UC-NRLF UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ARCHITECTURAL DEPARTMENT LIBRARY M W ^ w o L 1 ST. CHRISTOPHER WOODCUT) John Rylunds Library, Manchester THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON UNKNOWN GERMAN. 1423 637419 L2 MADONNA. CHILD. AND SAINTS -WOODCUT Collection of Paul J. Sachs, Cambridge, Mass. THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON UNKNOWN GERMAN. XV CENT. L8 THE QUEEN OF BIRDS 'ENGRAVING' Bibliotheque National*, Par it THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MASTER OF THE PLAYING CARDS. GERMANY u nc u ui O ui > O L6 FLIGHT INTO EGYPT ENGRAVING' Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SCHONGAUER. c 144O GERMANY Lfl MADONNA IN THE COURTYARD 'ENGRAVING' Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON SCHONGAUER. C 144O 1491 GERMANY ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON CD Z D H I L12 ABUNDANCE ENGRAVING' Museum of Fine Arts. Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ROBETTA. 1462 ITALY MADONNA AND CHILD ENGRAVING Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANTEGNA. 1431 15O6 ITALY L14 u. ' . L16 HOLY FAMILY WITH ST. JOHN ENGRAVING Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS GIOVANNI ANTONIO DA BRESCIA. FL. 13OO 1316 BOSTON ITALY L 17 THREE STAGS ENGRAVING' Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON NICOLETTO ROSEX. CA 145O 1316 ITALY APOLLO AND DIANA ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON JACOPO DE 1 BARBARI. CA. 145O 1316 ITALY L 19 JUDITH (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MOCETTO. CA. 1458 153O ITALY L20 ' ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST ENGRAVING' Collection of Paul J. Sachs, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON G CAMPAGNOLA. CA. 1482 1514 ITALY L21 L22 v. . . . MADONNA AND CHILD ENGRAV Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BENEDETTO MONTAGNA. CA. 147O 154O ITALY L23 L24 THE RIDERS ON THE FOUR HORSES: APOCALYPSE WOODCUT Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DURER. 14711528 GERMANY L26 CHRIST APPEARING TO MARY MAGDALEN: SMALL PASSION (WOODCUT) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DURER. 1471 1528 GERMANY L2(3 THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT: LIFE OF T HE VI RGIN (WOODCUT) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DURER. 1471 1528 GERMANY L27 THE TRINITY (WOODCUT) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DURER. 1471 1528 GERMANY L28 ST. JEROME IN HIS CELL (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DURER 1471 1528 GERMANY n SI x U 5 H LJ .2 II 5 s L30 HOLY FAMILY (DRY-POINT) Museum of Fine Arts, THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON 1,31 . IMP'CA t- 9 MAX I M ! L- A\ -G * \3\ t ^ ^ t t > ' V ' : ' ' ' ^ H **BV EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT OF MAXIMILIAN I (CHIAROSCURO) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BURGKMAIR. 14731531 GERMANY L32 ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON (WOODCUT) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CRANACH THE ELDER. 1472 1553 GERMANY L33 ST. CHRISTOPHER (CHIAROSCURO) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON CRANACH THE ELDER. 14721553 GERMANY L34 THE CRUCIFIXION (CHIAROSCURO) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GRIEN. 14761545 GERMANY L35 _ jS L36 LUCRETIA, AFTER RAPHAEL. (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON RAIMONDI. CA. 148O 153O ITALY L37 UJ > CD L38 DAVID PLAYING BEFORE SAUL (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON L. VAN LEYDEN. 14941533 NETHERLANDS L39 : :*.-, .. CHRIST ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES: ROUND PASSION Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON L. VAN LEYDEN. 14941533 NETHERLANDS L40 n u II s* > m z D u I L41 QL UJcg I ! CO Ul t u - z 52 U. h UJ V) \- (. ui > m z 3 L42 ST. CHRISTOPHER (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALTDORFER. CA. 148O 1538 GERMANY L43 HOLY FAMILY IN A CHAPEL (WoODCUTj Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ALTDORFER. CA. 148O 1538 GERMANY L44 L45 RQGENIES' DIYVAY dYINTVS 5IC - CAHOD/S ILl ! IMPERII^GAESAR- IVMIN T A ET PRA -TVLIT AET SV:.