IJNAL.' n nT?MT?s DURING 1912 MM TO THE STATUTORY POWE nil J- y]) oUJJEilr^ IN FORCE ON 31>st DECEMBER, 1912. isniitS^iS LONDON 1918 NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. ^ STATUTORY RULES AND ORDERS ISSUED DURING 1912 WITH AN INDEX TO THE STATUTORY POWERS AND RULES AND ORDERS IN FORCE ON 31st DECEMBER, 1912. [^Extracted from the Annual Volume and Triennial Index of Staiutorij Rules and Orders. Edited by Alexander Pulling, Esq., C.B.] March, 1913. LONDON : PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller/from WYMAN AND SONS, Limited, Fetter Lane, E.G., and 54, St. Mary Street, Cardiff ; or H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (Scottish Branch), 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or E. PONSONBY. Limited, 116, Grafton Street, Dublin; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and Abroad of T. FISHER UNWIN. London, W.C. 1913. Price Four Skillings. CONTENTS. PAGE. Index to Statutory Powers and Rules and Orders in force on 31st December/1912 3 Statutory Rules and Orders issued during 1912 21 Index to Statutory Rules and Orders issued during 1912 427 Jfote. — " Provisional Regulations " are not '* Statutory Rules," and are therefore not printed in this Volume. Hi 3 INDEX TO STATUTORY POWERS, AND RULES AND ORDERS IN FORCE DECEMBER 31, 1912. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. (a) CONSTITUTIO.N OF 1^■SURA^•CE COJIMISSIONERS AND JoiXT COMMITTEE. Authority iivw in furce. 1911. Provisions constituting " the Insurance Commissioners," and ■' Scottish," " Irish," and "' Welsh " Insurance Commissioners. 1-2 G. 5. c. DO. ss. 57 (1), 79, 80 (1), 81 (1), 82 (1). 1911. (a) Power for Treas., by regs. to constitute a Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commrs., and to thereby provide what powers and duties of such bodies shall be exerciseable by the Joint Com- mittee either alone or jointly with any of those bodies. Regs, to be laid before Pari. Power for H.M. by O. in C. to annul regs. on address from either House presented within 21 days of such laying. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 83. Exercise of Authority. 1912, Feb. 21. The National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regs., 1912 (1912 — 175), constituting the Joint Committee and conferring on them certain powers to be exercised by them alone and certain powers to be exercised jointly with the several bodies of Commrs. ,S'^. B. & 0., 1912, p. 21. (6) Commencement of Part 1 or Act: Remov.\l of Difficulties. Authority noic spent. 1911. Power for H.M. by O. in C. to substitute date not later than Jan. 1, 1913, for commencement of Part 1 of Act. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 115. Exercise of Authority. This power was never exercised. Authority now in force. 1911. Power for Insurance Commrs. with consent of Treas. by Order, before Jan. 1, 1914, to do any thing necessary for bringing Act into operation, and to modify Act ... ... 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 78. Exercise of Authority. (i) " Advisory Committee " Orders. 1912, March 19. The National Health Insurance (Advisory Com- mittee) Order, 1912 (1912—418), made by the Joint Committee. St. 11. (L- 0., 1912, p. 30. 1912, Mav 3. The National Health Insurance (Advisory Committee), Order No. 2. 1912 (1912—457), made bv the English Commrs. .S'^. B. (1- 0.. 1912, p. 32. 1912, April 19. The National Health Insurance (Wales) (Advisory Committee) Order, 1912 a912-455), made bv the Welsh Commrs. ^S•^ I?, (f- 0.. 1912. /). 33. 1912, April 19. The National Health Insurance (Scotland) (Advisory Committee) Order, 1912 (1912 — 173). made bv the Scottish Commrs. 'St. B. & 0., 1912, p. 34. 1912, April 1. The National Health Insurance (Ireland) (Advisory Committee) Order, 1912 (1912—784), made bv the Irish Commrs. 'St. B. & 0.. 1912, p. 36. (a) Regs, under this power are within provisions of 56-7 V. c. 66. s. 1. as to draft rules. rSTSO— I.e.) Wt. 4(;7-i,3— -80/1149. 2.500. .5/13. D & S. a 2 383321 (6) Commencement of Part 1 oy 4-9^;; r]Eii;AfpyAL of Difficulties — coiit. (iij " Pbeliminary Expenses " Orders. 1912, April 25. The XatioDal Health Insurance (Preliminary Expenses) Order, 1912 (1912 — 419). made by the English Conimrs. St. B. d: 0., 1912, p. 37. 1912. April 29. The Xational Health Insurance (Wales) (Preliminary Expenses) Order, 1912 (1912 — 456). made by the Welsh Commrs. ■ St. B. (I- 0., 1912, p. 38. 1912, April 25. The Xational Health Insurance (Scotland) (Preliminary Expenses) Order, 1912 (1912 — 474), made by the Scottish Commrs. St. 7?. d- 0.. 1912, p. 40. 1912. April 24. The Xational Health Insurance (Ireland) (Preliminary Expenses) Order. 1912 (1912 — 785), made bv the Irish Commrs. * St. B. d' 0., 1912, p. 41. (iii) " Initial Expenses " Orders. 1912, Oct. 2. The Xational Health Insurance (Initial Expenses) Order, 1912 (1912—1485), made bv the English Commrs. St. B. d- ()., 1912, p. 42. 1912, Xov. 14. The Xational Health Insurance (Wales) (Initial Expenses) Order, 1912 (1912—1678), made bv the AVelsh Commrs. 'St. B. cb 0., 1912, p. 44. 1912, Oct. 21. The Xational Health Insurance (Initial Expenses) Order (Scotland), 1912 (1912—1610), made by the Scottish Commrs. 'St. B. ct 0., 1912, p. 45. 1912, Oct. 23. The National Health Insurance (Initial Expenses) (Ireland) Order, 1912 (1912—1581), made by the Irish Commrs. ' St. B. d- O., 1912, p. i7. (iv.) Orders with reference to the Constitution of Insurance Committees. The Orders made by the Insurance Commrs. and the Welsh, Scottish, and Irish Insurance Commrs. with reference to the constitution of Insurance Committees for particular Counties and County Boroughs arc printed as St. R. & 0. (the English Orders being numbered 698-721; 724-761; 763-783; 787-816; 855-860; 1011; 1134, 1290; 1390; 1391; 1582; and 1778; the Welsh 1012-1028; the Scottish 1075-1132; and the Iri.sh 868-906), b>it are omitted from detailed reference in this Index on account of their local character. A list of them, shewing name of county, ttc, date and St. R. ct O. number, is given at the end of the Annual Vol. of St. R. & Os. fv.) Acceleration of Special Orders. 1912, July 5. The National Health Insurance (Special Orders Accelera- tion) ()rder. 1912 (1912 — 723), made by the Joint Committee acting alone and al.so acting jointly with the several bodies of Commis- sioners, with reference to the procedure for making special Orders unrler tin- Act St. B. d- O., 19\2, p. 4S. 1912. Dec. (). The Xational Hi-alth Insurance (Special Orders Accelera- tion) Order (No. 2), 1912 (1912 1754)... St. B. d: 0.. 1912, p. 50. Noir..— I'^or special orders in;i(l<' under this jM-ocedure, .sec (r) (ii.) Iwlow. '^vi.) Sanatorium Benefit. 1912, Aug, 3. The National Health Insurance (Sanatorium Benefit, &C-.) Orfler. 1912 (1912—1147), made bv the Insurance Commrs. St. B. d- ().. 1912, p. 53. 1912, Aug. 28. The National Health Insurance (Wales) (Sanatorium Benefit, *c.) Order. 1912 (1912—1294) made bv the Welsh Commrs. S'f. h'. ,[; 0., 1912, p. 55. (6) Commencement of Part I. of Act: Removal of Difficulties — cont. Sanatorium Benefit — cont. 1912, Aug. 21. The National Health Insurance (S.) (Sanatorium Benefit, Ac.) Order, 1912 (1912 — 1291). made by the Scottish Commrs. .'it. B. d' 0., 1912, [). bl. 1912, Aug. 22. The National Health Insurance (I.) (Sanatorium Benefit, &c.) Order, 1912 (1912— 129G), made by the Irish Commrs. St. B. 6.: 0., 1912, p. 60. (vii.) Payments out of the Insurance Fund to Societies and Committees. 1912, Aug. 3. The National Health Insurance (Payments to Societies and Committeesj Order, 1912 (1912 — 1517), made by the Insurance Commrs St. B. dj O., Idl2, p. 62. 1912, Oct. 14. The National Health Insurance (Payments to Insurance Committees) Order, 1912 (1912 — 1516), made by the Insurance Commrs St. B. d; 0., 1912, p. 63. 1912, Nov. 15. The National Health Insurance (Further Payments to Approved Societies) Order, 1912 (1912 — 1681), made by the Insurance Commrs St. B. d; 0., 1Q12, p. 6o. 1912, Dec. 18. The National Health Insurance (Further Payments to Approved Societies) Order, 1912 (No. 2) (1912—1808), made by the Insurance Commissioners ... ... ... St. B. .. 1912. p. 95. 1912. Dec. 9. Tiie National Health Insurance (Special Order Inquiry^ Hides (S.). 1912 (I912-1H15) St. B. ,{■ ().. 1912. p. 97. 1912, Nov. 28. Tlie National Health Insurance (Special Order Inquiry) Rules (I.). 1912 (1912— 171()) St . li. ,[■().. \9V2. i>. 99. (ii.) Provisional Special Orders. Note. — " Provisional S|)ecial Orders " are made in accordance with the procedure established bv the National Health Insurance (SperinI Orders Acceleration) Order. 1912 (St. B. d- 0.. 1912. No. 723). and the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order (No. 2) (1912 — 1754). issued under s. 78 of the Act. .srr 1 (/;) (iv.) above, and continue in force only until a Special Order has been made in arcordnnce with s. 113 and Sch. IX. of the Act. The nuthorltiou marked " nre cxerclnoahle by the Jinni Coiiiiniiiic- alimc: u.osn marked t l)y thnt Committee find tJio several bodleH of ComnirH. jointly. Sec St. R. &• U., 1»12, No 175, p. 21. (c) Special Orders of Insurance Commissioners — cont. (ii.) Provisional Special Orders — cont. The following is a list of the Provisional Special Orders so made: — 1912, July 13. The National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Employ- ments) Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 1) (1912 — 915), made under power (/) St. B. (k 0., 1912, p. 135. 1912, July 13. The National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Employ- ments) Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 2) (1912 — 916), made under powers (/) and (a) St. B. d- ().. 1912. p. 138. 1912, July 13. The National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Employ- ments) Provisional Order, 1912, (No. 3) (1912 — 917), made under poAver (/) St. li. cb 0., 1912. p. Ul. 1912, July 13. The National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Provisional Order, 1912, No. 1 (a) (1912—918). As to clerks, shop assistants, tutors, journalists, assistant ministers, teachers, domestic servants, &c., made under power (d) ... St. B. & 0., 1912, p. 105. 1912, July 13. The National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Provisional Order. 1912, No. 2 (b) a912— 919), made under power (d). As to farm servants in England and Wales. St. B. & 0., 1912, p. 109. 1912, July 13. The National Health Insurance (Married Women Outworkers) Provisional Order, 1912 (1912 — 921), made under power (a) St. B. (k 0., 1912, p. IQl. 1912, July 13. The National Health Insurance (Share Fishermen) Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 1) (1912—922), made under power (/). St. B. cfc 0., 1912, p. 104. 1912, July 13. The National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Provisional Order (Scotland). 1912 (c) (1912—923), made under power (f/) .S'f. i?. c£- 0., 1912. p. 128. 1912, Dec. 21. The National Health Insurance (Special Emplovers Custom) Provisional Order. 1912 (No. 1) (1912—1816), made under power (d) St.B. & 0., 1912, p. 131. 1912, Dec. 30. The National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Emplov- ments) Provisional Order. 1912 (No. 4) (1912—1886), made under powers (/) and (a) .S/. 2?. c(- 0., 1912, p. 143. (iii.) Special Ordeks. 1912, June 24. The Reserves and Territorial Force (Training) Order, 1912 (1912—1031), made under power {c). St. B. rovcfl societv." 1-2G. 5. c. 55. s. 23 (1). (»•) place of meetings of approved society, and use therefor of govt, or lor. authorities' buildings. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 27 (2). (r) mannfr of carrying out dissolution of " approved societv " or brnnch thereof 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 28 (2). Thf anthorlll*"* marked • are exerdneaMo )>>• the ,loint f;omniittee alone ; those markedtby I hftt Committee and the Hcveral bodies of CommrH. jointly. Hee St. R. of Commrs. jointly. See St. E. & O., 1912, No. 17o, p, 21 10 (d) Regulations of Ixsukance Commissioners — cont. Authority now in force — cont. * (u«) modifications of Pt. I. of Act as to certain benefits as regards members of Seamen's National Insurance Society. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 48 (12). * (vv) calculation of contributions payable by managers of charitable or reformatory institutions exempted from Act in respect of certain inmates on leaving. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 51 (1) (b). * (wic) calculation of contributions payable to Bd. of Educ, Educ. Dept. S., Superintendent of Teachers' Pension Office, by approved society or out of Post Office fund in respect of certain certificated teachers. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. ss. 52, 80 (18), 81 (17). * (xx) rate of interest to be credited to Post Office and Navy and Army Insurance funds on sums standing to their credit in Investment Account ... ... 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 54 (4). * (yy) crediting and debiting societies with receipts and expenditure on their behalf by Insurance Commrs. with rate of interest on credit balances in Investment Account, discharge of deliit balances, and application of monies. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 56 (1). * (zz) application of interest or dividends by societies. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 56 (4). {aua) appointment on Insurance Committee of representatives of insured persons, election of representatives of medical practitioners ... ... ... 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 59 (2). (bhh) appointment, quorum, term of office, sub-committees of, and emplovment of officers and provision of offices for, or use of offices of loc. authorities by, Insurance Com- mittees: appointment by county Insurance Committee of District Insurance Committees, and delegation of powers and dxities to them. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 59 (4). (ccc) reports (after consultation with Loc. Govt. Bd., Loc. Govt. Bd. S., and Loc. Govt. Bd. I.) by Insurance Committee as to health of insured persons. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. ss. 60 (1) (a), 80 (3), 81 (5), * (ddd) form of books and accounts of Insurance Committees. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 60 (1) (r). t (eee) consulting recognised local medical committee, 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 62. (///) procedure on inquiries into causes of excessive sickness, &c. 1-2 G. 5, c. 55. s. 63 (5). (OOU) application for l)enefit of deposit contril)utors of sums paid to Insurance Committee to meet extra expenditure. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 63 (7). (hhh) as.socialioii of deposit contril)utors. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. ss. 59 (2), 63 (9). (Hi) deteiuiiiiiiig (|iii st inns as t-o what is "employment" and as lo vnlmitaiv contrilmlois, and rates of contributions. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55, s, 66 (1). ijjj) appeals to the Insurance Commrs. in cases of disputes between insured ])er.sons and approved societies or insurance committees, or between an approved society and a branch thereof, or b(>tween I)ranches of an approved society, proccdnrc on sneh appeals or disputes. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 67. (kick) cnnstiti't ioii ol !m iiisinancc eommittci' for the Scillv Isles. 1-2 G. 5. c. 66. s. 79. The iiiith'irUlr"< iniirki-il " jirecxerciHfililcl)y t,lip,)()iiit I'onunitlec nlono ; tboHO marked t by that Committee find the KevemI hotlieH of Coninirs. jointly. See .">/. 7/. A- O., 10)2, No. 175, p. 21. 11 (d) Regulations of Insurance Commissioners — cont. Authority now in force — cont. {lU) qualifications of midwife in S. and I. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. .ss. SO (17), 81 (20). * (miiun) valuation of approved societies and branches having members in more than one part of the United Kingdom. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 83 (3). (nnii) certificate of appointment of inspector. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 112 (5). 1911. Provision that regs. shall be laid before both Houses of Pari, as soon as may be after they are made and shall have effect as if enacted in Act " 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 65. 1911. Power for H.M. by O. in C. to annul regs. on address from either House presented within 21 sitting days of that House after laying before it of regulations 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 65. Exercise of Au,thorit\j. (i.) Admiralty and Army Council Contributions. 1912, July 11. The National Health Insurance (Admiraltv and Army Council Contributions) Regs., 1912 (1912-866), made by the Joint Committee under power (mm) St. B. A- 0.. 1912, p. 147. {it.) Agreements for Compensation or Damages. 1912, Dec. 27. The National Health Insurance (Agreements for Com- pensation or Damages) (S.) Regs., 1912 (1912—1900), made by the Scottish Commrs. under power (p) ... St. B. d' 0., 1912, p. 148. (//';'.) Appeals and Disputes. Note. — No iStatutory Rules have (Dec. 31, 1912) been made under power (jjj) as to appeals and disputes. Provisional Rules were made by the Insurance Commrs. Dec. 2, 1912. (iv.) Behaviour during Disease. 1912, June 25. The National Health Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regs. (E.), 1912 (1912—636), made bv the. Insurance Commrs. under power (g) '.SY. i?. d,- 0., 1912, p. 150. 1912, Aug. 27. The National Health Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regs. (Wales), 1912 (1912—1295), made by the Welsh Commrs. under power (q) St. B. d- 0.\ 1912, p. 151. 1912, May 3. The National Health Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regs. (S.), 1912 (1912—663), made by the Scottish Commrs. under power (g) St. B. cb 0.. 1912. p. io2. 1912, Dec. 21. The National Health Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regs. (I.). 1912 (1912—1818), made bv the Irish Commrs. under power ((/) ,'^f. J?. d- 0.. 1912. p. 153. (v.) Claims for Exemption. 1912, June 14. The National Health Insurance (Claims for Exemp- tion) Regs. (S.). 1912 (1912—666). made bv the Scottish Commrs. under power (o) .S'f. i?. d- 0., 1912, p. 154. Note.-—^o " Statutory Rules " on this subject have (Dec. 31. 1912) been made as to England, Wales or Ireland, but " Provisional Rules " were made by the Insurance Commrs.. May 22. 1912, by the Welsh Cornmrs.", June 3, 1912, and bv the Irish Commrs., June 20, 1912. Provisional Rules as to Claims for Exemption of Irish Migratory Labourers were made by the Irish Commissioners. June 20. 1912, under power (a) as extended by s. 81 (3) of the Act (a). The authorities marked * are exerciseable by the Joint Committee alone : those marked t by that Committee and the several bodies of Commrs. jointly. See St. B. a- O.. 1912. No. 17o, p. 21. (a) Xow superseded bv Statutory Rules, Sf. R. & O., 1913, No. 70. 12 (d) Regulations of Ixsuhance Commissioners — cont. (!;;.) Collection of Conthibutions. 1912, July 10. The Xational Health Insurance (Collection of Coutri- butions) Regs.. 1912 (1912 — 925) (a), made by the Joint Committee and the Scottish Commrs. acting jointly under power (i). St. B. & 0., 1912, p. 161. yote.—So " Statutory Rules " on this subject have (Dec. 31, 1912) been made as to England, M'ales or Ireland, but " Provisional Rules " were made jointly by the Joint Committee and the Insurance Commrs.. May 22, 1912 (b), the Welsh Commrs., June 11. 1912 (c). and bv the Joint Committee and the Irish Commrs., June 12, 1912 (d). {vit.) Collection of Contributions (Exempt Persons). 1912, July 12. The Xational Health Insurance (Collection of Contri- butions'^ Exempt Persons) Regs. (S.), 1912 (1912—926), made by the Joint Committee and the Scottish Commrs. acting jointly under power ((J) .Sf. i?. tO 0., 1912, 2J>. 204. A^ofc— Xo •• Statutory Rules "' on this subject have (Dec. 31. 1912) been made as to England, AVales or Ireland, but " Provisional Rules " wei-e made jointh' by the Joint Comniitt<:'e and the Insurance Commrs., June 7, ]912, by the Joint Comniitt<^e and the Welsh Commrs., June 24, 1912, and by the Joint Committee and the Irish Commrs., July 9, 1912. Provisional Rules as to Collection of Contributions, Exempt Persons, Irish Migratory Labourers, were made jointly by the Joint Committee and the Irish Commrs., July 10, 1912, under power {(j) as extended by s. 81 (3) of the Act. (v'lu.) Collection of Contributions (Mercantile Marine). 1912, July 12. • The X'ational Health Insurance (Mercantile Marine) (Collection of Contributions) Regs. (S.), 1912 (1912—966), made by the Joint Committee and the Scottish Commrs. acting jointlv under power (y) ,s7. i?. ,(• 6>.. 1912; p. 217. .Yo.. 1912, p. 234. Snf, . Xo " Statutory Fliiles " on this subject have (Dec. 31. 1912) been made as to England, Wales or Ireland, but " Provisional Unles " were made liy the Insurance Commrs., June 5, 1912, by the Welsh Coinmrs., June 14, 1912, and by the Irish Commrs., June 2."), 1912. la) Now rrvdkcrl l>y "The Niilioniil Health ItiKuranco (Collection of C'onlriliiitions) Re^nla- tionn fSrotlnnd). lim. St. U. .V- (>.. !!ll:i, No. '.'L'. (b» Now HUixTHcilcd hy Statutory UuIoh, Ittl.'l, No. '.V2. >) {vi) above. .iufhority noxo in force. 1911. Power for Loc. Govt. Bd. in England. Loc. Govt. Bd. for S. in Scotland, and Loc. Govt. Bd. I. in Ireland to: (a) with approval of Treas. appoint diseases besides tuberculosis to be included in sanatorium benefit. 1-2 G. 5. c. 48. s. 16 (1) (b). 1 -2 G. 5. c. 55. .ss. 8 (1) (b), G4, 77 (2) (3), 80 (3), 81 (5). {h) approve institutions other than sanatoria for sanatorium l)enefit treatment, manner nf such treatment, and to autho- rise loc. authorities to undertake such treatment. 1-2 G. 5. 0. 55. ss. 16 (1), 77 (2) (3), 80 (3), 81 (5). (c) to niitboriso county council to whom grant is made to provide sanatoria institutions ... ... 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 64 (2). ((I) by order to constitute joint committees or joint boards for .sanatoria institutions, and to direct out of what funds or rates cost of providing institutions is to be defrayed. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 64 (3). (e) by order direct out of what funds and rates expenses of Board as to inrpiiries, ttc, sliall be paid. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. .ss. 77 (1), 80 (3), 81 (5). (a) Provisional Rules were made July 8, 1912, under this power. 19 (i) Sanatorium Benefit — cont. Exercise of Authority. 1912, July 26. 0. (,1912—1038) of Loc. Govt. Bd., under power (6), as to domiciliary treatment of tuberculosis. St. B. & 0., 1912, p. 414. ij) Rules of Insueancb Committees. Authority now in force. 1911. Power for Insurance Committee with approval of Insurance Commrs. (and consent in certain cases of Postmaster-General) to make Rules as to administration of benefits by the Committee. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 14 (3). Exercise of Authority. The Rules made by Insurance Committee do not constitute " Statutory Rules." (k) Schemes of Insuhancb Committees. .Authority now in force. 1911. Provision that every county Insurance Committee shall within six months of commencement of Act after consultation with County Council submit for Insurance Commrs. approval scheme for appoint- ment of district Insurance Committee. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 59 (4) proviso. Exercise of Authority. The Schemes made by Insurance Committees do not constitute " Statu- tory Rules." (0 Schemes of Societies. Authority now in force. 1911. Power for society to submit to Insurance Commrs. scheme taking effect on confirmation by them for : — (o) substituting "' additional benefits " for sickness and disable- ment benefits and adapting provisions of Pt. I. of Act. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 13. (&) altering rules or constitution to enable employers' superannua- tion or provident fund society to become an approved society 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 25 (2). (c) distributing out of disposable surplus, or valuation of assets, of approved society, or branch, of additional benefits. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 37. (d) making good deficiency of approved society or branch found on valuation ... " 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 38. (c) with the approval of the Board of Trade, providing benefits for members of the Seamen's National Insurance Society, additional to the benefits under the Act. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 48 (7). Exercise of Authority. The Schemes made and approved under these powers do not constitute " Statutory Rules." (m) National Health Insurance Fund. Orders of the Commrs. under s. 78 as to payments to societies and insurance committees out of the insurance fund, .sec 1 (h) (vii.) above. .iuthority now in force. 1911. Power for Treas. to make regs. as to investment of sums in the Nat. Health Insurance Fund, Post Office Fund, and jS^avy^and Army Insurance Fund available therefor ... 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 54 (3). 20 (m) National Health Insueancb Fund — cont. 'Exercise of Authority. 1912, Aug. 12. Regs. (1912—1201) as to sums paid over by the Insurance Commrs., and the Welsh, Scottish, and Irish Commrs., to National Debt Commrs., for investment. St. B. dr 0.. 1912. p. 418. (n) Stamps. Authority noic in force. 1911. Power for Inland Revenue Commrs. by regs. to apply to stamps required for purposes of Act or any of the provisions of the Stamp Duties Management Act. 1891. and s. 65 of the Post Office Act, 1908 1-2 G. o. c. 55. s. 108 1911. Provision that regs. shall be laid before hoth Houses of Pari, as soon as may be after thev are made and shall have effect as if enacted in Act '. 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 65. 1911. Power for H.M. by 0. in C. to annul regs. on address from either House presented within 21 days after laying before it of regulations ... ... ... ... ..- 1-2 G. 5. e. 55. s. 65. Exercise of Authority. 1912. June 17. Regs. (1913—247) made bv the Inland Revenue Commissioners St. B. d: 0.. 1912, p. 425. (o) Requisition foe Copy Certificate of Birth. Authority now in force. 1911. Power for Loc. Govt. Bd. for E., S., or I. to prescribe form of and particulars to be contained in requisition for copy certificate of birth 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. s. 114. Exercise of Authority. 1912, March 14. O. of Loc. Govt. Bd. E. (1912—261) prescribing form of requisition for copy certificate of birth. St. B. & 0., 1912, p. 420. 1912, March 27. 0. of Loc. Govt. Bd. for S. (1912—1888) prescribing form of requisition for copv certificate of birth. St. B. & 0., 1912. p. 422. 1912, April 23. O. of Loc. Govt. Bd. I. (1912—461) prescribing form of requisition for copy certificate of birth. St. B. d: 0.. 1912. p. 423. 21 STATUTOEY BULES AND OEDEES AFFECTING NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE, Issued during" 1912. (a.) Constitvtion of Joint Com- mittee, p. 21. (b.) Removal of Difficulties, p. 30. (c.) Special Orders of Insurance Commissioners, p. 95. (d.) Regulations of Insurance Commissioners, p. 147. (e.) Regulations of Board of Trade as to Performance of Employers^ Duties by Labour Exchanges, p. 390. (f.) Tables for Calculations, p. 392. (o^.) Rules of Court, p. 405. (h.) Orders of the Secretary for Scotland, p. 413. (\.) Sanatorium Benefit, p. 414. (j.) National Health Insurance Eund, p. 418. (k.) Requisition for copy Certifi- cate of Birth, p. 420. (1.) Stamps, p. 425. (a.) Constitution of Joint Committee. The National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regula- tions, 1912, dated February 21, 1912, made by the Treasury under section 83 of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1912. No. 175. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon them bj section 83 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and of every other power enabling them in this behalf, the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury hereby without prejudice to any further exercise of such powers make the following Regulations : — 1. These regulations may be cited as the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912. 2. — (1) Expressions used in these Regulations have the same meaning as in Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in these Regulations called " the Act ") and " The several bodies of Commissioners " means the Insurance Commissioners, The Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners and the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the Act, or such one or more of such bodies as in any particular case may be concerned. " The Joint Committee " means the .foint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners to be constituted under section 83 of the Act. " Part of the United Kingdom " means England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales. 378y 22 ^-ATIO^-AL insurance. (2) The Interpretation Act, 1889,* shall apply to the interpreta- tion of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. 3. — (1) The Joint Committee shall consist of — (a) the chairmen for the time being of the several bodies of Commissioners (who shall be ex o^cio members of such committee^ ; (b) such other members (if any) of each such body as the Treasury shall from time to time by Avarrant appoint ; (c) so many and such other persons (not exceeding two in number) as the Treasury shall in like manner appoint, and {(i) a chairman to be appointed by the Treasury in like manner. (2) The Treasury may from time to time by warrant appoint any member of the Joint Committee to be vice-chaii-man thereof, and such vice-chairman shall preside at any meeting of the Joint Com- mittee v.hich the chairman shall be unable to attend. If both the chairman and vice-chairman are absent, the members present at the meeting shall elect from among themselves a chairman for that meeting. (3) If the chairman of any of the several bodies of Com- missioners shall be unable to attend at any meeting of the Joint Committee, the deputy chairman of that body or, if he is unable to attend, such other member of that body as the body shall appoint, shall for the purpose of such meeting be a member of the Joint Committee in his place. (4) At every meeting of the Joint Committee four shall form a quorum and every member present shall have one vote, but in case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the Joint Committee or, in his absence, the vice-chairman (if present), shall have a casting vote. (5) Subject as aforesaid, the Joint Committee may regulate the procedure of its meetings and the manner in which and the times at which meetings are to be called. 4. The Joint Committee may, under subsection (2) of section 83 oi the Act, make such financial adjustments as may be necessary between the several funds under the control and management of the several bodies of Commissioners, and shall exercise alone the power conferred by subsection (3) of that section of making regulations as to the valuation of societies and branches which have amongst their members persons resident in more than one part of the United Kingdom. .5. For the purposes of the provisions of the Act relating to con- tributions, the Joint Committee shall exercise jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners the following powers namely : — (a) under snbse(;tion (1) of 8e(;tion 4 and subsection (1) of section .0 of the Act, the power of prescribing the intervals at which contributions payable in respect of employed contributoi-s and voluntary coiitrihutors respectively are to be })ayable. • 52-3 V. c. 63. Joint Committee Regulations. 23 (b) under paragraph (4) of section 4 of the Act, the power of prescribing the account to which contributions which an employer is liable to pay under that subsection are to be carried and the manner in which the same are to be dealt with. (c) under section 7 of the Act, the power of making regulations for matters incidental to the payment and collection of contributions. (d) under paragraph (5) of. the Third Schedule to the Act, the power of prescribing the employer or employers who shall be deemed to be the employer for the purposes of the provisions of Part I. of the Act relating to the payment of contributions and of that Schedule in cases where a contributor is employed by more than one employer in any calendar week. (e) under paragraph (6) of the said Third Schedule the power of making regulations with reference to the cases and classes of cases of employment referred to in that paragraph. (/; under paragraph (10) of the said Third Schedule, the power of making regulations providing for the determination of the contributions to be paid in the case of outworkers by reference to the work actually done. 6. For the purposes of Section 10 of the Act (which relates to insured persons whose contributions are in arrears), the Joint Com- mittee alone shall exercise the power : — (a) of prescribing the manner in which a sum credited to an approved society in respect of an insured person who is suspended from all benefits under subsection (1) of that section is to be calculated, tne account to which such sum is to be carried, and the manner in which the same is to be dealt with. (b) of prescribing under subsection (3) of that section the pro- portionate reduction of benefits to which a voluntary contributor who is in arrears is to be liable. (c) of prescribing under subsection (7) of that section the manner in which the average amount of arrears for the purposes of that section is to be calculated. 7. For the purposes of section 15 and paragraph {d) of section 42 of the Act (which relate to medical benefit) the Joint Com- mittee shall exercise jointly with the several bodies of Commis- . sioners the following powers, namely : — (it) under subsection (1) of section 15, the power to make regulations governing arrangements for administering medical benefit. (b) under paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 15, the power of removing names from the list of medical practitioners and of prescribing the inquiry to be made before such removal is effected. (c) the power of dispensing with the necessity of the adoption of such system as is mentioned in subsection (2) of section 15 and of authorising Insurance Committees 3789 A 2 24 NATIONAL INSURANCE. to make other arrangements and of approving such arrangements and the power of making arrangements or of suspending the right to medical benefit in manner mentioned in that subsection. {d) under subsection (5) of section 15, the power to make regulations governing arrangements for the supply of drugs, medicines, and appliances. (c) under paragraph {h) of subsection 5 of section 15, the power of determining whether the inclusion or continuance of a person, firm, or body corporate in such list as is mentioned in that subsection would be prejudicial to the efficiency of the service. (/■) under paragraph (i) of the lastly mentioned subsection, the power of dispensing with the necessity of the adoption of such system as in that subsection ia mentioned and of authorising Insurance Committees to make other arrangements and of approving such arrangements. {g) under paragraph (ii) of the lastly mentioned subsection, the power to make regulations permitting arrange- ments to be made by Insurance Committees with medical practitioners for the supply of drugs or medicines to insured persons. (A) under subsection (6) of section 15, the power of determining in default of agreement between an approved society and an Insurance Committee, the sum to be paid in any year to such Committee in respect of medical benefit and the cost of administration thereof. {i) under paragraph (r/) of section 42, the power of consenting to any determination by an Insurance Committee of the sum payable in any year in respect of deposit con- tributors for the purposes of the cost of medical benefit. 8. — (1) For the pur[)oses of the provisions of the Act relating to approved societies, the Joint Committee alone shall, in the case of any society and any separate section of a society which has among its members insured ])ersons resident in more than one part of the United Kingdom, exercise the following powers, namely : — (a) the power of ap])roving and of withdrawing a])proval, and, where aj)j)r()val has been withdrawn from a society, of making pnn'ision with resj)ect to membei-s tliereol" who are insured pci'sons, (li) the power of apj)i"oviiig any st^hcmc suhiniffcd under sec- tion 25 of the A{;t, {r) if the floint Conimittei; shall so r(i[iiiic, llic powi'is given by section 2i) oF the A<;t of (h'fcriiiiiiing what sccnrity is sufficient to be given, of dispcnsidg with security, of varying the amount of security, and of consenting to a sul)stitiition of securities. {(l) tl)e power of ap])roving I'uics ])i()vi(ling foi' any of the inatt(!rs incnhoiicd in subsection (1) of section 27 of the Act. Joint Committee Regulations. 25 (e) under section 28 of the Act the power of consenting to the secession or withdrawal of branches, of approving any provision made by a seceding or withdrawing branch for the transfer of such of its members as are insured persons, of sanctioning the dissolution of societies and branches, and of approving, in the case of a branch which it is proposed to expel, any provision made with respect to any members thereof who are insured persons. (2) The power of prescribing the character of the constitution which a society not registered or established under any Act of Parliament or by Royal Charter must have before it can be approved by the several bodies of Commissioners or the Joint Committee shall be exerciseable by the Joint Committee alone. (3) Where a society or separate section of a society has been approved by the body of Commissioners concerned, and such approval has not been withdrawn, such society or section may apply to the Joint Committee for its approval, and the Joint Committee may grant the same, and thereafter the society or section shall, but witliout prejudice to any subsequent withdrawal of approval, continue to be an approved society notwithstanding that it subsequently have among its members insured persons resident in more than one part of the United Kingdom. 9. For the purposes of the provisions of the Act relating to the accounts and valuations of and surpluses and deficiencies shewn by approved societies and branches of approved societies, the Joint Committee alone shall exercise the following powers namely : — (a) under subsection (1) of section 35 of the Act, the power of making regulations, prescribing the form in which the books and accounts under Part 1. of the Act of such societies and branches are to be kept and of requiring such societies and branches to render returns, and of providing in such regulations for the matters referred to in subsection (2) of that section. (b) under section 36 of the Act, the power of appointing the times at which and of prescribing the basis on which valuations of the assets and liabilities arising under Part I. of the Act of such societies and branches are to be made. (c) under subsection (2) of section 38 of the Act, the power of prescribing the manner in which the capitalised value of levies and diminution of benefits is to be ascertained ; and the Joint Committee shall exercise jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners the following powers namely : — (i) under section 37 of the Act, the power of sanctioning schemes for distributing additional benefits out of any such surplus ; (ii) under section 38 of the Act, the power of sanctioning schemes for making good any such deficiency. Provided, that in exercising the powers mentioned in paragraphs (i) and (ii) hereof, the Joint Committee shall be concerned only with the actuarial soundness of such schemes. 26 NATIOX.U. IXSUEANCE. 10. For the purposes of section 44 of the Act (which relates to married women) the Joint Committee alone shall exercise the following powers namely : — (a) under subsection (1) of that section, the power of making regulations subject to which a married woman ceasing to be susj^ended from receiving the ordinary benefits under that subsection is for the purposes of those benefits to be treated as if she had not previously been an insured person. (b) under subsection (10) of that section, the power of pre- scribing the manner in which transfer values are to be calculated for the purposes of that section. (c) under subsection (12) of that section, the power of pre- scribing the adjustments to be made under that sub- section. 11. For the purposes of section 48 of the Act (which relates to the mercantile marine) the Joint Committee alone shall exercise the following powers, namely — (a) under subsection (5) of that section, the power of approving any scheme prepared by the Board of Trade for the management of the afl^airs of the Seamen's National Insurance Society. {b) under subsection (7) of that section, the power of approving, with the Board of Trade, any scheme prepared by the committee of n.'anagement under that subsection. (c) under subsection (12) of that section, the power of prescribing the modifications subject to which the provisions of Part I. of the Act relating to the administration of medical benefit and sanatorium benefit are to apply in the case of members of the Seamen's National Insurance Society. 12. (1) The Joint Committee alone shall exercise the following powers relating to financial matters, namely — (a) under subsection (4) of section 54 of the Act, the power of prescribiuf> the rate per annum at which interest is to be credited to the Post Oflfice fund nnd to the Navy and Army Insurance Fund. (b) under subsection (1) of section 5G of the Act, the power of making regulations with respect to crediting and debit- ing sums to the several societies and as to the p.ayments to be made by and to the Commissioners to and by societies, the power of prescribing- the rate per annum at which interest is io be credited to societies, the power of receiving notices from societies, and the power of prescribing the modifications subject to which the reg-ulations made under that subsection are to ap])ly lf> a society ^ivinji: such luitice. (c) under subsection (4) of section 56 of the Act, the power of pres(Tibing the manner in which sums received by way of interest or dividend on investments are to be- !ipi)1ied by approved societies. Joint Committee Regulations. 27 (2) The Joint Committee shall exercise jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners the power under subsection (2) of sec- tion 56 of the Act, of approving securities in which approved societies may invest sums paid to them for investment. 13. The Joint Committee alone, shall exercise the power of making the following tables, namely : — (a) under subsection (1) of section 5 of the Act, the tables in accordance with which the voluntary rate is to be ascertained. (b) under subsection (2) of section 6 of the Act, the tables in accordance with which additions are to be made to the reduced rate of sickness benefit payable under that subsection. (c) under subsection (4) of section 9 of the Act, tables in accordance with which the reduced rate payable in the case of the persons referred to in that subsection is to be fixed. (d) under subsection (1) of section 31 of the Act, tables in accordance with which transfer values are to be cal- culated. (e) under subsection (1) of section 44 of the Act, tables according to which reserve values are to be calculated for the purposes of that subsection. (/) under subsection (1) of section 55 of the Act, tables show- ing reserve values. 14. For the purposes of the provisions of the Act relating to the making of special orders, the Joint Committee alone shall exercise the power of making such orders : — (a) under subsection (2) of section 1 of the Act, providing for the inclusion amongst the persons employed within the meaning of Part I. of the Act of any persons engaged in any of the excepted employments specified in Part II. of the First Schedule to the Act. (b) under section 20 of the Act, providing for the reinsur- ance of the liabilities of approved societies in respect of maternity benefit. (c) under subsection (8) of section 46 of the Act, specifying the cases in and the circumstances under which that sub-section is to apply to a man who was not immediately before the training therein mentioned an insured person. And the Joint Committee shall exercise jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners the poAver of making such orders : — (i) under subsection (1) of section 47 of the Act, specify- ing any such classes of employment as are therein mentioned, (ii) under subsection (7) of section 47 of the Act, extending the provisions of that section to other classes of employment, (iii) under section 50 of the Act, for any matter in respect of which a special order may be made under that section . 28 NATIONAL INSURANCE. (iv) under paragraph (c) of Part I. of the First Schedule to the Act, for excluding outworkers or deferring the commencement of the Act as respects outworkers. (v) under paragraph (k) of Part II. of the said First Schedule, for the purpose of excluding employment as a member of the crew of a fishing vessel in such cases as are referred to in that subsection. (vi) under paragraph (i) of Part II. of the said First Sche- dule, for the purpose of excluding any class of em- ployment of such a nature that it is ordinarily adopted as subsidiary employment only. 15. The Joint Committee alone shall exercise the following further powers, namely: — (a) under subsection (1) of section 32 of the Act, the power of approving societies and institutions established in a British possession or foreign country and so that the satisfaction of the Joint Committee alone shall be required with regard to the matters in respect of which the several bodies of Commissioners are required to be satisfied by that subsection. (b) under subsection (2) of section 32 of the Act, the power of making arrangements for transfers of persons to and from societies and institutions established in a British possession or foreign state from and to approved societies or the Post Office Fund and for the determi- nation of the amount to be transferred, and of the rights to which persons transferred are to be entitled. (c) under section 33 of the Act, the power of making regula- tions subject to which an approved society may transfer from its account under Part I. of the Act to its credit independently of the Act any sum which by that section it is entitled so to transfer. (d) under section 42 of the Act, the power of prescribing the time allowed to an insured person to join an approved society or, in the case of any such person who lias been expelled or has resigned from an approved society, the time allowed to him to join another approved society. (e) under parngi'aph (b) of subsection (1) of section 43 of the Act, tlic j)()wer of prescribing the account to which transfer values are to be carried and the manner in wliich the same are to be doali wiili und(M" that sub- section. (/) under subscciion (1) of section 4(1 of tlie Act, tlic jiower of prescribing the weekly suras to be contributed by the Admiralty and tlie Army Council respectively in respect of seamen, marines and soldiers who have not joined approved societies. (f/) under jiaragraph (h) of subsection (3) of section 40 of the Acl, tlie i)ower of ])roscribing the manner in which sums io be paid into the Navy or Ainiy Tnsurance Fund under that i)aragrii])h are to be calculated. Joint Committee Regulations. 29 (h) under paragraph (6) of subsection (1) of section 51 of the Act, the power of prescribing the manner in which sums payable under that paragraph by the managers of institutions carried on for charitable or reformatory purposes are to be calculated. {i) under section 52 of the Act, the power of prescribing the manner in which sums payable under that section to the Board of Education, the Scotch Education Depart- ment, or the Superintendent of the Teachers' Pension Office (as the case may be), are to be calculated. {j) under paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 60, the power of prescribing the form in which the books and accounts of Insurance Committees are to be kept. (k) under paragraph (10) of Part II. of the Fourth Schedule to the Act, the power of prescribing the conditions subject to which contributions may be made to super- annuation funds by way of additional benefit. 16. The Joint Committee shall exercise jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners the following further powers, namely: — (a) under subsection (2) of section 9 of the Act, the power of consenting to reductions of the rate of sickness benefit or disablement benefit, and to provisions made for the grant of additional benefits under that subsection. (6) under section 13 of the Act, the power of confirming a scheme for substituting additional benefits under that section. (c) under subsection (2) of section 39 of the Act, the power of consenting to the formation by societies of an association under that section and of prescribing the conditions on which a society shall be entitled or allowed to join or to secede from an association. (d) under section 62 of the Act, the power of recognising local medical committees, of making regulations subject to which such committees shall be consulted by Insurance Committees and district committees, and of determining the powers to be exercised by local medical committees. (e) under section 73 of the Act, the power of granting certi- ficates under that section. (/) under paragraphs (b) and (c) of Part II. of the First Schedule to the Act, the powers conferred on the several bodies of Commissioners by those paragraphs respectively. Provided, that in exercising the powers mentioned in para- graphs (a), (6), (c), (e) and (/) hereof the Joint Committee shall, except in the case of the powers conferred by paragraph (6) of Part II. of the First Schedule to the Act with regard to persons in employment under the Crown, be concerned with actuarial matters alone. 17. The Joint Committee shall exercise and perform, either alone or jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners, as the case may require, such of the powers and duties of such bodies under sections 57, 58, and 78 of the Act and otherwise as may 30 XATIOXAL IXSUEAXCE- be necessary to enable the Joint Committee to exercise and perform the several powers and duties of the Joint Committee under the Act and these Regulations, but without prejudice to the exercise and performance by the several bodies of Commis- sioners of all or any of their powers and duties under the Act with regard to matters falling to be dealt with by them under the Act and these Eegulations. 18. These regulations shall be deemed to have had effect as from the twenty-eighth day of December, 1911. Provided that anything done in pursuance of the provisional Regulations made under the Act on the twenty-eighth day of December, 1911, shall, notwithstanding anything in these Regu- lations, be deemed to have been validly done and have full effect accordingly. Dated this twenty-first day of February, 1912, Wedgwood Benn, WilliaTn Jones, Two of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury. (b.) Removal of DifBculties. (i.) " Advisory Committee" Orders. Generally. The Xational Health Insurance (Advisory Committee) Order,. 1912, dated March 19, 1912, made by the National Health Insurance Joint Commiitke under section 78 of the ]N'ational Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1912. No. 418. \V heieas by section 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called the Act), it is amongst other thiugs enacied that the Insurance Commissioners shall as soon as may be after the passing of the Act appoint an Advisory Committee for the purpose of giving the Insurance Commissioners advice and assist- ance in connection with the making and altering of Regulations under Part I. of the Act consisting amongst other })ersons of representatives of a})proved societies : And whereas by section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises with respect to tlie con- stiiution of the Advisory Coniniittee the Insurance Commissioners witli the consent of the Ti'casury may l)y Orth-r make any api)()in1nient and do anything whicli appears to tlieni necessary Or expedient for the establisiinient of the Advisory Committee and that any sucli Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or fxiit'dient for currying the Order into effect : Advisory Committee (General) Order. 31 And whereas by the iSational Insurance (Joint Committee) Eeguhitions, 1912,* it is amongst other things provided that the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners esta- blished under the Act (in this Order called the Joint Committee) shall exercise and perform either alone or jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners as the case may require such of the powers and duties of such bodies under sections 58 and 78 of the Act as may be necessary to enable the Joint Committee to exer- cise and perform the several powers and duties of the Joint Com- mittee under the Act and those Regulations : And whereas by those Regulations it is amongst other things provided that certain of the powers and duties of the several bodies of Commissioners under Part I. of the Act, with respect to the making of Regulations under that part of the Act, shall be exercised and performed by the Joint Committee, and for that purpose it is necessary in accordance with the provisions of section 58 aforesaid that the Joint Committee should establish an Advisory Committee for the purpose of assisting them in con- nection with the making and altering of those Regulations : And whereas before the Joint Committee can grant approval to a society for the purposes of the Act it is necessary that regula- tions prescribing the form of certain of the rules of such a society should be prescribed by the said Commissioners and by reason of the premises a difficulty arises with respect to the constitution of the Advisory Committee : Now therefore, the Joint Committee in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act and by the said Regulations and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf do hereby with the consent of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury order as follows : — (1.) The requirement of section 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, that the Advisory Committee shall amongst other persons comprise representatives of Approved Societies, shall be modified so as to require that the first Committee appointed under section 58 of the Act shall comprise in place of represen- tatives of those societies representatives of such bodies of persons corporate or unincorporate as in the opinion of the Joint Com- mittee are desirous of transacting insurance business under Part I. of the Act and of either themselves applying for approval under that part of the Act or of establishing a separate section for that purpose, and the said section 58 shall have effect accordingly. (2.) This Order shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made and shall continue in force and have effect until revoked by any subsequent order made by the Joint Committee for the purpose proA'ided that any such revocation shall not affect ?.ny Hppoinlment mode under the provisions of this Order. (3.) This Order may be cited as the Xatinnal Health Insurance (Advisory Committee) Order 1912. C. F. G. Mastermav. 19th March, 1912. * Printed at p. 21 above. ■32 XATIOXAL IXSURA^-CE. A. Eng-land. The IS^atioxal Health Insurance (Advisory Committee) Order No. 2, 1912, dated May 3, 1912, made by the Insurance Commissioners under section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 457. Whereas by section 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called the Act), it is amongst other things enacted that the Insurance Commissioners shall as soon as may be after the passing of the Act appoint an Advisory Committee for the purpose of giving the Insurance Commissioners advice and assistance in connection with the making and altering of Regu- lations under Part I. of the Act consisting amongst other persons of representatives of approved societies : And whereas by section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises with respect to the constitu- tion of the Advisory Committee the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appoint- ment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for the establishment of the Advisory Committee, and that any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas before the Insurance Commissioners can grant approval to a society for the purposes of the Act it is necessary that regulations prescribing the form of certain of the rules of such a society should be prescribed by the said Commissioners and by reason of the premises a difficulty arises with respect to the constitution of the Advisory Committee : Now therefore, the Insurance Commissioners in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf do hereby with the consent of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury order as follows : — (I.) The requirement of section 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, tliat tlie Advisory Committee shall amongst other persoTis coini)rist' repn'seiitatives of A])provpd Societies, sliall be modified so as to re(iiiir(' tlisit the first Coniniittee a])pointed under section 58 of the Act sliall comin-ise in place of representatives or those societies representatives of such bodies of persons cor- porate or un incorporate as in the opinion of the Insurance Commissioners are desirous of trnnsacting insurance business under Part I. of the Act, and of cither themselves applying for a})proval under that p:irt of the Act or of establishing a s('i)arate section for th;it j)urposc, and the said section 58 shall haxc effect accordingly. (2.) This Order shall come intf) force u])on the d;ite ui)oii which it is made and shall continue in force and have effect until revoked Advisory Committee (Welsh) Order. 33 by any subsequent order made by the Insurance Commissioners for the purpose provided that any such revocation shall not affect any appointment made under the provisions of this Order. (3.) This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Advisory Committee) Order No. 2, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the National Health Insurance Commission (England) this 3rd day of May, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Claud Schuster. National Health Insurance Commission (England). B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Wales) (Advisory Com- mittee) Order, 1912, dated April 19, 1912, made by the Welsh Insurance Commissioners under section 78 of THE National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 455. Whereas by Section 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this order called the Act), it is enacted that the Insurance Commissioners shall as soon as may be after the passing of the Act appoint an Advisory Committee for the purpose of giving the Insurance Commissioners advice and assistance in connection with the making and altering of regulations under Part I. of the Act consisting amongst other persons of representatives of Approved Societies. And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises with respect to the constitu- tion of the Advisory Committee the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appoint- ment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for the establishment of the Advisory Committee and that any such order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect. And whereas by Section 82 of the Act for the purpose of carry- ing Part I. of the Act into effect in Wales, it is enacted amongst other things that Commissioners for Wales (called the Welsh Insurance Commissioners) shall be constituted and such Commis- sioners have been so constituted. And whereas before the Welsh Insurance Commissioners (here- after in this Order called the Commissioners) can grant approval to a Society for the purposes of the Act it is necessary that regula- tions prescribing the form of certain of the rules of such a Society should be prescribed by the said Commissioners and by reason of the premises a difficiilty arises with respect to the constitution of the Advisory Committee. 34 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Now, therefore, the Commissioners in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, do hereby with the consent of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury order as follows: — (1.) The requirement of Section 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, that the Advisory Committee shall amongst other persons comprise representatives of Approved Societies, shall be modified so as to require that the first Committee appointed under Section 58 of the Act shall comprise in place of representatives of those societies representatives of such bodies of persons cor- porate or unincorporate as in the opinion of the Commissioners are desirous of transacting insurance business under Part I. of the Act and of either themselves applying for approval under that part of the Act or of establishing a separate section for that pur- pose, and the said Section 58 shall have effect accordingly. (2.) This Order shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made and shall continue in force and have effect until revoked by any subsequent Order made by the Commissioners for the purpose provided that any such revocation shall not affect any appointment made under the provisions of this Order. (3.) This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance •(Wales) (Advisory Committee) Order, 1912. By order of the Welsh Insurance Commissioners this nine- teenth day of April, nineteen hundred and twelve, T. J. Htighes (Chairman). H , Meredith Richards, John Roioland, Violet Douglas-Pennant, Commissioners. C. Scotland. The Natk^.nal Health Insurance (Scotland) (Advisory Com- mittee) Order, 1912, dated April 19, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance Commissio.neks under section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5 c. 55). 1912. No. i^'^. 8. 10 Whereas by Sp(-tion 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called the Act), it is amongst other things enacted that the Insurance ( 'ouiniissiDners shall as soon as may be after the passing of the Act ai)point an Advisory Committee for the purpose of giving the Insurance (!omniissioners advice and assistance in connection with the making and altering of Regulations under Part I. of the Act consisting amongst other persons of represen- tatives of approved societies. Advisory Committee (Scottish) Order. 35 And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises with respect to the constitution of the Advisory Committee the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appointment and do anything' which appears to them necessary or expedient for the establishment of the Advisory Committee and that any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect. And whereas by Section 80 Subsection (1) of the Act it is amongst other things provided that, in the application of Part I. of the Act to Scotland, references to the Insurance Commissioners shall be construed as references to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners . And whereas before the Scottish Insurance Commissioners can grant approval to a society for the purposes of the Act it is necessary that regulations prescribing the form of certain of the rules of such a society should be prescribed by the said Com- missioners and by reason of the premises a difficulty arises with respect to the constitution of the Advisory Committee, l^ow therefore We, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, in pursuance of the powers conferred on TJs by the Act and of all other powers enabling- Us in that behalf do hereby with the consent of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury order as follows : — (1) The requirement of Section 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, that the Advisory Committee shall amongst other persons comprise representatives of approved societies shall be modified so as to require that the first Committee appointed under Section 58 of the Act shall comprise in place of representatives of those societies representatives of such bodies of persons corporate or unincorporate as in Our opinion are desirous of transacting insurance business under Part I. of the Act and of either them- selves applying for approval under that part of the Act or of establishing a separate section for that purpose and the said Section 58 shall have effect accordingly. (2) This Order shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made and shall continue in force and have effect until revoked by any subsequent order made by Us for the purpose, provided that any such revocation shall not affect any appointment made under the provisions of this Order. (3) This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance ■(Scotland) (Advisory Committee) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners at Edinburgh, this nineteenth day of April, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) James Leishman, Chairman. John Jeffrey, Secretary. 36 NATIONAL INSURANCE. D. Ireland. The National Health Insurance (Ireland) (Advisory Com- mittee) Order, 1912, dated April 1, 1912, made by the Irish Insur.^'Ce Commissioners under section 78 of the National Insur.\nce Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 784. Whereas by Section 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called the Act) it is amongst other things enacted that the Insurance Commissioners shall as soon as may be after the passing of the Act appoint an Advisory Committee for the purpose of giving the Insurance Commissioners advice and assistance in connection with the making and altering of Regulations under Part I. of the Act consisting amongst other persons of representa- tives of approved Societies. And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises with respect to the constitu- tion of the Advisory Committee the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appointment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for the establishment of the Advisory Committee and that any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the order into effect. And whereas before the Irish Insurance Commissioners can grant approval to a Society for the purposes of the Act, it is necessary that regulations prescribing the form of certain of the rules of such a Society should be prescribed by the said Commis- sioners and by reason of the premises a difficulty arises with respect to the constitution of the Advisory Committee. Now therefore the Irish Insurance Commissioners in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf do hereby with the consent of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury order as follows : — (1.) The requirement of Section 58 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, that the Advisory Committee shall amongst other persons comprise representatives of approved Societies shall be modified so as to require that tlie first Committee appointed under Section 58 of the A(;t shall comprise in place of rei»resentatives of those Soc-ieties re])resentatives of such bodies of persons corporate or uiii?ieorporate as in the opinion of the Irish Insurance Commissioners are desirous of transacting and likely to transact insurance business under P;irt I. of tlic Act :nul of either them- selves applying for :ii»i>r()v;il inidcr tliat piiil of tlie Act or of pstiiblishing !i sepnriite section for th;il piiiposi- :ind the said Section 58 shiill h.ive effect ;iccordingly. (2.) This Order shall come into force upon the date u])on which it i« made nnd slnill continue in force and liave effect until revoked Preliininarj Expenses (English) OrJer. 37 by any subsequent order made by the Irish Insurance Commis- sioners for the purpose provided that any such revocation shall not affect any appointment made under the provisions of this Order. (3.) This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Ireland) (Advisory Committee) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of the National Health Insurance Com- mission (Ireland) this 1st day of April, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. ■John Houlihan, Secretary. (ii.) "Preliminary Expenses" Orders. A. Eng-land. The Xatioxal Health Insurance (Preliminary Expenses) Order, 1912, dated April 25, 1912, made by the Insurance Commissioners under section 78 of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1912. No. 419. Whereas by Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, in this Order called the Act, it is amongst other things enacted that if any difficulty arises with respect to bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, the Insurance Commissioners may, with the consent of the Treasury, by order, do any thing which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that part of the Act into operation, and any such (Jrder may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrj'ing the Order into elJect : And whereas by virtue of the provisions of the Act the expenses of administration of the benefits conferred by Part I. of the Act incurred by the approved societies and insurance committees are to be defrayed out of the National Health Insurance fund : And whereas it is further provided that the funds for defraying the expenses of administration of those benefits shall be derived in certain proportions in the Act more particularly set forth from contributions made by, or in respect of the contributors under the Act, and their employers and from monies provided by Parliament : And whereas by sub-section (2) of Section 35 of the Act which relates to the accounts to be kept by approved societies it is provided that Regulations made under that section shall provide for a separate account being kept showing the amount expended on administration and for limiting the amount which may be carried to that account out of the contributions under Part I. of the Act : 37S9 B 383321 38 NATIONAL INSURANCE. And whereas it is uecessary, in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation, that approved societies should be established and for that purpose that expenses should be incurred in getting up and obtaining approval for those societies and doubts have arisen as to whether it will be open to an approved society when established to defray any expenses legally incurred on behalf of the society before approval has been obtained and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of Section 78 aforesaid : Xow therefore the Insurance Commissioners in pursuance of the Act and every other power enabling them in that behalf and with the consent of the Treasury do hereby order as follows : — 1. Any expenses incurred by an approved society in repaying to any person expenses incurred by him before approval is given to the society in getting up or obtaining approval for the society may, if the society think fit, be treated by the society as though they were expenses incurred by the society in the administration of the benefits conferred by the Act after approval has been obtained. 2. This Order may be cited as the IS^ational Health Insurance (Preliminary Expenses) Order, 1912, and shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made. Given under the Seal of Office of the National Health Insurance Commission (England) this 25th day of April, ill the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Claud Schuster. National Health Insurance Commission (England). B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Wales) (Preliminary Expenses) Order, 1912, d.vted April 29, 1912, made by the "Welsh Insurance Commissioners under section 78 OF THE National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 11)12. No. 4.)(). Whereas by Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, in this Order called tlie Act, it is amongst other things enacted that if any difficulty arises with respect to bringing into opciation Part I, of the A(;t, the Insurance Commissioners may, with the consent of the Treasury, by order, do any thing whicli appears to thcin necessary or expedient for bringing that part of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may iij)pe:ir ncc(>ssary or expedient for carry- ing the Order into etlect. And whereas by Section 82 of the Act it is enacted amongst other tilings that Commissioners for Wales (called the AVelsh Insurance Commissioners) shall be constituted for the purpose of Preliminary Expenses (Welsh) Order. 39 carrying Part I. of the Act into effect in Wales, and such Com- missioners have been so constituted. And whereas by virtue of the provisions of the Act the expenses of administration of the benefits conferred by Part I. of the Act incurred by the Approved Societies and Insurance Committees are to be defrayed out of the Welsh National Health Insurance Fund. And whereas it is further provided that the funds for defraying the expenses of administration of those benefits shall be derived in certain proportions in the Act more particularly set forth from contributions made by, or in respect of the contributors under the Act, and their employers and from moneys provided by Parliament. And whereas by sub-section (2) of Section 35 of the Act which relates to the accounts to be kept by Approved Societies it is pro- vided that Regulations made under that section shall provide for a separate account being kept showing the amount expended on administration and for limiting the amount which may be carried to that account out of the contributions under Part I. of the Act. And whereas it is necessary, in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation, that Approved Societies should be established and for that purpose that expenses should be incurred in getting up and obtaining approval for those societies, and doubts have arisen as to whether it will be open to an Approved Society when established to defray any expenses legally incurred on behalf of the Society before approval has been obtained, and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of Section 78 aforesaid. Now therefore the Welsh Insurance Commissioners in pur- suance of the Act and every other power enabling them in that behalf and with the consent of the Treasury do hereby order as follows : — 1. Any expenses incurred by an Approved Society in repaying to any person expenses incurred by him before approval is given to the Society in getting up or obtaining approval for the Society may, if the Society think fit, be treated by the vSociety as though they were expenses incurred by the Society subsequent to approval for the purposes of the administration of the benefits conferred by the Act. 2. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Wales) (Preliminary Expenses) Order, 1912, and shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made. By order of the Welsh Insurance Commissioners this twenty- ninth day of April, nineteen hundred and twelve. T. J . Hughes, H. Meredith Richards, John Rowland, Violet Douglas-Pennant , Commissioners. 37S1) 40 NATIONAL IXSUEAXCE. C. Scotland. The Xatioxal Health Insurance (Scotland) (Pkeliminahy Expenses) Order, 1912, dated April 25, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners under section 78 of THE National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 474 1912. ^0. S. 11 Whereas by Section 78 of tlie National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called the Act), it is amongst other things enacted that if any difficulty arises with respect to bringing into operation Part I of the Act, the Insurance Commissioners may, with the consent of the Treasury, by order, do any thing which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that part of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas by Subsection (1) of Section 80 of the Act it is inter alia provided that the Scottish Insurance Commissioners shall have all the like powers and duties as are bj' the provisions of the Act conferred and imposed on the Insurance Commissioners and that references in those provisions to the Insurance Commissioners shall be construed as references to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners : And whereas by virtue of the provisions of the Act the expenses of administration of the benefits conferred by Part I of the Act incurred by the approved societies and insurance committees are to be defrayed out of the National Health Insurance fund : And whereas it is further provided that the funds for defraying the exi)enses of administration of those benefits shall be derived in certain proportions in the Act more particularly set forth from contributions made by, or in respect of the contributors under the Act, and their employers and from monies provided by Parliament : And A\ liereas by Subsection (2) of Section 85 of the Act which relates to the accounts to be kept by approved societies it is ])rovided that Regulations made under that section shall provide for a sei)arate accoiiiil being ke])t showing the amount expended on administration and for limiting the amount which may be carried to tliat account out of the contributions under Part I of ih.' \v\ : And whereas it is necessary, in order to biing P;nt T of the Act into operation, that aj>prove(l societies should be esta})lished and for that jiurpose that expenses sliould be incurred in getting uj) and obtaining ai)])roval for those societies and doubts have ju'isen as to whrthei- it will he ()|h?i to mi upproNcd society when esta])lished to defray any exjK'nscs legwlly imiujcd on Ixdialf of the society Ixd'ore approval has been ((btained jiiid ;i difficulty has t liei-ehv arisen within the nieiining of Section 78 aforesaid : Preliminary Expenses (Irish) Order. 41 Xow therefore the vScottish Insurance Commissioners in pursu- ance of the Act and every other power enabling them in that behalf and with the consent of the Treasury do hereby order as follows : — 1. Any expenses incurred by an approved society in repaying- to any person expenses incurred by him before approval is given to the society in getting up or obtaining approval for the society may, if the society thinks fit, be treated by the society as though they were expenses incurred by the society subsequent to approval for the purposes of the administration of the benefits conferred by the Act. 2. This Order may be cited as the Xational Health Insurance (Scotland) (Preliminary Expenses) Order, 1912, and shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made. Given under the Seal of Office of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners at Edinburgh, this twenty-fifth day of April, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) ; James Leishman, Chairman. Joltn Jeffrey, Secretary'. D. Ireland. The XatioiVal Health Insukaxce (Ieeland) (Peeliminar-x Expenses) Oeder, 1912, dated Apeil 24, 1912, made by the Ieish Ixsueaxce Commissioners vxder section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1912. ^'o. 785. Whereas by Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, in this Order called the Act, it is amongst other things enacted that if any difficulty arises with respect to bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, the Insurance Commissioners maj^, with the consent of the Treasury, by Order, do any thing which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that part of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect. And whereas by virtue of the provisions of the Act the expenses of administration of the benefits conferred by Part I. of the Act incurred by the approved Societies and Insurance Committees in Ireland are to be defrayed out of the Irish National Health Insurance Fund : And whereas it is further provided that the funds for defraying the expenses of administration of those benefits shall be derived in certain proportions in the Act more particularly set forth from contributions made by, or in respect of the contributors under the Act, and their employers and from monies provided by Parlia- ment : And whereas by sub-section (2) of Section 35 of the Act which relates to the accounts to be kept by approved Societies it is 42 NATIONAL INSURANCE. provided that Regulations made under that section shall provide for a separate account being kept showing- the amount expended on administration and for limiting the amount which may be carried to that account out of the contributions under Part I. of the Act. And whereas it is necessary, in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation, that approved Societies should be established and for that purpose that expenses should be incurred in getting up and obtaining approval for those societies and doubts have arisen as to whether it will be open to an approved Society when established to defray any expenses legally incurred on behalf of the Society before approval has been obtained and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of Section 78 aforesaid. Xow therefore the Irish Insurance Commissioners in pursuance of the Act and every other power enabling them in that behalf and with the consent of the Treasury do hereby order as follows : — (1.) Anj" expenses incurred by an approved Society in repaying to any person expenses incurred by him before approval is given to the Society in getting up or obtaining approval for the Society may, if the Society thinks fit, be treated by the Society as though they were expenses incurred by the Society subsequent to approval for the purposes of the administration of the benefits conferred by the Act. (2.) This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Ireland) (Preliminary Expenses) Order, 1912. and shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made. Given under the Seal of the National Health Insurance Commission (Ireland) this 24th day of April, in the year one thousand nine liundred and twelve. JoJin Houlihan, Secretary. (iii.) " Initial Expenses " Orders. A. Eng-land. The National Health Insukaxce (Initial Expenses) OltDEIl, 1012, dated OCTOIUCII 2, 1912, MADE BY THE Insurance Commissioneks under section 78 of the National Insurance A( t, 1911 (1 cS: 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 14S.-). Whereas by Secti(;n 78 of the Nalional Iiisuriuicc Act, 1911 (in this Order oalh'd " the Act") it is amongst other things enacted that if any diniculty arises with res|)c<'t to bringing into ojxiration Part I. ol the Act, tlie Insni-antic Coniinissioncrs may, with the consent of the Treasury, by Order, do any thing which appears to them necessary or exj)cdicnt for bringing that Part of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into elKect : Initial Expenses (English) Order. 43 And whereas by virtue of the provisions of the Act the expenses of administration of the benefits conferred by Part I. of the Act incurred by the Approved Societies and Insurance Committees are to be defrayed out of the National Health Insurance Fund : And whereas it is further provided that the funds for defraying the expenses of administration of those benefits shall be derived in certain proportions in the Act more particularly set forth from contributions made by, or in respect of, the contributors under the Act, and their employers and from monies provided by Parliament : And whereas by sub-section (2) of Section 35 of the A.ct which relates to the accounts to be kept by Approved Societies it is provided that Regulations made under that section shall provide for a separate account being kept showing the amount expended en administration and for limiting the amount which may be carried to that account out of the contributions under Part I. of the Act : And whereas it is necessary and desirable for the purpose of bringing the Act into operation that insured persons should become members of Approved Societies within the prescribed time : And whereas expenses have been incurred by Approved Societies in procuring members for such societies and in making payments to persons in that behalf, and doubts have arisen whether it is open to an Approved Society to incur such expenses and to make such payments, and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meanmg of Section 78 aforesaid ; Now therefore the Insurance Commissioners in pursuance of the Act and every other power enabling them in that behalf and with the consent of the Treasury do hereby order as follows : — 1. Any expenses incurred and any payments made up to and including the date of this Order, but not thereafter, by an Approved Society for the purpose of procuring persons liable to be insured under the Act to become members of the Society may, if the Society think fit, be treated by the Society as though such expenses and payments were expenses incurred by the Society in the administration of the benefits conferred by the Act after approval has been obtained. 2. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Initial Expenses) Order, 1912, and shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Insurance Commissioners this 2nd day of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.S.) Claud Schuster, 4-4 NATIOXAI. IXSUEANCE. B. Wales. The Xatioxal Health Ixsueaxce (Wales) (Initial Expenses) Order, 1912, dated November 14, 1912, made by the Welsh Insurance Commissioners tnder section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 1678. Whereas by Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act ''), it is amongst other things enacted that if any difficulty arises Avith respect to bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, the Insurance Commissioners may, with the consent of the Treasury by Order do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that Part of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the pro- visions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas by virtue of the provisions of the Act the expenses of administration of benefits under Part I. of the Act to insured persons resident in Wales properly incurred by the Approved Societies and Insurance Committees are to be defrayed out of the Welsh National Health Insurance Fund : And whereas it is further provided tliat the funds for defraying the expenses of administration of those benefits shall be derived in certain proportions in the Act more particularly set forth from contributions made by, or in respect of, the contributors under the Act, and their employers and from monies provided by Parliament : And whereas by sub-section (2) of Section 35 of the Act which relates to the accounts to be kept by Approved Societies it is pro- vided that Regulations made under that section shall provide for a sc])arate account being kept showing the amount ex])ended on adniiiiistratioii and for limiting the amount wliich may be carried 1o tiiai account oul of ilic coni i ibul ions undci- Part I. of the Act : And whereas by Seciion .S2 ol iln- Acl it is amongst other tilings enacted that foi- the i)Uipose ol' canying Part 1. of the Act into effect in Wah's the W'elsli Insurance ConiinissiontMs sliall have the like ])0\vers as are I)y tlie ]irovisions of the Act conferiMMl on the Insurance Commissioners : And whereas it is necessary and (h'sirabh' for the pviri>ose of bringing the Act into oj)eration tlial insni-ed ])ersons should be<'onie nn'nibers of Ajiproxcd Societu's witiiin the prescribed time : And wheicas e.xjx'nses have been incuired by A])j)roved Societies in i)ro(uring members for such s(»cieties and in making payments io persons in that behalt. and doubts have arisen whetlier it is open to an Ajjproved Society to incur sucli ex]»enses ajid to make smh payments, and a difficulty has thereby arisen Axithm the nieanin'' of Section 7H aloresaid: Initial Expenses (Scottish) Order. 45 Now therefore the Welsh Insurance Commissioners in pursu- ance of the Act and every other poAver enabling' them in that belialf and with the consent of the Treasury do hereby order as follows : — 1. Any expenses incurred and any payments made up to and including the date of this Order, but not thereafter, by an Approved Society for the purpose of procuring persons liable to be insured under the Act to become members of the Society may, if the Society think fit, be treated by the Society as though such expenses and payments were expenses incurred by the Society in the administration of the benefits conferred by the Act after approval has been obtained. 2. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Wales) (Initial Expenses) Order, 1912, and shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made. Given under the Seal of Office of the said AVelsh Insurance Commissioners this 14th day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Thomas Jones, Secretary. C. Scotland. The National Health Insueance (Initial Expenses) Oedee, (Scotland), 1912, dated Octobee 21, 1912, made by the Scottish Insueance Commissionees undee section 78 of the National Insueance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1610 Whereas by Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is amongst other things enacted that if any difficulty arises with respect to bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, the Insurance Commissioners may, with the consent of the Treasury, by Order, do any thing which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that Part of the Act into operation, and any such Order maj* modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas by Subsection (1) of Section 80 of the Act it is ijiter alia provided that the Scottish Insurance Commissioners shall have all the like powers and duties as are by the provisions of the Act conferred and imposed on the Insurance Commissioners, and that references in those provisions to the Insurance Commis- sioners and the National Health Insurance Fund shall be con- strued as references respectively to the Scottish Insurance Com- missioners and the Scottish National Health Insurance Fund : 46 NATIONAL IXSUEAXCE. And -whereas by virtue of the provisions of the Act the expenses of administration of the benefits conferred by Part I. of the Act incurred by the Approved Societies and Insurance Com- mittees are to be defrayed out of the National Health Insurance Fund : And whereas it is further provided that the funds for defraying the expenses of administration of those benefits shall be derived in certain proportions in the Act more particularly set forth from contributions made by, or in respect of, the contributors under the Act, and their employers and from monies provided by Par- liament : And whereas by Subsection (2) of Section 35 of the Act, which relates to the accounts to be kept by Approved Societies, it is pro- vided that Eegulations made under that section shall provide for a separate account being kept showing- the amount expended on administration and for limiting- the amount which may be carried to that account out of the contributions under Part I. of the Act : A\nd whereas it is necessary' and desirable for the purpose of bringing the Act into operation that insured persons should become members of Approved Societies within the prescribed time : And whereas expenses have been incurred by Approved Societies in procuring members for sucli societies and in making- payments to persons in that behalf, and doubts have arisen whether it is open to an Approved Society to incur such expenses and to make such payments, and a difficulty luis thereby arisen within the meaning of Section 78 aforesaid ; Now tlierefore We, the Insurance Commissioners, in pur- suance of the Act and every other power enabling us in that belialf and with the consent of the Treasury, do hereby order as follows : — 1. Any expenses incurred and any payments made up to and including the date of this Order, but not thereafter, by an Ai)proved Society for the purpose of procuring persons liable to be insured under the Act to become members of tlie Society may, if the Society think fit, be treated by tlie Society as 1 hough sucli expenses and payments were exjjcnses incurred l)y the So(tiety in the administration of the benefits conferred by tlie Act after approval has been obtained. 2. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance Cfnitial Expenses) Order (Scotland). 1912. and shall come into force upon the date upon whicli it is made. (iivcn under tlie Seal of ( )Hice of the said Scottish Insurance Commissioners this twenty-first day of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (^'■^■) J (I Dies LrisJnnaii, Chairman. Jo /in , 1912, made v.\ the Insurance Commissioners. 1912. No. 1147. WLereas by Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is among-st other things enacted that if any difficulty arises with respect to bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that Part of the Act into operation, and that any such Order may modify tlie provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect: And whereas by virtue of Section 42 of the Act and the Hegulations made thereunder,* a person in respect of whom con- tributions under the Act have been paid, does not, notwith- standing that he is not a member of an Approved Society, become a deposit contributor before the expiration of the three months from the commencement of the Act : And whereas provision is made by the Act that all sums available for Sanatorium Benefit shall be paid or credited to Insurance Committees at the commencement of the year, but doubts have arisen as to the amounts to be so paid or credited to Insurance Committees in respect of the period before the com- mencement of the year 1913 and as to the time at which those amounts are to be paid or credited : And whereas persons in respect of whom contributions under the Act have been paid in accordance with the provisions of the Act may become entitled to Sanatorium Benefit at any date after the commencement of the Act : And whereas as respects the year 1913 it is expedient that for the purposes of Sections 42 (e) and 61 of the Act the 13th day of January should be deemed to be the commencement of the year: * Printed at p. 385 below. 3789 C 54 NATIONAL INSURANCE. !^ow therefore the Insurance Commissioners, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Section 78 of the Act, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows : — 1. All persons, not being members of Approved Societies, in re.-,peit (»f whom contributions under the Act are paid in accord- ance with the provisions of the Act at any time not later than the I2th day (jf January, 1913, shall for the purpose of the provisions ul the Alt relating' to tlie administration of sanatorium benefit be deemed, if they subsequently join an Approved Society at any date within the time prescribed for the purpose by the National Health Insurance (Time for Joining an Approved Society) Regulations, 1!>]'J.* not heiiio' a date later than the 12th day of January, 1913, to have been members of an Api)roved Society as from the date of their entry into insurance, and shall for that purpose in any other case be deemed to have been deposit contributors as from that date. 2. — (1.) For the purpose of defraying the expenses of sana- torium benefit during the period between the 15th day of July, 1912. and the 12th day of January, 1913, both inclusive, there shall be deducted, at such times and in such manner as the Commissioners may direct, from the several amounts from time to time standing to the credit of persons who are deposit contribu- tors ami from the respective amounts standing to the credit of Ajijiroved Societies, such sums as may be determined by the Commissioners to be necessary for the purpose of meeting the exjjenditure incurred in connection with the provision of sana- torium benefit during the said period, not exceeding in the case of a dej)osit contributor hi. for every four contributions paid in respci't of him during the said jieriod and not exceeding in the case of an Apjjroved Society ^d. for every contribution credited to the Society in respect of the said period, and all sums so deducted shall be transferred to the proper Insurance Committees: Provided that no deductions shall be made under the foregoing provisions from the amounts standing io the credit of any deposit contiibntor being a ])erson not entitled to sanatorium benefit, and eontributions paid by any person not entitled to sanatorium benefit shall not be taken into account in calculating the amount to be deducted from the amount standing to the credit of an Approved Society. C2.) In the apj)li(ation of this i)aragia])h to aliens, three shall be substituted for four and ^r/. shall be substituted for \d. ('\.) For tJie j)urposes of this j)aragraph — 'I'he expression " deposit contributor " includes a person wlio hy virtue of the prececling jiaragra])!! of this Order is deemed to be a deposit contributoi ; The exjiression "person not entitled to sanatorium benefit" means an insured j)erson whom the Insuraiu-e ( 'oiniiiittee have no power to recommend for sanatorium benefit ; The expression "alien" means a person of the age of 17 years or upwards who is not a British subject and to whom Section 4;'> of tho Act applieg. F'rililcd ;il, p. :',H') licldw. Sanatorium Benefit, &e. (Welsh) Order. 55 (4.) For the purpose of calculating the sums to be deducted from the amounts standing to the credit of deposit contributors any three or less number of contributions in excess of any multiple of four contributions shall be deemed to be four contributions. 3. As respects the year 1913 the commencement of the year shall for the purposes of Section 42 (e) and Section 61 of the Act be taken to be the 13th day of January. 4. This Older may be cited as tlie Nntionnl Henltli Tiisurance (Sanatorium Benefit, etc.,) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Insurance Com- missioners this third day of August, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve, (l.s.) L. G. Brock. B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Wales) (Sanatorium Benefit &c.) Order, 1912, dated August 28, 1912, made by the Welsh Insurance Commissioners. 1912. No. 1294. Whereas by Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is amongst other things enacted that if any difficulty arises with respect to bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that Part of the Act into operation, and that any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas by Section 82 of the Act it is enacted amongst other things that Commissioners for Wales (called the Welsh Insurance Commissioners) shall be constituted for the purpose of carrying Part I. of the Act into effect in Wales, and such Com- missioners have been so constituted : And whereas by virtue of Section 42 of the Act and the Eegula- tions made tliereuuder,* a person in respect of whom contributions under the Act have been paid, does not, notwithstanding that he is not a member of an Approved Society, become a deposit contributor before the expiration of the three months from the commencement of the Act : And whereas provision is made by the Act that all sums available for Sanatorium Benefit shall be paid or credited to Insurance Committees at the commencement of the year, but doubts have arisen as to the amounts to be so paid or credited to Insurance *«Printed at p. 385 below. 3789 C 2 56 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Committees in respect of the period before the commencement of the year 1913 and as to the time at which those amounts are to be paid or credited : And whereas persons in respect of whom contributions under the Act have been paid in accordance with the provisions of tlie Act may become entitled to Sanatorium Benefit at any date after the commencement of the Act : And whereas as respects the year 1913 it is expedient that for Tlie i.urposes of Sections 42 {(') and 61 of the Act the 13th day of January should be deemed to be the commencement of the year : Now therefore the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, in pursu- ance of tlie powers conferred on them by Section 78 of the Act, w ith the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows :— - 1. All persons, not being- members of Approved Societies, in respect of whom contiiluitions under the Act are paid in accord- ance with tlie provisions of the Act at any time not later than the 12th day of January, 1913, shall for the purpose of the provisions of the Act relating to the administration of sanatorium benefit be deemed, if they subsequently join an Approved Society at any date within the time prescribed for the i)urpose by the National Health Insurance (Time for Joining- an Approved Society) Eegulations, 1912.* not being a date later than the 12tli day of January, 1913, to have been members of an Approved Society as from the date of their entry into insurance, and shall for that purpose in any other case be deemed to have been deposit contributors as from that date. 2. — (1.) For the juirpose of defraying the expenses of sana- tciriuni benefit during- tlie period between the 15th day of July, 1912, and the 12th day of January, 1913, both inclusive, there shall be deducted, at such times and in such manner as the Commissioners may direct, from the several amounts from time to time standing to the credit of persons who are deposit contri- butors and from the respective amounts standing to the credit of Approved Societies, such sums as may be determined by the ( 'omniissioners to be necessary for the purpose of meeting the exjienditure incurred in lonnection with the provision of sana- torium benefit during tlie said jieriod, not exceeding in the case of a deposit contributor \(1. for every four contributions paid in respect of him during- the said period and not exceeding- in the case of an Approved Society ](l. for e\-erv contribution credited to tlie Society in r»'spect f»f tlie siiid ])eriod, ;uid all sums so •leducted shall be tiansferred to the ])ro])er lifurance Committees: J*rovi(led that no deductions shall lie in;i bolow. Sanatorium Benefit, Sec. (Scottish) Order. 57 (3.) For the purposes of this paragraph — The expression " deposit eoutributor " includes a person wlio by virtue of the preceding paragraph of this Order is deemed to be a deposit contributor ; The expression " person not entitled to sanatorium benefit " means an insured person whom the Insurance Committee have no power to recommend for sanatorium benefit ; The expression " alien " means a person of the age of 17 years or upwards who is not a British subject and to whom Section 45 of the Act applies. (4.) For the purpose of calculating the sums to be deducted from the amounts standing to the credit of deposit contributors any three or less number of contributions in excess of any multiple of four contributions shall be deemed to be four contributions. 3. As respects the year 1913 the commencement of the year shall for the purposes of Section 42 (e) and Section 61 of the Act be taken to be the 13th day of January. 4. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Wales) (Sanatorium Benefit, etc.,) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Welsh Iusurau(;e Commissioners this 28tli day of Aug-ust, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) T. J. Hughes, Chairman. C. Scotland. The Nation.4L Health Lnsurance (Scotlanj)) (Sanatokium Bejnefit, &c.), Order, 1912, dated August 21, 1912, made Bv THE Scottish Insurance Commissioners. ,. 1291 1912. No. S. 96 Whereas by Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called "the Act"), it is amongst other things enacted that if any difficulty arises with respect to bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, the Insurance Commissioners, with the consent of the Treasury, may by Order do anytliing- wliich appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing tliat Part of the Act into operation, and that any such Order nuiy modify thf provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas by Sub-section (1) of Section 80 of the Act, it i» amongst other things provided that the Scottish Insurance Com- missioiiers shall have all the like powers and duties as are by the provisions of the Act conferred and imposed on the Insurance 58 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Commissioners, and that references in those provisions to the Insurance Commissioners shall be construed as references to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners : And whereas by virtue of Section 42 of the Act and the Regula- tions made thereunder,* a i^erson in respect of whom contributions uuder the Act have been paid, does not, notwithstanding that he is not a member of an Approved Society, become a deposit con- tributor before the expiration of the three months from the com- mencement of the Act : And whereas i)rovision is made by the Act that all sums avail- able for Sanatorium Benefit shall be paid or credited to Insurance Committees at the commencement of the year, but doubts have arisen as to the amounts to be so paid or credited to Insurance Committees in respect of the period before the commencement of the year 1913. and as to the time at which those amounts are to be paid or credited : And whereas persons in respect of whom contributions under tlie Act have been paid in accordance with the provisions of the Act may become entitled to Sanatorium Benefit at any date after the commencement of the Act : And whereas as respects the year 1913, it is expedient that for the purposes of Sections 42 (e) and (il of the Act the 13th day of January should be deemed to be the commencement of the year : Xow, therefore, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, in pur- suance of tlie powers conferred on them by Section 78 of the Act, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows: — 1. All persons, not being members of Approved Societies, in lespect of whom coutriljul ions under the Act are paid in accord- ance with Uui ])i()visi()ns of the Act at any time not later than the 121 h diiy of .hinuary, l!.)J-», sliall for the purpose of the provisions of the Act relating to the administration of sanatorium benefit be deemed, if they subsecjuently join an Ajjproved Society at any date within the time jjresc ribed for tlie purjiose by the INatioual Health Insmanrc (Time for -Joining ;ni Apjiioved So( iety) Kegula- lion>. 1IJI2,* not being a date later than the I2lh day of January, l!il''». to have been members of an Ai)i)roved Society as from the hall be deducted, at such tinu's and in such manner as the Com- inissioneis may direet front the several amounts from time to tiuje standing to the credit cd' jx'rsons who are deposit contri- butors, and from the respective amounts standing to the credit «)f Approved Societies, HUaid in accordance with the provisions of tlio Act may ])econie (>ntitled to Sanaioriniii Benefit at any date after the comiiienceiiH-nl ol tlic Act : And wlieicas as respects the year l!)|."'. i{ is c.\j)(>(licnt liiat lor the pni poses of Sections 42 (r) and (il ot the Act ilic l-'Jth (hiy of •lannary shonhl lie deemed (o be I he comniencemeni ot I he year : X<»\\ therefore the \r\>.\\ I nsni a ncc ( 'ommissionci s. in pursuance of the ])«iwers coiifen cd on Ihcni by Section 7S of (he Ac(, with the consent of the Treiisury, hereby or(hM' as foHows: — 1. All peisoiis, n(tt being members of Apjuovinl Societies, in resiteci jtf whom conlribiilious under the Act are paid in accord- ance with the jiiovisions of the Act at any time not later than the rjth day nf .liinuary. IIM:!. sh;ill \,,v the pnrposi" of the ])iovisi(ms ol the Act ichiting to the ndniini.sl nil i(ui ol S;inaloiium Bimh-HI be deemed, it they subse<|Mcnt ly join ;in Ai)|>i(i\e(l Society at an\ (bite within I he lime prescribed for I he |inipose by the National Health I nsinance (Tiiin' tor -loining ;in Aiijiroved Society) Kegu- lalions. 1912.* mil being a date later than llic 1 21 h day (d' Janua'i'y, r)i:{. to liave been members (d an Ai)|)roved Society as tronj the date of their entry into insurance, and shall for tliat purpose in any f>ther casi- be deeitied to have be(>n deposit contiibutors as from that date. Printed at p. HSf) below. Sanatorium Benefit, &c. (Irish) Order. 61 2. — (1) For tlie purpose of defraying tlie expenses of Sana- ioriuni Benefit during the period between the 15th day of July, 1UJ2, and the 12th day of January, 1913, both inclusive, there shall be deducted at such times and in such manner as the Com- missioners may direct, from the several amounts from time to time standing to the credit of persons who are deposit contributors and from the respective amounts standing to the credit of Approved Societies, such sums as may be determined by the Commissioners to be necessary for the purpose of meeting the expenditure incurred in connection with the provision of Sana- torium Benefit during the said period, not exceeding in the case of a deposit contributor Id. for every four contributions paid in respect of him during the said period and not exceeding in the case of an Approved Society ^d. for every contribution credited to the Society in respect of the said period, and all sums so deducted shall be transferred to the proper Insurance Committees : Provided that no deductions shall be made under the foregoing provisions from the amounts standing to the credit of any deposit contributor being a person not entitled to Sanatorium Benefit, and contributions paid by any person not entitled to Sanatorium Benefit shall not be taken into account in calculating the amount to be deducted from the amount standing to the credit of an Approved Society. (2) In the application of this paragraph to aliens, three shall be substituted for four and iid. shall be substituted for Id. (3) For the purposes of this paragraph — The expression " the Commissioners " means " the Irish Insur- ance Commissioners " ; The expression " deposit contributor " includes a person who by virtue of the preceding paragraph of this Order is deemed to be a deposit contributor ; The expression " person not entitled to Sanatorium Benefit " means an insured person Avhom the Insurance Committee have no po^\■er to recommend for Sanatorium Benefit ; The expression " alien " means a person of the age of 17 years t»r upwards who is not a British subjecl and to whom Section 45 of the Act applies. (4) For the purpose of c;alculating the sums to be deducted from the amounts standing to the credit of deposit contributors any tliree or less number of contributions in excess of any multiple of four contributions shall be deemed to be four contributions. 3. As respects the year 1913 the commencement of the year sliall for the ])urposes of Section 42 (e) and Section 01 of the Act l)e taken to be the 13th day of January. 4. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Ireland) (Sanatorium Benefit, etc.) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Irish Insur- ance Commissioners this 22nd day of August, in the yeai one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) JoJin Houlihan. 62 NATIONAL INSURANCE. (vii.) Payments out of the Insurance Fund to Societies and Committees. A. England. The Na'iional Health Insurance (Payments to Societies and COMMITI-EES) URDER, 1912, DATED AUGUST 3, 1912, MADE BY THE InSLRANCE COMMISSIONERS UNDER SECTION 78 OF THE National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 »& 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). iyi2. No. loll. Whereas by sectiou 54 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is amongst other things enacted that the sums required to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies and Insurance Committees for the purposes of the benefits administered by them and the administration of such benetits shall be paid out of the National Health Insurance Fund (in this Order referred to as " the Fund ") : And whereas it is not possible until after the expiration of the period of currency of the first contribution cards issued for the purposes of the Act to carry to the credit of Approved Societies and Insurance Committees in the Fund the sums which ought to be so credited in respect of the said period of currency (in this Order referred to as " the said period ") : And whereas by section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things jtrovided that if any difficulty arises in bringing Part I. of the Act into operation the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appointment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing Part I. of the Act into operation and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear neces- sary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : .\nd whereas it is necessary in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation that payments should be made out of the Fund to meet expenditure properly incurred by Insurance Committees during the said period f foHows : — 1. During llie ])eriod of six inonllis ending on the 13tl» day of .lanuaiy, 101.'>. there may be pnid oiil of th(> National Health Insurance Fiind such sums tis the Insurance Commissioners may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting expenditure in- cuired l)y an Insurance Committee for the })nrposes of admin- islratiou; provi(h*d always that any sums so ])nid to a Committee t<»g«'ther with any sum pai third day of August, 1!H2. shall not exceed Ihe sum ot one ])ound for every 1,0(1(1 jtersons resident, according lo 1h(> last census, in the Jtrea of I III' ( 'ommitlee. 2. i\ll paymeiils as well undei- (his ( liih'i as uiuh'!' (he said National Health Insuiance (l*ayinen(s (o S()ci(>ti(\s and ( 'om- TJiitteeH) OrdrM-, 1912, so far as they are payments which could profjcrly have been made out of the l''und under Section 54 of the Act if the amount availabh- for the several Ttisurance ('ommittees had been duly uHcertained, shall be deemed to have been duly • I'rintcd iit p. Vt'2 ubove. Payments to Societies and Committees 65 Orders : — England. made in pursuance of tlie provisions of Section 54 of tlie Act, and shall be treated as advances to Insurance Committees in respect of any sums which may be properly payable to such Committees under and by virtue of any provision in that behalf contained in the Act. 3. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Payments to Insurance Committees) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Insurance Conunis- sioners this 14th day of October, in the year one th(jusand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Clnud Schuster, Secretary. TiTE National Health Insurance (Further Payments to Approved Societies) Order, 1912, dated November 15, 1912, made by the Insurance Commissioners under SECTION 78 OF the NATIONAL INSURANCE AcT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1912. No. 1681. Whereas by Section 54 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in tliis Order called "the Act"), it is amongst other things provided that the sums required to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies for the j)urposes of the benefits administered by them and the administration of those benefits shall be paid out of the National Health Insurance Fund (in this Order referred to as " the Fund ") : And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises in bringing Part I. of the Act into operation the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appointment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing Part I. of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas it is necessary in order to bring Part I. of the .\ct into operation that payments should be made out of the Fund to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies for the purposes of administration during the period of currency of the first contribution cards issued for the purposes of the Act (in this Order referred to as " the said period ") and during the current quarter. And whereas up to the date of this Order it has not been possible, and will not for some time to come be possible, to carry to the credit of the various Approved Societies in the Fund the sums which ought to be carried to the credit of those Societies in respect of each of the said periods : And whereas the Regulations to be made under Section 56 of the Act providing for the crediting of sums to Approved Societies are not vet in force : QQ NATIONAL INSURANCE. And whereas it is apprehended that by reason of the premises payments cannot lawfully be made out of the Fund for the purpose •Aforesaid unless this Order is made, and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of the said Section 78 : Xow, therefore, the Insurance Commissioners in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act and of all other powers enablino- them in that behalf, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows: — 1. At any time after the date of this Order there may be paid out of the Fund to any Approved Society such sums as the In- surance Commissioners may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting- expenditure incurred by the Society during the said period and during the current quarter for the purposes of administration not exceeding, in the case of a Society which has given security to the Commissioners pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 of the Act, two shillings and threepence and in the case of a Society which has not so given security one shilling and ten- pence for each person certified by the proper officers of the Society to have been a member of the Society for the purposes of Part I. of the Act on the 13th day of October, 1912. Provided that — ((I) any sums paid to an Approved Society out of the Fund under tlie National Health Insurance (Payments to Societies and Committees) Order, 1912,* shall be deemed to have been paid under this Order and shall be taken into account accordingly in estimating the amounts payable to tlie Society under this Order; and (/>) the total amount paid to an Approved Society under this Order shall not exceed the net amount which, in the opinion of the Commissioners, having regard to the amount of contributions previously paid by or in respect of members of the Society, ought to bo carried to tlie credit of the Society in the Fund. 2. Any payments made to a Society in ])ursuance of this Order shall, so far as they are payments which could properly have been made out of the Fund under Section 54 of the Act if made in the ])r('S(ril)('d manner and if money liad been credited in the l-'uiid to thai Society, be deemed to have been duly made in pursuance of the ])rovisions of Section i')4 of tlie Act. 3. This (Jrder may be cited as the National Health Insurance (F)irther Payments to Appioxcd Soc ielies) Older, 1912. (liven under the Seal ol ()tii( e ol llie aforesaid Insurance Connnissioners this l')\\\ (|;iy oF November, in tlio year one Ihousiirid nine Inindred iiiid twelve. (»'•«•; Claud Schuster. • Printcfl !it p. G'J ahovc Payments to Societies and Committees 67 Orders : — ^Englaud. The National He.4Xth Insurance (Further Payments to Approved Societies) (Jrder, 1912 (No. 2), dated Decemijek 18, 1912, MADE BY the INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS TINDER SECTION 78 OE THE NATIONAL INSURANCE AcT, 1911 (I & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1912. No. 1808. Whereas by Section 54 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is amongst other things provided that tlie sums required to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies (in this Order called " Societies ") for the piirposes of tbe benefits administered by them and the administration of tliose benefits shall be paid out of the National Health Insurance Fund (in this Order referred to as " the Fund "): And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things l)rovided that if any difficulty arises in bringing Part I. of the Act into operation the Insurance Commissioners (in this Order called " the Commissioners ") with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appointment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing Part I. of tlie Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the pro- visions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas it is necessary in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation that payments should be made out of the Fund to meet expenditure properly incurred by Societies for the purposes of the benefits administered by them and the administra- tion of those benefits during the period of currency of the first contribution cards issued for the purposes of the Act during the current quarter and during the quarter next ensuing (in this Order referred to as '' the said period ") : And whereas up to the date of this Order it has not been jjossible, and will not for some time to come be possible, to carry to the credit of the various Societies in the Fund the sums which ought to be carried to the credit of those Societies in respect of each of the said periods : And whereas the Regulations to be made under Section 5G of the Act providing for the crediting of sums to Societies are not yet in force : And whereas it is apprehended that by reason of the premises payments cannot lawfully be made out of the Fund for the pur- pose aforesaid unless this Order is made, and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of the said Section 78 : Now, therefore, the Commissioners in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows : — 1. At any time after the date of this Order there may be paid out of the Fund to any Society such sums as the Commissioners Qg NATIONAL INSURANCE. may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting expenditure incurred bv the Society during the said period for the purposes of the benefits administered by them and the administration of those benefits but not exceeding, in the case of a Society which has given security to tlie Commissioners pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 of the Act, four shillings and threepence, and in the case of a Society wliicli has not so given security two shillings and ninepence, for eacli person certified by the proper officers of the Society to have been a member of the Society for the purposes of Part i. of the Act on such date or dates as the Commissioners fix for the purposes of this provision. Provided that — (//) In ihe case of a Society or brancli of a Society haying less than 5UU members lite said sum of four shillings an. r.2 above. f Printed at p. 0,0 above. Payments to Societies and Committees 69 Orders : — Wales. B. Wales. The National Health Ixsuraxce (Wales) (Payments to Societies and Committees) Order, 1912, dated October 4, 1912, made by the Welsh Insurance Commissioners under Section 78 of the JN'ational Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55), as to Payment out of the Welsh National Health Insurance Fund to Approved Societies and Insurance Committees. 1912. No. 1486. Whereas by Section 82 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is amongst other things enacted that the sums required to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies and Insurance Committees for the purposes of benefits under Part I. of the Act to insured persons resident in Wales and the administration of such benefits shall be paid out of the Welsh National Health Insurance Fund (in this Order referred to as " the Fund ") : And whereas it is not possible until after the expiration of the period of currency of the first contribution cards issued for the purposes of the Act to carry to the credit of Approved Societies and Insurance Committees in the Fund the sums which ought to be so credited in respect of the said period of currency (in this Order referred to as " the said period ") : And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises in bringing Part I. of the Act into operation the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appointment and do any- thing which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing Part I. of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas it is necessary in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation that payments should be made out of the Fund to meet expenditure properly incurred by Insurance Committees during the said period for the purposes of sanatorium benefit and to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies and Insurance Committees during the said period for the administra- tion of benefits : And whereas doubts have arisen as to whether payments can be made out of the Fund before money has been credited in the Fund to Approved Societies and Insurance Committees, and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of the said Section 78 : And whereas by Section 82 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that for the purpose of carrying Part I. of the Act into eftect in Wales the Welsh Insurance Commissioners shall have the like powers and duties as are by the provisions of the Act conferred and imposed on the Insurance Commissioners : 3789 D 70 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Now, therefore, the Welsh Insurance Commissioners in pursu- ance ot the powers conferred on them by the Act and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf with the consent of the Treasury hereby order as follows: — 1 At any time after the date of this Order there may be made out of the Welsh National Health Insurance Fund the following payments, that is to say : — xi -itt i i, (a) To any Approved Society such sums as the Welsh Insurance Commissioners may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting expenditure properly incurred by the Society during the said period for the admin- istration of benefits not exceeding the sum of I5. for each person certified by the proper officers of the Society to be a member of the Society for the purposes of Part I. of the Act during the said period : (b) To any Insurance Committee such sums as the Welsh Insurance Commissioners may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting expenditure properly incurred by the Committee during the said period for the pur- poses of Sanatorium Benefit not exceeding a sum calcu- lated at the rate of 45s. for every thousand persons resident according to the last census in the area of the Committee : (c) To any Insurance Committee such sums as the Welsh Insurance Commissioners may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting- expenditure properly incurred by the Committee during the said period for the adminis- tration of benefits not exceeding a sum calculated at the rate of 85. for every thousand persons resident according to the last census in the area of the Committee. 2. This Order shall have effect in the case of any Approved Society or Insurance Committee until the moneys which ought to be carried to the credit of that Society or Committee in respect of the said period have been duly so carried in accordance with the provisions of the Act and no longer, and any payments made to a Society or Committee in pursuance of this Order shall, so far as tlicy :ire ]»;iyiu('iits whicli could jirojicrly have been made out of the Fund under Section 82 of the Act if money had been credited in the Fund to that Society or Committee, be deemed to have been duly made in itursunnce of the provisions of Section 82 of the Act. 3. Tliis Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Wales) (Payments to Societies and Committees) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Welsh Insurance Commissioners at Cardiff this fourth day of October, in llie year one thousand nine Iiundred and twelve. (l.s.) T. J. Hughes, Chairman. Payments to Societies and Committees 71 Orders : — Scotland. C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Payments to Approved Societies and Insurance Committees) (Scotland) Order, 1912, dated October 1, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners under section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to payments out of the Scottish National Health Insurance Fund to Approved Societies and Insurance Committees. .T 1611 Whereas by Sub-section 2 of Section 80 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is among-st other things enacted that all sums received from con- tributions under this part of this Act in respect of insured persons resident in Scotland and all sums paid out of moneys provided by Parliament in respect of benefits under this part of this Act to such persons, and the expenses of administration of such benefits shall be paid into a fund to be called the Scottish National Health Insurance Fund, in this Order referred to as " the Fund " under the control and management of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, and the sums required to meet expen- diture properly incurred by Approved Societies and Insurance Committees for the purposes of such benefits and the administra- tion of such benefits shall be paid out of the fund. And whereas the sums which will fall to be carried to the credit of Approved Societies and Insurance Committees in the fund in respect of the period from 15th July, 1912, to 13th October, 1912 (in this Order referred to as "the said period") cannot be ascertained until after the expiration of the currency of the Contribution Cards issued for the purposes of the Act for that period in terms of the National Health Insurance (Collec- tion of Contributions) Regulations, 1912.* And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises in bringing- Part I. of the Act into operation the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appointment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing Part I. of the Act into operation and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect. And whereas by Sub-section 1 of Section 80 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that the Scottish Insurance Com- missioners shall have all the like powers and duties as are by the provisions of the Act conferred and imposed on the Insurance Commissioners and that references in those provisions to the Insurance Commissioners shall be construed as references to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners. * Printed at p. 161 below. 3789 D 2 72 NATIONAL INSURANCE. And whereas it is necessary in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation that payments should be made out of the fund to meet expenditure properly incurred by Insurance Committees during the said period for tlie purposes of Sanatorium Benefit and to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies and Insurance Committees during the said period for the administration of benefits. And whereas doubts have arisen as to whether payments can be made cut of the fund to Approved Societies and Insurance Committees, before money has been carried to their credit in the fund, and a difiiculty has thereby arisen within the meaning of the said Section 78. Xow. therefore. We, The Scottish Insurance Comnaissioners. in pursuance of the powers conferred on Us by Section 78 of the Act and of all other powers enabling IJs in that behalf with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows : — 1. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Pavments to Approved Societies and Insurance Committees) (Scotland) Order, 1912. 2. The Interpretation Act. 1889,* shall apply to the interpreta- tion of this Order as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. 'J. At any time after the date of this Order there may be made out of the Fund the following payments, that is to say : — (a) To any Approved Society such sums not exceeding the sum of l.v. for each person certified by the proper Officers of the Society to be a member of the Society for the purposes of Part I. of the Act during the said period as We may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting expenditure out of the adminis- tration account in pursuance and in terms of the National Health Insurance (Administrative Expenses) Kegulatioiis, 1912. t (h) To any Insurance Committee such sums as We may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting expendi- ture incurred by the Committee during the said period for purposes of Sanatorium Benefit not exceeding a sum calculated at tlie rate of 45,v. for every ihousand persons resident according to tlie last Census in the area of ilie Committee subject 1o such adjustments coTis(H|U(Mit on (lie alteration of boundaries of areas as We may direct. (r) To any Insurance Committee sucli sums as We may in any case direct for the ])urpose of meeting expendi- ture incurred by llic Conuiiiflee for tlie administration of benefiis not exceeding a sum calculated at the rate of 8.V. for every tliousand j)ersons resident according to the last Census in tlie area of the Committee subject to such adjustments consequent on the alteration of bouiiil.iries of fireas as We may direct. • 52 3 V. c. fi.S. + .SVe now "The National nnalth Insniaiice (Administration HxpeiLses) Hp({nlatinn», KM. 3," St. R. * (»., Il»i;{. No. .U. Paymeuts to Societies and Committees 71^ Orders : — Scotland. 4. This Order shall have effect in the case of any Approved Society or Insurance Committee until the moneys which will fall to be carried to the credit of that Society or Committee in respect of the said period have been duly so carried in accordance with the provisions of the Act and no longer, and any payments made to a Society or Committee to the amounts authorised by this Order shall, so far as they are payments which could pro- perly have been made out of the fund under Sub-section 2 of Section 80 of the Act, if money had been credited in the fund to that Society or Committee, be deemed to have been duly made in pursuance of the provisions of the said Sub-section. 5. This Order shall be construed as being in supplement to and no wise in limitation of our powers under the Act and orders already made by Us in pursuance thereof, and any payments to Approved Societies or Insurance Committees not exceeding- the respective amounts hereinbefore in this Order authorised made prior to the date hereof shall be deemed to have been duly made in pursuance of the provisions of this Order and of Sub- section 2 of Section 80 of the Act. Given under the Seal of Ofl&ce of the aforesaid Scottish Insurance Commissioners this First day of October in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) James Leisliman, John Jejfrey, Chairman. Secretary. The National Health Insueaxce (Payments to Insurance Committees) Order (Scotland), 1912, dated November 4, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners UNDER section 78 OF THE NATIONAL INSURANCE AcT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1631 1912. No. S. 106 Whereas by sub-section (2) of Section 80 of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is amongst other things enacted that the sums required to meet expenditure properly incurred by Insurance Committees for the purposes of administration shall be paid out of the Scottish National Health Insurance Fund (in this Order referred to as " the Fund ") : And whereas the moneys available for such purposes are derived in part from moneys credited to such Approved Societies as have members resident in the area of the Insurance Committee in accordance with sub-section 6 of Section 15 and sub-section (1) of Section 61 as applied to Scotland by Section 80 of the Act, and in part from a sum payable in respect of each member of an Approved Society, being an insured person and resident in the said area, in accordance with sub-section (2) of Section 61 as so applied of the Act, and in part from a sum payable in respect of 74 NATIONAL INSURANCE. each deposit contributor resident within the said area in accord- ance with paragraphs (c) and {e) of Section 42 of thejict : And whereas it is necessary that payment should be made out of the Fund to meet expenditure properly incurred by Insurance Committees for the said purposes, and it is not immediately possible to ascertain the amounts available for each Insurance Committee respectively for the said purposes out of the moneys derived as aforesaid : . And whereas bv Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if 'any difficulty arises in bringing Part I. of the Act into operation, the Insurance Commissioners, with the con- sent of the Treasury, may by Order make any appointment and do anvthing which\appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing Part II. of the Act into operation, and any such Order may'modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear neces- sary or desirable for carrying the Order into eif ect : And whereas by sub-section (1) of Section 80 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that for the purpose of carrying Part I. of the Act into effect in Scotland, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners shall have all the like powers and duties as are by the provisions of the Act conferred and imposed on the Insur- ance Commissioners, and that references in the provisions of the Act to the Insurance Commissioners shall be construed as references to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners : And whereas doubts have arisen as to whether payments can be made out of the Fund to Insurance Committees before the amounts available for such Committees for the purposes of administration have been ascertained, and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of the said Section 78; Now, therefore, we, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, in pursuance of tlie powers conferred on us by the Act and all other powers enabling us in that behalf, with tlie consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows : — 1. During the period of six months ending on the 13th day of January, 1913, there may be paid out of the Scottish National Healtli Insurance Fund such sums as we, the Scottish Insurance Conunissioners, may in any case direct for tlie ])urpose of meeting expenditure incurred by an Insurance Cominittee for the pur- poses of iidiuiiiislration ; ju'ovided always that any sums so paid to a ('(tiiiiniltee together with any sum jjaid to such Committee under and by virtue of Clause 1 (c) of the National Health Insur- ance (Payments to Societies and Committees) Order (Scotland), 1912,* dated the first day of October, 1912, shall not exceed the sum of one jjound for every 1 ,000 ])ersons I'esident, according to the last census, in the area of the Cominittee. 2. All p.'iyinents as well un. 71 aliove. Payments to Societies and Committees 75 Orders: — Scotland. to have been duly made in pursuance of the provisions of Section 80 of the Act, and shall be treated as advances to Insur- ance Committees in respect of any sums which may be properly payable to such Committees under and by virtue of any pro- vision in that behalf contained in the Act. 3. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Payments to Insurance Committees) Order (Scotland), 1912, and shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Scottish Insurance Commissioners this fourth day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) James LeishTuan, Chairman. John Jeffrey, Secretary. The National Health Insurance (Further Payments to Approved Societies) (Scotland) Order, 1912, dated December 7, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance Com- missioners UNDER section 78 OF THE NATIONAL INSURANCE Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. '«"« S. 115 Whereas by Sub-Section 2 of Section 80 of the National Insur- ance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act ''), it is amongst other things enacted that all sums received from contributions under this part of this Act in respect of insured persons resident in Scotland and all sums paid out of moneys provided by Parlia- ment in respect of benefits under this part of this Act to such persons, and the expenses of administration of such benefits shall be paid into a fund to be called the Scottish National Health Insurance Fund (in this Order referred to as " the Fund "), under the control and management of the Scottish Insurance Commis- sioners, and the sums required to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies and Insurance Committees for the purposes of such benefits and the administration of such benefits shall be paid out of the fund : And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises in bringing Part I. of the Act into operation the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make anj' appointment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing Part I. of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas by Sub-Section 1 of Section 80 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that the Scottish Insurance Com- missioners shall have all the like powers and duties as are by the 76 NATIONAL INSUEANCE. provisions of the Act couterred and imposed ou the Insurance Commissioners and that references in those provisions to the Insurance Commissioners shall he construed as references to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners : And whereas it is necessary in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation that payments should be made out of the Fund to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies for the purposes of administration to 12th January, 1913 : And whereas up to the date of this Order it has not been possible, and will not for some time to come be possible, to carry to the credit of the various Approved Societies in the Fund the sums which ought to be carried to the credit of those Societies in respect of the period from loth July, 1912, to 12th Jauuarv, 1913 : And whereas the Kegulations to be made under Section 56 of the Act providing for the crediting of sums to Approved Societies are not yet in force : And whereas it js apprelieuded that by reason of the premises }«ayiuents cannot lawfully be made out of the Fund for the pur- pose aforesaid unles.>, this Order is made, and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of the said Section 78. Now, therefore, We the Scottish Insurance Commissioners in pursuance of the powers conferred on Us by the Act and of all other lowers enabling us in that behalf, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows: — 1. At any time after the date of this Order there may be paid out of the Fund to auj* Approved Society such sums as We may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting expenditure incurred by the Society during the said period and during the current (juartei for tlie jjuijioses of administration not exceeding, in the case of a Society which has given security to Fs pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 of the Act, two shillings and threepence and in the case of a Society wliich has not so given security one shilling and tenpence for each person certified by the proper officers of tlie Society to have been a member of the Society for the purpose of Fart I. of Ihc Act on the 13th day of October, 1912. Provided that (f/) any sums paid to an Apprised Society out of the Fund under the National llcalth Insurance (Payments to Ajjproved Societies and Insurance Committees) (Scot- land) Onh'r. 1912.* shall be deemed to have been paid under Ihis Order and shall be taken into account accordingly in cstimaling Ihe amounts i)ayable to the Society iinder this ( )rdcr : and ih) Ihr- total amount paid to an Aiijuoxcd Socicly under this Order shall not exceed the nd amount wliich, in Our opinion, having regard to Ihe anumnt of contributions ]>reyiously j.nid by or in n-sj)ect of members of the Society, ought to he carried to tli(> cr(>(lit of tht^ Society in the Fund. • Printcfl lit, |.. 71 iihove. Payments to Societies and Committees 77 Orders : — Scotland. 2. Any payments made to a Society in pursuance of this Order shall, so far as thej' are payments which could properly have been made out of the Fund under Section 80 (2) of the Act if made in the prescribed manner and if money had been credited in tlie Fund to that Society, be deemed to have been duly made in pursuance of the provisions of Section 80 (2) of the Act. 3. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Further Payments to Approved Societies) (Scotland) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Scottish Insurance Commissioners this seventh day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) James Leishman, Chairman. John Jeffrey, Secretary. The IXatioxal Health Insuraxce (Payments to Insurance Committees), Xo. 2 Order (Scotland), 1912, dated December 11, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners under section 78 of the IS'ational Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). ^. 1817 '''■'■ -^°- 87,20 Whereas by Sub-section 2 of Section 80 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called "the Act"), it is iimong-st other thing's enacted that all sums received from con- tributions under this part of this Act in respect of insured persons resident in Scotland and all sums paid out of moneys provided by Parliament in respect of benefits under this part of this Act to such persons shall be paid into a fund to be called the Scottish National Health Insurance Fund, in this Order referred to as " the Fund " under the control and management of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, and the sums required to meet expenditure properly incurred by Insurance Committees for the purposes of such benefits shall be paid out of the Fund. And whereas it is necessary that payment should be made out of the Fund to meet expenditure properlj^ incurred by Insurance Committees for the purpose of Sanatorium Benefit. And whereas up to the date of this Order it has not been possible and will not for some time to come be possible to ascer- tain the amounts available for each Insurance Committee for the said purpose. 7g NATIONAL INSURANCE. And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if 'anv difficulty arises in bringing Part I. ot the Act into operation the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury mav bv Order make any appointment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient tor brin-incr Part I. of the Act into operation and any such Order may" modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into eiiect. And whereas by Sub-section (1) of Section 80 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that for the purpose of carrying P-ut I of the Act into effect in Scotland, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners shall have all the like powers and duties as are by the provisions of the Act conferred and imposed on the Insurance Commissioners, and that references in the provisions of the Act to the Insurance Commissioners shall be construed as references to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners. And whereas doubts have arisen as to whether payments can be made out of the Fund to Insurance Committees before the amounts available tor such Committees for the purpose of meeting expenditure properly incurred by the Committee in respect of Sanatorium Benefit have been ascertained, and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of the said Section 78. Now, therefore. We, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, in pursuance of the powers conferred on us by the Act and all other powers enabling us in that behalf, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows: — 1. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Payments to Insurance Committees) No. 2 Order (Scotland) 1912, and shall come into force upon tlie date upon which it is made. 2. At any time between the date of this Order and the 12th day of January, 1913, there may be paid out of the Scottish National Healtli Insurance Fund such sums as AVe, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting exjieiiditure incurred by an Insurance Committee in resp«'ct of Sanatorium lionefit; i)r()vided always that any sums so ])aid to a Committee together with any sum paid to such Committee under and by virtue of Section 3 (b) of the National Health Insurance (Payments to Approved Societies and Insur- ance Committees) (Sc-othnid) Order. 1912,* dated the first day of October. 1912. shall not exceed the sum of Four pounds five shillings for every thousiind ])ersons resident, according to the last census, in the area of tlic Committee, subject to such adjust- ments conse()uent on llic nltcr.-it i(Mi of bonndarii's of areas as We may direct. 3. All payments as well under this Order as under the said National Health Insurance (Payments to A])])royed Societies and Instirance Committees) (Scotland) Order. 1912. so far as they are payments which could properly have been made out of the Fund under .Section 80 of the Act. if the amount available for the sever.'il Insurance Coniniitlces had been duly ascertained, shall be deemed to have been duly ntade in pursuance of the provisions • Printcil at p. 71 above. Payments to Societies and Committees 7i> Orders : — Ireland. of Section 80 of the Act, and shall be treated as advances to Insurance Committees in respect of any sums which may be properly payable to such Committees under and by virtue of any provision in that behalf contained in the Act. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Scottish Insurance Commissioners this Eleventh day of December in the year One thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) James Leishman, Chairman. John Jeffrey, Secretarv. D. Ireland. The Natioxal Health Insuraxce (Payments to Societies and Committees) (Ireland) Order, 1912, dated September 20, 1912, MADE BY the IrISH INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS UNDER SECTION 78 OF THE NATIONAL INSURANCE AcT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55), as to Payment out of the Irish National Health Insurance Fund to Approved Societies and Insurance Committees. 1912. No. 1541. Whereas by Sections 54 and 81 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is amongst other things enacted that the sums required to meet expenditure properly incurred bj' Approved Societies and Insurance Committees for the purposes of the benefits administered by them and the administration of such benefits shall be paid out of the Irish National Health Insurance Fund (in this Order referred to as '■ the Fund "). And whereas it is not possible until after the expiration of the period of currency of the first contribution cards issued for the purposes of the Act to carry to the credit of Approved Societies and Insurance Committees in the Fund the sums which ought to be so credited in respect of the said period of currency (in this Order referred to as " the said period "). And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises in bringing Part I. of the Act into operation the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by Order make any appointment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing Part I. of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect. And whereas it is necessarj' in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation that payments should be made out of the Fund to meet expenditure properly incurred by Insurance Com- mittees during the said period for the purpose of sanatorium benefit and to meet expenditure properly incurred h\ Approved Societies and Insurance Committees during the said period for the administration of benefits : 80 X.VTIOXAI. INSUKAXCE. And whereas doubts liave arisen as to whether payments can be made out of the Fund before money has been credited in the Fund to Approved Societies and Insurance Committees, and a dithculty lias thereby arisen within the meaning- of the said Section 78 : Xow, therefore, the Irish Insurance Commissioners m pur- suance of the powers conferred on them by the Act and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows: — 1. At any time after the date of this Order there may be made out of the Fund the following payments, that is to say: — (a.) To any Approved Society suih sums as the Irish Insurance Commissioners may in any case direct tor the purpose of meeting- expenditure incurred by the Society during the said period for the administration of benefits not exceeding the sum of Is. for each person certified by the proper officers of the Society to be a member of the Society for the i)urposes of Part I. of the Act during the said period : (h.) To any Insurance Committee such sums as the Irish Insurance Commissioners may in any case direct for the })urpose of meeting expenditure incurred by the Committee during the said period for the purposes of Sanatorium Benefit not exceeding a sum calculated at the rate of 4:bs- for every thousand persons resident, according to the last Census, in the area of the Committee. {c.) To any Insurance Committee such sums as the Irish In- surance Commissioners may in any case direct for the l)urj)ose of meeting expenditure incurred by the Committee during the said period for the administration of benefits not ex(-eeding a sum calculated at the rate of 85. for every tliousand jx'rsons resident, according to the last Census, ill the area of the Committee. 2. This (Jrder shall have effect in the case of any Approved Society or Insurance Committee until the moneys which ought to be carried to the credit of that Society or Committee in respect of the said jx-riod have been duly so carried in accordance with the j)rovisions of the Act and no longer, and any ])ayments made to a So(-iety or Committee in i»iirsuance of this Order shall, so far as they ar«' ]iaynients whicli could jiroperly have been made out of the Fund under Sections 04 and 81 of the Act if money had been . No. 1717. Wlicieas l)y Seel ion 'i I , read with Section 81, of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in lliis Order called "the Act"), it is amoii^rst other things provided lliat llic sinus required to meet expoiiditiire projierly iiKMirred l)y Approved Socielies for the pur- posr-s of Hie beuefils adiiiiiiisiered by Ihem and Ibe administration of those beiielits shall be ]);iid out of tli<> Irish National Health insurance Kinid (in this Order referred to as "the Fund"): And whorea.s by Section 78, read witli Section 81, of the Act it is amongst other things provided tlint if any difficulty arises in brin^nn^'' I'art I. of the Act inin (i|hi nl ion I he Irish Insurance Coniinissioners with the consent of the 'i'leiisuiy may by Order make any a])|)oint inent and do anything which a])])ears to them Printod at p. 70 above. Payments to Societies and Committees 83 Orders : — Ireland. necessary or expedient for bringing that part of the Act into operation, and any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act so far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into eiiect : And whereas it is necessary in order to bring Part I. of the Act into operation that payments should be made out of the Fund to meet expenditure properly incurred by Approved Societies for the purposes of administration during the period of currency of the first contribution cards issued for the purposes of the Act (in this Order referred to as " the said period ") and during the current quarter. And whereas up to the date of this Order it has not been pos- sible, and will not for some time to come be possible, to carry to the credit of the various Approved Societies in the Fund the sums which ought to be carried to the credit of those Societies in respect of each of the said periods : And whereas the Eegulations to be made under Section 56 of the Act providing for the crediting of sums to Approved Societies are not yet in force : And whereas it is apprehended that by reason of the premises payments cannot lawfully be made out of the Fund for the pur- pose aforesaid unless this Order is made, and a difficulty has thereby arisen within the meaning of the said Section 78 : iSow, tiierefore, the Irish Insurance Commissioners in pur- suance of the powers conferred on them by the Act and of all other powera enabling them in that behalf, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows: — 1. At any time after the date of this Order there may be paid out of the Fund to any Approved Society such sums as the Irish Insurance Commissioners may in any case direct for the purpose of meeting expenditure incurred by the Society during the said period and during the current quarter for the purposes of administration not exceeding, in the case of a Society which has given security to the Commissioners pursuant to the provisions of Section 26 of the Act, two shillings and threepence, and in the case of a Society which has not so given security one shilling and tenpence for each person certified by the proper officers of the Society to have been a member of the Society for the purposes of Part I. of the Act on the 13th day of October, 1912. Provided tKat (a) any sums paid to an Approved Societj' out of the Fund under the National Health Insurance (Payments to Societies and Committees) (Ireland) Order, 1912,* shall be deemed to have been paid under this Order and shall be taken into account accordingly in estimating the amounts payable to the Society under this Order ; and (b) the total amount paid to an Approved Society under this Order shall not exceed the net amount which, in the opinion of the Commissioners, having regard to * Printed at p. 79 above. 84 NATIONAL INSURANCE. the amount of coutributious previously paid by or in respect of members of the Society, ought to be carried to the credit of the Society iu the Fund. *J. Any payments made to a Society in pursuance of this Order sliall, so far as they are payments which could properly have been made out of the Fund under Section 54 of the Act if made in the prescribed manner and if money had been credited in the Fund to that Society, be deemed to have been duly made in pursuance of the provisions of Section 54 of the Act. 3. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance V Further Payments to Approved Societies) (Ireland) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Irish Insurance Commissioners this 30th day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John Houlihan. (viii.) Payments by Approved Societies to Insurance Committees. (A.) England. National Health Insurance (Payment by Approved Societies TO Insurance Committees) Order, 1912, dated October 14, 1912, made by the Insurance Commissioners under section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. l.)1.3. Whereas by Sub-section (1) of Section 61 of the Act it is pro- vided tliat all sums payable in respect of members of Approved Societies resident in the area of an Insurance Committee for the purposes of administrative expenses in any year shall be paid or credited to the Insurance Committee at the commencement of that year : And whereas the sums so payable to Insurance Committees in respect of members of Approved Societies consist in part of a sum agreed between the Society and tlie Insurance Committee, or in (h-fault of a^'recment, a sum determined by tlie Insurance Com- missioners, in accordance with Sub-section (G) of Section 15 of the Act, and in part of a sum jjayable in respect of eacli member of an Approved Society resident in the area of the Insurance Committee, in accordance witli Sub-section (2) of Section 61 of the Act : And whereas doubts have arisen as to whctlier the sums afore- said may be so paid or credited to Insurance Committees in respect of the period before the coniinencement of the year 1913, and as to the manner and time of cahulatin;; and payinc; or crediting such Hums : And whereas it is necessary tliat Insurance Committees should incur expen.ses for the purposes of administration before the com- mencement of the said year, and it is expedient that for the i)ur- poses of Sectioti 61 of the Act the l-'Jth day of January shouhl be •h'eined to be llie ( oniinerK ciiietii f)f the said vear : Payments by Societies to Committees (English) 85 Order. And whereas by Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is amongst other things provided that if any difficulty arises in bringing Part I. of the Act into operation the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of the Treasury may by order make any appointment and do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing Pnrt I. of tlio Act into operation, and any such order may move the provisions of the Act so far as may appear -lecessary oi desirable for carrying the Order into effect : Now, therefore, the Insurance Commissioners, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act and all other powers enabling them in their behalf, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows : — 1. For the purpose of defraying expenses incurred by Insurance Committees for the purposes of administration during the period from the 15th day of July, 1912, to the 12th day of January, 1913, both inclusive, there shall be paid or credited to Insurance Com- mittees at such times and in such manner and in such proportion as the Commissioners may direct, the sums following, that is to say: — (a) In respect of the cost of administration of Medical Benefit for members of Approved Societies such sum as may be agreed upon between an Approved Society having members resident in the area of an Insurance Com- mittee and the Committee, or, in default of agreement, as may be determined by the Insurance Commissioners. (6) In respect of each member of an Approved Society upon the 29th day of October, 1912, the sum of one half- penny : Provided that if the special circumstances of any county are such that the Insurance Commissioners con- sider that the travelling expenses of the members of the Insurance Committee should be repaid to them by the Committee, the said sum of one halfpenny may, if the Commissioners think fit, be increased to such sum not exceeding one penny as the Commissioners may determine. 2. As respects the year 1913, the commencement of the year shall, for the purposes of Section 61 of the Act, be taken to be the 13th day of January, 3. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Payment by Approved Societies to Insurance Committees) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Insurance Commis- sioners this 14th day of October, in the year one thoussuid nine hundred and tvrelve. (l.s.) Clmid Schuster, Secretary. 878'J 86 NATIONAL INSURANCE. C. Scotland. The Xatioxal Health Insur.^nce (Payment by Approved Societies to Insurance Committees) Order (Scotland), 1912, dated noatember 4. 1912, made by the scottish Insurance Commissioners (Scotland) under section 78 of THE Xatioxal Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1912. No.^^«. S. 105 WJiereas hx Sul)-?ortio]i (1) of Section Gl of \ho Act it is pro- vided tliat all sums payable in respect of nienihers of Approved Societies resident in tlie area of an Insurance Committee for the purposes of administrative expenses in any year shall be paid or credited to the Insurance Committee at the commencement of that year : And whereas the sums so payable to Insurance Committees in respect of members of Approved Societies consist in part of a sum agreed between the Society and the Insurance Committee, or in default of ao-reement, a sum determined by the Insurance Commissioners, in accordance with Siib-section (6) of Section 15 of the Act. and in part of a sum payable in respect of each member of an Approved Society resident in the area of the Insur- ance Committee, in accordance with Sub-section (2) of Section Gl of the Act : And whereas doubts have arisen as to whether the sums afore- said may be so paid or credited to Insurance Committees in respect of the ])eriod before the commencement of the year 1913, and as to the manner and time of calculating and paying or crediting sucli sums: AthI wliereas it is necessary that Insurance Committees should incur expenses for the purposes of administration before the com- mencement of tlie said year, and it is expedient that for the pur- jioses of Section 01 of the Act the 13th day of January should be dcenied to be the commencement of tlie said year: .\ii(i whereas ])y Seciion 78 of ihv National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act"), it is amongst otlier things pro- vided ihat if any diliiculiy arises in bringing Part T. of the Act into ojM'ration the Insurance Commissioners with the consent of Ihe Treasury may l)y order make any appointment and do any- thing whicli appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing I'arl I. of tlie Act into operation, and any such order may move the provisions of Ihe Acl so far as may a])])car necessary or d(.sirnble for carrying Ihe ( )i(lcr into effect : ,\nd wliereas l)y Sub-section (1) of Seciion 80 of the Act it is :uiion<.'-st other tilings ])rovided that for the pur])ose of carrying I';iii I. of the A Commissioners, in pur- suance of the powers conferred on them l)y the Act and all other powers enabling tlnMu in tliat behiill. with the cons(Mit of the Tre.ismy. herel)y order as follows: — 1. Fouthe iiurjMJse of defraying expenses incuired by Insur- ance Committees for the |.iirj>oses of administration duiiiK-- tlie period from the ir)tli (!;,> of .Inly, 1912. to the 12th di7y of ■Faiiuary. I'M."., both inclusive, there sIkiII he piiJd or credited to hisiiranre C<. mm it tees :it siieh times :iii<| in such manner and in such prr.|'"i(i"ii as Ih,. ( 'oiiim issiom-rs iii:,y dired, the following sum In respect of (.;nh mexnbei- cd' an Api>roved Society njion ie29lli 12, Ihe sum of one-|i;,| f i)ennv : Deposit Contributors Administration Expeni-es 89 (English) Order. Provided that if the special circumstances of any county are such that the Irish Insurance Commissioners consider that the travelling- expenses of the members of the Insurance Committee should be repaid to them by the Committee, the said sum of one-halfpenny may, if the Commissioners think fit, be increased to such sum not exceeding one penny as the Commissioners may determine. 2. As respects the year 1913, the commencement of tlic year shall, for the purposes of Section 61 of the Act, be taken to be the 13th day of January. 3. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Payment bv xipproved Societies to Insurance Committees) (Ire- land) Order," 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Insurance Com- missioners this 6th day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.S.) John Houlihan. (ix.) Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses. (And see (d.) (x.).) A. England. The National Health Insurance (Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses) Order, 1912, dated October 14, 1912, made by the Insurance Commissioners under section 78 OF the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 1514. Whereas by paragraphs (c) and (e) of Section 42 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it la provided that such sum as may be prescribed shall in each year be payable in respect of each deposit contributor towards the expenses incurred by the Insurance Committee in the adminis- tration of benefits, and that the sums so payable shall, except so far as they are payable out of moneys provided by Parliament, be deducted at the commencement of each year from the amount standing- to his credit in the Post Ofiice Fund : And whereas by subsection (1) of Section 61 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that all sums payable in respect of deposit contributors for the purposes of administrative expenses in any year shall be paid or credited to the Insurance Committee at the commencement of that year, but doubts have arisen as to whether amounts may be so paid or credited to the Insurance Committee in respect of the period before the commencement of the year 1913, and as to the time at which those amounts are to be paid or credited : And whereas it is necessary that Insurance Committees should incur expenses for the purposes of the administration of benefits 90 NATIONAL INSUBANCE. before the commencement of the said year, and it is expedient that for the purposes of paragraph (e) of Section 42 and Section 61 of the Act the 13th day of January should be deemed to be the commencement of the said year : And whereas by Section 42 of the Act all insured persons who have not become 'members of Approved Societies within the time or times specified in the Regulations made under the said section are deposit contributors to whom the provisions of the said section apply : And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is amongst other things enacted that if any difficulty arises in respect of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act^ the Insurance Commissioners, with the consent of the Treasury, may by order do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that Part of the Act into operation, and that any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act as far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect ; Now therefore the Insurance Commissioners, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Section 78 of the Act, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows : — I. All persons in respect of whom contributions under the Act are paid in accordance with the provisions of the Act at any lime not later than the 12th day of January, 1913, who have not become members of an Approved Society within the time or times specified in the Regulations made under Section 42 of the Act shall, for the purposes of this Order, be deemed to have been deposit contributors as from the date of their entry into insurance until such date, if any, not being later than the 13th day of January, 1913, on which they become members of an Approved Society. II. — (1.) For the purpose of defraying expenses incurred by Insurance Committees in the administration of benefits during the lieriod from the loth day of July, 1912, to the 12th day of .Iiiijuary, 1913, both inclusive, there shall be deducted and paid or credited to Insurance Committees, at such times and in such manner and in such proportion as the Commissioners may direct, from the several lunounts from time to time standing to tlic credit ot (h'i)()sil coutril)uiojs in the Post Office Fund, u sum equal to hd. ill icsjxMt of eacli coiiiiiljul ion ]»;ii(l (luviii<;' \hv suid jx'riod. (2.) In the apj)lication of this paragraph to deposit contributors of the age of (55 and Tipwards and under the age of 70 on the l.'ilh (lav of .lulv, 1912, and lo aliens, -^d. sliall he substituted for id. (3.) Foi the pnrjiosc of cahuhiling Ihc amount lo be (hMiucted in arrordanrc wiUi this paiagraph, each fraclion of a penny shall be reckoned as a jtcnny. (4.) For the purj)oses of this paragrai)h : — The expression " deposit contributor " includes a person who, by virtue of tlie jireceding paragiii|)hs of tliis Order, is dfcnicd \() be a dcpDsif conhibulor. The expresKion " alien " means a jierson of the age of 17 years or upwards who is not a Britisli subject and to whom Section 46 of the Act applies. Deposit Contributors Adininistratiou Expenses 91 (Scottish) Order. III. As respects the year 1913, the commencement of the year shall, for the purposes of para^aph (e) of Section 42 and Section 61 of the Act, be taken to be the 13th day of January. IV. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Insurance Com- missioners this 14th day of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Claud Schuster, Secretary, C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Deposit Contributoes Administration Expenses) Order (Scotland) 1912, datel' November 4, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance Com- missioners (Scotland) under section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). ,, 1629 1912. No. S. 104 Whereas by paragraphs (c) and (e) of Section 42 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), it is pro- vided that such sum as may be prescribed shall in each year be payable in respect of each deposit contributor towards the expenses incurred by the Insurance Committee in the administration of benefits, and that the sums so payable shall, except so far as they are payable out of moneys provided by Parliament, be deducted at the commencement of each year from the amount standing- to his credit in the Post Office Fund : And whereas by subsection (1) of Section 61 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that all sums payable in respect of deposit contributors for the purposes of administrative expenses in any year shall be paid or credited to the Insurance Committee at the commencement of that year, but doubts have arisen as to whether amounts may be so paid or credited to the Insurance Committee in respect of the i)eriod before the commencement of the year 1913, and as to the time at which those amounts are to be paid or credited : And whereas it is necessary that Insurance Committees sliould incur expenses for the purposes of the administration of benefits before the commencement of the said year, and it is expedient that for the purposes of paragraph (e) of Section 42 and Section 61 of the Act the 13th day of January should be deemed to be the commencement of the said year : And whereas by Section 42 of the Act all insured persons who have not become members of an Approved Society, within the time or times prescribed in the Regulations made under the said 92 NATIONAL INSURANCE. section are deposit coutributors to whom the provisions of the said section apply : And whereas by Section 78 of the Act it is among'st other things enacted that if any difliculty arises in respect of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, the Insurance Commissioners, with the consent of the Treasury, may by order do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that Part of the Act into operation, and that any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act as far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : And whereas by subsection (1) of Section 8U of the Act it is amongst other things provided that for the purpose of carrying- Part I. of tl)e Act into effect in Scothuid the Scottish Insurance Commissioners shall have all the like powers and duties as are by the provisions of the Act conferred and imposed on the Insurance Commissioners, and that references in the provisions of the Act to the Insurance Commissioners shall be construed as references to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners. Now tlierefore we, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, in pursuance of the powers conferred on us by the Act and all other l)owt'rs enabling: us in that behalf, with the consent of the Treasury, hereby order as follows : — I. All persons in respect of whom contributions under the Act are paid in accordance Avitli the provisions of the Act at any time not later than the 12th day of January, lOlo, who have not become members of an Apjjroved Society, within the time or times speciticd in tlie Pegulations made under Section 42 of the Act sliall, for the jjurposes of tliis Order, be deemed to have been dcjxisit ( oiitiibutors as from the date of their entry into insurance iiiiiil sucli dale, if any, not being- later than tlie 13th day of .lanuarv, l!)l;», on wliich they become members of an Approved Sociely. n. — CI.) For tlic i)urpose of defraying exjjenses incurred by Insurance Commiitees in tlie administration of bi^nefits during • lie period from ilii. ir.lli dny of July, lJ)i2, io Ihe 12tli day oi •lanuarv. I!)l.'!. boili inclusive, ihcic shall be (h>du(UMl and paid (u- credited to Insurance ( 'oniiuittees, ;it sucli times and in such manner and in sucli ])roportioii :is we may direct, from ilu several amounts irom time Io tiim- slniMlin;^ Io llie cicdil of deposit contributors in tlie I'osI OiHce h'uiid, a sum e(|ua] to .',//. in resi)ecl o| e;icli c(uit ribut ion ]);iid during the said jx'iiod. (2.) Ill Ihc ;i|)pliciitioii of this p;i liii^ i ;i pli Id ihiiosft coiil rilmtois of the ;i;^r nl d.'i ;ni(l upWiiids :iii(l umld Ihc .i^v ,,f 7() ,,,i Ihc ir.th d.iv of .lill.v. II»I2. ;ili(l Io ;iliciis. : tl . ^ll;lll lie subst it illed for \ of Ihis paia;^ia|)h: The e.\|)ressioii " de|insil coiil riliiitor " inclmles a person who. by virtue (.1 Ihe piecediiin paragraphs of this Order, is ileeiiied In he a dep<.,i| i on t r ibiitor. Deposit Contributors Adrainistratiou Expenses 93 (Irish) Order. The expression " alien " means a person of the age of 17 years or upwards who is not a British subject and to whom Section 45 of the Act applies. III. As respects the year 1913, the commencement of the year shall, for the purposes of paragraph (e) of Section 42 and Section 61 of the Act, be taken to be the 13th day of January. IV. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses) Order (Scotland) 1912, and shall come into force upon the date upon which it is made. Given under the Seal of Ojffice of the said Scottish Insurance Commissioners this fourth day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) James Leishman, Chairman. John Jeffrey, Secretary. D. Ireland. The National Health Insurance (Deposit CoxNtributors Administration Expenses) (Ireland) Order, 1912, dated November 6, 1912, made by the Irish Insurance Commis- sioners UNDER SECTIONS 78 AND 81 OF THE NATIONAL INSUR- ANCE Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1912. No. 1652. Whereas by paragraphs {c) and (e) of Section 42 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called "the Act"), it is provided that such sum as may be prescribed shall in each year be payable in respect of each deposit contributor towards the expenses incurred by the Insurance Committee in the administration of benefits, and that the sums so payable shall, except so far as they are payable out of moneys provided by Parliament, be deducted at the commencement of each year from the amount standing to his credit in the Post Ofhce Fund. And whereas by sub-section (1) of Section 61 of the Act it is amongst other things provided that all sums payable in respect of deposit contributors for the purposes of administrative expenses in any year shall be paid or credited to the Insurance Committee at the commencement of that year, but doubts have arisen as to whether amounts may be so paid or credited to the Insurance Committee in respect of the period before the com- mencement of the year 1913, and as to the time at which those amounts are to be paid or credited : And whereas it is necessary that Insurance Committees should incur expenses for the purposes of the administration of benefits before the commencement of the said year, nnd it is expedient 94 NATIONAL INSURANCE. that for the purposes of paragraph (e) of Section 42 and Section Gl of the Act the 13th day of January should be deemed to he the commencement of the said year : And whereas by Section 42 of the Act all insured persons who have not become members of Approved Societies within the time or times specified in the Regulations made under the said section are deposit contributors to whom the provisions of the said section apply : And whereas by Section 78 read with sub-section (1) of Section 81 of the Act it is amongst other things enacted that if any difli- culty arises in respect of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, with the consent of the Treasury, may by order do anything which appears to them necessary or expedient for bringing that Part of the Act into operation, and that any such Order may modify the provisions of the Act as far as may appear necessary or expedient for carrying the Order into effect : Now therefore the Irish Insurance Commissioners, in pur- suance of the powers conferred on them by Sections 78 and 81 of the Act, with t]ie louseut of the Treasury, hereby order as follows : — I. All persons in respect of whom contributions under the Act ire i)aid in accordance with the provisions of the Act at any time not later than 'the 12th day of January, 1913, who have not become members of an Approved Society within the time or times spec-ified in the Regulations* made under Section 42 of the Act shall, for the purposes of this Order, be deemed to have been deposit coulributors as from the date of their entry into insurance until such (hilc, if any, not being later than the 13th day of January, l'J13, ou which they become members of an Approved Society. II.- (1.) For the purpose of defraying expenses incui-red by Insurance Coiniriillees in ihe adniinistraiion of benefits during |)criod from the loth day of July. 1912, to the 12th day of January, 191''». both inclusive, there siiall be deducted and i)aid or credited to Insurance Committees, at such times and in such manner and in such |)rop()ition as the Commissioners may direct, from the several wmnunts from time to time standing to the credit of deposit contributors in Ireland in the Post ( )tti(e P'und, a sum er|ual to hJ . in res])c(t of eiich coiit lihnl ion paid duiing the said period. (2.) In the application of tins ]iar;igr;ii)h to (le])osil conlii- bulors of the ;ige it\' (!o :inil upuiirds ;md u?i(ler Ihe age of 70 on the ir.th (Ii.y of .Inly, l!»i2. iind lo ;. liens, iU/ . slnilj be subsliluled for Jid. f3.) For Ihr piii]iose of (■;ilcnl;il ing (lie iimoniii to he dediicled HI aecordanee with this p;ii;igr;iph. e;icli Irnclion ol a penny shiill be reckoued as a penny. rririted at |). IWf) hdow. special Order Inquiry Rules (England). 