s LIBRARY University of California. C/53 Class HOT CASE B / k i I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/beautygoodproperOOIondrich C|)e CuDor fusimilt Ceytg ^be Beauty anb <3oo6 lP>ropertie6 ot Momen [otherwise Calfeto anb ^elibaea] Dafe of the Earliest Known Edition^ c, 1530 [Bodleian Library^ Malone Collection'] Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1909 Calieto ant> /Iftelibaea Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER tCbe Beauty anb (3oo6 IP^ropertfee of XiXHomen [otherwise (Ealfeto anb /Iftelibaea ^- 1530] Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C: AND EDINBURGH MCMIX ^^^£PM fiat Zhc Beauty anb (5oob Ip^roperties of Momen [otberwisc (Xalisto anb /Iftelib^a] T'Ae secondary title^ " Calls to and Melibcea^^ was adopted by Haxlitt when first he reprinted this item in his edition of " Dodslefs Old Playsr The only known copy of the original is in the Malone Collection in the Bodleian Library, The photographic negatives used in this reproductio7i were supplied by the Clarendon Press {see Introductions to " The Temptation of Our JLord^'' and ^^The Marriage of Wit and Science'''''), The whole of this reproduction is too strongly printed^ from causes there alluded to. The background in each case ought not to be stronger than that of [^^ ))♦ verso] /. 5, verso, or j!l5^ t* verso (/. 7), which are good : with these may be contrasted ^^ it)* verso, which is " very badT The blot on ^^ i^ recto, bottom of page ^ is the result of a hole in the orginal which goes right through the play, JOHN S. FARMER. 191658 UNIVERSITV OF '^-.jtJema^^. ^ ':iSt t/i ^r^t^-e^ ■i>^ %^A, yir/^ ^ Su^^^^C^ f'Tift^ ^^/>t t^r ly/^w^ >u/ /^ sJi^ //^ -^^ ^^///s \ £3f <3L netb comoop e tn cnsiyff) (a maner ifiDtfinenterluDc t^gfjtclFgant dftrflof craft of retf|o?vft/lt?Iie:ettt ts (§ettiD * D3?rc2plj)?D as toellt^e lictutc t gooD pi:ope.2tC3 of toomen.' as tfjevr t)>>c^^e f euy^ll coDicidg/lri t!j a motall cocluftonttcjrljortacpon toljeitclji '<>^ 9' ■ *- %^ V.V CJfwnrifcuspettarcaertcpoetlotorwte j&apttj t^ nature toljycl) is motljcr of all njtrtg rt out ftr^ff can g^uc Ipfe to notl)mg create 3inO icraclito tijc Ui)ic clerfe inl^te lur j^t vng S^avtl) mail t^vngf crcateftCFff is rDcr.K ujojfeptig 3tnD tl)cr IS no t^ing tnoer t^c f irniatneuc toit^ anp ot^er in all porntes cquitwlcut C^nDacco^Dj^ngtotfjer^eDUtporelicrfFD ao ti|U0 3ill tljyngC are create t« mancr of lici f c as^befc folpC^ loueiB t^cn tftat be f o aiiicrous ^ fro pleafurctotJtrpleafu^UoiDlcoettKP thcr? Ip.^ ^o\D f orp note fao nolo :Jovou9 nouj pcnipfe ^lasi po^einapDcn tlmn tol^tftall 3 do £ombn»Db)>Dotageofone£aUfto CI fenoto t{)a t nature l)atl) gv"rn uie bctutc toitl) fanguvnvouo cotnplcccFon ' auaur % far;cncg (?rfic nto?c togot ougl)t J to Do f cmtc to^fh Wll Ivfc lauD ano louc of pcrf ravo :jocnrnotbutcaUftoisof 3C5te tooctiimco I \ H* UNIVERSITY ! fil^Dctfttyitav fttJttcclpaall^ate C^ l^8foFnge0$ (utesfotmpoctune (C^at tUttv ^Vfc ^t mafei^tl^ tnealmoft i»etp £> !ii^ncntaq>on0 fe ejcdamaci^ons on f ottune l6CuntlFtuDentanet asone tl^at(^u!o d? 2^ut tol^o (^altpptc t^rs Snfapt^ not3i feftatt 3accoplyft^p8canialli>efFrc i^ap petataftaltemtl^etbcentnafpre C^f troutlj 3! am torp f o? ^ps tcoWe Codrimetopt^^pinfelf t^usforloucofme l&ut t^ous^ i^pe Corobe J aituce pou l^ulD Dobic ^utof^eoaungertDpU^beatlpberte iDl^at a mp6 inouian nolo crtdf beneDtcttc ll^ap nap ye O^all neuer t^at Dap fee j^ps tJoluptuous appetpte cofentpD tv me C^P^ y c notii t^t 3 ivere prcfent ^ere 3a(rure pou G^ottelp yeioolD &ke me SnotDtt^outDoutl^ebotbnototnquere toet^ee y am gone^or tol^re 3 C^ ulD be ^e/ 18 $e not nolo come 3 report me 3 !a8 o£tbP8man 3 can nencr berpD toolDto ctpft3 topft tobereimpsbtbeljpD Calpfto C^p pou fcpre melcbca tr ap be fene %^^ <€\^ grace t$e gpftes tlje gr etnc8 of goD iS^ tol^e i/£«3ntal(pngeSecc of Dae nature (Ireni 0orpertt>IpbutangeUpfeeoflpbelp&oDe 3n betote lb palfpng tbel(tnDe of looman boD iSD goD 3 mpg^ in pour p^efeno be able ComanpfeftmpDolourotnc^perabte ^(Bttttt tore tbat retoarD than tbe grace i^eupn to optapn bp toorftps of ppte ot f glotpous be tbe faiteo tbat Ce goDDco face j^e3opnotComocba83 Do pou to fee pet DpStreuo tbere is bpttnene tbepm « me if or ^v glorpf p bp las afCurpD prefeno 3lnD 3 in totment be caufe of pour abfena 130 CbibP tbPnl^pft t^ou tbat fo grete a reumrD ca Pe more greter tban pf goD b'olD fet me 3n^eupnaboue ail fepnte8 d more inrega;D 2BnD tbpnfe it a more bper Mvtvte pet more gretter tbP retoarD f^albe pf tt:ou fleficS tbe Determpnacpon jC' f ibP extent of mpnD bp fucb temptaciott f ?pccfeinie t^ecntent of t^ tdocDysall ofttji^toptof (j^tn t^t ttiolD ^uc t^ tietteiD ;^f me tuc^ a iaoinan