UC-NRLF $B 3flE 3T3 f^ ■^Is't^ BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSiTY OF CALIFORNIA < /; J.W. KOLCKMANN, rfof-Buehhfindlep I. M. der KAl'^ftlN VON DEUT8CHLAN0, 2, LAii^HAiA eU^c, LOUSOH, W. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/englishrussiangrOOreifrich ENGLISH-RUSSIAN GRAMMAR 02X71- ENGLISH-RUSSIAN GRAMMAR OR PRINCIPLES OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE B"OR THE USE OF THE ENGLISH with synoptical Tables for the Declensions and Conjugations, graduated Themes or Exercises for the application of the grammatical Rules, the correct Construction of these Exercises and the Accentuation of all the Russian words BY CH. PH. REIFF Jonrt^ dbition tartfuUg xzbmti PARIS M A I S O N N E U V E AND Co. 25, QuAi Voltaire, 25 1883 PRESERVATION ;OPY ADDED )RIGINALTOBE DETAINED APR2U994 LEIPZIG. — PRINTED BY W. DRUGULIN, ORIENTAL AND OLD STYLE PRINTER. g^e^ss^s^ia^e5sse24g^2^i£^25g^si AlA\/\/ n AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION HE first edition of this Grammar was published at St-Petersburg in 1821, in French, under the title of Grammaire russe a Vusage des etrangers qui desirent connaitre a fond les principes de cette langue. Up to that period all the elementary books, relat- ing to the study of the Russian language, had been formed on the model of the Latin, which, without any sufficient reason, had been considered the type, according to which all other tongues must be re- gulated. Since that time the works of the Russian grammarians Gretsch and VoSTOKOF, the philo- logical Researches of Pavsky on the formation of the Russian language and the Essay on the comparative Grammar of the Russian language by Davydof, and other works on the same subject, have solved many grammatical difficulties and definitely, fixed the principles of the language. The above works I have carefully consulted in writing the new edition of my Russian Grammar 4 Mt^ VI PREFACE. for the use of strangers. This edition, completely remodelled, consists of two parts. The first is the Grammar properly so called, in which I have endeav- oured to give the rules with a clearness and pre- cision which may render their retention by the memory easy. The second part consists of Themes or graduated Exercises on each particular rule, where I have placed the Russian words below the English, to serve as vocabulary. The solution or correct construction of these Exercises will be found at the end of the Grammar. In order to render the work as extensively useful as possible to foreigners, I have published it simul- taneously in three languages, French, English and German. Philologists who may wish to see the subject treated more in detail, can consult my French translation of the Russian Grammar of Mr Gretsch, under the title of Grammaire raisonnee de la Langue russe, precedee d^une Introduction sur Vhistoire de cet idiome, de son alphabet et de sa Grammaire, and published at St- Petersburg in 1 829. CH. R. Carlsruhe, September 1862. 5S^5S:^fi5^S5$^^58*^Sfi^^^2S^e5^ PUBLISHER'S NOTE TO THE FOURTH EDITION N the Fourth Edition of the English-Russian Grammar of the late Ch. Reiff, which we now place before those who wish to acquire, by an easy- way, a thorough knowledge of the principles of the Russian language, no changes and alterations have been made. There was no sufficient reason of modi- fying and remoulding a work, the practical character and admirable arrangement of which have been appreciated by more than one competent judge. The book thus being on the whole and in sub- stance left in its original shape, particular attention could be given to the correctness of the edition both regarding typographical errors and the just- ness of language. — Great pains have also been taken to render the entrance of the study of Russian more accessive by adopting a phonetic method for the transcription of Russian words in English; in which regard the First Part of the grammar has undergone an entire renovation. VIII PREFACE. Mr. Chamizer- Lenoir, a linguist well-known by his deserving exertions in this province, has com- mitted himself to the task; and this scholar did his best in preparing the work for the press, and in carefully revising the sheets as they passed through the same. \ We hope that this handy and neat new edition of a book, which, in spite of some scientific short- comings, ^^has do7ie and still can do real service", will find the indulgence and patronage of the Public. We feel at last much indebted to the Oriental Printing- Office of W. Drugulin for the excellent getting up and carrying through of this volume. M. & Co. RUSSIAN GRAMMAR PART FIRST LEXICOLOGY. I. — This Russian Grammar is divided into four Division. parts, viz: I. Lexicology (cjiOBOnpon3Be;teHie), or words con- sidered as sounds of the human voice and as the elements of speech. n. Syntax (cJioBOCO^HHeHie), or agreement and construction of words in sentences. ni. Orthography (npaBoniicanie), or the proper use of letters to represent words. IV. Prosody (cjIO^oy;^apeHie), or Orthoepy (npa- Bop'&^ie), i. e. the manner of uttering words with regard to their accentuation. 2 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. of il'e'ttis ^' — ^^ being the especial province of this science to explain every thing concerning the knowledge of words, it considers these first of all as mere sounds, and afterwards as the elements of speech. In respect then to mere sounds, words are composed of letters (6yKBH); and a collection of these letters or signs representing the particular sounds of which the words of a language are composed, is called Alphabet (a36yKa). Alphabet. 3. — The Russian Alphabet now in use contains 36 letters, the roman and italic types of which, as used in printing, also the caligraphic characters or hand- writing, with their modern and ancient appella- tion, and their corresponding value of sound, are re- presented in the following table. The Russian Alphabet is borrowed from the ecclesiastical Slavonic, which besides contains the following eight letters: called 3Sji6, yKT), OT-L, lOCT., 0, H, KCH, HCH for which now are substituted 3, y, OT, H), 0, fl, KC, nc. The letter ft has hitherto not been comprised among the number of the letters of the Alphabet; for which reason it is placed at the end of it. — Russian printers have for some time now pretty generally substituted the small capital T for the common m, and this t we have made use of, both in this Grammar and in our Dictionary. FIRST PART. — Lexicology. RUSSIAN ALPHABET. Types. roman. italic. Caligraphic characters. Appellation. ajicient modern. Value. Rtmning-hand. Roimd-haiid. Proper Accidental sound, sound. 1. A a A a 2. B 6 E 6 SY a 6La<« a3T> a 6yKH de a e (/ar) {»z^^) {no) b p 3- B B Be ^ ^ * ^ B-BAH Be V f 4. r r r 2 ^. 3" , r.iarojLT. re g,gh;k,h,kh,v 5-/ A Ad ^<^^ (Sb~lo^ 406p6 46 d t 6. E e E e 7. jKm. Mow S e Mofo ecTB e jKHBexe Hce ya, a yo, t {vsxyate, fyayoke, gate) no) zsh sh 8. 3 3 3 5 9. H H // u 10. I i / i 11. K K Kk 83 1€k 3eM.ia 3e H/Ke II 1 (decxmepuii- Hoe) KaKO Ka z s ee, i ye fycipin) ee,i{in//«) k gh,kh 12. A A A A c/^ U .X ^ JH)4H 9Ab 1,11 13. M M Mm ^y^ ^ tM ^ MucaeTO dWb m 14. H H H H M-» IK? V, Hain-B 3HT, n 15. 16. n n 77 « 17. P p Pp JC n OHT, noKOH ne pubi api, a (inyar) P r 18. C c C c W c G e CIOBO 301. s,ss z I* 4 Types. Caligraphic characters. MMAK. Appellation. Value. roman. italic. Round-hand. Running-hand, ' ^ f\ — — ^ ancient, modem. Proper Accidental sound, sound. 19. Tim T m ^^ 5Tt m TBepAO Te t d 20. Y Y yy ^K JTp y y oo,u(in/«/5) 21. 4> * 4> ^ ^/ ** *epTT, 3*T> f,ph 22. X X X X ^a, do CO x-Bpi, xa kh,c^ 23. 1^ u u ^ 9^^ 21; n ULi ue ts 24. ^i 1 ^ -i 'T* ie t ^epBB qe ch,tsli sh 25. mm Ulm Muc aiTu. ma sh 26. mm lZ(ai^ m-r aiiiu, ma sh-tsh sh 27. Li, 'fc 3 ^* ^3 6 to -Bpi, e w/^/^ 28. tl bi M bi ,«^:*< i)i^ ■Epbl t thick we 29. t t ^6 J^-e ob t> io ■BpL y w«/(? 30. S -B i Ih m^ 13) '(b flTL yah, S yo 31. 3 3 3 5 So 9 e a e (in i7iet) 32. H)k) JO/o J(P^ . 30« K) you u Fr. 33. a a ^ ;? 34. e Be a eiiia ya ye, e (in^yard) {\nyet, met) f 35. Vv Tr ^^ V . liaama ee, i {m/>m) 36. H H # i:r (/Wi^ CrL U 10 HCtRpaTKOfl y ww/^ ^y^ FIRST PART. — Lexicology. RUSSIAN WRITTEN ALPHABET. ^ yy ?C<^a^X ^^ c^^^/f;^ t^co^^d; c4^^t^^y/^ RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Division of 4. — The 36 letters of the Russian alphabet contain the letters. r / /■ \ • 1 2 vowels {TJiSiCEhm), viz: a, e, 11, 1, 0^ y, bi, -£, 3, k), a, r, of which the following five: e, "£, fl; K), li, may be called diphthongs (^ByrjiacHHfl) ; 3 semi-vowels (no^iy- rjiacHLifl) : !>, i>, % and 2 1 consonants (corjiacHLia), viz : 6, B, r, A, SK, 3, K, Ji, M, H, n, p, c, T, O; X, ^, H, in, m, e. 5. — The vowels and semi- vowels, with regard to their sounds, sxQhard, soft ox moderate ; and the con- sonants, according to their degree of intensity, are strong, feeble or liquid, viz : I. VOWELS. m. CONSONANTS. a d bi y and those cor- responding : 2. Soft: . a. . e . u, i • 6 (io) 3. Moderate: %. II. SEMI-VOWELS. ^■Hard:i^t.tlt:n^-^fi^ T., H ^•Strong:i^^if^i^:)2.Feeble: n 6 * B K r (g lat.) X r (h /fl/.) Ill HI T A C 3 U (TC) ^ (Tin) (A3 (4Hf !> These three have no sign of m(inTffl) (at43KJ their own. 3. Liquid. A, M, H, p. 6. — According to the particular organ of speech which gives utterance to the consonants, they are di- vided into: 1. Gutturals (ropTaHHtia), pronounced in the throat : r, K, X. 2. Palatals (no;tHe6Hi,ia), uttered by the palate: JI, H, p. 3. Dentals (3y6Hbia), sounded by the aid of and against the teeth : ;i;, t. FIRST PART. — Lexicology. "7 4.' Lingual (flsbinnaa), articulated by means of ap- plying the tongue closely to the upper teeth : 11;. 5. Labials (rydnbifl), produced between the lips: 6, B^ M, n, o. 6. Lispings (ineneJieBaTLifl), produced by a whistling of the tongue against the palate : 3, c. 7. Hissings (mnnflmifl), sounded by a whistling of the tongue against the root of the lower teeth : 3K, ^, m, m. The vowel v and the consonant have not been included in the divisions, being found only in a few words taken from the Greek, and the former, with regard to pronunciation, being identical with h, and the latter with *. 7. — In the foregoing; table of the letters we have Pronuncia- pointed out \}i\€\x proper and accidental sounds] the letters. proper sound being the one they usually have, or when used separately, whereas they receive their accidental sound from a particular situation. This accidental sound, and more especially with regard to the vowels, depends upon the tonic accent (y/i;apeHie), of which more hereafter (§12). The rules we are about to give of the pronunciation of the Russian letters, are taken from the dialect of Great-Russia, such as it is spoken at the Court, among the poHshed and hterary world. Other dialects of the Russian tongue are those of Little- Russia, White-Russia, Novgorod, Soozdal and that of Olonetz; all of which however differ not more materially from the Mos- covite dialect, than by their pronunciation and the use of some particular expressions. 8. — The vowels, in the Russian language, are voweis. differently pronounced according to the place they occupy in a, word, or as they are accented or not. RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. A, a. < fa.{\r\/ar): a36YKai, alp/iade^; Kauidi, I oat-meal. re (m/(^z): yHiaCT>, dread; ^acb'l, . . 1* 1 , watch; ^6ina4fc, horse. Accidental sound/ ' 'jo ^\r\. go): Cojfcuiaro, great; xy- This vowel a is pronounced as ah or ^ (in fat) ; but : i) It has the sound of short e after the hissing con- sonants (hc, h, m, m) in the middle of a word, when not accented ; at the end of words however, whether accented or not, it retains its proper sound. — 2) In the termination aio of the genitive of adjectives, when accented, it has the sound of long o. Thus the above words are pronounced: ahzbooka, kahsha, obsskesSj tshessee, Ibhshad, bahlshbhva, khudbhva. (_, , (yz. {xxs. yard): hmb, ditch: MiiCO, Proper sound, ^ ^ v -^ / q- J L meat; seMJa, earth. ' Accidental sound, C"' ^ <'"^'" =*'°> ° ''"-^"^''^ 6ep63a fo>M-<;-«; FIRST PART. — Lexicology, 9 At the beginning of words and syllables the vowel e is pronounced yai, but after a consonant purely as long a or short e; the above words therefore are pro- nounced yaideen, seeyate, sairtse. This vowel, when accented, sounds like jf^ (inj^^z^^), or, after a hissing and the lingual consonant (hi, h, in, m, n), like oh in the follow- ing cases, viz: i) when standing before a consonant followed by one of the hard vowels, a, o, y, u, 5; 2) at the end of words; 3) in the termination em or eil of the instrumental singular case of feminine nouns; 4) before the gutturals (r, k, x) or the simple hissing sounds (at, m), which do not allow of a hard vowel after them; 5) in the present tense of verbs, although followed by a soft vowel. Thus the words eiiKa, Jir; CJieati, tears; jie^ti), ice; JKHTLe, life; Moe, my; seMJieio, by the earth; ^ajieKm, distant; HeceuiL, thou earnest; bqcqiq^ you carry ; mejiKi), silk; .aniie, face; ;^ymeio, with the soul, are pronounced yblka, slybzee, lyot, zsheetyb, 7nah-yb, zamlybyou, dalybkee, nessybsh^ nessybtai, shblk, leetsb, dooshbyou. It is this pronunciation yo or that it is customary now to point out by a diaeresis over the vowel e; 6epe3a, Hce'jiTLiH, ejiKa, &c,, and in this manner it has been distinguished, throughout this Grammar. This vowel e serves besides to give the French pronunciation of eu, as in MoHiecKte {Fr, Montesquieu). r_, , fya, a Cm yate, irate): 'hWh, I eat; Proper sound, <; \ -^ ^ o / .g ^ I L Bipa, faUh. ' * Accidental sound,/^^ ^'""^'^'^ '' ^»^'^"' ''''''' ^«^'^^^' I, sta7's. This vowel /& at the beginning of words and syl- lables sounds likeyai; but after a consonant like long a or short e {yaiin, vaira) . However after the consonant H lO RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. the diphthongal sound is felt rather stronger; thus H'feT'L; no; HtMOH, dumb, are pronounced nyet, nyamby. When accented, this vowel has the sound oiyoh only in the words rnis^ta, nests; aBis^^M, stars; ciitJia, saddles; ii;b'£ji'L, he flourished; o6p'BJi'L, he found; also in their derivatives and compounds, as: 3Bi- 340HKa, little star; rH'BSAHniKO, little nest; pasuiBi.i'L, it bloomed; which are pronounced gnybhzda, zvybhzdee, syohdla, tsvybll, ahbrybll, zvybhzdotshkay gnybhzdishko, rahztsvybll. p. r Proper sound, o: AOMd, at home; noCJ'B, after. ' ' \ Accidental sound, ah: xopomo, ze; HBanoM'L, zvith John; ^pe;^I>IIAyI^iH, precedent, are pronounced as if written ebis^fh, chieduoMS, npedbidfuiiil. TT J Proper sound, e thick: CMHT), son; AhCTeu.bl, batterers. ' ' \ Accidental sound, we: rpiidw, mushrooms; MM, we. FIRST PART. — Lexicology. II The sound of this vowel u is a thick utterance of e, and to get any thing like a perfect idea of this sound, it is necessary to hear it from the mouth of a Russian. After the labials (6, b, m, n, , /^^^ mo\ zshu^, vdy karee[, givin gutterance to a short ^" after the vowel. 10. — The consonants, in the Russian language, Consonants, as will be seen below, have also various sounds, viz : ' p: 6a6a, old woman; 6o6t>, bean; 6a6Ka, cockle. f: BOH^,aw^jj/;poB'l>,^/^, Tuesday. ^.'1 <; /•■ AHO, bottom; p04T>, kind; BOAKa, brandy. sh: atAy, Iivait ;w^Wi>^ husband; AQ-XXA^spoon. J.'SBOHT., sound; r.iaST., eye; CKaSKa, story. The feeble consonants 6, e, d, oic, 3, retain their proper sound before the vowels, before the liquid and other feeble consonants, observing that die (French j) is now represented in English by zsk. But before the strong consonants and at the end of words terminating in the hard semi-vowel (t), they assume the utterance of their corresponding strong letters (n, o, t, m, c). Thus the above words are pronounced babahy bohp, bapka, vohnn, rohff, ftbkrneek, dno, rott, vbhtkah, zsh^doo, 7noosJt^ ohshkah, zvomi, glahss, skaska. In words where 3d is followed by u, the letter d is silent: thus.nos/tHO, late; npa3;iHHK'L, feast, are pronounced pbhzno, prahzneek. The word j^oat^iHK'L, rain, is pronoun- ced dbhzsli! zsheek. Proper sound,^^-^ : ropa, mountain; nOTli6eA'b, perdition. f k: jij^yvTij/riend; MormiH, w>^^ could. h: rocnoAB, Lord; Bora,'^ God. kh, d^: Bori), God; .lemii, light. , v: KpaCHaro, red; ero, of him. r, r. I Accidental sound, In the beginning and in the middle of words the consonant 2 preserves its proper sound, being arti- culated with a slight vocalized aspiration, something like the Hibernian g when pronounced hard {gharah, 14 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. pahgheebel). The accidental sound takes place in the following cases: i) At the end of words and before the consonant m, it takes the hard utterance oiu {drook, mbhkshe). — In the words Focno^b, Lord; 6jiaro, well, and the various inflections of the noun Borrb, God (Bora, Bory, BoroM-L) it is an aspirated {Jiospbhd, blaho, bohhah, bbhhoo, bohhomm). — 3) In the words Borij, God, and j66TT},poor; before a strong consonant, as JierKm, lz£-/it; Jierne, lighter-, Horm, the nails, and in the foreign words ending in p2o, as neTep6ypri., Petersburg; KeHHrc6epr'L, K'dnigs- berg, it takes the hard guttural sound of x (Germ. 6)f bo^^ oobb6), lyb6)kee, lai&jtshai, nbh6)tee, paiterbobr^, kainigsber6)). — 4) In inflections azo, mo, 020, eio, of adjectives and pronouns, it is pronounced as v {krasnahvah, yaivbh). — 5) In words derived from for- eign languages, it is pronounced either g or aspirated h, according to the original sound which it is in- tended to supply, as in the words . reorpaoia, geo- gj^aphy; ry6epHifl, government; repoii, hero; rocnn- TajiB, hospital. (^ Proper sound, k: KpeCTTi, cross; 3epKajO, mirror. I r^/5.- KT. Bory, to God; kt> seMji, ' I Accidental sound, <( to the earth. [ ^y^kh,6): KTO, who; Kh KOMy, to whom. The consonant k when placed before the feeble consonants 6, r, ji,, m, ^, takes the sound of its cor- responding feeble z {gh' bbhoo, gh' zahnlai), and be- fore the consonants k, T; h, it takes the articulation of X (khio, kh'kahmob). In every other instance it preserves its proper sound {kresst, zdirkahlo). FIRST PART. — Lexicology. 15 r Proper sound, s: cecipa, sister; cocame, suction. r. o <; . . , , , f 0.- CT> B6rOMT>, with God; c3tiBaTb, ^' ^' ] Accidental sound, , fruit. ^^ I«-1 Accidental ,^^^^^[^^'- ^^^^^o^u of fruit ; mmbmil^l,, \^ L helper. i6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. The compound consonant m (mini), which has the three distinct sounds of sh-t-sh or s-t-sh, and which the Poles represent by szcz, has the simple sound oim before the consonant «; the above words consequently are pronounced sh!tshitt, or stchitt, bhvoshHtsh, and ahvahshnoy, pahmbhshnik. n, n. ^ X, X. m,ni. n, ^. . . (p: naBJHHt, pea-cock; CTOjnx, column. . . jy or ph: *OHapb, lantern; CKy*La, scull-cap. . . \kh. Germ, c^ : xpaMt, temple; 4yxT>, ^Proper sound, <^ odour. sh, Fr. ch, Germ. \6), Pol. sz: majauiT., cottage, ts, Germ.g: iiapB,>^/wf; HQ^QJXh, pepper. 0^ /; eeaipi), theatre; AeiiHbl, Athens. These six strong consonants keep their proper sound, and consequently the above words are pronounced/^- vleen, stohlp, fahnar, skoofya, khrahmm, dookh, shah- lash, tsar, pahrets, fe-ahf?^ afeenee, observing that x is pronounced as in the Scotch loch or German jDac^. For the use of the consonant e, which is pronounced the same as ^, see Orthography. jI^ jl 1 r /; .laA^, accord; .iflAt, ill-luck. M, M. Proper soundJ^'-' «'^'^^' ^' ^^^^' '^'^^'' '^^^^ JJ g I \ n: TpOHt, throne; TpOHB, touch. P^ p. J ^r: paAT., glad; pflAt, rank. The liquid consonants preserve their proper sound, being strong or soft in their utterance according to the vowel or semi- vowel that follows; consequently the above words are pronounced latt and lyat, vsahnm and vbhsem; tro hmi dind tron^ ; rahtt 2X\Aryahtt. It is necessary to observe here that the Russian con- sonant A; before the hard vowels and strong con- FIRST PART. — Lexicology. 17 sonants, by no means resembles the usual English /, in as much as in. that situation it is pronounced with much greater force, and which is obtained by a strong pressure of the tongue against the upper teeth. The Poles represent this sound by / with a bar (1). The other three sounds correspond with those of the English language, only that the ^ has a stronger trill^ partaking more of the Irish utterance of this letter. II. — A vowel, either by itself, or joined to one Jj^^^J^^ or more consonants, with or without a semi-vowel, forms, in the Russian language, a syllable (cJior-L, CKJia;t'L) ; and one or several of these, used to repre- sent a thought or sensation, form a word (cjiobo). Words consequently may be monosyllables (oaho- CJioaiHHfl) or polysyllables (MHorocJiOHtHHfl), according to their being compounded of one or more syllables, as: H, and; fl, /; oh-l, he; aii, ah] ceii, this; ;tBa, two; Q,T^2ixrh, fright , 3ii-Ma, winter; ;to-p6-ra, road; ;to-6po-;t'B-TeiiB, virtue; ;i;o-6po-;t'B -leJiB-HLiH, vir- tuous, &c. The Russian language contains a few words that have no vowel at all, or whose vowel has changed into a semi-vowel; such are the particles BT>, KT>, CT), d-L, HCT., Xb (instead of eo, KO^ CO, 6bl, 0/ce, AU). These words, called assyllabics (6e3Cj6H{- HBia), are joined to the syllables of the preceding or following word, as : Wb AOMT), in the house; Kt OKHy, towards the window; C.T> to66h), -with thee; ecJH 61., if; OAHaKO HCL, however; TO^fflO JB, is it right so? 12. — In polysyllabic words there is always one Tonic ititt- ri- accent. syllable that experiences a greater stress of the voice than the rest; thus in the words Majio, little; ro- TOBO, ready; roBopHxe, speak, the syllables Ma, mo, pit, are more discernably audible than the syllables 1 8 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. AOj 20, 60, me. This modification of the voice is in fact what is meant by tonic accent (yj^apenie), and is indicated by a little mark over the vowel. The accented syllable is called long (;^6JI^iH), the others short (KpaxKie). The accent is no longer printed in Russian books, except to distinguish some homonymous words and grammatical inflections of similar forms, as 3aM0Kl), castle, and saMOKt, lock; cjoea, of the word (gen. sing.), and CJOBa, words (nomin. plur.), as will be seen in Part IV, Prosody. It is here the place to observe that in the Russian language there is no rule by which to deter- mine the accent, and that in one and the same word is it fre- quently shifted from one syllable to another; for which reason all the words used in this Grammar are printed with the accent they ought to have. The following Reading-exercise, in which the reading of the Russian text is facilitated by an imitation of the sounds accord- ing to English utterance, and an interlinear literal translation added, it is confidentially hoped, will materially assist the learner to make himself master of the rules we have given on the pronunciation of the letters and words of the Russian language. READING-EXERCISE. > B^epa BT> mecTB ^acoBt yipa noixajH mm Ftshera f shest tshessofF ootra pah-yaikhalee mwe Yesterday at six d clock of the morning went we Bepx6MT> BT> n6TCAaMi>. Hn^ero h-btt. cKy^nie a'TOii verkhomm f Potsdam. Neetshaivo nyet skooshnaiyai aitoy on horseback to Potsdam. Nothing there is duller than this 4op6rH: Bes^i oyCoKifl liecoKi., ii hu KaKHx-B saHHMaiejL- dahroghee: vezdai gloobohkee pessok, ee neekahkeekh zaneemahtel- road: every where a deep sand, and not jany interest- Hbixt npe^MeTOB'B bt> r.ja3a He nonaAaeica. Ho bhat> neekh praidmaitofF v' glahzah nai pahpahdayetsah. No veet ing object^ to the eyes not presents itself But the sight FIRST PART. — Lexicology. 19 UoTCAaMa, a oco6^iiBO CaHi-CycH, oienb xopomi). Mm Potsdahmah, ah ahsahbleevo San-Soosee, otshain kharosh. Mwe of Potsdam^ and above all of Sans-Souci, {is) very fine. We OCTaHOBIUHCbB^TpaKTHp-BjHe AO-fiSHtaH ^0 TOpOACKHXT. BOpOTTj. ahstahnahveelees f trakteerai.nai da-yaizsh'zshayahda garadskeekh vahrot. stopped at the hotel, not arriving to the city- gates. OiAOXHyBT. H saKaaae-L o6i>A'h, mm nom^iii bt. Addahkhnoov ee zakazahv ahbyaid, mwe pashlee v' Having rested ourselves and ordered a dinner, we went into r6po4T>. y BopoTT, 3aniica^H Hama HMena. Ha napaAHom. gorot. 00 varot zahpeesahlee nashee eemainah. Nah parahdnom the town. At the gates one wrote our names. On the parade- M'BCT'B npoTHBt ABopua, yHwacL rsapAia: npeKpacHMe maistai prohteef dvahrtsah, ootsheelahs gvahrdyah : praikrahsneeyai place opposite the palace, exercised the guards: very fine mm-, npeKpacHBie myhahpm! Biia'b ABopiia co lyoudee, praikrahsneeyai moondeeree I Veed dvahrtsah sah men, superb uniforms! The sight of the palace from GTopoHM caAa o^eHb xopomt. FopoAt, BOo6me starahnee sahda otshain kharosh. Ghorod vah-ahbstshai the side of the garden (is) very fine. The town in general npeKpacHO BbicTpoeHT>; bx do^/ibuidii yjiHU-b MHoro praikrahsno vwestroyain; v' bahlshoy ooleetsai mnogo {is) well built; in the great street {there are) many Be.jHKO.jiiraMX'b aomobt,, CTpdeHHbixi. ox^acTH no o6pa3uy vaileekahlaipneekh dahmof, stroyainneekh attshahstee pah ahbrahztsoo of magnificent houses, built partly on the model orpoMH-BHinnx-b pHMCKHX-b na.aaTT> H Ha c66cTBenHbia AeHbrn agromneysheekh reemskeekh pahlaht ee na sobstvainneeyah deynghee of the vastest Roman palaces and at the own expences noKOHHaro Kopoj[H: OHXAapiui hxt,, Kony xoii^n.. Tenepb pakoynahvahkahralyah: on dareel yeekh, kamoo khahtail. Taiper of the late king: he gave them, to whom he chose. Now 3AaHia nycTbi, \U\i. SaHHMaiOTCA idahneeyah poostee. eelee zaneemahyootsah edifices {are) empty, or are occupied 20 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. ciH orpoMHfcia seeyee agromneeyah the vast cojAaxaMH. — Bt. HoTCAaMt ecit pyccKan uepKOBb eoa'b sahldahtamee. — F' Potsdahmai yest rooskayah tsairkov pahd by soldiers. — At Potsdam there is a Russian church under Ha43HpaHieMT) ciaparo pyccKaro coJAaia, KOTopwH 3KBBeTT> nahdzeerahneeyem starahvah rooskahvah sahldatah, kahtoree zsheev'yott the care of an old Russian soldier, who lives laMT* CO BpeMenT, uapcTBOBania IlMnepaxpHuw Ahhbi. Mm tahm sah vraimain tsarstvovaneeyah eemperatreetsee ahnnee. Mwe there since the times of the reign of the empress Anne. We Haciijy Mor^H CMCKaii ero. J^ki^Ahm ciapHKi* nahseeloo maghlee seeskaht yaivo. Dr'yakhlee stahreek wkh difficulty could find him. The decrepit old man CHAi^-B Ha 6o^BfflHX'B KpecjaxT., H yc^LimaBT), ^to seedail na bahlsheekh kreslahkh, ee oosleeshahv shto was sitting in a large arm-chair, and having heard that MLi PyccKie, npoTflnyj-B kt. HaMi pyKH, 11 mwe rooskeeyai, prahtyahnool k' nahm rookee, ee we {are) Russians, he extended towards us the hands, and 4po5KamHMT> rojocoMTbCKasajT.: CAdea Eozy! CAaea Eozy! drahzshastsheem golossom skahzahl : slavah Bohoo I slavah Bohoo I with a trembling voice he said: Glory to God! Glory to God! Ohi xoTi^x roBopHTB cnepBa ct> HaMH no-pyccKH: ho mbi ohn khahtall gahvahreet spervah s' nahmee pah-roosskee : no mwe He wanted to speak at first witJi us in Russian: but we ci> TpyAOMi Morjii paayMiit 4pyn> 4pyra. HaMi na/iJeacajo s' troodom mahglee rahzoomait droog droogah. Nam nahdlaizshahlo with difficulty could understand each other. To us it was obliged nOBTOpHTB nOTTH KaHCAOG CjIOBO. jjIIOHAeMTG BT> IjepKOBB pahvtahryaht pahtshtee kazshdoyai slovo. „Pie-dy6mtai f tsairkov to repeat almost each word. „Let us go into the church FIRST PART. — Lexicology. 21 BoJKiio, CKa3aji> ohi, h noMojHMca bm'BCT'B, xoth hwh-b Bozsheeyou, skahzahl on, ee pahmohleemsa vmaistai, khahtyah neenai of God, said he, and let us pray together, although to-day H HtTi npasJiHHKa." Cep^ue Moe Hano^HHJLOCb ee n'yet prazneekah." Sairtse mah-yoh napohlneelos even there is not any holiday.^*' Heart my filled itself SjaroroB-BHieMT., KorAa OTBopH^acB Asept b-l ^epKOBb, blahahgahvaineeyaim, kaghda ahtvareelas dvair f tsa'irkov, with devotion, when opened itself the door into the church, FA'S CTOJLKO BpeMeHH LiapcTByeTt oyfioKoe MOwiianie, ghdyai stolko vraimainee ' tsarstvooyet gloobokoyai mahltshaneeyai, where so much of time reigns a profound silence, GABa nepepuBaeMoe cjaduMH BSAOxaMH h thxhm'b rd^ocoM'B yaidvah perereevayaimoyai slahbemee vzdohkhahmee ee teekheem gholossom hardly interrupted by the feeble groans and the soft voice CTapqa, KOTopbia no BOCKpeceHtaMi. npaxoAHit lyAa qHiaib startsah, kahtohree pah vahskraisainyahm preekhohdeet toodah tsheetaht of old man) who on the Sundays comes there to read CBaTiHinyw h31 KHiiri, nparoTOB^fliomyH) erd Kh svyahteyshooyou eez kneegh, preegahtahvlyayoustshooyou yaivoh k' the most holy of the books, preparing him to 6.iaHteHH0H Bt^HOCTH. B-b UepKBH BCe ^liCTO. I^epKOBHblfl blahzshainnoy vaitshnostee. F' tsairkvee fsyo tsheesto. Tsairkovneeyah the happy eternity. In the church all {is) clean. Church- KHHra H yxBap-b xpanaTca bt> cyHAyK-B. Oti BpeMeHH AO kneeghee ee ootvahr khrahnyatsah f soondookai. Aht vraimenee doh books and ornaments are kept in a trunk. From time to BpeMeHH ciapHK'b nepednpaeT-b HX-b ct> mojlhtboio. ,3acT0 vraimainee stahreek perebeerayait yeekh s' mahleetvoyou. „Tshasto time the old man arranges them with prayer. „ Often OT-b Bcerd cepAua, CKasaji. ohi*, coKpymaioGb a o tomT), iito aht fsaivo sairtsah, skahzahl on, sahkrooshayous yah ah tomm, shto from all the heart, said he, grieve myself I of that, that 2 2 , , RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. no cMepTH Moefl, Koxopaa orb Mena Kone^HO yate He pah smairtee mah-yey, kahtorayah aht mainyah kahnaishno oozshai nai a/Her death my^ which from me certainly already not {is) /la^eKO, He KOMy dyAeii. CMOipiTb 3a uepKOBLio." — Ci dahlyohko, nai kahmoo boodait smahtrait zah tsairkovyou." — S' far^ no person will watch over the church.^'' — During nojqaca npofiujiH mm bt. ceMi. cBameHHOMT. m-bct-b, poltshahsa probwelee mwe f saim svyahststshainnom maistai, half an hour remained we in this holy spot, npocTHJHCL CT. no^TeHHbiMT> ciapuKOMi, H HOHtejajLH eMy prahsteelees s' pahtshtainneem stahreekom, ee pahzshailalee yaimoo bade farewell with the venerable old man, and wished him THXOH CMepTH. KapaM3um. teekhoy smairtee. Kahrahmzeen. an easy death. Elements 1 3. — Words, when considered as the elements of speech, are either denominative (sHaMeHaie^iLHHa) or auxiliary (cjiyaie6HMfl). The former express the idea of objects, of their quaHties or actions ; the latter merely design the connexion that exists among the denominative words ; thus in this phrase : IlTEmBi jiexaiOT'L no Bos^yxy, a pbi6H atHByx'L Bt boa'B, birds fly in the air, and fishes live in water, the denominative words are: nmuvjbi, Aemdmnz, eosdyxy, pbi6bi, dicueyms, eodih, and the auxiliary words are : nOy a, 63. The former are called the parts (nacTii), and the latter the particles of speech (HacTHitBi pi^ii). The parts and particles of speech, in the Russian language, may be brought under nine different heads ; namely: FIRST PART. — Lexicology' 23 I. PARTS OF SPEECH: 1. The substantive (hmh cymecTBHxeJiLHoe). 2. The adjective (hmh npHJiaraxeJiLHoe). 3. The pronoun (MtciOHMeHie). 4. The verb (rJiaroji'L). ^. The participte {ajm^icTie). 6. The adverb (nap-BHie) and the^^r2^;2<3^(^'£enpH^acTie). U. PARTICLES OF SPEECH: 7. The preposition (npe;i;ji6r'L). 8. The conjunction (cok)3'l). 9. The htterjection (MeJK;i;oMeTie). Certain languages, such as the French, German, English and others, make use of a distinctive word before a common noun, whenever employed in speech, unless the same be sufficiently- determined by the accompanying word; thus the French say; le chapeau, la plume; the German : ber §Ut, bte ^eber, and the English: the hat, the pen. If the common noun, however, be taken in an indeterminate sense, it is then preceded by another word ; as : tin chapeau, une plume; eitt §Ut, eitte f^eber ; a hat, a pen. This kind of word is called article (^^eHT>), and dis- tinguished in those tongues by the definite and indefinite article. In French the articles are: le, la, les, and un, tcne, des; in Ger- man: ber, bte, 'ti^i^, \At, and eitt, eine; in English: the and a or an. The Russian language has no articles, it being left to the sense of the sentence to indicate whether the common noun is taken in a determinate or indeterminate sense. This deficiency is sometimes also supplied by other words, such as tOTT), this, to indicate a determinate, and HiKOTOptlii, certain, to indicate an indeterminate sense; as: Torm ^e^oeiKT., KOTopOMT) bm rOBOpHie, nprniie^'L kO MH^, the man of whom you speak, is come to me; HlhKOmopblU ^SiAOWhKh npHluejt KO MH-B, a man is come to me. 14. — All words, whether parts of speech or par- Division . , . , ... ^ , . . . , of words. tides, are either primitive or derivative, simple or coinpound, Th.^ primitives (nepBOo6pa3HBifl) are such 24 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. as are not formed from other words; e. g. cajx^, garden; Htena, woman-, 6'BiitiH, white; hchtl, to live. The derivatives (npoiiSBO^tHBia) are such as are for- med from words already existing in the language, e. g. ca;56BHHK'L, gardener; atencKm, wofnanly; 6'BjiH3Ha, whiteness; nepeatHTB, to over-live. Com- pounds (cJioacHBia) are formed of two denominative words; e. g. caAOBO^tCTBO, horticulture, from ca/^-L, gardejt (lat. hortus), and boahtb, cultivate; Tpy;^o- JiH)6ie, love of work, from xpy/t'L, work, and irH)6HTB, /d? love. All other words, whether primi- tive or derivative, are simple (npocxB'ia). Roots i^, — Every word, whether primitive or derivative, simple or compound, is formed from roots (KopHH), or from radical syllables and letters, which become words by the junction of other roots. Thus in the words: 3pio, I see ; spinie, the sight; apHMBiH^ vi- sible; aopKiii, sharp-sighted; o6o3p'BTB, to exa^nine, the root is the syllable 30P or the mixed conso- nant 3P, which becomes significant by the addition of the syllables w, ibuie, UMbiii, Kiil, 060, &c. — The roots may be divided into principal and secondary. i) T\vQ principal roots (rJiaBHBie) are such as serve to form denominative words, or parts of speech; such are the roots bh^, ok, pyK, whence the words bh^'b, sight; OKO, eye; pyna, hand, are formed. 2) The secondary roots (^pH;^aTO^HBIe) are those from which, in the first place, auxiliary words or particles are formed, e. g. HB-B, of; B-B, in; CB, with; and which afterwards serve to form words by being united with the prin- cipal roots; e. g. bh^hbih, visible; ohkh, spectacles; nopyHHTB, to commit. Thus the secondary roots FIRST PART. — Lexicology. 25 are : a) initial (npe/^i>Hii;ymie), placed at the beginn- ing of words, and called prefixes or prepositions, e. g. y-xojut, departure; o/Ti-Kasi., refusal; and b) final (nocJi'B4yH)iii,ie), which form the terminations of words, and are called suffixes, e. g. Bo;^-«^ water; 3eM-^/?; earth; Kipic-miu, red; jiiji-amb, to do. In order to trace Russian words properly so called, that is to say Slavonian words, to their roots, the learner will do well to proceed in the following manner. Let us take as examples the words npeH36MTOqeCTBOBaTb, to superabound, and saCBHAi- Te^bCTBOBanie, attestation. After taking away the initial secon- dary roots npe and 5«, and the finals eamh and eauie^ there remain the words iiadbiTOiieCTBO, abundance, and CBHAiTejbCTBO, testimony, which are derived from ii3di>iT0KT), superfluity, and CBHA'fiTeJt (in Slavonian cerbdrhmeAb), witness. These last mentioned are themselves derived from H36blTb, to abound, and CBiA^Tb, to know; words which are formed of the prepositions U37> and C3, joined to the simple verbs 6blTb, to be, and BiA^Tb or B^Aaib, to know, from whence- if we take away the terminations of the infinitive, there remain 6bl and eJb^. We thus see the root of the word npeH3(5biTOieCTBOBaTb is em; the steps of its forma- tion being apparent: dblTb, H36blTb, H36biTOKl, H36blTOTieCTBO, HsSbiToiiecTBOBaTb, npeH36brroqecTBOBaTb ; the word sacBHAi- TejbCTBOBame has B'fi/^ for its root, whence are derived : BiA'BTb or BlBAaib, CB'BA'ETb, CB^AiTe.ab (in Russian ceudihmeAb), CBHAi- Te.JbCTBO, CBHAiieJbCTBOBaTb, SaCBHAiTewIbCTBOBaTb, sacBHAi- xejibCTBOBaHie. Every Russian word of Slavonian origin may be submitted to the same process of dissection, and the learner will find the following words appropriate as an exercise: He3aBHCHM0CTb, in- dependence;. neiiSM'BpHMbiH, immensurable ; npeAC-BAaxejbCTBOBaTb, to preside; COCTpaAaHie, compassion; HSoSptTaie^bHOCTb, invention, inventive faculty; BCnOMOraiejlbHblft, atixiliary; ^leCTOJlbdie, ambi- tion; yAOBjeTBOpiiTe.«bHbm, satisfactory; nyTemeCTBeHHiiKl>, tra- veller; 3aK0H0AaTe.lbCTB0, legislation; SeMJieAi^b^eCKiH, agricul- tural; qapeABopeqi., courtier. 2 6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Inflections 1 6. — The parts of Speech, or denominative words, of words. 1 1 r are distinguished from the particles, or auxiHary words, by being subject to sundry inflections (naMt- Henifl), which are usually of two kinds: constant (nocTOflHHBifl) and accideiital (cjiyqamiBia). — i) The constant inflections are met with in the structure of derivative and compound words. This is what is called the formatioii (o6pa30BaHie) of a word; e. g. nap6, king; i];ap?/iffl, queen; naupCKiil, royal; Vi^k^cmeo, kingdom; nA-pcmeeuHbu'ly of the kingdom; nab^cmeoeamb, to reign; nkipcmeoeame, reigning. — 2) The accidental inflections are the different termi- nations and prepositions which a word takes, and which without changing its nature serve to express some circumstance connected with the idea desig- nated by the word; e. g. pyKflf, the hand; pyKO/o, witJi the hand; pvKW; the hands; BHHcy, / see; BiiAUtub, thou seest; 6ijibiii, white; 6'i,ATbumiii, whiter; no6'i>Jiibe, a little whiter, &c. Metapiasms 1 7. — Thc different inflections of which words are of words. ' . r '^^ susceptible, undergo, m order to facilitate the pro- nunciation, metapiasms (nepeM-EHLi), which at times change even the final letters of the radical word. These metapiasms or alterations consist in the per- mutation (saMBHa) of one letter for another; in the epenthesis (BCxaBKa) and prosthesis (npncxaBKa) of some letters, and in the apocope (yctHenie) and syyi- cope (ii3i>flTie) of others. Permutation 18.— Thc pcrmutation of letters, in the Russian language, arises from the circumstance that some vowels cannot be placed in juxta-position with cer- tain consonants ; thus the hissing, guttural and lingual FIRST PART. — Lexicology. 27 consonants (at, h, m, m; r, k, x; 11;) cannot be joined with some vowels; the vowels H, e, JO, and the semi-vowel b, never admit immediately before them either the guttural consonants (r, k, x), in any inflection, or sometimes the dental and lisping con- sonants (;?, t; 3, c); and further the vowel 11, in the derivation of words, never admits before it either the gutturals or the lingual (r, k, x; n), which are then changed for the hissing consonants (m., h, m, m), as is seen below. PERMUTATION OF LETTERS. 1. The consonants r, 4, 3, ^ f change into at. 2. The consonants K, T, n, , ^ 1 change into n. ^1. > before fl, e, H, K), b, < , .* . 3. The consonants X, c, 1 7 j 7 j 7 change into m. 4. The consonants CK, CT, j L change into m. 5. The vowel a, \ . f changes into a. ^ „, , y after r, K, x; w, q, m, m; i^, <( , *" 6. The vowel K), j » > ' ) 5 > "^^ -^J |^ changes into y. 7. The vowel u, after r, K, x; JK, 1, m, m, . . . changes into H. 8. The vowel 0, after at, 1, lu, m; i(, changes into e. 9. The vowel 'B, after the vowel i, changes into H. 10. The smi-vowel b, after a vowel, changes into B. 11. The semi-vowels b and Hj.before a consonant with Ti, change into e. 12. The semi-vowel "b, before two consonants, , . changes into 0. Examples: i) cjyHtHTL, ^0 serve; BHHcy, I see; p-BJKfc, ait, from cJiyzd^ servant; eiidrbmb, to see; pihJamb, to cut; 2) MyquTb, io torment; CB-fi^a, candle; Oie^eCTBO, native land, from MyKa, torment; ceibms, light; omeii,7i, father; 3) THUie, slower; npouie- Hie, petition, from muxz, slow; npocfimb, to ask; 4) nmy, I seek; ^Hme, purer, from UCKamb^ to seek; Hucmz, pure; 5) CjyHta (for CJiyo/CH), serving; 6) BOJKy, (for eoo/Cfb), I lead; 7) pyKH, the hands; My}KH, the men (for pfKbl, Mfo/Cbl); 8) na^meMt (for ndAbllfOMZ), with the finger; 9) Bt PocciH (for ecrbMd). These permutations are subject to certain exceptions. The dental consonants (4, t) sometimes preserve the Slavonian per- 28 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. mutation m^ and m, as rpaHv^aHliHl, citizen; niiiua, aliment, from 2padz, city; numdmb, to nourish. When the accented vowel e is pronounced (after JK, % m, m, n), the vowel may be used, as xopomd, wel/; nje^o, shoulder; flfiijo, ^^^. It still remains to be observed that in words where r, K, X, U, are changed before h and k, as HO/KKa, a little foot; ei^HUH, eternal; naCTyniKa, shepherdess; JiH^HMii, personal (from Hozd^ foot; eihKZ, an age; nacmfx'd, shepherd; AUUfti, individual), the change is not required by the letters H and /i, but arises from the circumstance that formerly the semi-vowel 6, before which the consonants r, K, X, II, change into a;, ^, ui, was employed before those consonants {HOOicbKa^ eihKbHblU, &c.), but has been suppressed in modern orthography. Epenthesis iQ. — Epetithesis, or the insertion of a letter in the and pros- ' thesis, middle of a word, and prosthesis, or the addition of a letter at the beginning of a word, take place both to facilitate the pronunciation, and to unite letters which cannot be placed in juxta-position. The vowels and e are inserted between two consonants at the end of words, and thus serve as a connecting link between the two roots of a compound word; e. g. oroHb, fire; Biiepi), wind (instead of the Slavonian oiuh, emmps); saKOHoMTCJit, legislator; seMJieonii- canie, geography. The consonant A is inserted also after the labials (6, b, m, n, o), when they ought to be followed by /o ox e ; e. g. jmdAVd, I love; jifsmk^jiQy cheaper (from Aio6umh, to love; deiueeOy cheap). The consonant h is also epenthetic in B«ymaTi>, to suggest; no;t«HMaTfc, to take up; Ha «er6, against him. The consonant e is sometimes added at the beginning of a word, before the vowel o; e. g. eoceMfc, eight (instead of the Slavonian OCbMb); eocxpLiH, sharp; eoTHHHa, patrimony (used familiarly for ocmphiii, omnuHO). The same is the Lexicology, — the substantive. 29 case with the vowel in opacaHOH, of rye (for po/caudu). 20. — Apocope, or the cutting of a letter at the^^^pocope^ end of a word, and syncope, or the elision of a letter in the middle of a word, are employed to facilitate or soften the pronunciation, e. g. co mhoh, with me; hto6'L, in order that; ^BHHyiB, to move; o6'£maTb, to promise; 6jiecHyTL, to shine; nojxopa, one and a half (instead of co mhok), y,mo6hi, deuz- nyrtib, o6ejbmdmb, 6jiecmHymb, nojiemopd). THE SUBSTANTIVE. 21. — The substantives (cymeciBHiejiLHBia HMeHa)Dwmon^of in the Russian language are of two kinds: common nouns or appellatives {YL2i^m\2iTQJihRhiSi), as: ^eJiOB'BKT>, 7nan; r6po;i;T>, town; ptKa, river; and individual or proper nouns (c66cTBeHHi>ifl), as: Bjia^HMip-L, Vla- dimir; MocKBa, Moscow; Bojira, the Volga. — Among the common nouns we distinguish a class called collective (co6HpaTe.M>HLifl), such are: ^2C^(iK^, people ; CTa;^o, herd; ji-feCL, forest; also material nouns (BemecTBeHHBifl), such are : MjKa, flour; Macjio, oil; 36JIOTO, gold. — The proper names of men are of three kinds: a) christian names (KpeciHHfl iiMGHa), as : AjieKcaH/tp'B, Alexander; JEeB^, Leon ; Ojitra, Olga; J[k)66bl, Amy; b) patronymic names (oxne- CTBeHHBifl), as : A.ieKcaH^tpoBiiH'L and A.ieKcaH^poBHa, son and daughter of Alexander; .Ilbobhh'l and iLbBOBHa, S071 and daughter of Leon ; and c) family names (nposBHEHHtm, oaMHJiLHLm), as: itepataEHHT., Derzhavin; OpiioB'B, Orlof; HojiropyKiii, Dolgorooky ; ToJiCTOH, Tolstoi. 30 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Properties 22. — The properties of substantives in the Russian of nouns. r / \ i / \ language are, the gender (po;ri>), the aspect (BH^tTE,), the 7iumber (hiicjio) and the case (na/neai'L). The two former are constant inflections, belonging to the formation of nouns; the two latter are accidental inflections, employed in the declension. Genders. 23. — In the Russian language there are three genders: the masculine (MyacecKiii), the feminijie (ateHCKiii) and the neuter (cpejiHifi). The genders of nouns are known, in the names of animate beings, by their signification, and in the names of inanimate and abstract objects, by their termination. 1. The masculine gender comprehends the names of animate beings of the male sex; e. g. OTeut, the father; repoii, the hero ] itapi>, the king; lOHoma, a young man; A^/tH, an uncle; wcfeHHJio, a money- changer; noj^MaciepLe, a journeyman; and also, such names of inanimate and abstract objects terminating in -L, if, and -some which end in ii, e. g. Jiowh, the house; nOKOH, repose; Kopa6jlB, a vessel. 2. The feminine gender comprehends the names of animate beings of the female sex; e. g. cecxpa, the sister; HflHa, a nurse ; ;tOHB, the daughter; Ejih- caBeTi., Elizabeth; Kjiio, Clio; also the names of inanimate and abstract objects terminating in a, h, and some which end in i»*, e. g. KHHra, a book; nyjfl, a ball; ^o6po;t'BTejiL, virtue, 3. The neuter gender comprehends the names of animate beings where the distinction of sex is not evident, as: ahtA and HW, a child; HyjijOBiime, a monster; and also the names of animate and abstract 'Lexicology. — the substantive. 31 objects terminating in 0, e, and ma, e. g. 36.10TO, gold] Mope, the sea; BpeMfl, the time. As regards the rules relating to the genders, the following observations are of importance: 1. The nouns which designate any particular species of ani- mals, form an exception to the rule which declares the gender of nouns designating animate being to be determined by their signification. These nouns are, according to their termination, either masculine, as: ^e.lOB'BKT), a man: H0C0p6n>, a rhinoceros; COKOjII, a falcon; OKyHL, a perch; or feminine, as: o6e3bflHa, an ape; co6aKa, a dog; Jioma^B, a horse; myKa, a pike. 2. To determine the gender of nouns terminating in 6, the following rules may be given: 1) Besides such nouns as designate animate beings of the male sex, the following are masculine: a) The names of the months, as: flHBapb, January; iiOJL, July; 4eKa6pL, December, &c. h) The names of active objects, or agents, although in- animate, terminating in TBAb, as: ^ECAUJeAh, the numerator; MHOaCHTejB, the multiplier, &c. c) The common nouns designat- ing animate beings, as: ryCB, a goose; ^OCL, an elk; &c., with the exception of some names of animals which are feminine, such as: Jioma^t, a horse; ce^lBAb, a herring; BOmB, a louse; MBIUIB, a mouse; *opeJB, the trout, and some others, d) The names of towns, lakes and places, whether Russian or foreign, as: iIpocjaBj!B, Yaroslav; GeBacTonOJB, Sebastopol; BpiOCCejiB, Bruxelles, with the exception of KaSaHB, Kazan; AcTpaxaHB, Astrachan; TeepB, Tvair; BepcaJB, Versailles; By AOUh, 'Boulogne; Mapce^lB, Marseilles; HcnaraHL, Ispahan; SpuBaHB, Erivan. 2) The following laxe feminine : a) All the names of abstract objects, e. g. H(H3hb, life; ^eCTB, honour, &c., with the excep- tion of 4eHB, the day; nepe^eHB, an extract; BOnjB, cries; BHXpB, a whirlwind; and foreign words, such as: KOHTpojB, control; napojB, parole; cneKTaKJB, spectacle; CTIUB, style, b) The names of rivers and countries; e. g. 06b, the Obi; GudripB, Siberia, &c., except AnaAbipB, Anadir, c) The common names of inanimate objects; e. g. 6pOBB, the eyebrow; BtTBB, a branch; uepKOBB, a church, &c., except the following which are mascuhne: 32 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. a^K0r6-JB, alcohol. a.lT&pb, an altar. <5eM6Jb, B-flat. [tunic. 6euiM6Tb, Tartar under 6h34hb, mizzen-sail. 6EAh, a billiard ball. O^lflrapb, massicot, [sail. fipdMceJb, top-gallant fipeACHb, a drag-net. 6yKB&pb, ABC-book. 6i0.iJeT6Hb, a bulletin. B6Kce4b, bill of exchange. B^H3e.4B, a monogram. B0^4upb, a tubercle. rB034b, a nail. r-iar6.aB, a crane. rop6i44b, a sleeve-board. rocnHT&.flb, a hospital. rp66eHB. a comb. rpH*e.ib, a slate-pencil. rpySAB, a fungus. AeroTB, tar. 4BH&pb, denarius. 403K4b, rain. AflrHJb, angelica. ;Ke-iy4l>, an acorn. JKOHKHJb, the jonquille. ao^lOTCHb, golden-rod. 3y6&pb, a toothed plane. HBepeHb, a splinter. Hflfiapb, ginger. KaJpHJb, a quadrille. Ka.ieH4S.pb, almanach. K&MCHb, a stone. KapT6*e.ib, potatoes. KS:UieJb, a cough. K^re.lb, a skittle. K6pBe.lB, chervil. KH.lb, the keel (of a ship). KHneHb, hot-spring. KHc6.ib, a sourish jelly. KHCT^Hb, bullet tied to a K6roTb, a claw, [string. K63Mpb, a trump. K0-i64e3b, a well. K6nMTCHb, wild nard. Kop&6jb, a ship. K6peHb, a root. KOC&pB, chopping knife. KOCTbUB, a crutch-stich. K6»ieHB, a head of cab- KpeMCHB, a flint, [bage. KpeMJB, citadel, castle. Kp6H4e4B, a cracknel. Kyfi&pB, a top. Ky4cpB, curly hair. KyKO.^B, corn-cockle. Ky.flB, a mat-sack. wi&repB, a camp. -lanoTB, a bast-shoe, .lapb, a large chest. .l6»eHb, foundation beam. jfiKOTb, the elbow. .aOMOTb, a slice. Mfipccib, top-sail. M6pre.ib, marl. MHH4&.lb, almonds. MHTK^^b, calico. MOHacTbipb, a convent. My*e.«b, a moufFle. HamaTupb, sal ammoniac. HHKOJb, nickel. H6roTb, a finger-nail. Hy.lb, a cipher, zero. ordHb, fire. op4pB, the stole. n^Hi^upb, coat of mail. neHb, a stump. nepHCTH.»b, a peristyle. nepK&4b, shirting calico. n6pcTeHb, a ring. nHCT6.ib, a pistole. nJ&MeHb, flame. nJ&CTupB, a plaster. nJeieHB, wattled hedge. nopT*6.«B, a portfolio. n6pnieHB, a piston. np6Je>KeHb, place chafed by lying. np6THBeHb, dripping-pan. Iip6«HJb, a profile. uy3bipb, a bladder. nynwpb, a pimple. nycTbjpb, a vacant space. nyib, the road. n'bHfl3b, money. p&niKy.^b, blue-black. p&ninH./lb, a rasp. pCBCHb, the rhubarb. peMCHb, a strap. pyfijb, a rooble. py^b, the helm. cfiHTeHb, honey-tea. cep4-lb, a seraglio. CK^a4eHb, a necklace. C-iH3eHb, the slug. CJOB&pb, a dictionary. cp6c JCHb, double branche. CT&BeHb, a window- shutter. CT&KceJb, stay-sail. CTfine^b, stocks, launch. CT66eJb, a stalk. CT^pJKcHb, core {of a boil). CTHX&pb, the surplice. cy4&pb, a winding-sheet. cyx&pb, a rusk, biscuit. K'jnOvib, the poplar. Tp6H3e.ib, the curb. TpK>*eJb, a truffle. Ty*eJb, a slipper. yro-»b, charcoal. ypoBCHb, a level. «HTH.lb, a match, \house). ♦JHre-ib, a wing (^ « oOH^pb, a lantern. ♦yxTCJib, flad side of a XM-fi-ib, the hop. [sword. x64eHb, an object in mo- tion. xpycTa.«b, crystal. ijHpKyJb, pair of compas- it6K0jib, the socle, [ses. leKM^Hb, cosack upper- coat. qepHOT&Jb, bay-leaved willow. iHXHpB, new wine. me.iy4b, the scab. nie*eJb, a bushel. niKBdpeHB, pole-bolt {of a coach). mnH.iB, a capstan. inT6Mne-iB, a stamp. mTHJb, a calm. maB6-lb, sorrel. lajkdeTSh^ rubbish. Lexicology. — the substantive. 33 "Bpb, the letter b. flKOpb, an anker. accHb, the ash-tree. 3wlb, the letter A. flHiApb, sea-amber. fl^M^Hb, barley. 3. Words taken from foreign languages and ending in M, y^ Wi as: KOJiidpH, a humming bird; Kana^y, the kakatoo; peBK), the review, are masculine, when they signify an animate being, and neuter when signifying an inanimate object. The other parts of speech, used as substantives, are neuter; e. g. rpOMKOe ypa, a noisy hurrah; nepBoe H'BT'L, the first no; necHOCHOe fl, an insupportable I. 4. Some nouns, terminating in a and ^, and designating ani- mate beings, with some quality attached, are of the common gender (66miM), being both masculine and feminine. The following are examples : 6poAflra, a vagabond (;««« or w<9;;m«). o6Hc6pa, a glutton (mart ox woman). 6pH)3rA, a grumbler. nj^Kca, a weeper. BOpo>Keji, a fortune-teller. nopyKa, a surety. BticKO^Ka, an upstart. nycT0M6jifl, a chatterer. B'BTpeHHita, a volatile person. nbflHHi^a, a drunkard. ryJHKa, a lazy person. paauHfl, a loiterer. 46Ka, a clever fellow. p6BHfl, a person of the same age. 3a6lHKa, a squabbler. py64Ka, a slasher. 3aHKa, a stutterer. . canoyqKa, a self-taught person. 3'BB^a, a ninny, a cockney. CBaT6iua, a bigoted person. KpHBom6a, a wryneck. CHpoT&, an orphan. -laKOMKa, a dainty person. Te3Ka, a namesake. .^'£6014, a left-handed person. ydifii^a, a murderer or murderess. MOThira,'a prodigal person. yMHH^a, a clever person. neB'b}K4a, an ignorant person. xaH^KS, a hypocrite. 5. The genders of words signifying relationship, as also the names of animals, are distinguished in various ways. Some- times by the employment of different words; e. g. OTeu'B, the father, and MaiB, the mother; CLIHT), the son, and 40^6, the daughter; dpaxT), the brother; and cecipg,, the sister; 6mkt>, the bull, and KOpOBa, the cow; n-BTyXT), the cock, and KypHE[a, the hen; 6apaHT>, the ram, and OBi^a, the sheep, &c. Sometimes the same word and the same gender are applied to both sexes; e. g. 4pyn>, a friend; Bpari), an enemy; TOBapHmx, a companion; ^Tfl, a child {male and female); oc66a, a person; occasionally the same word is used but with common gender, as has already been said. Usually however masculine nouns, if used to desig- nate feminine objects, change their termination. In these, which are called movable nouns (^BHauiMbia), for the masculine ending 3 34 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. are substituted the feminine terminations: a, H, Ka, oeKa, usa, UU,a, HUUia, UHM, ma, and some others, the preceding conso- nant being at the same time often changed, as is seen in the following examples : KyMt, godfather; KyM&, godmother. luyii; niyTdBKa, a buffoon, m. and/. naBJUH'b, peacock; n^ea, peahen. jcbt*, a lion; ^bBui^a, a lioness. rocn04HHTi, master ;rocnoJKa, mistress. HMnepiTopt, emperor; -paTpH]5a, em- TecTb, father-in-law; Ten^a, mother- press. in-law. TKpem,, priest; ncpHl^a, priestess. 4yp&K'b; 4ypa, a fool, m. and/. K&p-ia; K&p.iHi^a, a dwarf, m. and /. K03e.«'b, a he-goat; KOaS, a she-goat. WHie-lb; »HTe.ibHHi^a, inhabitant, w. rocTb; r6CTbfl, a guest, m. and/. and/. HryMeHT>, an abbot; HryMCHbH, an MOH&XT>, a monk; moh^xheh, a nun. abbess. KHasb, prince; KHHruHfl, princess. Jryni; Jirfsba, a liar, m. and / rep6H, hero; repOHHH, heroine. COC-Bfl-b; cocBARa, a neighbour, m. fion., a god; 6orHHfl, a goddess. and/. rpa*l, count; rpa4>UHii, countess. CAjTkj man-servant; -;K4HKa, maid- oncKyHi; oneKyHma, a guardian, m. servant. and/ nacTyx-B, shepherd ; -yniKa, shepherd- Be.iHK&H'b, giant ; BeJHK&Hiua, giantess. ess. K0p6.lb, king; KOpoJ^Ba, queen. KpecTbaHBH-b; KpecTbflHKa, peasant, 6ap6H'b, baron; 6apOH6cca, baroness. 7n. and / rocya&pb; rocy^ApwHa, sovereign, m. caM^A'b, a male ; C&MKa, a female. and / xo3HHH'b, host; xo3flHKa, hostess. cxapHRTb, an old man; ciapyxa, an }KH4'b, a Jew ; WHA6BKa, a Jewess. old woman. 'iHKTb, siskin; qH>KeBKa, hen-siskin. uiBeuT., sempster; niBea, sempstress. merojib, a beau; meroJHxa, a belle. CBeKOpT., father-in-law ; CBeKp6Bb, n6BapT., a cook; nOBapaxa, a cook- mother-in-law. maid. It remains to be observed that in professional names the Russian language makes a distinction between the name of the wife of a professional man, and the name of a woman who, herself, exercises a profession; e. g. iiHCneKipiica, inspedress, and OHCneKTOpma, ^vife of an inspector; JCKapKa, a woman who prac- tices medicine^ and jeKapiiia, wife of a doctor; ABOpHnqa, a female door-keeper^ and ^BOpHH^HXa, wife of a door-keeper; y^HieJBHHBia, schoolmistress ; and y^HTejbiiia, wife of a schoolmaster (from UH- cnenmopz, Aenapb, deopuuKZ and ymmeAb). Aspects. 