 8°. FrankliI?, Benjamin. Autobiography. See Works, vol. 1. Frere, Edouard. De I'Imprimerie et de la Librairie a Rouen dans les xv^ et xvi'' siecles ; et de Martin Morin, celebre imprimeur rouen- nais : Par Edouard Frere. Rouen, 1843. 68 pp. sm. 4^. 150 copies printed. Fresnoy, M. See Lenglet du Fresnoy. Freytag, F. Gr. Adparatus Literarius, ubi libri partim antiqui, par- tim rari recensentur : Collectus a Frider. Gotthilff Freytag, I. C. Lipsiee, 1752-53. 1466 pp. in 2 v. 12°. Friesch Grenootschap voor Geschied-, Oudheid- en Taalkunde : Cata- logus der Bibliothek. Workum,1848. With, Wetten, 1835-50. 8o. Fritschius, Ahas. Dissertatio de Typographis. Jen. 1675. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Fry, Edmund. Pantographia ; containing accurate copies of all the known alphabets in the world, together with an english explanation of the force and power of each letter ; to which are added specimens of all well-authenticated oral languages, forming a comprehensive digest of phonology : By Edmund Fry, letter-founder. Type-street, London, 1799. 320 pp. 8°. Fry, John. Bibliographical Memoranda ; in illustration of early En- glish literature^**. Bristol, 1816. 404 pp. 4«. Contains 107 articles on old and rare English books, with extracts. 100 copies printed. FuHRl, K. Catalogus van Boeken : Auction sale. Gravenhage, 1842. 63 pp. Pam. v. 38. B. C. FuRMAN, Judge. Catalogue of Library of : sold, New- York, 1849. Cat. V. 3L FuRSTEN, Paulus. Kunstrichtige Schreibart Allerhand Versalie ; oder Anfangs Buchstabe der deutschen, lateinischen und italianischen schriften aus unterschiedlichen meistern der edlen schreibkunst zusammengetragen. Niirnberg, bey Paulus Fiirsten, kunsthandlern daselbst (1605?). 16 pp. preface. 67 leaves. f'\ G. Gachard, M. Lettre a MM. les Questeurs, sur le projet d'une collec- tion des documents concernant les anciennes assemblees nationales de la Belgique. Bruxelles, 1841. With, Lettre. . .sur les documents concernant les anciennes assemblees nationales. . . .dans les archives de Simancas et. . . .de Madrid. Bruxelles, 1845. 185, 47 pp. 8°. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 47 Gage, M. An Extract taken from Dr. Kees's New Encyclopaedia, on the article Cipher ; being a real improvement on all the various ciphers which have been made public, and is the first method ever published founded on a scientific principle : Lately invented by W. Blair, esquire, A.M. To which is now first added a full discovery of the principle. . . .By M. Gage. Norwich, Eng. 1809. 25 pp. 8°. Gaignat, M. Catalogue of his library. See Bure ( Be), Bibliotheque instruct. Gand, Michel J. llecherches Historiques et Critiques sur la vie et les editions de Thierry Martens ( Martinus, Mertens), par feu M. J. Be Gand, d'Alost. Ouvrage revu, annote et augmente de la Galcrie des hommes d'Alost qui se sont distingues aussi bien dans la philo- sophic, I'histoire et la politique, que dans les sciences et les arts. F, J. De Smet, editeur. Alost, 1845. 246 pp. 8«. Garrick, David. A Catalogue of the Library, splendid books of prints, poetical and historical tracts, of David Garrick, esquire. . . . which will be sold. .April 23, 1823, London. 90 pp. 8°. With, Addenda, and printed list of prices at the sale. Garrigue and Christern. Monthly Bulletin of Literature, New- York, 1853-54, Cat. v. 67, 68 ; Bulletin of German Literature, 1854-55, Cat. v. 74, 9L Catalogues of German Books. See Hin- richs ; also Christern. Gaume freres. Catalogues : Livres ecclesiastiques. Paris, 1847, 55. Cat. V. 30, 75. Gazette Litteraire de l 'Europe, y^o/zM/y; Jan. 1768-Dec. 1770. Amsterdam. Bound in 12 v. 18°. Geissler, Chr.A. Bibliog. Handbuch der Philolog. Literatur. See Ersch, J. S. Geneve : Curiosites de la Bibliotheque publique de Geneve. 12^. Gent, Thomas. The Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, printer, of York : Written by himself. London, Thorpe, 1832. 208 pp. 8". Geological Society op London : Catalogue of the Books and Maps in the library. London, 1846. 225 pp. 8°. George III. Bibliothecae Regiae Catalogus : Edited hy F. A. Bar- nard, librarian, N. Carlisle and J. H. Glover. Londini, excudebant Gul. Bulmer et Gul. Nicol, 1820-29. 5 v. {'\ With, Catalogue of the maps, prints, drawings, etc. forming the geographical and"^ topo- graphical collection attached to the Library of his late Majesty King George the third, and presented by His Majesty King George the fourth to the British Museum : Edited by Alexander Macpherson. London, printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, by George Woodfall 1829. 1 vol. 6 v. f '. This magnificent catalogue embraces an alphabetical list of full titles of 80,000 volumes, exclusive of the maps, etc. 200 copies printed. Georgi, T. Theophili Georgi, Buchhandlers in Leipzig, Allgemeines Europaisches Bucher-Lexicon, in welchem nach ordnung des Dic- tionarii die allermeisten autores oder gattungen von buchern zu finden ...... noch vor dem anfange des xvi seculi bis 1739 inclusive, und also in mehr als zweyhundert jahren, in dem europaischen theile der 48 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. welt, sonderlicli aber in Teutschland, sind geschreiben und gedrucket worden. Bey iedem buche sind zu finden die unterschiedenen editiones . . . ,und der preis. . . .In vier theile abgetheilet. Leipzig, 1742. 4 v. — Flinfter theil : In welcliem die franzosiscben auctores und biicber . .in alphabetiscber ordnung zu finden. 1753. 1 v. — Erstes, Zweites, Drittes Supplement : In welcbem. . .die autores dererjenigen biicber nacbgetragen worden, so in denen vier ersten tbeilen nicht entbalten : desgleicben die von 1739 bis 1757 inclusive neu-edirten und wieder aufgelegten biicber zu finden. 1750, 55, 58. 3 v. 8 v. f^. GrESENius. Gulielmus. Bibliotbeca Geseniana. . .qui publica auctionis lege divendentur. Halse, 1843. 204 pp. Cat. v. 34. G-ESNER, Conrad. Bibliotbeca, instituta et collecta primum a Conrado G-esnero, deinde in epitomen redacta, et novorum librorum accessione locupletata, jam vero postremo recognita et in duplum post priores editiones aucta, per Josiam Simlerum Tigurinum. Habes bic catalogum locupletissimum omnium fere scriptorum, a mundi initio ad bunc usq. diem, extantium et non extantium, publieatorum et passim in bibliotbecis latitantium Tiguri. .1574. 691 pp. and index, f^. See Hallevordius, continuation. GiBBiNGS, R. Index Expurgatorius : Preface. See Rom. Catb. Cburcb. GiBBS, James. Bibliotbeca Radcliviana ; or a Sbort Description of tbe Radclifife Library at Oxford, containing its several plans, uprights, sections and ornaments, on twenty-three copperplates with the explanation By James Gibbs, architect . .London, 1747. 12 pp. P. and plates. Gibraltar Garrison Library : A Catalogue of the Books, .established 1793. . . .Gibraltar, 1821. 332 pp. 8«. GiLDEMEiSTER, Joan. Bibliotbecae Sanskritae ; sive Recensus librorum sanskritorum bucusque typis vel lapide exscriptorum critici specimen. Concinnavit Joannes Gildemeister, Professor Marburgensis. Bonnae ad Rhenum, 1847. 192 pp. 8^. Gilpin, William. An Essay on Prints : By William Gilpin 5th edition. London, 1802. 187 pp. 8'^. GiNGiJENE, Pierre Louis. Histoire Litteraire d'ltalie, par P. L. Gin- guene, de I'lnstitut de France. Seconde edition, revue et corrigee sur les manuscrits de I'auteur par M. Daunou. Paris, 1824. 9 V. 8^ GiRARD, Charles. Bibliotbeca Americana Historico - naturalis, A. D. 1851 : Auctore Carolo Girard. Smithsonian Rtport. Washington, 1852. 60 pp. 8«. GocKiNGA, Henrik. Translation. See Meerman, G., Origines Typ. GoDDfi, Jules. Catalogue Raisonn4 d'une Collection de livres, pieces et documents, manuscrits et autographes relatifs aux arts de pein- ture, sculpture, gravure et architecture : Reunie par Vente 9 Dec. 1850, Paris. 436 pp. 8°. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 49 GoODHUGH, William. The English Gentleman's Library Manual ; or a Guide to the formation of a library of select literature ; accompa- nied with original notices, biographical and critical, of authors and books : By William Goodhugh London, 1827. 392 pp. 8". GossETT, Rev. Isaac, D.D. Catalogue of his library, sold, London, 1813. iil3 pp. 8°. With the prices at the sale in ms. GouDRiAAN, B. H. Catalogus van Boeken. . .nagelaten door B. H. G. Gravenhage (1845?). 84 pp. Pam. v. 38. B.C. GoujET, Claude Pierre. Bibliotheque Frangoise, ou Histoire de la Litterature frangoise ; dans laquelle on montre I'utilite que I'on pent retirer des livres publies en frangois depuis I'origine de I'imprimerie, pour la connaissance des belles-lettres, de I'histoire, des sciences et des arts ; et ou Ton rapporte les jugemens des critiques sur les prin- cipaux ouvrages en chaque genre ecrits dans la memo languc : Par M. I'Abbe Goujet. Tome 1 - 18. La Haye, 8 vol. ; Paris, 10 vol. 1740-56. 18 V. 18°. GouTTARD, M. Catalogue des Livres rares et precieux de feu M. Gouttard, par Guillaume de Bure fils aine : Yente 5 Mars 1781. Paris, 1780. 246 pp. 8 \ Gowan's Catalogues of Early-printed American Books, of Old English books, of Theological books, for sale at the affixed prices. New-York, 1840-50. Bound in 2 v. 8°. A Catalogue of Books on Free-masonry and kindred subjects. New- York, 1858. 59 pp. 12o. Catalogues : 1846, Cat. v. 16; 1842-45, Cat. v. 8 ; 1849, 51, 52, Cat. V. 72, 85 ; 1855, Cat. v. 79. Granger, Rev. James. A Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution intended as a help to the knowledge of portraits : London, 1769. Supplement, London, 1774. 3 V. 40. Gratianus, Thomas. Anastasis Avgvstiniana ; in qua scriptores or- dinis Eremitarum S. Avgvstini qui abhinc saeculis aliquot vixerunt, una cum neotericis, in seriem digesti sunt : Opera ac Studio R*^' Patris F. Thomas Gratiani Antverpiae, 1613. 178 pp. and ap- pendix. 12°. Grattan, Edward. The Printer's Companion ; being Practical Direc- tions for filling the various situations in a printing office, embodying a system of punctuation, and copious original directions for com- posing greek and hebrew : By Edward Grattan. Philadelphia, 1846. 108 pp. I80. Gravenweert, J. de S'. Essai sur I'Histoire de la Litterature Neer- landaise. Amsterdam, 1830. 8°. B. C. Great Britain. House of Commons : Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, 1801-26. Yol. 78 : Scientific Subjects ; British Museum ; Purchase of collections, 1805-25. fo. L. L. Report from the Committee on papers relating to the Royal Library which His Majesty has been graciously pleased to present to the British Nation : 18 April 1823. P, L. L. [ Bib. Lib.] 7 50 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Report from the Select Committee on the condition, manage- ment and affairs of the British Museum ; together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and evidence : 6 Aug. 1835. 623 pp. fo. L.L. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the constitution and government of the British Museum ; with minutes of evidence. London, 1850. 823 pp. f '. Report from the Select Committee on public libraries ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix : 23 July 1849. xx, 317 pp. ; Index, x & 70 pp. f'^. L. L. Report from the Select Committee on newspaper stamps ; to- gether with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index : July 18, 1851. xliii, 659 pp. 8^. Catalogue of the Library of the House of Commons. London, 1830. 95 pp. f^ Lists of Parliamentary Papers, 1840, 41, 42, 43 : Cat. v. 3 ; 1844, L. L. Cat. v. 6. Record Commission : Reports from the Commissioners ap- pointed by His Majesty to execute the measures recommended by a select committee of the House of Commons, respecting the public records of the kingdom, etc. 1800-19. Ordered to be printed 13th July 1819. With, Appendix London, 1819. 2 t. f^. Lettered Vol. I, II. Contents : Vol. I. First General Keport, and appendix; Second General Report, and appendix ; Index . Vol. II. Appendix : Engraved fac-similes inserted in the several Avorks pre- sented under the Commission, with the explanations and copies in roman letters. — General Report to the King in Council, from the Honourable Board of Commissioners on the public records appointed by His Majesty William IV ; with an appendix and index 1837. 1 V. P. Lettered Vol. 3. Greswell, William P. Annals of Parisian Typography, containing an Account of the earliest typographical establishments of Paris, and notices and illustrations of the most remarkable productions of the Parisian gothic press ; compiled principally to show its general character, and its particular influence upon the early english press : By the Rev. William Parr Greswell. London, 1818. 356 pp. 8^ A View of the early Parisian Greek Press ; including the Lives of the Stephani, notices of other greek printers of Paris. . .Oxford, 1833. Edited by E. Greswell, B.D. 2 v. 8". Griffith, A. F. Editor. -See Longman's Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. Griffith, William. Annual Law Register of the United States. Bur- lington, N.J. 1822. Vol. 3, 4. 2 v. 8°. Vol. 3, 4 were published first, and they contain lists of all the law books and statute law published up to the date in each State, and also a list of digests of U.S. laws, and of reports of the Supreme Courts. Griswold, Rufus W. The Female Poets of America. Philadelphia, 1849. So. BIBLIOaRAPHY. 51 The Prose Writers of America 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1847. 8^ Groton, Mass. Catalogue of the Groton Public Library. . , . Groton, 1855. 12o. Gryphius, C. Christiani Gryphii Adparatus, sive Dissertatio isagogica de scriptoribus historiam sseculi xvii illustrantibus. Lipsi93, 1710. 599 pp. and index. 18°. GuETTARD, M. An Inquiry concerning the materials that may be used in making paper. 35 pp. Translation. See Select Essays. G. L. GuiGNES, Joseph de. Principes de Composition typographique, pour diriger un compositeur dans I'usage des caracteres orientaux de I'imprimerie : Par M. De Guignes. Paris^ 1790. 34 pp. f'^. GuiLANDiNus, M. Melchions Gvilandini Papyrus ; hoc est, Commen- tarius in tria C. Plinii maioris de papyro capita. Accessit Hieronymi Mercurialis Repugnantia, qua pro Galeno strenue pugnatur : Item Melchioris Gvilandini assertio sententiae in Galenum a se pronun- ciat^e***. Venetiis, 1572. 280 pp. sm. 4°. Guild, George F. Catalogue of Library of sold by auction, Boston, Oct. 1853. 74 pp. Cat. v. 62, 85, 93. Guild, R. A. See Librarian's Manual. New- York, 1858. GuiLLAUMiN et C'*". Catalogues : Economic politique. Paris, 1847, Cat. V. 30, 35 ; 1853, Cat. v. 67. GuRLEY, R., etc. Catalogues of Books on American History, sold by auction, New- York, 1849. Cat. v. 31. — Catalogues, 1846-47, Cat. V. 16, 20, and B. C. ; 1848, Cat. v. 25. See also Gowan's Catalogues. GuRNEY, Thomas. Brachygraphy , or an Easy System of Shorthand, improved by Joseph Gurney. 15th ed. London, 1825. 76 pp. 18". GuTNER, Jo. G. Tvpographiae Chemnitiensis primse plagulae. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. GvEiNTZius, C. Encomium Artis Typographic. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. H. Hachette, L. Catalogues : Livres d'Enseignement. Paris, 1851, 54. Cat. V. 48, 75. H^NEL, Gustavus. Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum, qui in Bi- bliothecis Galliae, Helvetiae, Belgii, Britanni^e M., Hispani^e, Lusi- taniae asservantur : Nunc primum editi a D. Gustavo Haenel. Lipsise, 1830. 619 pp. 40. Hain, Ludovicus. Repertorium Bibliographicum ; in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum md typis expressi, ordine alphabetic© vel simpliciter enumerantur, vel adcurantius re- censentur : Opera Ludovici Hain. Vol. I, Pars 1,2; Vol. II, Pars 1, 2. Sumptibus J. G. Cottae, Stuttgartiae, et Jul. Renouard, Lut. Paris., 1826-38. 596, 563, 558, 548 pp. in 2 v. 8°. Contains notices of 16,299 editions of the 15th century. 52 NEW-YOEK STATE LIBRARY. Haller, Albertus von. Bibliotheca Medicina3 Practic83 ; qua Scripta ad partem medicinas practicam facientia a rerum initiis ad A. 1775 recensentur : Auctore Alberto von Haller. Tomus I, ad annum 1533 ; Tomus II, ab anno 1534 ad A. 1647. Bernae et Basilese, 1776, 77. 2 V. 40. Hallevord, J. Bibliotheca Curiosa ; in qua plurimi rarissimi atque paucis cogniti scriptores, interq. eos antiquorum ecclesiaa doctorum praecipuorum, et classicorum auctorum fere omnium, aetas, oilicium, professio, obitus, scripta, horumque optimae ac novissimae editiones indicantur : In gratiam philobiblon coUecta a Joanne Hallevordio. Regiomonti et Francofurti, 1676. 416 pp. 4". See also Gesner, Bib. Halliwell, James Orchard. The Manuscript Rarities of the Uni- versity of Cambridge. London, 1841. 175 pp. 8^. Descriptive Notices of Popular English Histories : By James Orchard Halliwell, esquire***. London, Percy Society, 1848. 96 pp. 120. Some Account of the Yernon Manuscript, a volume of early English poetry, preserved in the Bodleian Library : By J. 0. Hal- liwell London, 1848. 15 pp. With, Some Account of the popular tracts formerly in the library of Capt. Cox, A.D. 1575 : By J. 0. Halliwell. . . ***, London, 1849. 21 pp. in 1 V. 80. A Brief Description of the ancient and modern manuscripts preserved in the public library, Plymouth : To which are added, Some Fragments of early literature hitherto unpublished. . . . Lon- don. . . . for private circulation only, 1853. 239 pp. 4°. Hamaker, H. a. Specimen Catalogi MSS. Orientalium Bibliothecae Academiae Lugduno-Bataviae ; in quo multos libros ineditos de- scripsit, auctorum vitas nunc primum vulgavit, latine vertit, et an- notationibus illustravit Henricus Arentius Hamaker. . Lugd. Batav. 1820. 265 pp. 40. Hamilton and Bird's Catalogue of Tracts for sale, London, 1844. Cat. V. 6. Hand-Book of American Literature, historical, biographical and criti- cal : J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia; W. & R. Chambers, London and Edinburgh. 18^. Hannett, John. Bibliopegia, or the Art of Bookbinding, in all its branches ; with engravings. 4th edition. London, 1848. 166 pp. 12°. Hansard, Luke. Biographical Memoir of Luke Hansard, esquire, many years Printer to the House of Commons : Not published. Printed by James and Luke Gr. Hansard & Sons. London, 1829. 83 pp. 4«. Hansard, T. C. Typographia ; an Historical Sketch of the origin and progress of the art of printing, with practical directions for con- ducting every department in an office ; with a description of stereo- type and lithography : Illustrated by engravings, biographical no- tices and portraits. By T. C. Hansard. London, 1825. 939 pp. and index, imp. 8°. BIBLIOGKAPHY. 53 Treatises on Printing and Typefounding, by T. C. Hansard : From the 7th edition of the Encyc. Britan. Edinburgh, 1841. 235 pp. and plates. 12^. Hardt, Ign. Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Graecorum Biblio- thecae liegiae Bavaricse : Auctore Ignatio Hardt, ejusdem bibliothecae subprsefecto. Monachii, 1806 (1801) -1812. 5 v. 4^. Hargrave, F. a Catalogue of Manuscripts, formerly in the posses- sion of Francis Hargrave, esquire. . . . now deposited in the British Museum. London, 1818. 188 jjp. 4°. Harles, Theodore C. Gottlieb Christoph. Harless. .. Brevier Notitia Litteraturae GraecsD, in primis scriptorum graecorum, ordine temporis accommodata : In usum studiosas juventutis. Lipsiae, 1812. 778 pp. 12o. Harley, Robert. Catalogus Bibliothecae Harleianse, in locos com- munes distributus, cum indice auctorum***. Vol. I - V. Londini, T. Osborne, 1743-45. 5 vol. 8^. Vol. I, II, and preface were prej^ared by Dr. S. Johnson. Vol. II, TV, were prepared by W. Oldys. Vol. V is a repetition of the books unsold at its date. Harleian MSS. See British Museum. Harper and Brothers' Illustrated Catalogue of Books. New-York, 1847. 8% and Cat. B. C. Hartshorne, C. H. The Book llarities in the University of Cam- bridge ; illustrated by original letters, and notes, biographical, lite- rary and antiquarian : By the Rev. C. H. Hartshorne, A.M. London, 1829. 560 pp. 8 '. Hartzheim, Joseph. Bibliotheca Coloniensis ; in qua Vita, et Libri typo vulgati et manuscripti recensentur omnium Archidioeceseos Coloniensis. .. .indigenarum et incolarum scriptorum : Praemittitur chorographica descriptio omnium parochiarum ad Archi-dioeceseos Coloniensis hierarchiam pertinentium : subjungitur index quadruplex . . . accedunt vitae pictorum, chalcographorum et typographorum . . . Cura. . . Josephi Hartzheim. . . Colon. Aug. 1747. 368 pp., indexes, and Appendix, Chorographia Coloniensis, 20 pp. 1 v. P. Harvard University. A Catalogue of the Library: Vol.1, 2, Alphabetical ; vol. 3, Index ; vol. 4, A catalogue of the maps and charts ; vol. 5, First supplement to the catalogue. Cambridge, 1830, 31, 34. 5 V. 8o. Catalogus Bibliothecae HarvardianaD Cantabrigiae Novanglorum. Bostoniae, 1790. 358 pp. 8^. A Catalogue of the Dane Law Library of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts***. 2d edition. Cambridge, 1841. 228 pp. 8o. L. L. The same. 4th edition, 1846. 354 pp. L. L. Harwood, Edward. Biographia Classica : The Lives and Characters of the Greek and Roman Classics. New edition, and a list of the best editions of each author. London, 1778. 2 v. 18°. B. C. See also Clarke (A.), Biblio^. Diet. 54 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Hasper, W. Translation. See Brun, M. Hasselt, a. van. Lettre. See Bpck, C. P. Hassler, K. D. Die Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulm's ; zum vierten sticularfeier der erfindung der buchdruckerkunst, geschrieben von Dr. Konrad Dieterich Hassler Ulm, 1840. 156 pp. 4°. Haven, Samuel F. Archaeology of the United States ; or Sketches, historical and bibliographical, of the progress of information and opinion respecting vestiges of antiquity in the United States : By Samuel F. Haven. 168 pp. 4°. Sec Smithsonian Cont. to Knowledge, Vol. viii, 1>856. O. L. Hawtrey, Rev. Dr. Catalogue of Lis library, sold by auction, Lon- don, 1854. 104 pp. Cat. v. 65. Haym, N. F. Biblioteca Italiana ; o sia Notizia de'libri rari nella lingua italiana, divisa in quattro parti principali ; cioe, istoria, poesia, prose, arti e scienze : Annessovi tutto il libro dell eloquenza italiana di Monsig. Giusto Fontaniui, col suo ragionamento intorno alia stessa materia. In questa secunda edizione ..... vi sono posti li prezzi ad ognuno delli medesimi. Venezia, ed in Milano, 1741. 266 pp. 4°. Hearne, J. A. Catalogues of Numismatical Books for sale. London, 1843, 45, Cat. v. 6 ; 1847, Cat. v. 9 ; 1848, 50, Cat. v. 36; 1852, 53, Cat. V. 65. Hebenstreit, W. Dictionarium Editionum tum selectarum turn op- timarum auctorum classicorum et gra3corum et romanorum ad op- timos bibliographorum libros collatum : Emendavit, supple vit no- tulisque criticis instruxit Dr. W. Hebenstreit : praemittitur prsefatio, accedunt indices. Vindobonae, 1828. 276 pp. 12^^. Heber, R. Bibliotheca Heberiana :^ Catalogue of the Library of the late Richard Heber, esquire. Part 1 - Part 13 which will be sold by auction April 10, 1834 - Feb. 22, 1837, London. 5 v. 8°. Heineken, C. H. Idee generale d'une Collection complette d'estampes ; avec une Dissertation sur I'origine de la gravure et sur les premiers livres d'images. A Leipsic et Vienne, 1771. 520 pp., index and 31 plates. 8". Heinsius, Wilhelm. Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon ; oder Vollstiindiges Alphabetisches Yerzeichniss aller von 1700 bis zu ende 1810 er- schienenen biicher, welche in Deutschland und in den durch sprache und literatur damit verwandten landern gedruckt worden sind Von Wilhelm Heinsius. Vier bande. Neue vermehrte auflage. A - Z. Leipzig, 1812-13. — Fiinfter band, von 1811 bis zu ende 1815 erschienenen biicher : A-Z. Leipzig, 1817. — Siebenter band, in zwei abtheilungen, welcher die von 1822 bis ende 1827 erschiene- nen biicher. . . .enthalt ; mit Vorrede von F. A. Ebert. . . . Heraus- gegeben von C. G. Kayser, Leipzig, 1829. 6 v. 4o. Vols. 4, 5, 7, contain a separate index to romances and plays. See C. G. Kayser for continuation. Hennebert, F. Le Bibliologue de la Belgique et du Nord de la France : Journal de bibliologie, d'histoire litteraire, d'imprimerie et de librairie, publie avec la cooperation de plusieurs bibliographes et hommes delettres, par Fred. Hennebert. . .***. Tome I. Tournai, 1831. 248 pp. 8o. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 5o Hennin, M. Bibliotheque Numismatique, 1830. See Hennin, Manuel de Numismatique ancienne. Gr. L. Herbelot, Barthelemy d'. Bibliotheque Orientale, ou Dictionnaire universel ; contenant generalement tout ce qui regarde la connais- sance des Peuples de I'Orient, leurs histoires et traditions les vies et actions remarquables de tous leurs saints, docteurs de tpus leurs livres ecrits en arabe, en persan ou en turc : Par Monsieur fi'Herbelot. Paris, 1699. 1060 pp. f^. Herbert, William. Typographical Antiquities ; or an Historical Account of the origin and progress of printing in Great Britain and Ireland, containing memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of books printed by them, from the year 1471 to the year 1600 : Begun by the late Joseph Ames. . . .Secretary to the Society of An- tiquaries. . . .Considerably augmented, both in the memoirs and the number of books, by William Herbert, of Cheshunt, Herts. In three volumes. London, 1785, 86, 90. 3 v. 4«. Heyse, Prof. K. See Biicherschatz der Deutschen National-Litteratur. HiBBERT, George. A Catalogue of the Library of . . . .which will be sold at auction. . . . 1829, London. 488 pp. 8°. With the prices. Hiberno-Celtic Society : Transactions for 1820. Vol. I, Part 1, containing a Chronological Account of nearly four hundred Irish writers, commencing with the earliest account of Irish history, and carried down to. . . 1750 By Edward O'Beilly. . .Dublin, 1820. ccxxxiii pp. 4°. Highley's Catalogue of Scientific Works. London. Cat. v. 71. HiLLARD, George S. A Memoir of James Brown, with obituary no- tices. . . . By G. S. Hillard. Boston, privately printed, 1856. 138 pp. 8°. HiNRiCHS, J. C. Verzeichniss der Biicher, Landkarten, etc., welche von Jan. bis Dec. 1832-37, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 53, 54, 55, neu er- schienen oder neu aufgelegt worden sind, mit angabe der bogenzahl . . . .einem anhange bibliographischer notizen zu finden in der J. C. Hinrichs'schen Buchhandlung in Leipzig. Bound in 15 v. 12°. Hispanic Bibliotheca ; sen, De Academicis ac Bibliothecis : Item Elogia et Nomenclator clarorum Hispaniae scriptorum qui latine disciplinas omnes illustrarunt . . .tomis iii distincta : In I Hispanias religio, academiae, bibliothecse, episcopi, concilii, reges, etc. ; II, Elogia scriptorum veterum, recentium. . . . ; III, Elogia et Nomen- clator diversarum nationum Hisp By Andreas Schott? Franco- furti, 1608. 649 pp. and index. 4«. History ( The) of the Works of the Learned ; or an impartial account of books lately printed in all parts of Europe. . . .done by several hands. London, 1699-1709. 12 v. 4«. Hodgson, T. Catalogue of Books published in Great Britain, 1814-46. London, Hodgson, 1846. 542 pp. 8>. Bibliotheca Londinensis : A Classified Index to the Literature of Great Britain during 30 years. . . . arranged from and serving as a key to the London Catalogue of books, 1814-46. London, 1848. 283 pp. 8o. 56 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Supplement to the London Catalogue of books. . . 1846-49 with index. London, 1849. 124, 56 pp. 8°. The London Catalogue of Books. .1816-51. London, 185L 8°. The Classified Index to the London Catalogue for 1816-51. London, 1853. 285 pp. 8°. Hoffman, C. F., Editor. See Literary World, periodical. Hoffmann, F. L. Essai d'une Liste des ouvrages concernant I'histoire de rimprimerie en Italie. Bruxelles, 1852. 33 pp. 8o. Hoffmann, Joan. D. De Typographiis, earumque initiis et incrementis in Regno Polonise et Magno Ducatu Lithuaniae ; cum variis observa- tionibus rem et litterariam et typographicam utriusque geniis aliqua ex parte illustrantibus. Dantisci, 1740. 71 pp. 4°. HoLMiA LiTERATA, Ed. R. Von der Hardt. Holmite, apud Theodorum Gotthardum Volgnau, anno 1701. 98 pp. sm. 4°. HoLSTENius, Andreas. Diss. Acad, de Typographia, 1689. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Homer, A. See Bibliotheca Americana, London, 1789. HoRNE, Rev. T. H., B.D. Introduction to the Study of Bibliography ; with a memoir of the public libraries of the ancients. Illustrated with engravings : By Thomas Hartwell Home. London, 1814. 2 v. 8°. A Manual of Biblical Bibliography ; comprising a Catalogue, methodically arranged, of the principal editions and versions of the Holy Scriptures, together with notices of the principal philologers, critics and interpreters of the Bible : By Thomas Hartwell Home, B.D London, 1839. 8°. HoTTEN, J. C. Catalogue of Tracts, MSS. etc. on America. London, 1856. Cat. V. 80. Howe, Leonard & Co.'s Auction Sale Catalogues, Boston, 1845, 46. Cat. V. 16, 20. HoYOis, H. J. Musee Bibliographique : Collection d'ouvrages im- primes et manuscrits, dont le moindre prix est de 1000 piastres, recueillis et publics par H. J. Hoyois, Ancien imprimeur-libraire. Mons, 1837. xxvi, 192 pp. 8°. Hubbard, Judge S. Catalogue of Library of, sold, Boston, 1848. 30 pp. Cat. V. 25. Hume, A. The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom ; being an account of their respective origin, history, ob- jects and constitution. . . .their published works and transactions. . . Compiled from official documents, by the Rev. A. Hume, LL.D. (1847). . . .with a Supplement to the present time, by A. I. Evans. London, 1853. xxxii, 294, 72 pp. 12o. Humphreys, Henry Noel. The Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages : An Account of the development and progress of the art of illumination, as a distinct branch of pictorial ornamentation, from the iv"' to the xvii*^ centuries : l^y Henry Noel Humphreys. Illu- strated by a series of examples of the size of the originals, selected from the most beautiful mss. of the various periods, executed on BIBLIOGRAPHY. 57 stone, and printed in colours, by Owen Jones. London, Longman, etc. 1849. Text and plates, gr. fo. The Art of Illumination and Missal-Painting : A Guide to modern illuminators, illustrated by a series of specimens ac- companied by a set of outlines to be colored by the student : By H. Noel Humphreys. London, Bohn, 1849. 64 pp. 18^. The Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing : A connected narrative of the development of the art in Egypt, China, Mexico, etc. .... and its subsequent progress to the present day : By H. Noel Humphreys. Illustrated by a number of specimens of the writings of all ages London, 1853. 176 pp. 4°. Hunt, F. Knight. The Fourth Estate : Contributions towards a hi- story of newspapers, and of the liberty of the press. London, 1850. 302, 298 pp. 2 V. 12°. HuPFAUER, Paul. Druckstiicke aus dem xv jahrhunderte, welche sich in der Bibliothek des regulirter Chorstiftes Beuerberg befinden : Beschrieben und herausgegeben von Paul Hupfauer. . . . Augsburg, 1794. 384 pp. 12o. Button, William. The Life of William Hutton, F.A.S.S., including a particular account of the riots at Birmingham in 1791 : To which is subjoined the history of his family, written by himself, and pu- blished by his daughter, Catherine Hutton. London, 1816. 400 pp. 8o. Life of W. Hutton, stationer, of Birmingham, and the history of his family : Written by himself, with some extracts from his other works. London, C Knight^ 1841. 135 pp. sm. 4'\ Hyde, Thomas. Catalogue of the Bodleian Library. iSee Oxford Uni- versity. I. Id^e d'une Collection d'Estampes. See Heineken, C. H. Imbonati, C. J. Biblioth. Babbinica. See Bartolocci, J. Immerzeel, J. jr. Catalogus eener Bibliothek alles geheel en alleenlijk nagelaten door al hetwelk verkocht zalworden. , . . 11 Ap. 1842, Amsterdam. 152 pp. Pam. v. 38. B. C. Imprimerie ( Be r ) et de la Librairie a Rouen. See Frere, E. Index Expurgatorius. See Roman Catholic Church. Ingraham, E. B. Catalogue of the Miscellaneous Library of : sold March 20, 1855, Philadelphia. 184 pp. — Supplement of autographs and engravings. 47 pp. Cat. v. 72, 92. Ingraham, J. W. Catalogue of Library, sold, Boston, 1848. Cat. v. 25. Iriarte, Joan. Regise Bibliothecse Matritensis Codices Grseci MSS, Joannes Iriarte, ejusdem custog. . .excussit, recensuit, notis, indici- f Bib. Lib.] 8 58 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. bus, anecdotis pluribus evulgatis illustravit. . . . Volumen primus. Matriti, 1769. xviii, 579 pp. f^. 125 volumes described, with extracts : the only vol. published. Irmischer, J. C. Handschriften- Katalog der Konigliclien Univer- sitiits-Bibliothek zu Erlaugen, bearbeitet von Dr. Jotiann Conrad Irmischer. . . Mit zwei tafeln schriftproben. Frankfurt a M. 1852. 472 pp. 8°. IsEGHEM, A. F. Yan, Biographie de Thierry Martens d'AlosF, premier imprimeur de la Belgique ; suivie de la bibliographie de ses edi- tions, par A. F. Yan Iseghem. . .Malines, Alost, 1852. 354 pp. 8°- J. Jaarboekje voor den Boekhandel, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842-3. Gra- venhage, 1840-43. 4 v. 18 '. Jablonowski, Josephus A. Bibliotheca Jablonoviana : Accedunt passim scholia quaB ingeniorum merita operumque rei librariae prae- stantiora rarioraque declarant. Ed. Frid. Sig. Witzleben. Lipsiae, 1755. Yol. I, 360 ; Yol. II, 196 pp. 1 v. 4". Jackson, John. A Treatise on Wood-engraving, historical and practical ; with upwards of three hundred illustrations engraved on wood, by John Jackson. The text by W. A. Chatto. London. C. Knight, 1839. 749 pp. imp. 8^. Jackson, J. R. Catalogue of library of, sold at auction, New-York, • 1844. 