to bz come tbmll ^umapn crcaeure tot tl^ me fl^uto beg^n 3np comuni>catpori pertepmiig to (vn C3nD 3 p^ompfe t^ t»^e t^ou art p;^rent todrte J Ipff br tti? toyll 3 tD0l be abCent ^tejceat Clooutofailtovjamfallimintoo ^, ^PpoK iD^om aoiiers fortune Ijatb caft ber cbauna iDf cruet! ^ate tDbpcb taufptb nolo alDavto go (^e ^per of mp io)> anb ail mv pleaCauns Silas alao notn to nte tot^t no^auns ib J^etD garb mi? torbf ano gob be tn tbts place £ i&emp?onio/S).pe fytX* a frr n ftreto tb^facc Ctob? bafttboubenefrommefolongabfent ^ A for 31 baue bene about i^ourbK^n^B (Co o?De? fucb tbpngf as toe?c conuenient pour boufe anb tiorCe ano ail tb^mg baa to bred £ iPfempromobaucppteonmvbi^threo for of all creaturr 3 am tbe toof ulleft ^ i^otufotobat 16 tbe caufe of pour bnred £ c for 3 Cerue in loue to tbe gooblpefit t^ng Abatis or cuerloao^.tobar te B)t 3 1 10 one tobicb ts all otbcr ejccebpng Cbe picture of angellf pf tbou berfee ^f)£buB or pbcte no comparpfon map be C ber.^.tobat bpglit (be/£.mdebea is bcr name ^ i^arp fpr tbis toolb mafec a tDplo bora rame C €3 prap tbe fempront o goo f ct me mp lute 3nD b?png tome cbapre or dole tui tb tbe Cbe argumcntf of loue tbat 3 map biipute tDljpcb fcpen0 3 fpnb tbe arte toitbont pptc ou iiierp 4[^ptr quoDa/nay rtjat tovHnot be 35ut J iiiuClneDrB f j>t fo? tiecy feblcncs CBrdt tnc my lute anD tijou (ftalt fee ;^otD 3 (ballCyngtnynetjnfiappynrB Cbrslutet6outoftunenotoa03gc0 3la0 in tune liotn (^ulti j Tet tt b^en all armony to me DtfcorDtt^ pcl^e tol^pt C3l8 t)e to tDl)06 toyll reCon 10 bnrulr JFor 3 f ele ftarp neopls tdttWn my brefl l^eaB tuarr trut^ ^ateraD anD inintv l^ope anD fufjpect ant) all tn one djcd :i5ei^olo nero tn tlje ioue of tapaya opreft !Rome t)otD ^e brent/olD anD yong toept 25nt (Ik tol(e no ti^ug^t no? neue; tf;e lefT flept £ C il^ay nayitto eaCy 3 nougl^ to Do 25nt f urft f 0? to Qelea man ftnotolege muft be :^f tbe (ebneo ti^an to gyff council t^e;to £ Ysk^t counfell can rule 6i^m Cemp^onio Cl^t bepytb in ^ym ftepyt^ no o^iliN^f counTdi A 3 t0tlit0 Caltfto l)t0fyre/notD 3 knotti Uidf CfotD t^at Ioue oue; liym J^ti) caH; ^e? nee £ £ f / 3ti tD^fe ptfimmm is all tticonftans C io^.tsnotl^UceaslouednDtti}^ inct fb tDl^t t^ X« tD^ rep^uelt tne t^tt of f gnotand ^ jpo(t^ouCettFOtnamtt6Dtgntteinobei^(anu0 Co t^impetfecclon of ti)e toebe tDotnan £ atoomaj^aragooofgoDDefles.^.bdeufftftl!^ £ Cl^dnDasagoDDesaili^confefl^ :3nD 3 Mette thereto no Oulifuflirrapn 3tr^uimt^oug||(l^lieitirert4*d*pea0pea0 StoomanagoonaptogoDatii^ilaFn ^f ponr (areng )ie map Ik (orp.C it is plapu tii^(o.C.be(aufe31oue^anOt(rvni(Uircl? Co obtepnmr oefi?tr3iaintitttoo?t^ ^ Cfl> ferfon^tt tul^pcoint^arpdc^outf Bembrotl^ jgDrale]ranDeroftl|l9too?lDnotfto?Dronely 25tttt0O^ip to Cuboeuibettruae (^penggot^ 3lnDt^ouceputp(ltt>?fclfmo;el^re .. ,, Cben t^n bot^ anO o^ptiD^ Co coioarb!!^ Co iDpn a iooinan of t^om ^t^ t)en Co titani? <5otttn ano tngotten neuer JtmroT of an? Clt ^^ ^^)^^^ ^" ^ f ^ 0^^^^ 3^^ C^ (s(l|<^ ^I'oiiian of auncroun malpce ;^f tuljom but of a tDoman tuae it long on Cl^t aoam Uias erpuK^D from pa;ao^Ce Ai^eput tiian to pamt to^omelp DpD Dt(p|f e iC C^n fpt^aoam gaff b!^in to t^;e gouentaunce 9ni 31 gretter tl^an aDam mp Gdf to ^uanncc fi^ ClBapbutoft4o{eincnttiiie;:eltti>C(Ddtn( | Ciiat oue^came ti^m to CebecetneDp Unondt of tboretbattfjepbpD oue^come Jflcfromt^cpjcbegfnpngfefcljeui tbcrte fol^ i (Cbou fcnoujpft tftcp Do ciipll tf^pngf man? j C^epKepe no meane bur tf gone of intmtpon :3ettfap^fouleiDrlfulltDit^outrearotl \ Clzepe t^nneucr Co tloUtijh tor^lbe Qcto^D | <5pff tobvno of iouc bp tnan)> fubtcU toav^ | A^ctnpng to be ftepe ano fecpentlp ftcetoo j Ccaftintbetutene)opngtbatneu(?Oecap0 ^ J rci)ep?e fcpcngf Ogbtpngf pzouoi^png^ (^cp; plap^ \ jfi[>tol]iatpapntotofu!Wlt6ep?fappctprf I t^^nOtoaccoinplpfl) tbepze i»anron Dclptrs C3t 19 wttnOet to fe tbf P^e opCfemblpng : Cbcpteflattc?pngfountcaanne^ebrc lore 4[fCljepre cnbatoiiipng fj tfjci>rc DnOKnnfafines C^prelwiDDcpttjcprcfuttdtc ft frcft att^n? Ui^t trimrng \D])at pamtfnq to ttiakc Uvvms Ctiepre fals intentC ft fli^ketrng ftn j? If ug Clicrf ore lo rt to an olo Careng ^^at toomen berljeOpuedC nettf anoi^eo of fi^ti ISitio inannpe uti^fcr? tn paraopfe DvD bcgi^tt C C^ut lD^tttirnbl>a tl^oubpmc|»etfo;dllt||i0 ^ ^a;p(i';TeU)c;eamanofde;telopt ftifioin nature ^t^ in^topD tii tfie belt gpftC 30 belDte ft gretneo of mesnbrco pcrf pt ^trengWlpg^C0 * bo'ono tl)i6 pcbetoljrt fortune l^t^partpD toit^pou of ^'influens f or to be able of IpberaU ejcpeno Cifor brt()outgooof toI)erof fortune to laop idoman tanl^uehicltb tfierfore bpcontecture polo O^ulDbebeloupDof euerpbobp CaUSo 25ut not of vi^debea nolo j am Cure 3lnD t^ougljt tfiou l^atift