THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES / 7- 7 Bpitapbe in tbe art> anb Cbapel of tbe (Breat /Ifoeeting, Xeicester, COPIED AND ARRANGED, WITH A SHORT DESCRIPTION, BY THE LATE ALFRED HENRY PAGET, AND PRINTED SEVERAL YEARS AFTER HIS DEATH, FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION, BY HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW, THOMAS FIELDING JOHNSON, SEPTEMBER, IQI2. CLARKE 6- SATCHELL, 5 GALLOWTREE GATE, LEICESTER. (Sreat flfteeting, ^Leicester. THE epitaphs in the graveyard and chapel of the G-reat Meeting, Leicester, were copied in the year 1904 by Alfred Henry Paget, Chairman of the Vestry and second son of Alfred Paget. The latter died while the work was in progress, and the tablet to his memory was placed in the chapel early in the year 1905. These transcripts do not indicate the use of capitals or variations in the style of lettering. But it is believed that every inscription is copied with verbal accuracy, each line being separately written as on the stone. The graveyard contains one hundred and eighty-seven tombstones, and there are twelve mural tablets in the chapel. Upon these three hundred and fifty-five persons are recorded, besides infants of whom no name is given. Doubtless many interments took place when no monument was erected. On the other hand not all persons here commemorated were buried at the Great Meeting. Some lie elsewhere in Leicester, others in more distant places. Evidently most of the stones stand in their original position. The ground seems to have been mapped out into grave spaces, and vestiges of numerals may be traced on the back wall and on the Butt Close Lane wall which had reference to these and indicated the several plots. The THEATRE ARTS enlargement of the schools, with the removal of the school- mistress's and the sexton's houses, in 1856, and the building of the chancel and vestries in 1866, and the more recent widening of East Bond Street have required the removal of various stones to positions more or less apart from their respective graves. The peculiar line of Miss Tozer's head- stone (page 25), presumably original, may indicate the boundary of a piece of ground that the Great Meeting owes to her generosity. Some years ago the grave mounds were levelled, in the hope that the grass might be easily mown. At that time various small footstones were disturbed and generally placed behind the headstones to which they belong. Only initials and dates are cut upon them ; and, as they give no additional information, they are not further noticed in this list. Most of the stones are of the period of the Rev. Charles Berry's ministry, from 1803 to 1859. The earliest recorded date is on a very comprehensive headstone commemorating Thomas and Martha Marshall and eight children. Hannah Marshall, an infant, died in 1736, which was twenty-eight years after the chapel was built. The parents died in 1780 and 1785, and the stone may have been erected soon after one of those dates, forty-four, or forty-nine years after the death of their child named above. The oldest stone in the graveyard is perhaps the most interesting and pathetic. It is in memory of the Rev. James Watson, Minister of the Great Meeting, and his wife, who died on the same day in 1741, and were buried together. He was Minister of the Great Meeting, and Mr. Clephan has heard that both were carried off by fever. No doubt the stone was placed soon after that sad event. The latest burials were those of the Rev. Charles Berry in 1877, and of his wife seven years earlier. Mr. Berry obtained special permission from the Home Secretary for these interments in the graveyard at a time long after the opening of the Welford Road Cemetery in 1850, and the subsequent closing of this and other burial grounds in the town. Certainly one burial has taken place in St. Mary's churchyard at a still later date, and another in St. Martin's Church. It is of interest to note the number of family names recorded in the graveyard now or lately held by worshippers at the Great Meeting. Bankart, Biggs, Brewin, Coltman, Cooper, Cumberland, Froane, Gadsby, Graham, Marshall, Paget, Simpson, Stone, Whetstone, and Worthington occur and recur. As time passes there is constant change of vogue in Christian names ; and, perhaps, Biblical names were in old days specially frequent in Nonconformist communities. Here are found Benjamin, Deborah, Dorcas, Esther, Hannah, Hephzibah, Keturah, Joel, Johnathan, Joshua, Lydia, Martha, Mark, Nathaniel, Peter, Rebeccah, Sarah, Simeon, and Timothy. On these monuments English verse is given in some thirty cases, one extract being from Shakespeare. The Old and New Testaments supply a smaller and nearly equal number of quotations. Latin occurs in only four cases. Three former ministers of our chapel are here buried : the Rev. James Watson, who died in 1741, as mentioned earlier ; the Rev. Hugh Worthington, who died in 1797 ; and the Rev. Charles Berry, in 1877. The last two officiated each for fifty-six years. The Great Meeting tombstones fully bear out the remarks of Mr. S. Perkins Pick, F.R.I.B.A., in his inaugural address as President of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society, printed in the Transactions, January 1906. With one ex- ception, all tombstones are of slate, the older ones from Charnwood Forest, and those of more recent date chiefly from Wales. On some stones dating from 1770 to 1800 the lettering is ef great freedom and beauty, excellently set out, and adorned with scrolls and incised ornament masterly in execution, if too fantastic for an austere taste. Both in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries these slate head- stones were frequently enriched with gilding, of which traces still linger. Those in memory of Ann Manning, Owen Manning and Ann Harrison f pages 339, 34 1 and 343), and of Gratia Worthington and the Rev. Hugh Worthington (pages 363 and 365), are among the best examples for lettering and adornment. The monument to Dolly Billings (page 53), now against the Library, is the finest of all, and has a graceful allegorical medallion sunk in relief. After this period the stones are mostly plain and sensible in design, but show meagre invention and lack the artistic spirit and freedom that, with all its extravagances, give such charm to the work of the earlier slate cutters, of whom Leicestershire may well be proud. The mason's name is often at the foot of the stone, and the removal of a little soil might reveal others now hidden. The following names appear here : Bell Mortin Birtchnell Parrott J. C. Pollard, Swithland Carrington Priestnal, Leicester H. Clay Shenton Isaac Cockshaw J. Taylor, Syston J. Hack, Loughborough Thrall & Payne (recent) 8. Hull Watkinson Hull & Pollard (H. & P. : S. H. & P.) Johnson, Swithland Winfield, Wimeswold Sam 1 Kirk J. Yates W. McCracken Most of these names are upon similar slate headstones in St. Martin's churchyard, and probably may be found generally throughout the town and neighbourhood. The unfortunate scaling of the surface of some of the older stones is much to be regretted, and all precautions should be taken to prevent further decay of these valuable records of our religious ancestry of the Great Meeting. INDEX, A. Year Page Addison, Edward .. 1839 325 Addison, Mary Ann . . 1851 325 Addison, Mary Ann 1839 325 Alexander, Edward 1822 38i Allen, Thomas 1824 33 Allen, Mary 1835 303 Allen, Joseph 188? 303 Atchison, Rev. John . . 1813 157 Atchison, Lucy 1811 *57 Atherstone, Oliver 1841 79 Atkins, Timothy 1800 99 Atkins, Elizabeth Harby 1837 99 Also four Infants . . 99 Atkinson, Henry i834 231 Atkinson, Mary 1835 231 B. Bankart, Thomas 1836 235 Bankart, Ann 1841 235 Barker, Maria .. 1808 253 Barker, Mary 1821 255 Barnes, Ann 1829 45 Berry, Rev. Charles . . 1877 '25 ,i M ii ,, 385 Berry, Ann 1870 125 Berry, Catherine 1822 127 Berry, Thomas Grosvenor 1841 127 Berry, Charles Clare . . 1852 127 Biggs, John 1827 357 Biggs, Annie 1843 357 Billing, George 1841 331 Billing, Mary 1804 335 Billing, John 1789 335 Billings, Dolly 1784 53 Billings, Elizabeth 1817 49 Billings, John 1832 57 Billings, Elizabeth 1834 57 Also five Infants, Grand- children 57 Year Page Bradley, Samuel .. 1812 223 Bradley, Samuel, junr.. 1804 227 Bradley, Thomas .. 1811 225 Brewin, Robert. . .. 1821 121 Brewin, Eliza .. .. 1821 121 Brewin, Simeon .. 1811 121 Brewin, Hannah M. .. 1832 123 Brewin, Catherine .. 1823 123 Brooks, Benjamin .. 1853 101 Brooks, Elizabeth .. 1851 137 Burges, Benjamin .. 1810 117 Burgess, Dorothy .. 119 Burgess, Elizabeth .. 119 Burgess, John .. .. 119 Burgess, John .. .. 1799 119 Burgess, Thomas .. 119 Burgess, John .. .. 119 c. Cape, Mary -Joanna .. 1800 85 Cape, Elizabeth .. 1800 85 Chapman, Thomas .. 1792 55 Chapman, Jane.. .. 1771 55 Chiswell, William .. 1768 243 Chiswell, Mary. . .. 1775 243 Clark, Joseph .. .. 1794 39 Clarke, Joseph . . . . 1842 ' 35 Clarke, Maude Eden . . 1824 37 Clarke, Joseph .. .. 1827 37 Clephan, Edwin . . 1906 401 Cole, John .. .. 1817 71 Cole, William .. .. 1820 71 Cole, Sophia .. .. 1842 233 Coltman, Martha .. 1789 215 Coltman, John .. .. 1781 215 Coltman, Henry .. 1787 215 Also two Infants . . 215 Coltman, John .. .. 1818 213 Coltman, Katherine .. 1825 213 Year Page Year Page Coltman, Joseph Estlin 1823 73 Drayton, Mary Ann . . 1816 241 Also five Infants . . 73 Drayton, William 1825 241 Coltman, John Coltman, Mar}' .. 1835 I835- 75 75 Drayton, Fanny Drayton, John Russell. . 1833 1842 241 241 Coltman, Mary. . 1841 237 Coltman, Thomas 1841 239 E. Coltman, Esther 1851 239 Elgood, Eliz. Martha .. 1833 17 Colston, Peter .. Colston, Dorothy 1849 1848 69 69 Elgood, Wm. Shepherd Elgood, Elizabeth, infant 1842 15 15 Cooper, Ann 1788 3 Eyre, Elizabeth I 79 8 169 Cooper, Ann 1827 249 Eyre, Joseph 1794 169 Cooper, Alfred 1827 249 Eyre, Elizabeth I 79 8 169 Cooper, John Coltman. . 1811 217 Cooper, Ann 1811 217 F. Cooper, Henry 1820 217 Cooper, Ann Coltman. . 1820 217 Forsell, Elizabeth 1822 211 Cooper, Edward 1821 217 Forsell, William 1813 211 Cooper, John Henry . . 1823 217 Forsell, Maria . . 