48 pp. Cat. v. 8. Jacob, Ludovicus. R. P. Ludovici Jacob, Cabilonensis, Carmelitae, Bibliographia Parisina, hoc est, catalogus omnium librorum Parisiis annis 1643 et 1644 inclusive excussorum. Parisiis, 1645. 108 pp. — TAe same for 1645, Parisiis, 1646. 28 pp.— TAe same for 1646, Parisiis, 1647. 64 pp. in 1 v. 4o. Jacob, Paul L. Catalogue des Livres et des Manuscrits, la plupart relatifs a I'histoire de France, composant la Bibliotheque du Biblio- phile Jacob [Paul Lacroix), laquelle sera vendue. . . .24 Fev. 1840. Paris, 1839. 352 pp. 8°. Prices at tht sale in MS. See also LacroixP. Catalogue. See Soleinne, M. De. Jacobs, F. Catalogus Mss. et Bibliothecae F. Jacobsii cujus publica fiet distractio Berolini . . . 1849. 192 pp. 8^. Cat. v. 30. Jaeck, H. J. Yollstandige Beschreibung der offentlichen Bibliothek zu Bamberg, von Heinrich Joachim Jaeck, kon. bayerischen Bi- bliothekar ; mit Nachrichten iiber Bambergsche gelehrte und besonders iiber die aus ihnen erganzte ofFentliche Bibliothek vom xvii jahrhundert bis auf unsere zeit. Erster-Dritter Th. Nurnberg, 1831-1835. In 1 v. S^. Contents : Part I. Beschreibung von mehr als 1100 zum theilc noch ungedruckten handschriften vom viii bis xviii jahrhundert auf pergament. Part II. Beschreibung anderer 1500 grosten- theils ungedruckter hand- schriften vom xiv bis zum xix jahrhunderte auf pergament und papier. Part III. Sect. 1,2. Systematisches Yerzeichniss aller wichtigeren druck- schriften. Contains articles on early printing, especially at Bamberg. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 69 James, Thomas. Catalogue. See Oxford Univ., Bodleian library. Jansen, Henri. Essai sur I'origine de la gravure en bois et en taille- douce, et sur la connoissance des estampes des xv* et xvi* siecles ; ou il est parle aussi de I'origine des cartes a jouer et des cartes geographiques : Suivi de recherches sur I'origine du papier de coton et de lin ; sur la calligraphic ;. . . .ainsi que sur I'origine. . . .des signatures et des chiffres dans I'art de la typographic. Avec xx planches. Paris, Schoell, 1808. 2 v. 8«. Jar VIS, S. F. A Catalogue of the entire Library of the late Eev. Samuel Farmer Jarvis, D.D., LL.D., to be sold, Nov. 1851. N. Y. Ed. by J. Sabin. 219 pp. Cat. v. 49. Jewett, Charles C. Facts and Considerations relative to the duties on books, addressed to the library committee of Brown University . . Providence, 1846. 24 pp. Pam. v. 17. Notices of Public Libraries in the U. S. of America. Smithson. Rep. Jan. 1, 1850. Appendix. Washington, 1850. 206 pp. 8°. Smithsonian Report ; on the construction of Catalogues of Li- braries, and their publication by means of separate stereotyped titles ; with rules and examples : By Charles C. Jewett, librarian of the Smithsonian Institution. 2d ed. Washington, 1853. 96 pp. With, Catalogue of the Library of Congress, Chapter I, Ancient History, complete to Jan. 1854 : Being a specimen of the plan of the Sviithsoniari Institu/ion for catalogues. Washington, 1854. 77 pp. in 1 V. 8^\ Johnson, Gt. W. A History of English Grardening, chronological, literary and critical, tracing the progress of the art in this country, from the invasion of the Romans to the present time : By Greorge W. Johnson***. London, 1829. 445 pp. 8^ The work is filled principally with the biographies and lists of the works of English authors on horticulture, Johnson, Henry. An Introduction to Logography ; or, the Art of arranging and composing for printing, with words entire, their radices and terminations, instead of single letters. By His Majesty's royal letters patent. By Henry Johnson. London, 1783. 65 pp. 8*^. Johnson, John. Typographia, or the Printers' Instructor : Including an account of the origin of printing, with biographical notices of the printers of England. . , . A series of ancient and modern alpha- bets and domesday characters. . . .By J. Johnson, printer***. Vol. I, II. London, 1824. 2 v. 12o. Johnson's ( T. & J. W. ) Catalogue of Law Books, Philadelphia, 1845. xxix, 168 pp. 18- 1847, xlvi, 137 pp. 18°, L.L.; 1850, lii, 144 pp. 18o, L.L. Jordan and Norton's Catalogues of books on sale. New- York, 1854- 55. Cat. V. 72, 76. JoRDENS, K. H. Lexikon Deutscher Dichter und Prosaisten. Heraus- gegeben von Karl Heinrich Jordens. I-V Band. Supplement vi®'^ Band. Leipzig, 1806-11. 6 v. 8^. JouBERT, F. E. Manuel de I'Amateur d'Estampes, faisant suite au Manuel du Libraire ; et dans lequel on trouvera, depuis I'origine de 60 NEW-YOEK STATE LIBRARY. la gravure : 1** Les remarques qui determinent le merite et la priorite des epreuves. 2° Les caracteres auxquels on distingues les originaux d'avec les copies. 3° Les prix que les pieces capitales peuvent conserver dans le commerce. . . . 4*^ Des tableaux seculaires Le tout precede d'un essai sur le genie d'un coup d'oeil general sur I'etat de la gravure ; Par F. E. Joubert, graveur. Paris, 1821. 3 v. 8^. JoURSANVAULT, M. De. Catalogue analytique des arcbives de M. le Baron De Joursanvault, manuscrits. . .au nombre de plus de quatre- vingt mille, concernant I'histoire generale de France. . .I'histoire particuliere des provinces, etc.. . .Paris, Tecbener, 1838. 2 v. 8°. Judex, Mattbaeus. De Typograpbiae Inventione. Copenbagii, 1566. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Julius, Dr. N. H. Catalogus Bibliotbecae per xl annos. . .in Europa et America collectae. . .de arte medica, de cura pauperum, disciplina carcerum, statisticse . . . etc. Berolini, pub. auctionis . . . Oct. 1850. 182 pp. So. K. Kaulfuss, Antiquar. Katalog. Wien, 1849. 107 pp. Cat. v. 35. Kay and Brother. Catalogue of Law books on sale, Philadelpbia, 1854. Cat. V. 93. Kayser, C Gr. Yollstandiges Biicber-Lexicon, etc. Index locupletis- simus librorum qui inde ab anno mdcccxli usque ad annum MDCCCXLVi in Germania et in terris confinibus prodierunt . . .Yon Christian Grottlob Kayser. Dritter, vierter tbiel ( Neunter, zebnter tbeil). A — Z. Leipzig, F. O.Weigel, 1848. 543, 571 pp. 2 v. 4-. See also Heinsius. Kennett ("VYbite), Bp. Bibliotbecge Americanse Primordia : An at- tempt towards laying tbe foundation of an American library, in several books, papers and writings, bumbly given to the Society for Propagation of the Grospel in Foreign Parts, for the perpetual use and benefit of their members. . . .By a member of the said So- ciety. London, 1713. xvi, iii, 275 pp. and index. 4°. Kerr, Robert. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of William Smellie, F.R.S...late printer in Edinburgh. . .By Robert Kerr, F.R.S. Edinburgh, 1811. 2 v. 8°. Catalogue of Yoyages and Travels. London, 1822. See Kerr's Collection, v. 18. Kerslake, Thomas. Catalogues of Second-hand Books for sale, Bristol, Eng. 1847. 128 pp. Cat. v. 21 ; 1848, Cat. v. 26; 1849, 268 pp. in 1 V. 8° ; 1853, Cat. v. 65. Kervin (Ph.) de Yolkaersbeke. Les Bibliophiles Flamands, leur histoire et leurs travaux. Par Ph. Kervin de Yolkaersbeke***. Gand, 1853. 32 pp. imp. 8«. 200 copies printed. Kett, Henry. Elements of General Knowledge, introductory to useful books in the principal branches of literature and science ; with lists of the most approved authors : Designed chiefly for the junior stu- BIBLIOGRAPHY. 61 dents in the universities and the higher classes in sohools. By Henry Kett. . .Oxford, 1803. 585, 382 pp. 2 v. 8o. Kettell, Samuel. Catalogue of Poetical Works of American Origin. See Kettell's Specimens of American Poetry, v. 3. KiPPis (Andrew), D.D. Biographia Britannica ; or Lives of the most eminent persons vrho have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland. . .{A— DA). London, 1778-89. 4 v. P. Vol. V wanting. KiRCHHOFF, Albrecht. Beitrage zur Geschichte des Deutschen Buch- handels : Von Albrecht Kirchhofl". Erstes bandchen, notizen iiber einige buchandler des xv und xvi jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1857. 152 pp. 12o. Kirk and Mercein's Catalogue of Books for sale. New- York, 1819. 140 pp. Cat. V. 50. Klaproth, Julius. Verzeichniss der Chinesischen und Mandshuischen bucher und handschriften der koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, verfasst von Julius Klaproth : Herausgegeben auf befehl s. m. d. Koniges von Preussen. Paris, in der koniglichen druckerei, 1822. 188 pp. fo. Catalogue des livres imprimes, des manuscrits, et des ouvrages chinois, tartares, japonais, etc. composant la bibliotheque de feu M. Klaproth. Sale by auction, Paris, 1840. With, Beuxieme partie. 308, xii, 80 pp. 8«. Kloss, Dr. Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Kloss of Frankfort a M., Professor ; including many original and unpublished manuscripts, and printed books with MS. annotations by Philip Melancthon : Which will be sold by auction May 7... London, 1835. 343 pp. 8°. With six engraved fac similes. Knight, Charles. William Caxton, the first English printer; a Bio- graphy : By Charles Knight. London, 1844. 240 pp. 18°. The Old Printer and the Modern Press : By Charles Knight***. London, Murray, 1854. 314 pp. 18°. Catalogues of his Publications, London, 1843. Cat. v. 12 ; 1847, see Cox's Cat. v. 21, also Cat. B. C. KoEHLER, J. D. Hochverdiente und aus bewiihrten Urkunden wohl- beglaubte ehren-rettung Johann Guttenbergs eingebohrnen Burgers in Mayntz, aus dem alten Rheinlandischen Adelichen Geschlechte derer von Sorgenloch, genannt Gansefleisch, wegen der ersten erfindung der nie gnug gepriesenen buchdruckerkunst in der Stadt Mayntz, zu unverganglichen ehren der Teutschen nation, und in- sonderheit der loblichen uralten Stadt Mayntz, mit gantzlicher und unwiedersprechlicher entscheidung des dariiber entstandenen drey- hundertjahrigen streits, getreulich und mit allem fleiss ausgefertiget von Johann David Kohler, Hist. P. P. 0. zu Gottingen. Leipzig, 1741. 108 pp. 40. Kohler, K. F. Catalog. . .von Buchern.,.zu beziehen von K. F. Kohler. Leipzig, 1851. With Bibliotheca Hungarica. Cat. v. 48. Koenen, H. J. Voorlezingen over de Geschiedenis der Nijverheid in Nederland, door M. H. J. Koenen. Haarlem, 1856. 199 pp. 8^. See pp. 62, 71 -84 for Summary on the claims of Haarlem to the Invention of Typography. 62 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. KoNiG, Geor. Matt. Bibliotlieca Yetus et Nova, in qua Hebraeorum, Clialdasorum, Syrorum, Arabura, Persarum, Aegyptiorum, Graa- corum et Latinorum, per universum terrarum orbe;ii scriptorum, theologorum, JOtorum, medicorum, philosophoruin, historicorum, geographorum, etc. etc. patria, aetas, nomina libri, saspius eruditorum de iis elogia, testimonia ac judicia summa fide atq: diligentia ex quotidiana auctorum lectione depromta, a prima mundi origine ad annum usq: 1678, ordine alphabetico digesta brevitate exhi- bentur a Giorgio Matthia Konigio. Altdorfi, 1678. 888 pp. P. KcEPPEN, A. L. List of Authors on the history and geography of the middle ages. See his World in the Middle Ages. New-York, 1854. G. L. Kohl, J. G. Substance of a Lecture on a Collection of maps and charts of America. See Smithsonian Reports, 1856. G. L. KoRFP, F. J. B. Library. See Goudriaan, B. H. KoRTEBRANT, Jacob. Lof dcr drukkunst, uitgevonden, door Laurens Janszoon Koster te Haerlem, omtrent het jaar 1440. Op haer derde eeuwgetyde, met aanmerkingen. Delft, 1740. 73 pp. 4='. No titlepage. Krafft, Albertus. Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliotheca8 Palatin^e Yindobonensis. Pars 2 : Codices Hebraici. Digesserunt Albertus Kraift et Simeon Deutsch. Yindobonae, 1847. 190 pp. 4°. Krohn, B. N. Catalogus Bibliothecae praestantissimorum, qui ad theologiam, philologiam, et historiam spectant, librorum selectum complectentis. . . .Collegit et catalogum disposuit Bartholdus Nico- laus Krohn. .. .auctionis lege divendentur. d. v Mens. Sept. 1796. Hamburgi. 217 pp. 12='. Labbe, Philippus. Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum, curis secundis auctior. Accedit bibliotheca nummaria in duas partes tributa : I. De anti- quis numismatibus. II. De monetis, ponderibus et mensuris. Cum mantissa antiquarias supellectilis ex annulis, sigillis, gemmis . . . similibusque, Romanae praesertim antiquitatis monimentis coUecta. Cura et studio R.P. Philippi Labbe. Editio secunda. . .Rothomagi, 1672. 398 pp. 12". Bibliotheca Nummaria, ex theologis, juris consultis, medicis, ac philologis concinnata, et in duas partes tributa Londini, 1675. See Selden ( J.) ; also the same^ see Teissier, A. Laborde, Comte Leon de. Debuts de I'lraprimerie a Strasbourg ; ou Recherches sur les travaux mysterieux de Gutenberg dans cette ville, et sur le proces qui lui fut intente en 1439 a cette occasion : Par Leon de Laborde. Paris, 1840. 83 pp. and plates. So. Debuts de I'lmprimerie a Mayence et a Bamberg ; ou De- scription des lettres d'indulgence du Pope Nicholas Y, pro regno Cypri, imprimees en 1454^: Par Leon De Laborde***. Paris, Techener, 1840. 31 pp. gr. 4°, and fac similes. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 63 De r Organisation des Bibliotheques dans Paris, par le Comte De Laborde. ..Premiere, deuxieme lettre : La "bibliotheque royale, Fev. Mars, 1845. Huitieme lettre : Etude sur la construction des bibliotheques, Avril, 1845. Paris. 24, 56, 52 pp. in 2 v. with plates. So. Lackington, Hughes and Co. General Catalogue of books. . .Part I, now on sale, London, 1821. 293 pp. 8°. Lackington, James. The Confessions of J. Lackington, late Book- seller at the Temple of the Muses, in a series of letters to a friend. London, 1804. 216 pp. 12«. Memoirs of the first forty-five years of the Life of James Lackington, bookseller : Written by himself, in forty-seven letters to a friend. From the latest edition. London, 1830. 347 pp. and in- dex. 12^ Lacroix, Paul. Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits concernant I'his- toire de France et la litterature frangaise, conserves dans les biblio- theques de ritalie. See Champollion-Figeac. Documents, ined. vol. 3. Also Jacob, P. L. pseud. Ladrange, M. Librairie Philosophique. Paris, 1855. Cat. v. 75. Ladvocat, L'Abhe Jean Baptiste. Dictionnaire Historique et Bi- bliographique portatif, contenant I'histoire des patriarches des historiens, poetes, orateurs avec leurs principaux ouvrages et leurs meilleures editions : Par M. I'Abbe Ladvocat, Docteur, Bi- bliothequaire. Nouvelle edition. Tome I-IJI. Paris, 1777. With the corrections to Jan. 1778 and 1779, And^ Supplement au Dic- tionnaire, 1789. Paris, Le Clerc, 1777-89. 4 v. 12^. The same. Paris, 1755. 2 v. 12°. B. C. La Faye, M. De. Catalogue Complet des Republiques, imprimees en Hollande in-16 ; avec des remarques sur les diverses editions : Par De La Faye. With, Appendice contenant les traites imprmies par les Elzevirs Paris, 1842. 48 pp. 24o. Laguionie, Librairie Militaire. Paris, 1835, 108 pp. Cat. v. 1; 1846, Pam. V. 102. Laire, F. X. Index Librorum ab Inventa Typographia ad annum 1500 : Catalogue des livres de M. Lomenie deBrienne, chronologice dispositus cum notis historiam typographico-litterariam illustrantibus. Hunc disposuit Franc. Xav. Laire, Sequano-Dolanus. . . ,***. I, II Pars. Senonis, 1791. 2 v. 8o. Specimen Historicum TypographisD Romanse xv saeculi : Opera et studio P. Francisci Xaver. Laire . . . .Seren. Prin. de Salm Salm Bibliothecarii. Bomse, 1778. 308 pp. sm. 4^. Lambeth Library. .See Maitland, S. R. Lambinet, Pierre. Recherches Historiques, litteraires et critiques sur I'origine de I'imprimerie, particulierement sur les premiers etablissements au xv*' siecle dans la Belgique Bruxelles, an vii (1798). 500 pp. 8^. La Monnoye, Bernard. Notes to the Jugemens des Savans. See Baillet, A. 64 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRAKY. Landseer, John. Lectures on the Art of Engraving, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain : By John Landseer, Engra- ver to the king. London, 1807. 341 pp. 8°. Langbaine, Gerard. The Lives and Characters of the English Dra- matic Poets ; with an Account of all the plays. Printed to the year 1698. Edited by M. Gildon, from edition of 1691, and ejilarged. London. 182 pp. 12°. Langles, L. M. Catalogue des livres imprimes et manuscrits compo- sant la Bibliotheque de feu M. Louis-Mathieu Langles, dont la vente se fera 24 mars, 1825. Paris, 1825. 558 pp. 8o. Langlois, E. H. Essai sur Calligraphic des manuscrits du moyen- age, et sur les ornements des premiers livres d'heures imprimes : Par E. H. Langlois. . .Rouen, 1841. 180 pp. 8^. With 18 engraved facsimiles. Lansdowne, William, Marquis of. A Catalogue of the entire library of which will be sold by auction, Jan. 6, 1806, London. 244 pp. 8°. With the prices at the sale. Library of Manuscripts. See British Museum. Larenaudiere ( M. Philippe de ). Catalogue des Livres composant la bibliotheque de Paris, 1846. 272 pp. 8". La Rue, Pieter de. Geletterd Zeeland, verdeeld in drie afdeelingen, bevattende in zig de schryvers, geleerden en kunstenaars uit dien staat geboortig, met bygevoegd levensverhaal der voornaamsten onder dezelve. . . .Door Pieter de La Rue. Middelburg, 1734. 338 pp. en aanhangsel, 4°. La Serna Santander, M. De. Dictionnaire Bibliographique choisi du quinzieme siecle ; ou Description par ordre alphabetique des edi- tions les plus rares et les plus recherchees du quinzieme siecle, precede d'un essai historique sur I'origine de I'imprimerie, ainsi que sur I'histoire de son etablissement dans les villes..,., des impri- meurs .jusqu'a I'an 1500. Par M. De La Serna Santander. Premiere, seconde, troisieme partie. Bruxelles, 1805-07. 3 v. 8*'. Memoire Historique sur la Bibliotheque dite de Bourgogne, presentement Bibliotheque publique de Bruxelles : Par Mr. De Laserna Santander. Bruxelles, 1809. 216 pp. 8°. La Yalli^re, Due De. Bibliotheque. See Bure, De. Lea & Blanchard's Catalogue, Philadelphia, 1846. Cat. v. 16. L6BER, C. Catalogue des Livres imprimes, manuscrits, estampes, dessins et cartes a jouer, composant la bibliotheque de M. C. Leber ; avec des notes : Par le Collecteur. Paris, 1839. 3 v. 8^. Lee Priory Press, of Sir E. Brydges. See Catalogues, B. C. Le Gallois, Pierre. Traitte des plus belles Bibliotheques de I'Eu- rope ; Des premiers livres qui ont ete faits ; De I'invention de I'imprimerie. . .De plusieurs livres qui ont ete perdus, et recouvrez par les soins des scavans. . . .Par le Sieur Le Gallois. Amsterdam, 1697. 240 pp. 24o. Legar6, Ho7i. H. S. Catalogue of Library of : sold, Washington, 1848. 17 pp. Cat. v. 25. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 65 Leggat Brothers & Co. Catalogues of old books, 1855-57, New- York. Cat. V. 85. Le Glay, a. Catalogue descriptif et raisonno des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de Cambrai : Par A. Le Glay. Cambrai, 1831. 256 pp. 8o. Memoire sur les bibliotheques publiques et les principales bifcliotheques particulieres du Departement du Nord : Par M. Le Glay Lille, 1841. 496 pp. 8^. Catalogue descriptif des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque de Lille : Par M. Le Glay, Correspondant de I'lnstitut***. Lille, 1848. 443 pp. 8o. Leland, John. Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis, auctore Joanne Lelando, Londinate : Ex Autographo Lelandino, nunc primus edidit Antonius Hall. Tomus I, II. Oxonii, 1709, in 1 v. 8°. Lelong, Jacques. Bibliotheque Historique de la France, contenant le Catalogue des ouvrages imprimes et manuscrits, qui traitent de I'histoire de ce royaume, ou qui y ont rapport ; avec des Notes cri- tiques et historiques : Par feu Jacques Lelong. . .Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee, et considerablement augmentee, par M. Fevret de Fontenette .... tt MM. Camus, Herissant, Bar beau de la Bruyere, etc. Paris, 1768-78. 5 v. fo. Contents: YoL. 1. Part 1. Preliminaires generaux de PHistoire de France. Part 2, Histoire ecclesiastique de France. 92G pp. Yol. 2, 3. Histoire politique de France. 892 pp. Yol. 3. Suite, et Histoire civile de France ; Me moires historiques sur i)lusieurs historiens modernes de France. 957 pp. YoL. 4. Histoire litteraire de la France; Tables; Estampes. 536, 285 pp. YoL. 5. Tables generales des matieres. . . . Tables des anonymes. 771 pp. Lemoine, Henry. Typographical Antiquities : History, origin and progress of the art of printing. . . . Chronological lists of eminent printers in England, Scotland and Ireland. . . .History of the Wal- polean press. . . . with the adjudication of literary property Extracted from the best authorities, by Henry Lemoine. . .London, 1797. 148 pp. 12o. Lenglet du Fresnoy, M. I'' Abbe Nicolas. Methode pour etudier I'histoire ; avec un Catalogue des principaux historiens, et des re- marques sur la bonte de leurs ouvrages et sur le choix des meil- leures editions : Par M. I'Abbe du Fresnoy. Nouvelle edition, augmentee et ornee de cartes geographiques. Paris, 1729. 4 v. — Supplement de la methode avec un Supplement au catalogue . . I, II partie. Paris, 1741. 2 v.— 6 v. 4P. W. C. 571. Contents : Vol. 1,2. Methode pour etudier I'histoire. YoL. 2, p. 465-552. Choix des livres necessaires pour la lecture de I'histoire. Yol. 3, p. 1-128. Canons chronologiques. YoL.3, p. 129-428, and Vol.4. Catalogues des principaux historiens, avec des remarques critiques sur la bonte de leurs ouvrages. YoL.4. Continuation; Table des auteurs et matieres Vol. 5 & 6. Supplement de la methode, avec Supplement au catalogue. [ Bib. Lib.] 9 66 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Methode pour etudier I'histoire ; oii, apres avoir 6tabli les principaux pour la lire utilement, on fait les remarques necessaires pour ne pas se laisser tromper dans sa lecture ; avec un Catalogue des principaux historiens, et des remarques critiques sur la bonte de leurs ouvrages et sur le clioix des meilleures editions : Consi- derablement augmente par J. B. Hencke. Derniere edition Lipsiae, 1714. 480 pp. and index ; 446 pp. and index. 2 v. in 1 8". A New Method of studying history, geography and chronology; with a Catalogue of the chief historians of all nations, the best editions of their works, and characters of them : Written origin- ally in French. To which is added a Dissertation by Count Scipio Maffei of Verona, concerning the use of inscriptions and medals by way of parallel : By Richard Rawlinson, LL.D. London, 1730. 368, 550 pp. and index. 2 v. 8o. Lennep, David J. van. Memoria Hieronymi de Bosch, Inst. Reg. Belgici quondam socii rite celebrata in publ. classis tertise consessu . . . .et Carmen de inventse typographise laude Kostero Harlemensi, potenter tandem asserta : Auctore Herm. Bosscha. Amstelodami, 1817. 71 pp. 4°. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de Litterature grecque et latine, saints peres. . .linguistique. La vente aura lieu, Amsterdam, 1855. pp. 208. Cat- V. 75. Leon (Antonio de) Pinelo. See Pinelo, A. de L. Leonard & Cunningham's Book Auction Catalogues, Boston, 1847, Cat. V. 20 ; 1848, Cat. v. 25. Le Prince ( N. T.) aine. Essai Historique sur la Bibliotheque du Roi, et sur chacun des depots qui la composent ; avec la description des batimens, et des objets les plus curieux a voir dans ces diffe- reuts depots***. Paris, Belin, 1782. 372 pp. 18o. Lerottge, M. Catalogue de Livres imprimes et manuscrits. . . Yente a Paris, 1833. 289 pp. Cat. v. 2. Antiquarian, Freemasonry, French local and revolutionary history. Leslie, J. Catalogue of English and Foreign Theology com- prising the entire stock of Mr. J. Cochran, and purchases from the library of R. Southey on sale at the prices affixed. London, 1844. 302 pp. Cat. v. 3, 19. Lessern, F. C. Typographia Jubilans ; das ist, Kurtz-gefasste Hi- storic der Buchdruckerey, worinnen von dieser edlen kunst ur- sprunge und anfange, ausbreitung, verbesserung, zierrathen, nutzen, wie nicht weniger von der buchdrucker eigenschaften und pflichten Bey dem dritten Jubel-fest derselben entworffen von Friedrich Christian Lessern. Leipzig, 1740. 412 pp. & index. 12°. L'Estrange, Sir Roger. Considerations and Proposals in order to the regulation of the press ; together with diverse instances of treasonous and seditious pamphlets, proving the necessity thereof : By Roger L'Estrange. London, printed by A. G. June 3d, MDCLXiii. xvi, 33 pp. sm. 4°. Le Tellier, Michel. Reflexions sur les " Jugemens des Savans". See Baillet, A., vol. 8. BIBLIOaRAPHY. 67 Letronne, a. J. Catalogue des Livres composant le Bibliotheque de feu M. A. J. Letronue : Vente 29 mai 1849. Paris, J. F. Delion, 1849. 398 pp. 8o. Valuable in antiquities, especially Egyptian. Le Yerrier de la Conterie, M. L'Ecole de la Chasse aux chiens courans, par Mr. Le Verrier de la Conterie Precedee d'une Bibliotheque historique et critique des thereuticographes. Premiere, seconde partie. Bouen, 1763. 2 v. 8°. Lewis & Blood's General Catalogue of law books for sale, New- York, 1853. 148 pp. 180. Oat. v. 6. L. L. Lewis, John. The Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton, of the Weald of Kent, the iSrst printer in England ; in which is given an account of the rise and progress of the art of prynting in England, during his time, till 1493 : Collected by John Lewis, Minister of Mergate in Kent. London, 1737. xxii, 159 pp. 8^. First biography of Caxton, and first edition, of which 150 copies only were printed. Leyden University. Catalogus Librorum tarn impressorum quam manuscriptorum Bibliothecge Universitatis Lugduno-Batavae. Lug. apud Bat., sumptibus Petri van der Aa, 1716. With, Supplemen- tum. . . .' ab anno 1716 usque ad annum 1741. Lugd. Batav. 1741. 600, 34 pp. and index. 1 v. f«. Liber Guidonis. See Bock, C. P. Librarian's ( The) Manual : A Treatise on Bibliography, comprising a select descriptive list of bibliographical works ; to which are added historical and descriptive notices of publick libraries Illustrated with engravings : By R. A. Guild, Librarian of Brown University, Providence, 11. 1. N.York, C. B. Norton, 1858. sm. 4°. Omitted under the heading of the author's name. Library Company of Philadelphia. Catalogue of the Books : Vol. I, II, Philadelphia, 1835 ; Vol. Ill, containing the titles added from 1835 to 1856, together with an alphabetical index to the whole ***. Philadelphia, 1856. xxxix, xx, 2104 pp. 3 v. in 2, 8^. First and Second Supplements, 1844, 49. 1 v. 8«. Importations, 1849-53, Pam. v. 170 ; 1854, 55, Pam. v. 209. Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Loganian Library ; to which is prefixed a short account of the institution, with the law for annexing the said library. Philadelphia, 1837. xvi, 450 pp. 8°. Notes for a History of, 1835. 8 pp. 4o. Library Reporter, and Book-Buyers' Guide : Jan. 1854. Quarter- ly. Boston. Pam. v. 170. LiBRi, G. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M. L****, dont la vente se fera le Lundi 28 juin 1847. Paris, 1847. xliii, 496 pp. 8°. Remarkable for rare and and ancient Italian literature, containing 2500 ar- ticles in Italian belles-lettres. With the prices in MS. See also Sotheby & Co. Lichtenberger, Johannes Fridericus. Initia Typographica : Illu- stravit Jo. Frid. Lichtenberger, Gym. Argent. Orat. Prof. Argen- torati, 1811. 260 pp. 4^. 68 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRAKY. Histoire de I'lnvention de I'lmprimerie, pour servir de defense a la ville de Strasbourg contre les pretentions de Harlem : Par J. F. Lichtenberger, Professeur emerite au Grymnase Protestant de de Strasbourg. Avec une Preface de M. J. Gr. Schweighseuser Accompagnee d'un portrait de Gutenberg et de liuit planclies .... Strasbourg, 1825. 100 pp. 8^. This is not a translation of the " Initia", but was composed in 1824. Lilly's ( J.) Catalogues ; including books for sale, printed for the Abbotsford, Bannatyne, Maitland and Roxburghe Clubs, at Straw- berry hill, Lee Priory press, early typography, and from W. Up- cott's library. London, 1848, 49. Cat. v. 32, etc. LiNGUARUM Orientalium, Hebraicse, Rabbinicae, Samaritanae, Syriacae, Grsecae, Arabicse, Turcicae, Armenicae alphabetae. Parisiis, apud A. Vitray, 1636. 55 pp. sm. 4^. LiNNEAN Society, London : Catalogue of the Library, commencing 1800, Vol. 5 of the Transactions, and continued by supplements in the succeeding volumes. LiPPERT, J. T. Catalogue d'une Collection precieuse de livres qui seront adjuges au plus offrant a Halle le 16 avril 1846 par. 402 pp. Cat. V. 14. Literary ( The) Blue Book, or Kalendar of literature, science and art, for 1830. London. 280 pp. 18o. A Catalogue of living authors, painters, musical composers, engravers, etc. in London. Literary (The) World; a Gazette for authors, readers and pu- blishers : Edited by Charles F. Hoffman, afterwards iz/ E. A. and G. L. Duyckinck. New- York, 1847-53. 13 v. 4o. Little ( C C.) and J. Brown. Catalogue of Law Books, published and for sale by Boston, 1843. Ix, 88 pp. 18^. Catalogue, 1847, Cat. v. 20. Monthly Law Advertiser, 1847- 49, Cat. V. 3, 5, L. L. Catalogues, 1852, Cat. v. 5, L. L. ; 1853, Cat. V. 50 ; 1854, 243 pp. Cat. v. 63. LivERMORE, George. Remarks on public libraries : From the North. American Review. Cambridge, 1850. 40 pp. 8°. Lives ( The) and Characters of the English Dramatic Poets ; with an account of the plays : Printed to the year 1698. GildoiLS edition. See Langbaine, G. Locke, John. A Catalogue and Character of most books of voyages and travels. See Locke's Works, vol. 10. LoGANiAN Library : Catalogue. See Library Comp. of Philadelphia. LoMEiERUS, J. Johannis Lomeieri ecclesiastae zutphaniensis, De bi- bliothecis liber singularis. Editio secunda, priori multi auctior . . . Ultrajecti, 1680. 414 pp. and index. 18°. London Institution. A Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution, systematically classed ; preceded by an historical and bibliographical account of the establishment : Vol. I, The general library ; Vol.11, Tracts and pamphlets, W? A introductory preface ; Vol. Ill, The general library, Additions and revisions, The index BIBLIOGRAPHY. 69 of authors, and the index of subjects. London, 1835-1843. Ixviii, 669, xxxiii, 658 and index, xcvi, 666 pp. in 3 v. 8°. London Library. Catalogue of the London Library, 12 St. James Square : By John George Cochrane, secretary and librarian to the institution. 2d edition. London, 1847. With, Volume the second : Addil'io?is, edited by the same. London, 1852. 486, 315 pp. in 1 v. — Supplement, 1856. 64 pp. 2 v. 8o. Longman, Hurst, etc. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich collection of early english poetry, in the possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown : Illu- strated by occasional extracts, and remarks critical and biographical. Edited by A. F. Griffith. London, 1815. 481 pp. 8o. A Catalogue of Old books to be sold at the prices affixed London, 1816, 605 pp. 8« ; 1842, 266 pp. Cat. v. 6 ; 1848-4-5, Cat. v. 12 ; 1845, 228 pp. Cat. v. 9 ; Prospectus of a series of encyclopasdias, 1845, Cat. v. 6 ; Old books, 1846, 232 pp. Cat. V. 15 ; 1847, Cat. v. 26 ; 1848, 1 vol. 264 pp. 8° ; 1853, Cat. V. 65. Catalogue of London Periodicals, Newspapers, Law reports. and Transactions of various societies for 1849. Cat. 4^. v. 1. LoosjES, Vincent. Gedenkschriften wegens het vierde Eeuwgetijde van de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst door Lourens Janszoon Kos- ter, van stadswege gevierd te Haarlem, den 10 en 11 Julij 1823 : Bijeenverzameld door Vincent Loosjes. Met platen. Haarlem, 1824. 463 pp. 8\ Lord's Book Auction Catalogues, Philadelphia, 1849. See Gowan,and Cat. V.31; 1850, Cat. v. 33. Loudon, J. C. Literature and Bibliography of Agriculture : British, French, German and American. See Loudon's Encyclopaedia of Agriculture, p. 1206. Louis Philippe, King. Catalogue de Livres provenant des Biblio- theques du feu Roi Louis Philippe, dont la vente aura lieu le 8 mars 1852 Bibliotheques du Palais Royal et de Neuilly. P% IP« partie. Paris, 1852. 2 v. 8". Low, Sampson. The British Catalogue of Books, published from Oct. 1837, to Dec. 1852 (1849) Vol. I, General Alphabet. London, 1853. 408 pp. 8o. See Publishers' Circular; Nutt's Catalogue, 1857. The American Catalogue of Books, or English Guide to Ame- rican Literature ; giving the full title of original works published in the United States since the year 1800, with especial reference to works of interest to Great Britain. London, Sampson Low & Co. 1856. 190 pp. %'\ Lowndes, William Thomas. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature ; containing an account of rare, curious and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing ; with bibliographical and critical notices, collations of the rarer articles, and the prices at which they have been sold in the present century : By William Lowndes London, 1834. 4 v. 8o. 70 NEW- YORK STATE LIBRARY. The same. New edition, revised, corrected and enlarged ; in eight parts, forming four volumes : Part I, II. London, Bohn, 1857, 8. 2 V. 120. Luce, L. Essai d'une Nouvelle Typographic, ornee de vignettes, fleurons. . . .inventes, dessines et executes par L. Luce, Graveur du Roi, pour son Imprimerie royale. . . .1740-70. Paris, 1771. 4°. LUDEWIG, Hermann E. Zur Bibliothetonomie, von Hermann Ludewig : Gedruckt bei C. H. Gartner, Dresden, 1840. xxx pp. a7id Fragment eines juristischen real catalog der k. offentlichen Bibliothek zu Dres- den (1836). 41 pp. 8o. The Literature of American Local History ; a Bibliographical Essay, by Hermann E. Ludewig. New- York, 1846. xx, 180 pp. 8°. The same. First supplement : Slips from the Literary World of Feb. 12, 1848. New- York. 8°. The Literature of American Aboriginal Languages, by Herman E. Ludewig ; with additions and corrections by Professor William W. Turner. Edited by Nicolas Trubner : Triibner's Bibliotheca Glottica, No. I. London, 1858. xxiv, 258 pp. 8". LucKOMBE, Philip. A Concise History of the origin and progress of printing, with practical instructions to the trade in general : Com- piled from those who have wrote on this curious art. London, 1770. 