95 (4.) For the purposes of this paragraph : — The expression "deposit contributor " includes a person who, by virtue of the preceding paragraphs of the Order, is deemed to be u deposit contributor. The expression "alien ' means a person of the age of 17 years or upwards who is not a British subject and to whom Section 45 of the Act applies. III. As lespects the year 1913, the commencement of the year shall, for the purposes of paragrapli (e) of Section 42 and Section 61 of the Act, be taken to be the 13th day of January. IV. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses) (Ireland) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of OfiEce of the said Irish Insurance Commissioners this 6th day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John HouliJian. (c.) Special Orders of Insurance Commissioners. (i.) Rules Jar Uoldiny Inquiries, p. 95. (ii.) ^Special, and FrocisiimaL Special, Orders, \). 10]. (1.) Rules for Holding* Inquiries. A. Eng-land. The National Health Insurance (Special Order Inquiry; Rules (England), 1912, dated September 20, 1912, made BY the National Health Insurance Joint Committee and BY THE Insurance Commissioners, acting jointly, under Schedule 9 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), for the conduct of Inquiries with REGARD TO HrAFT SpECIAL OrDERS. 1912. No. 1392. The Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I of the National Insurance Act, 1911, acting jointly with the Insurance Commissioners con- stituted under that Act, in pursuance of Section 113 of, and the Ninth Schedule to that Act hereby make the following Rules : — 1. — (1) These Rules may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Special Order Inquiry) Rules (England), 1912. (2) In these Rules: — The expression " the Act " means the National Insurance Act, 1911: The expression " Order " means a Draft Special Order made under Part I of the Act. (3) The Interpretation Act, 1889,* applies to the interpretation of these Rules as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. Short title and inter- pretation. * 52-3 V. c. 63. 96 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Time, place, and notice of Inquiry. Adjourn- ment of Inquiry. Procedure as to order of hearing objections. Hearing of persons who have not objected to the Order. Power to hear rei)re- sentativu Objector. l'..w. r ..f a|ipjectinn or other statement and as to further pjirtii-iil:irs. rjeneral jK)wers of SjMN^ial Com- mi»«iont'r an to prfHX-diiri'. llejKjrt of Sfiucial (.'om- mi.Hsionor. 3. The Special Commissioner may adjourn the Inquiry from time to time as he thinks fit and may hold adjourned sittings at such time and place as may appear to him suitable having regard to the convenience of the persons appearing at the Inquiry. 4. The Special Commissioner may give such directions as he thinks necessary or proper as to the priority in which the objec- tions to the Order shall be considered and the person appearing at the Inquiry shall be heard. 5. It any person who has not made an objection to the Order in accordanie with the provisions of the Ninth Schedule to the Act claims to be heard at the Inquiry, and is in the opinion of tlie Special Commissioner a person affected by the Order, the Special Commissioner may, if he thinks fit, allow that i)erson to be heard and may in that case require him to give particulars in writing of liis objection or contention, M'ith tlie specific grounds thereof, and of the omissions from, additions to, or modifications of, the Order which he claims should be made. 6. If the objections to the Order made by two or more objectors appearing at tlie Inquiry appear to the Special Commissioner to be the same in substance, he may select an objector whom he considers representative of the largest number of those objectors to state those objections and to call evidence (if required) in su])port thereof. Any other objector may 1)V leave of the Special Commissioner ])e heard subsequently in support of the same objections. 7. The Special Commissioner may stop any statement wliich appears to him to be irrelevant to the objection or contention under consideration or to involve unnecessary repetition or argu- ments already fully stated. 8. — (1) The Special Commissioner may at any stage of the Inquiry and upon such terms as lie thinks fit allow the amend- ment of any statement of objection to the Order or of any state- ment uuide by a i)erson to whom leave has been given to be heard. (2) The Special Commissioner may at any time require the objector or any person to whom leave has been given to be heard to furnish to him in writing such particulars as he may think necessary or relevant in lehition to Ihe objection made or conten- tion advanced. 1). Stibjcct 1() the i)rovisi()ns of the Ninth Schedule to the Act and these Hnles the proceedings at the Inc|niry shall be conducted in siicli manner as the S]ierial Commissionei' may direct. 10. The report, of the Sjx'cial Commissioner on any Order shall he in writing signed ])y the otticer, and shall as soon as may be after the determination of the Incjiiiry be sent to the Authority. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this ninth day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (i,.s.) W. ./. liraithwnitc. Given under the Seal u\ ( Mlice of the aforesaid Scottish InHurance CommiHsioners this fifteenth day of November, in the year owo thotisand nine hundicd and twelve. (l.s.) John Jeffrey. Special Order Inquiry Rules (Ireland). 99 D. Ireland. The National He^iltii Insurance (Special Order Inquiry) Rules (Ireland), 1912, dated November 28, 1912, made BY the National Health Insurance Joint Committee and BY THE Irish Insurance Commissioners, acting jointly, UNDER Schedule 9 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55), for the conduct of Inquiries with regahd to Dkaft Special Orders. 1912. No. 1716. Tlie Joint Committee of tlie several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the National Insurance Art, 1911, acting- jointly with the Irish Insurance Commissioners constituted under that Act, in pursuance of Section lll^» of, and the Nintli Schedule to that Act hereby make the followino' Rules : — Short title and interpretation. 1. — (1) These Rules may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Special Order Inquiry) Rules (Ireland), 1912. (2) In these Rules: — The expression "the Act" means the National Insurance Act, 1911: The expression " Order " means a Draft Special Order made under Part I. of the Act. (3) The Interpretation Act, 1889,* applies to the interpretation of these Rules as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. Time, place, and notice of Inquiry. 2. An Inquiry with regard to an Order shall be held at such time and place as may be fixed by the person appointed by the Authority to hold the Inquiry, and not less than fourteen days' notice of the time and place so fixed shall be given and published in such manner as the person so appointed (in these Rules re- ferred to as "the appointed officer") thinks best suited for bringing the holding of the Inquiry to the knowledge of objectors and any other persons interested : Provided that failure to give or to publish any such notice shall not invalidate the Inquiry or render necessary any adjournment thereof. Adjournment of Inquiry. 3. The appointed officer may adjourn the Inquiry from time to time as he thinks fit and may hold adjourned sittings at such time and plare as may appear to him suitable having regard to the convenience of the persons appearing at the Inquiry. * 52-3 V. c. 63. 100 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Procedure as to order of hearing ohjections. 4. The appointed officer may give such directions as he thinks necessary or proper as to tlie priority .in which the objections to the Order shall be considered and the persons appearing at the Inquiry shall be heard. Hearing of persons who have not objected to the Order. 5. If any person who has not made an objection to the Order in accordance with the provisions of the Ninth Schedule to the Act claims to be heard at the Inquiry, and is in the opinion of the appointed officer a person aft'ectod by the Order, the appointed officer may. if he thinks fit, allow that person to be heard and may in that case require him to give particulars in writing of his objection or contention, with the specific grounds thereof, and of the omissions from, achlitions to, or modifications of, the Order which he claims should be made. Poicer to hear representative Objector. G. If the objections to the Order made by two or more objectors appearing at the Inquiry appear to the appointed officer to be Ihe same in substance, he may select an objector whom he con- siders representative of the largest number of those objectors to state those objections and to call evidence (if required) in support thereof. Any f)ther objector may by leave of the appointed officer be hcaid snl)se(iuontly in support of the same f)bjections. Power of appointed Officer to exclude irrelevant statements. 7 The ap])()inled officer may stop any statement which appears to him 1o be irrelevant to the objection or contention under consideration or to involve unnecessary repetition t)r arguments ulr(\idy fnlly stated. A III Did III (lit of nbjcrtinn or other staternrnt and as to further piirliciilars. H. — (1) The ;i|ii)(iiiil('(i (iMiccr may at any stagc^ of ihe Inquiry nnd upon such terms as he thinks tit allow the amendment of any statemcnl (d' object ion to lli(> Order or of any statmcnt made by a person to w horn h-axc has Ix'en given to be heard. ^2) The ai)point(Ml ofhcer may at any time requir(» the objector or any person to whom h'ave lias beiMi given to be heard to furnish to him in writing such particuhirs as he may think necessary or relevant in relation to the objcjctiou made oi- contention advanced. General pouwrs of appointed Offiiwr iis to procedure. [). Subject to the provisions oi' the Ninth Scliedule to the Act and these Ituh's the proceedings at the Inquiry shall be conducted in such manner as the appointed officer may direct. Married Women Outworkers Provisional 101 Order. Repnrt of appointed Officer. 10. The rei)ort of tlie appointed officer ou any Order shall be in writing- signed by the officer, and shall as soon as may be after the determination of the Inquiry be sent to the Authority. Given under the Seal of (Jffice of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this 28th day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W. J. BraitJnoaite. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Irisli Insurance Commissioners this day of IS^ovember, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John Houlihan. (ii.) Special, and ^Provisional Special, Orders. (o) Married IVomen Outivorkers, I (S) Special Customs, p. 105. p. 61. I (t) Special Employers Ciisfoti/ (j3) Reserves and Territorial Force ( 2'raining\ p. 103. (-y) Share Fishermen, p. 104. p. 131. {l,) Suhsidiarij Fmjjloyments, p. 135. («) Married Women Outworkers. The National Health Insurance (Married Women Out- workers) Provisional Order, 1912, dated July 13, 1912. MADE BY the NATIONAL HeALTH INSURANCE JoiNT COMMITTEE under section 1 (2) OF THE NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 921. Whereas by virtue of paragraph (;') of Part II. of the First Schedule to the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order referred to as "the Act"), employment as an outworker where the person so employed is the wife of an insured person and is not wholly or mainly dependent for her livelihood on her earnings in that employment, is not employment within the meaning of Part I. of the Act : * " Provisional Special Orders " are made in accordance with the procedure established by the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, 1912, and the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order (No. 2) (made under s. 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and printed under the heading " Removal of Difficulties," 1 {!>) (v.) above), and continue in force only until a Special Order has been made in accordance with s. 113 and Sch. IX. of the Act. 378y F 102 NATIONAL INSURANCE. And whereas it is provided by sub-section (2) of Section 1 of the Act that the Insurance Commissioners, with the approval of the Treasury, may by a Special Order made under the Act provide for including amongst the persons employed within the meaning of Part I. of the Act any persons engaged in any of the excepted employments specified in Part II. of the First Schedule to the Act : And whereas by Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) liegulations, 191'^,* the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the Act are alone to exercise the power of making Special Orders under sub-section (2) of Section 1 of the Act : And whereas by the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, 1912, t it is provided that in any case in which the Joint Committee, acting either alone or jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners or with any one or more of those bodies, have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act, they may, if they certify that for the purpose of bringing into oiDeration Part I. of the Act it is expedient that the Special Order should come into operation on the commencement of the Act, make the Order to come into operation on the commencement of the Act as a Provisional Special Order: And whereas the Joint Committee have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under tiie Act in the form of this Order : Now, therefore, the Joint Committee hereluy certify under the National Healtli Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, '')I'J, that for the purpose of bringing into operation Part I. of tlie Act it is expedient that tho paid Sjiecial Order sliould come into operation on the commencement of the Act and in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the Act and by the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912, hereby, with tlic consent of the Treasury, make the said Special Order to come into operation as a Provisional Special Order and accordingly order as follows : — 1. A married woman engaged in employment as an outworker sliall be deemed to be a person employed within the meaning of I'lirt I. of llie \('\ iiotwitlistanding tliat she is tlie wile of an insured person and that she is not wholly or mainly dependent for her livelihood on her e;iriiiiigs iis ;m out workei-. 2. This Order shall not apply to Ireland. 3. This ()r(ler may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Married Women Outworkers) Provisional Order, 1912. OJAon under the Seal of Offiee of the :il'or(>said Joint Com- mittee this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousandf nine hundred ;nid twelve. ('f-^') W. J. Brnithwaite,. I'rintod at, p. 21 ahovo. f Prinffvl ;,( ,,. 4H nhovo. Reserve?? and Toiritovinl Force (Trainin<^). 103 (/3.) Reserves and Territorial Force (Training"). The Reserves and Teruitokial Force (Training) Order, 1912. Special Order, dated June 24, 1912, made by THE National Health Insurance Joint Committee under section 46 (8) of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55).* 1912. No. 1031. Whereas it is provided by sub-section (8) of section 46 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called "the Act"), that where a man is being trained and is in receipt of pay out of tlie moneys provided by Parliament for Navy or Army services, he shall for the purpose of Part I. of the Act be deemed while so training to be employed within the meaning of that Part of the Act and to be in the sole emploj-ment of the Crown : And whereas the said sub-section (8) contains a proviso to the effect that the sub-section is not to apply to a man who was not immediately before the training an insured person except in such cases and under such circumstances as may be specified in a Special Order made by the Insurance Commissioners : And whereas it is provided by Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912, t that the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the Act alone shall exercise the power of making a Special Order under the said sub-section : Now therefore the said Joint Committee in pursuance of the said sub-section and the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912, hereby order as follows: — 1. — (1.) Sub-section (8) of section 46 of the Act shall apply to every man who is being trained at the date of the commencement of the Act or at any time within one month after that date, not- withstanding that he was not immediately before the training ac insured person, unless he has obtained a certificate of exemption under section 2 of the Act or unless he makes a declaration in such form as the Joint Committee may direct to the effect that, in the event of his not having come out for training, he would not have been employed within the meaning of the Act during any part of the period from the commencement of the Act or of the training as the case may be, to the termination of the training. (2.) In this Order the expression " man " means a man of the Naval Reserves, the Army Reserve, or the Territorial Force. 2. This Order may be cited as the Reserves and Territorial Force (Training) Order, 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Joint Committee this 24th day of June, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) TT'. /. Braithwaite. * This Order, having lain before both Houses of Parliament from June 25, 1912. for 30 days came into force July 2G, 1912. "I" Printed at p. 21 above. 3789 F 2 104 NATIONAL INSURANCE. (y.) Share Fishermen. The Xatiox.vl Health Ixsuraxce (Share Fishermen) Pro- visional Order. 1912 C^o. 1), dated July 13, 1912, made BY THE National Health Insurance Joint Committee and BY THE Insurance Commissioners, acting jointly, under THE National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 922. Whereas by virtue of paragraph (k) of Part II. of the First Schedule to the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called " the Act "), employment as a member of the crew of a fishing vessel where the members of the crew are remunerated by sliares in the profits or gross earnings of the working of the vessel in accordance with any custom or practice prevailing at any port, is not an employment within the meaning of Part I. of the Act, if a Special Order for tlie purpose is made for the Insurance Commissioners and the particular custom or practice prevailing at the port is one to which the Order applies : And whereas by Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912,* the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the Act are to exercise jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners constituted under the Act the power of making Special Orders under the said paragraph (k) : And whereas by the National Health Insurance (Special Ord?rs Acceleration) Order, ]912,t it is provided that in any case in which the Joint Committee, acting either alone or jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners, or with any one or more of those bodies, have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act, they may, if they certify that for the purpose of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act it is expedient that the Special Order should come into operation on the commencement of the Act, make the Order to come into operation on the comnuMicoment of the Act as a Provisional Special Order: And whereas the Joint Committee, acting jointly with the Insurance Commissioners, have publislied notice of their proposal to n^iake a Sjjccial Order under the Act in the form of this Order : Now, therefore, the Joint Committee and the Insurance Commissioners, acHng jointly, liereby certify under the National llealfh Insurance (Special ( )rders Acceleralion) Order, 1912, that for the j)uri»OHe of bringing into operation Pari I. of the Act it is exixMJicnt Ihaf tlic said Special Order come into operation on the comm'AT1U-\AL INsLliANCE. And whereas it is enacted in the said section that, subject to the provisions of the said section, the Special Order may contain such incidental, supplemental, and consequential pro- visions as appear necessary for adapting the other provisions of Part I. of the Act to cases under the said section : And whereas by Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912,* it is provided that the Joint Com- mittee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purpose of Part I. of the Act shall exercise jointly with those several bodies the power of making Orders under sub-section (1) of section 47 of the Act : And whereas by virtue of sections 80, 81, and 82 of the Act respectively the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commis- sioners respectively have the like powers and duties as are by the Act conferred and imposed on the Insurance Commissioners : And whereas by the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, 1912, t it is provided that in any case in which the Joint Committee, acting either alone or jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners or with any one or more of those bodies, have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act, they may, if they certify that for the purpose of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act it is expedient that the Special Order should come into operation on the commencement of the Act, make the Order to come into operation on the commencement of the Act as a Provisional Special Order : And whereas it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Joint Committee and of the Insurance Commissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, that in the classes of employ- ment specified in the First Schedule to this Order a custom or practice prevails according to which persons employed receive full remuneration during periods of disease and disablement, or some part thereof : And whereas the Joint (,'onimittee, acting jointly with the Insurance Commissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, have published notice of their proposal to make a Sjjccial (Jrder under the Act in the form of this Order: Now, therefore, the Joint Committee, acting jointly with the Insurance Commissioners, tlie Scottisli Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the "Welsh Insurance (-'omnjissioners, hereby certify under the National Health Insur- ance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, 1912, that for the l)urpose of bringing into ojjeratiou Part I. of the Act it is expedient that the said Sj)ecial Order siiould come into operation on the commencement of the Act and in pursuance of section • Printed at p. 21 above. f I'liutcd at p. 48 above. Special (Justoms Provisioual Order, 1912 (No. 1). 107 47 of the Act and the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912, hereby make the said Special Order to come into operation as a Provisional Special Order, and accordingly order as follows : — 1. The employments set forth in the First Schedule to this Order are specified as being classes of employment in which a custom or practice prevails according to which the persons employed receive full remuneration during periods of disease or disablement, or some part thereof. 2. For the purpose of adapting the other provisions of Part I. of the Act to cases under section 47 of the Act, the provisions set out in the Second Schedule to this Order shall have effect. 3. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Provisional Order, 1912, (No. 1). Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W.J. Braithwaite. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Insurance Commissioners this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. « (l.s.) Claud Schuster. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Scottish Insur- ance Commissioners this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) G. Stuart Robertson, Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Irish Insur- ance Commissioners this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) G. Stuart Rohertson* Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Welsh Insur= ance Commissioners this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) G. Stuart Robertson ins NATIONAL INSURANCE. First Schedule. Employment as a clerk ... ... ... "| Employment as a shop assistant Employment as a warehouseman Employment as a resident tutor or governess Employment as a journalist Employment as an assistant minister in any religious body Employment as a teacher Employment as a domestic servant Employment by the High Bailiff of a County Court as process server or warrant officer ... Employment by the Judge or Regis- trar of a County Court as usher or messenger If by the terms of the employ- ment the person employed is entitled as of right to not less than one week's notice of the termination of his employ- ment. Second Schedule. (1.) In the application of the Act to any person in whose case con- tributions are jjayable at the reduced rate mentioned in sub-section (-1) of Section 47 of the Act (in this Schedule referred to as a person to whom Section 47 applies), the Appendix to this Schedule shall be substituted for the Fifth Schedule to the Act. (2.) A woman, being a person to whom Section 47 applies, shall on her marriage (in addition to any actual arrears) be deemed to be one week in arreai's in respect of every period of twelve weeks or period of less than twelve weeks, during which she has paid contributions at that reduced rate. {'S.) The power — (aj under Section 6 (2) and Section 9 (4) of the Act of preparing Tables ; (b) under Section 10 (3) of the Act of prescribing a proportionate reduction of benefits; shall in each case be deemed to include a ])()wer to make sej)arate provision with respect to persons to whom Section 47 applies. (4.) Where a scheme is made under Section 37 of the Act or under Section 38 of tiio Act, the jjrovision made by tbe scheme with respect to piTson.s to whom Secti(ni 47 applies may be different from the provision made with respect to other insurer persons. (5.) Every jicrson on enterint; any employment in which he will be a |)crK(iM to will nil Section 47 applies shall, whether he was or was not pre- viously such a person, give notice of the fact, if he is a member of an .\p|)roved Society, t«) the Society, and, if ho is not a member of an A|tproved Society, to the Jnsiiruiicc Committee, and every such notice iiMiHt state whether the person giving the notice is engaged for a term of Hi.\ iiionth.s certain or not. (6.) The employer of any person to whom Section 47 applies and who has been siiflering frcmi disease or disablement shall, on the demand of that person, anri also, if that person is a Tiieiiiber of an Apj)roved Society, on the fleiiiiiiKl of his Society, or, if that person is not a member of an .\ppi. 21 iiljovc. f rrintud ut p. 48 al)ovc. Special Customs Pro visional Order, 1912 (JVo. 2). Ill employed receive full remuueraiiou during periods of disease or disablement, or some part thereof. 2. For the purpose of adapting* the other provisions of Part 1. of the Act to cases under section 47 of the Act, the provisions set out in the Second Schedule to this Order shall have effect. 3. This Order may he cited as the National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 2). Given under the Seal of Ofhce of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W.J. Braithwaite. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Insurance Commissioners this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Claud Schuster. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Welsh Insur- ance Commissioners this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) G. Stuart Robertson. First Schedule. Class uf Eiiipluyiuent. 1. Employment as any kind of farm servant under a contract of not less than six months' duration (male persons only). 2. Employment as a farm servant in charge of animals (male persons only). 3. Eiiiployment as a farm servant (male unmarried persons only). •4. Employment as a farm servant under a contract of not less than six months' duration where the terms of service include board and lodging in the farm- house (male unmarried persons only). o. Employment as a farm servant under a contract of not less than ore year's duration (male unmarried persons only). Locality. 1. Northumberland. Durham. Yorks, North Riding (North and North-Eastern parts). 2. Berks. Cambridgeshire (North). Dorset (East and South). Gloucestershire. Hampshire. Kent. Lincolnshire. Nottinghamshire. Oxfordshire. Rutlandshire. Warwickshire. AViltshire. Worcestershire. Yorks, East Riding. 3. Cumberland. Parts of Lancashire, viz., the rural districts of Fylde, Gar- stang, Lancaster, Lunesdale, and Ulverston. Westmoreland. 4. Cheshire. Dei'bvshire. Hereford (West). Shropshire. Staffordshire. 5. Wales. 112 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Second HcheduXe. (1.) Jn the applicatiou of the Act to any person in whose case con- tributions are payable at the reduced rate mentioned in sub-section (4) of Section 47 of the Act (.in this Schedule referred to as a person to whom Section 47 applies), the Appendix to this Schedule shall be substituted for the Fifth Schedule to the Act. (2. J A woman, being a person to whom Section 47 applies, shall on her marriao^e (in addition to any actual arrears) be deemed to be one week in arrears in respect of every period of twelve weeks or period of less than twelve weeks, during which she has paid contributions at that reduced rate. (3.) The power — (a) under Section 6 (2) and Section 9 (4) of the Act of preparing Tables ; (h) under Section 10 (3) of the Act of prescribing a proportionate reduction of benefits ; .shall iu each case be deemed to include a power to make separate provision Avith respect to persons to whom Section 47 applies. (4.) Where a scheme is made under Section 37 of the Act or under Section 38 of the Act, the provision made by the scheme with respect to persons to whom Section 47 applies may be different from the provision made with respect to other insured persons. (5.) Everv person on entering any employment in which he will be a person to whom Section 47 applies shall, whether he was or was not pre- viously such a person, give notice of the fact, if he is a member of an Approved Society, to the Society, and, if he is not a member of an Approved Society, to the Insurance Committee, and every such notice must state whether the person giving the notice is engaged for a term of six months certain or not. (6.) The employer of any person to whom vSection 47 applies and Avho has V)Pen suffering from disease or disablement shall, on the demand of that person, and also, if that person is a member of an Approved Societj-, on the demand of his Society, or, if that person is not a member of an Approved Society, on the demand of the Insurance Committee, deliver to him. or to the Society or Insurance Committee, as the case may be, par- ticulars in writing of the date on which the disease or disablement com- nienr»'d and terminated, together with a .statement whether the employed person did or did not perform any work during the whole or any part of the period of the disease or disablement. APPJONDIX. 'i'AIIl.li. Jtates of Sickness Benefit. Men. Woinen. VV'JKrc the arrears amount to .s-. d. s. d. I iHiiUibutioiis }i ypar on average i) 7 6 ,, " „ « f) (i 6 „ „ 7 6 .-, (; 8 M .", 5 U ,, l''or f .") (I coiiiincnringon the4th(!ay after 10 11 13 average i) ,s 7 Kor r •-» bf.th r, men '} and r> Wdllli'll. r, ,. ,. 8th the end .. Iltli '• 'J2ii(l illness. I •'"> «' ., ,, 25th I 5 ., ., 29th I 5 ,, ,. 32nd 15 ,, ,, 35th Special Customs Special Order, 1912 (No. 3). 113 Notes. (1.) Where the insured person is, by virtue of any of the provisions of Part I. of this Act, other than those relating to arrears, entitled to sick- ness benefit at a rate lower than the full rate, this Table shall have effect as if the entries in the first column were so shifted down that the first entry therein was set opposite the entry in the second column specifying the rate of sickness benefit next below the rate to which the insured person is entitled : Provided that, as respects an insured person in whose case the normal rate of sickness benefit is the sum of 5s. a week, this Table shall have effect as if the entries in the first column were so shifted down that the first entry therein was set opposite the sixth entry in the second column. (2.) Where the insured person is a voluntary contributor, this Table shall have effect as if the figures 2 and 3 were inserted at the top of the first column and the numbers 4 to 13 were accordingly shifted down two places in each case. The National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Order, 191-2 (No. 3) Special Order, dated November 6, 1912, made by the National Health Insurance Joint Committee and by the Insurance Commissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, acting jointly, under section 47 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55), with reference to persons employed BY' OR UNDER THE CrOAVN.* 1912. No. 1779. Whereas by section 47 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order referred to as "the Act"), the Insurance Commis- sioners are required to make Special Orders specifying any classes of employment in which a custom or practice is shown to their satisfaction to prevail according to which the persons employed receive full remuneration during periods of disease and disable- ment or any part thereof : And whereas by sub-section (2) of section 53 of the Act it is provided that the provisions of the Act relating to reduced insur- ance in cases where the employer is liable to pay wages during sickness shall extend in respect of persons employed by, or under the Crown, to cases where two-thirds only of the full remuneration are payable during periods or parts of periods of disease or disable- ment if such remuneration is so payable for not less than three months in any year : And whereas it is enacted in the said section 47 that, subject to the provisions of the said section, any Special Order made there- under may contain such incidental, supplemental, and conse- quential provisions as may appear necessary for adapting the * This Special Order, having lain before both Houses of Parliament from November 11, 1912, for 30 days, came into force December 11, 1912, and supersedes " The National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Provisional Order, 191^ (No. 3)," dated July 13, 1912— St. R. & 0., 1912, No. 920. 114 NATIONAL INSURANCE. otlier provisions of Part I. of the Act to cases under the said section : And whereas by Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912,* it is provided that the Joint Com- mittee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purpose of Part I. of the Act shall exercise jointly with those several bodies the power of making Orders under sub-section (1) of section 47 of the Act : And whereas by virtue of sections 80, 81, and 82 of the Act respectively the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the AVelsh Insurance Commis- sioners for the purpose of carrying- Part I. of the Act into effect in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales respectively have the like powers and duties as are by the Act conferred and imposed on the Insur- ance Commissioners : And whereas it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Joint Committee and of the Insurance Commissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, that the classes of employ- ment specified in the First and Third Schedules to this Order are classes of employment under the Crown, and that a custom or practice prevails in those employments according to which persons employed receive full remuneration during periods of disease and disablement, or some part thereof: And whereas it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Joint Committee and of the Insurance Commissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, that the classes of employment specified in the Second Schedule to this Order are classes of employment under the Crown, and that a custom or practice prevails in those employments according to which two- thirds of tlie full remuneration are payable during periods or parts of periods of disease or disablement for not less than three montlis in any year: Now, tliorcfore, tbe Joint Committee, acting jointly with the Insurance (.'ommissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance f!f)mmissioners, in pursuance of section 47 of the Act, and the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912, hereby (tidcr ;i-i follows : — 1. 'I'll!' ciniiloymontH sot forth in Die First nnd Tliird Schedules to this Order are specified as being classes of employment in wliicli a cusiorn or practi(!0 prevails according to which the jiersons employed (being persons employed by or under the (Jrown) receive ftill remuneriitioTi during periods of disease or disablement, or some part thereof. • Printed :itj). ^IJiihove, Special Customs Special Order, 1912 (No. 3). 115 2. The employments set forth in the Second Schedule to this Order are specified as being classes of employment in which a custom or practice prevails according to which two-thirds of the full remuneration are payable to the persons employed (being persons employed by or under the Crown) during periods or parts of periods of disease or disablement for not less than three months in any year. 3. For the purpose of adapting the other provisions of Part I. of the Act to cases under section 47 of the Act, the provisions set out in the Fourth Schedule to this Order shall have effect. 4. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Order, 1912 (No. 3). Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this 24t]i day of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W. J. BraitJiwaite. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Insurance Commissioners this 24th day of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Claud Schuster. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Scottish Insurance Commissioners this 25tli day of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John Jeffrey. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Irish Insurance Commissioners this 31st daj' of October, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Jvhn Houlihan. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Welsh Insurance Commissioners this 6th day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John Rowland. 116 NATION.VL INSURANCE. First Schedule. Boy Clerks on the Register of the Civil Service Commission. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries: — Assistant Inspectors. Assistant Naturalists. Junior Assistant Naturalists. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries {Oranance Survey Depart ment) : — Supei intendents of duties. Temporary Civil Assistants of 20 years' service and over. Surveyors' Assistants ... ... ... ... \ Assistant to Elect rotypist Store Issuer Smith's Striker ... ... ... Assistant to Photographer Assistant to Copperplate Printer As.sistant, Coating Paper Assistant, working Guillotine As.sistant, working Machines ... ... ... I Copperplate Burnisher ... Messengers ... ... ... ... ... Of 20 years' Gate Porter ... ... ... ... ... service and Assistant to Zinc Printer ... ... .. ovlm\ Assistant in MS. and Copperplate Stores ... Assistant to Artificers ... ... ... ... Labourer in Zinc Printing Department Barrack Labourer Night Watchman Stoker Gardener ... Engine Driver Unskilled Labourers Field Labourers ... Admiralty : — First Grade Writers. Pensioner Writers, Second Class. .Second Grade Writers. Boy Writers (on j)ay exceeding lO.'i. n week). Electrical Station Supervisors. Electric Mains Supervisors. Telephone Supervisors. Women Tracers. Female Telephone Operators. A.ssi.stant Draughtsmen. Timekeepers. Masters and F^ngineers of Yard Craft. Supervisors of Fleet Coaling Machinery. Mates of Yard ("raft Tugs. Hired Extra Clerks. Hired Ai( TypiwtH. Civil Service Cripyist. M.nl»- Typists. Special Customs Special Order, 1912 (No. 3). 119 Holyhead: — Berthing and Boarding Master. Boatmen. Lightkeeper. Labourers. Mason's Labourer. Policeman. Mason. Carpenter. Engine Driver. Engineer fni- Steam Launch. Standards Department : — Mechanics. Patents: — Firemen. Temporary Messenger. Boy Messengers. Manchester Branch: — Temporary Sorters. Mercantile Marine Services: — Out-door Transmission Officers, Messengers, Doorkeepers, Packers, and Warehousemen. Boys. Temporary Clerks to Surveyors. Messenger. Boatmen, including Enginemen of Launclies. Tapeholders. Doorkeeper. Warehouseman. Packers. Assistant Packers. Wirers and Messengers to Inspectors of Ships' Provisions. Temporary Clerks to Inspectors. Labour Exchanges and Unemployment Insurance : — Central Office: — Managers. Assistant Officer (AVoman). Clerks. Shorthand Typists. Female Typists. Divisional Offices: — Managers. Staff Officers. Clerks. Typists. Clerk Messengers. Boys. Girls. Assistant Secretary, Women and Juvenile Employment Assistant Organising Officer, Women and Juvenile Employment. Secretaries, Women and Juvenile Employment. Exhibitions Branch: — aerks. Shorthand Typists. Draftsmen. o7Sii Q 2 120 NATIONAL INSURANCE. War Office: — Clerks. Writers ... Ledger-keepers ... Draughtsmen Tracers ... ... ... ... )■ Excluding Boys Telegraphists ... ... ... Book-keepers ... ... ... | Typists J Surveyors' Clerks. Pensioner Recruiters. Workshop Students. Chemists. Assistant Chemists. Metallurgists. Dispensers. Acting Schoolmistresses. Matrons (at Schools). Nurses. Ward Maids. Domestic Servants. Bandmasters. Pupil Teachers. Masters ... Mates Boatswains }- Of War Department Vessels First and Second Engineers ... | Engineer Mechanics ... ...J Civilian Warders of all grades (Military Prisons and Detention Barracks). Lithographic Printers ... "1 Photographers ... ... ••• f . , ,,t r^r,. , Map Room Assistants ( ^^ ^^^^« ^^'''' ^^^"^ ""'^^ Bookbinders ... ... ■■• j Foremen. Assistant Foremen. Forewomen. Assistant Forewomen. Wharfingers. Master Artificers (Army Ordnance Department). Barrack Wardens. Harrack Serjeants. Expense Store Accountants. Laundry Superintendents. Storekeepers. Storenien (Royal Engineer Stores, Army Ordnance Depart- ment, in Woolwich Arsenal and Dockyard; and in the Department of the Chief Inspector of Equipment and Stores). Viewers (Ordnance Factory, Royal Army Clothing Department, and in the Department of the Chief In.spector of F]c|uipment and Stores). Viewers, First and Second (!lass (Department of the Chief Inspector of Small Arms). Examiners, First and Second C'lnss (Depart men At Agricultural Institutions. Managers ... ... .. ) Foresters. Draughtsmen. Teachers at Irish Training School of Domestic Economy. Head Teacher and Matron at Killarney School of Housewifery. Domestic Economy Inspectress. Teacher of Commercial Subjects. Instructor in School Gardening. Teachers and Assistant Teachers at Metropolitan School of Art. Lady Assistants (Technical) Museum and Botanic Gardens. Assistant Naturalist in Fisheries Branch. Three Assistants and one Temporary Clerk, resident in England, in connection Avith the detection of frauds on Irish produce. Mate 1 Chief Engineer!!'. ".■.". '.'.'. i ^^'ij'^^l']*'')^^'' ^^^'"" bruiser Second Engineer ... ...J rlelga. Master of Dredger. \utii)iKil daUenj: — Attendants. Housemaid, ('harwoman, enijjioyed l>y the week. Office of Jtrgistror in J.rinncy: — Typists. I>ijiiii tuicnf of Xdfi'DKil Eihirntion :-- Porters and Lahonrcrs in the Ceiitial Office having more than 20 years' service. f'cntial Afnilrl Srhouls: — ToacluTH of Special Snhjects. Marlhiiiiiinili Strcrf TniinnKj ('i)Ui- Porters and Boys, Stores Department Skilled Workmen, Unestablished, Engineer- ing Department Storehand, Stores Department Submarine Cable Staff, Cable Hands, Sea- men, Stokers, &c., Engineering Depart- ment Vanguards and Boys, Stores Department ... Watchmen, Stores Department ... ... j Stationery Office: — Porters and other similar emploj'ees other than those specifi cally referred to under the First Schedule. Office of Works: — Architectural Assistants and Draughtsmen. Clerks of Works. Sanitary Assistants. Technical Assistants, xVrchitects' Divisions. Technical Assistants, Finance Division. Foremen. Timekeepers. Workmen, Labourers. Warders, Gatekeepers, and other similar employees Nursing and Indoor Staff, Osborne. Third Schedule. AdmirnUy:- Office Keepers in Commander-in-Chief's Offices. Apprentices on Board Wages. Boy Writers who are in receipt of less than 10s. a week. Workpeople employed on writing duties. Mechanics employed on drawing duties. Crews of Yard Craft. Pensioner Messengers. Pensioner Labourers. Photographic Operators (Controller's Dept.). Temporary Assistants (Admiralty Pattern Rooms) Packers and Attendants (Hydrographic Dept.). Boy Messengers. Charwomen. Workpeople ... ... ... "i Attendants V at Royal Naval Hospitals. Female Servants J 126 NATIONAL INSTJEANCE. Government Laboratory: — Temporary Chemical Assistanta Porters. Charwomen. Boy Messenger. Door Attendants. Colonial Office: — Female Servants. Foreign Office: — Coal Porters. Cleaners. Housemaids. Charwomen. Inland Eevenue: — Temporary Clerks in the Valuation Department. National Gallery: — Charwomen at the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square. Charwomen at the National Gallery of British Art, Millbank Insurance Commission (England): — Temporary Typists. Temporary Indexers. Temporary Clerks. Pensioner Messengers. Boy Messengers. Door Keepers. Coal Porters and Window Cleaners. Superintending Charwomen. Deputy Charwoman. Charwomen. National Portrait Gallery: — Charwomen. Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, Ireland: — Ship Inspectors employed at ports. Cattle Branders. Ex-policemen employed on Swine Fever work. Fourth Schedule. (1.) In the application of the Act to any person in whose case contribu- tioriH are payable at the redu('e i'2) mikI Section 9 (4) of the Act of preparing Tnhl(>N ; ('>) under Section 10 (3) of tho Act of prcscriliing a ])r()portionate reduction of benefits; shall in each case be deemed to inclndo a power to make separate provision with respect to jjorsons to whom Suction 47 applies. Special Customs Special Order, 1912 (No. 3). 127 [i.) Where a scheme is made under Section 37 of the Act or under Section 38 of the Act, the provision made by the scheme with respect to persons to whom Section 47 applies may be different from the provision made with respect to other insured persons. (5.) Every person on entering any employment in which he will be a person to whom Section 47 applies shall, whether he was or was not pre- viously such a person, give notice of the fact, if he is a member of an Approved Society, to the Society, and, if he is not a member of an Approved Society, to the Insurance Committee, and every such notice must state whether the person giving the notice is engaged for a term of six months certain or not. (6.) The employer of any person to whom Section 47 applies and who has been suffering from disease or disablement shall, on the demand of that person, and also, if that person is a member of an Approved Society, on the demand of his Society, or, if that person is not a member of an Approved Society, on the demand of the Insurance Committee, deliver to him, or to the Society or Insurance Committee, as the case may be, particulars in writing of the date on which the disease or disablement commenced and terminated, together with a statement whether the employed person did or did not perform any work during the whole or any part of the period of the disease or disablement. APPENDIX. Table. 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Where the arrears amount to contributions a year on average For both men and women Rates of Sickness Benefit. Men. Women, s. d. s. d. 9 7 8 6 6 7 6 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 commencing on the 4th day after 8th nth 15th 18th 22nd 2oth 29th 32nd 35th the end of the first six weeks of illness. Notes. (1.) Where the insured person is, by virtue of any of the provisions of Part I. of this Act, other than those relating to arrears, entitled to sick- ness benefit at a rate lower than the full rate, this Table shall have cfiFect as if the entries in the first column were so shifted down that the first entry therein was set opposite the entry in the second column specifying the rate of sjckness benefit next below the rate to which the insured person is entitled : Provided that, as respects an insured person in whose case the normal rate of sickness benefit is the sum of 5s. a week, this Table shall have eflFect as if the entries in the first column were so shifted down that the first entry therein was set opposite the sixth entry in the second column. (2.) Where the insured person is a voluntary contributor, this Table shall have effect as if the figures 2 and 3 were inserted at the top of the first column and the numbers 4 to 13 were accordingly shifted down two places in each case. 128 NATIONAL INSUKAXCE. TuE National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Pro- visional Order (Scotland), 1912,* dated July 13, 1912, MADE BY THE XaTION AL HE-ALTH INSURANCE JoiNT COMMITTEE AND BY THE SCOTTISH INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS, ACTING JOINTLl, UNDER SECTION 47 OF TILE NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 923 1912. No. --_. o. 2/ Whereas by Section 47 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order referred to as "the Act"), the Insurance Commis- sioners are required to make Special Orders specifying any classes of employment in which a custom or practice is shown to their satisfaction to prevail according to which the persons employed receive full remuneration during periods of disease and disable- ment or any part thereof ; And whereas it is enacted in the said section that, subject to the provisions of the said section, the Special Order may contain such incidental, supplemental, and consequential pro- visions as appear necessary for adapting the other provisions of Part I. of the Act to cases under the said section : And whereas by virtue of Section 80 of the Act the Scottish Insurance Commissioners for the purpose of carrying Part I. of the Act into effect in Scotland have the like powers and duties as are by the Act confeiTed and imposed on the Insurance Com- missioners : And whereas by Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Kegulatiuns, 1912, t it is provided that the Joint Com- mittee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purjmse of Part I. of the Act shall exercise jointly with those several bodies the power of making Orders under sub-section (1) of Section 47 of tlie Act : And whereas it has been shown to the satisfaction of the Joint Committee and of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, that in the classes of employment specified in the First Schedule to this (Jrdcr a custom or practice prevails according to which persons oinploycd receive full rcmunoralion during periods of disease and disablciiiciit. or sonic part tlicicof : And whereas by the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, 1912, t Order to come into oi)eration on the commencement of the Act as a Provisional Special Order : • Thin Order is algo known hh the National Health Insurance (Special CuHtoniH) Proviwional Unlcr, r.il2 (No. 4). t Printed at p. 21 above. J Printed at p. 48 above. Special Customs Provisional Order (Scotland), 129 1912. And whereas the Joint Committee and the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, acting- jointly, have published notice of their proposal to make a special order under the Act in the form of this order : Now, therefore, the Joint Committee, acting jointly with the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, hereby certify under the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, 1912, that for the purpose of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act it is expedient that the said Special Order should come into operation on the commencement of the Act, and in pursuance of Section 47 of the Act and the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf hereby make the said Special Order to come into operation forthwith as a Provisional Special Order, and accordingly order as follows : — 1. The employments set forth in the First Schedule to this Order are specified as being classes of employment in which a custom or practice prevails according to which the persons employed receive full remuneration during periods of disease or disablement, or some part thereof. 2. For the purpose of adopting the other provisions of Part I. of the Act to cases under Section 47 of the Act, the provisions set tmt in the Second Schedule to this Order shall have effect. 3. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Special Customs) Provisional Order (Scotland), 1912. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Joint Committee this 13th day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l . S . ) W.J. Bra itli ivaite . Given under the Seal of Office of the said Scottish Insurance Commissioners this 13th day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (t-S.) G. Stvart Rohert.wn.. First Schedule. Employment as a farm servant under a contract of not less than six months' duration (male persons only). Employment as a farm servant under a contract of not less than six months' duration where the terms of service include lodging in the farm- house (female persons only). Second Schedide. (1.) In the application of the Act to any person in whose case coii- tribiitions are payable at the reduced rate mentioned in sub-section (4) of Section 47 of the Act (in tliis Schedule referi-ed to as a person to whom Section 47 applies), the Appendix to this Schedule shall be substituted for the Fifth Schedule to the Act. 130 NATIONAL INSURANCE. (2.) A woman, being a person to whom Section 47 applies, shall on her marriage (in addition to any actual arrears) be deemed to be one week in arrears in respect of every period of twelve weeks or period of less than twelve weeks, during which she has paid contributions at that reduced rate. (3.) The power- la) under Section 6 (2) and Section 9 (4) of the Act of preparing Tables ; (b) under Section 10 (3) of the Act of prescribing a proportionate reduction of benefits ; shall in each case be deemed to include a power to make separate provision with respect to persons to whom Section 47 applies. (4.) Where a scheme is made under Section 37 of the Act or under Section 38 of the Act, the provision made by the scheme with respect to persons to whom Section 47 applies may be different from the provision made with respect to other insured persons. (5.) Every person on entering any employment in which he will be a person to whom Section 47 applies shall, whether he was or was not pre- viously such a person, give notice of the fact, if he is a member of an Approved Society, to the Society, and, if he is not a member of an Approved Society, to the Insurance Comrr.ittee, and every such notice must state wlietlier the person giving the notice is engaged for a term of six months certain or not. (6.) The employer of any person to whom Section 47 applies and who has been suffering from disease or disablement shall, on the demand of that person, and also, if that person is a member of an Approved Society, on the demand of his Society, or, if that person is not a member of an Approved Society, on the demand of the Insurance Committee, deliver to him. or to the Society or Insurance Committee, as the case may be, par- ticulars in writing of the date on which the disease or disablement com- menced and terminated, together with a statement whether the employed person did or did not perform any work during the whole or any part of the period of the disease or disablement. APPENDIX. Table. NVliore tlio arrears amount to 4 (;ontril)utionH a jc.-ir on avorai^e r, •' )) i» 1) " M 11 )t • U I) 11 8 M )1 11 9 „ „ „ For 10 „ „ „ both 11 „ „ ,. "if'ii 12 „ ., .. .■111. I 13 ,, „ ., \v »i M l.^)th weekH of .''. (» 11 11 18 th illness. r, 5 r, )i 11 1> 11 11 22nd 2r)th 2iHh »> )i [, 11 ;'.2n(l f 1 [■, ,, :5r)ti) II Special Employers Custom Provisional Order. 131 Notes. (1.) Where the insured person is, by virtue of any of the provisions of Part I. of this Act, other than those relating to arrears, entitled to sick- ness benefit at a rate lower than the full rate, this Table shall have effect as if the entries in the first column were so shifted down that the first entry therein was set opposite the entry in the second column specifying the rate of sickness benefit next below the rate 'to which the insured person is entitled : Provided that, as respects an insured person in whose case the normal rate of sickness benefit is the sum of 5s. a week, this Table shall have effect as if the entries in the first column were so shifted down that the first entry therein was set opposite the sixth entry in the second column. (2.) \^^lere the insured person is a voluntary contributor, this Table shall have effect as if the figures 2 and 3 were inserted at the top of the first column and the numbers 4 to 13 were accordingly shifted down two places in each case. (e.) Special Employers Custom. The National Health Insurance (Special Employers Custom) Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 1), d.vted December 21, 1912, M.iDE BY the National Health Insur.\nce Joint Committee acting jointly with the Insurance Commis- sioners under section 47 (7) of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 66). 1912. No. 1816. Whereas by sub-section (7) of Section 47 of llie National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order referred to as "the Act"), the Insurance Commissioners are empowered to make special orders extending the provisions of that Section as respects persons making' an application to them for the purpose to the class of employment or locality mentioned in the application as if it were a class of employment or locality in which such a custom or practice as is mentioned in sub-section (1) of the said Section prevails : And whereas by Regulation 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912,'* it is provided that the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the Act shall exercise jointly with those several bodies the power of making special orders under the said sub-section (7) of Section 47 : And whereas persons are employed respectively by the several employers whose names are set out in the First Schedule to this Order (in this Order referred to as " the scheduled employers ") in the classes of employment specified in the Second Schedule to this Order and the said classes of employment are classes of employment in which no such custom or practice as aforesaid exists : * Printed at p. '2\ above. 132 NATIONAL INSURANCE. And Avhereas the scLeduled employers wisLing to avail them- selves of the provisions of the said Section 47 as respects the persons employed by them respectively in the said classes of em- ployment have respectively duly made applications to the Insurance Commissioners under the said sub-section (7) : And whereas the said Joint Committee and the Insurance Com- missioners having- ascertained the views of the persons employed by the scheduled employers respectively in the said classes of employment are of opinion that a special order should be made by them in pursuance of their powers under the said sub- section (7) : And whereas by the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order (Xo. 2), 1912,* it is provided that in any case in which the Joint Committee acting either alone or jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners or with any one or more of tliose bodies have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act, they may, if they certify that for the purpose of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act it is expedient that the Special Order should come into operation forth- with, make the Order to come into operation forthwith as a Pro- visional Special Order, but that such a Provisional Special Order shall only continue in force until the Special Order has been made in accordance with the provisions of section 113 of the Act and the Ninth Schedule to the Act : And whereas tlie Joint Committee, acting jointly with the Insurance Commissioners, have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act in the form of this Order : Now, therefore, the Joint Committee, and the Insurance Com- missioners hereby certify under the National Healtli Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order (No. 2), 1912, that for the purpose of bringing into ojjeration Part I. of the Act it is expedient that the said vSpecial Order should come into operation forthwith, and in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them l)y ilio Act and by tlie National Insurance (Joint CommiUee) l^cguhitions, 1912, hereby make tlie said Special Order to come into opcraiion forlliwiih as a Piovisioiial Special Order and accordingly order as follows: — !. riie provisions of Section 47 of iho Act are hereby extended as respects the scheduled enij)loyers to the ('lass(\s of employment specified in the Second Scliednle to this Order as if tliey were classes of emi)loymi'nt in which such a cnslom or ]U'actice as is mentioned in sub-section (1) of the said SiH'tion i)revails, and accordingly for the purimses of the said Section the said classes nf enip1f)ynient shall, so far as relates to persons emi)loyed by the sfliedulecl eniploy<'rs, be deemed to have been si)(H'ifi(>d in an Order made under sub-section (1) of the said Section. 2. l"\)r tlie ])urpose of adapting the other provisions of Part I. fd til'' All If) r-;i.ses under Seel ion 47 of tlie Act, the ])rovisinns .set out in tlie 'i'liiid Sclicilule lo this Order sli;ill liiive effect. • fViiitcid ;it p. 50 !il)f)vo. Special Employers Custom Provisional Order. 1.'53 3. This (Jrder may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Special Employers Custom) Provisioiin! Ordei', 1012 (Xo. 1). Given under the Seal of Oftice ot the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this 21st day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) ir. ./. Biaitliwaite. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Insurance Commissioners this 21st day of December, in Ihe year (iiie tliuiisaiid nine liiiiidrcd and twelve. (i^.S.) Chnid Si'lntster. Schedules. First Schedule. Names and Addresses of Einployrrs. F. Gustav Ernst, of 80 and 82, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London, W. S. Maw, Son and Sons, of 7 to 12, Aldersgate Street, London, E.G. The Earlostown Industrial Co-operative Society, Limited, of Earle Strcot, Earlestown, Lancasliire. The Newoastlp-u])on-Tyne Co-operative Society, Limited, of lO.T, Newgate Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Noithum))eilancl. Tlie Kother Vale Collieries, Limited, of Trceton, near l?otherham, Yorkshire. Second Schedule. . Classes of Employment. Employments of any class (not being a cla.ss of employment specified in any spe.cinl Order marie under sid)-section (1) of Se(tir)n 47 of the Acf) by or under the employer, if by the terms of the employment the per.son employed is entitled to not less than one week's notice of the termination of his employment. Third Schedule. (1.) In the application of the Act to any person in wlio,se case con- tributions are payable at the reduced rate mentioned in sub-.section (4"> of Section 47 of the Act (in this Schedule referred to as a person to whom Section 47 applies), the Appendix to this Schedule shall be substituted for the Fifth Schedule to the Act. (2.) A woman, being a person to whom Section 47 applies, shall on her marriage (in addition to any actual arrears) be deemed to be one week in r,7S'.» II ];34 XATIOXAL INSURANCE. arrears in respect i)f every period of twelve weeks or period of less than twelve Aveeks, during which she has jiaid contributions at that reduced rale. (3.) The ]>ower — {a) under Section G (2j and Section I) (4) of the Act (.1 preparing Tables : (b) under Section 10 (3) of the Act of prescribing a proportionate reduction of benefits : shall in each case be deemed to include a power to make separate provision ,vith respect to persons to whom Section 17 applies. (4.) Where a scheme is made under Section 37 of the Act or under Section 38 of the Act, the provision made by the scheme with respect to persons to whom Section 47 applies may be different from the provision made with respect to other insured persons. in.) Every person on entering any employment in which he will be a person to whom Section 47 applies shall, whether he was or was not pre- viously such a person, give notice of the fact, if he is a member of an Approved Society, to the Society, and, if he is not a member of an Approved Society, to the Insurance Committee, and every such notice must state whether the person giving the notice is engaged for a term of six months certain or not. (6.) The employer of anj- peison to whom Section 47 applies and who has been suffering from disea.se or disablement shall, on the demand of tliat person, and also, if that person is a member of an Approved Society, on the demand of his Society, or, if that person is not a member of an Approved Society, on the demand of the Insurance Committee, deliver to him, or to the Society or Insurance Committee, as the case may be, par- ticulars in writing of the date on which the disease or disablement com- menced and terminated, together with a statement whether the employed person did or did not perform any work duiing the whole or any part of the perir)d of the disea.se or disablement. Appendix. Table. l^atos of Sickness Benefit. Men. WiHiti'ii. Where the arrears amount to .v. (/. .s. ,/. 1 5 ^ >» )» ,t For I 5 (Icommnncing on the 4th dav aftei 10 „ „ „ both inn ,, 8th tlie end 11 „ „ ,, men I 5 ,. ,, nth of the 12 „ „ ,, and .5 ,, ,, Ifith first six 1'* .1 )• •• women , n ,, ,, lath weeks of ,, 22nd illness. ,. 2r>th ,. 29lh ,. 32n(l ,. :iMh For 1 r '> (1 both n n men 5 and .5 women , r, • ) ^> r> fl 1 r. II NOTKH. n ) Where fhi. insured |.erson is, by virtue (,f any of the provisions ol ]*art I. of this Act, other than those "relating to arrears, entitled to sick- iieMN l)enent, at Ji rate lo.ver than the lull rate, this Table shall have effect «« if the entries in tho fii.sl. column were so shifted «lown that the lirsl entry therein wttn set opposite the entry in th- second colmnn specifying the rate of sicknesn I -n.-lit next lic|..vV I In- rate to v\|ii.li (he insured person is enlithd ; Siihsidiary Emplovments Prnyisimial 135 Order., 1912 (No. .1). Pi'ovideil that, as respects an insured person in Mliose oase tlie normal rate of sic-kness honefit is the sum of 5,s. a week, this 'l'al)U' sliall liavo effect as if the entries in the first cohnnn were so sliifted down that the first entry therein was set opposite tlie sixtli entry in the second colnnin. (2.) Wliere the insured ])erson is a voluntary contributor, this Table shall have effect as if the figures 2 and 3 were inserted at the top of the first column and the numbers 4 to 13 were accordingly shifted down two places in each case. (,') Subsidiary Employments. The National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Employments) Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 1), dated July 13, 1912, MADE liY THE NATIONAL HeALTH INSURANCE -loiNT COMMITTEE and r.y the insurance commissioners, the scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commis- sioners, AND the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, acting JOINTLY, UNDER THE NATIONAL INSURANCE AcT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 91.). Whereas by virtue of sub-section (2) of Section 1 of, ami Part II. (i) of the First Schedule to, the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called "the Act"), persons engaged in employment of any class which may be specified in a Special Order made under the Act as being of such a nature that it is ordinarily adopted as subsidiary employment only and not as the principal means of livelihood, are not persons employed within the meaning of Part I. of the Act : And whereas by Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912,* the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the Act are to exercise jointly with the several bodies of Comnjissioners constituted under the Act the power of making Special Orders under paragraph (r) of Part II. of the First Schedule to the Act : And whereas by the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, 1912, t it is provided that in any case in which the Joint Committee, acting either alone or jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners, or with any one or more of those bodies, have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act, they may, if they certify that for the purpose of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act it is expedient that the Special Order should come into operation on the commencerm^nt of the Act, make the Order to come into operation on the commencement of the Act as a Provisional Special Order: And whereas the Joint Committee, acting jointly with the Insurance Commissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, " Printed at p. 21 above. t Printed at p. 48 above. rs',1 H 2 ]36 NATIONAL INSURANCE. the Irish Iiisuiaute Commissiouers, and the Welsh Insurance Com- missiouers, have published iiotice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act iu the form of this Order : Xow, therefore, the Joint Committee, and the Insurance Commissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commis- sioners, acting jointly, hereby certify under the National Health fnsurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, 1912, that for tlie purpose of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act it is expedient that the said Special Order come into operation on the commencement of the Act and in pursuance of the powers con- ferred upon them by the Act and by the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912, hereby make the said Special Order to come into operation forthwith as a Provisional Special Order and accordingly order as follows : — 1. The employments of the classes set forth in the Schedule to this Order are specified as being of such a nature that they are ordinarily adopted as subsidiary employment only and not as tlie principal means of livelihood. 2. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Employments) Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 1). Given under the Seal of Office of the said Joint Committee this 13th day of July, in the year one thousand nine liundred and twelve. (l.s.) W. J. Braithwaite. tjivcn under the Seal o* Office of the said Insurance Commis- sioners this 13th day (^f -July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Claud Schuster. fiiven uiidn ihf Seal of Office of the Scottish Insurance Com- luissioiifi ~ llii^ l^'.lli (III \ (il 1 III \ . Ill Ihc \ e;ir one lhous;»ntl liillt* liiiritlird :iliil (\\el\r. (i..s.) G. Stuart Noherison. (iivcii iukIci (he Sen] of Office of the Irish Insurance Commis- sioners lliis l"'th d:iy ol -Inly, in the year one thousand nine linmlred .uul Iwclvc. (L.s.) G. StiKirt Nohertson. (Jiven tinder the Se:il nl (Kliic ol ilir Welsh Insurance Com- iiis'^iohers lliis |:',||| diy ol .liil\. in the yenr one thousand nine JiinMlieij mim! twelve. (i..s.) (j\ Stnmt Ivohertson. iSuijsidiarv I'jupldvniojits Provisional 137 Order, ID 12 (JNo. 1). SCHEDULE. Euiployiiient involving part-time service only in or about a cathedral, church, or other place of religious worship in any of the following capacities : — Organist or other musician. Member of the Choir. Acolyte. Beadle. Organ blower. Sacristan or verger. Sexton. Bell ringer. Employment involving part-time service only in any of the following capacities: — Probation Officer under the I'rolialion ol Offenders Act, 1907. Member of a fire brigade. Temporary drill instructor in the Territorial Force. Member of a town band. Political agent. Water bailiff. Lay preacher or scripture reader. Employment involving part-time service only in or about a theatre, music- hall, or other place of public entertainment in any of the following capacities : — Money taker. Check taker. Stage hand. Property man. Fly man. Dresser. Usher. Linkman. „ ,, r if not otherwise ordinarily eugageil in th« I rograniiae seliei, J employment of the person to whom the ±Jar attendant, ^ service is rendered. Employment involving occasional attendance only as secretary or clerk of a society, club, philanthropic institution, school, local pension com- mittee, or other similar body. Employment in Great Britain as a milker, that is to say the employment of a person engaged in milking and not otherwise ordinarily engaged in the employment of the person to whom the service is rendered. Employment in the delivery of milk or newspapers, where the employment is not continued later than 9 a.m., and the person employed Ik not otherwise ordinarily engaged in the employment of the person to whom the service is rendered. Employment in any of the following capacities : — Member of the crew of a lifeboat. Special constable. Town crier. Hop tyer. Caretaker where no wages are paid or other money payments are made. Deliverer of postal letters under aliowiince giving not more than 18 hours' service weekly. l38 >Aiiu.NAj. i:nsui{ance. Tjik iNational llEAi/m Insukance (Subsidiary EMrLUYMBM's) rnovisioNAL Ukueu, 1912 (No. 2), being ruovisioNAL Si'E( lAL Ukdku made jtv THE Natiuxal Health Insukance •loiM Committee and by the Insurance Comaiissioneks, THE Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Ikish In- surance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Com- missioners, acting jointly, under the National Insurance Act. l!)ll (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to Subsuhary Emi'loy- MENT. AM) Provisional Special Order made iiy the said • loiM CoMMinEE UNDER SI K-SE( TION (2) OF SECTION 1 OE THE Act, ilOTH DATED TuLY Vo , 1912. i;»rj. No. 916. \VlK'iva.s by virtue of sub-section (2) of Soctiuu 1 of, uud l':irt 11. (/) of the First Schedule to, the National Insurance Act, rjll (iu this Order called "the Act"), persons engaged in eiuployment of any class which may be specified in a Special ( )rder made under the Act as being of such a nature that it is ordinarily adopted as subsidiary employment only and not as the piiucipal means of livelihood, are not persons employed within I lie meaning of Part I. of the Act: And whereas by virtue of the proviso to sub-section (2) of Section 1 of the Act the Insurance Commissioners may, with the approval of the Treasury, by a Special Order provide for includ- ing amongst persons employed within the meaning of Part I. of the Act any persons engaged in any of the excepted employments specified in Part II. of the First Schedule to the Act, either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the Order : And whereas by virtue of sections 80, 81 and 82 of the Act respectively the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irisli Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commis- sioners for the purpose of tarrying Part I. of the Act into effect in Scotland, Ireland and Wales respectively have the like powers and duties as are by the Act conferred and iinjioscd u])()n the Insuianco Commissioners : Anil wlicrcas 1)y Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Coiiiniittcc) l{cgulalioii>. I!»|'J,' the Joiiil Coiiiiiiillce of the several bodies of Cunmiissioncrs ai)i)oiiile(1 for the j)urposes of Part I. of the Act arc alone to exercise llic ])ower of making Special Orders under sub-seclion (2) of Section 1 of the Act, and the said •loint Committee are to exercise jointly with the several bodies ii >inint«'d in |iiirsiiiiin «• nt snli-scct ion (."i) ol Stclion s| ol the Act. Subsidiary Einpldyiucuts I'lovisioual 141 Order, 1912 {No. 3). The National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Employments) Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 3), dated July 13, 1912, made by the National Health Insurance Joint Committee AND Bi THE INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS, THE SCOTTISH 1n- suRAiscE Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commis- sioners, AND THE Welsh Insurance Commissioners, actixNu jointly, under the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 917. Whereas by virtue of sub-sectiou (2) of section 1 of, aud Part II. (i) of the First Schedule to, the Natioiial iusurance Act, 1911 (iu this Order called " the Act "), persons engaged iu employmeut of any class which may be specified in a Special Order made under the Act as being of such a nature that it is ordinarily adopted as subsidiary employment only and not as the principal means of livelihood, are not persons employed within the meaning of Part I. of the Act: And whereas by virtue of Sections 80, 81 and 82 of the Act respectively, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commis- sioners for the purpose of carrying Part I. of the Act into eti'ect in Scotland, Ireland and Wales respectively, have the like powers and duties as are by the Act conferred and imposed upon the Insurance Commissioners : And whereas by Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912,* the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purjjose of Part I. of ilie Act are to exercise jointly with the several bodies of Commis- sioners constituted under the Act the power of making Spt^-ial Orders under paragraph (i) of Part II. of the First Schedule to the Act : And whereas by the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order. 1912, t the Joint Committee acting either alone or jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners or with any one or more of those bodies, may, in any case in which they have published notice of their proposal to make a special order under the Act, if they certify that for the purpose of bring- ing into operation Part I. of the Act, it is expedient that the S[)ecial Order should come into operation on the commencement of the Act, make the Order to come into operation on the commencement of the Act as a Provisional Special Order. And whereas the Joint Committee and the several bodies of Insurance Commissioners, acting jointly, have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act in the form of this order: Now, tlierefore, the Joint Committee and tlio Insurance Commis- sioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, acting jointly, hereby certify under the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order, 1912, that for the purpose of * Printed at p. 21 above. f Printed at p. 48 above. 142 NATIONAL INSDRANCE. lin'u^Miiy iulo opcnitiou Part I. of the Act it is expedient that llic :said Special Order .should come into operation on the commencement of the Act, and in pursuance of the powers con- ferred upon them by the Act and by tlie National Insurance (Joiut Committee) Regulations, 1912, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, hereby make the said Special Order to come into operation as a Provisional Special Order, and accordingly order as follows: — 1. The employments of the classes set forth in the Schedule to this Order are specified as being of such a nature that they are ordinarily adopted as subsidiary employment only and not as the principal means of liA-elihood. 2. This Order may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Subsidiary Employments) Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 3). Given under the Seal of Oflfice of the said Joint Committee this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W.J. Braithwaite. (jliven under iho Seal of Office of Ihc said Insurance Commis- sioners til is thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) Claud Schuster. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Scottish Insurance Commissioners this thirteenth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) G. Stuart Robertson. (livrii under Ihc Seal of Office of the said Irish ('Omuiis- sidiicrs this tliirlccuth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) G. Stuart Robertson. (JiNcii uudci' the Seal of Otiicc of Ihc said \\'clsh Coniiiiis- sioners this thirteenth day of -Inly, in the year one fliousiiiid nine hundred and twchc. (L.s.) G. Stumi I'olKrtson. Schedule. Kiii|illt>vi»etils I'lovlsiuiial l4o Older, 'Un2 (No. 4). Kiii|il(iyiiiciiL as a tiiil)-pustiiiaster in a shop or otlier [ilaco in which Ihe person so (Mii[>K>yed carries on another business. Employment as an Assessor of Taxes or as a Collector of Taxes under the Acts relating to Income Tax, Inhabited House Duty, and Land Tax, unless the employment, or where the employment is m both such capacities the employment in both capacities, involves whole-time service. Tiiii National IIealth Insurance (Subsidiaky Employments) 1'kovisional OifDEu, 1912 (No. 4), being Provisional Special Order, dated December 30, 1912, made by the National Health Insurance Joint Committee and by the Insurance Commissioners, the Scottish Insurance Com- itlSSIONERS, THE IrISH INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS, AND THE Welsh Insurance Commissioners, acting jointly', under THE National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to Subsidiary' Employment, and Provisional Special olldeu, d.vted december 20, 1912, made by the said National Health Insurance Joint Committee under sub- section (2) OF section 1 OF THE AcT. 1912. No. 188H. AVliereas by virtue of sub-section (2) of section 1 of, and Part II. (i) of tlie First Schedule to, the National Insurance Act, 1911 (in this Order called "the Act"), persons engaged in employment of any class which may be specified in a Special Order made under the Act as being- of such a nature that it is ordinarily adopted as subsidiary employment only and not as the principal means of livelihood, are not persons employed within the meaning- of Part I. of the Act : And whereas by virtue of the proviso to sub-section (2) of Section 1 of the Act the Insurance Commissioners may, with the approval of the Treasury, by a Special Order provide for in- cluding amongst persons employed within the meaning' of Part I. of the Act any persons engaged in any of the excepted employ- ments specified in Part II. of the First Schedule to the Act, either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the Order : And whereas by virtue of sections 80, 81, and 82 of the Act, respectively, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish Insurance Commissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commis- sioners for the purpose of carrying Part I. of the Act into ett'ect in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, respectively, have the like powers and duties as are by the Act conferred and imposed upon the Insurance Commissioners : And whereas by Article 14 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912,* the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the Act are alone to exercise the power of making Special Orders under sub-section (2) of section 1 of the Act, and the said * Printed at p. 21 above. 144 XATIOXAL INSURANCE. Joiut Committee are to exercise jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners constituted under the Act the power of makinj^' Special Orders under paragraph (i) of Part II. of the First Schedule to the Act : And whereas by the National Health Insurance (Special Orders Acceleration) Order (Xo. 2). 1912.* it is provided that in any case in which the Joint Committee acting either alone or jointly with the several bodies of Commissioners, or with anj one or more of these bodies, have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act, they may, if they certify that, for the purpose of bringing into operation Part I. of the Act, it is expedient that the Special Order shall come into opera- tion forthwith, make the Order to come into operation forthwith as a Provisional Special Order : And whereas the Joint Committee acting jointly with the Insurance Commissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, tlie Irish Insurance Commissioners, and Welsh Insurance Commissioners, have published notice of their proposal to make a Special Order under the Act in the form of the Order hereinafter made by the Joint Committee and the several bodies of Commis- sioners acting jointly : And whereas the Joint Committee have published notice of llicir proi)Osal to make a Special Order under the Act in the form of the (Jrder hereinafter made by the Joint Committee acting alone : Now, therefore, the said Joint Committee and the Insurance C(»iiimissioners, the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, the Irish liisiiiance Connuissioners, and the Welsh Insurance Commis- sioners, acting jointly, hereby certify under the National Heallli Insurance (Sj)ecial Orders Acceleration) Order (No. 2), 1912, ilial, for the purpose of bringing into operation Part I. of tlic Act, it is expedient that the said Special Order of whidi notice has been published as aforesaid by the Joint Committee and tlic several bodies of Commissioners should come into operation forth- with, and in i)nrsuance of tlie powers conferred upon them by llic Act and by llic National Insurance (Joint Committee) Pcgu- lations, 1912, and of all oilier powers enabling them in thai behalf, hereby make the said Special Order to come into oi)eration forthwith as a Provisional Sjjecial Order, and accordingly order as follows : — The employments of tlie classes set forth in Schedule A hereto annexed are specified as being of such a nature that they are ordinarily adopted as subsidiary employment only and not as the principal means of livelihood. \u(\ the said .loint C(»inniitiee licrchy cerliiy unihw the National Health InsuraTwe (Sj)ecial (Mch'is .\icelerat ion) Order (No. 2), 1912. that, for the purpost; oi bringing into operation Part T. of •he A< t it is e\|(e(|ient tjial the said Special Order of which notice has been puMished as afotcsaid by the .loint Committee Bhould come into op»'rution forthwith, and in pursuance of the • Printed at p. .00 iit>ove. Subsidiary Employments Provisional 145 Order. 1912 (No. 4) powers conferred upon tliem by the Act and by the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, witli the approval of the Treasury, hereby make the said Special r look-out man at rifle ranges used by nicnibcrs of the 'i'criilori.il Eoiwc Employment a.s an onion peeler. Schedule Ji. If llic person engaged in the employment was immediately before the employment an insured ])erson or the holder of a certificate of exenipiion ^'.ranted in piirsuiinet! of sub-sectioii (M) of se«tion SI of the Act. Admiralty and Ai-mv Council Contributions Tveffs. 147 (d.) Regrulations of Insurance Commissioners. (i.) .{(hiiinilty mid Anny CoiincU Cniil rihiilions, ]>. 147. (ii.) Af/rrniirnls far (\>mj)(iis(tliini or DaiiKKjrs^ p. 14S. (iii.) Appeals and Disputes, p. 14J>. (iv.) Bekamour dnrriKj iHscase^ p. 150. (v.) Claims for Exemj)tvms^ p. 1.34.' (vi.") Collection of Confri/mtio/is, p. 160. (vii.) Collection of Contributions {E.cenipt Persons), p. 204. (viii.) Collection of Contributions (Mrrcnntilr Marine), p. 217. (ix.) Decision of Questions, p. 234. '■ (X.) Deposit Contributors Ad- ' nnnistration Kxpen ses, p. 246. (xi.) (rroupcd Employers, p. 247. (\li.) fnspectors^ Certificates, p. 251. (xiii.) Insurance Co7n7nitfees (Con- stitution), p. 258. ( xiv.) fnsurance Committees ( MedicalReprescn tat ires), p. 254. (\v.) /nsuraner Coniini/lres {/'ro- eedurc), p. 257. (xvi.) Insurance Coinniitiees {^Dist rid ( 'omniiltees), p. 267. (xvii.) Inlerniediafe Employers. p. 270. (xviii.) Married Women {Special Benefits), p, 272. (xix.) Maternity Benefit, p. 276. (xx.) Medical Benefit {Adminis- tration), p. 277. (xxi.) Naval and Militari/ Forres, p. 337. (xxii.) Outn-orkers, p. 341. (xxiii.) Research, Retention of Parliamentary Moneys for, p. 360. (xxiv.) Societies, p. 360. (xvv.) Societies {Meetiny Places of Approved Societies), p. 387. (xxvi.) Special Customs (Notice), p. 389. (xxvii.) Superan)ination Funds ( Contributions to), p. 3;)o. (i.) Admiralty and Army Council Contributions. The National Health Insurance (AnMiKALTY and Akmy Council Contributions) Regulations, 1912, dated ,1ul\ 11, 1912, MADE BY THE NATIONAL HeALTH INSURANCE JoiNT Committee under the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to the Contributions of the Admiralty and Army Council in respect of Seamen, Marines and Soldiers. 1912. No. 866. The Joint Commitlee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them bi- sections 46 and 65 ol; the said Act and the National Insurance MoinI Committee) Re in these Regulations — Thf <'Xi)ression " the Act "' meiuis l*ait I. as lead along with I'art III. of the National Insuraiu-e Act, 1911. The exj)ression " the Commissioners " nutans ih«' Scottish I nsuianct' ( 'onunissionei s. •I. The .Xoticr which the employer is rc(|uirc(i li\ Seel ion II (1) {(') of the \i\ to send to llic ( 'oinmissioncMs or to the Sociel\ f)r Committee concerned >.|i;ill coiiliiin the following ));irt Iculai s, so far as appi n alile. \ i/. : itt) Thi' names, designat i(»ns and addresses ol the parties to the Agi-eenn-nt including the tuloi-, curatf)r or adininis- tnitor in law of a minor oi married woman and any other pers(ui w jiosc consent to the Agreement is required ; • 52-3 V. 0. r.;;. " Agreements for Compensation or Damage? 149 (Scotland) Regs. (b) The date when the Agreement was made ; (c) The date of lodging- the Agreement or a memorandum thereof with the Sheriff Clerk to be recorded in the Special Register kept by him under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906,* and Act of Sederunt dated 26lh June, 1907 ;t (d) If the Agreement is for payment of a sum of money at weekly or other intervals, the amount of such weekly or other periodical payment and the stipulated period of endurance of the same ; (e) If the Agreement is for payment of a lumf) sum in redemption of a weekly payment, the amount of such lump sum ; (/) A statement whether there is any other consideration. If so, an exact statement of what such consideration is; (g) A statement whether the weekly or other periodical pay- ment or the lump sum or other consideration, as the case may be, is agreed to be paid in full settlement of the claim for compensation or damages. If it is not, a statement of the extent to which it has been agreed that the claim for compensation or damages is to be discharged ; and (h) Any other condition or qualification attached to the Agreement for payment. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Scottish Insur- ance Commissioners this Twenty-seventh day of December, one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) _ J awes LeisJiman, Chairman. John Jpffrcy, Secretary. (iii.) Appeals and Disputes. The National Healtfi Insurance (Appeals and Disputes) Regulations (England), 1912. Dated December 2, 1912. [These Regulations being " Provisional " within section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this Volume.] * G Edw. 7. c. 58. f Printed St. R. & O., 1907, p. t349. 3789 X/JO NATIONAL INSURANCE (iv.) Behaviour during* Disease. A. England. The National Health Insl' range (Behaviour during Disease) Regulations (England), 1912. Dated June 25, 1912. 1912. No. 636. The Insurance Commissioners (England) constituted under Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911* (hereinafter called the Act), hereby, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, make the following Regulations : — 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regulations (England), 1912. 2. Tlie Interpretation Act; 1889, t applies to the interpretation of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the inter- pretation of an Act of Parliament. 3. Every Rule of an Approved Society with regard to the behaviour during disease or disablement of a member entitled to benefit under the Act shall be in the form set out in the Schedule to these Regulations. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Insurance Commissioners this 25th day of June, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.S.) Claud Schuster, Secretary. The Schediile A member in receipt of sickness or disablement benefit: — (a) Shall obey the instructions of the doctor attending him; (h) Shall not be absent from homo between tho hours of(') and shall not be absent at any time without leaving word where ho may be found, provided that the(*) may, if they think fit, exempt tho member from the operation of this Rule upon such conditions as they may impose; (c) Shall not leave the('') where he resides without the consent of(*) ; (d) Shall not be guilty of conduct which is likely to retard his recovery j (') (') Tti«ort Hiioh honrH of llm ^vfiiinK anr] morning as may be desired. Different hours ■honld !)<• inxiTtr'l for Sutniiicr and WiiitLT. (') IiiHort l)ic . ('. r,r). [• r,2 .i v. <•. n.s. Behaviour during Disease (Wales) Regs. 151 B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated August 27, 1912. 1912. No. 1295. The Welsh Insurance Commissioners, constituted under Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911* (hereinafter called the Act), hereby, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, make the following Regulations : — 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regulations (Whales), 1912. 2. The Interpretation Act, 1889, t applies to the interpretation of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the inter- pretation of an Act of Parliament. 3. Every rule of an Approved Society with regard to the behaviour during disease or disablement of a member entitled to benefit under the Act shall be in the form set out in the Schedule to these Regulations. Given under the Seal of Office of the Welsh Insurance Com- missioners at Cardiff this 27th day of August, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) T. J. Hughes, Chairman. The Schedule. A member in receipt of sickness or disablement benefit: — (a) Shall obey the instructions of the doctor attending him; (b) Shall not be absent from home between the hours (*) and shall not be absent at any time without leaving word where he may be found, provided that the (-) may, if they think fit, exempt the member from the operation of this Rule upon such conditions as they may impose; (c) Shall not leave the (^) where he resides without the consent of (*) ; (d) Shall not be guilty of conduct which is likely to retard his recovery ; (') (') Insert such hours of the evening and morning as may he desired. Different hours should be inserted for Summer and Winter. ('-) Insert the desired authority, e.ff., Committee of Management. ['■>) Insert the place, town, or other desired area. (■•) Insert the desired authority. (*) Add any further instructions desired by the Society. * 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. t 52-3 Y. c. 63. 3789 I 2 152 NATIONAL INSURANCE. C. Scotland. The National Heai.th Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regulations (Scotland), 1912. Dated May 3, 1912. 1912. No.^. S. 18 The Scottisli Insurance Commissioners constituted under Part I. of tlie Xatioual Insurance Act, 1911* (hereinafter called the Act), hereby, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act, and, of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, make the following- Regulations : — 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regulations (Scotland), 1912. 2. The Interpretation Act, 1889, t applies to the interpretation of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the inter- pretation of an Act of Parliament. 3. Every Rule of an Approved Society with regard to the behaviour during disease or disablement of a member entitled to benefit under the Act shall be in the form set out in the Schedule to these Regulations. Given under the Seal of Office of the Scottish Insurance • Commissioners at Edinburgh, this Third day of May in the Year One thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) James Leishman, Chairman. John Jeffrey, Secretary. The Schedule. A member in receipt of sickness or disablement benefit: — (a) Shall obey the instructions of the doctor attending him ; (//) Shall not be absent from home between the hours of (*) and sliall not be absent at any time without leaving word wliert' he may bo found, provided that the (^) may, if llicy think (it, exempt the nieml)er from the operation of this Rule upon such conditions as they may impo.se; (r) Shall not leave the ( ') where he resides without the consent of (*) ; ((}) Shall not be guiltvof cf)nduct which is likolvto retard his recovery C) (I) Innort Bucli hoiirH of the ••voriing and morning as may bo desired. DifVnpnt. hourH dhonld bf inHcrU'd for Huiiiim-r iind Wintor. (') Iniiert the di'«iriMl mitliorlty, <•.//., Committee of ManriRcmont. (■•) InH'Tt the iiliice, t^wn, or ollii-r desired iire.'i. (') InHert tli(! (JeHircd authority. ( •) Add any fnrthor inHtructionn desired liy the Soniety. 1 -' a. 5. c. 55. t 52-.3 V. c. 63. Bchuviour during' Disease (Ireland) Regs. 153 D. Ireland. The National Health I.nsukance (Behaviour during Disease) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated December 21, 1912. 1912. No. 1S18. Tile Irish Insurance Commissioners constituted under Part 1. of the National Insurance Act, 1911* (hereinafter called "the Act"), hereby, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, make the following Regulations : — 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Behaviour during Disease) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. 2. The Interpretation Act, 1889,t applies to the interpretation of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the inter- pretation of an Act of Parliament. 3. Every Rule of an Approved Society with regard to the behaviour during disease or disablement of a member entitled to benefit under the Act shall be in the form set out in the Schedule to these Regulations. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Irish Insur- ance Commissioners this 21st day of December, in the year One thousand nine hundred and twelve. •/. A. (rli/nn, Chairman. (i.S.) John Houlihan, Secretary. The Schedule. A member in receipt of sickness or disablement benefit: — (a) Shall obey the instructions of the doctor, if any, attending him ; (6j Shall not be absent from home between the hours of (') and shall not be absent at any time without leaving word where he may be found, provided that the (-) may, if the}- think fit, exempt the member from the operation of this Rule upon such conditions as they may impose ; (c) Shall not leave the (^) where he resides without the consent of (*) ; (d) Shall not be guilty of conduct which is likely to retard his recovery ; (') (') Insert such hours of the evening and morning as may be desired. Different hours should be inserted for Summer and Winter. ('-) Insert the desired authority. e.(/.. Committee of Management. (*) Insert the place, town, or other desired area. (■•) Insert the desired authority. (^) Add any further instructions desired by the Society. * 1-2 G. 5. c. 55. t 52-3 V. c. 63. 154 NATIONAL INSURANCE. (V.) Claims for Exemption. A. England. The National Health Insurance (Claims for Exemp- tion) Regulations (England), 1912. Dated May 22, 1912. B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Claims for Exemp- tion) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated June 3, 1912. [These Regulations being " Provisional " within section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this Volume.] C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Claims for Exemption) Regulations (Scotland), 1912. Dated June 14, 1912. 666 1912. No. , ^ . 8.21 The Scottish Insurance Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as " The Commissioners "), in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the National Insurance Act, 1911 (hereinafter referred to as '• The Act "), and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, do hereby make the following Regulations : — 1. — (1) These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Claims for Exemption) Regulations (Scotland), 1912:— • (2j The Interpretation Act, 1889,* applies to the interpretation of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the interpre- tation of an Act of Parliament. 2. — (1) Any jierson claiming exemption from liability to become or to continue to be insured under Part I. of the Act may apply to the Commissioners for a certificate exempting him from such li;il)ility, provided that he is employed within the meaning of Part I. of the Act (a) in Scotland, or (h) as master or a member of tlie crew of any ship registered in the United Kingdom at any port of registry, or of any ship or vessel of which the owner or, if there is more tlian one owner, the managing owner or manager, resides or has his principal place of business in the United Kiii^^doni. ,'2; Tiic ni;iii:igcis of any institution carried on for charitable or reformalory puri^ses claiming exemption in respect of persons who arc inmates of and supported by the institution may apply to the ComniisHioners for a certificate of exem])tion provided that the institution is situated in Scotland, or in the case of a reformatory or training'' ship is moored within Scottisli waters. •i.— (I) Every chiim for cxcinijlion sliall ])e made to the Com- missioners in writing, and sliitll state sliortly the reason or reasons advanced for the ^nant of a certificate of exemption and shall be fiigned bv the claimant, or bysome duly accredited representative on his behalf. The claims siiall also set forth the particulars specified • f)2-A V. c. 63. Claims for Exemption (Scotland) Regs. 155 in the Schedule annexed hereto so far as applicable and shall be as nearly as may be in Form A set out in the said Schedule, in the case of a claim by an individual, and as nearly as may be in Form B set out in the said Schedule in the case of a claim hj or on behalf of the managers of an institution. (2) Any person who desires to make a claim for exemption may obtain a form of claim gratis on application at any Post Ojfice or to any Officer of Customs and Excise in the case of Form A, and on application at the Offices of the Commissioners in the case of Form B. 4. Claims for exemption may be accompanied by such docu- mentary evidence as the claimant desires to produce in siipport of his claim, and a list of any documents so produced shall be appended to the claim. 5. — (1) Where a claim for exemption is made on the ground that the claimant is in receipt of any pension of the annual value of twenty-six pounds or upwards not dependent upon his personal exertions, it shall be accompanied wherever possible by a certificate from the person making payment of such pension, stating the amount of the pension paid, the circumstances in which it has become payable, and the conditions, if any, under which it will continue to be paid. (2) Where a claim for exemption is made on the g-round that the claimant is in receipt of any income of the annual value of twenty-six pounds or upwards not dependent upon his personal exertions, it shall be accompanied wherever possible by dividend warrant counterfoils, signed rental statements, or other appro- priate vouchers. (3) Where a claim for exemption is made on the ground that the claimant is ordinarily or mainly dependent for his livelihood upon some other person, it shall be accompanied wherever possible by a declaration in writing by such other person stating that the claimant is so dependent upon the person making the declaration, and stating the relationship, if any, between the claimant and the person aforesaid. 6. The Commissioners may require such further particulars or evidence (by statutory declaration or otherwise) as they may, from time to time, think fit. 7. The Commissioners may in their discretion determine upon any claim for exemption without a hearing. 8. Where the Commissioners in their discretion consider that a claimant should be heard upon his claim they shall fix a time and place for the hearing and give not less than seven days' notice in writing thereof to the claimant. 9. The hearing shall take place at such time and place as the Commissioners may determine in each case. 10. The hearing shall take place before the Commissioners or any one or more of them or before any person whom they may depute for that purpose. 11. The claimant may appear at the hearing personally, or in the case of an institution by any member of the executive or official, or, with leave of the Commissioners previously applied for and obtained in writing, by any other person. 156 NATIONAL INSURANCE. 12. Subject to the provisious of these Regulations the procedure at the hearing shall be as directed by the person presiding. 13. The Commissioners or any one or more of them or the person deputed by them to preside at the hearing may postpone or adjourn the hearing as they or he may think fit ; provided, however, that the requirements as to notice under Regulation number Eight shall not apply in the case of a postponed or adjourned hearing, except that the 'claimant shall receive notice in writing of the time and place of the postponed hearing unless he or his agent was present at the hearing and received notice of such postponement. 14. As soon as possible after the hearing or upon the determina- tion of any claim Avithout a hearing the Commissioners shall inform the claimant of their determination and shall grant or refuse to grant a certificate of exemption accordingly. 15. Any certificate of exemption may be granted for a limited time or subject to such conditions as regards renewal, withdrawal, or otherwise as tlie Commissioners may think fit, and no certificate of exemption shall be of any avail beyond the period for which it is granted or without continued satisfaction of the conditions attached to it. 16. Any certificate of exemption granted to the managers of an institution carried on for charitable or reformatory purposes in respect of persons who are inmates of and supported by the insti- tution shall be conditional upon the managers giving such guarantee as is satisfactory to the Commissioners for payment to the Scottish National Health Insurance Fund in resjject of any such inmate who, having- been an inmate of the institution for more than six months, leaves the institution, of such sums as are prescribed by Section 51 (1) proviso (a) and (h) of the Act. 17. At any time within one montli ])rior to any certificate of exemption ceasing to be operative a claim for its renewal may be made to the Commissioners in like manner as is above provided witli reference to the original claim, and in the Form C set out in the said Schedule. 18. Where the Commissioners have refused to grant a certificate of exemption, and the claimant has renewed his application for such a reriificate, the Commissioners shall not bo bound 1o make any inriuiry or allow a healing unless the claim discloses that a cliangc atfccting the matter has taken place in the circumstances of the claimant. 19. The Commissioners shall not be obliged to give any reasons for tlit'ir decision on any claim. 20. These Reguhdions shall come into effect as from the date hereof. (Tivcn under the Seal of Office of ilu' Scottish Insurance Commissioners at Edinburgh, this fourteenth day of June, in the year niu' flionsand nine Imndred and twelve. (l.S.) .1 (lilies Lrisli iiuiii , Chaii man. John ■hffi'i'ji, Ser'r-etiirv. Claims for Exeiiipiion (Scotland) Regs. 157 Schedule. FoiiM A. NATiOiN'AL INSURANCE ACT, iiJil. ClAIAI FOll ExKAll'TlOiV. I. Vauticulaks to 1)1! ['unii.sliecl \>y All Chiiinants. 1. It'iill name of claiinaiit 2. * Address 3. Sex 4. State whether: — (a) single (b) married (c) widow or widower 5. Date of birth 0. Name and address of employer 7. Description of employment 8. Money wages of claimant 9. " Allowances " fif any) received by claimant from employer in addition to money wages 10. Have you previously made a claim for an exemption certificate? If so, state — • (a) the date on which the claim was made ( h) the address from which the claim was made (c) whether the claim was granted or refused (d) the number of the certificate of exemption II. Additional Particulaks to be furnished by persons claiming exemption on the ground that they are in receipt of a pension or income of the annual value of Twenty-six Pounds or upwards not dependent upon their personal exertions. £ s. d. 1. Source or sources from which, or f 1 name and address of person from | 2 whom, pension or income is de- -J rived, with respective amounts j before deduction of Income Tax . [ 4 Gross total. £ s. d. 2. If any of the items of income f 1 mentioned above are liable to j 2 any deduction, state the nature -^ „ of the deduction or deductions | and their respective amounts. L 4 Total of deductions ... £ s. d. Net total of income on which claim is based The postal address in full should be given. 158 NATIONAL INSURANCE. III. Additional Particulaks to be furnislied by persons claiming exemption on the ground that they are ordinarily or mainly dependent for their livelihood upon some other person. 1. Amount of any income apart from wages and allowances from employer... 2. Source or sources of such income 3. Name(s) and address(es) of person(s) on whom claimant is ordinarily and mainly dependent 4. Relationship (if any) of such person(s) to claimant 5. Occupation and earnings of such person(s) 6. Nature and extent of support received by claimant from such person(s) 7. Amount of any payment made by claimant in consideration of the support so received : 8. Date when dependence commenced IV. Additional Particulars to be furnished by married women claiming exemption on the ground that they are voluntary contributors at the reduced rates provided by Section 44 of the Act. 1. Date of marriage 2. Date of becoming a married woman voluntary contributor at reduced rates 3. Name of claimant's Approved Society 4. Date on which claimant became employed I have clearly understood the above questions, and to the best of my knowledge and belief all the statements made 1)y mo in this claim are corrrf't. Signature (or mark) of Claimant Signed (or mark made) in my presence *Witn<'ss Add reus Date List of I)iK iitnentB accompanying tlii.s claim. * Tho Hignatur*^ niiiHt be wiinesscd by (be I'cnsion OHiccr, or, failing him, by a hr)uaeholder. Claims for Exemption (Scotland) Regs. 159 Form B. Claim by the Managers of an Institution carried on for charitable or reformatory purposes for a certificate of exemption under Section 51 of the Act. Particulars of Claim. 1. Name and address of institution 2. Purposes of institution 3. Sources of income of institution 4. Names and addresses of managers of institution 5. Are the inmates supported by the institution 6. Do the inmates receive — (a) Maintenance: Including — 1. Food 2. Clothing 3. Other items (if any) (fe) Medical attendance when sick. Explain how medical attendance provided and, fully, the course of action taken in cases of sickness. We declare that the particulars set out above and in the list of inmates annexed are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, and that the persons who are inmates of and are supported by the institution named above receive maintenance and medical attendance when sick, and we claim a certificate of exemption in respect of such inmates in terms of Section 51 (1) of the Act. (Signed) (Date) List of Documents accompanying this claim. List of inmates Name. Age. Whether resident in institution. Whether employed. Whether any wages, bonus, prizes, or other money pay- ments made, and amount. Whether any | Whether any pay- payments for I ments made by or on work done ' behalf of inmates for made on leav- I admission to or ing institution, maintenance in and amount. institution. 160 NATIONAL INSUBANCE. Form C. al'l'lic'atlon fok issie ov a new certificate of exemption. Declaration. I, of claim a renewal of tlie Certificate of Exemption (No ) issued to me by the Insurance Conuaissionors * on the ..'. and hereby declare that the said Certificate was granted to me on the grounds that I was and that I am still entitled to exemption for the same cause. Signature or Mark of Holder Witness to the Mark (Only required if the signature is by Mark.) Address Date 191 . D. Ireland. The National Health Insurance (Claims b'Ok Exemp- tion) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated June 20, 1912. The National Health Insurance (Claims for Exemp- tion) (Irish migratory labourers) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated June 20, 1912.t [Those Rc'gulatious being " Provisional " within section 2 of the Rules J-'ublication Aet, 1893, and not " Statutory," arc not printed in this Volume.] (vi.) Collection of Contributions. A. England. Tjil Naiki.naj. Health Insurax( k (Collection of Con- ip.iisutions) Ke(;ulations, 1912. Dated May 22, 19124 B. Wales. The Naiio.nal IIkalth Insurance (Collection of Con- i Kir.i TioNs) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated .luNE 11, 1912.§ [These Reguhili:• ()., V^\^^, No. 70. I Tlirw RoKulatioiiH arc now Hni>crHedcayiibl(' nndcr llic Act "linll be llic iiiiu's f()lh)wing, \]\i\\ is in say: (a) wlicrc inonny payment is made by iho employer in if'sport of any employment before tli(> money payment in respect of the jicriod for which the contribution is payable, so, however, thai hofnrc ihc o\])iration of the period of currency of the (-ard, or before the termi- natif)n of the eTnj)h)yment, or at any time if the con- tributor so demands and gives to Ihe employer twenty- four hours' notice of his demand, the employer shall affix io the card a sufficieni number f)f slanips in make Collection of Contributions (Scotland) Regs. 165 payment for all the weekly contributions payable in respect of the period ending at the date of that expira- tion, termination, or demand; and (6) where no money payment is made by the employer, — on the first day of employment in each week : Provided that if an employed contributor fails to deliver to his employer a card in accordance with these Regulations, the em- ployer shall pay the contribution payable in respect of him by affixing a stamp to an emergency card and shall forthwith deliver that card to the contributor duly stamped in accordance with these Regulations. (2.) An employer shall immediately after affixing any stamp to a card cancel the stamp by writing in ink or stamping with a metallic die with black indelible ink or composition across the face of the stamp the date upon which it is affixed, and in the case of an emergency card shall in addition write across the face of the stamp the name of the contributor, but, save as expressly pro- vided in these Regulations, and in the Regulations made under Section 108 of the Act, no writing or other mark shall be made at any time upon the card or stamp until after the surrender of the card to the approved society or postmaster, provided that the Commissioners may in special circumstances authorise employers of large numbers of workmen to mark temporarily upon the card of the contributor the pay or other number in the employer's books in such manner and subject to such conditions as the Com- missioners may decide. (3.) The Commissioners may, if they think fit, approve any arrangement whereby stamps are affixed at times, or contributions paid, in a manner other than those prescribed by this Regulation, so, however, that no such arrangement shall authorise the payment of any contribution at a date later than that upon which the wages for the period in respect of which the contribution is pay- able are paid, and in particular in the case of any employer who employs any employed contributors regularly and by agreement with them retains their cards during the period of currency, the Commissioners may (subject to such terms and conditions as they think fit to impose) allow that employer, if he deposits with them a sum equal to the estimated amount of contributions payable by him in respect of those contributors during the current period of the currency of the cards, to stamp the cards on the expiration of the period of currency, and where such a deposit is made the employer shall be deemed to have duly affixed the necessary stamps to the cards of those contributors in the manner herein- before prescribed by this Regulation : Provided that — (i.) If the Commissioners so think fit they may allow any sum which is to be deposited with them under the foregoing provision to be paid to them at weekly intervals during the period instead of being paid to them in one sum at the commencement of the period ; and (ii.) Notwithstanding that any such deposit has been made, the employer shall be liable to stamp before the termi- nation of the employment the card of any contributor 3789 K 166 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Production and Surrender of Cards to Society, Insurance Committee or Post- whose employment terminates before the end of the period of currency of his card, and if at any time a contributor so demands and gives to the employer twenty-four hours' notice of his demand shall be liable to stamp the card of that contributor on the expiration of the period of twenty-fopr hours. 7._(1.) Upon making any claim for benefit an employed con- tributor shall if so required producp his card to the approved society of which he is a member, dr, in the case of a deposit contributor, to the postmaster or to tlie Insurance Committee. (2.) Every employed contributor shall surrender his card to his approved society, or, in the case of a deposit contributor, to the postmaster, at the times following, that is to say : — ^'^°'-'='- (fl) upon joining an approved society; (b) upon transferring from one approved society or branch to another approved society or branch ; (c) upon ceasing to be a member of an approved society ; (d) upon changing his place of residence from one part of the United Kingdom to another; (e) upon the card becoming defaced in any manner not authorised by these Regulations; (/) within fourteen days after the expiration of the period of currency of the card ; (g) upon becoming a voluntary contributor ; and (h) in the case of a woman who before marriage was an insured person, upon ceasing on or after marriage to be employed. Voluntary Contributors. Application 8. The provisions of these Regulations relating to employed of Regula- contributors shall apply to voluntary contributors, subject to the 'f'v 1° ^^^^ following modifications : — Cont^ibu-^*^^ ^^^ upon any person becoming a voluntary contributor tors. ^^6 approved society or Insurance Committee, as the case may require, shall forthwith issue to liim the appropriate card; (h) the duties imposed by these Regulations upon the employer of an employed contributor with respect to the stamp- ing of cards shall be i)erfornu>(l by the voluntary contributor, except that where the contributor is him- self unable legibly to write the date across the face of the stamp he may instead of himself cancelling a stamp ininiediately after affixing a stamp deliver his card to th(> i)0st master for the ])urpose of the stamp being cancelled by the ])Ostniaster by stamping with the rifhcial date stani]) ; (c) the contribution of a voluntary conlriluiloi- shall bo ])ay- nble on the first day of each week unless the contributor is on that day incapable of work through some specific 'lisease or l)odily Of mental disablcnicnt of which notice has been given, and in that case the contribution shall be payable on the first day of that week after the termination f)f the incapacity: Collection of Contributions (Scotland) Regs. 167 Provided that where a contributor has been rendered incapable of work by disease or disablement for a con- tinuous period extending over parts of two weeks, and those parts taken together amount to more than six days, no contribution shall be payable by the con- tributor in respect of the second week ; {d) the Insurance Committee for the area in which the con- tributor resides shall be substituted for the postmaster as the authority to whom in the case of a deposit contributor application is to be made for the issue of a card, and no card shall be issued in respect of any voluntary contributor by the postmaster : Provided that at any time before the expiration of three months from the commencement of the Act, such Form No. 4. an application may, if so desired, be made to, and a card may be issued by any head postmaster; (e) the authority by whom the card is issued to the voluntary contributor shall inscribe thereon, in addition to the particulars required in the case of an employed con- tributor, such further particulars as may from time to time be required by the Commissioners ; {/) seven days shall be substituted for fourteen days as the period after the expiration of the period of currency of a card within which it is to be delivered up to the approved society or postmaster as the case may require ; {g) where a card has been issued to a voluntary contributor no further card shall be issued to that contributor except upon the surrender of the card for the period Forms No. 2 of currency then last terminated, or upon a declara- and No. 3. tion of its loss or surrender; (/i) a voluntary contributor shall produce his card whenever required to do so by the approved society of which he is a member, or, in the case of a deposit contributor, by the Insurance Committee. Payment of Arrears. payment of arrears. 9. — (1.) Any contributor desirous of paying any arrears of Provisions as contributions may apply to the approved society of which he is to arrears a member for an arrears card, and the society shall inscribe cards and thereon such particulars as may from time to time be required by the Insurance Commissioners, and shall issue to him a card so inscribed. (2.) The contributor may affix to the arrears card so issued stamps in payment of any weekly contributions payable by him which are in arrear. (3.) Every person affixing a stamp to an arrears card shall immediately cancel it by writing the date in ink across the face of the stamp : Provided that where the person so affixing a stamp is himself unable legibly to write the date across the face of the stamp he may instead of himself cancelling the stamp deliver his arrears 3789 K 2 168 XATIOXAL IXSURANCE. Application of Regula- tions in the case of per- sons over 65. card to the postmaster for the purpose of the stamp being can- celled by the postmaster by stamping- with the official date stamp. (4.) Every contributor who has affixed any stamp to an arrears card shall surrender the arrears card to the approved society of which he is a member not later than the time prescribed for the surrender of the contribution card current at the time when the stamp is affixed, and the approved society shall thereupon, if required and upon production of his insurance book, enter therein the date and the amount. (5.) Arrears shall be deemed to have been paid at the time of the surrender of the arrears card bearing the appropriate stamps to the approved societj- of which the person paying arrears is a member. Persons over the age of 65. 10. The provisions of these Regulations relating to employed contributors shall apply to persons of the age of 65 or upwards and under the age of TO at the commencement of the Act who are employed within the meaning of the Act, as if they were employed contributors. Payment of contribu- tions in case of employed contributor temporarily unemployed. Employed Contributor Temporarily Unemployed. 11. An employed contributor may, but shall not be required to, pay any contribution in respect of any period during which he is temporarily unemployed or during which his employer is not liable to pay contributions in respect of him, but for the purpose of reckoning his arrears, contributions shall be deemed to be payable during any such period on the first day of each week unless the contributor is on that day incapable of work through some specific disease or bodily or mental disablement, of which notice has been given, and in that case the contribution shall be deemed to be payable on the first day of that week after tlie termination of the incapacity; Provided that where a contributor has been rendered incapable of work by disease or disablement for a continuous period extend- ing over parts of two weeks, and those parts taken together amount to more than six days, no contribution shall be deemed to be payable in respect of the second week unless the contributor has in that week rendered services to an employer. Insurance Books. ProvisionBas 12. — (1.) Every approved society upon issuing a card to any toiHsue, &c., m*jnib(>r not previously a contributor, or u]ion accepting any contributor as a monilicr within the time ])rcscribed by Regu- lations of the Commissioners for joining an approved society, and every Insurance Committee ui)on receiving an insur- ance card surr('n{lcr(>d by a contributor who lias entered into insurance during tlie ])cri<)(l of currency of the card sliall there- iijiori cause to b(> entered in an insurance book sucli particulars as may from time to time be required by the f!ominissioners, and shall issue that book to the person to or in respect of whom the card is so issued or by whom it is so surrendered. of inHurauce hooks Collectiou of Contributions (Scotland) Regs. 169 (2.) An approved society may insert in the insurance book ot any member of the society pages containing such matter relating to the affairs of the society or to any transactions between the member and the society as it may think fit. (3.) Every contributor shall deposit his insurance book with the approved society or Insurance Committee, as the case may require, when giving notice of disease or disablement, or when required by the society or Insurance Committee to do so in pursuance of a request from any inspector or other officer appointed under the Act, or empowered to act in the execution of the Act, and shall produce it when making any claim for maternity benefit or when making application to the postmaster for a new card, and at all reasonable times when required to do so by the approved society of which he is a member, or by the Insurance Committee or the postmaster as the case may be. The society or Insurance Committee to whom an insurance book is delivered with notice of disease or disablement shall retain the book until the termination of the disease or disablement. (4.) Every contributor shall, upon surrendering his contri- bution card, deposit his insurance book with the approved society of which he is a member or with the postmaster for the purpose of transmission to the Insurance Committee, as the case may require, and the approved society or the Insurance Com- mittee, as the case may be, shall return the book to the con- tributor within twenty-one days after the deposit, or in the case of a contributor requiring his insurance book for the purpose of claiming unemployment benefit under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, within seven days after application made by him. (5.) Every contributor shall deposit his insurance book with the approved society of which he is a member, or with the Insurance Committee, as the case may be, upon the expiration of the period of currency of the book, or whenever the book is so defaced as to be rendered useless for the purpose for which it is issued, and the approved society or Insurance Committee, as the case may be, shall issue to him a new insurance book and shall return the book deposited within twenty-one days after the deposit, or in the case of a contributor requiring an insurance book for the purpose of claiming unemployment benefit under Part II. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, within seven days after application made by him. (6.) When during the currency of an insurance book a con- tributor is transferred from one society orbranch to another society or branch, or becomes a deposit contributor or. in the cnse of a deposit contributor, becomes a member of a society, he shall sur- render his insurance book to the approved society from which he is transferred or to the Insurance Committee of the district, and the society to which he is transferred or of which he becomes a member or the Insurance Committee of the district shall cause to be entered in a new insurance book such particulars as may from time to time be required by the Commissioners, and shall issue to him that book : Provided that in the case of a member of a society transferred from one society or branch to another society or branch, th« 170 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Forms No. and Xo. 6. society or branch to which he is transferred may, if it sees fit, re-issue the surrendered insurance book with such alterations as may be necessary instead of issuing a new book. (7.) Every approved society and Insurance Committee shall, at such times as the Commissioners may require, enter in every insurance book coming into its possession such particulars as the Commissioners may from time to time require. (8.) A contributor losing his insurance book shall forthwith make application to the society or Insurance Committee, as the case may require, and upon the receipt of that application the society or Insurance Committee shall issue to him a new book containing the particulars required by these Regulations. (9.) If the Commissioners are satisfied on the application of any approved society that for any reason it is desirable that insurance books should not be issued by that society to its members, the Commissioners may exempt that society from its obligation to issue books to its members, and where any society is so exempted the provisions of this Regulation shall not apply to the members of the society so exempted. L'se of Forms in •Schedules. Card.s not to be oHsigncd, and miscel- lancouH pro- viiiionH as to cardrt. Form Ni). 7. Miscellaneous. 13. — (1.) All cards and insurance books for the purposes ot the Act and these Regulations shall be supplied by the Com- missioners and shall be in the forms set out in the First and Second Schedules to these Regulations, or in such forms sub- stantially to the like eliect as may from time to time be approved by the Commissioners, and shall be issued to insured persons with- out charge. (2.) Tlie forms set out in the Third Schedule to these Regulations or fdrnis to the like eft'ect sui)i)lied by the Commissioners shall be used in all cases to which those forms are applicable. (3.) All directions and instructions appearing upon the cards and insurance books issued by the Commissioners in accordance with this Reguhitiou shall be deemed to be incorporated in these Rcguhitions. 14. — (1.) No person shall assign or charge or agree to assign or charge any card or insurance book, and any sale, transfer, or assignation of, or any cliarge on, any card or insurance book shall be void and of no effe.. 16 July, 1847 J d for Ije m Post ( use of Society or Insurance Committee. ade Office in this space until after the return of the card Name of Society or Committee. ....184.... 17-i XATIONAL IXSUEAXCE. The Employer may tear off this page if the card is likely to remain in /u* custody during the ivhole of its currency. INSTRUCTIONS. Uj supply of stamps. National Health Insui-ance Stamps are on sale at all Post Offices. Stamps other than National Health Insurance Stamps found affixed to this Card will not be accepted in payment of Contributions. (2) TIME OF AFFIXING STAMPS. A Weekly Contribution is paj-able hj the Employer for each week (com- mencing Monday) during the whole or any part of which the Contributor has been employed, but only one contribution is payable for each week and no contribution is payable by the Employer in respect of any week during which, the Contributor renders no service and receives no remuneration. The Employer must, before anj- payment of wages, affix in the proper space a single National Health Insurance Stamp of the Value of the joint weekly contribution of himself and the Contributor for each week (commenc- ing Monday) for the Avhole or any part of which the wages are payable, and in respect of which a stamp has not already been affixed, but all contributions payable in respect of the period to 13th October, 1912, must be paid and stamps affixed by that date whether the wages for the period have been paid or not. The number of Stamps to be affixed will be the number of Mondays for which spaces are provided on this Card, and which fall within the period for which wages are payable. When the employment begins on a day of a week other than Monday, a Stamp must also bo affixed for that week if a Stamp has not already been affixed for that week. Upon the termination of an employment, or at any time on demand by the Contributor, a Stamp must be affixed in respect of each week for which a Contribution is payable by the Employer. When no wages are payable by the Employer, he must affix a Stamp on the first day of employment in each week. (3) RATE OF CONTRIBUTION. The normal rate of Contribution in Great Britain is 7d. per week, divided as follows: — Payalile by the Employer ... ... ... ... ... ... 3d. a week. Pavable on behalf of, and recoverable from the Contributor 4d. a week. In certain cases other rates of Contribution and a different distribution as between I']m[)loyer and Contributor, are apjilicable. See Pamphlet A, to be obtained at any Post Office. In the event of the Contributor being employed in Ireland, contributions in respect of him are payable at the Irish rate. (4) EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION NOT RECOVERABLE. Notwithstanding any contract to the contrary, the Employer is not entitled to deduct from the Wages of or otherwise to recover from the Contriliiitor tbc lOmplover's Contribution. (.-,) CHANG 10 OF ADDRESS. A Contributor changing his address during the currency of this Card hliould alter tlu> address on page 2, and inform his Society within seven dny.s. ((5) DEI-'ACING (A HI). Kxcept ns herein provided, no mark of ;my kind may l)e mado on this. Card, nf)r may iinytbing be affixed in i( Ky tlic l''>mploy<>r or Contributor, or any other i)erHon. (7) KMPLOYKH TO OBTAIN (AIM) W HEN NECESSARY. In tbo event of a ('ontriliiiU)r failing to produce his Card to the Employer, tliK latter must obtain a special Kuu'rgency Card for him. A supply of the.se Cards can be obtainerl at anv Post Oflice. Collection of Contributions (Scotland) Eegs. 175 (8) ASSIGNATION OR TRANSFER. No person ma}- assign or charge, or agree to assign or charge any Card, and any sale, transfer or assignation of, or charge on any Card is void and of no effect. If any Employer has failed to pay any Contributions which he is liable to pay in respect of an Employed Contributor he is for each Offence liable on Summary Conviction to a fine not exceeding" TEN POUNDS, and to pay a sum equal to the amount of the Contributions which he has 'failed to pay. Further, if the Contributor is a Member of an Approved Society, he may take proceedings against his Employer, in which case the Employer may be compelled to make good any loss of Benefits which the Contributor has suflFered. If any Insured Person, without reasonable cause, fails to deliver a Contribution Card to his Employer at the times required by the Regu- lations, or is guilty of any other contravention of^ or non-compliance with any of the Regulations made under Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, he is for each offence liable on Summary Conviction to a fine not exceeding TEN POUNDS. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTOR SCOTLAND. (MAN under 45). To 13th October, 1912. CLASS C. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Contribution Card. Name of Approved Society or Insurance Committee. OWNERSHIP AND CUSTODY OF CARD. This Card is the property of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners; during its currency it is entrusted to the Contributor, who must return it together with his Insurance Book to his Society, or, if he is not' a member of a Society, hand the Card in at any Post Ofiace immediately upon its expiry, but in no case later than 19th October, 1912. A new Card will be issued in exchange or be prepared and sent to the Contributor. The Contributor must produce this Card at any reasonable time when required by an Inspector or other authorised person or by his Society. As the stamped Card is the only evidence of payment of Contributions, no allowance will be made for any Stamps on this Card unless and until the Card has been returned as provided above. 176 NATIONAL INSURANCE. In the event of the death of the Contributor, this Card must be returned to his Society or to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, Edinburgh. LOST CARD. Any person finding this Card, unless he can at once return it to the Contributor, should drop it into a Post OflBce Letter Box, Contributor it Xo. Surname Christian Xumes 1 ^■1 ddres J I THIRTEEN WEEKS ENDING 13th OCTOBER, 1912. A Xatioual Health Insurance Stamp to lie affixed each week in the proper space. No other Stamps may be used. Every Stamp must be cancelled at the time of affixing by writing the date across it in ink. These particulars to be inserted before issue. Rate of Contribution 7d. a Week. In accordance with Section 13 of the Stamp Duties Manage- ment Act, 1891, any person who fraudulently removes any stamp from this Card, or makes use of any stamp re- , commencing ninvLil from another Card, is ' Monday, 1st Week, 2ud Week, commencing ]Monday, 3rd Week, commencing ^londay, guilty of felony. 15 July, 1912. 22 July, 1912. 29 July, 1912. 4th Week, 5 th Week, 6 th Week, 7 th Week. 8th AVeek commencing commencing : commencing | commencing | commencnig Monday, ^Monday, j Monday, IMondav, Mondav, 5 Aug., 1912. 12 Aug., 1912. ' 19 Aug., 1912. , 26 Aug., 1912. 2 Sept., 1912. 9th AVeek, 10 th Week. 11th Week, commencing commencing ' commencing Monday, Monday, i Monday, 9 Sept., 1912. It; Sept., 1912. - 23 Sept., 1912. 12th Week, commencing Monday, 30 Sept., 1912. 13 th Week, commencing ^londay, 7 Oct., 1912. Thf Contriljutor niiist sign in the space l)elow before returnin'AL INSURANCE. to"-ether with Lis Insurance Book to his Society or, if he is not a Member of a Society, hand the Card in at any Post Office' immediately upon its expiry, but in no case hiter than 19th October, 1912. A new Card will be issued in exchange, or be prepared and sent to the Contributor. The Contributor must produce this Card at any reasonable time when required bv an Inspector or other authorised person or by his Society. As the stamped Card is the only evidence of payment of Contributions, no allowance will be made for any Stamps on this Card unless and until the Card has been returned as provided above. In the event of the death of the Contributor this Card must be returned to his Society or to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, Edinburgh. Thirteen Weeks ending 13th OCTOBBR, 1912. National Health Insurance Stamps to be affixed each Week in the proper space. No Other Stamps may be used. In accordance with Section 13 of the- Stamp Duties Management Act, 1891, any person who fraudulently removes any Stamp from this Card or makes use of any Stamp removed from another Card is guilty of felony- Every Stamp must be cancelled at the time of affixing by writing the date across it in ink. Rate of Contribution d. a week. Stamps to be used ) y^^i^gg / one at d. each week. f I one at d. 1st , Week. Commencing Monday, 15 July, 1912. 1 2nd Commencing 22 July, Week. Monday, 1912. 3rd Commencing 29 July, Week. Monday, 1912. 4th Commencing 5 Aug., Week. Monday, 1912. 5 th Commencing 12 Aug., Week. Monday, 1912. 6 th Commencing 19 Aug., Week. Monday, 1012. 7 th Commencing 2G Aug., Week. Monday, 1912. 8th Commencing 2 Sept., Week. Monday, 1912. 9th Commencing 9 Sept., Week. Monday, 1912. 10th Commencing 16 Sept., Week. Monday, 1912. nth Commencing 2?, Sept., Week. Monday, 1912. 12th Commencing 30 Sept., Week. Monday, 1'.I12. 13th Commencing 7 Oct., Week. Monday, 1912. Th«' Contributor must sign in the s])JK'e below before returning the Card to his Society or, if hv is not a nicniber of a Society, to the Post Office. Sifjnntuir or Murk of Contrihiifor WifiirxH In ihe Mark (Only required if the Signature is by Mark.) INSTRUCTIONS. 1. SriMM,V OK STAMPS. Nationnl Hinltii Insuianro Stamps are on Sale at all Post Offices. Stamps othor than National Health Insurance Stamps found affixed to this Card will not b? accepted in payment of Contributions. Collectiou of Contributions (Scotland) Regs. 179 2. AFFIXING STAMPS. A Weekly Contribution is payable for each week commencing Monday unless the Contributor is exempt from payment on account of Sickness. The Contributor must affix at the commencement of each week in the space provided for that week National Health Insurance Stamps to a value representing the Contribution payable by him. 3. DEFACING CARD. Except as herein provided, no mark of any kind may be made on this Card, nor may anything be affixed to it by the Contributor or any other person. If a Card is accidentally damaged or defaced it should be exchanged for a new one. 4. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. A Contributor changing his address during the currency of this Card should alter the address on page 1, and inform his Society within seven loy('r must affix in th(> space below a single National Health Insurance Stanip of a value representing the joint Contribution of himself i\u(] the Contril)ulor. and must cancel tlie stamp by writing across it in ink tlie naiiH' of the (.'ontributor and the date. The stamped Card must be delivered to the Contiil)utor, who nnist forward it to his/lier Society or. if not a member of a Society, hand it in at the Post Office ulien letiirning the Contribution Card for the current period. Collectiou of Contributions (Scotland) Eegs. 89 As the stamped Card is the only evidence of the payment of the Contribution, no allowance will b3 made for the Stamp on this Card unless and until the Card has been surrendered. Postage Stamps and Unemployment Insurance Stamps must not be used. Iq accordance with Section 13 of the Stamp Duties Management Act, 1891, any person who fraudulently removes any Stamp from this Card, or makes use of any stamp removed trom another Card, is guilty of felony. The Contributor must on receiving this Card from the Employer sign and insert his/her address in the space below before returning the Card to his/her Society or, if not a Member of a Society, to the Post Office. Signature or Mark of Contributor Address Witness to the Mark {Only required if the Signature is by Mark.) Reserved for use of Society or Insurance Committee. No entry must be made in this space until after the surrender of the Card to the Society or Post Office. Name of Approved Society or Insurance Committee. Contributor's dbutor's I No. } ASSIGNATION OR TRANSFER. No person may assign or charge, or agree to assign or charge any Card, and any sale, transfer or assignation of, or charge on any Card is void and of no effect. PRODUCTION OF CARD. The Card must be delivered to the employer when he requires it for the purpose of production to an Inspector or other authorised person, and any person having this Card in his possession, must produce it at any reason- able time when required by an Inspector or other authorised person. LOST CARD. Any person finding this Card, unless he can at once return it to the Contributor, should drop it into a Post Office Letter Box. 190 NATIONAL INSUEANCE. SCOTLAND. Arrears of Contributions. Name of Society. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. f Contributor s No Class, These particulars | Surname to be 1 Christian Xames inserted j before f issue. Address < L ( ARREARS OUTSTANDING ON 191 £ : s.: d. National Health Insurance Stamps to be affixed by the Contributor. Postage Stamps and Unemployment Insurance Stamp s must not be used . Every stamp must be cancelled at the time of affixing by writing the date across it in ink. In accordance with Section 13 of the Stamp Duties Manage- ment Act, 18in,any person who frauduleutiy removes any stainpfrom this Card. ormakes use of any stamp removed from anotlicr Card, is guilty of felony. Tlie C()ntril)utor must sign in tiic .space below before returning the Card to his (or her) Society. Shinaturc or Mark of Contributor Witness to the Mark (Only required if the Signature is by Mark.) Collection of Contributions (Scotland) Regs. 191 INSTRUCTIONS. 1 OWNERSHIP OF CARD. This Card is the property of the Insurance Commissioners (Scotland). Any person liaviug this Card in his (or her) possession must produce it at any reasonable time when required by an Inspector or other authorised person. 2. SUPPLY OF STAMPS. National Health Insurance Stamps are on sale at all Post Offices. Stamps other than National Health Insurance Stamps found affixed to this Card will not be accepted in payment of Contributions. 3. SURRENDER OF CARD TO SOCIETY. After a Stamp or Stamps have been affixed in payment of Weekly Contributions in Arrear this Card must be returned to the Society of the Insured person, when a new Arrears Card, if required, wiU be issued. The date of the Receipt of the Card by the Society will be treated as the date of payment of tne Arrears. 4. ASSIGNATION OR TRANSFER. No person may assign or charge, or agree to assign or charge any Card, and any sale, transfer or assignation of, or charge on any Card is void and of no effect. C. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. A Contributor changing his (or her) address while in possession of this Card should alter the address on the other side. 6. LOST CARD. Any person finding this Card, unless he can at once return it to the Contributor, should drop it into a Post Oflfice Letter Box. If any Insured Person is guilty of any contravention of or non-compli- ance with any of the requirements of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, or the Regulations made thereunder, he (or she) is for each offence liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding TEN POUNDS. 192 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Second Schedule. INSURANCE BOOKS. MAN. ^Oft^P^S SCOTLAND NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Employed Contributors, and Employed Persons of 65 or upwards on 15tli July, 1912. Number (In Society's books.) Appeoved Society established at called Registered Number of Society. INSURANCE BOOK. Any person finding this Book, unless he can at once return it to the person named within, should drop it into a Post Office Letter Box. Collection of Contributions (Scotland) Regs. 193 NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Sicrna me Christian Names {in full)... Address < r Any change of \ Address should^ he sheivn here. \ L Nationalitji if not \ a British Subject. / Occupation The Contributor muat sign'\ his name here immediately > on receiving this book. J TABLE OF WEEKLY CONTRIBUTIONS. WAGES, ETC. Value of stamp to be affixed by Employer. Amount recoverable from Contributor. Where the contributor receives wages or other money payments : — // he is under 21 — whatever the rate of remuneration may be. If he is 21 or zipwards (1) where board and lodging are provided or rate of remuneration exceeds 2 6 a working day. (2) where board and lodging are not provided and (i.) rate of remuneration exceeds 2/-, but does not exceed 2/6 a working day. (ii.) rate of remuneration exceeds 1/6, but does not exceed 2/- a working day. (iii.) rate of remuneration does not exceed 1/6 a working day. N.B. — For the contributions payable where the contributor receives NO icages or other money payments, see page 7. In certain classes of employment and in certain localities where it is usual for the contributor to receive full remuneration during sickness, an arrangement may be made by Order of the Commissioners whereby the rate of the joint con- tribution is reduced by 2d. per week, \d. being taken ofE the contributor's con- tribution, and \d. off the employer's contribution. A reduction in the employed rate is also made in the case of contributors who are employed in the Mercantile Marine on foreign-going ships. IQ-l JfATIOXAL INSTJEANCE. Eh I 3 " S i i s a ?^ ? 5 o X " Ij o ^'^ in " a s;- >= - -1^-2 |"&i '^CJi > — ■ C -I. -^ o - = ^^^ •p. a ^ -J -pi tj-l o si - S o S ^ 3 o 2 ^ 5 a c c :- a o J- § 2 ^.S o z =0 "-3 • r- a; Ji — o -, a 2 c ? J^ -2' O ■■''- .S 3 S a SJ - Q ti! a i: " , o a J3 r> W O =« - ■= "^ Q — CO D o >^ a; ;- O k^ 03 -U a :s a, a g < J; o a — ^ c o a 3 '-^ S o g >^ -H ^M o I'll a 3 «=; 0(-3 2 —I J V! cia en 2 =2 2 S • W >. S g a S 5»S ua « 2 • 2 S 53 P5 a o -^ 15 PQ 2 M ® S « ^ DC a a I— I ^2 o o a o ■f -t (U !;; ^ H w t- ■:^-^ -j; »3 ^ ^ :; 0) « 0) !> >■ <4-l «4-< o o o o ^'^^ -^ . X o - D ^ -*^ 5 H a G Collection of Contributions (Scotland) Regs. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. 195 PAYMENT OF ARREARS. RECORD OF ^ilCKNKSS HE XEFIT. Amount. s. a. Initials of Society Official. Sickness Benefit. Initials Date. 1 Began. Ended. of Society Official. ...... GENERAL INFORMATION. INSURANCE BOOKS. This book will contain a record of the contributions paid in respect of the insured person (called the contributor), of the arrears due from and paid by liim, and of the benefits -which he has received under the Act. Great care should therefore be taken to guard against its loss. The book must be deposited by the contributor with his Society: — (a) upon surrendering his contribution card, (6) when he gives notice of disease or disablement, and (c) whenever the Society requires it for production to an Inspector or other authorised person. It will be returned within 21 days after deposit, or at the end of the disease or disablement. The book must also be produced when the contributor makes a claim for maternity benefit. The contributor should satisfy himself that the necessary entries have t)een correctly made in the book. If the contributor is a workman in an insured trade the book must be produced when a claim for unemployment benefit is made or when he desires to obtain payment in respect of unemployment from an association. If the book is then in the hands of his Society it will be returned within 7 days after application for it. The contributor on changing his address should alter the address on page 1 of this book and inform his Society within 7 days. Upon the contributor ceasing to be a member of the Society, or trans- ferring to another branch of the Society, the book must be surrendered. 196 NATIONAL INSURANCE. The contributor should obtain from his Society a copy of the rules of the Society, in which will be found particulars of the conditions of membership, and of the benefits. Xo person may assign or charge, or agree to assign or charge any Insurance Book, and any sale, transfer, assignation of or charge on any Insurance Book is void and of no effect. The employer cannot demand the pi-oduction of this Book. CONTIUBUTION CARDS. The contribution* are collected by means of National Health Insurance Stamps affixed to contribution cards. The contributor must produce his card to his employer at any time when required, and must deliver it up to his employer whenever the employer requii-es it for the purpose of stamping, or of production to an Inspector or other authorised person. A weekly contribution is payable by the employer for each week (com- mencing Monday) during the whole or any part of which the contributor has been employed, but only one contribution is payable for each week, and no contribution is payable bj' the employer in respect of any week during which the contributor renders no service, and either (a) receives no remuneration, or (b) receives sickness benefit for the whole or part of the week. The employer is required to affix to the card on a day not later than the day on which wages are paid a single National Health Insurance Stamp of the value of the joint contribution due from himself and from the contributor for every week for which a contribution is payable. (The Insurance Commissioners may allow exceptional arrangements to be made for stamping cards in special cases.) All contributions payable at the date of the expiration of the card must be paid and stamps affixed by that date whether the wages have been paid or not. Upon the termination of an employment, or at any time after 24 hours' notice by the contributor, a stamp must be affixed in respect of every week for which a contribution is payable by the employer. When the contributor receives no wages or other money payments from his employer, the latter must affix a stamp on the first day of employment in each week. The card when stamped will be returned to the contributor, but if he is in continuous employment the card may, with the consent of the contri- butor, be retained by the employer, wlao will be responsible for its safe custody. It must be returned to the contributor, subject to 48 hours' notice, on demand by him, and in any case at the end of the period for which it is issued, and on his leaving his employment. If the card should be lost or destroyed the contributor should imme- diatelv apply to his Society for the issue to him of a new card. If at any time the contributor, while not in possession of a card, requires one for immodiato delivery to his cmployor, ho may obtain one at any Post Office on making an apjjlication on a foi-ni to ])e obtained there, and on production of this book. If the contributor without reasonable cause fails to ])roduco his card to hi:< einplovcr at tlie ])roppr times, the contributor is liable to a fine not exceeding Tkn Pounds. If for any reason the contributor fails to produce n card the employcM- will use a special Kmorgency Card for him which, when staMijx'd, lie will hand to the contributor. The contributor must, within 14 days aft<>r the expirniion of the card, sign and deliver up to his Society the contriliulion card and any emergency cards used for him in the jicriod. A card for the next period will then be issued to him if one has not already been isstied. Any contributor who siirrenders a card on which contributions have been paid by his eni[)loyer at tlie rate of Gd. or 4d., must make a declaration on a form to be ol)tained from his Society, in rcsjx'ct of every such contribu- tion, stating the names and addresses of his employers. The stamped card or cards are the only evidence of the jiayment of contribtitions for the period, and no allowance will be made for any stamps nn nnv card unices and until the card or cards have been delivered up. Collerlion of Contributions (Scotland) Regs. 197 A contributor must deliver up his card to his Society before it expires and obtain a new one if — (1) it has been defaced ; (2) he ceases to l)e a member of the Society ; (3) he transfers to another Society or branch ; (4) he clianges liis place of residence to Wales, Englanrl, or Ireland; (5) he b:comes a voluntary contributor. A contributor may, if he chooses, on changing his employment, deliver up his contribution card and ol)tain a new card from his Society. Upon making any claim for benefit the contributor must, if required, produce his card to his Society. • Any person having in his possession the card or book of an insured person must produce it at any reasonable time when required by an Inspector or other officer appointed under the Act, or duly aiithorised to act in the execution of the Act. In the event of the death of the contributor this book, together with the contribution card and any emergency cards issued in respect of him, must be returned to the Society. RATES OF CONTRIBUTION. The joint contribution payable by the contributor and his employer is in ordinary cases in Great Britain 7d. a week. In the event of the contri- butor being employed in Ireland, contributions in respect of him are payable at the Irish rate. Where the rate of the remuneration earned by a contril)utor who is 21 or upwards is less than 2s. a working day and the remuneration does not include board and lodging, the joint contrilmtion is 6d. a week, and Id. a week is added by the State. Remuneration includes everything to which the contributor is entitled in return for his services ; thus the remuneration of a domestic servant includes in most cases board and lodging in addition to money wages. In certain circumstances it is necessary to fix the monej- value of the remuneration where it includes or consists of other things than money payments before the rate of contribution can be determined. When the contributor receives wages or other money payments from fiis employer, the employer can only recover the contributor's contribution by deducting a corresponding amount from his wages, and he can only deduct from wages the contributions due for the period for which the wages are paid. When the contributor receives wages or other money payments but from some person other than his employer, the employer can recover the contri- butor's contribiitions by process of law, if the contributor refuses to repay such contributions. Notwithstanding any contract to the contrary, the employer is not entitled to deduct from the wages of or otherwise to recover from the contributor the employer's contributions. Contributions cease to be payable in respect of the contributor when he reaches the age of 70. The table on page 1 of this book shows the various rates of contribu- tion, and how the joint weekly contribution in each case is divided between the contributor and his employer where the contributor receives wages or other money payments. Wlien the contributor receives no wages or other money payments either from his employer or from any other person, the whole of the contribution is payable by the employer, and he is not entitled to recover any part of it from the contributor. A contributor who is out of employment, or whose employer is not liable to pay the contribution in any week may. if he chooses, himself pay the contributions by affixing the proper stamps to his card as the contribu- tions become due. Any person who affixes a stamp to a card is required immediately after nffixiiie it to cancel the stnni]i by writing the date in ink across the face of the stamp. 378'.) M 198 NATIONAL INSURANCE. ARREAR S— ( EMPLOYED CONTRIBUTORS ONLY). The coutributor may, if he so desires, pay arrears of contributions, obtaining for the purpose an Arrears Card from his Society. After a stamp has been affixed to an Arrears Card it must be cancelled imme- diate'y and the card forwarded to his Society. The date of the receipt of the card by the Society will be treated as the date of payment of the arrears. Upon the production of this book to the Society, the date and amount of the payment will be entered. An approved Society is empowered by the Act to excuse part of the arrears of a contributor (not exceeding the part which would have been payable by his employer if he had continued in his last employment), but the exercise of this power can affect the rate of benefit only, and arrears which accrue during the first year are disregarded in determining the effect of arrears on the rate of benefit. For the purpose of establishing title to benefits, excused arrears cannot be regarded as contributions paid. For that purpose actual payment at the full rate must be made of the required number of weekly contributions, namely. 26 for sickness and maternity benefits and 104 for disablement benefit. {Sec Note on p. 3.) Notwithstanding that a Society may have excused part of the arrears, the contributor is still entitled to pay the full amount of the arrears, including the excused part, in order to establish his title to benefits at the earliest possible date. OFFENCES. Any person who fraudulently removes a stamp from a card or makes use of a stamp removed from a card is guilty of felony. If the contributor for the purpose of obtaining any benefit knowingly makes any false statement, he is liable on summary conviction to imprison- ment for a term not exceeding three months with or without hard labour. If the contributor is guilty of any other contravention of, or non-com- pliance with, any of the requirements of the health provisions of the National Insurance Act, 1911, or the Regulations made thereunder, he is for each offence liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding Ten Pounds. If it is found at any time that a person has received any benefit to which he was not lawfully entitled, he or, in the case of his death, his personal representatives, will be liable to repay to the Insurance Com- missioners the value of such benefits. If any employer has failed to pay any contributions which he is lial)Ie to pay in respect of an employed contributor, he is for each offence liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding Tkn Poinds, and to pay a sum eq\ial to the amount of the contributions which he has failed to pay. Further, the contributor may take proceedings against his employer, in which case the employer may be com|)elled to make good any loss of benefits which the contributor has suffered. Collpotion of Contribiitions (Scotland) Refjs, 199 FOR USE OF LABOUR EXCHANGE. RECORD OF UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT. (Person in an insured trade.) Unemployment Benefit began. Initials. Unemployment Benefit ended. ' Initials. 1 • Third Schedule. FORMS. Form No, 1. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. EMPLOYED CONTRIBUTORS ONLY. Application by an EMPLOYED CONTRIBUTOR for a Contribution Card. Name of Applica nt Address I hereby declare that I am not a member of an approved society for the purposes of National Health Insurance ; and that I have not received a Contribution Card for the purposes of National Health Insurance ; and that I am liable to compulsory Insurance.* And I hereby apply for the issue to me of a Contribution Card. For use of Postmaster. This space to be dated with Post Office date-stamp when the card is issued. Signature nf Aj^pVicmit. Date. .liH, * IfQTE. — The .applicant must be 16 and nnder 70 years of age at date of entry into Insurance and must be employed by an employer — (1) in manual labour ; or (2) otherwise than in manual labour at a rate of remuneration not exceeding £160 a vear. 8789 M 2 200 XATIOXAL INSURANCE. Form No. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Strike out the lines not applicable. Application to an APPROVED SOCIETY for the issue of a new .contribution card to replace a card previously issued. I (insert name) (Contributor's No ) of (in xert afhJrexs) berebv declare that — I (ti.) The contribution card issued to me for the current quarter has been lost (or destroyed) (or damaged) (or defaced). (b.) I have ceased to be a voluntary contributor, ami am or am about to become an employed contributor. -^ (r.) I have changed my employer. (d.) I have surrendered mv card to (i/isrri unme of Socirtij or Ponf ()ffi<-^) • (p.) I have changed my place of residence from I to the above address. and I hereby apply for the issue to me of a new card. N/f/ nafrirp nf npplirnnf Date 191 XoTF.— When ninkinff this application, the applicant must surrrnder the old card if it is still in his possession. Form No. 3. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. EMPLOYED CONTRIBUTOR. [This form may be used by a Voluntary Contributor who is not a member of an approved Society, but the Postmaster must in this case send the application to the proper Insurance Committee without issuing a card.] Application for the issue of a new Contribution Cird to replace a card previously issued. L (i use rt 71(1 me) of ( innerl (kUIiphs) luTclty declare that - f (1) I am an Employed Contributor ; (2) I have ceased to be a voluntary contributor, and am or am I about to become an employed contributor ; J, ., (^) I have surrendered to my Society the contribution card pre- ' I I viously issued to me, and am unable to obtain a now card , from my Sr)cioty before the next contribution in respect of words 111 .. I me hucomes payable ; .^ (4) the c()ntril)Ution (;ard issued to me for the current (juarter has been loxt, dentroyed^ ) The Insurance Book issued to me has been destroyed, applicalile. ) and I hereliy apjiiy for the issue of a new Insurance Book. Sl'jnalure of applicant Date 11)1. CoUectiou of Contiibutious (Scotland) Regs. 203 Form No. 7. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. SCOTLAND. Declaration to be made by an employed contributor, being a person of ths age of 21 years or upwards, whose remuneration does not include the provision of board and lodging by the employer, upon surrendering his card in respect of every contribution paid on that card at any of the following rates : — In case of Men, Qd., or, when the employer is liable to pay wages during sickness, id., and Incaseof Women, 5rf., „ „ „ „ 3J(Z. I hereby declare that the employers named below have paid contributions in respect of me at one of the above rates for the weeks set against their names, and that my rate of remuneration for those weeks did not exceed 2s. a working day except where otherwise stated. Signature Address Date. .191. Week commencing. Employer's If the rate of remuneration in any week exceeded 2s. a working day, insert " over 2s." in this column against the week. Name. Address. \ • Name of Society Insurance Committee . Contributor's No 204 NATIONAL INSURANCE. D. Ireland. The JSational Health Insurance (Collection of ('on- TKiBUTiONs) Regulations, 1912. Dated June 12, 1912.* [These Regulatious beiug '* Provisional " within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this volume.] (vii.) Collection of Contributions (Exempt Persons). A. England. The National Health Insurance (Collec tion of Contributions (Exempt Persons)) Regulations (England), 1912. Dated June 7, 1912. B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions (Exempt Persons)) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated June 24, 1912. [These Reg'uhitions being '* Provisional " within Section 2 of tlie Rules Publication Xvi, 1893, and not " Statutory,'' are not printed in this volume.] C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Collection of Contribu- tions Exempt Persons) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, dated July 12, 1912, made by the National Health Insurance Joint Committee and the Scotilsh Insurance Commissioners, actin(; jointly, under the National In- surance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to the Payment AND Collection of C()ntj{ibutions in respect of Persons EXK.Mrr Ol- KXCLl])E]J FROM INSURANCE. 1912. No. ^ . 8. 30 Tilt- J unit Cuniniittcc of Ihc several bodies of Insuiance Com- misioners appointed for Hie pnijjoses of Part 1. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, acting jointly with tlie Scottish Insurance Commissioners constituted under that Act, in i)ursua!ice of tlie powers confcncd on tlicm by sections 7 and 05 of that Act, as applied to Scotland by section 80, and by the National Insurance (Joint Comtniftce) Regulations, 1912, t hereby make the following l^'gulat iojis : - I. These Regnhiiions ni;i\ he cii.-d ;is the Nalional llculth Insniancr (Collection oi ( 'oiil ill. iil ions i'lNcinpl JN>rsons) IJcoul.,. tions (Srotlaiid), 1912. 2.-— (1.) In these Hrglihilioiis unless I he conteNl olheiwise re(|uir('K : -• "The Act" iiieaiiN l';irl I. of | he Nalioiuil Insurance Act. 1911. ThpHo RoKiil.'iti.M.s ;,iv now siiiMTKclerl I.y "Statutory" Reffulations laiMiarv 2.'), IIM.'., pul.liHlicfl as St. H. i^- O., 1013 No. 77. t IViiitcl at Ti. 21, al)ovo. dated CuUectiuu of Contributions (Exempt Persons) 205 (Scotland) Regs. a r\ The Commissioners " means the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of the Act, or the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, or both these bodies acting jointly as the case may require. " Exempt person " means a person in respect of whom an employer is liable to pay contributions by virtue of sub- section 4 of Section 4 of the Act. "Exemption card'' means a card issued by the Commis- sioners in accordance with these Regulations for the purpose of recording the number of contributions paid during the period of currency of the card in respect of an exempt person. " Exemption book " means a book issued by the Commis- sioners under these Regulations for the purpose of record- ing the payment of contributions in respect of an exempt person. '■ Stamp" means a stamp issued under and for the purposes of the Act, " Week" means the period from midnight on one Sunday to " midnight on the following Sunday. " Period of currency ' means in relation to any card or book, the period during which under these Regulations the card or book is available for the purpose of recording the pay- ment of contributions. " Postmaster" means any postmaster or sub-postmaster, (2.) The Interpretation Act, 1889,* applies to the interpretation of these Regulations as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. 3. — (1.) The employer shall pay the contribution payable in respect of an exempt person by affixing a stamp in the appropriate place upon a proper exemption card, and shall thereupon, or as soon as may be thereafter, record the payment in the exemption book issued to that person by making the necessary entry in that book. (2.) Exemption cards shall be supplied by any postmaster to any employer upon his application. (3.) Every employer to whom an exemption card has been issued shall be responsible for the custody of the card during the period of its currency and shall forward it to the Commissioners within fourteen days after the expiration of that period. (4.) No exemption card shall be deemed to be a proper exemp- tion card for the purpose of the payment of contributions unless it is a card current at the time and unless the employer has inscribed upon it the name of the exempt person in respect of whom the contribution is payable, and the number of the exemp- tion certificate issued to that person, (5.) The provisions of the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Regulations, 1912, t relating to the stamping of cards (including the provisions as to cancellation of stamps) * 53-3 V. c. 63. -LPrinted at p. IGl, above. 206 NATIONAL INSURANCE. shall apply to exemption cards as if they were cards withiu the meauing of those Regulations. 4. — (1.) An exempt person may apply to the Commissioners in such form as they may direct for the issue to him of an exemption book, and the Commissioners may issue to him an exemption book accordingly. (2.) No exemption book shall be valid until the person to whom it was issued has inscribed his signature in the place provided in the book. (3.) A person to whom an exemption book has been issued shall surrender the book to the Commissioners, or to such person as the Commissioners may direct, within fourteen daj^s after the expira- tion of the period of currency of the book or the date of his ceasing to be an exempt person, whichever first happens. (4.) The provisions of the National Health Insurance (Collec- tion of Contributions) Regulations, 1912, relating to the pro- duction of cards to the employer shall apply to exemption books as if they were cards within the meauing of those Regulations. 5. — (1.) All exemption cards and books for the purpose of these Regulations shall be issued without charge by the Commissioners and when issued shall remain the property of the Commissioners, and shall be in the forms set out in the Schedules to these Regula- tions, or in such forms to the like effect as may from time to time be approved b}- the Commissioners. (2.) All directions and instructions appearing upon the forms set out in the Schedules to these Regulations shall be deemed to be incorporated in these Regulations. 6. Except as otherwise expressly provided in these Regulations, the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Regu- lations, 1912, shall apply to all exempt persons as if they were employed contributors. 7. When by these Regulations anything is required to be done by any postmaster the Regulations shall have effect only in so far as His Majesty's Postmaster-General may concur therein. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this twelfth day of July, in the year one thousand nine liundred and Iwelve. (ls.) 11'. y. Braithwaite. Given under the seal of office ot Ihe aforesaid Insurance Com- missioners tiiis eleveiitli day of July, in the year one thousand uiue hundred and twelve. (l.s.) J oil II Jeffrey. I concur. Herbert Snnivel, H.M. Postmaster-General. Collectiou of Conhilmtious (Exempt Pertsous) 207 (Scutluud) Regs. SCHEDULE I. EXEMPT PERSON. SCOTLAND. To 13th October 1912. X NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Contribution Card (Exemption). FOR EMPLOYERS ONLY. This Card must in no case be handed by the Employer to the Employed Person. This Card is the property of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners ; during its currency it is entru-;ted to the Employer, who must return it duly stamped to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, Edinburgh, immediately upon its expiry, but in no case later than 26th OCTOBER 1912. A supply of these Cards can be obtained at any Post Office. This card is issued for the Coileetiun of the Employer's Contributions in respect of a person : — (1) who has been granted a Certificate of Exemption from compulsory Insurance ; or (2) who was under the age of (io on the loth July 1912, and, not having previously been an insured person, has become employed after attaining the age of 65. The Employer is liable to pay the like contribution as would have been payable as Employer's Contribution if such person had been an employed Contributor. Every person to whom a Certificate of Exemption has been granted has been furnished with an Exemption Book which must be signed by the Employer when a Contribution is paid. The Exemption Book must be producetl to the Employer at any time on demand, and must be delivered to him when he requires it for the purpose of recording payment of contributions. Where the holder of the book is in continuous employment the book may be left in the hands of the Employer, who will be responsible for its safe custody. A person who was under the age of 65 July. 11.12. 29 July. 1912. guilty of felony. , \ 3rd Week commencing Monday, 4th Week commencing Monday, 5 Aug., 1912. 5 th Week commencing Monday, 12 Aug., 1912. 6th 7 th Week Week commencing commencing Monday, Monday, 19 Aug., 1912.! 26 Aug., 1912. 8th Week commencing Monday, 9 Sept., 1912. 9th Week cuiiimoiicing .Monday, 9 Sept., 1912. 10th Week commencing Monday, 16 Sept., 1912. 11th Week commencing Monday, 23 Sept., 1912. 12th . Week corameDcing Monday, 30 Sept., 1912. 13 th Week commencing Monday, 7 Oct, 1912. tSi(/naturc nj Etn[ihiijer J ami Address INSTRUCTIONS. (1) Si;i'lMA OF STAMPS. National Health Insurance StiUiips arc on sali' at all Post < >lli(t>. Stamps other than National Health Insurance Stamps found aflSxed to this Card will not be accepted in payment of Contributions. (2) TIME OF AFFIXING STAMPS. A wi;ekly contribution is payable l)y tlie Fniployei- for each week (coiu- nienciiig .Monday) during the whole or any part of which the enij)l()ye(l person has J)een eniployt'd, but only one contribiitioti is payable for each week, and no auit ribution is payable by the Kniployer in respect of any week during which the ein|)loyed j)erson rendtis no service and receives no remuneration. The Employer niUHt, before any payment of wages, affix in the proper space a single National Health Insurance Stamp of the value of the Collection of Contributions (Exempt Persona) 209 (Scotland) Eeg'S. Employer's contribution for each week (commencing Monday) for the whole or any part of which the wages are payable, and in respect of which a contribution has not already been paid as shown by the Exemption Book, but all contributions payable in respectof the period to 13th October 1912, must be paid and Stamps affixed by that date whether the wages for the period have been paid or not. Upon the termination of an employment, a stamp must be affixed in respect of each week for which a Contribution is payable by the Employer. When no wages are payable by the Employer, he must affix a Stamp on the first day of employment in each week. (3) RATES OF EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION. The normal Rate of the Employer's Contribution in (Jreat Britain is 3d. a week, but in certain cases other Rates apply as follows: — In respect of Employed Persons of 21 years or upwards whose Remuneration does NO V include MEN. WOMEN. Board and Lodging and the rate of whose Remuneration (a) exceeds 2/- but does not exceed 2/6 a working day. 4d. 3d. (b) exceeds 1/G but does not exceed 2/- a working day. 5d. 4d. (c) does not exceed 1/G a working day. 6d. 5d. For rates of Contribution where the Employer is liable to pay Wages during Sickness see Pamphlet A, to be obtained at any Post Office. (4) EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION NOT RECOVERABLE. The Employer is not entitled to deduct from the Wages of or otherwise to recover from the Employed Person any part of the Contribution paid. (5) DEFACING CARD. Except as herein provided, no mark of any kind may be made on this Card, nor may anything be affixed to it. If a Card is accidentally damaged or defaced it should be surrendered and a new one obtained. (6) ASSIGNATION OR TRANSFER. No person may assign or charge, or agree to assign or charge any Card, and any sale, transfer or assignation of, or charge on any Card is void and of no effect. (7) PRODUCTION OF CARD TO INSPECTOR. Any person having this Card in his possession must produce it at any reasonable time when required by an Inspector or other authorised person. (8) NOTICE OF DEATH OF EXEMPT PERSON. If the Employer receives information as to the death of the Per.son to whom this Card refers, he is requested to notify the Commissioners when returning the Card. (9) LOST CARD. Any person finding- this Card should drop it into a Post OflRce Letter Box. If any Employer is guilty of any Contravention of or non-compliance with any of the requirements of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, or the Regulations made thereunder, he is, for each Offence, liable on summary Conviction, to a fine not exceeding- TEN POUNDS. 210 NATIf S.\l INSURANCE. SCHEDLTLE. 2 SCOTLAND. NOT TRANSFERABLE. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911. EXEMPTION BOOK. This Book must be produced by the holder to his (her) Employer when he (she) first receives it, and whenever he (she) enters on a new employment. The Employer to whom this Book is produced must obtain an Exemption Card from the Post Office for the purpose of paying the contributions due by him. OWNERSHIP AND CUSTODY OF BOOK. This Book is the property of the Scotti.sh Insurance Comnii.ssioners : during its currency it is entrusted to the person named within. It must be produced to the employer at any time on demand and must be delivered to him whenever he requires it for the jiurpo.se of recording payment of contributions. It will be returned duly signed, but where the holder is in continuous employment the book may be left in the bands of the employer, who will be responsible for its safe custody. It mu.st be returned to the employed person upon its expiry, on the termination of the employnient or at any time within IS hours of its demand. Any person having Ibis Hook in bis or her po.sse.ssion must produce it at any rea.sonable time when required by nny Inspector or other authori.sed person. LOST BOOK. Any person finding" this Book, unless he can at once return it to the person named within, should drop it into a Post Ofiicc Letter Box. NOTE. — In acfordanco with Scrtion t (4) of the .Act and the Regulations made thereunder, the Kiujiloyer's Contiihut ions may be a]iplied for the benefit of any jiersoiiH in respect of whom r-ontriljut ions bavi> ht-eii .so paid in the event of such persons siibse(|ueiit ly hccnmiii'^ cniployed contrihutors. Collection of Contributions (Exempt Peraons) 211 (Scotland) Regs. COPY OF EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE. No. S This is to certify that. residing at is exempted from liability to become or to continue to be insured under Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, until Signed. Bated.. Any person employing the person to whom this Book is issued during the period ending must stamp an Exemption Card with Stamps representing the Employer's Contribution only, and mu.st give a Certificate in the form appended for each week or part of a week of employment, unless a previous Employer has certified that a contribution for that week has already been paid. This Book is only valid when the person in respect of whom it is issued has signed his (or her) name below. Sir/nntyrr or Marh of Holder. Wifne.'i. in I'cspoct of (\'icli woek. 'J"ho signature of an eni])loyer against any week may be taken by subsequent employers in thnt W(>ok as pvidenco of the |)nyriiont of the Contribution for that wook. 3789 214 NATIONAL INSURANCE. We, the undersigned, have set our signatures against the weeks for nhich contributions were payable by us in respect ot the person named in the Certificate on page 2 of this Book, and certify that we have affixed or will at the proper time afhx Stamps of the value of the Employers Con- tribution in the proper spaces to a Contribution Card bearing his (her) name. Thirteen Weeks ending 13th April 1913. Week commencing Monday 1913. 13th January 20th January 27th January 3rd February Employer (Firm, &c.). Address. 10 th February 17th February 24th February 3rd March 10th March ... 