1821 211 Cooper, Charles Berry . . Cooper, William Cooper, Catherine 1829 1841 1842 251 251 251 Forsell, Elizabeth Forsell, John Froane, James . . 1833 1838 1847 2O7 2O9 I8 7 Cooper, Mary Ann 1843 251 Froane, Ann 1825 189 Cooper, John, infant . . 251 Froane, Hephzibah 189 Cooper, Arthur. . 1843 251 Froane, James . . 189 Cowdell, George Cowdell, Ann 1822 1826 43 44 Froane, Ann Froane, Thomas 189 189 Froane, James .. 189 Cumberland, John i855 287 Froane, Ann 189 Cumberland, Hannah . . 1848 287 Froane, Alice . . 189 Cumberland, Jos. Smith 1831 287 Froane, Elizabeth 189 Cumberland, William . . 1801 257 Froane, Rebeccah 189 D. Q. Davis, Elizabeth 1850 367 Dawson, George Dawson, Deborah J 795 1810 321 321 Gadsby, Elizabeth Gadsby, William 1843 1857 351 351 Dawson, George 321 Gadsby, George 1862 35 1 Dawson, Elliott 321 Gadsby, Thomas 1829 353 Dawson, Oliver. . 1821 321 Gadsby, Sarah . . 1865 353 Dawson, Charles 1825 321 Gadsby, Robert . . 1851 353 Dawson, William Dethick, Ann Catherine 1832 1827 319 105 Gadsby, Eleanor, infant Gadsby, Emma ,, 353 353 Dethick, Maria Dorothea 1811 107 Gittins, Edith 1910 43 Dowley, James 1815 77 Glover, Edward 1852 277 Dowley, Robert 1784 109 Glover, Edward 1854 277 Dowley, Mary 1784 109 Also two Infants 277 Dray ton, William 1848 241 Glover, Hannah 1850 135 Drayton, Gratia 1816 241 Godwin, Milley 1786 5i Year Page K. Goode, Eleanor. . 1777 93 Year Page Goode, Frances 1776 93 Kenney, Grace 1810 I Goode, Richard 1776 93 Also two Infants . . I Goode, Thomas 1772 93 Knight, K. H 1842 171 Goode, William 1768 93 Kempson, William 1893 393 Goode, Joshua I7 6 5 93 Goode, Joshua 1766 93 L. Goode, John 1785 9i Lakin, Mary 1800 165 Goode, Eleanor 1788 9i Lakin, Mary 1821 167 Goode, John 1837 133 Lee, John 1774 205 Goode, Sarah 1837 133 Lewis, William Mason . . 1768 89 Goodrich, Henry Goodrich, Lemuel 1793 1829 291 289 Lewis, William Livesay, George 1805 1842 181 333 Goodrich, Lydia 1795 289 M. Goodrich, Henry, infant 289 Graham, Catherine Graham, Mark 1842 1843 87 87 Manning, Ann Manning, Owen Mansell, Elizabeth 1784 1770 1855 339 34i 5 Grundy, Joshua 1847 129 Mansell, Tohn . . 1851 5 Grundy, Elizabeth 1855 129 1 J Marshall, Thomas 1785 345 H. Marshall, Martha 1780 345 Marshall, Robert 1781 345 Hackett, Mary 1825 247 Marshall, Thomas 1788 345 Hackett, Benjamin 1820 247 Marshall, Elizabeth 1789 345 Hackett, Eliz., infant .. 247 Marshall, Mary. . 1802 345 Hackett, Mary 1825 247 Marshall, Hannah 1736 345 Haddon, Sarah 1838 307 Marshall, Martha 1751 345 Harris, William Smith . . 1844 285 Marshall, Samuel 1755 345 Harris.Thomas Frederick 1848 285 Marshall, Ann 1770 345 Harrison, Ann 1776 343 Marshall, John 1808 347 Harrison, Elizabeth 1788 343 Marshall, Mary 1807 347 Hilditch, Martha 1831 305 Also seven Infants . . ' 347 Hilditch, James Marshall 1824 305 Marshall, William Bayes 1835 355 Hudson, Ann 1816 *5i Marshall, Catherine . . 1826 355 Hudson, Eliza 1818 151 Marshall, Elizabeth . . 1845 313 Hudson, William Hurst, John Hurst, Ann 1837 1823 1830 153 95 OS Marshall, Joel Marshall, William Bayes Mason, Robert 1826 1841 1842 315 3!7 329 H. H. .... * v J'-' l8O4 y J 2QQ Matthews, Samuel 1757 65 WWBf ~-y-y Matthews, Phillip 1760 65 I. Mercer, John 1848 275 Iliff, John 1799 31 Mercer, Dorcas. . 1827 275 Iliff, Mary 1788 31 Mosedale, Joseph 1798 97 J. N. Jarvis, Charles Jenkins, Rev. Herbert.. 1822 I8l4 281 369 Neal, Elizabeth. . Also six Infants .. 1794 143 *43 Johnson, Sally .. Johnson, Mary 1771 1773 245 245 Neal, Joseph Neal, Sarah 1822 1823 141 139 Johnson, Maria. . 1823 131 Nutt, James 1817 37i Year Page Year Page Scriviner, Thomas 1775 6 7 Oldknow, Bennett Oldknow, Hannah Maria 1844 1851 293 293 Shipley, Ann Shipley, John . . . ; 1818 1796 in o M M P. Simpson, John Wood- Paget, Arthur Paget, Thomas Percy . . 1830 1831 197 197 house Simpson, Mary Also four Infants . . 1844 1840 "5 "5 "5 Paget, Clara Paget, Edward Paget, Marianne 259 259 259 Simpson, William Simpson, Katherine .. Also two Infants .. 1777 1835 103 103 103 Paget, Elizabeth 1829 263 Paget, Emily Paget, Jane .. .. Paget, Harriett.. 1841 1842 1798 199 199 261 Smith, Benwell.. Spencer, Benjamin Spencer, Mary Spencer, Mary 1848 1806 1765 1807 301 59 63 83 Paget, Thomas 1841 265 Spencer, Nathaniel 1783 81 Paget, Thomas 1862 387 Paget, Thomas Tertius 1892 389 Spencer, Richard 1820 269 Paget, Alfred .. 1904 397 Spencer, Sarah 1821 269 Paget, Alfred Henry . . Palmer, Ann 1909 1828 399 309 Spencer, Ann Spencer, John 1822 1807 269 269 Palmer, Henry Palmer, Mary Pegg, Joseph 1838 1831 1848 283 3" 229 Spencer, Sarah Spencer, Sarah Sterland, Mary 1769 1802 1816 61 267 M5 Stevens, Melicent 1845 295 Stevenson, Joseph 1809 19 Reid, Matthew .. 1787 155 Stone, Lucy 1852 "3 Also four Infants . . 155 Stone, John Parnam . . 1835 in Reid, Mrs. Mary Reid, Matthew 1812 1818 383 159 Stone, Mary Parnam , . Stone, Samuel 1796 1796 163 161 Stone, Samuel 1828 2OI Richards, Frances 1798 9 Richards, John 1817 9 Storer, Hannah 1768 337 Richards, Sarah J 754 13 Also two Infants . . 337 Also eight Infants . . 13 Sutton, John J 773 203 s. Saxton, Eliza 1847 221 T. Saxton, Nathaniel 1878 221 Taylor, Elizabeth 1805 273 Saxton, Elizabeth 1789 149 Thompson, Catherine . . 1796 23 Saxton, Nathaniel Saxton, Sarah 1828 1829 219 219 Tiptaft, James Tiptaft, James, infant . . Tiptaft, James ,, .. 1798 297 297 297 Saxton , Rebeccah 1825 M7 Tiptaft, William ,, .. 297 Scott, William .. Scott, William Barnes. . 1836 1830 47 47 Tozer, Miss Twamley, John 1782 1833 25 7 Scott, William .. 1792 323 Scott, Elizabeth 1781 323 Scott, Ann ... .. 1778 323 . Also five Infants . . 323 Varnon, Mary 1761 21 w. Wagstaff, Mary.. Wagstaff, W. B. Walker, John . . Walker, Mary . . Walker, Robert.. Walker, Johnathan Walker, John . . Walker, Mary . . Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Ann Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Elizabeth Walker, Henry . . Walker, Mary . . Wallin, Sarah .. Ward, Robert .. Ward, Dorothy. . Waring, Esther. . Watson, Rev. James Watson, Sarah . . Watson, Philip . . Watson, Ann . . Watson, Mary Ann Watson, Ralph .. Wayte, Elizabeth Webster, Thomas Whetstone, Frances Year * Year Page Whetstone, Joseph 1811 327 1820 49 Whetstone, Elizabeth .. 1792 327 1820 49 Whetstone, Joseph 1839 175 1781 29 Whetstone, Prudence . . 1845 i/5 1*773 20 Whetstone, Helen 1821 1 1 1 J I8OO ~y 29 Whetstone, William 1807 29 James, infant 175 1808 29 Whetstone, Mary Ann . . 1841 177 1793 29 Whetstone, William . . 1824 173 I O 29 Whetstone. Mary 1842 173 1823 1819 27 27 Whetstone, Joseph 1868 39i 1845 27 White, James 1788 41 1806 27 Wildman, Mary 1758 359 1825 27 Williams, Mary 1834 135 Wilmot, Thomas 1833 ii 1830 57 Worthington, Gratia . . 1800 363 1833 349 Worthington, Rev. Hugh 1797 365 1839 349 ,, ,, ,, 375 1799 373 Worthington, Hadfield Worthington, John 1838 1830 195 361 1741 33 II M 377 1741 33 Worthington, Deborah 1822 1822 185 Worthington, Rev. John 1829 185 Hugh 1827 191 1817 185 ,, ,, ,. ,, 379 1839 183 Worthington, John 1834 193 1819 1 *. . 279 Wykes, Tom Atkins . . 1905 395 JOIO 271 Wykes, Clara 1903 395 1842 179 In the Graveyard. In front of chapel at corner of Butt Close Lane. In memory of Grace, late wife of John Kenney, who died the 3 rd of August J8JO; Aged 51 years. Also two of their children who died in their infancy. A faithful wife in silence slumbers here, A tender mother, and a friend sincere; When living honest, industrious and Kind, A loss to all her friends she's left behind. Engraved urn and border. Against wall of school yard, near Bond Street. These slabs were moved from their original positions when the present school yard was formed, and afterwards when the front wall was set hack for street improvement. In Memory of Ann Cooper wife of Edward Cooper, and eldest daughter of John and Bridget Coltman of the Neworks near Leicester; she was born on the 8 th day of April 1753, and departed this life on the 8 th day of April J788. Incised floral decoration and medallion. Subject: a female -figure with anchor standing against an altar, on left a cross, on right an hourglass ; crown, clouds and cherubs above. She holds an open book on altar inscribed " Which Hope we have as an Anchor of the Soul both sure and steadfast. 3 Heb. vi. 19." 3 Against wall of school yard. In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth, relict of John Mansell, and daughter of John & Francis Richards, Born Nov f 22 nd 1776, Died Janv 28 th J855. also John Mansell, son of the above, Born November J6 th J805, Died 30 th March J85J. CARRINGTON. Against wall of school yard. Sacred To the memory of John Twamley, who died October 30 th J833; Aged 39 years S, HULL. Against wall of school yard. To the Memory of John Richards, who died December 3J st 18J7, aged 80. Also of Frances, his wife who departed this life February I9 ih 1798, in the 64 th year of her age* Against wall of school yard. Sacred to the memory of Thomas Wilmot, who departed this life, November J7 th J833; 4 in the 52 nd year of his age. BIRTCHNELL. Against wall of school yard. In Memory of Sarah the Wife of John Richards who departed this life the J st day of Feb^ 1754 Aged 39 Near this place lie 8 of their Children who died in their Minority. It now avails thee not By whom remembered or by whom forgot A heap of Dust is what remains of thee Tis all thou art and all the Proud shall be. BELL Sculp The lines are from an Elegy to the memory of an Unfortunate Lady by Alexander Pope. lo Against wall of school yard. The last tribute of respect to William Shepherd, eldest son of William and Elizabeth Elgood, who died the J4 th of June J842; Aged 12 years* Also of Elizabeth, their daughter; who died in her infancy* /. YATE$. 25 Against wall of school yard. In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth Martha, Daughter of William and Elizabeth Elgood, who died October 20th J833. aged 2 years, A blest exchange* BIRTCHNELL. 