ASJ C SOUTH '•''/''•"'"■ BMHr ' islKj^vhWi^Jv Wax ■v '.■'; '..-■■'. ■; '.'-,. GsRe '■■'•"'■'•.'• •■'■.''.' ■ ■'" t - / .?, ■ »•.'■■' ^ ■' •.'■-■■ m WHS, m '■■■■. ■■■'■:■ '■ ' ■ -I" ■■'•'•'■''■' ;■■!■''> '■•'-"''••':" J. KEITH, VARIETY STORE, CROCKERY, Glass and Agate Ware, Tin and Kitchen Ware, OF ALL KINDS, VASES, FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, LAMPS, Toys in Great Variety, STATIONERY, JEWELRY, BAS- KETS, WAGONS, CARTS, and WHEEL-BARROWS, etc., At the lowest Boston prices.= KEITH'S BLOCK, Cor Fairmount Ave. and Pierce St. PYPF PAPK juteam Laundry Opposite N.Y.&N.E. Depot. Fine Laundry Work of All Kinds done at short notice. dollars and duffs a Specialty, L. M. BICKFORD, Prop. C. P. VAUGHAN, ^ ^Tktclie^ ^iknioqd& T ewelfo , SILVER-WARE, CUTLERY, STATIONERY, Fancy Goods, Pocket Books, Optical Goods, Etc, Fine Repairing of all kinds. Watch Repairing a specialty. No. 3 West River Street, - Odd Fellows Building, - Hyde Park, Mass. "A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER." ^CE For beauty of polish, savin? of labor, freeness from dust, durability and cheapness, truly unrivalled in any country. CAUTION — Beware of worthless imitations under other names, put up in similar snape and color intended to deceive Each package of the genuine bears our Trade Mark. Take no other. Established in 187 1 GEORGE MILES, DEALER IN Groceries and (Irockdry, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HANI) Silas Pierce & Co.'s Selected Teas and Pure Spices, Flour, Crockery, and Wooden-Ware; a complete assortment of Canned Goods; Silas Pierce & Co.'s Canned Corn and Tomatoes a Specialty. Jhe Gelebrated Plymouth pock Gelatine. Would respectfully invite the public generally to try my COFFEES, as for the past year my coffee trade has increased more than ioo per cent. Take particular pride in making my selections, and patrons can be assured of uniform quali- ties, as I purchase only of Swain, Earle & Co. BtifTER, CHEESE, tfi ESGS, Of best qualities and reasonable rates. Also a complete assortment of all articles to be found in a First-Class Grocery Store. CORSOJNTS Hack, Livery, Boarding, Baiting, and Express All kinds of Heavy Teaming, Pianos and Furniture Moved. Express leaves Hyde Park S.30 and 9.30 A. M. Express leaves Boston 2, 3, and 4 P. M. HACKS FURNISHED ON TELEPHONE ORDER. ( ETHAN ALLEN . . . Seating 30 People, BARGES: ( TWILIGHT Seating 12 People, FURNISHED FOR PLEASURE PARTIES, etc. Telephone No. 9105. Boston Telephone, No. 440. BOSTON OFFICES : 75 Kilby Street. 79 Kilby Street. 67 Franklin Street. ORDER BOX: 10 Fanenil Hall Sq. OFFICE AND STABLE: 39 Central Park Avenue. BRANCH OFFICE: Thompson's Cigar Store, at N. Y. & N. E. R. R. Depot. Carriage Painting and Blacksmith Shop run in connection with the business. Orders solicited. -^FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.^ # ^ti^ine^ /Aen'^ fxin^, * 1 SPRING LANE. 6 EXCHANGE PLACE. m fftRM Jure -f^^-ey' ) [ Send Postals to ALL FLAVOR^. ak (grove |farm @o., BOSTON . THE FAMOUS CUSTOM-MADE PLYMOUTH ROCK tQ PANTS. 3 FULL SUITS AND W OVERCOATS A.t Proportionate Prices. You can order a pair of the Famous Plymouth Rock $3 Pants, cut to order, DO YOU WEAR PANTS and after you get them home, if you are not satisfied with them in every way, you can bring them back and obtain your money. Suits and overcoats same way. Just think of a custom- made suit cut to your own order for $13.25. Such things were never before heard of in this city. You can select your own cloth " in the piece " at our sales- rooms. PLYMOUTH ROCK PANTS CO., 18 SUMMER STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Send 6c. for package 20 samples and self-measure- ment blanks. HOWES & HOLBROOK. J. W. HAMMOND & CO., We are pleased to announce that we are in- creasing our line of And are now able to supply the best family trade. also FINE MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR, WITH FINE GRADES OF PRINT AND TUB BUTTER From VERMONT Daily. Would especially call your attention to our STRICTLY FRESH CAPE EGGS. Orders taken and delivered free of charge. Your patronage solicited. HOWES & HOLBROOK, U FAIKMOIXT AVE., HYDE PARK. QUINCY DYER, DEALER IN HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL $)0D$ GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, JAPANS, BRUSHES, SCREEN DOORS. Also, a Full Line of STREETS GARDEN HOSE. 2&3 FAIRMOUNT AVE., Opp. Baptist Church. FISH DEALERS, 37 FAIRMOUNT AVE. 37 ALL KfNDS OF Fresh, Salt, Smoked and Pickled Fish IN THEIR SEASON. OYSTERS A SPECIALTY. omnia Yincet Amor. Bfanibus Petli- 1868. busque. Ita est. 1888. OMI POULTRY YARDS. The Omi strain of Plymouth Rocks, Black Breast- ed Red Gaines, Scotch Creepers, and Bantams are specialties. Can supply any popular breed. Your patronage solicited. Everything First-class. Eggs for Hatching securely packed for shipment to any civilized soot un earth. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. Breeding Pens, trios or single birds, for sale. Write for what you want. D. F. WOOD, P. O. Box 973, OMI. Hyde Park, Mass. N. F. BERRY, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Plans, Estimates, and Material Furnished. Alterations and repairs personally attended to, and none but the best workmen employed. New houses for sale. SHOP ON STATION STREET. Also, desk room at Balkam & Co. 's new coal office. A. G. CHILDS, Druggist f Apothecary, No. 20 FAIRMOUNT AYE., HYDE PARK, MASS. Special Attention given to Preparing Physicians' Prescriptions. MANUFACTURER OF BEEF, IRON AND WINE, A Nutritive Tonic. Equalled by few. Excelled by none. OUR SARSAPARILLA Is the best Spring Medicine. Books! Books! LARGEST VARIETY. ♦LOWEST PRICES. All the New and Popular Books, together with a full line of Standard and Miscellaneous Works in every department of literature, Bibles, Prayer Books. Albums, etc., etc. OUR PRICES ARE NOTED FOR BEINC THE LOWEST. DeWOLFE, FISKE & CO., 361-365 Washington St., Boston. "The Archway Bookstore." C. P. FISKE, Milton Ave., Hyde Park. A. H. HOLWAY, Everett Sq., Hyde Park; and 309 Washington St., Boston, DEALER IN -REAL ESTATE, CONTRACTOR AND APPRAISER, INSURANCE AGENT AND BROKER, Most of the time for twenty-two years, and am prepared with State and Local Licenses to place Fire Risks in any Company doing business in this State. Lowest estimates given for PAPER HANGINGS. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate Morto;ao-es at all times. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Began business in Hyde Park in 186S; have been a resident of the town since 1870. Have introduced to Hyde Park a large number of the resident families, and done all in my power to promote its true interest ; and hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of business in my line. , ,868. MEMORIAL SKETCH .888. HYDE PARK, MASS., FIRST TWENTY YEARS OF ITS CORPORATE EXIST- ENCE: ALSO ITS INDUSTRIES, STATISTICS, AND ORGANIZATIONS, TOGETHER WITH THE ANNIVERSARY ADDRESSES, DELIVERED BY REV. PERLEY B. DAVIS. AND REV. RICHARD J. BARRY. COMPILED 1JV JOS. KING KNIGHT, D. D. S., EDMUND DAVIS, Esq., HENRY B. HUMPHREY, Committee. BOSK >N : L. BART A & CO., PRINTERS, 54 Pearl S irekt, i 888. To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of tlie Common- wealth of Massachusetts in the General Court assembled; The undersigned, citizens of the portions of Dorchester, Milton, and Dedham, called Hyde Park, believing that the common interest will be promoted thereby, respectfully petition your honorable body to pass an act incorporating the town of Hyde Park, to be composed of such portions of the territory of each of said towns of Dorchester, Milton and Dedham, as may seem most proper and expedient. (Signed) Alpheus P. Blake. David Higgins. William J. Stuart. Henry S. Adams. Benjamin F. Radford. Gordon H. Nott. James Downing. C. C. Bradbury. Waldo F. Ward. William Rogers. C. F. Gerry. Robert Bleakie. George B. Parrott. E. P. Davis. S. A. Bradbury. W. T. Thacher. '"} Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Secretary's Department, Boston, Nov. 19, 1^67. I approve the publication of the above petition in the Boston Daily Transcript, Boston Daily Advertiser, and Dedham Gazette. (Signed) OLIVER WARNER. Secretary. UBKAttl! IMVERSITY OF CALIF0RN1 SANTA BARBARA CHAPTER 139 OF THE ACTS OF 1868. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF HYDE PARK. Bt- it enacted, etc., as follows: Section i. All the territory now within the towns of Dorchester, Dedham,and Milton, in the county of Norfolk, comprised within the follow- ing limits, that is to say : beginning at the northeasterly side of Paul's Bridge, so called, where it crosses Neponset River from Milton to Dedham : thence running down the Neponset River by the thread of the stream to a point two thousand and thirteen feet below the lower side of Paul's Bridge ; thence by a line running north sixty-six and one-third degrees east (magnetic) five thousand three hundred and forty-four feet, to a point in the field northwest of E. W. Capen's house, and measuring one hundred and fifteen feet; on a course south, eighty-seven degrees east (magnetic 'i from an oak tree; thence north ten degrees (magnetic i two thousand seven hundred and eight feet to the boundary wall of land of James M. Robbins ; thence by said wall and a continuation thereof north twenty-five and one-third degrees west (magnetic) one thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven feet to the Neponset River ; then running northeasterly by a straight line passing from said last mentioned point, through a point distant fifty feet northwesterly from the northwesterly corner of the house of Amor Hollingsworth to Neponset River; then running northeasterly, following the said Neponset River to a point where the line of the said river intersects a straight line drawn from a point on the westerly line of brush Hill Road, distant eleven hundred feet southwesterly from the junction of Brush Hill road and Brush Hill turnpike to a point on the Boston, Hartford & Erie Railroad, distant fourteen hundred feet northeasterly from the railroad bridge over River Street in Dorchester at the station on said railroad now called River Street Station : then crossing the said Neponset River in continuation of the said line, and continuing north- westerly in the same course, and in a straight line, to the present boundary line between Dorchester and West Roxbury; then running southwesterly on the present boundary line between Dorchester and West Roxbury to a monument on the present boundary line between Dorchester and Dedham, being the extreme westerly point of the present town of Dorchester: then running southeasterly on the present boundary line between the towns of Dedham and Dorchester, one hundred and nine rods, to a monument on a hill, being one of the monuments between the towns of Dedham and Dorchester; then running southerly in a straight line to a point in the centre of the Boston, Hartford & Erie Railroad, distant one hundred and forty-six rods westerly from the point where the centre line of said railroad crosses the centre line of the Boston & Providence railroad at Readville, so-called ; then running southeasterly in a straight line to a monument on Neponset River, at the corner of the towns of Milton, Canton, and Dedham, being the extreme northerly point of the town of Canton, then running northeasterly on said river to the point of beginning: is hereby incorporated into a town by the name of Hyde Park; and said town of Hyde Park is hereby invested with all the powers, privileges, rights, and immunities, and is subject to all the duties and requisitions to which other towns are entitled and subjected by the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth. Section 2. (Relates to taxes.) Section 3. (Relates to support of poor.) Section 4. (Relates to corporate property.) Section 5. (Provides for choice of State and Federal officers.) Section 6. (Provides that certain streets may be extended, and, when completed, to be public ways of Milton.) Section 7. Any justice of the peace within and for the county of Norfolk may issue his warrant, directed to any principal inhabitant of the town of Hyde Park, requiring him to notify and warn the inhabitants thereof, qualified bo vote in town affairs, to meet at the time and place appointed, for the purpose of choosing all such town officers as towns are by law authorized and required to choose at their annual meetings ; and said warrant shall be served by posting up copies thereof, all attested by the person to whom the same is directed, in three public places in said town, seven clays at least before such meeting. Such justice, or in his absence, such principal inhabitant, shall preside until the choice of modera- tor in said meeting. The selectmen of the towns of Dorchester, Milton, and Dedham, shall, before said meeting, prepare a list of voters from their respective towns within said Hyde Park qualified to vote at said meeting, and shall deliver the same to the person presiding at such meeting before the choice of a moderator thereof. Secton 8. This act shall take effect .upon its passage. Approved April 22, 1868. AMENDMENT. Be it enacted, etc.. as follows: * Section I. Chapter one hundred and thirty-nine of the acts of the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, is hereby amended by insert- ing, in the tenth line of the first section thereof, after the words, " thence north ten degrees," the word "east"; and by striking out, after the words "to the Neponset River," in the fourteenth line of said first section, the words " then running northeasterly by a straight line passing from said last mentioned point, through a point distant fifty feet northwesterly from the northwesterly corner of the house of Amor Hollingsworth to Neponset River." Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 1, 1868. INTRODUCTORY. To the Citizens of Hyde Park : Your sub-committee on statistics are, unfortunately, very busy men, and the time given to prepare this little volume exceedingly limited, so the work has necessarily been very hurried, and no one can be more cognizant of its defects than are its compilers. We put it forth, however, trusting that it may receive your approval and serve as an aid to future historians of our attractive town. We were fortunate in having as a basis the excellent article written by one of the committee, Mr. Edmund Davis, for the history of Norfolk County, and are thus enabled to present a much more complete sketch than we could otherwise have done. The plan has been to present a concise history, followed bv condensed statistics taken from the official records, and a grouping of all the organiza- tions which have existed here since the incorporation, so far as we have been able to gather such information. As the family is what the individual members make it, so we feel a town is largely influenced by the organiza- tions which are found within its borders; and we certainly have no reason for complaint as to the number or character of those which have found a lodge- ment here. The addresses by Rev. P. B. Oavis, Rev. Richard J. Barry, and the pio- gramme of exercises of the twentieth anniversary which are appended, will serve as interesting mementoes of the occasion. We are pleased to be able to produce a number of fine illustrations which we believe have never before appeared in print, and which add very materi- ally to the permanent value of the book. The first Board of Selectmen, the view of Fairmount in 1857, and old Sumner Hall, will carry us back to our early days, while the other views of the town, of the Grew School, and some of the various churches, will indicate a measure of the prosperity which at- tends us to-day. We return our grateful thanks to the many who have assisted us, but we feel that we are under special obligations to Mr. H. A. Rich, who placed be- fore us a large amount of local historical matter, to Mr. Wm. II. Barritt, who put at our disposal a large selection of photographs, and to Messrs. H. S. Bunton, Chas. K. Jenney, D. F. Wood, Chas. S. Norris, C. G. Chick, Mrs. C. Stewart Weld,' Mrs.' 1 1. A. IS. Thompson, and Mrs. A. E. Giles, who have each contributed articles of special worth. To the active efforts of Mr. Henry R. Humphrey we are indebted for the production of the book in its present form. We earnestly hope that we have merited your approbation, and that your criticism will be tempered with charity. That the twentieth celebration may blossom into the quarter- centennial, and that be the forerunner of the semi-centennial and centennial, and that you till may be here to enjoy them, is the humble wish of your Chronicler. J. K. K. HISTORICAL POEM. READ BEFORE THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ON THE NINETEENTH ANNIVER- SARY OF THE INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN. BY E. I. HUMPHREY. 'Tis but a generation past, And yet there lingers in our thought The light and shadow time has cast ( III this the land our Pilgrims sought ; Like other pilgrims, ages past, Who fled from Egypt's blighting curse, So journeyed they, and found at last This modern Canaan of our verse. No '• milk and honey " lured them here, No "grapes of Eshcol " met their sight, No frowning walls awakened fear, No battling hosts suggested flight ; From the fair heights they viewed the land, Its native beauty charmed and cheered, With prophet's eye they clearly scanned, Our town in embryo appeared. Beneath their feet the vale revealed A wealth of foliage interlaced, While here and there a shattered field Disclosed the culture nature ti The flowing river glistened through The myriad windows of the wood, While over-arched, the heaven of blue Hallowed the ground whereon they stood. Gently there rose beyond the vale The mounded verdure to their view, Just faintly seen, and Becked with sail, The land-girt hem of ocean blue; The hill and valley, sky and sea, The stream, the foliage and field, Together made their gracefid plea, And forced our pilgrim band to yield. When homes ideal thrill the mind, If hearts are seeking love's abode, The willing hand will surely find A way to lift life's heavy load. Daily they toiled with newborn zeal To find within the woods' embrace The treasure of the common weal, A peaceful, love-lit dwelling place. Give honor to our youthful sires Who laid the waiting forest low, And kindled here the gleaming fires. Which shed on us their after-glow : Who built in vale, on slope and hill, The homes which are our sure defence, And safeguards reared to baffle ill, And give to toil its recompense. We cannot picture with the pen The steady march which centered here, Of gracious women, noble men. With quick'ning step from year to year ; Never before in three decades, Within the confines of our state, Has population pierced the shades, And swung so wide the social gate. They brought the seeds of wealth's increase, Of art, of poesy, and song ; They brought the never-ending lease Of blessing to our later throng. Invidious praise is oft unwise, And yet we cannot well forbear To look into life's dreamy skies F'>r names which fame has written there. Could we but mention name by name Those who have yielded us renown, Our list would fill a scroll of fame Lustrous with glory for our town. We only jot them here and there, To hint of genius, worth, and skill, And leave the page so bright and fair For truer hands to later fill. The name of Blake, the pioneer, Stands forth on our historic scroll, Circled by those we hold so dear, The " Twenty " on our early roll. Among our veterans, Henry Grew, Grown dearer with advancing age ; Our royal list has Weld the true, Scholar and patriot, friend and sage. The honored name of woman brings A glorious list in all the years ; Wherever vice or ruin clings, She gives her words, her deeds, her tears. The " Grimke Sisters," human rights Found in their lives a service strong, They join with her who nobly smites In our own day our present wrong. In glint of sunlight, bloom of flower, We find the artist Enneking. In " Poets' Corner," here we cower, Just mindful that the time is spring. The pages of romance reveal Sylvanus Cobb, of "Ledger" fame : Impassioned youth has set its seal Beside our story-teller's name. Gerry and Stuart, Cable, Stark, Moseley and Jenney, in the list Who've borne the legislative ark, Why not let some of us assist ? Our lawyers ? No, 'twill never do To " cite a case," we pass them all, And " clear the docket " ; life were true If 'tweren't for them and Adam's fall. We stay our muse, for words would fail To sketch the picture of our thought ; We will not try to " rend the vail " For words with inspiration fraught. Enough for us to touch the springs Of recollection's mystic power, To wake the voice that sweetly sings, And charm away the present hour. Our Reverend Davis, as of old, Is ringing still the Gospel Bells, The heavenly chime which has foretold The home where love eternal dwells ; In clearer tones may they proclaim The advent of a purer day, When Christ-like lives shall be the flame To light us on the better way. Return and stand upon the height, Behold the glory of the scene, Look where the shadow and the light Are drifting in the vale between. Hear once again the river's flow, The melting note of woodland bird. Bathe in the morning, evening glow, And list to Nature's quiet word. HISTORICAL. Hyde Park lies in the eastern part of the county, and is about seven miles from the State House in Boston. It is bounded on the north by the part of Boston which formerly constituted the town of West Roxbury, on the east by the part of Boston which was formerly Dorchester, on the southeast and south by Milton, and on the west by Dedham. Two lines of railroad — the Boston & Providence, and the New York & New England — run through it, being about one and one-third miles apart where they enter the town on the northeast, and gradually approaching and crossing each other on the southwest near the Dedham line. There are seven stations within the limits of the town ; four on the Boston & Providence Railroad, and three on the New York & New England Railroad. The Neponset River flows through the town in a course approxi- mately parallel with the railroads, part of the way forming the boundary between it and Milton. Mother Brook, a water course partly a stream and partly a canal, leading from the Charles River, enters the town on the west and empties into the Neponset near the centre of the town. Further natural drainage is afforded by a small brook running toward the northeast and emptying into Stony Brook, which has given our neighbors of Boston so much trouble and expense. The area of the town is two thousand eight hundred acres, of which about two hundred acres are devoted to streets or ways. This fact argues a pretty close settlement, which is, indeed, the case, there being fifteen hundred and twelve houses, containing upwards of nine thousand inhabitants. The surface of the land is somewhat diversified by hill and plain; enough so to please the eye, without causing much in- IO convenience to road-makers or builders. None of the hills are so high that they cannot be easily surmounted ; none of the valleys so low that good drainage cannot be obtained. Be- tween the railroads the surface is for the most part quite level, the beautiful little eminence of Mount Neponset being the most noticeable exception. East of the Neponset River the land rises somewhat abruptly, forming Fairmount Heights, the place where the pioneers of this new town first founded their homes, and which to-day is closely covered with pleasant, and in some instances elegant, residences, bordered by wide and well-shaded streets and avenues. West of the Boston & Providence Railroad the surface again swells into slight knolls and elevations, upon which stand many fine residences. This portion is known as Sunnyside, and still farther beyond this is a considerable tract of hilly and rocky territory forming a part of the rugged, woody wilderness, known as Muddy Pond Woods. These extend far beyond the town limits and into Dedham and Boston. They are a favorite resort of pleasure-seekers, traversed as they are in all directions by numerous wood-roads, and it has been well said that, " immersed in this maze of sylvan delights, one hardly realizes that he is within a few miles of the metropolis of New England, and requires but little imagination to persuade himself that he is among the primeval forests of Maine." Readville is the name of the southeast portion of the town, and is for the most part a level plain, not so closely built over as the other parts. In this section, however, and the territory adjoining it, the greater part of the manufactories are located. A branch rail- road to Dedham Centre leaves the Boston & Providence Railroad here. Towards the northeast part of the town, on the same railroad, are the pleasant and thriving districts of Hazle- wood and Clarendon Hills. Opposite the former, at about a quarter of a mile's distance, on a gently rising hill, stands the residence of Mr. Henry Grew, the house and its grounds on the sloping hillside backed by the forest, forming a charming landscape. Still another I I small village is clustered around the paper mills of Messrs. Tileston & Hollingsworth, at the eastern extremity of River Street, and near the River Street station, on the New York & New England Railroad. These several districts, though thus distinguished by distinc- tive names, are by no means isolated and separate villages ; one touches upon another, the rows of houses continue unbroken, and there is nothing in the way of unoccupied territory to mark the end of one section or the beginning of another. The town is compact, and its divisions thoroughly welded together. Hyde Park is a town of to-day, and its history is the history of today. Incorporated in 1868, anything which is to be said about it prior to that time belongs to the history of those adjoining towns from whose territory it was made up. The writer is thus deprived of the greater part ot that material which age in the subject affords. As mists and vapors in the atmosphere lend to the outlines of objects at a distance more graceful and pleasing, and at the same time larger and more imposing, proportions, so the mists of time constitute media through which the men and events of long ago, though in- distinct and shadowy, seem all the more grand and impressive. We spiritualize the old, we rigidly keep the new down to hard practicality. Yet in this brief review of Hyde Park as it is to-day after its short existence of a score of years, it will be necessary to go a little beyond its corporate life and examine those influences to which it owes its being and the circumstances and surround- ings which attended its inception. One standing to-day upon the top of any of the small eminences which diversify the surface of the town, may, if the atmosphere is clear, sweep with his eye the lower harbor of Boston on the east ; the Blue Hills which skirt the horizon on the southeast ; the valley of the Neponset to the south glimmering through the green meadows, and to the west and north the elevated lands of the neighboring towns, while at his feet lie in thick profusion the hundreds of houses and miles of streets and avenues which go to make up the town of Hyde Park. The spires of churches, belfries, and tall chimneys of manufactories, the smoke of locomotives, and long 12 lines of railways arrest the eyes, the hum of travel and traffic rises to the ear. Everything betokening the presence of nine thousand souls is manifest to the senses. But far different was the view which awaited the anxious vision of the examining committee of pioneers in 1856; then, indeed, the hills, the rivers, and the high lands were to be seen in the distance, but nearer at hand little to mark the presence of man. There was then no considerable village on the line of the Boston & Providence Railroad from Jamaica Plain to the Canton viaduct. The territory between was spread over with farms, woodland, and the meadows which fill the basin of the upper Neponset. The following extract from an address delivered at the first annual banquet of the town officers of Hyde Park, March 9, 1872, by the venerable Henry Grew, one of the town's oldest as well as most esteemed citizens, presents such a graphic and truthful portraiture of the condition of things at and shortly before the time under consideration as to fully justify its insertion here : " Having purchased a few acres of land in the summer of 1846, I commenced building a house, and moved to this place, then a part of Dorchester, on the first day of May, 1847. At that time most of this territory was occupied by farmers. There were on River Street (the old highway between Dor- chester and Dedham), within a range of a mile or a mile and a half, about ten houses, most of them small and occupied by farmers, with two exceptions, one a blacksmith and one a wheel- wright, with a population not exceeding fifty persons." Also Sumner's mills and a few small tenements occupied by their operatives, and a small schoolhouse near the same. " These were the only settlements in Dorchester. On the easterly side of the Neponset River, which was the boundary line between Dorchester and Milton (now Fairmount) all was woodland and pasture, the first settlement in that part of our town having commenced in 1855 or 1856. West of my house was an unbroken range of forest trees ; on the northerly side, in West Roxbury, were three farms. My nearest visiting neighbor was two and a half or three miles distant ; I was almost literally surrounded by woods, and my friends in Boston were much surprised at my going to such a wild and lonely place. There was, however, the Boston & Providence Railroad, on which cars passed within half a mile of my 13 residence, running three times a day each way, to and from Boston. There was no station between Forest Hill and Read- ville ; occasionally the cars stopped at the crossing at West Street to take or leave passengers. After a while some of the trains stopped at Kenney's Bridge (now Hyde Park Station), but passengers were few, perhaps ten or twelve in the course of