-\E 4 ' ANN ' . CHARLES V (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON B. BEHAM. 15O2 GERMANY L46 l UJ SI 0) -. o Z g < 5 1,47 I = U . S3 I - O - fl cn H K W uj > m z D UJ I L48 STANDARD BEAFT&ft /CEisfcG RAVING}.*" ! ' Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOLTZIUS. 1558 1611 NETHERLANDS L.49 . sr i- u. U) H a: en iu > m L50 II 3 U Q D < -I U I 8 L61 PORTRAIT OF SELF (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VAN DYCK. 15991641 NETHERLANDS L62 FRANZ SNYDERS (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON VAN DYCK. 15991641 NETHERLANDS I CLEMENT DE JONGHE (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON REMBRANDT. 16O6 1669 NETHERLANDS L54 JAN LUTMA (ETCHING Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON REMBRANDT. 16O6 1669 NETHERLANDS L55 TOBIT BLIND (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON REMBRANDT. 16O6 1669 NETHERLANDS . L56 THE RAISING OF LAZARUS (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON REMBRANDT. 16OC 1669 NETHERLANDS L57 s o 7 ? < Ul (T Z UJ ^ "^ < Q -K OC 1U ; SI 3E ^ L68 - < UJ ft Z m UJ 11 1 , 59 THE SPECTACLE SELLER (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON A. VAN OSTADE. 161O 1685 NETHERLANDS I.flO ^ z 1! 31 uj 2 iZ ^ ?- z L61 H W Q Z < 5 I 5 II J I! I S 0) H S > m Z D H Z L62 in fs i* Is i tS S U gj Q^ tr = ui 5 i = 8! m z D L63 THE LARGE TREE (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BOTH. CA. 161O 1652 NETHERLANDS L64 K I C OLAVS CLAVDIVS F AB R U I V ' S DE PEIRESC SENATOR ^ FABRI DE PEYRESC (ETCHING Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MELLAN. 1598 1688 FRANCE L65 CARDINAL BENTIVOGLIO: AFTER VAN DYCK (ETCHING; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MORIN. 1590(?) 1650 FRANCE L66 JEAN LORET (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON NANTEUIL. 1623 ? 1678 FRANCE L67 PHILIPPE DE CHAMPAIGNE (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EDELINCK. 164O (41?)- FRANCE L68 CARDINAL BOSSUET (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DREVET. 1697 1739 FRANCE L.69 LAUGHING AUDIENCE (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON HOGARTH. 1697 1764 ENGLAND L70 ffl jj If < 5 3 ~ c L71 PRISON (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PIRANESI. 17201778 ITALY L73 fe ^ f oo u (O U - Z Q * II o 5-2 Q Z (0 t- o: w) uj > m L74 1 u a u H MR. PHILIP YORKE (STIPPLE) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BARTOLOZZI. 1728 1813 ITALY (ENGLANDJ L 76 HUNTING FOR TEETH: CAPRICHOS UQUATINT) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GOYA. 1746-1828 SPAIN L77 * z L78 THE STANDARD BEARER (MEZZOTINT) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PRINCE RUPERT. 1619 1682 GERMANY L79 LORDS JOHN AND BERNARD STUART, AFTER VAN DYCK (MEZZOTINT) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON McARDELL. c. 1729 1765 ENGLAND L80 FRUIT PIECE. AFTER HUYSUM (MEZZOTINT) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON EARLOM. 17431822 ENGLAND LSI SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS (MEZZOTINT) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GREEN. 1739 1813 ENGLAND L82 LADY CAROLINE MONTAGU (MEZZOTINT) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON J. R. SMITH. 1752 1812 ENGLAND IN Z I I- (0 H a: o) LU > m z D UJ I I- L84 OR1TISH BIRDS: THE PEACOCK (WOOD-ENGRA VING Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BEWICK. 1753 1828 ENGLAND L85 "WHEN THE MORNING STARS SANG TOGETHER BOOK OF JOB (ENGRAVING) Museum of Fine Arts, boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BLAKE. 1757 1827 ENGLAND THE PIPER. FRONTISPIECE OF "SONGS OF INNOCENCE' (RELIEF ETCHING; Collection of Mrs. William Emerson, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BLAKE. 1757 1827 ENGLAND L87 o z \* U E -UJ o: en uj o > m L88 i O CQ U) H a: en uj o > at z D L89 *; UJ _c I 5^ Z Q o: DL ii a w) kl > m z D UJ f L90 E. AND J. DE GONCOURT (LITHOGRAPH) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON GAVARNI. 18O4 1866 FRANCE L91 r; K 1- Z K DQ Z D \a x L92 SCENE FROM "ACTU ALITES" (LITHOGRAPH; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON DAUMIER. 