17 Near last, but facing graveyard. A Memorial of Joseph Stevenson, son of Thomas & Christianna Stevenson, who resigned this mortal Life on the 4 th of July, J809, in the 29 th year of his age. My flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last Trumpets' joyfull sound ; Then burst the chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour's image rise. S. H. & P. 19 Near last, facing graveyard. Here lieth interred the Body of ,) of Mary the Daughter of John Varnon, of Ticknell in the County of Derby She departed this life, the 2* Day of December J76J, aged 56 years* My dearest Friends they dwell above, And them I go to see ; And all that live in Christ below, Will quickly follow me. 21 Near last, facing graveyard. To the Memory of Catherine Thompson, the Wife of Thomas Thompson, she departed this life the 16* Day of May 1796 in the 19 th year of her Age* 23 About six feet -from school yard wall and facing Chapel. Sacred to the Memory of Miss Tozer Grand Daughter of M, William Lewis and Ann his Wife. who departed this Life the J4* Day of June 1782, Aged 28 years. She was one of this Congregation, & was buried in S' Martin's Church in this Borough, was Humane & Benevolent, and whilst living added to this Meeting half the Land adjoining to the South side thereof, and at her Death left Money sufficient to purchase the other Moiety: and thirty Pounds to the Poor of the same. 25 Between Chapel and school yard, facing street. Sacred to the memory of Henry Walker, gent* Elizabeth relict of who died Henry Walker, gent, at Beaumont Lees who died the 3 rd of January the 3 rd of February 1806; 1845; Aged 65 years* Aged 73 years* Also of Elizabeth and Ann, daughters of the above: Elizabeth, died August I st 1819 : aged 17 years* Ann, died November 9 th 1823; aged 20 years. Mary daughter of the above, Died February 5 th 1825, aged 22 years* 27 Position as last. Here rest the remains of John Walker gent. Mary wife of of Beaumont Lees John Walker gent. who died who departed this life on the 6 th October the J3 th of April, J78J, J773, Aged 75 years. Aged 64 years. Also three of their sons, and two daughters, who all died unmarried. Robert ^ f Sept r U th J800 ^ f 50 Johnathan > died I Sept' J4 th J807 > aged < 74 John I April 29* J808 J I 78 \ died / J une 23rd I793 1 aged / 55 / I April 9th J806 / t 56 29 Position as last. Sacred to the memory of John Iliff. Mary, the Wife of He departed this Life John Iliff. September 29 th She departed this Life 1799 December 5* J788 in the 8 J st year of his age. in the 70 th year of her age. By grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves : it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast. Eph. H. 8-9. 31 Position as last. Here lie the Remains of the Rev. James Watson, Minister of this Place and Sarah his Wife ; they both resigned this mortal life in expectation of a better on the 3 d Day of August J74J. and were interred together. His 1 . ( 48 Her I A / 48 I > Age was < > years J I 52 J 33 Position as last. In Memory of Joseph second Son of Joseph and Maude Eden Clarke, who departed this Life, August 6 th 1842 Aged 47 Years* 35 Position as last. In Memory of Maude Eden Clarke, the Wife of Joseph Clarke, who died January 3 rd J824; Aged 56 years. Also of Joseph Clarke, who died May 20 th J827, aged 64 years. 37 Position as last. In Memory of Joseph Clark Son of Joseph and Maud Eden Clark, who died August 20 th 1794; aged \ Year and eight Months, 39 Position as last. To the Memory of James White, Son of James and Ruth White? he departed this Life the 31 st Day of July 1788, Aged 4 Years. 41 Position as last. Beneath lie the remains of George Cowdell, Gent: Who exchanged the present for a better Life on the 5 th day of April J822 in the 62 nd year of his age. Amiable, upright, benevolent, kind, during life he was sincerely esteemed and at his death as sincerely lamented, the exemplary patience with which he bore a severe and protracted illness added to his other virtues, evinced the sincerity of his piety, while the calm tranquility with which he anticipated dissolution forcibly exemplified the power of the Gospel, and has left an instructive and lasting testimony to the grace & faithfulness of the Redeemer in whom alone he confided, and through whose merits he looked for glory, honor and immortality. Be ye also ready. Matt. Also of Ann, relict of the above George Cowdell who departed this mortal life on the 27 th of November J826 aged 67. For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth : and though after [my skin worms shall destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall [I see God. Job Ch. t9 Ver 25 & 26 43 Position as last. Sacred To the Memory of Ann, wife of William Barnes, who departed this life the 13 th of January 1829, aged 64 Years* O Death couldst thou no longer spare A loving Wife and Mother dear; In love she Kv'd in peace she died, Her life desir'd but God denied. H. & P. Remains o/ gilding. 45 Position as last. Sacred to the memory of William Scott, who died the 5 th of April, 1836; Aged 38 years. Faithful in word, in every thought sincere, He knew no wish but what the world might hear. Of softest manners unaffected mind, Lover of peace. And friend of human kind; Oh ! while we mourn him, may we strive to be, As blameless, And as much beloved as he* Also of William Barnes Scott, son of the above, who died the 5 th of November, J830; aged 2 years & 7 months. Y. YATES. Remains o/ gilding. 47 On side of Library. To the Memory of Elizabeth daughter of John and Elizabeth Billings* This stone is erected by her surviving friends, who amidst .their deep affliction for the irreparable loss they have sustained, rejoice in the hope that her soul rests in the bosom of her Maker. died 27 th Oct r J8J7 aged 26 years. Also of Mrs* Mary Wagstaff, eldest daughter. of J. & E. Billings, She died 20 Feb? 1820, aged 33 years* Dum vixit amata, cum e vita de esslt non oblita. and W. B. Wagstaff son of the above died 26 th June J820 aged 9 months* In life virtuous & beloved. In sickness patient & cheerful, calm and resigned in death Prepared for God. 49 Position as last. Here lie interred the Remains of Milley, Wife of Tho s Godwin and Daughter of Jn Billings of this Place, she departed this Life the I st of NoV J786; Aged 23 years* I was with pain so sore opprest It wore my strength away, But hope for that eternal rest Which never will decay 51 Position as last. The finest slab in the graveyard. Sacred to the memory of Dolly Billings, Daughter of John and Elizabeth Billings: who departed this life January J2 th J784 in the 29 th year of her age. At top a circular medallion delicately modelled shows a seated figure with foot on globe. On globe is written " The globe shall disolve." Also a flying angel bearing a crown to seated figure and carrying scroll 'engraved " Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life. R 2, 10." Beneath angel is Tree of Knowledge with serpent and skull at base. Above are clouds and winged cherubs. 53 Position as last. In Memory of Thomas Chapman, who died July 21 s * 1792, aged 58 years. And of Jane his wife, She died July 24* J77J, in the 47 th Year of her Age* Position as last. In Memory of John Billings, Gent, who departed this life Sept' 14* 1832; aged 82 Years* also Elizabeth his wife, who died November 3 rd 1834; aged 81 Years. and of Sarah Wallin, her sister, who died May 8 th 1830; Aged 85 Years. Likewise five infants; children of John and Keturah Billings and grandchildren of the above. "These died for Adam sinn'd They lived for Jesus died." Remains of gilding. 57 On end of Library. Dedicated to the Memory of Benj. Spencer, who resigned this Life Nov. 30 th J806; aged 89 Years. 59 Position as last. In Memory of Sarah Wife of Benf Spencer She died NoV II th J769 aged 57 Years. 61 Position as last. In Memory of Mary Spencer, Widow who Died December the 15 th 1765 aged 59 Years* 63 Position as last. Here lieth interred the Body of Samuel, son of Samuel Matthews by Elizabeth his Wife, who departed this Life the 23 rd Day of October 1757 Aged 2 years and 9 Months Here lieth interred the Body of Phillip, Son of Samuel Matthews by Elizabeth his Wife who departed this Life the 6 th Day of November J760 Aged 4 years and 3 Months. He cometh forth like a Flower, and is cut down : He fleeth also as a Shadow & contimieth not* Job 14 th v 2 d - 65 Position as last. Here lie the Remains of Thomas Scrivener who departed this Life the 6 th of August 1775 Aged 34. Judge not . that ye be not judged . He that judgeth me is the Lord . but, O Reader, from this solitary retreat let me solemnly warn thee prepare to meet the God. 67 On end of Chancel. In Memory of Peter Colston, V who departed this life Feb. 20 th J849; Aged 67 Years. and of Dorothy his wife, who died Dec. J5 th 1848; Aged 66 Years. There is a rest for the people of God. 09 Position as last. To the memory of M* John Cole, late of Northampton, who departed this life on the 13 th of October J8J7; aged 64 years* Also of William Cole grandson of the above who died January 22 nd 1820, aged 7 years* Slight remains of gilding. Position as last. To the Memory of Joseph - Estlin Coltman, Son of John & Mary Coltman, who died on the 26 th day of June J823 in the 25 th year of his age* Also of Five other of their Children who died in their infancy* The memory of the just is blessed. POLLARD Swithland Remains of gilding. 78 Position as last To the Memory of John Coltman, died J7 th January J835, Aged 88 Years. also Mary Coltman his wife, died 3 rd March J835, Aged 76 Years* This stone was erected as a tribute of affection, by their great nephew, Charles L. Coltman, of the City of Washington United States, America, I860. 75 Position a-s last. Sacred to the memory of James Dowley who departed this Life November 2 nd J8J5, Aged 37 Years* Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Handsomely engraved with an urn in relief icithin an oval sinking. 