17 til March 24th March 31st March 7 til Ajiril NoTK. — Only one C()ntril)Uti()n is j)ayablo in r-jspint of each week. The signature of an »'nij)loyer against any week may lie taken l)y snbsec|iient «'Mi|)l<)y«'rs in that week as i'vidfucc of the iiaynu-nt of the (lontrihiitinn for that week. Collection of Contributions (Exempt Persons) (Scotland) Regs. 21.5 We, the undersigned, have set our signatures against the weeks for wliich contributions were payable by us in respect of the person named in the Certificate on page 2 of this Book, and certify that we have affixed or will at the proper time affix Stamps of the value of the Employer's Con- tribution in the proper spaces to a Contribution Card bearing his (her) name. Thirteen Weeks ending ISth July 1913. Week commencing Monday 1913. 14th April ... Employer (Firm, &c.). Addres;- 21st April .. 28th April 5th May 12th May 19th May 26th May 2nd June 9th June 16th June 23rd June 30th June 7th July Note. — Only one Contribution is payable in respect of each week. The signature of an employer against any week may be taken b}' subsequent employers in that week as evidence of the payment of the Contribution for that week. 3789 N 2 216 NATIONAL INSURANCE. APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF A NEW CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION. DECLARATION. I, of ^ claim a renewal of the Certificate of Exemption (Number S ) issued by the Insurance Commissioners * to me on the , and hereby declare that the said Certificate was granted to me on the grounds that I was and that I am still entitled to exemption for the same cause. Signature or Mark of Holder Witness to th e Mark (Only required if the Signature is by Mark.) Address Bate 191. * Scotland, England, Ireland, or Wales. SURRENDER OF BOOK. ON BECOMING AN INSURED PERSON. If tlie person to whom this book is issued becomes an insured person, he (she) must surrender this book to his (her) Society or to the Post OflBce when taking up his (her) Contribution Card. ON CEASING TO BE ENTITLED TO EXEMPTION. If the person to whom this book is issued ceases to be entitled to exemp- tion and does not become an insured person he (she) must return it to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, Edinburgh, within 14 days. ON EXPIRY OP BOOK, This book must be sent to the Scottish Insurance Commi.ssioners, Edin- burgh, within 14 days of expiry. RENEWAL OF EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE. Jf the per.son lo whom tliis book is issued desires to obtain a renewal of the Certificate of Exemption he (.slie) .should, not more than one month before its expiry, apply to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, Kdiii- burgh, on the Form of claim attached. If a renewal of the Certificate is granted, a iit-w book will be issued to liim (her) in exchange for the expired book. If the person in respect of whom this Hook is issued clianges his (lier) address during llie currency of tiie book, tlie new address should bi- cntiMcd on page 'J in the space jjrovided. Kxcept as heiciii jtrovided, no maik of any kind may be made in this Book, nor may anything ln« affixed to it i)y the Employer or any other |)erson. If the Hook is accidentally so damaged or defaced as lo become useless for the fjiirpose for which it was i.ssued, it should be returned to the Sfottish Insuranrc Coniinissioners. IOdinbur<:;h. In the event of Death, this Book niust be lelunicil to Ihe Scottish Insurance Conimissioners. Edinburgh. If any person is guilty of any contravention of or non-compliance with any of the requirements of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, or the Reg-ulations made thereunder, he is for each oll'ence liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding TEN POUNDS. Collection of Contributions (Mercantile 217 Marine) (Scotland) Regs. D. Ireland. Thk National Health Insurance (Collection of Contrhu- TioNs (Exempt Persons)) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated July 9, 1912. The National Health Insurance (Collection or Contribu- tions (Exempt Persons) (Irish Migratory L.^jbourers)) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated -July 10, 1912. [These Rooulatious being- " Provisional " within tSection 2 of lljc Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not *' Statutory," are not printed in this volume.] (viii.) Collection of Contributions (Mercantile Marine). A. Eng-land. The National Health Insurance (Mercantile Marine) (Col- lection or Contributions) Regulations (England), 1912. Dated July 10, 1912. B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Mercantile Marine) (Col- lection of Contributions) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated July 12, 1912. [These Regulations being '' Provisional " within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this volume.] C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Mercantile Marine) (Col- lection of Contributions) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, DATED July 12, 1912, made jjy the National Health Insur- ance Joint Committee and the Scottish Insurance Com- missioners, acting .jointly, under the National Insur- ance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to the Payment and Collection of Contributions payable by and in respect of masters, seamen, and apprentices in the sea service AND the sea-fishing SERVICE. 966 19]2. No.g-. The Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, acting jointly with the Scottish Insurance Commis- sioners constituted under that Act, in pursuance of the powerf* conferred on them by the National Insurance Act, 1911. and by the National Insurance (Join\ Conniiittee) Regulations, 1912.* hereby make the following Regulations : — Part I. General. 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Mercantile Marine) (Collection of Contributions) Regulations (Scotland), 1912. * Printed at p. 21, above. 218 NATIONAL INSURANCE. 2. — (1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires or admits: — The expression " the Act " means the National Insurance Act, 1911: The expression " foreign-going' ship " includes a ship engaged in regular trade on foreign stations : The expression " the Commissioners " means the Scottish Insurance Commissioners : The expression " employed person '' means a master, seaman, or apprentice to the sea service or sea-fishing service, being a person employed within the meaning of Part I. of the Act : The expression " quarter " means the period of currency of a card issued to an employed contributor under the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Regulations (Scotland), 1912.* The expression "Superintendent" shall have the same mean- ing as that expression has in the Merchant Shipping Acts, 1894 to 1907. (2) The Interpretation Act, 1889, t applies to tlie interpretation of these Regulations as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. 3. — (1) The provisions of the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions (Exempt Persons), Regulations (Scotland), 1912, J sliall so far as tlu>y relate to llie issue, pro- duction, and delivery of exemption books apply to persons employed in home trade and foreign-going ships being exempt persons within the meaning of those Regulations or other persons in respect of whom an employer is liable to pay contributions by virtue of Section 4 (4) of the Act, but except as aforesaid shall not apply to any such persons. (2) An employer liable to pay contributions by virtue of Section 48 (3) of the Act or by virtue of Section 4 (4) of the Act in respect of any persons, shall as soon as may be after the termination of every quarter, during the whole or any part of which those persons have been einployed by him in a home trade or foreign-going ship, furnish to the Commissioners a return correct in all particulars in the form set out in the First Schedule hereto or in sucli form substantially to the like effect as may from time to time be approved by the (.'omraissioners, showing the number of persons emi)loyed by him in liome trade ships during the (juarter, and in foreign-going ships as res])ectvs every voyage c(tm])l(4('(I during that quarter, tlie contributions due in res])ect of sucli persons, and the names of the pers(jns in respect of whom contributions are ])ayable under tlie provisions of Section 4 (4) of the Act, and shall at the same time pay to tlie Commissioners the amoun! dne in respect of tlic persons so emplciyed by him as aforesaid, and 1lierei]])on in the case of any of tliose persons liaving exenipiion liooks record the [fiiyment in tlieir exemjition books. 4. — (1) An employer shall within the ])ro])er time as defined by ill is Regulation remit to the Commissioners all contributions which become payable in respect of jiersons employed in honi(> tiadf and ff)reign-going nhips, and as soon as may be after so • Printed at ]>. 101, above, f 52-3 V. i;. r.3. + Printed at p. 204, above. Collection of Contributions (Mercantile 21 y Marine) (Scotland) Regs. doing- shall furnish to the Commissioners a return in the form set out in the Second Schedule to these Regulations, or in such form substantially to the like effect as may from time to time be approved by the Commissioners. (2) For the purpose of this Regulation, the proper time is any time before the expiration of such period not exceeding six months from the date of these Regulations as is necessary to enable the employer to make arrangements for the transmission of cards and stamps to the places outside the United Kingdom where they may be needed and are not obtainable. 5. The master of every ship on entering in the account of wages directed by the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894.* to be deli- vered to a seaman by the master of a ship before the seaman is paid off or discharged the deductions in respect of contributions payable by the seaman under Part I. of the Act, shall add a statement of the number of weekly contributions paid by the seaman, and a person who, having been employed in a foreign- going ship in any calendar year, claims that he has paid his full number of contributions for that year, shall, if required, produce to his employer any account of wages which may have been delivered to him during that year, and a certificate of a Mercan- tile Marine Officer showing the number of weekly contributions recorded in his insurance book as having been paid by him in respect of employment in a foreign-going ship and other employ- ments during that year. 6. It shall be the duty of the master of every ship to comply with all orders or directions given to him by the owner of the ship with a view to carrying into effect the provisions of Part I. of the Act or of these Regulations. Part II. Persons Employed in Home Trade Ships. 7. Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Regulations (Scot- land), 1912, shall apply to a person employed in a home trade ship with the following modifications : — (a) Where such a person is unable on account of absence at sea to perform an act required by those Regulations tc be done either forthwith on the happening of a certain event or within a specified time, he shall be deemed to have complied with those Regulations if he performs the act as soon as is reasonably possible after the happening of the event or the expiration of the specified time. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of those Regulations an employer shall not be required while the ship in which any such person is employed is at sea or at a port outside the United Kingdom to return cards in his possession to that person or to affix stamps to the card of that person in respect of contributions payable under Part I. of the Act unless a money payment in * 57-8 V.c. 60. 220 NATIONAL INSURANCE. respect of the period tor which the contributiou is pay- able is made or the employmeiit terminates during that time. Part III. Persons Employed in Foreign- going Ships. S.—{i.) In this Part of these Regulations " card " means a card issued in accordance with this Part of these Regulations tor the purpose of having stamps affixed to it in payment of contributions under the Act. (2.) Subject as aforesaid and except where otherwise required by the context, expressions in this Part of these Regulations have the same meaning as in the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Regulations (Scotland), 1912. 9. Every contribution payable by or in respect of a person em- ployed in a foreign-going ship shall, subject to the provisions of tliese Regulations, be paid by means of affixing a stamp to the card of the contributor in the space indicated for that purpose upon the card. 10. The employer shall before the commencement of every voyage of a foreign-going ship apply to the Commissioners or to a Superintendent for cards to be supplied to him in respect of every person who may be employed in his ship before the termination of the voyage. 11. — (1) The cards to be issued to the employer shall be in the Form set out in the Third Schedule to these Regulations or in sucli form substantially to the like effect as may from time to time be approved by the Commissioners and shall be supplied to him without charge. (2.) All directions and instructions appearing u])ou the cards supplied in accordance with this Regulation shall be deemed to be incorporated in these Regulations. 12.- — (1.) An employer shall affix stamps to a card in respect of evi'i-y j)ers()ii employed in a foreign-going ship — - (a) in any case in which a money payment is io be made to a ])erson employ^^d, before making the ]);iymoiit in respect of the period for which the contribiition is payable, or if that payment is not made within two clear days after the termination of the voyage, then before the expira- tion of two clear days after the termination of the voyage ; and (h) in ;in,\ case w licic nn iii()nt'\ |)a\ nicnt i> \n br made. l)ef()re the terminal ion of the voyage or beloic the terminal ion of the agreement whicJiever first ha])pens. (2.) Before affixing the stami)s the employer shall inscribe on the Ciird in the spaces provided for tliat piirpose the name, address, and rating of the person in respect of whom the cnntribniions iire payable, the name and official number of the sin'p and the pciiod for which during thr voyage ot Ihe a]ii]i that ])(>7son has been employed l)y him. {'i.) The eiupIoy<'i- shall inuncdiatcly at'ici- aMiNing slamps to a card insert m thr ^jkm !• provided for that purpose Hie number of conliibutions paid V)y the (Muploycr and such person respec- tively, and shall cancel the stamps by w riling in ink or stamping Willi a metallie die Willi Mark iiidclililc ink oc cum j)osit ion across Cullection. of Contributions (Mercantile 221 Marine) (Scotland) Rags. the face of each stamp the date upon which it is affixed, but save us expressly provided in these Regulations and in the Regulations made under section 108 of the Act no writing or other mark shall be made at any time upon the card or stamps until after the surrender of the card to the approved society or postmaster. 13. The Commissioners may, if they think fit, approve any arrangement whereby stamps are affixed at times or contributions paid in a manner other than that prescribed in this Part of these Regulations so, however, that no such arrangement shall authorise the payment of any contribution at a date later than that upon which the wages for the period in respect of which the contribution is payable are paid. 14. — (1.) The employer shall deliver the card duly stamped in accordance with this Part of these Regulations to the person whose name appears thereon in any case in which a money payment is to be made to that person on the termination of the voyage, at the time when the final money payment in respect of that voyage is made, or if that payment is not made within two clear days then before the expiration of two clear days after the termination of the voyage, or if no money payment is to be made then on the termination of the voyage : Provided that the employer, if for any reason he is unable to deliver the card to that person, shall deliver it as soon as may be to a superintendent or consular officer, and in the case of a person left at a foreign port on the ground of his unfitness or inability to proceed on the voyage, shall deliver it, together with the balance of wages (if any) due to that person, to the consular officer. (2.) Every person to whom a card is so delivered shall within seven days after the receipt of his card surrender it to the approved society of which he is a member, or in the case of a deposit con- tributor to a postmaster if such deposit contributor is in the United Kingdom when the card is delivered to him, and if elsewhere to the Insurance Commissioners. 15. Paragraphs 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 (1), (2) and (4) of the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Regu- lations (Scotland), 1912, shall apply to a person employed in a foreign-going ship as if those Regulations extended to that person with this modification that where such a person is unable on account of absence at sea to perform an act required by those Regulations to be done either forthwith on the happening of a certain event or within a specified time he shall be deemed to have complied with those Regulations if he performs the act as soon as is reasonably possible after the happening of the event or the expiration of the specified time. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this twelfth day of -luly, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W . J. Braithwaite. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Insurance Commissioners this eleventh day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John Jeffrey. 222 NATIONAL INvSURANCE. CO fcn a C/J .:: n e^ a t—i o ffi 03 rn X is c O y p Ed &. -a1 PUi B O o O 1 rn o k- 1 ;-i O O W .2 P a a a ^ tM 2i, -S <1 .a n) bo « T3 05 .15 a ■a s 3 o u ^ JS -a a .s C o -^ «« tf °3 . Ipi ^ o c ? ^o =*< n O "J 1 2 o te dp ^Iflit ce =« o be ft t, g o n P >3 iM O— - . n^-^? P ?,'d 5 oH O -§& u • 0) °g 'S n Pi aj O ja ^ d 'jj !3 a a o "S Pi B ^ <3 S5 «>. «^ , fl^ U-TS o ' It 5pSl°g.g« a o o .o oja ill dig^":|gi 1 S >.c8 ■^ >. 3 a^s 0^\q . ^^ P Sc •- o «5rt ts.^S-;: Ci:S o 9>^ O a>*- — •^ n O. rt S a o o a p o Om lu Oi o P Ui a, *-^ ., o 111 o rt a » !<5 ^§1 '" " ^ H t! (- S * e8 » &• ft o o £ n O u Vj •t.j3 a P 1, 9) m ^ C3 ^_, o a^" B oiM a « 'A ^^ Collection of Contribiitious (Mercantile Marine) (Scotland) Regs. 223 t; ^ C/2 E a; r2 a O s J h— 1 1 ^ ^ H y <1 o -a o o a bo _a > a CO a rt o 03 EC cc s s o O) ft a 03 o oj o 2 - bo :^ o en bo ?;: > n w a a; 5 >, rjl O a 3 CS !" X r^ u •^ -a w o O-J +3 CD ^ s G 03 a 13 ^ ■<1 ■=> R T? a o a> CD C) C bo 73 'o "5, «2 _ rt a hr C 03 >'< r^ a 0) a « t-. S 2 o '^ « .2 CM bjo^i^ o; t/j H l-J -2 S CD 03 ft • « 3 'k^ H o -^ -^ ^ 03 _ 'O 03 1«!^ « CC lO O be m t— 1 B -^ o ' O rt bD-C CO -k^ bo o o o a ^ II a s bo c 3 3 bp ft > a: bo rt !>i O 1— 1 w o tf ii< ea JS <4-l o .^ "See's ES Urn 03 OO ■"o ,->— "^ 5 0=" S ^ ^, t; p >-• cj ^ .5 o a ao 60 beat::) .S.Sf o t; aj (U ° bB_ 5 ot3 B a ? P te 03 ?• a3 n 2 =« ^ CS 03 i- C ^a.o*- <30 on 60 [>,ja J4 _g ^ o n .2 c OJtQ ' a 03 03 I - ■ O _ 03 ^ O =*-" n ^ .^ 03 "^ f-^ -r ? ^3 ^^g.*^ "^ 03i3 o ■B oj-S-r". 03 S3 1 i-> (S ■ 03 ;a 03 rs n ■^ n 03 73 .a +3 tu .a o u< ^ H «3 a o 03 a o til ZJ Ph Ci^ ^.^ ^— & „ 3 '^ CD ^1^ 224 NATIONAL INSURANCE. 02 CO CO 2: a. D u W « Q H I cs o en j3 r3 o O X S s S-2 ^ 13 Oi J ^ o c O O »— ^-o S-'S s p. Collection of Contributions (Mercantile Marine) (Scotland) Regs. 225 rn _ ^ o o 1— 1 *-2 H rt ^ ?<; Ul a> CO J !^ o 1— 1 M w •+^ Oh rt O Ph fin ?^^ ^% O W 3.2 Q -11 SS s-i « a^ L-( «> (B 3 "S tf mtS .2^ P ^S tf 3 "S T, o ^ 1— t 3 05 E-l o i H 43 n rt ^^ O Cu o -^ <1 O 3 O IB H O £r^ r/? '2 PL. a d 1— ( K C/J -^ &0 o C»3 'oa ""^ ;?; ,^ n, 1— 1 P ^ 60 -u a ^1 ft, 1— 1 ^Tl &<'3 :aj ap. O 93 S ^^ W ^ ;^^ <4H E» w' o a — ( JS M't o 3 rt ^ b -^ re OS Ph- _Q &H Amount of Contribution. -^ «0 «fl No. of Contributions payable by 1 3 a 3 Period for which contri- butions are payable. o 1. a o Bate of Weekly Contribution. Rating. Homo Address. 1 Names of Persons emi)Ioyed. ! 1 1 Date of Discharge. ci S . e.ft io By. '2 « o a o ^3 ^ >»l! O 226 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Third Schedule. MASTERS, SEAMEN, and APPRENTICES serving in Foreign-going Ships, including Ships engaged in Regular Trade on Foreign Stations. CLASS A (M.) NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Contribution Card. OWNERSHIP AND CUSTODY OF CARD. This Card is the property of the Insurance Commissioners. It is available for the period of the Voyage, and after stamps have been affixed, the card will be handed to the Contributor. If he is discharged in the United Kingdom he must send it to his Society, or, if not a member of a Society, hand it in at any Post Office within seven days after the receipt of the Card. If he is discharged abroad he should send it by post to his Society, or if he is not a member of a Society, to the Insurance Commissioners, London, S.W., within seven days after its receipt. As the stamped Card is the only evidence of payment of Contributions, no allowance will be made for any stamps on this Card unless and until the Card has been received by the Society, Post OflBce or Insurance Commissioners. Any person having this Card in his possession must produce it at any reaHonable time when required by an Inspector or other authorised person. r.OST CARD. Any person finding this Card, unless he can at once return it to the Contributor, should foiward it to the Insurance Commissioners, London. S.W. Reserved for use of Society or Insurance Committee. No entry must to the Society or ContributorV ) No. ) ••• be made in E'oHt Office. this space until after the return of tlie ("iird Nninc of Society or (committee. Date of IJirth ) if l>.;forutioii is payable by the Employer for each week (commencing Monday) diiriiig the whole or any part of wliicli the Contributor has licen employed, l>ut only one Contribution is piiyal)le for each week. Every four weekly coiitributioiis paid by the Contributor in any calendar year, in respect ol service in the foreign trade, count as five contributions, and when the ( 'onlrilMilor has paid the lull nunilier of contributions payable by hini in any calendar year (four (^ontriliutions paid in respect of service in the foreign trade counting as five), only the Employer's Contributions are payable for any further weekH of employment of the Contributor in that year. (C) EMT'LOYER'S CONTRIIUJTTON NOT RECOVERABLE, NotwitliHtanding any contract to the contrary, the lOmployer is not entitled to cU)Ti- '• If. .Tulv. 1«47. ) Name of Sucietv or Committee. .181. Collection of Contributions (Mercantile Marine) (Scotland) Regs. 231 National Health Insurance Stamps to be afiBxed in the spaces below. No other Stamps may be used. Every Stamp must be cancelled at the time of affixing by writing the date across it in ink. Rating of the Contributor. f Surname of Contributor Christian Names. "j Home Address { Name a7ul Official ( No. of Ship. I 1 >^'-« : s o Period for which wages are payable. If the Con- - 03 tributor has a o ^ from 191... permanent 00 aa to 191... place of residence in ^M IRELAND, see Instruction No. of Contributions paid by the Kg. 5 hereon ^ i-A as to rate of o ^ s ■? Employer Contributor contribution. la& ' -.CO C3 ••— > 1^^ ^ ^ ^ ; J 3 ^ i = -±; ^ -— V "^-^ -.^ S" § Sd 1 1 i 'Z -^ n -3 OQ ■" X ^ n3 1 ., >5 t- ' :::? n ?J ~ " w5 -—1 03 ^ - OS ^ > ■ • o -4^ 1 " s ' - 05 ■-5 ^ '" "O >5 3 y — o •^ 1 .5 3 _H -c 1 •-■so ^1 1 If further H ;: c 5 =+^ 2 Stamp .^ £ >. - a. ^ i The Contributor must sign in the space below before returning the Card to her Society or, if she is not a Member of a Society, to the Post Office, or Insurance Commissioners. Signature or Marie of Contributor. Witness to the Mark (Only required if the Signature is by Mark.) ."7 Si) 2 232 XATIOXAL IXSUEANCE. 'JTiis 2>agf 'naif be torn off if the Card is sent by post from abroad INSTRUCTIONS. (1) STAMPS. Stamps other than National Health Insurance Stamps found aflBxed to this Card will not be accepted in payment of Contributions. (2) ISSUE AND DELIYERY OF CARD AND TIME OF AFFIXING STAMPS. Before wages are paid on discharge, or, if no Wages are so paid, before the termination of the voyage, the Employer must prepare a Card for every Contributor serving on the ship, and must affix in the space provided National Health Insurance Stamps of the value of the Contributions of the Employer and the Contributor in respect of the period for which contributions are payable, and must hand the stamped Card to the Contributor when wages are paid, or, if no wages are paid, on the termination of the voyage. The Master must show in the "Account of Wages'' the amount of Contributions deducted from Wages and the number of Contributions paid by the Contributor for the period of the voyage. (3) DESERTION OR DEATH OF CONTRIBUTOR. In the event of a Contributor deserting h( r ship or dying during the period of the engagement, the Employer must prepare a Card, and affix in the space provided stamps in payment of the Contributions for the period for which contributions are payable, and must deliver the stamped Card to the Superinten- dent or Consular Officer on the termination of the voyage. (4) CONTRIBUTOR LEFT AT FOREIGN PORT. If the Contributor is left at a foreign port and the balance of her wages is paid to a Consular Officer, the stamped Card must be handed to that officer with the balance of wages. (5) RATES OF CONTRIBUTION. The joint weekly Contribution payable by the Employer is in ordinary cases 5d. a week, divided as follows : — Payable by the Employer ... ... 2d. Payable on behalf of and recoverable from the Contributor ... 3d. If the Contributor is not a member of the Seamen's National Insurance Society and has a permanent place of lesidence in Ireland, the ordinary rate of Contribution is Ad. a week, divided as follows : — Payable by the Employer 2d. Payable on behalf of and recoverable from the Contributor ... 2d. (For other information see Pamphlet " C") The joint weekly contribution is payable by the Employer for each week (commencing Monday)"during the whole or any pirt of which the Contriljutor haH ixjcn employed, but only one Contribution is payable for each week. Kvory four weekly Contriiiutions i)aid by the Contril)utor in any calendar year in respect of service in the foreign trade count as live Contributions, and when the < 'onlrihnLor has jiaid the full nnniluT r)f Contribulions payal)le Ijy her HI any ailondar year (four Contiil)utionH paid in respect of service in the foreign trade counting as five) only the Employer's Contributions are payable for any further weeks of einploynient of the Contributor in that year. (G) I:MPL(JYERS CONTRIBUTION NOT RECOVERABLE. Notwith»tanding any contract to the contrary, the Employer is not entitled to deduct from the Wages of or fttlu-rwise to recover from the (.'(mtributor the Employer's Contribution. Collection of Coutributions (Mercantile 23o Marine) (Scotland) Regs. (7) EMPLOYMENT ON HOME-TRADE SHIPS OR ON SHORE. f^ In the event of the Contributor being employed in a Home-Trade ship or on shore, she must obtain an ordinary Employed Contributor's Card from her Society, or, if she is not a member of a Society, at a Post Office. (8) DEFACING CARD. Except as herein provided, no mark of any kind may be made on this Card, nor may anything be affixed to it by the Employer or Contributor, or any other person. (9) ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER. No person may assign or charge, or agree to assign or charge any Card, and any sale, transfer or assignment of, or charge on any Card is void and of no efEect. If any Employer has failed to pay any Contributions which he is liable to pay in respect of an Employed Contributor he is for each Offence liable on Summary Conviction to a fine not exceeding TEN POUNDS, and to TJay a sum equal to the amount of the Contributions which he has failed to pay. Further, if the Contributor is a Member of an Approved Society, she may take proceedings against her Employer, in which case the Employer may be compelled to make good any loss of Benefits which the Contributor has suffered. If any person is guilty of any contravention of or non-compliance with any of the requirements of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, or the Regulations made thereunder, he is for each Offence liable, on Summary Conviction, to a fine not exceeding TEN POUNDS. D. Ireland. The Natio>^al Health Insurance (Mercantile Marine) (Col- lection OF Contributions) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated July 12, 1912. [These Regulations being "'' Provisional " witliin Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this volume.] 234 NATIONAL IXSFEAXCE. (ix.) Decision of Questions. A. England. The IS'atioxal Health Insueaxce (Decision of Questions) Eegulations (England), 1912. Dated June 5, 1912. B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Decision of Questions) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated June 14, 1912. [These Regulations being " Provisional " within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this volume.] C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Determination of Ques- tions) (Scotland) Regulations, 1912. Dated June 14, 1912. 1912. No. I'L The Scottish Insurance Commissioners in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by Section 65, as applied to Scotland by Section 80, of the National Insurance Act, 1911, herebj-, under and in terms of Section 66 of the said Act and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, make the following Regulations : — Short Title 1. — (1) These Regulations may be cited as the National Health and General. Insurance (Determination of Questions) (Scotland) Regulations, 1912. (2) In these Regulations — The expression " the Act " means Part I. as read along with Part III. of the National Insurance Act, 1911; The expression "the Commissioners" means the Scottish Insurance Commissioners ; Tlu! exi)ression " question " mealis a question required to be determined by the Commissioners under Section 66 of the Act. CA) Tlie Interpretation Act. 1889,* applies to the interpretation of ilicsc Regulations as it a]i])li('s to ilic interiu'etation of an Act of ParliaiiM.'iit. Certain ■^- ''^".^' question as to the rate of contributiniis payable by or qucHtionH to in respect of any insured person wlio is or is about to become a Ik- deter- member of an approved Society shall, instead of being determined mined by ^^^ Iji^. (Commissioners, be determined bv Hie Soeieiv unless tlie Approvetl ' i- • i- li i • • i- i Society. question is a f|nestion the d(>cisioii on winch — (a) may affect the interest of an emi)loyer; or (h) may involve the payment of a portion of any contribution out of moneys provided by Parliament; or • 52-3 V. c. 03. Decision of Questions (Scotland) Regs. 235 not relating . to class of employment. (c) may affect the amount of any reserve value to be credited to any Society. Any question as to whether a question falls to be determined under this Regulation by the Commissioners or by the Society shall be determined by the Commissioners. 3. Any person who desires to obtain a decision of the Com- Application missioners on any question may make an application for the foi^ the purpose by delivering or sending by post to the Commissioners or determina- to any person appointed by them an application in such one of questions the forms set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations as is appropriate to the case. 4. — (1) In any case where the question to which an application Procedure relates is not a question whether a class of employment is or will in case of be employment within the meaning of the Act, the Commissioners *1"^**^^„^; shall, subject to the provisions of these Regulations, as soon as may be after the receipt of the application, deliver or send by post to any person appearing to them to be interested a notice that the application has been made, together with a copy of the application and a blank form of particulars in the form set out in the Second Schedule to these Regulations. The notice shall also state that the person to whom a notice is sent must fill up the form and deliver it or send it by post to the Commissioners or to the person named by them in the notice before the date specified in the notice, not being less than seven days from the date of posting of the notice, and that if he fails so to do he will not be entitled to be heard by the Commissioners before the determination of the question. (2) As soon as may be after the expiration of the period speci- fied in the notices for the submission of particulars by the interested persons, the Commissioners shall proceed to fix a date for the hearing of the application and shall give not less than seven days' notice of the day so fixed to the applicant and to such of the persons to whom notice of the application was sent as have filled up and returned the form of particulars within the pre- scribed time. 5. — (1) If the question to which the application relates is a _ , question whether a class of employment is or will be employment ^^ questions within the meaning of the Act, the Commissioners shall, subject relatinlication iinder tlicse Keguhitions shall be snch as tlie Com- missioners oi- tlic oiliccr or iicison before wlioni tlie lieaiing takes Jtl;nf ni;iy (Ictci iiiiiic. Decision of Questions (Scotland) Regs. 237 8. — (1) If at any time before the Commissioners have given their decision on any question, any representations with reference to the application are made in writing to the Commissioners by or on behalf of any person appearing to them to be interested, the Commissioners shall take those representations into their consideration. (2) The Commissioners may at any time before giving their decision require any person appearing to them to be interested in the determination of the question to supply to them such informa- tion in writing as they think necessary for the purpose of enabling them to give a decision and as it is in his power to give, and the Commissioners or the officer or person before whom any hearing takes* place may, if it seems desirable, require the attendance of any such person at the hearing in order to give oral information on the subject of the application. 9. The Commissioners may in their discretion determine upon any application without a hearing. 10. — (1) As soon as may be after the determination of any question, the Commissioners shall cause a memorandum in writing of their decision to be drawn up in the form set out in the Third Schedule to these Regulations, and shall send a copy of the memorandum to the applicant. The Commissioners shall also take such other steps, either by giving public notice of their decision or by sending a copy of the memorandum to any persons, as appear to them to be necessary for the purpose of making the decision known to all persons interested, provided that public notice shall be given of the decision in any application of which public notice was given in terms of Regula- tion IS^o. 5 hereof. (2) The Commissioners shall not be obliged to give any reasons for their decision on any application. 11. Any notice or other document required or authorised to be sent to any person for the purpose of these regulations shall be deemed to be duly sent if sent by post addressed to that person at his ordinary address. 12. These regulations shall come into effect as from the date hereof. Power of persons interested to make repre- sentations and power of requiring information from, or attendance of, persons. Commission- ers may decide applications without oral hearing. Notice of decision. Given under the Seal of Office of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners at Edinburgh, this fourteenth day of June, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (L.S.) John Jeffrey, Secretary. James LeishTnan, Chairman. 238 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Schedules. First Schedule. Form A. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911. [Xote. — Particular attention is directed to the form of declaration below to be signed by the applicant] Application foe Determination of a Question under Section 66 (1) (a). 1. Full Name and Address of Applicant: 2. Nature of Applicant's Interest in Determination of Question (whether interested as Employer or Employee or otherwise): — 3. Outline of Question raised: — A. Case of Employment or " Class of Emjdoyment. (1) Name and Address of Employer. (2) Name and Addhess of Employee. (.'ij J'AI!TICrLAHS OF CoNTItACT OF SEItVICE (i.) Who iippointH? Decision of Questions (Scotland) Reg> 239 (ii.) Who can (a) dismiss and (6) in what circumstances ? (^0 (iii.) Whether employment is a whole time employment. (iv.) If not whole time, what pro- portion ? (v.) If not whole time, state names and addresses of other employers, and proportion of employment by each. (vi.) Who is liable to make the pay- ment ? (vii.) (a) Amount of remuneration, (a) and (b) whether a fixed salary or by (b) time, by piece, or by commission or otherwise. Where the employment is not by way of manual labour and the question depends on the rate of remuneration, full particulars of the amount earned from all employments should be supplied in this paragraph, and, where the amount tends to vary, the extent of the variation should be clearly set out, particulars being given over a sufficiently long period of time to enable a reasonable averaM to be taken. (viii.) Nature of duties to be per- j formed. j Where the question is whether an employment is by way of manual labour great care should be taken in filling up this paragraph to show clearly how far work with the hands is essential to the person's emplojTnent, and how far it is merely incidental to some other form of work. (ix.) Who gives orders or directions? (x.) Degree of control during per- j formance of those duties. | In all cases in filling up this paragraph it should be made clear whether the employer or someone on his behalf has the right at any time to step in and say hov\' the work is to be performed. The degi-ee of control exercised is a point of great importance in connection with a contract of service. (xi.) Any further information that can be given, including copies of the contract of service (if in writing), and of any documents bearing on above questions. If the employment is by " squad " the fact should be stated. 240 NATIONAL INSrEANCE. B. Case of Voluntm-ij Coiitrlhuior. (i.) Description of occupation, stating whether regular or not. (ii.) Income derived from occupation. (iii) Income derived from sources other than regular occupations. State source or sources from -wWch, or name and address of person from or by whom, pension or income is derived, with respective amounts before deduction of income tax. 1 -2 '. , 3 4 If any of the items of income mentioned above are liable to any deduction, state the nature of the deduction or deductions and theii- respective amounts. 1 2 ,3 4 (iv.) If partly dependent on others, indicate nature and extent of de- pendence. (1) Allowance in cash. ("2) Lodging, (3) Board, (4) .\ny other items. (v.) If previously an insured person state for what period (giving dates). 4. N.\MEs .\ND Addresses of other Persons directly interested in Settlement of Question: — 5. RfABONH for (ON8IDER1NO THAT TDE APPLICATION OF THE ACT IN THE I'ArtTK t lar Case is open to Question: — Decision of Questions (Scotland) Regs. 241 Declaration. I declare that the above particulars given with a view to tbe determinatiou by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners under Section 66 (1) (a) of the National Insurance Act, 1911, of the question whether {set out as briefly and clearly as possible the question raised) are to the best of my knowledge and belief correct. Signed (Name) (Address) (Date) Section 66 (1) 00, as applied to Scotland by Section 80, Subsection (16), to which reference is made in the foregoing declaration, is as follows :— " If any question arises — " (a) as to whether any employment or any class of employment is or will " be employment within the meaning of this Part of this Act or as " to whether a person is entitled to become a voluntary contributor ; " the question shall be determined by the [Scottish] " Insurance Commissioners, in accordance with regulations made by " them for the purpose : " Provided that— " (i) If any person feels aggrieved by the decision of the [Scottish] Insurance " Commissioners on any question arising under paragraph (a), he may " appeal therefrom to the [Sheriff Court], with a further right of appeal " upon any question of law [in terms of subsection 17 (b) of the Second " Schedule to the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906 : * Provided that '• the decision of either division of the Court of Session on such appeal " shall be final]." Form B. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911. [Note. — Particular attention is directed to the Form of Declaration below to be signed by the applicant.] Application for Determination of a Question under Section 66 (1) (b). 1. Full Name and Address of Applic.\nt: — That is, to either division of the Court of Session. 242 XATIO>'AL INSURANCE. 2. Xature of Applicant's Interest in Determination of Question ■rhether interested as Employer or Employee or otherwise) : — 3. Full Names and Addresses of Employer and Employee (if insured person is an Employed Contributor). (a) Employer (b) Employee 4. OcTi-iNE of Question raised. (Explain any apparent difficulties.) Declaration. I declare that the above particulars given with a view to the determination by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners under Section 66 (1) (h) of the National Insurance Act, 1911, of the question (set out as briefiy and clearly as possible the question raised) are to the best of my knowledge and belief correct. Signed (Narne) (Address) (Date) Section 66 (1) (//) to which reference is made in the foreg^oing- declara- tion, as applied to Scotland by Section 80, is as follows :— " If any (picHtioM ariHCH .......... "(/y) HH to the rate of contributionH payable by or in rosiR'tt of any " inHurc'd jicrson .......... " the r|ncHtion Khali be dcterminefl by tlie [Scottish] Insuranoo " ('ftminissionerH, in accordance with regulatiouH made by them ■' for the purpoHe : Decision of Questions (Scotland) Regs. 243 Provided that " * (ii) the regulations of the [Scottish] Insurance Commissioners may " provide for questions under paragraph (b) being determined, in " the case of any person who is or is about to become a member of " an approved society, by the society." Form C. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911. [Note. — Particular attention is directed to the Form of Declaration below to be signed by the applicant.] Application for Determination of a Question under Section 66 (1) (c). Employer's Name Address. Employee's Name Home Address .... Occupation Age Number of days ordinarily worked per week. Number of hours ordinarily worked per week. ~ Cash wages received by the employee in the week in respect of which the question is raised. * The Regulations made under the above Section provide that where any question arises as to the rate of contributions payable by or in respect of any insured person who is, or is about to become a member of an approved society, the question shall be decided by the society, unless the question is a question the decision of which — (a) may affect the interest of an employer, or (6) may involve the p;\yment of a portion of any contribution out of moneys provided by Parliament, or (c) may affect the amount of any reserve value to be credited to any society. 244 NATION.VL INSURANCE. Number of hours worked during that week. Cash wages received during each of the preceding 13 weeks. Number of hours worked during each of the preceding 1 3 weeks. The statement overleaf as to ^^ Alloirances '^ should also be filled up unless the Emplot/ee receives both board and lodging as part of his remuneration. Whether this is or is not the case should be stated in the space below. Does the Employee receive both board and lodging as part of the remuneration ? Particulars. Estimated money value for the week in question. " Allowances " Received IN Addition to Money : — Meals (mention number per day). Lodging House (state value as entered in Valuation Roll). Rates and taxes, etc. ... Clothing Fuel (give quantity) Light ( „ „ ) Vegetables ( „ ) Milk ( „ „ ) Meal ( „ „ ) Cow'h grftHH (state if more than one). Set out in detail any (itlifr " all()\v.ini-c>^." TOTAL Decision of Questions (Scotland) Regs, 245 Declaration. I declare that the above particulars given with a view to the determination by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners under Section 66 (1) (c) of the National Insurance Act, 1911, of the question whether (set out as briefly and clearly as possible the question raised) are to the best of my knowledge and belief correct. Signed {Name) {Address) {Date) Section 66 (l") (c) to which reference; is made in the foregoing declaration as applied to Scotland by Section 80, is as follows : — " If any question arises " (c) As to the rates of contributions payable in respect of an employed " contributor by the employer and the contributor respectively, " the question shall be determined by the [Scottish] Insurance " Commissioners in accordance with the regulations made by them " for the purpose." Second Schedule. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911. PARTICULARS TO BE SUPPLIED BY PERSON INTERESTED. Fidl name and address of person making statement. I am interested in the determination of the question raised by the application of which a copy is arinexed, as follows : — / agree with the particulars stated by the applicant, except as regards the following points : — * (1). (2). (3). / have the folloiving further statement to make : — I declare that the information given by me above is to the best of my knowledge and belief correct : — Signed {Name) {Address) {Date) * In dealing with these points reference should be made by tetter and number to the particulars in the application. 3789 246 nation.'ll insueance. Thikd Schedule. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911. Memorandum of Decision of Scottish Insurance Commissioners on Application under Section 66 (1). The decision of the Commissioners on the question numbered raised on the application dated the ,....day of 191 , made by of c.is as follows : — Signed {on behalf of the Commissioners) Dated. D. Ireland. The National Health Insurance (Decision of Questions) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated June 25, 1912. [These Eeo-ulations being "Provisional" within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this volume.] (x.) Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses. (And see (b.) (ix.) above.) C. Scotland. The National Health Insukance (Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, dated December 27, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance ('V)mmissioners under section 42 (c) OF THE National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to the Sums TO he paid in hespect of Deposit Contributors towards Expenses in( rinn:i) j»v Insurance Committees in the Al)Mr.\ISTi{ATT()N of BENEFITS. 1 »>i -. XT 1898 1912. No. z,— — -. S. 123 The Scottisli Insurance Commissioners, constituted under the National Insurance Act, 1911, in pursuance of the powers con- ferred on them by Sections 42 (c) and 65 as applied to Scotland by Section 80 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and of all othci powers ciinbliiiM' tlicni in ili;it belinlf, do licreby make the foHowiiij^- Kcj^niliit i(»ns : — 1. These Re^nilations may be cited a« the National Health Insurance (l)ej)osit Contributors Administration Expenses) Regu- lations (Scotland), 1912. Grouped Employers (Scotland) Regs. 247 2. The Interpretation Act, 1889,* applies to the interpretation of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the interpre- tation of an Act of Parliament. 3. There shall be paid to the Insurance Committee of a County or Burgh, in respect of each deposit contributor who is resident within the County or Burgh, the sum of 1*. 9^. towards the expenses to be incurred by such Committee in the administration of benefits of deposit contributors in respect of the year com- mencing on 13th January, 1913, and the like sum in respect of every year thereafter. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Scottish Insurance Commissioners this Twenty-seventh day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) % James Leishman, Chairman. JoJni Jeffrey, Secretary. (xi.) Grouped Employers. A. Eng-land. The National Health Insueance (Grouped Employers) Regulations (England), 1912. Dated July 2, 1912.) B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Grouped Employers) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated July 12, 1912. [These Regulations being " Provisional '•' within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this volume.] C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Grouped Employers) Regu- lations (Scotland), 1912, dated July 12, 1912, made by the National Health Insurance Joint Committee and the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, acting jointly, under the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to the Employer of a Contributor employed by more than ONE person in a CALENDAR WEEK. 928 1912. J.O. g--. The Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the National In=;urance Act, 1911, acting jointly with the Scottish Insurance Commis- sioners constituted under that Act, in pursuance of the powers * 52-3 V. c. 63. 3789 P 2 248 NATIONAL INSURANCE. conferred on them by Sections 7 and 65 of, and paragrapli (5) of the Third Schedule to, as applied to Scotland by Section 80 of the said Act, and by paragraph 5 (c) and (d) of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Eegulations, 1912,* hereby make the following" Regulations to come into operation forthwith. 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Grouped Employers) Regulations (Scotland), 1912. 2. — (1) The Interpretation Act, 1889, t applies to the interpre- tation of these Regulations as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. (2) In these Regulations, unless the contest otherwise requires, — The expression "the Act" means the National Insurance Act, 1911; The expression " the Commissioners " means the Scottish Insurance Commi^ioners ; and The expression " week " means a calendar week as defined in- the Third Schedule to the Act. (3) References in these Regulations to the provisions of Part I. of the Act relating to the payment of contributions shall be deemed to include a reference to any Regulations made by the Commissioners with respect to the payment of contributions. 3. — (1) Where any persons are ordinarily employed by two or more employers in a week, the employers, or any class or group of the employers, of those persons may, if they think fit, submit to the Commissioners a scheme for the payment of contributions under the Act in respect of those persons. (2) Where the Commissioners are satisfied that any scheme so submitted to them secures the due payment of the contribution payable under Part I. of the Act in respect of every employed contributor to whom the scheme applies for every week during any part of which he is employed by any employer who is a party to the scheme, they may, if they think fit, approve the scheme. (3) Any such scheme may make such modifications in any Regulations made by the Commissioners with respect to the pay- ment of contributions under Part I. of the Act as may be necessary to give effect to the arrangements made under the scheme. C4) Wliere a scheme has been approved by the Commissioners the parties to the scheme who have employed any person to whom the scheme applies in the course of a week shall in respect of that week be deemed jointly to be the employer of that person for the purposes of the provisions of Part I. oip the Act relating to the jiayiiifnt f)f conlribiilions :nid of the Third Schedule to the Act. 1. Fn ilie case of a jierson employed as an agent by two or iiinrr- ciiiijloyjTs and paid by commission or fees or a share in the profits, or ])artly in one and partly in another of those ways, the eniployr-r in the em])loynient on which the person employed is mainly (hpcjidoil for his livelihood shall be deemed to be the employer of that jierson for the purposes of the jirovisions of Part I. of the Art relating to the ])aviiient of contributions and of the Tliirf sub-section (3) of "g Section 57 and sub-section (1) of Section 82 of the National Insurance g- Act, 1911, and all other powers enabling them in that behalf hereby ^ appoint whose usual signature appears in the margin hereof, to be an Inspector for the purposes of Part I. of the said Act, and as such Inspector do aU such things as by virtue of the said Act he has power to do for the purposes of the execution of the said Act. This appointment shall continue in force so long as the Welsh Insurance Commissioners think fit and no longer. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Welsh Insurance Com- missioners this day of in the year one thousand nine hundred and Xote. — The Inspector on applying for admission to any premises for the purposes of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, must, if so required, produce this Cei'tificate to the Occupier (National Insurance Act, 1911, Section 112 (5)). {tiuh-seciions (1), (2), and (3) of Section 112 of the Act are to he set out in full on the back of the Certificate.) C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Inspectors' Certificates) Eegulations (Scotland), 1912, dated July 31, 1912, made BY THE Scottish Insurance Commissioners under the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c, 55), as to Inspectors' Certificates of Appointment. 1133 1912. ^o. , . S. 93 The Scottish Insurance Commissioners constituted under Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the said Act, hereby make the following Regulations to come into operation forthwith: — 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Inspectors' Certificates) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, 2. The certificate of appointment to be furnished under Sub-section (5) of Section 112 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, to an Inspector appointed for the purposes of Part I, of that Act shall be in the form set out in the Schedule to these Regulations, or in a form substantially to the same effect. (iiven under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Scottish Insurance ('oniinissioners this thirty-first day of July, ill Hie year one thousand Jiiiie hundred and twelve. James Leishman, Chairman. ./'//)// Irffrrif, Secretary, Inspectors' Certificates (Scotland) Regs. 253 SCHEDULE. Form of Certificate of Appointment of Inspector. National Insurance Act, 1911. National Health Insueanoe. The Scottish Insurance Commissioners in pursuance of Sub-section (3) of Section 57 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and all other powers enabling them in that behalf hereby appoint g whose usual signature appears in the margin hereof, to be an Inspector for "g the purposes of Part I. of the said Act, and as such Inspector do all such ft things as by virtue of the said Act he has power to do for the purposes § of the execution of the said Act. This appointment shall continue in force so long as the Scottish Insurance Commissioners think fit and no longer. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Scottish Insurance Com- missioners this day of in the year one thousand nine hundred and Note. — The Inspector on applying for admission to any premises for the purposes of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, must, if so required, produce this Certificate to the Occupier (National Insurance Act, 1911, Section 112 (5) ). [Sub-sections (1), (2), and (3) of Section 112 of the Act are to be set out in full on the back of the Certificate.'] D. Ireland. The National Health Insurance (Inspectors' Certifi- cates) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated July 12, 1912. [These Regulations being " Provisional " within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this Volume.] , (xiii.) Insurance Committees (Constitution).* The National Health Insurance (Scilly Isles Insur- ance Com3iittee) Regulations, 1912. Dated July 5, 1912. [These Regulations being " Provisional " within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this Volume.] * As to the local Orders made under s. 78 of the Act as to the constitution of the insurance committee for each county, county borough, and Scottish burgh, see Note at p. 48, above. 254 NATIONAL INSURANCE. (xiv.) Insurance Committees (Medical Representatives). C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Election of Medical Repre- sentatives ON Insurance Committees) Regulations (Scot- land), 1912, DATED July 8, 1"912, made by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners under section 59 (2) (c) of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 862 1912. No. S. 24 1. These Reg-ulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Election of Medical Representatives on Insurance Com- mittees) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, and shall come into effect as from the date thereof. 2. The Interpretation Act, 1889,* applies to the interpretation of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the interpre- tation of an Act of Parliament. 3. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires or admits : — " The Act " means the National Insurance Act, 1911. " The Commissioners " means the Scottish Insurance Commis- sioners. " The Committee " means the Insurance Committee estab- lished for the area of a county or burgh. " County " includes all burghs therein having a population of less than twenty thousand, and in the cases of the counties of Kinross and Clackmannan, or Elgin and Nairn, means a combination of the counties of Kinross and Clackmannan and of Elgin and Nairn respectively, ■ ** Burgh " includes a Police Burgli, and in the case of the burghs of Dumfries and Maxwelltown means the Burghs as combined for the purposes of Part I. of the Act. 4. Subject to the provisions of Regulation No. 3, terms and expressions used in these Regulations shall, unless otherwise specially provided or by the context otherwise required, have the meanings attaching thereto in the Act. 5. Two members of every Committee shall be elected by an association of duly qualified medical practitioners resident in the area of the ("omniitii'c formed for that purpose as provided in the immediately following Regulation, if such association so deter- mine, or if no such association is formed, then by such practi- tioners at a meeting called in manner provided in said Regulation, if tlicy so determine, or failing such appoiiitnicni, may be apjKjiiited in manner liereinafter provided. ('). An association of duly qualified medical jjractitioners may be formed in the area of any Committee for the purpose of Sub- section 2 (r) of Se(!tion 59 of the Act by resolution passed at a meeting of such practitioners by a majority of those present, and • r»2-3 V. c. 03. Insurance Committees (Medical Representatives) 255 (Scotland) Regs, said association thereafter at such meeting or at any adjourned or subsequent meeting, or, in the event of an association not being formed, the meeting itself or any other meeting of such medical practitioners, may proceed to the election of two members in terms of said section, provided that the following conditions have been observed in the summoning and conduct of such meeting or meetings : — (1) The meeting may be summoned by an existing medical association or committee acting within the area of the Committee including in its membership at least one half of the registered medical practitioners resident in the area, or by any accredited official thereof or by any duly qualified medical practitioner resident there- in by written notice posted not less than seven days prior to the meeting to every duly qualified medical practitioner so resident whose name appears in the current edition of the Medical Register, (2) Such notice shall specify the time and place of meeting and the purpose for which it is summoned, and shall state that the association, if formed, or the meeting itself, may proceed forthwith to the election of two members to serve on the Committee, (3) In the event of such meeting being summoned by, or on behalf of, such existing association or committee, the notice shall be sent to all practitioners as aforesaid whether members of the association or committee or not, and non-members shall be allowed, on payment of such sum not exceeding one shilling as may be fixed by the association or committee to cover expenses and be specified in the notice, to attend the meeting and any adjourned or subsequent meeting and take part in the proceedings, (4) Intimation of the meeting and of the purposes thereof shall also be given at least seven days before the date of meeting by advertisement in a newspaper circulating in the area of the Committee, (5) The quorum in a burgh shall be one-fourth of the duly qualified medical practitioners i-esident therein, but in no case less than five, and in a county, one-sixth of the duly qualified medical practitioners resident there- in, but in no case less than five, excepting the counties of Argyll, Bute, Inverness, Orkney, Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland and Zetland, where it shall be three such practitioners, and no business shall be trans- acted unless such quorum be present, (6) The meeting shall appoint a Chairman and Clerk, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to transmit forthwith to the Commissioners a report of the proceedings at such meeting duly authenticated by the Chairman, and such report shall specify the names of the practitioners 256 NATIONAL INSUEANCE. present at the meeting, the business transacted, any motions and amendments duly proposed and seconded and the numbers Toting therefor, and the names and addresses of the members, if any, elected to serve on the Committee. 7. If no election of medical members shall have been made in terms of the preceding Eegulations prior to 30th September, 1912, the Commissioners may cause to be convened a meeting of the duly qualified medical practitioners resident within the county or burgh as the case may be. Such meeting shall be convened by advertisement appearing in a newspaper or newspapers circulating in the county or burgh, and shall be held at a date not less than seven days nor more than fourteen days subsequent to the date or last date of issue of the newspaper or newspapers containing the notice calling such meeting. The said notice shall state that the meeting is to be held for the purposes of electing two members of the Committee, in terms of Sub-section (2) (c) of Section 59 of the Act and of these Regulations. 8. The meeting to be held in accordance with the immediately preceding Regulation shall be attended by a duly accredited repre- sentative appointed by the Commissioners, who shall act as Clerk to the meeting. 9. The said meeting shall appoint a Chairman, and shall proceed forthwith to the election of two members of the Committee. Toting shall be in such manner as the meeting shall decide. The names, designations, and addresses of the persons elected shall immediately after their election be intimated by the Chairman of the meeting to the said Clerk. 10. Any medical practitioner whose name is removed from the register by the General Medical Council, shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Committee. In the event of any vacancy taking place among the members of the Committee elected as here- inbefore provided, by death, resignation, or otherwise, the vacancy shall be filled by the election of another member in manner herein- before provided. 1 1 . These Regulations shall remain in force unless and until altered or varied by any subsequent Regulations or Order made or issued l)y the Commissioners. Given under the Seal of Office of the Scottish Insurance Com- missioiuMs at Edinburgh, this eighth day of July, in the year one Ihousiind nine hundred and twelve. (Lfi) James Leishman, Chairman. John JfffTcy, Secretary. Insurance Committees (Procedure) 257 (Scotland) Regs. (XV.) Insurance Committees (Procedure). A. England. The National Health Insurance (Insurance Com- mittees) Regulations (England), 1912. Dated July 5, 1912. B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Insurance Com- mittees) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated July 3, 1912. [These Regulations being "Provisional" within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not "Statutory," are not printed in this Volume.] C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Insurance Committees Procedure) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, dated July 8, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance Commissioners under the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. ^^_. S. 25 1. These Regulations may be cited as " The National Health Insurance (Insurance Committees Procedure) Regulations (Scot- land), 1912." 2. The Interpretation Act, 1889,* applies to the interpretation; of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the interpreta- tion of an Act of Parliament. 3. In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires or admits : — "The Act" means the National Insurance Act, 1911. " The Commissioners " means the Scottish Insurance Commis- sioners. " The Committee " means the Insurance Committee estab- lished for the area of a county or burgh. " County " includes all burghs therein having a population of less than twenty thousand, and in the cases of the counties of Kinross and Clackmannan, or Elgin and Nairn, means, a combination of the counties of Kinross and Clackmannan and of Elgin and Nairn respectively. "Burgh" includes a Police Burgh, and in the case of the burghs of Dumfries and Maxwelltown means the Burghs as combined for the purposes of Part I. of the Act. " Local Authority " means a County Council, a Town Council, a Parish Council, a School Board, a District Committee, constituted under the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889, t a Landward Committee constituted * 52-3 V. c. 63. t 52-3 Y. c. 50. ■258 XATIO>'AI. INSUEAIS'CE. under the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1894,* a Secondary Education Committee and any other body, board, joint board, or committee which has or may here- after have the power to impose a rate whether leviable directly or recoverable by means of a precept certificate or requisition. 4. Subject to the provisions of Regulation No. 3, terms and expressions used in these regulations shall, unless otherwise speci- ally provided or by the context otherwise required, have the meanings attaching thereto in the Act. 5. The proceedings of the Committee shall be conducted and the meetings and conduct of business shall be regulated in accord- ance with the following provisions which shall be the standing Orders of the Committee. Meetings. (1) The Committee shall, in addition to the first meeting at which the Committee is constituted and any adjourn- ment or postponement thereof, hold such ordinary or special general meetings as shall be necessary for the transaction of business, and in particular shall hold a meeting as soon as may be after the 15th October 1912, 15th January 1913,' and 15th April 1913. The date, time and place of meeting shall be fixed by the Committee. (2) The Committee shall at the first meeting appoint a Chair- man and Vice-Chairman of the Committee. In the event of difficulty arising from an equal division of votes the matter shall be settled by lot. (3) The Clerk may at any time, on the instructions or with the concurrence of the Chairman, or, in cases of urgency, without such concurrence, call a special meeting of the Committee. He shall call a special meeting on receiving a requisition signed by one-fifth of the members of the Committee, Avhich requisition shall state the business to be brought up at such meet- ing. Should the Clerk fail to call a meeting within seven days after receiving such requisition, the roquisitionists shall be entitled themselves to call a mooting. (4) All moetinga shall be called by circular delivered or posted at least seven days before the meeting, except in rase of urgency, of which the Chairman or the Clerk shall bo the judge. The cimilnr shall s]iocify the items of business so far as known. Ordku of Business. (6) The order of business at all meetings of the Committee shall bo as follows: — (a) The Chairman, or in his absence, the Vice-Chair- man, shall take the Chair; if both are absent, • .07-8 V. c. .58. Insurance Committees (Procedure) 259 (Scotland) Regs. the members present shall appoint a Chair- man of the meeting. In the event of diffi- culty arising from an equal division of votes the matter shall be settled by lot. (b) The Clerk shall read the circular and the statu- tory authority, if any, for the meeting. (c) The sederunt shall be taken. (d) The Minutes of last meeting shall be read, and, when confirmed, signed by the Chairman. (e) Business required by statute to be done at the meeting. (/) Business continued from previous meeting. (g) Reports of committees or officials. (h) Business of which notice has been given. (i) Special business brought forward by direction of the Chairman. (;') Any other competent business. The Committee may at any meeting vary the above order, so as to give precedence to urgent business, but not so as to postpone consideration of statutory business. Motions, &c, (6) No motion to rescind any resolution which has been passed within the preceding six months, nor any motion to the same effect as any motion which has been negatived within tbe preceding six months, shall be in order, unless notice of the same be given in the circular calling the meeting. (7) Every amendment must be relevant to the motion on which it is moved. The Chairman shall be the sole judge of relevancy. (8) A relevant motion or amendment once made and seconded shall not be withdrawn without the consent of the mover and seconder thereof, and of the meeting. Oeder of Debate. (9) Every motion or amendment shall be reduced to writing, and shall be moved and seconded before it is put to the meeting. (10) A member shall not speak more than once on any motion or amendment (save in explanation), but the mover of a resolution may reply. After the mover has been called on by the Chairman to reply, no other member shall speak to the question. The decision of the Chair- man on all questions of order, relevancy and regularity shall be final ; and it shall be the duty of the Chairman to stop any discussion which, in his judgment, is irrelevant or outside the work of the Committee. Voting. (11) Every question shall be determined by a show of hands, unless three members demand a division, in which case the names, for and against the motion or amendment, shall be taken down and entered on the minutes. 260 NATIO>'AI. I^"SURANCE. (12) The Chairman or the Yice-Chairman or other member presiding in the absence of the Chairman in case of equality shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote. Employment of Officers. (13) The Committee may appoint officers and servants for the conduct of its business, and shall appoint such officers and servants as are necessary for the carrying out of the powers and duties conferred and imposed on it by the Act, including the keeping of proper records of its proceedings, books, and accounts, and the preparation of reports and returns. The number and remuneration of such officers and servants shall be fixed by the Com- mittee, due regard being had to the provisions of the Act prescribing the sums available for administrative expenses of the Committee, and shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioners. Vacancies. (14) In the event of the death, resignation, or disability of the Clerk or other official, the Chairman shall make such temporary arrangements as may be necessary for the performance of the duties of the office, and shall, as soon as may be, call, or cause to be called, a meeting of the Committee to decide what action is to be taken. (15) When there are more than two candidates for any office, and the first voting does not show an absolute majority of the members present and voting in favour of any candidate, the candidate having the least number of votes shall be struck off the list, and a fresh voting shall take place; and so on, till an absolute majority slinll be obtained in favour of one candidate. (16) Personal canvassing of members shall be prohibited by the Committee, who may declare any candidate infring- ing this rule to be disqualified for election. Signing of Deeds. (17) All Deeds, Contracts, and Writs of importance, granted or entered into by the Committee shall be in name of the Coniniitteo, and may be signed by two members and 111.' Ch'rk. Suspension and Alteration of Standing Orders. (18) Any one or more of the standing orders in any case of urgency or upon motion made, may be suspended at any meeting, so far as regards any business at such meeting, provided that two-thirds of tlie members of the Committee present and voting shall so decide. Quorum. (19) The quorum of the Coniinitfee in each county and l)urgh shall corjsist of thv' number of persons mentioned in column (2) of Part I. and Part II. respectively of the- Insurance Committees (Procedure) 261 (Scotland) Regs. Schedule to these Eegulations, opposite the name of the Committee mentioned in Column (1). (20) If within twenty minutes or such longer time as the Committee may appoint after the time appointed for a meeting a quorum of members be not present, the Chairman, or in his absence, the Vice-Chairman, shall adjourn the meeting. In the event of the failure of a quorum and the absence of both Chairman and Yice- Chairman, the Clerk shall minute that owing to the want of the necessary quorum, no business was done. OFFICES. 6. The Committee may subject to the approval of the Com- missioners provide suitable office accommodation, including accommodation for meetings, and for such purposes may use any offices belonging to a Local Authority with the consent and during the pleasure of that Authority with or without payment as may be agreed, provided that the Committee shall not take steps to acquire premises or accommodation for meetings or offices until it has satisfied itself that accommodation cannot be obtained in the offices of a Local Authority. 7. If a majority of the Committee so agree, meetings may be held in premises which are situate outwith the area of the Com- mittee. The first meeting of the Committee may be so held if the Commissioners so decide. SUB-COMMITTEES. 8. The Committee may, subject to the provisions of the Act and of these Regulations, appoint such Sub-Committees as it may think expedient, and may delegate thereto any of its powers and duties, subject always to the following reservations and con- ditions : — (1) No expenditure shall be incurred by a Sub-Committee without the consent of the Committee. (2) The powers and duties of the Committee with reference to the arrangements for the treatment of tuberculosis and other appointed diseases, and all negotiations with medical practitioners or local medical committees and pharmacists or chemists in regard to the terms on and the general arrangements under which medical treat- ment, medicines, and appliances will be afforded or supplied within the area of the Committee shall not be delegated to Sub-Committees appointed to act within sub-divisions or districts of the area of the Committee, nor be delegated with full powers to any Sub-Com- mittee. (3) Every Sub-Committee shall report its proceedings to the Committee at such times and in such manner as the Committee shall appoint. 9. Sub-Committees may consist wholly or partly of members of the Committee as the Committee may, in its discretion, decide, but a majority of the members of every Sub-Committee shall consist of 3781» Q 262 NATIONAL INSURANCE. members of the Committee, provided that this requirement shall not apply to any Sub-Committee appointed with advisory powers only, nor to any Sub-Committee appointed to supervise or report upon the administration of benefits, or for any purpose where no power of incurring expenditure is conferred by the Committee. 10. In the appointment of Sub-Committees and the selection of persons to serve thereon a fair apportionment of duties and work between all members of the Committee shall be made, and the balance of representation of interests provided by the Act in the case of the Committee itself shall be secured where reasonably practicable. 11. The proceedings of Sub-Committees shall mutatis imttandis be regulated by the Standing Orders of the Committee as set forth in Regulation No. 5. COMBINATIOX OF COMMITTEES. 12. A Committee may, and shall if so required by the Commis- sioners, combine with any one or more other Committees for all or any of the purposes of Part I. as read along with Part III. of the Act, and where such a combination is effected, the following adaptations and requirements shall be observed : — (\) Tlie Committees concerned shall join in appointing, out of their respective bodies, a Joint-Committee for any purpose in respect of which a combination has been effected ; (2) The number of members of a Joint-Committee to be appointed by each of the Committees concerned, shall be fixed by arrangement, or failing arrangement by the Commissioners ; Co) The members of a Joint-Committee sliall be appointed at such times and in sucli manner as n\ny be from time to time fixed by the Committee wlio appointed them, and shall hold office for such time as may be fixed by such Committee; (4) The proceedings of ilie Joint-Committee shall be regu- lated by the Standing Orders of tlie Commiltee as set forth in Regulation No. 5; (•5) The costs incurred by a Joint-Committee shall be defrayed by, and form a charge upon the funds of the Com- mittees appointing the members of the Joint-Committee in such proportion as may be agreed to by the Com- mittees concerned, or failing agreement, deierniined by ih(! Commissioners; provided lliat in deciding any disputes the Connnission(>rs shall liave regard h^ter til Id io tlie number of insured persons residing within tlie area of eadi of the Committees interested. GENERAL. 1''. The first iiH-cfin^r of the Committee sli;ill be convcMied in '^u:h manner by sneli jx-rsons and at such time and i)lace as the T'cnimissioners sliall decide, and the Commissioners shall make snch arrangements as seem to Hicin necessary for the constitution Insurance Committees (Procedure) (Scotland) Regs. 263 of the Committee and the transaction of business at the said first meeting. .14. The Clerk of every Committee shall immediately upon his appointment notify the appointment, together with his name and address, to the Commissioners. 15. These Regulations shall remain in forre unless and until altered or varied by any subsequent Regulations or Order made or issued by the Commissioners. Given under the Seal of Office of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners at Edinburgh, this eighth day of -July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (L.S.) Jolin Jeffrey, Secretary. James I^eishman, Chairman. Schedule, PART I. COUNTY. Name of Committee. (1) Aberdeen Argyll Ayr Banff Berwick Bute Caithness Clackmannan and Kinross Dnmbarton Dnmfries Edinburgh Elgin and Nairn Fife Forfar Haddington Inverness Kincardine Kirkcudbright Lanark Linlithgow ... Orkney Peebles Perth Renfrew Ross and Cromarty Roxburgh ... Selkirk Stirling Sutherland AVigtown Zetland Quorum. (2) 13 7 14 9 6 6 7 7 11 11 12 10 14 12 8 7 6 7 lo 11 5 6 12 13 7 8 6 12 5 6 5 37.S0 Q 2 264 NATIONAL INSUEANCE. PART II. BURGH. Name of Committee. Qiiorum. (1) (2) Aberdeen ... . . 14 Airdrie .-. ••■ •■• ••• ••• ••• 8 Arbroath ... ... ... ... ... ... .•■ 8 Avr 9 Clydebank 9 Coatbridge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Dumbarton ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Dumfries and Maxwelltown ... ... ... ... 8 Dundee ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Dunfermline ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Edinburgh 16 Falkirk 9 Glasgow ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Govan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Greenock ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Hamilton ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Inverness ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Kilmarnock ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Kirkcaldy 9 Leith ' 11 Motherwell 10 Paisley ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Partick 11 Perth 9 Rutherglen ... ... ... .. ... ... 8 Stirling ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 Wishaw ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 D. Ireland. The N.-^tional Health Insuraxce (Insurance Committees) Regulations (Irel.\nd), 1912, d.vted December 19, 1912, made by the Irish Insurance Commissioners under the X.\tion.\l Insur.\nce Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55), as to THE Proceedings of Insur.vnce Committees. 1912. No. 1S()9. Thu Irish Insurance Commissioners establisiiod under the National Insurance Act, 1911, in pursuance of the powers con- ffrred on tliem by sub-section (4) of Section 59 and Sections 65 and tSl of that Act, hereby make the followinjj: Ke^uhitions : — 1. — (1) The.se Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (^ Insurance Committees) Re<>uh»iions (Ireland), 1912. (2) Ln lliese Ren-ulations. unless the context other^Yise re- quires : — The expression "the Act nie;uis Tari 1. of ihe National Insurance Act, 1911; The expression "the Commissioners means (he iiish Insurance Commissioners ; The exi)ression " the Committee " means the Insurance Conunitlec. Insurance Committees (Procedure) 265 (Ireland; Regs. (3) The Interpretation Act, 1889,* applies to the interpretation of these Regulations as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. 2. — (1) The Committee shall appoint some member of the Chairman. Committee to be chairman of the Committee, and the person so appointed shall, if he so long remains a member of the Com- mittee, hold ofi&ce for such period as may be specified in the resolution of the Committee under which he is appointed. (2) At every meeting of the Committee the chairman if present shall preside. If the Chairman is absent from any meeting, the members present at the meeting shall elect from among themselves some person to act as chairman as respects that meeting. 3. The time and place of holding the first meeting of the Com- Time and mittee shall be fixed by the Commissioners, and the subsequent pl^ce of meetings of the Committee shall be held at such times and places °' as the Committee may from time to time appoint. Provided that a meeting of the Committee shall be held at least once in every three months. 4. Xotice of all meetings of the Committee shall be delivered Notices of or sent by post so as to reach the last-known place of abode or meetings, business in Ireland of each member of the Committee three clear days before the day of meeting, and a copy of such notice shall be sent so as to reach the Secretary to the Commissioners three clear days before any such meeting of the Committee. •5. Every question at a meeting of the Committee shall be Voting, determined by a majority of the votes of the members of the Committee present and voting on the question, and in case of an equal division of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. 6. The proceedings of a Committee shall not be invalidated Vacancies, bj- any vacancy in their number or by any defect in the appoint- &c-, not to ment of any member of the Committee. Droceec^irws 7. — (1) The Committee shall, subject to the satisfaction of the Officers of Commissioners, appoint some fit person to act as clerk to the Committee. Committee, and may, with the consent of and subject to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, appoint such other officers or servants as may be necessary, to hold ofiice during the pleasure of the Committee. (2) The Committee may, with the consent of the Commis- sioners, pay to the clerk and' to their other ofiicers and servants such remuneration as the Committee think fit. (3) The clerk of every Committee shall submit for the approval of the Commissioners the particulars of such offices and appoint- ments as the Committee propose to create. (4) The clerk of every Committee shall submit to the Commis- sioners the names and qualifications of all such persons as the Committee propose to appoint to any office. * 52-3 V. c. 63. 266 NATIONAL IXSUEAXCE. Minutes of Proceedings Offices of Committee. Sub- committees. pDwor to make Stfitifl- ini{ Orders. Power of Committee to determine procedure. {o) The clerk of every Committee shall give security to the Committee by a boud of a guarantee society approved by the Commissioners in a sum to be determined by the Committee with the approval of the Commissioners. 8. — (1) Minutes of the proceedings of every meeting of the Committee and a record of the attendance of the members of the Committee shall be duly kept by the clerk, who shall forward to the Commissioners within four days of the date of any meeting a copy of the minutes of the proceedings of the Committee, in such form as the Commissioners may from time to time require. (2) Unless and until the contrary is proved, every meeting in respect of the proceedings whereof a minute has been made in accordance with the above provision shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held, and all the members present at the meeting shall be deemed to have been duly qualified. 9. The Committee may, for the purposes of their duties under the Act, provide themselves with offices, and for that purpose may use any offices belonging to a local authority, subject to the consent of the authority, with or without payment, as may be pgreed : Provided that the Committee, before taking any steps to acquire premises, shall satisfy themselves that the use of the offices of a local authority cannot be obtained on reasonable terms and conditions. 10. — (1) Subject to the provisions of the Act and of these Hegulations, the Committee may from time to time appoint such sub-committees as they may think expedient and may delegate to any sub-committee so appointed any of the pow?rs and dutie.s of the Committee : Provided that — (i.) No expenditure shall be incurred by a sub-committee without the consent of the committee ; and (ii.) Minutes of the proceedings of every meeting of a sub- committee and a record of the attendance of the mem- bers of the sub-committee shall be duh- kept and laid before the Committee at its next meeting, and shall be recorded on the minutes of that meeting. (2) Sub-committees may consist wholly or partly of members of the Committee as the Committee may, in their discretion, determine. (Ii) Subject as aforesaid, the j)rovisions of these Regulations relating to the constitution, chairman, and proceedings of Com- mittees sluill apply to sub-committees as they apply to Com- Tiiitifcs, with the substituiioti of the sub-committee for the Cominilte(\ 11. Subject to the provisions of the Act and of Regulations made ])y the Commissioners, the Committee may make, vary, and revoke Siandiiig Orders for llie n-giilalion of Iheir jtroceed- ings and ])usiness. 12. Subject 1o llic pifivisions of these Regulaiions, llic (|Uorum, l)roceedings, and jilacc of meeting of the Connnillcr sliall be such as the Committee determine : Constitution of Dii^trict Insurance Committees 267 (Scotland) Regs. Provided that the quorum shall in no case be less than one- fourth of the whole number of the Committee. 13. Subject to the provisions of any Regulations which maj' Term of be hereafter made by the Commissioners, all the members of office, the Committee in office on the 15th day of July, 1914, shall go out of office on that date, and their places shall be filled by new appointments to be made at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed by Regulations made by the Commissioners. Given under the Seal of office of the aforesaid Commis- sioners this 19th day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. /. A. Glynn, Chairman. (l.s.) Jo]in Houlihan, Secretarv. (xvl.) Insurance Committees (District Committees). A. Eng-land. The National Health Ixsukaxce (District Ixsukaxce C0M3IITTEES) REGULATIONS (EnGLAND), 1912. DaTED N0VE3IBEK 22, 1912. B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (District Insurance Com:\iittees) Regulations (\YalesX 1912. Dated November 28, 1912. [These Regulations being "Provisional" within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this volume.] C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Constitution of District Insurance Committees) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, dated July 8, 1912, made by the Scottish Insurance Com- missioners UNDER the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. -f^. S. 26 1. These Regulations may be cited as " The National Health Insurance (Constitution of District Insurance Committees) Regu- lations (Scotland), 1912." 2. The Interpretation Act, 1889, ■' applies to the interpretation of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the interi)re- tation of an Act of Parliament. * 52-3 Y. c. 63. 268 NATIO>"AL IXSUEAXCE. 3. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires or admits : — " The Act ■' means the National Insurance Act, 1911. " The Commissioners "* means the Scottish Insurance Com- missioners. " The Committee "' means the Insurance Committee estab- lished for the area of a county or burgh. "District Insurance Committee"' means "District Com- mittee ■' in terms of Sections 59 and SO of the Act. '■ County'' includes all burghs therein having a population of less than twenty thousand, and in the cases of the counties of Kinross and Clackmannan, or Elgin and Nairn, means a combination of the counties of Kinross and Clackmannan and of Elgin and Nairn respectively. " County Council " includes a Joint Committee of the County Councils of two counties combined for the purposes of the Act. "Burgh" includes a Police Burgh, and in the case of the burghs of Dumfries and Maxwelltown means the Burghs as combined for the purposes of Part I. of the Act. 4. Subject to the provisions of Regulation No. 3, terms and expressions used in these regulations shall, unless otherwise specially provided or by the context otherwise reciuired, have the meanings attaching thereto in the Act. 5. The Committee of every county shall (except in cases where, owing to special circumstances, the Commissioners consider it un- necessary and so intimate in writing to the Committee) within six months after the commencement of the Act prepare and submit for approval to the Commissioners a scheme for the appointment of District Insurance Committees for the county in accordance 'ivith the following provisions: — (1) Tlie County- Council shall be consulted by the Committee prior to the preparation of the scheme. (2) The area to be assigned to each District Insurance Com- mittee shall be prescribed in the sclieme. (3) A District Insurance Committee shall be appointed for each burgh within the county provided that if the Insurance Committee consider it expedient in tlie case of any such burgh any adjoining ar(>as may be grouped with the burgh for the purpose of the appointnuMit of a District Insurance Committee. (4) Before submitting for a]i]iroval a scIkmuo prescribing areas to be assigned to Disirict Tiisnranco CnniTuiitees, tlie Committee sliall consult with the County Cmincil or any comniitlcc thereof a])])nint('(l for tlie ]iiirpose and shall consider any reiircscntat ion received from them. (^^) The County Council, or Town Council, or other authority or person interested may :tii])eal to the Coniniissionera against the proposed (rroiiping of any adjoining area with a burgh or burghs and the Commissioners shall eonsider the a]ipeal and may make surli inquiry and (■('ustitutiou of Di^5trict Insurance Committees 269 (Scotland,) Regs. take such further action as they may consider necessary thereon and shall dispose thereof by approving, modi- fying, or rejecting the proposal as may seem expedient to them. 6. A District Insurance Committee may, with the approval of the Committee and of the Commissioners, appoint such officers or serA'ants as it may consider necessary for the carrying out of its business and the due execution of the powers and duties delegated to it by the Committee, and shall pay to such officers and servants such salaries or wages as may be assigned by the Committee with the approval of the Commissioners. T. The Committee shall apportion to each District Insurance Committee such proportion of the sums receivable by the Com- mittee to meet administrative expenses as may be necessary to meet the salaries and wages of officials and servants appointed as aforesaid and other administrative expenses of tlie District Insur- ance Committee approved by the Committee. 8. The Committee may delegate or assign to a District Insur- ance Committee any of the powers or duties of the Committee subject always to the following reservations and conditions : — (1) ISTo expenditure shall be incurred by a District Insurance Committee without the consent of the Committee. (2) The powers and duties of the Committee with reference to the arrangements for the treatment of tuberculosis and other appointed diseases, and all negotiations with medical practitioners or local medical committees and pharmacists or chemists in regard to the terms on and the general arrangements under which medical treatment, medicines, and appliances will be afforded or supplied within the area of the Committee shall not be delegated to a District Insurance Committee. (3) Every District Insurance Committee shall report its pro- ceedings to the Committee at such times and in such manner as the Committee shall appoint. 9. The proceedings of District Insurance Committees shall mutatis mutandis be regulated by the Standing Orders of the Committee as set forth in the Regulations made by the Commis- sioners and entitled the ]SJ"ational Health Insurance (Insurance Committees Procedure) Regulations (Scotland), 1912. 10. These Regulations shall remain in force unless and until altered or varied by any subsequent Regulations or Order made or issued by the Commissioners. Given under the Seal of Office of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners at Edinburgh, this eighth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) James Leishman, Chairman. John Jeffrey, Secretary. 270 XATIOXAL INSUEAXCE. (xvii.) Intermediate Employers. A. Eng-land. The National Health Insurance (Intermediate Employers) Eeoulations (England), 1912. Datei> June 27, 1912. B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Intermediate Employers) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated July 5, 1912. [These Regulations being " Proyisional"' within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not "Statutory," are not printed in this volume.] C. Scotland. The Xationai. Health Insurance (Intermediate Employers) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, dated July 12, 1912, made BY THE National Health Inscrance Joint Committee AND BY the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, acting JOINTLY, UNDER THE NATIONAL INSURANCE AcT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55), as to Employed Contributors working under THE General Control and Management of some Person other than their Immediate Emi'loyer. 027 1912. ^o. „ S. 31 Tlie Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners ajjpointed for the purposes of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, acting jointly with the Scottish Insurance Commis- sioners constituted under that Act (hereinafter called " the Commissioners "), do hereby in pursuance of the powers con- ferred on them by Section G5 of, and paragraph (6) of the Third Schedule to the said Act and by paragraph 5 (e) of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Rcgnlalioiis. 1012,* and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, make the following Regu- lations : — 1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as tlie National Health Insurance (Intermediate Employers) Regulations (Scotland), 1912. (2) 'I'Ik' Inl<'ii)r('t:it idii Act. I.SSO.t applies lo ilic inicrj)! cialiou of tliese Kcgulal ions in like manner as it ;ii>])li('s to llic inter- pretation of an Act of Parliainent. C'i) In these Regulations the expression " the Act" means the National Insurance Act, 1911. 2. Where a contributor engaged in any of ihc employments specified in the first column of tlie Schedule to these Regulations works under the general control and management of the j)erson • Printed at p. 21, above. f 52-.3 V. c. G.3. Intermediate Emplo^-ers (Scotland) Regs. 271 specified in the corresponding- entry in the second column of the Schedule, that person (in these Regulations called the principal employer) shall, notwithstanding that he is not the immediate employer of the contributor, be deemed to be the employer for the purposes of the provisions of Part I. of the Act relating to the payment of contributions and for the purposes of the pro- visions of the Third Schedule to the x\ct, and those provisions and the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions Regulations (vScotland) 1912),* sliall be construed and liavp effect as if that person were the immediate employer of the contributor. 3. The principal employer sliall be entitled to deduct the amount of any contribution paid by him on behalf of any con- tributor whose employer he is deemed to be by virtue of these Regulations from any sums payable by him to the immediate employer in respect of the period or any part of the period for which the contribution has been paid, and upon any such con- tribution being so paid by the principal employer the immediate employer shall be entitled to recover from the employed con- tributor the like sum and in the like manner as if he had paid the contribution. Given under the Seal of the Office of the aforesaid Joint Committee this twelfth day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W. J. Braitliwaite. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Scottish Insurance Commissioners this eleventh day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John Jeffrey. SCHEDULE. EmpJoi/mcnt. Principal Employer. 1. Employment in a coal mine 1. The owner of the mine within within the meaning of the Coal the meaning of the said Act. ?k[ines Act, 1911. 2. Employment in a metalliferous 2. The owner of the mine within mine within the meaning of the the meaning of the said Acts. Metalliferous Mines Regulation Acts, 1872 and 1875. 3. Employment in a quarry under 3. The owner of the quarry for the Quarries Act, 1894. the purposes of the said Act. 4. Employment in a factory or 4. The occupier of the factory or workshoiD within the meaning of the workshop. Factory and Workshop Act, 1901 (not being a tenement factory or worksliop, or a factory or workshop within which an insured trade within the meaning of Part II. of the Act is carried on, or a quarry under the Quarries Act, 1894). * Printed at p. 161, above. *272 XATIOXAL INSURANCE. Principal Employer. 5. The pevsoM in whose business or for the purposes of whose busi- ness the contributor is employed. 6. The person in whose business or for the purposes of whose business the contributor is employed. Employment. 5. Employment in an insured trade within the meaning of Part II. of the Act (other than the trade of building or of the construction of works) where the immediate em- ployer of the contributor himself works wholly or mainly by way of manual labour in or for the busi- ness of the principal employer. 6. Employment in the trade of building or of the construction of works (within the meaning of the Sixth Schedub to the Act) where the immediate employer of the con- tributor himself works wholly or mainly by way of manual labour in or for the business of the principal employer and where the principal employer has a right to the exclu- sive services of the immediate em- ployer of the contributor. 7. Employment in a tenement factory or workshop within the meaning of the Factory and Work- shop Act, 1901 . where the owner of the factory or workshop has a right to the exclusive services of the immediate employer of the con- tributor. D. Ireland. The National Health Insurance (Intermediate E-MPLoyERi?) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated July 10, 1912. [These Res'iilatioiis beings '* Provi.sional " witliin Section 2 of the Rules Puhliration Act, 1893, and not "Statutory," are not printed in this Volume.] 7. The owner of the factory or Morkshop. (xvili.) Married Women (Special Benefits). A. Eng-land. The National Health Insurance (Married Womkn's Special Benefits) Regulations, 1912. Dated Septemi'.lr 19, 1912. B. Wales. The National Health Insurance (Married Women's Special P>k\hi- its) Regulations (Walls), 1912. Dated OcTOIJEli 1, 1912. [These Regulations being " Provisional " within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not "Statutory," are not printed in this Volume.] Married Women (Special Benefits) 273 (Scotland) Regs. C. Scotland. The Xatioxal Health Ixslraxce (Married Womex's Special Benefits) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, dated Decem BER 27, 1912, MADE BY THE SCOTTISH INSURANCE COMMIS- SIONERS UNDER THE XaTIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55), as to the Application of the Transfer Value of a Married Woman electing not to BECOME A Voluntary Contributor. 1912. No. '''' S. 126 The Scottish Insurance Commissioners constituted under the National Insurance Act, 1911, in pursuance of the powers con- ferred on them by the National Insurance Act, 1911, and by the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912,* hereby make the following- Regulations : — 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Married Women's Special Benefits) Regulations (Scotland), 1912. 2. — (1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires : — The expression '' the Act '' means the National Insurance Act, 1911. The expression '' quarter " means any period of currency oi contribution cards issued under the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Regulations, 1912. t (2) The Interpretation Act, 1889,j: applies to the interpretation of these Regulations as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. 3. Where a married woman, in respect of wliom a reserve value has been credited to an Approved Society at the date of her entry into insurance, has been suspended from the ordinary benefits under Section 44 of the Act, and elects not to become a voluntary contributor under sub-section (2) of that section, there shall be written off the amount of the reserve values credited to the Society an amount to be ascertained in manner following: — There shall be deducted from an amount equal to two-thirds of the reserve value so credited to the Society the sum of ft/, for every weeklj' contribution paid by or in respect of the contributor of which any part has been retained under Section 55 (3) of the Act, and the residue of the said amount shall be the amount to be written off the said reserve values. * Printed at p. 21, above. t Printed at p. 161, above. % 52-3 Y. c. 63. 274 NATIONAL IXSUEAXCE. For the purpose of this Eegulation — (i.) The number of weekly contributions paid by or in respect of a contributor shall be calculated as follows : — (a) There shall first be ascertained the total number of the weekly contributions in respect of which the contri- butor is in arrears from the time of her entry into insurance down to the date of her suspension. (b) There shall be next ascertained the total number of quarters contained in the period from the time of the entry into insurance of the contributor down to the expiration of the quarter immediately preceding- the date of her suspension. (c) The number of quarters so ascertained shall be multiplied by twelve and a half, and where the product contains a fraction, that fraction shall be treated as a whole number. To the product so obtained there shall be added the number of weeks from the beginning- of the quarter in which the contributor is suspended from the ordinary benefits to the date of her suspension, and from the sum so obtained there shall be deducted the total number of weekly contributions in respect of which the contributor is in arrears, and the residue shall be deemed the number of weekly contributions paid by or in respect of the contributor. fii.) Tlie total number of the weekly contributions in respect of which a contributor is in arrears shall be the number ascertained by dividing the number of pence contained in those weekly contribu- tions by a number equal to the weekly rate in pence of the contribution : Provided that — (a) Where the contributions in arrear were as to one part of them payable at one weekly rate and as to others of them payable at another weekly rate, the contribu- tions payable at the other weekly rate respectively shall for tlie purpose of the foregoing calculation be treated separately ; and (h) Any part of a contribution remaining over after tlie division required to be made under this provision has Ix'cn made shall be treated as a w IkiIo contribution. (iJi.) Where the contributor entered into insurance after the ex- piration of tlie first week of a quarter any arrears whicli accrued during thai quarter sliall l)e disicgardtMl, and that quarter sliall not be deemed to be a (juartcr for tlie purpose of tin's llegulat ion. Civ.) The date of entry into insurance sliall. in the case of a woman who was a British subject at the date of her tiist joining an Ajii)roved Society, be decnied to b(> that date, and, in the case of a woman who became a British subject subse(|uently to liei' joining an Approved Society, be deemed to be the date ujion \\hicli she became a British subject. 4. The sum to be ap])lied in the case of any married woman undei tlu) proviso to sub-section (2) of Section 14 of the Act to- wards the payment of any of the benefits specified in Part III. of Married AVornen (Special Benefits) 275 (Scotland) Regs. the Fourtli Schedule of the Act shall be carried to her credit in an p.ccount fo hfi called the " Married Women's Credit Account," =and shall be applied towards the payment of the said benefits in manner hereinafter provided. 0. Xo benefit shall be payable before the expiration of the I)eriod ending- on the 12th day of January, 1913, or unless and until twenty-six weeks have elapsed since the entry into insurance of the married woman. 6. An Approved Society may, with the approval of the Com- missioners, make rules with respect to the payments during- any period of sickness or distress by way of benefits under Part III. of the said Fourth Schedule, and any such benefits shall be pay- able in accordance with those rules and not otherwise. T. — (1) The Society, or in the case of a Society with Branches, the Branch of the Society, shall debit to the married woman in the Married AVomen's Credits Account all sums expended for benefits in respect of her under these Regulations. (2) Upon the death of the married woman, any sum remaining to her credit in the Married Women's Credits Account shall be written off that account and transferred to the Benefit Fund Account of the Society. (3) If the married woman is transferred to another Approved Society or to another Branch of her Society, there shall be trans- ferred to that other Society or Branch in respect of her, the sum standing to her credit in the Married AYomen's Credits Account, and that sum shall be written off that account accordingly and shall be credited to her in the Married Women's Credits Account of the other Society or Branch. 8. Articles 5 and 6 of these Regulations shall apply to a married woman suspended from ordinary benefits who is a deposit con- tributor as if the Insurance Committee administering benefits to her were an Approved Society. 9. The National Health Insurance (Benefits of Married Women Suspended from Ordinary Benefits) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, dated 14th June, 1912.* are hereby revoked : Provided that any- thing done in pursuance of those Regulations shall notwithstand- ing anything in these Regulations be deemed to have been validly done and shall have full effect accordingly. GiA'en under the seal of office of the aforesaid Scottish Insurance Commissioners this twenty-seventh day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve . James Leishman, (l.s.) Chairman. Jolin Jeffrey, Secretary. '* St. R. & 0., 1912, No. l^l^. 276 ^*ATIOXAI> IXSUR-Os-CE. D. Ireland. The National Health Ixsuran'ce (Married Women's Special Benefits) Regulations (Ireland), 1912. Dated October 19, 1912. [These Regulations being "Provisional" within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not "Statutory," are not printed in this Volume.] (xix.) Maternity Benefit. C. Scotland. The National Health Insurance (Qualification of Midwives) (Scotland) Regulations, 1912, dated Decembee 27, 1912. made by the .Scottish Insurance Commissioners under the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1899 1912. ^0. ^r' -' IS. 124 The Scottish Insurance Commissioners, constituted under the National Insurance Act, 1911, in pursuance of the powers con- ferred upon them by Section 65 as applied to Scotland by Section 80 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, do hereby, under and in terms of Section 18 of the said Act as applied to Scotland by said Section 80, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, make the following Regulations : — 1. — (1) These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Qualifications of Midwives) (Scotland) Regulations, 1912. (2) In these Regulations — The expression " the Act " means Part I. as read along with Part III. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. The expression "the Commissioners" means the Scottish Insurance Commissioners. (3) The Interpretation Act, 1889,* applies to the interpretation of these Regulations as it applies to tlio interpretation of an Act of Parliament. 2. The qualifications of a midwife for the purposes of Section 18 of the Act as applied to Scotland by Section 80 of the Act shall be either — (a) Bona fide jjractice in Scotland as a midwife for a period of at least one year prior to 15tli January, 1913; or (h) Regular or due attendance at a course of training in mid- wifery at such Hosi)it!il, Infirmary, or other Institution as may from time tf) time be approved in writing by the Commissioners. • 52 3 Y. c. fi3. Medical Benefit Administration (England 277 and Wales):— Reo-s. 1, 2. 3. If any question arises as to whether any woman possesses the prescribed qualifications the same shall be determined by the Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Scottish Insurance Commissioners this Twenty-seventh day of December one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) James Leishman, Chairman. J oil 71 Jeffrey, Secretary. D. Ireland. The National Health INSURA^-CE (Qualification of MiDwivES) Regulations (Ireland;, 1912. Dated December 18, 1912. [These Regulations being' "Provisional" within Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, and not "Statutory," are not printed in this Volume.] (xx.) Medical Benefit (Administration). England and Wales. The National Health Insurance (Administration of Medical Benefit) Regulations, 1912, dated December 5, 1912, made by the National Health Insurance Joint Committee acting jointly with the Insurance Commissioners and the Welsh Insurance Commissioners. 1912. No. 1719. The Joint Committee of the several bodies of Insurance Com- missioners appointed for the purpose of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911,* acting- jointly with the Insurance Com- missioners and the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the said Act and by para- graphs T and 16 of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912. t hereby make the following Regulations: — Part I. General. 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Short title. Insurance (Administration of Medical Benefit) Reuulations, 1912. 2. — (1.) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise Interpreta. requires : — tion. '* The Act " means the National Insurance Act, 1911. " The Commissioners " means the Insurance Commissioners or, where by virtue of the National Insurance (Joint Com- mittee) Regulations, 1912, any power is exercisable by the * 1-2 G. 5, c. 55. t Printed at p. 21, above. 3789 R 2/b >'ATIOXAL I^'SURANCE. Joint Committee or by the Joint Committee acting- jointly with the Commissioners, means the Joint Committee, or the Joint Committee acting jointly with the Commissioners, as the case may require. " Committee " means the Insurance Committee for any County or County Borough. " County " includes County Borough. "Society" means an Approved Society and includes the Xavy and Army Insurance Fund. " Member " means a member of a Society who is an insured person under the Act entitled to medical benefit. " Insured Person " means an insured person under the Act entitled to medical benefit. " Practitioner " means a duly qualified medical prac- titioner, and, where the Regulations refer to a practitioner attending an insured person, includes a practitioner attending the insured person in lieu of the practitioner in accordance with the terms of the latter' s agreement with the Committee. "Chemist" means any person, firm, or body corporate, entitled to carry on the business of a chemist or druggist under the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1868,* as amended by the Poisons and Pharmacy Act, 1908. t " Treatment " means medical attendance and treatment of insured persons. " Drugs " includes medicines. " Local Medical Committee " means a Local Medical Com- mittee formed for any County and recognised by the Commissioners under Section 62 of the Act, and any refer- ences to a Local Medical Committee shall have effect only where a Local Medical Committee has been so formed and recognised. " Institution " means a system or institution existing on the 16th December, 1911, and providing medical attendance and treatment. " Year " means " medical year." " Medical year " means the period ending on tlie 14ih day of January, 1914, and any successive similar period fixed by the Commissioners for Ihc purjioso. (2.) The Interpretation Act, 1SS9.J n])])!).'^ lo llic interpretation of these Regulations as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. Part II. Prnn'sinn of Medical Attendance and Trcntvicnt. Uutj' of 3. Every Committee shall as soon as may be make arrange- Commiiteo mciits for securing the treatment of insured persons resident in o ma e ^j^^ County bv such i)rn't itioners as are willing to undertake the ments. treatment, and shall submit those arrangements for the approval of the Commissioners. • .32-3 y. c. 117. t 8 Edw. 7, c. bb. % 52-3 Y. c. 63. Medical Benefit Admmistration (England and Wales): — Regs. 4-T. 279 4. Xotwithstanding- anything contained in these Regulations, in the event of any difficulty arising in completing or bringing into operation any arrangements proposed to be adopted by the Committee, the Committee maj^, subject to the approval of the Commissioners, make provisional arrangements to extend over a period of three months or such further period as the circum- stances of the case may require and where any such provisional arrangements are made any of the provisions of these Regulations shaU have effect subject to such modifications and conditions as the Commissioners may approve. 5. — (1.) Every Society having members resident in any County shall as soon as may be supply to the Committee a list showing the name of every member so resident, specifying the full postal address of the usual residence of the member. (2.) The Committee shall cause to be furnished to each Society supplying a list of members, and to every other Society which in the belief of the Committee has members resident in the County, a statement of the amount estimated to be necessary in respect of the cost of the medical benefit of the members of that Society and of the administration of that benefit, and the Committee and the Society shall enter into an agreement accordingly, but any agree- ment so made shall have effect only if and so far as the arrange- ments made by the Committee in accordance with the Act and these Regulations are approved by the Commissioners. (3.) Where the Commissioners are satisfied, upon such evidence as they think sufficient, that the Committee and any Society are unable to enter into any agreement as aforesaid, the Commis- sioners shall determine the amount to be paid by the Society to the Committee in such manner as they think fit, after a con- sideration of any representations made by either party. 6. The Committee shall cause to be prepared as soon as may be a list showing, in respect of each deposit contributor in the County, his name and the full postal address of his usual residence. 7. — (1.) With a view to making arrangements with prac- titioners for the purpose of administering medical benefit, the Committee shall, after consulting the Local Medical Committee, determine the conditions of service upon which it is proposed to invite practitioners to undertake treatment, and the method and rate of remuneration for that treatment, and shall embody par- ticulars of those matters in draft agreements. (2.) Every such draft agreement shall include the conditions specified in Part I. of the First Schedule to these Regulations, and one of the methods of remuneration specified in Part II. of that Schedulf, provided that the Committee may, if they think fit, subject to the approval of the Commissioners, make any modifications in any of those conditions and methods of remuneration, whether in the case of any one or more practi- tioners, or combine any of the methods of remuneration and, where payment is to be made to the practitioner out of the proceeds of any Parliamentary grant, shall include such conditions as are necessary to be complied with as -conditions of that grant. (3.) The Committee shall determine the form and manner in which notice of the terms and conditions including the method Power to make provi- sional arrange- ments. Negotia- tions with Societies. List of Deposit Contribu- tors. Conditions of service of practi- tioners. 87S9 R 2 280 NATIONAL ■I>-SUEAXCE. Submission of arrange- ments. Preparation and siihmis- sion of rules. I ncome limit. Approval by C<)nimiH- eioners. and rate of remuneration offered by the Committee is to be given to practitioners, and the form and manner in which a practitioner may intimate his acceptance of those terms and conditions and his desire to be included in the list of practitioners undertaking treatment, which practitioners are in these Regulations collec- tively referred to as " the panel." 8. As soon as the Committee have determined the matters specified in the last preceding Regulation, they shall submit for the approval of the Commissioners the arrangements proposed to be made accordingly, and in particular: (a) the draft agreements M'ith practitioners determined by the Committee ; (6) the form and manner of notification to, and acceptance by, practitioners of the terms and conditions of service; (c) the agreements proposed to be entered into with Societies, showing separately the amounts proposed to be paid in respect of the cost of medical benefit and the adminis- tration thereof ; (d) in respect of any Society with which no agreement has been entered into, the amount proposed by the Com- mittee as sufficient, and the amount, if any, offered by the Society ; (e) the amount which, in the opinion of the Committee, is properly payable in respect of each deposit contributor for the purposes of the cost of his medical benefit ; (/) the method proposed to be adopted by the Committee for the distribution amongst, and assignment to, the practitioners on the panel, of the insured persons wh& have failed to select a practitioner, or who have been refused by the practitioner whom they have selected; (g) the arrangements proposed to be made by the Committee in respect of persons entitled under Section 15 (2) (e) of the Act to the provision of medical attendance and treatment, on the same terms as to remuneration a& those arranged with respect to insured persons. 9. The Committee shall, after consultation witli the Local Medical Committee, prepare Rules to be sul)mitted for the approviil of tlie Cniutuissioiiers. with regard to tl.e administration of medical benefit by the Committee in accordaTue with Section 14 of the Act, and shall submit them for the iijipioval of the Com- missioners. 10. The Coniinittee shall furnish for the iiifonualion of the Commissioners a statement of the income limit, if any, proposed 1o he fixed by tlio Cominittoc under tlicso Regulations. 11. liefore approxing any ai i angi-nicnts submitted to tlioni in accordance with Ihese R(»gulatioiis, Ihe Cnniniissioners sliall con- sider any representations made to tliem by the Local Medical Conunittee, and, subject to any alterations made in ])ursuance of the re(|uireTnents of the Commissioners, any arrangements so innrje }»y the ('(ininiittee itnd a])pr()ved by the Commissioners shall have effect for such period as may be specified in the approval. Medical Benefit Administiation (England and Wales) :— Regs. 12-14. 281 12. The Committee shall, as soon as the Commissioners have Invitation to notified their approval of the arrangements submitted by the Com- practi- mittee and their decision in respect of any questions arising in relation thereto, give notice, in the form and manner approved in accordance with these Regulations, of the terms and conditions upon which practitioners are invited to undertake treat- ment, and of the form and manner in which acceptance may be notified, and the notice shall specify a period, not being less than 14 or more than 21 days, within which a practitioner is entitled to make application to be included in the list first to be issued of practitioners on the panel. 13. — (1.) After the expiration of the period specified in the Preparation notice, the Committee shall prepare a list of the medical prac- of J^Iedical titioners who have signified their desire to undertake treatment. (2.) Each list so prepared (in these Regulations referred to as *' the medical list,") shall contain, in addition to the names of practitioners — (a) the private address, and the address of any surgery, dis- pensary, or other place, at which any practitioner undertakes to attend for the purpose of treating insured persons ; (b) particulars of the days and hours at which he undertakes to be in attendance at each place ; and (c) where two or more practitioners practising in partnership have signified their desire to undertake treatment, the name of the firm or partnership ; and may, if the Committee think fit, be so arranged as to show the area in the County in which each practitioner undertakes treatment and the medical list shall have effect for the year for which it is prepared. (3.) The Committee shall fix by its rules, and give public notice of, a date, not being earlier than the 1st November or later than the 1st December in any year, for revision of the medical list which date is in these Regulations referred to as "the date of revision." 14. — (1.) The Committee may fix an income limit for the purpose of the administration of medical benefit, and may require any persons whose income exceeds that limit, in lieu of receiving medical benefit under the arrangements to be made by the Com- mittee under these Regulations, to make their own arrangements for receiving treatment (including medicines and appliances), pro- vided that, in fixing that limit, the Committee may exempt from the necessity of making their own arrangements any insured per- sons who ought in the opinion of the Committee to be exempted whether by reason of the occupation or method of remuneration of the class to which they belong or of their circumstances or residence or otherwise. (2.) The Committee before fixing, varying, or abolishing an income limit, shall give public notice of their intention so to do and shall consult the Local Medical Committee, and shall Power to require or allow persons to make their own arrange- ments for treatment. 282 NATIONAL INSURANXE. consider representations made to them by any Society, or associa- tion of deposit contributors, having members resident in the County. (3.) An insured person, whose income exceeds the income limit and who is not exempted by the Committee, shall not be entitled to receive medical benefit under the arrangements made by the Committee. (4.) Any Society or association of deposit contributors, haA ing members resident in the County, or the Local Medical Com- mittee, or, where no Local Medical Committee exists, any prac- titioner on the panel, or any chemist or other person, firm or body corporate undertaking- the supply of drugs or appliances under these Eegulations may at any time, by notice in writing to the Committee, dispute the right of any insured person to receive medical benefit under the arrangements made by the Committee, on the ground that the income of that person exceeds the income limit and that he is not entitled to be exempted. (5.) Upon receipt of any such notice the Committee may, if it appears to them that the income of that person exceeds the income limit, and that he is not entitled to be exempted, give notice in writing to that person that, unless, within a period specified in the notice, he shows that his income does not exceed that limit or that he is entitled to be exempted, the Committee will require him to make his own arrangements for receiving- treatment (including medicines and appliances), and if, within the said period, the insured person fails to show that his income does not exceed that limit or that he is entitled to be exempted, the Committee shall require him to make his own arrangements. (6.) Any decision of the Committee to fix, vary or abolish an income limit shall only take effect from the commencement of the year. (7.) The Committee may allow any insured persons resident in the County, whether individually or collectively, in lieu of receiving medical benefit under the arrangements made by the Committee, to make their own arrangements for receiving treat- ment (iiu-luding medicines and appliances). (8.) Where the Committee are of opinion upon such evidence as they think sufficient that the arrangements made by any person who has been re((uired or allowed to make liis own arrangements under this Regulation are satisfactory, that is to say such as to secure treatment (including- medicines and appliances) not inferior in nature quality or extent to that provided under the arrange- ments made by the Committee and to comply in other respects witli any conditions which by reason of any sclieme for the dis- tributifin of I'arliaiiienlary grant must be (•on)i)lied with in the case of treatment provided otherwise, there shall be made towards the cost of that treatment such a contribution calculated and paid in such n manner as hereinafter in these lU'gulations i)ro- vidcd, and where tiie Committee are of opinion that tlie arrange- ments so made are not satisfactory or, upon any iepres(>iitatiou by a Society, that tlie treatment is not such as will achnjuately protect tlie funds of tlie Society, tliey shall either withhold the contribution or may make such a deduction therefrom as they may in any case determine. Medical Benefit Administiatiou (England 283 and Wales) :—Ileg.s. 15; 16. 15. — (1.) The Board of Management or other governing Approval of authority of, or person administering, any institution may apply insiitutions. to the Committee to approve the institution for the purposes of Section 15 (4) of the Act. (2.) Upon any such application being made the Committee shall send to the Commissioners such particulars of the institutiou as the Commissioners may require, and shall state whether the Committee propose to approve that institution and the reasons for the course of action proposed to l)e adopted, and, if the Com- mittee arid the Commissioners approve the institution, it shall be approved for the purposes of the Section aforesaid for the period specified in the approval : Provided that i. no institution shall be appvo\ed unless the Committee are satisfied that — {a) the treatment given by the institution is adequate, and (h) every insured person obtaining treatment there- under is entitled to determine his arrange- ment with that institution, upon giving reasonable notice of his intention so to do. at the expiration of the currency of the medical list, without thereby incurring any pecuniary loss or other penalty ; and ii. every institution shall as a condition of approval from time to time furnish such accounts and returns as the Commissioners, or the Committee with the consent of the Commissioners, may require, iii. every institution shall be conducted in such a manner as to comply with any conditions as to the nature, quality and extent of the treatment provided which by reason of any scheme for the distribution of a Parliamentary grant must be complied with in the case of treatment provided otherwise than through the institution as a condition of the payment of that grant. (3.) The Committee may contribute, towards the expenses of the treatment furnished by any approved institution to an insured person who elects to obtain treatment through it, an amount calculated and paid in such manner as is hereinafter in these Regulations provided. 16. Where the Commissioners have approved the arrangements Publication made by the Committee in pursuance of these Regulations, the of medical Committee shall as soon as may be publish in any one or more "'*• newspapers circulating in the County an announcement containing particulars of the arrangements made by the Committee, including a statement of the places where a copy of the medical list and of a list of approved institutions may be seen, and forms of applica- tion obtained, by insured persons, a statement as to the income limit, if any, and any other particulars which the Committee think proper, including such particulars as are necessary to bring to the notice of insured persons their right to select a practitioner on the panel and their rights with respect to obtaining treatment in some other manner. 284 XATIOXAL IXSURAXCE. Distribution 17. Where a Committee have adopted for the remuneratiou of •and er capita- practitioners on the panel a system of payment either in whole tioQ system, qj. jjj ^^j.^ ]jj capitation, the following' provisions shall have effect : — (1.) Every insured person shall, if he desires and is entitled to select a practitioner on the panel, fill up the appropriate form of application, and send or present it to the practitioner by whom he desires to be attended before a date indicated in the announcement referred to in the last pre- ceding Regulation. (2.) Where an application has been received by a practitioner, that practitioner shall within one week notify to the Committee the acceptance or rejection of that application on the appropriate place on the form of application, and in the case of rejection the Committee shall as soon as may be thereafter notify the rejection to the applicant. (3.) After the date indicated in the announcement the Com- mHtee shall provide for the distribution, amongst practitioners on tlie panel and so far as practicable under arrangements made by them, of those insured persons for whose treatment no arrange- ments have been made. (4.) The Committee shall prepare a list of those persons who have been accepted by, or assigned to, each practitioner on the panel, and shall furnish to each practitioner a copy of the list of persons for whose treatment he is responsible, and each list shall, subject as provided in these Ilegulations, have eftect until the commencement of the year succeeding that for which it is prepared. (5.) Before giving treatment to any insured person on his list a practitioner shall be entitled to require the production by that person of sucli voucher or other document as the Commissioners may approve for the purpose. (6.) Any insured person wlio desires to be attended by a prac- titioner other tlian the practitioner wlio attended him in the previous year, shall make application to tlie Committee, not later than one month before the date of revision, and any insured person not making such an application shall be deemed to have selected the practitioner from whom he was entitled to receive treatment in tlie previous year. (7.) A i)ractitioner desiring to disconlinue treatment of an insured person shall give to the Committee notice to that effect not later than one month before the date of revision, and any practitioner not giving notice to the Committee before that date shall be deemed to liave under- taken treatment of the insured persons att(>nded by him in the previous year, other than tliose wlio desire to be attended by anotlier jiractitioner or wlio adopt some otlier arrangement for obtaining treatment or who by reason of death, removal or some other cause are no longer inchnled in his list. C8.) Willi regard to any ])erson making a]i])lica1ion to bo atiendod by another practitioner and any jierson whom a practi- tioner lias refused 1o continue in treat, ihc Committee shall so Medical Beiielit Administration (England and Wales): — Regs. 17-19. 285 far as may be adopt the procedure aboye-inentioned for his selection of or assignment to a practitioner on the panel. (9.) As soon as ma}' be after the date of revision the Com- mittee shall issue to each practitioner on the panel a copy ot the revised list of the insured persons for whose treatment that practitioner is responsible. 18. Where a Committee have adopted a method of payment by attendance, the following provisions shall have effect: — (1.) An insured person who is not required or does not desire to make his own arrangements for obtaining treatment, and does not desire to obtain treatment through an approved institution as his medical benefit shall be entitled, on production to a prac- titioner on the panel of such voucher or other document as the Commissioners may approve for the purpose, to obtain treatment from that practitioner subject to the consent of the practitioner, who shall signify his consent by endorsing the voucher or other document in such manner as the Commissioners shall require. (2.) Every practitioner shall upon his acceptance of an insured person for treatment give notice to the Committee upon a form to be provided by the Committee for the purpose. (3.) An insured person who has selected and been accepted by a practitioner in the manner above-mentioned shall be deemed to have selected that practitioner, and shall be entitled, upon production to the practitioner if he so requires of the said voucher or other document, to treatment from him, during the year, and shall not during the year be entitled, while in the area within which that practitioner has agreed to attend him, to obtain treatment from any other practitioner on the panel as part of his medical benefit. (4.) Any insured person who has selected a practitioner shall be entitled at any time after the expiration of the year on produc- tion of the voTicher or other document as aforesaid, to obtain treat- ment from that practitioner or from any other practitioner on the panel who is willing to accept him and shall, upon the endorse- ment by the practitioner of his voucher or other document be deemed to have selected and been accepted by that practitioner for the currency of the revised medical list. (5.) Where any insured person gives notice to the Committee that he is unable to obtain treatment from a practitioner on the panel the Committee shall provide for his assignment to a practi- tioner on the panel so far as practicable under arrangements made by practitioners on the panel. 19. — (1.) Every insured person shall before the date indicated in the announcement made by the Committee in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations (a) if he is required, or desires, to make his own arrangements for obtaining treatment, including medicines and appliances, fill up the appropriate form and send it to the Committee ; (b) if he desires, and is entitled, to obtain treatment, in- cluding medicines and appliances, through an approved institution, fill up the appropriate form and send or present it to the institution. Distribution under system of payment by attend- ance. Choice of methods of obtaining treatment. 286 XATIOXAL IXSUP.ANCE. Preparation of lisis. Revision of lists. Insured person applying during xfvir. Practitioner applying during year. (2.) The Committee shall notify to ciny insured person applying to be allowed to make his own arrangements their consent or refusal as the case may be. (L5.) Where an application has been received by an approved institution, that institution shall within one week notify the acceptance or rejection of the application to the Committee on the appropriate place on the form of application, and in the case of rejection the Committee shall as soon as may be thereafter notify that rejection to the applicant. 20. — (1.) The Committee shall prepare a list of those persons who have been accepted by each approved institution, and a list of persons required or allowed to make their own arrangements for obtaining treatment, and shall furnish each approved institution with a copy of its appropriate list. (2.) Any list so prepared shall, subject as provided in these Regulations, have effect until the commencement of the medical year succeeding that for which it is prepared. 21. — (1.) Any insured person who desires to obtain treatment by any of the methods referred to in these Regulations, other than that which he adopted in the previous year, shall make application to the Committee not later than one month before the date of revision, and any insured person not making such an application shall be deemed to have applied to obtain treatment in the same manner as in the previous year. (2.) Any practitioner desiring to withdraw from the panel shall give to the Committee notice to that effect not later than one month before the date of revision and his name shall thereupon be removed from tlie medical list. (3.) With regard to any ])erson making application to obtain treatment by any method other than that which he adoi)ted in the previous year, the Committee shall so far as may be adopt the procedure provided by these Regulations for enabling an insured person to select his method of treatment. 22. Where an insured person who has elected to receive treat- ment under the arrangements made by the Committee with practitioners on the panel changes liis residence to the area of another Committee, he shall upon arriving in that area give notice to the last-mentioned Committee, and tliereupon that C(jmmittee shall make arrangements wliereby he can receive treatment including drugs and appliances in their area, and such adjustment shall be made between the two Committees as is equil:il)l(' in the circumstances, regard being liad to the propor- tion of llie year spent by tlie insured person in tlic area of each of the Committees respectively, and the arrangements made by eacli of the Committees with the practitioners on the panel in tljeir respective areas shall be so adjusted as to conforni witli the adjustments so made. 23. —(1.) If a practitioner, oilier iliaii a practitioner whose nauH! has been removed from ilic medical list in force in the area of any Committee in the United Kingdom by iho Commis- sioners, makes appllcjition to the Committee duiiiig the year, the Committee shall include him in the medical list. Medical Benefit Administration (England and Wales):— Regs. 23-25. '2s: every year on days the purpose notify Society or branch (2) The name of any practitioner who dies during the year or is directed to be removed therefrom by the Com- missioners shall thereiipon be removed from the medical list, and, in the case of any practitioner who by reason of a change of residence is unable to attend insured persons within the area for which he undertook to give treatment, the necessary alteration shall be made in the medical list. (3.) A copy of the medical list revised up to date shall be kept available for the inspection of any person at the office of the Committee and at such other places as the Committee may think fit. 24. — (1.) Where a deposit contributor changes his residence Notice of he shall notify the full postal address of his new residence to changes in the Commissioners. ^^^*^- (2.) AVhere a member of a Society changes his residence he shall notify the full postal address of his new residence to the Society. (3.) Every Society shall four times in appointed by the Commissioners for the names and the numbers in the of those members who have in the preceding three months changed their places of residence, together with the full postal addresses of their former and new places of residence, to the Committees of the Counties in which they have respectively taken up their residence, and in the case of a change of residence from one County to another, the last-mentioned Committees shall as soon as may be notify the name of the member and of his Society or branch and his number in the Society or branch to the Committee of the County of his former place of residence. (4.) Every Society having members in the County shall immediately after the dates above-mentioned notify to the Com- mittee the names and numbers in the Society or branch of those of its members who have during the last preceding three months died or ceased to be insured persons or members of the Society, and of persons resident in the County who have been admitted as members. (5.) Where an insured person who is entitled to obtain treatment from a practitioner on the panel or approved institution has died or ceased to be an insiired person or to reside in the County, the Committee shall give notice to that practitioner or institution in a form to be provided for the purpose, and the list of the practitioner or institution shall be amended accordingly. 25. AVliere the medical benefit of a member of a Society is suspended by reason of his contributions being in arrear or of marriage, the Society shall give notice to the Committee of the County in which that person resides, and the Committee shall, in the case of suspension of the medical benefit of an insured person entitled to obtain treatment from a practitioner on the panel or through an approved institution, give notice to that practitioner or institution, and the list of the practitioner or institution shall be amended accordingly. Notice of suspension of medica' benefit of insured person. 288 XATIOXAL INSUEAXCE. Chaaoes 26. During the year an insured person may be transferred from duricg year, one practitioner on the panel to another, or from an approved institution to a practitioner on the panel, in the following circum- stances, and under the following conditions : — (a) an insured person and the practitioner responsible for his treatment may by consent arrange for the transfer of the insured person to any other practitioner on the panel who is willing to accept the insured person ; (b) where an insured person entitled to receive treatment from a practitioner on the panel is by reason of a change of residence no longer able to obtain that treatment he may give notice to the Committee who shall make arrangements so far as may be similar to those prescribed by these Regulations for his selection of or assignment to a practitioner on the panel ; (c) where the Committee after enquiry into a question arising between an insured person and the practitioner attend- ing him consider it desirable that an insured person should be transferred, the Committee may arrange with another practitioner on the panel to undertake the treatment of that person ; (d) where the name of a practitioner has been removed from the medical list, or where a practitioner has ceased to practise within the area within which he has undertaken treatment, he or his legal personal representative, as the case may be, may notify to the insured persons concerned that he has made arrangements with another practitioner on the panel to undertake the treatment of those persons, and subject to tlieir consent may transfer them to tliat other practitioner, and if any insured person is un- nilling to be so transferred he shall give notice to the Committee who shall make arrangements so far as may be similar to those prescribed by these Regul- lations for his selection of or assignment to anotlier practitioner ; (e) subject as aforesaid, the provisions .)f these Regulations relating to insured persons coniiiic: to reside witliin the County during tlie year sliall apply to insured persons who were attended by a ])ra('titioner wliose name has been removed from llu- medical list or who has ceased to practise witliin llir area wiiliiii wliirli lie has undertaken trealmenl, and lo insured ])ersons wlio were obtaining treatjnoit tlnougb an a])])i()V('d inslitn- tion which has ceased to be approved. Provided that, where an insured person lias been transferred by consent, the i)ractitioner to wliom lie lias been transferred shall within seven days of the transfer give notice tli(>reof to the Com- mittee on the form to be provided by the Committee for that j)ur]>«.'.e, and the notice shall he sieiied by the insured jierson Medical Benefit Administration (England 289 and Wales):— Regs. 26-30. and both the practitioners concerned or, in the event of the death or total incapacity of a practitioner, by the insured person and the practitioner to whom he is transferred. PAET III. Provision of Drugs and Appliances. 27. The medical and surgical appliances to be provided as Prescribed part of medical benefit shall be the appliances mentioned in the appliances. Second Schedule to these llegulations. 28. — (1.) With a view to making arrangements for the supply Prices of of drugs and appliances the Committee shall — drugs and {a} prepare a list of the prices upon which the sums to be SPP"!^'^*^^^- paid for the drugs ordinarily supplied and for the prescribed appliances are to be calculated (in these Regulations referred to as " the Drug Tariff "); and (b) determine the conditions upon which it is proposed to invite chemists and other persons, firms, or bodies corporate (all of whom are in these Regulations included in the expression " chemists or other per- sons ") to undertake the supply of drugs or appliances or both. (2.) The Committee shall embody the Drug Tariff and the conditions and method in which payment for drugs not in- cluded in the Drug Tariff' is to be calculated in draft agree- ments which shall include the terms and conditions specified in the Third Schedule to these Regulations, with the necessary modifications in the case of a person undertaking to supply drugs or appliances only, or not entitled to dispense medicines, and with such other modifications as the Committee may, subject to the approval of the Commissioners, think fit. 29. The Committee shall determine the form and manner in Conditions which notice is to be given to chemists and other persons desiring ^^ dispensing to supply drugs or appliances or both, and the form in which any ™6'AL INSURAXCE. Inclusion in revised list. Inclusion during year. Panel Fund. Calculation of remuiicni tion under single syHtera. 37. — (1.) Any chemist or other person may make appli- cation to the Committee in any year, not later than one month before the date of revision, to be included in the revised list and shall thereupon, unless he has previously been excluded from the list bv the Commissioners, be included in the revised list. (2.) As soon as may be after the date of revision the Com- mittee shall prepare a revised list, and a copy thereof shall be sent to every practitioner on the panel and shall be available for the inspection of insured persons at the office of the Com- mittee, and in such other way as the Committee may think fit. 38. — (1.) Where a chemist or other person commences to carry on business in the County during the year and desires to under- take the supply of drugs or appliances or both under the arrange- ments made by the Committee he shall upon application to t]ie Committee be entitled forthwith to be included in the list. (2.) Where upon the death of a chemist included in the list the business is carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1868. as amended by the Poisons and Pharmacy Act, 1908, by his legal personal representative or the trustee of his estate, that legal personal representative or trustee shall be deemed to be a person included in the list so long as the business is carried on by him in accordance with the provisions of those Acts. Part IV. Financial. 39. All moneys available to the Committee for the purposes of the treatment under arrangements made by the Committee with practitioners on the panel of insured persons (in these Regu- lations referred to as "persons on panel-lists") obtaining treat- ment from those practitioners (including any Parliamentary grant or portion of a Parliamentary grant paid or to be paid to the Committee in respect of the treatment of those persons for that year) shall be credited to, and all payments to practitioners on tlie panel in respect of the treatment of insured persons by them shall be charged to a fund to be established by the Com- mittee (in tliese Regulations referred to as the " Panel Fund") and there shall be paid accordingly to each practitioner on the panel, out of the Panel Fund amounts calculnltMl in accordance with the method of remuneration adopted by th<^ Committee. 40. n.) "Where tli" Commitioe have ;ul()i)led a capitation system of payment, they shall credit to eacli })ractitioner on the panel, in respect of each of the persons included in his list, an amount (in Ihese Regulations referred to as a " f-apitaiion fee") ralculalcd in accordatue with the rate contained in the practi- tioner's agreement with the Conimittee. (2.) Wliere the Committee have adopted a system ot piiynient hy attendance, they shall credit to each practitioner on the panel, in respect of each service r(>nileri'(l by him an amount (in these Medical Benefit Administration (England and Wales):— Re o-s. 40-43. 293 Regulations referred to as an " attendance fee "), calculated in accordance with the rate contained in his agreement with the Committee. (3.) The Committee shall ascertain the aggregate amounts so credited to the practitioner, and the aggregate amounts so credited to all practitioners on the panel, and shall pay to each practi- titioner an amount bearing the same proportion to the sum credited to him as the amount in the Panel Fund available for the purpose, after deducting any sum set apart for mileage in accordance with these Regulations, bears to the aggregate amounts so credited to all the practitioners. 41. Where the Committee have adopted a method of remunera- Calculation tion which combines a capitation system with a system of pay- of remunera- ment by attendance (the capitation fees or the attendance fees, as t.ion unoer the case may be, being payable in priority), the Committee shall gygtem^ pay to each practitioner out of the Panel Fund the fees credited tu him which are payable in priority, and shall pay to each practitioner, out of the balance of the Panel Fund, in respect of other fees credited to him, an amount bearing the same pro- portion to those fees as the balance of the Panel Fund avail- able for the purpose bears to the aggregate amounts of such other fees credited to all the practitioners on the panel. 42. — (1.) Every practitioner on the panel shall on dates to be appointed by the Commissioners furnish to the Committee quarterly accounts in a form provided by the Committee, contain- ing such particulars as may be necessary for calculating the amount of remuneration payable to him by the Committee. (2.) As soon as may be after the receipt of an account the Committee shall pay to the practitioner such sum as may be agreed between the Committee and the practitioners on the panel in advance of the amount due to him, and shall pay the balance of the amount so due as soon as may be after the expiration of the year, but before payment of the balance the Committee shall submit all accounts to a committee appointed by the practitioners on the panel which committee shall have power to reduce or disallow any item of any account submitted to them. 43. — (1.) All moneys in the hands of the Committee for the Drug Fund, purpose of defraying the cost of drugs and appliances supplied to persons on panel-lists (including any Parliamentary grant or por- tion of a Parliamentary grant paid to the Committee in respect of those persons for that purpose) shall be paid into, and all pay- ments to chemists and other persons supplying drugs or appliances in respect of that supply shall be made out of, a fund to be estab- lished by the Committee (in these Regulations referred to as the " Drug Fund ") and there shall be paid out of that fund to each chemist or other person supplying drugs or appliances an amount calculated in accordance with these Regulations. (2.) The Committee shall credit to each chemist or other person supplying drugs or appliances in respect of that supply a sum calculated in accordance with the Drug Tariff, or in the case of 3789 S Prac- titioner's accounts to be rendered quarterly. _^j 294 NATIOIS^AL I]N'SURANCE. Accounts of drugs to be rendered quarterly. Allocation of Funds. drugs not included in that tariff, an amount calculated in accord- ance with the method adopted by the Committee for the purpose, and shall pay to each person an amount hearing* the same pro- portion to the sum credited to him as the amount in the Drug Fund bears to the aggregate amounts so credited to all those persons, 44. — (1.) Every chemist or other person on the list shall furnish to the Committee on dates to be appointed by the Commis- sioners quarterly accounts in a form provided by the Committee, containing particulars of drugs and appliances supplied by him to insured persons. (2.) As soon as may be after the receipt of an account the Committee shall pay to the chemist or other person furnishing the account such sum as may be agreed between the Committee and any Committee representative of chemists and other persons under- taking the supply of drugs and appliances (in these Regulations referred to as "the Pharmaceutical Committee") in advance of the amount due to him, and shall pay the balance of the amount so due as soon as may be after the expiration of the year, but before payment of the balance the Committee shall submit all accounts to the Pharmaceutical Committee which shall have power to reduce or disallow any item of any account submitted to them. 45. For the purpose of determining the amounts in the hands of the Committee which are contributed to the Panel Fund and to the Drug Fund respectively the following provisions shall apply: — (1.) The Committee shall ascertain the amount available for the medical benefit of persons on panel-lists including in that amount any Parliamentary grant or portion of a Parliamentary grant paid or to be paid to them for that purpose and shall carry the sum so ascertained, as to thirteen-seventeenths thereof to the credit of the Panel Fund ; as to three-seventeenths thereof to the credit of the Drug Fund ; and as to one-seventeenth thereof to the credit of the fund to be called " The Drug Suspense Fund " and to be dealt with as herein- after in these Regulations provided. (2.) If and in so far as in any year the amount to the credit of the Drug Fund is less than the aggregate amounts credited to chemists and other persons supplying drugs and appliances the excess amount required shall, so far as that excess is not met from moneys ])rovided by Parliament or from any other source, be paid out of file Drug SnspeTis(> FuT\d to tlie credit of tlic Drug Fund and shall be ajjplied accordingly. (3.) If in any year the amount to the credit of tlie Drug F'und exceeds the aggregate amounts so credited to chemists and otlicr ])ersons that excess shall ne carried forward t^ the credit of the Drug Fund in the succeed- ing year. Medical Benefit Administration (England and Wales):— Regs. 45-48. 295 {4.) Any sum remaining to the credit of the Drug Suspense Fund at the close of any year shall he treated as moneys in the hands of the Committee for the pur- pose of the treatment of persons on panel-lists for that year and carried accordingly to the credit of the Panel Fund fur that year. 46. — (1.) Where it appears to the Local Medical Com- Excessive mittee that the drugs or appliances ordered for insured ordering of persons hy any practitioner or practitioners on the panel ^^^^' are by reason of their character or of the amount so ordered such as to be in excess of what may reasonably be required for the adequate treatment of those persons, the Local Medi- cal Committee may, and if any representations to that effect are made to them by the Pharmaceutical Committee, shall, make an investigation into the circumstances of the case, whether in respect of the drugs and appliances ordered by an individual practitioner or generally as to the orders given for drugs and appliances by practitioners in the County. (2.) The Local Medical Committee shall, after hearing the Pharmaceutical Committee and any practitioner concerned, make a report to the Committee, and if, after considering the report, the Committee are of opinion that an excessive demand upon the Drug Fund has arisen owing to orders given by a practitioner which are extravagant either in character or in quantity they may, if they think fit, make such deduction from the amount payable to that practitioner out of the Panel Fund as is appropriate in the circumstances and shall make such adjustments as are necessary accordinglv between the Panel Fund and the Drug Fund. 47. Where the Committee have adopted a capitation system of payment of practitioners and have made arrangements with a practitioner for the supply by him of all drugs and prescribed appliances requisite for the treatment of an insured person the Committee may instead of paying the price of drugs and appliances actually supplied pay to the practitioner as a capita- tion fee a sum, payable out of the Drug Fund, representing three- seventeenths of the amount available for the medical benefit of that person together with any sum which may be payable in that year from the Drug Suspense Fund to the Drug Fund in respect of each person on a panel-list. 48. — (1.) All moneys available to the Committee for the pur- poses of the medical benefit of insured persons who obtain treat- ment through an approved institution (including any Parliamen- tary grant or portion of a Parliamentary grant paid or to be paid to the Committee in respect of the medical benefit of those persons) shall be carried to the credit of a fund to be called the Institutions Fund. (2.) The Committee may contribute towards the expenses of the treatment furnished by any approved institutioti to insured persons obtaining treatment through it an amount not exceeding the ao-oTen-ate amounts standing to the credit of the Institutions Capitation Fee for supply of drugs by practitioner. InstitutioDi=> Fund. 37S9 S 2 296 NATIONAL IXSUEANCE. Fund available for the medical benefit of those persons ; Provided that as a condition of any such payment the Committee shall be satisfied that accounts are kept by the institution showing separately the amounts expended by them in respect of treat- ment and of the supply of medicines and appliances respec- tively, and no payment shall be made by the Committee in respect of the treatment of insured persons receiving treatment through an approved institution in excess of fourteen-seven- teenths of the aggregate amount available for the medical benefit of those persons, nor in respect of the medicines and appliances supplied to those persons in excess of four-seventeenths of that amount. (3.) Any sum standing to the credit of the Institutions Fund at the end of any year shall be carried to the credit of the Institutions Fund for the succeeding year. 49. — (1.) All moneys available to the Committee for the pur- poses of insured persons who are required or allowed to make their own arrangements for obtaining treatment (including medicines and appliances) shall be carried to a fund to be called the Special Arrangements Fund, (2.) There shall be paid to every insured person required or allowed to make his own arrangements by way of contribution to the cost of his treatment (including medicines and appliances) an amount equal to that expended by him in obtaining treatment, medicine and appliances : Provided that (a) in the case of a person who has contracted to obtain treatment (including medicines and appliances) for the year, the sum so to be paid shall be a sum equal to the- amount contracted to be paid by him or a sum equal to the aggregate amount standing to the credit of the fund divided by the number of persons making their own arrangements whichever is the less ; and (b) in the case of any other person required or allowed to make his own arrangements the sum expended shall be deemed to be a sum calculated in accordance with a scale of fees fixed by the Committee, and where the aggregate amount so expended exceeds the amount available in the fund the amount contributed in the case of each such person shall be reduced propor- tionately ; and (c) it sliall be a condition of any payment that the medicines and :ii)])liances supplied to any person required or allowed to make his own arrangements shall be sup])li('(l otlierwise tlian by or at the pi'ofil of the ])rac- titioiicr wlio is attcMidiiig him (excel)! where th,e cir- cumstances of the insured person are such that the practitioner would, if he were attending that person under the arrangements made by the Committee, be etitiil(Ml under his contract with the Committee to supply medicines and appliances to that person) and' Medical Benefit Administration (England 297 and Wales):— Regs. 49-51. • of the total fund not more than thirteen-seventeenths (or, if the Commissioners so allow, fourteen-seven- teenths) shall be deemed to be available for the purpose of defraying the cost of medical treatment and not more than four-seventeenths for the purpose of defray- ing the cost of medicines and prescribed api)liances. (3.) In calculating the amount available in respect of the medical benefit of any person required or allowed to make his own arrangements, account shall be taken of any Parliamentary grant or portion of a Parliamentary grant which may be made to the Committee for the purpose of medical benefit as well as of the sums otherwise available to the Committee for that purpose. (4.) Any sum standing to the credit of the Special Arrangements Fund at the close of any year shall be carried forward to the credit of that Fund for the succeeding year, so however that in the expenditure of the money to the credit of the Special Arrange- ments Fund in that year regard shall be had to whether any sum so carried forward has arisen from moneys which under this Regu- lation were applicable to treatment or to the provision of medicines and prescribed appliances and that the sum so carried forward shall be applicable accordingly. Part V. Special Provisions. 50. The Committee may if they think fit make arrangements Mileage. for a payment to practitioners on the panel in respect of mileage, that is to say, their obligation to attend insured persons resident beyond such distance from the residence of the practitioner, as the Committee having regard to the special difficulties of access to the residence of the insured person may in any case agree with the practitioner. 51. — (1.) Any person who was on the 16th December, 1911, and Old and still is, a member of a friendly society, which or a separate section disabled of which is an Approved Society, and who is not entitled to medical ^^p • ^ji benefit under the Act by reason either that he was on the 15th July, Societies. 1912, of the age of 65 or upwards, or that being subject to perma- nent disablement at that date he is not qualified to become an insured person, or the secretary or other officer of the Society of which he is a member on his behalf, may give notice to the Com- mittee that the member desires to obtain medical attendance and treatment under arrangements made by the Committee and that the Society undertakes to pay in respect of the medical attendance and treatment of the member the sum prescribed in this Regulation, and where the notice is given personall}- it shall be countersigned by the secretary or other officer of the Society. (2.) The Committee shall furnish to each such member such voucher or other document as may be approved by the Com- missioners, and it shall be a condition of every agreement 298 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Medical Service Sub- Committee. between the Committee and a practitioner on the panel that he shall attend and treat any person presenting such voucher or other document at a rate of remuneration not exceeding the amount which would be available for the medical treatment (not including drugs and appliances) of that member if he were an insured person : Provided that no practitioner shall be under any obligation to attend and treat a number of such members greater than a number bearing the same proportion to the insured persons on his list as the total number of such members obtaining treatment under arrangements made by the Committee bears to the total number of persons on panel-lists. 52. — (1.) Every Committee shall constitute a special Sub-Com- mittee (in these Eegulations referred to as the " Medical Service Sub-Committee ") for dealing with any question arising between an insured person and a practitioner attending him under the arrangements made by the Committee in respect of the treatment rendered by the practitioner or the conduct of the insured person while receiving that treatment and every question so arising shall stand referred to that Sub-Committee and the Committee may, if they think fit, refer to that Sub-Committee any other question arising with reference to the administration by tliem of medical benefit. (2.) The Medical Service Sub-Committee shall be constituted in the following manner : — (i.) three persons shall be appointed by and from the mem- bers of the Committee who represent insured persons ; (ii.) three persons shall be appointed by the Local Medical Committee, or if no Local Medical Committee exists, by the practitioners on the panel ; (iii.) a Chairman shall be selected from those members of the Committee appointed respectively by the Council of the County and by the Commissioners who are neither insured persons nor practitioners, and the selection shall be made by the six persons appointed as above- mentioned, or in default of selection being made by those persons, by the members of the Committee a])i)ointed respectively by the Council of the County and by the Commissioners; provided that if in the opinion of the Chairman any member of the .Medical Service Sul)-Commiltco is interested or in tlie case of a practitioner is partner or assistant to a praclilioner interested in a question referred to them, that member sliali take no part in the hearing thereof, but another member shall be a])i)()inted in the manner aforesaid by the persons by whom that member was iipltointed. (•'}.) Wliere any qiiostion which under these R(^gulations is to stand referred to ihe Mediciil Service Sub-Cominilice aiises, the person desiring to have the (|ue8tion considered sliall state in Medical Benefit Administration (England 299 and Wales : — Regs. 52. writing the substance of the matter and shall forward the state- ment to the Clerk of the Committee. (4.) The proceedings before the Medical Service Sub-Com- mittee shall be private, and no person shall be admitted to those proceedings except — (a) the person raising the question and the person with respect to whom the question arises; (b) the secretary or other ofl&cer of the Society, if any, to which the insured person belongs ; (c) the secretary or other officer of the Local Medical Com- mittee ; (d) such other person, not being counsel or a solicitor or other paid advocate, as the Medical Service Sub-Com- mittee may upon the application of either party admit by reason of the fact that his attendance is required for the purposes of the proceedings or to assist either party in the presentation of his case ; and (e) such officers and servants of the Committee as they may appoint for the purpose. (5.) The quorum of the Medical Service Sub-Committee, their term of office and the procedure with regard to the hearing of the question, the nature of the evidence admitted and otherwise shall be such as may be fixed by the Committee subject to the approval of the Commissioners. (6.) The Medical Service Sub-Committee shall draw up a report stating such relevant facts as appear to them to be established by the evidence placed before them, together with a recommendation as to the action, if any, which should be taken, and shall present the report to the Committee and the Committee shall accept as conclusive any finding of fact contained in the report. (7.) Where the question at issue relates to the conduct of an insured person and the allegation made is in the opinion of the Committee substantiated, the Committee maj', if the practitioner so desires, make arrangements for the transfer of the insured person in accordance with the provisions of these Hegulations and may deal with him under the rules of the Committee relating to fines and to suspension of medical benefit. (8.) Where the question at issue relates to the treat- ment given by a practitioner and the allegation made is in the opinion of the Committee substantiated, the Committee may, if the insured person so desires, make ar- rangements for his transfer in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, and may if in the opinion of the Committee the continuance of the practitioner on the panel will be pre- judicial to the efficiency of the medical service, make repre- sentations to that effect to the Commissioners. 300 Js'ATIOXAL IXSURAXCE. Duty of Local Medical Committee to consider complaints Enquiry as to practi- tioner. DeciHion as to range of medical services. 53. It shall be the duty of the Local Medical Committee to consider any complaint made by a practitioner on the panel against any other practitioner on the panel involving any question of the efficiency of the medical service of insured persons and the Local Medical Committee may apply to the Commissioners to remove the name of the practitioner against whom complaint is made from the panel or may take such other action as they may deem proper in the circumstances. 54. — (1.) If any representations are made to the Commissioners by a Committee or a Local Medical Committee thatthecoutinuance of a practitioner on the panel will be prejudicial to the efiiciency of the medical service of insured persons, the Commissioners shall, and if any similar representations are made by any other body or any person, may, if they think fit, hold an enquiry in the manner hereinafter provided. (2.) For the purpose of each enquiry the Commissioners shall constitute an enquiry committee (in these Eegulations referred to as the Enquiry Committee) which shall be composed of two prac- titioners and one other person who shall be a barrister-at-law or solicitor in actual practice and if any body of practitioners has been established for the purpose by the Joint Committee the two practitioners so appointed shall be selected from that body. (3.) The Enquiry Committee shall appoint one of its members to be chairman, but the chairman shall not have a casting vote. (4.) Either party may appear in person, or, with the consent of the Enquiry Committee, — (a) by counsel or by solicitor ; (b) by any member of his family; {c) in the case of a company or corporation, by any director or officer of the company or corporation ; or (d) by any officer or member of any Society or other body of persons of which the person in question is a member or with which he is connected. (5.) Tlie Enquirj' Committee shall take into consideration in addition to oral evidence such written evidence as they may in each case tliink fit, and may, if they think fit, require any state- ment to be verified by a statutory declaration, and the procedure of the Enquiry Committee shall be such as they may with the approval of the Commissioners think fit. (G.) Upon the determination of .the hearing, the Enquiry Committee sliall as soon as may be draw up a report or reports stating such relevant facts as appear to them to be established by the evidence, and the inferences, if any, which in tlie opinion of the EiKiuirv (Committee may properly be drawn from those facts. 55. — (1.) If, in the course of ihe MUciidanct' ui)()ti an insured person of a j)ia(t it ioiicr on the jKiiicl under an agroenieni made between him and an Insurance Commiitcc unch-r these Regu- lations, the ])ractiti()ner is of o])inion that a question arises or may arise as to whether an operation or otlier service is comprised in the treatment which he has by the agreement undertaken to give. Medical Benefit Administration (England and Wales): — Regs. 55-50. 301 that question shall be referred by the practitioner to the Local Medical Committee, and, if the Local Medical Committee and the Insurance Committee fail to come to an agreement, the matter shall be submitted for decision to Referees established under these Regulations in such summary manner as, subject to any rules made by the Commissioners in that behalf, may be directed by the Commissioners; and the decision of those Referees, given after hearing such parties and taking such evidence, if any, as they think just, shall be final, and the Referees in giving any such decision shall state whether in arriving at their decision they have had regard to any custom or practice of the medical pro- fession which is peculiar to the area in which the question arose. (2.) For the purpose of giving effect to these Regulations the ■Commissioners shall, upon any such question arising, nominate -as Referees two medical practitioners (who shall be chosen from any panel of practitioners set up by the Joint Committee for the purpose, or if no such panel exists from among medical prac- titioners in actual practice in Great Britain) and one barrister or solicitor in actual practice. (3.) The Referees may decide any question coming before them by a majority, but, subject as aforesaid, their procedure shall be such as they may from time to time determine. 56. — (1.) If any representations are made to the Commissioners by a Committee or a Local Medical Committee that the inclusion or continuance on the list of a chemist or other person will be prejudicial to the eiOficiency of the service in the County, the Commissioners shall, and if any similar repre- sentations are made by any other body or any person may, if they think fit, hold an enquiry in the manner hereinafter provided. (2.) For the purpose of each enquiry held in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation the Commissioners shall con- stitute a committee which shall be composed of two persons, who (if any panel has been set up by the Joint Committee for that purpose) shall be chosen from that panel, and of a barrister-at- law or solicitor in actual practice. (3.) The procedure, powers and duties of the Committee shall be similar to those of the Enquiry Committee. 57. All forms required by these Regulations to be provided by a Committee shall be submitted by that Committee for the approval -of the Commissioners. 58. These Regulations shall only apply to members of the Seamen's National Insurance Society where that Society has agreed with a Committee for the administration by the Committee of medical benefit to individual members of the Society. 59. Where, in pursuance of any Regulations made by the Com- missioners under Sub-section (4) of Section 59 of the Act, any powers or duties of the Committee under these Regulations are •conferred upon a District Committee, these Regulations shall have effect so far as those powers and duties are concerned, and subject to any modifications made by those Regulations as if the District Committee were in these Regulations substituted for the Com- mittee. • Enquiry as to persons supplying drugs or appliances. Approval of forms by Commis- sioners. Seamen's National Insurance Society. District Committees. 302 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Application to Wales. Regulations subject to powers reserved to Commis- 60. These Regulations in their application to Wales shall be subject to the following- modifications — (1.) " The Commissioners " means the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, or where by virtue of the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912, any power is exercisable by the Joint Committee or by the Joint Committee acting jointly with the Welsh Insurance Commissioners means the Joint Committee or the Joint Committee acting jointly with the Welsh Insurance Commissioners as the case may require. (2.) References to the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Regulations. 1912,* shall be con- strued as references to the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Regulations (Wales), 1912.t 61. These Regulations shall have effect subject to the exercise by the Commissioners of the powers reserved to them by the proviso to subsection (2) of Section 15 of the Act. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this 5th day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W. J. Braithwaite. Given under the seal of office of the Insurance Commissioners this 5th day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (L.s.) Claud Schuster. Given under the seal of office of the Welsh Insurance Com- missioners this 5th day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (L.s.) H. Meredith Richards. Ihe First Schedule. Part I. Conditions of Service for Practitioners. 1. The Xational Insurance Act, 1911, and the Regulations made by the Com- missioners and in force for the time being in the County are incorporated with and form part of these conditions of service and this agreement shall cease to have effect in the event of the Commissioners exorcising any of the powers conferred on them by the proviso to subsection (2) of Section 15 of the Act. and in the event of conflict between this agreement and the Regulations, the latter shall jirevail. 2. The practitioner shall give to all persons who arc for the time being entitled to obtain treatment from him (all or any of whom are herein- after referred to iis the "patients" or "patient" as the case may be) such • These were " Provisional " Regulations now superseded by St. R. & O., 19i;'>, No. 32. t These were "Provisional" Regulations now superseded by St. R. & O.,. i;ti:^. No. 7H. Medical Benefit Administration (England 303 and Wales): — Schedule 1. treatment as is of a kind which can consistently with the best interests of the patient be properly undertaken by a general practitioner of ordinary profes- sional competence and skill : Provided that the practitioner shall not, by virtue of this agreement, be required to give, nor entitled under this agreement to make any charge for treatment to any person in respect of a confinement (that is to say, labour resulting in the issue of a living child or labour after twenty- eight weeks of i^regnancy resulting in the issue of a child whether alive or dead), *[nor to any person suffering from tuberculosis or any other disease the treatment of which may hereafter be included in sanatorium benefit, in so far as that person has been recommended for and is entitled to obtain that treatment as part of his sanatorium benefit] * 3. Where the condition of the patient is such as to require services beyond the competence of an ordinary practitioner the practitioner shall advise the patient as to the steps which should be taken in order to obtain such treatment as his condition may require. 4. The practitioner shall visit at the place of residence for the time being of the patient, or at any other place within the county within a distance of miles by road from the residence of the practitioner where the patient may be for the time being, any patient whose condition so requires. 5. The practitioner shall attend and treat at the places specified for the [iVoroval Medical Benefit Administration (Scotland): --Regs. dVi. 311 of the Commissioners, with regard to the administration of medical benefit by the Committee in accordance with Section 14 of the Act, and shall submit them for the approval of the Com- missioners. 