1808 1879 FRANCE L93 INTERIOR OF A PORT (LITHOGRAPH) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ISABEY. 1803-1886 FRANCE L94 SACHSENHAUSEN. FRANKFORT (L.THOGRAPH) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON PROUT. 1783 1852 ENGLAND L96 Si (0 h o: en uj > OQ L96 TOUR DU GROS HORLOGE (LITHOGRAPH) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON BONINGTON. 18O1 1828 ENGLAND L97 SARA LA BAIGNEUSE (LITHOGRAPH) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON FANTIN-LATOUR. 1836 19O4 FRANCE L98 CONVOY OF PRISONERS (LITHOGRAPH) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MENZEL. 1815 19O5 GERMANY L99 M O z I U =: I- O (fl < u t: DC X 2.1 s-s in O > m L 1OO 00 U - z . < > a: z n- O i 3 < a U) U. t 5 0) H Z tr ft, Si DC (0 LJ > m L 101 WOOL-CARDER (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MILLET. 1814-1875 FRANCE I, 102 WOMAN CHURNING (ETCHING) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MILLET. 1814 1875 FRANCE L 103 THE SOWER (LITHOGRAPH) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MILLET. 1814 1875 FRANCE L 104 SOUVENIR D'lTALIE (ETCHING Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON COROT. 1796 1875 FRANCE L 105 THE TOWER OF ST. NICOLAS LEZ ARRAS (LITHOGRAPH Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON COROT. 1796 1875 FRANCE L 106 00 T CO U - 2 I K a. II L 107 GALLERY OF NOTRE DAME (ETCHING^ Fogg Art Museum, Cum bridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MERYON. 1821 1868 FRANCE L 108 LE STRYGE (ETCHING) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MERYON. 1821 1868 FRANCE L 109 LE GAMIN (ETCHING) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANET. 1832 1883 FRANCE L 110 THE CROW (LITHOGRAPH) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON MANET. 1832 1883 FRANCE L 111 i * \> si' -if ''''!* ' ' II w LJ ^ o: z o < 1 W h > m z L 112 ro O cn T W is n < z - 5 tg cn H o: cn tu > in L 113 VENICE (ETCHING' luseum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON WHISTLER. 1834 19O3 UNITED STATES LI 14 BEQUET DRY-POINT) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON WHISTLER. 1834 19O3 UNITED STATES LITTLE NUDE MODEL READING (LITHOGRAPH) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON WHISTLER. 1834 1903 UNITED STATES L 116 tn o i! 6 . Q IT UJ UJ h Si ] ? ^ m L 118 0) T ? w CO z . o: UJ U. 5 [3 1 L 119 2 S 11 II J 3 < OS Q S c El L 120 MME. SIMON (ETCHING^ Museum of Fine Arts, Boston THE UNIVERSITY PRINTS BOSTON ZORN. I860 192O SWEDEN SERIES L WOODCUTS AND ENGRAVINGS oodcut Eng. Engraving Et. Etching Lith. Lithograph fifteenth Century Unknown Artist 1423 L. 1 St. Christopher. (W ) John Hylands Library, Manchester Unknown. 15th Century L. 2 Virgin, Child and Scints. Dotted print (Maniere criblee ),. .Sachs Collection, Cambridge Master of the Playing Cards, fl. 1445 Germany L. 3 3ueen of Birds ... Bibliotheque Rationale, Paris Master E.S. fl. 1450-1470. Germany L. 4 St. John on the Island of Patmos with Sym- bols of the Four Evangelists. (Eng. ) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Martin Schongauer. 1440 (?)-1491. Germany L. 5 /light into Egypt. (Eng. ) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge I. 6 Madonna in the Courtyard. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet, fl. 1480. Germany L. 7 St. George and the Dragon. Dry-point. British LIuseum, London Unknown Florentine. 15th Century. Italy L. 8 Portrait of a Lady. (Eng. ) . . Kupferstich- kabinett, Berlin ] I 'oodcuts and Engravings 145 Unknown Florentine. 15th Century. Italy L 9 Otto Print. (Eng. Fine Manner) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge Unknown Florentine. 15th Century. Italy L 10 Assumption of the Virgin. After Botticelli. (Eng. Broad Manner) . . .Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge Antonio Pollaiuolo. 1432(?)-1498. Italy L 11 Battle of the Nudes. (Eng.). .Sachs Collection, Cambridge Cristofano Robetta. 1462-1522(?) Italy L 12 Abundance. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Andrea Mantegna. 1431-1506. Italy L 13 Virgin and Child. (Eng.). . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 14 Battle of Sea Gods. Left portion of a frieze. (Eng.) . . .