506 pp. With, a Fac-simile of Caslon's specimen of types, 1720- 1763. In 1 V. 80. Lyceum of Natural History of New-York : Index to Library, 1830. Pam. V. 92. Lyman & Rawdon's Book Auction Sales, New-York, 1851, 52. Cat. V.49. M. M*** Catalogue des Livres de . . .Yente, Paris, 1835. 17 pp. 8°. Cat vol. 1. Maandelyke Uittreksels of Boekzaal der Geleerde Waereld, 1716, 1766-77. Amsterdam. 7 v. 18o. Maatschappu van Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden : Catalogus van de Bibliothek. Leiden, 1849. Yol. 3. Index. 149 pp. 8o. "^^ MacCarthy-Reagh, M. Catalogue de Livres rares et precieux, d'editions du xv^ siecle et de manuscrits provenant de la vente de feu M. le Comte de MacCarthy-Reagh. . . .Paris, De Bure fils, 1817. 58 pp. 8«. McCreery, John. The Press ; a poem. Published as a specimen of typography : By John McCreery. Liverpool, 1803. vii, 29, 20 pp. With, Part the second, London, printed by J. McCreery, 1827. viii, 80 pp. in 1 v. 4°. McCuLLOCH, J. R. The Literature of Political Economy; a Classified Catalogue of select publications in the difi"erent departments of that science, with historical, critical and biographical notices. London, 1845. 407 pp. 8o. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 71 McGuire's Catalogue of auction sale of books, Washington, 1856. Cat. V. 92. Machado, Diego. Bibliotheca Luzitana. See Barbosa ( D.) Machado. Macray, William Dunn. Manual of British Historians to a.d. 1600 ; containing a chronological account of the early chroniclers and monkish writers, their printed works and unpublished MSS. Lon- don, W. Pickering, 1845. xxiii, 109 pp. 8«. Madden's Oriental Catalogue of works for sale, London, 1843. 60 pp. Cat. V. 19. Maffei, Scipio. A Letter from Count Scipio Maffei of Verona, to the Countess Adelais F. C. Tering of Seefeld ; being a com- parison of the use of inscriptions and medals. See Lenglet Du Fresnoy, Eawlinson's trans. Maine. Catalogue of the State Library, arranged by A. Oakes. Au- gusta, 1850. 248 pp. 8«." Catalogue of the State Library, arranged by Caleb B. Ayer. Augusta, 1856. 439 pp. 8^. Maitland, S. R. An Index of such English books, printed before the year mdc, as are now in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lam- beth : Published with the permission of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury; by the Rev. S. R. Maitland London, 1845. 120 pp. 8«. The Dark Ages : A series of Essays intended to illustrate the state of religion and literature in the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries : By the Rev. S. R. Maitland. ... 3d ed. London, 1853. xxiii, 520 pp. 8-^. Maittaire, Michael. Historia typographorum, aliquot Parisiensium vita et libros complectens***. Londini, Bowyer, 1717. 160, 160 pp. in 1 V. 8\ Contents : ToMus I. Typographorum inter Parisienses celebrioriim vitge, viz : Colinsei, Yascosani, Morellii. Turnebi, Bene-Nati, Morelli. ToMus II. Librorum a typograpliis inter Parisienses celebrioribus excusorum catalogus. Annales Typographic, ab artis inventse origine ad annum MDCLXiv : Opera Mich. Maittaire, A.M. Hagse, 1719-1741. 5 v. With, Supplementum, adornavit Michael Denis. Pars I, II. Viennse, 1789. 1 V. 6 V. 40. Contents : Tom. I. Annales ad annum md. Bound with Tom. II. Pars 1,2. Ab anno md ad annum mdxxxvi. Tom. III. Pars 1, 2. Cum appendic. Ab anno mdxxxvi ad annum mdlvii. Tom. I (IV). Pars 1, 2. Ab artis inventge origine, ad annum mdclxiv. Editio nova auctior et emendatior. Properly treated as vol. Ath. Tom. V. Pars 1, 2. Indicem, in tomos quatuor praeuntes complectens, in 2 v. Tom. VI. Denis, supplementum. This supplement contains 6311 articles on books printed in the 15th century, and unknown to Maittaire. The same. Hagse, 1722. v. 2. Pars 1, 2. 4". Maius, Jo. Hen. See Uffenbach (J. C. ab), Bibliotheca. 72 NEW- YORK STATE LIBRARY. Majansius, Gregorius. Specimen Ribliothecae Hispani-Majansiari£e ; sive, Idea novi catalogi critici operum scriptorum hispanorum, qua9 habet in sua bibliotheca Gregorius Majansius ex Museo D. dementis. Hannoverae, 1753. 171 pp. and index. 4°. List of the works of about ninety Spanish authors, with the critical opinions of Maiansius concerninc; each. Epistolae de Chartae origiue. See Meerman, G. Major, C. Bibliotheca ex omni facultate librorum quos reliquit Rev. Dom. Carolus Major Eccl. Mechlinia3 canonicus quorum auctio publica habebitur. ... 27 Ap. 1767. Part I, II. Meehliniae. 658 pp. and index. 1 v. 8^. With prices and purchasers in MS. Malaspina (March.) di Sannazaro. Catalogo di una Raccolta di stampe antiche, compilato dallo stesso possessore March. Malaspina di Sannazaro. Vol. I - V. Milano, 1824. 5 v. S^. Embraces biographies of engravers, with descriptions and notices of earliest wood-engravings. Malberg, a. Die Literatur des Bau- und Ingenieur-Wesens der letzten 30 jahre ; oder Verzeichniss der vornehmlichsten werke in deutscher, franzosischer, englischer, italienischer, hoUandischer, u.s.w. sprache, welche die genannten facher betreflfen : Herausgegeben von A. Malberg. Berlin, 1852. 211 pp. 8". Mallincrot, B. De Ortu et Progressu Artis Typographicae ad D. Anselmum Casimirum, Archiepiscopum et Elector Mogvntinvm : Scribebat Bernardvs a Mallincrot, Decanvs Monasteriens. Colonise Agrip. 1639. 1£7 pp. sm. 4^. Malone, Edward. Catalogue of Early English Poetry, and other miscellaneous works illustrating the British Drama : Collected by Edward Malone, esquire, and now preserved in the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1836. 52 pp. f\ Manchester (England) Free Library. Bibliotheca Chethamensis ; sive Bibliothecae Publicas Mancuniensis, ab Humfredo Chetham, armigero, fundatse catalogus, exhibens libros in varias classes pro varietate argumenti distributos Edidit Joannes Radcliffe. . . , Custos Tom. I, II : Mancunii, 1791. — Catalogi Tomus III. . . Edidit G. P. Greswell : Mancunii, 1826. 3 v. 8«. Librarian's First Report to the Books Sub-committee on the formation of the library, June 30, 1851 ; with lists of books sug- gested for purchase : By E. Edwards, lihrarian. Manchester, 1851. 40. Three Reports, on the origin, formation, and first year's working of the Manchester Free Library ; with an Introduction on the re- sults and the defects of the Public Libraries Act of 1850 : By Edward Edwards, esquire. Manchester, 1853. 48 pp. Pam. v. 170. Mappa, a. G. Epreuves de Caracteres dans la fonderie de feu MM. Voskens et Clerk, presentement de A. G. Mappa. Rotterdam (1780?). See Specimens. Marchand, Prosper. Histoire de I'Origine et des premiers progres de I'imprimerie. A la Haye, 1740. xii, 118 pp. — Histoire do I'im- primerie : Seconde partie, contenant diverses pieces importantes BIBLIOGRAPHY. 73 pour la confirmation de la premiere. 152 pp. — With, Supplement a riiistoire de I'imprimerie de Prosper Marchand, ou additions et corrections pour cet ouvrage. Edition revue et augmentee ; avec un memoire sur I'epoque certaine du commencement de I'annee a Ma- yence durant le xv^ siecle : By the Abbe Mercier. Paris, 1775. viii, 221 pp. in 1 v. 4". Contains extracts from the earliest testimonies on the origin of printing, and Dissertations of Roccha, Arnold, Kilian, Serarius, Salmuth, ^Naude, Chevillier and Maittaire. March ANT, N. D. Livres de la Bibliotlieque de Vente a Paris, 1834. 84 pp. Cat. v. 1. Marklin, Gr. Catalogus Dissertationum in Academiis Scandinaviae et Finlandiae Lidenianus : Continuatus a Grabri. Marklin. Upsaliae, 1820, in 3 v. 8«. Coritents : Sect. 1. Disputationes Upsalienses 3034 : 1778-1819, Sect. 2. Disputationes Lundenses 1963 : 1778 - 1819. '' '' Disputationes Christianienses 3 : 1816 - 1817. Sect. 3. Disputationes Aboenses 1057 : 1778 - 1819. Marsand, Antonio. Biblioteca Petrarcliesca : Formata, posseduta, descritta, ed illustrata dal Professore Marsand. Milano, 1826. xxxviii, 281 pp. 4°. Four plates of fac similes. '' Edizione di sole cencinquanta copie in quarto." Marsden, William. Bibliotheca Marsdeniana philologica et orientalis. A catalogue of books and manuscripts, collected with a view to the general comparison of languages, and to the study of oriental literature, by William Marsden, F.R.S. London, 1827. 309 pp. 4°. Martene, Dom Edmond. See Voyage Litteraire. Martens, Le Baron Charles De. Guide Diplomatique suivi d'une bibliographic diplomatique choisie et d'un catalogue syste- matique de cartes de geographie ancienne et moderne, redige par M. C. Picquet, Nouvelle ed. par M. De Hoffmanns. Paris, 1837. 3 v. 8 \ See Vol. M. L. L, Martin, John. Bibliographical Catalogue of privately printed books : By John Martin, F.S.A. Librarian, Woburn Abbey. 2d ed. London, 1854. XXV, 593 pp. 8*^. Marvin, J. Gr. Legal Bibliography; or a Thesaurus of American, English, Irish and Scotch law books, together with some continental treatises ; interspersed with some critical observations upon their various editions and authority. To which is added a copious list of abbreviations : By J. G-. Marvin ***. Philadelphia, 1847. 800 pp. 8o. L. L. Mason, Rev. Ebenezer. Catalogue of library of. ...sold by auction, New-York, 1851. Cat. 4o. v. 1. Mason (Erskine), B.B. Catalogue of sold by auction, New- York. Cat. 4o. V. 1. Massachusetts. State Library : Catalogue of the Library of the Gen. Court. Boston, 1846. 141 pp. 8« [ Bib. Lib.] 10 74 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Report concerning the State Library, by a committee, etc. 1849. See Shattuck, Statis. Papers. . Annual Reports of the Librarian, 1852-53-54. Pam. vol. 170. ^ — Plans to accompany the Report of the Commissioners for the enlargement of the State House for the Slate Library. March 1, 1854. Pam. v. 170. Massachusetts Medical Society. Catalogue of the Library. Bos- ton, 1810. 12 pp. So. Masson : Librairie medicale et scientifique. Paris, 1846. Cat. v. 22 ; 1847, Cat. V. 30. Maynard's Catalogue of mathematical and philosophical books, on sale. London, 1848. Cat. v. 26. Mead, Richard. Bibliotheca Meadiana ; sive Catalogus Librorum Richardi Mead, M.D., qui prostabunt venales sub hasta. . . .1754. Londini. 242 pp. 8"^. Prices at the sale in MS. Mediceo-Laurentinian Library. Manuscripts, etc. See Biscioni, A.M. Meding, Henri. Bibliotheque du Paris Medical : Enseignement et bibliographie de la medecine. . . . ( Extrait et continuation jusqu'a I'annee 1854 du 2'"'' tome de Paris medical). Par Henri Meding, D.M Paris, Leipzig, 1855. 248 pp. 18°. Meerman, Gerard. Conspectus Originum Typographicarum, a Meer- manno proximo in lucem edendarum. In usum amicorum typis descriptus. 1761, 88 pp. With, G-erardi Meerman. . .Admonitio de chartse nostratis, seu lineae origine. Jan. 1762. 8 pp. And, Gerardi Meermann et doctorum virorum ad eum epistolae atque observationes de chartge vulgaris seu lineae origine. Edidit ac prse- fatione instruxit Jacobus Van Vaassen. Hagae Com., 1767. 229 pp, and index in 1 v. 18'^. Origines Typographicae : Gerardo Meerman, auctore. Tomus prior, tomus alter. Hagse Com., 1765. 260, 312 pp. in 1 v. 4o. Uitvinding der Boekdrukkerkunst, getrokken uit het latynsch werk van Gerard Meerman, met eene Vooreden en aantekeningen van Henrik Gockinga ; Hierachter is gevoegt ene Lyst der Boeken in de Nederlanden gedrukt voort 't jaar md. Opgestelt door Jakob Visser. Amsteldam, 1767. 117, 69 pp. 4°. Invention of Printing. See Bowyer, W. Meermann, Joannes. Bibliotheca Meermanniana ; sive Catalogus librorum impressorum et codicum manuscriptorum, quos col- legerunt Gerardus et Joannes Meermann : Morte dereliquit Joannes Meermann quorum publioa fiet auctio. . . . Yol. I-IY. Hagse Com. 1824. Yol. I, 217 ; Yol. II, 221, 183 ; Yol. Ill, 378 ; Yol. lY, 210 pp. Prix, 186 pp. in 2 v. 8«. Mejan, Count. Library. See Berlin, Yerzeichniss von Incunabeln, etc. M6LINE, Cans et C'®. Catalogue, Bruxelles, 1847, Cat. v. 29 ; Juris- prudence, 1856, Cat. V. 93. Melzi, Gaetano. Bibliografia dei Romanzi e Poerai cavallereschi BIBLIOGRAPHY. . 75 italiaui. Sccouda edizione, corretta ed accresciuta : by the publisher. Milano, P. A. Tosi, 1838. 380 pp. So. Menage, Gilles. Anti-Baillet, ou Critique du livre de Mr. Baillet, intitule, Jugemens des Savans. See Baillet, A. Menapius Insulanus, Gulielmus. Statera Clialcograplnse, qua bona ipsius et mala simul appenduntur et numerantur. Basileae, 1547. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Mencke, Jean Burckhard. De Charlataneria eruditorum declamationes duas : auctore J. B. Menckenio***. Lipsine, 1715. IGO pp. 18 '. De la Charlatanerie des Savans, par Monsieur Menken ; avec des remarques critiques de differens auteurs : traduit en frangais. La Haye, 1721. 242 pp. and index. 18 '. Notas de Charlataneria, etc. See Beyer, A. Methode pour etudier I'histoire, avec un catalogue des histo- riens. See Lenglet du Fresnoj. Mentel, Jacob. Jacobi Mentelii, Patricii, Castro-Theodoricensis, De vera typographiae origine paraenesis, ad D. Bernarduni Malinkrot Parisiis, 1650. 119 pp. 4o. Brevis Excursus de loco, tempore et autliore inventionis typo- graphiae ad. . . .G. Naudasum, Parisiis, 1G44. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Observatidnes de praecipuis typographis et typographias ori- gine. .See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Mercantile Library Association of Boston : 1, Reports of its directors, from 1828 to 1845 ; 2, Address by D. N. Haskell, and Poem by S. A. Dix, Jan. 1848; 3, Catalogue of its books, 1848; 4, Report, 1849. 8o.— And see Reports 1849, 50. Pam. vol. 52. Catalogue. Boston, 1848. 1 v. 8 \ — Catalogue, 1850. 135 pp. and supplement. 24 pp. 1 v. 8<^. Reports, 1845, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54. Pam. v. 169, 170; 1855, Pam. v. 209. Mercantile Library Association of Montreal : Report, 1846, Pam. V. 209 ; 1849, Pam. v. 52. Mercantile Library Association of New- York : Catalogue of the Library. New- York, 1828. 188 pp. 12*^. Catalogue of the Mercantile Library in New- York***. New- York, 1850. 376 pp. 8o. Catalogue of the Books with a Supplement to August 1, 1856. Ed. by S. Hastings Grant, Librarian. New-York, 1856. 37*6, 214 pp. 8o. Reports, 1851, 52, 53, 54. With, Supplement catalogue, 1852, Pam. V. 169, 170 ; 1855, Pam. v. 209. Mercantile Library Association of St. Louis, Missouri : Reports, 1853, 54. Pam. v. 169, 170; 1855, Pam. v. 209. Mercantile Library Company of Philadelphia. A Catalogue. . . . published April 1850, Philadelphia. 308, 139 pp. With, Catalogue of books added since April 1850. Philadelphia, 1856. 132 pp. in 1 V. 8«. 78 NEW-YOKK STATE LIBRARY. Mercier De St. Leger, Ahhe Barihelemi. Supplement a I'Histoire de rimprimerie. See Marchand, P. Mercuriale, Hieronymus. Repugnantia. See Guilandius. Merryweather, F. Somner. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages; or Sketches of bookworms, collectors, bible students, scribes, and illuminators from the Anglo-Saxon and Norman periods to the introduction of printing into England ; with anecdotes illustrating the history of the monastic libraries of Great Britain in the olden time : By F. Somner Merryweather. London, 1849. 218 pp. 18«^. Mertens, F. K. Verzeichniss der hinterlassenen Blichersammlung des s. Herrn Prof. Dr. Mertens. . .hauptsachlich botanischen, natur- historischen und schonwissenschaftlichen inhalts welche Sept. 1833 verkauft werden soil. Bremen, 1833. 232 pp. 12". Meusel, Johann Georg. Das Gelehrte Teutschland, oder Lexicon der jetzt lebenden teutschen schriftsteller. Angefangen von Georg Christoph Hamberger Forgesetzt von Johann Georg Meusel. Erste-zwolfter band. Fiinfte durchaus vermehrte ausgabe. Lemgo, 1796-1806. 12 V. in Q^.— With, Das Gelehrte Teutschland in neun- zehnten jahrhundert, nebst supplementen zur fiinften ausgabe des- jenigen im achtzehnten : Yon J. G. Meusel. Yol. 13-17. — Aus Meusel's nachlasse, herausgegeben von Johann Samuel Ersch. Yol. 18. — Bearbeitet von J. W. S. Lindner, und herausgegeben von J. S- Ersch. Yol. 19-21. —Yon J. W. S. Lindner. Yol. 22, 23.— Nach des letzteren tode aber von mehreren gelehrten unter verantwortlich- keit der verlagshandlung. Lemgo, 1808-1834. 11 v. in 6. Bound in 12 V. 18°. Vol. 12 contains prefaces, a general register, indexes of authors by their residences and by subjects, and necrology. Mezger, G. C. Augsburg's alteste druckdenkmale und formschneider- arbeiten, welche in der vereinigten konigl. kreis- und stadt-biblio- thek daselbst aufbewahrt werden : Nebst einer kurzen geschichte des biicherdruckes und buckhandels in Augsburg. Yon G. C. Mezger Mit 37 abdriicken Augsburg, 1840. 80 pp. 4". Middleton, Conyers, D.D. A Dissertation concerning the Origin of Printing in England, showing that it was first introduced by Caxton at Westminster, and not at Oxfords See Works, vol. 5, and Bowyer, W. Bibliothecae Cantabrigiensis ordinandae methodus quaedam. See Works, vol. 4. Miller et Aubenas, MM. See Revue de Bibliographic. Miller, W. and Co. Specimen of Printing Types : By William Miller & Co., letter-founders to his majesty for Scotland, 1834. 101 leaves. 4". MiLNOR, James. Catalogue of library of, sold by auction, New-York, 1845. 18 pp. Cat. V. 8. Minerva Library. Catalogue of 45 Ranelagh street, Liver- pool T. Troughton****. Ulverston. 289 pp. 12^. MiNGARELLi, J. Luigi. Graeci Codices manu scripti apud Nanios patricios Yenetos asservati. Bononiae, 1784. 540 pp. 4^. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 77 Minnesota. Catalogue of the Territorial Library. St. Paul, 1850. S^. Mitchell, Charles. The Newspaper Press Directory; containing full particulars relative to each journal published in the United King- dom and the British isles : Together with a complete guide to the newspaper press of each county ... 3d edition. By Charles Mitchell. London, 1851. 534 pp. 18". MoBlus, Theod. Catalogus Librorum Islandicorum et Norvegicorum aetatis mediae editorum versorum illustratorum. Skiildatal sive poe- tarum recensus eddse upsaliensis. Theodorus Mobius concinnavit. . . Lipsise, 1856. xiii, 208 pp. S^. MoLANUS J. V. M. Joanni Molani, Doct. Theol. Lovan., Bibliotheca materiarum quae a quibus auctoribns, cum antiquis, turn recentiori- bus sint pertractatae. Docentibus, concionantibus ac scriptoribus necessaria I. Catholicorum S. scripturae interpretum, ordine biblicorum librorum. II. Scholasticorum theologorum in divi Thoma Aquinatii Summam. Col. Agr., 1618. 168 pp. and index. 4o. With MS. notes of the BoUandists. The first part only was published. MoLiNi, C. F. Supplement to Catalogue of Italian books on sale. London, 1848. Cat. v. 32. MoLiNi, L. Catalog© di una scelta collezione di libri che trovansi vendibili. . . .presso. . . .Firenze, 1853. 151 pp. 8^. MoLLERUS D. a. Diss, de Typographia, 1692. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. MoMORO, Ant. Franc. Traite elementaire de I'imprimerie, ou le Manuel de I'imprimeur ; avec 40 planches en taille-douce. Par Ant. Franc. Momoro. Paris, 1793. 347 pp. 8°. MONDIDIER, Count. Catalogue of the Library of .... consigned from Germany. . . .with works relating to America. . . .which will be sold by auction, Dec. 1851, London. 168 pp. 8". MoNFALCON, J. B. Bibliographic de la Ville de Lyon. Lyon, 1851. See Hist, de Lyon, v. 3. Le Nouveau Spon, ou Manuel du Bibliophile et de I'Archeo- logie Lyonnais***. Lyon, 1856. xliv, 373 pp. imp. 8^. Contains lists of printers, booksellers and editions of Lyons. 114 copies printed. Montagu, E. Catalogues of F. Bennett's library for sale, 1733 ; and of two libraries, 1740, London. 30, 32, 62 pp. With, Bookseller's Catalogue of J. Duncan, 1740. London. 3 v. in 1 v. S'K With prices. Montfaucon, Bernard De. Bibliotheca Coisliniana olim Segueriana ; sive Manuscriptorum omnium grsecorum quae in ea continentur, accurate descriptio, ubi operum singulorum notitia datur, aetas cujusque manuscript! indicatur, vetustiorum specimina exhibentur, aliaque multa annotantur, quae ad Palseographiam graecam perti- nent. Accedunt anecdota bene multa, ex eadem bibliotheca desumta, cum interpretatione latina, studio et opera D. Bernardi Montfaucon . . . .e Cong. St. Mauri. Parisiis, 1715. Prefaces and 811 pp. f^. The volume contains copious extracts from forty-four Greek works hitherto unpublished. The Collection is now in the Imperial Library, in Paris. Monthly Literary Advertiser. New-York, Langley, 1841. Cat. V.58. 78 NEW- YORK STATE LIBRARY. Monthly Review : 1749-1806, 132 v. ; General Index to the first seventy volumes, 1749-84, 1786, 2 v.; from 7 1st vol. to 81st, 1789, 1 V. : By S. Ayscough, London, 1796. London, 135 v. 8«. W. C. 657. The indexes embrace classified catalogues of nearlj^ all the publications in Great Britain and Ireland, from 1749 to 1789. Moore, John W. Complete Encyclopaedia of Music, elementary, technical, historical, biographical, vocal and instrumental : By John W. Moore. Boston, 1854. 100 pp. imp. 8". MoRELLi, Jacopo. Codices Manuscripti Latini Bibliothecso Nanianae : Venetiis, 1776. With, I Codici nianoscritti volgari della Libreria Naniana. S'aggiungono alcune operette inedite da essi tratte. Ve- nezia, 1776. 202, 204 pp. in 1 v. 4°. Moss, J. W. A Manual of Classical Bibliography, comprising a co- pious detail of the various editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, and of the critical and philological works published in illustration of them, with an account of the principal translations. . .By Joseph William Moss 2d ed., completed to the end of 1836 With the prices. . . .London, Bohn, 1837. 2 v. 8°. MouLE, Thomas. Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnae Britannias : An ana- lytical catalogue of books of genealogy, heraldry, nobility, knight- hood, and ceremonies ; with a list of provincial visitations, pedigrees, collections of arms, and other manuscripts ; and a supplement, enumerating the principal foreign genealogical works : By Thomas Moule^*=^. London, 1822. 668 pp. 8*^. MoxoN, Joseph. Mechanick Exercises ; or the Doctrine of handy works, applied to the art of smithing, joinery, carpentry and turning : By Joseph Moxon, member of the Royal Society. . . . and hydrographer to the king's most excellent majesty. London, 1677-78, No. 1-14, 16 plates. 242 pp. and index. — The same title Applied to the art of printing. The second volume. London, 1683; No. 1-24, 394 pp. 33 plates. — With, at the co7nmencement of Vol. 1, Mechanick Dyalling, teaching. . . .to draw a true sun-dial on any given plane By J. Moxon. 5th ed. London, 1703. 49 pp. in 2 V. sm. 4^. *' The most scientific man who has written upon printing." Hansard'' s Typog. It is one of the earliest works describing type -founding and the art of printing. Some catalogues contain a notice of a odvoL, but James Moxon's list of Jo. Moxon's works does not imj)ly its existence. This copy in vol. 1 contains also a titlepage of a later edition of 1700. MiJLLER, Fred. Catalogue of Books for sale, relating to America ; including rare works before 1700, amongst which a nearly com- plete collection of the Dutch publications on New-Netherland, from 1612 to 1820. Amsterdam, 1850. 104 pp. 12^. Catalogus Dissertationum et Orationura juridicarum, defensa- rum et habitarum, ab anno 1660 usque a(\ 1851, in Academiis Germaniao, etc. presertim Neerlandiae, quae venales prostant apud Fredericum Miiller. Amstelodami, 1851.12°. L. L. Beschrijvende Catalogus van 7000 Portretten van Neder- landers, en van Buitenlanders, tot Nederland in betrekking staande, afkorastig uit de collectien : De Burlett, Verstolk van BIBLIOGRAPHY. 79 Soelen, Lamberts, enz ; met twee uitvoerige registers. . . . Verzameld door Frederik Muller. Amsterdam, 1853. xl, 408 pp. 8°. See Vereeniging ter Bevordering van de belangen des boek- handels catalogus. Munch, Gruglielmus B., a7id others. Primaria quaedam Documenta de Origine Typographiae, quorum illustratorum, partem primam sub praesidio C. G. Scbwarzii. ...xii Nov. 1740 disquisition! aca- demicae subjecit Benedictus Gvilielmus Munch. .. .Partem alteram ... .ad disquirendum proponit Jo. Gvilielmus Schaubert. . .Partem tertiam. . . .disputandi causa proponit Gustavus Philippus Negelein Altorfii, 1740. 36, 56, 68 pp. sm. 4-\ The same, Munch's Essay, only, 36 pp. sm. 4*^. MuNSELL, Joel. Outline of the History of Printing, and Sketches of the early Printers. Albany, 1839. 32 pp. 8'\ Also, in Muns. Pam. V. 8. The Typographical Miscellany : embracing ^^ unpiihlished his- tory of printing in our cities a7id counties.''^ By J. Munsell. Albany, 1850. 268 pp. 8". A Chronology of Paper and Paper Making. Printed for pre- sentation only. Albany, J. Munsell, 1856. 60 pp. S^. A Chronology of Paper and Paper Making*^*. By J. Munsell. Albany, 1857. viii, 110 pp. 8^. Catalogue of a Bibliographical Library, for sale at the prices affixed. Albany, 1856. Cat. v. 92. The principal part of this collection was pnrchased for the New-York State Library, and is embraced in the present catalogue. Muquardt's Catalogues. Bruxelles, 1853. Cat. v. 67, 68. MuRR, C T. De. Christophori Theophili de Murr, Memorabilia Bi- bliothecarum publicarura Norimbergensium et Universitatis Altdgr- finae. Pars I, cum viii tabulis aeneis. Pars II, cum xiv tabulis eeneis. Pars III, cum ii tabulis aBueis. NorimbergaB, 1786-91, in 2 V. 8". Murr gives the contents of the various collections of works in each library, of the MSS. in various languages, and of the 15th century editions. Murray's (J.) Lists of publications. London, 1845, 46. Cat. v. 12 ; 1848, Cat. V. 26; 1850, 51, Cat. v. 47; 1854, Cat. v. 71. Musset-Pathay, M. Victor Donation De. Bibliographic Agronomique ; ou Dictionnaire raisonne des ouvrages sur I'economie rurale et do- mestique, et sur Part vcterinaire : Suivi de notices biographiques sur les auteurs Par un des collaborateurs du cours complet d' agriculture pratique. Paris, 1810. xxiv, 459 pp. 8^. MusTON, Alexis. Historical and Documentary Bibliography of the Israel of the Alps ; or, List of works which treat of the Yaudois and of the ancient manuscripts in the Romance language, which contain their own statement of their doctrines. 94 pp. See Muston's Israel of the Alps, history of the Yaudois of Piedmont. Lond. 1857» 8". ia 2d v. appendix. 80 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. N. NaMUR, M. p. Bibliographie paleographico-diplomatico-bibliologique generale; ou Repertoire systematique, indiquant 1°, tous les ou- vrages relatifs a la paleograpliie, a la diplomatique, a I'histoire de riinprimerie et de la librarie, a la bibliographie, aux bio-bibliogra- phies et a I'histoire des bibliotheques ; 2 ' La notice des recueils periodiques, litteraires et critiques des differents pays, suivi d'un repertoire alphabetique generale ; Par P. Namur ***. Liege, 1838. 2 V. 8^ Manuel du Bibliothecaire, accompagne de notes critiques, his- toriques et litteraires : Par P. Namur, Docteur en Philosophic et Lettres ***. Bruxelles, 1834. 368 pp. 8^. Histoire des Bibliotheques publiques de la Belgique, par P. Namur Tome I, Bibliotheques de Bruxelles. Tome II, Bi- bliotheque de Louvain. Tome III, Bibliotheque de Liege. Bruxelles, 1840, 41, 42. 3 V. 8°. Nasmith, James. Editor of Catalogue. See Parker, M. Natolinus, Jo. Bapt. Dissertatio de Arte imprimendi. Utini, 1606. • See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Nattali, M. a. Catalogue of Books for sale, with prices. London, 1842. Pam. v. 39. B. C. ; 1846, 354 pp. Cat. v. 14 ; 1852, Cat. V. 53. Naud^, Gabriel. Additamentum ad Historiam Ludovici XL Gallica Latine reddidit M. J. Steigerus. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Avis sur la vente de la bibliotheque du Cardinal Mazarin. Paris, 1652. Translated. See Harleian Misc. v. 6. Negelein, Gust. P. De Orig. typog. See Munch, G. B, Neve, Emile. Appendice a la Bibliographie Douaisienne de M. Duthilloeul (edition de 1842) : Par Emile Neve. . . .(Du Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige). Bruxelles, 1850. With, Nouvel Appendice par Ch. De Chenedolle. Bruxelles, 1851. 36 pp. 8^. Neavark Library Association : Catalogue of the Library. Newark, 1857. 148 pp 8o. New-Bedford City Library. Proceedings on the occasion of lay- ing the corner stone of the library edifice. . . .Aug. 28, 1856. New- Bedford, 1856. 8o.— Report, 1853. Pam. v. 169. Catalogue of the Free Public Library. New-Bedford, 1858. 355 pp. 8o. Newburyport, Mass. Catalogue of the Public Library of the city of Newburyport, founded by Hon. Josiah Little. Newburyport, 1857. 207 pp. 8o. New-Jersey State Library. Catalogue, Trenton, 1853. 117 pp. 8°. New-Haven Young Men's Institute : Catalogue of the Library. New-Haven, 1841. 65 pp. 8". BIBLIOGRAPHY. 81 Newman, J. Catalogue of County Histories, etc. for sale. London, 1855. Cat.v. 7L New-York : State Library, Catalogues and Reports. 7 v. 8*^. Co7i- tents : Vol. 1. Annual Reports and Catalogues, 1820-39. " 2. Annual Reports and Catalogues, 1810-45. I " 3. Catalogue of 1840. " 4. 1, Catalogues of Books annually added, 1846-49; 2, Report of the Joint Library Committee on tlie subject of international exchanges, 1847; 3, Report of a select committee on a new library building, 1849. '' 5. Catalogue of 1850. 1058 pp. " 6. Catalogues of Books annualh^ added, and donations, 1851-53. " 7. Reports and donations, 1854-57, '— Catalogue of the Library : General Library, 1 v. ; Law Li- brary, 1 V. ; Maps, Manuscripts, Engravings, Coins, etc. 1 v. Albany, 1855, 56. xii, 987, 402, 274 pp. 3 v. 8". Catalogue of Duplicates, sold by auction, New-York, 1846. Cat. V. 16, 20. Catalogue of the Library of the Court of Chancery, 1843, Albany. 58 pp. 8^. L. L. & Cat. v. 5. This Collection was distributed by a law, to the State Library, and to the law libraries of Syracuse and Rochester. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Court of Appeals at Syracuse Syracuse, 1851. 46 pp. 8«. L. L. The same : Revised and arranged alphabetically W. H, Moseley, librarian. Syracuse, 1858. 176 pp. New-York {City) Hospital. A Catalogue of the Books belonging to the library ( Medical ) New- York, 1845. 194 pp. 8 '. New-York Historical Society. Catalogue of the books, tracts, newspapers, maps, charts, views, portraits and manuscripts in the library. New-York, 1813. 139 pp. See Coll. v. 2. The printed "Proceedings" of the Society from 1843 contain full lists of all additions of each year, and these additions are almost exclusively connected with American History. New-York Law Institute. Catalogue of the library with a chronological list of the contemporary English Reporters from 1216 to the present time : Prepared by L. H. Sandford, July, 1842. New-York, 1843. Ill pp. 8 '. Cat. v. 5 and L. L. v. 1. New-York Society Library : Catalogue of the Books. New- York, 1813. 12o. B. C. Catalogue, alphabetical and analytical, with the charter and bye-laws. New-York, 1850. 621 pp. 8^ New-York Trade Sales of Books. New- York, 1844, 45, 49. Cat. V. 39, 45; 1847, Cat. v. 73; 1850, Cat. v. 41 ; 1851, Cat. v. 44. Nichols, Gr. List of a few books to illustrate London and West^ minster. London, Gr. Nichols, 1854. Cat, v. 66, [Bib. Lib.] U 82 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Nichols, John. Biographical and Literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer, printer, F.S.A., and of many of his learned friends; con- taining an incidental view of the progress and advancement of literature in this kingdom from the beginning of the present cen- tury to the end of the year 1777 : By eJohn Nichols, his apprentice, partner and successor***'. London, 1782. 666 pp. 4 . Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteecth Century, comprising biographical notices of William Bowyer and many of his learned friends : An incidental view of the progress and advance- ment of literature in this kingdom during the last century, and biographical anecdotes of a considerable number of eminent writers and ingenious artists ; with a very copious index. London, 1812-15. 9 v. 8^; A^ol. vii coutaius the copious indexes to the whole work. Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Cen- tury. . . .sequel to the literary anecdotes. London, 1817-48. 7 v. S^. Yol. 8th and last has just been publislied ( 1858 ), containing a full index to the whole work. Nichols, J. B. Catalogue of English County, etc.. Histories for sale, Cat. V. 43, 147. Nicholson, James B. A Manual of the Art of Bookbinding ; con- taining full instructions in the different branches of forwarding, gilding and finishing ; also the art of marbling book edges and paper. . . .The whole designed for the practical workman, the ama- teur and the book-collector : By James B. Nicholson. Philadelphia, 1856.318 pp. 12'. NiCKLiN, Philip H. Remarks on Literary Property : By Philip H. Nicklin, Mem. Am. Phil. Soc ***. Philadelphia, 1838. 144 pp. 18«. NicoLSON, William, Bp. The English Historical Library. In three parts, giving a short view and character of most of our historians, either in print or manuscript ; with an account of our records, law books, coins and other matters serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of England. 2d edition augmented : ByW. Nicolson ***. London, 1714. 272 pp. f^. NlJiiOFF, M. Catalogues of old and new books for sale. La Haye, 1854. 144 pp. Cat. v. 75. NoDiER, Charles. Melanges tires d'une Petite Bibliotheque, ou va- rietes litteraires et philosophiques : Par Charles Nodier. . . .Paris, 1829. 428 pp. With, Doisy, Bibliologie militaire. In 1 v. 8^. Description raisonnee d'une jolie collection de livres (Nouveaux melanges tires d'une petite bibliotheque) : Par Charles Nodier. . . . Precedee d'une introduction, par M. Gr. Duplessis, de la vie de M. Ch. Nodier par M. Francis Wey, et d'une notice bibliographique de ses ouvrages. Paris, Techener, 1844 492 pp. With, Indices and Releve des prix de vente. In 1 v. 8". Notices Bibliographiques. See Bulletin du Bibliophile. NOPITSCH, C. C. Literatur der Sprichworter ; ein Handbuch fiir lite- rarhistoriker bibliographen nnd bibliothekare : Yerfasset von Chris- BIBLIOGRAPHY. 