a week. No house of shelter or station-master. The signal for stopping the cars by daylight was made by the turning of a signal board by the passenger, and after dark by the swinging of a lantern." In 1846 three farms, containing about 200 acres, and includ- ing what is now the most thickly settled and valuable part of Hyde Park, were purchased by three men, who proposed to build upon and occupy them. Two houses were erected, one the stone edifice, corner of Gordon Avenue and Austin Street, formerly known as the Lyman House, lately the residence of Charles A. White, and now owned and occupied by Col. John B. Bachelder, the Gettysburg historian ; the other was the old homestead of Gordon H. Nott, whose enterprise and liberality were largely contributory to the early growth of this town. These three individuals then sold the remainder of their pur- chase to the Hyde Park Land Company. This company made some improvements and disposed of some of its land, but little was accomplished by it before 1856. The earliest recorded sale of some one hundred acres of the Commons was for five pounds colonial. The above sale to the Hyde Park Land Company was for the expressed price of twelve thousand dollars, or about sixty dollars per acre. Within the last fifteen years consider- able parcels of the same land, without buildings, have changed owners for a consideration of seventy-five cents per foot, and in two instances for one dollar per square foot. The portion of the town taken from Dedham was formerly known as " The Lower Plains," a title sufficiently descriptive of its topograph- ical characteristics. Away back a large part of it was owned by one Damon, in memory of whom the schoolhouse now in that locality received its name. About 1850 it was named by its inhabitants Readville, in honor of Mr. Read, who was the principal owner of the cotton mill there. About this mill were some score of houses and ten- 14 ements ; and farther away, but still within the district, were perhaps half a dozen other residences, among them the home- stead of D. L. Davis and that of the late William Bullard, both on the Milton road, still occupied by the then owners or their de- scendants, and the handsome, and for those days, elegant French cottage of William S. Damrell, then member of Congress. This stood, with ample and pleasant grounds around it, on a low hill rising back from the pond caused by the mill-dam. It is now owned and occupied by E. A. Fiske. Mr. Damrell, as the only congressman ever resident upon soil now included in our town, claims more than a passing notice. He was an in- tense anti-slavery man, bold and fearless in the expression of his convictions, a warm friend and supporter of Sumner, Banks, Hale, and the other foremost champions of human liberty. He was of indomitable will, and resolutely attended to his pub- lic duties during the years immediately preceding the Rebel- lion, although so disabled by paralysis of the lower extremities, occasioned by lead poisoning, as to require the assistance of a person upon either side to move from place to place. Three of his sons served in the army of the Union during the Civil War. One died in the service ; another died after the close of the war from disease contracted in the service ; the third and only surviving member of the family is Maj. A. N. Damrell, Engi- neer Corps, U. S. A. In 1856, the time when the first of those enterprises which caused the growth and development of Hyde Park was begun, Readville contained the bulk of the population within its limits. Fairmount was the spot selected for the experiment, and the credit of the first suggestion of, and of the greatest activity in pushing forward, the particular plan which led to the settlement there must be awarded to Alpheus P. Blake. He succeeded in getting a reasonable price fixed upon what he wanted, and then talked the matter up so well among his friends as to effect a formal organization of a number of them at a meeting held Sept. 1, 1855, at the residence of one of the members on Revere Street, Boston. Mr. Blake was made president of the company thus formed, and a committee was appointed to examine the locality suggested by him. 15 Although the Midland Railroad then occupied the location now of the New York & New England, it was bankrupt and not in operation ; so the investigating committee were obliged to go to Mattapan, on a branch of the Old Colony Railroad, and thence walk some two miles to their destination on Fair- mount Hill. This experience, with the wild appearance of the country it was proposed to acquire and subjugate, so discour- aged several of the committee that they in disgust abandoned both the place and the enterprise, and thus forfeited their chances of future glory and profit. The remainder of the asso- ciates, however, to the number of twenty, " stuck," formed a trust company under the title of " The Fairmount Land Com- pany and Twenty Associates," purchased one hundred acres off the back part of the farms of the dwellers upon the Brush Hill road in Milton, and on the 15th day of May, 1856, the first blow toward the erection of the first house in Fairmount was struck. This building is the one now standing on the corner of Beacon Street and Fairmount Avenue, at present occupied by G. H. Peare. Henry A. Rich, David Higgins, and William H. Nightingale were the first mechanics. The latter died some years since ; the two former are still among the prominent residents of our town. It was the plan of the twenty associates that each should build and occupy a residence in the new territory. Most, if not all, of them did so, and three of them, Messrs. Fisk, Higgins, and Payson, still live in the houses then built by them. We present a copy of a wood-cut (page 8), originally printed in an illustrated paper of the date May 23, 1857. The association was made up of poor men, and great economy was necessary. The land was not fully paid for, the balance of the purchase price being secured by a ground mortgage. At one time the project was on the point of being abandoned, by reason of the many obstacles encountered, but the firmness of the late D. B. Rich prevented this. The pioneers had a hard time of it. The nearest point at which railroad accommo- dations could be obtained was on the Boston & Providence, at Kenny's Bridge, and there but two trains each way per day stopped ; there was no depot, and to reach Fairmount from i6 there it was necessary to cross the river in small boats, or on the stringers of the Midland Railroad bridge. The lumber and other material needed in the construction of their buildings was brought from Neponset by teams through Milton, and with much labor and difficulty transported up and over the crest of the hill. The mere preparation of roads, over which the material could be brought, was a work of no little amount on that rough hillside, then far more steep and uneven than now. The nearest store was at Mattapan ; the nearest post-offices at Milton and East Dedham. To accommodate the mechanics engaged upon the first houses, D. B. Rich opened a " boarding- house," in an old building, where the seats were boxes and kegs, and the other accommodations of like ostentatious mag- nificence. But the settlers were resolute and full of resources. They endured what they could not remedy, and made use of every means attainable to better their condition. Before long, by joint contributions and efforts, they constructed a foot- bridge across the river. Finding the Midland Railroad there at hand, they resolved to utilize it, and did so, again combining their means and buying a car with an engine in one end, in which they journeyed in and out of Boston with great rejoic- ing, though they had for some time to dispense with a depot. In 1859 the Real Estate & Building Company was formed, and in 1861 incorporated. Under its efforts, and the enterprise of many individuals, the growth of the place was fairly pro- gressing, when the Civil War came, upsetting the plans of so many, and, by the doubt and uncertainty it engendered, para- lyzing to a great extent all enterprises. The most strenuous efforts were made by the company and others interested to overcome this incubus. That these efforts were only moderately successful is appar- ent in the admission made by the building company in its prospec- tus of 1864, that during the mighty struggle of the nation for its existence special expenses for the purpose of carrying on its en- terprises had been mainly suspended by the company. Yet the growth of the town was not wholly arrested during this time, for we learn from a contemporary paper that in 1862 there were one hundred and fifty dwellings in the district between Brush Hill 17 road, and the Boston & Providence Railroad station at Hyde Park, which number had increased to two hundred in 1865. The end of the war, however, was the beginning of an era of truly wonderful activity and progress in this place, and .for the next seven years it advanced at a marvellous pace. New lands in large quantities were acquired by the building companies and by individuals, platted, sold, built upon, and oc- cupied with almost incredible rapidity. In the year 1867, not less than one hundred and six dwelling-houses were erected, to say nothing of buildings for business and other purposes. The price of lots trebled and quadrupled in value in a few weeks, sometimes in a few months increased twenty-fold. The growth of the place from 1865 was largely due to its nat- ural attractiveness, which was now made to appear through the exertions of its public-spirited citizens. Through their efforts the establishment of manufacturing and other business interests of great importance was effected, social and moral needs were well provided for, and the unrivalled railroad possibilities devel- oped. Local trains were multiplied on both railways, and addi- tional stopping places secured. When the railroad managers doubted the expediency of establishing a new station and erecting a depot at any required point, enough citizens were forthcoming to furnish means to build a station-house at the place desired, and lease or give it to the railroad, on the condition of adequate train accommodation. So great was the demand for mechanics at this time that the most indifferent workmen demanded exor- bitant wages. This and other inducements held out attracted to the town a not inconsiderable number of equivocal characters, and, as the credit system was largely in practice, many a con- fiding trader was sadly victimized. But such experiences are common to all new and rapidly grow- ing places, and under this froth of irresponsible adventurers, was an able body of earnest, energetic, industrious, laborious, wide-a- wake men, whose faith in Hyde Park was as firm as adamant, and who plied every instrumentality without cessation, tending to promote its prosperity. So well did they succeed that in 1867 they were in a condition to ask for incorporation. The first meeting looking to that end was called at Music Hall, on i8 October 14th in that year, at which E. P. Davis was chosen to preside, and S. A. Bradbury and Charles A. Jordan as secreta- ries. A committee was appointed to consider the advisability of forming a new town, and the meeting adjourned to the 22d of the same month, at which the committee reported in favor of the proposed action, describing the district desirable to include. Almost all the residents conspicuous for their interest in the place were warm advocates of the measure. A formal petition to the General Court for incorporation of the district suggested in the committee's report was duly filed. As illustrative of the transitory nature of the residents of new places, it is interesting to note that of the sixteen men whose names are appended to this original petition but five are now among our inhabitants. The request for incorporation was variously viewed by the towns whose territory was affected. Dor- chester made no opposition ; Dedham refused to yield so much as was asked for, and succeeded in keeping a portion of it. Milton also objected strenuously, the contest here finally narrowing down to the question whether the petitioners should have the southeasterly line of their proposed town established as petitioned for, so as to include a portion of the Brush Hill road and some twenty-seven families resident thereon, or whether the line should run along the crest of Fairmount Heights, several hundred feet northwesterly from said road, and leaving the above-mentioned families to remain within Milton's limits. Over this the fight waxed hot and furious. In the legislative committee-room frequent hearings were had during a period of five or six weeks, which resulted at last in a report to the Legislature recommending a compromise line, giving the petitioners less than they asked, but more than the Brush Hill residents were willing to concede. The outcome of all this heated controversy was that the act of incorporation of the town of Hyde Park, passed and approved April 22, 1868, took about thirteen hundred acres from Dorchester, eight hundred from Dedham, and seven hundred from Milton, and left the old residents along the Brush Hill road still within the boundaries of Milton, and presumably happy. The new town promptly organized on the 30th day of the same J 9 month, Maj. William Rogers, formerly of Governor Andrew's staff, being chosen, moderator of the first town-meeting. The recipients of municipal honors were not elected without vigorous opposition. Hyde Park esteems the places in its gift too highly to bestow them easily. There were no less than five tickets in the field ; the regular caucus nominations being the successful ones. The custom thus inaugurated of lively competition for town offices has ever since been honored with implicit observance. A section of Capl. Baxter's Light Battery was present, and hailed the birth of the new town with a salute of one hundred guns. The citizens made a holiday of the occasion, and celebrated the event with rejoicings, and plentiful displays of fireworks in the evening. A fine rainbow at sunset was accepted as a propitious omen, significant of the future lustre of the town. At this time there were in the town four schoolhouses, only one of which, however, was of any considerable size or value ; six religious societies, three of which worshipped in churches of their own, and the remainder in hired halls ; and of manufac- turing industries, besides the cotton-mill and the paper-mill, a woollen-mill, a vise-factory, iron-works, car-shops, and a needle-factory. The population was about three thousand five hundred, the number of poles seven hundred and seventy-four, and the valuation, as fixed on the ist of May following, two million nine hundred thousand dollars. One of the leading motives which had caused the mass of the residents of Hyde Park to respond so warmly to the project of incorporation, had been the feeling that their needs had not received sufficient attention from the parent towns of which it was previously a part. The school accommodations were very inadequate, the buildings insufficient in dimensions and incon- venient in location. Most of the streets had been made by the adjacent owners, and, as few of them had been accepted by the towns, they were of different widths, ungraded, and in many instances full of obstructions. Few of them were furnished with lights, and most of these were at private charge. There was no fire department, or any reliable means of subduing a conflagration. To remedy all these deficiencies, and number- 20 less others, the citizens had asked for and obtained self-govern- ment. Many thoughtlessly expected that it would prove an immediate panacea for all their disabilities. So it will be well believed that for the first few years the town officers had no easy time of it. All those things, usually the result of many years of quiet effort in towns of slow growth, were here crowded, as it were, in a moment upon the attention of the people and their official agents. The latter addressed themselves to meeting the demands thus made upon them, with creditable ability and success. Miles of streets were accepted, graded, widened, or re-located, and bridges built or extensively repaired, a good fire department organized and well equipped, and a suitable building constructed for its occupation, and many other things done to put the town on a proper footing. The number of school chil- dren increased so fast that within the first five years of its corporate existence, the town was obliged to erect four large buildings at a cost of about one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. All these improvements called for large expenditures, most of which were met by direct taxation, but a considerable amount by borrowing, which last expedient soon raised a debt of very respectable proportions. The burden thus incurred soon began to be felt very sensibly by the owners of land, which constituted seven-eights of the taxable property of the town, and soon all propositions looking to further outlays became fruitful sources of contest, protest, and more or less successful log-rolling. The town-meeting was the natural arena for the final fight on these matters, and Hyde Park town- meetings have always been considered particularly interesting, though it is said that of late they have lost somewhat of their pristine brilliancy, and there are dark fears expressed that ere long they will become as unexciting and commonplace as those of less favored communities. But it is not to be understood that a niggardly policy has ever controlled this town ; on the contrary, if it has erred at all, it has been in the opposite direc- tion. During the twenty years of its existence it has raised by taxation upwards of $1,514,000, or an average of $75,700 per year. Of this, about $211,900, or a yearly average of ^ > 3 * 3 wJ « F ^- O o O « M £ W • H a X 3 C 5' > w 21 $ IO >595> has been expended upon streets and bridges (besides $20,000 each year, for two years, for permanent improvements, and which has been added to the town debt) ; and not less than $618,000, an average of over $30,900 per year, has been devoted to the establishment and maintenance of public schools. For several years the town business was transacted in rooms and halls hired for the purpose. This was felt to be inconven- ient, and a town building was desired by many. A controversy, probably the most intense of any which has ever agitated the town, and which certainly stands out most prominently in the recollection of the participators, arose in 1870, over a proposi- tion to purchase for the above named purpose, an edifice re- cently erected on the corner of Gordon Avenue and River Street, and known as Gordon Hall. Meeting after meeting was called to decide the vexed question, " Should or not the building be bought by the town ? " After much contention the property was finally purchased, but it was accidentally destroyed by fire March 8, 1883. The year 1870 was quite prolific in notable events here. Then it was that another public demonstration was made in the dauntless attempt of some of its female citizens to storm the ballot-box and exercise the full powers of untrammelled suffrage, which carried the name and fame of Hyde Park into distant states and even beyond seas, and a failure to note which would render a sketch of the town's history undeserving the toleration of the fairer and mightier part of its population. For some time previous to the March meeting, 1870, there had been signs and portents of approaching trouble, which took visible form and shape when a placard appeared addressed to the women of Hyde Park, inviting them to attend a caucus, to be held March 4th, to select candidates for the various town offices, the same to be supported by the women at the polls. The caucus was duly held and well attended ; stirring addresses were made incit- ing the auditors to stand by the position they had taken in the front rank of the woman-suffrage movement, to make up their ticket and back it at the polls. Election day fell that year upon March 8th, and proved to be a stormy one, snowy and blustering ; yet some fifty ladies as- sembled in the Everett House parlors, whence they proposed to make their descent in a body upon the voting-place. At this place a large number of voters had congregated, much excitement prevailed, and it was feared that unmanly measures might be adopted. But when the occasion arises the man for the occasion is generally on hand. He was here and in the right place. The moderator's chair was occupied by Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., the well-known novelist, whose pen and voice were always ready to speed on reform, progress, and development, whose soul could not tolerate in- justice or oppression. His attitude, aided much undoubtedly by that high esteem and love for him which has always character- ized his fellow-citizens, produced a calm on the floor, and the ladies, without further molestation, advanced and deposited their ballots in a separate box, and at once left the room. The deed was clone ! The women had voted. The call for aid to the sufferers from the great Chicago fire met with a liberal response from Hyde Park. Frequent meetings were held, and upwards of five thousand dollars, in addition to large supplies of clothing, bedding, and necessaries, were contributed. In this noble work the ladies were as usual untiring, Mrs. Dr. Edwards, Mrs. A. H. Brainard, and Miss Nettie Richardson being specially prominent. The financial panic which swept over the country in the latter part of 1873 fell with excessive weight upon Hyde Park and almost menaced its future existence. The reasons for this result are readily apparent. The very methods which had been adopted to cause the town to fill up and build up so fast, the selling of land for a small sum down and a large sum secured by mortgage, rendered it peculiarly open to such a catastrophe as then came upon it. The greater part of the real estate was under mortgage, not a little of it to an amount nearly up to even its inflated valuation. The assessors had yielded to the craze, partly from sharing in it, partly, perhaps, to keep down the percentage of taxation by a high valuation. Then the depression in business and the destruction by fire of several mills caused the abandonment of a number of productive industries, the consequent removal of many operatives and 23 families to other places, and a great falling off in the demand for residences, apd for the general commodities of life. All this operated to cause the bottom to fall out of real estate, and a reduction in the apparent value of all property in the town of nearly fifty per cent. This is seen by comparing the assessed valuation of May i, 1873, to wit: real estate, $6,608,179; personal, $901,636; with the valuation May 1, 1880, namely, real estate, $3,701,250; personal, $421,640. This fearful shrinkage discouraged many who had been holding on to their estates by the eyelids as it were. The process of shaking things down to a substantial foundation was decidedly un- pleasant, but the outcome has been beneficial. The estates lost by their unlucky former possessors have become the property of others better able to hold, improve, and beautify them, and the town has thus gained in its outward appearance and the number of its well-to-do citizens. A greater conserva- tism is manifested in public and private enterprises, and the present status of the town is one of healthy and well-based prosperity. Its net debt, which in 1873 was $\j%,j66, is now reduced to less than $106,000, and by means of the sinking fund, as now managed, will be entirely liquidated in a few years ; and this debt is placed on terms as favorable as those enjoyed by any town or city in the state. Notwithstanding the pressure of the " hard times," the citi- zens of Hyde Park were fully awake on Centennial year. They were well represented at the Exposition both by products and by visitors, and they celebrated the glorious Fourth in the most enthusiastic manner. The day began with a procession, fol- lowed by a meeting of citizens in the grove, corner of Austin and West Streets, which was presided over by E. R. Walker, chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Here there was singing by chorus, prayer by Rev. P. B. Davis, reading of the Declara- tion of Independence, by G. Fred. Gridley ; singing of " The Star Spangled Banner," by Miss M. C. Pollard ; oration, by Hamilton A. Hill ; and singing of "America," by the audience. At four o'clock p. m. union religious services were held in the Congregational Church. At seven o'clock p. m. an immense meeting was held in Everett Square, and the new pump pre- 24 sented to the town by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of Hyde Park, was dedicated. Mr. Walker presided, and an address was delivered by E. I. Humphrey, which was followed by a fine original poem by Charles F. Gerry. A flag, the gift of N. H. Tucker, was then presented by Miss Nettie B. Richardson, accepted by Mr. Humphrey in a brief speech, and run up to the top of the flagstaff, amid the cheers of the assembled multitude. A regatta and an exhibition of athletic sports were among the other attractions, and at night a grand display of fireworks closed the stirring observance of the day. Another event in commemoration of that year was a great tree- planting, which took place October 28, when more than eight hundred and fifty shade trees were set along the streets and avenues of the town. This was brought about mainly through the efforts of Charles F. Holt, and has been the cause of many more being planted since, adding greatly to the beauty and comfort of the thoroughfares. This same year, 1876, is also memorable in the history of the town on account of the great temperance reform movement which began here in the spring. The Temperance Reform Club, then formed, during that year and the following held weekly public meetings, at which one of the largest halls was frequently filled to overflowing, and sometimes hundreds were unable to gain admittance. The good results of this organiza- tion are inestimable. By it many were redeemed from lives of gross indulgence; many more were stopped in a downward career towards such lives ; the subject of temperance and morality was brought home to every thinking mind ; and the sentiment thus awakened has placed and kept this town among the foremost in opposition to the encroachments of alcohol, and in support of all restrictive measures. In this connection it will not be amiss to state that the Women's Christian Temperance Union, which has been a power for good in this community, was begun here by an organization formed by a few women, April 26, 1876. It became at once auxiliary to the state organization of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and worked under the direction of the national organization. Mrs. William Sturtevant 25 was its first president, and until her death, some four years subsequent, was one of its most earnest and efficient members. The work done by this body of devoted women in the promotion of Christianity and temperance cannot be detailed here. It has contributed greatly to the large majority here against the licensing of the liquor traffic, by communicating directly with every voter before election, and by the personal solicitations of its members at the polls. The Union has also enlisted the co-operation of the younger ladies of the community, who have organized themselves into a Young Women's Christian Temperance Union, commonly designated the " Y," which has for its object the enlistment of young women in the work of making total abstinence a fashion- able social custom ; and also to aid them in understanding the scientific and ethical reasons for total abstinence and prohibi- tion. Although only started last December, it is already a flourishing organization. The Great Flood. — February 15, 1886, is a date never to be forgotten by many who suffered from the ravages of the waters at that time. Neponset River and Mother Brook, swollen by the melting of a winter's snow and an almost unprece- dented fall of rain upon the ice-encrusted and frozen surface, were raging torrents, overflowing their banks in every direction, and carrying destruction before them. The Neponset was nearly nine feet above its usual level, and Mother Brook the highest ever known. The wooden bridge on Bridge Street was swept away, and as many as eighty families were obliged to vacate their homes. All the manufacturing and business establishments near both streams suffered a loss aggregating many thousands of dollars. The Public Library. —Through the influence of some of the citizens of Hyde Park interested in its future welfare, the town in 1871 appointed the following gentlemen a committee to raise funds for the purpose of establishing a free public library : — Rev. P. B. Davis, Rev. I. H. Gilbert, Rev. F. C. Williams, H. R. Cheney, E. M. Lancaster, H. M. Cable, E. P. Davis, E. E. Pratt, and Theodore D. Weld. 26 The committee held their first meeting at the house of A. D. Havvley, whose failing health prevented him from taking an active part in the cause in which he felt so much interest. They made personal applications for subscriptions, and arranged for a course of weekly lectures and entertainments, extending over six months, for the benefit of the fund ; they also solicited donations of books, and instituted measures for a general town fair to be organized and conducted by the ladies of Hyde Park. Early in June a meeting was held in the vestry of the Baptist church, when they organized with a president (Mrs. L. B. Hunt), and six vice-presidents, one from each re- MASOXIC BLOCK. ligious society, — Mrs. G. B. Parrott, Mrs. A. R. Whittier, Mrs. F. C. Williams, Mrs. H. G. Raynes, Mrs. E. D. Swallow, Mrs. A. O'Neil. An admirable fair was held which netted up- wards of two thousand five hundred dollars. The report of the general committee made April u, 1872, gave as the net result in hand for the library fund, four thous- and four hundred and sixty-six dollars and seventy cents, and upwards of one thousand books donated. Theodore D. Weld was especially prominent in accomplish- ing this gratifying result. The amount was considerably augmented by subsequent payment of subscriptions. 