77 Position as last. In affectionate remembrance of Oliver Atherstone, who departed this life, December 17 th J84J ; aged 42 years. Leaving a widow and nine children to lament their loss. When the cold tablet bears my fading name, Let no long record boast its -worth or fame; For the plain monument that troth would raise, Would give as much to censure as to praise. Let no unholy murmurs note my life, As one dark scene of sorrow, pain and strife ; Though there be other worlds of purer bliss, The heart thats grateful thanks a God in this. Strangers may pause to mark who sleeps below, Perchance a friend may read, perchance a foe, What can they learn? that joy, affection, trust, Hate, scorn and malice end in "dust to dust." 70 Position as last. In Memory of Capt n Nath 1 Spencer who died at Worksop on his March home March 4* J783 Aged 44 Years. Is Spencer then to tyrant death a prey, Who fac'd him oft in all his dread array? Boast then thy sting; and grave thy victory boast; Must we lament him then as ever lost? No, faith replies, he'll wake to life again; Where, death thy sting? where grave thy victory then? In a relief in a sunk oval a cannon with pikes and flags behind, a trumpet, two drums, two muskets, a sword and cannon balls. A military funeral : see Gardiner's "Music & Friends," vol. III. 81 On Minister's Vestry. A Memorial of Mary Spencer, who exchanged Time for Eternity, on the 30 th of March 1807. Aged 70 Years* 83 Position as last. To the memory of Mary. Joanna and Elizabeth Cape who died in an infancy of the rarest promise, in the month of June J800, This stone is dedicated By their sorrowing parents. Torn from our fondest Hopes, sweet Babes farewell! But not in dull Oblivion shall ye lie; Deep in our bleeding Hearts your Mem'ries dwell, Till Life's remotest last-convulsing Sigh. Yet peaceful on your chilly Bed ye rest; The Storm that howls o'er breaks not your repose, Unfelt the Turf lies on each Tender Breast, From every Pain releast, for ever freed from Woes. Yes 1 sweetly soothing 'tis ye much lov'd Pair, That mis'ries venom'd Fangs no more shall reach, Your lasting Pence profound; no racking Care Your tranquil Breasts one Sigh shall ever teach. 6'J Position as last. Sacred to the memory of Mark Graham, who died the J4 th of October, 1843; aged 89 years. Also of Catherine, wife of Mark Graham, who died April 22 nd 1842; aged 82 years. 87 Against back wall of graveyard. Sacred to the Memory of William Mason Lewis, Son of Robert Mason Lewis Esq: and Elizabeth his Wife: who departed this Life October 10 th J768. aged Two Years and four Months. As the gay Flower with blooming Beauty crown'dj Cut by the Share, lies languid on the Ground. So some tall Poppy that's o'ercharged with Rain Droops its faint Head and sinks upon the Plain. 89 Position as last. Interred near this Place the Remains of John Goode: he died September 27 th J785. Aged 60 Years. Also of Eleanor Goode, who died July U th J788, Aged 21 Years, 91 Position as last. Interred near this Place Eleanor Goode, July 1777, Aged 89, Frances, Wife of John Goode, November J776, Aged 47* Also 5 of their Sons (viz*) Richard, Dec r J776, Aged 2\ Years. Thomas, June J772, Aged J8 Years* William * June 1768, Aged 9 Years. Joshua . Febv J765, Aged 9 Months. Joshua, May J766, Aged \ Month. Reader, you on this Stone behold A Lesson both for Young and Old: All Ages here may view their Fate, And learn to die before too late. 93 A t lack of graveyard, near Buttelose Lane. In affectionate remembrance of John Hurst, who died November 7 th 1823; Aged 75 Years. also of Ann Hurst, sister to the above, who died September \ rt \ 830 ; Aged 76 Years, Truth] would allow affection's warmest praise, It's not for ornament this stone we ra*se; Those buried here can never fee forgot, We only wish to guard and mark this spot. Lettering, engraving and incised urn gilded. 95 In Memory of Joseph, Son of William & Hannah Mosedale* He died October 2 nd 1798; Aged 4 Years & three Months* 97 To the Memory of Timothy Atkins, who departed this Life October J* J800 Aged 34 Years* Elizabeth Harby relict of the above, departed this life August 20 th J837; Aged 70 years. The Memory of the Just is blessed. On Earth short was my Time, But longer is my rest, God took me in my prime, Because he thought it best. Also four Children who died in their Infancy* JOHN COCKSHAW. In affectionate remembrance of Benjamin Brooks, who departed this life, the 12 th day of August J853 ; in the 76 th year of his age* Ye quenchless stars so luminously bright, Untroubled sent'ries of the shadowing night; Now moonlight loveliness hath veiled the land, Go stranger muse thou by the wave worn strand* Cent'ries have glided o'er the balanced earth, Cent'ries to come since time first had its birth; Still the bright orbs keep up their steady glare, Unsullied as the God who throned them there. We want no hymn to hear, no pomp to see, For all is one intense Divinity. 101 William Simpson, departed this life XXVII March MDCCLXXVII ; aged XXXVIII years. Katherine Simpson, Relict of the above William Simpson died \ April MDCCCXXXV; aged XC years, In the same vault are also deposited the remains of two of their children who died in their infancy. S. HULL. 103 In Memory of Ann - Catherine Dethick, widow of the Rev d Jeremiah Dethick, Minister of Bardon Meeting - House in this county Forty years. She died the 2J*t O f March, J827; aged 85 years* "That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises/' H. & P. 105 A tribute of affection to the Memory of Maria - Dorothea ; Daughter of the Rev d J* Dethick: She departed this Life Nov' 15 th J8U. From the firm belief of the Promises of the Gospel, she was enabled to bear a long Affliction, with great patience. "Blessed are the pure in Heart for they shall see God." 107 Here lie the remains of Robert Dowley, he departed this life the 2 d Day of March 1784 Aged 39 Years. lie the remains of Mary, the Wife of Robert Dowley* She departed this life January the 25 th J784 Aged 36 Years* Finely engraved. 109 A Tribute of affection to the memory of John Parnam Stone, of Quorndon, in this county; who departed this life on the XV th of November MDCCCXXXV Aged LXXIL S. HULL. Ill Sacred to the memory of Lucy, Relict of the late John Parnam Stone, of Quorndon, who died the 9 th of March J852 aged 80 years* 113 Large vault enclosed in iron railings and covered with horizontal slate slabs John Woodhouse Simpson of Rearsby in this County Died October 24* J844. aged 56. In the same vault are deposited the remains of four children of the above named J. W. Simpson and Mary his wife, who died in their infancy. "Not lost bat gone before." Also Mary Simpson Widow of the above named John Woodhouse Simpson who died at Hastings 13 th May J840 aged 56. 115 In Remembrance of M. Benj n Burges, who departed this Life on the 3 rd of March, J8JO. Aged 64 Years. Know thou these truths ye rich and poor, Life is uncertain, death is sure; Both heav'n and earth must pass away ; But after death there -will remain, Two endless states of bliss and pain. POLLARD and SHENTON. Enquiring reader learn to know This world's a vain and empty show, That heav'n deserves your utmost care And sacred writ will guide you there* (Lines upon a miniature monument cut in profile on top.) 117 To the Memory of John Burgess Gent. who died on the J3 th of May J799; Aged 83 Years. He was a person of strict integrity, beneficent to the poor, and liberal in supporting the cause of Religion. To the Society which worships here, (with which he had been long connected,) he gave a handsome House for the residence of the Minister. Near this place are interred Thomas and John Burgess his Nephews. Also John, the Son, and Dorothy and Elizabeth, Daughters of the Nephew last mentioned. 119 Robert Brewin died October 2 nd J82J : Aged 80 Years. Eliza, wife of Robert Brewin, died March 25 th 1821 : aged 75 years* Simeon, son of Robert and Eliza Brewin, died April U th 181J : aged 20 years* and was interred in the family vault in All Saints church in this town* H. & P. 121 In Memory of Hannah Mary daughter of Robert and Hannah Brewin, who after suffering long infirmity, with a patient and gentle spirit, calmly sank into the last repose of nature and of innocence August 18 th 1832; Aged 19 Years* Also of Catherine their youngest daughter, who died after completing her first year, May J5 th 1823, 123 In memory of the Rev* Charles Berry, Minister of this Chapel for fifty six years. died 4 th May 1877, Aged 93. In affectionate remembrance of Ann, wife of the Rev. Charles Berry, who died May 24 th 1870, in the 90 th year of her age. THRALL & PAYNE. The vault in rear is enclosed by a railing. This slab was erected by direction of M. T. Grosvenor Lee, a grandson. 125 In Memory of Catherine Berry who died January 22 nd J822, aged 20 months. Also of Thomas Grosvenor Berry, who died November J5 th J84J, aged J8 years* and of Charles Clare Berry, who died on the Island of Tobago, in the Bay of Panama, June 29 th 1852, aged forty years* See memorandum on last page. 127 A large square vault enclosed with iron railings and covered with horizontal slate slabs. Joshua Grundy Esq of the Oaks* Departed this life the 3 rd of March 1847. Aged 67 years. Elizabeth* Relict of the above died March 6 th J855, aged 80 years. 129 In Memory of Maria Johnson, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Stubbins, Gent* of Holmpierrepont, Nottinghamshire : she died Nov. 2H J823: aged 60 years. 131 In memory of John Goode, Gent, who departed this life the 18* of July 1837; aged 79 years* Also of Sarah, wife of John Goode, Gent* who died the J8 th of March* J837 aged 78, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." .Zoo Near Buttclose Lane. Sacred to the memory of Mary Williams, who died the 26 th of February, J834; Aged 61 Years. Hannah Glover died Nov' 22 Qd J850. aged 84. S. HULL. 135 In affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Brooks, who as a servant in a pious family for more than fifty years, was found faithful and honest, with a spirit kind as ever inhabited the human frame; and as a wife was all a husband could wish. She bore a very long and very painful affliction with exemplary patience; She died June 7 th J85J, aged 77 years* O thou beyond what verse or tongue can tell, My Friend, Companion, Wife, my AH Farewell. BIRTCHNELL. In affectionate remembrance of Sarah, Daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Neal, who died September 28 th J823, Aged 45 years. Reader, "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near." Isaiah 55 th Chap. Ver. 6 th 139 To the Memory of Joseph Neal, who departed this life October 6 th J822, in the 81 st Year of his age* "The Memory of the Just is blessed." Proverbs X. Chap. Ver. 7. HA.CK Eng r Lobro 241 To the Memory of Elizabeth the Wife of Joseph Neal, who departed this Life the 24 th Day of August 1794, in the 47 th Year of her Age* Near this place lie 6 of their Children who died in Infancy* BELL S c 243 In Remembrance of Mary Sterland, who departed this Life July JO* 18J6: aged 14 years. H. CLAY. Sacred to the Memory of Rebecca Saxton who departed this Life December 25* 1825 Aged 8J Years* JOHNSON . Swithland. 