24. — Objects may present themselves to us in different forms, as greater or less, prettier or uglier, than ordinary ; and the Russian language has diffe- rent inflections to express these aspects. Lexicology. — the substantive. 35 1. The augmentative nouns (yseJiHHiiTeJiLHLm), "which terminate in the masculine in ume, una; in the neuter in umfi, and in the feminine in uiu,a, re- present the object in a magnified form, at the same time adding the idea of ugliness or deformity; e. g. MyacHHHiii,e , a great clownish peasant; itypaHHHa, a great blockhead; JiHHHme, great face; Jiannma, a great paw (from Mydicum, dy^mz, Ji\iu,e and Jidna). 2. The diminutive nouns (yMeHLniHieJiBHHa), which present the object diminished in size, end, in the masculine in um, OKd, eK5, ejis, nm; in the neuter in KOj u,e, and in the feminine in Ka, una, e. g. CTOiiHK'L, little table; nepBaK-L, little worm; 3aB6;^eIl;'L, little manufactory; ^tepeBi^o, little tree; pyHKa, little hand; Beiii,Hii;a, little thing (from cmoAd, uepeb, 3ae6ds, depeeo, pyud and eemb). From these dimi- nutives others again are formed, as: ciojiiiHeK'L, ^epBa^eKi,, pyqeHKa, BemHHKa. Besides these diminutives, which lessen the force of the primitives, and which may be termed phy- sical diminutives, there are further: a) diminutives of tenderness, friendship, or in one word, of feeling, which terminate in ymua, louiKa, eubua, as : 6aTE)inKa, dear father; MaiyuiKa, dear mother ; MaMGHLKa, dear mamma (from 6dmHj, jnamb and jndMa) ; and b) di- minutives of contempt or slight, presenting the ob- ject in an unfavourable point of view; these termi- nate in uiUKO, umua, enua, e. g. ^omhuiko, a miser- able little house; Jionia^eHKa, a miserable little horse. Christian names admit also diminutives, both in a favourable and unfavourable sense; thus HBanx, 3* 3 6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. John; IleTpTb, Peter \ CeptH,. Sergius, become as diminutives of feeling Banfl, IleTa, Cepenca, and as' diminutives of contempt BaHBKa, IleTLKa, CepeacKa. These diminutives, by which the primitive nouns are Hmited and changed, can only be learned by practice. The diminutives properly so called, which indicate the small- ness of objects, are very commonly employed in Russian, while diminutives of feeling and contempt are seldom used except in familiar language. The same remark applies equally to the augmentatives. Numbers. 2^. — In Russian, as in English, there are two num- bers; the singular (e;tHHCTBeHHoe ^hcjio), as: ctojH), the table; KHHra, a book; okho, the window; and th^ plural (MHOJKecTBenHoe), as: ctojibi, the tables; KHHrn, books; OKHa, the windows. The Slavonian, like the Greek, has a third number, the dual (4B6i1CTBeHHOe), which has been retained in certain Russian in- flections, as will subsequently be seen. Some substantives are only used in the singular; such are most proper names, and the names of material and abstract objects; e. g. cepe6p6, silver; aCHOCTb, evidence; .jrodOBB, love. Others are only used in the plural; the following are of this class. Masculine gender. Neuter gender. Feminine gender. KBaci(u[, alum. 66^HJa, white lead. Capio-lbKH, the needle game. 4164H, people. BQp6Ta, yard-gate. HMHHEHU, a name-day. o66h, tapestry. 4pOB^ fire-wood. h6}KHHI^u, scissors. onHjiKH, saw-dust. Kp^C-ia, an arm-chair. ok6bh, fetters, chains. 01KH, spectacles. nepH.ia, a balustrade. 6Tpy6H, bran. npor6Hhi, post-fare. HHCbMeH^, letters. p04HHH, delivery. nflJbl^bi, a sewing-frame. paMCH^, shoulders. pH-lt, a hurdy-gurdy. cy^KH, a cruet stand. yCT&, mouth. C&HH, sledge. THCKH, a press. qepHH-ia, ink. cyMepKH, dawn. npiniu, snuffers. qpeCJa, the loins. cyTKH, day (24 hours). Some names of towns are only used in the plural; such are: Bt.JBUbl, BaSHHKH, KpeCTUbl, of the masculine gender, and BpoH- HHqtl, XoJMOropLi, and the foreign names : Aghhbi, Athens; fl'CCLI, lassy; GiiBbl, Thebes, of the feminine gender. Lexicology. — the substantive. 37 26. — The cases are different inflections which nouns Cases, assume to indicate the mutual relation of objects. The English language has strictly speaking but one case, the genitive; the mutual relation of v^ords being indicated either by a preposition or by the position of words in a phrase. In the Russian language there are seven cases, which may be known, in the names of animate beings, by putting the questions: Kmo, Kozo, Komy, kozo, KWMd, kom5? and in the names of inanimate objects by the ques- tions: umo, %ez6, uemy, nmo, njhM5, uems? These are: 1. The nominative (HMeHHTe.aLHHH naAem-L), which gives the name of an object in a phrase in answer to the question umo or nmo'^ e. g. Kmo y^HTCfl? YHeHUKZ. Who studies? The scholar. Umo npeAt hhmt> jeaCHii? What is before him? A book. Knuza. 2. The genitive (po^HTejiLHfcm), which indicates possession, and which answers to the question koio or neio? and also neii, ubR, ube? In English this case is expressed by the preposition of, or by an apostrophic s; e. g. X03flHHi> [Kezo?) doMa. 1\iQu\a.%\.^x {of what?) of the house. 4oMT> («ew.^) cocihda. The house {of whom?) of the neighbour. QyinaftCfl {kozo?) Mdmepu. Obey {whom?) thy mother. 3. The dative (^aieJitHLm), which designates the person or thing to which an object relates, and answers to the question KOMf or ueMy? In Eng- lish the dative is usually indicated by the preposi- tion to; e. g. ^8 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. KoMy CJ-BAyeii cia Harpa4a ? To whom does this recompense YH,eHUKy. come? To the scholar. 9e.w/ TU o6paAOBajca ? KmzJh. With what were you delighted? With a book. 4. The accusative (BiiHHiejibHMH), which commonly called in English grammars the objective, answers to the question KOio or nmo ? e. g. u , ^^ Koz6 TM xeajiHUib? yWeHUKd. Whom aojou praise ? 73^! Scholar, be attentive! Eootce, cnacii I^apa! God, save the Emperor! 6. The instrumental (TBopHxeJiLHLiH) or causa- tive, which designates the means or cause, and answers to the question KibM^ or uwMd? In English the prepositions wit/i and bj/ are commonly used for this purpose; e. g. KfbMZ 4OB6.JLHBI? VieHUKOMZ. With whom is one satisfied? IVith the scholar. VntMZ OWb SadaBJaexca? Khu- With what does he amuses him- eofo. self? JVith a book. 7. The prepositional (npe^tJiOHCHBiii) or locative, which answers to the questions kom5 or nems? 63 K0M5 or 63 ueM3? &c. This case, which in ecclesiastical Slavonian is called narrative (cKasa- TeJiLHun), is termed in Russian prepositional, because it is always accompanied by one of the prepositions Bt, in; Ha, on; or 06'L, of; no, after; npn, near to; e. g. KOMZ rOBOpaTT>? 06z yne- Of whom do they speak? 0/ HUKJh. the scholar. 55 'ze^ws TH Hax64Hmb YAOB 6.1b- In what do you find pleasure? CTBie? Bz KHUZTh. In a book. Lexicology. — the substantive. 39 Two of these seven casual inflections, the nomi- native and vocative, are called direct cases (npaMbie), because they simply give the name of the object; the remaining five are timed oblique (KOCBGHHEie). 27. — The chans^e of the inflections in nouns, show- Declension ' ° of substan- ing the numbers and cases, is called declension tives. (cKJiOHenie), and substantives are divided, according to the manner in which they are declined, into re- gular and irregular. 28. — Reg-ular substantives, according- to their ter-Reguiarsub- ° ' *=* stantives. mination, have three declensions : the first for nouns with the 7nasculine termination, (x, ii, i>) \ the second for those with the neuter termination (0, e, ma), and the third for those with the feminine termination (a, fl, h). Each of these declensions has three in- flections, one hard, and two soft, as exhibited in the table below. The two following observations relative to this subject are important. I. The vocative is always like the nominative, except in the words BoiT), God; Focno^iL, Lord; IncycL, Jesus; XpiiciocL, Christ; Oieix'L, Father, which, in an invocation of the Deity, preserve the Slavonian inflection ; Eooice, Focnodu, lucfce, Xpucme^ O'mne. 2. — The accusative, singular of maserfitte nouns in the two first declensions, and plural in all three, is like the 7iominative when the noun designates an inanimate or abstract object, and like the genitive in the names of animate beings. Masculine nouns, ending in ameJlb and umeJlh, and designat- ing inanimate agents, such as SHaMeHaiejL, the denominator; A'B.aHTe.JB, the divisor (in arithmetic), are decHned Hke the names of animate beings, and consequently their accusative is like the 40 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. genitive. The same is the case with the names of inanimate objects which have been borrowed from animate, as: cnyxHHKT., a satellite (of a planet). The word H^OJl, idol, has its accusative like the genitive, whilst in its synonymes KyMupi) and HCTyKaHT>, the accusative is like the nominative. The word .iime, signifying the face and an individual, is used in both its meanings like the name of an inanimate object, its accusative being always the same as the nominative. The collective nouns are always declined like the names of inanimate objects, though signifying a collection of animate beings, such as Hap6AT>, a nation; BOfiCKO, an army; CiaAO, a herd. DECLENSIONS OF REGULAR SUBSTANTIVES. !2! P FIRST. SECOND. \ THIRD. MASC. TERMINATION. i NEUTER TERMINATION.! FEM. TERMINATION. Hard infi. Soft infl. Hard inf. Soft inf. Hard inf. Soft inf. N. ^ G. a D. y ■MR eHH eHH 05 < J3 '^ -f^ . . . like the Nominative or the Genitive. . . . | S V. like the Nominative 5 It I en i ■•- H H -6 (H) H K) b oMTi eiwb eMi U B (H) % oM-b cM-b encM-b OM) (oh) eio(eH) Im) (bH)) % % (h) eHH % 'B (h) H N.' ^ H H a a ;KeHa u h h G. 08^(62)681 efi "b 6H(H, lH)eH'b 'b(eH) b(H,lH)eH D.j aM-b HMT. awb aM-b RWh enaMi. aiwb hmt. awb ■^ A.j like the Nominative or the Genitive V.' like the Nominative I. I aMH HMH flMH [ aMH flMH CHaMH i aMH HMH HMH P. axT. axi axT. 1 ax'b hx^ enax-b axT. ax-b flx-b de"^ien°on^^ 29. — III declining the regular nouns, certain rules are to be observed, some of which are general, being common to all the three declensions, while others are special, being confined to one of the declensions or one of the inflections. Lexicology. — the substantive. 41 1. According to what has already been observed (§ 18) re- General lative to the permutation of letters, a) the vowel 61, of the geni- """ ^^" tive singular and nominative plural, is changed for u after the guttural and hissing consonants (r, K, X; JK, H, m, m)\ b) the vowel 0, when without accent, of the instrumental singular and genitive plural, is changed for e after the lingual and hissing consonants (u; m, ^, ui, m), observing however that after the lingual (ii) the vowel may be used if it is accented; c) the vowel Tb of the dative and prepositional singular is changed for u after the vowel i (in nouns in iU, ie and in). (See the para- digms 2, 3, 8, 16, 20, 21, 26). 2. A great number of nouns elide in the other cases (except- ing in the instrumental singular of feminine nouns in 6) the vowel e or 0, inserted in the termination of the nominative singular; but we must observe that in this elision the vowel e is changed for 6 after the consonant ^, and for U after a vowel. (See paradigms 2, 4, 10, 28). 3. In such nouns of the II and III declension as have two consonants before the final vowel, the vowel or e \s> usually inserted between the two consonants in the genitive plural; in such cases hovirever the e is always substituted for the semi- vowels 6 and U. (See paradigms 12, 13, 20, 23). 4. The genitive plural has some particular inflections: the in- flection eu (instead of oez and s) is pecuhar to nouns in O/CZ, V3, luz, uif^, iu,a, to those in o/ca, ua, lua, preceded by another consonant, and to those in be and in b/i; the inflection ii to nouns in e and /i preceded by a vowel, and the inflection iu to nouns in be and 6^, contracted from ie and ia. (See para- digms 3, 16, 21, 24, 25, 25). 5. Such nouns as are only used in the plural, are declined according to the paradigm to which, by their termination, they belong. Thus among the masculine nouns, xopOMbi, edifice, is declined according to the ist paradigm (saKOHbl); lUHDUbl, snuffers, according to the 2d (OTl|bi); o66h, tapestry, according to the 6th (repoH); w!H)4H, men [instr. j!i04tMH), according to the 9th (KOpo.lH); among the ^^/^/.jrnouns, fl]}QBk, firewood, according to the nth (caOBa); Kpecja, arm-chair {gen. Kpece.^^), according to the I2th (cieKJra); nHCbMena, letters, according to the i8th (BpeMena) ; among the feminine nouns, OKOBbl. chains, according 42 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. to the 19th (KOpOBH); HOCIUKH, a hand-barrow {gen. HOCH.lOKT,), according to the 20th (naJKH) ; caHH, a sledge, and pLUi, a hurdy- gurdy, according to the 27th (CTpaCTH). 6. Foreign nouns, whether common or proper, ending in g, U^ 6/ a, n, b, are decUned Uke Russian nouns with the same ter- minations, whilst those in e, u, 0, y and /o, are indecUnable. The same is the case with family names of females, whatever may be their termination. Thus OMHuSyct, an omnibus; yloH- 40HT., London, are declined according to the 1st paradigm (3a- k6ht>) ; KOHBofi, a convoy; BapK^aafi, Barclay, according to the 6th (repoil); BOAeeilwlb, a vaudeville; Epwcce^ib, Bruxelles, according to the 19th (KOpoJb); nieca, a piece, (of music, &c.); rieipapKa, Petrarch, according to the 19th (KOpoBa); KOjlOHifl, a colony, ac- cording to the 26th (MOJiHia); rasaHB /. a haven, according to the 27th (cTpaCTb). But K6*e, coffee; K0JH6pH, a humming-bird; 4en6, depot (miHtary); paH^eBy, a rendez-vous; peBK), a review; KacieJLpe, Castlereagh; Mopo, Moreau, are indeclinable. The same is the case with the feminine family names ; as }KaHjlHCl., CTa.lE), &c. ; thus Ave say : y rocnOffiri TKaHJlUCZ^ at the house of Mrs Genlis; CCraHenie rocnOJKH CmaJlb^ the work of Mrs Stael. Special i. Nouns ending in eHOKZ, signifying the young ones of ani- mals, are masculine in the singular; but in the plural they pre- serve the Slavonian inflection nma or ama, and are neuter. (See paradigm 4). 2. Nouns ending in HUum or aHum and in npuHZ or apuHZ, have peculiar inflections in the plural. (See paradigm 5). 3. In the instrumental singular of the III declension, OH) is contracted in ow, ew in eu, and im in bH) ; thus we say : pyKOH) or pyKOii, with the hand; 3eM.ieK) or seMJefl, by the earth. (See paradigm 28). In the same manner the instrumental plural hmh of some nouns in 6 is contracted in bMU., the accent being in such cases placed on the last styllable; thus we say: JK)4bMH, with men; ^BepbMii, by gates; JOma^bMH, with horses (and not jitodHMUj deepAjHU, AoiuadHMu). 4. The genitive singular of masculine nouns in g, 6, w, sig- nifying divisible matter, often takes, especially in familiar lan- guage, the inflection y and w of the dative (instead of a and R)', thus we say: *yHTl) cdxapy^ a pound of sugar; JOHvKa dezmfo, a spoonful of tar; ^aillKa ¥««?, a cup of tea. The same Lexicology. — the substantive. 43 inflection (instead of Jh) is also found in the prepositional singu- lar, accompanied with the preposition 63 or Ha^ in some nouns in 3 and a, and in such cases takes the tonic accent; thus we say : bt> cady^ in the garden; na KpaK), on the brink. 5. In compound substantives, the first word is also declined, if in its junction with the second it has preserved the termination of its nominative singular; thus I],apbrpa4T), Constantinople, is de- cHned according to the 9th and the ist paradigm: G. U^apflrpaAa, D. J^apiorpaAy, /. U.apeMT.rpaAOMt, P. D.ap'Brpa/i'B. With re- spect to the names of towns compounded of the adjectives HOB'b and 6ThA^., as HoBropOAT), B-fijlOOSepO, and to the common nouns formed of the numeral nOAZ, the half: as: no^AeHB, midday; nojro^a, half a year, we refer the student to our remarks on that subject in the declension of the adjectives and numerals. 30. — By observing the above general and special Paradigms rules we shall be able to decline all the regular ciensions of substantives. nouns of the Russian language according to the following 28 paradigms. According to the ist paradigm (saKOH'L) are declined nounsFirst declen- in 5 (with the exception of those which belong to the 4 follow- ^^°°' ing paradigms), remembering however to change hi into U after the gutturals (r, K, x), and o into e after the lingual (u), and observing further, that several nouns of the 1st declension throw the accent on the inflections of the cases, some commencing with the genitive singular, others with the nominative plural, and others again with the genitive plural. Such are: Bap^H-B, the ram. G. 6ap&Ha. AW^t the gift, G. 4&pa; N.pl. flapbi. Bepi^nt, the cavern, Bepiena. 4o^rt, the debt, A6.«ra; 40JrH. KyMHp-b, an idol, KyMHpa. ^awh, a rank, iHHa; tiHHhi. BoJXB^, the magician, BOJXB&. IIIap-B, a ball, ni&pa; mapu. Bpar^, the enemy, Bpar&. Bori, a god; N.pl. 66rH, G. 6or6Bl. ilsuKl, the tongue, fl3l>lK&. Bopt, a robber; B6pH, BOpfiBTi. n-fiiyx-B, a cock, ntiyxa. TpoC-b, a coffin; rp66bi, rpo66Bl. MtCHU'B, a month, iwicai^a. ^yCli, an oak; Ay^M, 4y66B'B. Ky3H6^'b, the blacksmith, Ky3Hei^&. Bo^K*, the wolf; B6JKH, BOJlKdB'B. According to the 2d paradigm (OTeut) are declined the nouns in which the vowel e or of the nominative is elided in the other cases, observing at the same time the change -of e into 6 after the consonant ./?, and into U after a vowel. Such are : 44 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. PARADIGMS OF THE THREE DECLEN Paradigms Terminati Declensioi S I N G U Nominat. and Vocat. Genitive. Dat. Accus. ' hi 3aR6He, the law ... 3aK6H-a . . • y . • . OTe'qi, the father . . . OTi^-i ..... •y • . a| . r* <; 3- uia^&itts, a cabin . . . ma^Adm-k . . •y • • -il • 4- leAeHOKt, a calf . . . le-ieHK-a . . • y • . -^-5 .' . •^ 5- ABOp^HUHZ, a gentleman 4B0pflHHH-a . • y • • p 6 • ^i f ^• rep6M, the hero . . . rep6-fl . . . . K) . • -s 1 • i g fi{ 7- CO^OBCM, a nightingale co.iOB-ba . . .bK) . S'o .1 fx* I 8. r6HiM, a genius .... r6Hl-fl . . . . K) . • 'S « •! LB {9- Vio. K0p6Ab, the king . . . KOpoj-fl . . ordHft, the fire .... orn-H . . . .K) . . 10 . S J§ r r"- O < 12. ^13- C36B0, a word .... c.«6B-a . . . CTBKAd, the glass . . . CTCKA-k . . •y • •y • 1|: Q KOA&UKO, small ring . . K0-i6qK-a . . • y • -i ■"- . :z; TM- vi6pe, the sea M6p-a . . . . H) . • Il • 1 i6. py>K6e, a gun py;K-bH . . . bK) H 6h . . bflM-b . baMH . . bax-b. . era . . . H . . M6J1HI-H . . . . H . . . HM'b . . AMH . . HX-b. • iK) . . .H . . CTpacT-H . . . . 6h . . aM-b . . . aMH . . ax-b. . .idHtbK) . A'/HVL JJK-H CH . . aM-b . .&MH . . ax'b. singular have the accent on the first syllable, transfer it in the plural to the last; while, on the contrary, those which in the singular have the accent on the last syllable, transfer it in the plural to the first, and keep it on that syllable through all the cases, both of the singular and plural. 3. In the Hid declension a distinction between the genitive singular and nominative plural only takes place in such nouns in a and h, as have the accent on the termination. These nouns transfer the accent to the first syl- lable in the nominative plural, resuming in all the other cases the accent of the singular. Some of these nouns have also in the accusative singular the accent on the first syllable. Among the nouns in 6, there are several which transfer the accent to the inflections on the cases, from the genitive plural downwards. — The examples to these different rules here follow. 46 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. OpeJlT), an eagle, G. op.ld. KoBep'B, a carpet, KOBp&. KpK)qeKT>, a hook, KpioqK&. AeBTi, a lion, JbBa. KyJeKi, a sack, KyjbK&. H'-ieM'b, the elm-tree, BJbM&. KoHeK'b, a skate, KOHbKA. Bo^^^., a wrestler, 6ou^&. Saeiti (and s&ai^'b), a hare, s&Si^a. On6eK'b, a calf's skin, on6HKa. BaT6p'b, a hook, G. 6arp&. IIoc6^T>. an ambassador, nocJl&, Ao6'b, the forehead, -ifia. HcaJdMT., a psalm, nca4M&. Pott., the mouth, pia. y«i4cT0KT>, a portion, yq&CTKa. CoH'b, sleep, CHa. y'ro-n>, an angle, yr-i&. 3&M0KI, a castle, 3&MKa. 3aM6Ki, a lock, 3aMK&. AccoVding to the 3d paradigm (uia^aun>) are declined such nouns in 5 with a hissing consonant (Hi, n, m, m), as form the genitive plural in eii; such are : na463K'b, the case, G. na^e^KA. n.iaie^K'b, the payment, n.iaie/KA,. Mop5KT>, a walrus, MopH«&. Ejkt., a hedgehog, OKA. Kjioq'b, the key, K.lK)q&. ylyqi., a ray, Jiyq&. Knpnuq'B, a brick, KHpnHq4. Meq%, a sword, Meq&. naj^iuT), the sabre, G. na^aniA. Akanhvavh^ the mayflower, J&H4Hnia. KapaHjAuiTi, a pencil, KapaHAauia. Topr&mT), the mercer, Toprani&. n^iamii, a mantle, n^am^. ./lemt, the bream, Jen^A. ToBapamT., a comrade, TOB&pHma. O'EOm-b, a fruit, 6B0ma. According to the 4th paradigm {TejeHOKT>) are declined the names of the young of animals, ending in eHOKZ, which, having retained in the plural the Slavonian inflection Hma (or ama after Oic and v), are neuter and consequently belong, in the singular to the ist declension, and in the plural to the 2d. Some of these nouns however form their plural regularly in eHKU. Such are: flrneHOKT., a lamb; N. ^l, arnk'sa.. JKepefieHOKT., a foal; >Kepe6flTa. . UbinJeHOKT», a pullet; itMnaaTa. IIopoceHOK-b, a little pig; nopocflia. KoTeHOK-b, a kitten; KOTflxa. Pe6eH0K'b, a child ; pe6aTa. Oc^leHOK'b, a young ass; N.pl. oc^aia. Bo-iqeHOKl, a wolf's cub; Bojq&xa. Me4B'fi}KeH0K'b, a bear's cub; Me4- BliH{5,Ta. ./IbBeHOK'b, a lion's whelp; N, pi. JbBeHKH. TaJieHOKT., a young awl; rajqeHKH. MuiueHOK'b, a young mouse ; MumeHKH. Also menoKi), a pup, G. meHKa, N. pi. meHaia and meHKii. According to the 5th paradigm {4B0pflHHHT>) are declined nouns in RHUHZ^ ahUHZ, npuHTi and apuHZ, which in the plural change UHZ into e, 2, aMZ, &.C.; such are: CeJiHHHH^, a villager; iV. //. ceAane. MipanHH-b, a layman; N.pL MlpaHC. KpHCTbaHHH'b, a peasant; KpecTbane. IIoceJaHHH^, a husbandman; noce- AAue. Lexicology. — the substantive. 47 CeMMHHHl, the head of a family ; OrHHmaHHH'b, a freeman ; N. pi. orHH- N.pl ceMbfine. mane. PocciflHHHTi, a Russian ; PocciflHe. XpHCxl^HBHi., a Christian ; xpHCll&He. TpajK/iaHHHT), a citizen; rpayK4&He. BoapHHT), a lord; fioape. MtipaHHH'B, a burgher; MtmSHe. B6JrapHHT>, a Bulgarian; B64rape. According to the 6th paradigm (repofl) are declined the nouns in w, with the exception of those in iu and of some in ea, which belong to the two following paradigms. Such are: II0K6H, a room, G. nOK6fl. ./Fhiu&h, a scab, G. JHniaa. S.iojiB, a wretch, 3.104'6h. IlaH, a part, naa. Kaanaieifi, a treasurer, Kaanaqfifl. Ecu, the combat, G. 66a; N. pi. 6oh. Cap^H, a coach-house, cap^fl. Poh, a swarm, p6a; poii. C^yqaB, the occasion, CJyiaa. CipOH, the rank, CTp6a; CTpoH. HaJ6H, a desk, HaJ6fl. flag, the tea, q&a; laa. According to the 7 th paradigm (coJOBefi) are declined eight nouns in ew, as change the e of the nominative into 6 in all the other cases. Some Christian names in iu., in familiar language, are declined in the same manner. Such are: Bopo66H, a sparrow, G. Bopo6ba. ^Hpea, a furuncle, G. qapba. MypaB6H, an ant, MypaBba. BacHJlB, Basil, BacH^^ba. Pyq^H, a brook, pyiba. TpHrdplH, Gregory, rpHr6pba. Penefi, a little ribbon, penba. ./IeB6HTiH, Leontius, ./IeB6HTba. y'«TeH,a bee-hive, y.«ba. npOK6*lH, Procopius, IIpOK6*ba. Hv6pe6eH, the lot, »6pe(5ba. Hfh&tIh, Ignatius, HrH&Tba. According to the 8th paradigm (renifi) are dechned such nouns in ij/, as take the inflection u (instead of 76) in the prepo- sitional singular; such are : Bhk&pIh, a vicar, G. BHK&pia. BaHoq^pniB, a cup-bearer, G. bhho- HHBeHT&plB, an inventory, HHBeHiapla. q^pnia. KoMMeHT^piH, a commentary, -Men- MepKypiB, Mercury, MepKypia, T&plfl- C6prifi, Sergius, C6pria. Some substantives in t/, as nopiHOH, a tailor; KOpMmH, the pilots which are only adjectives used as substantives, are declined like the adjectives {§ 40). According to the 9th paradigm (KOpo^b) are declined the mas- culine nouns in 6, with the exception of those which belong to the following paradigm. Such are : Hte^y4b, an acorn, G. ;Ke.^y4a. rocy4&pb, a sovereign, G. rocy^&pa. Ko464e3b, a well, K0^64e3a. O^^Hb, a stag, oj^aa. yqaie^b, the teacher, yqaie^a. Me4B'B4b, a bear, Me4B-B4a, C66o.ib, a sable, c66oJa. I|apb, a king, i^apa. Cj^capb, a lock-smith, c^6capa. Kopafi-U., a vessel, Kopa6-ifl. 48 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 4>0H4pb, a lantern, G. ♦onapa. r64y6b, a pigeon; r6Jy6H, rojy66H. 4>flTHJb, a match, ♦HlH^a. astpb, a beast; asipH, 3BBp6fi. rycB, a goose; AT.//. rycH, G. ryc^B. ^epBb, a worm; q6pBH, qepB6H. According to the loth paradigm (orOHt) are declined such masculine nouns in 6, as elide the vowel e or o in all the other cases; such are: K&MeHb, a stone, G. k&mhh. K6peHb, the root; N. pi. K6pHH, G, CT66e4b, a stem, ct^Cjh. KopH^B. yl&noTb, a bast shoe, Akma. Y'ropb, an eel; yrpH, yrp6H. PeM^Hb, a thong, peMHH. H6rOTb, a nail; H6rTH, Hon^B. KpeM6Hb, a flint, KpeMHfl. K6roTb, a claw; K6rTH, KorT6B. ,/IOM6Tb, a slice, .lOMTfl. II^pcTeHb, a ring; n6pcTHH, nepcTH^B. .^6K0Tb, the elbow; -i6kth, -iokt6h. In the list of masculine nouns in 6, given in § 23, which elide the vowel e or of the nominative, this vowel is printed in italics. Second According to the nth paradigm (CjIOBO) are declined the declension. . -, ^ . ,,.-,■, nouns m 0, and those m ^e, o/ce., le and w^e (with the excep- tion of such as belong to the following paradigm, of the dimi- nutives in KO and u,e and augmentatives in iu,e), observing how- ever the change of into e after the hissing consonants and the lingual (at, ^, m, ^), and remarking that several nouns of the lid declension transfer in the plural the accent from the first syllable to the last, and vice versa. Such are: Ti-io, the body, G. T'feja; N.pl. r^Ak. Jiss^^ the face, G. jhi^&; N.pl. .^H^a. Ct&^o, a herd, CT&4a; CTa4&, flH^e, an ^^g, aBit^-; flfii^a (G. aHitTb). 3epKaJio, a mirror, 3^pKa-ia; 3epKaJ&. Il.ieqe, the shoulder, njei4; nJ^^a. O'aepo, a lake, 63epa; 03epa. ./I<5}Ke, the couch, G. and N.pl -i6afa. Bhh6, the wine, BHHa; Biina. Biie, an assembly, siqa. Ce46, a village, ceJf&; ceJa. HCH^iBme, a dwelling, ;KH.«Hma. Ko-iec6, a wheel, KOJec&; KO-ieca. Spijame, a spectacle, ap-fijama. 40.10T6, a chisel, aO-IOt^; A0J6Ta. CoKp6Bame, a treasure, C0Kp6BHma. ^440, «. a child, G. and A''.//. qA4a. ry^bCame, a promenade, ryjb6ama. Cb-Btb^o, a star, CBlsTHJa. Yqa^ame, a school, yqa^ama. M'BHa-io, m. a changer, Mbaa-ia. KjaAfiame, a cemetry, K^iaA^an^a. According to the 12th paradigm (cieKwIO) are declined those nouns in and e, preceded by two consonants, which usually insert the vowel e or in the genitive plural, observing at the same time that the nouns in u^e take the vowel e, and that the semi-vowel 6 between the two consonants is changed into e. Such are: Pe6p6, a rib; A'".//. p66pa, (?. p^dep-b. meM.i6,avice,A://.meMJa,G.meMe4'B. naTH6, a spot; nsTaa, naTeH-b. CyKH6, cloth; cyKHa, cyKOH-b. 3epH6, a grain; 3epHa, 3epeH'B. Okh6, the window; 6KHa, dKOH-b. Lexicology. — the substantive. 49 BpeBH6, abeam; N. pi. 6peBHa, G. qHC.i6, a number; N. pi. ^HCJa, G. 6peBeHi. qHce^-b (and iHCJ-b). nHCbM6, a letter; nncbMa, HHceMTb. CepOTe, the heart; cep4Aa, cep46^'b. noJOTH6, linen; no-i6THa, nOji6TeH'B. Ko^bi^e, a ring; K6-li>i?a, K6Je^'I.. €■64-^6, a saddle ; C'BA-ia, Cfi4e4'b. KpbMbuS, a step ; KpwJbi^a, KpbijeAT.. It is necessary to observe that in nouns in 5^0, cmo, CKO and cmeo, the genitive plural is formed without the insertion of any letter; e. g. rH'SSAO, a nest; MiCTO, a place; BoficKO, an army; qyeCTBO, the feeling, — gen. plur. rH'B3AT>, M-BCTl, BOHCKT>, ^yBCTBT,. According to the 13th paradigm (KOJEe^KO) are 'declined the diminutives in KO and u^e., which form their nominative plural in u (for those in KO) or in hi (for those in u^e), inserting the vowel e in the genitive plural. Such are: Cep46iK0, little heart; pi. cep46'ncH, 46H^e, little bottom; //. fl6Hi^u, -46iieK'b. [-T^ieKT.. 46Heit'b. MtCT^qKO, little place; MliCT^qKH, jy^AWifi^ mouth piece; 4y^Bi;u, KpbMbiniKO, little wing; KpbUwniKH, 4y•^e^'b. -JbimeK'b. Pbi Jbi(e, little snout ; pwJb^H, pujeicb. 40MHIUKO, little house; 40MHIUKH, DojlOTSHi^e, a towel; ^0J0T6H^M, -MKIUCK'b. -T^Heni'b, According to the 14th paradigm (Mope) are declined those nouns in Jie and pe, which form their genitive plural in eU; e. g. 116^6, the field ; G. n6^a, N. pi. n04fl, G. no^^S. r6pe, a grief; r6pH (not used in the plural). According to the 15th paradigm (pyjKte) are declined those nouns in be and in ee., which change in the genitive plural, be and ee into eU., and 6e, a contraction of te, into iU. Such are : HvHJbe, a floor ; pi. ^KHJiba, G. JKHJefi. Xl^aibe, a coat, G. pi. nJiaieH. Konbe, a lance; K6nba, KdneB. Bepx6Bbe, a spring, Bepx6BeH. IlHTbe, a beverage; niiTbH, nHTefi. Becgjbe, an enjoyment, Bec6JlH. ./lesBee, the edge; J63Befl, Ji^SBeS. BocKpec^Hbe, Sunday, BOCKpec^Hifi. OcTpee,thepoint,edge;6cTpea,6cTpeH. HoBipbe, a belief, noB-feplH. The following nouns in be form their genitive plural in beeTtl nOAMaCTepLe m., the Journeyman; KymaHte, a dish; nOM-BCTte, a domain; ycTte, mouth (of a river); BapeHLe, a preserve. According to the i6th paradigm (MHinie) are dechned nouns in Je, which form their genitive plural in m, and which in the prepositional singular take the inflection u (instead of Jb). In 4 50 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. these nouns the accent of the nominative plural is the same as that of the genitive singular. Such are: 34aHle, an edifice, G. and N.pl. 34aHiH. Opy wie, an arm, G. and N. pi. opy««Ia. 3HaHle, knowledge, SHaHia. flBJ6Hie, an apparition, flBJ^Hlfl. [nla. JKeJaHle, the desire, me^aHla. Coofim^Hie, a communication, coo6m6- noHaile, an idea, nonaTia. CoMHbHie, the doubt, coMH-fiHia. CortpaHie, an assembly, co6paHia. BjaA'tHie, the possession, B^aAtHifl. PacT6Hle, a plant, pacr^Hla. CosB-fia/iie, a constellation, cosBiaAlfl- According to the 17th paradigm {jyii\\m.e) are decHned the augmentative nouns, which form their plural in M, eu, &c.; e. g. 40MHiqe, great house; pi. AOMumH, CTOJHme, great table; pi. ciOJHmH, -men. -meS. 4B0PHme, great court, 4B0pHmH. Ko3^Hme,/«. great he-goat; KOSJiHmH. MyJKHqume, m. big peasant,: My»H- IIoK6Hme, great room; noK6HmH. Some substantives in oe, as HdiBOTHOe, an animal; MOpoHCeHOe, ice-creams, which are only adjectives used as substantives, are declined like the adjectives (§ 40). According to the i8th paradigm (epeMfl) are declined nouns in MH. In the plural the accent is transferred to the last syllable. Such are: Bp6Ma, the burden, N. pi. 6peMeH4. nj^Ma, the race, N. pi. n-ieMCHa. Busia, an udder, BHMeHa. Cip^wa, the stirrup, cipeMCHa. H'lWa, the name, HMCHa. TtMa, the sinciput, xtMeHa. njaMfl, the flame (no plural). 3HaMa, the flag, 3HaMeHa and SHaMena. By the same paradigm is declined c-BMH, seed, plur. ctMena, which however has retained in the genitive plural the Slavonian , inflection CBMant (instead of cejneHZ), to be distinguished from the proper name CeMeHl, Simeon. Third According to the 19th paradigm (KOpoea) are decUned the declension j^^^jj^g -^^ ^ (excepting such as belong to the two following pa- radigms). It is necessary to observe the change of hi into u after the guttural and hissing consonants (r, K, X; H?, % m), and of into e after the hissings and the lingual (H(, 1, ui; u), and also to remark that several nouns of the Illd declension in a and R transfer the accent in the nominative plural, and some of them also in the accusative singular, from the last syllable to the first. Such are: Lexicology. — TH-E. substantive. 51 Pwrta, the fish, G. andN.pl. pw6M. 3Bl}34a,astar, G.3Bli34bi; A^.//.3Bi34hi. ni.iflna, a hat, m^flnbi. 5KeHa, the wife, JKCHbi; JKeHH. no6B4a, victory, noOMM. C^yra, a servant, c^yrH; CJyrH. P63a, a rose, p63bi. PtKa, a river, ptKH; pBKH. KHHra, a book, KHurH. Bo4a, water, G. BOAW, A. B64y, N.Jil. CooaKa, a dog, co6Akh. B64bi. Myxa, a fly, myxH. 3HMa, winter, shmw, 3HMy; shmm. K^Hca, the skin, k6>kh. PyKa, the hand, pyKH, pyny; pyKH. Tyqa, the cloud, lyqa. To^OBa, the head, roJOBbi, rdJOBy; Tpyiua, a pear, rpyniH. r640Bbi. B/iOBa, a widow, G. BAOBbi; iV. //. CKOBOpoAa, a frying pan, CK6BOpo4y, BA6Bbi. -p04bl. According to the 20th paradigm (najKa) are declined most nouns in a preceded by two consonants, or by one consonant and 6 or it, which insert the vowel e or in the genitive plural, b and ii then changing into e. Such are: ./ToMCKa, the spoon; G. pi. Ji6}KeK'b. KoHMa, the hem; G. pi. KOeMT>. C6cHa, the fir; cficeni). Kon-BHRa, a copeck; KonieKTi. CKa3Ka, a tale; CKasoK-b. PaHHa, a ship's yard; paeHt. lUanKa, a cap ; uianOKT). CBa4b6a, the marriage ; CBaAcCt. y'TKa, a duck; yiOKTi. CyAb6a,fate; iV.//. cyAb6bi, G. cy466l. OB^a, a sheep; A. 6Bixy, G. pi. OB^IXT.. TiopbMa, the prison; TiopbMbi, Tiop^MT*. 4ocKa, a plank; 46cKy, 40c6K'b. Cepbra, an ear-ring; c6pbrH, cepert. The vowels ox e are inserted solely to facilitate the pro- nunciation; for if the two or three consonants in juxta-position can be articulated without difficulty, the insertion does not take place. Thus: np6cb6a, the demand; CTapocia, a bailiff; BepCTa, a werst; ;KepTBa, a victim, form their genitive plural: iip0Cb6T>, CTapoCTT., BepCTt, HCepTBt. The genitive plural of eoflna, war, is b6hht>, and that of TafiHa, a sacrament, is TaHHl>. According to the 21th paradigm (BOSHCa) are declined nouns in Ofca^ Ha, ma, preceded by a consonant, as also those in ui,a, which form their genitive plural in eu. Such are : XaH>Ka, a bigot ; G. pi. xaH5K6H. ./I bBma, a left-handed person ; G. pi. Ilapia, brocade; napq^B. B6KUia, a squirrel ; BgKUieB. [JtBiu^H, IIpHTTia, a proverb; npHiqeB. P6ma, a grove; p6meH. Ka^anqa, a belfry; Ka^aHqdfi. T6Jma, the thickness; tbAV3,€&. In the same manner are declined lOHOilia, young man, and nauia, a pacha, G. pi. WHomeH and namefl. According to the 22th paradigm (He4'BJfl) are declined nouns in R, preceded by a consonant, which form their genitive plural 4* 52 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. in 6, with the exception of some which form it in eu, and others in 6 and eU. Such are : BaHH, the bath; G. pi. 6aHB. 4fl4fl, the uncle; G. pi. ^k^i^a, the earth ; 3eM64b {A. s. 36M^io). Bo4on6HHa, a horse-pond ; B04on(5eHb. The substantive 3eM-ia takes, in the prepositional singular with Ha, the Slavonian inflectionna seMJH, on the earik, to be distinguished for Ha aeM.iB, on iJie grojind. According to the 24th paradigm (CBaa) are declined those nouns in n preceded by a vowel (with the exception of those in ifC), which form their genitive plural in u; such are : Bbia, the neck ; G. pi. BMH. The names of foreign towns, ending in .Ia4Bea, the hip; 4a4B6H, oa and ya, are declined in the same Cipya, a current; cipyB. manner, except in the arcwj^ftz/^, which Bepea, a post; Bep^fi. they form in y (and not in w); e. g. in^a, the neck; mefi. F^nya, Genoa, A. FfiHyy. 3M-Ba, a serpent; 3.MtH. MaHiya, Mantua, MaHiyy. C6a, the jay; COH. na4ya, Padua, IIa4yy. C6pya, an armour; c6pyH. r6a, Goa, r6y. Some nouns in afl and rr, as: K^iaAOBaa, a storehouse; ne- peAHflfl, an antechamber, which are only adjectives used as sub- stantives, are decHned like adjectives (§ 40). According to the 25th paradigm (cy4bii) are declined the nouns in 6^, which in the genitive plural change this termination into eu, and if it is contracted from iR, into iu. Such are: Lexicology, — the substantive. 53 ./Ia4bfl, a boat; G. pi. ^a^^S. TdCTbH, a female guest; G.pl. r6CTefi. CKaMbfl, a bench; CKaM^B. ^ryHbfl, a female liar; Jrynefi. CxaTbfl, an article ; cxaT^fi. CfiaTbH, a female relation ; CBaTCH. CBHHbH, a pig; CBHH^H. K6JbH, a cell; KkMa. Cesibfl, the family; cesi^fi. HryMeHbff, an abbess; HryMeHiB. According to the 26th paradigm (MOJHia) are declined the nouns in in,, which in the dative and prepositional singular take the inflection u (instead of /&), and which form their genitive plural in iu. Such are: A'pMlfl, an army, D. apMln; G. pi. CthxIh, an element, Z>. cthxIh; G. pi. apMlH. CTHXiH. K6nifl, a copy, K6nlH; K6nlH. KoM^Aia, a comedy, kom6a1h; kom^aIB. ^HJia, a lily, jh^Ih; jhjIB. Tpar6/iifl, a tragedy,Tpar6/(lH; Tpar^AlB. vlHHlff, a line, ^hhIh ; JHHiB. BhtIh, an orator, bhtIh; bhtIB. According to the 27th paradigm (CTpaCTt) are decHned the feminine nouns in 6, observing at the same time the change of R into a after the hissing consonants (ac, ^, in, m), and remarking that several of these nouns transfer in the plural the accent to the casual inflections, from the genitive plural downwards. Such are: TKaHb, a tissue ; G. pi. TKaneB. BpOBb, an eyebrow ; N. pi. 6p6BH, G. DeqaTb, a seal; neqaTeB. 6poB6B. KpOBaxb, a bedstead; KpOBaieB. KHCTb, a tuft; khcth, khct6B. E4b, a fir; 6JeB. BBTBb, a branch; B'Btbh, bIstb^B. CBHp-BJb, a pipe ; CBHpijeB. 4Bepb, the door ; 4Bep6B (/. ABepbMH). ./Ia46Hb, the palm of the hand; Ja- ^6uia4B, a horse; JOUiaA^B (/.-abmh). A6HeH. II-ieTb, a whip; nJCT^B (/. n-ieibMH). O'ceHb, the autumn; 6ceHeB. Hoib, the night, H0q6B; D. HoqaMt. Meq^Tb, a mosque; Mei^TcB. Ileqb, a stove, nei^B; neiaM'b. BoJi-63Hb, a malady; fioj-baneB. Mwuib, a mouse, Mwm^fi; MwmaM'b. 4o6poA'6Te4b, virtue; 4o6po/i'6TeJeB. Bemb, a thing, Bem63; BemaM-b. According to the 28th paradigm (jOHCb) are declined five nouns in 6, which elide the vowel of the nominative in the other cases, except in the instrumental singular; these are: Bomb, a louse, G. BiUH, I. BdmbK). ./lM)66Bb, Wve, G. ^H)6bh, I. .iio66Bbio. Po>Kb, rye, p5KH, p6JKbiO I|6pKOBb,'lhechurch,it6pKBH,i^6pKOBbio. The noun uepKOBL takes, in the dative, instrumental and prepositional plural, the hard inflection «JW3, aMU., ax'5 : LiepKBaMT., UepKBaMH, itepKBaXT.. Aiodoeb., used as a Christian name, retains the vowel through all the cases, G. wIiodoBH, &c. 54 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Irregular nouns. 31. — The irregular nouns are such as take in some cases an inflection different to what they ought to have, according to the termination of their nomi- native singular; or such as form their plural in a particular manner. I. Several nouns in 3 and 6 take in the nominative plural the inflection a, H, with the tonic accent (instead of 6i , u) , while the genitive remains in oez^ eed, eu, and the other cases regular. Such are: B^per-B, the shore,//. 6epera, 6eper6B'b. BOKT>, the flank, 6oKa. B6qepTb, the evening, Beiepa, r6^iocT>, the voice, ro.ioca. rdpOA'B, the town, rop04a. 46KT0p'b, a doctor, 40KT0pa. JKepHOB"*, a millstone, HcepHOBa. KaTepii, a cutter, KaTcpa. KHBepT), a shako, KHBepa K6joko4^, a bell, KO.iOKO-ia. Kyiept, a coachman, Kyqepa. /lyri), a meadow, Jyra. Atcb, a forest, J-fica. MaCTepi, a master, Maciepa. MHqjiaH'B, a midshipman, MHqMaHa. O'cipoBt, an island, ocipoBa. Uapycb, a sail, napyca. n6Bap'B, a cook, noBapa. n6rpe(5T>, a cellar, //. norpefia, -66B'b . n6^on>, a curtain, noJora. npo*^ccop^, a professor, npo*eccopa. PjKaBT., a sleeve, pynaBa. O-iiorep-B , a weather-cock, *JiK)repa. lUdMnoJ*, a ramrod, niOMno.ia. X.iIiBT>, a stall, xJ-BBa. Xd-iOA'b, the cold, xoJOAa. CT6po>KT., a guard, CTOpoiKa, ciopojK^B. Bf'KceJb, a bill of exchange, -Ati, -Aeu. B^Hse.ib, a monogram, BeHseJfl. Erepb, a hunter, erepa. Kp6H4e.ib, a cracknel, KpeH4e.Jfl. ^It'Kapb, a surgeon, -leKapa. IlHcapb, a writer, nHcapa. 4>JHre.ib, wing of a house, *ABteJiH. UlT^MneJb, a stamp, uiTCMne-ia. il'KOpb, an anker, flKopa. In the same manner T^iepeBT., a groiise, has in N. pi. leTepeBa; but in the genitive TCTepeB^fi (instead of memepeeoez). 2. Some nouns in 2, &, 0, form their plural in bn., 6665, bflM^^ &c., changing the gutturals z and K before 6 into oic and h,. Such are: Bpait, the brother, //, 6paTbH, -eB'b. BpycT., a beam, fipycbfl. Kjhh>, a wedge, KJHHbfl. Kjokt., a lock, K.l6ibfl. K6.«0C'b, an ear, K046cbs. Ko-IT., a stake, K6.ibH. KOM-b, a heap, K6MbH. Konbi-lt, a sledge-bar, KOntiJbH. KoqaHTi, a head of cabbage, KOqaHba. .^y6^, a sheet of bark, ^y6ba UpyTt, a twig, //. npyiba, npyibeBi.. n6J03'b, a slide, no-i63ba. Cxyj'b, a chair, ciy^ba. 3aTb, son-in-law, saiba. 3BeH6, a link, 3B^Hba. Kphi^6, a wing, Kphijiba. nep6, a feather, n6pba. no-i'BHO, a billet of wood, nci-fcHba. Il0Me.i6, a malkin, nOM64ba. lUuJO, an awl, lUH.iba. Lexicology. — the substantive. 55 3. Some nouns in 3 have their genitive plural like the nomi- native singular (instead of 003), e. g. P4KpyT'B,arecruit;//.p6KpyTU,p6KpyT'B. Can6n,, a boot; canora, can6r'i>. Co-i/taTt, a soldier ; coJi/iaTM, co^^aT-b. TypOK-b, a Turk; TypKH, TypoK^. y^aHT., a hulan; yjaHbi, y^aH-b. UbiraHT., a gipsy; i;biraHbi, i^wram.. qyj6K'b, a stocking; qy-iKH, qy^dK-B. rpysHHTi, a Georgian; TpyaHHW, rpysHHT.. Ajtwh-B , three copecks ; pi. aJTb'iHM, aJTUH'b. ApniHHi, an ell; apniHHbi, apiUHH'b. Tpena^^p'b, a grenadier; rpena^^pM, -J^p-b. JparyHT., a dragoon; /iparyHW, 4pa- ryH-b. Ilya-b a pood; ny^hi, ny/iT.. Pas-b, a time; pa3bi, paa-b. We can however say regularly nRTh nx^oes, ^ve poods ; u-UCKOAbKO penpy- moez, some recmits. The substantive qeJOB'BK'b, man, has also the genitive plural like the nominative singular, but only in junction with a numeral, as nflTb HejioeibKTS, five men; in all other cases it is regular; e. g. 4py3bH ueAoewKoez, the friends of the men — The substantive ca^^Hb, a toise, has likewise in the genitive plural caJKeHTi , the accent being transposed ; and 4eHb, the day, in familiar language, takes the same inflection when in junction with a numeral- e. g. ceMb d'em, seven days (instead of ceMb dneu). 4, The following nouns form their plural in different ways. have a, a, aim, &c. : r-iaaa, rjaai', r^iaaaMT.; BO^oca, BOJ^CTb, BOJOCaM'b (and also regularly: B6jlOCbl). BapHHTi, a lord ( change wk8 into a, z, omz , amu , axz: (5apa, fiapTi, Tocno^HH'b, master, <^ dapaM'b; rocnofla, rocn64'b, rocnoAaM-b; Taiapa (and TaiapHHT,, a Tartar, I. TaTapbi), Taxap-b, TaiapaM-b, &c. XoaflBHTb, a housekeeper, plur. xoaaeba, xoaaeBT., xosaeBaM'b, &c. IIIypHH-b, a brother-in-law, plur. luypba, uiypbeBTi, mypbHMT., &c. ( have their plural in ^H, eu, hxmz, &c. (ApyrT* changes j ? into 3) : 4py3ba, 4py36H, ApyabflMTb; KHflSba, KHa36H; I MyjKba, My;K6H, &c. The latter, in the sense of man, I is regular: MyjKH, Myat^H, My^KaMTi, &c. rform their plural in the same way by inserting the J syllable oe -. KyMOBba, KyiHOB^fi; CBaiOBba, CBaTOB^fi; I CMHOBba, cbiHOB^H, &c. CbiH'b, with a _/^Mnzz^/z'^ mean- ling, is regular: CUHbi, CbiH6B'b, &c. ftake in the plural the soft inflection M, eu, nmz, Coc'fia'b, a neighbour, j ^(,, : coc'Mh, cocBa^h, coci4flM'b (and also regular : r.iaa-b, the eye, ( B6^0CTf, a hair, \ /IpyrTb, a friend, KHfl3b, a prince, SlyKT., a husband. KyM-b, a godfather. CbaTT*, a kinsman, Chht., the son. X046m>, a bondman, UepT-b, the devil. coc'64w, coc'B40B'b); xoj6nH, xoj6neH; q6pTH, iepT6B, Co.iHite, the sun, O'fi-iaKO, a cloud, O1K6, a pip, point yuiK6, a handle. LqepiaMT., &c. ftake the masculine termination: bi , eez, amz , or u, j oez, am, &c. : c6^hi^h, c^.iHiteBTi; 6<5JtaKH, o64aK6BT> (and also regular: o6.iaK&, ^fi^aKT.); oikh, oiK6B'b; J ^ , tyiUKH, yniK6Bi, yniK&M'b, &c. BtKO, the eyelid, / form their plural inw, z, amz, &c.: BtKH, BbK'b, B'BKaM'b: fl'6.lOKO, an apple, \ agjtoKH, afiJOK'b (and fl6-iOKOB'b), a6-iOKaM'b, &c. 5 6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. r have in the plural: HeCecA, He66ci, He6ec&Mi; qyAeca, H660, heaven ] qy46ci, tiy4ec&M'b, &c. 1/etfo, in the sense of />alafe, 4y40, a wonder, ^ has no plural, and vfdo, signifying a monster, is re- l gular: qy4a, qy^-b, qy^aM-B, &c. r form their plural in m, e«, aim, with the permutation O'ko the eye °^ *^^ consonant: 6qH, oq6H, oqaMi, ouaMHj ynm, yiu62, y'xOj'the ear,* { ymaMl, ynibMH (instead of yiuanu). This inflection is I propferly the Slavonian dual; the plural, which is some- L times used in poetry, is : oiecd, ymecA ( which in the singular has preserved the Slavonian de- 4HTa a child \ ^^^'^^'^^'^ '■ ^- ^- ^°d P. ahthth, /. AHTHTCM-b and 4HTflTeio, I has in plural: N. /niifl, G. and A. 41;t6h, D. A-fiiaMl, Kypaqa, a hen, //«r. Kypu, Kypi., KypaMT., &c. CjiOHa, the slaver, plur. c^K)HH, cjk)h6h, c.iiohhmi, &c., with the soft in- flection, 5. Some nouns have a double inflection in the plural, the one regular, the other irregular. a) Some have two inflections in the nominative only, and without any difference in the meaning of the word; such are: BtK^, an age , pi. B-feKH and BfiK&, Ildflc^, girdle, //. n6HCM and noHCA, BtiRdB-b. -C6BT>. ro4'l>, a year, r64H and ro4a, ro46Bi.. Pori., a horn, p6rH and pora, por6BT>. 40Ml,ahouse,46Mbiand40Ma,40M6B'b. CHtn., snow, CHtrH and CHtra, K6pnycTi, body, K6pnycM and Kopnyca, CHtr6BTi. -c6bT). Ciort, a stack, cT6rH and CTOra, KynoJT>, cupola, KynoJU and Kynoja, CTordBt. -■16BT.. Cipyri., a bark, cipyrn and cipyra, Me4'B, honey, Me4H and Me4a, Me46BT.. -r6BT.. [-M6B'b. O'KOpoKT., a ham, 6KopoKH and OKOpoKa, T^peMT., a room, T^peMU and repeMa, -681.. Kpafi, the brink, Kpafi and Kpaa, KpaeBl. b) Others have two inflections through all the cases, the irregular inflection being used where the substantive has a col- lective meaning; such are: Baidrt, a stick, pi. 6aTorH, OaTordBt, and 6aT6a{ba, 6aT6atbeBi, &c. BHyK-b, the grandson; BHyKH, BHyKOBT., and BHyqaxa, BHyiaTT., &c. KpiOKt, a hook ; KpiOKH, kpk)k6bt>, and Kpioiba, Kpro^beBl. O'604'b, a felloe; 6604U, 6604081, and o664bfl, o664beB'b. .^6cKyTX, a shred; 46cKyTbi, Jt6cKyT0Bl, and ^ocKyxbfl, -loCKyTbeBT.. Cipym., a scurf; cipynbi, cipynoBTb, and cipynba, crpynbeBT.. CyK-b, a branch; cyKH, cyKOBT., and cyqba, cyibeBT.. ^6pen'b, a potsherd ; lepenS, i6penoBT>, and iep6nba, qep^nbeBT*. BoJ4bipb, m. a tubercle; B044bipH, BOJ4up6fi, and B044bipba, BO^wpbeB'b. K&MeHT>, m. a stone; KdMim, K&MKefi, and KaM^Hba, Kasi^HbeB'b. Lexicology. — the substantive. 57 K6peHB, m. a root; K6pHH, KOpH^H, and Kop6Hba, KopSHbesi. Dysbipb, m. a bladder; nyawpH, ny3Hp62, and nysbipba, nyaupbeB'b. nynhipb, m. a pimple; nynupa, nynup^B, and nynupbfl, nynupbeB'B. y'ro^b, m. the charcoal; yrJH, yr^SB, and yroJbfl, yro^beBl. 46peB0, a tree; 4epeB&, Aep6BT), and 4ep6BbH, 4ep6BbeBTi. 4hP&, a hole; 4HpH, AHpi., and 4HpbH, 4HpbeBT>. me.ib, f. a chink ; m6JH, m6JeH, and m6JibeBT>. . K&nJa, a drop (of water), KS,nJH, K&nejib, and ^rzy)^' (in medicine), RanJH, KanJeB. ^HCTi, « leaf {oi paper), ^HCThi, 4hct6bt>, and a leaf (of a tree), JHCTbfl, JHCtbeBT.. MyjKTi, rt ;«a«, MyatH, My}K6H, and a hushand, MyJKbfl, My>K§H. M BxT., a fur, MBxh, M■fcx6B^, and a pair of bellows, MtxS, M'fix6B'b. O'fipasT), the form, 66pa3bi, 66pa30BT>, and an image, o6pa3a, ofipa36B'b. n6B041', a fnotive, I16BOAH, ndBO^OBT), and a rein, llOB6AbH, nOB64beBT), Cy4H0, a vessel (utensil), cy^HH, cyACHT., and a vessel (ship) , cy4&, cy46B'b. Xj-fifiT., a bread, XJtfiu, XJt6oBT>, and a com, XJtfia, xJ'B66bt>. IlB-feTT., a flower, ^B■6T1J, i;b'Bt6bi, and a colour, ^B•BTa, i^BtT6B'b. fl^) Lastly there is one substantive which in the plural has three inflections, a different meaning being conveyed by each; viz. ^ a tribe, pi. KO^ina, kojbht>, KO^iHaM'b, &c. KoJ-fiHO, \ the knee, pi. koj-Bhh, KO^-fcHeH, KOji-BHaMT*, &c. '^ a joint (of a plant),//. KOJ-fiHba, KO-liflbeBTi, KO-linbasii, &c. 6. The declension of the following nouns is quite irregular: ^ is declined like a noun in %, with the hard inflection : rocn64b, the Lord, < G. TdcnoAa, D r6cnoAy, /. r6cno40Mi; the vocative ^ is: r6no4H. „ , „, . /-cuts off in all the other cases the syllable oc : G. XpHCT&, XpHCTdCb, Christ, -{„„ > r -^ , r. ^ ' .. ^ ' \D. XpHCiy, /, XpHCTdM-b, P. XpHCTt, V. XpHCT6. ( insert in the inflections of the cases the syllable ep. -. 4oqb, a daughter , j G. and D. 46iepH and MaiepH, /. 46iepbio and MaiepbH) ; MaTb, the mother , ^ ^/,^^ ^ 46qepH and MaTepH, G. 40tiep6H and Maiepfifi, L /. 40iepbMH and MaiepaMH, &c. f although masculine, tak^ in the genitive, dative and H-iaMCHb, flame, j /r?/(7^zV/i?«(i/ singular the feminine inflection «: n^aMeHn, IlyTb, the way, S ny^^ . b^t ^^6 instrumental case is regular (nJaMeHeMt, I. nyTeMT>). 58 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. EXERCISES IN THE DECLENSION OF SUBSTANTIVES. Nominative The master of the garden and the mistress of the house. Genitive. X03flHHI> Ca^t H X03flHKa AOWb. The garden of the master and the house of the mistress. Ga^t XOSHHHt H 40MT> XOSflMKa. The' roaring of tke lions; the song of the nightingale; the PbiKaHie t jeet; ninie cojOBefl; bellowing of the bull , of the ox and of the cow ; the neighing MLiqanie 6tiKT>, bojit, h Kopoea; pHanie of the horses; the barking of the dog; the cooing of the pigeons; .loinaAb/; .lail codana; BopKOBaute rojydb m; the cawing of the crows ; the croaking of the frogs ; the howling KapKaHLe BopoHt; KBaKaHte jaryiiiKa; bou of the wolf; the buzzing of the bees , of the cock-chafers and BOAK-b; JKyjKHiame nieja, jKyKi> h of the flies ; the bleating of the rams and of the ewes. A chimney Myxa; 6.ieflHie 6apam> ii oeua. KaMUHt without fire; windows without panes; groats without butter; dest oroHL w; okho deai. CTeK.a6; Kama 6e3T> aiacio; saddles without stirrups; a charge without ball; islands and CBAJo deat CTpeMa; aapaAi* deai) ny^ia; 6cTpoBT> a meadows without trees ; cooks, coachmen and labourers without w!yn> de3T) AepeBO; noBapi,, Kyiept ii padoxHHKi. de3'i> work; children without mother; soldiers without muskets; padoia; AHT/i dest Mait; cosAO/Tb desx pyaibe; muskets without flints; a statue without arms and without pyac-Le de3T> KpeMent w; ciaxya des-L pyKa n de3T. ears; young bears and young lions without hair; vessels yxo; MeAB-fiJKeHOKT. II .ibBeHOKt de3x mepcTB/; Kopadjb m without hammocks; ships without oars; tea without sugar and de3'i> KOMKa; cyAHO de3T, bbcao; ^aH de3T) caxap-L ii Lexicology. — the substantive. 59 without cream. A bunch of pens; a dozen of cups, of plates Sest QAmmf. IlyKi. nepo; AioHCHna qauiKa, xapejKa and of glasses; five scores of trouts; half a score of melons; H CTaKaHT>; coTHfl *opejL/; ^ecHTOKt Abina; a quantity of geese, of ducks and of swans; herds of cattle; MHOHcecTBO rycL m, yma h je6e4L m ; cxa^o ckott> ; studs of horses. The men of antiquity, and the husbands xadyHT. .i6ma4B/. MyjKi. ApeBHOCit,^ h MyjKi. of the wives. The flowers of the gardens and the colours HteHa. U.B'BT'L CaAT. H UB-BTT, of the rainbow. The leaves of paper and the leaves of the trees. paAyra. ^hctt, 6yMara h .aiicn, AepeBO. The teeth of the mouth and the teeth of a comb. The tribes Sydt BO {prep.) poTx H ayd'L y rpedeHL m. Kdino of the Israelites, the knees of a man, and the joints of plants, HapaPLiLTHHHHT., KO.i'BHO y ^e.iOBM'B, II KdMO pacTenie. The taking of herrings on the coasts of America has been very ^loBT) ce.jBAi./ y deperi) AMepiiKa t^hixh o^eiib profitable to the English, the Swedes, the Dutch and Bb'iroAeHT) ii,AK{gen.) AHrjii^aHHHT), IllBeAt, Foj.jaHAeq'B h the French. 4>paHqy3T>. Advice to friends. Glory to God. Woe to the enemies. Nominative CoB-BTi Apyn.. CiaBa Bon,. Tope Bpari.. ^^^ Dative. The general order to the troops. Obedience to the laws. Give npHKa3T> BOHCKO. IIOBHHOBeHie . SaKOHl. 4^11 food to the geese, to the hens, to the pigeons and to the ■BCTb rycE m^ Kypima, r6jy6i> m h little dogs. To act conformably to the laws of honour. ^ menoKT.. nocxynaib cooiBixcTBeHHO npa-Biuo ^eciL. To live according to his situation. A law given as well }Khtb npiuH^HO cocTOflHie. SaKOHt, AaHHtifl KaKT> 6o RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. for the nobles as for the citizens. To be against the wishes ABopaHHHT., xaKT. H M-fimaHMHi. EpoTHBHTbca JKe.iaHie of the children, and the desire of the parents. The books, AHTH, H BOAR poAi'iTejb. KHiira, the pens and the papers belong to the scholars, and not nepo H lexpaAL/ npHHaAjieH(aTT> yqeHiiKX, a He to the masters. The fields and the meadows belong to the yiHTCiL. lioAe H .^yrt npHHaAJieHtaTt father and to the mother, and the gardens, as well as the forests oieqi H Maib, a ca^T,, KaKi. n A-hCb, to the sons and to the daughters. To be agreeable to the men CMHT> II AOib. HpaBiiTbca MyjKqHHa and to be disagreeable to the women. The verdure is agreeable H He HpaenTbCfl H(eHmnHa. Sejeub/ HpaBiixca to the eyes. The pictures please the sisters and the flowers r.ia3T>. KapiMHa HpaBflica cecipa, a UB-bti the brothers. Useful to the country; agreeable to God and 6paTT>. no.ie3Hbi» oxeqecTBo; npiaxHUH Bort h to men; faithful to the sovereign; dear to friends; agreeable jIioah; BipHbifi rocy4apb; .irodesHbiH Apyrt; umhm to children. Man is known by his face, by his voice, by AHxa. He.iOB'BK'b ySHaexcfl no jiHue, no t6aoct>, no his figure, by his walk and by the motions of his body. Tourists pocxT), no noxoAKa n no x^J04BnH{eHie. TypHcxT> travel in Switzerland, in France, in Italy, in Germany, nyxemecxByH)XT> no UlBefmapia, 4>paHi|ia, Hxajiia, FepiviaHia, in America and in Egypt. AMepuKa a Eninexi. Nominative The brothers have bought houses, gardens, a village and and ^ Accusative. BpaXT, KyniUII AOMT,, caAT,, AepcBHa H fields, and have sold oxen, cows, horses and a carriage. n6.ie, a npoAa^in 6biK'b, Koposa, .louiaAb/, h Kapexa. Lexicology, — the substantive. 6i To read a fable, draw a picture, write letters, play an air, ^HTETi. 6acHfl, pHCOBaiB KapTHHa, uHcaTB nacLMo, nrpaxL niCHa, mend pens. To visit the brothers and the sisters, the mothers qHHHTB nepo. Doc'BmaTi. Spait n cecipa, Maxb and the daughters, the fathers and the sons. To buy a hat H 40%, oieut H cbiHt. KynHTL mjana and a cap, gloves and shoes, stockings and garters. II iiianKa, nep^iaraa a SauiMaK-L, ^y^OKt h noABaSKa. The conqueror has vanquished the troops and has subjected 3aBoeBaTe.ib no6'B4H.n> boucko, h noKopiwi. the people. Peter defeated the Swedes, conquered Esthonia napoAT.. riexp-b pa36ioT> IIlBeAi), 3aBoeBa.«i> 3cTjflHAia and Livonia, founded the city of Saint-Petersburg, and civilised II .lH$jHHAia, ocHOBa.n> ropoAt CaHKineiepdyprt, h npocBiiui. Russia. The Russians have conquered the Tartars, the Turks, Poccifl. PocciaHHH'fc no6'B5KAa.M TaiapuH'B, TypoK'L, the Swedes, the French and the Persian. The rains refresh lllBeAT>, 4>paHiiy3'L h nepciaHHHi>. ]\oy^Ah m oCB'BHtaioT'B the earth, and the frosts destroy the grass-hoppers. seMJH, H xojEOA'fcHCTped.iHioT'L capaH^a(j/«^.). Children, be attentive! John, come here! Soldiers, Vocative. 4hth, 6yAi>Te npHwiencHw! HBani, npiiiAii ciOAa! Bohh'b, fight valliantly! God, preserve the Emperor! Lord, cpaacaflTecb xpa6po! Bon*, cnacii {ace.) I^api.! FocnoAB, have mercy upon me! noMH^yii Mena ! The scholars write with a slate-pencil or | with a pen and Nominative y^eHHKT. nHUiyTt rpH*e.IB m HJH nepo H ^"memaL^ ink. John plays with Alexis and with Basil, and Mary qepHiua//. HBani. HrpaexTi cb AjeKCBH h ct. BacH.iiH, a MapBa plays with Sophia and with Amy. A tart with almonds; iirpaexX) cb C6*Bfl h cb ;Ik)66bb. IlHpor'B ct> MHHAa^iB m; 62 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. pots with flowers; a basin of water; a man of wit and rOpUIOKt CT) UB-BTl; Ka4Ka CT> BOAa; qe^OBiKt Cl> yMT> H of genius; a gallery of pictures. Towns with a fortress and CT, reniH; ra^aepea ct> KapiHHa. FopoAT, ct> KpeMJb m w a port;/ trees with leaves, flowers and fruits; shakos with raeaHL/; Aepeeo ci. .