- Museum of Fine Arts, Boston School of Andrea Mantegna. 15th Century. Italy L 15 Four Women Dancing. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Giovanni Antonio da Brescia, fl. 1500-1516. Italy L 16 Holy Family with St. John. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Nicoletto Rosex (da Modena). fl. 1490-1511. Italy L 17 Three Stags. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Jacopo de' Barbari. c. 1450-1516. Italy L 18 Apollo and Diana. (Eng.) . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Girolamo Mocetto. 1458(?)-1530(?). Italy L 19 Judith. After Mantagna. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 146 Woodcuts and Engravings Giulio Campagnola. 1482(?)-1514(?). Italy L 20 St. John the Baptist. (Eng.) . .Sachs Collection, Cambridge SIXTEENTH CENTURY Domenico Campagnola. fl. 1511-1563. Italy L 21 Beheading of St. Catherine. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Benedetto Montagna. c. 1470-1540. Italy L 22 Virgin and Child. (Eng.) . .Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge Ugo da Carpi. 1455-1523. Italy L 23 David and Goliath. After Raphael. Chiaroscuro Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Albrecht Diirer. 1471-1528. Germany L 24 The Riders on the Four Horses (Apocalypse) (W.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 25 Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen (Small Passion). (W.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 26 Flight into Egypt. (Life of the Virgin) (W.) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge L 27 The Trinity. (W.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 28 St. Jerome in His Cell. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 29 The Cannon. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 30 Holy Family. Dry-point . . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Hans Burgkmair. 1473-1531. Germany L 31 Equestrian Portrait of the Emperor Maxi- milian I. Chiaroscuro . . . Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Lucas Cranach, the elder. 1472-1553. Germany L 32 St. George and the Dragon. (\V.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 33 St. Christopher. Chiaroscuro. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Woodcuts and Engravings 147 Hans Baldung Grim. 1476-1545. Germany L 34 Crucifixion. Chiaroscuro . . . .Sachs Collection, Cambridge Hans Holbein, the younger. 1497-1543. Germany L 35 The Plowman. The Young Child. (Dance of Death). (W.) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge Marcantonio Raimondi. c. 1480-1530. Italy L 36 Lucretia. After Raphael. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 37 Massacre of the Innocents. After Raphael. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Lucas van Leyden. 1494-1533. Netherlands L 38 David Playing Before Saul. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 39 Christ on the Mount of Olives. (Round Passion.) (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 40 Milkmaid. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Jean Duvet. 1485-c. 1561. France L 41 Henri II and Diane de Poitiers. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Albrecht Altdorfer. 1480(?)-1538. Germany L 42 St. Christopher. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 43 Holy Family on the Flight into Egypt at a Fountain. (W.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Hans Sebald Beham. 1500-1550. Germany L 44 The Prodigal Son Guarding Swine. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Barthel Beham. 1502-1540. Germany L 45 Portrait of Charles V. (Eng.) . Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 148 Woodcuts and Engravings Augustin Hirschvogel. 1503-1553(?). Germany L 46 Landscape. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Hans Sebald Lautensach. 1524(?)-1563(?). Germany L 47 River Landscape with Church seen between Trees. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Hendrik Goltzius. 1558-1611. Netherlands L 48 Standard Bearer. (Eng.) ... .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Jacques Gallot. 1592-1635. France L 49 Paris: Vue du Louvre. (Et.) . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellee). 