10. The Committee shall furnish for the information of the Com - missioners a statement of the income limit, if any, proposed to be fixed by the Committee under these Regulations. 11. Before approving any arrangements submitted to them in accordance with tliese Regulations, the Commissioners shall con- sider any representations made to them by the Local Medical Committee, and, subject to any alterations made in pursuance of -the requirements of the Commissioners, any arrangements so made by the Committee and approved by the Commissioners shall have effect for such period as may be specified in the approval. 12. The Committee shall, as soon as the Commissioners have notified their approval of the arrangements submitted by the Com- mittee and their decision in respect of any questions arising in relation thereto, give notice, in the form and manner approved in accordance with these Regulations, of the terms and con- ditions upon which practitioners are invited to undertake treat- ment, and of the form and manner in which acceptance may be notified, and the notice shall specify a period, not being less than 14 or more than 21 days, within which a practitioner is entitled to make application to be included in the list first to be issued of practitioners on the panel. 13. — (1.) After the expiration of the period specified in the notice, the Committee shall prepare a list of the medical prac- titioners who have signified their desire to undertake treatment. (2.) Each list so prepared (in these Regulations referred to as "the medical list") shall contain, in addition to the names of l^ractitioners — (a) the private address, and the address of any surgery, dis- pensary, or other place, at which any practitioner undertakes to attend for the purpose of treating insured persons ; (h) particulars of the days and hours at which he undertakes to be in attendance at each place ; and (c) where two or more practitioners practising in partnership have signified their desire to undertake treatment, the name of the firm or partnership ; and may, if the Committee think fit, be so arranged as to show the area in the County in which each practitioner undertakes treatment, and the medical list shall have effect for the year for which it is prepared. (3.) Xothing contained in the preceding subsection shall require any Committee to place upon the medical list the name of any firm or partnership as itself undertaking treatment. (4.) The Committee shall fix by its rules, and give public notice of, a date, not being earlier than the 1st ISTovember or later than the 1st December in any year, for revision of the medical list, which date is in these Regulations referred to as " the date of revision." Income limit. Approval by Commis- Invitation to practi- tioners. Preparation of Medical list. 3739 T 2 312 NATIONAL IZS'SUEAXCE. own arrange ments for treatment. Power to 14. — (1.) The Committee may lix an income limit for the require or purpose of the administration of medical benefit, and may require allowpersons ^j^y persons whose income exceeds that limit, in lieu of receiving *l™t^!„^I'fi^ medical benefit under the arrangements to be made by the Com- mittee under these Regulations, to make their own arrangements for receiving treatment (including medicines and appliances), pro- vided that, in fixing that limit, the Committee may exempt from the necessity of making their own arrangements any insured per- sons who ought in the opinion of the Committee to be exempted whether by reason of the occupation or method of remuneration of the class to which they belong or of their circumstances or residence or otherwise. (2.) The Committee before fixing, varying, or abolishing an income limit, shall give public notice of their intention so to do and shall consult the Local Medical Committee, and shall consider representations made to them by any society, or association of deposit contributors, having members resident in the County. (3.) An insured person, whose income exceeds the income limit and who is not exempted by the Committee, shall not be entitled to receive medical benefit under the arrangements made by the Committee. (4.) Any Society or association of deposit contributors, having members resident in the county, or the Local Medical Com- mittee, or, where no Local Medical Committee exists, any prac- titioner on the panel, or any chemist undertaking the supply of drugs or appliances under these Eeguhitions may at any time, by notice in writing to the Committee, dispute the right of any insured person to receive medical benefit under the arrangements made by the Committee, on the ground that the income of that person exceeds the income limit and that he is not entitled to be exempted. (5.) Upon receipt of any such notice the Committee may, if it appears to them that the income of that person exceeds the income limit, and that he is not entitled to be exempted, give notice in writing to that i)erson that, unless, within a period specified in the notice, he shows tliat his income does not exceed that limit or tliat he is entitled to be exompled. the Committee will require him to make his own arrangements for receiving treatment (including medicines and appliances), and if, within the said period, the insured person fails to show that his income does not exceed that limit or that he is entitled to be exempted, the Committee shall require him to make his own arrangements. (G.) Any decision of the Committee to fix, vary, or abolish an income limit shall only take effect from the commencement of the year. (7.) The Committee may allow any insuicd jicrsons resident in tlio County, wlieilier imlividuiilly or collcclivcly, in lieu of re- ceiving medical bencfii under the arrangements made by the Committee, to make their own arrangements for receiving treat, ment (including medicines and ajipliances). (8.) Where llie ('()nnnitt(>e arc of opinion u]>on such evidence as they ihink sufficient tlint flic arrangoniciifs made by any i)erson who lias been r('(iuired oi- allowed to make liis own arrangements Medical Benefit Administration 313 (Scotland):— Regs. 14,15. under this Regulation are satisfactory, that is to say such as to secure treatment (including' medicines and appliances) not inferior in nature, quality, or extent to that provided under the arrange- ments made by the Committee, and to comply in other respects with any conditions which by reason of any scheme for the dis- tribution of a Parliamentary grant must be complied with in the case of treatment juovided otherwise, there shall be made towards the cost of that treatment such a contribution calculated and paid in such a manner as hereinafter in these Regulations pro- vided, and where the Committee are of opinion that the arrange- ments so made are not satisfactory or, upon any representation by a Society, that the treatment is not such as will adequately protect the funds of the Society, they shall either withhold the contribution or may make such a deduction therefrom as they may in any case determine. 15. — (1.) The Board of Management or other governing Approval of authority of, or person administering, any institution may apply ^^stitutions. to the Committee to approve the institution for the purposes of Section 15 (4) of the Act. (2.) Upon any such application being made the Committee shall send to the Commissioners such particulars of the institution as the Commissioners may require, and shall state whether the Committee propose to approve that institution and the reasons for the course of action proposed to be adopted, and, if the Com- mittee and the Commissioners approve the institution, it shall be approved for the purposes of the Section aforesaid for the period specified in the approval : Provided that i. no institution shall be approved unless the Committee are satisfied that- — • (a) the treatment given by the institvition is ade- quate, and (h) every insured person obtaining treatment there- under is entitled to determine his arrange- ment with that institution, upon giving reasonable notice of his intention so to do at the expiration of the currency of the medical list, without thereby incurring any pecuniary loss or other penalty ; and ii. every institution shall as a condition of approval from time to time furnish such accounts and returns as the Commissioners, or the Committee with the consent of the Commissioners, may require, iii. every institution shall be conducted in such a manner as to comply with any conditions as to the nature, quality, and extent of the treatment provided which by reason of any scheme for the distribution of a Parliamentary grant must be complied with in the case of treatment provided otherwise than through the institution as a condition of the payment of that grant. (o.) The Committee may contribute, towards the expenses of the treatment furnished by any approved institution to an insured person who elects to obtain treatment through it, an amount 314 XATIOXAL IXSURA^'CE. Publication of medical list. Distributiou under capita- tion system. calculated and paid in such manner as is hereinafter in these Regulations provided. 16. Where the Commissioners have approved the arrangements made by the Committee in pursuance of these Regulations, the Committee shall as soon as may be publish in any one or more newspapers circulating in the County an announcement containing particulars of the arrangements made by the Committee, including a statement of the places where a copy of the medical list and of a list of approved institutions may be seen, and forms of applica- tion obtained, by insured persons, a statement as to the income limit, if any, and any other particulars which the Committee think proper, including such particulars as are necessary to bring to the notice of insured persons their right to select a practitioner on the panel and their rights with respect to obtaining treatment in some other manner. 17. Where a Committee have adopted for the remuneration of practitioners on the panel a system of payment either in whole or in part bv capitation, the following provisions shall have eifect : — (1.) Every insured person shall, if he desires and is entitled to select a practitioner on the panel, fill up the appropriate form of application, and send or present it to the practitioner by whom he desires to be attended before a date indicated in the announcement referred to in the last preceding Regulation. (2.) Where an application has been received by a practitioner, that practitioner shall within one week notify to the Committee the acceptance or rejection of that application on the appropriate place on the form of application, and in the case of rejection the Committee shall as soon as may be thereafter notify the rejection to the applicant. (3.) After the date indicated in the announcement the Com- mittee shall provide for the distribution, amongst practitioners on the panel and so far as practicable under arrangements made by them, of those insured persons for whose treatment no arrange- ments have been made. (4.) The Committee shall prepare a list of those persons who have been accepted by, or assigned to, each practitioner on the panel, and shall furnish to each practitioner a copy of the list of i)ersons for whose treatment he is resjjonsible, and each list shall, subject as provided in these Regulations, have effect until the commencement of the year succeeding that for which it is prejjarod. (5.) IJefore giving treatment to any insured i)orson on liis list a praclitioiicr shall be oniitlod 1o require the ju'oduction by that jjcrson of such voucher or other document as the Commissioners may approve for tlie purpose. (Ci.) Any insured person who desires to be attended by a prac- titioner other tlian the praclii inner who attended him in the ]>r<'vious year, shall make ai)i)licalion to the ('ommittee, not later than one monlh before ilie dole of revision, and any insured person noi making such an a]»i)lication sliall be deemed to have selected the practitioner from whom he was entitled to receive treatment in the jiicviou'- year. Medical Benefit xldministration (Scotland): — Regs. 17, 18. 315 (7.) A practitioner desiring to discontinue treatment of an insured person shall give to the Committee notice to that effect not later than one month before the date of revision, and any practitioner not giving notice to the Committee before that date shall be deemed to have undertaken treatment of the insured persons attended by him in the previous year other than those who desire to be attended by another practitioner or who adopt some other arrangement for obtaining treatment or who by reason of death, removal, or some other cause are no longer included in his list. (8.) With regard to any person making application to be attended by another practitioner and any person whom a practi- tioner has refused to continue to treat the Committee shall so far as may be adopt the procedure above-mentioned for his selection of or assignment to a practitioner on the panel. (9.) As soon as may be after the date of revision the Com- mittee shall issue to each practitioner on the panel a copy of the revised list of the insured persons for whose treatment that practitioner is responsible. 18. Where a Committee have adopted a method of payment by Distribution attendance, the following provisions shall have effect : — under system (1.) An insured person who is not required or does not desire ? payment to make his own arrangements for obtaining treatment, and does ^nce not desire to obtain treatment through an approved institution as his medical benefit shall be entitled, on production to a practi- tioner on the panel of such voucher or other document as the Commissioners may approve for the purpose, to obtain treat ment from that practitioner subject to the consent of the practitioner, who shall signify his consent by endorsing the voucher or other document in such manner as the Commissioners shall require. (2.) Every practitioner shall upon his acceptance of an insured person for treatment give notice to the Committee upon a forrii to be provided by the Committee for the purpose. (3.) An insured person who has selected and been accepted by a practitioner in the manner above-mentioned shall be deemed to have selected that practitioner, and shall be entitled, upon production to the practitioner if he so requires of the said voucher or other document, to treatment from him, during the year, and shall not during the year be entitled while in the area within which that practitioner has agreed to attend him to obtain treatment from any other practitioner on the panel as part of his medical benefit. (4.) Any insured person who has selected a practitioner shall be entitled at any time after the expiration of the year on production of the voucher or other document as aforesaid, to obtain treatment from that practitioner or from any other practitioner on the panel who is willing to accept him, and shall, upon the endorsement by the practitioner of his voucher or other document, be deemed to have selected and been accepted by that practitioner for the currency of the revised medical list. (5.) Where any insured person gives notice to the Committee that he is unable to o])t:iin treatment from a practitioner on the 316 iS'ATIOXAL INSURANCE. Choice of methods of obtaining treatment. Preparation of lists. Revision of lists. InHured IXTHrin .applying during year. panel the Committee sliall provide for his assignment to a practi- tioner on the panel so far as practicable under arrangements made by practitioners on the panel. 19. — (1.) Every insured person shall before the date indicated in the announcement made by the Committee in accordance with the requirements of these Regvilations — (a) if he is required, or desires, to make his own arrange- ments for obtaining treatment, including medicines and appliances, fill up the appropriate form and send it to the Committee ; (&) if he desires, and is entitled, to obtain treatment, includ- ing medicines and appliances, through an approved institution, fill up the appropriate form and send or present it to the institution. (2.) The Committee shall notify to any insured person applying to be allowed to make his own arrangements their consent or refusal as the case may be. (3.) Wliere an application has been received by an approved institution, that institution shall within one week notify the acceptance or rejection of the application to the Committee on the appropriate place on the form of application, and in the case of rejection the Committee shall as vsoon as may be thereafter notify that rejection to the applicant. 20. — (1.) The Committee shall prepare a list of those persons who have been accepted by each approved institution, and a list of persons required or allowed to make their own arrangements for obtaining treatment, and shall furnisli each approved insti- tution with a copy of its appropriate list. (2.) Any list so prepared shall, subject as provided in these Regulations, have effect until the commencement of the medical year succeeding that for which it is prepared. 21. — (1.) Any insured person who desires lo obtain treatment by any of the methods referred to in these Regulations, other tlian that whicdi he adopted in the previous year, shall make api)lication to the Committee not later than one month before the date of revision, and any insured person not making such an application shall be deemed to have applied to obtain treatment in the same manner as in the previous year. (2.) Any practitioner desiring to withdraw from the panel shall give to the Committee notice to that effect not later than one numth before tlie date of revision, ;iii(l liis iiniiK^ shall ihereupon be removed from the medical list. (3.) Witli regard io any person inakini;' :ii)plica1i(m \u obtain treatment by any method oilier than Ihat which he adopted in Ihe l)i'cvious year, the Conimillce shall so far as may be adopt the ])rocedure provided by ihese Regiilaiions for enabling an i7isur<'(1 ])('rson to select his method of treat iiicnt. 22. ^\'here an ijisiucd jieison who has elected to receive treat- iii'-nt under the arrangements made by the Connnittee with ])ractitioiiers on the ])aiiel changes his residence to tlie area of another Committee, he shall ui)on arriving in th;it area give notice to the last-mentioned Committee, and thereupon, that Medical Benefit Administration 317 (Scotland):— Eeg-s. 22-24. Committee shall make arrangements whereby he can receive treatment including drugs and appliances in their area, and such adjustment shall be made between the two Committees as is equitable in the circumstances, regard being* had to the propor- tion of the year spent by the insured person in the area of each of the Committees respectiA'ely, and the arrangements made by each of the Committees with the practitioners on the panel in their respective areas shall be so adjusted as to conform with the adjustments so made. 23. — (1.) If a practitioner, other than a practitioner whose Practitioner name has been removed from the medical list in force in the applying area of any Committee in the United Kingdom by the Commis- '^""'^g sioners, makes application to the Committee during the year, the Committee shall include him in the medical list. (2.) The name of any practitioner who dies during the year or is directed to be removed therefrom by the Commissioners shall thereupon be removed from the medical list, and, in the case of any practitioner who by reason of a change of residence is unable to attend insured persons within the area for which he undertook to give treatment, the necessary alteration shall be made in the medical list. (3.) A copy of the medical list revised up to date shall be kept available for the inspection of any person at the office of the Committee and at such other places as the Committee may think fit. 24. — (1.) Where a deposit contributor changes his residence Notice of he shall notify the full postal address of his new residence to the changes in Commissioners. ^^ ^' (2.) Where a member of a Society changes his residence he shall notify the full postal address of his new residence to the Society. (3.) Everj" Society shall four times in every year on days appointed by the Commissioners for the purpose notify the name and the niimber in the Society or branch of any member who has in the preceding three months changed his place of residence, to- gether with the full postal addresses of his former and new place of residence, to the Committee of the County in which he has taken up his residence, and in the case of a change of residence from one County to another, the last-mentioned Committee shall as soon as may be notify the name of the member and of his Society or branch and his number in the Society or branch to the Committee of the County of his former place of residence. (4.) Every Society having members in the County shall im- mediately after the dates above-mentioned notify to the Committee the names and numbers in the Society or branch of those of its members who have during the last preceding three months died or ceased to be insured persons or members of the Society, and of persons resident in the County who liave been admitted as members. (5.) Where an insured person who is entitled to obtain treat- ment from a practitioner on the panel or approved institution has died or ceased to be an insured person or to reside in the 318 NATIO^TAL IXSURAXCE. Notice of suspension of medical benefit of insured person. Changes during year. County, the Committee shall give notice to that practitioner or institution in a form to be provided for the purpose, and the list of the practitioner or institution shall be amended accordingly. 25. Where the medical benefit of a member of a Society is suspended by reason of contributions being in arrear or of marriage, the Society shall give notice to the Committee of the County in which that member resides, and the Committee shall, in the case of suspension of the medical benefit of an insured person entitled to obtain treatment from a practitioner on the panel or through an approved institution, give notice to that practitioner or institution, and the list of the practitioner or institution shall be amended accordingly. 26. During the year an insured person may be transferred from one practitioner on the panel to another, or from an approved institution to a practitioner on the panel, in the follow- ing circumstances, and under the following conditions: — (a) an insured person and the practitioner responsible for his treatment may hy consent arrange for the transfer of the insured person to any other practitioner on the panel who is willing to accept the insured person ; (6) where an insured person entitled to receive treatment from a practitioner on the panel is by reason of a change of residence no longer able to obtain that treatment he may give notice to the Committee who shall make arrangements so far as may be similar to those prescribed bj* these Regulations for his selection of or assignment to a practitioner on the panel ; (c) where the Committee after enquiry into a question aris- ing between an insured person and the practitioner attending him consider it desirable that an insured person should be transferred, the Committee may arrange with another practitioner on the panel to undertake the treatment of that person; (d) where tlie name of a practitioner has been removed from tlie medical list, or wliere a practitioner has ceased to practise witliin llio area within which he has undertaken treatment, lie or his legal personal representative, as the case may be, may notify to the insured persons concerned that ho has made arrangements with anotlier practitioner on the panel to uiidortako tlie trcalnient of tliose persons, and subject to tlu'ir consent may transfer them to tliat other practitioner, and if any insured person is un- willing to be so transferred ho shall give notice to tlie Committee who shall make arrangements so far as may be similar to those prescribed by these Rogula- iions for his selection of or assignment 1o another practitioner ; (c) Subject as aforesaid I he jtrovisions of these Regulations relating to insured persons coming to reside within the County during the year shall apply to insured Medical Benefit Administration 319 (Scotland):— Eegs. 26-29. persons who were attended by a practitioner whose name has been removed from the medical list or who has ceased to practise within the area within which he has undertaken treatment and to insured persons who were obtaining- treatment through an approved institution which has ceased to be approved : Provided that, where an insured person has been transferred by consent, the practitioner to whom he has been transferred shall within seven days of the transfer give notice thereof to the Com- mittee on the form to be provided by the Committee for that purpose, and the notice shall be signed by the insured person and both the practitioners concerned or, in the event of the death or total incapacity of a practitioner, by the insured person and the practitioner to whom he is transferred. Part III. Provision of Drugs and Appliances. 27. The medical and surgical appliances to be provided as Prescribed part of medical benefit shall be the apj)liances mentioned in the appliances. Second Schedule to these Regulations. 28. — (1.) With a view to making arrangements for the supply Prices of of drugs and appliances the Committee shall — drugs and («) prepare a list of the prices upon which the sums to be appliances, paid for the drugs ordinarily supplied and for the prescribed appliances are to be calculated (in these Regulations referred to as "the Drug Tariff"); and (6) determine the conditions upon which it is proposed to invite chemists and other persons, firms, or bodies corporate (all of whom are in these Regulations included in the expression " chemists or other per- sons ") to undertake the supply of drugs or appliances or both. (2.) The Committee shall embody the Drug Tariff and the con- ditions and method in which payment for drugs not included in the Drug Tariff is to be calculated in draft agreements which shall include the terms and conditions specified in the Third Schedule to these Regulations, with the necessary modifications in the case of a person undertaking to supply drugs or appliances only or not entitled to dispense medicines, and with such other modifications as the Committee maj", subject to the approval of the Commissioners, think fit. 29. The Committee shall determine the form and manner in Conditions which notice is to be given to chemists and other persons desiring of dispensing to supply drugs or appliances or both, and the form in which any such chemist or other person may intimate his acceptance of those terms and conditions [other than a medical practitioner with whom an arrangement for the supply of drugs- and apjdiances has been made by the Committee in accordance with these Re- gulations], and that notice shall state that no person shall be entitled to dispense medicines for insured persons under the arrangements made with chemists and other persons by the 320 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Arrange- ments for supply by practitioners of drugs and appliances. Submission of arrange- ments. Notice to persons desirous of undertaking supply. Committee other than a chemist who undertakes that all medicines supplied by him to insured persons under the arrangements made by the Committee shall be dispensed either by or under the direct supervision of a registered pharmacist or by a person who, for three years immediately prior to the 16th December, 1911, has acted as a dispenser to a practitioner or a public institution. 30. — (1.) Where an insured person is resident in a rural area at a distance of more than one mile from the place of business of a chemist wlio is on the list, or where the Committee are satisfied that an insured person by reason of distance or inadequacy of means of communication will have difficulty in obtaining any necessary drugs or appliances from a chemist or other person on the list the Committee may and shall, if the practitioner so desires, make arrangements for the supply to that j)erson by the practi- tioner attending him of such drugs or appliances as would other- wise under these Eeg-ulations have been supplied by a chemist or other person on the list, and any question arising under this regulation- shall be referred to the Commissioners, whose decision shall be final. (2.) The Committee may make arrangements for the supply by practitioners on the panel of all or any of tlie following : — (a) drugs which are necessarily or ordinarily administered by a practitioner in person ; and (b) drugs and appliances required for immediate adminis- tration or application, or required for use before a supply can conveniently be obtained otherwise under these Regulations. 31. — (1.) The Committee shall as soon as may be submit for the approval of the Commissioners the arrangements proposed to be made by the Committee for the supply of drugs and appliances and in particular ; (a) tlie draft agreements determined by the Committee; (h) llie form and manner of notification to, and acceptance by cliemists and other persons of the terms and con- ditions upon which persons sluill undertake the supply of drugs or appliances or both ; and (c) tlio arrangements made by the Committee for the supply by practitioners on the panel of drugs and ai)i)liances. (2.) Subject to any alterations made in i)ursuanco of the ro(|uir('m('iits of tlie Commissioners, any airangcnients so made by llie Committee and approved by tlie Commissioners shall have effect for such period as may be specified in the approval. 32. I'lu' Committee shall, as soon as the Commissioners have iiolifii'd their a])i)ioval of the arrangements made by the ('om- iiiiltce, give noti(;e, in Ihe form and manner a])])rov(>d in :!((f)i(hnice with Ihe last ])rcc('(ling Kcguhiiion. ol Ihc leinis and fondilioiis u])(iii whiili persons shall uikIci hike ihe supply of drugs or ;i])]»li;iii(es or both, anrl of the lorm ;iii(l manner in which acc('])ia7ic.e may be notified. jiihI ih:it notice shall s]>ecify a ])('riod not being less than 14 oj' more than 21 days, within which a cherniHt or other ])erson is entitled to make application to be inchulrd in the list first to be issued. Medical Benefit Administration (Scotland):— Regs. 33-36. 321 undertaking 33. — (1.) After the expiration of the period specified in the List of notice the Committee shall prepare a list of the names and persons addresses of the chemists and other persons who have signified their acceptance, indicating whether they have undertaken to ^"^^ ^' supply drugs or appliances or both, and distinguishing those who are entitled to dispense medicines. (2.) The list shall, subject as provided in these Eegulations, have effect for the year for which it is prepared. (3.) A copy of tlie list shall be sent to every practitioner on the panel and shall be available for the inspection of insured persons at the office of the Committee and in such other way as the Com- mittee may think fit. (4.) The Committee shall supply to every chemist or other person included in the list a copy of the medical list and every chemist or other person shall exhibit at his place of business a notice in the form prescribed in the Fourth Schedule to these Regulations indicating that he has undertaken to supply drugs or appliances or both, as the case may be, under the arrangements made by the Committee. 34. — (1.) Every insured person obtaining medical benefit under Right of the arrangements made by the Committee shall be entitled to insured obtain as part of his medical benefit such drugs and prescribed Pf!^*?^^^''^ ^ appliances as may be ordered for him by the practitioner attending ^^^ appli- ° him from any chemist or other person whose name is on the list ances. and who is entitled and has undertaken to supply those drugs or appliances. (2.) An insured person shall not be entitled to obtain any appliance from a chemist or other person on the list, if the Com- mittee have made provision for lending that appliance and have given notice to the practitioners on the panel and the chemists and other persons on the list that the appliance is obtainable from the Committee. 35. — (1.) The Committee shall not later than two months before the date of revision in every year, after consultation with the Local Medical Committee, submit for the approval of the Commissioners a statement of any alterations which the Com- mittee may desire to make in the Drug Tariff, and, where the Commissioners have prescribed any further appliances, of the prices which the Committee are prepared to pay for those appliances. (2.) The Commissioners shall, subject to the alterations, if any, which they may require to be made by the Committee, approve the statement. (3.) The Committee shall as soon as may be after such approval send a copy of the statement to every chemist or other person included in the list and to every practitioner on tlie panel. 36. — (1.) Any chemist or other person desiring to have his name removed from the list shall give notice in writing of his desire to the Committee not later than one month after the issue to him of the statement of alterations made by the Committee, or where no statement has been issued not later than one month before the date of revision, and thereupon his name shall be removed from the list. Revision of prices of drugs and appliances. Right to discontinue supply. 322 NATIONAL INSUEANCE. Inclusion in revised lisr. (2.) Any cliemist or other person not giving such notice to the Committee shall be deemed to have undertaken to supply drugs or appliances or both upon the same terms as in the pre- vious year, subject to such modifications as are mentioned in the statement of alterations, if any, issued to him by the Committee. 37. — (1.) Any chemist or other person may make application to the Committee in any year, not later than one month before the date of revision, to be included in the revised list and shall thereupon, unless he has pre"\iously been excluded from the list by the Commissioners, be included in the revised list. (2.) As soon as may be after the date of revision the Committee shall prepare a revised list, and a copy thereof shall be sent to every practitioner on the panel and shall be available for the inspection of insured persons at the office of the Committee, and in such other way as the Committee may tliink fit. Inclusion 38. — (1.) Where a chemist or other person commences to carry during year, qj^ business in the County during- the year and desires to under- take the supply of drugs or appliances or both under the arrange- ments made by the Committee he shall upon application to the Committee be entitled forthwith to be included in the list. (2.) Where upon the death of a chemist included in the list the business is carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1868, as amended by the Poisons and Pharmacy Act, 1908, by his legal personal representative or the trustee of his estate, that legal personal representative or trustee shall be deemed to be a person included in the list so long as the business is carried on by him in accoi'dance with the provisions of those Acts. Part IV. Financial. Panel 39. — (1.) All moneys available to the Committee for the Fund. purjjoses of the treatment under arrangements made by the Com- mittee with practitioners on the panel of insured persons (in these Regulations referred to as " ])ersons on panel-lists '') obtaining treatment from those practitioners (including any Parliamentary grant or portion of a Parliamentary grant paid or to be paid to the Committee in respect of the treatment of those persons for tliat year) sliall be credited io, and all payments to practitioners on the panel in respect of tlu> troalnient of insured i)ersons by iliem shall be cliargi'd to a tuiid to be establislied by the Com- mittee (in these Regulations referred to as the " Panel Fund ") and there shall be paid accordingly \o each practitioner on the panel, out of the Panel Fund, amounts calculated in accordance M ith the method of remuneration adopted by tlie Committee. Calculation 40. — (1.) Where the Committee have adopted a capitation of remunera- system of ])ayment, they shall credit to eacli practitioner on the tion under panel, in respect of each of the persons included in liis list, an *'"te amount, (in these Regulations referred to as a " capitation fee ") calculated in accordance with the rat(! contained in the practi- tioner's agreement with the Committee. Medical Benefit Administration (Scotland):— Regs. 40-43. 323 (2.) Where the Committee have adopted a system of payment by attendance, they shall credit to each practitioner on the panel, in respect of each service rendered by him an amount (in these Eegulations referred to as an " attendance fee "), calculated in accordance with the rate contained in his agreement with the Committee. (3.) The Committee shall ascertain the aggregate amounts so credited to the practitioner, and the aggregate amounts so credited to all practitioners on the panel, and shall pay to each practi- tioner an amount bearing* the same proportion to the sum credited to him as the amount in the Panel Fund available for the purpose, after deducting any sum set apart for mileage in accordance with these Regulations, bears to the aggregate amounts so credited to all the j)ractitioners. 41. Where the Committee have adopted a method of remunera- tion which combines a capitation system with a system of pay- ment by attendance (the capitation fees or the attendance, fees, as the case may be, being payable in priority), the Committee shall pay to each practitioner out of the Panel Fund the fees credited to him which are paj-able in priority, and shall pay to each prac- titioner, out of the balance of the Panel Fund, in respect of other fees credited to him, an amount bearing the same proportion to those fees as the balance of the Panel Fund available for the purpose bears to the aggregate amounts of such other fees credited to all the practitioners on the panel. 42. — (1.) Every practitioner on the panel shall on dates to be appointed by the Commissioners furnish to the Committee quarterly accounts in a form provided by the Committee, con- taining such particulars as may be necessary for calculating the amount of remuneration payable to him by the Committee. (2.) As soon as may be after the receipt of an account the Committee shall pay to the practitioner such sum as may be agreed between the Committee and the practitioner on the panel in advance of the amount due to him, and shall pay the balance of the amount so due as soon as may be after the expiration of the year, but before payment of the balance the Committee shall submit all accounts to a committee appointed by the practitioners on the panel which Committee shall have power to reduce or disallow any item of any account submitted to them. 43. — (1.) All moneys in the hands of the Committee for the purpose of defraying the cost of drugs and appliances supplied to persons on panel lists (including any Parliamentary grant or portion of a Parliamentary grant paid to the Committee in respect of tliose persons for that purpose) shall be paid into, and all payments to chemists and other persons supplying drugs or appliances in respect of that supply shall be made out of, a fund to be established by the Committee (in these Regulations referred to as the " Drug Fund ") and there shall be paid out of that fund to each chemist or other person supplying drugs or appliances an amount calculated in accordance with these Regulations. (2.) Tlie Committee shall credit to each chemist or other person supplying drugs or appliances in respect of that supply a sum Calculation of remunera- tion under combined system. Practi- tioner's accounts to be rendered quarterly. Drug Fund. 324 NATIONAL IXSUEANCE. Accounts of drugs to be rendered quarterly. Allocation of funds. calculated in accordance with the Drug Tariff, or in the case of drugs not included in that tariff, an amount calculated in accord- ance with the method adopted by the Committee for the purpose, and shall pay to each person an amount bearing the same pro- portion to the sum credited to him as the amount in the Drug Fund bears to the aggregate amounts so credited to all those persons. 44. — (1.) Every chemist or other person on the list shall furnish to the Committee on dates to be appointed by the Commissioners quarterly accounts in a form provided by the Committee, containing particulars of drugs and appliances sup- plied by him to insured persons. (2.) As soon as may be after the receipt of an account the Committee shall pay to the chemist or other person furnishing the account such sum as maj' be agreed between the Committee and any Committee representative of chemists and other persons undertaking the supply of drugs and appliances (in these Regu- lations referred to as "the Pharmaceutical Committee") in advance of the amount due to him, and shall pay the balance of the amount so due as soon as may be after the expiration of the year, but before payment of the balance the Committee shall submit all accounts to the Pharmaceutical Committee which shall have power to reduce or disallow any item of any account sub- mitted to them. 45. For the purpose of determining the amounts in the hands of the Committee which are contributed to the Panel Fund and to the Drug Fund respectively the following provisions shall apply : — (1.) The Committee shall ascertain the amount available for the medical benefit of persons on panel-lists including in that amount any Parliamentary grant or portion of a Parliamentary grant paid or to be paid to them for that puri)ose and shall carry the sum so ascertained, as to tliirleen-seventeenths thereof to the credit of the Panel Fund ; as to three-seventeenths thereof to the credit of the Drug Fund ; and as to one-seventeenth thereof to the credit of the fund to be called " The Drug Suspense Fund " and to be dealt with as herein- after in these Regulations provided. (2.) Tf and in so far as in any year the amount to llie credit of 11i(i Drug Fund is less tlian tlie aggregate amounts credited to clicniists and (illici' jxTsons su])])lying drugs and appliances the excess aiiiouiit required sliall, so far as that (excess is not mei Irom moneys provided by Parliamenl or from any otliei- source, be ])aid out of the Drug SusjxMisc Fund to llie credit of tlie Drug Fund and sliall be ajiplied accordingly. ('■].) If in any year llic amount to llie cicdit oi' the Drug Fund exceeds the aggicgiilc aiuounls so credited to chemists and other ])('rsons tli;ii cxcc'ss shall be carried forward to the credit of the Drug Fund in the succeed- ing year. Medical Benefit Administration (Scotland):— Regs. 45-48. 325 (4.) Any sum remaining to the credit of the Drug Suspense Fund at the close of any year shall be treated as moneys in the hands of the Committee for the purpose of the treatment of persons on panel-lists for that year and carried accordingly to the credit of the Panel Fund for that year. 46. — (1.) Where it appears to the Local Medical Committee that the drugs or appliances ordered for insured persons by any practitioner or practitioners on the panel are by reason of their character or of the amount so ordered such as to be in excess of what may reasonably be required for the adequate treatment of those persons, the Local Medical Committee may, and if any representations to that effect are made to them by the Phar- maceutical Committee, shall, make an investigation into the circumstances of the case, whether in respect of the drugs and appliances ordered by an individual practitioner or generally as to the orders g*iven for drugs and appliances by practitioners in the County. (2.) The Local Medical Committee shall, after hearing the Pharmaceutical Committee and any practitioner concerned, make a report to the Committee, and if, after considering the report, the Committee are of opinion that an excessive demand upon the Drug Fund has arisen owing to orders given by a prac- titioner which are extravagant either in character or in quantity they may, if they think fit, make such deduction from the amount payable to that practitioner out of the Panel Fund as is appro- priate in the circumstances and shall make such adjustments as are necessary accordingly between the Panel Fund and the Drug Fund. 47. "Where the Committee have adopted a capitation system of payment of practitioners and have made arrangements with a practitioner for the supply by him of all drugs and prescribed appliances requisite for the treatment of an insured person the Committee may, instead of paying the price of drugs and appli- ances actually supplied, pay to the practitioner as a capitation fee a sum, payable out of the Drug Fund, representing three-seven- teenths of the amount available for the medical benefit of that person together with any sum which may be payable in that year from the Drug Suspense Fund to the Drug Fund in respect of each person on a panel-list. 48. — (1.) All moneys available to the Committee for the pur- poses of the medical benefit of insured persons who obtain treat- ment through an approved institution (including any Parliamen- tary grant or portion of a Parliamentary grant paid or to be paid to the Committee in respect of the medical benefit of those persons) shall be carried to the credit of a fund to be called the Institutions Fund. (2.) The Committee may contribute towards the expenses of the treatment furnished by any approved institution to insured persons obtaining treatment through it an amount not exceeding the ago-regate amounts standing to the credit of the Institutions Fund available for the medical benefit of those persons : Provided Excessive ordering of drugs Capitatiou fee for supply of drugs by practitioner Institutions Fund. 3789 326 NATIOX.U. INSURANCE. that as a condition of any such payment the Committee shall be satisfied that accounts are kept by the institution showing separ- ately the amounts expended by them in respect of treatment and of the supply of medicines and appliances respectively, and no payment shall be made by the Committee in respect of the treat- ment of insured persons receivino: treatment through an approved institution in excess of fourteen-seventeenths of the aggregate amount available for the medical benefit of those persons, nor in respect of the medicines and appliances supplied to those persons in excess of four-seventeenths of that amount. (S.) Any sum standing to the credit of the Institutions Fund at the end of any year shall be carried to the credit of the Institu- tions Fund for the succeeding year. Special 49. — (1.) All moneys available to the Committee for the pur- Arrange- poses of insured persons who are required or allowed to make Fund^ their own arrangements for obtaining treatment (including medicines and appliances) shall be carried to a fund to be called the Special Arrangements Fund. (2.) There shall be paid to every insured person required or allowed to make his own arrangements by way of contribution to the cost of his treatment (including medicines and appliances) an amount equal to that expended by him in obtaining treatment, medicine and appliances : Provided that (a) in the case of a person who has contracted to obtain treatment (including medicines and appliances) for the year, the sum so to be paid shall be a sum equal to the amount contracted to be paid by him or a sum equal to the aggregate amount standing to the credit of the fund divided by the number of persons making their own arrangements whichever is the less ; and (6) in the case of any other person required or allowed to make his own arrangements the sum expended shall be deemed to be a sum calculated in accordance with a scale of fees fixed by the Committee, and where the aggregate amount so expended exceeds the amount available in the fund the amount contributed in the case of each such person shall be reduced proportion- ately ; and (c) it shall be a condition of any payment that the medicines and appliances supplied to any person required or allowed to make his own arrangements shall be supplied otherwise than by or at the profit of the practitioner who is attending liim (except where the circumstances of the insured person are such that the practitioner would, if he were attending that ])erson under the arrangements made by the Committer be entitled under his contract with the CV)mmittee to supply medicines and appliances to that person), and of the tfital fund not more than thirtcen-seventeenths (or, if the Commissioners so allow, fourteen-seventeenths) shall be deemed to be available for the purpose of defraying the cost of medical treatment and not Medical Benefit Administration (Scotland):— Regs. 49-51. 327 more than f our-seventeentlis for the purpose of defray- ing the cost of medicines and prescribed appliances. (3.) In calculating- the amount available in respect of the medical benefit of any person required or allowed to make his own arrangements, account shall be taken of any Parliamentary grant or portion of a Parliamentary grant which may be made to the Committee for the purpose of medical benefit as well as of the sums otherwise available to the Committee for that purpose. (4.) Any sum standing- to the credit of the Special Arrange- ments Fund at the close of any year shall be carried forward to the credit of that Fund for the succeeding- year, so however that in the expenditure of the money to the credit of the Special Arrange- ments Fund in that year regard shall be had to whether any sum so carried forward has arisen from moneys which under this Regulation were applicable to treatment or to the provision of medicines and prescribed appliances and that the sum so carried forward shall be applicable accordingly. Part V. Special Provisions. 50. — The Committee may, if they think fit, make arrangements Mileage, for a payment to practitioners on the panel in respect of mileage, that is to say, their obligation to attend insured persons resident beyond such distance from the residence of the practitioner, as the Committee having regard to the special difficulties of access to the residence of the insured person may in any case agree with the practitioner. 51. — (1.) Any person who was on the 16th December, 1911, and still is, a member of a friendly society, which or a separate section of which is an Approved Society, and who is not entitled to medical benefit under the Act by reason either that he was on the 15th July, 1912, of the age of 65 or upwards, or that being subject to permanent disablement at that date he is not qualified to become an insured person, or the secretary or other officer of the Society of which he is a member on his behalf, may give notice to the Committee that the member desires to obtain medical attendance and treatment under arrangements made by the Committee and that the Society undertakes to pay in respect of the medical attendance and treatment of the member the sum prescribed in this Regulation, and where the notice is given personally it shall be countersigned by the secretary or other •officer of the Society. (2.) The Committee shall furnish to each such member such voucher or other document as may be approved by the Com- missioners, and it shall be a condition of every agreement between the Committee and a practitioner on the panel that he shall attend and treat any person presenting such voucher or other document at a rate of remuneration not exceeding the amount which would be available for the medical treatment (not includ- ing drugs and appliances) of that member if he were an insured person : Provided that no practitioner shall be under any obliga- tion to attend and treat a number of such members greater than Old and disabled members of Friendly Societies. 3789 U 2 328 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Medical Service Sub- Committee. a number bearing the same proportion to the insured persons on his list as the total number of such members obtaining treatment under arrangements made by the Committee bears to the total number of persons on panel-lists. 52. — (1.) Every Committee shall constitute a special Sub-Com- mittee (in these Regulations referred to as the " Medical Service Sub-Committee ") for dealing with any question arising between an insured person and a practitioner attending him under the arrangements made by the Committee in respect of the treatment rendered by the practitioner or the conduct of the insured person while receiving that treatment and every question so arising shall stand referred to that Sub-Committee and the Committee may, if they think fit, refer to that Sub-Committee any other question arising with reference to the administration by them of medical benefit. (2.) The Medical Service Sub-Committee shall be constituted in the following manner : — (i.) three persons shall be appointed by and from the mem- bers of the Committee who represent insured persons ; (ii.) three persons shall be appointed by the Local Medical Committee, or if no Local Medical Committee exists, by the practitioners on the panel ; (iii.) a Chairman shall be selected from those members of the Committee appointed respectively by the Council of the County and by the Commissioners who are neither insured persons nor practitioners, and the selection shall be made by the six persons appointed as above- mentioned, or in default of selection being made by those persons, by the members of the Committee appointed respectively by the Council of the County and by the Commissioners; provided that if in the opinion of the Chairman any member of the Medical Service Sub-Committee is interested or in the case of a practitioner is partner or assistant to a practitioner interested in a question referred to them, that member shall take no part in the hearing thereof, but another member shall be appointed in the manner aforesaid by tlio persons by whom that member was appointed. (3.) Where any question which under tliesc Kegulations is to stand referred to the Medical Service Snb-Coniniittee arises, the person desiring to have the question considered shall state in writing the substance of the matter and sliall foiward the state- ment to the Clerk of the Committee. (4.) Tli<> ])rocoedings liofore tlio Medical Service Snb-Cnnnnittee shall be private, and no ])erson shall be admitted to those pro- ceedings except — (a) the person raising the question and the person Avith respect to wliom the question arises; (h) the secretary or other oificer of tln^ Society, if any, to which the insured ])('rson belongs; (r) the secretary or othci' oflicer of the FiOcal Medical Com- mittee ; (d) such other person, not being counsel or a law agent or Medical Benefit Administration 329 (Scotland):— Regs. 52-54. other paid advocate, as the Medical Service Sub- Committee may upon the application of either party admit by reason of the fact that his attendance is required for the purposes of the proceedings or to assist either party in the presentation of his case ; and (e) such officers and servants of the Committee as they may appoint for the purpose. (5.) The quorum of the Medical Service Sub-Committee, their term of office and the procedure with regard to the hearing of the question, the nature of the evidence admitted and otherwise shall be such as may be fixed by the Committee subject to the approval of the Commissioners. (6.) The Medical Service Sub-Committee shall draw up a report stating such relevant facts as appear to them to be established by the evidence placed before them, together with a recommendation as to the action, if any, which should be taken, and shall present the report to the Committee and the Committee shall accept as conclusive any finding of fact contained in the report. (7.) Where the question at issue relates to the conduct of an insured person and the allegation made is in the opinion of the Committee substantiated, the Committee may, if the practitioner so desires, make arrangements for the transfer of the insured per- son in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and may deal with him under the rules of the Committee relating to fines and to suspension of medical benefit. (8.) Where the question at issue relates to the treatment given by a practitioner and the allegation made is in the opinion of the Committee substantiated, the Committee may, if the insured person so desires, make arrangements for his transfer in accord- ance with the provisions of these Regulations, and may if in the opinion of the Committee the continuance of the practitioner on the panel will be prejudicial to the efficiency of the medical ser- vice, make representations to that effect to the Commissioners. 53. It shall be the duty of the Local Medical Committee to Duty of consider any complaint made by a practitioner on the panel }^^?'} against any other practitioner on the panel involving any ques- ComnTittee tion of the efficiency of the medical service of insured persons and to consider the Local Medical Committee may apply to the Commissioners complaints, to remove the name of the practitioner against whom complaint is made from the panel or may take such other action as they may deem proper in the circumstances. 54. — (I.) If any representations are made to the Commissioners Enquiry as by a Committee or a Local Medical Committee that the tp practi- continuance of a practitioner on the panel will be prejudicial to the ^^o"®"^- efficiency of the medical service of insured persons, the Commis- sioners shall, and if any similar representations are made by any other body or any person, may, if they think fit, hold an enquiry in the manner hereinafter provided. (2.) For the purpose of each enquiry the Commissioners shall constitute an enquiry committee (in these Regulations referred to as the Enquiry Committee) which shall be composed of two prac- titioners and one other person who shall be a member of the Faculty of Advocates or enrolled Law Agent in actual practice 330 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Decision as to range of medical services. and if any body of practitioners has been established for the purpose by the Joint Committee the two practitioners so appointed shall be selected from that body. (3.) The Enquiry Committee shall appoint one of its members to be chairman, but the chairman shall not have a casting vote. (4.) Either party may appear in person, or, with the consent of the Enquiry Committee, — (a) by counsel or by law agent; (b) by any member of his family ; (c) in the case of a company or corporation, by any director or officer of the company or corporation ; or (d) by any officer or member of any Society or other body of persons of which the person in question is a member or with which he is connected. (5.) The Enquiry Committee shall take into consideration in addition to oral evidence such written evidence as they may in each case think fit, and may, if they think fit, require any state- ment to be verified by a statutory declaration, and the procedure of the Enquiry Committee shall be such as they may with the approval of the Commissioners think fit. (6.) Upon the determination of the hearing, the Enquiry Committee shall as soon as may be draw up a report or reports stating such relevant facts as appear to them to be established by the evidence, and the inferences, if any, which in the opinion of the Enquiry Committee may properly be drawn from those facts. 55. — (1.) If, in the course of the attendance upon an insured person of a practitioner on the panel under an agreement made between him and an Insurance Committee under these Regula- tions, the practitioner is of opinion that a question arises or may arise as to whether an operation or other service is comprised in the treatment which he has by the agreement undertaken to give, that question shall be referred by the practitioner to the Local Medical Committee, and, if the Local Medical Committee and the Insurance Committee fail to come to an agreement, the matter shall be submitted for decision to Referees establislied under these Reguhations in such summary manner as,, subject to any rules made by the Commissioners in that behalf, may be directed by the Commissioners ; and the decision of those Referees, given after hearing such parties and taking sucli evidence, if any, as they think just, shall be final, and the Referees in giving any sucli decision shall state wlietlier in arriving at their decision they have had regard to any custom or ijracticc of the medical pro- fession wliich is peculiar to the area in which the question arose. (2.) For tlie purpose of giving effect to tliese Regulations the Commissioners shall, upon any such question arising, nominate as Referees two medical ])ractitioners (who shall be chosen from any panel of jiractitioners set up by the Joint Committee for the ])iiriK»s(', or if no such jjancl exists from among medical prac- titioiu'is ill actual practice in Great IJritain) and one Mcniber of the Faculty of Advocates or enrolled liaw Agent in actual practice. (3.) Tlie Referees may decide any question coming before thera li> a majority, but, subject as aforesaid, their procedure^ shall be snch as thev ni;iv from time to lime determine. Medical Benefit Administration (Scotland): — Regs. 56-61. 331 56. — (1.) If any representations are made to the Commissioners by a Committee or a Local Medical Committee that the inclusion or continuance on the list of a chemist or other person will be prejudicial to the efficiency of the service in the County, the Commissioners shall, and if any similar representations are made by any other body or any person may, if they think fit, hold an enquiry in the manner hereinafter provided. (2.) For the purpose of each enquiry held in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation the Commissioners shall con- stitute a committee which shall be composed of two persons, who (if any panel has been set up by the Joint Committee for that purpose) shall be chosen from that panel, and of a Member of the Facultj' of Advocates or enrolled Law Agent in actual practice. (3.) The precedure, powers, and duties of the Committee shall be similar to those of the Enquiry Committee. 57. All forms required by these Regulations to be provided by a Committee shall be submitted hy that Committee for the approval of the Commissioners. 58. These Regulations shall only apply to members of the Seamen's National Insurance Society where that Society has agreed with a Committee for the administration by the Committee of medical benefit to individual members of the Society. 59. Where, in pursuance of any Regulations made by the Com- missioners under Sub-section (4) of Section 59 of the Act, any powers or duties of the Committee under these Regulations are conferred upon a District Insurance Committee, these Regulations shall have effect so far as those powers and duties are concerned, and subject to any modifications made by those Regulations as if the District Insurance Committee were in these Regulations substituted for the Committee. 60. These Regulations shall have effect subject to the exercise by the Commissioners of the powers reserved to them by the proviso to Sub-section (2) of Section 15 of the Act. 61. The Regulations made by the Commissioners as to the administration of medical benefit dated 1st October 1912 are hereby revoked* : Provided that anything done in pursuance of those Regulations shall notwithstanding anything in these Regu- lations, be deemed to have been validly done and shall have full effect accordingly. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Joint Committee, this Tth day of December, in the year One thousand nine hundred and twelve. Enquiry as to persons supplying drugs or appliances. Approval of forms bj' Commis- Bioners. Seamen's National Insurance Society. District Insurance Committees. Regulations subject to powers reserved to Commis- sioners. Repeal of existing Regulations. (L.S.) W. J. Braithwaiie. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Scottish Insur- ance Commissioners, this Tth day of December, in the year One thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John Jeffrey. * Those Regulations formed part of Regulations applying to England, Scotland and Wales, and were so far as relating to England and Wales " Provisional Regulations " and therefore not " Statutory Rules." 332 [Note.— These particulars will he contained in a Schedule to the agree- ment.] NATIONAL INSUEANCE. The First Schedule. Paet I. Conditions of Service foe Practitioners. 1. The National Insurance Act, 1911, and the Regulations made bj- the Commissioners and in force for the time being in the County are incorpo- rated with and form part of these conditions of service and any agreement which includes these conditions shaU cease to have effect in the event of the Commissioners exercising any of the powers conferred on them by the proviso to subsection (2) of Section 15 of the Act, and in the event of conflict between these conditions and the Regulations, the latter shall prevail. 2. The practitioner shaU give to all persons who are for the time being entitled to obtain treatment from him (all or any of whom are herein- after referred to as the " patients ' or " patient " as the case may be) such treatment as is of a kind which can consistently with the best interest of the patient be properly undertaken by a general practitioner of ordinary professional competence and skill : Provided that the practitioner shall not by virtue of any agreement which includes these conditions be required to give, nor entitled under any such agreement to make any charge for treat- ment to any person in respect of a confinement (that is to say, labour resulting in the issue of a living child or labour after twenty-eight weeks of pregnane}- resulting in the issue of a child whether alive or dead)* [nor to any person suffering from tuberculosis or any other disease the treatment of which may hereafter be included in sanatorium benefit, in so far as that person has been recommended for and is entitled to obtain that treatment as part of his sanatorium benefit].* 3. Where the condition of the patient is such as to require services beyond the competence of an ordinary practitioner the practitioner shall advise the patient as to the steps which should be taken in order to obtain such treat- ment as his condition may require. 4. The practitioner shall visit at the place of residence for the time being of the patient, or at any other place within the County within a distance of miles by road from the residence of the practitioner where the patient may be for the time being, any patient whose condition so requires. 5. The practitioner shall attend and treat at the places specified for the purpose, and on such days and at such hours as are so specified, any patient who attends there for that purpose : Provided that if at any time the practitioner decides to alter the places, days, or hours of his attendance or any of them, he shall give not less than 7 days' notice in writing to the Committee and to each of the insured persons for the time being entitled to obtain treatment from him. 6. The practitioner shall order in the form provided by the Committee for the purpose such drugs and prescribed appliances as are requisite for the treatment of any patient other than those which the practitioner may be under arrangement himself to supply: Provided that if the practitioner orders any drug not included in the list from time to time supplied by the Committee to the practitioner he shall give such orders on special forms for those purposes provided by the Committee. 7. All treatment shall bo given by the practitioner personally, except where he is prevented from so doing by urgency of other professional duties, absence from homr', or other reasonable cause, and the prnctitioner will to the h»st of his ability ])rovid(> tbat when he is so pr(>cliul(>d from personal attendance some other j)rnctition('r will give attendance as his de])uty on his behalf: Provided tbat where tre.ntment is given by a deputy the deputy shall be entitled to treat patients at i)laces other than those specified in the practitioner's agreement with the Committee. • The wordH in Hf|nnrn hrackc-tH are in he omitted in any aj?rooment entered into with a practitioner, if liy that aj^rci'nieiit tin? priietitioner iiiidiTtiikeH to ( (1) Special visit, i.e. visit paid by the patient's desire on the same day as a call received after a.m., or on Sunday... (2) Night visit, i.e. visit made between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. in response to a call received between those hours (3) Surgical operation requiring local or general anaesthetic or treatment of abortion or miscarriage in so far as not included in maternity benefit... (4) Setting of fracture... (5) Reduction of dislocation... (6) Administration of general anaesthetic for the purposes of any operation included in medical benefit... (7) Treatment of tuberculosis in so far as the patient is not entitled to receive such treatment as part of sanatorium benefit (o) per visit ... ... ... ... ... ih) per attendance at the practitioner's residence, surgery, or dispensary (8) Mileage A further rate of shillings a quarter of the year as fixed by the Com- missioners for the i)ur|)oso in respect of each person included in the list of the practitioner, the number of those persons during any quarter to be ascertained by adding the number of persons included at the close of that quarter to the number of persons included at the commencement of the quarter and dividing the total by two. [Note. — An adjustment will bo required in the case of a practitioner beiil|( placed on the panel after the commencement of any quarter.] Payment by Medical Benefit Administration 335 (Scotland): — Schedules 1, 2. E. Rates for the following services:— attendance.' s. d. (1) Visit to the patient's residence (2) Attendance on the patient at the practitioner's residence, surgery, or dispensary... (3) Special visit, i.e. visit paid by the patient's desire on the same day as a call received after a.m., or on Sunday... (4) Night visit, i.e. visit made between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. in response to a call received between those hours (5) Surgical operation requiring local or general anaesthetic or ti'eatment of abortion or miscarriage in so far as not included in maternity benefit (6) Setting of fracture ... (7) Reduction of dislocation ... (8) Administration of general anaesthetic for the purposes of any operation included in medical benefit... (9) Treatment of tuberculosis in so far as the patient is not entitled to obtain such treatment as part of sanatorium benefit (a) per visit ... ... (b) per attendance at practitioner's residence, surgery, or dispensary ... (10) Mileage 3andages : Calico, bleached. Calico, unbleached. Crepe. Domette. Flannel. India 'rubber. Muslin . Plaster of Paris. Open-wove. Gauzes : Unmcdicated. Boric. Carbolic. Cyanide. Sal-alembroth. Sublimate. Lints : Unmcdicated. Boric, Sal-alemhroth . Wools : Cotton. Wood. Oiled silk. Oiled paper. Gutta percha tissue. Adhesive plaster. Ice-bags. Splints. Catheters : Gum-elastic. Soft rubber. The Second Schedule. List of Appliances. 336 XATIOXAL INSURANCE. The Third Schedule. Conditions of Ageeement for Supply of Drugs and Appliances by Chemist. {iVo2-3 V. c. G3. Outworkers (Scotland) Regs. 343 such other day as the Commissioners may direct, cease to apply to outworkers employed by that employer. (5.) An outworker on becoming employed by an employer who has not given notice under this Regulation shall forthwith give notice in writing that he has become so employed to such of his employers as have given notice under this Regulation, and shall, on demand, produce to those employers his contribution card issued under the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contri- butions) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, immediately after that card has been stamped for the first time by the employer who has not so given notice. 4. — (1.) The employer of an outworker shall pay contributions under the Act in respect of all work given out by him to that outworker by reference to the work actually done by that out- worker instead of by reference to the weeks in which the work is done : Provided that where a contribution has been paid in any week in respect of work done by an outworker, any further work done by that outworker for which payment is made by the same employer during that or the succeeding week may be treated as having been part of the work in respect of which the contribution was paid, and no further contribution shall be payable in respect of that further work unless and until the aggregate amount of the work done is such as to require a con- tribution greater than that already paid. (2.) Every contribution payable in respect of an outworker shall be paid by affixing to his card a stamp or stamps in the space provided for that purpose upon the card, and the stamp or stamps must be so affixed before payment is made by the employer to the outworker for the work in respect of which that contribution is payable. 5. — (1.) In the case of an outworker a full contribution shall be paid in respect of such amount of work, hereinafter called a unit of work, as the Commissioners may determine, having regard to the average amount of a full week's work done by outworkers in the employment in which that outworker is engaged to be the proper unit of work for outworkers in that employment : Provided that where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Com- missioners that in any particular employment the persons employed habitually work short time during any part of the year, the expression " a full week's work " shall be deemed to be the amount of work done by a person in regular work in an average week in that employment. (2.) One-half of a full contribution shall be payable in respect of each half or any less part of a unit of work. (3.) The amount of a full contribution payable by an employer in respect of an outworker of any class specified in the First Column of the Third Schedule to these Regulations, shall be the amount specified in the Second Column of that Schedule, and the employer may lawfully deduct from payment made to that out- worker for work in respect of which the whole or a half of a ^789 X 2 344 NATIONAL IXSUEAXCE. full contribution lias been paid, tlie wbole or the half, as the case may be, of such part of the full contribution as is specified in the Fourth Column of that Schedule as respects the class to which that outworker belongs. (4.) In the trades set out in the First Column of the Fourth Schedule to these Regulations, the unit of work shall be work in respect of which a payment of the amount set out in the corre- sponding entry in the Second Column of that Schedule is made to an outworker allowing as a deduction from that payment any expenses reasonably incurred by the outworker in connection with the work : Provided that if any outworker, or any employer of an out- worker, gives notice to the Commissioners in the form set out in the Second Schedule to these Regulations that he claims that the unit of work as respects any of the said trades should be work in respect of which a payment of some amount other than that specified in the said Fourth Schedule is made the Commissioners may determine such units of work as they think fit to be units of work as respects all outworkers in that trade or, where the appli- cation is made by an employer, as respects outworkers in the employment of that employer, and the units of work so deter- mined shall be the units of work for the purpose of these Regulations. Every notice given under the foregoing proviso shall contain full particulars of the average amount and nature of the work given out or to be given out to the outworker, and of the rate of payment in respect thereof, and of the amount which the applicant desires to be deemed a unit of work. 6. — (1.) If in any year the total amount of contributions paid by or in respect of an outworker, whether paid under these Regulations or otherwise, is equal to or more than the amount which would have been payable in weekly contributions in respect of him in that year if he had been an employed contri- butor to whom these Regulations do not apply, the outworker shall be entitled to a certificate from his approved society or, in the case of a deposit contributor, from the Insurance Committee for the area in which he resides, that all contributions payable in respect of him for that year have been paid. (2.) Notwithstanding anything in these or any other Regula- tions made under the Act, any person who employs an outworker shall not be required, if the outworker produces to him a certifi- cate of full payment granted under this Reguhition, to pay any contribution in respect of tliai ouiworlccr during tlic itMiiaiiider of the year in respect of which that certificate was issued. 7. For the purpose of calculating the number of contributions paid by or in respect of any outworker and for tlio purpose of reckoning his arrears the amount of all conlributions ])aid by or in respect of Ihat outworker sliall l)e rcckonrd as lliough the total sum thereof consistf'd of weekly con iribul ions i)aid liy or in respec;! of him at the rate which Mould have been a])j)licable to him had he been an employed contributor to whom these Regula- tions do not apply. Outworkers (Scotland) Regs. 345 8. — (1.) Every employer who gives out work to outworkers shall keep conspicuously posted in the place where he gives out articles or materials to outworkers in such manner as to be seen by those outworkers, notice in a form approved by the Commis- sioners containing a copy of the Table contained in the Third Schedule to these Regulations together with a statement of the unit of work applicable to each class of work there given out. (2.) Every such employer shall keep, in plain words and figures, a record of — (i) the date on which each parcel of work is given out and the unit of work applicable thereto ; (ii) the name of the outworker to whom it is given out ; (iii) the date of its return ; (iv) the amount paid for the work ; (v) the date of the payment; (vi) the amount of the contribution paid in respect of the work by the employer and the outworker respectively : Provided that, where the particulars above mentioned are recorded by entries made by the employer in a wages book kept by the outworker, the entries in that book shall be deemed to be a sufficient compliance with this Regulation. 9. — (1.) All cards for the purposes of these Regulations shall be supplied by the Commissioners without charge to all employers of outworkers, and shall be in the forms set out in the Fifth Schedule to these Regulations or in such forms substantially to the like effect as may from time to time be approved by the Commissioners. (2.) Every employer of an outworker shall, at the commence- ment of every period of currency, or so soon thereafter as a contribution in respect of that outworker becomes payable by him, issue to that outworker a card current for the period, and inscribed with the name and address of the outworker and of the employer by whom the card is issued. (3.) If at any time and so often as during the period of currency of a card so issued by an employer to an outworker a further contribution becomes payable under these Regulations by that employer in respect of that outworker, the outworker shall deliver the card so issued to the employer for the purpose of stamping, and the employer shall return the card duly stamped to the outworker when payment is made for the work in respect of which the contribution is payable. (4.) If an outworker fails to produce and deliver a card in accordance with the last preceding paragraph of these Regula- tions, the employer shall inscribe the name and address of the outworker on a new card for the current period, and shall issue the card duly stamped to the outworker within forty-eight hours of the time when the contribution became payable. (5.) No card issued by an employer under these Regulations shall be used for the payment of contributions otherwise than under these Regulations or otherwise than by the employer by whom the card was issued. 346 XATIOXAL INSURANCE. (6.) All directions and instructions appearing upon the cards and forms set out in the Schedules hereto shall be deemed to be incorporated in these Regulations. 10. Except in so far as inconsistent with these Eegulations, the National Health Insurance (Collection of Contributions) Eegu- lations (Scotland), 1912, shall apply to the employment of out- workers, as if a contribution payable under these Regulations were a weekly contribution, and the word " card " in those Regu- lations shall, in the application of those Regulations to out- workers, mean a card issued under these Regulations. ll._(l.) The Xational Health Insurance (Collection of Con- tributions Exempt Persons) Regulations (Scotland), 1912,* shall apply to an outworker who is not liable to be insured by reason that he holds a certificate of exemption, or that not having attained the age of 65 at 15th July, 1912, and not having been previously insured he became employed within the meaning of Part I. of the Act after attaining the age of 65 years. (2.) The amount of a full contribution payable in respect of such an outworker shall be the amount set out in the Third Column of the Third Schedule hereto opposite the class set out in the First Column of the said Schedule to which the outworker belongs, and shall be payable in respect of a unit of work, and one-half of a full contribution shall be payable in respect of each half or any less part of a unit of work. 12. These Regulations shall not apply to outworkers employed in any trade or branch of trade as to which the Commissioners certify under this Regulation that the unit of work in that trade or branch of trade would, if a unit were determined under these Regulations, be work for which a payment of more than 30.s'. in the case of men, or 17.<;. Qd. in the case of women, is made. 13. Any notice required or authorised to be given to tlie Com- missioners under these Regulations may be given by sending the notice by post to the Commissioners ;'ddressed to their office in Edinburgh. Given under the seal of office of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this twelfth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W. J. Braifhwaite. Given under tlie seal of office of tlio aforesaid Scottish Insurance Conimissionors tliis twelfth day of July, in the year one tliousand nine liundrcd and twelve. (l.s.) G. Stunrf J\(>J)crtsnn. • Printed at p. 204 above. Outworkers (Scotland) Regs. 347 First Schedule. Form of Notice by Employer aJoptiny Outworkers^ Begulations. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911. NATIOxNAL HEALTH INSURANCE. To the Scottish Insurance Commissioners. I hereby give notice that I desire to adopt, for the Outworkers to whom it is applicable, the method of determining contributions by reference to work done, in accordance with the National Health Insurance (Outworkers) Regulations (Scotland), 1912, and I undertake to supply outworkers' con- tribution cards to outworkers employed by me at such time and on such conditions as the Commissioners may direct. Signature Date Full title of Employer or Firm Address Nature of business Approximate number of Outworkers employed — (a) Males (b) Females Estimated number of Outworkers in respect of whom Employer's contri- butions only will be payable — (a) Males , (6) Females Second Schedule. Notice by Employer as to special unit of work. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. To the Scottish Insurance Commissioners. I hereby give you notice that in pursuance of the proviso to Regula- tion 5 (4) of the National Health Insurance (Outworkers') Regulations (Scotland), 1912, I claim that, in the following classes of work, the unit of work in respect of which a full contribution is payable, should be as follows : — Men. (No entry need be made of any class of work for which the rate set out in the Fourth Schedule hereto is accepted as the fixed rate.) Class of work. Unit of work. Work in respect of which is paid. Women. (No entry need be made of any class of work for which the rate set out in the Fourth Schedule hereto is accepted as the fixed rate.) Class of work. Unit of work. Work in respect of which is paid. Signature Date 348 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Third Schedule. Rates of Contrihution. Part I. — Males. 1. Class. 2. 3. Full contri- Employer, butions. 4. "Worker. Men : rate of remuneration exceeding 7(7. M. id. 2s. 6(/. per working day. Men ; rate of remuneration exceeding Id. ■id. 3d. '2s. but not exceeding 2s. 6f/. per work- ing day. Men ; rate of remuneration exceeding M. 5d. Id. Is. 6cZ. but not exceeding 2s. per work- ing day. Men ; rate of remuneration not exceed- 6fZ. 6d. ing Is. (id. per working day. Youths under 21 ; any rate of remunera- Id. 3d. id. tion. Part II. — Females. 1. Class. 2. I 3. Full contri- Employer, butions. ! 4. Worker. Women ; rate of remuneration exceed- 6d. ing 2s. per working day. "Women ; rate of remuneration exceed- bd. ing Is. 6r/. but not exceeding 2s. per working day. "Women ; rate of remuneration not ex- bd. ceeding Is. 6d. per working day. Girls under 21 ; any rate of remunera- : 0(7. tion. 3d. Id. 3d. Fourth Schedule. Tkaui: on Branch of Thadk. Hand-hammered Chain making up to and including i! in. (/■.<;., small sizes) ... ... Dollied or Tommicd Chain making and Hand-hammered Chain making of |J in. diameter and over up to \l in. inclusive ... Machine-made Ijace and Net Finishing other than the finishing of the product of plain net ni.uliiiics ... The making of l)<)xeH or parts thereof made wholly or partially of T)ajicr, cardboard, chip, and similar material — For furaale workers Tho.se Ijranches of the Ready-made and Wholesale IJcspoke Tailoring Trade which are engaged in making garments to be worn i)y male jjersons — For female workers ... For male workers Fives and Ra(;(iuot Ball Covering All other trades — For female workers ... For male workers ... ... ... Unit of work. Work in re- spect of which is paid : 8. (7. 10 20 U 11 12 i:j 24 II 10 () H 9 1.0 Outworkers (Scotland) Regs. 349 Fifth Schedule. Forms of Contribution Cards for Outioorkers. A. SCOTLAND. OUTWORKER (MAN) ; ^^j^H^ To 13th October, 1912. under Special Regulations. Class A.O. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Contribution Card. To be r-^«'«6 of Employer inserted , , , before "^ ^f^^'^ss issue. I OWNEESHIP AND CUSTODY OF CARD. This Card is issued for the collection of Contributions payable in respect of an Outworker, all of whose Employers have adopted the scheme of payment of contributions on the basis of work actually done. It must not be used in other circumstances. The Card is the property of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners ; during its currency it is entrusted to the Contributor, who must return it together with his Insurance Book to his Society or, if he is not a member of a Society, hand the Card in at any Post Office immediately upon its expiry but in no case later than 26tli October, 1912. As the stamped Card is the only evidence of payment of Contri- butions, no allowance will be made for any Stamps on this Card unless and until the Card has been returned as provided above. Any person having this Card in his possession must produce it at any reasonable time when required by an Inspector or other authorised person. LOST CARD. Any person finding this Card, unless he can at once return it to the Contributor, should drop it into a Post Office Letter Box. Reserved for use of Society or Insurance Committee. No entry must be made in this space until after the return of the Card to the Society or Post Office. Name of Society or Committee. Contributor's No. Date of Birth ") if before 184 16 July, 1847. j } 350 NATIONAL IXSURANCE. Thirteen Weeks ending 13th October, 1912. National Health Insurance Stamps to be afi&xed in the Spaces below. No other Stamps may be used. Every Stamp must be cancelled at the time of affixing by writing the date across it in ink. Name and Address of | Contributor •{ to be inserted before issue. f Siir)iame.... Christian Names. A ddress L A single Stamp must be used for each unit or half unit of work. p-l «•-• c o eS 03 ^ Ol c; oo M ^ ^ a < S -fcS ^ IS o s Ti a; *.» a a s a: a '^ ^ ^ -2 CC >> r3 O cr. o «^ "S >; « 5 2 Ji •: S The Contriljutor must Kign in the space l)elow before returning the Card to his Society or, if he is not a Member of a Society, to the Post Office. Siffiiature or Mark of Contrihutnr Witness to the Mark (Only required if the Signature is by Mark.) Outworkers (Scotland) Begs. 351 INSTRUCTIONS. (1.) SUPPLY OF STAMPS. National Health lusurance Stamps are on sale at all Post Offices. Stamps other than National Health Insurance Stamps found affixed to this Card will not be accepted in payment of Contributions. (2.) ISSUE AND DELIVERY OF CARD AND TIME OF AFFIXING STAMPS. This card can be obtained only from the Employer and can only be used for the payment of contributions in respect of work paid for Ijy the Employer by ■whom the Card is issued. It must be produced to that Employer at any time on demand, and must be delivered to him whenever he requires it for the purpose of paying contributions. An Outworker, who takes work from more than one Employer who has adopted the scheme, must have a separate Card from each Emploj^er. If the holder of this Card is employed in any way except on outwork given out to him by Employers who have adopted the scheme he is liable to be insured as an ordinary Employed Contributor and must obtain an ordinary Employed Contributor's Card for that purpose. Before payment is made for work done, the Employer must affix to the Card a Stamp or Stamps representing the joint contribution of himself and the Contributor for that work, and return the Card to the Contributor unless the Employer and Contributor agree that the Card shall be kept by the Employer during its currency. The Stamps must be affixed in the first vacant spaces. When a Stamp has been affixed in respect of a smaller quantity- of work than that covered by the amount of the Stamp no further Stamp need be affixed during that and the next succeeding week (even though further work is paid for) until the total work paid for requires a further Stamp, but if a whole calendar week has elapsed without a Stamp having been affixed the Employer must affix a Stamp on the Card for the next parcel of work paid for without regard to previous paj-ments. Contributions in respect of an Outworker made on this Card by the Employer through whom it is issued must be reckoned without reference to the Contributions (if any) made by any other Employer. (3.) RATE OF CONTRIBUTION. Contributions are payable by reference to " units " of work done. The '■ unit of work" is work to the value of 15s., unless some other amount has been fixed by the Commissioners in particular cases or for particular trades, such as the trades under the Trade Boards Act. For further particulars .see Pamphlet B. The full contribution in respect of a " unit of work "' is ^d. One-half of this, i.e., 82^., is payable in respect of each half, or part thereof, of a " unit of work." In cases in which the amount the outworker can earn in a normal workint^ week of six days exceeds 12s. but does not exceed 15s. (that is, where his rate of remuneration exceeds 2s. but does not exceed 2s. &d. a day) the Z^d. will be divided as follows if the Outworker is 21 years of age or over : — Payable by the Employer ... ... ^d. Payable on behalf of and recoverable from the Contributor... \^d. But in other cases the 3if?. may be otherwise divided (see Pamphlet B.). (4.) CONTRIBUTOR IN CERTAIN CASES TO OBTAIN CERTIFI- CATE. When in respect of any Outworker to whom the special Regulations appiv total contributions equal to fifty-two complete weekly contributions have been paid in any year, he will be able to obtain a certificate, and on the production of the certificate to subsequent Emploj-ers no further contributions will be payable in respect of him in that year. (b.^ EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION NOT RECOVERABLE. Notwithstanding any contract to the contrary, the Employer is not entitled to deduct from the wages of or otherwise to recover from the Contributor the Employer's Contribution. 352 NATIONAL INSURANCE. (6) DEFACING CARD. Except as herein provided, no mark of any kind maj' be made on this Card, nor may anything be affixed to it by the Employer or Contributor, or any other person. (7.) ASSIGNATION OR TRANSFER. No person may assign or charge, or agree to assign or charge any Card, and any sale, transfer or assignation of, or charge on any Card is void and of no effect. (8.) CHANGE OF ADDRESS. A contributor changing his address during the currency of this Card should alter the address on page 2, and inform his Society within seven days. (9.) DEATH OF CONTRIBUTOR. In the event of the death of the Contributor, this card must be returned to his Society or to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, Edinburgh. If any Employer has failed to pay any Contributions which hs is liable to pay in respect of an Employed Contributor he is for each Offence liable on Summary Conviction to a fine not exceeding; TEN POUNDS, and to pay a sum equal to the amount of the Contributions which he has failed to pay. Further, if the Contributor is a member of an Approved Society, he may take proceedings against his Employer, in which case the Em- ployer may be compelled to make good any loss of Benefits which the Contributor has suffered. If any Insured Person without reasonable cause fails to deliver a Contribution Card to his Employer at the times required by the Regulations, or is guilty of any other contravention of or non- compliance with any of the Regulations made under Part I of the National Insurance Act, 1911, he is for each Offence liable on Summary Conviction to a fine not exceeding TEN FOUNDS. Outworkers (Scotland) Regs, B. 353 OUTWORKER (WOMAN) under special Regulations. Class E.O. SCOTLAND. To 13th October, 1912 NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Contribution Card. f Name of Employer Tobe •' ^ -^ inserted I ji^dress before j issue. I I OWNERSHIP AND CUSTODY OF CARD. This Card is issued for the collection of Contributions payable in respect of an Outworker, all of whose Employers have adopted the scheme of payment of contributions on the basis of work actually done. It must not be used in other circumstances. The Card is the property of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners ; during its currency it is entrusted to the Contributor, who must return it together with her Insurance Book to her Society or, if she is not a member of a Society, hand the Card in at any Post Office immediately upon its expiry but in no case later than 26tli October, 1912. As the stamped Card is the only evidence of payment of Contributions, no allowance will be made for any Stamps on this Card unless and until the Card has been returned as provided above. Any person having this Card in his or her possession must produce it at any reasonable time when required by an Inspector or other authorised person. LOST CARD. Any person finding" this Card, unless he can at once return it to the Contributor, should drop it into a Post Office Letter Box. Reserved for use of Society or Insurance Committee. No entry must be made in this space until after the return of the Card to the Society or Post Office. Name of Society or Committee. Contributor's ■) No. J £ Birth 1 jf ore > . y, 1847. j Date of Birth if befort 16 Julv, .184.. 354 NATIONAL IXSrEANCE. Thirteen Weeks ending 13th OCTOBER, 1912. National Health Insurance Stamps to be affixed in the spaces below. Stamps Other than National Health Insurance Stamps found affixed to this Card will not be accepted in payment of Contributions. Every Stamp must be cancelled at the time of affixing by writing the date across it in ink. Name and Address of Contributor to be inserted before issue. Surname. Christian Xames. I Address \ A single Stamp must be used for each unit or half unit of work. >-- ^s The Contributor must sign in the space below before returning the Card to her Society, or, if she is not a ^Member of a Society, to the Post Office. Signalurr i,r Afar/i of Cuntrihnlnr WHneHH to the Mark (Only required if the Signature is by ]\Iark.) Outworkers (Scotland) Begs. 355 INSTRUCTIONS. 1. SUPPLY OF STAMPS. National Health Insurance Stamps are on sale at all Post Offices. 2. ISSUE, DELIVERY, AND STAMPING OF CARD. This Card can be obtained only from the Employer and can only be used for the payment of contributions in respect of work paid for by the Employer by whom the Card is issued. It must be produced to that Employer at any time on demand and must be delivered to him whenever he requires it for the purpose of paying contributions. An Outworker, who takes work from more than one Employer who has adopted the scheme, must have a separate Card from each Employer. If the holder of this Card is employed in any way except on outwork given out to her by Employers who have adopted the scheme she is liable to be insured as an ordinary Employed Contributor and must obtain an ordinary Employed Contributor's Card for that purpose. Before payment is made for work done, the Employer must affix to the Card a Stamp or Stamps representing the joint contribution of himself and the Contributor for that work, and return the Card to the Contributor, unless the Employer and Contributor agree that the Card shall be kept by the Employer during its currency. The Stamps must be affixed in the first vacant spaces. When a stamp has been affixed in respect of a smaller quantity of work than that covered by the amount of the Stamp no further Stamp need be affixed during that and the next succeeding week (even though further work is paid for) until the total work paid for requires a further Stamp, but if a whole calendar week has elapsed without a Stamp having been affixed, the Employer must affix a Stamp on the Card for the next parcel of work paid for without regard to previous payments. Contributions in respect of an Outworker made on this Card by the Employer through whom it is issued must be reckoned without reference to the contributions (if any) made by any other Employer. 3. RATE OF CONTRIBUTION. Contributions are payable by reference to " units " of work done. The " unit of work " is work to the value of 8s. 9d., unless some other amounc has been fixed by the Commissioners in particular cases or for particular trades, such as the trades under the Trade Boards Act. For further particulars see Pamphlet B. The joint contribution of Employer and Outworker for each " unit of work " is 6d. or 5d., according to the age and rate of remuneration of the worker. See Table below. One half of this, i.e., 3d (or 2hd.) is payable in respect of each half, or part thereof, of a " unit of work." The division of the half -contribution between Employer and Worker is as follows : — For workers 21 years of age and over. Di\asion of the If the amount which the Outworker can earn in a normal working week is For all Workers under 21 years of age. Half-Contribution. •M«<- »,».<> More than thS, ^«- O'^" b"^ °°* Q» M more than More than 12s. Od. Payable by Employer Payable on behalf of and recoverable from Outworker 2id. > nothing 2d. id. lid. lid. lid. lid. 356 XATIOXAL INSURANCE . 4. CONTRIBUTOR IN CERTAIN CASES TO OBTAIN CERTIFICATE. When in respect of any Outworker to whom the special Regulations apply total contributions equal to fifty-two complete weekly contributions have been paid in any year, she will be able to obtain a certificate, and on the production of the certificate to subsequent Employers no further contributions will be payable in respect of her in that year. 5. EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION NOT RECOVERABLE. Notwithstanding any contract to the contrary-, the Employer is not entitled to deduct from the wages of or otherwise to recover from the Contributor the Employer's Contribution. 6. DEFACING CARD. Except as herein provided, no mark of any kind may be made on this Card, nor may anything be affixed to it by the Employer or Contributor, or any other person. 7. ASSIGNATION OR TRANSFER. No person may assign or charge, or agree to assign or charge any Card, and any sale, transfer or assignation of, or charge on any Card is void and of no effect. 8. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. A Contributor changing her address during the currency of this Card should alter the address on page 2, and inform her Society within seven days. 9. DEATH OF CONTRIBUTOR. In the event of the deith of the Contributor, this Card must be returned to her Society or to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, Edinburgh. If any Employer has failed to pay any Contribuuons which he is liable to pay in respect of an Employed Contributor he is for each OflFence liable on Summary Conviction to a fine not exceeding" TEN POUNDS, and to pay a sum equal to the amount of the Contributions which he has failed to pay. Further, if the Contributor is a Member of an Approved Society, she may take proceedings against her Employer, in which case the Employer may be compelled to make good any loss of Benefits which the Contributor has suffered. If any Insured Person without reasonable cause fails to deliver a Contribution Card to her Employer at the times required by the Regulations or is guilty of any other contravention of or non- compliance with any of the Regulations made under Part I of the National Insurance Act, 1911, she is for each Offence liable on Summary Conviction to a fine not exceeding TEN POUNDS. Outworkers (Scotland) Regs. 357 0. EXEMPT PERSON OUTWORKER under special Regulations. X.O. SCOTLAND. To 13th October, 1912. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Contribution Card (Exemption). FOR EMPLOYERS ONLY. This Card must in no case be handed by the Employer to the Employed Person. This Card is the property of the Scottish Insurance Commissioners ; during its currency it is entrusted to the Employer, who must return it duly stamped to the Scottish Insurance Commissioners, Edinburgh, immediately upon its expiry, but in no case later than 26tli October, 1912. A further supply of these Cards can be obtained from the Commis- sioners. This Card is issued for the collection of the Employer's Contributions in respect of an Outworker, all of whose Employers have adopted the scheme of payment of contributions on the basis of work actually done ; and — (1) who has been granted a Certificate of Exemption from compulsory Insurance ; (2) who was under the age of 65 on the 15th July, 1912, and, not having previously been an insured person, has become employed after attaining the age of 65. The Card must not be used in other circumstances. The employer is liable to pay the like contribution as would have been payable as Employer's Contribution if such person had been an employed Outworker Contributor. Every person to whom a Certificate of Exemption has been granted has been furnished with an Exemption Book which must be produced to the Employer at any time on demand and on each occasion on which ]iayment is made for any work done. The Employer must not make any entry in the Exemption Book with regard to any contribution paid on the basis of work actually done. For further information see Pamphlet B. 3789 Y 358 NATIONAI. INSUEANCE. Thirteen Weeks ending 13th OCTOBER, 1912. National Health Insurance Stamps to be affixed in Spaces below. No other Stamps may be used. Every Stamp must be cancelled at the time of affixing by writing the date across it in ink. In accordance with Section 13 of the Stamp Duties Management Act, 1891, any person who fraudulently removes any Stamp from this Card or makes use of any Stamp removed from another Card is guilty of felony. No. of Exemption \ 1 These Certificate j particulars I are to be Surname of \ r" inserted by the Employed Outworker ] Employer I before affixing Christian Names J Stamps. Signature of Employer and Address Outworkers (Scotland) Regs. : — Instructions. 359 INSTRUCTIONS. 1. SUPPLY OF STAMPS. National Health Insurance Stamps are on sale at all Post Offices. Stamps other than National Health Insurance Stamps found affixed to this Card will not be accepted in payment of Contributions. 2. TIME OF AFFIXING STAMPS. If the holder of an Exemption Book is employed in any way except on outwork given out to him (her) by Employers who have adopted the scheme, the ordinary Employer's Contribution must be paid in respect of him (her) by the first Employer in such week and an ordinary Exempt Contribution Card must be used for that purpose. Before payment is made for work done the Employer must affix to the Card a Stamp or Stamps representing the Employer's Contribution for that work. The Stamps must be atBxed in the first vacant spaces. When a Stamp has been affixed in respect of a smaller quantity of work than that covered by the amount of the Stamp, no further Stamp need be affixed during that and the next succeeding week (even though further work is paid for) until the total work paid for requires a further Stamp, but if a whole calendar week has elapsed without a Stamp having been affixed, the Employer must affix a Stamp on the Card for the next parcel of work paid for without regard to previous payments. Contributions in respect of an Outworker made on this Card by the Employer through whom it is issued must be reckoned without reference to the Contributions (if any) made by any other Employer. 3. RATES OF EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION. Contributions are payable by reference to " units " of work done. For full particulars and rates of Employer's Contribution see Pamphlet " B." 4. EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION NOT RECOVERABLE. The Employer is not entitled to deduct from the Wages of or otherwise to recover from the Employed Person any part of the Contribution paid. 5. DEFACING CARD. Except as herein provided, no mark of any kind may be made on this Card, nor may anything be affixed to it. If a Card is accidentally damaged or defaced it should be surrendered and a new one obtained. 6. ASSIGNATION OR TRANSFER. No person may assign or charge, or agree to assign or charge any Card, and any sale, transfer or assignation of, or charge on any Card is void and of no efEect. 7. PRODUCTION OF CARD TO AN INSPECTOR. Any person having this Card in his or her possession must produce it at any reasonable time when required by an Inspector or other authorised person. 8. NOTICE OF DEATH OF EXEMPT PERSON. If the Employer receives information as to the death of the person to whom this Card refers, he is requested to notify the Commissioners when returning the Card. 3789 Y 2 360 NATIONAL INSURANCE. 9. LOST CARD. Any person finding this Card should drop it into a Post Office Letter Box. If any Employer is guilty of any Contravention of or non-compliance with any of the requirements of Part I of the National Insurance Act, 1911, or the Regulations made thereunder, he is, for each offence, liable on Summary Conviction, to a fine not exceeding TEN POUNDS. (xxiii.) Researcli, Retention of Parliamentary Moneys for. B. Wales. The ?^ational Health Insur-^^ce (Retention of' Parlia- mentary Moneys for Research) Regulations (Wales), 1912. Dated September 25, 1L912. [These Rules beinf? " Provisional " within Section 2 of the Rules Publicatinn Act. 1893, and not " Statutory," are not printed in this Yolume.] (xxiv.) S(?cieties. The J^ational Insurance (Constitution of Unregistered Societies) Regulation, 1912, dated Abril 17, 1912, made BY the Xational Health Insurance Joint Committee under the Nation.^l Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. No. 385. Tho Joint Committee of the sevcMal lindios of Commissioners appointod for tlie purposes of Part I. of tlip National Insurance Act, 1911 (herein-after called " the Act "), hereby in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act, and by the regula- tions of tlie Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury made thereunder,* and of all other ])owers enabling: them in that behalf, make the following regulation: — 1. The constitution of a Society apply inj^ for approval under Section 2.'i of the Act (not l)eing a Society rej^istered or estab- lished under any Act of PaHiament or by Royal Charter) shall • Printed at p. '1\ iiliovo. Societies : — Constitution of Unregistered 361 Societies Regs. be regulated by written or printed rules, or by some other instrument providing for the following matters : — (1) The name of the Society. (2) The situation of the principal office of the Society. (3) The objects of the Society. (4) The branches of the Society, if any, and the powers and government of such branches. (5) The manner of election and removal of the governing- body, and in cases where the affairs of the Society are managed by delegates, the manner of election and removal of such delegates. (6) The powers and duties of the governing body. (7) The manner of election and removal of trustees and other officers. (8) The determination of the time and place of holding and the manner of convening all meetings of the Society. (9) The manner of determining disputes between the Society or, in the case of a Society with branches, the Society or any branch thereof, and any person who is or has ceased to be a member of the Society or branch or any person claiming through such person, and, iu the case "of a Society with branches, between the Society and any branch 0:5. branches thereof, or between two or more branched. ^ (10) The manner of admission and expulsion of members. (11) The volihitary dissolution of the Society. (12) The making and alteration of rules of the Society. 2. This regulation may be cited as the National Insurance (Constitution of Unregistered Societies) Eegulation, 1912, and shall come into force upon the day upon which it is made by the said Joint Committee. Given under the Seal of Office of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this 17th day of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) * W. J. Braithwaite, Secretary. 362 XATIOXAL IXSUEAXCE. The !N"atioxal Insurance (Constitution of Sections) Regula- tionj 1912, dated june 6, 1912, made by the national He.ulth Insurance Joint Committee under the National Insur.ince Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1912. Xo. 573. The Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (hereinafter called "the Act"), hereby, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by the Act, and by the regula- tions of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury made thereunder, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, make the following regulation : — 1. The constitution of a section established for the purposes of Part I. of the Act shall be regulated by printed or written rules or by some other instrument providing for the following matters : — (1.) The name of the section. (2.) The situation of the principal ofl&ce of the section. (3.) The manner of the establishment of the section by the society and the manner in which the relation between the society and the section is defined. (4.) Where it is intended that the connection between the section and the society is to be capable of dissolution (a) the length of notice (not being less than one year) necessary before dissolution ; (b) the minimum period (not being less than three years) which must elapse before the notice can be given ; and (c) the manner in which, upon any such notice taking effect, the section shall be constituted so as to become an approved society or shall be wound up or in what other manner pro- vision is to be made for the continued insurance of its members. (5.) The branches of the section, if any, and the powers and government of such branches. (6.) The manner of election and removal of the governing body, and in cases wliere tlie affairs of the section are managed by delegates, the nKinnor of election and removiil of such delogntcs. (7.) The i)f)W('rs and diiiics of llic govcrniTig body. (8.) The niiinncr of election uud removal of trustees and other officers, (0.) The determination of the time and place of holding and the manner of convening all meetings of the section. Societies : — Accounts of Approved 363 Societies Regs. (10.) Tlie manner of determining disputes between the section, or, in the case of a section with branches, the section or any branch thereof, and any person who is or has ceased to be a member of the section or branch or any person claiming- through such person, and, in the case of a section with branches, between the section and any branch thereof, or between two or more branches. (11.) The manner of admission and expulsion of members. (12.) The making and alteration of rules of the section. 2. Nothing in this regulation shall affect the operation of any regulations or provisional regulations previously made by the said Joint Committee with respect to the constitution of unregis- tered societies so far as those last-mentioned regulations afitect unregistered societies which are not separate sections of other societies. 3. This regulation may be cited as the National Insurance (Constitution of Sections) Regulation, 1912, and shall come into force upon the day upon which it is made by the said Joint Committee. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Joint Committee this 6th day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. I (l.s.) W. J. Braiihwaite. The National Health Insurance (Accounts of Approved Societies) Regulations, 1912, dated July 12, 1912, made BY THE National Health Insurance Joint Committee UNDER THE NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911 (1 & 2 GeO. 5. C. 55). 1912. No. 86T. The Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by sub- section (1) of section 35 and section 65 of that Act, and by the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912* hereby make the following regulations : — 1. These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Accounts* of Approved Societies) Regulations, 1912. 2. — (1) The Interpretation Act, 1889, t applies to the interpre- tation of these Regulations as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. * Printed at p. 21 above. t 52-3 Y. c. 63. 364 XATIOXAL INSURANCE. (2) In these Eegulations "the Act" means Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911. 3. — (1) Every Approved Society shall keep its accounts relating to business under the Act in the form and in the hooks specified in the Schedules to these Eegulations (or such other books substan- tially to the like effects as the Commissioners may from time to time approve) and in such other books (if any) as the Com- missioners may in the case of any Society determine to be necessary to enable that Society properly to transact its business under the Act, or in such of the said books as the Commissioners may direct, and in such manner as the Commissioners may in the case of any Society direct. (2) In the case of a Society having among its members insui-ed persons resident in more than one part of the United Kingdom, this Eegulation shall have effect with the substitution of the Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners for the Commissioners . (3) In this Eegulation the expression "Society" includes the I)ranches of a Society. 4. If any Society satisfies the Commissioners that it is necessary or desirable that the accounts of that Society should be kept in any books or other records submitted by the Society, and so arranged as to furnish substantially the same information as to the business of the Society as the books specified in the First Schedule to these Eegulations, the Commissioners may approve the books or records so submitted, and the books or records so approved shall in such case be substituted for the books specified in the said Schedule. 5. An Approved Society having among its members insured l)ersons resident in more than one part of the United Kingdom shall keep separate accounts in the manner provided by these Eegulations for each such part of the United Kingdom. 6. For the purposes of these Eegulations the word " Commis- sioners " in relation to any accounts of an Approved Society means the Commissioners appointed under the Act for that part of the United Kingdom to wliich those accounts relate. Given under the seal of offii^e of the aforesaid Joint Com- mittee this twelfth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (L.s.) IF. J . Braithwaiie. Societies : — Accounts of Approved 365 Societies Regs. FiKST Schedule. Books to be kept by Approved Societies. (1) A Membership Register in the form shown in Schedule 3. (2) A Contribution Register or Registers showing separately the con- tributions paid in respect of men and of women. Separate sec- tions of this Register (or separate Registers) are to be kept for each of the Classes set out in Schedule 2 of which the Society has members. These Registers are to be kept in one or other of the alternative forms, as shown in Schedule 3, for the particular class. (3) A cash book. (4) A Treasurer's Cash Book. (o) A Ledger containing the following accounts, showing separately the transactions relating to men and to women respectively : — (a) Income and Expenditure Account and accounts subsidiary thereto. (b) Investment Account. (c) Except in the case of a branch of an Approved Society, a Reserve Values Account. (d) Current account with Insurance Commissioners, or, in the case of a branch, with its head office. (e) Any other accounts that may be required. (6) A 1x»ok for recording fines and levies due and paid. ^7) A Minute Book. 366 XATIOXAL INSURANCE. Second Schedule. Classes in respect of lohich separate Sections or Registers are to he kept. Designation of Class. Men. Women. Employed Contributors — British Subjects under 65 years of age at Entry into Insurance ... Aliens between Ages of 17 and 65 do. ^ and\S^''*' } Aged65andupwardsonthel5th July,1912 Mercantile Marine : British Subjects (employed on foreign- going Ships) Do. do. Aliens (resident in United Kingdom) (employed on foreign-going Ships) Navy and Army ... ... Voluntary Contributors — British Subjects... under 45 years of Age at Entry into") Insurance before 15th January, | 1913 y Do. do. ... who enter into Insurance on or after | 15th January, 1913 ... ... J Aliens under 45 years of Age at Entry into") Insurance before 15th January, j 1913 )■ Do. ... ... who enter into Insurance on or after | 15th January, 1913 J A.I. A. 2. A. 3. A. 4. A. 5. B. C. 1. C. 2. British Subjects of 45 years and upwards at Entry into "i Insurance before 15th January, |- ' D. 1. 1913 ■ j Aliens do. do. |D. 2. Married Women : — j British Subjects ... ... ... ... | — Aliens ... ... — E. 1. E. 2. E.3. E. 4. E. 5. F. 1. F. 2. G. 1. G. 2. H. 1. H. 2. 367 'i E Name. Name. Number. 789 Henlth : — Surietiea : — Accounts of Approved Societies Regs. Third Schedule. Forntu of Registers. INDEX TO MEMBERSHIP REGISTER. NATIONAL INSURANCE. INDEX TO MEMBERSHIP REGISTEll. GISTElt. ^AME. XUMBEE. Name. 369 Healtlj : — Suuieties : — Accounts uf ApiJiuved Sucietios Beys. V_ NATIONAL HEALTH ItElilSTKU T«ir.(l)V.|Monll.J- birtbda; } ^ [ -AccounU of Ai-pn-ved Societies RegH. -Ba_ t NATIONAL HEALT; REGISTE ^lass. (3) Occupation. (4) Date of Birth. (S) Date of Entry into State Insurance. (fi) Day. Month. Year. |[ J)ay. Month. Tear, Age next birthday at date of Entry into State Insurance. (7) Cc trSURANCE. F MEMBERS. 371 te of Benefits lieable to ages over 21. Other Benefits. (10) ise of leaving, etc. Insurance Com administeri Medical ar Sanatoriun: Be If by Transfer to another Society or Branch, or to the Post Office Fund, etc. REMARKS. (11) Xame of Society or ; Refer- iranch, or Insurance J ence Committee, etc. I Folio. (HQ il (20) Transfer Value Paid. (21) £ s. ( (22) Date of Enlrj' into State Insurance. (This need only be No. of Weeks' CoDtributione paid. Christian Nai Initials. Contri- batioDB Paid. t required ia the first qanrterQ Health : — Societies : — Accounts of ApproTed Societies Regs. pjlTElBUTIONS. Second Period of Tun 12th Jabdabt, 1913. j)^ of entry into State lainrance- ffliig need only be Ijljdialorperaona Inin? the Society ring the carrent qnartflr.) w UoDth Tear No. of Weeks' Cuntributioiis paid. Rate?. For Men at 7'I. For Meo at 5d. Women nt6rATION:VL IKSUn.UfCE. TaiRD Period of Tun 13Tn April, 1!)13. 3 State (This need only be filled in for persons jcining the Society during the current qaarter.) Day Month Year ; Weeks' Contn'hutioQS paid. Rates. For Men d 01- for Women at Contri- butions Paid. (8) (9) C»OJ Health : — Societies : — Accounts of Approved Societies Regs. CONTRIBtTTIONS. Fourth Period of Thirteen Weeks i Date of entry ioto State insiirance. (This need only b I Day Month. Tr. No. of Weeka' Contributions paid. Contri> bationB Paid. For Men a or for Women at For Men at Bd. or for Women at 4id. If the Member hae ceased to contribnta g' I la-rn OCTMBER. 1912. REGISTER OF ks' Contributions paid. Rates. Total Number of Contri- butions Paid. (7) ' (8) (9) (10) REMARKS, etc. CColnmns Nog. 11-14 not required in the first quarter.) (15) Health : — Societies : 374 IIBUTIONS. Second Period of Tu Te te of entry ito State isurance. need only be in for persons ig the Society g the current luarter.) Month Year No. of Weeks' Contributions p Rates. 7d. 6d. (3) (4) (.5) I (6) (7) I (8) i (t) Date of entry into State Insurance. (This need only be filled in for persons joining the Society during the current quarter.) No. of W Td. 6d. Day j Month Year (3) (4) (5) Q S9 J NATIONAL INSUIIANCE. Class of Contributors- Chrietiaii Nai Initialfi. . Date of Entry into State Insurance. (ThiB need only be Day. Month. Year. No. of Weeks' Coutributious paid. (5) 00" (7) m INSURANCE. Second Period of Thir BEG18TE No. of Weeka' CoQtributioas paid. (This need only bo Month. Year. ArreurB Week.. Total (Coll. HI). 1 NATIONAL INSURANCE. "":iRD Perio of Thirteen Weeks ending 13th April, 1913. eeks' ContiiutioDS paid. Rates. Arrears Paid. (In Stamps.) 3) I (7) 1(8) (9) (10; (11) I Total i Number of } Contri- butions : Paid. For Men at 7d. For Men at 5d. or for or for Women at 6d. Women at 4|d. No. of Weeks Amount No. of s. d. Weeks Amount s. d. (12) (13) • (U) REMARKS, etc. (15) CONTRIBUTIONS. 375 Date of entry into State Insurance. (This need only be filled in for persons joining the Society during the current quarter.) .e Member has ceased to contribute state Day Month, Tr. 7d. (4) 3789 CauBe. (17) Health : — Societies : — Acconuts of Approved Societieal JONTMBUTIONS. ARREARS (CASH VALUE). Current CVatvr ,1/ EscDsed and Paid ic Current Periwl. No, of I Amount. SectioQ ' ^o. of. Amount. I ''"^"'=""- Total COole. 17, 19 and 21). Carried forward DrdurC Cd. 23 /™», No. of Quarters NAtloNAL INSUBANCe. TniHD Period of Thirteen Weeks persona joimng the Month. ' Year. Difablement, ( Arrears Wceke. n Total COolB. 4-11). Vw^ (ONTBIBITTIONS, He.ltl, :-S<,cieties:_Accounts of Approved Sucietiee Regs. ARREARS (CASH VALUE) • NOTE.—Volontory Contribnlors, Men or Women bmployed Contributors, Men : 5d. " Women : 4Jd. No.ot Quartera f REGISTER OF First Period of Thirteen Weeks ending 1 ^ Contributions paid, k lat€s. Number of 1 1 Weekly Contributions unpaid on Arrears Total account of in (Cols. Sickness Weeks. 4-11). and Disablement, .etc. REMARKS. A:c. (7) (^). (9) (10) CU) (12) (IS) health : — Soc 378 rTRIBUTIONS. ARREARS (CASH VALUE). ht from us Is. Accrued in Current Period. ( Valup of Arrruvx in Col. 11). d. (15)' Total (Cols. U and 15). £ s. (I. (16) Amount Excused. (17) Foi For No. Weel ~(l! Date of Entry into State Insurance. (This need only be filled in for persons joining the Society during the current quarter.) (3) No, of W Day. Month. Year. 7d. (4) 6d. C5) Health: -Societies :-Accouub of Approved Societies Be; NATIONil INSCEANCE. ^E. Societies : — Time for Joining an Approved 385 Society Regs. The National Health Insurance (Time for Joining an Approved Society) Regulations, 1912, dated July 18, 1912, MADE BY the NATIONAL HeALTH INSURANCE JoiNT Committee under the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55). 1912. No. 964. The Joint Committee of the several bodies of Commissioners appointed for the purposes of Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911, in pursuance of the powers conferred on them by Sections 42 and 65 of the said Act, and the National Insurance (Joint Committee) Regulations, 1912,* hereby make the following Regulations : — 1. — (1.) These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Insurance (Time for Joining an Approved Society) Regulations, 1912. (2.) In these Regulations — The expression "the Act" means Part I. of the National Insurance Act, 1911 ; The expression "employed" means employed within the meaning of the Act ; and The expression " person to whom Section 49 applies " means a person who was of the age of sixty-five or upwards and under the age of seventy at the commencement of the Act. (3. ) The Interpretation Act, 1889, t applies to the interpretation of these Regulations as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of Parliament. 2. For the purposes of Section 42 of the Act the time within which a person may join an Approved Society shall be — (i.) In the case of a person being a person of the age of sixteen and upwards and under the age of sixty-five or being a person to whom Section 49 applies who was employed at the commencement of the Act, any time before the expiration of three months and fourteen days from the commencement of the Act : (ii.) In the case of a person being a person of the age of sixteen and upwards and under the age of sixty-five or being a person to whom Section 49 applies who becomes employed after the commencement of the Act, any time before the expiration of three months and fourteen days from the time of his so becoming employed : * Printed at p. 21 above. t 52-3 Y. c. 63. -386 XATIOXAL IXSUEAjrCE, (iii.) In the case of an employed person wlio attains the age of sixteen after the commencement of the Act, any time before the expiration of three months and fourteen days from the date of his attaining that age : Ov.) In the case of a person who if he becomes insured will become a voluntary contributor and who becomes insured after the expiration of three months from the commencement of the Act, any time before the date on which he becomes insured, and in the case of any such person who becomes insured before the expiration of three months from the commencement of the Act, any time before the expiration of that period : (v.) In the case of a person who has been expelled or has resigned from an Approved Society, any time before the expiration of three months from the date on which he ceases to be a member of the Society : Provided that if at any time after the expiration of three months from the commencement of the Act any person makes a claim for benefit under the Act before the expiration of the time within which he may by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this Regulation join an Approved Society, the time expiring on the day immediately preceding the day on which the claim is made shall be deemed to have been the time allowed in his case for joining an Approved Society instead of the time which would otherwise have been allowed. Given under the Seal of Office of the said Joint Committee this eighteenth day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) W. J. Braithicaite. The Xatkjxal Health Insurance (Time for Joining an Approve!' Society) Regulations (No. 2), 1912. Dated NOVEMIIER 2T, 1912.* [These Regulations being " Provisional " within Section 2 of the Rules Pnblifation Act, 1893, and not '' Statutory," are not printed in thii Volume.] • Thenc Regulations are now sujicrseflerl by " Rtatntorj' " Regulations dated January lio, I'Ji;}, i.ublishecl uh St. R. 7 8 6 7 12 6 7 17 K 2 H 7 8 13 (1 8 19 9 5 Tables for Calculations : — Reserve Values for Females. 401 England, Scotland, and Wales. Reserve Values. Over age 45. Emplojccl Contributors only. Age. Spinsters and Widows. Married Women. £ s. d. £ s. d. 45 and under 46 9 6 6 9 11 6 46 47 9 13 6 9 18 47 48 10 6 10 4 6 48 49 10 7 10 10 6 49 .50 10 12 6 10 16 50 51 10 3 6 10 6 51 52 10 7 6 10 10 52 53 10 11 10 13 53 54 10 13 6 10 15 54 55 10 15 10 16 6 55 56 10 15 6 10 17 56 57 10 15 10 16 57. 58 10 12 10 13 58 59 10 7 6 10 8 59 60 10 6 10 1 60 61 9 7 6 9 8 61 62 8 16 6 8 17 62 63 8 2 8 2 63 64 7 3 6 7 3 6 64 65 6 6 Under age 45. Ireland. Reserve Values. Age. Employed and Yoluutary Contributors. Spinsters and Widows. Employed Contributors. Married Women. £ s. d £ s. d. 16 and under 17 Nil Nil 17 )) 18 5 7 11 6 18 }) 19 10 7 8 6 19 )) 20 15 6 6 15 6 20 >) 21 6 9 6 21 )) 22 4 6 5 22 )) 23 8 6 2 23 )) 24 12 6 24 )] 25 16 6 5 19 25 )) 26 2 1 5 18. 6 26 5) 27 2 6 5 18 6 27 J) 28 2 11 6 5 19 6 28 )j 29 2 17 6 6 6 29 99 30 3 3 6 6 2 30 )1 31 3 10 6 4 31 )) 32 3 16 6 6 6 32 )) 33 4 3 6 6 8 33 )) 34 4 10 6 6 10 6 34 jj 35 4 18 6 13 6 35 >J 36 5 5 6 6 16 6 402 NATIONAL INSURANCE. Ireland. Reserve Values. Age. Employed and Voluntary Contributors. Spinsters and "Widows. Employed Contributors. Married Women. £ s. d. £ s. d. 36 and under 37 5 13 7 37 38 6 7 3 6 38 39 6 7 6 7 7 39 40 6 15 7 11 6 40 41 7 2 6 7 16 41 42 7 9 6 8 1 42 43 7 17 8 6 43 44 8 4 8 11 6 44 45 8 11 8 17 6 Over age 45. Employed Contributors only. Age. Spinsters and "Widows Married Women. 45 and under 46 46 47 47 48 48 M 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 M 54 54 0.) 55 )» 56 56 57 57 M 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 • 64 64 65 £ s. d. 8 18 9 4 6 9 11 9 17 10 2 9 12 6 9 16 9 18 6 10 6 10 1 6 10 1 9 19 6 9 16 9 10 6 9 3 8 9 7 17 6 7 2 6 2 6 4 18 £ s. d. 9 3 9 9 9 15 10 6 10 5 9 15 9 18 10 6 10 2 10 2 6 10 2 10 6 9 16 6 9 11 9 3 6 8 9 6 7 17 6 7 2 6 2 6 4 18 Tables for Calculations : — Keduced Rates of 403 Sickness Benefit. (iii.) Reduced Rates of Sickness Benefit. Table, prepared by the jSTatioxal Health Insurance Joint Committee, dated June 19, 1912, under sections 9 (4) and 55 (1) OF THE N'aTIONAL INSURANCE AcT, 1911 (1 & 2 GeO, 5, c. 55), SHOWING the REDUCED Rates OF Sicknt:ss Benefit and of Reserve Values applicable, save as provided in that Act, to Men becoming Employed Contributors at the age of seventeen or upwards subsequently to the expiration of one year from the commencement of the Act. 1912. No. 609. Whereas by subsection 4 of section 9 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, the Insurance Commissioners are empowered to prepare tables showing the reduced rates of sickness benefit to which an insured person shall be entitled in case such insured person is a person who not having been previously insured under Part I. of that Act, becomes an insured contributor subsequently to the expiration of one year from the commencement of that Act, and is, at the time of so becoming an employed contributor, of the age of 17 or upwards unless he satisfies the conditions set out in that subsection ; and whereas, by section 55 of that Act, the Insurance Commissioners are required and empowered to cause tables to be prepared showing, in cases in which such provision is necessary, the capital sums (in that Act and herein referred to as " Reserve Values ") which it is necessary to provide in respect of members entering into insurance at ages over the age of 16 to meet the estimated loss, if any, arising through the acceptance by an Approved Society of such persons as members upon the terms and conditions as regards contributions and benefits prescribed by or under that Act; and whereas by section 83 of that Act it is provided that the Joint Committee constituted thereunder shall exercise and perform such powers and duties of the several bodies of Commissioners under that Act as may be provided by regulations to be made by the Treasury ; and whereas by the regulations made by the Treasury thereunder*' it is pro- vided that the Joint Committee alone shall exercise the power of making under subsection 4 of section 9 of that Act tables in accordance with which the reduced rate payable in the case of the persons referred to in that subsection is to be fixed and the power of making under subsection 1 of section 55 of that Act tables showing reserve values; Now, therefore, the Joint Committee in pursuance of the powers above recited and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf have caused to be prepared the tables hereto appended, showing the reduced rates of sickness benefit to which male insured persons are entitled who not having been previously insured become insured persons subsequently to the expiration of one year from the commencement of the Act, at the ages shown in the first column of that table, and who do not prove that their time since they attained the age of 17 has been spent in a school * Printed at p. 21 above. 404 XATIOXAL IIS^SURANCE. or college, in indentured apprenticeship or otherwise under instruction without wages or otherwise in the completion of their education or who do not undertake themselves to pay the difference between the voluntary rate and the employed rate, or who do not pay to the Insurance Commissioners such capital sum as is sufficient to secure them benefits at the full rate and showing in cases in which such provision is necessary the reserve values which it is necessary to provide in Great Britain or in Ireland in respect of male employed contributors entering into insurance, subsequently to the expiration of one year after the commence- ment of the Act, at the ages shown in the first column of that table. W. J. Braithwaite, Secretary. National Health Insurance Joint Committee, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W. 19th June, 1912. Reserve Value. Rate of Sickness Age. England, Benefit. Scotland and Wales. Ireland. 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. 17 and under 18 9 6 — — 18 „ 19 9 — — 19 20 8 6 — — 20 21 8 — 21 22 8 — 22 23 7 6 — ■~~ 23 24 7 — — 24 25 7 — — 25 2i; 6 6 — — 2(3 27 6 6 — — 27 28 6 — — 28 29 6 — ~~ 29 30 5 6 — "~~ 1-50 31 5 — — 31 , 32 5 — — 32 , , 33 5 5 6 1 33 , 34 5 10 G 5 6 34 , 35 5 15 6 10 6 35 30 5 1 1 15 6 3r, 37 5 1 G 6 1 (» 6 37 , 38 5 1 12 1 G 38 39 5 1 18 1 11 6 Eiiles of Court. 405 Age. Rate of Sickness Benefit. Reserve Value. England, Scotland and Wales. Ireland. 39 and under 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 d. 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 11 2 17 3 4 3 12 3 19 4 6 4 14 5 2 5 9 5 16 6 3 6 10 6 16 7 2 7 7 7 12 7 15 7 17 7 18 7 17 7 14 7 8 6 18 6 5 5 7 £ K. 1 17 2 3 2 10 2 16 3 3 3 10 3 17 4 4 4 11 4 18 5 5 5 11 5 18 6 3 6 8 6 13 6 16 6 19 6 19 6 15 6 8 5 18 (g".) Rules of Court. (iii.) Applications under section 68 as to Protection Certifi- cates, p. -AIS. (i.) Appeals under section QQ, p. 405. (ii.) Summary Determinations under section 66, p. 411. (i.) Appeals under section 66. County Court Rules, dated July 26, 1912, as to Appeals UNDER section 66 OF THE jSTaTIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55). 1224 1912. No. - — -• L. 2o Order XLIIa. Appeals tinder Section 66. 1. Where any person aggrieved by the decision of the Insur- Okdek ance Commissioners or the Welsh Insurance Commissioners on p^,^^-^'' any question arising under paragraph (a) of sub-section (1) of section sixty-six of the National Insurance Act, 1911. (which Appeal empowers the Commissioners to decide questions as to whether any under 1 & 2 employment or any class of employment is or will be employ- Geo. 5. c 55. ment within the meaning of Part One of the said Act, or as to S:^6(]) (a) 406 NATIONAL INSTJEANCE. Order XLIlA., Rule 2. Appeal to be by petition. Order XLHa., Rule 3. Time for appealing. Order XLIIa., Rule 4. Title, date of hearing, and service of petition. Form 341. Order XLIIa., Rule 5. Application of Order XLII., Rules 16-24,26,27. whether a person is entitled to become a voluntary contributor under the said Act,) desires to appeal to the County Court against the decision, the following provisions shall apply. 2. The appellant shall file a petition in the County Court in the district of which he resides, setting forth specifically the several facts and contentions of law upon which he alleges that the decision was erroneous, and stating an address at which documents may be served on him. 3. Subject to the provisions of these Rules, a petition of appeal must be filed within one month from the date of the decision appealed against. 4. — (1.) The petition shall be intituled "in the matter of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and in the matter of an appeal by of under section 66 of the said Act." (2.) On the filing of a petition the registrar shall fix a day and hour on and at which the petition will be heard, the day to be fixed at a date not less than sixty days from the filing of the petition. (3.) On the day of hearing being fixed the registrar shall seal a copy of the petition, and shall deliver to the appellant two copies of a notice according to the form in the Appendix, signed by the registrar and under the seal of the Court : and the sealed copy of the petition, with one of such notices annexed thereto, shall within seven days after the filing of the petition be served by the appellant upon the Insurance Commissioners, or the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, as the case may be. 5. Rules 16 to 24, 26 and 27 of Order XLII. shall apply to the subsequent proceedings on the petition, with the substitution of the Insurance Commissioners or the Welsh Insurance Commis- sioners, as the case may be, for the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, and of the central office of the Insurance Commissioners or the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, as the case may be, for " Somerset House, London, W.C." OrtDEu XLIIa., Rule 6. Slay of pro- ceedings, &c., when; cer- tificate granted under 1 & 2 fieo. 5. c. 55. H. 68. Applications to the Registrar under Section 68. 6. — (1.) Where the medical practitioner attending on any per- son who is an insured person \\itlnii tlie moauiug of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and is in receipt of sickness benefit, certi- fies pursuant to section 68 of the said Act that the levying of any distress or execution upon any goods or chattels belonging to sucli insured person, and being on premises occui)ied by him, or the taking of any ])roceedings in ejectment or lor tlie recovery of any rent or to enforce any judgment in ejectment against such person, would endanger his life, and such certificate has been sent to tlie Insurance Committee and has been recorded in manner provided by the said section, tlie following provisions shall apply. (2.) If ilotice of such certificate Jjaving been given or renewed is given by or on behalf. of th(^ inHnr(>d jierson to the registrar of the county court in the district of which such insured person Rules of Court. 407 resides, no execution upon any goods or chattels belonging to such insured person, and being on premises occupied by him, and no proceeding for the recovery of rent or to enforce any judgment in ejectment against such insured person shall be issued, and any execution or other proceeding as aforesaid issued before notice of the certificate having been given or renewed is received by the registrar shall be stayed, during the currency of the certificate or renewed certificate. (3.) If no notice is given to the registrar, tlien if notice of such certificate having been given or renewed is given to the bailiff in charge of any such execution or proceeding as aforesaid, such execution or proceeding shall be stayed during the currency of the certificate or renewed certificate. (4.) On notice of a certificate having been given or renewed being given to the registrar or to the bailiff, the registrar or high bailiff shall forthwith send notice to any person at whose instance any such execution or other proceeding as aforesaid issued of such certificate having been given or renewed. (5.) On proof being made to the satisfaction of the registrar that any such certificate or renewed certificate has ceased to be in force, any person desirous of levying any such execution or taking any such proceeding as aforesaid shall be entitled to pro- ceed with the same. 7. — (1.) Where a person desirous of levying a distress or an execution upon any goods or chattels belonging to an insured person in receipt of sickness benefit, and being on premises occupied by him, or of taking proceedings in ejectment or for the recovery of rent, or to enforce any judgment in ejectment against any such person, disputes the accuracy of a certificate of the medical practitioner attending on such person granted to such person for the purpose of section 68 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and sent to the Insurance Committee and recorded in manner provided by the said section, the following provisions shall apply. (2.) The person disputing the accuracy of the certificate may apply to the registrar of the County Court in the district of which the insured person resides for an order cancelling or modifying the certificate. (3.) The application may be made either in or out of court on notice in writing according to the form in the Appendix, which shall be filed with the registrar ; and a copy thereof shall be served on the insured person two clear days at least before the hearing of the application, unless the registrar gives leave for shorter notice. (3.) A copy of the certificate shall be filed with the notice of the application. (4.) On the hearing of the application evidence may be given on oath or affidavit, and the registrar may after hearing such evidence either dismiss the application or make an order cancelling or modifying the certificate, and may make such order and give such directions as may be just. (5.) The allowance of costs of and incidental to the application shall be in the discretion of the registrar. Order XLIIa., Rule 7. Application to registrar to cancel or modify certi- ficate under 1 & 2 Geo. 5.' c. 55 V 68 Form 449. Form 45U. 3789 2 A 408 NATIONAI. INSURANCE. Order XLHa., Rule 8. Application to registrar to determine disputes as to sufficiency of security under 1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55. s. 68 (2). Form 451. Form 452. (6.) A sealed copy of the order made on the application shall be sent by post to the applicant and to the person insured, and to the Insurance Committee. (7.) Where a certificate is cancelled or modified, the applicant may, subject in any case in which the certificate is modified to any directions given by the order of the registrar, proceed as if the certificate had ceased to be in force. 8. — (1.) Where a person desirous of levying such distress or execution or of taking such proceedings or enforcing such judg- ment as in the last preceding rule mentioned has demanded security for payment of rent thereafter to become due from the insured person, or of the amount of the judgment debt, as the case may be, and security is not given or offered, the person demanding security may, after the expiration of one month from the date of the grant of the original certificate, on proof being made to the satisfaction of the registrar of the County Court in the district of which the insured person resides that security has been demanded and has not been given or offered, proceed as if the certificate had ceased to be in force. (2.) If security has been demanded and is given or offered, but any dispute arises as to the sufficiency of the security, either party may apply to the registrar of the County Court in the district of which the insured person resides to determine such dispute, and in any such case the following provisions shall apply. (3.) The application may be made either in or out of court on notice in writing according to the form in the Appendix, which shall be filed with the registrar ; and a copy thereof shall be served on the opposite party two clear days at least before the hearing of the application, unless the registrar gives leave for shorter notice, (4.) On the hearing of the application evidence may be given on oath or affidavit, and the registrar shall after hearing such evidence determine the dispute, and may make such order and give such directions as may be just. If he declares the security offered to be insufficient, he may further declare what security would be sufficient. (5.) The allowance of costs of and incidental to the ap])lica- tion shall be in the discretion of the registrar. (C).) A sealed copy of th(^ order made on tlic npplicniioii shall be sent by post to each T)arty to th(> ;ipplicntioii. (7.) If tlie registrnr doclnrcs the security ofVcred to be insuffi- cient, and further declares what security would be sufficient, then, if such security is not given, the person demanding security may, after the expiration of one month i'rom ih(^ dnto of iho grant of the original certificate, on proof being niiule lo ilie s;i1 isfaction of the registrar thnt security hns nol been given, and subject to any dirccliniis given by the order of ihe registrar, })roceed as if the eeriifiejile liiid eejised to })e Iti force. Rules of Court. 409 APPENDIX. 449. OrderXLIlA, Kule 7. Application for Cancellation of Modification of Certificate granted for the purpose of Section 68 of the National Insurance Act, 1911. In the County Court of holden at In the matter of the National Insurance Act, 1911, and in the matter of a 1 & 2 Geo. 5. certificate granted to of for the purpose of c. 55. s. 68 section 68 of the said Act. Take notice, that of is desirous of levying a distress [or an execution] upon the goods and chattels belonging to of " , an insured person in receipt of sickness benefit under the above-mentioned Act, and being on premises occupied by him [or of taking proceedings in ejectment or for the recovery of rent or to enforce a judgment in ejectment against of an insured person in receipt of sickness benefit under the above-mentioned Act] : And that the said disputes the accuracy of a certificate dated the day of granted by of to the said for the purpose of section 68 of the above-mentioned Act and sent to the Insurance Committee and recorded in manner provided by the said section : And that the said intends to apply to the registrar of the above-mentioned Court at the Court house [or the County Court Office] situate at on day the day of , at the hour of in the noon, for an order cancelling or modifying the said certificate. Dated this day of To of and to the Registrar of the Court. 450. Order on Application for Cancellation or Modification of Certificate granted for the purpose of Section 68 of the National Insurance Act, 1911. [Heading as in Form 449.] Upon the application of of for an order cancelling or modifying a certificate dated the day of granted by of to of , an insured person in receipt of sickness benefit iinder the above-mentioned Act for the purpose of sec- tion 68 of the said Act: And upon hearing the said and the said , and evidence on both sides [or as the case may be] : I order that the said certificate be cancelled [or be modified as follows {state modification)] [Or I order that the said application be dismissed] : If any order made as to costs, add: And I order that the said do pay the said the sum of tion, and that the said the said sum of £ instalments of to be paid on the Dated this for his costs of and relating to the said applica- do pay to the said on the day of [or by for every days, the first instalment day of .] day of 1 & 2 Geo, 5. 0. 55. s. 68. OrderXLIlA. Kule 7 Registrar. 378!) 2 A 2 410 NATIONAL, INSURANCE. 1 r(ulosis in the City of London, any County Borough, or ^fehopolilan Borough, or any Administrative County (other than the Administrative County of London) or until such Offi(;er has • .38-9 V. r. 55. t 54-5 V. c. 70. Sanatorium Benefit : — Domiciliary Treatment 415 of Tuberculosis. been appointed, the Medical Officer of Health of the City of London, County Borough, or Metropolitan Borough, or Administrative County, or such other Medical Practitioner as We may, on the application of an Insurance Committee, from time to time approve for the purposes of these Regu- lations. Article II. — The treatment shall be carried out under the care and direction of a Medical Practitioner, subject to the following conditions, and to such other conditions as We may in any case from time to time approve ; that is to say : — (1) That the Medical Practitioner attend each patient at such intervals as may be necessary in the interest of the patient. (2) That the Medical Practitioner give the patient such instructions as are required as to his mode of living, diet, rest and work, and as to precautions necessary to protect the patient against re-infection. (3) That the Medical Practitioner keep on a card or sheet in the form set out in the Schedule hereto, a continuous record of the clinical history of the illness of each patient and particulars of the treatment given to the patient under his direction. (4) That the Medical Practitioner submit the said card or sheet to the Consulting Officer at such times as may be arranged between them. {5) That the Medical Practitioner prepare and transmit to the Consulting Officer at such times as may be arranged between them, not being less often than once in three months, a report in regard to each patient, giving particulars as to : — (a) the progress of the patient ; (6) whether the conditions under which the patient is living and recsiving the treatment are satisfactory ; (c) the behai-iour of the patient in carrying out instructions given to him ; and (d) whether in the opinion of the Medical Prac- titioner any form of institutional treatment has become desirable. (6) That the Medical Practitioner confer with the Consulting Officer at such times and in such circumstances as may be arranged between them in regard to patients under the care of the Medical Practitioner. (7) That the Medical Practitioner from time to time inform the Medical Officer of Health of the Sanitary District in which the patient resides, of any circumstances known to the Medical Practitioner which may affect adversely the sanitary conditions under which the patient is living, and in respect to wliich action by the Medical Officer of Health or of the Sanitary Authority would, in the opinion of the Medical Practitioner, be necessary or desirable. 413 NATIOXAL INSURANCE, Article III. — These Regulations shall come into operation on the date hereof and shall apply and have effect throughout England and Wales. Name — Address- Schedule. Obverse. NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911. Domiciliary Treatment of Tuberculosis. Sex No. Married or Single- Date of onset of present illness Date when first seen as insured person Condition on. General -(date). Working capacity _ Weight Fever Highest known weight- Night sweats Signs of wasting- Cough Expectoration Dyspnoea Haemoptysis — Hoarseness — Appetite Digestion Occupation How long off work_ Previous medical and family history Does patient sleep alone — In bed?. In other than cases, state here pulmonary the special characteristics of the case in regard to the particular organ or part affected. Windows of bedroom open by day ? In room ? By night ?. Date. Progress. Instructions to Patient. Remarks. Any further note. Sanatorium Benefit : — Domiciliary Treatment of Tuberculosis. 417 Reverse. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "> 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 II 1 1 j 1 1 ^ I 1 1 II §s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S3 1 1 1 II 1 1 g 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 eg C>:i 1 1 II 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 MM MM - 1 1 1 1 1 1 05 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OO 1 i III r- 1 1 1 1 CD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mil in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 11 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 : OS 1 1 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , tr- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 en 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■a a s |3 i s o ?: OO Ci £ !S 'S > 1 '' a 3 X o o 'S hi o a 1 o a "3 2 o 3 g 2 > Q S 1 o a 418 NATIONAL IXSURAXCE. Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this Twenty-sixth day of July, in the year One thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John Burns, President. H . C . Monro, Secretary. (j.) National Health Insurance Fund. Note : — The Orders made by the several bodies o£ Insurance Commissioners under section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to Payments to Societies and Insurance Committees out of the Insurance Fund are printed under (b.) (viii.) above. liEGULATIONS, DATED AuGTJST 12, 1912, MADE BY THE TPEASURY UNDER SECTION 54 (3) OF THE NATIONAL INSURANCE ACT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), as to Sums paid over by THE I:nsurance Commissioners and by the Welsh, Scottish, and Irish Insurance Commissioners to the National Debt Commissioners for Investment. 1912. No. 1201. The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury in pur- suance of the powers conferred on them by Section 54 (3) of the Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), hereby make the following- Regulations : — 1. Any sums paid over by the National Health Insurance Commissioners to the National Debt Commissioners under Section 54 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, whether for temporary or for permanent investment, shall be invested by the latter Commissioners as soon as may be aftei- they are received in any securities which are for the time being- authorised by Parliament as invf^tments for Savings Bank funds. I'rovuled that preference shall be given to stock or bonds issued iukUt the provisions of the Acts relating to borrowing for raising capital for tlie purposes of tlie Local Loans Fund where the puri)oses for which such capital is required is the making of advances for the ])uri)oses of tlie Housing- of the Working Classes Acts, 1890 to 1909. 2. Whenever any sum is j);ii(l ovci- ihkIci- the foregoing regu- lation, the National Health Insurance ( 'oniinissioncrs shall notify to the National Debt ('oinniissioncrs whether sm-li sum is paid over for tem])orary or for permanent investment; they shall also send a similar not ificiition if and when any sum paid over Insurance Fund : — Sums paid over for Investment. 419' in the first instance for temporary investment becomes available for permanent investment : and the National Debt Commissioners in selecting securities for purchase from time to time shall have reg-ard to the amount for the time being in their hands for temporary investment. 3. The National Debt Commissioners when required to do so by the National Health Insurance Commissioners shall pay over to them out of sums in their hands awaiting investment or out of other funds held by them on account of those Commissioners such amounts as may be needed to meet the requirements of those Commissioners, and the National Debt Commissioners may realise such securities held by them on account of the National Health Insurance Commissioners as they think fit to such amount as may be needed for this purpose. The National Debt Com- missioners may also realise securities held by them on account of the National Health Insurance Commissioners at any time for the purpose of investing in other securities. 4. The National Debt Commissioners shall carry to an Income Account all interest earned on any securities held by them on account of the National Health Insurance Commissioners, and out of this account the National Debt Commissioners shall pay from time to time to the National Health Insurance Commis- sioners such sums as may be required by those Commissioners tc enable them to discharge their liabilities to approved societies, to the Post Office Fund, and to the Navy and Army Insurance Fimd in respect of interest on moneys standing to the credit of such societies and funds in the National Health Insurance Fund (Investment) x^ccount. 5. When any holding of the National Debt Commissioners or any part of such holding in any security" purchased on account of the National Health Insurance Commissioners is sold or paid off, the difference between the cost price of such holding and the price realised shall be credited or debited as the case may be to the Income Account. Provided that when the amount of the holding sold or paid off is a part only of the total holdings of the National Debt Commissioners in any security on account of the National Health Insurance Commissioners, the cost price shall be deemed to be equivalent to the average cost price of their total holdings in that security on the same account. Provided also that the difference between the cost price and the price realised in the case of any Treasury Bills held on account of the National Health Insurance Commissioners shall be credited or debited as profit or loss, as the case may be, to the Income Account, and shall not be treated as interest for the purposes of these Regulations. 6. Any balance standing to the credit of the Income Account from time to time and not required to meet the current liabilities of that account shall be reinvested by the National Debt Com- missioners in anv of the securities authorised for investment for 420 ^■ATIO^"AL IXSrEANCE. Savings Bank funds, and any interest received on such securities so purchased shall be credited to the Income Account, and any security so purchased may be realised at any time and the price realised shall be similarly credited to the Income Account. 7. The above Regulations shall apply to sums paid over by the National Health Insurance Commissioners for Scotland, Ireland and Wales respectively, any references to the National Health Insurance Commissioners being read as if they were references to the Xatioual Health Insurance Commissioners for Scotland, Ireland or Wales, as the case may be. 8. The National Debt Commissioners shall keep separate accounts of their transactions on account of the Xational Health Insurance Commissioners for each of the four countries, and shall render such accounts monthly to the Comptroller and Auditor- General in such manner as the Treasury may direct, and annual accounts of their transactions for each year ending the 31st December shall similarly be rendered by the National Debt Commissioners to the Comptroller and Auditor-General not later than six months after the close of the year to which they relate. Dated this 12th day of August, 1912. William Jones, Wedgwood Benn, Two of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury. (k.) Requisition for Copy Certificate of Birth, (a.) England and Wales. Ordee of the Local Government Board, dated March 14, 1912, UNDER SECTION 114 OF THE NATIONAL INSURANCE AcT, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55), prescribing Form of Requisi- tion I'OR Coi'v Certificate of Birth. 1912. No. "Jni. To all Superintendent Registrars ;ni(l Registrars of Births and Deaths in England and Wales: — .\ri(l lo all olluTH whom it may concem. Whereas by Section 114 of \hv Nalioiuil I iisninncc Aci. 1911, it is enacted as follows:-- " 114. Where, for the purposes of this Act, the age of any " person is retjnired to be i)rovcd by the ])rodnction of a "certificate of birth, any jxTson shall, on iticscnting a " written r(>f|uisition in such foiin and containing such " particulars as may be from time to time prescribed by the " Local Government Board for England, Scotland, or Ireland, " as the case may be, and, on payment of a fee of sixpence, General : — Requisition for Copy Certificate of Birth 421 (England and Wales). " be entitled to obtain a certified copy of tbe entry of the " birth of that person in the birth register, under the hand " of the registrar or superintendent registrar having the " custody thereof, and forms for such requisition shall on " request be supplied Avithout any charge by every registrar " of births and deaths and by every superintendent " registrar." Now therefore. We, the Local Government Board, in pursuance of the powers given to TJs by the Statutes in that behalf, do hereby Order and Prescribe that the requisition to be made to entitle any person to obtain a certified copy of an entry of a registry of birth under the section above-cited shall be in the Form set forth in the Schedule to this Order. Schedule. National Insurance Act, 1911. Requisition foe a Certificate of Birth under Section 114 OF THE National Insurance Act, 1911. To the Superintendent Registrar or other person having the custody of the Register Book in which the Birth of the under- mentioned person is recorded. I, the undersigned, hereby demand for the purposes of the National Insurance Act, 1911, a Certificate of the Birth of the person in relation to whom particulars are given below. Name of Person in full Date of Birth. — The day of , one thousand hundred and {The year to he written in words, not jigures.) Place of Birth Father's Name (in full) Father's Occupation Mother's Name (in full) Mother's Maiden Surname Company, Society, Union, or other Body or Person for which the Certificate is required Signature of Applicant Address Dated this day of , 19 Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this Fourteenth day of March, in the year One thousand nine hundred and twelve. (l.s.) John Bi/rns, President. Walter T. J erred. Assistant Secretary. 422 NATIONAL INSURANCE. (b.) Scotland. Order of the Local Government Board for Scotland, dated March 27, 1912, under section 114 of the Xational Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 55), prescribing Form of Requisition for Copy Certificate of Birth. 1888 1912. ^o. " S. 122 To all Eegistrars of Birtlis, Deaths and Marriages in Scotland ; And to all others whom it may concern. Whereas by Section 114 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, it is enacted as follows : — " Where for the purposes of this Act, the age of any person is required to be proved by the production of a certificate of birth, any person shall, on presenting a written requisition in such form and containing such particulars as may be from time to time prescribed by the Local Government Board for England, Scotland, or Ireland, as the case may be, and, on payment of a fee of sixpence, be entitled to obtain a certified copy of the entry of the birth of that person in the birth register, under the hand of the registrar or superintendent registrar having the custody thereof, and forms for such requisition shall on request be supplied without any charge by every registrar of births and deaths and by every superintendent registrar." Now therefore we, the Local Government Board for Scotland, in pursuance of the powers given to us by the Statutes in that behalf, hereby Order as follows : — Article I. The requisition to be made to entitle any person to obtain, under the Section above cited, a certificate of birth under the hand of the Registrar shall be in the Form set forth in ilic Schedule to this Order. Article II. This Order shall come into operation on the twenty-seventh day of March, one thousand nine hundred and t\M'lve. Schedule. National Insurance Act, 1911. Requisition for certificate f)f birtli under Section 114 of the National Insurance Act, 1911. To the registrar liaving tin* custody of the register book in which the birth of the under-mentioned person is registered : General : — Requisition for Copy Certificate of Birth 423 (Ireland). I, the iiudersigned, hereby demand for the purposes of the National Insurance Act, 1911, a certificate of birth of the person in relation to whom particulars are given below : — ■ Name and Surname of the Person of whose Birth a Certificate is requii-ed . Where sucli Person was born. (If in a Town, state name of street, &c.) When such Person was born. (The year, month and day should be stated.) Name and Surname of Father. Occupation of Father. Name and Maiden Surname of Mother. Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board for Scotland, this twenty-seventh day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twelve. George McCrae, President. John T . Ma.virell, Secretary. (c.) Ireland. Order of the Local Government Board for Ireland, dated April 23, 1912, under section 114 of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55), prescribing Form of Requisition for Copy Certificate of Birth. 1912. No. 461. To all Superintendent Registrars and Registrars of Births and Deaths in Ireland; and to all others whom it may concern : Whereas by Section 114 of the National Insurance Act, 1911. it is enacted as follows : — " 114. Where, for the purposes of this Act, the age of any " person is required to be proved by the production of a " certifiicate of birth, any person shall, on presenting a 3789 B 424 NATIONAL INSURANCE. "written requisition in such form and containing such " particulars as may be from time to time prescribed by " the Local Government Board for England, Scotland, or " Ireland, as the case may be, and, on payment of a fee of " sixpence, be entitled to obtain a certified copy of the entry " of the birth of that person in the birth register, under the " hand of the registrar or superintendent registrar having " the custody thereof, and forms for such requisition shall " on request be supplied without any charge by every regis- " trar of births and deaths and by every superintendent " registrar." Now therefore We, the Local Government Board for Ireland, in pursuance of the powers given to TTs by the Statutes in that behalf, do hereby Order and Prescribe that the requisition to be made to entitle any person to obtain, under the section above- cited, a certified copy of an entry of a register of birth registered in Ireland sliall be in the Form set fortli in the Schedule to this Order. Schedule. National Insurance Act, 1911. Requisition foe a Certificate of Birth under Section 114 OF THE National Insurance Act, 1911. To the Superintendent Registrar or otlier person having the custody of the Register Book in which the Birth of the under- mentioned person is recorded. I, the undersigned, hereby demand for the purposes of tlie National Insurance Act, 1911, a Certificate of the Birth of tlie person in relation to wliom ])articulars are given below. Name of Person in full Date of Birth. — The day of , one tliousand hundred and (77(c year to J)e irriffrn in irords, 7}ot figures.) Place of Birth Father's Name (in full) l''a tiler's Occupation Collier's Name (in full) Mother's Maiden Surname Company, Society, T^nion or oJlici' Body or Person for wliicli llic Certificate is required Signature of A])pli(ani Address Datod this diiy of , 19 . Given nndfi- Onr Seal of tXiicc. Iliis Twcnty-I liird day of Ai'iil. ill the Year of (iiir I/ord One Tjiousand Nine lTr,ii(lr>-(l ;ind Twelve. (i..s.) //. A. Rohinson. Stamp Duties. 425 (1.) Stamps. Regulations made June, 1912, by the Commissionehs of Inland IIevenue under section 108 of the National Insukance Act, 1911 (1 & 2 Geo. 5. c. 55) as to Stamps. 1918. No. 247. Wliereas by Section 108 of the National Insurance Act, 1911,. it is enacted that the Commissioners of Inland Hevenue may, by regulations in accordan(ie with the provisions of Part I. of the said Act relating to regulations by the Insurance Commis- sioners, provide for applying with the necessary adaptions as respects stamps required for the purposes of the said Act, all or any of the provisions (including penal provisions) of the Stamp Duties Management Act, 1891, as amended by any subsequent Act, and Section 65 of the Post Office Act, 1908. Now, therefore, the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, in pursuance of the powers conferred upon them by the said Act, do hereby direct that the Stamp Duties Management Act, 1891, and Section 65 of the Post (Jffice Act, 1908, shall apply to stamps prepared and issued for tbe purposes of the National Insurance Act, 1911 (hereinafter referred to as "Insurance Stamps"), in manner following : — Stamp Duties Management Act, 1891. (1) Sections 3 and 4 (subject as hereinafter mentioned) and Sections 5, G, and 7, shall apply as though the stamps therein referred to included Insurance Stamps, and Section o shall itx)ply so as to authorise the Commissioners to grant a licence to an upproved Society within the meaning of the National Insurance Act, 1911, to sell Insurance Stamps to members of that Society without the application to any such Society of the provisions of Subsections (2), (3), and (5) of Section 3, and of the provisions of Section 4 so far as they relate to the sale or distribution of stamps at any house, shop, or place not specified in the licence. (2) Section 9 (so far as relates to adhesive stamps which have been inadvertently and undesignedly spoiled or rendered unfit for use, and have not, in the opinion of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue been affixed to any material), and Sections 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, and 19, and Section 20, except the proviso to that section, shall apply as though the stamps therein referred to included Insurance Stamps. Provided that for the purpose of the time within which any application for relief or repayment is to be made Sections 9 and 12 as so applied shall have effect as if six months were substituted for two years. (3) Sections 14, 15. 16, and 26, shall apply in the case of insurance Stamps and of paper provided or used by or under the direction of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue for Insur- ance Stamps, and in the case of offences relating to any such stamps or paper. 428 NATIONAL INSURANCE. (4) Section 24, as ameuded by Section T, Subsection (6), of the Revenue Act. 1908, shall apply to any statutory declarations, atfidarits and oaths, required in connection witli Insurance Stamps. (5) Section 25 shall apply to licences or certificates to deal in Insurance Stamps. (6) Section 27 shall apply to the expressions used in any of the aforesaid sections hereby made applicable, and in ])articular the expression " duty in that section as applied shall include any contributions under the National Insurance Act, 1911, directed to be made by means of stamps. Post Office Act, 1908. Section 65 of the Post Office Act, 1908, sliall apply as thoug-h the words " fictitious stamps " included anj' facsimile or imitation or representation, whether on paper or otherwise, of an Insurance Stamp, and as though the words " Postal purpose " included the purpose of the payment of contributions under the National Insurance Act. 1911. INDEX. 427 National Health Insurance. Page AdininiUif and Arinij Council Contributions. Admiralty and Army Council Contributions Regulations, 1912. July 11 (860) ... ... 147 Adinsvry ConiiaUtee. Advisory Committee Order, 1012. March I'J (41.S_) 30 Advisory Committee Order No. 2, 1912. May iJ (457) 32 Advisory Committee (Wales) Order, 1912. April 19 (455) 33 Advisory Committee (S.) Order, 1912. April 19 (473) 34 Advisory Committee (I.) Order, 1912. April 1 (784) 36 Agreements for Conipenndtion or Dainages. Agreements for Compensa- tion or Damages (S.) Regulations, 1912. Dec. 27 (1900) 148 Appi'(d.< ami Dlsptili'g. Note. — "Provisional Rules" on this subject were made by the Insurance Commissioners, Dec. "2, 1912. Appeals to County Court. County Court Rules, July 2G, 1912 (1224), as to Appeals to County Court ... ... ... ... ... ... 4O0 Behaviour during Disease. Behaviour during Disease Regulations (E.) 1912. June 25 (636) 150 Behaviour during Disease Regulations (Wales), 1912. Aug. 27 (1295) 151 Behaviour during Disease Regulations (S.), 1912. May 3 (6')P)) ... 152 Behaviour during Disease Regulations (I.), 1912. Dec. 21 (1818) ... 153 Birth Certificate {Requisition for Copy of). Orders prescribing form of requisition : — Form for England and Wales, March 14, 1912 (261) ... 4->>(j „ „ Scotland, March 27, 1912 (1888) 499 „ „ Ireland, April 23, 1912 (461) 423 Burg/ts, representati'i/i of un County Council. List of Orders determin- ing how burghs and police burghs with populations of less than 20,000 shall be represented on the County Council ... ... ... 4^3 Claims for E.ceniptions. Claims for Exemption Regulations (S.), 1912. June 14 (666) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 254 Notv. — "Provisional Rules'" on this subject were made by the Insuiance Commissioners, May, 22, 1912, by i,he Welsh Commissioners, June .3 1912 and by the Irish Commissioners, June 2U, 1912. Provisicmal Rules as to Claims for Exemption of Irish Migratory Labourers were made by the Irish Commissioners, June 2U, 1912. Collection of Contributions. Colleition of Contributions Regulations 1912. July 10 (925) .' ^ji Nute. — " Provisional Rules " on this subject were made jointly bj' the Joint Committee and the Insurance Commissioner^", May 22, 1912, by the Joint Committee and the Welsh Commissioners, June 11, 1912, and by the Joint Committee and the Irish Commissioners, June 12, 1912. Collection of Contributions (E.cenipt Persons). Collection of Contribu- tions (Exempt Persons) Regulations (S.), 1912. July 12 (926) ... 204 Xole. — '■ Provisional Rules "' on this subject were made jointly by the Joint Cooamittee and the Insurance Commissioners June 7, 1912. by the Joint Conmiittee and the Welsh Commissioners. June 24, 1912, and by the Joint Committee and the Irish Commissioners, July 9. 1912. •• Provisional Rules'' as to Collection of Contributions, Exempt Persons. Irish Migratory Labourers were madti jointlj' by the Joint Committee and the Irish Commissioners, July 10, 1912. Collection of Coidributions {Mercantile Marine). Mercantile Marine (Collection of Contributions) Regulations (S.), 1912. July 12 (966) 217 i\7)/t'. — •' Provisional Rules " on this subject were made jointly by the Joint Committee and the Insurance Commissioners, July 10, 1912." bj' the Joint Committee and the Welsh Commissioners, July 12, 1912, by the Joint Com- mittee and the Irish Commissioners, July 12. 1912. Decision of Questiims. Determination of Questions (S.) Regulations 1912. June 14 (671) \ 234 .V((^<'. — " Provisional Rules " on this subject were made by the Insurance Commissioners, June 5, 1912, by the Welsh Commissioners, June 14 1912. and by the Irish Commissioners. June 25, 1912. Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses. Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses Order, 1912. Oct. 14 (1514) on 428 INDEX. National Health Insurance — cont. Page Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses Order (S.), 1912. Nov. 4 (1629) 91 Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses Regulations (S.) 1912. Dec. 27(1898) 246 Deposit Contributors Administration Expenses (I.) Order, 1912. Nov. 6(1652) 93 Distress or Execution. County Court Rules, July 26, 1912 (1224) as to applications to Registrar ... ... 405 Grouped Employers. Grouped Employers Regulations (S.), 1912. July 12 (928) 247 Xute. — " Pr jvisiuiial Rules" on this subject were made jointly b}' the Joint Committee and the Insurance Commissioners, July 2, 1912, by the Joint Committee and the Welsh Commissioners. July 12, 1912, by the Joint Com- mittee and the Irish Commissioners. July 12. 1912, Initial Expenses. Initial Expenses Order, 1912. Oct. 2 (1485) ... 42 ' Initial Expenses (Wales) Order, 1912. Nov. 14 (1678) 44 Initial Expenses Order (S.), 1912. Oct. 21 (1610) 45 Initial Expenses (I.) Order, 1912. Oct. 23 (1581) 47 Inspecturs Certificates. Inspectors' Certificates Regulations (Wales), 1912. Oct. 8(1487) 251 Inspectors' Certificates Regulations (S.), 1912. July 31 (1133) ... 252 Notf. — •' Provisional Rules " on this subject were made by the Insurance Commissioners, July 4, 1912, and by the Irish Commissioners. July 12, 1912. Insurance Committees {Constitution). Lists of Local Orders under s. 78 as to the Constitution of Insurance Committees iov each county, county borough, and Scottish burgh ... ... ... ... 48 X„tc. — " Provisional Rules " under s. 79 as to the Constitution of the Scilly Islands Insurance Committee were made July 5. 1912. Insurance Committees {Medical Representatives on'). Election of Medical Representatives on Insurance Committees Regulations (S.), 1912. July 8 (862) '. 254 Insuranre Committees (Procedure). Insurance Committee's Procedure R -gulations (S.), 1912. July 8 (863) 257 Insurance Committees Regulations (I.), 1912. Dec. 19 (1809) ... 264 .V(,/f. — "Provisional Rules '" on this subject were made by the Insurance Commissioners, July Tj, 1912, and by the Welsh Commissioners, July i<, 1912. Insurance Committees {Powers and Duties of District Committees). Constitution of District Insurance Committees Regulations (S.), 1912. July 8 (864) 266 Note. — "Provisional Rules "' on this subject were made by the Insurance CommisBioners, Nov. 22. 1912, and by the Welsh Commissioners. Nov. 28, 1912. Jnlrrmcdiiite Emploi/ers. Intermediate Employers Regulations (S.), 1912. July 5 (927) 270 iVl>^'. — '•Provisional Rulis" dm tiiis subject wen- made jointly by the Joint Committee and the Insurance Commissioncr.H. June 27. 1912. by the .loint ('oiuniiltec and the Welsh ( 'oniniissiont is, July .'>, 1912. and by the Joint Committee and the Irish ComniissionerH. July 10, 1912. Joint Committee. Joint Committee Regulations, 1912. Feb. 21 (175) 21 Labour Exchanf/es (Performance of Emjdo;/ers^ Duties by). Rogiila- tioHH, June 25, 1912 (662), as to Arraiigenicnts witli Emi)l()yers ... 390 Married Wouku Outworl.rrs. Married Woiucii Out workers Provisional Order, 1912. July 13 (921) 101 Married Women {Sjiecial Benefits). Married Women Sjiecial Benefits Regulations (S.), 1912. Dec. 27 (19(11 ) 273 Noir. — '■ Provisional Rubs" on thin subiecl were made by the Insurance CommigHionerK. Sept. 19. 1912. by the Welsii Commissioners, Oct. 1, 1912, and by the Irish ConmiisHiuiKMs, Oct. 19. 1912. Maternity Henefil. Qualification of Midwivcs (8.) Regulations, 1912. Dec. 27 (1899) 276 AV;^'. — " Proviwional Rules " m to (Juahlicatiou of MidwivcH in I. were made Dec. 18, 1912, INDEX. 429 National Health Insurance — cont. Page Medical Benefit (Admhdf^fratinii), Administration of Medical Benefit Regulations (S.), 1012. Dec. 5.(1719) 277 Administration of Medical Benefit Regulations (No. 2) (S.), 1912. Dec. 7 (1753) 307 Naval and Military Forceii. Naval and Military Forces (Time Limits) Regulations (S.), 1912. Nov. 14 (1695) 337 Naval and Military Forces (Time Limits) Regulations, 1912. Nov. 11 (1656) ... ■ .3.39 National Hralth Tnnurance Fund. Regulations, Aug. 12, 1912 (1201), as to Sums paid over hy the Insurance Commissioners, and by the Welsh, Scottish, and Irish Commissioners, to the National Debt Commi.ssioners for Investment ... ... ... ... ... ... 418 Outworherii. Outworkers Regulations (S.), 1912. July 12 (965) ... .341 Note. — '■ Provisional Rules '" on this subject were made jointly by the Joint Committee and the Insurance Commissioners, July 11. 11M2, and hy the Joint Committee and the Welsh Commissioners, July 12, I'.trJ. Payme)Ux out of In>. r.>12. Stamps. Regulations, 1012. June 17 (247/1913). Accounts of Approved Societies Regulations, 1012. July 12 (867) ... 363 Time for Joining an Approved Society Regulations, 1912. July 18 (0G4) 385 Xote. — •■ Provisional Rules" on this subject were made by the .Toiut Committee. Nov. 27, r.il2. Special Customs. Special Customs Provisional Order, 1012 (No. 1). July 13 (018) 105 Special Customs Provisional OrJer, 1912 (No. 2). July 13 (010) ... 109 Special Customs Order, 1912 (No. .3). Nov. 6 (1779) 113 Special Customs Provisional Order (S.), 1912. July 13 (923) 128 Special Customs Notice Regulations (S.\ 1912. July 13 (924) ... 389 Special Employers Custom Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 1). Dec. 21 (1816) 131 JVote. — -'Provisional Rules" on this subject were made by the Insurance Commis-ioners. .luly 11, r.)r2, by the Welsh Commissioners, July 12.1012, and by the Irish Commissioners, July 17, 1012. Special Orde.s Accelerafinn. Special Orders Acceleration Order, 1912. July.'?(723) 48 Special Orders Acceleration Order (No. 2), 1012. Dec. 6 (1754) ... 50 Special Order Inquiries. Special Order Inquiry Rules (1^), 1012. Sept. 20 (1.302) ' ... 05 Special Order Inquiry Rules (S.), 1012. Dec. 9(1815) 97 Special Order Inquiry Rules (I.), 1912. Nov. 28 (171G) 99 Subsidiary Euiiilnyments. Subsidiary Employments Provisional < )rdor, 1012 (No. 1). July 13 (015) " 135 Subsidiary Employments Provisional Order, 1912 (No. 2). July 13 (01 G) 138 Subsidiary Employments Provisional Order, 1 012 (No. 3). July 1 ;5 (0 1 7 ) 111 Subsidiary Employments Provisional Order, 1 1 2 (No. 4). Dec. 30 ( 1 8S(i ) 143 Snnimarii Determination of Questions. Rules of Supreme Court, May 15, 1012 (575), as to Hubniission of (|uestionH to High ('ourt ... ... 411 Act of Sedcriuit, May 14, 1012 (509), aneiit ai)plicatioMs to the (Joiirt of Session ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 412 Siilf. — " Provinioniil Rules" of the Su|)niiir Court ( 1.). ;is lo the submission of qnentionn, were made July 8, 1!II2. SiiperfiiDiiuilInn Fntnln {('inilrilniliiui^ loforo Jan. 15, 1913 ... ... ... 392 Table, May I, 1012 (452). showing Rate for Males eiitoiing into [nHurancc on or after Jan. 15, 1913 ... ... ... 393 Table, May 20, 1012 (.5.30). showing the Voluntary Rate for Females entering into Insurance before Jan, 15. lOI.'i ... ... ... ... 305 IXM ANG£L£8 LIBRARY lilllll AA 000 961 244 1 tf-^^-irff-'i'ffr^k