«iictt>, i^b-btt, h n^iOA^; KHBepi ci plumes; a room with doors; bread with salt; water with cy.iTaHt; KOMHaia ct, 4Bepb/; x.i'bSi. ct> cojl/; BO^a ct> * wine; wine with water; professors with pupils; a letter with BHHO; BHHO CT> BO^a; npO*eCCOpT, CT, y^eHHKT,; IIHCLMO CT, money. To draw with a pencil, to paint with a brush and ACHbrH/. PHCOBaxfc KapaH4ainT,, nHcaib khctb/ h colours. The shop-keeper trades in tallow , in soap , in milk, KpacKa. KyneqT, lopryexT, ca.io, Mtuo, MdOKo, in flour, in groats, in wines, in beer, in cloth, in linen and MyKa, Kpyna, bhho, miBO, cyKHO, ndoxHO h in laces, and the neighbours of the shop-keeper trade in oxen, KpyateBO, a cocba'b Kynei^T, Topryion, bo.jt,, in sheep and in horses. Palaces with towers; churches with 6apaHT> H .^oinaAT,/. 4Bopem> ct, 6afflHa; i^epKOBi,/ ct steeples; houses with windows; buildings with galleries, KO.iOK6jbHa; aomt, ct, okho; 34aHie ot, ra^iepea; regiments with colours. The mountains abound in gold, no.iKT, ex 3HaMa. Topa HSoSiijyioTT, 36.1010, in silver, in copper, in iron, in quick-silver and in lead, cepedpo, m-bab/, Hte.i'B3o, piyib/ h cBHneuT,. Nominative The fables of the bull and the ram, of the ass and the ^"sitiona^° BacHH 6biKT, H 6apaHT,, o6t, OCejT, H nightingale; of the cicada and the ant; of the oak and cojobbh; Ky3He^HKT, H MypaBefl; o Ay6T, ii the reed; of the fox and the crow; of the wolf and the lamb. TpOCTHHKT,; JHCHqa H BOpOHT,; BOJKT, H flrneHOKT,. Lexicology. — the substantive. 63 The tales of the guardian-angel, of John and Mary; the CnaaKa o6i> anreji-xpaHHTe^t, odT> HBaHi> h Mapba; histories of Sergius the hermit; of the hero and the genius. noBi&CTb Ceprifl nycTMHHHK'L; repofl h renifl. To speak of games, of lessons, of the time, of the place, of FoBopHTB o6t> iirpa, ofit ypoKi), epeMa, MicTO, 061. circumstances. In the work there is said a great deal about oScTOflTejBCTBO. BT) co^HHeme roeopaxT) MHoro honour and infamy, about virtue and vice, about courage ^ecTt H 6e3^ecTie, AoSpOAiie^iL 11 nopoKt, xpadpocTt and pusillanimity. In the water live the fishes, the frogs and H Ma.iOAyiiiie. B-l BOAa HtHByT-L pbi6a, JiaryuiKa h the moUusca; and in the forests live the lions, the bears, CJH3eHt m-, H BT) J-BCl) H(HByTT> jeBl,, MGAB'B/IB m, the foxes and the hares. wiHCi'ma H saeii'i.. The books of the scholar please the master. The light The difFe- _, , , / . , , ^ rsnt cases. KHHra yqeHHKT. npaBaica {dat.) yqHiejL. Cb-btt. of the sun illumines the earth with its rays. The colours of cojHue osapaeTT) 3eM.ia jy^i,. I^b^tt, the rose are agreeable to the eyes. The friends of humanity poaa {cymb) npiaiHM rjias'L. /^pyn> ^ejOBiqiecTBO do good to men. In the garden flourish roses with AijaH)TT> Ao6p6 .jfOAH. Bt, {prep.) ca^t i^B-Biyit pdaa cl {prep.) thorns; for there is no rose without thorns. The children mHm>; h6o VL%Th{gen.) posa des^C/^j/n) mHni>. j\^ik wash themselves with the water of the river. A glass of yMMBaioTca BO^a p-BKa. CTaKaHT> ct> {instr.) water is on the table of the room. Tears of joy glisten BOAa CTOHTi. Ha {prep.) cTO.n> KOMHaia. Cjeaa paAOCxb 6.jecTaTT> in the eyes of the mother. The glory of the wicked is BT. {prep.) rja3T> Maxb. Ciasa s.iOA'Bfi {ecmb) 64 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. without stability; but the names of the beneficent shine HenpoAOJHCHTe.iBHa; ho hmh 6jaro4'BTeji> ciHioxt in eternity. Happiness on earth consists in BTiiprep.) Bi^HOCTL. Cqaciie ndiiprep.) seMjfl coctohtt. bt. (prep.) tranquiUity of mind and in purity of conscience. Young people cnoKOMCTBie 4yxT> h bt. qHCioia coBtCTt/. lOHoma love the song of the nightingale, on the bank of a river, m6a.Tb ninie cojoBeft, iiai(/>rep.) 6epen> pyieft, by light of the moon. To tell the truth is the duty npii {prep.) cB-fiTi .lyna. FoBOpHTb npas^a ecit aoavt* of children. To love God with heart and soul. The ants and AHTfl. Ato6uTh Bon> cepAue ii Ayma. MypaBeil ii the beavers may serve as a pattern to man. An excursion 6o6p'i> MoryiT. c.iyacHTL(/«j/r.)npiiM'Bp'B ^ejOB-BKi.. lIoiSAKa to Moscow and to Kiew. The entrance of the room BTiiacc.) MocKBa h bt. KieBT>. Bxoat. BT.(^m6H, great. 34. — The possessive adjectives, most of which Possessive . adjecuves. are peculiar to the Russian language, are divided into individual, common, material and circumstantial. I. The individual or special (jiHHHBiii, ^acTHBia), possessive adjectives, which mark the relation of an object to an individual, or in other words to an animate or personified being, end in oez, 663, UH5 and ubiHS (neut. 0, fern, a), or in & (neut. 6, fern, h) , and are formed from the names of the objects in question by changing 3 and into 063 5 66 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. (or into 665 after the lingual or a hissing consonant) ; u and b into eed; a, h and 6 into im5, and na into if6l«a; remembering however that in this formation the adjective follows the genitive inflection of the substantive; e. g. CbiHOBt, ^ke son's; MapKOB'L, Mark's; JlhBOBii, Leon's; XpiiCTOB'L, C/irzsfs;CTipai' aceB'L, ^ke guardiaris; omeBt, the father's; Ah- jipeeBX, Andrew's; uapeBT), the king's; Hhkhthh'L, Nicetas's; AtoiHi., the uncle's; CBeKpoBiiH'L; mother- in-law's; MaiepuH'L, the mother's; JiliBMii.BiH'L ^ the girl's (from cum, MdpKOy Aee3, gen. .IbBa, Xpucm6c5, gen. Xpiicia, cmpaoico, omeud, gen. OTn,a, Audpeii, aapb, Humma, dAdR, ceeupoeb, j\iamb, gen. Maiepii, dibeuna). The termination b is only found in the adjective rocn6;teHL, the Lord's (from Focnodb), and in some few others in the ecclesiastical Slavonian, To the above rule the following are exceptions: H'KOBjeBT., James's; dpaXHHHl), the brother's; MyHtHHH'L, the husband's; and also Bomfi, God's, formed from B'ko65, dpams, Myj/cn and Eozz. — We have still to remark that it is from these individual possessive adjectives that the patronymics, of which we have already spoken (§ 2i), are formed; e. g. HBaiiOBiiq'B and HBa- HOBHa, JohrCs son and daughter; IlaB^iOBHqTj and DaBJOBHa, PauPs son and daughter; H'KOBjieBiiqT, and H'KOB.ieBHa, James's son and daughter; Hhkhtiiii. and HHKiiTli'iHa , Nicetas's son and daughter. 2. The common or generic (oomia, po;^OBbIfl) possessive adjectives, which mark the relation of an object to all the individuals of the same species, have one principal termination, viz. ill, oeiu or eeiii (neut. be, fem. bn), and some particular terminations; these are: CKiu, mm, umiu, oebiil, mit (neut. oe and ee, fem. a/i and mh), and are formed from the names of animate, inanimate and abstract objects: e. g. pbi6iH, of a fish; Me/tBijEiii, of a bear; nTHHiii, of Lexicology. — the adjective. d'^ a bird] KJionoBm, of a bug; KOHeBifi, of a horse; ckotckIh, of cattle; rycHHLiH, of a goose ; ;tOM6BHH, domestic; napoBoii, of steam; p-feqHOH, fluvial; /tymeBHHH, of the soul; HtH3HeHHHH, vital; clihobhIh^ filial (from ^hi6a, Medemdb, nmuua, KAom, Koub, CKoms, zycb, doMd, napd, pi^Kd, dymd, oicusm, chim). To the individual and common possessive adjectives belong also several Russian family names; e. g. ^MHTpieBT), IlymKHHl., SaBaAOBCKiil, as also several names of towns and villages; e. g. KamHHT>, BopOAHHO, CMOjeHCKl., &c. 3. The material (BeiiiiecTBeHHBifl) possessive ad- jectives, which indicate the material of which a thing is made, are formed from the names of ma- terial objects by means of the terminations hm mill, MHbiu, RHHUu (neut. oe, fem. an), as: aojioxofi, of gold; ateJiiB3HBiH, of iron; cepe6pflH&iH, of silver; AepeBflHHfciii, of wood (from soAomo, oicejirhso, cepe6p6, depeeo). 4. The circumstantial (o5cTOflTe.aLCTBeHHLifl) pos- sessive adjectives are formed from nouns and adverbs signifying time and place, by means of the termi- nations niH (neut. e^/fem. rr), and in the names of months, by the termination cum (neut. oe, fem. aR)\ as: JiiTHiH, of summ,er; HbiH'feniHiH, actual; TaMommH, of this place; MapTOBCKiii, of March; irojiLCKifi, of July (from Ammo, mmrb, mams, Mapms, mAb). 35. — The properties of the adjectives in RussianPropenies of are: the gender (po^'L), the number (hhcjio), the case (naAeai-L), the apocope of the termination (yct- ^enie OKOHHania), and the degrees of signification or degrees of the qualities (cieneHH KaqecxB^), and 68 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. these properties are all marked by particular in- flections. Simber' 3^' — "^^ ^^ adjective must agree in gender, case, number and case with the substantive which it qualifies, it has three terminations to indicate the difference oi ge7tder, two for the different numbers and seven for the cases, ^oTthr 37- — ^^ ^^ adjectives are used for two differ- termination. gnt purposes, firstly simply to qualify the noun to which they belong, as: do^pbid hgjiob'BK'l, a good man; Hoean niJiana, a new hat; and secondly to form the attribute of the proposition, as: neJOBiKt (ecmb) do6ps, the man is good; uijiana 6HJia uoed, the hat was 7iew; they have in Russian two differ- ent terminations, the ont full (noJHoe), the other apocopated (ycfeneHHoe). These two terminations are as follows: SINGULAR. Masculine. Neuter. Feminine. Full term: WH (ofl), ifi; 06, 66; an, flfl; Apoc.term: -l, l; 0, 6; a, a; _ , /HOBMH, CHHiil; HOBoe, CHHee; Hoeaa, cimaa; Examples : < , ' ' , ' I HOBT., chhl; hobo, CHHe; HOBa, CHHa; PLURAL. Masculine. Neut. and Fern. Examples : Full term: we, i6; Bia, ia. Apoc.term: bi, h; fcl, H. HOBWe, CHHi6; HOBLia, CHHla. HOBM, CHHH; HOBfcl, CHHH. These two examples HOBblfl, new^ and CHhIh, blue, show that the apocopated is formed from the full termination, by changing Mi3t and m, (or oU with the accent) into a and 6, according to Lexicology. — the adjective. 69 the nature of the preceding consonant, for the masculine, and < by cutting of the final vowel in the other inflections. In this formation, the vowel e or is inserted between two consonants in the masculine, in order to facilitate the pronunciation, and the semi-vowels 6 and U are changed into e, observing that the tonic accent, which remains on the same syllable in the in- flections of the full termination, is often transposed in the apo- copated termination, sometimes to the inserted vowel of the masculine, sometimes to the first syllable, at other times to the inflection of the feminine, and occasionally to that of the neuter and the plural; e. g, fitJblS, white, apoc. term. Ot^l., j6, Ak. BtpHblH, true, apoc. B-BpeHt, pno, pHa. 340p6Bi>m, wholesome, 3flop6B'b, 6bO| Tfl^KKiB, heavy, THHceKt, >kko, ^Ka. 6Ba. HCTHHHblfi, veritable, HCTHHeHt, HHHO, flopordfi, dear, 46por'ii, oro, ora. BHHa. Be4HKiH, great, BeJHK'b, hko, hkS,. 4p6bh1h, ancient, ApeBCHb, BHe, BHa. AiOJKiH, stout, 4M)h;'i,, 3k6, JKa. n64HMH, full, ndJOHt, jho, ^Ha. xop6nilB, good, xop6nnb, oiu6, onia. 3j6h, evil, soj-b, 3-10, 34a. ;khb6h, live, JKHB-b) HBO, HBa. KptHKifi, Strong, KpinOKT., hko, nKa. cyx6B, dry, cyxx, cyxo, cyxa. jerKlfi, light, JierdRt, rK6, rna. BUc6KiH, high, Bhic6Kt, ok6, OKa. r6pbKiH, bitter, r6peKt, pbKO, pbKa. fiwcTpbiH, rapid, fiMCipi., ipo, Tpa. ch-ibhuB, vigorous, CH.ieHT>,JbHO, -ibHa. TBep4biH, firm, TBepA'Bj epAO, p4a. cnoK6fiHhiH, quiet, cnoK6eH'b,6fiHO,OHHa. The following are exceptions to this rule : ^octouhmm, worthy; 6jiaHeeHHLm, happy; HaAMeHHLlfl, proud, and COBepmeHHbiil, perfect^ which form : AOCTOHHi), ouHO, oima; 6jaHieHT>, Ha4MeHi>, coBepmeHi., CHHO, enna. The quaUfying adjectives have both terminations, except pa^T., joyous, and ropa34T>, except, which have only the apocopated, while 60JLm6fl, great, and MeHfcUlofl, little, have only the full termination. The individual possessive adjectives have only the apocopated termination, while the material and circumstantial possessive adjectives have only the full termination. The same is the case with several common possessive adjectives, with the exception of such as end in iU^ which in the singular have the full, and in the plural the apocopated termination. 38. — The qualifying adjectives have five degrees P^^^^^°^ of signification, viz. the positive, the comparative, the superlative, the diminutive and the augmentative. 70 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 1. The positive (nojioHCHTejiBHaa cieneHt) is in- dicated by the ordinary terminations, full and apo- copated; e. g. 6ij!HH and ^%m>, white-, cyxoii and cyx-L, dry; CHHm and chhb, blue. 2. The comparative (cpaBHMTe/iLHafl cienenL) is marked in the full termination by the inflections Jbiimiu, aiimiUj mill (neut. ee, fem. «/?), and in the apocop- ated termination by the invariabk inflections me and Bj and is formed in three different ways: i) By changing the termination of the positive, preceded by any consonant except a guttural, into Tbumiu for the full, and into me for the apocopated termination; e. g. fii.ibifi, white, com/, O-BjiBnilS and 6tAie, whiter. c-ia6MH, weak, . . . c-iafiifinilfi and c^afite, weaker. «hb6h, live, .... iKHBifimia and ;KHB-Be, more live. n6JHHH, full, .... no-iH-BfinilB and no^H-fie, more full. From this rule are excepted the following ad- jectives, which though they have the full termina- tion mumiiij have the apocopated in e, changing at the same time the mutable consonant. (JoraTMu, rich., comji. full term. 6oTeLThamiu, a/oc. term. 6oraqe. AemeBMH, cheap, Aeiu^B-bBniifi, flem^BJe. rycT6B, thick, rycTtBuiiB, ryme. KpacHuB, handsome, KpacH-BBmlB, 'Kparae. (No KpaCHwB, red, forms regularly: RpacH-fie.) KpyT6B, steep, KpyTiumiB, Kpyqe. n63AHlB, tardy, no3AH'BBiuiB, n63;Ke. npocT6B, simple, npocTifimlB, ..... np6me (and npociie.) TBep4wB, firm, TBep4'BfiiiilB, iB^pjKe. ToJCTMH, thick, TO-iCT-BBniiH, T6Jiva.e. qaCTWH, frequent, lacT-fiBmiB, fia.m.e. iHCTMH, pure. . qHCT-BfiralB, ' name. The adjectives ropaiiil, burning; jLiCblil, laid; Cii3LlH, dove- coloured; CBiHtifl, fi-esh; and others in Jftiw, c6itT, a/cm, ¥m, M^m, have only the apocopated termination me I ropa^'Be, .aMCie, €H3ie, CB^BHCBe. Lexicology. — the adjective. 71 2) By changing the termination of the positive, preceded by one of the gutturals (r, k, x), into aumiii for the full, and into e for the apocopated termination, permuting the consonant at the same time; e. g. CTp6riif, strict, compar. CTpoJKafiiuifi and CTp6)Ke, stricter. Kp-BnKlS, strong, . . . KptniduiiiiH and Kptnge, stronger. BeixlH, old, BeTniaHiuiii and B6Tiue, older.- Exceptions. — Most of the adjectives in liii, Kiii, xiUy have not the full termination of the compara- tive; and also the following adjectives form their comparatives in different ways: 46.1 ria, long, comp. full term. /to^^JKaHiuiH, apoc. term. 46.«bnie. Aopor6ii, dear, 4paavauniiH, /!lop6ave. 4a.«eKiH and 4a^bHiH, far, . . 4ajibH'BHrai3, fla^ibiue. (5jH3KiH, near, fi^HMCaBmitf, 6JHKe. My66Kirr, deep, r.iy6otiaamiS, rjy6;Ke. r6pbKiB, bitter, ropqafiuiiB, r6pie. (No r6pbKlu, bad, takes the Slav, inflection r6piulB and ropnie.) Kop6TKiH and KpaTKiB, short, • . KpaTqaBmiB, Kop6qe. p-B^Klfi, rare, P'B4qaBmiB, pUHte. c.^a4Kiii, sweet, ,CJa4qaBmifi, C4ame. T6HKiB, thin, TOHiaBmifi, T6Hbuie. TajKKiB, heavy, TflriaaniiB, larqe, mHp6Ki3, broad, lUHpoiafiniiB, lUHpe. ra4Kl3, dirty, ^ These five { ra>Ke. r.^a4KiB, smooth, I have not the I r.«S.»e. 5KH4KiB, liquid, '> full term. I JKHJKe. ysKlB, narrow, of the com- yJKe. CJ&fiKiB, slack, ) parative. I CJa6Hce. 3) The inflection miu for the comparative is only found in the following adjectives, three of which take their comparative from another root: bhc6k1h, high; comp. ftdlterm, BbicniiB, apoc. term. Bbirae. MOJ046H, young; Mjia/iniiB, M0J[6JKe. HH3Ki3, low; HHsniiB, HH^Ke. CTapuH, old; CTapuiiB and CTap-tfimlB, CTapnie and CTapte, xy46H, bad; , . xy4niiB, xya^e. BeJHKlfi (and 6ojbra6H), great; 664buiifi, 66^bme, Ma^HH (and MeHbni6H), little; . M^Hbrnifi, MeHbnie. xop6iuiB, good ; jyqniiB, ^yqrae. 72 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 1. Care must be taken not to confound the comparative of the adjectives ji,6Abme , longer; TOHbUie, finer; ^ajtuie, more distanty 6djbiiie, greater, MCHbUie, less, with that of the adverbs AOJ'Be, longer; TOH-Be, finer; ^aj-fie, further; Cd.l'Be, more; MeHte, less. But this difference exists only in the above five words, the comparative of the adverbs being in every other instance similar to that of the adjectives in the apocopated termination. 2. The apocopated termination of the comparative sometimes takes the preposition no, which softens and diminishes the force; e. g. no6'B.l'Be, a little whiter; nOTOHLlue, a little finer; no.jy^ilie, a little better. 3. Such adjectives as want one of the terminations of the comparative, supply its place with the adverb donate before the positive; e. g.doj'Be ySKifl, narrower; dox^Q aCH^Kiil, more liquid; 66.i'£e pa4T>, more joyous; 66.1^6 ropa34T>, more expert. 3. The superlative (npeBocxo^naa cieneHL) in Russian is not marked by any particular inflection, except in the four following adjectives: BeJHKlH, great; compar. 66JlbiulH; superL BeJHiaHUilg, greatest. Buc6KiH, high; BbicmlB; , . . . BhicoqaHniiH, highest. Ma JUB, little; M^HbmiH; . . . . Ma^-Bumiu, least. hh3k1h, low ; Husniiu ; . . . . HHHtafimiH, lowest. In all the other adjectives, in the full termination, the superlative is expressed by that of the compara- tive, the words hsT) BCfixi), of all, being understood, or the particle nan being placed before it, or also by that of the positive, placing before it the words caMHH {fi. caMoe, /. caMaa), as: jzerHaHiniii {usd ecrbxs), HaHJierqaHuim or caMBiH JzendH, t/ie lightest-, jiyHmiH (W33 ecjbxs), Haiiiiy^iniH , or caMtiM jry^miii (improperly, for caMHH xopomiM), tke best. In the apocopated termination the superlative is the same as the comparative, adding the word ecmx^ or eceio, e. g. BC'fex'L JierHe, the lightest; BCtxi. Jiy^ine, the best] Bcero BaJKHie, the most important; Bcero Tpy^tHie, the most difficult. Lexicology. — the adjective. 73 4. The diminutive degree (yMeHLinHxeJiBHafl cxe- neHL) is used to mark the diminution of quality, indicating either a want or smallness of any quality in an object, or a softening of the force of the quality, and also for the agreement of the adjective with the diminutive noun; e. g. 6ibJioedxm)\ii ^ep- HHJia, whitish ink; pbio/ceubKa/i Jiomdbjijasi , a little bay horse; MdjieuhKan ^iBOHKa, a little young girl. The diminutive adjective in the former case ends, in the full termination, in oedmbiu or eedmbiu (neut. oe, fem. afi), and in the apocopated in oedmd or eedms (neut. 0, fem. a), and in the latter case, in the full termination, it ends in OHbKiu and eubKiil (neut. oe^ fem. afi), and in the apocopated, in oneKS and enem (neut. muo, fem. Hbua); e. g. 6-B4WH, white; dim. 6B40BaTMH or fiSJfOBar'b, and Ci-ieHbKifi or etJtSHeKT.. TgnJUH, hot; . . . TenJOBaTbifi or TenJOBaTT), and TenJeHbKifi or TenJieneKT.. cyx6H, dry; .... cyxOBaiua or cyxOBaTt, and cyxOHbKifi or cyxdHCKT.. KpaCHHH, red ; . . . KpacHOBatbifi or -HOBaib, and KpacHeHbKia or -h^hckt.. chhIh, blue; .... CHHeB^TUH or cHHeBaTt, and CHHeHbKifi or cHHeHCK'b. pbmlB, bay ; ... pbiHceBaibifi or pbiaKeBart, and puMceHbRifi or puJKfiHCK'B. The diminutive ending oeambiu, eeamuu, must not be con- founded with the similar ending of the positive, which belotigs to the qualifying adjectives; e. g. BHHOBaTLm, culpable; yr.lOBaTLm, angular; HOS^peBaTblH, porous; yrpeoaTLlfl, scaly. 5. The augmentative degree (yBGJiHHHTeJiLHafl CTenent) is used in the qualifying adjectives to express the abundance or excess of quality, and is formed in the full termination by the prepositive particle n]^e, and in the apocopated by the endings exoneKd and emeneK3, or oxouend and dweueKS (neut. HbKO, fem. HbKa); e. g. 6B.^biH, white ; augm. npe6'B4biH, or 6fi^exOHeK'b and 6'B.ienieHeKl, quite white. cyx6H, dry ; . . . . npecyx6H, or cyxoxoneKT. and cyx6meHeKT>, very dry. -lerKifi, light; . . . npe-ierKifi, or Jer6xOHeK^ and jerdmeHeKt, very light. MaJHH, little ; . . . npeMa.ibiH, or MaaexoneK'b and Ma.ienieHCK'b, very little. 74 RUSSIAN GRAMIMAR. PLURAL. SINGULAR. • • • : SHaawn^ p i o 1 '' ^ jT ^ n m H rr m t9 •;• B> s ft 5 eJ 1 11 p 1 . 1 1 1 i 2 » S m "« 83 >"^ ts< 5 1 Rc rsc » a f EE 1 EEE sijir ft •1 H|-I| > o o > o ■ ffl" B » s » » 1 § Sc 1 -< gc g< ^ ^ :>i f ft V V 5 B< B< (T" 1 er«B 6tA-& . . . n. OtJo ) (KuRZh) PenHMK8 PenHHH-a , (zopods) KkmuHi K^iUHH-a , : (cejtd) Bopo4«Kd .... Bopo4HH-a OMt dJUTt S •£ HMT) UMT. /• w. rocn64eH6, the Lord's\ „ in. Tocn6me | rocn64H-a . . . K) i6. tn. CHH6, blue fm. pufiJM, of fish U. pbi65e ■y pii6-bHro . . . beMy bHMT> . beM-b The following observations , relative to the tonic accent in the declension of the ad- jectives, are important: 1. All the inflections of the full and of the mixed termination, i. e. in the 1st and Ilird declension, retain the accentuation of the nominative singular masculine. 2. In the apocopated termination, i. e. in the Ilnd declension, the accent is often transferred to the last syllable, sometimes only in the nominative feminine, and at other times in the neuter and in the plural. The oblique cases of the apocopated termination either retain the accentuation of the nominative, or transfer the accent to the last syllable. Lexicology. — the adjective. 77 DECLENSIONS Of ADJECTIVES. L A R. PLURAL. Feminine gender. /J?/- //^^ //5r.ftf genders. N. and V. G.D. and P. Ace. H6B-aH . . . . OH . . yio . Insh-. OK) . Nom. and Ff?^'. G,?«. and/V. Dai. Accus. Instr. "•/f-"^-->..HXT. ...HM'b. «. /. H6B-Ha . / MflrK-aa . . . oB . . yio. OK) . m. MarK-ie . \ „ „„^ > . . HXT. . . . HM-b . HMH n. f. MarK-ia . / „• CHH-M. . . . eg . . K)H) cB-fciK-aa . . . eg . . yio . {Ffa^uHH) TOJCT-&H . . 6h . . yio. ero . . eK) . . 6h) . ^. CHH-ie..y ^^^ ...HMT. .| HMH n. /. CHH-ia . . / ^ «; m. CBtMC-le . \ ^ „^^ iJ a „„ > . . HXT. . . . HM-b . -S -53 HMH n. f. cBl;;K-ia . / %% (rpd^bi) ToJCT-bie . wx-b . . . hm-b . i S ^mb . . . nopiH-we .... wx-b . . . umt. . -S S mmh . . . JKapK-Ia .... HX'b . . . HMl . O rt HMH K.ia40B-d/j . . 6g . . yro. a storehouse. . 6h) . . . . K.Ja40B-wa . . . ux-b . . . mmt. . v "o hmh is itap6B-a . . . og . . y. . . OK) . 1 s . . . qap^B-H .... HX'b . . . HMTb . 'Z « HMH 6%A-k . . . . 6g . . y. . PenHHH-& . . 6h . . y. . . 6H) . . 6K) . . . . 6tA-U. HX'b . . . blM-b . , ,t! HMH (KnasbA) PenHHH-H . ux-b . . . HM-b . "I ** hmh ' ' * ■ ■ 1 1 * ' * MypuH-a . . og . . y . . rocn6AH-a. . eg . . h) . . OH) . ^ <^ • • • . OH) . U V ' ' ' 1 . . . rocn64H-H . . . HX'b . . . HM'b . tlv^ HMH CHH-a 6g . . 10 . . 6h) . V . . . CHH-H HX'b . . . HM'b . ^ HMH pH6-ba .... beg . bH) . . bero . . . pu6-bH bHX'b . . bHM'b . bHMH The acatsairve masculine, singular and plural, of the adjectives is like the nominative, when the noun, which they qualify, destignates an inanimate or abstract object, as is also the case with the substantives; and it is like the genitive, when the noun designates an animate being, even when the accusative of the noun in question may not happen to be the same as the genitive, as is the case with the masculine substantives of the Ilird declension; ex. mh AVdtwsn eibpnazo CAyzf, we love the /aithful servant i MU .aiofiHM'b ertpHbixi CAyzi, ive love the faithful servants. yS RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 5. The apocopated termination of the adjectives is often used instead of the full in poetry, for the sake of the rhythm; e. g. nymucnibl Hneii (instead oi nymucmbie), thick hoarfrost; 66icmpbl B64H (instead of 6bicmpbl/l), rapid waters; dd^py MOJO^l^y (instead of dodpOMf), to the good young man; cbipjr SmMO (instead of Cbipjrfo), the tnoist earth. 6. The inflection ie, in, iMZO, &c. of the common possessive adjectives is used in an elevated style, and be, bH, bmo, &c. in familiar language. 7. As the vocative of the adjectives is always the same as the nominative, it has been omitted in the table of the declensions. of Thl'T! 4°' "~" ^^*h ^"^ attention to the above remarks '^idjeSrves'*/^^^ the adjectives of the Russian language can be declined according to the 1 7 paradigms. (See p. ^6 sq,) First According to the 1st paradigm (hobmm) are declined: i) the declension. ,.. . ,. . . \^ °, ,. . qualifymg adjectives m biw, 2) the common possessive adjectives in oebiu, eeblii, Hblii, UHblU; 3) all the material possessive ad- jectives; 4) the diminutive adjectives in oeambiu and eeambiu; remarking that the termination bill when accented is changed into oti. Such are: i) 466pbiH, good, «. 466poe,/. 466paa. 4opo5KHbiB , of road, 4op6atHoe, CHjiUHbH, vigorous, CH./n>Hoe, CHJb- 4op6JKUa/r.. Haa., Hqcob6h, of thenose, H0C0B6e, ho- CiapbiH, old, CTdpoe,. c.Tdpaa. cob&a. ^epHbiB, black, qepnoe, ^lepnafl. 3) 3ojot6S, of gold, 30JroT6e, soAorkH. KpdcHuB, red, Kp&CHoe, Kp^CHaH. JKe^BSHMH, of iron, ate^BSHoe, B-BJUH, white, 6tAoe, 6hAa.li. JKeA-ksnaa. y'MHUH, wise, yMHoe, yMHaa. M&CJHHbig, of oil, M^dHHoe, mk- rpyfibiH, coarse, rpy6oe, rpyj6aa. c^aHaa. II6JHMH, full, udAHoe, n6JHaa. K6MiaHbiH, of leather, K6acaHoe, H-fiJKHUH, tender, HijKHoe,H'6MfHaa. Ko^Kanaa. CA-bn6u, blind, cA-bn6e, cAtn&n. 4epeBaHHbiH, of wood, aepeBaHHoe, IIpocT6H, simple, npocT6e, npocida. -BaHHaa. Xy46H, bad, xy^fie, xy^ka. 4) BtAOBkTuu, whitish, fiUJOB&Toe, HtMdH, dumb, H-liM6e, Htnka. -B^iaa. 2) Bo6p6BbiH, of beaver, n. 6o6p6BOe, KpacHOBdTbiB, reddish, KpacHO- /. -6Baa. Baioe, -laa, E«eBbiH, of hedgehog, enteBOe, CHHeB&TuB, bluish, CHHeB&Toe,CHHe- ejKeBaa. B^Taa. nqe^iHHwB, of bee, n'le.iiiHoe, nqe- PbUKeBdiuB , ruddy, pMjKeB&Toe, JHHaa. -Bdiaa. Lexicology. — the adjective. 79 According to the 2nd paradigm (MarKifi) are declined: i) the quahfying adjectives in 2m, /au, xixi; 2) the common possessive adjectives in CKiu, and U,Kiu; 3) the diminutive adjectives in eHbKiu and oHbKiU; the termination m when accented being also changed into 6u. Such are: i) ^erKiB, light, «. JerKoe,/. .lerKaa. CTp6riH, strict, CTp6roe, CTp6raa. Kp6TKiH, kind, Kp6TKoe, Kp6TKaa. Be.iHKlB, great, Be-iHKoe, Be^HKaa. ynpyrifi, elastic, ynpyroe, ynpyraa. r6pbKiH, bitter, r6pbKoe, r6pbKaa. B6TxiH, old, B6TXoe, Bfiixaa. , 4opor6H, dear, Aopor6c, Aopor&a. Cyx6u, dry, cyx6e, cyx&a. rjyx6H, deaf, r^yx6e, r-iyx^a. 2) SBtpcKlfi, bestial, CBBpcKOe, -CKaa. HC^hckIh, feminine, »6HCK0e, }k6h- CKaa. rocn64CKlH, seigneurial, «. rocn64- CKoe, /. rocnoflCKaa. PycCKlB , Russian , pyccKoe , pyc- CKaa. HUM^itKlfi, German, H'BM^i^Koe, H-fiM6i^Kaa. ./Ik)4ck6h, men's,Ji04CK6e,Ji04CK&a. ropo4CK6H, of a town, ropo4CK6e, ropo4CK^a. 3) M^jeHbKifi, little, M&JeHbKoe, -Kaa. BbJeHbKifi , whitish , 6i.ieHbKoe, 6LieHbKaa. .leroHbKifi, lightish, J[erOHbKoe,-Kaa. According to the 3rd paradigm (chhIh) are declined the ad- jectives; I) qualifying, 2) circumstantial possessive, and 3) some common possessive, in HiU (neut. ee, fem. nR)\ such are: i) 4p6BHiH, ancient, n. Ap^BHee, /. 4p6BHaa. [64HiKHaa. BJHMCHiH , neighbour, 6jH5KHee, 4&-ibHiH, distant, 4&j[bHee, A^-^BHaa. H'cKpcHHlH , sincere , HCKpeHHee, HCKpeHHaa. Hrp6HiH , light - sorrel , arp^Hee, Hrp6Haa. nop6«HiH, empty, nop6»Hee, no- p6/KHaa. n634HlH, tardy, n634Hee, n63AHaa. P&HHiH, early, p^HHee, p^HHaa. 2) BqepaniHiB, yesterday's niHee, -niHaa. Sa'BiuhIB , of here, sAiuinaa. HbiHbiuHiB , actual , HbiH-BiUHee, -H-finiHaa. 3hmh1B, hybernal, 3HMHee, 3HMHaa. Bec6HHl3, vernal, sec^HHee, -Haa. vI'BTHifi, estival, ^iiHee, .i-fcTHaa. O'ceHHiB, autumnal, 6ceHHee, 6ceH- Haa. DpfiMCHlB, precedent, np63KHee, -;KHaa. IIocJ'MHiB, last, nocJ-BAHee, -AHaa. Bqep&- 3) MywHlB, marital, MyjKHee , MyJK- Haa. 4py«HlB, friend's, ApyJKHee, ApyJK- Haa. CbiH6BHiB, filial, cMH6BHee, cwh6e- Haa. Beq6pHiB, evening's, Bcq^pnee, Be- q^pHfla. y'lpeHHlfi, morning's, yipcHHee, yipeHHaa. According to the 4th paradigm (ceiHCifl) are declined: i) the quahfying adjectives in oiciu^ M,iu, miu and iu,iu, (neut. ee^ fem. ttR); 2) all the comparatives and superlatives in the full termination; observing that the ending id when accented is changed into 6u. Such are: So RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. i) 4K)}KiB, robust, «.4i6»ee,/4i63Kaa. ropaqlB, hot, ropaqee, ropaqaa. KHnaqiH, boiling, ^nnaqee, -tiaa. Xop6niiH, good, xop6mee, xop6niaa. B04bra6H, great, 6oJbiu6e, fio.ibm&a. IIox63KiH, resembling, nox65Kee, ->Kaa. npHr6>KlH, pretty, npHr65Kee, npH- r6}Kaa. Second declension. qyiK6H, foreign, «. tiy»6e,/.qy;K&a O'fimiB, common, 66mee, 66ina.fi. Humifi, poor, Humee, HHma/i. 2) B6.ibniiH, greater, 664bmee, 664b- maa. Aymnin, better, ^yqniee, ^ymuaa. M^Hbuiig, least, M^Hbmee, M^Hbinafl. Ht/KHifinilH, more tender, -'BHniee, -luaa. According to the 5th paradigm (Tmctoh) are declined family names in biu and iu, or in 6u with the accent (fern, a/l); the vowel bl being changed into u after a guttural. Such are: Cmhph6h, Smirnoi, /. CMHpH&a. TloAeBdu, Polaivoi, IIo^eB&fl. Hap-BJKHMH, Naraizhni, HaptSKHaa. BpaHHUKlfi, Branitzki, BpaniiUKaa. B66pHHCKiH, Bobrinski, B66pHHCKaa. ^o^ropyKifi, Dolgorooki, 4oJropyKaH. Tpy6eEiK6H, Troobetzkoi, /. Tpy6e^- KkH. 3aBa46BCKiH , Zavadovski , 3aBa46B- CKaa. 5KyK6BCKlH, Zhookovski, 3KyK6BCKaa. Memp6cKiH, Mestcherski, Men^SpcREfl. Such family names as are formed from the genitive, as: MepTBaro, Mertvaho; HapeHaro, Parenaho; GyXHXT>, Sookhikh, HarHXT), Naghikh, are indeclinable. According to the 6th, 7th and 8th paradigm (nopXHOfi, HCapKOe, K^ia^OBaa) are declined some masculine neuter and feminine nouns, which are in fact only adjectives used as substantives, remembering to change into e and hi into u after a guttural or a hissing consonant. Such are: [) BwoopHwB, a deputy, B1>ctob6B, a messenger. K6pMqlB, the pilot. qacoB6B, a sentry. MacTepoB6B, an artisan. no4baqiB, a clerk. IIpox6)KiB, a passenger. n-tBlifi, a chanter. 2) 5KHB6THOe, an animal. Mop6a?eHOe, ice-creams. HactKdMoe, an insect. 3) BceJ^HHaa, the universe. FoCTHHaa, a drawing-room. H&6epe5KHaa, a quay. ^epieacHaa, room for the drawers. IlepMHflH, an antechamber. According to the 9th paradigm (qapeBI.) are declined the in- dividual possessive adjectives in 063, ^(93, M«3, hlHr> (neut. o, fern. a). Such are: CHHdB'b, son's, n. chh6bo, /. cwH6Ba. neipdET., Peter's, neTp6B0, HeipbBa. OmeBT>, father's, omeBO, omeBa. FepdeBT., hero's, rep6eB0, rep6eBa. naB.aoB'B, Paul's, n&B40B0, n&B.«OBa. XpHCTdBT., Christ's, n. XpHCT6B0, /. XpHCT6Ba. MaiepHHT., mother's, MaiepHHO, -pHHa. 46qepHH'b, daughter's, 46qepHH0, 46- qepHHa. Lexicology. — the adjective. 8i HhkhthhTi, Nicetas's, n. HHKHTHHO.y. IlapHi^wHT., the queen's, n. l^apHUUHO, HHKHTHHa. /. -^bIHa-. [-^bIHa. H^bHHT., Elias's, H4bHH6, HJbHH&. 4'fiBHi^biHi, the girl's, 4t.BH^bIH0, The adjective XpiiCTOBt takes in the prepositional singular the inflection m (instead of OJm) in the phrase: no PoJKAeCTBi XpucmoeRf (instead of XpucmdeoMZ), after the Birth of Christ. According to the loth paradigm {t%M^ are declined the qualifying adjectives in the apocopated termination in 2 (neut. o, fem. a), with the exception of those in OlC^^ J/Z, Mf3 and m^3, which belong to the i6th paradigm, remembering to change U into u after the gutturals (2 , K^ x) , and remarking that the tonic accent, which remains on the same syllable in all the in- flections of the full termination, is often transferred, in the apo- copated, to the last syllable, sometimes in the feminine only, and at other times also in the neuter and plural. Such are: Pa/i'b, joyous, n. pa,/l0, /. p&4a; //. Bi.ic6K'b, high, n. BbicOK6, /. bhcokS,; p&4bl. //. BWCOKH. rop434T>, expert, -40, -m\ rop&34bl. Cn^eHT), vigorous, CH4bH0, CH-IbH&; HoBTi, new, h6B0, HOB&: H6BbI. CH-IbHU. C^afit, weak, cJi&(5o, C4a6&; cj^fibi. YMeHi, wise, yMH6, yMH&; yMHbi. Ulb-it, entire, ni^o, \i,-^Ak\ i^tJu. Tene^T., hot, Ten46, Tenia ; Ten^u. BeJHKT., great, Be.fHK0,Be4HK&;Be4HKH. ./TerdKT), light, jerKd, jerK&; ^erKH. CyxT., dry, cyxo, cyx&; eyxH. ^ofipt, good, Ao6p6, 4o6p4; 4o6pbi. KplinOKT>, strong, KpBnKO, KptHKa; /Ke^T^, jellow, >Ke^T6, JKCiTd; aceJTw. KpinKH. B6^eHT>, sick, fio4bH6, 6o.ibH& ; Co^bHbi. According to the nth paradigm (PeniiiiHT.) are declined family names in 06S, ees, UH7> and 6r^5 (fem. a), which take in the prepositional singular masculine the inflexion Tb (instead oi OMZ). Such are: CyBdpOB-b, Soovorof, /. CyB6poBa. 4MHTpieBl, Dmitrief,/. ^MHxpieBa. KyiyaoB'b, Kootoosof, KyTyaoBa. rypbeBT>, Goorief, TypbeBa. .^o>ioh6cobt. , Lomonossof, yloMOHfi- BacH^bcBT., Vassilief, BacH^beBa. coBa. 4ep5K&BHH'b, Derzhavin, 4ep>KaBHHa. CiparaHOBT., Stroganof, CTp6raH0Ba. KapaMaiiH^, Karamzin, KapaM3HH&. Kpbi46B^, Krylof, KpbM6Ba. KHa>KHHH-b, Kniazhnin, Khajkhbh^. UlHiUKdBl, Shishkof, UlHUiK6Ba. IlyuiKHHi, Pooshkin, IlyiUKHHa. Xep&CKOB-B, Kheraskof, XepacKOBa. HoTeMKHH'b, Potiomkin, IIoTeMKHHa. Opi6BT., Orlof, Opj6Ba. To^HitMHl, Golitzin, ro4i5mbiHa. Foreign family names, such as : Ba3e40BT>, Basedow; KaHKpHHT., Caticrin, are declined like the substantives, and, having no feminine , are indeclinable when referring to females. The same 6 82 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. remark applies equally to Russian family names ending in eimz; but sometimes in feminine they take the termination eiiueea^ which then is declined as an adjective; e. g. y Fpa^iiHil KaH- KpUHti, at the Countess Cancrin; y Focnoadi MaKCUMOeUHZ or MaKCUMOeuKeeoiiy at Madame Maximoviich. According to the 12th, 13th and 14th paradigms (KaniHH'L, BopOAHHO, Mypima) are declined such names of towns, boroughs and villages, as end in the masculine in 062, eez, UHd, blHZ; in the neuter in oeo, eeo, UNO, blHO , and in the feminine in oea, eea, una, bina, which take also in the prepositional singular masculine and neuter the inflection Jb (instead of ojm). Such are: i) (idpods) BopHCOB'b, Borissof. I|apHi^HHO, Tzaritzino. MorHJeB'b, Mohilef. Oct^hkhho, Ostankino. Aj^kchht., Alexin. 3) (depeeHH) Ilapro.iOBa, Pargolova, Ko3.l6Bl, Kozlof. KpacK^Ba, Kraskova. 2) (cBAd) TapyTHHO, Tarootino. .leianieBa, Letachova. HsM&HJOBO, Izmailovo. Ba.iyTHHa, Valootina. Exceptions to this rule are the names of the following towns : KieBl, Ji^ef; IlCKOBi, Pleskow; XaptKOB^, Charkof; Faobi, Gdof; POCTOBI, Rostof; OpjOBT., Orlof; as also the names of foreign towns, e. g. Bep.lHHT>, Berlin, which are declined like substan- tives, having in the instrumental singular the inflection OMZ (and not blMT>). The same is the case with the names of towns in CKZ, UfK'd and 6/ as: CMOjeHCKT., Smolensk; EOwlOi^K'B, Polotsk; flpoc.iaB.lb, Yaroslavle, Sec. In such names of towns as are formed of HOez and 6TbA0, as : HoBropOAT., Novgorod; B'B.IOOSepo, BteloozerOy both the adjective and substantive are declined: G, H0Bar6p04a, B'B.iaosepa; D. HoByropoAy, Bt jyoaepy ; /. HoBLiMT.-r6po40MT,, Bs.iLiM'L-osepoMT. ; P. HoB'BropOA'B , B^.l-Boaep^ (taking also the inflection 76 in- stead of OMT)). According to the 15th paradigm (FocnoAeHt) is declined the individual possessive adjective: B65KiH, of God, n. B6;Kie,/. B6}Kia; //. B6Mh, which must not be confounded with the common possessive adjective ddjKeCKiii, divine, relating to the attributes of God. The adjective BoHtift takes also the inflections of mixed termination, as in Bo/Kte 4epeB0, sotithern wood (a plant); BoHCbfl KOpoBKa, cochineal, the lady-bird; G. B6/KBflrO 4epeBa, BoHCLeft KOpOBKH, D. BoatbeMy Aepesy, &c. Lexicology. — the adjective. Z^^ According to the i6th paradigm (CHHb) are declined the qualifying adjectives in the apocopated termination ending in h or s (neut. e, fern. R), and also those in i?/c3, «<3, Wh^ m^b (neut. e, fern, a) , remembering to change H into a and ro into y after the hissings {m, ^, lu, m). Such are: 4p^BeHb, ancient, «. ^p^BHC,/ ap^BHH. Cb'BJKI, fresh, n. CB'S^Ke, /. CB'BHca. H'cKpeHeHTi, sincere, iicKpeHHe, -chhh. PbiyKt, carroty, pbiJKe, puHC^. nop6;KeHTi, empty, nop6H«He,nop6}KHa. ropaqi., burning, ropaq6, ropaiia. 4io>K^, robust, 4I03K6, 4K)aKe, noxoiKa. Tom-b, fasting, T6me, TomA. According to the 17th paradigm (pbi6iH) are declined the jg'^engfon common possessive adjectives in m, oeiU, eeiii (neut. 6e, fem. bH), which are formed from the specific names of animals; e. g. O.i^HiB, of deer, n. OA^nhe, f. OJ^Hba. DTHqiB, of bird, 11. urimbe, /. niHqba. Co66jiH, of sable, co66Jbe, co66Jba. IIUTyiuiH, ofcock,nfiTymbe,nliTyiuba. K63iH, of goat, K63be, K63ba. Bep6jK)yKiH, of camel, Bep6JK)5Kbe, Kop6BiH, of cow, Kop6Bbe, Kop6Bba. ->Kba. OB^qifi, of sheep, OBd^be, OB^qba. .lefiawciB, ofswan, Je6aMCbe,.ie6a;Kba. MeAB-BJKlH , of bear , Me^BijKbe, Bo46BiH, of ox, B046Bbe, BO^dBba. Me/tB-taiba. Koh6b1h, of horse, KOH^Bbe, KOH^Bba. Bap^HlH, of ram, dap^Hbe, 6ap4Hba. Mymlg, of fly, Mymbe, jiyiuba. roBa/Kifi, of ox, roBaJKbe, roBa^vba. Te-iaqiB, of calf, Te^aqbe, le-iaqba. C.iOH6BiB, of elephant, c^OHoBbe, -Bba. Kjon6BiB, of bug,KJon6Bbe, K-ionoBba. Gom6b1B, of silurus, coM6Bbe, coM6Bba. BdJiiB, of wolf, B6Jqbe, BdJqba. ./iHcifi, of fox, .iHCbe, JHCba. ne.ioB-fcqifi, of man, qeJOBfcqbe, -biqba. The possessive adjective HeAoeihiiu is used M^hen appUed to man as an animal, and the adjective ueAOeihiecKiii {n. 06, /. dfl) to man as an intelligent being. EXERCISES ON THE ADJECTIVES. It is necessary to observe preliminarily that according to the rules of construction in the Russian language the adjective is usually placed before the substantive, when it does not form the attribute of the proposition; and that the verb ^0 be is commonly understood in the present. An empty pocket; the pocket is empty. A strong castle; Apocope nyCTOH KapMaHT.; {ecnib) . KpinKiu SaMOK-Lj termination. the castle is strong. A faithful servant: the servant has been BipHLiH cjyra; fibut 6* 84 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. faithful. The soft wax; the wax is soft. A quiet sleep; the MarKift bockt>; . CnOKOMHuft coht>; sleep is quiet. A worthy son; the son is worthy. A true . ^OCTOUHblU CBIHT.; . H'CTUHHMll friend; the friend is true. Perfect repose; the repose Apyri.; . CoBepiueHitLiil noKoii; will be perfect. A transparent glass; the glass is transparent. 6y4eTT> . npoapaiHbnl ctgkao; An ancient tradition; the tradition was ancient. A hot summer; 4peBHiM npeAanie; 6m.io . Ten.ibiii .liio; the summer will be hot. A blunt pen; the pen is blunt. SyACTi. . Tynofl nepo; An old hut; the hut is old. A blue paper; the paper is Bexxift xumma; . Ciniiri 6yMara; blue. New houses; the houses are new. Rich families; . HoBbiH AOMT>; {cx^nb) . BoraxbiM ceMba; the famihes were rich. Red ensigns; the ensigns Avill be red. Ob'un . KpacHbiii snaMa; 6y4yTi> Degrees of White paper; whiter paper; the whitest paper. The Neva signification. g^^^. g^^^^,^. ^^^^ is rapid, and the Volga is more rapid. The milk is (ecmb) 6bicTpbm, a Bo.ira . MoIioko liquid, and the water is more liquid. A deep brook; a deeper H{H4Kift, a BOAa . r.^y66KiH pyiefl; river. The houses are high, and the tOAvers are higher. ptKa. 40M1. [cynib) BbicoKiii, a 6auiHa Good tea; better tea; the best tea. The dogs are little; Xopomiil ^aii; . Codana Ma.abifl; the cats are less; but the mice are the least. The father is KouiKa ; HO Mbiuib/ . Oiem, young; the mother is younger; but the sister is the youngest. mojioaom; Maib/ ; ho cecipa Lexicology. — the adjective. 85 The hay is dear, and the straw is dearer. Milk is sweet; CiHO AoporoH, a co.ioMa . Mo^oko c.ia4KiH; sugar is sweeter; but honey is the sweetest of all. caxapt ; ho mgat. Some whitish paper; some reddish ink; some blackish Blitifl dyMara; dypbifl ^epHH.ia//; ^epHLifi water; the colour is bluish. A httle red cow; a little pony; BO^a; KpacKa (ecwb) GiiHiw. Bypbift KoposKa; Ma.ii,nKioma4Ka; a httle piebald horse; a poor little girl; the grey-headed n-Bria .ioma4Ka; SiAHbift ^^BO^Ka; CTapineKii man is very old ; the little old woman is very good. Very white {ecmb) CTap&ift; ciapyuiKa AoSpwil. Bi^bifi paper; the paper is very white; very dry wood; the wood 6yMara; ; cyxofl 4poBa//; is very dry. The master of the large gardens, and the mistress of the new Declension ^ . . . „ ^ ' , „ . ,„ of the full AOSflUHI. OOUIIipHLIII 0341,, II X03iIHKa HOBBIH termination. house. A glass of good water and of red wine; whole 40M'i>. CiaKaHt xopomifl B04a h KpacHLiu bhho; qi.iMH pots of pork-fat and of fir-resin. Do good ropmoKt CBHHoil ca.io 11 e.ioBbifl CMO.ia. ^AdX\ {ace.) 4odp6 to poor children and to infirm old men, and do not go 6i4HI>lil 4HTH H 4PHXJMH CiapHKl., H He X04H into the fields of others. This is the house of the Prince no {dat.) no.ie ^yacoii. Bott, {nom^ 40mt> KHa3b Dolgoruki, that is the palace of the Countess Tolstoi, and /tojropyKiil, bott, 4B0peuT> rpa$iiHfl To.ictoh, a there are the large gardens of the young Counts Zavadovski. BOTT, oSmiipHbiii ca4T> M0.W46H Tpa*!, 3aBa46BCKiu. I have admired the agreeable song of the nightingale of last year. il 4HBH.ica {dat.) npiaTHbiu ninie co.iOBeii npom.ior64HiH. 86 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. To cut a swan's quill with a blunt penknife. There are ^HHHTL (acc.) .ie6eAHHM« nepo lynofl mmuK-b. Bott> {nom.) some goose quills, some red crayons, some thick blank books, ryCHHbiii nepo, KpacHwii KapaH4am'L, TOACibui lexpaAb/ some oak-rulers, and great mathematical compasses, and here 4y66BLiu jiiHiiiKa, ii 6ojbm6u mipKyjb fn, a boti are some woollen clothes, some silk stockings, some beaver hats, cyKOHHBifi Ka*TaHi, me.iKOBbiii qyjoKi., nyxoBuii uuana, fine linen, and still finer lace. ' Love good TOHKifl no^oTHo H TOH^aHiiiiu KpyateBO. Aio6n {acc.) HenopoqHwft morals; read useful books; honour old people; HpaBT,; m\Tin{acc.) no.ieSHbiii KHHra; ^iviiacc.) crapbiil AVdm pi; praise good actions; keep the honest and faithful XBajii(rt!r. Tbi XBa.jnmb (arr.) noro^a BecenHiii, acHOCib/ of the summer nights, the coolness of autumn, and the colds j-BTHiil HOib/, npox.«a4a oceHHiii h xojoat. of winter. I esteem the celebrated men, and the illustrious siiMHifl. H yBa)KaH)(arr.) ciaBHbifi MyjKi. ii SHaMeHiixbifl commanders of ancient times. The great military manoeuvres of no.iKOB64eu^ 4peBHiH BpeMfl. Bcibiuofl ManeBpi, bt. {prep.) this year will take place at Kransnoe Selo, and on the HbiH-BuiHiii r04b 6y4y'n. ^'h{prep.) KpacHoe Ce.i6 ii Ha(/r^.) mountain of Douderhof. Fopa /^y^^^pro^CKift. Declension He has left the house of his father, and he does of the apo- r\ ■ ^ > •• ' i \ copatedter- OhT. Bbl-BXa.!!. Wd'h{gen.) 40M'b OTUeBT>, H 4'B.iaeTT, (a np64a.n. {acc) uMime Lexicology. — the adjective. 87 of his wife to the son of his brother. To visit the temples of HteHtlHt {dat.) CMHT> 6paTHHHT>. HoCfimaTb (^ the Lord and the churches of God. To resign one's self to FocnoAeHi h uepKOBb/ Bomii. IIoBHHOBaTtca [dot.) the will of the Lord, and to acknowledge the majesty of the Bojia FocnoAeHt, 11 noSHaBaib (^-rc.) Be.iHqecTBO name of God. The first Russian Grammar was written by iiMa Boadil. nepBBifi PyccKiu FpaMMaTiiKa 6sua HanHcaHa(/«j/r.) the immortal Lomonossof, and the History of Russia by ^eacMepTHMii jIomohocobT), h HcTopia PocciHCKiu {instr.) Nicholas Mikhailovitsch Karamzin. The battles against the HnKO.«aM MuxaiuoBHii KapaMSHHi). CpaHceme ct. {instr.) French were fought near Borodino and Borissof. 4>paHuy3i> np0HCX0AH.iH noA^ {instr.) BopoAHHo h noAt BopHcoBi,. I have lived at Novgorod and at Bieloozero. The villages H mimiA-h b-l {prep.) H6BropoAT> h bt> "Bt.ioosepo. ^^pesHa of the Princess Saltykof are situated near the town of Kashin. KnarHHa Ca.iTUKOBT. .leHaxt noAT> {instr.) r6po4T> KaiUHHi. There is a cloak of fox-skin, a sable- cap, a bird- nest. Declension Ti , y 'e '.o ^/.„' ..„ , of the mixed B0T1> {nom.) myOa JHCIII, COOOJIU UianKa, nraqitl TH-BSAO, termination some hare- skins, and some elephant's teeth. A pood of deer- saa^ifl M^XT> 11 cjOHOsift syfii,. flyAi, ojemfi flesh, a yard of ox- skin, and a pound of calfs brains. Do MacO; apiuHHT. BdOBifi KOHca, H *yHTT. lejaqiii M03n>. He not go on the track of a wolf, and do not enter into the den XOAH no {dat.) cA-hA-h B6.idi1, H He bxoah bt> {ace.) 6ep.«6ra of the bear. A dissertation on the man's eye, and on the MeABiacifl. PaacyHCAenie {prep.) qe.iOBiqiH rja3T>, 11 fish- head. He deals in isinglass, in ox- fat, pbi6iH ro.joBa. Oht> Topryexi, {instr.) ptidifl Kjefl, Sbi'iaqifl cajio, in goats' skins, and in cocks' combs. Kosifi uiKypa, h ntTymifl rpeSentw. QQ RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Declension The braggart is like the jay, adorned with of various ^ ^ , . , , adjectives. ABaciyHi {ecmb) noxoHciH Ha {ace.) coa, yKpaiueHHwfl {instr.) peacocks' feathers. The brother of the neighbour has arrived from iiaB.iHHift nepd. Bpait cocbaobt, npiixa.4T> H3'i> {gen.) a distant town, and the sister from a more distant village. j\iAhm\i rop04T>, a cecipa ii3i> ^a-iBiiift AepesHa. John's coat is small, but that of Peter is still HeaHOBTj n.iaiBe {ecmb) ySKift, ho {tiAdmbe) IleTpoBt {ecmb) eme smaller. The good little old woman lives in a damp ySKia. /[fit^hivi ciapyuiKa H«iBeTT> bt. {prep.) cbipofi house, situated near the village Tzaritzino. I have bought a AOMt, jejKamift noA'b {instr.) cQAO IJiapHUbiHO. H KynH.n> {ace.) cloak of bear-skin vnth a collar of beaver-skin and a my6a MeABi/Kiu ch {instr.) BopoTHiiKt 6o6pdBBift, ii cap of beaver-skin with a silk- ribbon. There is a handsome luanKa dodposbiu ct> me.iKOBLiH .leHia. Bott,(«^w.) npeKpacHBiil book with a rich binding of morocco. Where shall we KHHra BT> {prep.) 6orarBiu nepenjeii ca^fciiHHbifl. Tji,% mli find an instance of purer self-denial, of more exalted HaHAeMt npHM-Bp-L qiicTbift caMOOTBepH^eme, BsicoKifl love for the native land? AVi66^h/ K'h{dat.) oxeqecTBO? THE NUMERALS. Division of ^i. — The numerals (^ncMiejiLHtifl HMena) are numerals. ^ ^ ^ of two kinds: i) the cardinal numerals (KOJiHHecT- BGHHtia), which express the number; and 2) the ordinal numerals (nopflAOHHHfl), which indicate order or rank, and are formed (with exception of nepebiu) from the cardinals, as is seen below. Lexicology. — the numerals. 89 CARDINAL NUMERALS. ORDINAL NUMERALS. I. 04iiH'i., ti. OAHO, /. OAHa [si. nepBi)ifi,«.nepBoe,/.nepBaa, first. eduHZ, liHo, una) . . . .2. ABa, /. A'i'B BTopofl, 6e, aa, second. 3. Tpii Tpeiiri, Tl>e, TBH, third. 4. qeibipe TiexBcpTbiM, oe, aa, fourth. 5. naiB naTBifl, oe, aa, fifth. 6. mecTB mecTOH, oe, aa, sixth. 7. COMB [si. cedbMb) .... coABMOH, 06, aa, seventh. 8. BOCeMB [si. OCbMb) .... OCBMOM, 00, 3,3, eighth. 9. 4eBaTB AeBflTBifl, oe, aa, ninth. 10. AecaiB AecaiBifl, oe, aa, tenth. II. OAHHHaAiiaTB OAHHuaAuaTbiii or nepBLiii na- AecaiB nth. i2.AB'BHaAuaTB(.f/.d ceMHAec/iTbiil, oe, aa, 70th. 80. BoceMBAecaxt ocLMiMecflTLiii, oe, aa, 80th. 90. 4eBaH6cTO {si. dee/imb- AeBaHocism {si. dee/imudecH- dec/imz) nibiii) 90th. 100. CTO COTfcifl, 06, aa, hundredth. 200. ABicTH 4ByxT)>c6TbiH, 06, aa, 200th. 300. ipiicTa xpexTj-coTLifl, 06, aa, 300th. 400, qext'ipecTa ^eTbipexx-coTwil, oe, aa, 400th. 500. naTbcoTh naTHCoTtnl, oe, aa, 500th. 600. mecTLCOT'L luecTHCOTtiM, oe, aa, 600th. 700. c6Mbc6TT> ceMHcdTLift, 06, aa, 700th. 800. BOceMLCOTi ocLMHCOTbiii, 06, aa, Sooth. 900. 4eBaTLc6TT> AeBaTHCOTbiM, 06, aa, 900th. 1000. Tb'ica^a {si. mbicMiu,a) . Tb'icaqHbm, oe, aa, thousandth. 2000. AB-B Tb'ica^H AByxT>-Tb'icaqHbm, oe, aa, two thousandth. 10,000. /i.ecaTbTbicaqi(j/.m.^f«). AecaTHTbicaqubul, oe, aa, ten thousandth. 100,000. CTO TbiCfiTb .... CTOTbicaiHbifl , 06, aa , lOO- thousandth. 1,000,000. mEAAiowb .... MH^jioHHbiu, 06, aa, miUionth. * 2,000,000. 4Ba MHjjiioHa . . . AByxt-MHjfjiioHHbiH, 06, aa, two miUionth. 1,000,000,000. Tbica^a MiLi- Tbica^eMH.aj!i6HHbiii,06,aa, 1000- jiOHOBT) ' miUionth. 1,000,000,000,000. 6viAAi6m> . 6Hji.ai6HHbiH, oe, aa, biUionth. To the cardinal numerals belong the fractioiial (;tp66HLm) numerals, such as: noiiOBHHa, the half; TpeiL, tJie third; HeiBepiL, the fourth; ocLMyxa, the eighth; noiiTopa, one and a half; noJiTpeTLa, two and a half; noiiqeTBepTa , three a7id a half, &c. ; and to the ordinal numerals belong also the circumstantial adjectives ^pyroH, other, and nocJi-BAHiH, last: dpyzoii being used instead of BTopoii, second, and nocAihdni(i being opposed to nepBufi, first. Lexicology. — the numerals. 91 From the cardinal, numerals dea, mpu^ &c. as far as decfimh, as also from cmo, are formed the col- lective (co5iipaTejiLHBifl) numerals: ^Boe, ipoe, nei- Bepo, naiepo, &c., ^lecHxepo, coiepo. The following words also belong to the collective numerals: 66a (/. 66%), both; ;^B6HKa, two]. ipoHKa, three; nflTOKi., five; /tecaxoK'L, ^^^; .ztwatHna, a dozen; cothh, a hundred. The numerals oduHZ and nepebiu are also used as qualifying adjectives, and in that case take some inflections peculiar to adjectives. OduHZ takes the augmentative termination OAHHe- XOHeKT> and 04HHemeHeKT) ; and nepebiu takes the diminutive termination nepeeHLKift, as also the inflection of the superlative nepB-Bfiuiifl or caMbiii nepBLnl. 42. — As regards declension, the numerals may. Declension be considered as substantive and adjective. The numerals. substantive numerals are: copoKd^ cmo, deeRHOcmo, mtic/ma, MUAAidus, noAoeiiiia, mpemb /., nmnoKS, decAmoKS, diodicuna, &c. The gender of these, as also their declension, is indicated by their ter- mination. All the ordinal numbers, and the car- dinal odiim, are numerals adjective. All the other numerals are sometimes adjective, requiring the same case as the nouns to which they are joined, and sometimes substantive, in which occasion they re- quire the noun to which they belong to be put in the genitive case, as will be seen later. Some of the last mentioned have the inflections of nouns, while others have inflections peculiar to themselves. A general view of the declension of the numerals may be obtained from the following table. 92 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. MOOoovjo^t/,4:. u. to« •avHv >•■ a a a a °'' o o> o o« b. u u u a •5 5 ':<-^ 9 ^ ^aajaawB^ "> S S 5 ^ ^ s « p TS O 3-. O o o o o o O. »J x( Li cr ^ a o ■ ^ s o o o o a a U U 5- i. H '-i "a © o o ©OS. «' E 3 - >^ "O 0» i-l X O Opoooo© © © i. 3 "^ i. t, i. i, P =^ s = "5 . . sa a * a©©©©o©ooo o o-x s-c-wi© => o o — B* X — •>. S 35 a 5. H O H fO ra T3 ex ex 33 II n s, . B.- ©©©©oooooo T T Ja Ja H H H H H CT « f5 oi "c "q "c a > a o 3 -■ > i With respect to the iom'c accent in the declension of the numerals we may remark, that it is generally placed on the inflections of the cases, as happens in all the numerals from odiinz to decHmb, and from dedbjiamh to eoce.HbdecHmz , as also in dede , mpoe , uemeepo and other similar words. The numerals iiAinh, mecmb , &c. as far as decJimb , as also dedduamb and mptiduamb, while they are declined as feminine nouns in 6, differ from them in the accent, which is placed on the last vowel in all the cases: nnmu, nnmbw, decnmu, &c., whilst in the nouns the accent is transposed only in the prepositional case : ez censu, ez mnnu, &c. The numeral copoKZ, which is declined like nouns in z, differs from them in the accent; for no dis- syllabic noun can, without the elision of the vowel, transfer its accent from the first syllable to the inflection of the cases, as happens in c6pOKl; COpOKtt, COpOKf, &C. Lexicology. — the numerals. 93 According to the 6th and 7th paradigms (ABoe and leTBepo) are decHned the similar collective numerals; viz: 6th par.) Tp6e and Tp6H, three. UI^CTcpo and ni6cTepi>i, six. O'fioe and 660H, two. ^^caxepo and 46caTepw, ten. 7th par.) IlflTepo and naiepu, five. C6Tepo and cdiepbi, hundred. /Ifioe^ mpoe, uemeepo, &c., are used with the names of ani- mate beings of the masculine and neuter gender; and deou, mpou, Hemeepbl, &c., with the names of inanimate and abstract objects which only occur in the plural; e. g. ABoe CJ[yn>, two servants; Tpoii ^acb'l, three watches. We may still observe that 66oe had formerly a singular, the genitive, o66ezo, of which is still found in the expression: JKiiiejii o66ero no.ia, the natives of both sexes. According to the 8th and i oth paradigms (nait and naTBAeCflT'fc) are declined the similar numbers following, with the exception of eoceMb, which is declined by the 9th paradigm; e. g. 8th par.) lUecTb, six, gen. mecTH. TpH^i^aTb, thirty, ^^«.TpHA- CeMb, seven, ceMH. itaiii. [4ecflTH. 46BaTb, nine, ^eBflTH. loth par.) UlecTbAecaib, sixty, luecTH- 46caTb, ten, ^ecaiH. C^Mb^ecaib, seventy, ceMii- 04HHHaAi^aTb, eleven, oahh- <5ecaTii. Ha4^aTH. B6ceMb4ecaTT> , eighty, 4B&AD[aTb, twenty, ABa^i^aTH. ocbMH4ecaTH. The first member eocBMb of the last word is declined ac- cording to the 9th paradigm: gen. OCfcMHAeCflTH, instr. BOCeMBH)- AeCflTtH) or OCBMHAeCHTtK). According to the nth and 12th paradigms (ABiCTH and naiB- COTTj) are declined the following numerals ; viz : nth par.) TpHCTa, three hundred, ^^«. CeMbc6Ti, 700, gett. ceiHH Tpex^ COTT). [cot*. c6tt> ^eibipecTa , 400 , qexupex'b BoceMbc6TT>, 800, ocbMH c6tt>. i2th par.) UlecTbcdTT., 600, uiecTH cdiT.. 4eBaTbc6TT.,9oo,4eBaTH cdx-b. /^eibcmu (instead of dedcma) is the Slavonic dual of CTO, and was used with dea and 66a, as we shall see later. According to the 13th paradigm (nciTOpa) are declined such numerals as are formed of no.iT>, the half, with the apocopated genitive of the ordinal number, with the exception of nOA- mpenibH, which is declined according to the 14th paradigm : e. g. 94 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. IIojyqeTBepTA, three and a half, geti. no.iyqeTBepTa;yi';«. no.mexBepTbi. IIo.inflT^, four and a half, . . . nojynflTa; . . , no.maTbi. no-«uecT&, five and a half, . . , no-iyiuecTa; . . . no.iuiccTbi. IIo.T^ecflTft, nine and a half, . . . no^yaecara; . . . noj^ecflTbi. The compound numeral no.iTOpacia, a hundred and ffiy (a hundred and a half) forms no.iyiopaCTa in all the oblique cases. All these words, however, with the exception of nOAmopd and nOAmopdcma, are antiquated, and no longer used. According to the 15th and i6th paradigms (noj^eHi. and ndjir04a) are declined such nouns as are formed with the numeral UOA-h, the half; e. g. 15th p.) Il6^H0«ib, midnight.^^w. no.iy- IIo^cJdBa, halfaword,^^«. nOviycJ6Ba. HOiH. [qac&. IIOjiMHHyTM, half a minute, n04y- i6th p.) no-iqac&, half an hour, no^y- MHHyTW. no^i4HH, half a day, no-iy4H/i. IIo.iBepcTW, half a werst, no.iyBepcTbi. IIo.iBCjpii, half a pail, no^iy- IIoa+yHia, half a pound, nojy- Be4p&. ♦yHxa. We must remark that the numeral no.lt is joined to substan- tives in the genitive singular, to indicate a half, with the ex- ception of ndAdeUb and nOAHOlb, which signify the middle of the day or of the night, midday or midnight. All these nouns are declined by joining nOAy to the other cases of the simple substantive. We have still to add that nOAdeHb takes in the prepositional with no the inflection u (instead of lb); thus we say: no no.iy4HH, after noon. Such nouns as have nOAy in the nominative singular, as nojydcTpOBT., a peninsula ; no^yM'BCim'b, a crescent, are declined like simple substantives. In the compound cardinal numerals, such as : ^BaAUaiB 4Ba, twenty two; xpilAUaTL naib, thirty five; CTO lUeCTt, a hundred and six, each number is declined separately; G. ABaAUaiH AByXTi, TpiiAUaxii nsTii, cxa meciH, &c. But when they form ordinal numerals, such as : ABa^liaTb nepewfl, twenty first; CTO BTOpofl, hundred and second, the ordinal number only is declined, and the cardinal numerals remain indeclinable; G. ABaAUaxB nepBaro, CXO BXOparo. The same is the case with HddecHmb, in the compound numbers; e. g. nepBbIH-Ha4ecaXb, eleventh; BXOpoil- HaAecaxb, ttvelfth, where the first part, nepeuu, emopou, is alone declined. The other numerals follow the declension of the nouns or adjectives to which by their termination they belong. Thus Lexicology. — the numerals. 