prapfpo nte tfout snefute 3tno coinparpD ine iDttiiout companion pet fl)e is aboue in euerp conbtnon C^Mb^nobleneo lierauncponlpnagc #ergretpatrpmonptiere)txetlentiDpc l^er refplenbent berteu f?pe portlp corage fict goOlp grace l^r (uffirrepn betote pcrf pte ^otongto ablehielltoejcprellett ffut pet 3fprap ti)e let ine fpebc a iDl)plc i^felSto refteQ^ tn re()crrpng of utp ftpU '■ ^jb(9matl9atfctttxiiid)tsio%ooti\T Crtn^b to (^ lieipe tpeo toitb fpne lafe ifarr^pnpngbeponbfpnegolb of arabp 31 t^oUi tf^fon colet to 1^ map gpff place iC^lD^otobe^olOttmpglit^uettieg^ce fooio rapincompartfonnotl^pngcoat^}*lr8 A Cben to tt not Ipfte l|e;te of aOe mples Ca C^ ^t fouk companfon tfiio fdoto ray Ipo ^ gar glaCpngepen Co faw ano b;pgbr Ik;tbrouie0f)e? nofe in a meane no faOTponfaplps fit) moutft OTC? ft frate ber teetb finall ft tol|pg»;t 4e} Ipppi6 ruoop ^e; bobp ttm i^t bp;r gl)t :\ c c c € £ £ C4ec %R of tD(iFtn^6 etit)arl(pt|^ ttie rnoto luifAroie colour ennclopD j tl^ecnfu^e fiz^lfttvU t^nofintneane tnane;tl^t9noe?oto i^frngc^aDitalKtlongtinaFlpsruDDptnoapu;^ €>f p;opo;tpott none mc^mpu;tcajtu?c logout pe;eiDo^ttrF to!^ueni?foF?cneB ^be apple c^S>dirr9 9aue t>enu0 tt^gotmeff C^trt^PcaliDone X«r^ma;tp)o^tt^n 31 put cafeal! tliie pe l^ue (apo be teeto peca;epemorenob!efpitiFebeaman tii(ierb.&. Q^e 19 tinperfvre^l tDolOpeltoetsi 90aU iDotnenbeanii of lcfiet)aleto #^of opbero Cap t^mattee tsleflTtoo^ (^n tt^ fo;mc / To is loouian to tnau (ixitlH CI lo ue nor to ^le d|ts alcetcation OSettnatc mdebeaanome^erlouer IdoflTpbletttBtneuerpconDscpon Coabbo^^eraotnp^aspou Doloue^rt; 3n t^e topnnpuft/begilpng 10 tlje oaurtjet Ct^tpe ftall fee Ore after inptft cpcnfre tDiti) toljat epen.^.toitb riere epen trud liie Ctoljp topt^ to^at epen Do i fe nolo toptl^DpmeepcnltihpcO fi|etoalwpit!|pnjmttfl| 25ut fo; ?efl|allttd| Dirpaptfe 3(affu?epou il^o labour nor Dpipgenam me fl)aU s?ttc^ ^ tjuftp d f rpnoelppe C^all fpnb me Oic^ 3n all tbpngrpoffpble tljat peraneaiQttf?e C(je t!;png rb accornplpft to pottjMpte C^oobrpngt&attopafe fogtabitt^tom^ Co fjiererbe t!?u0 t^oug^ aijope ngttn t^ dopnj pet3 ibaltDopttrudtnefor afurete 00b retoaro ti^e for t^p gentplUntenbpng 3 gpiaf ttje t^m c^pnot golD inretoarbpng ^tr goDretoarb pou (tienb bagoob (peD 31 bout notbut 3 (S^all perf orme tt ^n beb^ C^ut Ujpt^out reioarDf' itislja'^tno loo;b toeS 3 amtontent fo t^iou be nor nedpgent ^ap be not pou/fo; It paltptft a tntruett C^ matter floto/tibe Ce^ruant to be bplpgent i^otii ri^pakptt it can be 1^ to me t^pne itttenr S>tv 31 q^ue a nei^bour a mober of ba!oii^ (S^canp?ouo^t(^^rorolikp9to lec^eqr % cm al! eurll DcDf fte 19 petf ct tttpft 31 ttou) mo;te tijdn a ^ b|>tgpn0 ji^auc bene Diftro j>cl> bv htt OibtcH Dcuyf e for fl)c ticuct faylvtb to^erc fl)c beg^nnis 311 oncly b^ t^l^0 c;aft Ijcc Ipffimg ftc to^nnx^ jaSavor topffps U)j»Do tos anD cucn^cl^one jif Qc ohc0 tucDDpIl ti)e^(l(apptb none C C^o to mv^t 3 f pebe toyt^ b^r fcntp;omo ^ 3fl)aUb:pngl^erbPDi>cb«totbiBplace Tdut vt luud utattptDprcIetrctoatDtsgo 3no ^cto ()c;i j^our g;xup6 tn eucrr cafe C ^Ufs tocre 3 not luo^tbv to attain grace 23ut ala6rcmp;onio tbou tarrcft to long jb S^ngobbctoitbFou.C.Opfttnabetl^ftiong C€ be mrgbtr ^no pctDurablc gob be ^ta gpl^ 3 ^e gybpD tbc iif bpngf in to bcDlcuie J'roiu tlie eft bp tfje ftarr anD agapn Dpb p:oupt>e '^Btti£y}t conbuf t to rcto;rn to tbep^e oton rcaiiie ^ f pcDc inp Ceinpionio to qucncb tbc Ictne Ol tbts fm b)!)icb tnp t^;t Dotb toaft $ Cpenbe 3nDti)at3mapcom to tnpDefp;pDcnDc <[ Co pas ti}c tpme noto topU 3 toalfc ^ip ano Doiun toitfnn im^ne oecba?b 3nD to inp fclf ijo loiiirn anD talbe 3linD pcap t!)at fortune to inc be nct^a^D Xongpng tobe;ie txK|etl)e? tnabe o^ ina^D :^p uicflage fljal! return bp inp f ciuannt fcmp?on(a Cbusfaretuelf niplo^bpsfoia tbbple 3 U)pll go C C UD?DfotDe iD^ (liebc ?e not QUOD fetnpronlo be re meupD i|aiie3inotacau(equoD(benoquoi)^3tfoUi 3 trartour (|uoD (^ f iOl loell Doft ti)ou ImoUi loliete^ t^uben t^(e.tu.oar6Cto me (^pe t^u0 3Ua0 iD^ put pou i^onr (elf in ti)t6 too Cl)et|otcf!^oflouerobremn^bcttiienet}0 diat utt>l)att to tDi^^ours biliereeuer 3 go 3nli f oratt. Dars abf ens to fa!' to me to 3infaFtbmet^^rtiii^betoblame :6utnol0 ^ili toettfo^lie^ebegpmn^ t^game CCrpto Uimp chamber aboue t^toas J^pDO^ 3 ttiFttblaf noteafi^r anDbeganto (omble i&emp;onto ^0 t^t anD a(^o tolio toas Uitt^ 3bouc in tt|e d^amber ^t fo OfO 3omble lo^o quoD tt^a louet of tvynt/wav ^ yt OombCc ^uoD ^ on t()e tcetnti) as mani' one Dot^ <15o bpquoD Qeanbloto toijct^ it befotl^ CtoeUquoblie3go/na?t^tgi9t 3not(o 3 fa^Dcom Cempitomo let t^ foole alone ifor of t^longabtensCDetstn fuc^ too 3nbl^lf beCroe^felf anb^er toptnpgone toell quoD ^ aboue ret tl?er ts one toT>lt t^u bnoto quob 3 pe qao0^e3 tt^ requere ^ttsaiuencl^ quob3rentmebpafi;ere €tol)at frere quob be Mt t^on neb( knoto qb: 3 1^ 3ttgttief iD quoDQirSptalobe^atp^atilotwin Cobe?e^/Fe4HroD3tt^t#ti'omenpe(iaft ^ 55e?e l^mvtixll oitr^t ttitv gallttt no place (0jm r)e!augl)t/Fe quot) 3 no mo toorUf of t'yta :fo?t^0trmciolongtoerpenD^c?cainp0 3ntratfeinp?onto ^ C^inoDcrCc!efti>ne3p?a!