83 tian Conrad Nopitsch Schulinspector zu Schonberg. Zweite ausgabe. Niirnberg, 1833. 284 pp. 8^. Norton, Charles B. Norton's Literar}^ Advertiser, v. 1-3. New- York, May, 1851 -Dec. 1853. 3 v. in 2. 4". Literary Gazette and Publisher's Circular : New series. New- York, 1854, 55. 2v. 4°. Norton's Literary Almanac, 1852. N.Y. 12°. Norton's Literary Register and Book Buyer's Almanac, 1853. N.Y. 12o. Norton's Literary and Educational Register, 1854. New- York, 12". Contains notices of libraries in the United States, and of the Librarians' Convention, Sept. 1853. Norton's Literary Register and Annual Book List, for 1856 : A catalogue of books published in the United States during the year 1855. New-York, 1856. 138 pp. 8°. Bibliotheca Americana : A Catalogue of books on America, on sale. New- York, 1857. Also, Cat. of autographs. 24, 8 pp. Cat. V. 85. Catalogue of the largest collection of autographs, ever offered for sale in the U. S., comprising letters from Washington. . . with prices affixed. New-York, 1857. 16 pp. S*^. Norton's Literary Letter ; comprising American papers of interest, No. 1, Oct. 1857 ; A catalogue of books on America, No. 2, 1858, Catalogue of autographs, coins, medals, maps, etc. etc. relative to America. 46, 46 pp. sm. 4". See American Publishers' Circular and Literary Gazette, weekly, 1855, 56. Vol. I, II; Edited by C. B. Norton. 276, 836 pp. 4°. jSee Jordans & Norton. Notes and Queries. A Medium of intercommunication for literary men, artists and antiquarians London, 1849-55, 12 v. and in- dex, 1 v. — New series, v. 1-4, 1856, 57. 4 v. — 17. sm. 4^. Notice des Manuscrits de quelques bibliotheques des departements. Paris, imprimerie royale, 1842. 52 pp. 4o. Nugent De Rothe, Comte De. Notices des livres.. . .vente. . .Paris, 1835. 48 pp. 8°. Cat. v. 1. Nutt, D. a Catalogue of foreign theology. ..on sale. London, 1837. 372 pp. 8o.— London, 1845. 108 pp. Cat. v. 9. A Catalogue of theological books in foreign languages, inclu- ding the sacred writings, fathers, doctors of the church, schoolmen, and ecclesiastical historians to the death of Boniface VIII, a.d. 1303 ; Jewish and rabbinical commentators, works of the reformers . . . .liturgies. . . .Hebrew and Syriac literature, etc. On sale, Lon- don, 1857. 600 pp. 8o.— Appendix, 1857, 601-734 pp. with modern foreign books. 50 pp. 8^'. In 2 v. 8o. Nyerup, Erasmus. Spicilegium Bibliographicum ex bibliotheca regia Havniensi, continens semi-centufiam monumentor. typograph". raris- 84 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. simor. clar. Mich. Maittairio ignotorum. Praeside Academiae H. a rectore magnifico Abrahaino Hall pro summis honoribus publice tuebitur Erasmus Nyerup, bibliotliecario regio a manu. die 21 Feb. 1784. Havnise, 1784. 192 pp. 18'\ Nys, Charles. Les Archives d'Anvers, et Finventaire de ce depot, publie par Charles Nys; bibliothecaire de la Societe de Olyftak. Anvers, 1852. 43, xxvi pp. 8 '. O. Oakley, Henry A. Outlines of a Course of English Reading, based on that prepared for the Mercantile Lib. Assoc, of the city of N.Y., by the late Chan. Kent, with additions by Charles King New- York, 1853. 120 pp. 12o. Oberlin, Jer. J. Essai d'Annales de la Vie de Jean Gutenberg, inven- teur de la typographie : Par Jer. Jacques Oberlin, de I'lnstitut Nat. de France, Bibliothecaire de I'Ecole centrale du Bas Rhin. Strasbourg, 1801. 45 pp. 8°. Observations on several Authors and Books in the English and Fo- reign languages, necessary for the formation of a select and small library. Pamphleteer, v. 2. O'Callaghan (E. B.) M.D., LL.D. Relations des Jesuites sur les decouvertes et les autres evenements arrives en Canada, et au nord et a I'ouest des Etats Unis (1611-1672). Par le Dr. E. B. O'Calla- ghan . . Traduit de I'Anglais avec quelques notes, corrections et additions. Montreal, 1850. 70 pp. 16''. The original may be found in the Proceedings of N. Y. Hist. Soc. for 1847. OcHOA, Eugenio Be. Catalogo razonado de los Manuscritos Espanoles existentes en la Biblioteca real de Paris, seguido de un suplemento que contiene los de las otras tres biblioteoas publicas (del Arsenal, de Santa Grenoveva, y Mazarina ). Por Eugenio Be Ochoa. Paris, 1844. 703 pp. 4". Oettinger, E. M. Bibliographie Biographique Universelle : Dic- tionnaire des ouvrages re^atifs a I'histoire de la vie publique et privee des personnages celebres de tons les temps et de toutes les nations, depuis le commencement du monde, jusqu'a nos jours : Contenant I*' La designation chronologique de toutes les mono- graphies biographiques ; 2° L 'enumeration de leurs diverses edi- tions, reimpressions et traductions ; 3° Les dates exactes de la naissance et de la mort des personnages mentionnes ; 4*^ La date de I'avenement des souverains . . . . 5*^ L 'indication des portraits joints aux ouvrages cites ; 6'^ Des renseignements sur les bibliotheques publiques oil se trouvent les biographies indiquees ; 7*^ Des notes historiques et litteraires sur les auteurs et les ecrits curieux, sur les ouvrages condamnes au feu, mis a I'index ou saisis par la police, ainsi que sur les ecrits couronnes. . . .sur les pamphlets libelles. . . . Enrichi du repertoire des bio-bibliographies, generales, nationales et speciales. Par Edouard-Marie Oettinger. Tome I"^-- A-M. 1-27390. Tome IP N-Z, 27392-45666. Bruxelles, 1854. 2192 columns in 2 V. imp. 8o. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 85 Ogilby, J. D. Catalogue of Library of, sold, New- York, 1851. Cat. V. 44. Oliveyra, Le Chev. F. X. d'. Memoires historiques, politiques et litteraires concernant le Portugal et toutes ses dependances ; avec la bibliotheques des ecrivains et des historiens de ces etats : Par M-- le Chevalier d'Oliveyra A la Haie, 1743. 384, 384 pp. 2 v. 18o. O'Reilly, Edward. Chronological Account of Irish writers, and descriptive catalogue of such of their works as are still extant, in verse or prose. See Hiberno-Celtic Soc. OsMONT, J. B. L. Dictionnaire t3^pographique, historique et critique des livres rares, singuliers, estimes et recherches en tons genres, contenant par ordre alphabetique les noms et les surnoms de leurs auteurs. . . . On y a joint le prix. . , . Par J. B. L. Osniont***. Paris, 1768. 2 V. 8o. Oswego. First Catalogue of the Oswego City Library : Founded by Gerrit Smith, 1855***. New- York, 1858. 103 pp. 8^. Otto, Friedrich. The History of Russian Literature, with a lexicon of Russian authors : By Dr. Friedrich Otto, Lecturer. . . .Univ. of Erlangen. Trans, from the German,. . . .by the late George Cox. . . Oxford, 1839. XX, 408 pp. 8°. OuDiN, Casimir. Dissertatio de primis artis typographicge inventori- bus, 1722. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. OusELEY, Sir W. Catalogue of several hundred Manuscript Works, in various oriental languages, chiefly Persian, collected by Sir Wil- liam Ouseley, LL.D. London, 1831. viii, 24 pp. 4 '. Owen, William. Account of Ancient Welch Manuscripts ; in a letter from William Owen, Esq. See Soc. of Ant., Archaeologia, V. 14. Oxford University. Catalogus impressorum librorum Bibliotheca3 Bodlejange in Academia Oxouiensi. Cura et opera Thoniae Hyde, e Coll. Reg. Oxon. protobibliothecarii. Oxonii, 1674. 480, 273 pp. in 1 V. f^. ■ Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleiana3, 1697. Catalogi MSS. Oxoniensium pars altera quas collegiorum et aularum codices veteres complectitur. See Catalogi MSS. Angliae. Catalogus Universalis Librorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana, omnium librorum, linguarum et scientiarum refertissima . . . . Auctore Thoma James, S. Th. Doctore. Oxonias, 1620. 539 pp. and appendix. sm. 4". P. Paitoni, Jacopo M. Biblioteca degli autori antichi greci e latini vol- garizzati : che abraccia la notizia delle loro edizioni : nella quale si esamina particolarraente quanto ne hanno scritto i celebri MaiFei, Fontanini, Zeno ed Argellati. In fine si da notizia de'volgarizzamenti della Bibbia, del Messale e del Breviario. Opera librario-litterario- critica, necessaria a tutti i bibliotecarj, e librai, ed utile a tutti gli amatori della letteratura italiana. Di Jacopomaria Paitoni. Tomo I -IV, A - Z ; Tomo V, in cui si da la relazione de'volgarizzamenti della Bibbia, etc. Venezia, 1766-77. 5 v. in. 2 v.4«. 86 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Palermo, Fran. Classazione dei Libri a Stampa dell I. E. R. Pala- tina, in corrispondenza di un nuovo ordinamento dello scibile umano : Di Francesco Palermo. Firenze, 1854. cxiv, 388 pp. S^. Palm, J. H. van der. Catalogus Librorum ac Manuscriptoriim Biblio- thecae Schultensianse, qua duni in vivis erat usiis est Auctio Lugd. Bat. 1841. 314 pp. 8>^. B. C. Palmer, S. A General History of Printing, from the first invention of it in the city of Mentz, to its propagation and progress through most of the kingdoms in Europe, particularly the introduction and success of it here in England ; with the characters of the most celebrated printers. . .and of the considerable improvements which were made during that time. . .By S. Palmer, printer. Three parts. London, 1733. 400 pp. 8". The third part was contmued by G. Psalraanazar. Panciroli, Gr. Guidonis PanciroUi Rerum memorabilium sive de- perditarum. Pars prior : Commentariis illustrata et locis prope innumeris postremum aucta, Henrico Salmuth Ajid Nova Re- perta, sive Rerum memorabilium recens inventarum et veteribus plane incognitarum. . . . liber secundus. Francofurti. . . .1646. 351 and index, 314 and index. 4^. Panzer, George Wolfgang. Litterarische Nachricht von den aller- altesten gedruckten deutschen Bibeln, aus dem funfzehenden jahrhundert, welche in der offentlichen Bibliothek der Reichstadt Niirnberg ausbewahret werden. Nurnberg, 1777. 136 pp. 4^. Geschichte der Nurnbergischen Ausgaben der Bibel, von er- findung der buchdruckerkunst an bis auf unsere zeiten. Nurnberg, 1778. 219 pp. 4°. Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung der altesten Augspurgischen Aus- gaben der Bibel, mit litterarische anmerkungen. Nurnberg, 1780. 148 pp. 4o. Annalen der altern deutschen Litteratur ; oder Anzeige und Beschreibung derjenigen biicher welche von erfindung der buch- druckerkunst bis 1520, in deutscher sprache gedruckt worden sind. Nurnberg, 1788. 464 pp. 4^, Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte Nlirnbergs ; oder Yerzeichniss aller von erfindung der buchdruckerkunst bis 1500 in Niirnberg gedruckten biicher, mit litterarischen anmerkungen. Niirnberg, 1789. 183 pp. 4'. Annales Typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum 31D, post Maittarii, Denisii, aliorumque doctissimorum virorum curas in ordinem redacti, emendati et aucti : Opera Georgii Wolfgang! Panzer. Vol. I-V. Ab anno mdi ad annum mdxxxvi continuati ; Vol. V - XI. Norimbergse, 1793 - 1803. 11 v. 4". Co7itents : Vol. 1-3. Catalogues of books in the order of the towns, 1440-1500. Vol. 4. Books without place, printer or date; Books with date only; Sup- I^lement to three first volumes. Vol. 5. Indexes to four first volumes: 1, Bibliographical, in the alphabetical order of authors; 2, Alpluibetical index to towns and printers. Vol. 6-9. Catalogue of books from 1500 to 1536 in the order of towns, alphabetically arranged. Vol. 9. Books without name of place, printer or date; Books witli date only; Supplement to Vol. 1-3; Supplement to Vol. 6-9. Vol. 10, 11. Cbntiauation of Supplement; Indexes to five last volumes. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 87 Papworth, John W. and Wyatt. Museums, Libraries and Picture Galleries, public and private ; their establishment, formation, ar- rangement and architectural construction. To which is appended the Public Libraries Act, 1850, and Remarks on its adoption by Me- chanics' and other scientific institutions ; with illustrations : By John W. Papworth and Wyatt Papworth ***. London, 1853. 80 pp. and plates, imp. 8°. Paris : Bibliotheque Imperiale. See France. Paris de Meyzieu, M. Bibliotheca Elegantissima Parisina : Cata- logue de livres choisis, provenant du cabinet d'un amateur, tres distingue par son gout La vente se fera a Londres, 28 mars 1791. 194 pp. 8o. Libraiy of M. Paris de Meyzieu, edited in English by Mr. Edwards, and translated into French by M. Laurent, AYith the i)rices at the sale in MS. '' It consists of only 635 articles, and yet it was never equalled for the like number." Dibdin, Bibliomania. Paris, Paulin. Les Manuscrits frangois de la Bibliotheque du Roi ; leur histoire, et celle des textes allemands, anglois, hollandois, italiens, espagnols, de la meme collection : Par M. Paulin Paris. Paris, 1836-48. 7 v. S'\ Notices Bibliographiques. See Bulletin du Bibliophile. Park, Roswell. A Select Catalogue of books on all subjects. Phila- delphia, 1841. See Park's Pantology. Parker, J. H. List of Publications : London, 1848, Cat. v. 26 ; 1851, Cat. V. 47 ; 1853, Cat. v. 64 ; 1856, Cat. v. 80. Parker, J. W. List of Publications : Oxford, 1838, 43, 44, Cat. V. 12, 15 ; 1856, 7, Cat. v. 83. Parker, Matthew. Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum quos Col- legio Corporis Christi et B. Marias Virginis in Academia Cantabri- giensi legavit RR. in Christo Pater Matthaeus Parker. . . . Edidit Jacobus Nasmith. . . .Cantabrigige, 1777. 429 pp. and index. 4^. Parr, Samuel. Bibliotheca Parriana : A Catalogue of the Library of the late Samuel Parr, LL.D Preface by John Lynes. Edited by H. G. Bohn. London, 1827. 708 pp. and index. 8°. Partsch, Paul. Katalog Min. Cab. See Austria. Pasinus, Josephus. Codices Manuscript! Regii Taurinensis Athenaei, per linguas digesti, et binas in partes distributi, in quarum prima hebra3i et graeci, in altera latini, italici et gallici : Recensuerunt et animadversionibus illustrarunt Josephus Pasinus. . . . Bib. Praeses, Antonius Rivantella, Franciscus Berta, ejusdem bibliothecas custo- des. Insertis parvis quibusdam opusculis hactenus ineditis, adjecto- que in fine scriptorum, et eorum operum indice, praeter characterum specimina, et varia codicum ornamenta partim aere, partim ligno incisa. Taurini, 1749. 508, 530 pp. 2 v. f '. Pater, Paulus. De Germaniae miraeulo optimo, maximo, typis litera- rum earumque diff'erentiis dissertatio Lipsiae, 1710. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. ^ Paulinus a S. Bartholom^eo. Musei Borgiani Yelitris Codicis manuscripti avenses, peguani, siamici, malabarici, indostani, ani- • madversionibus historico-criticis castigati et illustrati ; accedunt 88 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. monumenta inedita, et cosmogouia iiidico-thibetana : Auctore P. Paulino a S. Bartholomseo (J. P. Werdru), ex missionario Romse, 1793. 266 pp. 8^. See Alpliabeta Indica. Pauw, Adrian. Catalogus Omnium Librorum ct Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae ill. et nob. viri Domini Adriani Pauw Hagoe Com. 1654. 351 pp. 4o. Payne & Foss. Catalogue of Books in various languages on sale London, 1848. 328 pp. 8o. Peignot, Etienne Gabriel. Dictionnaire raisonne de Bibliologie ; contenant, 1" L 'explication des principaux termes relatifs a la bi- bliographie, a Part typographique, a la diplomatique, aux langues, aux archives, aux manuscrits, aux medailles, aux antiquites, etc. ; 2^ Des notices historiques detaillces sur Ics principales bibliotheques anciennes et modernes sur les plus celebres imprimeurs. ... sur les bibliographes. . . .3". .Differens systemes bibliographiques ; Par G. Peignot .... ***. Paris, 1802. 2 v.--- With, Supplement compose de plus de six cent articles nouveaux sur les matieres e- noncees ci-dessus, avec des corrections. . .et un tableau synoptique de bibliologie. Paris, 1804. 1 v. In 3 v. 8°. Repertoire.de Bibliographies speciales, curieuses et instruc- tives ; contenant la Notice raisonnce, l*' Des ouvrages imprimes a petit nombre d'exemplaires ; 2° Des livres dont on a tire des ex- emplaires sur papier de couleur ; 3*' Des livres dont le texte est grave ; et 4'^ Des livres qui ont paru sous le nom d'ana Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris, 1810. 285 pp. 8o. Repertoire Bibliographique Universel ; contenant la Notice raisonnec des bibliographies speciales publiees jusqu'a ce jour, et d'un grand nombre d'autres ouvrages de bibliographic, relatifs a I'histoire litteraire et a toutes les parties de la bibliologie : Par Gabriel Peignot. Paris, 1812. 514 pp. 8^. Recherches Historiques et Litteraires sur les danses des morts, et sur I'origine des cartes a jouer ; ouvrage orne de cinq lithogra^ phies et de vignettes : Par Gabriel Peignot. Dijon, Paris, 1826, Ix, 368 pp. 8o." Catalogue de Livres anciens, rares et curieux provenant de la bibliotheque de feu G. Peignot . . . dont la vente aura lieu le lundi 8 mars. Paris, 1852. 535 pp. 8«. Pellicer (J. A.) y Saforcada. Ensayo de una bibliotheca de tra- ductores espanoles, donde se da noticia de las traducciones que hay en Castellano de la Sagrada Escritura, santos padres, filosofos, historiadores, medicos, oradores, poetas, asi griegos como latinos ; y de otros autores que han florecido antes de la invencion de la iraprenta. Preceden varias noticias literarias para las vidas de otros escritores espanoles ( Lupercio y Bartholome Leonardo y Argen- sola, y De Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra). Por D. Juan Antonio Pellicer y Saforcada. Madrid, 1778. xvi, 206, 175 pp. 1 v. 8o. Penington, J. Catalogue of Books for sale, Philadelphia, 1849, 100 pp. Cat. V. 31 ; 1850, Cat. v. 33. Pennsylvania. Report of the State Librarian ; with catalogues of books for 1«54, 55. Harrisburg. P^m. v. 209, BIBLIOGRAPHY. 89 Penrose, Rev. Dr. Catalogue of. . . .the library of. . . .rich in books illustrated with engravings which will be sold July 2, 1851, London. 114 pp. 8". PeRISSE Freres. Principales publications. Libraire Catholique. Pa- ris, 1848. 50 pp. 8°. Perrot, M. Catalogue. . . .de la Bibliotheque de feu Monsieur Per- rot. . . .dispose dans un ordre different de celui observe jusqu'a ce jour La vente se fera. . . .22 Jan. 1776. Lie et approuve ce 15 Dec. 1775. Debure Jils ainL Paris, Gogue, 1776. xxxii, 382 pp. 8'\ With prices in MS. Perry, James. Catalogue of the Library of the late J. Perry, Esq., containing. . . rare books. . . . particularly in English poetry, litera- ture and history. . Auction, March 1822, London. Part I, II, III: 96, 47, 53 pp. 1 V. 8o. With prices in MS. Perthes, C. T. Memoirs of Frederick Perthes ; or Literary, reli- gious and political life in Germany from 1789 to 1843 : From the German of Clement Theodore Perthes. . .Edinburgh, 1856. 2 v. 8^^. Petit-Radel, L. C.F. Recherches sur les Bibliotheques anciennes et modernes, jusqu'a la fondation de la Bibliotheque Mazarine, et sur les causes qui ont favorise I'accroissement successif du nombre des livres : Par Louis Charles Frangois Petit-Radel. . .***. Paris, 1819. 448 pp. 8o. Pettigrew, T. J. Bibliotheca Sussexiana : A Descriptive Catalogue, accompanied by historical and biographical notices of the manu- scripts and printed books contained in the library of H. R. H. the Duke of Sussex in Kensington Palace : By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew. . . Librarian. Vol. I, Part 1, 2 ; Vol. II. London, 1829, 1839. ccxciv, 516, Iv, 588 pp. in 2 v. 4°. All the printed books and many of the manuscripts described, are copies ol the Scriptures in various languages. Petzholdt, Julius. Neuer Anzeiger fiir Bibliographic und Biblio- thekwissenschaft, 1856, Dresden. Cat. v. Philadelphia Library Company. See Library Company of Phil'a. Philadelphia Book Trade Sales : 1848, Cat. v. 76 ; 1850, Cat. v. 40; 1851, Cat. V. 45; 1854, 55, Cat. v. 73 ; 1856, Cat. v. 80; 1857, 1 V. 8o. Pickering, John. Catalogue of the philological, classical and law library of the late Hon. John Pickering auction Sept. 1846, Boston. 159, 32 pp. 8°. Picquet, C. Bibliographic diplomatique choisie, et Catalogue syste- matique de cartes de geographic ancienne et moderne. See Martens, Guide diplomatique. PiERQUiN DE Gemblotjx, M. Rcchcrches Historiques et Bibliogra- phiques sur le Tombeau de Narcisse, dediees au Docteur J. P. L. Bertrand. .par Pierquin de Gembloux***. Paris, 1851. 94 pp. 18*^. PlETERS, Charles. Annales de I'lmprimerie Elsevirienne, ou Histoire de la famille des Elsevier et de ses editions : Par Charles Pieters . . .Membre de la Soc. des Bibliophiles de Belgique. . ,***. Gand, 1851. Ivi, 420 pp. 8o. \ Bib. Lib.] 12 90 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. PiNELLi, MafFei. Bibliotheca Pinelliana : Catalogue of the. .Library of MafFei Pinelli, late of Venice ; comprehending. . Greek, Roman and Italian authors. . . . and MSS Will be sold by auction, March 2, 1789. With Appendix, 1790. London. 538, 76 pp. 8 '. Remarkable for the number of its books printed in the XYth century. With prices at the sale in MS. PiNELO, D. Antonio de Leon. Epitome de la Biblioteca oriental y occidental, nautica y geografica : Por el Licenciado Antonio de Leon, Relator del supremo i real conseijo de las Indias En Madrid, 1629. Introduction and tables, 76 pp. Bibliot. 186 pp. and appendix, sm. 4°. PiNKERTON, John. Catalogue of Books of voyages and travels. 255 pp. 4o. Coll. V. 17. Platt, Thomas P. A Catalogue of the Ethiopic Biblical Manuscripts in the Royal Library of Paris, and in the Library of the British and For. Bib, Society : also some account of those in the Vatican Library at Rome ; with remarks and extracts. To which are added specimens of versions of the New Testament into the modern lan- guages of Abyssinia, and a grammatical analysis of a chapter in the Amharic dialect : By Thomas Pell Platt. London, 1823. 85 pp. 4^'. Ploos Van Amstel, Gebroeders. Proef van Letteren, Bloemen, Tekenen en verdere vereischte voor eene drukkery. . . . van de Ge- broeders Ploos van Amstel. Amsterdam, 1767. See Specimens. PococK, Lewis. A Chronological List of books and pamphlets, rela- tive to the doctrine of chances and the rate of mortality, annuities, reversions, marine and fire insurances, and life assurance ; with the titles of the several parliamentary reports connected with friendly societies, and of publications relating to particular life assurance offices : By Lewis Pocock, F.S.A. 2d ed. London, 1842. 47 pp. 8°. Pointer, John. Miscellanea in usum juventutis academicae ; con- taining, 1, Characters of the classick authors 2, Instructions for reading. . . .3, Chronology of. ..4, Catalogue of. . .and editions ... .7, A correction of several palpable mistakes made by some of our English historians and other authors : By John Pointer, M.A. .... Oxford, 1718. 220 pp. 12°. Poole, William F. An Index to Subjects treated in the Reviews and other Periodicals, to which no indexes have been published : Pre- pared for the Library of the Brothers in Unity, Yale College***. New- York, 1848. 155 pp. 8-^. An Index to Periodical Literature : By W. Fred. Poole, A.M. Librarian of the Boston Merc. Lib. Association. New- York, 1853. X, 523 pp. So. Potter (Alonzo), D.D. Bp. Handbook for Readers and Students; intended as a help to individuals, associations, school-districts and seminaries of learning in the selection of works for reading, investi- gation or professional study : By A. Potter, D.D. In three parts ***. 4th ed. New- York, 1847. 331 pp. 18°. Praet, Joseph B. B. Van. Catalogue des Livres iraprimes sur velin de la Bibliotheque du roi : Tome I*"', Thcologie ; Tome II, Juris- prudence; Tome III, Sciences et Arts; Tome IV, Belles Lettres ; TomeV, Histoire. Supplement et Tables. Paris, 1822. 5 v. in 4. 8'>. BIBLIOGEAPHY. 91 Prousteau, Guillaume. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliothequ-e publiqiie, fondee par M. Prousteau, Prof, en Droit dans I'Univ. d'Orleans : eomposee en partie des livres et manuscrits de M. Henri de Valois, et depose chez les ER. PP. Benedictins dans leur mona- stere de Bonne Nouvelle de la meme ville. Nouvelle edition, avec des notes critiques et bibliograpliiques. Par Dr. Louis Fahre. Paris et Orleans, 1777. 402 pp. 4". Valuable for its full titles of all the works contained in the ^'Collections" of works by various authors. Providence Athen^um. Catalogue of the Library and an historical sketch. Providence, 1853. xxxiv, 453 pp. 8°. Provinciaal GtENOOTSCHAP van Kunsten en Wetenschappen in Noord Braband. Catalogus der bibliotheek Hertogenbosch, 1841. 104 pp. 80. Prussia. See Berlin Library. Psaume, Etienne. Dictionnaire Bibliographique, ou Nouveau Manuel du Libraire et de I'amateur de livres, contenant I'indication et le prix de tous les livres tant anciens que modernes qui peuvent trou- ver leur place dans une bibliotheque choisie, les renseignemens necessaires pour distinguer les editions les plus recherchees. . . .des notes critiques, historiques et litteraires Precede d'un essai elementaire sur la bibliographic : Par M. P. . . . Paris, 1824. 2 v. 8°. The Essai elementaire is represented by Nodier as containing a good ana- lysis of bibliographical science for a beginner. Publishers' (The) Circular (and General Record of British and Foreign Literature, containing a complete alphabetical list of all new -works published in Great Britain, and every work of interest published abroad). . . .Advertisements connected with literature and the fine arts pamphlets, single sermons London, Sampson Low, 1839-57. Vol. 1-20, in 15 v. imp. 80. PuRviANCE, Judge. Catalogue of Judge Purviance's Common and Civil Law Library : At auction, Oct. 16, 1855, Baltimore. 69 pp. Supplement : Miscellaneous library, 63 pp. Cat. v. 76. Putnam, G. P. Book Buyer's Manual : Catalogue of Foreign and American books. New-York, 1850. 234 pp. 80. The same. With, Corrections of prices and supplement, 1852. 234, 48 pp. 8°. Also, supplement. Cat. v. 50, 62. — See also Wiley & Putnam. PuTTiCK and Simpson. Auction Sales of Books, 1849, London. 151 pp. Cat. V. 38. Sale of Autographs, MSS. etc. May, 1857. 75 pp. Cat. V. 88. Q. QuARiTCH, B. The Museum : Catalogues of old, foreign and philo- logical books for sale, London, 1848, Cat. v. 26 ; 1850, Cat. v. 37 ; 1850, 51, Cat. V. 47; 1852, Cat. v. 53; 1853, Cat. v. 54, 64, 66; 1855, Cat. V. 71, 77, 78, 80 ; 1856, 57, Cat. v. 83. Queen's College. Catalogue of Books in Queen's College Library, Kingston, C. W. 1853. 29 pp. 8°. QUERARD, J. M. La France Litteraire, ou Dictionnaire bibliographique des savants, historiens et gens de lettres de la France, ainsi que :.2 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. des litterateurs etrangers qui ont ecrit en francais, plus particu- lierement pendant les xviii® et xix^ siecles. Ouvrage dans lequel on a insere. . . .I'indication 1^ Des reimpressions des ouvrages francais de tons les ages ; 2" Des diverses traductions en notre langue 3° Celles des reimpressions faites en France des ouvrages originaux de ces memes auteurs etrangers. . . .Par J. M. Querard. Tome I-X. Paris, 1827-39. 10 v. 8o. La Litterature Frangaise contemporaine, xix^ siecle (1827-49) : Renfermant V Par ordre alphabetique de noms d'auteurs, I'indica- tion chronologique des publications originales des ecrivains frangais, regnicoles et etrangers 2" Une table des livres anonym es et polynymes, qui par leurs publications appartiennent a^cette epoque. 3° Une table de sujets, le tout accompagne de notes biographiques et litteraires. Yol. I, par J. M. Querard. Yol. II, III, par MM. Charles Louandre et Felix Bourquelot. Yol. lY, continuation de la France Litteraire, Dictionnaire bibliographique, etc. Par M. Felix Bourquelot et M. Alfred Maury. Paris, 1842, 46, 48, 52. In 4 V. 8o. The alphabet, as far as purchased, reaches only to Laz. QuiRlNl, Angelo M. Angeli Mariae Card. Quirini . . . Liber singularis de optimorum scriptorum editionibus quae Romse primum prodierunt post divinum typographiae inventum a Germanis opificibus ( 1467- 72) in eam urbem advectum ; plerisque omnibus earum editionum sen prsefationbus sen epistolis in medium allatis. Cum brevibus observa- tionibus ad easdem, rei typographicae origini illustrandae valde opportunis. Recensuit, annotationcs, rerumque notabiliorum indicem adjecit, et diatribam prseliminarem de variis rebus, ad natales artis typographicae dilucidandos facientibus prajmisit Jo. Georgius Scliel- bornius. Lindaugi93, 1761. 266 pp. and index. 4o. R. R***, M. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotbeque de feu M. R**='*= [Reina de Milan) dont la vente aura lieu Paris, 1834. 88 pp. 8o. Cat. V. 2. Raine, M. a Catalogue of the Library of the late Rev. Matthew Raine, D.D at auction, Feb. 27, 1812, London. 92 pp. 8°. With prices and purchasers at the sale in MS. Randolph, J. W. Catalogues of old books for sale, Richmond, Ya. 1850, 56. Cat. v. 85, 92.— Catalogue of law books, Cat. v. 93. Rask, R. K. Catalogues of MSS. in Zend, Singali, and East-Indian languages ; of manuscripts and publications of R. K. Rask in the Royal Library, Copenhagen. See Rask, Samlede, etc. Yol. 3. Gr.L. Raoul-Rochette, David. Catalogue des Livres coraposant la Biblio- theque artistique, archeologique, historique, et litteraire de feu M. Raoul-Rochette Yente Paris, 1855. 389 pp. 8°. Rawlinson, Richard. Translation. See Lenglet du Fresnoy. Ray Society. Bibliog. Zool. et G-eol. See Agassiz, L. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 93 Raynal, Ahhe G. T. F. Anecdotes Litteraires ou Historiques de ce qui est arrive de plus singulier et de plus iuteressant aux ecrivains fran- ^ois, depuis le renouvellement des lettres sous Francois I jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle edition augmentee. Tome I, II, III. Paris, 1752. 3 V. 18o. Reddie, J. Historical Notices of the Roman Law, and of the recent progress of its study in Germany : By John Reddie, Jur. Utr. Doct. Gottingen. Edinburgh, 1826. 133 pp. 8°. L. L. Redwood Library. A Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Company of the Redwood Library and Athenceum in Newport, R.I. Providence, 1843. 95 .pp. With, Proposals for improving the same. Newport, 1856. 8 pp. 1 v. 8°. Reed, Isaac. Bibliotheca Reediana : A Catalogue of the. . . Library of the late. ... J. Reed, esquire. . . . Editor. ... of Shakspeare auction Nov. 2, 1807, London. 405 pp. 8°. English Literature, dramatical and poetical. Reid, John. Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica ; or an Account of all the books which have been printed in the Gaelic language ; with biblio- graphical notices by John Reid. Glasgow, John Reid & Co. 1832. Ixxii, 178 pp. 8^. Reimann, Jacob Friderich. Idea Systematis Antiquitatis LiterariaB generalioris et specialioris desiderati adhuc in republica eruditorum literaria, nunc primum adumbrati a Jacobo F.Reimanno. . . Hilles- heim, 1718. 616 pp. preface and index. With, Antiquitates Lite- rariae iEgyptiorura, hy the same. 192 pp. in 1 v. 18". Relatio de Origine Typographiae, a quo, quo tempore et quo loco ilia primum inventa sit, e documentis ad Faustorum de Aschaifenberg familiam pertinentibus hausta, et e Germ, in Lat. lin. trans, a, L. Klefereko, 1619. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Religio Bibliopole. See Dunton, John. Renouard, Antoine Aug. Annales de I'lmprimerie des Aide ; ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs editions : Par Ant. Aug. Re- nouard. 1^" edition. Tome I, II, III. Paris, 1825. 426, 436, xl, 420 pp. 3 V. in 1. 8'\ Catalogue d'une Precieuse Collection de livres, manuscrits, autographes, dessins et gravures, composant la bibliotheque de feu M. Antoine- Augustin Renouard. . .dont la vente aura lieu. . . Paris, 1854. xxxii, 433 pp. 8^ Renuccini, Marchese. Cataloso della Libreria del fu Marchese Re- nuccini : Tip. di G. Marian! Mila7i, 1850(?). 424 pp. 8°. With prices. Retrospective Review : First series, vol. 1 - 14, 1820-26 ; Second series, Retrospective Review and Historical Antiquarian Magazine, edited by H. Southern and H. H. Nicholas, vol. 1, 2, 1827, 28. London. 16 v. 8°. Reume, Auguste de. Recherches Historiques, genealogiques et biblio- graphiques sur les Elsevier, par A. De Reume. Bruxelles, 1847. 119 pp. So. 94 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Varietes Bibliographiques et Litteraires : I, Imprimeurs beiges. Par Auguste de Reume, Capitaine d'Artillerie, etc. Bruxelles, 1848. 204 pp. 8o. Engraved illustration of each printer. 100 copies printed, Reuss, Jeremias David. Alphabetical Register of all the authors ac- tually living in Great Britain, Ireland, and in the United Provinces of North America, with a catalogue of their publications, from the year 1770 to the year 1790. — Supplement and continuation from the year 1790 to the year 1803. By Jer. David Reuss. Part I, II. A similar title in German. Berlin and Stettin, 1804. 589, 543 pp. 2 V. 8o. Revoil, Chev. Catalogue de Livres. . . vente, Paris, 1834. 53 pp. 8o. Cat. V. 1. Revue Bibliographique du Royaume des Pays Bas et de I'Etranger, ou Indicateur general de I'imprimerie et de la librairie : P^ - IX"'® annee, 1822-30. Bruxelles, P. J. de Mat. 9 v. 8°. Index to each volume. Revue de Bibliograpiiie Analytique ; ou Compte rendu des ouvrages scientifiques et de haute litterature publies en France et a I'etranger, paraissant tous les mois : Par MM. Miller et Aubenas. Paris, 1840 - 45. 6 v. 8o. RiBADENEiRA, Petrus. Catalogus Scriptorum Religionis Societatis Jesu : Auctore P. Petro Ribadeneira, Societatis ejusdem theologo. Secunda editio .... locupletior. Antverpise, 1613. 