95 CopOKt, /^^(v; MHJjioHT., million; 4ecaT0KT>, tm, follow the first declensions of substantives (§ 30, gen. copOKa, MHJjlioHa, aC- CilTKa) ; CTO, a hundred^ and AGBflHOCTO, ninety, follow the second ; while 4K))KHHa, a dozen; COTlia, a hundred; Thica^a, a thousand {instr. sing. TMCflqeiO and TbicaqtH)) are declined according to the third. On this subject we must observe that the numerals c6pOK7i, cmo and deeHHOcmo only follow the declension of the substantives when they are used as nouns to express forties, hundreds and nineties, and then copOKTi and cmo have also a plural (copOKH, COpOKOBT.; Cia, COTt, &c.) ; but when they are joined to a substantive, or to another numeral, they take in the datiz/e and instrumental cases singular the inflection of the geni- tive (copOKa, Cia, AeBflHOCia), and sometimes even in the prepo- sitional, especially with another numeral. The ordinal numerals, which are all adjectives, terminating in 61W, or 6u (neut. oe, fem. an), are declined according to the full termination of the adjectives, with the exception of Tpeiifl {n. Tpeite, f. xpeiLa), third, which is declined according to the mixed termination (§ 40). The numerals d), to unite twenty two warriors. 43. — The cardinal numerals, in Russian, whenspedai rules joined with substantives follow various rules unlike numerals. those of any other language. These rules are as follows : I. Odlih^ agrees with its substantive in gender, number and case, and in the compound numerals, such as, deddUfanib oduHZ, cmo odliHd, the substantive is always put in the singular. g6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 2. The numerals dea, 66a, mpu, uemoipe (and their com- pounds as 4Ba4uaTb 4Ba, cto lexbipe, &c.), noAmopd, noA- mpenibd, and others of the same kind, when employed in the nominative or accusative, require the noun to which they belong, to be put in the genitive singular, observing that 4Ba, 66a, nOJ- TOpa, nOJipeiLfl, agree in gender with the noun. If there is an adjective, it takes the gender of the substantive and is put in the nominative plural. — With all the other numerals, from riHmb, as also with d66e, mp6e, uenieepo, nAmepo, &c., the substantive is put in the genitive plural, and if there be an adjective, it agrees with the noun or with the numeral, according to the sense of the phrase. Thus we- say: nepebie ^ea 6oAbiuie CTO^aa, tAe i-iuo first large tables; and ciu naib 6oAbmux7> CTOJOBl, these five large tables. This genitive singular, which occurs with the numerals dea, mpu, uenibipe, is simply the Slavonic dual, which was used with dea and 66a, and which has also been retained in derbcmu {si. deihmcib). The numerals mpu and uembipe were simple adjec- tives, agreeing with their substantive, while n/imb and the numerals following were considered as collective nouns, always requiring the genitive plural after them. A peculiarity of the Russian language must still be mentioned : it requires the adjective which accompanies the nouns formed of the numerals noATi (as nOJ^aca, nd.ir04a), as also the numerals nOAmopd, nOAmpembA, to be placed in the nominative plural: e. g. nepebie noj^aca, the first half hour. But in the other cases the adjective agrees with the substantive; e. g. BT> npO^OJ- JKCHie nepeazo nojyqaca, in the space of the first half hour. 3. With the numerals in the oblique cases, the substantive is always put in the plural, a) When the numerals have a gender, as : nHmoKH, dmo/cuHa, mbicnna, muaaIohz, the noun is always put in the genitive, and the same rule applies equally to copOKZ and cmo, when used in the plural, b) With the other numerals, such as: dea, 66a, mpu, lembipe, nnmb, c6poKZ, deeHHocnw, cmo, &c., the noun agrees with the numeral in case. We remark further that in words compounded of two numerals the case of the substantive is determined by the later numeral. Thus we say: CT. xpeMfl CiaMll eouHoez, with three hundred warriors, and CO Cia xpeiaa eouHamu, with a hundred and three warriors ; Lexicology. — the numerals. 97 BT. COpOKi eepcmda:Z, at forty wersts, and CopOKt COpOKOB-b lt,epKeeu, one thousand six hundred churches (forty forties). 4. With the preposition no ^ indicating the distribution of an equal quantity, the numerals d(?«, wpw, uembipe, dede, mpde, lemeepo, retain the inflection of the nominative, and then the nouh is put in the genitive singular^ but the other numerals are put in the dative (cdpoKTi, cmo and dee/lHOcmo then take their regular inflection y), and the noun is put in the genitive plural. Thus we say: no 4Ba py6AH, no naiii py6Aeu, no copoKy py^Aeu, to each tzuo, five, forty roobles. The numerals noAmopd, nOAmpembH, &c. , take also with the preposition no the inflection y of the dative, and the noun in the genitive singular: in all other cases the noun and the numeral agree; e. g. no no^yiopy py^AH, to each a rooble and a half. EXERCISES ON THE NUMERALS. Man has one tongue, one nose, two eyes, y{gen.) ^e.iOBiK'B {ecmb) oahhi. a3hiKT>, oahht. hocx, Asa oaai., two ears, two cheeks, two arms, two legs, ten fingers ABa yxo, ABa mena, ABa pyna, Asa Hora, ACCflTL najeqi. at the hands and ten toes at the feet, thirty two teeth, Ha ^rep.) pyna h AecHTB najent na nora, xpHAiiaTt ABa aydi., and seven vertebres. Leap year has four II ceML noBBOHOK'L. Bt. {prep.) BHCOKOCHfeiH TOAt {ecjub) ^eiwpe seasons, 12 months, 52 weeks and two days, or 2t^6 days, BpeMfl, 12 MicflUT), 52 HeA'B.ifl h Asa Aent m, hjh 366 Aent, or 8784 hours, or 527,040 minutes. The book has a luii 8784 qacT., hjh 527,040 Menyia. Bt, {prep.) KHHra {ecmb) hundred leaves less one. The two brothers and the two CTO JHCTB (^^^^{gen.) OAHHT>, 06a 6paTT> H 66a sisters. An hour and a half, and a minute and a half. Two cecipa. IIojiTopa qact, a nojiopa MHHyia. /t^a roobles and a half, and three kopecs and a half. py6j!& m CT> {instr.) no.iOBiina n ipn KoniuKa ct nojOBHHa. 7 98 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. The berkovetz has 10 poods; the pood 40 pounds; the B'b{prep.)6e])K0Bem>{ecmb) 10 ny4T.; bt, nyAt 40 *yHTT.; bi pound 32 loths; the loth 3 zolotniks; the pound has 96 *yHT'B 32 JOTT»; BT> AOTb 3 30J0THHKT>; BT> *yHTT> 96 zolotniks. 30J0THHKT.. Two beaver- hats, three silk-handkerchiefs, four pen- 4Ba nyxoBLiH in^nna, xpn mejKOBLm DjiaiOKT), ^exbipe nepo- knives, five cups of porcelain, and six magnificent ^HHHLiu HOHCHKT., DflTt ^auiKa *ap*6poBi.iii, H mecTB npCKpaCHUH pictures. These two black crows; these three white feathers ; KapxHHa. CIh 4Ba ^igpHtm b6poht>; ts xpu 6iAbm nepo; my four new books; these five petulant children. The MOH ^exbipe hobliu KHiira; aia naxb piSBbiH ahta. 06a two poor orphan boys, and the two unhappy orphan girls. C-BAHBifl CHpoxa, H 66a Hec^acxHMfl ciipoxa. Two servants, three workmen, four children, six ^Boe cjryra, xpoe MacxepoBou, ^6xBepo ahxh, mecxepo soldiers, two watches, three pairs of spectacles, five pairs co-i^ax-L, ABOH ^aiCblm, xpoii o^Kl^m, naxepBi of scissors. The first hour and a half. The first forty days; EOTKHUHbl/. IlepBMH nOjIXOpa 'laCT). IlepBMH COpOKT. AGHt ; the second hundred crowns, and the last thousand florins. Bxopoii cxo e^HMOKt, H HOCJiiAHiu xb'icaq^a ry.ibAeHT>. I have bought an ox and a horse, a table and fl KyniUT> OAHHT> 6bIKI. H OAHHT> AOUiaAh/, OAliHT> CXO.J'b 11 a mirror. Twenty ' one roobles, fifty one OAiiH-b 3epKajo. ^^aAiiaxb oahht> py6.ib/w, naxbAecaxi OAHH'b kopecks. The thousand one nights. A young man of thirty KonifiKa. Tbicaia h OAHH'b hoib/. MojoaoiI ^e.weiK'b xpHAuaxb one years less twenty one days. Do not judge OAHH'b roA'b 6e3'b (gen.) ABaAqaxb OAHH'b AGHb m. He cyAii Lexicology. — the numerals. 99 of a man by a single fault and by a single o (A*^-) ^ejOB-BKT. no [dat.) 04HHT. npocTynoR-B H no o^hht. error. An officer with twenty one soldiers. Peter ouiH6Ka. 0*HnepT> ct {instr:) 4Ba4naTL oahht. co^4aTT). neipi. the First and Catharine the Second reigned in the riepBMH H EKaiepHHa Biopoii napcTB0Ba.iH bi» {prep.) eighteenth century. The Swedes revere Charles XII, and B0ceMHa4qaTbm b^kt.. UIbcai yBamaioTi. Kap.n> XII, a the French have erected a monument to Henry IV. The 4>paHny3T> nociaBiuH naMaiHUK^ FeHpHXi IV. article was written on the 15th of the month of January, CiaTta 6bua micaHa (^^«.). 15 Micaiii, AHBapLw, in the year 1823, and the event relates to the VI roAi 1823, H npoiicuiecTBle othochtoh Kt (^a/.) VI century, and particularly to the year 573. BtKi., a HMeHHO Wh{dai.) rOAT> 573. A cupboard with a dozen of plates of porcelain, or IIlKan-B c'h{instr.) 4ib)KHHa lapeMa *ap*6poBMH, \\m with twelve plates of porcelain. A droshky drawn by CT> AB'BHa/tuaTb Tape.iKa *ap*6poBMH. 4pojkkh/, 3anpajKeHHBiH(««j/r.) a pair of bay horses, or by two bay horses; and a carriage napa BopoHofl .loma^b/, h.ih 4Ba BopoHofl .lomaAb ; h Kapexa drawn by six sorrel horses, or by a team of six 3anpaH(eHiiLH"i {instr.) mecTL pbiatifl jouiaAt, n^ii meciepKa sorrel horses. The town is situated a thousand wersts pb'imfl j[6ma4b. rdpoAi* A^m\rh bt> {prep.) xbicaia Bepcia from here, the village a hundred wersts, and the hamlet forty OTCiOAa, cCjIO bo cto Bepcia, a ^epeBHa bi* copoKi wersts. At Moscow there were 1600 churches, or forty Bepcia. BT,(/r^.) MocKBa 6buo 1600 qepnoBb/, HjIH c6poKi> forties of churches. I am satisfied with eighty c6poKT> i^epKOBb. H 40Bd4bCiByK)Cb {instr.) BoceMb^ecai'b r lOO RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. roobles (or with two forties of roobles) a month, i^yCAbm (hjh 4Ba copoKt py6.ib) B-h {ace.) Micayb, i. e. with 960 roobles a year. He will not live till TO ecTL 960 py6jb b^ {ace.) roAi,. Ohi ne AO»tnBeTT> ao {gen.) forty years; and she died at forty three. wShe is c6poK'B A-hTO ; H OHa yMep^ia {gen.) copoKt TpH Aino. Ona {ecmb) satisfied with forty kopecs, and she admired a AOBOJBHLIH {ins^r.) COpOKt KOnBHKa, H OHa yAlIBHjiaCb {(fa^.) hundred pictures. He cannot live on less than a CTO KapTHHa. Oht> He MomeTb npoHCHxt Mente {gen.) hundred thousand roobles a year. A town with two CTO TbIC«qa py6jl» m bt. (ace.) r0AT>. r6pOAl> CT> {ins^r.) ABa towers; a chest with six drawers; a house with forty windows; 6amHa; komoa'b ct> mecTt amHKi; ^omt. ct» copoKi. okho; a fortress with a hundred cannons; a church with five KptnocTL/ CO CTO nyuiKa; nei^KOBh / {prep.) nuTh cupolas; a house of three stories; a village with four r-iaBa; ^omi {prep.) TpH HpycT>; AepeBHH ct> {ins^r.) TeTbipe wind- mills. I love equally the two sons and the two BiTpaHbiM MejbHima. fl aio6aw) pasno oda cbih-b h 66a daughters. He has four children, and she has left five AO^b/. Oht> HMieTT. qeTBepo ahth, a ona ocTaBH.ia naTepo orphans. My brother has not been able to manage these two CHpoTa. Moil dpaT-b ne Mor'b ciaAHTb cb {inkr.) sthmh ABa restive horses. He has lived long with his five ynpflMbiH JouiaAb/. Ohi> jruai, aoato Cb {instr.) cbohmh naTB cousins german. To this million of old Prussian dpaTT> ABOwpoAHbiH. Kt> {dat.) 3T0My MHj.doHT. CTapbiil npycGKifl crowns must be added a thousand of these new roobles. e^HMOKT. HaAodHO npndaBHTb Tbicaia t-bxt. hobhh pyd.ibz«. To each a hundred roobles and forty kopecs. KaacAHH no {dai.) cio pydjb m h no {dat.) copOKi. KonifiKa. Lexicology, — the numerals. ioi Some months have thirty days Bt> {prep.) HiKOTopbifl MicauT) {ecmb) no [dat.) TpHAuait ^eHb m, and others thirty one days. In each coachhouse a Bi ApyroH no TpHAUaib gahht. aghl. Bi. [prep:) Ka/KAbia capaft there were two carriages, and in each carriage ^b'uo no(«^w.) ABa Kapeia, a m> KaacAbiu Kapeia no {nom.) three men, and' four women. To each a hundred and TpH MyacTOHa h no ^leibipe HceHmima. KajKAbift no {da^.) cto no ■ninety roobles and forty five kopecks. We AeBflHOCTO py6jb m n no c6poKT> no naib KontHKa. Y nacb have each twenty seven points. Every part of (ecmb) no {dat.) ABaAuan, no ceMb o^kh m. KaacAMii ^acib/ the work is sold at the rate of a rooble and a half of silver. co^HHenie npoAaeica no {dat.) nojxopa py6.ib m {instr.) cepedpo. By the jiiorning one must not judge of midday. During no {dat.) yipo He AMHIHO cyAHTb {prep.) nOJAGHb m. Bx {ace.) the first half day he did 'not know ' what to do. At nepBbifl nojrAHa OH-b ne snaji. ^xo A'^-^aib. Bi {ace.) four o' clock in the morning, or at five o' clock in the ^eib'ipe ^aci> no {prep.) noAVLom,/, hjh e-b naib ^acT> no afternoon. That happened during the latter half of noAjifiVLhm. 3to cjyq:iuocb bt. {ace.) noci-BAHifl n6.iroAa the year 1844. The first half hour passed quietly. During roAt 1844. nepBHH nojiaca nponupi cnoKoimo. V>'h{acc.) the space of the first half hour. I had a hundred and npoAOjacenie nepBbifl noji^aca. 3a mhok) 6buo no.iTopacTa fifty thousand roobles of annual revenue. Tb'icfl^a py6.ibw roAOBOH AOXOAt. I02 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. THE PRONOUNS. Division of the 44. — The pronouns (MtCTOHMeHia) in Russian are pronouns, (jiyided into seven kinds. 1. The personal pronouns (irnqntm) are, in the first person: fl, /; pliir, mh, we; in the second th, thaw, plur. bbi, you; and in the third person oht,, ke {fern. OHa, she; neut. OHO, it)-, plur. ohm, they {fern. PH-B, they). There is in Russian another personal pronoun, which is applied to all the three persons and both numbers, and which is used when the action of the object returns on the agent : e. g. a ce6R 3Haio, / know myself; th ce6H, 6epeHieinb, thou takest care of thyself; mbi ce6k o6MaHi>iBaeM'L, we deceive ourselves. This is called the reflected (B03BpaTHoe) personal pronoun. When the reflected pronoun is used at the end of tjie verbs, it is contracted into CR or cb; e. g. 40MT> CTpOHTCfl, the house is being built; H MOlOCb, / wash myself (instead of CTpOHTt cedA^ MOH) ce6R). 2. T\iQ possessive ^vonouns (npHTaacaTejLHEifl) are, in the first person: moh, my or mine; nanit, our or ours; in the second person: tboh, thy or thine: Baiui), your or yours; and for all the three persons: the reflected cboh, my^ thy, hisy our, your, their. In Russian there is no possessive pronoun for the third person: its place being supplied by the genitive of the personal pronoun: ero, of him or his; en, of her or her; hxt>, of them or their; e. g. fl (ihlXh y ez6 dpaia , / have been to his brother [to the brother of him) ; fl 3HaH) eA My}Ka , / know her husband {the husband of her); fl 3TQ Ai^aio A^a UX'5 j^-him, I do that for their children {for the children of them). 3. The demonstrative pronouns (yKaaaxeiiBHLifl) are: cen, aiOTT., ohlih, this; tot'l, that; laKon, TaKOBOH, TOJiHKiH, such or such an one. Lexicology. — the pronouns. 105 4. The relative pronouns (oTHOCHieiiLHHfl) are: KTO, who or he who; hto, which or that which; KOToptiH, KOH, who; KaKOH, KaKOBOH, KOJiHKm, who or he who; Hen, whose; ckojilko, how much or so much. 5. The interrogative pronouns (BonpocHTGJifcHHfl) are the same as the relative. 6. The determinative (onpe;i'£jiHTeJiLHi)ia) or am- pliative (jtonoJiHHTeJiBHfcifl) pronouns are: caM-B, caMLiH, self; bgcl, all\ KaaijtBiH, BCflKm, each. To this class belong also the numerals oahht., a single one or one only, and 66a, both. The pronouns caM^ and caMbiu have the same meaning^ but the former is used with the personal pronouns and with the names of animate objects, the latter with the demonstra- tive pronouns and the names of inanimate and abstract objects: e. g. a caMl>, myself; OHT> caMT>, himself; caMOro ce6H, on^s self; Oiei^l caMT>, the father himself ; TOTT> caMLlH, cefl caMblfl, the very same; caMaa CMepiB, death itself The pronoun caMblH before a qualifying adjective expresses the superlative (§ 38. 3). 7. The indefinite pronouns (Heo^pe;^'6JIeHHBIa) are : iiiKTO, somebody; Hinxo, something; hhkto, nobody; HHHTO, nothing; kto jih6o, kto HH6y;tB, kto-to, kto HH ecTB, whoever; ^to jih6o, hto HH6y;tB, hto-to, HTO Hii ecTB, whatever; Yi%mii, HiKaKifi, H-BKOTopBiH, KaKOH-TO, some; hh KaKoM, mi KOTopBiH, hh ojsjiwh, not any J none; ;?pyr6H, hhoh, nponifi, other; ctojibko, as much, as far; H'BCKO.ibko, some; MHoro, much; MaJio, little; ^pyr'B ^pyra, each other; tot'b ii ^tpy- roH, the 07ie and the other; bchk'B, each. 45. — The pronouns are either substantive or adjective, i) The j'/z^^^/^/^/^W pronouns are : n, mu, OHd, ce6H, Kmo, nmo, ummo, uibmno, uuKmo, Huumo, I04 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. p vp 00-vjocrx-f.o. ^^r' SKOiavavj >| S S « ?. 5 of •* ' S s 11 3.8 n 3 2 § ^ O M O :£ o w IsC d !>3 if r 3 bJ o' =» O W BJ ft) SL 5 5 . 5 ■=* 3 - <^ P- S 55- ^ ;? S s 2^ 3 5 2 5 11 S g ^1 5 5 ■I § B- ^ B- B- III I if \ h <:^ ri p PS -^ _ o o =. e? bH B^ i&r 5 5 > J > p« 5- 1 i> I 8^ The iom'c placed on the accent in the declension of the pronouns is , with some rare exceptions, terminations of the cases, as is seen in the accompanying paradigms. Lexicology. — the pronouns. 105 of which one only {om) has all the three genders; ce6A, Kmo, nmo are the same in both numbers, and ce6R has no nominative. 2) All the other pronouns are adjective, and like the adjectives they have three genders, two numbers and seven cases, and agree with the substantive to which they belong. 46. — The substantive pronouns are declined in ^^oJ^j'h^^" a peculiar manner as will be seen later. Those of p''°"°""^- the adjective pronouns which end like the adjectives, in hiu and iii (or 6\£) ^ fem. afb, neut. oe, such as: Komopbiu, omiu, cdMhiu, KdJicdhiu, maKoem, ecAhiu, are declined according to the 1st and 2d paradigms of adjectives (§ 41); while such as have a termina- tion differing from that of the adjectives, such as: Mou, Haiu5, cams, ceu, also maKou and KaKou, are declined in a particular way. The following observations on the declension of pronouns are necessary, 1. The oblique cases of the pronoun of the third person (3d paradigm) take the euiDhonic letter H, when they are pre- ceded by a preposition; e. g. y nero, to him; k'B HeMy, towards him; CL Heio, with her; HeMX, of him; 6e3T> HHX'L, without them, &c. But thi^ addition does not take place when the genitive ez6^ en, UX'5, serves as a possessive pronoun; e. g. BT. ez6 AOM-B, in his house; kt> UX'd DOJta-B, to their advantage. — The genitive singular feminine of this pronoun sometimes takes the inflection of the accusative; e. g. a ee He 81143.11. (instead of eA), I have not seen her; y nee (instead of y HBR), to her, and this inflection is sometimes contracted: y ueii. 2. According to the 5th and 6th paradigms (kto and ^ito) are declined the pronouns compounded from Kmo and nmo; e. g. HHKTO, nobody; hh^TO, nothing; HiKTO, KTO nwdJAh, KTO Alido, Kt6-T0, so?nebody; nilTO, ^ITO llHdy4I>, ^ITO jh6o, ^ITO-TO, something; remarking that, if there be a preposition with HUKmo and HUimo, it is placed between the particle «m and the pronoun; Io6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. e. g. HH y KOro, to tiobody; hh Kt ^BMy, to nothing; hh 3a qio, for nothing; HH CT> K"BM1., with nobody; and also observing that the parts Hu6y^b^ Au6o and mo are invariable. 3. According to the 7th paradigm (MOfi) are declined the pronouns TBOfl, thy; CBOil, his y and kom, who^ observing that this last is not used in the nominative and accusative singular of any of the genders, and that it has the tonic accent in all the cases on the first syllable (Koero, k6h, k6hxi>, &c.). Its compound HiKiw, some, is declined in the' same manner in the singular; but in the plural it takes the inflections of the ad- jectives: N. H-BKie, /. Hinia; G. H'Bkhx'b, D. HiKHMT>, &c. 4. According to the 8th paradigm (naiin.) is declined the pronoun Bamt, your. 5. According to the i6th paradigm (naKOU) are declined xaKOM, such; H-BKaKift, some, and jJiaKift, such an one. 6. The other pronouns which have the adjective termination biu and m or dU (fem. a/l, neut. oe), such as: OHtlfl, caMMH, BCaKlH, 4pyr6i1, HHOM, KaKOBOfl, laKOBofl, are declined ac- cording to the 1st and 2d paradigms of the adjectives (S 41). The pronouns KaKOBOH and laKOBOii have also the apocopated termination: Kah'dez and maKoez. In the pronoun 4pyn> Apyra, each other, which is used for the three genders and both numbers, the first part remains indeclinable, while the second is declined like a substantive; G. 4pyn> 4pyra, D. 4pyn. 4pyry, A. ^pyn. 4pyra, T. 4pyn. ApyroMi., P. 4pyn. Apyrs. The pronouns caM'L-4pyn., two together; caMl-Tpeieu, three together, &c. , are indeclinable and are used for all the three persons, the three genders and both numbers. 7. The pronoun ecflK^ is used instead of ecRKiu ueJloeibK^, but only in the masculine singular. The pronouns CKOAbKO, cmOAbKO, HJhCKOAbKO, have in the singular, besides this ter- mination which serves both for the nominative and accusative, only the dative in j^ with the preposition wo (no CK6.lI>Ky, &c.); and in the plural they have only the genitive, the dative, the instrumental and the prepositional cases (Ck6jlkhxt>, CKOJB- KHMl, CKOJIBKHMH, &C.). 8. OdUHZ (parad. 15) is both a numerative and a determi- native pronoun. The same is the case with the Slavonic word Lexicology. — the pronouns. 107 eAHHT. («. e^HHO, /. e^HHa), which is used in an elevated style, and which is declined in the singular like an adjective of the full termination: G. GAHHarO , eAHHOH; D. eAHHOMy, &c.; but in the plural it takes the apocopated form: eAHHW, BAH- HMXt, eAHHblMl. • EXERCISES ON THE PRONOUNS. I love thee, and thou offendest me. We esteem him, Personal , pronouns. fl jh)6jIH) TBI, a TBI o6HHtaeim> a. n ysajKaeMt ohi, as to her, we love her sincerely. I have much money, a OHT. fl jk)6hmt> AyuieBHO. y(^^.)>i(^c/n6)MH6ro AeHBrH, and thou hast not a penny. Protect him, and a ^^gen>i TBI H-BTT, HH {gen.) KOn-BHKa. SaCTyDHCb 3a(ar^.)0HT,, H depend upon her. Take a seat with me, and come noHaAiacfl Ha(«r^.) oht.. IIochah z-hiinstr.) a, h npexoAii with him. Tell her, to come to me. Without CT> (?>M/r.) OH-B. CKaJKH OHT>, ^T06 OHt npHUUa KO(d?la!/.)a. Be3T.(^^.) him, without her and without you, life is wearisome to me. OHT), 6631. OH-B H 6631. TBI, HtH3HL (ec/W6) CKy^HBIH fl. I do not see them, and I will do every thing for them. fl He BHHcy OH-B, a fl z^%^^^Q Bce AA'n.{gen.) oh^b. We esteem you, and you have forgotten us. Depend fl yBaJKaeM-B tbi, a tbi aadbUH a. ByAB yBipem. on me; I will speak of thee. It is agreeable to me BOip-ep.) fl; fl norOBOpK) {prep.) TBI. {ecmb) HpiflTHO fl to be with her. I do not trust myself, and thou art 6bitb cb {ins^r.) OHT>. fl He AOBtpflFO ce6fl, a tbi {ecu) contented with thyself. We take care of ourselves, and they AOBOAhubiii {ins^r.) ce6fl. fl SepBHteM-B ce6fl, a oht> do themselves harm. ce6fl BpeAflT-B. Io8 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Possessive My brother, thy sister and his son have studied together. pronouns. ,, „ ^ „ ^ Moil opaTT>, TBOii cecTpa h OHt cmht> y^Hjncb bmsct-b. I try to be agreeable to your master and to our H cxapaiocB yroAHXt BamT> ymneAhm h Haiiit inspector. My house is more beautiful than thine, and CMOTpHTe.iL m. Moil AOMT> {ecmb) KpacHBLiH {£-en.) TBOH, a thy dog is less than mine. I live without them, TBOM co6iK3i {ecmb) miAbiii {^en.) Moii. fl acHBy 6e3T>(^rej>.) cBoii j-bto. IIoAoflAH Kiiidai.) my table, and give some money to thy sister. We talk MOH CTO.!!., H HOAapiI (^m.) AeHbril/ TBOfl CCCTpa. H rOBOpHMl about our affairs, and you occupy yourself with your lesson. {/>rej>.) CBOH jyhAO, a tm saHHMaeTecfc (insfr.) cboh ypoK^. Study is bitter, but its fruits are sweet. Thy gardens y^eHie(6c/w6) ropLKifi, ho oht> nj04i> (cj^wft) CA&A^m. Tbom caAT> are superb; I admire their beauties. {cymb) npeKpacHbifl; a yAHBJfliocL oht. (aT.^z/.) Kpacoxa. Demonstra- Dost thou see this dog and this cat, these men and ^noun's? BhAHUIL AH BTOTT. C06aKa H STOTI. KOTT), 3T0TT. JIIOAH Z» H those trees? In these countries there is no gold; and T0T1> AepeBO? Blyiprep.) 3T0TT> ^BMAK HtTT, (^m.) 36.10TO; H in those no silver. I have heard that from Bt ijirep.) TOTT> HtTT> {^en.) Cepe6p6. fl CAblUldiA'h aTOTT> OTT> (^ KaMeHHbifl; tott. yjima ySKifl. Tbkoh rjaat are piercing; such actions do not do honour. (c;^m6)npoHHLiaTejbHMft; xaKofl a'B^o He npHHocaii. (^ ^ {gen^ KTO {ecmb) MttOTOigen.) A-kjlO, does not think of pleasures. Learn that which He AyMaeii {prep.) sadaea. Y^njech {da^.) toti>, {ge;i.) you are ignorant of. Here is cloth like that of which I ^TO TLI He SHaexe. BoT-h [nam.) cyKHo xaKOH, KaKofl a bought some. Such was the chief, such were the soldiers. KynHj[T>. KaKOBOH Chwb Boenaqa.ibHHK'L, laKOBOH h bohh-l. That is the friend, in whose hands is my destiny. BoTTi {nam.) Apyri,, B'b{j>rep.) ^efl pyKa(ecm6) moh cyAb6a. Listen to those in whose house thou hast lived, CjymaHca (^m.) tott>, vh{prep.) ^efl jyowh tbi umA'h. no RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. There is a book {of those) such as there are few of, and BoTT, KHiira (M5g gen. maKoU), {gen.) KaKofl {ecmb) Majo, h an opportunity like those are rare. cjyiaii KaKOBOil {cynib) piAKiii. Interroga- What o'clock is it, and at what o'clock wilt tive pro- ti- ' ^ , nouns. KOTOptlH qaCT> {eCfJlb), H BT> {prep.) KOTOpMM ^SiCb thou come? With what books dost thou occupy thyself, and npiHA^nib? {instr.) KaKoil KHrira aaHHRiaeiubca, ii what people live here? Under what chief KaKOfi JIOAH m HCHByiX 34'£CI> ? UOATy {instr.) KOTOpblfl HaqajfcHHKt dost thou serve, and what language dost thou learn? Whose TM CAymwmh, ii {dat.) KaKoii hsbikt. tm yqauiBca? ^eii are these houses? By whose permission hast thou {cymb) 3T0TT> AOMX? Ct. {gen.) qeii nosBOjeme th BMuieji, gone out? I have not seen whose hat has been thrown CO ABopa? fl He BHAajT>, ^efl uuflna 6p6cH.iH to the ground. I do not know with whose children she Ha {ace.) no.n>, fl ne SHaio, ct. {instr.) qea ahth oht> is walking. About what dost thou trouble thyself, and ry.iaex'b. {prej>.) ^to tm 3a66THUiF,cfl, h in what way have I deserved thy friendship? On what {instr.) ^TO fl 3acJ[yHtH.ai> TBOH 4pyHc6a? Ct {instr.) TTO can one congratulate thee, and from whom hast thou MOSKHO n034paBBTfc TM, H OTI. {gen.) KTO TBI received this money? How many wersts are there no.jy^HJT> 3T0TT> AeHLrH/? Cko^bko {gen.) Bepcxa {ecmb) ott> from this town to that? Of how many volumes {gen.) 3T0TT. ropOAl. AO{gen.) TOTT>? H3l.(^m.) CKOjIbKO TOMT. is this work composed? How many roobles ceft co^HHeme coctohtt>? Ho {dot.) ckojibko {gen.) py6jL m will fall to you to each of this profit? AOCTaHeTCH TBI m'b{gen.) aTOTT> npH6BUB/? Lexicology. — the pronouns. hi Thou thyself wilt be of my opinion: the sound even of his Determina „ , ,. . <■ ^ tive pro- Tbi caMT> corjacHniBca cl {mstr.) a : seyK-B caMLiu oht> nouns. voice is agreeable. I take this appartment of the r6j[0CT> (ecmft) npiHTHtift. H HaHHMaio cefl KBapiripa ^ {gen.) proprietor himself. Vices themselves find with you an X03flHHT> CaMX. IlopOKI. CaMHH Hax64aTT. ^{gen.) TM excuse. He always speaks of himself. You are H3BHHeHie. Oht. BcerAa roBopHTt (/r^.) ce6a caMx. lh\[ecme) discontented with yourselves. We have seen her herself. HCAOBOwifcHbifi (/«j/r.) ce6a caMt. H bhaxjih oht> caMx. Death itself is not frightful. We all content ourselves CMepTi>/caMMH(ecw6)HecTpamHMH. H Becb A0B6.ii,CTByeMca with our only salaries. So think women alone. We {insir.) OAHHT> HCa.iOBaHte. TaKX AyMaK)TT> JKenmHUa O^HH'L. H two will serve God alone. In each assembly 66a xoTHMT> ciyacHTt {dat.) Bon> eAHHt. Bx {prep.) Kaac^Mfl co6paHie there were citizens of both sexes. They are scattered 6b\Ayi rpaHc^aHHHT. 66a nojn.. Ohx {cynib) pascBaHti in all the world. One must accustom one's self to no {dai.) Becb cb-btx. Ha4o6HO npHBLiKaxt kx {dat.) every food. bcMh niima. There is hot anybody here; do not ask help of Indefinite HtTT) (^m.) HHKTO 3A-BCi>; He npocH(^^/«.) n6Momb/y(i^^.) P"^""^*^""^' anybody. Thou eatest nothing, and that serves no HHKTO. Tbi He xuib {gen.) hhtit6, h aioTT. He ro4HTca Kh{dat.) purpose. Learn something, and say that to somebody. HHqT6. Y^\iCh{dat.) qxo HH6yAb, H cKajKii aT0TT> KTo Hn6y4b. I will not sell my house for any thing in the world, and H He Y\'^OxkWh{gen.) CBOfl jyOWh Sa {ace.) HH^ITO, H you have sold yours for a mere nothing. Of nothing TBI np64a.^H CBOii 3a hh^to. H3t> {gen.) hhito 112 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. one can make nothing. During the space of some He CA-B.iaemt (^^O hhtto. Bt> {ace.) le^eHie HtCKOJibKO months he has bought every day some Mic/mi, OHt noKyna.ii> eaceAHeBHO no {da/.) HicKO.ii.KO (£en.) hundreds of peasants. CTO Ayuia. The two sisters speak badly of each other. The 06a cecTpa roBopait aypho ^pyrt o {pr^.) 4pyn.. Englishmen and the French detest each other. We are AHrjH^aHHHT. H paHi^y3T. HenaBH^aTi 4pyn. 4pyra. fl going to take a walk with one another. These houses xoAHMT. ry.iiiTi. ^pyrt C'b{msir.) 4pyrt. Cefl 40mt> are situated one behind the other. The boards are thrown .leacaTt oaiiht. sa {ms/r.) Apyrofl. 4ocKa {cymb) HadpdcaHBi one with another. OAHHT. CT> {ins/r.) Apyroft. THE VERB. Division of 4pr. — The verds (rjaroiiH) of the Russian language are divided, according to their meaning, into four classes, which are called voices (saiiorn), viz: 1. The active verbs (;t1iHCTBHTeJiLHHe), such as: jlijiaTh, to make] jik)6htl, to love; mmtb, to wash; o^tBaiL, to clothe. 2. The pronominal verbs (MtCTOiiMenHBie), formed of active verbs by means of the reflected pronoun CR, contracted from ce6R. These verbs are: oi) re- flected (B03BpaTHne), as : Mbixtca, to wash one's self] o;t1iBaTLCfl, to dress one's self; B) reciprocal (B3aHM- Htie), as: o5HHMaTLCfl, to einbrace each other] ccopiiTLca, to dispute with each other ; and c) com- mon (66iii,ie), which with the termination of reflected Lexicology. — the verb. 113 and reciprocal verbs have an active or neuter mean^ ing, as: 6oflTLCfl, to fear-, CMtflTLCfl, to laugh. 3. The ;2^///^^ verbs (cpeAHie), as: cnaxt, to sleep; CTOflTB, to stand. To this class also belong the inchoative (Ha^HHaxeJiLHHe), as: ^%A%Th, to whiten, become white-, coxHyxL, to dry, become dry. Among these verbs two are to be distinguished from the rest; viz: the neuter verb 6hti,, to be, and the in- choative CTaiB, to become, which help to form and conjugate the other verbs, and which on that account are called auxiliaries (BcnoMoraxeJiLHHe). 4. The passive verbs (cxpaAaxejiLHue), as : 6Lixt jik)6hmbim'l, to be loved; 6bixi> no^HxaeMHM'L , to be venerated; ;t'BJio CA'BJiaHO, the thing is accomplished. The reflected voice is often used in the passive sense, especially when applied to inanimate objects, e. g. A'BJO A'BjaeTCa, the thing is being accomplished; jifSWh CXpoHTCH, the house is being built. 48. — The principal inflections of the Russian infl verbs are: tense (speMa), aspect (Bii;t'L) and mood (HaKJroHeme) , and the secondary inflections are: person (jTHi^e), 7iumber (^hcjio) and gender (po;i;x). 49. — The tenses of the Russian verbs are only Tenses. three in number: i) the present (nacxoamee Bpeaia); 2) the preterit (npomeAinee), and 3) the future (6y;tyii];ee), as: a ^Hxaio, I read; a ^Hxaii'L, I have read; a 6yAy ^iixaxt, / shall read. 50. — Though the Russian verbs have only Aspects these three tenses, they have other inflections to indicate duration, accomplishment, reiteration, or other circumstances accompanying the action. These shades, or varietes of meaning, to which the Russian grammarians have given the name of aspects or 8 ections of the verb. 114 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. degrees, are expressed by a change of termination or by means of the prepositions. The prepositions, being joined to verbs, form the prepositional (npe;i;ji6jKHi>ie) verbs, while such as have no preposition are termed simple (npocTbie) or a-prepositional. This division of the verbs has an influence on the number and nature of their aspects. The following are the aspects of the Russian verbs. I. The imperfect aspect (HecoBepineHHBifi bh/i;^), which indicates that the action is being, has been, or will be performed without intimating, whether it is or will be finished; e. g. a ^ijiaio, / make; a jt-BJiaiii), / was occupied to make; a 6y;ty ^ti.iaTB, I shall make; a npocMaipHBaio, I examine, a npocMa- xpHBajTB, / set abotit examining; a 6yAy npocMa- TpiiBaxB, / shall examine. This aspect is subdivided into definite and indefinite. a) The definite (onpe^ttjreHHBiii) imperfect aspect indicates that the action is performed at a given moment: e. g. nxHiiia Aemiimz, the bird flies [is flying now) ; 3aem> 6bidicuim, the hare runs {is run- ning at this ino7nent). b) The indefinite (Heonpe;i;'£jieHHLiH) imperfect aspect expresses the action in an indeterminate manner, without reference to the time when it is performed, and also indicates that the acting person is accustomed to perform, or has the power of performing the action: e. g. nTimti Aemdiomd, the birds fly {have the power of flying) j 3aHii.Bi dmiarnm, the hares run {are accustomed to run). The definite and indefinite meaning of the imperfect aspect is not marked by any particular inflection, except in the case of verbs which express movement or change of place. The Lexicology. — the verb. 115 other verbs, having properly speaking only the indefinite imperfect aspect, take the definite meaning without changing their termination; e. g. Bacii^iu lenept nbemz KBaCB, BasU is now drinking kwass; Baciijia ubemT, h KBact h BOAy, ^iTO nona- vieTCfl, Basil drinks both kwass and water , whichever happens to be there. 2. The perfect aspect (coBepuieHHBifi), which in- dicates that the action has been, or will be entirely finished; e. g. a Cj^i^iaJi'L , / have made, 1 have finished; a c^'B ^aio , / shall make, I shall finish making; a npocMOxpBJi'L, / have entirely examined; a npocMOipH), / shall finish examining. This aspect is subdivided into aspect of duration and aspect of unity. a) The perfect aspect of duration (^JiHTeJiLHHH) indicates that the action has been^ or will be per- formed by many movements, and has had or will have any duration; e. g. nTHii;ti ehiKMedJiu ewy rJiasa, the birds have put out his eyes with beak- strokes; a nponoH) nicHio, / shall sing over this air. b) The perfect aspect of unity (o/^HOKpaTHHfi) indicates that the action has been, or will be per- formed only once, and has lasted only a moment; e. g. a sweHyAd, I have yawned, I have made a yawn; OHt mpdnemd eme pas'L same x.o[a;5Hoe ceipjme, he will once more touch your insensible heart; nTHii;a euKJiwuyjia eMy r.ias'L, the bird has put out to hiin an eye. 3. The iterative aspect (MHoroKpaTHBiii) , which indicates that the action has been performed re- peatedly, and that it is long passed; e. g. b'l MOJio;tbia Jiixa a oicuedAd b'l ;i;epeBH'fe, in my youth I often lived in the comitry. 8* Il6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. On the subject of these aspects we have to make the following observations: 1. They are never all found in a single verb, as we shall see later. We merely observe in this place that the imperfect^ perfect of unity and iterative aspects are found in the simple verbs, while the perfect of duration is met Avith in the pre- positional and some few simple verbs, enumerated further (S 65. 8). The aspects of a simple verb are generally distin- guished in the following manner: the definite imperfect aspect is found in verbs signifying movement; e. g. d'Bry, I run (am running now); HAy, I go {am going at this moment)', the aspect perfect of unity is found in verbs which designate a physical action of men or animals, arid ends in Hymb (preterit HyJl^y future Hy)\ e. g. marnyTb, to take a step; KamjaHyib, to cough once; the iterative aspect usually ends in hwavfib or ueartib (preterit hieaJVb or ueajih): e. g. A'B-«blBajT>, he usually made; rOBapHsajt, he said at different times. The other simple verbs, which have not these distinctive characters, are of the indefinite imperfect aspect. All these properties of the verbs will be examined subsequently (SS 59 — 65). 2. The prepositions are particles which are joined to verbs to communicate to them the meaning of the completion of an action: e. g. ^'B-^axL, to make, and c^ijiaTB, to finish makings to have made; iiHCaTb, to write; and Hamicaifc, to finish writing, to have written; and also to give them a particular meaning; e. g. XOTHTt, to go, and BXO^htl, to go in; bOCXOAhtl, to go up; BbixOAHTB, to go out; AOXOAHTL, to go up to, to attain, &c. 3. The aspects have not all the same number of tenses; the imperfect aspect is used in all the three tenses; the perfect is employed in the preterit and future, while the iterative is met with only in the preterit. Moods. 51. — The Russian verbs have only three moods, viz: i) the mdicative (ns-LABHTejifcHoe HaKJioHeHie), e. g. a xoHty, / walk; mm ryjiajiH, we have taken a walk, BBi 6y;^eTe yHtiinaTL, you will sup; 2) the imperative (noBe.iHTe.iLHOe), e. g. xo/^H, walk; noH- ;^eMTe, let us go; ryjiflHTe, take a walk; and 3) the Lexicology. — the verb. 117 infinitive (HeoKOHHaieJiBHoe), e. g. xo;^MTB, to walk; ryjiflTB, to take a zualk; yHvHHaTt, to sup. — The in- dicative is the only mood which is found in all the tenses and all the aspects, the infinitive has inflections for the aspects, but has no tenses, as is also the case with the imperative, except that it is not used in the iterative aspect. The conditional (npe4n0J[0JKHTej[bH0e) and subjunctive (coCJiara- Te.lLHOe) moods of other languages are expressed in Russian by the preterit of indicative with the particle 6u; e, g. a OlceJldJl'b 6bl "BXaXb , / should wish or / should have wished to depart; a 6hi He ^yMajiX)^ mi^6bi bbi 3to cdihAaAU, I should not have believed that you would have done that. 52.— The indicative and imperative of the Russian ^^J^^°^|'^^ verbs have further: i) three inflections for ikvo. per- ganders. sons, e. g. HiiTaH), / read; HHTaemt, thou readest; ^iiTaeT'L, he reads; 2) two for the numbers; ^H- Taio, / read, and HHTaeMij, we read; ^HxaeinB, thou readest, and HiiTaeie, you read; HiiTaext, he reads, and HHiaiOT'L, they read; HHxaii, read, and HHTaiiTe, read {yozt) ; and 3) in the singular of the preterits, three for the genders, e. g. yneHHE'L HumdA5, the school-boy read; jiiixa numcLAO, the child read; cjyjKanKa numdjia, the maid read. The preterit of the Russian verbs is nothing but the past participle, in the apocopated form, joined to the substantive verb, which participle, like the attributive adjectives, was used, in the ecclesiastical Slavonic, in the apocopated termination, and with the three genders, e. g. 033 ecMb CdmeopUAZ, I have created; UMihAa ecu, thou hast had (in speaking to a woman). In Russian the auxiliary verb is unterstood, and we say: a COTBOpi'u'B, TBI HMija , and on this account the genders have become an inflection *of the preterits. There are some verbs which are only used in the third person singular, without expressing the person either by a Il8 • RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. noun or a pronoun, and which for that reason are called impersonal (6e3JiiqHbie). These verbs have only the neuter in the preterit; such are: HtTT., there is not {pret. He dbMO, fut. He 6yAeTT)); pasCB-BiaeiX, // begins to dawn {pret. paSCB-BJO, fut, paSCB'BTeTTj) ; XO^eiCfl, the mind takes [pret. XOTSJEOCL). Forms deriv- ^^-^ — 'J'q complcte our examination of all the parts verb. Qf tj^e Russian verbs, we will still add the forms which are derived from them; these are: i) the participle (npiiHaciie), 2) the gerund (^'feenpHHaciie), and 3) the verbal noun (oTrjiarojiBHoe hmh). 1. The participles, as parts of the verb, have voice, aspect and tense; and as adjectives, gender, number and case. As regards voice, they are ac- tive, neuter or pronominal, and passive; they have the same number of aspects as the verbs from which they are derived; but they have only two tenses, the present and the preterit. 2. The gerunds are simply verbal adverbs, which are formed from the active and neuter participles and can take the different aspects of the present and preterit. 3. The verbal nouns are abstract nouns which being derived from the infinitive, indicate the par- ticular action, expressed by the aspect, from which they are formed; e. g. 6iraHie, an habitual run- ning; pa36iiBaHie, a defeat; pa36HTie, a complete defeat (from the infinitives 6mamb, pa36a6dmb and pa36umh). Conjugation. 54. — The changing of the inflections of the verbs in order to indicate the moods,* tenses, numbers, persons and genders, is called conjugatio?i (cnpa- atenie) ; and the verbs are divided, according to the Lexicology. — the verb. 119 manner in which they are conjugated, into regular (npaBiiJiLKLie) and irregular (HenpaBiiJiBHLie). i) The regular verbs are such as have a polysyllabic infini- tive, ending in W2& preceded by a vowel; e. g. ;^'BiIaTL^ to make-, ryjiflTB, to take a zvalk; iim-btl, to have; rOBOpHTL, to speak; kojiotb, to sting; TflHyxfc, to draw; xepeTt, to rub. 2) The irregular verbs are such as have a monosyllabic infinitive, ending either in mb preceded by a consonant, or in nh, mil and uiu; e. g. 6htl, to beat; 6paTL, to take; cjilitl, to pass for; BecTB, to conduct; rpH3TB, to gnaw, H/tTH, to go; cfeHB, to cut. — The following remarks on the conjugation of verbs are important. 1. Each aspect of a verb, having necessarily an infinitive, is conjugated separately, without being mixed up with the other aspects of this verb. 2. The infinitive in verbs is the same as the nominative in nouns: this mood is the direct form, whence all the others, called the oblique^ are derived. It ends in mb (seldom in «6, 3. The present, which is only found in the imperfect aspect (either definite or indefinite), ends, in the first person of the singular, in w or j^ (very rarely in M'h and Mb). 4. Th.Q preterit, which is found in all the aspects, ends in Jl'5 and sometimes in 3 (neut. AO, fem. Aa; plur. AU). 5. The future has no particular inflection: in the imperfect aspect (either definite or indefinite) it is formed by the help of the auxiliary verbs ^ydy or cmdHy, joined to the infinitive; and in the perfect aspect (either of duration or of unity) this tense takes the form of the present. 6. The imperative, which is found in all the aspects, except- ing the iterative aspect, ends, in the second person singular, in u with the accent, or, without accent, in u after two or three consonants, in b after one consonant and in u after a vowel. I20 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. CONJUGATIONS OF REGULAR VERBS, 1 -" H FIRST O m W o <" w ^ H 2 JSt 2^ a'-'^ ^th «/ 2d ^ branch. branch. branch. branch. branch. branch. /-■'■> f- -^ ~s r "^ '' ^ '^ "• '' "> H , C BTb tf B «*Tb « 6 5 7i § HTb aTb oeaib eeaTb g flTb 1 aib •BTl o 0Tb «^^^«aTb ;4 S g i: n n '^ " 1 HTb > ^ f ( .. r^ an, yio loio AH) H) *H) K) K, AVi 410 H ,gUu aenib yenib roenib >ieiub euib •Benib HQIb enib Huib 4emb Ij^ ^om aerb yeTi H)eTT> aeii eii teiT, HT-b erb HTT> 461^ « ^ .MH acMi ycMi 'loeMT, RCWh eMT. teMi HM^ CM-b HM-b 4eM'b . !{«« aeie yeTC roeie HeTe eie •fiCTe Hxe ere HTe 4eTe l^ U«« aiorb yiOTl IOK)Tl AIOT'b lOTl tWT'b KCh H)Tl HT-b 4K)TT. t4 ( '■* m. n. f. aJi, 0, a > < OBaJi CBa-ii fl^i flji -BJl X^A-b 041 (HAT, {*4* ^-^^ 2< Q a^H oBa^H eBa.iB H.IH a^H u.m rum QAM. f ^= a4H 1— 1 ( ',^|»« 6yAy -^ cT&ny ^ a ■ 6yAemb CT&Hemi D •^1.0,5 d^mrh CTkmTh ^ < ebi 6y4eMi > or CT&HeMI \ with the 1 infinitm e (of the hn^ ^?/^ .... HTT> .... HTT. PLURAL. I. . . . ewb . . . . eMT, .... HMT> .... IIMt 2. . . . eie . . . . eie .... Hie .... me 3- . . . K)TT> . . . . yX-L .... ATI .... HIT. (aiT.) For verbs of the For verbs of the For verbs of the For verbs of the I conjug. and for III conjug. and II conjug. istand II conjug. , 3rd, those in omb, ist for those in amb, 2d br. (except 4th, 5th, 6th and br. and in amfc, 2d 4th, 5th, 6th and those in omb and 7th br. (except br. of the II conj. 7th br. of the II in amb). (Seethe those in amb not (See the parad. conjug. (See the paradigms 8, 9, preceded by a 1.2. 3. 4.5,6, 7, lo and 12.) paradigms 15, 17, and II.) hissing letter). 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 (See the para- and 25.) digms 13, 14, 16, 18 and 20.) The third person of the plural ends in amz (instead of Jimz) after the hissing consonant (HC, ^, Ui, m), and this for the verbs of the third branch of the lid conjugation. (See paradigm 13). 2. The preterit in verbs of the Ist and lid conjugation is formed from the infinitive by changing mh into Xh {fern, .la, neuf. AO; plur. A\\). The inchoative verbs of the Illd conju- gation syncopate the termination HyAZ into i> [fern, ja, neut. ao ; plur. jh), by suppressing the consonant A in the masculine, when no vowel immediately precedes; e. g. COXT>, Bfl.n> [fern. cox.ia, Bfl.ia, neut.co'LA0 1 ^Aao), instead of coxHyjiz, eAuyjiz, from COXHyiB, io dry; BaHyib, to fade. Occasionally the full form is used: e. g. MepSHyxt, to freeze, Mep3Hywn>; but in the in- choative prepositional verbs, the preterit is almost always syncopated, and this sometimes happens also in the aspect perfect of unity ; e. g. 3aMep3HyTb, to freeze, 3aMep3T), B03ABHrHyTB, to ered, BOSABHn. (instead of 3aMep3HyAZ, eoadeuzHyAZ). The non-inchoative verbs, as also the perfect aspect of unity, retain the termination HyAZ; e. g. Tanyjit, 4BJiHyJT>, from TflHyib, to draw; ABlinyTb, to move once. The verbs of the 2d branch of the Illd conjugation also syncopate the termi- nation of the preterit. (See the paradignis 22, 23, 24 and 25.) 3. The imperative ends in the second person of the singular in w, 6, u or U, and is formed from the second person of Lexicology. — the verb. 125 the present (or from the future, in the perfect aspect of dura- tion or of unity), by changing eULh or mub: a) into u, if the accent is on the termination of the infini- tive (paradigms 8, lo, II, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22); b) into 6, if the accent is not on the termination of the infinitive (paradigms 13, 14, 17 and 24); c) into u, if, without having the accent, the termination of the inf. is preceded by two or three consonants (paradigms 20 & 23); d) into U, if the inflection eiuh or uuib of the second person is preceded by a vowel (paradigms i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9). The verbs in uuib preceded by a vowel, and with the accent on the last syllable, also take the inflection m, e. g. TaHTfc, to hide; noiiTB, to water; KJeHTL, to paste; imper.: Tail, nOH, K.ieii. The second person of the plural is formed by adding the syllable me to the inflection of the second person of the singular. The other persons have no peculiar inflection. The first person of the plural takes that of the future; e. g. fiyAGMt y^iiTLCa, let us study; nOH^eMT), let us go, and sometimes adding the syllable me, noil^eMie. The third person in both numbers takes that of the present or the future, preceded by the conjunctions nycmb or da, e. g. nycTB rOBOpiiTi., let him speak; 4a 34paBCTByeTI), let him live; ^a 6y4yTX, let them be. The second person singular of the imperative is sometimes used with the personal pronouns of the first and third person, in order to express the conditional vciood; e. g. CliJiaH hJO fl, if T should do that; CAijiafi aio OWh, if he were to do that; instead of ecJiu 6hi a (or oht>) 3 mo cdihAajiz. In the same manner the phrases : coxpami Bon>, God preserve! Aaft Bori>, God grant! take the place of the optative mood. Rem. There are some regular verbs which deviate slightly from the general rules, undergoing a trifling change either in the ist person of the pres., or in the imper.,as we shall subsequently point out. We remark lastly that there is but one verb which has its imper. in S ; it is the irregular verb je^b, to lie down; imper. : JifK'h^pl. Jflne. 57. — Observine: these different rules for the forma- Paradigms , •" ^ . of the con- tion of the moods, tenses and persons, the active, jugations of regular neuter and pronominal regular Russian verbs are con- verbs. jugated according to the 25 following paradigms. 126 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. PARADIGMS OF THE THREE CONJU Para Bran CONJ I. INFINITIVE. n. I N D I s i i I. PRESENT. g ? 1 z ^ Singtilar. Plural. I. 2. 3" I. 2. 3- ^I. I. ai^amft, to make /li.«aw, 4l5Ja-eiub, eTT> crsvh. eie, lOT-b. r ^^ TOJOioedmh, to explain... . j to.ikjk), TO-iKy-enib, ex-b eMT>, eie, vn-h. H 2.| 3. BOeedmb, to war BOWW, Boio-eiiib, et^ e.MT., eie, lorb 1 CD , W. •^needvKb, to chew 3Ky;d, ^y-emb, erb eM-b, eie, lOTT,. (S4 3-{r. TYJiAmb, to take a walk. . ry^^K,, ry.«a-emb, en* eMi, eie, lorb. C^.«m6, to sow c-Bm, cB-enib, eiT. , eM^, eie, M)Tl. W. 7. 3K.eATri,mb, to grow yellow. JKCJT/fcM , ;KejrB-enib erb eM-b, eie, H)T-b. f C 8- XBaAiimb, to praise. . . . XBa^W, XB&.«-BIUb, HTl HMT,, HTe, iirb. x.<^ 9. crpdumb, to build. . cxpdw, CTp6-Hmb, HT-b HM-b, Hie, arb. ^lO. KOAdmb, to sting. . KO^W, K6.i-eiiib, ei^ eji-b, ete, lOT-b. ^■c M06umb, to love . . .lIOtfAW, .iK)6-Hmb, HT-b HM-b, Hie, ai-b. ! ^peMcimb, to slumber. 4pe;»».iw 4p6MJ-eiub, eT^ CM-b, eie, WT-b. Q 3. 13- Myvumft, to torment. 1 ^yr, >iyq-Hnib, HTb HMl, Hie, at-b. ^■{::; Aadumb, to tune. . Baadmft, to tie. . . •BHoicy, .i&4-Hnib, BHW-enib, HT-b eTT> HM-b, ei-b, Hie, eie, RTh. yiT,. =•{::; JiAamumb, to pay. . JIA&Hf, n.<&T-HIUb, wt-h HMX, BTe, arb. nj&Kani6, to weep. 1 nji&v, n.4&q-eiub, eiT) CM-b, eie, yrb. \i9. npoc«m6, to ask. . 1 npoea/, np(')C-Hmb, WTh HM-b, Hie, aT-b. nacdmb, to write. . nauif, BHIU-eiUb, CTT, CMl, eie, yTl. /■20. ^icmumb, to clean. 1 IHffiJ, qHCT-HOIb, • HTT, HM-b, Hie, arb. UCKdmb, to seek. . Hu/y, um-enib, ei^ CM-b, eie, yx*. •tOHfmb, to draw. . Tfl»r, TflH-eiUb, eiT) ; eMT,, eie, yrb. cdXHymb, to dry. • 1 C6XHJ, c6xH-emb, eiT) ; CMi, eie, yx-b. ^ I 2. 25. hAnymb, to fade. BflHJ, BHH-enib, ei^ ; eMT,, eie, yii. Tepemb, to rub, . . ll ip-enib, ei-b , eMi, eie, yiT,. With respect to the use of the tonic accent in the conjugations of regular verbs, the following rules are to be observed. I. The first person of the present takes the accent of the infinitive, with the exception of the verbs in oedmb and eedmb, in which the last syllable is accented. These verbs transfer the accent on the penultima, if this termination belongs to a derivative verb; but if the syllable oe or ee belongs to the root of the verb, they preserve the accent on the last syllable; thus TOJKOBaTb, BOeB^Tb (parad. 2 and 3) have in the present to-IKVIO, B0K)K); while jKeB^Tb (parad. 4) has >KyK); and also KOB&Tb, to forge, KyK); n.ieB&Tb, to spit, nJiOFO. The other persons of the present preserve the accent of the first person, with the exception of several verbs of the lid and Illd conjugation, accented on the last syllable, which transfer the accent on the penultima in the second and other persons of the singular and plural. (See the paradigms 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21 and 22.) 1 \ Lexicology. — the verb. 127 GATIONS OF REGULAR VERBS. C A T I V E. III.IMPERATIVE. II. PRETERIT. in. FUTURE. 2^ /^ry. Singular Plural 1 j^ / -^ N ^-"'-^ ^^^-s 1 ■8 c masc. neut. fern. cg^ ^ 3 genders. A-hAdiA-b, aJO, a^a; ... 1 /HUJaJH. fl-BJiafi, file. TOJKOBaJI , &J0, a^ia; . S T0JK0B&4H. TOJKyB, fixe. 1< BoeB&J-b, &40, a^a; . *S j BOeB&JH. ® JKeB&JH. •1 BOIofi, HTC. 1 vne^AT,, a^o, a.ia; . « >KyH, HTc. ; K « TYAAA-h, H^O, H^a; . s ryjflJH. 1* • ryjiflfi,. Bxe. { 1 ctaj-b. flJO, fl.ia ; . g> cia^H. 1 « CUB, fixe. ! .^- ^ jKe JT'B j-b, -640, *ja; . ^ ^^JKCJTfiJH. MveJuiB, Bxe. j i ( XBaJHJl, HJO, HJia; . ^ XBa^H JH. XBaJH, Hxe. crpdHJ-B, H40, HJa; . CTP6HJH. ? • cxpoB, Hxe. s KOAbA-b, 640, 6Ja; . K0J6JH. >. • K04a, Hie. ^lOfiBJ-b, HJO, &J0, HJ[a; . a^a; . ApeM^jfE. g : A}o6a, 4peMJH, Hxe. , Hie. '1 MyqH^T., HJO, HJa; . ■s MyqH^H. 5S Myqb. bie. AkmA-b, BRSkA-b, H40, Hja; . a^a; . l< BH3&4H. f • jaAb, BHJKH, bxe. Hxe. s njaTHd-b, H-IO, HJa; . s HJaTHJH. jT . HJraTH, Hie. npocHJi, ajo, HJO, aja; . HJa; . n4&KaJH. npOCHJH. a . n^aib, npocH, bie. Hie. "T UmkAT>, ajo, &ja; . HHC&JH. HHUIH, Hie. > qHCTH^-b, HJO, HJa; . qHCTH^H. 1 t . quCTH, Hie. ^ ^CKkA-b, ajo, &Ja; . ^HCK&JH. O HIUH, Hie. » (imYA-h, yjo, yja; . . 's fiaHyjH. 1 TflHH, Hie. * 1 COXl, 1 ^ jiaA-b, XJO, flJO, xja; . . °. ' C6XJH. . S "^ BHJH. C6XHH, BflHb, Hxe. bxe. Tb, to grow rufous, /r^j. pwJKf.lO. rojy6iTb, to become azure, ro.iyOiio. TpyfitTb, to grow harsh, rpyftBK). Co^osilb, to grow light bay, COJOB fiio. lepHtTb, to grow black, lepniio. Pa66Tb, to become freckled, pH6hio. IIOT-feTb, to sweat, noxiio. KpacHnib, to grow red, KpacHBK). IIjaMeHtTb, to flame, nJameHBio. B.ia4t>Tb, to possess, B4a46K). KoJliib, to starve, KO^-BH). r.iaa-feTb, to gaze, r^aaBH). KocHtib, to linger, kochbh). ToBiib, to keep fast, roBiio. Heqar^iTb, to impress, neqawiio. 4o^'BTb, to overcome, 40-lt.K). HM-feTb, to have, HM-tK>. 3Ka-ltTb, to have pity, JKaJBK). YMBTb, to know, yMBK). CHHiib, to grow blue, chhbh). Paaiifc, to take care, pa4RK). C-fi/liTb, to grow grey, cfi^tK). EoJ-feTb, to ache, 6046io. The verb 6oAihmb belongs also to the first branch of the lid conjugation, having in the present ^MiiO and do.llb, 60jI- ieuib and ddHiUfc, &c. — The prepositional verb Bbl340pOB'BTL, to recover (perfect aspect of 6bl3dopdeJlueamb), belongs also to the second branch of the lid conjugatioji, having in the future BLiSAOpOBtH) and Btl340pOBJH), but only in the first person, the others being: Bbl340pOB'BemB, eXB, &c. Second According to the 8th paradigm (XBaJHTb) are conjugated conjugation. ^gj.^g in unib preceded by a palatal consonant (j, h, p), and also by another consonant, as those, non-inchoative, in Arbmb, HTbmb, pTbmb, observing that several verbs of the second conjugation, accented in the infinitive and in the first person of the present on the last syllable, transfer the accent to the penultima in the second and other persons of the present. Such are: Lexicology. — the verb. 131 BpaHHTb, to scold, pres. fipaHK), fipa- KoHMHTb, to edge, pres. koBmk), -hioi. Hinub. KJeHMHTb, to stamp, kjchmk), -anib. Bece.iHTb, to divert, Bece4K),Bece-iHnib. ry4HTb, to fiddle, ryaw, ry^anib. BHHiiTb, to accuse, bhhk), BHHunib. 