>goDp?ofpertf|c £ i3&v fon fcinp?omo 3 am glaD of our nicirng 3InD as 3 i^e?c Cap re go aboute to fcbe me ^ £^f t;toutl)to febe)^ut]id6m^cl^?t^erc9mpg i^otber lep a perte noUiall ot^ t^ug 3nD at! onlp tenD to me anD 3magm 3n tbatt^t 3pu?po(enototo begi^n CCaitlto tnt^eloueof fa?;temdebea jBumrt^tn^^fo^of tl)elreliatQg?cte neDe £ * r^^ou ferll toeil bnob^ft not me Celethn^ 3 baue tfte eno of t^e matter anofo? mo?e fpeDe fCftou fljalte toaoe no fot!)er/f o? of tfjis beDc jamaeglaDaoeucrtDaatfjefu^gj^on I Jo?falu)>0fo?brofee^cDrtomabep?ourfpott I C^nD f intent) 3 to uo to CaWfo Co gvff br m fjope enO a(lu?c ^m reme b? f 0? long 6ope to tlje f)a?t mrdi troble topll do tDf)c;f 0!c to tbe effect tt^erof j tojil fji^e i& peaefo; me tfj^mbytbCalifto teniae 3(ntrat Califto et panneno C t^armeno.^a.iDfjat fcp rou.C.tDottyft lu^o Co ^e;e &emp?omo ttiat reuvurtlj m)> clje;ie ^ C3ti6renip;!omotDit^tl^tolObe?l)rt)^o^ 35e pc tbcp mv maifter f o f o?e f o? bot^ long C 9^eas 3 tep parmeno or go out of tbe bo?c Comrft tl^ou to binber me tben bod tbou me lo^ong y p;iap tbe l^elp for to matie me more ffrong Co tDpn t!)t0 tDoman ellf gobbf f orbob S^be ijatb equall poiver of mv Ipff bnber gob ^ Cb)l|erforetobcrbopemaltofucbrorot0 CbFnkpetnberarstbcrtaanpf^ame Cbc contrary tobo tdlptb you be neuer ^is borrobi ;jpor as mud) flje glorpfpetft be? m ber name Cobecallpbanolbboreaoretoolb of fame " f ©oggf m tfte ilrete anb cbrlbren at euerp Dore :6arii anb crp out tber gotb an olb l)ore C C'l^oUilmoUipft all tbt0boft tbou bnotober ^ petbat ' " ' ■ ^'"^^^agone jforafal0boretbebeupiloucrtbroiDt)er j ^pmobertDl^enQebKbgauemeto^ralonr % Sltin a (tetfte? b^uD load tiier tteuer none Sot tt^t ^iuioiti 3 Dare bell Ce 7Ut Uti^tnttatT ^o canle? €3 ^ue^neat^r^oiDs $(enel^et tt^bettC Sot papritF«ff tl^pn^C mumerable dQualmps (e balinps j uionDer to^ere (^e gcttf C^et^pngCt^tl^e^at^Uitt^folbrfopto fable 3nD to all bauDi;!> eue;t agreable ^U)or6tbentl)attti^pcbUiplneucrbe laft il^otottlvabauD but auipc^bpber craft Ce c^aptD^t^toiopltronfpatenottne ^ Sptaptbepertnenolefet^pmalvcpoiidenup i^i^ I^Dpr rempronpo^er^ tsbut toe t^te 3ftt tfiat jiiaue Capo canft tl^ou octtpe C9 Comiienspermeno^jlouenott^re^l ^nogooDmot^etgreuepounot 3rou prap ^pmrnDejAaUQetonombatk mbat^Cap ll€>notabli^ltioman €»auncpa)ttertebi j^'glotpous^ope of mp DeC^rp^ intent Cbenoe of mp Ddectable^ope to teneto iSQv regeneracton to t^is Ipfe p^eCenc Iftefuttetcon f;oui Det!? /fo mellent Cl^ou artabouc ot^tt/j tefptc^uinblp Co kpetbpf^anDeetol^e^tnlpetbmprctneop C^ut mpne bn toortbinee inabptb refpltence Kt^orjO^iPHti^egrounD tl^actbou god on 23eCtcl^lngtbe gooO Uioman tottb molt reuetene ^n mv papn tnitb t^V PPte to lol^e bppon tottl^outtbpcomfart m)^ Ipfc is gone Co tc^yv^e mp DeDe Cpcptf tbou inapft pref err me tvt^tbe tootoeo of tbpmoutl^ to matie or mart me Ce c s)emptonio can 3 Ipflf ujitb t\}zk bonpo Cbat tbp madet gpSptb me bete f o t to etc tootoes are but tD^mO tberfore actons 25pD^pmdorel^t0moutbv^rtD to bis purs get j'ormonepmabpt^marc^aunttbat mud 3ct 3 bauc be;D bis tooroes but lobcrc be bts bcoes "for rA out monep \A me no tbpng fpeDps Ca CtDbat fept^ flje femp;onio alas my bart blebes Cbat 3 toptb pougooD tDoman mvftrud $ulD be ^ fprC^etbpnfeptljtbat monep all tl)png fctps C^cn come on rempronio^ prap tbe Uiptlj me 3inD tarp be;e moDer a tobpJe 7 pra p tbe JFor)o()ereofmp(lru(lpebauemc appelpo ! \aueafong for to^re annony is tl)er t6 amy te ^at a olD tooman Cyng/Ce.tQiby not among 3lpray t^no Icngertf^etyme prolong 450 to tiiben ti)ou toylt 3 am reDy ft ball 3 begyn /p.yebut tabenot to bye/^^ <«"<«"< CiCotofeyyenotoby tba60)lB :ainD tl^p inoDcc 31 troiD ^pgljt clauocna C^tato^iOfp;tebrctttt)e celeftena Ce C^uttljputoDertDasas olDea^otea63 Come f)popi; tijou IptpU fole let tne Cee t^ 3t tt io eucn !je bp our blpflpb laOp Uiljat Iptpll urc^pn ^aft f orgotpn tnc tu}}e tliou f apft at tnp beODf fete ^om ine^p toe^ toe 9^ ^ ti?ou olo iimtrotte tt toere altnpa t^ou mere Oeo i^otD tooloefit^ou pluft tne t)p to tt)p beooC^el) CIHttD inbrace m tjaro bnto tl|p belp 3nDfortf)Ott CmellpDi^a ololp3tanfromt^ Cc ^ ^a uief uU Ijoref on f p bppon tl|e f p f p Couie Ijptljcr auD noto (fto^itlp 31 ctjarge ti)t Cliat all tl^ie folpOi fpc^png tljou let be }leue)oantonnc6of voutljti^ttG^tt^ouoo todl jFolotD t^e