27 The library was opened to the public in March, 1874, in Everett Block, with W. E. Foster as librarian, and three thousand seven hundred volumes ready for circulation. The first board of trustees consisted of Theodore D. Weld, Rev. P. B. Davis, Rev. I. H. Gilbert, elected for three years ; Rev. E. A. Manning, H. M. Cable, E. M. Lancaster, for two years ; Rev. W. J. Corcoran, E. S. Hathaway, C. W. W. Welling- ton, for one year. Mr. Foster remained as librarian till his resignation in 1876, when he was followed by Mr. Reeves, who was succeeded in October of the same year by Mrs. H. A. B. Thompson, in charge at the present time, with Miss Mary Hawley as assistant. The library has greatly increased in size and circulation the last few years. It now contains nine thousand five hundred volumes. The names of nine thousand and fifty persons have been registered for cards. The library remained in Everett Block until Feb., 1884, when, having outgrown its limits, it was removed to rooms specially pre- pared for it in the Masonic Block, affording much more ample accommodations. The board of trustees as at present constitu- ted is as follows : H. B. Miner, D. C. Marr,-F. B. Rich, G. F. Gridley, Edmund Davis, G. L. Stone, C. C. Hayes, M. D., A. H. Brainard, C. F. Jenney. H. B. Miner, Chairman, G. F. Grid- ley, Treasurer, G. L. Stone, Secretary. Post Off ice. — No other institution shows more forcibly the growth of our town, and it may be interesting to trace its progress briefly. In the early days, David Higgins brought the mail from Boston. The first postmaster was J. Russel Story, the first mail arriving in August or September, 1857, consisting of one letter and two or three papers. The office was in the corner of a country store, in the same building with Union Hall, opposite New York and New England depot. Mr. Story was succeeded in 1858 by Amos Angell, and he in turn by E. E. Blake in 1861. He in turn was followed by E. E. Williamson in 1863. Keeping the office for about one year, he resigned, and Barney Connor, as assistant postmaster 28 took charge of it for another year. Then Thomas Hammond, in 1865 was appointed and kept it until 1868, to be followed by H. C. Adams, who was in charge at the time of incorporation. Upon his retirement Wm. J. Stuart was appointed, October, 1 871, serving until August, 1873, and giving place to Silas P. Blodgett. During his term the office was destroyed in the fire of Neponset Block, May, 1874, but phcenix-like it rose from its ashes and was ready for business next morning. Under Mr. Blodgett it prospered and underwent many important changes to meet, the demands of increased business. July 1, 1878, it was made a money-order office, and since that time upwards of 9,200 orders have been issued. Aug. 1, 1885, Mr. Blodgett resigned, and H. C. Stark, our present efficient official, was appointed. During his administration the office has increased rapidly in size and importance, being raised to the second class, and we hope soon to be accommodated with the free delivery system. A new lease for five years of the present quarters in Neponset Block has been taken, the office entirely remodelled, and furnished with the newest and most approved boxes and lockers. Sumner Hall. — The old manse on East River Street, known as the Sumner House, one of the oldest in town, was built in 1790, by Mr. William Sumner, father of the late Miss Sally R. Sumner. It was a well-built structure, with a frame- work of massive beams, and finished in the style of the day with panelled wainscoting and fluted cornices. It contained twelve rooms which were amply filled by Mr. Sumner's thirteen children, nine of whom were girls, who, with slight exceptions, spent their entire lives here. They were confessedly a family of unusual beauty, wit, and intelligence, and the broad hall ex- tending through the house was the scene of many a festive oc- casion. Mr. Sumner was a descendant of William Sumner, of Dor- chester, who came from England in 1636. He was a soldier in the revolutionary line, and was often in active service. He took part in moving to Dorchester Heights, in the secrecy of night, the fascines used for the fortifications there, by aid of which the 2 9 British were compelled to evacuate Boston. These were cut from Pine Garden/ a portion of the Sumner estate in Hyde Park, a spot chosen on account of its obscurity by General Washington himself, who rode more than once over the ground on horseback. Mr. Sumner was engaged in paper making for more than thirty years, owning the mills and water privilege on the site now occupied by the Tileston & Hollingsworth paper-mills. He was a generous, warm-hearted man, in belief a Universalist,^and the old flagstone is still at the hall door where " Father?Bal- SUMNER HALL. (From a sketch by Miss Sarah M. Vose.) lou," the apostle of Universalism, loved to place his chair and discourse upon the principles of his faith to his friend and host. The house, the old barn with its mows and swallows' nests, the fields, woods, and tranquil river, were familiar scenes to the Hon. Charles Sumner, who spent many happy vacation hours here. At the time of the incorporation of the town of Hyde Park two daughters of Mr. Sumner, the Misses Clarissa and Sally R., were with their niece, Miss Eliza Fessenden, the only representatives of the family left at the house. With them lived also a brother-in-law, Col. Nathaniel Crane, who was one of " Nature's Noblemen," a true-hearted old-school gentleman beloved and respected by all. A year ago the last of the group, Miss Sally R. Sumner, passed away. The homestead remains almost untouched by the hand of man, while the hand of time has borne heavily upon it. The original clapboards are there, the first window sashes, the old knocker, and many of the great square iron locks, with their brass handles worn by the touch of so many hands now turned to dust. The inside finish is the same, and in many respects the old house is as it came from the hand of the builder. It stands a " silent witness " of the mysteries of life and death which for a century have revealed themselves within its walls. The religious societies claim a more extended notice. First Baptist Church. — The first prayer meeting ever held on Fairmount was suggested by the late Mrs. John Wil- liams and was at the house of Mr. David Higgins, near the top of Fairmount, in 1857. This meeting became a " circular feast," visiting at several houses and preparing " the way of the Lord." When Mr. Geo. Pierce built his hall, on what is now corner of Highland Street, he expected that the Union meetings would be transferred thither from the Railroad Hall. But the reluctance of some to join the Baptists in this centrally located new hall resulted in the decision to form a church to be called "The First Baptist Church in Milton." The first council relative to the church about to be formed hardly dared to rec- ognize it, and before a second enlarged council met, the church was advised to recall the invitation and thus avoid expressed non-recognition. But the " smoking flax " was not to be quenched ; rather was it a light " set on a hill." Sept. 23, 1858, ten persons met at Mr. Hannaford's and signed articles of faith. Earnest were the prayers which went up from the hillside for God's blessing on this, the first cJuircJi in the future town of Hyde, Park. Thursday, Sept. 24, Rev. D. C. Eddy, of Boston, preached the inaugural sermon in Fairmount Hall. Sept. 26, Rev. Wm. Howe, of Boston, preached twice at the first Sunday services, to about fifty persons. At noon a Sunday school was formed 3i to be called " The Fairmount Sunday school " ; teachers and scholars in all twenty-five ; prayer meetings on two evenings. A lease of the hall for five years was taken of Mr. Pierce, at $75 per year. Dea. Wm. Holland, of Boston, officiated for some months, — a man of lovely spirit, who did a good work. The first year the amount raised was $110.75; amount ex- pended, $1 10 10. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. June 1, i860, Rev. Dr. Amos Webster baptized the first con- vert in connection with the Baptist interest, in the river. It was voted that the male members take turns as deacons. After seven churches had sat in council with four brethren for the church, a public recognition was given Sept. 4, i860. In October Dr. Webster, who had come here to reside, agreed to supply the pulpit so long as mutually desired. The society was indebted for his counsel as to legal and monetary interests during those struggling days. 32 In the summer of 1863 Rev. G. R. Darrow began to preach, and shortly afterwards was settled as pastor ; an open-hearted, earnest man. Though acceptable to most members he resigned in eighteen months. In the autumn of 1863 Rev. A. B. Earle held meetings in the hall for several weeks, which with after- meetings resulted in the renewal of about two-score souls ; for the size of the place, it was pentecostal. In the midst of this holy hush came an order to vacate the hall within a month. It had changed owners, but in a few weeks converting grace came into the new owner's family and the order was revoked. Here again was an indication for an onward move, and the society decided to secure a more sure anchorage. "The Real Estate and Building Company " virtually made a gift of a lot of land, corner of what is now Davison Street. Mr. Geo. Parrott gave plans for a chapel and "every man had a mind to work." By moonlight picks loosened and shovels scooped. David Higgins gave forty-two days' carpenter work, Geo. Pierce and others gave time, and so with hired labor the work reached, — dedication. November, 1864, Rev. A. DeF. Palmer was invited to supply the pulpit until the next spring. Rev. A. C. Skinner served the church as pastor from Oct., 1865, to May, 1866. The church in its first seven years increased to seventy members, and in the winter of 1866 removed debt by paying some $1,700, — a great achievement. It had also contributed a be- loved member as a missionary — Miss Bradbury, who went to Burmah as Mrs. Bunker. In September, 1866, Rev. W. H. S. Ventres became pastor. The village was growing, and a more commodious edifice was desired. To effect this, great exertions had to be made. The chapel was moved to a rear lot, and finally rented. Mr. Gordon H. Nott, an Episcopalian, generously gave, unsolicited, nearly 10,000 feet of land in the rear of the original site. Mr. T. C. Evans put his energy into the work of building, which crystallized the labors of many others, among such, Mr. Chas. Pierce. Mr. Ventres resigned in June, 1870. Many townspeople helped as to the new edifice, and in re- turn they have received the benefit of a clock facing the 33 avenue. "The clear-toned Baptist bell" is one of the richest in town. But a de"bt of ten thousand dollars was also an adjunct. In the autumn of 1870 the pastorate of Rev. I. H. Gilbert and the people entered the audience room together, he giving the dedication sermon. Rev. Dr. Webster also gave an historical sketch of the church. After doing a harmonizing work, in view of the society's pecuniary condition, May, 1876, Pastor Gilbert sent in his second resignation, which was ac- cepted with commendatory resolves. Early in 1877, Rev. D. C. Eddy, D. D., became his successor. His preaching was highly prized. Near the close of his ministry an effort was made to reduce the debt, which had doubled, owing in part to buying a parsonage. $5,000 was collected, and the town paid nearly $370 for a strip of land. Dr. Eddy, in 1881, accepted a call elsewhere and the society tendered him a farewell reception, large and hearty. Rev. Gorham Easterbrook was installed June 23, 1881 ; a superior preacher. He preached his farewell sermon May 2, 1884. I n September, 1883, was celebrated the twenty-fifth anni- versary of the church and Sunday school. In the forenoon Rev. Mr. Easterbrook preached. In the afternoon at the Sunday school anniversary Miss E. A. Stone gave an historical sketch. T. C. Evans, Supt, had had three terms of office, seventeen years in all ; 2,091 different ones had belonged to the school. In the evening Rev. Mr. Gilbert gave an historical account of the church, referring to the " troublous times," polit- ically and financially, in which the walls had gone up, and paying tribute to the efforts of Mr. Evans, and the ability of Mr. T. H. Videto, treasurer. On Monday evening a "reunion " festival was enjoyed in the vestry, at which Deacon Wm. Holland and Dr. S. F. Smith, the workers of early days, were guests. June 12, 1884, Rev. H. W. Tilden was unanimously called as pastor. He holds a goodly congregation ; beloved at home, re- spected abroad. Dec. 13, the late Rev. A. K. Potter, of Roxbury, aided the pastor in stimulating towards the removal of the society's debt, Si 1,800, exclusive of the parsonage. Pledges were given. In the evening, the balance was provided for. 34 The Sewing Society has given S500 towards the removal of the debt, beside much other work. It is confidently expected that before May 1, 1888, the church will rejoice in being free from debt, exclusive of the parsonage. Episcopal Church. — The first service of the Protestant Episcopal Church was conducted by Rev. Samuel B. Babcock, rector of St. Paul's Church, Dedham, in Union Hall, near the New York Central Railroad Depot, Oct. 10, 1858, at one of the " union meetings " at that time supported by adherents of all denominations. After a while the Episcopalians transferred their place of meeting to Lyman Hall, near the Boston & Providence Railroad, where services were held every Sunday morning, the various clergymen officiating being furnished and paid by the Southern District Association. When there was no clergyman forthcoming, services were read generally by Mr. Lyman. A Sunday school, which soon grew to a membership of sixty-five, was established, mainly through the exertions of Rev. John W. Nott, who was at that time passing a vacation here. For some time the family of A. H. Brainard constituted the entire number of communicants, the congregation being made up of those who only had a preference for that form of worship. The present parish was organized Nov. 8, i860, under the name of Christ Church, with the following officers : Wardens, A. H. Brainard and G. H. Nott ; Vestrymen, L. Bickford, Jairus Pratt, S. Fennell and Wm. H. Hoogs ; Treasurer, S. A. Brad- bury ; Clerk, J. M. R. Story. Rev. A. H. Washburn took charge of the parish in March, 1861, was elected its rector in January, 1862, and so continued till Easter, April, 1866, when he became rector of Grace Church, Cleveland, Ohio. During the early part of his ministration the present church edifice on the corner of River and Maple Streets was erected, largely through the efforts of Gordon H. Nott. This building is of Gothic style of architecture and has about three hundred sit- tings. While it was in process of construction the services were held in Bragg's Hall on Fairmount Avenue. The building was consecrated December 1, 1863, by Right Rev. Manton Eastburn, bishop of the diocese, assisted by several other di- 35 vines. Mr. Washburn's connection with the parish was of great benefit to it, and hie resignation deeply deplored. He was suc- ceeded in April, 1866, by Rev. Wm. H. Collins, a faithful and earnest worker, who officiated as rector till October r, 1869, the date his resignation — which was made on the 21st of July preceding — took effect. He was succeeded on November 16 following, by Rev. John W. Birchmore, who remained till May 15, 1872. In October, 1872, Rev. Robert Scott was elected to take temporary charge of the parish, and on the fifth of Decem- ber following was unanimously elected rector, and continued as such till Easter, 1874. On the following seventeenth of June the Rev. R. B. Van Kleeck, D. D., accepted a unanimous call to the rectorship. He was a man well-known and highly esteemed by both clergy and laity in all parts of the country. He re- signed his charge at Easter, 1878. From January, 1879, to July, 1 88c, Rev. F. H. T. Horsfield was minister in charge. He was succeeded on November 15, 1880, by the Rev. Edward A. Rand, who, with unremitting devotion to duty, continued as minister in charge until Whitsunday, 1882. His successor, the Rev. John T. Magrath, commenced his labors as rector on the following Sunday (Trinity) and ended them on Trinity Sunday, 1887. In September, 1887, the present incumbent, Rev. H. L. C. Braddon, succeeded to the rectorship. First Congregational Church. — Congregational ser- vices were first held in Hyde Park in December, i860, in Bragg's Hall. The place of meeting was soon changed to Lyman Hall, where, for a few months, the services were conducted by Rev. L. R. Eastman, afterwards, with only occa- sional clerical aid, by the brethren, until Dec. 1, 1862, when Rev. Hiram Carlton commenced ministerial labors, which were continued till October, 1864. On May 7, 1863, an ecclesiastical council organized here a church of ten members, of which Sylvester Phelps and Thomas Hammond were elected deacons. Rev. R. Manning Chipman was the officiating clergyman from Dec. 1, 1864, to Nov. 30, 1866, the services being held during this time in Bragg's Hall. In January, 1867, the church and society extended a call to Rev. Perley B. Davis, who was then settled over the church at Sharon, Mass., who accepted, and was installed April ioth following, continuing as pastor of the society to this day. Measures were now taken for the erection of a parsonage and church edifice. A lot of land at the junction of Fairmount Avenue and Everett square, extending through to Oak street, was presented to the society by the Real Estate and Building- Company, and a parsonage fronting on Oak street, and costing FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. about five thousand dollars, was built, and occupied by the pastor the following September. On Jan. 31, 1868, the corner- stone of the church edifice was laid with appropriate exercises, and October 15th following the church was publicly dedicated to the worship of God, the pastor preaching the sermon. The building is a Gothic structure, costing seventeen thousand dollars, and had a seating capacity of four hundred and sixty- two. By the untiring efforts of the ladies of the congregation 37 it was furnished with an organ, bell, carpet, and cushions, at an expense of nearly five thousand dollars. For the better accom- modation of the Sunday school and social meetings, in the autumn of 1874 a chapel was erected adjoining the church, capable of seating three hundred people. This was built by voluntary subscription, presented to the society, and dedicated Jan. 1, 1875. On Sunday, Sept. 7, 1879, by the efforts of Mr. Edward Kimball, the debt of twelve thousand five hundred dollars, which had rested very heavily upon the society, was raised by pledges from the congregation, and in December, 1880, the debt was fully paid. April 16, 1880, seven members were dismissed from the church to form a nucleus for the church at Clarendon Hills. Owing to the increase in numbers of the congregation and Sunday school during the two years ensuing, it was decided to enlarge both church and chapel, at a cost of ten thousand dollars, and, nearly that amount having been pledged, work was begun in October, 1883. The church was so remod- elled as to furnish seven hundred and sixty-nine sittings, includ- ing the choir seats. The chapel was made thirty-five feet longer, a portion being fitted for class-rooms and library. The enlarged church was re-dedicated Feb. 26, 1884, and the chapel the next evening. The condition of the church is very prosperous, it having a membership of five hundred and thirty-one, of whom forty-four were received during the last year. Methodist-Episcopal Church. — April 22, 1868, found the M. E. Church in Hyde Park a struggling society of fifty- three members, worshipping in a small hall known as Bragg's Hall. The society had been formed on Feb. 10th of the pre- ceding year, and Messrs. M. L. Whicher, John Terry, and C. D. Hubbard had at that time hired the hall, furnished it with settees, and agreed to meet all deficiencies of the first year. This was cheerfully done, but after the first year the church was self-supporting; therefore, April 22, 1868, found the church small but self-supporting, with a regular pastor, Rev. N. T. Whitaker. Under his vigorous charge the little church grew 38 so that in 1869 a larger place of worship was sorely needed, and Union Hall, just vacated by the Congregational Society, was secured. In the same year, 1869, Mr. Whitaker was succeeded by Rev. Geo. Prentice, who ministered faithfully to the young church, a preacher of no mean ability, but who was appointed elsewhere at the close of his first year. His departure was deeply regretted. Mr. Prentice was succeeded by Rev. E. METHODIST-EPISCOPAL CHURCH. S. Best, who served the church for two years, 1 870-1. During Mr. Best's pastorate the church continued to increase, so that still larger accommodations were found necessary, and in 1871 Neponset Hall was occupied. In the same year, 1871, the pres- ent parsonage on Central Avenue was built and occupied. In 1872, Rev. E. A. Manning was appointed to Hyde Park. At this time the matter of building a new church was vigorously agitated. A fine building location had previously been secured 39 on Central Avenue ; the church had now increased to consider- ably over a hundred members, the town was rapidly growing, and all signs looked propitious. Plans were obtained of Mr. A. P. Cutting, of Worcester, a con- siderable amount of money was pledged, and the step was definitely decided upon. In April, 1873, Rev. G. W. Mansfield was welcomed by the church as its pastor, and within sixty days contracts were let out for a fine modern church edifice. Ground was broken on June 2, 1873, the first sod being turned by Mrs. Mary E. Warren, the pioneer Methodist of Hyde Park. The corner-stone was laid under the north-east corner, Oct. 28, 1873, Bishop Wiley officiating. The vestries were dedicated on watch-night, Dec. 31, 1873, by Rev. Dr. Pierce, editor of Zioii s Herald. It was an occasion long to be remembered by those present. The ensuing months were a time of special religious interest, and under the successful min- istrations of Mr. Mansfield a large number were added to the church. The auditorium was completed and dedicated Nov. 19, 1874 ; Rev. H. W. Warren, D. D., of Brooklyn, (now bishop) preaching the dedicatory sermon. The cost of the church was about $45,000. Mr. Mansfield remained with the church for the full term of three years, and was followed in 1876 by Rev. J. S. Whedon. The long period of financial depression which followed the completion of the church was most deeply felt by this society, and the debt, always large, grew to enormous proportions. The tremendous strain under which the church was laboring led to some unfortunate misunderstandings between pastor and official board, and Mr. Whedon's brilliant, but short, career culminated in his resignation in 1877. Rev. Dr. H. J. Fox, of South Carolina, was appointed to fill the vacancy, and ably occupied the pulpit for two years, 1877-78. It was apparent at the commencement of his pastorate that the debt must be reduced if the church property was to be kept. The debt in July, 1877, as given by the trustees, was S4 1,500, and during Dr. Fox's administration it was reduced to 531,000 40 by various agencies and means, two concerts in Music Hall, Boston, netting $1,600. Dr. Fox was succeeded in 1879 by R- ev - W. N. Richardson, who was the pastor for the next three years. During his term the church was freed from debt. This was mostly done in the third year of Mr. Richardson's pastorate, and largely through his personal efforts. A church debt-raising society was formed, of which Mr. Charles Woodbury was president, and Mr. George B. Warren treasurer. The mortgage of $21,000 on the church was taken up April 1, 1882, at the very close of Mr. Richardson's term of ministry. He was followed by Rev. Jesse Wagner, who for three years was the successful and greatly loved pastor. During the three years' term of Mr. Wagner, repairs and improvements to the amount of $2,000 were made to the church property, all paid when done. Mr. Wagner was followed in 1885 by Rev. Frederick Woods, D. D., formerly the pastor of Trinity M. E. Church, Springfield, Mass. Dr. Woods is an original thinker, a pulpit orator of extraordinary ability, and a most vigorous advocate of all modern reform movements. He now closes (April, 1888) his full term of three years, and it is apparent that the church and congregation will greatly miss his talented services. Mr. W. T. Worth, of Lowell, Mass., has just been appointed. First Unitarian Society of Hyde Park. — This society was among the last to organize as a separate denomina- tion. In consequence of action taken at a preliminary meeting held in the old Fairmount schoolhouse June 1, 1867, at which John P. Jewett was chairman, and Benjamin C. Vose secretary, regular services were, during the summer of this year, held in the old Music Hall on Sunday afternoons, prominent Unitarian clergymen of Boston and vicinity occupying the pulpit. In November of the same year the society moved to Deacon Hammond's Hall, near the New York & New England Railroad Station, and engaged as pastor the Rev. T. B. Forbush, who remained until the following March. In June, 1868, the society organized as a corporation under the general laws, and adopted 41 as a name " The Christian Fraternity." The following year the name was changed to that of The Second Congregational Society of Hyde Park, and this name was in May, 1880, superseded by the present title. In June, 1868, Rev. William Hamilton was invited to become the regular preacher, and he remained with the society nearly a year ; services being held in Hamblin's Hall. In February, 1869, Rev. Francis C. Williams was installed as pastor. During his pastorate, which continued until June, 1879, tne society had a varied experience, particularly in its places of worship. Meeting in the Town Hall for about a year, they FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH. thence went to Neponset Hall, where they remained till its destruction by fire, in the early part of 1874. Their church building was then in process of construction, and until its completion, in the latter part of the same year, they were kindly accommodated by the Methodist Society, which tendered the use of its vestry. The Unitarian Church Building was dedi- cated February 18, 1875, and in it their services have since been held. It occupies a sightly and pleasant position at the junction of Oak and Pine Streets on Mount Neponset, and presents to the eye a neat, attractive, and agreeable appearance. It is of the Romanesque style of architecture, and is con- structed in a very substantial manner, the material being wood. 42 The audience-room, exclusive of the vestibule, is sixty-seven by thirty-seven feet, with a seating capacity of a little more than three hundred. The finish of the pulpit and its surroundings is of black walnut ; of the pews black walnut and ash. It is well lighted with stained glass windows of agreeable tone, giving a restful and pleasing effect. In the vestry is a good- sized audience-room for the Sunday school ; a commodious and well-stocked library, also a ladies' parlor, dining-room, kitchen, etc. The land with the building and furnishings cost about $18,000, and with the exception of a comparatively small amount, had been paid by the time the church was ready for occupancy, — a result that was attained only bv zealous and persistent effort and large self-sacrifice on the part of many of the early members of the society. • During his stay, Mr. Williams' influence on the church and the town was marked and beneficial. His successor was Rev. A. Judson Rich, who was invited in November, 1879, installed the next January, and remained four years. It was during his pastorate that the old-time enthusiasm of the members of the society and the ladies of the parish was again invoked, resulting in wiping out the balance of the debt upon the church and in the purchase of an organ for the choir. In June, 1884, Rev. James Huxtable was called to the pastorate, and is now, April, 1888, ministering to the society. A man of unbounded modesty, he is an earnest student, a deep thinker, and has a fund of spirituality that has already made its impress upon those under his charge. Union Evangelical Church is located at Readville and was organized April 26, 1872. Has been supplied by Rev. William F. Davis and Rev. J. B. Davis. It has no settled pastor at present. Starting with five members, it now numbers twenty-three. Clarendon Congregational Church was organized April 19, 1880, with twenty members. Rev. Samuel D. Hosmer was the first pastor and continued until April, 1882. He was succeeded in September, 1882, by Rev. A. H. Johnson, 43 who still continues in charge of this church. Its present mem- bership is forty-one. Roman Catholic Church. — Prior to April 22, 1868, the Catholic settlers in Hyde Park were attended by the pastor of Milton, Rev. Father McNulty. On the first Sunday of October, 1S70, the parish was made a separate one. Part of the parish was taken from that of Dedham, and part from Dorchester. The first resident Catholic pastor was Rev. W. J. Corcoran. When he assumed charge, the parish numbered about 2,200 souls. The births during his first year were 83, as indicated by the baptismal records. Father Corcoran built a frame church on Hyde Park Avenue, which was burnt before completion. He also purchased the Richards estate on Mt. Neponset. Previous to holding services in the basement of the church which was destroyed, and after the burning of same, ser- vices were held in the old Music Hall, now the property of Dr. Soule. Father Corcoran remained in this parish for several years, and was succeeded by Rev. James S. Conlan. The Catholic population was smaller