4y4HTb, to pipe, 4y4J6, 4y4HUib. BtpHTb, to believe, B'Bpio, BipHiUb. Mep3HTb, to abhor, Mepaio, MepsHUXb roBopuTb, to speak, roBopK),roBopHuib. Tyanib, to cuff, Tyaio, TysHinb. CwOjIHTb, to pitch, CM04H), CMO-lHnib. Ky46CHTb, to juggle, Ky46cio, Ky4^- 4BJHTb, to divide, 4'l3-tl6, 4'BJHlUb. CHnib. CKo64HTb,toscrape,CKo6-iK),CK66^Hmb. qy4eCHTb, to behave oddly, iy46cK), 4pa3HHTb, to provoke, 4pa3HK), 4P^3- qy46cHnib. HHDib. Bejiib, to order, bcjio, Be^Hfflb. XopoHHTb, to hide, xopoHK), xop6HHiUb. Top-BTb, to burn, ropio, ropHHlb. KypHTb, to smoke, KypK), Kypnuib. SBentTb, to sound, sbchk), SBeHHOib. BapHTb, to boil, BapK), Bapanib. CMOipiib, to look, csiOTpio, CMdrpHUib. And also MblCJHTt, to think, which changes c into m in the first person of the present: Mbiui^iH), MtlCJHUlB, &c.: imperative: MMCjIH ; and the prepositional verb H30CTpHTt, to sharpen (perfect aspect of u30iu,pAmb), which changes cm into lu, in the first person of the future: H30mpH), HSOCTpiifflb, &c. According to the 9th paradigm (CTpOHTt) are conjugated verbs in umb preceded by a vowel, as the two simple verbs in o/imb, observing that the verbs in umb of this branch, accented on the last syllable, have the imperative in u. Such are: 4B0HTb, to double^ pres. 4B0K); zw/. CT6HTb, to cost,/^^^. ct6iO; z'mp.ciou, 4B0H. CB6HTb, to appropriate, cb6io; cboh. 4oHTb, to milk, 40K); 40H. IIoK6HTb, to give repose, noK6K);|noK(3fi. K^eHTb, to glue, KJeio; K^ea. PoHTbca, to swarm, pOK); pOHCH. IIOHTb, to give to drink, noi6; noH. CiaHTbca, to fly in flocks, ciaiocb; KpOHTfc, to cut, KpOK); KpOH. CTaHCfl. CipyHTb, to pour, CTpyio; cipyn. BoaTbcs, to fear, 6oi6cb; 66Hca. TaHTb, to hide, laio; laH. Cxoflib, to stand, ctoio; ctoh. According to the loth paradigm (KOJOTb) are conjugated verbs in omb, as two verbs in amb; these are: l}0p6Tb, to vanquish, pres. fiopK), nop6!rb, to rip, pres. nopK), n6penib. 65pemb. [perabCH. Fjard^aib, to say, tjislt6mo, r^aro- Bop6Tbca, to wrestle, 6opK)Cb, 66- Aeaih. no.i6Tb, to weed, no aw, nd.ienib. Op&ib, to plough, opio, 6peiiib. And also MOJOTt, to grind, which has in the present : Mejib, Mejeuib, &c. and in the imperative MClii (instead of MOA/b, MOJieuib, MOAU, not to be confounded Avith MOJH), MO^iHinb, 9* 132 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. MOJii, from MOJHTL, to pray). — The verb opaifc in the sense of to cry belongs to the third conjugation. According to the nth paradigm (.iwdHTt) are conjugated verbs in unib preceded by a labial consonant (6, B, M, n, *), as the non-inchoatives in 6lhmb, Mrtmb , nibmb, which insert the consonant A in the first person of the present (with the exception of KAetiMUmb and KOUMUmb, which belong to the first branch of the lid conjugation, of UMThmb and yMlhmb, which belong to the 4th branch of the 1st conjugation, and of iuu6umb, which belongs to the first branch of the Hid con- jugation). Such are: Py6HTb, to hew,/r^i^.py6ji6, pyfiflUib. PtaBHTbCfl, to sport, prt's. p-BaB.lfOCb, 3Ho6HTb, to chill, 3H06-IK), 3Ho6HiiFb. p-B3BHmbca. TpyCHTb, to be saucy, rpyfiJK), rpy- CKopfiBib, to sorrow, CKop6JK),p6uuib. 6Hmb. CsepfiiTb, to itch.csepfi^K), cBepfiuuib. yloBHTb, to catch, 40B.IK), .i6BHuib. TpeM-BTb, to thunder, rpeMJi6,rpeMHiub. roT6BHTb, to prepare, rOT6BJK), rOT6- IDyMiib, to racket, luyM.iK), lUVMHUib. BHiiib. KHnixb, to boil, KHn^K), KHnihub. ^MMiiTb, to smoke, 4MMJ16, 4MMHmb. KopntTb, to work, KOpn.iK), Kopnuuib. Con-BTb. to wheeze, con.iK), conHOib. CKpan-fiTb, to creak, CKpan-iK), CKpH- nuiiib. TepnBTb, to suffer, Tepn.iK), TepnHnib. Xpan tTb, to snore, xpan.iio, xpaniiiub. please, HpaBJiOCb, XpHntib, to croak, xpHn.iiOjXpHniiiub. UlHHBTb, to hiss, lUHn^K), niHniiiub. KopMHrb,tonourish,KOpM.lio,K6pMHnib ToHHTb, to heat, Ton.iio, T6nHUib. .rtHHTb, to mould, AtnAH), A-hUHUlb rpa*iiTb, to rule, rpa*.iK), rpa*iiiub. Tpa*UTb, to hit, Tpa*.iK), Tpa*Hmb. HpaBHTbCfl, HpABHIUbCfl And also the prepositional verb] yMepTBiiTL, to pit to death (perfect aspect oi yMepmfiJiAmb), which changes m into m^ in the first person of the future: yMepiUBJK), yMepiBHUlb, &c. According to the 12th paradigm (^peMait) are conjugated verbs in 6amb, Manib, namb, which insert also the consonant A in the first person of the present, and retain it in the other persons as in all the inflections derivated from this first person. These are: And thus the following verbs which belong also to the ist branch of the first conjugation. [306aK). 3o6aTb, tp peck up, pres. 306.IK) and Kanaib, to drop, KanJH) and KanaK). 3M6aTb, to wave, pres. 3m6ji6, 3bi- fijenib. [fi^eiub. K0Je6aTb, to shake, K0Je6.iK), KO.16- KJen&Tb, to impute, K.ienJK), K.16- n.ienib, Tpen^Tb, to scutch, Tpen.iio, Tp^n^euib. Kpanaib, to dash, Kpan^io and Kpanaio. menaxb, to chip, men.iro, m^n.ienib. mHn&Tb, to pinch, man.iK), man-ieuib. XpOMaTb, to be lame, xpoM.lK) and xpOM&M). Cunaxii, to strew, cwn.no, cwn.ieiub {wiper, cunb, instead of cbitiAh). Lexicology. — the verb. 133 And also UMdmb, to take, which now is used only with a preposition, as npHHHMaTb, to receive, pres. npieMJEO and npHHHMaiO, and with other prepositions. According to the 13th paradigm (MyiHTb) are conjugated verbs in urnb and amb with a hissing consonant (JK, q, m, m), as one verb in mibmb (with the exception of the verbs in amb, which belong in the first conjugation). Such are: H'B/KHTb, to nurse, J>res. H-fiJKy, H-fi- CyniHTB, to dry, pres. cyniy, cyiuituib. >KHmb. [ApysKHmb. ./lejK&Tb, to lie, JeiKy, 4e5KHrab. 4py>KHTb, to make friends, apyJKy, 4ep3K&Tb, to hold, 4ep>Ky, A^pJKHfflb. K6piiHTb, to shrivel, K6pqy, K6pqHnib. KpHi^Tb, to cry, KpHiy, KpHiumb. CTpauiHTb, to frighten, cipamy, CTpa- Mo^q^Tb, to be silent, M04qy,M0JqHmb. muiub. CiyqaTb, to knock, ciyqy, CTyiHiub. BomHTb, to wax, Bomy, Bomnnib. IIuniaTb, to burn, numy, nwraHnib. Aoia,yith, to gloss, -lomy, ^lomHiub. jyvLmkn, to breathe, 4Mmy, 4i>iinHiUb. C^yaJHTb, to serve, c^ysKy, c.iya?Hrab, ^eiHTb, to cure, Je^y, A^^v^mb. y'qHTb, to teach, yiy, yiHoib. IlHm&Tb, to pipe, HHmy, nHQ^unib. Tpem&Tb, to burst, Tpemy, Tpemnnib, KHiu-BTb, to swarm, KHiuy, KHniHinb. According to the 14th paradigm (.ia4HTL) are conjugated verbs in dumb and 3umb, as well as the non-inchoatives in dfbmb (with the exception of eydiimb, dydumb, Mepsumb, mysumb and some others, which belong to the first branch of this second conjugation); these verbs change d and 3 into 0/C in the first person of the present. Some verbs in dumb have retained the Slavonian change of d into otcd in the first person of the present. Such are: BpeAUTb, to hurt, pres. BpesKy, Bpe- VsHTb, to narrow, /r^^. yJKy, ysHUib, 4Hiub. Mop63HTb, to frteze, Mop65Ky, Mop6- r^iaJiHTb, to even, r.iaHcy, r-ia4Hiub. 3Hnib. ma/lHTb, to spare, ma^y, ma4«iub. Bo3HTb, to carry, BO^Ky, B63Hrab. Po4HTb, to bring forth, pOJKy, p04HiUb. BiUtTb, to see, BHHty, (/;«/. BH4b and .'Iy4HTb, to tin, jyJKy, 4y4Hiub BH5K4b). Hy4HTb, to compel, Hy;Ky, Hy4Hiub. r4a4'6Tb, to look, rJtasKy, rJH4Hinb. By4HTb, to waken, 6y>Ky, 6y4Hnib. Bo4HTb, to lead, Boaty, B64Hiub. Cep4UTb, to anger, cepiKy, c6p4Hrab. Cy4HTb, to judge, cyjKy, cy4Huib. Xo4HTb, to go, xojKy, x64Hmb. TpysHTb, to lade, rpyacy, rpysHiub. E^H3HTb, to approach, fi.iHHcy, fi.iu- SHOIb. rpo3HTb, to menace, rpojKy, rposHiub. HH3HTb, to lower, HiiMcy, HH3Hrab. CH4BTb, to sit, CH5Ky, CH4Hmb. CMep4'BTb, to stink, c>iepa«y, CMep- 4Hnib. y6li4HTb, to persuade, fui. y6'B5K4y, y6l;4Hmb. Harpa4HTb, to reward, HarpaHC4y, Harpaaunib. B036y4HTb, to excite, B03fiy5K4y, B036y4Hinb. ■ [ynpe4Hrab. ynpe4HTb, to prevent, ynpe5K4y, 134 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. According to the 15th paradigm (Basaib) are conjugated some verbs in 3amb, zantb and damb, which change 3, z and d into QIC for all the persons of the present, as well as for the inflections formed from this tense. These are: Maaaib, to anoint, pres. MaHcy, Ma- FJoaaTb, to %xva.\v, pres. r.lo>Ky, r.i6- ;Keiub. 4emb. Ptsaib, to cut, pijKy, pt/Kenib. And thus the following verbs which KasaTb, to show, Kawy, K&Kenib. belong also to the istbr. of 1st. conjug. Ka3aTbca,toseem,Ka3Kycb,K&5KembCfl. 4BuraTb, to move, 4BH3Ky and ^Buraio. HHSaTb, to thread, HHSKy, HHMtenib. Tflraibca, to be at law, lasKycb and .IflSaTb, to lick, JHMty, JHJKenib. Taraiocb. BpiiaraTb, to splash, fiphiaJKy, 6piJ3- CipyraTb, to plane, cipyHcy and JKenib. ciporaK) (instead of cmpyidw). According to the i6th paradigm (n.iaTHTl>) are conjugated verbs in mumb, as well as the non-inchoatives in mrbnib (with the exception of some verbs in mumb which belong to the 20th paradigm), which change m into u in the first person of the present. Such are: BHHTHTb, to screw, pres. BBHqy, bhh- KaTHTb, to roll, pres. Kaiy, K^Tflnib. THiub. Mo.iOTUTb, to thrash, MOJoqy, moj6- SoJOTHTb, to gild, 30J0qy, 30-lOTHIUb. THHIB. 3a66THTb, t J busy, 3a66qy, 3a66THnib. CBtTHTb, to light, CBBqy, CB-BTHiub. n6pTHTb, to spoil, n6pqy, n6pTHnib. IIIyTHTb, to joke, niyqy, myTHnib. MyiHTb, to muddy, Myqy, MyTHiub. KojoiHTb, to knock, KO4oqy,K0.i6THmb. KpyiHTb, to twist, Kpyiy, KpyiHiub. Bepitib, to turn, Bepqy, BepiHiub. MixHXb, to aim, Biiqy, mBthiub. Aeriib, to fly, Ae^y, JeiHiub. TpftTHTb, to spend, xp&qy, Tp&THfflb. HuxT-BTb, to puff, nuzqy, nuxiHinb. According to the 17th paradigm (n.iaKaTb) are conjugated several verbs in mamb and h'amb, which change m and k into H for all the persons of the present, and for the inflections formed from this tense. Such are. IIpflTaTb, to hide, pres. npaiy, npa- qemb [6op>i6qenib. BopMOTaTb, to murmur, 6opMoqy, AenetiTb, to chatter, .Jeneqy, Jien& qenib. ToniaTb, to tread town, xoniy, T6n- qenib. [n6qemb. XJionOTkih, to bustle, xjonoiy, xao- XoxoT^Tb, to laugh aloud, xoxoqy, xox6qenib. lUeniaxb , to whisper, menq y,ni6nqemb. UleKOTaib, to tickle, mcKoqy, K6qeuib. Ky4&XTaTb, to cackle, pres. Ky4axqy, Ky^axqenib. K.iHKaib, to call, KJHqy, K-iaqenib. CKaK&Tb, to leap, CKaqy, CKaqeiub. TbiKaTb, to thurst, ihiqy, itiqemb. And thus the following verbs which belong also to the ist branch of the first conjugation. A.lK&Tb, to long, a4qy and a.iK&K). HkAtb, to hickup, Hqy and hk&K). XHUKaib, to sob, xHuqy and xHUKaw. MexaTb, to cast, Meqy and MeiaK). Lexicology. — the verb. 135 According to the i8th paradigm (npOCHTt) are conjugated verbs in curtih (with the exception of Kydecumb and lydecumb which belong to the first branch of the lid conjugation), and also one non-inchoative in cihnib, which change c into m in the first person of the present. Such are: pres. BAKOiy, B&KCHTb , to black B^KCHOIb. BicHTb, to weigh, siniy, BtCHiub, KB&CHTb, to leaven, KB&iuy, KBiCHnib KpaCHTb, to colour, Kp&uiy, KpaCHUib KocHTb, to mow, Komy, KOCHiub. BliCHTb, to madden, 6tniy, fi'tCHUib. TpycHTb, to be dfraid, pres. ipyuiy, Tpycanib, PocHTb, to bedew, poiuy, pocHUib. TacHTb, to put out, rauiy, r^cHuib. M-6CHTb, to knead, iwfiiuy, MBCHlUb. HocHTb, to bear, Homy, H6cHmb. BacBTb, to hang, BHiuy, bhchuib. According to the 19th paradigm (iiHCaTb) are conjugated some verbs in camb and xamb, which change c and x into m for all the persons of the present, as well as for the in- flections formed of this tense. These are: YLARCkrh, to dance, pres. njflniy, And thus the two following verbs njamenib. HoflcaTb, to gird, noauiy, noaraemb. TecaTb, to hew, leuiy, i^menib. ^ecaTb, to comb, ^leuiy, qemenib. BpexaTb, to yelp, 6peiuy, 6p6meiub. IlaxaTb, to plough, naiuy, nanieuib. which belong also to the ist branch of the first conjugation. KoJbixaTb, to swing, pres. KOJtimy and KOJbixaK). MaxaTb, to fan, siamy, Maiuenib and MaxaH). According to the 20th paradigm (qiicTUTfc) are conjugated verbs in cmumb and the non-inchoatives in cmrbnib, which change cm into lUf in the first person of the present. Some verbs in munib, which have retained the Slavonian change of m into Uif, belong also to this paradigm. Such are: TpycTHTb, to grieve, pres. rpymy, IIpeTHTb, to forbid, pres. npemy, rpycTHiub. npcTHiub. FocTHTb, to visit, romy, rocTHnib. CBaiHib, to sanctify, CBamy, cBaTanib. KpeCTHTb, to christen, Kpemy, Kp6- CTHmb. MoCTHTb, to floor, MOmy, MOCTHIUb. HecTHTb, to treat, lemy, qecTHiub. CuTHTb, to satiate, Cbimy, cuTiiiub. XHTHTb, to ravish, XHmy, xHTHiub. noctTUTb, to visit, fut. noc-fimy, nOCfiTHDIb. BjiecT-tTb, to shine, 6jemy, 6jecTHiub. YKpoiHTb, to appease , yKpomy, Kpo- CBHCliTb, to whistle, CBHmy, CBHCTHIUb. TillUb. XpycT-bTb, to cranch , xpymy, -CTiimb. npocTHTb, to pardon, fjtt. npomy, npOCTHnib. [CTHIUb. IlycTHTb, to let go, fttt. nymy, ny- BoraiHTb, to enrich, /r(?j. 6oramy, 60- raiHuib. CoKpaiHTb, to shorten, coKpamy, co- Kpaiuaib. npocBlJTUTb, to enlighten, npocB^my, npocB-bCTHiub. Bo3BpaTHTb, to return, B03Bpamy, BoaBpaxHoib. 136 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. The verbs npOCTiiTfc, nyCTHTL, nocSTUTL and following, are the perfect aspects of npoiii,dmb, nycKdnib, nocrbiu,dmb, ynpo- Ui,dmb^ coKpaiUfdmb, npocerbWfdmb , eoaepaiu^dmb ; thus the in- flections npomy, nymy, noctmy, ynpomy, &c., are future tenses. According to the 21st paradigm (uCKaib) are conjugated some verbs in CKamb and cmanib, as well as four verbs in mamb, which change CK and cm, or m, into lUf for all the persons of the present, and for the inflections formed of this tense. These are: n.iecKaTb, to splash, ^res. nAem,}', CKpeHJeiaTb, to gnash, />res. CKpe- n46meiub. JKemy, cKpesK^menib. PbicKaib, to run, pumy, pumenib. TpencTaxb, to tremble, ipenemy. IIoJocKdTb, to rinse, no.iomy, no46- Tpendmenib. meiub. And thus the two following verbs CBHCTaxb, to whistle, CBHmy,CBHmenib. which belong also to the ist branch X.iecTaTb, to lash, x^iemy, X46memb. of the first conjugation. XBOCTaib, to brush, xBomy, xB6menib. BjHCTaTb, shine, 64emy, 6-i^memb and K^eBeTaib, to slander, K.iCBemy, 6JHCTaio. K4eB6menib. ITpwcKaib, to sprinkle, npwmy and PoniaTb, to murmur, ponmy, p6niiienib. npwcKaio. According to the 22d paradigm (TflHyil)) are conjugated verbs in Hymby as well as four verbs in amb and one in nmb, which have in the present y, observing that some of these verbs, accented on the last syllable in the first person of the present, transfer the accent to the penultima in the second and other persons of the present. The perfect aspect of unity belongs also to this paradigm, but the form Hy of these verbs is a future tense. Such are: ToHyTb, to sink, pres. TOHy, idHeiiib. Ki'iHyxb, to c&st,/7d. khhv, KHHemb. PaxHyTbca, to be crazed, paxHycb, Bepnyib, to turn, Bepny, Bepnenib. paxHeuibCfl. CBucHyib, to whistle, CBucny, cbhc- 5K&acflaTb, to desire, ;K&}K4y, :k&3K- nemb. 4erab. rpanyTb, to thunder, rpaHj', rpaHenib Op&Tb, to cry, opy, operab. TjanyTb, to look, rjany, rjaHCfflb. Coc&Tb, to suck, cocy, cocenib. ^BHHyib, to move, 4BHHy, 4BHHemb. CTOH&Tb, to groan, cTony, CTdnerab. OfiManyTb, to cheat, ofiMany, o6Ma- PeBtTb, to roar, peBy, peBenib. nenib. The verb cmOHdmb belongs also to the first branch of the Ist conjugation, having in the present: CTOHy, CTOnemB, and CTOHaio, CTOHaemB, &c. The verb opdmb, in the sense of to :plough, belongs to the first branch of the lid conjugation. Lexicology. — the verb. 137 According to the 23d and 24th paradigms (COXHyTb and BHHyTb) are conjugated the inchoative verbs in Hymb^ which in the preterit syncopate the termination HyjlZ in 8 if this ter- mination is preceded by a consonant, and in JiTt if it is pre- ceded by a vowel (neiit. Jio^ fem, Jia). vSuch are: B.ieKHyTb, to {a.dQ,pret. 6-ieK'b,KJ0, KJa. IlaxHyTb, to smeW, pret. naxi, XAO, xA2l. 3a6HyTb, to freeze, 3fl6i, fi.io, 6a&. MfiKHyib, to gro wwet, mokt., k-io, K-ia. KncHyTb, to turn sour, KHCb, CJO, c^a. BasHyTb, to sink in, BflSTi, 3J0, 3.ia. MepanyTb, to freeze, Mepa-B, 3J0, 3wia. TaCHyib, to go out, racT>, c^o, c.ia. r/ifiHyTb, to perish, rHfi-b, 640, 6ja. TfixHyxb, to grow still, thxt., x40, xasl. 46xHyTb, to die, ^ox-b, XJO, xja. CTbiHyib, to cool, cthj^, ao, aa. And also the prepositional verb yumdiiTb, to contuse (and with other prepositions, perfect aspect oi yiuu6dmb) ^ which has in the future ymn^y, ymBdeniB, and in the preterit yuiridi., ymiifijo, ymH6.ia, &c. According to the 25th paradigm (lepeifc) are conjugated verbs in eperrib, which have in the present py, and which syncopate also the preterit, observing that Mepemb and nepemb transfer in the feminine gender of the preterit the accent to the last syllable. These are: Mep^Tb, to , pja, p.10, which now is used only with a preposition, as: npocTepxB, pacnpocTepiB, to extend. • 58. — The irregular verbs of the Russian language irregular are divided into three classes: i) the monosyllabic verbs in mh preceded by a vowel; 2) some dis- syllabic verbs in mh, which in some inflections do not follow the general rules of the conjugation, and 3) the verbs with an irregular termination (in smh, cmb, Hb, mu and mu), as is seen in the following table. Among the monosyllabic verbs there are some which are regular and conjugated according to the paradigms of con- jugations. These are: (See page 142.) 138 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. l{ ^1, D s ^ r J > 1^ I I ^o a g « g g ^. t< H ^« 6- ~ H H H e 40 >s ^w )a c )» w )a S )a Q,>,jaooo.2ooH!u a; ti b ■>« V ^ H - i^ « I -3" ^'' '* a" 3 5 "2 S t H 5 'SB U U S M 2 ~ 5. >, r? , ^2^ 2" I 2 2" 2^3 2"^ f 2" 2"" 2" -2 I i^ s g 6H (fl E ^ ►0 5 S -* H S 5 — "* ^ H u u CO .5P g, S ^ S 2 « 2 o c OoSoSoOO 2 2 o « S rfT "7' >fi" rf" S fi' ^ >«~ H ,a H •0" •*" >«' a, s^ ,S ^ a 0-3 SaaSigSaH ^^ 3 3 36 ro ft! Lexicology. — the verb. 139 iiiliiii 'S -S ^ -2 -5 "2 )a c a> ^ t ^ t ^ t A t ^ „ « 5 CU «5 Jiiiflliiiliil «? eS es S e S ^ £ • ■ O U H f ■ I CK ^ H H *a o 6- cTg ^ t= t t t c= t si< "^ ■ .3 • a S S 3 -- a . 1 I g - a ^.^ ^ " b ^ J -^- ^ e S S ^ 5-i ? .1 3 I ^ S S "„ - ^ s- ^ . ^ o I " "" ^ ^ ^ ^^2" 2 3 '-S a 6; ^ !; 5 c "5 w S S S ^ S S .0 lO rO . S S S S -o -B -a -ti ft. K s t S S 8 3 1 I I S o 2 2 2 2 O 1; o *-> ♦- O *• o o J *j u VJ Q 2 ? ^.^ 00000 t- f- c3 rt H B fi fi -a" S B 5 S S S^ ^ 5. ij ,5* d >ja wa H H H C4 C^ Ctf CS 3 n: ^ W K 140 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. > 9- rt 1 ^ -S S s s S = .= ■.o :o o a, p. X si^sKigiBii'iis S « I I I I ^i-i * I l{ S -a e s s; f- g O 9) V f ^ ^ ( n n >a n e ih ■<; « ^ 2 •5 -s" 5 ' « n g §.5 u s s e: s 2 e s a. Sf r-s I 1 1 3 a n. ss o "3 £ S s s a. y i -si-: "Si s g-.s ^' ^ a yo s js ^ S ■M O <^ O O -w u p -3 ^ § -a 2 o "^ o v" o £ H ^H ?. fi g !1 K 1) « . - 1) D rt o p O O o •w '!u -w *J « =i 'i I - I '^ '5 «^ 2i ??- « 5 S I I 2 E \ III =5? ~ « 5> E c i ^- >^ « *:>>. jT fcfl c " S „ be •■ X P o = d, ~3 ^ •= 6 o t^ o.S ■" O 3 o ^ 3 Ky, TptTb, to warm, I. 4, pres. rpliio. MyKHDIb. Sp-BTb, to ripen, — apiio. MniHTb, to cover with moss, — MUiy. Mj-feTb, to be stupified, — M.iBio. TmHTbca, to endeavour, — imycb. nptTB, to stew, — np-fiM). Miaib, to hurry, — Mqy. Pfl-fiTb, to redden, — \\^%^Xi. Haumb (npOH3HTb), to pierce, II. 4, CM-fiTb, to dare, — CMBM). pres. -HJKy, H3Hinb. Cn-fiTb, to ripen, — cn-feK). ^bCTHTb, to flatter, II. 7, pres. .ibmy, T.iHTb, to rot, — Tjiio. ^bCTHnib. 4^HTb, to prolong, II. I, pres. 4-lK). McTHTb, to avenge, — Mmy, 4.1HUIb. MCTHDIb. 4MHTb, to swell, — 4MH). TnyTb, to bend. III. i. pres. rny, rnenib. 3.iHTb, to irritate, — 3-iio. ./IbHynib, to stick, — Abny. MHHTb, to think, — MHK). M3rHyTb, to turn sour, — M3rHy. CHUTbca, to dream, impers. CHHTCa. MKHyib, to shut, — MKHy. TJHTb to corrupt, — t.im), CeyTb, to fall asleep, — CHy. tAwaxb. The preceding table of irregular verbs gives also the t/er(7- five aspect and Xhe passive participle, inflections which in these verbs do not follow always the general rules of the formation. Delineation eg. — The prooertv of the Russian verbs to have of verbs. -'•^ jt i • ^ more or less aspects, is named their dehneatton (Ha^epxaHie), and depends as well upon their ex- terior form as upon their meaning. With this re- lation the verbs, as is above mentioned (§ 50), are simple (npocTbie) or prepositional (npe/tJioHCHtie). I . The simple verbs, which are without a prepo- sition, can be co^nplete (noJiHBie), double (cyry6bie), incomplete (nenojiHBie) and defective (ne^tocTaTO^HBie). The co7nplete simple verbs are those which desig- nate a physical action of men or animals, as kh- ^axB, to throw; nJieBaiL, to spit. The double simple verbs are those which express the movement of an acting object, as nwxk and xoMtl, to go; hgcth and HOCHTL, to bring. The iricomplete and defective simple verbs are those which are not included in Lexicology. — the verb. 143 the two preceding subdivisions, as ^jijaTB, to make-, imiTB, to have. 2. The prepositional verbs, which are formed with any preposition, are subdivided, relatively to their delineation, according as they are derivated from the incomplete, defective, complete or double simple verbs. — In general the delineation of the Russian verbs, as well simple as prepositional, is seen in the following table. DELINEATION OF VERBS. I. SIMPLE VERBS. II. PREPOSITIONAL VERBS. The incomplete simple verbs have 2 as- ' i. Formed from the incomplete simple verbs, pects : I the prepositional verbs have 2 aspects : i) imperfect. 2) iterative. at-^HsaTb. t) imperfect. ■£) perfect of duration. 064'fi.4HBaTb. o64'fiJaTb. 3. The defective simple verbs have only the 2. Formed from the defective simple verbs. imperfect aspect. BM-bTb. they have only the a.S'p&ct perfect of duration. BOa'bHM'BTb. 3. The complete simple verbs have the 3 I 3. Formed from the complete simple verbs, aspects: j they have the 3 aspects: \) imperfect. 2) iterative. ;^) perf of unify . • t) imperfect. 2)perf.ofdurat.;^)perfofufiity. KH4&Tb KH4MBaTb. KHHyTb. ' 3aKH4I.IBaTb. ZdiRJiUkth. SaKHHyib. 4, The double simple verbs are two verbs ' 4. Formed from the a57«(5/(? simple verbs, there which have together 3 aspects : are two various verbs, each with 2 aspects : ' a) from the definite b) from the indefinite verb. verb. 1) defjtiteimp. 2)indefin.imp. -^iterative. \) imp erf . 2) perfect, i) imp erf . 2) pCTfect. HeCTH. HOCHTb. HalDHBaTb. ' BUHOCHTb. BIJHeCTH. BblHamHBaTb. BUHOCHTb. 60. — The incomplete simple verbs are those which ^^™fj^ do not designate a physical action properly so called, neither a movement of a place to another. These verbs have two aspects: i) the imperfect aspect, and 2) the iterative aspect. The first, which is the radical form of the verb, ends in mh, Hb, mu or mu, and the latter in hieamb, iieamb, eamb or 144 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. ambj and is formed from the imperfect aspect, as is seen in the following examples. In the formation of the iterative aspect the tonic accent is placed on the termination eamb and amb, whilst in bieanib and ueanib it is placed on the antepenultima , and if in this syllable is an 0, this vowel is changed into a. We must yet observe that the iterative aspect is seldom used in the infini- tive, and it has in general only the preterit tense; e. g. hC nuednib xedi BHHa, you ought not to drink wine; OWh IbSOIcdAZ BepXOMT), he rid often; but this inflection is necessary to form the prepositional verbs. The table of irregular verbs, above shown (S 58), gives also the iterative aspect, which in these verbs presents some irregularities. 1) Imperfect aspect. 2) Iterative asp. ra4aTfc, to guess, I, 1 ra4MBaTb. 4yMaTt, to think, — . 4yMHBaTL. J'fiJaTfc, to make, — A^^blBaTt. Hrpaib, to play, — lirpLiBaib. Kyxaxb, to wrap, — KVTbiBaTb. Moxaib, to wind, — MaibiBaib. Padoxaib, to work, — padaxbiBaib. mynaib, to sound, — mynbieaib. Snaib, to know, — SHaBaib. KoBaib, to forge, I. 2. . . .... . . KOBbiBaib. PiicoBaib, to draw, — pucoBbiBaib. CoBixoBaib, to counsel, — cOBixbiBaib. Boeaaxb, to war, — BoeBbisaxb. ^HCBaxb, to pass the day, — .... 4HeBbiBaxb. HoqeBaxb, to pass the night, — . . HO^eBbieaxb. ryjflXb, to take a walk, I. 3 ry.iHBaxb. PaBHHXb, to equal, — paBHHBaxb. CM-BflXbca, to laugh, — cMiiiBaxbca. • Biaxb, to blow, — B-bBaxb. Ciaxb, to sow, — c-bBaxb. CjadiXb, to grow weak, I. 4 CJiadtsaxb. Fp-fiXb, to warm, — rp-BBaxb. ToBixb, to keep fast, — raBJHBaxb. Lexicology* — the verb. 145 1) Imperfect aspect. 2) Iterative asp. BpaHHTfc, to scold, II, 1 6paHHBaTb. Ila.iiiTb, to fire, — najuBaib. MoJHTb, to pray, — MajHBaib. CndpHTb, to contend, — cnapHBaxb, 4apHTb, to give, — 4apHBaTT>. 4pa3HHTb, to provoke, — 4paH(HHBaTb. BcitTb, to ache, — 6ajHBaTb. CMOTpilb, to look, — CMaipHBaTb. Fop-BTb, to burn, — rapaib. Be^liTb, to order, — Be^'BBaTb. 3psTb, to see, — SHpaxb. Jloiiib, to give to drink, naHBaib. Kjeiiib, to glue, — KjeHBaib. BoHTbca, to fear, — 6anBaTbca. IIopoTb, to rip, — napbiBaib. MojOTb, to grind, — MajblBaib. JioSiiTb, to love, 11. 2 jH)6jHBaTb. ^OBHTb, to catch, — jaBwIHBaTb. PydiiTb, to hew, — pydaib. KopMHTb, to nourish, — KapiVLfflBaTb. ToniiTb, to heat, — Tan^iHBaTb. TepniTb, to suffer, — lepn^HBaib. Kanirb, to boil, — KHnaib. 4peMaTb, to slumber, — ApeMJHBaib. Cbinaib, to strew, — Cbinaib. XpOMaTb, to be lame, — xpaMblBaib. Je^iiTb, to cure, 11. 3 je^HBaib. CjyacHTb, to serve, — CjyffiHBaib. Tymiixb, to put out, — TyinHBaib. MopmHTb, to wrinkle, — MapmuBaib. /^epacaxb, to keep, — AepHiBBaib. Mo.aqaTb, to be silent, — Ma.iqaBaTb. /[wuiaTb, to breathe, — ^Bixaib. FjaAHTb, to even, II. 4 oaacHBaib. FopOAiiTb, to enclose, — ropaHtiiBaib. CyAiiTb, to judge, — ....... cyaiHBaTb. FpysiiTb, to lade, — rpyHCHBaib. 10 146 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. i) Imperfect aspect. 2) Iterative asp. ClIA'BTb, to sit, IT. 4 CHaCHBaiB. Baaaib, to tie, — BaSLisaTL. njiau'iTb, to pay, II. 5 n^ia^HBaib. KOJOTIITb, to knock, — KO^iaqHEaTb. MdOTJiTb, to thrash, — MO^aaqHEaib. n.iaKaib, to weep, — n^iaKHBaib. BicHTb, to weigh, II. 6 BimnBaib. IIpocHTb, to ask, — npauiHBaTb. FaciiTb, to extinguish, — rauiHBaTb. IlHCaTb, to write, — miCMBaib. n.iacaib, to dance, — njHCbiBaxb. IlaxaTb, to plough, — naxHBaib. FocTHTb, to visit, II. 7 ramnBaib. MocTiiib, to floor, — MamnBaib. CnacTUTb, to rig, — CHaiuHBaTb. HcKaib, to seek, — liCKHBaib. TonnyTb, to sink. III. i Tonaib. Tanyxb, to draw, — TflrHBaib. Banyxb, to fade, — Ba^aib. CoXHyib, to dry, — Cbixaib. DaxHyxb, to smell, — naxHBaxb. FHyxb, to bend, — rn6axb. MKHyxb, to shut, — MblKaXb. Cocaxb, to suck, — cacbiBaxb. Ilepexb, to press, III. 2 impaxb. Tepexb, to rub, — xnpaxb. 61. — The defective simple verbs are those which have only the indefinite imperfect aspect, such are the following verbs: A4'BXb, to grow ruby. I. 4. HtCjiaXb, to wish, I. i. B'B4CXB0Baxb,tobeinmisery,L2. HMixb, to have, I. 4. BuHiixb, to accuse, II. i. Kapaxb, to punish, I. i. Bjia^iXb, to govern, I. 4. jIbCXHXb, to flatter, II. 7. Bpe^iiXb, to hurt, II. 4. Me^xaxb, to imagine, I. i. ropAiiXbCfl, to be proud, II. 4. Mapiixb, to pacify, II. i. ^ajiXb, to have pity, I. 4. My^pHTb, to subtilize, II. i. Lexicology. — the verb. 147 Mar^iiTb, to mollify, II. 3. Teopiixt, to create, II. i. nojiAHH^ait, to lunch, I. I. Tepaxb, to lose, 1. 3. PaAilL, to take care, I. 4. ToponiiTL, to hurry, II. 2. PacTHTb, to let grow, II. 7. y'MHHiaTb, to refine, 1. i. PonraTE, to murmur, II. 7. yMiTB, to know, I. 4. Pbl^aib, to sob, I. I. XHTpiiTb, to be artiful, II. i. CBflTiiTb, to sanctify, II. 7. Xpaniixb, to preserve, II. i. Cn-BUliiTb, to hasten, II. 3. XoTiTb, to will, irr. CiapaxbCff, to endeavour, I. i, Ul^aAHTb, to spare, 11. 4. The defective verbs differ from the incomplete verbs in as much as they have not the iterative aspect, which in general is used only in verbs designating an ordinary, non intellectual action, and it is not found in poetry neither in an elevated style. 62. — The complete simple verbs are those which designate ordinarily a physical action of men or animals, or, speaking more correctly, a visible or audible action. These verbs have the three aspects : i) the imperfect, 2) the iterative, and 3) the per- fect of unity. The two first aspects have all the properties of those of incomplete verbs; but the perfect aspect of unity ends in uymb, and is formed putting this termination in the place of that of the imperfect aspect, sometimes with a little change of the vowel, and sometimes with the elision of the preceding consonant, as is seen in the following examples. i) Imperfect aspect. 2) Iterative aspect. 3) Perf. asp. of unity. A'xaib, to sigh, I. I. . . axHBaxb axnyxb, III. i. BjHCTaib, to shine, — . — djiecnyib, — Bojiaib, to shake, — . 6a.iTMBaTb 6o.iTHyTb, — r.iOTaTb, to swallow, — , rjaxbiBaib rjionyxb, — ^BHraxb, to move, I. i. and II- 4 ABiirHBaxb and 4Bnraxb. 4BiiHyxb, — 4ep3axb, to dare, I. r. . — 4ep3Hyxb, — 10* 148 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. i) Imperfect aspect. StBaifc, to yawn, I. i. KacaxbCfl, to touch, — KeaKaTL, to quack, — KHBaiB, to give a nod, KH^aib, to cast, — . .lonaxb, to burst, — . HibxaTb, to smell, — . Hopxaib, to flutter, — Ilpbiraxb, to jump, — IlpflAaTb, to bound, — CBcpKaxb, to flash, — TojiKaxb, to push, — . Tporaxb, to touch, — XapKaxb, to spit, — Xionaxb, to clap, — Coeaxb, to shove, I. 2 Kjeeaxb, to peck, — ILjeeaxb, to spit, — }KeBaxb, to chew, — Kaiiuaxb, to cough, I. 3. Hbipaxb, to dive, — . . Cxp-B jHXb, to shoot, — . IIlBbipaxb, to sling, — . Piaxb, to throw, — . . CKOJbSliXb, to slip, II. 1. IlIeBe.iiixb, to stir, — . . Ko.ioxb, to sting, — . . 4aBiixb, to press, 11. 2. . PySrixb, to hew, — . . . FpeMiXb, to thunder, — . Xpanixb, to snore, — . Tpenaxb, to brake, — . U^nnaxb, to pinch, — . BopomiiXb, to rummage,II.3 Ejiomiixb, to flatten, — . BH35Kaxb, to squeak, — . 4p03taxb, to tremble, — 2) Iterative aspect. 3) Perf. asp. of unity. atBbiBaxb stBHyxb, III, 1. — KOCHyxbca, — KBaKHBaXb KBaKHyXb, — — KHBHyXb, — KH4bIBaXb KIIHyXb, — jonbieaxb .jonnyxb, — HibxiiBaxb HioxHyxb, — napxHBaxb nopxeyxb, — npb'irHBaxb opbirnyxb, — npa4biBaxb npaHyxb, — CBepKHBaxb CBepKHyxb, — xa^KDBaxb xojKHyxb, — xponiBaxb xpoHyxb, — xapKHBaxb xapKHyxb, — XjionbiBaxb xjonnyxb, — coBbiBaxb cynyTb, — KJeBbiBaxb KJWHyxb, — EjeBbiBaxb miOHyxb, — HceBbiBaxb jKeBHyxb, — KauuHBaxb Kanuanyxb, — Hb'ipiiBaxb Hbipnyib, — cxpi.jHBaxb .... cxpt.ibHyxb, — mBbipHBaxb iflBbipnyxb, — — piiHyxb, — CKajbSHBaxb. . . . CK0.ab3Hyxb, — meBe.iHBaxb. . . . meBe.ibHyTb, — Ka.ibiBaxb KOJibHyxb, — AaBjHBaxb AaBHyxb, — py6axb py6Hyxb, — — rpaHyxb, — xpanbiBaxb xpannyxb, — xpenjiiBaxb xpennyxb, — miinbiBaxb mnnnyxb, — BopaumBaxb. . . . BopoxHyxb, — iLubmHBaxb n.iH)CHyxb, — BHSniBaxb BiiarHyxb, — AparHBaxb Apornyxb, — Lexicology. — the verb. 149 i) imperfect aspect. 2) Iterative aspect. 3) Perf. asp. of unity. KpH^aiB, to cry, II. 3. . UbiinaTb, to burn, — . . Tpemaxfc, to burst, — r.iflA'BTL, to look, XL 4. . Bpw3raTb, to splash, — . jlHSaTb, to lick, — . . . Masaib, to anoint, — . Bepiiib, to turn, II. 5. . CKaKaib, to leap, — . . K.iHKaTb, to call, — . . ineniaTb, to whisper, — TpyciiTb, to sprinkle, II. 6. Kojbixaib, to swing, — . Maxaib, to wave, — . . KpHKHBaib KpHKHyibjIILl. nwxHBaTb nbiXHyib, — TpecKiiBaib TpecHyib, — r.W4biBaTb. ..... r.iaHyTb, — 6pbi3niBaTb. ..... 6pbi3HyTb, — .JHSblBaib j!H3H)'Tb, — Ma3biBaTb Ma3HyTb, — BepTbiBaTborBepiiHBaTb. BepnyTb, — CKaKIIBaib CKOKHyib, — K.IHKaTb. KJl'lKHyXb, — inenibiBaTb mennyTb, — — TpyxHyib, — KOJblXHBaib KO.lblXHyTb, — MaxHBaib MaxHyxb, — II.iecKaTb, to splash, II. 7. n.iecKHBaTb njiecHyxb, — EpbiCKaxb, to syringe, — npbiCKHBaxb npb'iCHyxb, — CBHCxaxb, to whistle, — CBiicibiBaxb CBiicHyxb, — xjecxbieaxb xjecnyxb, — rpedaxb rpednyxb, — /tyBaxb AVHyxb, — HtHraxb, ...... jKurnyxb, — pbiBaxb pBanyxb, — cxparaxb cxpurnyxb, — xpacaxb. ...... xpaxHyxb, — Some verbs, as MHHyxb, oSManyxb, noManyxb, Bb'myxb, which are perfect aspects of MHHOBaxb, to pass; o6MaHblBaxb, to cheat; nOMHHaxb, to mention; BbiHHMaxb, to take' out, have the termina- tion of the perfect aspect of unity; but by their meaning they do not designate an action performed only once. In these verbs the letter H belongs to the root, and not to the termination. 63. — The double simple verbs are those which designate the movement of an acting object, or sometimes a visible or audible action. These verbs have together three aspects: i) the definite imper- fect, 2) the indefinite imperfect, and 3) the iterative ' X.iecxaxb, to lash, Fpecxii, to scrape, irr, 4yXb, to blow, — . JKe^b, to burn, — . Psaxb, to tear, — . CxpH^b, to shear, Tpacxii, to skake, — 150 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. aspect. The definite aspect is the radical form, from which are derived both the others. These are the following verbs: 1) Definite imperfect aspect. 2) Indefinite 3) Iterative aspect, imp. aspect. f — ■ -^ ^ r -^ -. r- ^ ^ B.jyAHTL, to ramble, II. 4. . 6jyH{4aTb,I. i. — BpeCTH, to wander, irr. . . 6p04HTb, II. 4- 6pa)KHBaTl.. BtHtaxB, to run, irr. . . . diraTb, I. 1. . diniBaiL and d-Braib- BaJHTL, to throw down, II. i. BajiiTb, I. 3. . Ba^HoaTb. BeSTH, to carry, irr. . . . B03liTb, II. 4. BaacuBaib. BecTii, to lead, irr BOAUTb, — . BaHCiiBaib. Bha-btl, to see, II. 4. . . . Bn^aTb, I. i. . BUAbiBaib. FnaTb, to drive, irr. . . . roHaib, I. 3. . raHHBaib. Hath, to go, irr. X04HTb, II. 4. xaadiBaib. KaiiiTb, to roll, II. 5. . . Ka^aib, I. i. . Ka^iiBaib. KpHBHTb, to crook, II. 2. , KpHBJHTb, I. 3. KpiIBJIIBaTb. JleiiTb, to fly, II. 5. . . . .leiaib, I. i. . .aeibiBaib. JIoMHTb, to break, II. 2. . jOMaxb, — . jaMbiBaib. jltSTb, to climb, irr. . . . jasiiTb, II. 4. JtSaxb and .laatHBaib. HeCTH, to bring, irr. . . . HOCHTb, II. 6. HaiUHBaib. n.lblTb, to swim, irr. . . . njaBaib, I. I. nJblBaib. HOJISTH, to crawl, irr. . . no.isaib, — . no.lSaTbandnaJSblBaib. PoHiiTb, to let fall, II. I. . pOHjiTb, I. 3. . paHHBaib. CjbimaTb, to hear, II. 3. . cjbixaxb, I. i. cibixiiBaib. CaAHTb, to seat, II. 4. . . cajKaxb, — . caHtHBaxb. Tamiixb, to trail, II. 3.' . . xacKaxb, — . xacKHBaxb. "B'xaXb, to ride, irr. . . . iSAHXb, II. 4. "BSHtHBaXb and ■BSHtaxb. The Russian language has some verbs which, with a double termination, do not designate a movement ; such are : d.lHCXaXb and djecxixb, to shine; MipHXb and MipaXb, to measure; CBH- CXaxb and CBHCXiXb, to whistle. These verbs do not belong to the class of the double verbs; they are two various forms which have the same meaning, and which do not express the definite or indefinite nature of the action. Prepositio- 64. — The prepositional verbs are formed from ' the simple verbs by means of any preposition. The • prepositions, when they are joined to a verb, sub- Lexicology. — the verb. 151 ject it to sundry changes either in the voice, in the aspect and time, or in the meaning. 1. A neuter verb sometimes takes with the pre- position the active meaning, as: cnait, to sleep, and npocnaifc, to pass in sleeping-, 6htl, to be, and 3a6biTb, to forget; njiaKaxt, to weep, and BbinjiaKaTt, to obtain by weeping. 2. The influence of a preposition on the time and aspect is more important than that on the voice. A simple verb, taking a preposition, receives a more restricted meaning. Thus, by joining to a preposition, the iterative aspect becomes imperfect, and the imperfect aspect becomes perfect. But this latter remains a perfect aspect even with a preposition, as is seen by the two following examples. Simple figure. Prepositional figure. 4BHHyTb, to move,\ J. f ^ f y^ BABHHyib, to move in, "v per/, asp. Bp6cHTb, to throw,/'^^"'"^*^^'"'^" Ha6p6CHTi., to throw on,/ of unity. 4BHraTb,\ . ^ r ^ J. ^ B4BHraTb, \ , . , . ^ ^. 6poc&Tb,/ "''/^^>^^ «-/-^^ HaCpocW^"^^- '"^- ^-^^"'■'^*^^- 4BHraTb ^r 4BHrHBaTb,\ .^ ^. , B4BHraTb (Tt B4BHrHBaTb, \ imperfect - , > iterative asp. , , r op&cbiBaib, i ^ HaOp&cuBaTb, / as^. 3. The acceptation of the verb, independently of the completion of the action, is modified by the meaning of the preposition, as is seen in the two following examples: xoahtl or hath, to go, and HMaxL or flTB, to take. BxOAliTB, BOiItH, to go in. HHCX04liTb,HH30HTH,tOgodo\vn. BocxOAHTb, BSOUTii, to go up, 06x0411X1., 06OHTH, to go round. BbixoAiiTt, Bt'iflTn, to go out. Oxxoahtb, otoiIth, to go away. /l,oxo4HTb, AOUTH, to come to. nepexo4iiTb , nepeiiTii, to go 3ax04iiTb, SafiTH, to go behind. over. HcX04liTb, HSOflXli, to go out. npeB0CX04HTb, npeB30HTH, to Haxo4iiTb, Haaiii, to go upon. surpass. 152 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. IXoxOAiiTb, to resemble, /[OEmilSiTb, 40HflT&, to get the noHTiJ, to go. remainder. noAXOAi'iTb, noAOMTii, to go 3aHHMaTB, sanaTb, to borrow. under. HSHHMaTB, H3HflTb, to take out. npe4X0AiiTb, to go before. HaHHMaib, naHiiTb, to hire. npHXOAi'iTb, npiHTii, to come in. OdHHMaxb, o6HaTb, to embrace, JIpoxoAUTb, npOHTii, to go OimiMaTb, OTHHTb, to take away. through. HepeHiiMaTb, nepeHflTb, to inter npOHCX04iiTb , npOHSOHTii, to cept. [stand proceed. HoHUMaTb, nOHaib, to under- Pacxo4iiTbca, paaoHTiica, to go noHMaib, to catch. asunder. IloAHllMaTb, n04HHTb, to take up. CxoAiiTb, COUTH, to go down. IIpeAnpHHHMaTb , npeAnpHHaib, CHHCXOAiiTb, CHHSOHTii, to con- to undertake. descend. HpHHiiMaTb, npiiHHTb, to accept. yxo4iiTb, yuTii, to go away. IlpHnoAHHMaTb, npHno4HaTb, to BmiMaib, BHflTb, to attend to. raise up. BSHMaib, to levy. DpoHUMaib, npoiWTb, to put Baaib, to take. through. Bo34bjMaTb, to raise. PaSHHMaTb, pasnaxb, to take BocnpiiHHMaib , BOcnpnHaib, to asunder. receive. CmiMaTb, CHHTb, to take off. BbiHiiMaib, Bbmyxb, to take out. YiniMaTb, yHaxb, to repress. The two preceding examples show that the prepositions which are joined to verbs, are: B (bo), b3 (b30, b03), Bbl, 40, 3a, 03 (h30), Ha, Ha4 (Ha40), HH3 (HH30), or 06 (odo), OT (OTO), nepe or npe, no, no4 (no4o), npn, npo, pa3 (pa3o), c (co), y. We must remark that the prepositions which end in a vowel, never undergo a change, whilst those which end in a consonant, take the vowel o, when they have to be united to a verb which begins with two or three consonants, as well as to the verb 114TH [si. umu), in which the vowel u besides that changes into the semi-vowel (a). The prepositions 6e3 (6e30), npe4 (npe40), and also C (co) in the meaning of a reciprocal action, modifying the accepta- tion of a verb, do not communicate to it the meaning of the completion of an action. Joined to one of these prepositions, the verb remains in its imperfect aspect, as: 6e3'ieCTiiTb , /^ dishonour; iipe4BH4'BTb , to foresee; C04'BHCTB0BaTb , to cooperate. Lexicology. — the verb. 153 It is the same with adverbs used sometimes for prepositions, e. g. npOTHBOCTOHTb, to resist; MHMOH4TH, to come by. Care must be taken not to confound the prepositional verbs with the verbs which are derived from nouns formed with a preposition, as: pasyM^Tb, to understand; horn. pa3yMT>, intelli- gence; noMHilTb, to remember, from naMHTB, memory; COB-BCTHTLCH, to have a conscience, from COB'BCTI), conscience. These verbs belong to the class of the incomplete simple verbs. 65. — The prepositional verbs, with regard to their delineation, differ among them, according as they are formed from the defective, incomplete, complete or double simple verbs. I. Those which are derived from a defective simple verb, have only the perfect aspect, which is purely the imperfect aspect of the simple verb, joined to one of the prepositions above enumerated. Such are: no5Ke.iaTb, to wish, I. I. PaciepaTb, to lose, I. 3. DoKapaTb, to chastise, — BoStHMiTb, to have, I. 4. OiMeiiTaTb, to imagine, — SaBja^'BTb, to possess, — BocnbiJiaTb, to burst into CyMiib, to know, — flames, — OmeHUTbCa, to whelp, II. I. HapbiAaTbca, to wail, — OcieneHiiTbca, to grow sedate, — IIocTapaTbCa, to endeavour, — BosropAUTbCfl, to be proud of, Oine.ibMOBaib , to treat like a II. 4. rogue, I. 2. noma4nTb, to spare, — . Bo3oiiiflTb (for 636oniAmb), to SaxpeneiaTb, to tremble, II. 7. cry out, I. 3. no6.ieKHyTb, to fade. III. i. Some verbs derived from the defective simple verbs, have also the imperfect aspect, which is formed from the iterative aspect, not used in the simple verb and taken in its contracted form, as will be seen later (2. b). The preceding and the following examples show that the perfect aspect of a prepositional verb is formed from the im- 1 154 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. perfect aspect of the simple verb, by the mere joinmg of a preposition, without any change in the termination of the verb. Further, the infinitive and the imperative from imperfect become perfect (CTapaibCa, to endeavour; ciapaiica, endeavour ^ and noCTapaibCfl, to use all one's endeavours; nocTapaiiCfl, use all your endeavours); the present (ciapaioCb , I endeavour) becomes a perfect future (noCTaparoCB, / shall endeavour, I shall use all my endeavours), and the imperfect preterit (ciapajCfl, I endeavoured) becomes a perfect preterit (nOCTapa.ioa , / have used all my endeavours). As the prepositions serve generally to form the perfect preterit and future of the defective simple verbs, custom only can show what is the preposition which a verb takes in order to designate the completion of an action. Thus 3a expresses a beginning; no, a part; do, the finishing; om, the discon- tinuance ; «po, all the time ; c, y, 3a, no, the completion and simultaneousness ; 6bl, U3 , o6 , npu, nepe , a totality. E. g. SarOBOpi'iTb, to begin to speak; norOBOpi'iTb, to speak a little; 40ro- BOpi'iTb , to finish speaking; OTrOBOpiiTb , to leave off speaking; IiporOBOpiiTb, to pass the time in speaking; CA'B.iaTb, to have tnade; yKpaCTb, to have stolen; 3aCM^HTbca, to have laughed; nOKpaCHilb, to have blushed; BblXO^HTb, llCX04iiTb, 06X04iiTb, to have gone all over; npitCTb, to have eaten all up; nepeA'B.iaTb, to have made all. 2. Derived from the incomplete simple verbs, the prepositional verbs have two aspects : i) the perfect aspect, and 2) the imperfect aspect, which are formed, the former from the imperfect, and the latter from the iterative aspect of the simple verb, at first without any change in the terminations, at other times with contraction, sometimes even with and without contraction at the same time: occasion- ally they vary widely from the general rules for the formation of the prepositional verbs. We some- times find: a quite irregular formation, the want of one of the two aspects perfect or imperfect, the loss or non-existence of the simple verb which has Lexicology. — the verb. 155 formed the prepositional verb, and several other irregularities which are mentioned below. We must remark that in the prepositional verbs the tonic accent remains upon the same syllable as in the simple verb, with exception of the verbs formed with the preposition tffti, which in the perfect aspect transfer the accent of this pre- position. Some monosyllabic verbs, taking a preposition, transfer also, in the preterit of the perfect aspect, the accent to the preposition; as: yMepT>, oinept, npiiSLUi), Ha^a.n>, &c., from yMepeXL, to die; OinepeXB, to open; npH6blTb, to arrive; Ha^ait, to begin. a) The perfect and imperfect aspects of the pre- positional verb preserve both the terminations of the imperfect and iterative aspects of the simple verb. Such are: I) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfea asp. yra4aTt, to guess, I. i yraAbiBaxfc, I. i. 06AyMaTl), to deliberate, — .... o64yMLiBaTL, — OlA-B.iaTb, to finish, — OTA'B.lblBaTb, — Sanrpaib, to play, — saiirpMBaTb, — OKyiaxb, to wrap about, — .... OKyxbiBaib, — DpOMOXaXb, to squander, — .... npOMaXblBaxb, — CM'BUiaxb, to mingle, — CM-BUinBaxb, — YSHaxb, to recognise, — ySHaBaXb, — EpuKOBaxb, to chain to, I. 2. ... npHKOBbieaxb, — 06pHC0Baxb, to outline, — oSpucoBbiBaxb, — OCHOBaXb, to found, — OCHOBblBaXb, — SaBoesaxb, to conquer, — 3aB0eBbiBaxb, — npory.iflXb, to walk, I. 3 npory.iHBaxb, — OcM'BflXb, to laugh at, — ocMiriBaxb, — yciflXb, to sow, — yc-BBaxb, — OciaSiXb, to grow weak, I. 4. . . . 0CJia6'BBaxb, — 4oroBixb, to fast, — 40raBjiiBaxb, — CorpiXb, to warm, — corp'BBaxb, — Saacapnxb, to roast, II. i aaatapiiBaxb, — YcMOxpixb, to discern, — .... ycMaxpiiBaXb, — 156 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. I) Perfect aspect. 2) Impet'fect cLsp. Saropixb, to be sunburnt, 11. i. . , sarapaiL, I. i. Bb'lKpOHTb, to cut out, — BBlKpailBaXb, — HaK.ieiiTb, to glue on, — . . . , . HaKjeiieaTb, — Bb'lCTpOHTb, to build, — BblCTpaHBaib, — OiCTOflTb, to defend, — OTCTauBaib, — OxnopoTb, to unrip, — oinapbiBaib, — OKOpMiixb, to poison, II. 2 OKapM.iiiBaxb, — Bb'uOBHXb, to catch all, — BbLiaBjiiBaxb, — . Bb'rrepntxb, to endure, — BbixepnjiiBaxb, — BcKiinixb, to -boil up, — BCKiinaxb, — Bb'ue^iixb, to heal, 11. 3 Bbue^iiBaxb, — Ynpoqiixb, to secure, — ynpoiiiBaxb, — 3ac.iy5Kiixb, to deserve, — saciyHiHoaxb, — yMO.iiaxb, to keep secret, — ... yMa.i'iHBaxb, — Cia^HXb, to arrange, II. 4 c.ia/KiiBaxb, — IloKaaaxb, to show, — noKasbiBaxb, — ripHBHSaxb, to bind, — npHBaSbmaxb, — 3aKO.ioxiixb, to knock, II. 5 saKO.iaiiHBaxb, — Bb'iMO.ioxiixb, to thrash, — BbiMOjaqHBaxb, — BfainjaKaxb, to weep out, — .... Bbin.iaKiiBaxb, — Hcnpociixb, to ask, II. 6 . HcnpauiiiBaxb, — no4n«caxb, to subscribe, — .... n04niicbiBaxb, — Bb'iMOCXHXb, to pave, II. 7 BbiMamnBaxb, — BsbiCKaxb, to exact, — B3biCKHBaxb, — yxonnyxb, to drown. III. i yxonaxb, — Bbixanyxb, to stretch, — BbixaniBaxb, — YBflHyxb, to wither, — yBfl^axb, — Sarnyxb, to bend, — sanidaxb, — Bcocaxb, to absorb e, — BCacbiBaxb. — 3anepexb, to shut. III. 2 samipaxb, — Bb'ixepexb, to rub out, — ..... Bbixiipaxb, — Ynepexb, to die, — yMiipaxb, — Oxodpaxb, to choose out, irr ox6npaTb, — IIpHSiixb, to affix, — npiiSiiBaxb, — IIpiLnixb, to pour to, — npiuiiBaxb, — BbimiXb, to drink out, — ...... BbimiBaXb, — Sauiiixb, to sew up, — aauiHBaxb, — Lexicology. — the verb. 157 1) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect asp. Bmmutl, to wash out, III. 2 BUMMBaib, I. i. SaKpuTB, to cover, — 3aKpMBaTb, — YatUTbca, to settle, yjKHeaxbCfl, — Han-BTb, to tune, — Han'SBaib, — Dpocnaib, to sleep away, — .... npocbinaib, — 3806%, to bake, — saneKaib, — Hsci^b, to cut out, — HSc^Kaxb, — Ct>'Bct'l, to eat up, — Cb-fi^aib, — Bn.iecTb, to plait in, — BMeiaib, — b) In the verbs in umb of the lid conjugation, the termination of the iterative aspect is often con- tracted into Rim, or into amb after a hissing con- sonant; this happens esp.ecially when the simple verb belongs to the class of the defective verbs, that is when the iterative aspect is varying. In this case the tonic accent is placed on the termi- nation. Such are the following verbs: l) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect asp. . ^ '■ , ^ ^ OdBHHHTb, to accuse, II. 1 oSBHHaib, I. 3. YTOJiixb, to appease, — yTOJflTb, — IIpHMHpiiTb, to reconcile, — .... npHMopaib, — COTBOpiiTb, to create, — COTBOpflTb, — HcnecTpiiTb, to variegate, — .... HCnempaTb, — PaSMbiciHTb, to meditate, — .... pa3Mbim.iaTb, — yMy4puTbca, to grow wise, — ... yMyApaibca, — yxiiipHTbca, to use art, — yxumpaibca, — ITorydHTb, to ruin, II. 2 norydjaib, — YTOMHTb, to fatigue, — yTO>uaTb, — IIOTpa^HTb, to hit, — noxpa^.iaTb, — Oc.i^niiXb, to blind, — OCJ'Bn.jaxb, — nocn-BniHXb, to hasten, 11. 3 noCD^maxb, I. i. CoBepiniixb, to perfect, — coeepuiaxb, — OSHaiHXb, to denote, — 03Ha^axb, — OxariEHTb, to burden, — oxar^axb, — 158 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 1) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect asp. nOBpe4nTL, to damage, II. 4 nOBpeHCAaib, I. i. no6yAHTb, to incite, — no6y3K4aTb, — npH6.ni3HTl>, to draw near, — .... npii6.iH5KaTb. — SaM-BTHTb, to remark, II. 5 saM'B'iaTL, — noracHTB, to put out, II. 6 noramaib, — OSojbCTiiTb, to seduce, II. 7 odo.ibiaaTb, — OlOMCTHTb, to avenge, — OTMmaib, — DocBaTHTb, to hallow, — nocBaiuaTb, — c) Sometimes in the same verb the imperfect aspect is formed in two ways, with contraction and without contraction. Here we must remark that, if the prepositional verb retains its primitive, simple, phy- sical meaning, the termination of its imperfect aspect is without contraction, and that on the contrary it is contracted, if the prepositional verb takes an ab- stract, figurative, intellectual acceptation, as is seen in the following examples: i) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect asp. i) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect asp. PaafipaHHTb, to scold, II. i. paafip&HHBaTb, I. i, & Bo36paHHTb, to forbid, I. i. . BoaCpanaTb, I. 3. 3ana4HTb, to kindle, — . san&JHBaTb, — , & Bocna.iHTb, to inflame, — . BOcnaJflib, — IIepen6-iHHTb, to fill, — . nepen^jiHHBaTb. — , & Hcn6^HHTb, to fulfil, — . . HcnOviHaxb, — IIepecTp6HTb, to rebuild,— nepecTpaHBaib, — , & YcipdHTb, to arrange,— . . ycipoHTb, — SaBOCipHTb, to sharpen,— saBacipHBaTb, — , & DoocTpHTb, to excite, — . . noompsTb — HaJOBHTb, to catch, II. 2. H3JaB.iHBaTb, — , & YjOBHTb, to surprise, II. 2. y.iOB^HTb, — Uo^MoquTb, to wet, II. 3. no^M&qHBaTb, — , & OMoquib, to steep, II. 3. . . OMOiaTb, I i. BwyiHTb, to teach, — . . BwyiHBaTb, — , & HayqHTb, to initiate, — . . Hayq^Tb. — 3aropo4HTb, to fence, II. 4. aaropaJKHBaib, — , & 0rpa4HTb, to guard, II. 4. • orpa5K4&Tb, — nepecy4HTb,torejudge,— nepecyjKHBaxb, — , & OcyflHib, to condemn, — . ocyacMTb, — 0ca4HTb, to plant, — . . ocaJKHBaxb, — , & Oca^Hib, to besiege, — . . ocaHfA&Tb, — Bhinepe4HTb, to outgo, — Bbinep^JKHBaTb, — , & IIpe^ynpeAHTb, to prevent, — npe4ynpe^4&Tb, — BwTBep4HTb, to rehearse, — BbiTB^pJKHBaib, — . & YTBep/lHTb, to affirm, — . . yiBepHtMib, — IIOMyTHTbjtomuddy, II. 5. noMyqHBaTb, — , &Bo3MyTHTb, to raise, II. 7. . B03Mym§,Tb, — 3acB'bTHTb, to light, — . sacB-bqHBaTb, — , & IIpocBtTHTb, to enlighten, — npocBlsm&Tb. — 3aKp&CHTb, to colour, II. 6. saKp&niHBaTb, — , & YKp&CHTb, to adorn, II. 6. yKpaniaTb, — 3arocTHTbca, to visit, II. 7. saramHBaTbca, — , & YrocTHTb, to regale. II. 7. . yrom&Tb, — d) The inchoative verbs in Hymh, which by their nature have not the iterative aspect, take, in the Lexicology. — the verb. 159 formation of the imperfect aspect of prepositional verbs, the termination amb, e. g. i) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect asp. 3aM§p3HyTL, to freeze, III. i saMCpsarL, I. i. rioTyxHVTB, to go out, — HOTyxaTb, — noradHyxb, to perish, — nornSaib, — OKHCHyxB, to grow sour, — OKHCaiB, — YTHXHyib, to abate, — yTHXaib, — noracHyxb, to go out, — iioracaib, — 03fl6HyTb, to starve, — 03fl6aTb, — SaMOKHyib, to grow wet, — saMOKaib, — HscoxHyib, to dry up, — H3CMXaTb, — H3A6xHyTb, to die, — H34bixaTb, — IIpHBbiKHyTb, to habituate, — .... npHBMKaTb, — Hcie3HyTb, to vanish, — HC^e3aTb, — e) The Russian language has some prepositional verbs, the simple verb of which is no more used or is lost. Such are: i) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect cup. / — ^ ■ — ^ r ^ ^ Onpae^aib, to justify, I. i 0iipaB4i>iBaTb, I. i. OOHapoAOBaib, to publish, I. 2. . . . oSnapoAWBaTb, — Saiiaxb, to devise, I. 3. saTtBaiB, — OAOJiiXb, to surmount, I. 4 040j!'BBaxb, — YKopeHHXb, to root, II. I yKopeHHXb, I. 3. Bo4BOpiixb, to settle, — B04B0paxb. — PasopHXb, to ruin, — pasopaxb, — YAapiiXb, to strike, — y^apaxb, — IIoBXopHXb, to repeat, — noBXopaxb, — Hcxpediixb, to destroy, II. 2 HCxpe6jaxL, — OytymeBiixb, to animate, — .... o^ymeBjaxb, — YcblHOBriXb, to adopt, ^- yCblHOBJflXb, — Ha4oyMHXb, to instruct,- -^ . . . . . Ha4oyM.raBaxb, I. i. IIpH.^O}KiixB, to add, II. 3 npH.iaraxb, — Yhh^hjkiixb, to humble, — yHH^fflHcaxb, — l6o RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. i) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect asp. yHHlTOHtllTb, to annul. 11. 3 yHnqTOHtaxL, I. I. BoopyHii'iTb, to arm, — BOOpymaib, — BHymiiTL, to suggest, — BHyiuaTb, — BpyquTb, to hand, — Bpy^aib, — HcTOiuiiTb, to exhaust, — HCTOmaib, — Coopy4«Tb, to erect, 11. 4 coopyjKaib, — IloS'BAHTb, to vanquish, — no6'B)K4aTb, — YcjaAiixb, to delight, — ycjajKAaib, — IlpOHSUTb, to pierce, — npOHSaib, — Ofiuj'BTb, to offend, — o6H!KaTb, — BcTpiiiiTb, to meet, II. 5 BCxps^aib, — OTOSTHTb, to answer, — OTB'B^aTb, — BocKpeciiTb, to revive, II. 6 BOCKpemaxb, — IXoxM-Bcxiixb, to place, II. 7 noMsmaxb, — no4ycxHXb, to instigate, — .... noAyiuaxb, — nocBTUTb, to visit, — noc-Bmaxb, — ynpoxiixb, to appease, — yKpomaxb, — Hacb'ixuxb, to satiate, — Hacbimaxb, — 3amiixiixb, to protect, — aaiuamaxb, — ^ocxiirnyxb, to reach. III. i Aocxuraxb, — BoCKpeCHyxb, to resuscitate, — ... BOCKpecaxb, — OKynyxb, to dip, — OKyHweaxb, — SaMKHyxb, to lock, — saMbinaxb, — ymiiSiixb, to bruise, — ymndaxb, — Ilpocxepxb, to extend, III. 2. . . , . npocxupaxb, — 06yxb, to put shoes, irr o6yBaxb, — Honpaxb, to trample, — nODHpaxb, — Pacnaxb, to crucify, — pacnnnaxb, — Ha^iaxb, to begin, — na^Haxb, — OxHflXb, to take out, — oxmiMaxb, — OxBepaxii, to open, — oxBepsaxb, — OSp-BCXH, to find out, — oSptxaxb, — C^ecxb, to count, — c^Hxaxb, — Pa3CB-BCXH, to grow light, — .... pascBi&xaxb, — 3anpaqb, to put to, — sanparaxb, — Among these verbs there are several which are also used with other prepositions besides those which are above indicated. Lexicology. — the verb. i6i /) The following verbs do not form their perfect aspect from the imperfect aspect of the used simple verb, but from some disused aspect of this simple verb. I) Perfed aspect. 2) Imperfect aspect. SaMtHiiTL, II. I (instead of 3aMIbHHmb). SaMtHHTl., to compensate, I. 3. 3acTpt.iiiTt, — (instead of aacnipibAHmb). aacTpijHBaiL, to shoot, kill, 1. 1. BcKOqiiTb, II. 3 (instead oiecKOKamb) . . BCKaKHBaib, to leap in, — yKyciixb, II. 6 (instead oi yKycdmb) . . yKyctieaTb, to bite, — HoSB-BCTiiXb, II. 7 (instead of eo36rbiu,dmb). BOSB'BmaTB, to announce, — nor.aoTiiTb, — (instead of nozAomdmb) . nor.«omaTb, to swallow up, — ^) Some prepositional verbs are formed irre- gularly, and occasionally they have two formations, one regular, and the other irregular. Such are: REGULAR FORMATION. IRREGULAR FORMATION. 1) Perfect aspect 2) Imperfect aspect. i) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect aspect. Upeap-BTb, to despise, II. i, . . npesHp&Tb, 1. 1 &06o3piTb, to examine, II. i. ofioaptBaTb, I. i. CuCKaib, to find, II. 7 CUCKHBaib, — &CHHCK&Tb, to obtain, II. 7. . CHHCKHBaib, — 06y34aTb, to curb, I. i. . . . o6y34MBaTb, — &B3Hy34&Tb, to bridle, I. i. . BSHysAUBaib, — C034aTb, to build, 7>r. (C03H«4y) C03H4&Xb, — & CoSA&Tb (COSMMt), . . . . C034aB4Tb (C034ai6). HarpecTH, to rake up, irr. ■ ■ Harpe6aTb, — & norpe6cTH, to bury, irr. ■ norpe6&Tb, 1. 1. no3B6.iHTb, to permit, II. i. . n03B0-iflTb, I. 3 & yB64HTb, to discharge, II. i. yBOJbHHTb, I. 3. OcMtflTb, to deride, I. 3. . . . ocMtHBaTb, 1. 1 &HacMl5aTbCfl,tolaughat,I.3, HacMtxaTbca, I. i OCfias^Tb, to bind, II. 4. . . . ofiBflSMBaTb, — & Ofias^Tb, to oblige, II. 4. . o6fl3UBaTb, — CpaBHHTb, to even, I. 3. . . . cpaBHHBaib, — &CpaBHHTb, to compare, II. I. cp&BHHBaTb, — npHHHTb, to take, irr. (npHMy) npHHHM&ib,— &BuHyTb, to take out. III. i. BHHHM4Tb, — IIpH6-fe«4Tb, to run up, irr. • npHetr&Tb, — & UpHOirHyib, to resort. III. i. npHe-firaib, — //) Other prepositional verbs have no perfect aspect and therefore fall into the class of defective simple verbs; such are the following: OdoHCaib, to adore, I. i. OHiHAaib, to wait, I. i. 06ja4aTb, to dominate, — 06HTaTb, to habit, — Od^maib, to promise, — Onacaibca, to fear, — 3aB-BmaTb, to bequeath, — 06ypeBaTb, to agitate, — YB-BmaBaTb, to exhort, — HoApaacaib, to imitate, — 0xyH;4aTb, to criticize, — IIo^odaTb, to be necessary, — Ocasaib, to touch, — IIopHliaTb, to blame, — II 1 62 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. no403p-BBaTB, to suspect, I. i. YmepdjaTbCfl, to decrease, I. 3. CoMH'BBaTbCa, to doubt, — CoJKajiTL, to take pity, I. 4. Co3epuaTb, to contemplate, — Cmbicihtl, to understand, II. i. H3o6ii.iOBaTb, to abound, I. 2. GocToaTb, to consist, — HaCwli40BaTb, to inherit, — ynpaMiiTLCH,tobeobstinate,II.2. IlOBHHOBaTbCa, to obey, — CoAepaiaTb, to maintain, II. 3. IIpilBiTCTBOBaTb, to Avelcome, — npe4BH4'BTb, to foresee, II. 4. 060HaTb, to scent, I. 3. IIoxOAHTb, to resemble, — ynpaH(HaTb, to occupy, — SaBiiCMb, to depend, II. 6. i) Lastly the following simple verbs have the properties of prepositional verbs, in other words they express the accomplishment of an action with- out being joined to a preposition and without having the termination of unity in uymb. They are called perfect simple verbs. Some of them have also the iterative aspect. i) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect aspect. 