bott:pnc of tl^v doers ano tounrell C^o )o^5 c^p paretC ott Uilios I'oults goo ^ue liicF 3inpa>a ot curfpngbaotljebc obeDpent jn pa u loijcrof 3 coimnano tlje araptlp Co i\m\) I maftert^tp put not t^fiu intent 00 trult to in tl^eptn t^ t^pne otuenbe Cpent; ^av^t^e notu aBaps cobepttob;tpng about M\i f 0? tl)epm felf fi let tliepre f eruantes go tBitifOvit CC^p maiSer men tcf ano ae i tl^pn^ ^ be' :6ut Ipgl^t ftarpcb not tuljo come to ^s ferupte jf aire laiorof G^ail not lak but Dnal reinarDf truft me li^al^eCempronio t^pfrpnbin anp Uipfe ' for l^e can fenoie l)vtn in tl)e bett gpCe BDrepe tlipo (t for t^p prof et tell tt to none ^ut lolte that fetttp2onio anb tbou be one ^ €ti®oDc*celeftpne3l*ootnotto^tpemeatte Calido is mv mapfter ano Co 3 topll taUe l^pin ^inoaeforrpdiesjDefpeit dene ^p^ for Uifjo ib euer tuitlj turong rpc^ Ddtl^ mate ^n !S>oner tijan Ije gat it/it ib0l fo^fafee ftpm llouetolpfe inpopftiH poueite 3nb to fcrue mftmHtetii tctiotf) anb doneCc £e € ^totlianb^onettebe rpc^^s of tl;e name 25ut furete of indtl) is to liaue rpc^s ^inbaftet t^fortoget tipm gooofomcf 76U :-'A -1 IBv'tcpoxt of frytiDf fti)0(6 tmtb boforte^ C^n no fuc^ manor f rpnD can j txpfXc 36 f anproni^o f o? bot^ pour gfettC ^o f pet»e to^^ l^ in mp ^nDf noto rf re be agrero C^ ^meno mW a Ipf e'tnap toe ensure ^einpronpo louptl^ ti|e oougl^er of elfCo p 3nD tn^o aru(a/Ce .Ifitpd ^/g/peraouenture 3Qallget^tot^t^Qall3 do ^amooercelrftpne^pu^pofenotCb 3 tnan fi^ulD be cSuerlant 3 ^e tell tDi^ t^ t^ be pi (I tl^b to Do toeD C^entp^tonpo ^9 enfantple Cbaltnot make me 23eetet nor toore nor i^ps fautr inpU 3 l^pDe 23ut moDer celeftpnea queftpoh to t^ :i0not Cpnanonin oneetppeD C(iat 19 DrotDnpD m Ddpte/dotti O^uXOf^t proupDe 3l9dpn9 bertetD to faue t)p9 ^onefte £e Xptieac^plDti outi0pfDometf)ouanrioerpC^me C tDtti|outc5panp mirtb c^n^ue non eftate tfeno flotDt^ nature ab^orrp^iDdne9 U^pc^leCpt^Ddpte to ndtureapp?op;tpate ^nfenfnaU cauCp9 Delpg^t t9 d^e matures ^pecpallp recountpng Ioup9 bpfpne9 Co Cap tl^u9 Dotl^ C^e ti^e tpine t^u9 tbep paa 3nDfo(l^manert^b(eanotl^u9t^pkp9ftbafle C3nb tbu9 t^mete d enbraCe to gpti^et loi^Cpecl!^ tD^tgrafe tobatplep9t9bettDenetf)etm tti^?e to (^e tbe?e(^e goti^let bo fe tn^tber ^otopleafpDnotofrotDarDnotDmume notu^m ^trpbe bp mpnfitpl x6 fabiC of loue tl^ie olb p^obli dpng ftoete fongC noto juttf ^ tomcp jOf netD fnuencpono iol^at cohfeptr fpnb ttfcy C^otud^egot^tomaotomorotoiliecSmptb otot 23el^olDl^ bette;t ponber go^ a cobolD 3lleft^?aIone/(^etomptl^/turnaboiiit Tlo t^0 pe^meno tdou mapft bebof JFrpnof tDpl! talbto geber ao 3 l^ue tolb to^ fore perfepue tl^ou tt^t 3 (ep trulp jl^euer can be belpte li out copanp ii^ic tteruin tntrat caltlto Co C^ober ao 3 p^ompfeb to aObple tl^ botnl 4>ere J gpfe tbe anX^pefto of golo Ct i&pr3p;tomprepou3tbdllb?pngitabout 3Ut|^topurporeeupna9petDolD jTor pour rctofltu 31 bill Do as 3 (ftulD 25e inerp fere noting cotcnt re fl^all be C^m in oDci: fare )DcU be Ovlysenc j prar t^ C C^oUi fapllt Cnnpronto Im^ 3 Done toell jk pe fp? tn iitpmpnD ^tnodaccorDpng £9 Cben toplt ci)ou Do afccr mv counceil 3fcer t^ olD tooman UipU tf^ou be Imn^ Co reiitember (t 1^(1 l)t} in eueey tiimg A ^^'i^ 3 am content aa vt coinaunD im Ct C^go(ibpD^inenoconte3praprt|f C^otB goD be ttierrc gvDDF& t^ podr of inp Irfe ^f celcf e fro oetti tl}c jinbadaor of tiip ttiett^ 49pi|9pe inp ^ mp qupctnes utp ftr pf c s9? 3op inp f oroto mp rebencs mp beUli <^c{)opc of t^olD Uiotnan mptia;c ttUi) (C^ comfort ityall come (^o^ztlpas 33ncenli iDr els come Dct^ $ ina^ ol im an eno # C 3nfapt^U mabpt^ no fo;rc nor matter mpc{| CH tD^t fepft i^neno ui^ fa^lt to mc # 9arp3 (applapnlptl^t ponDer olDtopcfi 3nD Cempromo to geoer mpU ))noo t^ iCs 3lpflItongpDU>rec^i2jpflpenotree Cbpnbpft t^ou lorDcpn tt^ou ijaoclpd me faptr to^pImaueioolDefttijoUiputmenoiDtnDpipapre ' i^rcjceatcaltao |> ClLofprompmaftcrpeictoangrp 23ut tl^poit is tell folpsfor t^epre profl^t i^I^rtiiamtoepmfort^preujdtljitis jbutfolp ? Jf or ftrpft tftepm on tf;c bcic ano asmoc^ tupt &l|aU CO f orrt? as at tt^epr f oreljebc to i3fcpue it ' UotD to oeletf hvm for all djpng as l;e topll 3 tnfU tf)e fame forioaro or babtoaro 3tofllgoOrepgf|tto lipmanD folottj DpmOiU )&dpg0(^laFt() beitgooDor pU :6it ^ %t(0 tv6) tl^cfc batoDf get gooD pjouobpnglcc^e?^ 3 t;u(l flatecp ftall fpeDc as tocU as bat»oe;ip i^U e)t:eat paruicno et intret melebea S0 C3P;aproucautett|ts tDoutatt^e^ncuerCptt ^ufaptl^ to cnr^ lie?c 3 aui t^alf aD^D 3lnorettDl^fo/3 mapbolDlpcomin 3 ainCu?ef;tom I'ouaUaia^atlnotbel^ao jDn tootiten as tj^ftp/^to fl)uiD tt be 3tt0but£able8atiDlpe6Fcuiaptrufttn€ 3liitretCete(ltna C (150D be doe i £9.101^0 tdtt^^Ctoplpebpe an? t^^eO ?pemarp gooo ttioDer 31 p;ap pou come in Crpft faue pou £ap?e mdi;e6 d gOb be pouc fpeb0 3nD^r^betopou(iattpourbpn 3lnb umrpSoObC mot^ d^r bleffpb bprgpti |d;e(imieftp;a^poiirtootnanlppctCbnage 3iuD tuett to intop pour pougl) $ puC^ age C^or ttiat tpme pleaCurpoore molleCc^pD 3tibagel0t^l!