in 1880 than in 1870. In 1870 there were 83 children baptized, in 1880 only 63. The number of Catholics in 1870 was about 2,200; in 1880 about 1,700. Since 1880 the parish has grown, and it now numbers about 2,700. The present pastor, Rev. Richard J. Barry, was ap- pointed by Archbishop Williams, Feb. 1, 1880. He set to work at once to place the society on a permanent basis, and within two months after his arrival he began the elegant church which is such an ornament to the town. The corner stone of this splendid edifice was laid July 4, 1880, and the church was dedicated Sept. 12, 1885. Interiorly and exteriorly it is a sub- stantial and magnificent temple. The cost was $85,500.00. In [884 Father Barry purchased the Gerry estate, which gives the Catholic Society over two acres of land in the very heart of the town. Money has been lavished in laying out the grounds, and no society in Hyde Park or elsewhere can show greater enterprise and perseverance. A new parochial school has been built on Mt. Neponset, which will accommodate 360 children. Two primary parochial schools will be erected in the sprin°\ 44 This society has laid out over $140,000 during the last eight years, and the total indebtedness to date is only $21,000. Nothing in the history of Hyde Park shows better the substan- tial growth of the town than the facts above recorded. Last year there were 101 children baptized into the Catholic Church, out of a total of 233 children born in the town during the year. The Catholic population is between 2,700 and 2,800 persons. The Sunday school numbers 400, Mr. D. A. Leonard, superintendent. The society is in a most flourishing condition and is about to be incorporated, its pastor still being Rev. Richard J. Barry, assisted by Rev. Henry A. Barry. Young Men's Christian Association. — In the fall of 1868 an attempt was made to establish a Young Men's Christian Association, Charles F. Gerry being elected presi- dent, E. E. Blake and A. R. Whittier, vice-presidents, H. P. Hubbard, secretary, and J. Boag, treasurer, and although accomplishing some good, and preparing the soil for future planting, the time had not yet come when the grain should spring up and bear abundant harvest. This was reserved for another force of workers, and on the evening of December 18, 1884, a meeting of those interested in forming such an associa- tion was held in a class room of the Baptist Church. A com- mittee, of which C. L. Alden was chairman, and J. Mackrille, secretary, was appointed to consider the advisability of forming an association, and to see what encouragement would be given to such a movement. This committee reported Feb 2, 1885, at which time they stated that in their opinion there was sufficient encouragement to proceed. Accordingly, it was voted that an organization be effected at that time. Accommodations were secured in Neponset Block, consisting of reading-room, office, and parlor, and were occupied about the middle of March, at which time the reading-room was thrown open each evening, being well supplied with secular and religious papers, and periodicals. The second Sunday in March, meetings for young men only were organized and have been continued until the present time. The parlor was furnished with folding chairs 45 and piano. It was not long before the rooms proved too small for the work, and an urgent call for a gymnasium was manifest. But there seemed to be no way for thus enlarging the work. In May, 1886, an opportunity presented itself in the skating rink being closed, and changing hands. It was finally decided to lease this building, having it fitted for their use, and when completed it gave very pleasant quarters, consisting of parlor, reading-room, office, coat room, kitchen, hall, and gymnasium. The Association removed to its new location during October of that year. Here at once the work began to enlarge, and the membership rapidly increased. It soon became evident that volunteer labor could not longer be relied upon to give the time necessary for such a large work ; so at the annual meet- ing the present board of officers was elected, and instructed to employ a general secretary, who could put his whole time into the work, and allow the building to be opened all day, instead of evenings only, as heretofore. Since the coming of Mr. E. A. Pierce to fill that position, the work has continued to in- crease, and to-day the association stands as one of the perma- nent institutions of our town, with its work and needs well be- fore our citizens. It is hoped that it will continue to grow, and before we celebrate our quarter centennial that it will be located, not in a leased building, but in a permanent home of its own. The Ladies' Auxiliary was organized early in the life of the Young Men's Christian Association. It is not an indepen- dent body, but is in all respects auxiliary to the association, and labors wholly for its benefit. While the association occupied the rooms in Neponset Block, the ladies purchased the carpet and table. Later, as they came to the new building (their pres- ent quarters), the ladies raised funds and furnished the parlor as it now appears. From time to time they have been called upon to provide and serve light refreshments at various gatherings, and are now pledged to furnish $400 toward the expenses for the present year. Schools. — The town of Hyde Park was fortunate in that, at its organization, it had among its citizens men who fully ap- 46 predated the importance of a good school system. After a lapse of twenty years we have now cause to congratulate our- selves that some of these citizens were placed in charge of the public schools. Many difficulties were to be met and overcome. Accommo- dations were to be provided, looking to the future growth of the infant town. A course of study was to be marked out, which should meet the wants of the children, and command the re- spect of the citizens. A liberal public sentiment was to be cre- ated toward the schools that their support might be certain and a progressive policy made possible. The transient char- acter of the population during the early years of our history made these duties still more arduous, but nevertheless a senti- ment favoring a liberal support of the public school has pre- vailed. It has been the object from the beginning to make the schools practical. New theories have been carefully studied before being adopted, and whatever has seemed to detract from practical results has usually been rejected. Efforts have been continuous to hold the interest of parents in the school work of the children, and, as a rule, these have been successful. The course in the Grammar Schools is so adapted that it requires eight years for its completion. At its completion diplomas are awarded. This course fairly fits pupils for the ordinary work of life. Much credit for the present efficiency of these schools is due to our good fortune in being able to retain for the past ten years or more Masters Dean, Cross, Howard, and Thompson, all able teachers, and fully devoted to the welfare of the schools of the town. The High School has two courses — a classical, or four years' course, and a business, or two years' course. The first fits the student for college, while the second is designed to supplement the Grammar School course in giving a better busi- ness training. Prof. Elliot has been in charge of this school for about ten years, and has so conducted it that it now has a firm hold in the confidence of the citizens. The four large Grammar School buildings, (one of which, the Greenwood, having been destroyed by fire, August 14, 1887, has 47 been rebuilt in a still more substantial and improved manner, and was dedicated April 5, 1888,) and a commodious High School building, all well supplied with books and other things necessary for the complete working of the course, bear witness that the cause of education has held and still holds a warm place in the hearts of our citizens. It is safe to affirm that the town is largely indebted for its present prosperous condition to the generous support at all times given to its public schools. Fire Department. — At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen, held Sept. 13, 1870, the following named gentle- men were appointed Fire Engineers for the ensuing year : Geo. B. Parrott, chief ; Enoch P. Davis ; Fergus A. Easton, clerk. A call was made on the citizens for members at this date. Nov. 7, 1870, Hose Company No. 3 was organized, and elected the following officers : L. T. Sears, foreman ; G. S. Cheney, assistant foreman ; M. Underhill, clerk. Nov. 9 Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1 was organized, with the following elected officers : H. A. Darling, foreman ; W. H. Cooper, assistant foreman ; T. A. Davin, clerk. At the same meeting Wm. U. Fairbairn was appointed as engineman of Steam Fire Engine Company No. i, G. Hodges as the assistant, and Joshua Wilder as steward of the Engine House. Apr. 13, 1 87 1, Hose Company No. 3 was relieved from hose duty, the members to take charge of Steamer No. 2, and David H. Wright appointed as engineman. The Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 was formed in the year of 1870. In the year of 1881 a Chemical Engine was added to the de- partment. The present Board of Engineers are : Chief, Rinaldo Wil liams ; clerk, Robert Scott, Jr. ; and J. H. McKenna. The de- partment to-day numbers 40 members, including the three engi- neers and steward, Joshua Wilder, who has held this position ever since his appointment on Nov. 9, 1870. The apparatus belonging to the department comprises Hose Companies Numbers 1, 2, and 3, Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, and Chemical Engine Company No. 1. 4 8 Societies. — Hyde Park is richly blessed with secret benevo- lent societies, prominent among which are the Masonic bodies and orders of Odd Fellows, of which brief sketches are here appended. Masonic Organizations. — Before the incorporation of the town of Hyde Park, the establishment of a lodge was con- sidered desirable by the Masons resident within its present territorial limits. A dispensation was, therefore, procured from the Most Worshipful Grand Master in response to a petition bearing twenty-one signatures. Preliminary meetings had been held at various places in Ded- ham and Hyde Park, and the first regular communication of Hyde Park Lodge was called Feb. 15, 1866, at a small hall on Fairmount Avenue, since occupied by the Advent Society. Here the lodge held its meetings until the following winter, when a hall was leased and fitted up in the Music Hall building, corner of River Street and Hyde Park Avenue. The same was dedicated, and Hyde Park Lodge was constituted , by Grand Master Charles C. Dame and the officers of the Grand Lodge, Dec. 21, 1866. The charter members were 'fifteen in number. In September, 1869, the fraternity again folded their tents, and occupied apartments in the third story of the Gordon Hall build- ing, corner of River Street and Gordon Avenue. The building was purchased by the town the following year, and used and known as the Town Hall until its destruction by fire, March 8, 1; \V During this period of nearly fourteen years a Chapter, Coun- cil, and Commandery were organized, and the history of each of the several bodies was one of uninterrupted prosperity. By the fire the fraternity were suddenly ejected from the pleasant rooms which had so long been their home, and suffered a total loss of all their furniture and paraphernalia. By special author- ity from the Grand Master the meetings of Hyde Park Lodge were held for three months in the hall of Constellation Lodge, of Dedham, and more recently in Neponset Hall, until the com- pletion of spacious and convenient apartments in the new Masonic building on River Street. The new halls were occu- 49 pied by the lodge on the fifteenth of February, 1884, and are admirably arranged for Masonic purposes. The furniture in- cludes a fine organ, built by Messrs. Hook & Hastings. The lodge has now one hundred and forty-seven members, and includes many of the leading business men and officers of the town. Among the names which have appeared on its roll of membership are those of two venerable Masons, James Downing and Timothy Phelps, each of whom had served the old Constellation Lodge, of Dedham, as Worshipful Master. Mr. Downing was made a Mason in 1819; Mr. Phelps in 1821. Its first chaplain was Rev. Alvan H. Washburn, D. D., who at the time was rector of Christ Church. He was a man of prom- inence in the church, and his untimely death, Dec. 29, 1876, in a railroad disaster at Ashtabula, Ohio, sent a thrill of sorrow through the hearts of many who had known and loved him. Hyde Park Lodge has a charity fund of good proportions, and its philanthropic work has been constant and effective. One of its pleasant social features has been an annual entertain- ment on Washington's Birthday for the benefit of the wives and families of its members. Xorfolk Royal Arch Chapter commenced its existence May 18, 1870, under a dispensation from the Grand High Priest, Henry Chickering. The chapter was duly consecrated and constituted May 24, 1871. One member is a permanent mem- ber of the Grand Chapter of Massachusetts, Henry S. Bunton, who was elected Deputy Grand High Priest in 1883. Hyde Park Council of Royal and Select Masters was organ- ized under a dispensation from Charles H. Morris, Most Illustrious Grand Master, dated Oct. 1, 1872, and was chartered and constituted Oct. 6, 1873. Cyprus Commandery of Knights Templars and the appendant orders^ was organized under dispensation from Nicholas Van Slyck, Grand Commander, Oct. 31, 1873. The name was given in allusion to the island of Cyprus, which was the first asylum of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem after their expulsion from the Holy Land. Cyprus Commandery was constituted and dedicated Oct. 12, 1X74, by the Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode 50 Island, on which occasion Rev. George S. Noyes delivered an historical address. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. — On the twentieth of February, 1869, Levi F. Warren, Grand Master, assisted by the Board of Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. of Massachusetts, instituted Forest Lodge, No. 148, I. O. O. F. The ceremony of institution took place in Masonic Hall, which at that time was over the store now occupied by Putnam & Worden as a grocery store. For the first ten years of its existence, with an average membership of about fifty, the lodge continued to carry on the work and promulgate the principles of Odd Fellowship, but met with no success in acquiring members. During that period the lodge held its meetings in Bragg's Hall, in Masonic Hall, over what was then Gordon Hall, and finally in Pythian Hall, which is the one now occupied by them, and known as Odd Fellows Hall. During the latter part of the year 1879, under the guidance and through the efforts of D. D. G. M. Samuel Cochran, Odd Fellowship in Hyde Park made a decided move toward its present prosperous condition, and to-day the lodge numbers 181 members, and has a fund of some $4,500. During its existence the lodge has lost three of its charter members by death and four from other causes, so that but two, David Perkins and John R. Thompson, remain. The lodge has also lost, eleven of its active members by death. It has disbursed to the dependent relatives of its deceased members, and to members and their families, sick or in distress, upwards of $5,000. Its sick members are now paid five dollars per week for thirteen weeks, and two dollars per week for the remainder of the year, and each succeeding year the same, should sickness continue. The lodge furnishes watchers for the members in case of sickness, pays to the dependent relatives in case of death seventy-five dollars, and is considered by the members thereof, one of the most, if not the most benevolent organiza- tion existing in Hyde Park to-day. Monterey Encampment, No. 60. A charter was granted to fourteen Odd Fellows, who became charter members of Monterey Encampment, No. 60, I. O. O. F. This Encamp- ment was instituted on Feb. 25, 1887, by Francis E. Merriman, Grand Patriarch, and board of officers of the Grand Encamp- ment of Mass. It is allied to and assists the lodge in carry- ing out the principles of Odd Fellowship. Besides the charter members, eighty-six more were admitted on the evening of in- stitution, making one hundred members in all, which has been increased by ten since that time. The Encampment is in a prosperous condition, both financially and numerically, and is considered a success. Progressive Degree Lodge, No. 34, Daughters of Rebekah. The order has always been esteemed as a valuable auxiliary to the work of Odd Fellowship ; consisting as it does exclusively of Odd Fellows and their wives and daughters. Woman's work, or capabilities for certain work, excel in various forms those of men, and the world wide characteristics of this great order call forth in a marked degree the tender and practical sympathies of woman. The fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man is instinctively more in the nature of the one than in the other. The remaining societies and organizations will be found in the succeeding pages, so far as it has been able to obtain any data in regard to them. In many cases it has been found necessary to abridge the reports, but it is proposed to put the original manuscripts on file in the library of the Historical Society. Industries. — The following is a brief summary of some of the industries of Hyde Park : — R. Bleakie 6c Co.'s Woolkn-mills. — This industry grew out of what was originally the Hyde Park Woolen Co., organ- ized and incorporated in 1862. It was erected as a twelve-set mill, for the production of army goods, blankets, and flannels. The first blanket was woven July 13, 1863, by John Bleakie, father of two of the present owners. So successful was the mill that its capacity was increased to twenty-one sets of cards, employing about four hundred operatives. Early in the morning of June 9, 1N73, the mills took fire, and all but the bare walls of the main building, and the chimney, 52 was destroyed, involving a loss of some four hundred thousand dollars. The work of rebuilding was at once commenced, but on account of the financial panic and the depression in the woolen business further operations were discontinued. In the fall of 1878, work was again resumed, since which time the mill has been running to its full capacity, employing at the present time about 350 operatives. Cotton-mill at Readville. — This is one of the oldest manufacturing plants in the State. A portion of the present wooden building was erected in 18 14. It has been constantly in operation since that time, except for a period of about three years during the Civil War. It was carried on under the name of the Dedham Manufac- turing Co. up to 1867, then under the name of the Smithfield Manufacturing Co. up to April 24, 1879, when it was acquired by Messrs. B. B. & R. Knight, the present owners. The mill has been greatly enlarged at various times since 1864. In its early days, thirteen hours in summer and eleven in winter constituted a working day for its employees, and it produced prints as well as sheetings ; now its product is confined to the latter, and it furnishes employment for some 350 operatives. The late James Downing of this town was connected with this mill for forty-eight years. Readville takes its name from Mr. Read, a former owner. Brainard Milling Machine Co. — This company was or- ganized and incorporated in 1871. Its first board of officers were Thomas Wigglesworth, President ; Henry Pickering, Treasurer ; Amos H. Brainard, General Supt. and Manager. It had an es- tablished business at the start, having succeeded the Union Vise Co. of Boston, which began business with one man, Mr. A. H. Brainard. There were six members at the time of organization; the capital stock being $35,000, and about forty men employed. The products of the first year were valued at about $40,000. The capital stock remains unchanged ; about 70 men employed ; and the value of the products about $80,000 yearly. The com- pany has the same board of officers as at the time of organiza- tion. The works are situated on Business Street. 53 Paper Mills. — Tileston & Hollingsworth, owners. This in- dustry was established in 1801, by the ancestors of the gentle- men under whom it is now carried on. An interesting account of the original building is given in Clark's History of Dorches- ter, published in 1859. They employ at the present time about seventy-five people, and the value of their products in 1886 was $255,000. The capital employed in the business is S225,ooo. Boston Hlower Company. — This business was organized May 1, 1877, and incorporated June 1, 1880, in Boston, under the laws of this State,with a capital of $20,000, employing then about five men. Its first board of officers were W. S. Eaton, Jr., Presi- dent ; Francis Parsons, Treasurer ; and the same two with W. S. Eaton, Directors. The works were removed to Hyde Park in the summer of 1883, and established at their present location, corner of Glen wood Avenue and Business Street, where they employ from eighty to ninety hands. The capital stock is now $60,000, and the present board of officers, W. S. Eaton, Jr., President and Treasurer ; E. E. Gillette, Secretary ; the same two, with W. S. Eaton, Directors ; James McKay, Supt. Machinery Manufacturers, John T. Robinson & Co (J. R. Fairbanks). — This firm makes a specialty of the manufac- ture of" Paper Box Machinery," and employs from thirty-five to forty men. Their business was started in 1874, on West River Street, near B. & P. R. R. bridge ; but the firm have recently erected and entered into occupancy of a neat brick shop, located at the southerly junction of West River and Business Street. The building adds to the attraction of that part of the town. John John-ton's Carriage Manufactory. — This busi- ness was begun by Mr. Johnston in 1866. in a small way, but one workman being then employed ; the product of the busi- ness the first year being about $1,500. At the present time, an average of fifteen men are employed, and the annual value of the products about $20,000. The place of business has always been at its present site on West River Street, near Boston & Providence Railroad bridge. R. L. Frami ton's Morocco Works — Mr. Frampton be- gun this business in Boston in 1870, on a capital of about 54 $4,ooo. His factory there being burned in 1885, ne then transferred his business to its present location in Hyde Park. At that time forty-five men were employed, which number is now increased to fifty. The capital now employed in the busi- ness is $25,000, and the value of its products, $125,000. Hood & Reynolds, Dental Manufactory. — This industry originally had its works in Boston, but in July, 1884, removed them to their present site in Hyde Park, still retaining their head- quarters in Boston. The capital stock employed in Hyde Park branch for then and now being $5,000. Number of hands em- ployed, twelve. Total value of products for 1885 and 1887, $12,000 each. These figures are for business done at Hyde Park alone. Clement B. Tower & Co., Plymouth Rock Gelatine. — This is a new enterprise, having begun business in January of the present year, employing one man. The Hyde Park Water Co. was organized and incorpo- rated in 1884, the board of officers at the time of organization and at the present time being as follows : — Directors ; Robert Bleakie, President ; Benj. F. Radford, Wm. J. Stuart, Waldo F. Ward, Andrew Washburn, John S. Bleakie, David Perkins ; Clerk and Treasurer, C. F. Allen ; Superintendent, Albert S. Adams. The company has 22.35 miles of mains, the number of water takers at the present time being 1,005. The Hyde Park Savings Bank was organized April 20, 1 87 1, and incorporated March 8, 1871. The first board of officers were as follows : — Charles F. Gerry, President ; Henry S. Bunton, Treasurer ; Board of Investment ; Charles F. Gerry, Martin L. Whitcher, Benj. F. Leach, Ezra G. Perkins, Henry Blasdale. The following named have been presiding officers : — Charles F. Gerry, Henry Grew, Isaac J. Brown, Robert Bleakie. Pres- ent board of officers : Robert Bleakie, President ; Henry S. Bunton, Treasurer ; Board of Investment; Robt. Bleakie, Wm. J. Stuart, David Perkins, Benj. F. Radford, Sidney C. Putman. The amount of deposits received during first year, $i5,593- 2 9> deposits received during last year, $139,913.52; amount of deposits at the present time, $232,207.94. 55 The bank was opened for the reception of deposits in the selectmen's room, town hall, June 17, 1871. On the first of September following, rooms were occupied in Neponset Block, where the business of the bank was transacted until that building was destroyed by fire, May 5, 1874. Tem- porary quarters were then provided in the town offices, Everett Block. The Bank Building was erected in 1875, and the rooms in the same, which are now used, were leased from and after Jan. 1, 1876. The bank shared in the embarrassments to which the major- ity of Massachusetts savings banks were subjected, as the GREW SCHOOL. (From photograph by W. H. Barritt. > result of protracted business stagnation and depression. For two years, in common with many others, it was placed by the State Commissioners under the restrictions of the " Stay Law." By this means one of our most useful local institutions was preserved, although at the date of resumption, June 15, 1880, the amount of the deposits had dwindled to about thirty thou- sand dollars. Since that time, under wise and conservative management, the Hyde Park Savings Bank has prospered, and has received a full measure of the confidence and patronag the citizens of the town. 56 The Hyde Park Co-operative Bank was organized March 17, 1886 ; receiving its charter March 26, 1886, the bank began business May 5, 1886. Amount of authorized capital, $1,000,000. First board of officers being as follows : — Andrew Washburn, President ; Robert W. Karnan, Vice- President ; John Mackrille,- Treasurer; Thomas E. Faunce, Secre- tary ; Charles F. Jenney, Attorney ; also a board of directors and three auditors. First annual report : — Number of members, 81 ; shares, 397; capital, $3,756; loans on real estate $3,400. Present board of officers : — Andrew Washburn, President ; Richard M. Johnson, Vice-President; Thomas E. Faunce, Secre- tary and Treasurer. Members at the present time, 148; capital, Si 1,384.87; loans on real estate, $9,550.00. Hyde Park Associates. — This is a private association organized Jan. 1, 1887, having for its object both pecuniary and social purposes. Its members are assessed regularly each month, and the proceeds thereof invested in real estate in Hyde Park, with a view to the benefit of the town as well as the members. Hyde Park Band. — The Hyde Park Band was organized July 4, 1869, under the leadership of Mr. H. G. O. Sears, hold- ing its first meetings in the small hall of Hamblin's Block, on Walnut Street. Their place of meeting has been changed from time to time, now occupying rooms in Plummer's building on Central Park Avenue. The band has had numerous leaders, among whom may be mentioned Messrs. E. S. Churchill, Charles H. Blair, and Henry F. Arnold, the latter being the present leader. Of the organizers Wm. U. Fairbairn, Benjamin E. Phillips, and Henry F. Arnold are the only ones now resident in Hyde Park. Norfolk County Gazette, Samuel R. Moseley, editor. — On Feb. 26, 1870, the Dedham Gazette, established in Dedham in 18 1 3, and the Hyde Park Journal, established in Hyde Park in 1868, were united under the name of the Xorfolk County 57 Gazette, Hildreth & Getchell, editors, and the place of publica- tion fixed at Hyde Park. A few years later Mr. Hildreth re- tired, and Getchell and Moseley carried on the paper until Jan. 13, 1877, when Mr. Getchell was succeeded by Mr. Moseley, the present editor and proprietor. It is the oldest paper in the country, and has numbered among its contributors many of the most eminent men in this section of the State. Hyde Park Times, H. L. Johnson, editor. — This paper issued its first number June 9, 1883, with E. S. Hathaway, editor. It soon passed into the hands of Hunt & Chamber- lain, and again into those of Herbert E. Hunt. Subsequently Asa W. Chamberlain edited the paper for a short time. In the fall of 1886, J. S. Browning purchased the paper. In July, 1887, tne paper again changed hands, being purchased by H. L. Johnson, under whose management it still remains. It is at present quartered in the Y. M. C. A. Building. Reveille. — This paper is published to promote the cause of temperance. The first series was issued January, 1887. Second series, December, 1887. R. C. Habberley, editor and publisher. Association Review. — This paper was started for the pur- pose of helping the work of the Y. M. C. A., and keeping be- fore the public and the members the work being done and what they desire to do. First publication, Dec. 1, 1887. W. F. Mitchell, business manager ; E. A. Pierce, editor. Among the other industries and manufactories may be men- tioned, American Tool and Machine Company ; Glover & Wil- comb's curled hair factory ; John Scott, wool scouring ; Kenyon's chemical works ; Readville Rubber Company ; R. H. Gray & Co., shoddy ; S. Z. Leslie & Co.'s Novelty Wood Works ; J. N. Bullard, grist mill ; People's Ice Co., C. E. Davenport & Co., and John W. Smith, ice cutters and dealers ; C. L. Farnsworth's bakery ; Isaac Bullard's pianoforte manu- factory, and others, concerning which particulars have not been received in time for this publication. 