3) Iterative asp. B.iaroc.iOBiiTb, to bless, II. 2. . (5jarocjoB.iaTb, I. 3. . . — BpocHTb, to throw, II. 6. . . dpocaib, I. i 6pacbiBaTb. BblTb, to be, irr. CblBaxb, — 6biBbiBaTb. Be.liib, to order, II. i. . . . (Be.iiib) Be.atBaTb. BopoTHTb, to turn, 11. 5. . . Bopo^aib, I. I Bopa^HBaib. ^aib, to give, irr. . . ... . ^asaib, — (Aaro) ... — /^tTb, to put, irr ^-BBaXb, — — JKeHiiTb, to marry, II. i. . . (jKeHiilb) — KaamiTb, to execute, 11. i. . (KaSHi'iTb) ....... — KoHiHTb, to end, II. 3. . . . KOHiaib, — KaHqiiBaib. KyniiTb, to buy, II. 2. . . . (noKynaib). — . . . . — .le^b, to lie, irr .lOHtiiibCa, II. 3 — .iHiniiTb, to deprive, II. 3. . .miiiaTb, I. i — IlacTb, to fall, irr. na^aib, — (na^aib). rij-BHiiTb, to captivate, II. i. iLitHaib, I. 3 — IIpocTHTb, to pardon, II. 7. . npomaib, I. i — IlycTHTb, to let go, — . . . nycKaib and nymaib, — — PanHTb, to hurt, II. i. . . . (paHHTb) — P04iiTb, to beget, II. 4. . . . poHtaib and pa5K4aTb, — — Lexicology. — the verb. 163 i) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect aspect. PymHTb, to break down, II. 3. (pymHTfc) PtmiiTb, to decide, II. 3. . . p'BinaTb, — Cbo6o4hti>, to deliver, II. 4. . CBo6ojK4aTb, — . . r to become, irr. . . CiaHOBiiTbCfl, II. 2. . ' I. to be sufficient, irr. ciaBaTb, I. i. (ciaib) CTyniiTb, to go, II. 2. . . . ciynaib, — ... C%CTb, to sit, irr. caAiiTbCfl, II. 4- • • XBaiiiTb, to seize, II. 5. . . xBaiaib, I. i. . . . HBliTb, to show, II. 2. . . . HB.lflTb, I. 3. ... ffmb, to take, irr UMdnib, I. I. and II. 2 {u^. 3) Iterative asp. pymiiBaTb. CTaHaB.3HBaTbCH. XBaqiiBaib. dio «& eMAfo). To the list of perfect simple verbs we must add some verbs taken from foreign languages and ending in oeanib, e. g. aTiaKOBaib, to attack; KOH*HCKOBaTb, to confiscate^ which express both the perfect and imperfect aspects with the same termi- nation and without preposition. The verbs Be.l'BTb, acCHiiTb, KaSHHTb, paHHTb and pyiiiHTb, do not change their termination to form the perfect and imperfect aspects; the perfect future (eejK), iKeHK), KaSHK), paHK) and pymy) is also used for the present. In the verb Kynrixb, the present and the imperfect preterit are borrowed from the prepositional verb nOKynaib. The verbs 4apOBaTb, to give; MHHOBaib, to pass , and o6pa30BaTb , to form, as well as the in- flections AapOBajiT., MHHOBaJT> and oSpasOBaJT., are of the per- fect aspect; but the inflections AapyH), MHHyiO and o6pa3yiO are of the present. The verb MHHOBaib forms its future with Mimy, MiiHeiUb, and the preterit has the two inflections MHHyjT> and MnHOBavll. With regard to the perfect simple verbs we remark that in such of them as express a physical action, performed by a single motion (as 6p6cHTb, 4aTb, A'BTb, naCTb, nyCTIiTb, CXyniiTb, XBaXHTb, HTb) the meaning of their perfect aspect is the same as that of the aspect of unity in complete verbs {% 62). These perfect simple verbs, with the exception of o.iazocAoeumb, o/ceHumb, Kasuumb, jiumumb, pd- Hiimb and nAibHumb, form also prepositional verbs. Such are: II* 164 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. I) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfed aspect. . ^ . ' —^ -^ 3a6biTL, to forget, irr 3a6bIBaTb, I. I. HoBejiTb, to order, II. i noBe.itBaTb, — Pa34aTb, to distribute, irr pas^aBaXb, — 04'BTb, to dress, irr OAtBaib, — PacKynHTb, to buy up, II. 2 pacKynaib, — Sajeib, to hide one's self, irr 3a-ieraTb, — YnacTb, to fall, irr yna^aib, — PacnpocTHTbCfl, to take leave, II. 7. . . pacnpomaibca, — riponycTHTb, to let pass, — nponycKaxb, — yp04HTb, to produce, II. 4. ypoHtaib, — PaspyiuHTb, to destroy, II. 6 paspyuiaTb, — Paap'BiUHTb, to decide, — pasp^BinaTb, — 0CB060AHTb, to free, II. 4 OCB060HC4aTb, — 40CTaTb, to procure, irr. AOCiaBaib, — OciaHOBliTb, to stop, II. 2 OCTaHaBJHBaTb, — BbiCTynHTb, to go out, II. 2 BbiCTynaib, — SaciCTb, to sit, irr 3acS4aTb, — Ha-bflBHTb, to indicate, II. 2 H3iaB.5}iTb, I. 3. The verbs 6p6cumb, eopomunib, KdHHumb and xeamumb have the two perfect aspects in their prepositional verbs, like those derived from the complete simple verbs, as we shall subsequently see. For the prepositional verbs derived from HMb, see S 65. 3. 3. Such prepositional verbs as are derived from the complete simple verbs, have in addition to the preceding perfect and imperfect aspects, a second perfect aspect, which, being formed from the aspect of unity of the simple verb, indicates that the action has been or will be performed at one time and by a single movement, whereas the perfect aspect, which is formed from the imperfect aspect of the simple verb, indicates that the action has been or will be accomphshed by various motions, and that occupied or will occupy a certain length of time. Lexicology. — the verb. 165 The same remark applies to such prepositional verbs as are formed from certain double verbs, and also from the perfect simple verbs 6p6cHTfc, BopoTHTB, KOHHHTB and xBaiHTt; e. g. 1) Perfect aspect. 2) Imperfect aspect. a) of duration. b) of unity. Bwdo^xaTb, I. I. BHdojTHyxb, III. i. BwCajTMBaTb, to divulge, I. i. HaKH^aTb, — . HaKHHyib, — . . . HaKHAMBaTt, to heap up, — Bcnopxaib, — . BcnopxHyxB, — . BcnapxHBaiB, to flutter, — BbinpLiraib, — . Bb'inpurHyTb, — . Bbinpb'irHBaTb, to skip out, — CidKaib, — . CTOJKHyib, — . . ciajKHBaib, to push down, — Saxionaib, — . saxjonHyib, — . aaxjonbiBaib, to shut with a clap, - 3a6pu3raTb, — 3a6pM3HyTb, — . 3a6pbi3rBBaTb, to besprinkle, — BcoBaib, I. 2. . BcyHyTb, — ... BCOBbiBaib, to shove in, — BbiKJCBaib, — . BMKJiOHyTB, — . . BbiK.ieBbiBaTb, to peck out, — IIpH4aBHTb, 11. 2. npHAaBHyxb, — . npHAaBJHBaxb, to press to, — OK.IliKaTb, II. 5. OKJIlKHyib, — . . OK.IHKaTb, to call to, — ■ C^yib, irr. . . CAynyib, — . . . CAyBaib, to blow off, — no4Hce^b, — . no4«HrHyTb, — . noAHtHraib, to fire, — BbiBa.iaTb, I. 3. BbiBa.iHTb, II. i. . ebiBajHBaTB, to throw out, — JIpoKaiaTb, I. I. npoKaiiiTb, II. 5. . npoKaibiBaxb, to roll through, — Bbi.ioMaib, — . BbuoMHTb, II. 2. . BbuaMbiBaxb, to break out, — CpOMTb, I. 3. . cpOHHTb, II. I. . . cpaHBBaib, to throw down, — BbixacKaib, I. i. BbiTamnTb, II. 3. . BbiiacKHBaxb, to pidl out, — 3a6pocaTb, — . 3a6p6cHTb, II. 6. . 3adpacbiBaTb, to throw beyond, — Ceopoqaib, — . CBOpoTiixb, II. 5. . CBopa^HBaxb, to avert, — OKOH^axb, — . OKOHTOiXb, II. 3. . OKan^iBaxb, to terminate, — SaxBaxaxb, — . saxBaxiixb, II. 5. . saxBaxbisaxb, to catch, — The simple verbs roBopHxt, jiobhtl, 6hti>, 6paTL and KJiacTb, to indicate an action performed by one movement, borrow their perfect aspect from an- other verb; as: 1) Imperfect expect. 2) Perfect aspect. a) of duration. b) of unity. FoBOpiiXb, to speak, say, II. i. . noroBOpiixb . CKasaxb, II. 4. JoBfixb, to seize, catch, II. 2. . hsjobhxb . . noMMaxb, I. i. 1 66 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. i) Imperfect aspect. 2) Perfect aspect. a) of duration. b) of unity. Bhtl, to beat, irr noOiiTb . . y^apHTb, II. i. EpaTb, to take, irr nodpaib, . , B3flTB, irr. (B03bMy). RiacTb, to lay, irr. noK.iacTb . . uo.iojKiiib, II. 3. 4. From the double simple verbs two prepositio- nal verbs are formed, which with their two aspects, the perfect and the imperfect, have each a particular signification. Such are: i) From the definite verb. 2) From the mdefiniU verb. , — ^ V , '- ^— ^ a) Perfect asp. b) Imperfect asp. a) Perfect asp. b) Imperfect asp. BkiOpecTH, TTT. Bbi6po4HTb, to go out, II, 4. & Bii6p04Hib,II.4. BM6p&»HBaTb, to ferment,!. I, BwCtJKaTb, — Bu6"Brfi,Tb, to flee, I. i. . . & BiiOtraTL, I. i. BbiCtrHBaib, to precede,— 3aBe3TH, — . 3aB03Hib, to bring back, II.4. & 3aB03HTb, II. 4. 3aB&;KHBaTbj to transport, — npOBecTH, — . npOB04HTb, to conduct, — , & IIpoB04HTb, — . npoBO^K&Tb, to accompany, — 3arHarb, — . . saroHaib, to drive, I. 3. & SaroHaib, I. 3. sarfiHEBaib, to harass, — BufiiH, — . • BUXOAHTb, to go out, II. 4. & BuxoAHTb, II. 4. Bfaix&XvBBaTb, to obtain, — B.aeTiTb, n. 5. BJeiaTb, to fly in, I. i. . . & IIepe-ieTaTb,I.i.nepe.ieTUBaTb, to fly by, — 40HecTH, irr. AOHOCHib, to denounce, II. 6. & 4oHOCHTb, II. 6. flOH&niHBaTb, to wear out, — Bn0jl3TH, — . BnoJSatb, to creep in, I. i. & Oind^saib, I. i. 0Tn&.43hiBaTb, to go away,— Butxaxb, — . BU333KS,Tb, to go out, I. I. & Bu-BS/iHTb. II. 4. Bui3HtHBaTb, to train, — From the other double verbs are formed prepositional verbs as from the incomplete or complete verbs. The verbs Ba.lHTb, KaTHTb, .lOMiiTb, pOHHTb and TamHTb form prepositional verbs with the two perfect aspects of duration and of unity, as we have seen above. EXERCISES ON THE VERBS. Regular I do good, as much as I wish. Thou desirest in- verbs. n • ^ , , ^ m H 4'B.aaTb 400po, CKcibKO a Hcejaib. Tbi H(e.5aTb Present. Struct thyself. He imagines that he knows all the sciences, y^HTbca. OhT) ^yMaib ^to ohi SHaib eecb HayKa, and he boasts of his success. We dare not believe in H xeacxaTb {instr.) cbou ycnixT>. H 4ep3aTb ne sipHTb {dat.) Lexicology. — the verb. 167 your words, even when you speak the truth. My neighbours Bauii CjIobo, xoth Tbi roBopuTb npasAa. Mou cociAi only live on bread, and trust in Providence. 04Hin> \MikihZfi.{instr.) xjt6i., h ynoeaTB Ha {acc^ IIpoBHAtHie. You trade in cloth, and you ask much. TbI TOprOBaTB {instr.) cyKHO, H TBI Tpe6oBaTB (^^.) MHoroe. The pigeon cooes; the turtle moans; dogs bark; puppies r6.iydB BopKOBaiB; ropjHua CTOHaiB; codana JiaaiB; menoKi yelp; the frog croaks; the i^aven croaks; the crow caws; dpexaiB; .laryuiKa KBanaTB; BopoHi rpaKaxB; BopoHa'KapKaxb; lions roar; the stag bells; fowls cluck; the cat .leBT. pBiKaiB; ojeHB TOKOBaiB; KvpHija KyAaxiaiB; Komna mews; oxen bellow; the bee hums; the serpent hisses; MaynaTB; 6bikx MBi^aiB ; nqe.ia HtyHOKaiB; 3Mta mnntTB; eagles scream; nightingales twitter; sheep and lambs ope.5T. ipyduTB; cojiOBefl medeiaTB; OBua n arHCHOKi bleat; pigs grunt; the fox yelps; the ass brays; the 6jeaTB; CBlIHBfl XpWKaTB; JHCHqa BH3H;aTB; ocejT. peB-BTB; turkey gobbles; the quail calls; the cock crows; Ka.iKyirB K.«oxTaTB; nepeue.iKa BaBaKaiB; ni&TyxT> K}T{ypeKaTB; the magpie chatters; the parrot prates. The thunder roars; copoKa CKpeKOxaxB; nonyraft ddiaiB. FpoMx rpeMixB; water boils; the doors creak; the brooks murmur; the fire B04a Knniib; 4BepB CKpiiniiB; py^efl myjKHtaTB; oroHB crackles; the stars twinkle; the sun shines; honey-bees TpeiuaiB; 3B-B3Aa CBepKaiB; c6.iHqe CBtxiiiB; nie.ia swarm; diamonds sparkle; dry leaves rattle; the wind poiiTBca; ajiMa3T> djecx-BXB; cyxofl jihcxt. xpycx-BXB; Bixepi whistles; the snow melts. The sun illumines the earth with CBiicxaxB; CH-Bri xaaxB. Co^Hue 03apflXB 3e]yua (m/r.) 1 68 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. its rays , warms and vivifies her. The earth turns CBoft .lyq-L, rp-BTb H JKHBHTL OHT>. 3eMjfl o6pamaTLca round the sun. You grieve in vain. BOKpyr-L Um.) CO Anne- Tbi ropeBait nanpacHO. Preterit. I walked yesterday on the bank of the river, when H ryjflTb B^epa no(^/.) ^epen p-fiKa, KorAa the sun was setting. My sister sat under a tree, co.iHue caAHTLca. Moii cecipa CHAiii. noAi {instr.) ^epeBO, which was shaken by the wind. Yesterday we worked, KOTopufi KaqaTBca {instr.) Biiepi. B^epa a paOoiaxb, read, wrote and drew much. The sheep perished iHiaTb, DHcaib H piicoBaib MHoro. OBua Mepeib through the cold. His mother has been dead a long time. OTT> {gen:) ciyaa. Oht. Maib ynepexb AasHo. The enemies have shut him up in the fortress. This Henpiaiejb sanepexb oh-b hi {prep.) Kpinocib. 3'toti man has become blind, and his wife has become deaf. My ^e.iOBiK'b oc jinny Tb, h oht> aena orjoxnyTb. Moh trees have withered, and my flowers have faded. AepeBO BbicoxHyib, n moh iiB-Bib saBaHyxb. Future. Moscow will shine long at the head of the cities MocKBa KpacoBaxbca AOJro bo {prep,) rjasa r6po4T> of Russia. Thou wilt play, and I shall write. The empire pyccKifl. Tbi Hrpaxb, h a nncaxb. TocyAapcxBO of Russia will develop itself incessantly, and acquire constantly PocciflCKitt BOSBbiinaxbca 6e3npepbiBHO, h npioSp-Bxaxb Bcer^a more force and glory. A great monarch will never doj-Be {gen.) cpua h cjasa. BejHKm rocyAapi ne HHKor4a die. yMepexb. Imperative. Do what thou art bidden, and do not think of resisting. ^ijaxb TTO xbi roBoprixb, h ne 4yMaxb ynpaMHXbca. Lexicology. — the verb. 169 Do not lose hope, and trust in God. Go home, He lepflTB Ha4eH{4a, h ynoBaib na {ace) Bori. CiynaTb 40M6fl, and do not dispute so much. Do not lose thy time, and H He TOJKOBaTB CTO.IBKO. He TpaiHTt {gen.) BpeMH, H do not torment the animals. Speak always the truth, and He MyiHTb {gen.) jKHBOTHoe. FoBopHTt Bcer4a npaB4a, b do not dispute about trifles. He cndpHTL {prep.) nycTHKi, The nightingale sings; the horse neighs; the wolf howls. Irregular Co.iOBefl n-BTB; .i6ma4B pataiB; bojkt. bbitb. There are animals which sleep during the whole winter. Bbitb sb-bpb, KOTopBifl cnaiB {ace.) bccb 3iiMa. Thou takest much upon thyself, and I do not under- Tbi 6paTB MHoro na {ace.) ce6H, h a ne 6paTBca take this affair. How do you crumple this book? He 3a {acc^) 3T0TT> 4'B.IO. Sa^iM'B TBI MSTB 3T0TI KHIira. OhI lives at Moscow, and is thought to be a rich man. H;HTB BT> {prep.) MoCKBa, H CIBITB {instr.) 6oraTBlii ^e.IOB-BKT>. The shepherd shears the sheep; the peasants spin the flax nacTyxi CTpnqB oeiia; KpecTBHHHH^ npacTB .leni and weave the linen. He wishes to sleep, and you wish H TKaTB XO.ICTT>. Oh^ XOTBTB CnaTB, H TBI XOTtTB to play. My neighbour kept me as his own son, and could HrpaTB. Mofi coci4'B depeiB a Kan-B po4H6fi cbihx, n mo^ib not part with me. The enemies have burnt several He paacTaTBca co {instr.) a. HenpiaTejB cjKeiB MHoro towns; they were inflamed by hatred and vengeance. The r6p04'B; OHi ys.ie^Bca {instr.) 3.166a h Mmeme. shepherd pastured the sheep in the meadow. I will send riacTyxT. nacTii OBiia na {prep.) .iyn>. H nocjaTB for the doctor, and thou wilt send me money. This 3a {instr.) .liKapB, n TBI npnciaTB a {gen.) 4^HBrn.. 3'tott> 170 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. town is flourishing, and it will flourish long through its r6pOAT> UBBblli, U OHT> UBtCTII 40.ir0 {insir.) strength and wealth. I will give thee a book, and thou, what ciua H 6oraTCTBO. fl Aaib tli KHiira, h tu ^to wilt thou give me ? Thou canst not say : what will he give 4aTL a? Tm Moqb He roBopuTt : ito oht. 4aTb me for that? Do not take upon thyself, H 3a {ace.) 3T0Tb ? He Opaib na {ace.) cedn {gen..) tott> {gen.) what thou canst not perform. Children, live in peace, do not 'iTO Tbi Mo^b ue iicn6.aHiiTb. AwiA, Hiuib aiiipHO, hc swear, never lie, and behave yourselves well. OHCTbCfl, He HHKorAa jraxb, u Beciii ceda xopomeabKO. Definite and Beasts walk and run, birds and flies fly, fishes indefinite _ . , . . • > ' t imperfect oBtpb xoAUTb o^raib, iiTuqa H Myxa jeiaib, pbioa aspect. swim, and worms crawl. See, a soldier is coming DjaBaib, n ^epsb n6.J3aTb. nocMoip-BTb, CdAaii h4Th here; behind him runs a dog. Thou seest, how this cK)4a; saC/W/r.) 0HT> dtacaxb coOaKa. BiiA^Tb, KaKT> 3tott> swallow flies fastj they fly always so. This mariner jacTO^a .leiiTb dbicipo; ohi. jeiaib Bcer4a xaKi. Cea Mopani has long sailed on the Black Sea. What is swimming AOjro njaBaib no {dat.) ^epHbitt Mope. %o n.ibiib there on the water? The wives of the Slavonians carried laMTi Ha(^;'<^.) eo^a? iKena C.iaBaHHHT> Hocnib water and fetched wood. What dost thou carry in BOAa H xacKaxb 4poBa. ^xo xw Hecxii bt. {prep:\ this bag? See, what a heap of wood this axoxT> MtinoKi? CMOxpixb, KaKoii BaaaHKa 4poBa 9xoxt> man is drawing. One saw then what one had not ^e-iOBtKi. xamiixb. BiiAixb xor4a [gen.) ^xo He seen for a long time. BH4aXb 40x6^-6. Lexicology > — the verb. 171 The enemy dashed into the town and seized the Perfect T¥ . • • / V ' ' / X aspect of HenpiaTe.jL p-BaibCfl b-b {ace.) ropo4i » KHAaiBCa Ha (ace.) duration and of unity, booty. It began to lighten. It lightened, there was a KopbicTL. SacBepKaib MOJiria. CBepKaib Mo^iida, rpeMiib violent clap of thunder, the earth trembled, the church CHJbHbiii rpoMi, 3eM.ia ApoacaTb, qepKOSb was shaken. My brother went to bed, and began to snore. saTpacaibca. [Moh dpaii .ie% h saxpaniib. He gave a loud snore and awoke. May I hope, that Xpan^Tb rpoMKO h npocbinaibca. Mo^b a HaAiaTbca, tto my lyre will touch once more your hard heart? The sun wofl jHpa xporaib eme Baim> x.ja4HbiH cep^iie ? CojHue began to shine, but not for a long time; it shone for a moment 3a6jHCTaTb. HO He Ha46.iro; djieciiib and disappeared. We have thrown out of the window all H CKpbiBaibca. H BbidpacwBaxb 3a {ace) okho Becb the sweepings; among the sweepings we 'have thrown out cop-b; BT> {prep.) copi fl BbldpaCblBaib also a paper of importance. H 6yMara BaHcnaa. Last year I often went to the town. Socrates Iterative {gen.) npdm.ibiii ro^i a xoAiiib bi {ace.) ropo^i). CoKpan. ^^^^^ ' was accustomed to say. The Germans had long inhabited rOBOpriTb. HiMCHT. H34aBHa HtHTb Novgorod. When living at Moscow, I BT. {prep.) HoBropo/t'b. 5KHTb bt» {prep.) \ MocKBa, a often w^ent to the monastery of the Trinity. In my youth iSAHTb BT> {ace.) ^aapa TpoHUKiii. Bt. {ace.) MOJ046H JiTo I often lived in the country, a JKHTb BT> {prep.) ^epeBHa. If the stones could speak, they would teach thee Conditional ri, , , . . g and Sub- E;cj!h Obi KaMeHb Mo^b roBopiiib, oht> Hay^nib Obi tm jimctive. 172 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. prudence. If any one had come to us (^W?.) OCTpOSHOCTb. • E'CIH 61* KTO Hn6y4t BOHTli K1> {dat.) a at this moment, he would have seen us in despair BT> (ar^.) a'TOTi MHHyra, OHT» yBiUtTL 6bi a BT)(/r<^.) OTqaaHie, and would have heard our groans and our sighs. There H ycibimaTt 6hi Harat CTenaHie o Harai BSAOxt. Ectl are few things in the world, on which I mIio (^ {prep.) cjesa. The differ- This soldier has served long and has received for his andi^pects. 3'TOTI C0J4aTT> CjyHHTb 40.!r0 H BblCjyjKHBaTb service a pension. It is not every soldier that will obtain nencia. He BcaKiii BbiaiyatHBaib it with such distinction. He was in many OH-b Cb {instr.) laKOfl OT.lH^e. OhT> 6bITb ^'h{prep.) MHOrO battles and distinguished himself everywhere by his re- cpajKenie, h ouHqaibca Be34i {imir.) 6.«icTa- markable courage. He distinguished himself particularly Te.ibHbiii xpa6pocTB. Owh OT.in^aTbca oc66eHHO at the capture of a battery of the enemies. He mounted upii{prep.) BSarie Caiiapea HenpiaTejbCKiil. Owb BsCHpaibca first on the parapet, killed the hostile soldier, and nepBbiii Ha {ace.) 6pycTBepT>, yfiHBaib Henpiaie.ibCKift co.i4aT'b, n captured a cannon. For that he was rewarded by a BSaib nyiEKa. 3a {ace.) aio oht. HarpaHt4aTb {insfr.) decoration. Afterwards he was rewarded also with other 6p4eH'b. IIoTOM-b OHT> Harpa3K4aTb h {ins^r.) 4pyr6M marks of distinction. Now he will return to his country, OT.!Hqie. Tenepb oht> oinpaBj/iTbca ^^{acc.) p64nHa, Lexicology, — the participle. 173 will establish himself with his family, and will relate nocejfiTbca bi ^prep.) cbou ceMba, h pascKaSMBaib {prep.) his campaigns, how he marched against the Turks and CBOH nOx64T>, KaKT> X04liTb Ha {ace.) TypOKT. H the French, how he beat the enemy, how he indured hunger, 4>paHuy3T,, KaKt 6iiTb Bpari, Kan-b lepniib r6.«04T., suffered from his wounds, and consoled himself with the CTpa4aTb Qi-h^gen.) pana, 11 yi-BuiaTbca {instr.) thought that he is serving his sovereign with heart and MbiMb, qio OHi cjyHtHTb {dot.) CBofi rocy4apb {instr:) cep4ue h soul. Trust in me. 4yma. VnOBaTb YOi^ace.) a. THE PARTICIPLE. ^. — The participles (npHHaciifl) have, as a part ^['^^'^'Jjf ^ of the verb (§ 53) voice, aspect and te^ise, and, as cipies. adjectives, that they may agree with their sub- stantive, they have gender, number and case. As regards voice, they are active or neuter (or, with the pronoun CH, pronominal) and passive. They have the same number of aspects as the verbs whence they are derived, but they have only two tenses, the present and preterit. 67. — The active and neuter (as also the prono- Active and ' \ J. • neuter par- minal) participles are formed as follows: ticipies. I. The present participle is formed from the third person plural of the present indicative by changing the termination ms into mill (neut. w,ee, fem. M^a/?), and this without any exception; e. g. ^ijaiomifi, 174 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. making; .iK)6flmin, loving; KpiiHamifi, crying; ne- cymiii, bearing (from dfh.iaiomd^ jiMHim, KpimdmSy necymz), 2. The preterit or past participle is formed from the preterit indicative, by changing AZ into emiii, and z (in such verbs as have not M in the preterit) into miii (neut. mee, fem. uiaR)\ e. g. ii;i.iaBmin, having made; HOCHBiniii, having borne \ noxyxiuin, being extingtdshed; lepniiH, having rubbed (from drbAttAd, hocujU, nomyxz, mepa). An exception to this rule is found in some irregular verbs in dy and my, which, though forming their preterit in M, change y of the present (or of the future) into mill; these are: 6.(iM);iinifl, having kept; Beitiuin, having lead; naAuiiii (and naeuiiH), having fallen; ^pfl;^I^iH, having [spun; nJieTiniii, having plaited; MeTinin, Jiaving swept; o6piTuiiH, having foimd; iIBiTinifi, having flowered (from 6ji]ody, eedy, nady, npndy, Ujumy, Memy, o6pjbmy and uewmy), and also yBa^uiin, being faded; me,/nnift, having gone ; HeTinifi, having counted (from ye Any, udy and mny). Passive 68. — The passive participles, which are only participles. ^ ^ ^ i i i • i i formed from active verbs, are used both with the full and the apocopated termination, ending: a) in the present, in eMhiii, UMbiu or OMbiii (neut. oe, fem. afi) in the full, and in ems, um3 or om3 (neut. o, fem. \a) in the apocopated termination, b) in the preterit, in UHhiii or 7726m (neut. oe, fem. afi) in the full, and in uz or mz (neut. o, fem. ^) in the apo- copated termination. I . The present participle is formed from the first person plural of the present indicative, by chang- Lexicology. — the participle. 175 ing the termination M. a {fiCMb) HarpaatAeHi). 2. Preterit: . a 6bui> HarpaHv4aeMT>. a Omji HarpajKAeai. 3. Future: . . a 6y4y HarpaH(4aeMT>. a 6y4y HarpaHtAeHi.. EXERCISES ON THE PARTICIPLES. Active and The man who loves truth, hates falsehood. The child "^^"JJpiPf''' ^e-WBiKT, .nodiiTB npaB4a, HeHaeHA'BTi, .aoacb. J\wik that bathes; the dog that attacks passers by. The Kynaiica; co6aKa 6pocaTBca na {ace.) npoxoHtift. tradesman who received the goods from London, KyneuT>, no.iyqaib Toeapt h3t> {gen) .Iohaohi, sold them advantageously. The tradesman who has received npoAaBaib oht. Bbir04H0. Kynem nojyraib the goods from London, has sold them advantageously. ToeapT, H3T. {gen) JIohaoh'b, npo^aib OKI Bbiro4HO. Lexicology. — the participle. 177 Suflfering from illness^ he seeks relief. Light CipaAaib {instr.) dciiSHb, iiCKaxb {gen.) od.ier^euie. 3a%eu the candle which has gone out, and wipe the window cBsqa noTyxHyib, h Bb'iTepeib cieKJo which is frozen. Glory to the hero who has saved his 3aMep3HyTb. Ciaea repofi cnaciH CBOfl country. The roaring lion, the bellowing ox, the barking oie^ecTBO. PbiKaib jeBi, Mwiaib dbiKi), jaaxb dog, the crowing cock, the cooing dove, express their codaKa, n-fiib n-Biyxi, BopKOBaib rojydb, Bbipaacaib cboh feelings and wants. TyBCTBO H Hce.iaHie. The sea agitated by the winds frightens the sailors. Passive ■\m ' r , , participles. Mope, BOJHoeaTb B-Bxpi), ycTpamaib njOBeu-b. The daughter beloved by her father, seeks to deserve his 40%, jiodHTb oieu-b, HCKaxb sac^yatHBaxb oitb love. One must succour the unfortunate man, harassed jioddBL. 4o^3KHO noMoraxb {dat.) necqacxHWH, rnaxb by fate and pursued by disasters. This is skimmed milk, cyAbda H npecj-BAOBaxb ney^a^a. 3'xon> chaxl mojoko, and here is rappee snuff. It is a loaded gun. In the H BOXT. xepexb xadaKT>. 3'xoxt> sapa^axb pyacbe. Ha {prep.) market they sell killed geese, tarred ropes, little pbiHOKT. npo^aBaxbCfl dnxb rycT>, CMOJiixb BepesKa, oxKopMiixb sucking pigs, and shorn sheep. , nopoceHOKT> h cxpii^b OBi^a. Russia is inhabited by various nations. Good sovereigns Passive Poccifl odHxaxb {instr.) MHoro HapoAT.. ^o^pbifi rocy4apb ^^^ ^' are loved by their subjects and respected by their neighbours. jiodiixb CBOH nd/uaHHbiH h yBaataxb cocbab- The Tartars have been vanquished and defeated in the TaxapiiHt nod-BAHTb • h pasdiixb naC/r^/.) 178 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. plains of Koulikof, Thy labours will be crowned -with nd.ie Ky^iiiKOBT.. Tbou ipy^i yB-BHiaiB [instr.) success. Nouns are declined, and verbs conjugated. This ycn-BX-L. H'Ma CKJOHaiB 11 r.iar6.iT, cnparaib. Ceii great captain will be revered by posterity. Moscow BejIHKiH nOJ[KOB6AenT> qillTb Wh iprej).) nOTOMCTBO. MocKBa has been devastated and burnt by the enemies. This gun pasopiiTb H C/Ke^b spari). 3'totx pyacbe is charged. This book is well bound. 3apfl4iiTb. 3'tott> KHiira npeKpacHO nepen.ieTaTb. THE ADVERB AND THE GERUND. Division of 71, — Xhe adverbs (nap-BHifl) are divided into the adverbs. ' \ i / different classes according to their meaning: 1. Adverbs of quality or vianner (Hapiqia Ka- necTBa), e. g. laKi,, thus : ima^e, otherwise; xopoino, well; xy;to, badly; napoHHO, intentionally; CKopo, quickly; nanpacHO, hi vain; H-ayra/ii'B, at random; 3ao;i;H6, by agreement; no-CBoeMy, i7i one''s own way, &c. 2. Adverbs of time (BpeMemi), e. g. Bnepa, yesterday; cero^tHfl, to-day; saBxpa, to-morrow; yTpoMii, in the morning; BeHepoMij, in the evening; HbiH-fe, now ; lenepL, at present; TOr;i;a, then; nocji'fe, afterwards ; npeai;te, before; imorAa, sometimes; TOT^acB, presently, &c. 3. Adverbs oi place (Micia): a) such as indicate a place without motion: a^ttCL, here; TaM^, there; Hiir^ti, flow here ; ^OMa, at home; Be3;i;i, evejy where; b) such as indicate -the place to which the action Lexicology. — the adverb and the gerund. 179 is directed: CK);ia, hither; xyiia, thither; HHKy;^a, nowhere ; ^tOMoii, home; BCH);^y, everywhere ; c) such as indicate the place whence the action proceeds; e. g. OTCWJiR, from here; OTTy;^a, from there; HaBHi, from without; CHapymii, from the exterior; OTBCib^y, from all sides, 8ic. 4. Adverbs oi order (nopn/tKa); e. g. BO-nepBi>ixT>, firstly; BO-Biopbix-L, secondly; noiOMi., subsequent- ly, &c. 5. Adverbs of quantity (KOJiHHecTBa) ; e. g. ^0- BOJiLHO, enough; Majo, little; MHoro, much; ni- CKO.itKO, some, &c. 6. Implicit (saMtHHxejiBHLifl) adverbs, as: ;ta, j/^j; h'£t'l, ;2^; MOJii., ;te, j^^j^^- /^^, &c. 7. Interrogative (BonpocHieJitHBia) adverbs; e. g. Kor;i;a, 2£///^?2 .? /tOKOji'fe, how long ? vfl,%, where (with- out motion)? Ky^a, where (with motion)? oiKV^a, whence? ckojIbko, how much? saHiMT), why? &c. 72. — Adverbs are for the most part derivatives, Formation being lormed irom nouns, adjectives, pronouns or verbs. verbs. Nouns in the instrumental and other cases are often employed adverbially: e. g. KpyroMt, in a circle; BepxoMt, on horseback; ^apoMi*, gratis; na noKast, for show ; wb loponax'L, in haste, &c. Every qualifying adjective, in the apocopated ter- mination of the neuter gender, can become an ad- verb, as: OKpacHTB 6TbM, cum, to dye white, blue; nocxynaxL xopomo, to conduct himself well. The possessive and circumstantial adjectives form ad- verbs of manner by means of the preposition no^ as: no-HeJiOB-EHLn, as a man; no-pyccKH, in Russian; 12* l8o RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. no-j^pyJKGCKH , as a friend; no-3B'£pHHOMy , like beasts; no-MoeMy, according to my view. c?m^aTison^ 73* — '^^^ adverbs formed from qualifying adjec- tives admit of degrees of comparison; e. g. yMHO, wisely, and yMHie, 7nore wisely; xoponio, well, and JiyHine, better; noKopKO, humbly, and BcenoKop- Hinme, very humbly. We must here remark that the comparative of the adverbs is the same as that of the adjectives in the apocopated termination, with the exception of the five adverbs: 66ji'£e, more; Men-fce, less; ;t6j'£e, longer; ^ajite, further; TOHte, more finely, which must be distinguished from the adjectives 66irLuie, greater; MenLiue, less; AOJBuie, lo7iger; ;tajLine, more distant; TOHtme, finer. The qualifying adverbs can also be used in the diminutive and augmentative aspects; e. g. cimeBaTO, bluisJily ; MaJientKO, a little; iieMHoaiKo, not much; noxyace, a little worse; npeyMHO, very wisely. Gerunds. 74. — The gerunds (A'£enpHHacTifl) are nothing but verbal adverbs formed - from active or neuter par- ticiples. They have two terminations in each of the two tenses, viz : a) in the present^ R or (after a hissing letter) a, and }0%u or j^m, e. g. ^j-Biiafl and /tijiaio^H, iri doing; AHina and ^biniyHii, in breath- ing; Hecfl and Hecynn, in bearing; b) in the pre- terit, 65 and eiuu; e. g. j^ijiRB-b and ^"BJiaBinH, after having done; npociiB'Land npocHBinn, having prayed, remarking however that verbs which have not the letter A in the preterit, have only the termination mu^ e. g. yMepmii, being dead; noxyxmii, being Lexicology. — the adverb and the gerund. i8i extinguished. The same is the case with the pro- nominal verbs ; e! g. yHHBinHCL, after havi7ig learned; BOSBpaiHBniHCB, having returned. The full terminations of the gerunds JOHU and emu are more commonly employed in familiar language, while the apocopated termination R and (?5 are more usual in the written tongue. EXERCISES ON THE ADVERBS AND THE GERUNDS. Come here, for I live here. Where is your brother? Adverbs. noilTii cwAa, h6o a jKHib sa-bcl. F^-b eamx dpaxi,? He is not at home. Where did he go yesterday evening? Oht> VL%Th AOMa. Ky^a OHt noixait B^epa eeqepoMi? Thou judgest wisely, and thy brother judges more wisely. I Th cy^HTL yMHo, a tboii dpan. . fl walk quick, and thou walkest quicker. You speak Russian X04iiTB iniidKO, a tm . Tm roBopiiTt no-pyccKH purely, and your sister speaks it more purely. To-morrow ^licTO, a Baim> cecipiiua . SaBipa we shall go very far, and in a year we shall go still a noixaib oient Aa.«eKO, a qpeai {ace.) ro4T> eme further. Thou singest well, but she sings better. I beg . Tm ntTt xopomo, ho oht, . fl npocHib you very earnestly. I thank you very humbly. TM yd'BAiiTe.ibHO. fl d.iaro4apiiTb tm noKopno. While walking on the bank of the river, I ^^^J^Y Gerunds ry.«flTb • Ha {prep:) geperi. ptKa, a nacaaacAaTbca the freshness of the evening. \Vhile pitying the unfortunate, {instr.) npoxja^a Be^epT>. 5Kaj'BTb o {prep>j nec^acTHbiii, try to aid them. I instruct you, because I wish cxapaTbca noMoraTb ohT). fl y^uTb tw, mejaTb 1 82 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. you well, and because I hope, that you will make progress Tu (^. Ilo.iyiiixb Bam-b niicbMo, h having learned what you want, I have answered imme- ySHaiB ig^n.) qxo xbi Hce.iaxb, a oxBi^axb HeMe- diately. After having dined, stop at home. Having ^.leHHO. Oxodi^axb, ocxaeaxbca AOMa. Hami- written your letter, I placed it in an envelope, and CaXb DHCbMO, UOAOMllTb BT> {acc) KyB^pXX>, II sealed it, put it in the post. Having returned aane^axaxb, ox^aBaxb OH-b na (ace.) no^xa. ripiMxii home, I set about writing. After being married, he repaired AOMOM, a C'ficxb micaxb. /KeHiixbca, oh^ noixaxb to the country. Having remained an hour with him, B-biacc.) ACpeBHa. npociiAixb [ace.) qaci. y {gen.) oni, I returned home; after undressing myself and going to bed, a noHXH AOMofi; pasA'BBaxbca ii .!e%, I fell asleep immediately. fl ycHyxb CKopo. Lexicology. — the preposition. 183 THE PREPOSITION. 75. — The prepositions (npe^iiorii) of the Russian Division of language are simple (6e3'L, na, no) or compowtd sitions. (n3'L-3a, H3'L-n6;t'L) ; the following is a general list of them: Be3T> (de3o), without. Ba- or B03- (B30), up. SUS-. Bl) (bo), in, into, to, at. Bbi-, out, without, ex-. 4-ia, for. 40, as far as, until. 3a, behind; after; for. Il3T> (h30), from. H3T>-3a, from behind. HS'B-noA'L, from under. Kt (ko), to, towards; for. Ha, on; against. HaA^ (Ha40), upon, over. Hn3- (hh30-), down, de-. or o6l (060), of against. Olt (OTO), from; since; out of. Ho (na-), about; until; after. Il04T)(n040-), under, underneath. Ilpa-, {indicating a removed rela- tionship; npa^'BTT), great grand- father). npe-^^nepe-, beyond, trans-; re-. npeAT> or nepe4'B (npe40), before. Hpii, near; in the time of. IIpo, of, about. PaAH, for the sake of. Pa3- or p03- (paSO), apart, se-. CkboSB, through. Ct> (co, cy-), since; about; with, round; Y, at; by, near. [ing. ^pe3T> or ^epe3'B, through ; dur- The following adverbs also belong to the class of prepositions: B.1H3T>, near. B^O.ib, along. BMiCTO, instead of. BnyTpb and BHyTpii, within. Bh'B, out of, without. BoS-i^B, beside. BonpeKii, against, in spite of. KpoM'B, besides, except. Mea(4y<7rMejKT>,between,amono MiiMO, past, by. Ha3a4H, behind. HacynpoTHBi, opposite. O'kOJO, round; about. O'KpeCTli, around. Onpim, except, excepting. noBepXT>, upon, above. n64.i'B, beside. no3a4H and n(>3a4b, behind. ndci-B, after. npeH{4e, before. npoTiiBt or npOTHBy, against. CsepXT), above; besides. C3a4H or C03a4ii, from behind. Cpe4U and cpe4b, in the middle. 184 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Certain adverbs, formed from qualifying adjectives, are also used as prepositions; e. g. OTHOCHxejiBHO, in reference to; KacaieJiLHO, concerning. The same is the case with certain gerunds, as: iiCKJiiOHafl, excepting; He CMOipa na, not withstanding, and also some nouns in different cases, as: bT) pa3- cyHc^eniH, i7i consideration of; nocpe^CTBOMt, by means of &c. ^6 — The prepositions in every language have a twofold use. In the first place they are used, as prefixes, in the formation of the different parts of speech, of which they become an integral part; e. g. 6e3^m.% absurdity; 63rJiajL, look, aanaji'L, the west; o^OJiLmaiB, to seduce; wacHHOK'L, the son-in- law; npdBKjKh, the great-grand-son ; cjMepKii, twilight; ^p^SBH^aHHBiH, extraordinary^ &c. Secondly, as particles of speech, they are placed before nouns and pronouns to indicate the relations of the ob- jects; e. g. HejiOBSK-L 6e3z yMa, a man without talent; np6cL5a do cyiiLH, a request to the judge ; niiCBMO KZ ji;pyry, a letter to a friend; CKasna JiiiCHii;^, the tale of the fox,, 8ic. These examples show that some prepositions are used conjointly and separately, while others of them can only be employed in one of these ways. Such as are only used separately, are: 4-ia, Kt (ko), pa/tii, CKB03L, Hs-L-aa and H3^>-^6;^'L. Such as are only used conjointly, are: b3 (bo3, b3o), bbi, hii3 (hh3o), na, npa, npe (nepe), pa3 (po3, pa3o) and cy, and for this reason are called insepaj^able preposi- tions. All the other prepositions may be used both conjointly and separately. Lexicology. — the preposition. 185 "jn. — The separable prepositions require the com- Government , 1 , . . rr-i of the pre- plementary word to be put in a certain case. Thus: positions. Be3i>, ;tjifl, Ao, Hs-B, 1131.-34, ii3'L-n6;ri>, ot-l, pajnii and y, as well as almost all the adverbs used pre- positionally, require the genitive. Ki, and the adverb BonpeKH require the dative. IIpo, CKB03B and Hpe3'L govern the accusative. Ha;^'L requires the instrumental, as does also the adverb MejK;ty or mghcl, though used occasionally with the genitive. IIpH governs the prepositional. 3 a, no At and npe^'L require the accusative, when they indicate motion towards an object, and the instrumental when they design repose. B-L, Ha and or 06^ govern the accusative, when they indicate a change of place, and the preposi- tional, when there is no motion indicated from one place to another. Ct governs the genitive, the accusative and the instrumental. With the genitive it means from, since; with the accusative, as, about, of the size of, and with the instrumental, with. Ho requires the dative, the accusative and the prepositional. With the dative it signifies about; with the accusative, as far as, and with the pre- positional, after. EXERCISES ON THE PREPOSITIONS. Without hope it is impossible to live in the world. From Be3T. Ha4ejKAa He^LSa jkhtb bt. cb^ti. Ott> the river to the forest there are two versts. Of what are you ptKa AO jI-bcl (ecwft) ABa Bepcia. ^ito th 1 86 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. talking? We labour for the public good. Between the roBopiiTB? H Tpy4HTfcca AAK 66mxu 6jaro. MemAj house and the garden there is a large court with stables. AOMi> H 0341. {ecmb) npocTpaHHfaiu 4Bopi CT> KOHibmHa. For God's sake do not grieve. The love of the sovereign Pa^H Bort He yHUBaxL. .IiodoBb kt> rocy4api> and of one's native land. He lives at his uncle. The soldier H OTeiecTBO. Owb trutl y cboh ahah. Co.waT-B started from behind the bush. The ray of the sun passes BucKO^HTb ii3T>-3a KycTt. .ly^-L cdjHeiHbiu npoHHKaxb through the water. This man is at death's door. CKB03L B04a. S'TOTt ^e.iOB'BK'i. {ecmb) npH CMepTB. The bird flies under the clouds. I have put the book under IlTiiaa Aei&Tb noAt od.iaKO. fl nojoacHib KHiira uoat> the table. Sit down to table and remain at table. My CTO.IT,. GaAHTLCa 3a CT0.IT> H CHA'BTb 3a CTO.!!.. Moil brother starts for Moscow, because his wife lives at dpaiT. -Bxax-b B-b MocKBa, noTOMy ^ito oht> aena acaxb B-b Moscow. The eagle is perched on the tree. This glass MocKBa. Opej-b cuA^xb Ha AepeBO. 3'toxx pioMKa has been broken into several pieces. I am angry with my pa36HBaxbca Ha MejKm ^acxb. H AOcaAOBaxb na moh brother for his laziness. Never mind the affairs of others. 6paxT> 3a OH-b .liHOCXb. He 3addxHXbCfl o a'SJO qyatofl. My friend has wounded himself against the corner of the table. Mou Apyn. ymiidaxbca odx. yroj-b cxojt>. The water runs from the roof. Here are trees with leaves, BoAa xeib ct. KpoB.ia. Boxt> AepeBO Cb jhcxt., but without blossoms. This dog will be of the size of HO des-B UB-Bxi. 3'xoxT> codaKa dbixb ct> a cow. The children run about the court and about the KopoBa. ^Hxa diraxb no ABop-b h no Lexicology. — the conjunction. 187 garden. We worked from the first to the fifth of August. ca^T.. H padoTdTt oxt nepBtm no iwtuu ^hcjo A'srycii. He wears mourning for his brother. OhT) hochtb Tpayp'B no cboh dpait. THE CONJUNCTION. j^. — The following is a general list of the Rus- sian ^^;^'//;?^^'^/2.$' (coibsBi). A, and; but. By^e, if, provided. By4T0, 6y4TO 6li, that, as if. Bnp6^eMT>, as for the rest. 4a, and, but; let. 4a6LI, that, in order that. 4^fl TOro ^TO, because. E'atejH and ecJH, if, in case, when. }Ke or Wh, then, also. H, and; also, too. H'do, because. Iljli or H.lb, or. H xaKT., therefore. KaKX, as, when. KaKT)-TO, for instance. Kor^a, when, whenever. ,Ih or A\i [interrogative); if, whether. .Ih6o, either, or. .IhuiI), just, as soon as. He TOJbKO ... HO, H, not only but even. HejKGJH, than. Hh, HHJKe, neither, nor; not Ho, but. [even. 04HaK0, however. IloceMy, then. HOTOMy HTO, because. HpaBAa, it is true. HycKaft or nycTB, let. Cko.il hh, whatever. Cj-BAOBaie.ll.HO , consequently, To, then. [then. Tord paAH, therefore. To.ibKO andiQUMO, only, merely. XOTH, though, although. XoTfl 6m, even though. ^TO, that. ^T06li or qiodx, that, in order that. ^.1aWh, than. There are other parts of speech which perform the office of conjunctions; such are the relative pronouns: kto, ^to, KOTopuH, koh, who, which; Hen, whose; KaKoii, which; the interrogative adverbs: Tji^, Ky^na, where; OTKy;ta, whence; ^toKO.it, how long; CKOJILKO, CKOJIL, Jiow muck ; and others: xaKt, 1 88 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. thus; noKa, as much as ; T%wb . . . '^%Wh, so much the more . . . that; HiMt .... i%Whj the more . . . the more ; Hacxiio, in part, &c. EXERCISES ON THE CONJUNCTIONS. My uncle was born and lived at Moscow, and not at Tver. MoH 4fl4a po4HTLca ii mnxb bt> Mockbe, a ne bt. iBepb. Do you know that our tutor is indisposed? If you do SnaTb AW ^TO HauiT, yqHiejL HesAopoBWH? E'Hcejn tm not come I shall be angry. Ask him if he He npi-BSHcaxb, to a ocep^HTbca. GnpocHit y oht., .«h oht. will come, or if he has the intention to stop at home. He xoiiTL ixaiB, HJii BOSHaMipiiTbca ocTaBaibCfl AOMa. OhT) distresses himself more about his brother than about his sister. 3a66THTbCfl do.ite o 6paTT>, He^ejii o cecipa. It is more agreeable to do good to others, than to receive npiaxHO A'BJaib /io6p6 Apyrofl, ^^wh nojyqaib benefits one's self. Let him come; let them go. 6jiaroTBopeHie caMi. HycTb oht> npiiiTii; nycKafl oht> yixaib. Do not let the sun find you on your bed. Long live He Aa cojiHue sacTaBaib tm na joaie. 4^1 s^paBCTBOBaTb the Tzar. The more thou learnest diligently, the more study will I^apb. ^■BMT> Tbi yqiiTbCfl npiueacHO, T%wh y^cHbe duTb be easy to thee. jerniH 4^a tbi. THE INTERJECTION. 79. — The principal interjections (MeaJAOMeiifl) of the Russian language are the following: ypa! ra! expressing y^j/; axi)! ox'l! ysbi! hxth! expressive of pain; a&l yxt! oii! indicate/ear; Toy! indicates aver- sion; yoi)! expresses /rt:/^^//^; Hy! nyme! are used to encourage; ctb ! tcb ! to impose silence; 3h ! ren ! to call. Syntax. — concord of words. 189 SECOND PART SYNTAX. Zo.— Syntax, which treats of the union of the ^^^^J°^"^ °^ different elements of speech, and of the order in which those different elements ought to be arranged, is divided into three parts: i) the concord of words (corjiacoBaHie), or the syntax of agreement, which teaches how to express the union existing between the words forming the proposition ; 2) the dependence of words (ynpaBiieHie), or the syntax of government, which teaches the manner of indicating the relation existing between a term and its antecedent; and 3) the construction of words (pasM'Smenie), or the place to be assigned to the single words in the proposition, and to the propositions in the period. CONCORD OF WORDS. 81. — The following are the rules of the concord of words in the Russian language: I. The .f?^/^>^^ (^o;^JIeaiaI^ee), <2//r/^2//^ (cKasyeMoe) and copula (cBflSKa) must agree in gender, number and person; e. g. Bot'b gctl BceMorymi), God is almighty; nayKii (cymb) iLOJie^nhi, the sciences are usefid; MocKBa dhiJik ciiaBHa, Moscow has been celebrated; A'aia 6y;ieT'L cnoKoiiHa, Asia will be tranquil; cojiHite BSoniiio, the sun has risen. — When the attribute is a noun, it retains its gender and number; as: opejx ecxt xAmnafl nmuua, the eagle I go RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. is a bird of prey ; but the movable nouns agree with the subject; as: Jiyna ecTB cnymnujia aeM^iH, the moon is the satellite of the earth. To this rule there are the following exceptions: i) The persona] pronoun of the 2d person, with its determinatives, as also the verb and the attribute when an adjective is used, from politeness, in the plural ingtead of the singular; but when the attribute is a noun, it remains in the singular; e. g. BH ca'MH, 4pyri. MOM, uesdopoebl, you yourself, my friend, are indisposed; dyALie ceudrbmeAeMZ , be a witness. — 2) The verb 6bimb, in the sense of exist, though the subject be plural, remains in the singular in the 3d person of the present; but in the preterit and future it agrees in number with its subject; e. g. y Hero ecmb ACHLrn, he has money; y nero 6biJiu AeHbrn, he had money; y nero 6y^yrm /leHLrH, he will have money. — 2) In the case of nouns indicating a title, the verb and the attribute agree in gender with the sex of the person who bears the title; as: Eto Bejii^eCTBO {KopoAb) Hesdopoez, His Majesty (the King) is indisposed; Efl CillTe^bCTBO {rpa(pUHR) 6blJld SA-BCL, Her Excellency (the Countess) has been here; Ero CBix^ocTb {KHH3b) npozfAueaACH, His Highness (the Prince) has taken a walk. 2. Determinative words agree with the noun they determine, in gender, number and case; e. g. Be- AUKiu neipx npeo5pa30Baji'L odmupnyH) Pocciio, Peter the Great has regenerated the vast Russian empire. If the determinative is a noun, it only agrees in case\ e. g. cjieati, ymibiueuie Hec^acTHHX'L, y Hero HScaKiiii, tears, the consolation of the unhappy, were dried Up within him. 3. Two or more subjects in the singular require the verb and the attribute in the plural; e. g. jiiHOCTB II npas^iHOCTB (cymb) epedubi, laziness arid inactivity are pernicious. If the two nouns in the singular are united by an alternative conjunction, Syntax, — concord of words. 191 the verb and the attribute must be in the singular; e. g. 3iiMa \im pecna Te6'B npiAmua? is it winter or spring that is agreeable to thee"! 4. The infinitive, when it performs the office of subject, requires the verb and the attribute to be put in the neuter singular; this is also the case with the adverbs MHoro, much; MaJio, little; ckojilko, hoiu much; HicKOJiLKO, some; e. g. yMiipaiL 3a OTenecTBO {ecmh) CAdeuo h npiumHO, it is noble and pleasant to die for one's country; ckojilko nputUAO ceMeHCTBT), how many families have arrived'^ 5. When two nouns, the one appellative and the other proper, both relating to the same object, differ in number or gender, the adjective or verb agrees with the appellative noun; e. g. dpeemu r6po;ti> Gmbli, the ancient city of Thebes; CAaeuaH ptKa itynaH, the celebrated river Danube. When there are two nouns of different genders, the ad- jective agrees with the masculine; e. g. CAdeubie uapH H i],apHii,H, the celebrated kings and queens. In the verbs the first person has the priority over the two others, and the second over the third; as: TH H fl lyjiAeMZ BMicTt, thoii and I walk together; TH n QiWh He 3Hdeme wio ^ijiaifc, thou and he know not what to do. 6. The numerals compounded of o/i;hh'l, one, require the noun in the singular (§ 43); e. g. jlBSimSiih ojiiiwb py6Ah, twenty one rubles; TbiCflHa OilHa «o^6, the thousand and 07ie nights. 7. The relative pronouns agree in gender and number with the noun to which they relate, but they take the case that the verb of the phrase in which 192 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. they occur, may require; e. g. a anaio jiijio, KomopoMS BH roBopHie, / know the affair of which you speak. The pronoun neii^ occurring always with a noun, must agree in every respect with that noun; e. g. totI), b-l %hiiX5 pyKax-L Moa cy^boa, he in whose hands is my destiny. EXERCISES ON THE CONCORD OF WORDS. Winter is agreeable. Men are mortal. Novgorod was SiiMa npiaTHbifl. ^g.iob'Bkt. CMepTHtiil. H6Bropo4i> 6fciTb rich. Russia is a vast empire. The Wolga is the king doraiMH. Poccia dwib o6miipHbifl iiMnepia. B6.ira dhiih qapt of the rivers of Russia. My friend, you shall be satisfied. p-BKa pyccKiii. Mofl npiaTe.jb, tm 6mti> A0B6.ibHbiH. We have great stores. I shall have to-morrow some y fl 6biTb dojibinoH 3anacT>. Y a 6biTb saeTpa money. Her Majesty • {fhe Empress) is gone out. His AeHbni. Ohi BcjHi^ecTBO {IlMnepampuu^a) Bbi-Bxaxb. Owb Excellency (the general) is gone. His Imperial npeBocxo4iiTejbCTBO [zenepdAZ) ysxaxB. Oirb HMnepaiopcKifl Highness {the Grand-Duke) has been satisfied. Geography Bbico^ecTBO {BeAUKiu Khasb) dbiib AOBOjbHwfl. Teorpa^ia and history are very useful branches of knowledge. n HCTopia dbiib BecbMa no.ie3Hbifl 3HaHie. It is difficult to be silent. How many children were there? TpYAHUH MOwI^aTL. CKOJbKO AHTa dblTb laMX? Moscow is celebrated; the town of Moscow is celebrated. MocKBa 3HaMeHHTbii1; ropoAT* China is densely peopled; the empire of China is densely KiiiaH MHorojwAHbifl; rocyAapcxBO Syntax. — dependence of words. 193 peopled. He has , thirty one horses. The book y OHT. dbiTb TpH4uaTb 04HHT. j6ma4b. KHHra, which you are reading, is very amusing. Here is KOTOpufl TW qHTETL, O^eHL 3a6aBHbIM. BOTT. the man by whose works we profit. tcejOBiKT., {instr:) qeu Tpy4T> nojbSOBaTbca. DEPENDENCE OF WORDS. 82. — For '(ki^ dependence ox government of words in Russian the following rules are to be observed: 1. Words which, having the same root, appear in the form of substantive, adjective or adverb, as also in the form of verb, participle of gerund, require the same cases; e. g. Bpe4HTb 6.lH5KHeMy, to do harm to Ms neighbour; Bpe4amiu 6.«H}KHeMy, doing harm to his neighbour; Bpe4fl 6.1HHiHeMy, in doing harm to his neighbour; Bpe4T> 6jUH{HeMy, the harm done to his neighbour; Bpe4Hblfl 6jiHH(HeMy, prejudicial to his neighbour; Bpe4H0 (iXim.- HeMy, prejudicially to his neighbour. 2. The governing power of the verbs depends on their meaning: the same verb used in different significations requires different cases; e. g. rOBOpHTb npaB4y, to speak the truth; rOBOpiiTb 4'bJ'B, to speak of an affair; rOBOpiiTb aSblKOMl, to speak a language; rOBOpiiTb CT. 4pyrOMT>, to speak with a friend; OTKaaaib npoCHreJlO, to refuse a petitioner; OTKasaXb BT> npoCbS'B, to refuse a request, OTKasaib 40MT>, to bequeath a house; OTKasaxb OTT> 46jIHCHOcth, to deprive of an office. 3. The prepositions communicate to the verbs to which they are joined a double quality. In the first place they ex- press simply the commencement of the action, its duration and its completion; as: HrpaJT> Ha ^.ICHT'B, he played on the flute; aanrpaj-b na *.ieUTS, he began to play on the flute; DOHrpaBT> Ha *.ieilTt, Sanajca OHT. qTeHieMl>, after having played a little on the flute, he busied himself with reading; B^epa Cbirpaj!T> na *.ieHT^ npeTpy4H0e CO^HHenie , yesterday he played on the flute a very difflcult composition; OHX 40Hrpa.n> Ha *.!eflT;B Ha^aioe na CKpiinK-B, 13 194 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. he finished playing on the flute what he had begun on the violin; OTMrpa.li Ha *JeiiTt b^l no.iHOit, he ceased playing on the flute at midnight. Secondly the preposition gives to the verb another meaning; e. g. iracaib nHCbMO, to write a letter; BOCDHCaTb XBajy', to confer praises upon; BnncaXL Bt KHUry, to inscribe in the book; BLinHCaifa I13T> KHiiril, to extract from a book; 3anH- caib BT. C.iyaiSy, to .enter on the service; Ha4nucaTb a4peCb, to write an address; OTilHCaTt Kt 4pyry, to inform a friend; nepe- micaib HadtJO, to make a fair copy; npunHcaib CTpo^ncy, to add a line; nponHCaib BCiO CiyacCy, to describe the luhole service; pacnncaxb KOMHaiy, to paint a room; cnncaibCfl ct> npiaie^eMi, to correspond with a friend. The prepositional verbs of the first men- tioned class require after them the same preposition and the same cctse as in the simple form, while those of the second category, in which the addition of a preposition modifies the sense, take after them the preposition with which they are formed, or a corresponding one, as is seen below. 40, 4) ii 4) •£^ $ g o Ha, . Ha4, • HH3, . OT, . nepe, no4, . npe4, npH, . npo, . I npoHS, I pa3, . ^ c or CO. Ha; e.g. . B30Bth h& ropy, to ascend the vionntain. Vh\ ■ ■ . BCiynaxb bt» 40>n>, to enter in tJie house. 331; . . BUUTH HSX -Itcy, to issne from the forest. 40; . . . 40'BxaTb 40 r6p04a, to go as far as the town. 3a; . . . saKHHyib 3a cnHHy, to throw behind one's self. 03*6; . . H3B.l6qb H3T. KHHFH, to extract from a book. Ha; . . . HaBbioiHTb Ha .l6nia4B, to place upon a horse. Ha4'b; • • Ha4CMaTpHBaTb HaA'b 4'6TbMH, to watch over the children. Ch:, . ■ ■ HH3.ieT-BTb Cb Kp6B-lH, to fly down from the roof. OTl; . . . OTOpB&Tb OTT* pa66TM, to tear from labour. ipe3T>; . nepecKOqHTb «ipe3'i> poBT>, to leap across a ditch. no4'b; • • no4^oatHTb no4'b .r640By, to put under his head. npe4'b; . npe4CTaTb npe4'b cy46H, to present himself before the judges. YCh\ . . . nplHTH KT* 4pyry, to come to a friend. CKB03b; . npOHTH CKB03b or6Hb, to pass through the fire. OTT.; . . . npOHSOHTH OT'b 6o.fB3HH, to arise from a disease. Ha; ... pa3pi3aTb na q&CTH, to cut into pieces. CB; . . . CKHHyib CT» ce6a, to throw of one's self. Z'^. — We now give the application of these rules in every case, with the exceptions thereto. Nominative. In the iioiuinativ 6 are put: i) The subject, or the principal member of the proposition ; as : coJiHufi CB'feTHT'L, the sun shines; Mope uiyMHT'L, the sea Syntax* — dependence of words. 195 roars. (The subject with a negative verb is some- times put in the genitive; see below.) — 2) The attribute, united to the subject by means of the verb ecmh^ 6biji 13* 1^6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. ecfo HOHb, I have written the whole night ; OHt npoixajii. eepcmy^ he has run a verst. — 3) After the prepositions 65, ua, 3a, nods, npeds, npo, CK603b, upesd, or 0^5, no and C5 (S 77)> Dative. The dative is used: i) With the accusative, to in- dicate the person to whose gain or loss the action is performed; e. g. tbi noiiaJFL mhjioctsihk) MdHOMy, thou Jiast given alms to the poor man. — 2) After the verbs formed with the prepositions npebs and CO (in a sense of reciprocity), or with the adverbs 6Adio, npomued and npeuO; as: ocenb npe^JtuiecT- ByeiT. suMih, autumn precedes iviiiter; He npeKOCJioBb cmdpmuM5, do not contradict the aged. — 3) After the verbs expressing command or prohibition, pleas- ure or grief, compliance or opposition, assistance or obstacle; e. g. mm ^o;^paacaeM'L dpeeuuMS, we imitate the ancients; He Jib cm ^ozdmbiMS, do not flatter the rich; CJiyacH ycep^HO Focyddpio, serz'c the sovereign with zeal. The verbal nouns formed from these verbs also require the dative; as: no- itpaatanie dpeeuuMd, the imitation of the ancients; jiecTb 602dmbW3, flattery to the rich. — 4) After such verbs as are used in the infinitive instead of the future; as: 6biTb 6ibdib, there will be a misfortune; He Bii^aTb uams acHbix'b iinen, we shall see no mo7'c fine days. — 5) With the impersonal verbs; as: Mum xoiexca tcib, / want to eat; eamz nes^opoBHTca, you are indisposed. — 6) With such adjectives and adverbs as are derived from the above mentioned verbs, or which express advantage or detriment, utility . or uselessness, pleasure or dislike; e. g. npiaTHHH CJiyxy, agreeable to the ear; acHTb npn- Sy?ltax. — DEPENDENCE OF WORDS. I 97 jIhhho cBoeMY cocmomlH), to live suitably to one's condition. — 7) After the prepositions m and no, and the adverb eonpem {% jj). The instrumental is used: i) With the active, ^"nJaf, neuter, pronominal and passive verbs, a) to desig- nate the instrument, the means by which the action is performed; as: orft 6epeTi> KHMry pyKUMii, he takes the book zvith the hands; a moiocl eodoWj I wash myself with water; KHHra nanHcana MOHMt XHumeAeMd, the book has been written by my master; b) to designate the name, surname or quality given to an object; as: ero soByTt IleduoMS, they call him John; Te6a noHHiaiOT'L fMUbiMd, you are con- sidered intelligent. Some active verbs expressing motion, which usually govern the accusative, are also found with the instrumental; as: 6pocaTL KCLMem and 6pocaTb udMueMZ^ to throw a stone; ^IBHraTL cepdad and cepdudMU, to move the hearts. — 2) With the verb 6h\mb and 6hiedmb^ to designate a quality; as: OHi> xoHex-L 5htl yiio6iiMbiM5, he desires to be loved; He 6i>iBaTB Te6i eduuOMd, thou wilt not be a warrior, (See above the nominative.) — 3) After such verbs as indicate contempt, indig- nation, esteem, possession, sacrifice, &c.; as: npe- He5peraTfc ondcnocmbio, to despise danger; BJia;iiTL UMThHieM5f to possess a property ; aiepiBOBaTL co^ow, to sacrifice one's self. The verbal nouns formed from such verbs also require the instrumental; as: npeHe6peHteHie ondcuocmbio, the contempt of danger; BJia^inie UMTbuieMd, the possession of a property. — 4) To designate that part of an object which is distinguished by some particular quality; as: .mu,eMZ 198 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 6't,Ji'h, white in the face; niiipoKt tiAeuaMU, broad in the shoulders. — 5) To indicate the road an object takes; and also to designate the seasons and the parts of the day; as: nJifciTB MopeMS, to go by sea; eecHOH) ciH)Ti>, ojie sows in sprifig; HoubH) cnan., one sleeps at flight. — 6) After the prepositions 3rt, «a^3, no^z, npeds, cs, and the adverb meoicdy or Meoicd (§ '/y). Genitive. The genitive is used: i) With nouns to indicate that one object is the property of another, and also its origin, &c.; as: xoaaiiiTL doma^ the master of the house ; jsflwh cocrbda^ the house of the neighbour; CBiHi) cojddma^ the son of a soldier. The comple- mentary noun in such occasions may be converted into a possessive adjective; as: dOMoebiu xoaaiiH'L, cocfbdmu Jiowb, coAddmcKiu cbih'b. The dative may sometimes be substituted for this genitive; as: ^pyrt 6pdjny^ the friend of the brother; u-feHa MTbcmdMd, the price of the places. A noun with a qualifying adjective indicates in the genitive the quality of the object in a higher degree; as: naii Ay%maio copma, a tea of stiperior quality ; HeJiofiiKi. cmpozuxs npdeuAd, a man of rigid principles. — 2) With the verbal nouns, formed from active verbs governing the accusative; e. g. HTenie /rww2W, the reading of a book; aname dibAa^ the knowledge of an affair. — 3) To designate number, weight, measure, and in general after adverbs of quantity; as: nyAt cmua^ a pood of hay ; apniMHt cynnd, an ell of cloth; HicKOJbKO khuzz^ some books. — 4) To designate the years, the months and the day of the month; as: mecmdio aHBapa Tbicana BOceMtcoi'L Syntax. — dependence of words. 