381 pp. 12°. .b-'ee also Alegambe, Bibliotheca. RiCCOBONi, Louis. Histoire du Theatre italien depuis la decadence de la Comedie latine ; avec un Catalogue des tragedies et comedies italiennes imprimees depuis Pan 1500 jusqu'a I'an 1660, et une dissertation sur la tragedie moderne : Par Louis Riccoboni. Paris, 1728. Prefaces and 319 pp. 8o. Rich, Obadiah. A Catalogue of Books relating principally to America, arranged under the years in which they were printed ( 1500-1700), London, 0. Rich, 1832. 129 pp. 8°. Lettered : Bibliotheca Nova, Vol. 3 of the following : Bibliotheca Americana Nova : A Catalogue of Books relating to America, in various languages ; including Voyages to the Pacific and round the world, and collections of voyages and travels printed since the year 1700 : Compiled principally from the works them- selves, by 0. Rich... Vol. I, 1701-1800; Vol. II, 1801-1844. London, 1846. 424, 412 pp. With a Supplement, Bibliotheca Americana Vetus, 1493-1700. 16, 8 pp. In 2 v. 8°. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Americana Nova : Part I, Ad- ditions and corrections, 1701 to 1800. London, 1841. 424-508 pp. 8>. The four preceding volumes embrace Rich's Bibliotheca comjjlete. The date to Vol. I (1846) belongs to a new titlepage of the publishers : it is the same as the edition of 1835. A General Catalogue for 1837 : I, Books relating to America ; II, Miscellaneous. London. 102 pp. Cat. v. 59. Catalogue of Books relating to North and South America. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 95 London, Jan. 1, 1844. . . .Being the duplicates of Mr. Rich's Ame- rican collection. 48 pp. 8". Cat. v. 3. Also bound in Bib. Araer. Nova, V. 2. A Catalogue of Books : Part I, Relating to America, Oct. 1847. London, Rich & Sons. 40 pp. Cat. v. 25, 31. A Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Botanical Books. . . . for sale by 0. Rich. London, 1835. 16 pp. — Catalogue of botanical books comprising the library of Ortega. London, 1832. Pam. v. 188. Catalogue of a Collection of Manuscripts, principally in Spa- nish, relating to America, in the possession of 0. Rich, London ; with Addenda. 44 pp. and Autograph letters, 4 pp. 18". Systematical Catalogue of works in English literature, 1831,32 to March 1833, for which orders are received by London. 56 pp. 8°. and Cat. v. 56. A First General Catalogue of old and new books offered by 0. Rich, London, 1834. 137 pp. 8^, and Cat. v. 27, 56. Catalogue of a further portion of the stock of books of the late Mr.. 0. Rich. . . auction June 25, 1850, London. 63 pp. Cat. v. 38. Richardson, M. A. Catalogue of reprints of rare tracts : Prospec- tus. Newcastle, Eng. Cat. v. 47. RiMBAULT, Edward F. Bibliotheca Madrigaliana : A Bibliographical Account of the musical and- poetical works published in England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, under the titles of madrigals, ballets, ayres, canzonets, etc. etc. : By Edward F. Rim- bault, LL.D., F.S.A. London, 1847. xvi, 88 pp. 8«. RiTSON, Joseph. Bibliographia Poetica : A Catalogue of English Poets of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with a short account of their works. London, 1802. 407 pp. 12o. Rive, Jean J. La Chasse aux Bibliographes et Antiquaires mal- advises ; suivie de beaucoup de notes sur I'histoire de I'ancienne typographic, et sur diverses matieres bibliologiques et bibliographi- ques, ainsi que de plusieurs eclaircissements sur la reformation des lettres en France, sur. . .la bibliotheque que le Marquis de Mejanes lui a leguee (^422-) . . . Par un des eleves que M. 1' Abbe Rive a lais- ses dans Paris. Tome I, Partie l*"^ ; Tome IT, Partie l'^'^. A Londres {Aix), 1789, 1788. Iviii, 557, 112 pp. 200 copies printed. With, Notice des ouvrages imprimes et manuscrits de I'Abbe Rive. 23 pp. In 1 V. 8-. RiviNus, Andreas. Hecatomba Laudum, et Oratio de Artis Typo- graphicaj praestantia, 1640. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. RoBBiNS, R. American Literature. See Chambers, R. Robertson ( W.), D.D. A Catalogue of Spanish Books and Manu- scripts on America. See Robertson's History of Am. v. 2. 4^. Rochester, N.Y. : City Library, Catalogue, 1839. Pam. v. 170. Catalogue of Law Books in the different libraries in Rochester ....1847. 55 pp.8o. L. L. 96 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Rochester Athen^um and Mechanics' Association. Catalogue of the Library, 1850, Pam. v. 170 ; 1854, 107 pp. 8o. RoDD, Thomas. Catalogue of Books and MSS. on heraldry, genealogy . . . .London, 1842. 30 pp. Cat. v. 7. Catalogue of Books relating to the several countries of America, on sale. . . .London, 1843. See Miller's Desc. of N. Y. Catalogue of MSS. and ancient deeds a very curious col- lection of official papers relating to America .London, 1845. 44 pp. Cat. V. 7. Catalogue of MSS., Autographs, and Catalogues of Collections of MSS. London, 1847. 46 pp. Cat. v. 27. Catalogue. . .in Theology, etc. Lond. 1848. 236 pp. In geology, the arts and sciences, 1847. 146, 242 pp. Cat. v. 27. RoDGERS, Dr. »T. K. Catalogue of his medical library, sold, 1853. N.Y. Cat. V. 49. Roman Catholic Church. Index Librorum prohibitorum et ex- purgatorum 111"" ac R. DD. Bernardi de Sandoval et Roxas, Card, et Archiep. Tolet., Hispaniarum Primatis. . .Generalis Inquisitoris . . . auctoritate et jussu editus. . . Juxta exemplar excusum Madriti. . . . anno 1612, 14. Auctus B. Turrett. prasfatione et hispanic. decret. Latina versione. , . ,***. G-enevae, 1619. 880 pp. 4o. Index Librorum prohibitorum et expurgandorum novissimus. Pro Catholicis Hispaniarum regnis Philippi IV., regis cathol. ill. ac R. DD. Antonii a Sotomaior Hispaniarum, Sicilice et Indiarum gen. inquisitoris. . .jussu ac studiis. . .recognitus. . .Juxta exemplar excusum Madriti, ex typog. Didaci Diaz 1667. 992 pp. f^. This edition contains also, Regulie generales, Index universalis, and Turre- tin's preface to the edition of 1619, at Geneva. Index Librorum prohibitorum usque ad diem 4 Junii anni 1744, regnante Benedicto XIV. P. 0. M. Romae, 1744. 639 pp. and appendix to 1745. 12^. An Exact Reprint of the Roman Index expurgatorius {Rovicb, 1608). The only Vatican index of this kind ever published, edited with a preface by Richard Gribbings Dublin, 1837. Ixxxv, 608 pp. 18°. Index Librorum prohibitorum juxta exemplar Romanum jussu sanctissimi Domini nostri editum anno 1835. Accesserunt suis locis nomina eorum qui usque ad banc diem damnati fuere. Mechliniae, 1852. lii, 419 pp. With, Supplementum . . .ad banc diem. . . .1852. 20 pp. 12'\ Romeyn, Rev. J. B. Catalogue of the Library of. . .at auction. New- York, 1825. 54 pp. 8% and Cat. v. 79. RooRBACH, Orville A. Bibliotheca Americana : Catalogue of Ame- rican Publications, including reprints and original works, from 1820 to 1848 inclusive. . . .New- York, 1849. 360 pp. 8'>. Supplement to the Bibliotheca Americana with a list of Periodicals. New- York, 1850. 8°. Supplement. .. .from 1852 to May 1855, including also a re- petition of such books as have either changed prices or publishers BIBLIOGRAPHY. 97 during that period. Compiled and arranged by Orville A. Eoorbach. New- York, 1855. 220 pp. With, Carter's, Randolph's, Redfield's, Stanford & Sword's Lists. 8o. Addenda May 1855 - March 1858. New- York. 8o. RoRET, Librairie Encyclopedique. Paris. Cat. v. 32. Rose, Hugh J. Catalogue of the Library of the late Rev. Hugh James Rose, B.D auction, London (1840 ? ). 66 pp. 8^. RosENBAUM, Julius. Additamcnta ad Lud. Choulanti Bibliothecam medico-historicam : Edidit Julius Rosenbaum, Dr. Halis Sax. 1842. 83 pp. 8^ Rossr, Johannes Bernardus de. De Hebraicae Typographiae origine, ac primitiis seu antiquis ac rarissimis hebraicorum librorum editionibus seculi XV Disquisitio historico-critica : Recudi curavit M. Grvilielmus Fridericus Hvfnagel. Erlangse, 1778. 141 pp. 12°. — Annales Hebraeo-typographici ab an. mdi ad mdxl : Digessit notisque historico-criticis instruxit Joh. Bernardus de Rossi, Ling. Orient. Professor. Parmse, ex regio typog. 1799. 64 pp. & index. 4«. Annali Ebreo-tipografici di Sabbionetta. See Affo, I. RouARD, E. Notice sur la Bibliotheque d'Aix, dite de Mejanes ; precedee d'un Essai sur I'histoire litteraire de cette ville, sur ses anciennes bibliotheques publiques, sur ses monuments, etc. ; Par E. Rouard. Paris, Aix, 1831. 312 pp. 8°. RoxBURGHE, John, Duke of. Catalogue of the Library of the late. . Arranged by Gr. & W. Nicol ; which will be sold by auction, 18th May 1812. With, Supplement. London. 285, 20 pp. 8°. Early English literature, French and Italian romances, poetry, dramatic works, etc. "With the prices at the sale. Royal Asiatic Society. Catalogue of the Library of .... . Part I, Printed books. London, 1830(?). 75 pp. 4°. Royal Institution op Great Britain : Catalogue of the Library arranged by W. Harris, keeper. London, 1809. 482 pp. 8o. Ruprecht, C. J. F. W. Bibliotheca Medico-chirurgica, pharmaceutico- chemica et veterinaria ; oder Greordnete Uebersicht aller in Deutsch- land und im Ausland neu erschienenen. . . . biicher .... Gottingen, 1854. 1^ heft, Jan. -Jun. 1854. 56 pp. 8^. Cat. v. 75. Bibliotheca Theologica, 1855, Cat. v. 86. Russell Institution. A Catalogue of the Library. . . . Classed and arranged by E. W. Brayley ; with the rules. London, 1835. Appen- dix to the Catalogue. . .arranged by E. W. Brayley. London, 1837. 254, 36 pp. in 2 v. 8°. Russia. Catalogus Systematicus Bibliothecae Horti Imperialis Botanici Petropolitani : Curavit E. De Berg. Petropoli, 1852. xvi, 514 pp. 8o. Catalogue des Manuscrits et Xylographes orientaux de la Bi- bliotheque Imperiale publique de St. Petersbourg. St. Petersbourg, 1852. xliv, 719 pp. imp. 8°. [ Bib. Lib.] 13 98 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. S. Salem Athen^UM : Catalogue of the Library. Salem, 1842. 171 pp. 8^ Salford Borough Royal Museum and Library. . . . Catalogue of the Library. Manchester, 1851. 237 pp. 8". Sixth Annual Report, 1854. Pam. v. 209. Salmtjth, Henricus. Be Typographiae Inventione, verissima historia, 1629. See Panciroli, and Marchand, Histoire. Salva, V. Catalogo de los Libros antiguos de Literatura espanola. . en la libreria Paris, 1847. 94 pp. Cat. v. 32. Santander, M. De La Serna. See La Serna Santander. Sarrdt, Germain, et B. Saint Edme : Biographie des hommes du jour. Paris, 1835-41. 6 v. roy. 8°. W. C. 835. Savage, James. The Librarian ; being an Account of scarce, valuable and useful English books, manuscript libraries, public records, etc. etc. : By James Savage, of the London Institution. Periodical, 18 Nos. London, W. Savage. July 1808 - Dec. 1809. 3 v. 8^ Savage, William. Practical Hints on Decorative Printing ; with il- lustrations engraved on wood, and printed in colours at the type press : By William Savage. London, 1822 (1823). 119 pp., index and 55 illustrated pages. 1 v. f '. A Dictionary of the Art of Printing : By William Savage. London, 1841. 815 pp. 8^ Saxius, Jos. Ant. Historia Literario-typographica Mediolanensis, in qua de studiis literariis antiquis et novis in hac metropoli institutis ; de tempore inductee Mediolanum typographiae ; et primis hujus artis opificibus, de viris doctrina illustribus qui saeculo xv in eadem urbe floruere, atque eorum MSStis operibus in Ambrosiana Bibliotheca servatis disseritur. Adjecta sunt appendix epistolarum, quae libris, tunc ibidem editis, affixse legebantur ; et Catalogus Codicum Medio- lani impressorum ab anno mcdlxv ad annum md. Auctore Joseph Antonio Saxio. 114 pp. and 251 col. See Argelati, P. ScAPiN, Carlo. Catalogo di Libri. . . che si trovano vendibili appresso Padova, 1839. 288, 77 pp. 12o. SCHAUBERT, J. Gr. De Orig. typog. See Munch, Gr. B. Schelhorn, J. G. Diatriba. 72 pp. See Quirini, A. M. ScHEUCHZER, Joh. J. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Historiae naturali om- nium terras regionum inservientium : Historiae Naturalis Helvetiae prodromus. Accessit celeberrimi viri Jacobi Le Long. . . . de Scrip- toribus Hist. Nat. Galliae : Collegit Joh. Jacobus Scheuchzer Tiguri, 1716. 241 pp. 18o. ScHTNMEiER, Johaun A. Versuch einer Vollstiindigen Schwedischen Bibel-iibersetzungen und Ausgaben, mit anzeige und beurtheilung ihres worths ; nebst einem Anhange von einigen seltenen handschrif- ten, und den lebensumstanden der dabey interessirten merkwiirdigsten BIBLIOGRAPHY. 99 personen, aus den bewiihrtesten quellen gesammlet von D. Johann Adolph Schiumeier. Flensburg und Leipzig, 1777, 78. 68, 116, 204 pp. 1 V. 4". ScHLEGEL, Aug. W. Katalog der. . . . nachgelassenen bucliersammlung. Bonn, 1845. 117 pp. Cat. v. 34. Oriental Literature, Philological, Fine Arts, etc. Schmidt, Johannes. Gott zu Lob, Drey Christliclie Danckpredigten ; wegen dero im jalir 1440, und also vor zweyhundret jahren, durch gottliche Eingebung, in Strassburg erfundenen hochwerthen Theu- ren buchdruckerkunst. . . .In volckreicher versamlung zu Strassburg anno 1640, den 18. 25 Augusti und 1 Sept. gehalten und auff begehren inTruckgegeben, durch Johannem Schmidt. Anno mdcxli. Gotha, 1740. With, Joannis Henrici Boccleri oratio, anno 1640. . . in qua de Typographia. . . . disseritur. 127 pp. in 1 v. 12°. The same, in Latin. Conciones tres, etc. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. ScHNURRER, Christ. F. De. Bibliotheca Arabica : Auctam nunc atque integram edidit Christianus Fridericus De Schnurrer. Halaa ad Salam, 1811. 529 pp. 8o. ScHOEPPLiN, Joh. D. Jo. Danielis Schoepflini. Vindiciae typogra- phicge. With appendix, Documenta typographicarum originum ex Argentinensibus tabulariis et bibliothecis nunc primum edita. Argen- torati, 1760. 120, 52 pp. sm. 4°. With 7 engraved fac similes. Schoolcraft, H. R. A Bibliographical Catalogue of Books, Trans- lations of the Scriptures, and other Publications in the Indian Tongues of the United States, with brief critical notices. Washington, 1849. 27 pp. 8«. — ■ The same, enlarged. See InformatioTi respecting the History. . of the Indian Tribes. Part 4. 1854. 4°. SCHOTEL, Dr. G. D. J. Lettre a M. J. de Wal, sur les Archives du Royaurae a La Haye. Li French and Dutch. La Haye, 1850, 51. 24 pp. 8^. ScHOTT, Andreas. See Hispanias Bibliotheca. ScHOTT, Dr. William. See Berlin Royal Library. ScHRAGius, Adamus. Historia Typographiae Argentorati inventae, 1640 : Latine reddita. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. ScHROEDER, Rev. J. F. Bibliotheca Probata. See Dana (D.) jr. ScnUBARTH, Dr. Repertorium der Technischen Literatur die jahre 1823, bis einschl. 1853 umfassend. Zum gebrauch der k. technischen deputation fiir gewerbe. Bearbeitet von Dr. Schubarth Berlin, 1856. xxiv, 1050 pp. 8°. Schumacher, H. C. Catalogue des Livres et Cartes composant la Bibliothequede feu M. H. C. Schumacher. Premiere partie : Sciences mathematiques, physiques et naturelles. En vente chez A. Asher et C^% Berlin, 1855. 147 pp. 8o. Prices. Schwarz. C. G. Primaria Documenta, 1740. See Munch, G. B. Scribner's (C.) Descriptive Catalogue, N.Y. 1854. Cat. v. 72. ScRiVERius, Petrus. Laurea Laurentii Costeri inventoris typographiae. Harlemi, 1628. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. 100 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Seemiller, Sebastian. Bibliothecae Academicge Ingolstadiensis In- cunabula typographica, sen libri ante annum 1500 impress! circiter niille et quadrigenti ; quos secundum annorum seriem disposuit, descripsit, et notis historico-litterariis illustravit Sebastianus See- miller Fasc. I, II, III. Ingoldstadii, 1787, 88, 89. 192, 174, 196 pp. and indices, in 2 v. #. Seguier, Jean F. Bibliotheca Botanica, sive Catalogus auctorum et librorum omnium qui de re botanica, de medicamentis ex vegetalibus paratis, de re rustica et de horticultura tractant, a Joanne-Francisco Seguierio Nemausense digestus. Accessit Bib. Botan. Jo. Ant. Bumaldi seu potius Ovidii Montalbani, Bononiensis (1657). Hagae Com., 1740. 450, 66 pp. 4°. Seiz, Jo. C. Annus tertius saecularis inventse artis typographicaD, sive brevis historica enarratio de inventione nobillisimas artis typogra- phicae, in qua ostenditur quo tempore, a quo et ubi locorum ea primum fuerit inventa. . . . Auctore Joanne Christiano Seiz, Franco- Germano. Ex idiomate Belgico in gratiam exterorum Latine, et hinc inde auctiorreddita***. Harlemi, 1742. xxviii, 248 pp. and index. 8". Selden, John. Johannis Seldeni Angli, Liber de Nummis, in quo antiqua pecunia Romana et Graeca metitur precio ejus, quae nunc est in usu. Hinc accedit elenchus auctorum, qui de antiquis numis- matibus Hebraeis, Grsecis, Romanis ; necnon de monetis, ponderibus et mensuris, ad bunc usque annum scripserunt. Pliilip Lahbe^ author. Londini, 1675. 19, 86 pp. sm. 4°. Senepelder, Alois. A Complete Course of Lithography ; containing clear and explicit instructions in all the different branches and manners of that art, accompanied by illustrative specimens of drawings : To which is prefixed a history of lithography, from its origin to the present time, by Alois Senefelder, inventor of the art . . . .With a preface by Frederic von Schlichtegroll .... Trans, from the original German, by A. S. London, 1819. xxix, 342 pp. 4°. Uebersicht der einzig bestehenden vollstiindigen incunabeln- sammlung der lithographic und der iibrigen Senefelder'schen erfin- dungen als metallographie, papyrographie, papierstereotypen und oelgemaldedruck (ohne presse). Mit einem vorwort begleitet zur sechzigjahrigen gedachtnissfeier der Munchener-erfindung der litho- graphic von sammler und lebenslanglichen hausfreund des erfinders Franz Maria Ferchl. Mit vielen abbildungen. , . .Miinchen, 1856. 91 pp. 8o. Serarius, Nicolaus. Dissertatio de Typographiae inventione ex ejus Rerum MogU7iciacaru?n . .See Marchand, Hist, de I'imprimerie. Serie dell' Edizioni Aldine, per ordine cronologico ed alfabetico. Terza edizione con emendazioni e giunte. Firenze, 1803. 84, 195 pp. 12°. Prices. This list was drawn up by Cardinal Lom^nie de Brienne, with the aid of Father F. X. Laire. The third edition was prepared by Giuseppe Mo- lini. Servais, G. J. De. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de feu M. Gaspar Joseph De Servais, dont la vente se fera. . . .1808, Ma- lines. 440 pp. 8°. Prices in MS. Valuable on the History of the Netherlands, in Bibliography and 15th cen- tury editions. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 101 Sheldon, Lamport and Blakeman's Publications, N.Y. 1855. Cat. V.72. Shurtleff, Nathaniel B. A Decimal System for the arrangement and administration of libraries. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. ***Boston, Privately printed, 1856. 80 pp. 4°. SiLBERMANN, Gr. Album Typographique, publie a I'occasion de la quatrieme fete seculaire de I'invention de I'imprimerie : Par Gr. Silbermann, imprimeur a Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 24 Juin, 1840. 36 ill. pages, gr. 4o. SiLLlG, P. H. Die Shakespeare Literatur bis mitte 1854, zusammen- gestelt und herausgegeben von P. H. Sillig. Ein bibliographischer versuch eingefiihrt von Dr. H. Ulrici. . . .Leipzig, 1854. 103 pp. 8o. SiLVESTRE, M. Book auction catalogues. Paris, 1835. Cat. v. 1. SiLVESTRE, J. B. Alphabet Album : Collection de soixante feuilles d'alphabets, histories et fleuronnes. Tires des principales biblio- theques de I'Europe, ou composes par Silvestre, Professeur de Calligraphic des Princes. Graves par Giraut. Paris, 1843. Chez J. Techener. f". Universal Palaeography ; or Fac-similes of Writings of all nations and periods, copied from the most celebrated and authentic manuscripts in the libraries and archives of France, Italy, Ger- many, and England ; with a descriptive text and introductions by M. ChampoUion : trans, from the French, by Sir F. Madden. Lon- don, 1850. 2 V. gr. f<^, and 2 v. 8^. 4 v. Sims, Richard. Hand-book to the Library of the British Museum ; containing a brief history of its formation, and of the various col- lections of which it is composed ; descriptions of the catalogues in present use; classed lists of the manuscripts, etc with some account of the principal libraries in London : By Richard Sims. . . London, 1854. 414 pp. 18^. Singer, S. W. Some Account of the Book printed at Oxford in MCCCCLXVlil, under the title of Exposicio Sancti Jeromini in Sim- bolo Apostolorum : In which is examined its claim to be considered the first book printed in England. London, 1812. 44 pp. 8^. Skegg, Edward. Catalogue of the singularly curious .... Library of Edward Skegg, esquire ; arranged by S. Leigh Sotheby. . . auction, London, 1842. 155 pp. 8". With a memoir from the Gentleman's Magazine. Smith, John. The Printer's Grammar; wherein are exhibited, exa- mined and explained, the superficies, gradation and properties of the different sorts and sizes of metal types cast by letter-founders ; sun- dry alphabets and many other requisites for attaining a more perfect knowledge both in the theory and practice of the art of printing ; with directions to authors By John Smith, Regiom. Loudon, 1755. 312 pp. 8°. The Printer's Grammar ; containing a Concise History of the origin of printing ; also an examination of the superficies of types schemes for casting of copy and imposing chiefly collected from Smith's edition : To which are added Directions for pressmen . . .and E. Fry's Specimen, 1764-87. London, 1787. 369 pp. 8°. 102 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Smith, John Russell. Bibliotheca Cantiana ; a BibliograpMcal Ac- count of what has been published on the history, topography, anti- quities, customs and family history of the County of Kent : By John Russell Smith. London, 1837. 360 pp. imp. 8°. Old Book Circulars : 1842-45, Cat. v. 7; 1844, Part III, Cat. V. 4 ; 1846, 47, Cat. v. 23 ; Books on America, 1849 ( bound with Gowan's) ; Catalogue of 25,000 pamphlets, also of MSS. for sale, 1851, Cat. v. 47 ; 1852, Cat. v. 53 ; 1854, Cat. v. 71 ; Con- tinuation of 1855, Cat. V. 78 ; 1856, Cat. v. 71. Bibliotheca Americana : A Catalogue of. ...Books and Pam- phlets relating to the history and geography of North and South America. . . .for sale by. . . .London, 1853. 196 pp. 8". The same : Pamphlets relating to America, a catalogue ( re- yrint from p. 99), Cat. v. 78 ; Ancient and modern pamphlets, 64 pp. Cat. V. 38. A Bibliographical Catalogue of English writers on angling and ichthyology. London, J. R. Smith, 1856. 47 pp. 12o. Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology : Edited by William Smith. . . . London, Boston, 1855. 3 V. 8o. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge : Publications of Learned Societies and Periodicals in the Library of the Smithsonian Institution, to May 1856. Part I, Part II. See Vol. VII, VIII. SociETE pour les Interets de la Librairie Neerlandaise : Catalogue de livres originaux publies en Hollande. See Exposition universelle, Paris, 1855. Society for the Encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce . . . .Official Catalogue of the Educational Exhibition of boohs and apparatus ai St. Martin's Hall, July 4, 1854, Second edition, greatly enlarged. . . .Edited by G. W. Yapp. London. 190 pp. 8''. Society op Antiquaries of London : A Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library. . . , Prepared by Nicholas Carlisle. London, 1816. With, A Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library. .. .Pre- pared by Sir Henry Ellis. London, 1816. 216, 92 pp. in 1 v. 4^. Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne : A Catalogue of the Manuscripts, Books, Roman and other antiquities belonging to Newcastle Hodgson, 1839. 95 pp. 8'^ Society of Friends : Catalogue of Books belonging to the Library of the Four Monthly Meetings of Friends of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia, 1853. 350 pp. 12o. SoLEiNNE, M. De. Bibliotheque Dramatique de Monsieur De So- leinne : Catalogue redige par P. L.Jacob (P. Lacroix), bibliophile Paris, 1843-45. 322, 391, 368, 226, 255 pp. Appendixes to vol. 3 & 5., 56 & 88 pp. 5 v. in 2 v. 8«. ConLenis : Vol. 1. Theatre oriental, grec et romain, latin moderne, ancien theatre fran- 5ais, moderne depuis Jodelle jusqu'a Racine. Vol. 2. Theatre frangais depuis Racine, jusqu'a V. Hugo; des provinces, a I'etranger. Vol. 3. Suite : Recueils manuscrits, theatre de la cour, ballets, theatres de Paris, burlesque, theatre de soci6t6, proverbes dramatiques, theatre BIBLIOGRAPHY. 103 d' education, pieces satiriques, pieces en patois, dialogues; Appendix; Collection d'autographes. Vol. 4. Theatre italien, espagnol et portugais, allemand, anglais, su6dois, flamand et liollandois, russe et polonois, turc, grec et valaque. Vol. 5. Ecrits relatifs au theatre, religion, morale, histoire, bibliographic, etc.; Estampes. Derniere Partie : Livres doubles et omis. SoMAL, Placido S. Quadro della Storia Letteraria di Armenia : Es- tesa da Mons. Placido Sukias Somal, Arcivescovo. , . Venezia, 1829. XX, 241 pp. 8o. SoTHEBY, S. Leigli. Observations upon the Handwriting of Philip Melancthon, illustrated with fac-similes. . . .Also a few specimens of the autograph of Martin Luther, with explanatory remarks : By S. Leigh Sotheby. London, 1839. Introd., 33 plates with explanatory text. fo. — — — ^ Principia Typographica : The Block Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, issued in Holland, Flanders and Germany during the fifteenth century, exemplified and considered in connection with the origin of printing ; to which is added an attempt to elucidate the character of the paper-marks of the period : A work contemplated by the late Samuel Sotheby, and carried out by his son, Samuel Leigh Sotheby. Vol. I, Holland and the Low Countries ; Vol.11, Germany; Vol. Ill, Paper -marks. London, 1858. 3 v. xvi, 200, 21G, 192 pp. gr. 4^. Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of books and engravings, . .of an eminent collector (Libri?), to be sold, London, 1850. 134 pp. Cat. v. 38. See also Libri, M. Sotheby & Wilkinson. Catalogue of a library. . . rich in works relating to America. . . . Specimens of printing of Caxton with MSS sold by auction, 10 June 1856, London. 81 pp. 8o. With prices and purchasers. SouTHEY, Robert. Catalogue of the Library of sold by auction, May 8, 1844. London, 208 pp. 8^^. Including Spanish & Portuguese literature. With prices and purchasers at the sale in MS. Specimen-books of Dutch type-foundries : A. G. Mappa, Rosart, Ploos van Amstel, Voskens en Clerk, etc. 1760-80. In 3 v. 8^ and 12o. Spencer, John C. Law Library of, sold, Albany, 1856. Cat. v. 93. Spilsbury, W. H. Lincoln's Inn ; its ancient and modern buildings, with an account of the library : By William Holden Spilsbury, li- brarian. London, 1850. 324 pp. 18 •. L. L. Spizelius, Theophilus. Infelix Literatus, labyrinthis et miseriis suis cura posteriori ereptus. . . .sive de vita et moribus literatorum com- monefactiones novae historico-theosophicae Authore Theophilo Spizelio. Aug. Vindel. 1680. Vol. 1-4. 1136 pp. 4 v. 16°. — Literatus Felicissimus, sacrae metaneae proselytus ; sive de con- versione literatorum commentarius Autore Theophilo Spizelio. Accessit ejusdem, Pius literati hominis secessus : Vol. 1, 2. With, Selecta doctorum veterum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorura, de vera . . .conversione monumenta. . . .cum praefationibus T. S. : Vol, 3, 4. Aug. Vind. 1685. 558, 539 pp. 4 v. 16«. 104 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Spon, Jacob. Le Nouveau Spon. .See Monfalcon, J. B. Sprague, William B., D.D. Annals of the American Pulpit. . . with Historical Introductions, by William B. Sprague, D.D. : Vol. I, II, Congregational ; Vol. Ill, IV, Presbyterian. New-York, 1857, 8. 4 V. 8o. Contains copious lists of the published writings of New-England clergymen. Stanley, George. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. See Bryan, M. Stark, J. M. Catalogue of Illuminated MSS. for sale, Lond. 1856. Cat. V. 82. Steele, Oliver. List of Books for sale, Albany, 1830. 12°. B. C. Steenwijk, a. van. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque superbe de theologie catholique. . .et de literature. . , . Vente a Amsterdam, 18 mai 1854. 160 pp. Cat. V. 67. Steigenberger, Gerhoh. Historisch-literarischer Versuch von Ent- stehung und Aufnahme der Chiirfurstlichen Bibliothek in Miinchen . . . .Den 28 Marz 1784 Miinchen. See Bav. Acad. Mem. v. 3. Literarische-kritische Abhandlung ijber die zwo alleriilteste gedruckte deutsche Bibeln, welche in der kurfiirstl. Bibliothek in Miinchen auf bewahrt werden ; mit Anhange und vier kiipfertafeln : Von Gerhok Steigenberger. Miinchen, 1787. 63 pp. 4*^. Stevens, Henry. American Bibliographer. Vol. I, No. 1, 2 : Jan., Feb. 1854. 96 pp. 8 '. A to Cur. Catalogue of my English Library, collected and described by Henry Stevens, G.M.B.,F.S. A....***. London, 1853. 108 pp. 18^. American Nuggetts. Bibliotheca Americana ; or a Descriptive Account of my collection of rare books relating to America : Henry Stevens***. London, Whittingham, 1858. 805 pp. 2 v. 18o. 2934 full titles, with prices. Catalogue of American Books in the Library of the British Museum. London, 1857. 628 pp. in 2 v. 8'^. The work with index, titlepage and preface, is not yet published : it em- braces about 14,000 full titles of 20,000 volumes — perhaps a larger number of titles of American books than is found in any printed catalogue. Stewart, C. J. A Catalogue of Bibles and Biblical Literature. . . . classified. . . .on sale at the prices affixed. London, 1849. 238 pp. 8°. Stiernman, Andreas A. Bibliotheca Suio-Gothica, in qua, prasmissa de philosophia gothorum, eorumque in literas meritis, dissertatione, reges, heroes, magnates, atque viri ab antiquissimis retro tempo- ribus, sc. anno mundi mmmccclxii eruditionis fama clari atque insignes, enumerantur. Eorumque scripta edita, inedita, deperdita ac affecta accurate luci restituuntur publicse . . . coUecta et in vii . . . tomos distributa per Andream Antonium Stiernman. Tomus se- cundus, in quo exhibentur tempora. . . . Caroli Noni atque Gustavi Adolphi ab anno Christi 1600 usque ad annum 1632, et qui sub illis floruerunt. Holmiae, 1731. 876 pp. and index. 4°. All that was published. Starcke, p. De Ortu Typographiae, 1666. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. Storcii, a. Antiquarischer Katalog. Bohemica et Slavica ab a. 1731- 1857. Prag, 1858. 132 pp. 8o. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 105 Story, Joseph. Catalogue of library of. ...at auction, Boston, 1846. Cat. V. 20. Stower, C. The Printer's Grammar ; or Introduction to the art of printing, containing a concise history of the art, with the improve- ments in the practice of printing, for the last fifty years : By C. Stower. London, 1808. With, Specimens of modern cut printing types from the founderies of Messrs. Fry & Steele, and Messrs. Caslon & Catherwood. 530 pp. with spec, and index. 8". Strauss, Andreas. Opera rariora qua? latitant in Bibliotheca Canon. Beg. Collegiatae ecclesiae ad S. Joannem Baptistam in liebdorf. Collegit, notis illustravit et edidit ejusdem collegii bibliothecarius, A.D. 1790. Eichstadii. 350 pp. sm. 4". Strettell, a. a Catalogue of the curious Library of Amos Strettell, Esq rare old poetry, curious tracts. . . .which will be sold Feb. 29, 1820, Loudon. 62 pp. S^. With prices and pur- chasers at the sale, in MS. Strutt, Joseph. A Biographical Dictionary, containing an historical account of all the engravers, from the earliest period of the art of engraving to the present time ; and a short list of their most es- teemed works, with the cyphers, monograms, and particular marks used by each master To which is prefixed, an essay on the rise and progress of the art of engraving, both on copper and on wood. By Joseph Strutt. London, 1785, 86. 366, 488 pp. in 2 v. 4«. With 17 engraved fac similes. Struve, B. G. Burcardi Gotthelifi Struvii, Bibliotheca Philosophica in suas classes distributa. Editio tertia. Jenas, 1712. With, Jo. Henrici Ackeri, Supplementa ad Bibliothecam Philosophicam Struvianam. Jenae (1714), and, B. G. Struvii, Bibliotheca juris selecta, secundum ordinem literarium disposita, atque ad singulas juris partes directa. Accessit selectissima bibliotheca juris studiosorum, atque index. . . Ed. quarta. Jenae, 1714. 203, 120, 730 pp. and indexes in 1 v. 18o. SuARD, J. B. A. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de feu M. J. B. A. Suard dont la vente se fera 1818. Paris, 1817. 179 pp. 8^ SuLZER, Johann George. Allgemeine Theorie der Schonen Kiinste. . . Leipzig, 1792-94. 4 v. 8°. At the end of eacli article in this Dictionary is a list of the authors in various languages, who have written on the subject. Sussex, Duke of. Bibliotheca Sussexiana. The extensive and valuable library of H. B. H. the late Duke of Sussex. Part I, Theology ; Part II, Manuscripts ; Part III, English, Irish and Scotch History ....Partly, Classics, foreign history, antiquities, fine arts; Part V, Poetry, the drama law, bibliography ; Part YI. . . . * Auction, July 1, 1844 -Aug. 11, 1845, London. 257, 44, 73, 141, 146, 59 pp. in 1 V. 8«. SWAINSON, William. The Bibliography of Zoology; with biographical sketches of the principal authors. 300 pp. See Lardner's Cye. N" 104. G. L. Sweet, S. Catalogue of Modern Law Books. . .with all the reporters from the earliest period : By S. Sweet, law bookseller. London, 1843. 272 pp. 18". [ Bib. Lib.] 14 106 NEW-YOEK STATE LIBRARY. T. Tableau Bibliograpliique des ouvrages en tous genres qui ont paru en France Annual. Paris, 1827-40. 14 v. 8«. Tailliar, M. Manuscrits a Douai. See Dutliilloeul, H. R. Talvi, Pseud. Historical View of the languages and literature of the Slavic nations, with a sketch of their popular poetry : By Talvi [Mrs. T. Jacob Robinson). With a preface by E. Robinson, D.D., LL.D. New- York, 1850. 