58 As has been previously mentioned, about two hundred acres, or one-fourteenth of the area of the town, is embraced in streets ; of these some twenty-five miles of highways have been accepted and are under the care and supervision of the surveyors ; the remainder are private ways. No street less than forty feet in width is accepted. In 1884 the selectmen began the system of grading the streets, and laying sidewalks, and for the past two years the sum of $20,000 each year has been appropriated for the purpose of carrying forward permanent improvements. During the past winter, after a long and trying contest, the town has been pro- vided with seventy-five electric lights, with a good prospect of soon increasing this number to one hundred. The subject of horse-railroads is just now agitating the public mind, there be- ing petitions from two companies awaiting the action of our town officers. Thanks to the Centennial-tree planting, our avenues are be- ginning to be well shaded by thrifty forest trees. They are for the most part thickly studded with residences, which, being of so recent construction, are all of modern style, are kept in re- markably good repair, and present a very attractive appearance. They are the homes of hundreds whose daily avocations are pur- sued in the adjacent city of Boston. The two lines of railway, furnishing in the aggregate forty- five trains each way, to and from the city, provide every facility for this manner of living, and being through lines, the conven- ience of access to any desired point is unsurpassed. The ama- teur culture of pears and grapes is almost universal, and quite successful. The principal other buildings of a q?/asi-pub\ic character are the Bank Building, owned by A. H. Holvvay ; Neponset Block, owned by I. J. Brown, both on Everett Square ; Masonic Hall Block, owned by J. S. Conant, and Everett Block, owned by the East Boston Savings Bank, both on River Street, the latter now containing the town offices. Oct. 29, 1868, the Everett House, a pretty and comfortable building, standing on the corner of the square, was opened to the public as a hotel. During the twelve years it was kept open it served as the temporary home 59 of many families now domiciled in homes of their own in the town, and the recollections of their sojourn there are doubtless fraught with pleasant memories. The Willard House, on Gordon Avenue, was first opened Jan. 22, 1873. It is now called the Lincoln House, and about two years ago was remod- elled and let in apartments. We have purposely avoided the ungrateful task of selecting from among our contemporaries names of citizens for special mention or honor. Where particular reference has been made to individuals, it has been in consequence of their connection with events which fell within the scope of this sketch. Hyde Park contains at least its fair proportion of men and women whose abilities and achievements will leave an indelible mark after them, but it will devolve upon some future historian to commemorate them. Hyde Park has now passed through the somewhat boisterous, turbulent, and doubtful period of adolescence, and stands upon the threshold of a long life of promise and vigor. Favored in its location, strong in its resources, proud of its institutions ami its people, it looks to the future with hope and confidence. 6o THE HERMIT AT WORK — INTERIOR VIEW OF HIS HUT. (Cut loaned by Mr. S. R. Moseley.) James Gatly, the Hermit of Hyde Park, was born in Cheshire, England, in 1810, of reported wealthy parents; in early life he developed a great liking for the study of ornithol- ogy, and became a skilful taxidermist. He finally decided to come to America, much against the wishes of all friends, and after various trying experiences, finally settled in Grew's Woods, where he built a hut and spent his time in preparing a large collection of birds, beasts, and reptiles. He died February 2, 1875, sixty-five years of age, and his collection was sold to many local and distant purchasers. TOWN STATISTICS. First Board ok Town Officers in 1S68. — Selectmen and Surveyors of Highways, Overseers of Poor and Assessors — Henry Grew, Zenas Allen, Wil- liam J. Stuart, Martin L. Whitcher, Benjamin F. Radford; Town Clerk — Charles W. Turner ; Treasurer — Henry S. Adams; Auditors — Henry C. Adams, Enoch P. Davis, Cotton C. Bradbury; School Committee — Perley B. Davis, N. T. Whittaker, Amos Webster, W. H. S. Ventres, W. H. Collins, William A. Bullard ; Collector — H. A. Rich; Constables — Henry C. Adams, S. S. Bunker, Henry A. Rich, Nathaniel Ilibbard, James L. Vialle ; Pound Keeper — Henry A. Rich ; Field Drivers '—John Bennet, Geo. W. Noyes, Chas. E. Bunker; Fire Wards — Fergus A. Easton, Geo. B. Parrott, Enoch P. Davis. Board of Town Officers for 18S7. — Selectmen and Surveyors of High- ways — James D. McAvoy, D. \V. C. Rogers, Melville P. Morrell ; Assessors — George Sanford, Henry F. Arnold, George W. Chapman; Board of Health — George F. Downes, Willard O. Hurd, Edward H. Baxier; Overseers of the Poor — Joel F. Goodwin, John Terry, Charles Lewis; Town Clerk — Henry 1>. Terry; Town Treasurer — Henry S. Bunton ; Collector — George Sanford; School Committee — Charles G. Chick, Andrew Washburn, Edmund Davis, James E. Cotter, Benjamin C. Vose, George M. Fellows; Sinking Fund Commiss — Henry Blasdale, William J. Stuart, Henrv Grew; Auditors — Asa J. Adams, Wallace D. Lovell, John H. Russell; Trustees of the Public Library — David C. Marr, G. Fred Gridley, Henry B. Miner, Charles F. Jenney, Charles C. Hayes, Edmund Davis, Amos II . Brainard, Galen L. Stone, Frank B. Rich ; Constables — George Sanford, William F. Curtis, Charles E. Jenney, Charles Jacobs, Patrick J. Donlan, Benjamin Fogg, Cyrus Gorman, Daniel O'Connell, John R. Bond ; Sealer of Weights and Measures — David M. Hodsdon ; Fire Department — Rinaldo Williams, Robert Scott, Jr., John H. McKenna. Selectmen and Surveyors of Highways from 186S to 1S88. — Henry Grew, William J. Stuart, Benjamin F. Radford, Zenas Allen, Martin 1.. Whitcher, David L. Davis, Alpheus P. lilake, Geo. E. Sherman, Rinaldo Williams, J. Ellerv Piper, Gamaliel Hodges, E.G. Perkins, J. D. McAvoy, Nathaniel Shepard, L.J. Bird, Francis B iyd, Edwin R. Walker, George Sanford, Charles I,. Farnsworth, Amos II. Brainard, D. W. ('. Rogers, David Perkins, Charles II. Colby, Stephen P. Balkan), Henry C. Stark, Waldo F. Ward, Samuel Cochrane, Isaac Bullard, John II. Tuckerman, Hobart M. Cable, M. P. Morrell. School Committee from (868 to t888. — Rev. Perley B. Davis, Rev. N. T. Whittaker, Rev. W. II. S. Ventres, Rev. W. H. Collins, Rev. \mos Webster, William A. Milliard, Benjamin C. Vose, W. S. Everett, M. I >., II. R. Chenev, ( ». T. Cray, M. 1,. Whittaker, W. II. 11. Andrews, Tohn D. Sherman, Richard L. Cay, Theodore D. Weld, Hobart M. Cable, Rev. Robert Scott, R. W. Ilusted, Rev. William J. Cochran, E. M. Lancaster, Waldo F. Ward, II. C. Chamberlain, Rev. Francis C. Williams, Andrew Washburn, Edmund Davis, Henrv Hyde Smith, Charles G. Chick, E. I. Humphrey, Henrv S. Bunton, Edwin R. Walker, Ceorge M. Fellows, R. M. Johnson, Rev. John T. Magrath, James E. Cotter. Trustees of Public Library from 187^ ro 1888. — C. W. w. Wellington, W.J.Cochran, F. S. Hathaway, Francis C. Williams, E. M. Lancaster, Gordon 62 H. Nott, P. B. Davis, T. D. Weld, I. H. Gilbert, E. C. Aldrich, Hamilton A. Hill, Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., C. C. Hayes, G. Fred Gridley, Edmund Davis,' Amos H. Brainard, Henry B. Miner, Hobart M. Cable, Charles F. Jenney, Galen L. Stone, David C. Marr, Frank B. Rich. Town Clerks from 1868 to 1888. — Charles W. Turner (one year), Henry C. Adams (one year), Henry B. Terry (18 years). Treasurers from 1868 to 1888. — Henry S. Adams (5 years), David D. Rand- lett and E. S. Hathaway (one year), B. C. Vose (one year), Henry S. Bunton (13 years). Collectors from 1868 to 1888. — Henry A. Rich (9 years), Joseph B Quimby (5 years), George Sanford (6 years). Representatives to General Court from 1S77 to 1888. — Charles F. Gerry, William J. Stuart, Hobart M. Cable, Samuel R. Mosely, Charles F. Jenney, Ferdinand A. Wyman. Vote "on License " in the town of Hyde Park since the present "License Law " went into effect, from 18S2 to 1888. Year. Yes. No. Total. Year. Yes. No. Total. 1882 1883 1884 315 279 308 269 518 520 584 794 828 1885 1886 1887 298 540 171 358 234 584 S38 5 2 9 818 STATISTICS FOR THE FIRST TWENTY YEARS OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. .2 « 0, Valuation. % a v M 5 Births. Deaths. > 1 in 5 § § 2 H 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1865 1886 1887 4.136 5.006 6,158 6,750 6,054 6,316 5,862 5,879 5,867 6,475 6,915 7>3ii 7,584 8,047 8,192 S, 3 .2 8,463 8,919 $2,913,657.00 3,7i4.478.oo 4,857,214.00 5,955,925-0° 7»329,527-°° 7,509>8i 500 7,069, 323 00 6,942,284.00 6,545>767-oo 5,707,632.00 4,674,871.00 4,180,106 00 4,123,490.00 4,378,1 16.00 4-597.77I-00 4,855,402.00 5,059,61300 5,202,085.00 5,627,688.00 5,969,004.00 460 544 805 1,087 1,121 1,160 1,184 1,189 •,194 1,198 1,198 1,203 1,204 1,220 1,240 1,296 1,327 1,468 1,512 6.5 820 970 1, "54 i,344 1.392 1,302 i,436 i,358 i,39 2 1,252 i,524 1,527 1,628 1,569 ',775 ',857 1,800 1,896 1,876 45 46 87 102 94 93 84 106 78 87 93 87 79 113 114 102 104 in 84 •25 6, 45 87 no 114 9 1 60 96 86 79 So 90 99 107 92 S3 92 100 >'3 10S 1 06 9' ■74 212 208 184 ,44 202 164 166 173 177 178 220 206 190 196 211 197 233 20 35 45 57 53 69 50 60 39 44 34 59 59 62 62 70 73 69 86 96 '7 26 43 52 55 81 54 63 61 47 44 52 44 67 59 71 49 68 64 65 13 31 34 43 53 51 76 72 76 41 41 59 63 65 59 72 61 63 81 78 30 57 77 95 108 132 •30 136 "37 88 S5 11 1 107 '32 118 143 no 131 145 143 Totals, 1,834 1 ',798 3,632 1,142 1,082 1, '3 2 2,215 Area of the Town. —Area in 1868, 2,800 acres ; area in 1887, taking out highways and non-assessable property, 2,406 acres. ORGANIZATIONS. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. First Baptist Church. — Organized Sept. 23, 185S. First officers — L. B. Hana- ford, Clerk; George Pierce, Treas. ; L. B. Hanaford, Franklin Stone, David Higgins, Com. Present officers — Rev. H. W. Tilden, Pastor; O. P. Home, C. II. Tucker, F. H. Dean, David Bentley, A. MacGregor, Deacons ; A. MacGregor, Clerk; O. P. Home, Treas.; Pastors — Revs. G. R. Darrow, C. A. Skinner, W. II. S. Ventres, I. H. Gilbert, D. C. Eddy, D. D., Gorham Easterbrook, H. W. Tilden. Number of members April 22, 186S, 123; present membership, 36S. Amount contributed for missions 186S-87, $2,575. Society of the First Baptist Church. — Organized Oct. 18, 1861. Incorporated Oct. 29, 1861. First officers — L. B. Hanaford, Geo. W. Noyes, Benj. J. Bartlett, Ex. Com.; Amos Webster, Treas.; Chas. F. Gerry, Clerk. Present officers — Chas. H. Tucker, Ira Stockwell, John W. Jigger, Wm. H. Barritt, A. MacGregor, Ex. Com.; G. Walter Bass, Treas.; Frank H. Wheeler, Clerk. Sunday School.— Organized Sept. 26, 1858. First officers — J". M. Williams, Supt.; H. G. Smith, Asst. Supt.; L. B. Hanaford, Sec. and Treas.; James Lawson, Lib. Present officers— Ira Stockwell, Supt; John W. Jigger, Asst. Supt.; Irving C. Webster, Sec. ; Chas. H. Tucker, Treas. ; Wm. H. Home, Lib. ; Past Super- intendents —J. M. Williams, L. B. Hanaford, C. F. Gerry, T. C. Evans, B. Sears, T. H. Videto, B. II. Brooks, Ira Stockwell. Number of members at organization, 25 ; present membership, 41 1. Ladies'' Social Circle. — Organized May 20, 1859. First officers — Mrs. Franklin Stone, Pres. ; Mrs. Geo. Pierce, V.-Pres. ; Mrs. Elmon Benton, Sec. Present officers — Mrs. H. W. Tilden, Pres.; Mrs. David Bentley, V.-Pres.; Miss J. M. Stone, Sec. and Treas. ; Mrs. Frank Holbrook, Asst. Sec. and Treas. Past Presi- dents — Mrs. Franklin Stone, Mrs. Amos Webster, Mrs. Albert Snow, Mrs. W. I > Mitchell, Mrs. M. H. Howes, Mrs. H. H. Gould, Mrs. J. F. Goodwin, Mrs. E. D. Swallow, Mrs. B. H. Brooks. Number of members at organization, 15; present membership, 50. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. — Organized Dec. 27, 187 1. First officers — Mrs. I. H. Gilbert, Pres.; Mrs. O. A. Smith, V.-Pres.; Mrs. E. M. Lancaster, Sec. and Treas. Present officers — Mrs. A. Webster, Pres.; Mrs. O. P. Home, V.-Pres.; Mrs. D. Bentley, Sec. and Treas. Number of members at organization, 14; present membership, 30. Amount of missionary contributions, $465.08. Branch of the Woman 's American Baptist Home Missionary Society. — Organized Nov. 21, 1882. First officers— Mrs. S. R. II. Giles, Pres.; Mrs. M. L. Gould, V.-Pres.; Mrs. F. H. Dean, Sec. and Treas. Present officers — Mrs. S. R. II. Giles, Pres,; Mrs. M. L. Gould, V.-Pres.; Mrs. A. MacGregor, Sec. and Treas. Number of members at organization, 17 ; present membership, 3S. Total mis- sionary contributions, $212. Cheerful Workers. — Organized November, 1878. First officers — Mrs. Amos Webster, Pres.; Miss Abbie Wiggin, V.-Pres.; Miss Florence Webster, Sec; Miss Grace Home, Treas. Present officers — Miss S. L. Miner, Pres.; Miss Nellie Brown, V.-Pres.; Miss Susie Waldron, Sec; Miss Annie Guy, Treas. Past Presidents — Mrs. Webster, Mrs. E. M. Lancaster, Miss Elma Stone. Number of members at organization, 8 ; present membership, 32. Total missionary con- tributions, $2C0. 63 6 4 Young People's Social Union. — Organized, Feb. 18, 1885. First officers — C. H. Tucker, Pres. ; Irving Webster, V.-Pres. ; Emma Colby, Sec; W. L. Adams, Treas. Present officers: Wm. Home, Pres.; Glover, V.-Pres.; Gertrude Draper, Sec. ; Lillie Gould, Treas. Number of members at organization, 31 ; present membership, 48. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Parish of Christ Church, Episcopal. — Organized Nov. 8, i860. First officers — Amos H. Brainard, Gordon H. Nott, Wardens ; Levi Bickford, Jairus Pratt, Samuel Fennel!, W. H. Hoogs, Vestrymen; Samuel A. Bradbury, Treas. ; J. M. R. Story, Clerk. Present officers — Samuel N. Piper, Samuel A. Foster, Wardens ; R. H. Vivian, A. J. Adams, George L. Ridley, James B. Bird, M. W. Brown. Vestrymen; A.J. Adams, Treas.; George L. Ridley, Clerk. Rectors — Revs. A. H. Washburn, Wm. H. Collins, J. W. Birchmore, Robt. Scott, R. B. Van Kleeck, D. D., F. H. T. Horsfield, E. A. Rand, J. T. Magrath, H. L. C. Braddon. Number of members at organization, 64 ; present membership, 135. Contributions to missions, 186S to 1SS7 inclusive, $2,691.94. Sunday School. — Present officers — Rev. H. L. C. Braddon, Rector ; Thos. Wilson, Supt. ; Walter P. Piper, Lib.; Robert C. Sears, Asst. Lib.; George L. Ridley, Or. and Treas. Membership in 1S6S, 107 ; present membership, 127. St. Andrew's Brotherhood. — Organized March 19, 18S7. First officers — Rev. J. T. Magrath, Pres. ; Chas. P. Foote, V.-Pres.; H. B. Humphrey, Sec. ; Maybin W. Brown, Treas. Present officers — Rev. H. L. C. Braddon, Pres. ; Samuel A. Fos- ster, V.-Pres. ; H. B. Humphrey, Sec. ; Maybin W. Brown, Treas. Number of members at organization, 11 ; present membership, 41. St. Margaret's Chapter. — Organized Sept. 29, 18S7. Officers — Rev. H. L. C. Braddon, Pres. ; Marion Brainard, 1st V.-Pres. ; Mrs. H. L. C. Braddon, 2d V.-Pres. ; Fannie Bird, Sec. ; Mrs. G. L. Ridlev, Treas. Number of members at organization, 25 ; present membership, 24. The object of this society is the charge of the interior of the church, care of the altar linen, furnishings, etc., and any other work which the rector may suggest or approve. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. First Congregational Church. — Organized May 7, 1S63. First officers — Sylves- ter Phelps, Thomas Hammond, Deacons ; Enoch E. Blake, Clerk. Present offi- cers — Rev. P. B. Davis, Pastor; Enoch E. Blake, J. Ellery Piper, Edward W. Cross, Henry D. Noyes, Joseph D. Ellis, Frederick D. Freeman, Deacons ; Dr. Chas. Sturtevant, Clerk ; E. S. Hathaway, S. S. Supt. Rev. Perley B. Davis has been the only pastor. Number of members April 22, 1S6S, 64 ; present member- ship, 531. Hyde Park Congregational Society. — Incorporated (under general laws) Nov. 7, 1865. First officers — Thomas W. Barrel!, Clerk; E. E. Blake, Treas.; Dr. Horatio Leseur, Thomas Hammond, Henrv S. Adams, D. J. Goss, and J. L. Butman, Pru. Com. Present officers — Dr. I. K. Knight, Clerk; Fred. N. Tirrell, Treas.; Chas. P. Vaughan, Col. ; L. B. Bidwell, H. D. Noyes, E. S. Hathaway, A. C. Kollock, and Thomas Chamberlam, Pru. Com. Assets at organization o, at present time, $29,500 net. Sunaay School. — Organized March 27, 1861. First Supt. Besture B. Haskell. Present officers — E. S. Hathaway, Supt. ; J. D. Ellis, C. F. Fiske, Asst. Supts. ; C. F. Holt, Sec. and Treas. ; Joseph Willett, Aud.; E. J. Ellis, R. J. Ellis, C. P. Vaughan, C. B. Tower, Libs. Past Superintendents — B. B. Haskell, E. E. Blake, Albert Knight, Thos. Hammond, Henry S. Adams, Thos. W. Barrell, Timothv l Foster, C. W. Turner, Jas. S. Tileston, E S. Hathaway, H. D. Noyes, J. Langdon Curtis. Number of members at organization, 12; present member- ship, 600. Auxiliary to the Woman's Board of Missions. — Organized Feb., 1872. First officers — Mrs. Mary. F. Davis, Pres.; Mrs. Margaret B. Howard, Sec; Mrs. Emily F. Sturtevant, Treas. Present officers — Mrs. Henry D. Noyes, Pres. ; Mrs. 65 Henry S. Bunton, Sec and Treas. ; Past President — Mrs. Mary F. Davis, from 1872-1S85. Number 0/ members at organization, 36; present membership, 66. The amount raised by this society since its organization, and paid over to the Woman's Board towards the support of schools and Bible women in foreign lands, is $1,286.16. Maternal Association. — Organized Dec. 3, 1879. First officers — Mrs. Thos. Chamberlain, Pres.; Mrs. C. K. Sanger, V.-Pres.; Mrs. C. F. Holt, Sec. and Treas. Present officers — Mrs. J. P. Higgins, Pres.; Mrs. J. L. Curtis, V.-Pres.; Mrs. E. C. Farwell, Sec. and Treas. ; Mrs. F. D. Freeman, Lib. Past Presidents — Mrs. Thos. Chamberlain, Mrs. P. B. Davis, Mrs. E. O. Taylor, Mrs. G. II. Butler, Mrs. J. P. Higgins. Number of members at organization, 14 ; present member- ship, 41. Woman's Home Missionary Union (Ladies' Sewing Society). — Organized April 28, 1864. First officers —"Mrs. J. J. Raynes, Pres.; Mrs. E. E. Blake, V.-Pres.; Miss II. W. Hammond, Sec. and Treas. Present officers — Mrs. C. L. Greene, Pres.; Mrs. D. J. Goss, V.-Pres.; Miss Lelia Caffin, 2d V.-Pres.; Mrs. C. P. Vaughan, Sec; Mrs. 1 >. \V. Lewis, Treas. Number of members April 22, [86S, 40; present membership, 50. Young Ladies'" Aid Society. — Organized Sept, 1882. First officers — Margaret W. Stockbridge, Pres.; Lizzie U. Emerson, V.-Pres. ; Carrie S. Capron, Sec. Last officers — Ella E. Goss, Pres.; Mrs. L. H. Mclntire, V.-Pres.; Mary L. Blackwell, Sec. This was a very active organization, which, during its existence, donated to the church the large, colored front window, representing St. Paul and the flood Shepherd; distributed over $700 in charitable ways, and helped many needy families. Yoitn« People's Society of Christian Endeavor. — Organized Dec. 16, 1S84. First officers— Dr. J. K. Knight, Pres.; Geo. E. Doty, V.-Pres.; Miss II. C. Chamber- lain, Sec; E. W. Lewis, Treas. Present officers — Ralph J. Ellis, Pres.; Miss M. B. Caffin, V.-Pres.; Miss Lucia Alger, Sec; Miss G. E. Holt. Treas. Fast Presidents — Dr. J. K. Knight, Joseph D. Ellis, Henry R. Stone, Fred W. Brown, Chas. E. Hathaway. Present membership, 72. Heart and Hand Society (Juvenile). — Organized Dec. I, 1877. Officers — Miss Annie J. Walker, Sec; Miss Crace Robinson, Treas. Number of members at organization, 43 regular ; 22 honorary. The society was disbanded in 1884, and during the seven years of its existence distributed to missions $933.23. The missionary work, home and foreign, has been assisted every year from 1877 ( with one exception) by juvenile effort, but under different organizations.. Iren's Missionary Society- Organized in 1SS6. First President — Mrs. P. B.Davis; Present President — Mrs. Wm. Wood. Present membership, 45. Dis- tributed to missions during past year, $100. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. First Methodist Episcopal Church. — Organized Feb. 10, 1867. First officers — N. T. Whitaker, Pastor; Martin L. Whicher, John Terry, David C. Bancroft, Byley Lyford, Charles I). Hubbard, Stewards. Present officers — form Terry, H. B. Terry, W. II. Xorris, A. If. Ilolway, C. Haley, A. R. Whittier; George L. Stocking, A. E. Bradley, Trustees; C. A. House, George E. Haven, N. F. Berry, G. IF Peare, W. IF Xorris, P. Merritt, E. L. Jennings, E. S. Xorris. F. Buss, Stewards. Pastors — Revs. X. T. Whittaker, Geo. Prentice, E. S. Best, I A. Manning, G. W. Mansfield, J. S. Whedon, IF J. Fox, D. !>.. W. X. Richardson, Jesse Wagner, Frederick Woods, I). D., W. T. Worth. X r umber of members April 22, 1S6S, 53 ; present membership, 305. Sunday School. — Organized June 28, 1857. First officers — Daniel Warren, Supt. ; Ira Benton, Chor. ; L. H. I lanaford, Lib. Present officers — C. A. House, Supt. ; Geo. F. Haven, tst Asst.; Mrs. A. IF Ifolwav, 2d Asst ; C. B. Peare, Sec; II. E. Morrill, Treas.; Miss M. Blake, Asst. Treas.; C. S. Xorris, Lib.; I-". W. Howard. John Hurst, Assts. Past Superintendents — Daniel Warren, John Mcllroy, M. F Whicher. T. E. Bowman, S. IF Hatch, R. W. Husted, IF F. Howard, J. P. Higgins, Geo. E. Haven. Number of members April 22, 186S, 125; 66 present membership, 439. This Sunday school was the pioneer in Hyde Park. For years it met at the house of Daniel Warren, and was known as the " Warren Fairmount Sunday school." Ladies' Social Circle. — Organized July 1, 1869. First officers — Mrs. B. F. Radford, Pres. ; Mrs. E. M. Swift, V.-Pres. ; C. D. Hubbard, Treas. ; Mrs. G. W. Hubbard, Sec. Present officers — Mrs. Lovell, Pres.; Mrs. H Terry and Mrs. Mclntire, V.-Pres. ; Mrs. G. E. Haven, Sec. and Treas. Number of members at organization, 28 ; present membership, 45. Besides other charitable work, have raised nearly $4,oco toward church debt. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. — Organized Sept. n, 1879. First offi- cers — Mrs. Alderman, Pres; Mrs. Richardson, V.-Pres.; Ella F. Norris, Rec. Sec; Mrs. Higgins, Cor. Sec. ; Mrs. Radford, Treas. Present officers — Mrs. Woods, Pres. ; Mrs. Radford, V.-Pres. : Mrs. House, Cor. Sec. and Treas. ; Mrs. S. J. Hill, Rec. Sec. Number of members at organization, 48 ; present member- bership, 50. The sum of $550 has been raised for this work; a girl in Pekin, China, is supported in school, and a sum raised to assist in endowing an illustrated paper for women of India. Woman's Home Missionary Society. — Organized May 5, 1887. Present officers — Mrs. J. Hill, Pres. ; Mrs. R. Mclntire, Mrs. J. Terry and Mrs. J. Caller, V.-Pres.; Mrs. P. Merritt, Rec. Sec; Mrs. Coleworthy, Cor. Sec; Mrs. W. H. Sayer, Treas. Number of members at organization, 21 ; present membership, 35. Mis- sionary contributions, $160 ; one barrel clothing, 40 subscribers to Woman's Home Missions. Young People's Society. — Organized Nov. 2, 1885. First officers — C. S. Nor- ris, Pres. ; Annie Clark, V.-Pres.; Lizzie Husted, Sec ; Ed. Jenney, Treas. Pres- ent officers — C. S. Norris, Pres.; A. D. Wheeler, V.-Pres. ; Emily Woods, Sec. ; W. E. Norris, Treas. Present membership, 102. Mission Band. — Organized 1S83. First officers — Ella Stocking, Pres. ; Emma Cochrane and May Allen, V.-Pres. ; Alice Blake, Rec. Sec. ; Helen Cole, Cor. Sec. ; Sadie Holway, Treas. Present officers — Mrs. Winward, Pres.; Sadie Lincoln, V.-Pres. ; Emily Woods, Sec and Treas. Present membership, 20. Contribu- tions, $109.50. UNITARIAN CHURCH. First Unitarian Society- — Organized June 1, 1867. Incorporated under the general laws June 3, 1S68. First officers — Theodore D. Weld, Pres. ; A. P. Blake, V.-Pres.; Benj. C. Vose, Clerk; David D. Ranlett, Treas. Present officers — Theodore D. Weld, Pres. ; F. W. Tewksbury, V.-Pres. ; Benj. C. Vose, Clerk ; Frank W. Darling, Treas. Pasters — Revs. T. B. Forbush, Wm. Hamilton, Francis C. Williams, A. Judson Rich, and James Huxtable. Theodore D. Weld has served as President from the organization ; Benj. C. Vose as Clerk, Treasurer, or Vice-President ; and F. W. Tewksbury nine years as Vice-President. Number of members at organization, 28 ; present membership, 105. Sunday Sr/iool. — No record of organization. First officers — B. C. Vose, Supt. ; Sarah M. Vose, Treas.; Horace Sumner, Lib. Present officers — Rev. James Huxtable, Pastor; Walter C. Bryant, Supt.; Wm. R. Hall, Asst. Supt. ; Sarah M. Vose, Treas. ; Fred. II. Bryant, Lib. Present membership, 150. Ladies' Social and Benevolent Society.— Organized Sept. 24, 1S74. First officers- Mrs. F. C. Williams, Pres. ; Miss S. M. Vose, Sec. Present officers — Mrs. F. W. Tewksbury, Pres. ; Mrs. P. H. Alexander, Sec. Number of members at organiza- tion, 46; present membership, 58. Unity Club. — Organized Oct. 24. 1884. First officers — Rev. James Huxtable, Pres. ; P. H. Alexander, V.-Pres. ; Miss Abbie S. Teele, Sec. ; A. B. H. Chapin, Treas. Present officers — Fred. R. Hill, Pres.; C. K. Gumey, V.-Pres.; Miss Hattie F. Packard, Sec. ; Frank G. Head, Treas. Past Presidents — Rev. James Huxtable, P. H. Alexander, R. W. Karnan. Number of members at organization, 23; present membership, over 50. The object of the club is to promote social intercourse among its members, by literary, musical, and other entertainments, and to promote the interests of the First Unitarian Society. 67 UNION EVANGELICAL CHURCH. Union Evangelical Church. — Organized April 26, 1872. First officers — J. N. Stevens, Clerk; Mrs. Mary Mathewson, Treas. Present officers — J. N. Tilton, Clerk; S. T. Case, Treas.; J. N. Tilton and S. T. Case, Deacons. Pastors — Revs. Wm. F. Davis and J. B. Davis ; supplied by students for the past ten years. Number of members at organization, 5 ; present membership, 23. Union Evangelical Religious Society. — Organized Aug. 27, 1870. First officers — J. N. Stevens, Clerk; David H. Wight, Treas.; Geo. E. Sherman, J. N. Stevens, B. F. Garland, Pru. Com. Present officers— J. N. Tilton, Clerk; S. T. Case, Treas.; J. N. Tilton, S. T. Case, E. W. Lyon, P. A. Spencer, Charles Spencer, Pru. Com. CLARENDON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Clarendon Congregational Church. — Organized April 19, 1880. First officers — Rev. Samuel D. Hosmer, Pastor ; Wm. C. Cannon, Clerk; John H. Tuckerman, Treas.; John H. Halden, Auditor; John H. Tuckerman, John Halden, Deacons ; Rosina Beet, Laurana W. Melien, Deaconesses; W. C. Cannon, S. S. Supt. Present officers — Rev. A. H. Johnson, Pastor; Geo. E. Grant, Clerk ; Wm. R. Todd, Treas.; John Halden, Auditor; Wm. R. Todd, Deacon; Mrs. A. A. Day, Deaconess Number of members at organization, 20 ; present membership, 41. Clarendon Hills Congregational Society. — Organized and incorporated Jan. 14, 1878. First officers— C has. H. Veaton, Clerk; L. J. Bird, S. D. Hilborn, Adolphus Sherman, J. E. Rogers, Wm. B. Furbush, C. B. Bedlington, John Hal- den, Ex. Com.; C. H. Yeaton, Treas. Present officers — Rev. A. H. Johnson, Pastor; Andrew Bates, Clerk and Treas.; A. A. Day, Col.; Rev. A. H. Johnson, Miss L. E. Fogerty, Miss L. B. Stevens, A. A. Day, and Mrs. M. C. Littlefield, Ex. Com. ; John Halden, Aud. Number of members at organization, 17 ; present membership, 70. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Roman Catholic Church. — Organized Oct. 3,1870. Pastors — Revs. W. J. Cor- coran, James S. Conlan, and Richard J. Barry. Number of members at organiza- tion, 2,200; present membership, 2,700. .Sunday School. — D. A. Leonard, Supt. Present membership, 400. Holy Name Society. — Organized Nov. 14, 1SS6. First officers — D.A.Leonard, Pres.; J. D. McAvoy, V.-Pres.; Michael F. Moylen, Sec; Ludger Joubert, Treas.; Rev. Father Burke, Spiritual Director. Present officers — D. A. Leonard, Pres. ; I. D. McAvoy, V.-Pres.; C has. F. Morrison, Sec; Ludger Joubert, Treas.; Rev. R. J. Barry, Spiritual Director. Number of members at organization, 144; pres- ent membership, 16S. A benevolent society, paying monthly dues, the balance of which, after actual expenses, goes for the benefit of the poor of the parish. Sodality of the Blessed Virgin. — Organized in 18S0. First officers — Mrs. James S. Coveney, Pre. ; Miss Mary McGillicuddy, Asst. Pre. Present officers — Rev. H. A. Barry, Sp. Director ; Miss B. McGillicuddy, Pre.; Mary Galligan and Marion Jackson, Asst. Pre. Present membership, 100. The end of this society is to foster piety, virtue, and the practice of good works, such as visiting the sick and succoring the needy. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Young Men s Christian Association. — Organized Feb. 2, 1SS5. First officers — C. L. Alden, Pres. ; C. P. Vaughan, V.-Pres. ; I. C. Webster, Sec. j John Mackrille, Treas.; Geo. E. Haven, W. F. Badger, S. N. Piper, Dir. Present officers — Alex. Millar, Pres. ; C. L. Alden, V.-Pres. ; C. B. Peare, Rec. Sec ; A. F. Delano, Treas.; G. E. Haven, W. F. Badger, J. K. Knight, II. J. Whittemore, Charles Haley, I. C. Webster, 1 >irectors. Number of members at organization, 13 ; present membership, 165. Ladies' Auxiliary. — Organized Mar. 19, 1885. First officers — Mrs. A. II. Brain- ard, Pres. ; Mrs. B. F. Radford, Mrs. W. H. Powers, Mrs. S. X. Piper, Mrs. M. E. Hill, V.-Pres. ; Mrs (.'. P. Vaughan, Sec. ; Mrs. E. D. Swallow, Treas. Present officers — Mr-. II. J. Whittemore, Pres.; Mrs. II. II. Gould, Mrs. G. M. Fellows, 68 Mrs. I. J. Brown, Mrs. A. J. Adams, V.