^(ppCQllofaUtitanec(pi(enes d^reftpngptaceofaBt^ougi^tmreleupb d^ fpo^te of (pine paS t^ etiDe of ^l qutbnes Jl^epbour to bedia D^ftob bpt(|out Cloetnes idiftomfo^teD^Ceafe all age alotott^ 9t;etmt^ut(i9pt^ttnaUc^?gebotiiet4 9 dmerueUmoberperpebeCotnuci^pU £>f ageti^ail ColkeDefp^eeffrctuouflp C C^oe(p;e^ttfo?t^nrelfa0aUoftDpII :3lnDtt|ecaufelii^tl^De(p;etocoinet^erbp \ 30fo;tolpfffo;Det^i6folo(^p ' 1^ tiiat l0(brot9ftiUliiolDlp(f to be forper 3lnD^tl!^t0olDiDDlblpffto bectoer tl f8p;t bameCdl to^ con Oit\B all tliel^u^ ofage j9t6 tocrpnes feUenes^ btftontentpng iKed^Dtf^neof^obia^Dnesofiitetage liNTnbelpngtetl^facclal(ofQH{^onDl^erpttg l^olobines of moutl^fall of tet^ fapnt of gopng Slnb tDO?ft of all polMpb toit^ pouette 3lnbt^elpmmp0areftpD txiitliDebpltte ifl0 C^o^>^bduetatipng?etepdpnfo;age tDolb penot^etom to t^begpnnpng £ fplpoaret^ptJ^tarepaftt^ep^epafl^gt (CobegpnagapntD^d^beat t|^ enDpng jfo;bettett0polIeiDU)n tliian tfjteDefprpns ^ 3lt)er:^^eto!rfflen|j;ge?Do3beUorno . iC Cljat yc Defrrc UjcU 3 t^pnfe not Co C for as Cone gotdto timr&ec: t^ lambps fell 30 tt)e C^pppC/none Co oto but map ipff a pere ^nD tt)e; ts none Co pong but pe Uiot UieU ^ap Dpe in a Dap t^m no aDuauntage is ^t;e 23ctujcn pout^ » age? matter 10 clere U)ptt|tftpfablpng*tt>prefonpng3top0 3ambegpIpDbut3l (iauefcnotDen t^eort^ps € TUvt not celpftpne p OtoellpD bp t^e rpuer CpDi pe f 0; Cbt^/^ in Deoe age ^t^ arap t^e Cl)at ttiou art l^e noUi can Otant be efppeO mc tl^pnbpt^ bp t^p Cauou;^ t^ou QulDpft be Qe (C^ou ait Core ^aungtD tf|ou tm^ beieue me f apre niapbon bepe t^ou meU tt;p0 tpme of poutlii :6utbe\iite(daUpa(Ieat?(afttliP0io trut^ Cpct 3 am not Co olD a0 pe iuge me c^oob mober 3 lop muc^ of tt^pne accopntanatmot ^Unbt^pmoberlp reaCon0rpg^tiiieU pleaCeme 3(nb noto 3 t^ank tf)e therefor t(|p padaunce jTaretpelltpU another tpme? ^inap c|^ume 3igapn tfj'at Uie ttoo map mete CO gebpc ^ap l|ap vc l^auc bpCpnes j fmom not to^t^ 4[€) angctpK pntage ale Co ficpous <^ ^olD tl)ou Cpe^pH it rciopipt^ me to l^ere Stnotoid ti^ou not bp t^e beupne monti) gracpous (C^t agapnd t^ infernallfeenb lucpf e re foefl^ulD notonlplpf bpbrebf^ere 35ut bp our gooD toorttpo \ol)ct in j ratterome papti lf peknottmotmpmpnbnoUiaUtstn bepn C^l>(tomcmoDcrl)arbdpaUt^neCeICtt€ 3inD pf J can 3 ftall proupbe t^e remebp ig0P necedtte nap gob toot it ie not for me 3t0formpne31aftttat^ome Curdp ^0 ete tol)en3 toplltorpnfe toi^en^am Dtp 3nb 3 t^ant^gobeuer onepenp(K)t^be mpne Co bp b reb \xi\)cn 3tpdii to (laue.nii for topne C3f ore 3 toas topbbo to 3 carpb neuer for it for 3 bab topnc pnougf; of nipne otone to fett Ulnb tf atoftintopnebpt^efpre 3couDCpt tf.ii.boCenCopprtli)ecoIlpktoquea :6ut notoHimeitisnotfo toclt for 3 ^ue not^pnc( but tt^at to brought tm 3na pptc^erpot of quartpdCbant ^rc C^©niB 3 mv 50t) ftcip tfiem t^at be neop jro?3fpeftenotformp felf alone :6uca0 toeUfor otliier()o\o euer CpeDe 3r fCfte (irfr««Pte its not mime tl?ougl| tf)at 3 gconf 3ttt0foranot^r^ 3uiabeinone 3LnDnotfo;mprdf ittsa not^c inap l&ttt itobat 3 mii& tiione to^^te 3 Da?e nor tap 109 C^ap tD^ d^ou bplt $ for to^oni tl^ou (eft ^ notD gracpou9 oainCeU j t^nK pou t^ C^ to 8Ff auDpens re be f o preft HS IpberaU tebpnes to nie olD tnoman f»b^ cb gp^^ ine boIDnes to fl)etii mi^at 3Vcati £>f one tbatlpetbttt oaungerbpfeftenes IB emrttpng b?6 langour to pour getpllnes m ^Wit mcanrd tbou 3 p^p tbe goeb moDe; ^0 fo;tl^ti titrP DemaunD as tbou baftDone tt>n tibt one fft ttfou prouobpiOt ine to angec 3nb ont^ otl^(pt*e to rotnpafipon 3fcno)ii notbo^ tbpanaDe;ieto{a(rpon (Cbe tDoroes tubpc^ tbou f peftpft in niT^ pjettme 2&efo mr&p/3 efepuenottbprentence £ €3 f^Vi» 3'«aft one tnoaunge; of febenea Jdratopng to oetb f or ougbt tbat 3 can (e ^otD cbofe pou 0? no to be mutDe^ea jS>} reupue bPtn ^ a tnoro to cotiie from tbe A 3dmbCM)pppfniptDO?DbeofCucbneceirpte (Cbb^anpcrpftpntnano.:eUdgoDD(foAoD CoooagooOOeOetolpfcpng to goo • Ci'orgooOOeOCtogooOntenbealolodble i 3riD fpecpf^p to neopaboue all otbe? .; 3no euet to gooo oeDps pe AaU f pno me ag^eaUe -i (Cniftpngpe tDplI etbo?t ute to non otber (^[j^iaocfmnot (pek pour pettcta gooD motber jT or tbep tbat map bete Crfcef oik (i 00 refofe tbepnt Aueilpof tbep^eoetbtbepcannoteircuCetbepm £i 4ft^tDeUftg?acpouflpt|^caOrperon(poep 1 foc3neuerbeleup0tbatgoomt)apn I iDOlDgpff poufucbcountenaunncetibetiitetogeDp) ^ut ^?ptc tbertoltb to rdeue folbe in papn 3noaB goDbatb gpfl^ Fou Co gpfl^bPtnagaptt fo^follifbenotmaoefo^tbemfdfondp Jf o?tben tbep l^ulDlpflf IpfcebeOrall rubdp Omong Hibpcb beftf pet fome be pptefni mafce melefe tbr bouCe of mpfatbe: Co topn tbe bo toCc of f ucb an olb matrons 3t0lbotii art (bantfullpS of aU otber (&iMl t^out^t3luDet(taDnott^ou faIl6titot(rer ^^DalieamettDCto gdDit^oul?9pfteolon9DaF9 ^Zntmtt ttiou traptree l^oto oa^be Co Mt^ Ct (S4e fe?e ol^tJIie tnalt)^ tne f o DrtmapD C^att^UoD df m?boD!