412 pp. 12o. Tarljer, Jules. Notice Bibliographique sur les traductions italiennes, espagnoles, portugaises, frangaises, anglaises, allemandes, hollan- daises, danoises, polonaises et grecques des satires de Perse : par le Docteur Jules Tarlier. Bruxelles, 1848. xxiii pp. imp. 8°. Taschereatj, J. Catalogue. See France, Bibliotheque Iniperiale. Tauchnitz, Karl. Proben aus der Schriftgiesserei von Karl Tauchnitz, in Leipzig, 1831. 82 pp. 8^. Taylor, Walton and Maberly's Catalogues, London, 1849. Cat. V. 28. Taylor, Baron J. Catalogue of the. .. .Library of M. le Baron J. Taylor, membre de I'lnstitut auction, June 1, 1853, London. 224 pp. 8°. Techener, J. Considerations serieuses a propos de diverses publica- tions recentes sur la Bibliotheque Royale, suivies du seul plan possible pour en faire le catalogue en trois ans : Par J. Techener. Paris, 1847. 15 pp. With, De I'amelioration des anciennes biblio- theques en France, et de la creation de nouvelles bibliotheques appropriees au perfectionnement moral du peuple : Par J. Techener. 8 pp. In 1 V. 8°. Annuaire Bibliographique de la librairie de J. Techener. Paris, 1851. 8o. See Bulletin du Bibliophile, 1834-47. Teissier, Antoine. Catalogus Auctorum qui librorum catalogos, in- dices, bibliothecas, virorum literariorum elogia, vitas, aut orationes funebres, scriptis consignarunt : ab Antonio Teisserio cum P. Labbsei Bibliotheca Nummaria. . . .et Mantissa antiquariae supellec- tilis, ex annulis similibusque Romanas praesertim antiquitatis monimentis coUecta. Colonise AUob. 1686. 539 pp. and appendix. 4°. Tennemann, Gr. Gottlieb. A Manual of the History of Philosophy : Translated from the German of Tennemann, by the Rev. A. John- son .... Revised, enlarged and continued by J. R. Morell. London, 1852. 532 pp. 12o. Each section is accompanied with titles of the principal books upon the sub- ject treated of in the section. Tennessee. Catalogue of the Tennessee State Library, Oct. 1855. Nashville, 1855. 119 pp. 8°. Tentzel, Wilhelm E. Dissertatio de inventione. , .artis typographicae in Germania Gothse, 1700. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 107 Ternaux-Compans, H. Bibliotheque Amcricaine ; ou Catalogue des ouvrages relatifs a rAmerique qui ont paru depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a I'an 1700 : Par H. Ternaux. Paris, 1837. 192 pp. 8o. Terrasson, Antoine. Histoire de la Jurisprudence Romaine r enumeration des editions du corps de droit civil ; les vies et le ca- talogue des ouvrages des jurisconsultes, tant anciens que modernes. Paris, 1750. f\ L.L. Thicknesse, Philip. A Treatise on the art of decyphering, and of writing in cypher, with an harmonic alphabet. London, 1772. 12*^, with two plates. Thomas, Isaiah. The History of Printing in America ; with a bio- graphy of printers, and an account of newspapers, to which is prefixed a concise view of the discovery and progress of the art in other parts of the world. In two volumes : By Isaiah Thomas, printer, Worcester, Mass***. Worcester, Mass. 1810. 487, 576 pp. 2 V. 8o. Thorpe, Thomas. Catalogue of curious books, on sale by London, 1842. 849 pp. 8\ Supplement to a general catalogue of books for 1843 From the libraries of Lord Kingsborough . . . Sir J. Littledale. . . Gr. Chalmers. . .J. Binmer. Now offered. . . .London, 198 pp. Cat. v. 19, and also v. 40. B. C. Bibliotheca Selecta. Two catalogues of rare books. 48, 40 pp. Cat. V. 19. Supplement to a Catalogue of manuscripts relating to America and the British colonies extensive and valuable collections relating to New-York, New-Jersey, etc. London, 1843. 73 pp. Cat. V. 40. B. C. Catalogue of Manuscripts. . . .relating to various counties. . . . early music. . . .on sale. London, 1851. 40 pp. Cat. v. 47. Thott, Othon. Catalog! Bibliothecae Thottianse tomi quinti pars I, II, continens libros historicos, publica auctione distrahendos April 1791, Havni£e. 799, 755 pp. 2 v. 8°. Contain titles in European history, especially of Northern Europe. Thun, Joh. p. Yerzeichniss neuer biicher, etc. 1845. Zweites quartal, Dritter jahrgang. 208 pp. Cat. v. 23. TiCKNOR, Greorge. History of Spanish Literature : By Greorge Ticknor. New- York, 1849. 3 v. 8"^. Tieck, L. Bibliotheque de : qui sera vendue, Berlin, 1849. 362 pp. 8«. Cat. V. 34. Timperley, C. H. The Printer's Manual ; containing instructions to learners, with scales of impositions and numerous calculations, recipes and scales of prices in the principal towns of Great Britain By C. H. Timperley. London, 1838. 116 pp. imp. 8°. — Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote ; being a chronological digest of the most interesting facts illustrative of the history of literature, from the earliest period to the present time. Interspersed with biographical sketches. . . .With. . . .a history of all the newspapers, periodicals and almanacs published in this 108 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. country Compiled and condensed from Nichols' Literary Anec- dotes, and numerous other authorities : By C. H. Timperley. Second ed. To which are added. . .recent biographies, chiefly of booksellers, and a Manual of Printing. London, Bohn, 1842. 998 pp. 8'. The Manual is not contained in this vol. Songs of the Press, and other poems, relative to the art of printers and printing ; also of authors, books, booksellers, book- binders, editors, critics, newspapers, etc. Original and selected. AVith notes biographical and literary***. London, 1845. 208 pp. 12°. TiRABOSCHi, Gr. Storia della letteratura italiana del cav. Abate Giro- lamo Tiraboschi. Nuova edizione. Firenze, 1805-13. 9 v. in 10. 8«. Vols. 6 and 8 contain extended notices of the History of printing in Italy. Todd, Henry J. List of editions, translations and criticisms of Mil- ton's poetical works. See Todd's Life of Milton, 1809. ToLAND, John. Conjectura verosimilis de prima inventione typo- graphige, 1726. See Wolf, Mon. Typ. ToPPi, Nicola. Biblioteca Napoletana, ed apparato agli uomini illustri in lettere di Napoli e del regno. Napoli, 1678. 400 pp. and indexes, f^. Titlepage wanting. TooKE, John Home. Catalogue of the library of. .. .which will be sold May 26, 1813, London. 43 pp. 8°. With the prices and purchasers in MS. Town, Ithiel. Catalogue of. . . . (the library of the late Ithiel Town ) ... .to be sold at auction. . . .Sept. 1847. New- York. 118 pp. Cat. B.C. — Catalogue of the remainder of the extensive library of to be sold. . .Nov. 1848. 50 pp. Cat. v. 25.— Catalogue of the entire remainder. . . .to be sold May 1850. 123 pp. Cat v. 33. TowNELEY, John. Bibliotheca Towneleiana. Catalogue of the library of the late John Towneley, Esq. Part I, Containing speci- mens from the presses of Caxton, Pynson, etc. Part II... Topo- graphy, history, etc. . . .sold by auction, June 8, 1814, London. 47, 67 pp. 8°. With the prices. Tromel, Paul. Die Litteratur der Deutschen Mundarten : Ein biblio- graphischer versuch von Paul Tromel. Aus Petzholdt's Anzeiger. Halle, 1854. 37 pp. 8°. Tross, Edwin. Thesaurus Bibliothecalis : xviii™^ catalogue d'ouvrages de travail et de livres rares et curieux en vente aux prix marques . . . Paris, 1855. 158 pp. B^. Trubner and Co. Catalogue of Oriental Books. London, 1853. — Supp. No I, II, III. Books on languages, theology, bibliography, books on America, 1855. Cat. v. 78. Triibner's Bibliographical Guide to American Literature : Being a classified list of books in all departments of literature and science published in the United States of America, during the last forty years. With an introduction, three appendices and an index. London, 1855. 108 pp. 8'>. Catalogue of New and Secondhand books. . . .rich in books on languages, on bibliography, and on North and South America. Lond. 1857. 159 pp. 8«. 2 copies. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 109 See Nutt's Catalogue, 1857 ; Ludewig's Bibliotheca. Trumbull, George. Pocket Typographia ; a brief practical guide to the art of printing : Compiled by George Trumbull. Albany, 1846. 95 pp. 24 •. TuDOT, F. Traite de Lithographie, ou description de tous les moyens de dessiner sur pierre, avec I'etude des causes qui peuvent empecher la reussite de I'impression des dessins : Par F. Tudot. 2'^^ ed. Paris, 1834. 222 pp. 18o. Turner, Dawson. Catalogue of the principal part of the library of auction, March 7, 1853, London. 221 pp. S^. U. Uffenbach, Zach. Conrad, ab. Bibliotheca UfFenbachiana MSSta ; seu Catalogus et recensio MSStorum codicum qui in biblioth. Zach. Conradi ab Uffenbach. . .adservantur. . .quarum priores Jo. Henricus Mains recensuit, reliquas possessor ipse digessit ; qui omnem etiam hanc supellectilem literariam suam ad usus publicos offert. Halae Herm. 1720. 2 v. f«. United States. Congressional Library : Catalogue of the books, maps and charts. . . .Washington, 1812. 101 pp. 8°. Catalogue of the Library of the United States ; to which is annexed a copious index, alphabetically arranged. Washington, 1815. 170. xxxii pp. 4^. This is a copy of a rare catalogue made by President Jefferson, under a classification invented by himself. It embraces also tlie catalogue of his own library, purchased by Congress after the destruction of the library of the Capitol in 1814, during the war. Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library, 1827 With, Catalogue of the Library, Dec. 1830. 109, 258 pp. in 1 v. 8^. Catalogue Dec. 1839. Washington, 1840. 747 pp. S^. Catalogue of Books in the Law Department of the Library of Congress, Jan. 1, 1839. 98 pp. 8'^. L. L. Additions, etc. : Since the first day of Dec. 1851. With, Ad- ditions. . . .since the first day of Nov. 1852. Washington, 1852, 53. 129, 211 pp. 8o. Military Academy. Catalogue of the Library of the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. ; exhibiting its condition at the close of the year 1852. New-York, 1853. 403 pp. 8'. Contains full titles of 15,000 volumes chiefly on the Military Sciences. Upham & Beet, Catalogues of Books on English topography, county history, etc. for sale : Cat. v. 64 ; 1856, Cat. v. 83 ; 1857, Cat. V. 88. Upsal University. Catalogus Librorum Impressorum Bibliothecse Regise Academiae Upsaliensis. A. P. F. Aurivillio. Upsaliae, 1814. Prsefatio, 68 pp. Fasc. I, II. 1040 pp. Sec. posterior, 384 pp. 1 V.4'. 110 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRAKY. Valentinelli, Giuseppe. Specimen Bibliographicum de Dalmatia et Agro Labeatium : Auctore Joseplio Valentinelli, pro Praefecto Bibl. S. Marci Yenet. Venetiis, 1842. 126 pp. With, Bibliografia Dalmata, tratta da' Codici della Marciana di Venezia. Venezia, 1845. 45 pp. In 1 v. 8^. Yal^ry, M. Yojages Historiques et Litteraires en Italic, pendant les annees 1826, 1827 et 1828 ; ou L'Indicateur Italien : Par M. Yalery, Conserv. admin, des Bibliot. de la Couronne. Paris, 1831 - 33. 5 V. 8«. Contains notices of most of the public libraries in Italy. Yalliere, M. le Due. Catalogue of Library. See Bure, De. Yandermeersch, p. C. Inventaire des Cartes et des Plans conserves aux Archives de la Flandre-orientale, accompagne de notes et d'e- claircissements, par J. C. Yandermeersch. . . . Gand, 1850. 268 pp. gr. 40. Yan Praet, J. Catalogues. See Praet, J. van. Yattemare, Alexandre. A Collection of Publications connected with his System of International Literary Exchange, bound in 7 v. 8"^. Yeith, F. De Origine Artis Typographicae in urbe Augusta Yin- delica, 1778. See Zapf, G. W. Yentouillac, L. T. The French Librarian, or Literary Guide ; pointing out the best works of the principal writers of France, in every branch of literature; with criticisms, personal anecdotes and bibliographical notices, preceded by a sketch of the progress of French literature : By L. T. Yentouillac. London, 1829. 536 pp. 80. Yerbeyst, M. Catalogue des Livres anciens qui composent la Li- brairie de feu M. Yerbeyst, de Bruxelles : I""® partie. La vente aura lieu 1 Dec. 1852, Paris. 352 pp. 8'. Yereeniging ter Bevordering van de Belangen des Boekhandels. Catalogus van de Bibliotheek : Opgemaakt door F. Muller. Am- sterdam, 1855. xvi, 144 pp. 8°. See Exposition universelle, Paris, 1855 : Catalogue. Yermont : State Library Catalogue. Montpelier, 1850. 85 pp. 8^. YiDECOQ, Librairie de Jurisprudence. Paris, 1848. Cat. v. 5. L. L. YiGiLiis VON Creutzenfeld, S. H. De. Bibliotheca Chirurgica, in qua res omnes ad chirurgiam pertinentes ordine alphabetico, ipsi vero scriptores, quotquot ad annum usque 1779 innotuerunt, ad singulas materias ordine chronologico exhibentur ; adjecto ad libri calcem auctorum indice : Studio et opera Stephani Hieronymi de Yigiliis von Creutzenfeld. Yol. I, II. Yindobonse, 1781. 1916 pp. in 2 V. 40. Y1N9ARD, M. L'Art du Typographe, contenant les details de chacune des deux parties de cette science Par Yin^ard, typographiste. Deuxieme edition, revue Paris, 1823. 235 pp. 8". BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ill VissER, J. Lyst der Boeken, in de Nederlanden gedrukt voor 't jaar MD. See Meerman, Gr. ViTRAY, Antoine. See Linguarum Orientalium Alphabeta. VoGT, Carl Frederich. Letters on Chess ; containing an Account of some of the principal works on that celebrated game, with copious extracts and remarks, in a series of letters from Carl Frederich Vogt : Translated from the German, by U. Ewell. London, 1848. 134 pp. 18 \ Vogt, Johannes. Johannis Vogt Catalogvs historico-criticus librorum rariorum, jam curis tertiis recognitus et copiosa accessione ex syni- bolis et collatione bibliophilorum per Germaniam doctissimorum adauctis. 4:ih edition. Hamburgi, 1747. 32 prelim. & 736 pp. 12^. VoisiN, Auguste. Bibliotheca Gandavensis : Catalogue methodique de la Bibliotheque de I'Universite de Gand ; precede d'une histoire de cette bibliotheque. . . , Publie par le Bibliothecaire Aug. Voisin . . . .Jurisprudence. Gand, 1839. Ixxxii, 394 pp. 8^ Documents pour servir a I'Histoire des Bibliotheques en Bel- gique, et de leurs principales curiosites littcraires : Publics par Aug. Voisin. Gand, 1840. 350 pp. 8 '. 150 copies printed. Voyage Litteraire de deux Religieux Benedictins de la Congregation de St.Maur ; oii Ton trouvera, 1, Quantite de pieces, d'inscriptions, d'epitaphes. ... 2, Plusieurs usages des eglises cathedrales et des monasteres des Gaules ; 3, Les fondations des monasteres, et une infinite de recherches curieuses et interessantes qu'ils ont faites dans pres de cent eveches et huit cent abbayes. Enrichi de figures. Bij Dom. Martene and D. Durand. Paris, 1717, 1724. 2 v. 4^. Vries, Abraham De. Brief van A. De Vries aan A. D. Schinkel, over Guichard's Notice sur le Speculum Humanae Salvationis ; mit drie bijlagen tot staving der naauwkeurigheid van het verhaal van Ju- nius, wegens de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst en ter wederlegging der meening : Dat Coster Koster zou geweest zijn. Gravenhage, 1841. xii, 144 pp. 8o. — Eclaircissemens sur I'Histoire de I'Invention de I'lmprimerie, contenant : Lettre a M. A. D. Schinkel, ou Beponse a la Notice de M. Guichard sur le Speculum humanae salvationis ; Dissertation sur le nom de Coster, et sur sa pretendue charge de sacristain ; Re- cherches faites a I'occasion de la quatrieme fete seculaire a Haar- lem en 1823 : Par A. De Vries. . . . Trad, du Hollandais par J. J. F. Noordziek La Haye, 1843. xlii, 276 pp. 8o. Bewijsgronden der Duitschers voor hunne aansprak op de uit- vinding der boekdrukkunst, of beoordeeling van het werk van A. E. Umbreit, Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst : Door Abraham De Vries. Gravenhage, 1844. xvi, 208, 4 pp. 8°. Arguments des Allemands en favour de leur pretention a I'in- vention de I'imprimerie ; ou Examen critique de I'ouvrage de M. A. E. Umbreit, Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst : Par A. De Vries. Trad, du Hollandais, par J. J. F. Noordziek La Haye, 1845. xxxiv, 212 pp. 8°. 112 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. W. Waagen, G. F. Treasures of Art in Great Britain ; being an Account of the chief collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, illumi- nated manuscripts, etc. etc. : By Dr. Waagen London, 1854. 8 V. 8°. Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain ; being Account of more than forty collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, manuscripts, etc. etc. visited in 1854 and 1856, and now for the first time described : By Dr. Waagen, Director of the Royal Gallery of pictures, Berlin. Forming a supplemental volume to the Treasures of Art. . . .London, 1857. 560 pp. 8*^. ■Besides the notices of paintings and drawings, these volumes contain notices of engravings and illuminated manuscripts, especially of those in the British Museum. Walker ( E.) & Sons. The Art of Bookbinding, its rise and pro- gress ; including a Descriptive Account of the New-York Book- bindery. New- York, 1850. 49 pp. 8". Wallace, J. W. The Reporters, chronologically arranged; with occasional remarks upon their respective merits.*** By John Wil- liam Wallace. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1845. xxxvii & 103 pp. S\ L.L. . The same. 3d ed. revised. Philadelphia, 1855. 424 pp. 8^. L.L. Waller's Catalogue of Autographs and MSS. for sale, Lond. 1855. Cat. V. 77. — Old Books, 1856 ; Books and Autograph Collector's Assistant, 1857 : Cat. v. 83. Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orford. A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, with lists of their works, Lond. 1798. See Works, vol. 1. A Catalogue of English Engravers, a?id lists of their works, 1798. See Works, vol. 4. A Catalogue of the Classic Contents of Strawberry Hill, col lected by Horace Walpole. London, 1842. xxiv, 250 pp.4o. Books, MSS., Coins, Prints, Paintings, etc. Warden, David Baillie. Bibliotheca Americana ; being a Choice Collection of Books relating to North and South America and the West Indies, including voyages to the Southern Hemisphere, maps, engravings and medals. Paris, 1840. 124 pp. 8°. Also Cat. v. 3, 79. Mr. Warden's first collection, of which a catalogue was published in 1820, was purchased for Harvard University. This catalogue of his second collection is a reprint of the edition of 1831, and the books are now in the New-York State Library. Warmholtz, Carl G-. Bibliotheca Historica Sueo - Gothica ; eller Fortekning uppa sa viil trykte, som handskrifne bocker, tractater, och skrifter, hvilka handla om Svenska historien, eller darutinnan kunna gifna Ljus ; med Critiska och Historiska Anmarkningar, af Carl Gust. Warmholtz .... Continued by P. J. Aunvillius. Stock- holm, Upsala, 1782 - 1817. 15 v. in 5, 8'\ Contents : Vol. 1. Sveriges Geographic. 316 pp. " 2. Sveriges Natural-Historia. 141 pp. '' 3. Sveriges Antlquitetur. 254 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 113 Vol. 4. Sveriges Kyrko-historia. 344 pp. "■ 5. Sveriges Ahnanna Historia, och Konunga-liistoria til Ar. 1620. 288 pp. " 6. Historia under Konungarne Giistaf I, Eric XIV, Johann III, Sigismund och Karl IX. 224 pp. " 7. Historia under GustafAdolph. 181pp. " 8. Historia under Drotning Christina. 222 pp. " 9. Historia under K.K. Carl Gustav, och Carl XI. 241 pp. " 10. Historia under Kon. Carl XII, och Dr. Ulr. Eleonora. 200 pp. " 11. Historia under K.K. Fredric, och Adolph Fredric, samt Atte- langder for Konunga Husen. 175 pp. " 12. Sveriges Regering och Staat.<5 t'orfatningar, eller allmanna Ratts Historia. 176 pp " 13. Rikes Rad, K. Maj. och Rik. hoga coUegier, samt ceremonialen. 222 pp. " 14. Sveriges lagar och Stats-interesse i anseende til frammande Magter, samt Miscellanea-historica. 291 pp. " 15. Bokeliga Konsters och Lardomens Historia i Sverige. 277 pp. With indexes to eacli volume. Warz^e, A. Recherches Bibliograpliiques sur les Almanachs Beiges, par A. Warzee. Bruxelles, 1852. 177 pp. 8^>. Watson, James. The History of the Art of Printing, containing an Account of it's invention and progress in Europe, with the names of the famous printers, the phices of their birth and the works printed by them. And a preface by the publisher to the printers in Scotland. With specimens of the author s types. Edinburgh, J. Watson, 1713. 24, xlviii, 64 pp. 12<>. The Preface contains the History of Printing in Scotland. The European History is a translation from the Frerich. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheea Britannica ; or a General Index to Bri- tish and Foreign Literature : By Bobert Watt, M.D. In two parts, Authours and Subjects : Vol. I, II, Authours ; Vol. Ill, lY, Subjects. Edinburgh, 1824. 4 v. 4". Wayland {Mass.) Town Library : Catalogue, 1853. Pam. v. 170. Wbale, John. A Catalogue of Books from the earliest period to the present, on architecture and civil engineering ; together with se- veral drawings and prints, on similar subjects. . . .for sale. London, 1836, 7. 139 pp. with plates. 8°. Catalogues of recently published works on architecture, ma- thematics, the sciences, etc. London, 1835. 114 pp. Cat. v. 56 ; 1840, 32 pp. Cat. v. 1 ; 1844, 64 pp. Cat. v. 7. Pam. v. 102. Weigel, J. 0. G. Apparatus Literarius ; sive CoUectio Librorum lectissimorum, quos emturientibus offert. Lipsise, 1832. 15,110 titles. 1 V. 4^. Weigel, R. Catalog von Kunstsachen und Biichern welche in der Anstalt fiir Kiinst und Literatur ( B. Weigel ) in Leipzig vorrathig, oder durch dieselbe besorgt werden. Kunstlager Catalog : Erste - vierzehnte abtheilung, nebst register. Leipzig, 1834-43. In 2 v. 8°. Weigel, T. 0. Catalog einer Ausgewiihlten Sammlung von Biichern zu haben bei : Leipzig. 448 pp. 8\ I" Bib. Lib.] 15 114 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Corpus Dissertationuin Theologicarum ; give Catalogus com- mentationum, programmatum, aliarumque scriptionum academicarum ab antiquissiino usque ad nostrum tempus editarum, ad exegeticam, dogmaticam, moralem ac reliquas disciplinas theologicas spectan- tium, qu8B in uberrima Collectione Weigeliana Lipsiensi prostant. Praefatus est et indices tum locorum scripturae sacrae tum rerum ac nominum, conscripsit C. M. Otto Fiebig. Lipsise, 1847. 350 pp. S^, Weld, Rev. H. Hastings. Benjamin Franklin ; his Autobiography, with a narrative of his life and services. New- York, 1848. 8'^. Werdin, J. P. See Paulinus a S. Bartholomgeo. Westermann, B. & C. General Catalogues of German Books. N. Y. 1857. Cat. V. Weston, Richard. Tracts on Practical Agriculture and Gardening To which is added a Chronological Catalogue of English authors on agriculture, botany, gardening : By R. Weston, Esq. 2d edition. London, 1773. 298, 136 pp. 8^ Westreenen van Tiellandt, Baro7i W. H. J. van. Korte Schets van den Yoortgang der Boekdrukkunst in Nederland in de xv'^'^, en haare verdere volmaaking in de xvi en xvii eeuw. Gravenhage en te Amsterdam, 1829. 37 pp. 8^ B. C. > Yerhandeling over de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst ; in Hol- land oorspronkelijk uitgedacht, te Straatsburg verbeterd, en te Mentz voltooid. . ..***. Hage, 1809. 184 pp. 8^. B. C. Rapport sur les Recherches relatives a I'invention premiere et a I'usage le plus ancien de I'imprimerie stereotype, faites a la de- mande du Gouvernement, par le Baron De Westreenen de Tiellandt. La Haye, 1833. 61 pp. 8o. French and. Butch. The same. La Haye, 1833. 8°. 2 copies. B.C. WiLDBERG, C. F. L. Bibliotheca Medicinae Publicae ; in qua Scripta ad medicinam et forensem et politicam facientia ab illarum scientia- rum initiis ad nostra usque tempora, digesta sunt a Chr. Fr. Ludov. Wildberg. Tomus I, Bibliotheca Medicinge forensis ; Tomus II, Bibliotheca Medicinae politicaE5. Berolini, 1819. 244, 211 pp. 2 v. in 1, 40. L. L. Wiley & Putnam. American Book Circular ; with notes and stati- stics. New- York and London, 1843. Pam. v. 40. B. C. Literary News-Letter : Yol. I, II, III. New- York, 1842,43, 44, Cat. V. 5 ; 1844, 45, Cat. v. 8 ; 1846, Cat. v. 16. Catalogues : 1841, Cat. v. 58 and Cat. B. C. ; 1845, Cat. v. 8 J 1842, 43, 44 : 87, 132 pp. Cat. v. 5 ; 1847, Cat. v. 20. Wiley, J. Literary Telegraph. New- York, 1851. 10 Nos. Cat. v. 50. WiLKiNS, John, B'p. Mercury, or the Secret and Swift Messenger ; showing how a man may, with privacy and speed, communicate his thoughts to a friend at a distance. 87 pp. See Works, vol. 2. WiLLETT, Ralph. A Memoir on the Origin of Printing ; in a Letter addressed to John Topham, esquire. . . .By Ralph Willett, esquire Newcastle, S. Hodgson, 1820. 72 pp. 12°. See also Soc. of Antiq. Archaeologia, Yol. xi, BIBLIOGRAPHY. 115 Williams, D. Catalogues of Books relating to Wales. .. .and. .. . the British islands London, 1842, 45. Cat. v. 7 ; 1847, Cat. V.19. Williams, Daniel. Bibliothecse quam vir doctus. . .Daniel Williams, S.T.P. bono publico legavit, Catalogus. Red Cross-street Library. Editio secunda. Londini, 1801. 377 pp. 8o. Williams, John. Catalogue of Works on Architecture and Engi- neering, for sale. London, 1847. Cat. v. 21. Williams, Rev. Theodore. Catalogue of the Library of. . . .auction, April 1827, London. 197 pp. 8^. Willis's (G-.) Current Notes : A Series of Articles on antiquities, biography, heraldry, history, languages, literature, natural history, curious customs, etc. Monthly, With, Price current of new works. London, 1851-54. 3 v. sm. 4^. Catalogue of New and Secondhand books, London, Cat. v. 15, 17 ; 1844, Cat. v. 3 ; 1847, 8, 9, Cat. v. 37 ; 1855, 388 pp. 1 v. 8 \ Wilson, John. Shaksperiana : Catalogue of all the books, pamphlets, etc. relating to Shakspeare. To which are subjoined an account of the early quarto editions of the great dramatist's plays and poems, the prices at which many copies have sold in public sales, together with a list of the leading and esteemed editions of Shakspeare 's collected Works. London, printed for John Wilson, 1827. xli, 69 pp. 18«. WiNARiCKY, C. Jean Grutenberg ne en 1412 a Kuttenberg en Bo- heme, Echelier es arts a I'lJniversite de Prague, promu le 18 Novembre 1445, inventeur de I'imprimerie a Mayence en 1450. Essai historique et critique, par Reverend Charles Winaricky Trad, du MS. allemand par le Chev. Jean De Carro Bruxelles, 1847. 104 pp. 12o. Winston, J. Bibliotheca Dramatica et Histrionica : Catalogue of library of. . . .sold, Dec. 1849, London. 65 pp. Cat. v. 38. WiTZLEBEN, Frid. Sig. Editor. See Jablonowski, Bibliotheca. Wolf, Jo. Christian. Monumenta Typographica ; quse artis hujus prsestantissimae originem, laudem et abusum posteris produnt, in- staurata studio et labore Jo. Christiani Wolfii Pars prima, secunda. Hamburgi, 1740. 1104, 1232 pp. and indexes. 2 v. 12o. Most of the dissertations embraced in these volumes are referred to in this catalogue under the heading of their author's names. Translation. See Aprosio (A.), Bib. Aprosiana. Wood, Anthony. Athenae Oxonienses : An exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in Oxford, from. . . .1500 to. . . .1690. Representing. . . .the fate and character of their writings *** London, 1691, 92. 2 v. P. Wood, S.S.andW. Catalogue of Medical Books, N.Y. 1850, Cat. v. 52; 1856, Cat. v. 85. WooLNOTJGH, C. W. The Art of Marbling, as applied to book edges and paper; containing full instructions for executing British, French, Spanish, Italian, Nonpareil, etc. etc., with a brief notice of its recent application to textile fabrics, and particularly to the cloths 116 NEW-YORK STATE LIBKARY. so extensively used by bookbinders : By C. W. Woolnough 2d ed. London, 1854. 80 pp. and 31 specimens. 18 \ Worm, Jens. Forsog til et Lexicon over danske, norske og islandske laerde Maend, som ved trykte skrifter have giort sig bekiendte, saavelsom andre Ustuderede, som noget have skrevet, hvorudi deres Fodsel, betydeligste Levnets Omstoendigbeder og Dod ved Aarstal kortelig erindres, og deres skrifter saavidt mueligt, fuld- stoendig anseres, af Jens Worm. Vol. 1. Hel*ingoer, 1771. Vol. 2, 3. Kiobenhavn, 1773, 1783. 647, 654, 1018 pp. 3 v. 8". WoRRALL, John. Bibliotheca Legum ; or a new ai^id compleat list of all the common and statute law books of this redlm to Easter term, 1753 London, 1753. 192 pp. 18^ Bibliotheca Legum Angli83, Part I ; or a Catalogue of the common and statute law books of this realm, and some others relating thereto ; giving an account of their several editions, ancient printers, dates and prices, and wherein they differ : Compiled by John Worrall. A new ed. corrected London, 1788. 1 v. — Part II, Containing a general account of the laws and law writers of England, from the earliest times to the reign of Edward III. . .As also of the public records, . . .the reports. . . .Together with an ac- count of the principal works upon the law and the constitution, published during the present reign : Compiled by Edward Brooke, London, 1788. 1 vol. 298, 255 pp. 2 v. 18^. Wright, Andrew. Court Hand Restored ; or the Student's assistant in reading old deeds, charters, records, etc. Neatly engraved on twenty-three copper plates, describing the old law hands, with their contractions and abbreviations. With an appendix containing the ancient names of places in Great Britain and Ireland ancient surnames. .. .glossary of Latin words, found in the works of the most eminent lawyers. By Andrew Wright 8th ed. London, Bohn, 1856. 4o. Wright, Thomas. An Essay on the State of Literature and Learn- ing under the Anglo-Saxons ; introductory to the first section of the Biographia Britannica Literaria, under the superintendence of the Royal Society of Literature : By Thomas Wright, Esq. .. .Anglo- Saxon period. London, 1842. 554 pp. S'^. Biographia Britannica Literaria ; or Biography of literary cha- racters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in chronological order ; Anglo-Norman period : By Thomas Wright London, 1846. 491 pp. 8o. History of Art in the Middle Ages, as exhibited in illuminated manuscripts. See his Archaeological Album. G. L. WuRDTWEiN, S. A. Bibliothecae Moguntina : Libris s^culo prime typographic© Moguntiae impressis instructa, hinc inde addita inventae typographiae historia, a Stephano Alexandre Wiirdtwein *** Aug. Vindel. 1787. 251 pp. and 9 plates. 4o. Wyld, J. Catalogue of Atlases, Maps. London, 1846. Cat. v. 14. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 117 Y. Yale College. Society of Brothers in Unity : Catalogue of the Library. New-Haven, 1846. S^. Linonian Society ; Catalogue of the Library, 1836. 8^. Calliopean Society : Catalogue of the Library, 1846. 8''. Young Men's Association, Albany : Catalogue of the Library Albany, 1853. 148 pp. 8°. 2 copies. Young Men's Association, Buffalo, N. Y. : Catalogue of the Li- brary, 1848. 146 pp. S^. Young Men's Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Catalogue of the Library, 1855. 92 pp. 12°. Young Men's Institute, Hartford, Comi. Catalogue of the Library and Reading-Boom. Hartford, 1844, 47. 359, 32 pp. 8°. Young Men's Mercantile- Library Association, of Cincinnati. Catalogue of the Library, 1855. xxxii, 308 pp. 8^. Z. Zacharias, Fran. Ant. Bibliotheca Pistoriensis a Francisco Antonio Zacharia, Societatis Jesu Presbytero, descripta, inque duos libros distributa, quorum prior MSS. trium praecipuarumque Pistoriensium Bibliothecarum codices, posterior Pistorienses scriptores complec- titur, cum duplici appendice, una veterum, altera recentium, utraque ineditorum hactenus, praestantiorum monumentorum. Aug. Tauri. 1752. 378 pp. 40. Zanetti, Antonio M. Latina et Italica D. Marci Bibliotheca codicum manuscriptorum per titulos digesta. Praeside et moderatore Lavrentio Thevpolo. . . .jussu senatus. Venetice, 1741. 268 pp. f*^. Graeca D. Marci Bibliotheca codicum manvscriptorum per ti- tulos digesta. . . .jussu senatus. Yenetiae, 1740. xx, 323 pp. P. Zapf, Georg. W. Annales Typographiae AugustanaB ab ejus origine MCCCCLXVi, usque ad annum mdxxx. Accedit Domini Francisci Veith Diatribe de origine et incrementis artis typographicae in urbe Augusta Vindelica. Edidit, notisque litterariis illustravit Georgius Guilielmus Zapf. Aug. Vindel. 1778. Ixviii, 120 pp. 4^. Augsburg's Buchdruckergeschichte, nebst den jahrbiichern derselben. Erster theil, vom jahr 1468 bis auf das jahr 1500. Zweiter theil, vom jahre 1501 bis auf das jahr 1530. Verfasset, herausgegeben und mit litterarischen anmerkungon erlautert von Georg Wilhelm Zapf. Augsburg, 1786, 1791. xlviii, 220, xvi, 262 pp. 2 V. 40. Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz : Yon derselben Erfindung bis auf das jahr 1499 ; verfasst, herausgegeben und mit anmerkungen erlautert von Georg Wilhelm Zapf Ulm, 1790. 163 pp. and reg. 80. 118 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. G-eorg Wilhelm Zapfs Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte Schwabens ; oder Verzeichniss aller von erfindung der buchdrucker- kunst bis 1500, in Ulm, Esslingen, Reutlingen, Memmingen, Stutt- gart, Tubingen, Urach, Blaubeuren, und Costanz gedrukten bucher, mit litterarischen anmerkungen. IJlm, 1791. xxviii, 263 pp. and reg. 8". Zenker, J. Th. Bibliotbeca Orientalis. Manuel de Bibliographie orientale : I, Contenant 1, Les livres arabes, persans et turcs im- primes depuis I'invention de rimprimerie jusqu'a nos jours, tant en Europe qu'en Orient. . . .2, Table des auteurs, des titres orientaux et des editeurs ; 3, Un apergu de la litterature orientale. Par J. Th. Zenker. Leipzig, 1846. xlvii, 264 pp. S". Zeno, Apostolo. Dissertazioni Yossiane. . . ,cioe giunte e osservazioni intorno agli Storici italiani che hanno scritto latinamente, rammen- tati dal Yossio nel iii libro de Historicis latinis. Yenezia, 1752. 