-Pres. ; Mrs. C. P. Vaughan, Sec. ; Mrs. M. E. Hill, Treas. Number of members at organization, 26; present membership, 75. MASONIC BODIES. Hyde Fark Lod^e, Free and Accepted Masons. — Organized February 1, 1866. First officers — Enoch P. Davis, W. M.; Robert Campbell, S. W. ; Charles F. Gerry, J. W. ; S. A. Bradbury, Treas. ; Chas. A. Jordan, Sec; D. S. Hill, S. D.; W. F. Ward, J. D.; Rev. A. H. Washburn, Chap.; Wm. A. Bullard, Mar. ; Wm. U. Fairbairn, S. S. ; W. W. Colburn, J. S.; James L. Vialle, I. S. ; F. H. Caffin, Ty. Present officers — Henry F. Howard, W. M. ; Albert E. Bradley, S. W. ; Robert Scott, Jr., J. W.; Henry S. Bunton, Treas. ; T. Daniel Tooker, Sec. ; Dr. Charles Sturtevant, Chap. ; Franklin C. Graham, Mar. ; Asa J. Adams, S. D. ; Dr. J. K. Knight, J. D.; Frank S. Norton, S. S. ; Edwin J. Tuckerman, J. S. ; Arch. R. Sampson, T. S.; Frank D. Draper, Or.; David A. McDonald, Ty. Past Masters — Enoch P. Davis, 1866-67; Charles F. Gerry, 186S-69 ; William H. Jordan, 1870-71; Henry S. Bunton, 1872-73; Fergus A. Easton, 1874-75; William H. Ingersoll, 1876-77; Charles H. Colby, 1878-79; John F. Ross, 1880-81; Stephen B. Balkam, 1882-83; Henry N.' Bates, 1884-85; James F. Mooar, 1886-87. Number of members April 22, 186S, 56; present membership, 147. Norfolk Royal Arch Chapter. — Organized May iS, 1870. First officers — Enoch P. Davis, M. E. H. P.; Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., E. K. ; Charles F. Gerry, E. S. ; Fergus A. Easton, C. of H. ; John F. Caldwell, P. S.; Charles E. Bunker, R. A. C. ; Wm. A. Heustis, M. 3d V. ; Henry C. Adams, M. 2d V.; Henry W. Wood, M. 1st V.: Wm. J. Stuart, Treas.; Henry S. Bunton, Sec. ; Geo. F. Bemis, Chap. ; James L. Vialle, S. S. ; David S. Hill. J. S. ; Joel F. Goodwin, Ty. Present officers — Henry N. Bates, M. E. H. P.; Philander Harlow, E. K.; George L. Lang, E. S. ; Henry S. Bunton, Treas. ; T. Daniel Tooker, Sec. ; Merrill Under- bill, C. of H. ; Clement B. Tower, P. S. ; Thomas E. Clary, R. A. C. ; Frank N. Bates, M. 3d V. ; Albert E. Bradley, M. 2d V. ; Asa J. Adams, M. 1st V. ; Ge< rge Miles, Chap.; Charles L. Farnsworth, S. S. ; James H. Hood, J. S. ; David A. Mc- Donald, Ty. Past High Priests — Enoch P. Davis, 1870; Gamaliel Hodges, 187 1 — 72; Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., 1873; Henry S. Bunton, 1874-5-6; Charles C. Nichols, 1877 ; William H. Ingersoll, 1878 ; Henry C. Chamberlain, 1S79 ; Charles L. Farnsworth, 1880-r ; Moses N. Gage, 1882-3 ; David L. Hodges, 1884-5 '■> Mel ' ville P. Morrell, 1SS6. Membership at organization, 24 ; present membership, 94. Hyde Park Council, Royal and Select Masters. Organized October 1, 1872. First officers — Fergus A. Easton, T. 111. M. ; Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., R. 111. M. ; William H. Ingersoll, 111. M. of W. ; William J. Stewart, Treas.; Henry S. Bunton, Rec; William H. Heustis, C. of G. ; Edward Roberts, C. of C. ; Joel F. Goodwin, S. ; Philander Harlow, Ty. Present officers — David L. Hodges, T. 111. M.; Ellis H. Williams, D. M.; Moses N. Gage, P. C. of W.; Henry S. Bunton, Treas.; Dr. Charles Sturtevant, Rec; Henry N. Bates, C. of G. ; Philander Harlow, C. of C; Rev. George Hill, Chap.; Seneca Sanford, Mar.; James L. Vialle, St.; David A. McDonald, Sent.- Past Thrice Illustrious Masters — Fergus A. Easton, 1872; Gamaliel Hodges, 1873-74; Fergus A. Easton, 1875; Henry S. Bunton, 1876-77 ; John F. Ross, 1878 ; Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., 1879-S0 ; Charles M. Tilly, 1881 ; Henry N. Bates, 1882 ; Davis L. Hodges, 1 883-84-8 5-86-S7. Number of members at organization, 14; present membership, 89. Cyprus Commandery of Knights Templars and the Appendant Orders — Organized Oct. 31, 1873. First officers — Gamaliel Hodges, E. C. ; Charles H. Colby, Gen.; Henry S. Bunton, C. G. ; Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., Pre. ; Geo. F. Lincoln, S. W. ; Enoch P. Davis, J. W.; Charles H. Colby, Acting Treas.; Howard Jenkins, Treas. Present officers — Melville P. Morrell, E. C. ; Henry N. Bates. Gen.; George L. Lang. C. G. ; Henry S. Bunton, Pre. ; Albert G. Webb, S. W. ; Alonzo B. Wentworth, J.'W.; Stephen B. Balkam, Treas. ; James F. Mooar, Rec; Charles L. Farnsworth. St. B.; George Miles, Sw. B.; John F. Videto, W. ; Frank H. Bates, T. C. of G; Franklin D. Brigham, S. C. of G. ; Leroy J. French, F. C. of G. ; Frank D. Draper, Or.; David A. McDonald, Sent. Past Eminent Commanders — Gamaliel Hodges, 1S73- 74-75; Henry C. Chamberlain, 1876-77 ; Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., 1878; Henrv S. Bun- ton, 1S79 80; George F. Lincoln, 1881-82; Stephen B. Balkham, 1S8384 ; Moses N. Gage, 1885-S6. Number of members at organization, 12; present membership, 87. 6 9 ODD FELLOWS. Forest Lodge, No. 148, < Independent Order of Odd Fellows. — Organized Feb. 20, 1869. First officers — David Perkins, N. G ; Rufus B. Plum me r. V. G. ; George G. Bolton, Sec. ; Nathaniel Shepard, Treas. Present officers— Jacob C. Hanscom, N. G. ; C. L. Stevens, V. G. ; Henry F. Arnold, Rec. Sec.; L. B. French, Treas.; M. M. Fitton, Per. Sec. Past Noble Grands — David Perkins, Geo. G. Bolton, R. B. Plummer, Geo. W. Halliday, J. R. Thompson, John A. Soule, A. W. Davis, N. F. Shepard, A. Greenwood, Roland Raymond, E. 1!. Noyes, Rufus K. Rich, Thomas C. Holmes, L. H. Russell, Henry Routley, K. F. Boynton, Wm. Price, Henry F. Arnold, J. F. Peppeard, John M. Howe, E. J. Wescott, H. P. Bussey, ( leo. L. Eldridge, Fred E. Rollins, Wm. \V. Fowler, Frank H. Fogg, C. S. Butters, Wm. E. Kelley, James H. Bell, Robt. P. Holmes, M. H. Barker, E. L. Stevens, E. J. Price, E. J. Tuckerman, Mark T. Hatch. Number of members at organization, 9; present membership, 181. Monterey Encampment, No. 60. — Organized Feb. 25, 1887. First officers — Wm. E. Kelley, C. P. ; Geo. L. Eldridge, H. P. ; Henry F. Arnold, Scribe ; Edwin J. Tuckerman, Treas. ; Charles S. Butters, S. W. ; Robert Woolard, J. W. Present officers — Robert Woolard, C. P.; Wm. E. Kelley, H. P.; Henry F. Arnold, Scribe; E. L. Fetting, Treas. ; W. M. Pairbanks, S. W. ; Frank H. Fogg, J. W. Number of members at organization, 14; present membership, no. Progressive Degree Lodge i No. 34, Daughters of Rebekah. — Instituted March S, 1SS2. First officers — Wm. Price, N. G. ; Sarah J. Boynton. Y. G. ; Henry F. Arnold, Rec. Sec. ; Maria P. Stark, Fin. Sec. ; Franklin C. Graham, Treas ; Magdelene C. Keltie, Chap. Present officers — Geo. L. Eldridge, N. G. ; Jennie M. Hanscom, V. G. ; Caroline F. Arnold, Rec. Sec; Rosa J. Eldridge, Treas.; Sarah E. Woodward, Fin. Sec. ; Jane Burns Edwards, Chap. Number of members at organization, 29; present membership, 100. Annual dues, $1.50. Sick benefits, $1.00 per week. Funeral benefit, $15.00. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Bayard Lodge. — Organized April 2, 1870. First otficers — Merrill Underbill, P. C. j Henry A. Darling, P. C. ; Austin A. Cushman, C. C. ; [ohn Miles, V. C. ; Merrill Underhill, Y. P. ; Henry A. Darling, M. E. ; C. L. Farnsworth, K. R. S. ; John Beatey, M. A.; A. J. Whittier, I. S. ; B. H. Hardy, O. S. UNITED ORDER INDEPENDENT ODD LADIES. Ambassadress Lodge, No. 5. — Organized Feb. 9, 1SS0. " Government " incorpo- rated Sept. 19, 1883.' First officers — S. A. Davis, N. L. ; S. ]. ISoynton, Y. I . ; A. Holmes, Chap.; E. A. Ilamblin, P. L. ; A. M. Prentiss, S. R. ; S. II. Parentis, f. R. j A. B. Howe, S. \\\; S. A. York, J. W.j A. E. Gunnison. L. R.; E. I .. Hat< h, C. Sec; C. E. Boynton, R. Sec; C. F. Arnold, Treas.; M. D. Peppeard, C. ; C. I,. Brooks, G. Present officers— E. F. Fitton, N. L. ; R. J. Hallur, V L. ; M. Worthylake, Chap.; N. S. Davis, P. L. ; P. A. Williams, S. R. ; S. ]. Fowler, J. K. ; F. .Mallard. S. W. ; A. L. Wilson, J. W. ; A. B. Howe, I.. R. ; C. F. Arnold, Rec. Sec; S. ]. Boynton, Fin. Sec; S. }. Ilanior, Treas.; K. T. Ellis, C; C. F. Adler, G. Past Noble Ladies — S. T." Hovnton, C. L. Brooks, M. D. Peppeard, K. W. Tibbetts, C. F. Arnold. A. B. Howe. M. C. Keltie, E. L Hatch, I.. I!, buck, A. Holmes. B. E. Brackett, H. \. Walmeslev, S. A. York, L. L. Clark, P. A. Williams, F. L. Williams. S. ]. Fowler, M. L. Rich, S. I Mitchell, M. E. Harmon, E. McDonald, L. A. Rrainarcl, A. !.. Wilson. S. J. Hamor, A. Iloltham, A. E. Gunnison, M. A. Landt, C. F. Adler, I,. B. Merrill. Number of members at organization, 14 ; present membership, 36. Total mem- bership since organization, 88; death, removals, and withdrawals to form other lodges have decreased the number. Four lodges are now in good working order, whose origin traces to Ambassadress ; the membership of them at the present time is 375. Since organization this lodge has distributed for sick benefits, etc., S500. Amount of cash on hand in bank and paraphernalia, $200. 7o INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RED MEN. Neponset Tribe, No. 26. — Organized Sept. 9, 1886. First officers — M. M. Whipple, P. ; James McKay, S. ; Geo. L. Eldridge, S. S. ; O. W. Woodward, J. S. ; F. W. Jones, C. R. ; O. W. Manuel, A. C. R. ; Dr. J. C. Lincoln, K. W. Present officers — A. R. Williams, P.; Fred A. Leason, S. ; Geo. McDougald, S S. ; Geo. K. Hartman, J. S. ; Edward J. Ellis, C. R. ; O. W. Manuel, A. C. R. ; E. F. Stevens, K. W. Sachems — James McKay, G. JL. Eldridge, A. R. Williams, F. A. Leason. Number of members at organization, 24; present membership, 122. MASSACHUSETTS CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS. St. John's Court, No. 23. — Organized Dec. 14, 1880. First officers — James E. Cotter, C. R. ; Thomas Murray, V. C. R. ; Eugene McCarthy, Fin. Sec; Frederick S. Sullivan, Rec. Sec; John McKenna, Treas. Present officers — Charles F. Morrison, C. R. ; Dennis Mahoney, V. C. R. ; Thomas Murray, R. S. ; John Brady, Treas.; Fred S. Sullivan, Fin. Sec. Past presiding officers — James E. Cotter, Thomas Murray, Fred S. Sullivan, Thomas Mulcahy, John Cullinane, Richard J. Sullivan, John H. Russell. Number of members at organization, 46; present membership, 30. The object of this organization is to promote friendship, unity, and true Christian charity. Friendship, by assisting each other by every means in our power ; unity, in uniting for mutual support, and in making suitable provision for the widow and orphan ; true Christian charity, in doing to each other as we would wish that others should do unto us. ROLL OF HONOR. The following is a list of soldiers of the Civil War, who resided at time of enlist- ment within the present territorial limits of Hyde Park : Robert R. Andrews, Moses Angell, Win. F. Badger, Benj. J. Bartlett, Geo. Bent, Sumner Bradbury, Geo. C. Bunker, W. Campbell, Lorenzo Chandler, Wm. Chandler, Henry Chowdy, Wm. Constantine, Wm. Conway, Andrew N. Damrell, Horace S. Damrell, Wm. S. Damrell, Wm. Darby, Edmund Davis, Patrick Donley, Edward Dow, Robert Edson, Charles J. Ellis, Thomas C. Evans, Justin Farnum, Andrew Fisher, Herman Fisher, William Fisher, William Fletcher, Samuel G. Greene, Richard Griffin, Geo. W. Halladay, John T. Halladay, David Higgins, Wm. Higgins, Benj. Hill, John C. Holt, Sewell S. Ingraham, H. G. W. Kittredge, James Lincoln, Nehemiah Lincoln, Loring, Wm. A. Mason, Elijah W. Moffatt, Thomas Murray, J. H. Nightingale, Wm. Nightingale, E. Norton, Daniel O'Connell, Wm. O'Connell, George Pierce, Wm. L. Pierce, Henry S. Reed, W. O. V. Rockwood, Wm. S. Spring, Freeman Spiller, Manly Spiller, Frank D. Thompson, James J. Viallie, Isaac White, Wm. Whitney, Wm. Whiting, John M. Williams. Grand Army of the Republic. Timothy Ingraham Post, No. 121. — Organized Mar. 24, 1870. First officers — Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., Com. ; Fergus A. Easton, S. V. C. ; George F. Bemis, J. V. C. ; Henry C. Adams, Adj.; Henry S. Bunton, Quar. ; Lewis E. Fisher, Surg. ; Francis C. Williams, Chap. ; Elijah W. Moffatt, Serg. Maj.j James E. Dow, Q. M. Serg. ; Henry R. Lee, Off. Day ; Moses E. Angel, Off. Guard. Present officers — Tames McKay, Com.; Sylvester R. Swett, S. V. C. ; Charles E. Palmer, J. V. C. ; George A. Whitcher, Adj.; Edwin J. Chandler, Quar. ; Charles C. Hayes, M. D., Surg. ; Rev. H. W.Tilden, Chap. ; William Carberry, Serg. Maj. ; Abel C. Ford, Q. M. Serg.; Daniel Kelleher, Off. Day; Leander Wentworth, Off. Guard. Past presiding officers — Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., Fergus A. Easton, Henry S. Bunton G. Henry, Perkins, Henry A. Darling, Richard F. Boynton, David W. Lewis, George E. Eldridge, Lerrjuel B. French, George G. Bailey, Jr., Stephen H. Reynolds. Number of members at organization, 17 ; present membership, 140. Amount re- ceived from fairs, collection in church and gifts, $2,462.38. Amount paid out for relief of soldiers, or their widows and orphans, $2,620.99. List of members : James S. Mitchell, E. W. Moffatt, Randolph P. Moseley, Thomas Murray, Joseph M. Nichols, Joseph A. Noble, Wm. II. Norris, Geo. E. Noyes, Daniel O'Connell, Charles E. Palmer, Geo. H. Peare, E. B. Pendleton, Berij. E. Phillips, Henry B. Phipps, Samuel N. Piper, S. \V. Poland, Henry M. Preston, Stephen II. Reynolds, Edward L. Roone, James F. Rumrell, Lauriman H. Russell, John W. Sanborn, James Sandow, Fben T. Sears, J. F. Stackpole, Tobias Stackpole, E. F. Stevens, Robert II. Stokoe, Charles Sturtevant, M. D., Sylvester R. Swett, Henry B. Terry, Francis W. Tewksbury, Rev. Horace W. Tilden, Charles B. Tower, James M. Trotter, Joseph II. Twitchell, Chas. II. Tyler, E. R. Walker, Thomas Wallace, Andrew Washburn, Leander Wentworih, I .cwis Wheeler, Joshua Wilder, A. Whitcher, I. 11. White, Daniel F. Wood, Geo. H. Wood, Cornelius A. Weeden, John M. Young. Names of deceased comrades of Timothy [ngraham Post, No. 121. Mount Hope — Oeorge II. Haliday, Frank Whitcher, Charles F. Howard, Thomas W. Floyd, Nightingale, Geo. C. Tinkham, Oliver Colbum. Forest Hills — Isaac W. Elwell. Woodlawn, Chelsea — Sylvan us Cobb, lt~. Old Dedham ( 'emetery, Dedham — Andrew J. 1 ! St. Mary's Roman Ca//io!i,\ Dedham — Martin WcDonough. Newburyport — John K. Rovvell. Julius R. Bloom, Richard F. Boynton, Frank D. Brigham, O. Q. Brown, Albion P. Bickmore, Silas P. Blodgett, Henry S. Bunton, George W. Briggs, •G. C. Blaisdell, Nathaniel F. Berry, Walter C. Bryant, Wm. F. Badger, Geo. G. Bailey, Jr., J. E. Belcher, John Beatey, John M. Blood, John R. Bond, John C. Blanckard, Geo. W. Bent, Henry B. Carrington, John Campbtll, Wm. Carberry, Edwin J. Chandler, A. F. Cheever, J. K. Christopher, Ethan S. Churchill, David A. Cochran, James G. Cook, Michael Conroy, Reuben Corson, Wm. Coullahan, Geo. W. Cullen, James A. Cullen, Michael Curley, Henry A. Darling, Edmund Davis, Samuel F. Davey, Alfred A. Day, Frank II. Dean, George S. Downes, I >aniel Dunn, Tames M. Durell, E. Q. Dyer, Eldridge, Charles J. Ellis, fc-seph I). Fllis, Frank E. Emery, George Enos, Wm. C. Eustis, Henry S. Fellows, James W. Fenn, Albert Fisher, Andrew Fisher, Benj. E. Fogg, Thomas Foley, Abel C. Ford, M. Fradenburg, Lemuel B. French, Martin Gibbons, R. J. Gordon, Cyrus Gorman, Wm. J. Graham, Wm. A. Gray, Chailes L. Green, Bradley F. Gurney, M. T. Hatch, Charles C. Hayes, M. D., David Higgins, Josiah P. Higgins, Ja«. M. Hobbey, Charles F. Holt, J. C. Holt, Robert Jackson, Howard Jenkins, Jas. V. Jusselyn, John II. Kazar, Daniel Kelleher, Wm. W. Ketchum, Henry Landt, Geo. L. Fang, Wm. D. Laws, Geo. H. Lee, David W. Lewis, Elijah Lincoln, Andrew Long, O. W. Manuel, Robert Marshall, Thomas Martin, Herbert A. Maxwell, I ). Mel )ougald, Win. McDonald, James McKay, Patrick McKenna, Gustav A. Meister, 72 Resident G. A. R. men who are not connected with the local Post: Frank C. Austin, James K. Bigelow, Nathaniel M. Putnam, Dennis G. Walker, J. P. Bills, M. D., Benj. A. Hewins. Timothy Ingraham Relief Corps, No. jj, Auxiliary to G. A. R. — Organized Feb. 18, 1884. First officers — Helen Bryant, Pres. ; Annie Churchill, S. V.; Lucy A. Reynolds, J. V. ; M. A. Eustis, Sec. ; Mary G. Bunton, Treas. ; Jane H. Berry, Chap.; Elizabeth F. Bickmore, Con.; Mary F. Gurney, G. Present officers — Elizabeth F. Bickmore, Pres. ; Belle Alexander, S. V. ; Marietta Davis, J. V. ; Helen A. Brigham, Sec. ; Mary G. Bunton, Treas. ; Louisa U. Whitcher, Chap.; Maria Brigham, Con.; Griselda Ford, G. Past Presidents — Helen Bryant, Annie Churchill, Elizabeth V. Lang, Lucy A. Reynolds. Number of members at organization, 45 ; present membership, 62. Camp Reynolds (Independent) Sons of Veterans. — Organized Sept. 10, 1887. First officers — Daniel Kelleher, Capt. ; Robert W. Walker, 1st Lieut.; John L. Frame, 2d Lieut. Present officers — D. Kelleher, Capt.; R. W. Walker, 1st Lieut.; J. L. Frame, 2d Lieut. ; F. H. Bryant, Or. S.; C. L. Kelleher, Col. S. ; W. H. Weeden, 2d S. ; J. J. Wallace, 3d S. ; B. E. Phillips, Jr., 4th S. ; Silas Dady, Drum Major. Number of members at organization, 28 ; present membership, 33. The ages of members range from 13 to 39 years. Thursday evening, Dec. 8, 1887, (three months after organization) the Camp was presented a fine set of colors by the citizens, consisting of U. S. National ensign, and pair of guidon markers. This is the only camp of the kind known. INSURANCE ORDERS. Hyde Park Lodge, No. 437, Knights of Honor. — Organized Jan. 31, 1877. First officers — Geo. H. Miller, P. D. ; Samuel Cochrane, D.; Howard Jenkins, V. D. ; Lucius Allen, Jr., A. D.; E. E. Edwards, Rep.; Edwin De Meritte, F. R. ; Alfred A. Brooks, Treas.; F. W. Tewksbury, G. ; Palmer Merritt, Chap.; H. J. Townsend, G.; Thomas Ward, S. Present officers — D. G. Thompson, P. D ; H. J. Townsend, D.; Geo. E. Haven, V. D. ; Laban Worrick, A. D. ; Howard Jenkins, Re]). ; James S Mitchell, F. R ; A. A. Mandell, Treas.; Geo. Kenney, G.;' Henry M. Buck, Chap.; Geo. F. Bradford, G.; John Gilson, S. Past Dictators — Samuel Cochrane, Howard Jenkins, F. W. Tewksbury, B. C. Vose, E. E. Edwards, W. C. Bryant, Geo. B Kerr, H. F. Howard, Parker Jones, D. G. Thompson. Number of members at organization, 20; present membership, 123. Present amount of lodge fund, $2,500. It is used in paying sick benefits to members as per by-laws, and current expenses. Neponset Council, Xo. 136, Royal Arcanum. — Organized Aug. 6. 1878. First officers — E. I. Humphrey, Reg.;'J. S. Baker, Sec. Present officers — Chas. H. Tucker, R.; Chas. A. House, Sec. Past Regents — E. I. Humphrey, Edmund Davis, F. H. Videto, G. Fred Gridley, C. A. House, H. F. Howard, D. W. C. Rogers, Geo. E. Haven, Harry Pothecary, John Mackrille, Geo. H. Snow. Number of members at organization, 40 ; present membership, to8. Golden Rule Commandery, No. jj, United Order of the Golden Cross. — Organized April 2, 1879 F ' rst officers — Chas. P. Vaughan, N. C; Edmund Davis, N. V. C; John N. Bullard, Pre. ; Malcolm Rogers, Her. ; Pitts E. Howes, K. R. ; Edward Stone, F. K. R.; Chas. T. Harris, Treas.; Mrs. E. A. Hardy, W. O. G; Frances D. Bullard, W. I. G.; Dr. F. L.Gerald, P. N. C. Present officers — Edmund Davis, N. C; Lydia B. Merrill, N. V. C; A. M. Merrill, Pre. ; D. F. Wood, K. R.; C. P. Vaughan, F. K. R.; C. U. Meiggs, Treas.; E. C. Farwell, Her.; Dr. H. Leseur, W. I. G ; Roscoe Damon, W. O. G.; S. P. Blodgett, P. N. C. Past Noble Com- manders — Chas. P. Vaughan, John N. Bullard, Henry Routley, Dr. H. Leseur, C. U. Meiggs, Dr. J. K. Knight, F. H. Dean, Daniel F. Wood, F. C. Graham, E. C. Farwell, N. F. Berry, Wilbur H. Powers, S. P. Blodgett. Number of members at organization, 19, present membership, 42. A fraternal temperance organization, insuring for $2,000, and paying a weekly sick benefit, admitting to membership both gentlemen and ladies. Fairmount Council, No ijg, American Legion of Honor. — Organized April 7, 1880. First officers— Henry T. Arnold, C. ; E. E. Blake, V. C. ; H. A. Darling, ().; Dr. 73 L. M. Gould, P. C. ; Herbert E. Hunt, Sec; A. E. Bailey, Treas.; Rev. W. N. Richardson, Chap.; William Holtham, G. ; G, W. Frost, W. ; ]. R. Hall, S. Pres- ent officers — G. W. Frost, C; W. M. Wiswall, V. C.; J. D. Davenport, O.; J. H. Chipman, P. C; Albert Davenport, Sec; Dr. W. S. Hincks, Col.; Merrill Under- bill, Treas. ; A. H. Holway, Chap.; H. M. Delapole, G.; Martin Olson, W. ; W. F. Curtis, S. Past Commanders — II. F. Arnold, S. S. Somes, J. H. Richardson, W. F. Curtis, J. F. Peppeard, J. H. Chipman. Number of members at organization, 25; present membership, 52. A fraternal insurance order, paying a sum not exceeding $5,000 and weekly sick benefit. Sick or disabled members can draw for ten weeks in a year $4.00 on a thousand, until one-fifth of their insurance is drawn. Benefici- aries of deceased members of Fairmount Council have received $i£, 500.0c. Amount paid by members of Fairmount Council, $10,436.77. Riverside Lodge No. 33, Ancient Order of United Workmen. — Organized Oct. 31, 1881. First officers— Geo. G. Bailey, |r., P. M. W.; Hobart M. Cable, M. W.j Orin T. Gray, F. ; John F. Elliot O. ; R. C. Habberley, Rec; Geo. B.Kerr, R.; Win. Dean Overell, Fin. ; Aubrey Macbrien, G.; E. S. Churchill, I. W. ; f. F. Yideto, < ). W. Present officers— H. I. Townsend, P. M. W. ; R. M. Johnson, M. W. ; N. B. Crummett, F.; II. F. Wright, ( ). : S. N. Riper, G. ; R.C. Habberley, Rec; Asa J. Adams, R. ; W. C. Bryant, Fin. ; Parker Jones, I. W. ; F. D. Freeman, O. W. ; Dr. E. H. Baxter, Med. Ex. Past Master Workmen— O. T. Gray, D. W. C. Rogers, T. II. Yideto, F. D. Freeman, H. J. Townsend. Number of members at organiza- tion, iS ; present membership, 62. Hyde Park Coiuicil A'0.66, Order of United Friends. — Organized March 28, 18S3. First officers — Herbert E. Hunt, C. C. ; Maria B. Aldrich, Y. C. C.j Wm. Batho, Rec; J. B. Fall, Treas. ; Helen A. Brigham, Fin.; Louisa Fall, Pre.; F. H. Bowen, G.; |. P. Stevens, s.; |. II. Melzard, P. C. C. Present officers — Chas. F. Graham, C. C; Freeman Means, Y. C. C; A. M. Merrill, Rec; Merrill Underhill, Treas.; J. R. Brewer, Fin.; Norman W. Scott, Pre.; Wm. Swinton, M.; Wm. P. Hilton, G.; J. P. Stevens, S. Number of members at organization, 48 ; present membership, 48. Local Branch, JY0.3S3, Order of the Iron //all. — Organized Aug. y, 1886. First officers — C. E. Alden, P. C. J.; Henry A. Haskell, C. J.; S. E. Ferry, V. J.; J. S. Browning, Ac; E.O.Taylor, < ash.; G. H. Snow, Ad.; J. H. Tuckerman, Pre.; H. F. Holtham, H.; E. E. Bailey, W.; Edward F. Adam N Y.; J.. M. Gould, Med. Ex. Present officers— W. F. Curtis, C. J.; S. E. Ferrv, V. |.; C. II. McDuffie, Ac: E. <>. Tavlor, Cash.; B. II. Ilardv, Ad.; Chas. II. Maxwell, Pre.; P. N. Ferrv, IP; Wm. E. Hobby, W.; Trescott P. Morton, V.; L. M. Gould, Med. Ex. Number of members at organization, ro, ; present membership, 32. From Aug. 31, 18S6, to March 1, 1SS8, the sum of Si, 375 has been drawn by members of Local Branch, No. 383, in sick benefits. Sisterhood Branch, No. j6S. — Organized Oct. 17, 1887. First officers — Carrie L. Brooks, C. J. ; N. Cecilia Walden, P. C. J.; Ama J. Ellis, V. J.; Susie Y. Degen, Ac; Etta M. Fogg, Cash.; E. A. Hardy, IP; Elizabeth S. Lawrence, Ad.; Phebe A. Williams, Pre.; Freda Hurd, W ; Lizzie A. Lincoln, V. Present officers — Ama J. Ellis, C. [.; X. C. Walden, P. C. J.; S. E. Bean, V. J.j ('. p. Brooks, Ac; E. M. Fogg, Cash.; Freda Hurd, IP; E. S. Lawrence, Ad.; Ellen F. Bean, Pre; Eila S. Day, W.; Lizzie A. Lincoln, Y. Number of members at organization, 17 ; present membership, 31. Receipts during first year, $141. This order gives a sick benefit of $15 per week for twenty weeks; is doing good, and said to be a blessing to woman. Norfolk Asseml'ly, Xo. So, Royal Society of Good Fellows. — Organized May 12, 1887. First officers — Chas. A. House, R. ; Frank H. Wheeler, I.; C. II McCrillis, C.j John F. Gardner, P. R.; Willis W. Thompson, Sec; Dr. J, K. Knight, Fin. Sec; Arch. R. Sampson, Treas.; P. C, Parwell, Pre.; W. S. B. Gould, D.j L T. Daniels, G.; C. S. Gay, S. Present officers — Frank H. Wheeler, R.; W. II. Powers, [.; W. S. B. Gould, C. : W. W. Thompson, Sec. ; Dr. J. K Knight, Fin. Sec; Arch. R. Sampson, Treas.; Wm. G. Shaw, I).; (has. S. Gay, <'..; Edward W. McDonald, S. Number of members at organization, 16; present membership, 112. A benefit organization which is growing rapidly, and seems destined, because of its low rates of insurance, to become one of the largest in the country. 74 TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS. Women's Christian Temperance Union. — Organized April, 1876. First officers — Mrs. E. Sturtevant, Pres.; Mrs. A. H. Hoi way, Mrs. E. D. Swallow, Mrs. S. N. Putnam, Mrs. J. B. Richardson. V.-Pres.; Mrs. E. T. Lewis, Sec. and Treas. Pres- ent officers— Mrs. M. P. Alderman, Pres.; Mrs. E. B. Greene, Mrs. A. W. Radford, Mrs. E. N. Goodwin, V.-Pres.; Mrs. E. D. Swallow, Sec. and Treas. Present mem- bership, 40. Young Women's Christian Temperance Union. — Organized Dec. 5, 1887. Present officers — Mary E. Whittemore, Pres.; Mrs. E. I. Colesworthy, Florence Webster, Mary V. Habberley, V. Pres.; Emily Woods, Rec. Sec; Adelaide L. Dodge, Cor. Sec. ; Emma A. Cochrane, Treas. Number of members at organization, 20; present membership, 70. Fairmount Division, No. 43, Sons of Te7nperance. — Organized Jan. 7, 1867. First officers — Thomas W. Barrell, W. P.; Ira L. Benton, W. A.; Henry S. Bunton, Rec. Sec; Walter Hogan, Con. Past Worthy Patriarchs — Thomas W. Barrell, Chas. F. Gerry, George W. Noyes, Fergus A. Easton, Henry S. Bunton, Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., Nathaniel Bodwell, Ella W. Cobb, Mary M. Williams, Ira L. Benton. Reorganized Feb. 24, 1885. Present officers — W. W. Scott, W. P.; Sarah Lovell, W. A.; Benj. Rafter, R. S., Susan L. Tuttle, A. R. S.; John D. Mailard, F. S.; Elijah Lincoln, Treas.: R. C. Habberley, Chap.; George Sherman, Con.; Coria Lincoln, Ass't Con.; Lizzie Swain, I. S.; Annie McDugald, O. S.; Fannie M. Mal- lard, P. W. P. Number of members at reorganization, 14; present membership 68. Hyde Park Lodge, No. 283, 1. O. G. T. — Organized Nov. 18, 1867. First officers — William H. Heustis, W. C. T; Tohn Miles, W. R. S. Last officers— L. A. Soule, W. C. T.; George H. Whitcroft, W. R. S. Worthy Chief Templars— Wm. H. Heustis, Chas. H. Gilman, Henry S. Bunton, Geo. H. Whitcroft. Charter surren- dered April, 1S69, with 84 members. Sunnyside Lodge, A T o. 2Q, L. O. G. T. — Organized May 5, 1870. First officers — E. P. Hamilton, W. C. T.; D. \V. Aiken, W. R. S. Charter surrendered October,. 1873, w ' tn a membership of 46. Damon Lodge, No. 73, 1. O. G. T. (Readville.) — Organized May 7, 1S73. First officers — John Lowry, W. C. T.; John Moore, W. R. S. Charter surrendered Jan- uary, 1S76, with a membership of 23. Readville Lodge, No. 124, L. O. G. T. — Organized June, 1880. First officers — Daniel G. Sunderland, W. C. T.; Russell W. Eaton, W. R. S. Charter surren- dered January, 1882, with a membership of 23. Energetic Lods^e, Lndependent Order of Good Templars. — Organized Mar. 11, 1882. First officers— John Scott, P. C. T., D. F. Wood, W. C. T. ; Edith L. Wier, W. V. T.; Geo. H. Manley, W. Sec; Mary P. Keltie, W. Treas.; Mrs. Jessie Beckford, W. F. Sec; Geo. DDty, W. Chap.; Chas. Harris, W. M.; Cora Peare, W. I. G-r Tas. A. Richardson, W. O. G. ; Bessie L. Wheeler, W. R. H. S. Last officers — Frank H. Haslam, P. C. T.; Henry Haskell, C. T.; Mrs. J. P. Bills, V. T.; A. W. Chamberlain, Sec; Fred C. Packard, Treas.; Agnes J. Campbell, F. Sec; Wm. H. Badger, Mar.; J. Allan Crosby, Chap.; Clara Holmes, G.; A. R.Andrews, S. ; Mrs. Mary Chamberlain, L. H S.; Belle D. Curtis, R. H. S. Past Worthy Chief Tem- plars — D. F. Wood, John K. Wightman, Wallace M. Rhoads, Geo. Doty, A. W. Chamberlain, John Scott, Ed. J. Price, Frank B. Rich, Galen L. Stone, Henry B. Humphrey, William Scott, Fred C. Packard, Leonard W. Hall, Wm. Badger, A. R. Andrews, Frank H. Haslam, Henry A. Haskell. Temperance Association. — Organized in 1874. First President — T. H. Videto, followed by E. I. Humphrey. This association was very successful, holding many mass meetings in the churches. The Reform Club absorbed it and intensified the public interest in the cause of temperance. Reform Club — Organized during 1875. The activity and success of this organiza- tion was without a parallel in the beneficent work it accomplished. In point of members and interest it has not since been excelled. It is to be regretted that we. are unable to find any record of these two organizations. 75 Blue Hill Division, No. j8, Sons of Temperance. — Organized Nov u, 1884. First officers — Frances E. Bullard, \V. P.; David Y. Morrison, W. A.; M. Augusta Kellogg, R. S. ; %V. Ellery Bullard, A. R. S ; J. \V. Hume, Chap.; E. H. Ingram, F S. ; Ada Temperley, Treas. ; Geo. II. Clapp, Con. ; Lottie Muse, A.C.; Lizzie Breathwaite, I. S. ; Thomas Daggett, O. S. Present officers — W. Ellery Bullard, W. P.; P. A. Spencer, W. A.; A. S. Matthewson, R. S. ; Nellie M. Sanger, A. R. S.; Chas. Spencer, Treas. ; F. E. Bullard, F. S. ; J. N. Tilton, Chap. ; H. T. Dean, Con. ; A. Montgomery, A. C. ; D. H. Chisholm, I. S. ; I- . T. Hall, O. S. Past Worthy Patriarchs— F. E. Bullard, D. Y. Morrison, Thomas Daggett, P. M. Hussey, F. H. Montgomery, Amelia S. Matthewson. Number of members at organization, 16; present membership, 39. This Division is self- supporting and in a piosperous condition. Independent Cadets of Temperance, Star of Hope Section, No. 1. — Organized March 27, 1884. First officers — R. C. Habberley, \V. P.; Miss H. A. Perry, D. W. P.; G. F. Eldridge, P. W. C. ; Alfred Mackrille, C. C. ; Lillie Hatch, A. C. C; G. W. Hodges, Sec. ; Millie Sturtevant, A. S. ; Minnie Darling, Treas., C. Nichols, A. T. ; A. \V. Chamberlain, Chap. ; Louise Ryan, U. ; C. Balkam, G. ; H. Holtham, W. ; Wm. C. Habberley, A. W. Present officers — R. C. Habberlev, \V. P. ; Miss H. A. Perry, D. W. P. ; W. Edwards, P. C. C. ; John Neilson, C. C. ; Nettie Farnsworth, A. C. C. ; E. Slocomb, Sec; Hattie Williams, A. Sec. ; Geo. Church, Treas. ; Katie Ford, A. Treas. ; Bert Savage, G. ; Geo. Barritt, U. ; Fred Jenkins, W. ; Geo. Raynes, A. W. ; L. W. Parkhurst, Chap. Number of mem- bers at organization, 32 ; present membership, 65. This organization is the suc- cessor of the Star of Hope Temperance Society, organized March 14, 188 1, with the following officers: R. C. Habberley, Pres. ; Bernard Lane, Y.-Pres. ; fohn Lane, Treas. ; Lillie Sweetser, Sec. ; A. N. Habberley, U. Membership at organization, 8 ; final membership, 97. Pearl Section, No. 1, Cadets of Honor. — Organized Oct. 20, 1884. First officers — D. F. Wood, W. A.; Maggie I. Parker, W. V. A.; Mary V. Habberley, P. W. A.; Wm. M. Cannon, W. R. S. ; Geo. M.Butler, W. A. S. ; Lizzie E. Richardson, W. T. ; Geo. W. Hodges, W. F S. ; Robert C. Habberley, W. C. ; John J. Clingen, W. G. ; Louise E. Ramseyer, W. U. ; Henry F. Holtham, W. \\ '.; L. Edward Bailey, W. S. ; Charles Balkam, R. H. S. ; Lena Foster, L. H. S. Present officers — Frank R. Heustis, W. A. ; L. Gertrude Reynolds, W. V. A.; Geo. C. Towle, P. W. A. ; Josie E. Thompson, W. R. S. ; Frank E. Bridgeman, W. A. S. ; John W. Towle, W. T. ; Lizzie Balkam, W. F. S. ; Daniel S. Taylor, W. C.j Arthur Ramsever. W. G. ; William Norris, W. U. ; Charles Fenn, W. W.; Eldon W. Joubert, W. S. ; Carrie I. Hibbard, R. H. S. ; Geo. Fiske, L. II. S. Past presiding officers — D. F. Wood, George F. Eldridge, John J. Clinpen, George C. Towle. Number of members at organization, 21 ; present member- ship, 64. LITERARY SOCIETIES. Weld Circle, Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. Organized Sept. 20, 1880. First officers — Henry F. Howard, Pres.; Chas. S. Norris, Sec. Present officers — J. P. Higgins, Pres.; Mrs. H. F. Howard, Y.