^t9aiinoacolD a las fapre ma?DrniD^^ ttiou fapD Co me pore tvpl^otD toi^ am 31 DenapeO l^ere tin»c5€limon toliic^ rBOf t^oneSe tf our caufopeHattie cdroQentplman^ttie $ 3rep3tDpai^ecenotnoreoftf^fole tvaslieitor^tiiiltli meeu^nnotD (C^om olD W^ rbott brpnopft me in t:iete Dole 3Clk ^m tD^t an(toe?e ^ bdD of me ii ^tn 3rrokc bps oanaunoao miiD tmoto marft tijott ^oreC^lopngfobttrloft to^nomercp can be (Cbu0 K anrtoerD b?m (I ti)U6 3 ant tver r^ Ce € ^^^ ^^^^ ftraunge tat fm}s^ tt^c glabber am 3 (iO^io no tempaft tbar etiee ootfienom:e !^ lol)8tCtrfttbotttiiliat(e!^ti|otofl|ameEia fl^pdte oue.Ce-fo frro ji am of Foitr oyfpleatige vourangeriorogreteDlcrepuefrQire 3lnD|^m;paa«n8t6fnfoi^an^e (C^t to?liiOfife^3[botblocpe(i Cioete jl^ CtftniIi0ttHi:(^ fttcQpar^on rots? Cor^$?erboltinfesoftl^oemean;tit ce dfaFremaT»0en^oneioorbnotii3yoa(im appeafe tf iMcpens dberempiiai^mg 3r38fo;ra|N:apermeftre9m?Oemaunb?n8 (C}mriB(afO)^l|iaueof Cerm appotpne jfo;rbetot^al(etoberoft^manl0QtttfeBrorbebe»lrbtiigace _c: jfo) ^t|riolmF8lK^$reloereaqimyittflttQlttte 4L:23p goD $ tip inv foule tn ^tm te no malpnroli^ )uf t^ grace inoeU)tD tn f reDoine as akxaxittc Jin (lrengl;t as tieccouc m councenaunce tnerp (Dtacious / cnup iu l^uncepnpDneuec j^f noble bloo as U)ou Hnompft/tt pf pe euei; ^ato ^im artnpo l)c (etnet^ a Cepnt george Wiatfyzc tt^an to be tnaoe m nacurC forge Ci^ti angell t^ou molDid luoge ^tm 3 inal^e auotn COe gencpU narctCo toasneuec (o fapre (€l)at luas tnautorpo on l^ie ouin O^aOoto tDljerf o?e fappe inapoe let t(^ ppte cepapre Xet mcrcp be tl^p mot^ $ toou tier ^pre C^tsJ^npg^ttu^om jeomeforneuetCeaCptl^ :23 ut crpetQ out of papn t^ ftpll encreCpt^ C^oui long tpine 31 p(ap ri^ l^t^ it f^oiopn ^p:n £e 3 ilm^ ^ebe.jTjTtttt.peres of age 3 fatti l)pm bom d l^olpe f or to folD ^pm ^ 3 DeinaunD t^ not t^erof t^pneaniuier afltiage J aCii t^ ^oiD long in ttjis papnf ull rage fi^ i)at^ l^/j(Ce.of treiot^ f apr inapopn asl^ fop9 i)c \)at\) be in tt^ts agonp tt)ts* t)ttt«oaps ^:tDut ()e fentpci^ ^e i)ai> lepn t^is^btt. pere £0e ^ 1)010 it gr^up^ me c^e il of inp pacpent Hi:noU)png l^ts agonp $ t^ tnnocencp ^e?e tuintotnpne anger t^ou^maberertQ:en0 tti^erf ore t^p oetnauno 3 graunt in recompena Ijaue l)c;t inpgpropll tlje p;^per is not reap %o uiorotDici^albe/comeagapnCiecretlp CHnb ntoOer of tijece iDoiDrpiiflTpti betmen^ bs ^beto uotfjpng t^erof bnto thi^ knpg^t Xeft fte bJOlD report wie cruell ft f urpous 3 truaUje/nobi be trebi fo? t^ougtC be (pgl^t STe 3inerucUgretlpt!)Ottboftinefoatnipglit ^ £? f t[)c Dout tt)at t^ou l^ft of mp fecretnea :3(s f cc?ct as tl)y felf 3 0all be Dobiteles C3«^ to califto t6 tijis gprDle celeftina ;^ljaU go auD l)is leop l^art ma&e fjole ft Ipg^ f or gabriell to our labptfaueniaria Came neuer glaOucr t«Km 3 ftaW to tf;is fenpgf^; Cahfto botD Wit t^ou noto ipt bp rpg|;t: 3 imit ft cbJiD tbp iDdccr to ^v pliefpcpon £omio?r ti)p Cclf tl)efelb isbalf toon ^ €t@ oDcr i)i IS uiuc|) b?(^otDpn bnto t^ €c fHft marw foe ^ tnerc? t^oul&aft Done t o fii C^io i^g^t $ 3 bo(:^ It^P bci foliBts fl^aU be ^ i^otier pf tfeDe be 3I1d^U do morctljant^ C€ jt O^alb^ neDcf uU to Do fo/d rpgi^teous ^or t^te t^uBlc 3on mutt neote ^ue an oiDe ]ti(;td| neuee can be t&ont yi (onDeCcoiD ^ C^dl urotl^r to tnoroto is a nc\D Da? 1 (^allperfo;!ne tijar 3 ^ue i^oup;outcS 55>lietD to^6 fefcc bnp0^t in aU t^t 3iinap 23rt^t)iinbebo(Dinaa t(^ngi0l^oneft 3nDtt)cugt)4|etomea0Fetbcbutage(l jSntf liio^DorDeDe^liclt^uiaFruppoit 3 (tfail not foi'leanD t^bpD^iun talie comfoit i^t ejceatni^bca« €t cii^olDcei»fttainfoit^«ibcpet^tnt^ncDe i^ot0 fa|»fQU notii 19 not tt)i0 matter cai^eD cieoe Can not olD celeOtna ^t tnattcr r|)eDe 3 t^tng not uieilb^nDtT^D ie not tooit^abcne ^oiD bnotD ye bp^ ^f taU tD^f iMile Ootti r^anr ebc ttotti in mv prcfens l^etc ats Jl pcrcepuc in 3op d pcoCpcrttt jTcotit Dcd) to Ipf e ine tt) Vtt^ptli it reupupt!) ui^ > Jf or tf)c f crcfUll D?euie p 3 IjaD lately tDliat Dreiiie fpr toaa ttiat 31 ptap pou ^rtclp j^ C^otDtlea ttie ti)ougb ^ j uias uialkpng ;^na fapre occ^^o iD^ere toete placpa tmo rciie one Uiaa ai)ote tiat^ l^oirome tt pleaCprtg Co all people t^t opD rcpapre t^etto Co tmifO) ttianiiclenottjemfromCelienesaird ^ C^eot!