2 V. 40. Annotazioni. See Fontanini, Gr. Biblioteca. ZuCHOLD, E. A. Bibliotbeca Historico-naturalis, Physico-chemica et Mathematica ; oder Uebersicht der in Deutschland und dem Auslande auf dem gebiete der gesammten naturwissenschaften .... neu erschienenen bucher. . .Grottingen, 1852. Cat. v. 86 ; 1853, Cat. V. 67, 68. INDEX TO THE BOOKS IN THE PRECEDING CATALOGUE, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS. Acad, des Sciences. Camusat, Hist, des Journaux. — See Societies. African Languages. Astor Lib. Orient. Lang. — See Oriental. Agricultural. Boehmer, Bib. script, hist, nat. — Dusacq, Librairie agricole, 1847. — Musset-Pathay, Bibliog. agronom. — Loudon, Lit. and Bibliography of. — Weston, Cat. of Engl, authors on. — See Horticultural. Aix. Rouard, Sur la bibliographie d'. Aldine editions. Amoretti, Lettere. — Bearzi, Cat. de livres rares. — Bibliog. de la France, 1820. — Bohn, Cat. of books printed by. — Boutourlin, Cat. de la Bibliot. — Ebert, Bibliog. Diet. — Psaume, Diet. Bibliog. — Renouard, Annales de I'imprim. des. ■ — Serie dell'edizioni aldine. Almanacs. ChenedoUe, Napoleon, Aim. de Gotha. — Timperley, Encyc. of typ. anec. — Warzce, Almanachs Beiges. Alost. Gand, Recherehes historiques. — Iseghem, Biog. de Martens. — See Dutch; Typography, origin of. Alphabets. Alphabets orientaux. — Alphabets, Soc. Prop. Fide, Romao. — Astle, Orig. and Prog, of writing. — Auer, Das Unser Vater, 608 lang. — Braun, Notitia hist. lit. — Falkenstein, Geschichte der Buch- druckerkunst. — Fry, Pantographia. — Fursten, Kunstrichtige Schreibart. — Johnson, Typographia. — Linguarum orientalium, etc. 1636. — Silvestre, Alphabet Album, 1843. — See Writing; Spec, of typefounders. Altdorf. Murr, Memor.Bibl. Altdorfinse. American Auction Sales. See Auction Sales. American Books, Authors, etc. — American Publisher's Circular, 1855-57. — Blake, American Trade list, 1847. — Book (The) Trade, period. 1851, 52. — Buckingham, Spec, of Newsp. press. — Chambers, History of Eng. Language, Robbins's edition. — Duyckinck, Cycl. of Am. Literature. — Griswold, Prose Writers of America. — Handbook of Am. Literature. — Kettell, Cat. of Am. Poetry. — Literary World, period. 1847-53. — Low, American Cat. 1800-66. — Norton's Literary Gazette, eto, 120 NEW- YORK STATE LIBRARY. American Books, etc. (continued ) . — Reuss, Reg. of Authors of N. America, 1770-1803. — Roorbach, Bibliot. Americana, 1820-55. — Sprague, Annals of Am. pulpit. — Stevens, Am. books in Brit. Mus. 1858. — Triibner, Bib. Guide to Am. Lit. 1857. — See Booksellers, American. American History, etc. Books on. — Allen, E., Cat. of Books, 1856. — Almon, Cat. of Books, 1776. — Amer. Antiq. Soc. Cat. — Antonio, Bibliot. Hispana. — Asher, Bib. Essays, New-Netherland. . — Biblioth. Americana (Homer), 1789. — Bcehmer, Bib. script, hist. nat. — Boucher, Bibliot. des voyages. — Canada, Cat. d-Ouvrages sur I'Amer. — Charlevoix, Liste sur la Nouv. France. — Drake's Cat. of Library. — Du Pare d'Avagour, Aut. sur Guyana. — Faribault, Cat. d Ouvrages sur. — Gowan's Catalogues. — Kennett, Bibliot. Americana, 1713. — Gurley, Cat. of books on, at auction. — Haven, Archaeol. of U.S. bibliog. — Hotten, Tracts on America. — London Institution, Cat. v. 2. — Ludewig, Lit. of Am. local history. — Mondidier, Cat. of library of. — Muller, F., Cat. of books on. — O'Callaghan, Relations des Jcsuites. — Pinelo, Bibliot. Nautica. — Rich, Bibl. Amer. Nova, 3 v. — Rich, Cat. of Sp. MSS. on. — Rich, Gen. Cat. 1837. — *^ Books relating to. — Robertson, Cat. of Span, books. — Rodd, Cat. of books on, for sale. -— *' Cat. of MSS. on, for sale. — Smith, J. R., Books on sale, Lond. — " Cat. of books for sale, Lond. — Stevens, American Bibliographer, 1857. — " American Nuggetts, 1857. — Ternaux-Compans, Bib. Amer. a 1700. — Thorpe, Cat. of MSS. on, for sale. — Triibner, Cat. of books on sale, 1857. — Warden, Biblioth. Americana, 1840. American Indians. See Indian Lang. American Libraries. See Libraries in America, Catalogues of. American Printing. See Typography, History of. Amusements. See Angling, Chess, Hunting. — Le Verrier, L'Ecolo de la Chasse. Ana. Artigny, Memoires. «— Pci^not, Repertoire do Bibliog. Angling. Smith, J. R., Books on. Anonymous Authors. — Baillet, Auteurs deguises. — Barbier, Diet, des ouvrages anon. — Chardon, Melanges, v. 3, Revue de Barbier. G. L. — Diet. Bibliographique, v. 3. — Le Long, Bib. Hist, de la France, v. 5. — Notes and Queries, index. — Querard, Litt. Frany. contemporaine. Antibooks. Baillet, Jugemens, v. 7. Antiquities. Lerouge, Cat. Paris, 1853 — Letronne, Cat. de la Bibliot. de. — Reimann, Idea systematis. etc. — Soc. of Ant. Newcastle, Eng. Cat. — Soc. of Antiquaries, Lond. Cat. — Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Suco-Gothica. — .See American History, Books on. Antwerp. Nys, Les Archives d'Anvers. Arabic. Casiri, Bibl. Arabieo-Hisp. Esc. — Ilerbelot, Bibliot. orientalo. — Leyden, Univ. Catalogus. — Schnurrer, Bibliot. Arabica. — See Oriental. Architectural. Evans, Cat. of works on, 1851. — Godde, Cat relatif a Parchitecture. — Malberg, Literatur des Bau- und Ing.- wesens. — Weale, Cat. of books for sale. — Williams, J., Works on, for sale. Argensola, L. Pellicer, Ensayo. Aristotle. Beloe, v. 4, Commentators on. Arts, mechanic. Blumhof, Bibliot. Ferri. — Ecole des ponts et chaussees. Cat. — Schubarth, Repert. der techn. literatur. — (See Architectural ; Engineering. Asiatic languages. Astor Library, Lin- guistics. — Burnouf, Cat. de la Bibliot. — Clarke, A., Bibliot. misc. — ■ Klaproth, Verz. der Chines, biicher. — Rask, Cat. of MSS. Zend, etc. — 5'ee Oriental ; Manuscripts. Armenian. Arm. Convent, Venice. — Somal, Quadro della storia letter. Atlases. See Maps. Auction Sales. .See Prices. Auction Sales, American. — Bangs Brothers & Co. N.Y. — Beck, J. B., Lib. — Berard, Lib. West-Point. — Boston Trade Sales. — Brady, H. A., Lib. N.Y. 1851, — Campbell, J., Lib. N.Y. 1850. INPEX TO BIBLIOGRAPHY. 121 Auction Sales, American (continued) . — Colman, W. A., Lib. N.Y. 1850. — Cooley, N.Y. 1849-51. — Corwin, E. B., Lib. N.Y. 1856, priced. — M. St C. Clarke, Lib. Wash'n, 1851. — Davis, J., Boston, 1847. — De La Forest, C, N.Y. 1849. — Dodge, H. S., Lib. N.Y. 1856. — Douglas, D. B., Lib. N.Y. 1852. — Fox, H. S., Lib. Washington. — Furman, Lib. N.Y. 1849. — Guild, G. F., Lib. Boston, 1853. — Gurley, Sales, 1846-48. — Howe, Leonard & Co., Boston. — Hubbard, S., Lib. Boston, 1848. — Ingraham, E. D., Lib. N.Y. 1855. — Ingraham, J. W., Lib. Boston, 1848. — Jackson, J. R., Lib. N.Y. 1844. — Jarvis, S. F., Lib. N.Y. 1851. — Legare, Lib. Washington, 1848. — Leonard & Cunningham, Bost. 1847,48. — Lord's Sales, Philadelphia, 1849, 50. — Lyman & Rawdon's Sales, N.Y. 1851, 52. — M'Guire's Sale, Washington, 1856. — Mason, Rev. Eb., Lib. N.Y. 1851. — Mason, Erskine, Lib. N.Y. — Milnor, J., Lib. N.Y. 1845. — N.Y. State Lib. duplicates, 1846. — N.Y. Trade Sales, 1844-51. — Ogilby, J. D., Lib. N.Y. 1851. — Philadelphia Trade Sales, 1848-57. — Pickering, J., Lib. Boston, 1846. — Purviance, Law Lib. 1855. — Rodgers, Dr. J. R., Lib. N.Y. 1853. — Romeyn, J. B., Lib. N.Y. 1826. — Story, J., Lib. Boston, 1846. — Town, I., Lib. N.Y. 1847, 48. Auction Sales, Dutch. — Coster, Bibl. Delphis, 1718, priced. — Fuhri, Catal. Gravenhage, 1842. — Immerzeel, Bibliot. Amst. 1842. — Major, Bibliot. Mechlin, 1767, priced. — Meermann, Bibl. Hague, 1824, priced. — Servais, Bibliot. Malines, 1808, priced. — Steenwijk, Bibliot. Amsterdam, 1854. — Verbeyst, Lib. Bruxelles, 1852. Auction Sales, English. — Askew, Bibliot. lib. raris. 1775, priced. — Bacon, T. S., Catalogue, 1736. — Barrett, J. T., London, 1851. — Beauclerk, Lib. London, 1781. — - Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, Lib. 1823. — Bennett, Cat. 1733. — Borromeo, Cat. novel, ital. Lond. 1817. — Boucher, J., Lib. London, 1806. [ Bib, Lib.] 16 Auction Sales, English (continued.) — Brand's Lib. London, 1807, priced. — Brit. Mus. Cat. of duplicates, price. — Clarke, Repert. Bibliographicum. — Cooper, C. P., Lib. London, 1852. — Dodd, J. W., Lib. 1795, priced. — Dibdin, Bibliomania, p. 304, etc. — " The Director. — " Decameron, v. 3. — Farmer, R., Lib. Lond. 1798, priced. — Folkes, M., Lib. Lond. 1756. — Garrick, D., Lib. Lond. 1823, priced. — Gossett, I., Lib. Lond. 1813, priced. — Harley, R., Bibliot. London, 1743. — Hawtrey, Lib. London, 1854. — Heber, Bibliot. London, 1837. — Hibbert, Lib. London, 1829, priced. — Lansdowne, Lib. Lond. 1806, priced. — Mondidier, Lib. London, 1851. — Montagu, Lib. Lond. 1733, 40, priced. — Mead, Bibliot. London, 1754, priced. — Nichols, Lit. Anecdotes, v. 3. — Paris de Meyzieux, Lib. London, 1791, priced. — Perry, J., Lib. London, 1822, priced. — Penrose, Lib. London, 1851. — Pinelli, Bibliot. London, 1789, priced. — Puttick & Simpson, 1849. — Raine, Lib. London, 1812, priced. — Reed, I., Lib. London, 1807. — Rode, H. J., Lib. London. — Roxburghe, Duke of. Lib. Lond. 1812, priced. — Skegg, Lib. London, 1842. — Sotheby, Lib. London, 1856, priced. — Southey, R., Lib. Lond. 1844, priced. — Strettell, Lib. London, 1820, priced. — Sussex, Duke of. Lib. London, 1844. — Taylor, J., Lib. London, 1853. — Tooke, J. H., Lib. Lond. 1813, priced. — Towneley, J., Lib. Lond. 1814, priced. — Turner, D., Lib. London, 1853. — Williams, T., Lib. London, 1827. Auction Sales, French. — Bearzi, Bibliot. Paris, 1855. — Bossange, Librairie, Paris, 1853. — Brunck, M., Bibliot. Paris, 1853. — Bure, De, Cat. de La Valliere, 1784, priced. — Dallerange, Bibliot. Paris, 1851. — Emmery, Cat. des MSS. etc., Metz, 1849, priced. — Fix, Bibliot. Paris, 1846. — Godde, Cat. relatif aux arts, Paris, 1850. — Gouttard, Cat. Paris, 1781. — Jacob, Bibliot. Cat. 1839, priced. — Langl^s, Bibliot. Pari?, 1825. 122 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Auction Sales, French (continued). — Larenaudiere, Bibliot. Paris, 1846. — Lerouge, Cat. Paris, 1833. — Letronne, Bibliot. Paris, 1849. — Libri, Bibliot. Paris, 1847. — Louis Philippe, Bibliot. Paris, 1852. — M , Bibliot. Paris, 1835. — Marchant, N. D., Bibliot. Paris, 1834 — Nodier, Descr. d'une collect. Paris, 1844, priced. — Nugent, Comte, Paris, 1835. — Peiguot, Bibliot. Paris, 1852. — Perrot, Bibliot. Paris, 1775, priced. — R***, Paris, 1834. — Raoul Rochette, Bibliot. Paris, 1855. — Renouard, Bibliot. Paris, 1854. — Revoil, Bibliot. Paris, 1854. — Silvestre, Cat. Paris, 1835. — Suard, Bibliot. Paris, 1817. Auction Sales, German. — Berlin Royal Lib. duplicates. — Carpzovius, Bibliot. Carpzoviana, 1700. — Gesenius, Bibliot. Halse, 1843. — Jacobs, F., Biblio. Berolini, 1849. — Julius, Bibliot. Berlin, 1850. — Kloss, Library of, 1835. — Krohn, Bib. Hamb. 1796. — Lippert, Halle, 1846. — Mertens, F.K., Bremen, 1833. — Tieck, L., Library, 1849. Augsburg. Braun, Notitia hist. lit. — Mezger, Augs. Jilteste druckdenkmale. — Veith, Orig. typ. in Aug. Vind. — Zapf, Ann. typ. Augustanse. Authors. See Anonymous. Autographs. Bell, Cat. of, for sale. — Corwin's Cat. with prices, N.Y. — Crelle, Catalogue, Berlin, prices. — Norton, Cat. of. . .on sale, 1857. — Puttick & Simpson, auction sale, 1857. — Renouard, Cat. de la bibliot. de. — Rodd, Autographs for sale. — Soleinne, Bibliot. dramatique, v. 3. — Sotheby, Handwriting of Melancthon. — " Autog. of M. Luther. — Waller's Catalogue of, for sale, 1855, 57. B. Baden. Bingner, Literatur iiber. Bamberg. Jaeck, Beschreibung der Bib. — Laborde, Debuts de I'impr. a. Baskerville's ed. Brunet, Manuel, v. 5. Belgium. Bourgogne, Inventoire des MSS. de. •^ Foppens, Bibliot. Belgica. — Gachard, Documents cone, les anc. assembl&es, Belgium (continued). — Hennebert, Bibliologue de la Belgique. — Kervin, Bibliophiles Flamands. — Lambinet, Recherches historiques. — Major, Bibliot. Mechlin, 1767, priced. — Moline, Cans et Cie, 1847. — Muquardt's Cat. 1853. — Namur, Hist, des Bib. de la. — Neve, Append, a la Bibl. Douaisienne. — Provincial Genoot. Noord Braband. Cat.- — Reume, Varietes Bibliog. — Vandermeersch, Cartes aux archives de la Flandre. — See Libraries in Belgium, Catalogues of ; Dutch; Auction sales. Belles Lettres. See Literature. Berlin Library. Berlin Royal Lib. Cat. — Klaproth, Verz. der Chines, bueher. Beuerberg. Hupfauer, Druckstucke aus dem XV jahrhundert. Bewick, T. Bell, Cat. of books relating to. Bible (Editions of the) . American Bible Soc. Cat. of Lib. — Anderson, Annals of English. — Bagster's Catalogues. — Beloe, V. 3, English editions. — Biblical Student's Asst. — Butler C, Horas Biblica). — Classical Collector's Vade mecum. — Darling's Cyclop. Part II. Commenta. — Dibdin, Bibliot. Speneeriana, v. 1, 5. — '' Introd. to Classics, v. 1. — Home, Manual of Bib. Bibliog. — Paitoni, De' volgarizzamenti della Bibbia. — Panzer, Von dem alleraltesten deutschen Bibeln. — " Gesch. der Niirnberg Ausgaben. — '^ Der Augspurgischen Ausgaben. — Pellicer, Traducciones en Castellano. — Pettigrew, Cat. of Duke of Sussex's Library. — Piatt, Cat. of Ethiop. MSS. ■ — Rive, Chasse aux Bibliog. — Schinmeier, Schwedischen Bibel Ueber- setzungen. — Steigenberger, Zwoalleraltestedeutscho Bibeln. — Stewart, Catalogue of Bibles on sale. — Sussex, Duke of, Library sold. Bibliographical Works, (Catalogues of). — Brunet, Manuel du Libraire, v. 5. — Ilibbert, Cat. of Library of. — Home, Introd. to Bibliog. — Labbe, Bibliot. Bibliothecarum. — Major, Bibliotheca, 1767. — Munsell, Cat. of Lib. for sale, 1857. INDEX TO BIBLIOaRAPHY. 123 Bibliographical Works, Catalogues of. (continued.) — Namur, Bibliog. paleog. dipl. bibliol. — '' Man. du Bibliothecaire. — Peignot, Repert. bibliographique. — Renouard, Cat. de sa bibliotheque. — Teissier, Catalogus auctorum, 1688. — Tross, Cat. Paris, 1855. — Trubner, Cat. of books on sale, 1857. — Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-Gothica. — ^ee Typographical Bibliography. Bibliographical Dictionaries. See Dictionaries. Bibliographical Miscellanies. Aldine Magazine. — Analectabiblion. — Artigny, Memoires. — Bibliog. Miscellany. London. — Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron. — *' Reminiscences. — *' Bibliography, a poem. — Mencke, De Charlataneria. — Nodier, Melanges. — Notes and Queries, Lond. 1849-57. — Rive, Chasse aui Bibliog. ■— Savage, The Librarian. — See Books ; Periodicals. Bibliography. See Catalogues ; Fifteenth Century; Rare Books; Libraries. Bibliography, Elementary. — Branca, Catal. Introd. — Clarke, A., Bibliog. Dictionary, Essay. — Clarke, Bibliog. Misc., v. 2. — Constantin, Bibliotheconomie. — Dibdin, Decameron. — Diction. Bib. Cailleau, v. 3. — Home, Introduction to. — Librarian's Manual, Guild. — Namur, Manuel du Bibliothecaire. — Peignot, Diet, de Bibliol. — Psaume, Diet. Bibliog. v. 1. — (See Classification ; Libraries, adminis- tration of. Bilderdijk, W. Immerzeel, List of works of. Biographies of Printers, Booksellers, etc. — Almon's Memoirs. — Amoretti, Lett. s. d'Aldo. — Baillet, Jugemens des Savans. — Beloe, V. 3, Early Printers. — Blancke, Bildnisse. — Buckingham, Personal Memoirs. — Chalmers, Life of Ruddiman. — Cras, Elogium Meermanni. — Dibdin, Bibliomania. — " Typog. Antiq. Eng. printers. Biographies of Printers, Booksellers, etc. (continued.) — Dunton, Life and Errors. — Falkenstein, Gesch. der buchdrucker- kunst. — Fifty Years' Recollections. — Foppens, Bibliot. Belgica. — Franklin, B., Autobiography. — Gent, The Life of. — Greswell, Early Greek Press. — Hansard, Biog. of Luke Hansard. — Hartzheim, Bibliot. Coloniensis. — Hillard, Mem. of J. Brown. — Hutton, Life of, by himself. — Iseghem, Biog. de Martens. — Johnson, Typographia. — Kerr, Life of Smellie. — Kervin, Bibliophiles Flaraands. — Knight, Biog. of Caxton. — Lackington, Confessions of. — La Serna Santander, Diet. Imprimeurs. — Lewis, Life of Caxton. — Maittaire, Hist, typog. Parisiensium. — Malaspina, Cat. di Stampe. — Nichols, Illustrations, v. 8. • — ** Lit. Anecdotes, v. 3. — ** Anecdotes of W. Bowyer. — Nodier, Vie de : Par Wey. — Oettinger, Bibliog. biographique univ. — Perthes, C. T., Memoirs of. — Reume, Imprimeurs Beiges. — Saxius, Hist. Lit. Typ. Mediolan. — Teissier, Catalogus auctorum, 1688. — Timperley, Encyc. of Typ. Anecd. — Weld, Franklin's Autobiography. — Winaricky, Jean Gutenberg. — See Dictionaries of Authors. Biographical Bibliography. (Ettin- ger, Bibl. biog. supp. Block Books. Sotheby, Principia Typog. — See Engraving ; Typography. Boccaccio. Bearzi, Cat. de livres rares. Bodleian Library. See Oxford Univer- sity. Bohemian. Storch, Antiq. Katal. 1858. Bookbinding. Cundall, Ornamental Bookbinding. — Dibdin, Decameron, v. 2. — Exposition Univ. Rapports du Jury, etc. — Hannett, Bibliopegia. — Nicholson, Manual of the Art, 1856. — Walker, The Art of Bookbinding. — Woolnough, Art of Marbling. Books. Anecdotes of Books. — Baillet, Jugemens, v. 1. — De Bury, Philobiblon. 124 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Books (continued). — Dibdin, Bibliomania. — '* Library companion. — Jewett, Duties on. — Knight, The old printer. — Le Gallois, Traitte des Bib. de I'Europe — Merry weather. Bibliomania. — Spizelius, Infelix literatus. — ** Literatus felicissimus. — See Bibliographical miscellanies. Booksellers. Beloe, Sexagenarian. — Dibdin, Bibliophobia. — Dunton, Religio Bibliopolae. — Dupont, Hist, de limprimerie. — KirchofF, Gesch. der Deutschen buck- handels. — Nichols, Literary anecdotes, v. 3. — jS'ee Biographies. Booksellers' Catalogues. See Law ; Manuscripts. Booksellers' Catalogues, American. — Appleton's Bulletins, etc. — " Library Manual. — Bartlett & Welford, N.Y. — Blake, Am. trade list, 1847. — Blanchard & Lea, Philadelphia. — Boston Trade sales, 1844-49. — Doyle's Cat., N.Y. 1840, 1850. — Eastburn, N.Y. 1822. — Gowan's, N.Y. — Harper's Cat., N.Y. 1847. — Jordan & Norton, N.Y. 1855. — Kirk & Mercein, N.Y. 1819. — Lea & Blanchard, Philadelphia, 1846. — Leggett Brothers, Old books, N.Y. 1855-7. — New -York Trade sales. — Norton, Bibliot. Amor. 1857. — Penington, Philadelphia, 1849. — Philadelphia Trade sales. — Putnam, Bookbuyer's manual. — Randolph, J. W., Richmond, Va. — Scribner, N.Y. 1854. — Sheldon, Lamport & Blakeman, N.Y. — Steele, Albany, 1830. — Wiley & Putnam, N.Y. Booksellers' Catalogues, Dutch. See Dutch books and authors. Booksellers' Catalogues, English. — Bent, Adver. Lond. 1846-53. — Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1812. — Bohn, H. G., Cat. 1841-56. — Catalogues of Secondhand books. Cat. V. 3, 6, 7, 21, 23, 27 28, 46, 47, 65, 71, 77, 79, 88. — Chambers, W. & R. — Hotten, Tracts on America. Booksellers' Catalogues, English (continued) . — Kerslake, 1847-53. — Knight, C, 1843, 47. — Lackington, London, 1821. — Leslie, Catalogue Eng. and for. theol. — Lilley, J., London, 1848, 9. — Longman, Old Books, 1816-53. — Parker, J. H., London, 1848-56. — Parker, J. W., Oxford. — Payne & Foss, London, 1848. — Publisher's Circular, 1839-57. — Quaritch, London, 1848-57. — Rich, 0., London, 1831-46. — Rodd, T., London, 1842. — Stewart, C. J., London, 1849. — Taylor, Walton & Maberly, London. — Thorpe, London, 1842, 3. — Waller & Son, London, 1857. — Weale, London, 1836-44. — Willis, G., London, 1844-55. — See London Catalogues ; English books and authors. Booksellers' Catalogues, French. — Bachelier, Paris. — Bossange, M., 1830-55. — Bure, Cat. de la librairie de. — Delalain, Cat. livres class, fr. 1858. — Hachette, 1854-58. — Masson, Librairie mcd. et sci. — Tross, Cat. Paris, 1855. — See French books, etc. Booksellers' Catalogues, German. — Asher & Co., Berlin. — Brockhaus, 1857. — Butsch, Leipzig, 1857. — Hinrichs, 1835-55. — Kaulfuss, Wien, 1849. — Weigel, J. 0., Lipsise, 1832-43. — Weigel, T. 0., Leipzig. — See German books and authors. Booksellers' Catalogues, Italian. — Bibliot. Italiana. — Branca, Cat. della libreria. — Molini, Firenze, 1853. — Renuccini, Milano, 1850. — Scapin, Padova, 1839. — See Italian books. Bosch, H. de. Lenncp, D. J. Van, Memoria. Botanical. Pam. v. 188, Cat. of bot. libraries. — Rich, Cat. of Anc. and Mod. bot. books. — Russia, Cat. bibl. horti. imper. — Seguier, Bibl. botanica. — See Natural history. INDEX TO BIBLIOGRAPHY. 125 Bourgogne. Barrois, Biblio. des Dues de. — Bock, Liber guidonis. — Bourgogne, Inventaire des MSS. — La Serna Santander, Mem. sur la bib. de. Bowyer, W. Nichols, Anecdotes of. British Museum. Biblioth. Amer. Homer MSS. in. — British Museum, Catalogues. — Cumberland, Essay, prints in. — George III., Bibl. regiae catalogus. — Great Britain, Reports of Comm. of House of Commons. — Hargrave, Cat. of MSS. of library of. — Sims, Handbook to. — Stevens, Cat. of Amer. books in — Waagen, Treasures of Art in G. B., v. 1. Brunswick- Liunenburg. Bytermeister, Comment, historicus de. Bry, T. De. Bure (De), Bib. instructive. — Camus, Mem. sur la Collection de. — Lenglet du Fresnoy, Mcthode, torn. 1. — Paris, Bibliot. Parisina, p. 122. Brussels. Bourgogne, Inventaire des MSS. — Le Serna Santander, Mem. sur la bib. — Namur, Hist, des Bibl. de la Bel. — 5'ee Libraries ; Dutch Books; Belgium. Bure, G. De. Rive, Chasse aux bibliog. Cambrai, Coussemaker, Notices sur la biblioth. de. — Le Glay, MSS. de la bibl. de. Cambridge Univ. Catalog! MSS. Angliee. — Halliwell, MS. rarities of. — Hartshorne, Book rarities of. — Parker, M., Cat. lib. MSS. Canada. Canada, Cat. of Lib. of parlia- ment. — Charlevoix, Liste des auteurs, etc. — Faribault, Cat. d'ouvrages sur. • — O'Callaghan, Relat. des josuites. Cassano, Duke of. Dibdin, Bib. spence- riana, v. 7. Cards, Playing. Chatto, Facts on hist. of. — Jansen, Origin© de la gravure. — Leber, Cat. de la bibliotheque de. — Peignot, Recherches sur. — See Engraving; Typog., origin of. Catalogues. Beckmann, Hist, of cata- logues. — Brunet, Liste, v. 4. — Bunau, Cat. de la Bibliot. — Catalogues, 93 v., miscellaneous. — Dibdin, Bibliomania. — Feuerlein, Supellex libraria. — Jewett, Construction of catalogues. — London Quar. Review, v. 72, 1843. Catalogues (continued) . — Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, vol. 3. — Peignot, Repert. Bib., List of. — Techener, Consid. sur la bibl. royale. — iSee Auction sales ; Booksellers; Classi- fication ; Bibliography ; Libraries, catalogues and administration of. Caxton, W. Dibdin, Bibl. Spencer, v. 4. — " Typ. Antiq., V. 1. — Knight, Biography of Caxton. — Lewis, Life of. Cervantes, M. de. Pellicer, Ensayo. Charlatanry. Mencke, De la Charlat. des savans. Chemistry. Boehmer, Bib. script, hist, nat. — Zuchold, Bib. phys. chemica, 1862. Chess. Vogt, Principal works on. Chinese. Berlin Roy. Lib. Cat. — Klaproth, Cat. des livres imprimis . . . Church Fathers. Cleaver, List of books. — Darling's Cycl. Art. Bibliotheca. — Dibdin, Introd. to Classics. — Dodwell's Cat. of Church authors. — Lennep, D. J. Van, Cat. de la bibliot. Church History. See Ecclesiastical. Classics. Editions of Greek and Latin. — Anthon, Manual of Greek. — Baillet, Jugemens, vol. 3, 4. — Beloe, vol. 3. — Books, rare, etc. Boston, 1815. — Chardon, Melanges, v. 2, Romains, Grecs. — Clarke, A., Bibliographical diet. — Classical Collector's Vade mecum. — Dibdin, Introduction to editions of, 1802. — Engelmann, Bibliot. philol. — Eschenberg, Classical antiquities. — Fabricius, Bibliotheca Latina. — Fournier, Diction, de bibliog. — Greswell, Early Greek press. — Ilarless, Notitia Litt. Grsecae. — Harwood, Biographia classica. — Hebenstreit, Diet. ed. classicorum, 1828. — Jacobs, F., Bibliotheca. Cat. — Iriarte, Bibl. matritensis. Gr. MSS. — Lennep, D. J. Van, Cat. de la biblioth. — Moss, Man. of class, bibliography. — Paitoni, Autori Gr. e Lat. volgarizzati. — Pointer, Miscellanea, 1718. — Peignot, Repert. bibliog. — Smith, Diet, of Gr. and Rom. biog. — See Manuscripts. Classification of Books. Alembert, Sys- teme des conn, humaines. 126 NEW- YORK STATE LIBRARY. Classification of Books (Continued) . — Bulletin du bibl. 1840. Syst. de Daunou. — Chaudon, Diet. v. 20. — Constantin, Bibliotheconomie. — Fortia d'Urban, Syst. de bibliog. alpha. — Great Brit. Keport Brit. Mug. 1835. — Home, Introd. to bibliog. — Middleton, Bib. Canta. ordin. methodus. — Palermo, Classazione dei libri a stampe. — Peignot, Diet, de bibliol. — See Bibliography, elementary; Cata- logues ; Libraries. Coislin. II. C. De C. Montfaucon, Bib. coisliniana. Cologne. Hartzheim, Bibliot. coloniensis. Commerce. M'Culloch, Literat. of Polit. Econ. Copyriglit. See Literary property. Cotton, R. B. Brit. Mus. Cat. of Cott. MSS. Coster, li. J. Kortebrand, Lof der druk- kunst. — Lennep, Carmen, auctore H. Bosscha. — Loosjes, Gedenkschriften. — Scriverius, Laurea L. Costcri. — Vries, A. De, Notice sur le Speculum. — See Harlem. Cypher. Gage, on cypher. — Thicknesse, Treatise on the art of. — Wilkins, Secret messenger. — (See Monograms ; Writing ; Alphabets. D. Dalmatian. See Slavonic. Danish. Worm, Lexicon over Danske laerte maend. Dante. Batines, Bibliog. dantesca. — Bearzi, Cat. de livres rares. Devonshire, Eng. Davidson, Bibliot. devoniensis. Delphin ed. Brunot, Manuel, v. 5. Danses des morts. Peignot, Recherches sur. Dictionaries of Bibliography. — Bauer, Bibliot. libr. rar. — Brunet, Manuel du libraire. — Bure, G. F. De, Biblio. instructive. — Chaudon, Diet. univ. hist, et bibliog. — Clarke, A., Bibliographical dictionary. — Clement, Bibliotheque curieuse. — Diction, bibliog., Cailleau. — Ebert, Gen. bibliog. diet. — Fournier, Dictionnaire de bibl. — Georgi, Allge. Europ. bucherlexicon. — Gesner, Bibliotheca. — Hain, Repertorium bibliog. Dictionaries of Bibliog. (continued) . — Hallevord, Biblioth. curiosa, 1676. — Konig, Bibliot. vetus et nova. " — Laire, Index librorum. . .ad an, 1500. — La Serna Santander, Diet, bibliog. — Lowndes, Bibliog. Man. of Engl. lit. — Maittaire, Annales typographic!. — Osmont, Diet, typog. des livres rares. — Panzer, Annales typographic^ — Psaume, Diet, bibliographique. — See Fifteenth Century editions ; Biblio- graphy, elementary. Dictionaries of authors, of literary history, etc. — Aprosio, Bibliot. aprosiana. — Bayle, Diction, historique. — Biographic universelle. ' — Chalmers, Bib. diet. — Chaudon, Diet. univ. hist, et bibliog. — Darling, Cyc. bibliographica. — Kippis, Biog. Britannica. — Ladvocat, Diction, hist, et biblioer. 1789. — Oettinger, Bibliog. biog. univ. — Sarrut, Biog. des hommes du jour, 1841. — iSec American ; English; French; etc. Diplomatics. Abella, Noticia Col. dipl. Espagna. — Bartlett, Preservation of archives. — Bossange, Catalogue. — Christ, Abhandlungen. — Great Britain, Record commission rep. — MafFei, Letter to Countess of Seefeld. — Martens, Bibliographic diplomatique. — Namur, Bibliog. diplo -bibliol. — Peignot, Diet, de bibliol. — See Bibliog. elementary; Alphabets; Writing; Manuscripts. Dissertations. Boekeren, Cat. theol. dis- sertationum. — Marklin, Cat. Diss. acad. Scandinavise. — Muller, Cat. Diss, juridicarum. — Weigel, Corpus Diss, theol. for sale. D'Israeli, J. Corney, Review of Curiosi- ties of literature. Douai. Neve, Appen. alabib. douaisienne. — Duthilloeul, Cat. des MSS. de la bib de. Dramatic Anthors. Baker, Biog. Dram. — Dunlap, Hist, of Am. theatre. — Egerton-s Theatrical remembrancer. — Garrick, Cat. of library of. — Heinsius, Allg. biicher lexikon, v. 4. — Langbaine, Lives of Eng. dram, poets. — Lives of dramatic poets. — Reed, Bibl. Reediana. — Riocoboni, Hiat. du Theatre Ital. INDEX TO BIBLIOaRAPHY. 127 Dramatic Authors (continued) . — Koxburghe, Library cat. — Soleitne, Bibliot. dramatique. — Winston, Bibliot. dramatica. Dresden lib. Bunau, Cat. bib. bunavianae. — Ludewig, Zur bibliothekonomie. Ducarel, Dr. Bowyer, Correspon. with Meerman. Dutch Authors and Books. Abkoude, Naamregister, 1600-1778. — Asher, Bib. essay. . . .New Netherland. — Catalogues, Pam. v. 38, 39, 40, B.C. — Exposition univ., Cat. de livres pub. en Hollande. — Foppens, Bibliot. Belgica. — Friesch Genootschap, Catalogus. — Gravenweert, Hist, de la litt. Neerland- aise. — Goudriaan, Catalogus. — Jaarboekje voor den boekhandel, 1839- 43. — La Rue, Geletterd Zeeland. — Maandelyke Uittrcksels, etc. 1760-70. — Maatschappij van Ned. lett. cat. — Meerman, Uitvinding, etc. Ed. Visser. — Muller, Cat. diss, jurid. Neerlandiae. — '^ Dutch pub. in NewNetberlands. — Nijhoff, Cat. La Ilaye, 1854. — Pauw, Cat. bibliot. Hagae, 1654. — Provincial Genootsch. N. Braband. — ' Revue bibliog. des pays bas, 1822-30. — Schotel, Archives a la Haye. — Servais, Cat. de la biblioth. 1808. — Vereeniging des boekhandels, cat. bib. — See Belgium ; Auction sales ; Gand ; Alost; Elzevir; Libraries. Ecclesiastical History. Jablonowski, Bibliotheca. — See Theology ; Church Fathers ; Refor- mation; Rom. Cath. Ch. Educational. Barnard, List of works on, — Cat. V. 67, 59, 60. — Delalain, Cat. livres d'education 1858. — Hachette, Livres d'education Cat. — Soc. for Encour. of Arts, Cat. of Educ- exhib. Egyptian Antiq. Reimann, Idea syste- matis, etc. Elzevir editions. Brunet, Manuel, v. 5. — Jaarboekje voor den boekhandel. — La Faye, Traitcs imprimes par. — Nodier, Melanges. — Pieters, Annales de I'Impr. Elsev. — Reume, Recherches sur. Engineering. Blumhof, Bibliot. Ferri, 1803. — Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees, Cat. Engineering (continued) . — Malberg, Literatur des Bau und In. genieur Wesens. — Schubarth, Repertorium techn. — Weale, Cat. of books on, for sale. — Williams, J., Workg on, for sale. English Books and Authors. — Berkenhout, Biog. lit. 400-1600. — Bohn's Cat. 1841. — British Critic, 1793-1818. — Brown, Cat. of Eng. and For. 1840. — Brydges, Censura literaria. — " Restituta. — " British bibliographer. — Catalogue of Living Eng. authors, 1799. — Chalmers, Biog. dictionary. — Cole, Bibliog. tour to a library. — Collet, Relics of literature. — Critical Review, 1756-98. — Darling, Cyc. bibliographica. — Fry, Bibliog. memoranda. — Goodhugh, Engl. Genfs library. — Granger, Biog. hist, of England. — Hodgson, Bibliot. Londinensis, 1814-53. — Kippis, Biograph. Britannica. — Leland, Comra. de Script. Britannicis. — Literary Blue book, 1830. — Low, Brit. Catalogue, 1837-52. — Lowndes, Bibliog. Man. of Eng. lit. — Monthly Review, index, 1749-86. — Murray, J., 1845-54. — Nichols, Lit. anecd. of the 18th century. — " Illust. of lit. history of 18th century. — Parker, J. H., Sale lists, 1848-56. — Parker, J. W., Sale lists. — Reuss, Register of authors of Gt. Brit. — Rich, Syst. Cat. 1831-33. — Savage, The Librarian. — Walpole, Cat. of royal and noble authors. — Watt, Biblioth. Britannica, 1824. — Wood, Athenso Oxonienses. — Wright, Biog. Britan. literaria. — See Booksellers, English; Great Bri- tain; Scotland. English History, general and local. — Bohn's Cat. 1841. Index. Local. — Davidson, Bibliot. Devoniensis. — Farmer, Cat. of lib. — Great Britain, Li^. of H. of Commons. — Halliwell, Notices of Eng. histories. — Macray, Man. of Brit, historians to 1600. — Newman, Oat. County hist, for sale. — Nichols, Cat. of County hist, for sale., — Nicolson, Engl. hist, library. — Roxburghe library cat. — Smith, Bibliot. Cantiana, 128 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. English History, general and local (continued) . — Soc.Jof Ant. Newcastle, Cat. — Soc. of Ant. Lond. Cat. — Towneley, Auction sale of lib., priced. — Uphara te, 1855. — Astor Library, N.Y. 1857. — Amer. Antiq. Soc. 1837. — Am. Phil. Soc. — Amherst College, 1855. — Boston, Public library, 1854. — Boston Athenaeum, 1840. — Brady, H. A., N.Y. 1851. — Brown Univ., Providence, R.I. — Canada, Cat. of lib. of Pari. — Conway, F. W., N.Y. 1854. — Groton, Mass. — Harvard University, 1834. — Library Comp. of Phila. 