199 uembipnaduamazo zoda, January 6th 18 14. — 5) After active verbs preceded by the negative adverb He, and with the impersonal negative verbs Hibms, He cmdAO, He CAbmno, ne UMrbemcR, and others in- dicating privation; e. g. He jiio6jiw neerhoicdbij I do not like the ignorant ; He BHaiy noAbSbij I do not see the advantage; y nacL H-feTt XAib^a, we have no bread; Kor^a meuA He 6y^eT'B, when I shall be no more; ne bh^ho nepeMJbHbi, one sees no change. — 6) With the active verbs, when the action extends only to a part of the object, or lasts only a limited time; e. g. npimecH eodbi, bring me some water; ^taii MHt nepd, give me your pen for a little while. The same is the case with some verbs formed with the prepositions na and no, as: Hay^HTL pb\6b\, to catch some fish; hokochtb mpaebi, to mow some grass. — 7) With such active and pronominal verbs as express desire, expectation, disobedience, fear, privation, &c.; e. g. JKeJiaeM'L cudcmi/i, we desire health; owh hc^gt'l pascerhma, he awaits daybreak; 6oaTLCfl jqieBHaro ceihma, to fear the light of day; /lep^axLCfl npdeuA3 necTii, to keep to prhtciples of honour. The verbal nouns formed from these verbs also require the genitive; as: ^eJianie CAdebi, the desire of glory ; jmnieme UMfbHiR, the loss of a property. — 8) After the adjectives ;50Ct6hhhh, worthy; no JiRhim, full ; hytrmjau, a stranger to; and the adverb aiaiifc, it is a pity; e. g. a HyHJ;^'L cero MHWHi/i, I am a stranger to this opinion; :^ajii> eaiy 6pdma, he is sorry for his brother. — 9) After adjectives and adverbs in the comparative, when not followed Jjy a conjunction; e. g. coKpoBHma AparoutHHinmia 2 00 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. dOAOma, treasures more precious than gold; cjioh'L Bbime eep6Aibday the elephant is larger than the camel; oh'B atii.i'L ^ojite 6crbX5, he has lived longer than all, — lo) After the prepositions (fe33, dJiR, do^ U35, u35-3di u33-noddj omdy pddu, cd and j, as also after most of the adverbs used as prepositions (S 77)f remarking that the prepositions dAM and pddu are sometimes placed after their complement ; as: AJia. Bora and Bora jiJisi, /or God's sake; ^km HecTH and necTii pa^, for honour. Lastly the genitive is used with the numerals. See the particular rules relative to the numerals § 43. ^tioSaf '^^^ prepositional case is only used with the pre- positions 03, «a, or oJa, no and npii (§ jj). EXERCISES ON THE DEPENDENCE OF WORDS. Nominative. Water is an element. Alexander of Macedon was a great Bo4a 6MTb CTHxifl. A.ieKcaH4pT> MaKeaoHCidfl 6wti> Be.iiiKifl captain. The Tatars were ferocious. My grand-father no.!KOB64eq'L. TaTapHHT> 6biTT> CBupinLiii. Mofl 4^At> was an officer; my grand-father was then an officer. It is said 6LiTb o*HuepT>; Tor4a . FoBopiiTb that the comets have been or will be once planets. ^TO KOMeia 6mtb hjh Sbitb eme njaHeia. Accusative. The rain refreshes the earth. Rogues hate honest 4oH{4b ocB-BataxL 3eMja. 3^04-611 HeHaBH4'BTB qecTHtift men. The storm which devastated our fields, has ruined jib4H. Bypa, onycTomaiL Haim> n6.ie, paaopaTt many peasants. Speak always the truth. My brother has MHorie nocejflHHHT>. Fobophtl Bcer4a npaB4a. Moil 6paTT> Obitb Syntax. — dependence of word s . 201 been sick all winter. I have been a whole verst on horseback. 6o.ibH6u Becb 3HMa. fl ixait alibiii eepcTa BepxoM-b. Thou art praised for thy assiduity. He struck himself against Tm XBajHTb 3a npHjeatame. Ohi> yAapaTLca o6i the wall. We are in the water up to the neck. The son CTtHa. H CHaiTb bt> BOAa no mea. Chhti is the size of the father, and the daughter almost the size of pOCTT> CJh OTem>, H AO^b nO^Tli CT> the mother. Maib. The miser prefers money to glory, and the warrior Dative. CKynem> npeAnoqaiaxb ACHbru cjasa, h b6iiht> prefers glory to money. The lightning precedes the c-iaBa 4eHbrn. MojHia npeAinecTBOBaib thunder. I admire your patience. Do these pictures rpoMi.. 4HB"TbCfl BafflT> Tepntnie. S'TOTt Kapinna please you? Do not avenge thyself on thy enemy, HprBHTbcajH Tbi? He MciHib TBOii Henpifliejb, and do good to him who has offended thee. There will H A^JaTb 4o6p6 oSHHtaxb tm. Buib be a prodigy. Bitter tears will be shed. The child wishes qyAO. rdpbKiii cjeaa .iiiibca. Pe6eH0KT> xoTtibCfl to drink. It is not proper for a strong man to offend DHTb. He npH.iiiqHbnl ciubHWH ^ejiOBiKi> odHacaib the weak. The imitation of Jesus Christ. The love of cja6biH. no4pajKaHie Iiicyci XpHCioci. jK)66Bb kI virtue and the hatred of vice. 4o6po4'BTe.ab 11 HeHaBHCXb Kt nopoKi. I see with the eyes, I touch with the hands, I hear with instru- BH4'BTb rjaST., ocasaxb pyna, c.ibimaxb mental. the ears, I smell with the nose, I taste with the tongue. yxo, o6oHaxb hoct,, BKymaxb asb'iKi. 202 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Ismail was taken by Souvorof, and Otchakow by Potemkin. HSMaHJT. B3flTB CyB6pOBl, H O^aKOBl nOTeMKHHT>. Evey body calls these officers heroes. The patient moves Becb HasuBaib dTOTi> o^Huepi. repou. EojbHOu meBe.iHTk scarcely the lips. I detest fraud and falsehood. Here CABS. ry6a. rnyinaTLCfl ofiMani. h .jo«l. SA-fiCb one breathes a pure air. The sacrifice of one's life for 4bimaTb ^ucTufi Bos/iyxi. IIoxcepTBOBaHie xtuSHb 3a his sovereign and country. He is kind in heart, but weak rocy4apb H oie^ecTBO. Oht> 4o6pbm c^p4ue, ho cja(5biH in head. One must rise in the morning, work during rdOBa. Ha4o6HO BCxaBaxb yipo, paOoiaib the day, rest in the evening and sleep during the night. 4eHb, 0T4UxaTb Be?epT>, h cnaib HO^b. Reconcile my friend with his uncle. I congratulate you on IlOMHpHTb MOfi 4pyn> Cb OHT> 4fl4a. n034paB.^aTb TbI CI your success. Baiui ycnixi. Genitive. The son of my faithful friend departed yesterday. Quick- GbiHT> Mou licKpeHHiu 4pyn> ytsataTb B^epa. Bojbindfl witted children are often delicate. There has been made yM-b 4HTfl dbiBaib Hep'B4K0 xiubifi. CocTaBjaib a list of the officers of our division. The baking of bread. cnticoKT> o*imepT> nann. 4HBH3ia. ne^enie XA'h6'b. I have bought a pound of tea and a cord of wood. Such fl KyniiTb *yHn. ^aii u caaceHb 4poBa. CT6.jbK0 labour and pains have been lost uselessly. The Russians Tpy4i H saCoia nponaAaib no-nycioMy. PyccKift took Paris March l8th 1814. I do not eat bread, but dpaib napHJKT. MapiT. 18 1814. fl ne tCTb xa%6i,, ho I drink water. I eat the bread, but I do not drink the water. DHTb B04a. H -BCTb JAt6-h, HO HB HHTb B04a. Syntax. — dependence of words. 203 I have received neither letter nor packet. In this letter there H nojy^aTB He hh nncBMo, hh nocbUKa. Bt> 8'tott> nacbMo h-bti is not a fault. Procure me money. The warriors wish HH 04HHT» omiidKa. 4ocTaBaTL a AentrH. Bohhi scej^Tt for the battle and seek glory. The ambitious man thirsts for 6HTBa H HCKaxb c^aea. CjaBojH)6em> %a»(AaTi> honours. Thou desirest riches, and thou fearest labour. noqecTi. Tm xoiiib 6oraTCTBO, h Coaibca Tpy4T>. The barrel is full of wine. A worthy man is a stranger to hatred E6wa nojHbifl bhho. 4o6pbiu ^e.ioBiKi ^y«4bm 3j66a and envy. Gold is dearer than silver; lead is heaver H saBHCTb. 36.JOTO AoporoH cepe6p6; cbhrcuT) xaHte^bm than iron. He asks alms for Christ's sake. Rest is ae.«'B3o. Oht. npocHib MH^iocTbiHa Xpiicioci paAH. O'tamxi agreeable after labour. Along this shore runs a chain opiaTHbiH nocjt paSoia. B40.ib ^tott. 6epen. TflHyibca u^nb of mountains. The wolves prowl round the villages. ropa. BojK'b 6poAHTL okojo AepeBHa. My brother preserves his presence of mind in all the Preposi- MoH opai^ xpaHHTb npncyxcTBie Ayxi. npH Becb troubles of life. This town is built on the precipitous nenpiaxHOCTb bt. 3KH3Hb. Cefl r6po4T> nocxpoHXb na KpyxoH bank of a rapid river. A church with five cupolas. He 6epen> dbicxpuu ptKa. I|epKOBb naxb r.«aBa. Ohi weeps over his father. n.iaKaxb no cboh oxeqi. THE FAIRY. The differ- „ , . ent rules of BOJUIEEHHUA. Syntax. A widow had two daughters: the elder resembled 04nHi> B40Ba HMixb 4Ba 40% : cxapuu 6bixb nox6»dH na her mother both in face and temper, that is to say, she was CBOH MaXb H JHUe H HpaBT>, XO eCXb, OHT) 6HXb A 204 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. as ugly and as malicious as her mother. Nobody TaKT) me AypHofl h laKt ace 3joh, KaKT> oht> MaiL. Hhkto loved them; every one avoided them. The younger was He jrodHTb OHT.; Becb 6iraTb ott> oht>. Ma.iMH me 6bnh beautiful and good. Every one loved her. But her npeKpacHMil h 4o6po4yinHbiH. Beet AVi6iiTb oht>. Ho ohx malicious mother and her wicked sister detested her; 3JbIM Maib H SJblfl CeCXpa HeHaBHAtTb OH-b; they scolded her without ceasing; she alone was obliged 6paHHTb 6e3iipecTaHHO; OH-b o^hhi 6biTb AOAmnbiii to work in the house, to heat the stove, to sweep the rooms, paSdiaTb Bi 40MT), ToniiTb neib, Meciri ropmma, to cook. The poor child wept from morning till CTpanaib bi Kyxna. BsAHHHtKa luaKaTb ex yxpo 40 night, but she was not lazy at her work; she was Beqepx, HO OHT» He .i-BHiiTbca paCoiaxb; 6biTb obedient, patient, and all that was in vain, for nocjymHbiil, lepntjiiBbifl, h Becb 3T0tt> 6biTb nanpacHbiH, h6o she could in no way satisfy her wicked mother and Mo^b He HH^To yroHCAaib na ceoii 3.1011 Maib h na her wicked sister. CBofl 3.1011 cecxpa. Every day this poor girl was forced to go with E3Ke4HeBHO 3xoxT> d-B4Hbm 4iBymKa 6bixb AOAmubm xo4tixb cb a large pitcher to fetch water in a neighbouring wood, 6oAbm6u KyeuiHHX sa B04a bt> S.iHHtHiH poma, where there was a clear spring. One day she BT> KOXOpblH HaX04nXbCfl ^liCXblH HCxd^HHKT.. 04HaHt4bI OHX had gone according to custom to this spring. The day noHXH no odbiKHOBCHie kx axoxx hcxotohkx. ^enb was very hot. After having filled her pitcher with water, 6bixb o^eHb HiapKift. Hano.iHiixb KyBmiim. B04a, Syntax, — dependence of words. 205 she returned home. All at once she saw before her OHt B03BpamaTLca 40M6ft. B4pyri BH/itTb npeAi ce6H an old woman. "My child!" said to her the old woman, cTapyuiKa. «Mofl 4HTa!» CKasbieaTb oht> ciapyiiiKa, "give me water to drink; I am wearied; I am very hot." — «4aBaTb a HanHoaTbca; a yciaBaib; a {jSmmh) KapKiM.w — "With pleasure, good mother", said the young girl, "here •Ci oxdia, 6a6yiiiKa», CKaSMBaib A^ByniKa, wboti! drink." And she presented the pitcher to the poor woman. HanHBaibca.* H oht. noAaBaib KyBuiriH'b ciapyniKa. The old woman sat down on the grass from weariness, and CiapyuiKa ca^HTbca na ipaea oti. cja6ocTb, a the young girl kneeled down before her, and MOJO^OH KpacaBHiia CTanoBiiTbca Ha Kojino nepe4T> oht>, h held gently the pitcher, while she drank. n044epH(HBaTb OCTOpOJKHO KyBUIHHT), nOKa OHT> miTb B04a. "I thank thee, my dear!" said the old woman after «Bjaro4apHTb tw, mhjImh!* CKaSbiBaib ciapyniKa, having drunk. "I see that thou art a good, an amiable HanHBaibCa. aBHA-BTb, ^TO tw {eCMh) AodpblH, jaCKOBblH child, and I wish to reward thee for thy kindness. 4HTfl, H xoT-BTb HarpajKAaib Tbi 3a TBOH ycjiyaiJHBOCTb. Know then that I am a fairy, and that I took pur- Snaib Hce, a BOJunefiaHqa, h BSaib na ce6a na- posely the form of an old woman to put thee to the proof. po^HO BHA-b CTapyiuKa, ^To6bi tm HcnbiTbiBaxb. I am delighted that thou art so good, and this is what PaAOBaibca, ^to tm {ecMh) TaKofl Aodpbifi, h bott., ^to I will do for thee: every time that thou shalt pronounce xoT-BTb CAi-iaTb 4ja Tbi : BcaKifl pasT., ^to tw CKaSbiBaTb a word, there shall issue from thy mouth either a pretty CjIobo, Bbina4aTb aa-b y tw poTi. aiii npeKpacHwfi 2o6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. flower, or a precious stone, or a large pearl. ijBtTOKi, H^iii 4parouiHHbiH KaMeHfc, \ia\\ do.itmoH xceM^yxcHHa. Farewell, my little friend." And the fairy disappeared. npocTii, 4py3KOKT).» H BOjuiedHHua HSqeaaifc. The pretty girl returned home. "Where hast IIpeKpacHfcm AtsyuiKa BoaepaniaTLCfl aomou. uTa"^ thou been so long", asked her mother with ill Tbi 6tiTb TaKT» 4o.iro», cnpaumeaTb y ohi Maib ct> humour? — "What hast thou been doing so long in the wood?" cep4ue? — «^T0 Tbi A'BJaTb laKi. 46jro bt. p6ma?», cried her wicked sister. — "I beg pardon ! I lingered by the saKpaqaxL s.iou cecipa. — uBaHOBaTbifl! saMiuiKaTbcaB, way", replied the poor child, and at the same instant OTB^^aTB 6t4HaHCKa, H Bt T0T1> caMbifl MHHyia there issued from her pretty lips two roses, two pearls, CKaTbiBaibCH H3i> OHi iipeKpacHbiu ryda 4Ba posa, 4Ba xeM^yHCHHa and two large emeralds. "What do I see?" exclaimed H 4Ba 6oAbm6a H3yMpy4'B. «^to h BH4^Tb?» BOCKjeqaib the mother astonished. "These are flowers ! these are precious Maib y4HBjeHHWH. «3 tots qstTt! aTOTT> 4paroi|iHHbiH stones! What has happened to thee?" — The young girl KaMCHb! ^To C4'B.iaTbca ct Tbi?» — KpacaBHua pas- related to her with simplicity her meeting with the fairy, CKaSbiBaib OHTi iipocT04ymHO o cboh BCTpiqa ct BCimedHima and while doing it the [flowers, diamonds and pearls H MeHt4y 10Tb UBBTl, aJMa3T> H HteM^Fl issued just so from her lips. "Good!" muttered Cbinaxbca TaKi ci oht> ry6a. «Xop6mifl }Ke!» npoBop^aTb the mother; "to-morrow I will send to the wood my elder MaTb; «3aBTpa nocbuaTb bt> poma Moii CTapwH daughter, and it will be the same with her." 40^b, H 6bITb TOTT. JKe CI OHT>.» Syntax. — dependence of words. 207 And the next morning she said to her daughter: H Ha 4pyr6fl yipo oht. CKasbiBaib cboh 40111: "To-day thou shalt go to fetch water: take the pitcher; but «HbiHtie TM noHTH 3a B04a: BSaib KyBuiHHT>; ho pay attention, if thou meetest at the spring an old woman, cMOTptTb »e, eciH BCTpt^aib y HCidqHHKi cxapymKa, give her to drink, and be very civil to her." 4aBaTb owh HaoHBaTbCA, h xopomeHbKO npH.iacKUBaTbCfl kii owh.y> The wicked girl frowned, took the pitcher with ill 3joh 4SBi6HKa HaxMypeBaibca, bshtb KyBimiH'b ct. humour; went to the wood against her will, and grumbled 40ca4a; dohth Bt pdma Hexoxa, h Bopiaxb all along the road. The good old woman was already Becb BT* 40p6ra. CxapyuiKa cH4'BXb y«e seated near the spring. "Draw me some water, my y Hcx6iHHKT>. «3aqepnaTb a B04a, moh dear!" said she to the young girl; "it is hot, I wish MHJbiH!» CKasaxb oht» 4'BBoqKa; i{ecmb) HtapKifi, xoxixb to drink." — "What stuff! I am not come here HanHBaxbca.w — «KaKT> 6bi ne xaKT>! H He npiiixH CH)4a 3a xo, to serve old vagabonds; thou wilt have to drink qxodb'i yciyatHBaxb cxapbifl 6p04ara; nanHBaxbca h without me." — "How rude thou art I" said the old 6e3T) a.» — uKaKOH ate rpydbifl xbi!» CKaSbiBaxb cxa- woman to her; "I will punish thee. From this moment with pyiuKa OHT>; «fl HaKa3biBaxb xbi. Ct> axoxi nopa npa each of thy words there shall issue from thy mouth either KaHC4biH XBOH CJOBO Bbina4axb h3t> y xbi.poxi H.iii a serpent or a- frog." She disappeared, and the wicked 3Msa HJH jaryuiKa.B Oht> H3qe3axb, a 3Jofl girl ran home after having broken her pitcher 4'BBi6HKa no6tHtaxb 4pMdii pa3dHBaxb cbou KyBuiHHi» 208 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. from spite. "What hast thou to tell me my dear daughter?" ci. 40ca4a. «^To CKaabiBaib, muauH 46wa?» asked her mother, when she saw her at a distance. — cnpaiuHBaxb Maib, biU-btb owl H34aj!eKa. — "I have nothing to tell!" answered the daughter; and all «He^TO CKa3MBaTb!» oiBsqaib AO^b; h at once there issued from her mouth two vipers and two B4pyn> BbicKaKMBaib h3t> oht> pon, 4Ba smih h 4Ba toads. "What do I see! what horror!" cried the mother; )Ka(5a. «Hto a bh4'£tt>! KaKofl cipax-biw aaKpnqaTb Maxb; "but it is thy sister who is the cause of all that! I «H0 TBOfi CeCTpa (ecnib) BHHOBaTUfl BT. BeCb 3T0T'b! fl will make her feel it." And they ran to beat the young girl. 4aBaTb owb SHaTb.n H ohi 6pocaTbCA 6vnb Meubiudu 4oqb. Frightened by their threats, she went to hide herself in HcnyraxbCH yrpoaa, ohi CKpbiBaibca bt, the wood, ran long without daring to look behind her, poma, diraib 46.110, He cM^xb or.jfl4biBaxbca, fled very far and at last lost herself. But this aaS-braxb 4ajeK6, h HaKOHeu-b noxepaxb 40p6ra. Ho axoxi. was for her good. The son of the king, who was 6bixb Ki OHT* c^acxie. CbiH-b uapcKia, Koxopbifl amusing himself at that time with hunting, was just 3a6aB.iflXbCH xyxi. oxoxa, Haxo4HXbca bt> xoxi then in the wood; he saw the young girl, who, seated BpeMa B-b poma; yBiiA'bxb KpacaBHua, Koxopbm, CH4'BXb on the grass, was weeping bitterly. "What has happened to Ha xpaBa, n.jaKaxb ropbKO. «Hxo C4'B.«axbca ct> thee? why dost thou weep, my dear?" asked he, taking xbi? ^xo Xbi Manaxb, mh.«wh?» cnpamaBaxb oht., BSaxb her gently by the hand. — "Alas! how can I help owb JiacKOBO 3a pyna. — «Bon. mom! KaKX. h ne Syntax. — dependence of words. 209 weeping! My mother has driven me out of the house." She njaKaib! MaiyuiKa BtiroHHTb a n3i 40Mi.» Ohi spoke, and the flowers and the precious stones issued from roBopHTb, a uB-BTi H AparouiKHMU KaMeHL cwnaibca ci her rosy lips, and her tears were changed into pearls. poaoBMH ry6a, h cieaa odpamaibCH B-b HteMvyxdiHa. "What is the meaning of that?" asked the son of the king; «%o SHaqnTb 3T0TT>?» cnpaiuHBaib CbiHi yapcKifl; "whence come these flowers, these pearls and these stones?" «OTT> ^TO 3T0T'b UB-BT-b, H{eivmyn> n KaMeHb?» The. poor child related to the prince what had B-BAHHJKKa pa3CKa3bIBaTb UapCKiH CWHT. TOTT,, ^TO happened to her. He became in love with her, and cjiy^iaibcfl z-h OHi. Oht. nojiK)6iiTb oht>, h he loved her more on account of her being so good and no.iio6iiTb eme 66.ite 3a to, ^to oht> dbiib lani 4o6pBifi h so pretty, than on account of her flowers and precious Miubiil, He}Ke.«i 3a oht. ub-btt, h AparouiKHbiH stones. He took her with him, presented her to the king KaMGHb. Ohi> B3aTb OHi CT. ceCia, npe4CTaB.iflTb ohi. uapb, his father, whom she pleased also, and the king CBoii OTeuT>, KOTopbiu OH-b noHpaBHTbca TaKHte, a uapb permitted his son to marry her. Thus she became no3BO.jflTb cbiH-b ateHiiTbca na ohi.. TaKoit oOpas-b OH^b C4'BJaTbca a princess, and on the death of the king, when her husband ^apeBHa, a no cMepib uapb, Kor^a oht> MyjKx mounted the throne of his ancestors, she became queen, B0cx04iiTb Ha npecTo.n. omoBCKiii, uaprma, and was a good queen. And her wicked sister, what II 6biTb 466pwH uapiiua. A ohi> 3joi1 cecipa, ^to happened to her? She closed her life in a miserable C4t.iaTbCa CT> 0HT>? OhT> KOH^iaTb CBOH /KH3Hb Hia^OCTHblH 14 2IO RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. way. Her mother, whom she vexed and irritated inces- 66pa3i. Maib, KOTopbiii oht> cep4HTb h oropqart 6e3- santly, was forced to drive her from house: npecTaHHO, dtiib npHHyjKAenHMH BbiroH/iTi, oht> u3i aomi; nobody would give her an asyhim, and she went to hide HHKTO He xoT-BTb Aasaxb OHT> DpHCxaHiime, n oht. CKpuBaib- herself in the forest, where she died shortly after of vexation Ca BT> AZCb, TA-h yMHpaib CKOpO Cb AOC&AdL and hunger. H rO.JOA'b. CONSTRUCTION. 84. — The grammatical order of the words in Russian is further removed from the natural con- struction, and inversions are more frequent than in English, French or even German; this however causes no obscurity, in as much as the inflections of the words sufficiently indicate their relative con- cord or dependence. With respect to the order of the propositions in the sentence, it is nearly the same in the four languages, as is seen in the follow- ing examples. E'ciH renift 11 AapoeaHia yna If genius and talents merit HMiroTT. npaBO Ha 6jar04ap- the gratitude of the nations, HOCTb HapOAOB'b, TO PocciH Russia owes a monument to 40JH(Ha JoMOHOCOey MOHyMen- Lomonossof. Karamzin. T0M1>. KapaM3UHZ. no6i4bI, aaBOeBania h Bejnqie The victories, the conquests rOCyAapCTBCHHOe , B03BbiCHBT> and the grandeur of the empire, 4yx^ napOAa PocciilCKarO, HMijH by elevating the intelligence cqaCT.n'fBOe A^HCTBie H Ha caMbiH of the Russian nation, had a flSbiKT) ero, KOTopblH, 6y4yq:H happy influence even on the ynpaB.iaeMT> AapOBameMi h language, which, when em- Syntax. — construction. 211 BKycOiMi niicaTe.ia yMHaro, mo- H{eTl paBHflTBCfl HLIHt BT, ClUt, KpacoTt II npiaTHOCTH ct> .lyi- milMII H3bIKaMH 4peBH0CTH H HailIHXT> BpeMeHT). KapaM3UHZ. nOBeJliie^Jb MHOniXTi fl3LIK6BT> fl3bIKl PoCClHCKifl He TO.lbKO odmiipHOCTiro m-bcti, ta% oht. rocn64CTByeTT>, ho Kynno h cod- CTBeHHblMT. CBOliMl HpOCTpaH- CTBOMT) H 40B6jbCTBieMT> Bej!liK1> nepe4'b BciMii B-b EBpons. Kap.!!, V, PiiMCKiii IlMnepaTopi., roBapHBa.i'b, qio IIcnaHCKiiM'b asbiKOMi CT. BoroMT., $paHuy3- CKHMT> CT> 4py3baMH, HtMeUKHM'b ch HenpiflTe^iflMH, HiajiHHCKiiMi CT> JKCHCKIIMl nOJOMl rOBOpiITb npu.iiinHO. Ho ea«i 6bi OH-b PocciiiCKOMy asbiKy dbiAiy hckv- CeHT>, TO KOHeqHO Kh TOMy npucoBOKyniijT. 6bi, ^to hmt> co BCiMlI OHblMH rOBOpiITb HpH- CTofiHO. H'do HainejT, 6bi B-b HgMT> BejHKOjinie HcnaHCKaro, HdiBOCTb paHuy3CKaro , Kpi- nocTb HtMei^Karo , HtacHOcxb HTa.iiaHCKaro, CBcpxi Toro 60- raiCTBO II cii.ibHyK) wh ii3o6pa- JKeniaxT. KpaiKOCTb FpeqecKaro II .laiiiHCKaro asbma. JoMOHocoez. ployed by the talent and the taste of man of genius, can now rival in strength, beauty and delicacy the noblest ton- gues of ancient and modern times. Karamzin. The Russian language, the parent of many others, is su- perior to all the languages of Europe not only by the extent of the countries where it is dominant, but also by its own comprehensiveness and rich- ness. Charles the Fifth, Emperor of the Romans, said that one ought to speak Spanish to the Divinity, French to one's friends, German to one's ene- mies and Italian to ladies. But had he been acquainted with Russian, he would assuredly have added that one could speak it with each and all. He would have discovered in it the majesty of the Spanish, the vivacity of the French, the strength of the German, the sweetness of the Italian, and in addition energetic concise- ness in its imagery with the richness of the Greek and Latin. Lomonossof. 14* 212 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. THIRD PART ORTHOGRAPHY. USE OF THE LETTERS. 85. — We have already seen (g 7 — 10) that several letters lose their own peculiar sound, taking that of the letter with which they have the closest affinity, and that certain other letters are silent, disappear- ing entirely in the pronunciation. In such cases the object of Orthography is to indicate the letter which has lost its own peculiar sound and taken an accidental one; and, to do that, recourse must be often had to etymology, in order to discover a derivative and give it, by the help of the gram- matical forms, such an inflection as may serve to show the form of the doubtful letter. Vowels. Z^. — Several vowels are often confounded in writ- ing, on account of the close affinity or perfect identity of their pronunciation. As this confusion arises almost invariably from the absence of the tonic accent, it is necessary, in order to discover the form of the letter, to find a derivative or an inflection of the word where the doubtful vowel is accented. Thus : Orthography. — use of the letters. 2 1 3 flMD^HKl (and not emufUKz), a postilion lliv,6 (and not eujio), nn egg, . AQM^Hb (and not eHMCHh), barley, TflHy (and not menf), I draw, . Ba«y (and not eeoicjf-), I bind, . x.a..\iiO (and not oiceMiHt), I pity, nia^yH'b (and not w,eAfm), a rogue, qacM (and not uecbt), a -Match, . n^a^UTb (and not mediimb), io spare, MO.iHTBa (and not MaAumea), a prayer, I B40Ba (and not edaed), the widow, . ^ rOBopHTb (and not zaeapumb), to speak. flMT. {primitive word), a relay. flHi^a {tiom. plur.). eggs. fllHMU {derivative), of barley. TfliHyT-b (3^ pers. pi.). Hiey draw. BH^Kenib (2d pers. sing.), tJiott bindest. ;Ka.lb {priviitive), pity. ui&..lOCTb {derivative)., roguery. uacb {primitive), the hour. nomaja {derivative), pardon. OWb Md-lHT-b {^d pers. sing.), he prays. B46Bbi {nom. plur.), the widows. rdBop-b, speaking, & paaroBdp'b, discourse. E. "B. — The two vowels most commonly confounded are e and Jh. In order to know which of them ought to be used, recourse must be had to the dictionary. We may however observe that the letter jh is never used in words taken from foreign languages; as: KaAeTT., a cadet; Ciecapb; a locksmith {Germ. (Sd^Ioffer) ; neHH, fine {Lat. pcena), excepting in Bina, Vienna, which is properly speaking a Slavonic word. Some- times the vowel u{oxi) is changed in the derivatives into /b; as: 6eci4a, conversation; 4'BTn, children; A-jeKCifi, Alexis; Cepriil, Sergius; AnptJfc, April (from CH4iTfc, to be seated; 4HTfl, child; A.ieKCiH, Ceprift, AnpiLufi). In the words .liKapb, a physician-, .itKapCTBO, a medicine; .I'BqiiTfc, to heal, &c. ; which some persons write JieKapb, JieKdpcmeo, JteHunib, the Dictionary of the Russian Academy preserves the letter /&. These vowels may in some occasions be distinguished. As the vowel e is in certain cases pronounced io or 0, and the vowel lb has this sound only in some words {$ 8), it is necessary to look for an inflection or a word in which the doubtful vowel is accented. Thus: V c.ieaa (and not cjiibsd), the tear, e.ib (and not nxb), the fir, . . . c.leShi {}iom. phir.), ilie tears. e.lKa {ditninutrve), a little fir. fiep63HHKT»(andnot<5'ep763K«K8), «3zVcA/?r^/jf, S J 6epe3a {primitive), a birch. ^ ^ .i6*lHHK'b (and not AibdnuKs), an iceJwuse, . %. yiBepjHTb (and not y^eapdumb), to affirm, '"•yrHCTeHie (and not ytHnuneme), persecution. 8 .164^ {primitive), ice. « TBep4HH {primitive), firtn. 3 '^-THeT'B {primitive), stick for packing. E. 3. — The vowel 9 is used at the beginning of the Russian words 3h, ho! 3X1, hey! ilOTh, this; aKOil and aiaKOii, oh what! also at the beginning of foreign' words and after a vowel; e. g. 3KBaT0pi, the equator; 3eiipT>, ether; uOdUdi, a poetn ; 2 14 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. noaTT), a poet. After i we can in this case employ the vowel e, as in nieca, a piece. Such words as had been incorporated into the Russian language before the vowel 5 was in use, are written with e; as: eeaHre^ie, the gospel; eniiCKOm>, a bishop; enapxia, a diocese; eBHyxT>, an eunuch; Eepona, Europe, and some others. The vowel e is further used for the Latin or German letters je, gl and ge; as npoeKTT., a project; peecipi, a register; e*ecx, the sword-hilt, e*peHTOpT>, a corporal {Lat. pro- Jectum, register; Germ. ®efd§, ^efreiter). H. I. — The vowel i is used, instead of u, before all the vowels and before the semi-vowel U; as: cie, that; nply^axb, to accustom; npiflTHMH, agreeable; renifl, genius, as also in the word Mipi), the rvorld, and its derivatives: MipCKOfl, worldly; BCeMipHMil, universal; B.ia4iiMipT>, Vladimir, to be distinguished from MHpT>, peace, and its derivatives; as: MiipHMH, peaceful; MHpiiTL, to reconcile; CMiipHLlfi, calm. In words formed from the numerals, as : naTH-apuiHHHBlfl, of five yards; ceMH-yr6.itHblfi, heptagon, &c. , the letter u is retained, but a hyphen must be placed between the two parts of the word. In the word Mvpo, the holy oil, and its derivatives: MVponOMaaame, unctimi; MVpOHOCHUa, bearer of aromatics; MVponOMasaHHHKT. , the Lord's anointed, the Slavonic letter UOicuu^a has been retained. H. BI. — The vowel hi is formed by the union of a and u; in compound words however it is necessary to retain the form of these two letters, and write, for instance : DpeAtH^ymifi, preceding; 6e3T>HMaHH£.m , anonymous. Sec. It is only in the words compounded of HCKaib, to seek, and HrpaTL, to play, that the letters 3 and u are joined and form W, e. g. CbilUHKl, an emissary; pd3MCKl>, the inquiry; CLirpaTbCa, to play quits; paSbl- rpaib, to rq0e for {instesid oi cmiu,UKd, poSZUCKZ, C&mpdmbCR, paezuepdmb). — In foreign words after Uf the vowel u is employed, although pronounced w; thus we write Me4HmiHa, medicine; i^iipKyjb, compasses; UH*pa (which some persons write Ubi*pa), a cipher; excepting itbiraHX, a gypsy, and qbl^iipb, ciphers. — In the adjectives it is necessary to distinguish the terminations hllb and iU., as: noCTHblH, of Lent; j-bthIh, of summer, and its compounds: COBepffleHHOjilHiH, of full age; CTO.l'BTHiH, centenary; Sec; the word MOJlOJiiTHbiii , young is an exception. Orthography. — USE OF the letters. 215 87. — The semi-vowels (t,, b, ii), the two first of^^^™; which are placed after consonants, and the last after vowels, are vowels only half uttered (§ 9), 3 being half of the vowel 0, b and ii half of the vowel \i. The semi-vowel 3 at the end of words may be used after all the consonants, while the semi-vowel 6 cannot be placed either after the gutturals (r, K, X) or the lingual (u). The hard or liquid sound of these two letters, which is generally per- ceived after consonants, as: dpail., the brother, and 6paTb, to take; m>MT>, flame, and nbUb, dust; CiaiTb, the stature, and CTaHfc, become, is not distinguished after the hissing letters (JK, % ffl, m), as in the words: hojkt>, a knife, and JOHtt, a lie; Me^t, a sword, and CB^b, to cut; KaMblim., the reed, and MbllUb, a mouse; TOmi), fasting, and HOlUb, the night. In the middle of a word the semi-vowel 6 is placed after all the consonants, excepting r, K, X, q; e. g. cy4bda, destiny; BeCbMa, vety; odeSbflHa, a monkey; ^eHbrH, money; nHCbMO, a letter; noJbSa, utility; ceJb^b, a herring; TwpbMa, the prison, &c. The semi-vowel 8, in words formed with a preposition, is only retained before the vowels, e, U, lb, fo, h; as: OTieMJH), / take away; npe4T)H/iymiH , preceding; Blixaib, to enter; ofillopo^-BTb, to become a fool; odiaBiiTb, to announce. The same is the case with the Latin prepositions ad and ob, as in the words a4T>K)- TaHTT>, an adjutant; od'LeKTiiBHblH, objective. The semi -vowels 6 and u are sufficiently distinct; the former (b) can only be used after a consonant, the latter (fl) only after a vowel, as we have already seen, § 9. 88. — The feeble consonants (6, b, r, 4, 5K, 3), consonants. which, at the end and in the middle of* a word before a strong letter, are articulated like their corresponding strong consonants (n, , 6o6a and U'Bn&. I ^OBl, capture, and rpa+l, a count, i6Ba and rpa*a. Kpyrl, a circle, and KpiOKl, a hook, • Kpyra and KpiOKa. I Bor'b, God, and 4yxTi, spirit, > on account oi geti. sing. ■{ B6ra and jyxa. •• K.ia4'b, treasure, and 6parb, brother. K.la4a and 6p&Ta. .^ I HOSKT*, a knife, and KOBUili, a scoop, HO»ca and KOBUia. Tyai, 2!4^ ace, and ycB, /^^ inttstache, ^ Wy3& and yea. TpydKa, a pipe, and nianKa, a cap, "^ fTpy60KTb and uianOKl. J&BKaj a be7ich, and ♦6H*Ka, a blow-pipe.^ .laBOK'b and ♦eH*OK'b. 6yJKa, sentry-box, and yTKa, a duck, \o\\ account of gen. pl.{ 6y40K'b and vTOK'b. Yi^^-KMidi., a goblet, and MyniKa, //Vz"/^ ^. I KpyKCKTb and MymeKT). CK&3Ka, a tale, and nJflCKa, a dance, ) IcKdaoK'b and n-iflcoKT.. In cases where the change of inflection fails to indicate the doubtful letter, recourse must be had to etymology to discover the root from which the derivative word is formed. Thus: I np6ci>6a, a prayer (and^not npoahffa), . . . flipoCHTb, to pray, from the root npoc. ;KeHHTbfia, marriage (and not »cenubh6a), . ^KCHHTb, to marry (in 5/. oiceHiimea). I 6y40iHHK'b, a sentry (and not fffmoHHum), . 6y4Ka, sentry-box, gen. pi. 6y40K'b. : npHcyiCTBle, presence (and not npucjrdcmeie), ■■ < cyTb, ^d pers, pi. of eoib, / am. aCHCeHHWH, burnt (and not coicenHbiu), . . . | ;K;KeiUb, 2d per s. sing, of ;Kry, I burn. pafiqHK'b, a hazel-hen (and not pAnuuKi), . . *- pfl66H, with variegated feathers. I -^ rp6'JHeBMH, <7/"^<, thus), it ought to be written nopyTqHKi>, as some persons still write, it. Another exception is CBa^bSa, wedding- {{ormerly cedmb6a), from CBaiaib, to ask in marriage. The word CTOJin>, a column, is written in Slavonic with a n, as also its derivatives: CTOjnHHKl, the stylite; CTOJUOTBOpeHie, the building of the tower of Babel; but in Russian it is written with a 6, CT0J[6'b, a consonant which is retained in the words CTO.160BOU, columnar; GT0.i6^aKT>, basalt; CT0.i6hhkt>, tetanus; OCTO.ideniTb, t, a slit. The prepositions 6e37> and H.pe3Z in this case remain unchanged; thus we write: SesnojodHMil , incomparable; qpes- ^ypT>, excessively (and not 6ecnod66Hblu ^ upecijrpz). It is the same with the preposition C3, which retains its form before a feeble consonant, although it then takes the pronunciation of 3 ; thus we should write : c6aBHTb , to diminish; C4'B.iaTb , to make; crOHHTb, to drive off; CJKHMaTb, to compress (and not 36d- eunib, 3dibJiamb, 330HAmb, 3oicuMdmb). I],. — The compound consonant ^ cannot be used instead of mc or dc, when m and d are radical letters, and c belongs to the termination of the word; thus we write: U.IOTCKifi, carnal, fromn.iOTb, the flesh; nepciUCKift, Persian, from the Latin Persis, sidis (and not nAOU^CKiu, nepcuUfCKiu); but we write: HtMemdil, German, from HiMeut, a German; KasaUKiil, Cossack^s, from Ka3aKl>, a Cossack. In the numerals we write dUf, as : O^iiHHajuaTb, eleven; 4Ba4UaTb, twenty, words contracted from the Slavonic oduHZ-Ha-decHmb, ded-decamb. \\\ — The compound consonant m,, in the derivatives, is the commutation of CK and cm, or else it supplies the place of the consonants 3K, O/CH, CH, as: BOmHTb, to wax, from BOCKt, wax; yMaiuaib, to anoint, from MaCTb, balm; npilKaii];HKT>, a clerk, from npiIKa3'b, an order; p'BmiiK'b, a cutter, from p'B3aTb, to cut. But the form of the radical letters is retained in the Avords C^aciie, Jmppiness; c^iiTaib, to count; c^eTT), pa3CqeTT., an account; My/KiiiHa, a man, which must not be written w^dcmie^ UtfUmdmb, lUfemz, pa3Uifemd, though we also write Mymfiua. . 0. — The consonants (p and e are used, the former for Russian words , and such Greek and other words as are 2 1 8 RUSSIAN ■ GRAMMAR. written with cp, / or ph, and the latter for Greek words written with % or th; thus we write: ♦y*aMKa, a jacket; «aMHjlifl, a family; ^\\Z\\Y^^, physics; iuiinm), Phillip; ^oxiii, Photius; and pHeMX, rhythm; prieMa, rhyme; Mlieo.ioria, mythology; 8e046pi>, Theodore; 0OMa, Thomas. Doubling of 89. — The consonants are doubled in Russian in consonants. ,--,,. \ t 1 1 • the following cases: i) In the words in HWft'3, cmeo^ Hbiii, Hiu and CKiiii the radical of which terminates in « or c; e. g. h.I'BHHIIK'l, a prisoner, from nJi'feH'L, captivity; iiCKyccTBO, art, from iiCKyCL, an essay; HCTiiHHLiH, true, from HCTima, the truth; oceHHin, aiitiminal, from oceHB, autumn; PyccKiii, Russian, from PyCL, Russia. The same takes place in ad- jectives in eHHbiu, and passive participles in aHHbiii, HHHhiii, eHHUii, TbHHbiu^ e. g. iiCKyccTBeHHLiH, arti- ficial; ^i-BJiaHHBiii, made; aaciiyjKeHHBiii, merited. These participles must not be confounded with the qualifying and possessive adjectives; as: yHGHBiii, learned; sacJiyHceHHii, emerited; KO^aHLifi, of skin ; cepe6pflHHH, of silver, which are written with a single «. — 2) In such words as are formed with a preposition, where the initial consonant of the pri- mitive is the same as the final consonant of the preposition; e. g. 5e33y6Hn, toothless; BBo;iHTt, to introduce; no/t^^aHHufl, subject; ccbLiKa, exile. — 3) In the preterit of the pronominal verbs, when the verb ends in the consonant c; as: pasnecca, it has spread itself; cnacca, he has saved himself. — ^4) When by the change of a commutable letter two consonants come together, as in the verb Htry, / burn, which, by the change of z into dic^ is in the second person HCSKemt, and in the passive participle jKJKeHHBiii ; and in BOHCHca, a rein ; Boacacaifc, to bi'idle. Orthography. — division of words into syllables. 219 from BO^HHTL, to lead, by the change of d into die. — 5) Lastly consonants are doubled in some foreign words; e.g. Si66siTb, an abbot; cy666Ta, Saturday; aKKyjia, a shark; KjaccL, a class; kojoccl, a colos- sus; KOJwerifl, a college; MeiaiiJi'L, a 7netall, &c. 90. — The capital letters (nponiiCHwa 6yKBBi) are \l^^^^l_ employed, generally speaking, in Russian as in English. Thus a capital letter is placed at the beginning of every sentence, of every line of poetry, of all the proper names of men, places, nations, rivers, mountains and winds, as also of all those of a science, an art or a profession, if taken in an individual sense which distinguishes the particular science, art or profession from every other. All titles and ranks joined to a proper name must also be distinguished by an initial capital, and the same is the case with the appellative names of tribunals, companies and corporate bodies. DIVISION OF WORDS INTO SYLLABLES. 91. — The division of words into syllables, when one part has to be carried on from one line to another, is marked by the hyphen, and is performed according to the following rules which are based on the etymology of the words: 1. Monosyllables, as: CTipacTb, passion ; 3jii3aBi>, in health; nyBCTBi*, of the semises {gen. pL), cannot be divided. 2. Prepositions and every other affix, whether initial or final, may be separated from the rest of the 2 20 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. word; e. g. OT-pa^a, mitigation; o-ipaBa, poison; 6e3-KOHeq-HLiH, infinite; boctokt,, the East; Mej- BiijL, a bear; pas-yMi), reason; cbohctbo, property; aM-miiKi), a postilion; seM-CKifi, terrestrial; 4pyai- 6a, frie7idship; Ilapt-rpait'L, Constantinople, &c. 3. The compound consonants dic^^ cm, as also KC, K3j nc and do/c in foreign words, cannot be divided; e. g. Me-Hc;iy, between; Tpw-cxa, ///r^^ hundred; Ajie-KcaHitp'L, Alexayider ; a-KaaMeHX, ^;irrt- mination; K.ie-ncHApa, a clepsydra; P6;tacep'L, Roger. 4. The final vowels, as: CBoa, Jiis; Kpyioe, steep; as well as the terminations of the verbs, as: nowTt, they sing; cipoflT'L, they bnild; aca-iieTi., he regrets, cannot be separated from the rest of the word. ORTHOGRAPHY OF ISOLATED WORDS. ^"o^rds" 9"^* — Every Russian word is written as a single word, if by the loss of one of its component parts the sense would be changed; e. g. coyHacTHiiKi), an accoinplice; HSopaHHtiH, elected; OTHeTi>, an ac- count; npH6HJiB, a gain; Mopexo^ti), the navigation; BOitonpoBo^'L, an aqueduct, &c. On this subject the following rules must be observed: i) The prepositions which are employed both conjointly and separately (§ ^6)^ are written con- jointly: a) Before the verbs and words derived from them; e. g. npimocHTB, to bring; npimocB, a gift; npiiHomeme, the offering; npiiHOCMTe.ii>, a bearer, Sec. b) Before such other parts of speech . as are not used without the preposition ; as : HaBLiKi), the habit; iiSB-BCTHMii, known; BCiapL, anciently; Orthography. — orthography of isolated words. 221 HaB3HiiHb, backwards : oaeML, on the ground, c) Be- fore nouns, adjectives, pronouns and adverbs as form with the preposition an adverb or a conjunc- tion; e.g. '&Q,i2c^\YSS , formerly ; wssr^, from without ; CHaHa.ia, in the first place: BC.i'£;t'B, ifi the foot- steps; noTOMy, hence. If the noun from which the adverb is formed, is determined by another word, the preposition is written separately ; e. g. cs uandAa B-BKa, at the beginnirtg of the century; no mOMy ciynaio, 071 this occasion. The adverbs BO-nepBBiX'B, firstly, BO-BTopbiX'L, secondly] no-pyccKii, in Russian; no-coj/iiaTCKii, like soldiers, and others similar, as also the compound prepositions iiSTj-aa, from behi7id, and ii3'L-n6;t'B, from imder, are written with the hyphen (§ 94, 2). 2. The prefix particle UJb is always written con- jointly with the pronoun or the adverb following; as : HiKTO, some one; HiKOToptm, some; HiKor^ia, 07ice. 3. The particle uu is written conjointly in the words HiiKTO, nobody; hh^to, nothing; Hiir^ti, hh- KYita^ noivhere; HHKor;i;a, never; HiiKaK'L, not at all, and separately in all other words ; as : nn KOiopHH, none; hh aepna, not a graiyi. 4) The negative ue is written separately before verbs and the circumstantial adverbs; as: He cm-bk), / dare not; He s^t-fect, 7iot here, with the exception of verbs whose proper meaning is changed by the negative ue, or which are not used without the ne- gative ; as : He^tocTaBaiB, to be wajiting; HenaBH^IiTB, to hate; He;^OB'£pflTL , to distrust. It is written conjointly with nouns, qualifying adjectives and adverbs, when the negation refers to the object 22 2 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. or to the quality, and not to the verb; e. g. uepdeeHcmeo npaBOB'L 6uBaeTi. npiiHHHOio cnopoBi,, dissimilarity of character is the cause of the quarrels; uecHocnaR CKyKa y6nBaeT'i. Mena, an unbearable ennui is killing me; fl ryjiflK) ueoxomHO, I walk against my will; and also when the noun has no meaning without the negation; e. g. Heionbipt, a bat; Hero^flH, a good-for-notlmig; He^tyrx, a disease. With the participles the negative m is written con- jointly when, like the adjectives, they serve to de- termine the nouns; and separately when, like the verbs, they have a complement; e. g. Hesnaiouiiil He-iOBiKT*, an ignorant man; HeJiOBiKT>, ne SHammiu CBOHXT> o6a3aHHOCTeH, the man who is ignorant of his duties. 5. The particle 6hi or 03 is written conjointly only in the conjunctions HTo6bi (or hto6'l) and iia6bi, that; everywhere else it is written separately. It is necessary to distinguish the conjunction %mo6bi from the pronoun %mo with 6hi; e. g. Htejaio, %mo6bi OHt 4a.n> Te6i axy KHHry, / zvish him to give you this book; %mo 6bi ;tajn> a aa axy KHHry, what would I have given for this book! In the latter case 6hi is written separately. 6. The conjunction oice or oiC5 is conjointly written in the words yace or yacL, already ; ;taate, even; HiiHce, not even, and separately in the other words; as: HJH me, or even; o^iHaKO aie, however; xoxt ace, the same. It is also written conjointly in the copu- lative conjunction xaKate, and the adverb xojKe, too; but it is written separately in the comparative con- junction xaKi) ate, as well, and in the pronoun xo Orthography. — orthography of isolated words .223 ace, the same; e. g. oht. maKZ oiCe xopomo nHiuexi,, KaKT> HiiTaeTt, he ivrites as zvcll as he reads: OHi) mdKOice iiBopaHHH'B,//^ is also gentleman; a 66ji^wh II OHT, modice, I am sick and he too; a roBopib mo oice^ HTO 11 bh, / say the saine thing as you. 93. — Foreign words are written with those letters ^°ordf° of the Russian alphabet, which give as closely as possible the pronunciation of these words in the language from which they are borrowed: the rule is the base of the orthography of foreign words. Such are for instance the words: enapxia, a diocese; Kaeejpa, the pidpit {Gr. iTtapyia, Kahslpa) ; ceaa- Topx, a senator ; Kopona, a crown (Lat. senator, corona) \ aacio, the agio; Kapexa, a carriage {Ital. agio, carreta)] oyxt, a foot; cn.iiiH'B, the spleen (from the English) \ aKxep-L, an actor; MejiaiiB, a medal (Fr. acteur, medaille) ; 6pycxBep'L, the parapet; KyHepx, a coachman {Germ. S3ru[tn:)e^r, totjd^er); BaxepnaCL, a level; oapBaxepx, the channel {Dutch : waterpxs, vaarwater)\ BenseJiB, a cipher; xpaKxapi), an eating-house keeper {Pol. w^zel, traktyer). Some of these words in passing into the Russian language have taken terminations peculiar to it, while others have undergone an alteration both in their pro- nunciation and orthography; such are: oiiXHJib, a match; oonapL, a lanthorn {mod. Gr. (f)UTiXi, (pavd- piov); aJixapL, an altar; MpaMop-L, marble {Lat. al- tare, marmor) ; axxa, a yacht; MHHMan'L, a midship- man (from the English); ninara, a sword {Ital. spada) ; caJia>exKa, a 7iapkin ; xaoaKepKa, a snuff-box {Fr. serviette, tabatiere)\ 6iipaia, the exchange; xa- pejiKa, a plate {Germ, ^orfe, Xeller); niKHnepi,, 2 24 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. master of a merchantsJdp ; lu.iioa'L, a sluice {Dutch: s chipper, sluis), &c. The same thing takes place in the Greek and Latin proper names; as: A-ieKcaH^ipT,, Alexander; M\v&QKk% Nicholas ; OiiJuinn'L, Philip; naBejit, Paul; E^iena, Helen; A'BrycT'L, Augustus; ICjiIh, Jtilitis; Haia.iia, Nataly. Some follow the pronunciation of both Greek and Latin; as: OMHp-L and FoMepT,, Homer; kmxas\kKh and Ajimi6ia;i'L, Alcibiades; OiiBT* and e6'L, Phoebus; Bioxia and Beouia, Beo- tia. Others are formed from the Greek or Latin genitive; as: BiaHTi., Bias; Uimep6Hi>, Cicero; ApxeMH^ta, Artemis; Iljiiaita, the Iliad; Benepa, Venus; IJepepa, Ceres. The proper names of lands, countries, rivers, towns and other names of modern geography, some retain their Latin denomination; as: FepMania, Germany; AecTpia, Austria; CimiiJiia, Sicily; HeanoiiL, Naples; JiopeHnifl , Florence; BesyBiii, Vesuvius, &c. Others are written as they are pro- nounced in the language to which they belong; as: ^d'&jifswh^ London; Hejitcii, Chelsea; FpHHiiH'L, Green- wich; MiOHxeHT,, Munich; MaiiHii'L, Mayence; Bpibc- ce.iL, Brussels; ^laacL, the Meuse; IIIeJiMa, the Scheldt; PeiiHi), the Rhine; Kop;^6Ba, Cordova; Xe- pecB, Xeres; Ba^axocL, Badajoz; CxeBeHPmrein., ScJievening; KejiLHi., Cologne; PereHc6ypr'L, Ratis- bon; .Ihttiix'l, Liege; A'xeHT), Aix-la- Chape lie ; KapJicpya, Carlsruhe; IliaHeHiiia, Piacenza; JiiBopHO, Leghorn; Bop;t6, Bordeaux; Mapcejib, Marseille; .loapa, the Loire, &c. Some of these names have passed into the Russian through another language ; such Orthography. — orthography of isolated words. 225 are : IlapHHx'L, Paris (from the Italian Parigi) ; PiimT), Rome (from the Polish Rzym) ; KonenrareH'L, Copen- hagen (from the German ^opett^agen, instead of the Danish Kiobenhavn). Some German names of countries and towns inhabited by Slavonian tribes have been replaced by Slavonic names; as: Bina, Vienna; BpeciiaBJifc, Breslau; TopynL, Thorn; ^Ilbob'B; Leinberg; Benrpifl, Hungary, and some others. The proper names of historical persons and others in modern languages are written in Russian accord- ing to the pronunciation of the language to which they belong; such are the English names : IIIeKcniip'L, Shakespeare; BefipoHi., Byron; Y)wh, Hume; iI,Hi6H- coHTb, Johnson; Hliotoh'l, Newton; the French names: PiimeJiLe, Richelieu ;Jl,2iS^, Davoust; V^cco, Rousseau; PoJUieHt, Rollin ; /(eJiHJiB, Delille ; the German names : Bjuoxepi), Blucher; BiiiiaHit'L, Wieland; Feie, Goethe; PaHAH-L, Haydn; the Italian names: Xepy6HHH, Cherubini; ^iiMapoaa, Cimarosa ; the Polish names : ^apTopbiCKiii , Czartoryski; IIoTonKaa', Potocka; HtMueEHHi., Niemceiuicz, &c. We may here remark that the proper names of the Russian language, the alphabet of which differs from that of the other European tongues, ought to be written in each foreign language in such a manner as to give as closely as possible the Russian pronunciation. Thus the Russian proper names : KapaMSiiHt, nyuiKHH'L, JX'd'^-Xs.k^wwh ^ lUiiLUKOB'L, /KyKOBCKlii , MemepcKlii, HiiiepiiHTi, Kaaa-HB, BnaLMa, PaceBi., iKHTOMiipi), are written in English: Karamzin , Pushkin , Derzhavm, Shishkqf, Zkukovski, Mesicherski, Tchiicherin, Kazan, Viazma, Rzhef, Zhitomir, in French: Karamezine, Poiichekine, Derjavine, Chichekof, Joukovski, Mestcherski, Tchitcherine, Kazan, Viazma, Fj'ef, Jitomir; in German: ^arantfilT, ^i'ufc^fin, %tx\\)OXm., ©c^ijc^fotr), 6lf|u!otu§!i , 9JJefd)tf(^ergEi, Xfd^itjc^erin, ^ajan, SSjafnta or 2Bafma, Wfc^eo, ©iiitomir, and 15 22 6 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. the same in other languages. Exceptions will be found to this rule in certain proper names which have been adopted , long ago; as: MocKBa, CaHKTneTep6ypn>, Bapiuaea, MHTaea, and some others; in English: Moscow, Saint- Petersburg, Warsaw, Miitaii; in French: Moscou, Saint- Pctersboiirg, Vai-sovie, Mittau; in German: SJJJogf'QU, St. ^eter^burg, SSorfcf)QU, SOZitQU. See the particular Vocabularies of the Parallel Dictionaries of the Russian, French, German and English languages. ORTHOGRAPHIC SIGNS. 94. — The oj'tJiographic signs (anaKU npaBomicanifl) of the Russian language are: the accent (y/tapenie), the hyphen (e;iiiHMTe.iBiii>iii snaKX or nepTo^Ka), the sign of brez'ity (KpaiKaa) and the diceresis (Hai^CTp6HHoe ^Boeio^ie). 1. The accent (') serves to distinguish the homo- nyms or words which though written alike have a different meaning, as also the similar inflections of the words; as: aaMOKX, a castle, and saMOK'L, a lock: noAaifc, the tax, and no^aTL, to give: 016111!), it costs, and ctoht'l, he is up; Bbixo^HTB^ to obtain, and Bbixo^tHTB, to go out] CJiOBa, of the word {gen. sing.), and CJiOBa, the words (noni. plur.). The accent is further placed on the relative pronoun HTO, to be distinguished from the conjunction ^to; e. g. 3HaeinL Jiii nmo Te6i noJiesHO, dost thott know what is useful to thee"? and 3HaeniL jiii, nmo Te6'B noJiesHO yqenie, dost thou know that study is itseful to theef 2. The hyphen (-) is used to mark the connec- tion between two or more words; e. g. A.ieKcaH- Orthography, — marks of punctuation. 227 ;ipo-HeBCKaH .laspa, the monastery of St- Alexander Nevsky; renepaj'L-Maiop'L, major general; iiiTa6'L- omim^i^, field officier ; HBaH-L-ita-MapLfl, cow-iuheat. The hyphen is also used with the adverbs formed from the prepositions eo and no^ with the com- pound prepositions (§ 92. i), and with the particle mo; as: KaK'L-TO, such as; hto-to, something. It is also used at the end of a hne, when a part of a word has to be carried on to the line following. 3. The sign of brevity (^) is placed over the vowel u (ii), converting it into a semi-vowel, which joined with the preceding vowel forms only a syl- lable; as: MOH, my; cen, this; HeHiteTT,, he does not go; HafixH, to find. This mark is also used in pro- sody to indicate the short syllables, as we shall see when speaking of Russian versification. 4. The dicer e sis (••) is a double dot which is placed over the vowel e (e), when it has the sound of io or 0; e. g. ciesti, tears; i^ejiifciH, yellow. The letter e is also used as the equivalent of the French eu and the German 0, as in the words MoHiecKLe, Montesquieu; 2iKT:e^T},player (Fr. acteiir) ; Feie, Goethe {Germ. @ot^e). MARKS OF PUNCTUATION. 95. — The marks of pimctuatiori (anaKii npenii- Hanifl) are the same in Russian as in English, viz: the comma (sanHiafl ,), the semicolon (xoHKa cl sanflToio ;), the colon (iiBoeioqie :), the fidl stop or period (xoHKa .), the note of interrogation (sHaKt 15* 2 28 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. BonpocHTeJiLHtiii ?), the note of exclamation (anaKX BOCKJiHii,aTeiibHi)iH !), the points of suspension (anaKt npectKaTejBHHii ), the dash (snaKt mhcjigot- ^l-feJiHTe.ibHBin or Tiipe — ), the parentJiesis (bm^cth- TeJLHtiH 3HaK'L ov CK66Kn ), the inverted commas or quotation (bhochhii anaK'L or KaBbiHKii «») and the paragraph (Kpacnaa cxpoKa). The use of these marks of punctuation is nearly the same in all languages. Prosody. — orth oepy. 229 FOURTH PART PROSODY. 96. — Prosody consists of two parts : i) orthoepy ^^^^^^l^^^ (cjioroy^apeHie), or the measured pronunciation of syllables and words, and 2) versification (cTiixocJio- Hveme), which teaches the laws of writing poetry correctly. ORTHOEPY. 97. — In the pronunciation of words attention must Prosodicai be paid not only to the particular articulation of accent. each of the letters of which they may be composed, but also and especially to the accented syllable. The prosodical or tonic accent (yitapenie, § 12) is a stress of the voice v;hich is heard in one of the syllables of a polysyllabic word, so that this syllable shall strike the ear more forcibly than the others and appear to predominate over them. Thus in the words Bo;ia, water; He6o, the sky; CBo56;^a, liberty; npeBOCXoMTe.iBCTBO, excellency, the voice is raised in the syllables da^ He, 60 j du. The accented syllable is, in prosody, called strong" or long, and the unaccented syllables weak or short. 230 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. ^^"l-Sem^^ 98. — The accent, in polysyllabic words, is found: i) on the radical syllable: nijiSLTh, to know; BB^to- MOCTL, information; HesiHiecTBO, ignorayice; iicnoB-B- 4aTL, to confess; yB-B^OMiiTB, to inform; HSBiciie, news; 2) on the termination: Bt/tyHt, a sorcerer; BtCTOBOH, orderly; nsBliCTHTB, to notify; aanoBt/lHoii, interdicted; 3) on the preposition: BbiBtAaiL, to ex- plore; 3anoB'£;ib, commandment; noBliCTL, a tale; coBtCTfc, conscience; 4) on the prefix in compound words: 6jiaroB'£CTiiTB, to ring to church. These examples show that the accentuation of words in Russian is very variable; and practice and the dictionary can alone enable us to place the accent correctly, as no fixed rules on the subject have hitherto been discovered. We may however remark that a word, when standing alone, may be accented differently to what it is, when joined to other words ; thus the pronouns at times lose their accent; again, the nouns and the numerals which have the moveable accent, in the other cases often transfer it to the preposition; in like manner the apocopated adjectives and the verbs transfer it to the negative; e. g. hth OTiia TBoero 11 MaiepL tbok), honour thy father and thy mother; itpySBfl moii, my friends; no 6epery, along the shore; 3a Mopesii), beyond the sea; oh'B He BeceJii), he is not gay; a ne 6pajl'L, / have not taken. We may here repeat, what we have already indicated in the declensions and conjugations, that, in the change of inflections, the accent is often transferred from one syllable to another. Prosody. — versification. 231 VERSIFICATION. 99. — The Russian versification, which, like that Jj°^^^^ JJ^- of England and Germany, is based on the prosodical accent, is termed tonic versification; while that of French language and various other modern tongues, depending on the number of syllables employed, is called syllabic, and that of the Greeks and Romans, which is based on quantity or the length and brevity of the syllables, is termed metrical. 