247 To the Memory of Elizabeth Saxton, who departed this Life the 23^ Day of April J789 Aged 51 Years, BELL S In Remembrance of John Shipley, late of this place, who departed this Life on the J5 th of August 1796: aged 64 years* Also of Ann, his wife who died the 3 rd of May, J8J8; Aged 78 years. Likewise Ann Hudson, daughter of the above who died the J3 th of Sept' J8J6; aged 45 years. and of Eliza Hudson, daughter of the above Ann Hudson, who died the 5 th of Feb? J8J8; aged J7 years. 151 In Memory of William Hudson, who departed this life on the 22 nd of May, 1837; Aged 78 Years. S. HULL. 153 In Memory of Matthew Reid; Son of Patrick and Janet Reid; of Glasgow in Scotland ; he departed this Life the 6 th Day of October J787. in the 71 st Year of his Age. He looked to Religion, as the best Guide and Support in Health; and in Affliction, experienced its Consolations. Near this Place lie four of his Children, who died in their Infancy. Very good lettering ; incised ornament. 155 To the memory of The Rev d John Atchison, who formerly officiated for twenty years as Pastor of a Society of Protestant Dissenters at Gorton in Lancashire, where he was highly respected and beloved. He was of late years a member of the Society assembled at this place, and died at Leicester on the 9 th of Feb? J8J3, aged 69 years* Formed by Nature for intellectual pursuits, and singularly averse to all display of his talents, and attainments, he traversed the various walks of literature in a peaceful abstraction from the World : Practising at the same time the duties of the Christian according to the true spirit of the Religion which commands us not to let our left hand know what our right hand doeth. Near this place rest the remains of Lucy, Daughter of the Rev d John Atchison, who was cut off at the early age of Twenty! on the 20 th of April J8U. Distinguished by her modest worth, and extraordinary intellectual attainments. 157 In memory of Matthew Reid t of Leicester, He died in the 52 nd year of his age at Leamington Spa, on the J3 th day of July J8J8. S. H. & P. Incised ornament with urn at top. To the memory of Samuel Stone, Son of Samuel and Mary Stone of Knighton in the County of Leicester, who died January J7 th 1796 aged U months. A very small slab. 161 To the memory of Mary Parnam Stone t Daughter of John and Lucy Stone, of Quorndon t in the County of Leicester, who died J0 th November 1796, aged 14 weeks. S. HULL. 163 An affectionate tribute to the memory of Mary, eldest daughter of Michael and Mary Lakin, late of Birmingham, who departed from this transitory state the 23 fd of March 1800. aged 13 years* Small slab 165 To the memory of Mary Lakin Widow of the late Michael Lakin, of Birmingham: She left this transitory state June 17* 182J, aged 59 years. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord* H. & P. To the Memory of Elizabeth, Relict of Matthew Eyre, late of Swithland, in this County, she died July 15 th J798, aged 63 years* Also of Joseph, the Son of Matthew & Elizabeth Eyre, he was born the J2 th of May 1768, and died the 30 th of June J794. And of Elizabeth, Daughter of Matthew & Eliz h Eyre, she was born the J st of Feb^ J770, and died the 20 th of Dec' J798. WINFIELD Wimeswold. Incised urn, arch and pilasters. 169 K. H. Knight died May J* J842; aged 35 years. 171 To the memory of William Whetstone, who died the 30 th of September, J824; aged 59. Also of Mary, his wife, who died the 17 & of March, 1842; aged 64. /. YATES. 173 Sacred to the memory of Joseph Whetstone, late of Redhall, Harwell, in this County, who departed this life Sept r 4 th J839, aged 69 years* Also of Prudence, wife of the above Joseph Whetstone; who died February 26 th 1845; in the 72 nd year of her age. Also Helen, daughter of Joseph and Prudence Whetstone, who died May 27 th J821, in the J5 th year of her age* And William James, son of the above, died in his infancy* PRIESTNAL, Leicester. 275 To the memory of Mary Ann, Daughter of Joseph & Prudence Whetstone, who died the J8 th of March, 184J; aged 27. /. YATES. 277 To the memory of Frances, wife of James Whetstone, who died April 16* 1842; aged SK 179 To the Memory of William Lewis who departed this Life Sep' the 22 d J805, Aged 25 Years. A small slab. 281 Sacred to the memory of Ralph Watson who departed this life May 23 rd J839, aged 64 years* MORTIN Sculp 1 In Memory of Philip Watson, who departed this life the 22 of July, 1822; aged 77 years. Also of Ann, Wife of Philip Watson, who died the 12 th April, 1829; aged 79 years. Mary - Ann, Daughter of the above died the 16 th of Feb? 1817; aged 33 years. 185 In affectionate remembrance of James Froane, third son of Christopher and Ann Froane, who died July the J7* J847; Aged 30 Years* BIRTCHNELL. 18 r , An Affectionate Tribute to the Memory of Ann, the wife of Christopher Froane and Daughter of the late William and Ann Froane, of Croft in this County who departed this Life June 21 st J825, in the 43 rd Year of her Age* Also Hephzibah, Daughter of the above who died in her Infancy* And near the Vestry are deposited the Remains of James Froane and Ann his Wife with Thomas, James, Ann, Alice, Elizabeth, and Rebeccah, their Children. For what is your Life? 'tis a Vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away. James 4 c h J4 verse. /. TAYLOR, Syston Remains of gilding. 189 See also tablet in Chancel. In this silent tomb are deposited the remains of the Rev d John Hugh Worthington, one of the Ministers of the Unitarian Chapel, Cross Street, Manchester; Great Grandson of the Rev d Hugh Worthington, 56 years Pastor of this Congregation: From those labours in which he delighted, he was early summoned to his reward in the 23 rd year of his age, July 4* J827. HULL & POLLARD See also tablet in Chancel. In remembrance of John Worthington, who died September 2 nd J834 ; aged 58. In Life benevolent, In Death serene. 193 Sacred to the Memory of Hadfield Worthington, youngest son of the late John Worthington, of this Town* He died April 29^ J83 8t in the 26 th year of his age* His integrity and piety, evinced the parity and firmness, of his principles, while his amiable manners and affectionate disposition, gained him the approbation and regard of all who knew him. s. HULL. Arthur Paget, Thomas Percy Paget died Dec' J7 th J830, died March 4* J83J, Aged 2 years. Aged 7 years* Children of Thomas and Anne Paget* 197 In memory of Jane and Emily daughters of Thomas and Anne Paget, Emily t died the 29 th May J84K Aged J3 years. Jane, died 2 nd September 1842 Aged 20 years* S. HULL. To the memory of Samuel Stone, of Knighton in this County; who died the 2 nd of August, 1828, aged 61 years* H. & P. 201 Near Buttclose Lane, To the Memory of John Sutton Born April 2 d J708 : Commenced M:D Edinburgh June 10 th 1736: (stc) Setled at Leicester Oct r 6 th 1736: Died there March J8* 1773: Aged 65. Dust and Ashes loudest preach The infinite Concern. Much incised work. 203 Here \ are deposited the Remains of John Lee, who departed this Life the 25 th Day of September J774. Aged 42 Years. Much incised work. 205 To the Memory of Sarah Spencer, Daughter of Rich d & Sarah Spencer, who departed this Life August 26 th J802, in the 3 d Year of her Age* . C. S c 267 In Memory of John Forsell, (of this Borough) who died J7* July, 1 838? Aged 69 Years* Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." S. HULL. 209 In Memory of Elizabeth, Wife of John Forsell, who departed this life 13 th March, 1822, aged 42 years. Also of two of their children: William, died Jan? 27* J8I3, aged J year & 2 months Maria, died March 20 th J82J aged JO months* HULL & POLLARD 211 Sacred to the memory of John Coltman, who departed this life the 21 st of December, J8J8; aged 7J years* Also of Katherine, wife of John Coltman, who died 3 rd April, 1825; in the 77 th year of her age* H. & P. Indications of gilding. 213 In Memory of Martha the Wife of John Coltman of this Borough, and Daughter of John and Lydia Newball of Alfreton in Derbyshire; She died the 14 th Day of March J789, Aged 36 Years, Also of four of their Children (viz.) John died in June J78J. Aged 19 Weeks* Henry died in May J787. Aged \ Year* and 5 Months, and two others died in early Infancy. BELL S Indications of gilding. 215 In Memory of six children of John & Ann Cooper* John Coltman Cooper, died 13 th April, 1811, aged 1 year & 9 months. Ann Cooper, died 26 th April, 1811, aged 9 months. Henry Cooper, died 15 th Feb? 1820, aged 5 years & 6 months* Ann Coltman Cooper, died 20 th Feb? 1820, aged 9 months. Edward Cooper, died 24* h Feb? 1821, aged 12 weeks. John Henry Cooper, died 18 January, 1823, aged 6 months. (sic) HULL & POLLARD 217 Sacred to the memory of Nathaniel Saxton, who died the J st of January, 1828; aged 78 years. Also of Sarah, Wife of Nathaniel Saxton, who died the 6 th of May, J829; aged 70. Sacred to the memory of Eliza, Wife of Nathaniel Saxton, of London; and eldest daughter of the late John Biggs, of this Town, who died the 4 th of June J847, Aged 36 Years, and of Nathaniel Saxton, who died February J2 th J878, aged 75 years* 991 S. HULL. t^J- Sacred to the memory of Samuel Bradley, son of John & Eliz th Bradley, of Ridgard-Hall in the County of Stafford* He departed this life the 8 th day of April, J8J2; Aged 70 Years. 223 To the Memory of Thomas Bradley, who departed this life Febv 6 th J8U Aged 3J years. 225 To the Memory of Sam 1 Bradky Jun f who departed this life May 14* 1804 Aged 29 Years* 227 In affectionate remembrance of Joseph, eldest son of Joseph and Margaret Pegg, who died the 17 th Day of September J848, Aged 44 Years. Behold, he tafceth away, who can hinder him? who will say unto him, what doest thou? Job 9 th chap. J2 th vet. BIRTCHNELL, Leicester. Gilded. 