-Pres.; Mrs. J. L. Doty, Sec. Past Presidents — H. V. Howard, Dr. J. K. Knight, Chas. A. House, Chas. S. Norris. Number of members at organization, 21 ; present membership, 20. These figures do not give a correct idea of the number who have come under the influence of the Circle. A very large number have been connected with it during the eight years. The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle was organized in 1878 by Dr. J. II. Vincent, who not only had the weight and wisdom to devise great things, but also to realize them. Chautauqua says, Christianity must not be afraid of culture. A Christless culture and a cultureless Christianity are alike to be feared ; they must be wedded. Like the statue in New York harbor with the torch in her hand, lighting the mariner at sea, so culture must light her wick from the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, and sends its illuminating beams world wide Each year finds new members entering the list for the four years' course, and thus the local circle has kept up its interest and 76 influence. Our meetings are open to all who, with us, desire to fill up their time with duty to God and man, and strive for a record " Which shall leave no sting in the heart of memory, No stain on the wing of time." Thought Club. — Organized Feb. 14, 1SS2. First officers — Mrs. R. Dempsey, Pres. ; Mrs. Porter, V.-Pres.; Miss Elizabeth Emerson, Sec. Present officers — Miss M. Pratt, Pres. ; Mrs. Mason, V.-Pres. ; Miss Ella Cobb, Sec. and Treas. Number of members at organization, 15 ; present membership, 30 (limited). The club is essentially literary. Wentworth Club. — Organized June 10, 1884. Officers — Mrs. J. Wentworth Payson, Pres. ; Theodore D. Weld, Gen. H. B. Carrington, Chas. E. Hurd, Advisory Committee. Number of members, 50 subscribers. This club is the out- growth of Mrs. J. Wentworth Payson's literary evenings given at her home, 136 Fairmount Avenue. The first of these took place June 10, 1884, when Theodore D. Weld read a paper on Milton's " Paradise Lost." From the inception of these evenings, Mrs. Payson has designed to form a salon for the literati, artists, and leading citizens of Hyde Park. Distinguished people from different parts of the country and from abroad have been present at these gatherings. A high intellec- tual tone has prevailed and men of fine talent have contributed. Among notable salons have been the " Whittier Evening," given before the Thought Club Dec. 4, 1SS4, and the " Evening with Wordsworth," given by Dr. Henry N. Hudson, the Shakespearian editor, Aug. 10, 1S83. Young Mens Lyceum. — Organized April 7, 1S83. First officers — Frank B. Rich, Pres; Henry White, Sec. Successive Presidents — Chas. F. Jenny, John Scott, John K. Wightman, Alex. Millar, Galen L. Stone, Warren F. Mclntire, Augustus N. Doe. Number of members at organization, 20; with a subse- quent membership of 41. Organized for the "improvement of its members by the acquisition of greater proficiency in debate, and the proper command of the English language." In the early part of 1SS4 two public debates with the Webster Union of East Dedham were held, and Sept. 25, 1S84, a very interesting public discussion on the merits of the various presidential candidates was held in G. A. R. Hall. Shakespeare Club. — Organized Oct., 1S85. First officers — E. S. Paine, Pres.; Dr. E. H. Baxter, V.-Pres. ; Miss II. E. Tower, Sec. The organization has now passed into the hands of a special teacher, and has no other officers. Number of members at organization, 14; present membership, 30. Grattan Literary Institute. — Organized April 3, 18SS. Officers — M. F. Moylan, Pres ; fas. S. Coveney, V.-Pres. ; P. H. Rooney, Sec. ; Edward McKenna, Treas. ; J. H. lirown, Wm. Brady, Thomas Mulcahey, D. Lucy, Dir. Membership, 36. Organized after the model of the V. M. C. A., for literary and social purposes. Intend to secure quarters, and open reading-room and library. High School Alumni Association. — Organized July 6, 1874. First officers — Geo. W. Rollins, Pres. ; Lizzie D. Bunker, Sec. and Treas. Present officers — Wm. H. Sanger, Pies.; Wm. Hall, V.-Pres.; Laura Jenkins, Sec; Annie H. Miller, Treas. Pa^t Presidents — Geo W. Rollins, Harry R. Chamberlain, Henry White, P. Fox. Number of members at organization, 12; present membership, 136. Fairmount School Alumni Association. — Organized Nov. 7, 1878. First officers — M. W. Mitchell, Pres.; E. Roberts, Jr., Lillie Booth, V.-Pres.; H. E Tower, Sec; Marion S. Piper, Treas. Present officers — H. C. Mandell, Pres.; E. W. Sawyer, V.-Pres.; Grace F. Eustis, Sec. and Treas. Past Presidents — M. W. Mitchell, E. Roberts, Jr., Samuel E. Ward, H. C. Mandell, G. F. Hammond, F. B. Rich, F. E. Blackmer. Present membership, 100. MUSICAL SOCIETIES. Hyde Park and Fairmount Choral Society. — Organized 1858. First officers — Prof. A. J. Robinson, Pres.; W T m. F. Cary, Sec. and Treas.; Wm. A. Blazo, Wm. Rogers, Esq., and I. L. Benton, Board of Managers. This society was organized in the fall of 1858. I. L. Benton, conductor. Constitution and 77 by-laws were adopted to govern the society. They prospered beyond expecta- tion, gave six public rehearsals each year, to the delight of the village in- habitants, from whom they obtained quite a sum of money and purchased a respectable library of music. They gave one concert, the proceeds of which went to purchase shade trees that are standing up and down Fairmount Avenue and other localities of the village to this day. On Washington's Birthday, the 22d day of February, 1S66, they dedicated the new Music Hall, then standing on the corner of Hyde Park Avenue and River Street, with a grand concert, which stood the criticism of one of Boston's best musical critics, and was by him pronounced as a very fine performance. This society was flourishing at the time of the organization of the town, and had on its membership roll the names of many of our prominent citizens. Hyde Park Chorus Club. — Organized Dec. 21, 1871, and continued for four sea- sons. First officers — Solomon Hovey, Pres.; T. C. Evans, V.-Pres.; Geo. B. War- ren, Sec. and Treas.; Edwin Tilden, Cond. Last officers — A. H. Brainard, Pres.; Geo. B. Warren, Sec. and Treas. Membership the first year, 135. This club was the outgrowth of rehearsals for a concert given in aid of the Public Library. It oc- cupied its first season with rehearsals for the World's Peace Jubilee, held in Boston in June, 1872, being enrolled No. 24 and furnishing over one hundred voices for the grand chorus. During the three following seasons, it gave several concerts of a high order, being well qualified therefor by the previous training. In Dec, 1874, it was decided to discontinue further meetings, and a few years later, it bequeathed all its musical property to the Choral Society. Choral Society. — Organized Oct. 9, 1879. First officers — Thos. Chamberlain, Pres.; A. II. Brainard, E. S. Hathaway, V.-Pres.; R. M. Johnson, Sec; T. C. Evans, Geo. B. Warren, Austin B. French, Dir.; J. W. French, Lib. Last officers — E. S. Hathaway, Pres. ; T. C. Evans, E. C. Farwell. V.-Pres.; A. E. Bradley, Sec. ; Mrs. K. A. Paine, W. H. Harlow, Jas. S. Mitchell, Dir.; F. L. Johnson, Lib. Pres- idents — Thos. Chamberlain, R. M. Johnson, G. H. Moulton, E. S. Hathaway. Was in active service until 1883. Anniversary Chorus. Committee on Twentieth Anniversary — H. J. Whittemore, Ch. ; C. E. Huggins, Sec. ; E. L. Jennings, W. H. Harlow, J. F. Loughlin, C. F. Holt, G. L. Ridley. A chorus of 100 voices was organized, H. J. Whittemore, conductor, and Miss M. E. Whittemore, accompanist, which with the orchestra rendered the Hallelujah Chorus, from the oratorio of Messiah, Gloria from Mozart's Twelfth Mass, and other selections. A choir was also formed to sing some of the old time music, which was given with violin and bass viol accompaniment. At one of the churches a select choir of 40 voices, assisted by the quartette of the Con- gregational Church, gave several selections of classical music. For complete list of those participating in the musical exercises, see programme of services. MISCELLANEOUS. Fairmount Laud Company and Twenty Associates. — Organized Sept. 1, 1855. Alpheus P. Blake, Pres.; John Williams, Treas. Composed of the following gentle- men : Wm. E. Abbott, Amos S. Angell, A. P. Blake, E. E. Blake, Ira L. Benton, John N. Brown, Geo. W. Currier, H. C. Fisk, J. C. French, Wm. E. French, David Iliggins, John Hobbs, Sam'l S. Mooney, Wm. II. Nightingale, J. YVentworth Payson, D wight B. Rich, A.J. Robinson, Wm. II. Seavey, Daniel Warren, and John Wil- liams. From this, in 1859, grew the Real Estate and Building Company, incor- porated in 1861. Social Science Association. — Organized 1873. First President — Frederic A. Ellis. Last officers — E. I. Humphrey, Pres.; Miss M. E. I.ibby, Sec; Dr. T. K. Knight, Treas. This organization had discussions on social questions (in public), and gave a course of lectures in which three of our townsmen, Messrs. C. F. Gerry, O. T. Gray, and E. I. Humphrey were speakers. Ifyde Park Improvement Society. — Organized March 1, 1881. First officers — Rev. P. B. Davis, Pres.; Col. J. B. Bachelder, D. L. Davis, Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., Henry Grew, A. II. Brainard, V.-Pres.; S. G. Maconiber, clerk; II. S. liunton, Treas. Present officers — W. J. Stuart, Pres.; J. B. Bachelder, V.-Pres.; E. S. 7* Hathaway, Sec; Rob't Bleakie, Treas. Number of members at organization, 21; present membership, 80. Organized to encourage and stimulate all measures look- ing to the improvement of the town. At present in a quiescent state. Hyde Park Associates. — Organized Jan. 1,1887. Officers — Frederick N. Tirrell, Pres.; Geo. M. Rice, V.-Pres.; Ellis H. Williams, Treas.; Sidney C. Putnam, C. Fred Allen, Fred A. French, Trustees; Wilbur H. Powers, Chas. Vose, Oscar W. Whicher, A. G. Worden, Gideon Haskell, Geo. M. Rice, Ex. Com.; Alex. Millar, Jas. F. Mooar, Asa J. Adams, Auditors. Number of members (limited), 42. Hyde Park Horticultural Society. — Organized May 13, 1884. First officers — W. C. Eustis, Pres. ; D. C. Marr, 1st V.-Pres. ; Mrs. E. W. Allen, 2d V.-Pres. ; Dr. J. K. Knight, Sec, Mrs. B. F. Radford, Treas. ; Robert Bleakie, Andrew Washburn, Sylvanus Cobb, Tr., Mrs. A. H. Brainard, and Mrs. G. G. Bailey, Ex. Com. Present officers— W. C. Eustis, Pres. ; Chas. F. Holt, 1st V.-Pres.; Mrs. D. W. Lewis, 2d V.-Pres. ; R. M. Johnson, Sec. ; Mrs. H. S. Bunton, Treas. ; H. W. Killam, B. C. Vose, C. E. Roberts, Mrs. A. H. Brainard, and Mrs. A. E. Swallow, Ex. Com. Number of members at organization, 71 ; present membership, 96. Historical Society. — Organized March 15, 1887. First officers — Amos H. Brainard, Pres. ; Henry Grew, 1st V.-Pres. ; H. B. Humphrey, Rec. Sec. ; C. F. Jenney, Cor. Sec. ; Wallace D. Lovell, Treas.; and seven curators.' Present officers the same. Number of members at organization, 34 ; present membership, 83. The object of this society is " the promotion of the study of history, with particular reference to that of Hyde Park, the preservation and perpetuation of the memory of persons and events connected with said town, and the collection of objects of historic interest." Although a young organization, the society has already been of great benefit. It has made a start upon an historical library, and the collection of matters of interest relating to the town. It observed the nine- teenth anniversary of the incorporation of the town, and was instrumental in bringing about a general observance of the twentieth anniversary by the people of the town. Admission fee, $2.00; annual dues, $1.00: and ladies are eligible to membership upon the payment of $1.00. Woman Suffrage League. — Organized August, 1887. Officers — Theo. D. Weld, Pres.; Mrs. E. II. Webster, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart, Mrs. Sarah E. Stone. V.-Pres.; Miss S. E. Swallow, Sec. and Treas. Number of members at organization, 26; present membership, 40. ADDRESS BY REV. PERLEY B. DAVIS. " This month shall be unto you the beginning of months." Exodus xii. 2. There come alike to nations, communities, and individuals, events which mark epochs in their history, — crises which, like moulds, shape their future. At such junctures it is well to erect, as least in memory, monuments toward which thought may often turn with profit. In an important sense, such an event occurred to the inhabitants of this community, when, by Legislative Act ratified twenty years ago to-day by the Chief Executive, the people dwelling in contiguous portions of Dedham, Dorchester, and Milton were incorporated into a dis- tinct municipality, and the town of Hyde Park was to carve her own future. To her this month thus became the beginning of months. From the history and associations of the parent towns — three .of the most ancient and honorable in the Commonwealth — the new town received a valuable legacy, and thus had in a sense a lineage, which was in itself a proph- ecy of good. A score of years having passed, we are now called upon to furnish a report of our progress. In complying with the request of your committee to present on this occasion a brief outline of thought, I premise that only in the most general way shall I aim at a review of the past twenty years. This is not designed to be, with any minute- ness, an historical discourse. Statistics and details will doubt- less be presented elsewhere. They will not be attempted here. It is mine merely to point an index finger, and seek a few suggestions which may befit this anniversary hour. Allow me further to premise that in the work before me I must, of course, 79 8o speak from my own point of view. For the opinions I shall offer, no one is responsible but the speaker. I should, how- ever, fail in my understanding of the duty assigned me, as well as be untrue to myself, if I did not state freely my own convictions. No thought I may express will be yours unless you adopt it. Let us note first, that those called twenty years ago to lay here the foundation of a new town, were summoned to no easy task. People gathered from three townships were to be united into one local government. To these were rapidly added others from numerous towns and cities of this and other states, and from across the sea. Ours was thus a community far from homogeneous. It was not to be expected that their interests, much less their opinions, would flow easily and at once into the same channel. Nowhere more than in the order- ing of town affairs does individuality assert itself. Here every man esteems himself the peer of every other, and is his own sovereign. Those gathered here were no exceptions to this. They were people having ideas, and not afraid to express them. Whatever our young town lacked, it was not wanting in self- reliance. It had the ardor of youth ; there was warm blood in its veins. Some towns in our Commonwealth, older and doubt- less wiser than we, looked on, and with mingled feelings of amusement and dismay, saw our young Samson shake his locks. But though earnest and impetuous, we were not idiotic. We had an end to reach and bent towards it. We had no design of fulfilling Carlyle's definition of a balky horse, — one that is all move, but no go. We did go. Our motion was for- ward. If not always steady, it was at least steadily onward. We are glad to feel that we have lived to receive, and we hope, justly to have earned, confidence and approval from some towns whose words of sympathy were at first not excessive. Aside from our enthusiasm and determined spirit, — facts in themselves of greater value than material helps — few communi- ties ever entered upon a career of self-support with slenderer appliances than we. With our staff we passed over Jordan. Within our area was a population of about 4,000. There were about 475 legal voters. There were 460 dwellings. The 8i supply of public buildings, located at what had previously been corners of towns, was of the very meagerest sort. The vital fluid is apt not to flow freely to the extremities. Our first town report shows that what is now our High School building (since remodelled) and a small and very antiquated structure at Readville were all belonging to us in the way of schoolhouses.* For the school children now cast upon our care, and rapidly increasing by immigration, accommodations had to be sought in halls, private buildings, soldiers' barracks, and wherever an entrance could be gained. The task was difficult. It was making bricks without straw. Well do I recall those numerous and anxious evening sessions of the School Board, sometimes pro- longed until the return of day, in which the attempt was made to accomplish what seemed impossible. Our supply of church edifices was no more ample than that of schoolhouses. The Baptist congregation was worshipping in a temporary chapel. The edifice of the Episcopal Church was already erected, and is the only one dating to that period. Other congregations had places of assembling in rooms over markets, stores, and tinshops. For the convenience of the people, the bell on the woolen mill (since burned) was rung to note the hours of Sabbath worship. In voting, we went for years, for the election of other than local officers, to the respective towns from which we had been taken. The place for holding our own elections was a non- descript building, which bore the euphonious name of Music Hall. It had already served a miscellaneous use in Boston as an adjunct to the Apollo Garden, and, in pieces, had been brought to this place on wagons. The building has since been removed, but its memory remains.f It was an unique structure, a remarkable combination of the grotesque, ornamental, and inconvenient. Here we held our town meetings, some of which were indeed phenomenal. It is to be doubted if any *It was afterwards decided that the small, dilapidated, and then unused Butler schoolhouse was also the property of the town. This building was erected in 1N04, and must rank among the oldest schoolhouses in the State. The frame still remains unchanged, and with a new and attractive exterior now affords pleasant accommodations for a primary school. t In a quite altered condition, the building now stands on Hyde Park Avenue, near the head of Lincoln Street. 82 other town ever quite produced their like. Whether inspired by the attempts at classic frescoes on the wall we may not say ; certain it is, the oratory was sometimes quite overpowering. No cradle of liberty was ever rocked by more earnest utter- ances. Of streets, there were in the central portion of the town but five or six which had been formally accepted. Several others now existing had been roughly drawn ; some having for their pavement stumps and roots of trees, and unlighted, afforded at night a precarious passage. Our post office sent away its mail, having the name of the town written on the letters with a pen. We had no fire department, no public library, no board of health, no system of police. It was the day of small things. As a town, we began our climbing at the very bottom of the ladder. Scarcely had we entered upon our career when most adverse circumstances overtook us. The destructive Boston fire of 1872, followed by the prolonged depression of business, was a severe ordeal. Many thought it would inflict on our new town a paralyzing blow. It did put our hope and courage to a severe, but not breaking test. We were as a ship, as yet unused to sea, called suddenly to buffet a gale. But though strained in every part, our untried craft stood up bravely against the storm, and outrode it. Many individuals suffered severely, and our growth was for a time materially checked. This financial disaster was, however, not without some incidental benefit. Numerous houses were thrown upon the market, many of which were pur- chased by parties who have here made permanent homes, and are among our most valuable citizens. Thus this Red Sea of difficulty did not overwhelm us, and we were spared to sing our song on the other side. From this brief outlook upon our town, when as an infant it first opened its eyes, we turn to an equally brief survey of it, now a youth of twenty years. The change is marked. Our population is at present but little short of 10,000. Our num- ber of legal voters is about 1,450. The number of dwellings is about 1,550. Our six or seven schoolhouses, with a seating capacity of about 2,000, are an honor to this, as they would be to any, town in the Commonwealth. Our schools take a high rank in the state, «and our corps of teachers is, much to our regret, often invaded when city or other positions are to be filled. The town has thus far devoted to school purposes the sum of S642.676.93, which is about two-fifths of its entire expenditures. Our seven church edifices are in appearance and appointments not unworthy the sacred name they bear, and the more sacred use they serve, and stand essentially unencum- bered by debt ; while to an unusual degree our various denomi- nations work in harmony side by side, knit by strong bands of fellowship. We have a vigorous Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation, whose quiet but efficient work is doing much to elevate our young men in physical, mental, and moral culture. We have an excellent public library of nearly 10,000 volumes, which, although its formation called forth many willing helpers, was largely the achievement of one of our honored citizens* (his name it ought to bear), whose benignant face and silvery locks still gladden us to look upon. We have societies and organiza- tions almost innumerable, for the attainment of social, literary and philanthropic ends, and others for the promotion of finan- cial gains. We have a well-equipped fire department ; a well- matured code of by-laws ; a vigorous board of health, and a system of police whose purpose for efficient service will, we hope, prove as ample as the means placed at their disposal. We have a postal department, whose rapid growth has secured to us an office which is a credit to our place, and inspires us with the hope of the early privilege of free delivery. Greatly to the comfort, and with wise reference to the safety of the town, water, and that of the purest quality, has been brought to our streets, and into our dwellings. Our streets, most of them, are excellent, and are flanked by miles of curbed and graded sidewalk, brick or concrete ; while of late, gleaming in the air, the soft and brilliant radiance of electric lights has, in portions of our town, turned night almost into day. It is also said that, by an attentive listening, the ear of faith — or fancy — can already hear the sound of horse cars rumbling past our * Theodore D. Weld, Esq. 8 4 doors. A portion of our streets are shaded by graceful trees, the product largely of private taste and effort, whose success in this direction should stimulate to much larger private and public expenditures to the same end. Providence has greatly favored us in giving to our town a most desirable situation. Our diversi- fied area of hills and vales affords a landscape whose variety and beauty are seldom equaled. Ours also, to a remarkable degree, is a healthful location. No prevailing epidemic has visited us, and the rate of our mortality is small. I need not say that energy and enterprise have characterized our community. We have far more internal vitality than per- tains to most towns so near a great metropolis. We are some- thing more than a mere sleeping-room to Boston. Our manu- factures, of various kinds, have been from the first, and are more and more becoming, an important factor in our prosperity and growth. Some of our manufacturing buildings are, in structure and appointments, as well as in the aspect of neat- ness they and their surroundings bear, models worthy of study and imitation. A pleasant feature, noticeable especially of late, is the endeavor widely prevalent to gather about our homes the appearance and appliances of taste and comfort. This aim cannot be too assiduously cultivated. A community is gauged as in no other way by the quality of its homes. Whatever elevates these lifts society, and enriches and purifies life in every part. Your speaker has often been glad to welcome strangers to our town, conduct them along our streets, bid them note our natural and acquired attractions, and from the heights which overlook our village point out to them the results achieved during this score of years. When — and may the time be hastened — upon our principal business street a better class of mercantile buildings shall prevail, and these be supplemented by an attractive and commodious hall, our satisfaction in drawing attention to the growth and enterprise of our town will be materially enhanced. I have said that homes and morals are closely related. I think the morality of our community bears favorable compari- son with almost any town in the Commonwealth. I am glad to be informed that Hyde Park affords far fewer cases at the county court than other places of corresponding size. 85 When our town was founded there was a deep-seated purpose to create a public Sentiment and inaugurate a policy respecting temperance, which should give to the town on this subject a pronounced attitude. This attitude has been maintained. From the first, with a single exception, our vote has been for prohibition ; and never before by so large a majority as at the last election.* Our town has also the high distinction that from us has arisen a temperance reformer! of more than national repute ; through whose agency, mainly, a majority of those who at the end of another twenty years will, by their votes, rule this country, are receiving in the public schools the latest inculcation of science as to alcoholics and narcotics. This success Joseph Cook declares to be an " eighth wonder of the world." We may, therefore, well be glad that our temperance record and influence have been so good and so wide. Let us not, however, in the least abate our zeal or remit our efforts. Let us by all means seek to combine our strength against a united foe, and take especial care that by no divisive measures or specious arguments those who should be co-laborers are drawn apart, leading to the result that they who are willing to lower the temperance standard are elected to places of official influence, gaining their victory because the friends of temper- ance stand in disunited ranks. It is the policy of our enemy to divide our forces while they mass their own. Let it not be ours to be less sagacious than they. I have elsewhere implied that education was fundamental in the thought of the founders of the town. For this they sought to provide the amplest opportunities possible. They felt that the child of to-day was the citizen of to-morrow ; that the school- house of to-day was the townhouse, legislature, and courthouse of the future. To this purpose the town has steadily adhered, and there is doubtless no danger that from this it will ever depart. To the question now somewhat discussed, Has the state the right to share in the education of her future citizens ? there can be in America but one answer : Who, if not she, has *The vote for no license \va> 663 ; the vote for license was 267. fMrs. Mary II. Hunt. 86 vital interest in the training of those who are soon to be her blood and sinew ? This truth of the state's essential connec- tion with education was brought to these shores in the May- flower, and is as firmly imbedded in our minds as is the granite in our hills. From every schoolhouse in every hamlet comes a voice that to the state belongs both the duty and the right, the obligation and the privilege, to provide for every child such an education as shall fit him for his place as an American citi- zen. That phrase, American citizen, bears to our ears a deeper, sweeter meaning than the words, Roman citizen, bore in the land of the Caesars. For its definition we go not back to the 15th century, nor do we ask of monarchies or inquire of ecclesiastical hierarchies. The phrase is indigenous to this soil. Its birthplace is in this " Land of the free, and home of the brave." The parent, the church, and the state are to the child not rival, but co-operative, educators. Neither can remit its part, nor take away from another its own. Macaulay's words are, " The education of the people should be the first concern of the state." This is England's thought. Germany has it as a fundamental principle that what is to be in the nation must be taught in the school. Has our Republic less vital interest in education than these monarchies ? The period of school life ends with many at the age of twelve or fourteen years. The duty of the state to share in this early education of those who are soon to be parts of herself appears from two considerations : First, the state is bound to provide the best for all her patrons, present and prospective. Now, all experience demon- strates that for the masses the public schools are the best ; that there a higher knowledge, a broader outlook, a wider acquaintance with the nation and the world, and hence a loftier manhood, can be gained than is possible in sequestered nooks, where, isolated, withdrawn from their future companions in the race of life, — their comrades in life's battle, — deprived of the stimulus and inspiration born of contact with their fellows, they are expected to develop like plants hidden from the sun. Happily, most parents in this respect, as in others, desire for their children the best, and are not willing to have 87 it denied them. It is the duty of the state to see that they are protected in the 'full possession and enjoyment of this their right and privilege. Secondly, the state owes it to herself, to her own well-being, to educate those whom she is about to absorb within her own body. This right is inherent, and cannot be surrendered. In our schools are those who, in a few years, are to make and administer our laws ; those who are to be among the mayors of our cities, the governors of our states, and the judges in our courts. It is self-evident that those who are thus to be partici- pants in all branches of American government should first be trained in American ideas. Not to do this is to rely for our future dependence upon a