|ctapptoffouleOpnlipngtoater C^ortelp tl^cp Dpeo all t^t t^ei^in 14D enter C3lnD tinto t^i9 ^olefome bat^ ute t^oug^t f pe 3n t^ rpgljt pat^ toece tompng apaCc 36ut before tl)at me tl^oug^t tijat 3 t>pt> fee 3 foule toug^ bpe^ aprtkerpD cut it toao tDl)pd) (Itatipng (^er boop along on tl^e gra? 3iiD 1^ !jer taple lp£(ftpD l^er f o tl^at fi^ i^aDe l)et felfe a fapte Cpaniell to be otmie ^noof goo d^paCftpngforgrftiOB 3lnD tiejtt of votx fo} into obli^uron 3 ^ue put pour t)oct nme t le^no iiotptto jTeienotDougijte? 3 amnocme^cOes ^rruftTeftauenotfti grctlpoSenDipo 55uttltetrpgl^todl ititmf beainctiDrl^ Cpc ^ue f oftcrtD tne tip full loupnglp 3lti t) Atcou« wftyplptie totirtlj to t^ ^pg^Jt patft Co all g^ace * tjctteto ao^pcft oottj fpgnpf pe 23p pouc Drettte f bpte plefouttt ^efouur batip Ctiefouleppttn)ereofpeD;ianrl»tt)!;tci|l^tl| IdeftTOFDfotfitanpXietolinet^tiKe (iCptt jntD^Fcljalaejt^Dabnoll fallen 3^ C^9rtbpetTD(ut;rftt^{outebpcQ tDtitc^tnaoet^relfTo ftnot^ df^pretofce 23etoftet:Fi4an oto ih»tie atK^ais^ti^rc^ CallrDcelrOpnecl^ctDO inpg^twebe Hj^cIj ri ijcr f apre tuort>f ep f o pCtoaD^me OEi^t Q^cl^d altnoft btoug^ mc^m tinto CofulfpUtl^foulirH^o! caltSo €3i(a0omDi^gtrta;3taug4tpou8l(lIbn so^c^ toap pe Qpulo attapn tittto tictteto C^e tnao euetp tnompng to Cap an oraCott l^rapeng goDfbr grace aU tpce to tCc^eto b(^ prderupo tttc/f or t^ugfi 3 OpD co(^ 3ln mptiD/pct 1^0 ^tiruer^p0ttttent C^i^ tKrtnt of ttyat p^pe; 3 fe toett on t^ng j9atl^preferupi»poufromth(fl^n»oft^t(iin 3&utbecaufepetDcrefonitiiQatc51)mtpng pei^ueofiniDtD goD grettp tfimn li^ereforeDougtprcrpemuftRotDbcgpn i^uttiMp to Med^ goD of l^ tncrcp df or to f orgpue pou pour fim (impferp C^ WpOlDlorD^faocrceWhall tn^ote tnf pnlte inerct no tong can erprrfe <€lK»ugf) 31 be a ftnner torec^ of torcc^ ail pet of ^ gret nterct graunt tne forgifnes jf uU (bre 3 repent tnp fpn 3 ciStfe I 3tttettt>WI^tt6 fort^ ncuer to ofctttj more i^otD ^uinbl? 3 bciec^ r^y uicccp tijerf ore , j P CiSoUJ ^ 5» njcil lapD juync one f ayrc Dougijtet ^tano tipcOerforCiOP J KnoiD )}crel^ Cl|rtt goD 18 gooo d inercpfull cucr Co aU Cpnners lodpd) UipU at^ lucrcp I 3inDI)crepenraujitftinU)FlUlerclp Co fpn no more'^e of ^l>6 grete gooDnc^ SopU graunc t^n t^orc^is grace (i f orgtfiics C^o i^pe ttiap fee to^at a c^rng tt 16 Co bnmg lop pong people ))€rteouf Ip 3ngooDci{ftoaie4orgraceOoti|neuernip0 Co t^in t^ t)fe gqpD prapero Dapip Instil ^r^ preferupo ti^v^ uiapoe )}nDoutpD!p 3nDteptOerf;oaccuaUDeOeof Q^aine a^rougtit ^r to grace preCetupo ^er gooD natne Cto^pf ore pe Dprgpne d fa j're tnapDens all ^ ^nto t^is eratnple m\D ta&e gooo !)c0e ^erue goD oaplp t^ foner pe ^all Co i^onelle d gooOnes no Bout proceDe 3nD goD fl)all (jeno pou euer t^is grace at neOe CotollanO alleupU temptactona Cl^at (^all come to pou bp anp occaftohs C3tnD pe f aOers inoDe?6 * ot^er \3u{)ic!) be i&ulers of pong folbf pour charge 10 Do mtle0 Co brpng tl)cttt bp berteouilp d to fee C^etn occupteD ftpll tn (ome gooD bpf^nes ^ot tn iDell paftpine or bnt^rpf tpnes 23utto tecl|et(jentroineartcraftorlernpng toberebp to be able to get tl^pr Ipffpng C^^^^^png^i^^ ^P of ) ourbin tiitercgton ^nz Done gret Ijarine becaufc of ti:)m neclpges il^ot puttpng tl)tm to lempng nor occupacpon^ ^0 tnlien t^ ^aue no craft nor fctene 3inD com to mans date v^ l^c tf^ergtenre C^^at manp of t^cm contpdlpD be Co beg or dele bp berp neccflftte C23ut pf there be tljerf ore anp remcDp C^e^eDpsf rulers muftfurft beDplpgent Co make gooD latoeo ft erecute tljem ftraptclp (Uppon f uc^ mapdres tt)at be neclpgent 3(la9 toe make no latDS but ponpl^aient tD^en men^aue o8knDpD/but latDS eui nno.:e tvolD be maDe to preuent t^c cauCc before iDbj^di b^ cditttHtc to faUbeuioa;lp6c!v JnD (tdon laios ^ othftiaum^B mdbe ti^cf ore to put a tvar tbe caufe/ ]^ tuere bcftremeDI 1sriiat(dt^ecauCet^teiiet;lie fotimnp C^f tt t robbe^/lt to be muitmilK Brfuentl^eito bj^neDcKpoueree CSni^toliattoe^beisFcaiiliroftl^neDe 35e (aufe tbep fabur not for dperr Ipflfpng anOtrctDtl^ tetbCFranw^t^B^ labourmDeDe tfccau&ftipmttl^oftfieivrt^tyiAiiTngrng :eiittl^ot^glMStmiercottieto reformpn? aiolotigaoiKiiigpeiyFllbeeueli bpi»ouQi)t Ctei^ore tbeetcmaflgoDtbatrart^ on^ jbettdllioiiimifidl gcacedfitfluetiB Co aUgouemdotatbat tber drcumfpectlF tfavruletl^rrtnferfoitrotiFOttt^mtibenre owTtig t|^£o ti(mt0(i Mi c^bpeuo Jtot»tftbey(ilogflib?»«8« ^ma :gy jcitifiiiBilli iw niiprft itf ftf W *>f THE ■ ^IVERSirr. or ' 'FORM .~i ^rr> ':^' '•^S 300K IS BUB o^ ^ ^"'s BOOK oT;„^° 'o^ ^Muu/Jrr. ^^^TS OVERDUE. *'°° ON THE SE^E^''°^''TH WOV 25 1932 ^® 1932 ^^P 15 1934 SEP 17^934 OCT 101934 2 m4 L.J^ OCT 30 1984 REC'D LO « STACKS (UN 1 1958 RECD CD AU6 1 5 1959 RECD LD APR I I960 % ^'^»5^ RECD uq jQiG^a 930 'V « UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ■V. '''v^