229 This Stone is erected to the memory of Henry Atkinson; late of this Town, 'formerly of the City of York* who departed this life April J3* J834; Aged 36 years* Also of Mary, his beloved and affectionate wife, 4 Daughter of M r John Cole* who lingered in hopeless and consuming sorrow until the 8 th August J835; Aged 30 years* Invidious grave! in vain thou rend'st in sunder Whom love had knit and sympathy made one. W. KIRK. 231 In affectionate remembrance of Sophia, the wife of M. John Cole, V of this Town* who departed this life, April 20* J842; Aged 65 Years* BIRTCHNELL. 233 In Memory of Thomas Bankart, who departed this life J4 th November, J836; aged 79 years. Also Ann Bankart, relict of the above, who died December J8 th 1841; aged 8J years. s. HULL. This Stone is erected in affectionate remembrance of Mrs* Mary Coltman V who died the J9 th of Nov f J84J Aged 80 years* Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. 237 In memory of Thomas Coltman, who died the 2 nd of June, J84J ; I aged 75 years* also Esther, his wife ; who died September 9 th J85J, aged 73 years. Her remains are interred in Jesmond Cemetery, Newcastle upon Tyne. WATKINSON. 239 To the memory of William Drayton, who died June 1 st J848, aged 7\ years; also of Gratia t his first wife, who died Sep* 27 th J816, aged 33 years* also of Mary Ann, their fourth daughter; who died Dec r 20 th J8J6, aged 5 years; also of William, their second & youngest son who died Dec r 30 th J825, aged 18 years; also of Fanny, their third daughter; who died Dec f 28 th J833, aged 24 years (the remains of all of whom are interred within the walls of this burial ground :) Also of John Russell, their eldest son, who died in Liverpool, October 3 rd J842, aged 37 years, whose remains are interred in the Cemetery in Liverpool* S. HULL. Here lie the Remains of Also are deposited William Chiswell, the Remains of who after a long Mary, the wife of and painful Illness William Chiswell departed this life who departed this life the 18 th of January the 19 th of March 1768 J775 Aged 76 Years* Aged 78 Years* To me 'twas giv*n to die to thee 'tis giv'n To live; Alas! one Moment sets us ev'n Mark! how impartial is the Will of Heav'n 243 To the pious Memory of Sally Wife of William Johnson She departed this life Jan? J8 th J77J. Aged 37 Years. On her right Hand lies Mary, their Daughter who died the J8 th day of Octob, J773 Aged 3 Years and 8 Months. That Guilt with Innocence can dwell; Or Infant Souls be doomed to Hell; Reason and Scripture never taught Living or dead, they always are, The Objects of th' Almighty's care. 240 Sacred To the memory of Mary Hackett, Widow of the late M. John Hackett, of the City of Bristol; and third daughter of M. John Coltman, of this Borough: she died the J2 th of March, J825; aged 40 years. Also Benjamin, youngest son of John and Mary Hackett, who died the J8 th of June, J820; aged 7 years & 6 months: and two daughters, Elizabeth & Mary; the former died in her infancy; the latter the J0 th of July J825; in the J7 th year of her age. ""We all do fade as a leaf." HULL & POLLARD Remains of gilding. 247 In X. memory of Ann, Wife of John Cooper, who departed this life August 30 th J827; in the 40 th year of her Age. Also of Alfred their youngest Son, who died April 8* J827; Aged 8 months* HULL & POLLARD Gilded. 249 In Memory of Charles Berry Cooper, who died September 29 th 1829, Aged 5 Years* and of William Cooper, who died February J3 th I84J, aged 29 years. And of Catherine, Relict of Henry Green Cooper, of Hemmington Lodge, Northamptonshire who died February 12 th 1842, aged 26 years, The above were the children of John and Ann Cooper. Also of Mary Ann, eldest daughter of the above William Cooper, who died May 7 th 1843, aged 9 years, and John, who died in infancy, Also of Arthur, youngest son of John and Mary Ann Cooper, of Birstall, who died October 26 th \ 843, in the 7 th year of his age, S. HULL. An urn, cross and anchor engraved at head. In Memory of Maria, Wife of Joseph Barker; and Daughter of Tho s & Eliz th Gardiner; who died on the 7 th of February 1808, Aged 35 Years. SHENTON. Traces of gilding. 253 To the memory of Mary, daughter of Joseph & Maria Barker; who died on the 15 th of August, 1821: in the 18 th year of her age* * p - 255 To the Memory of William the son of John and Hnnah Cumberland who departed this Life April the 21 s * 1801 Aged 19 Weeks. NOTE. The first a in "Hannah" is omitted. 257 Clara Edward and Marianne the beloved children This stone is not slate, as all the rest are, but a coarse oolite. It is now illegible, but I read it when a boy. The above were children of Thomas and Elizabeth Paget. An urn, pickaxe and shovel, with scythes, are engraved at the head. In Memory of Harriett, Wife of Thomas Paget, Surgeon, who departed this life the J9 th Day of February J798, in the 22 nd Year of her Age. BELL Sculp. The mother of Thomas Paget, the second surgeon. 261 To the Memory of Elizabeth, Wife of Thomas Paget ; She died April 6 th J829: in the 55 th year of her age. SAML. KIRK. Daughter of the Rev. John Byny, Unitarian Minister, Tamworth. The mother of Alfred Paget. 263 Thomas Paget Surgeon, who died February 5 th J84J, Aged 72. PARROTT. He was the father of Thomas and Alfred Paget. He lived in High Street and afterwards in Friars' Causeway. 265 To the Memory of Sarah Spencer, Daughter of Rich d & Sarah Spencer, who departed this Life August 26 th 1802, in the 3 d Year of her Age* s c 267 A veiled urn set on pedestal in relief at head. Sacred to Rich fd Spencer who departed this Life February 7 th J820 Aged 4J Years. A tender husband, and a parent dear; A neighbour kind, and was a friend sincere; Here does he wait, the Saviour's gracious call. Till the last trumpet Sounds to wake us all. the Memory of Sarah, Wife of Rich rd Spencer, who died October 14 th J82J ; Aged 42 Years* Also of Ann Spencer Daughter of the above, who died August 8 th J822, aged J5 years. John Spencer, son of the above, died June 19 th J807, in the 8 th year of his age. BIRTCHNELL. Traces o/ gilding. 269 Urn engraved at head. Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Webster who departed this Life February 9 th J8J6; Aged 74 Years* Forgetful Reader, think while here you stand When least expected Death may be at hand Therefore without delay to Christ apply, And learn to live as you would wish to die. H. CLAY. 271 Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth Taylor (Wife of William Taylor, who lies interred near this place) She died Sept' 13 th J805, aged 58 Years. A most affectionate and tender Mother, whose loss will be long deplored by Her Children* 273 In remembrance of John Mercer, of this place, who died the 30 th of September, J848, in his 90 th year* Also of Dorcas, his wife, who died the 4 th of March J827, Aged 58. This stone is erected as a tribute of affection, by their surviving children. S. HULL. 275 In affectionate remembrance of Edward Glover, who departed this life the H th day of August J852, Aged 52 Years, Also Edward, son of Edward & Mary Glover, who died March 3* J854, in the 24 th year of his age. Also two of their children who died in their infancy. /. PRIESTNALL. 277 In Memory of Elizabeth Wayte, who died February 17* 1819; Aged 84. The memory of the just is blessed. BIRTCHNELL Sc. 270 Sacred to the memory of Charles Jarvis, who departed this life 7* June, J822, in the 35 th year of his age. Reader, his short existence furnishes an example for reflection. Be wise, remember judgment and learn to die. Forbear to judge, for we are Sinners all, Close up his eyes, and draw the curtains round, And let us all to meditation. H. & P. 281 This stone is erected as a testimonial of admiration and esteem in remembrance of Henry Palmer, who died on the 4 th of January, J838, aged 36 years* S. HULL. 283 In memory of William Smith Harris, who died June J st J844, Aged 24 Years* Also of Thomas Frederick Harris, who died December 12* J848, Aged JO Years, S. HULL. 2S5 In memory of John Cumberland, who departed this life Jan? J3 th J855, Aged 86 Years* Also Hannah, wife of John Cumberland, who died February 3 rd J848, Aged 72 Years* "Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation." And of their son Joseph Smith Cumberland, who died December 3 rd J83J, Aged 26 Years* A firm reliance on the wisdom and good- -ness of God enabled him to endure with fortitude a long and afflictive Illness. W. McCRACKEN. 287 Near Buttelose Lane. Sacred to the Memory of Lemuel Goodrich, Lydia, who departed wife of this life Lemuel Goodrich, the J2 th June who departed 1829, this Life aged 69 years Aug st 10 th J795 Aged 38 Years. And Henry their Son who died in his Infancy* ISAAC COCKSHAW. This stone has been broken, and is held together by two plates bolted to the slate. Traces of gilding. 289 To the memory of Henry Goodrich, Son of Lemuel and Lydia Goodrich; he died the 7 th of October 1793, Aged I Year and 8 Months, 291 In memory of Bennet, daughter of Benjamin and Bennet Oldknow, of Derby, who died February 25 th J844, Aged 63 Years* Also of Hannah Maria, second daughter of Thomas and Sarah Oldknow, of Nottingham, She died November J st J85J, aged 79 years* S. HULL. 293 Urn engraved at head. In affectionate remembrance of Melicent, the beloved wife of William Stephens, who departed this life, July J6 th J845; Aged 50 Years. Her end was peace. BIRTCHNELL. 29i) Urn ngraved at head. To the Memory of James Tiptaft, who departed this Life the 6 th Day of June J798; Aged 55 Years* Also of James, James and William; three of his Children, by Sarah his Wife, who died in their Infancy. 297 H. H. J804, Small stone. In memory of Benwell Smith, who died August 25 th J848, Aged 40 years* W. McCRACKEN. Brother to Mrs. Alfred Paget. Formerly of Nottingham ; a man of considerable scientific and literary knowledge. 