100. — In the tonic versification the verses are also ^'^l^^^ measured by feet, as in Greek and Latin. T\\^foot (CTona) or metre (pasMipi.), in Russian poetry, is formed by the union of two or three syllables, one of which has the prosodical accent. The feet em- ployed in the structure of Russian verse are six in number, viz: 1. The iambus (flM6'L), composed of two syllables with the prosodical accent on the last, ^-: 3iiMa, BecHa. 2. The choretLS (xopeii) or trochee (xpoxen), con- sisting of two syllables with the accent on the first, ^-: .lixo, 6 cent. 8. The pyrrJiic (niippuxiii), formed of two unac- cented syllbles, ^ ^ : such are the two first syllables of 6e3no.ie3Hi>iH. The pyrrhic in the middle of a line is used instead of an iambus or a trochee. 4. The dactyl (iiaKTiOfc), formed of three syllables with the accent on the first, -^^: na.iima, pa- ;tOCTHHH. 5. The amphibrach (aM«i>ii6paxiH), formed of three syllables with the accent on the second, ^-^: npiiHUHa, u-fe-iyio. 232 • RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. 6. The anapcBst (aHanecT'L), formed of three syllables with the accent on the last, ^^-: HejiOBiKi,, BpeMena. J^o"°^'"J; 1 01. — The verse or line of poetry takes its name verses, {^q^^ ^^ nature of the feet of which it is composed. There are verses of six, five, four, three, two feet, and even of one, which are termed iambic, choraic, dactylic, ampJiibrachic, anapcestic, dactylo-choraic, a7iapcesto-iambic, according as they may be formed of a single one of these metres or of a combination of several. The lines which have not the same number of feet are termed fire verses (BO.iLHbie ctiixm). The verses most commonly employed in modern Russian poetry are the following: I. The Jiexameters or the dactylo-choraic verses of six feet, of which the four first are dactyls or trochees, the fifth a dactyl, and the sixth a trochee. This line is an imitation of the Greek and Latin hexameter, from which it differs only in the employ- ment of trochees instead of spondees, which do not exist in Russian. It is used in epic poems, especi- ally in such as are translations from the ancient languages. Ex. I ' — WW : _ u FeKTopi) repoii cl KO.iecHi'mbi ci, opyadeMi. cnpaHy.it Ha scm.ik) ; O'cTpbifl Konta KOjeS.ia, noTeKT> no pa4aMT> ono.iqeHiii. Bt> 6011 pacna.^aa Tpoani; 11 B03/Ken> jKecTOKym ci^y; Bcs o6paTH.«ict OTi dircTBa 11 CTa.111 bt. Jime ApriiBaHaMt. Prosody. — versification. 233 2. The iambic verses of six feet, or alexandrine (ajieKcaHjupiiiCKie), are used in great compositions, such as epic and didactic poems, tragedies, come- dies, satires, epistles, elegies, idyls, &c. ; e. g. w— c—iv— |u— Ky— Ivy— I Yate Sj-BAHieiT, aghl, cKpbiBaacb 3a ropoto; UlyMamia cra^a TOJinaTCH HaAT> ptKofl. TKyKoecKiii. 3. The iambic verses of five feet, but seldom used; e. g. Tm roBopuuiL, ^TO Myqyct naAi. ctiixomi, Ito He HHuiy ero, a cotohak). KHR3b BAaeMCKiu. The iambic verse of five feet is sometimes used alternately with that of six; e. g. KaKoe TopmecTBo roTOBHTi. ^peeHlH Phmi>? Ky^a leKyxT) napo^a uiyMHw bojhw? EdmfoiuKoez. 4. The iambic verses of four feet are used in odes and other lyrical poems; and those of three, two and even a single foot, in songs and other light compositions ; e. g. TBI, qxo BT> ropecTH HanpacHO Ha Bora ponmeuib, ^e^OBiKi)! BHIIMau, KO.IL BT> peBHOCTII yHiaCHO Oht> kT) I'oBy ii3T> Ty^n peKT>. Yaie CO tmok) hoiiiii ripocTep.iacb TiiiUHHa; Bbixd4HTT> ii3T>-3a pdmii Heqa^LHaa .lyna. AOMOHOCOeTi. KanHUcrm. 2 34 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Ilrpaii, A4ejfc, He SHail ne^lin! XapiiTH, .le.ib Te6a B'BHqa.in. Aa. nfUlKUHZ. Ciynaii, Csbieaii Cl. .l-BCOBT. Bcbxtj ncoB-b Ha Kpafi All, aii! /lepoicdeuHZ. 5 . The free iambic verses are employed in fables, tales, epigrams, epitaphs, inscriptions, &c.; e. g. Bt. npHxdateii na no.iy, Bt> yr.iy, nycTou M-BuioKi ea.ia.ica. y caMwxT, Hii3KHXT> ciyrt Oht> Ha odTiipny Hort Hep'B4K0 noMbiKa^aca; KaKT. B4pyn, M-BuioKT. Haun> bt. qecTb nona.!ca, H Becb ^epeoimaMii HaSiin.: Bt> 0K6BaHH0M1> .^apui BT> COXpaHHOCTH jeH{HTT>. KphiJioez. 6. The cJioraic or trochaic verses of six, five, four, three and two feet, sometimes of the same length and sometimes of a different length, are used in various poems. The choraics of four feet are chiefly used in songs; e. g. H-BTT. no4pyni HijKHOil, hstt, npe^ecTHOu .lilibi! Bee ocnpoTi.io! Ria^b, JrodoBb n ^PY'Kfit'' n.iaqb, TuMeHt yHtuwii! CqacTbe yMeii-io! EdmioiuKoez>. Prosody. — versification. 235 Eo^poez. /iMumpieez. /iMumpieed. CjaBLCfl, AjeKcaH^pt, E.iiicaBeTa, 40 Be^epnefl TiixiixT> Aneii aapii; H cianie bt> CTpany no^CBiia Ct. BMCOTb'i npecTOja pacnpocxpii. CioHei'L cii3Hu ro^ySo^eKT., CxoHeTt OHT. H Aenb 11 iioit; MiLieHbRiii ero ApyJKeqem, OTAGT-hATy ndAOATO npO^IB. BCBXt UB'BTOqKOB'L 66 A% Posy a jK)6iLn>; E'k) To^fcKO B^ no.i^ Baopt Moil Bece.«i.i^. Mm cepAuaMii H cjesaMii Mo.iiiM^ Bac^, Bora rniBd H 3peBa, Bt. cipaiuHMH ^acL. KapaMSiim. 7. The dactylic verses, composed of dactyls alone, are only used with two, three or four feet, when longer they become fatiguing to the ear; e. g. _OW _UW —WW —WW , BoHce! Ltapa xpami! CiutHUM, Aep«aBHbiri, I^apcTByfl Ha c.iaBy HaMi.; lJ,apcTByH Ha CTpaxT> BparaMT.; I|apB npaBOCiasHbur. BoHte! I^apa xpami! - AOMOBHiaa jacTOTCa! Ma^CHbKa, CHSeHbKa niikKa! FpyAL KpacHodi-ia, KOcaio^Ka, .liraaa rociba, nsHiiqKa! MyKoecKiU. /lepo/cdeuHZ. 236 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Poaa Ab, Tbi pdaoiKa, posa 4yuiiicTaa, , Bc^M'L TM Kpacaeima, poaa ub-btoki, Beflca, nAeiuca. ct> MiAeeu ii jiaHAwmeMi., Beflcfl, njeiHca bt. moh nLiiuHwii b-bhokt,. EapoHZ /leAoeuzz. 8. The dactylo-choraic verses of four, three and two feet, are more commonly met with than the pure dactylics, and are used in songs, odes and other lyric poems; e. g. Fa-b th, npenpacHaa, r4'B odHiaeuitV TaMT> JH, FA'S nicHH noeTT> HjoMeja, KpoTKaa Hoqii ntBiiua, Ciua Ha MiipTOBOu b-btbh? KapaM3um. n^ejKa 3.iaTaa, ^TO Ttl JKyHtHdilUL? Bee BKpyrT) Jieiaa, Ilpoqi. He .leTiiniB. /lepjicdeum. 9. The amphibrachic verses of six and five feet are employed in idyls, epistles, elegies; and those of four, three and two feet in various lyrical com- positions; e. g. Bt, qacBi nnpoBaHta, npn cia^ocTHOMi niHin cipyH-B ojKHB^ieHHBixT,, yHbiHie MpaiHO Ha MHri ne ociaBiuo Mi'uaro rocia. CnsAaioma ropecTL .lejKiiT'L r^iydoKo bt> ero cep^U'B! yMojKHHTe, nicHii! Aa ^liCTyio paAOCit paSA-BjaxT, cor.iacno. MepajiRKoeTt. Bja^biKa MopeeHbi ^Khjit. Bt Ai^oBCKOMT, saMR-B Mory^lft Op^a^ix. Ha/n> osepoM-L ciiHti Sydiartia 3aM0KT> cb xo.iMa B03Bbiu]a.n>. TKyKdecKW. Prosody. — versification. 237 Bt. to BpeMfl CT. eecHOH) .IrodoBb Hact HtAa.ia: Bt TO BpeMa .... CO mhoh) no4pyra wnja. Mux. ^Mumpieez. 10. The anapcBstic verses from one to four feet are used in odes and also in fables j e. g. EocMOTpii, H 4ep5KH TM BT, yMS, Heci MyH{HKi> ny^a Tpn Ha npoAaacy CBHHi^y bt. Hedo^buioft kotom-b. CymapoKoez. The anapaestic line is sometimes used alternately with the amphibrachic ; e. g. He CTpeMHCL AodpoA'BTe.ib nanpacHO .IioAefl 0TT> HenpaB4M ynflTb. Bt, Hiixt nopoKH n^o^aTca Bce^iacHO: Hejb3a Hxt HiiiiM-L HcnpaBjaTb. EozdaHoeuKZ. II. The anapcesto-iavibic verses are oftener em- ployed than the above rnentioned; e. g. WW — w — jww — w — Tbi fi-Bni, d-Bni, Haun> s.iOAiii ott. eaci.; He Aa^iiMT. Tedi nopyraTbca naM-b. Tbi B3r.iaHii, BSrjaHii na co.iAaTi. cbohxt> MeHCAy peSepi. hxt. y)KT> Tpasa pacTCTi.. UlyjieriHUKoe'b. 102. — The ccesiira (npecfeHenie) is a rest which caesura. divides the line of poetry into two parts, each of which is called a hemistich or half verse. This rest, which is only found in the iambic verses of 238 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. six and of five feet, and in the trochaic verses of six feet, requires the word to be finished after the third foot in lines of six feet, and after the second in lines of five. Ex. Es-b Mpa^Htixi H'BAP'B 3eMHbixT> ! HCx64nTT> OypHBifl n.iaMeHb; KycTapmiKH ApoH^ait, KaMent dteica KaMenb. XepdcKoez. H milTT. II Me^T. 6pOCaH)TT> CT> SHaMGHaMH; BeSAi nyTii \ noKpb'iTu hxx KOCiaMii. HCyKoecKiii. S^xcb FuMeHT) npiiKOBaHT,, (iA%mh\\i H 6e3r.iacHbiH, FacFiTT) y rpodHiiubi cboh CB-BTiUbHUKi) flCHbiii. EdmwiuKoez. Though it is not absohitely necessary that the ccesura should be always marked so distinctly, still the syllable terminating the first hemistich can never be united with that commencing the second; thus the caesura can never come between a pre- position and its complement. Termination 103. — The Syllable terminating a line of poetry verses, may be either strong or accented, or it may be weak or unaccented. In the former case the termi- nation is masculine, and in the latter feminine] e. g. .-IioS.iH), .iH)6iiTb BBtKT. 6y4y ! /^W- i^^^' K.iainiie cipacib mow, masc tertn. Be3/Ka.i0CTHbia AyuiH, fefti. term. /KecTOKia cepAUa! itiasc term. KapaM3um. From this double termination it results that lines of the same metre have not always the same number of syllables. Iambic verses of six feet have twelve syllables with the masculine termination, and thirteen with the feminine; those of four feet have eight syllables with the masculine and nine Prosody. — versification. 23 9 with the feminine. Choraic verses of four feet have seven syllables v^'ith the masculine termination, and eight with the feminine. The same rule applies equally to the other verses. 104. — The uniformity of sound in the words termi- Khyme. nating lines of poetry forms rhyme (pneMa), which is also masculine or fefninine, according to the ter- mination of the verse; e. g. Ktu 6y4eTi> npHHiiMaTB MOii nene.iL ott> Kocpia?! .. . , / , . . , ^ \ masc. rhyme. Kto oy4eTT> oe3T> leofl, Miuaa cecipa, j 3a rpoSoMT. wi^oeaTt bt> 04e5KA'B iiorpeda.ibHOH, 1 . , xr , . . . .. n > fern, rhyme. n Mvpo ii3.inBaT£. Ha4T> ypnoio ne.ia^ibHOii t* j EdmroiuKoe'b. Rhymes were introduced into the poetry of such modern tongues as could not imitate the Greek and Latin versification, because, the language of poetry differing in them but little from prose, something was requisite to please the ear; in Russian however, where the accent is strongly marked and supplies the place of quantity, rhyme is not absolutely neces- sary; the same is the case in English and German, while in French rhyme is indispensable. Poetry without rhyme is called blank verses (6i.lbie CTiiXii). Verses which in Russian poetry are always written without rhyme, are the hexameters and those imitating metres of the ancient languages. 105. — According to the various combinations of^^J"J'\°'" the masculine and feminine rhymes, they are devided into consecutive' (napHBie ctiixh), alternate (nepe- CTvnHBie) and mixed (cM-BinaHHLie). This combina- tion of rhymes is used chiefly in stanzas. A stanza or strophe consists of a number of verses express- ing a complete idea. It varies in length from four to fourteen lines. We here give an example of the strophe of four lines in alternate rhymes, and another of the strophe of fourteen Hnes, in mixed rhymes and choraic metre. 240 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. Bee BOKpyn> yHb'i.io! ^yib 3e*ripi. BeceHHifi naMaTHiiKT> .iod3aeTT> ; SAtCb Ely HdLinm-B Riaia, Tiixiu CMepiii reniu Posy o6pLiBaeTX. BdnifoiuKoez. Pa3i BT, KpemeHCKiil BeqepoKi ^iByiiiKii ra^a-iu: 3a Bopoia 6auiMa^6KT>, CnaBt CT) Honi, 6poca.«i; ChtTl, UOAOAU; noAT> okhomi Ciyma.iii; KopMii.iw C^cTHbiMt Kypimy aepHOMi,; fl'pKiil BOCKT> Tonii.m; Bt> qauiy CT> qiicTOW 804611 K.ia.iH nepcieHb 30.101611, Cepbrn n3yMpyAHbi; Pa3CTii.ia.in d-B-ibifi n.iaii, II Ha4'b lameii ni.m Bb .laAi niceHKH noA6.iK)4Hbi. ^KyKoecKiU. Poetic licenses. 102. — In following the above rules of versification the poet is at time compelled to sacrifice some of the minor principles of grammar, to syncopate ter- minations, and to place words in an inverted order. These sacrifices to number, harmony, rhyme and elegance, are termed poetic licenses (cTiixoTBopHeCKia BO.IbHOCTIl). CORRECT CONSTRUCTION EXERCISES We started for Potsdam on horseback yesterday at six Reading- Exercise, o'clock in the morning. Nothing can be duller than this road; -p. i8. there is nothing but deep sand everywhere and not a single object of interest meets the eye. The view of Potsdam how- ever, and particularly that of Sans-Souci is very fine. We stopped at an hotel, before arriving to the gates of the town. After resting ourselves and ordering our dinner, we entered the town. At the gate our names were written down. On the parade square, opposite the palace, which is adorned with Roman colonnades, the guards were exercising: the men are superb, and the uniforms splendid. The view of the palace from the garden is very fine. The town is generally speaking well built; in the principal street there are several magnificent houses constructed on the plan of the largest palaces of Rome at the expense of the late king: he gave them to any one he chose. At present these vast edifices are empty or only occupied by soldiers. — At Potsdam there is a Russian church under the care of a Russian soldier, who has lived there from the time of the Empress Anne. We had some difficulty in finding him. The decrepit old man was seated in a large arm-chair, and having heard that we are Russians, he extended his hands towards us and exclaimed with a trembling voice: "Glory to God! Glory to God!" He tried at first to speak i6 242 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. with us in Russian; but we had difficulty in understanding each other. We were obliged to repeat almost every word. "Let us go into the temple of God", said he, "and let us pray together, though there is no church festival to-day." My heart was filled with devotion, when I saw the door of this church opened, where solemn silence has reigned so long, scarcely broken by the low sighs and the feeble voice of the old man in prayer, who comes every Sunday to read in this spot the holiest of books, which prepares him for a happy eternity. In the church every thing is neat and clean. The books and the church ornaments are kept in a trunk. The old man arranges them from time to time reverently praying. "It often grieves me to the heart", said he, "to think that after my death, which cannot be far distant, no one will take care of this church." We remained half an hour in this holy spot ; then bidding the venerable old man adieu, we wished him a peaceful death. Karamzin. Exercises on XoSflHHt Ca^a U XOSflllKa AOMa. Ca^t X03ailHa II AOMt declension of . „ , . . . . , . , , substantives XOaailKII. PLlKaHlG .ltBOBT>; nSHie CO.IOBLfl; MHiaHie OMKa, BO.ia P- 5^- II KopoBLi; pjKaHie .lOuiaAeii; .lail co6aKii; BopnoBaHbe ro.iyda; KiipKaHLe BopoHOB-L; KBaKaHbe .laryiueKi; boiI Bo.iKa; HtyHC/Kame nqe.n>, HcyKOBi ii MyxT>; C.ieaHie SapanoB-L h OBei^T>. KaMimi, 6e3i. orHH; OKHa 6e3T> ctcko.ii; Kama deat Mac.ia; CBA-ia 6e3T> CTpeMeHT>; 3apa4i> 6631. ny.iii; ocipoBa ii .lyra 6631. AepcBLesi.; riOBapa, Kyiepa ii padoiHHKii 6e3L pa6dTLi; xiiw 6e3T> Maiepn; co.i4aTbi 6e3-b pyjKeii; pyacba 6e3i> KpeMHeil: cfaTva 6e3i> pyKT> II 6e3i> yuieii; MeABSHvaia ii .itBeiiKii 6e3i> uiepcTii; Kopa6.ui 6e3T) K6eKT>; cyAa dest Bece.n>; qaft 6e3'i> caxapa ii 6e3T, ciii- BOK-L. IlyKi. nepBeB-L; AEOHdiiia qameKi., Tape.iOKT> n CTaKaHOBT>; coTHa *ope.ieH; MecaTOKt awhb; MHO/KecTBO ryceii, yTOKT> h .ledeACfl; ciaAa CKOia; TaSyHt'i .lomaAefi. MyjKH ApeBHOCXii, ii MyjKbH HfeHT,. D.B'BTbi caAOB-b, H w^ik paAyni. .IiiCTb'i 6yMarii, n jiiCTba AepeBT,. 3y6bi bo piy, ii 3y6ba y rpeSna. Ko-iina H3paii.ibTain., ko.i-biiii y ^e.iOB-BKa, ii KO.iiHba pacTenia. .Iobt> ce.ibAeii y deperoBi. AMepuKii (suxh oienb Bb'iroAeH'b A-ia AHr.iii- qaHT>, IIlBeAOBT>, Fo.i.iaHAueB-b ii 4>paHqy30BT>. . CoB'BTT> ApysbHMi.. CiaBa Bory. Tope eparaMi.. JIpnKas-b BofiCKy. IIoBiiHOBeHie sanoiiaM^. ^^ail •BCib rycHMT., KvpaMi,, r6.iy6flMi> ii meHKaji-b. IIocTynaTb cooTBircTBeHHO npaBii.iaM-b CORRECT CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXERCISES. 243 »iecTn. /KuTb npii.iiiiHO cocioaHiK). SaKoiib, 4aHHLifl KaKb JBOpiiHaMT,, laKT. II M^maHaML. flpOTliBIITLCa )KejaHiflMT> A-BTeil, 11 Bo.is po4iiTe.ieii. KHiini; nepta 11 Teipa^ii npHHa4.ie/KaTT. y qeHiiKaMi, a He yqiiTe.iflMT>. Ho.ih 11 .lyra npnHa4.ie/KaTT> omy 11 Maiepii, a ca4w, Kant 11 .itca, ctmoBBaMt 11 4oqepa]vn>. HpaBiiTtca Mym- qi'iHaMi, II He HpaBiiTLca HceHmimaMi. Se^enb iipaBiiTca r.iasaMt. KapTiiiiM Hpaeaica cecipaMt, a UBtTW SpaitaMT.. IIo.ieSHtiu OTe^ecTBy; npiaTHbiil Bory h ji04aMT.; BipHbifi rocy4apK); .iH)6e3HLiii 4py3i.HMi.; MiUbiii 4'BTaM'b. ^e.iOB-BKT. nosHaeTCfl no .limy, no r6.iocy, no pociy, no nox64K'B 11 no TiB.i04BiiH{eHiaMi>. TypiiCTH nyiemecTByioTT, no IllBefmapin, 4>paHuiH, HTa.nH, Fep- Manin, AMepHK-B 11 Eniniy. BpaiLa KyniWH 40Ma, ca4bi, 4epeBHH) n noja, a np64a.iii dbiKOBi., KopoBT., .ioma4ei1 h napeiy. ^Hiaib dacHio, pncoBaib KapTHHy, niicaib niictMa, nrpaib nicHio, ^iiHiiib nepba. HoctmaTb 6paTbeBT> H cecTepi., Maxepeii n 40iepeii, omesi 11 CbiHOBeil. KyniiTb m.iany n uianKy, nep^iaTKH u 6amMaKii, ^y.iKii 11 n04Ba3Kn. SaBoeBaie.ib no6'£4ii.n> BoiicKa, h noKopii.ii> HapoAi.. Deip-b pa36ii.n> IllBe40Bi., saBoeea.n, 3cT.iaH4iK) n Au^aAbaiv), ocHOBa.n. r6po4T, CaHKinexepdypn. , n npocB-BxiLn, Pocciio. PocciaHe no6^7KASLAii Taxap-b, TypoKi, lllBe40BX, 4>paHuy30Bi. 11 HepciflHT.. 4oiK4ri ocB-BHcarox-b 3eM.iK), a X0wi04a ncxped.iaiox'b capaniy. 4'Bxii, 6y4bxe npH.ie)KHbi ! HsaH'b, npiiuii CH)4a I Bohhm, cpayKafi- xecb xpadpo! BoHce, cnacii I^apa! r6cno4n, noMiLiyfi Mena! y^eHiiKii nHuiyxi rpii^e.ieMi. ii.ni nepoMX. n ^epniuaMn. Ileani urpaexx. ex. A.ieKcieMX) 11 ex. BaciuieMx., a Mapba nrpaexx. ex. C6*be^ u ex, .IiodoBbK). Ilnporx. ex. MHH4a.ieMx; ropmoKX, ex. HB-BiaMH; Ka4Ka ex. B046H); lejOBiKX. ex. yMOMX. h ex. renieMX.; ra.iepeH ex. KapTiinaMii. ropo4a ex. KpeM.ieMx, h raBaubio; 4epeBba ex. .iiieibaMH, UB'BTaMH 11 n.i04aMii; KHsepa ex. ey.ixa- HaMH; KOMHaia ex. 4BepaMH; x.i'Bdx. ex. eo.ibio; B04a ex. bhhomx.; BiiHo ex. B04610; npo^-eceopa ex. yiemiKaMH; niiebMo ei. 4eHb- raMn. Pneosaxb KapaH4aiueMx. , niieaxb Kiiexbio u KpaeKaMii. Kyneqx. lopryei^ ea.ioM'b, Mb'uoMx,, mo.iokomx., MyKoio, Kpynoio, BiiHaMH, DHBOM'L, eyKHaMH, no.ioTHaMH li KpyateBaMu, a eoei4H Kyniia lopryioTx. BO.iaiviii, dapanaMn n .iouia4bMii. ^Bopuw ex. damiiaMn; qepKBU ex. KO.iOKO.ibHaMu; 40Ma ex. OKnaMu; 34aHia eb ra.iepeaMii; no.iKii ei. SHaMeHaMii. Fopbi nsodii.iyioTx. 36.10- T031X., eepedpoMi, MB4bK); H;e.it30MX., pxyibio ii CBimueMx.. 16* 2 44 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. BacHH 6biKi u dapans, odi. ocii ii co.iobl-b; o KySHeqHK-B II MypaBbi; 4y6'B » ipOCTHIIKi; O .WCl'm-B II BOpOH-B, BO.IK'B H arHeHK'B. CKaSKii o6t> aiire.i-B-xpaHiiTe.is, o6t> IlBan-B ii Mapbt ; noB-BCTii Cepriii nycTb'iHHiiKt, o repo'B ii renin. FoBopiiTb o6i iirpaxT), o6t. yp6KaxT>, o BpeMCHii, o MicT-b, o6t. oSctoa- Te.ibCTBaxT>. Bt. coqiiHemii roBopaTT, Miioro o ^eciii ii deaieciiii, AodpoAtTe.iii n nopoK-b, o xpadpocin ii Ma.io^ymiii. Bt> BO^i HciiByTT> pb'idbi, jaryuiKii h ciiiSHn, a bt> .ncy /KiiByn, .ibBbi, Me4Bi4ii, Micmbi II saiiubi. KHiini yqennKa HpaBaica yqi'iTCiio. Cb-bti co.iHiia oaapaerb 3eM.iH) .lyqaMii. IlB-bia posbi npiaxHbi rjaaaMi. 4py3i>^ ^e.iOBi- qecTBa Ai.iaioTx 4o6p6 .iio^aMi. Bt> ca^y UB'bTyT^ posbi c^ miinaMii; lido mi-b posbi desi miinoBT,. /[%m yaibiBaioTca B046K) p-BKii. CiaKaHi CT> B04610 ctoiiti Ha cioji KOMHaibi. Ciesti pa40CTH 6.iecTaTT> bt> r.iaaaxi Maiepii. CiaBa 3.i04'BeBi> Henp040.1aj1iTe.ibHa; HO HMena d.iaro4'bTe.ieft ciaioTi bt> Bi^iHOCTn. C^acxie na acM.ii coctoiittj bt> cnoKoucTBiii 4yxa 11 bx incTOii coBSCTH. lO'Homn aMrtl ninie co.ioBba, na depery pyiba, npii CBiT-B jynb'i. FoBopiiTb npaB4y ecTb 40.in> 4^x611. .'liodiiTb Bora cep4UeMT. n 4ym6io. MypaBbii 11 dodpb'i MdryTT> ciyHiiiTb npHMipoMT. qe.iOBiKy. noi34Ka bt, Mockb) ii bt. KieBi.. Bxo4^ BT> diid.iioxeKy 4.1a qxenia. no4ari yiiixe.iio TeTpa4b co cxnxaMU Ha c^Viafi npa34nnKa. Ha4odHO BCxaBaxb yxpoMi), padoxaxb 4HeMi, 0X4bixaTb Be'iepoMi, 11 cnaxb Hoibio. TpoMi. nymeKT> 11 3B0H'b ko.ioko.i6bt> B03B'bcxii.iii rpayK4aHaMT> npiidbixin nod'B4n- xe.ia BparoBi. oxe^iecxBa. Exercises on Ilycxoil KapMam>; KapMam> nycTT>. KpinKiit saMOKTj; aaMOKb tives.^ p.^83. KpinoKT). BipHbiil c.iyra; c.iyra dbi.n> Bipem,. MarKiil bockt>; B0CKT> MaroKT>. CnoKoiiHuii corn.; coht> cnOKoeH-bj 4ocx6nHbin cbiHT); cbim> 40cx6nHT.. IfcxnHnbiii 4pyn.; 4pyn> licxHRem,. CoBepmeHHbiil noKofi; noKoii dy4eTi. coBepmem.. Ilpospaqnoe cxeK.io; cxeKJo npospa^HO. /l^eBuee npe4aHie; npe4aHie dbi.io 4peBHe. Ten.ioe .lixo; .lixo dy4ex'b lenjo. Tynoenepo; nepo Tvno. Bexxaa xiiJKima; xiimma Bexxa. Ciinaa dynara; dyMara CHHH. HoBbie 40Ma; 40Ma hobw. Boraxbia ceMbii; ceMbii db'i.in doraxbi. Kpacnwa SHaMena; 3HaMeHa dy4yTT. KpacHW. Bi^aa dynara; d-B.iiiiuiaa dynara; canaa di.iaa dyMara. Hesa dbicxpa, a Bo.ira dbicxpie. Mo.ioko H{ii4K0, a B04a jKii/Ke. r.iydoKift pyqeii; r.iydoqaflmaa psKa, 4oMa BbicoKn, a damnn CORRECT CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXERCISES. 245 Bbime. Xopouiiu ^aii; .iyq:mi» ^afi; caMwil .lyimiil ^aii. Co6aKn Ma.ibi; KoiuKii MeHtme; ho Mb'iuiii Ma.iiiimia. OTeut m6jo4t>; Maib MO.ioH^e; HO cecTpa caMaa M0.i04aa. Cino 4oporo, a co- .lOMa AopoHje. Mo.iOKu ciaAKO; caxapT> ciame; ho Me4'b cawbift i\ia4Kiii. B'BJOBaTaa dyMara; SypoBaxbia qepniua; qepHOBaiaa B04a; Kpacna ciiHeBaia. BypeHbKaa KopoBKa; Ma.ieHbKaa ^oma4Ka'; n-BreHbKaa .lomajKa; Oi4HeHbKaa 4'BBO^Ka; CTapnqeKi ciapeHeKi: ciapyuiKa 466peHbKa. IlpeOi^iafl 6yMara; dyaiara du.iexoHbKa ; npecyxifl 4poBa; 4poBa cyxouieHbKH. Xo3HnHT> oduiiipHbix-b ca46BT>, u xosfluKa HOBaro 40Ma. Cia- KaH'b xopouieii B04bi n Kpacnaro BHHa; Hi.ibie ropuiKii CBHHdro ca.ia n e.ioBoii CMO.ib'i. 4'^^iau 4o6p6 6i4HbiMT) 4'BTaMT> n 4pax.!biM'b CTapHKaMT>, n ne X04ii no qyiKUMb no.iaMT>. Bott> 40Mt> Knasa 4ojropyKaro ; BOi-b 4Bopeu'b rpa^i'iHii Towicioit, a bott> oduiiipHbie ca4b'i ^10^104^x1. Fpa^OB-b 3aBa46BCKuxT>. fl 4HBH.ica npiaiHOMy oiHiK) npom.ior64Haro co.iOBba. ^HHiiib je6e4iiH0e nepo TynbiMT> HoHCHKOMT). BoTT> ryciiHbia nepba, KpacHbie KapaH4amii, xojCTbia TeTpa4H, 4y66Bbia .HmiuKH n 6o.ibUjie i^iipKyjii, a bott. cyKOHHbie Ka^iaHbi, Ta*T>iHbie n.iaTKii, me.iKOBbie qy.iKii, nyxoBbia m.ianbi, ToHKia no.ioTHa n TOHqafimia KpyaveBa. .1k)6h nenopo^Hbie HpaBbi; mnia no.ieSHbia KHiini; qin CTapbiXT> .11046 li; XBa.Hi 466pbia 4'B.ia; depeni qeciHaro n Bipnaro c^yry. no4apu HOByw KHiiry caaioMy npiLiea{HOMy y^ieHiiKy. Tbi XBa.inuib BeceHHiOH) nor64y, acHOCib .i-BTHnxT> Hoqeil, oceHHWio npox.ia4y u 3iiMHie xo.i04a. fl yBaH{aK) c.iaBHbixT> MyHteft 11 3HaMeHiiTbixT> no.iKOBojueB'b 4peBHnx'b BpeMeHi.. Bo.ibuiie MaHespbi HbiHS- uiHaro r64a 6y4yTT> bt> KpacHOMi, Ce.i-B n na 4y4epro*CKOii Fopt. Oht> Bbi-Bxa.!!, \\3T> oxqeBa 46Ma, 11 4'B.!aeTT> 4odp6 cecTpoHOH 46qepH. Ofl-b np64aj'b jKeHHHO HMinie dparaiiHy cb'my. IIo- c-Bmaib rocn64Hn xpaMw n BoHvin HepKBn. HoBiiHOBaTbca Toc- n64Heil BOA-h, 11 noSHaBaib Be.iiinecTBO B6}Kia liMGHii. IlepBaa PyccKaa FpaMMainKa dbi.ia Haniicana deacMepTHbiM-b .Iomoho- coBbiMT,, II PoccifiCKaa Ilciopia HiiKOjaeM-b Mnxaii.ioBiiqeMT> KapaM3nHbiMT>. CpaH{eHia Cb 4>paHqy3aMu nponcxo4ii.iu no4T> Bop04nHbiMi) n 0041* EopiicoBbiM-b. H /KiibIit. bt, HoBtr6po4-B II Bi) Bt4'B63ep'B. 4^P"^'^"" KHaniHii CajTUKOBoii .leacan, no4T> r6po40MT> KamiiHbiMT>. 246 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. BoT-L .iiicLa my6a, codo.iba uianKa, niiiibe rH-BSAo, saa^Lii M-Bxa II cwHOBBii 3) 6ti. TlYA'h o^ieHbaro Maca, apmim'L BO.ioBLeil KoacH, II *yHTT, Te.ia%iixT> Moaroei). He xoAii no eo.iqLiiMb CA'h/i.m'b, H He BxoAii bt> MeABijKbio dep.iory. PaacyjKAeme o qe.jOB'BibeMi. rjaa-B ii o pbiObeft ro.iOBi. Oht> xopryei-b pbi6biiMi. KAeewb, 6biiaibiiMT> cLiom-b, Kosbiiivin uiKvpaMii ii n^BTyuibiiMn rpe6HaM«. XBaciym noxom'b na coio, yKpameHHyio naB.iiiHbiiMii nepbaiMii. Cocbaobtj Opaii npi-Bxa.iTj ii3t> Aa.ibHaro ropoAa, a cecipa iisb 4a.ibneri 4epeBHii. IIuanoBO n.iaxbe ySKO, ho rieipoBO eme y/KC. /46opeHbKaa ciapymKa HcnBeit b-l cwpoMi aoms, jexameMTj no4T> lJ[aprmbiHbiMT> ce^joMT.. R Kynii.n> MeABiHibio my6y ci 6o6p6BbiM'b BopoTHHKOMi, II OodpoByK) uianKy ct> me.iKOBOK) jieHTOH). BoTT> npeKpacnaa KHiira bt> 6oraTOMT> co*BaHHOMT. nepenjiei-B. Fa-b HaiueMi, mbi npiiMipij qiicTifimaro caMOOTsep- Hvenia, Bbicmeii aio6bii kb oTeiecTBy? Exercises >' qe^JOB-BKa OA»HT> a3bIKT>, 04HHT. HOCT>, ABa TjaSa, 4Ba VXa, on the - . , , t numerals. A^'^ meKH, m% pyKH, ^B-fi HOHI, AGCaTb najbUeBT> Ha pyKS II p-97- AecaiB najBiieBT> na Hori, TpiiAuaib 4Ba 3y6a, ii ceMb no3BOH- k6bt>. BT) BncoK6cHOMT> r04y ^eibipe BpeMenu, AB-BHajuaib MicaqeBT., naiBAecaT'b ab'B hba-b.iii ii ^sa 4Ha, ii.ui Tpiicia uiecTb/iecaT'b meciB AHeii, luii bocbmi ibicaiT. ceMbcon, b6- ceMbAecaii ^eibipe naca, luii naibcon, 4Ba/maTb ceaib ibicaib II cdpoK'b Miniyxi.. Bi> KHiir-B cto .iiictob-b 6e3T, 04Hor6. 06a dpaxa II oC-B cecxpb'i. Ilo^ixopa qaca, ii no.ixopbi Miinyxbi. 4^3 py6ja CT. no^oBiinoK) ii xpii KoniilKH ciy no.iOBiiHOio. Bt> 6ep- KOBu-B 4ecaxB ny46B'b; bt> ny4'B copoKb <&yHX0BT>; bt> *yHxt xpiUuaxB 4Ba .loxa; bt> jiox-b xpii 3o.ioxHiiKa; bt> *yHx^ 4eBa- Hocxo mecxb so^ioxhukobti. /1,b-b nyxoBbia m.ianw, xpii mejKOBbie njaxna, iiexbipe nepo- qiiHHbie HoaviiKa, naxb *ap*6poBbixT> qameKX> ii mecxb npenpa- CHbix.1, KapxiiHT>. Giii 4Ba qepnbie Bopona, xt xpii dlibia nepa, Moii qexb'ipe HOBbia Kniirii; 3xii naxb pi3BuxT. 4'Bxeii. 0(5a 6i4Hbie ciipoxbi II od-B HeciacxHbia cnpoxbi. /|,B6e ciyr-b, xpoe MacxepoBbixi., ^exBepo 4'BxeH, mecxepo co^iAaxi., 4b6ii ^lacbi, xpoii o^Kii, naxepbi iioHvHiiubi. IlepBbie no.ixopa qaca. IlepBbie c6poKT> 4Heii; Bxopoe cxo e^iiMKOB'b, ii nociiAnaa xb'icaqa r}\ib4eH0BT>. CORRECT CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXERCISES. 247 K Kyiiiut OAHoro dbma 11 04Hy AouiaAh, oahhi ctoat, h oaho 3epKajo. 4B^4UaTb oai'iht, pyd.ib, naTB4eca'n, 04Ha KoniiJKa. Tb'icflqa II 04Ha hoil. M0.1046H ^e-iOBtKT> Tpiuuani 04Hor6 r64a 6e3T. 4Ba4uaTn 04Hor6 4Ha. He cy4H ^eAOniKii no 04HOMy npociynKy 11 no 04H6i1 omiidK-B. 0*nnep'b ct> 4Ba4uaTbib 04HiiMi C0J4aT0MT.. IleTpT> riepBbul H EKaiepiiHa Biopaa uapcTBOBa^in btj 0CbMHa4uaT0MT> BiK-B. lLlBe4bi yBajKaioTi Kap^a 48^44113- xaro, a 4>paimy3bi nociaBiuii naMaiHHKT. FeHpiixy ^eiBepiOMy. CxaibH 6bua ni'icana naTHa4uaTaro micAk HnBapa Micaua ibicaia B0ceMbc6TT> 4Ba4uaTb ipeibaro r64a, 11 npoHSmecxBie OTiiociiTca K-L mecTOMy b-bky, a iiMeimo kt> naibcon. ceMb4ecaT'b ipe- TbGMy r64y. lIlKam> Cb 4H)iKHH0K) *ap*6pOBbIXT> TapeJOKT>, HJli Cb 4B'B- Ha4uaTbK) ^ap^opoBbiMH lape^iKaMu. /tpoH^KH, aanpajKennbia napoK) BopoHb'iXT> .lomaAeii, iLiii 4ByMa BopoiibiMn J0ma4bMii; 11 Kapeia, sanpaJKeHiiaa mecTbio pb'miiMH ^oma4bMii, uaii mecxep- KOK) pbiHJiix'b .ioiiia4eii. r6po4'b Aemih-b 0TCH)4a bt, ibicaqt BepcTT,, ce.i6 bo cia Bepciaxi, a 4epeBHa bt, copoKi Bepciax-b. Bt> MocKBi 6buo Tbicaqa mecTbcon, uepKBefi, luii copoKi, co- poKOBT, nepKBeu. H 40B6.ibCTByH)Cb 0CbMii4ecaTbH) pyC.iaMii (iLiii 4ByMa copoKajnH pySjieii) bt> M-Bcam,, to ecTb 4eBaTbK) ciaMH mecTii4ecaTbK) pyS.iajun bt, r04T,. Oht, ne 40HviiBeTT, 40 copoKa jcBTT,; II ona yMep.ia copoKa ipexT, .i'Btt,. Ona 40B6.ibHa copoha KontiiKaMH, H ona y4iiBruacb cia KapxiiHaMii. Oht, ne MojKen, npoaciiTb Men-be cia Tb'icaqT, py6.iefl bt, ro4T>. r6po4T, Cb 4ByMa SamnaMH; KOM64T, ct, mecTbib amiiKaMH; 40511 ct, copoKa oKHaMn; KpinocTb co cia nyuiKaMn'; nepKOBb naiii r.iasaxT,; 40MT, TpexT, apycaxT,; 4epeBHa ct, ^eibipbMa BiipanbiMn MejfbHnuaMn. H ak)6aio paBHo 06611XT, CbmoBeft n o6'Bhxt> 40qepeH. Oht, HM-Beii, ^leTBepo 4'BTeii, a ona ociaBiua naiepo ciipoTT,. Moii dpaiT, ne moft, c.ia4HTb ct, aiHMn 4ByMa ynpaMbiMii .ioma4bMii. Oht, mwb 46.110 ct, cboiimh naibib 4B0ibp04HbiMH dpaiLaMH. Kt. 3'TOMy Mili.doHy CTapwxT, IIpyccKnxT, e^i'iMKOBT, Ha4odHO npndaBiiTb Tbicaiy t'Bxt, hobmxt, pyd.ieil. KajK40My no cxy pyd-ieft 11 no copoKy KonieKT.. Bt, h-bko- TopbiXT, M-BcanaxT, no Tpmiiaiii 4Hefl, a^BT, 4pyriixT, no TpiuuaTii 04H0My 4HH). Bt, Ka}K40MT, capa-B 6biA0 no 4B'B Kapeibi, a bt, Ka}K40fl Kapei-B no ipn MyHC^ihibi n no ^leibipe HceHmnHbi. KaHC- 40My no ciy no 4eBaH0CTy pyd.ieil 11 no copony no naiii KoniSKT,. 248 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. y Hact no 4Ba4uaTn no ceMii ohkobi. KaHi4aa qacib coquHema npo4aeTca no no.iyiopy pyd.ia cepedp6MT>. Ilo yipy He aoajHho cy4iiTb no.iy4Hii. Bt, nepewe no.i4Ha OUT. He 3Ha4T. 1T0 4t.!aTb. Bt qeiLipe laca no no.iyHoqn, n.iii BT> naib qacoB-L no no4y4Hii. 3'to c.iyiii.iocb B-b noc.i'B4Hie n6.iro4a Twcaqa BOceMbcoit copoKi, ^eTBepiaro r64a. FlepBbie no.iqaci npoui.ui cnoKofiHO. Bt> npo40.i/KeHie nepBHXT> nojyiaca. 3a MHOK) 6b'uo no.iTopacia Tbicfm-b pyS.ieii ro40Baro 40x64a. Exercises fl ,!K)6jib leda, a Tbi MCHa o6n/Kc4emb. Mbi ysaJKaeM-b erd, on the , ^ , -,r . , , ^ . pronouns, a Ce MM wnoonM-b 4yuieBH0. y Mena MHoro 4eHen>, a y leoa p. 107. jj^^^ jjjj KoniuKH. 3acTyniiCb 3a nerd, 11 nona4'Brica na nee. nocn4ii CO MHOH), n npiixo4ii ct. hhmi. CKajKii eil, ^1061. ona npnuua ko mh^. Be3T> Hero, 6e3'b nefl n desi sacb }Kii3Hb mh^ CKy^na. H^ne Biiaty hxt>, a a C4i.iaio ece aao. mixb. Mm yBajKaeM-b Bac^, a bm 3a6b'i.Hi nacx. By4b bo mh-b yBipeH-b: a noroBopib leSi. Mhb npiaino dbiib ct> neio. H ne 40B'BpaH) ce6-B, a Tbi 40B6jeHT> codoio. Mm depeaceiMT. ce6a, a ohii cedi Bpe4aTT>. Moil SpaTT), TBoa cecipa h ero cmht> bm-bct-b yqii.iHCb. H ciapaiocb yro4iiTb sameMy yqiiie.iH) 11 Hauieiviy CMOTpiiiejio. Moil 40MT> KpaciiB-Be TBoero, a leoa codana Menbuie Moeil. fl /KHBy 6e3T> mixi, 11 Mory odoiiTiicb desi. iixt> noMomii. He XBajiicb CBOiiMH Tpy4aMii, a no4yMari CBOiix-b j-Biax-b. flo- 4011411 K-b MoeMy CTOjy, 11 no4apri 4eHen> CBoeii cecip-B. Mbi roBopiiM'b cBOiixT> 4'B.iax^, a bm samiMaeiecb cboiimt. ypoKOMi' y^enie rdpbKO, ho n.i04M ero c.ia4Kii. Tboi'i ca4M npeKpacHbi; a y4nB.iaiocb iix-b KpacoiaMi. BiUnuib .III axy codaKy n aioro KOia, ainx^ AWAcn n t'Bxi 4epeBbeBT.? Bt, s'thxt. seauaxi. h-bti 36jOTa, h bt. t-bx-b h-btt, cepedpa. H c.ibiiua.i'b 3to oi-b samero dpaia, ho a aiOMy 11 e BipK). H XBa.iib same naMipeme; 4aBH6 a npe4Bii4'B.i'b onoe. ^aBHo .111 TM /KUBeiub B-b ceM^ r6po4'B? H y4HBjaK)Cb aiOMy ca4y, a TOT-b .lyquie. 3'th nepba lynbi; ciii 40Ma KaivieHHbie; T-B yjimbi ySKH. TaKie r.ia3a npoHiinaTe.ibHbi ; laKia 4'B.ia He npnHocai'b qecra. TaKOBM .110411. ^e.iOB'BK'b, KOToparo bm BiUiiie, o^enb yMem,. Kniira, ko- Topyio BM qniaeie, o^enb npiaina. H 3Haio 4'B.io, KOTopoMT* Bbi roBopiiie. Bo4a, KOiopoio a Mowcb, o^enb xo.io4Ha. Bepenicb Tord, KTO .ibCTnTT> ledi. Tott>, y Koro mhofo 4'B.ia, ne 4yMaeTT> sadasaxi). y^iiiecb lOMy, ^erd bm ho snaeie. CORRECT CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXERCISES. 249 BoTi laKoe cyKHo, KaKoe a Kyniut. KaK6BT> 6bU'h Boenaqa^b- HIIKT), TaKOBb'l II BOHHM. BOTT> ^pyn., BT) qLHXT> pyKaXT> MOH cy4b6a. G.iymarica Toro, bt> ^heub AOMi th mwb. Boit KHiira, KaKiixt mAao, II cjyiail, KaKoewe p-BAKii. KoToptiii iiacT>, II BT. KOTopoMt ^lacy npifiAeuib? KaKiiMii KHiiraMH saHHMaeuibca, 11 Kanie moa^ za'^cl Htiieyxb? no4'b KOTopblMT. Haiia.lbIIHKOMT> TbI CJyHtHIIIb, H KaKOMy flSblKy Tbi yqiiuibca? Hbii am 40Ma? Gt. qberd nosBOjeHia ibi Bb'iiue-n> CO 4Bopa? H He BiiAajii., qbio m.iany dpocHJH iia nojT>. fl ne 3HaK), ci. ibiiMH A-BTbMii OHT. ry.iaeTT>. qeMi, tw saSoTiiuibca, II q-BMT. a 3ac.iy}Ki'uT> tbok) 4py}K6y? Gt. q-BM'b mojkho no34pd- BiiTb Te6a, II orb ^ero tm no^yiiu-b 3th jeHbni? GKOJbKO BepcTT> OTi. 3Toro r6po4a 40 loro? Hsb CKo^bKiixi, tomobt. cocTOiiT'b cie coqimeHie ? Ho CKo^ibKy pyd^efi AOCTaneTca BaMi. ii3T> aiOM npii6bUH? Tbi cdiM-b corjaciiuibca co mhoh): caMbiii SByKi. ero ro.ioca npiaieHT.. H HaHHMaio ciw KBapiiipy y caMoro xo3aHHa. GaMbie nopoKii Hax64aT'b y BacT> iiSBiiHeme. Oht. Bcer4a roBopiiT-b cedi caMoMT.. Bbi He40B6^bHbi codow caiviiiMii. Mbi bh4'BJ[h ee caMoe. CaMaa cMepib lie cxpauiHa. Mbi bcb AOBo^bCTsyeMca 04HiiM'b H{a.iOBaiiieMT). TaKi. 4^^10x1. 04H'Ei HfenmuHbi. Mm 66a xoxiiMT. cjyadixb e4iiH0My Bory. Btj Kaa(40M'b codpaHiu 6bi.in rpaH{4aHe o66ero no.ia. Ohii pa3C'BaHbi no BceMy CBSxy. Ha4odHO npiiBbiKaxb ko BcaKOii niim-b. H-BX'b HiiKoro 34'BCb; He npocii noMoiuii mi y Koro. Tbi ne ■Buib HHiero, II axo ne r04iixca hh ki. qeaiy. Yqiicb ^eny Hii6y4b, n CKaacii axo KOMy Hn6y4b. fl ne npo4aM'b CBoero 46Ma Hii 3a ^To, II Bbi np64ajii CBofl 3a hh^xo. H3t> Hinero He C4'B.iaemb HH^erd. Bx. xe^enie HicKO^bKiixi. MicaiteBx. oht. ejKe4HeBH0 noKynaji, no HicKO.ibKy cox-b 4yiin>. O'S'B cecxpbi 4ypH6 rOBopax-b 4pyn> Apyr-B. AHr.ni^aHe n 4>paHny3bi HeHaBii4ax'b 4pyn> 4pyra. Mbi xd4HM'b ryjaxb 4pyn> Cb 4pyroMx.. Ciii 40Ma Aemii-h 04iiH'b 3a 4pyriiMT.. /I,dcKii Ha6pdcaHbi 04Ha ex. 4pyrdH). fl 4'BJaio 4o6pd, CKdjbKO a aiejaio. Tbi acejaeuib y^iixbca. Exercises on Oht> 4yMaexT., qxo 3Haerx> bcb nayKii, u XBacxaexx, cboiimii ^^^^^55^^' ycnixaMii. Mbi ne 4ep3aeMT> sipiixb eauinMi. c.iOBaMi,, xoxa bh roBopiixe npaB4y. Moii coci4ii niixaioxca 04HnMT> x.iidoMT>, n ynoBaioxT, na npoBii4iHie. Bbi xopryexe cyKH<5MT., n bh xpeCyexe 250 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. MHoraro. To^iydL BopKyeit; ropjima cTOHen,; codana .laen,; meHKH 6pemyTT>; jaryuiKii KBaKaiOTi>; Boponw KapnaiOTi; jLBbi pbiKaH)TT>; o.ieiib TOKyeiT.; Kypbi Ky4axiyn.; KoiiiKa mnymiTb; 6biKn MbiTOTT.; nqeja HtyjKJKi'iTT,; SM-bh iimniiTT, ; op^ibi xpySHTi; co.ioBbii iue6eqyTT>; oBUb'i 6.ieibTb; CBUHbii xpioKaion,; ^iici'ma Bii3H{iiTT>; oce^T> peBeiT.; KajKyHT> K^ioxieiT,; nepenejKa saHa- KaeiT.; n^TyxT> KyKypeKaeTT>; copona CKpeKoien,; nonyrafi 6o^TaeTT>. rpoMT> rpeMi'iTT,; BO^a KiiniiTT>; ^Bepn CKpiinHXi; pyqbii TKYXM'dTh', oroHb Tpemiixi; SBiSAbi CBepKaioTT>; co^jHue CB-BTiiTi; m'GAbi poaica; a^iMaSbi CAeciArb; cyxie jiicTba xpy- maix; B'BTep'B CBncTaen>; CH'Bn> laeiT). Co.mue oaapaeTi 3eMJK) CBOiiMii .jyiaMii, rpieii 11 h{iibutt> ee. 3eivua o6pa- maexcfl BOKpyri. cd^iHua. Bbi Hanpaciio ropibeTe. a ry^iHjiT. Bqepa no 6epery ptKii, KorAa co^wqe caAiUocb. Moa cecipti ciiAi.ia no^T. 4epeB0Mi>, Koidpoe Ka^a^jocb BiipoMi. Bqepa MM MHoro padoia^n, mniAu, micajii h pncoBaju. OBUbi MpyTT> OTt ciyjKH. Erd aiaib ^aBHo ynep^a. Henpiaiejii 3anep.jii ero bi KpinocTii. 3'TOTb qe.ioBiK^ oc.im'b, 11 ero jKeiia OTAOXASi. Moii ^epeBba Bbicox^in 11 MOii i^B-BTbi saBaJiii. MocKBa AOATO 6yAeTT> KpacoBaibca bo r.iaBi ropoAOBi) Pycc- KiixT,. Tbi 6y4efflb iirpaib, n a 6y4y nocaib. PocciiicKoe rocy- AapcTBO 6yAeTT> 6e3npepb'iBH0 BOSBLiiuaxbca, n Bcer^a npio0p-B- t5tT) doji-Be ciubi 11 c.iaBbi. Be^iiiKiil rocy/iapb miKorAa ne yMpeiT). /1,'B^ail, qio Te6i roBOpan,, 11 ne ^VMaii ynpaMnibca. He xepafl HaAGHJAW, n ynosaft 11 a Bora, Cxynarixe 40M611, 11 iie TO^Kyiixe cxojbKO. He xpaxb BpeftieHii, 11 ne Myib jKnuoxHbixX). FoBopiixe Bcer/ia npaB4y, 11 ne cnopbxe nycxAKaxx.. CojiOBeil noexT>; jouia^b p5Kexx>; bojkx. Boexi.. Ecxb SBipii, Koxopbie cnax-b bck) siiwy. Tbi 6epeiDb Miioro na ce6a, 11 a He depycb 3a axo a'^ao. Sa^iM^ bh Miiexe 3xy KHiiry? Oht> jKiiBexT, BT> MocKBi, 11 c.ibiBeXT> 6oraxbiMT> qe^OBiKOMi.. Eacxyx'b cxpimex'b OBeuT.; Kpecxbane npa^yx-b Aen-b ii XKyxT> xojicxt.. Ohx> xoqexi. cnaxb, ii bh xoxiixe iirpaxb. Moil cocbai* 6epen, Meiia, KaK-b po^naro Cbina, ii ne Mon. co mhoh) pascxaxbca. Henpiaxe.iii coHtr.iii Miiorie ropo^a; omi yB^ieoiicb a.iodoio ii MmenieMi. Hacxyxi nacT> OBeu-L na Jiyry. H nom^ib 3a .li- KapeMT), H xbi npHuufeiub mh-b Aenen,. 3'xoxt> r6po4T> iiB'Bxexb, II OUT) AOATO 6yAexT> uBtcxii ci'mofo II 6oraxcxBOMT>. fl 4a3n> CORRECT CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXERCISES. 25 1 Te6i KHiiry, a ^to tu ^aiiib MHt? Tsi ne M6?Keiiib roBopiiii,: qio OHT> 4acTT> MH-B 3a 3T0? He 6epH Ha ce6H loro, qero tw He MOHteuib Hcnd^HiiTb. /l,iTn, jKimiiTe MiipHO, ne K^ainixecb, HHKorAa He Auhe, n Be/inie ce6H xopomenbKO. Sfiipii x64aT'i> H d-BrawTT., nTiiuLi AerdwiTy, pbi6bi ruaBawn., H ^epBH ll6j3aH)TT>. rioCMOTpii, CWAa IIAeTT> C0J4aTT>; 3a HHMT, C-BadiT-L coCana. BiiAiiiub, KaKt 6b'icTpo ^eniTi oia ^acxoiKa; OHii Bcer^a xaKt ^^eiawT'L. Ceu MopHKT> Ao^ro n^aBa.ii) no ^epHOMy Mopio. Hto xaivn. n^biBeTi na boat, ? iKenbi GjaBHHT> HOCii.Hi BOAy 11 xacKa^ii 4poBa. 'Ixo xbi necemb bt> axoMt M-BiuKi? CMOxpii, KaKyro BasaiiKy ApoBt axoxi. qe.iOB-BKTj xamiixT>. BiUuiii xor4a, qero He Bii^ajH aoxo.i-b. Henpiaxe^ib piiHyjica bt> ropoAi. 11 Kiiny^ica na Kopwcxb. Mo.iHia saceepKa.ia. Mo.inia csepKHy.ia, rpaHy^^b ciMbntifi rpoM-b, seM.ia Apornyjia, uepKOBb 3axpacjiacb. BpaxT> moh wien> 11 saxpanijii ; OHT> rpoMKO xpanny.it h npocny^ca. Mory mi naAiaxtca, mo .iiipa Moa xponexTj eme Bame x^aaAHoe cepAUe? CojHue 3cl6m\- cxajo, HO He HaAo.iro: 6.iecHpo h CKpbuocb. Mbi Bb'idpoca.^ii 3a OKHO Becb copT>; BT) copy Mbi Bbi6pociLiH H BaHiHyH) dyaiary. Ilpoui.iaro roAa a xajKHBa^n. bt. r6poAT>. GoKpaxt roBapiiBa.n,. HiMiibi H3AaBHa HviiBajiii BT. HoB'BropoA'B. yKneyqii bt> MocKBi, a tSHca^T) BT, TpoiiUKyH) .laBpy. Bt> MOjOAua j-Bxa a >KiiBa.iT> BT> AepeBH-B. E'cm 6li KaMHii roBopiixb Mor.iii, OHii nayqiruiii 6bi xe6a ocxopo/KHOCxii. E'c^ii 6li kxo HiidyAb Bome.iT, kt> HaMT> bt> 3xy Mimyxy, oht> yBiiA'BJT. 6bi nacT. bt> oxiaaniii, 11 yc^bima.iT> 6bi Hainii cxenaHia 11 namu b3a6xii. Ecxb Ma^jo npeAMexoBT> bt, CBix-B, Ha Koxophie a ne o6pamajT> 6bi BmiMaHia. He 6bM0 xaKoro KaMeHHaro cepAiia, Koxopoe ne iis^iiiBajocb 6li bt. c.iesaxT,. CojAaxT. 9X0XT, c^LyaciLiT. Ao.iro, h BbiCAymiwh neHciro. He BcaKiS Bbic.iyjKiixT. ee ct. xaKiiMT. oxjuWieMT.. Oht. Sbma.n. bo MHoniXT. cpa/KeniaxT., h BeSAi oxjiiia.ica d^incxaxe.ibHOio xpaO- pocxbH). OcodeHHO ox^imilica oht. npii BSaxiii oahoiI nenpia- xejbCKOii daxxapen. Oht. nepBbiii B3o6paj[ca na SpycxBepi., y61i.1T, nenpiaxe^^ibCKaro co.iAaxa n B3a.iT. nyuiKy. 3a axo ero narpaAii-in opAenoMT,. Hoxomt. Harpa}KAa.iii ero 11 Apyn'iMii oxjiiiriaMH. Tenepb oxnpaBiixca oht, bt, poAHny, noce.iiixca bt, cBoeil ceMbi, n dyAexT, pa3CKa3biBaxb cboi'ixt. noxoAaxT., Kam, xajKHBa.1T. Ha TypOKT. n 4^paHLiy30BT., Kam, Cnea.iT. BparoBb, 252 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. KaKi> Tepni.n> r6.iOAT>, cipaAln, oti> paHi>, 11 yT-Biiiajca Mbicuw, ^TO ciymuTb cBoeMy rocy^apio cep4ueMi> 11 Ayiuoio. VnoBau Ha Mena. Exercises qe.iOBiKTj, .iwdamiii npae^y, HeHaBii4BTT> .lOJKb. Kynaiomeeca on the ■ e ' n ' ' ¥' ' participles. AiiTa; cooaKa, opocaioiuaaca Ha npoxoacHXi). Kyneui), no.iyqaB- p- 176. miii Toeapw n3T> .loHjona, npo^aea^b iixt> Bb'iroAHO. Kyneui), no.iyquBiuiii Toeapbi h3t> .loHAona, npo^aji uxt> Bb'iroAHO. Cipa- /Kjymiil dojisHiio, iimeTT> oS.ierqeHia. Sa/Kni noxyxuiyio CB^qy, II Bbiipii 3aM6p3iuee cxeKJO. C^asa repoio, cnacmeMy CBoe oie^ecTBo. PbiKaromiii .leBi,, Mbiiamiii 6biKT>, jaiomaa cooaKa, noibmiii n-Bxyxi, BopKyiomiii ro.iydb, BbipaiKaioTi. cboi'i qyBCTea II jKe^ania. Mope, BO.myeMoe BiipaMii, ycTpauiaen. n.!0BueBTi. A^^^^ .iK)6iiMaa 0TueMT>, ciapaeicb sacjyHtiiBaib ero jiodoBb. 4<^-*^h^ noMoraib neciacTHOMy, roHiiMOMy cy4b56io 11 npec^iAyeMOMy Hey4aiaMii. 9'to cnaxoe mo.wko, ii boxt. xepxbiii xa6aKT>. 3'xo sapaateHHoe pyatbe. Ha pbiHRt npo4aK)xca diixbie rycii, cmo- .lewbia BepeBKii, oxKopauenHbia nopocaxa 11 cxpiiaienHbia obum. Poccia odiixaeMa aiHoruMu Hap64aMii. 4odpbie rocyaapii .iiodiiMbi CBOiiMn n644aHHbiMii , n yeaiKaeMbi coc'B4aMii. Taxapbi db'LM nodsH{4eHbi 11 pa3diixbi na Ky4UK6B0MT> no.i-B. Tpy4bi TBoii dy4yTT. yB-BHqaHbi ycnixoMi. IbieHa dbiBaiox-b CK^onaeMbi, a YAdxoAhi cnparaeMbi. Ceil Be.^iiKiu nojKOB64eu'b dy4exT> qxiiMt B^ noxoMcxB^. MocKBa dbua pa3opeHa n coaiaceHa BparaMii. 3'to pyacbe 3apaH{eH6. 3'xa KHiira npenpacHO nepe- njexena. Exercises on n04li CI04a, lidO a 34'BCb HvIIB}'. r4'B Baiin> dpaXT>? ErO H'BX'b '"'Jerunds"'^ 46Ma. Ky4a OHT, noixa.!!, B^epa BeqepoMT>? Tbi cy4rimb yMHo, p. 181. a dpaxT. XBOil cy4riXT> yMHie. fl xoaty uiiidKO, a xbi x64Huib miidqe. Bbi roBopiixe no-pyccKn qiicxo, a cecxpiiqa sama eme qiime. SaBxpa noi4eMT> mm 4a4eK0, a qpe3T> ro4'b eme Aajbuie. Tbi noeuib xopomo, no ona noexi* .lyquie. fl npouiy Bacb yd:B4iixejbH'Bume. H d.iaro4apK) BacT> noKopR-Bume. Tyjaa na depery p:BKii, a Hac.iaa{4aK)Cb npox.ia40H) Beiepa. /Ka-iia HecqacxHbixT>, ciapaiixecb noMoraxb iimt>. fl Bacb yiy, ace.iaa BaMi, 4odpa, h Ha4'Bacb, qxo bm ycniexe B-b HayKaxT>. He yMia c4'B.iaxb qero Hiidy4b, npocii coBixa , ne Kpacnta. 4i.!aii 4odp6, He doacb miKoro. He 40.IJKHO tcxb .leata. C.iyHia oxeqecxBy 11 yainpaa 3a nero, mh iicno.maeM'b cbou 40.in>. CORRECT CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXERCISES. 253 nojiyqiiBT> EHCtMo Bauie, 11 y3naBT>, ^ero ew /Ke^aaete, a neMe- 4jeHH0 OTB-h^kn'b. OTo6i4aBiiin, ocianLca AOMa. HanncaBiiin DHCtMO, nojiOHdiBuin Bi KyBepTT> H saneqaTaBuiii, OTAaii ero na noTry. IlpiiuieAiiiii aomou, a c-bj^ nucaiL. HveHiiBiuncb, oin> noixa.!!. bt. AepeBHio. npocHAiBuiii qaci, y nero, a noineji. 40M6fi; paSAiBUincL 11 .leruiii, a CKopo ycny.ii. Best naACKAbi ne.iLsa jkiitl bt> cb-bts. Ott, p-BKii a6 ^"^^Y^^Q^p^ll^X AB-B BepcTLi. newb Bbi roBopiiie ? Mbi xpyAiiMca A^a odmaro tions. p.185. 6jiara. MeacAy aomomi h caAOMt npocTpaHHbiri ABOpT> ct. kohwiii- HaMH. Bora paAii ne yHUBan. Am66\ih kt> rocyAapio n oie- qecTBy. Oht> )KnBeTT> y CBoero a^Au- Co^Aaxi BbiCKoqiuT> liai.- 3a Kycia. Ay^'b co.ineqHHil npOHiiKaeii ckbosb BOAy. 3'tott> qe.iOBiKT> npn CMepiii. flTiiqa .leTaen, noAT> o6.iaKaMii. H noAomiiA'b KHiiry noAT> cto^t>. CaAiirect 3a cto^t,, h CHAUTe 3a CTo.ioMT.. BpaTT> Mofi %A^Th BT> MocKBy, DOTOMy ^TO ero atena miBeiT. B^ MocKBi. Opewn> cnAiiTT> Ha Aepes-B. 3'Ta pioMKa pa36iijiacb na Me.iKia lacTii. H AOcaAyiocb Ha 6paTa Moero 3a ero j-BHOCTb. He 3a66Tbca qyaciixi. At^axi.. Mou Apyrfa yuiiiSca 06^ yro.iT> tioja. BoAa Teq6TT> ch KpoB.Hi. Bott, AepeBba ct. jiicTbaMH, ho 6e3T> i^b-etobi.. 3 la codana CvAen. CT> KopoBy. 4"^^™ 6iraK)T'b no ABopy n no caAy. Mw pa66Ta.iii OT^ nepBaro no naioe inc.io A'srycTa. On-b hociiti ipaypi no CBoeMT. dpai-B. Moil AaAa poAn.ica n hjiijt> bt, MocKBi, a ne bt> TBepn. SHaembJ^^^^J^jyj^"^" jiii qio naui-b yqiiie-ib He3Aop6BT,? E'acejn bm ne npiiAeie, to tions. p.iss. a ocepjKycb. Cnpocii y nero, xoien, jh oht> ixaib, n.iii HaM-BpesaeTca ocTaibca AOMa. Oht> sadoTHxca 66A%e dpai-B HejKe.in cecip-B. npiaTH-Be A'S-iaib Ao6p6 ApyniMb, q-BMi, caMOMy no.iyqaib 6^aroTBopeHia. IlycTb oht> npinAex'b; nyCKafl OHii y-BAyTT.. 4a cojiHne Baci, ne sacTdneTT, na .iojk-b. 4^ 3ApaB- CTByerb L[apb. ^-bmi npn.ieHtH-Be tm 6yAemb yqiiibca, T-hWb jer^e fiyAeii. ajih Te6a yqeHbe. 3HMa npiaXHa. AhOA\l CyXb CMepTHbl. HoBrOpOAl 6bl.nj Exercises on 6oraxT>. Poccia ecxb odunipHaa nnnepia. Bojra ecxb napiiqa of^ords^ ptKi PyccKHXT>. npiaxe.ib mou, bm 6yAexe AOBo.ibHbi. Y mcb p- ^92- ecxb dojbuiie sanacbi. Y Mena 3aBxpa 6yAyTT> Aenbrn. Ea Be.iiiqecxBO (IlMnepampuu,a) Bbi-Bxa.ia. Ero npeBOCxoAiiie.ib- cxBO {rehepdjiz) yixajx.. Ero IlMnepaxopcKoe BwcoqecxBO [Be- jiuKiU KHH3b) dhwh AOBOjeHi. Feorpa^ia n Hcxopia cyxb 2 54 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. BecfcMa no.ieSHwa siiaHia. Mo.iqaib ipyaHO. Cko.ibko Ob'i.io laMi* 4BTeii? MocKBa SHaMeHiiia; r6po4T. MocKsa SHaMeHiiTT,. KuTaii MHOrojib/ieHT.; rocy4apcTBO KiiTaii MHOro.iiOAHO. Y Hero ecxb TpH4iiaTb 04Ha j6iiia4i>. Kmira, KOidpyio bli mnieie, onenb 3a6aBHa. Boti> qe.iOBBK^, ^bi'iMH Tpy4aMii no.iayeMca. Exercises on B04a eCTb CTIIXia. A.ieKCaH4pT> MaKe46HCKill 6bUT, Be.lHKifl dependence ' m ' ^ ' of words. rio.iKOB04euT>. Taiapbi Ob'uii CBiipinbi. Moii 4'B4T> o*HuepT>; p. 200. ^Qj'j ^^^^ 6bLn. Tor4a o*imepoMTi. FoBopHX-b, ^to KOMeibi 6bi.m H.iii em6 6y4yTT> n.iaHeiaMH. 405K4b OCB-ByKaeiTj 3eM4I0. 3.104'BH HeHaBli4aTT> qeCTHMXT> .iH)4efi. Bypa, onycTOiuiiBiiiaa Hamii nojia, pasopii.ia MHonix'b noce.iaH'b. FoBopii Bcer4a npaB4y- Mofl dpai-b ObJA-h 66.ieH'b BCK) siiMy. R -hXdLA-b u-Liyio Bepciy BepxoM-b. Teda XBa.iaxij 3a npiLieacaiiie. Ont y4apH.«ca 061, ci-BHy. Mbi CH4iiM'b bt. bo4'B no lueio. GbiH-b pocxoM'b Cb oxua, 11 jyo^b noixii ct> naxb. CKyneu'b npe4noqiixaex'b 4eiibrii c.iaB-B, a bohht, ciasy 4eHb- raMT>. Mo.iHia npe4iiiecxByexT, rpoMy. 4"B.iibcb sameMy xepni- hIh). HpaBaxca .«i BaM'b 3x11 Kapxiinbi. He mcxh xBoeny iienpia- TGAV), II 4'B.iari Aodpo odiU^HuieMy xedfi. Bbixb qy4y. Jrixbca ropioTOM'b c.ie3aMT>. PedeHKy xoiexca niixb. Cii.ibHOMy qe- .lOBiKy He npiMii^HO o6ii}Kaxb cjiadaro. no4pajKaHie lacycy Xpiicxy. yliodoBb K'b 40dpo4'Bxejn h HenaBucxb Kb iiopoKy. BiiH{y r.ia3aMii, oca3aK) pyKaMH, c.ibimy yuiaMu, odonaio hocomi, BKyiiiaio aSbiKOMT,. IIsMaiui, 6bU'b BSaxb CyBopoBbiMi, n Ona- KOBT, noxeMKHHbiMT>. 3 xiixT> o*HuepoBT. BCB HasbiBaiox'b rcpoaMH. Bo.ibHofl e4Ba meBe.iiixb rydbi {uau rydaMii). rnymaiocb OOMaHOM'b II AOmiV). 34'BCb 4b'liUaX'b qiiCXbIMT> B634yXOMT>. Ilo/KepxBOBaHie HCii3HiK) sa rocy4apa h oxeiecxBO. Ohi. 4odpb cep4ueMT>, HO cjad-b toaoboio. yxpoM-b Ha4odHO BCxaBaxb, 4HeM'b padoxaxb, BeiepoMT> ox4bixaxb, h h6%k) cnaxb. IloMnpii Moero 4pyra cb ero 434610. Uuiio ^ecTb no34paBHXb Bacb cb BauiiiMH ycn-BxaMii. GbiHT. Moero licKpenHaro 4pyra Biepa yBxa.n>. 4'^tii do.ib- maro yMa Hep'B4K0 dbiBaioxB xiLibi. CocxaBwieHT) cniicoK'b 0*11- uepaait Hauieii 4iiBH3iii. HeieHie x.iida. H KyniuT> ^ynx-b qaro u cajKeHb 4poBT). Gx6.ibK0 xpy46B'b h 3ad6xT> npona.io no- nycxoMy. PyccKie BSa.in HapiiMT. ocbMHa4iiaxaro Mapxa xb'iac^a HOCBMbCox-b nexbipHa4uaxaro r64a. H ne "BM-b xjida, ho niio B64y. H ^M-b x.i-Bdb, ho ne obio B04b'i. H ne no.iyia.n, Hir CORRECT CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXERCISES. 255 niictMa, Hir nocLLiKii. Bt> aioMt niicbMi hbt'i> hii oahou oiuiiCkii. 4ocTaHb MH-B Aenerb. Bohhm s^e.iaioTt 6iiTBbi h liuiyTb c.iaBbi. C.iaB0.iK)6eii'b HcajKAex'b noqeciefl. Tbi xo^euib 6oraTCTBa, ii 6oiiuibca ipyAa. BdqKa ncwa BWHa. ^^^pbift qejOBiKb qyHC4T> 3j6dbi II saBiicTH. 36.10TO 4op6/Ke cepe6pa; cBHiieui, TaHte.iie Hcej-Bsa. Oii-b npocHT-b MiuocTbiiiu pa4ii Xpiicia. TAbixT> npi- flieH-b nocAt, paCoTbi. B^o^b aioro Oepera THHeica u-Bnb ropi. B6.IKII 6p04HTT> OKOJO 4epeBHii. Moil dpax'b xpaiiiiTi. npiicyiCTBie AY^a npn bcbxi HenpiHT- HOCTflX'b BT> HtiiSHii. Ceil ropoA'b nocTpoeHT. Ha KpyioMT, depery 6b'icTpoii p-fiKii. IJ,epKOBb naiii rjaBaxT>. Oht, n^aieix no CBOeMT. OTUi. BojiniEBHimA. OAHa BAOBa iiiMi^a AByxb AOiepefl : cxapuiaa dti.ia noxo/Ka na CBOH) Maib H j[nueMT> II iipaBOMT>, TO ecTb, OHa 6bua xaKT) Hve Aypna h lan-b me 3.ia, Kani. ea Maib. Hiikto He .iMdiu-b nx-b; BC^ OTx Hiixb dirajii. MeHbuiaa jkc 6bua npeKpacna ii 4odpo- AyuiHa. Bc-B ee jh)6iuii. Ho 3jaa Maib ii 3.iaa cecipa ee neHa- BiiA'B.aii; 6e3npecTaiiH0 fipamuii; OAua ona AOAmm 6bui pado- Taxb BT> AOM^, Toni'iTb ne^b, Meciii ropHuqbi, CTpanaib bt> KyxH-B. B-BAHflHCKa n^a-Kaja ct. yipa ao Beqepa, ho ne .itniuacb padoiaib; d.iUa noc^yiuHa, Tepn-B.iiiea, ii Bce to 6buo nanpacHO, lido HiiqiMb He Mor.ia yrOAiiTb na 3.iyK) MaTb h Ha 3.iyK) ce- CTpy CBOH). EaieAHeBHO axa diAHaa A^ByiuKa AO.iJKHa dbua, cb do-ibUHiM-b KyBIUliHOM-b, XOAl'lTb 3a BOAOK) BT. d.IimHIOH) pomy, BT, KOTOpOll naxoAilica qiicTbifl hcto^hukti. OAHaacAW nouua ona, no odbiKHO- Beniio, K-b OTOMy ucToimiKy. /l,eub 6biA'h oqenb acapOKi.. Ha- no.iHHB'b KyBuiHH'b BOAOM), OHa B03Bpama.iacb AOMOH. BApyn, BiUiiTT. nepeA'b codoio CTapyuiKy. «4HTa Moe!» — CKa3a.ia eil CTapyuiKa: — «Aafl mh-b naniiTbca. R ycTa^ia; mh-b 3KapK0.» — wGtj oxotoh), da6ymKa!» cnasaja A'BByuiKa: «bott.! Hanerica!» H ona noAa.ia CTapyuiK'B KyBuiiiHT>. CTapyuiKa ott, c.iadocTii ci^a na Tpasy, a Mo.iOAaa KpacaBima CTa.ia nepeA'b Hero na ko.i-bhh, u ocToponmo noAAepatiiBa.ia KyBuiHHX, noKa ona mi.ia BOAy. — «B.iaroAapro Teda, Miuaaiw 256 RUSSIAN GRAMMAR. CKasa^a crapyuiKa, HaniiBuiiiCL : wBiiHcy, 'ito tm 4o6poe, .mcKOBoe 4HTa, II xoqy Te6a narpaAHTt 3a xeoib ycjy/KJiiBOCTb. 3Hafi H{e, a BO.imedHima, 11 napo^HO BSaja iia ce6a bii4t> CTapyuiKii, qiodti Te6a Hcnbiiaifc. Pa^yiocE., qio tm laKaa AoSpaa, 11 bott,, qio a xo^y 4-^h Te6a c^'B^axt : Bcaidfl paai., Kor^a tw CKaHvemt c.iobo, 1130 pia y leda Bb'ina4eTT> luii npeKpacHwu ub-btoki, luii AparouiiiHwil KaMGHb, luii 6o.ibiiiaa weMqyjKiiHa. IIpocTii, ^py- jk6kt>!» H BO^meOiiiiua H3ie3.ia. IlpeKpacHaa AieyiuKa BOSBpaiiLiacb ^OMoii. wFAt rw TaKT> Ao.iro 6bLia?» cnpoci'ua y nea ct> cep4uean> maib. — «^to tm xaKT) AOAro Ai.ia.ia bt> point ?» sanpiiqlia 3.!aa cecipa. — wBiiHOBaia, 3aMimKa.iacb!» oxB'Bqajia 6'B4Ha}KKa, 11 bt> xy caMyio Miniyxy cb npeKpacHbixT. ryS-b ea CKaxiMiiCb ab^ p63bi, ab^b )KeM^yH(HHbi 11 ABa 6oAbmie iisyMpyAa. — «^xo a BHa(y?» Bocoii- KHy.ia yAHB.ieHHaa Maxb. «3'xo UB-BXbi! 3'xo Aparou-Bimbie KaMHii! ^xo CT> xo66k) CAi.ia.iocb!» — KpacaBima npocxoAyiuTio pa3CKa3aja eil CBoeft Bcxpiq-B ex. BO.ime^Hnueio , a MejKAy x'Bmx> UB-fiXbi, a.iMa3bi II }KeMqyn> xanx. h cbinajiicb ct> ry6T> ea. — «Xopom6 Hce!" npoBop^aja Maxb : «3aBxpa noui.iib bt> pomy cxapiuyio mow Aoib, II CT> Heio xo me 6yAexT>.» n Ha Apyroe yxpo, ona CKasa^a CBoefl Aoqepii: «HbiHb^e noiiAeuib 3a boaoio xm: B03bMi'i KyBmiiHT>; ho CMOxpii me, eciii BCxpixHuib y HCxoiHHKa cxapyiiiKy, Aaii eft iianiixbca h npii- jiacKafica kt> nefl xopoineHbKO.» 3jaa A'BB^oiiKa naxMypiuacb, Cb AOcaAOK) B3aj[a KyBuiiiHX) ; nexoxa noin.«a bt> pomy, h bo bcw Aopory Bopqa.ia. CxapyuiKa CHA^^a yace y HCxoiHiiKa. «3a- ^epnHii MR-B BOAb'i, Moa Miuaa!» CKasa.ia ona A^BOiKt : wacapKO, xoiy Haniixbca.w — «KaKx> 6bi He xaicb! fl ne 3a xtMT> npiim.ia ciOAa, ixo6b'i yc.iYHdiBaxb cxapbiMi dpoAaraMX.. Haobeiiibca n 6e3T> Meiia!» — «KaKaa me xm rpy6aa!» CKa3a.ja eii cxapyiiiKa: «a HanaHty xe6a. Ct> axiixi nopx., npn KaHtAOMx, ciob-b xboSmi., 6yAexT> BbinaAaxb y xe6a h3o pxa luii SM-Ba uau. .laryuiKa.n Ona H3qe3.ia, a 3.iaa A'BB^OHKa no6t.msiAa. aomoiI, paadiiBiiiii Cb AOcaAM KyBuiiiH'b cboh. «^xo CKameuib, Mi'uaa AoiKa!» cnpocii.ia Maxb, yBUA'BB'b ee ii3Aa.ieKa. — «He^ero CKa3aTb!» oxB-Bqlia AO^b, H BApyn> Bb'iCKOiiLiii 1130 pxa ea ab^ 3M'£ii h ab'B ma6bi\ — «^xo a Biiacy! KaKofl cxpax^!» 3aKpnqa.ia Maxb. «Ho bo BCeMT> 9X0MX. BHHOBaxa xBoa cecxpa! H AaMX> en snaxb.n H OHi dpoauHCb 6iixb MeiibiiiyK) AO^b. CORRECT CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXERCISES. 257 Ohe, HcnyraBUiHCb yrpost, CKpb'uacb bt> pomy, ^o^ro 6tmiAa, He cMia orjiflHyTLCfl, aaS'BHca.ja Aa^ieKO, h naKOHeuT. noiepfl.ia 4op6ry. Ho aio 6biM kt, ea cqacTiro. ElapcKifi cmh-l, KOTopbifi Tyxi 3a6aBjajca oxotoio, naxoAH^ca bt, 9to BpeMa b-l pom-B; OHT. yBHADjiT, KpacaBHuy, KOTopaa, cuah na ipaBi, roptKO n^ana^a. — «^T0 CT. T06610 c^i^a^jocb? ^cMT. TBI n^aqeuiB, MH.«aa?» cnpociuT, OHT., BSSBT, ec jacKOBO 3a pyKy. — «B6)Ke mom ! KaKi. MH^ He n^aKait! MaxyniKa BBirna^ia Mena liai, AOMy.» Ona roBopi'ua, a ub'Btli h AparouiHHBie KaMmi cbina^iicL ct. ea poao- Bbixx rydi), h ciesbi o6painajHCb bt> jKeM^iyHtHHbi. — «Mto 3to 3Ha^HTT> '?» cnpociUT, iiapoKifi CbiHT. : «OTT> lero axH UBtibi, ateM- ^yrn H KaMHH?» B-BAHaacKa paacKasa^a i^apcKOMy Cbiny tomt., ^To CT> HCH) CAymiAOCh. — On'b no^Ki6H^T> ee, h noAm6uA'h emc 66A%e 3a to, ^to ona 6bua TaKT> 4odpa h MH^ja, uemeAvi aa ea iiB-BTbi H ^paroniHHbie KaMHH. Oht> B3ajn> ee ct> codoio, npe^- CTSLBUA-h ee IJ,apib, oiuy cBoeiviy, KOiopoMy ona T&Kme noHpa- BHjiacb, H Uapb no3B6^H.«T> cb'my na Hefl jKeHHibca. TaKHMi. 66pa30MT> OHa CA^ja^acb IJ,apeBHOio, a no CMepiH I^apa, Kor^a ea MyHCb B3oinejT> na omoBCKift npeciojri., Ltapiii^eio, h 6bui I^apHueio AodpoH). A 3Jiaa cecipa ea? ^to CA'B.iajiocb ch Hero? — Ona JKajocTHbiM'b 66pa30M'b KOH^Hja cboh) jkhshb. Maib, KOTopyro ona deanpeciaHHO cep^iua h oropqa^a, npHHyacAena dbua ee BbirnaTb hst. AOMy; hhkto He xoi-hA-b eft ^aib npHCia- HHiua, H ona CKpbuacb bt. a^cl, r^t CKopo ynepjia ct> AOcaAbi H rojo^a. 17 S^^5S^S5S^B^^S^55^SiS5^B«&^Sfi5^3i TABLE OF CONTENTS FIRST PART LEXICOLOGY. Page Division of the Grammar I Sounds or letters 2 Alphabet 2 Division of the letters 6 Pronunciation of the letters 7 Vowels 7 Semi-vowels II Consonants 13 Syllables and words 17 Tonic accent 17 Reading- Exercise 18 Elements of speech 22 Division of words 23 Roots of words 24 Inflections of words 26 Metaplasms of words 26 Permutation of letters 26 Epenthesis and prosthesis 28 Apocope and Syncope 29 THE SUBSTANTIVE 29 Division of substantives 29 Properties of nouns 30 17* 2 6o TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Genders 30 Aspects 34 Numbers 36 Cases 37 Declension of substantives 39 Regular substantives 39 Rules of the declensions 40 General rules 41 Special rules 42 Paradigms of the declensions of substantives .... 43 First declension 43 Second declension 48 Third declension 50 Irregular nouns 54 Exercises in the declension of substantives 58 THE ADJECTIVE 65 Division of the adjectives 65 Qualifying adjectives 65 Possessive adjectives 65 Properties of adjectives 67 Gender, number, case 68 Apocope of the termination 68 Degrees of signification 69 Declension of adjectives 75 Paradigms of the declensions of adjectives 76 First declension 78 Second declension 80 Third declension 83 Exercises on the adjectives 83 THE NUMERALS 88 Division of numerals 88 Cardinal and ordinal numerals 89 Declension of the numerals 91 Paradigms of the declension of the numerals .... 92 Special rules of the numerals 95 Exercises on the numerals 97 THE PRONOUN 102 Division of the pronouns 102 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 261 Page Paradigms of the declension of the pronouns . . . 104 Declension of the pronouns . 105 Exercises on the pronouns 107 THE VERB 112 Division of verbs 112 Inflections of the verb 1 13 Tenses 1 13 Aspects 113 Moods 116 Persons, numbers and genders 117 Forms derived from the verb 118 Conjugation 118 Regular verbs 122 Formation of the inflections of the verb 123 Paradigms of the conjugations of the regular verbs . 125 First conjugation 128 Second conjugation 130 Third conjugation 136 Irregular vewbs 137 Conjugation of irregular verbs 138 Delineation of verbs 142 Simple verbs 143 Prepositional verbs 150 Exercises on the verbs 166 THE PARTICIPLE 1 73 Division of the participles 173 Active and neuter participles 173 Passive participles 174 Declension of the participles 175 Passive verbs 176 Exercises on the participles 1 76 THE ADVERB AND THE GERUND 1 78 Division of the adverbs 178 Formation of the adverbs 179 Degrees of comparison 180 Gerunds 180 Exercises on the adverbs and the gerunds 181 THE PREPOSITION 183 262 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Division of the prepositions 183 Government of the prepositions 185 Exercises on the prepositions 185 THE CONJUNCTION 187 Exercises on the conjunctions 188 THE INTERJECTION 188 SECOND PART SYNTAX. Division of syntax 189 CONCORD OF WORDS 189 Exercises on the concord of words 192 DEPENDENCE OF WORDS I93 Nominative 194 Vocative 195 Accusative , 195 Dative 196 Instrumental 197 Genitive 198 Prepositional 200 Exercises on the dependence of words 200 CONSTRUCTION 2IO THIRD PART ORTHOGRAPHY. USE OF THE LETTERS 212 Vowels 212 Semi-vowels 215 Consonants 215 Doubling of consonants 218 Capital letters 219 DIVISION OF WORDS INTO SYLLABLES 219 ORTHOGRAPHY OF ISOLATED WORDS 220 Russian words 220 Foreign words 223 ORTHOGRAPHIC SIGNS 226 MARKS OF PUNCTUATION 227 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 263 FOURTH PART PROSODY. Page Division of prosody 229 ORTHOEPY 229 Prosodical or tonic accent 229 Place of the accent 230 VERSIFICATION 23I Tonic versification 231 Foot or metre 231 Denomination of the verses 232 Csesura 237 Termination of the verses 238 Rhyme 239 Stanza or strophe 239 Poetic licenses 240 SOLUTION OF THE EXERCISES 24 1 LEIPZIG.— PRINTED BY W. DRUGULIN. ATI 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. General Library LD2lA-40m-8,'71 University of California (P6572sl0)476-A-32 Berkeley I: '.^^^ ■'^^ '