nerveless arm, or else one in which has been placed a dangerous weapon. America, in the spirit and method of her government and institutions, must be directed by Americans ; not necessarily those whose bodies are born upon our shores, but those whose souls are infused with American ideas. If ever a voice is heard contrary to this, you may know it is not American. It is a stranger among us. Its speech betrayeth it. It is here to graft an alien scion on our stock ; to plant a foreign seed within our soil. It is neither of America, nor from America, and should not be heeded in America. It is not strange, however, inasmuch as from the first our public schools have been among the most potent agencies for instilling American ideas into the nation's life, that those who would ////-Americanize our youth should aim at the subversion of our system of public instruction. Is America ready to yield to this ? But if the state, through her schools, would give to her future citizens the best, and best protect herself, she must make her schools the best. To this end something must be provided for the heart as well as the head. There is no danger to our country so great as lack of conscience, issuing in a low stand- ard of morals. When morality is gone the nation perishes. Therefore, in our public schools there should be correct moral, as well as secular instruction. The Bible is the highest standard of morality. Hence the Bible, now too much ignored, must be given a prominent place, and from its imperial throne 88 be allowed to proclaim its broad, benign, unsectarian truths. Those were wise words of Germany's new-crowned Emperor, sent by him throughout his wide domain : " Only a generation growing up upon a sound basis, in the fear of God and in sound morals," can endure. That from one of Europe's strongest thrones ! On this basis our fathers founded this Republic. Remove this basis and the noble fabric they builded crumbles. Let us beware of any seductive arguments or efforts which would seek to eject the Bible from our public schools, thus making them practically Godless, and then condemn them because they are such. Well do I remember the organizing of our first school board. It was in the study of the speaker. Reverently we kneeled, while one — still with us — lifted his voice and all our hearts in fervent prayer that God's blessing might rest upon the present and all the future interests of our schools. Shall I not be pardoned, if, out of a full heart, I express an earnest desire that that prayer be answered ? As sure as God is God His blessing is the beginning and the ending of all true success, and the entrance of His words giveth light and understanding. To Him and to His words, then, let us cling, — " That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth ; that our daughters may be as corner-stones, polished after the similitude of a palace. Happy is that people that is in such a case ; yea, happy is that people whose God is the Lord." Such, in brief, fellow-citizens, are some of the objects my eye rests upon as I look upon the past and present of our town. The review is instructive. It is also stimulating. To-day our record of twenty years closes. A new page now opens to us. We have accomplished much. Much remains to be accom- plished, and the chief value of this memorial season is its influence on the future. An important work remains to us in what we have to do among and for ourselves in improving our homes, and developing our own social and public life. A no less important work awaits us in the wider relations we sustain to the state and nation of which we are a portion. In moulding the nation's future each town is to share an important part. The nation is but the town enlarged. Our Republic has not 8 9 passed its period of probation. It is to be doubted if it has yet reached its moist crucial hour. Numerous critical problems lie before us unsolved. It cannot be denied that dangerous forces are actively and widely working. Conflicting elements are marshalling on many fields. The spirit of discontent is broadly rife. Illiteracy, superstition, anarchy, passion, joined with cunning craft, are, with ghastly hand, feeling for the nation's life, aiming to destroy it, or poison it at its core. The sounds we sometimes hear are like the muttering of the sea about to be smitten by the blast. The storm signals already set are fluttering in the breeze. It is at a time like this our young town, athletic in its early manhood of a score of years, moves out upon the arena and takes its stand. Its loins are girded, and its spirit brave. It is ready for action. In the past our town has not been afraid to be a pioneer, a leader in thought and deed. The time has not gone by when the call will cease for those who are willing to stand in the front, perhaps at cost and sacrifice. Shall we be ready to heed the summons, and, firm in principle and obedient to duty, act well our part in an age when the nation and the world wants heroes ? We hold up the lamp of our past history that it may cast its rays forward. We study the way we have thus far come that we may advance the better, with firmer tread, larger faith, and loftier aim. As the traveller among the Alps often in his climb- ing finds, in sheltered nooks, grottoes, where he may rest awhile and refresh himself with honey from snow-fed flowers, and milk fresh from the peasant's flock ; till, his eye having retraced the already finished journey, and surveyed the now widening landscape, he, strengthened and cheered by the prospect, again seizes his Alpine stock, and with elastic step pursues his way toward loftier heights and broader visions ; so we tarry for an hour, that by the review of the past and the survey of the present we may gain fresh courage and inspiration for our further pilgrimage. We are grateful that as a town we have been able to do so much and so well. We recognize a beneficent Hand that has thus far guided us. Therefore, to express our gratitude do we set up in the way our " stone of help," and inscribe thereon, "Hitherto 9 o hath the Lord helped us." Still seeking Divine assistance we intend to be true to the motto of our town, Si tent as perfice — If you begin, finish. It is not claimed that no mistakes have entered into our past record. It is to be regretted that a broader and more generous policy did not in some respects earlier display itself in the planning and pioneering of our town. In certain other respects a better studied and more conservative procedure at times would doubtless have saved us some embar- rassments, financial and otherwise. There is wisdom in the adage, " Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow." It is never well for Icarus with wings of wax to soar too near the sun. The way, however, to retrieve an error is first to discover it, and at every turn at which we have been led amiss let us erect a warn- ing pillar, as did Bunyan's pilgrim at the stile over which his feet strayed into By-Path Meadow. As to sectional jealousies, prejudice in judging private or official acts, methods affecting our individual, social, or public transactions, which tend to blem- ish the fair reputation of our town — let none of these be so much as named among us. From our own experience and the observation we have had of other towns, we may, I think, learn some lessons of profit, among them these : That towns as well as persons have an individuality, some- thing which marks them as superior or inferior to others ; that to a town it is a great advantage to have a good name ; that a town will be essentially what the individuals are who compose it ; that in discharging one's duties as a citizen there is need of much wisdom and large charity, and that it is no sure sign one is a knave or an imbecile if he does not agree with us ; that in public as well as private, abuse is far less effective than argu- ment, and generally indicates fewer brains and an inferior man- hood ; that in one's relation to town affairs as well as else- where, honor is a jewel of priceless worth, and when once lost is hard to be regained ; that manliness may be sacrificed at the ballot box, and whenever bartered there is always sold cheap ; that true public spirit is a willingness to serve others, not a scheming to be served by others, and hence that public offices are not to be sought for private ends ; that caucuses and town meetings are often places where masks are thrown 9 1 off, and hence become remarkable revealers of real character ; that victory, whenever gained unjustly, is worse than defeat, and that a chaplet unfairly won is apt to turn to a crown of thorns ; that a good name is of more value than great riches ; that integrity of character and uprightness of life are of su- preme worth, bringing their own sure and permanent reward; and that the best record one can leave behind is that he did justly, loved mercy, and walked humbly with his God. Of those who aided in laying the foundation of our town, some of sainted memory, crowned with years and full of honors, now rest from their labors and their works do follow them. In a few more years all who saw the beginning of our town will have passed away. Instead of the fathers will be the children. When we shall have rendered our last service, and others shall build on our foundation, may they, however loftily their walls shall rise, take care so to rear their structure that it shall abide when judgment is laid to the line and righteousness to the plummet. And if eventually a city shall stretch beside these streams and along these pleasant hillsides, may it come to pass that both we who wrought at the foundation, and they who bring forth the topmost stone, shall each, at length, be wel- comed by Christ Himself, with the words, " Well done," into that city He hath builded, whose walls are jasper and whose gates are pearl. ADDRESS, BY REV. RICHARD |. BARRY. [Substantially as follows :] Each Sunday we assemble here before the altars of our God to renew our fealty of affectionate love and to invoke the Divine assistance. " Piety is useful for all things." It teaches a man to love God and his country. After father and mother, the land and people among whom we live ought to be the objects of our dearest solicitude. It is, then, in words of con- gratulation, words of joy, words of exultation, that I would speak to-day on this festival of our beautiful town. The sacred edifice, where we are assembled, reminds us of out- duties to God. But words of good will and brotherly love are part of religion. By the providence of God we are citizens of one common country, children of one common Fatherland, and our townspeople are our kindred. Their happiness, their pros- perity, their peace, their welfare, their defense should be the object of our most sincere and self-sacrificing devotion. We are as one family, as passengers in the same steamer, — all have a common interest, all are alike in safety or in peril. There- fore what concerns our town is to us an object of piety. Loyalty to God and patriotism walk hand in hand. Such is the doctrine of the church, and if we take part in the celebra- tion it is not from self-interest, it is not because it chimes in with public opinion, but because it is a duty and tribute of piety. We read the history of Hyde Park in the happy, peaceful homes of the people, in its noble enterprises, its charitable and manufacturing institutions, all manifesting a wondrous 94 growth, all illustrating the enlightenment of the people, all pointing to a brilliant future, all manifesting the mercy and fidelity of God to His people. It is edifying to see a people turn reverently to God in thanksgiving, invoking the co-operation of the Almighty for the future prosperity of their commun- ity ; for " Unless the Lord build the house, in vain do they labor that built it." We take a genuine pride in our town, we are interested in its welfare, and we shall always endeavor to uphold its honor and good name. This temple is erected to the honor and service of Almighty God. In its grandeur and beauty it stands as a monument of the generosity of this com- munity. Rich and poor are alike here. But it is especially the poor who find comfort here after their days of hardship and toil ; it is their opera house, their resting place. Here they find true rest of heart and courage to continue the battle of life. In speaking of this edifice, I would say that it has been built mainly out of the pennies of the poor ; but I cannot allow this happy occasion to pass without publicly thanking those, not of my faith, who have been generous in word and deed. This congregation owes a deep debt of gratitude to Mr. Robert Bleakie, who from first to last stood ready to make any sacrifice to assist us. Less than this I cannot say in justice to this generous hearted gentleman, and more than this I might easily add in truth, but I know that his deeds were all done to help the people and not to win praise from men. (The speaker then went on to trace the associations connecting the church with the history of the town and with the history of the country.) The church is at home in every time and place, in every class of the community, in every stage of cultivation. She has always a work to do, a harvest to reap. The Catholic Church is the oldest and best tried institution in the world. That ancient church has accompanied society through nearly nine- teen centuries. She has had trial of east and west, of monarchy and democracy, of slaves and freemen, of marts of commerce and centres of manufacture, of old countries and young, of cities and towns. The Catholic Church came to America with Columbus. She has accompanied America through her four hundred years of 95 history. She has been in this country from the very dawn of the morning. She spread her tent here in the earliest days of the town's history and she has grown with the development of the community. Her influence will always be felt on the side of liberty, manhood, and truth. She will fulfil her heavenly mission to the end. Many think that the church aims at ostentation and effect. She must be splendid, majestic, influential ; fine services, music, courtesy. These they fancy are weapons of the church. Well, the church cannot help being strong and beautiful ; it is her gift from God. But this is not her aim. She goes forth on one errand. She is sent to heal the diseases of the soul, to chasten the hearts of men because " out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, thefts, false testimonies, blas- phemies. These are the things that defile a man." The church has a real, earnest work to do, and she holds that it were better for sun and moon to drop from heaven than that a soul should offend God by even telling one deliberate falsehood. Her enemy is sin. The history of ages testifies that the church has been the source and cause of numberless temporal blessings to the world. These, however, she does not promise. She is in the world to save souls — to warn the proud — to be the solace of the forlorn, and the guide of the wayward. In her fold all men are equal. And her mission is to labor for the moral elevation of the world. In the fulfilment of her design she asks no civil aid. She seeks no state patronage. All the church wants is an open field and freedom to act. She will teach her children to be faithful to God and true to society. (Speaking more directly to Catholics, he said :) Let each one stand on his own ground, let each approve himself in his own district. Your mission is to be good Chris- tians and good citizens — to edify men by leading exemplary lives. We live in a thriving, growing town. Grow it must ; you cannot stop it. It will be the mission of the church to see that the moral development keeps pace with the material extension. (In concluding he said :) May the blessing of Almighty God descend upon this fair town, making its homes sacred and refined, the manners of the people Christian and courteous, its citizens united and 9 6 contented, and all patriotic and happy. May religion be in honor ; teaching morality, temperance, and brotherly love, and illumining the dreary, weary ways of common life with the hopes and the radiance of a better world. Amen. (The decorations of the church were elaborate, the music of the finest order, and the whole service a credit to the society and an illustration of the elevated taste of the people of Hyde Park.) IT IS NOT A VERY LONG TIME since two citizens of Hyde Park drew the First and Second Prizes for obtaining the largest list of subscribers for a certain pub- lication. Here is another chance : $100 CASH PRESENT To the agent who secures the most subscribers to THE RAMBLER before Jane 15, 1888. Presents $50 to second and N'2.> to third largest. Extra: — A present of s.> for every 50 subscribers besides. THE RAMRLER is elegantly printed on beautiful calendered paper, finely illustrated, choice reading. Subscription price 50 cents a year. '2.> cents coin- mission to all Agents in addition to all of above extras. We are bound to add 100,000 subscribers to our large list, and we are more thau liberal. Surely you will not pass this by. Fp p p Agents* Out fit to all readers of this P lY C C paper. Write to us now for sample RAMBLER and our grand inducements for .von to act for us in your locality. All Offers are genuine and backed by solid, honorable men. THE RAMBLER, New London, Conn. Who knows but what the Leading Prizes may come again to Hyde Park or some neighboring village. The publishers of THE RAMBLER desire to have all of our citizens enrolled on their subscription list ; and they herewith make very special inducements for a few live agents in this section. If you read this advertisement in the fall of '88, spring of '89, or any other time after the expiration of above offer, write to THE RAMBLER; the publishers have an eye to business, and they always will have some grand inducements for you either as a subscriber or agent. Write at once. THE RAMBLER, NEW LONDON, CONN. Qlobe Letter Filing Gabinets, j&^ 1 - S CO C\| cu &J. co ^T ->^ o ^ =■ > 5. 5. r o J r <*» z 5? 3 co w ■ 3 2. t ALL SIZES FROM 6 TO 75 FILES William W. Edwards, THE GLOBE COMPANY Selling Agent. J 66 Devonshire St., Boston. HAMMOND TYPE WRITER. Price Machine, with two type wheels, $100.00. SEND FOR "What Rollo v ^ Apothecary, HYDE PARK Co-Operative Bank, HYDE PARK, MASS. (Organized under Chapter 224 of the Acts of 1877, Approved May 14, 1877.) Organized March 17, 1886. Chartered March 26, 1886. Began Business May 5, 1S86. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Andrew Washburn, President. Richard M. Johnson, Vice President. Thomas E. Faunce, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS. lames D. McAvoy, Alonzo H. Richardson, George L. Stocking, David W. Lewis, George Miles, Rich- ard J. Sullivan, Eli B. Tasker, Edward W. Cross, Henry F. Arnold, Hiram J. Townsend, Geo. Hall. AUDITORS. Galen L. Stone, Fred L. Johnson, Charles F. Morrison. Attorney ; Charles F. Jenney. Office, Everett Sq.,cor. Central Avenue. OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 Daily: and first Wednesdays, 2 to 5 <& 7.30 to 9 P. M. Monthly meetings are held on First Wednesday Evenings. Cotter & Jenney, Counsellors at Law, 19 & 20 Rogers Building, 209 Washington Street, . . . Boston. Charles F. Tbnne\ . 1 NEPONSET Block. HYDE PARK, MASS. BLAKE & RIPLEY, Commission Merchants, AND DBALERS IN Foreio and Domestic Fruits i AGENTS FOR CALIFORNIA FRUIT UNION, J. C. HOUGHTON & CO., Liverpool, Eng., FLORIDA FRUIT EXCHANGE, THE FRANK BROS. CO., NEW YORK. 57 CHATHAM ST., BOSTON E. E. BLAKE. F. L. RIPLEY. HENRY S. BUMM INSURANCE. REPRESENTING Royal Insurance Co, Of Liverpool. London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co, Of Liverpool. Pennsylvania Fire Ins, Co. Of Philadelphia. Notary Public for Norfolk County. Do not be Deceived Misrepresentation. Buy your BREAD, CAKE, and PASTRY at 64 FAIRMOUNT AVE. Having leased the Bakery formerly occupied by Simon Weisbrod, I shall keep all kinds of BREMD,— -PHSTRY, Also CRACKERS of all kinds On hand and to order. ICE CREAM TO ORDER IN THE SEASON. By the Quart or Gallon. Wedding Cake a Specialty. Hot Brown Bread and Beans Sunday Morning. Thanking the people of Hyde Park and vicinity for their patronage in the past, I hope, by strict attention to business and keeping the best of stock, to merit a continuance of their support. Respectfully, E. H. COOLD. Edmund Davis, Counsellor at Law, Conveyancer and Examiner of Titles. Special Attention given to Prac- tice, in Probate and Equity Courts, and to the Set- tlement of Estates of Deceased Persons. OFFICE : EVERETT BLOCK! Rooms 2 and 3 Bank Building, HYDE PARK. HYDE PARK. S. B. BALKAM. WM. H. HAKLOW. S. B. BALKAM & CO., Lumber, Coal, Wool, Lime, Cement. Brick, Drain Pipe, Nails, &c. Yard and Office : Cor. Pierce and West Streets. Office : Fourth door south of N. Y. & N. E. Depot. ORDERS RECEIVED AT PI TNAM WORDEN'S & C. L. ALDEN & CO.'S STORES. CORTICBLLI WASH SIL 1 RUBBER HOSE FOR [C.MItllU «*SH SILK j " Q0 II *^ lil>1ILL ^rM1^^^^S| Garden, Lawn, Stable Use, Prepared expressly for Art-needle- ||| ALSO work on materials which require wash- fi| THE RUBBER LINED COTTON HOSE. Colors warranted not to "run," or jgjf to injure in any way the most delicate H HOSE KEELS. NOZZLES, FOUNTAINS, fabrics by using Castile soap and warm |B COUPLINGS, &c, &C, AT water, |||[K BOTTOM PRICES. Sold in three grades: (1) EE, coarse, Bfi for extra heavy outline work, or solid FOB SALE IN HYDE PARK embroidery. Ten-yard skeins ; (2) No. «B 500, medium, for ordinary outline work 1§§ the or etching. Ten-yard skeins; (3) Floss WL STOVE AND HARDWARE DEALERS. ttmes called i 1 ne size gflflk oi high lustre, sold only on spools ow- *w 1* ' ing to its slack twist and consequent rag $k FRANKLIN RUBBER CO., delicacy. JB, i (Fuller, Leonards Small,) MOTUCK SILK CO. If Rubber Goods of Every Description, 18 SUMMER ST., BOSTON. B# Send 6 cents in stamps for sample, 13 FRANKLIN STREET, stating grade wanted. Near Washington Street, BOSTON. WARRANTED ffiura^ * ffif ilk IX GLASS JARS. Send Postal to Box 3, Hyde Park, Mass. Franklin & Shea, F)0R$G $R0GR$ AND CARRIAGE-SMITHS, Cor, Central Park Ave, & River St, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Contracted and Diseased Feet, Over-Reaching, and Interfering skil- fully treated. First Class Carriage Ironing of all descriptions. New and Second Hand Wagons For Sale, or Exchanged. Our work is the Best in the Market. Dr. P. KENISON, f Corns and Bad Nails Extracted without pain. N. Y. Office, 868 Broadway, Between 17th anil ISth Streets, opposite Huylei's. Boston, 10 & 18 Temple Place. r> _.,. „„ (Nails 50c. each. OperatioMon{ Corn8 25c. each. ocreems «pgoi5pip AwniK gs - window Shades. 62 Fairmount Ave..HydePark. J. B. CARTER, COAL HP WOOD. F. D. BRIGHAM, DEALER IN OFFICSS HT YARD, BUSINESS STREET. AND AT C. P. VAUGHN'S, ODD FELLOWS - BUILDING, No. 3 RIVER STREET. J'rivate Telephone at VAl'GHN'S where orders will receive prompt at- tention. HYDE PARK STEAM MILL. JOHN N. BULLARD, Wholesale and Eetail Sealer in Flour, Grain, Feed, Hay, STRAW, AND SALT. HEADQUARTERS POR ALL KINDS OF GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS. Agent lor tne Leading; Brands of Fertilizers. MILL NBAS PROVIDENCE RAILROAD DEPOT, STORE : 33 EVERETT BLOCK, RIVER ST. PROVISIONS, Fruit, Vegetables, Etc. A FULL LINE OF FRESH AND SALT FISH. OYSTERS AND FRESH BOILED LOBSTERS IN THEIR SEASON. 72 & 74 FAIRMOUNT AVENUE, Xear N. V. & N. E. Depot, HYDE PARK. ESTABLISHED 1871. JAMES B. FALL, DEALER IX Stoves, Ranges, and Furnaces. PLUMBING AND KOOFING. 61 FAIRMOUNT AVENUE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HAIR DRESSING PARLORS, C. P. IKKNALD, Prop., 27 FAIRMOUNT AVE., HYDE PARK, MASS. Shaving and Hair Cutting done in the neatest manner. Special attention will be paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting and Shampooing. NOTB. — Ladies prefering their shampooil their children's hair cut, at home, at reasonable pric;s, can do so by leaving word at my store or the Host Office, any day except Saturday. rLEASK GIVE ME A < All. FRANK W. GLEASON & CO., PLUMBERS, Steam and Gas Fitters. ALSO, DEALERS IN STOVES, FURNACES^RANGES, Hardware and Lamps. No. 1 Bank Building, ETerett Square, HYDE PARK, MASS. BUY THK Hyde Park Times. Merrill Underhill, Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IX Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Lard and Country Produce, tea and coffee. 38 Fairmount Avenue. CH/RLES STDRTEVyiNT, M. D., HOMCEOPATHIST, 8 MAPLE ST., HYDE PARK, MASS. Telephone No. 9109. Lock Box 43. OFFICE HOURS —8 to 9 P.M. ; 4 to 6 P.M. Usually at home during the evening. THE NORFOLK COUNTY GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1813. Everett Square, . Hyde Park. THE OLD RELIABLE FAMILY PAPER. Book, Card, and Job Printing of every description. CLEMENT B. TOWER & CO. MANUFACTTJEEES, Hyde Park, Mass. For Snow Pudding, Jellies, Creams, Blanc-Manges, &c. N. M. PUTNAM. A. (.. WORDEN. B0ST0N BRANCH ± B0^T0|\I f>l\}\L DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, V IfroceNI&TeiiHouge, I small wares, V Rontc' Purnic I < Gents' Furnishings, m <£l and ^o Hiver ot., £ 0ur stock at all times embraces a f U ]ii ine ol £j E jj Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, a Cor. Hyde Park Ave., ja and a very attractive assortment of NOVELTIES, HYDE P7SRK ■ • 7UYP;SS. which we offer at one lowest CASH 7f price to all. ;jc CIDEON H. HASKELL. CHARLES LEWIS, everett sq. market. 1864. HYDE PARK. 1888. DEALER IN Bitabll»hedinl8M Stoves, furnaces, henry s. holtham . H N D DEALER IN Ranges. PROVISIONS, Kitchen Furnishing Goods. BEEF, PORK, LARD, BUS, TRIPK, SAU- SAGES, FRESH EMS, PDEE MILK, FRIIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. Special Attention given tO Roofing, Berries in tlieir Season. Plumbing, and Furnace Work. Opposite Congregational Church. I have weekly arrivals of Vermont Butter. 1 f^ | \y ££| p^ S~T R EI EI ~T~ S,i11 s0licit a tr ' al 0t th ° Se fi " e S " :iar Cure d Hams, so widely known as the Pine Apple Brand. Thank- OPP. MASnNIC BLOCK, log the citizens of Hyde Park for so liberal a share of patronage so many years, I still solicit a ion- HYDE PARK, tinuance of the s.ime. GORDON * + ♦ * ,- THE * CATERER Richardson & Rafter, CARPMTERS AND GOJMFECJIONER, Masonic Block, Hyde Park, Weddings, Receptions, and Banquets a Specialty. Creams, lees, &c. at Wholesale. Croquettes, Fancy Ices, and Cakes to order, Also Wedding Cake. Professional Cooks and Waiters furnished for Private Parties. IMIOIS BOYHTOI, DEALER IN FURNACES, RANGES, STOVES, — ) AND (— old: Jobbing of all kinds Promptly Attended to. Shop, cor. Central Park Ay. & River St. , HYDE PARK. The Best is The Cheapest. J. JOHNSTON, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. PLUMBE R & 6AS FITTER. Roofing and Jobbing in all branches of the trade promptly attended to. 64 WEST RIVER STREET, Near Providence R. R, Station. HYDEC PARK, MASS. X HYDE PARK, AVE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW. *♦& «!■{, «.'£ Oft, *.'{. •.<<. .>.'.» ^J- ^J- VJ? '/C »J» »JS "f! *"«\ /»■* /»■* #i» Hyde Prrk Local Hews • • • • Is given more space by the Boston Globe than by any other Boston paper. This, together with the fact that The Globe is the leading paper of New England, is reason why everybody in Hyde Park should read it daily. The ladies and the young people all like The Globe. Its stories and miscellaneous articles are famous throughout the country. • ?* *'* *'• £*.^ **m •!• i!' ^'« ^fi *'* *** *'* *i? #i? ^i» ti% #«» »»» #«» #i? *«? *j* *i» *J% W. A. WOOD k CO., Manufacturers of and Dealers in Dr. C. A. LESLIE, ** DENTIST,** Rooms, No. 55 Fairmount Ave., NEAR BAPTIST CHURCH. OFFICE HOURS, FROM I TO 5 P. M. ALL GRADES OF LUBRICATING J. P. BILLS, M. D., OILS 100 & 102 MILK ST., BOSTON. No. 24 CENTRAL AVENUE, Cor. Webster Street. "TELEPHONE: 914-5. U. HOLZER, BOOK-BINDER, 25 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass. TELEPHONE No. 1727. Hyde Park Telephone, 91 16. ESTABLISHED 1 870. Boston Telephone, 20 70. CHAS. M. CHAPIN, KIRK, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGES. Everett Square, 101 Milk St., corner Pearl, HYDE PARK, MASS. BOSTON, MASS. Extra facilities for placing large lines on Manufacturing and Merchandise Risks. Agent for the purchase, sale, and care of Real Estate. High grade mortgages negotiated. Telephone 1637 PRINTERS OK THIS BOOK. L. BARTA & CO., Book and Job Printers, 54 Pearl Street, BOSTON. PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Estimates Furnished hi. :m:,^:r,:ecs, Merchant Tailor, 12 Fairmount Avenue, HYDE PARK. Fine Suits, Overcoats, &c, made to order from measure. A full assortment of FineTailoring Wool- lens constantly on hand. The Style and Workmanship of my gar- ments are first-class in every particular. Best Work ; Bottom Prices. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. * ft $ ft CARPENTERS AND BUILDER, Would respectfully announce to the people of Hyde Park that he "still lives" after two years as a Builder, in spite of the prophecy to the contrary. FIRST-CLASS WORK Will be given to those who wish it, as I have as competent mechanics as are to be found in town. All kinds of Woodwork done, including the building of HOUSES AND BATHROOMS, the repairing of LEAKS, SHINGLING, &c. RHEUMATISM > II ft r>TI I JO <> DYSPEPSIA OL'KBD WITH } IU I I K I H N < CUBED B1 Rheumatic Cure.)!'*"* I II U^Pnre : : Pepsin. Snid oy DmgiriBtR By mail, 81 per bottle. (HAS. i[ NORTH A- CO. . . . Boston, Mas*. Shop . . Rear of Engine House, HYDE PARK, EVERETT STABLES. o o o o Hack, Livery, Boarding and Sale Stables. A. RAYMOND, Proprietor. CENTRAL PARK AVENUE, OPPOSITE EVERETT STREET, HYDE PARK, MASS. FIRST-CLASS HACKS, CARRIAGES, ETC, FURNISHED FOR WEDDINGS, FU- NERALS, PLEASURE PARTIES, ETC., AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. ORDERS FOR PIANO and FURNITURE MOVING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. BARGES OF ALL KINDS FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. Hack at Depots on arrival of all Trains. BRANCH STABLES AT DEDHAM AND EAST DEDHAM. 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