301 Sacred to the memory of Thomas Allen Mary, wife of who departed Thomas Allen, this life who died the J0 th of December, the 31 st of December, J824; J835: aged 64 years. aged 85 years. An unexpected stroke, O thou removed When none was near to save, from earthly strife! My thread of being broke, Whose relics here And brought me to the grave: below are laid; Then thou who knows't my fate, May peace, that marked While pondering o'er this sod, thy harmless life, As short may be thy date In death attend "Prepare to meet thy God." thy gentle shade. Also of Joseph Allen, son of the above, who died February 14 th J88J* aged *65 years. * These figures are altered and confused. J. YATES. 303 In remembrance of Martha Hilditch, Relict of James Hilditch, of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, who died the 9 th of Feb? J83I ; in the 91 st year of her age. and of James Marshall Hilditch, who died the 16 th of Feb^ J824, in the 23 rd year of his age. He was grandson of the above, and son of James Hilditch who died at Tamworth, Staffordshire, the 15* of March, J8U ; and lies interred in the burial ground of that place. HULL & POLLARD 305 Sarah Haddon the daughter of William & Eliza Haddon, died on the 25 th of April 1838 aged 8 Months. MORTIN. In affectionate remembrance of Ann, Wife of Edward Palmer, who resigned this Mortal life in hopes of a happy Immortality, March H th J828; in the 55 th year of her age. Reader ! Remember Death ; and prepare to meet thy God. BIRTCHNELL. Traces of gilding. 309 In respectful remembrance of Mary, second Wife of Edward Palmer, who resigned this Mortal life in hope of a happy Immortality, July U* J83J: in the 45 th year of her age. She sought to live in peace on earth, Now rests in peace within the tomb; But soon she'll triumph over death, And dwell in perfect peace to come. Gilded. In Affectionate remembrance of Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Robert Marshall, of Princes Street, Leicester, who died February 22 fld J845, aged 58 years. "Not lost but gone before/' S. HULL. 813 In memory of Joel, fourth son of Mr. Joel Marshall, of Loughborough : for J3 years he was House Surgeon to the Leicester Infirmary; during which time, the kindest attention to its inmates showed the goodness of his heart; few have passed a more unblemished life: He died the 4 th of May J826; aged 46 years* 315 In beloved remembrance of William Bayes Marshall, only son of William Bayes & Catherine Marshall, who died suddenly October 17 th J84J, Aged 37 Years* McCRACKEN. The first husband of Mrs. William Kernpson. 317 Um engraved at head. Near Buttclose Lane. In affectionate remembrance of William Dawson, who departed this life suddenly; the J8 th of November J832: in the 38 th year of his age* BIRTCHNELL. $ If) Urn and veil in relief within a sinking. In Memory of George Dawson, who departed this life April 6 th 1795; aged 36 years* also Deborah, wife of George Dawson, who died J3 th of NoV J8JO; aged 44 years. Also four of their Sons; George & Elliott Dawson, died abroad: Oliver Dawson, died Nov f J9 th J82J ; aged 38 years, Charles Dawson, died Feb^ 8 th J825; aged 31 years. Has been gilded. 321 Sacred to the Memory of William Scott, Elizabeth the Wife of who departed this Life William Scott, the 27 th Day of May who departed this Life 1792 August the 4* J78J. Aged 73 years. aged 55 years. Also to the Memory of Ann their Daughter (who lies on thcit left Hand) she died October the 2 d J778, Aged 23 Years. Likewise of five other of their Children who died in Infancy and were interred in All Saints Church Yard in this Borough. 323 Urn engraved at head. Sacred to the memory of Edward Addison, who departed this life January 18 th 1839; Aged 53 Years* Also of Mary -Ann, his wife, who died January 27 th 1851 ; aged 60 years. She found forgiveness through believing in Jesus. Reader ! hast thou ? Also Mary-Ann, daughter of the above, who commended her spirit into, the hands of her Redeemer May 21 <* 1839; aged 21 years* /. YATES. 325 To the memory of Joseph Whetstone, who died October 30* J8U ; in the 86 th year of his age. and of Elizabeth, his wife: who died December 7 th J792. /. YATES. 327 Sacred to the memory of Robert Mason who died on the J9 th of July, J842: in the 75 th year of his age* /. YATES. 229 Urn engraved at head. Near Minister's Vestry. Sacred to the memory of George Billing, who departed this life June 14* J841, Aged 54 Years* /. CARRINGTON Eng r Traces of gilding. 33 1 Urn engraved at head. Sacred to the memory of George Livesay the son of G & My Billing, who departed this life November, J842, Aged 24 Years. /. CAJRRINGTON Eng* 333 In Memory of Mary Billing, who died March 3 d : 1804 Aged 80 Years, Also John Son of Mary Billing, who died Sep' 29 th : J789 Aged 39 Years* 335 Here lieth interred the Body of Hannah the Wife of Benjamin Storer; and sixth Daughter of Tho s & Eliz h Ballard of Drayton; She departed this Life the 29 th of August 1768: in the 33 d Year of her Age* Near this place lie two of their Children who died Infants* 337 To the Memory of Ann, the Relict of Owen Manning, late of the Town of Northampton Gent: and Daughter of Mr. Josiah Harrison of Leicester; she died January 22 d J784. Aged 66 Years* Fine lettering. Here lie deposited the Remains of Owen Manning: who departed this Life the 1 st Day of June 1770. Aged 22 years. His Form was fair, his Mind was Virtue's shrine, Where all that's Good can never cease to shine j The constant Joy his Presence ever found, In unavailing Sorrow now is drown'd. Cease, cease, unless you envy Heavenly Bliss, And to regain Him lead a life like his* Much engraving and beautiful lettering. Lower part is perishing , 341 Here lie the Remains of Ann Harrison who departed this Life the 27 th January J776 Aged 84 Years. Here also lie the Remains of Elizabeth, Daughter of Joseph & Ann Harrison She departed this Life the 14 th January 1788 in the 75 th Year of her Age. Good engraving and lettering. 343 ^ I aged { 76 ' ; / I 72. To the Memory of Tho s Marshall & Martha his Wife, He ) f Jany 26. 1785; V died < She j 1 Aug* 1. 1780 and Rob 4 Tho s Eliz h & Mary, their Children ; Rob* ^ f Sep r 11. 1781; ^ Api 5. 1788; Dec f 8. 1789; Mary J I Jan? 8. 1802; J died aged Han h Martha Sam 1 Ann died also 1 Son and 3 Daughters (interrM in All S* C^ Yard) viz. ( July 30. 1736; ^ May 19. 1751; Oct r 30. 1755; 21. 1770; aged ( 35. 47. \ 54 > I 64. Infant 2. 12. 19. POLLARD 845 To the Memory of John Marshall, who departed this Life the 10 th day of January 1808. And of Mary his Wife, who departed this life the 30 th day of December J807. Both in the 70 th Year of their Age. Also 7 of their Children who died in their Infancy. /. COCKSHAW Scup* 347 The back is a few feet from the School. This slab may have been removed when the school was enlarged. In remembrance of Robert Ward, who died the J5 th of June J833; aged 82 years. Also of Dorothy, his wife, who died the J0 th of November, J839; aged 82 years. Their end was peace* 349 See note on preceding page. A tribute of affection to the memory of Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas & Sarah Gadsby* who died December 17 th 1843; aged 22 years* ""We do fade as a leaf." Also of William Gadsby: who died April 26 th J857, aged 41 years* and George Gadsby; who died September 27 th 1862* aged 50 years* Will m & George were buried in the Cemetery. 85 1 See note on page 349. In remembrance of Thomas Gadsby, who died 20 th of August, J829; in the 56 th year of his age. Also Sarah, relict of the above Thomas Gadsby : who died May 26 th 1865, aged 8J years, also Robert Gadsby; son of the above, who died July 28 th J85J, aged 43 years. Also of Eleanor and Emma, Daughters of the above who died in their infancy. 353 See note on page 349. Sacred to the memory of William Bayes Marshall who died 28 th February, 1835; aged 73* Also of Catherine* his Wife. who died 3 rd January* J826; aged 61* "The memory of the just is blessed." 355 Now with back to School. Moved by A. H. P. from position near base of iron stairs. To the memory of John Biggs, who died October 2 nd J827, Aged 53 Years* also Annie, daughter of the above, who died August 25 th J843, Aged 26 Years. "Her Sun is gone down while it was yet day." Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Biggs died December 6 th J842, aged JO years. 357 At end o/ School. To the Memory of Mary the Wife of Thomas Wildman She died the 2 nd Day of May J758. Aged 35 Years* 359 Between Chapel and School. In Memory of John Worthington, elder son of the late Rev d Hugh Worthington, who died the 19 th of February 1830 aged 80. Also of Deborah, his wife, third daughter of the late M f Thomas Russell of Birmingham, who died the 23 fd of June J822 aged 74* 361 Sacred to the memory of Gratia Worthington; (Relict of the late Rev d Hugh Worthington) who departed this life, October 8 th 1 800 aged 79. Thou shalt come to thy grave in a fall age, As a shock of corn cometh in its season. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Finely engraved and lettered. Gilded. 363 See also tablet in Chancel. The Rev 01 Hugh Worthington A:M: Pastor of this Church Fifty- six years* Died October 29 th J797, aged 86. Much decayed on surface. 365 To the memory of Elizabeth Davis, daughter of the late Rev d Posthumus Lloyd, Minister of the Great Meeting House Coventry, who died on the 22 nd day of March, J850, in the 74> th year of her age* Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Hefa. XII. v. ii. 367 Sacred to the memory of the Rev d Herbert Jenkins, who died on the 24 th of October, J8J4: aged 54 years. Cujus dotes et doctrina pietate sola superabantur. 369 Sacred to the memory of James Nutt, who died on the 16 th of July, 1817; Aged 48 Years* "Beati mortui in Domino morientes." 