1856. — Loganian Lib. Phila. — Lyceum of Nat. Ilist. N.Y. — Maine, State Lib. 1856. — Massachusetts, State Lib. — Mercantile Lib. Assoc. Boston. — Mercantile Lib. Assoc. Montreal. — Mercantile Lib. Assoc. of N.Y. — Mercantile Lib. Comp. of Phila. — Minnesota, State Lib. Cat. — Newark, Lib. Assoc. — New Bedford, Lib. Report. Libraries in America, Catalogues of (continued) . — New Bedford, Pub. Lib. — Newburyport, Mass. — New Jersey, State Lib. — New Haven, Y. M. Inst. — N.Y. Hospital Lib. — N.Y. Hist. Soc. 1813. — New York Society, Lib. — New York, State Lib. 1855. — Norton's Lit. and Educ. Reg. 1854. — Pennsylvania, State Lib. — Providence, Athenaeum. — Queen's Coll., Toronto. — Redwood Lib. Newport. — Rochester, N.Y. — Salem Athenaeum. — Soc. of Friends, Phila. — Tennessee, State Lib. — United States, Congress Library. — " " Mil. Acad. Lib. — Vermont, State Lib. — Wayland, Lib. — Yale College, Soc. Lib. ~ Y. M. Assoc. Albany. — Y. M. Assoc. Buffalo. — Y. M. Inst. Hartford. — Y. M. Merc. Assoc. Cincinnati. — Y. M. Assoc. Milwaukee. — See American Books ; Law. Libraries in Belgium and Nether- lands, Catalogues of. — Amsterdam, Biblioth. der stad. — Belgium, Chambre des repres. — Bon & Stook, Theol. libraries. — Bourgogne, Inventaire des MSS. — Acad, des Sci., Belgique. — Holtrop, Cat. Bib. Haganae. — La Serna, Bibliot. de Bruxelles. — Leyden, Univ. Cat. 1741. — Namur, Hist, des bib. de la Belgique. — Pauw, Cat. Bibliot. Hagae, 1654. — Voisin, Bibliotheca Gandavensis. — " Hist, des bibliot. en Belgique. — See Bruxelles ; Belgium. Libraries in England and Scotland, Catalogues of. — Advocates, Lib. Edinb. Cat. — Athenaeum, Lond. — Beauclerck, Cat. of lib. of. — Beckford, Fonthill Abbey. — British Museum. — Cat. Lib. MSS. Angliae. — Dibdin, The Director, Askew's lib. — *' Bibliot. Spenceriana. — *^ Reminiscences. — East India Company, Cat. 134 NEW-YOEK STATE LIBRAE T. Libraries in England and Scotland, Catalogues of (continued) . — Edinburgh, Select subsc. lib. — George III., Bibl. regiae catal. — Great Britain, Cat. of Lib. of H. of C. — Haenel, Cat. MSS. in Bibl. Europe. — London Library, Cat. — London Institution, Cat. — Maitland, Index of books, library at Lambeth.... — Manchester, Eng., Pub. lib., Cat. — Minerva Library, Liverpool. — Oxford Univ., Catalogues of. — Parr, Bibliot. Parriana. — Royal Asiat. Soc. Cat. — Royal Institution, Cat. — Russell Institution, Cat. — Salford Borough, Cat. — Spilsbury, Lincoln's Inn. — Sims, Hand-book to British Museum. — Walpole, Cat. of Contents of Strawberry Hill. — Williams, Red Cross st. Lib. Cat. — See London ; Brit. Museum ; English Libraries; Auction sales. Libraries in France, Catalogues of. — Acad, des Sc. France, MSS. lib. of France. — Bordeaux, Bibliot. de la ville. — Bure, Cat. de La Valliere. — Delandine, Cat. de la bibl. de Lyon. — Dibdin, Bibliog. tour. — Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees, Cat. 1856. — La Valliere, Cat. de la Bibliot. — Le Glay, MSS. de la bibl. de Cambrai. — " «< Bibl. pub. de Nord de. — " " MSS. de la bibl. de Lille. — Prousteau, Bibliot. publique. — Rouard, Bibliothcques d'Aix. — Voyage Litteraire, 1717. — See Lyons ; Paris ; Lille ; Douai ; Aix ; French books; French libraries. Libraries in Germany, Catalogues of. — Bavaria, Biblioth. a Munich. — Berlin, Royal Library. — Braun, Not. de bib. ad SS. Udal. et Afrae. — Bunau, Cat. bibliothecae. — Dibdin, Bibliog. tour. — Irmischer, Bibliot. zu Erlangen. — Jablonowski, Bibliotheca. — Murr, Memorab. Norimb. — Strauss, Bibliotheca in Rebdorf. — See Munich; Vienna; Augsburg; Ber- lin, etc. Libraries in Italy. — Biscioni, Cat. bib. mediceo-lauren. — Blume, Iter Italicum. Libraries in Italy (continued) . — Capponi, A. G., Catalogo. — Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Taurinenis Ath. — Vallcry, Voy. hist, en Italie. — See Rome ; Milan ; Padua ; Venice ; Italian. Libraries. For other libraries, see various towns. Manuscripts, etc. Libraries, History of. — Account of Celebrated libraries. — Berlin, Royal library. — Clarke, Repertorium bibliog. — Delandine, Hist, des bibl. de Lyon. — Eichhorn, Geschichte der Litteratur. — Encyc. Britannica, Art. Libraries. — Great Britain, Report, Comm. of H. of C. — Guild, Librarian's man. N.Y. 1858. — Home, Introd. to bibliog. — Jewett, Notices of libraries in U.S. — Lomeierus, De bibliothecis. — Namur, Hist, des bib. de la Belgique. — Peignot, Diet, de bibliol. — Petit-Radel, Recherches sur les bibliot. — jSee American ; English; French; Ger- man; and Italian libraries. Lille. Le Glay, Cat. des MSS. de la bib. de. Literary Property. Blake, Amer. Trade list. — Boswell, Case of Hinton. — Burke on Copy Right. L.L. — Burrow, Literary Property. Conkling on Copy Right in MSS. L.L. — Crawford on Copy Right. L.L. — Dupont, Hist, de limprimerie. — France, Coram, de la proprietc litteraire. — Lemoine, Typog. antiq. — Lowndes, Law of Copyright. L.L. — Maugham, Laws of lit. property. L.L. — Nicklin, Remarks on lit. property. — Renouard, Des droits d'auteurs. L.L. — See Law Library Catalogue. Literature. Bure, G. F. De, Bibliog. instructive. — Crevenna, Catalogue, 1776. — Dallerange, Cat. de sa biblioth. 1851. — Delandine, Cat. de la bib. de Lyon. — Eichhorn, Geschichte der Litteratur. — Jordens, Lexikon Deutscher dichter und prosaisten. — Renouard, Cat. de la bibliothtque. — Tieck, Bibliothcque, vendue. — (See French; English, etc. Lithography. Brcgeaut, Man. de I'impr. — Dupont, Mem. sur la litho. typographic. — Engelmann, Traite de lithog. — Ferchl, Senefelder'schen erfindungen. INDEX TO BIBLIOGRAPHY. 135 liithography (continued) . — Senefelder, Complete course of. — Tudot, Traito de lithographic. liiverpool. Minerva Lib. Cat. liOcal History. See English History. JLogic. Blakey's History ; List of works on. liOudou Libraries and Catalogues. — Athenteum, Cat. — British Museum. — Bent, Cat. 1814-39. — Hodgson, 1814-53. — London Institution, Cat. — Lond. Library, Cat. 1852. — Low, British Cat. 1837-52. — Maitland, Index of Archiep. palace lib. — Nichols, List of books on. — Spilsbury, Lincoln's Inn. — See Libraries in England. Lorraine. Emmery, Cat. des MSS. relatifs. Louvain. Namur, Hist, des bibl. de. Lyon. Delandine, MSS. delabib. de Lyon. — " Cat. de la bib. de Lyon. — Monfalcon, Le nouveau Spon. — " Bibliog. de Lyon. M. Machines. See Engineering. Madrid. Casiri, Bibliot. Arab. Hisp. Escu. — Iriarte, Codices Graeci MSS. — jSee Spanish. Magazines. See Periodicals. Manuscripts, Essays on knowledge of, etc. — Delandine, Mem. bibliog. — Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron. — Humphreys, Art of Illumination. — " Ilium. MSS. of Mid. Ages. — Langlois, Calligraphic du moyen age. — Maitland, The Dark Ages; Essays. — Merryweather, Bibliom. Mid. Ages. — Namur, Bibliog. paleog. dipl. g(n. — Peignot, Diet, de bibliol. — Waagen, Treas. of Art in Gt. Brit. — Wright, Illuminated MSS. — See Writing; Alphabets; Ilium. MSS. Manuscripts priced. — Bell, Cat. of MSS. on sale. — Bure, De, Cat. bib. de la Valliere. — Cochran, Second Cat. of MSS. for sale. — Diet. Bibliog., Cailleau. — Meermann, Biblioth. v. 4, priced. — Rodd, Cat. of, for sale, Lond. 1845. — Smith, J. R., Cat. of MSS. for sale. — Stark, Ilium. MSS. for sale. — Thorpe, Cat. of MSS. on sale, 1843. — See Booksellers' Catalogues. Manuscripts in Libraries, Catal. of. — Acad, des Sc. MSS. in lib. of France. — Aretin, Beytriige. — Arwidsson, K. Bib. Stockholm. — Ban-ois, Bibliot. protypographique. — Berlin, Royal Library, Oriental. — Biblioth. Amer. 1789. — Biseioni, Bib. Mediceo -Laurent. Greek and Oriental. — Black, Ashmole MSS. — Blume, Iter Italicum. — " Bib. MSS. Ital, — Bock, Liber Guidonis. — Bourgogne, Inventaire. — Boutourlin, Cat. de la Bibliot. — British Museum, Catal. of. — Capponi, Cat. dei manoscritti dal. — Casiri, Bibliot. Arab. Hisp. Escur. — Catalogi Lib. MSS. Angliae. — Champollion, Doc. hist, incdits. — Cocchi, Diarium Philippi III, 1301. — Delandine, MSS. de la bib. de Lyon. — " Mem. Bibliographiques. — Duthillceul, Cat. de la bibl. de Douai. — Fortunatus, Comm. de Alcobacensi MSS. — France, Cat. des Archives Departe- mentales. — Haenel, Cat. MSS. in Bibl. Europae. — Halliwell, Acct. of MSS. at Plymouth. — " Rarities at Cambridge. — Hardt, Cat. MSS. Gr. Bibliot. Bav. — Hargrave, Cat. of MSS. of Library of. — Iriarte, Bib. Matrit. Grseci MSS. — Irmischer, Handsch. Kat. Erlang. etc. — Jaeck, Beschreibung der bib. zu Bam- berg. — Joursanvault, MSS. concernant I'hist. de la France. — Kloss, Cat. of Library of, 1835. — Leber, Cat. de la biblioth. de. — Le Glay, MSS.de la bibl. de Cambrai. — " «' MSS. de la bibl. de Lille. — Leyden Univ., Cat. Orie/i^a^. — Mingarelli, Cod. MSS. Gr. apud Nanios. Yen. — Montfaucon, Bibl. Coisliniana. Greek. — Morelli, Cod. Lat. bib. nanianaj. — Notice des bib. des dcpartements Fr. — Nys, Les Archives d'Anvers. — Ochoa, MSS. Espafiols en bibl. de Paris. — Paris, MSS. de la bibl. Imper. — Parker, M., Cat. MSS. Cantab. — Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Gr. Taurin. Athenaei. — Paulinus, Musei Borgiani Cod. MSS. — Pettigrew, Bibliot. Sussexiana. — Rask, Cat. of MSS. Zend, etc. — Russia, Cat. dc la bibliot. Oriental. 136 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Manuscripts in Libraries, Cata- logues of (continued) . — Soc. of Antiquaries, Lond., Cat. — Uffenbach, Bibliotheca Cod. — Vienna, Imp. Lib. Cat. Codicum. — Zacharia, Bibliot. Pistoriensis. -— Zanetti, D. Marci Bibl. Cod. Fr. Lat. et Ital. Maps. Asher, Maps of New Netherland. — Crelle, Catalogue, Berlin, 1856. — Faribault, Catalogue sur I'Amerique. — George III, Bibl. Regiaj Catal., v. 6. — Koeppen, Authors on Geog. of Mid. Ages. — Kohl, Lecture on Maps of America. — Martens, Cat. de cartes geographiques. — N.Y. State Lib. Catalogue, 1856. — Picquet, Cat. Syst. de cartes ane. et mod. — Vandermeersch, Cartes aux archives de la Flandre. — Wyld, Cat. of, for sale, Lond. Martens, T. Gand, Recherches sur la vie de. — Iseghem, Biographic de. Masonic. Catalogue of books on. — Gowan, Catalogue, 1858. — Lerouge, Catalogue, Paris, 1833. Mathematical. Bachelier, Catalogues, Paris. — De Morgan, Arithmetical books. — Schumacher, Livres de la bibl. 1855. Mayence. Heineken, Idee, etc. — Laborde, Debuts de Pimpr. a Mayence — Lambinet, Recherches sur I'origine. — Marchand, Hist, de Porig. de 1-impr. — Willett, Orig. of printing. — Wurdtwein, Bibliot. moguntina. — Zapf, Buckdruckergesch. von Mainz. — See Gutenberg, J. ; Typography. Mazarine Library. Naude, Lettre sur. — Petit-Radel, Recherches sur les bib. Mead's Library. Dibdin, The Directot. Medical. Baillicre, Catalogues, 1833-56. — Blanchard & Lea, Philadelphia. — Boehmer, Bib. script, hist. nat. — Brit. & For. Med. Rev. Advertiser. — Catalogues, Cat. v. 59. — Edinb. Univ. Cat. lib. med. — Fortin et Cie., Paris, 1841. — Haller, Biblioth. medicinae, ad 1775. — Massachusetts Med. Soc. Cat. — Masson, Librairie modicale. — Mt'ding, Bibliot. du Paris medical. — Ruprecht, Bibl. Med. Chirur. 1854. — RosenV)aum, Additam. ad bibl. med. — Vigiliis von Creutzenfeld, Bibliot. chir. Medical (continued). — Wildberg, Bib. med. publicae. — Wood, S. S. & W., Med. books for sale, N.Y. Mediceo-Laurent. Biscioni, Catalogus Biblioth. Mejanes. Rive, Chasse aux Bibliographes. — Rouard, Bibliot. de, a Aix. Melancthon, P. Kloss, Cat.... Annota- tions of. — Sotheby, Observat. on handwriting of. Mercier de St. Leger. Chardon, Me- langes, V. 2. Vie de. G. L. Mexican. Clavigero, Cat. of authors in New Spain. — Cotton, Typ. Gazetteer. — Robertson, List of works. Milan. Argelati, Bibliot. scriptorum. — S»xius, Hist. lit. typ. mediolan. — jSse Italian ; Libraries. Military. Anselin, Catalogues, Paris. — Doisy, Bibliologie militaire. — Du Maine, Librairie mil. Paris. — Laguionie, Librairie mil. Paris. — United States Mil. Acad. Lib. Cat. Milton, J. Todd, List of editions of. Mineralogical. See Geological. Miscellaneous. See Bibliographical Mis- cellanies; Books; Periodicals. Monograms. Brulliot, Dictionnaire des monog. — Bryan, Diction, of engravers. — Christ, Diet, des monogrammes. — Dibdin, Decameron. — See Engraving. Morin, M. Frere, De Pimprimerie a Rouen. Munich Library. Aretin, Beytrage. — Bavaria, Biblioth. a Munich. — Dibdin, Bibliog. tour. — Frank, Morgenl. handsch. der bibliot. — Hardt, Cat. MSS. Gr. Bibliot. — Steigenberger, Hist, versuch von der bibliot. Musical. Coussemaker, Coll. musicales a Cambrai. — Moore, Encyc. of Music. — Rimbault, Bibliot. madrigaliana. N. Naples. Blumo, Iter Italicum. — Paulinus, Mus. borgiani vclitris. — Toppi, Biblioteca Napoletana. — See Italian. Narcissa. Pierquin, Recherches sur le tombeau de. INDEX TO BIBLIOGRAPHY. 137 Natural History. Agassiz, Bibliog. zoologiae. — Bailliere, Catalogues, 1833-56. — Boehmer, Bib. script, hist. nat. — Bohn, Catalogue, 1847. — Cuvier, Table of authors on. — Girard, Bibliog. Amer. hist. nat. — Linnean Soc. Cat. of lib. — Lyceum of nat. hist. N.Y. Cat. — Scheuchzer, Bibl. Script, hist. nat. Helvet. et Galliffi. — Warmholtz, Bibl. hist. Suev-gothica. — Zuchold, Bibliot. hist, naturalis. — See Botanical ; Zoological. Netherlands. See Belgium ; Dutch ; Book sellers; Libraries. Newspapers, History of. — Buckingham, Spec, of newsp. press. — Chalmers, Life of Kuddiman. Eng. Newsp. — Fifty Years Recollections. — Follett, Press of W. N.York. — Gt. Britain, Report on newsp. stamps. — Hunt, The Fourth Estate. — Mitchell, Newspaper press directory. — Munsell, Typog. miscellany. — Nichols, Lit. anecdotes, v. 4. — Timperley, Encycof typ. anecd. — Thomas, Printing in America. — See Periodicals. Numismatical. Bunau, Cat. bibliothecae. — Hearne, Cat. of Numism. books for sale. — Hennin, Bibliotheque numismatique. •*— Labbo, Bibliot. nummaria. — Selden, De nummis (Labbe) . Nuremberg. Murr, Memor. bibl. norimb. — Panzer, Deutschen bibeln, in bibliot. — ** Geschichte der ausgaben. — *^ Aelteste buehdruckerge- schichte in. Oriental. Astor Library, Orient. Cat. — Clarke, A., Bibliog. miscellany. — Elliot, Bib. index to Historians of India. — Fraehn, Indications bibliographiques. — France, Spec, de I'imprim. royale. — Frank, Morgenl. handsch. in Miinchen. — Gesenius, Bibliotheca Geseniana. — Hamaker, Spec. Cat. MSS. Orient. — Herbelot, Bibliotheque orientale. — Klaproth, Cat. des livres de la bib. de. — Konig, Bibliot. vetus et nova, 1678. — Langles, Cat. de la bibliot. — Leyden, Univ. catalogus. — Madden, Oriental cat. 1843. — Marsden, Bibliot. philol. et orient. f Bib. Lib.] 18 Oriental (continued). — Ouseley, Cat. of MSS. in orient, lang. — Piatt, Cat. of Ethiop. MSS. — Paulinus, Mus. Borgiani MSS. Indo- stani. — Royal Asiat. Soc. Cat. — Russia, Cat. MSS. Orient, de la bibliot. — Schlegel, Kat. der buchersammlung. — Triibner, Books on sale, 1853. — Zenker, Bibliotheca orientalis. — See Manuscripts, catalogues of; San- skrit; Asiatic; Arabic; Armenian. Orleans. Prousteau, Bibliotheque pub. de. Oxford University. Black, Ashmolo MSS. — Douce, Library bequeathed to. — Gibbs, Bibliotheca Radcliviana. — Malone, Cat. of Early Eng. Poetry. — Oxford, Bodleian library. — Singer, Account of book printed, 1468. — Waagen, Treasures of Art in G. B. v. 3. — Wood, Athenae Oxonienses. P. Padua. Colle, Storia lit. scient. di. Painting. Godde, Cat. relatif aux arts. Pamphlets. Almon, Cat. of publications, 1770. — Halliwell, Tracts of Capt. Cox's library. — Hamilton, Cat. of tracts for sale, 1844. — Hotten, Tracts on America, Lond. — London Institution, Cat. v. 2. — Richardson, Reprints of rare tracts. — Smith, J. R., Cat. of 25,000, for sale. — See America, pamphlets on. Paper. Delandine, Mem. bibliog. — Dupont, Hist, de I'imprimerie. — Guettard, Materials for paper. — Guilandinus, Papyrus. — Jansen, Origine de la gravure. — Meerman, De chartsD vulg. origine. — Munsell, Chronol. of paper. — Polydor Vergil, De rerum invent. — Reimann, Idea systematis, etc. — Roy. Soc. Phil. Trans. 1731. — Schubarth, Repert. der techn. literatur. Parchment. 5^ee Vellum. Paris Libraries, etc. Barrois, Bib. pro- totypog. — Dibdin, Bibliog. tour. — France, Bibliot. imperiale. — *' Cat. des bibl. de la marine et des colonies. — Jacob, Bibliot. Parisina, 1643-6. — Le Prince, Essai sur la bibliot. — Montfaucon, Bib. Coisliniana, bib. toy. 138 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Paris Libraries, etc. (continued) . • — Ochoa, MSS. Espanoles existentes, bib. roy. — Paris, MSS. de la bib. imper. — Piatt, Cat. MSS. Ethiop. bib. roy. — Praet, Cat. livres survelin de. — Techener, Considerations sur la bib. R. — See French Libraries ; and Libraries, Catalogues of. Paris Typography. — Crapelet, Etudes pratiques. — " Robert Estienne. — Dupont, Imprimerie nationale. — Greswell, Annals, Parisian typog. — Maittaire, Historia Typ. parisiensium. — Petit-Radel, Bibliot. mazarine. — See French, Typog. history. Periodicals, relating to Bibliogra- phy or Literary History. — Aldine Magazine. — Bibliog. de la France, 1820-40. — Book (The) Trade, N.Y. 1851, 52. — British Critic, 1793-1818. ' — Brunet, Manuel, v. 4. — Bulletin du bibliophile, Techener. — Critical Review, 1756-98. — Gazette Litt., Amst. 1708-70. — Hennebert, Bibliologue de la Belgique. — History of the Works of the learned, 1699-1709. — Literary World, N.Y. 1847-53. — Maandelyke Uittreksels, etc. 1766-70. — Monthly Lit. Advertiser, N.Y. 1841. — Monthly Review, Lond. 1749-1806. — Norton's Literary Adv. 1851-53. — '' Literary Gazette, 1854, 5. — « Lit. and Edu. Register, 1854. — Notes and Queries, Lond. — Retrospective Review, Lond. — Revue Bibl. des Pays Bas, 1822-30. — Revue de Bibliog. Paris, 1840-45. — Savage, The Librarian. — Tables Bibliog. Paris, 1827-40. — Techener, Annuaire bibliographique. — Willis, Current Notes, Lond. — See Booksellers' Catalogues. Periodicals, Catalogues of, History of, etc. — Astor Library, List of. — Bossange, Liste de. — Camusat, Hist, des Journaux. — Eichhorn, Geschichte der litteratur. — Fifty Years' Recollections. — Follett, Press W. New York. — France, Bib. Imp. Cat. de I'hist. — Longman, Cat. of London Period. — Namur, Bibliog. bibliologique. Periodicals, Catalogues of. History of, etc. (continued). — Nichols, Lit. Anecd. v. 8. — Poole, Index to Per. literature. — Smithson. Contr., List of Period. — Timperley, Encyc. of typ. anecd. — See Newspapers ; Societies for Printing. Persian. Ouseley, Cat. of MSS. — See Oriental. Persius. Tarlier, Bibliog. des traductions de. Petrarch. Bearzi, Cat. de livres rares. — Marsand, Biblioteca Petrarchesca. Philological. Burnouf, Cat. de la bib, de. — Engelmann, Bib. der neueren sprachen. — " Bib. philologie. — Ersch, Bibl. handbuch der phil. lit. — Jacobs, F., Bibliotheca, Cat. — Marsden, Bibliot. Philol. et Orient. — Pickering, J., Cat. lib. Boston. — Quaritch, Sale Catalogues, 1848-57. — Schlegel, Kat. der Buchersammlung. — Tromel, Litt. der Deutschen mundarten. — Triibner, Catalogue, 1857. — See Grammars ; Languages. Philosophical. Blakey's History ; List of Works on logic. — Hachette, Cat. Librairie, Paris. — Ladrange, Librairie phil. Paris, .1855. — Maynard, Cat. of Math, and Phil. sale. — Struve, Bibliot. philosophica, 1714. — Tennemann, Man. of History of. — See Scientific. Pistoia. Zacharia, Bibliot. Pistoriensis. Playing Cards. See Cards ; Engraving. Plymouth, Eng. Halliwell, Acct. of MSS. in library of. Poetry. See English Poetry ; French lit. Political Economy. Fix, Cat. de la bibliotheque. — Guillaumin, Cat. Econ. politique, 1853. — M'Culloch, Lit. of Polit. Economy. Polish. Hoffmann, De typog. in reg. Po- loniae. — Jablonowski, Bibliotheca. Portuguese. Adamson, Biblioth. Lusitana. — Barbosa, Summario da bibl. Luzitana. — Bouterwek, Hist. Sp. and Port. Lit. — Fortunatus, Comm.de Alcobacensi MSS. — Oliveyra, Bibliot. des ecrivains de. — Southey, Cat. of library. — See Spanish. Press. Bohun, Autobiography. — Benton, Voices from the press. — L'Estrango, Consid. on regulation of. INDEX TO BIBLIOGRAPHY. 139 Press (continued). — McCreery, J., The Press, a poem. — Timperley, Songs of the press. — /See Books; Literary Property ; Typo- graphy; Biographies of Printers. Prices of Books. Azara, Bibliotheca. — Beloe, Anecdotes, vol. 5. — Bibliog. miscellany. — ■ Brit. Mus., Cat. of duplicates. — Bure, Cat. de la Valliere. — Clarke, A., Bibl. de Lyon. — Corwin, E. B., Cat. of books, 1856. — Delandine, Cat. de la bibl. de Lyon. — Dibdin, The Director. — « Biblioth. Spenceriana, v. 7. — ** Bibliomania. — '^ Decameron, v. 3. — Haym, Bibliot. Italiana. — Home's Introduction. — Hoyois, Ouvrages de 1000 piastres. — Major, Bibliot. Mechlin, 1767. — Meerman, Bibliot. 1808. — Pinelli, Bibliot. Lond. 1789. — See Auction sales ; Booksellers' catal. ; Dictionaries of Bibliography; Ma- nuscripts for sale. Printers. See Biographies of; Typography; Specimens. Prints. See Engravings. Prisons. Julius, Cat....dedisciplinapau- perum. Privately Printed. Martin, Bibliog. cat. of priv. pr. books. Prohibited Books. Oettinger, Bibliog. univ. — Rom. Cath. Ch., Index lib. prohib. Proverbs. Nopitsch, Handb. der sprich- worter. Prussia. Berlin, Royal library. Pseudonymes. See Anonymous. R. Rabbinic. Bartolocci, Bibliotheca rabbi- nica. — See Hebrew. Rabelais. Brunet, Recherches bibliog. sur. Rare books noticed. Analectabiblion. — Aprosio, Bibliot. Aprosiana. — Azara, Bibliotheca. — Bauer, Bibliot. libr. rar. — Beloe, Anec. of Literature. — Bearzi, Cat. de livres rares. — Beauclerck, Cat. of library of. — Beyer, Memoriae lib. rar. 1734. — Bibliog. misc. Rare books noticed (continued) . — Blaufus, Vermischte Beytriige. — Bulletin du bibliophile. — Clarke, A., Bibliog. misc. — Clement, Bibliotheque curieuse. — - Dibdin, Bibliog. tour. — " Bibliomania, etc. — Fischer, Beschreibungtyp. seltenheiten. — Freytag, Adparatus literarius. — Hallevord, Biblioth. curiosa. — Hartshorne, Rarities of Cambridge. — Home, Introd. to bibliog., suppt. — Hoyois, Ouvrages de 1000 piastres. — Murr, Memor. Bibl. Altdorf. — Nyerup, Spicil. bibliog. — Paris, Bibliot. Parisina. — Peignot, Repertoire de bibliog. — Strauss, Opera rar. in Bibl. Rebdorf. — Vogt, Cat. hist. crit. lib. rariorum. — See Fifteenth Century editions ; Prices ; Dictionaries of bibliography. Rawlinson's Library. Dibdin, The Director. Rebdorf. Strauss, Opera rariora in bibliot. Record Commission. Butterworth, Cat. of. — See Great Britain. Reformation. Berlin, Lib. index libro- rum. Relations des Jesuites. O'Callaghan, E. B. Republics. LaFaye, Cat. des rcpubliques. Review Advertisements. Cat. v. 4, 10, 11, 18, 24, 42, 43, 69, 70, 81. Reviews, Index to. Poole, Index to sub- jects in. Roman Catholic. Dolman, Cat. Lond. 1843, etc. — Gaume, Livres Ecclcsiastiques, Paris, 1855. — Molanus, Bibliot. Cath. SS. interp. — Perisse, Librairie Catholique, Paris, 1848. — Ribadeneira, Cat. Scr. Soc. Jesu. — Steenwijk, Bibl. de Theol. Catholique. Rome. Blume, Iter Italicum. — Capponi, Cat. della libreria. — Laire, Spec. Typ. Romanaj. — Quirini, Liber de edit. Romae. — See Italian books ; Libraries in Italy. Rouen. Frcre, De I'imprimerie a. — Leber, Cat. de la bibliotheque. Roxburghe Club. Brunet, Diet. v. 5. Russian. Otto, Hist. Russ. literature. — See Saint Petersburgh. 140 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. S. St. Augustine. Gratianus, Anastasis Augustiniana. St. Petersburgh. Russia, Cat. bibliot. horti. imp. — Russia, Cat. MSS. et Xylographes. Sales. See Auction sales ; Prices. Sanscrit. Adelung, llist. of Sans. lit. — Alphabetum Graecum, etc. — Berlin, Roy. Lib. Cat. — Burnouf, Cat. de la bibl. de. — Chambers, Cat. of Sanskrit MSS. — Gildemeister, Bibliot. Sanskritse. — Paulinus, Mus. Borgiani MSS. - Royal Asiat. Soc. Cat. — See Oriental. Satires. Baillet, Jugemens, v. 7. '^chultens. Palm, Vander, Cat. Bibl. Schulteusianije. .Scientific. Acad, des Sc. Belgique, Cat. — Am. Phil. Soc. Cat. — Amsterdam, Acad, of Sc, Cat. — Bachelier, Paris. — Bailliere, Catalogues, 1833-56. — Bay. Acad. Verzeich. druckschriften. — Boehmer, Bib. script, hist. nat. — Crelle, Catalogue, en vente, 1856. — Geol. Soc. of Lond., Cat. — Highley, Cat. Lond. — Masson, Librairie scientifique. — Rudd, Works on, for sale. — Schubarth, Report, der techn. literatur. — Schumaker, Livres de la bibliot. 1855. — Weale, Cat. of books on. — Zuchold, Bibliot. phys. chem. 1852. — (See Engineering ; Arts; Philosophical. Scientific Societies. See Societies; Pe- riodicals. Scotch. Ames, Typog. antiq. — Berkenhout, Biog. lit. 400-1600. — Dibdin, Typog. Antiquities. — ** Northern tour. — Reid, Bibliot. Scoto-Celtica. — Watson, Hist, of printing. — See English. Sermons. Biblical Student's Asst. — Darling, Encyclopedia. — See Theology. Shakspeare. Boydell's Prospectus. — Dibdin, Bibliomania, p. 676, 701. — Sillig, Die Shakespeare literatur. — Wilson, Shaksperiana. Short Hand. Gould, Analytic Guide. G.L. — Gurney, Brachygraphy. — See Alphabets ; Cypher ; Writing. Slavery. M'Culloch, Lit. of polit. econ. Slavic. Storch, Antiq. Ratal. 1858. — Talvi, Hist. lit. of Slavic, nations. — Valentinelli, Spec. Biblio. deDalmatia. Societies (Bibliography of learned and printing). — Agassiz, Bibliographia. — Astor Library, Cat. Periodicals. — Bossange, Liste, 1845. — Hume, Learned Societies of Gr. Brit. — Lee Priory Press. — Lilly's Catalogues. — Longman, Cat. of London; Transac- tions of. — Smithson. Contr. List of Publications. — See Periodicals. Spanish. Abella, Noticia, archivos. — Antonio, Bibliot. Hispana. — Bouterwek, Hist. Sp. and Port, liter. — Diosdado, De prima typ. Hispaniae. — Gachard, Documents de Simancas. — Hispaniae Bibliotheca, 1608. — Majansius, Spec, bibliot. Hisp. — Pellicer, Bibl. de traductores Esp. — Rich, Cat. of Sp. MSS. on Amer. — Robertson, Cat. of Sp. books and MSS. — Salva, Cat. de lit. Espanola. — Southey, Cat. of library. — Ticknor, Hist, of Sp. literature. — See Portuguese. Specimens of Printers. Austria, Geschichte der druckerei. . . — Bodoni, Manuale tipog. — Caslon's Specimen. — Falkenstcin, Typenschau A^on Orien. — Eiggins, V. & G., Lond. 1838. — Fournier, Manuel, v. 2, 1764. — France, Spec, de I'imprimerie royale. — France, Notice sur les types etrangers. — Fry, Specimen, 1787. — Luce, Essai d'une typog. 1771. — Mappa, A. G., Epreuves, 1780. — Miller ( W.) & Co., Edinb. 1834. — Ploos van Amstel, Amster. 1767- — Silbermann, Album typog. 1840. — Specimen Books of Dutch typefounders. — Stower, Fry and Caslon. — Tauchnitz, Proben, Leipzig, 1831. — Watson, Hist, of Art of printing. — White, Foundry, N.Y., 1819. — See Alphabets ; Typograjihy. Spencer, Earl. Dibdin, Biblioth. Spen- ceriana. Statistics. Julius, Cat. de statisticae. Stephens, R. Crapelet, Robert Esticnne. — Grcswell, Parisian typography. INDEX TO BIBLIOORAPHY. 141 stereotype. Camus, Histoire de. — Jansen, De Porig. de la gravure. — Westreenen, De I'impr. stereotype. Stockholm. Arwidsson, R. Bibliothek. — Holmia Literata. Strasbourg. Laborde, Debuts de I'impri. a Sti-asbourg. — La Serna Santander, Diet, bibliog. — Lichtenberger, Initia typographica. — Schmidt, Danckpredigten, 1640. — Schoepflin, Vindiciae typog. — Schragius, Hist. typ. Argentorati. — See Gutenberg ; Typography, origin of. Strawberry Hill. Dibdin, Bibliomania. 716-725. Surgery. See Medicine. Swabian. Zapf, Buchdruckergeseh. Schwabens. Swedish. Alnander, Artis typog. in Sveciae. — Arwidsson, K. Bibliot. Stockholm. — Holmia, Literata. — Marklin, Cat. Diss. Acad. Scandinaviae. — Mobius, Cat. Lib. Isl. et Norvegicorum. — Schinmeier, Schwedischen Bibel Uebersetzungen. — Stiernman, Biblioth. Suio-Gothica. — Upsal University, Cat. of Lib. — Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-Gothica. — Worm, Lexikon. Skrifter. Theatrical. See Dramatic. Theological. Biblical Student's Asst. — Boekeren, Cat. theol. dissertationum. — Bon & Stook, Cat. of libraries. — Bray, Biblioth. parochialis, 1707. — Bure, G. F. De, Bibliog. instructive. — Carpzovius, Bibliot. Carpzoviana. — Clark's For. Theol. Library. • — Coster, Bibl. Costerana. — Crevenna, Catalogue, 1776. — Dana, Biblioth. probata, 1857. — Darling, Cyc. bibliographica, 1854. — Decanver, Works on Methodism. — Dibdin, Introd. to Classics, etc, — Einem, Intro, in bibliot. ftcclesiasticam. — Eysengrein, Cat. testium veritatis. — Gratianus, Anastasis Augustiniana. — Home, Manual of bib. bibliog. — Krohn, Cat. Bib. . .ad theol. — Leslie, Cat. of Eng. & For. Theology, Lond. — Molanus, Bibliot. Cath. SS. interpretum. — Nutt, Cat. of foreign theol. for sale, 1845-57. — Palm, Vander, Cat. Bib. Schultensianae. Theological (continued) . — Parr, Bibliot. Parriana. — Ribadeneira, Cat. Scr. Soc. Jesu. — Soc. of Friends, Phil'a, Cat. — Steenwijk, Bibl. de theol. catholique. — Stewart, C. J., Cat. of theol. on sale. — Weigel, Corpus diss, theol. for sale. — See Church Fathers ; ^oman Cath. Church ; Reformation. Theresian Lib. Denis, Die Merkwurdig- keiten der. Travels. See Voyages. Trois Eveches. Emmery, Cat. des MSS. relatifs. Turin. Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Athensei. Typographical Bibliography. — Delandine, Mem. Bibliog. — Dupont, Hist, de I'imprimerie. — Namur, Bibliog. paleog. bibliol. — Peignot, Repert. bibliog. — Renouard, Cat. de sa bibliot. — Schubarth, Repert. der techn. literatur. — Wolf, Mon. typog. r. 1, Elenchus. Typography, Art of. — Adams, T. F., Typographia. — Auer, Raumverhaltnissder buchstaben. — Auer, Naturselbstdruck. — Bertrand, Traite de. — Bodoni, Manuale tipog. — Brun, Manuel de la typog. franyaise. — " Handbuch der buchdruckerkunst. — Camus, Hist, du polytypage et de la stereotype. — Crapelet, Etudes pratiques. — " De la prof, d'imprimeur. — Fertel, La science pratique de. — Fournier, H., Traite de la typographic. — Fournier, P. S., Manuel typographique. — Grattan, Printer's companion. — Guignes, Principes de composition orient. — Johnson, Typographia. — Johnson, H., Introd. to Logography. — Luce, Essai d'une nouv. typog. — Luckombe, Hist, and progress of. — Momoro, Traite clementaire. — Moxon, Mechanick exercises, 1677. — Peignot, Diet, de bibliol. — Savage, Decorative printing. — Smith, Printer's grammar. — Stower, Printer's grammar. — Timperley, Printer's manual. — Trumbull, Pocket typographia. — Vinjard, L'Art du typographe. — (See Lithography ; Stereotype. 142 NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. Typography, History of. — Alnander, Artis typ. in Sveciae. — Ames, Typog. antiq. — Atkyns, Orig. of printing. — Baillet, Jugemens, v. 1. — Bagford's Essay. — Buckingham, Personal Memoirs. «« ^ Specimens of Newsp. literature. — Crapelet, Des progres de, au xvi siecle. — Crapelet, Des brevets d'imprimeur. — Corbelli, Einfluss auf die Wissen- schaften. — Denis, Wiens' buchdruckergeschiclite — Dibdin, Bibliog. decameron. <« Typ. ant. of England, Scotland and Ireland. — Delandine, Cat. de la bibl. de Lyon. — Dupont, Hist, de I'imprimerie. — Falkenstein, Gesch. der buchdrucker- kunste. — Follet, Press of "Western N.Y. — Fifty Years' recollections. — Frcre, De I'imprira. a Rouen. — Greswell, Annals of Parisian typog. — Hasslcr, Buchdrucker-geschiclite Ulm's. — Herbert, Typog. ant. of Great Britain. — Hoffman, De typog. in reg. Poloniae. — Hoffman, Imprimerie en Italic. — Home, Introd. to bibliog. — Jaeck, Beschreibung der bib. zu Bam- berg. — Johnson, Typographia. — Kirchhofif, Gesch. der Deutschen buch- handels. — Knight, The old printer. — La Serna Santander, Diet. — Lemoine, Typog. antiquities. — Luckombe, History of. — Mezger, Augsburg's druckdenkmale. — Munsell, Typog. miscellany. — " Outline of. — Nichols, Illustrations. — Palmer, General History of Printing. — Panzer, Annales typographic^ — Quirini, Liber de edit. Romoe. — Renouard, Annales des Aides. — Rossi, de Hebrjiicae typ. orig. — Saxius, Hist, typog. Mediol. — Singer, Book printed, Oxford, 1468. — Thomas, History of printing in Amer. — Timperley, Encyc. of typ. anec. — Tiraboschi, Storia della lett. Italiana. — Watson, History of Art of. — Zapf, Augsburg's Buchdruckergesch. — See Biography of Printers ; Ga- zetteers. Typography, Origin of. — Bernard, De I'origine. — Besoldus, Dissert, de. — Bockenhofifer, Brevis relatio. — Boeder, Oratio, 1640. — Bosscha, Carmen de. — Bowyer, Origin of printing. — Boxhorn, De typog. inventione. — Braun, Notitia hist. lit. — Brehmen, Expositio inventionis. — Chevillier, Dissertation sur. — Clarke, A., Bibliog. misc. — Clessen, Jubel-fest. 1740. — Cotton, Typog. gazetteer. — Diosdado, De prima typ. aetate. — Ellis, C, Invention of printing. — Fekno, Programma de typ. — Fischer, Beschreibung typ. seltenheiten. — Fournier, Dissertation. — Gutner, Typ. chemnitiensis. — Heineken, Idee d'un coll. d'estampes. — Jansen, De I'orig. de la gravure, v. 2. — Koehler, Urkunden J. Guttenbergs. . . — Kortebrand, Lof der drukkunst. — Laborde, Debuts de 1-impr. a Stras- bourg, Mayence et Bamberg. — Lambinet, Recherches hist. sur. — La Serna Santander, Diet, bibliog. — Lessern, Typog. jubilans. — Lichtenbergcr, Initia typog. — " Hist, de rinvention. — Loosjes, Gedenkschriften. — Mallincrot, De ortu et prog. typ. — Marchand, Hist, de I'origine. — Meerman, Conspectus orig. typog. — Meerman, Uitvinding, etc. Ed. Go- ckinga. — Mentel, De vera orig. pargenesis. — ^' Brevis excursus... ad G. Nau- daeum. — Mercier, Supplement a Marchand. — Middleton, Dissertation on. — Munch, Primaria documenta de orig. — Panciroli, Rerum memorabilium, 1646. — Relatio de origine typ. — Roy. Soc. Phil. Trans. 1703, 1707, 1727. — Schoepflin, Vindic. typog. — Sotheby, Principia typog. — Toland, Conjectura de inventione. — Vries, A. De, N9tice sur le Speculum. — Vries, A. De, Eclaircissements sur rhist. de. — Vries, A. De^ Arguments des Alleraands. — Westreenen van Ticllandt, Boekdruk- kunst in Nederland. -^ Westreenen, Uitvinding der boekdruk- kunst. — Willett, Memoir on. — Winaricky, Jean Gutenberg. INDEX TO BIBLIOGRAPHY. 143 Typography, Origin of (continued) . — Wolf, Monumenta typog. — Wiirdtwein, Bibliot. moguntina. — See Gutenberg; Haarlem; Coster; Strasbourg; Mayence; Fifteenth Century editions. U. Ulin* Hassler, Buchdrucker-geschichte Ulm's. Ulric, S. Braun, Notitia hist. lit. United States. See American. TJpsal. Marklin, Cat.dissertationumUpsal. — Upsal, Univ. Cat. V. Velletri. Paulinus, Musei Borgiani, MSS. Vellum. Bure, Cat. de La Valliercj priced. — Dibdin's Bibliomania, p. 515. — Dibdin, Decameron, v. 2. — Praet, Van, Cat. de livres sur. — See Manuscripts. Venice. Mingarelli, Cod. MSS. apud Nanios. — Morelli, Cod. Lat.bib. Naniana. — Zanetti, D. Marci bibl. codicum. — See Libraries (Italian) . Vernon MSS. Halliwell, Account of. Veterinary. Musset-Pathay, Bibliog. Agronom. Vienna Libraries. Austria, Gesch. druckerei, Wien. — Denis, Merkwurdigkeiten der bib. am Theresiano. — Denis, Wiens buchdruckergeschichte. — Dibdin, Bibliog. tour. — Krafft, Cod.Hebraici. — See Germany. Voltaire's Works. Querard, France Litteraire. Voyages. Boucher, Bibliot. des voyages. — Camus, Mem. sur les voy. de De Bry. — Kerr, Cat. of Voyages. Voyages (continued). — Locke, J., Cat. of books of voy. — Pinelo, Bibliot. nautica. — Pinkerton, Cat. of voy. and travels. — Rich, Bibl. Amer. 4 V. — See American History, etc. W. Waldenses. Muston, Bibliography of hist. of. ' Walpole Press. Lcmoine, Typog. Antiq. Welsh. Longman, Cat. v. 36. — Owen, Account of ancient Welsh MSS. — Williams, Books relating to. Williams, D.,Lib. Dibdin, The Director. Wolfgank Editions. Brunet, Manuel, vol. 5. Wrangham, F. Cole, Bibliog. tour to library of. Writing. Alphabets orientaux. — Alphabetum Graecum, etc. 1771. — Astle, Orig. of Writing. — Humphreys, Art of illumination. — " Origin and Prog, of writing. — Jansen, De I'orig. do la gravure. — Langlois, Callig. des MSS. du moyen age. — Reimann, Idea systematis, etc. — Silvestre, Universal palaeography. — Wilkins, The Mercury. — Wright, Court hand restored. — See Alphabets ; Manuscripts ; Diplo- matics; Cyphers. Wynkyn de Worde. Dibdin, Typ. Ant. v. 2. Z. Zoological. Agassiz, Bibliog. zoologiae. — Allman, Bibliog. of the polyzoa, Roy. Soc. — Swainson, Bibliog. of Zoology. — See Natural History. FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW fm^r *^n 3 1914 Onr ^192 i956 30m / rr-^Tt 6571 ^^-t UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Vm-MIBPVVL