1600-1682. France L 50 The Cowherd. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Sir Anthony Van Dyck. 1599-1641. Netherlands L 51 Sir Anthony van Dyck.(Et.) . Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 52 Franz Snyders. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Rembrandt van Rijn. 1606-1669. Netherlands L 53 Clement de Jonghe. (Et.) . . . Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 54 Jan Lutma. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 55 Tobit Blind. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 56 Raising of Lazarus. (Et.) . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 57 Amsterdam. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 58 Three Trees. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Adriaen Van Ostade. 1610-1685. Netherlands L 59 Spectacle Seller. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Jacob van Ruysdael. 1628-1682. Netherlands L 60 Wheat Field. (Et.) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge Woodcuts and Engravings 149 Reynier Zeeman (Reynier Nooms). 1623-1663(?). Netherlands L 61 Coast Scene. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Paul Potter. 1625-1654. Netherlands L 62 Cowherd. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Jan Both. 1610(?)-1652. Netherlands L 63 The Large Tree. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Claude Mellan. 1598-1688. France L 64 Fabri de Peyresc. (Eng.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston JeanMorin. 1590(?)-1650. France L 65 Cardinal Bentivoglio. After van Dyck. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Robert Nanteuil. 1623(?)-1678. France L 66 Jean Loret. (Eng.) ....... .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Gerard Edelinck. 1640(?)-1707. France L 67 Phillippe de Champaigne. (Eng.) After Champaigne. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Pierre Imbert Drevet. 1697-1739. France L 68 Cardinal Bossuet. (Eng.). . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston William Hogarth. 1697-1764. England L 69 Laughing Audience. (Et.) . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. 1696(?)-1770. Italy L 70 Nymph with a Tambourine. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 150 Woodcuts and Engravings Canaletto (Antonio Canale). 1697-1768. Italy L 71 Porch with a Lantern. (Et.) .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Giovanni Battista Piranesi. 1720-1778. Italy L 72 Prison. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Antoine Watteau. 1684-1721. France L 73 Lady Seated; Man Standing. (Et.) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge Jean Honore Fragonard. 1732-1806. France L 74 Bacchanal. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Francesco Bartolozzi. 1727-1815. Italy (England) L 75 Mr. Philip Yorke. After Reynolds. Stipple. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Francisco Goya y Lucientes. 1746-1828. Spain L 76 Hunting for Teeth (Caprichos). (Et. and aquatint) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 77 Dead Branch (Proverbios). (Et. and aquatint) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Prince Rupert. 1619-1682. Germany L 78 Standard Bearer. Mezzotint Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge James McArdell. c.1729-1765. England L 79 Lords John and Bernard Stuart. Mezzo- tint. After Van Dyck. . . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Richard Earlom. 1743-1822. England L 80 Fruit Piece. After Huysum. Mezzotint Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Woodcuts and Engravings 151 Valentine Green. 1739-1813. England L 81 Sir Joshua Reynolds. After Reynolds. Mezzotint Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge John Raphael Smith. 1752-1812 England L 82 Lady Caroline Montagu. Mezzotint After Reynolds Museum of Fine Arts, Boston NINETEENTH CENTURY Joseph Mallord William Turner. 1775-1851. England L 83 Ben Arthur (Liber Studiorum). (Et. and mezzotint) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Thomas Bewick. 1753-1828. England L 84 Peacock (British Birds). Wood-Engraving Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge William Blake. 