371 At the foot of this Stone are deposited the remains of Esther Waring Wife of Thomas, she was long afflicted with declining health, and with a pleasing hope of retrieving it, left her dear connections in America to visit her near relations in England, she left new York the 6 th of August J799, and arriv'd in Leicester 14 th of Sept r & departed this life 26 th of Oct r early in the 45 th Year of her Age, leaving a Husband and six Children to mourn her loss. "Reader, it is time to awake out of sleep/* 373 Tablets in Chapel. Chancel. See also slab in graveyard. To the memory of the Rev d Hugh Worthington A : M : who died October 29 th 1797, aged 86, Pastor of this Church fifty -six years. To the reverence due to superior talents, unceasingly exerted to enlighten and improve mankind, he was peculiarly entitled* The affectionate warmth of his attachment as a friend, will leave an indelible impression on the minds of his near connexions. The value of his public and private services, as a @6ristian Minister manifested by the rational fervor of his devotion, the uncommon energy of his addresses, and his assiduous attention to the other pastoral duties, can alone be properly estimated (as these will long be gratefully remembered) by this Congregation. To his exemplary conduct in the intercourses of social life, the inhabitants of this town, and society at large will bear respectful testimony. May the eloquence of the Tomb still edify the SURVIVORS of him whose LIVING EXAMPLE alas! can no longer stimulate to a virtuous emulation! 375 See also slab in graveyard. To the memory of John Worthington, of this Town, who died September 2 nd J834, aged 58. Simplicity, integrity and piety distinguished his character; His generous hospitality, active friendship and universal charity rendered him the ornament of his family, procured him the respect of his fellow townsmen, the affection of his friends, and the esteem of all who knew him* He was unwearied in his attention to the interests of this Christian Society, the members of which by voluntary subscription, have erected this memorial of the excellent qualities of their friend and fellow worshiper* The memory of the just is blessed, and his name shall be had in everlasting remembrance. S. HULL. 377 See also slab in graveyard. In memory of The Rev 4 John Hugh Worthington, one of the ministers of the Unitarian Chapel t Cross Street, Manchester, and great-grandson of the Rev d Hugh Wbrthington, formerly Pastor of this Congregation. He died July 4* 1827, aged 22. This tablet erected by a few of his friends in Manchester and Leicester, records his excellent understanding, amiable disposition, and unblemished life. What tho' short thy date ? That life is long, which answers life's great end." HULL & POLLA.RD 879 Sacred to the memory of Edward Alexander M*D, of Danett's Hall, near Leicester. Remarkable for purity and simplicity of character for piety to God and disinterested love of man, his whole conduct exemplified the two commandments on which " hang all the Law and the Prophets." As an able and conscientious physician, and in prompt and gratuitous services to the poor, he has rarely been equalled. Blessed with vigorous faculties and ardent feelings, his benevolence expansive as his mind, shed its value on all within the sphere of his influence. He was a firm opponent of despotism, public and private, A fair advocate and generous supporter of civil and religious liberty. This cold marble may record his admirable qualities, their due appreciation must be sought in the hearts of those whom his affection delighted, his friendship gratified, his bounty relieved, and his skill restored to the enjoyment of ease and health. It pleased God to arrest him in his medical career in the month of June J8JO, as one "of whom the world was not worthy." Also to visit him with long and excruciating suffering, which he bore with unshafced fortitude and resignation, in full hope of a joyful resurrection through Christ. He died November 27 th 1 822, aged 55, was deposited the 5 th of December within S* Mary's Church in the vault belonging to his place of residence* In this Chapel he worshipped, and here is erected this monumental tablet by his faithful, affectionate, and devoted widow. Shield, crest and motto : " Miseris sueeurere disco." WILLIAM MARSHALL, Westminster. 381 To the memory of Mrs* Mary Reid, Relict of Mr. Matthew Reid, of Leicester who departed this life on the J8 th of June, J8J2 aged 72 years. Endowed by nature with amiable dispositions, and having improved by culture an understanding of more than ordinary vigour, she exhibited a happy combination of intellectual and moral excellence, which secured her the admiration and esteem of all who knew her; While the more prominent virtues of her character strikingly illustrated the efficacy of those religious principles which were habitually present to her mind and by which her conduct was uniformly directed. 383 See also slab in graveyard. In memory of the Rev. Charles Berry, who was for 56 years Minister of the Congregation worshipping in this place. Born November 10 th 1783; Died May 4* 1877. This tablet was erected by the Congregation in affectionate and grateful recognition of long and faithful service. 385 Not in Chancel. In Memory of Thomas Paget, only son of Thomas Paget Esquire of Ibstock, and Mary Clara his wife. Born at Ibstock Dec' 30 th J778, Died at his residence at Humberstone Nov r 25 th J862. He married the 18 th of Feb? J807, Anne, second daughter of John Pares Esq re of the Newarke t Leicester and Hopwell Hall in the County of Derby* Being imbued from his earliest years with the great principles of Civil and Religious Liberty, to which his family had long been attached he ever remained their consistent and zealous advocate in days of doubt and danger. Consistent as a Politician, Eminent as an Agriculturalist, beloved as a Landlord, and possessing the devoted affection of his family and friends, he was unanimously elected by the freeholders of his native county to represent them as one of the Knights of this Shire in Parliament on the JJtn O f May J83J. Faithful to his trust he never wearied until he had assisted in the achievement of the Second Charter of his Country's freedom, when on the subsequent division of this County, he retired into that private life which he ever preferred. He lived to witness the fruits of that great Measure, and on the passing of the Municipal Reform Act he was again called from reti- rement, and twice una .imously elected Mayor of this Borough in testimony of the respect and gratitude of its burgesses, earned by a long and active life spent in the immediate neighbourhood of their Town, in close and intimate connection with its commercial and social interests which it was ever his aim and happiness to promote. By those whose day upon earth has by his death been turned into night, but who still await in humble hope the dawn of that heaven, where sorrow and separation shall be no more, this marble is erected to the memory of the best and kindest of Fathers, the tenderest and most affectionate of Husbands, the generous friend of the poor and oppressed, and the dauntless protector of the injured and the innocent. Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus Tarn cari capitis? -f- -r -i- Cui pudor et justitiae soror Incorrupta fides, nudaque veritas. Quanoo ullum inveniet parem? Shield, crest and motto : " Espere et persevere." S. BARFIELD, Sculptor W elf or A Road, Leicester 387 In memory of Thomas Tertius Paget, Esq re J.P. and D.L. elder son of Thomas Paget Esq re of Humberstone, born 27 th December J807, died J6 th October J892, and was buried in the family vault at Ibstock. 3S9 To the memory of Joseph Whetstone, who died January J2 th J868, in the 69 th year of his age. He was a consistent member of this congregation, and a zealous supporter of the educational and other institutions connected with this Place of Worship. His excellent judgment, practical knowledge, and enlightened views of social policy, contributed to the success of many important measures of public usefulness, and secured to him the respect and esteem of his fellow townsmen, for his many private virtues and unostentatious simplicity of character, he will be long remembered by a large circle of relatives and friends. This tablet was erected by his affectionate widow* BA.RFJELD Sculptor, Leicesttr. 391 In affectionate remembrance of Alderman William Kempson, J.P. Twice Mayor of this Borough, Born July 25 th J805, Died Oct U th J893, For more than 60 Years a Worshipper in this Chapel, Erected to his Memory by friends in the Congregation. 393 On the south wall of the Chapel. A brass tablet on oak mount. In Memory of Tom Atkins Wykes Born February 20 th J84J Died at Brussels, September 17 th J905 Also of Clara his wife, Daughter of William and Elizabeth Rowlett Born April 16 th J84J. Died August 17 th 1903. This tablet is erected by their children. 395 On the east wall of the Chapel, on the right hand of the pulpit, looking towards it from the body of the Chapel. In Memory of Alfred Paget J.P. of Leicester Who died 28 th of August J904, in his 95 th year. For many years he was an active member of this Congregation: And during his long life rendered valuable service In municipal and philanthropic work, And in promoting education and Art in his native town* .197 Beneath the preceding. A tablet. In Memory of Alfred Henry Paget F.RJ.B.A. Second son of Alfred Paget J*P. Born Febv 16* J848. Died Mar J4* 19Q9. Trie was deeply attached to the Great Meeting, and unwearied in its service. He was Chairman of the Congregation from J903 to J909. This tablet is erected by his fellow -worshippers in affectionate remembrance of his high character, cowrtesy, and quiet power and of his love for the beawtifal and inspiring in Natwre, Literature and Art. 399 On the east wall of the Chapel, on the left side of the pulpit, looking towards it from the body of the Chapel. ff Born May 29 th 1817 Died Dec' 23 d 1906 He was a devoted member of this Congregation for more than seventy years. For fifty- six years he served on the Vestry of which for twenty-two years he was Chairman. By his ripe judgment and practical sympathy he aided many valuable public institutions in Leicester. 401 To the left of the preceding. A tablet. To the honoured memory of Edith Gittins. Born J845. Died 19 JO, Erected by this Congregation in grateful appreciation of her invaluable work in the Sunday- School, The Women's Friendly Society and other Institutions Her spiritual force and insight and The courage of her strenuous life Were an Example and an Inspiration. 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