1757-1827. England L 85 "When the Morning Stars Sang Together" (Book of Job). (Eng.) ... .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 86 The Piper (Frontispiece of Songs of Inno- cence). Relief etching . .Emerson Collection, Cambridge Theodore Gericault. 1791-1824. France L 87 Three Horses in a Stable. (Lith.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Eugene Delacroix. 1798-1863. France L 88 Tigre Royale. (Lith.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Auguste Raffet. 1804-1860. France L 89 Midnight Review. (Lith.) . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 152 Woodcuts and Engravings Gavarni (Guillaume Sulpice Chevallier). 1804-1866. France L 90 E. and J. de Goncourt. (Lith.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Honore Daumier. 1808-1879. France L 91 La Rue Transnonain. (Lith.) . Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 92 From "Actualites." (Lith.) . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Eugene Isabey. 1803-1886. France L 93 Interieur d'un Port. (Lith.). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Samuel Prout. 1783-1852. England L 94 Sachsenhausen. (Lith.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston James Duffield Harding. 1798-1863. England L 95 Larch (Park and Forest). (Lith.) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge Richard Parkes Bonington. 1801-1828. England L 96 Tour du Gros Horloge. (Lith.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Henri Fantin-Latour. 1836-1904. France L 97 Sara la Baigneuse. (Lith.). .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Adolf Von Menzel. 1815-1905. Germany L 98 Convoy of Prisoners. (Lith.). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Charles fimile Jacque. 1813-1894. France L 99 Troupeau de Pores. (Et.) . . . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Charles Francois Daubigny. 1817-1878. France L 100 Marsh with Storks. (Et.) ... .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Woodcuts and Engravings 153 Jean Francois Millet. 1814-1875. France L 101 Wool-Carder. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 102 Woman Churning. (Et.) . . . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 103 Sower. (Lith.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Jean Baptiste Camille Corot. 1796-1875. France L 104 Souvenir d'ltalie. (Et.) . . . .Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 105 Le Clocher de St. Nicholas-lez-Arras. (Lith.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Charles Meryon. 1821-1868. France L 106 Apse of Notre Dame. (Et.).Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge L 107 Gallery of Notre Dame. (Et.) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge L 108 Le Stryge. (Et.) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge Edouard Manet. 1832-1883. France L 109 Le Gamin. (Et.) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge L 110 The Crow. (Lith.) Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge Alphonse Legros. 1837-1911. France (England) L 111 Les Bouleaux. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston James Abbott McNeill Whistler. 1834-1903. United States L 112 Black Lion Wharf. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 113 Venice. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 114 Becquet. Dry-point Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 115 Little Nude Model Reading. (Lith.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston L 116 Thames at Battersea. (Lith.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Sir Francis Seymour Haden. 1818-1910. England L 117 Sunset in Ireland. Dry-point Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 154 Woodcuts and Engravings Auguste Lepere. 1849-1918. France L 118 Old Houses at Amiens. (Et.). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Jean Louis Forain. 1853- France L 119 Prodigal Son. (Et.) . . . .Metropolitan Museum, New York Anders Zorn. 1860-1920. Sweden L 120 Mme. Simon. (Et.) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. JUL i AU n i OJX * 1. - REC'DE?.' t wT80 LD 21 (C4796sli< General Library University of Californiz BerkcU-y C BERK 'MARIES